DATE DUE - UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY s 73 E5 no.U3 1903-07 TECHNICAL BULLETIN. HATCH EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. /vo. /. THE GREENHOUSE ALEYRODES (A. vaporahorum Westw.) AND THE STRAWBERRY ALEYRODES (A. packardi Morrill): A STUDY OF THE INSECTS AND OF THEIR TREATMENT. By AUSTIN W. MORRILL, Ph. D. AUGUST, 1908. The regular Bulletins of this Station will be sent free to all news- papers in the State and to such individuals interested in farming as may request the same. Technical Bulletins are sent only to those persons interested in the subject treated of i?i each ease. AMHERST, MASS.: PRESS OF CARPENTER & MOREHOUSE, 1903- HATCH EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE Massachusetts Agricultural College, AMHERST, MASS. ST-A.TI03ST STAFF: Henry H. Goodell, LL. D., William P. Brooks, Ph. D., George E. Stone, Ph. D., Charles A. Goessmann, Ph. D.,LL.D Joseph B. Lindsey, Ph. D., Charles H. Fernald, Ph. D., Frank A. Waugh, M. S., J. E. OSTRANDER, C. E., Henry T. Fernald, Ph. D.', Frederick R. Church, B. Sc., Neil F. Monahan, B. Sc, Henri T). Haskins, B. Sc, James E. Halligan, B. Sc. Richard H. Robertson, 13. Sc, Edward B. Holland, M. S., Philip H. Smith, B. Sc, William E. Tottingham, B. Sc, Albert Parsons, B. Sc, Joseph G. Cook, B. Sc, Fred. F. Henshaw, Director. Agriculturist. Botanist. ,Chcmist (Fertilizers). Chemist (Foods and Feeding). Entotnologist. Horticulturist. Meteorologist. A s socio te En torn ologist. A ssistant Agriculturist. A s sis la u t Bo to n ist. First Assis't Chemist (Fertilizers). Second Assist Chemist (Fertilizers). Third Assist Chemist (Fertilizers). First Chemist (Foods and Feeding). AssH Chemist (Foods and Feeding). AssH Chemist (Foods and Feeding). Inspector (Foods and Feeding). Assistant in Foods and Feeding. A ssistant Horticulturist. A ssista n t Horticu Itu rist. Observer. The co-operation and assistance of farmers, fruit-growers, horti- culturists, and all interested, directly or indirectly, in agriculture, are earnestly requested. The Bulletins will be sent free to all news- papers in the State and to such individuals interested in farming as may request the same. General bulletins, fertilizer analyses, analy- ses of feed-stuffs, and annual reports are published. Kindly indi- cate in application which of these are desired. Communications may be addressed to the Hatch Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. 1 .? • Ml ijMIVF • IF }0. ■ CONTENTS. Introduction, . . ... Systematic Position of Aleyrodes, Methods of Study, ...... The Greenhouse Aleyrodes. Description, ..... Notes on Life History and Habits, Identity of the Insect, .... Origin and Distribution, . Food Plants, ..... Economic Importance, . . . . Preventives, . : . . . Remedies, ...... Experiments with Contact Insecticides, Experiments with Fumigants, Discussion of Results, Recommendations, . . . . Bibliography, ..... The Strawberry Aleyrodes. Description, ...... Notes on Life History and Influence of Weather, Economic Importance, . . Treatment, ..... Preventives, . Remedies, ..... Bibliography, . . . . . Summary, ...... Explanation of Plates, . . . . 5 7 9 12 28 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 4i 47 49 52 53 55 56 57 58 58 61 62 65 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. Unfortunately it was impossible for me to correct the proof of this bulletin, but I take this opportunity to call attention to the errors I find in its completed form. A. W. MORRILL. Victoria, Texas, Aug. 15, 1903. Page 8, line 1 from top, for Therefore the Hotnoptera read The Ho7>ioptcra. Page 11, line 2 from top, for by read after. Page 14, line 13 from bottom, for which appears to extend read which appears to be part of a spiny surface that extends. Page 16, line 16 from top, for on a line about read on a line with the bases of the legs of its respective side of the body about. Page 20, line 14 from top, for letter C read letter f. Page 24, line 14 from top, for dark white read black. Page 26, line 11 from lop, for common read small . 1 11 in Page 28, line 18 from top, for LLL read L L L. Page 29, line 10 from top, tor from plant to read from one plant to. Page 30, line 10 from top, for the sense the read the sense of the. Page 33, line 7 from bottom, for series read species. Page 35, line 11 from top, tor generous read general. Page 42, line 5 from bottom, for Buck's read Bush's. Page 46, line 9 from bottom, add Plants : Tomatoes, badly infested. Page 47, line 1 from top, for cheek read check. Page 47, line 1 1 from bottom for these latter read Insecticides of this class. Page 49, line 4 from top, for inexpensive read rather expensive. Page 50, line 20 from top, for $1.50 read $1.00. Page 53, line 10 from top, read on strawberries in Ohio, etc. Page 60, experiments Nos. i-\ 1 lorgms. per cu. ft. read lbs. per 1000 cu.ft. Between experiments 11 and 12 read EXPERIMENTS WITH POTAS- SIUM CYANIDE. Page 63, line 6 from bottom, for .1 gram read .01 gram. INTRODUCTION. The following paper is the result of studies begun more than two years ago at the Entomological Laboratory of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, as a consequence of complaints made to the Hatch Experiment Station of serious injury caused by the Green- house Aleyrodes (Aleyrodes vaporariorum), and the need of more sat- isfactory methods of controlling the pest than those previously known. Mr. J. B. Knight, who was at that time pursuing the grad- uate course for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the college, began a study of the different stages of the insect, but having given up the work to accept a position in India, the study of this insect was taken up by the present writer. Mr. Knight's description was briefer than the one here given, and has been used only for com- parison, none of his work having been incorporated in this paper. Having discovered in the course of my studies that the Straw- berry and Greenhouse Aleyrodes were distinct species, rather than the same, as was generally supposed, I have extended the scope of the work as previously outlined, to include a discussion of both. At present, there are about sixty-five American species of the genus Aleyrodes known.* Of these, the two species which form the sub- ject of this paper, A. vaporariorum Westw., and A. packardi Morrill, with the Orange Aleyrodes, A. citri Riley and Howard, are the only ones which have thus far proved to be of much economic importance in the United States. A. citri, which was first described from Flor- ida, has been recorded in greenhouses as far north as Michigan,! and Quaintance % states that it occurs generally in greenhouses ; its attacks, however, are almost wholly confined to orange and lemon trees. This species has never been recorded from Massachusetts. I have followed the original spelling of Latreille in the use of * Including twenty Californian species, the descriptions of which are unpublished at the time of this writing (Psyche, vol. ix, p. 32S.) t Davis, Miscellaneous Bull. (Special Bull. No. 2) Mich. Expr. Station, p. 24, (1S96.) % Quaintance. U. S. Dept. Agric, Div. ent., Tech. ser. Bull. No. S, p. 22, (1900.) 2 the generic name of these insects, no typographical error being evi- dent. Four common names for the members of this group are known to the writer, viz.: Aleyrodes, white fly, mealy wing and snowy fly, the latter name apparently being in use only in England. The com- mon name, Aleyrodes, derived directly from the name of the genus, will be used hereafter in this paper in preference to the others. The bibliography of each species is numbered, and whenever I have had occasion to mention any of those writings I have referred to them by their number only. Other references are found in the foot notes. This paper represents a little more than half of a thesis pre- sented to the faculty of the Massachusetts Agricultural College in June, 1903, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I wish to ac- knowledge here my obligations to Professors C. H. and H. T. Fer- nald, under whose able supervision and direction I have pursued my graduate studies in the Entomological Laboratory of the college dur- ing the past three years. Systematic Position of Aleyrodes. The two genera, Aleyrodes Latreille and Alenrodicus Douglas, constitute the family of Homoptera* called Aleyrodidae. The latter genus is distinguished from the former by the presence of a distal and a basal branch to the median vein in both pairs of wings. The insects of this family were for a long time classed with the Coccidae, or scale insects, on account of the resemblances between the imma- ture stages. The differences between the two groups of insects in their metamorphosis and the form of the adults have been used as the chief characters to distinguish the family Aleyrodidae from the Coccidae, and the former is now given a systematic position between the latter family and the Aphidae, or plant lice. The larval and pupal stages of the Aleyrodidae are distinguished from those of the Coccidae by an opening on the dorsum of the last abdominal seg- ment known as the " vasiform orifice." The insects undergo a com- plete metamorphosis, thus differing in a marked degree from all other Homopterous insects, except the Coccidae, where the male alone un- dergoes a complete metamorphosis. In both these families the metamorphosis, though complete, is of a peculiar nature, and differs in some respects from that of the true Metabola, or such insects with complete metamorphosis as Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (flies), and Coleoptera (beetles). Both males and females of the Aleyrodidae have in the adult condition two pairs of well- developed wings, while in the adult male Coccidae the hinder pair of wings is represented by minute appendages called halteres. There is much evidence to show that incomplete metamorphosis is the an- cestral condition of insects, and therefore in general, insects with complete metamorphosis represent a higher degree of specialization and are younger than those which have retained the former condi- * For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the classification of insects, it is here explained that the Homoptera and Heteroptera are two sub-orders of the Hemiptera. The former is distinguished from the latter by the form of the wings, which are of the same thickness throughout and usually sloping at the sides of the body, and by the position of the origin of the beak, which is at the hinder part of the lower side of the head. The Hom- optera include such insects as plant lice, scale insects, cicadas and leaf hoppers. To the Heteroptera belong the true bugs, such as the squash bug and chinch bug. 8 tion. Therefore, the Homoptera are generally believed to be more primitive than the Heteroptera. The Aleyrodidoe and Coccidae represent the highest degree of specialization among the Homoptera* and even surpass the Heteroptera in that both have attained a com- plete metamorphosis. At first glance it appears that the former family, having a complete metamorphosis in both sexes, is a more specialized form than the latter family, but this is more apparent than real. It is in accordance with our belief in regard to the origin of complete metamorphosis that the ancesters of the Coccidae in the adult condition were winged in both sexes, and that the adult form was the result of gradual changes in the immature insects. The Coccid branch, therefore, was derived from the primitive Homoptera with incomplete metamorphosis. In the course of time the younger stages, through the action of natural selection, departed from the original type in which they resembled the adults, as do the other Hemimetabola (insects with incomplete metamorphosis) to-day, so that they approached and finally attained a complete metamorphosis in both sexes. It is not impossible that the degeneration of the female began during the latter part of this process. If this view be correct, the female Coccids have now attained a secondary incom- plete metamorphosis. The male Coccids were evidently prevented from losing their wings by natural selection in order that they might continue to be active in fertilizing the females. Even the adult males are, however, degenerated, having lost their mouth organs, and are so delicately constituted as to live but a few days at the most. The Aleyrodidas have gone through a series of changes similar to those of the Coccidae up to the point where complete metamorphosis was attained, and it is at that point that we find them to-day, although the different species are specialized in various other directions. In tracing the two lines of development backward, beginning with our present forms, do they unite before they reach the primitive Homop- terous branch, or is it simply a case of development along parallel lines owing to the two forms living under similar conditions ? The general resemblance of the two families seems to point to a union of the two lines, although, as a rule, the immature stages of insects are of uncertain value in the study of phylogeny. t The Cicadidre attain a high degree of metamorphosis, but it can hardly be con- sidered complete. The resemblance of some of the members of the Homopterous families Psyllidae and Aphidae to Aleyrodes is worthy of mention. Many years ago, Signoret, who was a prominent French entomolo- gist and an authority on the Coccidae and Aleyrodidae, classed with the latter family the genus Spondyliaspis, which Maskell* states be- longs without doubt to the family Psyllidae. Among the Aphidae, some of the Pemphiginae bear a striking resemblance to the larva and pupae of Aleyrodes. These cases at least illustrate how insects like the Aleyrodidae and Coccidae could have arisen from primitive Homopterous forms which had well developed legs in all larval stages, and well developed legs and two pairs of wings in both sexes of the adult. From our present knowledge it seems probable that the Aley- rodidae and Coccidae are more closely related to one another than either is to any other group, but further study of the least specialized members of each family is necessary before any definite conclusions can be drawn. Methods of Study. Aleyrodes, on account of their delicacy and small size, offer some difficulties to a beginner. The immature stages are best handled with a needle, aided by a good hand lens. The needle should be inserted between the body of the insect and the leaf, pre- ferably from the side. The insects can then be lifted and deposited on a slide by rolling the needle, or if the larva is in the first instar and crawling, it may be allowed to crawl off the needle point. In the latter case the slide should then be placed in a strong cyanide bottle for about five minutes. No cover glass need be used for ordi- nary study with a one-fifth or even Zeiss F objective. To use an oil immersion lens a thin cover glass should be placed over the insect, resting on three or four, dots of thick balsam. In this paper the descriptions and drawings of the immature stages are based princi pally on fresh specimens mounted as above. * Transactions New Zealand Institute, vol. xxviii, p. 415. IO For permanent mounts two methods may be used with success. The first is especially desirable for pupae and pupa cases, particu- larly when these are provided with long dorsal wax rods, as in the two species treated in this paper. A small dot of balsam is placed in the center of a ring of very thick balsam, which should be three- quarters of an inch in diameter and varying in height according to the height of the specimen and the length of the dorsal wax rods. A pupa or pupa case is then placed on the dot of balsam in the center of the ring. Some annoyance may be saved by examining the specimen at this time to make sure that it is uninjured. If a living pupa is used, the slide should now be placed in a strong cyan- ide bottle for at least fifteen minutes to insure against the mount being spoiled by the emergence of the adult. A circular three- quarters inch cover glass should be placed on the ring of balsam and sealed, so as to make the chamber air tight. I have found chloro- form balsam more satisfactory than xylol balsam for the ring, as the former hardens much more quickly. If the balsam is not thick enough to prevent the cover glass from settling, three cubical blocks of wood of suitable size may' be imbedded in it. If preferred, zinc cement may be used in the place of the thick balsam. Specimens of the younger stages may be mounted in a similar manner, except that they should not be fastened to the slide, and before sealing the cover glass they should be gently heated over a flame, until all the moisture is driven off and nothing remains but the dried bodies. The results are very uncertain, however, for if the heat is applied too rapidly the bodies will shrivel. The writer has found the following simple method the best for preparing permanent mounts of the first, second and third instars. Put a drop of xylol on the middle of a clean slide, remove several living specimens — of all three larval instars if desired — directly from a leaf and place them in the xylol. From time to time for from five to ten minutes, xylol should be added to make up for the loss by evaporation, and when the insects are apparently well cleared the xylol can be drawn off from one side by a piece of filter paper, leav- ing the specimens in the middle of the slide. A drop of thin xylol balsam should now be placed immediately on the specimens, and a cover glass added. If by examination with a compound microscope the sides of the larvae are found to be curled inwardly, a slight pres- 1 1 sure on the cover glass will flatten them out to their natural form. Pupae may be mounted in xylol balsam by dehydrating them in xylol for a few hours or a day. With adults the best results are obtained by a somewhat longer process of dehydration. They may be killed in hot water or in a cyanide bottle. They are then placed in thirty-five per cent alcohol, a few drops of ether on the surface of which will dissolve the wax from the wings and bodies of the insects and allow them to sink. After an hour the specimens are run successively through the follow- ing : Fifty, seventy, eighty, ninety, ninety-five and absolute alcohol ; then an equal mixture of absolute alcohol and xylol ; and finally, pure xylol, leaving them at least an hour in each. The alcohol and xylol should be kept in small vials, tightly stoppered and correctly labelled. The specimens may be removed from one vial to another by means of a pipette or dropper and a toothpick, the latter acting as intermediary ; the specimens being de- posited on the end of the toothpick and then placed in the next vial in the series. This allows the transference of the specimens with a minimum amount of the lower percentage alcohol being transferred at the same time to the higher. An equally satisfactory, and per- haps less troublesome, method is to keep the specimens in the same vial and to replace the dehydrating media, successively returning each in due time to its stock vial. For the study of the tracheal system, specimens of the imma- ture stages may be mounted in xylol by the ordinary method, except that they should not be left more than five minutes dehydrating in xylol. If a large number of specimens are mounted, some of them will almost invariably show the main branches of the tracheal system as conspicuous dark lines, owing to the presence of air in them. For the study of the life history, leaves of plants with eggs or young attached, may be kept for two or three weeks in tightly stop- pered bottles containing a little wet cotton. If moisture collects on the sides of the bottle, the cork should be removed for a short time each day, otherwise the leaves will soon turn dark and decay. In determining the results of treatment with insecticides, posi- tive conclusions within a few days after the treatment is applied, as to whether or not the young insects are alive, are difficult to obtain. When placed upon their backs, the live larvae and pupae usually 12 show some movement of the mouth setae. When examined from the dorsal side with transmitted light, living specimens usually show more or less movement of their internal organs. More satisfactory exami- nation can be made with a hand lens several days after the treatment, when the dead insects are brownish in color. The Greenhouse Aleyrodes, Aleyrodes vapora- riorum Westw. DESCRIPTION. Egg. (Plate II, Figs, i and 2.) The egg is irregularly ovoid, the apical end being the more pointed, and one side more or less flattened. On the basal end, usually a little to one side of' the center, toward the more rounded side, is a short, slender stalk, which is inserted in the leaf. The length of the stalk varies from one-fourth to one-eighth the length of the egg, its diameter being about .01 mm. Its form varies, being seemingly determined by the epidermal cells of the leaf between which it is inserted, and it is frequently encircled near its base by a transverse ridge. Color of egg when first laid, light yellowish green, glistening ; chorion very soft and delicate, somewhat viscid. The eggs are translucent at first, but gradually become darker, until finally, after two or three days, they are opaque. At this time the chorion has become quite hard, and it is difficult to detach an egg from the leaf without injuring it. In the course of a few days the egg, by contact with the adults, usually becomes more or less covered with a flour-like substance. Parts of the egg not so covered appear of a metallic bronze color. The surface of the egg is unmarked, but within and usually about in the center, may be seen a rounded, orange colored body, surrounded by colorless yolk globules. The developing embryo can be plainly seen. The length of the eggs, exclusive of the stalk, varies from .187 to .236 mm. ; the greatest transverse diameter varies from .077 to *3 .11 mm. Average'measurements of twenty eggs from several differ- ent females gave : Length, .209 mm. ; greatest transverse diameter, .0901 mm. First Instar. (Plate II, Figs. 3, 4 and 5. Plate III, Fig. 9.) In the first instar, the insect is oval in general form, the anterior end being the more broadly rounded, the sides of the thoracic region being approximately parallel and the abdomen narrowing posteriorly. A longitudinal rounded dorsal ridge about one-third as wide as the body, runs nearly the entire length. On each side of this ridge is a flattened area considerably thicker than the narrow, thin rim which surrounds the whole. The change in thickness of the body at the inner edge of the thin marginal rim is quite abrupt. The dorsal surface of the body also shows irregular elevations, depressions and sutures, the latter more or less distinct, marking the thoracic and ab- dominal divisions. Except in specimens mounted in balsam, these divisions do not appear to cross the thin marginal rim. The body as a whole is quite thin at first, but before the first moult takes place it becomes well rounded above, the dorsal ridge disappearing at the same time. From the under side of the thin marginal rim many minute glistening granules may be seen, which appear to be arranged in rows. The margin of the body is entire, except for the attachment of the spines. Eighteen spines arise on or near the mar- gin of the body on each side, and all except numbers two and sixteen, counting from the anterior end, arise from the extreme margin. Number two arises on the under side of the thin marginal rim a little behind number one. Number sixteen arises just inside the margin on the ventral side, a little nearer number seventeen than fifteen. The distances between the base of numbers three and four and four and five are about equal, and greater than between any other adja- cent spines. Except numbers two, four and sixteen, the spines are situated at nearly regular intervals. Numbers one, three and four are horizontal and curved anteriorly ; number two is directed down- ward and curves inwardly. The remaining spines are horizontal, and excepting numbers sixteen and eighteen curve posteriorly. Num- ber sixteen curves outward and downward, and number eighteen, in respect to its mate, diverges at the base and converges outwardly, the extreme tip being extremely slender and inconstant in position. 14 Corresponding spines in different individuals vary slightly in length, but the following figures indicate about the average proportionate lengths. To obtain true lengths in millimeters multiply the figures given by .0035. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 J3 14 7 "8"' 8 ' ~6~' H' > 5 > 4 5 0 X' H' ~¥ 3' > 4 41 15 16 i7 18 5 1 + 7 44* A marginal wax secretion appears soon after the young larva settles down. This arises from minute marginal pores, in the form of narrow ribbons, which unite laterally and form a continuous fringe, the outer edge of which is ragged. This wax is dull, translucent, and contains many opaque brownish granules. The width of the fringe is never more than one-fourth the width of the body. The divisions of the thorax are not clearly marked, and it is a question where the head ends and the thorax begins. The abdomen shows eight and possibly nine segments, the last two or three being greatly modified on account of the vasiform orifice. This (the vasiform orifice) is about as wide as long, its form being similar to an equilateral triangle with rounded corners (Plate II, Fig. 5.) The entire length from front to rear is about one-tenth the length of the body. The operculum is sub-elliptical in outline, flattened on the basal side. The posterior margin under high power objectives, shows two tooth-like projections — one on each side — be- tween which minute spines can be seen, which appear to extend around on to the under surface of the operculum. The lingula (=lingua) is spatulate in outline, bearing eight longitudinal rows of minute setae above, and two pairs of spines on the caudo-lateral margin, which curve upward and backward. The posterior ones are slightly longer than the others, and are about one-fifth as long as the orifice. The orifice is bounded laterally by chitinous thickenings which do not unite posteriorly. The posterior end of the orifice reaches in this instar nearly to the caudal margin of the body. Just inside the apex of the orifice is a glistening, crescent-shaped structure, whose convex side is directed posteriorly. There are two pairs of simple, reddish-brown eyes — a dorsal and a ventral pair — situated nearly opposite each other just mesad i5 to the thin marginal rim and about equidistant from the fourth and fifth spines on their respective sides of the body. These eyes are rounded and less than .01 mm. in diameter. There are three pairs of dorsal spines. The first pair is situated on the cephalic region, one on each side, a short distance mesad from the eyes. The second pair is situated one on each side of the basal abdominal region, apparently on the third abdominal segment. These two pairs of spines are very minute, and require a high power objective for their detection. The third pair of dorsal spines is much larger, and situated one on each side of and a little anterior to the operculum of the vasiform orifice. On the ventral side of the body (Plate II, Fig. 4) are the legs, antennae and mouth parts. The entire length of a leg (Plate III, Fig. 9) when straightened is about one-half the width of the body. The coxa? are short and stout, and near the base of each of the two posterior pairs on the inner side is a spine about as long as the diameter of the coxa. These spines are usually directed inward and backward. The trochanters are short ; those of the anterior pair of legs are sub-cylindrical, about one-third as long as wide ; those of the two posterior pairs of legs appear more or less hoof-shaped, and each of the six trochanters bears a short spine anteriorly. The femur is about twice as long as the coxa and trochanter together, sub- cylindrical in form, tapering toward its outer end. The tibia is a little longer than the femur and more slender, in each of the two pos- terior pairs of legs bearing on its outer side near its base a spine as long as the whole tibia itself. This extends obliquely outward, and is usually curved near its tip. In addition, all three pairs of tibise bear a number of minute spines. The tarsus, which consists of a single segment, is short, knobbed at the tip, with a stout curved spine about half as long as that borne on each of the two posterior tibiae, arising on its outer side near its base. Half way between the first and second pairs of legs in the mid- dle line of the body is a conical fleshy papilla — the rostrum — from an opening in the apex of which, surrounded by four minute spines, the mouth setae protrude. The length of the setae varies, but when bent backward they usually extend to a point between the hind coxae and the caudal margin of the body. In front of the rostrum is a prostomial plate or shield, subovate in form, the broader end i6 being anterior. It is truncate where it touches the base of the mouth papillae, slightly concave on the sides posteriorly, broadly rounded anteriorly with two movable papillae on the anterior margin, each of which bears a long spine, about equal in length to those borne on the coxae of the two posterior pairs of legs. A curving suture on each side of the anterior two-thirds of the plate divides it into three parts, a long central piece with two side pieces. On the ventral sur- face of the abdomen, underneath the operculum, is a pair of spines, one on each side, about equal in length to those which arise at the anterior end of the prostomial plate. These spines extend back- ward, usually reaching nearly to the caudal margin of the body. Anterior to and outside of the base of each of these spines there is a small pore, which probably represents the opening of some gland, as an amorphous, waxy (?) substance usually covers one or both openings after the larva is two or three days old. Each antenna arises on a line about half way between the fore coxae and the anterior margin of the body, and the length is between one-half and two-thirds the width of the body. Each consists of four segments, the basal one being short and stout ; the second twice as long as the first, and more slender, reaching nearly to the margin of the body between the third and fourth spines of each side, (the an- tennae usually being directed in that direction) ; the third segment very short, sub-globose, and bearing two or three short, stout spines ; the fourth twice as long as the second, slender, its apical third bent anteriorly, minutely spined, and with a larger and more conspicuous spine arising at about two-thirds the distance toward the tip on the posterior side, and another still larger one at the tip. Each ventral eye is situated outside of and slightly behind the base of the an- tenna of its respective side of the body. Segmentation from below is less distinct than from above. The color of the larva is pale green, semi-transparent, with two internal orange yellow bodies of irregular rounded form, situated one on each side in the basal abdominal • region. These sometimes enclose a clear area. The tracheal openings are ventral and very difficult to distinguish in this instar, but their positions are marked by the gran- ular appearance of the surrounding regions and by the abrupt termi- nations of the main branches of the tracheal system, which maybe more or less plainly seen in the semi-transparent body of a newly i7 hatched larva. Spiracle number one is located between and outside of the base of the second and third pairs of legs ; number two be- tween the base of the second and third pairs of legs; number three a little behind the base of the third pair of legs, and number four a little behind the ventral spines in the caudal region. The length of the body in this instar varies from .26 to .30 mm.; average length about .28 mm.; the greatest width from .121 to .165 mm.; average greatest width about .16 mm. Second Instar. (Plate II, Figs. 6, 7 and 8; Plate III, Fig. 10.) In this stage the outline is more variable than in the first, vary- ing from broadly oval to elliptical, usually with a slight inward curve on each side of the thoracic region. The margin is finely crenulate, but there is no well marked marginal rim as in the first instar. Im- mediately after moulting, the body is flat and thin, but before the next moult it becomes well rounded above. Three pairs of marginal spines are present. The first pair is on the cephalic margin, one on each side ; the second pair on the caudo-lateral region, one on each side, and the third pair on the caudal margin. These probably rep- resent spines numbers one, sixteen and eighteen respectively, of the first instar. The third pair is a little more than one-tenth the length of the body, the second pair is a little more than one-third the length of the third pair, and the first pair is very minute, sometimes appar- ently lacking. The first and second pairs usually become obscured soon after the ecdysis by the lateral wax fringe, which, however, never extends much beyond the basal half of the third pair. There are three pairs of dorsal spines ; the first pair is on the cephalic region, as in the previous instar ; the second pair is on the first ab- dominal segment, one on each side ; and the third pair is near the vasiform orifice, one on each side, opposite the operculum. Of these spines, the second pair is invariably minute, as in the first instar, but the first and third pairs, while very variable in different indi- viduals, are developed to a much greater degree than in the preced- ing instar, being sometimes as much as one-fourth longer than the spines on the caudal margin, or they may be but one-fourth as long as these spines. The variation in length of the two pairs of spines is apparently independent ; in one specimen the first may be more or less longer than the third pair, while in another the third may be iS somewhat longer than the first pair, and, again, both pairs on the same individual may approach the maximum or the minimum in length. Toward the end of this stage, traces of the first and third pairs of dorsal spines of the third instar may be observed beneath the dorsal surface of the body. The first pair of spines arise directly beneath the bases of their ontogenetic predecessors, and are directed forward obliquely so that the two cross near their tips, in the middle line of the body. The developing third pair of spines are directed backward and outward, and like the first pair arise beneath the base of their predecessors. The segmentation of the abdomen is fairly distinct in the middle, while that of the thorax is more obscure. The vasiform orifice (Plate III, Fig. 10) is relatively farther for- ward in this instar than in the preceding one, which is indicated by the comparatively greater distance from the apex of the orifice to the caudal margin of the body, and by the fact that the spines on the dorsum near the orifice now lie opposite the operculum, instead of anterior to it, as in the first instar. The vasiform orifice is of about the same general form as in the first instar. The operculum lacks the tooth-like process on each side of the caudal margin, and is pro- portionately longer than before, extending nearly one-half the dis- tance toward the apex of the orifice. The lingula is spatulate, with two pairs of side lobes and one terminal lobe. When in its natural position its caudal end reaches to about three-fourths the distance from the anterior to the posterior end of the orifice. On each side of the terminal lobe arises a spine which extends backward to a little beyond the apex of the orifice. A smaller spine arises on each side between the two side lobes. The upper surface of the lingula bears about fourteen longitudinal rows of minute seta;. The apical half of the operculum and the lingula are more opaque than the other parts of the body. The chitinous ridges which bound the orifice laterally do not meet behind, although the intervening space between their ends is comparatively smaller than in the previous instar. The eyes are proportionally smaller than before, and are situated internally instead of at the surface as in the first instar. The eyes on each side are about on a line with and outside of the two dorsal spines (first pair) on the cephalic region. On the ventral side of the body (Plate II, Fig. 7) the vestigial legs and antenna; can be plainly seen, their relative position being J9 as before. The antenna; (Plate II, Fig. 8) are directed backward, and extend a little more than half way to the base of the fore legs. They are rather thick at the base, gradually tapering to the apex and bearing numerous blunt spines or papillae. Of these, two near the base, one on each side, are especially prominent in most specimens. Two segments can usually be distinguished in the antennae, the basal segment being about one-third as long as the apical one. Oc- casionally the basal third of the apical segment appears to be cut off as a third segment. The antenna? are immovable, or practically so, in this stage as well as the following immature stages. The legs are a little longer than the antennas and of the form of a truncated cone, transversely wrinkled, with no distinct segments, and terminate in a rounded knob, which probably has an adhesive function. As a whole, the legs are suggestive of the prolegs of caterpillars. A trans- verse wrinkle which usually appears at about two-thirds the distance from the base to the tip, possibly indicates the line of division be- tween two segments. A pair of minute spines is usually found on the basal parts of the second and third pairs of legs, one on the inner and one on the outer side. The external mouth organs appear as in the first instar. The anterior end of the prostomial plate is indis- tinct, and the pair of spines which occurs there in the first instar is now wanting. The pair of spines on the ventral surface below the operculum is present as before. Near these in some specimens the oval gland openings can be seen, their relative position being as before. Each spiracle, or tracheal opening, of the two anterior pairs appears to be double in this instar, consisting of a moderately large opening with a smaller one directly behind it. The color of the body is the same as in the first instar ; the length varies from .341 to .407 mm. ; the width varies from .189 to .235 mm. Third Instar. (Plate III, Figs. 11 and 12.J In this instar the form, marginal and dorsal spines, marginal wax secretion, ventral spines and color of the body are as in the sec- ond instar. The legs are of about the same proportionate length, while the eyes are relatively smaller than before. The vasiform orifice is longer than wide, resembling a triangle with rounded cor- ners in form, its apex distinctly indented. The lateral chitinous 20 ridges do not unite posteriorly, but are connected by a median, crescent-shaped thickening. The operculum is nearly semi-circular, reaching to about one-half the distance from the base to the apex of the orifice, and the lingula has its side and terminal lobes more dis- tinctly marked than before. The number of longitudinal rows of minute setae on the upper surface of the lingula is now about eighteen. A shallow groove extends from the apex of the orifice to the caudal margin of the body. The antennae arise nearer the base of the fore legs than in the previous instars, and may be partly con- cealed by them. They are indistinctly segmented, thick at the base, tapering toward the tip. The basal two-thirds of each is directed inward toward the antenna of the opposite side, while the apical third is bent backward toward the base, the whole forming a figure not unlike the letter C. The first two pairs of spiracles now appear as single slits, while the other two pairs are indistinct. The length of the body in this instar varies from .493 to .583 mm., the width from .275 to .352 mm. Pupa. (Plate III, Figs. 13 and 14; Plate IV, Figs. 15 and 16; Plate VI, Figs. 2S-31. The form of the pupa varies from irregularly oval to elliptical, the broadest part- of the body being usually about two-thirds of the distance from the cephalic to the caudal margin. When freshly moulted the body is flat and thin, with no wax secretion, but as the insect grows it becomes raised from the surface of the leaf by a ver- tical wax fringe, the height of the body becoming about one-third of its width. The dorsum is rugose, less noticeably so along the mid- dle ; somewhat convex. There are three pairs of marginal spines as in the two preceding instars. The first pair on the cephalic margin are minute, as in the two previous instars, and frequently appear to be lacking ; the caudal pair, arising a little inside the margin, are less than one-tenth the length of the body, and the spines on the caudo-lateral margin are less than one-half as long as the last men- tioned. The caudal pair curve upward and backward, diverging at the base, usually converging posteriorly. There are three pairs of dorsal spines, as in previous instars. The first two pairs are minute — the first pair being somewhat longer than the second. The third pair is usually well developed, varying greatly in length in different 21 individuals, though always longer than the other dorsal spines. In one specimen examined these were observed to be about one-third longer than the vasiform orifice, representing about the maximum length. Eight abdominal segments are evident from above, except on the extreme sides ; that which appears to represent the ninth seg- ment is much modified by the vasiform orifice being much narrowed posteriorly and somewhat flask-shaped in outline. This portion of the dorsum is much more clearly defined than in previous instars. The vasiform orifice (Plate III, Fig. 13) is similar in form to that of the previous instar. The chitinous ridges which bound it laterally appear to meet posteriorly, with a rounded chitinous thickening at the point of union. The operculum is nearly hemi-elliptical in out- line (having the form of an ellipse cut through its shortest axis), reaching from the base of the orifice to a little over one-half of the distance toward the apex. The lingula has one large apical lobe and three pairs of smaller side lobes, and is densely covered with longitudinal rows (about twenty-five) of minute setae. From each side of the apical lobe below arises a spine, which curves slightly up- ward and extends caudad beyond the apex of the orifice, its length being somewhat variable in different individuals, but never more than one-third the greatest width of the vasiform orifice. A second pair, less than one-fifth as long as these, arise, one on each side, between the first and second side lobes. In one instance a side view of a pupa case was obtained with the operculum and lingula extending almost perpendicularly to the dorsum of the case, and the ventral surface of the operculum and the ventral surface of the lingula showed minute setae about the size of those present on the dorsal surface of the lingula. The anterior pair of side lobes of the lingula is frequently hidden by the operculum. A shallow but well marked furrow extends caudad from the apex of the orifice to the margin of the body, where a short cottony tuft of wax almost invariably occurs in full grown pupae. The vertical wax fringe is probably homologous to the lateral fringe of the previous instars, and consists of narrow ribbons of wax fused together laterally, which arise from the so-called marginal wax tubes. Above the points determined by C. W. Woodworth* as the * Canadian Entomologist, vol. xxxiii, p. 173. 3 22 outer ends of the breathing folds in Aleyrodes citri (viz.. one on each side of the body opposite the first pair of spiracles and a single one at the anal end) the wax tubes are noticeably smaller than usual, and the ribbons secreted there are narrower than elsewhere. The dorsal wax secretion consists of a double submarginal series of glassy waxen rods and a more dorsal series of from five to eighteen (typically eight) rods. There seems to be no distinction between these rods except in size and position of origin. The outer series consists of from about fifty to seventy-five (fifty-seven to seventy-two being the limits actually observed) rods, fairly constant in size, in full grown pupae being almost invariably less than one-fifth the width of the body in length. They are rather more blunt at the tips than the other rods, proportionally narrower, and usually curve downward over the margin. The series which I designate the inner sub- marginal series is distinguished from the outer series by the much larger size of the rods. There are typically ten or twelve (five or six pairs) in this series, but may be as few as five. They usually arise a little mesad to the rods of the outer series, and with the ex- ception of the most anterior pajr appear never to arise farther away from the outer series than the width of their bases. The anterior pair is almost invariably within twice the diameter of their base from the outer series. Typically, the inner series of rods consists of three on each side in front of the mesothorax ; one on each side near the base of the abdomen ; one on each side nearly opposite the vasiform orifice, and one on each side of the groove mentioned above which connects the apex of the vasiform orifice with the caudal margin of the body. In full grown pupae the rods of the inner series are from five to ten times as long as those of the outer series. They are usually directed upward and curved inward over the dorsum. The rods of the dorsal series, typically eight incumber, are of about the same size as those of the inner sub-marginal series, and arise as fol- lows : The first pair on the cephalic region, one on each side about one-fourth the distance from the cephalic margin of the body to the base of the abdomen ; the second pair, one on each side, about half way from the cephalic margin of the body to the base of the abdo- men ; the third and fourth pairs on the sides of the third and fourth abdominal segments respectively. The dorsal rods are subject to a great deal of variation (Plate VI, Figs. 28-30), the most frequent be- 23 ing the addition of rods on the fifth and sixth abdominal segments corresponding to those on the sides of the third and fourth. The most remarkable variation seen by the writer was a small rod pro- duced on the middle line of the body just anterior to the vasiform orifice. All the wax rods arise from conical bases, and appear to be formed in sections, each section being sub-cylindrical, tapering grad- ually outward and ending in a cone, at the inner end of which is a conical cavity which fits over the outer end of the section directly behind it and nearer the surface of the body. Through the middle of each wax rod runs a narrow cavity. This structure is plainly seen, both directly under a microscope and by dropping a few of the wax rods into a drop of xylol on a glass slide and observing them as they dissolve. A little outside of the outer submarginal series of rods, and alternating with them, is a row of minute pores, which vary in num- ber, extending all around except at the caudal end. Sometimes one is absent and sometimes two occur where but one is normally pres- ent. Farther up on the dorsum there are about fifteen or sixteen pairs of similar pores. In general, it may be said that there is a double row of these on each side of the middle of the dorsum. None have been found by the writer on the second or the ninth abdominal segments. Other pores than those included in the above groups may sometimes be seen. Usually near each pore is a glistening point, which may be a minute seta, as it appears very much like the struc- tures found in Aleyrodes fernaldi,* which are, however, many times larger. On the venter (Plate III, Fig. 14) the legs, antennae and mouth parts are distinguishable with some difficulty, except in specimens that have recently moulted. The legs and mouth parts are as in the previous in star. The antennas now lie partly hidden in pockets sit- uated, one on each side, just outside of the anterior pair of legs. They are directed backward and are straight, quite thick at the base, gradually tapering toward the tip, where they are abruptly narrowed and end in a short pointed process. Transverse wrinkles may be seen, but there is no distinct segmentation. A pair of spines occurs on the ventral surface, one on each side, below the operculum, as in previous instars. No eyes can be distinguished in freshly moulted * Psyche, vol. x, p. 84. 24 specimens, but as the pupa matures the imaginal eyes appear as two reddish spots in the cephalic region. The pups are greenish white in color, wiith yellow bodies pres- ent in the basal abdominal region as in the previous instars ; the empty pupa cases are white. The length of the pupa varies from .66 to .88 mm.; the greatest width from .396 to .55 mm.; average length about .76 mm.; average width about .49 mm. Adult. (Plate IV, Figs. 17-20; Plate V, Figs. 21-27.) Female. The length of the body of the adult female varies from 1 . to 1.3 mm., the average being about 1.14 mm. The color of the head and thorax is pale yellowish buff, and of the abdomen pale lemon yellow. The tip of the rostrum* is black ; the legs and antennas are pale yellowish, sometimes slightly tinged with dark white. The vasi- form orifice and the base of the ovipositor may be more or less dark colored. In specimens mounted in balsam the thorax is deep orange in color, due to muscles within ; the abdomen is bright lemon yellow, showing bright orange or orange red ovaries and egg nuclei. Soon after emergence from the pupa case the whole body becomes covered with a white amorphous waxy secretion. This first appears in the form of very fine threads exuded from extremely numerous and minute pores in the integument. The head is transverse ; seen from the front, sub-triangular, rounded above. Two pairs of reddish eyes are borne on each extreme side, the upper pair of which is wine colored, being a little lighter in color than the lower pair. There are about forty-eight pigmented facets to each of the upper eyes, surrounded by about ten unpig- mented ones. The lower eyes are each composed of about thirty pigmented facets, larger in size than the facets of the upper eyes. Both the upper and lower eyes are sub-circular in outline, separated by a narrow strip of integument. Directly above each upper eye is a single unpigmented ocellus. Each antenna arises a short distance in front of the upper eye of its respective side. It consists of seven * I have here used " rostrum " in the sense of beak. Some writers follow Maskell in designating this organ the mentum. As Maskell gives no evidence in support of this view, and as I have been unable to find any reference to a study of the homology of the mouth parts of this group of insects, I prefer to retain for the present the word " rostrum," as used by the older writers. 25 segments (Plate V, Fig. 24.) ; the first sub-rotund ; the second club shaped ; the remainder slender. The following is the usual formula of the comparative length of the segments :* 2 — 5 — 10 1-2 — 4 — 6 — 4 — 4. The following formula shows the range of variation observed, omitting the two basal segments, which are fairly constant and which can seldom be measured accurately in mounted specimens : (9-1 1)— 4— (5-6)— (4-5)— (4-5). The entire length of the antenna is about one-third the length of the body. The second segment bears a few short spines, and the apical segment bears a short spine at its tip. The third, fourth, fifth and seventh segments have one or more sense organs near their outer ends. These seem to be always absent on the sixth segment. The third to seventh segments, inclusive, are annulated. Immediately below the eyes is a short sub-conical structure (rostrum of Maskell), from the apex of which the mouth setae appear to arise. The rostrum (mentum of Maskell) consists of four free segments and a basal apparently immovable portion, which is at- tached to the body seemingly to the prothorax between the bases of the fore legs. The basal portion reaches about to the tip of the coni- cal structure (rostrum of Maskell), and the four following segments show the following proportionate lengths : 4 — 7 — 5 — 12. The ros- trum bears a few scattering hairs, which are more numerous on the terminal segment. The labrum, which is very slender at the tip, reaches to the outer end of the first movable segment of the ros- trum. The thorax is rather short, compact and well rounded above. The prothorax is slightly smaller than the metathorax, which in turn is smaller than the mesothorax. The sclerites which compose these divisions of the thorax are well fused. The two anterior pairs of legs are of about equal length. The fore coxae are slightly longer than the middle coxae ; the trochanters are short ; the femora about two-thirds as long as the tibiae and about equal to the two tarsal seg- ments together ; the first tarsal segment is about one-fourth longer than the second. The hind coxae are very stout, with a prominent infolding anteriorly. The hind trochanters are short, each bearing a single spine at the bottom of a groove-like cavity on the caudal * Measurements made with i in. eyepiece and 1-2 in. objective; tube length 145 mm. 26 side. The remaining segments of these legs are longer than in the two anterior pairs, but their relative lengths are about the same. All three pairs of legs, more particularly the last two pairs, bear numerous spines on the femora, tibiae and tarsi. These spines are rather scattering, with the exception of a row of about fifteen on the inner side of the hind tibia, an oblique row of four or five spines on the outer sides of the middle and hind tibiae, a little beyond the middle of the segment, and about a half dozen spines near the tip of the tibiae of all^three.: pairs of legs. From the upper side of the tip of the last tarsal segment (Plate IV, Fig. 17) a long slender spine arises from a common tubercle. The two curved tarsal claws ap- parently unite at their bases, and articulate on the lower side of the tip of this segment ; between the two claws there is a short knife- blade-like process, pointed at the tip and bearing on the under side a fringe of very delicate hairs. The fore wings arise far back on the sides of the mesonotum. They are about as long as the entire length of the body when the ab- domen is fully extended, or about 1.15 mm. long and .44 mm. broad at the widest part. The hind wings arise from the sides of the metanotum anteriorly, and are smaller than the anterior pair. Both wings are provided with a single median vein, that of the posterior wing being nearly straight ; that of the anterior wing being bent toward the posterior margin of the wing at a point slightly beyond the middle. A fold in the fore wing, appearing like a branch of the median vein, is frequently seen arising near its base and extending obliquely toward the posterior margin. The wings are beaded on the margin (Plate IV, Fig. 18), each bead consisting of a minute globule, from the outer side of which two or three minute setae arise. Three or four slender spines arise near the base of the hind wing on the costal margin. The abdomen (Plate IV, Fig. 20; Plate V, Figs. 21-23) *s more or less spindle-shaped, and consists of eight segments. The basal segment is small and transverse, sharply separated from the remainder of the abdomen, in which the segmentation is difficult to distinguish except in freshly emerged specimens. The dorsal and ventral plates of the second to the seventh segments inclusive are separated by a pleural membrane, which is capable of considerable extension. In specimens mounted in balsam the ventral plates of 27 the third and fourth segments are clearly outlined, the remaining plates being indistinct. The eighth segment is quite large, and is terminated by a short conical ovipositor. This organ (Plate V, Fig. 27) consists of three pieces, and is surrounded near its base by about eight tactile hairs. Near the base of the eighth segment above, is the vasiform orifice, which is sub-circular in outline. The operculum is sub-quadrate, the caudal margin being concave. The lingula protrudes caudad beyond the orifice ; is strap-shaped, nar- rowing toward its base, and is minutely setose. The ovipositor is usually bent upward when not in use, and sometimes appears to be held in a vertical position by a projecting fold of the eighth seg- meut. A pair of minute spines is borne on the under side of the second abdominal segment near its base ; a minute pair is present on the dorsum of the fifth, sixth and seventh segments ; two pairs on the dorsum of the eighth segment, and a few spines on the sides a little anterior to the base of the ovipositor. These minute spines are all, as a rule, indistinguishable in specimens mounted in balsam. The writer has not been able to positively locate the spiracles. Male. The male (Plate IV, Fig. 19 ; Plate V, Figs. 25 and 26) differs from the female only in size, and in the form of the genitalia and of the abdomen. The length varies from .9 to 1.1 mm., the average length being about .95 mm. The number of abdominal segments is nine, the vasiform orifice and the genitalia being upon the ninth instead of the eighth segment as in the female. The third to sixth ventral plates of the abdomen, inclusive, are quite promi- nent in outline, especially in specimens mounted in balsam. Geni- talia (Plate V, Figs. 25 and 26) forcipate, consisting of two side pieces or claspers and a median penis, the former being provided with tactile hairs. Either the right or left clasper, differing in dif- ferent individuals, appears to have a dorsal swelling near its base, which shows only in a side view. From the side the penis is large at the base, gradually tapering toward the tip. There is a marked upward curve near the base and another less marked upward curve near the tip. From above, the penis appears barrel-shaped at its basal fourth, outwardly becoming flattened laterally ; the outer half or two-thirds is thin, the sides being nearly parallel. The opening at the tip of the penis is circular. It is usually bent upward, and consequently is not seen in its full length from above, but a side 28 view (Plate V, Fig. 28) shows that it is about as long as the claspers. Tracheal System of the Immature Insect. The diagram on Plate VI (Fig. 32) illustrates the main branches of the tracheal system of larval and pupal Aleyrodes, based on a study of the two species, vaporariorum and packardi. Prof. C. W. Woodworth has worked out more in detail the tracheal system of A citri.* It will be seen that the diagram here given differs from his des- cription only in a few minor details. What he has called " dorsal gir- dles " I find to be ventral, and his " ventral trunks " I find to be dorsal in the species examined. I have not found the branches which he describes as arising from the transverse connections be- tween the longitudinal trunks and the third pair of spiracles. The following is the explanation of the letters used in the diagram : I II III V V V Ventral loops. D D D Dorsal trunk. I II III IV T T T T Position of spiracles. L L L Vestigial legs. R Rostrum. E E Eyes. A A Antennae. NOTES ON LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS. Egg. The mechanical condition of the leaf seems to have some influence on the vitality of the eggs, for if a leaf upon which the eggs have been deposited within five or six days is allowed to wither and become dry, the eggs will not hatch. Those eggs which are nearly mature are not so affected. As a rule, the eggs hatch in from ten to twelve days, though this period may be prolonged by low temperature. On hatching, the egg splits longitudinally from apex to base and the larva slowly frees itself. The egg shell collapses at the same time that the larva escapes, the free edges of the shell curving inward. Larva. The newly hatched larva is quite active and may * Can. Ent., vol. xxxiii, p. 173. 29 crawl some distance before settling down, or may remain quite near its place of birth. Its rate of locomotion on a leaf is between one and two millimeters per minute, equivalent to about one-half an inch in ten minutes. The larvae rarely crawl in a straight line, however, as they double on their own tracks and change direction at every little ob- struction such as a hair or a particle of dirt on a leaf, so that it is a rare accident if one finally reaches a distance of one-half inch before settling down, where it remains until it reaches the adult condition. Everything considered, there seems to be little chance of an Aley- rodes in this instar getting from plant to another, or even to another leaf, unless the leaves are in actaal contact. The young larva usu- ally settles down within twenty-four hours and gradually loses the use of its legs. The duration of the first instar is from five to seven days, of the second and third instars from four to six clays each, and of the fourth or pupal instar from thirteen to sixteen days. At moulting, in the first three instars, the skin splits apparently around the anterior margin of the body, and is then gradually moved back, aided by up and down movements of the abdomen, and usually drops off entirely unless entangled by the hairs of the leaf. Moulting appears to be a slow process, from two or three hours to a whole day being re- quired before the change is entirely completed. As each portion of the body becomes freed from the skin it spreads out over the surface of the leaf and immediately assumes the form and horizontal dimen- sions which continue throughout the instar. If the ventral surface of a freshly moulted insect of the second, third or pupal instars be examined, it will show a large fleshy pro- jection arising on each side between the bases of the first and second legs. These structures are concave at the tip, and are probably ad- hesive in function, serving to keep the insect attached to the leaf during the process of ecdysis, as they disappear soon after. A specimen in the second instar, placed on its back on a glass slide, was observed to withdraw these almost completely within five min- utes. Changes in position of the Aleyrodes in the second, third and pupal instars are very slight, if any, and these occur only at the time of moulting, or immediately afterward. In one instance, one of these insects in the third instar was observed to move in the course 3° of a few minutes so that its long axis formed an angle of ninety de- grees to its original position. Between the moults in all the immature stages — considering hatching from the egg as a moult — lateral growth of the body is not appreciable, increase in size seeming to result almost entirely from growth in thickness. During the last few days of pupal life the insect does not feed or perceptibly increase in size, and the developing imaginal characters can be more or less distinctly seen within. It is at this time, only that the Aleyrodes is a true pupa in the sense the word " pupa " as used in other Holometabola, or insects with complete metamorphosis ; thus what is known as the pup a case is in reality the last larval skin. In all the immature stages there is exuded from the vasiform orifice at intervals a colorless liquid similar to the honey dew of aphids. Sometimes this excretion collects in large viscid globules immediately below the insect secreting it, apparently suspended either by the hairs on the leaf or by the dorsal spines of the insect. The cause of the insects feeding almost exclusively on the under surface of the leaves is apparent. If they should attack the upper surface of the leaves in large 'numbers they would cause their own destruction, for in this case the honey dew, instead of dropping to the leaves below, would spread out over their bodies and serve as food for fungi, the mycelia of which readily penetrate the tender skins of the insects themselves. Adults. The adults emerge through a T like opening in the pupa case. The integument splits along the middle of the dorsum from the anterior end of the body to the base of the abdomen, where it joins a transverse split which follows the line of segmenta- tion, reaching nearly to the lateral margin of the case on each side. A newly emerged adult is devoid of wax secretion, the wings are folded up like crumpled paper, and the legs are delicate and much twisted. In a short time secretion of wax appears, the wings unfold and the legs straighten. The wings are rarely used unless the insect is disturbed, and then only for short, more or less erratic flights. It is probable that the wind plays an important role in their distribu- tion out of doors. In the laboratory single specimens on isolated plants have been observed to remain for days at a time on a single leaf. 31 The adults are frequently seen in coitu, but probably many eggs are unfertilized. Before pairing, there seem to be certain prelimi- nary movements. The male takes a position alongside of the female, intermittently flaps its wings and at the same time continually strokes with its own antennae the nearest antenna of the female. Their position is well illustrated by Davis (17). Frequently two males, one on each side, thus court a female. If the suit is successful, the female slightly raises the tip of the abdomen, at the same time the male taking a position of about thirty or forty degrees with the body of the female, with its inner wings arising above those of the female, bends the tip of its abdomen upward, and clasps the genitalia of the female from below. Egg Laying. The female seems to have no choice of position on a plant for deposition of eggs, but leaves them wherever she may happen to be feeding. Eggs are not uncommonly found on the upper surface of the leaves, on the petioles and even on the stems of the plant, though the great majority are found on the favorite feeding place of the adults — the under surface of the leaf. The adults prefer the youngest leaves, and there is a slow but continual migration up- ward to keep pace with the unfolding of the leaf buds, the majority of the freshly laid eggs being found, therefore, on the upper leaves of a plant. The female frequently, as has been observed by pre- vious writers, uses her rostrum as a pivot, and deposits her eggs in a more or less complete circle about her. From ten to twenty eggs are often found in one of these circles, which are about 1.5 mm. in diameter. Eggs are also deposited singly, this being the case es- pecially on hairy leaves. The writer has observed as many as twelve thousand eggs per square inch on the under surface of a Salvia leaf with more being constantly added. The eggs, however abundant, never touch one another, it being probably impossible for the female, on account of the conformation of the ovipositor and the end of the abdomen to deposit eggs so close to one another that they are actually in contact. Observations on the duration of adult life, parthenogenesis, etc. Adult females have been isolated on plants previously free from Aleyrodes in any stage, for the purpose of determining the duration of adult life, the number of eggs laid by each female, whether or not parthenogenesis occurs, and if so, its character. The females iso- 32 lated for the purpose of these observations were seen to emerge from their pupa cases, and consequently there was no possibility of their having been fertilized. The plants upon which these females were kept were growing in small pots covered with lantern chimneys, which were closed at the top with cheese cloth. Four trials were made: i. April 3, 1902, an unfertilized female began egg laying, and on April 17 three eggs were observed to have hatched. 2. April 17, 2902, an unfertilized female began egg laying, and on April 29 several eggs had hatched. 3. Dec. 8, 1902, a female emerged, was isolated on a tomato plant, and began egg laying Dec. 12 (females usually begin egg lay- ing on the second or third day after emergence), and continued, averaging four per day for eleven days. Personal observations were here discontinued, but E. A. Back, an undergraduate student at the Entomological Laboratory, noted that the adult died Jan. 1, 1903. On Jan. 7 I found the plant dead, apparently from cold, and on ex- amination of the leaves I found that about three-fourths of the eggs had hatched, and that some of -the larvae were in the second instar at the time the plant died. Quite a number of eggs were found that had certainly been laid during my absence, but they were not counted. 4. March 17, 1903, a female emerged from its pupa case, and was isolated on tomato and chickweed growing in the same pot. Egg laying began March 18. Eggs were deposited on the stems and upper and lower surfaces of the leaves of both plants, making it im- possible to count from day to day all the eggs that had been laid. On April 2, forty-nine eggs were counted, and on April 22 eighty more were known to have been added to this number. There were about eight days altogether when the female was in such a position on the plant that no attempt was made to count the eggs for fear of dis- turbing her. At a very low estimate, twenty- five eggs were laid dur- ing these days, The offspring of this female began to emerge as adults on April 22, and the original female was transferred to a chickweed plant growing in another pot. By an accident I lost on the same day the positive identity of this insect, but I am quite sure that she produced the forty-nine eggs which I counted on April 29, after which observations on this insect were discontinued. So far as 33 observed, all the eggs laid by this female hatched and the young reached maturity, the adults being males without exception. To summarize these observations, unfertilized eggs hatch and the larvae develop into adults of the male sex. Two females were known to lay forty-four and one hundred and twenty-nine eggs re- spectively, and in both cases many more were undoubtedly laid. These same insects lived in the adult condition for twenty-three and more than thirty-six days respectively. I have tried several times to isolate a female which had cer- tainly been impregnated, but was unsuccessful. It is not impossible to do this, however, and I suspect that when this is done the young- produced from fertilized eggs will all develop into females, giving us a condition similar to that which is generally believed to occur in the honey bees, and known as arrhenotoky. In regard to the length of adult life, I might further add that in greenhouses where there are millions of live adults on the plants, it is difficult to find a single dead specimen on the benches, providing they have not been killed by artificial means. This is a further indi- cation that natural deaths among adults are rare, and that the adult life of each individual may extend over many weeks. Should it prove true that unfertilized eggs of this insect produce only males and fertilized eggs only females, then the number of adult males and females will be in direct proportion to the number of un- fertilized and fertilized eggs. In Psyche (April, 1903) I gave an estimate of the proportion of the two sexes of Aleyrodes in nature, based on actual count of eighty-five specimens of adult Aleyrodes taken at random, representing four different species. The figures given were twenty males to sixty-five females. For the purpose of obtaining a more exact idea of the. proportion of the sexes in the present series I counted one hundred adults taken at random, and found twenty-three males to seventy-seven females. The spreading of the adults from greenhouses probably accounts for the presence of this species on out of door plants in most cases, but there is no reason to suppose that it cannot pass the winter out of doors in the egg state as do other species of the genus in this region. 34 IDENTITY OF THE INSECT. In regard to the specific identity of this insect, there seems little room for doubt that it is the Aleyrodes vaporariorum of West- wood. Although Westwood's description (i) may not be sufficient for identification, Signoret's description (2) is quite complete, and the correctness of the latter's determination has never been chal- lenged by later European writers. On the contrary, J. W. Douglas (7), who was later the best authority on this group of insects in En- rope, speaks of Signoret's work in such a manner as to leave no doubt that the species described by Westwood and re-described by Signoret were the same. Signoret's drawings and description of the pupa differ from those of the present writer only in minor details. His determination of the limits of the second and third abdominal segments differs slightly from mine ; consequently, according to his drawing and de- scription of the pupa a pair of wax rods arises from the second ab- dominal segment, whereas I found the corresponding rods on the third abdominal segment. His drawing of the ventral side of the first instar is obviously inaccurate in many respects, but it probably resembles the first instar of Aleyrodes vaporariorum quite as much as of any other species. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. This insect was first described in 1856 by Westwood (1), who supposed it to have been imported into England from Mexico. Signoret, in 1868 (2), intimated that the species might have been in- troduced into Europe from Brazil. Whatever its origin may have been, it is at present widely distributed in greenhouses in Europe and in the Northeastern United States, and has also recently been reported from Canada (27). FOOD PLANTS. The list of food plants of the Greenhouse Aleyrodes is so ex- tensive that it would seem almost advisable to list only those plants which the adults reject and upon which the immature stages cannot subsist. Westwood (1) in his description of the species says in re- gard to its food plants : " It especially attacks the leaves of Mexi- 35 can species of Gonolobus, Tecomia vclulina, Bignonice, Aplulaiuh a , Solamnus and other similar soft-leaved plants." Signoret (2) found it on Salvia splendens and Tancana camara, and Douglas (7) speaks of its injuries to cucumbers and tomatoes. Quaintance (19) reports "what appears to be this insect" on Fuchsia, Pelargonium and Oxalis from various parts of the Eastern United States. Britton (23 and 27) lists fifty-eight food plants in Connecticut upon which the insect was observed in its immature stages. It has recently been recorded on violet (26). It is sufficient to say here that the Greenhouse Aleyrodes is a very generous feeder, its food plants representing several families and orders. The following food plants deserve especial emphasis on account of their economic importance either as ornamentals or fruit producers : Chrysanthemum, Salvia, Lantana, heliotrope, geranium, Fuchsia, Coleus, Ageratum, roses (17), egg plant, bean, tomato, lettuce, cucumber and melons. Tobacco, when grown in a greenhouse, shows itself to be especially attractive to the insect, but there is no indication that this plant grown out of doors will ever be seriously troubled by it as far north as Massachusetts. I am in- formed by Mr. Francis Canning, head gardener at the Massachusetts Agricultural College, that in his experience the Greenhouse Aley- rodes has been a serious pest of Primula obconica, a plant grown quite extensively by some florists. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE GREENHOUSE ALEYRODES. From an economic standpoint the most serious injury caused by this species of Aleyrodes is to cucumbers and tomatoes in green- houses. J. W. Douglas (7) speaks of cucumber and tomato plants in England being ruined by the agency of this insect. Among the more recent accounts of its injuries Britton (23 and 27) says : "For eight years the most serious insect pest affecting forcing house tomatoes at the station has been the " white fly," " mealy wing," or plant house Aleyrodes. Were it impossible to hold the insect in check, the crop each winter would be nearly a total failure." Within the last two years there have been several inquiries re- ceived at the Hatch (Mass.) Experiment Station concerning this insect, and in at least three cases serious loss to the owners resulted 36 from its attacks. The most noteworthy of these was the total loss of a crop of cucumbers and tomatoes of an estimated value of four thousand dollars at Pittsfield, Mass., during the Spring of 1901. Dr. H. T. Fernald, who visited these greenhouses about the first of June, found every plant either dead, or nearly so, with none of the crop ready for harvesting. Myriads of the white flies, which were seeking in vain to obtain liquid food from the dried leaves, would fly up in clouds when the plants were disturbed. Many other in- stances of the destruction caused by this insect in this state and elsewhere might be cited, but enough has been said to show that growers of vegetables in greenhouses cannot afford to ignore it when- ever it makes its appearance in noticeable abundance. This species of Aleyrodes may also require treatment in con- servatories used for private ornamental or commercial purposes. Its importance here is largely due to its very general feeding habits. Still another class of plants upon which injuries are frequently re- ported are house plants, such as geraniums, heliotrope, etc. Cucumbers and tomatoes are among the most delicate of the plants which are liable to require treatment from the attacks of this insect, as well as those upon which the attack is most liable to result in serious financial loss. The treatment of these two plants has therefore been given special prominence in this paper. The general principles for the treatment of plants in florists' establishments are the same as for the forcing pit, while as for the treatment of house plants they are so comparatively unimportant that but a few words need be said. PREVENTIVES. In dealing with this insect, preventives are of prime import- ance. Owners of greenhouses which are subject to its attacks can well afford to insure their plants against total or partial destruction by a very small expenditure of time and money. The axiom, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies here as well as to all other human troubles. Moreover, the cure, unless one is con- stantly on the lookout for insect pests, is in this case liable to be applied when too late and the destruction has been already accom- plished. 37 Greenhouses in which vegetables are grown are liable to become infested in two ways. First, there may be weeds, such as chick- weed or other food plants of the species, growing in the house, under the benches or other out of the way places, and on these the insects may live during the summer months when the house is unused, and in the fall spread to the new crops. Again, adults which have de- veloped out of doors may fly into the houses. This is especially liable to occur where there are infested plants in the vicinity. To prevent the first method of infestation, before starting a crop in the fall, all weeds and vegetation of every kind should be re- moved from the house. Eggs, larvae and pupae of the insect are thus provided for. Adults may be killed by burning sulphur at the rate of 6 oz. to iooo cu. ft. of space, or by hydrocyanic acid gas from .2 gram of Potassium cyanide (KCN) per cu. ft. of space, leaving the house closed over night. The rate for the use of the cyanide, as given above, is much greater than is absolutely necessary to destroy adult Aleyrodes, in order that it may also be effective against thrips and other pests. The effect of sulphur on other insects than Aley- rodes is unknown to the writer. Whenever a first crop is entirely removed, the house should be fumigated by one of these methods before starting a new crop. This, of course, will not be possible where there is only one house, and the new crop is under way before the old one is removed. To prevent the Aleyrodes from spreading into the greenhouses from plants growing out of doors, little can be done except to see that no infested plants are growing in the vicinity. Aleyrodes found on strawberry plants, as will be seen later, need not be considered in this connection. After the first few frosts in the fall there is little danger of the insect getting into greenhouses from out of doors. REMEDIES. Various insecticides have been recommended and used for the destruction of this insect. Ravenscroft (10), who was the first, as far as I am aware, to recommend a specific treatment, says that " the best remedy is to syringe with a solution of Calvert's Soft Soap." Among the later recommendations are : Tobacco fumes in green- houses, whale oil soap and kerosene emulsion out of doors (16); any 4 38 of the soap and oil washes (17) ; hydrocyanic acid gas from one ounce of potassium cyanide for each one thousand cubic feet of space, left in the house over night (18); common laundry soap, one pound to eight gallons of water (23 and 27) ; nicoticide (24) ; kero- sene and resin washes (26) ; and hydrocyanic acid gas (for adults), using 1 oz. of potassium cyanide for each 400 cu. ft. of space, ex- posure of nine minutes (29). The experiments carried on at the insectary of the Massachu- setts Agricultural College by the writer consisted of both spraying and fumigation. The details of the experiments are first given, fol- lowed by a discussion of results. When aphids or red spiders have been present in noticeable abundance, the effect of the various in- secticides on them has been incidentally noted, thereby showing the comparative susceptibility of the Aleyrodes and other pests to the same treatment. Contact Insecticides. Lemon Oil Insecticide. Mnfg. by S. I. Pollexfen, Baltimore, Md. Cost: n to 25 cents per half pint, according to amount pur- chased. Strength recommended: One-h'alf pint in from 4 to 12 quarts of water. 1. One-half pint in 4 quarts of water. Plants treated : To- mato, dipped in solution 20 sec; Petunia and Eupatorium, sprayed. Results: Plants uninjured. About 50 per cent of immature insects (excluding eggs) killed on Petunia and Eupatorium, and about 60 per cent on tomato plant. All adults hit by spray were killed, but a large proportion escaped by flying away. Eggs not affected. 2. One-half pint in 1 quart of water. Plant treated : Tomato, dipped 20 sec. Results: Plant badly injured; all insects killed ex- cept eggs. 3. One-half pint in 1.5 quarts of water. Plant treated : To- mato, dipped 20-25 sec- Results: Plant injured, though not as badly as in previous experiment ; all stages of the insects killed ex- cept the eggs. 4. One-half pint in two quarts of water. Plants treated : Sin- gle leaf of large tomato plant, dipped 10 sec. Lantana, sprayed. Results : Tomato leaf slightly injured ; leaves of Lantana slightly 39 injured; practically all of larvae and pupae and two-thirds of adults killed. Eggs unaffected. * 5. One-half pint in 4 quarts of water. Plants treated : To- mato leaf nearly dead from effect of insects' attack, and another slightly infested healthy leaf, dipped 10-12 sec. Results: Leaves uninjured ; for some reason much more effective than in Expr. 1 ; 95 per cent of larvae and pupae killed ; eggs unaffected. Laundry Soap (Welcome). Cost 6f to 5! cents per lb, accord- ing to amount purchased. Strength recommended by Britton, 2 ounces to 1 gallon of water. 1. 2 ounces to 1 gallon of water. Plants treated: Salvia, Lantana and Geranium. Results: Plants, as a whole, uninjured (a few leaves slightly) ; about 95 per cent of larvae and young pupae killed, and about 25 per cent of old, nearly mature pupae; about two- thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. Stotfs Fir Tree Oil Soap. Cost 30 to 50 cents per lb., accord- ing to amount purchased. Strength recommended : One table- spoonful to a gallon of water. . 1. One tablespoonful to a gallon of water. Plants treated : Various greenhouse plants. Results : Plants uninjured ; only a few larvae and- apparently no pupae killed; about one-half of adults killed; eggs unaffected. 2. One ounce to a gallon of water. Plants treated : Tomato, geranium, Petunia and Salvia. All except a geranium and Petunia plant were syringed about one-half hour later with clear water. Re- sults : Plants not afterward syringed with clear water were slightly injured; about 95 per cent of larvae and young pupae, and about 25 per cent of old, nearly mature pupae killed ; a smaller proportion killed on those plants afterward syringed with clear water. About two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. Kerosene Emulsion. One-half lb. soap, 1 gallon water and 2 gallons kerosene. Usually recommended for soft bodied insects : one part of emulsion in 9 of water. 1. One part in 6 parts of water. Plants treated : Salvia and tomato (sprayed) ; Salvia syringed with clear water about one-half hour later, tomato syringed the following day. Results ; Leaves of 4° tomato plant badly spotted by the emulsion, Salvia leaves uninjured ; practically all of larvae and about 95 per cent of pupae killed ; about two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. 2. One part in 3 of water. Plants treated : Arbutilon and tomato (sprayed). The first was afterward syringed with clear water. Results : Tomato leaves badly spotted ; practically all of larvae and pupae and about two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. 3. One part in 9 of water. Plants treated : Salvia and to- mato (sprayed), also a single leaf of Salvia (dipped), afterward washed in clear water one-half hour later. Results : On single leaf every larva and pupa, of which there were hundreds, were killed, and leaf showed no injury, being kept for several days in a tightly stoppered bottle with damp cotton ; on the Salvia and tomato plants practically all of larvae and pupae were killed, but the foliage was slightly spotted ; two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. 4. One part in 1 1 of water. Plants treated : Salvia, Lantana and tomato (sprayed) ; all three syringed with clear water one-half hour later. Results : Plants uninjured except for a few spots where emulsion was not washed off ; practically all larvae and about 75 per cent of pupae killed ; about two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs un- affected. Permbl Kerosene Soap, mnfg. by Poole & Bailey, New York City. Cost 14 to 25 cents per lb., according to amount purchased. 1. One ounce in 1 gallon of water. The soap did not entirely dissolve in a quart of boiling water, and the insoluble scum clogged the nozzle somewhat. In later experiments with this material, this difficulty was obviated by straining through cheese cloth. Plants treated: Geraniums, heliotropes and callas. Results: Plants un- injured ; on heliotrope practically all of larvae and pupae killed, on geraniums results not quite as good, while on callas, where all of the immature insects happened to be in pupal stage, only a very few were killed. This difference in results on the different plants ap- pears to be due to the character of the under surface of the leaves in regard to leaf hairs ; the heliotrope, being best provided with these, retained the liquid the longest and gave the best results ; about two- thirds of the adults killed ; eggs unaffected. 2. Three ounces in 1 gallon of water. Plants treated : Ger- 4i anium, Arbutelon and tomato. Results : Plants slightly injured ; practically all of larva? and pupae and about two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. Plant lice on calla and red spider on tomato apparently all killed. 3. Two ounces in 1 gallon of water. Plants treated : Salvia, Arbutelon and tomato (sprayed). Results : Plants uninjured ; prac- tically all of larvae and young pupae, 50 per cent of old, nearly ma- ture pupae, and about 50 per cent of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. Bowker's Tree Soap, mnfg. by Bowker Insecticide Co., Boston, Mass. Cost, 6 to 8 cents per lb., according to amount purchased. 1. One ounce in 1 gallon of water. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Practically all of larvae and young pupae and at least 90 per cent of old, nearly mature pupae killed ; about two-thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. While the plant was practically un- injured, on a few leaves little areas surrounding the dead larvae and pupae were slightly affected by the application, showing that the limit had been reached at which the solution could be used with safety to the plant. Good's Potash Whale Oil Soap, mnfg. by James Good, Philadel- phia, Penn. Cost, 3^ to 5 cents per lb., according to amount pur- chased. 1. One ounce in a gallon of water. Plant treated : Tomato- Results : Plant uninjured ; practically all larvae and young pupae killed ; old, nearly mature pupae apparently unaffected ; about two- thirds of adults killed ; eggs unaffected. 2. 1 y\ ounces in 1 gallon of water. Plants treated : Tomato (dipped and left in shade), and a badly infested leaf on another to- mato plant (dipped 10-12 sec. and left in bright sunlight). Results : Plant and single leaf uninjured ; practically all larvae and young pupae and two-thirds of adults killed; about 75 per cent of nearly mature pupae killed ; eggs unaffected. Fumigants.* Nicoticide, mnfg. by The Tobacco Warehousing and Trading Co., Louisville, Kentucky. Cost, $2.50 per lb. Strength recom- mended, one ounce to 2000 cu. ft. of space. * Unless otherwise stated, these experiments were made in a fumigating box contain- ing 15 cu. ft. of space, and estimated to be of about the same tightness in proportion to its size as an ordinary well built greenhouse. 42 i. One ounce evaporated in a greenhouse containing 1888 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure, 6 p. m. to 7.30 a. m. Plants treated : Various — tomato, cucumber, Salvia, Lantana, heliotrope, geranium, etc. Results: Plants uninjured ; a small percentage of larva? and young pupa? killed ; adults appeared as though intoxicated, and in the course of two days, a few, perhaps 5 or 10 per cent, recovered ; the rest finally died. No live plant lice could be found, although they became abundant again in the course of a few weeks, showing that a few must have escaped. 2. Rate: One ounce per 2000 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 6 p. m. to 7.30 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Plants uninjured ; adults stupified in a few minutes, but 75 per cent fully recovered by the next morning ; larva? and pupas unaffected. 3. Rate: Two ounces per 2000 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure, 3 hours. Plant treated: Tomato. Results: Plant un- injured ; adults began to drop from leaves in about 3 minutes, and in 10 minutes none showed signs of life ; 24 hours later, 50 per cent of adults dead ; the remainder recovered. 4. Rate: Two ounces per 2000 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 10 hours. Plant treated : Tomato. Results: Plant un- injured ; adults killed ; a few larvae and young pupas kilied. 5. Rate: One ounce per 2000 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 23 hours. Plant treated : Cucumber. Results : Tender leaves killed ; all adult insects killed. 6. Rate : Five ounces per 2000 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 7 p. M-. to 8 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Plant uninjured; all adults and about 50 per cent of larva? and young pupa? killed ; eggs and nearly mature pupa? unaffected. 7. Rate: Fifty ounces per 2000 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure : One hour. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Plant uninjured ; all adults killed ; larva? and pupa? unaffected. Buck's Best Brand Fumigating Compound, mnfg. by W. W. Bush & Co., Ltd., London, England. Cost, $4.75 to $S.oo per lb., according to amount purchased. Strength recommended, one ounce to 2275 cu. ft. of space. 1. Rate: One ounce to 2275 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- 43 posure : 6 p. m. to 8 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Plant uninjured ; adults slightly disturbed. 2. Rate: Two ounces to 2275 cu. ft. of space. Time, 3 hours. Plants treated : Tomato and geranium. Results : Plants uninjured; adults began to drop from leaves in about 2 or j min- utes ; in the course of 3 days, however, all but about 5 per cent fully recovered. 3. Rate: One ounce to 2275 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 22 hours. Plant: Tomato. Results: Plant uninjured; a few adults showed signs of life when door of fumigating box was opened, but at the end of the third day after fumigation all adults were dead ; a few larvae and pupae killed. 4. Rate: Two ounces to 2275 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 6 p. m. to 8 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Plant uninjured ; a few larvae and young pupae and 95 per cent of adults killed. Thripscide, mnfg. by E. H. Hunt, 76 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Cost, 16^- to 25 cents per lb., according to amount purchased. Strength recommended, One lb. for an ordinary 100 foot greenhouse for' a light fumigation, or 5 lbs. for an ordinary 300 foot greenhouse for a heavy fumigation. 1. One-fourth lb. in a greenhouse 16 feet long containing 1700 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure, 7 p. m. to 8 a. m. Plants : Hibiscus and Eupatorium. Results: Plants uninjured; adult Aleyrodes stupified, but all recovered ; apparently all plant lice killed. Carbon Bisuljid. Ordinary commercial carbon bisulfid was used in these experiments. This costs about 25 cents per lb. Furaa Bisulfid is manufactured by E. R. Taylor, Penn Yan, N. Y., and costs 10 cents per lb. 1. Rate : One lb. per 1000 cu. ft. of space. CS3 was poured on to cotton in this and later experiments. Time of exposure, one hour ; sun shining, 8.45 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Adults began to drop from leaves in about 25 minutes, and showed but slight signs of life when fumigating box was opened ; all recov- ered in course of 2 hours ; plant uninjured. 44 2. Rate: Two lbs. per iooo cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, i hr., 15 min. ; sun shining. Plant treated: Tomato. Re- sults: Adults began to drop from leaves in about 15 minutes; ap- parently dead when box was opened, but all recovered in the course of three hours ; plant uninjured. 3. Rate: Two lbs. per 1000 cu. ft. of space. Time of ex- posure, 6 p. m. to 8 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Adults apparently killed, but about 25 per cent recovered in the course of two days ; plant uninjured. 4. Rate: One and one-half lbs. per 1000 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure, 7 p. m. to 8 a. m. Plant treated : Tomato. Re- sults : Plant uninjured ; adults apparently killed, but in the course of two days about 20 per cent, recovered; about 10 per cent of young larvae killed. 5. Rate: Five lbs. per 1000 cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 7 p. m. to 7.30 a. m. Plant treated: Tomato. Results: Plant uninjured ; adults all killed ; 50 per cent of larvae and pupa; killed ; eggs unaffected. Hydrocyanic Acid Gas. Cost of Potassium cyanide (KCN) about 50 cents per lb. ; of Sulphuric acid (H2S04) from 2^ to 10 cents per lb. 1. Rate: .1 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space in a practically air tight fumigating box containing 30 cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 10 minutes, daylight. Temperature, 400 F. Plant treated: Tomato. Results : Tender leaves killed and older leaves injured at the tips ; all larvae were killed ; no pupae or adults present ; eggs unaffected. 2. Rate: .05 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space in the same box that was used in Expr. 1. Time of exposure, 10 minutes, daylight. Temperature, 48° F. Plant treated : Tomato. Results : Plant very slightly injured; very few larvae killed; eggs unaffected ; no other stages present. 3. Rate: .0016 gm. KCN per cu. ft.: 3 gr. in greenhouse containing 1888 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure, 6 p. m. to 8 a. m. Plants treated : Various greenhouse plants. Results : Plants uninjured; adults were found to be stupified and fluttered about on the benches ; all but about 5 per cent, recovered during the day. 45 4. Rate: .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space (see footnote page 41). Time of exposure, 30 minutes, daylight. Plant treated : To- mato. Results : Extreme tips of some of larger leaves showed in- jury ; growing tips of stems and the tenderest leaves uninjured ; all adults killed, many being left suspended to the under surface of the leaves by their rostral seta; and tarsal claws ^ none ever showed signs of life after box was opened. 5. Rate : .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 30 minutes, cloudy day. Plant treated : Tomato nearly dead from the effects of the insects' attacks, and a sprig of Eupatorium infested with plant lice. Results : After a few days the young and tender leaves of the plant appeared injured, [perhaps due to the fumigation ; all adults killed ; eggs, larvae and pupae apparently un- affected. Plant lice stupified, but recovered during the day after the fumigation. 6. Rate : .007 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 30 minutes, after sunset. Plants treated : Tomato and cucum- ber. Results : Plants not injured in the least, the cucumber plant being in full bloom two days later ; many of the adult Aleyrodes continued to show signs of life during the next day, but 36 hours later all were dead ; eggs, larvae and pupae unaffected. 7. Rate : .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 25 minutes, cloudy day. Plants treated : Tomato and cucum- ber used in experiment 6 and another tomato plant never before treated. Results : Plants uninjured, even blossoms and flower buds of cucumber escaping; all adults killed; eggs, larvae and pupae un- affected. 8. Rate: .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 20 minutes, cloudy day. Plants treated: Tomato and cucum- ber used in experiments 6 and 7, and a cucumber plant never before treated. Results : One leaf of tomato slightly injured, plants other- wise unaffected ; all adults killed ; eggs, larvae and pupae unaffected. 9. Rate : .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 20 minutes, after sunset. Plants treated; Tomato, badly in- fested with Aleyrodes and red spider, and sprig of Eupatorium in- fested with plant lice and Aleyrodes. Results: Plants uninjured ; all adult Aleyrodes killed; red spicier unaffected; plant lice all stupi- 46 fied and apparently killed, but all recovered in the course of 12 hours. 10. Rate : .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 15 minutes, cloudy afternoon. Plants treated: Cucumber and tomato. Results: Plants uninjured; about 50 per cent of adults were dead when box was opened, but the remainder showed signs of life, and some of these finally fully recovered. 1 1. Rate : .005 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, 30 minutes, after sunset. Plants treated : Cucumber and to- mato, and a sprig of Eupatorium infested with plant lice. Results : Plants uninjured ; all adult Aleyrodes killed, though many showed slight signs of life for a few honrs. Plant lice stupified, but recov- ered within twelve hours. 12. Rate : .005 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space. Time of expo- sure, after sunset, 6 to 9 p. m. Plants treated: Tomato and cu- cumber, the latter badly infested with red spider. Results : Plants uninjured; all adults killed, a few showing signs of life for a few hours ; two-thirds of larvae and pupae killed ; eggs unaffected. 13. Rate : .007 gm. KCN percu. ft.-of space in a loose green- house containing 1700 cu. ft. of space. Time of exposure, after sunset, 6.45 to 9.45 p. M. Plants : Tomatoes, with many of leaves nearly dead from results of insects' attack, and cucumber infested with red spider. Results : Plants uninjured ; all adult Aleyrodes killed ; 90 per cent of larvae and young pupae killed, and 2 or 3 per cent of old, nearly mature pupae killed ; eggs unaffected ; red spider unaffected. 14. Rate ; .01 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space in same green- house used in last experiment. Time of exposure, after sunset, 6.45 to 9.45 p. m. Results : Plant uninjured ; all of adults, all larvae and young pupae and about 75 per cent of old, nearly mature pupae killed ; eggs apparently unaffected. 15. Rate: .02 gm. KCN per cu. ft. of space (in fumigating box). Time of exposure, after sunset, 7.30 to 10.30 p. m. Plants : Tomato and cucumber, the former being small plants, showing the effects of improper nutrition, the latter being badly infested with red spider. Results : The smaller and less vigorous of the two tomato plants used showed slight injury to some of the tenderest leaves ; the 47 other plants showed no injury ; on the contrary, a cheek cucumber plant, which was practically a duplicate of the one fumigated in re- spect to size, vigor and infestation, was dead two days later, while the fumigated plant rapidly improved in health. Of the Aleyrodes, all the adults, larva? and pupa? were killed; eggs apparently killed. The red spiders on the cucumber plant were all killed. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. Contact Insecticides. Few contact insecticides were used, but these were varied enough to indicate that in general they are destruc- tive to larva? and young pupa?, and more or less so to nearly mature pupa?. They proved useless, however, for the eggs, and not practical for use against the adults of this insect. The statements of those who have had practical experience with Aleyrodes in greenhouses shows that syringing the plants does not seem to lessen the numbers of the adults. In these experiments especial attention was given to the destruction of the adults, but not more than two-thirds of them were killed in any case. At the most, one could not expect to kill more than one-half the adults by an ordinary syringing, which would be sufficient to destroy 90 per cent of the young. The most expert growers of tomatoes in greenhouses tell us that these plants should not be syringed except when it is absolutely necessary, for a damp atmosphere promotes rot and interferes with pollination. It is de- sirable, therefore, to depend as much as possible on fumigation for the control of the greenhouse Aleyrodes, at least on those plants which are liable to be injured in any way by the application of a contact insecticide. These latter, however, may be used to advan- tage in many cases. The following comments will aid in showing the relative value of each of the contact insecticides used in the experiments: Lemon Oil Insecticide. — The cost of this material precludes its use on a large scale, but it is easy to prepare, has a not unpleasant odor, and the experiments show it to be effective on the larva? and pupa? when the plant is dipped in a solution of one-half pint in one gallon of water. Chiefly commendable for the treatment of house plants. Laundry Soap. — Cheap; fairly effective on the insects when 48 used at the rate of two ounces in a gallon of water ; liable to injure foliage slightly. Stott's Fir Tree Oil Soap. — Altogether too expensive for use against the insect, even though it were effective. Kerosene Emulsion. — Cheap ; troublesome to prepare ; effec- tive as an insecticide, but requires syringing the leaves afterward to prevent injury, at least in greenhouses when used on tomato plants. Permol Kerosene Soap.- — Too expensive ; fairly effective when used at the rate of two ounces in a gallon of water. Bowker's Tree Soap. — Cheap ; most effective of all contact in- secticides used in these experiments ; has advantage over the others in requiring but one ounce in a gallon of water, making it less liable to interfere with the respiration of the plants by forming a film over the surface. While the odor of the soap itself is unpleasant, it is not very objectionable when used in such a weak solution. Good's Potash Whale Oil Soap. — Cheaper by weight than Bow- ker's Tree Soap, but when an amount is used which equals the latter as an insecticide, the cost is about the same for the two soaps. One and one-third ounces per gallon of Good's Soap is nearly as efficient for use on the insect as one ounce of Bowker's Soap. More efficient than laundry soap or Permol Kerosene Soap. The same may be said of the odor as of Bowker's Tree Soap. Fumigants. The resistance of the greenhouse Aleyrodes to the action of tobacco fumes is well known. The young, as might be ex- pected from their mode of life, are entirely unaffected, while the adults are only temporarily stupified by the same treatment with tobacco that destroys most of the plant lice. The experiments with Nicoto- cide and Thripscide show that these, also, are much more effective on plant lice than on the adult Aleyrodes, while the experiments with hydrocyanic acid gas show the remarkable susceptibility of adult Aleyrodes to its action as compared with plant lice, the latter being only stupified in the same atmosphere which was fatal to the former Small amounts of the fumigants with a long exposure seem to be more effective on the larva? and pupae than large amounts with short exposures. Nicoticide. — The difference in the results of experiments i and 2 may be accounted for by the fact that in experiment i the tomato 49 plant was a small one, and the pot rested on the floor of the fumi- gating box. It was observed that the fumes were very thin near the bottom of the box, and in later experiments the pots were set on a board raised about a foot from the floor. This insecticide is in- expensive to use, and some who have had experience with it against the insect claim that it is ineffective even for the adult. My own experiments show that one or two ounces to 2000 cu. ft. of space, according to the tightness of the house, should result in killing the adults. The cost of fumigating a house containing 20,000 cu. ft. of space at one ounce per 2000 cu. ft. of space would be $1.56. Ac- cording to experiment 6 it would cost five times this amount to kill one-half of the larvae and pupa; in a house of the same size. There are many insecticides on the market which are used as fumigants which have tobacco extracts as the active principle. Nicoticide may be considered as a fairly representative type of the best of this class. Bush's Best Brand Fumigating Compound. — Nearly as effective, ounce for ounce, as Nicoticide, but much more expensive. Thripscide. — The single experiment indicates that this material is no more effective on the adult Aleyrodes than ordinary tobacco. •Carbon bisulfid. — Long exposure necessary for good results ; too expensive for ordinary use. In a greenhouse containing 20,000 cu. ft. of space, the adults and a small percentage of the young could be destroyed for $6.00, and the adults and about 50 percent of the immature insects for about $10.00. Hydrocyanic Acid Gas. — Safe to use only by careful and intelli- gent persons who appreciate its properties. Far cheaper and more effective than any other fumigant known for use against the green- house Aleyrodes. Cost for a house containing 20,000 cu. ft. of space, using KCN at rate of .01 gm. per cu. ft., between 25 and 30 cents for each fumigation. Even plants as tender as tomatoes can be fumigated without injury with the extremely small amounts of the cyanide required. RECOMMENDATIONS. Fumigation. Bearing in mind the cost, labor involved and effect on plants and Aleyrodes of the various materials used in these ex- periments, hydrocyanic acid gas is pre-eminently the most deserving 5° of recommendation. From the fact that no two greenhouses are ex- actly alike in regard to tightness, it is impossible to give specific directions to cover all cases, but it is safe to recommend the use of an amount of potassium cyanide varying according to the tightness of the house from .007 to .01 gm. per cu. ft. of space, for three hours' time after sunset. No injury to tomato or cucumber plants would result from using the larger amount, but it is believed that the smal- ler amount in a tight house will prove as effective as the larger amount in a loose house. Even .02 gm. per cu. ft. of space, as shown by Experiment 15, can be used without injury to cucumber and to- mato plants in a reasonable state of vigor. For tender plants like tomatoes it is advisable to keep well t>elow the danger limit of the tenderest leaves and use the potassium cyanide at rates not greater than .01 gm. per cu. ft. of space. It is not within the scope of the present paper to give the minute details of fumigating with this most powerful of all known destroyers of animal life. Johnson's recent work, entitled " Fumigation Methods," is in- dispensable to anyone who has occasion to use hydrocyanic acid gas as an insecticide. This book can be purchased for $1.50 of the pub- lishers, Orange Judd Company, 52 and 54 Lafayette Place, New York City. To those interested in greenhouse fumigation the fol- lowing pages are especially recommended : 9-1 1, 118, 124-146. Attention is here called to the fact that ventilation of the house is necessary after the expiration of the three hours of treatment, and that this is practicable only under such circumstances that no injury to the plants will result from lowering the temperature of the house. The amount of artificial heat that can be supplied, and the outside temperature must be taken into consideration. Ventilation need not be very prolonged nor very thorough immediately following the ex- posure ; a few side ventilators opened (from the outside) for a quar- ter of an hour will be sufficient. A more thorough ventilation should be given before one ventures to inhale air while in the house. In order to be most successful, fumigation should be in accord- ance with a knowledge of the life history of the insect. A single fumigation at the rates recommended will destroy all of the insects except those in the egg and some of those in the late pupal stage. .It is desirable to fumigate again two weeks later, thus killing the 5' few adults that have emerged in the meantime, and which at the time of the first fumigation were in the late pupal stage, and all the larva; which resulted from the eggs present at the first fumigation. The adults killed by the second fumigation will have deposited a few eggs, the larva; from which will be in the first, second and third in- stars two weeks after the second fumigation, and a third treatment at this time will destroy them. Theoretically the house will now be entirely freed from the pest. The writer's tests indicate that this is possible, but even though it is not actually accomplished, no trouble need be expected from the insect for many weeks. In badly infested houses even a single fumigation will so reduce the numbers of the insect as to prevent furthur injury for at least a month, and an occa- sional fumigation in slightly infested greenhouses will control the pest so as to prevent the possibility of its increasing to an injurious extent. Fumigation Combined with Syringing. If for any reason it seems undesirable to use hydrocyanic acid gas, a systematic treatment with a fumigant and a contact insecticide should result in effectually con- trolling the insects. The first step in the process should be to pre- vent, the enormous production of eggs by ridding the house of the adults. For this purpose, Nicoticide is the most effective and cheap- est material, aside from hydrocyanic acid gas, which was used in the foregoing experiments. Other similar preparations may be found to be equally good for the purpose. For each two thousand cubic feet of space from one to two ounces of Nicoticide should be used, ac- cording to the tightness of the house. This fumigation should last all one night, and be followed the next day by a thorough syringing of the plants with a contact insecticide, the most desirable used by the writer being P>owker's Tree Soap, at the rate of one ounce in a gallon of water. One such combined treatment should so reduce the numbers of Aleyrodes in a greenhouse that further treatment would be unnecessary for several weeks. If it is desired to continue this treatment further, the house should be fumigated as before, one week after and then sprayed as before, two weeks after the first treatment. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ALEYRODES VAPORARIORUM i. Westwood, Gardeners' Chronicle, p. 852 (1856). 2. Signoret, Ann. de la Soc. Ent. Fr., 1868, p. 3S7 (1867). 3. Frauenfeld, Verh. derZool. Bot. Gesellsch., Wien, p. 798 (1867). 4. Packard, Agric. of Mass., 1 869-1 870, p. 262 (1S70). 5. Packard, Am. Nat., vol. iv, p. 6S6 (187 1).* 6. Packard, Guide to Study of Insects, p. 526 (1883). 7. Douglas, Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. xxiii, pp. 165-166 (18S6). 8. Comstock, Second Ann. Rept. Cornell Expr. Sta., p. 20 (1889). 9. -, Dictionary of Gardening, vol. iv, p. 52 (1889). 10. Ravenscroft, Tomato Culture, L. Upcott Gill, Pub., p. 77 (1S90). 11. Riley and Howard, Insect Life, vol. ii, p. 339 (1890). 12. Weir. Insect Life, vol. iii, p. 394 (1S91). 13. Bailey, Bui. Cornell Expr. Sta., No. 28, p. 58 (1S91), 14. Riley and Howard, Insect Life, vol. iv, p. 345 (1892). 15. Riley and Howard, Insect Life, vol. v, p. 17 (1893). * 16. Britton, 19th Rept. Conn. Expr. Sta., pp. 203-204 (1895). 17. Davis, Miscellaneous Bui., (Spec. Bui. 2), Mich. Expr. Sta., pp. 22-24 (1896). 18. Fisher, Am. Gardening, vol. xix, No. 201, p. 741 (1898). 19. Quaintance, Tech. Ser. No. 8, U. S. Dept. Agric, Div. Ent., pp. 16, 39 (1900). 20. Britton, Report Conn. Expr. Station, pp. 311-312 (1900). 21. Rane, Bui. N. H. College Expr. Sta. No. 84, p. 67 (1901). 22. T , Florists' Exchange, vol. xiv, No. 33, p. 914 (1902). 23. Britton, Bui. Conn. Expr. Sta. No. 140, pp. 1-17 (1902). 24. Beal, Bui. 111. Expr. Sta., No. 81, pp. 512, 522 (1902). 25. Morrill, Can. Ent., vol. xxxv, No. 2, pp. 25-26 (1903). 26. Chittenden, Am. Florist, vol. xx, No. 774, p. 3S6 C1903). 27. Britton, 2d Ann. Rept. Conn. State Ent., pp. 148-163 (1903). 28. Morrill, Psyche, vol. x, No. 322, pp. 80-82 (1903). 29. Weed and Conradi, Bui. N. H. College Expr. Sta. No. 100 Pj>47-52 (T9°3)- * A. vaporariorum in part. \ 53 The Strawberry Aleyrodes, Aleyrodes packardi Morrill. This well known and widely spread insect was for many years believed to be identical with the common greenhouse Aleyrodes. Packard, who first mentioned this insect in the American Naturalist (i) as occurring in large numbers on strawberry plants at Amherst, Mass., referred it to the species " vaporarium " (vaporariorum). This was a very excusable error, as we are justified in separating the two species only after a critical study of all the stages of each, laying special stress upon the range of variation in their structure. Since this first mention the insect* has been reported several times as oc- curring on strawberries (in such regions) in Ohio (7), Kentucky, (4, 5, 8, 10, 12), Southeastern New York (9) and Connecticut (10, 12). The food plants of the species, as far as known, are very lim- ited. Besides the strawberry, pupae of this insect have been found in small numbers on ash, spiraea and camperdown elms. I have recently described (11) all the stages of the strawberry Aleyrodes, and have briefly tabulated the differences between it and the greenhouse Aleyrodes. I will here consider more in detail the points wherein the former species differs from the latter. Egg. Length varies from .23 to .24 mm. ; greatest width from .08 to .094 mm. First Instar (Plate VI, Fig. 33). Only sixteen pairs of mar- ginal spines are present in this instar, there being none to correspond in position to the seventh and ninth pairs of A. vaporariorum. The average comparative lengths of these spines in A. packardi are about as follows : * I have positively identified specimens from Kentucky believed to be A. vaporariorum as belonging to A. packardi. Ouaintance (9) has considered specimens from New York state on strawberries which were too poor for positive identification as "much like A. vaporariorum.'1'' My experience with strawberry plants growing in a plant house thickly infested with A. vaporariorum goes to show that while the larva of this species will grow to maturity on that plant if transferred in the first instar, the adults show no liking for it, and are almost never observed even resting on its leaves. On such a plant I once found a very few pupa cases, which were, however, too poor for identification. It is possible that they were A. vaporariorum. I have never found an A. vaporariorum on a strawberry plant out of doors. On the whole, therefore, I feel justified in considering all Aleyrodes which have been reported as occurring on strawberries in this country and taken for A. vaporariorum as belonging to the species packardi. 5 54 3 4 5 o 7 b 9 io ii 12 13 14 » — > — » — , > > > ■ 6|' 6f 7 ' 5 ' 5 4* 4 3 2 2' 2 2 3 15 16 11' 4' 24" The true lengths in mm. of these spines may be obtained by multiplying the lower figures by .0035. On the cephalic region of the dorsum I have been unable to distinguish a pair of spines to correspond with those in A vapora- riorum as well as in the later instars of A. packardi itself. The length of the body in the first instar varies from .29 to .35 mm., the greatest width from .16 to .18 mm. Second and Third Instars. In these stages the only difference in structure observed between the two species is in the comparative lengths of the first and third pairs of dorsal spines, the second pair in both species being minute. In A. packardi all three pairs are in- variably minute. The length of the body in the second instar varies from .41 to .45 mm., the greatest width from .21 to .26 mm. The length of the body in the third instar varies from .56 to .62 mm., the greatest width from .32 to .38 mm. Pupa. The most marked differences between the two species are in the pupal stage, although at a casual glance they appear alike. In A. packardi all three pairs of dorsal spines are minute, while in A. vaporariorum the third pair is very variable in its degree of de- velopment, as already described. In the former there is only a double sub-marginal series of wax rods present, none arising farther up on the dorsum. The rods of the outer series, unlike those of A. vaporariorum, are very variable in length, in mature pupae being usually more than one-half the width of the body in length. The number of rods in the outer series averages much greater in A. pack- ardi than in A. vaporariorum, there being from about sixty to one hundred present in the former and from about fifty to seventy-five in the latter species. The inner sub-marginal series of rods also differs in number in the two species, there being eighteen or twenty in A. packardi and but ten or twelve in A- vaporariorum. In both species these (the inner-submarginal series) are usually directed up-, ward and curved inward over the dorsum of the body, but the varia- tion in their place of origin is much less in A. packardi, none having 55 been observed to arise farther mesad from the outer series than the width of their bases. The length of the pupa of A. packardi varies from .748 to .88 mm., the greatest width from .407 to .54 mm. Adult. The following formula shows about the average propor- tionate lengths of the segments of the antennae in the female : 2 — 5 — io| — 3 — 4 — 3^ — 3^. The segments of the antennae of the males are slightly smaller, but show about the same proportion. The two basal segments seem to be of little systematic import- ance, as they can rarely be accurately measured owing to the fact that in specimens mounted in balsam their long axis is seldom perpen- dicular to the line of vision. I have therefore considered 2 — 5 their proportionate length in both species, these numbers being approxi- mately correct. In A. packardi the following formula indicates the range of variation in length observed in each segment, omitting the two basal ones: (10-12)— 3— (4-4|)— (3-4)— (3-5). For convenience of comparison the following formula, repre- senting the range of variation observed in the same segments of A. vaporariortim, is again given : (9-1 1) — 4 — (5-6) — (4-5) — (4-5)- The length of the fore wing of A. packardi is about 1.16 mm., the breadth about .48 mm. The length of the body of the adult female varies from 1.15 to 1.20 mm. ; average length of the male about .90 mm. NOTES ON LIFE HISTORY AND INFLUENCE OF WEATHER. This species evidently passes the winter entirely in the egg stage. Here in Amherst the adults become extremely abundant every fall, and hundreds, or even thousands, of eggs are deposited on nearly every leaf. The adults are very hardy, and egg laying may continue up to the middle of November, the larvae and pupae having all been killed by the frosts some weeks earlier. In the spring a few consecutive warm days in March cause many of the eggs to hatch. The young larvae, however, being in the most delicate stage, will, as a rule, succumb to the frosts up to the first of April, or even later. In the spring of 1902 all the eggs had hatched by the end of the first week in May. The first adults emerged about the middle of May, and from this time until Novem- 56 ber all stages could be found on the leaves. In the spring of 1903, two adults, recently emerged from their pupa cases, were found on May 4, but it was over a week later before the adults became at all common. In some seasons the strawberry Aleyrodes will be much more abundant than in others, owing to the varying weather condi- tions. A cold March, unfavorable to the development of the eggs, will delay the time of hatching until the larvee will be less liable to be cut off by the spring frosts, while a couple of weeks of warm weather in March, followed by a cold snap, will cause a large num- ber of the eggs to hatch and the resulting larvae to die, and conse- quently comparatively few adults will result from the wintering over eggs. Of those larva? which are fortunate enough to escape destruc- tion by the frosts only a small proportion. reach maturity, as most of the old leaves upon which they feed and from which they are unable to move, are dead before the insects reach maturity. Considering, however, the enormous number of eggs which are deposited upon the leaves in the fall it is evident that if only one adult results from each one thousand eggs, the number left to continue the species will still be large. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE STRAWBERRY ALEYRODES. The only serious injury thus far reported as resulting from the attacks of this insect has been from the state of New York. The following quotation from Slingerland (9) shows the amount of injury the insect may do : " In the fall of 1897, and again in July, 1900, we received speci- mens of strawberry leaves which were seriously infested with a pe- culiar scale-like insect. The first specimens came from Sparkill, Rockland county, N. Y., and those last year from Rossville, Staten Island, or not far from the first. The following statements from letters of our correspondents will describe the insects' work: ' Our strawberry plants are full of very small white flies. They seem to suck the sap out of the leaves ; they are on the under side of the leaves, and when disturbed fly away. The leaves turn black 57 on the outer edges, where they are infested badly, and some plants are nearly or quite killed by them. Certain varieties are more in- fested than others.' ' The leaves I enclose were taken from plants set this spring, which have been attacked by small white insects on the under side of the leaves,' writes our Rossville correspondent in July, 1900. ' When I touched the plants, the flies, not larger than a grain of salt, but perfectly white, would rise up by the thousands in clouds. The plants started off vigorously with large healthy runners. Finally, I noticed that the plants began to look dead, leaves began to die and the runners began to wilt and dry up. Some of the plants are dead. The patches that were in bearing were also found to be badly in- fested later in the season. While picking the fruit the upper sides of the leaves seemed glossy like varnish, and the pickers remarked that their hands were covered with stickiness. Later on the plants had a black smutty appearance. These plants were very vigorous, but now the greater part of them have turned brown and died out entirely.' " From my own observations I consider that the greatest injury to strawberries by these insects is in the late summer and early fall. The adults and immature insects are then very abundant, and though comparatively few leaves are actually killed, the plants are percepti- bly weakened and fail to develop good vigorous crowns and roots. As a consequence, the following spring the new growth is retarded and the fruit yield reduced. In the springs of 1902 and 1903 the insects did not become sufficiently abundant previous to the fruit harvesting season to do any appreciable damage to the fruiting vines. It seems, therefore, that whenever the insects become of sufficient importance to require treatment, that such treatment should be applied so as to prevent the injury which takes place in late summer and early fall. TREATMENT. In considering the treatment of the strawberry Aleyrodes we are confronted by two problems : How to prevent the insects from es- tablishing themselves on newly set plants, and how to deal with them when once they are present in large numbers. 53 The amount of labor, time and money which it is expedient to spend on the treatment of the insect in strawberry fields depends in a large measure upon its abundance and the past experience of the owner. Each case must be judged on its own merits. In most cases it probably will not pay to treat the insect, but in cases as serious as those referred to from New York it demands considerable attention. When experience shows that treatment is advisable, the following recommendations will be of use. Preventives. i. Strawberry plants known to be infested should not be in- troduced into uninfested regions, unless it be at a season when the recommendations given under remedies for nursery plants are applicable. 2. In locating new fields those not adjacent to old infested fields are to be preferred. As the natural spread of this insect is clue largely to winds rather than to its powers of flight the value of thus locating a new strawberry field is obvious. It has been the ex- perience of the writer that the^Aleyrodesoccur in greatest abundance on those fields which are nearest to the old infested ones. 3. Plants for propagation should be grown for that purpose alone in a nursery isolated from the fruiting beds. This method not only acts as a preventive against the insect but is in accordance with the best methods of strawberry culture. 4. If plants are chosen from an infested field for setting pur- poses they should be taken, when possible, from the least infested parts of the field. 5. Plow under the old infested fields as soon as the fruit is harvested. Remedies. 1. In the Nursery. When plants for setting purposes are grown in separate plots or nurseries, they should be first thoroughly treated there, as in such cases the next year's fruiting plants are con- fined to a comparatively small area, and the trouble and expense of treatment is proportionately less. The number of Aleyrodes on such plots can be reduced to a minimum by pinching off and removing in 59 the spring the old leaves which have lived through the winter. Until the adult, or winged form, appears in the spring, shortly after the first of May, the insects are confined wholly to these leaves, and there is no chance for them to spread to the new spring growth. The old leaves are usually weak and spotted with rust, and the plants are, on the whole, benefitted rather than injured by their removal. They lie close to the ground, and their dark green color contrasts sharply with the bright light green of the newer leaves. The ex- pense of removing these old leaves will be lessened if it is clone in connection with weeding, but in any case the expense will be trivial. Experienced strawberry growers advocate setting new fields as early in the spring as the ground can be worked to advantage, perhaps between the middle of April and the first of May in this latitude. Plants taken from the nursery for setting purposes will be freed from this insect in direct proportion to the thoroughness with which the old wintered over leaves are removed. If the adults are allowed to emerge and become scattered over the leaves so that a second brood of larvae appears, the insect should be held in check in the nursery by an occasional thorough spraying with kerosene emulsion (one part in ten of water) or whale oil soap (1.5- ounces Bowker's Tree Soap or 2 ounces Good's Potash Whale Oil Soap to a gallon of water). The spray, in order to be effec- tive, should reach the under surface of ths leaves, and for this pur- pose an underspray nozzle can be used to advantage. During the first week in May, 1902, the writer tried fumigation of growing strawberry plants in order to determine whether nurseries can be freed from the insect in this manner. While the results are apparently not of much practical value they are nevertheless inter- esting, as showing the effect of potassium cyanide and carbon bisulfid on the larvae of Aleyrodes and on growing strawberry plants. In the experiments with carbon bisulfid, the liquid was poured on to cotton and placed near the plant to be fumigated ; a bell jar with dirt tightly packed around its base was used as a cover. In the experiments with Potassium cyanide a large dry goods box, made practically air tight with putty, was first placed over the plant to be treated and made to set squarely on the ground, with loose soil all around in position to be quickly packed against the sides. The box was raised from one end and the potassium cyanide, wrapped in 6o filter paper, was dropped into the glass vessel containing the freshly mixed sulphuric acid and water. The box was quickly dropped into position and made air tight around the base with dirt. Experiments With Carbon Bisulfid. No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io 1 1 12 13 14 *5 Rate. 10 gms. per cu. ft. 15 " 10 iS " 20 " " 25 " 30 " " 15 " 20 " " 10 " " 10 " .2 gm. per cu. ft. Time. J5 minutes. J5 (i 30 a 3° Ct 3° it 3° a 3° ti hour. 5 minutes. 10 J5 10 Results. \ Insects unaffected. ^ Plant uninjured. Insects unaffected. Plant uninjured. { Insects unaffected. ( Plant uninjured. ( Insects unaffected. ( Plant uninjured, j 1 or 2 p. c. insects killed. I Plant uninjured. \ 80 per ct. insects killed. | Plant slightly injured. j Insects all killed. Plant killed. Insects all killed. Plant badly injured, f Insects all killed. \ Plant killed. \ 20 per ct. insects killed. | Plant uninjured. f 25 per ct. insects killed. ( Plant uninjured. \ Insects unaffected. ( Plant uninjured. \ 60 per ct. insects killed. I Plant uninjured. f Insects all killed. ^ Plant slightly injured. \ 75 per ct. insects killed. ^ Plant slightly injured. I The eggs having all hatched at the time these experiments were made, the effect on that stage could not be observed. The conclu- sion to be drawn from the above is that for short exposures there is 6i very little difference between the strength of these gases required to kill the young of this insect and the strength that will injure the •growing plant. Experiments numbers 10 and n seem to indicate that as regards the killing of the insect without injuring the straw- berry plant, a small amount of carbon bisulfid for a long time is better than a large amount for a short time. Tests of the use of Potassium cyanide for the strawberry root louse by Powell and Sanderson of Delaware, and also by Johnson (Fumigation Methods, p. 14S), show that two-tenths of a gram of KCN' is satisfactory when properly handled. The plants are taken from the nursery, freed as much as possible from dirt and moisture, and loosely packed upon trays in the fumigating box or room. To determine the effect of this treatment on the eggs of the strawberry Aleyrodes, a large number of strawberry leaves with hun- dreds of the insects' eggs attached to their under surfaces were treated in a fumigating box, using .2 gm. KCN for twenty minutes. The result was that none of the eggs hatched, although conditions in the laboratory were favorable, as eggs on untreated leaves invariably hatched under similar conditions. This shows that when strawberry plants are treated according to the above method for the root louse, the treatment will also be effective for the Aleyrodes when present. 2. In the Field. This is the most difficult place to treat the strawberry Aleyrodes. If they become very numerous in the fruit- ing or newly set beds, and require treatment, the best that can be recommended at present is to spray with an underspray nozzle as described for the nursery. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ALEYRODES PACKARDI MORRILL. 1. Aleurodes vaporarium, Packard, Am. Nat., vol. iv, p. 686 (i87i> 2. Aleurodes vaporarium, Packard, Guide to Study of Insects, p. 712 (1883). 3. Aleurodes sp., Forbes, 13th Ann. Rept. Insects of 111., p. 98 and I (1883).* * Page 9S footnote, and page 1 Addenda and Corrigenda, " undescribed species," 62 4. Aleurodes vaporarium (?), Garman, Ann. Rept. Ky. Expr. Sta.r . p. 37 (1890). 5. Aleurodes vaporarium (?), Garman, Agric. Science, vol. v, p. 264 (1S91). 6. Aleyrodes sp. (?), Riley, Insect Life, vol. v, p. 17 (1892). 7. Aleurodes sp. (?), Webster, Ann. Rept. Ohio Expr. Sta., p. 35 (1894). 8. Aleyrodes vaporariorum, Britton, 19th Rept. Conn. Expr. Sta., p. 203 (1896). 9. Aleyrodes sp. (?), Slingerland, Bui. 19, Cornell Expr. Sta., p. ^S-^S (i901)- 10. Aleyrodes vaporariorum (?), Britton, Bui. 140 Conn. Expr. Sta., P. 3, IO> !4, 17 (19°2)- 11. Aleyrodes packardi, Morrill, Can. Ent., vol. xxxv, p. 25-35 09°3)- 12. Aleyrodes vaporariorum (?), Britton, 2nd Rept. Conn. State Ent., p. 149, 156, 160, 162 (1903). it,. Aleyrodes packardi, Morrjll, Psyche, vol. x, p. 80,81,83 (I9°3)- SUMMARY. Of the sixty-five known American species of the genus Aleyrodes, the two herein treated, the greenhouse Aleyrodes (A. vaporariorum) and the strawberry Aleyrodes {A. packardi), together with the orange Aleyrodes (A. citri), are the only ones that have thus far proved of much economic importance. The orange Aleyrodes occurs only in greenhouses on citrous plants in northern climates, and at present is of no importance in this state. The common names of the insects of this genus are : Aleyrodes, white fly, mealy wing and snowy fly. The family Aleyrodidas, to which the genus Aleyrodes belongs, occupies a systematic position between the plant lice and the scale insects, and appears to be more closely related to the latter. 63 The Greenhouse Aleyrodes. The immature stages of this insect consist of the egg, three larval stages or instars and a so-called pupal stage. Of these, only the first larval instar is furnished with well developed legs and is able to crawl. The pupal stage is characterized by wax rods of variable length, which arise from the dorsal surface. The egg hatches in from ten to twelve days, the larval and pupal stages together last from twenty-five to thirty days, and the adults may live, and as a rule probably do live, for several weeks. Adult females are about three times as abundant as the adult males. Unfertilized eggs will hatch, and, as far as known, develop into adults of the male sex. An adult female has been known to lay more than one hundred and twenty-nine eggs in thirty-six days. There seems to be no reason to doubt that the common green- house Aleyrodes of North America is the same as that described by Westwood in 1856 as Aleyrodes vaporariorum. The insect is supposed to have come originally from Mexico or Brazil, but it is at present very widely distributed in greenhouses in Europe and North America. It has a wide range of food plants, in- cluding many of such economic importance as cucumbers and tomatoes. The insect is generally believed, by those who have had experi- ence with it, to be the most serious greenhouse pest known at the present day. Simple preventive measures may be all that it is necessary to use in many cases to keep the greenhouse free from the insect. Spraying tomato plants in greenhouses is to be avoided when possible. Hydrocyanic acid gas is the cheapest and most efficient remedy for the Aleyrodes in greenhouses. At present, it is advisable not to exceed the rate of .1 gram of Potassium cyanide per cubic foot of space for three hours' exposure after sunset. Even in a loose house this can be depended on to destroy all the insects except the eggs and a few pupce. Twice this amount of Potassium cyanide per cubic foot of space in a tight house, with the same conditions otherwise, will not injure tomato plants in a reasonable state of vigor, while it 64 has destroyed red spiders on a cucumber plant without injury to the plant. Three fumigations, using Potassium cyanide at the rate of .01 gram per cubic foot of space, and with an interval of two weeks between each fumigation, should practically rid the house of the pest. When undesirable to use hydrocyanic acid gas, a combination of fumigation with Nicoticide and syringing with a solution of Bow- ker's Tree Soap seems to be the best substitute. The Strawberry Aleyrodes. This insect has been known for many years, and has been re- ported from various parts of the Eastern United States. It was formerly believed to be identical with the greenhouse Aleyrodes, but it is now known to be distinct. Differences between the two species have been found in all stages except the egg. This insect passes the winter in the egg stage on the under side of strawberry leaves. The eggs hatch in the spring and the earliest adults appear from the first to^the middle of May. Many of the larvae are destroyed by frosts and by starvation, due to the leaves to which they are attached and from which they are unable to move, drying up before the insects reach maturity. In some cases it proves a serious pest. Preventive measures are necessary if the treatment is to be fol- lowed by good results. These consist in using care in the location of new fields in growing plants for propagation in nurseries, etc. The simplest and cheapest remedies consist in treating the plants in the nursery. The old wintered over leaves should be re- moved not later than the first of May. As all the insects are con- fined to these leaves up to this time the plants will be freed from the insect in proportion to the thoroughness with which these are re- moved. It is necessary to combine the preventives with this remedy. If the insect becomes so abundant in the field as to require treatment, spraying with kerosene emulsion or whale oil soap, using an underspray nozzle, is recommended. 65 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. The cuts of Plate I have been obtained through the kindness of Mr. W. E. Britton, State Entomologist of Connecticut, who has used them in Bulletin 140 of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, and in his Second Report of the State Entomologist. PLATE I. * Fig. A : Aleyrodes vaporariorum ; early stages on tobacco leaf. En- larged about four times. Fig. B : Aleyrodes vaporariorum ; adults and pupa skin on tobacco leaf. Enlarged four times. PLATE II. Aleyrodes vaporariorum. Figs. 1 and 2 : Eggs. Fig. 3 : Dorsum of first instar. Fig. 4 : Venter of first instar. Fig. 5 : Vasiform orifice of first instar. Fig. 6 : Dorsum of second instar. Fig. 7 : Venter of second instar. • Fig. 8 : Right antenna of second instar. PLATE III. Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig- 13 Fig. 14 Aleyrodes vaporariorum. Right hind leg of first instar, from below. Vasiform orifice of second instar. Venter of third instar. Dorsum of third instar. Vasiform orifice of pupa. Legs, antennas arnd mouth parts of pupa. Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 : Fig. 18: Fig. 19: Fig. 20 pupa case. PLATE IV. Aleyrodes vaporariorum. Side view of pupa. Dorsum of pupa. Right hind tarsus of adult female. Margin of wing of adult. Abdomen of male from the side. Abdomen of female from the side, soon after emergence from 66 PLATE V. Aleyrodes vaporariorum. Fig. 21 : Adult female from above. Fig. 22 : Adult female from below. Fig. 23 : Adult female from the side, abdomen distended with eggs, ovipositor extended. Fig. 24. Right antenna of adult female. Fig. 25 : Genitalia of male from the side. . Fig. 26 : Terminal segment of abdomen of adult male from above, showing vasiform orifice and genitalia. Fig. 27. Ovipositor of female from above. PLATE VI. Figs. 2S-31 : Diagrams illustrating variation in number and position of wax rods of the inner submarginal and dorsal series of the pupa of Aley- rodes vaporariorum. Fig. 32 : Diagram illustrating main trunks of tracheal system of larval Aleyrodes; drawn from a larva (third instar) of A. packardi seen from be- ,low. For explanation of lettering of figures see page 28. Fig. 33 : Dorsum of the first instar of Aleyrodes packardi. PLATE I. A. Young of A. vaporariorum on tobacco leaf : enlarged about four times. 13. Adults and pupa skins of A. vaporariorum on tobacco leaf : enlarged four times. PLATE II. PLATE III. hlnuK % checked the growth of the Fusarium it was thought that a determination of the relative acid in green fruits would be valuable. Fruits of three sizes were selected and tested, with results as below : ACIDITY OF JUICE IN TERMS OF MALIC ACID. Fruit Diameter. Amount of Acid.* 24 inch, 0.42$) i}( inch, °-Sl$ 2V2 inch, < The minimum size at which the fruit becomes infected is three- fourths of an inch in diameter, while 2^ inches was the maximum in these fruits before changing color. The acid, then, increases in proportion as the fruit grows. We may certainly consider this as a significant fact in explaining the arrest of the fungus. To ascertain the effect of any possible excretion of the mycelium upon green tomato tissue, microscopic sections of the tomato were treated with the mycelium extract. No immediate change took place in the tissues. After about six hours, however, the cells were killed, the protoplasm becoming slightly yellowed, shrunken and curled up at the edges, and later the walls became blackened. The Fusarium was grown in Petri dishes on the following cooked vegetables : Potato, carrot, beet, parsnip ; and corn in the form of meal. The growth was quite uniform in all, though perhaps a little more vigorous on potato than on carrot and corn, while that on beet and parsnip was slightly retarded. In all cases the tissues were blackened after becoming permeated by the fungus. The fungus is doubtless the Fusarium so/am', Mart, of Galloway. OBSERVATIONS ON OUTDOOR TOMATO CROPS. During the summers of 1902 and 1903 some work was done by the writer on outdoor tomato crops. Here there was no difficulty in finding all of the fungi recorded by writers previously quoted. In many cases the spot was entirely covered almost from the first with a dense growth of Macrosporium so/aui, but almost as often the * These results were furnished by the department of Foods and Feeding of the Experi- ment Station. 13 black growth of Macrosporium was confined to a portion of the spot, the remainder being covered with a lighter green growth, which proved to be Cladosporium. Chains of apical spores characteristic of Alternaria were also found. In all three cases the mycelium grew in a felty mass near the surface, agreeing in every respect with that described by Galloway and others previously quoted. The average size of the outdoor spot was perhaps larger than that in the green- house. Cultures were made of these fungi and from them green fruit was inoculated, both on the vine and under a bell-jar, but all inocu- lations failed to infect. BACTERIAL ROT. In the late spring of 1904, another crop of greenhouse tomatoes- was set out for the same work. The spot was present in abundance from the first and lasted through August, viz., until the plants were on the decline, as before. Out of more than a hundred diseased tomatoes which were cut up and placed in a moist chamber, only ten showed signs of Fusarium growth, and none of these were covered with the vigorous felty mycelium which always developed in 1902. In only one case was a pure growth obtained, the Fusarium being slow to appear and accompanied by various molds, as well as bac- teria. Again a pure culture of the Fusarium was obtained and twelve inoculations made, all of which produced characteristic spots. The constant and early appearance of the bacteria led to a trial of these for inoculation. CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS. The various Petri dish cultures taken from the rotting tomatoes were inoculated by piercing the tissue just beneath the skin with a flamed needle, after cutting through the spot with a sterilized knife. Out of two hundred or more cultures made during the season one characteristic organism was isolated. The deep and surface colonies showed different forms as described below : Description of the colonies in agar plate cultures : Deep colonies — Round — fusiform, often elliptical, entire, porcelaneous changing to butyrous, refraction strong, homogeneous, coarsely granular, size .17 — .05 millimeters after twenty-four hours. *4 ■Surface colonies — Round, convex, refraction weak, grumose, entire, butyrous, with nucleus. The growth of the organism in various media is as follows : Agar-Agar — Comparatively slight growth, white. Gelatin — Liquification, crateriform changing to stratiform in three days. Litmus gelatin — A band of yellow through the center of medium after four days; after nine days, white with bluish ring at top. Litmus lactose agar — Heavy cream colored growth ; medium blue after three days. Milk — No coagulation. Litmus milk — A slightly alkaline reaction. Potato — In three days a thick, firm, tawny growth ; slight growth after. Slices of green tomato — Dense growth of a tawny color, darkening with age. From pure cultures of the above organism, sixty-seven inoculations were made during August, and many which were unrecorded before that time. Out of the sixty-seven, fifty inoculations produced a well developed and characteristic spot within a few days. (See Fig. 6.) Of those made in July a larger percentage was successful, and there was also more rot by natural infection. From the spots artificially produced, the organism was isolated repeatedly. The position and general appearance of the spot during this season were identical with that of 1902. The boundaries were clear cut, and the surface, until late in the season, free from fungi. In several cases, however, late in August, the fungi occurred as on the outdoor crop, and again unsuccessful attempts were made to inocu- late with these. There were slight differences to be noticed in the color, consistency and markings of the rot in the two crops under consideration. In 1904, the average spot was darker, there were practically no concentric rings or veins visible on the surface, and the tissue was often tender rather than leathery. The successful inoculations with two organisms led to the idea of trying others not taken from the spot. As work on soil bacteria was going on in the laboratory at this time, three of these cultures were J5 used for inoculation. Six inoculations were made from each culture. The inoculations made with two of these were unsuccessful, but those in which the third was used produced a rot which was not to be distinguished from that by natural infection. After this, several clean punctures were made in tomatoes on the vine by means of a flamed needle. No rot set in for a week or more, after which a very characteristic spot developed in two of the tomatoes which were close to the ground. It cannot be definitely inferred in either of these experiments that the rot was caused by an organism other than the one studied, as no attempt was made to isolate an organism either in the case of the soil bacteria or the clean punctures. Fig. 6. Photograph of three tomatoes : One dis- eased by natural infection, one by inoculation with bacteria and one uninfected. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. From the investigations recorded, we draw the following con- clusions : First, That Fusarium so/an/, Mart., is the initial and in all proba- bility the only active parasitic fungus connected with the fruit rot of tomato. The reasons for this may be summed up as follows : i. Both Galloway1 and Whitehead2 determined a Fusarium in connection with the disease. In both cases it is described as pene- i6 trating the healthy inner tissues, while the accompanying fungus remained more or less on the surface. 2. Galloway's record of the inoculation of green tomatoes with Macrosporium is considered doubtful by Jones and Grout3, who state conclusively that this fungus, called by them Alternaria, will not grow on green tomatoes. 3. Whitehead2 states that Cladosporium is "evidently " the cause of the disease, without apparently having attempted a proof by in- oculation experiments. 4. Having found a Macrosporium, a Cladosporium and an Alter- naria in connection with the rot of tomato, the writer has thoroughly tested all by inoculation experiments, but was unable to induce any of these fungi to grow on green tomatoes. 5. The writer, in a crop of tomatoes free from surface fungi, has found Fusarium in the rotted tissue, which, when used for inoculating green fruit, in every case produced a more or less natural spot. No previous record of inoculation experiments with Fusarium has come to the notice of the writer. 6. Starch is the best medium for the growth of Fusarium found by the writer, it occurring in great abundance in green tomatoes. Second, That the tissue of green tomato is a medium easily utilized by fungi as food. That a number of fungi are instrumental in producing rots which are often hardly to be distinguished from each other. This conclusion has been reached from a study of the following facts : 1. Both Earle4 and Stuart5 report tomato rots which they find to be caused by bacteria. In the former case surface Macrosporium is reported, but in the latter no fungus of any kind was detected. The descriptions of the two rots are very similar, though one is appar- ently more " watery " than the other. In both cases the organism is partially described, but the work is insufficient for comparison. 2. The writer has studied a bacterial rot of tomato in which the organism has been isolated and infection induced by repeated in- oculation experiments. 3. Inoculations were made with three bacterial organisms taken at random by the writer, from one set of which a rot developed which '7 was not to be distinguished from the characteristic " Blossom End '6 Rot." Third, That the organisms causing the tomato rot are present in the air and come into contact with the inner tissues of the tomato, probably through cracks in the epidermis which occur about the pistil. This seems to be the prevailing opinion in regard to the infection of the fruit. Galloway advises a restriction of barnyard manure as fertilizer, as he considers that it tends to increase the cracking. Certainly the epidermis has become more tender with the cultivation of the plant, and that certain varieties show this charac- teristic more than others has been observed by the writer. A number of infection experiments have been tried by spraying the fruit with the bacterial organism grown in bouillon. Two or three spots occurred which may have been caused by this treatment, but the numbers were not sufficient to give conclusive results. Fourth, That the quality of the fruit may affect the size, appear- ance and position of the spot. This is demonstrated very nicely in a greenhouse crop now under observation. On normal fruit the rot is of slight depth, with collapsed tissue and clear boundary, as found in 1902. However, the fruit in this crop is very largely lobed and corrugated, and the rot in these cases extends almost to the calyx before the surface begins to collapse, or even to change color. On cutting open the tomato it is found that the carpels are imper- fectly united at the pistil. In some cases quite a considerable open- ing has been detected, through which the organism has reached the watery and air exposed pulp. The pulp is often entirely dried and blackened before the pericarp begins to be affected. This may account for some differences in the records of previous writers. The " seared " spot of Earle4 has been described by him as occurring only on nearly matured fruits, to the ripening of which he ascribes the arrest of the rot. (The spot referred to extends through the epidermis only, turning it a light brown color.) We have had many cases of the kind, which occurred quite as often on the small as on the large fruit, but always on smooth, normal speci- mens with no crack visible to the naked eye. Cases of entire rotting have been found by us only on irregular fruit, as was also often found by Earle and Galloway. i8 In several cases during this season a small spot has appeared on very abnormal tomatoes at some distance from the style. This posi- tion has been mentioned in previous literature, but had not before been observed by us. In these cases the rot was found to have started from the pistil and in the pulp of one or more carpels, whence it had spread to the pericarp at the point where the spot appeared. Similar spots in this position were found to have been caused by bruising of the fruit. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. i. Fusarium solani, Mart., may occur in connection with tomato rot, unaccompanied by any other fungus. 2. A tomato rot with the same characteristics may be produced artificially by inoculation with the Fusarium. 3. The same may be produced by ..placing Fusarium about the style. (This occurred in only one case.) 4. Fusarium grows readily on most of the substances found in green tomatoes, but less readily on sugar than starch, and not at all in malic acid above 3$. 5. Starch is converted by the fungus in direct absorption rather than by excreted diastase. 6. Fusarium solani will grow readily on all of our root vegetables, but most vigorously on potato. 7. Mycelium extract from Fusarium has the power of killing pro- toplasm and blackening the cells of green tomatoes. 8. Tomato rot may occur free from fungous growth, but contain- ing a characteristic bacterial organism. 9. The same may be reproduced both by inoculation and by spraying with the organism in bouillon culture. (The latter was successful in two cases only.) 10. The organism isolated is an aerobic, spore-producing, mono- trichic, oval form, producing a yellowish color on most media. In the first part of the work here recorded much assistance was received from Prof. R. E. Smith, now of the University of Califor- nia. The work on bacterial rot was done under the direction of Prof. G. E. Stone, by whom many of the experiments have been dup- licated. l9 LITERATURE CITED. i. B. T. Galloway. Notes on Black Rot of the Tomato. Rept. U. S. Dept. Agr., 1888, p. 339. 2. Charles Whitehead. Blossom End Rot of Tomato. The Journ. of the Board Agr., Vol. Ill, London, 1896, p. 154. 3. L. R. Jones. Potato Diseases and Remedies. Vt. Exp. Sta., 10th Ann. Rept., 1896-7 PP- 5°> 51- 4. F. S. Earle. Black Rot or Blossom End Rot. Ala. Exp. Sta., Bull. 108, 1900, p. 19. 5. William Stuart. A Bacterial Disease of Tomatoes. Ind. Exp. Sta., Rept. 13, 1900, p. 13. 6. R. E. Smith. The Parasitism of Botrytis cinerea. Bot. Gaz., June, 1902, p. 421. lu-'v