m TECHNICAL MYCOLOGY VOL. I. NET BOOK—This book is supplied to the Trade on terms which will not allow of Discount to the Public. CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO. LTD. TECHNICAL MYCOLOGY VOL. I. NET BOOK.— This book is supplied to the Trade on terms which will not allow of Discount to the Public. CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO. LTD. TECHNICAL MYCOLOGY VOL. I. STANDARD WORKS. BREWING: The Principles and Practice of. For the Use of Students and Practical Men. By WALTER J. SYKKS, M.D. Third Edition revised by AUTHOR K. LIN-:. Editor of the "Journal of the Institute of Brewing." In large 8vo, handsome cloth, price 21s. net. volume of Brewing Science, which has long been awaited. . . ; One of THE MOST COMPLETE IN CONTENTS and N«)vi;i. IN AUK r that has yet been . , Will command a large sale." — The Brtw rs Juunial. " The appearance of a work such as this serves to remind us of the ENORMOUSLY RAPID ADVANCES made in our knowledge of the Scientific Principles underlying the Brewing Processes. . . . Dr. Sykes' work will undoubtedly be of the GREATEST ASSISTANCE, not merely to Brewers, but to all Chemists and Biologists interested in the Problems which the Fermentation Industries present." — The Analyst. AN ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK OF BIOLOGY. By J. R. AINSWORTH I, B.A.. Professor of Biology, University College, Aberystwyth. SECOND EDITION. In Two Volumes. Sold separately. I. Vegetable Morphology and Physiology. With Complete Index-Glossary and 128 Illustrations. 8s. 6d. II. Animal Morphology and Physiology. With Complete Index-Glossary and 108 Illustrations. 10s. 6d. "Certainly THE BEST 'BIOLOGY' with which we are acquainted." — British Medical Journal. WORKS BY A. WYNTER BLYTH, M.R.O.S., F.C.S., Barrister-at-Law, Public Analyst for the County of Devon, and Medical Officer of Health for St. Marylebone. AND M. WYNTER BLYTH, B.A., B.Sc., F.C.S. FOODS : Their Composition and Analysis, with the Detection Of Adulterations. In large 8vo, with Elaborate Tables, Diagrams, and Plates. Handsome cloth. SIXTH EDITION. Thoroughly revised. Price 21s. " Simply INDISPENSABLE in the Analyst's laboratory." — The Lancet. POISONS : Their Effects and Detection. FOURTH EDITION. In large 8ro, cloth, with Tables and Illustrations, price 21s. net. " Undoubtedly THE MOST COMPLETE WORK on Toxicology in our language." — The Analyst (on the Third Edition). FERMENTS, AND THEIR ACTIONS : a Text-Book on the Chemistry and Physics of Fermentative Changes. By CARL OPPENHEIMER, Ph.D., M.D. Translated by C. A. MITCHELL, B.A., F.I.C. Cloth, 7s. 6d. net. "Such a veritable multum in parvo has never yet arpcarcd." — Ifavcri Jovrral. OILS, FATS, BUTTERS AND WAXES : Their Preparation and Properties, and the Manufacture therefrom of Candles, Soaps, and other Products. By C. R. ALDER WRIGHT, D.Sc., F.R.S. Second Edition, Revised by C. A. MITCHELL, B.A., F.I.C., F.C.S. In large 8vo, handsome cloth, with 154 Illustrations, 25s. net. 14 DR. WRIGHT'S work will be found ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE by every Chemist. TEEMS with information valuable alike to the Analyst and the Technical ChemUt."— The Analyst. *»* For other Works useful to Chemists and Manufacturers, consult the Catalogue at the end of this Volume. LONDON : CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO. LTD., EXETER STREET, STRAND .I/ TECHNICAL MYCOLOGY THE UTILIZATION OF MICRO- OKGANISMS IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK ON FERMENTATION AND FERMENTATIVE PROCESSES FOR THE USE OF BREWERS AND DISTILLERS, ANALYSTS, TECHNICAL AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, PHARMACISTS, AND ALL INTERESTED IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPENDENT ON FERMENTATION BY DR. FRANZ LAFAR Professor of Fermentation-Physiology and Bacteriology in the Imperial Technical High School, Vienna With an Introduction by DR. EMIL CHR. HANSEN Principal of the Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen Translated by CHARLES T. C. SALTER IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I.— SCHIZOMYCETIC FERMENTATION WITH PLATE AND NINETY FIGURES IN THE TEXT y LONDON CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, LIMITED EXETER STREET, STRAND 1910 I All rights reserved] T'niNTF.n m BALLA1 < "MI' ANY I.T1>. INI <..\i; in N LONDON PREFACE DR. LAFAR has paid me the compliment of forwarding me a copy of the first volume of his " TECHNICAL MYCOLOGY," with a request that I should write a preface to the work. A perusal of the book gives me the impres- sion that its contents will in themselves be a sufficient recommendation, and ensure the success of the work through its own inherent value ; con- sequently, an Introduction by me is so far superfluous. Should, however, a few words of mine be the means of helping to secure for the work of my young colleague a readier introduction, here and there, than it would perhaps otherwise find, I shall be exceedingly pleased. The First Volume treats of BACTERIA. In a series of chapters we are shown the predominant roles — both useful and antagonistic — played by these organisms in Distilling and Brewing ; in the preparation of Wiues and the Manufacture of Vinegar ; in the Dairy ; in Farming ; in the preparation of Agricultural Fodder ; and in the manufacture of Tobacco and of Sugar. Then follows an account of the relation of Bacteria to sundry transformations occurring in Nature, particularly the important facts recently established in connection with the combination of free nitrogen by bacterial agency, with the iron and sulphur bacteria and the bacteria of nitrification. It might be feared that, in a work aiming at objects so decidedly practical, the theoretical side of the subject would possibly be overlooked. This is, however, not the case in the present instance, as a glance at the Table of Contents will suffice to show. That the Author possesses a grasp of the historical development of the subject has already been evidenced in his previous treatises, and the same feature often appears in the present volume. In the majority of the Text-books and Manuals published in recent years, great confusion exists with regard to the appending of authors' names to the Illustrations. In one and the same book, for example, \ve meet with instances where the name of the author of the original work whence the copy has been taken is given— as it should be — and also T! PREPACK with other cases where the actual author is ignored, his name being replaced by that of the compiler of some text-book from which the copy was obtained — i.e., some one who himself has done nothing more than copy. Such a mode of procedure is in a high degree calculated to produce a misty conception of the actual circumstances in the mind of the reader, the more so because, as stated, no importance is attached to the occurrence. DR. LAFAR has, however, set vigorously to work to combat this bad habit by taking all his reproductions direct from the original sources, so that they are clear and accurate representations of these originals. The subjects included in the present work have been dealt with in a many-sided manner, the Botanical as well as the Technical and Chemical aspects having been borne in mind, although preference has throughout been accorded to the two latter. The style is flowing and clear, in many places lively and picturesque, and I have read with interest even those portions wherein I am not at one with the opinions of the author. The attention devoted to the most recent developments of the subject gives a special value to the book. Within the last two decades the study of Microbiology has made gigantic strides, both in the pathological and the technical branches of the subject ; and just as investigations into the Physiology of the higher plants gave the first impetus to the establishment of Agricultural Experimental Stations in all countries, so, in like manner, have the Physiology of Fermentation and Technical Bacteriology called into existence, within the last few years, a number of Stations and Laboratories for the development of those branches of industry wherein micro-organisms play an important part. Formerly, Chemistry exercised an undisputed sway over the whole of this realm, but now Biology has won for itself a co-ordinate position therein — a fact which is now being recognised (although not yet to an adequate extent) in the filling of professorships at the various Technical High Schools. An army of eager workers has arisen, new technical journals have sprung into existence, and a great number of treatises and books are published on the subject every year. However cheering this may be in itself, the fact can- not be gainsaid that a portion (unhappily much too large) of these publica- tions ought properly never to have seen the light. It is true that an intimate connection wit )i practical conditions sets fresh tasks before the investigator, and exerts on the whole a sufficiently stimulating influence; but, on the other hand, the same circumstance gives rise to the danger of diverging into by-paths, and m-glecting the strict scifntiiic conditions of PREFACE vli investigation. Since these Stations and Laboratories are, as a rule, main- tained by the circle of practical men for whom they work, the investigators appointed thereto are often subjected to regrettable pressure. Even though, otherwise, a certain amount of freedom is allowed them in these institutions, they labour under the great difficulty of being obliged — whilst engaged in the task of scientific investigation — to be ready at any moment to give assistance — coupled with analyses and any wished-for disclosures — to the parties interested. Still further difficulties arise when practical men foolishly intermeddle in scientific investigations, and especially when results that shall be immediately available for practical utilisation are impatiently demanded — results which, however, are only attainable by scientific investigation, and cannot be forced on at pleasure. Under circumstances of this nature it requires great strength of character not to give way to outside pressure, and many examples are met with in the literature of the subject where this firmness has been lacking. The result of these vexed relations between Scientists and practical men has been to call into existence a quasi-scientific literature by which neither Science nor Practice has benefited — a result which every one who has the healthy development of this subject at heart must greatly deplore and endeavour to improve according to his ability. These conditions are, however, in existence, and we must take them into account. Amongst the chaff which occupies a large part of the aforesaid technical journals, there is, nevertheless, some really good grain to be found, and he who undertakes to write a work on Technical Mycology must not content himself with gathering from purely scientific sources alone, but must, at the same time, work through the technical journals as well. This (by no means easy) task has been accomplished by DR. LAFAR with commendable discernment and ability. In the last few years, certainly, we have had various Text-books and Manuals giving a summary of larger or smaller sections of Technical Microbiology ; none of them, however, has treated the whole of this exten- sive field from so comprehensive a point of view. To prepare a work like the present requires not only many-sided discernment, but also enthusiasm for the task, combined with courage and endurance — properties with which the book shows the author to be endowed. The work will be welcomed, not only by those for whom it is primarily intended — viz., Technical Chemists, Chemists dealing with food-stuffs, fermentation, and agriculture, viii PREFACE Pharmacists, and Agriculturists— but many a professor also will derive benefit from its pages for his lectures and researches. In this respect the copious bibliographical references will also be of good service. In the present volume we have unfortunately only the numbers of the references, it being intended that the Bibliography shall be published as an Appendix to the second volume. This increases the desirability of the early appearance of the lat The Publishers have produced the work in a handsome and substantial manner, and in this respect also the impression produced is of the best. EMIL CHR. HANSEN. CARI.PBF.RO LAHOKATORY, COPENHA September 1896. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. I. — THE THEORY OF SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. § i. Definition .... § 2. Discovery of Fermentative Or ganisms .... § 3. Needham's Demonstration in favou of " Generatio J2quivoca " . § 4. Spallanzani's Experiments § 5. Franz Schultze's Experiment . . PAGE Foundation of the Science of Anti- septics by Schwann ... 5 § 6. Labours of Schroder and Dusch . 5 § 7. Pasteur's Examination of the Theory 6 § 8. BSchamp's Microzyme Theory . 7 § 9. Spontaneous Generation only Un- proven, not Impossible . .8 II. — THEORIES OF FERMENTATION. § 10. The Alchemists— Stahl's Theory of Fermentation . . . .10 § ii. Gay-Lussac's Opinion . . 10 § 12. Cagniard-Latour's Vitalistic Theory , . . . .11 § 13. Th. Schwann's Researches . .12 § 14. Fr. Kiitzing's General Theory . 13 § 15. Liebig's Decomposition Theory . 14 § 16. Pasteur's Theory . 16 § 17. C. Nageli's Physico-Molecular Theory 16 § 1 8. The Enzymes and M. Traube's Ferment Theory . . .17 § 19. General Definition of Fermenta- tion 18 § 20. So-called Spontaneous Fermenta- tion of Sweet Fruits . . .19 § 21. Decompositions effected by Light and Air 19 III. — THE ORGANISMS OF FERMENTATION. § 22. Their Position in the Botanical System 21 § 23. Classification of the Fungi. . . 22 § 24. Schizophytas 22 § 25. Assimilation of Carbon Dioxide without the Aid of Chlorophyll . 23 § 26. Saprophytes and Parasites . . 23 DIVISION I. SCHIZOMYCETIC FERMENTATION. Section I.— General Morphology and Physiology of the Sehizomycetes. CHAPTER I. — FORM AND DIMENSIONS. 27. Forms of Growth . 28. Dimensions of Bacteria § 29. Mutability of Form § 30. Involution Forms IX 28 28 CONTENTS CHAPTER II. — STRUCTURE AND CONSTITUTION OF THE BACTERIAL PAGE (31. Chemical Composition of the < Wall 30 § 32. Optical Properties of the Cell Wall 30 § 33. Zooglu-a Formation . . .31 § 34. Plaamolysis 32 35. Structure of the Cell Contents . 33 ). Elementary Composition of the Bacterial Cell . . . .35 § 37. Quantitative and Qualitative Se- lective Power . . . . j6 CHAPTER III. — POWER OF INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT IN BACTERIA. $ 38. Molecular Movement and Loco- motion 37 § 39. The Flagella or Cilia ... 37 § 40. Histology of the Cilia . .39 § 41. Chemotaxis 40 CHAPTER IV. — VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION BY FISSION. § 42. Division in One Direction . . 42 § 43. Division in Two Directions . . 43 § 44. Division in Three Directions . 43 § 45. Form of the Daughter-Cells . . 44 § 46. Division of the Nucleus . .44 § 47. Rate of Reproduction . . .44 CHAPTER V. — THE PERMANENT (REPRODUCTIVE) FORMS OR SPORES. § 48. Formation of Endospores . . 46 § 49. Alterations in the Form of the Mother-Cell .... 46 § 50. Number of Spores . . . .48 § 51. Form and Size of the Spores . 49 § 52. Conditions Influencing Spore For- mation 49 § 53. Resisting Power of the Kndosporcs 49 § 54. Behaviour of the Endospores to- wards Dyes . . . '5° § 55. Arthrospores . . . .51 CHAPTER VI.— THE GERMINATION OF THE ENDOSPORE. § 56. First Type i f 57. Second Type ..... 52 f 58. Third Type ..... 53 52 § 59. Importance of this Process in the Classification of Bacteria . 55 Section II.— General Biology and Classification of Bacteria. CHAPTER VI I. —Tin; l'.\< IT-HI. \ INDKI; nn: Ixn.rKM-E OF PHYSICAL AGENCIES. § 60. Influence of Electricity 57 f 6l. IntliHMicr of '|Vn«p«T:ituri — fold and Heat-loving Bacteria . 58 § 62. Influence of Light— Self-Furiti. n- tion of Kivi-r.- .... 60 § 63. Influciu-f of Mechanical Shock, Gravity, and Gaseotm Pressure 63 CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII. — BACTERIA IN THEIR RELATION TO ONE ANOTHER. 64. Symbiosis, Metabiosis, Anta- gonism 66 § 65. Mixed Cultures . FAUE . 67 CHAPTER IX. — CLASSIFICATION OF THE BACTERIA. § 66. First Attempt by 0. F. Muller . 69 § 67. Cohn's Classification ... 69 § 68. Billroth's Coccobacteria Septica . 70 § 69. De Bary and Hueppe's Classifica- tion ...... 71 § 70 Pathogenic, Chromogenic, and Zymogenic Bacteria 73 Section III.— Principles of Sterilisation and Pure Cultivation. CHAPTER X. — METHODS OF STERILISATION. § 71. Sterilising 75 § 72. Freeing the Air from Germs . 75 § 73. Filtration of Drinking Water . . 77 § 74. The Bacterium Filter in the Ser- vice of Enzymology ... 78 § 75. Beer Filters 78 § 76. Destroying Germs by Dry Heat . 79 § 77. Destroying Germs by Moist Heat 80 § 78. Intermittent Sterilisation . . 82 § 79. Mineral Antiseptics : Corrosive sublimate, sulphurous acid, car- bon dioxide, chlorine and chlo- ride of lime, ozone and hydro- gen peroxide, milk of lime . 84 § 80. Organic Antiseptics : Phenol, cresol, creolin, lysol, sapocarbol, solveol> solutol, saprol, salicylic acid, antinonnin, ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether, formaldehyde, iodo- fonn, chloroform, benzoic acid 87 § Si. The Combined Method of Sterili- sation 91 CHAPTER XI. — METHODS OF PURE CULTURE. § 82. Nutrient Solutions ... 94 § 83. The Dilution Method and Frac- tional Cultivation . .96 § 84. Liquefiable Solid Media . . 99 § 85. Koch's Plate Cultures— Streak and Puncture Cultures — Pre- serving Cultures — Auxano- graphy 101 Section IV.— Chromogenie, Photogenic, and Thermogenie Bacteria. CHAPTER XII. — CHROMOPAROUS BACTERIA PRODUCING RED AND YELLOW COLOURING MATTERS. 86. Coloured and Colouring Bacteria 105 87. Micrococcus Prodigiosus . . 105 88. Lipochromes . . . .107 § 89. Ked Coloration in Milk, Cheese, and Stock-fish . . .108 § 90. Bacteria producing Yellow Colouring Matters . . . 109 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII. — PURPLE BACTERIA AND THEIR BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS LIGHT. PAOK in 91. Their Morphology 92. Influence of the Imlividu.il Colours of the Spectrum . 112 PAGE § 93. Assimilation and Oxygen Elimi- nation . . . . . 113 CHAPTER XIV. — CHROMOPAROUS BACTERIA PRODUCING BLUE, GREEN, AND VIOLET COLOURING MATTERS. § 94. Blue Coloration ..f Milk . . 115 | 95. Blue Coloration in Cheese . .117 § 96. The Fermentation of Indigo . 119 § 97. Varieties of Bacillus Pyocyaneus — Bacteria producing Violet Pigments . . . .121 § 98. Green Bacteria— (Jreen Colora- tion of Cheese . . .122 CHAPTER XV. — PHOTOGENIC BACTERIA. 99. The Genus Photobacteriurn . 123 | § 101. The Luminous Bacteria as Tests 100. The Food Requirements of Phos- for Enzymes . . . .125 phorescent Bacteria . . 124 | § 102. The Phosphorescenta . .125 CHAPTER XVI. — THERMOGENIC BACTERIA. § 103. Spontaneous Combustion . . 127 § 104. Spontaneous If eating of Hops . 128 § 105. The Fermentation of Tobacco . 128 § 106. The Preparation of Burnt Hay . 129 Section V.— The Heat-Resisting Bacteria : Their Place in Nature and their Importance in the Fermentation and Food-Stuff Industries. CHAPTER XVII. — BACILLUS SUBTILIS AND ITS CONGENERS. § 107. Roberts' Heat Method . . 131 § 108. Morphology of Bacillus Subtilis 132 § 109. Influence of the Mode of Nutri- tion on the Form of Growth . 133 § no. The Potato Bacilli . . . 134 § 1 1 1. Bacillus Fitzianus— Production of Alcohol by Fission Fun^i 136 § 112. Bacterial Content of the Soil . 137 CHAPTER XVIII. — BUTYRIC ACID FERMENTATION AND ALLIED DECOMPOSITION Pi § 113. Anae'robioHs .... 139 6 114. Methods of Cultivating Anae- robic Bacteria ... 140 5 115. Clostridium Butyriciim (I'ra/.- niow.ski) and BwUllU Pmty- ricus (Hueppe) . . . 143 § Il6. The (Jen- ..- <;r:imilobji«:t«T . . 145 § 117. The Equation "f B'it\n< I mentiition . . . .147 § Il8. The Fermentation - I CelluloM . 148 § 119. Tin- •• Krttinir" «i Flax and Hemp 151 § 120. Tim Rancidity oi Fai- . . 152 CONTENTS Xlll CHAPTER XIX. — THE PRESERVATION OP MILK. PAGE § i2i. Dirt- and Germ-Content in Milk 154 § 122. The Part played by Milk as ;i Carrier of Infectious Diseases . 155 § 123. Boiling Milk i . . 156 § 124. The Soxhlet Bottle . . .157 § 125. Germ-Content of Milk treated by the Soxhlet Method . .158 PAGE § 126. The Method of Neuhauss, Gron- w:i!d, and Oehlmann . . 159 § 127. The Content of Pathogenic Germs in Various Dairy Pro- ducts—Preserving Milk for Analysis ..... 160 § 128. Condensed Milk . . .161 CHAPTER XX. — THE PRESERVATION OF MEAT, EGGS, VEGETABLES, AND FRUIT. § 129. Storage in Cold Chambers . 163 § 130. Dried Meat and Salted Meat . 164 § 131. Smoked Meats and Corned Beef 165 132. Preserving Eggs . . . 166 § 133. Desiccating and Preserving Vegetables and Fruit — Con- centrated Wine-Must . . 167 Section VI.— Laetic Fermentation and Allied Decompositions. CHAPTER XXI. — GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. § 134. Discovery of the Lactic Acid Bacteria . . . . .170 § 135. Bacterium lactis Lister, and Bacillus acidi lactici Hueppe . 171 § 136. The Equation of Lactic Fermen- tation 172 CHAPTER XXII. — THE PRODUCTION OF OPTICALLY ACTIVE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BY FERMENTATION. § 137. Isorners of Lactic Acid . . 174 § 138. The Isomeric Tartaric Acids . 175 § 139. The Division of the Racemic Compounds . . . .177 § 140. The Production of the Stereo- isomeric Lactic Acids . .178 CHAPTER XXIII. — THE ARTIFICIAL SOURING OF CREAM. 141. The Acid Generator . 142. The Aroma of Butter . 1 80 181 § 143. Defects in Butter 182 CHAPTER XXIV. — THE COAGULATION (CURDLING) OF MILK. § 144. Acid Curdling and Rennet Curdling 184 § 145. Characteristics and Activity of Lab 185 § 146. Lab-Producing Bacteria . .186 § 147. Casea?e 186 CONTENTS n \\V. — LACTIC Arm lUrn:iu.\ i\ DISTILLING;, I.REWIXO. AM) VlMFICATION. § 148. The Spontaneons Mash . 1 88 } 149. Art i-inir by tlu- Aiil of Pure Cultures of Lactic A«-i«l Bacteria, Karillu< a<-iN and dissolution of dead vegetable matter; the ripening of cheese; the formation of bog (iron) ore, £ 2. Discovery of Fermentative Organisms. The organisms taking part in the processes of fermentation are so minute that only a few can be detected, and that very imperfectly, by the unassisted eye. The term microbe, introduced into the vocabulary of science by C. SEDILLOT (I.) l in iS;S. In-long* to thorn of right. Their examination could not be carried on anterior to the invention of appliances for observing minute bodies under high powers of magnification, and therefore the inventors of the microscope deserve to be hold in grateful remembrance in the domain of fermentation. These were d Zaeharias .Inii-srii, father and son, spectacle-grinders, of Middelburg, in Holland, who, about the year 1590, constructed a combination of len-es whi -ii;h. of course, very imperfect when com pa rod with the instrument of tl day, must be regarded as the first compound microscope made. . however groat this stop undoubtedly was, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, and however fruitful it proved in results, seeing that it rendered possible later discoveries in the world of the " infinitely little," and especially of the fermentative organisms; still the fact remains- that the first fundamental observations were made, not with the compound, but with the simple microscope, which then, as now, was little more than a magnifying glass or bi-convex glass lens. The honour of having discovered the presence of extremely small and hitherto undetected organisms in putrescent and fermenting liquids belongs to another native of Holland, by name ANTONY VAN LEEUWENHOEK. Born at Delft in 1632, he acquired during his apprenticeship to a linen or cloth merchant in Amsterdam some skill in grinding small glass lenses. Of this skill he made further use after his final return to his native town, and succeeded in producing lenses capable of magnifying from 40 to TOO, and even to 150 times. With these he examined various minute objects, and frequently, amongst others, all kinds of vegetable infusions in a state of decomposition. He discovered therein sundry extremely small creatures, many of them capable of motion, which he therefore regarded as animals, and named from their habitat infusoria. He died in 1723. The modern world has entitled him "the father of micrography," i.e. that science which treats of the most minute forms of life. This newly-discovered field of research was at first regarded by Leeuwen- hoek's successors from an almost exclusively medical standpoint, as it is a natural instinct in man to try and maintain health and to prevent disease. At that particular period, too, a special impetus was given to the study of medicine by the ravages of the plague, which only too frequently pursued its destructive course throughout Europe. On the other hand, the study of the phenomena of fermentation derived little or no benefit from Leeuwenhoek's discovery. The fir.-t investigator whom we meet with in this domain is the Viennase physician, Marcus Antonius Plenciz, who in his work "Opera msdioo-pkysica" issued in 1762, applied the re-nits of Leeuwenhoek's discoveries, not only to the field of medicine, but also to that of fermentation and putrefaction. In the latter connection he arrived at the noteworthy conclusion that "a body undergoes putrefaction when the germs of vermicular creatures begin to develop and multiply; because these aniin -te numerous precipitations consisting of volatile sails, l.y which the liquids are rendered turbid and malodoron-. t Tli»- Iliiinnn nunit-nil- irivn in t>rru-k"ts after tli<- nann-s <>f investigators n-fVr to Bibliographical KofVrencfs forming nil appendix to the second volume. DEMONSTRATION OF "(JKNKHATIO .K^riVOCA " 3 However alluring a, closer acquaintance with these minute ereaf in •«• , m.iy have been to the investigators who succeeded Henri/., and however n .i-fnl, from a, practical point of view, might lie to observers tin- procesftet <•!' de composition which (hey induced, these <|uestions were nevertheless forced temporarily into the background by another, namely, the origin of tl miniiie organisms. I loir do ///(> niin ad'. cfi'dfttrM .sv> copiously generation. In this work tin; Italian divine detailed the experiments which had led him to the conclusion that a development of the animalcuhe in question, in an infusion maintained at boiling-point for three- quarters of an hour, was only possible provided air, which had not been pre- viously exposed to the iiilluence of lire, had been admitted. This position was also maintained bv Spallan/ani in a second treatise (II.). Nevertheless, the supporters of the spontaneous generation theory were still far from legarding their cause as lost. They characteri.-cd these experiment nclusive, since (so they said) ''by the immoderate heat Spallan/.ani chose to employ, the air in the vessel is so unfavourably changed, and rendered so unsuitable for the maintenance of life, that it is no occasion for surprise that all development was lacking. Th is objection was ctirtly rejected by Spallanzani, but an experimental confutation was oidy arrived at much later. The next step in this direction was accomplished in 1836 by — * 5.— Franz Schultze's Experiment. In order to avoid under-estimating the value of the very short treatise (I.) published by this investigator, regard must be had to the influence attained by Chemistry in all branch, natural science during the sixty years that had elapsed since Spallanzani's demonstration, an influence which will be eluci- dated, in so far as it refers to the theory of Fermentation, in subsequent sections. The idea that ordinary air acts as an inducer of fermentation or putrefaction by reason of its content of living germs was first called into existence by Ki<;. i.— Franz Schult/.i-'* lv\p« rmu'iit. Schllltze. He described his experi- ment as follows: "] filled a glass ilask half full of distilled water (Fig. i), with which 1 had mixed various animal and vegetable substances, and closed it with a sound cork, through which were passed two tight-fitting glass tubes bent to elbow joints. 1 next placed it in a sandbath and applied heat until the water boiled briskly, so that all parts were exposed to a temperature of ico' < '. Whilst the hot water vapour was still issuing from the two tube-, I attached to the end of each an apparatus employed by chemists, in the course of organic analyses, for the absorption of carbon dioxide. That on the ;iand side was filled with concentrated sulphuric acid, the other with a solution iiim hydroxide." After cooling the apparatus, air was drawn through twice every day during the ensuing two months, in such a manner that it had to pass through the sulphuric acid before entering the Ilask. The results continued the expectations of the investigator, the contents of the flask when THE LABOrRS OF SCHRODKH AM) DI'SCII 5 opened being found free from living organisms, wnich, however, .soon nuule then- appearance when the open fl.-i.sk was freely exposed to the air. This proved that previous exposure to the influence of fire is not an essential condition for depriving air of the power of inducing fermentation or putrefaction. Three years later, Tincoixm ScmvAXX (II.) rnfeivil f,he fii-ld a,s an opponent of the theory of spontaneous genera,! ion. Of his labours in this direction, a slight modification of tho Schnlt/e experiment, consisting chiefly in the substi- tution of a heated metal tube for the bulb tubes (see Fig. 2), occupies merely a secondary position. More important in the attack on the theory of the spon- taneity of the phenomena of fermentation was the establishment by him of the fact that a resort to heat is unnecessary in the prevention of such decom- position, but that the same result can be attained by the addition of some toxic substance to the liquid : " Fermentation is arrested by any influence proved capable of killing the fungi, especially by heat, pOtaS- Fro. 2.— Theoclor Schwann's Experiment. sium arseniate, &c." He was, therefore, the founder of the science of antiseptics. Concerning his fundamental researches in the narrower field of alcoholic fermentation, mention will be made in a subsequent chapter. The adherents of spontaneous generation applied to Schwann's method of purifying the air the same objection (referred to above) which they had previously lodged against Spallanzani. They did not even consider themselves confuted by the results of Schultze's experiment, but asserted that here also the treatment of the air, although by no means so violent, unfavourably modified its composition. The refutation of this doubt was only accomplished after a lapse of seventeen years, and that by § 6.— The Labours of Schroder and Dusch (I.). Instigated by the researches of Loewel, who found that ordinary air could be deprived of its property of inducing crystallisation in a supersaturated solution of sodium sulphate by filtration through cotton-wool, the two investigators named above modified, in 1853, the arrangement of Schultze's experiment, by allowing the incoming air to pass through a glass tube packed with cotton-wool before entering the flask. It was found that by means of this (decidedly not " violent ") treatment the air also lost its power of causing decomposition and the formation of minute organisms in extracts which would remain unchanged when air was excluded. The importance of this demonstration must not, however, be over-estimated, for it only proves the presence in the air of a "something '' capable of giving rise to living creatures in inanimate nutrient media, and of exciting substantive changes (fermentation and putrefaction) therein. Concerning the nature of this active ''something," the experimenters could give no satisfactory account; they even left it an open question whether the something was gaseous or not. It r, Tin: TIII.oUY OF >1»ONTANEOUS GENERATION may be considered that they were unduly diilident, since the action of the mething must rily IK- a solid body i. both investigators could point to experi- . lotisly tailed test liquid afterwards underwent decom- liding the fact that all the air which was allowed access to it L-WOol. Milk they had, in their first ti.-ati.M-, recognised a> such a liquid, and to this wore added, in a second communication by 8ciiKoDKIl (1.), yolk . broth, in all of which cases the This led Schroder to separate the pheno- ion characterised as fermentation and putrefaction — into • •„ \\hich he railed in y many other workers, with various modiii- Uy with regard to the kind of test H(piid employed, continued the ;i. In numerous instances decomposition ensued, even in the boiled liquid, when purilied air (filtered or heated to redness) alone imiited: whilst in other cases, under precisely similar conditions, the -ample remained unaltered for any length of time. Thus the state of the :on at the comm« nceuient of the sixth decade was just about as far advanced beginning of the century, and the adherents of the spon- *ion theory weie more certain of triumph than ever. § 7. The Examination of this Theory by Pasteur. However, tl refutation was close at hand, though the proof was d by the methods which had general! v been favoured hitherto, but u had led to no definite isMie. n had so concentrated their attention on keeping the air admitted to the boiled liquid perfectly free from active irerms, that it had not ••d to any one to a>k if the sterilisation of the liquid could not be equally .ply boiling it, either moment. irily or continuously for a short time. that all known iorm> of created life (animal as well a* vegetable) were incapable ing the temperature of boiling water. • •\en \\lien exposed tln-n-to tor merely a shoit time, the conclusion was arrived mall :_"•! ms in question. 1 1 was dered. humanly spe.il 'ain that every liquid could be free h<>m active x«-rms by Imiling fora short time. This was agreed bO rejected the doctrine of .spoil- ill such belief was ba-ed 01 itnptioli. U < 'll. . implied when he inserted the ni hi- \\oi e theoiN >is generation: :.im;ils or eggs capable of supporting a MICRO/YMF, TIIKOKY 7 temperature equal to that of hot ashes without losing their life or reproductive power ? " Pasteur called to mind this doubt of Bonnet's when he began to subject the theory of spontaneous generation to experimental examination in response to the offer made in 1860 by the Paris Academy of Science of a prize for "an attempt, by means of suitable experiment, to throw new light on the question of spontaneous generation." From the report of his researches, which appeared early in the year 1862, in the form of a comprehensive treatise (I.), well deserving perusal, only the most important result can be referred to here : viz., the demonstration of the possibility, by the assistance of sufficiently prolonged heating at an adequately high temperature, of sterilising (i.e. freeing from living germs) any substance whatsoever ; and of the fact that a sample so sterilised will not subsequently undergo decomposition, but will remain unaltered so long as care is taken to prevent the access of germs from the external air. The objection raised by the heterogenists, viz., that decomposition is pre- vented by the strong heating having rendered the sample unsuitable for the production of germs, can be easily disposed of by inoculating the liquid with a few germs • these will be found to develop rapidly and luxuriantly. The sub- stantiality of these germs was demonstrated by Pasteur in a very beautiful experiment, for which he employed a culture vessel similar to that described by H. Hoffmann (I.) in 1860, and now generally known by the name of Pasteur flask ; a glass flask (fitted with a tubulus at the side for facilitating inoculation) the neck of which is drawn out small and bent twice like a swan's neck. The external air is obliged, in order to gain access to the contents of the bottle, to pass through this neck, and as the direction of movement is changed at the first bend, all the germs are deposited there. Thus was laid the foundation on which the edifice of Fermentation Physiology was gradually raised. The possession of perfectly sterile culture media, and the power of protecting them from the intrusion of unauthorised germs, is a sine qud 'iion for a successful and reliable study of the organisms of fermentation. § 8.— Beehamp's Microzyme Theory. Pasteur's investigation and elucidation of the causes of the tenacity of life exhibited by many germs thenceforward occupied the earnest attention of mycologists, and finally led to the acknowledgment that this power of resistance is possessed by the reproductive organs known as spores. The morphology and physiology of these organs forms the subject of §§ 48 to 55. At present, the only point to be emphasised is that when these life-retentive organs are once killed, no spontaneous development of germs can occur in the liquid harbouring them ; hence such liquid will remain sterile until it is artificially re -inoculated. It might be supposed that the adherents of the doctrine of spontaneous generation would have responded to these demonstrations by abandoning their previous attitude of opposition. This, however, they did not do ; they merely changed the field of combat without altering their opinion. As they could no longer maintain that organised creatures could be spontaneously derived from unorganised substances, they contended that the dead cells had the power of liberating organised living matter capable of development into the various species. In a subsequent paragraph we shall learn that in the cell contents of most fungi, e.g. yeast, small, highly refractive bodies, known as microsomata, may be frequently observed. On applying pressure to the cover -glass placed on a pre- paration containing cells that exhibit such enclosures, the membranes are ruptured and the microsomes are liberated.- If, now, the latter be transferred to another 8 Till. THKOKV OF SPONTANKors (iKNKRATION nutrient soli re will most assuredly be a development of organisms, if we omit those precautions which are considered essential by the bacteriologist, but superfluous by those who believe in spontaneous generation. Such development nowever, due, not to the microsomes, but to the germs introduced during the transfer. Although this is so evident, it is M range ih.it this view should have had its opponents, as. botanists II. KarMen and A. Wigand vith -till greater pertinacity, A. I'.erhamp. The last-mentioned designates these microsomes (" granulations moleculaires ") microzymes, and attributes to them >uch tenacity of life that they are able to remain dormant, not only for years, but even for entire geological periods, since, as Bechamp asserts, he has found micro/vines of cells which were buried in the strata formed during the Cretaceous period still retaining their vitality and reproductive power. A full account of this microzyme theory, which many amateur bacteriologists have considered to be indisputable — communications respecting which have been incessantly intruded upon the notice of the Academy of Science at Paris — is given in a bulky volume which lix HAMP (I.) laid before his sceptical contemporaries in 1883. § 9.— Spontaneous Generation only Unproven, not Impossible. Onine vivum ex ovo (every living creature from an egg) ; omne vivum es vivo (every living creature from living creatures) — was the watchword elevated to a dogma by the triumphant opponents of the theory of spontaneous generation. \\ . re they correct? or did they encroach beyond the limits of the facts they de- monstrated ? Let us devote a few moments to a critical review of the question. One thing is established beyond doubt, namely, that all the instances of sup- posed spontaneous generation brought forward by the adherents of the theory have been vitiated by numerous errors. It is, moreover, established that the occurrence of spontaneous generation has not been proved, no unassailable experi- ment being known in which living creatures were produced from inanimate substances. Spontaneous generation is therefore unjwoven. Whet her it is al>o an 'impossibility is a point still to be decided. If the theory of evolution, as presented by Lamarck and Darwin, be traced towards its origin in tin- lowe>t organisms, we come to a standstill with the question : "And from whence then oomea the ultimate and lowest creature? — How did organic life originate on our globe ? " The reply furni>hed by the English physicist Thomson l — that our earth was fertilised in its youth by meteors bringing the germs of organisms from other heavenly bodies — aiimd- DO solution, but merely transfers the question to another scene and to a more distant period of the past, and at once suggests the further ll'-w did life originate on these unknown, extra-mundane sources of creative messengers ?" There are only two possible answers to these questions, )K>ntaneOUH generation, or a miracle. itter of reason, we are therefore obliged to assume that, at some definite moment in the part, organised living brings \\erc produced from un- organised potentially organ . and further, that such creative power may still be operating, may perhaps be j.erlormii . ~ent, The y/o.v.s-/ 7, ,/,/// cannot be gain 1 bacteria are the result of tin | MM .»n Of living 1 very qu<- even impiobal.le. since then structure is much more compli- cate" --lit with their pi.--iim.d origin diiecfh fiom chemical elements, unmodified by (h:in^'e> in passing through -impler intermediate ' Lord K.-ivin. UNPROVEN, NOT IMPOSSIBLE 9 Many investigators, and amongst them C. NAGELI (I.), assumed that these lowest forms really exist, although undiscovered at present, and in his important and highly suggestive work on the Theory of Descent — which also contains a fine chapter on " the limits of knowledge in natural science " — this author touches upon the question under consideration. He calls these presumptive connecting links Probien (pre-existing), on the ground of their being the pre- decessors of all known forms of living beings. Such a Probion resulting from spontaneous generation would be " merely a drop of homogeneous structureless plasma, devoid of any definite form and composed of albuminates, associated only with the compounds necessary for nutrition." "We must assume" — says de Bary — "that organisms must at one time have originated from organisable but unorganised substances, without pro- genitors. ... To prove such a primary creation of a living being is of the highest interest, and exercises the same fascination on the investigator as the expectation of the homunculus in the phial did on the alchemist. The expe- rience of centuries has, however, shown that the homunculus when it actually appeared was simply a small imp which had been secretly passed into the flask by sleight of hand. . . . Therefore — admitting all imaginable possibilities — the law, based on experience, of origin from ancestors, corresponds with the enlightened state of our knowledge, and this is the starting-point that must be taken in a work which has to deal with the exact sciences." II. Tlll-;ui;||-> OF IT.HMKNTATloN. § 10. Stahl's Theory of Fermentation. VEK was the first to leave the juice of sweet fruit to itself in storage for a few days had tin- plea-un- of ol»erving a phenomenon hitherto unknown — tin- incipient di -composition of the mass — which we nowadays term alcoholic fermentation. This ol»n vation wa- made at so early a date that we have no .•nd myth and tradition. The Greeks feted the deity Bacchus ine, and the Egyptians ascribed to Osiris the first iiitroduc- of brewing. Acquaintance with the nature of this phenomenon was, however, of an Mipei -licial character for a very long time. Even in the later Middle Ages the word fermentatio (fermentation) was employed as synonymous with diijeetlo (digestion), the latter word being also currently used to denote any form Miical reaction ; and the word "ferment" was applied to any body capable of producing such reaction. At an early date it would necessarily be noticed that the " must " when in a state of fermentation became covered with a froth, and that at the end of this operation a copious deposit, viz., yeast, was left at the bottom of the vessels. Fermentation was therefore looked upon as a process of purification, by which itially turbid and discoloured liquid was so improved and freed from dirt, that the j.'irilied alcohol exhibited its true properties. For this reason the deposit was described as the fceces vini or fceces cerevisice, i.e. the excrement of me or beer. This view was held by, e.t. who lived at Erfurt early in the fifteenth century. It wa> al>o noticed that this sediment was a powerful ferment, i.e. it was capable of rapidly exciting a brisk fermentation in still nnferinented liquids, such a- \\ine in'i.-t <>i beer-wort. This idea was adopted in other branches of chemistry, 80 that any reaction was considered as elucidated when the body acting as '* ferment" therein could be identified. Moreover, the " philosopher's stone," the goal of the labours and aspirations of the alchemist.-, was nothing but the much Bought for. but never discovered, universal ••ferment" for every possible chemical process! Among ' pies of the alchemic school, one other, vi/., STAIN, (I.), deserves mention, because hi- riewa on tin- nature of fermentation were adopted by Lii-big a hundred and forty years later. Staid extended the delinition of fermentation to all ! -mpo>ition, his theory heini: expiv— e.l ••• /-t^ttim as folio u : •• i on (;,nd also fermentation) is internal movement. A body undergoing such internal movement may ea>ily induce the value in any r body, which, though still quiescent, is siiMeptible of Mich movement." § 11.— Gay-Lussac's Opinion. _rue until the commencement of the nine- teenth century, when (lay-Lussi , enunciated a new theory to a new GAY-LUSSACS OPINION 1 1 age. The discovery by Lavoisier that combustion is a process of oxidation, a combination of oxygen with the combustible substance, w,-is ;m event the influence whereof extended over the entire domain of chemistry. The assign- ment to oxygen of a part in the process of fermentation was therefore opportune ; but Gay-Lussac was especially prompted by another circumstance. A Parisian confectioner and cook, named Appert, had made practical use of the experiment devised by his contemporary Spallan/ani for the refutation of the heterogenists and, after some preliminary trials, perfected his process fen- preserving meats, vegetables, spirituous liquors, &c. To this end he exposed them, in hermetically closed vessels, to the temperature of boiling water for some time — a process which had somewhat earlier (1782) been recommended !>v the Swedish chemist SCIJEELE (I.) for the conservation of vinegar. In this way AITERT founded a new branch of industry — the manufacture of conserves — which brought him both wealth and fame. He published a volume (I.) which comprised the results of his experience. It was widely circulated and ran into several editions, the lirst of which appeared in 1810, and the fourth in 1831. It is therefore little matter for surprise that the attention of the Parisian chemist was directed (whether from the culinary or the literary side) to the productions of his enterprising fellow-citizen. GAY-LUSSAC (I.) now examined conserves prepared according to Appert's process, and found them to be free from gaseous oxygen. This incited him to make fermentation experiments with wine-must, &c., the results of which led him to assert that the presence of oxygen is necessary to the inception of fermentation. A number of over- zealous colleagues, in expounding their master's opinion, added new features to it, and subsequently credited him with the assertion that oxygen is the actual ferment — a statement as unfounded as it is inaccurate. Gay-Lussac only claimed for the gas a single function, the inception of fermentation ; once the process was in operation the stimulus was no longer required. With regard to the nature of this stimulating action he was, however, unable to report more definitely. Among the observations which led Gay-Lussac to adopt this view, mention may be made of one which appeared to him particularly conclusive, namely, the sterilisation of wine-must by sulphuring. When wine-casks, before filling, are thoroughly sulphured — i.e. the internal air contained in them is heavily charged with sulphur dioxide by burning sulphur in the casks — the grape juice thereafter introduced remains quiet and passive, without fermenting. This circumstance is now unanimously ascribed to the vitality of the yeast cells in the must being destroyed by the sulphurous acid. Gay-Lussac, on the other hand, viewing the matter differently from his standpoint, held the opinion that as the sulphurous acid had a strong aflinity for the oxygen, the two combined, and as no oxygen was available for starting the fermentation, the must necessarily remained inert. The experiments made by Schwann in 1838, and described in § 13, refuted the opinion of Gay-Lussac, by demonstrating that the role of exciting fermentation is set up by certain microscopic living creatures which perform their functions in the absence of oxygen. Subsequent research proved that the presence of this gas is altogether superfluous, so far as the progress of alcoholic fermentation is concerned, although it is not without influence thereon. PASTEUR (II.) in 1861 established it as a fact that this progress is more satisfactorily effected when the fermenting liquid is subjected to brisk aeration. § 12.— Cagniard-Latour's Vitalistic Theory of Fermentation. The French apothecary ASTIER (F. and II.) has generally been credited with being the next individual, after Leeuwenhoek, who gave his attention to the nature of yeast. An examination of his published works shows, however, that TIIF.nlUI.s or FERMENTATION TO fermentation were conducted without the aid of the microscope, so that he did not l>ring to light :my actual facts concerning the nature of yeast, but — as was 'pointed out, though in \.-iiu. by point of view, and it was in the course of this study that he examined the that develop on D86T, previously • I -mall globules which po>se» rrproduetive power. and are thereto i ,. livini: orijani^iis. to l>elong to the vegetable kingdom, and to reproduce themselves in t veem to a. IL.MI solution only whilst still living ; wherefore it Ability, be concluded that', by their vital act ivity. carbon i-* liberated, and the sugar solution transformed into an aloohollC liquid, 13.— The Researches of Theodor Schwann. j'linted in italics in tin- t -how. and as a closer examination of the original treatise will more d.aily n\ iard Tin; misKAuriiKs OF TIIMODOK SCIIWANN did not indubitably establish the vegetable nature of yeast. The arrompli.sh- ment of this task, and the attribution of this organism to its proper position in the system of Botany, formed the subject of a treatise published by Sen \VA.\\ (I.) in the first half of 1837, i.e. contemporaneously with Cagniard's paper. In following up the results of his researches on spontaneous gencr.it ion, Schwann studied beer-yeast, and found that the individual globules, of which the mass was seen under the microscope to consist, frequently became united into chain-like or laterally branching bands, and presented to the eye an appearance greatly resembling that of many already well-known multieellular fungi. It was not this discovery alone, however, but rather their mode of reproduction, which induced Schwann to consider these bodies as of a vegetable nature. In this process the globule pushes out from its interior a small nodule, which Schwann was able to observe develop to its normal dimensions. " Observation of its growth leaves no doubt as to its vegetable nature, since animals do not reproduce themselves in this manner." The rate of reproduction of the globules kept pace with the increasing briskness of the fermentation, so that Schwann came to the opinion that it was highly probable that the development of the fermentation was induced by that of the organism. " Vinous fermentation must therefore be regarded as the decomposition occasioned by the sugar fungus extracting, from the sugar and a nitrogenous body, the materials necessary to its nutrition and growth, whereby such elements of these bodies (probably among other substances) as are not taken up by the plant unite, by preference, to form alcohol." This discovery was communicated by Schwann to his friend and colleague, Professor Meyen, who tested and confirmed it, " stating with reference thereto, that the only doubt arising was whether the organism in question was an alga or a thread fungus, the latter seeming the more likely by reason of the absence of green pigment." Thus yeast was recognised as a fungus, and, from its capacity of fermenting sugar, was designated sugar fungus : whence the current generic name, Saccharomyces Meyen. According as such a sugar fungus was found active in beer- wort or wine-must, it was called by the specific name of S. cerevisice or S. vini, which names remained in general use in their original significance until REES (I.) in 1870 proposed a system of differentiation which will be more fully noticed in a subsequent paragraph. As follows from the remarks already made, the name " yeast " applied merely to one particular group of ferments, viz., those producing alcoholic fermentation. For a considerable period after Cagniard's discovery, however, it was used indis- criminately for all ferments. Thus, for example, Pasteur speaks of the " yeast " of lactic fermentation, meaning thereby Bacteria ; and even in 1879 Kageli, the investigator of the fission fungi, refers in his " Theory of Fermentation " to the " yeast " of putrescent urine. This misuse of the term has been abandoned, and the name " yeast " is now only employed when speaking of the budding fungi that excite alcoholic fermentation. § 14.— Friedrich KUtzingr's General Theory of Fermentation. The views promulgated by this German worker in the field of Vegetable Physiology and the Algse were in harmony with the spirit manifested in the " Elements of Philosophic Botany." Published almost simultaneously with the above-mentioned communications of Cagniard-Latour and Th. Schwann — though actually compiled at a much earlier date (before 1834) — Kiitzing's treatise (I.) on this subject surpassed those of his two colleagues in more than one particular. The value of his 14 T!N-:nUN> n|' 1T.K M 1 , \T.\TK >N de'erini! . in our opinion. leaned by the fact that he H is generation, ^inc«- nt that timo (in 1837) there existed no il ud unassailable proofs to co t his theory. solely to alcoholic fermentation, but DM with M number of other similar phenomena. i< Kven though he must share with t of hiving discovered tin* organis-'d structure of yeast, that of determinin- tip- vegetable nature of the " mother of vinegar'' and recognising • him alone. With these discoveries are associated • if minor importance, such, for example, as the physiological ••f the method (propounded l»y Scheele) of preparing gallic acid hy allowing jallic acid (''..'/. gall-nut extract) to hecome infested with mould phenomena he brings under our notice constitute so • the theory that fermentation cannot be regarded as a purely • •al ]>rocess. " It is well known that chemistry explains vinous fermenta- tion by the reaction of the so-called gluten on the amylum (starch) and sugar. 1 must firmly maintain that the explanation does not give me a clear idea of 1 I am inclined to doubt whether others are more fortunate in i - < •. h is, however, certain that the entire process of alcoholic fermen- on the formation of yeast, and the acid fermentation on the formation of the vinegar plant. . . . Along with the increased growth of these the reproductive impulse also increases, and,1 concurrently, their M on the liquid present. ... In so far as fermentation is synonymous \\ith a reciprocal reaction of organic and inorganic bodies on the constituents of a given liquid which may be regarded as forming the nutrient medium of the ifl product, so is it necessarily synonymous with every organic vital func- wherefore organic life = fermentation. On the other hand, such pro- cesses as lead to the production of vinegar from alcohol by the use of platinum or other similar methods, cannot be compared with fermentation, being purely chemical, whilst fermentation is an organo-chemical process, as is also the rocess of any organic bodv." of the three members of the committee appointed by the Academic des f Paris to report on the memoir presented by Cagniard — namely, Triipiv (I.) — took the opportunity thus all'orded of experimentally dilating upon hi- compatriot's work, and of amalgamating these new "discoveries" with the revelatioi 3 hwann and Kiitzing. In this way a volume, '.ing more pa<:es than Latour's communication had columns, came into without, however, adding to our knowledge in the slightest degree. Turpin seems, however, to have thoroughly known his public, since he is even now regar< • the founders of the vitalistic theory of fermentation, • text books, but also by actual investigators, from whom reasonably expect a more thorough study of the original works of their predecess* ">. -Liebig-'s Decomposition Theory. • 'lent to the publication of the works of Cagniard. Ksit'/.injr, i before his colleagues a new theory, according to was a purely chemical reaction. I" • judging this chemist unreasonably, one mu atlbrded by the acetic fermentation. In this respect the theory cannot be farther alluded to in the present chapter, which is devoted to general con- It \\ill lie fully dealt with in a subsequent chapter. The only remark to be made now is that this theory also has proved untenable. The permanent value of the services rendered to Fermentation Physiology by Pasteur are not diminished by the disproval of his theory of fermentation, since they have their root in the successful endeavour, by means of careful and extensive experimental demonstration, to bring into universal recognition the theory « n iginated — but only imperfectly formulated — by Cagniard, Kiitzing, and Schuann, of the causative connection between fermentation and the vital activity of the microbe. § 17.— C. Nag-eli's Physico-Molecular Theory, Although it was hy this time indubitably established that without the vital activity of micro-organisms no fermentation could occur, no clear account had been Driven as to how the activity itself was exerted. Several explanations irere po— il.le. According to one which was especially advocated by Kiitzing and IT, a decomposition was effected within the cells of the organic ferments, which obtained their nourishment from the fermenting material (e.g. sugar) and di>i barged the fermentation products as waste matter. ther, the decomposing force simply emanated from the cells '(•came the direct cause of the decomposition of the fermentable matter •.•I till-in. The pliNsiro molecular theory, proposed by K \«.i:u (II.), expresses this view in the following words: u l-Vrmentation is, t herefore, the transference of con- dition.^ of movement in the molecules, atomic groups, and atoms of the various compo -tit ut ing tin- living plasma (which compounds remain chemically mged) to tin- Fermentative material, whereby the equilibrium of its molecules is destroyed and their di>.->ciat ion induced." The radius of the sphere of influence iual yeast cells is estimated by Niigeli M from 20 to 50 /*. M di!lei> from that formerly given by Lichig meivly in a single, h important, consideration, vi/.., it regards the living cell as the source of whcica> the other definition >p»-ak> of inanimate albuminoid substances. Nageli was, however, unable to prove the c<> of his theory. ami the calcula- tions deduced from other observations which he brought forward in support me of time proved inapplicable. TIIK KN/YMKS AM) M. TKArHI'/S TIIKORY 17 § 18.— The Enzymes and M. Traube's Ferment Theory. There is still another possible explanation of the power of living cells to act, at a distance. This regards the cells, not as centres of radiating molfcnl.ii movements, but as forming centres of production of metabolic products which penetrate through the cell membrane into the surrounding liquid. There they become widely distributed by diffusion, and by their influence bring about tin; decomposition of certain constituents of the solution, but do not undergo ;my chemical change themselves. These active bodies are called enzymes, :md their behaviour is, as will be observed, different from that of ordinary dminiml agents, since the latter effect alterations in other groups of atoms by their chemical affinity, whereby the old combination is broken up, and the separated portion enters into a new atomic grouping with a part of the active agent. Accordingly, a definite weight of the agent can only displace a definite quantity (known as the "equivalent weight") of other compounds ; whereas the enzymes behave differently, their activity being practically illimitable. They do not combine with the pro- ducts of the reaction, but continue to act on the residual undecomposed substance. The first enzyme was discovered by PAYEN and PERSOZ (I.) in 1833, who detected in malt extract a substance — which they termed diastase — capable of converting starch into sugar. They were, however, unable to isolate it in a pure condition. Three years later THEODOR SCHWANN (III.) discovered in gastric juice pepsin, subsequently also named peptase, which in faintly acid solutions resolved undiffusible albumen into assimilable dissociation products. Since that time the same enzyme has also been detected in various vegetable organisms, many varieties of bacteria in particular having the power of elaborating it. There will be ample opportunity for reference to this point along with the other known enzymes at a subsequent stage. At present we have only to consider them as the basis of a theory of fermentation, the formulation of which dates back as far as 1858, but has come to the front more of late years, and — so far as can be judged from the data at present available — will acquire still greater importance. As we have observed in § 10, the meaning attached, under the influence of alchemical views, to the word ferment was, until the close of the eighteenth century, very comprehensive, and it was only then that the restriction of the term to bodies inciting fermentation began. Contemporaneous with the develop- ment of positive knowledge with regard to these bodies was the discovery of the enzymes, the behaviour of which resembled that of the former, in so far that they exhibited a capacity of inducing decomposition. Moreover, the obscurity in which these organisms were still enshrouded was equally mysterious in both cases ; and, since the organic nature of the true instigators of fermentation was either unknown or was not considered worth attention by the chemists of the day, it happened that the name " ferment " was also applied to the newly discovered enzymes. With an increasing insight into the true state of the matter grew the conviction that two very different things had been grouped under one name, and this conviction found expression in the distinction thenceforward of the true instigators of fermentation as organised or structural ferments, whilst the enzymes were designated unorganised or structureless ferments. These terms are still current ir- chemical text-books, whereas in Fermentation Physiology it is customary to speak merely of fermentative organisms on the one hand and of enzymes on the other. M. TRAUBE(!. and II.) in 1858 made the origin and influence of these enzymes the basis of a new conception (Ferment Theory) of fermentation, according to which this process is not instigated by the organisms themselves, but by the enzymes formed as products of their vitality and excreted by them. i B is TIIKORIKS OF FF.KMF. STATION This theory was accepted by many persons, e.g. by Hoppe-Seyler, who con- sidered it as being so self-evident to chemists as not to require any demonstra- ovidence. Nageli, on the other hand, advocated its rejection, mainly for the reason that he was not convinced as to the existence of any fermentative enzvin< •-. Num. TOU- workers have, however, since investigated this point, with the result that Traubt-'s opinion has again found general acceptance. The investigations of Miquel with regard to urase, i.e. the enzyme excreted by the bacteria of uric fermentation, merit special mention in this place, because they brought our ideas into elo>er harmony with the ferment theory, at least so far as regards the amnioniacal fermentation of urine. Moreover, they have great \\ ngthened the position of the ferment theorists by proving that this ura>«> cannot be placed amount inorganic chemical substances, in the ordinary sense of the term, l»ut is really an intermediate stage between those and living protoplasm. Miguel goe> -.o far that his urase is actually protoplasm, chiefly diHering from that of the cell content^ in that it dispenses with the protection of the cell wall, and remains and works on the outside. The ivader desiring fuller information on the properties of the enzymes than be obtain*-! from the present work is referred to the comprehensive treatise published by Iv !><>t KVMKM.T (I.) in 1896. § 19. General Definition of Fermentation. \Ve will now pass in review all the preceding explanations, and attempt to extract from each of them whatever can possibly afford us assistance in finally arriving at a satisfactory definition of the term fermentation. Jn the tirst place, Liebig's explanation certainly does not call for further consideration in this con- nection. In the results of the remaining researches we find one factor common to all, and that is the certainty that, for the inception and continuance of the process, which — in harmony with the limitation expressed in § i — we have hitherto entitled " fermentation," the presence and active collaboration of low types of living organisms is a prime essential. Concerning the nature of the influence, whether direct or indirect, of these organisms, opinions are, however, divided. If, now, the instigators of fermentation be examined seriatim according to the method outlined later on, it will be found that not only are they vegetable, but also that all belong to the same class, and that, too, the lowest in the vegetable kingdom, namely, the fungi. The power of inciting fermentation is. however, ricted to comparatively few of the genera of this class. Nevertheless, the>e latter ire BO int imately connected with the others, from a botanioo-morphologica] point of view, that it is impossible to classify the fungi into two sub-groups, characterised by the presence or absence of this faculty, without introducing serious systematic anomali' Tin- limitation that can be given to the definition of fermentation may bo thus expi •«•»«•e apparent, the word "decomposition" must give place to a term i> both more accurate and more comprehensive. The phenomena of fermentation forming the starting-point from which the workers from ( 'agniard to Xiigeli began their reseai -dies, and which up to the have been the sole subject under our consideration, possess one charac- teristic in common, i.e. they are al\\ nded by t he degradation of complex organic compounds into simpler ones. By regarding this characteristic by itself, SPONTANEOUS FERMENTATION OK SYVKKT KKITl'S 19 fermentation might be defined as a decomposition of organic substances by the agency of fungi. The researches of the past fifteen years (1880-1895) have, however, neces- sitated considerable modifications of the words italicised. The study of the bacteria of the nodules of leguminous plants has taught us that their main func- tion consists in bringing about the combination of free atmospheric nitrogen : hence their action is not a decomposing (analytical) one, but is synthetic or constructive, so that in respect of these organisms our definition will have to include the word " transformation." The adjective " organic " may still remain, since the microbes in question require organic nutriment in addition to the free nitrogen. We shall, however, find ourselves constrained to reject this latter term when we come to the study of nitrification, and make the acquaintance of another group of microbes able to dispense with organic nutriment, and indeed thriving and acting most effectively only when surrounded by inorganic substances exclusively. Consequently we arrive at the following final and conclusive definition : Fermen- tation is a decomposition or transformation of substances of various kinds brought abput by the vital activity of fungi. § 20. — The So-called Spontaneous Fermentation of Sweet Fruits. The point of the preceding definition lies in the concluding words, which restrict the term fermentation to such decompositions or transformations as are produced by the vital activity of fungi. It is, however, not impossible for similar decompositions to be effected in other ways, especially by the aid of other vegetable cells differing from fungi. An example of such a reaction, resembling fermentation but not induced by fungi, is afforded by the so-called spontaneous fermentation of fruit. The first reliable data with regard to this phenomenon were collected by LECHARTIER and BELLAMY (I.) in 1869, all previous observations having to be disregarded because they do not show that the activity of yeast-cells was pre- cluded. Starting with the notes made in 1821 by their compatriot BERARD (I.), these French investigators succeeded in establishing the fact that sweet fruits, e.g. cherries, when kept in an uninjured condition and free from yeast in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, consume a portion of their sugar content, gaseous carbon dioxide being evolved in the process and alcohol formed. The presence of this latter substance in the cells of the fruit substance can be proved by distillation, as much as one per cent, by weight having been detected in this way. PASTEUR (IV. and V.) also studied this phenomenon, which he employed as one of the main buttresses of his previously formed theory asserting fermentation to be a universal phenomenon, not dependent oh certain organisms, but occur- ring in every living vegetable cell debarred from a supply of oxygen. This spontaneous fermentation appeared to form a striking proof of the correctness of this theory, but the hopes thereby raised proved vain, since Pasteur was himself the one to discover that alcohol (though in merely minute quantities) is also formed in fruits when they are exposed to the air. § 21. — Decompositions Effected by Light and Air. To the chemist — who is obliged to store in the dark and in properly stoppered receptacles various inorganic reagents and normal solutions which he desires to maintain in an unaltered condition — it will not be surprising to learn that sterile ±0 THFOHIFS OF FFRM FNTATION solutions of organic substances — such, for example, as are stored for use as nutrient media for bacteria — also gradually undergo slight modifications when air and light lind admittance thereto. The proof that these changes are of a purely chemical nature lies in the fact that they do not occur when the causes indicated are absent. In many instances the oxidation of the medium effected in this manner exerts a favourable influence on the development of the organism subsequently inoculated therein. Such, for example, is the case with beer-yeast. In wort through which air has been blown ("roused ") for some time, the yeast sown therein develops more rapidly, and deposits more quickly and satisfactorily (" breaks " better) at the conclusion of fermentation, a circumstance highly desired by the brewer. Sunlight possesses an even greater decomposing power than that of atmo- spheric oxygen. On this point we are indebted to E. Dn LAIX (I.) and W. SKKKAMP (I.) for exhaustive researches, the former of whom found that, in presence of air, a sterile solution of tartaric acid is split up by sunlight into formic acid, carbon dioxide, and water, according to the equation — (';H.i°6 + 3° = 2CH2O2 + 2C02 + \\ 0. Iii a second communication (II.) on this subject the same worker showed that glucose and lactose in a sterile alkaline solution gradually decompose into alcohol and carbon dioxide on exposure to sunlight, even when oxygen is excluded. The same products are yielded by them when fermented with yeast. When baryta (BaH202) or lime (CaH,O8) was substituted for the alkali, lactic acid was produced instead of alcohol. Under the same treatment maltose yields dextro-lactic acid ; levulose, levo-lactic acid ; and invert sugar the optically inactive acid. A similar observation was made by WEHMER (I.) with respect to a sterile solution of oxalic acid. These observations are of great interest to the bacteriologist, from a theo- retical as well as a practical point of view, as they convey a special warning to protect his stores of nutrient media from the influence of sunlight. G. Roux, as the result of his adverse experiences, had already given the same warning as to the prejudicial influence of the changes produced by sunlight on bacterial growth, prior to the more exhaustive research by Duclaux. These facts have a further interest, more nearly connected with our definition of fermentation, since they demonstrate the occurrence of decomposition proc< by purely chemical means, apart from the intervention of micro-organisms. \\e will therefore modify our general definition of fermentation, and, in place of stating that fermentation is a process accomplishing transformations of matter with the aid of micro-organisms only, will reverse the phrasing, and say that only Mich changes as are effected <• .'•<•! nx'tnly ln/llu' rllal action of l> /•//<"'///* conic within the meaning of the term fermentation. The point of the definition, as already mentioned at the commencement of the previous paragraph, lies in the words italicised. However equivalent the action of purely inorganic force on the one hand, and of living orirani>iiis on the other may appear, it is so in regard to Duality only, the quantitative effects, the amount of substance decomposed in unit time, being widely different. Regarded lYoni this point of view, the minute ferments appe litres for the accumulation of high-tension energy, 1)}' the ivlea-e of which force the decom posit ion in view can be effected, not only in a shorter time, but also in :i more re>tricted space, than i- possible by the action of purely • III. THE ORGANISMS OF FERMENTATION. § 22.— The Position of the Organisms in the Botanical System. THE study of Mycology, or the science of Fungi, can be pursued from several standpoints. The purely scientific position is assumed by the botanist, who accords to each kind just as much importance as its morphological and physio- logical considerations warrant. If, however, the standard of interest adopted be that of the importance of the part played by the fungi in practical life — i.e. Applied Mycology — then the number of species to be studied is reduced in a very gratifying manner. The degree of attention bestowable on those remain- ing is determined, not by their systematic position, but by the influence they exert on their environment, the nutrient medium. If the object subjected to the influence of the fungi is a living creature, i.e. an animal or a plant, it is thereby brought into the condition universally known as diseased. Fungi endowed with this power are designated pathogenic, and their study is entitled Pathogenic Mycology, which is subdivided into two branches, according to the natural classification of the infected organism. In the case of human beings or animals, we have the study of Medico-Patho- logical Mycology, and in the case of plants, Phyto-Pathological Mycology. On the other hand, inanimate objects, such as milk, wort, vinegar, manures, leather, indigo, &c., on which the influence of the fungi is manifested by symptoms of decomposition, constitute the subject of Technical Mycology, which differs from the pathological branch in another characteristic, namely, in the nature of the influence suffered by the object. Pathological Mycology is exclusively concerned with pathogenic, and therefore noxious, fungi, and its object is to bring about their exclusion and annihilation. The aim of Tech- nical Mycology is different, being to effect, by the aid of fungi, useful decom- positions and transformations which, without the use of such living tools, could only be accomplished incompletely, or in a more roundabout and costly manner. It is, therefore, with the influence of the fungi on their environment, i.e. the manifestations of their vitality, that technical mycology has to do. Hence it is principally the study of the vital functions of ferments, and may therefore be also termed Fermentation Physiology. With botanico-physiological con- siderations it is concerned only in so far as they either afford assistance in the comprehension of the physiology of the organisms, or facilitate the differentiation of the various species from one another; and to this extent a knowledge of the morphology of the fungi is of essential assistance to the technical mycologist in the attainment of his objects. Before going more minutely into this matter, it will, however, be advisable to have a general view of the position occupied by the fungi in the botanical system. As every reader will be aware, the sub-kingdom Cryptogamia, which com- prises all non-flowering plants, is divided into three chief sections, or seven classes, viz. : 21 22 THE ORGANISMS OF FERMENTATION I. Tlt'iUophyta. — Thalloii< plants, with- out 1 aves, stems, roots, or vascular banditti 0lM8X' -Fu..^ devoid of chloro- Bryophyta. — Mosses, with L-aves and \ true roots and , III. rtcridophyta. — Vascular > r\ ]>t»gams, with Iravo, sit-ins, true roots, .md vascular l>midles. 2. Algol. — Algae, containing thloro- phvll. 3. Hepatinff. — Liverworts. 4. Afusci. — Breather mosses. 5. Lquisetince. — Horse-tails. 6. Liicopodince. — Lycopodium. 7. FUicince. — Ferns. To the first of these three main divisions belong all those plants designated Thallophytse on account of the absence of any specialisation of parts, such as n. leaves, Arc., and from the comparatively simple form (Thallus) of the individual. Tin's section is subdivided into the two classes fungi and algae. The body of all the remaining plants, from the mosses upwards, shows, on the other hand, a differentiation of parts into stem and leaf, and is generally d.-iirnatcd Cormus, all the higher plants being therefore generally grouped under the title Cormophytes. Of the seven cryptogamic classes, only one, the first and lowest (Fungi), comes under consideration in Fermentation Physiology. In accordance with the preceding scheme, these fungi are definable as : cryptogamic plants, devoid of chlorophyll, roots, stems, leaves or vascular bundles ; or, expressed in a more concise form : the fungi are thallous growths devoid of chlorophyll. § 23.— Classification of the Fungi. The fungi are arranged, according to the individual mode of growth, into two main groups, namely, Schizomycetes, or fission fungi, and Eumycetes, or higher fungi. The latter consist in the main of thread-like cells, grow by acrogenesis, form true branches, and reproduce by special organs called spores. Conversely, the multplication of the (always unicellular) fission fungi is effected by sub- division or fission, whence their name, so that we have the following scheme : . f Schizomycetes : (Fission fungi). — Fission. \Eumycetes : (Higher fungi).— Acrogenous, Branching. No doubt many readers will miss from this classification a third sub-group, the Myxomycetes, or mucus fungi. In order to at once disarm any objection on this score, we will here mention that the organisms in question have been shown by recent researches to belong, not to the vegetable, but to the ani-mnJ kingdom, of which they constitute the lowest type of development. For this reason modern systematology has applied to them the name bestowed by De Bary, viz., Mycetozoa, animal fungi, or fungoid animals. § 24.— Sehizophytse. As their systematic juxtaposition would lead one to conclude, the fungi and algae exhibit many traits in common^ and, in fact, the only important character by which they can be differentiated is the absence of r///r>/v./7///// in the first- named. As will be readily understood, it is especially the lower and more simply tructed species of algae that, apart from the characteristic difference just mentioned, approximate closely to the fungi. This is particularly the case with the lis>ion algae or Diatomacece, which, with respect to their method of reproduction by ti»ion, bear no slight resemblance to the fission fungi. SAPROPHYTES AND PARASITKS 23 Owing- to their greater size, and consequent discernibility, the algie formed the subject of investigation at a much earlier date than the very much smaller fission fungi, which necessitated the employment of more perfect methods of examination, so that, by the time the latter began to be studied, the green algae had already been systematised. The temptation to include the newly-discovered bacteria among the analogous algre was therefore great, and thus it was that the meritorious German algologist FR. KUTZING (I.) was induced to ascribe the acetic acid ferment discovered by him, and now known as Jlacterium aceti, to the algai, under the name of Ulvina aceli. This inclination to regard fission fungi and alga; ;is belonging to the same class was also manifested by subsequent workers, and the more so since the greater insight gained in the interim spoke more conclusively in its favour than was possible in the initial, imperfect stage of knowledge. Hence FERDINAND COHN (II.) in 1875 was obliged to discard his own (IV.) term for the bacteria, viz., Schizosporce, as also that (Schizomycetes) proposed by Nageli (V.) in 1857, and to classify these organisms with the lowest of the alga3 (Nostoc, Ohroococcus, Merismopedia, Oscittaria, //.) ."Ma--. 950. '1'liose in ;i!l svinnii-trical cells, ilmse in B are elongated. A. — I. Cocci (inicrocncciis) of various >iz«-s. 2. Diplococci of various >i/ Mn-jiiocncci of various - 4. Micrococcus tei raijoiiiis (from a pure culture). Mai;. 950. '(•ina vi'iitriculi. May. 700. 6. Stnpliylococci. B. — I, 2. 4. Separate loiiy rods of various lenulli^ ancl lircadlli>. 3. Short rod-, partly of biscuit form. 5. Chains, composed of cither short or Inny rod-. 6. Lony threads. process (to be studied later on under UK- n-.nnu of "spon- forinalinn "). swells out like a spindle <»• club, is genei-ally termed a clostridium. If tli<- rod is ai-clicil like a how or bent in the form of a comma, it is spoken of as a vibrio, and if the bends be repeated several times, then a wavy kind of growth denoted spirochaete ensues. When the bend departs from the level plane and shapes itself in >uch a manner that it can be applied to the surface of a cone or cylinder, the type of growth bn-omes .spiral, and is designated spirillum. DIMENSIONS OF BACTERIA 27 An illustration of these forms is given in Fig. 3. According to a remark of Emmerich's, these arcuate forms of growth are more especially abundant in muciferous substances, e.g. in the excrement of snails, which is rich in mucin, as also among the algae (already in a state of decomposition, and therefore abounding in vegetable mucus) frequently covering the sides of drains and watercourses. E. WEIBEL (I.) has published a series of observations on these forms of growth, while fuller information concerning the spirilla frequently to be found in the drainings from manure heaps can be obtained from KUTSCHER'S (I.) treatise on this subject. When the longitudinal development is excessive, then the name of thread bacteria is given to the cells, which are further distinguishable into the forms to be noticed later ; Cladothrix, Streptothrix, Crenothrix, and Leptothrix being described in chapter xxxiv., and Beggiatoa and Thiothrix in chapter xxxv. More detailed notices of the Diplococcus, /Streptococcus, Pediococcus, Staphylococcus, and Sarcina forms of growth will be found in chapter iv. § 28.— Dimensions of Bacteria. Notwithstanding our previous statement that the bacteria are the smallest of all known living organisms, it can be established that the differences (Fig. 4) in their size hitherto observed must be characterised as very considerable. In the smallest kinds the dimensions are under i /z, i.e. are less than o.ooi m.m. For instance, the diameter of a lactic-acid-producing coccus examined by P. Lindner was 0.6-1.0 p,. By way of contrast, mention may be made of Clos- tridium butyricum, this bacillus measuring from 3 to 10 //. in length, with a breadth of i p. The giants among the bacteria are to be found in the sub-group of chromogenic bacteria, e.g. the genera Chromatiurn and Ophidomonas, which have, therefore, formed the subject of exhaustive investigation with regard to the internal construction of the bacterial cell. We may here briefly allude to a fission fungus which, although unimportant from a practical, techni- cal point of view, forms, thanks to its large size, an especially favourable object for the exhibition of pro- portional dimensions, spore formation, &c., viz., the Bacillus megatherium, found by DE BARY (I.) on cabbage leaves. As the specific name would imply, we have here an organism which excels in size all other fission fungi, as much as the prehistoric reproduction by fission. (After Megatherium surpassed his contemporary congeners. De Bary^ Ma&- 600. This form is further illustrated in Fig. 5 ; the indi- viduals h, r, k, I, will be described in chapter vi. (treating of spore germination), so that only m and b need be considered at present. These are rods 2.5 p. wide and 10 jj. in length, each of which would easily hold about ninety of the previously described cocci. It will be useful to remember that the wave-length of light (corresponding to the spectral line D) radiating from the sodium flame is about 0.6 yu, i.e. about equal to the diameter of the above-named lactic acid coccus. Bearing this in mind, the remark already made, that the smallest of the bacteria are almost invisible, becomes comprehensible. FIG. 5. — Bacillus megatherium. m. Two individual rods. b. Two rods at the moment of 28 FORM AM) DIMENSIONS § 29.— Mutability of Form. The question as to whether any given species of bacterium assumes only one of the forms of growth already described, or has the power of appearing in various shapes, is one of wide interest. A reliable answer could, however, only be given when the necessary appliances for studying the separate species in the form of pure cultures, i.e. cultures practised upon an isolated single cell protected from sul >>e<|iient contamination by other organisms, had been invented. Thi> possibility was first achieved early in the "eighties," since which time the investigation of this question has proceeded with energy, and the results have shown that the theory of uniformity of growth (monomorphism) is untenable for bacteria, and must give place to the theory of multiformity (pleomorphism). The remark made in a previous paragraph that the names bacillus, coccus, -imply indicate certain forms of growth, will now first become perfectly clear. When, in future pages, one or other of the various bacteria is qualified by the generic name /Im-H/us (for instance, Bacillus urece), it is not meant that the said species appears miff/ in the form of rods. On the contrary, it may possibly present itself in the form of cocci, threads, tfcc., and has only received the generic name of Bacillus on account of its yenerally having this form, and especially \\1 ifii the culture has attained the acme of its development. This capacity — commonly known as mutability — of assuming a variety of shaj>es is not p«.>M-»rd in an equal degree by all bacteria, and in a few of them it even appears to be altogether lacking. Abundant pleomorphism chiefly prevails in the arthrosporic bacteria, whilst, conversely, the kinds capable of terming endogenous spores are mostly endowed with a smaller number of mutation forms. Tins difference will be reverted to in a subsequent chapter. The inciting cause of mutability is generally external, depending on the conditions to which the culture is subjected. Since these can, to a certain extent, be arbitrarily determined and controlled, a means is thus at hand of exercising a formative interference in the existence of these organisms. Among the morphological forces thus available, two are particularly powerful, viz., the influence of temperature and the composition of the nutrient medium. The former has been elucidated by the studies of E. Chr. Hansen on the acetic bacteria, which will be exhaustively discussed in chapter xxxvii. On the other hand, H. Buchner convincingly demonstrated the influence of the mode of nutrition on the cell form of the hay bacillus (reported in chapter xvii.). A large number of the species of bacteria noticed in the following paragraphs are pleomorphic, and there will therefore be ample opportunity of becoming acquainted with this phenomenon in all its details and varieties. § 30.— Involution Forms. The remarks made in the preceding paragraphs with regard to the influence of the composition of the nutrient medium require a not unimportant supple- mentary explanation. When we arbitrarily bring about an alteration in the form of a cell by modifying the conditions of the culture, a suitability of the medium to the evolution of the species of bacterium in question is presupposed, •hat the vitality and reproductive power in the new form of cell thereby produced i> preserved. This is, however, no longer the case in the modifications of form which result when the medium is exhausted of nutrient materials, and consequently enriched with injurious metabolic products. These degenerations of the cell have received from Niigeli the name of involution forms. They do not enter into the series of INVOLUTION FORMS 29 types already drawn up (§ 27), and have no regular outline, but frequently exhibit the most surprising shapes ; generally they are strongly bulged and FIG. 6. — Involution Forms. A, of Lactic acid bacteria, after Maddox. B, of Clostridium Polymyxa, after Prazmo/rs/ci. C, of Bacterium Zopfii, after Kurth. D, of Bacillus subtilis, and E, of Bacillus anthracis, after H. Biichner. F, of Vibrio rugula, after Warming. distended, as can be seen in the examples given in Fig. 6. The faculty of form- ing spores is no longer one of their attributes, and they must be regarded as a diseased condition preceding dissolution. In the following pages frequent occasions will arise of calling attention to similar degeneration forms. CHAPTER II. STRUCTURE AND CONSTITUTION OF THE BACTERIAL CELL. § 31.— Chemical Composition of the Cell Wall. NAKED cells, i.e. those wherein the protoplasma is unprotected by an envelope are unknown amongst schizomycetes, the body of the cell being in all fission fungi shut off from the outer world by a membrane or cell wall. Little is as yet known regarding its chemical composition, but the few investigations that have been made in this direction demonstrate that we have to do with a structure which not only differs indifferent species, but also undergoes alteration according to the dietary of the cell. The proximate assumption that the cell wall of the fission fungi consists of cellulose cannot withstand searching criticism except in rare instances. At present only one single species, viz., the Bacterium xylinum, examined by O. LOEW and A. J. BROWN (I.), for which this assumption is justified, is known. The cell walls of this acetic acid bacterium exhibit, after a suitable purification, the following chemical composition, ascertained by ultimate analysis : — Culcul.'itrtl Found. for [C6H10O6]w. Carbon ...... 44.26 44-44 Hydrogen 6.25 6.17 Oxygen 49.49 49.39 The cell wall of this microbe is stained blue by aqueous or alcoholic solutions of iodine, by iodine and sulphuric acid, and with iodo-chloride of zinc. In a work from the pen of DREYFUSS (I.), dealing, however, chiefly with higher fungi, and therefore preferably to be considered only in the second volume, a tew species of fission fungi were included in the scope of investigation (e.g. a culture of hay bacillus obtained according to Roberts' directions). These when tested for cellulose by iodine yielded affirmative results. The amount was, however, only very small. According to NENCKI and SCHAFFER (I.), the cell wall of certain putrefactive bacteria contains nitrogen ; but they do not give the names of the species. § 32.-Optical Properties of the Cell Wall. Yet another means has been employed for obtaining an in>i^lit into the chemical nature of the cell membrane of the fission fungi, namely, its optical behaviour. The cell walls of the higher plants are known to be anisotropic (doubly refractive), a property also employed by I<\ v. llnhnel as a means of differen- tiating textile fibres. If a couple of cotton fibres be placed on tin- .-.tail'1 of a polaiising microscope, the Nicol prisms of which are crossed, the plane of oscilla- tion of the polarised daylight issuing from the lower Nicol undergoes, in its passage through the doubly refractive tin-cads, a rotation, in consequence of which the fibres appear bright and coloured a^iin-t the dark background. If the fibres are themselves coloured or dyed, they assume the corresponding complementary colours. 30 /(HKilXKA FORMATION 31 The attempt to utilise this means in the service of bacteriology was success- fully made by AMAXN (I.). Since, under otherwise identical conditions, the size of the angle through which the plane of polarisation is rotated — and conse- quently the degree of illumination of the field of vision — is proportionate to the thickness of the anisotropic object in question, it follows that, by reason of the small dimensions of the cells under examination in this case, their double refrac- tion cannot be observed when they are in a colourless condition. Now the eye is better capable of appreciating differences of colour than degrees of brightness, and therefore Amann, calculating on this peculiarity, stained his bacteria, assum- ing that if the membranes were anisotropic and doubly refractive, an appearance similar to that mentioned above in the case of cotton fibres would be produced. The results confirmed his expectations, the stained bacteria (Bacillus tubercu- losis and E. anthracis) exhibiting pleochroism, and being therefore doubly refractive. § 33.— Zooglcea Formation. Similar to the behaviour of the cell membrane of higher plants is the ten- dency to swell up manifested by the membrane of many of the fission fungi, the cell wall becoming distended to such an extent, through the absorption of water, that its thickness often far exceeds the internal diameter of the cell. If to such (previously killed) bacteria be added a solution of an aniline dye, the latter will be absorbed by the cell contents, which, when examined under the micro- FIG. 8. — Bacterium Pasteurianum. FIG. 7. — Bacillus Pneumonise cruposse. Zoogloea formation in an old fllin on the surface of lager beer. Fixed and stained A and B, elongated rods ; C, D, E,|;short by Loeffler's method. Mag. 1000. rods ; G-I, cocci. All the cells exhibit (Aft-er Iffuixcii.) highly distended membrane/!. Mag. about 1500. (After W. Zopf.) scope, will then be visible, enclosed in a colourless, or merely faintly coloured, slightly refractive, and, consequently, paler cell wall. Among the pathogenic bacteria the Pneuinobacillus (Fig. 7), recognised as the cause of croupous pneumonia, was the first in which this property was observed — by P. FRIEDLANDER (I.) in 1883. He gave the name of capsule to the mucinous integument, a term still remaining in use, especially among medical bacteriologists. Consequently we understand by capsule bacillus one wherein the cell wall is found to be in a distended condition under normal con- ditions of vitality. The Bacillus diatrypeticus casei (Fig. 2 of Plate I.), described in a subsequent section, may be mentioned as a second example. As already stated, these mucinous envelopes are not affected by the ordinary method of staining. If, however, they are previously treated with a suitable mordant, the colour will be readily absorbed and fixed. Recipes for capsule 32 TIIK BA( TKUIAI, CKLL ing are giv.-n i»y rYiedliiuder. Kibbert, Loeftler, and others. The annexed illustration (Fig. 8) is drawn from a preparation stained in this way. It repre- iii .-uvtic acid bacterium discovered by Hansen. The chai the left-hand side differs from the remaining portions of the figure. The upper half presents no special peculiarities, and shows (like the inihi: chains) three darkened cells lield together by the swollen membrane; whereas in the lower moiety the dark parts are wanting, the three cells formerly in having been accidentally crushed in making the preparation, so that only the mucinous envelope remains behind. In a more closely investigated not. however, with this bacterium) the substance composing the capsule \\a< identified chemically as related to mucin, or probably identical therewith. If the gelatinisation of the cell walls proceeds to a little greater extent, it causes the individual cells to become joined or cemented into a coherent ma». called zoogloea by ('mix (V.), the size of the agglomerations being greater or -mailer according to the degree of development. In a few species of bacteria, colouring matter or ferric oxide is stored in the iiiucinous envelope, further particulars of which will be found in chapter xxxiv. $ 34.— Plasmolysis. The difficulty of detecting the cell envelope of bacteria can be removed by immersing the organisms in a solution of salt, which exerts a hygroscopic action on the cell contents, in consequence whereof they shrink and retreat from the cell wall, whereupon the latter is readily recognisable, even in unstained preparations. This kind of influence, called Plasmolysis by H. de Vries, was first observed in bacteria by De Bary, in connection with his Bacillus megatherium. The experiment is simple in performance. An ordinary preparation of the bacteria under examination is made, a few cotton fibres being immersed to pre- vent the escape of the organisms. The salt solution is then allowed to flow in at the edge of the cover-glass, its tranfusion being facilitated by absorbing the water with blotting-paper held at the opposite side. Provided the solution is not excessively concentrated, and that it contains no toxic substance, the resulting plasmolysis in no wise destroys the vitality of the cells. It can be made to disappear again by washing out the hygroscopic reagent. The concentration of the cell contents caused by plasmolysis, which is also -rally accompanied with an increased refractive power, leads very often, as BUCHNER (I.) pointed out, to agglomerations of material, which, unless more do-rly examined, might illusively indicate the presence of endogenous spores. In Mich bacteria as are endowed with the power of locomotion, the rate of movement is retarded by increased concentration of the plasmolytic solution. \\'i,\!>iMii:oi T (|. and II.) entitled the smallest percentage capable of arresting locomotion the critical solution. The values of this for the various salts — on any determined -sp.-riVs of bacteria — show an unmistakable regularity, the chloride of any given metal ( K . Na. A'c.) having the weakest, and the bromide and sulphate the >tn»ngest retarding effect, whilst the nitrate occupies an intermediate position. A- tar as the B concerned, potassium, sodium, and ammonium rank in the order given. K. OVKKTON (I.) lias published several mnnicatiODfl with regard to a number of sub-tances which are unable to effect plaMiio|y-i- owing to their passing through the plasma as rapidly as wa' • The weakf-t solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) capable of effecting plasmo- l\-i i ding to A. l«'isi H KK (I.), 0.5-0.75 per cent, for r/,,,/,,//, ,-/.,- dichn^nnn, and for 1 ',•>•, mil,-] ,- l\ .ilnnmm 0.75-1.0 per cent. These limits are, however, not 33 or TIIK CKLL CONTFATS unconditionally applicable, as the following cxainplr will show. A one p<-r solution of common salt produced no plasmolysis in Clostridium butyricum when the cultures were only two days old, and the cells consequently young ; whereas after a further four days they were, without exception, completely plasmolysed. It will perhaps be useful to recall that a solution of 0.5 gram of NaCl in 100 grams of water is usually known as physiological salt solution, and is frequently used under the supposition that it neither takes up nor gives up water from or to the cells, — an assumption that, in view of the preceding figures, cannot be universally justifiable. If it is desired to render permanent ("fix") the plasmolytic condition of the cells, they must be killed, a result easily obtained by the use of sublimate or iodine solution. Ten per cent, lactic acid is also an excellent fixing medium, instantaneous in action. After fixing, staining can be effected. More detailed information on the practice of fixing will be found in a work by A. ZIMMKR- MANN (I.). § 35.— Structure of the Cell Contents. This study, which presents no small difficulty on account of the minuteness of the organisms to be examined, has been closely followed up during the past several years only. All that was previously known was that the cell contents of the bacteria consisted of a homogeneous invacuolate plasma, in which small, highly lustrous granules were frequently seen embedded. BUTSCHLI (I.) in 1889 discovered in a few large chromogenic bacteria (e.g. Chromatium Okenii and Ophidomonas jenensis), as also in tipirochcete serpens and Beygiatoa, that their cell contents could, as a rule, be distinguishable into two parts, viz., a central body and a parietal layer, the latter being adjacent to and surrounded by the cell wall. The parietal layer may either surround the central body on all sides, so that the latter nowhere touches the cell wall, or may be restricted to one side only, in which event it is generally, in the case of rod-shaped bacteria, found at the two poles. This differentiation of the cell contents can be rendered visible (Fig. 9) by suitable stains, e.g. hsematoxylin, which is most readily taken up by the central body, thereby render- ing it easily distinguishable from the more slightly coloured parietal layer. This treatment brings out a second and much more important fact : the central body appears as a complicated structure, reminding one of that seen in honeycomb. A number of granules of red-violet colour — called by Biitschli " red grains" — are stored in a reticular framework which is coloured blue by the staining dye. These granules do not occur in every cell, and no cell has more than one. These enclosures are detectable, even in the unstained preparation, on account of their high refractive power. They — the bodies, not their enveloping framework — were first observed by Y. BABES (I.), then studied by P. ERNST (I. and II.), and were regarded as the starting-point of spore formation, being on that account designated sporogenic granules ; but this assumption has with good reason, been contested by later workers. For a more accurate examination i c --C FIG. 9. — Cliroiuatium Okenii. A. Longitudinal section. B. Cross section. P"irst killed, then freed from bacterio-purpurin and sul- phur granules by solvents, and finally stained with hae- inatoxyliu. The reticulated structure of the (hatched) central body (c\ as also of the parietal layer (&), and the dark chrornatin granules , Butschli's "red grains," can then be detected. M:IL;M. 200x3-2500. (Aft trd therein, the art of staining bacteria has reached a high degree of perfection during the last few decades. Exhaustive directions thereon are to I"- found in Ih iprata ( 1.) handbook and EISEXBERQ'S (1.) treatise, and BKKMIKI.M (I.) lias issued a very cheap book highly useful for laboratory work. In Physiology the examination of the bacteria being usually performed on the living. un>1 lined organism-, the aid of st linini: is seldom required; the principal occasions being when so-called cover-glass preparations have to be kept COMPOSITION OF THE BACTERIAL CELL 35 for purposes of future microscopical comparison. The preparation of such is described in all the books just mentioned. § 36.— Elementary Composition of the Bacterial Cell. Determinations on this point by micro-chemical analysis were first attempted by KAPPES (I.), whose attention was principally devoted to Micrococcus prodigiosua, cultures of which were made on solid nutrient media, and then, when they had arrived at sufficient development and had expanded into mass cultures, examined for the amount and composition of the dry matter therein. Cultures of this fission fungus on agar-agar contained on an average : Water 85.5 per cent., and dry matter 14.5 per cent., the latter yielding ethereal extract 0.7 per cent., nitrogen 1.7 per cent., and ash 2.0 per cent. Calculated on the dry substance, the following percentage composition was arrived at for the microbe in question : Per Cent. Ethereal extract (fat, &c.) 4.8 Albumen (N x 6.251 ....... 71.2 Ash 13.5 Undetermined substances 10.5 An examination made by NISHIMURA (I.) of a pure culture of a water bacillus gave the following as the constitution of the dry matter in this microbe : Per Cent. Albumen ... . . .63.5 Carbohydrat 'S Alcoholic extract . Ethereal extract . Ash Lecithin Xanthin 12.2 3-2 II. 2 0.68 0.17 Guanin .... ...... o. 14 Adenin .......... 0.08 The most noticeable figures here are those relating to the content of nitrogen, which show that, in this respect, the bacteria are excelled by but few organisms, while they have no compeers in the vegetable kingdom. To demonstrate this fact more clearly the subjoined figures have been selected, showing the mean nitrogen content in the dry substance of : Lean Cow's Soja Russian Micrococcus beef. milk. beans. wheat. Truffles, prodigiosus. Nitrogen per cent. . 14.3 4.4 6.0 3.5 5-6 11.4 The earliest researches on the nitrogenous constituents present in bacteria were carried out by NENCKI and SCHAFFBR (I.), both of whom isolated from putrefactive bacteria a nitrogenous substance to which they gave the name of mycoprotein. The highly concordant results of a series of ultimate analyses of this substance gave the following mean values : C : 52.32 H : 7.55 N : 14.75 0 + S : 25.38 The percentage (14 75) of nitrogen found is remarkable, and shows that mycoprotein must have a very different constitution from that of ordinary albumin or protein, which, as is well known, contains about 16 per cent, of nitrogen. The amount of this compound in the dry substance of bacteria is at least 40, and sometimes as much as 50 per cent. Differences are also apparent as regards their behaviour towards reagents, nitric acid, for example, converting albumin into a bright yellow compound, named, on the proposition of MULDER (f.), xanthoproteic acid, whereas mycoprotein does not give this reaction. 36 Till- BACTKRIAL C'KLL * 37.— Quantitative and Qualitative Selective Power. The proportions of the constituents present in the available nutriment or nutrient medium supplied seldom correspond to [the requirements of the organism which has to make good therefrom losses of substance or energy. It will then take from the supply the substances of which it has need, and leave the itmm entirely untouched, only when the former are present in abundance. This faculty, entitled quantitative selective capacity, is possessed by all living organisms, and among them bacteria. Kappes, in his treatise already referred to, gives very instructive examples of this as well. He compared the composition of the bacterial crop with that of the soil (nutrient medium) in which it was grown ; in this case peptonised meat extract, agar-agar. This contained, apart from the 1.5 per cent, of agar-agar, which does not come under further con- sideration here, altogether 2.5 per cent, of actual nutrient materials, and yielded 0.3 per cent, of dry bacterial substance ; that is to say, only 12 per cent, of the total nutriment was extracted. The relative proportions of the individual constituents in the medium on the one hand and in the crop on the other proved very different. Thus, for instance, the ratio of CaO : Mg() was in the medium 0.70 : 0.44; in the crop, 0.56 : 1.05. Of nitrogenous substances (N x 6.25) the former contained 42.5 per cent., calculated on the dry substance, and the latter 71.2 per cent., and so on. The requirements of bacteria in respect of ash constituents were first investigated by NAGELI (IV.), in 1879. SPRENGEL (I.) was admittedly the first to demonstrate that higher plants (Phanerogamia) absolutely require for the construction of their cells a number of mineral substances, viz., K.,O, CaO, MgO, Fe,O3, P205, S03, all of which must be present, and in sufficient quantity, before the phanerogamic plant can thrive. With the Cri/ptogamia the case is, however, different. According to Nageli, the fission fungi (tested by him in this connection) are less exacting, since potassium can be replaced by rubidium or caesium without detriment, so far as the fungi are concerned, though not by the alkaline earths. Of the latter it is sufficient when one of the following, CaO. BaO, SrO, MgO, is present ; iron can be dispensed with. It follows therefrom that not only quantitative but also qualitative powers of selection are possessed by bacteria. An authoritative confirmation of Nageli's discovery is highly desirable, and would prove a very thankworthy task if conjoined with observations on the formative influence of the individual ash constituents. A typical example of this kind of study, alike instructive, stimulating, and worthy of imitation, has been made by VVinogradsky on a film yeast, and will be referred to in the second volume. A preliminary step in this direction was taken by A. K. FEDOROLF (I.) in 1895, wno> in continuing an investigation commenced by Gamaleja, found that while lithium chloride caused abnormal cell forms in Bacillus megatherium, B. lf/p/ii dlxlominalis, Vibrio clwlerw asiaticw, and Bacterium coli commune, it had no apparent influence on the cells of Bacillus subtilis, B. anthracis, and other microbes. The qu-mtitative selective power referred to above must not be understood in the sense that the organisms, inhabiting the nutrient medium always have the same composition, irrespective of the relative proportions of its nutrient Mtuents. E. CRAMER (1.) studied this matter exhaustively in relation to several pathogenic bacteria and Micrococcns prodigiosus, and arrived at the con- clusion that a typical composition of any species is out of the question. Accord- ing to the kind of medium, the temperature and age of the culture, and other conditions, it may happen that one crop will contain twice as much of a particular constituent as another crop. Thus, for example, the amount of dry matter varied from 15.9 to 26.0 per cent., and of ash from 1.60 to 3.21 per cent. CHAPTER III. POWER OF INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT IN BACTERIA. § 38.— Molecular Movement and Locomotion. LIKE his predecessors, Chr. Ehrenberg considered the bacteria as animalcules, and that, chiefly, because in not a few of them he discerned active locomotive powers. For the same reason Pasteur was inclined in 1861 to regard his " vibrion butyrique" as an infusorial animalcule. In opposition to this was established the fact that the faculty of voluntary movement is not peculiar to the bacteria, but is also possessed by many motile spores belonging to the algae ; that is to say, by organisms unanimously admitted to be of vegetable nature. This motile power will now be more closely considered, both as regards its nature and causes. The movement known as the Brownian or molecular movement — which can frequently be observed in small particles held in suspension in liquids, whereby each particle describes a small orbit (sometimes rectilinear, sometimes circular or oval) outside its horizontal axis of rotation — is not included in this consideration. The cause of this Brownian movement has not yet been examined with sufficient accuracy ; but it is a purely physical one and in no wise physiological, since it is manifested not only by living cocci, but also, as already stated, by emulsions of many inanimate substances both of inorganic and organic nature. Ali-Cohen, in his treatise referred to below, describes a very useful means by which one can decide in doubtful cases whether the movement is independent or merely mole- cular. According to the researches of Exner, the latter diminishes in briskness as the viscosity of the circumambient liquid increases. If then a little of the doubtful sample be mixed with a lukewarm liquefied 5 per cent, solution of gelatin, both locomotive and molecular movement will at the outset remain un- affected, but in proportion as the surrounding medium cools and becomes more viscous, the latter movement will diminish, and finally cease altogether, whilst the voluntary and independent movement will continue. By long-continued practice and observation the faculty will be gradually acquired of distinguishing, without such aid, the so-called molecular from the true voluntary bacterial movement, which we will now describe. This movement is of two kinds, the first of which is occasioned by alternate contraction and re-expansion of the plasma canal. This kind of movement qccurs in the case of such thread bacteria as attach themselves to a support by one of their poles, and then swing with a pendulous motion from this point of suspension, either remaining in the same plane the while or describing a cone. § 39.-The Flag-ella or Cilia. Much more frequent is the second or roving movement, noticeable in free unattached bacteria, and produced by special locomotive organs termed flagella or cilia. These were first noticed by EHRENBERG (I.), in 1836, in a spirillum which he discovered in a brook near Jena, and named Ophidomonas jeneusis. Closer attention was first bestowed on these organs by COHN (I.). 37 38 POWER OF INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT IN BACTERIA PLATE I. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS. FIG. I. FIG. II. Micrococcus Sornthalii. Bacillus diatrypeticus casei. Without cilia. Magn. 650. Without cilia. Capsule bacillus. After Adainetz. Magn. 1 300. After Fr. Baumann. FIG. III. FIG. IV. Bacillus cyanogenus. Large Ciliated Bacilli. Cilia staining. Magn. noo. From a vegetable infusion. Accompanied After Loeffler. by other non-ciliated fission fungi. Magn. 1000. After Loeffler. FIG. V. FIG. VI. Spirillum Undula. Spirillum rubrum, Esmarch. From a vegetable infusion. With tufted With polar cilia. Magn. 1000. polar cilia. Magn. 800. After Loeffler. After Loeffler. I, A F AK'S TK< 1INK AL M V( < M.< »< i V — VOL PL \ i i. I. r o^^sr.^f^- '*.*6- **,:./ *^^r •£*-ttBis:s* S8 dg >;/': FIG. I. ' »;• ^ y *V» •.•;* f K ^ ^ *> FIG. III. /^'Cf ^ /w ^ • & . y - N v FIG. V. r<&M$& •% ' • • « 'i??r^' FIG. VI. '!',> face p. 3S HISTOLOGY OF THE CILIA 39 VAN TIEGHEM (I.) was of opinion that these locomotive organs \vur*j peculiar to bacilli ; but similar locomotive powers were at a later date observed in the cocci, such as the Micrococcus letragenus mobilis ventriculi, discovered by MENDOZA (I.) in 1887 ; the Micrococcus ayilis, found by ALI-COHEN (I.) in 1889 ; a coccus (unspecified) studied by LOEFFLER (II.) in 1890 ; later, the Micrococcus ayilis citreus of MENGE (I.); and finally, the tiarcina mobilis of MAUREA (I.). The position of these organs in the bacilli is either polar or lateral. The polar flagella are either single — as, e.g. in Chromatium — or in tufts, the latter consisting, in the case of Bacterium termo, of three or four, and in various spirilla of eight to twelve, cilia. In Spirillum undula they are often plaited into the form of a queue. The lateral cilia are, as was found by A. FISCHER (II.), evenly distributed over the entire surface of the bacterial cell, their number being given by Loeffler as twelve in the case of the typhus bacillus. Starting with the assumption that the number of the cilia and their distri- butive arrangement on the cell are constant for each kind, A. MESSEA (I.) endeavoured to make this character the basis of a classification of the bacteria. L. LUKSCH (I.) proposed the same method for readily differentiating Bacterium coli commune from Bacillus typhi abdominalis, which is very important in the bacteriological examination of water. He found the former microbes to be pro- vided with at most three cilia apiece, whereas the bacillus had from eight to twelve. Subsequently, however, it was ascertained by FEERIER (I.) that the number, form, and length of the cilia depend on the conditions of the culture. From the bacterium in question cultures can be obtained the individual cells of which exhibit as many as ten cilia ; by this determination, therefore, the system of Messea, as also the hopes of Luksch, were deprived of support. Moreover, Messea had been forestalled, as in 1864 DAVAINE (I.) proposed to separate the fission fungi into two groups ; the one, forming his genus Bacteridium, comprised all the species in which he could not detect independent movement under any circumstances ; whilst the others, his genus Bacterium, included all the motile species. In J. Schroeter's work (published in 1870) on pigment bacteria, of which a notice is given in a subsequent section, this method of classification was adopted, but later workers have abandoned it, and the term Bacteridium is now perfectly obsolete. When a bi-polar ciliated bacillus divides in two in the act of reproduction, the new-formed poles are, naturally, without such locomotive organs at the outset, but they quickly develop, and thenceforward each of the two cells is .ciliated at both poles. That these organs are extremely minute need not be emphasised. Frequently they are undetectible by the ordinary means of observation, even with objectives of the highest power and clearest definition, since it is difficult to see the cilia, not only because of their extreme minuteness, but also because their refractive power is almost the same as that of the liquid in which they are immersed. In order to make them more readily recognisable, use is made of the special methods cf staining devised by LOEFFLER (L). Some directions relative to these will be found in UNNA'S (I.) historic-critical review of the development of bacterium-staining, drawn up in 1888, and continued by L. HEIM (I.) up to the year 1891. Plate I. shows four photographs of motile bacteria taken by Loeffler from preparations stained in this way. § 40.— Histology of the Cilia. This subject has hitherto received little attention. Van Tieghem considered the cilia to be gelatinous elongations of the cell envelope, and their movement as merely passive, the locomotive power being ascribable to contractions of the plasma in the cell. He found that the cilia of Clostridium butyricum gave the 40 POWKK OF iNnFFiAniAT MONFMFNT IN BACTERIA cellulose reaction with ammoniacal copper oxide. Zopf, on the other hand, explained these organs as contractile plasma-threads, which could be alternately protruded from, and wihdrawn into, the central cell mass through aper- tures in the cell integument, which apertures, however, have hitherto been unobserved. Tli is assumption was combated by A. Fischer, who found that when motile bacteria were subjected to plasinolysis, and the cell contents therefore caused to contract, the cilia were not drawn in, as should be the case if they were continuations of the plasma (pseudopodia). For arresting the movement of the bacteria examined by him. the strength of the solution of salt had to be higher than tlie minimum capable of producing plasmolysis. Fischer's observations favour the view that the cilia are appendages of the cell, consisting of a mem- brane enveloping the protoplasmic contents, wliich have an immediate connection with the substance of the bacterial cell. Adver>e influences stop the movement, and the cilia become motionless and torpid. According to the cause, this condition is said to be one of torpidity through cold, heat, darkness, light, hunger, desiccation, or poison. Hearing thi- in mind, it must not be concluded that any species of bacteria which may not exhibit movement under ordinary microscopic examination is therefore necessarily non-motile ; but it should be further examined under various con- dition.-, and, in extreme cases, tested for the presence of cilia by staining, since it may be in the torpid condition. § 41.— Chemotaxis, The extended researches of EXCKLM ANN (II. and III.) teach us that certain roving bacteria (i.e. those endowed with spontaneous movement), and, in pai- ticular, various putrefactive bac- teria, have a great need for oxygen, while other species do not require it. If a drop of liquid containing a mixture of these two kinds be brought under the microscope, it will quickly be seen that the one species hastens to the edges of the cover-glass, where oxygen pene- trates by diffusion and is most abundant, whilst the individuals of the other species gradually rt-treat. and collect at the centre, where the (to them) unwelcome or obnoxious gas does not penetrate. Repeating Engelmann's experiment by insert ing a thread of green (i.e. oxygen- excreting) alga in the drop, and directing a small solar spectrum thereon, then the oxygen-loving ' M Collected around these al-a threads, ai.d surrounding those spot* in the micro spectrum ( Kig. 10) where the maximum evolution of oxygen ia taking place ; that i> to >ay, between the spectrum lines H and C in the r« d.and • •n, therefore, exerts an attractive and stimulating action on many bact-ria, and may thus be employed as an isolating and separating ftSei1 ( '"i»vei>ely, motile bacteria may also be employed as a delicate pcrtrmn. The chlorophyll gnnalM contained in the :ili,'a cells art- not shown, lint tin- -piTtrim, lini- :irc i;i\i-li to ill not.- tin- position of tlie-piTtriiui. Mau-i. Jou. i. (>/<,• /•:„•/, i,,wi,n.) CIIKMOTAXIS 41 useful treatise on this <|iiestion, examined more closely the methods of topo graphical anan^rmeiit adopted in liquid media by various motile bacteria under the inlliience of oxygen, which arrangement he called respiration figures. Some of these are shown in Fig. r i . From the researches of Stahl and De Bary, and especially those of W. (I.), we learn that not only oxygen, but also various other substances, FIG. n. — Respiration figures of motile bacteria. (After Bcijcriiick.) Natural size. The three figures are horizontal projections of bacterial preparations, each in a large drop of water. The three large circular cover-glasses only are shown, the slides not heing- reproduced. A small platiiuim wire (not shown in the figures) is placed at the part represented by the top of the drawing, between the cover-glass and slide, so as to form a wedge-shaped space, which is occupied by the drop of water, the base of which lies in m ( = meniscus). The three figures represent : I. Respiration figure of the aerobic type. The roving- individuals collect in the oxygenated border zone (a), whilst the quiescent ones (r) remain in the interior, leaving a vacant space (/) between the two. II. Respiration figure of the spirillum type. These organisms require and tolerate only traces of oxygen. They therefore collect, not at the circumference of the drop, but at a little distance therefrom (sp), where the tension of the penetrating gas is lower. III. Respiration figure of the anaerobic (air-shunning) type. These migrate to the centre (an) of the drop, as being the place of lowest oxygen content. are capable of attracting or repelling bacteria and other micro-organisms, a faculty to which the name of positive or negative chemotaxis has been given. Use is made of this property in order to capture the motile species in a bacterial mixture by introducing therein a capillary tube filled with a solution of a substance which exerts an attractive influence on one or other of the motile species. Among the inorganic compounds the salts of potassium have the greatest power of attraction, and are therefore most frequently employed for this purpose. Of the organic compounds, asparagin is particularly effective. The sap or juice of raw potatoes contains both these lures, and is therefore highly efficacious. More particular information on this method of isolation is given by ALI-COHEN (II.). The attractive power of such agents is not limited to motile bacteria alone, but also extends to higher sessile fungi. If such an attracting agent be brought sufficiently near to a culture of the latter description, the growth and extension of the cell threads on that side of the culture will show marked exuberance. This attempt on the part of sessile fungi to turn towards a point of chemical attraction is entitled Chemotropism. Its cause is identical with that of Chemotaxis ; the difference in the effect being due to the difference of the object influenced. It may be mentioned that MIYOSHI (I.) has performed exhaustive experiments of this kind. CHAPTER IV. VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION BY FISSION. § 42. — Division in One Direction. IN order to reproduce by fission in one direction, the cell becomes elongated, and a partition (septum) is developed in the interior of the cell at right angles to the length. This septum then divides into two lamella?, thus effecting the separation of the daughter- cell from the mother-cell. If the organism is living under conditions favourable to its vitality, each of these cells will soon undergo a similar process of division. In many instances the new-formed cells of the second, third, fourth, &c., generations do not become entirely detached, but remain connected one with another ; and if — as is most often the case — the division takes place continuously in the same direction, chains of cells are formed. When the members composing the chain consist of cocci, the fission fungus is frequently designated a streptococcus, instead of merely coccus. Hallier and Itzigsohn proposed to ftpply the term Mycothrlx to these rosaries of cocci. When the mem- bers are united chiefly or exclusively in pairs, the organism is termed diplococcus ; and such of the cocci as incline to FIO 12 — Bacillus gi'oup themselves in grape-like agglomerations are frequently tnuiesceng. designated, in medico-bacteriological literature, by the name a and /<. riiain-ni short staphylococcus, first bestowed on them by OGSTOX (I.) in lllCllllMTS. ( \tt the li-mjth of ca< h is only 1.3/4. This microbe, therefore, exhibits both stylo of fission. On the other hand, longitudinal Jiition alone is manifested in a fission fungus discovered by M I:TM 11- NIKOFF (I.), and named Pasteur i»i ramO*a, which grows in the ventral cavity of certain water-fleas (Jhi/Jmi'i j>nl'.r and D. vnujmi). where it produces a falal disease. In these microbes the new septum is always longitudinal. In the separation ]>roce» now under consideration, wherein the division of the mother-cell and the casting off of the daughter-cell take place in one 42 DIVISION IN TWO AND IN TIIKKK IMKIXTIONS 43 direction only, the number of mother- and daughter-cells is always equal ; the total number (e) of cells obtained from the initial cell (a) at the end of the nih reproduction being : e = 2"a. A much greater rate of increase is attained in a given time when the sub- division is effected in several directions simultaneously. Examples are known of both possible events, viz., separation in two, and separation in three directions at right angles to one another. § 43.— Division in Two Directions. In this case the cell contents subdivide into four parts by the formation of two septa intersecting each other at right angles, and each splitting into two lamellae, whereupon the mother-cell becomes four daughter-cells. The latter again undergo subdivision, whereby 4x4=16 cells are formed. At the end of n subdivisions, the total number of cells from a individuals will be — In this case, where the separation goes on continuously in two directions perpendicular to one another, and so always in the same plane, there results — provided the gradually extending cells retain their connection — a mosaic-like stratified plate which has been named Merismopedium (divided plate). A coccus exhibiting this method of reproduction is known as a pediococcus. To this group belongs the lactic-acid-producing Pediococcus acidi lactici discovered by Paul Lindner. § 44.— Division in Three Directions. Cocci, wherein the reproduction of the cell is effected by division in all the three directions of space, are designated Sarcina. In this case the contents of the mother-cell divide into eight equal parts by the for- mation of three flat septa, perpendicular to each other, which subsequently split up into two layers, whereby each of the eight daughter-cells is surrounded on all sides with cell-membrane. When these, as they generally do, remain attached together, their appearance resembles a corded bale of goods, or a cubical packet. See Fig. 13. In the course of reproduction an initial number of cells represented by a will increase by n processes of division to a total of — e = 8 "a = FIG. 13. — Sarcina veuiriculi. From the contents of a diseased stomach, a. Individual cell ; b. the same divided in one direction only ; c. the same divided in three directions; d. packet colony of cells. The Sarcina maxima, frequently met with in malt mashes, may be cited as an example of this form of growth. A comprehensive classification and accurate characterisation of all known species of the genus /Sarcina has been given by TH. GRUBER (I.). Subdivision in more than one direction, and therefore the formation of sheet- like or packet-shaped aggregations of daughter-cells, has hitherto been observed solely among iso-diametric and a few thread bacteria. The first group (of coccus form) is constituted by Sarcina. The behaviour, in this connection, of the second group (e.g. Crenothrix) will be subsequently discussed. 44 \l.(.I.T\TI\i; RKPRonrCTlON BY FISSION § 45.— Form of the Daughter-Cells. •i. when observed immediately after their production by subdivision, exhibit a more or le.-s angular outline, since the surface of separation between the mother- and daughter-cell is flat, appearing to the eye as a straight line. This shape, however, very soon undergoes alteration, the cell-membrane being caused to bulge outward by the pressure of the plasma, whereby the plane Mirfaoes are rounded and the cell assumes the customary appearance of the non- facetted coccus. By the same cause the initially plane circular outline of the smaller side of a cylindrical bacillus, newly formed by fission, becomes dome- shaped. § 46.— Division of the Nucleus. A> is known, the division of the nucleus can be effected, in the higher plants as well as in animals, in two ways. The simpler of these, generally known as segmentation, or as direct or amitotic division of the nucleus, occurs, in the higher plants, only in such cells as have ceased to subdivide, and whose multiplication has therefore ceased. The nucleus elongates, becomes con- stricted at an intermediate point, and finally falls apart in two halves. More complicated, however, is the other process known as indirect or mitotic division of the nucleus. In this case the final separation of the nucleus into two portions is preceded by a far-reaching transformation of the substance of the nucleus of the mother-cell, an operation entitled karyokinesis ; and it is in this manner alone that the subdivision of the nucleus occurs in the segmentation cells of higher plants and animals. Fundamental researches into this process have been made by FLEMMING (I.), and in the narrower domain of the Thallopliytes the investigations of SCHMITZ (I.) merit attention. In so far as the Schizomycetes are concerned, BUTSCHLI (I. and II.) made various observations, from which Zacharias concluded that the division of the central body of fission bacteria is amitotic or direct. WAHKLICH (I.), PitKNZEL (I.), and SJOBRING (I.) studied the matter more closely, and, according to them, the chromatin granules of the central body (§ 35) are first dissipated, and then the latter stretches and subdivides. Concurrently, the new septum interposes itself between the two moieties of the cell and then splits up into two lamella', thus effecting the separation of the two cells. As will be remarked, the Schizonii/cetes assume an exceptional position as regards the behaviour of their nucleus during cellular subdivision, the operation being in this case alone direct, whereas in all other plants karyokinesis occurs. § 47.— The Rate of Reproduction is, naturally, influenced by external circumstances, especially by the method of nutrition and the temperature. It also varies under the same external con- ditions in the different species. The time required for the formation of one bacterial cell from another (a new generation) is known as the period of gene- ration. This period was determined by BKEFELD (I.) and by PKAZMOWSKI (I.) M twenty minutefl at ^5 ; thirty minutes at 30° ; forty-five minutes at 25°; ninety minutes at i8J°, and four to five hours at 12.5° C., for the hay bacillus (Bacillus subtilis). Similarly rapid is Koch's \'il>ri<> cholera axinticu . the period of generation for which under favourable conditions is only twenty minutes, as ascertained by BUCIINKK, L<>.\<. \i;i>. and KIKIM.IX (I.). If the number of cell> present in a bacterium culture at the commencement of an experiment THE RATE OF REPRODUCTION 45 be represented by a, and at the end of a given time, 2, has increased to b; then, according to Fn. BASENAU (I.), the period of generation is t lojr 2 log b lojr «' Cohn, starting with tlic assumption that the period of generation is half an hour, made the following calculation. If we take a single bacillus measui-inir 2 p in length and i /* in breadth, with a weight of 0.000000001571 mgrm., it will increase, according to the aforesaid assumption, at such a rate that in two days' time its progeny will amount to 281 billions, and will occupy a volume equal to about half a litre (30.51 cub. ins.). Within a farther three days the quantity would increase to a mass sufficient to completely fill the beds of all \]\c oceans on the globe, and the number of the progeny would be expressible only by 37 places of figures ! That such an inordinate development does not occur is mainly owing to the repressing effect of external influences, and especially to the enmity existing between the various species themselves. A no less powerful and inevitable retardation is caused by the transformation products excreted as a result of the vital activity of the reproducing cells, which finally arrest further growth, even though a sufficiency of nutriment is still available. CHAPTER V. II IK PERMANENT (REPRODUCTIVE) FORMS OR SPORES. § 48.— The Formation of the Endospores. 'I'm; cell forms, hitherto considered, produced by fission, and generally designated vegetative forms of growth, have only relatively low powers of resisting the multifarious dangers to which bacteria are exposed in Nature. The fact that, nevertheless, these tender organism* hold their ground is due to their faculty for producing special forms, which, on account of their physiological function, are known as permanent forms (spores). These may be of two kinds, viz., endo genous spores, and arthrospores. Any account relative to the continuation of the species will therefore have first to deal with the formation of the endospores. When a bacterial cell commences to develop such a new form, it condenses its cell contents into a smaller space, and then surrounds them with a tough, smooth, colourless membrane (probably composed of two layers). The form thus produced is enclosed on every side by the membrane of the mother-cell (Fig. 14), in which it is developed, and is therefore called an endogenous spore or endospore. The greater density of its contents is evidenced by their greater refractive properties, which, were they confined to the spores, would enable these to be detected with certainty by the optical method alone. This is, ho\v- ever, not the case ; large, highly-lustrous drops of a fatty n.ituiv, and which cannot, without other means, be accu- rately identified, occurring frequently in the cell plasma »-. chain of four cells of the fission fungi. In such cases germination tests — dealt with in the follovving chapter— must be resorted to for the Bary.) purpose of differ entiation. With regard to the transformations undergone by the individual parts of the contents of the mother- cell prece- dent to spore formation, uncertainty still prevails. According to the observa- tions of P. Ernst (§ 35), the chromatin granules of the central substance appear to play an important part in these changes, on which account this worker entitled them " sporogenic granules." Soon after spore formation has terminated, the membrane of the mother-cell i- ili»ipat«.Ml. MS oiling up and dissolving in the surrounding liquid, and thus leaving the spore free. This is the ordinary course, but in many instances deviations occur, one of them being in the case of the Xj>irilln.in e Magn. 600. ALTERATIONS IN THE FORM OF THE MOTHER CELL 47 When this happens at one of the polar terminations of a rod-shaped cell, the latter then assumes the form of a nail or drumstick. Bacteria exhibiting this peculiarity are styled nail-bacteria or helo-bacteria by Billroth, or Urocephalum by Trecul ; and in medico-bacteriological literature they are also frequently c.illcinnl>'* a bacillus to which, on account of its faculty of producing two spores, the name of Dispora cawn*'n-• A. Koch.) Magn. 1 100. new rods. A third species in which this unusual fruitfulness has been observed is the above-named Bacillus inflatus, in which, however — as is shown by Fig. 17 —the situation of the spores is not polar, but central. E. KRAMER (I.) reports that the Bacillus sajwogenes vini III., isolated by him from turned wine, swells up at first at one of its poles and develops an endogenous spore therein, another spore being then formed in the handle of the drum-stick form thus produced ; so that two spores are developed in the same cell. The formation of 77109*6 than two spores in a single crfl has hitherto been noticed in but one species of fission fungus; the Spirillum endoparagogicwn. This was repeatedly observed by SOROKIN (I.) in a small pool of rain-water collected in the cavity of an old black poplar tree. A representation of tins microbe is given in Fig. 18. In A is seen a cell containing two, and another with three endospores, and .yorokin found as many as six in a cell. The attempt to obtain artificial cultures of this organism was as little successful as in the ca.-e of so many other spirilla, there being (it may be mentioned en passant) up to the pre>ent only a few known species wherein attempts of this kind have succeeded. tirst of these specie-; is that which was isolated as a pure culture by ESMAWM (I.) from putrescent fluid, and which formed rose-red colonies (Spirillum /•///»/•////}.): the second is the Spirillum o P Droaa". The general shape is oval, but there are noteworthy exceptions to this rule. One of these is exhibited by the Bacillus inflatus, which has already been frequently referred to. As can be seen from Fig. 17, the spores of this microbe have the form of an elongated cylinder, and are often curved in the shape of a bean. With a breadth of about 0.7 /* the largest of them attain a length of 3.8 /z, in which respect this species is as yet unrivalled. We may here mention that in A. Koch's work, as also in Eisenberg's treatise, already alluded to, a number of spore measurements are given. The duration of spore formation has been determined by Prazmowski for Clostridium butyricum as 10 to 18 hours at 3o°-35° 0. § 52.— The Conditions Influencing- Spore Formation have been frequently investigated, but no generally satisfactory elucidation has yet been obtained. H. BUCHNER (II.), on the basis of his studies, sought for the explanation in the exhaustion of the supply of nutriment; but this is contested by OSBORNE (I.). TURRO (I.), on the other hand, sees the cause in the accumulation of noxious transformation products, against which the vegetative form seeks protection and the maintenance of the species by developing the hardier reproductive spores. A. Koch established the fact that Bacillus inflatus in hanging-drop cultures forms spores when a i to 2- per cent, solution of meat-extract is employed as nutrient medium, but that they are not formed if grape-sugar be added thereto. Clostridium butyricum forms spores only in the absence of oxygen, whilst the morphologically similar CL Polymyxa, on the other hand, produces them only in presence of this gas. KOTLJAR (I.) found, in a microbe named Bacillus pseud- anthracis, that spore formation was influenced favourably by violet light but unfavourably by red light. Past experience has shown that the formation of endogenous spores is confined to the rod-shaped species (bacilli). This observation has been utilised in the classification of bacteria, as will be seen in § 69. The reports to the contrary found in the literature of the subject lack the force of proof, since they ignore the fact that the sporous nature of the growths seen to originate in the cocci has been demonstrated by germination tests. § 53.— Resisting- Power of the Endospores. The forms in question are endowed with the character of reproductive cells, since they are able to withstand those adverse conditions which would inevitably 50 THE PERMANENT FORMS OR SPORES be fatal to the vegetative t'orm>. As in the following sections — especially that dealing with sterilisation — occasion will often arise for a closer investigation of this faculty, so important for the maintenance of the individual species, an exhaustive and tedious list of individual cases need not be given here ; it will therefore suffice if we cite one example, via.. AWr/7///.s subtilis. According to the researches of BKEFELD (I.), which were confirmed by M. GRUBRK (1.), a con- tinuous exposure of twenty minutes to the action of boiling water suffices to destroy the sporeless rods of this microbe ; whereas to kill the spores requires three hour.x' boiling at 100° C.,or a quarter of an hour's exposure at 105° C., or, finally, the action of a temperature of 110° C. during five minutes. The •rtion made by Koch, that the continuous action of steam at 100° C. for fifteen minutes will destroy the spores of any of the bacteria, was subsequently negatived by his pupil E. VON ESMAKCII (II.). According to SWAN ([.), spores of ttin'illim megatherium, dried on a cover-glass, retained their vitality and germinating power for more than three years. Use may be made of these powers of resistance for separating the sporiferous from associated non-sporiferous bacteria. By skilful handling, e.g. by the aid of sufficiently high temperatures, the weaker species in a mixture of bacteria can be killed oft*, leaving only the spore-producing individuals. A process based on this mode of procedure, and known as the boiling method, was introduced into bacteriology by ROBERTS (I.) for obtaining pure cultures of the hay bacillus, and the same method was employed by Prazmowski for preparing cultures of Clostridium butyricum. The seat of this high power of resistance has already formed the object of numerous researches. One school looks for it in a peculiar modification of the spore plasma — for instance, in the presumably low water-content thereof, as suggested by LEWITH (I.). Others, again, attribute to the spore membrane an exceptionally low heat-conducting power, and a very slight degree of permeability by noxious substances. This latter opinion seems the more probable one, considered from a physical point of view, and is further supported by § 54.— The Behaviour of the Endospores towards Dyes. As already observed in a previous chapter, the dead plasma of the bacterial cell absorbs colouring matters greedily and copiously. The staining of the endospores is, however, more difficult, and consequently they have to be exposed to the dye a much longer time before they will absorb any of it. However, the colour thus taken up is retained by them more firmly than by the vegetative forms. This property has been utilised in microscopy to obtain a differential staining of the spore-bearing bacterial cells, for which purpose the latter are treated with a suitable (e.y. red) colour solution until the spores are thoroughly im- pregnated therewith, the preparation being then steeped in a decolorising liquid (generally slightly acidified alcohol), wherein it is left until the vegetative cells are deprived of the colour. These latter are thereafter stained anew by a short immersion in a second colour (e.g blue) solution, a two-colour preparation (double-staining) being thus obtained, the spores in this case being red and the rods blue. More detailed directions for double-staining will be found in Hueppe's handbook, Kisenbei^'s treatise, and in Bernheim's " Taschenbuch " (Pocket-book). r'Lr. 20 gives a black and white reproduction of a cover-glass preparation of spore -bearing Bacillus subtilis stained only once, so that the spores are unchanged, and appear colourless (white). The aforesaid behaviour of bacterial endospores towards colouring matters is characteristic of all. From this fart it is not infrequently, though erroneously, assumed by medical bacteriologists that any formation, in the interior of the FIG. 20.— Bacillus subtilis. Cover - yhisn preparation from an Hyht-days old L; ••hit in culture ^rown at room temperature. Stained with Vesiivine. The spores, not having absorbed the dye, show- up as white specks against the (dark, stained) vegetative cells. (After Magn. 950. ARTHROSPORES cell, that behaves similarly towards dyes is to be considered as an whereas it is not yet proved that spores alone exhibit this power. A general report concerning the spore formation in any bacillus must therefore be received with due reserve when it rests merely on the result of staining experiments. The sole decisive proof of the sporous nature of such bodies is afforded by their ger- minating power alone, a subject discussed in the n< tt chapter. When this property has been observed, the staining flask is no longer needed, its use in such case being confined to the preparation of a coloured slide, which, in itself, is now valueless as a criterion. The property of offering considerable resistance to decolorising agents, possessed by the endospores, is also shared by the vegetative forms of a few species of bac- teria, among which are the tubercle bacilli and the leprosy bacilli. This unusual behaviour greatly facilitates their detection by microscopical examination alone, and is of particular utility in this respect in the examination of milk and of the sputa of consumptive patients. The differential staining of tubercle bacilli, also ex- perimentally applied to non-pathogenic bacteria by many bacteriologists, will be found dealt with in each of the above-named books. § 55.— Arthrospores. As already remarked, the capacity for forming endogenous spores is not universal among the fission fungi. The question then arises as to the means whereby those species not endowed with this faculty protect themselves agaiiibt adverse external influences. In many cases the resistance of such cells, and consequently the maintenance of the species, is secured by the development of a protective wall of cells. This is most frequently met with in zoogloaa- masses of bacteria. In other cases actual spore formation occurs. This, of course, takes place not within the bacterial cell, since that would imply endospore formation, but by a thickening of the membrane of the individual cell in question, which thereby plays the part of a reproductive cell. This procedure is known as arthrospore formation, since the spore detaches itself from the chain of moribund cells, encysts, and becomes dormant until conditions are once more favourable for its germina- tion, when the cell increases in length and subdivides in the same manner as the vegetative form. The thickening of the cell membrane of the incipient arthrospore proceeds, in many instances, to such an extent as to form spiny excrescences on the exterior surface. This was observed by HA^SGIRG (I.) in two species of bacteria, viz., M ycacanthococcus cellaris and Mycotetraedron cellare, found by him on the walls of a cellar at the Castle of Pleissen, at Leipzig. The arthrospores of the latter species, which are tetrahedral in form, exhibit at each of the four angles a spiny thickening of the membrane 2 /u in length. The name arthrospore will be understood when it is remembered that this kind of spore is met with particularly in the thread bacteria, from which it bcomes, as it were, actually dismembered. Examples of this are exhibited by the Crenothrix observed by Cohn, Cladothrix by Zopf, Leptothrix by Miller, and Streptothrix Fuer- steri by GASPERINI (I.). The discovery of these organs in species of cocci, &c. — such as the urea bacterium found by JAKSCH (I.), in B. vernicosumby ZOPF (II.), in Bacterium Zopjii by KURTH (1.). and so on — was only a secondary matter. CHAPTER VI. TIM <;l-:i; MI NATION OF THE ENDOSPORE. § 56.-First Type. WIIKN the >|ioiv is exposed to favourable conditions as regards nutrition, it abandons its dormant state and begins to germinate by commencing to absorb liquid from the surrounding medium. It then becomes distended, its high refractive power gradually diminishing in the same proportion. Further development can then proceed in three ways. The first type of spore germination was accurately observed by H. BUCHNKI; (111.) in /Ifici/fttx ((ntkracis, the producer of anthrax, and afterwards discovered KM;. 21. KM;. 22.— Clogtridiuui but\ rinnn. Bacillus antbracis. Spore formation. <-. •rniin.-iiioii of sporee. (, rjp(, „,„„.,, I. the ripe spore before l>. ditto expanding in nutrient solul ion. uermination begins; i, <•. final di ineiisions attained, and separation o!' 2, 3. three Mirre-sive exosporimn from endosporiutn visible. stages of ^eriitination ; <7, /•. voting rod esc:ipin^ 'from polar extremity 3. the fully develojRjd of spore capsule-. rod. ((I'll i" !>' 1'iii-y.) ( .(/'fir I'rir.uioii-xki. ) Ma.u'ii. IO2O. M.-IUII. about 600-700. in other kinds; as, for instance, by PRA/MOWSKF (II.) in a fission fungus named by him " mistbakterie " (dung bacterium), and in a second species isolated from fermenting urine. The progress of germination in this type is very simple (Kig. 21). The spore, gradually acquiring the normal dimensions and functions «if the vegetative form, soon divides and reproduces by fission. According to several observations made by Brefeld, the external layer of the spore-membrane (" exosporium ") separates during this germination process and swells up. This harmonise^ well with the remark made in a previous paragraph, that the spcuv- c.i|»ule probably consists of two layers, distinguished as exosporium and endo- sporiuin. £ 57. Second Type of Spore Germination. BKieroaeopieally the initial stage of the process is identical with that described in the foregOUg paragraph ; the refraction of the spore diminishes and an in- crea>e in .-i/.e occurs. Then, however, the contents of the spore are elaborated into a new rod, which is surrounded by a thin membrane, and which, by its further growth. l>ur>ts the spore c.-ipsule. Thi> rupture is eflected at the point of least resistance, the position of which — and omx-qwutly the mode of escape of the germ — varies in different species. In f'/i»*f rii/ i tun Imt ijricinn, ('!. I'oh/ni i/.rit, and a few others, the spore capsule opens at one of the poles, so that the direction taken by the young rod in its !>u is in a line with its length, as shown in Fig. 22, d. The expulsion is THIRD TYI'K OF SPOH11 GERMINATION 53 effected by the spore membrane, the tension of which is gradually ineresised to such an extent, through the expansion of the spore contents, that, it finally squeezes out the mature spore. The capsule then shrinks at once to its original size, and gradually disappears from view by swelling up and dissolving in the surrounding liquid. It' the spore has originated from any species of motile bacteria, the liberated rod begins to rove directly one of its extremities is free. It not unfrequently happens that the empty spore capsule is not completely detached from the germ, but rests as a well-defined cap on the rearward pole for some time, until finally it disappears. In a few species the persistence of this membrane is very considerable, whilst the force of contraction is unall and insufficient to expel the matured rod. An example of this is afforded by the Bacillus sessilis, discovered by L. KLEIN (I. and II.), which — as its distinctive name implies — remains embedded in the spore membrane. This captivity, 1-U. Note. — 10 to 12 Uhr M. (U.) = 10 A.M. to 12 noon ; i to 7 U. = i to 7 P.M. FIG. 23. — Germination of spores of Bacillus sessilis. Progressive observation of the germination of five endospores (1-5) under the microscope at 3o°-35° C. Hanging-drop culture in meat-extract solution. The time of the observation (iroin 10 A.M. to 7 P.M.) is given under the illustrations of the separate stages of development (A-K) of the germination. Spore 3 had not germiuated even at 7 P.M. (After L, Klein.) Magn. about 1000. nevertheless, in nowise retards its nutrition and reproduction, since by fission it forms new rods, which it protrudes through the polar openings at both extremities in the muff-shaped capsule, the said rods quickly forming spores in turn. An illustration is given in Fig. 23. § 58.— Third Type. In Bacillus subtilis (Fig. 24), Bacillus megatherium (Fig. 25), and a few other species, the spore membrane does not burst at the poles, but along a line coincid- ing with the equator of the spore. This line, however, extends only part of the way, not right round the spore, so that the two halves of the membrane still remain attached together at one point. The rod then makes its exit by bending somewhat at the centre, and, by turning one of its extremities, pushes it out of the capsule, one half of which often remains on the other pole for some time like a cap, the other half hanging down empty. Sometimes the germ cannot liberate even one end from the capsule, both poles remaining wedged between the two halves of the membrane (these acting like a pair of tongs), and the central portion alone projecting. This position, however, does not prevent reproduction. 54 TIIK GERMINATION OF THE ENDOSPORE but gives rise to hone-shoe rhains (Fig. 26), which only separate into their individual members when the spore membrane has become swollen and flaccid. I. < . placed in a nutrient solution, tin- retract ion disappear* ; c enlargement be-in- ; il. tlic equatorial fissure is formed and tlie yotinir ;_;vrm begins to escape ; c. in I lie upper ro\v the central portion of the MI is just protruding, in the lo\ver vow one pole is already freed ; /. the youngf rod is at lil>orty : ;/. it L;I-O\VS to its normal si/.e : //. reproduces by snlulivision. Kxtra IOIIL; cells are seen at g and // in the lo\ver row. (.(Hi i- I'l-ir.iiimrsl.-i.) Ma^rn. Fir.. 25. — Bacillus megatherium. Spore germination. liv two dried ripe spores enclosed by the walls of the mother-cell. 1 1.,. the same spores after forty- live minutes' immersion in a nutrient solution. /. /. the spore contents have in- vested themselves with a new membrane and are escaping from the old capsule. HI. two fnll-fjrown rods. (Art < AV//-//.) Magu. 600. In.. 26.— Bacillus subtil is. Impeded germination. I. Cells with ripe spore* can-in- th*' mother-ci-11 walls to bnlue. iillien.-enient of >p,,r, mination, cajisnle lissnred eqna- torially. « (rdinary nniinjiedi d e-cape of the - e (At , M:l-II. 600. FIG. 27. — Spirillum Spore -jermination. A, purely vegetative cells in brisk motion. 15, three spirilla with four to six spores, in the central cell beini; rijte. 1 1. mother-cell with ijerniinatinu- spores, from \\ hich jn-ocerd I-'., branched forms, subsequently di-memb. ;•• d into sin-le cellH. C, moribund spirilla, one with three spi" (Aft M : ^75. Tin- time'Jooeapied by Jla-iHnft a allHi* \\\ ^oMninalin^ is, according to Pnnmowski, ^onorally 3-4 \ hours at 3O0~35° C., l>ut tV«'(juont ly much longer. IMPORTANCE OF PROCESS IN CLASSIFICATION 55 A unique procedure is manifested in the germination of the spores of >V////-/V- lum endoparagogicum, the membrane of the mother-cell remaining unimpaired (as already mentioned) after the spores are formed, so that the germs proccc-linj/ from the spores have to penetrate the membrane of the mother-cell in order to attain their freedom. Not infrequently they remain attached by the one end, thus giving rise to a branched form, as shown in Fig. 27. § 59.— Importance of this Process in the Classification of Bacteria. Since, according to observations made thereon, the course of spore germina- tion differs in the various species, it may be utilised, in the characterisation of species, as an invariable and therefore reliable indication. One example, serving for Bacteriology in general, may here be cited. H. BUCHNER (II.) ascertained that by a suitably modified method of culture it was possible to deprive the anthrax bacillus of its virulence and render it harmless. Sundry other experi- ments (subsequently found to be defective and deceptive) with the hay bacillus (B. subtilis) induced him to assert that these two species were identical, the hay bacillus being an anthrax bacillus that had lost its virulence, and vice versd. Now it has already been shown that the germination of the endospores of B. anlhracis follows a different course to that occurring in B. subtilis; consequently, if the former were by Buchner's treatment not only rendered harmless, but also actually converted into B. subtilis, then the course of germination must also have become corre- spondingly changed. Starting with this assump- tion, PRAZMOWSKI (III.) subjected a weakened anthrax bacillus (presumably transformed into B. subtilis} to examination with regard to the nature of the formation and germination of its spores. He found that both operations pursued exactly the same course as in the virulent (unweakened) anthrax bacillus, thereby disproving the assump- tion of the identity of the two species. The first observation of the production of de- veloping reproductive cells within the bacterial cell was made by PERTY (I.) in 1852, who designated the rods he found to possess this property Sporo- nenui gracile (Fig. 28). His communication, however, met with no recognition and fell into oblivion. About fifteen years later PASTEUR (VI.), unaware of Perty's observation, re-discovered the same fact in the course of his researches on the causes of lethargy in silkworms (gattine). The fission fungi which he found in large number in the alimentary canal of the diseased (lethargic) worms, and which he experimentally ascertained to be the cause of this generally fatal epidemic, frequently exhibited internal lustrous enclosures, the formation and function of which he explained to be reproduction by endogenous germs ("reproduction par noyaux interieurs"}, without, however, observing them more closely in order to ascertain the accuracy of this hypothesis. Only one proof was needed to set this beyond doubt, namely, the demonstration that these forms have the faculty of germinating and of develop- ing into new individuals. FERD. COHEN (VII.) first succeeded in doing this, in FIG. 28. Spore formation according- to Perty. b-g. Sporonema gracile ; b. with one terminal spore ; c. with two spores ; in d the spore has escaped from the mother-cell ; e-g shows the gradual development of the spore until ripe. In a is shown the (formerly) so-called Metallacter, a chain of short threads which when viewed under a low power is apt to be mistaken for a long rod, hence its name. 56 Till; CiFKMINATlON OF TIIF. FNDOSPOHK 1876, with a bacillus isolated by him from an infusion of hay. This fact defi- nitely proved that the bacteria belong to the vegetable kingdom, since spore formation exclusively characterises the sub kingdom Thallophyta, and is unknown in animals. A more accurate account of tlii> important process was given two later by OSKAR BREFELD (I.) for ]>'icillns */>/>( i/i« .- two years subsequently by A. PRAZMOWSKI (I.) for C'loatridium Imfi/i-ii-m/i . in 1882 by HANS BUCHNER (II.) for /;. ftfUftracw; then by DE BARY (I.) for his /;. „» ii •• \pn-t • IOOO per I c.c. Dr.iin wain- contained up to 2OOO per I D.O. < ianlen soil contains! up t . 140,000 per T gram. Street niu«l an inn mn-rablf ijnantitv per i irrani. Miv' KI. (I), by keeping a sample of sea water at o° C., found that an initial number of 150 germ> per i c.c. increased to 520 in twenty f'.»iu hours and to 1750 in four days. These facts indicate that glacier water, hail, and snow may contain bacteria. Quantitative researches on thi-^ point have been carried out by L ^ IIMT.U K (I.), 0. P.r.Fwin (I.). W. PoDTO -I.), TH. JANOUSKI (I.), and especially P. MlQUEL (I.). INFLUKNn; OF TEMPERATURE 59 The resistance of bacteria to low temperatures extends considerably below zero Centigrade, FRISCH (I.) having shown that some species will bear cooling down to - 1 10° 0. for a short time without injmy. R. PICTET and E. YUNG (I.) found that bacteria (species unknown) could bo kept at - 70° C. for 108 hours and at - 130° C. for twenty hours without succumbing ; certain (unnamed) species even withstanding the effects of a short exposure to -213° C. in solidified oxygen. These facts are not merely of general biological interest, but also, at the same time, important as regards the question of the suitable treat- ment of stored food-stuffs. This will be discussed in a subsequent paragraph. Antithetical to these cold-loving bacteria is the Bacillus thermophilus, dis- covered by MIQUEL (II.), which thrives and reproduces with great activity at 70° C., a temperature which instantly kills animal cells, coagulates egg albumin and blood serum, and produces painful burns on the skin. When kept at 50° C. this aerobic bacillus occurs as short rods, about i p. in thickness, which become longer as the temperature rises, threads beginning to form at 60° C., and constituting at 70° C. the sole occupants of the field. The lowest limit of temperature at which development of this organism can be observed is about 42° C. ; above 72° C. the vegetative forms die off. This non-ciliated fission fungus is but seldom met with in atmospheric dust, but is very frequent in sewage, and therefore also in sewage-contaminated waters. It is likewise present in the alimentary canal of human beings and mammals. This locality seems to possess a highly suitable temperature for the growth of this saprophyte, although accurate knowledge on the subject is still lacking. When the temperature rises above 50° the medium undergoes putrefaction as a result of the activity of the bacillus. Between Bacillus thermophilus and the aforesaid cold-loving species there are numerous species forming intermediate links in the chain. In the case of Forster's microbe, already mentioned, the highest limit of supportable tempera- ture is 35° C., and it cannot retain its vitality when exposed, even for a few hours, to a temperature of 35° to 37° C. GLOBIG (I.) isolated from garden soil twenty-eight species of bacteria, each of which still developed luxuriantly at 60° C., whilst the minority were able to grow at even higher temperatures. In connection with their occurrence in nature the question of the limits of tempera- ture— range of climate — within which they can grow is of interest. In this respect great differences were observed, one of them growing as well at 1 5° as at 68° C., whilst most of the others required a temperature of over 50° C., and one exhibited signs of development only when the temperature exceeded 60° C. It must therefore be concluded that, under natural conditions, the reproduction of these organisms proceeds only in the height of summer, when the soil is sufficiently heated by prolonged sunshine. These warmth-loving bacteria are not found in the ground exclusively. LYDIA RABINOWITSCH (I.) isolated from the excrement of various animals, as well as from manures, milk, &c., eight widely distributed species, for which the highest limit of temperature at which growth was possible was found to be 75° and the minimum about 39° C. These organisms are therefore able to reproduce freely in the alimentary canal of warm-blooded animals and human beings. Warmth -loving fission fungi are also riot infrequently encountered in sea- water. One example of this is afforded by a phosphorescent bacterium found in the West Indies and described in chapter xv. under the name of Bacterium phosphorescens. This inhabitant of the tropics thrives best at 2o°-3o° C., and ceases growing at i5°C. Living bacteria have also been found in boiling springs, e.g. that discovered by Cortes and Garrigon in the basin of a mineral spring, the temperature of which was 64° C. J. KARLINSKY (I.) in 1895 discovered in the hot sulphur springs at llidze, near Sarajevo, in Bosnia, two species of Schizomycetes which he named Bacterium 60 THE BACTERIA r\l)EK PHYSICAL AGENCIES Ludwigi iu\<\ /lurit/n* //?V :>'//.>•/'* cnjixulatus, the former developing only when the temperature rose above 50° C., and the second producing endospores able to withstand four hours' exposure in water at 100° C. without succumbing. DiEVDoxxf: (I.) drew attention to the fact that, owing to the possession by bacteria of a certain power of adaptation to climatic conditions, no hard and J "ant lines can be drawn respecting the limits of temperature within which growth is p >--ible; but that by carefully controlling the stages of transition it is possible to somewhat extend these limits. In ciliated bacteria spontaneous motion ceases when the temperature of the environment approaches the lower or higher limit, and they fall into a state of torpidity through cold or heat, from which they recover as soon as the temperature once more becomes favourable. Reference to the morphological influence of temperature has already been made above (as also in $ 20.), and will be exhaustively described and illustrated, with a particularly fine example, in a subsequent paragraph. The transforming and modifying power of warmth also extends to other properties of bacteria ; for example, to the virulence of pathogenic bacteria, i.e. their capacity for en- gendering disease. In the present work, however, not more than a single one (on account of its general interest) can be referred to, viz., Pasteur's process of preventive inoculation for anthrax. If Bacillus anthracis be cultivated in meat-broth for twenty-four days at 42 "-43° C., a virus (premier raccin) is obtained the virulence of which is so attenuated that sheep (the animal most subject to anthrax) inoculated therewith experience only a mild form of the complaint. If then inoculated with a second culture prepared by exposure to the attenuating influence of a temperature of 42°-43° C. for only twelve days (second i-ocei//), the animals no longer sicken, even if inoculated by unattenuated B. anthracis, and are therefore immune against inoculative anthrax. § 62.— Influence of Light. The old empirical hygiean maxim concerning the disease-banishing power of the sun's rays— which is well expressed by the Italian proverb, " Where the sun does not enter the doctor does " — finds a full explanation in the bacteriological discovery that the overwhelming majority of the fission fungi thrive much better in darkness than in the light, and are, in fact, under certain circumstances, killed by direct sunshine. This question of the influence of lighten bacteria has already formed the subject of innumerable researches, most of which, however, are of purely medical and hygienic interest, on which account their consideration here must be restricted to a mere recapitulation of the main points involved. A summary review of the literature of the subject up to 1889 will be found in a work by J. KAUM (I.), which in this particular is to some extent supplemented by the more recent publications of TH. JANOWSKI (II.) and Tn. < !i:isi.i-:i: (I.). Most of our knowledge of the question was obtained from the earliest. investigations therein, published in 1877 and i878by DoWNVSand BLUMT (I. and II.), who found that the growth of the bacteria is restricted by the influence of diii'u.se white daylight and is completely stopped by sunshine. The blue and violet rays proved the most injurious, the red and or.mge rays being weaker in their action. The authors explained the injurious effect of light, as an indirect one, in that it strengthens the decomposing power of oxygen, the result being the decomposition and destruction of the bacterial plasma. .l.\Mii.sn\ (I.), in 1882, gave another explanation of the phenomenon by attributing the injury ol»er\ed to the iliriva>e < >f temperature a fleeted in the crlls by tl;e Blin'fl rays. The fallacy of this hypothesis — which had been rejected by I>O\\M:S (I.) demonstrated in 1X85 by lh< LAI \ (IV.), who was also the tirM to employ pure INTMTACK 01- LKiHT 61 cultures — viz., (if 7///W,// /•/.»• wmher — in the study of I his question. He proved, at the same time, thai- the . tyf-hi ub'/cmilmilia ; Fansini for Vibrio cholera a^idt'.cn and a Fi<;. -2<). — Thickly-sown plate culture of typing bacilli on sigar-a^ar. Covered with paper letter- and exposed to the sun's rays for i }_, hours, ihcn kept twenty-four hours in the dark, win- IT upon development of" thickly con-re-ateil whitish colonies was found only at the parts covered by the letters. (Aj'hr //. ],hylococcus j>ii<»/< m* ( 'hiiiiliewski for the organism which induces the formation of yellow pus (XL pi/ojenes aureius), and the bacillus of erysipelas (Streptococcus erysipelatis); JJob. Koch for ttac'dlns tuberculosis; Charrin for the organism producing swine- erysipelas ; and others. Most of the non-pathogenic fission fungi also succumb to the influence of light. (1. \LKOTTI (I.) arranged a number of chromogenic species in the following descending series, the first member of which ie>ists the action of diffused daylight the longest: A''/r/// become changed, and now a new species, exciting acetic fermentation, comes into play. This organism was already present in the must, but could not make head- way against the predominant yeast, because, in the first place, the alcohol, without which it feeds but indifferently, was lacking. Secondly, even had this substance been present, it could not have been utilised, because of the atmosphere 66 Aiixiii) Bacterium coli commune, already mentioned, and very abundant in human faeces and that of domestic animals, whilst the second microbe was named by the above-named naturalists Bacillus denitriftcans I. A bouillon containing three grams of sodium nitrate per litre, inoculated with both these organisms and 68 BACTERIA IN THEIR RELATION TO ONE ANOTHER then maintained at 32° C., began to disengage gas in a short time, the nitric acid in the nitrate being reduced to nitrogen so completely that, even at the end of forty-eight hours, the extremely delicate test with di-phenylamine-sulphuric acid gave only negative loults. Apart from the purely scientific interest excited by these facts, new vistas are also opened up in a practical sense. Up to the present, investigators have contented themselves with the examination of the transformation products iv>ulting from the pure cultivation of single species of bacteria. In future researches, however, the question whether or not a species can be spurred on to more extended activity by the collaboration of a second, so as to give rise to the development of powers which, without such stimulant, would remain unobserved and unutilised, cannot be neglected. This claim is not restricted to the domain of schizomycetic fermentation, but applies also to the ferments of the Eimiycetes class. The mode of action exhibited by mixed cultures of different species of yeasts is of great importance in brewery and distillery practice. In this connection we are already in pen- sion of several studies by E. Ch. Hansen and others, the results of which will be considered in a subsequent section. CHAPTER IX. CLASSIFICATION OF THE BACTERIA. § 66.— First Attempt by 0. F. Muller. IT has already been mentioned in the Introduction (§ 2) that Leeuwenhoek observed bacteria as far back as the end of the seventeenth century. For a long time, however, nothing more was done than merely to admire the appearance presented by these organisms under the microscope ; and since many of them were observed to exhibit brisk movements, they were considered as animals and denominated animalcule*. The first to study these organisms from a scientific standpoint, and to arrange and systematise the multitude of forms, some of which were already known, while others were discovered and described by himself, was the Danish investigator Otto Friedrich Muller of Copenhagen. In his important work "Animalcula infusoria fluviatilia et marina," published in 1786, all the small animals unsuitable for inclusion in Linna?us's sixth class, Vermes, were classed by him under the name of Infusoria (infusion animalcule), and he divided these into two main groups : those provided with external organs and those devoid of same. He also originated the generic names Vibrio, Monas, and Proteus, still in use. The next worker to whom we are indebted for important conclusions respect- ing the character and species of bacteria is Christian G. Ehrenberg. In his work " Die Infusionstierchen als vollkommene Organismen " (The Infusoria as Perfect Organisms), published in 1838, the generic names Bacterium, Spirockcete, and Spirillum first occur. He also classed all these organisms with the animal kingdom, by reason of their (frequently very active) spontaneous motion. It was left to the Breslau botanist FERDINAND COHN (V.) to ascertain, in 1853, that the organisms we now know as bacteria are of a vegetable nature. This he established by proving the lack of animal organisation, and also from the fact that these creatures increase by subdivision after the manner of the algse, from which they differ, as he says, merely in one characteristic : the absence of chlorophyll. Four years later NAGELI (V.) bestowed on these organisms the name of Schizomycetes, which they still retain. § 67.— Cohn's Classification. The first point was to bring the confusion of forms into order. What characteristic should be taken as a guide thereto? Were there several at disposal on which one could rely? These questions COHN (I.) may well have asked himself when, in 1872, he felt himself impelled to attempt a classification of the bacteria, and finally thought his object attained by the following system : I. Sphcerobacteria, globule bacteria Genus I : Micrococcus. II. Microbacteria, short rod bacteria. Genus 2 : Bacterium. 69 70 CLASSIFICATION OF TIIK BACTKRIA III. Desmobacteria, thread (long rod) bacteria. Genus 3 : Bacilln*. Genus 4 : Vibrio. \\ . Sf,iriif,,ir(rrin, spiral l>:irt t-ria. (M-IIII.- 5 : Xjiiril/iun. Genus 6 : X>tn»-l<" The sarcina organisms have no place in this system, because Colin did not consider them as belonging to the fission fungi. As may be seen, the basis of classification employed was the form of the cells, i.e. their form of growth. However, since methods of pure culture were then undiscovered, the diagnosis of the individual species was as yet impracticable, and the question whether the form of the cells in each species is definite and unchangeable was, in particular, still unsolved. The answer to this question is, nevertheless, of vital importance to the Colin system, and, if negative, causes it to break down (as was subsequently the case). The weakness of the system was recognised by Cohn himself, and he particularly stated that his classification was only a provisional one. A number of over-zealous disciples, however, overlooked this reservation, and, by degrees, expounded the system as meaning that each separate species has a single well-defined and invariable cell form; the one species appearing only as short rods, the second only as cocci, and so on. This constitutes the theory of constant form, also known as Monomorphism. § 68.— Billroth's Coccobacteria Septica. The exaggeration resulting from the misapprehension of Cohn's attempt at classification soon brought about a corresponding reaction. In proportion as assiduous microscopic research revealed the certainty that bacteria do undergo changes of form, so the hasty assumption of monomorphism of species had to be given up. In 1852, PERTY (I.) had already observed a short-rod bacterium, which, on account of its faculty of changing into the thread form, he named M ctallacter . Twenty-one years later LANKESTER (I.) studied a species of red- coloured bacterium, named by him Bacterium ru.bescens, and observed that, under varied conditions of cultivation, its cells underwent different modifications of form — an observation which led him to deny that specific constancy of form existed. He would thereby have anticipated subsequent decisions had the basis en which he relied proved free from objection. This was, however, unfortunately not the case, and, indeed, such a condition was at that time unattainable owing to the lack of irreproachable and reliable methods of cultivation, without which, and the resulting pure cultures, the problem in question cannot be solved. A culture intended for modification experiments may, when examined under the microscope, present a perfectly uniform appearance, and nevertheless contain a few unnoticed individuals of another species, which by their rapid increase when 1 i ansferred to amedium favourable for their development may lead to the erroneous supposition that a second and modified form of growth has been produced. By another re-inoculation a third species may be brought into prominence, and so forth. A very instructive example of the possibility of similar si -If -deception is afforded by LISTER'S (I.) striking experiment. Ho allowed ordinary milk to become sour spontaneously, and I lien introduced a drop of the liquid into boiled milk, beet-extract, ami into urine ; from t hence into Pa>teur'< nutrient solution ; thence into urine a^ain ; and finally hack a^ain into milk. Finding, then, that from identical sowings difl'erently .-ha pod cells made their appearance in the various media, he concluded that he had to do with so many changes of form of DM HAKY AND IirKI'I'F/S CLASSIFICATION 71 one and the same organism, which, on account of its origin, he named Bacterium lactis. It must not be understood that similar errors were confined to the island of Britain ; on the contrary, they attained their culmination on the Continent in the assumptions of HALLIEH (I.) concerning the metamorphosis of ono fungus into another. It need, ther< fore, be small matter for surprise that the Austrian surgeon Til. BILLROTH (I.), in a comprehensive work published in 1874, not only attributed all infectious diseases to the agency of a single species of bacterium, susceptible of multiform modifications, but also considered all known bacteria generally as vegetation forms of this one species, viz., Coccobacteria septica. This observer was supported by the botanist NAGELI (VI.), in so far that the latter declared that no necessity existed for the division of the bacteria even into only two specifically different forms. This opinion he still maintained in 1882, not- withstanding the appearance in the interim of a work by Cohn containing a number of fresh data calculated to complete and support the theory of difference of species in bacteria. This treatise has already been mentioned in § 24, because its author upheld the relationship of the fission fungi to fission algae and advocated their collection into one group, Schizophytes. As at present, however, we are not concerned with the relationship of the Schizomycetes to other organisms, but with the separation of the former into genera, we must confine ourselves to remarking that the new classification in the said treatise rested too exclusively on morpho- logical characters to be of practical value. § 69.— De Bary and Hueppe's Classification. Gradually an accumulation of facts arose which afforded a basis whereon a new system of grouping the fission fungi was attempted. Differentiation based on cell form only was still considered justifiable up to 1878, but could no longer be maintained in the face of incontrovertible observa- tions made, in the course of the following years, with absolutely pure cultures of fc-^^^^^^ eziiSiZ)esni3 !' Daphnia ni.-igna); and in 1892 by F. FISCHEL (I.) for Bacilli'* tuberculosis. It may be remarked en passant that Metschnikoll' prefaced the report of his discoveries with a short review (well worthy of perusal) of the development of the pleomorphism theory. At the end of the "seventies" (John had established beyond doubt the ability of certain fission fungi to produce endospores, and thereby obtained reliable FIG. 31. — Bacterium Zopfii, Kurth. Gradual changes in the same thread ohserved under the microscope. A, thread without apparent articulation ; B, breaking up into rods which finally form cocci In C ; a-e are corresponding- cells. (Aft<-r Kurth.) M:ii;ii. 740. means of differentiation. Very soon after, De Bary showed that several of the species which do not form endospores protect themselves from injurious influences in another way, viz., by the formation of arthrospores. Hence a classification was devised in 1883 by VAN TIEOHEM (II.), which was further developed by DE BARY (I.) and HUEPPE (II.), in 1886, and in which two main ips were recognised, viz., the endospore- and arthrospore forming bacteria. The second group also comprises all the species in which the formation of repro- ductive cells has not yet been observed. Fuller details of this system can be seen in Hueppe's treatise, but the system need not be further developed here, as it has not yet been generally accepted in scientific circles. fuller information Hoarding Van Tieghem's system, as well as for parti- culars relative to the systems proposed by P. Miquel and by Woodhead in 1891, which maybe properly design a tod as "diagnostic tables," reference may be made to \V.\ lib's (III.) readily accessible and comprehensive treatise. The new system published by \V. .M H;ILA (1 I.) in 1X1,0 may also be simply referred to. In this connection there remains only one remark to be made, and this concerns the term Bacillus. This word lias been hitherto employed by us to designate only a well-defined form phase of cell, vi/.., the cylindrical bacterial cell, the length of which is at least double the breadth. Hueppe's system, however, applies the generic name /)'r/r/////.v only t<> s.i< b rod- M have been proved capable PATHOGENIC, CHROMOGENIC, ZYMOGENIC JJACTKUIA 73 of developing endospores. This definition has not yet been accepted by the majority of bacteriologists ; hence it happens that newly discovered rod-shaped species of h'ssion fungi are still occasionally assigned to the genus Bacillus, although the describer may have no knowledge whatever as to their capability of forming endospores. The author has not considered it within his province to change this nomenclature, and therefore this fact must be borne in mind in perusing the present work. It should also be remembered that in the following paragraphs the generic name Bacillus — Hueppe's definition notwithstanding — means nothing more than that the species of bacterium so entitled exhibits, preferentially and under normal conditions, the bacillus form of growth. A comprehensive collection of the relative dimensions and forms charac- teristic of growth in various nutrient media, &c., of about three hundred species of fission fungi was prepared by EISENBERG (I.), and may be advantageously employed as an aid to determining whether any species under examination, is identical with any known species. A descriptive table of eighty-seven of the bacteria of most frequent occurrence in drinking and utilisable water is given by ADAMETZ (I.). Reference may also be made here to the very valuable book of TIEMANN and GARTNER (I.) in connection with the bacteriological analysis of water. FRANKLAND and WARD (I.) give a comprehensive account of the literature published up to the year 1882 on the bacteria occurring in natural and mineral waters, and a comparative investigation into the distribution of a number (twenty-eight) of well-known bacterial species in various well-waters has been made by W. MIGULA (III.). § 70.— Pathogenic, Chromog-enie, and Zymogenie Bacteria. The attempts hitherto made to obtain a method of classification of bacteria have always been restricted to the morphology of the organisms themselves. It will now be well to remember that the attention of Applied Mycology is pre- ferentially directed to the influence exerted by the fungi on their nutrient media. The interest aroused by these organisms has always, from the outset, had its practical side. Bearing this in mind, it will be readily conceivable that, long before the establishment of Cohn's first classification, there had appeared in the literature of the subject a division of bacterial species into three main groups : pathogenic, chromogenic, and zymogenic bacteria. It is quite unnecessaty to remark that this grouping is just as faulty as the division of the Schizomycetes into cocci, bacilli, and thread bacteria. Neverthe- less it was exceedingly convenient, as it was based on some well-marked primary characteristics. If the fission fungus in question excited any form of disease in men or animals, it was referred to the pathogenic group ; if it possessed the faculty of producing colours, it was relegated to the category of chromogenic bacteria; and if it exhibited a capacity for effecting those chemical changes which were comprised in the term "fermentation" (§ i), it was considered as zymo- genic. A strict adherence to this method of partition is impracticable, because there are some bacteria which, on account of their range of activity, would have to be placed in two, or even all three of these classes. A large number of examples could be adduced in support of this assertion ; it will be sufficient to cite merely a single one, viz., Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, the cause of osteomyelitis (bone caries), and therefore pathogenic. However, since it also, as its name implies, produces a golden-yellow colouring matter, it is also chromo- genic ; and, finally, from its power of setting up lactic fermentation in suitable nutrient media, it is therefore also zymogenic. From this example it will be evident that the domains of Pathological and Technical Mycology cannot be rigidly kept separate. On the contrary, their 74 CLASSIFICATION OF TIIK KACTKUIA further coalescence will undoubtedly result — and that soon, we hope — in pro- portion as fermentation physiologists acquire a greater insight into the chemical changes effected by bacteria, and pathologists determine the precise action the bacteria exert on the organs of animals and plants. A fine, but unfortunately still \ cry isolated, example of the successful combination of these two fields of •arch is a (lord wi by the labours of L. NENCKI (I.) on the bacterium which is the cause both of " blown " cheeses and of inflammation of the udder in the cow. The distinction between chromogenic and /ymogenic bacteria can also be further maintained, not because there is any essential reason for it, but because there are certain species of X<'/ti:nm.i/<'f>t''s which are interesting to the technicist solely because they produce colouring matters. So far as the zymogenic bacteria, in the narrower sense of the term, are concerned, i.e. those either cultivated, or dreaded, on account of the chemical changes they produce, there is the same need for a well-established consistent i-la»il'u'atiou as in the two groups just noticed. The changes effected by them are expressed in terms having reference to the predominant fermenta- tion products ; hence it is we speak of the bacteria of lactic fermentation, acetic fermentation, and so on. This purely practical method of classification will be adopted in the description about to be given. Before passing thereto it will, however, be necessary to consider the methods practised in the examination of these organisms, this knowledge being essential for the study of the organisms themselves. This will form the subject of the two following chapters. SECTION III. PRINCIPLES OF STERILISATION AND PURE CULTIVATION. CHAPTER X. METHODS OF STERILISATION. § 71.— Sterilising-. To sterilise an object, e.g. a nutrient solution, piece of apparatus, &c., means to treat it in such a manner that it no longer contains any living germs, and is therefore sterile. The reader must not expect to find in the present work a detailed description of even the most important of the methods of working adopted for this purpose. Those who have an opportunity of studying the methods of Technical Mycology in a laboratory devoted to Fermentation Physiology will learn all they need much more speedily and intelligibly from oral instruction than from a printed book. On the other hand, those who have access to the latter only will attain their object by the exertion of a little diligence in consulting the books referred to later on, and especially Hueppe, Ferdinand : Die Methoden der Bakterien-Forschung, 5th edition, 1891, Wiesbaden (C. W. Kreidel). Lindner, Paul : Mikroskopische Betriebskontrolle in den Gdrungsgewerben, 1895, Berlin (p- Parey). In the first-named compendium the reader will find a better description than the present author could give of all the methods used in general Microbiology. The second, very useful, work treats, with great experience, a narrower field, wherein it will afford reliable guidance and help to the student on all matters relating to fermentation technology. In the newest edition (1895) of the work on water-analysis by TIEMANN-GARTNER (I.), already referred to (and which should be in every efficient chemical laboratory), the reader will also find descriptions of the most important manipulations and methods employed in sterilisation, pure cultivation, re-inoculation, &c. In selecting apparatus for installing a new laboratory for Fermentation Physiology work, the beginner should seek the advice of an expert, and should compare the illustrated catalogues of such firms as make the supply of these appliances a speciality, e.g. C. Desaga, of Heidelberg ; Erhardt and Metzger, of Darmstadt, &c. It is not our purpose now to give a detailed initiation into the work of a fermentation physiologist's laboratory, but rather to describe, in bold outline, only so much as is necessary to facilitate the object of the present work, viz., the study of the character and modes of action of the organisms of fermentation. § 72.— Freeing the Air from Germs. There are two chief methods by which liquid substances and gases can be sterilised, viz., either by killing the germs present therein, or by removing them 75 76 .METHODS OF STERILISATION by passing the liquid or gas through a suitable filter. The sterilisation of air on a large scale is effected exclusively by the latter method, the prototype of which was constituted by the tubes, plugged with cotton-wool, first employed by Schroder and Dusch. The air is therefore passed through a cotton-wool filter, as it is termed, such a one being used, for example, to purify the air admitted to the sterilised wort in an apparatus for the pure cultivation of yeast. It will not be out of place to lay stress on the fact that such a filter will only work efficiently provided it be thoroughly dry; otherwise the I'lnnujt'etss spores en- tangled therein will germinate and develop into long-thread cells, which will penetrate right through the filter and quickly form new spores, so that the air at the end of the filter nearest the wort is not only not freed from germs, but is probably richer therein than before. Attention to the air filters must, conse- quently, not be neglected. E. CH. HANSEN (III.) has reported on experiments made by Poulsen concerning the time during which such filters continue, under normal conditions of practical working, to pass the air in a germ-free state. The cotton-wool plugs with which, since the time of Schroder and Dusch. it is customary to close test-tubes, bottles, and flasks in which cultures of organisms or stores of nutrient media are kept, are simply small cotton- wool filters. They are especially brought into action when currents of air pass into the vessels as a consequence of the partial vacua formed within them by a lowering of tempera- ture, the germs in which are retained by the plugs. The efficiency of the filter depends on its being kept dry. Its reliability is not, however, permanent, since, though the fission fungi are always retained, this is not the case with the spores of mould fungi, which are so abundantly met with in the air. These latter are very troublesome, as they often produce much mischief even when the mycologist has taken the greatest care. If the room in which the cultures are kept be free from moisture, then the cultures dry up very rapidly, which, in order to pre- serve their vitality, necessitates their being frequently re-inoculated into fresh media — a tedious and unpleasant task. On the other hand, if the surrounding air be too moist, then it not infrequently happens that the spores of the mould fungi on the surface of the cotton-wool stopper germinate, and the resulting cell threads penetrate to the other end of the plug, and there form spores, which, falling into the culture, contaminate and spoil it. Various remedies have been proposed to overcome this evil, one of them being a previously sterilised indiarubber cap, which is drawn over the mouth of the vessel (test-tube, &c.) after the outer end of the stopper has been burnt away. This latter operation must always be performed when one begins a re- inoculation, since the germs resting on the surface of the cotton plug are thereby annihilated, and consequently prevented from falling into the culture when opened. Instead of the rubber cap, one can be made out of a double layer of filter-paper tied on with a string ; many cultures specially requiring air are covered with a cap of this kind only, the cotton- wool plug being dispensed with. It is not essential that the working layer of the filter should consist of cotton- wool, various other stuffs being employed for special purposes. Thus, for example, Pasteur, in carrying out his researches (referred to in § 7) on the organised bodies present in the atmosphere, passed the air through gun-cotton. This was then immersed in a mixture of ether and alcohol, which dissolved out the nitro-cellulose and left the entrapped organisms behind, so that they could be more closely examined as to their M/<\ form, and structure. This was the first microbiological analysis of air. Of the numerous methods since proposed for the estimation of the number of germs in the air, that ^iven by FH.ANKLAND and PETRI (I.), which is a successful modification of the Pasteur prototype, is the most suitable for the purposes of the technical mycologist. Tlu -.-<• observers deprive a measured quantity of air of its germs by passage through a filter Till: FILTRATION OF DRINKING WATKR 77 charged with sterilised glass powder or sterilised fine sand, the contents of the filter being then intimately mixed with a gelatinised nutrient medium, and the whole poured into Hat glass l>asins. The separate germs then develop into multi- cellular families (colonies). When counted their number —refer red to unit volume — gives the germ content of the air. The difficulty in the way of study- ing the cultures, caused by the presence of the powdered glass and sand, can be overcome by substituting a soluble filtering medium, such as coarsely powdered crystals of sodium sulphate of about 0.5 mm. in diameter. This is specially recommended by MIQUEL (III.), to whom (be it remarked en passant) we owe the most comprehensive experiments on the percentage of germs in the air. Regular reports of his researches appear in the Year-Book (published annually since 1879) of the observatory established, under his direction, for studies of this kind, in the southernmost district of Paris. Readers are hereby referred to this "Annuaire de FObservatoire de Montsouris." The percentage of germs in the atmosphere of breweries was more particularly investigated by E. CH. HANSEN (II.) ; and PETRI (I.) has summarised all the methods of examination proposed up to 1887. The method, originally performed by Th. Schwann, of purifying air by exposure to a red heat is at present used by fermentation physiologists in one instance only, viz., when working with the so-called Pasteur flasks. When liquid is poured out of the lateral tube — whether for the purpose of taking a sample or for inoculating a similar flask with the contents — the air coming in in its place is purified by holding the aperture or the first bend of the swan-neck tube in the flame, i.e. heating it to redness. § 73.— The Filtration of Drinking- Water. The methods of sterilising liquids are various, but are not all equally suitable for any given case. For example, the employment of poisonous substances is precluded when the liquid to be sterilised is intended for human consumption, and the use of heat — which next suggests itself — is frequently inapplicable on account of the expense entailed. Such, for instance, is the case with the drinking water of towns deriving their supply from a river. Under these circumstances a so-called sand-filter is employed, the true filtering layer of which is not the strata of sand and gravel, but the mud which is gradually deposited thereon. A fuller consideration of this subject, which belongs to the domain of Practical Hygiene, may be passed over the more readily since it has been treated in Tiemann-Gartner's work already alluded to. This may.be referred to, as also a very practical investigation performed by A. REINSCH (I.), bacteriological adviser to the Altona Waterworks. The filtrate obtained from such filters intended for use on a large scale is, when the service is carefully regulated under bacteriological control, found to be very low in germs, though not perfectly free therefrom. If it be desired to attain such perfection — which is necessary in times of epidemic — other filters, of greater powers of retention and correspondingly diminished delivery, must be resorted to, and employed solely for the water intended for human consumption. The prototype of these is the apparatus invented by TIEGEL (I.) in 1871, and subsequently (1884) improved, especially by Chamberland. In the form devised by the last-named, the effective constituent of the bacterium filter consists of a candle-shaped hollow cylinder of hard-burnt, porous, unglazed porcelain (" biscuit "), with an effluent aperture at one end, which, before use, is sterilised by dry heat. This candle (bougie) is enclosed in a somewhat wider metallic cylinder, the liquid to be freed from germs (the suspected potable water) being forced into the intervening space, and, finding its way through the porous wall 78 Ml'THODS OF STKK1IJSATION of the caudle, collects in the interior of the latter and escapes through the afores.iid apiM-ture at the bottom. Fine kieselyuhr (diatomaceous earth) is employed by NOKDTMKVKK (I.) and lijrkefeld for making the candle, and GARROS (I.) uses asbestos of tine fil>ro. The reliable working of this filter is, however, not illimitable, and that for two reasons: lir.^t of all, the pores become gradually obstructed by the fine, slimy deposits separated from the liquid, which necessi- tates the cleansing of the filter from time to time ; secondly, the bacteria grow by degrees through the pores of the filter, a circumstance first observed by Boturquelot and Galippe. In some cases the pores of the filtering candle are too large; consequently, a germ-free filtrate is unobtainable. For testing the efficiency of the filter the photo-bacteria can. according to BEYERINCK (IV.), be employed with advantage. A comparison of the capacity and efficiency of the Chamberlain! and IVrkefeld systems was drawn up by (int<'r A< -n \.IK\\M\ i (I.), and the columns of the Centralblnft J'Hr Bakterioloyie contain numerous articles respecting the advantages and defects of the aforesaid apparatus. Mention should be made of the filter constructed by Breyer, which, according t > an investigation made by WICHMANN (I.), acts satisfactorily. PLAGGE (I.) instituted exhaustive experiments in respect of the efficiency of all the known water-filters designed for use on the small scale. § 74.— The Bacterium Filter in the Service of Enzymolog-y. In many instances the filter affords the sole reliable means of sterilising a given liquid ; as, for example, when a species of bacterium is to be tested with regard to its capacity of producing enzymes. For this purpose it is necessary to free the culture, containing any such chemically active substance, from germs, since otherwise it would be impossible to determine whether the chemical reaction obtained by means of the sample is effected by the enzyme itself, or primarily by the vital energy of the bacterium. The sterilisation admittedly necessary in such case cannot be effected by heat, since this agency would at the same time destroy the readily decomposable enzyme. There remains, therefore, but one way open to us, viz., removing the germs by filtration ; and of the above- named apparatus (filters), therefore, there is likewise only one that is reliable and suitable for use for the purpose in view, namely, that of Chamberland. This is, however, unfortunately expensive, and consequently not accessible in every laboratory. For this reason the pattern described by A, KOCH (II.), which is both efficient and cheap, forms a welcome substitute. Whichever of the two appliances be employed, it must never be forgotten that, in its passage through the filter, the bacterial culture under examination is not only deprived of germs, but may also, under certain circumstances, part with M>nie of its chemical constituents, so that the equation, Filtrate = bacterial culture - bacteria, does not always hold good. The filtering cylinder, especially when used for the first time, retains varying amounts of the individual consti- tuents of the liquid passing through it, a fact that was first recorded by FLI and SIKOTININ (I.) in 1888, and more closely examined by ARLOING (I.) in 1892. We will, in this place, merely refer to the oxidising influence of the air, observed more particularly by Miquel in the separation of urase from cultures of uric- bacteria. It is therefore advisable to perform such filtering operations in an atmosphere of pure hydrogen. § 75.— The Beer Filters used in the biewery must also be briefly considered here. The object of these appliances is to render the beer bright, i.e. perfectly clear and transparent, when DKSTKOYIM; C;KKMS BY DRY HKAT 79 drawn from the storage cask and sent out to the purchaser. Under normal conditions this clarification is effected in sufficient degree in the storage cask, and recourse should therefore be had to the filter only in such cases whore, by reason of defective treatment or other unfavourable circumstances, a torpid lag^r Ix-ur is to be made similar to a beer of standard quality. Such was the practice in U.-i.varia. until a few years ago ; but since the great breweries in that country began to cater for the export trade, they have had to conform to the tastes of their foreign customers, who judge the quality of beer by the eye, and would, without having tasted it, set it down as inferior if it were not perfectly bright. Therefore, in order to render it acceptable to this large and continually increasing clientele, the beer has to be passed through the filter. The South German connoisseurs in beer, who judge their beverage by the flavour, raised objections, and with reason, since filtration causes — apart from the exception aforesaid — an uncalled-for depreciation of quality. This applies primarily to the chemical composition, the filter removing from the beer sundry mucoid substances, extremely minute in quantity and of as yet undetermined composition, but which, nevertheless, contribute to the fineness of the flavour, so that an experienced palate can distinguish with certainty between a filtered and unfiltered beer. This defect, regretted though it be by connoisseurs, is, however, the lesser evil when compared with the dangers, from a biological point of view, that are obviated by filtration. Two main types of beer filters are in general use. The one constructed by Enzinger consists chiefly of a number of chambers, the walls of which are com- posed of perforated plates lined with thick filter-paper, specially prepared for the purpose, and through which the beer is forced by compressed air acting on the storage cask. The second type of filter, recommended for brewery work by Stockheim, contains as its acting ingredient purified (and therefore tasteless) cellulose of a felty nature. No objection can be raised against the use of such appliances in exceptional cases, since by this means a clear filtrate is obtainable when all other methods of clarification have failed to remedy turbidity. This decision must, however, be amended when it is a question of beer already in good condition, this latter often suffering, under such treatment, a considerable alteration (in certain circumstances) with regard to its flora, apart from the depreciation of flavour already alluded to. The filter removes the yeast cells, but allows the (much smaller) bacteria to slip through, so that the latter appear in almost their original numbers in the filtrate, where, moreover, they have free play, owing to their previous competitors, the yeast cells, having been got rid of. This unfavourable modification in the relative condition of the two classes of organisms becomes especially objectionable when a filtering material that has already been in use before is employed, without having been sufficiently purified in the interim. In this manner the filtrate can be actually enriched with bacteria, as the author ascertained by experiments with the Enzinger filter in 1894. Respecting the wine filter in continually extending use in cellar management, a full report can be perused in the handbook issued by BAKO and MACH (I.). § 76.— Destroying- Germs by Dry Heat. Strictly speaking, the term " germ-free " should be applied only to such objects as have actually been devoid of germs from the beginning or have been brought into this condition by filtration. In the language of bacteriological practice, however, it is also applied to objects wherein all the germs have been destroyed and are only present in a defunct condition. Hence it would be more correct to say that the object in question is " free from living germs," but this distinction, being practically unimportant, is not generally drawn. 8o METHODS OF STERILISATION For the destruction of germs a number of methods are available, and may be classified into two principal groups : the one physical and the other chemical. The former may be subdivided into germ -kill ing by warmth, electricity, light, mechanical concussion, or, finally, by gas under high pressure. We will confine ourselves to the first of these five methods, the employment of the remaining four being, for the purposes of the mycologist in general and of the fermentation physiologist in particular, either too costly or too cumbersome. In so far, how- ever, as their influence is of general biological interest, we have already reviewed them in the preceding section. On the other hand, sterilisation by heat is the method always resorted to, unless found undesirable on other grounds. Before giving it more detailed con- sideration, we must first ascertain which group of organisms exhibits the greatest tenacity of life and is able to longest withstand influences adverse thereto. This tfi-oup alone has to be borne in mind in testing the efficacy and general applica- bility of a method of sterilisation ; since if the same is capable of destroying the organisms exhibiting the greatest power of resistance, it will certainly, and much more quickly, deprive all the remaining weaker ones of life. On the other hand. when the contrary is not proved, it must always be assumed that the object to be sterilised is infested with organisms of the highest resisting power. These hardy organisms we are already acquainted with, namely, the bacterial endospores, which in this respect have no equal, and can therefore be made to serve as test objects for determining the reliability of any germ-destroying pro- cess coming under examination. It has been already stated, in § 53, that great differences exist in the resisting powers of the spores of the various species of bacteria ; but of course we have only to take the strongest into consideration. According to the investigations hitherto made, these are : among the non-patho- genic varieties, those species commonly known as the hay — and potato — bacilli ; and among the pathogenic bacteria, the anthrax bacilli. Bearing this in mind, ROBERT KOCH (I.), the eminent medical bacteriologist, employed as reagent for testing the efficacy of various disinfectants spores of anthrax bacilli, which, for greater convenience in application, he allowed to dry on silk threads. The articles of metal or glass to be sterilised are placed in a case, formed on the plan of the drying-ovens used in chemical laboratories, wherein they are heated to 1 50° C. for an hour. During this time no diminution of temperature is permissible, because if such a fall occurs, the labour will have been bestowed in vain. KOCH and WOLFFHUGEL (I.) have shown that there are bacterial spores that are killed only after an exposure to air at 140° C. for three hours. How- ever, by an exposure to 150° for one hour we may be sure that all the germs present have been killed ; and air-filters fitted with cotton-wool (freed from fat) are also sterilised by the same treatment, the cotton-wool assuming thereby a yellowish to brownish coloration. Both the apertures of such a filter must have been previously closed with plugs of cotton-wool, which must not be removed until the filter is about to be used. It is necessary that glass articles should be dry before they are introduced into the hot-air sterilising apparatus, since other- wise they will crack. Small metal instruments, such as forceps and inoculating needles, as well as the glass stoppi-i^ u>«-d for closing Pasteur flasks, can be conveniently purified in the flame of a Bunsen burner or spirit-lamp. § 77.— Destroying- Germs by Moist Heat. The opinion expressed in a former chapter, that the seat of the high powers of resistance enjoyed by bacterial -pores is to be sought in their membrane, is supported by their behaviour towards the influence of warmth, in so far — as lias DESTROYING GERMS BY MOIST HEAT Si been ascertained by numerous experiments — that, under otherwise identical conditions, moist heat, e.g. in the form of steam, exerts a more violent action and kills them much sooner than dry heat at the same temperature. This behaviour is explained by the unusually low heat-conducting power of the unaltered spore membrane. By the influence of moisture, however, the struc- ture of this protective envelope is loosened and its permeability to heat rays increased. Although the use of moist heat may thus appear preferable to the method described in the preceding paragraph, it is nevertheless inapplicable in many special instances. For example, air-filters must be sterilised by dry heat alone, but when liquids have to be freed from living germs by the aid of heat, then moist heat must be decided upon. This can now be employed in one of two ways: either by boiling the liquid over a naked flame, or by exposing it to the influence of water vapour heated to a sufficiently high temperature. That every liquid can be sterilised by simple boiling at 100° C. was shown by HUEPPE (III.) in 1882 ; the time of exposure necessary in order to secure the desired result with certainty being, however, very long. In this connection we may recall the experience of Brefeld, mentioned in § 53, according to which the killing of the spores of the species of hay bacillus examined by him necessitated their exposure for full three hours in boiling water. However, the nutrient solutions destined for the cultivation of organisms, and requiring to be sterilised anterior to use, must not be treated in this manner, since they would be concentrated too much by such prolonged boiling. Such solutions are generally sterilised by exposure to low-pressure steam, for which purpose the so-called " steam steriliser," proposed by Gatfky, R. Koch, and Loffler, and resembling in arrangement an ordinary potato-steamer, is employed. It consists principally of a high cylin- drical tin pot, covered over with asbestos board or felt, and fitted with two bottoms, the upper one, which is perforated, serving as the support for the vessels to be sterilised by exposure to the steam evolved by the boiling water below. This process is known as sterilising by direct steam ; it obviates the inconvenience arising from the evaporation of the nutrient media, and also prevents local overheating. The samples are surrounded on all sides by steam, which drives away the protecting envelope of air and raises the temperature uniformly throughout to that of the boiling water. This is, of course, dependent on the prevailing atmospheric pressure, and generally ranges between 96° and 100° C. A reduction of the time of exposure is not to be thought of, since here, as before, we have to do with a temperature of only about 100° ; this must be particularly emphasised, since the Koch school at one time fell into error on this point, by promulgating the maxim that " the spores of bacilli cannot withstand the temperature of boiling water for more than a few minutes." We have already recalled a fact controverting this, and will now cite a second example, given by GLOBIG (II.), viz., that the endospores of a species of bacterium, dis- covered by this observer on potatoes, originating therefore in cultivated soil, and named the "potato bacillus," resisted the influence of a current of steam at 100° C. for as much as six hours. This is the most powerfully resistant of all organisms hitherto observed. Numerous modifications have been made in Koch's steriliser, in accordance with the special purposes for which it is intended. Thus, for example, the water-chamber has been separated from the steam-chamber, and the steam introduced into the latter from above. This pattern is specially preferred in the case of the large apparatus employed for disinfecting invalids' linen, hospital bedding, and the like. Readers desirous of obtaining full information on this point are referred to a treatise by DUNCKER (I.), who subjected a I F 82 METHODS OF STERILISATION number of steam-disinfectors to a careful examination. The simple and inexpensive form described above is sufficient for the purposes of the fermenta- tion physiologist. In the fermentation industries the method of destroying germs by steam is highly prized on account of its convenience and efficacy. In breweries, for instance, all the piping is steamed out, as also the wort cooler, and so on. The Enzinger filter, however, cannot be treated in this way, owing to the softening action of moist heat on the filter paper. The duration of exposure requisite for the destruction of germs by moist heat can be considerably shortened by employing supersaturated high -pressure steam. If, for example, the steam be used at a temperature of 120° C. (corresponding to an extra-pressure of one atmosphere), an exposure of twenty minutes suffices for sterilising liquids up to 50 c.c. in volume with certainty. For larger quantities a corresponding additional exposure at 1 20° C. (five to ten minutes) is given. The use of supersaturated high- pressure steam is attended with much smaller outlay, but requires a strongly built autoclave. Laboratories already possessing such an apparatus — which is required, for example, in the determina- tion of starch in cereals, each, fifteen minutes will suffice; larger quantities warm through more slowly, and must be left in the steamer for a correspondingly longer time. In every case the liquid should remain at a temperature of 100° C. for about fifteen minutes. By this tn.itment only the vegetative forms and weaker spores are killed, and the next step is to ensure that the still living spores germinate, which is generally effected by simply INTERMITTENT STERILISATION 83 leaving the samples to stand at room temperature. At the end of twenty-four hours the first treatment in the steamer is repeated, whereby the vegetative forms that have in the meantime developed from the spores are killed. It being, however, possible that, owing to the known irregularity of germination, some of the spores have not developed, the samples are again left at rest for a day, and thereafter steamed a third time to kill the residual cells proceeding from these tardy spores. The medium, liquid, &c., will in this manner be entirely freed from living germs without having been subjected to injury from over-prolonged or excessive heating. This method is known as the intermittent process of sterilisation, and is the only one in use for the preparation of nutrient meat-juice gelatin. The success of this method of killing germs depends on the whole of the spores being caused to germinate. Now we know, from statements already made, that there are certain species of bacteria which will only develop under high temperatures, and for whose germination the temperature of the air of a laboratory is therefore insufficiently high. On this account it will be evident that, under certain circumstances, the samples will have to be left to stand at high temperatures. Since, however, these temperatures will, on the other hand, retard the development of the spores of such species as thrive only at low temperatures, it is therefore impossible to neglect either consideration. The samples must, consequently, be kept for a certain time at room temperature, and for another interval at higher temperatures. In no case, however, must this be relied on without further examination, but it must be laid clown as a fundamental rule of conduct, that any nutrient medium apparently rendered sterile by fractional sterilisation, may only be considered as actually sterile, and used as such, when it is found that after a short storage, following the above treatment, no spontaneous development has taken place. This regulation, urgently necessitated by reason of the insecurity of the sterilising process in question, must not be neglected. Nevertheless, if the work is cleanly done, it will seldom be found necessary to reject samples on account of insufficient sterilisation, since the highly resistant spores, now in question, are generally absent in the majority of the substances employed in the preparation of artificial nutrient solutions, and only creep in when the manipulations are performed without due care. Cultivated soil is rich in such organisms, so that if such soil is, by any means, introduced into these media, an unsuccessful result may readily ensue, as was, for instance, observed by L. HEIM (II.). The occurrence of such spores in meat-extract is no rarity, and the remarks just made should therefore be recalled when such material is employed. It may happen that a nutrient medium, which cannot be exposed to a temperature of 100° C. without decomposing, will have to be sterilised. An instance of this is afforded by the solution employed in the study of uric fermentation, which, in addition to the nutrient substances, contains also an admixture of urea. This body, as is well known, is gradually converted at 1 00° C. (in aqueous solutions) into ammonium carbonate. In preparing a medium containing this amide the directions of LEUBE (I.) should be fol- lowed, the solution of the other nutrient substances (e.g. a bouillon) being first treated by itself in the steamer, and the urea sterilised separately by heating it in the dry state at 106° C. for half an hour. By this treatment it is maintained unaltered, and may, when cooled, be added to the cold sterile bouillon. Under particularly favourable circumstances, exposure to a temperature much below 100° C. can bring about either the complete mortification of the germs present in a solution, or else render them so debilitated that their further development is prevented, so that the liquid will remain for a long time (months and years) without alteration. This result is attainable when the influence of 84 METHODS OF STERILISATION warmth is seconded by suitable antiseptics, substances which we must first consider before noticing the combined process of sterilisation to which we are gradually leading up. § 79.— Mineral Antiseptics. The substances exerting a toxic action on micro-organisms are still often divided into two groups : those serving to annihilate the pathogenic bacteria being termed disinfectants ; whilst the substances capable of retarding fermentation and putrefaction are denominated antiseptics. There are, however, no good grounds for this distinction, since, as we know, there are bacteria capable of •n-iginating both disease and fermentation. Very exhaustive researches on the efficacy of the various antiseptics are available. Those of K. Kncn (I.) were undertaken in the interest of medical hygiene. As in the case of other agencies inimical to bacteria, so is it in thec;t>e of toxic substances : the destruction of the life of vegetative forms of growth is relatively the easiest to eftect ; stronger means being necessary to prevent the germination of the endospores, and the most powerful influences of all to kill these latter. The strongest antiseptic is corrosive sublimate, or mercuric chloride, HgCl? ; but, unfortunately, this substance cannot, for hygienic reasons, be employed in the fermentation industry. In the laboratory, however, the fermentation physiologic aluays keeps a stock of this reagent for disinfecting (inter alia) the bell glasses used for storing fresh plate cultures. A sufficient quantity is also put in vessels containing cultures that are no longer needed, but which should not be placed in the hands of the cleaner until they have been killed. Again, in the laboratory of the chemist in large works a solution of sublimate should always be kept, along with materials for bandages, as being the first remedy to apply when the workmen are injured or wounded. In washing wounds with this solution, one should always be mindful of the fact that the first treatment has a preponderating influence in the restoration of health. The strength of solution employed, both in the laboratory and for this Samaritan service, is one grain of HgCl2 per litre of distilled water. Calcareous well-water must not ^be used, and the author would recommend any chemist who cannot afford to purchase distilled water to prepare his stock of sublimate solution in rainy weather, using pure rain water for that purpose. Like most of the salts of mercury, sublimate forms insoluble compounds with albuminoids (e.g. in the blood), and has then no longer any effect on bacteria. This reaction is prevented by adding 5 grams of sodium chloride per litre of solution, since this salt forms with the mercuric chloride a double salt soluble in water. According to the researches of It. Koch, the spores of Bacillus anthracis perish in tin hour when immersed in this solution. For the prevention of their germination the presence of i part of sublimate in 300,000 parts of water suffices. The earliest disinfectant employed was sulphurous acid, the use of which for sulphuring wine casks lias been handed down from remote ages. I n this pn i lied sulphur threads are ignited and placed in the cask, being prevented from falling l»y the hung. These sulphur threads are strips of linen about the breadth of the finger, steeped in melted sulphur. The germicide properties of gaseous sulphurous acid (sulphur dioxide) were examined by G. WoLFFHfl GEL (I.) J and ('. LINOSSIER (I.) endeavoured to express in figure* the relation between the percentage content of a solution of this dioxide and the length of exposure necessary to kill various germs. His experiments were not conducted with bacteria, but with Kmnitcetes; they are, nevertheless. i:iven in the following Table : MIM.HAI, ANTISI.I'TK S Species, K;il;il (low of SO., in r.r. JUT litre f«»r :in c .\pn.-iirc hiMiiijf — 15 mill. 6 hours. 24 honrH. 5 (l!l>s- IMMT yeast ..... Wine yeast ..... Mycodcrma rini .... Aspen/ ill us ii'ujc.r .... 200 IOO 2CO 50 IOO 2O IOO 20 20 2O IOO 10 10 40 With regard to the deadening of wine-must by sulphurous acid, referred to in § n, mention may be made of the discovery of this observer that 25 c.c. of SO., per litre sufficed not only to hinder the inception of fermentation in wine- must, but also to bring it to a standstill when already in progress. The presence of a small quantity — by itself inert — of another mineral acid was found to increase the power of the sulphurous acid in a remarkable degree. The subse- quent fate of this latter in sulphured wine varies : a small portion combines with the aldehydes, a little (often merely a trace) of which is always present, to form aldehyde-sulphurous acid, a compound of agreeable odour, but the bulk is converted into sulphuric acid, and is then found as potassium sulphate. Several experi- ments in this connection have been conducted byE. CHUARD and M. JACCARD(!.). Apart from the cases already mentioned, this antiseptic is not used in a gaseous form in fermentation industries, since it attacks the metal fittings, irritates the workmen's lungs, &c. It is, however, employed in combination with lime, as calcium bisulphite, Ca0.2SOa.H2O = Ca(HSO3)3, with which the fermenting tuns, &c., in the brewery are purified. On the basis of his experiments on this point with beer yeasts and film yeasts, H. WILL (I.) recommends an aqueous solution of this salt containing 10 grams of S02 per litre. As the commercial salt contains 70-75 grams of S02 per litre, one part by weight of this liquid must therefore be diluted with six parts of water. The suitability of Pictet's solution (liquide Pictet) — a mixture of CO2 and SO, (i : i) — for disinfecting purposes has been reported upon by DE RECHTER and LEGROS (I.). As a rule, the germicidal power of carbonic acid (carbon dioxide) is over- estimated by non-professional people. The researches of CARL FRAENKEL (I.), confirmed by C. STEINMETZ (I.), have shown that this acid has no power at all on certain bacteria, these latter thriving even in an atmosphere of the pure gas. Other species are less able to stand it, and the remaining kinds, though retarded in their development, are killed by it only with great difficulty. The most important literature on the subject has been arranged by P. FRANKLAND and WARD (I.). The above-mentioned fact suffices of it? elf to destroy the hope that carbonated mineral waters are necessarily devoid of germs (as was assumed by Leone some years back), the researches of P. SIEDLER (I.) having shewn that this is not the case. The influence of this acid on the vital activity of yeast and the progress of alcoholic fermentation will be dealt with in the second volume. Chlorine, also, is not employed in the gaseous state, but as chloride of lime (calcium hypochlorite). This substance was recommended by H. WILL (II.) for the disinfection of the sacks — made wholly or in part of wool — used for filtering off the "cooler sludge" in the brewery. As these bags are rendered unusable by hot-water washing, their purification has to be effected by a cold process. That cold washing does not produce the desired effect was proved by Will, who found the sacks to be strongly infected with bacteria and wild yeasts, especially 86 MI;TIK>I)S or STKKILISATION aiound tin- M itches, a circuinstance sufficient to account for the bad repute in \\hich wort- and beer droppings an- held. Disinfection experiments have, however, >hc»N\ 11 that these gei m> can be killed by exposure to the action — assisted by careful brushing — of a chloride of time solution containing i percent. of active chlorine. As g..od commercial chloride of lime yields 30-35 per cent . of chlorine, (ho solution may In- prepared for use by mixing 3-3! kilos. (6.6-7.7 11)-.) of the chloride with i hectolitre (22 gallons) of water — i.e. about 5 ox. per gallon — Mirring the mixture up frequently, and, after settling, pouring off the clear liquid from the (useless) sediment. According to R. Koch, 0.2 percent, chlorine- water will kill the spores of 1',. a nflu-iicis within an hour. Kxhaustive conducted chiefly from a medico-hygienic point of view — on the anti-bacterial properties of chlorine and bromine have been carried out by I'.i i:\iiAiii) KISCIIKH and \\. PHOSKATKK (I.). Among the inorganic acids, hydrofluoric acid and its alkali salts have proved to be particularly pO18OnOU8 to bacteria. In the last few years this MI!»I. . by the labours of Ktlront, been utilised in distilleries; on this head more detailed repoi ts will he given in a later section. Boric acid, either jmr se or in the form of borax, is occasionally in despite of prohibitory regulations- u>ed for preserving food-stuflfe (c.t/. milkj. A p» r -ible ami useful application of this substance may he made in the preparation a paste by employing an aqueous solution of borax as a substitute for \\ater. PaMe prepared in this way can be recommended, for instance, for allixing the labels on wine bottles kept in store, the occurrence of the uncleanly formation of mould, otherwise intervening, being thereby prevented. The effect of ozone and hydrogen peroxide on bacteria is due to a common cause, vi/.., the decomposing power of the oxygen liberated. Accoiding to the determinations made by H. SoNNTAG (I.), ozone has only a weak germicidal power, but other experimenters, c.t/. OBKKDOKITKK (I.) and WY>M»K<>U rr-< n (I.), obtained ><>mewhat more favourable results. According to the research* ( hi i. MI I.LKK (I.), this gas acts more powerfully when it is passed, along with oxygen, through the culture. When the volume of the liquid amounted to 500 c.c. an ozone-content of 90 m.grms. of 03 per 100 c.c. of the gas was requisite in order to kill the germs of the spores of anthrax bacillus present. According to the researches of Cinn ST. MAS (L), the germicide power of ozone sinks to nil when its amount falls below 0.05 per cent, by volume; so that no effect can be cipated from the much lower proportion (i—io m.grms. per 100 litres) of t iii the atmosphere. With regard to the purification of river water -intended for drinking purposes — by the aid of ozone, prepared artificially on a 1.. an exhaustive report h;ts been drawn up by E. VAX EI;MI:M.I;M (I.). Owing to th> expense entailed, the utilisation of the anti-bacterial •f hydrogen peroxide in the service of the fermentation industry nil j'i at -tic-able. The invention of a less expensive method of production would, however, ensure it an extensive sphere of operation, since this bacterium the advantage that during its action it is resolved into water and When the latter has killed the organism, nothing is left of the anti- • ic hut harm'. . < Advantage might be derived from this property in connection with the manufacture of conserves; but hitherto its value not seem to have been sufficiently appreciated. A few experiments have, bow- i. been made with it in connection with the fru-ing of drinkii :'rom germs. In partial improvement on the results reported hv Van Tromp. it has been proved by AI.I 1:1101:1 T.K (I.) and P. Srim.ow (I.) that an addition of i part per -in if of H^O, to drinking water will, within twenty-four hours, be fatal to the common (innocuous) water bacteria, the microbes usually present in conduit which produce cholera and typhus. No alteration in ORGANIC ANTISEPTICS *7 flavour results from this application; and an injurious influence on health i.s the less likely, since the peroxide is quickly decomposed. A reduction of the dose below i per mil would naturally interfere with the efficiency of the reaction, a circumstance which explains the unfavourable results obtained by other experimenters, reported by A. SCIIROIIK (I.). A proposal, worthy of being followed up, has been made by A. GOTTSTEIN (II.). A sample of water contain- ing 1000 bacteria per i c.c. was found to evolve bubbles of gas at its upper edges fifteen minutes after the addition of H2O2, the gas being oxygen liberated from the peroxide by the activity of the microbes. Since the extent of this evolution of gas fluctuates in accordance with the number of living bacteria present, this behaviour might perhaps be utilised in arranging a simple method for controlling the efficiency of water niters at frequent intervals. No appliances beyond a stock of hydrogen peroxide and sterilised test-glasses would be required. Of course, this crude method neither could nor should be used to replace the examination of the efficiency of the filter by bacteriological tests, but is intended for the sole purpose of enabling the engineer in charge to convince himself, every quarter of an hour (or at other selected intervals), that the filtrate has fewer bacteria than the unfiltered water. According to the critical researches of HUGO LASER (I.), the Gottstein method is not sufficiently reliable. Milk of lime is, when fresh, a fairly good disinfectant, but loses its disinfect- ing property as soon as the calcium hydroxide becomes converted into carbonate, the latter being innocuous towards many organisms, and even favourable to others (especially the acid-forming microbes). In the absence of other disinfec- tants this liquid may be successfully used. According to the researches of E. PFUHL (I.), it is sufficient to add two volumes thereof, and leave them to react for ark hour, to ensure the death of the typhus bacilli and cholera bacteria in liquid fa?cal matter. L. STEUBER (I.) has made several experiments as to the influence of milk of lime on yeast-cells, and on its suitability for disinfecting brickwork in the brewery. § 80.— Organic Antiseptics. The antiseptic most appreciated — next to sublimate — in surgery, viz., carbolic acid (Phenol, C6H5OH), which is used as a 4 per cent, solution for washing wounds, is never employed for industrial purposes. Nevertheless, it merits brief mention here because the discoverer of its antiseptic action, viz., J. LEW AT HE (I. and II.), established the interesting fact that this constituent of coal-tar, whilst capable of restricting the development of organised ferments, leaves the efficiency of the enzymes unimpaired, a differential behaviour which afforded support to Pasteur in his campaign against the Liebig theory of fer- mentation. The toxic action of phenol on the individual species of the bacteria varies, a circumstance which is utilised in the bacteriological analysis of water. In order to determine if the water under examination for impurities contains Bacterium coli commune, a small quantity is, in accordance with Pere's sugges- tion, placed in bouillon containing one part of carbolic acid ptr mil. This will retard the development of most of the water bacteria, but not that of B. coli commune, which will therefore increase in the culture, and can then be more readily detected by supplementary means (plate cultures). Crude carbolic acid is soluble with difficulty in pure water, but readily so in sulphuric acid, com- bining therewith to form sulpho-acids, an aqueous solution of which, under the name of aseptol, is employed in surgery. According to the researches of R. Koch, the strength of aqueous carbolic acid solution requisite to prevent the germination of the spores of B. anthracis is I part in 850. In a 5 per cent, solution the death of these spores is caused only after more than forty days. 88 MKTIIODS OF STKKIUSATION The three succeeding higher homologues of phenol, viz., the cresols, C6H4.OH.CHV are also used in surgery. The so-called kreolin or creolin is a mixture of soap with a tar-oil, containing a small quantity of phenols (cresol, Arc.) .rg»- amount of hydrocarbons. As the last are insoluble in water, a milky emulsion is produced by pouring creolin into that liquid. Lysoland sapo- carbol are mixtures of soap and tar-oils containing more phenols and a smaller proportion of hydrocarbons than the substance last described; both these mixture will dissolve in water without producing turbidity. The solubility of tli.- nv.-ols in water i> slight: about i part per 100 aq., but can be increased idrral.lv (as ascertained by Hueppe) by the presence of other substances. Thus, when sodium cresotate is used, solveol is obtained. An alkaline aqueous solution of sodium cresol will absorb a very large quantity of cresol, thereby in<: solutol. liy adding to a 50-60 per cent, crude carbolic acid about 20 per cent, of its weight of mineral oil, a mixture known as saprol is obtained, which is lighter than water and floats when applied to frccal matter. The suitability of this preparation for the continuous disinfection and deodorisation of the contents of cesspools and closets was tested by SCHKI i;u:\ (I. and II.). tion of the foregoing seven antiseptics is only made here for the purpose of stating their composition a> a matter of interest to the technical chemist. They are, however, unimportant so far as fermentation industries are concerned. A derivative of orthocresol, viz., salicylic acid, C6HrOH COOH,is still occasionally 1. e.g. for the preservation of jams, toai rest the formation of mould on wine, Arc. inn- when 1 1 . Kolhe (who held the first patent for the manufacture of this sub- <-e on a large scale) strongly recommended its employment has long gone by. On the other hand, another derivative of cresol, viz., potassium orthodinitro- •1, C6H2.(N02),.CH3.OK, finds extensive employment, its explosibility being entirely done away with by the use of a small addition of glycerin, soap, &c. The red pasty mass thus obtained is put on the market, as a patented prepara- tion, by the Bayer Farbenfabrik under the name of Antinonnin, this name being given to it on account of its having been first used on a large scale in practice in 1892, for the destruction of the " nonnen " (Monacha) larva? infest - is of Bavaria and Wiirttemberg. This paste dissolves in water in proportions up to 5 per cent., forming a clear solution, dark yellow in colour and of a soapy smell, possessing no corrosive action and attacking neither metals nor fabrics, but penetrating deeply into wood and other porous substances, and remaining fixed therein without volatilising or imparting any odour to the rial. Reports on the applicability of this antiseptic are unanimously in its favour. Tn. Si i ri \I.K (1.), for example, has drawn up an exhaustive account of it> usefulness in preserving wood employed for building pin-poses, and it :eliable means for the annihilation of the dreaded dry rot in timber nich. it may l.e casually remarked, a comprehensive monograph has li.'.n written by I!. H.\I:II<; (I.)). To prevent the spreading of this fungus, all ; work (and especially that forming the floor joists) is treated, by dipping or brushing the end> to be imbedded in brickwork, with a .! percent. DO) M'lul-on of aiitinonnin. Dipping is also recommended for preserving railv i d wood block- tor paving. The latter are at present steeped in < der the streets malodorous in hot weather by the •irs ih««y evolve. Antinonnin will equally counteract putrescence without ML' the • T.-legraph post.-, fencing, hop-poles, and vine-pio; liy M-tting the butt, ends in a 0.5 to i per cent, aqueous solution of antinonnin for a day. \\herehy they will acquire great powers of HIT. The packing for space- between ceilings, for which purpose building waste i.- generally employed, and which is so often the -ground of pathogenic germs (particularly tetanus bacillus), should be ORGANIC ANTISKl'TICS 89 impregnated with this disinfectant. Antinonnin is also a very suitable material to employ when it is a question of keeping the brickwork of a building dry and arresting corrosion, the cause of which latter phenomenon is probably bacterial. The evil may be remedied by brushing the walls with a i per cent, solution of antinonnin. If it be desired to prevent the inception of such corrosion — as will be specially the case when a wall is to be decorated with fresco paintings — then the mortar applied directly to the wall should be mixed with about 5 per cent, of antinonnin. The walls of hospital wards, &c., maybe cheaply and reliably disinfected by brushing them over with a saturated (5 per cent.) solution of this agent. Full information concerning its successful employment in the brewery has been given by AUBRY (1.), who recommends its use for purifying all utensils not brought into direct contact with the beer. The walls of the fermenting and storage cellars, which are frequently damp and form the habitat of mucinous and malodorous fungi prejudicial to the beer, may be dried and freed from mould by brushing them over with antinonnin solution. Ethyl alcohol, in an undiluted condition, behaves as a fairly powerful poison towards bacteria, and, according to R. Koch, will hinder the germination of the spores of Bacillus anthracis, even when diluted with twelve times its own volume of water. The use of this compound — of 90-96 per cent, strength — is strongly recommended to the fermentation physiologist, since it possesses the advantage over sublimate of rapidly attacking the spores of those mould-fungi that coat themselves with an excretion of fatty matter, owing to which they are able to resist the influence of aqueous antiseptics for a long time. It is advisable, before performing inoculations in Pasteur flasks, to wash the flasks all over with alcohol, more particularly the part of the lateral tube covered by the caoutchouc tubing, and the mouth closed by the glass stopper. The surface of the table on which the inoculation is effected should also be cleaned with alcohol of about 50 per cent, strength. The disinfection of the hands is, as shown in particular by FURBRINGER (I.), a very tedious labour when it has to be absolutely efficient. This, however, is necessary only in the case of surgeons, and the fermentation physiologist may rest contented with simply washing them with soap and water, and finally with alcohol, before undertaking a delicate inoculation. The latter precaution should in no wise be omitted before handling the ends of the caoutchouc tubing of Pasteur flasks. The susceptibility of the different species of bacteria to alcohol is various, a few of them being able to resist it very well when dilute ; and some even utilise it as a source of energy, e.g. the acetic acid bacteria, which still thrive freely in presence of 10 per cent, by volume of this alcohol. Ethyl ether is also a very powerful antiseptic, and is recommended by R. WOLLNY (I.) for use in sterilising by the cold process. For this purpose the ether is added in the proportion of 10 per cent, to the liquid, and then, after the germs have been killed, removed by the air-pump. The advantage of this method over that of heat is that it has no effect on the albuminoids coagulable by the temperature of boiling water. Formaldehyde, also known as formol (formalin), will in the near future enjoy extended employment as a powerful disinfectant. Many objects, such as clothing dyed with delicate colours, furs, &c., must not be disinfected with liquid anti- septics or by steam, gaseous germicides alone being suitable. Among these there is but little range of choice ; chlorine and sulphur dioxide not only destroy the germs, but also the materials to which the latter adhere ; and the only other resource at our disposal is in formaldehyde. The antiseptic properties of this substance were indicated by 0. Low (1.) and by BUCHNER and SEGALL (I.), and have since been thoroughly investigated by TRILLAT (I.). Meat-broth containing one-twelfth part of formaldehyde per mil was found to be perfectly free from 90 MI.TIIODS or STKKII.ISATION us at the end of several weeks. AK<>NS«>\ (1.) found that typhus bacilli, ttccus pyogenes aureus, and /!. n nth runs could not develop in bouillon continuing one-twentieth put par mil of tin's aldehyde. According to the .MIL (I.) :md of E. VAN KnMi \«,i M a nd SUGG (I.), the spores of ,ud those (very tenacious of life) from garden soil were killed by an exposure of one hour to the influence of a i jw ///il solution of formaldehyde, and a solution containing i part in 750 proved fatal to the germs in a quarter of an hour. This disinfectant is therefore on a par with the strongest mineral (bacterium) p ive sublimate, as regards efficiency, and surpasses it in point of general applicability. Moreover, unlike the mercury salt, formaldehyde is but .slightly dangerous to man and the higher animals. The air may be im- pregnated with sufficient of the vapour for the purpose of disinfection without ing any greater inconvenience than coughing, which, however, soon dis- appears, since one quickly gets acclimatised to this reagent. Formaldehyde is i ally met with in commerce as a 40 per cent, solution known as formalin. TKILLAT (II.) gives a few methods for testing its strength :m',-\>nn coli comiifnf, which, in the bacteriological analysis of water, i- both very important and difficult. The latter species develops freely in a bouillon containing i part of formaldehyde in 7000, whereas the former will not . do so. Therefore, if a species of fission fungus isolated from the sample of water, ai.d suspected to be typhus bacillus, produces turbidity in such a medium, this behaviour shows that it is not the bacillus which causes typhus. The applicability of this method — which gives a negative characterisation — has been :';iined by KID. AUKL (1.). The researches above noticed deal only with the action of formaldehyde on bacteria, but for the fermentation industry it is also Important to know how the higher fungi, and especially the alcohol ye; b«-h bhifl disii. f«rt ant. Iii this connection it has been established by W. \ViM'isrn (I.) that yeast cells show much less susceptibility; consequently aldehyde is not a suitable means for killing them. Fortunately, however, they are readily a fleeted by tin- influence of hot water vapour, chloride of lime, o that there is no lack of available remedies. The antiseptic power of iodoform, CI3H, was studied by BEIIKING (I.), with the result that this compound was found not to injure (kill) bacteiia. except in the M when iodine was liberated. In all otlx r instances (which thus Till; CO.MHINKl) MKTIIOI) OF STKIUMS \TION 91 constitute the rule), its favourable action in the healing of wounds is based exclusively on the counteraction of the poison produced by the pus forming bacteria, without, however, the appearance of the latter being prevented. The use of chloroform for disinfection is only, as a rule, resorted to when it is desired to sterilise milk for use as a culture medium, in which case it is necessary to dispense with strong heat. This will be discussed in a subsequent chapter. The organic acids have a fatal effect, even in small quantities, especially on putrefactive bacteria. Frequent and regular use is made of this property in technical processes of sterilisation, as also in distillery work ("souring the mash ), as will be frequently noticed in the course of the present work. On the other hand, fairly high degrees of concentration are required for killing such bacteria as are themselves active producers of acid. Benzole acid, though pro- hibited by law, is occasionally employed for increasing the keeping properties of milk. This acid — even in very small quantities — has a very restrictive influence on alcoholic fermentation, and it is to this influence that the difficulty of exciting fermentation in the juice of the whortleberry (Vaccinium Vitis Ideea) is to be ascribed, considerable quantities of this acid being present therein, MACH and POKTELE (I.) having found 0.64 to 0.86 grm. per litre. § 81.— The Combined Method of Sterilisation. The influence exerted on micro-organisms by the substances already con- sidered is subject to the same fundamental law as has been established for physical force, viz., that the effect produced varies with the intensity of the causative influence. A solution containing so Jarge a proportion of antiseptic that it is capable of killing a given microbe, will, when sufficiently diluted, have a merely restrictive influence on development, without, however, proving fatal. Proceeding farther in the same direction, a condition of dilution will be attained which will exert a favourable effect, stimulating the vital activity of the organism ; and finally, if the degree of dilution be extended beyond this point, no effect will be observable. This fact was expressed by HUGO SCHULZ (I.) in the following phrase: "Each impulse exerts on each cell an action whose effect on the activity of the cell is in inverse proportion to the intensity of the impulse." A series of researches, which confirm this law, have been made on microbe poisons, but it will be sufficient to simply mention two examples, viz., that of On. RICIIET (I.), treating of the bacteria of lactic fermentation, and that of BIERNACKI (I.), which deals with alcoholic fermentation. This law forms the basis of the theory of toxic action originated by O. Low (II.) in a book the peru>al of which is commended to the reader, and more especially for the complete critical digest it contains of the literature, relating to the action of poisons, published anterior to 1893. According to Low, the ultimate cause of toxicity is to be sought in the lability of the albuminoid matter of the cell protoplasm. The activity of the latter consists in a continuous chemical change of the atomic groups composing the molecule, the briskness of which alteration is increased by slight stimuli. Larger quantities of the irritant (poison) exert such a strong preponderating influence on the change, that the lability of the plasmic albuminoid is arrested, and the life of the cell is consequently destro}ed. Probably, then, toxic action may be the means of throwing light upon the obscure problem of the chemical dynamics of the cell; just as, in many other branches of natural philosophy, the study of disturbing influences has afforded the deepest insight into the normal course of phenomena. A knowledge of the nature of toxic action — the progress of which depends more or less upon chemists obtaining a clear idea as to the constituents of the albuminoids — is of the greatest importance, both to the study of organic life in 92 MKTIlons or STF.KII.ISATION • nil, and to that of the pathogenic ami fermentati\ «• microbes in particular. It i> al>o important, as we shall soon see, for the technique of sterilisation. The destruction of germs by heat in certain nutrient solutions and food-stuffs v difficult ta>k. because it nece»it at cs t em pcrat ures t hat damage the .simple both a> rei:ards nutritive valueand palatability. Success may, however, be attained by combining the influence of heat with that of poison, although the iso- lated action of either is incapable of killing the germs. This is the leading idea on which i> basul the process of mixed or combined sterilisation, wherein the death of the mien -organism is caused by the simultaneous application of two factors; one of which (the poison) is without influence on the chemical composition of the sample, whilst the other (heat) is too low to set up any injurious decomposition. At lir>t sight it may seem that the presence of poison restricts the application • to such cases as the sterilisation, pure and simple, of a liquid, and preclude> its use when such liquid is intended for the cultivation of micro- :ni>m> or for human consumption. On more mature deliberation, however, a con t r.-i IT conviction will be formed. Many of the substances named in the preceding paragraph are in themselves innocuous to the health of man, provided the quantity present is not too large; this ^ particularly the case with alcohol and the organic acids, and it is precisely these acids that are generally employed for the preservation of numerous food- stufls. A fuller account of this subject will be given in a future chapter, so we will simply refer to it here and pass on to the consideration of the second question: Is the combined method also suitable for sterilising nutrient media intended for mycological work ? Let us recall the observation that has been frequently made in previous p: i i-a graphs with reference to the behaviour of micro-organisms under the influence of physical and chemical forces. Just as a certain degree of heat is fatal to one species, simply retards the development of a second, is favourable to a third, and insufficient to allow the cells of a fourth species to grow at all — so given amounts of poison may be fatal to one species of organism, inert towards a second, and even stimulating to a third. In other words, the constants of influence of a given poison vary with different organisms. \Ve are indebted to Tn. SCHWANN (II.) for the first observations on the varia- tions in behaviour thus exhibited, but to PASTEUR (I.) for the first practical appli- cation thereof. Attention lias already been directed to the susceptibility of the putrefactive bacteria to the influence of acids, a property of which Pasteur availed himself to protect his cultures of ferments (in the restricted sense of the term) against injury on the part of such interlopers. For example, in order to study acetic fermentation, he first acidified the artificial medium with acetic acid. By a >kilful combination of various ant i-hacterial forces, properly adapted to each particul given nutrient medium can be freed from germs without dimini-l inability for the culture in view. One factor of this combined method of >tei ili>;(t ion is usually heat. Many examples of this will bu given in the - I subsequent p:nagiaphs. so that we will now simply icfer to that afforded by the boiling of beer-wort. At the moment when the .still unhopped wort runs fiom the mash-tun info the co|'[er. it contain- innumerable bacteria, chiefly derived from the malt. Not only do the>e surxive the mashing process uninjured, hut their increase is such • 0.07 0.12 per cent, of lactic acid is produced. The acidity of the wort is • uh.it f'ui t her increased by the addition of the hops placed in the copper iKjfore boiling is commenced. But, as a con>» quence of the conjoint influence of the boiling temperature (ioo.5°-io3° C.). the lactic j»cid and the hops, the germ> in the wort are — as found by (I. H. Momus (T.) — at the end of fifteen minutes' boiling, partly killed and partly so far weakened that they THE COMBINED METHOD OF STERILISATION 93 incapable of further development ; the wort is therefore practically sterile . Sometimes — but, as E. CH. HANSEN (HI.) has shown, not always — the complete destruction of all the germs (absolute sterility) is attained in this way. How- ever, the residual living germs in the wort do not develop therein, though they will do so if transferred to a more favourable medium — e.g. meat-broth. In this case we have to do with relative sterility. The rapidity of the effect is chiefly attributable to the influence of the hops, which, in turn, owe their germicidal powers to the possession of certain resinous bodies, generally known under the collective name of hop-resins. The chemical properties and biological effects of these bodies have been investigated by M. HAYDUCK (I.), who found three different resins in hops, all of which are soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform. One of these, viz., the brittle, tasteless y-resin, insoluble in petroleum spirit, does not interest us in the present instance, the germicidal properties of the hop not being due to its influence, but to that of the two (extremely bitter) soft resins the a-resin and /3-resin. These two act powerfully on the lactic acid- and butyric acid bacteria, but are innocuous towards acetic acid bacteria, sarcina, and higher fungi (especially yeast). The latter organisms are, however, subject to the influence of the boiling temperature, so that the wort is delivered in a sterile condition to the cooler, where it is infected anew. The attempts of all discerning brewing technicists to abolish the cooler and to effect the rapid cool- ing of the wort (as well as its aeration by the injection of germ -free air) in closed vessels fitted with refrigerating appliances, are thus easily accounted for. This method of procedure, which, from the fermentation physiologist's point of view, is the only correct one, is, however, beset with a difficulty as regards the separation of the sedimentary matter. Therefore the hot wort from the copper is generally allowed to stand until the sediment has subsided, the still hot goods being then carefully drawn off and conveyed to suitable cooling and aerating apparatus. For a description of the latter, reference must be made to Handbooks on Brew- ing, three of which are recommended : that of THAUSING (I.) studies the wants of the practical brewer; whilst MORITZ and MORRIS'S (I.) work is intended for the brewing chemist familiar with chemistry and microbiology, to whom it presents a large amount of lucid information. These two books being supple- mentary one to the other, the student will do well to leave neither unread. Finally, the third work, C. J. LINTNER'S (I.) "Handbuch der landwirtschaft- lichen Gewerbe," is adapted for imparting instruction in High Schools. The sterilisation of wort in Pasteur flasks — the medium most frequently employed in the fermentation physiologist's laboratory — will be briefly described as an addendum to the preceding remarks. In order to produce a clear liquid, poor in precipitated albuminoids, &c., the Pasteur flask is half filled with wort (not from the hop copper, but from the cooler), which will now contain numerous germs, several hundreds to thousands per c.c. The flask is then placed on a heated sand- bath and the steam evolved is allowed to escape for ten minutes — counting from the moment boiling begins — through the short caoutchouc tube on the lateral tube of the flask, whereupon the former is closed by a glass stopper previously purified in the flame. Then, for a further ten minutes, the steam is allowed to escape through the swan-neck, and the flask is left to cool, being for that purpose placed on a hollowed cork or a ring of millboard one inch in height. When the liquid has again sunk to the temperature of the room, the moisture condensed in the swan- neck is driven off by means of the gas-flame, and the neck is closed by a small plug of asbestos, which subsequently serves as a germ filter. Any organisms capable of passing through this are deposited in the first bend of the tube, which is then freed therefrom, by heating it to redness in the flame, before proceeding to inocu- lation. Concerning the sterilisation of the large copper apparatus for pure yeast culture, detailed instructions have been given by E. CH. HANSEN (III.). CHAPTER XL MKTHODS OF PURE CULTURE. § 82.— Nutrient Solutions. < 15 of the I lit rod lift ion it w.is stated that Liebig's theory regarded the di.-hitrgration of the albuminoids as the true active agency in fermentation. PASTEUR (VII.), the active opponent of this theory, interested himself in the preparation of artificial media which, though free from albuminoids, began to tVrnifht when inoculated with a minute quantity of fermentative organism- a trace of yeast). The oldest of these, generally known as Pasteur's fluid, .f — < Irani*. Wat.r 100.0 Ammonium tartratr ....... I o Cane-sugar ......... 10.0 (corresponding to on*- L- rin. vast) . . . 0.^75 ;u,d was intended preferably for the cultivation of the higher fungi (yeast in particular). Its suitability for bacterial cultures \\MS examined by Cohn, who found that for this purpose the sugar could be dispensed with. On the basis of i relies into the requirements of yeast as regards mineral matters, ADOLF MAYER (I.) proposed to employ, in place of the yeast-ash, which is soluble only with ditlicultv. an artificially prepared solution of the salts of which this ash is known from experience to consist. Utilising this report, COHN (I.) prepared a nutrient solution which he named "normal bacterial liquid," and which was composed of — Gnna Wat^r . i oo.o Potassium acid phosphalf (I\ILP04) dc ralcinm phosphate (<';\ Cr\-t;illis.-(l mairnrsiimi sulphate . Ammonium tartr.-itr 0-5 0.05 0.5 i.o N \«;I;LI (I \'.). relying on the results of his researches (indicated in chapter ii.) on hodii-s suitable for the nutrition of the lower fungi, prepared three " normal ^ t'nr (i — ion I'imiM,'' one of them having the subjoined constitution : Di-potamium pin.-p}i:it>- 1 K .,Hl'< Y •••iiim sur'phat.- ("alciiini rlilori.l.- . Ammonium tartrat- (Ir.iin-. IOO.O O.I O.O2 O.OI 1. 00 hitherto described play a great part in earlier myco- logical literature, on which account their constitution is n«>w given, though at present they are but seldom < >n the other hand, a -vond nutrient solution given by Pasteur, viz , yeast- water, is still frequently used. To prepare this solution, about 100 grins, of thick brewer's barm (or 75 grins, of pn— . -d yeast) are placed in a tin can with 94 NUTRIENT SOLUTIONS 95 one litre of water over the fire, and boiled for a quarter of an hour, and are then passed through a folded filter. If the liquid passing through is turbid it is returned to the filter, and in this way a clear, pale yellow filtrate is obtained, which is made up to one litre by the addition of distilled water, and is then sterilised (either in bulk or in portions) by exposure to 100° C. in a steamer on three consecutive days, or by a single operation of twenty minutes at 120° C. under pressure. By a preliminary addition of 5 to 10 per cent, of sugar a very useful nutrient medium for yeast is obtained. When acidified with acetic acid and qualified with alcohol, yeast- water rendered good service in Pasteur's studies in acetic fermentation. For the cultivation of beer-yeasts the most suitable medium is hopped beer- wort, sterilised in the Pasteur flask as already described. The hop-resin in this liquid exerts a toxic action on many organisms, and among them the lactic acid bacteria, which play an important part in distillery work ; so that hopped wort must not be employed to cultivate these organisms in the laboratory, unhopped wort being advisable for this and sundry similar purposes. Unhopped wort is an advantageous medium for numerous fermentative organisms, and therefore requires special care in sterilising. Wine-must serves for the artificial multiplication of wine-yeasts and fruit- yeasts, and a concentrated form of it is kept in stock in the laboratory. On this point fuller particulars will be found in chapter xx. Saprogenic and most pathogenic bacteria thrive particularly well in meat- juice. This is used in the form of so-called bouillon, and, following the lines indicated by the researches of PETRI and MAASSEN (I.), is prepared as follows : Half a kilogram (i.i Ib.) of finely minced beef, free from fat, is placed in a tin pan or earthen crock along with one litre (if pints) of well-water, and, after standing for an hour at the ordinary temperature, is heated to about 60° C. during three hours, with frequent stirrings. At the conclusion of this period of extraction the mixture is boiled for half an hour and then filtered through a folded filter. The pale yellow effluent liquid is made up to one litre when cold, and exhibits an amphoteric reaction. Its primary salts of orthophosphoric acid (e.g. KH2P04) redden blue litmus paper, whilst on the other hand the secondary phosphates (e.g. K2HP04) also present behave in the contrary manner. In presence of phenolphthalein, however, only the tertiary phosphate (K3PO4) acts as a base, and consequently meat extract behaves as an acid towards both blue litmus and phenolphthalein. As a general rule, TO c.c. of this broth require an addition of 1.8 c.c. of deci-normal alkali to prevent the colour change from taking place with blue litmus, and an addition of 3 c.c. to enable it just to redden phenolphthalein. This acid reaction of meat-broth being a hindrance to the development of many bacteria, it is on that account rendered very sliyhtly alkaline, the resulting liquid containing a smaller or larger percentage of alkali according to the indicator used, and which should be selected in accordance with the requirements exacted of the medium in each case. After neutralisation, i per cent, of dry peptone and a \ per cent, of common salt are added to the liquid, which is then boiled again for a quarter of an hour (but not longer), and filtered hot; the resulting liquid, generally known as nutrient bouillon, is filled into small bottles (e.g. 5-10 c.c.) and sterilised by either a thrice-repeated treatment in the steamer or once under pressure. When, under particular circumstances, suitable meat cannot be obtained, meat extract is u>ed instead. Hueppe's formula for making meat-extract bouillon is : 30 grms. dry peptone, 5 grms. grape-sugar, and 5 grms. meat extract, dissolved in r litre of water, and boiled, filtered, and neutralised as previously described. The sterilisation of the (once more boiled and filtered) bouillon must be performed with scrupulous care, the meat extract being rich 96 METHODS OF PUIK CIJLTURK in bacterial spores which are very tenacious of life. If this or the previously described bouillon refuses to filter clear, the white of an egg, previously beaten to a froth, is added, and the whole warmed up, boiled, and filtered, whereupon the liquid will run through bright. The power of thriving in a solution of salts devoid of albuminoid matters was first observed by DUJARDIN (I.) in 1841, in the case of a fission fungus allied to flacteriitn ;md was afterwards decisively proved, as regards the /.ymogenic fungi, by Pasteur. In 1893 USCIIINSKV ([.) demonstrated that the majority of pathogenic bacteria (of typhus, cholera, diphtheria, tetanus, swine- erysipelas, pecies which is the cause of the fermentation in question will preponderate. Therefore, if merely a single droplet thereof be placed in a medium analogous in ion to the original habitat, this species will be favourably situated from the outset, and will increase at a relatively quicker rate than it." associates. By repeating this tran>ference ("re-inoculation") several times over, cultures will finally he obtained wherein impurities, i.e. extraneous species, can only be detected by more searching methods of separation, such as are described in the next paragraph. These subjugated species will, however, come to the front again if the (apparently pure) bacterial culture be inoculated in a. different medium forming a favourable environment for their development. Mention of this has already been made in a previous section, when referring to the older evolutionary labours of Lister, Lankester, Hallier, Billroth, and others. We are now in possession of another more convenient method for the purposes of pure cultiva- tion, which will be described in the succeeding paragraph, and consequently a criticism of the dilution method can be omitted. At present, only a couple of words will be devoted, as supplementary to the remarks already made, to the examination of brewery water for the presence of dangerous organisms. For the brewer those water bacteria alone are important that develop in wort and beer and are capable of producing injurious changes therein. Consequently, sterilised samples of both these liquids are employed in the biological analysis of brewing water. The method employed was first proposed by E. Cn. HANSEN (IV.), according to whom fifty small Freudenreich flask- are u-ed, twenty-five of them being charged with 15 c.c. of sterilised wort apiece and the remainder with a similar quantity of sterilised beer. In each of the first fifteen flasks in both series is placed one drop (0.04-0.05 c.c.), and in each of the remaining flasks 0.25 c.c., of the water to be tested. These fifty flasks are then kept at a temperature of 24°-2<;0 C. for fourteen days, and are examined to ascertain how many become turbid or throw up a skin, i.e. exhibit t he development of organisms. The ratio of the number of flasks with turbid contents to the total number is referred to i c.c. of water, and a standard for determining the destructive capacity of the sample in question is thus obtained. Assuming that, for instance, three out of the fifteen wort-flasks (inoculated with o 04 c.c.) exhibit turbidity, then three growths have proceeded from 15 x 0.04 c.c., or five from i c.c. of the water. Or, on the other hand, Mippo^e that of the beer-flasks only one has become turbid, and that this is one inoculated with 0.25 c.c. In this case, then, there is but one growth per 10 x 0.25 = 25 c.c. II. \\HIIM\N\ (II.) attempted to add. as a co-factor influencing the con- clu>i<>n arrived at, the length of time required for the turbidity to develop; of this fuller particulars will be found in the reference just given. Hanson showed that a largo number of species of water-bacteria are incapable of developing in the two solutions last named, ami this is particularly the case with beer, the flasks charged therewith seldom becoming turbid after inoculation with water. J. CH. HOLM (I.) has, for several consecutive years, regularly examined the well-* LIQUEFIABLE SOLID MEDIA 99 water and main-water of the breweries at Alt-Carlsberg, near Copenhagen, by this method, and found that the spores of mould-fungi are comparatively the most frequent, cells of bacteria capable of thriving in wort and beer being less general, and yeast cells very rare. If the water be used merely for malting and mashing purposes, its germs are unimportant, being, as we have already seen, unable to withstand boiling in the hop-copper. There is, however, one un- avoidable opportunity afforded for the contact of the beer with the water in its unchanged condition, and that is in the washing out of the storage casks and of the trade casks in which the beer is sent out to customers. In Germany these casks, being lined with pitch, will not stand cleaning with hot water or steam, and are cleaned with cold water, a small quantity of which is always left behind in the casks ; so that, if this water be rich in organisms injurious to beer, serious inconveniences may arise. Dr. Will has reported to the author an instance coming under his knowledge where the beer from a brewery was constantly so turbid that no customers would take it. After prolonged investigation the cause was eventually discovered in the well-water, used for swilling out the casks, which was found to be rich in the organisms producing turbidity in beer Subse- quent examination showed that the well was connected with the drains by means of fissures in the soil. § 84.-Liquettable Solid Media. If a species is represented in a bacterial mixture by a few individuals only, its isolation by the dilution method requires an inconveniently large number of culture vessels. In order to overcome this difficulty (with others that need not now be touched upon), Robert Koch, utilising a method practised by Schroeter, devised a new method of separation, generally termed plate-culture. The essen- tial part of the method consists in the addition of a gelatinising substance to the nutrient solution, whereby the latter acquires the property of becoming liquid at a moderate warmth but is solid at room-temperature. The medium thus liquefied is inoculated with a little of the bacterial mixture to be separated, and, after being well shaken up, is poured, whilst still fluid, on to sterilised glass plates, on which it sets as a thin film. In this film (under favourable conditions) each one of the cells inoculated therein is held fast and isolated from the others, and can subsequently multiply, undisturbed, into an aggregation of similar cells known as a colony. Gelatin is the substance most frequently used for this purpose, and nutrient media containing it are called by the generic name of nutrient gelatin, a distinc- tion being drawn between wort gelatin, meat-juice gelatin, must gelatin, &c., according to the kind of nutrient solution used. The amount of gelatin added is about 9 or 10 per cent., and this produces a medium that is liquid above 30° C. and solid below 24° C., so that inoculation can be conveniently performed at 35° C., a temperature exerting no injurious influence on organisms. Bouillon gelatin, often called peptonised bouillon gelatin, is prepared by making up the meat extract — prepared as already described — to its former volume, i.e. i litre, with distilled water, after boiling, filtering, and mixing it in a glass flask with i per cent, of peptone, 0.5 per cent, of NaCl, and 10 per cent, of gelatin. The flask is carefully warmed in the water-bath or steamer until the gelatin liquefies, and the liquid is then neutralised in the manner prescribed for bouillon. It is next boiled in the steamer for half an hour and filtered hot through a moist folded filter, to remove the precipitated albuminoid matters and those thrown down in neutralising. Samples that clarify badly are improved by egg-albumen, since the filtrate has to be perfectly clear and transparent. The liquid is filled whilst warm and fluid into vessels for use (e.g. test-tubes holding 5-8 c.c.), and ioo MKTHODS 01' 1M RK CULTURE sterilised by intermittent heat, being left for twenty to thirty minutes in the steamer on three consecutive days, as explained in the preceding chapter. In bacteriological treat i-r- tivquent mention is made of "nutrient gelatin" pure and .Dimple without any qualifying term; in such cases the peptonised bouillon gelatin ivtVrred to above is always meant. The tubes spoken of in the colloquial juage of the bacteriological laboratory as ** gelatin tubes " are ordinary test- - i-ontaining 5 to 10 c.c. of nutrient gelatin. The preparation of wort gelatin if niple, the unhopped or hopped wort (according to the purpose it i.-s i i tended for) being mixed with 10 per cent, of gelatin, melted, boiled for half an hour in the steamer, tiltrivd hot, tilled into vessels, and sterilised by the intermittent process. Must gelatin requires a little care in preparation, the higli acidity (— 0.7 to i.o per cent, of tartaric acid) of the must having to be ri exactly neutralised by caustic potash, since otherwise the i-ower of the gelatin is impaired. After the acid has been neutralised, 10 per cent of gelatin is added, liquefied, cooled down to between 30° and 40° C., and mixed with the white of an egg beaten up to a froth ; then boiled for half an hour in the steamer, filtered off, filled into the recipients and sterilised as pre- >ri ibed. During storage, numerous crystalline concretions (up to the size of millet i) of potassium tartrate separate out in the solid medium, and by presenting appearance of colonies, give rise to the supposition that the medium has been imperfectly sterilised. Attention is therefore now called to this phenomenon. As already stated, nutrient gelatin liquefies above 30° C., and therefore also at the usual temperature prevalent in the incubator, viz., 38°-39° C., on which account it is unsuitable for use in the separation of such organisms as require higher temperatures for their development. In such cases a medium tempered not with gelatin, but with agar-agar, is used. This substance, obtained from Eastern Asia, and fully described in a treatise by N. K. SCHULTZ (I.), is a dried vegetable jelly prepared from various marine algse and put on the market in the form of thin strips or as a powder. Its manipulation being more conveniently effected in the latter condition, the use of agar-agar powder is recommended as preferable. In French literature this gelatin is generally known as " gelose" For use, not more than 2 parts of agar-agar per ioo of nutrient solution should be taken. It dissolves very slowly and with great difficulty. For the prepara- tion of peptonised bouillon agar-agar Hans Bochner recommends the following process : The meat-broth (bouillon), prepared in the usual manner, is qualified with peptone, NaCl, and i or 2 per cent, of agar-agar, and boiled underpressure at about 105° C. ; neutralised after cooling down to 100° C. ; then boiled up again, filtered hot, and filled into vessels for use. It is sterilised by exposure to 120° C., under pressure, for a quarter of an hour. The agar-agar media do not readily adhere to the glass walls of the vessels, a circumstance which in many operations may be very troublesome, but may be obviated if the adherent propertied be increased by adding to the agar-agar employed (i to 2 per cent.) the same amount of gelatin or gum. For the study of the lactic acid bacteria of the distillery, which thrive best at about 48° to 50° C., a i per cent, unhopped wort agar-agar medium containing 2 per cent, of gelatin is used. Moreover, these agar-agar media do not lose their power of solidification if stored for a long time at 100° to 120° C. They are liquefied only at temperatures exceeding 40° (J.,and MI in- thi> la.-t named temperature is for many organisms the highest Minm. tin- agar-agar is used in the following way when designnl the separation of a bacterial mixture: The recipient tubes are immersed in boiling water to induce liquefaction of the contents, which are then cooled down • which temperature they are still just iluid), inoculated quickly, Ken up and mixed thoroughly, and poured out on to the aforesaid glass plates, whirl, i -ii|>|H)it warmed to 40° (J. KOCIPS PLATK CULTURMS 101 For pure cultures at temperatures above 50° C. agar-agar cannot be used, since it then begins to soften. For such (rare) cases, Miquel, when experiment- ing with BaciUus thermophilus, replaced agar-agar in the nutrient solution by 2.5-3.0 per cent, of Caragheen moss (Irish moss), from Chondrus crispus. — For special purposes suitable indicators are also added to the nutrient media. For example, if it is desired to separate merely the acid-forming species from a bacterial mixture, then a little litmus is added to the medium before sterilising ; the colonies of acid-forming bacteria in the subsequent plate culture will then become surrounded by a red halo standing out conspicuously against the blue background. For the same purpose BEYERINCK (V.) recommended an addition of fine levigated chalk, which forms an opaque chalk nutrient medium, becoming, however, clear at the parts of the plate culture occupied by acid-forming bacteria, in consequence of their solvent action on the calcium carbonate. Certain organisms, such, for example, as the nitrifying bacteria, do not thrive in the solidified nutrient media hitherto described. Therefore, in order to pre- pare cultures of the same by the aid of the plate method, recourse is had to the medium prepared from precipitated silica, proposed by W. KUHNE (I.). Silica precipitated from water-glass (alkali silicate) and carefully purified will, when used as a 3.4 per cent, aqueous solution, set within an hour to a firm mass if mixed with 0.25 per cent, of NaCl. The salt is added to a sterilised solution which also contains the other requisite nutrient substances. Tn this solution is distributed a small portion of the bacterial sample to be separated, the cells of which will, when the medium has set, be fixed and develop into colonies. Further particulars concerning the preparation of this silica medium will be found in the above- mentioned treatise, as also in one by Winogradsky which will be referred to later. The numerous nutrient media employed in practical mycology ore more fully described in the handbooks of Hueppe, Eisenberg, Tiemann-Gartner, and Bernheim, but only one need be briefly noticed, viz., the potatoes employed for the so-called potato cultures. The potatoes — the better sorts used (in Germany) for salad-making — after being carefully cleaned externally, are steeped for an hour in a i per mil solution of sublimate, then swilled with water and sterilised in a wire basket by two hours' exposure in a current of steam. When this is effected, and they are so far re-cooled as to. be fit for handling (with disinfected fingers), they are cut into halves by a sterilised knife and placed under a sterilised bell-glass. When cold, inoculating streaks are drawn on the cut surfaces, and subsequently develop into potato cultures. § 85.— Koch's Plate Cultures are, as previously indicated, prepared by pouring out the liquefied and inoculated medium (e.g. 5-8 c.c. in a test-tube) on to colourless glass plat s, rectangular in form, about « ne-twelfth of an inch thick, 5 to 6 inches long, and 3^ to 4 inches on ad, previously sterilised in batches in a copper or iron box, from which they are taken as required. The plates are laid on a plate-pouring apparatus arranged horizontally — as described and shown in the above-named handbooks — and the distribution of the stratum of gelatin or agar-agar is assisted by the aid of the rim of the te>t- tube. To sterilise the latter, it should be held for a short time in the Bunsen flame and allowed to re-cool sufficiently before proceeding to pour. When the gelatin layer is set the plate is transferred to a sterile damp chamber, which is placed in the thermostat and maintained at the constant temperature required. These plates are rather inconvenient to handle, since, in following up the development of the growing colonies the plate must be frequently taken out of the chamber. During each observation, the mould spores in the air are liable to fall 102 MKTiions or priii-: cri/mii-: upon the medium, where they rapidly develop into such masses of branched threads that the bacterial colonies are smothered, thus rendering all the care bestowed upon the preparation of no avail. In order to prevent this, the flat plates are replaced by double shallow glass dishes, in which the cultures can be examined under low powers without being exposed to the air. These di reduced into bacteriology by Salomonsen, but are generally known in Petri dishes, this latter worker having been the first to test them. Their UM- f.-r this purpose can be recommended. — Instead of pouring out the in- oculated gelatin, the closed tube can be held almost horizontally under the stream from the water- tip and slowly turned round on its axis, whereby the contents are distributed uniformly over the walls, and will set as a thin stratum wherein the germs then develop into colonies. These cultures are generally called Esmarch tubes or roll cultures, and were tirst proposed by W. Hesse. Plate cultivation affords useful assistance, not only for the separation of a barterial mixture into its several species, but also for the determination of the number of cells present therein, a few gelatin tubes being charged with various quantities of the sample and poured on to plates. This method is of particular importance in the quantitative bacteriological analysis of water, for which reference should be made to Tiemann-Gilrtner's handbook. The counting of the colonies grown on the glates is effected by the aid of special counting apparatus, that of Wolffhiigel being used for the Koch plates. For counting the colonies on gelatin plates in Petri dishes the author, in 1893, constructed a cheap counting- plate, obtainable from F. Mollenkopf, of Stuttgart (10 Thor Strasse). The number of germs thus found is always smaller than the living cells actually present in the inoculating mixture, since only such as have developed into colonies are enumerated, whereas a number of germs in the original have failed to develop under the conditions prevailing, owing to the medium being unsuit- able for some, and the temperature of the incubator, though favourable to the majority, being too hot or too cold for a minority. The medium relatively most suitable for the purpose of ascertaining the number of germs is, in most cases, gelatinised meat-juice, and this is therefore the one most frequently used. Con- siderable influence on the number of developing germs is exerted by the degree of alkalinity of the medium, a fact first conclusively demonstrated by A. REINSCH (II.) and confirmed by MAX DAHMEN (I.). If it is a question not of ascertaining, early as possible, the total germ content of a sample, but only how many of the cells are capable of development in a given medium, then the latter is arranged in a solidified condition as a plate culture. For example, wort gelatine is generally used — unless the contrary be expressly stated — when determining the number of germs in brewery water. It is important to know for certain whether the colonies in a plate culture are each developed from a single cell, since it is only in such cases that a pure culture can be obtained on re-inoculation. This aim is attempted by thin sowing and thoroughly shaking the liquefied medium, in order to separate the cells from each other. Nevertheless, there is always some uncertainty, which we must endeavour to remove by discarding the first series of plates and by preparing a second series wherein any impurities may become manifest; then, if the colonies are found to stand this test, the reinoculations therefrom may be considered as pure cultures. This can be ensured from the outset if the growth of the colonies, i.e. from the single cells, be followed by the aid of the microscope from the beginning. This test is, however, feasible only with large cells (l-Imnycetes spores, yea.st cells, &c.), and will be enlarged upon in a subsequent chapter in connection with the pure culture of yeast. On the other hand, it is, as a rule, impracticable for bacteria, since their examination necessitates the use of such a high (short focus) objective that the latter has to be brought so near the plate as to impinge on the gelatin stratum. KOCIFS PLATE CULTURES 103 Pure cultivation with solidified media is almost exclusively applicable to fungi alone, its application to other groups having been successful in the case of a few only of the lowest unicellular alga?. In this manner BEYERINCK (VI.) prepared pure cultures of the last-named organisms (frequently found in the microscopic examination of river-water), viz., Chlorella vulgar is, Xcenedesmus acutus, Chloro- sphcera limicola, Chlorococcum (Cystococcus] humicola, titichococcus major, and a second species of Chlorella. WILHELM KRUGER (I.) prepared by the plate method pure cultures of two algae, which he named Chlwella protothecoides and Chlorothe- ciitm saccharophilum, from the sap of the lesser maple. Quite recently BEYERI \< K (VII.), A. CELLI (I.), FR. SCHARDINGER (I.) and others, have also successfully attempted the cultivation of Amwba in the same manner. The solid nutrient media in question are, except those containing chalk, transparent, so that the plates prepared therefrom can be laid on the stage of the microscope and their colonies examined under a low power by transmitted light. The differences thereby observable form valuable indications for the identification of the individual species. A number of them, Bacillus subtilis for example, excrete a peptonising enzyme, in consequence of which the gelatin is liquefied as far as the solvent enzyme proceeding from the colonies is able to diffuse, and thus a licruefactive colony is obtained. The converse was supplied by such organisms as produce no enzyme capable of dissolving gelatin, and which therefore do not liquefy the medium, but grow as solid colonies. The develop- ment of these latter may proceed in various ways ; the colonies of Bacterium aceti, for instance, gradually assuming a stellar form, whilst those of the lactic acid bacteria have a circular outline. Bacillus ramosus — a fission fungus frequently occurring in soil and in natural waters, and generally known as wurzel (root) bacillus — which M. WARD (IV.) subjected to exhaustive morphological and physiological examination, grows on agar-agar to colonies built up of entangled, branched, and plaited threads resembling the roots of a tree. — A comprehensive description of these characteristics, as presented by the separate species of bacteria, will be found in Eisenberg's work. If a platinum wire, previously heated to redness and then dipped in a bacterial culture, be thrust into a solid medium contained in a test-tube, the cells so implanted in the passage formed by the wire will develop to a so-called puncture culture, the appearance of which also affords valuable indications for the recognition of individual species. Organisms requiring air grow only on the surface, whereas those shunning the air will develop only in the deepest part of the channel, and those dissolving the gelatin will forma liquefied funnel. This latter indication is one developed in a highly characteristic manner by the cholera bacillus, and is, therefore, made use of in the bacteriological analysis of water. If a test-tube containing about 8 or 10 c.c. of liquefied nutrient gelatin or agar-agar be held at a sharp angle, the contents will set in the form of a wedge, and if the plane surface be stroked over with a small quantity of a culture, then a so-called streak culture will be developed. This also in many cases assumes a characteristic form that should be taken into consideration in the identification of a species. The potato cultures already referred to are nothing more than streak cultures on the cut surfaces of steamed potatoes. We are indebted to C. FRAENKEL and R. PFEIFFER (I.) for an excellent atlas of photographs of the colonies, streak cultures, cover-glass preparations, tened with the same antiseptic, which kills the cultures without destroying their form. It al>o penetrates the medium, hardens the gelatin, and makes it unsuitable for the further development of organisms, so that the preparations thu .ire exceedingly durable. Fuller information on the preservation of pure cultures of fermentative organisms, and practical hints concerning the arrangement of mycological museums, which are very useful both for teaching and for reference purposes, will be found in the treatises prepared by J. SOYKA (I.), F. KRAL (I.), H. PLAUT (I.), E. CZAPLEWSKI (I.), and E. KntcKMAxx (I.). The necessity will not infrequently arise for reliable (living) pure cultures of authoritatively named species of bacteria, &c., either for use as a starting- point for study or for comparing, and, as far as possible, identifying some newly-discovered species. Krai's Bacteriological Laboratory (n Kleiner Ring, Prague I.) can be recommended as a source from whence to obtain them. This :tntion supplies living pure cultures, streak-cultures on oblique solidified r agar, in test-tubes at the moderate price of one to two marks (= shillings) per tube. Koch's plates can also be used with advantage when it is a question of ascertaining which nutrient media are suitable for a given microbe. For this purpose BEYERINCK (VIII.) has devised a method which he calls Auxanography. A 10 per cent, gelatin or 2 per cent, agar-agar in distilled water is prepared, both of which substances in the pure state form very bad media, whether for bacteria or higher fungi. Plate cultures of the micro-organism whose nutritive requirements form the object of the investigation are then prepared. These, if left to themselves, will not exhibit any appreciable degree of development, so the surface of the plates is stippled with a few drops of aqueous solutions of the substances whose nutrient properties are to be tested. These drops are absorbed by the gelatin or agar-agar, and form circular fields of diffusion around the spots in question. The thickly sown cells of the species under examination will then develop into strong colonies on those spots only where the requisite nutrient materials are encountered, so that the organisms inscribe, as it were, with their bodies, the answer to the question propounded as to the suitability of the nutrient substances at hand. Such a plate of colonies grown in this manner is called by Beyerinck an Auxanogram. This method may also be employed for testing the toxic action of various substances on given organisms. BEYERI\< K (IX.) also employed this process as a basis for the qualitative and quantitative method of microbiological analysis proposed by him in the reference just given. SECTION IV. C.IROMOOENIC, PHOTOGENIC, AND THERMOGENIC BACTERIA. CHAPTER XII. ('IIIU)MOPAROUS BACTERIA, PRODUCING RED AND YELLOW COLOURING MATTERS. § 86.— Coloured and Colouring- Bacteria. IN classifying the chromogenic (colour-producing) bacteria, the situation, as well as the nature, of the colour has an importance that cannot be disregarded. An examination for this first-named characteristic in individual species quickly leads to the differentiation of the-chromogenic bacteria into coloured bacteria on the one hand and colouring bacteria on the other ; the cells in the latter being themselves quite 'colourless, but excreting a coloured transformation product; these species have been designated chromoparous by Beyerinck. In the coloured bacteria, on the contrary, the colouring matter remains within the cells. This group may be divided into two sub-groups, the one comprising those coloured bacteria the colouring matter of which performs an important physiological function, as in the case of the purple bacteria treated of in the following chapter ; such bacteria are termed chromophorous. On the other hand, the second sub-group includes those coloured bacteria in which the colouring matter has no such function, and must be regarded as a purely passive metabolic product, which is, nevertheless, not excreted (as in the chromoparous species), but remains within the cell without manifesting any apparent activity. These bacteria are termed parachromophorous. The chemical properties of the bacterial colouring matters and their importance for distinguishing one species from another were discussed by PAUL SCHNEIDER (I.) after exhaustive experiments with thirty different species. His results in this connection may be thus summarised : (i) The bacterial colouring matters can to some extent be differentiated by their behaviour towards solvents. (2) A given species, grown under identical conditions, always produces the same colouring matter. (3) Two species, differing as regards form and con- ditions of growth, may in certain cases produce the same colouring matter. (4) Most of the species apparently producing the same colouring matter, and also analogous in other respects, can be differentiated by the reactions of their colouring matter. § 87.— Micrococcus Prodigiosus. This being the oldest known chromogenic bacterium, will be dealt with first. Many a victim of the proceedings taken against witchcraft during bygone centuries must have been consigned to the stake on the charge of having fabri- cated the blood-red spots that were occasionally found developed on the Host, 105 106 CHROMOPAHorS HACTKKIA and which tilled the credulous mind of the masses with horror ; and even in 1819 the entire province of Padua was set in a commotion by the frequent appearance of such spots and drops on various articles of food. This red, slimy coating was examined by SETTE (I.), who recognised it as endowed with vitality and named it Zin>:/'t/'t,-tina imetrofa. A small quantity applied to still unaltered food-stuffs, tfcc., sufficed to produce red spots on those latter. This phenomenon was first more closely investigated in 1848, when it was of frequent occurrence in Berlin. Cli. Ehrenberg studied the spots and drops, and found them to consist of minute oval cells 0.5 to i.o /i in length ; and bearing in mind their form and observed powers of locomotion, he classified this wonderful organism as a new species of his genus Afo/ntn. and called it Monas prodigiosa, a designation subse- quently changed by Cohn to Aficrococcuft jtr<,fH;/io8us. As this microbe (mostly appearing as approximately spherical cells) will, under certain conditions of environ- ment, assume an elongated form, it is also frequently named both Bacterium prodigiobum and Bacillus pwtKffiowtf, as was done by Fliigge in his handbook. These names, therefore, indicate one and the same species of fission fungus, and are also synonymous with the older names Palmella prodigiosa and Bactcridium This fission fungus excretes a peptonising enzyme, and consequently liquefies the gelatin medium. A temperature of 25° C. is the most favourable one for its growth, and it thrives most luxuriantly on boiled potatoes, the formation of trimethylamine becoming at the same time apparent. Starch paste, boiled rice, boiled egg-albumen, boiled carrots, boiled meat, milk, and many other food-stuff's, form suitable media for this microbe, which, however, will not develop on raw potatoes, raw meat, or uncooked steeped rice. It is therefore evidently a true saprophyte, occurring only in defunct or destroyed and converted nutrient media. When cultivated in thinly fluid solutions it exhibits- -as was established by SCHOTTELIUS (I.) — brisk powers of locomotion. The red colouring matter, which is produced in presence of air only, is, according to the researches of this observer, at first diffusely distributed through the young cells. It is then excreted, and collects into various-sized granules which lie between the cells and so impart a red coloration to the culture. The tone of the colour changes with the age of the culture, beginning as a pale rose and passing through a bright scarlet stage into dark brown-red. According to the researches of J. SCHROETER (I.) and SCIIEURLEN (III.), the colouring matter is insoluble in water, but readily soluble in alcohol, xylene, chloroform, carbon bisulphide, and, to a slighter extent, also in ether and in fats (e.g. olive oil). The alcoholic solution exhibits in the spectroscope three absorption bands : one beyond D, the second just before E, and the third before F. The elementary formula was determined by A. B. GRIFFITHS (I.) as C38H.6NO., though the analytical results obtained by Scheurlen are not in conformity therewith. The opinion expressed by O. ERDMANN (I.) that the colouring matter generated by M. jtrodigio8U8 is identical with t'uchsine has been contradicted by OTTO HKI..M (I.) and r.«»HDOXI-UFFREDUZZI (I.). This fission fungus forms a very suitable object for the study of mutability. K. WASSERZUG (I.) traced the changes of form which this species underwent in consequence of alterations of the conditions of nutrition. By repeated cultivation on faintly acid media — 0.3 to 0.4 grin, of tartaric acid per litre — cultures are obtained the cells of which are no longer globular or oval, but exhibit the form of actively motile long rods and threads ; the modifications being the more pronounced as the number of inoculations is increased. As soon, however, as an inoculation is made from such acid liquids into an alkaline ium, the typical short cells reappear. This reversion also occurs when the remain for some time in the original acid medium, after the reaction has LIPOCHROMKS 107 become alkaline from the tranbformation products (trimethylamine, &c.) excreted by the microbe. In addition to the form of the cells, the development of colouring matter is, as Schottelius has found, also dependent on the nutritive conditions; since, if a prodigiosus culture, grown at io°-25° 0. and already red in colour, be inoculated on sterile potatoes (steamed and cut in halves), and the temperature kept at 38°-39° 0., the inoculating streaks develop into colourless streak cultures. From these again a red culture can be once more obtained by suitably modifying the conditions of the culture, i.e. reverting to a lower temperature. § 88.— Lipoehromes. With the organism mentioned in the last paragraph are classified a number of other species also producing red colouring matter. One of these, Bacillus erythrosporus, first discovered by ED. EIDAM (I.) in putrefying egg albumen, is of particular interest. This is a slender motile bacillus, which does not liquefy gelatin. As is indicated by its second name, the seat of the dirty red colouring matter is not in the vegetative form of growth, but in the endospores. The so-called (motile) " Kiel bacillus" found by Breuning in the Bay of Kiel, occurs generally as long rods (0.8 p broad, by 2.5-5 P- l°ng)> which liquefy gelatin. There is great similarity in the red colouring matter produced by this bacillus and Micrococcus pi'odigiosus, but the former microbe is distinguished by its greater susceptibility to direct sunlight, which, according to the researches of E. LAURENT (I.) permanently destroys its chromogenic power. A similar effect is produced by the presence of carbohydrates in the medium, the -Kiel bacillus, in such event, elaborating no colouring matter. The following chromo- parous red species will only be briefly alluded to : Bacillus ruber, discovered by Frank and described by COHN (II.) ; Bacillus indicus, discovered in the contents of the stomach of an East Indian ape ; the Bacillus granulatus of Babes ; Bacillus corallinus, isolated by C. SLATER (I.) from atmospheric dust, and the Bacillus rubellus, discovered by OK AD A (I.), which forms endospores and thereby assumes the clostridium form. Greater interest attaches to several red and yellow species studied by ZOPF (IV.), and especially as regards their colouring matters, which were named by him lipochromes or fat-colouring matters. These are excreted from the cells and collect between them to form dendritic crystalline aggregations, which are luminous in the darkened field of the polariscope. The lipochromes known at present are red and yellow, the former being styled liporhodine and the latter lipoxanthine. The reagent for these is concentrated sulphuric acid, whereby they are converted into deep blue acicular crystals of lipocyanine, which remain isolated when derived from lipoxanthine, but arrange themselves in characteristic groups when produced from liporhodine. Illustrations of these will be found in OVERBECK'S (I.) work on this subject. These colouring matters can be extracted from the cultures by means of ethyl alcohol, in which they are just as soluble as in methyl alcohol, chloroform, carbon bisulphide, and benzene. On evaporating the solvent, a fatty mass, furnishing the acrolein reaction, remains behind. This being saponified and salted out with a hot solution of sodium chloride, the liquid underlying the soapy layer will contain the colouring matter, which can then be extracted by shaking up with petroleum spirit and examined spectroscopically. Of these species the following were more closely examined by ZOPF (V.) : Micro- coccus rhodochrous, isolated from the contents of a goose's stomach, is about 0.9 p. in diameter, and will grow on nutrient gelatin, potato discs, i, ined from atmospheric dust; then l'> /<•/. r'mm chrysogloia ; and finally the •OCCU8 pyogenes aureus, already s«-\eral times referred to in the previous chapter. Tlie.se three develop into yellow cultures producing lipoxanthine, the absorption spectrum of which consists of two bands, one near F and the other een F and G. S 89.— Red Coloration in Milk may be due to various causes, one of them being an admixture of blood derived from a broken blood-vessel in the udder. In this case the coloration of the liquid is not uniform, but is due to scattered patches of red, fiocculent blood coaguhmi. If, on the other hand, the milk is found to be uniformly coloured red or reddish throughout the entire mass as soon as it is drawn from the udder, then other causes are in operation. If the colour undergoes no change on stand- ing, it is attributable to the fodder having contained a large quantity of madder (Kubia tincioru'ni) or of Galium verum. Should, however, the red-drawn milk precipitate a red sediment on standing, the colour of the liquid concurrently decreasing, then the coloration is due to a transudation of hsematin. This case is analogous to that of " red water," and is a consequence of the consumption of highly stimulating fodder. When, however, a normal milk gradually becomes red after standing, then micro-organisms are at work (Micrococcus prodigiosus being frequently the agent), and the colouring matter excreted by the organism is absorbed by the fat globules of the milk. This microbe has already been more minutely characterised in the preceding paragraph. A second milk-reddening organism is the Bacillus lactis erythrogenes, dis- covered by Hueppe and more closely examined by GROTEKFELT (I.). The non- motile rods of this organism are 0.3-0.5 /z in diameter, with, usually, a length of 1-1.5 /*» Dut attaining to 4.3 p. in bouillon. This fission fungus (which liquefies gelatin) grows on solid media to yellow colonies, which excrete around their periphery a red colouring matter. When inoculated into sterile milk it pro- duces a gradual coagulation attended with a sickly-sweet odour, without affecting the reaction of the liquid to any appreciable extent. The serum gradually clari- fying from the deposited casein absorbs the resulting deep red colouring matter, which develops most copiously in the dark and ceases to form if the culture be exposed to light or the medium has an acid reaction. Its absorption spectrum exhibits two strong bands between the lines D and E and a third in the blue. A. species of fission fungus allied to E. lactis erythrogenes has been isolated from red milk by A. I:\I.I.\SKY (J.). Of the sarcina group two species are known to be endowed with the faculty of reddening milk. One of these was discovered by K. WKXCK (H.)> vlz-> >ina rosea Menge ; and the second was isolated from red milk by L. AHA.MKT/ (N), at i.tifird with the Sarcina rosea Schroeter, very frequently met with in the air. Apart from the red coloration, Menu's saivina produces no noteworthy changes in milk, but Schroeter's sarcina, on the other hand, first precipitates the ra>«-in which is subsequently gradually re dissolved. Conse- qiteiitly a milk-culture (^rowini: dark brown in colour) kept at 25° C. for four to five \v«-ek> no longer exhibits any deposit beyond a sediment consisting of sarcina packets. Red coloration in cheese may arise from various causes, those of a purely BACTERIA PRODUCING YELLOW COLOURING MATTKK 109 chemical nature being merely referred to here for the purpose of differentiation. According to the researches of H. BURSTERT and F. J. HERZ (I.), a number of rhodanate (thiocyanate) compounds develop in ripening curd, and when the ripe cheese is cut the iron compounds therein oxidise and combine with the thio- cyanates, the resulting ferric thiocyanate being in sufficient quantity to impart a red or reddish tinge to the cut surface. A sample of cheese thus reddened is decolorised by immersion in a solution of oxalic acid, so that this reagent should be employed in doubtful cases. If, on the other hand, micro-organisms are at work, the result is different. This disagreeable phenomenon is more rarely encountered in hard than in soft cheeses. Red spots gradually form on the surface and spread by degrees, but do not penetrate more than a few millimetres into the substance of the cheese. The spots may be composed of red Eumycetes or of pigment bacteria. ABAMETZ (III.) isolated two species of micrococcus from red cheese, both of which develop a red colouring matter in milk and cheese ; but more frequently Eumycetes, i.e. higher fungi, are the cause of this phenomenon in cheese. These will be discussed in a subsequent section. The cause of the reddening of dried codfish (stock-fish) was investigated by LE DANTEC (I.). About one-third of this article put on the market is said to be affected by this evil, and is thereby rendered unsaleable, not only by reason of its salmon colour, but also because of a popular belief that reddened stock-fish is poisonous. The annual loss thus entailed is estimated at ten millions of francs (^400,000). Le Dantec isolated three organisms from such spoiled fish ; the first being a sporogenic red-producing bacillus, morphologically similar to tetanus bacillus, and liquefying gelatin ; secondly, a coccus of 3-5 /j. diameter, developing on gelatin to solid red colonies, but not producing a red colouring matter in the fish unless accompanied by a second species of coccus, which, by itself, is incapable of developing colouring matter. In order to render the reddened fish fit for sale again, it is brushed in cold water and re-dried. In America borax is added to the salt used in curing the fish, in order to prevent the development of the evil; and an addition of from 10 to 15 per cent, of sodium bisulphite or potassium nitrate (saltpetre) is also said to be efficacious. § 90.— Bacteria Producing- Yellow Colouring- Matters. These were first studied by C. J. FUCHS (I.) in 1841, the starting-point of his researches being the so-called yellow milk, i.e. milk that on standing develops a pale- to orange- yellow coloration. The cause of this appearance was traced to a microbe named Vibrio synxanthus by Ch. Ehrenberg, and afterwards known also as Vibrio xanthogenus and Bacterium synxanthum. The same phenomenon was also investigated by J. SCHROETER (I.) in 1870; according to whom it occurs in boiled milk only, inoculations from a slightly yellowed milk into normal unboiled milk being unsuccessful. The activity of lactic acid bacteria was presumably the cause of this prevention. On inoculation with this microbe, boiled milk coagulated after twenty-four hours, and the yellow coloration made its appearance after the lapse of a second period of equal duration. Thereafter the precipitated coagulum gradually disappeared and became re-dissolved, so that in six days the milk had become converted into a citron-yellow, watery, strongly alkaline liquid containing merely a few particles of casein in suspension. The pigment is insoluble in alcohol or ether, but soluble in water ; it is unchanged by alkalies, but acids combine with it to form a colourless compound. The absorption spectrum is devoid of characteristic bands, and merely exhibits a darkening of the rays on either side of the yellow. Schroeter proposed the name of Bacterium xanthinum for the microbe investigated by him, which designation was converted in later IIO ( iiuoMorAKors HACTKKIA text-books to Bacillus synxanthus. It is desirable that the study of the organisms of yellow milk should be taken up anew, since Schroeter's investigations were not performed upon pure cultures in the present acceptance of the term. With the species hitherto described (Bacterium eyregium, B. chrysogloia, Stapt»/lo<'f>cc,i8 pyogenes aureus, B. 9y*OMH&*m) there can be associated a number of others, equally characterised by the faculty of producing yellow colouring matters. Of these, mention will here be made merely of the Micro- coccus ochroUucus, discovered by 0. PROVE (I.) in human urine in a state of incipient decomposition. When kept in the dark this microbe develops into colourless cultures, but if exposed to diffuse daylight or the sun's rays it elabo- rates a sulphur-yellow colouring matter. This may, therefore, be regarded as a probable means of protection. Many species of bacteria producing orange-yellow or orange-red colouring matters are met with in air, water, and soil. Since they are of no particular importance, it will be sufficient to merely mention a couple of them, viz., the Micrococcus aurantiacus ( = Bacteridium aurantiacum), described by Cohn and Schroeter, and the Bacillus aurantiacus, discovered by Frankland. The group of globular Schizomycetes to which the generic name of Sarcina has been applied is rich in species producing red or yellow colouring matters. A few examples of the former having been already given in previous paragraphs, it will now be sufficient to consider merely those developing into yellow colonies. The first observation of any sarcina species whatsoever was made in connection with a species of this group. JOHN GOODSIR (I.) in 1842 discovered, in the vomit of a patient suffering from a diseased stomach, colonies of microbes resembling bales of merchandise in form, to which he applied the name Sarcina ventri- culi (Fig. 33). His opinion that the microbe was a vegetable organism led to a controversy only termi- nated in 1847 by VIRCHOW (I.), who agreed with his English colleague. Sarcina ventrwuli produces, how- ever, but a faint yellow colouring matter. The cells of the Sarcina flava, described by De Bary, which measure 1-2 p in diameter, produce a yellow colouring matter, and this species is distinguished from the Sarcina lutea, discovered by Schroeter, by its power of liquefying gelatin. Paul Lindner prepared pure cultures of Sarcina aurantiaca from Berlin u Weissbier " (white beer), the colouring matter of which organism is, according to the researches of H. VON SCHROTTER (I.), allied to lipoxanthine. No sarcina producing blue, violet, or green colouring matters are as yet known. 00 I o •I FIG. 33. — Sarcina ventriculi. From the contents of a dis- eased stomach, a-d. various stages of development. CHAPTER XIII. PURPLE BACTERIA AND THEIR BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS LIGHT. § 91.— Their Morphology. WHEN in September 1826 the " Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte" (Association of German Naturalists and Physicians), founded by Lorenz Oken in 1822, was held in Jena, Oh. Ehrenberg was among those present. In the course of a stroll to the neighbouring village of Ziegenhain he observed in a pool in the brook below the church a number of large red patches, about a hand's-breadth across. These he found to be composed of enormous swarms of a unicellular cylindrical organism provided with a single cilium and measuring 10-15 P l°ng by 5 /* broad, which he named Monas Okenii. Later on, PERTY (I.) arranged this species, along with other similar ones, into a new genus, Chroma- FIG. 34. FIG. 35. Chromatium Okenii. Monas Warmingii. Magn. 600. (After Cohn.) Magn. 600. (After Cohn.) tium, and the Monas in question then received the name Chromatium Okenii, which it still retains. This organism is shown in Fig. 34. The main reason for considering this organism here, separately from the other red bacteria previously noticed, is on account of its physiological action rather than its morphological character, which action places this bacterium (and many other similar species) in quite a distinct category from all other pigment bacteria, and, in fact, all other bacteria whatsoever. Even in 1875 COHN (II.) expressed a doubt as to whether the ciliated Chromatium Okenii and allied forms could be classed as bacteria at all, since it was at that time assumed that the latter organisms were not endowed with special organs of locomotion. However, as explained in chapter iii., the improvements made in the methods of optical and micro-chemical examination have led to this opinion being modified. The chief characteristic of the Chromatia and their congeners is their behaviour towards light ; but before considering this more closely we will throw a glance over the multitude of organisms now in question, with some of which we have already had an opportunity of becoming acquainted. Thus we know from § 68 that Lankester studied the ciliated red monads and classified them all as special forms of growth of a single species (" Bacterium rubescens "). This un- proved pleomorphisin we declined to recognise at the time, but must now revert in i 12 PURPLE BACTERIA to it in oiiler to append the remark that, though we are not indebted to the last- named worker for any revelations regarding the morphology of these organism-. we have to thank him for an exhaustive study of their colouring matter, which he termed bacterio-purpurin. A form similar to Chromatium Okenii was dis- covered by E. \\AKMIXG (I.) on the coast of Seeland and afterwards examined by Cohn, and by him entitled Monti* Wm'ntimjii (Fig. 35), so that Perty's pro- FM:. 36. Spirillum volutans. Magn. 600. (After F. Fi.:. 37. Ophidomonas -;nr_inin ;i. (Magn. 600. (After F. C»/»i.) Fie. 38. Rhabdomonas rosea. Magu. 600. (Afti r /•'. <'i>hn.) position with respect to the generic name Chromatium seems not to have been accepted by the Breslau bacteriologist. Whilst the species hitherto mentioned differ among themselves in point of size, but not appreciably in form, and all more or less correspond with the plump, short rods shown in the drawing, a second group of similar species exhibits the spirillum form of growth. One example of this is afforded by Spirillum rubrum (Fig. VI. Plate I.), a second being the Spirillum volutans, shown in Fig. 36, and a third the Opkidomvna* (Fig. 37), described by Ehrenberg. A third sub-group finally comprises organisms of elongated spindle form, and therefore resembling a whetstone in outline ; e.g. Rhabdomonas rosea (Fig. 38) — 4-5 p. wide and 20-30 /* long — first observed and described by Cohn. These organisms are not infrequently to be found in ponds and lakes; sometimes being so abundant as to colour the water red. A series of observations respecting such occurrences was made by CHARLES MORREN (I.). 92.— Influence of the Individual Colours of the Spectrum. Tin- necessity for ;i separate consideration of these red .-pivie*. grouped together by EXUKLMAXN (V.) as purple bacteria, is soon apparent when an nipt is made to study their physiology. The bacteria described in the previous chapter, of which Micrococcus prodiyiosus may serve as an example, also produce red colouring matter ; but, in their case, the latter is a mere inert te product, appearing under certain conditions, or absent under others, without the growtfi of the cell being thereby seriously affected. Contrary to this, the purple bacteria do not excrete any colouring matter into the environ- nient, hut the pigment occurs exclusively within the cells (Fig. 39) in the part <>f the contents which immediately adjoins the cell- wall, and which is described in chapter ii. as the parietal layer. The bacterio-purpurin is not always distri- buted throughout the whole of this layer, but is frequently restricted to isolated therein, and. in exceptional instances, is altogether absent. It is not present in any definite >h:ijM-, >uch as granules, hands, or plates, like the chloro- phyll of the higher plants, but occurs diffused in the plasma, 39. — Chromatium Okenii. Optical longitudinal section. fin are) Immediately adjoins the outer layer of protoplasm, which carries the colouring matter — shown as fine dots. L:irge sul- phur ijT.'nul'-s ar present iu the interior o h C€ . M;m'ii. h.nt 1600. (After F. Forsttr.) ASSIMILATION AM) OXYCiKN KLI.MIN ATION 113 It has already been stated in chapter iii. that the purple bacteria exhibit great avidity for light, and therefore always strive towards the sunlight. Closer observation shows this behaviour to be intimately connected with the presence of bacterio-j>ur|tiirin. It was a liappy thought on the part of Engelmann to investigate the nature and extent of the influence exerted on the vitality of the purple bacteria by the several colours of the spectrum. If a preparation rich in such organisms be placed in a drop of water, and a micro-spectrum of a few millimetres in length be projected thereon, a rapid movement towards certain parts of the spectrum will be observed under the microscope, the organisms collecting and resting there in micro- scopically visible bands. By quickly killing the cells they will remain in position and constitute a permanent preparation, or, as Engelmann appro- priately named it, bacteriospectrogram. This, when submitted to examination, is found to correspond Theceii-waiuthethicknessof which with the absorption spectrum of bacterio-purpurin, is somewhat exaggerated in the showing a sharply defined band in the ultra-red (wave length X = 0.9 to 0.8 /*) ; a second, less power- ful, small band in the orange (X = 0.6 1 to 0.58/1); and, finally, a pale washed-out band in the green (X = o.55 to 0.52 /A). Eiigelmann then determined by an accurate quantitative photometric examina- tion, with the aid of the bolometric method, that a remarkable ratio prevails between the intensity of the physiological action and the extent of the absorp- tion, i.e. the attractive force of a given colour of the spectrum is greater in proportion as the latter is retained by the colouring matter. From this is deducible the further conclusion, that the purple bacteria have great need, not merely of light in general, but of certain components thereof in particular, and especially those corresponding to the lines A0, D, E, of the spectrum. § 93.— Assimilation and Oxygen Elimination. This behaviour of the purple bacteria, unique in the bacterial kingdom, reminds one so much of the connection between light and the activity of chloro- phyll in the higher plants, that not only does the question naturally arise as to the nature of the reactions occurring under the influence of the selected rays, but also the idea that here likewise there is assimilation accompanied by the elimination of oxygen. This is, in fact, the case, the purple bacteria excreting oxygen in the presence of light. ENGELMANN (VI.) proved this in a variety of ways. One of his experiments, which demonstrates it in a very elegant manner, is based upon that already given in § 41. Quiescent forms, resembling a zoogloea, of one or other of these species are employed, a portion about 2 sq. mm. in size being placed in a drop of water. To this are added a number of aerobic organisms (e.g. Spirillum tenue, Sp. undula, various infusoria, &c.), capable of reacting on even small quantities of oxygen, and the cover-glass is surrounded with vaseline to prevent the admission of air. The oxygen dissolved in the water is very quickly exhausted, and the organisms come to a standstill. If, now, the preparation be illuminated, it will be seen directly that the wanderers scattered about ri*e and i 11 H4 PUHPLK BACTERIA hasten to the red skin where the oxygen they need is produced. On the other hand, when replaced in the dark, they disperse again in all directions. That oxygen is the attraction is demonstrated by the circumstance that the pheno- menon just described does not occur when the experiment is performed on a preparation the cover-glass of which is not made air-tight, and to which air can consequently penetrate by diffusion. This peculiarity gives the purple bacteria a unique position amongst the Schizomycetea as a connecting link between them and the green plants. From its capacity of converting the actual energy of light into potential chemical energy, and of changing vibrations of light into force, bacterio-purpurin deserves the title of a true chromophyll, since it plays in the purple bacteria the same role as chlorophyll does in green plants. These two substances are antithetical, accomplishing similar tasks by different methods of working. On more closely examining the individual spectral colours for their power of eliminating oxygen, this latter faculty is found to be proportional to the absorptive capacity of bacterio-purpurin for the colour in question. The maximum effect is produced in the case of the aforesaid ultra-red rays (X = 0.8-0.9 /*)» whilst, on the other hand, the rays between the lines B and C are inert. With chlorophyll the converse is the case, this being quite inactive in the ultra-red rays, and exerting its greatest effect in the red rays (between B and C). The aforesaid ultra-red rays (\ = 0.8 to 0.9 p) are well known under the name of " invisible heat rays," being inappreciable to the eye as light. The discovery that they are the rays that not only enable the purple bacteria to exhibit activity, but also spur the latter on to their highest degree of efficiency, allows the wider conclusion to be drawn that the elimination of oxygen through the activity of the vegetable cell is not dependent on the co-operation of visible light rays, but may also proceed in the dark. So far for the facts ; but looking beyond them, it may be asked if the faculty of absorption in the dark is inseparably connected with the presence of bacterio- purpurin, or if there are also colourless bacteria similarly endowed. The answer to this query will be found in chapter xxxvi., which treats of nitro-bacteria. This is a matter of such great interest as to deserve special consideration ; at present, therefore, we will merely review the facts hitherto discovered in the case of the purple bacteria, their general importance being so great that we shall certainly not regret having bestowed attention on these organisms, not- withstanding that they are devoid of technical application. The scientific harvest they are capable of yielding is, however, still far from being exhausted. It will be remembered that it is in the outer layer of the inner substance of the cell of these red organisms that this very influential bacterio-purpurin has its abode, and that the central substance is surrounded by this layer. The study of this from a morphological standpoint by Biitschli led to the conclusions respecting the structure of bacterial plasma already recorded in an earlier sec- tion. The investigation of the physiology of this central substance has yielded a second series of weighty results, which will be given in chapter xxxv. CHAPTER XIV. ( IIKoMol' AltOUS BACTERIA, PRODUCING BLUE, GREEN, AND VIOLET COLOURING MATTERS. 8 94.— Blue Coloration of Milk is a phenomenon known from time immemorial. The opinions as to its cause are widely divergent, but the earliest of them are at present only of historical interest. They may be found in MARTINY'S (I.) useful handbook, which (it may be parenthetically observed) affords a rich supply of information respecting the literature published on milk, butter, and cheese up to the year 1871. The first to arrive at the opinion that the blue coloration of milk might proceed from some external infection penetrating into the liquid, was STEINHOF (I.) who, however, made no attempt to prove by experiment the correctness of his hypothesis. This was only effected three years later, viz., in 1841, by 0. J. FUCHS (I.), who inferred from the results obtained during numerous inoculation experiments and much microsopic research that the blue coloration of milk is induced by the development of a pigment microbe, which he first named Vibrio cyanoyeiiKS and then Bacterium syncyaneum. Unfortunately, however, for the study of this question, Liebig just at this time promulgated his theory of fermentation, and fetterad philosophers in his dogmatic shackles. This explains why HAUBNER (I.) lost sight of the object for which Fuchs had striven, and, by endeavouring in 1852 to adapt the result of his numerous and careful experiments on this point to preconceived opinion, came to the conclusion that the blue coloration of milk is not caused by vibrions, but by a lifeless chemical ferment contained in the decomposing casein. If, then, this work is mentioned now, it is not for the purpose of controverting its untenable conclusions, but because it contains an instructive description of the development of the milk disease in question. It runs verbally as follows : "Under ordinary domestic conditions blue milk occurs only in the warm season, and persists from early summer to autumn. In small households where the milk is not kept in a separate chamber, but in warmer apartments (living rooms), the evil may be prolonged through the winter. A case of this kind is recorded by St.einhof as lasting for twelve years, without interruption, in the house of a farmer. The blue coloration appears from twenty-four to seven ty-two hours after the milk is drawn from the cow, the process being accelerated by warm, close weather, and retarded by cold. At a temperature of i5°-2o° R. (i8J°-25° C.), it may ensue in twenty hours — the shortest limit of time observed by H. — whilst, at only a few degrees above zero, it may linger on to the seventh day. The colora- tion always begins to form at the surface, never in the depths of the liquid, and generally appears at first as isolated patches or dots, immovable, and increasing in circumference and depth ; so that there are various stages, ranging from single superficial patches to almost complete impregnation of the mass with blue colour. " F. NEELSEN (I.), in 1880, took up the work commenced by Fuchs. Convenient and reliable methods of pure cultivation were, however, lacking at that time, and, in fact, the cultures prepared by Neelsen, when subsequently examined analytically "5 u6 CHROMOPAROUS BACTERIA at the laboratory of the In-rlin B id of Health, were t'ouiul to consist of a mixture of four species of bacteria, only one of which proved capable of develop- ing blue coloration in milk. This one was named by HUEPPE (IV.) Bacillus lactis ci/» . and con>ists of actively motile, spore-producing rods, o. 3- o. 5 /* broad, 1-4 p. long, such as are shown photographically in Fig. III. of Plate I. They are non-liquefactive towards gelatin, and are extremely sensitive to higher degrees of acidity in the medium, a circumstance explaining the facts (noted by Haubner) that sour milk does not turn blue, and that blue patches produced in sweet milk cease to spread when the latter turns sour. This fission fungus is highly aerobic, and consequently requires oxygen as an essential factor for its development. In order that this need may be supplied, the organism always grows on the surface of the liquid, so that the colour is jiro.luced in that situation solely, and only becomes disseminated through the bulk of the milk by diffusion. This microbe grows not only on milk (and equally well on human milk a< on that of the cow, ewe, goat, mare, ass. and dog), but also on many other media. ( Mi several of these (e.g. almond milk, boiled rice, boiled potatoes, vegetable II, (John's nutrient solution qualified with ammonium lact-ite) it also develops colouring matter which, on the other hand, is not formed in cultures on animal albumen (egg-albumen, blood serum), gum. and a few other media. In artificial inoculations the period of incubation, i.e., the time elapsing between the in- oculation and the visible appearance of the blue coloration, is found to be about twenty hours, but, as Haubner ascertained, depends on the prevailing tempera- ture. Milk with a tendency to this disease transmits the property to the butter prepared from it. The colouring matter is not stored up within the cell, but is merely produced there and excreted into the surrounding medium ; Bacillus lactis cyanon is therefore chromoparous. The constitution of the colouring matter has not yet been determined with accuracy, but O. ERDMANN (I.) was led by his com- parative experiments to consider it as one of the aniline group, viz., triphenylrosani- line. Neelsen's endeavours to prepare it in a pure condition were frustrated by reason of its instability. Dilute solutions of acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, phos- phoric acid, sulphuric acid or nitric acid produce no noticeable alteration. Ammonia gives rise to a violet tint, whilst under the influence of the hydroxide or the car- bonate of potassium or sodium, conversion into a beautiful rose -red occurs, the original colour being restored by acidification. Frequently the low degree of ac-idity of the milk, under which condition the bacillus is still able to develop, is in- Mitlirirpt to enable the colouring matter to assume a deep blue tint. The colour of the surface of the liquid is merely greyish-blue, and only becomes a pure, full blue when the lactic acid bacteria come into action and raise the acidity to a sufficient degree. Thecolour shade in individual instances may exhibit any intermediate tint between a delicate light blue and the deepest indigo. Accord- 11, the absorption spectrum of this colouring matter, which con the -fi'ini: lines E and F and of a broad band in the yellow, is almost with that of triphenylmsaniline. From the; re-eaivhes of C. (JESSARD (I.) and K. Tin MM (I.), it appear?- that AW/////S o/fnwgenus also produces, in addition to the blue colouring milter, a yellow fluorescent sub-lance. L. HKIM (III.) and 1'. r»i-:iut (I.) have given an account of a variety of this bacillus that had lost its faculty of producing colouring matter in nutrient gelatin, nutrient a/ttnoge7iu8, further particulars of the properties of which will be found in the treatise referred to. \HOfftnut is not injurious to health. The poisonous properties HUT, COLORATION IN < HKKSI; \\7 attributed lo blue milk l»y curly observers Steinhof ami .Mo.-ler — have been controverted liy llauhner; therefore, if illness has actually ensued on the con- sumption of such milk, (he fission fungus in question was not to blame. Harm- Icssncss apart, blue milk is not ;i merchantable article, and its sale should he, prohibited, since its a ppearance is, to put it mildly, Unappetising. Since the causes oi' this blue coloration in milk have become known, its OCCiu rence has, as a rule, been veiy limited ; and when it is observed, many ways of ( •ombatin^ it are employed, chief among them being scrupulous cleanliness in all appliances and utensils with which the milk comes into contact. The dairy or milk room is then thoroughly sulphured several times, and, finally, a little salt or (ilauber salt (sodium sulphate) is added to the cows' dietary. This last- named remedy must, however, be employed with discretion, since, under certain circumstances, it may prejudicially affect the health of the animals and the composition of the milk, as was ascertained by E. HESS, F. SCHAFFER, and M. LANG (I.). The milkers' hands and the cows' udders should be carefully washed before milking. The sudden appearance of the evil, and its frequent disappearance after a change of fodder, permit the conclusion that the bacillus occurs not infrequently on certain vegetables, from which it finds its way into the dung of the animal and thence into the milk. As has already been stated, the blue coloration of milk by bacterial agency is effected gradually when the liquid is left to stand, and first makes its appearance on the surface. If, on the other hand, the milk is of a bluish or blue colour when freshly drawn, this results from the cow having partaken freely of the flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus), which contains a blue colouring matter (indigotin ?) that is taken up by the gastric juices, conveyed in an unaltered condition into the arterial circulation, and thus finds its way into the milk. § 95.— Blue Coloration in Cheese. This is an evil to which the Dutch dairy industry is particularly liable. Since it very often makes its appearance only after the ripening stage is over — that is to say, at a time when the article has already passed into the hands of the salesman — it is the cause not only of monetary loss to the cheese-maker, but also of unwelcome complaints on the part of the purchaser. The phenomenon manifests itself in various forms. Either the whole bulk of the cheese is of a bluish cast, or exhibits blue patches internally, or, finally, is interspersed with blue spots (Dutch, "stipjes"') from i to 2 mm. (^V to ^ inch) in diameter, the latter form (blue grain: Dutch, " blauwstippigkeit ") being the most common. The causes of blue cheese are twofold ; one of them being chemical, and due to iron sulphide, as was demonstrated by M. SCHMOEGER (I.) and TH. KLARVER- WEIDEN (I.). Normal cheese contains but a very small quantity of iron ; Cheddar, for instance, having 0.009 per cent.; Gouda, o.on per cent., and so on. If, however, a larger quantity of iron obtains admittance to the milk or freshly precipitated curd, it will then gradually, during the ripening process, enter into combination with the sulphuretted hydrogen separated from the albumen by bacterial action, and will form iron sulphide, which, as is well known, exhibits a blue shade when in a dilute condition. When the iron has been admitted in the soluble form, then cheeses coloured a fairly uniform blue or bluish shade throughout will result. If, on the other hand, the metal be present in coar.-er particles, e.g. in the form of rust, then a patchy-blue or blue-grained cheese will be obtained. This explains the more frequent occurrence of the phenomenon since the introduction of the centrifugal machine into the dairy industry, the numerous rivets of the iron cylinder of this machine being, as demonstrated by Schmoeger, so many. sources of contamination of the milk by rust. Careful u8 CHROMOPAROUS BACTERIA tinning of the interior of the cylinder is therefore advisable, and should be renewed in good time. One observation made by Klarverweiden still remains to be mentioned, viz., that the frequency of the occurrence of blue cheeses in Holland is coincident in point of time (August and September) with the highest per- centages of the iron bacterium, Crenothrij- l\nliniunu. in natural waters. Blue cheese may, however, also result from the activity of micro-organisms. H. DE VRIES (I.), in 1887, asserted that a microscopical examination showed that the blue dots in question ought to be considered as colonies of a blue pig- ment bacterium ; but he made no attempt to prepare cultures thereof. The subject of his investigations was Edam cheese, a kind very frequently affected by blue grain. BEYEKIXCK (X.) identified, as the cause of this disease, a fission fungus which he named Bacillus cyaneo-fuscus. However, before proceeding to the consideration of the properties and functions of this organism, we must devote a little attention to the microscopy of cheese. The structure of sound cheese, as exemplified by the appearance of thin sections immersed in water under the microscope, is made up of the following elements. The ground mass or matrix consists of amorphous casein enclosing small drops of fat and bubbles of gas, which are, however, for the most part, not spherical, but irregular in outline, owing to the pressure of the enveloping curd. Along with these two enclosures — readily detectable by their optical and micro- chemical behaviour — a closer examination will reveal crystalline spheroids of a substance allied to or identical with tyrosine ; also yeast cells, and, finally, a large number of bacteria. The crystalline spheroids are oval or kidney-shaped, and about as large as big yeast cells (some 10 p long by 8 p broad). Each of these crystalline aggregations exhibits (like starch granules) a central nuclear spot, around which the crystal needles are arranged radially, and constitute in their totality a crystalline spheroid. A thin section cut from a blue patch or speck of a blue cheese reveals, in addition to these normal constituents, sundry granules of colouring matter, mostly bluish-black, but frequently brownish in colour, and forming the actual pigmentary substance. The crystalline spheroids are also highly coloured. Bacteria will be found more plentifully assembled in the centre of the blue patch or dot than in any other position. The (usually globular) colour granules, the diameter of which varies from i to 5 /*, are an excretory pro- duct of the Bacillus c^aneo-fusci'8, which can be isolated from the blue patches. The dimensions of this motile microbe vary according to the conditions of nutrition. On nutrient gelatin the cells grow to a length of 1.0-1.5 /* DV 0.2-0.3 V- in breadth ; whereas in a solution of 0.5 per cent, of peptone in ditch- water they only develop to 0.3-0.6 /* by 0.15 /*. If we follow up the alterations gradually occurring in a culture of this fission fungus in the latter medium at 10° C., we find that after four or five days the liquid, which lias hitherto l>een pale yellow, assumes a more and more decided greenish cast. A sample taken from the bacterial skin covering the surface discloses two constituents : a number of colourless rods connected to form bands, and, secondly, lying between them, the blue pigment granules, almost globular in form and 1.5-3-5 ft in diameter. The colour of the liquid then successively changes by degrees (beginning at the surface) into brownish-grey, brown-black, and finally into persist ent yellow, the conversion being effected by the oxidising influence of the air, which slowly decomposes the blue colouring mat Ter and forms brown intermediate products, all finally oxidised to a colourless compound. The micro-chemical analysis of these pigment granules shows them to consist of a framework of albuminous matter on which the pigment crystals rest, but the constitution of the colouring matter itself has not been established, although Beyeiinck, on experimental grounds, consideis it to be allitd to indigo. It resists the reducing action of the bacteria in cheese, especially those productive of lactic acid. Till; I'KKMKNTATION OF INDK.O 119 <-//ed extract of the leaves, when inoculated with a little of this skin, exhibits normal indigo fermentation, whereas without inoculation it remains unaltered even when air is freely admitted. Indigo fermentation is therefore due to the activity of a fission fungus, the Bacillus indigogenus, which is . ciated in the sai always >uriMund«-d hy a gelatinous envelope. Its microscopic appearance i- alnm-t t he s;iiii*' as that of Friedlander's pneumonia microbe (nee Fig. 7), and being motile, it is thereby able to collect at the surface of the liquid, where the desired supply of oxygen is found. It also produces a disengagement of gas, to which the formation of a froth or head on the liquid is attributable. When introduced into the blood of the guir.ea-pig, Bacillus indigogenus proved pathogenic, and therefore belongs to the group of organisms endowed with both /,\ inogeriic and pathogenic properties. A second observation made by Alvarez is also worthy of note, viz., that the microbe of pneumonia can set up indigo fermentation, whereas on the other hand many other pathogenic bacteria proved incapable of so doing. Apparently unacquainted with these results obtained by Alvarez, C. J. VAN LOOKEREN (I. and II.) expressed the opinion that the decomposition of indican is not produced by micro-organisms, but \)y an enzyme present in the living protoplasm of the leaf-cells. The reasons whereon this hypothesis is based do not, however, carry conviction, since attempts made to isolate the alleged enzyme proved unsuccessful. Apart from this, however, the treatise can be read not without profit, and ifc also affords several welcome supplementary additions to the bibliographical references collected by G. v. GEORGIEWICZ (I.) in his mono- graph on indigo. Alvarez's researches ought to be regarded as a thankworthy preliminary work incentive to further study of the subject, but they do not afford a closer insight into the progression of the fermentation process in question. It is in this . not merely a matter of determining the nature of the ferment or ferments, but rather of the solution of a whole group of problems of both scientific interest and technical importance. Commercial indigo, as is well known, contains, in addition to iridigotin, a number of other organic constituents, such, for instance, as the indigo red or indirubin, isomeric with the blue and soluble in alcohol; also indigo brown, obtained by treating the indigo with alkalies; and finally, indigo gluten, soluble in dilute acids. The proportion of these subsidiary •itiients influencing the shade of the colour is variable in different samples of iiidi-o. An investigation of the conditions affecting their production is a necessity preliminary to the establishment of the most suitable method of fermentation, capable of yielding, on the one hand, the maximum quantity of indigo (in Look.-!. erimentfl 0.2 per cent, of the weight of the plant), and 01; the other, producing at will any de.xiivd variety of the pigment. A very pr(imi>in«r hYld of profitable ent«-rpii><- i> theieby opened up to mycoloi:i>tV re-iding in the di>trict- where the indigo plant is cultivated. Moreover, it i> incumbent on fermentation physiologists in the centres of consumption to study the fermentation of the indigo dyeinir baths— the woad-vat, the so-called potash bath, and, finally, the urine bath — the pn-paiation and employment of which are VAUIUTIKS OF BACILLUS PYOCYANEUS 121 carried on according to old-fashioned rules and without any knowledge of the internal reactions occurring therein. One thing is certain : these reductions are not purely chemical operations, but are true fermentations, as already emphasised by A. Frrz (IV.) in 1878. Frequently they proceed in an undesired direction ; two such maladies of the indigo bath being : destruction of the colour, and blackening. However, as regards these, mycological investigations are still lacking. S 97. —Varieties of Bacillus Pyocyaneus. The number of bacterial species capable of producing blue colouring matters is by no means exhausted by those mentioned in the three preceding paragraphs. A fourth, which has been repeatedly referred to in earlier chapters, is the Bacillus pyocyaneus^ described by C. GESSARD (II.). This organism, conveyed in atmo- spheric dust, comes in contact with the pus exuded from wounds, and developing therein, produces, as its name implies a coloration ranging from blue to verdigris green. This microbe, which really belongs to pathological and not to technical mycology, is very mutable — a property which must also be briefly dealt with here. In addition to the blue pigment designated pyocyanine — which may be separated from the cultures byshaking them up with chloroform, and which was first prepared in the pure crystalline state by FORDOS (I). — the parasite in question, when cultivated in bouillon, produces a green fluorescent colouring matter. By skil- fully modifying the conditions of nutrition GESSARD (III. and IV.) obtained three varieties, morphologically indistinguishable, one of them producing only pyocya- nine, the other only the fluorescent pigment, and the third no colouring matter at all. Whilst these 'three varieties can be re-transformed into the typical species, such change cannot be effected with a fourth variety, cultivated by CHARRIN and PHISALIX (I.), which had permanently lost its chromogenic faculty. Unaware of this variability, P. ERNST (III.) proposed to distinguish between two species — Bacillus pyocyaneus a arid /3, a course which Gessard considers incorrect. In contradiction to the results obtained by the latter worker, and confirmed by HANS BUCIINER and ROHRER (I.), K. THUMM (I.) asserted that B. pyocyaneus produces only a single pigment, the blue. Undoubtedly this investigator, as a result of the system of cultivation preferred by him, unwittingly deprived the bacillus of its property of elaborating the green fluorescent colouring matter. During the past two decades there has been isolated from water, air, and soil a number of blue-producing species of Schizomycetes, which, however, are of no special importance, and can therefore merely be mentioned here, though fully described in Eisen berg's work. They are : Bacillus janthinus, obtained by Zopf from the river Panke, Berlin ; Bacillus berolinensis indicus, by H. CLAESSEN (I.) from the Spree ; Bacillus lividics, by Plagge from Berlin town-water ; Bacillus cceruleus, by ALLEN J. SMITH (I.) from the water of the Schuylkill river. It is probable that these species are chromoparous, as was established with certainty in the cxi.se of a fission fungus obtained by Voges from natural water in Hol&tein (and also named Bacillus cceruleus), which excretes the blue colouring-matter into the surrounding medium, where it collects into small granules. At the present time a fairly large number of species producing violet pigments are known ; they are found in the same places as the above-named, and are equally of little practical importance. A few may be cited as examples, the oldest species known being the Bacteridium violaceum, observed by Schroeter, and named Micrococcus violaceus by Cohn. This organism develops on solid media (gelatin, potatoes, &c.) to solid-growing violet-blue colonies. In contrast to this is Bacillus violaceus, which liquefies gelatin and produces a deep violet colour. Bacillus membranaceus amethystinus was discovered by Jolles in Spalato well- water, and produces a dark violet pigment exhibiting a metallic lustre. 122 CHROMOPAROUS H\(TKKIA § 98.— Green Bacteria were observed by Schroeter, and COHN (I.) named one such species (producing a sap-green colour) Micrococcu^ <-hlr>rinns. VAN TIEGHEM (II I.) introduced into the literature of the subject two new green non-motile species under the names of Bacterium viride and Bacillus rirens. The Bacterium chlorinum, discovered by ENGELMANN (VII.), is more highly interesting. It is endowed with powers of locomotion, and when present in microscopic preparations where there is a lack of oxygen it strives to reach such spots as are illuminated by white, yellow, or red light. The three last-named species are not chromoparous, but chromo- phorous bacteria. W. Sv .M M KHS (I.) described a Bacillus r/'n'dans. Reference may be made in this place to a treatise on the green bacteria by P. A. DAXGEARD (I.). Green fluorescent transformation products are excreted by very many species of bacteria, a number of which are described in Eisenberg's work. At present mention of three will suffice, viz., the gelatin-liquefying Bacillus fluorescens lique- faciens. and the Bacillus fluorescens non-liquefaciens, which grows on the same medium into solid colonies. Both organisms occur in natural waters. The author in 1891 discovered a fission fungus of very frequent occurrence in Munich butter, and named it Bacillus butyri fluoresceiis. C. GESSARD (V.) recorded a beautiful observation in connection with the formation of fluorescent pigment by Bacillus pyocyaneus. This substance is — in the case of nutrient solutions prepared artificially from mineral salts — produced only when phosphates are present in quantity equivalent to at least 0.25 grm. of potassium phosphate per litre. When this supply is reduced, the organism develops, but produces no fluorescence. This behaviour is also exhibited by other fluorescent bacteria, so that these can therefore be regarded as very delicate tests for potassium phosphate. K. THUMM (I.) comparatively examined a number of bacterial species yielding fluorescent cultures, viz., Bacillus fluorescens tenuis, B. fl. pulidus, B.fl. albus, B. erythrosporus, B. viridans, B. pyocyaneus, Bacterium syncyaneum (Bacillus syncyaneus). These species produce, in alkaline gelatin, a fluorescence initially sky-blue, but afterwards moss green, caused by an excreted yellow pigment, which is formed only when the medium contains magnesium sulphate and potassium phosphate. The green coloration of cheese is, as first determined by CARLO BESANA (I.), due to the presence of copper, this evil being especially manifested by Lodisan cheese, the Parmesan cheese produced in Lombardy — forma gyio di yrana lombardo. The initially yellow cut surface of this cheese becomes green by exposure to the air. For the successful preparation of this cheese a certain fairly high degree of acidity in the milk — equal, according to J. RAVA (I.), to 0.22 per cent of lactic acid — is essential, and therefore it is the custom in ! i hardy to leave the milk to acidify in untinned copper vessels, whereby it takes up a considerable quantity of copper. In fact, the progress of the souring is determined by the gradual disappearance of the metallic lustre from the previously polished surface of the vessels. G. MARIANI (I.), who examined twenty-five samples of these cheeses for their content of copper, found the minimum to be 54 mgrms. of C'u per kilo^rm. of cheese, and the maximum 215 mgrms., the average per kilo, of Loilisan cheese being 100-110 mgrms. of copper. That this metal alone is actually responsible for the green coloration of cheese is evidenced not only by comparative laboratory experiments with tinned and untinned milk vessels, but also by the fact that the Parmesan cheeses made south of the river Po (especially in Reggie >), and brought to Parma for sale. undergo no alteration in their yellow colour when cut. In that region, however, the milk is left to acidify in wooden tul CHAPTER XV. PHOTOGENIC BACTERIA. § 99. -The Genus Photobacterium. THE first occasion of witnessing the phenomenon known as marine phosphorescence will never be forgotten by the beholder. The boat cleaving the gleaming waves inscribes its track m glittering lines, and every movement of the water causes pronounced phosphorescence. A rain of sparkling drops of light trickles from the poii-ed oar, each apparently becoming the centre of fresh evolutions of light. This phenomenon, the sight of which is calculated to captivate the senses of the coast-dweller, and lead him to forget all trouble for a time, has a counterpart which filled the mind of earlier races of mankind with terror and lent great .support to credulity, viz., the phosphorescence of meat, fungi, and decaying wood in forests. It is only in our own day that an insight into the cause of this wonder has been gained, the microscope, in this case also, being the instrument used to open the door to knowledge. To devote a few words to this phenomenon would be in any event justifiable, on account of its general scientific interest; and moreover, the matter cannot be avoided in the present work, since some of the facts established in this connection also deserve a brief consideration, both from a chemical and a technical standpoint. The first attempt made to investigate this long-known phenomenon in a scientific manner was that of G. FABRIZIO (I.) in 1592. The treatises subse- quently published thereon (up to 1887) are to be found included in a historical and critical review of the subject written by F. LUDWIG (I.). This has been supplemented (up to 1891) by a work issued by 0. KATZ (I.) which may be referred to in this place. We are indebted to Pfliiger for the first microscopical examination of this phenomenon. He examined, in 1875, the white mucus covering the surface of fish exhibiting a silvery phosphorescence, and found it composed of globules, frequently united to form chains. When these for.ms were mixed with water and the mixture passed through a doubled layer of dense filter-paper, the latter became phosphorescent, whilst the filtrate ceased to exhibit this property, thus proving the phosphorescence to be due to the minute organisms themselves. These, which were recognised as bacteria, were in 1878, named Micrococcus phosphoreus by Cohn. Wht reas Pfliiger's studies were con ei ned with the carcases of phosphorescent salt-water fish, the first microscopical examination of the ph( sphorescent flesh of cattle slaughtered for food was made by Niiesch, who a'so found a fission fungus, which he named Bacterium lucens, to be the cause. Ludwig, in 1882, showed that a transference of the mucus of phc sphorescent sea-fish on to sound animal flesh rendered the latter phosphorescent in turn. Unawa> e at the time that the organism had already received two i ames, he bestowed on it the title of Micrococcus Pfliiyeri. This was the first phos- phorescent bacteria obtained (in 1885) as an undoubtedly pure culture. Three years later B. FISCHER (II.) proved the existence of other species, three of which he himself described, one of them (from the West Indian seas) being named Bacillus 7 hosphorescevs, and the other two (found on Geiman shores) 123 124 IMIOTOMAK H.UTKKIA he called respectively Bacterium phosphorescens and "native phosphorescent bacillus." In 1890 BEYKHINTK (XI.) proposed the generic name of Photobacteriurn for the entire group of phosphorescent bacteria, and more closely investigated the six undermentioned spe< 1. Photobctcleri/i/n J't/» 2. rh. />/. luminosum behave differently, peptone (or any other albuminoid substance) being of itself sufficient as an organic food-stuff therefor. A slight addition of sugar to the medium increases the luminosity, but a higher percentage arrests both growth and phosphorescence, a circumstance due not to any injurious effect of the carbohydrate itself, but to the acids produced therefrom by the vital activity of the organism, the luminous bacteria thriving solely on neutral or faintly alkaline media. Concerning the extent of the injurious content of Miirar, and also the varying influence exerted by the different M aridi-s. Beyerinck arrived at noteworthy conclusions in respect of his six ies. Thus, for example, maltose is taken up by Ph. pAoepkor&cene, but is discarded by Ph. /'////>'/•/'.• Ph. Fischeri is very susceptible to cane sugar, a content of 0.5 per cent, sufficing to retard urouth and suppress phosphorescence, whereas, on the other hand, Ph. baltirnm will stand 5 o per cent, without injury. imilar relation in respect of glucose obtains between /'//. lumiitosum and Ph. . the luminosity of the former ceasing when the medium contains i per cent, of this sugar, whilst the latter produces light even in presence of 4 per cent. The >ix species of photobacteria examined by Bt-yerinck are halophil, i.e., absolutely ivcjiiiH- sodium chloride, of which the medium must contain at i- 3.5 i Consequently it follows that none of th«->«- species is able to thrive on the flesh of land animals slaughtered for human food. The luminosity appearing on this latter substance is cau>rd by oth» r sprch-s, among them being the above-named Micrococcti* /'//".'/'/> di>c«>vered by Ludwig. The presence of oxygen is essential to the production of phosphorescence, but is not requisite for mere growth. For preparing pure cultures a nutrient gelatin made from fish bouillon is employed, and, for cultivation on a lar»<« scale, boiled salt-water fish forms an advantageous medium. THE PHOSPHORESCENTS 125 § 101.— The Luminous Bacteria as Tests for Enzymes. The different behaviour of Ph. phosphorescens and Ph. Pjliiyeri towards maltose can be utilised when it is desired to ascertain whether this sugar is produced in any diastatic process. For this purpose plate cultures of the two organisms are prepared, a mixture of sea-water with 8 per cent, of gelatin, i per cent, of peptone, and J per cent, of boiled potato-starch being used. On these cultures are placed small drops of a solution of the substance whose saccharifying properties are to be tested. Then, if this elaborates glucose or levulose from the starch, the (thickly sown) plates will shortly become luminous at the points affected, whereas if maltose alone is formed, the culture of Ph. Pfliigeri will remain dark. In point of delicacy this reaction has but one compeer, viz., the Itunsen flame reaction, whilst in respect of the duration of the phenomenon it is unequalled. The method may also be used with advantage in the solution of the question whether any given microbe has the power of elaborating an enzyme, and if so, of what nature. Thus, for instance, if Saccharomyces Kefyr, a higher fungus occurring in Kephir granules, is to be tested on this point, a plate culture thickly sown with Ph. phosphorescens is prepared in a medium composed of soa-water, gelatin, and peptone. On several of these non-luminous plates are laid a couple of drops of an aqueous solution of lactose, on others cane-sugar, and on a third series raffinose, none of which sugars are taken up by the photo- bacterium, and consequently the plat?s remain dark. The drops are quickly absorbed by the gelatin and formed patches named by Beyerinck diffusion-fields, in the vicinity of which inoculating streaks of Saccharomyces Kefyr are then drawn, and, on developing, finally enter the field of diffusion. After a short time the colonies of Ph. phosphorescens gradually begin to become luminous at the points where the diffusion-fields are in contact with the Saccharomycetes cultures, this luminosity occurring in all three series, and thus proving that Saccharomyces Kefyr produces an enzyme (known as lactase) which penetrates into the diffusion-fields of the lactose, saccharose, and raffinose and inverts these di- arid tri-saccharides to assimilable hexoses, which then cause the photo- bacterium to become luminous. § 102.— The Phosphoreseents. The question whether the light proceeds from within the organisms, or whether they are in themselves dark, but excrete luminous metabolic products into the surrounding medium, has been much disputed. The latter opinion was upheld, notably by BR. RA.DZISCEWSKI (I.), according to whose exhaustive researches the aldehydes and aldehyde-ammonia derivatives are, in general, endowed with the faculty of becoming luminous in alkaline solution, and are thereby gradually oxidised by atmospheric oxygen. The quantities coming into play per unit of time are comparatively small ; a solution of 1.8 grms. of lophin in 25 c.c. of caustic potash remaining luminous for over three weeks. If, then, the fact be remembered that the photobacteria are luminous only in alkaline nutrient media, and in presence of compounds which are partly already aldehydes (especially the sugars) and partly exhibit a similar constitution (e.g. glycerin and asparagin) ; and if it be also remembered that the luminosity only occurs in presence of oxygen, and that in the cultures acids, i.e. oxidation products, are formed from the said luminous materials, then it will be readily understood why Iladziscewski sought the source of this beautiful phenomenon, not in the bacterial cell, but in aldehydic metabolic products, phosphorescents, which are oxidised, with evolution of light, outside the organism. The same opinion is 126 PHOTOGENIC BACTERIA held in the main by Quatrefages, Owsjannikow, Ludwig, and Dubois, tlie observer last mentioned designating the assumed phosphorescents luciferin. The most important effect of the photobacteria, viz., marine phosphorescence, stands, however in the way of the general applicability of this interpretation, the external conditions under which this phenomenon is produced being still unknown. It is consequently uncertain whether the food stuffs (aldehydes and ammonia bases) necessary for the production of the phosphorescents are at siu-h times exceptionally prasent in sufficient quantity in the waves. The spectrum of the bluish-green light emitted by Micrococcus Pj'Hyri is, according to Ludwig, a continuous one, and excends from the line b (green) into the violet. Equally continuous and more extensive — occupying the entire breadth from D to G — are the spectra of two European species discovered by B. Fischer, and a luminous bacterium described by J. FORSTEK (I.). Here the blue and violet rays predominate, and, consequently, these organisms can be photographed by their own light, a result first successfully attained by Forster iu conjunction with Van Haren Noman. One year later B. Fischer also demonstrated that the liirht from streak cultures of these microbes is strong enough to illuminate and photograph other adjacent objects, such, for example, as a watch. Marine phosphorescence can be caused not only by photobacteria, but also by a variety of low forms of animal life. When these latter come into play, then the illumination of the water only becomes well developed provided the latter is in motion and the necessary supply of oxygen is thereby copiously supplied to the photogenic animals. If, on the other hand, photobacteria are in question, the entire surface of the water glistens uniformly and continuously with a soft lustre. Ludwig was the first to successfully produce marine phosphorescence artificially and on a small scale, and the experiment was then repeated on a larger scale by B. Fischer in the Berlin Aquarium. The demonstration well repays the slight trouble involved. Cultures of photobacteria are prepared on salt-water fish, on which they grow and form a mucinous coating, which, on being stripped oft' in salt water and dispersed through it, immediately produces marine phosphorescence capable of prolonged duration. A beautiful observation made by A. GIARD (I. and II.) must be recorded here, viz., his cultivation — from the luminous Talitrus — of a bacterium which is both pathogenic and luminous, inhabiting the abdominal cavity of the aforesaid aquatic animal, fully permeating all its organs, and, finally, causing its death. During the prevalence of this malady the victim shines with a green light, vi-ible nearly a dozen yards oft', and persisting for a few hours after the death of the animal. This fact, established as it has been by successful inoculation experiments, induces the supposition that the luminosity of other small marine animals (infusoria, polyps, and medusae) may also be due to photobacterial infection. CHAPTER XVI. THEBMOGENIC BACTERIA. § 103.— Spontaneous Combustion. THE state of our knowledge on the thermic side of the process of fermentation does not extend beyond a few crude, isolated determinations, so that nearly everything in this department has still to be accomplished; even the primary question — whether there exist; fermentative organisms with purely exothermic and others with purely endothermic cell-activity — being as yet unsolved. One thing only has been established for certain, viz., that many microbes under certain conditions generate heat and give it off to the environment. Hence the chemical changes then occurring are exothermic processes. An example of this is afforJed by the organisms effecting the so-called spontaneous heating of hay and cotton. For sundry researches hereon we are indebted to F. COHN (VIII.), from which it appears that fission fungi, allied to the hay bacillus already several times referred to, are here concerned. That the heating is actually the result of microbial activity was proved by Haepke, who ascertained that sterilised cotton-waste, under otherwise identical conditions, only became heated when moistened with washing-water from fresh unsterilised waste. Ihe heating only occurs in presence of oxygen, and comes to a standstill when this substance is lacking, the action being the result of brisk oxidising activity (respiration) on the part of the bacteria in question. The fluffy greasy waste material formed during the cleaning and spinning of raw cotton, consisting of cotton fibres, seed capsules, &c., spontaneously rises in temperature up to 67° C., according to the observations of Haepke, and becomes gradually con- verted into a humous mass with evolution of the vapours of trimethylamine. This observer attributes the fermentation occurring in this case to various species of micrococcus. The heating of vegetable matter to high temperatures should not, however, always be ascribed to the action of fission fungi. For example, the temperature in badly managed heaps of germinating (malting) barley may rise to 60° C. and over, the cause of which, according to the researches of COHN (IX. and X.), is a mould, viz., the Asp rgillus fumigatus, nearly allied to the common mould fungus. That the diastase in the germinating barley is thereby greatly injured is cert tin. In many instances the spontaneous heating of the aforesaid vegetable matters may develop into spontaneous combustion, whereby barns and spinning worit shown by GRIESSMAYER (I.). Behrens found, in hops that had become warm, a fission fungus, in a condition of almost pure culture, which he named Bacillus lupuliperda, and explained to be nearly allied to the Bacillus ftuorescens putidus described by FLUGGE (I.). The cells of this newly-discovered motile microbe are about 0.7 /z in breath, and vary in length, according to the conditions of cultivation, from 0.7 to 2.5 /z. It liquefies gelatin. Peptone alone is insufficient for its support, a second substance from which it can derive carbon being required ; consequently it belongs to the group of peptone-carbon bacteria established by Beyerinck. It thrives freely in hop extract and quickly renders sugar-free media alkaline by excreting copious quantities of ammonia bases, especially trimethylamine. In presence of sugar the reaction of the medium at first becomes acid, butyric acid being formed, although in Behrens' experiments only to the extent of o.i per cent, at most. This microbe, which gives rise to spontaneous heating in hops, and causes them to give off an odour of trimethylamine, was found by Behrens in ;dl the samples of hops examined by him. It appears to be chiefly domiciled in the soil, and passes thence to the hop cones, which, being fairly hygroscopic, attract moisture when bagged, and thus enable the bacillus to develop, the hops becoming :' warm " and commencing to decompose, whereby they are reduced in value. Timely prevention may be ensured by removing the bagging in which the hops are packed, and thus admitting cool and dry air into the interior of the contents, in consequence of which the activity of the microbe is lessened. Closer studies both on the spontaneous heating of hops, and especially into the transformation products of Bacillus lupuliperda and their relation to the production of rancidity in hops, constitute a productive field for future research. The above remarks on the spontaneous heating of stored vegetable substances may now be supplemented by a few observations concerning § 105.— The Fermentation of Tobacco, which cannot well be included in subsequent chapters. The tobacco leaves, when gathered, are allowed to become somewhat withered, and are then arranged in moderate-sized heaps, where they undergo a so-called " sweating." The rise of temperature occurring during this process is, as determined by Miiller- Thurgau, a consequence of the activity of the leaf -cells, which transpire their store of carbohydrates and convert their albuminoid matters into amides, the heat thereby liberated effecting the gradual drying of the leaves. The water vapour evolved condenses into the matting employed to cover the heaps, which are then said to " sweat." The alteration of the nitrogenous bodies in the leaves l>e effected by " shed drying." On this point more will be said in a later ehapter dealing with /lutri/fis cinerea in the second volume. i as the tobacco leaves have finished sweating and become "shed ripe," they are made to undergo fermentation, for which purpose they are tied in bundles and arranged in great heaps, containing as much as fifty tons of tobacco. Hereupon active decomposition quickly ensues and the temperature rises. NESSLER (I ) found ihi> to In- as much as 54° C. even on the second day, but, as a rule, the heaps are not allowed to become warmer than 50° C., further THK PREPARATION OF BURNT II AN 129 increase being prevented by turning the heap, so that the outer layers of the first heap become the central portion of the new one. This fermentation is d in- to the action of bacteria, and was studied thoroughly by E. SUCHSLAND (I. and 1 1 .), who, however, furnished but scanty reports thereon. A patent was granted to him in connection with the use of pure cultures of bacteria for the purpose of favourably influencing the fermentation of tobacco. He prepared pure cultures of bacteria from fine West Indian tobacco and transferred them to inferior German tobacco in course of fermentation. By this means the flavour of the latter was so greatly improved that it was no longer recognisable as such even by connoisseurs and experienced smokers of native tobacco. The chemical changes hereby produced have been investigated by J. BEHRENS (II.), according to whom the loss of matter amounts to 4 to 5 per cent., and consists principally of soluble carbohydrates and fixed organic acids, the former disappearing almost entirely. Carbonic acid is evolved as the result of these changes, while FESCA and IMAI (I.) ascertained that nitrates are no longer present in the fermented mass. The amount of nicotine is also reduced, only 70 per cent, of that originally present being afterwards found (in one experiment) by Behrens. The flora of the fermenting tobacco heap does not consist solely of bacteria. For example, JOH. BEHRENS (III.) frequently met with the Aspergillus fumigatus already mentioned, and Davalos and Behrens also very often detected Monilia Candida, remarks on which will be given in a subsequent chapter. A few researches have been made into the fermentation of snuff, the most important being those carried out by TH. SCHLOSING (I. and II.) relative to the chemical changes involved. With respect to the part played by micro-organisms he expressed himself as follows : " The fermentation begins at the ordinary temperature under the predominant influence of micro-organisms, but above a certain (still to be determined) limit, which is over 40° C. and below 70° C., and is probably about 50° C., the changes become purely chemical reactions in which the living organisms have no longer any share." When giving utterance to this opinion Schlosing was unacquainted with the newer researches in connection with the heat-loving organisms which thrive at 70° C. It is therefore desirable that his experiments should be repeated and extended, with this fact borne in mind. The tobacco subjected to this fermentation is usually moistened with a liquid containing sugar, syrup, honey, and the like, in addition to various aromatics, and not infrequently alcohol as well. In many cases this " sauce " also has added to it wine yeasts, particularly for the grades known as St. Omer, St. Vincent, and Paris tobaccos. These additions (found by experience to be partly essential and partly useful) probably furnish the material for, on the one hand, a weak alcoholic fermentation, and, on the other, for the formation of esters. More detailed knowledge is, however, lacking with regard to this primary fermentation, and to the subsequent after-fermentation of the tobacco, either packed tightly into casks or rolled up in "pigtail " form and wrapped in linen cloths. The snuff yielded by the latter method is finer than that obtained by the quicker cask-fermentation process. More definite researches on this subject are highly desirable. § 106.— The Preparation of Burnt Hay must also be briefly described in this place. There are two chief methods, differing from one another, for the preservation of green fodder, viz., either by acidifying it, allowing it to ferment, and so producing " sour " fodder or ensilage — for which see also chapter xxvi. ; or it is dried, and then forms hay. The I I 130 TIIKKMCK, i:\IC KACTKUIA removal of the water, of which the plunts now under consideration contain some 85 per cent., can be effected in two different ways. Either the necessary heat i .plied from outside, i.e. they are exposed to the sun's rays, thus producing air-dried hay, or else the same result is obtained by spontaneous heating, and therefore by the net ion of the thermogenic micro-organisms dwelling on the plant-, lit it again there are two possible methods of procedure, by following one of which burnt hay is obtained. On this subject we are indebted to r>"i!\iKK (I.) for a critical research. According to him, the mown grass is piled up into heaps about 10 to 13 feet high and 13 to 16 feet in diameter, the mass being trodden down as tightly as possible in order to prevent the admission of air — which might favour the development of mould — into the interior. In the.se heaps spontaneous heating goes on and becomes apparent, often within twelve hours, but generally in twenty-four to thirty hours. The operation is watched, and as soon as the temperature inside the heap reaches 70° C. — which is mostly the case in forty-eight to sixty hours — the heaps are opened and the contents spread out thinly, a single turning being then sufficient to complete the curing of the hay. By this fermentation, about which nothing definite is known from the physiological point of view, not only is the desired degree of dryness attained, but the hay also becomes friable and acquires an aromatic odour. As mentioned above, the heaps must be opened when the temperature has i -i>e n to 70° C., since, if this be neglected, the spontaneous heating will quickly become spontaneous ignition. If, as is possible, it is rainy when the hay is ready for spreading out, such preliminary labour is futile. To this circum- stance is due the fact that burnt hay is seldom prepared, as also that, in districts where the weather is too uncertain to allow of ordinary haymaking being conveniently practised, another method of drying has been developed, in which the necessary heat is likewise generated by a process of ferm en tation, from which a product known as " brown hay " is obtained. This will be dealt with in the Section on Lactic Fermentation. SECTION V. TI1K II MAT RKSISTINd IJACTKIMA. TIIKIIl I'LACK IN NATTlii; AND THKIK I M I'OltTA V 'K IN TIIK r-Ki!Mi:\TATi<)\ AND FOOD-STI KF INDI-STHIKS. CHAPTER XVII. BACILLUS SUBTILIS AND ITS CONGENERS. § 107.— Roberts' Heat Method. THE unfavourable conditions to which the bacteria inhabiting the soil are therein exposed result in the accumulation of such species as are capable of developing reproductive forms endowed with great vitality. These are carried from the surface soil on to plants, and in this way hay becomes infested with FK;. 40.— Hacillus stibtilis. (J, a fragment of the skin funned on liny infusion, m.-imi. 200 times. Consists of tightly parked !il;uuentury ^roups of cells. 15 and C show the individual parts of these threads at sin early sta-e. 1>. a thread, eaeh separate part of which contains an oval endospore. K, the mother-cell mem- brane 8\vells up and the spores are liberated. F, progress of spore-germination. B-F, niagn. 600. (Afl>-r ltring unacquainted with this property, noticed with astoiiishnieiit that a development of bacteiia occurred spontaneously in vegetable infusions (especially infusions of hay) that had previously been exposed to boiling heat for an hour. The cells were almost 131 132 HACII.I.rs srBTIMS AM) ITS (OMiKNKRS exclusively in the form of short rods, and were named Vibrio xnbtilis by Ehrenberg and Jliir'illiis Njibtilis by Cohn. To obtain them with certainty the following process, known as the heat method, which was devised by ROBERTS (I.), and already referred to in § 53, is employed: Dry hay is chopped up fine, suffused with a little water, and then left to stand four hours, at about 36° 0., the usually somewhat acid liquid being afterwards poured off (without filtering), exactly neutralised, and diluted until it shows a density of 1.004. This liquid is then boiled gently for an hour over the sand-bath in a flask plugged with cotton- wool. Since the number of heat-resisting spores present on the hay is fre- quently but small, sufficient hay and water are taken at the outset to yield at least half a litre after an limit's boiling, which quantity will be sure to contain .some living germs. The flask is removed from the sand-bath, left to cool down to the temperature of the hand, and then placed in the incubator, the tempera- ture of which is regulated to about 36° C. during the ensuing twenty-four hours. At the end of this time there will have appeared on the surface of the infusion a thin skin, which subsequently thickens and develops to a typical zoogloea. A little of this, examined under the microscope, will present the appearance shown at G in Fig. 40, viz., a number of closely adjacent rows of short rods. § 108.— Morphology of Bacillus subtilis. That, by the aid of Roberts' method, pure cultures (in the present acceptance of the term) cannot be obtained, need hardly be insisted upon, all that is produced being a culture of heat-resisting bacteria ; hence the "hay bacillus" prepared in this way by different observers will vary. Really pure cultures may, however, be obtained therefrom by modern methods of pure cultivation. The organism examined and styled Bacillus sublUis by Brefeld is not identical with that of the same name described by Prazmowski, though allied thereto, and indeed so closely that the physiologically important phenomena of spore- germination are alike in both kinds. This circumstance has already been fully noticed in § 58, and the reader is therefore referred thereto. A few supplemental morphological facts will now be added, the opportunity being also favourable for remarking that a reliable culture of B. subtilis can be prepared by mixing crushed malt and rye in a flask with about four times their volume of water, inserting a plug of cotton- wool, boiling tip the mixture, and then leaving it to stand at 35°-4o° C. A thick, wrinkled skin will rapidly develop on the surface of the liquid, and the contents of the flask acquire a characteristic sickly- sweet odour. At a somewhat earlier stage, before the surface is entirely covered with skin, the liquid (which on this account becomes turbid) swarms with numerous actively motile rods. Formerly, with the defective instruments at command, only a single cilium could be discerned on each of the terminal poles (see A, Fig. ., iiiu- -ui.tiiis. 40), .but subsequent researches established the fact < ilia staining. that /Irrri/litfi ftnbtilit*, like many other species, is richly Magn. about 1500. <(//-/ endowed with cilia, as may be seen from Fig. 41, vhich is reproduced from -t photograph. The de- velopment of the motile rods into the multicellular oonfltitntiog the skin mtuM !>•• regarded .-is a transition to the quiescent Stage. Tin* formation of iliis wrinkled c<>\<-r lir>t becomes imt irealile when the nutrient medium is in an adv;in< . -d Btttto «>!' decomposition. In most of the cells e<>nipo-in;r the chain there will then l>e found a firm, brilliant endospore (I>, Fig. 40) producing an uncommonly beautiful and remarkable appearance. LUENCE or NUTRITION o.\ GROWTH 133 The walls of the mother-cell swell up, the chain ifl (3 and the thereby liberated. Some facts indicative of their pout, influences have been gum in a previous section (;.; 5 :;). The Bpore membl capable of swelling up, so that, when I i are placed in water earh of them soon appears to be .Mirrounded by a dull halo — the swollen external la\er of the membrane. $ 109.— Influence of the Mode of Nutrition on the Form of Growth. This factor was exhaustively described, for the bacillus in question, by I III t IINKR (I V.). A few of the forms of growth observed an; shown in Fig. 42, r.\- employing a faintly alkaline 5 per cent, solu- tion of meat extract, rods (as at in) are ob- tained, 0.5/1 broad and 6-10 p. long. If a neutral solution of 5 per cent, of sugar and o.i per cent, of meat extract be taken, then the forms shown in 2« appear, viz., short rods 0.8 p. broad and only 4-6 p. long. Finally, in an infusion prepared from hay in which woody stems predominate, the cells (3«) have a length of 12 n and a breadth of i.o p.. Under all the above conditions repro- duction goes on with vigour, the fission being very rapid. The new partition walls formed during the operation are at first so thin and so faintly refractive as to escape the eye in the case of unstained prepara- tions. If, however, a solu- tion of iodine be added, then the apparently uniform long cells are seen to be divided into short cells in the manner d i ag ram mat i c a 1 1 y sketched at /> and c in the figure. All these shapes belong to the cycle of normal forms of growth, of strong vitality, and capable af reproduction. When. however, the composition of the nutrient solution is, from the first, unfavourable (/.'/• :i solution of o.i percent, of asparagin or albumen, and 10 per cent, of siiyar), or becomes so subsequently in consequence of the excivtien of injurious waste Fie. 42.— IJarillus sulitilis under various nnnlit ions of rulliva- tlon. Kor f\p!:iii:ilioii >cr tf.xt. .Mii-ii. iiliout 4000. (.///e excluded, the reproduction of the cells >'s, but the formation of a peptonising en/ymo is not interrupted so long as the medium contains sugar. As already remarked, this microbe is extremely itive to acids, even the small quantity present in normal beer-wort and beer — and which, expressed as lactic acid, amounts to only o 09-0.12 percent, in the former case, and up to 0.2 per cent, in the latter — sufficing to suppress the development of the bacillus in question, so that the brewing industry is exposed to no danger from this quarter. The decompositions effected by this microbe were first studied by G. VANDK- YKI.DE (I.) in i88|, who was, however, unable to make use of pure cultures. On the other hand, such cultures were used in the researches carried out by ADRIAN* J. BROWN (II.), in 1895, which were specially directed to the decompositions sustained by the various sugars under the influence of this fission fungus. It oxidises dextrose to an (unspecified) acid, which is thereafter entirely consumed, and a levo-rotatory volatile dissociation product, of unknown nature, but exerting an exceptionally high reducing power on copper solutions (such as those prepared by Fehling and others). The decomposition of the total sugar supplied is effected completely when the acid, by repeated neutralisations, is kept down below 0.04 per cent. Saccharose undergoes a preliminary inversion, and is then oxidised. § 110.— The Potato Bacilli. Before the great tenacity of life possessed by many of the bacterial spores inhabiting the soil was recognised, it frequently happened that potatoes, which had been presumably thoroughly sterilised, became (when employed for streak cultures), infested with a spontaneously developed, wrinkled zoogkra of rod- shaped Schiasomyoetes, which, starting from the potato ^kin, rapidly extended over the cut surface. These species, observed by different workers, are, with reference to their habitat, named the "potato bacillus." This is naturally a very comprehensive appellation, which has to be more narrowly defined in each . These uninvited guests have their origin in the soil, sufficiently large quantities of which remain in the depressions (known as "eyes") in the potato; and the genus adherent thereto will withstand any heating that is not pushed too far. Of the species belonging to this group a considerable number is already known, and a few of them will be referred to later on, e.y. in the chapter treating of "blown" cheeses. A few others must, however, be briefly dealt with in this place, namely, the three species of most general occurrence. These p00HM in common the property of growing on solid media c.t common of all is the AW/////.V meMflfertOUJ rii/t/n/n*, discovered by TIM- POTATO KACILLI 135 Fliiggr, a plump, actively motile rod, shown in Fig. 43. The colon! potatoes are dirty white, 'Can be drawn out, into threads, and develop equally well in the incubator and at room temperature. This bacillus excretes several iMi/ymes, one being peptonising and producing liquefaction of the medium ; another diastatic ; and a third resembling rennet, whereby the casein of milk is at first precipitated, but is subsequently redissolved by the peptonising enzyme. It forms endospores, the final stage of germination of which is shown at b in Fig. 43. ,n , HitcHhiK nwsi'iitericus fuscus was first described by TOfti FLIJGGE (I.). The cultures on agar-agar and on ft||wj|y]lJ (f potatoes are initially yellow, but as their age in- 'Mjjlll]^)' -» creases deepen progressively into brown. It also pro- ^^^# duces a peptonising enzyme, which liquefies nutrient Fl<; 43._Potato bacinus. gelatin. The production of spores is in this species „. two motilo rods : ,,. a 11Cwiy less copious than in the foregoing and following germinated rod, Jwt k»Ylng kinds. the spore capsule, and un- The vegetative cells of the Bacillus mesentericus ruber, discovered by GLOBIG (II.), are short rods, rather graph by more slender in form than those of B. m. vulgattis. Like the other two species, the vegetative cells are motile and produce a peptonising enzyme. The colour of the streak cultures on potatoes is at first reddish-yellow, but subsequently becomes rose-red. The tenacity of life ex- hibited by the endospores of this species was minutely examined by Globig. A i per cent, solution of sublimate kills them after ij hours' exposure; but they resist the action of 5 per cent, carbolic acid for more than a fortnight. For their destruction by a current of steam at 100° C. an exposure of 5^ to 6 hours is necessary, and they will bear without injury an immersion of three-quarters of an hour in high-pressure steam at 109°-! 13° C. On the other hand, they perish in twenty-five minutes in steam at ii3°-ii6° C., in ten minutes at 1 22°- 123° C., in two minutes at 127° C., and immediately in steam at 130° C. The great difficulty of sterilising articles contaminated with traces of soil is due to the great powers of resistance possessed by the spores they contain of the species just described, as also of a large number of their congeners, which are the hardiest of all organisms. The preservation of numerous food-stuffs, milk in particular, is thereby rendered more expensive, as will be sufficiently demon- strated in the two next following chapters. At present, attention will be drawn to a phenomenon which could not well be referred to there, viz., a disease in bread (due to the potato bacilli), which becomes manifest by the crumb of the loaf gradually changing into a sticky mass, capable of being drawn out into long threads, and having a repulsive sour sweet smell. EMIL LAURENT (II.) was the first to examine this disease closely, and he attributed it to a fission fungus, which presumably also plays a part in the normal fermentation of dough (dealt with in the second volume), and has therefore received the name of Bacillus panificans. This is undoubtedly a species of the group of potato bacilli. A second case of this disease was investigated by KRATSCHMER and NIEMI- LOWICZ (I.) by the aid of the plate culture method, whereby B. in. vulgatus was recognised as the exciting agent. According to the researches of Aime Girard, reported by BALLAND and MASSON (I.), the temperature prevailing in the interior of loaves of bread during the baking process ranges between 100° and 102° C. The duration of exposure to this temperature being insufficient to kill the spores of potato bacilli, those originally present in the flour will still be found alive in the finished loaf. The sites occupied by these organisms, which germinate and reproduce immediately, will then become the headquarters of active masses of microbes, as already described. Batches of bread containing 136 BACILLUS SUBTILIS AND ITS CONGIARRS much bran are especially liable to this disease, since it is on this part of the grain, and not on the enclosed flour, that the bacteria reside ; and, as a matter of fact, it is commissariat (military) bread and Graham bread that are most frequently affected, as was pointed out both by Loeffler and UFFELMANN (I.). The latter observer found the Bacillus mesentericus wlffotus to be associated in this di with a second allied species, viz., the Bacillus liodermos, discovered in cows' milk by LOEFFLER (IIL), which owes its other name of ''gum bacillus" to the thick gummy appearance of its zooglrea-like cultures on cut potatoes. That the bread disease in question does not make its appearance so frequently as might be expected from the (often very large) number of potato bacilli found in the Horn- is due to the strongly acid reaction of the dough, which facilitates the extinction of the germs. § 111.— Bacillus Fitzianus. If a cold-prepared infusion of hay be left to stand at room temperature, there quickly forms on the surface of the liquid a skin composed of various organisms, including the bacillus named above, the chemical activity of which was first examined by A. FITZ (III.). If a little of this skin be transferred to a sterilised solution of 2 per cent, of meat extract and 5 per cent, of glycerin that has received an addition of some 10 percent, of calcium carbonate, then the said microbe develops and acts on the glycerin (C3HSO3) in such a manner that ethyl alcohol and volatile acids are the chief products formed. Fitz obtained, in two experiments, a yield of alcohol amounting to 25.7 and 25.8 per cent, respectively. The fermentation is very brisk, arid attains its maximum with- in twenty-four hours. At the time Fitz made his experiments, no method of preparing pure cultures had as yet been devised. It is therefore of interest to record v that his reports were tested by H. BUCHNER (VI.) by the aid of the dilution method. The results were confirmatory, not only of the fermentative activity, but also of the pleo- morphism of this glycerin- ethyl bacterium, which was later named by Zopf Bacillus Fitzianus. As shown in Fig. 44, this fission fungus occurs both as cocci and as short and long rods, and is able to pro- duce endospores. Though of no practical importance, it is mentioned here chiefly in order to show that the pro- duction of ethyl alcohol during fermentation can be effected, not only by the higher fungi (yeast in particular), but also by XcJtizomycetes. This fact is overlooked by many chemists when they sju-ak «»f "alcoholic fermen- tation fungi," meaning thereby yeast alone. Allied to the last-named bacillus as regards fermentative activity is the I H. 44. — Bacillus Fit7.i:inu>. «, '-, f, .'/. fore! terminally changing iutoshort rods, tin n «. . ) into long r irivatly influenced l>y this factor, tin- upper layers ln-in^ relatively tin- richest in aerobic bacteria. The greatest jH?rcentnge of organi.Mns should not be expected in the uppermost layer, since this is exposed to a too rapid alternation of excessive moisture and dry- , heat and cold, a* well as to tin- anti-bacterial influence of the sun's ray-. For these reasons the largest content of germs is always found at a depth of 10 to 20 inches helowthe surface; a fact first shown by ROBERT \\ocn (I.). As the depth increases beyond this, the finds become smaller and smaller, and approximate to nil at about 60 to So inn It is manifest that the germ content of a soil is also dependent on the presence of nutrient substances, and that a soil rich in humus will be much more thickly infested than a poor sandy soil. Thus UKUMEK (I.) found in dune sand only some 1000 germs per grain, which is very few ; and an almost identical result was attained by A. MAGGIORA (I.) in the examination of a sample of sandy soil from a hill near Turin. On the other hand, he found in tilled agricultural soil some 1 1 millions of germs per gram, and in the same weight of a sample of soil taken from a street in Turin no less than 78 millions of bacteria. That the degree to which a soil is warmed, as also its condition as regards moisture and meteorological factors, all influence its bacterial population needs no further argument. It follows naturally that the percentage of germs is higher in summer than in winter, and that it falls in dry, but increases in wet weather. Any reader desirous of more closely studying the bacterial content of the soil, especially from a hygienic point of view, will find a good introduction thereto in Fodor's work, " Hygiene des Bodens" (Hygiene of the Soil), forming the 4th part of the useful " Handbuch der Hygiene " issued by Weyl (Jena, 1894 et seq.). In addition to bacteria, the soil harbours a large number of higher fungi, comprising not only numerous innocuous mould fungi, but also the spores of phytopathogenic Eumycetes. These are of no immediate importance to agricultural chemistry, and therefore do not need any further consideration here. E. Ch. Hansen demonstrated that the wine yeasts winter in the soil, but on this point reference must be made to the chapter devoted to Saccharomyces apiculatns in the second volume. CHAPTER XVIII. BUTYRIC ACID FERMENTATION AND ALLIED DECOMPOSITION PROCESSES. § 113.— Anaerobiosis. THK first mention of the fact that butyric acid, discovered by Chevreul in 1814, can also be produced by fermentation, was made by R. MAUCHAND (I.) in 1840, in connection with his researches on the composition of the milk of the South American cow-tree (Galactodendron americanum). In the following year Noellner described, under the name of pseudo-acetic acid, a substance which he had found to result from the spontaneous decomposition (fermentation) of calcium tartrate, and which was then recognised by Berzelius as a mixture of butyric and acetic acids. Two years later TH. PELOUZE and A. GELIS (I.) observed that the lactic fermentations instituted by them did not progress satisfactorily, butyric acid and considerable quantities of hydrogen being produced. In following up this observation they formulated the recipe, still current in many text-books on chemistry, that to start butyrij acid fermentation a solution containing about 10 per cent, of sugar should be mixed with chalk and a little cheese, and left to stand at 25°-3o° C. These observers did not endeavour to follow the progress of this fermentation more minutely, as their attention was entirely devoted to the new fermentation product ; the only remark they make is that the butyric fermentation is not set up at once in their method, b it is preceded by a lactic fermentation "without its being possible to influence the progress thereof." It was naturally far from the thoughts of Liebig's former fellow-worker at Giessen to attribute the decomposition to the activity of living organisms. The discovery of the true state of the case was made in 1861 by PASTEUR (VIII.), who showed that two successive processes are here involved: first, the conversion of sugar into lactic acid or calcium lactate, and afterwards the trans- formation of the lactate into butyrate. He demonstrated that each of these changes is due to a special ferment, of which the second is the only one we have to deal with now. The microbe (2 /j. broad and 2-15 p. long) causing butyric fermentation, and which we now recognise as a bacillus, was regarded by Pasteur, not as a plant, but as an animal, one of the infusoria, because it was observed to possess powers of locomotion. Nevertheless he laid but little stress on this distinction, the point being one of minor importance in comparison with the property he recognised in this " vibrion lutyrique" viz., the faculty of existing without air. This observation formed one of the main supports on which this gifted philosopher founded his theory of fermentation, mentioned in § 16, and with regard to which a few additional remarks will now be made. At present we have first to consider the said peculiarity by itself, irrespective of the resulting decomposition effected in the nutrient medium. Creatures requiring oxygen for the continuance of their existence are termed aerobiontes, whilst the term anaerobiontes, or, shortly, anaerobes, is applied to creatures capable of development in the absence of this gas. A distinction is drawn between two sub-groups, viz., strictly anaerobic organisms, i.e. such as can live only in an 139 140 BUTYRIC ACID FERMENTATION \ environment drvuid of oxyp-n, and for which this gas is therefore a poi>-jn ; and facultatively anaerobic organisms, /./?. those to which oxygen i> neither injurious nor essential, and which can con- j sequently thrive either in presence or absence of air. Thus, for example, the acetic acid bacteria arc strictly aerobic, certain lactic acid bacteria facultatively anaerobic, and the majority of the butyric acid bacteria strictly anaerobic. At the present time numerous species of anaerobic fission fungi are known. PASTEUR (IX.) himself, in 1863, associated with the "rifirioii butyrique a second anaerobic species, viz., the microbe which sets up fermentation in calcium tartrate. This process of decomposition, already observed by Noellner, but which requires more careful investigation, often occurs spontaneously in tartaric acid works, destroying the tartaric acid and occasioning great loss. The different species of butyric acid bacteria will be thoroughly discussed later on. At present, by reason of their general interest, the known patho- genic anaerobic species, three in number, will be considered. The first of these, as regards priority of discovery, is the " vibrion septique" found by PASTE CR, JOUHERT, and CHAMBER- LAND (I.), and subsequently examined more closely by 11. Koch and Gaft'ky, and now generally known to bacteriologists as Bacillus adematis maliyni. According to an opinion expressed by Pasteur, this bacillus is identical with the one effecting the fermentation of calcium tartrate. The decompositions set up by the bacillus of malignant oedema in nutrient media con- taining carbohydrates were studied by R. KERRY and S. FRAENKEL (I.). Grape-sugar yielded ethyl alcohol, ethylidene lactic acid, and butyric acid. From calcium lactate were pro- duced butyric acid, a little formic acid, and propyl alcohol. Milk-sugar and also cane-sugar were gradually fermented to ethyl alcohol, formic acid, butyric acid, and ethylidene lactic acid. Starch was also attacked, and yielded the three last- named acids. With Bacillus vedematis nwtligni have been associated two other pathogenic anaerobic species of fission fungi, namely, the bacillus of symptomatic anthrax, by Feser and Bellinger in 1876-1878, and that which causes tetanus — Bacillus tetani — by Nicolaier in 1885. The latter is of somewhat frequent occurrence in arable soil, and was also discovered by S. A. SKVERIX (I.) in horse-dung. The bacillus .of symptomatic anthrax, according to the researches of M. NENCKI (I.), when cultivated in media containing grain-- sugar, produces chiefly normal butyric acid, along with acetic acid and optically inactive lactic acid, accompanied by the evolution of CO.. and 11,. The remarkable symbioeifl of this ));K.j]lus with M i<-,;,<-<,<'< //.v arii/i jKtrnfdi'f id has already been „, § 6s. 45. — (irubera tui.f for :m:i.;r..i.:r ;;"''U1:;,J:;;';!;; ';;' tliirril iii si/., i.l/t.r 0ml § 114.— Methods of Cultivating- Anaerobic Bacteria. Pasteur covered the nutrient liquid with a layer of oil in order to prevent access of air. This method of covering up the medium \\ith a protective stratum has bi'en variously modified in order to reinh r it applicable to solid rnedi; MMTIIODS or CULTIVATING ANAKROBIC BACTKIUA 141 well. Thus 11. Koch, in 1884, proposed to cover the gelatin plates with a film of mica, which, however, according to the ex- perience of P. LIBORIUS (I.), is not always sufficient in the case of strictly anaerobic bacteria. On the other hand, a second method (also emanating from the German State Board of Health) has proved highly suitable, viz., that of cultures in deep layers, as prescribed by W. Hesse in 1885. For these a puncture culture is made in test- tubes containing nutrient gelatin or agar- agar, the medium being covered, after successful inoculation, with a sterile stratum of the same liquefied substance. Another method, which has also been variously modified, is that first employed by Pasteur in connection with his studies of the " vibrion septigue," which consists in ex- hausting the air (oxygen) from the vessel containing the nutrient medium inoculated with an anaerobic organism. The modifica- tion made by MAX GRUBER (II.) is con- venient and reliable, and is in general use, especially in the laboratories of Fermenta- tion Physiologists. Strong test-tubes (Fig. 45), about 7 inches long, with a much con- stricted portion in the upper third of their length, are used. These are filled with about 10 c.c. of nutrient medium, then closed by a cotton plug, and after inoculation are immersed in water at about 30°— 35° C., and then connected with an air-pump. The air is all driven out by the water vapour given off under the diminished pressure, where- upon the narrow part of the tube is closed by fusion and the upper portion removed. By the use of nutrient gelatin this method also facilitates the cultivation of colonies, so that the individual anaerobic species in a bacterial mixture can be isolated. For this purpose the still warm liquid contents of the tubes are converted into Esmarch roll- cultures, as shown in Fig. 46. In place of removing the air from the culture vessel by mechanical means — pump- ing or driving it out by vapour — recourse may be had to oxygen-absorbing chemicals. For this purpose a solution of pyrogallic acid [v-C6H3(OH)3] in caustic potash, a mixture that takes up oxygen with avidity, and which, as is well known, has long been in use in gas analysis, is employed. It was introduced into physiological work by Nencki in 1880, as a test for the presence of anaerobic organisms, but it was not until the publication of H, BUCHNER'S (VII.) FIG. 46. Gruber's anaerobic tube exhausted of air. Upper portion removed by fusing-. Contents arranged as an Es- march culture where- in the germs have developedto colonies. Somewhat reduced in size. (After Gruber.) FIG. 47- Buchner's anaerobic tube. The pyrogallol solution is at />, the wire sup- port resting therein and carrying- the test-tube with the inocnla ed nutrient medium (n). Some- what reduced. (After Bttchner.) 21 142 HI'TVKIC ACID FERMENTATION method in 1888 that it came into general use in Bacteriology. The test-tube containing the inoculated nutrient medium — as a roll culture if desired — is placed in a large test-tube (Fig. 47) about i J inches wide and 10 inches long, at the bottom of which has just previously been inserted i gram of dry commercial pyrogallic acid and 10 c.c. of deci - normal caustic potash. The smaller tube rests on a small win- sup- port, in order to prevent it from dipping into the liquid. The " Buchner pyrogallol tube" is closed by a well-fitting previously-moistened rubber stopper, and may then be placed in the incubator. When kept at 37° C. the absorption of oxygen is complete in twenty-four hours, or in two days at 20° C. To treat plate cultures by this method, the culture is placed over a basin contain- ing a sufficient quantity of the said solution and resting on a flat plate of ground glass, the whole being covered with a well-sitting bell-glass, the edge of which has been rubbed over with vaseline. Another method for the culture of anaerobic organisms consists in expell- ing the air from the culture vessel by another gas, e.g. carbon dioxide, hydrogen, coal-gas, or nitrogen. Carbon dioxide is frequently recommended by the French school, and particularly by Pasteur, but its employment is not without objections, since it is not an inert gas, but is absorbed by the medium, which it then renders acid, and hence has the power of restricting growth. Moreover, according to the re- searches of P. FRANKLAND (I.), it acts as a fatal poison on many bacteria. Although experience shows that hydrogen gas is not inert, still it may be accepted as the best to use for anaerobic cultures. Ordinary illuminating gas was recommended for this purpose by R. WURTY and A. FOUREUR (I.), but, according to the researches of TH. KLADAKIS (I.), ifc must be re- jected, since he found it acting as a poison on many bacteria. Nitrogen may be regarded as perfectly innocuous, and would long ago have been employed for anaerobic cultures were it not that the method of preparation is too cumbrous and costly, at least for the physiologist. Many methods have been proposed for the expulsion of oxygen by one of the above , but only two will now be briefly mentioned here. That of C. FRAENKEL (IV.) is concerned with the treatment of test-tube cultures, ordinary wide test-tubes with two-holed stoppers being employed. One of the glass tubes inserted therein reaches almost to the bottom of the test-tube, whilst the second is cut oft* close below tlu> stopper. When filled with nutiirnt «ri-latiii, a^ai • airar (or bouillon, wort, iVc.), the tul»f> :ire. sterilised in the steamer in the usual way, and inoculated, a current of hydrogen being introduced through the longer tube and passed through. When all the air is expelled the small tubes are hermetically KM;. 48. Praenkel's anafrohir tub.. Con t < 'in sir™ n- !•• 1 :'-;i» KMiiaivh cultun- round tin- \valls. and ilfvrlojKjd colonies :i|>)i<-arinL; at black spots. S»mc\\ hat m'TYRirrM AND HACILIJ-S BITYIUCCS 143 by fusion ( Kig.4«S) and the stopper smeared with warm paraffin. Ksmarch roll cultures cm t .lieu be prepared. If plate cultures (e.y. in Petri dishes) are to- be exposed to an inert gas, they are (according to P. LIBORIUS (I.) ) placed under a bell (of copper, Arc.) which can be tightly fixed by screw clamps against a caoutchouc plate. The gas (when hydrogen is used) enters through a tube fixed in the crown of the bell, and leaves by way of another tube situated below. It is impossible to refrain from mentioning that there is another method capable of taking rank with those described, and fulfilling all the conditions usually prevailing during anaerobic growth in Nature, viz., the simultaneous presence of strongly aerobic organisms. It is certain that anaerobic organisms can often be detected in liquids to which air has unrestricted access, and sucli associations of aerobic and anaerobic organisms are not difficult to bring about by artificial means, this having been successfully attempted by R. PENZO (I.), BEYERINCK (II.), and others. The application of this method is, however, somewhat limited, since, of course, only mixed cultures can be produced by its aid. It was remarked by Pasteur that the growth of anaerobic organisms could be promoted by an addition of sugar to the nutrient medium. Now, an alkaline solution of grape-sugar is well known to have a strongly reducing action ; hence these two facts induced KITASATO arid WEYL (I.) to ascertain whether other reducing bodies were equally efficient ; arid they strongly recom- mended the addition of 0.3-0.5 per cent, of sodium formate, or of o.i per cent, of sodium indigo-sulphate. A solid nutrient medium, qualified and stained blue by the last-named substance, is decolorised as far as the growth of the reducing organism extends. The use of indigo-sulphuric acid as a test for reducing action was first practised in 1858 by M. TRAUBE (I.) in his researches on ferments, and A. SPINA (I.) was the first to employ the sodium salt as a reagent for the same purpose. § 115.— Clostridium Butyricum (Prazmowski) and Bacillus Butyrieus (Hueppe). Pasteur's discovery that organic life is possible without free oxygen, and that certain organisms can obtain the energy they need by so breaking down organic compounds as to liberate heat, is one of the highest importance for physiology generally. The amount of heat so evolved is naturally much less than it would be if the compounds in question were directly converted into carbon dioxide. Pasteur, however, went somewhat too far in founding on this newly-discovered fact a theory of fermentation which culminated in the assertion that : " Fermen- tation is a universal phenomenon, and consists of life without air, life without free oxygen," because, if this definition be accepted, we should be able to speak or' but few phenomena as fermentation, and, in particular, it would be necessary to discontinue the application of the term to those decomposition processes that from time immemorial have been, and are even now, principally borne in mind in speaking of "fermentation," viz., the alcoholic fermentation excited by yeast, an operation which proceeds both with and without free oxygen. To return to the " vibrion butyrique." In the years 1877 to 1880, A. PRAZMOWSKI (I.) published a careful morphological investigation of a butyric acid bacterium, presumably identical with the vibrion butyrique — though this cannot be stated with certainty. Elevating the designation Clostridium (first used by Trecul, and then only to indicate a form of growth) to a generic term, Prazmowski named two new species of bacteria Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium Polymyxa. The latter completely coincides with the former both in morphology and life history, but differs from the strictly anaerobic Cl. butyricum I44 HrTYKIC ACID FKKMKNTATION both by its inability to exist in the absence of oxygen, and also by its incapacity to incite fermentation (in the restricted sense of the term). Fig. 49 reproduces the vegetative forms of growth depicted by Prazmowski as those ot his butyric acid bacterium. They are mostly plump rods, some i p, broad. The generation period was determined by Prazmowski as about thirty to thirty-five minutes at 35° C., and forty-five to fifty minutes at 30° C. Under certain conditions, and especially whilst young, the rods store up in their plasma a substance which rch (amylum) in being stained blue by iodine. This phenomenon had already been noticed by Trecul, who gave it expression in the generic name i tni/lobacter, which he applied to these Schizomycetes. During the formation of spores the rods swell up, as related and shown in § 49. The power of with- standing heat possessed by the endospores of Cl. btttyriown was examined by I'razmowski. They are able to remain in boiling water for five minutes without injury ; but if the treatment be prolonged to twice that duration, then only the FIG. 49. — Clostridium butyricum. Yr-i tativc forms of growth ; short rods of different Icti-ihs, i>;irtly straight (c, rf), p.-irtly curved (). Magn. 1020. (After Fm. 50. Clostridium butyricum. With cndospore. Stained cilia. M.ig-n. 2000. (Aft>T A. /-Vsr/// r.) hardiest spores of all are left alive, and even these succumb if the boiling be extended to fifteen minutes. The progress of the germination of the endospores already been described in § 57 (q.v.). The brisk locomotion of the rods is produced by a large number of cilia, shown in Fig. 50. Prazmowski did not have pure cultures, in the present acceptance of the term, at disposal for his researches, but was obliged to confine himself to an approximately pure culture prepared by means of Roberts' boiling method (§ 107). The same remark applies to a valuable treatise by A. FITZ (VII.), wherein the fermentative activity of a fiasion fungus named Ttocilhis bntylicus is reported upon. After E. rh. llansen, in 1878-79, had established, in connection with acetic fermentation, the new and important fact that this decomposition process is effected by at least two different species of bacteria, F. HUEPPE (IV.) in 1884 found the same to be the case with butyric fermentation, and discovered a AV/O////.S f.Htf/rim.x which exerted its decomposing activity in presence of air. This fact was con6rmed by MAX GRUBER (II.), working with a reliable method of pure culture in 1887, and it was at the same time demonstrated that the tr'nliiini f»ff>//-!i->i,,i of Pra/nunvski consists of a number of closely allied, but nerertheleps distinct, species. Nearly related to this is a ferment isolated by P. LIHOIIII s (I.) from old cheese, and introduced into literature under the name of C/o«tri(t!mit f<» till inn. This organism liberates very foul-smelling gases, in THE GENUS GRANULOBACTER 145 addition to producing butyric acid, and forms ono of the many conm cting links between the butyric acid bacteria (in the restricted sense of tlio term) and the so-called potato bacilli. No sharply defined limit can be drawn between these two groups. In the same category must also be included one of the two species of bacteria which were isolated in 1894 by W. KEDROWSKI (I.) from a butyric fermentation produced by a method approximating to that of Pelouze. In still closer relation to the potato bacilli are a few anaerobic species isolated by C. FLUGGE (II.) from boiled milk, as also the Bacillus liodermos, frequently observed by LOEFFLER (III.) in imperfectly sterilised milk. § 116.— The Genus Granulobacter. As the reader will be aware, organic chemistry distinguishes between two kinds of butyric acid, only one of which, viz., the propyl carboxylic acid, having the subjoined formula— CH3 -CH2- CH2— COOH, i.«, in the present state of science, known to result from butyric acid fermenta- tion, on which account it is also called fermentation butyric acid. On the other hand, the isomeric acid, which, in accordance with its constitution — CH3 / = CH.COOH CH3 COOH CH3 is also styled dimethylacetic acid or isopropyl formic acid, has not hitherto been obtained by the aid of fermentation. However, not only the first-named acid, but also the corresponding alcohol, viz., normal butyl alcohol, CH3— CH2— CH2— CH.2OH, can be produced by the activity of fission fungi ; so that we may also speak of a group of the bacteria of butylic fermentation. In this connection we are indebted to M. W. BEYERIXCK (XII.) for some thoroughgoing researches, which have not only brought new facts to light, but also led to a more definite charac- terisation and limitation of a number of species of butyric acid bacteria. This observer has given to the bacteria of butylic fermentation the common generic name of Granulobacter, since they all possess the faculty of storing up granulose in the interior of their cells, owing to which they are stained blue by iodine. The characteristics of this genus are given by Beyerinck as follows : " Strictly or temporarily anaerobic fermentative bacteria, which in a condition of complete anaerobiosis become partly or entirely filled with granulose, and then assume the clostridium form. In presence of traces of oxygen, short motile rods are quickly produced, which are stained yellow by iodine. Endospores make their appearance in the clostridia. They are able to remain uninjured for a few seconds or minutes at a temperature of 95°- 100° C. Among the products of the fermentations set up by individual species of this genus are : carbon dioxide always and hydrogen generally, but methane is never found." Granulobacter butylicum is the species producing butyl alcohol. It is pre- sumably identical with Gruber's Bacillus amylobacter /., and is frequently met with in the flour of cereals. It is anaerobic, and produces from maltose normal butyl alcohol, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, but no butyric acid ; diastase is formed concurrently, but not gluca.se. A spontaneous butyl-alcoholic fermenta- tion can be set up by gradually adding to 100° c.c. of boiling water as much coarsely ground, unsifted, fresh barley-meal (from ll<>r ma •/i&tlc/iHin /i admit) 146 HiTYKir ACID FERMENTATION ill pn>duie a thick L'ruel, and then cooling down to about 35° C. >o quickly i«»n of bai -ley-meal will have been i-xposed to JOO°C. for a few kept at a temperature of 35°~37C C. At the expii ''irs bubble- nf -a.- will be pncrpt ihle, and the presence of butyl alcohol will be manifest, by its odour, after a further twenty-four hours. If the aforesaid temperature be strictly maintained, almost puiv itrumilolmcter ' will develop in the liquid, and a pure culture can be obtained there- from, unhopped malt-wort gelatin forming a suitable medium, and one of the met i ibed in § 1 14 being employed. In this medium the fission fungus in question will develop into milk-white, vi>co-mucinous QOD-Uquefactive colonies. 'ions induced therewith (e.'/. in unhopped malt-wort of not more than 10° Saceh.), and which must be carried out in the absence of air, progress in two stages J as any free oxygen remains dissolved in the liquid, deve- lopment will proceed but slowly, only carbon dioxide and hydrogen (no butyl aleohol) being produced. When the liquid is finally purified, then not only can ; ppearance of the alcohol be observed, but also an unusually vigorous increase of the cells, which will be found to be so full of granulose that a drop of the liquid will become stained quite blue-black by iodine. The endospores, which make their appearance, attain, with a breadth of i /*, a length which may be as mueh as 2 p. This species is very sensitive to butyric acid. A second species is Grannlobacter saccharobtUyricum, the true butyric acid • •rium, generally so called, and presumably identical with the Jlacilhis buly- licus examined by Fitz. It is more widely distributed and of more frequent occurrence than the last-named species, with which it is associated on cereal grains and in the green malt, groats, and flour prepared therefrom. It is this species, also, which occurs, and gives rise to damage, in badly prepared distillery -i-inash. Glucose and (but with greater difficulty) maltose are decomposed by this species, butyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen in variable propor- tions being produced, in addition to butyric acid. From a morphological point of view, it is closely allied to the first-named species, but the spores are some- what smaller; also, like the other, it does not liquefy gelatin. Probably identical with, or at least very closely related to G. aaccharobutyricwm is an anaerobic ferment (Bacillus ///^//r/Vv/s), isolated by S. Botkin (I.) from Berlin and Breslau milk, and also frequently noticed by FLUGGE (11.) in market milk. f;riinn/ol'(ff'l'-r lactobvtyricum is probably identical with the organism causing butyric acid fermentation in calcium lactate, described by Pa&teur. When culti- vated in the absence of air, it grows in the form of plump, short clo.-tridia, which stain violet-blue (not pure blue) with iodine and convert calcium lactate into butyrate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide being liberated. The endospores are smaller ami shorter than those of the first-named species. When kept in presence of air, this organism converts calcium lactate into lar^e spheroidal • '• carbonate, and in this case takes the form of slender short rods, inblin;: tho>e of AV//-/7///X xnhtUlu and staining yellow with iodine. From the Tded by lleyerinck, that this species in a stale of pure culture dies out inoculations, whether air be admitted or excluded, it may be iimed tl in ne(d> for its prosperous development the svmbiotic • •iati'di of another, still undetermined, species of fission fungus. [fl frequently found on ceieal grains, and is pre- sumably identical with Pra/.mow>kiW/, / W///////./Y/. This specie.> develops HOI '-torily in an unrestricted supply of air, and then assumes the form of : la. When the a«:i;.tion is deficient, spore-bearing clostridia appear, fermentative action i> noticeable, a small quantity (traces) of butyl alcohol. \\ith carbon dioxide, beinir formed, but neither hydrogen nor butyric acid. — The L>j>l<>th, •/./••' heipiently found in dental mucus, Tin; FETATION OK WITYRIC FERMENTATION 147 and \\liosc (liiv.-id cli.-iins ,-nv -« n.-i-ally stained blue by iodine, is also classified by Beyerinck along with the Granulobacteria, § 117.— The Equation of Butyric Fermentation is set out in a very simple form in most text-books on chemistry, that for the decomposition of the hexoses (glucose, &c.) being given as follows — CeHwOfl - 2ll, + 2C02 + C4H802, or with lactic acid (or its lime salt) as the raw material — 2(',irt;03 = 2H2 + 2C02 + C4H8Oa. In the preceding paragraphs we have, however, made the acquaintance of a very large number of bacterial species with divergent methods of action, so that we must at once admit that a general equation for butyric acid fermentation is not to be thought of. All that can be hoped for is the discovery of more accurately denned equations for each of the various species and their characterisation, as e.g., the equation for the fermentation set up by Granulobacler saccharobutyrieum, and so on. Nevertheless, even this limitation is not sufficiently strict, as will be evident from what follows. L. PERDRIX (I.) examined the fermentative capacity of an anaerobic spore- bearing butyric acid bacterium (closely allied to Botkin's Bacillus butyricus), which he isolated from the water in the Paris mains and named Bacille amylozyme by reason of its property of bringing starch into solution (sacchari- fication). When grown in a meat-broth containing glucose and calcium car- bonate, with exclusion of air, this fission fungus produces acetic acid and butyric acid, in addition to hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The mutual ratio of these four fermentation products changes with the increasing age of the culture. In the first three days it can be approximately expressed by the equation 56C6H1206 + 42H.20 = i56H2 + ii4C02 + 39C2H403 + 36C'4H802, but later on by the equation 46C6H1206 Finally, the transformation becomes simplified, acetic acid being no longer produced, and the sugar then splitting up very nearly as follows : C6H1206 = 2H2 + 2COa + C4H80,. Similar ratios were established for the fermentation of saccharose and lactose, which is not preceded by inversion. Starch is, as already mentioned, saccharified by the Bacille amylozyme, and is then fermented, amyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol being formed. Along with these Schizomycetes must be ranked the Bacillus suaveolens, described by SCLAVO and Gosio (I.), which converts starch into dextrin and glucose, and ferments these with excretion of alcohol, aldehyde, formic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid, which then partly unite to form sweet-smelling esters. Butyric acid bacteria that produce aromatic substances as well are important for the ripening of cheese, being essential for the development of the characteristic odours of the various kinds of cheese. However, in this matter our knowledge is still only in a rudimentary state. E. VON FREUDENREICH (I.) separated from milk a Clostridinm fa'tidnm lactis, which develops, in this medium, an odour resembling that of Limburg cheese, and tlio same observation was made by H. WEIGMANN (I.). The Bacillus saeekarobutyrieus, isolated from' 148 BUTYRIC ACID FERMENTATION so-called " QoargelkSse " (small country ch> -nr soft variety) l.y \'. vo.v KLECKI (I.), and examined by him for its fermentative power, also 1»« -i hereto. The influence of the age of the organisms used as " seed " and the reaction of the nutrient medium on the progress of butylic fermentation was shown by L. GRIMREKT (I.) in the case of the anaerobic /*<'• -pectini: the const it uents of the TIIF, FERMENTATION OF CKI.U'LOSF, 149 latter :i few words will now be devoted to the fate of the Cellulose, of which the greater part of the cell walls of pla.nts is composed. Here the question arises as to how Mio carbon in this substance is sot free again, and the gradual, and finally complete, accumulation of this element in a useless form prevented. In this once more assistance is afforded by bacteria, which split up the cellulose and remove it out of the way. E. ]\1 1 TsciiKuucii (I.) was the first, in 1850, to comment on the natural decomposition of cellulose, by expressing his opinion that it was attributable to the fermentative activity of vibrios. The probability of his view was increased by Popoff's (I.) discovery in 1875, that this decomposition process can be moderated or completely arrested by the addition of substances poisonous to bacteria. A closer investigation of the organisms in question was undertaken two years later by VAN TIEGHEM (IV.), who gave them the name of Bacillus amylobacter, and (V.), from microscopical examination only, declared them identical with Pasteur's vibrion butyrique. It would be useless at the present time to argue on this assumption, since both observers worked with what were probably complex mixtures of several species, certainly not with pure cultures. On the other hand, Van Tieghem's further demonstration that petrified cells of (morphologically) similar fission fungi are also to be found in the fossil coniferae of the Carboniferous period is worthy of mention. A. H. C. VAN SENUS (I.), in 1890, endeavoured to obtain a pure culture of the organism giving rise to cellulose fermentation. According to him, a symbiosis of two species is here in question, the one of them — which he named Bacillus amylohacter — occurring in the form of rods 0.8-1 /z broad and 2-10 \i in length, which, under special conditions, are stained blue by iodine. When air is admitted they form endospores, which then germinate only when air is excluded. The second of these symbiotic species is of much smaller dimensions, and is by itself, like the B. aniylobacter, incapable of fermenting cellulose. For this purpose the conjoint effect of both species is necessary, an enzyme being then excreted which dissolves the cellulose. Van Senus isolated this enzyme, and demonstrated its solvent power on cellulose by applying the alkaline solution (containing chloroform in order to suppress bacterial growth) to the cell walls of slices of beans. V. OMELTANSKY (I.), in 1895, obtained very different results. He inoculated a mineral nutrient solution (containing potassium phosphate, magnesium sulphate, ammonium sulphate, and chalk), in which strips of Swedish filter-paper were held in suspension, with a small quantity of mud from the Neva, and then kept the whole at 3o°-35° C., air being excluded. Fermentation rapidly set in, the strips of paper gradually becoming thinner, and finally disappearing altogether. By repeated transferences of small portions of the fermenting liquid to fresh sterile media the ferment was purified, and finally brought into a state of pure culture by anaerobic cultivation on discs of boiled potato. Omeliansky describes the organism as an unusually slender bacillus, measuring only 0.2 to 0.3 p. in breadth for a length of 6-7 /*, and forming terminal globular endospores i /* in diameter, whereby the pole at which the spore occurs is swollen up. As in many other directions, here also, in the case of the fermentation of cellulose, the extension of our knowledge is dependent on the elucidation, still to be made by chemists, of the composition of the substances subjected to investigation for the products they yield on fermentation. At the present time the essential requirement that the ferment shall be used in a state of pure culture is almost fulfilled, but so far as the purity of the cellulose to be decom- posed is concerned matters are by 110 means on a satisfactory footing. ERNST (I.), in i $95, in a treatise setting forth the present state of our know- i 50 WTYRIC ACID FERMENTATION ledge on the subject (and one well worthy of perusal) shows how very diver^-nl are the substances which now bear the name of "cellulose." He separated a number of these, and collected them into the group of hemicelluloses, distinguished by their solubility in hot dilute mineral acids, whereby they are converted into glucose, whilst the remaining celluloses do not undergo this change. Considering how divergent these substances are, it is not surprising that different investigators do not always obtain concordant results as regards the products of cellulose fermentation. Tin's decomposition occurs on a large scale in the mud of marshes where there is no lack of decaying plants, and where, moreover, the other conditions are favourable. It has long been known to chemists that, in such water, a somewhat copious discharge of gas bubbles rises out of the ground, which discharge consists for the most part of methane (CHJ, i.e. the gas to which the name of marsh-gas has been given, from the places where it is found in Nature. Carbon dioxide is also liberated at the same time. The proportional quantity of the two products was reported in several analyses communicated by POPOFF (I.) in 1875, and more accurate researches on the same point were published by HOPPE-SEYLER (I.) in 1886. The latter kept, with exclusion of air, either mud from marshes and rivers, or else clean paper inoculated with a little mud and then distributed in water, and demonstrated that in the mixture of gases evolved therefrom methane predominated greatly at the outset, but thereafter gradually diminished to the proportion i : i, so that Hoppe-Seyler, being unable to discover any other decomposition products, expressed the opinion that the cellulose is hydrolised by the action of the bacteria — which from microscopic examination he asserted to be the same as Van Tieghem's Bacillus (imjflobacter — and is then split up into equal volumes of methane and carbon dioxide, according to the equations — C6H1005 + H20 = C6H1206. C6H]206 = 3C02 + 3CH4. He found the ratio different when sulphates (gypsum, ttc.) or ferric salts were present in the water or mud. In such case the nascent methane, by its reducing action on these salts, converts them into carbonates, sulphuretted hydrogen being liberated, according to the equation — CaSO + CH4 = CaC03 + H2S + IL,O. The sulphuretted hydrogen is, then, under natural conditions, acted upon by the sulphur bacteria which are always present in such waters. This will be dealt with in chapter xxxv. The importance of cellulose fermentation in the physiology of nutrition (especially of cattle) must also be briefly adverted to. The opinion long held by Emil Wolff, that the vegetable fibres consumed with the food pass out of the alimentary canal unaltered, was contradicted, in the case of ruminants, as far back as 1854, by JIaubncr, who showed that even in the case of sawdust and paper pulp mixed with the fodder, only a portion (less than half) was expelled '•xcremerit <>nlirmed by the exhaustive researches of Henne- herg and Stohmann. The difference between the amounts of cellulose (crude fibre) taken in and rejected was highest in the case of ruminants (up to 75 per cent.), being only 50 per cent, at most in horses, and still less in the human subject and in swine. In carnivora (dogs), on the other hand.no such difference could be detected. The ipiantities of cellulose thus disappearing indigestion were, it was thought, digested, and were regarded as approximately equivalent in nutritive value to the soluble c arb >h\ -drat.-.. A number of animal physio- logists maintained that the cellulose irafl dissolved by an intestinal enzyme, which, however, wa< sought for in vain. The earliest reliable determinations THK SO-CALLKI) "RETTING" OF FLAX AM) IIK.MI' 151 on tliis point were made by 1 1 . TAITKINKII (I.) in 18X4, who showed the fat«! of all cellulose taken into th<- ]>;>dy and not evacuated in UK- ftrn-s lo he, not digestion and jihsorjii inn into the arterial circulation, but foi mental ion into marsh-gas. The operation, however, does not proceed exactly according to the uhovo equation, hut yields, in addition to methane, volatile fatty acids (chielly acetic acid, t hen hutyric acid, Arc.). Hearing this in mind, this decomposition process cannot be regarded as totally without value for the animal hody, although, naturally, the coefficient of digestibility, hitherto usually assumed, necessarily suffered considerahle depreciation. Moreover, this process is indirectly favour- ahle, in so far that, by the solution of the cell-walls, the cell contents of the vegetable nutriment are laid bare, and thus rendered more readily accessil>'o to the digestible fluids. Although by this discovery the chief source of the intestinal gases so copiously evacuated by herbivorous animals is made manifest, still it should not be assumed that the methane therein is exclusively derived from the fermentation of cellulose, since Ruge and Planer proved that, even in cases of a purely flesh diet, methane is to be found in the intestinal gases (of man and the dog). Cellulose fermentation also plays a part in the preparation of brown hay, sweet ensilage, and sour fodder, considered in chapter xxvii., where it forms one of the causes of the great loss of matter inherent in these processes, in connection wherewith reports have been made by Weiske, O. Kellner, M. Maercker, and others. This process also goes on — as shown in 1884 by P. DEHERAIN (I.) and U. GAYON (I.) — in manures. If, favoured by special circumstances, it proceeds more rapidly than the decomposition of all the other (and especially the nitrogenous) constituents, then an irregularly fermented product — deficient in the fibres necessary to impart porosity to the mass — and known as fatty manure, is the result. The evolution of marsh-gas and hydrogen by the agency of bacteria also occurs, not infrequently, in other situations ; for instance, in the diffusers in sugar- works, and very often so strongly that the amount of gas suffices to produce powerful explosions when the diffusers are incautiously approached with a naked light. The teaching of experience, that frozen beet is particularly liable to such a form of decomposition, is probably explicable by the circum- stance that such beet cannot be entirely freed from adherent particles of soil, and the ferments present therein. It is also conceivable that, by the agency of frost, the pectins in the beet are transformed into a more readily decomposable condition. On this point a few observations have been made by Millot and Maquenne, and, more recently, by P. DEHERAIN (II-) ; more accurate investiga- tions thereon are, however, still lacking. § 119.— The So-called " Retting* " of Flax and Hemp. The present forms the most fitting occasion for making a few explanatory remarks on this matter. As is well known, it is the bast fibre of these plants that is referred to when hemp or flax is spoken of in the textile industry. In order to lay these fibres bare and obtain them in a pure state, it is necessary to dissolve the intermediate intercellular substance (the so-called central lamella;) — which consists, not of Pectose, as stated by J. Kolb, but (according to the researches of Mangin) of calcium pectate. This can be effected by chemical means, by a (patented) process which Baur successfully introduced into Silesia on a largo scale in 1882, and which consists mainly in treating the plants with very dilute sulphuric acid, and then neutralising the adherent acid by a weak alkali bath. The solution of the cementing calcium pectate can, however, be brought about by a fermentation, known as "retting," that h:is been practised 152 BUTYKIC ACID FERMENTATION from remote ages without any special knowledge of the more delicate processes involved. According as the moisture necessary for this fermentation (or for the development of the fission fungus effecting the same) is imparted to the rippled stalks by means of dew, sprinkling thorn with water, or by immersion, the process is known -is dew retting, water retting, or, finally, mixed retting. With reference to the bacterial species taking an active part in this process, VAN TIEGIIEM (VI.) in 1879 expressed the opinion that they should be assigned to his Jincilli's amylobacter, which he, as already mentioned, also regarded as the cause of cellulose fermentation. The inaccuracy of this view is evident, since, if the retting (Fr. rouissage, Ger. rosten) of the flax were mainly a process of cellulose fermentation, there would not be much of the fibre (which chiefly con- - of cellulose) left. It was V. Fribes who — working under the directions of S. WINOGRADSKY (I.) — in 1895 clearly proved the true state of the case and made known the active agent of this pectin fermentation. This organism is a fairly large-celled species, occurring in the form of rods, which, when young, have a length of 10-15/1 with a breadth of 0.8 /*, but subsequently become broader )i /x), and swell up to a thickness of 2 /* at the one end (tadpole shape), where a long endospore (1.2 x 1.8 ft) is developed. This (anaerobic) bacillus will not grow on gelatin, but when supplied with nitrogenous food in the form of peptone will ferment glucose, saccharose, lactose, and starch, leaving these, how- ever, untouched when the peptone is replaced by ammonia salts. On the other hand, even in this latter case, any pectin bodies that may be present, i.e. pectin and pectic acid, are fermented, and that, too, even more readily than the carbo- hydrates already mentioned. The organism, however, has no action on cellulose and gum-arabic. When clean portions of plants, previously washed, first with acidified, and then with faintly alkaline, water (free from bacteria), are exposed to the action of pure cultures of this bacillus, they quickly lose the greater portion of their pectin content, the loss of weight they suffer being almost exclusively due to this cause. As reported by E. PFUHL (II.), a patent has been obtained in the United States by Allison and Pennington for the method tested by them, whereby the retting of flax can be effected in a few days in any class of water by the addition of salts promoting the growth of the desired ferment. Perhaps an inoculation by water from a locality — such as the river Lys, a tributary of the Scheldt — where flax-retting is extensively carried on is also to be made. § 120.— The Rancidity of Fats, particularly Butter, will be briefly dealt with here parenthetically, as there is no other appropriate place for it. The characteristic indication of this well-known phenomenon is an increase in the percentage of free acids (chiefly the volatile acids, butyric, caproic, &c.). This may be attributed to four different causes : (i) The activity of lactic acid bacteria converting the residual lactose in the butter into lactic acid, which latter i- then tiansf'ormed into butyric acid l>y (,' ran uluJxirter laetobntirrtcinii ; (2) the decomposition of albuminoids (casein) by bacteria capable of forming butyric acid therefrom ; (3 and 4) the dissociation of the fats into glycerin and free fatty acids, either by bacterial agency on the one hand, or by the action of light and air on the other. The preponderance of one or other of these causes depends on the attendant circum>tai E. DUCLAUX VI.) rendered \aluahle service in demonstrating the influence of air on the Tatty matter of butter and chee-e. and l>y showing that this influence is twofold, vix... it first, by saponification, breaks the matter up into glycji-in and fatty acids, and then converts the latter (especially oleic acid) into oxy compounds. Ju the d irk, and in presence of a c >pi<.us supply of air, saponi- TIIK RANCIDITY OF FATS 153 lira! ion pivdeMiiinah's, llw huiicr I .lien Miicllin^ strongly of butyric a<-id ; l)iit, it', on tin1 contrary, tlio ozidhung action gets tin; '|()|MT hand, then at;illo\vy flavour is the result. A recognition of the influence of light and air does not necessarily imply that bacteria play no active part in rancidity. This latter view was maintained by H.SCHULZ (II.) in 1878, but was after wards denied by V]. HITSKRT (1.), ARATA (I.), and others. With reference to the careful work performed by llitsert, it should be remarked that the main point is in the treatment of the question as to the occurrence of rancidity in the absence of micro-organisms. The affirmative answer thereto does not, however, involve the conclusion that their activity is, under natural conditions, unimportant for the development of rancidity. The action of the lactic .acid bacteria can be illustrated by a practical example afforded by the so-called Paris butter. This is a particularly stable product, and is prepared from sweet cream, which, before churning, is heated to nearly 100° C. and then rapidly cooled again, whereby the fission fungi just mentioned are killed. The bacteria which split up the glycerides in butter include one which R. KRUEGER (I.) isolated from butter that had become cheesy, and which he named Bacillus Jltcorescens non liquefaciens. Investigations on the breaking up of fats by bacteria, which process is of medic il interest in connection with the putrefaction of dead animals, were con- ducted by G. VON SOMMARUGA (I.), chiefly with pathogenic species, only a few of which were found to possess this power. Among these may be mentioned Bacillus tt/phi abdominalis, B. pyocyaneus, Micrococcus tetragenus, Vibrio cholerce asiatiwe, Denecke's spirillum, and others. On the other hand, Bacillus mega- therium and B. subtilis do not possess it. CIIAITKK XIX. Till-: PRESERVATION <>F .MILK. ^ 121.— Dirt- and Germ-Content in Milk. TUB sterilisation of milk is excessively difficult, because this liquid is particularly liable to infection by very hardy germs. Even when yielded by a healthy cow, the milk, on issuing from the udder, is already infested with bacteria.. When milking is ended, a small (jiiantity of milk is left behind in the lacteal ducts, and in this there settle a number of bacteria which make their way from outside, arc favoured in their development by the high temperature, and become in- corporated with the subsequent flow of milk. In addition to these are the innumerable bacteria originating in the dung and adhering to the udder. Both groups consist mainly of species very tenacious of life, derived from the soil and entering the alimentary canal along with the fodder. They pass through the intestines unhurt, are conveyed with the dung on to the udder and the hands of the milker, and then into the milk, where they flourish exceedingly. The dirt, adhering to the cows, and itself infested with bacteria, is partly disseminated as dust through the air of the cowhouse, so that this also is impregnated with bacteria, and yields up no small quantity to the milk. For investigations on this point we are indebted to G. J. LEUFVEN ([.), who held sterilised flat glass dishes open, for a second, above the edge of a milking-pail into which milk was being drawn from the cow, and then introduced into the dishes some liquefied nutrient gelatin, wherein the germs present in the basins developed into colonies, and could therefore be counted. In this manner it was proved that, in the space of one second, from 47 to 1210 germs, according to circumstances, were deposited in an area of i square decimetre (TOO sq. cm., or about 16 square inches). The amount of the germ-content is thus primarily determined by the degree of contamination prevailing in the cowshed, a criterion of which is afforded by the amount of dung constituents present in the milk. This estimation was first attempted by RENK (I.), who found, for instance, in the market milk of Hallc- on-Saale, some 75 mg. per litre; in Berlin milk, 10 mg. ; and in Munich milk, 9 mg. of such milk-dirt, the highest quantity amounting, at Halle, to 0.362 grin, per litre. If the milk be treated in the centrifugal machine, in order to remove the cream, the dirt is separated, and collects, along with casein, bacteria, &r. a coating, sometimes granular, at others mucinous, on the walls of the inner drum, and is generally known as milk sludge. It consists of about 26 per cei.t. of albuminoids, 67 per cent, of water, £c., and is relatively much richer in bacteria than the milk. O. WYSS (I.) was the first to investigate this mud. and the quantity separated was found, in a rase examined by NlEDEBSTADT (I.), to amount to 43 gnus, per hectolitre (slightly more than 30 grains per gallon). The connection between the content of dirt and of germs in milk was in particular by UIIL (I.), a few of whose figures are now given : IMrt. Number of (i M pet I.iin-. IV, r 12.897.600 20.7 7.079.820 6 5-2 3-33^775 '54 MILK AS A CAKKIKK OF DISKASK 155 Sundry researches on 1,1m germ-content of COW-dung, :m«l on ils sr«l by tin- above figures. Only a single jtat hogenic species can withstand the short boiling to which milk is ordinarily subjected in domestic management, ami this is the anthrax bacillus (spores). THE SOXIILET BOTTLK 157 The danger incurred on this account is, however, slight, since this microbe only forms spores in presence of oxygen, and therefore not within (the arterial circu- latory system of) the animal body. Even in the worst case, therefore, only the vegetative forms (easily destroyed by boiling) of this microbe can find their way into the milk from the body of the cow ; and, on the other hand, the intro- duction of these germs from external sources is hardly to be feared. According to the researches of 0. CARO (I.), the virulence of spore-free forms of growth of Bacillus anthracis in milk disappears within twenty- four hours at a temperature of 15° 0., a circumstance attributable to the injurious influence of the lactic acid gradually formed in that liquid. The spores, however, completely retain their vitality under these conditions. Among the bacteria present in unboiled milk, the species inducing lactic fermentation are never lacking, and it is to these that the souring of milk is due. The fact that they are destroyed by boiling explains why boiled milk will keep, without alteration, a much longer time than is the case with unboiled milk. In addition to the species already mentioned there is present a third group of Schizomycetes forming spores very tenacious of life, which withstand boiling, and germinate when the milk is kept at a moderately warm temperature. The resulting rods having, by the process of boiling, been freed from the presence of sundry inconvenient associates of other species, then develop and increase rapidly, setting up a brisk fermentation whereby a large volume of gas is liberated. The importance and extent of this fact first becomes clear in the case of suckling infants. § 124.— The Soxhlet Bottle. With the continual extension of enervation the number of mothers unable or unwilling to suckle their infants increases from year to year. How far the natural nourishment thus withheld is superior, in point of chemical composition, in the various periods of lactation to any artificial medley cannot be expounded here. From the bacteriological standpoint it may be regarded as almost perfect. If the mother be healthy in body, then the milk absorbed by the child at the breast is, according to the researches of T. RINGEL (I.) and others, almost entirely free from bacteria of any kind. The expression " almost free " is used advisedly, since the milk generally contains a small number, originating in the air and making their way into the lacteal ducts of the mammary glands, where they increase. The necessary hygienic treatment of this organ by the young mother will greatly contribute to the child receiving the best nourishment both bac- teriologically and otherwise. To return, however, to those other matrons who bring up their infants on the bottle, filled with boiled and sufficiently cooled milk. The stomach of the young child being small, whereas the amount of material required for the growing body is large, the infant requires frequent supplies of small quantities of nourishment. Generally, for the sake of con- venience, a sufficient quantity of milk for the whole day is boiled at once, portions of this being taken from time to time as required. Through ignorance on the part of the mother, or by the carelessness of the nurse, it often happens that this food is supplied to the infant in a partially decomposed condition. A parti- cular fault, frequently committed, is that the bottle, which has been lying for two or three hours in the warm nursery, is refilled from the vessel containing the bulk, without the residual milk from the preceding meal having been removed. That such carelessness (frequent, though as constantly denied) must conduce to diges- tive disorders requires no further demonstration, the high rate of infant mortality from intestinal catarrh being sufficient evidence. For this reason it has been attempted to render milk stable by boiling it in small bottles, holding just sufficient for a meal, and closing the same with a 158 Tin: rm-sKRVATiox or MILK stopper (impervious to bacteria), which is removed only just before use. This is the fundamental idea of the so calkd Soxlilet method of sterilising milk, in whiih several bottles are inserted in a movable frame and immersed in a tin pan con- taining water, which is thereupon kept on the boil for forty minutes. SOXHLET (I.) employs latterly, as automatic stopper, an indiarubber disc resting on the ground month of the bottle, and prevented, by means of a loose-fitting tube, from becoming displaced laterally. The gases and steam given olF from the milk in boiling escape into the air by forcing up the disc, and when the operation is finished and the apparatus is removed from the fire, this clack-valve is kept tight by the pressure of the outside air, the partial vacuum within the bottles being generally equivalent to 100 mm. of mercury. This stopper not only pre- vents access of air, but also debars dealers or purchasers from opening the bottle with fraudulent intent, since it cannot be closed again. This ensures the pur- chasing public receiving the milk in the same unadulterated condition in which it left the dairy. Similar to Soxhlet's method are those of Egli and Escherich. a short description of which (as also of those of Soltmann, Bertling, Gerber, and Sta'dtler) will be found in a comparative treatise by EMMA Si RUB (I.). § 125.— Germ-Content of Milk Treated by the Soxhlet Method. The foregoing method would meet all requirements were the destruction of the pathogenic and the lactic acid bacteria alone in question. However, as lias previously been mentioned, milk also contains very hardy bacterial spores, able to withstand such a course of boiling as that specified. The number of such spores varies, and is greater in proportion as the degree of uncleanliness in the attendance on the cows and in the operation of milking increases. These milk bacteria (which resist the ordinary means of sterilisation) were investigated with regard to their properties and action by C. FLUGGE (II. ). A few of them are very widely diffused, but they do not develop below 18° C. Milk sterilised by mere boiling may therefore be rich in such bacteria and yet keep unaltered for a long time at room temperature, though, if introduced into the alimentary canal of the young infant, the hardy spores develop into rapidly-multiplying bacilli which decompose the constituents of the milk. In such case, not only are copious amounts of gas, giving rise to considerable flatulency, formed, but also poisonous decomposition products of albuminoid matter, which when fed to puppies produce diarrhoea attended with fatal results. The danger incurred from this cause is much greater for the nursing infant than for the adult, not only because the latter organism is stronger, but also for the further reason that the dietary of adults is a mixed one, in consequence whereof numerous other bacteria, inimical to those in question, are introduced into the alimentary canal. On the other hand, the result of using such imper- fectly and partially sterilised milk is that the digestive organs of the infant, nourished on milk alone, are converted into a veritable breeding-ground for poisonous microbes. These bacteria are closely allied to i\\Q Bacillus mesente /•!<•,/* <•>//>/ it us. Fliii^e himself described a number of Mich species; and S. STKKU.M; (I.) added live nes to th. iming them — with reference to their chemical activity — U 1'i'irillns In nans u, /3, y, 8, €. Attention was drawn at an earlier date, by LOFJTLI:I: (III.) and Emma Strub, to the frequent occurrence of JL m< [I'ltux in milk. Attempts have not been lacking on the part of dairy technicists and bacterio- to arrive- at a method for annihilating tlior well. A critical nhiation of these methods cannot, however. In- made here, but any reader 'ini: fuller details is referred to a comprehensive exposition of the question TIIK MKTIIOI) OK NKrilACSS, KT( '. 159 compiled by II. WKH;M ANN (II.). At present, merely a single example will be given, namely : § 126.— The Method of Neuhauss, Gronwald, and Oehlmann, which was tested by PETRI and MAASSEN (II.). We have already, in a previous section, demonstrated that it is not easy to render milk sterile in the strict meaning of the word. The high and long-continued heating necessary thereto is sufficient to alter the chemical constitution of the milk in such a manner that it becomes almost unsuitable for nutrition. The lactose, as P. CAZENEUVE and HADDON (I.) have shown, decomposes into dark brown fission products (contain- ing formic acid), with an empyreumatic flavour; the fat loses its emulsified condition and separates out as cream, which cannot be made to diffuse again even by shaking ; and the albuminoids are converted into a form very difficult of digestion. Neuhauss, Gronwald, and Oehlmann, calling to mind the information afforded by the fractional method of sterilisation, sought to induce the hardy spores to germinate, in order that the end in view might then be attained by moderate means. With this object the milk is placed in bottles with loose-fitting stoppers, which are then put into a specially constructed case, where they are surrounded by steam and allowed to remain for half an hour at a temperature of 8o°-95° C. This so-called preliminary sterilisation is once repeated, with the result that the pithogenic and the lactic acid bacteria are destroyed, and the milk is then left to cool gradually, whereby it passes through the degrees of temperature favourable to the germination c f the surviving hardy spores. On the following day the samples are subjected (in the same bath) to the so-called chief sterilisation at 102° 0., and when this is finished the stoppers of the bottles are immediately and simultaneously tightened up by means of an arrangement manipulated from the outside. The instructions given to adhere to a temperature of 102° C. prove that the germination of the spores is not numerically complete, since, it' this were the case, a maximum of 100° C. would suffice for the chief sterilisation, all the vegetative forms quickly perishing at this temperature. If, h Avever, spores be still present at the commencement of the chief sterilising process, the probability is by no means small that they will also be able to withstand the short exposure to 102° C., and it may be anticipated that even this method will not always accomplish its object. As a matter of fact, reports are not wanting — e.y. that of M. BLEISCH (I.) — to the effect that milk samples assumed to have been fcter ilised by the method in question have been subsequently discovered to be in a state of decomposition ; whilst Fliigge was unable to confirm the favourable reports given by Petri and Maassen, and PICTET and WEYL (I.). In short, there is at the present time no practicable and certain method for freeing milk (on a large scale) from germs without at the same time seriously prejudicing its flavour and nutritive value. Since, then, the annihilation of the hardy germs in this case is so difficult, attention is now directed to their exclusion from the milk ; the greatest care is therefore taken — by washing the udder, hands, and milk vessels — to secure extreme cleanline s in the preparation of "nursery milk" intended for infant consumption. The so-called sterilisation then becomes a much easier task, the milk, drawn with such precaution from the cow, being very poor in the above-mentioned gas-forming bacteria. As a ready means of detecting the presence of these organisms will often be useful to the scientific adviser of a Dairy Association, the fermentation flasks described by F. SCIIAI I'lR (I.), TTI. SMITH (1. and 11.), and others, are therefore recommended for the regular examination of the milk supplied by the individual fanners as regards its content of the pests under consideration. 160 Till- PRESERVATION or MILK § 127.— The Content of Pathogenic Germs in Various Dairy Products. A few words must be devoted to the description of the treatment of skim- milk in the factories of Dairy Associations. As is well known, a large portion of the fresh milk sent to the dairy is not sold as such, but is employed for butter-making. The skim-milk formed in large quantities during this process is, in many instances, partly sold per set and partly worked up into semi-fat and skim-cheese, milk-bread, and the like. In other cases, the contracts made with the members of the association stipulate that each shall have returned to him, for feeding purposes, a quantity of skim-milk proportional to his deliveries of new. Now, since in these large dairies the cream is removed from the milk by means of the centrifugal machine, it follows that the milk from all sources becomes intimately mixed up together, and consequently if any one parcel of the milk is contaminated, the whole of the skim-milk will become infected thereby. In this manner an epidemic hitherto confined to a single farm may, by means of the returned skim-milk, be rapidly disseminated to all the other cowkeej This has actually been frequently proved in respect of the foot-and-mouth disease. In this connection there is an increase in the number of supporters of legislative action in favour of a compulsory heating of the skim-milk returned by dairies to the farmers. As reported by P. VIETH ([.), a Ministerial ordinance lias been in force in Prussia since 1894, prescribing that the skim-milk from cows suffering from infectious diseases shall be either kept at a temperature of 90° C. for at least a quarter of an hour, or be heated up to 100° C. befoie being allowed to leave the dairy. It is imperatively necessary that the cream destined for butter-making should be freed from pathogenic germs. According to the concordant results of the researches of L. HEIM (IV.), G. GASPERINI (llj, and 0. ROTH (I.), the active organisms of cholera, typhus, and tuberculosis present in the butter long retain their vitality and power. Now, a large proportion of the butter made is con- sumed in a raw state in the form of bread and butter and the like, and if it has been derived from milk or cream infected with pathogenic bacteria, its consump- tion is attended with great danger. Consequently a reliable preliminary treatment of the cream to ensure the removal of these germs is in the highest degree desirable. That this can be practically accomplished will be shown in chapter xxiii. which treats of the artificial souring of cream. The same requisition should also be imposed in the case of milk deigned for cheese-making, but at present this can hardly be effected, because the treatment required for killing the pathogenic germs lessens the suitability of the milk for the purpose in view, and also modifies the flora of the milk to such an extent as to unfavourably influence the ripening process of the cheese prepared therefrom. ]n fact, until we are in a position to introduce and carry on this process to its completion in a reliable manner by artificially added ferments, the above named requirement must necessarily remain unfulfilled, Fortunately the acid produced by the ripening process forms an effective antidote, \\hich checks the develop- ment of the pathogenic organisms. II. WKU.MANX ai.d (i. Xiux (I.) provt <1 that Bacillus (c'lhrio] cholertv asiatictv perished within twenty four hours when artificially inoculated on cheese. As will be gatheied from the preceding observations, the sterilising of milk samples destined for the cultivation of orgnniMiis in the lal oiatoiy is a very troublesome operation, since this i,ere»itales an tif^ii!"/-- 1'ierdoin from germs. In order to obtain this result, tl c n m]'!< s an- < ^\ « >« <1 i< i t( n to fifteen minutes to steam under pie>.-me. at a iempeiatim- .of 120° (J. The decompositions CONDENSED MILK 161 hereby induced heave no injurious effect in some cases ; nevertheless when delicate organisms are to bo cultivated that would not thrive in milk Um , altered, a method of mixed sterilisation must be practised. A little ether or chloroform is added to the sample, allowed to react for a short time, after being thoroughly shaken up, and, at the end of two or three days, disinfection is effected by placing the sample for twenty to thirty minutes in the steamer (at 100° C.). The statement, often met witli in books, that milk may be sterilised by exposure to the action of a current of steam at 100° C. for twenty to thirty minutes on three successive days, is (according to the author's experience) deceptive. If such " sterilised " milk be placed in the incubator, an effluvia! decomposition, with copious development of potato bacilli and the like, will be noticeable in nine cases out of ten. A number of bacterium poisons — the suitability of which has been made the subject of comparative investigation by J. NEUMANN (I.) and M. KUHN (I.) — have been proposed for preserving milk that is to be sent to a laboratory for the purpose of having its fat-content ascertained. The potassium permanganate, formerly recommended, behaved badly under the ordeal, whereas, on the other hand, potassium bichromate (for the use of which for the purpose in question Alen has taken out a patent) proved reliable in cases where it was a matter of preserving milk that was still sweet. The sample is treated with an admixture of 0.5 grm. of pulverised K2Cr207 (or with 5 c.c. of a 10 per cent, solution of this salt) per litre, the dilution produced in the latter case exercising no appre- ciable influence on the accuracy of the fat determination. If the milk at the moment the sample is drawn is already somewhat sour, then an addition of ammonia — 3 c.c. of a 27 per cent, solution of ammonia per litre of milk — will be preferable. Not infrequently milk intended for sale is qualified with substances acting as poisons towards bacteria, with the idea of increasing its keeping properties. Boracic acid, both in the free state and in the form of borax, is in great favour for this purpose, and recourse is occasionally had to salicylic acid. F. M. HORN (I.) records an instance where benzoic acid was used. All additions of this kind are contrary to law, and therefore punishable. ^ § 128.— Condensed Milk. It is not infrequently desirable to convert large quantities of milk into a permanently stable condition for use as food, e.g. for provisioning ships. In other cases, owing to local circumstances, the milk production of a district may be far in excess of the local requirements, and consequently the necessity arises for converting the product into a stable and readily portable condition for export, Many of the Swiss Cantons, for example, are in this position. Such milk must be capable of remaining entirely unaltered for any desired period (several years), even when exposed to tropical temperatures — a condition un- attainable by any of the means already described. In former years the opinion was current that this could be effected by the method proposed by Appert, and in the middle of the seventies Nageli also attempted to attain this object by a similar (secret) method of treatment. However, the " preserved milk " produced by him (and not a few of his successors) failed to fulfil expectations, and equally unfavourable results attended the numerous attempts made to render milk stable by so-called " Pasteurisation," i.e. by the prolonged action of a temperature of about 60° to 65° C., in connection with which subject N. L. RUSSELL (III.) carried out a series of investigations (Fig. 51). All these methods, as well as numerous others of allied nature — such, for example, as that devised by Soxhlet, and which Loeflund attempted to technically utilise — have, however, been i L 162 THK PKESERVATION OF MILK recognised as unreliable. At present there is only one siui/Ji' way of arriving at the object in view, and that is by thickening the milk and adding sugar. This so-called "condensed milk" — as manufactured in particular by the " Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company " in their chief factory at Cham, on Lake Zug, and in a number of branch establishments outside Switzerland — is prepared in the following manner : The fresh new milk is purified by centrifugal force, and is then heated on a water- bath until nearly boiling, and mixed (in a wooden vat fitted with a steam coil) with 1 2 per cent, of cane-sugar. When this is dissolved the liquid is pas>rd through a fine sieve and transferred to a vacuum pan, where the thickening process is effected at a temperature of 5o°-6o° C. As soon as the requisite de- gree of consistency is attained the milk is run off, rapidly cooled, and packed in clean tins, which are soldered air-tight. Commercial condensed milk contains about 25 per cent, of water and 50 per cent, of sugar, the remainder consisting of albumen (12 per cent.), fat (n per cent.), and ash (2 per cent.). Some of the germs present in the new milk, especially the lactic acid bacteria, are already killed by the aforesaid heat- ing before and during the thickening process. A few, however, survive this, and are found to be still alive in the finished product, but not in a condition to do any damage, since the high concentration plasmolyses the germs, retarding their development and so preventing decomposition. By reason of its high con- tent of sugar, however, this condensed milk is unsuitable for the nourishment of infants. FIG. 51. Illustration of the effect of Pasteurising milk. The black square represents the germ-content of raw milk per unit of space, that of the same sample after Pasteurisation being shown by the small white square. (4/'tcr Jlusscll.) CHAPTER XX. THE PRESERVATION OF MEAT, EGGS, VEGETABLES, AND FRUIT. § 129.— Storage in Cold Chambers. IT has been established by the researches of MEISSNER and ROSENBACH (I.), G. HAUSER (HI.), F. ZAUN (I.), J. VON FODOR (I.), and others, that the blood find flesh of healthy animals are entirely free from fungi. On the other hand; the contents of the digestive organs are exceedingly rich in Schizctmycetes, higher fungi not being absent, though their number is quite subordinate to that of the former organisms. As was shown by D. POPOFF (1.), the digestive canal of the healthy new-born animal is, at the moment of birth, free from bacteria. These, however, subsequently obtain access, principally in the food, and the contents of the bowels become extremely rich in microbes. According to the researches of NENCKI and FREY (I.), such species as decompose the carbohydrates predomi- nate in the small intestine in man, whereas in the large intestine the microbes productive of albuminoid putrefaction exert their sway. If, now, the carcase of a slaughtered animal be left without being disem- bowelled, these saprophytes will make their way through the capillary vessels of the intestinal villi into the arteries, the alkaline contents of which (rich in albumen), are unusually favourable for the development of these acid-shy putre- factive bacteria, so that the entire carcase quickly begins to undergo decompo- sition. This can be prevented by the excision of the entire length of the alimentary canal from oesophagus to rectum inclusive, and if this long-known and practised precaution be adopted, then the remaining flesh, &c., will be per- fectly free from fungi. If putrefaction subsequently arises, it is due to the bacteria from external sources (air, supports, butchers' hands, &c.) obtaining access to and settling in the flesh. Their gradual penetration by way of the blood-vessels into the interior of the flesh was studied by S. TROMBETTA (I.) and by Gartner. The latter found them only in the external layers in the case of meat three days old, but, at the end of another seven days, they had penetrated to a depth of 2 cm. below the surface. Since the sources of this bacterial infection cannot be entirely shut off, though they may be considerably reduced by cleanly procedure, attempts are made to prevent the increase of these parasites in the flesh. The oldest known remedy is cold, but in order to realise expectations, the temperature must be kept several degrees below zero (0.), and this is the method pursued in the large (export) abattoirs in America (Chicago in particular) and Australia. Immediately a beast is killed and disembowelled, the carcase is placed in a refrigerating chamber and then transported in cooled railway trucks, and cold chambers on shipboard, to its destination in a frozen state. Thus, for instance, there appear daily in the London market hundreds of carcases of Australian sheep still frozen hard. In a similar manner Central Europe has been for several years supplied with haddocks prepared for shipment in the north of Norway (Vardo) by being frozen at - 40° R. ( - 50° C ) directly they are caught and cleaned, and being then shipped in this condition in specially built steamers. The freezing of meat does not kill the germs present, but merely hinders their 163 1 64 THE PRESERVATION OF MEAT, ETC. reproduction, and, as a matter of fact, A. KOCH (III.) found very many bacteria in fish that had been treated in this way. If the meat be not stored at low temperatures, but merely put in the ice-chest or laid on ice, whereby it attains, in the most favourable instances, a tempera- ture of o° C., then, as follows from the already reported labours of Forster and others, an increase of the initial number of germs ensues. To the activity of such cold-supporting organisms is attributable the peculiar, disagreeable taste and smell acquired by edibles after remaining in the ice-chest for a few days. Actual putrefaction is not, however, produced by these bacteria. We must not lose the present opportunity of issuing a warning against bringing food-stuffs in immediate contact with natural ice, since this substance contains not only numerous putrefactive bacteria, but also, under certain circum- stances, pathogenic germs (especially typhus bacilli) as well. In this connection we may refer to the researches into the bacterium content of ice that have been made by C. FRAENKEL (V.), BORDONI-UFFREDUZZI (II.), F. PRUDDEN (I.), and A. HEYROTH (I.). In the cooling chambers of large abattoirs — of the arrange- ment of which there is an excellent description in a work by OSTHOFF (I.) — the meat is not exposed to this source of infection. The well-known fact that frozen meat, when thawed, undergoes decompo- sition more rapidly than fresh meat is easily explained. The cellular structure is loosened by freezing, and access to the interior is thereby facilitated for any organisms present on the surface. § 130.— Dried Meat and Salted Meat. The development and activity of the organisms exciting decomposition can also be prevented by depriving them of the water necessary for metabolism. The drying of meat has been practised, particularly in hot countries, from the earliest times. The resulting conserve is known in South America under the names of pemmican, charque, and tassajo. The process is as simple as it is reliable, and has a great future in prospect, especially for the provisioning of armies in the field. In the method of treatment hitherto practised, the meat during drying suffers a great depreciation in flavour, but in recent years Hof- mann and Meinert have devised and patented a process for the artificial drying of meat without removing or destroying its flavouring matters. By this process a Bremen firm manufactures a meat meal met with in commerce under the name of Came pur a. Under the same name inferior meat meals only fit for cattle food are shipped to Europe from Argentina ; these are prepared from waste materials and require some care in handling. The drying of flesh does not, of course, result in the killing of all the bacteria present therein, and if the flesh of cattle suffering from epidemic diseases has been employed, then, under the defective conditions of live-stock inspection in South America, disease germs will be disseminated by means of such infected food. A case of this kind has been reported by R. BURRI (I.). The most important example of dried flesh is afforded by the dried cod-fish (stock-fish), which forms the chief article of export from the Scandinavian peninsula. It contains, in the dry state, nearly 80 per cent, of albumen, and constitutes a favourite and cheap article of food among the poorer classes in Central Europe. The salting and pickling of meat is generally credited with great efficacy, but a closer examination reveals that it is really only the hygroscopicity of the salt that comes into play and that the sole power the latter possesses is that of setting up plasmolysis in the germs present in, or subsequently conveyed to, the SMOK11I) MMATS AND CORNED BEEF 165 !lrsli,and so preventing their reproduction. Consequently, the germs, especially those of a pathogenic nature, cannot be completely killed by these processes. 0. J. DE FREYTAG (I.) has proved that the influence of concentrated solutions of common salt is resisted by tubercle bacilli for three months ; by typhus bacilli for six months ; and by the bacilli of swine erysipelas for two months, the organisms remaining alive and virulent during these periods. F. PEUCH (I.) examined the effect of salting on the flesh of animals succumbing to anthrax, and found that a ham from such an animal, after lying in salt water for fourteen days, still contained virulent anthrax bacilli, as was proved by direct experiment on animals with the expressed juices of the meat. PETRI (II.) showed that virulent Vrothlauf" (erysipelas) bacilli were still present in the pickled flesh from swine affected with swine erysipelas, after six months' immersion in brine. If the inspection of meat is carried out with even only a moderate amount of care, it will not be easy for animals suffering from anthrax to be slaughtered for food ; so that there is not much danger to be dreaded from that source. The case is, however, different as far as animals affected with tuberculosis or swine erysipelas are concerned. In a former paragraph the prevalence of tubercular affections among cattle was mentioned, and this should be sufficient to deter the reader from indulging in uncooked beef, whether in the form of " beefsteak cl la tartare " or uncooked pickled beef. It is well known that the flesh of swine that have been com- pulsorily slaughtered on account of swine erysipelas is offered for sale ; hence it naturally follows that many kinds of (" wurst ") sausages that are made from raw flesh, and eaten in an uncooked state, will contain pathogenic germs. § 131.— Smoked Meats and Corned Beef, Smoking forms a more reliable means of preserving meat from putrefaction, the real active agents in the process being the vapours of phenol, creosote, and allied compounds present in the smoke. Beechwood being found to yield the smoke containing the largest quantities of these substances, is therefore held in particular esteem for this purpose. The volatile distillation products of heated wood chips are condensed on the pieces of flesh, and arrest the development of the bacteria. Since, however — as A. SERAFINI and G. UNGARO (I.) have shown — these antiseptics do not penetrate far into the flesh, and are therefore unable to exert much action in the interior of the pieces, smoking can only be effectual when it is a question of preserving fresh meat (from healthy animals) which is only superficially infested with germs. The manner in which the process is carried out in practice very often leaves much to be desired ; and thus it is — as shown by the exhaustive researches of H. BEU (I.) and A. SERAFINI (I.) — that the germ-content of commercial smoked meat varies considerably. The salting which precedes smoking, though of such little efficacy in itself, is nevertheless useful, and forms an essential part of the process, by withdrawing water from the meat, and thus facilitating the penetration of the smoke. The certain destruction of pathogenic germs is not effected by smoking, Petri having found that the flesh of swine affected with swine erysipelas contained erysipelas bacilli in a state of undiminished vigour, after immersion for a month in brine, followed by careful smoking for fourteen days. A similar unfavourable result was obtained by J. FORSTER (III.) in the case of smoked meat from tuberculous animals. The best method at present available for the preservation of meat consists in steaming the same in vessels which remain hermetically closed up to the time the meat is eaten. Such a food is known as preserved meat (in the restricted sense), or as tinned meat, the quality in most demand being corned beef (chiefly obtained from Chicago). This should consist of the flesh of oxen, but, neverthe- 1 66 TIIK PRESERVATION OF MEAT, ETC. less, occasionally originates at the horse-slaughterer's. As already explained in a former chapter, we are indebted to the French confectioner APPERT (I.) for the fundamental practical experiments made in connection with preservation by steaming. In accordance with his process, the meat is boiled in any convenient vessel, and pressed into tins. These are then closed, with the exception of a small aperture, and placed in a bath of boiling water, the aperture being closed by means of a little liquid solder, after steam has been given off for a short time. Appert's successors subjected his process to numerous modifications, Fastier pro- posing to heat the tins up to 110° C. in a bath of salt, and others recommending additions of boracic acid, &c. Up to the present, no known antiseptic possesses the dual property of, on the one hand, preserving flesh without depriving it of valuable nutritive constituents or flavouring matters, and, on the other, of having no injurious effect on health when the meat is eaten regularly. Inventors have been, and are still, particularly active in this field, and the different processes for preserving meat that have been proposed are very numerous. To report exhaustively on these would, however, far exceed the limits of the present work ; any reader wishing to be more accurately informed on this subject is referred to a comprehensive treatise compiled by PLAGGE and TRAPP (I.). Instructions intended for practical use in the preservation of meat, fruits, vegetables, &c., have been given by L. E. ANCLES (I.) and J. DE BREVAXS (I.). § 132.— Preserving- Eg-g-s. The contents of the freshly laid eggs of birds, especially of poultry, are not in all cases perfectly free from fungi. In refutation of a widespread assumption to the contrary, it was shown by U. GAYON (II.) in 1875, and confirmed by O. E. R. ZIMMERMANN (I.) in 1878, that the eggs, even of healthy birds, are exposed, even during the time of their formation, to infection by bacteria. These organisms, starting from the common anal duct of the bird, make their way into the ovary, where they become mixed with the albumen of the embryo egg, and reproduce themselves therein when the nutrient medium permits. The new-laid egg is therefore already inhabited by bacteria, a circumstance that must be borne in mind when it is desired to utilise raw eggs for the cultivation of bacteria, according to the proposal made by F. HUEPPE (V.). The obnoxious decomposition not infrequently set up in eggs is generally attributable to the development of these early intruders. Their pure cultivation was first attempted by J. SCHRANK (I.), and then on a larger scale by C. ZORKKX- DORFER (I.), according to whom the so-called spontaneous stinking putrefaction of eggs goes on in two ways. The first type is characterised by the albumen (white) changing colour through whitish-grey to grey-green, and by the yolk becoming gradually converted into a greasy, blackish-grey mass. At a subsequent stage the yolk becomes mixed up with the albumen, so that the entire contents of the egg form a pulpy ichor, smelling strongly of sulphuretted hydrogen, which gas is not infrequently pro- duced in such quantity that the shell of the egg bursts with a report. Of the organisms taking part herein, Zorkendb'rfer isolated ten species, and distinguished them as Bacillm oogenes hydrosulj wrens a, /5, y, d, e, £, rj, 0, t, K, the first six of which liquefy gelatin. In the second type of (bacterial) egg-putrefaction this gas is not detected. Here the yolk and the albumen quickly coalesce to form an initially thin, but subsequently pulpy, mass of a pale ochreous-yellow colour, and with an odour like that of human faeces. ZiJrkendlirfer described five species of organisms •iiig this decomposition, and bestowed on them the name of JBacilliis oogenes fluoreacens o, /3, y, 5, *. The first of these liquefies gelatin, and they all elabo- s AND rurrr 167 rate a pale green pigment which impart* a beautiful blue fluorescence to the medium. All these bacteria are exclusively aerobic, i.e. oxygen is essentially necessary to their development. This needful gas obtains access from outside by passing through the eggshell, which is well known to be permeable thereto, since other- wise the development of the embryo chicken could not proceed. This necessity for air on the part of the egg-putrefying Sckizomycetes supplies the explanation of the practice currently employed for preserving eggs, viz., by simply immersing them in milk of lime, which not only excludes air, but also — by its disinfectant properties — acts on the organisms present on the eggshell and ready to penetrate into the interior, killing some and restricting the development of others. The aforesaid bacteria perish within the space of two days when exposed to temperatures above 40° C., but at lower temperatures and in damp air they develop rapidly. Bearing these facts in mind, eggs could be preserved by keeping them for one or two days at 50° C. and then storing them in a dry place, were it not that the quality is thereby depreciated. If, then, steeping in milk of lime is not determined upon, the eggs can be preserved by coating them with lacquer or varnish after a careful cleaning. That bacteria penetrate through the unbroken eggshell has — contrary to an opposite opinion expressed by Gayon — been placed beyond doubt by the ex- haustive researches of Zorkendorfer. WILM (I.) showed that pathogenic bacteria are also capable of so doing, cholera bacilli being found, in his experiments, to penetrate to the interior of the egg within fifteen to sixteen hours. PJORKOWSKI (I.) arrived at a similar conclusion with regard to typhus bacilli. On this account none but clean chaff, free from pathogenic organisms, should be used for packing eggs- Bacteria are not to blame in all cases where eggs become spoiled during storage, but sometimes higher fungi (Eumycetes) come into play, penetrating the shell and growing freely in the interior. Further particulars on this point will be found in the second volume, in the chapter dealing with Hormodendron cladosporioides. § 133.— Desiccating1 and Preserving1 Veg-etables and Fruit. In contradiction of the erroneous assumptions of M. GALIPPE (I.) and H. BERNHEIM (II.), it has been shown by E. LAURENT (III.), A. FERXBACH (I.), and H. BUCHNER (VIII.) that — apart from the exceptions to be considered in chapter xxxiii. — the cells and cellular tissues of the higher plants are, whilst in a healthy condition, free from fungi. In the preservation of vegetable food- stuffs it is, therefore, merely a question of the destruction, or restriction of development, of the germs of extraneous origin inhabiting the surface. The oldest process for attaining this object is that of drying, and this is practised more particularly on certain fruits. In warmer regions the rays of the sun suffice, e.g. in the case of raisins and figs, but in colder climes recourse must be had to artificial warmth, and, consequently, so-called kilns or drying ovens are employed, wherein hot air at a temperature of 6o°-65° C. is allowed to stream over the fruit. American desiccated apples and Bosnian and Servian prunes are prepared in this way. A description of the individual systems of kilns for this purpose cannot be entered upon here. The dried fruit still contains a con- siderable proportion of moisture (some 30 per cent.) and at least the same amount of sugar : about 30 per cent, in the case of pears, some 40 per cent, in apples and damsons, 50 per cent, in figs, and 60 per cent, in raisins. From i to 3 per cent, of free acid is also present. Only some of the organisms present on the fruit are killed by drying, but the development and decomposing action of 168 Till- PRKSKUYATION OF MKAT, KTC. the rest are checked by the plasmolytic influence of the high sugar-content. The putrefactive bacteria also suffer through the action of the free acid present. Sundry vegetables, especially those employed for Julienne soup, are preserved by drying, for which purpose they are cut into small pieces, and exposed in special ovens to a hot air temperature of 5o°-6o° C. Not infrequently they are then, in accordance with a proposal made by Masson, subjected to hydraulic pressure, compressed vegetables being thereby produced. Drying is a comparatively inexpensive operation, but cannot be resorted to in every case, since many kinds of fruit and vegetables have their fine flavour too much impaired thereby. Such articles are treated by the Appert process. Green peas, cauliflower, asparagus, beans, and suchlike are manipulated as follows : After being carefully cleaned, they are placed in glass jars or in tins, which are then filled with water and set in a salt bath, the temperature of which is maintained at below ioo'° C. for one or two hours, and thereafter raised to boiling point (108° C.), at which it must be allowed to remain for some time, in order to definitely destroy all the hardy spores of the hay and potato bacilli. The temperature is then allowed to sink to 60° C., whereupon the small blow- hole in the otherwise closed tin is sealed up by means of a drop of solder, glass jars being closed air-tight by other suitable means. Preserves carefully pre- pared in this manner are sterile in the strictest sense of the term ; but if perfect sterility is, by reason of any oversight, not attained, the still-living germs sub- sequently increase at a great rate. Their development is mostly attended with the evolution of gas, in consequence of which the straight walls of the tin are bulged outwards, and frequently even burst, A drawback accompanying Appert's process is that the colour of the vegetables so treated is generally destroyed. If the preservation of the colour be desired, as is the case, e.g., with red beet, gherkins, and the like, then other means must be resorted to, and the antiseptic properties of the acids be utilised. The samples in question are boiled in vinegar, the liquor being then poured off and replaced by fresh unimpaired vinegar. In this way mixed pickles, for instance, are prepared. In many cases the boiling is omitted, pickled gherkins, for example, being preserved by simple immersion in cold vinegar. That no protection against the development of bacteria is afforded by steeping in brine needs no further argument. As a matter of fact, an easily observable decomposition occurs in the so-called salted gherkins prepared in this way, the phenomenon proving to be lactic fermentation ; and it is to the acid thereby produced, and not to the small proportion of common salt present, that the retardation of decomposition is due. The boiling of fruits and fruit-juices is an operation too well known to need detailed description here. The added sugar employed herein restricts decom- position by strongly plasmolysing and preventing the development of such germs as are not destroyed by the boiling. In many cases, this action is assisted by the addition of a certain quantity of whortleberries. A few particulars raspaciing the high percentage of the strongly antiseptic benzoic acid present in the latter have already been given in an earlier chapter (§ 80). The glass jars destined to contain the finished jam, marmalade, etc., are sulphured previous to use.— The preservation of fruit is greatly facilitated by a careful preliminary cleaning, a preciution that should, moreover, not be omitted when the fruit is to be eaten raw, since the usually sticky surface tenaciously retains the dust and accompanying germs that are blown on to it. Thus, M. T. SCHNIRER (I.) discovered virulent tubercle bicilli on the surface of grapes sold in the Vienna market. A word must be adde.l with regard to the gelatinisation of fruit juice. As is well known, the cells of mvny fruits are rich in pectin, which, when the cells PRESERVING VEGETABLES AM) FRUIT 169 are crushed, passes into the juice arid causes it to coagulate. This phenomenon was explained by Frerny, in 1840, to be due to the action of an enzyme, viz., pectase, whereby the pectin is converted into pectic acid. This opinion was modified by the researches of G. BERTRAND and A. MALL^VRE (I.), in so far that they showed that the enzyme can accomplish the transformation referred to only when in presence of soluble silts of the alkaline earths (e.g. lime), with which the pectic acid enters into combination, and forms insoluble pectates. The presence of this gelatinising compound is indispensable for the preparation of pure fruit jellies ; and the latter must not be too strongly boiled, or their setting properties will be diminished or completely destroyed. In the preparation of fruit juices, such as raspberry juice, it is necessary, on the other hand, to get rid of these pectin substances, because they detract from the utility of the juice, which should remain liquid. This end is attained by leaving the fresh juice to itself for a time, fermentation soon ensuing, by which the pectin or pectate is decomposed. The juice is then strained and boiled down after the addition of sugar. — A few references to the literature of the subject will be useful to the food-stuft' chemist, who is not infrequently asked for advice concerning the best means of turning fruit to account. Full particulars on the treatment of fruit in general, as also of drying and preserving it, will be found in the handbooks of FR. LUCAS (I.), KARL BACH (I.), and H. TIMM (I.). A brief introduction to the preparation and treatment of fruit wines has been arranged by M. BARTH (I.), and a pamphlet written by W. TENSI (I.) deals chiefly with currant wine (as the finest of all fruit wines), as well as with gooseberry wine, &c. The preservation of wine-must is practised on a large scale, particularly in Sicily. To render the juice highly suitable for transport, it is (after a preliminary filtration) concentrated in vacua at 40° C. to about one-fourth of its original volume. In this manner a thick, syrupy mass is obtained, the composition of which can be deduced from the following analytical figures furnished by TH. OMEIS : Water . . . . . . . . 35. i per cent. Dextrose + levulose 62.2 „ Acid . . . . . . . 1.2 ., Ash. ... ..... 0.7 „ Albumen, gum, &c 0.8 „ This concentrated wine-must, which is shipped in sealed tins, is not in any case sterile, though the still living germs (particularly yeasts) present therein are, by reason of the high concentration of the liquid, incapable of development. If, however, the mass be diluted with sterilised water, then fermentation ensues within a short time. According to the experience of J. WORTMANN (II.), and also of the author himself, the employment of this must can be recommended in laboratories dealing with Fermentation Physiology. The dilution of i part of must with 4 parts of water yields a nutrient medium exceedingly favourable for the cultivation of higher fungi (wine yeasts), the low percentage of nitrogen being improved by an addition of i per cent, of ammonium tartrate. The preservation of beer and wine by heating (Pasteurisation) will be dealt with in a subsequent section of the second volume. SECTION VI. LACTIC 1 'KR MENTATION AND ALLIED DECOMPOSITION s. CHAPTER XXI. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. § 134.— Discovery of the Lactic Acid Bacteria. lx chemical text- books acetic acid is generally characterised as being the first acid known to man. This assumption cannot, however, be considered as probable, since, in order to obtain acetic acid, the previous preparation of alcoholic liquids is necessary, and the human race in its earliest stage of civilisation, viz., nomadic life, would hardy have attained that skill — the production of wine and vinegar, even in the most primitive fashion, presupposing a settled mode of existence. On the other hand, the flock-owning nomadic races must, at a very early period, have noticed that the milk supplied by their animals very quickly underwent altera- tion, and turned sour when left to itself. Lactic acid must therefore be regarded as the earliest acid known to man, though not in a pure condition, since that condition necessitates the employment of methods for removing all the other constituents of the milk. This result was first accomplished by the Germano- Swede Scheele in 1780. The earliest complete chemical investigation of the souring of milk was instituted in 1833 by PELOUZE and GAY-LUSSAC (I.), but from that date fully twenty-five years elapsed before the knowledge that this process is a manifestation of vital activity on the part of sundry micro- organisms assumed definite shape. It is true that already in 1701 Andry had noticed that sour milk contained such organised microcosms. Nevertheless, this observation remained at first as unproductive, as regards the comprehension of the question, as did also the labours of sundry other subsequent workers. Among these mention may be made of Blondeau, who in 1847 made a microscopic examination of milk, and distinguished therein two types of micro-organisms : the one (which he named Torula) was a yeast-like plant ; the other, a mould fungus, which he assigned to Penicillium and held to be the cause of lactic, fermentation. We may recall to mind that Pasteur, in his treatise (against spontaneous generation) in 1862, pointed to the non-success experienced by the opponents of this theory, especially Schroder and Dusch, when they employed milk for their refuting experiments. Knowing, as we do, that, before Pasteur, no one had succeeded in rendering milk absolutely free from germs, it is therefore easy to understand that up till then nothing definite could be urged against the hypo- thesis, put forward by chemists, of the purely chemical nature of the process of lactic fermentation. Thus, for example, ROWLANDSON (I.), under the influence of the Liebig and Gay-Lussac theories of fermentation, defined the preliminary conversion of lactose into lactic acid in the souring of milk as an oxidation pro- cess, and expressed the naive opinion that a cow that had been running about (and therefore breathing rapidly) before milking would yield a milk rich in 170 BACTERIUM LACTIS LISTKK 171 oxygen, and consequently liable to turn sour with unusual rapidity. The opinion of FJIKMY and BOUTRON-CHALARD (I.) (formed in 1841, under the influence of Liebig's theory), that casein was the cause ("ferment") of lactic fermentation, was revived, though with little success, by A. P. FOKKER (I.) in 1889. Pasteur (X.) was the first to describe (1857) an organism characteristic of lactic fermentation, and to prove the same capable of producing acidification in a sweet, sterile milk. This organism, which Pasteur named the " ferment, or yeast, of lactic fermentation," was a bacterium. A pure culture of this, in the present meaning of the term, was at that time unattainable, no suitable method having then been devised. Pasteur demonstrated the difference existing between this "ferment" and that of alcoholic fermentation, and proved that in nutrient media containing sugar, the former organism always sets up lactic fermentation, whilst the other invariably gives rise to alcoholic fermentation. This discovery formed an important and welcome support to the theory of specific ferments promulgated by Fr. Kiitzing in 1837, and implying that chemically different fermentations are carried out by physiologically different species of organisms. § 135.— Bacterium lactis Lister, and Bacillus acidi lactici Hueppe. The important work issued in 1873 by the English surgeon and founder of the antiseptic treatment of wounds has already been noticed (§ 68). In that paragraph the methods of working employed by him at that time were referred to as defective and misleading. It was also stated that the name, Bacterium lactis, employed by him was erroneous, the bacterial culture to which it was applied not being a uniform species, but an indefinite (and very probably highly diversified) mixture of different species. LISTER (II.) himself very soon recognised the weakness of his arguments, and sought for a remedy. This he found in the so-called dilution method, by the aid of which, in 1877, he produced from sour milk a pure culture of a fission fungus to which he applied the name of Bacterium lactis as before — this time correctly. The twofold origin of this name should therefore always be remembered. Lister was also the first to make the observation, subsequently confirmed by Cohn, that lactic acid bacteria, though of frequent occurrence in the rooms of dairies, are comparatively seldom found in the open air. The introduction of gelatinised nutrient media into bacteriology also furthered the study of lactic fermentation. By means of this new method of pure culti- vation HUEPPE (IV.) in 1884 isolated from sour milk a microbe known as Bacillus acidi lactici, which, in so far as can be gathered from the description given, was identical with Lister's bacterium. Hueppe also made the more important discovery that several different species of bacteria are capable of setting up lactic fermentation. However, before noticing these other organisms, we will examine more closely the Bacillus acidi lactici, which occurs in the form of non-motile rods 1.0-1.7 P l°ng and 0.3-0.4 p. broad, mostly in pairs and but rarely united to form a four-cell chain ; it is aerobic and forms endospores. This ferment acidifies milk between the temperatures of 10° and 40° C., the reaction being accompanied by the precipitation of casein, and an evolution of gas. On gelatin plates the organism forms white colonies which do not liquefy the nutrient medium. In addition to the five species of lactic acid bacteria discovered by Hueppe — and to which Aficroooxas pro iigiosus belongs — many others possessed of the same property have been nude known to us, by Maddox in England (1885), Beyer in North America (1886), and FOKKER (II.) in Holland (1890). 11. KRUEGER (I.) 172 (il.NKUAL CHARACTERISTICS isolated his Micrococcus acidi lactis (which liquefies gelatin) from cheesy butter. G. MARPMANN (I.) discovered five species belonging to this group in Gottingen milk, and named them Bacterium lactis acidi, Bacillus lactis acidi, Bacterium limhatum lactis ariJ/. Jficrococcus lactis acidi, and Sphcerococcus lactis aci d L > I, 176 OPTICALLY ACTIVE FERMENTATION PRODUCTS Then the rotatory power of the entire molecule will have the following values — I) + d, L + /, D - rf, or L -/, according to which of the four possible compounds is present. The optical effect of the one semi-molecule will therefore be strengthened by that of the other semi-molecule in the first two instances, or weakened thereby in the other two cases. Consequently there result four stereoisomeric active modifications : the first strongly dextro-rotatory ; the second strongly levo-rotatory ; the third faintly dextro-rotatory ; and the fourth faintly levo- rotatory. Furthermore, one molecule apiece of the two strongly rotatory (D + d and L + J), as also one apiece of the two faintly rotatory (D - d and L - I) modifications, can coalesce to form inactive double molecules — The total number of all conceivable stereoisomeric modifications of the com- "\ /• pound b— C — C — £ is therefore six. / \ c y Particular interest attnches to the special instance wherein the two semi- molecules are equal, and which therefore comprises the compounds expressed by "\ /° the formula I— C — C— &. Tartaric acid, / \ c c COOH COOH COOH CHOH H— C — C— H HO' \)H CHOH COOH is the type of this group. In this case we have D = d and L = Z. The four above-named general expressions for the rotatory power of the individual active forms are, in this special case, resolved into 2D 2L 0 0 The modifications 2D and 2L correspond to the dextro- and levo-tartaric acids ; and, in place of the two faintly rotatory modifications, we have a single optically inactive form, which, in the tartaric acid group, is named meso-tartaric acid. This last-named acid is inactive as a result of intramolecular compensation, and is therefore distinct from the modification produced by the coalescence of the two optically active forms { *£ }, which double molecule is also optically inactive, and in the tartaric acid group is named racemic acid. The existence of two fundamentally different groups of optically inactive compounds containing asymmetric carbon atoms is thus theoretically possible, viz. : i. Monomolecular, indivisible, optically inactive in consequence of intramolecular compensation of their optically active atom groups. Type : D-d = o or L - l = o. Example : meso-tartaric acid. Till] DIVISION OF TIIK RACKMIC COMPOUNDS 177 2. Bimolecular, optically inactive, appearing only as double molecules, one of which belongs to the dextro- and the other to thelevo- modification of the compound. Type: 2D-2L = 0. The inactive double molecule can be split up into two optically active components, 2D and 2L. Example : racemic acid (Fr. acide racemique, Ger. Traubensdure). The first of these two modifications, viz., the monomolecular, indivisible kind, is termed the anti- combination ; the second, or bimolecular modification, being known as the para- form, or (from the best-known example) racemic modification. On the other hand, it is found, both theoretically and in practice, that bodies containing but a single asymmetric carbon atom can appear in only one inactive form, namely, the divisible, bimolecular para- form. § 139.— The Division of the Racemic Compounds. The correctness of the assumption that the racemic modifications of stereoisomeric bodies are actually double compounds, consisting of an equal number of dextro-rotatory and levo-rotatory molecules, can be demonstrated in two ways. The first is by synthesis. If, for example, equal quantities of equally strong (nearly saturated) solutions of dextro- and levo-tartaric acid be mixed together, combination of the two, attended with the evolution of heat, occurs, and the mixture solidifies in consequence of the crystallisa- tion of a racemic acid which can be proved to be identical with natural racemic acid. Again, if equal quantities of dextro- lactate and levo-lactate of zinc be dissolved in water and mixed, the optically inactive zinc salt of " fermentation lactic acid" — possessing all the properties of this substance — will crystallise out. This synthetic construction of the inactive double molecule from the two optically active components is, however, of merely theoretical interest, but is without any practical value, no new and hitherto unknown compounds being thereby obtained. As a rule, it is the inactive para- form with which we have to deal, and this has to be split up into its constituent molecules of the dextro- and levo- modifications. This division can be effected in several ways. In some cases the inactive substance decomposes spontaneously on crystallising out from solution, and the components — which differ in their crystalline habit — can be separated by hand (selecting the crystals according to their structure). The earliest example of this was given by PASTEUR (XI.). If a solution of sodium-ammonium racemate (04H4(NH4)Na06 + 4 aq.) be allowed to evaporate slowly, hemihedral crystals are obtained. Pasteur found that the hemihedral surfaces did not occupy the same position in all the crystals, but that the one class of crystals formed, as it were, the reflected image of the other, one being dextro-heinihedral but levo-rotatory, and the other levo-hemihedral but dextro-rotatory. On separating the two kinds, and preparing the acid from each, he obtained dextro-tartaric acid in the one case and levo-tartaric acid in the other, but in no instance was the inactive racemic acid produced. The most usual method of division consists in allowing the inactive sub- stance to unite with an optically active one. If the substance to be split up is an acid, then an active alkaloid (e.g. morphine, quinine, strychnine, &c.) is used ; if a base, it is combined with dextro-tartaric acid. Experience teaches that the resulting compounds have very different degrees of solubility, on which account the two optically active modifications can be separated without much difficulty. Thus, it was shown by T. PURDIE and J. W. WALKER (I.) in 1892, that by combining the optically inactive " fermentation lactic acid " with 1/8 orTK'ALLY ACTIYK FKUM KNTATK )N PRODUCTS strychnine, it can be decomposed into its two optical components, viz., dextro- rotatory sarcolactic acid and levo-rotatory lactic acid. However, the most important method of separation is that in which the activity of micro-organisms is called into play. This method, also, was proposed by Pasteur in 1860. He sowed certain lower fungi — the precise species cannot now be ascertained — in a solution of optically inactive ammonium racemate, and found that the levo-rotatory properties of the liquid gradually increased ; and that after a certain lapse of time ammonium levo-tartrate alone was detect- able. It must therefore be concluded that certain ferments are endowed with selective powers. In the present instance, the organism has separated the racemic acid into its two optically active components, one of which (the D-tartaric acid) it consumes, whilst the other (the L-acid) is liberated. Since Pasteur's time this separating power has been utilised in various ways, two examples of which are now given. In the first place, J. LEWKOWITSCH (I.) in 1882 dissociated the optically inactive mandelic acid, C6H. — CH.OH — COOH, into its two active components in this manner. On the other hand, P. FRANKLAND and W. FREW (III.) allowed their Bacillus ethaceticus to react on the calcium salt of the optically inactive glyceric acid, CH,OH — CH.OH — COOH, whereby its dextro-rotatory component was obtained, the levo- component being consumed. § 140.— The Production of the Stereoisomeric Lactic Acids by fermentation merits closer attention. In the first place, it should be men- tioned that only the three isomers of e.thylidene lactic acid, CH3 — CH.OH — COOH, are in question, since ethylene lactic acid, CH2.OH — CH2— COOH, has hitherto been obtained by purely chemical means alone. The sub-title, fermentation lactic acid, so long borne solely by the inactive form of ethylidene lactic acid, is now recognised as also appertaining to both its stereoisomers, so that the term is now synonymous with ethylidene lactic acid generally. Of the two active forms, the so-called paralactic acid was the first to be prepared by the fer- mentation method, the discovery being due to M. vox NEXCKI and N. SIEBER (I.) in 1889. These observers found that certain tumours in an animal affected with symptomatic anthrax contained (in addition to the characteristic bacillus of this disease) an anaerobic fission fungus, which produces large quantities of paralactic acid (i.e. dextro-lactic acid) in saccharine media, and is on that account named Micrococcus acidi paralactici. On the other hand, the aforesaid patho- genic bacillus, under the same conditions, produces inactive lactic acid. Levo-lactic acid was first prepared in the year 1890 by FR. SCHARDINGER (II.), by means of the fermentative activity of a short-rod species found in a Hungarian well-water, and to which the name of Bacillus acidi Icevolactici has been given. In size this organism greatly resembles Hueppe's Bacillus acidi lactici. It ferments dextrose, saccharose, lactose, and glycerin, the resulting products being levo-lactic acid, a little ethyl alcohol, a quantity of carbon dioxide, and an unspecified combustible gas. The zinc salt of inactive lactic acid is obtained by crystallisation from a warmed solution of the zinc salts of this levo-lactic acid and of paralactic acid. So far as is known at present, the Schizomycetes species forming levo-lactic acid are of less frequent occurrence in nature than those producing either inactive or dextro-lactic acid. K. ( : i NTHKII and H. THIKHI KLDER (I.) examined a large number of samples of sour milk, in none of which could they find levo- lactic acid. Neither did they succeed in isolating from the milk any fission fungus capable of forming this acid, but always obtained either inactive or dextro-lactic acid, or a mixture of both. This, however, does not imply that I'KOIMVTION OF STEREOISOMERIC LACTIC ACIDS 179 Schizornycetes producing levo- lactic acid ;ire rare. On the contrary, a considerable n umber of species (mostly pathogenic) endowed with this property are already known. Investigations on this point were first made by J. KUPRIANOW (I.) and repeated by B. Gosio (I.), and it was shown that the amount of this acid produced per unit of quantity of the fermented sugar varies according to the species employed. Vibrio cholera', asiaticw (in addition to other vibrios) was found to produce levo-lactic acid, whilst /Spirillum tyroyenum (Deneke) produced dextro-lactic acid. On the other hand, G. LEICHMANN (I.), in 1896, showed that when ordinary milk is kept at 44°-5o° C. — instead of the lower temperatures employed by Giinther and Thierfelder — levo-lactic acid is invariably produced. The (long-rod) fission fungus concerned in this reaction was named by LEICH- MANN (II.) Bacillus lactis acidit& name (as we have seen in § 135) already in use for another species of Schizomycetes as long ago as 1886. The kind of lactic acid produced under given circumstances by a certain bacterium affords, in many instances, a valuable means for differentiating allied species. For example, in the case of Bacillus typhi abdominalis and Bacterium coli commune, the latter — as shown by BLACHSTEIN (I.) — produces dextro-lactic acid from glucose, whilst the former, under identical conditions, gives rise to levo-lactic acid. Nevertheless, the faculty of a given species of bacterium for producing a definite kind of lactic acid must not be regarded as unconditional. On the contrary, a good deal depends on the conditions of nutrition. The necessity for the maintenance of identical conditions during experiments of this kind has already been emphasised, and it should be also mentioned that the results are influenced not only by the kind of carbohydrate (sugar) subjected to fermentation, but also by the constitution of the nitrogenous nutrient material. For this discovery we are indebted to A. PERE (I.), who showed that when ammonia salts alone (unaccompanied by peptone) are at the disposal of the microbe, both B. typhi abdominalis and Bacterium coli commune produce levo-rotatory lactic acid from glucose. The separation of optically active compounds by means of Eumyceles will be frequently referred to in the second volume, so we will only mention a treatise by M. vox NENCKI (II.), which describes a valuable method for manipulating fermenting liquids and determining their content of optically active lactic acid. The characteristics of the salts of this acid have been described by T. PURDIE and J. WALLACE WALKER (II.). According to F. HOPPE-SEYLER and FR, ARAKI (I.), the lithium salts are the most suitable compounds to employ in experiments for determining the rotatory power of the various lactic acids. CHAPTER XXIII. THE ARTIFICIAL SOURING OF CREAM. § 141.— The Acid Generator. THE preferences exhibited by the various families of the human race for different kinds of butter are very marked. China and Japan, for instance — to which countries Denmark ships large quantities of this food-stuff — prefer sweet-cream butter, i.e. that prepared from fresh, sweet cream ; whereas, in Scandinavian countries, Denmark itself, North Germany, and England, a preference for sour- cream butter prevails. In order to obtain the latter product, the cream is allowed to turn sour and undergo a fermentation, principally of a lactic character. Until within the last few years the general practice was simply to leave the cream to become sour spontaneously ; hence, in view of the fluctuation to which the bacterial flora of milk and cream is exposed, it is not surprising that such a method of procedure frequently resulted in the production of defective butter. A reliable means of combating this adverse tendency is, however, now avail- able, namely, the process — introduced into the dairy industry in 1890 by H. WEIGMANN (III.-V.) — of artificially souring cream by the aid of pure cultures of selected races of lactic acid bacteria. This process is divided into two manipulations : the preparation of the acid generator and the preliminary treatment of the cream to be soured. The acid generator (or starter) brings the cream quickly into a state of fermentation. According to Weigmann's recipe, it is prepared as follows: Separated or skimmed milk — in the proportion of 2-3 per cent, of the cream to be acidified — is warmed up to about 60° C. and then immediately re-cooled as quickly and as much as possible. This treatment kills some of the bacteria in the milk and weakens others to such an extent that they cannot offer more than a feeble opposition to the development of the lactic acid bacteria, which are then added to the treated skim-milk. For this purpose a pure culture of lactic fer- ment, obtained from a Dairy Experimental Station, is employed. The vessel is kept for twenty-four hours at a medium temperature (15° C.), by which time its contents will be converted into acid generator ready for use. The cream, also, requires a preliminary treatment to prepare the way for the action of the acid generator. Sterilisation, or at least Pasteurisation, would afford the best results, but as these are generally difficult to effect in a reliable manner, a method of weakening the " wild " bacteria present, by cooling the cream down to a low temperature and then quickly warming it up again to i6°-2o° C., has to be resorted to. The acid generator is then added and well incorporated by stirring, and the cream vat is left, at about I5°-2O° C., until the following day, by which time the cream will be ripe for churning. If it be desired to cultivate the acid generator further, a small portion is taken from the bulk before use and employed in the same way as a pure culture. In spite of the adverse opinion of many practical men, the possibility of producing good butter from Pasteurised, or even sterilised cream, has been 180 THE AROMA OF BUTTER 181 demonstrated by the researches reported by P. SCHUPPAN (I.); and BENNO MARTINY (II.) has drawn attention to the hygienic advantages attending such a method of working. Finally, it was proved by POPP and BECKER (I.) in 1893 that butter prepared from sterilised cream keeps better than that from Pas- teurised cream, and far better than that from cream which has not been heated at all. § 142.— The Aroma of Butter. The results of Weigmann's researches up to the present (according to a private communication) indicate that probably only a single species — though appearing as numerous varieties — of bacterium sets up the lactic fermentation now in question. This organism is a coccus (described by W. STORCH (I.) ), measuring about i p, in diameter, and uniting to form chains. The varieties (also called races) of this coccus, which, from the point of view of the systematic botanist, do not differ sufficiently to be classified as separate species, generally exhibit one or other of the following good qualities : they either give rise to a powerful aroma, which imparts a very fine flavour to the butter, or else the product, without exhibiting any marked excellence of flavour, is endowed with good keeping qualities. Consequently such races or varieties should be used in the manufacture of butters for export. Whether there are races in which both these advantages are combined cannot yet be definitely asserted. The aroma produced by the bacteria cannot have originated in the volatile acids of the butter, since it is also developed in cultures free from fat, and containing no nitrogenous nutriment other than peptone. Comparative experiments on the flavour of butters prepared by the aid of different varieties of lactic acid bacteria were made by ADAMETZ and WILCKENS (I.) in 1892. — Owing to a noteworthy discovery effected by H. W. CONN (I.) in 1895, the question has latterly taken a new turn. He succeeded in isolating from a sample of South American milk a fission fungus named Bacillus No. 41, which is not one of the acid bacteria, but produces in milk and cream a fine aroma, identical with the highly-prized flavour known in North America as "grass flavour" or "June flavour," because it is produced only in the month of June, at a time when the cows are foddered on tender grass rich with blossom and perfume. Cream inoculated with this bacillus yielded butter endowed with this fine grassy aroma. By means of this process butter can now be produced with a uniform degree of excellence and marketable value. The mode of working with this bacillus is simple. A culture of the organism in milk is procured, the usual volume being about J litre (nearly half a pint), and is poured into about 6 litres (1.32 gall.) of Pasteurised and re- cooled cream. After a lapse of a couple of days the whole is transferred to the bulk of the (fresh) cream, which is left for twenty-four hours and will then be ripe for churning. About 6 litres of this ripe cream are reserved for inoculating the next batch in the same manner as before. It will be noticed that the bulk of the cream is not heated, and consequently the lactic acid bacteria therein will be still living and capable of souring the cream, whilst the Bacillus No. 41 acts concurrently and develops the aroma. The latter organism, however, retains the upper hand, having been initially present in excess. This flavour-developer has now been tested and proved in more than a hundred North American dairies, so that its employment can be recommended. Naturally, fresh cultures must be introduced into the dairy at intervals (two to three months), since otherwise the bacterium gradually loses its powers. The discoverer of the organism attributes to it the additional faculty of remedying defective butters, but on this point the data at hand are insufficiently conclusive. It should be mentioned that the microbe appears in the form of non-motile short rods, 0.7 /x broad and r.i fi long, generally united in pairs, but 1 82 THE ARTIFICIAL SOURING OF CREAM never as chains. The optimum temperature is 23° C. Its acid-producing powers are so slight that the milk is never coagulated. The aroma developed in the milk is initially delicate, but becomes progressively stronger, and finally (after a lapse of several weeks) resembles that of fine cheese. As a result of further researches published in 1896, CONN (II.) was led to conclude that acidification and the production of aroma are independent phenomena. He considers that aroma is developed by the activity of peptonising bacteria which separate volatile bodies (of agreeable or offensive smell and taste) from the albuminoid constituents of the cream. § 143.— Defects in Butter. The advantages offered by this artificial method of souring cream are only appreciated at their true value when its application cures certain defects in butter, to which we will now refer, and which were formerly attributed exclusively to bad fodder. In this case also bacteriologists have been able to confute erroneous opinions and render valuable assistance to practice. There is probably not a single dairy in North Germany or Denmark whose butter has not at some time or other been " oily," i.e. exhibited a flavour recalling that of mineral oil. This malady appears with particular frequency in dairies deficient in appliances for keeping the souring cream and finished butter sufficiently cool. Weigmann showed that both the acid generator (prepared by spontaneous acidification) and the butter-milk of such dairies are very impure, in a bacteriological sense, and he was invariably successful in remedying the complaint by the introduction of artificial souring. A second and not less injurious defect is the so-called turnip flavour. Butter suffering from this complaint has a repulsive sweet taste, recalling that of turnips. To throw the responsibility on the latter is an obvious, but not always justifiable, procedure, since cases are known where neither the cows nor any of the dairy appliances had come into contact with turnips, notwithstanding which the flavour still made its appearance in the butter. C. 0. JENSEN (I.) discovered, in 1891, in the milk of several Jutland dairies where this complaint had long been rife, a microbe which he named Jiacillus fcetidus lactis, and which was recognised as the cause of the malady. This motile bacillus has a breadth of 0.4-0.6 /i, its length varying usually between 0.9 and 1.5 /z, and often attaining 5.5 /x. No spore-formation has been detected, and the organism does not liquefy nutrient gelatin. As its second name implies, this bacillus gives rise to stinking decomposition in milk, but is not the only species producing the same complaint, Jensen himself having grouped along with it a number of others possessing the same power, among them being several species of micrococcus (not more definitely named), a Merismopedium, &c. The employment of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria gave satisfactory results, producing a pure and fine-flavoured butter in place of the previously almost unsaleable article. A third evil which is probably (though not yet indubitably) attributable to bacteria, is the so-called fishy or train-oil flavour in butter. Other defects, such as greasy, tallowy, cheesy butter, have their origin in the inferior chemical com- position of the cream ; whilst for the third group of complaints, e.g. stable smell and smoky smell, the uncleanliness of the milker is responsible. How firmly the injurious bacteria settle themselves in the rooms of the infested dairies is evident from the observations made by llonneberg, according to whom the beneficial results accruing from the employment of pure cultures of acid bacteria in infested dairies are only temporary, and disappear if fresh supplies of the invigorating pure culture are not introduced in good time. The advantages of this new method are so numerous that its employment should not be delayed until the maladies in ipu-stion appear; in fact, the method DEFECTS IN BUTTKR 183 is designed as a protective rather than a remedial measure- The expense of applying the method is small, the supply of pure culture needs, under normal conditions, to be renewed only about once a fortnight, and the outlay at the same time ensures protection from unwelcome surprises. Even when the continuous employment of the method is not decided upon, it should at least be practised at such times as a change from dry to green fodder, or vice versd, is made, this change often becoming very unpleasantly manifest, not only in the cream-pan, but also in the cheese-room, as will be explained in chapter xxxi. The method is most extensively used in Denmark. From a report by FRTIS, LUNDE, and STORCH (I.), it appears that whilst in 1891 only 4 per cent, of the samples of butter exhibited at the butter shows (held annually in various parts of the kingdom) had been prepared by the aid of pure cultures of acid generator, the number had increased in 1894 to 84 per cent. This fact affords the best recommendation of the method. CHAPTER XXIV. THE COAGULATION (CURDLING) OF MILK. § 144.— Acid Curdling- and Rennet Curdling-. THE amount of nitrogenous constituents in cow's milk fluctuates between 2.5 per cent, and 4.2 per cent, by weight, and is on the average 3.5 per cent. The chemical composition of these nitrogenous matters has not yet been satisfactorily determined, and can only be touched upon here so far as is requisite and useful for bacteriological purposes. More precise information, accompanied by copious bibliographical references, will be found in W. FLEISCHMANN'S (I.) work on dairying. In refutation of the opinion expressed by DUCLAUX (VII.), that only a single albuminoid body is present in normal cow's milk, the Swedish chemist Olaf Hammarsten showed, in 1875, that at least three such compounds can be distinguished therein, viz., casein, lactalbumen, and globulin. The h'rst forms about 80 per cent, of the total quantity, and the remainder is principally lactalbumen (free from phosphorus), globulin being present in but very small quantities ; both of these latter are soluble in water. The casein (containing phosphorus) is acid in character, and consequently is not present in a free state in the milk, but occurs as a salt of lime containing 1.55 parts of CaO per 100 parts of casein. This compound of lime and casein is not dissolved in the milk, but is held in suspension as a swollen, colloid, finely divided mass. When the milk is acidified the casein is liberated, and — being insoluble and incapable of swelling — is precipitated in fine flakes ; in other words, the milk curdles. The acid may be either artificially added or generated by fermentation in the milk itself; in either case the ensuing precipitate is known as acid curd (Ger. Quark). Milk can also be curdled by another means, namely, by lab or rennet, an enzyme secreted by special glands in the stomach of many animals. This rennet is very plentiful in the stomach of the calf, from which it is prepared by drying in the air and leaving to stand for a few months, then comminuting the mass and extracting with a weak (5 per cent.) solution of common salt. On adding a small portion of such a solution of rennet to sweet, unboiled, lukewarm milk, the latter gradually curdles, the coagulum thus formed being, however, not casein itself, but a derivative of that substance. Hammarsten found that the casein is in this case split up into two portions differing greatly in amount, viz., lacto-protein, small in quantity, soluble, and remaining in the whey, and the insoluble paracasein. The latter, therefore, forms the chief constituent of the coagulum separated (" set ") in cheese-making by the aid of rennet, and known as rennet curd (Ger. Eruch}, or crude cheese. Casein, or paracasein, though the sole nitrogenous constituent of the coagu- lum produced in any of these methods, is, however, by no means its sole component, a number of other substances being precipitated and carried down at the same time. If whole milk — i.e. unskimmed milk — is set for cheese, almost the whole of the fat will be found in the curd, which will then subse- quently produce rich cheese — skim-cheese being the result in the converse case. Along with the fat, the calcium phosphate contained (in suspension) in the milk 184 CHARACTERISTICS AND ACTIVITY or LAB 185 will also be thrown down only in the case of rennet curd, not in the curd produced by acidification. Not only are fat and (in this instance) calcium phosphate carried down by the coagulum, but also a large part of the organisms present in the milk will be found in the fresh curd, so that the latter is relatively as rich in organisms as the milk from which it was precipitated. Here, again, a considerable difference, from a biological point of view, exists between the two classes of curd, and exercises a decisive influence on their subsequent career. The flora of the rennet curd from sweet (i.e. almost neutral) milk is much more diversified than that of acid curd. The latter, having been thrown down from a sour milk in a state of vigorous lactic fermentation, consequently contains only a limited number of species, and these endowed with a particular fermentative power. Acid curd differs, therefore, from rennet, both in the method of production and also in composition. Being devoid of flavour, both kinds are, however, un- suitable for food ; their conversion into a form in which they both stimulate the appetite and are also themselves more readily digestible, is the task of the cheese-maker's art, fuller particulars of which, from the bacteriological point of view, will be found in chapter xxxi. § 145.— Characteristics and Activity of Lab. If the enzyme in question were exclusively a metabolic product of the animal body, the foregoing details would suffice. However, since it is excreted by many fungi as well, a few additional particulars will not be out of place in a work dealing with technical mycology, When and in what manner the attention of mankind was first drawn to this enzyme cannot be determined, since even the oldest authorities, e.g. the Bible, speak of its employment as an ancient practice. Its method of action, however, was unknown even down to the commencement of the nineteenth century. The prevalent opinion, based on the curdling of sour milk, was that the precipitation effected by rennet was indirect, an acid being first formed, which then caused the precipitation of the curd. The elucidation of the true state of the case was reserved for BEEZELTUS (I.) in 1840, and his discovery was soon afterwards supplemented by the labours of FR. SELMI (I.), C. G. LEHMANN (I.), HEINTZ (I.), and VOELCKEK (I.), who showed that the action of rennet is quite independent of the formation of acid. The identity of this enzyme with the pepsin discovered by SCHWANN (§ 18) was disproved by 0. HAMMARSTEN (I.) in 1872. This observer was the first to successfully separate these two gastric secretions, an operation which DESCHAMPS (I.) had failed to effect thirty-two years earlier.. Hammarsten, however, did not make use of the name chymosin, proposed by his predecessor, but adopted the ancient appellation, lab. We are also indebted to the Swedish chemist for deep researches into the activity of this substance. It acts on casein alone, not on lactose or lactalbumen. A divergence of opinion still prevails as to the nature and course of this reaction, and we will therefore merely refer to the investigations made on these points by the under-named workers: A. DANILEWSKY and P. RADENHAUSEN (I.), W. EUGLING (I.), F. SCHAFFER (II.), E. DUCLAUX (VIII.), M. ARTHUS and C. PAG^S (I.), A. S. LEA and W. S. DICKINSON (I.), S. RINGER (I.), P. WALTHER (I.), and A. FICK (I.). SCHREINER (I.), in 1877, showed that milk when boiled is no longer coagulable by rennet, but the reason for this behaviour was not ascertained until eleven years later, when FR. SOLDNER (I.) found that the lab reaction can only proceed in the presence of soluble salts of lime, which latter are precipitated by boiling. For the same reason coagulation does not 1 86 THE COAGULATION OF MILK occur in milk that has been rendered alkaline; and the most favourable condition is one of very slight acidity. The constitution of this enzyme is still unknown. Its decomposing power is unusually high, one part by weight being (according to Sb'ldner) sufficient to throw down at least one hundred million parts of casein. As A. MAYER (III.) has shown, the optimum tern- p«M-:iture for the reaction is 37° C., the coagulation taking three times as long at 25° (X Above 45° C. the enzyme is paralysed, and is destroyed at 70° C. Coagulation does not ensue immediately upon the addition of the lab, but only after a lapse of from several minutes to some hours, according to the temperature. The occurrence of this enzyme in nature is by no means rare. It was found by Roberts in the stomach of birds, and in that of fishes by Benger, and is also present in the cell-sap of various plants, e.g. of butterwort (7'm- guicula vulgaris and P. alpina), withania (Punceria coagulans), fig-tree (Ficus carica), artichoke (Cynara scolimus), and others. It is also excreted by several species of Schizomycetes, particulars of which will be given in the following para- graph. For industrial purposes, however, there is only a single source (the richest) worthy of consideration, viz., the stomach of the calf. The method of production indicated above is now practised on a manufacturing scale, especially in Copenhagen, whence most of the German and Dutch cheese factories derive their supplies. The products are: Eennet solution, containing boracic acid to improve the keeping quality; rennet powder; and, finally, rennet tabloids. The efficacy and germ-content of these preparations were investigated by FRITZ BAUMANN (1.). § 146.— Lab-Producing Bacteria. Milk may also curdle without previous acidification or addition of rennet. HAUBNER (I.) in 1852 was the first to record this fact, and the first explanatory research was made by DUCLAUX (IX.) in 1882. From his studies in this matter the latter concluded -that this precipitation of casein (occurring with an alkaline reaction) is due to the activity of certain bacteria which excrete an enzyme lesembling lab; and CONN (III.), in 1892, succeeded in isolating this enzyme from cultures of such Schizomycetes. At first sight the identity of this lab with the active ingredient in the rennet solution from the stomach of the calf appears probable, but the discovery that the bacteria in question (which include many of the species belonging to the potato bacillus group, § in) are able to coagulate boiled sterilised milk, goes against this view, rennet being incapable of producing this reaction. The presence or absence of this power affords, in many instances, a valuable means of differentiation between two species of bacteria. This is particularly the case with the organism producing abdominal typhus in man, viz., Bacillus tfiphi abdominal is y discovered by Eberth in 1880, and already referred to in {^••ceding chapters. This microbe is not endowed with the faculty in question, whereas, as JAK. URY (I.) has shown, a number of the putrefactive bacteria collectively termed Bacterium coli commune, and greatly resembling the typhus bacillus in form, &c., rapidly produce coagulation in milk. According to the researches of C. GORINI (I. and II.), Mtcrococcus yyrodiyiosus also produces this enzyme in large quantities. § 147.— Casease. infrequently the precipitation of casein effected by such bacteria disapj.cais ;i«.':iin after a short time. Duclaux ascertained that this new all. i at ion is due to a second (all>uim-n-. an- particularly liable to the malady. BlttLLBR-THUBGAC (I.) found such wines were always infected with a bacillus 1.2-2.0/1 long and 0.3 /i broad, capable of forming lactic acid, not merely from sn^ar alone, but also from tannic acid and another (unidentified) constituent of wine. When inoculated in must, this bacillus sets up lactic fermentation. Musts that from any accidental cause have been deprived of the whole or a great part of their acid-content are therefore very susceptible to this kind of infection. Thus, MACH and PORTELE (II.) report on a considerable occurrence of lactic acidity in South Tyrol, where, in the autumn of 1882 and 1883, the vineyards in the lowlands of Etsch were flooded, and the grapes became in- crusted with the carbonates of lime and magnesia. Consequently a considerable portion of the acid in the must became neutralised in the process of crushing, the immediate result being complaints of the appearance of lactic acidity. On the other hand, those grapes that had been freed from the incrustation of carbonates, by treatment with dilute sulphuric acid before crushing, escaped the malady. Here, as also in most other maladies of wine, the true cause of the evil is to be sought in the defective constitution of the liquid. If the presence of disease- producing germs were the sole essential factor, there would be hardly ever any good wine at all, because all grapes — and therefore all fresh must — are infested with a variety of species of fission fungi, both harmless and injurious. The researches of MULLER-THURGAU (II.-IV.), MACH and PORTELE, and MARTINAND and RIETSCH (I.), conclusively proved this in many instances; and yet, not- withstanding the (often considerable) infection thus produced, the must under normal conditions resists its foes so effectually that the matured and bottled sound wine is free from bacteria. This fact, demonstrated by SCHAFFER and FREUDENREICH (II.), is so decisive that it was regarded by both these workers as an indication of purity, since the made wines examined by them invariably exhibited a larger or smaller content of bacteria. In future investigations on the subject of the diseases of wine, more attention will have to be paid than has hitherto been the case to the natural susceptibility of the wine to infection. No known remedy exists for the lactic taint in wine, but Pasteurisation may be recommended as a preventive measure. § 152.— The " Turning " of Beer. Although the term " turning," as applied to wine, is not yet clearly defined, still, in the case of beer, only a single malady is understood by this definition, viz., the undesirable appearance of lactic fermentation. PASTEUR (III.) made several observations on " biere tournee," and traced the cause to certain fission fungi, which he described as long rods i /z broad and of variable length, fre- quently joined together in chains. For a closer investigation of these we are indebted to H. VAN LAER (I.), who in 1892 obtained pure cultures of this ferment, and named it Saccharobacillus pastorianus. The commencement of this malady in beer is evidenced by a gradual decrease in the brightness of the (previously clear) liquid, which finally becomes quite turbid, and gradually assumes an unpleasant smell and taste. If the sample be shaken, delicate waves of a fine thread-like character appear in the liquid, resembling in appearance the fine films produced at the plane of contact between two liquids of unequal densities. This appearance is so remarkable that it suffices of itself to characterise the malady. After a time there separates out a deposit, which Pasteur reproduced in Plate II. of his above-mentioned work, and which consists — apart from the yeast-cells, which may be disregarded — of a nitrogenous precipitate thrown down by the lactic acid, and of single cells and WHITE BEER, LAMHIC, GINGER-BEER 195 chains ol Xaccharobatillus pastorianus. The latter are the cause of the aforesaid optical phenomenon exhibited when the liquid is shaken. Meat-broth gelatin is unsuitable for the pure cultivation of this fission fungus, and it develops but imperfectly in wort gelatin, so that slightly alcoholised malt extract agar-agar, in which the organism thrives, has to be employed. The re-inoculations made by Yan Laer into sound beer decisively proved the agency of Saocharobacillus pastorianus in the production of "turning " in that beverage. It is, however, incapable of developing or becoming injurious except when the percentage content of hop extract (i.e. the hop resins inimical to bacteria) in the medium is small. This influence of the hop resins was, however, not further investigated by Van Laer. As its generic name implies, Saccharobacillus pastorianus ferments sugars, and especially saccharose, maltose, and dextrose, which it acts upon readily, but, on the other hand, ferments lactose with difficulty. Saccharose is apparently transformed without inversion, since the presence of invertin could not be detected in the cultures. In media containing one of these sugars the bacillus chiefly produces inactive lactic acid, in addition to ethyl-alcohol and a small quantity of volatile acids (acetic and formic acids), the proportions varying with the kind of sugar and the conditions of cultivation. Given a sufficiency of sugar, the degree of acidity produced is then solely dependent on the composition of the remainder of the medium ; in unhopped wort it amounts to as much as 1.26 grams (calculated to lactic acid) per 100 c.c., whilst in hopped wort it does not exceed 0.27 gram. The development of the bacillus is not restricted by alcohol unless more than 7 per cent, of this substance is present in the beer. It thrives better in the warm, and consequently the malady is of frequent occur- rence in summer in countries where the cellar accommodation is defective. This explains the Flemish name " Zomerbier," applied to turned beer in general. The organism cannot survive continuous exposure to 55°-6o° C. for a short time; consequently beer intended for export to tropical countries may be protected against risk of " turning " by Pasteurisation. § 153. — White Beer, Lambic, Ginger-Beer. A low percentage of lactic acid is met with even in the best beers. It is derived partly from the malt itself, which contains on an average 0.05 per cent, of this acid, but is chiefly produced during the mashing process, the amount then developed being nevertheless small — ranging in normal beers between 0.05 and 0.2 per cent. The nature and amount of the acids produced during the malting of barley, the kilning and mashing of the malt, and the boiling of the beer-wort, have been investigated by E. PRIOR (I.). In addition to the rod-shaped species already described, lactic ferments in the form of globular cells developing into sheet colonies appear in the malt-mash. An acid-producing, species of this class was examined by P. LINDNER (I.), who named it Pediococcus acidi lactici. Its diameter is 0.6-1.0 /z, and the optimum temperature is about 40° 0., but the organism is killed in two minutes by a temperature of 62° C., and it does not thrive either in hopped wort or beer. — The spontaneous lactic fermentation appearing under certain circumstances in malt-mashes has been investigated, from a chemical point of view, by M. HAYDUCK (II.). The variety of the fission fungi developing in these mashes is very considerable, the first in point of size being the Sarcina maxima, described by P. LINDNER (II.), the individual cells of the packet- colonies of this organism measuring 3-4 p. in diameter. Attempts to obtain pure cultures of this, the largest species of sarcina, have hitherto proved unsuccessful. In many instances the appearance of a vigorous lactic fermentation in beer- 196 LACTIC ACID B.UTLKIA IN DISTILLING. LTC. wort is reirarded with favour ainl its development encouraged. This applies to the SO-called " \\Yis.-hin-' (\\lihe l.ccr). No careful b.ic!eriolo-.ic il invest iiration of the acidification process, which plays such an important part in the prepara- tion of this refreshing bevei-a^* t been made. Possibly SaccharobaciUus paslorianus is concerned therein ; at present, however nothing definite can be stated on this point. A considerable amount of acidity is produced in the liclgian beers known as Lambic, Faro, and Mars, beverages prepared by spontaneous fermentation with- out any addition of yeast. The boiled and re-cooled wort is placed in barrels which are only partly filled, the empty internal space communicating with the external air by a small aperture. Sufficient yeast-cells to set up fermentation are left adhering to the walls of the casks from the previous fermentation, so that after a lapse of twenty-four hours an evolution of gas is already noticeable. In addition to alcoholic ferinentaton, lactic, and subsequently also acetic, fermen- tation sets in. L. v. D. HULLE and H. VAX LAKU (I.) published in 1891 the results of a chemical investigation of this matter. The more important of these are tabulated below : "f tin- I,:unbic. Alcohol per are surrounded by the rrlls of Kuctri him verniit'oi UK-, the incinbnines of which an1 \eryinurh thickened and swollen. MMUII. 6co. (After H. M. mentation also occurs in the case of ginger- beer (to which reference has already been made in § 64). The prepara- tion of this foaming acid .ILJP, which is largely consumed in England in the summer-time, i* a very simple matter. To a 10-20 per cent. solution of sugar are added a few pieces of ginger and a couple of granules of the ginger-beer plant the whole being then left to stand uncovered. The liquid soon be-ins to ferment briskly, is bottled at the end of twenty-four hours, and consumed within the next two days. The so-called ginger-beer yeast was more closely examined by H. .M . WARD (II.). It con.-i>ts of whiti.-h translucent n. ut the si/o of a hazel- nut, and is a mixture (Fii;. 52)0}' a }v.«-t. ^'t<;-}/,i romi/cc* pyrt/ortnw, and a fission fungus. The cell-walls of the latter orirani.-m are grlat ini>od in a manner with which we shall become acquainted later on, more particularly in the case of cer- tain filamentous bacteria : the greatly swollen outer layers of the cell-membrane WIIITK HKKR, LAMBI<\ GINGER-BEER 197 becoming detached, but only so far :is to constitute an independent outer case or sheath enveloping the cells. This jacket either surrounds tho cell alon^ its X 53. — Bacterium vermil'orme. a-h. The gradual evolution of the cells and chains into the worm form. / i/i. Development of a aheath increasing on the one side ; the cell-membrane thickens in certain directions only, and not equally all round. Mairn. 680. I Hssolntion of such unilaterally thickened, cell-meinbranes into branched forms, the cells bcini: visible at the extremities of th • brandies. Culture in uiuuer-beer nutrient gelatin ; ,/•. observed at 10 A.M. : //, th>' sume at 4 P.M.. and -:. at 10 A.M. the t'o! lowing day. T.:e parts indicated b '. eo]-re>p 'ml. Man'ii. 420. (.Iftcr }\'(ird.) entire length or else only along one side thereof, and is in some cases absent The breadth of the cell itself measures about 0.5 /i, and the length altogether. 198 LACTIC ACID KACTKRIA IN DISTILLING. KTC. varies between 0.5 and 50/1, The thickness of the sheath is often ten times greater than the diameter of the cell. When examined under the microscope, this thick envelope with its comparatively thin enclosure resembles a worm, and it is on this account that the name /inrtirium vermiform* has been given to the fangn& The bacterium is shown in Fig. 53. It stands in symbiotic relation with the Saecharomyces pyriformis, so that the development of the one is facilitated by the presence and vital, activity of the other. Waul also succeededjin artificially constructing the ginger-beer plant from its two components. The chief products of this fermentation are carbonic acid and lactic acid, in addition to traces of alcohol and acetic acid. The lumps of the plant are kept in a state of saltatory motion by means of the carbonic acid gas, and increase considerably in size during the fermentation. They are able to withstand desiccation, and shrink up on li<-e> of l>e<-t,:m operation impracticable in many place.x owing to the lack of the necessary costly drying apparatus. In such, and many other similar cases, putrefaction of the readily decomposable OUUM6i is prevented by subjecting them to an acid fermentation without any previous drying. Formerly SWEET ENSILAGE 201 this was effected exclusively in silos — whence the term ensilage, current for this operation in England and France, is derived. According to the composition of the raw materials, their water-content and method of treatment, two classes of durable fodder are obtained, viz., green pressed fodder and sour fodder. The main factor determining which of them shall be produced is the height of the temperature attained, as the result of spontaneous heating, in the mass. If this does not exceed 40° C., then the butyric ferments develop along with the lactic acid bacteria, and a sour-smelling product, known as sour fodder, results. More detailed particulars of this are given in the next paragraph. If, on the other hand, the thermogenic bacteria develop vigorously in the heap, and thus cause the temperature to rise rapidly to 50° C. and remain there for some time, then the lactic acid bacteria develop by preference, overcome all their competitors, and exert a practically undivided sway. In this case a durable fodder is obtained, which is almost entirely free from volatile acids and devoid of odour, or with a somewhat sweetish smell, on which account it is known as sweet fodder ; though this name is hardly correct, owing to the strongly lactic acid character of the product. A more suitable appellation has latterly been bestowed on it, viz., green pressed fodder. This process originated in England in 1885, under the name of sweet ensilage, but through the explanatory treatise written by G. FRY (I.) became known on the Continent, where it was at first styled Fry's ensilage. The numerous investigations to which it was there subjected led to important conclusions, both of a chemical and practical nature, which were fully reported by FR. ALBERT (II.). Nevertheless, from the Fermentation Physiologist's point of view, no advance has been made beyond the general information already given by Fry. On account of this deficiency we are obliged to dismiss this process (important though it is to agriculturists) with merely a very few remarks. As the name itself implies, green vegetable substances, such as waste beet leaves, clover, green^maize, &c., are used for the preparation of green pressed fodder. Silos are unnecessary, the materials being stacked in the form of a straw- thatched cottage, tightness of packing being an important feature. By suitable means (e.g. horizontal beams with weighted ends, or similar stack presses) a Continuous heavy pressure is exerted on the stack, the amount of the pressure being a predominant factor influencing the degree of spontaneous heating produced. Should the temperature not rise quickly enough, then the pressure is moderated to admit air more freely to the thermogenic bacteria. On the other hand, if the temperature rises immoderately (beyond 70° C.), then the pressure is increased, the access of the air restricted, and the oxidising activity of the said organisms consequently diminished. The state of the internal tem- perature is observed by means of an ensilage thermometer designed by E. Meissl, the scale of which projects from the side of the stack. In a word, the stack is regulated in such a manner as to ensure the predominance of the lactic acid bacteria, whereby, under normal conditions, a product of a green to olive- green colour, and of an aromatic sweet flavour, is obtained. The structure of the vegetable matters employed is still distinguishable. A sample of this fodder, prepared from crimson clover, contained (according to Bohmer) 71 per cent, of water and about 0.36 per cent, of total acids, of which 0.27 per cent, was lactic acid, and the remainder consisted of butyric acid, acetic acid, valeric acid, &c. In the researches recorded by Fr. Albert the total acids (calculated to dry matter) in a sample of green pressed fodder, prepared from meadow grass and containing 68.4 per cent, of water, amounted to 2.49 per cent., of which 1.89 per cent, was composed of non-volatile acids (lactic acid). 202 LACTIC ACID BACTKRIA IN FODDER With regard to the losses of matter inherent in this process, that consisting of carbohydrates need not be further dilated upon, since it is evidently un- avoidable, being intimately connected with the production of heat on the one hand, and on the other with the formation of lactic acid. Greater importance attaches to the modifications effected in the albuminoids during the process, and these changes also afford a means for determining its value. The numerous researches made on this point all tend to prove that the conversion of green fodder into green pressed fodder is attended with a substantial loss of digestible albuminoids, the amount of the loss being in direct proportion to the water- content of the fresh material. The ferments consume a large amount of the albuminoids initially present, and decompose them into amide compounds, ammonia derivatives, and even ammonia — all substances of but little, if any, u M1 for the nutrition of animals which are to be killed for food. In the cases reported by Albert, the amount of these matters eliminated ranged from 13^31 per cent, of the total nitrogenous matter (crude protein) present. § 156.— Sour Fodder is prepared in pits some 40 to 80 inches in depth, and 80 to 120 inches wide, the length depending on the quantity of fodder to be treated. The most important raw materials are the exhausted slices of beet-root from sugar-factories, fodder- beet, potatoes (previously steamed), frozen sugar-beet, chaffed maize stalks, etc. The silo is tightly filled with these and covered with a layer of chop (chaff), surmounted with a thick stratum of soil, and over this again are laid boards, weighted with sufficient stones to produce a pressure of about 1000 kilos, per square metre (nearly 2000 Ibs. per square yard). Since practically no oxygen can penetrate the interior of the compressed mass, the activity of the thermogenic bacteria is very much impeded. Nevertheless, the temperature rises to some extent, as a result of bacterial activity, but not to anything like the degree attained in the case of green pressed fodder, and, in fact, generally remains below 35° C. Observations on this point were made by R. Schatzmann in a silo of elliptical ground plan, and having a capacity of 37 cubic metres (1307 cubic feet). On the 2nd day after filling, the internal temperature registered 26° C., and attained on the 1 6th day a maximum of 34° C. ; afterwards subsiding, so that on the 36th day 23° C., on the 56th day 19° C., on the 86th day 12° C., and on the io6th day 8° C. were recorded. Under such conditions, the heat-loving lactic acid bac- teria could not be expected to gain the upper hand ; and, as a matter of fact, a number of highly divergent fermentative organisms take part in the production of sour fodder, the percentage of volatile acids in the fodder being correspondingly high, and the smell consequently sour. In this process the loss of matter is still greater than was found in the case of green pressed fodder, and in an instance examined by Julius Kiihn amounted to 23.4 per cent, of the total dry substance. The loss is principally borne by the non-nitrogenous extractive matter (carbo- hydrates, etc.), then by fermentable woody fibres, and finally by the albuminoids, of which (in consequence of their conversion into amido-compounds) about 40 per cent, disappeared in the above-mentioned experiment (with soured green maize). In a second instance (beet slices), the loss was 18-62 per cent. ; and in a third (soured beet leaves tested by O. Kellner) as much as 68 per cent. Although these high proportions of loss in the souring process are regrettable, it should not be forgotten that the fodder materials now in question would be entirely wasted unless utilised l.y means of this process, whereas, when so manipulated, a considerable proportion of their nutritive constituents can in any case be preserved. This soui inir process ran always l>e relied on to yield comparatively good results where all other methods for preserving a given fodder SOUK FODDKR 203 are impracticable or disadvantageous. To this advantage must IK- added, in many cases, an improvement in com posit ion effected by the process, «.//. the reduction of the percentage of (purgative) oxalic acid in beet-leaves, observed by O. Kellner. Numerous researches on this subject have been published, and the reader may be referred for further information to the summary of these investigations which appears in a useful treatise by JULIUS KtiiiN (I.), dealing with the matter from the Agricultural Chemist's point of view. Granting that the sacrifice of a certain portion of the given substance, in order to retain the rest, is inherent in this process, it by no means follows that the extent of the said sacrifice cannot be reduced. The great fluctuations exhibited by the foregoing figures, referring to the amount of loss experienced, permit the assumption that an excellent sour fodder can be prepared with a smaller pro- portion of loss than the existing average. This opens up to the Fermentation Physiologist a new and valuable field of work, still unexplored. The fermentative nature of the souring process being acknowledged, it follows that the next object in view is the attainment of a clear insight into the physiology of this fermenta- tion ; which knowledge will then facilitate the cultivation of the ferments combining maximum efficiency with minimum consumption of material, and consequently capable of yielding the greatest proportion of best quality sour fodder. Attention should be directed to the artificial inoculation of the silos with selected ferments, since the resulting improvements are of great pecuniary value to the agricultural interest. (The author estimates them as represented by an annual sum— for Germany alone — of several millions of marks, i.e. shillings.) These researches should also be extended so as to include the kindred process of sauerkraut fermentation, the preparation of which important food-stuff, on lines practised from time immemorial, formed the prototype for the production of sour fodder. Little is known of the physiology of this method, the literature of the subject being restricted to a couple of brief reports which ascribe the chief agency in the process to the lactic acid bacteria. CHAPTER XXVII. THE PART PLAYED BY BACTERIA IX TANNING. § 157.— The Fermentation of the Plumping- Soak. Tin: preservation of animal hides by simple drying is feasible only when they are to be stored for some time and brought on the market in a dry state. To accelerate this drying, the fleshy side is in many instances rubbed over with nic or with common salt. A few investigations into the utility of the last- named substance were made by F. HAENLEIN (I.). The brittle solidity and fragility acquired by the hides in drying prevent their utilisation for practical purposes, and the more so because putrefaction sets in directly they are wetted. To remedy this defect is the object of tanning, i.e. the conversion of hides into leather. Bacterial activity here comes into play at the outset of this operation, micro-organisms being necessary even in the preliminary treatment known a- unhairing. As is well known, leather consists neither of the outer skin (epi- dermis) nor of the next layer of mucous cells (mucous membrane), but of the third layer (composed of closely interwoven cells), which, on this account, has been termed the leather (or true) skin (corium). (Several methods of exposing this layer and simultaneously removing the hair exist, one of them being the so-called sweating process. In this operation the cleansed, soft hides are maintained at a moderate warmth in a chamber saturated with moisture — the sweating pit. Putrefaction quickly sets in, but is only allowed to proceed so far as to loosen the hairs and enable them to be scraped off, along with the epidermis and mucous membrane. A second method of unhairing is by liming or slackening, the hides being repeatedly steeped in an initially weak, but pn-'jie-sively stronger, milk of lime. In the absence of investigation on the subject, it is still uncertain whether an active part is played in this operation — ti undoubtedly the case in the sweating process — by bacteria, certain sp; cies of which, capable of resisting the action of the milk of lime, have been discovered in the liquor by J. vox SCHRODER and AV. SniMiT/-DrMONT (!•)• The result of both operations is substantially the same, viz., the hair, epidermis, and mucous membrane are loosened, and can then be removed. In one respect, however, limed hides differ from those slackened by sweating. In the former < MSI-, calcium carbonate has been deposited in the intercellular >paces in the hide, which is thus rendered somewhat brittle and less pervious to ilic- tanning liquor. This carbonate precipitate is removed by steeping the hides in a pickle or " bate" consisting principally of a mixture of bran, barley, groats. and the excrement of various animals (dogs, fowls, pigeons, &c.) in a state of acid fermentation. The chief, if not the soli- raison d'etre of this process, which has l.ren gradually developed through e experiments alone, has only been brought to light in n The fh>t pi >tep consisted in the discovery, by Au<;. Kin:rNi» (I.) in 1X71, that lactic acid is the chief product of the >ns acid fern. entniimi of whe.-it l»ran. This explained the favourable result of the bating of lime-slackened hides, the calcium carbonate being con- verted into the soluble calcium 1 1 thus washed out of the hides. Pickling, however, efl - <-ond and remarkable alteration in the hide, 204 TIIK SOIIUINC; OF HARK UVIHM 205 causing it to .swell up ("plump"') to almost, double its former thickitem, thus loosening the cellular tissue and facilitating the subsequent ]>enel ration of tin- tannin. In order to make, the most of this ad vantage, it is genenilly the custom to pickle even the hides that have been unhaired by the sweating process, and which consequently do not contain any lime that needs to be removed. The object in this ca.se, is to plump the hides, i.e. cause them to swell up, and this explains the term ic plumping soak " applied to this acid liquor. This expansion of the skin is due to the action of the gases liberated in the fermenting liquor. The reactions occurring in this process are very diversified ; as might be expected from the large number of bacterial species present in the bran itself and in the added fajcal matter. Of these organisms, such as attack the carbo- hydrates develop most vigorously, these substances being present in large amount. J. T. WOOD and W. WILLCOX (I.) described one species of this kind and gave it the name of Bacterium furfur is. The starch in the bran ishydrolised and con- verted into glucoses by an enzyme, cerealin — isolated from bran extract by J. T. WOOD (I.) — and these sugars are then acted upon by the bacteria in question, organic acids and considerable quantities of gas being produced. In a sample examined by WOOD (II.), i litre of the fermented bate contained 0.8 gram of lactic acid, 0.2 gram of acetic acid, 0.03 gram of formic acid, and o.oi gram of butyric acid. The disengaged gas was found, in different experiments, to consist of 22-42 per cent, of C02, 28-53 per cent, of H, 24-26 per cent, of N, and 1-4 per cent, of 0, the percentage of carbon dioxide increasing as fermentation progresses. This fermentation is attributed by Wood and Willcox to the said bacterium, which they describe as short rods 0.7 yu long and 1.3 p. broad, united to form chains, but not, so far as they could ascertain, producing endospores. The cell-walls exhibit a tendency to swell up. The organism is incapable of attacking solid or dissolved starch, and consequently can only come into play when the cerealin has completed its diastatic action and converted the starch of the bran, &c,, into glucose. These discoveries must be regarded as a preliminary step to be followed by many others. The unappetising and (hygienically considered) objectionable use of fa3ces is shown to be unnecessary ; and it would be advisable to endeavour to artificially " sour " the plumping soak by means of a sufficient quantity of actively fermenting leaven prepared from pure bran. The next step in bacteriological investigation in this matter should be to ascertain whether — as the figures above given lead one to suppose — pure lactic fermentation is the best form of fermentation for this soak. It should be men- tioned, moreover, that the removal of the lime from the slackened hides by the aid of dilute mineral acids is impracticable, since it seriously impairs the quality of the resulting leather. § 158.— The Souring- of Bark Liquor. For the actual tanning of the plumped hides there are, as is well known, three different systems available, viz., alum- or white-tawing ; oil-tawing, or shamoying; and bark-tanning — the last of which will now be briefly considered from a bacteriological standpoint. The chief tanning material employed in this case is the bark of various trees (oak, pine, &c.), in addition to which gall-nuts, myrobolams, sumach, etc., are also used. Hides intended for sole-leather are placed in a tanpit in such a manner that each hide is separated from its neighbour by a layer (a couple of fingers in thickness) of coarsely-broken fresh bark, mixed with powdered gall-nuts, kc. The empty corners and vacant spaces are packed with old spent tan, and the pit is then 206 THE PART PLAY 1.1) HY BACTERIA IN TANNING filled up with water, nd of eight or ten weeks the hides are taken out and ivlaid in fiv>h >tnitaof bark, and this operation is repeated (three or livo times) until tlie leather is impregnated with tan. There is no doubt at all but that the activity of microbes is also manifested in the tanpit, but at present no hypothesis can be formulated on this point, there being no scientific foundations to build upon. Our knowledge of the reactions occurring in the bark liqour is, however, in a moiv satisfactory state. All the thinner hides, unsuitable for sole-leathers, are steeped, not in the tanpit, but in an aqueous (cold-drawn) extract of tanning Mihstances, known as bark liquor or ooze (Fr.jusce, Ger. Lohbriihe). The actual process of tanning, i.e. the combination of tannic acid and phlobaphene with the fibres of the skin, does not concern us at present, this being a purely chemico- physical operation. One circumstance, however, deserves brief mention here, and that is the subsidiary phenomenon of the gradual souring of the bark liquor. This change, well known to all tanners, was first chemically investigated by H. BRACONNOT (I.), who, in 1832, discovered in soured bark liquor an acid which — as little was then known of the properties of lactic acid — he considered to be a new, hitherto undiscovered acid, and therefore named it "acide nanceique," after the town of Nancy, where the discovery was made. This acid was, how- ever, quickly recognised by L. Gmelin as lactic acid. J. WLADIKA (I.) in 1890 showed that volatile, as well as non-volatile, acids are present in old spent bark liquor?, the former consisting chiefly of acetic acid and the latter of lactic acid. The reader will have no doubt that the reduction of these acids (which are not present in the " sweet" liquor) is attributable to the activity of micro-organisms, which are here present in abundance, HAENLEIN (II.) having found no less than 60,000 bacteria (along with a few budding fungi) in the liquor prepared from, and corresponding to i mgrm. of, Silesian oak-bark. The acids are produced from the saccharine constituents of the bark, a fact already evidenced by the researches of B. KOHNSTEIN (I.) and J. VON SCHROEDER (I.), who showed that in proportion as the sweet liquor becomes sour, so the percentage of these sugary constituents decreases. In practical working their initial quantity is found to be from 0.3 to 0.8 gram per litre. A fission fungus named Bacillus corticalis, and recognised as an active partici- pant in the souring of bark liquor, was discovered by HAENLEIN (III.) in large quantities in sour pine-bark liquor, as also in the fresh pine-bark. This microbe appears in the form of short rods 0.7-1 /* broad and one and a half to twice these dimensions in length ; at the period of active reproduction the individual cells are connected into many-jointed chains. The bacillus thrives on nutrient gela- tin, nutrient n^ar-aj-ar, and slices of potato, and requires but very little nutri- ment. Being able to withstand desiccation, it remains alive in bark, where it is found in large numbers. It has a great affinity for light, and grows more freely when illuminated than in the dark, though it is still capable of performing it> vital functions under the latter condition. It thrives most vigorously at 30°- 40° C., and ceases to develop below 5° C. ; in habit it is facultatively anaerobic, i.e. oxygen is not essential to its growth, its most important property, so far as we are now concerned, is its behaviour towards sugars, of which it acts upon dextrose as well as saccharose and lactose, and produces, in addition to acids, a considerable quantity of gas, composed (in one cast- investigated) of 95 per cent, of hydrogen and 5 per cent, of carbon dioxide. Tannin is not attacked by this microbe, a fact continued by the observation made by J. VON SCUROEDER and A. BAUTEL (I.), that the percentage of tannin in the liquors undergoes no alteration on standing or during storage. The acidity of tannin bark liquors amounts to 0.25 gram (reckoned as acetic :iciil) per litre and is, as the previously mentioned researches of Wladika have Tin; soi RIM; OF HA UK ugi: expressly stated), whose reproductive power he succeeded in arresting by means of carbolic acid. The microscopical examination of the mass, however, as first made by F. MENDES and J. BORSCHTSCIIOFF (I.), led at the outset to no -factory elucidation. For an accurate knowledge of the true state of the case we are indebted to L. CIENKOWSKI (I.), who, in 1878, proved that the mucous masses in question are composed of bacteria with extraordinarily swollen and gelatinised cell-walls, which cause the individual organisms to ad 1 lore together and form the aforesaid large masses, whose superficial con- volutions frequently resemble these of the mesentery. Influenced by Billroth's publication on (Joccolacteria septica, and in view of the name Ascococcus HillruUiii given by Conx (II.) to a mucus-forming fission fungus, Cienkowsk: called his microbe Ascococcus mesenterioides. The forms of cell which he detected in these muciuou> lumps he described as highly diversified: Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrio. In the same year VAN TIE<;III:M (VII.) published a ivM-arch on the organism producing these mucinous masses, agreeing with his Russian colleague as to its table nature, though with respect to its position in the botanical system he held other views. According to hi a ions, the development and repn> duction of this microbe harmoni.-rd so well with those of the blue-green uni- cellular algai of the genus Xo.-<'. that lie felt obliged to call it "white" (chlorophyll-free) Nostoc, and l»i-Mo\vrd on it the new generic name of Leuco- ' "'. Contrary to the observations of ( 'ienko\\>ki, who ascribed a copious polymorphism to this fission fungus. Van Tic^hrm could only discover globular 208 TIIK ZOOGIXEA OK LEUCONOSTOC MESENTERIOIDES 209 cells, as shown in Kig. 5 j (which is made up from the drawings in the original treatise, and is here reprod need on account of its historic interest). Since, however, the researches of this French worker were not, performed with pure cultures, we cannot go more closely into the details of tin's illustration. It was not until 1891 that a thoroughly satisfactory bacteriological investiga- tion was made — by C. LlESENBBRG and \V. /OI-K (I.)— on this organism. In the interim, the same gelatinous masses had also been observed in Indian cane-sugar factories by H. WINTER (I.). Adhering to the existing nomenclature, the two first-named workers showed that Leuconostoc mesen- terioides has only one morpho- logical form, viz., a coccus of 0.8 to i.o/uin diameter. This discovery in nowise detracts from the accuracy of Cienkow- ski's observations, for it must be remembered that he did not have pure cultures at his disposal, but examined a sample of the gelatinous mass, which from its nature was very likely to have become infected by any number of fission fungi during its re- moval from the sugar-works at Orlovetz to the laboratory of Charkow. The discoveries made by Liesenberg and Zopf that this microbe, when grown in or upon nutrient media free from cane- or grape-sugar, does not develop a mucinous envelope, but grows in chains, and consequently assumes the streptococcus form (Fig. 55), are entirely new. Such nutrient media are : Solid — potato slices, peptonised meat-broth gelatin, milk gelatin, maltose gelatin, on all of which it develops merely a thin pellicle without any formation of mucus ; Liquid —milk and bouillon, in which merely a fine sediment of cells is deposited. If, however, a small portion of such a culture of non-mucinous cells be trans- ferred to a medium containing saccharose or dextrose, the formation of mucus quickly ensues. Under these conditions there then develop (on slices of carrot, in particular) large zoogloea, at first dry, like cartilage, but afterwards becom- ing softer and resembling mesentery in appearance. Under the microscope it appears as shown in Fig. 55. The cells, always globular, are invariably arranged in pairs, i.e. as diplococci. The greatly swollen mucinous capsules of the indi- vidual cells gradually coalesce and form agglomerations of constantly increasing size, in which the diplococci are enclosed. Locomotion could not be detected in any case. Xot only was Cienkowski's work corrected by the researches of Liesenberg and Zopf, but the same fate also befell some of the statements made by Van Tieghem. The latter thought he had detected endospores in his Leuconostoc, and asserted that in unfavourable media some of the cells increased in size, and i o FIG. 54. — Lenconostoc mosenterioidi-s. 1-8. Various stages of development of the Zoogloea formation. 9. Two chains of cocci, each exhibiting two enlarged (pre- sumably sporogenic) members. Magn. about 500. (After t treating the cover-gla^s preparation with dahlia-violet, which stains the cocci alone, and then immersing it in an aqueous solution of rosolic acid, which is absorbed by the l'n;. 55. — Leuconostoc mesenterioid''-. a, 6. chains and binds of the non-capsuled variety' potato culture : c, '. cells with gelatinous capsule in various stages of development. In r/ one pair • Us is viewed in the direction of the line join- ing their centres, and hence appi-ars as a simple cell, lint a- :i diploc-icciis. The shading i' merely in licates the configuration of the agglome- rations. ;uid not. a stratification of the capsule. Magn. ahou* 1200. ( .•///• r /./• .•>•• ///«•/•// y softly pressing the cover-glass of such a zoogloca preparation the cells can be forced out of their mucinous envelopes. As already remarked, the substance of which this envelope consists was stated by Scheibler to be dextran, an opinion also shared (as the result of analy- tical experiments) by P. DAEUMICHEN (I.). If, however, we consider the means by which these chemists arrived at their discoveries, doubts will arise as to the accuracy of their conclusions. In all attempts, made by macrochemical means, to determine the composition of the vegetable cell membrane, the same difficulty is encountered, viz., the solution and removal of the cell contents. In order to attain their object, the reagents employed for this purpose must penetrate through the cell wall, and since they come into contact with it whilst still in all their pristine strength, they decompose it more or less effectually. When the lixiviation of the cell contents is completed, then the product remaining behind for ultimate analysis cannot be considered, in point of composition, as unaltered cell-membrane substance, though its form may be still unchanged. This applies to the case now under consideration. In order to obtain the substance of the mucinous membrane in a pure condition Scheibler boiled the gelatinous mass (freed from adherent sugar) with milk of lime, and found that only a small por- tion was dissolved. This fact of itself bears evidence against the (chemical) uniformity of the substance of the mucinous envelope of Leuconostoc. It is also probable that even the dextran recovered from the lime extract is a decomposi- tion product of a more readily hydrolised constituent of the said membrane. The behaviour of this fission fungus towards sugars merits special considera- tion. It has already been stated that the formation of mucus occurs only in such nutrient media as contain grape- or cane-sugar, the other carbohydrates, tested on this point by Liesenberg and Zopf, being found unsuitable. Leuco- nostoc mesenterioides produces invertin, which then splits up the cane-sugar ; so it may be surmised that the development of the gelatinous membrane can only occur in presence of grape-sugar (and perhaps also fructose !). This does not, however, imply that lactose, maltose, and dextrin are unaffected by this fission fungus ; on the contrary, it ferments them and forms lactic acid, a faint evolution of gas being at the same time noticeable. The presence of a small quantity (3-5 per cent.) of calcium chloride in the nutrient medium favours the production of mucus and the fermentative activity of the organism, the latter being brisker when oxygen is excluded. The optimum temperature for the development of this microbe being between 30° and 37° C., it is evident that in order to kill this pest the juice in sugar-factories must be kept at higher temperatures. Leuconostoc consumes a certain portion of the cane-sugar, and as it also produces invertin, which forms invert sugar — the presence of which is well known to seriously retard the crystallisation of the cane-sugar — another source of loss to the sugar-manufacturer arises. Molasses naturally forms a highly suitable nutrient medium for this microbe. The speed at which it increases therein is reported (from practical experience) as follows by E. DURIN (I.) : A wooden vat, previously used as a recipient for beet-juice, and the walls of which were covered with a thin film of mucus (i.^. zooglses. At the end of twelve hours the whole of this had become converted into a mucinous coherent mass. This microbe also gives rise to mischief in the refineries as well as in the raw -sugar works. F. STROHMER (I.) 212 HACTKKIA IN Till, M ANTFACTrUK OF SUGAR mentions such a gelatinous molasses derived from a colonial sugar-refinery, and which yirld.-d a }>a-ty sediment consisting of the zoogKa of Lwconostoc nws,,, on dilution with water. It should be remembered, when deter- mining the sugar-content of a molasses by polarisation, that the mucinous envelope of Leuconostoc is optically active and deflects the beam of polarised liyht three times as much as an equal weight of saccharose. It may be mentioned as a curiosity that E. Durin — who regarded the chief component of the mucinous masses of Leuconostoc as cellulose — took out a patent in France (Feb. 14, r876) for the "conversion of crystallisable sugar ( = c. su-rar) into cellulose, and any uses (preparation of starch-sugar, dextrose, gnu- cotton, oxalic acid. 4vc.) to which this cellulose maybe applied" (Brevete •- .It i G'ouvernement ! ). A fission fungus ranking along with Leuconostoc in so far as its importance to the sugar industry is concerned was examined by A. KOCH and H. HOSAEUS (I .). In a certain sugar-works the syrup de- stined for working up into second pro- duct was found to contain gelatinous masses resembling the zooglo Leuconostoc, but consisting of another species of bacterium, shown in Fig. 56. The special peculiarity of this microbe is that the swelling of the membrane is unusually great and extensive on one longitudinal side only, so that a long peduncular mucinous thread is FIr,56.-Baoterium]>edicula,u1n. Dually formed in this direction. The mucinous envd.>i>(- developed on one side only, ^ .,. nppnnnt <-},:„ fiooinn f,,nm,< in the form of a peduncle. Magn. 370. (After Un tnis accoimt A. Koch ami if. n».wu.<.) was named Bacterium pediculatum. Unfortunately, it could not be ob- tained as a pure culture. In respect of this peculiar unilateral gelatinisation of the cell membrane it is not unique; the Bacterium vermiforme (the chief constituent of ginger-beer yeast, shown in Fig. 53), and also a fission fungus (Nevskia ramosa) discovered by A. FAMINTZIN (I.) in aquarium water, having similar characteristics. Moreover, in the alga?, forming the neighbouring group to the bacteria, and especially in the diatoms, many genera, e.g. Gomphonema, exhibit well-developed and branched gelatinous stalks. 161.— Mucinous Fermentation and Inversion. The faculty of rendering sugar-juice mucinous is not restricted to the two microbes just described, a number of other species being now known to be capable of working similar injury. They, however, differ from the former in one cha- racteristic, which, though unimportant for the practical man, is nevertln not without interest from a physiological point of view. The gelatinisation of the nutrient media infested by the microbes described above must be charac- terised as direct, since it is produced by the swollen cell-membranes of the organisms tht-m-elves. Conversely the gelatin-forming property of the species now to be described is an indirect one, it being here a question of the conversion of sugar (imtsiilf. the cell) into the mucinous matter which A. BK.HAMI' (II.) proposed to call Viscose. In fact, we have to do with the actual production of mucus, whereas the fnnm-i- 0*86 was one of zooglrca formation. K. KK\MKK (II.) in 1889 dr-cribed a Jlfirilhr mirchnri which belongs to this second group. The cells are rod-shaped, i ^ thick and 2.5-4 p. long. united into many- jointed chains ; neither locomotion nor endospore formation could MUCINOUS FERMENTATION AND INVKKSION 213 he delected. The ( H'l^aii ism thrive., only on i in it i .1 1 ( )i- I'; i in tly a I l<;il ii ic n i it i i< -i 1 1 media, and in Mirsr it produces, iti presence of cane su^ar, a mucus having tin: elementary formula C,l I MJ< ) . No swelling or gelatiniflfttion of tin; cell mcml)i occurs. The optimum tempera! lire for the reaction is 22° (J., but beet sugar juice will become changed to a viscid mass in one or two days at the ordinary temperature. KKI i/ < • i. \SKII (I.) described ;(s /Iactcrin.m 'jdatiitosum beta a fiflUOn-fuogttfl discovered by him in mucinous beet-juice. Already by its active motility this species differs from the others we have described ; and the same applies to several ot her characteristics. It does not develop in neutral 10 per cent, molasses, unless the medium has been previously qualified with a little of the precipitate thrown down by alcohol from beet-juice — i.e. phosphates, etc., of alkaline earths extracted from the molasses during the separation and saturation of the sugar-juice. The chief products of the decomposition (preceded by inversion) of cane-sugar by this organism are mucus and amyl alcohol. The former is identical in properties with dextran, and is soluble in warm dilute acids and alkalies, but insoluble in baryta water or milk of lime. An acid odour is evolved during this fermentation, but no lactic acid is formed. The number of species of bacteria capable of interfering with the normal course of sugar manufacture is by no means exhausted with the examples mentioned above, but owing to the paucity of observations on this point no further reliable particulars can as yet be given. Consequently the subject presents an admirable field for bacteriological research in order to elucidate the causes and prescribe remedial measures for mucinous fermentation. It is well known to sugar-makers that the percentage of invert sugar in molasses increases during storage (sometimes for months) in the so-called reserves, and they are also aware of the decomposition occurring in stored raw sugar and resulting in the formation of invert sugar. Now the faculty of excreting an inverting ferment is not very widespread among bacteria. For a comprehensive in- vestigation on this point we are indebted to C. FERMI and G. MONTESAXO (I.), who examined about sixty (some of them pathogenic) species of bacteria, but found only four, viz., Bacillus megatherium, Bacillus Jluorescens liquefaciens, the red Kiel bacillus, and Proteus vulgaris, capable of producing invertin in saccharified bouillon. Experiments which have been made by A. HEUZFELD and U. PAETOW (I.), on the prevention (by hydrofluoric acid and alkali fluorides) of inversion in molasses, lead to the hope that these antiseptics may prove useful in many cases. Further researches on this subject are highly desirable. — The nitric fermentation of molasses will be briefly mentioned in chapter xxx. Sugar-juice and raw sugar are occasionally infested with higher fungi as well as with bacteria. For instance, A. HERZFELD (I.) and A. B. FRANK (I.) report the occurrence of a red pigmentary fungus in raw sugar. They found (in an after-product) red lumps, about as large as hazel-nuts, which, under the microscope, proved to be abundantly infested with a thread fungus, the proto- plasm of which was stained by a red pigment, presumably generated by the bacteria present in large numbers in the mass. The development of pigment bacteria is also frequently noticeable in the saturation scum thrown out from the sugar-works and spread over the fields, this scum being often found covered with coloured (mostly red) patches, which are presumably zoogloea of Micrococcus prodiyiosus. Large though the number of injurious fission fungi in sugar may be, it is surpassed by the multitude of Eumycetes infesting the sugar-beet. Tin however, do not fall within our province, and readers who may be interested in them are referred to the various text-books on plant diseases. The works compiled by A. B. FRANK (II.) and P. SORAUER (II.) respectively, presuppose 214 BACTKKIA IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR it.iin decree of (in.-ici-o-copii-) ac<|iiaintaiiee with the individual nialadi. which they treat. (Mi the other hand, tin- YOUM^ su^ar -trrhiiirist , who will, as a rule, be mainly d»«>imus of determining the nature of the di.-t-a.se brought under his notice, i> advised to study (I KIKCIINKK'S (1.) u 1 landlmch der Pflanzenkrankheiten " (" Handbook of Plant Diseases "). This work is admirably supplemented by a good and cheap atlas (prepared by O. KIIICH.XKK and II. BOLTSHAUSEX (I.)) of coloured plates showing the chief diseases attacking industrial plants. With the information thus gained, the learner will then be able to resort with advantage to the two first-named standard works. A brief review of the most important diseases set up in the sugar-beet by vegetable or animal parasites has been written by A. STIFT (I. and II.), and particular attention is devoted to Heterodera Schachtii (the cause of the so-called nernatode sickness) in a monograph by A. STRUBELL (I.), as also in a useful work by J. VANHA and J. STOKLASA (I.). Investigations on the influence of these worms on the cellular activity of the beet, and on the resulting chemical changes thereby induced, were made by J. STOKLASA (I.), and may now be mentioned. At present we will merely refer briefly to the gummosis (Fr. yommose) of the sugar-beet, a complaint first described by SORAUER (II.). The symptoms of this disease are : extravasation of small drops of a gummy fluid from the unbroken surface, and a gradual blackening of the vascular bundles and parenchyma of the beet, from the tip of the root upwards. It is still uncertain whether the bacteria so abundant in this gum should be regarded as the actual cause of the disease or merely as harmless saprophytes. CHAPTER XXIX. HOPINESS IN MILK, WINE, BEK1,1. AM) OTIIKl; LH,H'[|>S. § 162.— Ropy or Viscous Milk. THE first attempt at a scientific study of this malady was made in 1847 by GIRARDIN (I.), who hoped to elucidate it by chemical analysis, and sought the cause in the defective composition of the fodder. This complaint may develop to a variable extent in milk. In the worst cases the thickened liquid can be drawn out to a thin thread a yard or so in length. J. LISTER (I.), in 1873, was the first to reproduce this complaint by inoculation, and thus indicated the probability of a living source of infection. To ascertain this by microscopic examination was the task essayed by SCHMIDT-MUHLHEIM (I.) in 1882, who found that ropy sour milk contained an unusually large number of cocci i /* in diameter, frequently united as chains, but also in many cases isolated, and in the latter case apparently endowed with motile powers. Although at that time suitable methods of pure culture were no longer lacking, this observer made no attempt to utilise them in his researches. This omission was, however, soon remedied by E. DUCLAUX (IX.), who prepared pure cultures of two species of bacteria from ropy milk, both of which belong, morphologically, to the so-called capsule bacilli. The powerful lustre of the greatly swollen mucinous envelopes surrounding these cells is the first thing to strike the assisted eye, on which account the generic name, Actinobacter (lustrous bacterium, star bacterium), was applied to both organisms. Under their influence the milk yields alcohol and acetic acid. To these two pests (known respectively as Actinobacter du lait visqueux and A. polymorphus) a large number of others possessing similar powers have been added by different observers; e.g. a micrococcus discovered by HUEPPE (IV.) in 1884; the Bacillus inesentericus vulgatus, investigated by FLUGGE (I.), and the Bacillus pituitosi, a thick, slightly curved rod, discovered by LOEFFLER (III.). Other allied species are : a streptococcus, described by HESS and BORGEAUD (I.), and presumably identical with that observed by NOCARD and MOLLEREAU (I.) ; and a bacillus, 1.2 /* broad and 2 p. long, obtained by Schiitz from ropy milk, and described by ST. VON RATZ (I.). In 1890, L. ADAMETZ (IV.) found in the Liesing brook (which runs into the Danube in the south of Vienna) a capsule bacillus, 0.7-1.2 /z long and 0.7 p, broad, which he named Bacillus lactis visco&us, and which is capable of turning both milk and cream ropy. It is fairly wide- spread in MMture, and was also detected by ADAMETZ (V.) in samples of milk from the Sornthal (Switzerland). In addition to this, three other fission fungi (named below) are found in Swiss soil, one of them being the Bacillus Guille- beau c., which is not only dangerous to the cows (giving rise to inflammation of the udder), but also produces various disturbances in the dairy by making the milk " ropy " and the ripening cheese " blown." The facultatively anaerobic Mi.Towcvs l''reudenreichii, 2 p. in diameter, discovered by A. GUILLEBEAU (I.), is still more injurious to milk, since, whereas the other organisms just mentioned act only at high temperatures — approaching blood-heat, and therefore easily avoidable in practice — this coccus is active even at a moderate temperature, and 215 216 HOI'INKSS IN MILK, WINK, I5KKR, KTC. turns milk ropy within live hours at 22° (J. The optimum temperature of development is two degrees lower, ami the microbe i> destroyed by an exposure of two minutes to boiling heat. It has frequently been found in the district of Berne, and often causes considerable damage. Simultaneously with this last-named organism, a third microbe, also endowed with the faculty of turning milk ropy, was introduced by Guillebeau under the name of Bacterium llessii. This species, which appears in the form of actively motile rods, 3-5 /* long and 1.2 /LI broad, is less injurious than the one just described, since the ropiness it produces in milk disappears directly acidification sets in. The substantive cause of the mucinous condition may be of three kinds. Either it is attributable to the swelling of the membrane of the bacteria in question — as is apparently the case in those* already alluded to as capsule bacilli, e.g. Actinobacter, B. lactis viscosus, and also, according to the researches of W. VIQNAL (I.), with B. mesentericus vulyatus — or, secondly, the milk-sugar is converted into a mucinous substance. This was asserted to be the case by Storch for two species of bacteria discovered by him, and was proved by G, LEICHMANN (III.) for a bacillus isolated from ropy milk. This latter organism acts on lactose, cane-sugar, maltose, galactose, levulose, and dextrose (but not on mannite, arabin, or starch) in such a manner that mucus and lactic acid are formed, together with a small quantity of ethyl alcohol. In the third place, the ropy substance can also be produced from the casein of the milk. According to H. WEIGMANN, this latter cause operates in the formation of the milk products known as § 163.— Ropy Whey (Lange Wei) and Thick Milk (Taettemaelk). The Swiss dairymen discard ropy milk for cheese-making, being afraid of its causing " nests," i.e. places within the cheese where the ripening proceeds irregularly. They therefore devote particular attention to fumigating the stalls out with burning sulphur, scouring the milk vessels with soda solution, etc., in order to eradicate the evil as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the Dutch look on the bright side of this evil, and even derive benefit from it, the most palatable production of the Netherlands, viz., Edam cheese, being prepared with the aid of ropy whey (Dutch, Wei). The first observations on and experiments with this ropy whey were made in the " fifties" by a farmer (name unknown) of Assendelft, in Holland, but it did not come into general use iu the manufacture of Edam cheese until 1887, when Boekel recommended it most emphatically. WEIGMANN (VII.) examined such whey, and found in it large quantities of a fission fungus, which is mostly arranged in pairs, but frequently also in chains, and bears the name of Streptococcus hollandicus. Sterile milk inoculated with this organism becomes ropy and sour in twelve to fifteen hours at 25° C. The same coccus was also found by Weigmann in the commercial products known as Tn •//////.///• or '/»/////»///.- (thick milk) in Norway, and Filmjnlk (stringy milk) in Finland and Sweden. This strongly sour, ropy, thick mass, the casein of which is in the condition of fine ilukes, is a highly prized article of nourish- ment among the Scandinavian races, and is artificially prepared from normal milk by either rubbing the interior of the milk-pails over with butter-wort (Pinguioula rulijnrix), called in Norway '/'"^//v/s, or by feeding this plant to the milch-cows. The leaves are found to be int'e.-ted with a fission fungus which turns milk ropy, and is presumably identical with the above-named strepto- coccus. As already remarked, the occurrence of ropiness in milk is usually accompanied by acidification, whereby the development of numerous other K01MM-SS IN \\INI. 217 species of bacteria is prevented. This account., lor the drcumatanoe tha ma-lk will keep for months without alteration if stored at a low iemp»-iai me. Her/, was the tirsi, (<> record nh.-.erval ions with regard <<> ,-o-callrd soapy milk, a term applied hy him to milk that exhibit* |> and lye, and docs not curdle, hut only deposits a slimy sediment, even alter prolonged standing. Tho cream IVoin (his milk froths up very strongly when churned. H. WEIGMANN and G. ZIIIN (II.) had occasion, in 1893, to examine a milk of this kind, and the}' succeeded in isolating therefrom a bacillus which is capable ok' converting normal milk into the soapy condition, and is therefore termed liucilhis lacLis saponacti. It was afterwards discovered that the organi>m originated in the litter, which was in a damaged condition. When that was withdrawn and the cows littered on sound straw, the milk no longer suil'ered from this complaint. § 164.— Ropiness in Wine was formerly attributed to a coagulation of the albuminoids, a hypothesis corrected in 1856 by G. MULDER (II.), who traced the chief source of this malady to the conversion of sugar into vegetable mucilage. Young white wines, in parti- cular, fall victims to the disease, which in its incipient stage produces a faint opalescence, followed by gradually increasing turbidity, until, finally, the liquid becomes thick, and by degrees so viscid that it can be drawn out into threads a yard or so in length, and can scarcely be poured out of the bottle. The flavour is disagreeably slimy and insipid, though the odour (bouquet) is almost un- altered. In France the malady is termed " Jfaladie de la graisse" or generally Ci Vinfilant " or " Vin huileux," and the Italians style it " Vino filante" The earliest microscopical studies on this point were made in 1861 by PASTEUR (XII.), who found a very large number of fission fungi always present in ropy wine, and also that by transferring a little of the liquid to sound wine of the same class the disease was quickly communicated to the latter. He described two kinds of cell form : small cocci united in chains (streptococci), and irregularly shaped cells somewhat larger in diameter than those of yeast. The chief products of the mucinous fermentation set up in wine by this mixture of organisms were found to be gum, mannite, and carbon dioxide. Their ratio was represented by Pasteur in the form of an equation as follows : + 25H20 = ^C^H^Ojo + 24C6H1406 + I2C02 + I2H20. Saccharose. Gmu. Manuite. These proportions were admittedly variable, but this was explained by Pasteur by the supposition that the one species of ferment produces more mannite, the other more gum ; and Monoyer, in 1862, attempted to represent these reactions by splitting up the equation into two. Some observations on the aforesaid streptococcus have also been published by E. DUCLAUX (X.). The thoroughgoing microscopical investigations performed by J.NESSLER (II.) showed that the streptococci described by Pasteur are frequently absent, or only present in very small numbers, in ropy wine; whereas, on the other hand, the presence of certain unusually plentiful, extremely minute round bodies can always be detected. Subsequently a few samples of ropy wines were examined by E. KRAMER (II.), mainly with the object of obtaining pure cultures of the organisms causing the malady, but this object has not yet been successfully accomplished. By means of the dilution method approximately pure cultures of such a fission fungus have been prepared; and the name of Bacilhu riacosus vini has been given to the organism. It occurs in the form of rods, 0.6-0.8 /* broad and 2-6 p long, frequently united as many-jointed chains, and capable of producing ropiness in white wines in the absence of air. A thorough mycological 218 KOPINESS IN MILK, WINE, BKKK. KTC. .-tndyof this malady lias, however, still to IK- made.* Neither tile />'//<•/////.-,• "*tts sacchuri, mentioned in chapter xxviii., nor other similar cause of mucinous fermentation, is capable of giving rise to ropiness in wine, since none of them is able to develop in acid media. One point is periectly clear, viz., that the presence of sugar is a sine tjud non for the occurrence of the malady, since it forms the material from which tl it- mucus is produced. According to Nessler (an expert in the treatment of wines), wines containing over 10 per cent, of alcohol are proof against ropiness. With regard to the ropiness of cider — the most frequent malady to which this beverage is subject — nothing reliable can at present be reported. § 165.— Ropiness in Infusions. This was microscopically investigated as far back as 1834 by FR. KUTZING (I.), who ascertained that the lower orders of plants here in question are partly algai and partly fungi, the schizomycetes being the most frequently found members of the latter group. A few examples are given below. It is well known that Infusum foliorum Digitalis very often becomes ropy, to account for the occurrence of which divers hypotheses were formerly current. Thus, for instance, it was asserted that the mucic acid in the leaves of digi- talis exerts a coagulating influence on the pectin bodies also present therein. \V. BRIUTIGAM (I.) found in a ropy infusion of this kind a fission fungus, which he named Micrococcus gelatinogenus, endowed with the property of gelatin i vegetable infusions (e.g. Ipecacuanhce, Radix Althece, Senegce, Folia Farfarc , and especially Folia Digitalis), when mixed with sugar-cane, lactic acid being pro- duced at the same time. The mucus is precipitable by alcohol. In nutrient media devoid of sugar the micrococcus develops, but does not form mucus. Of interest to the analytical chemist is the Bacterium gummosn/n, also obtained by E. RITSERT (II.) from a ropy infusion of Digitalis. This organism turns the nutrient medium ropy only when saccharose (but not dextrose or lactose) is present, and can therefore be employed as a reagent for cane-sugar to detect the latter in presence of large quantities of hexoses, e.g. in wine-must. It will develop in highly concentrated solutions of this sugar, its growth not being impeded until the concentration exceeds 60 per cent. The mucus produced by this fission fungus has received the name of gummose, a term likely to lead to error, since a somewhat widespread malady attacking the vine, the sugar- beet, and other plants, has long borne the name of gummosis or gummose. This mucus is distinguishable from dextran chiefly by being optically inactive. In addition to mucus the organism produces an uninvestigated acid, and a compound of unknown constitution, which deviates the plane of polarised light to the right and reduces Fehling's solution. According to the conditions of cultivation, //// 'jiiiitniosum appears as long or short rods, diplococcus or streptococcus, the fir.^t forms being motile and producing endospores. The addition of acetate of potash or soda or of yeast ash to the nutrient solution (e.g. sugar-beet juice, ifl highly favourable to development and to the production of mucus. /;./o'//,/v t/i'iiunosus, isolated by C. HAIM- (I.) from a ropy infusion of /Jiyittd'ifi, is chai afi«-ri>i-d by it> larg«' size, the length being 5.0-7.5 p, and the breadth 0.6-2.0 p.. It exhibits an undulatoiy motion and forms endospores. In cultures on slices of potato and beet the cells are globular, with a diameter of 0.7-0.8 /x, but when transferred to gelatin or agar-agar they quickly become rod-shaped. Happ obtained from ropy Senega infusion a pure culture of Mii-rococcm gaiinn«*ii3, the diameter of which is about 0.4 p. A notable diffe- rence exists between these two species with respect to their behaviour towards sugars, the first-named being able to set up ropy fermentation only in presence imriM.ss IN woirr AND m;i;R of saccharose, whilst (.he .}/ irriH-nrc.iis also attacks mall o.-r. The ie. ultin^ MIU< (soluMe in water, Kiii insoluMe in alcohol and clhcr), which ha.-, the elementary formula, ('Jln)<>, is, alt -hough I lie chief, nut, tin- sole product, of tin'.-, fermentation, small amounts of mannite, Imtync acid, lactic acid, and carbon dioxide being also formed; and a part of the Baooh 'Averted into glucose. The so-called distilled waters (e.y. orange-flower water) often undergo mucinous decomposition, some particulars of which have been reported by L. VIRON (I.). As a remedy for this evil, P. Carles advised the shaking up of the affected water with 2-3 grams of basic nitrate of bismuth per litre, and filtering after standing. This is said to have answered particularly well with orange-flower water. Ordinary distilled water is often rendered mucinous by bacteria, especially when kept in wooden vessels; A. GOLDBERG (I.) has reported an instance of this kind. A fission fungus, Bacterium gliscrogenum, 0.57-1.1 p. long and 0.4/4 broad, has been isolated by P. MALERBA and G. SANNA-SALARIS (I.) from mucinous, viscid urine (which often exhibits this property as soon as voided), and has been recognised as the cause of this condition. According to a research of MALERBA'S (I.), the mucus (gliscrin) thereby formed is nitrogenous. It is well known that ink frequently becomes mucinous and viscid. M. HERY (I.) investigated this matter and examined a bacterial species concerned therein. As a preventive measure he recommends an addition of not less than 0.5 gram of salicylic acid per litre of ink. C. BOERSCH (I.) made an observation, interesting to the chemist, concerning a fission fungus, Sarcina flava, capable of producing ropiness in various liquids. This organism attacks fumaric acid (in acid solutions), but, on the other hand, leaves the isomeric maleic acid, COOH — CH = CH— COOH, untouched. Ropiness in tan liquors is a phenomenon both well known and unwelcome to the tanner, to whom it causes considerable damage and loss, since not only is the liquor rendered worthless, but the hides steeped in it also suffer owing to the masses of mucus adhering so firmly to the leather that great difficulty is expe- rienced in getting them off again. This mucinous coating retards, or even entirely prevents, the penetration of the tannin. Closer investigations regarding the best means and methods of prevention would be valuable to this industry. § 166.— Ropiness in Wort and Beer. PASTEUR (III.) was the first to study this phenomenon with the aid of the microscope. He traced the cause of this complaint, which has many points in common with ropiness in wine, to a fission fungus occurring abundantly in the form of long chains in the affected liquids, and known by the name of Micro- coccus viscosus. Morphologically, this organism greatly resembles a fission fungus observed by J. BERSCH (II.) in a beer wort, which, instead of fermenting nor- mally when pitched with yeast, became thick, oily, and finally viscid and ropy. P. LIXDXER (III.) in 1889 was the first to obtain a pure culture of a viscous ferment. This was a pediococcus (not specifically named) occurring in large numbers in ropy white beers, a class of beverage that is particularly liable to the malady. The capacities of the microbe in question are restricted to the pro- duction of ropiness in white beer wort, it being unable to do so in hopped worts and beers. Hence it is perfectly innocuous and unimportant, so far as true brewing, in the narrow sense of the term, is concerned. Other species appear in hopped beer. Two of these were found by II . VAX LAER (II.) in a number of samples of ropy beer, from which they were isolated to pure cultures, and named Bacillus viscosiis /. and II. Both have several identical characteristics, e.y. the form and dimensions of the cells, which are rod- 220 KONNKSS IN MILK. WINK, HKKH. KTC. shaped, o.X /t broad, 1.6-2.4 M l°nc> :ll"l >"«»*tly singK1, though not infrequently joined in | In their behaviour towards beer-wort, however, they diller in a notable manner, i no tliat both of them produce ropiness, but not of the same type. If H. r. I. is in action, then, in proportion as the viscidity of the li<|uid increases, a number of mucinous, yellowish-white patches, terminating below in 1 tranches, appear on the surface. In this way a coating of mucus is formed, the surface of which i> gradually covered with protuberances produced by bubbles of the en-boil dioxide liberated during this fermentation. With I',, c. //., on the contrary, this coating is absent; moreover, the evolution of carbon dioxide i copious, and the ultimate degree of ropiness less pronounced than in the first case. Whilst the malady is in progress, the colour of the wort changes to a chicory-brown, and at the same time an odour develops, which cannot be more closely defined, but which of itself suffices to reveal the presence of the com- plaint. A further characteristic affording a means of distinguishing between these two species of bacteria is their behaviour towards a sterilised solution of 3 grams of cane-sugar and i gram of peptone in 100 c.c. of water. This medium is made viscid and ropy by B. v. I. alone, the second species producing nothing more than a persistent turbidity, accompanied by the evolution of carbon dioxide. Milk is altered by both species in the same manner as wort. The fact that both these organisms also cause ropiness in nutrient solutions, devoid of sugar and containing no organic matter beyond calcium lactate or ammonium tartrate, is also interesting. As a matter of fact, a high content of sugar is even injurious to the organisms. This discovery agrees with the ex- perience gained in practice, that beers with a low attenuation (and therefore a higher sugar-content) are comparatively seldom ropy. The proximate cause of this alteration of the medium is a mucus excreted by the bacteria. In the presence of sugar, carbon dioxide is liberated, and presumably a small quantity of another acid is also formed, since the acidity increases with the ropiness. The mucus is not a uniform substance, but consists of at least two constituents, one of which (insoluble in water) is characterised by its content of nitrogen. This fact harmonises with the circumstance that the malady sets in earlier in proportion as the nitrogen-content of the nutrient medium is greater. It also explains the fact, noticed in practice, that worts rich in protein, peptones, and the like, are those most readily becoming ropy. A higher content of acid (0.15 per cent, reckoned as lactic acid) restricts the development of both these species of fission fungus ; but alcohol, even in the proportion of 6 per cent, by volume, is powerless to injure them. In both cases growth proceeds at all temperatures between 7° and 42° C., and is most vigorous at about 33° C. A third viscous ferment, also discovered by Van Laer, differs from the other two in its property of liquefying gelatinised meat-juice. L. VANDAM (I.) obtained from ropy English beer pure cultures of a fourth . nisin (I'mcilltis viscosus III.} in the form of rods 0.7 p broad and 1.3-2.0 p long, mostly isolated, but frequently also forming bands of two or three cells. •i be Lrathered from the particul.irs given, ropiness is produced, not by any metabolic product excreted by the bacillus, but by the thickened cell membrane of the organism. In other ways, too, this microbe differs from Van Laer's bacilli. For instance, the development of the organism and the gelatini- 'ii of the medium occur only in presence of sugar, and the decree of ropiness is proportional to the amount of suirar eliminated. No evolution of gas could be detected in wort cultures. The unrestricted access of air is essentially necessary to the growth and activity of this bacillus. The organism is incapable of injuring beer except when present in large numbers in the wort before the commencement of primary fermentation. THi: SO-CALLKD SAKCINA Tl 'KBI 1HTY IN HI.KK 221 The number of organisms capa,ble of rendering wort viscid i< not exhausted by the Schizomycetes already mentioned. In the second volume we shall become acquainted with Dematium pullulans, a species of Eumycetes which is equally capable of producing damage of this kind. 8 167.— The So-called Sarcina Turbidity in Beer will now be referred to, although no mucinous ferments are here in question. Bottom-fermentation beer is required to be perfectly clear, and if it proves defective in this particular it is considered poor or bad, according to the nature of the turbidity. This may arise from several distinct causes: precipitated albuminoids = gluten turbidity ; the presence of unsaccharified starch = starch turbidity; precipitated hop resins = hop dimness; a high content of yeast cells = yeast turbidity ; or, finally, strong infection with fission fungi = bacterial turbidity. This latter, again, may be caused by different species of organisms, a few of which (i.e. those producing turned and ropy beer) ihave already been mentioned, the turbidity in their case being merely a secondary phenomenon attendant on another complaint. In the following lines, however, we will con- fine ourselves to the turbidity caused by bacteria of the sarcina or pediococcus form of growth. Yery frequently these organisms (in enormous numbers) are the only ones observable in samples of turbid beer. The first observations on the subject were made by PASTEUR and J. BERSCH (II.), and more minute researches were made by Julius Balcke, from whom these organisms first received the name of Sarcina. Francke afterwards found that this fission fungus always subdivides in two directions only (and not three), and consequently forms sheet colonies. On this account FRANCKE (I.) in 1884 applied the new generic name of Pediococcus cerevisice to this microbe. Not- withstanding this, it is still customary to term the malady under consideration " sarcina turbidity " ; which is, moreover, partly correct, since true sarcina in great numbers have also been found in turbid beers. The first successful attempt to obtain a pure culture of such a pediococcus was made by P. LINDNER (II.) in 1888. The Pediococcus cerevisice isolated by him from "sarcina turbid " beer occurs as single cocci (0.9-1.5 /* diameter), diplococci, and tetrads. Still, though it is undoubtedly the fact that this fission fungus occurs in large numbers in such turbid beers, it by no means follows that the organism can be positively assumed to be the cause of sarcina turbidity, attempts to grow it in sterilised beer having proved unsuccessful. Moreover, as ANTON PETERSEN (I.), E. CHR. HANSEN (V.), and ALFRED JORGENSEN (I.) have shown, a considerable quantity of sarcina may be present in beer without any damage to the beverage (turbidity or unpleasant flavour) resulting therefrom. Further particulars given by them render it highly probable, however, that " sarcina turbidity " is actually caused by fission fungi of the pediococcus and sarcina groups, but that the mere presence of these organisms is not sufficient to produce the malady, a special concurrent tendency thereto on the part of the beer being essential. For the determination of the conditions under which the "sarcina organisms" are capable of producing "sarcina sickness" in beer, we are indebted to an instructive treatise by A. REICH ARD (I.). He showed that this turbidity occurs only when the secondary fermentation of the beer goes on with vigour, and that, conversely, a similar degree of sarcina infection is innocuous if the primary fermentation has been carried so far that only a weak- secondary fermentation ensues. Reichard attributes this behaviour (confirmed by searching experiments) to the avidity for oxygen (:ur-hun«r«M-) displayed l>v the pediococci. It is only when the microl>es are continually brought up to the surface of the liquid by the bubbles of carbon dioxide given oft* during a brisk 222 ROI'INKSS IN .MILK, WINK. BKKK. KTC. secondary fermentation that this avidity for oxygen can be satisfied and the development of the organism proceed. When no gas is liberated, and the pediococci consequently remain ;\t the bottom of the liquid, then no turbidity or unsatisfactory alteration of the flavour or smell will occur. If, however, an infected beer be artificially brought into a state of active secondary fermentation by priming (aufkramen) with fermenting wort, then sarcina turbidity will not be long in making its appearance. This fact, determined by Reichard, indicates the necessity for caution in the employ- ment of fermenting wort for priming beer. This practice, as is well known is cially resorted to for livening up sluggish lager beers in the storage cask, and is of itself unobjectionable. Care should, however, be taken to previously rtain that no large amount of sarcina is present in the cask. According to the researches of REICHARD and RIEIIL (I.) hops are very useful in combating sarcina sickness. To prevent the appearance of the malady 30-40 gram^ of hops per hectolitre of beer (or at the rate of 5 to 6 oz. per 100 galls.) should be <1 in the storage cask, and the latter then closed (bunged). The injurious organisms in question either find their way into the wort in the cooler, or — as stated by Balcke — may be transferred to the malt store on the boots of a workman (floor-sweeper) who has previously been working on the malting floor, where these organisms abound. It is, therefore, no wonder that the thick wort is also rich in these organisms, and may consequently become tin- sou roe of acute troubles. The evil reputation of the thick wort and thick beer is also easy to understand from a bacteriological standpoint. When such an infected wort is fermented, then, of course, the yeast crop will be contaminated with these injurious organisms and the malady will thus be perpetuated. To purify such contaminated yeasts, S. VON HUTU (I.), in 1888, proposed an addition of 5-7 grams of salicylic acid per hectolitre of beer (about i oz. per 100 galls.). A second recipe of his, which was also approved by P. LINDNER (IV.) in 1895, reads as follows: To each kilo. (2.2 Ibs.) of pulpy or liquid yeast take 6 grains of tartaric acid dissolved in water. After stirring them thoroughly together, leave to stand for six to twelve hours, and then add the mixture to the wort in the tun. The results of this treatment are said to be satisfactory. It must, however, be expressly mentioned that this tartaric acid cure should not be employed unless the yeast under treatment is either almost or entirely free from wild yeasts, and is contaminated by sarcina alone. Otherwise it is best to throw the batch away, since the tartaric acid treatment, by favouring the development of the wild yeasts, would only make it worse than ever. This will be referred to again in a subsequent section of vol. ii. SECTION VIII. DECOMPOSITIONS AND TRAN.sR >KM ATH >.\S <>K ORGANIC NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS. CHAPTER XXX. THE PHENOMENA OF PUTREFACTION. § 168.— The Degradation of the Albuminoids. IN § 15 of the Introduction it was stated that Liebig's differentiation between fermentation and putrefaction is untenable, and that no sharply defined limit between these terms exists. Enlarging the definition of the term fermentation beyond its usual limits, we there defined this phenomenon as the transformation of various chemical substances by the action of minute fungoid organisms. Without prejudice to this general definition, we can nevertheless speak of putrefaction in particular, limiting the application of this term to such fermen- tations as chiefly effect the decomposition of albuminoid substances. Any further attempt to analyse this more restricted term is at once frustrated by our igno- rance of the constitution of the albuminoids themselves. The multiplicity of contingencies here possible cannot be disregarded, and consequently no classifica- tion according to the final products obtained is feasible. On the other hand, no differentiation can be based on the composition of the bodies subjected to decom- position, since we are here encountered by a question, hitherto unsolved by chemists, viz., What are the albuminoids? Obviously mycologists might postpone further researches on this point until the necessary preliminaries have been performed by their chemical colleagues. As a matter of fact, however, the opposite course has been adopted, and the determination of the nature of the putrefaction products of albumen has not only led to hypotheses regarding the composition of that substance, but will probably also indicate the means whereby the nature and synthetic preparation of these high-molecular nitrogen compounds can be established. Provided the results obtained are of value to the chemist, and, though in a minor degree, to the mycologist as well, the credit thus accruing to Fermentation Physiology is not necessarily injured by the remark that, owing to the employment of indefinite bacterial mixtures, these endeavours are not always free from objection from a bacteriological point of view. In future researches into albuminoid decomposition or putrefaction, it should always be borne in mind that here also the co-operation and succession of various organisms (i.e. symbiosis and metabiosis) will have to be taken into calculation. Until this is done, mycological text-books will have nothing better to offer than a varied collection of isolated observations, such as are given in the following chapters and paragraphs. It has lontr l)(.,.n ohsorvod that the natural decomposition of albumen yields malodorous ^ascs and vapours when proceeding in the absence of air. but that, on the other hand, these attendant phenomena are wanting when air is allowed 223 224 TIIK IMIKNOMKNA OF IM'TRKFACTION five access. Titular distinctions have been employed to express these differ- ences, the natural inodorous decomposition of albuminoids being termed decay, whilst the name of putrefaction has, in a narrowed sense, been applied to the other set of phenomena. Formerly regarded from the chemical standpoint alone, the fundamental physiological basis of this differentiation has now been explained by the aid of mycological research as follows : Decay is the result of aerobic microbial activity; putrefaction, of the energy of anaerobic organisms. Of course both these processes may go on simultaneously in the same substance, the outer surface, exposed to the air, decaying, whilst the interior putrefies. This fact alone sufficiently proves how little value attaches to researches wherein pure cultures are not employed. M. vox NENCKI (III.) sought to explain the putrefactive decomposition of the albuminoids as a process of hydration, and cited in support of this view the observation that the products obtained are the same as those produced by the action of fusing caustic potash. The bad smell characteristic of putrefaction is often attributable to several /O.HL compounds of the aromatic series. One of these is Indole, C6H / /CH, which \NH' combines as an imide with nitrous acid to form the red nitroso-indole. This property is utilised for the detection of indole in cultures. Since a great many bacteria are capable of producing a small (though sufficient) quantity of nitrites in ordinary nutrient media, this characteristic red coloration can be developed (in presence of indole) by slightly acidifying the culture with sulphuric acid. Of the pathogenic bacteria, Koch's Vibrio cholera3 asiatic\ N i:\n\i (IV.) among the putrefaction prod nets occasioned by JJacillus liqicefaciens magnus in the absence of air. Phenol was first recognised as a product of album*-!! putrefaction by E. BAUMANN (I.) in 1877, and orthocresol and paracresol by E. BAUMANN and L. BRIEGER (I.) in 1879. The capacity of a large number of (mostly pathogenic) species of bacteria for producing the above-named substances was investigated by A. LEWANDOWSKI (I.). M. von Nencki and his pupils made a series of investigations on the products of albuminoid putrefaction. Of their discoveries we will now briefly mention those referring to leucine and tyrosine. These amido substances are secreted by the pancreatic glands, and are almost always present in fresh freces. They are also produced, under certain conditions, in the putrefaction of various albu- minoids. Now, according to NEXCKI'S (V.) researches, leucine is further decomposed by the activity of bacteria, the chief product being valeric acid, along with carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and ammonia. The reaction is approxi- mately expn •»•••! by the equation — ('II.,— CH2— ( -CH.NHo— cooil | 2l!,.O = I.CIICJIIC. (CFL), = < II ' M.-COOH + CO, -f 2H, -f Nil . The decomposition "f ivio-inr nuy be cir.vtnl in two eing converted into CaS and FeS) and rendered suitable for various purpose-, such as feed-water for steam-boilers, &c. Further particulars on this matter will be found in the treatise referred to. The sulphuretted hydrogen produced by the above-named bacteria is consumed by a special group of fission fungi which will be more closely considered in chapter xxxv. Among the sulphurous products of albuminoid putrefaction mention must be made of mercaptan (0XH3.SH), which was first detected by M. VON NEXCKI and N. SIEBER (II.) in cultures of Bacillus liquefaciens maijnus. § 169.— The Putrefactive Bacteria. In the course of his investigations (frequently alluded to in previous para- graphs) on the micro-organisms in putrescent liquids, Chr. Ehrenberg observed a variety of forms and dimensions. The smallest of them bordered on the limits (Lat. termo) of visibility, and was so minute as to be almost indistinguishable by the aid of the optical instruments then available. On this account he, in 1830, gave it the name of Bacterium termo, and subsequently, in 1838, expressed the opinion that this species is identical with the Vibrio lineola already described by O. F. Miiller. However, when FELIX DUJAKDIN ([.), in 1841, undertook to critically examine Ehrenberg's discoveries, and classified all the (infusorial) micro- organisms devoid of visible organs of locomotion into the family Vibrionia, which comprised the three genera Bacterium, Vibrio, and Spirillum, the old name of Bacterium termo was re-applied to this organism. Dujardin also regarded this " infusorium " as the smallest of all living creatures (le Dernier terme en quelque sort de la serie animale), and described it as follows : " Form, cylindrical ; length, 2-3 /*; thickness, 1.0-1.2 p.; frequently united in couples; exhibiting a tremu- lous movement," the latter being ascribed to alternate contractions and re-expan- sions of the plasma. To these characteristics PERTY (I.) in 1852 added another, viz., the grape-like form peculiar to the zooglo3a of this microbe. One year later COHN (V.) also described a like organism. Then when, towards the close of the sixth decade of the century, Pasteur fully explained the theory of specific fer- ments (originated by Kiitzing), and proved its accuracy by a series of examples, of which lactic fermentation was the first, the inclination to regard putrefaction as the work of a specific fission fungus gradually spread. Hence it was that COIIN (L.), in 1872, propounded the dictum that "putrefaction is a chemical process excited by rod - bacteria " (Bacterium termo). The more accurate (physiological) investigation of this process long remained impossible owing to the lack of means for isolating and obtaining pure cultures of its active organism. For this reason the results obtained by different investi- gators (/>. in 1884, was the first to ascertain this fact, and described three distinct species of decidedly putrefactive bacteria, which he named respectively Bacillus sapro- yen*fs /., //., and ///. Itosenbach undertook these researches from a medical point of view, and consequently treated the morphological and physiological sides of the question in a perfunctory manner. Nevertheless, he deserves the credit of having finally banished the designation Bacterium termo from systematic botany; so that, though the name is still occasionally used, it has now no special import, but merely serves as a convenient synonym for the term " putrefactive Tin; IM TKiii'Acrivi: BACTKUIA 227 l>ae(eria." [n this general sense the term is used in l''ig. 57- The, figure represent a species of bacterium (not more sp-eilically identified) i.-.ol:tted from a [nit reset-lit liquid. (J. II.usiu (I.) investigated this matter more thoroughly, and showed, o-speeially, that /lurtr.rinni termo, in the sense implied by (John, does not In iSS5 he brought to our knowledge three putrefactive fission fungi, which are, moreover, I>ac1ei-i<>lt>gicnlly important from their indisputable polymorphism, a peculiarity since recognised in many other species of bacteria, but at that time much disputed. ILauser's discovery was welcomed by the supporters of this f C Ku;. 57.— Uartt-rium tcrmo. FIG. 58. — Proteus vnlgaris. Cilia staiuiii"-. Mag-n. about One long rod and one short rod. Cilia staining1. 1500. (After /i/totof/rams by Magn. about 1500. (After photoyrnut* by Fraenkel J-'rut'iikfl ami //<"///<'/•.) and Pf differ. ) theory, and the importance attached to it at the time was expressed in the name given to the organisms, Hauser having chosen the generic name Proteus for these extremely mutable Schizomycetes. A short description of their characteristics is subjoined. The cells of Proteus vulgaris are generally 0.9-1.2 /*in length, 0.4-0.6 Abroad, and almost always occur in couples. In addition to these short rods, elongated forms, very frequently attaining a length of 3.7 p., also occur. Some extremely vigorous but very rare cells will measure 6 p long by 0.9 p. broad. One of these is shown Fig. 58. The large number of cilia indicates considerable locomotive activity, and in fact this power is possessed by the various species of Proteus in a high degree, manifesting itself both by a rapid forward movement and a con- current (longitudinal) axial rotation. Hence, the coupled cells describe a kind of double cone^the vertex of which is at their point of junction. In addition to the above-named forms, gelatin cultures also yield spirilla, with two to four convolutions; thread -cells, which may grow to a length of 100/1; and finally "spirulina," or threads bent in the form of a bow, with ends twisted into a queue. Under special circumstances involution forms are also produced : the cells swell up in the shape of a pear, and resemble spermatozoa, dumb-bells, A:c., in form. Proteus mirabilis exhibits a very decided tendency for producing such involu- tion forms. Globular or pear-shaped forms, 3-7 p. in diameter, are very frequently developed in the cultures of this microbe, which also exhibits polymorphism in a high degree, and in this particular greatly resembles the preceding species. Here also we meet with short rods, long rods, spirilla, and thread-cells, rapidly moving one through another in varied alternation. At the same time small but unmistakable differences exist. Thus for example, these threads not un fre- quently attain a length of 200 //, i.e. double the maximum size of the first-named species. Proteus Zenkeri differs from the two preceding species mainly in its inability to liquefy gelatin, but resembles them in other particulars, though its cells are 228 THE PHENOMENA OF PUTREFACTION generally smaller, the least of them being globular in form and 0.4 /A in diameter. Short rods (0.8 \L long) joined in pairs are frequently encountered. These three species are unique in the bacterial kingdom in point of motile power, which they possess to such a high degree that a solid medium containing only 5 per cent, of gelatin is unable to restrain them, and they make their way across it in all directions. In order to stop this roving motion the gelatin content must be increased to 10 per cent. This peculiarity is not only of physiological interest, but is also decidedly important so far as practical bacteriology is concerned, in that it indicates the futility of employing nutrient gelatin media containing less than 10 per cent, of gelatin for the preparation of pure plate cultures of Proteus species. To complete the characterisation of these three species, it should be mentioned that none of them forms endospores, and that their growth may be arrested by depriving them of oxygen, though they do not necessarily die in consequence. They will not thrive in mineral nutrient media, such as those of Cohn and Nageli. When grown in albuminous media, they produce stinking decomposition. A. BRODMEIER (I.) proved that in neutral or alkaline solutions Proteus vulgaris is able to convert urea into ammonium carbonate. He thus refuted the assertions of Leube to the contrary, and confirmed the discovery of Schnitzler and Hofmeister. No pretension can be made in the present work of giving a complete descrip- tion of all known forms of putrefactive bacteria, and therefore the examples already cited, being the species most frequently met with, must suffice. More- over, we have already mentioned others of this class in previous paragraphs. One of these, viz., the Bacterium Zopfii, discovered by KURTH (I.) in the stomachs of fowls and shown in Fig. 31, is, according Czaplewski, identical with Proteus Zenkeri. This note appears in an abstract of a work by CM. MOUOINET (I.), who, also, minutely examined a number of putrefactive bacteria. HOLS- CHEWNIKOFF (I.) described a fission fungus closely allied to Proteus vulgaris, which, from its faculty of producing sulphurretted hydrogen, has been named Proteus sulfur eus. Only one more species will be dealt with here, and that briefly, viz., Bacterium coli commune, which is an invariable inhabitant of the alimentary canal of the human subject (and of all the higher animals hitherto examined), and constitutes the most important of the bacteria present in faeces. This parasite was first described by TH. ESCHERICH (I.) as a slender short rod, 0.4 \L broad, the length varying with the conditions of nutrition and cultivation, but mostly measuring 2-3 \L, though occasionally it decreases to 0.5 p. By some authors this fission fungus is named Bacillus coli communis and Colon bacillus. Like the Proteus species, it generally appears as double rods, but its movements are sluggish and laboured. It does not liquefy gelatin. In media containing sugar it can develop even in the absence of oxygen, and liberates a gas which — according to FREMLIN (I.)— consists of two-thirds carbon dioxide and one-third hydrogen. No development of endospores has hitherto been detected. In its manner of growth in- artificial media this organism agrees in many particulars with Bacillus typhi ahdominalis. Consequently they are extremely hard to differentiate, and this makes the bacteriological examination of water a particularly difficult opera- tion when the presence of typhus bacilli has to be quantitatively determined. A further complication is imparted by the extreme sensitivity of B. coli commune to modifications in the conditions of cultivation, and by its great tendency to form varieties. For instance, a number of races of B. coli commune are now known, which, under certain circumstances, are not merely saprophytic, but also pathogenic. A more detailed treatment of this question would occupy too much of our space, and besides, the matter is fully recorded in Tiemann-G'artner's work on Water Analysis. A synopsis of the most important researches of Tin; iMTiiKrArnvK HACTKIUA 229 Escherirli, Kohlrr, U.-i^in^ky, IliM-hlrr, and others, <>n the mo! hods of nutrition of II. <•»// (-omnium' and its powers of decomposition, was prepared by M. I M in 1891. The farts brought to li«jht since that date will be found in the several yearly volumes of A. Koch's " Jahresbericht." Wo will now briefly refer to the subject of intestinal putrefaction. Mention has been made in a previous paragraph of the fundamental difference between the processes of decomposition effected in the small intestine on the one band and in the colon on the other, in man. On issuing from the stomach — where, by the action of the pepsin and hydrochloric acid secreted by the gastric glands :i more or less extensive peptonisation of the digestive albuminoids in the food has been effected — the pulpy food, now known as chyme, has a strongly acid reaction (equivalent to 0.1-0.3 Per cent, of hydrochloric acid). Immediately on its arrival in the upper division of the alimentary canal (small intestine), it becomes mixed with bile and pancreatic juice, under the influence of which the fat is emulsified and the insoluble carbohydrates (starch) are hydrolysed. Both secretions have an alkaline reaction, which, however, is not sufficiently strong to immediately neutralise the acidity of the contents of the intestine. This slightly acid nutrient medium, rich in sugar, offers a favourable field for the activity of the lactic acid and allied bacteria introduced along with the food ; and, moreover, the acidity restricts the development of the competitive putrefactive bacteria. In propor- tion, however, as the contents of the intestine are forced onward and approach the colon, the acid reaction is neutralised by the alkaline mucus secreted by the intestinal glands. At the same time the composition of the mass has become changed, since the products of the hydrolysis of starch, which have also to some extent been converted by the aforesaid bacteria, have been absorbed into the blood-vessels. Therefore in the contents of the colon it is the (undigested or indigestible) albuminoids and biliary constituents which are decomposed by the putrefactive bacteria now coming into action, and it is here that the malodorous products (indole, skatole, volatile acids, sulphuretted hydrogen, n this latter account they more nearly resemble trypsin, i.e. the enzyme secret rd by the gastric glands. None of the Schizomycetes under examination was found capable of producing an enzyme able (like pepsin) to dissolve fibrin in presence of an acid. According to FERMI'S (III.) results, the excretion of the proteolytic enzyme occurs, as a rule, only when albumen is present in the nutrient medium. Two only, of all the species examined by him, exhibited .my variation in this H-poct, vi/., Mirroi'ocriix ]>rodigiosus and B. pyoci/a/tr/tx, which yielded a proteo- lytic enzyme when cultivated in a mineral nutrient solution qualified with glycerin or mannite. It has long been known that antiseptics in small doses exert no injurious influence on the action of enzymes. On this point some conclusive investigations were published by FERMI and PERNOSSI (I.), ami u-c i> made of this property in testing for the presence of a proteolytic enzyme in samples of liquids or bacterium pultures, an easy method proposed by FERMI (IV.) being employed. A so- I'KOTKOLYTIC KN/YMKS 231 called Thymol-gelatin is prepared in the following manner: — Watei- . atm..t.-d with thymol is qualilied with 5-10 percent, of purest gelatin, and after being warmed on (he water bath is poured into test, tubes (10 C.O, in each). Tho tubes are kept in a vertical position, and are n-ady For imiiiedi;if .• .on as the contents have set. Tho thymol present therein will prevent any develop- ment of bacteria. A largo stork of these tubes can be prepared, and thecontents preserved from desiccation by placing the (open) t ubos, mouth downwards, in a covered glass vessel containing a little, distilled water. Tho liquid to be examined is lilterod to remove any solid particles. A few c.c. are then placed in one of the thymol-gelatin tubes, and a little thymol is added to prevent the development of any bacteria already present in the sample. The tube being then left to stand at room temperature, the presence of any proteolytic enzyme in the sample will be revealed in a few days by the liquefaction of an appreciable stratum of the gelatin. To enable this change to be reliably ascertained a mark is made on the tube at the time of filling, to denote the level of the gelatin. The risk of the gelatin becoming dissolved by any large percentage of acid or alkali present should be obviated by neutralising the sample before commencing the experiment. Liquids containing substances such as tannin, glycerin, &c., capable of preventing or retarding the solution of the gelatin, are unsuitable for use. This simple method may also be employed as an approximate quantitative test for determining the relative strength of two solutions of a proteolytic enzyme, since the amount of gelatin dissolved per unit of time under identical conditions may be regarded as a measure of the concentration or potency of the samples. If tubes of equal diameter are used, then this relation is simply expressed by the height (thickness) of the two liquefied strata. Fermi claims that his method is more reliable than those proposed (for the same purpose) by Griinhagen, Griitzner, Briicke, and Schiitz, and which consist chiefly in determining the amount of fibrin dissolved by the sample under certain definite conditions. As we have already mentioned that this latter substance is attacked with greater difficulty than gelatin, it will be at once evident that Fermi's method is the more delicate. With regard to casease, i.e. the enzyme decomposing the casein of milk into soluble products, the chief particulars have already been given in § 147. Many bacterial species are, however, capable of dissolving this albuminoid without any trace of casease being found in the cultures. One of these is the Bacterium peptofaciens, isolated from, milk by AL. BERNSTEIN (I.), which is particularly- active in converting casein into peptone and albumoses, a little (0.2 per cent.) lactic acid being also formed. If, now, the milk be boiled after the bacterium has been in action for a short time, the unconverted casein will be thrown down, and, when filtered off, leaves behind a liquid which is rich in readily digestible peptones, and has been named " galactone " by its inventor. The milk-sugar present in this liquid may be fermented by the addition of suitable yeasts, and then yields " galactone wine." The bacteriological researches of the past few years have resulted in an important modification of the opinions held regarding the so-called carnivorous plants. According to earlier statements, the glands of the parts of the plant acting as a snare secreted a dissolving albumen enzyme, which digested the captured prey, i.e. converted its albuminoids into assimilable peptone Iloppe-Seyler in 1876 threw doubts on the presence of this enzyme in Drosera rotundifolia, and in 1889 ^- TISCHUTKIN (I.) ascribed the phenomenon to bacterial activity. This observer ascertained that the juice collecting on the suiface of the leaves of Pinguicula is rendered inactive by painting the leaves over with bactericidal media. The same conclusion was arrived at by R. DUBOIS (II.) in 232 Till: HI IAOMENA OF PUTKK FACTION 1890, in his experiments on the contents of the urns of .\'>'/>' ////»'* / and two years later the matter was again examined by TISCHUTKIN (II.) in the following plants: — I>r»sera rotundifolia, L., D. Longifolw, L., l)lon<>« /////xc/y,///", Ell., >.i>p,ithes contains about 0.8-0.9 per cent, of dry matter, about 39 per cent, of which consists of malic acid and 50 per cent, of potassium chloride, i.e. the two substances already mentioned in § 41 as powerful bacterium stimulants. The juice in the unopened young cups of Xepentlws contains neither proteolytic enzyme nor bacteria, the latter falling out of the air into the liquid only after the cups are opened. Ample opportunity is soon afforded for the exertion of their decomposing power on the insects caught in these traps and prevented by special contrivances from escaping. For the preparation of this nutrient material the organisms elaborate enzymes, the proteolytic properties of which are utilised by the plant. These so-called carnivorous plants consequently present a beautiful example of symbiosis existing between higher plants and bacteria. § 171.— Ptomaines and Leucomaines. The first step towards the elucidation of the regrettable fact that putrefying albuminoids, when introduced into the blood-vessels of man or the higher animals, set up violent reactions (sepsis, septicaemia), which may, under certain circumstances, prove fatal, was made by P. L. PANUM (I.) in 1856, who proved that putrescent albumen contains a poisonous fission product which cannot be destroyed by boiling, treatment with alcohol, or similar methods, and is con- sequently not an organised creature, but a chemical compound (known as "extractive putrescent poison"). This discovery, which was tested and con- firmed by M. HEMMER (I.) and F. SCIIWENINGER (L), is also of historical importance in Pathological Bacteriology, since thenceforward medical views and researches concerning the nature of the diseases engendered by bacteria pursued two divergent paths : the one school holding these diseases to be toxic phenomena produced by the poisonous metabolic products (toxins) of parasites growing within the body, whilst the other regarded the vital activity of the organi.-ms themselves as the immediate cause of the malady. There is no occasion for us to follow this conflict of opinions, which is still rife ; so we may confine our attention to the efforts of Panum's successors in the narrower field of albuminoid putrefaction. Among these E. BERGMANN (I.) and O. SCIIMIEDEHERG (I.) chiefly deserve mention as being the first to obtain (1868) a poison of this group — by precipitation as sulphate (the so-called sepsin sulphate) from putrescent beer- yeast — in a cry>talline form, and therefore available for closer chemical investi- gation and characterisation. M. y<»\ NKNCKI (\7 .) was the first,, in 1876, to sun-e— fully prepare such a poison in the pure state, vix... the alkaloid colli (isolated from putrid albumen), having the formula CJ^.N, and being (accord- ing to its constitution) trimethyl pyridine, C.(II,N. (CH.)t. Such alkaloid.-. al>o formed, as a matter of course, during the decomposition of the human cadaver (y substituting hydroxyl for one of the hydrogen atoms of the central (J II, group, we obtain muscarine, (JH,.OII- ClI.Oll N. (CH3)3.OH,( which O. SCHMIEDEBERG and E. HARNACK (I.) recogni-cd M the powerful poison of red agaric (Amanita MU440arta),aad to which must be ascribed the intoxication resulting from the consumption of this fungus, or of the beverage prepared therefrom, by the natives of Eastern Siberia. According to L. I5iu i (IV.) the same poison also results from the putrefaction of choline and certain albuminoids, and it was also found in 1878 by Gautier in putrid i\>\\. By separating a hydrogen atom from the central CH, group in choline and the hydroxyl adherent to the adjacent carbon, and combining these liberated equi- valents to form water, we then have left behind neurine, CH2 = CH — N.(CII3)3.OH, a vinyl derivative which may also be formed in the putrefaction of nerve tissue and brain. According to the researches of P. JESERICH and F. NIEMANN (I.), choline undergoes this conversion under the action of Bacterium coli commune. Hydrocollidine, C8H15N, is regularly produced during the putrefaction of the flesh of horses arid cattle, and is generally accompanied by the nearest homo- logue of collidine, viz., parvoline, C9HJ3N. A more detailed characterisation of these ptomaines must be omitted here, but the reader desiring instruction in this particular will be able to obtain it from the concise monograph by F. JACQUEMART ([.) Not every ptomaine is poisonous, — cadaverine, putrescine, and saprine being devoid of this property. The composition of tyrotoxicon, or cheese-poison, which was first discovered by V. VAUGHAN (1.), is still unknown, but from its chemical behaviour it appears to consist principally of a diazo body (diazobenzene ?). It is formed (under con- ditions still un investigated) in stored cheese by the action of bacteria, and when eaten in such cheese produces symptoms of violent poisoning. A case of this kind, in which fifty persons were simultaneously attacked, is recorded by See. WALLACE (I.) The same poison is also occasionally formed in milk. Thus, VAUGHAN (II.) reported an instance of eighteen persons being rendered ill by eating vanilla ice, from which substance (chiefly composed of milk) crystals of tyrotoxicon were obtained. L. DOKKUM (I.) extracted from a cheese recognised as dangerous to health a ptomaine-like substance which he termed tyrotoxin, but which is not identical with tyrotoxicon. In America such cases of che< poisoning are more frequent than in Europe, Vaughan having enumerated three hundred within two years. It is not essentially necessary that the food should contain ready-formed ptomaines for symptoms of poisoning to appear. On the contrary, theptomain. •> may be formed in the body itself if the food contain bacteria capable of pro- ducing them, and provided that the composition of the substances present in the intestines is favourable at the moment. In such event the poisons are called leucomaines, and most of the cases of so-called meat-poisoning are due to this cause. Thus A. GARTNER (I.) reported a case wherein he succeeded in identifying a fission fungus, Jtacillus enteritidis, as the cause of the poison, and the same microbe was discovered by J. KARLINSKI (II.) in a ca>e of n poisoning in Herzegovina, where sun-dried meat (" suehe rnieso ") is an ordinary article of trade, and is frequently eaten raw by the natives. .Many of the cases 234 THE PHENOMENA OF PUTREFACTION of so-called fish-poisoning, i.e. illness produced by eating fish, also belong to this category. On the other hand, these ill effects ni.-iv also be brought about by ptomaines produced during the storage of this (readily decomposable) food-stuff, a remark which applies equally to the so-called sausage poisoning. Hi-searches on this point have been conducted by H. MAAS (I.). The poisonous decomposition products developed by the activity of fission fungi in eggs, and also cased of poisoning ensuing from the consumption of eggs so spoiled, have been investigated by GLASMACHER (I.), BONIIOFF (II.), and GRIGORIEW (I.). § 172.— The Albuminous Poisons. To attribute the poisonous effects of bacteria, in all cases, to the formation of products of the ptomaine group would be incorrect. As a matter of fact, the injury is frequently caused, not by these alkaloids at all, but by certain true albuminoids, which, on account of their decomposing power, have been named active albumen. We have to thank CHRISTMAS and HANKIN (I.) for the first proof of this fact, though Pfliiger was cognisant of it as long ago as 1875. We have already stated in § 82 that certain pathogenic fission fungi will develop on nutrient media destitute of albumen and there elaborate poisons synthetically. The fundamental differences between active albuminoids arid ptomaines are not confined to their production and composition, but extend also to their mode of action : the former behaving like enzymes, and acting as a result of the lability of their atoms, so that a small quantity of the active substance is able to induce decomposition in a comparatively enormous mass of decomposable mate- rial. On the other hand, the poisonous effects of the ptomaines depends on the quantity coming into play, and increases therewith. As in the case of the enzymes, the active albumen is completely deprived of its powers by moist heat (100° C.), by which it is converted into non-poisonous passive albumen ; win : the ptomaines remain undecomposed and undebilitated by the same treatment. This fact is also of importance to the food-stuff chemist, since it will restrain him from certifying a sample of suspected meat to be innocuous merely because a negative result has been obtained with the current alkaloid reactions. Many cases of meat poisoning are probably due to the presence and action of active albumen. A fuller insight into this matter must first, however, be gained by investigation. Thus we find it recorded by M. ARUSTAMOFF (I.) that in the Lower Volga district the opinion prevails that only the consumption of uncooked fish (salted sturgeon and salmon) is harmful. In view of the remarks already made on the influence of heat on active albumen this observation becomes intelligible. The danger resulting from the presence of living bacteria in in- completely sterilised milk, and their developing in the intestines of the nursing infant (see § 125), is probably in many cases due to active albumen formed by the organisms. The author puts this interpretation on the results of the experiments made by A. LtrBBEiiT (I.) on this point. AJ \\-a> lirst established by MITCHELL and HEICHERT (I.) in 1886, it is to the presence of such active albumen that the effects of snake-poison are due. More- over, albuminous poisons are found in the normal blood of different animals, a circumstance first established by A. Mosso (I.) in the case of Mum ni infected animal l>o<>\ c-named workers, and named ZtactUlif ^c.iiifrijirmis 7. In such . oven when air is admitted, the nitrogen of the nitrate is set at liberty, though neither species is able to produce the same effect by itself. ]>act< r'mni coli commune can, however, be replaced by Bacillus lyj>/>i r//«/n/y///^///x. The potassium or sodium present in the nitrates or nitrites is converted into a hydroxide, which accumulates in the medium, and eventually arrests the vital activity of the bacteria in question. For this reason not more than 5 or 6 grains of saltpetre (potassium nitrate) can be fermented per litre. The fact that Bac- terium coli commune in the absence of air (e.g. in the intestines) converts nitrates LIBERATION OF NITROGEN, AM) DK-MTKIFK'ATION 237 into the exceedingly poisonous nitrites is al.so of interest to Pathological Mycology, but we cannot further discuss tho matter here. The important point, so far as we are now concerned, is, that the disengagement of free nitrogen from nitric salts can go on even in the presence of air. The de-nitrification occurring in stored manure and in arable soil appears to be a twofold process : the anaerobic nitrate destroyers acting in the lower strata away from the air, whilst the symbiotic activity of the Bactarium coli commune (so plentiful in animal excreta) and the Bacillus denitrificans I. comes into play at the surface. From this it is evident that the theory which assumes the possibility of preventing the destruction of nitrates by thoroughly loosening, and consequently aerating the soil, is of little value. — The bacteria in question are (for some unexplained reason) present in enormous numbers in the excrement of various animals. First in this respect is horse-dung, which has always been regarded by practical men as a hot manure, a property which is explained by the foregoing observa- tions. Consequently such manure should not be applied, especially when fresh, to soil that has recently received a dressing of nitrate of soda; otherwise a serious loss of nitrogen will result. This injurious action is, however, not limited merely to such fields as have been artificially manured with nitrate, since (as we shall see in chapter xxxvi.) the ammonia salts in the soil are, under favourable conditions, oxidised into nitrates by the activity of a special group of bacteria, such nitrates then forming a welcome food for the organisms dealt with in the present paragraph. That it is a question of more than insignificant quantities will be evident from the discovery reported by PAUL WAGNER (I.) — a discovery which led to the aforesaid researches of Burri and Stutzer — viz., that out of 100 parts by weight of nitrogen applied in the form of stall-manure to the soil, only 25 parts are, on an average, recovered in the crop, whilst the remaining 75 parts are entirely lost. These figures do not fully represent the extent of the loss occasioned in the soil and manures by the activity of the de-nitrifying bacteria, and there still remains another phenomenon for consideration. We must recall that the fission fungus known as Bacillus denitrificans (and probably also a number of allied species not hitherto investigated) separates nitric oxide as well as nitro- gen from nitrates. This oxide then escapes into the outer layers of the manure heap or soil, where it is brought into contact with oxygen, and combines there- with to form nitrogen trioxide — 2NO + 0 = N203. This latter then reacts on the ammonia and ammonia derivatives (urea, &c.) in the soil, in such a manner as to liberate both the nitrogen of the trioxide and that of the ammonia as well — N203 + 2NH3 = 2N2 + 3H20. Consequently the nitrogen compounds insusceptible to the direct action of the microbes in question are also included in the wasteful reaction set up. It was on this account that the production of ammonia during the decomposition of manure was casually referred to at the commencement of this paragraph. The present is a fitting opportunity for referring to the statements of several workers — e.g. H. B. GIBSON (I.) — who, like Reiset, thought they had observed a libera- tion of nitrogen in their researches on putrefaction. Their results were all obtained by the use of complex bacterial mixtures, and therefore cannot be considered as reliable. In this case, also, those experiments alone are decisive in which pure cultures have been employed. By the activity of these bacteria an enormous quantity of combined nitrogen is daily set at liberty in the soil. To replace this loss, and to restore the con- 238 THE PHENOMENA OF PUTREFACTION tinuity of the nitrogen cycle, is the task of a separate group of bacteria, which will be dealt with in chapter xxxiii. The reduction of nitiic acid by bacteria does not always stop short at the liberation of free nitrogen, but in many instances extends to the formation of ammonia. Several investigations on this point were made by 0. LOEW (III.), but, unfortunately, not with pure cultures. He found that " ordinary putre- factive bacteria," grown in a solution of i per cent, of peptone, 0.2 per cent, of KNOS, and 0.2 per cent, of K2HPO4, cause the potash and carbon dioxide to combine, whereas the nitrogen of the nitric acid is converted into ammonium carbonate. When 0.2 per cent, of ethyl alcohol is also present (in anaerobic cultures) the acetate is formed instead of the carbonate. What has already been detailed will explain the so-called nitric fermentation of molasses. The cell sap of the sugar-beet contains a quantity — generally small, but occasionally larger — of nitrates, principally potassium nitrate. This is not separated during the saturation process, but remains in the mass in un- diminished quantity, a portion crystallising out, and being then found in the raw sugar from the centrifugal machine, whilst the rest remains in the mother liquor, i.e. the separated syrup. If this syrup is then .boiled up for the manufacture of second product, and again passed through the centrifugal machine, the proportion of nitrates in the mass will be still larger, — Pellet having found 1.9 per cent, of K NOS in one sample examined by him. At this stage the molasses has a faintly alkaline reaction, and is rich in organic and inorganic nutrient substances of various kinds. Hence it is no wonder if bacteria rapidly develop therein. Under special conditions the upper hand is gained by such organisms as reduce potassium nitrate and eject its nitrogen in the form of NO, which compound, on coming in contact with air, is oxidised into the dioxide N02. The latter hangs as a dense red- brown vapour over the surface of the molasses, and the sugar- maker then says his molasses is in a state of nitric fermentation. This pheno- menon is of less frequent occurrence in the "reserves" in the sugar- factories than in the dilute molasses of the molasses distilleries. Certainly, the activity of these reducing bacteria can be arrested by souring, but this treatment liberates organic acids inimical to the yeast. Bearing this in mind, Czeczetka proposed to remedy the evil by boiling the molasses directly the malady is observed. According to a report by DUBRUNFAUT (I.) in 1868, nitric fermentation was first noticed by Tilloy at his distillery in Dijon, and was successfully suppressed by him by boiling the molasses along with sulphuric acid. An explanation (charac- teristic of the state of knowledge in the domain of Fermentation Physiology at that time) of the favourable influence of this treatment was made in the same year by J. REISET (II.), who stated that the NO or N02 formed during the so- called nitric fermentation proceeds from the oxidation of ammonia in the molasses, this being attacked only when present in combination with a -weak acid, whilst when in the form of sulphate it resists the action of oxygen; consequently the molasses treated in the manner adopted by Tilloy was exempt from this decomposition. This view was left uncontradicted by BKCIIAMP (HI.), although he had already ascribed de-nitrification to the agency of micro-organisms. A closer investigation (embodying modern methods of working) of this nitric fermentation of molasses is highly desirable. To be thoroughly satisfactory, such research must trace the course followed by the potassium nitrate in the juices of the sugar- works, and more narrowly examine the quantitative dependence of the nitrate in molasses on the method of preparation employed, very little being as yet known on these points. The nitric decomposition in question is also of frequent occurrence in the fermentation of tobacco in heaps. SCIII/KSING (III.) reported in 1868 on the first observation of this phenomenon by Ch. Ray. THE LOSS OF COLOUR IN WINE 239 § 174.— The Loss of Colour (Umschlagen, Brechen) in Wine was first examined chemically by G. MULDER (II.) in 1855. Of this complaint, which is known in France as vin taurne, and in Italy as vino girato, he gives the following explanation : — " This alteration of wine consists in a decomposition of the tartaric acid, but how this decomposition is induced is unknown. The cream of tartar is converted into potassium carbonate, whereby the colour of red wine is altered and becomes brown. The decomposition begins at the bottom of the cask, and is hence undoubtedly a result of the decomposition of the organic matter of wine-yeast, which contains a substance acting destructively on the tartaric acid, and, in co-operation with air, oxidising it to carbon dioxide and water. As the malady progresses, the alcohol is converted into acetic acid, and a putrefactive fermentation ensues." The commencement of this malady, which appears more frequently in red wines than in white ones, manifests itself by a slight evolution of carbon dioxide, which preliminary symptom is known in practice as " boiling away " (versieden). Tartaric acid is not the only substance eliminated, glycerin also — according to the researches of P. CARLES (I.) — being slowly decomposed. Simultaneously, the amount of volatile acids increases to an unusual extent (up to 4 grams per litre), a fact observed by SCHULTZ (I.), and afterwards confirmed by J. MACAGNO (I.). Ten years after Mulder's observations, PASTEUR (XII.) undertook the task of discovering the cause of this malady and proving that here also the activity of a still unknown micro-organism was in question. He showed that in wines affected with this complaint bacteria are always detectable in large numbers, their length being 3-5 /*, with a breadth of 1-1.5 V- Greater probability was imparted to this assumption by the observation made by SCHULTZ (I.), who, in 1877, succeeded in artificially imparting the malady to sound wine by inoculating it with a small portion of a wine already infected. A closer study of the organism could not at that time be made, owing to the lack of methods of pure culture, a defect that, in this connection, was first overcome by E. KRAMER (I.) with the organisms from a number of samples of Styrian and Croatian wines affected with loss of colour. This malady, as is well known, is exceedingly prevalent in southern countries, and causes great loss to the agricultural interest every year. Kramer examined nine various species, all aerobic and liquefying gelatin. The first seven of them he named Bacillus saprogenes vini I.— VII., and the other two Micrococcus saprogenes vini I. and II. Details and experiments to prove whether these species are capable of producing loss of colour in sound wines are still wanting, and consequently the Schizomycetes in question possess a merely morphological interest. The actively motile Bacillus saprogenes vini /., which is found in nearly every sample examined, is probably identical with Pasteur's " Bacillus du vin tourne." It attains a breadth of i p. and a length of 2.5-6 n ; and bands composed of two or three cells are not rare. Bacillus sapr. v. III. and VI. form endospores, and the cells of Micrococcus saprogenes vini II. have a diameter of 1-1.4 /*• A pure culture of a bacillus, which, however, was recognised as innocuous, was obtained, from Italian wine suffering from loss of colour, by J. GALEAZZI (I.) in 1894. These remarks sum up all that has hitherto been discovered by fermentation physiologists respecting the loss of colour in wines. Consequently, knowledge of the subject is still only in a very early stage, and we can only hope that future researches will succeed in affording us f urther^enlightenment. This wine malady is so diversified in its mode of development and so changeable in its course, that we are obliged to ascribe it to a very fine example of metabiosis, i.e. that a single bacterial species is insufficent to occasion the complaint, the successive action of 240 THE PHENOMENA OF PUTREFACTION a number of species being essential. In fact, the number of decomposable constituents in unaltered sound wine is so great as to preclude the possibility of a single species effecting all the changes involved. Consequently, investigations on this point will need to be carried out to a somewhat comprehensive scale. Several purely chemical researches into the changes produced were made by J. Konig, and abstracts of them are given in BABO and MACH'S (I.) " Handbuch ties Weinbuues '' (Handbook of Viticulture). Similar researches should now be made with pure cultures of bacteria isolated from wines that have lost their colour, and such researches should also include the examination of the changes produced by the different species of these organisms, in each of the most important constituents of wine. This malady is also known as the putrefactive fermentation or " decaying " of wine, from the final condition attained by the liquid. Wines rich in albumen, e.g. even the Hungarian red wines, according to M. PREYSS (I.), are found to have a special tendency to loss of colour. In order to understand why southern wines are so prone to this malady, it is necessary to recall the fact — already mentioned in previous chapters, and first quantitatively investigated by N. SIEBER (I.) — that putrefaction does not ensue in strongly acid liquids, whereas these wines are poor in acid. FONSECA and OHIAROMONTE (I.) re- commended the addition of citric acid to increase their power of resisting the complaint. The destruction of the acids of wine must therefore precede its final putrefactive fermentation ; hence the primary object of research must be the discovery of the changes produced in these acids. Here, again, everything still remains to be done, since all the information at present available is derived almost exclusively from experiments in which pure cultures were not employed. According to the discoveries of PASTEUR (IX.) and A. FITZ (IV.), tartaric acid (in the form of its calcium salt) can be decomposed by bacterial agency in three ways: viz., either into propionic acid (along with a little acetic acid) ; to butyric acid ; or, finally, to acetic acid, small quantities of ethyl alcohol, succinic acid, and butyric acid being also produced. Malic acid also may yield very different fermentation products, among which BECHAHP (IV.) mentions acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. According to the researches of A. FITZ (IV.), malic acid (combined with lime) may be split up by different species of ferments in three different ways. In the first case, succinic acid, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide are formed, the relative proportions being approximately represented by the equation 3COOH— CHa— CH.OH— COOH = 2COOH— CHy- CH2— COOH + CH3— COOH + 2C02 + H,0. In a second case, propionic acid, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide may be found ; or, thirdly, butyric acid may be the chief product, along with a small quantity of carbon dioxide. With regard to succinic acid, BECHAMP (V.) asserts that this also may be split up (by a bacterial mixture not more precisely specified) into propionic acid and carbon dioxide, the following equation — COOH— ( IL— CH2— COOH = CH3— CH2— COOH + CO^ approximately expressing the reaction. The succeeding homologue of this acid, viz., pyrotartaric acid, breaks up, under similar conditions, into carbon dioxide and methane, according to the equation — 2COOH— CH2— CH.CH3— COOH + 2H20 = sCH4 + sC02. According to the researches of Fitz, citric acid is converted, by an unspecified bacterial mixture, into acetic acid and small quantities of ethyl alcohol and THE LOSS OF COLOUR IN WINE 241 succinic acid. A series of experiments on the behaviour of fifty-two species of bacteria towards twenty-one different organic acids was performed by A. MAASSEN (I.), principally on medical grounds. One result of this research was the discovery of a new characteristic — valuable in the bacteriological analysis of water — for the differentiation of Bacillus tyj>hi abdominalis from Bacterium coli commune— viz., tricarballylic acid, COOH— CH2— CH.COOH— CH8— COOII, which is attacked and partly destroyed by the first-named organism, but is left altogether untouched by the second. More minute investigations into the fermentation of the above-named organic acids would be of value, not only in solving the preliminary questions involved in the study of loss of colour in wine, but also in connection with the decrease in the acidity of wines and fruit wines during stora.ge, a phenomenon well known in practice and one quantitatively examined by PAUL BEHREND (I.) and by P. KULISCH (I.). This decrease— so long as it remains within narrow limits — is looked upon with favour, as contributing to the rounding and improvement of the flavour of the maturing wine. If, however, it proceeds too far and the acidity falls too low, then a proportionate decrease in the power of the beverage to withstand disease (especially loss of colour) ensues. This fermentation of the acids is, as already stated, principally effected by fission fungi, on which point a few particulars have been given by MULLER-THURGAU (V.). To a small extent these acids are consumed by the yeast in the primary fermentation, so that the quantity present in the young wine is less than in the must. Consequently, if the total acidity in the former is found greater than that of the fresh grape-juice and fruit-must, the excess is due to the carbonic acid held in solution. Grapes from vines infested with mildew, whereby both development and sugar formation are retarded, yield wine poor in alcohol and consequently of low resisting power. Such wine frequently becomes diseased, and is then known in France as vin mildiouse. Here again bacterial agency is at work, the rod-shaped organisms forming many-jointed chains and reproducing so abundantly, that they finally accumulate as a thick sediment. U. GAYON (II.) regards this malady as identical with that causing the loss of colour, because he identified in vins mildiouses the same volatile acids (acetic and propionic acids) as have been discovered by others, e.g. E. DUCLAUX (XII.), in vins tournes. The mannitic fermentation of wine, which presents a certain oppositeness of character to the malady known as loss of colour, will be described now, because otherwise no suitable occasion would arise. This complaint does not wait to attack the finished wine, but even makes its appearance at the stage of primary fermentation. If the surrounding temperature keeps above 30° 0., then alcoholic fermentation is confined within narrow limits, and an opportunity is thus afforded for the development of certain species of bacteria which convert the sugar of the must into mannite. Of this hexatomic alcohol there will be produced, according to circumstances, from i to 30 grams per litre of wine, ii* addition to a little acetic acid. A knowledge of this fact is useful to the analytical chemist as well. Attention was first drawn to the mannite content, of Algerian wines in particular, by P. CARLES (II.) in 1891. Figs, as is well known, very often contain considerable quantities of this alcohol ; hence Carles thought that the presence of mannite in any wine indicated adulteration by fig-wine. How- ever, as reported by J. BEHRENS (IV.), the presence of mannite in reliably pure natural wines (e.g. Bordeaux, Chateau- Yquem) had been proved a year previously by Portes and Lafauric ; and very soon afterwards JEGON (I.) showed that in wines of reliable purity, but imperfectly fermented, as much as eight grams of mannite could be found per litre. L. Roos (I.) then proved that this result was due to bacterial activity, a discovery confirmed by U. GAYON and E. DUBOURG (I.), who isolated from such wine a pure culture of a non-motile short-rod fission i Q 242 THE PHENOMENA OF PUTREFACTION fungus, capable of converting sugar into mannite (up to 50 grams per litre)- In nutrient solutions devoid of sugar this species fails to develop, a circumstance sufficient to distinguish it from the bacteria (presumably) causing the loss of colour of wine. Moreover, these latter — as already observed by Mulder — attack cream of tartar first of all, whilst the bacteria of mannitic fermentation leave this salt completely untouched. The fact, now firmly established, that a high temperature (36° C. or over) favours the appearance of the last-named microbes, explains the defective fermentation (familiar to Sicilian and Algerian wine- growers) of wine must during the prevalence of the hot south wine (sirocco or simoom), the red wines, in particular, being greatly affected. According to G. BASILE (I.), this wine disease is as frequent in Sicily as it is dreaded, and in some years affects the greater part of the vintage. The bacteria here coming into action can be destroyed by heating up to 60° C., a treatment impossible to apply hitherto on account of its fatal effect on yeast- cells. However, by artificially inoculating (pitching) with strong, pure yeast, and by cooling the mash down to i5°-20° C., the liquid could be rapidly brought into a state of alcoholic fermentation, which could be controlled by suitably regulating the temperature. In this way the desired result would be ensured, and would amply repay the increased outlay required. In this connection the experience gained by M. RIETSCH and M. HERSELIN (I.) should also be borne in mind, viz., that the iujurious influence of an excessively high temperature (36° C.) can be reduced by aerating the fermenting liquid. In conclusion, it will be useful to remember that rnannite is also formed during the mucinous fermentation of sugar, and that this hexavalent alcohol is also excreted as a metabolic product by certain Eumycetes, e.g. PenicilUum CHAI'TKK XXXI. THE FERMENTATION OF CHEESE, AND ALLIED DECOMPOSITIONS. § 175.— The Composition of Ripe Cheese. THE conversion of the fresh curd into finished cheese is termed ripening. We will, in the first place, consider this process from the purely chemical side. It was explained in § 144 that fresh curd can be obtained from milk in two different ways, either by precipitating with acids or by setting with rennet. In both cases nitrogenous compounds are present in the coagulum, only in the acid curd ("Quark") they consist of casein, and in the rennet curd (" Bruch ") of paracasein. The cheeses obtained from the acid coagulum are, with the sole exception of "Glarner Schabziger," of inferior quality, and only suitable for early consumption. These have hitherto received but little attention from fermentation physiologists ; consequently the following particulars are restricted to cheeses obtained from 'rennet coagulum, which to emphasise the point once more — contain only one nitrogenous compound, namely, paracasein. In contrast to this uniformity stands the variety of the nitrogenous compounds present in ripe cheese. The first observation on this point was made in 1818 by J. L. PROUST (I.), who isolated leucine from ripe cheese. Some sixty years later (1880) N. SIEBER (II.) detected the presence of tyrosine in Roquefort cheese. Nevertheless, these discoveries, as also those of two French workers who will be mentioned later, were of a casual nature, the first thorough attempt to follow the ripening process in a quantitatively analytical manner being made in 1882 by A. WEIDMANN (I.), whose results, especially as regards the qualitative composition of the cheese, were admirably supplemented by a later (1888) research under- taken by B. ROSE and E. SCHULZE (L). These investigations were made in Switzerland on Emmenthal cheese, in which the above-named chemists discovered a considerable amount of leucine. On the other hand, comparatively little tyrosine was found, and other amido-compounds, as well as bodies of the xanthine group, were altogether lacking. The presence of ammonia, however, was readily proved, different samples being found to contain from 0.16-0.44 per cent., calculated to the dry weight. The amount of nitrogen found in the form of ammonia, amido-acids, and other compounds distinct from albumen and peptone, in three kinds of this cheese, ranged between 1,22 and 1.48 per cent. ; i.e. about one-fifth of the total quantity of this element present. Among the albuminoid constituents special mention must be made of caseo-glutin, a body allied to the peptones, and one that must be considered as among the chief products of the ripening process, since it constitutes 20 per cent., and even more, of the total dry matter. In addition, there was found (along with a small quantity of peptones) another albuminoid body, recognised as paracasein. To the list of the constituents of ripe Emmenthal cheese still another unit phenylamidopropionic acid, was added in 1887 by the labours of F. BENECKE and E. SCHULZE (I.) Several other kinds of cheese were included in the scope of these investigations. In harmony with the similarity existing between the methods employed in their preparation the qualitative composition of Spalen cheese was found to resemble that of the Emmenthal product. Peptone was also detected in Gruyere, Vacherin, 243 244 THE FERMENTATION OF CHEESE and Bellalay cheese, as also in Schabzig cheese; the latter, however, differs from the other kinds just named by not containing any ponderable quantity of caseo-glutin. The comparative examination of the constitution of hard and soft cheeses was undertaken by BONDZYNSKI (I.) If cheese be allowed to become over-ripe, then the percentage of albuminoids falls oil' still more. Thus, A. MAGGIORA (II.) found in a sample of over-ripe Stracchino (Gorgonzola) cheese only one-seventh of the initial nitrogen in the form of protein, the remaining six-sevenths being in the form of am ido- and ammonia- compounds. We will now briefly consider the amount of fatty-matter in cheese. When whole-milk is set for cheese, the whole of the fat passes into the coagulum, which then contains almost as much fatty matter as albuminoids, the former constitu- ting about 45 per cent, of the total dry matter of the curd. So far as the observations hitherto made extend, it would appear that the fat suffers no great alteration, whether of quality or quantity, during the ripening process. Bacterio- logically exact investigations are, however, still wanting Reference has already been made in § 120 to the influence exerted on the fat by light and air, and this influence also makes itself felt during the ripening of the cheese. The saponifica- tion of the glycerides mentioned in the said paragraph occurs in cheese to a still greater extent than in butter. The course of this operation has been traced by E. DUCLAUX (VI.), who found that, in one instance, about one-third of the glycerin butyrate originally present was broken up into its two components. The conversion of albumen into fat, the development of which question has been reviewed by S. SOSKIN (I.) in a prize essay, is not only of the greatest importance in the study of chemical alterations in the animal body, but also comes under consideration in the ripening of cheese. BLONDEAU (I.), in 1864, was the first to remark, in his researchs on Roquefort cheese, that in this process fat was produced at the expense of albumen. The same has also lately ibeen rted by H. JACOBSTHAL (I.), but was denied by the majority of subsequent workers, e.g. inter alia, BRASSIER (I.) in 1865, N. SIEBER (II.) and 0. KELLNER (I.) in 1880. NAGELI and O. LOEW (I.), however, proved beyond doubt, in the case of certain Eumycetes, that lower fungi are able to convert albumen into fat. The above-cited researches of Weidmann show that no remarkable quantitative increase of fat occurs in the ripening of cheese, but this does not disprove the possibility of the formation of fat from albumen during the process. On the other hand, G. Musso and A. Menozzi, on the basis of their researches on Stracchino cheese, believe that such a formation of fat must be assumed to occur. The probability of such a conversion of albumen into fat cannot be rejected if we recall another process — very different, it is true, from an aesthetic standpoint, but, nevertheless, very similar from a chemical and bacteriological point of view — namely, the formation of adipocere. Fatty concretions, which in many cases can only have originated in albuminoids (muscular substance, &c.), are frequently found in bodies which have undergone decomposition in the grave. This question, which chiefly concerns the medical profession, we need not dwell upon. Various proofs will be found in a treatise on this subject by ERMANN (I.). § 176.— E. Duclaux' Studies on Cantal Cheese. As ripenening progresses, the amount of the aforesaid amido-compounds continually increases, whilst the paracasein concurrently decreases. This tran>- formation may be due to two causes: one entirely chemical, the other physiological. The earliest worker who believed the ripening of cheese to be due to microbial activity was FERD. COIIN (II.), who, in 1875 — from the researches by which he controverted the hypotheses of Bastian on spontaneous generation — arrived at HACTKIUAI, FLORA OF RIPI-MMi CIIKKSI-: 245 the following conclusion : — "The ripening of cheese I hold to be a true fermen- tation." This fermentation he ascribed to the organisms ('; lal> bacilli") pi' in the rennet liquid, and wliicli In- associated with the bacteria then grouped under the name aacMw .sv/A//7/.s, a general term not to be confounded with that at present applied to an entirely distinct species. (John's decision was 1, exclusively on the microscopical examination of rennet and cheese ; and the same applies also to the statements of F. BENECKE (I.) It was not until 1878, however, that attempts were made to obtain pure cultures of the presumptive cause of the ripening of cheese, and to test the influence of the organism. This was effected by E. DUCLAUX (VII. and XIII.) in his studies on Cantal cheese, from which he isolated ten species of tichizomycetes and classified these under the common generic name of Tyrothrix belonging to the large sub- group of the so-called hay and potato bacilli. Out of these ten species, one, T. virgula, being unable to grow in milk, will be omitted from further considera- tion. Each of the remaining nine produces two classes of enzymes, one resembling lab and coagulating milk, whilst the other, casease (§ 147), dissolves and splits up the albumin thus precipitated. This proteolytic enzyme can be thrown down from the bacterial cultures by means of alcohol. A particularly abundant yield is obtained from Tyrothrix tennis, an actively motile, sporogeiiic rod about 0.6 p. broad and 3 p. long, and often growing in the form of filaments ; hence the name Tyrothrix (= cheese- thread, cheese-hair). This species is aerobic, as are also T. jiliformis, T. distortus, T. geniculatus, T. turgidus, arid T. sealer ; whilst T. urocephalum, T. daviformis, and T. catenula are, on the other hand, anaerobic. Cultures of Tyrothrix tennis obtained from Duclaux' laboratory were investigated in 1895 by W. WINKLER (I.), who formed the opinion that this species can be modified, by cultivation, into three varieties or races. This was, however, contradicted by J. WITTLIN (I.) in 1896. The metabolic products, e.g. leucine, tyrosine, and the ammonia salts of acetic, valeric, and carbonic acids yielded by the Tyrothrix species are the identical substances we have seen to be produced in the ripening of cheese. This concordance necessarily strengthens Cohn's hypothesis, that the ripening of cheese is effected by the vital activity of micro-organisms. On this point, how- ever, Duclaux was unable to afford any certain proof. Later workers attempted to arrive by various ways at a solution of this highly important matter, and mostly by endeavouring to ascertain whether the ripening of cheese could be accomplished in the absence of any fermentative organisms. F. SCHAFFER and ST. BONDZYNSKI (I.) showed that curd prepared from boiled milk does not ripen ; and, according to FREUDENREICH (III.), the same applies equally to Pasteurised milk. Moreover, L. ADAMETZ (VI.) found that neither does ripening occur when bactericidal substances, such as thymol or creoline, are added to the fresh curd ; and the same result was attained by L. PAMMEL (I.) by the use of hydrogen peroxide. § 177.— Changes in the Bacterial Flora of Ripening Cheese. L. Adametz also attempted to ascertain the active cause of the ripening process in a new way, namely, by tracing the quantitative and qualitative alterations occurring in the bacterial content of the ripening curd. These researches — made on a Sornthal (Switzerland) soft " household " cheese, in addition to Emmenthal cheese — led to the following results: — (i) The freshly precipitated curd, moulded in the press and freed from excess of whey, contains between 90,000 and 140,000 bacteria per i gram, a comparatively large number of these being able to liquefy gelatin, and conse- quently excreting a peptic ferment. 246 TIIK FERMENTATION OF CHEKSi; (2) During the period of ripening, the germ content gradually rose to 850,000 in Eminent li;tl cheese and up to 5,600,000 in the "household'' cheese, but only a small share in this increase fell to the liquefactive species ; since whilst the quantitative ratio of these to the other (non-liquefactive) kinds was in the fresh curd i : 40, only one colony of liquefactive bacteria was found in 150 to 1 80 in the gelatin plate cultures prepared from the ripe cheese. The expectation of finding the liquefactive bacteria assume the upper hand during the ripening process was thus dispelled, and the same result wjus attained in a later research published by E. VON FREUDENREICH (IV.) in 1894, according to whom the number of lactic acid bacteria in cheese increases with the age of the latter. Hence the chief, if not the sole, share in the ripening of Emmenthal cheese must be ascribed to these lactic ferments. E. J. LLOYD (I.) also came to the same opinion in his researches on the ripening of Cheddar cheese. The reason why Duclaux, in his earlier investigations, arrived at a contrary result will be readily understood when it is remembered that he prepared his pure cultures exclusively by the dilution method, and therefore by the aid of liquid nutrient media (bouillon in particular) ; since in this last-named liquid the organisms of the genus Tyrothrix thrive exceedingly, whereas the lactic acid bacteria grow badly, if at all, therein. Consequently mixed sowings in this medium result in a preponderance of the liquefactive species described by Duclaux. From the discovery made by FREUDENREICH and SCHAFFER (I.) that the ripening of hard Swiss cheese also goes on uniformly throughout the mass when air is excluded, it follows that the said lactic acid bacteria are (facultatively) anaerobic. The harmonious results of the researches of M. LANG and FREUDENREICH (I.) with Swiss, and of E. MARCUAL (III.) with Belgian (Limburg), samples show that a principal part in the ripening of soft cheese is taken by O'idim.i A/ti/x, further particulars of which member of \\\Q K tnnycetes group will be found in the second volume. Various budding fungi also seem to aid in the process, but more detailed information on this point is absent. According to the statements of JUL. HENRICI (I.), Swiss cheeses are poor in yeast-like fungi and rich in bacteria ; but the converse ratio has been shown to exist in American cheeses. Odour is one of the characteristics peculiar to individual kinds of cheese ; it is but slightly developed in many, but is prominent in others. In isolated instances it is produced by the mechanical incorporation of added flavouring substances to the fresh cheese mass. This applies, for instance, to the already mentioned " Glarner Schabziger" or herb-cheese (Kriivtfr A'".v), which owes its characteristic aroma to the addition of dried ^[elilotus en rnl>'« (blue or Swiss melilot). The English "sage-cheese" and American "clover-cheese" may also be mentioned as examples. In many cases the odorous principle is, on the other hand, produced spontaneously in ripening, i.e. by the activity of micro-organisms, of which nothing is as yet difmitely known. L. PAMMEL (II.) discovered on cabbage leaves a Jfacillus aroinaticus which, when inoculated into fresh curd, produces during the ripening process an aroma similar to that of "clover-cheese." § 178.— Pure Culture Ferments. The results briefly recorded in the preceding paragraph must l.e regarded as first steps inspiring us to further progress towards the goal of all methods relating to the practical application of Fermentation Physiology, viz., the establishment of control over the progress of fermentation. In the matter of cheese making the attainment of this desire is -till remote, and Mycologists an- not yet able to recommend this or that particular microbe with any assurance of NATTO AM) MISO 247 success. On the contrary, practice has also in this respect taken tin; load by employing in special cases such additions as, without being pure cultures (in a bacteriological sense), nevertheless contain a predominating proportion of the organism most suitable for the object in view. One of the two classes of cheese to which this applies is the Roquefort, the other being Kdam cheese. Any one examining for the first time the said French cheese (originally prepared in the village of Roquefort (Dep. Aveyrori), from, unskimmed sheep's milk) will notice the green growth of mould occupying all the cracks abundantly intersecting this brittle, sharp-flavoured mass. This filamentous fungus, whose presence is by no means a sign of unsound composition, has been shown to be the organism known as Penicillium ylaucum (described in vol. ii.), which settles in the fissured cheese mass and there consumes the acid which has been groduced by the lactic acid bacteria and is retarding the development of the albumin- degrading organisms. The favourable influence of this thread fungus is so indubitably established by experience, that the practice is now common to sow it purposely in the fresh cheese mass. To this end bread is allowed to become covered with a luxuriant growth of mould, and is then dried and ground, the resulting powder (rich in mould spores) being then strewn between the separate layers of the sliced curd. In order to favour the development of this aerobic assistant, some 60 to 100 fine holes are pierced by a needle in each cylinder of ripening cheese. The coatings of mould appearing and tolerated in Gorgonzola, Brie, and Stilton cheese seem to have a similar action. In other cheeses, again, such as Emmenthal and Gouda cheese, the formation of a mould coating in the ripening cheese is prevented as far as possible, since it would unfavourably influence their specific flavour. For this purpose the surface of the cheese is repeatedly wiped over with salt water or strewn with dry salt. A comparison of the surface of Gouda cheese with that of Brie cheese will show the remarkable difference between them. In the above-mentioned instance a thread fungus is employed, whereas in the case of Edam cheese a bacterium is mixed with the milk to be made into cheese. This is the Streptococcus hollandicus, whose acquaintance we have already made in § 163, as a microbe capable of making milk or whey ropy. It is employed by adding 2 per cent, by volume of ropy whey to the milk to be set for cheese. § 179.— Natto and Miso. The process of fermentation known as the ripening of cheese both improves the flavour and increases the digestibility of the albuminoids by degrading them into more readily assimilable products. On this account the ripening of cheese might be termed a preliminary digestion of the casein. Similar to fresh whole-milk curd in the nature and proportional ratio of its chief constituents is the Soja bean, i.e. the seed which replaces a meat diet among the natives of Eastern Asia. This bean was first introduced into Europe at the Vienna Universal Exhibition in 1873, and was shortly afterwards more minutely described by FR. HABERLANDT (I.). It contains 35-40 per cent, of albuminoids and about 15 per cent, of fat; and, consequently, a dish of soja beans prepared in the ordinary manner forms a heavy, tough food -stuff* How- ever, it can bo made more attractive to the palate, and better suitable to the stomach, by boiling the beans for five hours in salt water, then forming the mass into balls from 4 to 18 ounces in weight, packing these in straw, and leaving them in a warmed cellar for a few days. Under these conditions they undergo a fermentation which loosens the cellular tissue, and effects a partial conversion of the protein into amides, peptones, guanine, xanthine, and tyrosine. The 248 THE FERMENTATION OF CHEESE mass is then sold (in Japan) under the name of natto. Tiie nature of the species of bacteria taking part in this fermentation has been studied by K. YABE (I.) and O. LOEW (IV.). In the preparation of the second kind of vegetable cheese, viz., Miso, recourse is had to a substance known as Koji (described in vol. ii.), which is added to the boiled bean pulp before allowing the latter to ferment. Full particulars respecting the production of this and several other Japanese articles of dirt (e.g. Shojou prepared from soja beans) have been published by O. KELLNEK (II.); and a few details of the last-named sauce, also highly appreciated in England under the name of soy or shoyn, have been furnished by A. BELOIIOUBEK (I.). For the preparation of Tofu and Nukamiso reference should be made to two treatises by M. INOUYE (I. and II.); and H. C. PRINSEN-GEERLIGS (I.) has reported, -inter alia, on the preparation (by the aid of fungoid ferments) of other dishes from soja beans in Chinese cookery, such as Taohu or bean-cheese, the sauce Tao-yu, &c. § 180.— The Normal Pitting1 of Cheese. The ripening process does not always progress satisfactorily, but very often results in a defective, or spoiled, inferior, or quite unsaleable product. Thus E. VON FREUDENREICH (V.) reports that about 40 per cent, of Einmenthal cheeses ripen imperfectly. The pecuniary loss accruing to cheese-makers from this cause is estimated to amount, in Switzerland alone, to about a quarter of a million of francs (£ 10,000) per annum. The defects here in question are of various kinds. L. ADAMETZ (III.), in his comprehensive monograph on the subject, enumerates the following : — (1) Defects caused by the unfavourable constitution of the milk employed. (2) Inflation ("blown cheese"). (3) Bitter cheese. (4) Discolorations. (5) Poisonous cheese. Of these, the first named is beyond the scope of the present work, the fourth has already been discussed in §§ 89, 95, and 98, and the fifth in § 171. More frequent, however, than any of these is the malady known as inflation, pufiiness, or " blown " cheese (Fr. boursovflement ; Ger. Blahen), which will now be briefly mentioned. In addition to the constituents detailed in § 144, the curd from sweet milk contains a certain quantity of lactose. This is dissolved in the whey remaining in the coagulum, and which cannot entirely be removed by pressing. Con- sequently, sugar is always present, and is decomposed in various ways by the organisms existing in the curd. Some of them, for example, form lactic acid ; whilst others consume it and liberate an abundance of gas. This causes holes (bubbles or eyes) in the mass of the ripening cheese, and these holes manifest themselves as pittings in the cut suface of the ripe product. Both the dimensions of these holes and the manner of their distribution throughout the mass are vny characteristically developed in individual classes of cheese. In order to render this clear by examples, reference may be made to two main types, Emmenthal cheese on the one hand, and Edam cheese on the other; the former exhibiting a few holes of large size, and the latter a greater number, but of small dimensions. The appearance of small holes, regarded as indispensable in the said Dutch fatty cheese, is looked upon as a defect in the Swiss cheese, which, if it contains many holes of small size, is characterised as " Nissler," and considered as inferior. Still, the other extreme of immoderately large cavities is also undesirable. This last condition reveals itself, in the course of its development, by the bulging of the surface of the ripening cheese, which in particularly bad cases, is even split open. This malady, known as inflation or puffiness, has already formed the subject of several investigations, as a result of which both the cause of the THE CAUSE OF PUFFY ("BLOWN") CHEESE 249 complaint and the means of preventing and combating it have been dis- covered. § 181. -The Cause of Puffy (" Blown ") Cheese. The naturally obvious hypothesis that pitting is due to the gas-producing powers of microbes was experimentally confirmed by II. WHIGMANN (VIII.) in 1890. Undoubted though it be that inflation is also a result of microbial activity, it is, nevertheless, equally undecided whether the malady is caused by specific ferments, or only differs from normal pitting in degree, i.e. arises from the same cause. Of the two possible methods of explanation here indicated, the firxt is championed by ADAMETZ and FRHUDENREICH (VI.) in particular. The latter in 1890 established, in the case of three species of bacteiia — recognised as setting up inflammation of the udder in cows, and named Bacillus Ouilleleau, a, 6, c, after their discoverer — that when inoculated into fresh curd they produce inflation and bad flavour. The fermentative activity and products of these three microbes were minutely examined by A. MACFAYDEN (I.) and L. NEX^KI (I.). The gas evolved by B. G. c. is a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, their relative proportions at the climax of fermentation being about 76 : 23, but afterwards becoming so far modified that, at the close of fermentation, only 0.72 per cent, by volume of hydrogen is found in the gas. To these three injurious organisms (pathogenic in cows and goats) a fourth was soon afterwards added by FREUDENREICII (VII.), viz., Bacillus Schafferi (bacteriologically very similar to Bacterium coli commune) which was first obtained as a pure culture from " pufty " cheese, and subsequently also found in " Nissler " cheese. Freudenreich consequently regarded this bacillus as the cause of both these maladies in cheese, and explained its dual manner of working by stating that pufiiness is produced when the fresh cheese curd contains comparatively few colonies of this bacillus, at considerable distances asunder, but of large size, and therefore capable of liberating much gas; whereas, on the other hand, " Nissler " cheese results when the microbe is distributed abundantly, as individual cells, throughout the ripening mass. ADAMETZ (VII.) found in the milk and cheese of a Sornthal dairy a fission fungus which he named Micrococctis Somthalii, and which proved capable of causing pufliness in cheese. This microbe is shown in Plate I. Fig. i. The second method is founded on a different basis. Whereas Freudenreich devoted his attention to the discovery of specific inflation ferments, FR. BAUMANN (I.), on the other hand, endeavoured to ascertain the external conditions under which a microbe producing the normal pitting of cheese would become the cause of inflation. An example of this is afforded by the Bacillus diatrypeticus casei, discovered by him. This organism, when sparsely inoculated in curd prepared from Pasteurised milk, produces a "blind" cheese, i.e. one containing merely a few holes ; but when it is added in large amount, it gives rise to pufnness. This facultatively anaerobic fission fungus is a non-motile capsule bacillus generally 1.5 p in length and 0.7 p in breadth; a photographic representation is given in Plate I. Fig. 2. In media containing sugar it liberates a gas chiefly consisting of carbon dioxide along with a not inconsiderable portion of hydrogen ; and in addition to these products alcohol and lactic acid are formed. If this bacillus be inoculated into fresh curd prepared from non-Pasteurised milk, and consequently rich in a variety of bacteria, a struggle ensues between them. In presence of a superior force of species that do not generate gas, the B. dialrypeticus casei is suppressed, and " blind " cheese will result. On the other hand, when the restrictive power of the other organisms is merely sufficient to moderate, but not prevent, the development (and consequently gas-producing 250 THE FERMENTATION OF CHEESE power) of our bacillus, thru the pitting will be normal ; whilst, if finally these adverse influences be almost entirely lacking, " puffy " cheese results. No rejection of this explanation is implied by the mention of the error into which its author has fallen in attributing to his bacillus alone the capacity of producing pitting — the inaccuracy of which assumption has been noted, inter alia, by ADAMETZ (VIII.). § 182.— Cheese-makers' Recipes. In the light of Baumann's discovery, the reason for a number of (apparently pedantic) rules current among cheese-makers both for the production and subsequent treatment of the curd is made clear. The careful adherence to certain temperatures during and after setting; the time of exposure to their influence ; the nature of the mechanical treatment, and even the extent of the pressure applied to the moulded curd in the press, — all these conduce to the result — the cause of which is certainly unknown to the operators — that a certain bacterial species attains pre-eminence. The researches published by FR. SCHAFFER (III.) and FREUDENREICH (VIII.) in 1895 tenc* to elucidate the processes occurring during the after-wanning of the curd. As has already been indicated, the freshly precipitated curd is kept for a short time at a certain constant temperature, the degree and duration of exposure varying in different kinds of cheese. In the case of Emmenthal cheese, Schaffer showed that a merely gentle after- warming of the curd results in a quicker and more perfect ripening, so that the finished cheese contains a large proportion of products formed by the decomposition of albumin. Freudenreich investigated this condition from a bacteriological point of view, and explained the fact already recorded in § 177 — viz., that the ripening of hard cheese is almost exclusively brought about by bacteria, whilst that of soft cheese is chiefly occasioned by higher fungi (budding fungi, oiidium) — as due to the inferior powers of resistance to high temperatures exhibited by the latter orgaiiisms. Thus the cheese-maker's old rule that "curd for soft cheese should be only gently warmed " is shown to be well founded. Certain prescriptive methods of preparation for a large number of different kinds of cheese have been gradually built up as the outcome of practical experience. The possibility of such a result is a proof that the bacterial species necessary in the ripening of cheese are present everywhere and at all times. The exact observance of these recipes can, however, only continue to indefinitely yield uniform results where the composition of the bacterial flora of the milk set for cheese undergoes merely unimportant fluctuations. This is the case in the Alpine dairies, where the grazing grounds seldom, if ever, receive any application of manure from external sources, and consequently the same species of bacteria are continually returned to the ground anew in the dung of the grazing cattle. For this reason the cheese-dairying industry necessarily developed iir-t in the High Alps, since there the business is, in a bacteriological sense, exposed to the minimum of danger. The case is different in the lowlands, where the cows are fed with fodder of highly diversified origin, frequently consisting of the residues of agricultural industries (grains, distillery residue, irr.-ipe skins, itc.). Th<' liacterial flora of the dung of such animals svill be liable to frequent changes ; and since the bacterial content in the milk is for the most part derived from the dung, it will be evident that the cheese-making process will be affected by this change. Greater difficulties consequently attend the pursuit of the industry in lowland districts, and much less reliance can be placed on recipes. To explain this more clearly by an example, reference may be made to an observation which chemists have been unable to explain, but which BITTKK MILK AM) niTTKR ('IIKl-SK 251 from a bacteriological standpoint — seems almost sdi'-cvidcnl,, vi/.., MIC dilliculty experienced in the working up of milk at such timus of t he us a change is made from dry to green fodder, and vice versd. The bacterial llora of fresh grass is of a much more diversified character than that on dry hay ; only a few species remaining alive and capable of development in the latter. § 183.— Counteracting- Pufflness in Cheese. The reader will now probably inquire whether any method exists whereby milk that will produce puffy cheese may be recognised as dangerous before it is worked up and rejected by the cheese-maker. This course will be advisable when the gas-forming bacteria greatly preponderate, a condition ascertainable by the so-called fermentation test. A sample of the milk to be examined is kept in a fermentation flask (§ 126) for twelve hours at 40° C., a conclusion based on experience being then formed as to its suitability or the reverse, according to the changes occurring during this period. Fuller particulars on this point will be found in Adametz's monograph, as also in the highly com- mendable text-book of W. FLEISCHMANN (I.). As a means of preventing the malady, FREUDENREICH (IX.) recommends the addition of 3 per cent, of common salt to the freshly precipitated curd, freed from the main bulk of the whey. For restricting incipient puffiness. Adametz counsels setting the cheese to cool, since the ferment is found, by experience, to be violent and injurious solely at higher temperatures. From the results of an investigation made by H. L. BOLLEY and C. M. HALL (I.) it must be concluded that gas-forming bacteria are not present in milk at the moment it leaves the udder. If this observation is confirmed by renewed (highly desirable) researches in other places and under different conditions, and thus become a general law, it will indicate the means of preventing puffiness, viz., by taking care to keep the fresh-drawn milk free from dirt and dung, which are the vehicles by which the gas-forming bacteria are introduced. § 184.— Bitter Milk and Bitter Cheese. According to a rule based on experience, and observed by all housewives skilled in cookery, boiled milk must be stored in uncovered vessels, otherwise it is liable to turn bitter. The attention of Pasteur was also directed to this matter in the course of his studies on spontaneous generation. We have already seen, in a previous section, that the French investigator here made the important discovery that, though the lactic acid bacteria are thus destroyed, the more highly resistant spores of butyric acid bacteria can withstand such a brief exposure to boiling heat. Now, since the majority of these latter are anaerobic, they can then only manifest their activity provided the admission of oxygen is either entirely prevented, or at least restricted, a condition ensured by covering the milk-pan with a lid. There then gradually accumulates within the pan an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, &c., produced by the vital activity of bacteria and preventing the access of oxygen to the strongly fermenting milk. The existence of this gaseous stratum can be detected by the sense of smell on carefully raising the lid. The bitter flavour developed in the mi)k was formerly ascribed — e.g. by R. KRUEGER (II.) — to the chief product formed by these bacteria, viz., butyric acid, until WEIGMANN (IX.) in 1890 showed that no bitter taste is produced in milk by the addition of butyric acid. Like HUEPPE (VII.), he attributes the bitter flavour to the peptone formed from the albuminoids in milk. Later re- searches on this point have led, in the main, to the same results. Consequently 252 THE FERMENTATION OF CHEESE the subject falls within the present section, which deals with the decomposition of albumin. Niigeli was the first to attribute the development of bitter flavour in milk to bacterial activity, and since then many attempts have been made to find and prepare pure cultures of bacteria possessing such properties. Some of these are capable of producing bitter principles both in milk and cheese, whilst others are injurious solely to the former; but all liquefy gelatin, and consequently produce a peptic ferment. Of the first group two species are known up to the present, viz., (i) Tyrot/tance. The well-known fact that urine, which is clear when first voided by healthy individuals, becomes turbid on prolonged standing, while with increasing age it turns more and more alkaline, and exhibits an increasing smell of ammonia, found an explanation in 1830 at the hands of Dumas, who regarded this modification (the ammoniacal fermentation of urine) as a conversion of urea KKSKAKCIIKS OF P. MigrKL 255 into ammonium carbonate by the absorption of water. This hydrolysis of urea was considered as a purely chemical process, a readjustment of the atoms in the molecule. It was reserved for PASTEUR (I.) in 1862 to show the incorrectness of this view. He discovered in fermented urine a micrococcus (0.8-1.0 p. in diameter, and frequently united as diplococci, tetrads, and chains) which is capable of inducing the change in question in sterilised urine. This organism was shortly afterwards (in 1864) also described by VAN TIECIIKM (VIII.), :mui table; but Miquel came to exactly the opposite conclusion, the species examined by him greatly preferring peptone, or any similar substance, before urea as a source of nitrogen. Urobacteria are of very frequent occurrence in nature. For quantitative determinations on this point we are indebted to Miquel, according to whom the average number of such bacteria in the air of Paris was (in 1891) 151 germs per cubic metre. The smallest number (90) was found in autumn and the highest URASE 257 in spring (197) and summer (202). The relative content of these in natural waters increases with the degree of impurity. A good example is afforded by the Seine: before reaching Paris 103 urobacteria were found per 10,000 microbes, whoroas n, sample taken within the city limits gave 204, or twice as many as before. According to Miquel, 1-2 per cent, of the bacteria present in the soil, and 15 per cent, of those in cowhouse manure, are capable of hydrolys- ing urea. It is therefore evident that Nature provides for the conversion of urea into a more readily assimilable compound, which we have already found to be essential. The ammoniacal fermentation of the urine of herbivorous domestic animals (horses, horned cattle) begins soon after its evacuation from the body. The resulting ammonium carbonate partly volatilises, and thereby leads to a loss of nitrogen, the extent of which — as A. MtiNTZ and A. GIRARD (I.) showed in 1893 — was formerly under-estimated. Out of the many methods proposed and attempted for the prevention of this loss and the combination of the ammonia, a few (e.g. sulphuric acid) have proved unfit for application in the stall, and others (such as peat litter, gypsum, kainit) insufficient, only a single one being actually suitable : the superphosphate recommended by E. HEIDEN (I.) in 1887, viz., the acid phosphate prepared by means of sulphuric acid, and capable not only of chemically fixing ammonia, but also, by reason of its acid reaction, preventing the inception of uric fermentation. § 189.— Urase. In 1874 MUSCULUS (I.) expressed the opinion that the conversion of urea into ammonium carbonate is merely an indirect result of bacterial activity, the hydrolysis of the urea being effected not by the organisms themselves, but by the enzyme they excrete. This enzyme was said to be particularly plentiful in, and recoverable from, the urine of patients suffering from catarrh of the bladder, a circumstance which would also account for the alkaline reaction of this urine when in a freshly voided condition. This statement was investigated and con- firmed by PASTEUR and JOUBERT (II.) in 1876. On the other hand, the attempts made by LEUBE (I.) to separate the enzyme from the bacteria by filtration through a clay cylinder failed. P. MIQUEL (VII.) then showed, in 1890, that these conflicting results are due to the extreme decomposability of this enzyme, which he proposed to name urase, and which, being very easily oxidised, ought to be filtered in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen, a precaution neglected by Leube. Urase decomposes in three to four hours at 50° 0., and in a very few minutes at 80° C. With regard to its chemical composition nothing is at present known ; not even whether it is a single body or a mixture of several substances (varying in constitution according to the conditions of fermentation). One thing, however, Miquel placed beyond doubt, viz., its capacity to hydrolyse and rapidly convert urea (in a sterilised solution) into ammonium carbonate. It is therefore a true enzyme. § 190.— The Decomposition of Uric Acid and Hippuric Acid. With regard to the disruption of the uric acid molecule by microbial agency, F. and L. SESTINI (I.) instituted an investigation, according to which the decomposition corresponds to the equation — NH— C— NHV NH4X II >C =0 + 8H,0 + 30 = 4 >C03 + C02 0=0 C— NH/ H/ XNH— C = O I E TIN-: 1 MUM l-NTATION OF UREA Unfortunately, pure cultures were not employed in this research, which was published in 1890, nnd the same defect attaches to an investigation made by HARD (I.) in 1896. In a chemical sense, the statement just recorded was confirmed by the treatise of Hurri and his co-workers, mentioned in § 187. These workers also included the decomposition of hippuric acid in the scope of their labours. Like their Italian colleagues, however, they did not employ pure cultures of ferments, but used " a drop of manure drainings" for inoculating the media. They found that hippuric acid was not attacked per se, but only when in combination with lime, the decomposition, moreover, being more difficult to effect than was the with uric acid or urea — which last named is the easiest of all to convert into ammonium carbonate. Both for the sake of completeness and also to show the necessity for a more accurate investigation of the decomposition of hippuric acid, we must refer to a remark made by Van Tieghem in his above-mentioned treatise, namely, that his B. urea is capable of splitting up hippuric acid into its two components, glycocoll and benzoic acid, according to the equation — CH2.NH— CO CH2.NF2 COOH I | + H20 = | +| COOH COOH C6H5 Analvtical data to prove that this decomposition actually goes on so smoothly are, however, lacking. So far as the destiny of hippuric acid in the soil is concerned, K. YOSHIMIHA (I.) has observed that its fermentation proceeds much more rapidly in the upper layers than in the subsoil. CHAPTER XXXIII. THE FIXATION OF FREE NITROGEN BY BACTERIA. § 191. Accumulators and Consumers of Nitrogen. IF seeds of any of the leguminous plants, e.g. peas, lupins, clover, &c., be sown in a soil containing all the food-stuffs (K2O» P2O,(, &c.), except nitrogen, necessary for the growth of plants, then, given sufficient moisture, germina- tion will scon be observed. At the outset the young plant develops just as well in the absence of nitrogen as if that substance were present in the soil : it feeds upon the stores of nutrient substances (carbohydrates, albumen, fat, &c.) accumulated in the cotyledons or seed-leaves. When, however, this store is exhausted, a complete cessation in the growth of the plant visibly ensues, the leaves turning yellow and becoming partly dried up, and the whole plant presenting a moribund appearance. The cause of this condition can only be sought in the dearth of combined nitrogen that has now set in, since the plant has all the other essential food-stuffs at its disposal. The condition itself is consequently termed nitrogen-hunger. All other kinds of higher plants hitherto examined suffer in the same way when grown under these identical conditions. Differences, however, are noticeable in their subsequent behaviour. If left unprovided with assimilable nitrogen, the representatives of all other families of phanerogamic plants — apart from a few exceptions to be enumerated later — persist in this state of starvation and finally die away. Not so the LeguminoscB. These will be observed to remain for some time — a few days to three weeks, according to circumstances — in this debilitated condition, but will then revive almost instantaneously, rapidly turning green, throwing up thick, juicy stalks, embellishing themselves with luxuriant foli- age, putting forth a large number of blooms, and producing a good crop of seed. Such a plant may then overtake others that have been provided with nitro- genous food (manure), and have not had to pass through the famine period ; and may, finally, at harvest yield a quantity of haulm and seed as great, and containing just as much nitrogen, as its more highly favoured fellows. Hence the legurninosse, in contrast to (nearly) all the other cultivated plants (cereals, such as wheat, oats, &c. ; hoed crops, such as beet, potatoes, &c. ; oil- seeds, and so forth) that have been examined on this point, are characterised by the capacity for growing and ripening in a soil perfectly devoid of nitro- gen and without the application of nitrogenous manure. This circumstance is so much the more remarkable since both the leaves and seed of pulse contain an unusually large proportion of combined nitrogen, and are, in fact, richer in this element than any other vegetable food-stuffs. This fact will be best displayed by the subjoined table, giving the average figures, obtained from a large number of analyses, of the percentage of nitrogen in the dry matter of the seeds of — Maize 1.8 Buckwheat . . . .1.9 Oats . . . . .1.9 Wheat 2.3 Peas 4.3 Beans 4.6 Lentils .... 4.7 Soja beans . . . .6.1 259 260 FIXATION OF FREE NITROGEN BY BACTERIA From the large number of researches instituted on the assimilation of nitrogen by plants, the following example, given by EMIL WOLFF (I.), may be selected, and may easily be repeated on a small scale by the reader for his own information. A number of zinc boxes were filled with 24 kilos. (53 Ibs.) of washed calcareous river-sand destitute of nitrogen, the necessary mineral nutrient substances (P O SO K O MgO) being then added and the seeds mentioned in the t in- table sown. ' A certain number of these boxes contained 0.83 gram of nitrogen apiece in the form of nitre. The total dry matter and total nitrogen in the crop were determined, with the following results:— < hit-. I5urk\vho;it. Rape PCM, Fetches. Per Box. With- out With \ With- out With V With- out N. With N. With- out N With N. With- out V With N. \. V Gnns. Gnus. Gnn*. Gnaa. Grms. ( , nn .. Gnus. Grms. (inns. Grins. Dry matter in tin- \ crop . • J 24 91 12 44 U 5° 352 330 250 241 Nitrogen therein 0.15 0.44 0.14 0-43 0.13 0.50 6.74 6.45 6.01 5.95 This table shows that, in the case of peas and vetches, a high yield containing much nitrogen can be obtained, without the soil (initially destitute of nitrogen) having received any application of this element in the form of manure, manuring is consequently unnecessary to these plants. The results of these experiments on a small scale are confirmed by t observation of large farmers. Schultz of Lupitz, a land-owner in the Mark (Brandenburg), states that he has gathered 227 kilos, of nitrogen per hectare (about 200 Ibs. per acre) annually from his "lupin meadows," for fifteen y without any nitrogenous manuring. Similar results are reported by 1 from experiments with sainfoin, by the cultivation of which from 205 to 237 kilos. of (combined) nitrogen were obtained per hectare (180-208 Ibs. per acre). For this reason agricultural chemists have termed the Leffuminosa collectors or accumulators of nitrogen, and have set them up as a class distinct fi other cultivated plants, the latter being grouped under the name of nitrogen consumers. This does not, however, imply that the leguminous plants are avers manuring; on the contrary, they readily absorb any nitrogenous food present in or added to the soil, this food assisting the plant to tide over the stage of nitrogen- hunger. So soon, however, as this period of stagnation is passed, they no longer require* nitrogenous manure, and the latter, when applied, does not influence the size of the crop. Practical agriculturists utilise this observation by planting soils which are poor in nitrogen with such nitrogen accumulators (especially lupins) as :i first crop which is ploughed in when sufficiently developed. This constitutes the practice known as green manuring. A field treated in this fashion will then contain a much larger amount of nitrogen (in organic combination) than betore, and is rendered capable of properly developing other cultivated plants (cereals hoed crops, &c.), which, by reason of their high nitrogen requirements, would otherwise have yielded only a miserable crop in such poor soils. DISCOVERY OF TIIK LEGUMINOUS NOIM'UIS 261 § 192.— The Discovery of the Leguminous Nodules. The source of the free nitrogen accumulated by this class of plants must be sought in the atmosphere alone. Formerly the ammonia compounds of carbonic acid, nitrous acid, and nitric acid, c\l ways present in the air (i.e. the rainfall), were considered as likely sources of nitrogen. The quantities of the last-named acid brought down in the rain, in temperate and tropical climates respectively, are given in the following table, drawn up (partly from personal experience) by A. MtiNTZ and Y. MARCANO (I.) : — Liebf rauenl ><-r n' in Elsass ( Bmusingault). Rotliamstc! 1 ( Luiri-K and Gilbert). Caracas, in Venezuela (Miintz and Marcano). Island of Reunion (Raimbnult). M§-. Mgr. Mg. Mg. HNO3 per litre of) rain-water . ./ 0.18 0.42 2.23 2.67 Amount of HNCM Kilos. Kilos. Kiloe. Kilos.1 thus brought into 1 the soil per hec- j 0-33 0.83 5-78 9-93 tare per annum .J The researches and calculations made by HELLRIEGEL (I.), in particular, showed, however, this addition of nitrogen is much too small to deserve all the credit of the enrichment of the soil. Moreover, since the supply is delivered in approximately regular quantity to all the fields in a given district, it would afford no explanation of the fact that, of all these fields (without nitrogenous manure), it is only just those that have been planted with leguminous crops that yield such a surplus of nitrogenous matter. Consequently, only one other feasible explanation remains, viz., that the Leguminosce possess the inherent property of absorbing nitrogen from the air, and elaborating it into nitrogenous compounds (albumen, &c.). However compulsory this conclusion may be, its recognition by the majority of vegetable physiologists and agricultural chemists was slow. Both classes were under the influence of Boussingault, whose experiments (1837 to 1858) in the cultivation of leguminous and other plants under bell-glasses in soils destitute of nitrogen gave results — confirmed by the check experiments of Lawes and Gilbert — which seemed to deny the absorption of free atmospheric nitrogen by plants. Shortly afterwards, however, attention was directed to the bodies now termed leguminous nodules. These are lateral appendages or swellings on the roots (as shown in Fig. 59), and occur both on the younger and older portions of same, the former being the most thickly infested. In one and the same plant all the inter- mediate stages of this formation, ranging from such as are just barely perceptible to those as large as a pea or hazel-nut, can be found. Their form (Fig. 60) differs in different species, observations on which point have been published by A. TSCHIRCH (I.) and by LAWES and GILBERT (I.). The earliest description of the leguminous nodules was given by MALPIGHI (I.) in his book published as far back as 1687, and this observer referred to them as galls, i.e. diseased excrescences, an opinion also shared by P. DE CANDOLLE (I.) l i kilo per hectare = 0.89 Ib. per acre. 262 FIXATION OF FRFF MTHOCiFN HV HACTKRIA in 1825. TUEVIRANUS (I.), in 1853, was the first to regard these nodules as normal growths, and thirteen years later they were studied by WORONIX (I.), who made the (subsequently important) observation, that the formation contains entirely closed cells filled with living bacteria. In the seventies ERIKSSON (I.) and CORXU (I.) recognised these appendages as metamorphosed lateral roots of perfectly unique structure. When regarded in section (Fig. 61), a nodule of this kind is seen at the fir>t glance to consist of two different portions — a while or colourless external zone Fie. 60.— Hoot-nodule of Vicia saliva. nil/-, main root : mr. lateral root ; the meaning of tin- other letters is ^iven in Fi^s. 61 and 63. Magn. 3. (.///"• /;<>/< rind;.) Fir.. 59. -Hoot of Vicia Fain. With yoiinu' nodules on most of llie lateral routs ami on the t;ip root. Somewhat reduced. ( .(l'l> r Xlrnxlmrtii r.) Fie. 61.— Cross-section through a nodule of Vicia saliva, cut aloim the line <• in Kiu. 60. jir. the primary integument with a few epidermal bacteria < rh). ,>•/. the vascular bundles, each \\itli a x\ lem fibre. linct. the. strongly (!eveh>i)ed bacteioidal li~-ne. .Ma- u. 10. (Afti r /I';/' ri IK /:.} aii'l :tn interior layer, pale red in the young nodule, but, alt rrv.anl.s greenish gi the line of demarcation between them being somewhat sharply defined, and the outline indented like that of a blackberry. It is in the cells of this inner layer that the bacteria now under consideration, and more fully described below, are sheltered; and the layer itself is known as the bacteroidal tissue. On account of these enclosures tin; said root-nodules received from A. 15. FKAXK (11 1.) in 1879 the name of mycodomatia (i.e. fungus chambers), an expression that has, however, been abandoned. 193.— Formation and Functions of the Nodules. The first to take under consideration the physiological importance of thoe nodules was LACHMANN (1.), who in 1858 defined them of albumen. FORMATION AND FUNCTIONS OF TIII1 NODIILF.S 263 One-and-twenty years later FRANK (HI.) showed that the formation of nodulos does not occur when the plants are grown in .sterilised soil, thus proving that the co-operation of microbes existing in the soil is a necessary factor. This result, conjoined with Woronin's observations, led to the conclusion that the production of the nodules is effected by soil bacteria. Frank's observation, and the con- clusion deduced therefrom, were subsequently confirmed by H. M. WARD (V.), who showed that the nodules are absent in water- cultures of Vicia Faba, in sterilised nutrient solutions, but, on the other hand, appear in large numbers if chopped nodules, grown in the ordinary soil, be inserted amongst the root-hairs. This discovery threw a little more light upon the manner in which the nodules are produced, and increased the probability of the assumption that they result from the activity of bacteria which gain access to the root, and there exert a certain stimulance inducing a luxuriant cell-growth. A more intelligent inves- tigation of the importance and mode of action of the nodules thus became possible, and it was then remembered that the Leguminosce are precisely the plants found capable of growing in soil destitute of nitrogen. Hence the obvious idea sprang up that possibly these nodules should be regarded as organs facilitating the absorption of uncombined nitrogen from the air. It naturally follows that if this assumed faculty is actually possessed by these growths, a direct connection between the formation of the nodules and the development of the plant as a whole should be traceable, and this was accom- plished by HELLRIEGEL (I.), in conjunction with WILFARTH, in the years 1884 to 1886. These workers, as a result of exhaustive investigation of plant-roots, arrived at the conviction that the development of the root-nodules stands in most intimate relation to the growth and assimilation of the whole plant. The number of nodules per plant was found to be the greater in proportion as the development of the latter was more perfect. Papilionaceous seeds (e.g. peas) sown in boxes of sterilised soil devoid of nitrogen, and protected from subsequent infection, perished after nitrogen-hunger set in, but, on the other hand, throve and ripened when the boxes were supplied with a small quantity of an aqueous extract from fertile soil. When the non-nitrogenous soil was watered with a little of the said extract, and then sterilised and covered with a layer of sterilised cotton-wool before planting the seeds, the result was identical with that of the first experiment, i.e. the plants started well, arrived at the stage of nitrogen-hunger after the unfolding of the sixth leaf, and then gradually fell into a consumptive state and perished, barren. By these and many other experi- ments Hellriegel arrived at the incontrovertible conclusion that the absorption of atmospheric nitrogen by the Papilionacece is directly connected with the development (or the presence and activity) of the so-called leguminous nodules, which latter are produced solely by the action of certain bacteria on the roots. Hellriegel confined his researches entirely to the Papilionacece, and left out of consideration the other two families, viz., Ccesalpinacece arid Mimosacece, which form with it the order Leguminosce. The formation of nodules in these two families was subsequently investigated by D. MORCK (I.), with the result that the faculty was discovered in each one of sixty-five species (from thirty-eight genera) examined. These discoveries were supplemented by H. LECOMTE (I.), who, in 1894, proved that nodules are formed in Arachis hypogcea, the earth-nut, a fact already noted by Poiteau in 1852, but afterwards denied by Eriksson. The nodule bacteria of the Soja bean (Soja hispida) have been described by O. KIRCHNER (II.). On the other hand, neither Morck nor FR. NOBBE (I.) was able to discover the presence of root-nodules on Gleditschia ; and it is found impossible to inoculate this plant by the nodule bacteria of other Leguminosce. Apart from Leguminosce, the organs in question are found (so far as is at present known) only on Alnus, Elceagnus angustifolius, Hippophae, and Podocarpus, all of which 264 FIXATION OF FHKF MTKOGFA BY HACTKKIA are able to thrive in soils destitute of nitrogen. The faculty of nodule formation has also been ascribed to other plants. A. B. FRANK (IV.) goes the farthest in this respect, and, indeed, assumes that all plants are in a position to take up free nitrogen, an opinion also recently expressed by J. STOKLASA (II.). LIEB- SCHER (I.) confines his opinion within narrower limits, but ascribes the power of fixing free nitrogen to oats and mustard as well. The statements of Frank and Liebscher have, however, been disproved by the searching criticisms of. WiLiAirni (I.), U. Kreusler, P. Wagner, F. Nobbe, and L. HILTNER (I.) ; and J. H. AEBY (I.) has shown that mustard does not possess the faculty with which it is credited by Liebscher. The same results were obtained by CH. E. COAXES and W. R. DODSOX (I.) in 1896, in their experiments on the cultivation of the cotton plant (Gossypium). § 194.— The Nodule Bacteria. The discoveries reported in the foregoing paragraph, and for which we have chiefly to thank Hellriegel and Wilfarth, lead up to the question whether this proved absorption of free nitrogen is effected in the root-nodule itself, or whether, by the influence of this formation, the entire plant — particularly the foliage — becomes capable of taking up this gas from the atmosphere and fixing it in combination ? This latter opinion, which was chiefly supported by A. B. Frank, has been investigated by P. Kossowrrscn (I.), who was, however, unable to discern any absorption of atmospheric nitrogen by the parts of the plants above ground. Attention must, therefore, be concentrated oiithe root-nodules themselves ; but before going into the question whether and in what manner the nitrogen is fixed by them, it will be necessary to become more closely acquainted with the living organisms they contain, viz., the nodule bacteria. The discovery of these bacteria by Woronin in 1866 was not followed im- mediately by their general recognition in scientific circles. For example, H. DE VRIES (II.) in 1877 looked upon them as non-essential. Moreover, when J. BRUNCHORST (I.), in 1885, examined them more closely, he came to quite a different conclusion, and defined the supposed bacteria as organised albuminoids collected in the interior of the nodule cells, and therefore termed them bacteroids (on account of their external resemblance to bacteria). Hence the term bac- teroidal tissue, applied to the internal portion of the nodules in which these organisms appear in large numbers. Remarkably enough, Brunchorst's opinion found favour in the eyes of A. B. FRANK (V.), although conflicting \\ith his own discoveries made in 1879. A. TSCHIRCH (I.) also ranged himself on the side of Brunchorst. A complete revolution of opinion took place in 1888, when BEYERINCK (XIV.) indubitably established the fungoid nature of these supposed pseudo-bacteria, by isolating them from the nodules, and cultivating them further in artificial media. The pure culture obtained from the individual species of PapU'wit"- exhibited certain slight but undeniable differences, which, however, \\ere not so extei ;<> make their discoverer, feel justified in classifying the organisms as separate s)n-rie,v, so he defined them as varieties of a single species, for which he proposed the name of Bacillus radicicola. The art! tidal formation of nodules induced by inoculating the roots of Leguminosae with such pure cultures was ••->fully attempted a year later by Pra/mow,->ki, and will be noticed in § 195. The bacillus in question develops either feebly or not at all on ordinary nutrient gelatin, thi> sul»tratum being too rich in nutrient materials. Beyeiinck recom- mends a decoction of the leaves of I'dpil'mimci-H-, with the addition of 7 per cent, of gelatin, J per cent, of asparagin, and £ per cent, of cane-sugar. The requisite Till; NODULE BACTERIA 265 degree of acidity in the medium is represented by about 0.6 c.c. of normal acid per 100 c.c. The plates coated with this nutrient medium are inoculated with an infusion pivpaivd by mixing a few c.c. of sterilised water with asmall portion of the contents of the bacteroidal tissue of a fresh, young nodule that has been previously washed with water, then steeped a short time in alcohol, freed from the latter by means of ether, and lin;dly cut open with a sterilised knife. The small quantity of inoculating liquid will be absorbed by the gelatin, leaving the bacteria on the surface, where their growth progresses in the most favourable manner. Here they develop to small mucinous colonies that do not liquefy the gelatin. Two forms of cells will be immediately noticeable in preparations made from such a culture. Beyerinck distinguishes them as rods and rovers. The former have a breadth of i //, and a length of 4 to 5 p., and wander eagerly towards the edge of the cover-glass, where fresh oxygen obtains access. As veritable dwarfs in comparison with these are the rovers, which are only 0.9 /* long and o. 18 n broad, and therefore belong to the smallest of known micro-organisms. Even the Chamberland filter cannot restrain them, and they escape through its pores. As the name implies, they are endowed with motile power, which is frequently so strong that individual rovers are able to escape from the parent colony, make their way across the gelatin plate, and found a daughter colony at a distance. The rod cells are not invariably of the ordinary cylindrical shape ; on the contrary, variously bulged or lobed forms appear in larger or smaller number according to circumstances, and a forked branching, resembling the Greek y, is very frequent. This peculiarity, be it remarked en passant, is also shared by other bacterial species, e.g. the Pasteuria ramosa already mentioned in an earlier paragraph. Bacillus radicicola does not produce an enzyme capable of dissolving gelatin, starch, or cellulose, or of inverting saccharose ; neither has spore formation been detected, a circumstance harmonising with the fact that a temperature of 60 °- 70° C. suffices to destroy this fission fungus. On the other hand, the organism appears to support drought and frost without sustaining any injury. A few words must be devoted to the varieties exhibited by the nodule bacteria. Helhiegel established (though without employing pure cultures) that the nodule bacteria of peas cannot develop nodules on lupins and Seradella (Ornithopus sativus). This observation, which was challenged by A. B. Frank, was confirmed by NOBBE, working with pure cultures, in conjunction with SCHMID, HILTNER, and HOTTER (I.). Whether the species should be divided merely into races or varieties, as advocated by the observers just named ; or whether we should here speak of different species in the sense used by naturalists, and consequently express them by different specific names, as was attempted, e.g. by A. SCHNEIDER (I.), is a point of remote importance. BEYERINCK (XV.) has also become a convert to this view, having been unsuccessful in inducing the formation of nodules in Vicia Faba by means of bacterial cultures from those of Ornithopus. On this point an interesting discovery was made by NOBBE, HILTNER, and SCHMID (I.), according to whom the bacteria from any given species of Leyuminosce produce the most plentiful development of root-nodules in the shortest time when applied to other plants of the same species, the potency diminishing in the case of plants of merely allied species, and finally becoming nil when a greater specific difference exists between the original plant and the one inoculated. The various separate species (or varieties) of the nodule bacteria can, to a certain extent, therefore replace one another. Thus, those of the pea are also efficacious for all the examined species of the genera View, and Phaseolus, but, on the other hand, without effect on Robinia, Ornithopus, red clover, kidney vetch, and other clovers. Those of Robinia form nodules only on Phaseolus and a few species of the genus Trifolium. Finally, according to the researches 266 FIXATION OF FKKK MTROOFN HV BA( TFKIA of F. NOBHE, K. SriLMiD, L. HILTNER, and E. HOTTER (II.), the nodule bacteria of dillt;r greatly from those of Leyuminosce. These observations arc also of importance to practical agriculture. Already, for several yem-s past, soils intended to be brought under cultivation (e.g. high moorland soils) for the growth of nitrogen-collecting plants are previously inoculated, />. strewn with a little earth from fields that have borne leguminous plants for a long time, and are consequently rich in nodule-forming bacteria. For this inoculation to have the desired result, it is necessary to use earth containing the bacterial species most efficient for the kind of Leyuminosce to be afterwards grown. Practical experience on the importance of this consideration is already available. Thus SALFELD (I.) has reported that a similar soil intended for peas could not be rendered capable of yielding a crop unless strewn with a little soil obtained from a good pea-field, soil from a lupin-field failing to produce the desired effect. A similar discovery was made by M. FLEISCHER (I.). This treatment must, of course, be preceded by any improvement found necessary in the chemical composition of the soil. Thus, for example, sour moorland must previously be limed, in order to neutralise the acids preventing the development of the nodule bacteria. Moreover, this operation must be performed with discretion, an excessive addition of lime being avoided. Reference may be made on this point to a communication by TA< KK. IMMENTDORF, HESSENLAND, SCUUTTE and MINSSEN (I.). ***' / 5r^/ § 195.— The Bacteroids. The bacteria in question are often met with in air and water, and very frequently in the soil. NOBBE, SCHMID, HILTNER, and HOTTER (I.) made several quantitative bac- teriological investigations on this point. The bacteria pass from the soil into the roots of such plants as will admit them. The first successful, artificial production of nodules by the aid of pure cultures was made by A. PRAZMOWSKI (IV.). This worker, in view of the absence of the sporogenic faculty in these organisms, changed the name of Jlacillus radicicola, bestowed on them by Beyerinck, into Bacterium rurfiri- cola. According to his observations, this fi.-sion fungus penetrates the epidermal cells of the root-hairs, and there develops to a colony which then surrounds itself with a tough membrane. From this original posi- tum then, brad*, out a lustrous ^ K\\»\ it- iiiii-irniis (lyin- in ;i vsiruoii-) : /. tin- \\ith bacteria, which turns towards the bark iiif.rtini.-iim-sHs: »//. Hi- nfcroMmiei of C(.1|s t;irdi grannies; /•. . „ . . , ' , , ];,r^.-'«-,-ntr:ii wnotoi bact. UK- i«,(M.-n.i.is. a result of this advance towards the centre \fter /;< //• ////ylvc-ms. THK BACTKKOIDS 267 words must be added concerning thrir mo lc of Arrangement (already referred to as a " sac") at, the time of penrt r;ition into the cells. The-e branching bacterial colonies, enveloped, as has been stated, in a membrane, were for a long time misunderstood. Beyerinck at first considered them as the surplus matter from the division of the nucleus of the nodule-cells (Kerntonnenfdderi\. By other workers they wore styled mucus threads, fungoid hypha>, plasmodial cords, &c. Frank, for a long time, held them to be the mycelium of an independent higher fungus, differing from the nodule bacteria and belonging to the genus Schinzia, and consequently named them Schinzia leyuminosarum. Subsequently Frank, by the new name infection threads, indicated their true nature, first recognised by Prazmowski. Frank, moreover, in his studies on the immigration of the nodule bacteria in the root, arrived at results differing in several points from those of Prazmowski. We cannot, however, go further into this matter, which FIG. 63. — Development of bacteria to bacteroids from the FIG, 64. — Reticulated band of bac- meristem of a root-nodule of Vicia sativa. Explanation teroids from the nodules of Vicia in the text. Faba. Magn. 700. (After Beyerinck.) Magn. 700. (After Beycrincl:) is one more of botanical than mycological interest. He also discarded the name bestowed on these root-dwelling organisms by Beyerinck in favour of the term Rh/izobium leguminosarum. The integument of the threads is not, as erroneously opined by Frank, a product of the plasma of the nodule-cells, but is formed by the union of the swollen membranes of the outer layers of the bacteria con- stituting these filamentous colonies (or zooglrea). As was shown by A. KOCH (IV.) and M. W. BEYERIXCK (XVI.), it is stained blue by zinc iodo-chloride, and therefore consists of a substance allied to cellulose. The structure and progress of the infection threads in the nodule-cells can be readily recognised in sectional preparations, stained by a solution of equal parts of fuchsine and methyl violet in i per cent, acetic acid. This colours the plasmal contents and membrane of the nodule-cells blue, the bacteria of the infection threads being stained red, whilst the membrane of the latter remains uncoloured. It should be mentioned, in conclusion, that these threads of capsuled bacterial colonies are but rarely found in the nodules of lupins. The bacteria which have gained access now develop in the cells of the bacteroidal tissue, and. finally, under the influence of the surrounding protoplasm, become modified into involution forms termed bacteroids, rich in albumen and no longer capable of reproduction. This morphological change is represented in Fig. 63, in an example taken from the nodule of Vicia saliva shown in Fig. 60. A section cut near the lower extremity meets the youngest meristem, where only long rods (u) in a high state of development are to be seen. A little higher 268 FIXATION OF FREE NITROGEN BY BACTERIA up, in older layers (v), the commencement of branching is already discernible? and is found in a more forward state in a still higher position (./•). Finally, in a section across the cells of the internal tissue of the nodule in the direction y (Fig. 60), none but variously shaped bacteroids (?/) for the most part united to form reticulated bands (shown in Fig. 64) occur. After attaining this condition the bacteroids are soon dissolved by the surrounding cell plasma and disappear. However, before this occurs, small globular vesicles of an unknown nature, which, however, should not be regarded as endospores, not infrequently appear in the interior of this formation. Little can as yet be said of the chemical composition of the contents of these bacteroids. Micro-chemical reactions, however, indicate that the greater part is composed of albumen. Certain enclosures are also frequently observed, A. B. FRANK (VII.), for instance, having noticed such bodies in the bacteroids of individual nodules of peas. He regarded them as amylodextrin, the discovery leading him to the opinion that two kinds of nodules develop on these Papilionacem : albumen nodules and amylodextrin nodules. A subsequent investigation of this matter by H. MOLLER (I.) showed, however, that these doubtful enclosures do not consist of carbohydrates, but of waxy or fatty substances; that they are also to be found in the bacteroids of the "albumen nodules"; and that, moreover, there is but little probability of the existence of dimorphism in the root-nodules of the pea, since these enclosures are also occasionally met with in the bacteroids of the nodules of other Legu- minoscK (e.g. Trifoliuni repens). Concurrently with the reproduction and transformation of the bacteria marches the development of the nodule, which not only increases in size, but also becomes richer in nitrogenous compounds. This gradual increase in the percentage of combined nitrogen in the nodules and the relative proportion of this substance there present, as compared with other parts of the root, were quantitatively investigated by J. STOKLASA (II.). From his results a few figures have been collected into the subjoined tables, which refer to yellow lupins : — Nitrogen Content in the Dry Ma t tor from :-,— At KIn\vrrin<_; Time. At Fructifi- cation. In Fullv Ripe Fruit. Root-nodules ...... Roots free from nodules .... Per Cent. 5-2 1.6 Per cM1t. 2.6 1.8 IVr Cent. 1-7 1.4 That this nitrogen of the nodules was chiefly in the form of albumen is revealed by the following table : — In NitniM'en :i- : PerreHlJItre Ci.lllellt u| (lie Dry Mili-l;ilicf u| the No lnle>. Alhuuieu. Allli'le-. Aspara^in. Per Cent. Per ( Cut. Per Cent. |-'l<»\vrriii£ time ..... 3-99 °-35 0-34 Ilil-.-n.-d fruit 1-54 0.15 tl": The figures just given are Mil-passed in two analyses made by A. B. Frank, according to which a few of the pea nodules examined by him contained 6.94 per cent., and those from the dwarf bean 7.44 per cent, of nitrogen, corresponding — CLOSTIUDIUM PASTEURIANUM 269 on the basis of the factor 6.25 — to an albumen content of 43.4 and 46.5 per cent. As already remarked, the bacteroids — which, when they exhibit the aforesaid vesicles, are frequently termed vesicular bacteroids — are finally dissolved by the surrounding plasma, which is thus enriched with albuminoids, and is then diffused through the plant. The cell contents of the (formerly reddish but now greenish grey) bacteroidal tissue gradually vanish and are dispersed into other parts of the plant, and the nodule consequently shrivels up. The commencement of this process of evacuation of the cells is indicated by the appearance of a central vacuole of gradually increasing size (Fig. 62). Neither the transition of the nodule bacteria into bacteroids, nor the final dissolution of the latter, goes on simultaneously in all parts of the individual nodules, which, moreover, are themselves of different ages. Some of the bacteria escape the converting influence of the cell plasma by remaining within the protecting mucinous capsule (membrane) of the infection threads. Hence, it happens that in the autumn large numbers of the bacteria are still present in an active condition within the nodules. In the subsequent putrefaction of the latter the organisms are set at liberty, pass the winter in the soil, and then act again as nodule-formers in the following spring. The bacteroid stage is not reached in every case, the plasma of the nodule cells being unable in many instances to utilise the microbes. In such event it swarms with bacteria alone, which then act solely as parasites towards their host, and consequently the latter derives little or no benefit from the formation of nodules. This phenomenon is termed by Beyerinck "an overgrowth of bacteria." According to the observations of NOBBE and HILTNER (I.), it occurs when the inoculation is performed with bacteria that have been grown on artificial media for a long time. § 196.— Clostridium Pasteurianum. The fact recorded in § 194, that absorption of nitrogen is not effected by the superior (aerial) parts of the Leguminosce, led us to investigate the root nodules more closely. We then observed that the possession of these appendages enables the plant to grow well and ripen even in soils destitute of nitrogen, and we furthermore learnt that the production of these nodules is directly connected with the activity of certain special bacteria — the nodule bacteria. However important and satisfactory this result may be to agricultural practice, it still leaves unsolved the (from a theoretical standpoint) main question, " By what is the free nitrogen fixed ? " Is this effected by the nodule bacteria themselves, or do they merely exert a stimulative action on the plasma they inhabit, which is thereby empowered or spurred to unwonted activity ? The latter question cannot be answered by experimental means, since for that purpose the chemical activity of the bacteria would need to be eliminated and only their assumed stimulating action allowed to operate. However, the wished-for decision may be expected from the experimental solution of the previous question, and attempts may therefore be made to ascertain whether the nodule bacteria are of themselves capable of fixing free nitrogen. On this point BEYERINCK (XVII.) has conducted researches in nutrient solutions with pure cultures of Bacillus radicicola, and in this manner ascertained that during a period of two months an increase of 9-18 mgrms. of combined nitrogen occurred per litre. Nevertheless he considers that this discovery leaves the question still undecided, and consequently a repetition and extension of his researches in this direction is highly desirable. The exercise of the still imperfectly proved capacity of Bacillus radicicola for fixing free nitrogen is opposed by a considerable obstacle consisting in the 2yo FIXATION OF FKKK NITROGEN BY BACTERIA difficult accessibility of the interior of the nodule (the chief seat of this fission fungus) to the gas to be fixed. A. B. FRANK (VIII.) has ascertained that the air passages (intercellular spaces) of the nodules lead only as far as the cambium layer, but not into the bacteroidal tissue ; consequently atmospheric nitrogen cannot penetrate directly to this tissue. On this point R. BOUQUET (I.) has expressed an opinion worthy of further investigation. According to him, it is the water absorbed by the roots and exhaled through the leaves which conducts and gives up free nitrogen in solution to the root cells, where it is then combined by the plasma. If, then, we must consider the question, whether the fixation of free atmospheric nitrogen is effected within the nodules, to be still imperfectly solved, it is, on the other hand, clearly proved that such an operation goes on in (uncultivated) soil. This was first observed by M. BERTH ELOT (I.) in 1885, and he subsequently proved that this phenomenon is not occasioned by exclusively chemical affinity, but is due to the activity of micro-organisms. Opinions on the nature of the organisms were at first divided. Tei SrnmKsixc;, jun., and KM. LAIKKNT (I.) ascribed the fixation of nitrogen to certain lower algae (Conferva, Oscillaria, Nitzschia), and mosses (Bryuvn,, Leptobryum). Doubt was cast on this hypothesis by A. GAUTIER and R. DROUIN (I.), and P. KOSSOWITM u (II.) disproved it — so far as the algae are concerned — by the aid of pure cultures. BKUTMELOT (II.) then showed that the activity of fungi — both Eumycetes (such as Aspery'dlus niger, Alternaria tennis, &c.) and Scltizomycetes — is in question. For more precise investigations on this matter we have to thank S. \Vi\o- citADSKY (II.), who described a fission fungus belonging to the group of butyric acid bacteria, and bearing the name of Clostridium Pasteurianum. This occurs in the form of rods, 1.2 /n broad and 5 p. long, each producing an endospore, the cells thereby swelling up to the clostridium form, and storing up in their interior (though not at both poles) substances that are stained a deep blue-black by iodine. The ripe spore escapes through the wall of the mother-cell in a longitudinal direction. The great resemblance between this clostridium and the butyric acid bacteria described in a previous section is not only morphological, but also extends to the fermentative capacity. For example, Clostridium J'asteurianum acts on sugar in such a manner that both volatile acids : butyric acid and acetic acid (4 : i), and gases: carbon dioxide and hydrogen (60-75 per cent, of H. by volume) are formed. The importance to us of this fission fungus on the present occasion consists in its behaviour towards nitrogen, which gas it absorbs from the atmosphere, fixes it and employs it in the elaboration of organic substances. The energy necessary thereto is supplied and liberated by the decomposition of sugar ; consequently it is easy to understand that a definite relation exists between the amounts of sugar fermented and of nitrogen combined. This ratio was determined by Winogradsky as 2.5-3 nigrms. of nitrogen to 1000 mgrms. of dextrose. This element (X.) when in a state of combination is not only valueless to Clostridium /Wr///-/'///////f, but when pi.-sent in largo quantity even injurious thereto. For the cultivation of the microbe — which cannot be carried out on the ordinary nutrient media (gelatin, bouillon) in use, though it grows on sliced potatoes — use is made, preferably, of an aqueous solution containing i gram K3P04, 0.5 gram M i:S( )4, 0.01-0.02 gram NaCl,FeSO<,MnSO4, a little CaCO3 (for fixing the acids), and 20-40 grams of dextrose per litre. Clostridium Pastenrianum is strictly anaerobic, and in the soil is therefore obliged to rely on the co-operation of aerobic fission fungi, which remove the injurious oxygen from its sphere of influence, surround it with an atmosphere of nitrogen, and as a reward for this service have the opportunity of consuming the nitrogenous sul»lanc«-s elaborated and excreted CLOSTRIDIUM PASTEUR1ANUM 271 by the Clostridium. Winogradsky observed two species of such assistant organisms, detailed mention of which - polyspora. This thread bacterium was first described by F. CORN (XI.) in 1870, and was subsequently also named Crenothrl>- 1\ a hit In mi. It is illustrated in Fig. 65, which shows that the threads are sessile, each of them consisting of a single row of short cells held together by a common tubular integument, called a sheath. This latter is formed by the splitting of the cell membrane into two layers, the outer one of each cell becoming merged into the adjacent membrai,< > above and below, and thus forming a uniform tube in which the cells can move up and down. The threads are not cylindrical, but increase in diameter from about half-way along their length towards the free end, so that the cross sectional diameter varies from 1.5 to 5 p. Moreover, as may be seen from the figure, the various segments of the thread are of unequal length. As the cells multiply rapidly, the upper members are forced out of the sheath, but are, for the most part, already subdivided — by the development of partition walls in all three directions of space — into small rounded cells, which thereupon make their escape. The new cells vary in size according to the rapidity of this process of subdivision, and are correspondingly distinguished by Zopf as micrococci (r), and macrococci (7) (Fig. 65). Cohn proposed the terms microgonidia MI id macrogonidia, because their method of formation bears a slight apparent re- semblance to the endospores (known as gonidia) of certain Eumycetes, with which we shall become acquainted in the second volume. The dimensions of these cocci vary between i /* and 6 /*. Their cell-walls swell up readily, and unite to form zoogloea (f) up to i cm. in diameter. Under favourable conditions the cocci then grow, by repeated subdivision and sheath-formation, into the thread 272 THK (illNKRA CRENOTHRIX AND CLADOTHRIX 273 forms already described. ZOPF (VI.) observed -that in many casos tin's occurs before tlu-y have quitted the sheath of tlic parent thread ; ;md in this manner tufted forms, similar to that Known in Kig. oo, an; produced. Otherwise, iho sheath is gradually emptied of its contents, and then collapses limply and withers up. If we disregard the excep- tions just named, wherein the germination of the cocci pro- ceeds within the parent thread, and so causes it to present a branched appearance, it may be said that the genus Crenothrix appears only in the form of single, unbranched, filamentous chains of cells. This charac- teristic suffices to distinguish this genus from that bearing the name of Cladothrix, the best-known species of which is Cladothrix dichotoma. As this name implies, we have here to do with a forked thread, such as shown in Fig. 67. This false branching is produced in the following manner : — One of the rod-shaped joints of the thread turns aside, and, growing beyond its next higher neighbouring cell, repeatedly subdivides and forms a new thread, on which a similar false branching may also develop. Hence there ensues a forma- tion the internal structure of which is represented diagram- matically in Fig. 68. In many species (not depicted here) the sheath becomes greatly thickened at the base, where it attains a diameter many times exceeding that of the FIG. 6S.-Crenothrix poiyspora. cells it encloses but tapers off ,_r thread forms of diflerent diameter. gradually towards the tree ex- n_9> macrococci, ami r. rnicrocoeei splitting: off. Masn. about tremity. Cladothrix dichotoma 600. also diffpTN from thft MHOVP a~e' reproduction of the cocci ; /. colony (zooglcea) of cocci ; g. same, natural size; h. same beginning to germinate. mentioned thread bacteria in Magn. 600. (After Zopf.) another important particular, viz., by the production of rod-shaped roving cells, called rod gonidia. which develop at the extremity of the threads, and, after being initially embedded in the swollen sheath (Fig. 69), are liberated, wander about, and finally settle down to form new threads by subdivision and sheath-formation. Allied to Cladothrix dichotoma — though not, as ZOPF (VII.) opined, belonging to the morphological cycle of this organism — is Leptothrix ochracea, which was 274 THE IRON HACTKKIA first described by Kiitzing. A second sheath-forming thread bacterium, allied to the genus Cladothrix, was also examined by him, and named Sphaarot&ut natnii*. It is still too imperfectly known to be dilated upon here, although ED. EIDAM (II.) FIG. 66. — Crcnotlirix ]>'>ly."p<>ni. (irriniiiation of the cocci (//, within the sheath of tin- parent thread. MHUH. about 600. ( . (//• r Z«pf.) also occupied himself with it. Associated with this colourless species is a second (coloured) species, discovered by W. ZOPF (VIII.) in a Silesian river receiving the drainage from a sugar-works. The 'cells of this, Sphu-rotil'i* roseus, contain a yellow and a red colouring-matter, which circumstance is of itself sufficient to distinguish it from all other [(colourless) species of thread bacteria hitherto mentioned. PHYSIOLOGY OF TIIK IKON HACTKKIA 275 The genus Pkragniidioth/riX) one species of which — 7V*. mtdtiaeptata, — was discovered by ENGLER (I.) in the so-called "dead ground " of the Bay of Kiel, differs from all the foregoing in the absence of sheath formation. § 198.— Physiology of the Iron Bacteria. It is not always possible to discern the structure of these thread bacteria without some preliminary treatment, because in most cases the sheaths are ^ \ s^ .l" '/ Y y *.'A \l 7 Y \i // V \ y f s£^.~ \ \ Y / / V- \ 1 N ^ I 1 . \ \ | / X" \l >/ \ FIG. 67. — Cladothrix dichotoma. Portion of a thread with several branching forks. Stained with fuchsine solution, and thus reveal- ing the articulation into long rods. Magn. 540. (After Zopf.) FIG. 68. Diagram of the false branching of Cladothrix. surrounded and permeated by red-brown masses of ferric oxide. These deposits and accumulations are characteristic of these plants, and facilitate their detection and discovery. Since other fungi exposed to the same conditions do not exhibit this peculiarity, Cohn formed the opinion that its occurrence is intimately connected with the vital activity of the thread bacteria, the ferric oxide being deposited in their sheathing in the same way that silica is accumulated in the plates of the diatoms We are indebted to 8. WINOGRADSKY (IV.) for proving the correctness of this view, and for refuting the opinion of Zopf that the deposi- tion is purely mechanical ; and we have to thank the same observer for the more intimate investigation of the process in question. The species Crenothrix polyspora, Cladothrix dickotcma, Leptothrix ochraceat&c.t 2; 6 Till: IRON BACTERIA cccur in particular abundance in such waters as are rich in iron, not in the form of oxide, but as the soluble bicarbonate of the protoxide, FeII2(C03),. Ferrugin- ous sprin_ 'ling from the deeper strata of the rocks, bring up this substance in a ready-formed state ; and in the water of the upper strata it is produced by the decomposition of vegetable matter, the iron, both in this and in the water itself, being converted during cellulose fermen- tation into the hydrocarbonate. This compound is then absorbed by osmosis into the bacterial cell, win -ir- itis split up by the plasma and oxidised, according to the equation — 2FeC03 + 3H20 + 0 = Fe,j(OH)6 + 2C02. The ferric oxide is then stored up in the sheath, to which it imparts a coloration, initially pale yellow but gradually changing to dark brown. Freshly precipi- i i<;. 69. tated ferric hydroxide is, as wo know, somewhat cia-inthrix .lirimtMiiia. soluble in water, but afterwards gradually }>•••• suiNiivi>i..n iinoi-M\iiiii r.,.i>:it tin- into a condition in which it is only attackable by cxtnmity <>f a thread, x. the weak acids. This change can be traced in the young Jr^*S£!&£-722 bacteria, the colouring-matter in the yellow sheath Mami. icxjc. (After A. being at first extractible by washing with water ;•>•.} cilia staining. containing C02 in solution. Subsequently, how . dilute hydrochloric acid must bo resorted to, ami at a still later stage even this solvent is powerless to extract the brown deposit. A very fine and fast blue stain can be produced in young sheaths (the iron in which is still soluble in acid) by exposing them to a mixture of hydrochloric acid and yellow prussiate (potassium ferrocyanide), whereby the hydroxide is dissolved, immediately converted into Berlin blue, and re-precipitated. In older threads the deposits of ferric oxide increase to a thick incrustation, and entirely conceal the structure of the cells. Winogradsky discovered that these bacteria thrive only when ferrous carbonate is available, and that growth is arrested directly the nutrient medium contains no iron, or only iron in the condition of oxide. This fact entails the conclusion that the life of these bacteria is mainly sustained by the energy liberated during the oxidation of ferrous oxide to ferric oxide. Consequently, these organisms rightly deserve their name of " iron bacteria." According to the discoveries of H. MOLISCH (I.), iron can be replaced in this oxidation process by the chemically allied metal manganese. These bacteria require but a very small quantity of other nutrient materials, an addition of, e.y. a few thousandths of i per cent, of sodium acetate to ferruginous water being entirely sufficient to bring them to a state of perfect development. This inexigency is also indicated by the observation, made by 0. ROSSLER (I.), that Cladothrix polysjiora can be grown on bricks moistened with a little ferrous sulphate solution. In 1894 M. BCSGEN (I.) succeeded in obtaining pure cultures of Cladoth/nx dickctOtlM on gelatin. The decomposing power of these organisms is very great, the amount of ferrous oxide oxidised by the cells being a high multiple of their own wt-ight. This high chemical energy on the one hand, and the inexacting demands in the shape of food on the other, si-cure to these bacteria an important part in the economy of Nature ; the enormous deposits of ferruginous ochre and bog iron ore, and probably certain manganese ores as well, being the result of the activity of the iron bacteria. Moreover, they make their presence evident not only in natural water basins, but in all other places where water rich in iron is to be found in quantity. IMIVSIOIXKiV OF THE IRON BACTERIA 277 Consequently, tlu^c organisms may develop into ;m jirt.ual nui.sance to water- technicists by penetrating into the clarifying reservoirs and delivery pipes, and there growing so vigorously as to completely obstruct the passage of the water, and thus interrupt the service of distribution. Many towns deriving their water-supply from a soil or river water rich in iron have suffered from this nuisance ; Lille, for example, as reported by GIARD (HI.), and Berlin, as mentioned by W. Zopf in his ,treatise already referred to. In the waterworks at Lake Tegel, from which the greater part of Berlin derives its supply, these bacteria (and especially the " well-pest," Crenotkrix polyspora) flourished so luxuriantly that they constituted more than one-half of the layer of sediment (about forty inches in depth) gradually collecting at the bottom of the reservoirs. One means of obviating this nuisance (although not practicable on a small scale) is by freeing the water from its content of ferrous oxide, for which purpose P. WOLTERING and A. SASSEN (I.) recommended a method (which is said to answer) consisting in passing the water through coke towers where the ferrous oxide is converted into ferric oxide, the latter being then removed by suitable strainers. Finally, Cladothrix odorifera merits brief consideration. Every one is acquainted with the peculiar smell of the soil, more particularly when moist, e.g. after a brief shower of rain. According to the researches M. BERTHELOT and G. ANDRE (I.), this odour is due to a neutral organic compound, present in the soil and volatilising at the same time as water vapour. The producer of this (not yet precisely identified) compound has now been recognised by RULLMANN (I.) in a new species of bacterium, viz., Cladothrix odorifera. It occurs along with Cl. dichotoma in the soil, and, like the latter organism, can be cultivated on nutrient gelatin ; but whereas the colonies of CL dichotoma are inodorous, liquefactive, and turn the substratum brown in a short time (two days), those of Cl. odorifera, on the other hand, retain their chalky white appearance and evolve the aforesaid earthy smell. RULLMANN (II.) also found that this species is capable of withstanding the influence of drought and poisons, being able to bear exposure for twenty-four hours to a i : 1000 solution of corrosive sublimate. Like its aforesaid congener, Cl. odorifera possesses considerable oxidising power, though this is manifested by the transformation of ammonia into nitric acid, and not by the conversion of ferrous into ferric oxide. This mode of action is not peculiar to this organism alone, but is shared in a still higher degree by a group of bacteria whose acquaintance we shall make in chapter xxxvi. The iron bacteria are not the only Schizomycetes capable of liberating the energy necessary for the maintenance of their existence from inorganic bodies. In the next two chapters we shall make the acquaintance of fresh natural groups and other processes similar to those described ; thus justifying the title of this concluding section. CHAPTER XXXV. THE SULPHUR BACTERIA. § 199.— Morphology of the Genus Begfgiatoa. THE sulphur bacteria, so called on account of their peculiar properties, diller both in structure and external appearance from the filamentous bacteria described in the preceding chapter. They may be divided into two sub-groups, one of which forms the species classified by Engelmann as purple bacteria, and already noticed in chapter xiii. on account of their behaviour towards light. The other sub-group of the sulphur bacteria, which assume the form of long threads, will now be described. It will be useful to preface this description with a few hints concerning arti- ficial cultivation and reproduction for the purposes of investigation. The sulphur bacteria are seldom absent in marsh water, although their number is frequently so small as to elude the inquiring eye of the microscopist. In order to cause them to increase, the conditions of the environment must be rendered favourable, and with this object the simple method proposed by their careful observer, S. WINOGRADSKY (V.), is employed. A few cuttings of the fresh root-stock of the flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus (found in every pond, and by no means rare on river banks), are placed, along with the adherent mud, in a deep vessel con- taining 3-5 litres (about a gallon) of water, a couple of grams of gypsum being added, and the whole left to stand uncovered at room temperature. After five to seven days the liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen will already be noticeable, the gas being disengaged by various species of fission fungi present in the mud and acting on the gypsum. In this manner the ground is prepared for the sulphur bacteria also present, and the latter then develop rapidly. At the end of three to six weeks their presence can be ascertained by the aid of the micro- scope, and they gradually increase to such an extent as to be recognisable by the unassisted eye. Generally, this diversified mixture of sulphur bacteria is not deficient in the red species as well, but the colourless long thread forms are most plentiful. Two genera were more closely investigated by Winogradsky. The one of these bears the name of /tri/i/iatoa, given by TREVISAN (I.) in 1842 in honour of the Italian physician K S. llc^iato of Vicenzn, who, in 1838, published a com- munication on the flora of the sulphur springs of the Euganean Hills, near Padua. The species of this genus occur as actively motile cylindrical filaments, which may attain a length of i c.m. and more. The breadth is always constant in each sej. Mi-ate species, and thus affords a means for differentiating between them. Under favourable conditions of nutrition, and especially in presence of sul- phuretted hydrogen, the interior of the individual threads (Fig. 70 a) is seen to be well stocked with roundish, highly refractive granules, i.e. the sulphur granules described later on. In this condition the transverse cell walls are indiscernible or only detected with difficulty, as will be gathered from Fig. 70 r, which shows the same thread after it has lost its enclosed sulphur granules by a long sojourn in water devoid of su 1 pi m retted hydrogen. Moreover, the length of the cells varies in the different species. If this organism be deprived of the 278 MORl'IIOI/KiY OF Till-: (IKNrs HlXiCIATOA 279 said gas, which is indispensable to its continued existence, then the threads begin to break up (Fig. 71), the contents — except a thin coating attached to the walls — vanish, and I hoy finally perish. No success has attended the search for spore formation in the J}t'(/(/i<(t<>(t. The most abundant species of this genus is Beggiatoa alba, the threads of which are 2.8-2.9 /i in thickness, whilst the length of the individual members varies between 2.9 and 5.8 /z, the shortest of them being thus symmetrical. A second species, with a diameter of 1.6-1.7 /*, the length of the separate cells being 4-8.5 /u, has been named Beggiatoa media ; and FIG. 71. — Beggiatoa alba. Moribund through lack of H2S. Thread falling apart into its short members, which thereupon iissinne a rounded form. Magn. 900. (After FIG. 70. — Beggiotoa alba. The same portion of thread under different conditions of existence. «. in a medium rich in H2S ; the thread is densely packed with sulphur granules ; b. after twenty- four hours' sojourn in a liquid devoid of H2S ; only a few sulphur granules remain ; c. at the end of a further forty-eight hours ; sulphur totally disappeared, transverse walls now visible, contents of individual cells granulated. Magn. 900. (After Winogradsky.) FIG. 72. — Terminal portion of threads of (x) Beggiatoa media and (?/) B. minima. Magn. 900. (After ]\'uif> ™^& breadth °f ^G fhl\ads JS with on.- Vnii lirmiy at- concerned the above conditions are reversed, the threads to tin- Miiistrsitum tapering off towards the free end, where, for example, their Diameter is only 1.5 p, compared with 2.0 p at the 900. <.4fterniu>yratiitky.) base. Consequently the cells are more slender towards the tip. A second characteristic point of difference from the genus previously described is the appearance of a (merely slight) sheath, whereby the moribund members are partly held together, whereas the Beggiatoa threads at this stage break into short fragments and finally into separate cells. A third characteristic of the genus Thiothrix is the dislocation (termed conidia-formation by Winogradsky) of the uppermost joint of the thread. The rod-shaped cell, thus loosened from the chain, crawls a short distance along the solid substratum, then develops a mucinous sucker and grows into a new thread, from which in turn conidia subsequently wander and settle in the vicinity, the result being the formation of the whitish, tufted, thread colonies characteristic of Thiothrix. Here also the thickness of the threads constitutes a criterion for the clari- fication of species. One of them, named by Winogradsky Thiothrix nivea, h:is a diameter of 2-2.5 f- near the base, 1.7 p in the middle, and 1.4-1.5 p at the tip. In a second species the diameter is almost uniformly i.o-i.i /* throughout the whole extent of the thread. It is known as Thiothrix ttnuis, and is probaHy identical with a fi-siOn fungus discovered by ENGLER (I.), in the so-called " dead ground " of the Bay of Kiel, and which he held to be a Beggiatna and called by the specific name B. albavar. universalis. The threads of a third species (Thio- ////•/./• f''niiin>iitiiff), from a sulphur spring at Adelboden (Switzerland), measure only 0.4-0.5 p. in breadth. W. XOPF (VII.) regarded the sessile sulphur bacteria : •••longing to the morphological cycle of the Het/i/ii/tod, and named them "sessile He^iatoa," until NViiio.irradsky proved tiial two distinct genera are here in question. As will be shown later on, the life of the sulphur bacteria is indiflBolubly connected with the presence and availability of free oxygen. In the mode of satisfying their needs in this respect the two genera differ. The B<'n, being endowed with the power of locomotion, can more readily accomplish this NON-FILAMENTOUS SULPHUR BACTKIUA 281 object by their ability to proceed at will to the surface of the liquid. Conse- quently this species gains the upper hand in stagnant or quietly flowing wat in which they search about so eagerly that very little of the oxygen diffusing into the water can reach the bottom where the Thiothrix species rost. The latter, however, have tlio advantage in rapid running water, the loose Htyt/uiloa species being unshed away by the current. In either event, whitish mucinous IIM highly characteristic of sulphur springs accumulate in time — e.y. those of Bareges in the French Pyrenees — and are known in France as baregine or ylairine. § 201.— Morphology of the Non-Filamentous Sulphur Bacteria. Several red species of these organisms are already known to us (§ 91), viz., Chromatium (Monas] Okenii. Monas Warmingii, Spirillum rubrum, $p. voluta/i.s, Ophidomonas sanguined, Rhabdomonas rosea. These are again shown in Figs. 74 to 78. It was remarked in § 68 that Ray Lankester had assumed all these FIG. 74. Chromatium Okenii. Magn. 600. (After F. Colin.) FIG. 75. llliabdomonas rosea. Magn. 600. (After F. Colin.} FIG. 76. Monas Warmingii. Mag-n. 600. (After F. Colin.) FIG. 77. — Spirillum volutans. Mag-u. 600. (After F. Colin.) FIG. 78. — Oplmlomonas wing-uinea. Magn. 600. (Aft-er F. Colin.) organisms to be merely special forms of one species for which he proposed the name Bacterium rubescens. The basis for this assumption was, however, a very insufficient one, since it rested principally on the identity (which, moreover, was not satisfactorily demonstrated) of the red colouring-matter, peculiar to these organisms, and which received from Lankester the name bacterio-purpurin. This investigator was supported in his views by Warming (in 1875), wno on his part classified a large number of the red sulphur bacteria examined by him into a single species, viz., Bacterium sulfnrattnti. Zopf (in 1882) went still farther than either by defining all these organisms as special forms of growth 282 rriIK SULPHUR BACTERIA of a single species of thread bacterium, viz., Beyyiatoa ro*6O-p«rsicinat which, under certain circumstances, was said to appear as long thieads (Leptothrix), and under others as fractions of such threads, viz., as Monas, Spirillum, capable of developing once more into threads. The re-investigation of these discoveries (which were not made with pure cultures) by Winogradsky led to the refutation of this assumed variability of form, and also to the discovery that the above-named red sulphur bacteria are not capable of progressive development, i.e. of growing into thread form. Some little doubt still prevails as to the existence of retrogressive development, i.e. the dismemberment of short cells from filamentous red Beygiatoa species. In contradiction of Winogradsky's statement that the filamentous sulphur bacteria (Begyiatoa and Thiot/irix) are invariably colourless, and consequently cannot throw oft' coloured cells, W. ZOPF (VIII.), in a subsequent communication (1895), reported the existence of red Beygiatoa species which become dismembered into short (sulphur-bearing) cells. The question must consequently be considered as requiring further investigation. The results will, however, be chiefly of botanico-morphological interest, and will not affect either the firmly established theory of the pleomorphism of the Schizomycetes, or touch the physiology of the sulphur bacteria, which latter is the sole property meriting consideration, so far as we are concerned. So long, however, as Winogradsky's discoveries remain uncontroverted by any thoroughly reliable investigations, his deductions must be allowed to stand, viz., that the sulphur bacteria are not pleomorphic — neither the colourless, filamentous genera nor the non-filamentous red genera. The Russian physiologist described a long series of species of the latter type, which, as they are devoid of special physiological importance, we need not examine more minutely. It will be sufficient to mention the chief forms. The aforesaid purple bacteria are only a single sub-group comprising all those sulphur bacteria whose living cells are free and capable of locomotion. It is divided into three genera, Chromatiwn, fihabdochromatium, and ThiospiriUmn. Of these terms the penultimate one is synonymous with Colm's Rkabdomontu, whilst the last one comprises all red sulphur-bearing spirilla, and consequently includes Ehrenberg's Ophidomonas. A contrast to this sub-group of free cells is afforded by the species of red sulphur bacteria which are generally united as colonies. In the genera Thiocystis and Tkiocapsa this union is effected by a mutinous sheath, which is absent in Thiosarcina. In all three cases reproduction occurs by fission in three directions, and the same behaviour is exhibited by the genus Lamprocysiiti which principally differs from the other three in the Mructure of its bag-shaped zoogloea, which is hollow internally, and consists solely of a lattice-like network. A good representation of this species was given by COHN (II.) who described it, along with other organisms, as Clathrocystis roseo'perfsicina. The genus Thiopedia is characterised by the division of the cells in two directions of space, and by the consequent flat colonies. In the remaining species cell fission occurs in one direction only. The Amcebobader species are distinguished by an amoeboid movement; those of TModietyon owe their name to the reticular conjugation of their spindle-shaped cells : whilst Tkiopdyoocout f:;rms /.(>(>Lfl""i of closely crowded cocci. The genus '/'/////• distinguishable from all other sulphur bacteria by its particularly thick gelatinous sheath. A few remarks with regard to the properties of bacterio purpurin will be opportune in (his place. The difficulties in the way of preparing a quantity sufficient for the performance of a rhemical analysis have not even yet been overcome ; consequently its chemical composition is still entirely undefined, and we cannot yet say with certainty whether the colouring-matter is the same in all red sulphur bacteria. This is, however, a»uniee latter will gain the upju-r hand in such places where largo quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen are evolved, either as a result of the decom- position of an abundance of organic matters (albumen) or by the powerful reduction of sulphates. This is the ca-e. for example, in the stagnant shallow l>ays on the iJanish /eeland coai-t, and the same conditions obtain in the Limanes so plentiful along the coast of the Black Sea (e.g. near Odessa). These latter are shallow salt lake-., .separated from the open sea merely by a low, PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SULPHUR BACTMIUA 285 narrow tongue of land. Their bottom is covered by a thick mud, which owes its black colour to the FeS thrown down from the iron compounds in the water (and in the plants rotting therein) by tin; sulphuretted hydrogen generated from sulphates by the reducing action of bacteria, investigated by E. BRUSILOWSKY (I.). The red sulphur bacteria an; but rarely found in mineral sulphur springs. According to Cohn, they have been detected by Morren in the sulphur spring at Ougree, on the Maas ; by Foritane and Jaly, in that at Sales, in the Pyrenees ; by M«neghini, in that of the Euganean Hills, near Padua; and by Colin himself in that of Tivoli, near Rome. The existence of the sulphur bacteria is often a very hard one, because it requires the simultaneous presence and availability of two gases which neutralise one another and become converted into sulphur and water — H2S + 0 = HaO -f S. So that actually the surface of liquids wherein H2S is produced in abundance by the activity of reducing bacteria becomes coated with sulphur formed by purely chemical means, in accordance with the foregoing equation. Now, in order that the sulphur bacteria may be in a position to exert their powers of oxidation, it becomes necessary for them to inhabit certain strata of the liquid between the limits where the oxygen can gain access from above and sulphuretted hydrogen reach them from below. If the liberation of the latter gas goes on briskly, this level rises, and may ascend to the surface of the liquid ; otherwise it sinks and approaches the bottom, where the sulphuretted hydrogen is generated. This change of feeding-ground cannot, however, be followed by all species of sulphur bacteria, since — just in the same way as has been explained with regard to sulphuretted hydrogen — these organisms are adapted to a certain tension of oxygen, which varies in the different species, i.e. they cannot stand the presence of more than a certain quantity per unit of volume of the liquid. In the case of oxygen, this tension is naturally greatest at the surface and smaller at greater depths. It will be evident that even the fluctuations of atmospheric pressure will suffice to produce a change in the predominating species of a diversified mixture of sulphur bacteria in their natural haunts. The same applies to the rate at which the sulphuretted hydrogen is disengaged. For an instructive insight into these conditions we are indebted to the re- searches of M. JEGUNOW (I.) on the colourless non-filamentous species referred to at the close of the last paragraph. As already stated, the habitat of the sulphur bacteria is in those strata of the liquid where the oxygen from above comes into contact with the sulphuretted hydrogen from below. At this level the organisms congregate to form an assemblage visible to the naked eye, and which the above-named Russian physiologist termed the bacterial plane, the structure of which he examined minutely. He artifically induced the processes going on in the Limanes to repeat themselves — so far as necessary to the purpose in view — on a small scale in the laboratory, by placing a certain quantity of the black mud in suitable vessels containing water, and then leaving the whole to stand uncovered. We will not go further into the matter of the rise and fall of the bacterial plane as observed by him, because BEYERINCK (I.) had made similar experiments two years earlier, and applied to the phenomenon a term (Bakterien- Nivenu] having the same significance as that used by Jegunow. The discoveries made by JEGUNOW (II.) with regard to the construction of this bacterial plane, in the case of the organisms now in question, must, however, be considered as novel. When cultivated in higher and broader, but thinner, strata of liquid, the plane assumes the form reproduced on a reduced scale in Fig. 79, i.e. the bacteria do not form a simple plane, but become piled up in places into tuft-like projections — each about 3-4 mm. long — four of these being 286 Till- SULPHUR BACTKIUA shown (enlarge*!) in Fig. 80. The examination of these tufts by the aid of :i horizontal microscope shows tliat they are formed by the movement of the individual bacteria, in a manner similar to the gushing of a spring ; they ascend in tin- axis of the tuft, and then describe an arc in their return to the plane. When inverted by the microscope this resemblance is still more striking; so that Jegunow has styled the planes " fountain planes." The velocity of the individual cell> he found to be 0.02 mm. per second. In tracing the chemical activity of the bacteria, ho made use of a simple and reliable reagent for sulphu- retted hydrogen: a fine (woollen or similar) thread treated first with ferric. •• FIG. 80. — A portion of the Bacterial plane from the preceding \-"\-. showing the arched construction of the plane itself, a> well a- — — -s.- Jx •.«»-) four of its fountains. Magn. n. (After Jegumnr.) Fir.. 79. — Culture of Sulphur Bacteria from the Limanes (in a small vessel ; reduced scale). The figures on the label yive the dimensions, the thickness of the layer of liquid bein^ 0.9 mm. The bottom is occupied with black I.imanes mud; above this is the liquid, the meniscus of \\hich is visible at the to]> of the Fiu. ; and ill lietweeii is the bacterial plane with live "fountains." t.li'f.r P.) chloride and then with ammonia, both in such a very dilute condition that the thread is stained merely a pale yellow. A glass weight is then attached to the thread and let down into the liquid, whereupon the lower part of the thread, as far as the summit of the tufts on the fountain plane, quickly turns black, from the formation of FeS. From that point onwards, however, the colour gradually changes to white. This experiment shows that in the summits of the tufts the sulphuretted hydrogen arising from below isfir>t oxidised to sulphur, and stored up in the cell, winch conveys it to a higher level (the actual plane), and there oxidises it to sulphuric acid. This acid then dissolves the ferric oxide on the upper part of the thread, which is consequently decolorised at this level. The time occupied by the cells in making a single trip — and therefore the total IMIYSIOIXXiY OF TIIK SCUMICR HACTKUIA 287 required for the conversion of II,S into SO, ;m«l tin- expulsion of tlie latter from the cell — was ascertained by Jegunow to be about five minutes. Tho importance of the sulphur b.-u-U-i ia in the economy of Nature is unmis- takable: in co-operation with the sulphate-reducing bacteria they ensure that the sulphur cycle pursues an uninterrupted course, the element being taken up by the higher plants in the condition of sulphates, and deposited in the colls in the form of organic compounds, from which, in the course of putrefaction, it is liberated as sulphuretted hydrogen, and is finally then reconverted into sulphates by the sulphur bacteria and recommences its course through the higher plants. CHAPTER XXXVI. THE NITRIFYING BACTERIA. § 203.— The Recognition of Nitrification as a Physiological Process. THE nitrogen excreted from the animal body as urea has not, when converted into ammonium carbonate (see chap, xxxii.), yet attained the form in which it is usually taken up by plants. Although it is indubitable that plants in general can obtain their requirements of nitrogen from the ammonia salts, it is never- theless certain — both as a result of manuring experiments on the small scale and also from the experience of agricultural practice — that the majority of cultivated plants absorb the element in question more rapidly and abundantly when it is offered them in the form of nitrates. In fact, for some of them, e.g. maize, buck- wheat, and tobacco, JUL. LEHMANN (I.) puts forward the well-grounded assumption that they derive their nitrogen exclusively from nitrates. Here again Nature has made provision for the necessities of the case by converting into nitrates the ammonia salts which — partly as a result of decomposition and partly as artificial manures — find their way into the soil. This process, long known and briefly termed nitrification, was defined in 1846 — on the basis of an experiment by J. DUMAS (II.) — as a purely chemical process of oxidation. This observer regarded chalk as the intermediary facili- tating the intimate combination of ammonia and atmospheric oxygen. Fifteen years later this role of " go-between " was ascribed by MILLON (I.) to the porous humic bodies in the soil — a view that still remained destitute of any convincing proofs when revived in 1863 by BLONDEAU (II.). Ten years later other opinions began to arise. The first adverse hypothesis was expounded in 1873 by ALEX. MULLER (I.), but was not based on any solid foundation, nor was it followed up any farther. Four years afterwards SCHLOESING and Mtrxxz (I.), relying on the results of their researches in this direction, hazarded the opinion that the formation of nitre in the soil is due to the vital activity of organised ferments (soil bacteria). In a subsequent com- munication these two workers detailed some of the conditions requisite for the inception and course of nitrification. The operation is almost stagnant below 5° C., but becomes apparent at 12° C., and attains its maximum at 37° C. As the temperature rises still higher the reaction becomes weaker, and ceases altogether at 55° C. It proceeds the more rapidly as the degree of moisture in the soil increases, provided aeration is not thereby impeded. A faintly alkaline reaction facilitates the progress of nitrification, which, moreover, may not ahva\ > result in the production of nitrates, but at times does not extend beyond the formation of nitrites, especially at low temperatures (below 20° C.) and with a restricted ;«lmi.-sion of air. Both workers also endeavoured to obtain pure cultures of the organisms under investigation. The result of their endeavours will not be judged too harshly when the existing lack of any reliable method of pure cultivation at that time is remembered. When the introduction of the Koch gelatin plate a Horded a new appliance for this purpose, it was pressed into the service now under 288 NITROSO-BACTERIA AND NITRO-BACTERIA 289 consideration by several workers, inter alia by ADAMETZ (IX.) and A. B. Frank ; nevertheless, the result did not fulfil expectations. The last-named German mycologist then contradicted the assumptions of the two French agricultural chemists, and championed the views held by Dumas. To this revival of an old hypothesis we owe the production of a comprehensive work by H. PLATII (I.), which is commended to the attention of the reader not only on account of the new discoveries it mentions, bub also because the first part contains a collection — rich in information for the chemist — of all the then known methods for the production of nitric acid from ammonia by oxidation. In the second part of this treatise it was stated, on the basis of new experiments, that completely sterilised soil no longer possesses the faculty of converting ammonia into nitric acid. It was furthermore shown that, when organisms are entirely excluded, neither the soil as a whole, nor any one of its constituents, is capable of trans- forming ammonia into nitric or nitrous acid by occluding atmospheric oxygen. A re-examination of this work by H. LANDOLT (I.), who undertook the task in consequence of an objection raised by A. B. FRANK (IX.), led to a complete con- firmation of Plath's discovery on all points. It was thus ascertained (in 1888) by the exclusion method that in the oxidation process now under our notice the role of oxygen-carrier is played by living organisms, arid that consequently nitrification is a physiological process. § 204.— Nitroso-Baeteria and Nitro-Baeteria. The discovery and closer investigation of these unknown organisms was shortly afterwards effected by S. WINOGRADSKY (VII.). It is not surprising that their preparation as pure cultures was so long delayed, when we remember that these bacteria do not thrive on media rich in organic nutrient substances. The above-named Russian physiologist successfully employed for this purpose the gelatinous inorganic substance, viz., precipitated silica, recommended by W. KtiHNE (I.). When prepared by precipitation from water-glass (alkali silicate) by hydrochloric acid, and purified by dialysis, concentrated by boiling, and then sterilised in the steamer, this silica forms a vitreous mucinous mass. This is then incorporated with a sterilised solution of the sulphates of potash, magnesia, ammonia, and carbonate of soda, inoculated with the bacterial sample. These salts cause the silica to set, so that the germs in the sowing are fixed separately, and thus may be kept apart, even when they have developed into colonies. In this manner Winogradsky primarily succeeded in obtaining cultures of assured purity, by means of which he was enabled to arrive at conclusions unattainable by the fractional sowings and dilution method em- ployed by previous workers, e.g. W. HERAEUS (I.), P. FRANKLAND (IH.)» and E. WARINGTON (III.). One of the weightiest of these results is the fact determined by WINO- GRADSKY (VIII.) that the numerous species of the group of nitrifying bacteria are classifiable into two sharply divided sub-groups : nitroso-bacteria and nitro- bacteria. The nitroso-bacteria oxidise ammonia to nitrous acid, in accordance with the equation — (NH4)20 + 303 = N303 + 4H,0, but no farther. For this reason nitrites are not altered by these bacteria, On the other hand, the nitro-bacteria lack the faculty of attacking ammonia, but perform the task of converting nitrous acid into nitric acid, in accordance with the equation — I T 290 THE NITRIFYING BACTERIA + 02 = 0^ 0 \N = 0 As is apparent from this equation, their powers differ from that of the nitroso-baeteria, inasmuch as the latter convert the pentavalent nitrogen of ammonia into the trivalent nitrogen of nitrous acid, whilst the nitro-bacteria re-convert the element into the pentad condition. It is evident that these oxidation processes can be effected only in the presence of bases which take up the acids with which the ammonia was initially combined, and also neutralise the resulting nitrous or nitric acid — thus protecting the bacteria from injury from this source. This task is excellently performed in the soil by calcium carbonate. The favourable influence exercised on the course of nitrification by the presence of this salt is therefore readily explainable without dragging in any hypothesis about the condensation of oxygen. Free alkali is unsuitable here for the fixation of the acids, since the presence of this reagent in quantity would be injurious to the bacteria. In artificial cultures calcium carbonate can be replaced by magnesium carbonate, a practice adopted by Winogradsky. § 205.— Nitrosomonas and Nitrosococcus. Two main types of nitroso-baeteria can be differentiated in consequence of the results of existing investigations. One of them (in several species) is found in all the soils of the Old World (Europe, Asia, Africa) hitherto examined, and is known as Nitrosomonas. The second is peculiar to the soil of the two remaining continents, and has received the name of Nitrosococcus. The individual organisms of the first-named type are each provided with a single cilium, and exhibit powers of locomotion which are manifested at an early stage in the cultures, and cause these to become decidedly opalescent. Subsequently the cells become quiescent and collect as zooglcea, which rest in the form of greyish gelatinous clouds on the carbonate at the bottom of the liquid. We will describe this (Nitrosomonas) genus first. Only a single species of nitroso-bacterium has been discovered in European soils, viz., Nitrosomonas europtva. At the opalescent stage of the culture this organism appears as briskly motile cells (fitted with a short flagellum) in the shape of short rods 1.2-1.8 p. long and 0.9-1.0 /z broad. The cells of Nitroso- tnoucLS javanica, cultivated from the .soil of the Botanical Garden at Buitenzorg, near Batavia, are globular, and only attain a diameter of 0.5-0.6 /*, but their flagellum is very long — as much as 30 /u. The Nitrosomonas japonica, found in soil from Tokio, is — like the Nitrosomonas qfricana, isolated from samples of soil from Tunis and from La Reghai'a, in Algeria — very similar to the European species, only somewhat smaller. Differing from these species are those of the genus Nitrosococcus, found in South American and Australian soils. They do not form zooglcea, neither are they ciliated. That obtained from Quito (Ecuador) is a coccus 1.5-1.7 /* in diameter. A similar species, except in point of size, is the Xitrosococcii^s brasili- ensis, obtained as a pure culture from the soil of Campinas (Brazil), and attaining a diameter of 2 p ; and the species grown from Melbourne soil is undistinguish- able from this latter. The nitroso-bacteria are, as observed by WINOGKADSKY (IX.), very susceptible to desiccation, and consequently tlm amount of such organisms in the soil decreases as drying progresses. They arc almost entirely lacking in the air. ASSIMILATION IN THE DARK 291 § 206.— The Nitro-Bacteria. differ from the species already described, not only from a chemico-physiological, but also from a morphological point of view, being smaller and more slender. The cells are an elongated oval, mostly pear-shaped, 0.5 p in length and 0.15- 0.25 p. in breadth, and are therefore among the smallest of all known organisms. In liquid cultures they develop and congregate to form a thin, mucinous skin adhering firmly to the walls of the vessel. Compared with their powerful oxidising action, the vegetative development of these organisms is astonishingly slight. Spore formation has not been found either in these or in the nitroso- bacteria ; and up to the present no subdivision of the genus Nitrobacter into species has been made. BURRI and STUTZER (III.) in 1895 obtained from Hanoverian soil a nitro- bacterium which they assert will thrive both on nutrient gelatin and in bouillon, but (so it is said) exhibits no nitrifying action in nutrient media of this kind, as a rule, and, indeed, loses this power entirely, so that when re-transferred into mineral nutrient solutions it does not attack the nitrites placed at its disposal. A careful examination of such a culture, obtained direct from the above-named chemists, was made in 1896 by S. WINOGRADSKY (X.), who showed that the alleged pure culture contained, not only the riitro-bacterium, but also three other species of (saprophytic) bacteria which thrive well in bouillon, a medium in which the nitro-bacterium will not grow. Winogradsky's treatise is recommended to the reader, more particularly because it mentions numerous contingencies likely to arise in working, and render of no avail the trouble bestowed on the nitrifying bacteria by the bacteriologist. Furthermore, he gives a new recipe for a medium for the pure cultivation of nitro-bacteria, more convenient in use than gelatinous silica, viz., nitrite agar-agar, i.e. a mineral solution containing nitrites and qualified by 1.5 per cent, of agar-agar. If the amount of nitrogen oxidised per unit of time be taken as the standard for measuring the chemical energy of these organisms, then — as Winogradsky ascertained by comparative investigations — the nitroso- bacteria will be found the more active of the two. From this fact it is permissible to draw the further deduction that the conversion of the trivalent nitrogen of nitrous acid into pentavalent nitric nitrogen requires the expenditure of a greater amount of internal force than is needed for the converse operation in the oxidation of ammonia to nitrous acid. Both nitroso- and nitro-bacteria are always present in the soil, the second type of organism immediately oxidising the nitrous acid generated (from ammonia salts) by the first. Whether nitrification begins already in the dung-heap, or has its first inception in the field, is dependent on various circumstances. It will proceed whenever a sufficient quantity of ammonia salts has been produced by the fermentation of urea, provided air has ready access. Thus, H. IMMEN- DORFF (III.) showed that in the outer layers of manure heaps (especially horse- dung), the production of nitrous acid will set in briskly in a few days. There are ample reasons why the formation of the easily lixi viable nitrates, which may, moreover, expose the materials to wasteful reduction processes, should be pre- vented in the manure heap. On this account endeavours should be made to minimise the aeration of the manure by battening the heaps well down. § 207.— Assimilation in the Dark. The incapacity (recorded in § 204) of the nitrifying bacteria to grow on nutrient gelatin is, in the main, attributable to their general dibtac>te for organic 292 THE NITRIFYING BACTERIA nutriment, a peculiarity noted by MUNRO (I.) in 1886. The smaller the quantity of organic food present, the more energetically do growth and oxidation proceed ; and the latter effect is most powerful in solutions containing exclusively inorganic matters. For nitroso- bacteria Winogradsky recommends a mixture of 2-2.5 grams of ammonia sulphate, 2 grams of common salt, and a sufficient quantity of magnesium carbonate per litre of well-water. For nitro-bacteria the ammonia salt is replaced by sodium nitrite. When such a nutrient solution containing solely inorganic matters is inocu- lated with a few nitroso- or nitro-bacteria, energetic oxidation occurs, accom- panied— as was first brought into notice by W. HERAEUS (I.) in 1886 — by a rapid reproduction of the bacteria. When development is concluded, and the available quantity of ammonia or nitrite oxidised, then the bacterium crop grown in this manner contains a certain quantity of organic matter, the carbon of which has been exclusively derived from inorganic sources — in this case carbon dioxide. The amount was ascertained by Winogradsky, by four quantitative analyses, as 0.020-0.022 gram per 100 c.c. of liquid. Consequently the nitroso- and nitro-bacteria are able to attract from carbon dioxide, in the absence of I i (, the carbon necessary for the construction of their cells, and are therefore able to assimilate carbon dioxide in the dark. Two sources of carbon dioxide are available to the nitrifying bacteria. One of them is the carbonate present in the nutrient solution (or soil), and which is also necessary for other reasons already given in § 204. According to Wino- gradsky, this carbonate supplies carbon to the newly formed bacteria, which are assumed to decompose it by means of the acids they produce, and then utilise the carbon in the construction of new cells. He considers that the function of these organisms is to liberate and restore into general circulation the carbon that, by any means, has been converted into carbonates, and so withdrawn therefrom. On the other hand, E. GODLEWSKI (I.) showed that it is chiefly from the atmo- sphere that the carbon dioxide requisite for the construction of new cellular substance is derived. He found that development did not occur in cultures con- taining magnesium carbonate when only air free from carbon dioxide was admitted. Now the atmosphere contains not only carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water, but also ammonium carbonate, with which substances the nutrient require- ments— ash constituents apart — of the nitrifying bacteria are satisfied. These organisms will therefore be able to develop in places where there is nothing present but bare rock, the cracks and fissures of which afford them a shelter against the desiccating action of the winds. In fact, it was in such arid places that A. MUNTZ (1.) constantly found nitrifying bacteria. It can very easily be shown that friable (" rotten ") stone, especially that from the Faulhorn, is thickly impregnated with these organisms. In order that the carbon of the carbon dioxide may be prepared for its ultimate purpose, it must first be freed from the two attached atoms of oxygen. In green plants the force requisite for this purpose is supplied by the thermal power of the sun's rays ; but in the nitrifying bacteria, which also assimilate in the dark, it is the energy liberated during the oxidation of nitrogen that effects the dissociation of the carbon dioxide molecule. Consequently, the assimilation of carbon is dependent on the oxidation of nitrogen, a fact quantitatively proved by Winogradsky. According to this authority, about 35 mgrms. of nitrogen are oxidised for each milligram of carbon assimilated, the atomic ratio being — C : N = i : 30. More accurate knowledge of the progress of this assimilation — especially on the thermo-chemic-al side of the question— is at present lacking. F. HUEPPE (VIII.) and U. LOKW (V.) constructed equations to represent the WALL-SALTPETRE AND PLANTATION-SALTL'KTRK 293 changes occurring in the reaction, but these can merely be alluded to here. Godlewski ascertained that by no means the whole of the ammoniacal nitrogen eliminated during the nitrification is recovered as nitrous or nitric acid, but that a portion is liberated in its elementary condition, and escapes from the solution undergoing nitrification. It may be opined that this loss is not immediately connected with the action of the nitrifying bacteria, but is only an associated phenomenon produced by the reaction of the N3O3 on the still undecomposed NH3, in accordance with the equation — N203 + 2NH3 = 3H20 + 2N2. The reason for this is that the nitrous acid liberated does not in every part of the liquid come into immediate contact with the carbonate which would protect it from the action of the ammonia. § 208.— Wall-Saltpetre and Plantation-Saltpetre. The particulars already given of the life-conditions of the nitrifying bacteria will explain the origin of wall-saltpetre, i.e. the corroding efflorescence of salt- petre on masonry. This substance is a white snow-like mass, consisting princi- pally of crystals of calcium nitrate, and occurring with particular frequency on the walls of stables and closets. It is precisely in such places that the fission fungi under discussion find an abundance of the food-stuffs they require : the ammonia salt is supplied by the urea absorbed by and hydrated in the walls ; calcium carbonate and a little alkali are present in the brickwork, and there is no lack of the necessary oxygen. Consequently all the preliminary conditions favouring the activity of the nitrifying bacteria introduced in dust, &c., are fulfilled. However welcome this activity may be when restricted to the soil, it is entirely undesirable in brickwork, the latter being gradually corroded and rendered brittle by the calcium nitrate produced. Sprinkling the walls with powerful antiseptics, such as antinonnin, may, however, afford a remedy. That the phenomenon is really due to the nitrifying bacteria has been proved by the researches of 0. HELM (II.) and G. TOLOMEI (II.). A few words must also be devoted to the saltpetre plantations. Since the discovery of the South American deposits of nitrate of soda, which substance can be converted into saltpetre by treatment with potassium salts, the production of plantation-saltpetre has decreased. It will, however, come to the front again whenever the Chilian beds are exhausted. In fact, the production of saltpetre for agricultural purposes by this method is even now worthy of consideration. The quantity of Chili saltpetre imported by European countries is very con- siderable, arid large sums of money are annually disbursed to South America which might be retained by producing the saltpetre at home. The accomplish- ment of this project necessitates a searching investigation of all the conditions of nitrification, in order to ascertain how the reaction may be suitably controlled. The result would be that, instead of using expensive foreign nitrate, the ground would be manured with cheap sulphate of ammonia, now formed as a waste product in home gas-works and coke-factories, and put upon the market in con- stantly increasing quantities. The consequent freedom from the hands of Chilian speculators would be a great gain from the point of view of national economy. Moreover, this method of manuring presents another advantage from the standpoint of the agricultural economist. As is well known, the soil has no power of fixing nitrates, a certain portion of the added saltpetre invariably — as P. DEHERAIN (III. and IV.) and others have shown — escaping in the drainage- water, so that more has to be added to the soil than is recovered in the crop. This disadvantage does not attach to manuring with salts of ammonia, since they 294 THE NITRIFYING BACTERIA are fixed by the soil and protected from wasteful lixiviation. the nitrifying ba teria then oxidising the ammonia and supplying the plant with nitrates according to its requirements. So far as plantation-saltpetre is concerned, the external conditions favouring the rapid formation of this compound have been gradually ascertained by means of tentative experiments. A pyramidal heap, resting on an impervious clay foundation, is prepared by mixing chalky soil with various kinds of organic matter, and is frequently watered with liquid manure, an admixture of brush- wood in the heap imparting porosity and facilitating aeration. The nitrates, . Kiitzingianum are, for the most part, single, and are only rarely seen joined together as chains, those of the other two species are seldom found as separate cells. The cells of B. aceti (Fig. 81) are somewhat more slender, and frequently exhibit the sand-glass or figure 8 form (" enhuit") noticed by Pasteur. In B. Pasteurianum (Fig. 82) they are mostly rather longer and considerably broader (plumper) than those of the other two species. These bacterial pellicles are true zoogloea, i.e. the individual cells are attached FIG. 81. — Bacterium aceti. Cells from a freshly formed skin on " doppel-bier." Mag-n. 1000. (After Ifansoi.) FIG. 82. — Bacterium Pasteurianum. Cells from a freshly formed skin grown at 34° C. on "doppel-bier." Mag-n. looo. (After Ho men.) FIG. 83. — Bacterium Kiitzingiamun. Cells from a freshly formed skin grown at 34° C. on " doppel-bier." Mag-n. TOGO. (After Hansen). together by a mucinous envelope, formed by the swelling and mutual fusion of the external layers of the cell membranes, in which the cells then become embedded. In ordinary (unstained) preparations the presence of this envelope is only deducible from the mutual cohesion of the cells ; it can, however, be rendered visible by suitable treating and staining, e.g. by Loeffler's method. Fig. 8 (p. 31) was drawn from a preparation of this kind. The behaviour of the mucinous envelopes of these three species towards iodine solution (iodine in water or alcohol or potassium iodide) is worthy of notice ; those of B. Pasteurianum and B. Kiitzingianum are thereby stained blue, whilst that of B. aceti remains unaltered. The point must be emphasised that it is the mucinous envelopes and not the true cell membranes that are stained in this manner. The cell plasma is in all three cases coloured yellow ; consequently the preparations all exhibit yellow cells after the iodine treatment, these cells being embedded in the case of B. aceti in a colourless matrix. In B. Pasteurianum and B. Kiitzingi- anum this latter is blue, and to the unaided eye the appearance of the whole 298 ACKTIC FERMENTATION varies from green to bluish green, according to the proportion of the matrix. It was this difference in the behaviour of the mucinous envelopes — which, how- ever, is noticeable only in young and vigorous pellicles — that first directed the attention of Hansen to the existence of two species of acetic acid bacteria. The chemical composition of the envelope has not yet been determined, but that it is not cellulose must be concluded from the negative results obtained from the tests made with various reagents (iodosulphuric acid, zinc iodochloride) for that substance. Already in this characteristic these three species differ from the acetic acid bacterium introduced into the literature of the subject by A. J. Brown under the name of Bacterium xylinum. The tough, leathery skin of zooglrea (measuring as much as one :nch in thickness), formed by this bacterium on the surface of the nutrient solution, and generally known in England as the vinegar- plant, consists principally of the extensively developed mucinous envelope of the cells. If the contents be extracted by suitable means, a mass is left which answers to the cellulose reactions (e.g. solubility in ammoniacal copper oxide) and on ultimate analysis exhibits a composition agreeing with the formula (C6H1005),,. Moreover, the three Hansen species differ notably in the appearance and development of their colonies, prepared by the transference of droplets (rich in cells) from a pure culture grown at 25° C. on to solid nutrient media (wort gelatin or doppel-bier gelatin). Those from B. aceti assume the form of exceed- ingly pretty, many-rayed stars or rosettes ; those from B. Pasteur iannm have an almost perfectly smooth periphery (without dentations) and exhibit convolutions of the surface resembling those of the brain ; whilst those of B. Klitzingi- anum are readily recognisable by the absence of both the stellar form and convolutions. § 211.— The Morphological Influence of Temperature. Hansen's researches into the acetic acid bacteria also afford an important support to the theory of bacterial pleomorphism, as will now be shown. The cell forms described and illustrated in the previous paragraph are not the only ones assumed by the fission fungi under consideration. On the contrary, the pleomorphic variations are exceedingly plentiful, though they may all be grouped under three main types, viz., chains of short rods (as already described), long threads, and, finally, distended or bulged forms. The conditions ascertained by HANSEN (VII.) as influencing the development of one of these forms, its gradual conversion into the others, and, finally, its restoration to the original shape, will now be briefly referred to. It must be premised that the minimum limit of temperature at which development can proceed is for B. aceti, 4°-5° C. ; for B. Pasteurianum, 5°-6° C. ; and for B. Kiitzingianum, 6°-7° C., the maximum being about 42° C., and the optimum temperature about 34° 0. Cultures of Bacterium Pasteurianum on doppel-bier have shown that, at all temperatures higher than 5° C. (but not greatly exceeding 34° C.), chains of short rods develop, which, when grown at temperatures below 15° C., often attain extraordinary dimensions, especially in the direction of the breadth. The formation of chains proceeds most abundantly at about 34° C., the individual short rods then having the ordinary form and being filled with firm, slightly lustrous plasma. If a small portion of such a skin, cultivated at 34° C., be transferred to a fresh nutrient medium, and maintained at 4O°-4O.5° C., a morphological altera- tion of the cells (Fig. 84) occurs, and is already noticeable at the end of a few hours. The short rods about 2 p. long and j p broad, of which the chains of the seed were composed, begin to elongate, and at the end of eight to nine hours ^ aocfe» FIG. 84. — Bacterium 1'asteurianuni. Morphological change from short rods to long- threads. Culture on " doppel-hier " agar-ag-ar in a Bb'ttcher chamber at about 40.5° C. a. chain of eig'ht short rods ; a'-a'". the same after six, ten and twenty hours ; 7;. chain of five short rods ; b'-b". the same after five and nine hours ; c and d. after ten and twenty-one hours. Mag-n. 1000. (After JJansen.) FIG. 85. — Bacterium Pasteuriainun. Long threads developed by twenty-four hours' cultivation at 40.5° C. on " doppel-bier. Magn. 1000. (After ffansen.) 300 ACETIC FERMENTATION none but long rods are found, some of these being already disconnected, others still retaining the chain form. The latter also finally become dismembered, so that after a further four hours none but elongated cells, 40 ^ and more in length, are present. These now continue to grow, and in twenty-four hours from the commencement of the experiment long threads (Fig. 85), some of them measuring 200 p in length, are found exclusively. A fresh modification of form sets in as soon as these long threads are exposed to the original temperature of 34° C. — t hey begin to bulge. These forms (Fig. 86) Fir.. 86. — Bacterium Pasteurianuin. Conversion of loner threads into swollen (bulged) forms and chains. Culture in "doppol-hier" at 34* C. I. condition after four hours; II. after live hours; III. after M-VI-II hours. 1000. (After can be already noticed at the end of four hours, and their number rapidly in- creases from that time onward. At about the same time other portions of the threads begin to break up into fragments, the disruption beginning indifferently at either or both extremities, or in the middle of the thread, which is thus modified into a chain of short rods, or one exhibiting both long rods, unaltered portions of threads, and bulged articulations ; in short, great diversity prevails. All intermediate stages of the last-named forms, between the very frequent spindle cells on the one hand, and pear-shaped rounded forms on the other, are FIG. 87. — Bacterium Pastcurianuru. Conv ersion of long threads into chains of short rods. Culture on " doppel-bicr agar-agar in a Bottcher Chamber at 34° C. ft. long serpentine thread at the commencement of the experiment ; a', the same after five and a half hours ; a", the same after seven hours. The highly swollen central portion is omitted in the drawing, b. long thread withl several lends; I', after four hours; b". after BIX hours ; b'". after nine hours. Only the central portion of the modified thread is shown. Magn. icoo. (.After a 302 ACETIC FERMENTATION met with. Globular cells, measuring up to 10 /* in diameter, are also by no means rare. Finally, the threads become entirely dismembered into short rods (Fig. 87), even the bulged cells undergoing this conversion, and leaving only the thickest portion (Fig. 88) unchanged. This portion eventually, after the filamentous ends on either side have broken up into short rods, collapses in the surrounding liquid and dissolves. An examination made after the lapse of twenty-four hours then reveals only chains of short rods. We have thus induced a reversion to the original forms of cell, and have there- by learned the morphological influence of temperature. Of course, neither the com- position of the nutrient medium nor the condition of the seed is a matter of in- difference. Thus, for instance, if, instead of sowing the young cells presupposed in the foregoing demonstration, those already forty-eight hours old are em- ployed, then the conversion into threads becomes very difficult. In the case of lager- beer the development proceeds some- what differently to that occurring in the FIG. 88. — Bacterium rastcuriuuuiii. , u • MI-AI. " doppel-bier hitherto mentioned. Residue of swollen loiig threads after a sojourn of » / • <• j /> /-••*• one to two days m » doppei-bicr " at 34° c. Bacterium aceti and J>. Ktilzingianum in « the pear-shaped swelling has tapered behave very similarly under the circuin- out into two thin threads, in 6 the lower stances now in question. A few small ^£™»££^££S differences are, however, unmistakably the pinsmai cell contents escaping, in rfthe evident. Thus, for instance, in harmony evacuation is complete only the thick cell wjth the plumper form of the short rods wall being left. c. spindle-shaped swollen - n n . r .-, i jtu r-i. i form, with two long threads undergoing in- of & PasteunanMn, the breadth of its long Hpieut subdivision. Magn. 1000. Differ threads is also greater, as will be evident //0"s'"-) on reference to Figs. 85 and 89; the long threads of B. aceti are thinner, but attain a greater length, viz., up to 500 p. On the other hand, the long threads of B. Kutzingidumn are considerably smaller than those of the other species. Finally, it should be stated that branching of the long threads occasionally occurs. A few of these comparatively rare forms are shown in Fig. 90. Pleomorphism seems to be a general property of the acetic acid bacteria, since it was also found by Hansen to prevail in four other species, including those discovered by Zeidler. Like most of the other ScMzomycetes, the acetic bacteria exhibit a preference for darkness. Their development — as M. GIUNTI (I.) discovered — is restricted (though not entirely prevented) by diffused daylight, as well as by direct exposure to the sun; but according to the discoveries made by G. TOLOMEI (III.), this result is due to the chemically active light rays alone. TOLOMEI (IV.) likewise found that the discharge of strong electric sparks at a short distance above the surface of the liquid also restricts development. § 212.— The Equation of Acetic Fermentation. For a long time no clear perception was obtained of the mode of action of the " mother of vinegar." True, it was known that the acetic acid is formed from the alcohol present, and also that acidification does not occur when air is excluded, THE EQUATION OF ACETIC FERMENTATION 303 but the reasons for these phenomena could not be given. The ABBE KOZIER (I.) concluded from his experiments that air is absorbed by the wine in process of turning sour, but LAVOISIER (I.) afterwards shewed that this is only true of one of the constituents of the atmosphere, viz., oxygen. He stated that "acetic fermentation is nothing more than the souring of wine, effected in the open air by absorption of oxygen." In 1821 Edmund Davy discovered platinum-black, a substance which, when moistened with spirits of wine, becomes white-hot, the formation of acetic acid being evidenced by the odour evolved. This observation was followed up by DOBEREINER (I.), who found that, in this reaction, the alcohol FIG. 89. — Bacterium aceti. Long threads. Culture twenty -four hours old in " doppel-bier " at 4o°-4o.5° C. In several places the breadth of the threads is exaggerated. Magn. 1000. (After Unmcn.) takes up oxygen — water and acetic acid, but no carbon dioxide, being formed. By observing the volume of oxygen consumed by a weighed quantity of alcohol, he arrived at the following equation for this oxidation process : — C4H602 + 40 «= C4H404 -I- 2HO which, translated from the symbolical language of equivalent formulae to that of atomic formula?, reads as follows : C2H60 + 02 = C2H4Oo + H20< Hence, Dobereiner concluded that, for the production of acetic acid, only three substances are required : alcohol, oxygen, and a body capable of absorbing and condensing the latter, and thus bringing it into more intimate contact with the first named, whereupon the reaction ensues. The above experiment of Dobereiner's was taken by chemists as a starting- point in attempts at elucidating the phenomenon of acetic fermentation. The intermediary part played by the " mother of vinegar " in the souring of wine was obvious, since it was well known that without this " mother" no conversion 304 ACETIC FERMENTATION occurred. Nevertheless, more than one opinion was rife as to the mode of action of this mutinous skin. Berzelius, in 1829, on the basis of his theory of catalytic action, ascribed the potency of this skin in acetic fermentation to the acetic acid " enclosed within its pores." Ten years later, and two years after the appearance of Kiitzing's work — which, being out of harmony with the spirit of the age, was consequently disregarded — Liebig published his theory of acetic fermentation, in which the " mother of vinegar " was da.-sed along- side platinum- black, their mode of action being defined as identical and of a purely chemical nature. Owing to the endeavours of Pas- teur, the theory promulgated by Kiit- zing was experimentally shown to be correct, and the true import of the vinegar-mother once more recognised. It would, however, be going too far to also credit the French physiologist with having recognised acetic fermentation as a purely physiological process ; for — remarkable as it may now appear to us — Pasteur, with his followers, stopped half-way and defined the vine- gar fungus as " acting after the manner of spongy platinum." Recharacterised the skin-like zooglcea of the fission fungus in question as " vegetations en- dowed with the remarkable peculiarity of retaining the oxygen of the air and condensing it after the manner of spongy platinum, by inducing the com- bustion of alcohol and acetic acid." \V. VON KNIERIEM and AD. MAYER (I.) share the credit of having convincingly proved, in 1873, that the oxidation of alcohol by means of platinum-black Fio. c,o.-i;actcrium M*L <***<>* be daSSed al°n£ with th,e f°r: Filamentim. cells of unusual for,,, from culture, mentation set up by the " mother of .•nil days old) on \vorl and on" doppel-bier" Vinegar. Platinum- black OXlQlses at 39 -41 c. Magn. 1000. (After j/un»tti.\ l>oth concentrated and dilute alcohol, whereas, according to the experience of vinegar-makers, acetic fermentation cannot proceed in presence of more than 14 per cent, of alcohol. Moreover, with regard to temperature, highly important differences — touching the very existence of [ the question — are observed. Thus, whereas acetic fermentation proceeds most satisfactorily at about 35° C. and is arrested altogether at 40° C., the energy of the oxidation effected by platinum-black (starting at 35° C.) increases as the temperature rises, and may become so violent that the alcohol ignites explosively and burns away to water and carbon dioxide. Hence the composition of the (by no means uniform) oxidation products thus formed differs greatly from those obtained from acetic fermentation. This latter process, whnse purely physiological nature >v:i> placed 1< doubt by these investigations, was examined more minutely by A. J. BROWN (III.) iii 1886. Meanwhile, Hanson's discovery of the existence ol at least two species PURE CULTURE FERMENTS IN VINEGAR 305 of acetic acid bacteria considerably enlarged the field of research, since thence- forward " acetic fermentation " could no longer be spoken of without coupling with it the name of the organism by which it was caused. The species forming the subject of Brown's researches was obtained by him from sour (acetic) beer, and was called Bacterium aceti, though not identical with Hansen's species bearing the same name. Pasteur's discovery that the " acetic acid bacteria " first convert alcohol into acetic acid, and then burn the latter to carbon dioxide and water, was also made by Brown in connection with his B. aceti, but he did not institute any closer examination (more particularly in connection with the ratio of transformation) on this point, so that this theoretically and practically most important question has still to be investigated. Methyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, and amyl alcohol are not attacked by Brown's B. aceti, but normal propyl alcohol is oxidised to propionic acid. If the nutrient medium (yeast-water) contains dextrose but no alcohol, then gluconic acid is formed, a fact already established by BOUTROUX (I.) in 1880, in connection with another species of bacterium (of questionable purity). Saccharose, lactose, and starch remain unaltered, but mannite is converted into Isevulose, which then remains unchanged. Dulcite is unaffected, whilst glycol is converted into gly collie acid. The behaviour of Bacterium xylinum is approximately the same as in the organism just described. The extensive mucinous envelopes, consisting of cellulose, are produced when the nutrient solution contains dextrose, Isevulose, or mannite J whilst, on the other hand, cane-sugar and starch are useless for this purpose. We are indebted to G. BERTRAND (I.) for a beautiful experiment with a fission fungus, not accurately identified, but presumably very closely allied to Bacterium xylinum. Mountain-ash berries, i.e. the fruit of Sorbus aucuparia, S. intermedia, and S. latifolia, contain, in addition to glucose, an alcohol isomeric with mannite, viz., Sorbitol (C6HU06). If now the juice of these berries be subjected to alcoholic fermentation (which sets in rapidly and spontaneously), the glucose is decomposed, but not the sorbitol, this latter only being attacked when the above-mentioned fission fungus obtains access into the fermented liquid, which it does through the mediation of a small red fly (Drosophila funebris, Fabricius, I), cellaris, Macquart), known to all fermentation technicists as the "vinegar- fly." This insect haunts places where alcoholic juices (especially fermented fruit- juices) are being stored and converted into vinegar, and there loads itself with acetic acid bacteria, which it then transfers to other localities. The bacterium introduced by these flies into the fermented juice of the mountain-ash berry oxidises the hexavalent alcohol sorbitol to the ketose sorbin (also known as sorbinose or sorbose), according to the equation — C6H1406 + 0 = C6H1206 + H20. This affords a convenient method for the production of sorbose. "With regard to the fermentative capacity of B. aceti Hansen, and B, Pasteur- ianum, the author, in 1895, published comparative investigations, showing that a sowing of the first- named species on pale lager-beer is able to develop and exert a powerful acidifying effect at 4°-4.5° 0.; whereas B. Pasteurianum is unable to do this, or to reproduce itself at all, even at 4.5°-5° C. § 213.— Pure Culture Ferments in the Manufacture of Vinegar. Searching investigations into the chemical activity of the different species of acetic acid bacteria would be not only opportune in the interests of science, but also highly important to the practice of the vinegar industry. In this business i u 3o6 ACETIC FERMENTATION the employment of selected pure culture ferments is not yet regarded as a funda- mental rule, everything being still left to the mercy of chance. As every re ider will be aware, there are two different methods of making vinegar. In one of them wine forms the raw material, this method being known as the Origins j.roc.'ss, from having long been extensively carried on in that locality. There (as elsewhere) the work is still performed in the same manner as it was centuries ago, as follows: — A number of oaken casks, each of a capacity of some 55 gallons, are arranged in rows in a chamber maintained at a constant temperature of 1 8° to 22° 0. In the upper part of the front end (head) of each cask a circular aperture (a few cm. in width) is provided, through which the cask can be filled or emptied, and which is generally kept closed, whilst near it is a very small hole (vent) always left open for the admission of air. In normal work each cask is about half full. Before setting a new cask in work, it is scalded out several times with steam or hot water, in order to extract the sap from the wood, and is then "soured" by impregnating it with good, boiling- hot vinegar. About i hi. (22 galls.) of good clear vinegar and 2 1. (0.44 gall.) of wine are then placed in the cask, another 3 1. of wine being added at the end of eight days, 4 to 5 1. more after the lapse of another week, and so on until the cask contains about 180-200 1. (40-44 galls.). Then, for the first time, vinegar is drawn from the cask, and in such quantity that about 22 galls, are left behind in the vessel. From that time the cask (" mother ") is in continuous use, 10 litres (2.2 galls.) of vinegar being withdrawn every week and replaced by an equal quantity of wine. The " mother" casks may remain in work during six or eight years without interruption, but at the end of this period they will contain such a considerable accumulation of deposited yeast, tartar and mother of vinegar, as to necessitate their being emptied and cleansed. A skin, known as vinegar-flowers or mother of vinegar, and composed of acetic acid bacteria, develops on the surface of the liquid, and the manner and luxuriance of its growth enables the operator to judge the progress of the fermentation. How- ever, at the outset the growth proceeds very slowly, since the wine employed mostly contains but very few of these bacteria. Consequently an opportunity is afforded for the development of rapid-growing injurious organisms, chiefly certain budding fungi, which consume the acetic acid. The aerobic " vinegar eels " also make their appearance. To obviate this source of loss, PASTEUR (XV.), in 1862, proposed that, instead of waiting until the acetic acid bacteria in the wine had increased sufficiently to form a protective skin of " vinegar-flowers," the necessary ferment should be cultivated in small vessels, the skin thus obtained being then carefully transferred in pieces of sufficient size, by the aid of a wooden spatula, on to the surface of the wine to be soured, which was placed in shallow open vats. This process was adopted by Breton-Lorion of Orleans, in particular, and would be suitable for general application if the presence of not more than one species of acetic ferment could be thereby ensured. This, however, is not the case, and it is purely a matter of chance whether the skin prepared by cultivation beforehand is composed of beneficial or injurious organisms. According to circumstances, there may be present several very different species with divergent properties, faculties, conditions of vitality and metabolic products. By reason of this uncertainty alone, the Pasteur method is liable to produce very irregular results, and may, on occasion, actually give rise to losses; and, as a matter of fact, it is just on this account that the method has been abandoned both in France and Germany, where it was introduced by E. WURM (I.). Up to the present it does not appear that any one has attempted to work with really pure cultures. In the second method actually employed for making vinegar, spirit is used instead of wine. This method has been evolved from that originally prescribed PURE CULTURE FERMENTS IN VINEGAR 307 by Hermann Boerhave, and has attained its present condition (since 1823) mainly through the instrumentality of l\ ;n I Schiizenbach. The French term it the " ( Jerman method," but in Germany it is generally known as the "quick vinegar method" (Schndleasig-Fabrikation). A detailed description cannot be given here, but the gist of the process consists in slowly running the " goods " (i.e. spirit diluted with vinegar) to be turned into vinegar over shavings or strips of beech - wood contained in a closed vat (the vinegar-generator), so that the liquid presents a large surface to the air, which is admitted through special ventilating holes below and makes its escape at the top. That the fermentative activity of micro- organisms also comes into play in this method can no longer be doubted since the searching investigations of Pasteur, which were confirmed (on repetition) by Mayer and Knieriem. Pasteur showed that no acidification takes place if the alcohol be allowed to trickle over shavings destitute of fungi. He assumed that the organism taking part in the quick vinegar process is the same as that forming the superficial skin in the Orleans method, the fungus being supposed to settle on the shavings in the vinegar-generator and convert the slowly running vinegar goods into acetic acid. Up to the present no precise investigations on the bacteria acting in this branch of industry have been made public. This highly necessitous industry has, more perhaps than any other, to struggle against a variety of difficulties ; the actual losses of alcohol are enormous, and 110 one is able to offer any reliable explanation of their cause. The introduction and intelligent use of suitable pure culture ferments would be a great boon. How much still remains to be done and ascertained in this instance can be estimated by a comparative glance at the conduct of fermentation in the operation of brewing. Not least among the advantages to be derived from such a method of working — which we may hope will soon be elaborated — would be the possibility (not afforded by the present method) of combating the " vinegar eels." With regard to these objectionable parasites, it may be mentioned that detailed morphological and physiological information concerning Anguillula aceti will be found both in Czernat's monograph (excerpts from which are contained in Borgmann's trans- lation of Pasteur's Etudes sur le Vinaiyre) and in a treatise by G. LINDNER (I.), which latter work chiefly deals with the pathogenic potency of these worms. As SADEBECK (I.) has found, these parasites are occasionally themselves infested and killed by a fungoid parasite belonging to the group of Oomycetes (mentioned in the second volume), and known as Pythium Anguilhdce aceti. CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE OXYDASES. § 214.— The Browning1 of Wines. Ix addition to the purely chemical absorption or fixation of oxygen (e.g. in the conversion of S02 into S03), on the one hand, and the oxidation effected directly by the vital activity of micro-organisms on the other, there is a third method of transferring this gas, viz., by the action of enzymes, to which the name oxydases, proposed for them by Weigert, may be generally applied. How many kinds of oxydases exist is a matter for future research to determine. At the present time the subject is merely in an incipient stage, though the commencement made is a highly promising one, and has already led to the explanation of several phenomena which only a short time back were regarded as extremely puzzling. One of these is the so-called "browning" of wines, known in France as " la casse" lile cassage" or "cassure" (Ger. Rahn-Werden or Braunwerden). This occurs chiefly in white wines and was for a long time classed along with the malady known as loss of colour in (red) wines. In France attention was first directed to its distinct character by ARM. GAUTIER (I.) in 1878, but in Germany this was known at an earlier date. The most important characteristic of " vin casse " is the rapid change of colour undergone by the wine as soon as it is poured out of the cask or bottle into an open glass, the colour of the upper layers (exposed to the air) of the hitherto pale liquid becoming darker, and finally (in the course of a few hours) becoming brown. This coloration also gradually pro- gresses in the deeper layers, and, at the same time, the flavour becomes unpleasant (air taste). Turbidity then ensues, but disappears in proportion as a fine dark brown pulverulent sediment settles down. The liquid is now (three to four hours after the commencement of the experiment) again bright, though darker in shade than when newly drawn from the cask. The taste has also improved again, without, however, being equal to what it was at first. In view of the fact (indubitably proved by Nessler's experiments) that this malady only occurs when air is admitted, it was regarded as an oxida- tion process, without any more precise acceptable explanation being forthcoming. After Gautier had presumed, and A. BOUFFARD (I.) in 1894 had denied, the probability of bacterial activity in this phenomenon, it was shown by G. GOUIRAND (I.) that we have here to do with the action of an enzyme which plays the part of a carrier of oxygen. He isolated the same (though not in a pure state) from browned (white and red) wines, and produced therewith the same malady in previously sterilised sound wines. This enzyme must probably be re- garded as acting by the absorption of atmospheric oxygen, which it then gives up again, not only to the colouring-matter in the wine, but also to the tannin, and thus converting them into insoluble dark-coloured compounds. It is to be hoped that, ere long, this matter will have been made clear by further investigation. It is found by experience that the wines obtained in wet autumns from rotten grapes, as also those affected with "sweet-rot " (Eddfaule ; ponrritxre noble), and such as are poor in acid, are subject to this malady with comparative 308 DISCOLORATION OF VEGETABLE JUICES 309 frequency. Nessler made searching investigations into the means of com batiriij this complaint in practical viticulture. The most important result obtained was the discovery that the browning of wine can be prevented by thoroughly fumigating the casks with 1-2 grams of sulphur per hectolitre — 22 galls, or 3.53 cubic feet — of cask-room before use, the malady being found, in Nessler's experiments, not to ensue when the wine contained a minimum quantity of 0.003 per mil. of S0a. According to the researches of Gouirand, this enzyme is destroyed by a temperature of 80° C., 60° C. being apparently insufficiently reliable for this purpose. MtiLLER-TnuRGAU (VI.) made the discovery, im- portant in cellar management, that the tendency of wine to turn brown could be prevented by Pasteurisation, i.e. keeping it for some time at a temperature of 6o°-62° C., which it will endure without acquiring the so-called " boiled " taste. The acquisition of a more accurate characterisation of the enzyme, and the consequent possibility of distinguishing it from other oxydases, is desirable, this being a necessary preliminary to the elucidation of its origin. Possibly the enzyme is not formed anterior to fermentation, but, on the other hand, its presence in the grapes themselves and in the must is not absolutely precluded. V. MARTINAND (I.) has actually found oxidising enzymes in wine-must on many occasions. The elucidation of the conditions under which browning may be caused in wines is a subject requiring further investigation, the question whether the presence of special metabolic products is essential, or whether the oxydase here concerned differs from those observed by Martinand, being still unsolved. Moreover, it appears from the discoveries of this observer that, in the maturing of wine, the alterations of flavour occurring — and which may be accelerated by the influence of oxidising agents (ozone, the electric current) — are, under natural conditions, brought about by the agency of oxydases which still require closer identification. The same applies to the darkening of the colour of wine during storage. According to G. TOLOMEI (V.), oxydases are also produced by the wine-yeasts Saccharomyces apiculatus and /Sctcch. ellip- soideus. § 215.— The Rapid Discoloration of Fresh Vegetable Juices is in many cases attributable to the action of oxydases. Technical interest in the discoveries made on this point is chiefly centred in the researches of G. BERTHAND (II.) on Japanese lacquer, that lustrous and extremely durable varnish employed in Eastern Asia for coating wooden furniture and similar articles. By making incisions in the bark of the indigenous Rhus vernicifera — a tree of the family Anacardiacece and closely allied to the European garden-tree Rhus cotinus (Venice sumach) — a juice is obtained which, on admixture with the oil from Bignonia tomentosa and (for red lacquer) vermilion, yields the lacquer in question. This juice resembles a thick pale cream and will keep unchanged for a long time if stored in closed bottles, but quickly turns brown when air is admitted, becoming covered in a few minutes with a tough black skin, and finally hardening — this being, in fact, the property for which it is so highly prized. That a process of oxidation is here in question cannot be doubted. The constituent thus converted has been isolated by Bertrand under the name of laccol, and recognised as a compound allied to the polyatomic phenols, and capable of producing extremely violent reddening and inflammation of the skin if applied in even very minute quantities. The juice also contains an oxydase, named by Bertrand laccase, by the known oxygen-carrying powers of which the laccol is rapidly converted into a hard, black oxy-compound, insoluble in water, alcohol, &c. This product is not obtained in the absence of the enzyme, only a resinous soluble grease, that remains sticky for a long time, being obtained under 3io THE OXYDASES such circumstances, In addition to laccol, other polyatomic phenols (pyrogallol, hydroquinone, and received the name of Tyrosinase, because it carries atmospheric oxygen to the tyrosine — well known to be abundantly present in the cells of the sugar-beet — and thus produces the discoloration in question. On the other hand, laccase has no effect on the said amido-compound. Apart from this property, tyrosinase is also characterised by its greater susceptibility both to heat and chemical influences. It occurs in other plants, e.g. the bulbs of the dahlia (Dahlia variabilis). According to the researches of G. BERTRAND (V.), oxidising enzymes are also found in other plants, e.g. in the carrot ; the tubers of the potato (which, as is well known, rapidly become discoloured when cut in an uncooked state) ; in the pear, quince, and chestnut ; in the sprouts of asparagus, clover, lucerne, and rye-grass ; in the leaves of the potato, sugar-beet, MITH (C. A.), Suction Gas Plants, - - 2-J SMITH (J. W.), Dustless Roads. - - 63 SMITH (Prof. R. H.), Works by, - - 26 SMITH (W.), Shipmaster's Medical Help, 36 SOLOMON (H. G.), Electricity Meters, - 29 SOLON, Ceramic Literature, - 59 SORSBIE( .), Geology for Engineers, - 46 STEWART (R. 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