TESTING MILK ax ITS PRODUCTS FARRINGTON AND WOLL (RY aS Uhm A. j WA COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT: . ~. 4 wht eo Sea Simona ES ee Sis SON yaa ha ay LENSES TS MRR SES ir tse BATES SEO pay HARI Yl sessed asi itis SUE PSEA Yo PARISIEN IR I, SRR Sis BABCOCK M S DR. Inventor of the Babcock Milk Test TESTING MILK ano ITS PRODUCTS A MANUAL FOR DAIRY STUDENTS, CREAMERY AND CHEESE FACTORY OPERATORS, FOOD CHEMISTS, AND DAIRY FARMERS BY E’H. FARRINGTON and_~—«*F. W? WOLL Professor in Charge of Dairy School Professor of Animal Nutrition UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA With Illustrations TWENTY-SECOND REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION MADISON, WIS. MenpotTa Book ComMPANY, 1914 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OF es5z F289 Va Se CopyricuT, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1904, 1909, 1911 anp 1913. By E. H. FARRINGTON anp F. W. WOLL APR i7 1914 rat CANTWELL PRINTING COMPANY MADISON, WIS. ree ©clA3871856 Ay , PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. The present volume is intended for the use of dairy students. factory operators, dairymen, food chemists, and others interested in the testing or analysis of milk and its products. The subject has been largely treated in a popular manner; accuracy and clearness of statement, and systematic arrangement of the sub- ject matter have, however, been constantly kept in mind. The aim has been to make the presentation intelligible to students ‘with no further training than a common-school education, but their work will naturally be greatly lightened by the aid of an able teacher. . Complete directions for making tests of milk and other dairy products are given; difticulties which the beginner may meet with are considered in detail, and suggestions offered for avoid- ing them. It is expected that a factory operator or practical dairyman, by exercising common sense and ordinary care, can obtain sufficient knowledge of the subject through a study of the various chapters of this book to make tests of milk, cream, ete., even if he has had no previous experience in this line. For the benefit of advanced dairy students who are somewhat familiar with chemistry and chemical operations, Chapter XIV has been added giving detailed instructions for the complete chemical analysis of milk and other dairy products. The detee- tion of preservatives and of artificial butter or filled cheese has also been treated in this connection. As the subject of milk testing is intimately connected with the payment for the milk delivered at butter- and cheese fac- tories, and with factory dividends, a chapter has been devoted to a discussion of the various systems of factory book-keeping, and tables greatly facilitating the work of the factory secretary or bookkeeper have been prepared and are included in the Appendix. Madison, Wis., October 2%, 1897. PREFACE TO TWENTY-SECOND EDITION. Each year that passes brings some valuable contributions to our knowledge of the subjects treated in this book and a frequent re- vision of it is therefore desirable. The present edition contains descriptions of methods and apparatus that have stood the test of actual use during the past few years; the new information pub- lished since the last revision of the book has been carefully sifted, and what was deemed of sufficient importance has been incorpo- rated in such detail as the scope of the book permitted; many - changes and additions suggested by the experience of the authors have also been introduced. The book has, in brief, been subjected to a renewed critical examination and careful revision. The general adoption of the book as a text or reference book in American dairy schools, as well as the favorable reception which it has been accorded by the dairy public in general, will, it is hoped, be further justified by the present revision. Acknowledgment is due to the following parties for loan of electrotypes, viz.: Cream- ery Pkg. Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill.; Vermont Farm Machine Co., Bellows Falls, Vt.; D. H. Burrell & Co., Little Falls, N. Y.; Henry Trémner, Philadelphia, Pa.; Torsion Balance Co., New York City, and Marschall Dairy Laboratory, Madison, Wis. Madison, Wis., Oct. 1, 1913. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE TITERS Eps ER Se a AN SS A Ee | Chap. I. COMPOSITION OF MILK AND ITS PRODUCTS_-------- 10 nap, 1h SA MPHING Wilde 22 eo es. 23 (hap. lil.) Tae BAsCcooK TEst-— MILK 22258 22 28 A. lrecions, (or mailing the test.2 2 2s. = =< 29 El tscnssion oy .tne. Ge.ails of the test. on ‘Chap. Dy ie a BABCOCK = TEST — CREAM 22-2 >= 5 _- is Chap. V. THE BABCOCK TEST—OTHER MILK PRODUCTS_-_--- 90 Chap. VI. THE LACTOMETER AND ITS APPLICATION__-~__---- 102 Chap. VII. TESTING THE ACIDITY OF MILK AND CREAM___~__ 119 Chap. Vill) TESTING THE PURITY OF MILK. =... -.....- 1 avs Chap. EX. TESTING MILK ON THE FARM UW ..~-_2-_.__-_ 142 Chap. X. CoMPOSITE SAMPLES OF MILK_____________-____ 160 Chap. XI. CREAM TESTING AT CREAMERIES________________ 176 Chap. XII. CALCULATION OF BUTTER AND CHEESE YIELDS___ 187 Snap. Ail CALCULATING DIVIDENDS =-.u.L- 22-202. 203 Chap. XIV. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MILK AND ITS PROD- ULI) RS 3s Soe SE, SA ie a ee eA 217 Loh i Ss Se A ye, SSeS Eee cr Sa 259 Table I. Composition of milk and its products. Table II. State aud city standards for dairy products. Table IIT. Quevenne lactometer degrees corresponding to the scale of the N. Y. Board of Health lactometers. Table IV. Value ay specific gravities from 1.019 to 1.0369. Table V. Correction table for specific gravity of milk. Table VI. Per cent. of solids not fat, corresponding to 0 to 6 per cent. of fat and lactometer readings of 26 to 36. Directions for the use of Tables VII, VIII, IX and XI. Table VII. Pounds of fat in 1.to 1,000 pounds of milk testing 3 to 5.35 per cent. Table VIII. Pounds of fat in 1 to 1,000 lbs. of cream test- ing 12.0 to 50.0 per cent. fat. vl Testing Milk and Its Products. Table TX. Amount due for butter fat, in dollars and cents, at 12 to 20 cents per pound. Table X. MRelative-value tables. Table XI. Butter chart, showing calculated yield of but- ter, in pounds, from 1 to 1,000 pounds of milk testing 3.0 to 5.3 per cent. of fat. Table XII. Overrun table, showing pounds of butter from 100 pounds of milk. Table XIII. Yield of cheese, corresponding to 2.5 to 6 per cent. of fat, with lactometer readings of 26 to 36. Table XIV. Comparisons of Fahrenheit and ne (Celcius) thermometer scales. Table XV. Comparison of metric and customary weights and measures. Table XVI. Specific gravity and weight of one gallon of cream, arranged according to the per cent. of fat. Suggestions regarding the organization of co-operative ereameries and cheese factories. Constitution and by-laws for co-operative factory associa- tions. Testing Milk and Its Products. INTRODUCTION. The need of a rapid, accurate and inexpensive method of determining the amount of butter fat in milk and other dairy products became more and more apparent. in this country and abroad, with the progress of the dairy industry, and especially with the growth of the factory system of butter and cheese making during the last few decades. So long as each farmer made his own butter and sold it to private customers or at the village erocery, it was not a matter of much importance to others whether the milk produced by his cows was rich or poor. But as creameries and cheese factories mul- tiplied, and farmers in the dairy sections of our coun- try became to a large extent patrons of one or the other of these, a system of equitable payment for the milk or cream delivered became a vital question. 1. Nearly all the creameries in existence in this coun- try up to about 1890 were conducted on the cream- gathering plan: the different patrons creamed their milk by the gravity process, and the cream was hauled to the creamery, usually twice or three times a week, where it was then ripened and churned. The patrons were paid per inch of cream furnished. This quantity was supposed to make a pound of butter, but cream 1 2 Testing Milk and Its Products. from different sources, or even from the same sources at different times, varies greatly in butter-producing capacity, as will be shown under the subject of cream testing (203'). The system of paying for the number of creamery inches delivered could not therefore long give satisfaction. The proposition to take out a small portion, a pint or half a pint, of the cream furnished by each patron, and determine the amount of butter which these samples would make on being churned in so-called test churns, found but a very limited acceptance, on account of the labor involved and the difficulty of producing a first-class article from all the small batches of butter thus ob- tained. | _2. The introduction of the so-called oil test churn in creameries, which followed the creamery-inch systeth,. marked a decided step in advance, and it soon came into general use in gathered-cream factories (202). In this test, glass tubes of about 54 inch internal diameter and nine inches long, are filled with cream to a depth of five inches, and the cream is churned; the tubes are then placed in hot water, and the column of melted butter formed at the top is read off by means of a scale . showing the number of pounds of butter per creamery inch corresponding to different depths of melted but- ter. While the oil test is capable of showing the differ- ence between good and poor cream, it is not sufficiently accurate to make satisfactory distinctions between dif- ferent grades of good and poor cream.? As a result, 1 Refers to paragraph numbers. 2 Wis. Expt. Station, bulletin 12 (see also under 203). Introduction. 3 full justice cannot be done to different patrons of cream- eries where payments for cream delivered are made on the basis of this test. 3. In cheese factories, and since the introduction of the centrifugal cream separator, in separator creamer- ies, the problem of just payment for the milk furnished by different patrons was no less perplexing than in the ease of gathered-cream factories. By the pooling sys- tem generally adopted, each patron received payment in proportion to the number of pounds of milk deliv- ered, irrespective of its quality. Patrons delivering rich milk naturally will not be satisfied with this system when they find that their milk is richer than that of their neighbors. The temptation to fraudulently in- _erease the amount of milk delivered by watering, or to lower its quality by skimming, will furthermore prove too strong for some patrons; the fact that it was diffi- cult to prove any fraud committed, from lack of a re- liable and practical method of milk analysis, rendered this pooling system still more objectionable. 4. Formerly private dairymen and breeders of dairy cattle who desired to ascertain the butter-producing ca- pacities of the individual cows in their herds were obliged to do this by the cumbersome method of trial churnings: by saving the milk of each cow to be tested, for a day or a week, and churning separately the cream obtained. This requires a large amount of work when a number of cows are to be tested, and can not therefore be done except with cows cf great excellence or by farm- ers having plenty of hired help. Here again the need of a practical milk test was strongly felt. 4 Testing Milk and Its Products. 5. Introduction of milk tests. The first method which fulfilled all reasonable demands of a practical and reliable milk and cream test was the Babcock test, invented by Dr. S. M. Babcock, of the Wisconsin agri- cultural experiment station. A description of the test was first published in July, 1890, as bulletin No. 24 of that Station, entitled: A new method for the estimation of fat in milk, especially adapted to creameries and cheese factories, This test, which is now known in all parts of the world where dairying is an important in- dustry, was not, however, the first method proposed for this purpose which could be successfully operated out- side of chemical laboratories. It was preceded by a num- ber of different methods, the first one published in this country being Short’s method, invented by the late F. -G. Short, and described in bulletin No. 16 of Wisconsin experiment station (July 1888). 6. Short’s test. Jn this ingenious method, a certain quan- tity of milk (20 ee.) was boiled with an alkali solution and afterwards with a mixture of sulfuric and acetic acids; a layer - of insoluble fatty acids separated on top of the liquid and was brought into the graduated neck of the test bottles by addition of hot water; the reading gave the per cent. of fat in the sam- ple of milk tested. Short’s method did not find very wide application, both be- cause it was rather lengthy and its manipulations somewhat dif- ficult for non-chemists, and because several other methods were published shortly after it had been given to the public. 7. Other milk tests. Of these may be mentioned, besides the Babcock test already spoken of, the Failyer and Willard method,’? Parsons’ method,® Cochran’s test,* the Patrick or Iowa 1 See 48, footnote. ? Kansas experiment station report, 1888, p. 149. 3 N. H. experiment station report, 1888, p. 69. * Journal of Anal. Chem., III (1889), p. 381. Introduction. 5 station test, and the Beimling (Leffmann and Beam) test.’ Of foreign methods published at about the same time, or previously, the Lactocrite,? Liebermann’s method,’ the Schmid,’ Thorner,* Nahm,’ Rése-Gottlieb,* sin-acid method,’ and the Gerber sal- method” may be noted. 8. All these tests were similar in principle, the solids not fat of the milk being in all cases dissolved by the action of one or more chemicals, and the fat either measured as such in a narrow graduated tube, or brought into solution with ether, gasoline, etc., and a portion thereof weighed on evaporation of the solvent. While this principle is an old one, having been em- ployed in chemical laboratories for generations, its adaptation to practical conditions, and the details as to apparatus and chemicals used were, of course, new and different in each case. The American tests given were adopted to a limited extent within the states in which they originated and even outside of them, as in the case of the Short, Patrick and Beimling methods. The Babcock test, however, soon replaced the different methods mentioned, and during the past twenty years it has now been in almost exclusive use in creamer- ies and cheese factories in this country, where payments are made on the basis of the quality of the milk deliv- 1Ja. exp. sta., bull. No. 8, Feb. 1890; Lowa Homestead, June 14, 1889. 2 Vermont exp. sta., bull. No. 21, September, 1890. For description of these and other volumetric methods of milk analysis, see Wiley, Agri- cultural Analysis, Vol. III, p. 490 et seq. ; Wing, Milk and its Products, p. 33 et seq., and Snyder, Chemistry of Dairying, pp. 112-113. ZAnalyst, L887, p.. 6. 4Fresenius’ Zeitschr., 22, 383. 5Tbid., 27, 464. 6 Chem. Centralbl., 1892, 429. 7 Milch-Zeitung, 1894, No. 35; 1897, No. 5v. 8 Landw. Vefs. Stat., 40, 1. 9 Milch-Zeitung, 1904, No. 27. 10 Milch-Zeitung, 1906, No. 8. 6 Testing Milk and Its Products. ered, as well as in the routine work in experiment sta- tion laboratories, and among milk inspectors and pri- vate dairymen. 9. The Babcock test. The main cause why the Babeock test has replaced all competitors is doubtless to be sought in its simplicity and its cheapness. It has but few manipulations, is easily learned, and is cheap, both in first cost and as regards running expenses. The test is furthermore speedy, accurate,! and easily appled under practical conditions, and may therefore safely be considered the best milk test available at the present time. The method is applicable not only to whole milk, but to cream, skim milk, butter milk, whey, condensed milk, and (if a small scale for weighing out the sample is available) to cheese and butter. With all its advantages, the Babcock milk test is not in every respect an ideal test. The handling of the very corrosive sulfuric acid requires constant care and attention; the speed of the tester, the strength of the acid, the temperature of the milk to be tested, and other points, require constant watching, lest the results ob- tained be too low or otherwise unsatisfactory. In the hands of careful operators the test can, however, ai- ways be relied upon to give most satisfactory results. 10. Foreign methods. In European countries five practical milk and cream tests, besides the Babcock test, 1¥For a summary of comparative analyses made by the Babcock test and gravimetric analysis up to 1892, see Hoard’s Dairyman, Oct. 7, 1892, p. 2560; also Schrott-Fiechtl, Milchzeitung, 1896, p. 1838 et seq. -2'The Babcock test, like the ether-extraction method gives, however, somewhat too low results in the case of skim milk (97). Introduction. 7 are in use at the present time, viz.: Gerber’s acid- butyrometer, the sin-acid (or no-acid) test, the lactocrite, De Laval’s butyrometer, and Fjord’s centrifugal cream test. Of these tests the last one has never, to our knowledge, been intro- duced into this country, & and the first four only to a limited extent. 11. The Gerber method (fig. 1) is essentially the old Beimling method (7), worked out independently by the Swiss chemist, Dr. N. Gerber. - In this test sulfuric acid of the same strength as in the Babcock test is used, and a ay ia “ Fie. 1. The Gerber acid- small quantity of amyl alco- butyrometer. hol is added. The amyl] alcohol facilitates the separation of the fat, but may introduce a source of error on account of impuri- ties contained therein, when the results obtained with a new lot of alcohol can not be checked against gravimetric analysis or against tests made with amyl alcohol known to give correct results. This method is, however, extensively used in European countries, hav- ing there practically replaced the Babcock test or been adopted in preference to it. lla. The sin-acid test was invented by the German chemist A. Sichler and published in 1904.2 In place of the sulfuric acid used in the Babcock and Gerber tests, Sichler employs a solution of 1The Lister-Babcock milk test advertised in English papers and known as such in England, is the regular Babcock test, to which the English manufacturers have affixed their name; the same applies to the Ahlborn-Babcock and the Krugmann-Babcock methods. 2 Gerber, Die praktische Milchpriifung, 7th edition, 1900. 3 Milchztg., 1904, p. 417. The word sin (sine) is Latin and means without ; hence, when introduced into this country in 1909 the method was called the no-acid test. 8 Testing Milk and Its Products. Rochelle salts, sodium sulfate and sodium hydroxid.* 150 ce. of this mixture of salts are dissolved in 1 liter of water. In testing milk, 11 ce. of this solution and 0.6 cc. of ‘‘sinol’’ (isobutylalcohol) are added to 10 ec. of milk. After thorough mixing of the milk and solution the test bottles are placed in water of 113° F. for 3-5 minutes, when they are shaken till all the curd dissolves. They are then revolved in a centrifuge for 3 minutes and the results read off. By heating the bottles for 1 hour in boiling hot water correct results may be obtained without the use of a centrifuge. The main advantages of the method appear to lie in this fact and in ‘that the use of a corrosive acid is avoided. 12. The Lactocrite was one of the earliest practical milk tests introduced. It was invented by De Laval in 1886. The acids used in this test are lactic acid (originally, acetic acid) with a mixture of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. This test is now but rarely met with. ob east: fe oe ees 2 SEAN 89 2 1.BOG8 26> Se ee ee eee 88 2 The Babcock Test. 67 It will be noticed that the sulfuric acid to be used in the Babcock test should contain 90 to 92 per cent. of acid (H,SO,); slightly weaker or stronger acid than this may, as previously stated, be used by varying the quantity of acid taken for each test according to the strength of the acid, but successful tests cannot, as a rule, be made with acid weaker than 89 per cent. or stronger than 95. per cent. 77. The Swedish acid tester is a small hydrometer, intended to show whether the acid used in the Babcock test is of the cor- rect strength. An examination of these testers will show that they are practically useless for the purpose intended, from the fact that they are not sufficiently sensitive; while the testers examined were found to sink to the line marked Correct on the scale, when lowered into sulfuric acid of a specific gravity of 1.83, they would sink to a point duch nearer the same mark, than to the lines marked Too strong or Too weak, respectively, when lowered into either too strong or too weak acid. 78. The color of the fat column an index to the strength of the acid used. The strength of the acid is indicated to a certain extent by the color of the fat which separates in the neck of the test bottle when milk is tested. If the directions given for making the tests are carefully followed, the fat separated out will be of a golden yellow color. If the fat is light colored or whitish, it generally indicates that the acid is too weak, and a dark colored fat, with a layer of black material beneath it, shows that the acid is too strong, provided the temperature of both milk and acid is about 70°. [For influence of temperature, see next paragraph. ] The acid used in the test is not of sufficient strength to appreciably attack the fat at ordinary temperatures of testing, but a variation in the strength of the acid 68 Testing Milk and Its Products. or in the temperature of the milk influences the in- tensity of the action of the acid on the fat, as shown in the color of the fat obtained. The following experiment shows the relation between the strength of the acid, the temperature of the milk, and the color of the fat: First:—From a sample of milk measure the usual quantity for testing into each of three bottles, A, B and C. Place A in iced water, and C in warm water, leaving bottle B at ordt nary temperature. After the bottles have been left for ten min- utes under these conditions, add the normal quantity of acid to each and proceed with the test in the ordinary manner. Second:—Measure some of the same milk into three other vottles, D, E and F. Into test bottle D pour the usual amount of rather weak acid; add the same amount of acid of normal! strength (1.82-1.83) to bottle E, and add 17.5 ce. of a still stronger acid (concentrated sulfuric acid, sp. gr. 1.84), in test bottle F; complete the tests in the usual way. On the completion of the preceding six tests the operator will notice that the fat in the necks of test bottles A (cold milk) and D (weak acid) is much lighter colored than that in C (warm milk) and F (strong acid), and that the color of the fat in B (normal temperature) and E (normal acid) is somewhere be- tween that of these two series. 79. Influence of temperature on the separation of fat. The intensity of the action of the sulfuric acid on the milk is influenced by the temperature of either liquid; the higher the temperature, the more intense will be the action of the acid on the solids of the milk. It may be noticed that acid from the same earboy will act differently on milk in summer than in winter time, if the acid and the milk are not brought to a tempera- ture of about 70° before testing during both seasons. The temperature of the liquids may be as low as 40° F. in winter and as high as 80° F. in summer. This dif- The Babcock Test. 69 ference of forty degrees will often have considerable influence on the clearness of the fat separated, show- ing white curdy substances and a light colored fat in winter, or black flocculent specks, with a dark colored column of fat in summer. Both these defects can be avoided, when the acid is of the proper strength, by bringing the temperature of the milk and the acid to about 70° F. before the milk is tested. The operator should be particularly cautious against over-heating either milk or acid, since the heat intensi- fies the action of the acid and this may become so vio- lent as to force the hot liquid out of the neck of the test bottle when the acid is added to the milk, thus spoiling the test and possibly causing an accident. 4.— WATER TO BE USED IN THE BaAscock TEST. 80. Rain water, condensed steam, or soft water should be used for the purpose of bringing the fat into the neck of the test bottles. The surface of the fat column will then usually be clear and distinct. The foam or bubbles that sometimes obscure the upper line (menis- cus) of the fat, making indistinct the point from which to measure it, is generally caused by the action of the acid on the carbonates in hard water. The carbonic acid gas liberated from such water by the sulfuric acid is held more or less by the viscid fat and produces a layer of foam on its surface. If clean soft water cannot be obtained for this purpose, hard water may be used, by adding a few drops of sulfuric acid to the water before it is heated, thus causing the carbonic acid to be ex- 70 Testing Milk and Its Products. pelled. By simply boiling, many hard waters will be rendered soft and adapted to use in the Babcock test, as most of the carbonates which cause this foaming are thereby precipitated. If the test has been completed, and a layer of foam appears over the fat, it may be destroyed by adding a drop or two of alcohol. If this is done, the fat column should be read at once after the alcohol is added, as the latter will soon unite with the fat and increase its volume. (See also 96 on the use of glymol in cream testing. ) 81. Reservoir for water. When only a few tests are made at one time, hot water can be added with the 17.6 ec. pipette. If many tests are made, the water may be conveniently and quickly filled into the test bottles by drawing it from a small copper reservoir or tin pail suspended over the testing machine.1 The flow of water through a rubber tube connected with the reservoir, is regulated by means of a pinch cock. The water must be hot when added to the test bottles so as to keep the fat in a melted condition until the readings are taken. Most turbine testers are now made with a very conven- lent water reservoir attached to the tester (figs. 22-24). The use of zinc or steel oilers, or perfection oil cans has been suggested as a convenient method of adding’ hot water to the test bottles, but most operators prefer to add water to the bottles by means of a piece of rub- ber tubing connected with a reservoir, as shown in the illustrations just referred to. 1 Ordinary tinware will soon rust with water standing in it, and cop- per reservoirs are therefore more economical. The Babcock Test. 71 5.—MopIFICATIONS OF THE Bascock TEST. 82. The Russian milk test. The same chemical and me- chanical principles applied in the regular Babcock test, are used in the Russian milk test, except that in this case the machine in which the bottles are whirled, and the bottles themselves, are so constructed that the latter can be filled with hot water while the machine is running’, thus saving time and the trouble inci: dent to the stopping of the tester and filling the bottles by means of a pipette. The milk-measuring pipette (fig. 28) and Fic. 26. The Russian test. the acid measure used in the Russian test are one-half of the ordinary size, and the test bottles are made in two pieces with a detachable narrow graduated stem (see fig. 27). The machine is substantially made of. cast iron; it is provided with a specd indicator which shows at any time the number of revolutions at which the bottles are being turned. The accompanying illustra- tions show the apparatus used in this test. When the directions for operating the test are followed closely, the results obtained are accurate and very satisfactory. 1A similar arrangement for the regular Babcock test has been suggested by Mitchell and Walker of Kingston (Ont.) Dairy School (see Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, bull. 170). 12 Testmg Mak and lis Produds. 83. Bartlett’s modification. Bartlett? proposed a modifi- cation of the method of procedure in the Babcock test, which aims to simplify the manipulations. 20 ce. of acid are added, instead of 17.5 ecc., and the bottles filled with the milk-acid mixture are left standing for not less than five minutes and then filled with hot water to within the scale; the bottles are then whirled for five minutes at the regular rate (52). ; 83a. Siegfeld’s modification. The German dairy chemist Siegfeld in 1899 proposed a modification of the Babcock test,? using 2 ec. of amyl alco- hol with the sulfurie acid, and filling up with dilute sulfuric acid (1:1, sp. er., 1.5) in. one filling, in place ‘of water after the whirling. A _ clear separation of the fat is facilitated by both these changes, but when properly conducted there is no difficulty what- ever in obtaining a clear fat column in the Babcocx test as described in this book, and the modification has not therefore been generally introduced in American factories. It has, however, TTY DOO WL) WO ca ULL fuge which may be used to advantage Moe by physicians or in pathological labora- sian test. tories for the determination of fat in = é been adopted in many German creamer- | & = ies where the Babcock test is used. i 353 84. Bausch and Lomb centrifuge. Uy 4 i Fig. 29 shows a form of hand ecentri- Fis. 28. x = Fic. 27 : ; , : Test bottle milk. The centrifuge is especially designed for ex- used in the gmination of urine, sputum, blood, etc., but has Russian test. ussian tes been adapted to milk analysis by the Leffmann & Beam test, a special form of bottle (fig. 30) having been con- strneted for this purpose. The machine gives satisfactory re- sults by the Babcock test as well, provided the acid used is 1.83-1.84, or if the bottles containing the acid-milk mixture be placed in hot water for five or ten minutes prior to the whirling. 1 Maine experiment station, bull. 31 (s. s.) 2 Molkerei Ztg., 1899, p. 51. The Babcock Test. 73 As the bottles are calibrated for only 5 ec. of milk and the neck of the bottles, with scale, is correspondingly fine, testing milk with this machine requires some nicety of manipulation not called for in case of regular Babcock testers constructed for the use of factory operators and dairymen. Hie. 30. Test bottle and pipette for phy Sician’s centri fuge. Fig. 29. Physician’s centri- fuge that may be used for milk testing. 840. Whitman milk bottle. Dr. Ross C. Whitman has de- vised a milk testing bottle for the special use of physicians in testing human milk and small amounts of cow’s milk by the Bab- cock test... The bottle, which can be placed in an ordinary urine centrifuge, consists of two parts, a small tube for ho!ding the milk, acid and water, and a detachable graduated fine tube, into which the fat column is brought after the final filling and whirl. ing. 5ce. of milk are used in this test. | 1 Jour. Amer. Med. Asso., 47 (1906), p. 204. See also Doran, Jr. Ind. and Eng. Chemistry, 1912, p. 841. 74 Testing Milk and Its Products. Questions. 1. Give a brief description of the Babcock test. 2. State precautions to be observed ip each of the following operations: (a) Measuring the milk, (b) adding the acid, (c) whirling the bottles, (d) adding the water, (e) measuring the fat. If the fat separates clear, but the results are evidently too low, what is the probable cause, and how can the correct test be estab- lished ? . 3. To what extent does the pee ae of the fat, when read, influence the result? 4, Explain the graduations of the milk test bottle. 5. What is the capacity of the neck of a milk test bottle be tween the 0 and 10 marks, expressed in ce., and in grams? 6. If the graduations of a test bottle measure 2.3 ce. from 0 to 10%, what would be the correct test of a sample which reads 3.4% fat in this bottle? 7. Describe three different methods of calibrating milk test -bottles. 8. Describe the proper construction of the milk-measuring pipette; what weight of milk does it deliver? 9. What is a Swedish acid bottle? 10. What speed is required for testers having a diameter of 8, 15, and 20 inches? 11. Write an order for one gallon of sulfurie acid to be used in testing. 12. How can the strength of the acid be tested at the farm or in a factory? 13. State precautions to be taken in using an acid that is (a) too strong, (b) too weak. 14. What does the color of the-fat indicate in regard to the strength of the acid or the temperature of either acid or milk? 15. What is the cause of foam above the fat column, and how may it be prevented? 16. What causes white curd or black specks in the fat? 17. Describe a few modifications of the Babcock test. 18. In which two points does the Russian milk test mainly differ from the Babcock test? CHAPTER IV. CREAM TESTING. 85. Cream may be tested by the Babcock test in the same manner as milk, and the results obtained are ac- curate when the necessary care has been taken in sam- pling the cream and measuring the fat. The composi- tion of cream varies greatly according to the process of creaming, the temperature of the milk during the cream- ing, the quality and the composition of the milk, ete. The cream met with in separator creameries will con- tain from 25 to 40 per cent. of fat, or on the average about 35 per cent. Cream from hand separators may be as rich as this, but it often contains only 20 per cent. Fig. 31. a Students testing dairy products. 76 Testing Mik and Its Products. of fat as delivered to creameries. An average grade of market cream as retailed contains about 25 per cent. of fat. If 18 grams of 25 per cent. cream are measured into an ordinary Babcock test bottle, there will be 18x.25—4.5 grams of pure butter fat in the bottle, or, (since the specific gravity of butter fat is about .9) 43==5 ec. It is shown that the space from 0 to 10 in the neck of these bottles holds exactly 2 ec. (44). The neck of the milk test bottle is not large enough to show the per cent. of fat in a sample of cream if 18 grams are taken for testing, and it is therefore neces- sary to adopt special measures when cream is to be tested. | 86. Errors of measuring cream. Several factors tend to render inaccurate the measuring of cream for the Babcock test, and correct results can therefore only be obtained by weighing the cream. If a 17.6 ce. pi- pette is used in testing the cream, it will not deliver 18 grams of cream, as it will of milk, for the following reasons : 1. The specific gravity of cream is lower than that of milk; if a certain quantity of milk weighs 1030 lbs., the same quantity of cream will weigh from 1020 lbs. to 1000 lbs. or less, the weight being determined by the richness of the cream; the more fat the cream contains, the less a certain quantity of it, e. g., a gallon, will weigh.? 2. Cream is thicker (more viscous) than milk at the same temperature, and more of it will adhere to the sides of the measuring pipette than in the case of milk. 1 or specific gravity of cream of different richness, see table on p. 77 Cream Testing. 77 This is of special importance in testing very rich or sour cream. 3. In ease of separator cream, more or less air will become incorporated with the cream during the process of separation. In the ripening of cream, the fermenta- tion gases developed are held in the cream in the same way as bread dough holds the gases generated by yeast. In either case the weight of a certain measure of cream is diminished. - 87. As an illustration of the effect of the preceding factors on the amount of cream measured out by a Bab- cock 17.6 ec. pipette, the following weighings of sepa- rator cream are given (column b.) The cream was in all cases fresh from the separator; it was weighed as delivered by the pipette into a cream test bottle (89), and the test proceeded with at once; the specific gravity of the cream was determined by means of a picnometer (248). The data given are in all cases averages of sev- eral determinations; the samples of cream have been grouped according to their average fat contents.’ Per cent Weight of cream deliv- of fat. Specific gravity (17.5° C.) ered, grams. in cream (a) (b) 10 1.023 17.9 15 1.012 ay YA 20 1.008 his 25 1.002 a Ly 30 .996 17.0 35 .980 16.4 40 .966 16.3 45 .950 16.2 50 947 15.8 1For influence of condition of cream on the amount measured out with a 17.6 cc. pipette, see also Bartlett, Maine exp. sta., bull. 31 (S. S.) ; Jones, Vt. exp. sta., report 16, 101-6, and Dean, Guelph (Ont.) agr. college, report 1906, p. 125, 78 Testing Milk and Its Products. The figures in the table show plainly the variations in the specific gravity of cream of different richness and the error of making tests of cream by measuring it with a 17.6 cc. pipette, especially if the pipette is not rinsed and the washings added to the test bottle. If the eream to be sampled is fresh separator cream testing over 30 per cent., less than 17.0 grams of cream will be delivered into the test bottle, and the results of the reading will be at least one-eighteenth too low (since the bottles are graduated for 18 grams), or about 1.6 per cent. too low in the case of a 30 per cent. cream. If the cream is sour, the error will of course be still greater. It should be remembered that the specific gravities of the cream given in the table refer to fresh separator cream only. Considerable air is incorporated during the separation, and cream of this kind is therefore lighter than gravity cream of corresponding fat contents. Babcock has calculated the specific gravity of cream containing different percentages of butter fat, and the weight of one gallon of each; see table XVI in the Appendix. (Hoard’s Dairyman, Jan. 10, 1910.) 88. Weighing cream for testing. For the reasons stated in the preceding, accurate tests of cream can only be made by weighing the cream into the Babcock test bottles.’ The simplest method is to weigh 9 or 18 grams of the samples on a small cream-weighing scale (see p. 81) into one of the special forms of cream-test bottles. 1This is recognized by a law passed by the Wisconsin legislature in 1903, which requires cream to be weighed for testing where it is sold on the basis of its fat content. (Chapter 48, laws of 1903, an act to prescribe the standard measures for the use of the Babcock test in de- termining the per cent. of butter fat in milk or cream.) Cream Testmng. 719 Cream-test bottles. Special forms of bottles have been devised for testing samples of cream by the Bab- cock test by Winton, Bartlett, and by various manu- facturers. 89. The Winton cream bottle. The cream-test bottle devised by Winton,’ (fig. 32), has a neck of the usual length, and of sufficient width to measure 30 or 50 per cent. of fat. The scale of the neck is divided into parts represent- ing one-half of one per cent. each, but readings of a quarter of a per cent. can easily be esti- mated. Such readings of cream tests are sufficiently ex- act for most commercial pur- poses. This form of cream bot- tle will be found very conven- ient in making tests of com. posite samples of cream. Cream test bottles of a small oe ie bore are greatly to be preferred the 30% to those with wide necks (fig. bottle. eee: 33), since they permit of accu- rate readings to a quarter of a per cent. Other forms of ecream-test bottles which allow the testing of 50 or 55 per cent. cream -_2 have been placed on the market during late years by some manufacturers. These bot- = per fe uw a ares MA iui Wad i AMA A a {: fart hy Fic. 32a. : The 50% tles (so-called 9-inch bottles) have long necks 9-inch cream ‘ : test bottle, and require especially constructed, large and 1Connecticut experiment station (New Haven), bull. 117; report 1894, p. 224. 80 Testing Milk and Its Products. deep testers (see fig. 25). These machines and accom- panying bottles have of late been adopted for cream testing in many localities where farm separator cream is delivered to the creameries. 90. The bulb-necked cream [test {bottles allow the test- ing of cream containing 23 or 25 per cent. of fat, when the usual quantity of cream (18 grams) is taken. The neck is graduated from 0 to 23 per cent., and in some cases to 25 per eent., the graduation extending both below and above the bulb. This is sometimes an inconvenience, as the water must be added carefully so that the lower end of the column of fat will always come below the bulb, in the graduated 2 part of the neck, and not in the bulb itself. Be = 40 ginners are especially apt to lose tests when this —_ 4 . ° |e bottle is first used, for the reason given. It is 34 recommended to fill these bottles with the first por- i a tion of hot water to just above the bulb, so that one can see how much water to add the second time in order to bring the fat within the scale. me T nr Each division of the scale on these 2 3 cream bottles represents two-tenths = 40 of one per cent. of fat, as in case = of the milk test bottles. This form EY of bottle is no longer used to any =4 extent, as it has been largely replaced by the different forms of the Winton (er Sor Fie. 33. cream-bottle. The 50% x = Se gi. Scales for weighing the e. cream. When a small, delicate balance is used, cream can be weighed rap- idly into the bottles. Hither of the scales shown in the accompanying illustrations, (figs. 34-85), will be found sufficiently ac- : Fic. 33a. curate for this purpose; a small scale of ‘he 50%9 . ° -. . ram cream this kind is also convenient and helpful fest bottle. in testing cheese, butter and condensed milk, in deter- Cream Testing. 81 mining the strength of sulfuric acid, and in testing the accuracy of test bottles and pipettes. Cream scales similar to that shown in fig. 35 permit the weighing of two or four samples of cream at a time with only one taring of the bottles, which great- ly facilitates the work of testing the cream. In testing cream by weight, the test bottle is first weighed empty, and again when 9 or 18 Vic. 34. Scales used for weighing Si cream in the Babcock test. orams of cream have been placed in it; the difference between the two figures gives the weight of cream taken Li | af Fic. 35. Torsion balance used for weighing cream in the Babcock test. the outside of the test bottle. for the test. If the cream contains less than 30 per eent. of fat, the regular milk test bottle can also be used for testing the cream, if not much more than 5 grams are weighed out; if more cream. is taken, or if this is richer than 30 per cent., it is advisable to use cream bottles. The operator should be eareful in weighing the cream not to spill it on If less than 18 grams of cream has been weighed into the bottle sufficient 6 82 Testing Milk and Its Products. water is added to the balance to make the total vol- ume about 18 ec. The usual quantity of acid (17.5 ec.) is then added, and the test completed in the ordi- nary manner. The reading of the amount of fat in the neck of the test bottle will not show the correct per cent. of fat in the cream unless exactly 18 grams are weighed out. If less than this weight was taken the per cent. of fat in the cream tested is obtained by multi- plying the reading by 18, and dividing the product by the weight of credm taken. EXAMPLE: Weight of cream tested, 5.2 grams; reading of col- umn of fat1)9.8,*)9.7, average 9.75; per cent. of fat in the cream 9.75 X 18 —33 75. che is very convenient to weigh out 18 grams of cream (or 9 grams) so that the readings may be taken di- rectly from the neck of the bottle. The smaller the quan- tity of cream taken for a sample, the greater is the error introduced by inaccu- rate weighings or readings. The result is rendered more accurate if two or three tests of a sample are made, and the readings averaged. g1a. The hydrostatic bal- ance is a convenient device for weighing cream and other dairy products to be tested by the Babcock test arostatie cream balance. ae (see fig. 35a)” This balance 1 Wisconsin exp. station, bull. 195. i Cream Testing. 83 is built on the same principle as a lactometer: it is pro- vided with a pan on the top of the stem, on which the test bottles and the weights are placed. When put into water the instrument is balanced to a certain point with empty test bottles and weights on the pan; the weights are then removed and sufficient cream added to the test bottle by means of a pipette to sink it to the same point as before. The special advantages of the balance are that there are no bearings to rust and become dull; it is durable, Inexpensive and sensitive, and with careful handling will remain sensitive indefinitely. The balance can be made large enough to weigh a number of bottles at a time, as is the case with some of the cream scales on the market. 92. Measuring cream for testing. Where a special cream scale or a small balance is not available, fairly satisfactory results may be obtained with cream of low or average quality by measuring out the sample with a 17.6 pipette and correcting the results as indicated below. One of the cream test bottles or a common milk test bottle may be used for this purpose. The table cn p. 77 shows that a 17.6 cc. pipette, in the case of cream fresh from the separator, containing less than 25 per cent. of fat, will deliver only 17.2 grams of cream, that is, the results will be S21 per cent. too low. In the same way in ease of 40 per cent. cream, only 16.3 grams of cream would be delivered, and the results therefore 3.8 per cent. too low. When the cream has been ripened or is thick, less cream would be deliv- ered than the amounts given, and the error introduced by measuring out the samples correspondingly increased. 84 Testing Muk and Its Products. A table of correction for testing such cream by meas- uring the samples has been prepared by Prof. Eckles, formerly of Iowa experiment station.’ Approximately correct results may be obtained in testing. thin cream by using an 18 ce. measuring pipette; to avoid the expense and trouble of using two different pipettes, one for milk and one for cream, a pipette with two marks on the stem, at 17.6 cc. and 18 cc., has been placed on the market, the former mark being used when milk is tested, and the latter for cream. It should be borne in mind, however, that such pipettes can only be used in the case of sweet cream of average richness. and will then give only approximately correct results 93. Use of milk test bottles. Cream may be tested by emptying a 17.6 cc. pipetteful into two or more milk test bottles, dividing the sample about equally between the bottles and filling the pipette with water once or twice, which is then in turn divided about equally be- tween the test bottles; the per cent. of fat in the cream is found by adding the readings obtained in each of the bottles. The cream and the water must be mixed before the acid is added. 1 Press bull. dated August, 1901. Some creameries heat the samples of cream in a water bath to about 140° I’. before the test samples are measured out by means of a 17.6 ce. pipette. This increases the fluidity of the cream and causes less to adhere to the pipette. The-Vermont ex- periment station (report 16. pp. 191-6) found in examining this method that it did not yield satisfactory results in the case of cream of dif- ferent richness and recommends that cream be weighed when accurate tests are desired. Professor Spillman (Bull. 32 of Washington experiment station) rec- ommends the use of a 17.6 ce. pipette for testing cream, the results obtained being corrected by a certain per cent., as shown in a table given in the bulletin. The table is based on the figures given on p. 77 of this book, and is therefore only applicable to fresh separator cream. Cream Testing. 85 This method does away with the error incident to the adhesion of cream to the side of the pipette, but not with that due to the low specific gravity of the cream, and the results obtained will therefore be too low. The dilution of the cream with water in the test bot- tles not only makes it possible to bring into the bottle all the cream measured out, but also insures a clear test. If ordinary cream is mixed with the usual quantity of sulfuric acid used in the Babcock test, a dark-colored fat will generally be obtained, while the cream diluted with an equal or twice its volume of water, when mixed with the ordinary amount of acid, will give a light yel- low, clear column of fat, which will allow of a very distinct and sharp reading. The number of bottles to be used for testing a sam- ple of cream by this method must be regulated by the richness of the cream. If the sample probably contains 20 per cent. or more, a pipetteful should be divided about equally between three milk test bottles, and two- thirds of a pipetteful of water is added to each bottle. If the cream contains less than 20 per cent. of fat, it will only be necessary to use two milk test bottles, divid- ing the pipetteful between these, and adding one-half of a pipetteful of water to each bottle. By using cream test bottles (89), more accurate tests may be obtained in case of cream containing as much as 25 per cent. of fat, by dividing one pipetteful be- tween two bottles, rinsing half a pipette of water into each one, than by adding all the cream to one bottle without rinsing the pipette, for reasons apparent from what has been said in the preceding. 86 Testing Milk and Its Products. 94. Use of a5 cc. pipette. When the cream is in good con- dition for sampling, satisfactory results can also be obtained by the use of a 5 ec. pipette, provided great care is taken in mix- ing the cream before sampling; 5 cc. of cream are measured into a milk test bottle, and two pipettefuls of water are added. In this way all the cream in the pipette is easily rinsed into the test bottle. The readings multiplied by +*—3.6 will give the per cent. of fat in the cream. If the specific gravity of the cream tested varies appreciably from 1, corrections should be made accordingly; e. g., if the specific gravity is 1.02, the fac- tor should read —* 3.53; if .95, "==3.79, ete. . 95. Proper readings of cream tests. The accom- panying illustration (fig. 36), shows the proper method of reading the fat column in cream tests; readings are taken from a to c¢, not to b or to d, when readings are made at 140° F.t No special precautions other than those required in testing milk have been found necessary in testing cream, ex- cept that it is sometimes advisable not to whirl the test bottles in the centri- fuge at once after mixing, but to let the cream-acid mixture stand for a while, until it turns dark colored. At first, the mixture of cream and acid is much lighter colored than that of milk and Fic. 36. Measur. acid, owing to the smaller proportion of ine the tnt col : 2 | ne ns eck cr = solids not fat contained in the cream. cream bottle. Read- . : : ing should be made ‘The liquid beneath the fat in a com- from a to ¢, not to ° ° P b or to d. pleted test of cream is sometimes milky 1The size of the meniscus is magnified in this cut. A study of the mensicus formed in bottles with narrow or wide necks, and its bearing Cream Testing. 87 and the fat appears white and cloudy, making an exact reading difficult. Such defects can usually be over- come by placing the test bottles in hot water for about ten minutes previous to the whirling, or by allowing the fat to crystallize (which is done by cooling the bottles in cold water after the last whirling) and remelting it by placing the bottles in hot water. The error due to the expansion of the fat in case of excessively hot turbine testers having no openings in the cover as mentioned on p. 36, is especially noticeable in cream testing, where it may amount to one per cent. or more. In order to obtain correct results with such testers, the hot cream test bottles must be placed in water at about 140° F. for some minutes before the results are read off. The subject of different methods of reading cream tests have been studied by Webster and Gray,’ who conclude that correct results are obtained by taking readings at 120° F., from the bottom to the extreme top of the fat column, deducting four-fifths of the depth of the meniscus from this result and adding .2 per cent. to the figure thus obtained. 96. Eliminating the meniscus in cream tests. The uncertainty concerning the exact point at which the meniscus of the fat column should be read in cream tests has been removed by the use of certain liquids which do not mix with fat but when dropped on top of on the results of cream tests is given in bulletin 58, Bur. An. Ind., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, where a discussion of the influence of dif- ferent temperatures on readings of cream tests will also be found (see 96). . 1 Bull. 58, Bur. An. Ind., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. See also Mass. rept., 1909, p. 142. 88 Testing Milk and Its Products. the fat column change the curved surface of the menis- cus into a straight line. Amyl alcohol, fat-saturated alcohol and glymol have been suggested for this pur- pose. Amyl alcohol colored red by fuchsin was suggested by Eckles.t. This may dissolve some of the fat and thus eause a slightly low reading, Fat-saturated alcohol” | largely overcomes this objection. It is made by adding about a teaspoonful of butter to six ounces of dena- tured or wood alcohol in a stoppered bottle. This is warmed slightly and shaken until the alcohol does not dissolve any more of the fat. A small amount of . coloring matter may be added to this solution to further facilitate the reading. The use of glymol* or white mineral typewriter and sew- ing machine oil was suggested by IHlunziker for reading cream tests, after an exhaustive study of the subject. Glymol may be colored with alkanet root which can be ob- tained from a druggist. One ounce of alkanet root will color one quart Fie dea Showing sie 1 One mols this is done by placing Micohol, givnoL ste, @ Small cheese cloth bag filled with for | eliminating - ine the alkanet. root im theabottie or ra glymol for one or two days. A convenient way of adding alcohol, glymol, ete., to the fat column after completing a a test is to Insert a 1N. Y. eee Review, Aug. 8, 1908. 2 Wis. Expt. Sta. Bul. 195, p. 6. ? Purdue, Ind., Expt. Sta. Bul. 145, vol. XV, p. 593. Cream Testing. 89 glass tube through a cork or stopper of a bottle con- taining the liquid and by placing a finger on the top of the tube a small portion may be transferred from the bottle to the top of the fat column. By the use of either of the liquids mentioned the meniscus in cream tests disappears, giving a straight line at the top as well as the bottom of the fat column and thus making it possible to obtain exact readings of the per cent. of fat in any sample of cream. Questions. 1. Give three reasons for weighing cream for testing. 2. How does the richness of the cream influence its weight? 3. What is the weight of one gallon of cream testing 10, 30, or 50% fat? 4, Describe at least three forms of cream test bottles. 5. What is the use of a bulb in the cream bottle? 6. Between what points should the cream fat column be read? 7. If cream was erroneously weighed into a test bottle as 9.3 gr. instead of 10 gr., what error would this cause on a sample testing 33% fat? 8. Mention a few important points in the construction of 2 cream test bottle. 9. If 12.5 gr. cream give a reading of 18.5, what is the cir- rect test of the sample? ‘ 10. If 7.2 gr. of cream give a reading of 6.4, what is the cor- rect test of the sample? 11. If the fat in a cream test is read as 28% at a temperature of 180° F., what is the correct test? 12. If at the end of a full day’s run 4,280 lbs. of milk had been received, testing 3.95 per cent., and 535 Ibs. of cream test- ing 34.5 per cent. fat; how much fat (a) in the whole milk; (b) in the cream; (c) in the skim milk? (d) what would be the test of the skim milk, (e) how many pounds of skim milk would there be; and (f) what would be the per cent. of cream fro mthe milk? CHAPTER V. BABCOCK TEST FOR OTHER MILK PRODUCTS. 97- Skim milk. Each division on the scale of the neck of the regular Babcock test bottle represents two- tenths of one per cent. (44). .When a sample of skim milk or butter milk containing less than this per cent. of fat is tested, the estimated amount is expressed by different operators as one-tenth, a trace, one-tenth trace, or one- to five-hundredths of one per cent. Gravimetric chemical analyses of skim milk have, however, shown that samples which give only a few small drops of fat floating on the water in the neck of the test bottle, or adhering to the side of the neck, generally contain one-tenth of one per cent, of fat, and often more. Samples of skim milk containing much less than one-tenth of a per cent. of fat are very rare, and it is doubtful whether a sample of separator skim milk representing a run of, say 5000 lbs. of milk, will ever show less than five-hundredths of one per cent. of fat. Under ordi- nary factory conditions, few separators will deliver skim milk containing under one-tenth of one per cent. of fat, when the sample is taken from the whole day’s run. This must be considered a satisfactory separation.’ 1For comparative analyses of separator skim milk by the gravi- metric method and by the Babcock test, see Wis. exp. station bull. 52 and rep. XVII, p. 81; Conn. (Storrs) exp. station, bull. 40; Utah exp. station, bull. 96. See also, Woll, Testing Skim Milk by Babcock Test, in Country Gentleman, April 26, 1902. The results obtained by the use of the Gottlieb method have shown that ether-extraction methods, as Babcock Test for other Mulk Products. 91 98. The reason why the Babcock test fails to show all) the fat present in skim milk must be sought in one or two causes: a trace of fat may be dissolved by the sul- furie acid, or owing to the minuteness of the fat glob- ules of such milk they are not brought together in the neck of the bottles at the speed used with the Bab- cock test. The latter cause is the more likely explana- tion. If a drop of the dark liquid obtained in a Bab- cock bottle from a test of whole milk be placed on a slide under the microscope, it will be seen that a fair number of very minute fat globules are found in the liquid. These globules are not brought into the column of fat in the neck of the bottle by the centrifugal force exerted in the Babcock test, even if the bottles are whirled in a turbine tester in which they are heated to 200° F. or higher (see 71); the loss of the fat con- tained in these fine globules is compensated for, in the testing of whole milk, by a liberal reading of the fat column, the reading being taken from the bottom of the fat to the top of the upper meniscus (see p. 35) ; in some separator skim milk, on the other hand, not enough fat remains to completely fill the neck, and the reading must therefore be increased by at least five- hundredths of one per cent. It follows from what has been said that tests of skim milk showing no fat in the neck of the test bottles on completion of the test, generally indicate inefficient work of the centrifugal tester or of the operator, or of well as the Babcock test, give too low results with dairy by-products low in fat, like skim milk, butter-milk, etc. The Gottlieb method for this reason has been adopted by European chemists as a standard for analysis of these products. (See 254). 92 Testing Milk and Its Products. both. The test should be repeated in such eases, using more acid and whirling for full five minutes. Sepa- rator skim milk should be allowed to stand 10 to 15 min- utes before the sample is taken so as to allow the air to escape. In order to bring as much fat as possible into the neck of the bottles in testing skim milk, it is advisable to add somewhat more acid than when whole milk is tested, viz., about 20 ec., and to whirl the bottles at full speed for at least five minutes, keeping the tester as hot as possible the whole time.t' The read- ings must be taken as soon as the whirl- ing is completed, since owing to the con- traction of the liquid by cooling, the fat will otherwise adhere to the inside of the neck of the test bottle as a film of grease which cannot be measured by the scale. 99. The double-necked test bottle, (fig. 37), suggested by one of us,? is made especially for measuring small quantities of fat and gives fairly satisfactory results in testing skim milk and butter milk. Each division of the scale in these bottles represents five-hundredths of one per fy. 37. The double-n ked cent., and the marks are so far apart that skim milk bot- ‘ - tle (sometimes the small fat column can be easily esti- called the Onl- _ son or B. & W. mated to single hundredths of one per bottle). 1See Wis. exp. station, report 17, p. 81. 2 First constructed by Mr. J. J. Nussbaumer, of Illinois; now manu- factured by various firms. Babcock Test for other Milk Products. 93 cent. In the first forms, now out of use, the neck was graduated to hundredths of one per cent. The value of the divisions of the scale on the double- necked test bottles has been a subject of considerable discussion, and various opinions have been expressed whether they show one-tenth or one-twentieth (.05) of one per cent. of fat. By calibration with mercury the value of the divisions will be found to be .05, or one- twentieth, of one per cent., but as shown above, the re- sults obtained in using the bottles for separator skim milk generally come at least .05 per cent. too low, so that, practically speaking, each division may be taken to show one-tenth of one per cent., if the fat fills only one division of the scale or less.* The double-necked bottle is very convenient for the testing of separator skim milk, thin butter milk and whey. The milk, acid and water are added to the bottle through the filling-tube; the mixing of milk and acid must be done with great care, so that none of the con- tents is forced into the fine measuring tube and lost; it is best to add half of the acid first and mix it with the milk, and then add the rest. When the fat is in the lower end of the measuring tube, it can be forced into the scale by pressing with the finger on the top of the side tube. In placing the double-necked bottles in the tester they should be put with the filling tube toward the center, so as to avoid any of the fat being caught between this tube and the side of the bottle when it resumes a verti- eal position. 1 Wis. exp. station, bull. 52; Penna. exp. ~tation, report 1896, p. 221. 94 Testing Milk and Its Products. This test bottle is more fragile and expensive than the ordinary Babcock bottles, and must be carefully handled; it is now generally made of heavier glass than formerly, and this form is to be highly recom- mended.’ 100. The double-size skim milk bottle which was the first one recommended for the testing of skim milk, is of no particular value. It is difficult to obtain a thorough mixture of the milk and the acid in these bottles, and the tests invariably eome too low, more so than with the regular Babcock bottles or double-necked skim milk bottles, for reasons that are readily seen. ror. Buttermilk and whey. The testing of buttermilk by the Babcock test offers no special difficulties if the special directions for testing skim milk are followed; what has been said in re- gard to tests of separator skim milk is equally true in case of this by-product. Whey contains only a small quantity of solids not fat, viz., less than 7 per cent. (27), and the mixing with acid and the solution of the whey solids therein is therefore readily accom- plished; the acid solution is of a light reddish color, turning black but ver ee 7c gts a 102. Butter. Butter is not so easily tested as other dairy products, both because of the difficulties in ob- taining a fair sample, and on account of the high per- centage of fat it contains. Butter is a mechanical mix- TVA! double-necked copper test bottle with a detachable graduated glass neck was designed and tried by one of us a few years ago, but it was not found to possess any special advantage over the glass bottle. Babcock Test for other Milk Products. 95 ture of water, curd, and salt, with butter-fat; and the water or brine is so easily pressed out that great care must be taken to get the same amount of water in the small portion to be tested as exists in the lot of butter sampled. Sampling butter. Small portions of butter are taken with a butter trier or a knife from different parts of the tub, package, or churning of butter to be tested. These small portions (preferably about 200 grams in all) are placed in a wide-necked bottle or jar which is securely stoppered and placed in warm water until the butter melts. The jar is then shaken vigorously in order to obtain a thorough mixing of the various components of the butter, and placed in cold water. As the butter cools, the jar must be shaken repeatedly until the butter either solidifies or becomes of a thick creamy consist- ency. From this sample small portions may be taken for testing. It is not always necessary to prepare a sample of butter for testing in the manner described. If the but- ter contains no loose drops of brine on the freshly-cut surface, a sample for testing can be taken directly from the package. The operator must use his judgment in regard to the necessity of preparing a special sample in each case. Scales for weighing butter. In testing butter it is necessary to weigh the amount taken for a test very accurately. Scales sensitive to less than .05 gram should be used, as a difference of .1 gram in weight has a value of 1.0 per cent. in the result when 10 grams of butter are tested. Slow-working scales with rusted bearings are worthless for testing butter. The scales should 96 Testing Milk and Its Products. always be balanced before being used and the weights kept bright and clean. Carelessness in weighing may be the cause of very inaccurate results, and the importance of a sensitive scale cannot be over-estimated. Scales with a graduated side beam are preferable to those that require the use of small weights. Scales sensitive to .01 gram are now on the market, which permit of 20 to 50 grams of butter being weighed out for testing.’ 103. Fat in butter. The Babcock test can be used with a fair degree of accuracy for estimating the per cent. of fat in butter, by weighing 9 grams of butter into a test bottle graduated to measure 50 per cent. fat. About 10 ee. of hot water is added to the butter, and 17.5 ec. of sulfuric acid of one-half the strength used in milk testing. Mix the butter and acid until the curd is all dissolved, add hot water to bring the fat into the neck of the test bottle and whirl in a centrifuge. When a clear separation of the fat is obtained the test bottle is placed in water of 140° F. up to near the top of the neck and after standing a few minutes in this water the fat column is read off; the reading multiplied by 2 gives the per cent. of fat. Accurate results can only be obtained by taking great care in all the manipulations, especially in weighing the butter and in reading the fat at the proper tempera- ture. Small errors in making tests have a marked influ- ence on the results, because the butter fat is such a large per cent. of the butter. Tests should always be made in duplicate.’ 1 See bull. 154, Wisconsin exp. sta., p. 10. 2 Special bottles for testing butter for its fat content have been put . Babcock Test for other Milk Products. 97 104. Cheese. Cheese can be easily tested by the Bab- eock test if a small scale (fig. 34) is at hand for weigh- ing the sample; the results obtained will furnish accu- rate information as to the amount of fat in the cheese, provided good judgment and exactness are used in sampling and weighing the cheese. The following method of sampling cheese is recommended.? ‘“Where the cheese can be cut, a narrow wedge reaching from the edge to the center of the cheese will more nearly represent the average composition of the cheese than any other sample. This may be cut quite fine, with care to avoid evaporation of water, and the portion for analysis taken from the mixed mass. When the sample is taken with a cheese trier, a plug taken per- pendicular to the surface, one-third of the distance from the edge to the center of the cheese, will more nearly represent the average composition than any other. The plug should either reach entirely through or only half way through the cheese. ‘“For inspection purposes the rind may be rejected, but for investigations, where the absolute quantity of fat in the cheese is required, the rind should be included in the sample. It is well, when admissible, to take two or three plugs on different sides of the cheese and after splitting them lengthwise with a sharp knife, take portions of each for the test.’’ 105. When a satisfactory sample of the cheese has been obtained, about 5 grams are weighed into a milk test bottle, or a larger quantity (say 9 grams) may be used with a cream test bottle. The test bottle is first weighed empty, and again after the pieces of cheese have been added. About 15 ce. of hot water is added to the cheese in the test bottle, and this is shaken occasionally until the cheese softens and forms a creamy emulsion on the market, e. g., the Wagner Butter Test Bottle and the form sug- gested by H. R. Wright, given in the 18th report of the Iowa State Dairy Commissioner, 1904, p. 40. 1. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Chemical Division, bull. 46, p. 37. ft 98 Testing Milk and Its Products. with the water. A few cc. of acid will aid in this mixing and disintegration, the process being hastened by placing the bottles in tepid water. When all lumps of cheese have disappeared in the liquid, the full amount of acid is added, and the test completed in the ordinary man- ner. The per cent. of fat in the cheese is obtained by mul- tiplying the reading of the fat column by 18 and divid- ing the product by the weight of cheese. The weighing of the cheese and the reading of the fat must be done very carefully, since any error introduced is more than trebled in calculating the per cent. of fat in the cheese. 106. Condensed milk. The per cent. of fat in wn- sweetened condensed milk can be obtained by weighing about 9 grams into a test bottle and proceeding in ex- actly the same way as given under testing of cheese. It is not necessary to warm the condensed milk in the test bottles, since this is readily dissolved in water. Enough water should be added to make the total volume of liquid in the bottles 15 to 18 cc. | If a scale is not available for weighing the sample, fairly accurate results may be obtained by diluting the condensed milk with water (1:3), and completing the test in the ordinary manner. When this is done, the results must be corrected for the dilution which the sample received. Hunziker? recommends adding hot, dilute sulfuric acid solution after the first whirling, in the analysis of unsweetened condensed milk (sulfuric acid and water, 1See also Sammis, Journ. Ind. and Eng. Chem., I, p. 604. 2Ind. expt. sta., bull. 134. Babcock Test for other Milk Products. at 1:1). He finds that this aids in giving a clear separa- tion of the fat and obtaining satisfactory results.* 107. Sweetened condensed milk. The testing of sweetened condensed milk presents peculiar difficulties, whether it is to be tested by the Babcock test or by chemical analysis. It may, however, be readily tested by the Babcock test by introducing certain changes in the manipulation of the test, as worked out by one of us.2. A brief description of the method of analysis adopted is here given. About sixty grams of condensed milk are weighed into a 200 ee. graduated flask, to this 100 ec. of water are added and the solution of the condensed milk ef- fected. The flask is then filled to the mark with water and after mixing thoroughly, a 17.6 pipette full of measured into a Babcock test bottle. About three ce. of the sulfuric acid commonly used for testing milk are then added and the milk and acid mixed by shaking the bottle vigorously. The milk is curdled by the acid, and the curd and whey separated somewhat. In order to make this separation complete and to compact the curd into a firm lump, the test bottle is whirled for about six minutes at a rather high speed (1,000 rev.) in a steam- heated turbine tester. The chamber in which the bottles are whirled ought to be heated to about 200° F. This ean be done either by the turbine exhaust steam which leaks into the test- 1for analysis of unsweetened condensed milk, see also Jr. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 1913, pp. 131 and 168. Good results may be secured by adding 8 cc. of a mixture of equal parts of amyl alcohol and C. P. hydrochloric acid to the milk, then 10 cc. of C. P. sulfuric acid, and proceeding as given above (Amott). 2 Wis. exp. station, report XVII, pp. 86-89. 100 Testing Milk and Its Products. bottle chamber of some machines, or by means of a valve and pipe which will allow steam to be turned di- rectly into the test bottle chamber. After this first whirling the bottles are taken from the _ tester and by being careful not to break the lump of curd nearly all the whey or sugar solution can be poured out of the neck. Ten cc. of water are then poured into the test bottle and the curd is shaken up with it so as to wash out more of the sugar. Three ee. of acid are now added as before and the test bottle whirled a second time. The whey is again decanted and this second washing removes so much of the sugar that what re- mains will not interfere with testing in the usual way. The curd remaining in the bottle after the second wash- ing is shaken up with ten ec. of water; the water-emul- sion of the curd is then cooled; the usual amount, 17.5 ee., of sulfuric acid is added, and the test completed in the same way as when milk is tested. The amount of fat obtained in the neck of the test bottle is calculated to the weight of condensed milk taken. 108. Ice cream. Methods for determining the per cent. of fat in ice cream have been worked out by Holm,? Howard*® and others. Holm recommends the use of a mixture of equal parts of hydrochloric and glacial acetic acid, in the place of sulfuric acid, as the 1 The Gottlicb method gives very satisfactory results with both cheese and condensed milk (see 254). See also Jr. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 1912, p. 672. For method of analysis of desiccated milk, milk powder, ete., see ibid., 1912, p. 544. 2Neport Dept. of Health, City of Chicago, 1906, p. 50. 3 Journ. Am: Chem. Soc., 1907, p. 16. Methods of analysis of ice cream have also been proposed by White, (Penna. exp. sta., rept. 1910, p. 243), Baird, (N. Y. Prod. Rev., Feby. 26, 1913), and Halvorsen, (Jr. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 5 (1913), p. 403). The Lactometer and Its Application. 101 latter is likely to char the sugar in the ice cream, thus giving difficulty in reading the results. Nine grams of either the frozen or melted sample are weighed into a Babeock milk bottle, which is then filled almost to the neck with the mixture of the two acids given. This is heated for a few minutes until black, when the bottle is whirled in the tester and water added to bring the fat column within the graduations of the neck, as in the regular Babcock test. The reading multiplied by two gives the per cent. of fat in the ice cream." Questwons. 1. Why is it difficult to get accurate tests of skim milk by the Babcock test? 2. Mention at least three precautions that should be taken in testing skim milk. 3. Should more acid be used for full milk than for skim milk, or more for skim milk than for whey? Why? 4. How much fat is probably present in a sample of skim milk which shows no fat on being tested in a skim milk bottle? 5. What per cent. of fat does each division of a double- necked skimmilk test bottle represent? 6. How can (a) butter, (b) cheese, (c) unsweetened and sweetened condensed milk be tested with the Babcock test? 7. If 8.4 gr. cheese give a reading of 12.2% on the neck of a test bottle, what per cent. of fat does the cheese contain? 8. What is the per cent. of fat in a sample of cheese, of which 4.2 grams contained enough fat to fill the space in the neck of a Babcock milk test bottle from 1.7 to 9.5 mark? 9. How can the per cent. of fat in ice cream be determined? 1An apparatus for determining the amount of overrun (214) in the manufacture of ice cream hag been devised by G. H. Benkendorf of Wis. exp. station (see bull. 289 of the station). CHAPTER VI. THE LACTOMETER AND ITS APPLICATION. 1og. The lactometer is used for determining the spe- cific gravity of milk. The term specific gravity means the weight of a certain volume of a solid or a liquid substance compared with the weight of the same vol- ume of water at 4° C. (39.2° Fahr.); for gases the standard of comparison is air or hydrogen. If the milk which a can will hold weighs exactly 103.2 tbs., this can will hold a smaller weight of water, say 100 Ibs., as milk is heavier than water; the specific gravity of this milk will then be a3 1.032. The specific gravity of normal cow’s milk will vary in different samples between 1.029 and 1.085 at 60° F., the average being about 1.032. The specific gravity of skim milk is about 1.036-1.038, and of sweet cream 1.01 to .95, according to the per cent. of fat contained there- in; average specific gravity 1.0 (see p. 77). The lactometer enables us to determine rapidly the relative weight of milk and water. Its application rests on well-known laws of physics: When a body floats in a liquid, the weight of the amount of liquid which it replaces is equal to the weight of the body. It will sink further into a light liquid than into a heavy one, be- 1 Since a gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs., 1 gal. of milk will weigh 8.841.032 or 8.6 Ibs.: 1 gal. of skim milk, 8.7 lbs., and 1 gal. of cream from 8.1 to 8.5 lbs., according to its richness. (See Table XVI, Appendix.) The Lactometer and Its Application. cause a larger volume of the former will be required to equal the weight of the body. A lactometer will therefore sink deeper into milk of a low specific grav- ity than into milk of a high specific gravity. 110. The Quevenne _lactometer. This instrument (fig. 39), consists of a hollow cylinder weighted by means of mercury or fine shot so that it will float in milk in an upright position, and pro- vided with a narrow stem at its upper end, inside of which is found a gradu- ated paper scale. In the better forms, like the Quevenne lactometer shown in the figure, a thermometer is melted into the cylinder, with its bulb at the lower end of the lactometer and its stem ris- ing above the lactometer scale. The seale of the Quevenne lactometer is marked at 15 and 40, and divided into 25 equal parts, with figures at each five divisions of the scale. The single divis- ions are called degrees. The 15-degree mark is placed at the point to which the lactometer will sink when lowered into< @ a liquid of a specifie gravity of 1.015, SS and the 40-degree mark at the point to which it will sink when placed in a m liquid of a specific gravity of 1.040. HY i} j . HI J\ Ul >) ||| il 2 AE SONNE WORE SONNE OND oe \ {i . PODS SA SS 3 si re 7 | igi Fig. 39. iH} HW | i> = WERSSS =} a: y 103 Quevenne lacto- eter floating in milk in a tin cylin- der Gl15): 104 Testing Milk and Its Products. The specific gravity is changed to lactometer degrees by multiplying by 1000 and subtracting 1000 from the product. EXAMPLE: Given, the specific gravity of a sample of milk, 1.0345; corresponding lactometer degree, 1.0345x<1000—1000= 34.5. Conversely, if the lactometer degree is known, the corresponding specific gravity is found by dividing by 1000 and adding 1 to the quotient (34.5+1000—.0345; 0345+ 11.0345). 111. Influence of temperature. Like most liquids, milk will expand on being warmed, and the same vol- ume will, therefore, weigh less when warm than before; that is, its specific gravity will be decreased. It follows then that a lactometer is only correct for the tempera- ture at which it is standardized. If a lactometer sinks to the 32-mark in a sample of milk of a temperature of 60° F., it will only sink to, say 33, if the temperature of the milk is 50° F., and will sink farther down, e. g., to 31, if the temperature is 70° F. Lactometers are generally standardized at 60° F., and to show the cor- rect specific gravity the milk to be tested should first be warmed (or cooled, as the case may be) to exactly 60° °F: 112. Correction tables. Tables have been constructed for correcting errors in lactometer readings due to differences in temperature. As the fat content of a sample of milk has a marked influence on its specific gravity at different temperatures, the co-efficient of expansion of fat differing greatly from that of the milk serum, the table cannot give absolutely accurate The Lactometer and Its Application. 105 corrections for all kinds of milk, whether rich or poor. But the error introduced by the use of one table for all kinds of whole milk within a comparatively small range of temperature, like ten degrees above or below 60°, is too small to have any importance outside of exact scientific work, and in such, the specific gravity is always determined by means of a picnometer or a specific-gravity bottle (248), at the exact temperature at which this has been calibrated. In taking the spe- cific gravity of a sample of milk by means of a lacto- meter, the milk is always warmed or cooled so that its temperature does not vary ten degrees either way from 60° F. 3 113. The temperature correction table for whole milk, given in the Appendix shows that if, e. g., the specific eravity of a sample of milk taken at 68° F.. was found to be 1.034, its specific gravity would be 1.0352 if the milk was cooled down to 60°. If the specific gravity given was found at a temperature of 51°, the corrected specific gravity of the milk would be 1.0329. In practical work in factories or at the farm, suffi- ciently accurate temperature corrections may generally be made by adding .1 to the lactometer reading for each degree above 60° F., and subtracting .1 for each degree below 60°; e. g., if the reading at 64° is 32.5 it will be about 32.5+.4—32.9 at 60° F.; and 34.0 at 52° F. will be about 34.0—.8—83.2 at 60° F. The table in the Appendix gives 33.0 as the corrected figure in both cases. 3 The scale of the thermometer in the lactometer should be placed above the lactometer scale so that the tem- 106 Testing Muk and Its Products. perature may be read without taking the lactometer out of the milk; this will give more correct results and will facilitate the reading. 114. N. Y. Board of Health lactometer. In the East and among city milk inspectors generally, the so-called New York Board of Health lactometer is often used. This does not give the specific gravity of the milk directly, as is the case with the Quevenne lactometer; but the scale is divided into 120 equal parts, known as Board of Health degrees, the mark 100 being placed at the point to which the lactometer sinks when lowered into milk of a specific gravity of 1.029 (at 60° F.); this is con- sidered the lowest limit for the specific gravity of normal cow’s milk. The zero mark on the scale shows the point to which the lactometer will sink in water; the distance between these two marks is divided into 100 equal parts, and the scale is contin- ued below the 100 mark to 120. As 100° on the Board of Health lactometer corresponds to 29° on the Quevenne lactometer, the zero mark showing in either case a specific gravity of 1, the degrees on the former lactometer may easily be changed into Quevenne lactometer degrees by multiplying by .29. To fur-. ther aid in this transposition, Table III is given in the Appen- dix, showing the readings of the two scales between 60° and 120° on the Board of Health lactometer. The temperature correction for Board of Health lactometers is as follows: for each degree of temperature above 60° F. .3 is added to the reading, and for each degree below, .3 is subtracted.1 115. Reading the lactometer. For determining the specific gravity of milk in factories or private dairies, tin or copper cylinders are recommended, 114 inches in diameter and 10 inches high, with a base about four inches in diameter (see fig. 39); another form of speci- fic-gravity cylinders, in use in chemical laboratories, is shown in fig. 40. The cylinder is filled with milk of a temperature ranging between 50° and 70° F., to within 1A special form of idcrometer “that will aitow of very accurate read: ings has been constructed by Poetschke (see Jr. Ind. and Eng. Chem., 1911, p. 405). The Lactometer and Its Application. 107 an inch of the top, and the lactometer is slowly lowered therein until it floats; it is left in the milk for about half a minute before lactometer and thermometer read- ings are taken, both to allow the escape of air which has been mixed with the milk in pouring it, prepara- tory to the specific-gravity determination, and to allow the thermometer to adjust itself to the tem- perature of the milk. The lactometer should not be left in the milk more than a minute before the reading is taken, as cream will soon begin to rise on the milk, and the reading, if taken later, will be too high, as the bulb of the lactometer will then be floating in par- tially skimmed milk (24). In reading the lac- tometer degree, the mark on the scale plainly visible through the upper portion of the meniscus of the milk should be noted. Ow- ing to surface tension the milk in immediate , r E Fic. 40. Spe- contact with the lactometer stem will rise cific-gravity linder. above the level of the surface in the cylinder, an eons and this must be taken into consideration in making the readings. It is not necessary to read closer than one- half of a lactometer degree in factory or dairy work. 116. Time of taking lactometer readings. The spe- cific gravity of milk should not be determined until an hour or two after the milk has been drawn from the udder, as too low results are otherwise obtained (Reck- nagel’s phenomenon). The cause of this phenomenon is not definitely understood; it may come from the es- cape of gases in the milk, or from changes occurring in 1 Milchztg. 1883, 419; bull. 48, Chem. Div.. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, p. 191; Analyst, 1894, p. 76. See also Fleischmann and Wiegner, Jr. f. Ldw., 1913, pp. 283-323. 108 Testing Milk and Its Products. the mechanical condition of the nitrogenous compo- nents of the milk. The results obtained after a couple of hours will, as a rule, come about one degree higher than when the milk is cooled down directly after milk- ing and its specific gravity then determined. 117. Influence of solid preservatives on lactome- ter readings. When potassium bi-chromate, corrosive sublimate, ete., is added to milk samples to preserve them from souring (190), the specific gravity of the milk will be increased; with the quantity usually added (144 gram to a pint of milk) the increase amounts to about 1 lactometer degree, and this correction of lacto- meter readings should be made with milk samples pre- served in this manner. To avoid this error, Dr. Eich- loff! recommends the use of a solution of potassium bi- chromate in water (43 grams to 1 liter), the specific gravity of which is 1.032, or similar to that of average milk; 5 ec. of this solution is required for a pint of milk. No correction is necessary for the dilution with this small amount of liquid preservative. 118. Cleaning the lactometer. The lactometer should be cleaned directly after using, by rinsing with cold water; it is then wiped dry with a clean cloth and placed in the case. 118a. Testing the accuracy of lactometers. The correctness of lactometers may be determined with a fair degree of accuracy by placing them in different salt solutions prepared by dissolving exactly 3, 4, and 5 crams of pure dairy salt in 100 grams (cc.) of water. The specific gravities at 60° F. of solutions thus ob- 1Technik der Milchfritifung, p. 98. The Lactometer and Its Application. 109 tained are 1.022, 1.029, and 1.036, for 3, 4, and 5 per eent. solutions, respectively. CALCULATION OF MILK SOLIDS. 119. A number of chemists have prepared formulas for the calculation of milk solids when the fat content and the specific gravity (lactometer reading) of the milk are known. By eareful work with milk tester and lactometer it is possible by means of these formulas to determine the composition of samples of milk with con- siderable accuracy, both cutside of and in chemical lab- oratories. As the complete formulas given by various chemists (Behrend and Morgen, Clausnitzer and Mayer, Fleischmann, Hehner and Richmond, Richmond, Bab- cock)! are very involved, and require rather lengthy calculations, tables facilitating the figuring have been prepared. The formulas in use at the present time, in this country and abroad, are those proposed by Fleisch- mann, Hehner and Richmond, or Babcock. Babcock’s formula is the one generally taught in American dairy schools and is therefore given here; it forms the foun- dation for Table VI in the Appendix for the calculation of solids not fat. . By the use of these tables the percents of solids not fat may be found, corresponding to lactometer read- ings from 26 to 36, and to fat contents from 0 to 6 per cent. The formula, as amended in 1895,” is as fol- lows, S being the specific pavity and f the per cent. of fat in the milk. 100 S—Sf Solids not tat—(i9- 1.0753 St —1)(100=1)2.5 1 Agricultural Science, vol. III, p. 189. 2 Wisconsin experiment station, twelfth report, page 120. 110 Testing Milk and Its Products. The derivation of this formula is explained in the re- port referred to. 120. Short formulas. The tables made up from this formula, giving the percentages of solids not fat corre- sponding to certain per cents. of fat and lactometer readings, are given in the Appendix. A careful exam- ination of the tables will disclose the fact that the per eent. of solids not fat increases uniformly at the rate of .25, or one-fourth of a per cent. for each lactometer degree, and .02 per cent. for each tenth of a per cent. of fat. This relation is expressed by the following simple formulas: Solids not fat=4L+ 2f Total solids=%4 L+1.2 f, L being the lactometer reading at 60° F. (specific gravity xX 1000 — 1000), and f the per cent. of fat in the milk. Rule: a, To find the per cent. of solids not fat in milk, add two-tenths of the per cent. of fat to one-fourth of the lacto- meter reading, and b, To find the per cent. of total solids in milk, add one and two-tenths times the per cent. of fat to one-fourth of the lacto- meter reading. _ These formulas and rules are easily remembered and ean be quickly applied without the use of tables. The results obtained by using them do not differ more than 04 per cent. from those of the complete formula for milks containing up to 6 per cent. of fat, and may be safely applied in practical work. The English dairy chemist Droop Richmond has constructed an ingenious sliding ‘‘milk scale’’ which en- ables one to readily find the percentages of total solids The Lactometer and Its Application. Bd corresponding to different lactometer readings and fat contents, or the percentage of fat from total solids and lactometer readings.* ADULTERATION OF MILK. 121. Methods of adulteration. The problem of de- termining whether or not a sample of milk is adulter- ated becomes an important one in the work of milk in- spectors and food chemists. Managers of creameries and cheese factories are also sometimes interested in ascertaining possible adulteraticns in the case of some patron’s milk, although since the general introduction of the Babcock test in factories and the payment for the milk on the basis of the amount of butter fat delivered, the temptation to water or skim‘ the milk has been largely removed. In the city milk trade, especially in our larger cities, watered or skimmed milk is occasion- ally met with, in spite of the vigilance of their milk in- speetors or the officers of the city boards of health. When the origin of a suspected sample of milk is known, a second sample should always be taken on the premises, if possible, by or in the presence of the in- spector, and the composition of the two samples com- pared. If the suspected sample is considerably lower in fat content than the second, so-called control-sample, ‘and has a normal per cent. of solids not fat, it is skimmed; if the solids not fat are below normal, it is watered; and if both these percentages are abnormally low, the sample is most likely both watered and skimmed (126). 1 Dairy Chemistry, p. 61. 112 Testing Milk and Its Products. 122. Latitude of variation. In order to determine whether or not a sample of milk is skimmed or watered, or both skimmed and watered, the per cents. of fat and of solids not fat in the sample must be ascertained, and if a control-sample can be secured, these determina- tions for both samples compared. The proper latitude to be allowed for the natural variation in the composi- tion of milk differs according to the origin of the milk; in ease of milk from single cows, the variations in fat content from day to day may exceed one per cent., al- though under ordinary conditions the per cent. of fat in most cow’s milk will not vary that much. The con- tent of solids not fat is more constant, and rarely va- ries one-half of one per cent. from day to day with single cows. Cows in heat or sick cows may give milk dif- fering considerably in composition from normal milk.” 123. Mixed herd milk is of comparatively uniform composition on consecutive days, and as most milk of- fered for sale or delivered to factories is of this kind, the task of the milk inspector is made considerably easier and more certain on this account. Daily varia- tions in herd milk beyond one per cent. of fat and one- half per cent. of solids not fat, are suspicious and may be taken as fairly conclusive evidence of adulteration. This is especially true in case the control-sample shows a comparatively low content of fat or solids not fat (159). 124. Legal standards. Where a control-sample can- not be taken, the legal standards of the various states for fat or solids in milk are used as a basis for caleulat- 1 Blythe, Foods, their Composition and Analysis, London, 1903, p. 250 et seq. The Lactometer and Its Application. 113 ing the extent of adulteration of a sample of milk. A list of legal standards for milk in this country and abroad is given in the Appendix. These standards de- termine the limits below which the milk offered for sale within the respective states must not fall. Legally it matters not whether a sample of milk offered for sale has been skimmed or watered by the dealer or by the cow; in the latter case, the cows producing the milk are of a.breed or a strain that has been bred persistently for quantity of milk, without regard to its quality. In most states the legal standard for the fat content of milk is 3 per cent., and for solids not fat 9 per cent. There are, however, cows which at times produce milk containing only 2.5 to 2.8 per cent. of fat, and less than 8.9 per cent. solids not fat. Such milk cannot therefore be legally sold in most states in the Union, and the farmer offering such milk for sale, even if he does not know the composition of the milk produced by his eows is liable to prosecution just as if he had directly watered the milk. By mixing the milk of several cows, the chances are that the mixed milk will contain more fat and solids not fat than called for by the legal standard; if such should not be the case, cows producing richer milk must be added to the herd so as to raise the qual- ity of the herd milk up to the legal standard, or the cows giving very thin milk must be disposed of. 125. The specific gravity of the milk solids. A calcula- tion of the specific gravity of the milk solids is of considerable assistance in interpreting the results of analyses of suspected milk samples. The milk solids vary but slightly in specific gravity, viz., between 1.25 and 1.34, the richer milks having sol- 8 114 Testing Milk and Its Products. ids of low specific gravities. The specific gravity of the milk solids is calculated by means of Fleischmann’s formula t 100 s—100 t— 25 05e Ie gee SS) S being the ‘sp. gr. of the milk solids, s that of the milk and t the total solids of the milk. Example: A sample of milk has been found to contain 13.0 per cent. of solids, sp. gr. 1.032; then aes =3. 10h: Udon 13.0—3.101=9.899; =! 34", =1.31, the specific gravity of the milk solids. The specific gravity of the solids does not change if the milk is watered, while it is increased when the milk is skimmed. If a sample of milk of the composition given in the preceding ex- ample had been watered so as to reduce the solids to 11.7 per cent. and the specific gravity to 1.0291 (as would be the case when 10 per cent. of water was added), we would again have, by calculation as above,-S=—1.31. If, on the other hand, the milk was skimmed so as to reduce the solids to 11.7 per cent., thereby increasing the specific gravity of the milk to, say 1.035, we would have by substituting these values in the preceding formula, S=1.41, showing conclusively that the milk had been skimmed. An addition of skim milk to whole milk would have the same effect as skimming, as regards.the composition of the latter, and the specific gravity of its solids. The specific gravity of pure butter fat at 60° F. is .93, and of the fat-free milk solids, 1.5847 (Fleischmann). ‘The solids of skim milk have a specific gravity of 1.56. Samples of whole milk, the solids of which have a specific gravity above 1.34 are suspicious, and a specific gravity over 1.40 is conclusive evidence of skimming. To facilitate the calculation of the specific gravity of milk solids, Table IV is given in the Appendix, showing at a glance 100s—100 the value of : for specific gravities between 1.019 and 1.0369. An example will readily illustrate the use of the table. Example: A sample of milk has a specifie gravity of 1.0343 and cdntains 12.25 per cent. solids. In Table IV, we find in the The Lactometer and Its Application. 115 norizontal line beginning with 1.034 under the column headed 0.0003, the figure 3.316, which is the value for ee when s—1.0343. Introducing this value and that of the total solids in the formula, the calculation is 12.25—3.316—8.934; 12.25~ 8.934—1.37, which is the specific gravity of the solids in this case. 126. To recapitulate. Adulteration of milk by water- ing or skimming, or both, may be established by a com- parison of the composition of the suspected sample with that of a control-sample, or if none such can be ob- tained, with the legal standards. If the composition of the two samples varies appreciably, the milk has been adulterated, and the character of the adulteration is shown from the following statement: If the analysis of the suspected sample shows ; the milk is Tse, Saha SR 7 1 eee i ef. tatne silos mot fat. oo! \to i watered oe TSENG, 27003 ERE se normal sp: er. of milk and of solids... .__- eS PONG A MG rag ss tk ee \ 8 skimmed eet e PROMOS ceo oe os Poe FM low epee en MEN oe a normal watered ATE BR ee ee normal or high and Poet ate -SOMe Oh, NAG sc 8 ee low skimmed The extent of the adulteration is determined as given below. 127. Calculation of extent of adulteration.’ In the following formulas, percentages found in the control- samples, if such are at hand, are always substituted for the legal standards. a. Skimming.—1. If a sample of milk has been skimmed, the following formula will give the number of pounds of fat abstracted from 100 lbs. of milk: 1 Woll, Handbook for Farmers and Dairymen, New York, 1907, pp. 267-8. 116 Testing Milk and Its Products. Fat abstracted—legal standard for fat—f, . . ,(I) . f being the per cent. of fat in the suspected sample. 2. The following formula will give the per cent. of fat abstracted, calculated on the total quantity of fat originally found in the milk: oy £X100 ee MaDe for fat pas re eka oes b. Watering.—If a sample is watered, the calcula- tion is most conveniently based on the percentage of solids not fat in the milk. The percentage adulteration may be expressed either on basis of the amount of water present in the adulterated milk, or the amount of water added to the original milk: : 1. Per cent. of foreign (extraneous) water in the adul- : Sx 100 eS legal standard for solids not fat a) S being the per cent. of solids not fat in the suspected sample. Example: A sample of milk contains 7.5 per cent. solids not fat; if the legal standard for solids not fat is 9 per cent., then 100— —7-5*1°° —16,7, shows the per cent. of extraneous water in the milk. 2. Watering of milk may also be expressed in per cent. of water added to the original milk, by formula IV: Per cent. of water added to the original milk 100 leg. stand. for sol. not fat So ee ee In the example given above,’* —100—=20 per cent of water was added to the rial milk. —100 (IV) ce. Watering and skimming.—If a sample has been both watered and skimmed, the extent of watering is Babcock Test for other Milk Products. Ly ascertained by means of formula (III) or (IV), ana the fat abstracted found according to the following formula: Per cent. fat abstracted— leg. stand. for sol. not fat Ss Example: A sample of milk contains 2.4 per cent. of fat and 8.1 per cent. solids not fat; then leg. stand. for fat — SRST) Extraneous water in milk—=100— *-1™ °°=10 per cent. Fat abstracted=3— °° *-4 =33 per cent. 100 Ibs. of the milk contained 10 Ibs. of extraneous water and .83 lb. of fat had been skimmed from it. For methods of detection of other adulterations and of preservatives in dairy products, see Chap. X, 299, et seq. Questions. 1. What is the weight of 1000 ec. of (a) water; (b) skim milk; (¢) whole milk; (d) cream testing 30% fat; (e) whey; (f) butter fat? 2. If the sp. gr. of a sample of milk is 1.0325 at 68° F., what is the lactometer reading at 60°? 3. What effect on the sp. gr. has 1.0% solids not fat and 1.0% fat? 4, How can the accuracy of a lactometer be determined? 5. If a sample of milk has a sp. gr. of 1.032 and 13.0% sol- ids, what is the sp. gr. of the milk solids? 6. How can (a) skimmed- milk, (b) watered milk, (c) skimmed and watered milk be detected? 7. Give lactometer readings and percentages of fat in sam- ples showing (a) watering, (b) skimming, (¢) watering and skimming. 8. If one quart of water is added to one quart of milk, what per cent. of water is added, and what per cent. extraneous water does the mixture contain? 118 Testing Milk and Its Products. 9. How many pounds of fat have been removed from 100 pounds of a sample of milk testing 2.6%, and what per cent. of the fat was removed? 10. If a sample of milk contains 7.0% solids not fat, what per cent. water was added and how much extraneous water did the sample contain? 11. What has probably been done to each of the following samples of milk, that were found to contain (a) 7.2 per cent. solids not fat, 2.6 per cent. fat; (b) 9.0 per cent. solids not fat, 2.5 per cent. fat; (c) 6.5 per cent. solids not fat, 2.4% fat? 12. What is the per cent. solids not fat and what is the con- dition of each of the following samples of milk: Lactometer Reading. Per Cent Fat. (a) DeLee 4.0 (b) 33.5 at 56° F. i (c) 3070 Vat Ga ook a0 (d) 28.0 at 54° F: 2.5 (e) .27.4 at 69° F. 2.4 CHAPTER VIL. . TESTING THE ACIDITY OF MILK AND CREAM. 128. Cause of acidity in milk. Even directly after milk is drawn from the udder it will be found to have an acid reaction, when phenolphtalein is used as an in- dicator.: The acidity of fresh milk is not due to the presence of free organic acids in the milk, like lactic or citric acid, but to acid phosphates, and possibly also in part to free carbonic acid gas in the milk or to the acid reaction of casein. Even in case of so-called sweet milk, nearly fresh from the cow, a certain amount of acidity, viz., on the average about .07 per cent., is there- fore found. When the milk is received at the factory it will rarely test less than .10 per cent. of acid, caleu- lated as lactid acid; some patrons bring milk day after day that does not test over .15 per cent. of acid; that of others tests from .20 to .25 per cent., and some lots, although very rarely, will test as high as .3 of one per cent. of acid. It has been found that milk will not usually smell or taste sour or ‘‘turned,’’ until it con- tains .380 to .35 per cent. of acid. 129. The acidity in excess of that found normally in milk as drawn from the udder, is due to other causes than those described. Bacteriological examinations of milk from different sources and of milk of the same origin at different times have shown that there is, roughly speaking, a direct relation between the bacteria found 1Freshly drawn milk shows an amphoteric reaction to litmus, i. e., it colors blue litmus paper red, and red litmus paper faintly blue. 120 Testing Muk and Its Products. in normal milk, and its acidity; the larger the number | of bacteria per unit of milk, the higher is, in general, the acidity of the milk. The increase in the acidity of milk on standing is caused by the breaking down of milk sugar into lactic acid through the activi- ties of acid-forming bacteria. Since the bacteria get into the milk through a lack of cleanliness during the milking, or careless handling of the milk after the milking, or both, it follows that an acidity test of new milk will give a good clue to the care bestowed in hand- ling the milk. Such tests will show which patrons take good care of their milk and which do not wash their cans clean, or their hands and the udders of the cows before milking, and have, in general, dirty ways in milk- ing and caring for the milk. The acidity test is always higher in summer than in winter, and is generally high in the case of milk kept for more than a day (Monday milk), or delivered after a warm, sultry day or night. The bacteria have had a good chance to multiply greatly in such milk, even if it be kept cooled down to 40°-50° F., and as a result considerable quantities of lactic acid have been formed. The determination of the acidity of fresh milk is explained in detail below (147). 130. Method of testing acidity. Methods of meas- uring the acidity or alkalinity of liquids by means of certain chemicals giving characteristic color reactions in the presence of acid or alkaline solutions (so-called volumetric methods of analysis) have been in use for many years in chemical laboratories. They were applied to milk as early as 1872 by Soxhlet, and the method 1 Jour. f. prakt. Chemie, 1872, p. 6, 19. Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. a worked out by Soxhlet and Henkel has since been in general use by European chemists. They measured out 00 ec. of milk to which was added 2 ce. of a 2 per cent. alcoholic solution of phenolphtalein, and this was ti- trated with a one-fourth normal soda solution’ (see below). In this country, Dr. A. G. Manns in 1890 pub- lished the results of work done in the line of testing the acidity of milk and cream,” and the method of pro- cedure and apparatus proposed by him has become known under the name of Manns’ test, and is being advertised as such by dealers in dairy supplies. 131. Manns’ test. The acid in milk or cream is measured by using an alkali solution of a certain strength, with an indicator which shows by a change of color in the milk when all its acid has been neutralized. Any of the alkalies, soda, potash, ammonia, or lime can be used for making the standard solution, but it requires the skill and apparatus of a chemist to prepare it of the proper strength. A tenth-normal solution*® of caustic soda is the alkali solution used most frequently in de- 1 Fleischmann, Lehrb. d. Milchwirtschaft, 3rd ed., p. 57. ? Illinois experiment station, bulletin 9. 8’ Normal solutions, as a general rule, are prepared so that one liter Shall contain the hydrogen equivalent of the active reagent weighed in grams (Sutton). Caustic soda (NaOH) is made up of an atom each of sodium (Na), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H); its molecular weight is therefore 234164+1=40 NaOH A normal soda solution then is made by dissolving 40 grams of soda in water, making up the volume to 1000 c:.: a one-tenth normal solu- tion will contain one-tenth of this amount of soda, or 4 grams dissolved in one liter. One cubic contimeter of the latter solution will contain .004 gram of soda, and will neutralize .009 gram of lactic acid. The formula for lactic acid is C,H,O, (see p. 16), and its molecular weight is therefore 3x1246x1+43x16=90. A tenth-normal solution of lactic acid contains 9 grams per liter, and .009 gram per cubic centimeter. 122 Testing Milk and Its Products. termining the acidity of milk, and is the solution labeled Neutralizer of the Manns’ test. The indicator used is a solution of phenolphtalein, a light yellowish powder; its compounds with alkalies are red, in weak alkaline solutions. pink colored, while its acid compounds are colorless. The phenolphtalein solu- tion used is prepared by dissolving 10 grams in 300 ce. of 90 per cent. aleohol (Mohr). 132. In testing the acidity of either milk or cream it is necessary to meas- ure out with exactness the quantity of liquid to be tested; Manns recom- mended using a 50 ee. pipette. This amount of milk or cream is measured into a clean tin, porcelain or glass cup, a few drops of the phenolphtalein so- lution are added, and the Neutral- izer (or alkali solution) is cautiously dropped in from a burette, the point at which the solution stands before any is drawn off being noted. By constant stirring during this operation it will be noticed that the pink color formed by the addition of even a drop of alkali solution will at first entirely disappear, but as more and more of the acid in the sample becomes neutralized, the color will disappear more ®, slowly, until finally a point is reached when the pink color re- Fic. 41. Apparatus used E dae Avanmiat teak! mains permanent for a time. No Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. 123 more alkali should be added after the first appearance of a uniform pink color in the sample. This color will fade and gradually disappear again on standing, owing to the effect of the carbonic acid of the air, to which phenolphtalein is very sensitive. The amount of the alkali solution used for the test is then obtained from the reading on the scale of the burette. The per cent. of acid in the sample is calculated by multiplying the number of ce. of alkali solution used, by .009 and di- viding the product by the number of cc. of the sample tested, the quotient being multiplied by 100. Per cent. acidity= BEDS Gene Meade et 100 e. ¢c. sample tested If 50 ec. of cream required 32 ce. of alkali solution to produce a permanent pink color, the per cent. of acid in 32 aan <100=.58 per cent. A part of this calculation may be saved by using a factor for multiplying the number of ec. of alkali added in each test. This factor is obtained by dividing .009 (the number of grams of lactic acid neutralized by one ce. of alkali solution) by the number of ec. of sample tested, and multiplying the quotient by 100. If a 50 ee. pipette is used for measuring the sample to be tested, the factor will be (.009--50) x100=.018; if a 25 ee. pipette is used, the factor will be (.009-25) X100=—= .036; and if a 20 ec. pipette is used, (.009—20) X100—= .045 will be the factor to be applied in calculating the per cent. of acidity, the number of ce. of alkali used being in all cases multiplied by the particular factor corresponding to the volume of the sample tested. the cream would be 124 Testing Milk and Its Products. 133. If a Babcock milk test pipette is used for meas- uring the milk or cream to be tested for acidity, the factor will be (.009--17.6) X100=.051. This is so nearly .05 that sufficiently accurate results may be obtained by simply dividing the number of ce. used by two; the re- sult will be the tenths of per cent. of acid in the sample tested, e. g., if 17.6 ec. of cream required 12 ee. of one- tenth normal alkali to give a pink color, then the per cent. of acid is 12+2—.6 per cent. If one-fifth normal alkali is used for testing, the per cent. of acidity is shown directly by the number of ee. used (Vivian).1 134. Manns’ testing outfit The apparatus (see fig. 41) and chemicals necessary for testing the acidity of milk or cream by the so-called Manns’ test include one gallon of a one-tenth normal alkali solution; four ounces of an alcoholic solution of phenolphtalein, a 50 ce. glass burette provided with a pinch- cock, a burette stand and a pipette for measuring the sample. This outfit will make about 100 tests and is sold for $5.00.? 135. The alkaline tablet test. Solid alkaline tab- lets were proposed by Farrington in 1894, as a substi- tute for the liquid:used in Manns’ test.2 It was found possible to mix a solid alkali carbonate and coloring matter, and compress the mixture into a small tablet, which would contain an exact amount of alkali. The advantage of the tablets lies in the fact that they 1Van Norman recommends the use of a 50th normal solution for testing cream (see Purdue exp. sta., bull 104). 387 cc. of a normal soda solution is diluted to 1850 cc. in a two-quart bottle, such as is used for mineral waters. Each ce. of this solution represents .01 cc. of acidity when 17.6 cc. of cream is measured off. The titration is made in the usual manner, using phenolphtalein as an indicator. See also Cornell Untiy.- cire. Now 2 Devurda'’s acidimeter (Milchzeitung 1896, p. 785) is based on the same principle as Manns’ test; one-tenth soda solution is added to 100 ec. of milk in a glass-stoppered granulated flask, 2 cc. of a 4 per cent. phenolphtalein solution being used as an indicator. The graduations on the neck of the flask give the “degrees acidity” directly. *]llinois experiment station, bulletin 32, April, 1894. Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. 125 will keep far better than a standard alkali solution, and they can be safely sent by mail; they also require less apparatus and are considerably cheaper than standard alkali solutions; 1000 of these tablets, costing $2.00, will make about 400 tests. Similar alkaline tablets were placed on the market in Europe at about the same time, viz., Stokes’ Acidity Pellets in 1893, and Eichler’s Sdurepillen (acid pills) in 1895.? Two methods of using the tablets have been proposed, one, for the titration (determination of acidity) of rip- ening cream in the manufacture of sour-cream butter; and the other, i determining the approximate acidity of different lots of apparently sweet milk or cream. 136. Determination of acidity in sour cream. The method is equally applicable for the deter- mination of the acidity of sour | pp AZZ 2S \\y N SE = |__ZZz™~ AG — 6©u Gylinder 5 ©ylinder Fic. 42. Apparatus used for determining the acidity of cream or milk. cream, sour milk and buttermilk, but is most frequently employed in testing the acidity of cream, to examine Pipette 1The tablets are sold by dealers in dairy supplies. ? Milchzeitung, 1895, pp. 513-16. 126 Testing Milk and Its Products. whether or not the ripening process has reached the proper stage for churning the cream. The apparatus used (see fig. 42) is as follows: 1 17.6. ce. pipette. 1 white cup. 100 ec. graduated cylinders; it is well to provide two or three of these, although only one is strictly necessary. 137. Preparation of the solution. The tablet solu- tion formerly used was prepared by dissolving five tab- lets in 50 ee. of water; with 20 ec. of cream each cubic © centimeter of this solution represents .017 per cent. of acid (lactic acid) in the sample tested. The amount of acid in a given sample is then obtained by multiplying the number of cubic centimeters of the tablet solution used, by .017. 138. According to a suggestion made by Mr. C. L. Fitch,’ the strength of the solution was changed in such a manner that the percentages of acidity are indicated directly by the number of ecubie centimeters of tablet solution used in each test. The 17.6 cc. pipette may be used for measuring the sample for acidity testing, and the results read directly from the graduated cylinder, if the tablet solution is prepared by taking one tablet for every 19.5 ec. of water; five tablets are therefore dissolved in 97 ce. of water. _ 139. As cream during its ripening process under the conditions present in this country generally has from .O to .6 per cent. of acid before it is ready to be churned, 1 Hoard’s Dairyman, Sept. 3, 1897. Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. 127 a 50 ee. eylinderful of tablet solution of this strength will not be sufficient to make a test of cream containing over .5 per cent. of acid, although it is enough for test- ing the cream up to this point during the ripening pro- cess. The acid-testing outfit should therefore contain a 100 ce. graduated cylinder, instead of one of 50 ec. capa- city, so that cream of any amount of acidity up to 1 per cent. can be tested. A tablet solution of the strength given has not only the advantage over the solution pre- viously recommended (5 tablets to 50 ec. of water)? of showing the per cent. of acidity directly, without tables or calculations, but being weaker, the unavoid- able errors of determination are decreased by its use. Since a 17.6 ec. pipette is found in creameries and dairies with the Babcock test outfit, no new apparatus is necessary for making the acidity test in the manner olven. ‘140. The preparation of the standard solution is as follows: Five tablets are placed in the 100 ec. cylinder which is filled to the 97 ee. mark with clean soft water.’ The cylinder is tightly corked, shaken and laid on its side, as the tablets dissolve more quickly when the cyl- inder is placed in this position than when left upright with the tablets at the bottom. Several cylinders con- taining the tablet solution may be prepared at a time; as soon as one is emptied, tablets and water are again added, and the cylinder is corked and placed in a hori- 1]Tllinois experiment station, bulletin 32; Wisconsin experiment sta- tion, bulletin 52. 2 Condensed steam or rain water should be used, and not hard or alkali water, since the impurities in these affect the strength of the tablet solution. 128 Testing Milk and Its Products. zontal position. In this way fresh solutions ready for testing are always at hand. The cylinder is kept tightly corked while the tablets are dissolving, so that none of the liquid is lost by the shaking. It is well to put the tablets in the cylinder with water at night; the solution will then be ready for use in the morning. Excepting a floceulent residue of inert matter, “settlings,”” which will not dissolve, the tablets must all disappear in the solution before this is used. The strength of the tablet solution does not change perceptibly by standing, at least for one week. The only precaution necessary is to avoid evaporation of the solution by keeping the cyl- inders tightly corked. The solid tablets will not change if kept dry, any more than dry salt changes by age. 141. Accuracy of the tablets. The tablets have been repeatedly tested by chemists and found to be accurate and uniform in composition. Tests made with the tablets according to the directions here given can there- fore be relied on as correct. The alkali solution is very sensitive, however, and should not be measured in a eyl- inder which has been previously used for measuring sulfurie acid, as the smallest drop or film of acid from a dish or from the operator’s fingers will change the strength of the standard tablet solution. 141a. Powdered sodium carbonate weighed out in the exact quantity required for making a gallon of tenth normal solution has of late been placed on the market; these “‘test powders’’ are cheaper than alka- line tablets and when put out by a reliable firm are equally as accurate as these. Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. 129 142. Making the test. The cream to be tested is thoroughly mixed, and 17.6 ce. are measured into the cup. The pipette is rinsed once with water, and the: rinsings added-to the cream in the cup. A few cc. of the tablet solution prepared as given above are now poured from the cylinder into the cream and mixed thoroughly with it by giving the cup a gentle rotary motion. The tablet solution is added in small quanti- ties until a permanent pink color appears in the sam- ple. The number of ec. of tablet solution which has been used to color the cream is now read off on the scale of the cylinder. In comparing the results of one test with another, the same shade of color should always be adopted.’ The most delicate point is the first change from pure white or cream color to a uniform pink which the sam- ple shows when the acid contained therein has been neutralized. This shade of color is easily recognized with a little practice. The pink color is not permanent unless a large excess of the alkaline solution has been added, on account of the influence of the carbonic acid of the air (132), and the operator should not therefore be led to believe by the reappearance of the white color after a time, that the point of neutralization was not already reached when the first uniform shade of pink was observed. 143. Acidity of cream. 17.6 ce. of sweet cream is 1A helpful suggestion has been made by the Danish State Dairy In- structor, Dr. G. Ellbrecht, for obtaining a uniform color in acidity tests. Small strips of pink paper are moistened and attached to the cup or glass in which the titration is made, and alkali solution is added, _ until the color of the milk or cream corresponds to that of the strips. 9 130 Testing Milk and Its Products. generally neutralized by 15 to 20 ce. of this tablet solu- tion, representing from .15 to .20 per cent. of acid. A mildly sour cream is colored by 35 ee. tablet solution, and a sour cream ready for churning by about 50 to 60 ee. tablet solution. As the cream ripens, its acidity in- creases. The rate of ripening depends largely on the tem- perature at which the cream is kept. Cream containing .o to .6 per cent. of acid will make such butter as the general American market demands at the present time. Cream showing an acid test of .55 per cent. may not be too sour, but .65 per cent. of acid is very near, if not on the danger line, since such cream is likely to make strong flavored; almost rancid butter. Each lot of cream should be tested as soon as it is ready for ripening, and the result of the test will show whether the cream should be warmed or cooled in order to have it ready for churn- ing at the time desired. Later tests will show the rate at which the ripening is progressing, and the time when the cream has reached the proper acidity for churning. 144. The influence of the richness of cream on the acid test has been studied by Professor Spillman,’ and others.? Since the acidity develops in the cream serum, it follows that an acidity of, say .5 per cent. in a 40 per cent. cream represents a larger acidity than in 20 per cent. of cream, e. g.; in the former case we have .5 gram of acid in 60 grams of serum (=.83 per cent. of the serum) ; in the latter case .5 gram acid is found in 80 grams serum (=.63 per cent. of the serum). There- 1 Washington experiment station, bulletin 32. 2 Chicago Dairy Produce, April 21, 1900, p. 80; Iowa expt. sta., bull. 52. Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. 131 fore, rich cream need not be ripened to as high a degree of acidity as thin cream. A table is given in the Iowa bulletin referred to, showing the relation between the richness and the acidity of cream. 145. Spillman’s cylinder. The graduated cylinder shown in fig. 43 was devised by Professor Spillman for use in testing the acidity of milk and cream with Farrington’s alkaline tablets. The following directions are given for making tests with this piece of apparatus:' ‘All that is needed in addition to the acid-test graduate shown in the accompanying illustration, is a common prescription bottle of six or eight ounce capacity, and a package of Farrington’s alkaline tablets. Fill the bottle with water and add one tablet for each ounce of water in the bottle. Shake the bottle frequently to aid in dis: solving the tablets. ‘*Making the test. In making the test, the acid-test graduate is filled to the zero mark with the milk or cream to be tested. The tablet solu- tion is then added, a little at a time, and the graduate shaken after each addition, in order to thoroughly mix the milk and the tablet solution. In shaking the graduate, give it a rotary motion yy 43. Spill- to prevent spilling any of the liquid. Continue man’s cylinder, adding the tablet solution until a permanent pink seat Per nae color can be detected in the milk. The Ievel of ity of cream or the liquid in the graduate, measured by the scale Bae on the graduate, will then show the per cent. of the acidity of the milk. It is best to stand the graduate on a piece of white paper, so that the first pink coloration of the milk may be easily de- tected.’’ 146. The Marschall acid test (see fig. 44) is a con- venient apparatus for determining the acidity of milk, cream, or whey.” It is used with a tenth-normal alkaline | fil oe | = = = S puiyil Et yey 1 Washington experiment station, bulletin 24. *See Wis. exp. sta., bull. 129. he2 Testing Milk and Its Products. solution (‘‘Neutralizer’’), 9 cc. of milk, cream, ete., being measured out for the test, and alkali solution added from the combined burette and bottle, the former being graduated to two-tenths cf one ce. The burette is filled by tipping the bottle and the surplus of the ‘‘neutralizer’’ will flow back, leaving the solution at the zero mark. With the quantity of milk given, the readings ob- tained represent per cent of acidity direct. 147. Rapid estima- tion of the acidity of apparently sweet milk or cream. a, Milk. The alkaline tablet method offers a ready means of esti- mating the acidity of milk or cream that is still sweet to the taste. The selection of the ‘best kinds of milk is especially important in pasteurizing milk or cream. As previously noted, milk which gives the highest acid test contains, as a rule, a larger number of bacteria and spores not destroyed by pasteurization than does milk giving a low acid test (129) ; the acidity test may therefore be used to advantage for the pur- pose of selecting milk best adapted for pasteurization, Fic. 44. The Marschall acid test. Testing the Purity of Milk. 133 as well as such as is to be retailed or used in the manu- facture of high-grade butter and cheese. In distinguishing milk fit for pasteurization purposes from that which is doubtful, an arbitrary standard of two-tenths of one per cent. of acid may be taken as the PAWN (Sareea 85 Gup 2, Ounce Bottle. Measure Fie. 45. See ee Sr oF ceca the acidity of ap- upper limit for milk of the former kind. The appara- tus used in making this test is shown in the accompany- ing illustration (fig. 45), and consists of a white tea- cup; a four-, six-, or eight-ounce bottle, and a No. 10 brass cartridge shell, or a similar measure. A solution of the tablets in water is first prepared, one tablet being always added to each ounce of water: four tablets in a four-ounce bottle; six, in a six-ounce bottle, etc., the amount of tablet solution prepared depending on the 134 Testing Milk and Its Products. number of tests to be made at a time. The bottle is filled up to its neck with clean, soft water, and the solution | prepared in the manner previously given (140). 148. Operating the test. As each lot of milk is brought to the ereamery in the morning and poured into the weigh can, a cartridge-shell dipper is filled with milk and this is poured into the white cup. The same or ancther No. 10 shell is now filled twice with the tab- let solution and emptied into the milk in the cup. In- stead of dipping twice with one measure or a No. 10 shell, a tin measure can be made holding as much as two No. 10 shells, or the tablet sulution may be made of double strength; that is, two tablets to each ounce of water and the same sized measure used for both the milk and the tablet solution. The liquids are then mixed in the cup by giving this a quick, rotary motion, and the color of the mixture noticed. If the milk remains white it contains more than two-tenths of one per cent. of acid and should not be used for pasteurization. If it is col- ored after having been thoroughly mixed with two measures of tablet solution, it contains less than this amount of acid and may, as far as acidity goes, be safely used for pasteurization or for any other purpose which requires thoroughly sweet milk. The shade of color ob- tained will vary with different lots of milk; the sweet- est milk will be most highly colored, but a milk retain- ing even a faint pink color with two measures of tablet solution, or one measure of the double strength solution to one measure of milk, contains less than .2 per cent. of acid. Testing the Acidity of Milk and Cream. eh By proceeding in the manner described, the man re- ceiving and inspecting the milk at the weigh-can is able to test the acidity of the milk delivered nearly as quickly as he can weigh it; and according to the results of the test he can send the milk to the general delivery vat or to the pasteurization vat, as the weigh-can may be provided with two conductor spouts. 149. Size of measure necessary. It is not necessary to use a No. 10 shell for a measure in working the pre- ceding method; one of any convenient size that can be filled accurately and quickly, will answer the purpose equally well, if a measure of the same size is used for both the sample and the tablet solution. Each measure- ful of tablet solution made up as directed, will in this case represent one-tenth per cent. of acid in the sam- ple tested.* 150. b, Cream. Cream ean be tested in the way al- ready described for testing the acidity of fresh milk, by adding to one measureful of cream in the cup as many measures of tablet solution as are necessary to change the color of the cream when the two liquids are thor- oughly mixed. If one measure of tablet solution colors one measure of cream, this contains less than .1 per cent. acid; if five measures of tablet solution are re- quired, the cream contains about .d per cent. acid, ete. By proceeding in the manner described, the operator can estimate the acidity to within .05 per cent. of acid, if half measures of tablet solution are added. The re- 1In European creameries and city milk depots the alcohol test is often applied to every can of mu received ; milk that is sufficiently sour to be noticed by the taste, wi! coagulate when mixed with an equal volume of 70% alcohol. 136 Testing Milk and Its Products. sults thus obtained are sufficiently delicate for all prac- tical purposes. 151. Detection of boracic acid preservatives in milk. The application of the alkaline tablet test for detecting the boracic acid in milk was first discussed in bulletin No. 52 of Wisconsin experi- ment station. The acidity of the milk is increased by the addi- tion of boracie acid, but neither the odor nor the taste of the milk is affected thereby. By adding to sweet milk the amount of boracie acid which will keep it sweet 36 hours, its acidity may be increased to .35 per cent., in a sample of milk which pre- viously tested perhaps only .15 per cent. acid. As before stated, unadulterated milk will usually smell or taste sour or ‘‘turned,’’ when it contains .30 to .85 per cent. acid (121); milk testing as high as this limit, which neither smells nor tastes sour in any way, is therefore in all probability adul- terated with some preparation containing boracic acid or a simi- lar compound. 152. ‘‘Alkaline tabs.’’ These are not the alkaline tablets, but a substitute which was put on the market by a New York firm. The outfit furnished consisted of four packages of paper dises made of heavy filter paper, each of about the size of an old- style copper cent; two packages of square paper; one glass of about 10 ec. capacity, and one small glass bottle. An investigation of these ‘‘Tabs’’ soon disclosed the fact that they were entirely inaccurate, and that no dependence could therefore be placed on the results obtained by their use. Questions. 1. If 20 ce. cream require 12 ec. XN, alkali for neutralization, what per cent. acid in the sample? 2. If 1 cc. N alkali neutralize .009 gram lactic acid, what is the per ‘cent. of acid in a sample of cream, which required 12 ce. alkali for 25 ee. of cream? 3. What apparatus and strength of solution must be taken to show per cent. acidity directly from ec. alkali used with Far- rington’s alkaline tablets? 4. If cream testing 20% fat has an acidity of .6%, what will be the corresponding acidity of cream testing 40% fat? CHAPTER VIII. TESTING THE PURITY OF MILK. 153. The Wisconsin curd test. Cheese makers are often troubled with so-called floating or gassy curds which produce cheese defective in flavor and texture. These faults are usually caused by some particular lot of milk containing impurities that cannot be detected by ordinary means of inspection. The Wisconsin curd test is used to detect the source of these defects and thus enable the cheese maker to exclude the milk from the particular farm or cow to which the trouble is traced. This test is similar in principle to tests that have long been in use in cheese-making districts in Europe, notably in Switzerland,t but was worked out independently at the Wisconsin Dairy School in 1895 and is now generally known as the ‘‘ Wisconsin Curd Test.2* ; 3 154. Method of making the test. Pint glass jars, thoroughly cleaned and sterilized with live steam, are provided; they are plainly numbered or tagged, one jar being provided for each lot of milk to be tested. The jars are filled about two-thirds full with milk from the various sources; it is not necessary to take an exact 1 Herz, Unters. d. Kuhmilch, Berlin, 1889, p. 87; Siats, Unters. landw. wicht. Stoffe, 1903, p. 140. 2 Wisconsin experiment:-station, twelfth report, p. 148. The appar- atus used for the test was greatly improved in 1898, and a description of the improved test is given in bulletin No. 67 and the annual report of the Station for 1898 (fifteenth report, pp. 47-538), from which source the accompanying illustration is taken (see fig. 46). 138 Testing Milk and Its Products. quantity; they are then placed in a water tank, the water of which is heated until the milk in the jars has’ a temperature of 98° F. In transferring the thermom- eter used from one jar to another, special care must be taken to clean it each time in order to prevent contami- nation of pure lots of milk by impure ones. When the milk has reached a temperature of 98°, add to each sample ten drops of rennet extract, and mix by giving the jar a rotary motion. The milk is thus eurdled, and the curd allowed to stand for about twenty Fic. 46. Cross-section of the Wisconsin curd test, TJ-TJ”, testing jars showing different stages of test; WL, water line; M, milk; F, frame; WS, stand to support cover; AI, drain holes; WO, water out- let; DP, drain pail. minutes until it is firm. It is then cut fine with a case knife, and stirred at intervals for one-half to three- quarters of an hour sufficiently to keep the curd from matting under the whey. When the cubes are quite firm the whey is poured off and the curd left to mat at the bottom of the bottles if the old form of apparatus is used. ‘The best tests are made when the separation of the whey is most complete. By allowing the samples to stand for a short time, more whey can be poured off, and the curd thereby rendered firmer. The water around the jars is kept at a temperature of 98°, the vat is cov- Testing the Purity of Milk. 139 ered, and the curds allowed to ferment in the sample jars for six to twelve hours. During this time the impurities in any particular sample will cause gases to be developed in the curds. so that by examining these, by smelling of them and ecut- ting them with a sharp knife, those having a bad flavor, or a spongy or in any way abnormal texture may be easily detected, and thus traced to the milk causing the trouble. Since the curd test was first described, several modi- fications have been made in the apparatus. In one of these the bottles are held in a covered metal frame so that all of them can be drained at once by inverting the frame. 155- By proceeding in the way described with the milk from the different cows in a herd, the mixed milk of which produced abnormal curds, the source of con- tamination in the herd may be located. Very often the trouble will be found to come from the cows drinking foul stagnant water or from fermenting matter in the stable. In the former case the pond or marsh must be fenced off, or the cows kept away from it in other ways; in the latter, a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the premises are required. If the milk of a single cow is the source of contamination, it must be kept by itself, until it is again normal; under such conditions the milk from the healthy cows may, of course, safely be sent to the factory. 156. The fermentation test. The Gerber fermentation test (see fig. 47) also furnishes a convenient method for examining the purity of different lots of milk. The test consists of a tin tank which can be heated by means of a small lamp, 140 Testing Milk and Its Products. and into which a rack fits, holding a certain number of cylin- drical glass tubes; these are all numbered and provided with a mark and a tin cover. In making the test, the tubes are filled to the mark with milk, the num- ber of each tube being recorded in a note book, opposite the name of the patron whose milk was placed therein. The tubes in the rack are put in the tank, which is two-thirds full of water; the temperature of the water is kept at 104-106° I", for six hours, when the rack is taken out, the tubes gently shaken, and the appearance of the milk, its odor, taste, ete., carefully noted in each case. The tubes are then again heated in the tank at the same tem- perature as before, for another six hours, when observations of the appearence of the milk in each tube are once more taken. The tainted milk may then easily be discovered by the abnormal coagulation of the sample. According to Gerber,’ good and prop- erly handled milk should not coagulate in less than twelve hours, when kept under the conditions described, and should not show anything ] _ Nera if Lot DE Ae ee ae Lot S8i. ae) ee Es Oe eek! He S| eo Ibs. | per ct Ibs lbs. | per ct lbs Dee Seat 120 |. 3.5 4.2 LAS Teale aes 10.5 1 GS Sev HOM 0 28.5 | il Paeateese.: phase 225 4.0 9.0 1 Gh GA eee 360 ae 18.7 Te ee 240 4.3 10.3 AVG: Se Pee 5) | 3.0 iI © deat Nl Bb an ee se 238 4B il Aote eile BAAS 52827 e| = EEG 3.2 |) V--.-.------ 234 4.4 | 10.3 Motalsss=s5| LS (er eee ae 1) 2565/2 Totalz=2 ali fo ¢ =") aes I 49.8 Average ..; 237 | 4.14 | 11.24 Average...| 237 | 4.20 | 10.0 True aver- | | | | True average | aSSULESh 2 pee aes ale ae | Sess | PESG-e es Seas a | ea ee oo | | | | *56.2 100 49.8100 SS LG: —————_ =—4 92 1187 1187 197. The figures given in the table show that when the different lots of milk vary in test and weight, as in the first case, the correct average test of the 1187 lbs. of milk is not found by dividing the sum of these tests by five, which would give 4.14 per cent.; but by divid- ing 56.2 (the total amount of fat in the mixed milk) by 1187 (the total amount of milk), which is 4.73; this is the correct average test of the mixed milk made up of the five different lots. In the second ease, the variations in both the weights of the different lots of milk and their tests, are com- paratively small, and both methods of calculation give therefore practically the same average test; but also in this case, the correct average test is found by dividing Composite Samples of Milk. 173 the total amount of fat by the total quantity of milk, making 4.22 per cent., instead of 4.20 per cent., which is the arithmetical mean of the five tests. The quantities of milk in the various lots do not enter into the calcula- tion of the latter. 198. The second example represents more nearly than the first one the actual conditions met with at creameries and cheese factories. As a rule, the mixed milk from a herd of cows does not vary more in total weight or tests, within a short period of time like one to two weeks, than the figures given in this example. On account of this fact, samples taken, for instance, with a small dipper may give satisfactory results to all parties concerned. If the different lots of milk varied in weight and test from day to day, as shown in the first case, it would be necessary to use a ‘‘milk thief’’ or one of the sampling tubes for taking the composite samples; the size of each of the samples taken would then represent an exact aliquot portion of the various lots of milk (182). 199. A patron’s dilemma. The following incident will fur- ther explain the difficulties met with in calculating average tests of different lots of milk. The weekly composite sample of the milk supplied by a cream- ery patron from his herd of 21 cows tested 4.0 per cent. fat. One day the farmer brought to the creamery a sample of the morning’s milk from each of his cows, and had them tested; after adding the tests together and dividing the sum by 21, he obtained an average figure of 5.1 per cent. of fat. From this he concluded that the average test of the milk from his cows 1In the experiment given on p. 148, the arithmetical mean of the tests is 5.15 per cent., while the true average fat content of milk is 4.85 per cent. 174 Testing Milk and Its Products. ought to be 5.1, instead of 4.0, and naturally asked for an ex- planation. The first thing done was to show him that while 5.1 was the eorrect average of the figures representing the tests of his twenty-one cows, it was not a correct average test of the mixed milk from all his cows, as he had not considered, in calculating this average, the quantities of milk yielded by each cow; the following illustration was used: Cow No. 1, yield 25 Ibs. of milk, test 3-6 per cent,=0.9 lb. of butter fat. Cow No. 2 2, yield 61 6 lbs. of milk, test 5. 5.0 per cent. =0.3° lb. of butter fat. Motailaes case oleloss 2)8.6 1.2 Ibs. 4.3 per cent. The two cows gave 31 lbs. of milk containing 1.2 lbs. of fat; the test of the mixed milk would therefore not be 4.3 per cent. ex 645. 2), but 1: BAIN. 87 per cent. If the fat in the mixed milk was aecaed by the average figure 4.3 per cent., 1.33 Ibs. of fat would be obtained, i. e., 0.13 lb. more than the cows pro- duced. In order to further demonstrate the actual composition of the mixed milk of the twenty-one cows, the milk of each cow was weighed and tested at each of the two milkings of one day. The weights and tests showed that the cows produced the following total number of pounds of milk and of fat: Morning milking, 113.3 Ibs. of milk, containing 5.17 lbs. .of fat. Night milking, 130.9 lbs. of milk, containing 4.98 Ibs. of fat. The morning milk therefore contained 2AM 4.56 per cent. 13.3 of fat, and the night milk, 4.983100 3, 80 per cent. of fat. The sum of the morning and night milkings gave: milk, 244.2 Ibs., fat 10.15 Ibs. The mixed morning and night milk, there- 10.15 100 244.2 average test of the morning and night milkings of these twenty- one cows, as found by weighing and testing separately the milk of each cow at both milkings. The total milk was strained into a large can at the farm, both in the morning and in the evening. A sample of the mixed milk was in each case taken with a long-handled dipper as soon as the milkings were finished. When the cans of milk were deliv- ‘fore, contained =4.1 per cent. of fat. This is the true Composite Samples of Milk. 195 ered at the creamery, a sample of each was taken with a Scovell sampling tube. The tests of these four samples are given below, together with the results of the individual tests: Morning Milk Night Milk Sample taken at the farm, with dip- Ula) eRe Sa a BS SE i le rg Sas aa ee ee 4.4 per cent. |3.8 per cent. Sample taken at creamery with Sco- CS MAMIE ee OM ee EATS oS oe 4.5 oe 3.7 Sf Calculated from weights and tests of milk from each) Cows 2-2 2S 4.5 S 3.8 a0 The figures given show that practically uniform tests were ob- tained by the different methods of sampling. Questions. 1, What is a composite sample of milk? 2. Describe the proper care of composite samples. 3. Give an example showing that composite samples of milk may be inaccurate when taken with a small dipper. 4. Describe the construction of the following methods of sam- pling milk or cream, by (a) drip sample, (b) the Scovell, (c) the McKay, and (d) the Michels’ sampling tubes. 5. What is the purpose of adding preservatives to milk or cream samples? Mention the more common preservatives used and quantities to be add}. CHAPTER XL. CREAM TESTING AT CREAMERIES. 200. The cream delivered at gathered-cream factories is now tested by the Babcock test in many localities, and this has been adopted as a basis of paying for the cream in the same manner as milk is paid for at separator creameries. It has been found to be more satisfactory to both cream buyer and seller than either the oil-test churn or the space (or gauge) systems which were pre- viously used for this purpose. The details of the application of the Babcock test to the practical work at cream-gathering creameries have been carefully investigated by Winton and Ogden in Connecticut,’ Bartlett in Maine,? and Lindsey in Massa- chusetts,* and we also owe to the labors of these echem- ists much information concerning the present workings of other systems of paying for the cream delivered at creameries. _ 201. The space system. Numerous tests have shown that one space or gauge of cream does not contain a definite, uniform amount of fat. In over 100 compari- sons made by Winton it was found that one space of cream* contained from .072 to .170 lb. of butter fat, or 1Conn. experiment station (New Haven), bull. 108 and 119; report 1894, pp. 214-244. 2Maine experiment station, bull. 3 and 4 (S. S.) 8 Hatch experiment station, report 1894, pp. 92-103: 1895, pp. 67-70. ‘The epace is the volume of a cylinder, 81% inches in diameter and 22 of an inch high. The number of spaces in each can of milk is read off before skimming by means of a scale marked on a strip of glass In the side of the can (Conn. exp. sta., bull. 119). Cream Testing at Creameries. aT on the average .13 lb., and the number of spaces re- quired to make one pound of butter varied from 5.01 to 11.72. It is also claimed that in the winter season when the cream is gathered at long intervals, like once a week, it is necessary for the buyer to accept the seller’s state- ment of the record of the number of cream spaces which he furnishes, since the cream cannot be left in the creaming can for so long a time. These objections to the space system apply only to the method of paying for the cream, and not to the manner in which the cream is obtained. 202. The oil-test churn. As stated in the introduc- tion, the oil-test churn (fig. 56) has been used quite ex- tensively among gath- ered-cream factories; this system is based on the number of inches of cream which the various patrons deliver to the factory; a creamery inch is the quantity of cream which will fill a ean twelve inches wide, one inch high; it contains 113 cubic inches.’ This quantity was supposed to make one pound of butter. In using this method the driver pours the patron’s cream into his 12-inch gathering pail, measures it with Fic. 56. The oil-test churn. 1A layer of two inches in an 8-inch pail contains 100.531 cubic inches, two inches in a 8%-inch pail 110.18 cubic inches, and two inches in a 8%-inch pail 113.49 cubic inches. 12 178 Testing Milk and Its Products. his rule and records the depth of the cream in the can, in inches and tenths of an inch. The cream is then stirred thoroughly with a ladle or a stout dipper, and sampled by filling a test tube to the graduation mark by means of a small conical dipper provided with a lip. A driver’s case contains either two or three ‘‘eards,’’ holding fifteen test tubes each (see fig. 57). The tubes as filled are placed in the case and the corresponding num- ber in each instance re- | corded in front of the s ea aecncee CASE. Ss patron’s name, together i with the nminber of inches of cream fur- lis me . nished by him. Fie. 57. Cream-gatherer’s On the arrival at the Sa ies creamery the tin cards holding the tubes are placed in a vessel filled with water of the churning temperature (say, 60° in summer and 65° to 70° in winter). When ready for churning they are placed in the oil-test churn (fig. 56), the cover of the churn put on, and the samples of cream churned to butter. On the completion of the churning, the cards are transferred to water of 175-190° Fahr., where they are left for at least ten minutes to melt the butter and *‘eook the butter milk into a eurd.’’ The oil will now be seen mixing through the mass. The test tubes are then cooled to churning temperature and churned again, by which process the curd is broken into fine Cream Testing at Creameries. 179 particles, which, when the butter is re-melted, will set- tle to the bottom. The butter is melted after the sec- ond churning by placing the tubes in water at 150-175° F., allowing them to remain therein for at least twenty minutes. Some samples must be churned three or four times before a good separation of oil is obtained. A clear separation of oil is often facilitated by adding a little sulfuric acid to the tubes. The length of the column of liquid butter fat is de- termined by means of a special rule for measuring the butter oil; this rule shows the number of pounds and tenths of a pound of butter which an inch of cream will make; the first tenth of a pound on the rule is divided into five equal parts, so that measurements may be made to two-hundredths of a pound. The melted fat is meas- ured with the rule, by raising the tin ecard holding the bottles to about the height of the eye; the reading is recorded on the driver’s tablet under Test per inch, op- posite the number of the particular patron. The test multiplied by the inches and tenths of an inch of cream supplied will give the amount of butter in pounds, with which the patron will be credited on the books of the creamery. 203. The objection to this system of ascertaining the quality of cream delivered by different patrons lies in the fact that it determines the churnable fat, and not the total fat of the cream; the amount of the former obtained depends on many conditions beyond the con- trol of the patron, viz., the consistency, acidity and tem- perature of the cream, the size of the churn or churn- 180 Testing Milk and Its Products. ing vessel, ete. The same reasons which caused the churn to be replaced by methods of determining the total fat of the milk, in the testing of cows-among dairy- men and breeders, have gradually brought about the abandonment of the oil test in creameries and the adop- tion of the Babcock test in its place. It may be said, on the other hand, in favor of the use of the oil test in ereameries that it is a considerably cheaper method than any fat test, and takes less labor and time on the part of the cperators than do the latter methods. 204. The Babcock test for cream. Both the space system and the oil-test churn used for estimating the quality of cream at creameries have now largely been replaced by the Babcock test in the more progressive creameries in this country, and composite samples of cream are collected and tested in a similar manner as is done with milk at separator creameries and cheese factories. A very satisfactory method of arrangements for working the Babcock test, in use in many eastern cream- eries, is described by Winton and Ogden in the Con- necticut report previously referred to. The cream gatherer who collects the cream in large cream cans is supplied with a spring balance (1, see fig. 58), a pail for sampling and weighing the cream (2), sampling tube (3), and collecting bottles (5). At each patron’s farm he takes from his wagon the sampling pail and tube, the scales, and one ‘small collecting bottle. He should 1]t follows from this that there can be no definite relation between the results obtained by the Babcock test and the oil-test readings; a reading of 100 in the oil-test is. however, on the average, equivalent to about 23 per cent. of butter fat in the cream. Testing Cream at Creamertes. 18] tind in the dairy of the patron the cans of perfectly sweet cream, kept at a temperature of 40° to 50° F., and protected from dirt and bad odors. Either sour or frozen cream must be rejected. The patron’s number should be painted in some conspicuous place near the cream cans in his dairy house. The gatherer hangs the scale on a hook near the cream to be col- lected; the scale should be Fie. 58. Outfit for cream testing made so that the hand of eee eee. fest BE gathered- the dial will stand at zero when the empty pail is hung on it. The cream is then poured at least twice from one can to another in order to mix it thoroughly.’ 205. When properly mixed, the cream is poured into the weighing pail and is weighed and sampled. The authors give the following description of the cream sampling tube used, and directions for sampling and weighing the cream. ‘*Sampling Tube.—This tube is of stout brass, about ;5 of an inch thick, and a few inches longer than the weighing pail which 1The necessity of care in mixing the cream is shown by the follow- ing illustration given by the authors referred to. Per cent of fat in cream which stood for 24 hours. Sample drawn Surface. : Botton. with sampling tube. Notamixed?a2—2 =. 222 28.00 5.00 19.25 Poured; sjonces 222 =— ese | 23:70 22.00 22.50 Ponurea: ot wice 22 =) 2255.25 ere SE 22.25 182 Testing Mik and Its Products. is used with it. On the upper end, a small brass stop-cock of the same bore is fastened. It should be nickel plated inside and out, to keep the metal smooth and free from corrosion. These tubes may be obtained from less than ,°, to over %4 inch bore. The greater the diameter of the weighing pail, the wider should be the bore of the tube. For use with pails 8 inches in diameter, a 3; inch bore sampling tube will serve the purpose, but when the pail has a diameter of 9 or more inches, a tube with a bore of 4% inch or more should be used. It must be borne in mind that doubling the diameter of the pail, or of the sampling tube, increases its capacity fourfold. ‘¢The tube when not in use should be kept in an upright posi- tion to permit draining. ‘‘Sampling and Weighing.—Lower the sampling tube, cock end up, with the cock open, to the bottom of the weighing pail which holds the mixed cream. When it is filled raise it out of the liquid and allow it to drain for a few seconds. By this means the tube is rinsed with the cream to be sampled and any traces of cream adhering to the tube from previous use are re- moved. With the cock still open, slowly lower the sampling tube to the bottom of the cream pail. After allowing a moment for the cream to rise in the tube to the same height as in the pail, close the cock and raise the sampler carefully out of the cream. As long as the cock is closed, the cream in the tube will not flow out, unless the tube is strongly jarred. Allow the cream adhering to the outsiue of the tube to drain off for a few sec- onds, then put the lower end into the 1 to 1% oz. wide-mouth glass collecting bottle which bears the patron’s number on its cork, and open the cock. The cream will then flow out of the sampler into the bottle, which is afterwards securely corked and put into the cream gatherer’s case. Immediately weigh the cream in the cream pail to the quarter or half pound, as may be judged expedient, and record the weight. ‘‘Tf the patron has more than one pailful, repeat with each pailful the operation of sampling and weighing, putting all the samples in one and the same bottle. Weigh all cream collected in one and the same sampling pail and draw a sample from each separate portion weighed.’’ Testing Cream at Creamertes. 183 206. After sampling and weighing each patron’s cream it is poured into the driver’s large can, and the sample bottles are carried in a case to the creamery where the contents of each bottle are poured into the composite sample jar of the particular patron. The samples of cream in the small bottles, besides furnish- ing the means of testing the richness of the cream, give the creamery man an opportunity to inspect the flavor of each lot of cream, and the condition in which it has been kept by the various patrons. Some preservative, usually corrosive sublimate tablets, is placed in the com- posite sample jars, and these are cared for and tested in the same manner as composite samples of milk (194). 207. The collecting bottles should be cleaned with cold, and afterwards with hot water, as soon as they are emptied, and before a film of cream dries on them. When washed and dried, these bottles are placed in the eases, ready for the next collecting trip. There can be no confusion of bottles since the corks and not the bot- tles are marked with the numbers of the respective patrons. 208. When this system of testing composite samples is adopted, the patrons are paid for the number of pounds of butter fat contained in their cream, in the same way as milk is paid for at separator ereameries. It makes no difference how thick or how thin the cream may be, or how much skim milk is left in the cream when brought to the factory. Eighty pounds of cream containing 15 per cent. of fat is worth no more nor less than 48 pounds of cream testing 25 per eent.; in either case 12 pounds of pure butter fat is 184 Testing Cream and Its Products. delivered. This will make the same amount of butter in either case, viz., about 14 lbs., and both patrons should therefore receive the same amount of money. There is a small difference in the value of the two lots of cream to the creamery owner or the butter maker, in favor of the richer cream, both because its smaller bulk makes the transportation and handling expenses lighter, and because slightly less butter fat will be lost in the butter milk, a smaller quantity of this being ob- tained from the richer cream. But it is doubtful if the differences thus occurring are of sufficient importance to be noticed under ordinary creamery conditions; the example selected presents an extreme case of variation in the fat content of cream. A trial of this system at five Connecticut creameries, supplied mostly with Cooley cream by over 175 patrons, showed that the average composition of the cream from the different patrons varied only from 16.9 to 19.8 per cent. of fat. The cream of some patrons on certain days contained only 9.5 per cent. of fat, and other patrons at times had as high a test as 30 per cent., but these great differences largely disappeared when the average quality of the cream delivered during a period of time, like a month or more, was considered. 209. Smaller differences in the composition of cream will, however, always occur, even if the same system of creaming the milk, like the centrifugal process, is used and all factors remain as nearly the same as possible at all times. This is due to differences in the composition of the milk and its creaming quality; whether largely from fresh cows or from late milkers; whether kept Testing Cream at Creameries. — 185 standing for a time before being set, or submerged in the creamer immediately after milking and straining, diameter of creaming cans, etc. Bartlett states’ that the percentage of fat in the cream from the same cows may be increased ten per cent. or more by keeping the water at 70° instead of at 40° F. The higher tempera- ture will give the richer cream, but the separation will not be so complete, since a richer skim milk is obtained from the milk set at this temperature. Separator cream is not materially influenced by the conditions mentioned, as the separator can be regulated to deliver cream of nearly uniform richness from all kinds of sweet milk. 210. At creameries where both milk and cream are delivered, somewhat of an injustice is done to patrons de- livering cream, by paying for the amounts of butter fat furnished by the different patrons. By multiplying the eream fat by 1.03,? the value of his products to the creamery is taken into proper account, and justice is done to all parties concerned’ (239). 211. Gathering and sampling hand-separator cream. On account of the great variation in both the richness and the purity of farm separator cream it has been found in practice that composite samples of cream are not so satisfactory to either buyer or seller as the testing of a sample taken from each lot of cream gath- ered. A still more satisfactory method is to provide separate cans for each patron, the cream gatherer leav- 1Bull. 3 (S. S.), Maine experiment station. 2Spillman (Dairy and Creamery, Chicago, April 1, 1899) recom- mends the use of the factor 1.044. ® This subject is discussed in detail in the 17th annual report of Wis. experiment station, pp. 90-92; see also the 20th report of that Station, pp. 130-31. 186 Testing Milk and Its Products. ing an empty, clean can at each farm and taking a full or partially filled can of cream from the farm to the factory. This makes it necessary for the cream gath- erer to carry as many cans as he has patrons to gather cream from, but it gives the factory operator a chance to inspect, weigh and sample the cream from each farm and relieves the cream gatherer of all these details which are often the cause of dissatisfaction. Questions. 1. In what ways do the results obtained with the oil-tcst churn differ from those obtained with the Babcock test? 2. Describe the method of testing cream by the Babcock test at gathered-cream factories. 3. What advantages has the gathering of cream in separate cans over mixing the cream from all the patrons of one route? CHAPTER XII. CALCULATION OF BUTTER- AND CHEESE YIELD A.—CALCULATION OF YIELD OF BUTTER. 212. Butter-fat test and yield of butter. The Bab- cock test shows the amount of pure butter fat contained in a sample of milk, cream or other dairy products. The butter obtained by churning cream or milk con- tains, in addition to butter fat, a certain amount of water, salt and curd. While an accurate milk test gives the total quantity of butter fat found in the sam- ple of milk or cream tested, the churn cannot be de- pended upon either to leave the same amount of butter fat in the butter milk or to include the same amount of water, salt or curd in the butter at each churning. If a quantity of milk, say 3,000 lbs., be thoroughly mixed in a vat, and then divided into half a dozen equal _portions, a Babcock test of the different lots will show the same percentage of butter fat in each portion. If, on the other hand, each of these lots be skimmed, and the cream ripened in different vats and churned. sepa- rately, the same weight of butter from each lot of 500 lbs. of milk will not be obtained, even by the most expert butter maker, or if all the operations of skimming, cream ripening, churning, salting and butter-working were made as nearly uniform as possible. Careful operators ean handle the milk and cream so that very nearly the 188 Testing Milk and Its Products. same proportion of fat contained in the milk is re- covered in the butter in different churnings, but since the water and salt in butter are held mechanically and are not chemically combined with it, the amounts re-— tained by the butter are quite variable in different churnings. 213. Variations in the composition of butter. As an illustration of the variations in the composition of butter that usually occur, the analyses made in the breed tests at the World’s Fair in 1893 may be here cited; the butter was in all cases made by as nearly identical methods and under as uniform conditions as could possibly be obtained by the skilled operators hav- ing this work in charge; the average composition of 350 samples of this butter, with upper and lower limits, was as shown in the following table: Composition of samples of butter, World’s Fair, 1893. Sum of T ‘ ; é Salt and | water, curd, Watel1 Fat Curd ach Alben ash PES es of 350 Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. Per cent. analyses_-.-_._- 11057 84.70 95 2.78 15.30 Lower and up- = per limits----- 8.63-15.00 | 76.53-88.26 ,0=2.14 "120128058 |. eee eee Analyses of fifty samples of creamery butter taken in 1896, from the tubs ready for market at as many Wis- consin creameries, showed that no two of them were ex- actly alike in composition, but varied within the limits given on the following page:? 1 Wisconsin experiment station, bull. 56. Calculation of Butter- and Cheese Yield. 189 Summary of analyses of Wisconsin creamery butter. = ‘ Sum of : y . Salt and | water. curd, Water Fat Curd ash Sake aad ash Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. Per cent. Hirhest -.--=--- 17.03 87 50 2.45 4.73 22.99 TOWeSbs ob 222 9.18 77.07 36 1.30 12.50 Average -22-2.-2 1 Deri 83.08 1.28 2.87 16.92 The preceding analyses show the composition of but- ter made at one place where every possible effort was taken to produce a uniform product, and of butter made at fifty different creameries, where there was more or less variation in the different operations of manufacture and in the appliances and machinery used. The ma- jority of the samples of butter analyzed, in either case, were very near the average composition given, but since there are such wide variations in the composition of the butter made by the uniform methods adopted in the World’s Fair breed tests, butter of a more uniform com- position cannot be expected from the thousands of dif- ferent creameries and private dairies which supply the general market with butter. The analyses of the fifty samples of creamery butter, given above, show that the content of the butter fat varied from 77 to 87.5 per cent., and according to the average of the analyses, 83 pounds of butter fat was contained in, or made, 100 lbs. of butter. There was, therefore, in this case produced 20.5 per cent. more butter than there was butter fat, since 83:100: :100:x; therefore x= 100X100 __399 5, 190 Testing Milk and Its Products. 214. ‘‘Overrun’’ of churn over test. The yield of butter is not, however, as a rule compared with the amount of butter fat contained in the butter, but with the total butter fat of the whole milk or cream from which it was made. This ‘‘inerease of the churn over the test’’ is what is generally called overrun in cream- eries. The overrun obtained in different creameries, or even in the same creameries at different times, will be found to vary considerably. When the milk is accurately tested and the butter well worked, this overrun will vary from 10 to 16 per cent.; that is, if a quantity of milk contains exactly 100 lbs of butter fat, as found by the Babcock test or any other accurate method, from 110 to 116 lbs. of butter ready for market will be obtained from it. The overrun from cream will be somewhat larger, 18 to 22 per cent.,- but will never exceed 25 per cent., unless the butter contains less than 80 per cent. fat Gli 215. Factors influencing the overrun from milk. Even under the very best of care and attention to de- tails, variations will occur in the speed of the separator, in the conduct of the ripening and churning processes, and in the condition of the butter when the churn is stopped; hence absolutely uniform losses of fat in skim milk and butter milk, or the same water- and salt con- tents of the butter, cannot be expected. The overrun in separator creameries is influenced by two legitimate factors: first, the losses of butter fat sus- tained in separating the milk and churning the cream, and second, the gain due to the admixture of water, Calculation of Butter- and Cheese Yield. 191 salt, ete., in the manufacture of butter. Considering first the losses of fat in skim milk and butter milk, the separator will usually, when run at normal speed and capacity, leave the same per cent. of fat in skim milk, whether rich or poor milk is skimmed. An exception to this may be found in separating rich milk having large fat globules, or milk from fresh milkers, in either of which cases the large size of the fat globules occa- sions a more complete separation of fet by the centri- fugal force. But generally speaking, the statement holds good that the total loss of fat in separator skim milk is a factor of the quantity of milk run through the separator, rather than of its quality. 216. The losses from poor, rich and average milk, as received at creameries and cheese factories, can be traced from the following statement; this gives the quantities of fat lost in handling milk of four grades, viz.: 2.5, 3.5, 4.0 and 6.0 per cent., in case of each grade calcu- lated to a standard of 100 lbs. of fat in the milk. To supply 100 Ibs. of fat would require the following amounts of the different grades of milk: 4000 lbs. of milk testing 2.5 per cent will contain 100 Ibs. of fat. Deere iret a hte, ee eat ee BQO) ee te € 2500 WF 9G 6c 4.0 6é 66 66 EN) een Se 1666 Ea «ie ce 6.0 66 66 66 100 “* ¢6 & Assuming that the skim milk contains .1 per cent. of fat and makes up 85 per cent. of the whole milk, and that the butter milk tests .8 per cent., and forms 10 per cent. of the whole milk, the butter-fat record of the quantities of different grades of milk containing 100 lbs. of fat will be as given in the following table. Cer- 192 Testing Milk and Its Products. tain mechanical losses are unavoidable in the cream- ery, as in all other factory operations, viz., milk and cream remaining in vats and separators, butter sticking to the walls of the churn, ete. These losses-have been found to average about 3 per cent. of the total fat in the milk handled, under norma! conditions and under good management (219). Fat available for butter in different grades of milk. epee ie eres Fat a2 «1 | Whole Skim | Butter | *% | Total | available Grade of milk | milk milk milk | oe | loss | for | | tea | butter | | | | Lbs. | Lbs. | Per ct. 2.5 per cent-_-__- | 4000 Ibs. 3400 lbs. | 400 Ibs. | | 2.0 per ct. | sper ct. |..3.per ct.) Hale 400 Nos. 5), "08.4 Vos. 1012 Tes: 18.7) otc eee 3.5 per cent__..., 2857 Ibs. | 2429 Ibs. | 286 Ibs. | | 3.5 per ct. | .Lper ct. | .3 per ct. Wapes 100 Ibs. | 241bs. | \9Ib. | 3.0/1 6.8 93.7 4.0 per cent_____) 2500 lbs. 2125 Ibs. | 250 1bs. 4 per ct. JDeTsCiz c|.o Der Gu. ait tes ae 100 Ibs. 2.1 Ibs. .1 Ib. 3.0 5.8 94.2 6.0 per cent.._... 166624 Ibs.| 1417 Ibs. | 167 Ibs. 6 per ct. 1 per ct. | .3 per ct. Paheesess 100.1bs:::}- 1.4 tbs... 50h: 3.03) Bey) Ba The table shows that with 2.5 per cent.-milk, there is a loss of 3.4 lbs. of fat in the skim milk, a loss of 1.2 lbs. of fat in the butter milk, and of 3.0 lbs. in the creamery waste, for every 100 lbs. of fat in the whole milk, or a total loss of 7.6 lbs.. from these sources. In ease of 6 per cent. milk these losses are 1.4 lbs., .5 Ib. and 30 lbs. for skim milk, butter milk and waste, re- spectively; a total loss of 4.9 lbs., or 2.7 lbs. less than the losses with poor milk. This difference in the losses Calculation of Butter- and Cheese Yveld. 193 shrinks to only .5 pound of fat in case of 3.5 and 4.0 per cent.-milk, when a quantity containing 100 lbs. of fat is handled in both cases. The overrun from each of the four grades of milk can be calculated for butter containing a certain per cent. of fat. Assuming the fat content of butter to be 83 per cent. on the average (213), the quantity of butter ob- tained from the 100 lbs. of fat, or rather from the por- tion thereof which is available for butter, in each case will be as follows: 100 Ibs. of fat from Av eae [Breese Overrun Lbs. Lbs. Bere Gt: 4,000 Ibs. of 2.5 per cent. milk____ 92.4 | 113.3 11.3 2,857 lbs. of 3.5 per cent. milk._-_- 93.7 13.0% 243.0 2,500 Ibs. of 4.0 per cent. milk____) O42 | LIBS. | ols 1,666 lbs. of 6.0 per cent. milk___-_| 95.1 114.6 14.6 The overrun figures given above may be increased by saving some of the three pounds of butter fat lost by waste. If it were possible to entirely eliminate this loss there would be three pounds more available fat in each case, viz., 95.4, 96.7, 97.2, 98.1 lbs. These amounts of fat will make 115, 116.5, 117.1, and 118.2 lbs. butter. corresponding to an overrun of 15, 16.5, 17.1, and 18.2% from milk of the different fat contents mentioned. All butter makers should obtain more butter from a certain quantity of milk than the Babeock test shows it to contain butter fat, but it is impossible to know ex- actly, except by chemical analysis, how much butter fat is lost in the skim milk and the butter milk, and how much water, salt and curd the butter will conta. A 13 194 Testing Milk and tts Products. butter maker’s skill is shown by his ability to reduce the losses by waste in handling the milk, cream and butter, as well as the losses of butter fat in skim milk and butter milk, and his carefulness in weighing, sampling and testing the milk, cream and butter made. 217. Overrun from cream. The overrun from cream is, as already stated, larger than from milk because there is no loss of fat in the skim milk to be consid- ered. Rich cream will give a slightly larger over- run than thin cream, for the same reasons as have been shown in the calculations of overrun from milk of dif- ferent fat contents. If similar calculations are made for cream of different richness as those given above for milk, the fat available for butter-making and the yield of butter per 100 pounds of fat in the cream will be as shown below. A mechanical loss in the process of butter-making amounting to 2 per cent. has been assumed in these calculations: imo Ts.fetin | available tat | Butterotss |. overrun Per cent Lbs. | Lbs. Per cent 20 96.8 | 116.6 16.6 30 97.3 172 17.2 40 97.6 117-6 17.6 We note that the overrun for cream of different qual- ity under the conditions given ranges from 16.6 for 20- per cent. cream to 17.6 for 40-per cent. cream. A some- what larger overrun would be obtained when the butter made contains less fat and more water than assumed. If no losses from waste are considered in the account. the figures for fat available for butter will be 98.8, 99.3, Calculation of Butter- and Cheese Yield. 195 and 99.6 lbs., and the overruns when the butter contains 83% fat will be 19, 19.3, and 20 per cent. These over- runs are higher than will be obtained under ordinary creamery conditions with butter containing 83.7% fat, because it is impossible to reduce the manufacturing losses in handling the cream and butter appreciably below 2 per cent. 217a. Maximum overrun for butter of a legal water content. If we assume that the butter contains the maximum amount of water allowed by law, viz., 16 per cent. (and therefore about 80 per cent. fat), the overrun for both milk and cream would be somewhat larger than already given, as shown by the following figures: Maximum overrun from milk | Maximum overrun from cream. Brera ae Se Fc ies eR Ra Se Mae 21.0 207 See 171 (pc Ee a Lj Ce cies ae oe 21.6 ie hes ee a aS oS) Ey ee eto a SB 22.0 This table shows the highest overruns that are likely to be obtained when the butter is to contain no more than the maximum amount of water allowed by law. Larger overruns can only be obtained by reducing the losses of manufacture (which will give but slightly higher figures) or, fraudulently, by inaccurate weigh- ing or testing of the milk, cream or butter. 218. Calculation of overrun. The overrun is caleu- lated by subtracting the amount of butter fat contained in a certain quantity of milk or cream, from the amount 196 Testing Milk and Its Products. of butter made from it, and finding what per cent. this difference is of the amount of butter fat in the milk. Example 1: 8000 Ibs. of milk is received at the creamery on a certain day; the average test of the milk is 3.8 per cent. By a simple multiplication we find that the milk contained 8000X .038=304 Ibs. of butter fat. 350 lbs. of butter was made from this milk, as shown by the weights of the packed tubs. The dif- ference between the weight of butter and butter fat is, therefore, 46 lbs.; 46 is ee 15.1 per cent. of the quantity of the butter fat in the milk; that is, the overrun for the day considered was 15a. oper cent: The formula for the overrun is as follows: + (b=) 1100 Rear i b and f designating the quantities of butter and butter fat, respectively, made from or contained in a certain quantity of milk. In the preceding example, the caleu- xX lation would be as follows: HNN) 25100 —15.1 per cent. Example 2: 1000 lbs. of cream testing 25 per cent. fat con- tains 1000X.25—250 lbs. butter fat. If 304 lbs. of butter is made, the overrun may be calculated by subtracting the butter fat from the butter, 304—-250—54 lbs., then divide this by the fat in the cream and multiply by 100; or e218 per cent., which is the cream overrun. 219. Conversion factor for butter fat. In the ninety- day dairy test at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 96.67 per cent. of the fat in the whole milk was recovered in the butter. This butter, on the average, contained 82.37 per cent. butter fat; in other words, 117.3 pounds of butter were made from each 100 pounds of butter fat in the whole milk.t| The exact conversion factor 1 When 82.37 Ibs. of butter fat will make 100 lbs. of butter, how much butter will 96.67 Jbs. of butter fat make? 83.37 :96:17 : :100 :x, x=117.3, Calculation of Butter- and Cheese. Yield 197 would be 1.173. As this is an awkward number to use, and as 11% is so nearly the same, it was recommended | at the time that the approximate equivalent of butter be computed by multiplying the amount of butter fat by 11%, and this figure has been generally accepted for computing the yield of butter from a certain amount of butter fat in milk. The figures given are the result of more than ordinary care in skimming, churning and testing, and probably represent the minimum losses of fat in the manufactur- ing processes. The increase of churn over test repre- sented by one-sixth, or 16 per cent., may therefore be taken as a maximum ‘‘overrun’’ for milk under ordi- nary factory conditions. 220. Butter yield from milk of different richness. a. Use of butter chart. The approximate yield of but- ter from milk of different richness is shown in Table XI in the Appendix. This table is founded on ordinary creamery experience and will be found to come near to actual every-day conditions in creameries where modern methods are followed in the handling of the milk and its products. The table has been prepared in the fol- lowing manner: It is assumed that the average loss of fat in the skim milk is .20 per cent., and that 85 Ibs. of skim milk is obtained from each 100 lbs. of whole milk; to this loss of fat is added that from the butter milk; about 10 lbs. of butter milk is obtained per 100 Ibs. of whole milk, testing on the average .30 per cent. If f designate the fat in 100 Ibs. of milk, then the fat recov- ered in the butter from 100 Ibs. of milk will be 85 Vo x. ieee 100 cee 30)= f=;20 100 198 Testing Mik and Its Products. There is, on the other hand, an increase in weight in the but- ter made, owing to the admixture of non-fatty components therein, principally water and salt. Butter packed and ready for the market will contain in the neighborhood of 84 per cent. of fat (214), so that the fat recovered in the butter must be in- creased by 19°°=1.19. If B therefore designate the yield of but- ter from 100 lbs. of milk, the following formula will express the relation between yield and fat content, provided there are no other factors entering into the problem, viz.: B=(f—.20) 1.19 From this value for B, should be deducted the loss due to wastes in the manufacturing processes, amounting to 3 per cent. of the total fat in the milk handled, and we therefore have: B=(f—.20) 1.16 Since this table is based on a fat content of .2 per cent. in the skim milk, the figures for the overrun are slightly lower than may be obtained in ecreameries pro- vided with up-to-date cream separators. 221. Table XI in the Appendix, founded on this formula, may be used to determine the number of pounds of butter which milk containing 3 to 5.3 per cent. fat will be likely to make. It presupposes good and careful work in separating and churning and under such conditions will generally show yields of butter varying but little from those actually obtained. It may be conveniently used by the butter maker or the manager to check up the work in the creamery; the average test of the milk received during a certain period is found by dividing the total butter fat received, by the total milk, and multiplying the quotient by 100; the amount of butter which the total milk of this average fat con- tent will make, according to the table, is then compared with the actual churn yield. Calculation of Butter- and Cheese Yield. 199 Example: A creamery receives 200,000 lbs. of milk during a month; the milk of each patron is tested and the fat contained therein calculated. The sum of these amounts of fat may be 7583 lbs; the average test of the milk is then 3.79 per cent. Ac- cording to Table XI, 10,000 Ibs. of milk, testing 3.8, will make 418 lbs. of butter, and 200,000 Ibs., therefore, 8360 lbs. of but- ter. The total quantity of butter made during the month will net vary appreciably from this figure if the work in the cream- ery has been properly done. 222. b. Use of overrun table. The table referred to above gives a definite calculated butter yield for each grade of milk, according to average creamery condi- tions. As it may be found that this table will give uni- formly either too low or too high results, Table XII in the Appendix is included, by means of which the butter yield corresponding to overruns from 10 to 20 per cent. may be ascertained in a similar way as above described. The total yield of butter is divided by the total num- ber of pounds of fat delivered; the quotient will give the amount of butter made from one pound of fat, and this figure multiplied by the fat delivered by each pat- _ron shows the pounds of butter to be credited to each patron. To use the table, find in the upper horizontal . line the number corresponding nearest to the number of pounds of butter from one pound of fat. The vertical column in which this falls gives the pounds of butter from 100 lbs. of milk containing the per cents. of fat given in the outside columns (Babcock). B.—CALCULATION OF YIELD OF CHEESE. 223. a. From fat. The approximate yield of green Cheddar cheese from 100 lbs. of milk may be found by multiplying the per cent. of fat in the milk by 2.7; if f 200 Testing Milk and Its Products. designate the per cent. of fat in the milk, the formula will, therefore, be: : Yield, of -eheese=2.1 ese ede (I) The factor 2.7 will only hold good as the average of a large number of cases. In extensive investigations dur- ing three consecutive years, Van Slyke* found that the number of pounds of green cheese obtained for each pound of fat in the milk varied from 2.51 to 3.06, the average figures for the three years 1892-’94, inclusive, being 2.73, 2.71, and 2.72 lbs., respectively. The richer kinds of milk will produce cheese richer in fat, and will yield a relatively larger quantity of cheese, pound for pound, than poor milk, for the reason that an in- crease in the fat content of milk is accompanied by an increase in the other cheese-producing solids of the milk.? The preceding formula would not, therefore, be correct for small lots of either rich or poor milk, but only for milk of average composition, and for large ’ quantities of normal factory milk. For cured cheese the factor will be somewhat lower, viz., about 2.6, on the average. 224. b. From solids not fat and fat. If the percent- ages of solids not fat and of fat in the milk are known, the following formula by Babcock will give close results: — Yield of green cheese=1.58 (-$-+.91f) = ees te ie 1N. Y. experiment station (Geneva), bulletins 65 and 82. 2? Investigations as to the relation between the quality of the milk and the yield of cheese have been conducted by a number of experi- ment stations; the following references give the main contributions published on this point; N. Y..(Geneva) exp. sta., reports 10-18, incl. ; Wis. exp. sta., reports 11 and 12, bull. 197; Ont. Agr. College, reports 1894-96, incl.; Minn. exp. sta., b. 19, reports 1892-94, incl. ; Iowa exp. sta., bull. 21; Hoard’s Dairyman, 1892, p. 2400. Calculation of Butter- and Cheese Yield. 201 s being the per cent. of solids not fat in the milk, and / the per cent. of fat. The solids not fat can be readily ascertained from the lactometer reading and the per cent. of fat as shown in par. 120, by means of Table.VI in the Appendiz. Table XIII in the Appendix gives the yield of cheese from 100 lbs. of milk containing from 2.5 to 6.0 per cent. fat, the lactometer readings of which range be- tween 26 and 36. By means of this table cheese makers ean calculate very closely the yields of cheese which certain quantities of milk will make; as it takes into consideration the non-fatty solids as well as the fat of the milk, the results obtained by the use of this formula will be more correct than those found by means of formula (1). The uncertain element in the formula lies in the factor 1.58, which is based on an average water eontent of 37 per cent. in the green cheese. This may, however, be changed to suit any particular case, e. g, 30 per cent. (1,.°2=1.54), 40 per cent. 41° —1.67, ete. The average percentages of water in green cheese found by Van Slyke in his investigations referred to above, were for the years 1892-’94, respectively, 36.41, 37.05 and 36.70 per cent. 225. ec. From casein and fat. If the percentages of casein and fat in the milk are known, the yield of cheese may be calculated by the following formula, also pre- pared by Dr. Babcock: Yield of cheese=1.1 f+2.5 casein . .. . (III). This formula will give fairly correct results, but no more so than formula (II); it is wholly empirical. 1For derivation of this formula, see Wisconsin experiment station, twelfth report, p. 105. 202 Testing Milk and Its Products. Questions. 1. What, is the average composition of American creamery butter, and between what extremes does the composition of butter vary? 2. What is the difference between the churn yield and the re- sults obtained by the Babcock test? 3. What does the overrun represent? 4. Mention several factors that cause a large overrun. 5. Give an illustration of how the per cent. of increase of churn over test is found, and how the overrun is calculated. 6. Show by an example that butter containing 80% fat can- not give an overrun of more than 25%. 7. How many pounds of butter containing 80% fat can be made from 100 lbs. fat? 8. Why is the overrun from cream greater than from milk? 9. What is the overrun when 70.5 lbs. of butter are made from 140 Ibs. of milk, testing 3.15 per cent? 10. What is the overrun in each of the following cases? . 220 Ibs. butter from 8000 Ibs. milk, testing 2.3% fat. 250 lbs. butter from 4000 lbs. milk, testing 5.8% fat. 600 lbs. butter from 2000 lbs. cream, testing 25.0% fat. 480 lbs. butter from 1000 Ibs. cream, testing 40.0% fat. 11. How much butter containing (a) 80% fat, and (b) 82.5% fat can be made from 3250 lbs. milk, testing 4.3% fat, assum- ing that the skim milk is 80% of the whole milk and contains 0.1% fat, and the butter milk, which is the cream minus the fat, contains 0.25% fat? What is the overrun in each case? 12. How much butter is obtained from 5800 lbs, milk, testing 3.7% fat, when the overrun is (a) 12.5% and (b) 16%? 13. Two cows in full milk produce, one 17.5 Ibs. of milk a day, containing 4.35% fat; the other, 27.3 lbs. of milk, testing 3.4%. If the milk of both is made into butter or cheese, how much butter or cheese may be expected from each one in a week? 14, What is a fair percentage of loss of fat by waste other than in skim milk and butter milk under average creamery con- ditions in case of milk and cream? 15. How much butter may be made from (a) 15,640 lbs. milk, testing 3.8% fat, and (b) 35,842 lbs. milk, testing 4.1% fat? (Use Table XI, Appendiz.) CHAPTER Xi. CALCULATING DIVIDENDS. A.—CALCULATING DIVIDENDS AT CREAMERIES. 226. The simplest method of calculating dividends at creameries is to base the calculations on the amount of butter fat delivered by the various patrons. Each lot of milk is weighed when delivered at the creamery, and a small quantity thereof is saved for the composite sam- ple, as previously explained under Composite Tests (180). Some creameries test these samples at the end of each week, and others after collecting them for ten days or two weeks. If the four weekly composite sam- ples of a patron’s milk tested 3.8, 4.0, 3.9, 4.1 per cent., these four tests are added together, and the sum divided by 4; the result, 3.95 per cent., is used as the average test of this milk. By multiplying the total number of pounds of milk delivered by this patron, by his average test, the total weight of butter fat in pounds delivered to the factory during the month is obtained. This weight of fat is then multiplied by the price to be paid by the creamery per pound of butter fat; the product shows the amount of money due this patron for the milk delivered during the time samples were taken. 227. Price per pound of butter fat. The method of obtaining the price to be paid for one pound of butter fat varies somewhat in different creameries, on account of the different ways of paying for the cost of manu- 204 Testing Milk and Its Products. facturing the butter. The method to be followed is generally determined by agreement between the manu- facturer and the milk producers, in case of proprietary creameries, or among the shareholders, in co-operative creameries. The following methods of paying for the cost of manufacture are at the present time in use in American creameries. 228. I. Proprietary creameries. Jirst.—When the creamery is owned by some one person or company, the owner or owners agree to make the butter for about 3 cents a pound; the difference between the total receipts of the factory and the amount due the owner is then divided between the different patrons, according to the amount of butter fat contained in the milk which they delivered. The price charged for making butter varies from 21% to 4 cents per pound; the larger the amount of milk received at a factory, the lower will naturally be the cost of manufacturing the butter.? Second.—The proprietor of the creamery sometimes agrees to pay a certain price for 100 lbs. of milk deliv- ered, according to its fat content, the price of milk con- taining 4 per cent. of butter fat being the standard. This price may be changed during the different seasons of the year by mutual agreement. Third.—A creamery owner may offer to pay 1 to 2 cents, usually 114 cents, below the average market price of butter, for each pound of butter fat received in the milk. 1 Bull. 56, p. 26, Wisconsin exp. station; see Report 18, Iowa State Dairy Commissioner, p. 338. j Calculating Dividends. 205 229. II. Co-operative creameries. Where the ereamery 1s owned by the patrons, one of the stock- holders who is elected secretary attends to the details of running the factory and selling the product. His ac- counts show the amount of money received each month for the butter and other products sold, and the expenses of running the factory during this time. The expenses are subtracted from the receipts, and the balance is divided among the patrons, each one receiving his pro- portionate share according to the amounts of butter fat delivered in each case, as shown by the total weight and the average test of milk delivered during this time. In nearly all cases, the farmers receive about eighty pounds of skim milk for each one hundred pounds of whole milk they deliver to the factory, in addition to the amount received for the milk, calculated according to one or the other of the preceding methods. 230. Illustration of calculation of dividends. In order to illustrate the details of calculating dividends, or the amount to be paid each patron for the milk delivered, when payments are made by each of the four systems given, it will be assumed that a creamery receives 5000 pounds of milk daily during a month, and makes 6650 Ibs. of butter from the 150,000 Ibs. of milk received during this time. The average test of this milk may be found by multiplying the total weight of milk delivered by each patron by his average test, and dividing the sum of these products by the total weight of milk received at the cream- ery (in the example given, by 150,000), the quotient being mul- tiplied by 100. Such ealculations may show that, e. g., 5700 Ibs. of butter fat have been received in all the milk delivered by the different patrons; this multiplied by 100 and divided by 150,000 gives 3.8 as the average test, or the average amount of butter fat in each 100 Ibs. of milk received during the month. So far the method of calculation is common for the different systems of payment given above; the manner of procedure now 206 Testing Muk and Its Products. differs according to the agreement made between owner and patrons, or among the shareholders, in case of co-operative creameries. 231. I. First—If the net returns for the 6650 lbs. of butter sold during the month were $1197, and the creamery is to re- ceive 4 cents per pound of butter as the cost of manufacture, etc., the amount due the creamery is 6650X.04—$266, and the patrons would receive $1197—$266—$931. This sum, $931, is to be paid to the patrons for the 5700 lbs. of butter fat, which, as shown above, was the weight of fat contained in the 150,000 Ibs. of milk delivered during the month. The price of one pound of butter fat is then easily found: $931+5700=16% cents. This price is paid to all patrons for each pound of butter fat deliv- ered in their milk during the month. The monthly milk record of three patrons may, e. g., be as given in the following table: eee | pene paired Pours | | week .- week week week Total | Average oe } Milk | test 5 | Mill) Test || Milk| Test |; Milk | Test |) Milk] Test |, A |Lbs.; % ||Lbs.| % ||Lbs.| % || Lbs.| % ||’ Lbs. | % No. 1 _._-| 3500 | 3.6 || 3000 | 3.5 |; 3600 | 3.65]| 3450 | 3.45 || 13,550 | 3.55 No, 22321-7200; 17338. > Sebel 328 720 | 3.6 750 | 3.7 || 2,825 || 3.73 No. 3 ____| 2480 | 4.2 || 2000 | 3.8 || 1850 | 4.0 || 1500 | 3.6 7,830 3.90 | Multiplying each patron’s total milk by his average test gives the number of pounds of butter fat in his milk, and this figure multiplied by .164%4 shows the money due for his milk, as given below: 4 ! Patri: 2] TU ere ae ee Lbs. | Per cent Lbs. Cents DNoay bee re 13,550 | BPE, 481.0 16% $78.56 ING S22 es 2,835 | = 104.5 16% 17.06 IN Ge ee 7,830 | 3.9 305.4 16% 48.87 232. Second.—When the proprietor of a creamery agrees to pay a certain price for 100 lbs. of 4 per cent. milk, the receipts for butter sold and the price per pound of butter do not enter into the calculation of the amount due each patron for his milk; Calculating Dividends. . 207 but the weight and the test of each patron’s milk are as im- portant as before. If it is agreed to pay 66 cents per 100 lbs. of 4 per cent. milk (i. e., milk containing 4 per cent. of butter fat), the price of one pound of butter fat will be 66+4—16% cents, and the amount due each patron is found by multiplying the total weight of butter fat in his milk by this price. To facilitate this calculation, so-called Relative-Value Tables have been constructed, the use of which is explained below (238). 233. Third.—If a creamery agrees to pay for butter fat, say 1% cents per pound below the average market price of butter each month, the price of one pound of butter fat is found by averaging the market quotations and subtracting 14% cents there- from. If the four weekly market prices were 1714, 17, 16% and 19 cents, the average of these would be 17% cents, and this less 1% gives 16 cents as-_the price per pound of fat to be paid to the patrons; this price is then used in calculating the dividend as in case of first method (231). ee ee ger | eectiet| Amount Lbs. Per cent Lbs. Cents TSW ea (eo eRaaeeae 13,550 Says) 481.0 16 $76.96 Ti ee ile eee 2,825 Suk 104.5 16 16.72 41 gS eae 7,830 3.9 305.4 16 48.86 ning expenses for a month are subtracted from the gross returns received for the butter, and the. price to be paid per pound of butter fat is found by dividing the amount left by the total number of pounds of butter fat delivered during the month. This price is used for paying each patron for his milk according to the amount of fat contained therein, as already explained un- der Proprietary Creameries (231). The monthly running expenses of a co-operative creamery gen- erally include such items as the wages of the butter maker (and manager or secretary, if these officers are salaried), labor (haul- ing, helper, ete.), cost of butter packages, coal or wood, salt and other supplies, freight and commission on the butter sold, repairs and insurance on buildings, ete. A certain amount is also paid into a sinking fund (say, 5 cents per 100 lbs. of milk), 208 Testing Milk and Its Products. which represents the depreciation of the property, wear and tear of building and machinery, bad debts, ete. These items are added together, and their sum subtracted from the gross receipts for the butter sold during the month. 235. Assuming the receipts for the butter during the month to be $1197, and the running expenses of the factory $285, the amount to be divided among the patrons is $912; the quantity of butter fat received was 5700 lbs., and the price per pound of butter fat will therefore be 16 cents. The account will then stand as given in (233). 236. Other systems of payment. Besides these four systems of payment, there are various other agreements made between manufacturer and producer, but with them all the one important computation is the price to be paid per pound of butter fat; this forms the basis of calculating the factory dividends, when milk is paid for by the Babcock test. 237. Paying for butter delivered. In some instances patrons desire to receive pay for the quantity of butter which the milk or cream delivered by them would make. This can be ascertained quite satisfactorily from the total receipts and the total weights of both butter fat and but- ter. The total money to be paid for butter (the net re- celpts) are divided by the number of pounds of butter sold, to get the price to be paid per pound of butter; the total yield of butter divided by the total amount of butter fat delivered in the milk, gives the amount of butter corresponding to one pound of butter fat, and the number of pounds of fat delivered by each patron is then multiplied by this figure. This method requires more figuring than those given in the preceding, and the dividends are no more accurate, in fact less so, than when calculations are based on the price per pound of fat. Calculating Dividends. 209 237a. Making butter ‘‘for the overrun.’’ When cream is bought on the basis of paying the market price of butter for each pound of butter fat in the cream, the margin received by the cream buyer, if he makes this cream into butter, is influenced both by the price of butter and the per cent. of overrun he obtains. If the price of butter is 20c. and the overrun is 20%, each pound of butter fat makes 1.2 lbs. of butter, and the buyer receives 24 cents for the butter, or 4 cents margin on the 1.2 lbs. of butter made, which is equal to 314 cents per pound of butter. If the price of butter is 36 cents, and the overrun 20%, the cream buyer receives 1.2<36—43 cents for the butter, or 7 cents for 1.2 lbs. of butter, equivalent to 5.8 ec. per pound of butter. 238. Relative-value tables. These tables give many of the multiplications used in computing the amount due for various weights of milk of different fat con- tents. They can easily be constructed by any one as soon as the price of one pound of fat is determined in each case. If the price to be paid per pound of fat is, say 25 cents, the value of each 100 lbs. of milk of different quality is found by multiplying its test by 25. If the average tests of the different patrons’ milk vary from 3 to 5 per cent., the relative-value table would be as follows. , 3.0X25=—75e. per 100 Ibs. | 3.6X 25—90e. per 100 Ibs. 3.1X 25=77.5e. | 3.7 X25—92 5e. Be 3.2 X 25—80e. 4 | 3.8 X 25—95.0e. = 3.3 X 25—=82.5e. Rs | 3.9 X 25—=97.5e. PS 3.4 25—85.0e. zd 4.0X25=100e. e 3.5 X 25=87.5e. Be ete. By continuing this multiplication, or adding the mul- tiplier each time for each tenth of a per cent. up to 5 14 210 Testing Milk and Its Products. per cent. of fat, a table is made that can be used for calculating the amount due per 100 Ibs. of milk at the price per pound given, and the weight of milk delivered by each patron is multiplied by the price per 100 lbs. of milk shown in the table opposite the figure representing his test. Example: A patron supplies 2470 Ibs. of milk, testing 3.2 per cent. of fat; price per pound of fat, 25 cents; he should then receive 24.70 X.80—$19.76 (see above table). Another pat- ron delivering 3850 lbs. of milk testing 3.8 per cent. will re- ceive, at the same price per pound of fat, 38.50X.95—$35.57. The relative-value tables in the Appendix give the price per 100 lbs. of milk testing between 3 and 6 per cent. fat, when the price of three per cent. milk varies from 30 to 90c. per 100 lbs. In using the tables, first find the figure showing the price which it has been de- termined to pay for 100 lbs. of milk of a certain qual- ity, say 3 or 4 per cent.-milk; the figures-in the same vertical column then give the price to be paid per 100 lbs. of milk testing between 3 and 6 per cent. Example 1: It has been decided to pay 90 cents per 100 Ibs. of 4 per cent.-milk. The figure 90 is then sought in the table in the same line as 4.0 per cent., and the vertical column in which it is found gives the price per 100 Ibs. of 3 to 6 per cent.-milk; 3.8 per cent.-milk is thus worth 85 cents per 100 Ibs. and 4.5 per cent.-milk, $1.01, under the conditions given. The prices of milk of other qualities are found in the same way. Example 2: In the example referred to under Illustrations of calculating creamery dividends (I b, 231), the figures for the patrons Nos. 1, 2 and 3, would be as follows: 2 Price per 100 lbs. Amount SS Patron | Milk delivered ee | of milk due | Lbs. Per cent | Cents ' Noval iat 13,550 3.55 St ena $79.26 Nou 822 ue | 2,825 3.7 61.0 17.23 Noxe seen | 7,830 3.9 64.0 50.11 Calculating Dividends. 211 > 239. Milk- and cream dividends. When cream from farm hand separators or other sources is brought to a factory receiving and skimming whole milk, the cream patron’s dividend should be calculated a little differ- ently than that of the milk patron (210). In one case the dividend is based on the weight and the test of cream and in the other on the weight and the test of milk; the difference between the two being represented by the fat left in the factory skim milk. This skim milk fat is included in the milk patron’s dividend and consequently ought also to be allowed for in calculating the amount due the cream patron. Such an allowance can be fairly made by multiplying the cream fat by 1.03. The amounts of fat thus obtained represent very nearly the fat in the milk from which the cream was skimmed and assumes that the fat re- turned to the milk patron in his skim milk is about three per cent. of the total fat in his whole milk. Since both milk and cream patron suffer the same manufacturing losses in the butter milk, an equaliza- tion of the skimming losses is all that is necessary in order to put both on a uniform basis for calculating dividends. 240. The following illustration will help to make these eal- culations clearer: Milk patron No. 1 delivers to the creamery during the month 5320 Ibs. of milk testing 3.8 per cent. fat, whieh therefore contains (P5735) =202 Ibs. butter fat. If the price paid the patrons is 20c., then 202 multiplied by 20 amounts to $40.40, the money due this patron for his milk. If another pat- ron sent 485 lbs. of cream testing 22.0 per cent. fat to the same factory during the month, the weight of fat in the cream is first found in the same way as in the milk. (222) =106.7 Ibs. but- Le 12 Testing Milk and Its Products. - ter fat. Now, instead of multiplying this butter fat by 20c¢., as was done for the whole milk patron, it must first be multiplied by 1.03. 106.7X1.03=109.9 Ibs. butter fat which is now multi- plied by 20c. per pound, giving $21.98. This is the amount due the cream patron when both milk and cream are received at the same factory and the cream from both patrons is churned _to- cether. 241. The amount of cheese made from a certain quan- tity of milk depends, as before shown, in a large meas- ure on the richness of the milk in butter fat (223). Rich milk will give more cheese per hundred weight than poor milk, and within the ordinary limits of nor- mal factory milk the increased yields will be nearly, but not entirely, proportional to the fat contents of the dif- ferent kinds of milk. Since the quality of the cheese produced from rich milk is better than that of cheese made from thin milk and will demand a higher price, it follows that no injustice is done by rating the value of milk for cheese production by its fat content. ‘This subject was discussed frequently during the nineties in experiment station publications and in the dairy press (223). Among others, Babeock has shown that the price of cheese stands in a direct relation to its fat content.” Prof. Robertson, ex-Commissioner of Agriculture of Can- ada, is authority for the statement that the quality of the cheese made from milk containing 3.0 to 4.0 per cent. of fat was increased in value by one-eighth of a cent per pound for every two-tenths of a per cent. of fat in the milk,® a figure which is fully corroborated by 117th report Wis. exp. station, p. 90; 20th report, pp. 1380-131. ? Wisconsin exp. station, 11th report, p. 134. 3 Hoard’s Dairyman, March 29, 1895, Calculating Dividends. 213 Dr. Babeock’s results. The injustice of the ‘‘pooling system,’’ by which all kinds of milk receive the same price, is evident from the preceding; if the milk of a certain patron is richer than that of others, it will make a higher grade of cheese, and more of it per hundred- weight; hence a higher price should be paid for it. Payment on the basis of the fat content of milk 1s, therefore, the most equitable method of valuing milk for cheese making, and in case of patrons of cheese fac- tories aS with creamery patrons, dividends should be ealeulated on the basis of the results obtained by test- ing the milk delivered. The testing may be conven- iently arranged by the method of composite sampling, in the way already described for creameries (180). 242. Cheese factory dividends. (a) Dividends based on fat test alone. As in the case of creameries, the price to be paid per pound of butter fat must first be ascertained. The factory records should show the number of pounds of cheese made from the total milk delivered to the factory during a certain time, generally one month, and the money received for this cheese. The cost of making the cheese and all other expenses that should be paid for out of the money received for the cheese, are deducted from the total receipts, and the difference is divided among the patrons in proportion to the amounts of butter fat delivered in the milk. The weights of the milk delivered and the tests of the composite samples furnish data for calculating the quantities of butter fat to be credited to each patron. 214 Testing Milk and Its Products. The money to be paid to the patrons is then divided by the total weight of butter fat delivered to the factory and the price of one pound of fat. thus obtained. The money due each patron is now found by multiplying the total number of pounds of butter fat in his milk by this price per pound. (b) Dividends based on fat and solids-not-fat (lacto- meter readings). »sq406—6«—«—«"“<$>~>_o_ssssss aid © ds 0°ST [9°tt] el eeeeceses (ouleg) puBpozJIMg (5 nquieyy ) AUBULIAD resees sesamiae ) dUBIT ainlaiats.d’ealothve nels (sysATvuy ‘qng ‘00g) puelsug feeees sIno'y 4S ” wiqdjepelly ” eeeeccens BU RUD ” preesese* IOAUOCL ” “*°****"OBBOIGD ” RsaI OVE CT: ” ““eLoully[eg JO AIH we eeee UISUODSIL AA seve secccee UOPSUITSBAA “oun puR ALY Pewee eesereseseeee JUOULIO A oetese* 2 AI st OS AIH CO oO OO OD D2? 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1.3) 1.4) 1.4) 1.41:1.4 40 Sno oh Ot ea) 201-10) 1.0). 1.0] 1.0). 1:01-1.1) 2.1 30 20); .6) .6) .6 oki aareney ¢ | Simeseey | ema 4 eae : Py Speen 3 20 | | i Res | ames aon SOlh ou Ob y ae : | ies 10 GS || ee Kc Rs || Kaas | ae a ee 9 Sih hosts cate oe ier: +), : ages Bt aes 8 71 ee ee ge 7 ay) ae || eee | ae ee Ys | ile MR OR 8 ages | ge | bene oe 6 Bile Zee oat 2 oe SG) | ee ae? ey. ier 5 = eS | mess 4 Daa ei tee | ieee | SI | al Sa 4 2) | ES |b ARP shu “sda pb ef a 3 >| eae Se | aa rea NaS 8 ES as Pp N eae | 2 + s 3.00/83 .05/3 . 10)3 . 15/3. 20/3. 25113 .30)3.35/3. 4018. 4513 5013.55 2 268 Testing Milk and Its Products. Table Vil. Pounds of fat in | to 10,000 ibs. of milk (Continued). 10,000 9,000 8,000 7.000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 200 a Show RPocda|0oocm © oooooooseo 2S eR) erow Poo 80/3. 85|/3.90/3.95/4.00/4.05)4. 10/4. 15 3 60/3.65/3.70|3.7513 9601 365! 370! 375| 880| 385|| 390] 895] 400} 405] 410) 415|/10, 000 394] 329| 333 338) 342] 347|| 351) 356, 360] 365) 369) 374] 9,000 988] 2921 2961 300| 304| 308|| 312| 316] 320) 324] 328) 332)) 8,000 959| 256] 259| 263) 266] 270|| 273) 277| 280) 284] 287) 291]| 7,000 516| 219| 222] 225] 228] 231]| 234] 237] 240) 243] 246) 2491) 6,000 1801 183| 185| 188| 190 193|| 195] 198| 200) 203, 205) 208)) 5,000 144| 146! 148! 150| 152] 154|| 156] 158) 160| 162| 164) 166) 4,000 108! 110! 111] 113] 114] 116|| 117] 119) 120] 122| 123) 125]| 3,000 79. 0173.0174.0175 .0(76.0|77 . 0||78.0|79.0|80. 0|81 .0/82..0)83.0}| 2,000 96.0136 _5I37 .0/37 5138. 0138.5|139. 0[39.5/40.0/40..5/41.0/41.5)| 1,000 a9 4/99.9133.3/93.8134.2134.7|(35.1|35 6/36. 0/36 .5/36.9)87.4)) 900 98. 8129 2109 6/30.0130.4(30. 8|(31. 2131. 6/32.0)32.4/32.8/33.2\| 800 25 2125 .6)25.9]26.3/26..6/27 0127.3 °7_7/28.0128.4/28.7/29.1|| 700 316121 9122 2/22.5/228/23.1]|23.4|23.7/24.0/24.3)24.6)24.9]/ 600 18 0118 3/18.5118_8119.0/19.3||19.5/19.8|20.0/20.3)20.5)20.8)) 500 14. 4l14_ 6/14. 8115 0115 2115. 4|(15 .6/15.8|16.0]16.2116-4/16.6)) 400 10 S11 0111 1/11 3/11 .4/11.6||11 .7/11.9[12.0/12.2/12.3/12.5)) 800 7917.31 7Al 7.5] 7.6 7.7|| 7.8] 7.9| 8.0] 8.1] 8.2| 8.3]/ 200 3°61 3.71 3.71 3.81 3.81 3-9!| 3.9) 4.0] 4.0) 4.1] 4.1) 4.2)) 100 3 91 3.3| 3.3] 3.4! 3.4] 3.5]| 3.5] 3.6] 3.6] 8.7] 8.7) 8.7], — 90 9.9] 2.9| 3.0 3.0) 5g 3-11] 3.1] 3.2] 3.2] 3.2] 3.3] 8.3]] — 80 2 5| 2.6 2.61 2.61 2.7| 2.7|| 2.7| 2.8) 2.8) 2.8} 2.9) 2.9) 70 29] 2.9] 2.9 2.3] 2.3) 2.3|| 2.8| 2.4] 2.4) 2.4) 2.5) 2.5) 60 il 1.8| 1.9| 1.9] 1.9} 1.9|| 2.0] 2.0) 2.0 2.0) 2.1) 2.1) = 50 1.4) 1.5] 1.5} 1.5| 1.5/°1.5]| 1.6] 1.6] 1.6] 1.6].1.6) 1.7) 40 4] 121] 121] 1.1) 124] 1-21] 1.2] 1.2] 1 2] 1.2) 1.2) 1.2)) 30 Eee heer, 3 ‘a sll st 28) .8l-.8l~ 8) eae “al cal Lal ah AL can ad Sad aah oe ee alas 3 a vel alt ean: gh gies 4 9 Bl gla igt) a8] Bl Bll o-BleeeBl ceeheces 3 8 ie] fist sale aLiteg sine Spi ssi Roane 3 7 Oh ahs soho oh eto) oll aaNet eee 2 6 “ol Aol. Bl Th ool ss leno aa ayers i) 5 lead ete Vee ete 5 cal lal ial 12 2 4 ah Sa a a ea ea a ig 3 i ees | Reta pee | ese eases | ag ee bee bce a 2 % |[s.60|3. 65/8. 70)3.75)3.80)3.85 3 9013.95/4.00/4. 05/4. 10/4. 15 g Appendix. 269 Table Vil. Pounds of fat in | to 10,000 Ibs. of milk (Continued). 3 4 .20)4.25)/4.30)4.35)4.40/4.45)!4.50/4.5514.6014.65/4. 7014.75 g Milk Milk lbs. lbs. 10,000|| 420) 425) 4380) 435} 440) 445]/ 450! 455] 460] 465] 470] 475 10,000 9,000}| 378) 383) 387} 392} 396} 401)| 405} 410} 414] 419] 423] 428 9,000 8,000|| 336) 340} 344} 348] 352) 356]| 360] 364] 368] 372] 376! 380 8,000 7,000}| 294) 298} 801} 305] 308} 312/| 315} 319] 322] 326] 329] 333 7,000 6,000|| 252) 255} 258) 261] 264] 267)) 270] 273] 276] 279) 282) 285 6,000 5,000} 210) 213} 215} 218) 220} 223}| 225) 228) 230] 233] 235] 238 5,000 4,000}} 168} 170} 172} 174) 176} 178}} 180] 182] 184) 186] 188] 190 4,000 3,000]} 126) 128} 129} 131} 182} 134] 185} 137} 138] 140] 141] 143 3,000 2° 000)|84. 0/85 .0/86 .0/87.0/88.0/89.0//90 .0/91 .0/92.0/93 .0/94 0195.0 2,000 1,000//42.0/42. 5/43 0/43 .5/44.0/44.51/45 0/45 .5/46. 0146 5147. 0147.5 1,000 900)|37 .8/38 3/38 . 7/39 . 2/39 .6/40. 11140 .5141 .0/41. 4/41 . 9/42. 3142.8 900 800//33 .6/34.0/34. 4/34. 8135 . 2/35. 6}/36 0/36. 4136. 8137. 2137.6/38.0 800 700}/29 . 4/29 .8/30. 1/80 .5/30.8/31.2//31.5/31. 91382. 2/32.6132.9/33.3 700 600}/25 . 2'25.5]°'5 8/26. 1126 . 4/26 . 7|!27.0127 3/27 .6127.9128 2/98 5 600 500}/21 .0)/21 .3/21 .5/21. 8/22 0/22. 3)|22 5/22. 8123 0123. 3/23.5/23.8 500 400||16 .8/17.0)17.2)17.4]17.6/17.8}/18.0]18. 2/18. 4/18 .6/18.8]/19.0 400 300}/12.6)/12.8]/12.9]13.1]13. 2/13 .4)/13.5]18.7]13.8]14.0]14. 1/14.3 3800 200|| 8.4] 8.5} 8.6] 8.7/ 8.8) 8.9]| 9.0} 9.11 9.2] 9.3] 9.4) 9.5 200 100}| 4.2) 4.3) 4.3) 4.4) 4.4] 4.5] 4.5) 4.6] 4.6] 4.7] 4.7] 4.8 100 90}| 3.8) 3.8) 3.9} 3.9] 4.0] 4.0]| 4.1] 4.1] 4.1] 4.2] 4.2] 4.3 90 80|| 3.4) 3.4] 3.4] 3.5] 3.5; 3.6]| 3.6] 3.6] 3.7] 3.7/ 3.8] 3.8 80 fo za) S. 010.0) 3.0|-3.1) 3.11) $.21-829) 8.21-3.-3) 3.38! 3.3 70 60)| 2.5) 2.6] 2.6} 2.6) 2.6] 2.7|| 2.7) 2.7) 2.8! 2.8] 2.8] 2.9 60 o0}) 2.1) 2.1) 2.2) 2.2) 2.2) 2.91} 2.3) 2.38) 2.3) 2.3) 2.41 2.4 50 AO eget fied oe} bg) 28h 28128) 1.8)]) 1.91 LS 40 SOL al bod alta) to 13\| 2.4)°1-.4)-124)-1.4) 1.4.14 30 Stee ed sor Oo So OF 20). OF. = 8l 91-26 20 Pee ea a eae Al BL BB BIS Bb 2B 10 eee GA ae a ea OAL ALS AR Al AL AP gg 9 Pmeamcssis Is) i=) 2 | SeNSS8SeR2 SANSSizgs FAseessas INS ODS bo MWOoMmonmoono! ww o1.w Bo] BQNESESVE coche adm ToS ee (on aun heel Se SON [—) ST ONONOOCNOWM ONUHMOS * od | SAISSESS e: BOO 1G wet ASSES IAA ort DOO mAs OumnNnnreo et nN GC) q | 85gsresea5 Seavgaead & ee | | RSSS Vea SOM Hosein z S08 ad 18 Testing Milk and Its Products. MN Pounds of fat in | to 1000 Ibs. of cream (continued). Table Vill. 155 124 S oooooooo°o S s | SSSSRSRES* Cogsdeees Soe edace SsARTSSHRS PAT OD SHIDO CO SRetSSues fon] SHAD APOmsewM © © © © © 6 2 2 =“ ate —) = | FFBSAASS FRSRNALO Hoan N ona Oaoon 30) GERSARSA"* gaggraros Geese SROR NOR ao me CDS OD NID COs SH tO Pet rene df os | oe) rec oO SSS.) are Se wes uae ee rNoO SO = | WSGGANN ST SESRRETS* Saeco MONOSMON TONDOMONDO WMONOSMONC co Sx N GO OD: OO: Sa Si, Sere 8 erie pe: ben ie re SON FE 60 00 OD SD g | . S88S8ER888% WOOSHSHS#H BSLORSeSs u | Ven} ee [o-a) [==] eeeee#%e# ef 8 @ @ = al | ialedslal Mata GRBRARROY wesc | = Sto OS GNU ISS G8 GO Sr 8) 88 Pla. Oo ue r of 00 = | Sees BSBZANELO™ sodcdaam— * be tH 1 COLON SO br tr CLD NO SO oD To DINO oO 60:00 =! © 2RASR PC ORL | Fe Be A) TSBSRASS = | Gea aae CS Se esol oe Beene © x | SS Es eee pe eae RRABGASAHS oe. Bhd ab eats Bak Sa heal COONAN A Se 4 4 P=Ivele = OOH! ashton eye e 00) fun lere NORMS =H ce | Sey ee BRANKO occderacieins S SSRSSSSASG SaeSe SSS SRSSSSRES a | TORAAATA BERANE ecoccicicirins "| > See eRe eg ~ SHRSaeqks 2 | BSORNARA™ CARRS SoONS sericea g | BSSeqeSne@ Jepoocoee soeneenae DBAN ee OD CD OU dt et i CQOANAN OO ANE 6D LO 2 NVA) OC ea OR SO OO st SH s | BERaAe=a"5 gagdesoes Socacea OSOHONDSDOMOND MONOOMONS ace fos =) a | S8RNSEEES* aadaesere asda SSoeseeesRe SSeosoess MSBSeVERB : steko seek BRANEASN | saciid * SCONDOHOONOtT ONDMNOOND NOmOoONO =H s | SaheaSRES* Scggnsess Gusaee oS BOINN DOs Mt N OO OD m4 00 1 OI > SO S| BRRHESEEES Tolesaaes Baan SHOMTANSHOAN OOwWmNnooon OTANISMOTT a | BARSSSASES Siadense Sanne ei SPLRSRARIS SVN LVVAT ESUSBALSH Table IX. Amount due for butter fat, in doilars Price per pound, cents. Appendix. 12 to 25 cents per pound. (See directions for use, page £¢€,) Pounds of butter fat. 600 | 500 | 400 | 300 | 200 | 100 273 and cents, at *sjue0 ‘punod iod e0,1g — || —_— | | — | S| Ss | ————_ | | | ——] | — 173 120.00)108 .00) 96.00) 84.00 122 .50)110.25) 98.00) 85.75 125.00)112.50 100.00) 87.50 127.50)114.75}102.00) 89.25 130.00}117.00|104.00} 91.00 132 .50}119 .25|106.00| 92.75 135 .00}121.50/108.00; 94.50 137 .50}123.75)110.00) 96.25 140.00}126.00)112.00} 98.00 142 .50)128 .25)114.00) 99.75 145.00/130.50)116 .00/101 .50 147 .50/132. 75)118 .00}103 . 25 150 .00)135 .00}120.00)105 .00 152 .50)137 . 25|122.00)}106.75 155 .00)139.50)124 00/108 .50 $||157.50/141 . 75}126 .00)110. 25 160 .00)144 .00)128 .00/112.00 162 .50}146 . 25)130.00}113 . 75 165 .00)148 .50)132.00)115.50 72.00/60. 00/48 . 00/36. 00/24 .00)12.00 73.50/61 . 25/49 .00)36 . 75/24 50/12. 25 75 .00|62 .50|50.00/37 .50/25 .00)12.50 76 .50|63 . 75/51 .00/38 . 25/25 .50/12. 75 78 .00/65 .00/52 .00/39 .00) 26. 00/13 .00 79.50/66 . 25/53 .00/39 . 75|26 .50}13 . 25 81.00/67 .50)54 00/40 .50/27 .00/13.50 82.50/68 . 75|55 .00/41 . 25/27 50/13. 75 84.00/70 .00/56 .00/42 .00/28 .00)14.00 85 .50|71 . 25|57. 00/42. 75/28 .50)14. 25 87 .00|72.50\58 .00/43 .50/29 .00)14.50 88 .50|73 .75|59. 00/44 . 25/29 .50/14. 7. 90 .00)75.00)60 .00/45 . 00/30 .00)15 .00 91.50|76.25|61 .00/45 . 75/30 .50)15.25 93.00/77 .50/62.00/46 .50|31.00/15.50 94.50/78 . 75/63 .00)47 . 25/31 .50/15. 75 96 .00/80. 00/64 .00/48 .00/32.00)16 .00 97.50/81 . 25/65 . 00/48 . 75/32.50) 16.25 99.00/82 .50/66. 00/49 .50/33 .00)16 .50 167 .50/150. 75)134.00)117. 25}100.50)83 . 75/67 .00/50. 25/33 .50/16. 75 170 .00)153 .00)136 .00)119. 00/102 .00|85 .00/68.00)51. o0l34. 00)17.00 172..50/155 . 25)138 .00)120. 75/103 .50)86. 25|69. 00/51 . 75|34.50/17.25 175 .00/157 .50)140 .00}122 .50}105 .00|87.50|70.00|52 .50/35 .00/17.50 $1|177.50/159 . 75)142.00/124.. 25/106 .50/87 . 75/71 .00|53 . 25/35 .50)17.75 180 .00)162 00/144 00/126 .00/108 . 00/90. 00/72. 00|54. 00/36 .00/18.00 182 .50)164. 25)146 .00)127. 75|}109 .50/91 . 25/73 .00)54. 75)36 .50}18 . 25 185 .00/166 .50)148. 00/129 .50)111.00/92.50/74.00|55 .50|37 .00/18 .50 187 .50/168. 75150. 00/131 . 25)112 .50/93 . 75/75 .00|56 .25|37 50/18. 75 —— ee eee f Gene 1,000} 900 | 800 | 700 600 | 500 | 400 | 300 | 2u0 | 100 400 | 300 | 200 | 100 274 Testing Milk and Its Products. Table IX. Amount due for butter fat (Continued). Z eel Pounds of butter fet. as os £51) 1,000; 900 | 800] 700} 600 | 500 A, *s7ue0 ‘punod ied 90,.1g 190 .00)171 .00/152.00}133.00)114.00} 95.00 192 .50)173. 25)154.00)134.75)115 .50} 96.25 31/195 .00/175 .69}156 .00)136. 50/117 .00) 97.50 31/197 .50)177 . 75/158 .00)138 . 25/118 .50) 98.75 200. 00)180. 00/160 .00/140 00/120 00/100. 00 202 .50)182. 25/162 .00}141 .75)121 50/101. 25 203}|205 .00|184.50/164.00]143 50/125 .00)102 .50 207 50/186. 75/166 . 00/145 . 25/124 .50/103 . 75 210 .00)189 .00)168 . 00/147 .00)126 .00)105 .00 $}/212 .50/191 . 25)170 .00}148 . 75)127 .50/106 . 25 215 .00/193 .50)172 .00}150 .50)129 .00)107 .50 217 50/195. 75/174 .00)152. 25)130 .50)108. 75 ris) 220 .00/198 .00)176 .00)154.00)152.00)110.00 222 .50/200. 25/178 .00)155 .75)133 .50)111.25 225 .00/202 .50)180. 00/157 .50)135 .00)112 .50 227 .50/204.75)182 .00)159 . 25/186 .50/118.75 23 ||230.00)207 .00}184.00}161. 00/138 .00)115 .00 234}|232 .50)209 . 25)186 . 00/162. 75/139 50/116. 25 234}|235 .00|211. 50/188 .00}164.50)141 00/117 .50 233||237 .50/213 . 75/190 .00)166 . 25)142 .50)118.75 24 |/240.00/216 .00)192 .00)168 .00)144 00/120 .00 24411242 50/218. 25)194.00/169. 75/145 50/121 . 25 24311245 .00/220.50)196 .00)171 .50/147 .00)122 .50 243)|247 .50}222 . 75/198 .00)175. 25)148 .50)123.75 76.00/57 .00)58 .00119.00 77.00/57. 75/38 .50)19 . 25 78 .00)58 .50/39 .00}19 .50 79.00/59 . 25/39 .50)19. 75 80.00/60 . 00/40 .00}20 .00 81 83. 84.00/63 .00)42.00)21.00 85.00/63. 75/42 .50}21. 25 86 .00/64.50/43 .00/21 .50 87.00/65. 25/43 .50/21.75 88 .00/66 00/44 .00}22 .00 89.00/66 .75/44.50)}22. 90.00/67 .50/45.00)22 .50 91 .00)68 .25)45 .50/22 92.00/69.00)46 .00/28. 93 .00)/69 .75)46 50/23. 94.00/70. 95.00/71 96.00/72. 97.00/72. 98.00/73. 99.00/74. 25 )0/49 .00/24.50 25/49 50/24. 75} |2 25 1/250.00/225. 00/200 .00)175 . 00/150. 00)125 . 00/100. 00/75 00/50. 00/25 .00)|: —— | | ——— |» | — 700 500 See 400 | 300 | 200 | 100 00/60 .75|40 .50)20 . 25)|: 82.00/61 .50/41 . 00/20 .50)|: 00/62. 25)41.50/20. 75)|: 25115 tale 00}|: 50/47 .00)23 .50||: .25)47 50/23. 75): 00/48 .00|24 .00}: 75/48 50/24. 25]: — | J eS — _—=e | Appendix. 275 Table X. Relative-value tables. (See directions for use, Par. 238.) poe be Pe oe =| 83 Price of milk per 100 pounds, in dollars and cents. a — J ee ee ee Ee ee Nn 20 30). St) .83.| .84]) .386° | 37 3G \.40'\ s49- | 45 |.45 Bc! 2 ie 2 ay Ps Meg Oe 40 | .42 | .48 | .45 |] .4€ Sono Soe ek Sho Sr 1.08 | 740 42 | .43 | .45 | .46 | .4& 3.3 931 35 | .86 | .88 | .4) | .41 43 | .45 | .46] .48 | .4¢ 3.4 BA BE We Se \eoOen wal it ..42-} «44 46 | .48 | .49 | .61 3.5 35 2 dP Ag | ae) OARS | 45"), AT |) 49"). BL} 252 3.6 eat Saor ap. | 4b wae Ae}: 27 49 | .50 | .52 | .54 ad 37 89 | .41 43 | '.44| .46 | .48 | .50} .52 | .64 5 3.8 98 | .40| .42| .44]| .46] .47 | .49]| .5l Ba lacep | 208 3.9 29 | 41) .43 | .45 | .47 | .49 ] .ol 2 bi bo bear. | be 0 40 | .42 | .44| .46] .48 | .50 | .52 54 | .56] .58 | .6C 1 41 43 | .45 | .47 | .49 | .51 | .53 | .55 57 |. .59 }.61 2 O12 44-1 46 |-.48°|.50°| 52} .65 [ .67 59 | .61 e 3 ee ae ay | 249-1. 52} 54 |. 66.) 68 60 | .62 | .64 4 44| .46| .48 | .d1 53°| .55 | .57 | .69 | .62 | .64 | °.66 4.5 45 | .47 | .49| .52 | .54 | .56 | .58 61 | .63 | .65 | .67 4.6 46 | .48 | .61 Bat hey By 2602). .62-| 04; 62. p56 4.7 47 | .49 | .52| .64] .56] .59] .61 631°. 66° |. 685)" .4G 4.8 4s | .50| .53 | .65 |- 58 | .60 | .62]) .60 67 (Ue bere (2 4.9 49 | .51 Al wpe |) 00) .OL Ga 1 UGG h..09-t OTL 72 5.0 50 | .52 | .55 | .57 | .60 | .62 | .65 | .67 7 Tae tte 5.1 51 Patio Bh 25Ont cok. | 504 | 1200" | /.59 ral TE ce tG 5.2 52 | .55 | .57 | .60 | .62 | .65 68 70 73 75 7& 5.3 53 | 661 .58 | .614 .64 | .66 | .69 7 74 77 ie 5.4 54) .57 | .59 PA G57 |..68. |. 20" bs 00 + (en res fle | 5.5 55 | .58 | .60 S166") ..697) 71 Tae TT) BO Be 5.6 Beh 69 | 62°) 1644) .67 | .70:|..73 fice ee 81 84 5.7 57 60 | 63 | .66-) .68 | .72 eh 77 |... 804.83 t .85 5.8 58 | .61 64 | .67 WO Fe lee FO 78 | .81 84 | .87 5.9 Bare 60 Goel Ob... tht a). 20 80 | .83 | .86 | .88 6.0 60 | .63 | .66 | .69 | .72 | .75 PBzl-2Ob | 584 | 8% 90 76 Testing Milk and Its Products. Table X. Relative-value tables ( Continued). =| 83 Price of milk per 100 pounds, in dollars and cents. a 3.0 46) .:48.4-° 49) BN 624 64) 65 cbT-) 258 3.1 48 | .:50| .51) .58) -.54| .56] .57) .69} -.60 8.2 50} .51] .538; .54|] .56] .58| .59]| .61 62 3.3 51 53 | .54] .56] .58| .59] .61] .63] .64 3.4 53] .54| .56) .58| .59] .61] .63] .65| .66 8.5 54; .56/) .58; .59/] .61] .63 65] .66] .68 8.6 56; .58; .69; .61/; .63; .65| .67| .68] .70 8.7 57; .59/] .61; .68| .65| .67| .68| .70| .72 8.8 69; .61] .63|) .65/ .66| .68| .70| .72| .74 3.9 60; .62| .64|] .66| .68] .70] .72| .74] .76 4.0 G2.) -64.1- 266....68 | 704 72.) 74 267 ae 4.1 64) 66%: <68)°.70.) 72) 741 76 TS et 4.2 G52) 67) 269 Tie AS IG. Sa ose eee 4.3 of QS Rei el ana’ lO ay ee (5 ear OG eee 3 lop Poor | 4.4 GS. 701 731.80 STE 10s ae 84] .86 4.5 70) 02.) > 74)". 76.) 70 BESS) 85:1 2288 4.6 71| .74| .76| .78| .80] .83] .85]| .87] .90 4.7 Tat. 164 78} 280.) 3.82.) 85 to 8e by eee oe 4.8 C4 TE | STO .82 | 84] 864. 801 Bist 94 4.9 76| .78| .81 83} .86| .88] .91| .938] .96 5.0 77) .80'} 82). .85). 874 904-929 2951-297 5.1 79| 82] .84] .87} .89| .92| .94|] .97| .99 5.2 81} .83; .86| .88] :91] .94] .96,; .99/] 1.01 5.3 83} .85] .87| .90] .93| .95; .98| 1.01 | 1.03 5.4 84| .86| .89| .92| .94] .97] 1.00] 1.03 | 1.05 5.5 85; .88| .91] .93] .96] .99 | 1.02 | 1.04 | 1.07 5.6 87; .90] .92]° .95] .98 | 1.01 | 1.04 | 1.06 | 1.09 5.7 88; .91] .94) .97) 1.00] 1.03 | 1.05 | 1.08 | 1.11 5.8 90} .93| .96] .99 | 1.01 | 1.04 | 1.07 | 1.10 | 1.18 5.9 91| .94] .97 | 1.00} 1.03 | 1.06 | 1.09 | 1.12 | 1.15 6.0 93} .96] .99 | 1.02 | 1.05 | 1.08 | 1.11 | 1.14 | 1.17 Appendix. 217 Table X. Relative-value tables (Continued). q Sa Price of milk per 100 pounds, in dollars and cents. a 3.0 .61 .63 .64 .66 .67 .69 .70 ~12 .73 Pw (3) 3.1 .64 bas 67 .68 .70 $1 sto 74 76 78 8.2 66 67 69 70 Shes a Sh PLT |S: 77 78 80 3.3 68 69 71 73 74 .76 78 79 81 83 3.4 70 71 73 75 76 .78 80 82 83 85 3.5 72 73 75 77 ay: 18 82 84 86 88 3.6 74 76 77 79 81 .83 85 86 88 90 3.7 76 78 80 81 .83 .85 fs 89 91 93 3.8 78 80 82 84 .85 87 89 91 93 95 3.9 80 82 84 86 .88 90 92 94 96 98 4.0 82 84 86 .88 .90 92 94 .96 .98 | 1.00 4.] 84 86 88 .90 .92 94 . 96 .98 | 1.00 | 1.03 4.2 86 88 .90 .92 94 .97 .99 | 1.01 | 1.03 | 1.05 4.3 88 90 92 .95 97 .99 | 1.01 | 1.08 | 1.05 | 1.08 4.4 90 92 95 97 99°} 1,01 | 1.03 }°1.66 1) 1.08 | 140 4.5 .92 | .94 97 09.) EOF) 2203 1206-1 1.08. } 110°: 1-73 4.6 .94 .97 SOP reo akon.) £00) 1 OS tbe bse hs 4.7 .96 coo) 101 1-203") 1. 06>) 1-08 )-110 | 1.13) 115 | 1.18 4.8 pea Olt 1.05 | £064 1.08.4 1:10-) 1.13-|. 1.15 1.18 | 1.20 aoe eal 1-034: 1.05 11,08: | 1.10: | 1.18.) 1216 +. 1.18 | 1.20 | 1.3 enews, On 1 1.05-| 1.07 1-1.10:) 1.12 )-1.15 | 1.18 "| 1.20} 1.28:4:1.95 eeensab 07) tO hee dS) ee | 120 F122 |. 1225 1-1, 87 Berar fg ded) £14 hte te 1.20) 122 | 225) 1227 }1.30 ee ort od ie F117 | 1.19.) 1.224) 025-7 1.27 | 2.80- | 1.82 erento io tbh 119°) 121 | bd 1527 $1230 | 2.32 401.35 aera tte he) 124) 7286 1. 29.) 1.32 | 1.35) 1.38 Sera fete heey P28 | 1 26 | 1.29 |. 1.32.) 1.34 }1.387 | 1.40 Sie ol tee ee ee pee | 128 |. 131 1 .84-| 1.37 1 1.389} 1.48 Beebo t deer i ee Poe ee - P80 tL.oe | 1236 | 1.38 1.42 | 1.45 Bee ote | ees) Letey a.o0 pf -1.a0 |-1-386 (1.39 }.1.42 |. 1:45 | 1.48 6.0 |} 1.23: 1 2.26 | 1729 | B32] 1.35 | 1.88 | 1.41 | 1.44 | 1.47 | 1:60 Testing Milk and Its Products. 2718 Relative-value tables (Continued). Table X. Price of milk per 100 pounds, in dollars and cents. “7) “U9. Id.] 90 93 96 99 02 05 08 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 LP OoOMOON Deiter o LD UD LO uD) 119 D&S oO 2 AI =H © oS CO rH Hr OAN13 © BO BD O> > Od Ao°oIecoe Sem ANN NN oD OD CD tot SH =H 1D 1D 1D SO CO CO eee oe ee oe oe oe eee ah ee ne | QV’ CO mi oD OOAH kX © OD 1D OO re sH CO OD A110 I~ © 09) OO roa SH PO AT 10 DO DO loner as asia) ‘oon eel ee ee | OA N oO oO OO SH ) oOonnreS rN los ae) OD Of) CO) ) Seyi MFNANNA OD) Of) OD OO SH HoH HO 19 19 @* 16) @)) ie, Gi es eere 6k wll 8a ie) Sel” let te Sie tire, elk ae re, ot ei 2-1 e:. ce wea © he ele ee ete re mee a ones oO ee. AO os le ane ere Tel eee dy ete) ie ag OG Oe Ol ae el Suwon eyes Oe. = ee the. ieee eee re oOnmN cs ud CO E= 00 OD SwetiGh corer 1) CO r= CO Od Onn o =H WC P= OD © OA ON Ons OTS” OE OSS OS ee iy oO Re Bo ees On (OE 61) oS le Pepe. CT ale Ore Clone) Or. Weekes © Ne eee Une eel la re weer ® OD Cf OD CY OD OD 6 OF) O@ C15 HH cH tH SH oth 3} 10) T20) 02. OF 2-0) P20 a Ee Pee ee LO} 38. Bice Sie BPS al: SB acs < SGP ool rs Olver em 9). 4) v4 4 DE) i eo ol soli) een oes Si 4 sale A SA) ea a a ee se dees Tb Bl sd). 28h Als eal ACA ae ree eee i) RS | Rm | Gears | eens Meee | eaegs emes | Ber ts Rees ee he i | Bi 2h Zhe 22) bl eal Olle! aa eLae open) Reentmetes Alpe S Bl Qi SD ca ed ae oon) ate red ae Bl Lb Dp apse Dis SOl Ue Dc BA eel oy eee ele Zyl 2 Ls cA 2 Bd oc a a Ae eee re Ds: dhe DSA i a eee ee eee _—— | | | EE TF Le Ll | 2 ||4.20|4.30/4. 40|4.50/4. 60/4. 70|/4.80/4.90/5.C0/5.10]5.205.80|] g Ft RS CS He OSD 1 00 © 281 Appendix. Table XIil. Overrun table, showing pounds of butter from (See directions for use, one hundred Ibs. of milk. par. 222.) 1.10}1.11 Per ent. fat 1.13]1.14]1.15)1.16/1.17/1.18/1.19)1.20}) ¢ 113 OmN oo = id SS i= OC So reN OD = iD SO P= OOD SO mw OD =H iD) CO f= CO D> © ep es ON Nd ee EN COD HH HHH HHH Oi tnt HHI OA sts D © Gi si co 50 D> Ast <0 ONsH © oO SNHO OO ANH co OOS ol wie oon ian) OI 6) ea A 6 ee tig a, ee es RS ee oe ee ee eee ert Fiet fy eh See te: Mepis ata See Sen) ee ep oP ye ew etal, 9.605 Melee) 8) Diaw Re bee ee eee eee ee ee ee iW I> D oe Se Xe LR yee wager le ae re We ta Sey Sane tS a ee et ee a a ay a Se ee a ene ce eo Bree he end oo fe ee ee. 6. we er a OY ew) oe, ot ee eee eee ee ea ee ee ee 282 Testing Milk and Its Products. Table XIII. Yield of Cheese from 100 lbs. milk with 2.5 to 6 per cent. or tat, and lactometer readings from 26 to 30. (See par. 224) LACTOMETER DEGREES. 26.| 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 — | | —_—_—_ | | | | | | | | 7.28) 7.41| 7.54) 7.67) 7.81) 7.94] 8.07) 8.20] 8.33] 8.47) 8.60 7.44| 7.57| 7.70) 7.83] 7.96] 8.09) 8.22) 8.35} 8.49] 8.62) 8.76 7.59) 7.72) 7.85) 7.99) 8.12) 8.25) 8.38) 8.51} 8.64] 8.77| 8.91 7.74, 7.87| 8.00} 8.14) 8.27) 8.40} 8.53) 8.67) 8.80) 8.94) 9.07 7.90} 8.03) 8.16) 8.30) 8.44) 8.56] 8.69} 8.82) 8.95} 9.09} 9.22 8.05} 8.18) 8.31) 8.45) 8.58) 8.71] 8.84) 8.97) 9.11) 9.24) 9.37 8.21) 8.34) 8.47] 8.60) 8.74) 8.87} 9.00; 9.13) 9.26] 9.39] 9.53 8.36) 8.49} 8.62) 8.75} 8.89) 9.02) 9.15) 9.28) 9.42) 9.55] 9.68 8.52] 8.65} 8.78) 8.91) 9.05} 9.18) 9.31) 9.44) 9.57) 9.70) 9.84 8.67) 8.80} 8.93) 9.06) 9.20] 9.33) 9.46) 9.59] 9.73) 9.86) 9.99 8.82) 8.96} 9.09) 9.22) 9.35] 9.48) 9.62) 9.75) 9.88)10.01)10.15 8.98) 9.11} 9.24) 9.37) 9.50] 9.63) 9.77) 9.90)10.03/10.17}10.30 9.13} 9.26) 9.39} 9.52) 9.65) 9.738) 9.92)10.05}10.19)10.32]10.46 9.29) 9.427 9.55} 9.68) 9.81) 9.94/10. 05/10.21/10.34)10.48]10.61 9.44) 9.57! 9.70) 9.84) 9.97)10.10/10.23/10.36)10.50}10.64/10.77 9.60} 9.73} 9.86)10.00/10.13)10. 26)10.39)10.53/10.66)10.79)10.93 9.75) 9.88)10.02).0.15)10. 28/10.39}10.54/10.68}10.8110.94)11.08 9.90)10,03/10.17}10.30/10.43)10.57)10.70)10.84)10.97}11.10}11.24 10.06/10. 19/10.32}10.45]10.58]10.72/10.85]10.99]11.12|11.25/11.39 10.21/10, 34|10.48]10.61/10.74}10.87/11.00/11.14/11.27/11.41]11.55 10.36/10. 49'10.63/10.76|10.89]11. O3}11, 16/11. 29/11.42]11.56]11.70 10.52]10.65/10.7%/10. 92/11 .05/11.18]11.31]11.45|11.58]11.71]11.85 10.67|10.81/10.94]11.07/11.20]11.34/11.47/11.60/11.73111.87/12.01 10.83/10.96 11.09/11. 22/11 .36]11.49/11 .62/11.76|11.89] 12.02/12. 16 10.98]11.11/11.25]11.38/11.51/11. 65/11. 78]11.91/12.04]12. 18/12. 32 11. 14/11.27)11.40]11.54] 11.67/11 .80/11.93]12.07|12.20]12. 34]12. 48 11,29)11.42/11.55/11.69/11.82/11. 96]12.09]/12.23]12.36]/12.49]12.63 11.45/11.58,11.71]13..85/11.98]12. 11]12.24/12.38]12.52/12. 6612.80 11.G0]11.73)11.86/11.99]12. 13/12.27/12.40/12.53|12.67|12.71]12.85 11.76]11.89 12.02/12. 16/12. 29/12. 42]12.55/12.69|12.83/12.97]13.01 11.91]12.0412.17/12.31112.44/12.58]/12.71/12,85|12.99113,12]13.25 12.07/12. 20/12. 33]12.47/12. 60|12.73]12.87113.00]13.14|13, 28]13, 41 12.22}12.35/12.48]12.62/12.75]12.89/13.02/13.16]/13.30[13.44]13.57 12.38'12.51/12.64/12.77/12.91/13.€5]13. 18]13.31/13.45]13.59]13. 72 12.53.12. 66 12.79112.93]13.06'13.19)13.33|13.47|13. 60]13.74113.87 12,8212. 9518.09[13.22]18.89/18.49118.62118.75|13.80l14.02 DU OW OY OU GT OU 1 HBS em Be em He HR G9 C0 Co Go Go 0 Go Oo Co Wo tS DD tt Se VV OW GU OT OU OT OT oe A Be ne ee He HR HR G9 G9 CO GO Oo G0 G9 G9 GO Oo BO BS BD DS tS SCOTCH WNW = D>DOONARGUBPWNHOCHOFNAMEWONK COMO ONOO SOWDATMKNMAIAWNWHODODNANIPWNHODODANBWIPWNHODO MND ovr vs Appendix. 288 Table Xf¥. Comparisons of Fahrenheit and Centigrade (Celsius) thermometer scales. Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- heit. grade. heit. grade. heit. grade, 1912 > |--100 +176 +80 +140 +60 211 99.44 175 79.44 139 59.44 210 98.89 174 78 .89 138 58.89 209 98 .33 173 78 .33 137 58 .33 208 97.78 172 77.78 136 57.78 284 Testing Milk and Its Products. Table XIV. Comparisons of thermometer scales (Continued. ) Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- Fahren- Centi- heit. grade. heit. grade. heit. grade. +104 +40 +68 +20 +32 +0 103 39.44 67 19.44 31 —0 .55 102 388.89 66 18.89 30 1.11 101 38 .33 65 18.33 29 1.67 100 37.08 64 17.78 28 2.22 99 37.22 63 17.22 27 2.78 98 36.67 62 16.67 26 3.33 97 36.11 61 16.11 2 3.89 96 35.55 60 Tass 24 4.44 95 35 59 15 23 5 94 34.44 58 14.44 22 Doe 93 33.89 aye 13.89 21 6.11 92 33.33 56 13.33 20 6.67 91 32.78 55 12.78 19 t.22 90 $2 22 54 12.22 18 7.78 89 31.67 53 11.67 Ly 8.33 88 obit 52 Lik 16 8.89 87 30.55 51 10.55 15 9.44 86 30 50 10 14 10 85 29.44 49 9.44 13 10.55 84 28.89 48 8.89 12 EESEL 83 28.33 47 8.33 11 LE6z 82 27.78 46 7.78 10 12.22 81 OT 22. 45 Tone 9 12.78 80 26.67 44 6.67 8 13.33 79 26.11 43 6.11 7 13.89 78 25.55 42 5.55 6 14.44 7 25 41 5 5 15.00 76 24.44 40 4.44 4 15.55 to 23.89 39 3.89 3 16.11 74 20.00 38 3.33 2 16.67 73 PARTE 37 2.78 Li 17.22 72 22:22 36 By. 0 17.78 71 21.67 35 1GZ —t 18.33 70 Zeit 34 qa BE 2 18.89 69 20.55 Shes 0.55 3 19.44 To convert deg. Fahrenheit to corresponding deg. Centigrade: — Subtract 32, multiply difference by 5, and divide by 9. Hzxample: Which degree Centigrade corresponds to 110° F.? 110—382= 78; 78 X 5 = 890; 390 + 9 = 43.33. To convert deg. Centigrade to corresponding deg. Fahrenheit: Multiply by 9, divide product by 5, and add 32 to quotient. Example: Which degree Fahrenheit corresponds to 95.5° C.? 95.5 x9= - 859.5; 859.56 + 56= 171.9: 171.9 + 32 = 203.6. Appendia. 285 Table XV. Comparison of metric and customary weights and measures. ae ad ee Equivalents in enti Melghis Equivalents in measures. metric system. measures. customary system PANCH23..cscrs-0 2.54 centimeters. 1 meter............|89.37 inches. UT a el ee .3048 meter. 1 meter............ 1.0936 yards. ti a eee 1.6094 kilometers. 1 kilometer....... .6214 mile. 1 square inch..| 6.452 sq. centimeters. || 1 sq. centimeter} .155 sq. inch. 1 square foot..| 9.29 sq. decimeters. 1 square meter..|10.764 sq. feet. I square yard.| .836 sq. meter. 1 square meter..| 1.196 sq. yards. WAGES 35505 ex .4047 hectare. Ihectare ......:.: 2.471 acres. 1 cubic inch...|16.3887 ce. 1 hs ci fe re data .061 cubic inch. 1 cubic foot....| .0283 cub. meter. 1 cub.decimeter|61.023 cubic inches. 1 cubic yard...| .765 cub. meter 1 cub. meter..... 35.314 cub. feet. 1 bushel......... .3952 hectoliter 1 hectoliter...... 2.8377 bushels. 1 fluid ounce ..|29.57 ec. WEES th (Oia ys .0338 fluid ounce. EUAL i cacces osc: .946-4 liter. eliberat. jos .cc.s: 1.0567 quarts. LPAI OTM cctiens 3.7854 liters. 1 decaliter........) 2.6417 quarts. ae eae 64.8 milligrams. Ly? i 15.48 grains. 1 ounce (av. )../28.35 grams. ed a .035274 ounce. 1 pound (av.)| .4536 kilogram. 1 kilogram....... 2.2046 pounds (av. Table XVI. Specific Gravity and Weight of one Gallon of Cream, in Pounds, arranged eee to the per cent. of fat. Percent | Specific Weight of Por ania eeeiete | Weight of of fat | gravity onegallon, of fat | gravity | one gallon in cream | of cream | lbs. imecream of cream | lbs. - ———— - — | Geet; “E056 8.6391 || 35 | 0.9963 8.3076 10 | 1.0243 8.5417 . | 36 =| ~=0.9952 8.2985 15 1.0186 8.4938 of, | = 0.9941 8.2894 16 GPO Wi: 2a Bee so a 3 | 0.9930 | 8.2804 17 1.0163 | 8.4749 39.4 0.9919 8.2714 18 VO152 "=| <8 .4054 | | 40 | 0.9908 8.2624 196-1 SIOLA0 8.4560 41 | 0.9897 8.2534 20 1.0129 8.4465 | 42 0.9886 | 8.2444 21 1.0118 8.4372 43 | 0.9875. | 8.2354 22 1.0107 8.4278 44 0.9864 8.2265 23 1.0096 Si4184. | 45 0.9854 8.2176 24 1.0085 8.4090 46 0.9843 8.2087 25 -| 1.0073 | 8.3997 47 0.9832 | 8.1998 26 | 1.0062 8.3905 48 | 0.9821 8.1909 27 1.0051 8.3812 ce Seer Meas od 8.1821 28 1.0040 8.3719 50 0.9801 8.1733 29 | 1.0029 8.3626 51 0.9790 8.1646 30 | 1.0017 8.35384 — 52 0.9780 | 8.1558 31 | 1.0006 8.3443 53 0.9770 | 8.1470 32 | 0.9995 | 8.3352 54 | 0.9760 8.1382 33. | 0.9984 8.3260 55 | ~=—s(0.9749 8.1294 34 | 0.9973 | 83168 | 286 Testing Milk and Its Products. SUGGESTIONS regarding the organization of co-operative Ccreameries and cheese factories. Whea the farmers of a neighborhood are considering the establishment of a creamery or cheese factory, they should first of all make an accurate canvas of the locality to ascertain the number of cows that can be depended on to supply the factory with milk. The area which may be drawn from will vary . according to the kind of factory which it is desired to operate. A successful separator creamery will need at least 400 cows within a radius of four to five miles from the proposed factory.? Small cheese factories can be operated with less milk, and * gathered-cream and butter factories generally cover a much larger territory than that mentioned. In all cases, however, the question of the number of cows contributing to the enter- prise must be fully settled before further steps are taken, since this is a point upon which success will largely depend. Methods of organization. The farmers should form their own organization, and not accept articles of agreement proposed by traveling agents. An agreement tosupply milk from a stated number of cows should be signed by all expecting to join. the association. When a sufficient number of cows has been pledged to insure the successful operation of a factory, the farm- ers agreeing to supply milk should meet and form an organi- zation. This may be done according to either of the following plans which have been known to give good satisfaction. Raising money for building and equipment. First.—Each member will sign an agreement to pay on or before a given date for a certain number of shares in the com- PAY Ab. sh coses dollars per share; or, Second.—An elected board of directors may be authorized to - borrow a sum of money not exceeding......... thousand dollars on their individual responsibility, and the sum of......... cents, (usually five cents) per hundred pounds of milk.received at the factory shall be reserved for the payment of this borrowed money. - 1 Bull. 56, Wisconsin experiment station. Appendiz. 287 Constitution and by-laws of a co-operative association are drawn up and signed by the prospective members of the association when it has been determined to form such an association. It is impossible to include in an illustration all the articles and rules that may be found useful in each particular instance; the following suggestions in regard to some of the points to be in- cluded in the documents are given as a guide only. It may be found advisable to modify them in various ways to meet the needs of the organization to be formed. After the constitution and by-laws have been drawn up and made plain to all the members of the association, they should be printed and copies distributed to all parties interested. CONSTITUTION OR ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT OF THE....wese..ees ASSOCIATION. ! 1, The undersigned, residents within the Counties of......... : State of............ , hereby agree to become members of the....... ss Co-operative Association, which is formed for the purpose of manufacturing butter or cheese from whole milk. 2. The regular meetings of the association shall be held an- nually on the............ day of the month of.................. Special meetings may be called by the president, or on written request of one-third of the members of the association, provided three day’s notice of such meeting is sent to all members. Meetings of the board of directors may be called in the same way, either by the president or by any two members of the board of directors. ; 3.. Ten members of the association, or three of the board of directors, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-_ ness. 4. The officers of the association shall include president, sec- retary, treasurer, one of whom is also elected manager, and these officers together with three other members of the associa- +The following publications have been freely used in preparing this constitution and by-laws: Woll, Handbook f. Farmers and Dairymen; Minn. experiment station, bull. No. 35; Ontario Agricultural College, special bulletin, May 1897. See also Iowa exp, station, bull. No. 139. 288 | Testing Milk and Its Products. tion shall constitute the board of directors. Each of these six officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and hold office for one year, or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Any vacancies in the board of directors may be filled by the directors until the next annual meeting of the association. 5. The duties of the president shall be to preside at all meet- ings of the association, and perform the usual duties of such ~ presiding officers. He shall sign all drafts and documents of any kind relating to the business of the association, and pay all money which comes into his possession by virtue of his office, to the treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. He shall call special meetings of the association when deemed necessary. In the absence of the president, one of the board of directors shall temporarily fill the position. 6. The secretary shall attend all business meetings of the association and of the board of directors and shall keep a care- ful record of the minutes of the meetings. He shall also give notices of all meetings and all appointments on committees, ete. Heshall’sign all papers issued, conduct the correspond- ence and general business of the association, and keep a correct financial account between the association anditsmembers. He shall have charge of all property of the association not other- wise disposed of, give bonds for the faithful performance of his duties, and receive such compensation for his services as the board of directors may determine. 7. The treasurer shall receive and give receipt for all money belonging to the assuciation, and pay out the same upon orders signed by the president and the secretary. He shall give such bonds as the board of directors may require. , 8. The board of directors shall audit the accounts of the association, invest its funds, appoint agents, and determine all compensations. They shall prescribe and enforce the rulesand regulations of the factory. They shall cause to be kept a rec- ord of the weights and tests of the milk or cream received from each patron, ee products sold, the running expenses, ete., and shall divide among the patrons the money due them each month. They shall alsomake some provision for the with- Appendix. - 289 drawal of any member from the association, and make a re- port in detail to the association at the annual meeting. Such report shall include the gross amount of milk handled during the year, the receipts from products sold, and all other re- ceipts, the amounts paid for milk and for running expenses, and a complete statement of all other matters pertaining to the business of the association. 9. Among the rules and regulations to be enforced by the baard of directors may be included some or all of the follow- ing: a. Patrons shall furnish all the milk from the cows prom- ised at organization of the association. b. Only sweet and pure milk will be accepted at the fac- tory, and any tainted or sour milk shall be refused. -e. The milk of each patron shall be tested at least three times a month. d. Any patron proved to be guilty of watering, skimming or otherwise adulterating the milk sent to the factory, or by taking more than 80 pounds of skim milk or whey for every 100 pounds of whole milk delivered to the factory, shall be fined as agreed by the association. e. A patron’s premises may be inspected at any time by the board of directors, or their authorized agent, for the pur- pose of suggesting improvements in the methods of caring for the milk or the cows, in drainage and general cleanli- ness; or to secure samples of the milk of his cows for ex- amination when it is deemed necessary. 10. Any changes or amendments to the by-laws or consti- tution of the association must be made in writing by the parties proposing the same, and posted prominently in a con- spicuous place at the creamery, at least two weeks previous to their being acted upon. Such changes to be in force must be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the stockholders. 11. In voting at any annual or special meeting of the asso- ciation, the members shall be entitled to one vote for each cow supplying the milk to the factory, or for each share of the stock owned by them, as agreed upon. INDEX - The figures refer to pagés in the dook. Acid bottle, Swedish, 47. Acid measures, 31, 47, 54. Acid tester, Swedish, 67. Acidimeter, Devarda’s, 124. Acidity of cream, 125, 129; esti- mation of, 135. 5 Acidity of milk, cause of, 119; de- termination of, 132; methods of testing, 120. Acidity pellets, 125. Adulteration of milk, 111, 115, 244; calculation of, 115. -Adulterated butter, 240, cheese, 245. Albumen, 14; determination of, in milk, 225. Albuminoids, 138. Albumose, 14. Alkaline tablet test, 124; stand- ard solution of, 126; accuracy, 128. * Alkaline tabs, 136. American cheddar cheese, 21. Ames method for determining water in butter, 237. Amphoteric reaction of milk, 119. Amyl alcohol, use in cream test- ing, 88. Analysis, chemical, of butter, 231; butter milk, 228; cheese, 2438; condensed milk, 229; cream, 228; milk, 217 ; skim milk, 228; whey, 228. Appendix, 259. Artificial butter, detection of, 240. Ash, determination of, in butter, 2382; in cheese, 244; in milk, 227. 242; | Babcock glassware, standard, spe- cifications for, 258. Babcock test, the, 4, 28; Bart- lett’s modification, 72; direc- tions for, 29; discussion of de- tails; 305. for -butter; 96; for butter milk, 94; for cheese, 97; for condensed milk, 98; for cream, 75, 180; for ice-cream, 100; for skim milk, 90; for whey, 94; glassware used in, 37; modifications of, 71; scales for weighing cream, cheese, etc., 80, 233 ; water to be used in, 68. Babcock testers, 54; electrical, 63 ; hand testers, G0; power testers, 61; steam turbine, 61. Bartleti’s modification of Babtock test, 48, 72. Bausch and Lomb centrifuge, 72. Beimling test, 5. Bi-carbonate of soda, detection of, ray bs Bi-chromate of potash, 108, 168; solution of, 108. Blended milk, 254. Board of health degrees, 106. Boiled milk, detection of, 249. Boiling test, the, 242. Boraciec acid in dairy products, TSG; cols Borax in dairy products, 251. Butter, artificial, 12; detection of, 240. Butter chart, 278; use of, 197: Butter, 20; Babcock test for, 196; chemical analysis of, 281; com- plete analysis in same sample, 292 232; composition of, 21, 258; creamery methods of estimating water in, 233; definition, 255; determination of ash, 232; case- in23ds fat, Jers salt-2o0,250% water, 231; rapid estimation of water, 283; Ames method, 237; Cornell test, 287; Dean’s meth- od, 237; Gray’s method, 2385; Irish test, 287 ; Mitchell-Walker test, 236; Patrick’s method, 236; Wisconsin high-pressure oven method, 238; process, 255: renovated, 255; sampling for analysis, 95, 231; scales for weighing, 81, 233; standard, 255; variations in composition, 188; yield, calculation of, 187. Butter fat, amount due, at 12-25 cents per Ib., 272; conversion factor for, 196; definition, 255; Testing Milk and Its Products. milk, 3, 226; Hart's method, 226. Centrifugal machines, 54. Chamberland filters, 14. Cheddar cheese, American, 21; composition, 258. Cheese, 21; Babcock test for, 97; calculating yield of, from casein and fat, 201; from fat, 199; from solids not fat and fat, 200; composition, 21, 258; chemical analysis of, 243; definitions, 256; determination of ash, 244; casein, 243; fat, 243; water, 243; “‘filled,’’ detection of, 244; quality of, from milk of differ- ent richness, 211; sampling, 97; standard, 256; yield, calculation of, 199; yield of, from milk with 2.5 to 6 per cent. fat and lactometer readings from 26 to determination of specific grav- 36, 281; yield of, and quality of ity, 240; volatile fatty acids, milk, relation between, 200. specific gravity, 38; determin- dends at, 213 ; co-operative, 216, ation, 241; standard, 255; test 285; proprietary, 215. and yield of butter, 187. Cholesterin in milk, 18. Citric acid in milk, 18. Cleaning solution for test bottles, 43. Cleaning test bottles, 40; appa- ratus for, 41, 44. Cochran’s test, 5. Coloring matter in milk, detection Butter making, quantities of prod- ucts obtained in, 21. Butter milk, 21; Babcock test for, 94; chemical analysis of, 228; composition, 258; definition, 255; specific gravity, 229. of, 247. Calculation of adulteration of Colostrum milk, 18; composition milk, 115; of concentration of of. 258. condensed milk, 230; of milk Combined acid bottle, 47. solids, 109; of overrun, 195; of Composite samples, 151; care of, sp. gr. of milk solids, 113; of 170; case for holding, 166; yield of butter, 187, 196, 197; methods of taking, 160; pre- of cheese, 199; of dividends at servatives for, 167. creameries, 203; at cheese fac- Composite sampling, accuracy of, tories, 213; of percentages, 172. 167; use of drip sample, 162; Calibration of glassware, 48; McKay sampler, 165; Michels’ Trowbridge method, 51. cream sampling tube, 165; one- Carbohydrates, 15. third sample pipette, 166; Sco- Casein, 138; determination of, in vell sampling tube, 163; tin dip- butter, 231; in cheese, 243; in per, 160. Index. Composition of butter, 258; but- ter milk, 258; cheese, 258; col- ostrum milk, 258; condensed milk, 258 ; cream, 258; milk, 18, 258; milk ash, 17; skim milk, 258; whey, 258. Condensed milk, 22; analysis of, 229; composition of, 258; de- termination of concentration, 230; of sp. gr. of, 230; testing of, 98. Control samples of milk, 111. Conversion factor for butter fat, 196. Conversion tables for thermome- ter scales, 282; for weights and measures, 284. Cornell test for determining water in butter, 2387. Cows, number of tests required in testing, 147; single, sampling milk of, 150; when to test, 149. Cream, 19, 228; acidity of, 125, 129; Babcock test for, 75, 180; bottles, 79; care in sampling, necessity of, 182; clotted, 255; definition, 255 ; determination of acidity of, 125, 185; errors of measuring in testing, 76; evap- orated, 255; fat in 1 to 1000 lbs., testing 12 to 50 per cent., 270; gelatin in, detection of, 249; overrun, 194; pasteurized, detection of, 248; scales, 80; separator, 19; gathering and sampling, 185; separation of, influence of temperature, 185; sour, determination of acidity, 125; spaces, 176; specific grav- ity, 77, 102; standard, 255; starch in, 250; testing, 75; eliminating meniscus in, 87; testing outfit, 181; testing at creameries, 176; tests, correct readings of, 85, 87; use of 5 cc. pipette in sampling, 86; use of milk test bottles, 84; test bot- tles, 79; weight of, delivered by 293 17.6 cc. pipette, 77; weight of Pega 285; Creameries, calculating dividends at, 203; co-operative, 205, 285; cream testing at, 176; proprie- tary, 204. Creamery inch, 1, 177. Curd test, the Wisconsin improved, 137. Dean’s method for determining water in butter, 2387. Definitions of milk and its prod- ucts, 254. DeLaval’s butyrometer, 8. Devarda's acidimeter, 124. Diameter of tester and speed re- quired, relation between, 57. Dividends, calculating at cheese factories, 215; at creameries, 205; of both milk and cream at the same factory, 211. Dividers, use of, 37. Double-necked test bottles, 92; value of divisions of, 93. Draining-rack for test bottles, 42. Eichler’s Siiurepillen, 125. I.xpansion coefficient of butter fat. 36. Failyer and Willard’s test, 4. Farrington’s alkaline tablet test, 124. Fat, 11; color of, an index to strength of acid used, 67; con- tent, causes of variation in, 146; determination of, in butter, 231 ; in cheese, 244; in milk, 221; globules, 11; Gottlieb’s method for determining, 222; influence of temperature on separation of, 69 ; measuring of, in cream test- ing, 86; in milk testing, 35; pounds in 1-10,000 Ibs. of milk, testing, 3 to 5.35 per cent., 266; speed required for complete sep aration of, 59. 294 Fat-saturated alcohol, use _ in cream testing, 88. Fermentation test, the, 139. Filled cheese, detection of, 245. “Titch’s Salt Analysis,’ 239. Fjord’s centrifugal cream test, 8. Fluorids, detection of, 252. Food, influence of on quality of milk, 144, 146, 150. Food standards, Government, 254. Fool pipettes, 46. IFormaldehyd, detection of, 252. Frozen milk, sampling of, 27. Gauges of cream, 176. Gelatine in cream, detection of, BIO; Gerber’s acid-butyrometer, 7; fer- mentation test, 139. Glassware used in the Babcock test, 37; calibration of, 48. Globulin, 15. Glycerids of fatty acids, 18. Glymol, use in cream testing, 88. Goat cheese, 14. Gottlieb method, the, 222. Government food standards, 254. Gray’s test for water in butter, 235. Grain-feeding, heavy, influence of, on quality of milk, 155. Hand separator cream, gathering and sampling, 185. Hand testers, 60. Hart’s test for casein 226: Hemi-albumose, 14. Herd milk, variations in, 153; ranges in variations of, 154. tiydrostatic balance, 82. Ilypoxanthin, 18. in milk, Ice-cream, test of, 100; definitions, 255; apparatus for ing overrun, 101. _Immersion refractometer, for detection of watered milk, 245. determin- use of Testing Milk and Its Products. Introduction, 1. Iowa station test, 5. Irish test for water in butter, 237. Kumiss, 256. Lactie acid in milk, 16. Lactocrite, 5, 7. Lactose, 15. Lactochrome, 18. Lactometer, the, and its applica tion, 102 ; bi-chromate, influence on, 108; cleaning of, 108; de- grees, 101; — N2 (XY... beards health, 106, 261; Quevenne, 103; reading the, 106; testing accuracy of, 108; time of tak- ing readings, 107. Lecithin in milk, 18. Leffmann and Beam test, 5. Legal standards for milk, 112, 259. Liebermann’s method, 5. Macroscopic impurities in milk, 250. Manns’ test, 121; testing outfit, 124. Marschall acid test, 1381; rennet test, 141. es McKay sampling tube, 165. Measuring fat column in testing cream, 86, 87; in testing milk, aoe Mercury, calibration with, 51; cleaning, 52. Metric and customary systems of weights and measures, compar- ison of, 284. Michels’ cream sampling tube, 165. Milk, acidity of, 119, 1382; albu- . men in, 12; adulteration of, 111; amphoteric reaction of, 119; ash, composition of, 17; blended, definition, 254; boiled, detection of, 249; casein in, 18; chemical analysis of, 217; cholesterin in, 18; churned, sampling of, 24; citric acid in, - 18; colostrum, 18; composition Index. 295 of, 100->38,- 258), composite sampling of, 160 ; condensed, 22, 98, 258; correction table for specific gravity, 262; defini- tions, 254; detection of coloring matter, 247; of preservatives, 135, 251; determination of acid- ity, 132; of ash, 227; of casein and albumen, 223; of fat, 221; of milk sugar, 226; of solids, 221; of specific gravity, 217; of water, 220; fat in, 11; from cows in heat, 112; from sick cows, 112: from single cows, sampling of, 150; variations in, 142; frozen, sampling of, 27; gases, 18; hypoxanthin, 18 ; lac- tochrome, 18; lactose, 15; Icci- thin, 18; legal standards, 112, 259; macroscopic impurities, 250; mineral components, 17; partially churned, sampling of, 24; pasteurized, detection, 248 ; preservatives, detection, 136, 251; quality of, influence of food, 155; of heavy grain feeding, 155; of pasture, 156; method of improving, 158; sampling, 23, 29; scale, Richmond’s, 110; seales, 150; serum, 10; skim- ming, 116; solids, 10; calcula- tion of, 109; specific gravity of, 113; souring of, 15; sour, sam- pling of, 26; standards, 112, 254; sugar, 15; tests for adul- teration: nitric acid test, 245; sp. gr. of skim milk, milk serum, or whey, 247; testing on the farm, 142; testing purity of, 137 ; urea, 18; water, 11 ; water- ing of, 116; detection of, by re- fractometer, 245; watering and ~ skimming, 117. Milk test, a practical, need of, 1; requirements of, 6; bottle, use of, in testing cream, 84; Rus- sian, 71. Milk tests, Babcock, 4, 6; Beim- ling (Leffmann and Beam), 5; Cochran, 5; DeLaval butyrome- ter, 8; Failyer and Willard, 4; Fjord, 8; foreign, 7; Gerber acid-butyrometer, 7; introduc- tion of, 4; lactocrite, 5, 7; Lie- bermann, 5; Lindstrom, 9; Nahm, 5: Parson, 4: Patrick (Iowa station test), 5; Rose- Gottlieb, 5, 222; sal-method, 5; Schmied, 5; Short, 4; sin-acid, 7: Thorner, 5; Wollny refracto- meter, 9. Milk products, composition of, 19; 258. Monrad rennet test, the, 140. Milk testing, 28; on the farm, 142. Mitchell-Walker test, 286. Nahm’s test, 5. NX. Y. board of health lactometer, 105; degrees corresponding to Quevenne . lactometer degrees, °61. Nitric acid test for adulteration of milk, 245. Non-fatty milk solids, 10. Normal solutions, 121. Nuclein, 14. Official tests of cows, 150. Vil-test churn, 2, 177. Oleomargarine, detection of, 240, 242; cheese, detection of, 245; tests for artificial coloring mat- ter in, 243. One-third sampling pipette, use of, 166. Organization of co-operative cream- eries and cheese factories, sug- gestions concerning, 285. Overrun, 190; calculation of, 195; factors influencing, 190; table, 199, 280; from cream, 194; from milk, 190. Parsons’ test, 5. Pasteurized milk or cream, detec- tion of, 248. 296 Pasture, influence on quality of milk, 156. Patrick’s test, 5; method for de- termining water in butter, 236. Percentages, average, methods of calculation, 172 ; fallacy of aver- aging, 171. Phenolphtalein, 122. Physician’s centrifuge, use of, in milk testing, 72. Pipettes, 30. 45; proper construc- tion of points, 45; proper meth- od of emptying, 31; calibration, 54. Pooling system, 3. Potassium bi-chromate, 168. Power testers, 61. Preservaline, 185, 251; detection Of in milks 130; 2512 Preservatives, for composite sam- ples, 167; in milk, detection of, 135, 251. Primost, 14. Process butter, detection of, 242. Proteose, 14. Quevenne lactometer, the, 106; degrees corresponding to scale of N. Y. board of health lactome- tersalOG. 2618 Readings of cream tests, 86; of milk tests, 35. Recknagel’s phenomenon, 107. Refractometer, Wollny, 9; immer- sion, use of for detection of watered milk, 245. Reichert number, 242. Reichert-Wollny method, 241. Relative-value tables, 209, 274. Rennet tests, 140. Renovated butter, detection of, 242; boiling test, 242; Water- house test, 242. Reservoir for water in Babcock test, 70. Richmond’s milk scale, 110. Rése-Gottlieb’s method, 5, 222. Russian milk test, the, 71. Testing Milk and Its Products. Salicylic acid, detection of, 252. Salt, estimation in butter, 239. Sampling cheese, 97 ; milk, 28, 29; milk from single cows, 150. Sampling tube, for cream, 181; McKay, 165; Michels, 165; Sco- Seales for weighing cream, 30; milk, 150. Schmied method, the, 5. Scovell sampling tube, 163. Serum solids, 10. Short’s test, 4. Siegfeld’s modification of Babcock test, 72. Sinking fund, 209. Separator cream, 19. Skimming of milk, detection of, ENG: Skim milk, 19; Babcock test for, 90; chemical analysis of, 228; composition of, 258; condensed, 255; definition, 255; sp. gr., 102; test bottles, 92. Solids not fat, 10; formulas for calculating 110; tables show- ing, corresponding to 0-6 per cent. fat and 26-86 lactometer degrees, 263. Sour milk, sampling, 26; analysis, 228. Space system, the, 176. Specific gravity, 102; cylinders, 1038, 107; influence of tempera- ture, 104; of butter fat, deter- mination of, 240; of butter milk, 229; of condensed milk, 230; of milk, 217; of milk solids, 118; of sour milk, 229; temperature correction table, 262. Speed required for complete sepa- ration of fat, 57; ascertaining necessary speed in Bagcock test, 59. Spillman’s cylinder, 131. Standard measure for calibrating test bottles, 50. Standards for Babcock glassware, PAM (on PAT KC Index. Standards of purity, Government. for milk and its products, 254. Starch in cream, 250. Steam turbine testers, 61. Stokes’ acidity pellets, 125. Storch’s test, 248. Sulfuric acid, 64; table showing strength of, 67 ; testing strength of, 65. Sweetened condensed milk, Bab- cock test for, 99. Swedish acid bottle, 47. Swedish acid tester, 67. Tank for cleaning test bottles, 43. Temperature of turbine testers, 36; of fat when tests are read, 36; of milk, influence on tests, 152. Test bottles, 30, 38; apparatus for cleaning, 41, 44; calibration, 48; cleaning, 41; cream, 79; draining-rack for, 42; marking, 39; skim milk, 92; rack for use in creameries and cheese facto- ries, 166; tank for cleaning, 43. Testers, 54; ascertaining speed of, 58; electrical, 63; hand, 60; power, 61. Testing cows, number of tests re- quired during a period of lacta- tion, 147. Testing milk and its products, 1; on the farm, 142. Test sample, size of, 153. Tests of cows, official, 150. Thermometer scales, comparison of, 282. Thorner’s method, 5. Total solids in milk, 10; determi- nation, 221. Trowbridge method of calibration, 49. Turbine testers, 61; hot, errors in, 36. 297 Volatile acids in butter fat, de- termination, 241. Wagner skim milk bottle, 94. Waste acid jar, 40. Water, calibration with, 48; deter- mination of, in butter, 231, 233; in cheese, 248; in milk, 220; reservoir for, 70; to be used in the Babcock test, 69. Waterhouse test, 2438. Watering of milk, detection of, 116; watering and skimming, de- tection of, 117. Weights and measures, comparison of metric and customary, 284. Westphal balance, 219. Whey, 22; Babcock test for, 94; chemical analysis, 228 ; composi- tion, 258; definition, 256. Winton cream bottle, the, io Wisconsin creamery butter, sum- mary of analyses, 189. Wisconsin curd test, the improved, 137. Wisconsin high-pressure oven test, for water in butter, 238. Wollny refractometer, 9. World's Fair breed tests, compo- Sition of butter from, 188; vari- ation in quality of milk, 153. Yield of butter, calculation of, _ 187, and butter fat test, 187; from different grades of milk, 192; table showing, from 1 to 10,000 lbs. of milk, testing 3 to 5.38 per cent., 278. Yield of cheese, calculation of, 199; relation between, and qual- ity of milk, 200; table showing, corresponding to 2.5 to 6 per cent. of fat, with lactometer readings of 26 to 36, 281. SEE AND TRY A DE LAVAL SEPARATOR We cannot believe that there is a sensible man _ living who would purchase any other than a DE LAVAL Cream Separator for his own use if he would but see and try an improved DE LAVAL machine before buying. It is a fact that 99% of all separator buyers who do see and ‘try a DE LAVAL machine be- = fore buying purchase the DE LAVAL and will have no other. The 1% who do not buy the DE LAVAL are those who allow themselves to be influenced by something other than real genuine separator merit. Every responsible person who wishes it may have the Free Trial of a DE LAVAL machine at his own home without advance payment or any obligation what. soever. Simply ask the DE LAVAL agent in your nearest town or write to the Company direct. The De Laval Separator Co. 165-167 Broadway, NEW YORK 42 E. Madison St., CHICAGO THE “FACILE’’ Iron Frame Babcock Milk Testers qe | q i | Tl 2 | ay i > ie ) 8) Mite &, HD an VG y pe = Ss ‘] Lh \ | WAS Pn, ZS | j FACILE JR. TESTER Two Bottle FACILE JR. TESTER Four Bottle FACILE STEAM TUR- BINE TETTER 36 Bottle FACILE STEAM TURBINE TESTER FACILE HAND TESTER 24 Bottle Sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 Bottle D. H. Burrell & Co., Little Falls, N. Y. Creamery, Cheese Factory and Dairy Apparatus and Supplies SEND FOR CATALOGUE Testing Specialties We furnish everything for the commercial testing of milk and its products. No other concern makes so varied a “line. Among our specialties we describe the following: ‘ Wizard Turbine Babcock Tester _Made for factory use. Enclosed case; top turbine 7 inches in diameter in separate compartment ; center spindle has bearings at both ends; friction brake for stopping ; all wearing parts re- newable. Made for six and nine inch bottles, 24, 32 and 40 bottles in each size, six sizes in all. Cast iron stand furnished if wanted. 20th Century Hand Babcock Tester For dairy use and where steam pressure is not available; en- closed case; long center spindle with two bearings; top drive; wearing parts renewable; noiseless cut gears; made in 6° 83. 10; 12, and 24 bottle sizes for 6 in. (regular bottles) and in 24 bottle size for 9 in. bottles. We also furnish this tester in aluminum for travelers’ use. Electric Drive Babcock Tester Same as Wizard and 20th Century tester except that it is driven by electric motor mounted on top of case. Furnished in any regular size, and with motor as required according to the current used. ‘Official’? Hand Babcock Tester For dairymen and travelers. Made to clamp to table or bench or may be permanently fastened with screws; bottles set in deep brass pockets; noiseless cut spur and worm drive. Made in two and four bottle sizes. Hart Casein Test Hand power, similar to 20th Century tester; made for six and twelve tubes. Furnished with all necessary equipment. Farrington Moisture Test Wisconsin High Pressure Oven principle. Two styles of oven furnished; the Farrington tests from two samples upward at one time; Farrington Junior tests a single sample. The Ames Moisture Test Paraffine method. Complete outfit consists of jacketed par- affine container, aluminum sample cup; high reading thermom- eter and stand. C. P. Salt Test A simple, practical and accurate test for the per cent. of salt in butter. Furnished complete with full directions for use. For circulars and prices on the above and other testing ap- paratus mention this book and address The Creamery Package Mfg. Co. 61-67 West Kinzie Street, Chicago, Illinois OLD Standards « NEW Standards It is of no importance to you who made the best Rennet Extract years ago, but who is making it TODAY, and our Mr. A. J. Marschall, the inventor of the Rennet Test and Acid Test bearing his name, has improved every step in the manufacture, so that ours is greatly superior to all other brands. NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW, CHICAGO, 1910 : FIRST PRIZE American Cheese Brick Cheese NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW, CHICAGO, 1911 FIRST PRIZE American Cheese Brick Cheese Limburger Cheese NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW, CHICAGO, 1912 : FIRST PRIZE American Cheese Brick Cheese Limburger Cheese All this PRIZE CHEESE made with The Marschall Rennet Extract WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND ONLY UP-TO-DATE AND SANITARY REN- NET FACTORY IN AMERICA, AND THE ‘QUALITY OF OUR RENNET AND COLOR HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED The Marschall Dairy Laboratory MADISON, WISCONSIN Chr. Hansen’s Laboratory HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRY PREPARATIONS UNEQUALLED IN PURITY AND STRENGTH Chr. Hansen’s Danish Rennet Extract Chr. Hansen’s Danish Cheese Color VEGETABLE BUTTER COLOR and LACTIC FERMENT CULTURE RENNET TABLETS AND CHEESE COLOR TABLETS FOR CHEESE-MAKING ON THE FARM JUNKET CREAM TABLETS for Ice Cream Manufacturers JUNKET TABLETS for Dainty Desserts JUNKET BRAND COLORS and FLAVORS pepe BRAND BUTTERMILK TABLETS NESNAH, the New Milk Dessert Chr. Hansen’s Laboratory Box 1140 Little Falls, N. Y. Torsion Balance Enclosed Butter Print Scale for Verifying Butter Prints Style No. 779 Metal case and weight plate White Enameled. Lower side beam graduated to 16 ozs. by % oz; upper side beam operating from the center by ss oz. on either side. Sensitive to 10 grains, Arrest rod (knob in front of base), locks scale when not in use or when loading. Glass index on top of case. Porcelain plate 8x8". Measurements — Base-18%4" L.-7” W. Over all-2024 L.-844” W. 9” High. Write for our catalogue illustrating our full line of cream test and butter test scales. THE TORSION BALANCE COMPANY Manufacturers of Cream Test scales for 1, 2, 4 and 12 bottle work FACTORY AND SHIPPING ADDRESS: 147-9 Evghth St., JERSEY CITY, N. J. Office: 92 Reade St., NEW YORK CITY Cream - Weighing Scale FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE BABCOCK TEST | SCALE is especially designed for very accurate weighing of cream, but- ter and cheese. All bearings are agate; plates are porcelain; base and undercon- nections are galvanized, making a rust- proof scale. It has a side bar in front to balance the test bottle. and is provided with the necessary weights. Ba-e of scale 10 1-2 in. long; porcelain plates 3 in. square. PRICE $10.00 Manufactured 7 HENRY TROEMNER, 911 Arch St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. All Text and Reference Books used in American Dairy Schools MAY BE OBTAINED FROM Mendota Book Co. MADISON, WIS. SEE LIST ON FOLLOWING PAGE BOOKS The following books on dairying and related topics will be sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of the price given, Farrington-Woll, Testing Milk and _ Its Products, Twenty- -second ed. Madison, Wis., 1914, 304 pp.__ Woll, Handbook for Farmers and Dairymen. Fifth ed. New York, 1912, 488 pp Grotenfelt-Woll, Principles of Modern Dairy Practice. Third ed., revised. New York, 1910, Wing, Milk and Its Products. New ed., York; 1912. McKay-Larsen, Prienies and Practice of Butter Mak- ing. Second ed. New York, 1908, 351 pp Fleischmann, The Book of the Dairy. London and New York, 1896, 344 pp Snyder, Dairy Chemistry. New York, 1906, 190 pp.__ Meyer, Modern Butter-Making. Madison, Wis., 1910, 306° pp. Eckles, Dairy Cattle and Milk Production. 1911, 342 pp. Pe ee and White, Dairy Technology. » ) Michels, 1904, Dean, Cann ata Dairying. Toronto, 1903, 260 pp. Buea Dairy Bacteriology. Fifth ed. Madison, Wis., 1903, 214 Conn, Practical Dairy Bacteriology. 340 pp. Gurler, The Farm Dairy. Chicago, 1909, 164 pp Decker, Cheese Making. Rev. ed. by F. W. Woll. Madi- son, Wis., 1909, Winslow, The Production and Handling of Clean Milk. Second ed. New York, 1909, 207 pp Belcher, Clean Milk. New York, 1908, 146 p een ABC in Buttermaking. Winnetka, tll, Winnetka, Ill., 1900, Henry, Feeds and Feeding. 1910, 613. pp. Plumb, Types and Breeds of Farm Animals. New York, 1907, 56a app: Jensen, Essentials of Milk Hygiene.. Second ed. Phila- delphia, 1909, 275 pp Craig, Judging Live Stock. Tale Ou: King, Physics of Agriculture. Wis., 1907, 604 pp Boss, Instructions for Traction and Stationery Engi- neers. Minneapolis, 1906, 319 MENDOTA BOOK CO., Madison, Wisconsin ee eas a ale ae } < fas, —<_£_[="_ ee