DOLOGY - TEXT-BOOK OF COMPABATIVE ANATOMY BY DR. ARNOLD LANG u PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH FORMERLY RITTER PROFESSOR OF PHYLOGENY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF JENA WITH PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY PROFESSOR DR. ERNST HAECKEL, F.R.S. DIRECTOR OF THE ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN JENA TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY HENRY M. BERNARD, M.A. CANTAB. AND MATILDA BERNARD PART I. MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1891 A II rights reserved \M TRANSLATORS' PREFACE THIS translation of the first volume of Professor Lang's Lehrbuch der Fergleichende Anatomic may be considered as a second edition of the original work. Professor Lang kindly placed at our disposal his notes, collected for the purposes of emendation and expansion, and they have been duly incorporated in the text. We did not think it necessary to increase the size of the book by the addition of footnotes, either for the addition of new material where it seemed to us that the account might with advantage be fuller, or for calling attention to the opinions of other writers when these did not happen to agree with that expressed in the text. In one case a recent discovery (that of Jawarovski of antennae in the embryo of Trochosa) lent such sudden and unexpected support to the mor- phology of the Arachnoidea set forth in the text that attention was called to it in a footnote. In carrying out our work as translators we have kept as close to the original as the requirements of our own language would allow. How far we have succeeded must be decided by those who know by experience the difficulty of breaking down the long and weighty German sentences, and of rearranging their contents into readable English. We have endeavoured to steer a middle course between the too free use of periphrases which suits the German style, and the use of single technical terms which better suits the more concise English sentence. The former style has, we think, some advantages over the latter, so long as the multiplicity of words does not obscure the meaning. There can be no doubt that it appeals more directly to the understanding. The object of such a text-book as this is to vi COMPARATIVE ANATOMY enable an ordinarily intelligent reader to obtain a clear grasp of the facts and of their relation to one another; a knowledge of the technical terms is of secondary importance, and is easily acquired. We trust that this translation of the work of our friend and (in the case of one of us) former teacher, Professor Lang, will prove as useful to earnest students of biology in the English-speaking world as it has proved to ourselves. H. & M. B. JENA, 1891. PEEFACE BY PROFESSOR ERNST HAECKEL THE morphology of the animal body, which is the subject of the following excellent text-book, has been, during the last forty years, i.e. since the commencement of my academic career, the favourite object of my scientific labours. During these four decades no other science has undergone such profound and striking transformation. In the years 1852-1856, when I attended in Berlin and Wiirzburg the masterly anatomical and zoological lectures of Johannes Miiller, Albert Kolliker, and Franz Leydig, the study of comparative anatomy and of comparative histology had been brought into great prominence through Miiller's classical researches in the former, and Leydig's in the latter field. Oscar Schmidt's text-book of comparative anatomy which resulted from the transcription of. Johannes Miiller's summer lectures, and passed through eight editions, gives evidence of the stage then reached by that science. Upon this work the present text-book of Professor Arnold Lang is founded, as its ninth edition ; the present state arid needs of the science, however, compelled the new editor to rewrite the whole book on a much larger scale. Johannes Miiller, the great master in the domains of comparative anatomy and physiology, died in 1858, after having held sway as the leader in these sciences for more than quarter of a century. This very year 1858 saw the simultaneous publication by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace of their preliminary sketches of the Theory of Selection. The year after appeared the Origin of Species, which at one stroke ushered in, by means of this theory, a new epoch for the biological sciences. viii COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The theory of the mutual action and reaction of inheritance and adaptation in the struggle for existence clearly explained the forces at work in the production of biological phenomena. The facts them- selves had already been set out in their wonderful array, and com- parative anatomy had even arranged them with profound philosophical judgment, but no mechanical explanation of them was forthcoming. Thomas Huxley in England, and Carl Gegenbaur in Germany, by means of their well-known text-books of comparative anatomy, were the first to succeed in revealing in detail the important transformation which this mechanical explanation of morphological phenomena, by means of the new theory of descent, had brought about in the biological sciences. It was my happiness during the first twelve years of my occupancy of a University chair in Jena, i.e. from 1861 to 1873, to have Gegenbaur for my colleague and friend. My own attempts to give the theory of descent its widest application in those sciences which are comprised under the term biology owe muck to this stimulating intercourse, and are embodied in my works : Die G-enerelle M&rplwlogu (1866), Die Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte (1868, 8th ed. 1889), and Die Anthropogenic (1874, 4th ed. 1891). Oscar Schmidt's and Gegenbaur's text-books and my above-named works all issued from the University in the small Thuringian town of Jena, and from the same source has now appeared this text-book of Professor Arnold Lang, formerly my distinguished pupil, and after- wards and till quite recently my helpful colleague. Professor Lang has here successfully carried out the very difficult task of selecting the most important results from the bewildering mass of new material afforded by the extensive researches of the last decades, and of combining them with great judgment. Besides this he has, more than any former writer, utilised the comparative history of development in explaining the structure of the animal body, and has endeavoured always to give the phylogenetic significance of ontogenetic facts. Lastly, he has, by the clear systematic reviews of the various classes and orders which precede the anatomical account of each race, further facilitated the phylo- genetic comprehension of complicated morphological problems, his PREFACE BY PROFESSOR ERNST HAECKEL ix wisely chosen and carefully executed illustrations assisting materially in this result. It is therefore with great pleasure that I commend this book to the English student, in accordance with the wish expressed by my friend Professor Lang and his translators Mr. and Mrs. Bernard, and in the hope that the English translation will promote to as great an extent as the German original the wider study and better com- prehension of animal morphology, and will attract new students to this noble science. ERNST HAECKEL. JENA, 1891. AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO PART I1 WHEN requested by the publishers to undertake a new edition of Dr. Oscar Schmidt's Text-look of Comparative Anatomy, I found that this could only be done in one of two ways. Either the revision must be limited to trivial alterations, and to a different choice and a greater number of illustrations, or the book must be entirely re-written. I chose -the latter course, which the great advance made in zoological research seemed to render unavoidable. The result is the Text-book of Comparative Anatomy, the first part of which I now publish. In compiling the book I have endeavoured to do full justice to the numerous important results of the research of the last decades. I have been less anxious to supply a complete and detailed compendium of Comparative Anatomy than to emphasise those points which it seems to me are deserving of special attention. The present work in many respects exceeds the limits till now usually assigned to text-books of Comparative Anatomy. It contains, separated as far as possible from the portion devoted to the main subject, the elements of Compara- tive Embryology, which will perhaps not be unwelcome to many students. Following Oscar Schmidt's example, I have prefaced the Comparative Anatomy of the different animal races by short systematic reviews, which may be of use to the student of systematic zoology. The book had also to contain what was necesary for the zoological education of the medical student. All these parts, not necessarily belonging to the domain of Comparative Anatomy, and also many theoretical discussions, are distinguished from the rest by smaller print. 1 The first part consisted of the first four chapters of this volume. xii COMPARATIVE ANATOMY I have taken my own course as regards the arrangement and method of treating the material. I must naturally leave it to my fellow-zoologists to decide how far I have succeeded. I have given special care to the illustration of the book. It contains a large number of illustrations now for the first time accessible to the majority of students ; these I have, for the most part, myself adapted to the requirements of the text. I have to thank the practised hand of my pupil, the young scientific artist, Mr. Sokolofsky of Hamburg, for some particularly good illustrations. I owe my best thanks to my honoured publisher, Mr. Gustav Fischer, for his obliging courtesy. JENA, 1888. CONTENTS CHAPTER I THE CELL PAGE INTRODUCTION ........ 1 PROTOZOA Systematic Review ........ 4 1. PROTOPLASM ........ 13 2. ADAPTATIONS FOR LOCOMOTION . . . . . .14 3. MEMBRANES, SHELLS, SKELETAL FORMATIONS . . . .15 4. ADAPTATIONS FOR INGESTION OF FOOD . . . . .16 5. ADAPTATIONS FOR EXCRETION . . . . . . 17 6. TRICHOCYSTS ....... 17 7. STIGMATA (red eye-spots) . . . . . . .18 8. NUCLEI . . . . . . . . .18 9. REPRODUCTION . . . . . . . .18 Literature ......... 22 EGG CELLS, SPERM CELLS, FERTILISATION, SEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF THE METAZOA ...... 23 THE ANIMAL EGG ........ 25 THE EGG YOLK ........ 26 1. TYPES OF TELOLECITHAL EGGS ..... 27 2. TYPES OF CENTROLECITHAL EGGS .... 28 THE EGG ENVELOPES ....... 28 MALE REPRODUCTIVE CELLS, OR SPERMATOZOA .... 30 MATURATION OF THE EGG . . . . . . 31 FERTILISATION . . . . . . . 32 Literature ......... 34 TISSUE CELLS AND CELL TISSUE ...... 34 1. EPITHELIAL TISSUE . 36 xiv COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 2. CONNECTIVE TISSUE . 3. NEURO-MUSCULAR AND MUSCLE TISSUE 4. NERVE TISSUE .... Literature CHAPTEK II METAZOA INTRODUCTION ..... Zoopliyta or Ccelenterata Gastraeadse Review ........ Literature ......... Porifera Systematic Review ........ Literature ......... Cnidaria Systematic Review ........ 1. GENERAL ......... 2. THE BODY EPITHELIUM . . . . . . . 3. THE GASTRO-CANAL SYSTEM 4. MUSCULATURE . . . . . . . . 5. TENTACLES OF THE CNIDARIA, MARGINAL LOBES OF THE SCYPHOMEDUS.E 6. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ....... 7. THE SENSORY ORGANS ....... 8. SUPPORTING ORGANS, PROTECTIVE ORGANS, SKELETON . 9. FUNNEL CAVITIES (Septal Funnels); SUBGENITAL CAVITIES, SUBGENITAL CHAMBER . . . . . ... 10. THE SEXUAL ORGANS . . . . . 11. THE STRATIFICATION OF THE CNIDARIA BODY .... 12. REPRODUCTION ........ 13. ORGANISATION OF THE SIPHONOPHORA . . . . . 14. LIFE-HISTORY OF THE CNIDARIA, ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS Literature . . . . . . • . The fundamental law of Biogenesis — Egg segmentation and the development of the two primary germinal layers of the Metazoa (gastrulation) — The ontogeny of the Cnidaria . . . . . . Literature CONTENTS xv CHAPTER III PLATODES PAGE Systematic Review . . . . . . . .133 1. GENEKAL REMARKS . . . . . . .135 2. THE BODY FORM ........ 137 3. THE OUTER BODY EPITHELIUM . . . . .138 4. THE Gr ASTRO-CANAL SYSTEM . . . . . .138 5. SUPPORTING ORGANS, PASSIVE ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION . . 143 6. THE MUSCULATURE ....... 144 7. ORGANS OF ADHESION ....... 145 S. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ....... 146 9. THE SENSORY ORGANS . . . . . . .149 10. THE BODY PARENCHYMA ..... .151 11. THE EXCRETORY OR WATER- VASCULAR SYSTEM . . . .152 12. THE SEXUAL ORGANS ....... 154 13. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION AND ITS ORIGIN— THE ORGANISATION OF THE CESTODA ......... 163 14. ONTOGENY OF THE POLYCLADA ...... 167 15. THE LIFE-HISTORY OF THE TREMATODA . . . . .168 16. THE LIFE-HISTORY OF THE CESTODA ..... 171 THE INFLUENCE OF PARASITISM ON THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF ANIMALS ......... 172 STROBILATION AND SEGMENTATION . . . . . .175 Literature . . . . . . . . .176 CHAPTER IV VERMES Systematic Review . . . . . . . .178 1. FORM OF BODY AND OUTER ORGANISATION .... 186 2. THE INTEGUMENT ....... 191 3. THE DERMO-MUSCULAR TUBE ...... 193 4. THE PROBOSCIS OF THE NEMERTINA AND ACANTHOCEPHALA . . 197 5. THE INTESTINAL CANAL ....... 200 A. THE FORE-GUT ....... 201 B. THE MID-GUT ....... 205 C. THE HIND-GUT AND THE ANUS 209 xvi COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 6. THE BODY CAVITY, THE MUSCULATURE WHICH PASSES TRANSVERSELY THROUGH IT, THE DISSEPIMENTS AND MESENTERIES . 7. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM .... 8. SENSORY ORGANS ........ A. ORGANS OF TOUCH . . . B. EYES C. OLFACTORY ORGANS (Ciliated Organs) .... D. ORGANS OF TASTE (Cup-shaped Organs) .... E. LATERAL ORGANS . . . . . F. AUDITORY ORGANS ....... G. THE LATERAL EYES OF POLYOPHTHALMUS 9. EXCRETORY ORGANS— NEPHRIDIA ..... 10. RESPIRATORY ORGANS ....... 11. BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM . . . . 12. GENITAL ORGANS ........ 13. PARTHENOGENESIS . . . . . . . 14. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION BY GEMMATION AND FISSION . 15. STOCK FORMATION ....... 16. ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS ...... Literature CHAPTER V ARTHROPODA— ARTICULATA First Division— Crustacea Systematic Review ..... 1. OUTER ORGANISATION .... A. THE BODY . . B. THE EXTREMITIES .... C. THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS— GILLS 2. THE INTEGUMENT .... 3. THE MUSCULATURE . . 4. THE ENTERIC CANAL . . A. THE FORE-GUT .... B. THE MID-GUT .... C. THE HIND-GUT . . . 5. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM .... 6. THE SENSORY ORGANS .... A. EYES ..... B. OTHER SENSORY ORGANS . CONTENTS xvii PAGE 7. THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM AND THE BODY CAVITY . . . 358 8. EXCRETORY ORGANS (Antennal Glands, Shell Glands) . . 368 9. THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE .... .370 10. THE SEXUAL ORGANS . . .370 11. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM .... . 376 12. HERMAPHRODITISM IN THE CRUSTACEA . . . 381 13. PARTHENOGENESIS— CYCLIC REPRODUCTION . . . 382 14. ONTOGENY ........ 382 15. PHYLOGENY ........ 406 Literature . . . . • • • • . 411 FIRST APPENDAGE TO THE CRUSTACEA 1. Trilobites . . . . . . . . . .414 2. Gigantostraca ... .415 3. Hemiaspidse .... .416 4. Xiphosura ... .417 Literature .... .... 421 SECOND APPENDAGE TO THE CRUSTACEA Pantapoda ... .422 Literature . ..... 425 CHAPTER VI SECOND DIVISION OF THE AETHEOPODA Tracheata ......... 426 CLASS I. Protracheata ....... 427 Literature ......... 437 CLASS II. Antennata . . . . . . . .438 Systematic Review . . . . . . . .438 1. OUTER ORGANISATION ....... 443 A. THE BODY ........ 443 B. THE LIMBS ........ 445 2. THE INTEGUMENT AND GLANDS . . . . . . 458 3. THE MUSCULATURE ....... 460 4. THE ENTERIC CANAL ....... 460 5. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ....... 464 6. THE SENSORY ORGANS . . . . . . . 469 A. EYES ......... 469 B. AUDITORY ORGANS ....... 471 C. OLFACTORY AND GUSTATORY ORGANS . . . .474 xviii COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 7. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM .... 8. FAT BODIES — LUMINOUS BODIES 9. THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS .... 10. SOUND-PRODUCING APPARATUS .... 11. SEXUAL ORGANS . . . .. . 12. DIMORPHISM — POLYMORPHISM . ~.-;. . . 13. DEVELOPMENT AND LIFE-HISTORY ;.. . .. 14. PHYLOGENY . . . . . Literature . . . . . • % CLASS III. Arachnoidea sive Chelicerota Systematic Review . , . . . , 1. OUTER ORGANISATION A. THE BODY ...... B. THE EXTREMITIES . . . • .. 2. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ..... 3. THE EYES. . . . .'. 4. GLANDS OPENING ON THE OUTER INTEGUMENT . 5. THE INTESTINAL CANAL ..... 6. THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM .... 7. THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS .... 8. THE SEXUAL ORGANS ..... 9. ONTOGENY ...... 10. PHYLOGENY . . Literature . . . . '. . APPENDAGE TO THE ARTHROPODA Tardigrada . .... Literature OF THE UNIVERSITY CHAPTEK I THE CELL Unicellular animals — The cell as the starting-point in the development of the higher animals (egg and sperm cells) — The cells which compose the bodies of those animals (tissue cells and cell tissue). INTRODUCTION. THE starting-point of all organic life and of all organic structure is the cell. The simplest organisms, the lowest animals, are cells. Every higher animal begins individual existence as a cell, and every higher organism appears to be composed of cells which have arisen by multiplication from one cell. The cell is an organic individual of the first order. In all cases except that of the lowest organisms the descendants of one cell unite to form communities or states, which then rank as individuals of a higher order. Every higher organism, every bird, every fish, and so on, is such a cell community. In such a community, the closely united cells share in the common work. Some undertake one function, some another, for which they are specially adapted. Every cell consists of two essential parts : (1) the Protoplasm, and (2) the Nucleus. The latter may be considered as a special differentia- tion (specially developed portion) of the protoplasm. Chemically con- sidered protoplasm is a carbon compound as yet not fully understood ; it is related to albumen, and is, in life, a stable combination, though subject to variation within very narrow limits. It is viscid and capable of swelling. The nucleus lies within the protoplasm as a chemically and physically differentiated part of it. It is an essential portion of the cell, in whose multiplication it plays an important part. According to some observers, if the nucleus is removed from a cell the latter perishes. If, on the other hand, a nucleus is introduced into an unnucleated piece of protoplasm, certain characteristic phenomena of life otherwise absent appear in it. VOL. I. B 2 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP, i There are very simple creatures, small masses of protoplasm, in which no nucleus has been found. Should the absence of nuclei in these creatures be established they would rank lower in the scale than cells. To such organisms the name " Cytods " is applied, and Haeckel has united them, as the simplest of all organisms, under the group of Monera. A frequent though not necessary portion of the cell is the cell integument or cell membrane, a product of secretion, serving for protection or support. Such a membrane can also arise by- the hardening and modification of the peripheral layers of the protoplasm itself. A single cell (a unicellular organism, an egg cell) is in itself from the first capable of all those activities and functions which are contained in the conception of Life. These phenomena of life, though they may not as yet be physically and chemically explained, are certainly not to be referred to the working of any special vital force peculiar to organisms. There is also no special fundamental substance, no life substance, which can be found in organisms, and with which a special vital force is connected. We have to do here with the same forces and the same substances that we meet with elsewhere in nature. The life of the cell shows itself in the simplest cases in — 1. Motion. — Protoplasm is contractile. The finest visible portions can change their relative positions. The cell can change its form and its position in space. 2. Irritability. — The cell responds to external stimuli by such movements. 3. Metabolism.- — By means of its life -activity some of the cell substance is used up, decomposed. What has become useless is excreted (excretion). By means of the ingestion of food foreign substances are introduced. These are digestible if, when assimilated by chemical action, they can be changed into ingredients of protoplasm (digestion, assimilation). If, owing to their chemical properties, such a conversion is impossible, they are indigestible, and are expelled out of the body. 4. Growth. — By nourishment more protoplasm can be produced than was formerly present. The cell in consequence increases in size — it grows. 5. Reproduction. — It may be assumed that the size of an indi- vidual cell is limited. If it exceeds these limits of individual size it divides into two cells (reproduction by means of division). Each of the two portions has the same physical and chemical properties as the mother cell (simplest form of inheritance). The daughter cell by growth attains the size of the mother cell. As the cell is the starting point both in the animal and in the vegetable kingdoms, it can easily be understood that no sharp line of demarcation between the lower forms in these two kingdoms can be established. Haeckel has therefore set up an intermediate kingdom, that of the FIG. 1. — Amoeba polypodia in the successive stages of division. The light spot is the contractile vacuole, the dark the nucleus (after F. E. Schulze). FIG. 2.— A, Quadrula symmetrica, after F. E. Schulze. B, Hyalosphenia lata, after F. E. Schulze. C, Arcella vulgaris, after Hertwig and Lesser. D, Difflugia pyriformis (after Wal- lich) completed. 4 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP, i Protista, consisting of the simplest organisms. But there is also no sharp line of demarcation between the Protista on the one side and animals and plants on the other. Some Protista are, chiefly by their method of nutrition, more nearly related to plants, others to animals. The latter are called Protozoa, in contradistinction to all other animals, which are classed as Metazoa. THE FIKST RACE OR PHYLUM OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. PROTOZOA. Systematic Review. CLASS I. Monera. Simplest organisms. Small masses of protoplasm of varied changing form, in which till now no nuclei have been demonstrated. Locomotion and ingestion of food by means of blunt (amoeboid) or long and fine processes (pseudopodia). Repro- duction by fission and gemmation. All Monera live in water. Protanueba, Myxodiction, Protomyxa. CLASS II. Sarcodina. Unicellular organisms, with nucleus or nuclei. Locomotion and ingestion of food by means of filose non-vibrating processes of varying length (pseudopodia). Repro- duction by fission or gemmation. Sub-Class I. Amcebina. Naked or shelled Sarcodina of changing shape. Locomotion and ingestion of food by means of streaming of the body and the formation of processes mostly short and lobate. Contractile vacuoles generally present. Amoeba (Fig. 1), Arcella (Fig. 2, C), Difflugia (Fig. 2, Z>), Quadrula (Fig. 2, A), Hyalosphenia (Fig. 2, B}. Sub-Class II. Rhizopoda. Sarcodina whose protoplasm secretes a very variously-shaped chitinous, generally calcareous, shell, which is at first uniaxial. Locomotion and ingestion of food by means of pseudopodia, which frequently fuse with one another, often in a reticular manner. Contractile vacuoles generally absent. A. Imperforata. Shells of one chamber or more, not perforated by fine pores, but having one or two larger apertures through which the protoplasm and the pseudopodia pass out. Miliola (Fig. 3, C), Lituola, Gromia (Fig. 3, A}. i B. Perforata. Shells of one chamber or more, perforated by fine pores for the passage of the pseudopodia. Globigerina, Rotalia ( Fig. 3, B}. ..•' / '4 -• *•;, c •;.,••• .,:-. .•-•;• • Ji"fijjj 1 'l/msm: A1\M^S Ar^rv-^ m/i m 1 1 ( , ' - //I \ l\\ // jy v »\ // /m i \ in • FIG. 3.— A, Gromia oviformis after M. S. Schultze. £, Rotalia Freyeri, after M. S. Schultze. C, Miliola (after R. Hertwig) the nuclei in the chambers. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Sub-Class III. Heliozoa. Globular Sarcodina, naked or clothed with a siliceous skeleton, with fine more or less stiff pseudopodia radiating on all sides. Contractile vacuoles generally present in varying numbers. Actinophrys (Fig. 4), Actinosphcerium, Acanthocystis, Clath- rulina. Sub-Class IV. Radiolaria. Body divided by an originally spherical or egg-shaped capsular membrane into an outer, and an inner, nucleated portion (outer and inner capsules). The outer capsule consists of protoplasm (without nucleus) and of a gela- tinous envelope (calymna). The protoplasm forms a layer round the inner capsule and a network round the calymna, these two being connected by means of protoplasmic threads. FIG. 4.-Actinophrys sol, after Ore- Fine flexible pseudopodia radiate in all dii-ections nacher. p, Pseudopodia ; n, nucleus ; a, axial filaments of the pseudopodia. from the surface of the calymna. Skeletons of extraordinarily various shapes, of silica or of chitin-like organic substance (acanthin), are seldom wanting. The extra- and intra- capsular protoplasm are connected through various openings in the cell-membrane. This division of the marine Sarcodina is wonderfully rich in forms and shapes. Without contractile vacuoles. Uni- cellular algse (yellow cells) live symbiotically with the Radiolaria. The family of the Polycyttaria among the Spumellaria is distinguished by the formation of colonies. l**y/.;f%| A. Pomlosa. £| fi/ Central capsule spherical, without a principal aperture, °* ~d ^%£ • with innumerable fine pores. e/r'-*C^SlPa ' *• Spumellaria. — Nucleus central, dividing late in the & life of the individual. Skeleton siliceous or wanting, never •/•.«; penetrating into the intra-capsular protoplasm. Thalassi- Cti - - ,- ffdia collet, Collozoum, Sphcerozoum, Thalassoplancta (Fig. 5), <- CollospJicera, Dictyastrum. II. Acantharia. — Nucleus eccentric, dividing early. /i.Tl Fio. 5.— Thalassoplancta brevispicula, part of a sec- tion, after Haeckel. km, Capsular membrane ; ip, intra-capsular ; ep, extra- capsular protoplasm ; n, nucleus; nl, nucleoli; ot, oil-drops ; ca, alveolar ca- tKurfaS' s, spicules. Fio. 6.— Phractaspis prototypus (after Haeckel), skeleton. Skeleton of acanthin, radiating from the centre of the central capsule. Acanthometra, Phractaspis (Fig. 6). PROTOZOA B. Osculosa. Central capsule egg-shaped, with a principal aperture at the basal pole of the chief axis. Skeleton siliceous, always extra- t capsular. Nucleus dividing late. III. Nassellaria.— Capsular membrane simple, a porous area at the oral pole of the chief axis. Nassella, Cortina (Fig. 7), Cornutdla. IV. Phaeodaria. — Capsular membrane double ; at the oral pole of the principal axis an osculum closed by a radially striped lid, with a central opening produced in the shape of a chimney. A collection of pigment bodies (phseodium) in the calymna. Aulospli cilia • f> trichocysts ; v, food vacu- Flagdhia (excepting Cystoflagellata), and ^L^^',%^^ Infusoria, but are wanting in the Rhizo- ation of vacuole (after Ray Lankester). poda, Badiolaria, Gregarina, and Cysto- flagellata. They vary greatly in number. Where there is only one it generally has a fixed position. There is no sharp distinction be- tween contractile and non-contractile vaeuoles. The first are vaeuoles without walls, filled with liquid, which in cases where a differentiation into ecto- and endo-plasm exists generally lie in the former. They gradually expand and then contract more quickly, often suddenly. Before and during contraction they move towards the surface and empty out their contents through an aperture only visible at the moment of evacuation. They again arise as a small drop, or as several drops which unite later. Perhaps they also serve the purpose of keeping up an exchange of water (evacuation of water taken in by the mouth), and thus of respiration. VI. Triehoeysts. Small vesicles containing threads, which can be shot out rapidly like the nematocysts of the Ccelenterata, are sometimes found in the ectoplasm of the Infusoria and in one of the Flagellata (Fig. 20 t). VOL. i o 18 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. VII. Stigmata (red eye-spots). Stigmata are found, generally singly, in many coloured Flagellata. It is highly doubtful if these are organs sensitive to light. VIII. Nuclei. These seem to be absent in the Monera. In all the other Protozoa they are found, either singly (many Amoeba, some Heliozoa, all Gregarina, and most Flagellata and Infusoria) or in numbers. They lie in the endoplasm — in the Eadiolaria in the central capsule, in the Gregarina in the deutomerit — and are either vesicular, with membrane, sap, and one or more nucleoli, occasionally with a sort of nuclear framework, or homogeneous. They vary greatly in shape. The nuclear processes in most Infusoria present complications. We here find a double nucleus, viz. a large macronueleus, and, lying more or less close to this, a small mieronueleus (formerly erroneously called nucleolus). The mieronueleus plays an important part in conjugation; the macronueleus, on the contrary, during this process falls to pieces and degenerates in a peculiar manner. When conjugation begins, the mieronueleus divides twice, i.e. into four parts. Three of these four parts disappear, while the fourth again divides into two nuclei — the migratory nucleus and the stationary nucleus. The most important process during conjugation is the mutual exchange of the migratory nuclei of the two conjugating individuals A and B. The migratory nucleus of A passes over into B and fuses with the stationary nucleus of B, while the migratory nucleus of B passes over into A to fuse with the stationary nucleus of A. A new macronueleus and a new micro- nucleus arise, in the individuals which separate after conjugation, out of the nucleus which results from the fusing of the migratory and stationary nuclei. The division of the nucleus is either a direct division (constriction, dumb-bell stage, separation into halves), or it resembles the indirect nuclear division found among Metazoa, which will be described later. IX. Reproduction. The phenomena of reproduction among the Protozoa deserve more detailed investigation, as we find included under this head a tolerably complete series of intermediate stages between the simplest reproduc- tion by fission and sexual reproduction. Reproduction by simple binary fission (cross, longitudinal, and diagonal fission) takes place in nearly all divisions of the Protozoa. It is especially characteristic of the Monera, many Rhizopoda, many Flagellata, and all Infusoria. It is, however, not observed in the Gregarina. Reproduction by budding or gemmation is, in the simplest cases, i . PROTOZOA 19 distinguished from the above in that one part (the bud) is smaller than the other (the mother). The small size of the bud in most cases makes possible the production of numerous buds on the surface of the mother. This sort of reproduction is often found together with repro- duction by fission in Ehizopoda, Heliozoa, Radiolaria, a few Gregarina, Noctiluca, and Suctoria. In many forms reproduction by fission and gemmation are probably preceded by a conjugation (temporary connection or fusing) or copulation (permanent fusing) of two individuals. In many Protozoa, belonging to the most varied forms, the individuals which are produced by fission or gemmation do not separate entirely from each other, but remain more or less closely connected, and so form colonies of unicellular organisms. These colonies are of the greatest importance, as they represent a lower stage of the cell colonies of the Metazoa, and in many cases reproduce in a manner which strongly reminds us of the sexual reproduction of Metazoa and plants (see below). As an example of reproduction by gemmation we choose the Noctiluca, where it occurs, probably after previous copulation of two individual Noctiluca, side by side with simple reproduction by fission. The typical process is briefly as follows. Gemmation occurs only in such individuals as have, when copulation has ended, lost their organs of locomotion and mouths, and are thus simple globular bodies, on the walls of which the chief mass of protoplasm (central plasm), with the nucleus, is still to be found in its original place. The central plasm at this spot bulges out somewhat, its nucleus divides by a kind of indirect fission, and the prominence at the same time separates into two by a furrow. The division of the protoplasm is, both here and in the following stages, merely superficial, since its deeper part remains undivided. By continuous fission, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and up to 512 -nuclei arise, and the same number of superficial prominences of protoplasm. Then each prominence with its nucleus separates below the surface also from its neighbours and forms a separate bud, on which a flagellurii and a peculiar process are developed ; this bud leaves the mother animal as a spore (Fig. 11, b, c, p. 9). The further develop- ment of these spores into young Noctiluca, has not yet been investigated. The whole process of the formation of buds is very similar to the discoidal furrowing of the meroblastie egg in the Metazoa, of which we shall speak later. Eeproduction by continuous fission and spore-formation is very common among the Protozoa. In the latter case the whole body falls to pieces, or else the greater part of it simultaneously dissolves into a usually very large number of nucleated portions, i.e. spores. Both these methods of reproduction are generally accomplished in resting encysted individuals, and often after previous copulation or conjugation ; this is especially the case with Gregarina and Flagellata. They may occur together with ordinary reproduction by fission. The spores are generally capable of free movement, occasionally amoeboid, or as swarm spores they are furnished with a flagellum or several flagella (Flagellata, Radiolaria, some Heliozoa, and Ehizopoda). Occasionally (Gregarina) the spores themselves redivide, and only the portions thus arising grow into adult animals. 20 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Reproduction of Colony-forming Protozoa. Freely swimming and stationary attached colonies alike come into existence by incomplete fission and gemmation. Among the colonial Radiolaria (the Polycyttaria among the Spumellaria) separate colonies can mingle with each other ; colonies also can multiply by fission. The ordinary method of reproduction of colonial Flagellata and Radiolaria is the production of swarm spores furnished with flagella, which takes place by simultaneous, or more often by successive, division of the body into numerous portions. In the Radiolaria, the contents of the central capsule alone take part in the formation of spores ; and this process is preceded by the early or later division of the originally simple nucleus. In the case of Radiolaria which do not form colonies, every spore becomes a Radiolarian. In the colonial species, however, two sorts of spores are developed alternately — (1) isospores, representing the usual Radiolarian spores, and (2) anisospores, of which again there are two kinds, smaller mierospores and larger maerospores. The isospores develop direct into young Radiolaria ; the anisospores most probably do so only after the copulation of a micro- and a macro-spore. The young Radiolarian, by repeated fission and gemmation (formation of so called extracapsular bodies), produces a colony. The macro- and micro-spores are either formed in one and the same individual, or in different individuals of the colony. We have here in all probability a regular alternation of generations, one of which reproduces by means of isospores, the other by copulating anisospores. The reproduction of the colony-forming Flagellata is particularly important and interesting. In the simplest cases every individual of the colony falls by successive fission into a certain number of portions which sever themselves from the mother - colony, forming daughter -colonies. In other cases (Pand&rina), after a number of generations reproducing themselves as above, a generation arises whose individuals also divide; but the resulting portions (gametes) do not remain united, they separate. These gametes copulate in pairs, the individuals of each pair often differing in size. The product of copulation (zygote), after a resting stage of some duration, again produces a colony by continuous incomplete fission. The reproduction of the Eudorina is distinguished from that of the Pandorina by the formation of two sharply contrasted sorts of gametes, male and female. The sexual generation which produces gametes, and which follows a series of generations reproducing in the usual asexual manner, is either male or female. In the female colony there are certain individuals (ovoid gametes) distinguished by unusual size; in the male the individuals divide into groups (plates) of 32-64 spermoid gametes, each of which has two flagella. The plates sever themselves and swim about freely. If such a structure comes in PROTOZOA 21 contact with a female colony, it remains attached to it and breaks up into single male gametes. Volvox (which leads almost directly by its method of reproduction to the higher plants and animals) is closely connected with JEudorina. In Volwx (Fig. 21) the colony appears on a higher scale of de- velopment, as a division of labour takes place among the different individuals. Only some individuals are capable of reproduction ; in the asexual generation these individuals are the parthenogonidia (every parthenogonidium produces, by continuous incomplete fission, a colony which separates from the mother colony); in the sexual generation they are gametes. Unlike the Endorina, Volwx produces, in one and the same colony, male and female gametes. The female gametes are simple individuals of the colony, only distinguished by their greater , s J FIG. 21.— Volvox globator.— Sexual, hermaphrodite colony, after Cienkovsky and Biitschli, combined and somewhat diagrammatic. S, Male gametes (spermatozoa) ; 0, female gametes (eggs). growth. The male gametes, on the contrary, arise in masses, by the successive fission of certain individuals (cells) of the colony. From one such mother-cell as many as 128 male gametes may proceed. The male gametes separate, move about by means of their flagella, and copulate with the female gametes. By successive division (into 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on) of the stationary zygotes a colony, i.e. a young Volvox, arises. We have here before us a true alternation of generations, asexually reproducing generations alternating with sexually reproducing generations. The sexual reproduction corresponds with the method of reproduction of the Metazoa and higher plants. The hermaphrodite Volvox (Flagellate colony) corresponds with a very simple hermaphro- dite metazoon. The female gametes represent the eggs, the male gametes the spermatozoa; the copulation of the female and male gametes corresponds with a simple form of fertilisation of the egg by means of spermatozoa. The zygote represents the fertilised egg. The formation of a new Volvox colony by successive fission of the zygote 22 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. answers to the repeated division of the egg-cell, described in the Metazoa as furrowing or segmentation. In the colonial Infusoria also the copulation of larger with smaller individuals has been observed (Fig. 16, p. 10, c). Review of the most important Literature. General works on Zoology, Comparative Anatomy, Ontogeny, etc. G. Cuvier. Lemons d'anatomie compare, publics par DumAril et Duvernoy. 5 vols. Paris, 1799-1805. Id. Second edition, 8 vols. Paris, 1835-46. J. F. Meckel. System der vergleichenden Anatomic. 6 Bande. Halle, 1821-1833. C. E. von Bar. Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichtc der Thiere. 2 Bande. Konigsberg, 1828 bis 1837. J. Miiller. Handbuch der Physiologic des Menschen. 2 Bde. 4 Aufl. Coblenz, 1844. R. Leuckart. Ueber die Morphologie und die Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der wirbellosen Thiere. Braunschweig, 1848. v. Siebold and Stannius. Handbuch der Zootomie. Berlin, 1854. (Vertebrates incomplete. ) F. Leydig. Vom Bauc des thierischen Kdrpers. I. Band. 1. Halfte. Tubingen, 1864. (With atlas.) The same. Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Frankfurt,. 1857. C. Vogt. Zoologische Brief e. 2 Bande. 1859. E. Haeckel. Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1866. The same. Natilrliche Schopfungsgeschichte. New edition, 1890. The same. Anthropogenic. Leipzig, 1876. T. H. Huxley. A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. 1877. The same. A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. 1871. C. Gegenbaur. Grundzuge der vergleichenden Anatomic. Leipzig, 1870. The same. Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomie. Leipzig, 1878. Translated by F. J. Bell, revised by E. Ray Lankester, as Elements of Comparative Anatomy. London, 1878. F. M. Balfour. Comparative Embryology. 2 vols. London, 1880-81. C. Glaus. Lehrbuch der Zoologie. 3 Auflage. Marburg u. Leipzig, 1885. H. Ludwig. J. Leunis Synopsis der Thierkunde. 2 Bande. Hannover, 1883-1886. C. Vogt u. E. Jung. Lehrbuch der praktischen ^vergleichenden Anatomie. I. Band. 1888. V. Cams. Geschichte der Zoologie. Munchen, 1872. Ch. Darwin's Works. Milne-Edwards. Lemons sur la physiologic et V anatomic compare'e de I'homme et des animaux. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, etc. etc. Protozoa. E. Haeckel. Studien uber Moneren und andere Protisten. Leipzig, 1870. The same. Die Radiolarien. Eine Monographic. Bd. I. II. u. III. Berlin, 1862, 1887, 1888. The same. Report on the Radiolaria collected by H. M.S. "Challenger." London, 1887. M. Schulze. Ueber den Organismus der Polythalamien. Leipzig, 1854. i EGG CELLS, SPERM CELLS 23 R. Hertwig. Der Organismus der Radiolarien. Jena, 1879. Ch. G. Ehrenberg. Die Infusionsthiere als vollJcommene Organismen. Leipzig, 1838. Claparede et Lachmann. Etudes sur Us Infusoires et Us Ehizopodes. .Geneve, 1858- 1859. Fr. Stein. Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere. I. -III. Leipzig, 1859, 1867, 1879. 0. Biitschli. Ueber die Conjugation der Infusorien, in: Studien uber die ersten Entwickelungswrgange, etc. Frankfurt, 1876. Saville Kent. A Manual of the Infusoria. London, 1880-1882. Dujardin. Histoire naturelle des Infusoires, in : Suites a Buff on. Paris, 1841. Carpenter. Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera. London Ray Soc. , 1862. J. Miiller. Ueber die Thalassicolen, Polycystinen und Acanthometren. Abhandl. der Berliner Akadcmie, 1858. K. Brandt. Die koloniebildenden Radiolarien (Sphaerozoeen) des Golfes von Neapel. Berlin, 1885. 0. Biitschli. "Protozoa," newly edited, in Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. I. Band. Not yet completed. Balbiani. Various treatises in the Journal de TAnatomie et de la Physiologic. I. -IV. Various important treatises of Haeckel, Hertwig, Schneider, Engelmann, Maupas, F. E. Schulze, Greef, Bergh, Czienkovsky, Jikeli, etc. Egg Cells, Sperm Cells, Fertilisation, Sexual Reproduction of the Metazoa. Whereas Protozoa are either simple cells or colonies of similar cells, all other animals, or Metazoa, appear as complicated communities, the individual cells of which are no longer similar. Division of labour arises among the cells; every cell (or group of cells) in the community having to fulfil only one special function is con- stituted in correspondence with this function (polymorphism of the cells of a Metazoan colony). However wonderfully complicated such a cell community may be, it always develops (except in cases of asexual reproduction) by means of the continuous division of one single cell, the fertilised egg. This is the product of the fusing of a female reproductive cell with a male reproductive cell, i.e. it is the result of fertilisation. Reproduction by means of such sexually differentiated reproductive cells is called sexual reproduction. In all forms of Metazoa (with a few not quite certainly established exceptions) sexual reproduction occurs at least at times, and con- stitutes an essential characteristic by which Metazoa are distinguished from Protozoa. It is true that we found in the latter the beginnings of sexual reproduction. As among the Protozoa a series of phenomena lead up to the sexual reproduction of the Volvox colony, so the latter is directly connected with the simplest form of the sexual reproduction of the Metazoa. In sexual reproduction we have to bear in mind two distinct points : 1. The fusing of the cells, or more accurately of two cell nuclei, which here takes place — a phenomenon which is analogous to the processes of copulation and conjugation in the Protozoa. The 24 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. origin and meaning of this phenomenon are not certainly ascertained. Many see in them a strengthening of the product of the fusion, i.e. the young new individual. 2. The different sizes, or the the sexual dimorphism of the fusing reproductive cells. This is to be explained by the principle of the division of labour. The reproductive cells have a double object to fulfil : (1) such a cell must mingle with another (fertilisation) ; and (2) must, after mingling, form a new organism like that of its parents. To secure the first object free locomotion is useful, so that the repro- ductive cells may seek each other and meet ; and further, in certain circumstances a power of resistance to external influences is needed. To fulfil the second object the cell must be of a considerable size, and contain, if possible, nutritive material which can be used during development. Both these objects cannot be fulfilled by each of the reproductive cells without disadvantage. Here division of labour steps in. Some cells fulfil the first object ; they move about with great ease ; they are resistent, and moreover very small (the smallest cells of the organism). Their smallness has a further advantage ; they are produced in greater numbers, and can easily penetrate the second sort of reproductive cell. These are called male reproductive cells, sperm cells, sperm filaments, or spermatozoa. Other cells fulfil the second object. They are large and often filled with much reserve material (the largest cells of the organism). They substitute size and mass for free locomotion. These are called female reproductive cells, or egg cells. Male and female reproductive cells are either formed in one and the same metazoan individual (hermaphroditism), or in two different individuals, male and female (gonoehorism, separation of the sexes). The latter appears among the Metazoa generally as the rule, the former as the exception. The causes which determined the separation of the sexes are most probably quite similar to those which brought about fertilisation in the animal kingdom. If one remembers that even among hermaphrodite animals a copulation of two individuals often takes place, or adaptations are present which prevent the fertilisation of the eggs of an animal by the spermatozoa of the same individual (self-fertilisation), the recent opinion that all Metazoa were originally sexually separated, and that hermaphroditism has developed secondarily from the male or female condition gains in probability. The utility of cross-fertilisation places in a new light the utility of a sexual differentiation of the reproductive cells into freely movable spermatozoa and massive eggs. So as still further to secure cross- fertilisation we find copulation in very many Metazoa. These animals possess special copulatory organs, by means of which the spermatozoa from the male body are carried into the sexual organ of the female, and thus into the neighbourhood of the egg. THE EGG 25 The Animal Egg. The mature egg, capable of fertilisation, is everywhere in the animal kingdom a simple cell, and shows the typical structure of such a cell. It consists of protoplasm, called yolk, and of a nucleus which is named the germinal vesicle in an unfertilised egg. The egg is either naked or surrounded by one or more membranes and envelopes. These are of very different nature according to their origin. They are either secreted by the egg cell itself, and then answer, as real primary yolk or egg integuments, to the membranes of ordinary cells, or they are in various ways supplied by the surrounding tissues of the mother body, and are laid round the egg externally. In this case they may be considered as secondary or accessory egg envelopes. The eggs arise in special organs of the Metazoan body, called ovaria or germaria. These, in the simplest cases, are masses of cells, some of which by stronger growth become egg cells. The processes of the formation, growth, and ripening of the egg in the animal kingdom are as various as is the structure of the ovary itself. It is especially the necessity for the abundant nourishment of the eggs which determines the most manifold modifications. The eggs are developed either from a mass of protoplasm with nuclei scattered in it, or from an assemblage of similar little cells clearly defined one from the other. In the first case the nuclei, in the second the cells, multiply by fission. After this multiplication has lasted for some time the proto- plasm round the nuclei in the first case separates off and gives rise here also to independent cells. All these young cells are young egg germs, and capable of growing and ripening into eggs ; but only in the rarest cases do all the cells become eggs — a large number of germ cells have almost always another fate. The nourishment of the egg, speaking generally, is secured in the following ways. In animals without a blood -vascular system and body cavity the ovaries lie on the wall of the intestine, or of a gastro- vascular system, which proceeds from the main intestine (Coelent&rata, Platodes). In many animals the eggs are developed on the wall of the body cavity and nourished by the body fluids, into which they sooner or later pass and mature while suspended in them (many higher worms). In the case of the greater number of the higher animals the nourishment of the egg is secured by a rich provision of blood-vessels in the ovaries. In those cases where only some of the egg germs are developed into eggs, the remainder often serve as nourishment for these or contribute to their nutrition. Amoeboid moving egg cells can feed upon the neighbouring egg germs after the manner of Amcebce ; or the surround- ing egg germs store up food, which they give over to the growing egg cell, either by emptying their contents into it (Cephalopoda) 26 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. or by transfusion (follicle formations). In Insects the egg germs can develop in the ovaries alternately into nutritive cells and egg cells. In most Platodes the case is very complicated ; the germ cells of an original germarium here fall into two more or less distinct groups. The germ cells of one group (germarium) become egg cells ; those of the other group (vitellarium) become nutritive or yolk cells filled with nutritive yolk. In other Platodes only some of the originally numerous germaria retain their primitive function, while all the others are changed into vitellaria to supply nutritive yolk. The eggs either absorb the nutritive yolk of the yolk cells before fertilisation, or else many yolk cells are stored in an egg capsule together with a few fertilised egg cells, and are used up during development. The nucleus or the germinal vesicle (vesieula germinativa) of the animal egg is remarkable for its relatively great size. It consists of an outer layer, in most cases differentiated into a distinct membrane, surrounding the light - coloured clear nuclear fluid. In this lie one or more solid nueleoli or germinal spots (maculae germinativse), which are often connected with each other and with the nuclear membrane by a network of fine threads. In many eggs the germinal vesicle lies, throughout, in the centre of the egg • in others it does so at least in the very early stages. FIG. 22. — Ovarian egg of an Echinoderm, after O. Hertwig. In the middle the germinal vesicle with the nuclear framework and the germ- inal spot. The Egg Yolk. Investigations made by means of the improved optical appliances for research have lately shown that protoplasm itself (in Protozoa, egg cells, and tissue cells) exhibits a fine structure. It consists of very small firmer particles, arranged in the finest network of threads, which form the spongioplasm, and, lying between them, clear homo- geneous more fluid portions, forming the hyaloplasm. Protoplasm thus constituted only in the rarest cases forms the whole of the yolk. In most cases reserve nourishment in the form of fat or oil drops, small plates and spheres, is found in the protoplasm, these being used as food by the developing egg. These constitute, in contradistinction to the formative yolk — i.e. the actual living active protoplasm of the egg — an inert lifeless constituent, only serving as nutriment, the deutoplasm or nutritive yolk. The quantity and arrangement of the deutoplasm in the egg is of great importance, since this determines the course of its first segmentation. It rarely happens that there is no deutoplasm in an egg. Less i THE EGG 27 rarely we find only a very small quantity equally distributed through- out the protoplasm (holoblastie alecithal eggs, Fig. 23, C). Such eggs are found among animals which can at a very early stage of development find their own food, or else among those whose embryos are developed within, and nourished by, the mother body. In most cases the egg contains a considerable quantity of nutritive yolk. Two different types of eggs are distinguished, according to the arrangement and position of this yolk. I. Types of Teloleeithal Eggs. A. In the simplest case the comparatively small quantity of nutri- tive yolk is imbedded in the formative yolk, principally in one hemi- D '"">-_ "* x, FIG. 23.— Structure of different eggs. A and B, Holoblastie telolecithal eggs. C, Holo- blastie alecithal egg. D, Centrolecitlial egg (of a spider). E, Meroblastic telolecithal egg. dp, Deutoplasm ; n, nucleus, or germinal vesicle. sphere. This hemisphere is called the vegetative ; the other, which contains the germinal vesicle, the animal hemisphere. Corresponding animal and vegetative poles are also distinguished. B. The quantity of the nutritive yolk increases so much that the formative yolk is reduced to a smaller or larger segment at the animal pole, in which lies the germinal vesicle. Besides this a thin layer of protoplasm spreads all round the egg as a rind. In the remaining portion of the egg the formative yolk is so much displaced by the development of the nutritive yolk, that it remains merely as a cement- ing substance in the interstices between the elements of the latter (holoblastie teloleeithal eggs, Fig. 23, A). 28 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. C. The quantity of formative yolk is, in comparison with the enormously developed nutritive yolk, so small that it is only a small mass enclosing the germinal vesicle at the animal pole, and a very thin layer round the whole egg. In by far the greater part of the egg the formative yolk is quite supplanted by the nutritive yolk (meroblastie teloleeithal eggs, Fig. 23, E). II. Types of Centroleeithal Eggs. The formative yolk is arranged in a regular layer round the whole egg, and besides this in a mass containing the germinal vesicle at the centre of the egg. The region between the centre and the circum- ference is occupied by nutritive yolk, either A. In largely preponderating quantity (holoblastie eentroleeithal eggs of many Crustaceans), or B. Almost, or quite exclusively (meroblastie eentroleeithal eggs of the Tracheata and many Crustaceans, Fig. 23, D). The Egg Envelopes. These are divided into (1) primary envelopes — yolk membranes, egg membranes ; and (2) secondary accessory envelopes. I. The yolk membrane is secreted by the yolk itself. It can be formed at different stages of the ripening of the egg, and shows great diversity of structure. Occasionally it is double. It is often pene- trated by numerous pores (zona radiata). Not infrequently there is a special opening, the mieropyle. Both the pores and the micropyle are connected with the nutrition of the egg, and serve in many cases for the passage of the spermatozoa. II. The secondary envelopes are also very various. They are alike in one point — none of them are formed by the egg itself. a. The chorion is a membrane which is very often secreted by the cells of the ovary which surround the egg (follicle cells). It lies between the egg and the follicle cells. b. Other accessory envelopes are sometimes found, which are only added to the egg later by means of special glands on its way through the passages leading out of the ovaries. Such are the egg capsules, albuminous and gelatinous envelopes, calcareous shells, etc. Either only one of these egg envelopes is formed, or else two or more are simultaneously produced. As an example of the development and ripening of an egg, we choose first the egg-formation of the mussel (Fig. 24, A, B, C]. The eggs here arise out of definite cells of the germinal epithelium, which grow more strongly and soon project beyond the epithelium, with which, however, they remain for a time connected by a long stalk-like process. Through this stalk, in all probability, the nourishment of the egg by the epithelium takes place. Yolk granules, continually increasing in number, appear in the protoplasm of the egg. The nucleus becomes vesicular. The egg secretes on its surface a yolk integument, which is broken through at the point THE EGG 29 where the egg joins the germinal epithelium, so that when the egg severs itself an opening, the micropyle, is left. The marine planaria offer a further example of a simple egg- formation (Fig. 24, D}. These possess very numerous ovaries, whose nourishment is provided for by their kb ksch FIG. 24.— A, -B, C, Three ovarian eggs of a mussel in different stages of development, after Fleming, m, Micropyle ; dh, yolk membrane. D, Ovary of a marine planarian with eggs in different stages of development ; da, branch of the intestine or gastro-canal ; U, germinal layer ; e, advanced egg. position between the branches of the intestine and close to its walls. In each ovary there is a small germinal layer (kl) formed by a mass of small cells with nuclei and little protoplasm. Some of these cells grow and become eggs, numerous yolk granules forming in them, and their nuclei changing into the charac- teristic germinal vesicle. Other cells remain small ; they take up a position between the strongly growing egg cells, and so form a frame- work in the ovary, which is continued into the oviduct. As a type of a perfect meroblastic telolecithal egg with complicated envelope-formation we have the bird's egg (Figs. 25 and 26). The egg is fertilised within the mother body, and has already begun to develop when it is laid. The different parts which can then be recognised have very different meanings and origins. In the interior of the egg we recognise the yellow yolk sphere, the well-known yellow of the egg (Fig. 25). This is formed in the ovary, and represents the real egg. In the ovary it is merely a simple meroblastic egg cell, consisting of the following parts : FIG. 25.— Ovarian egg cell of a Fowl. ksch, Formative yolk ; kb, germinal vesicle ; wd, white yolk ; gd, yellow yolk ; dh, yolk membrane. (After O. Hertwig.) 30 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 1. An outer yolk membrane, secreted by the yolk itself. 2. The formative yolk, a small whitish mass in which lies the germinal vesicle at one pole of the egg, viz. the animal pole. 3. The yellow nutritive yolk, which represents the principal mass of the egg, and which appears in concentric layers. 4. The white nutritive yolk, which forms a thin outer layer round the yellow yolk beneath the yolk integument and the formative yolk, and which also sinks into the middle of the yellow yolk from the animal pole in the form of a thick strand with a swollen rounded end. When the egg thus formed passes out of the ovary into the oviduct, the walls of the latter secrete around it the last envelopes, which are : 1. The albumen with the chalaza, i.e. somewhat denser spirally twisted c7i.L FIG. 26.— Diagrammatic longitudinal section of anewly-laid Hen's egg, after Allen Thomson and O. Hertwig. b.l Formative yolk; w.y. white yolk; y.y. yellow yolk; w. albumen; ch.l. chalaza ; air-chamber ; i.s.m, inner ; s.w. outer layer of the shell membrane ; s. shell, v.t. yolk membrane ; x. a somewhat fluid layer of albumen surrounding the yolk. strands of albumen, which go from the yolk membrane out towards the two ends of the egg. 2. The double shell integument, which surrounds the albumen on all sides. The two membranes which form this integument separate, and between them a cavity filled with air arises at the blunt end of the egg — the air chamber. 3. The porous calcareous shell. These three parts, therefore, represent the accessory integuments of the egg. Male Reproductive Cells, OP Spermatozoa (Fig. 27). These belong to the smallest cells formed in the animal body. Each spermatozoon is a simple cell, as is shown by its development which is generally complicated, and is very difficult to observe. A very common form of the spermatozoon is the so-called pin-shaped. Such a sperma- tozoon consists of a small knot, the head, representing the remains of a MATURATION OF THE EGG 31 cell nucleus, and a mobile filamentous appendage, the tail, which is of protoplasmic nature, and is much like the flagellum of the Flagellata. Besides the tail there may be accessory nagella. Between the head and the tail a special intermediate portion is sometimes interposed. Other forms of spermatozoa are occasionally found ; round, pear-shaped, etc., either /^ X* "^-w^^'^Nn I stationary or moving like Amcebcv. The ' spermatozoa arise in the testis from a germinal layer or epithelium, as do eggs. After repeated division of the original formative elements, cells are produced which are equivalent to egg germs, and which may be distinguished as sperm germs. Whereas, however, the egg germs become eggs direct by means of growth and maturation, the sperm germs are still further divided FIG. 27.— various forms of sperma- and produce spermatozoa. We have J0203" £ Of» Mwnmai ; a, of a Turbei- . lanan, with two accessory flagella ; c. d, already seen a phenomenon similar, and e, of Nevada; /, of a crustacean; though not in all points parallel, in 9, of a Salamander (with undulating mem- i An Ordinary Cell Of the Colony brane);^ The commonest pin-shapedform. there becomes by growth a large egg, or by division a mass of small spermatozoa. Maturation of the Egg. The ejection of the directive or polar bodies is the 'last stage in the maturation of the egg which precedes fertilisation. The germinal vesicle moves towards the surface of the egg (towards the animal pole in the case of eggs differentiated into poles), and here undergoes kb pn nu ... kf kb FIG. 28.— Disorganisation of the germinal vesicle and formation of the nuclear spindle in eggs of Asterias glacialis, after O. Hertwig. x, Prominence of protoplasm ; Itf, germinal spot which divides into two distinct substances, pn and nu ; fc&, germinal vesicle ; sp, nuclear spindle. considerable changes. It becomes partially disorganised (Fig. 28). Out of part of its contents is formed that spindle-shaped figure (Fig. 28, B) which is characteristic of indirect nuclear division (see below, pp. 35,36). The one half of the spindle enters a small mass of protoplasm which projects from the surface of the egg. This prominence 32 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. tHen becomes completely constricted off from the egg (Fig. 29) as the first polar body. In a similar manner a second polar body is formed. The formation of a polar body thus appears like a process of gemma- tion, or a sort of cell division, in which one cell — the daughter cell— the polar body, is very much smaller than the other — the egg. ir VI FIG. 29.— Formation of the polar bodies in Asterias glacialis, after O. Hertwig. sp, Nuclear spindle ; rk\ first, rfc2, second polar body ; efc, female pronucleus. The half of the nuclear spindle which remains in the egg after the formation of the second polar body changes into an egg nucleus very different from the original germinal vesicle, especially in its size, being much smaller. This germ is known as the female pronucleus. In many divisions — e.g. many insects, — there are species in which, alternating with the sexual generations, which multiply by means of fertilised eggs, there occur other generations, which reproduce by means of parthenogenetic eggs, i.e. by means of such eggs as develop without fertilisation. In these eggs, according to some observers, only one polar body is formed. Many hypotheses have been brought forward as to the meaning jof all these various phenomena of maturation. I can here only refer to the works of Biitschli, Balfour, Minot, Sabatier, van Beneden, Weismann. Processes similar to those of the expulsion of the polar bodies from the egg have been observed in the formation and ripening of the spermatozoa. The nucleus of the ripe spermatozoon is called the male pronueleus. When the polar bodies have been expelled the egg is capable of fertilisation. Fertilisation. This process takes the following course ; out of numerous sperma- tozoa pressing towards the egg there is only one, normally, which fertilises it. This is the one which first touches the egg at a definite point as it appears, viz. at the animal pole, in eggs differentiated into FERTILISATION 33 poles, near the polar bodies. Here, at the touch of the head of the spermatozoon, a prominence of the outer protoplasmic layer is formed — the receptive prominence — into which the spermatozoon penetrates. Gradually it presses further into the egg, its tail seeming to fuse with C FIG. 30.— Fertilisation of eggs of Asterias glacialis, after Fol (from O. Hertwig's Lehrbuch der Entu-icUungsgeschichte). One of the spermatozoa which have entered the mucilaginous envelope comes in contact with the receptive prominence. In C the yolk membrane is formed. the protoplasm of the egg ; the head (the remains of the original nucleus) increases somewhat in size. As male pronucleus, it moves forward to meet the female pronucleus. Finally they fuse and form one single nucleus, the so-called segmentation nucleus. The egg is fertilised. It seems tolerably certain that where the egg envelopes have a micropyle, the spermatozoon enters through it. When the first spermatozoon has penetrated the egg, the micropyle is closed by a fresh secretion from the yolk, so that no more spermatozoa can enter. FIGS. 31 and 32.— Fertilised eggs of a Sea-urchin, after O. Hertwig. Male (sk) and female (el) pronuclei moving towards each other. In other cases, at the moment when the first spermatozoon presses in, a membrane begins to rise from the yolk, which makes the entrance of other spermatozoa impossible. There are adaptations also with the object of preventing the entrance into the egg of more than one spermatozoon. VOL. I D 34 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Abnormally, two or more spermatozoa may enter an egg. In sue** a case several male pronuclei may fuse with the female. Compare on this point the works of Fol and Hertwig. It is not improbable that twin- and triple-formations may be produced by such over - fertilisation. The development after over -fertilisation in all cases deviates characteristically from the normal course. The most essential morphological characteristic of fertilisation is the fusing of two sexually differentiated cell nuclei, the male and the female pronuclei. In the conjugation of the Protozoa (Paramcecium) also we have to do (cf. p. 18) with a fusing of two nuclei (the stationary and the migratory nucleus). Fertilisation in this latter case, however, is mutual, and we cannot distinguish the conjugating cells as male I and female. Fertilisation is either internal, i.e. takes place within the mother body, or external, i.e. spermatozoa and eggs are expelled from the parental bodies and meetj each other outside in water. In the first case at least the reproducing animals] possess special organs of copulation. Various theories about the nature of fertilisation have been recently brought I forward, especially by Biitschli, Balfour, Sabatier, van Beneden, Hertwig, Weismann, j Geddes and Thomson, and others. Literature. Comprehensive Works. Besides Balfour's Comparative Embryology, consult especially : O. Hertwig. Lehrbuch der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und derm Wirbelthiere. 3d edition. Jena, 1890. W. Waldeyer. Eierstock und Ei. Leipzig, 1870. The same. Ban und Entwickelung der Samenfdden. Anat. Anzeiger. Jena, 1887 J where complete bibliography is given. Tissue Cells and Cell Tissue. We have till now considered (1) unicellular organisms, and (2) the] egg- and sperm-cells, which fuse to form the starting point in thej individual development of all the higher, i.e. multicellular, animals, j We will now briefly deal with the manner in which the Metazoanj body is composed of cells, and consider the various cells of which! it consists. The observation of the cells of the animal body and of their complexes, the tissues, is the object of the science of tissues ori Histology. How different cells and complicated tissues arise out oq simple indifferent cells, is the subject of Histogeny. As our first principle we can state that all cells and tissues of the adult animal body arise by means of repeated division from the] fertilised egg -cell. These phenomena of division are the same as those with which we became acquainted among the unicellular j Protozoa as widely spread asexual reproductive processes. Whereas,! however, in most Protozoa the products of division separate, and, like j the mother cell, lead an independent life, in the Metazoa the descend-! TISSUE CELLS AND CELL TISSUE 35 mmm ants produced by repeated fission of the fertilised egg -cell remain bound together in space. Similar cases were found among the Protozoa ; we called them cases of colony formation. While, however, there, all the cells of the colony remained alike and each maintained itself quite like a Protozoan individual, the cell communities of the Metazoa by dividing among the individual cells the various duties of life, so that some cells are ex- clusively adapted for the per- formance of one function, some for the performance of another, raise themselves into stable and well-ordered states, the citizens of which (the cells) are dependent upon one another and can no ^p longer exist alone. The division of the egg-cell r^ and its descendants occurs under peculiar inner conditions, which chiefly concern the nucleus. Direct nuclear division during cell divi- sion is distinguished from indirect / or karyokinetie nuclear division. / The first and, as it appears, the I rarer agrees in essentials with that w ; already figured in the Amceba (p. ™ 12, Fig. 19). The second shows various modifications. The follow- ing course may be taken as typical (" (Fig. 33, A-H). {: [Among the constituents of \ the cell nucleus are to be dis- / tinguished the aehromatin, — that part which does not stain at all or only very slightly when treated with colouring solutions, viz. the nuclear fluid, and a part of division, with indirect division of the nucleus ,1 ... ; ,1 T.I (diagram! WE* Fig. 33.— A-H, Consecutive stages of cell- ,-, ... f . ,! n-i (diagrammatic). the constituents of the fibrous net-work ; — and ehromatin, which freely imbibes colouring matter, viz. the nucleoli and other granules of the fibrous network.] 1. At the beginning of cell division, there appear near the nucleus two opposite attraction centres, round which the portions of protoplasm group themselves in a radiate manner (formation of the amphiasters). The ehromatin of the nucleus arranges itself as a tangle of fibres (Fig. 33, B). 2. The nuclear membrane becomes indistinct ; the tangled ehromatin falls into several loops (Fig. 33, C). 36 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 3. These loops arrange themselves in an equatorial plane between the two attraction centres, in such a way that their free ends are directed outwards and their angles inwards. Fine achromatine fibres run to the attraction centres (Fig. 33, D). 4. The chromatin loops split lengthwise, so that their number is doubled (Fig. 33, E\ 5. The one half of the chromatin loop which has thus arisen moves towards one attraction centre, the other towards the opposite centre. The halves thus move away from each other ; fibres of achromatin stretch between them (Fig. 33, F). 6. The chromatin loops of each side have moved quite near their attraction centres. Their order now becomes irregular, and they again unite into a single tangle, round which again a nuclear membrane can be recognised (resting stage, Fig. 33, G and H). During the last stages, at the surface of the cell in a plane between the two attraction centres, a circular furrow appears, which becomes deeper and deeper, and finally, when the two new nuclei have reformed, divides the cell into two halves, each with a new nucleus. The cells which arise in the animal body by repeated division of the egg develop in various ways, but always in such a way that the greater number of them remain bound together in a special manner, forming the so-called tissues. Four chief sorts of such tissues can be distinguished : 1. Surface or epithelial tissue. 2. Connective tissue. 3. Nerve tissue. 4. Muscle tissue. I. Epithelial Tissue. This is the simplest form of tissue, and, as Comparative Histology and Histogeny teach, the most primitive complex into which cells can] combine. It may therefore be correctly described as primitive tissue,] from which all other tissues are derived. Even among the Protozoa! epithelium-like combinations of cells occur, as, e.g., in Pblvox, where the! individuals (cells) of a colony are placed side by side in a layer which, ! like a spherical mantle, encloses a central cavity. Such a form is, in' many Metazoa, the immediate result of the first division of the egg ; * it is here called the Blastula. The epithelial character consists in the" regular juxtaposition of cells into superficially extended membranes. \ These cover the outer and inner surfaces of the animal. The cells of | an epithelium lie either in a single layer side by side (unilaminar epithelium)^ or several layers lie one above another (multilaminar epithelium). Different sorts of epithelium are always distinguished j according to the differences in the individual cells which form them. Thus we speak of tesselated epithelium when the cells are flat, of | columnar epithelium when the cells are cylindrical, and so on. The! EPITHELIAL TISSUE 37 epithelial cells generally secrete externally layers of varying thickness, which often harden and possess different chemical and physical pro- perties ; these form a cuticle /? over the epithelium. ££ & In the simplest cases every epithelial cell pos- ;*•$ sesses nearly all the qualities ;-*£. 'S': of a Protozoon. Division of labour, however, soon steps in, so that the epi- thelial cells belonging to different areas undertake different functions. In a simple condition, which we meet with in certain low Metazoa, e.g. the Hydra, and which is also passed through by many higher Metazoa in the course of their develop- ment, the wall of the pouch- like body consists of two contiguous epithelial layers, an outer (eetodermal epi- thelium) and an inner (endodermal epithelium), the latter lining the central cavity of the pouch (arch- enteron). The two layers pass into each other at the opening of the pouch (mouth). This stage is known as the Gastrula. A certain not very sharply defined division 'of labour occurs between the cells of the inner epithelium and those of the outer epi- thelium. OUter epithelium appear ' Hum of intestine with amoeboid processes ; i, multilaminar tO be Specially Suited, in ePithelium ; ^ body epithelium of a marine planarian, , . , , with pigment cells, rod cells, and sub -epithelial glands. correspondence with their position, to carry on the relations between the animal body and the outer world, and further to promote locomotion and movement ; those of the inner epithelium are adapted more for the ingestion and digestion of the food taken into the gastric cavity. In correspond- ence with these functions, differences in the structure and in the size of the cells of the two layers appear. The higher we rise in FIG. 34.— Various forms of epithelium, a, Ciliated epithelium ; &, columnar epithelium in profile ; d, surface view ; c, tesselated epithelium ; e, the same from the sur- rpi v f ,1 face; /, epithelium of collar cells, with flagella (from the ' endoderm of a sponge) ; g, flagellate epithelium ; h, epithe- 38 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the animal kingdom the more sharply defined and the more thorough is the division of labour. The epithelial areas no longer consist of similar cells, but the cells of the same epithelium, having different functions to perform, are differently constructed. The comparison of the adaptations by which different cells (especially epithelial cells) of the Metazoa seem to be suited for definite functions, with the adaptations we have described among the Protozoa, is very instructive. In the latter, in the most complicated cases, different portions of one and the same cell appear specially adapted for the performance of definite functions. Among the Metazoa, how- ever, in a number of tissue cells one of the many adaptations of a complicated unicellular Protozoon becomes the principal adaptation suppressing all or most of the others, or totally obliterating them; in this way cells suited for the performance of one special function arise. We find among the Protozoa — as adaptations for movement, for taking in food, and for respiration — cilia, flagella, and so on. Epithelial cells of Metazoa very often assume such adaptations as the most prominent characteristic of the cells. Either all cells of an epithelium are covered with cilia — then we speak of ciliated epithelium — or only groups of cells or single cells are thus covered. The cilia of a cell may be replaced by a flagellum, e.g. in the endoderm of the sponges. Then the epithelial cells so provided are called flagellate cells, which often strongly remind one of the Choanoflagellata. These cilia and flagella serve among the Metazoa, as among the Protozoa, for very various purposes. 1. They cause locomotion in Metazoa of small size which live in water (cilia of the body epithelium of a few fihabdoccelidce, ciliated plates of the Ctenophora, cilia of the wheel organ of some Rotifera\ and especially in the free swimming larval stages of many Metazoa (general ciliation of many larvse, ciliated rings and bands of the larvae of Platodes, Vermes, Molluscs, and Echinoderms). 2. They serve for whirling food within reach, as they surround the oral aperture, e.g. Rotatoria. 3. They continually cause new digestible material to pass over the digesting epithelium ; in many cases they at the same time cause in the enteric cavity a constant renovation of water and of the food suspended in it. Intestinal respiration. Ciliated epithelium of the intestinal canal. 4. They constantly bring fresh oxygenated water into contact with the epithelium. Respiration. Ciliated epithelium of the gills. 5. If they carry on these activities at certain parts of the epithelium where sensory nerves come to the surface, they subserve special functions of sensation. Ciliated grooves. Olfactory pits. Very many Protozoa use pseudopodia and amoeboid processes for locomotion and ingestion of food, and also perhaps for respiration. In many Metazoa the taking of nutritive particles into the intestinal i EPITHELIAL TISSUE 39 epithelial cells by means of the protrusion of pseudopodia-like or amoeboid processes is an important function of these cells, which serve exclusively for purposes of nutrition. In many lower Metazoa the amoeboid character of one or of all the cells of the intestinal epithelium is so marked that they sever themselves from the complex of epithelial cells and float about independently in the intestinal cavity. Formations similar to the contractile vaeuoles of many Protozoa are found in the so-called excretory cells of the Turbellaria. In their protoplasm, and in that of their processes, small drops (products of metabolism) collect, and these may mingle to form one large drop (vacuole). The drop is emptied into the lumen of the cell (see Fig. 109, p. 152), and thence expelled by means of the excretory ducts. In certain Protozoa the ectoplasm gives rise to stinging cells. In most Coelenterata the production of such stinging capsules, the so-called nematoeysts, is always the chief function of very many ectodermal, cells (cnidoblasts) which do no other work for the organism. In the Protozoa a membrane or shell for the protection of the unicellular organism is provided by the secretion of a resistent external envelope ; so also in the Metazoa the epithelial cells, and naturally the cells of the outer body epithelium especially, provide a protection or covering for the body by the formation of outer eutieular membranes. Such eutieular formations arise by the mingling of the secretions of different cells, or the transformed products of the proto- plasm, to form a layer. They may vary very much chemically and physically, and stand in just the same relation to the epithelial cells which produce them as do the glandular secretions to the gland cells. To these eutieular formations belong the chitinous integuments of the Annulata and Arthropoda, which sometimes by calcareous deposit become carapaces as hard as stone ; these integuments are secreted by the epithelium (hypodermis) which underlies them. The Cuticle is often penetrated by fine perpendicular pores, which probably owe their origin to the fact that, as the cuticle increases in thickness, the cell protoplasm remains connected with the eutieular surface by fine processes. A fine cuticle is also to be found in ciliated epithelium, in which case the cilia pass through the pores to the exterior. There are, however, among the Metazoa a series of cells with special adaptations and functions which are wanting in the Protozoa. The aggregation of a large number of cells which can adapt themselves to the most various activities, presents much more favourable conditions for a far-reaching division of labour than are offered in the case of unicellular organisms. In the first place, we have in the epithelium the most various glandular cells — cells which are distinguished by peculiarities of form and structure, and possess a protoplasm capable of transforming the nutritive substances provided by the body into different sorts of secretions, or of assimilating from the body super- 40 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. fluous or waste material, which they then remove out of the body. Dermal glands secrete mucus or other substances. When glandular cells remain single they form unicellular glands ; if many combine for the same purpose they are called multieellular glands. In the simplest cases, these glands are epithelial cells, chiefly distinguished by their size, and often pear'- shaped. The nucleus lies at the basal end of the cell, i.e. the end away from the free surface of the epithelium. The secretion collects in the cell and is pushed forward towards its surface. Where a cuticle is developed it is often broken through above the gland cell, forming a pore for the discharge of the secretion (Fig. 35, A).% Unicellular glands often partially leave the epithelium, the greater part of the gland projecting into the underlying tissue. They then only penetrate between the epithelial cells by means of thin processes, the efferent ducts (Fig. 35, B). A greater or smaller area of epithelium often consists entirely or principally of glandular cells (Fig. 35, (7). Such areas generally sink into the epithelium, so that a glandular epithelial sae arises, into whose cavity the secretion is emptied (Fig. 35, D, E). Such sacs again may form many branches (Fig. 35, G). The glandular portion is then frequently limited to the blind and often lobate ends of the sacs, while the rest serves as an efferent duct. Glandular cells again can sink under the epithelium of these glandular sacs, and only remain connected with it by their efferent ducts (Fig. 35, F). It is only natural that certain cells of the epithelium which envelopes the body should undertake the function of carrying on the relations between the body and the outer world, i.e. of receiving im- pressions and imparting them to the body. Such epithelial cells are called sensory cells. They can either occur singly or form, in com- bination, a sensory epithelium. Originally these cells are very slightly differentiated, very slightly qualified for the reception of varied impressions. But here also, as the organism grows more perfect, division of labour steps in. Certain sensory cells appear qualified for the perception of definite sorts of impressions only. They enter into combination with certain tissue elements and form specific sensory organs, which give rise to perceptions of either touch or sound, sight, FIG. 35. — A-G, Various forms of glands. r CONNECTIVE TISSUE 41 smell, or taste. The sensory cells will engage our attention again later. Epithelial cells may become pigment cells by the deposition in their protoplasm of pigment material ; these pigment cells are an important element in the external colouring of the animal. Deposited in certain sensory cells, pigment serves for the absorption of light and heat rays, and so contributes to the sensations of light, colour, and warmth. Certain epithelial cells often perform the function of supporting their companions. They form, by mingling with each other, a tissue with meshes, the interstitial tissue, which is related to the other epithelial cells as the mortar in a wall is related to the bricks. Since the protoplasm of neighbouring epithelial tissue mingles, and since in epithelial cells it is the nuclei only and not their proto- plasm that divide, masses of protoplasm with nuclei scattered through- out them may arise. In such masses no cell boundaries can be recog- nised. They are called syneytia. The epithelial cells do not always lie close to each other; they are sometimes separated by clear intercellular spaces for transmission of fluid, or by intercellular substances ; but in such cases they remain connected by means of very fine protoplasmic processes which stretch across these intercellular spaces. II. Connective Tissue. Under this name is comprised a long series of tissue forms, which may have very different ^ origins, structures, and func- n.--.| V ••"•'"[" iVi'Ai \ i • •. tions. They originate either iM directly or indirectly from the epithelium. Their essen- tial office is to bind together different portions of the body and different organs, or to serve as support for these by their possession of a certain degree of firmness. We divide the connective tissues, according to an im- portant difference in their :J|| origin, into two principal PPI | groups. ef \ g I. GelatinOUS tiSSUe (Fig. FIG. S6.— Gelatinous tissue of a Scyphomedusa (diagram- 36) takes its Origin direct matic).e, Epithelium ; jjr, Jelly; fy, epithelial cell passing in- from an epithelium. To *» ^jdly; 60, branched cells in the jelly; e/, elastic fibres. this belong, e.g., the gelatinous tissue of Medusae and the Ctenophwa. Between the inner epithelium which lines the intestine and the 42 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. outer which covers the surface of the body a homogeneous jelly, con- taining a large proportion of water, is secreted by the epithelium. Cells leave the epithelium and enter the jelly, where they assume a different form. Sometimes they become spindle shaped, sometimes much branched cells connected together by their branches, sometimes elastic fibres. Occasionally such cells show amoeboid movement. They can even become contractile muscle-cells. II. The Connective tissue proper does not take its rise direct from the epithelium. In early stages of development of the animal variously sized groups of cells sink out of the epithelium below the surface, multiply by fission, and so produce the actual formative cells of the connective tissue. This fills the interstices between the organs and other tissues, or forms pillars, strands, plates, and variously shaped supporting masses. It often forms membranes round other organs and tissues, or lines cavities. Such a superficial extension may even assume the character of an epithelium. Two chief types of connective tissue proper are to be distinguished. A. The cells of the connective tissue lie close together and form no intercellular or connecting substance. Vesicular connective tissue (Fig. 37). Vacuoles filled with fluid occur in the cells, which, growing in size, cause vesicular swelling. PIG. 37.— A, Younger, B, older vesicular connective tissue of a Platode. v, Vacuoles. The protoplasm is then often limited to a thin layer surrounding the vacuole, and this can mingle with the neighbouring cells. Small aggregations of protoplasm may still be found massed round the nuclei. Vesicular connective tissue passes into retieular connective tissue, when the fluid -filled spaces of neighbouring cells unite with one another. The connective tissue then takes the character of a spongy network containing imbedded nuclei, and the intracellular fluid which has flowed together becomes in a certain sense intercellular (retieular connective tissue of many Platodes). In fatty tissue (Fig. 38) smaller or larger fat drops appear in the protoplasm of the cells. In pigment tissue colouring matter is deposited. B. The formative cells of connective tissue form externally a substance, the intercellular substance, in which they come to lie em- CONNECTIVE TISSUE 43 bedded. This substance is either secreted by the protoplasm of the cells, or it is produced by the metamorphosis of the outer protoplasmic layers. However much developed the intercellular substance is, according to recent research it is probably nearly always penetrated by very fine FIG. 38.— Fatty tissue, after Ranvier (from Claus's Text-book of Zoology). F, Fat-cells ; B, connective tissue fibrils. •% FIG. 39.— Chorda tissue, after Leydig. processes of the connective tissue cells, which are thus maintained in organic union. Various hollow spaces are also frequently found in it. Cellular vesicular connective tissue arises from the vesicular con- nective tissue above described by the cells secreting an external mem- brane or cuticle which connects them together, e.g. Chorda dorsalis (Fig. 39). There are kinds of cellular connective tissue in which the cells do not take the vesicular form, but remain compact and mostly round. The inter- cellular substance is incon- siderable in comparison with the cells. If it increases in mass, the tissue passes into the next form. In fibrous connective tis- sue the intercellular substance is considerable. When boiled it yields glue. It is differen- tiated into fibres, which often Unite in bundles, showing FlG- 40.-Reticular connective tissue, after . , Gegenbauer. the most varied arrangements. They often run parallel, often cross each other, or branch and anasto- mose with each other. The cells of the connective tissue seldom 44 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. remain round ; they generally assume a long spindle shape or a branched form. In the last case there again arises a sort of retieular connect- ive tissue. The processes of the cells themselves are often differenti- ated into fibres, which associate themselves with those formed from the intercellular substance. Fibrous connective tissue may have a loose texture or a firm texture, as in tendinous tissue (Fig. 41). The fibres swell on treatment with acids and alkalis. If they are elastic and retieular, and if they do not swell under the influence of acids and alkalis, we have elastic connective tissue. Ill FIG. 41.— Tendinous tissue, from the longitudinal section of a sinew, after Gegenbauer. FIG. 42.— Hyaline cartilage. To the right above are depicted the protoplasmic threads which connect the cartilage cells. Cells of connective tissue may become pigment cells by the deposi- tion of colouring material. Cartilaginous tissue is a very good instance of the structure and rise of real connective tissue. The cells generally remain round. They secrete membranes, which continually become thicker and stronger by their own growth, and which finally mingle with those of the neighbouring cells and form a tolerably firm intercellular substance, the cartilaginous substance, which in boiling yields chondrine. The cartilage cells continue to divide ; the daughter cells again surround themselves with membranes. Sometimes the membranes of various generations can still be distinguished — the less easily, of course, the older they are (Fig. 42). If the cartilaginous substance is homogeneous and structureless we have hyaline cartilage ; if it is fibrous we speak of fibrous cartilage. In cartilaginous tissue also the intercellular substance seems penetrated by exceedingly fine processes of the cartilage cells, which apparently CONNECTIVE TISSUE were already present when the first membrane was secreted. Calcified cartilage is formed by the appearance of calcareous deposits in the intercellular substance. Cartilaginous tissue, on account of its firmness, serves as support- ing tissue in vertebrate and in some invertebrate animals. Bone tissue forms, par excellence, the supporting tissue of vertebrates. The intercellular or bone substance becomes as hard as stone by a com- bination of lime-salts with some ground substance, which yields glue on being boiled, and does not dissolve under treatment with acids. In it are scattered the cell elements (bone cells); they are much branched, and connected by their processes ; they are arranged in parallel layers, often concentrically round the cavity (Fig. 44). Bone tissue arises out of indifferent connective tissue cells, which are arranged in strands or flat expanses, and which function as formative cells of the bone tissue, osteoblasts (Fig. 45, a). They produce on one side bone substance, often in the direction of cartilaginous masses, which they supplant, a,t the same time forming processes which remain im- 43. -Fibrous cartilage, after ciaus. Fio. 44.— Bone cells, after Gegenbauer. FIG. 45.— Bone tissue, a, Osteoblasts b, bone cells (after Gegenbauer). bedded in the bone substance. New masses of bone substance being constantly formed from the osteoblasts, some of the latter come to lie in the bone substance, and become bone cells. Dentine is nearly related to bone tissue. Here the formative cells (odontoblasts) do not enter into the dentine which they have: secreted ; they all remain at its base, but send into it numerous finely branched processes (fibres), which run parallel to each other in as many little 46 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. channels of the bone substance. The fibres are connected by fine anastomoses. It is clear from the above that bone tissue shows much similarity in its origin with gelatinous tissue, and dentine with epithelial cuticular formations. The blood cells and lymph cells which float in the blood, the lymph or the coelomic fluid of animals, at first rise out of connective tissue cells. The blood has even been described as fluid connective tissue, the blood fluid representing the intercellular substance, the blood corpuscles the connective tissue cells. Lymph corpuscles often show amoeboid movement, and are capable of taking in solid materials (e.g. products of excretion, food material, products of suppuration, and foreign bodies). III. Neuromuseular and Muscle Tissue. The elements of both muscle and nerve tissue originally come from the epithelial cells. Both tissues appear simultaneously in the animal kingdom, and are connected in their origin. In its simplest form neuro-museulap tissue is met with among the lower Codenterata (e.g. >3MH«iH93Sgi?ss&aaH£^'' Hydra}. Here, in the outer epithelium, , /\ are found cells which form processes • ' ./ inward, and produce a layer of fibres , •' > -{ - ] close under the epithelium. These fibres are contractile, and represent muscle processes of the epithelial cells. FIG. 46. -Neuro-muscular ceils of the Tne latter, which contain the nucleus, Hydra, after Kieinenberg. q, Muscle pro- take part with their companions in cesses of the same. limiting the. surf ace of the body. These cells undertake the relations with the outer world, being suited to receive external impressions. The stimulus created by such impres- sions is carried through the protoplasm of the cell to the muscle pro- cesses, which contract in consequence. The cells, with their processes, are accordingly called neuro- muscular cells. In them the chief functions are of nerve and muscle tissue localised, in the most general undifferentiated manner, in different parts of one and the same cell. In consequence of the intimate connection of the neuro-muscular cells with one another, a locally created stimulus of one or more cells is communicated to the neighbouring cells, and thus to their muscle processes. The principle of the division of labour here again supplies the key for understanding the further differentiation of neuro-muscular tissue. One portion of the neuro-muscular cells undertakes principally the function of contractility, and the greater part of its protoplasm becomes differentiated into contractile substance ; another portion of the neuro-muscular cells, while remaining in close organic connection with the first, performs the function of receiving external impressions, MUSCLE TISSUE changing them into sensations and carrying on the stimulus to the muscular elements. In accordance with this, muscle tissue in its simplest form appears as a system of epithelial muscle cells (Fig. 47, a). They still lie in the epithelium, but no longer take part in limiting the body surface. They form inwards muscle processes which run under the epithelium. They are distinguished from neuro-muscular cells by the fact that their chief function is contractility, and that the body of the cell no longer acts as a neural portion. This cell body then appears merely a remainder of the original formative substance of the fibres ; it lies below the upper epithelial cells, wedged in between them. In this way a neuro- FIG. 47.— Muscle fibres, a, Epithelial muscle cell (ez), with fibre ; 6, sub-epithelial muscle fibre, with attached protoplasmic body, both of Cnidaria ; c, longitudinal section of muscle fibre of a Nematode ; q, transverse section of the same ; e, of an Hirudo ; e\, the same in transverse section ; d, dorso-ventral muscle fibre of a marine Planarian ; /, the same of an Hirudo ; g, branched muscle fibre from the jelly of a Ctenophore ; p, protoplasm, or, in e and e1? medulla ; cs, contractile substance ; n, nucleus. muscular cell becomes an epithelial muscle fibre, with a protoplasmic body containing a nucleus attached to it. From this to sub-epithelial muscle fibres (Fig. 47, b) is a short step. These no longer lie in, but under the epithelium. They consist of a contractile fibre, which carries along its whole length, on the side bordering on the epithelium, a thin layer of protoplasm. In other cases, e.g. in the Ctenophora, epithelial cells can leave their complex and enter into the jelly secreted below the epithelium. Here they often grow into fibres branched at each end (Fig. 47, g), whose protoplasm changes into a contractile substance. Such fibres are known as mesenehymatous muscle cells, as opposed to epithelial muscle cells. 48 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The above differentiations of muscle tissue are seen within the division of the Cnidaria. Various forms of muscle elements can here be found in one and the same animal. Even if it is not impossible that muscle fibres respond to certain direct stimuli by contraction, it is generally characteristic of them that they respond only to stimuli communicated to them by the nerve elements. A general division into two principal types of muscle fibres may be made : (1) smooth, and (2) transversely striated. Smooth muscle fibres are almost always simple muscle cells. One single cell forms a fibre. The contractile substance is either formed by the cell on one side, so that the cell with the nucleus appear as an attached body (Fig. 47, c, Cj), or the contractile substance becomes differentiated on the whole surface of the formative cell, and then tubular muscle fibres arise (Fig. 47, e, e^. In these we distinguish the outer contractile eortiele layer from the central medulla which con- tains the nucleus ; this medulla fills the axis of the muscle fibre, and represents the more or less unchanged remnant of the protoplasm of the formative cell. The contractile substance of the smooth muscle fibres often appears longitudinally striated, and under the influence of suitable reagents separates into the fine long fibrillaB which are the cause of this longitudinal striation. The smooth muscle fibres are often branched at one or both ends, especially in those cases in which they have an isolated course (Fig. 47, d, /). The above described muscle fibres of the Ccdenterata are of this sort. Striated muscles. — These are considered as physiologically the most efficient muscle elements. Even among the Coelenterata, the con- tractile fibres of the epithelial muscular cells appear transversely striated. The muscle processes of several cells unite to form a group of striated fibres. Striated fibres form the chief mass of the muscula- ture in the Arthropoda and Vertebrate. They arise out of muscle- forming cells, the greater portion of one such cell becoming differentiated into transversely striated fibre. The remainder of the protoplasm, with the nucleus, often persists on the surface of the fibre. Perhaps it is this protoplasmic layer which produces the Sareolemma, the membrane which envelops the muscle fibre. In nearly all cases, however, the number of nuclei increases as the muscle fibre grows and differentiates further ; the fibre is thus to be considered as a many- celled structure proceeding from one cell by incomplete division. Often, however, several cells lying one behind the other share in the formation of a muscle fibre. Striated muscle fibre appears not only transversely but longitudinally striated. The transverse striation comes from a regular alternation of singly refractive with doubly refractive elements. There are, at the present time, many different opinions about the finer structure of the striated muscle fibre. According to the last view of Van Gehuchten, sup- ported by investigations of the transversely striated muscle fibres in the Arthropoda, MUSCLE TISSUE 49 the muscle fibre, like the protoplasm of the cells in general, consists of a network of close and very fine fibres, the spongioplasm, and of an intermediate homogeneous fluid substance, the hyaloplasm. The former is contractile and elastic, the latter is purely passive. In muscle fibres the spongioplasm is regularly arranged (Fig. 49, A). It consists of parallej. filaments, which run longitudinally and are bound by transverse filaments at regular intervals in a plane at right angles to the longitudinal axis. A transverse section lying in such a plane would form a plate with reticularly arranged filaments and hyaloplasm between them (Fig. 49, B}. There are no FIG. 48.— Transversely striated muscle fibre, after Gegenoauer. FIG. 49.— Transversely striated muscle fibre of an Arthropod, after Van Gehuchten. A, Lateral view. B, In transverse section. transverse connections between the longitudinal filaments, except at these regular intervals, so that on a transverse section of the fibre made at any other part of it only the transverse section of the longitudinal filaments would be seen. It is clear how, by such an arrangement of the finer portions, the transversely and longitudin- ally striated appearance of the fibre could be produced. There are weighty objec- tions, however, to these views of Van Gehuchten. The muscle fibres contract in response to stimuli transmitted to them by the motor nerve fibres. They therefore always stand in con- nection with the ends of such fibres in a manner which cannot here be further described. Muscle fibres joined together by connective tissue unite to form bundles, bands, or tubes. These again can be united in layers or in thick muscle strands. Muscle fibres, smooth as well as striated, arise, even in many higher Metazoa, out of epithelium ; in many of these, however, the muscle- forming cells (Myoblasts) are descendants of cells which at an early stage of their development sank below the level of the epithelium to which they belonged. Both kinds of formation may occur in the same animal. VOL. IB*4^v Of THE Tr\ UNIVERSITY) .llu £ 50 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. IV. Nerve Tissue. As muscle elements pure and simple may be imagined to arise out of neuro-muscular cells by the gradual differentiation of most of the protoplasm of one part of the cell into contractile substance, the muscular function thus being brought to the front at the expense of the other possible functions, so nerve elements may be produced by the suppression of the contractile part of the cell and the further differentiation of the neural portion. We can perhaps imagine that the simple sensory cells of the body epithelium of the lower Metazoa arose in this way, always presupposing that they remained in connection .si FIG. 50.— Piece of a muscle lamella of the septum of an Actinian (Anthea cereus), with nerve plexus, after O. and R. Hertwig. m, Muscle fibres ; sz, sensory cell, with sensory hair ; gz, ganglion cell. with the neighbouring contractile elements, either by simple contact or by processes. In this way a stimulus received by the sensory cells could be transmitted to the muscle cells. The sensory cells are epithelial cells, which are generally distinguished by a delicate, usually immobile, sensory hair, projecting outwards. Division of labour could then go further. Single sensory or nerve cells of the most undiffer- entiated sort, found in contact with other sensory cells and muscle cells, could give up their connection with the surface of the body and sink into the lower part of the epithelium, thus playing the part of inter- mediaries between sensory and muscle cells (Fig. 50), and transmit the stimulus received by the former to the latter. Such cells are found in many Coelenterata. They are here already known as gang-lion cells. They possess processes by which they are connected with each other and with the sensory cells and muscle fibres. They represent the| NERVE TISSUE 51 central elements of the nervous system; in them the impressions which have come from the sensory cells become sensations which can be transformed into will impulses ; from them proceed the stimuli which cause the muscle fibres to contract. The nervous system becomes complicated as low down as among the Ccelenterata, but more especially in animals of a higher grade. Between the central parts, i.e. the ganglion cells on the one side, and FIG. 52.— Ganglion cell from a human spinal FIG. 51.— Ganglion cell from the anterior cornu of the ganglion (after Gegen- human spinal cord (after Gegenbauer). p. Pigment ; n. bauer). n, Nuclei of the nerve. neurilemma. the sensory and muscle cells on the other, nerve cells are interposed, which, being stretched like fibres, become nerve fibres. These under- take exclusively the function of the transmission of sense impressions from the sensory cells to the ganglion cells, and the transmission of stimuli from the ganglion cells to the muscle fibres. Besides this, the glanglion cells no longer appear scattered, arranged in a plexus, but they unite into masses, which are defined as the central organs of the nervous system, e.g. the brain. The nerve fibres also unite into nerves. There are two sorts of nerve 52 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. fibres : (1) Sensory nerve fibres, which transmit sensory impressions from the peripheral sensory cells to the central organ; (2) Motor nerve fibres, which transmit stimuli from the central organ to the muscles. The majority of sensory cells also do not remain in their undifferentiated condition. Division of labour steps in here also. Some cells seem specially suited for the reception of light and colour sensations, others for those of sound, others again for sensations of smell and taste. Tactile cells still remain in the most undifferentiated condition. Many sensory cells which are qualified to receive one and the same class of stimuli become, by the addition of accessory tissues, combined into complicated sensory apparati — the specific sensory organs : the organs of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The ganglion cells possess one or more processes (unipolar, bi-polar, multi-polar ganglion cells), one or more of which pass over into the nerve fibres, while others only serve perhaps for the nourishment of the cells. The process of a unipolar ganglion cell sooner or later divides into at least two branches, one motor and the other sensory. The ganglion cells in peripheral ganglion centres are often enclosed in envelopes of connective tissue. Nerve fibres may have many branches, and are often finely striated in a longitudinal direction. They are either naked — in some of the lowest Metazoa — or enveloped in a sheath, the neurilemma, which is supplied by the surrounding connective tissue. When many nerve fibres form one nerve, the single fibres of this nerve are, 'among all the higher animals, kept apart from one another by this sheath ; the whole then in transverse section produces the effect of a spongy tissue, in whose larger or smaller meshes the transverse sections of the nerve fibres lie. I (I The neurilemma is not generally continued on •S to the ganglion cells. A further distinction between two sorts of nerves has been made, especially among the Vertebrata : (1) nerves without medulla, which remain simple ; and (2) nerves containing medulla, in whose fibres two parts are found — an outer oleagenous tubular medullary sheath, and a fibre surrounded by this — the axis-cylinder. On entering a ganglion cell, the latter alone penetrates its process — it alone represents the path of transmission. Both these sorts of nerve fibre are enclosed in neuri- lemma sheaths. In many of the lower animals the nervous system remains for the most part in its original place of formation, i.e. in the body epithelium. In the higher animals the nervous system remains in connection with the body epithelium through the sensory apparatus. This helps us to understand why, in the embryonic development of the highest animals, the nervous system is always produced by the outer epithelial layer. Literature. Th. Schwann. MiTcroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Uebereinstimmung in der Structur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pfianzen. Berlin, 1839. i LITERATURE 53 A. Kolliker. MikrosJcopische Anatomie oder Geivebelehre des Menschen. 1850-54. 3 Parts. The same. Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. 5th edition. Leipzig, 1867. F. Leydig. Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Frankfurt, 1857. (A standard work. ) The same. Vom Ban des thierischen Korpers. Tubingen, 1864. Vol. I. with atlas. C. Frommann. Zur Lehre von der Structur der Zellen. Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwiss. Bd. IX. 1875. W. Flemming. Zellsubstanz, Kern, Zelltheilung. Leipzig, 1882. H. Frey. Handbuch der Histologie' und Histochemie des Menschen. 3d edition. Leipzig, 1870. L. Ranvier. Traite" technique d' Histologie. A German translation of the same by Nicati and v. Wyss. Leipzig, 1877. H. Fol. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mikrosTcopischen Anatomie. Leipzig, 1884. Till now only the first part has appeared, treating of technical microscopy. Ph. Stohr. Lehrbuch der Histologie. 2d edition. Jena, 1888. CHAPTEE II Introduction to the study of the Metazoa — Ccelenterata or Zoophyta as the lowest Metazoa constructed essentially of two cell layers — Yolk segmenta- tion and formation of the two primitive germinal layers of the Metazoa (Gastrsea theory). INTRODUCTION. IN contradistinction to Protista dr Protozoa we have real Animals or Metazoa. The bodies of the former consist of one single cell or of several similar cells (with the exception of F'olwx), each of which, how- ever, is competent to perform all vital functions (cell colony) ; the bodies of Metazoa, on the contrary, always consist of a number of cells which are not all similar, but have divided among them the different forms of vital activity (cell community). The division of labour may be more or less complete, and according to it the degree of. morpho- logical complexity and of physiological perfection is determined. There are animals which are morphologically (according to structure) and physiologically (according to their vital activities) only a little raised above the Protozoan colony, e.g. the Hydra. The bodies of these animals consist of only slightly different sorts of cells : digesting cells, neuro- muscular cells, stinging cells, and formative cells of eggs and spermatozoa. All these kinds of cells are, however, indispensable to the existence of the Hydra body ; not one of them can be removed from the body without endangering its existence. The whole body is nevertheless physiologically an individual, but, as opposed to the cell, an individual of a second, i.e. a higher order — a person. Most animals remain at this stage of individuality. A Medusa, a Worm, a Crustacean, or a Mammal is such an individual of the second order. In many animal divisions, however, individuals of the second order multiply by fission or gemma- tion. The new individuals thus arising remain united, and together form individuals of the third order — an animal stock. The single indi- viduals which collectively form such a stock may remain similar, and they then are related to the stock in just the same way as the cell- individuals of a Protozoan colony are related to the colony ; or division CHAP, ii INTRODUCTION TO STUDY OF METAZOA 55 of labour again steps in, resulting in variety of development in body form and structure of the persons forming the stock (polymorphism). Then such a stock is also physiologically again an individual of the third order. The single persons become equivalent to instruments of this complex individual, and bear the same relation to it as the various cell elements of a single individual, e.g. a Hydra, bear to it. As instances of animal stocks without division of labour among the persons we have most Corals ; and of stocks with far-reaching division of labour and polymorphism the Siphonophora. Even in the lowest Metazoa the cell elements are not found scattered in the body without any special arrangement. On the con- trary, we find even among the simplest Ccdenterata that they are arranged in two epithelium-like layers, which are closely contiguous and form the wall of the body, which is pouch-shaped and provided with an opening. In keeping with the physiological activities of the various cells, the stinging cells and the neuro-muscular cells form the outer layer, while the digesting cells form the inner layer, which is turned towards the pouch cavity, i.e. the gastric cavity. The reproductive cells lie protected in the deeper portions of the outer layer. These two layers, which occur in the development of all Metazoa, are called the Ectoderm and the Endoderm. Either similar or dissimilar cells or tissues, therefore, may combine to form cell or tissue complexes. Such complexes are called organs when the cells or tissues combining to form them perform in common one or more functions. The endoderm of the Hydra is a primitive organ, all the cells of which undertake the digestion. The tentacles of the Hydra are slightly more complicated organs; they serve as organs of touch, as weapons, and as organs for seizing food. For these purposes they contain neuro-muscular and stinging cells. For the nutrition of the tentacles canals lined with endoc[erm enter them from the gastric cavity. In this way the most various elements are drawn into the service of one or of several functions after which the organs are named. We therefore speak of the sensory organs and the organs of movement, respiration, etc. Several organs of the same sort with similar functions may occur in the same body (this is especially the case among the higher animals); these are then portions of an organic system — muscular system, vascular system, nervous system, etc. The observation of the construction of the animal body out of cells, tissues, organs, etc., is the object of Anatomy, microscopic and mac- roscopic. These become Comparative Anatomy when the structure of animal bodies is considered comparatively. Comparative anatomy, again, Js the indispensable aid of zoology in one of its chief tasks — the discovery of the natural relations of affinity among animals and of the conjectural course of development of the animal world in the earth's history. Comparative anatomy seeks to define the relations of affinity between the different portions which combine to form the animal body. 56 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. It deals naturally, not only with the bodies of animals now living, but also with the bodies of animals of past geological periods in so far as these are attainable in a fossilised condition ; not only with the bodies of adult animals, but with all the consecutive stages of development of such animals. For an animal form is characterised not only by its structure in a fully grown and sexually mature stage, but by its struc- ture in all the previous consecutive stages of its development. Com- parative anatomy only considers organs, as we have already said, according to their structure and their connections of affinity, not ac- cording to their physiological activities. The relationship of two organs rests upon their descent from the same organ of a common racial form. The proof of this relationship establishes the Homology of the organs in different animals. Thus the anterior or posterior extremities of the Amphibia, Eeptiles, Birds, and Mammals are homo- logous to each other and to the pectoral or ventral fins of the Fish, because these organs have a common origin. The limbs of the Ferte- brata and those of the Arthropoda are not homologous, but only ana- logous, because they cannot be referred to a definite organ in a common racial form. They were first formed independently within each of these groups, and the superficial similarity which they exhibit is only the result of their adaptation to the" same function. Zoological research has further proved that in the process of time organs can undertake functions quite different from those which they originally performed (principle of the change of functions). The air- bladder of fishes, for example, is principally a hydrostatic apparatus used by these animals for rising or sinking in the water. At the same time, in certain fishes the air-bladder may also undertake the secondary function of a respiratory apparatus. This secondary function becomes in the higher Vertebrata the chief function ; the lung rises out of the air bladder, and the original function is quite lost. The so-called rudimentary organs are of great importance in comparative anatomy ; these are degenerated organs which are not in the condition to perform any useful function for the organism. They are remains of originally well-developed and functionally important organs, retained by inherit- ance, but in the act of disappearing. Thus the human processus vermi- formis is a small remainder of an intestinal caecum which is greatly developed in certain Mammalia of a lower order and energetically takes part in the work of digestion. How is the rise of the lowest, simplest Metazoa to be imagined ? This question is answered by various theories ; one of these, the Gastrsea theory, has been very generally accepted. This theory rests upon two series of facts : 1. In the development of very many Metazoa there arises, by repeated division of the egg cell, a hollow group of similar cells, which in its structure shows a general correspondence with a Protozoan colony (Polvox, Magosphcera). The cells of this group ii INTRODUCTION TO STUDY OF METAZOA 57 (blastula) arrange themselves in all Metazoa in a double layer, and in many cases they do this in the simplest manner, i.e. by the wall of the hollow sphere sinking in at one spot. The sunken portion lines the non-invaginated portion of the hollow sphere, and so we have a pouch with a double wall (ectoderm and endoderm). The inner layer, the endoderm, surrounds a cavity, the areh-enteron, which opens outward by an aperture, the primitive mouth or blastopore. The outer layer, or ectoderm, everywhere supplies the outer integu- ment and the nervous system of the animal; the inner, the enteric epithelium and the glands which proceed from it. This germinal form is called Gastrula. 2. The body of one of the lowest Metazoa, e.g. one of the simplest Ccelenterata, throughout life consists of two layers, which in all essentials correspond with the two germinal layers of the Gastrula. The outer layer, the ectoderm, represents the outer integument ; the inner, the endoderm, the epithelial wall of the intestinal cavity. The latter surrounds the intestinal cavity, which opens at one point, the mouth. From these two series of facts the following conclusions may be drawn : — 1. All Metazoa are descended from one common ancestral form, which possessed essentially the structure of one of the lower Ccelenterata. This hypothetical ancestor, the Gastrcea, is met with in all Metazoa as a transitionary stage in their development — as a Gastrula. 2. The Gastrcea itself arose in a similar way from a Protozoan colony in the shape of a hollow sphere by the formation and the gradual deepening of a depression, just as in the individual develop- ment of many animals the gastrula arises by invagination out of a hollow group of cells, the product of the segmentation of the egg. The three chief Divisions of the Metazoa. A. The body consists essentially of two layers — the ectoderm and the endoderm. There is no middle layer as a rule, and where such does occur, its close relation to either the ectoderm or the endoderm, or to both, is clear. Intestine with one external aperture — the mouth. A body cavity between the intestine and the integument is wanting ; so also are blood-vessels and excretory organs. A nervous system is either wanting, or, where it occurs, is little centralised. Comprises : The Second Race or Phylum of the Animal Kingdom— Zoophyta or Ccelenterata. B. With well-developed mesoderm sharply distinguished from the ectoderm and endoderm. Gastric cavity with a single aperture opening externally (mouth). Body cavity and blood-vascular system wanting. Excretory organs (water- vascular system) present. Nervous system centralised. Comprises : The Third Race or Phylum of the Animal Kingdom— Platodes. C. With well developed mesoderm, sharply distinguished from the ectoderm and the endoderm. Intestine with two external apertures (oral and anal). Generally with a body cavity in mesoderm. Blood-vascular and excretory systems usually present. Nervous system centralised. 58 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Comprises all the remaining races of the animal kingdom, — viz. the fourth, Vermes ; the fifth, Arthropoda ; the sixth, Mollusca ; the seventh, Echinodermata ; the eighth, Tunicata ; and the ninth, Vertebrata. THE SECOND KACE OE PHYLUM OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. ZOOPHYTA OR CCELENTERATA. Systematic Review. CLASS I. Gastrseadse. Without pores in the body wall and without tentacles. ,, II. Porifera or Sponges. With pores in the body wall, without tentacles. ,, III. Cnidaria or Stinging Animals. Without pores in the body wall, with tentacles. Of the three chief classes of the Ccelenterata, the Gastrceadce show essentially the structure of a Gastrula, while the other two groups contain animals more highly differentiated, which, developing in entirely different directions, cannot be com- prehended in one description. CLASS I. The Gastrseadse. Systematic Review. A. The Physemaria, Haliphysema, Gastrophysema. B.. The Dicyemidse. Dicyema (Fig. 53). C. The Orthonectidse. Rhopalura, (Fig. 54). Appendage : Trichoplax adhcerens (Fig. 55). The Gastrceadce are animals whose structure essentially corresponds with that of the Gastrula. In some forms the organisation is com- plicated ; in others, no doubt in adaptation to the parasitic manner of life, somewhat simplified. The Physemaria are bi-laminar tubes attached to the sea bottom by that portion of their bodies which is opposite to the aperture. The ectoderm consists of fused cells (syncytium) ; the endoderm of collar cells, each with a flagellum. The sexual products are developed in the endoderm. Foreign bodies are contained in the ectoderm. Were the body wall of the Physemaria perforated by pores they would have to be considered as the simplest sponges. The bodies of the Dicyemidce (Fig. 53) and Orthonectidce (Fig. 54) which are parasitic in Cephalopoda, Echinodermata, and Turbellaria, also consist of two principal layers; the ciliated ectoderm forms an un- broken layer of not very numerous cells round the inner solid layer, which is generally considered to be endoderm, and this layer consists either (Orthonectidce) of a mass of cells, or of one single multinuclear axial cell (Dicyemidce). The oral opening and gastral cavity have here disappeared in the same way as in the Cestoda. The body of the Orthonectidce is outwardly ringed, and between ectoderm and endoderm has a layer of ectodermal muscular fibres. In the Orthonectidce spermatozoa and eggs are produced in the endoderm, but in different 59 disi. . .lar individuals. In the Dicyemidce no spermatozoa have yet been discovered, but many egg-like germs, which apparently without fertilisation develop as eggs within the axial cell. Th'-i course of development is as follows. The egg or the unicellular germ divides into two unequal portions. The larger segmentation cell which is thus produced (macromere) remains at first undivided, while the smaller (micromere) divides repeatedly. The descendants of the latter grow round the larger cell, finally completely surrounding it, FIG. 53.— Young Dicyema, after Whitman. e, Ectoderm ; en, endoderm cell, with nucleus (n) ; em, embryo. FIG. 54.— Rhopalura Giardii, (j> , after Julin. and form the ectoderm, and, in the Orthonectidce, the muscular fibres as well. The large cell remains undivided in the Dicyemidce and be- comes the axial cell, while in the Orthonectidce it yields by division the group of endodermal cells. Appendage : Triehoplax adhserens (Fig. 55). — This is a remark- able animal discovered in the Graz marine aquarium, which presents the appearance of a thin flat ciliated body like an Amoeba, irregular and varying in shape. It is composed of three layers — the lowest, which adheres to the surface on which the animal rests, consists of cylindrical cells, the uppermost of tesselated epithelium. The layer 60 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. between these consists of branched and partly anastomosing cells, which lie in a hyaline ground substance. The cells of the lowest layer possess processes, which pass into the processes of the cells of the middle layer without sharp distinction. As long as we Lave no know- FIG. 55.— Part of a vertical section through the body of Trichoplax adhaerens, after F. E. Schulze. ledge of the reproduction and development of this animal, judgment as to its morphology must be suspended. [Note. — Of. p. 175. Where the author suggests that the Dicyemidce and Ortho- nectidce, on account of their similarity to the sporocysts, are degenerated Trematoda. -Tr.] Literature. E. Haeckel. Biologische Studien. Heft II. 1877. Ed. van Beneden. Recherches sur Us Dicyemides. Bull. Academic Belgique. Bruxelles, 1876. C. 0. Whitman. A Contribution to the Embryology, Life-History, and Classification of the Dicyemids. Mittheil. aus d. zool. Station zu Neapel. T. IV. 1882. A. Giard. Les Orthonectides. Journal de I' Anatomic et de la Physiologic. T. XV. 1879. E. Metschnikoff. Untersuchungen ilber Orthonectiden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. Bd. 35. 1881. Julin. Contribution & Vhistoirc des Mesozoaires. Archives de Biologie. T. III. 1882. F. E. Schulze. Ueber Trichoplax adhaerens. Zoolog. Anzeiger. Bd. VI. 1883. S. 92-97. CLASS II. Porifera or Sponges. Systematic Review. Sub-Class I. Calcaria. — Skeleton composed of spicules of carbonate of lime, always present. According to the structure of the soft body, Ascones, Sycones, and Leucones. Olynthus, Ascandra, Sycandra, Leucandra. Order 1. Calcispongige. Sub-Class II. Non-Calcarea. — Skeleton seldom wanting, but never of calcareous spicules, rather of siliceous spicules or spongin fibres. According to the structure of the soft body, Leucones. PORIFEEA Order 2. Hexactinellidse. 61 Siliceous needles, isolated or bound together by masses of silica into a continuous firm framework, tri-axial. Flagellate chambers cylindrical, placed radially, similar to the radial tiiles of Sycandra. Most forms fossil. Living: Euplectella, Hyalonema. FIG. 56.— Skeleton of a horn sponge attached to a stone, o, Oscula. Order 3. Spiculispongiae. Skeleton consisting of independent siliceous spicules of various kinds, rarely wanting. The spicules are often bound together into bundles by an organic sub- stance, or form firmly connected skeletons interlocking by means of knotty out- growths ; they are, however, never cemented together by siliceous masses. Gfeodia, Plakina, Chondrosia, Oscar ella, and Halisarca (without skeleton), Tethya, Tiiberella, Suberites. Order 4. Halichondrina. Skeleton composed of siliceous spicules, chiefly uniaxial, cemented together by a more or less horny substance (spongin). Halichondria, Reniera, Spongilla (in fresh water) Myxilla, Clathria. 62 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Order 5. Ceraspongia (Fig. 56). Skeleton consists of horn fibres (spongin). Proper spicules wanting. Fragments of foreign spicules, sand, etc., are often used for strengthening. Spongelia, Euspongia officinalis (bath sponge), Aplysina. The form of the body in the Porifem is so wonderfully varied that no general description of it is possible, on account of their great variety in shape. Sponges or sponge stocks can be knob-like, pear-shaped, crust-like, funnel-shaped, cylindrical, or spherical. Many are irregularly branched. Some have a radiate structure. All are attached, or have part of their bodies buried in mud. With the exception of the Spongillidce, all sponges live in the sea. In many sponges the external forms to be met with, even in one and the same species, varies to an extraordinary degree. The same individual even, in different parts of its body, may show differences of texture and structure, and variations in the composition of the skeleton. The inner structure of sponges is not less varied. As an example let us take Olynthus (Fig. 57). This sponge is vasiform and rather thin walled ; it is attached by its blind end, while the opposite free end is broken through by an opening (oseulum). The body wall is perforated by pores which can open and shut. The water streams through the pores into the body cavity, which may be compared with the gastric cavity of the gastrula, and flows out through the oseulum. The wall, as far as is at present known, consists of two layers : (1) an .outer layer formed of a tolerably homogeneous fundamental substance, in which are imbedded cells and calcareous needles ; (2) an inner epithelium of collar cells. Perhaps here also, outside the layer which contains the skeleton, there is a thin tesselated epithelium, in which case the body would consist of three layers — an outer ectodermal layer, an inner endodermal epithelium, and an intermediate mesodermal layer of connective tissue. Those sponges, which are essentially of the same degree of organisation as the Olynthus, are called Ascones. A higher degree of organisation is attained when the body wall becomes thicker and cylindrical tubes or pouches arranged close together penetrate into the thickened wall radially round the central cavity (Fig. 58). The outer surface of the sponge is then often raised in numerous cones over these radial tubes. The radial tubes are lined with collar epithelium, while the epithelium of the central or gastral cavity is changed into a pavement epithelium. The outer pores in this case lead first into the radial tubes, from these into the central cavity, and thence through the oseulum to the exterior. Sycones. II PORIFERA 63 In most sponges, however, the " canal system " is more complicated. The collar epithelium is limited to numerous so-called "ciliated chambers," which are sac-like, and generally lie scattered in the much thickened mesoderm of the body wall (Fig. 59, gk). The pores of the outer surfaces of the body lead into much- branched canals of varying width, which are lined with tesselated epithelium; these, as afferent canals, enter the 'ciliated chambers. Other canals of varying width, which often unite into larger canals, lead out of the chambers as efferent canals into the variously shaped central cavity, which again opens out- ward by means of an osculum. Such forms are known as Leucones. The movement of the flagella of the collar epithelium maintains a constant stream of water through the canal system of the sponges. The water enters by the pores, passes through the canal system, and flows out again through the osculum. The canal system may vary extraordinarily in details. Its structure and arrangement are of importance in classification. The coalescence of the afferent canals often causes a system of large lacunae and cavities lying quite near the surface, the sub-dermal spaces ; into these the pores open either directly or through canals, the water passing on from the sub-dermal spaces by special canals into the ciliated chambers. The canal system of the sponges may be greatly de- veloped in comparison with the solid matter of the middle layer (mesoderm), or the solid tissue may pre- ponderate. In the first case the sponge has a loose, in the second a firm, texture. p1G. 53.— Sycandra ciliata, Haeckel, after Vosmaer. Longitudinal section through the body wal1 in tlie upper The mesoderm of the sponges is represented by a middle layer of connective tissue, chiefly gelatinous, with cells imbedded in it. The latter are either spindle-shaped or star-shaped, occasionally vacuolated. Some of them often contain colouring matter (pigment cells) ; others can move like Amwbce (migratory cells). Long spindle-shaped and finely-branched cells occasionally lie concentrically at the commence- ment of the afferent canals, and no doubt serve as contractile cells for closing the pores. The mesodermal connective tissue is, in sponges, the place of for- mation of the very varied skeletal structures. These consist either of carbonate of lime, or of silica, or of horn known as spongin. 64 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Skeletons of silica and of horn fibres are found combined. The sili- ceous or calcareous skeletons consist of small bodies of extraordinarily different shapes, the so-called spicules, most probably formed in the FIG. 59.— Part of a section through Halisarca lobularis, after F. E. Schulze. ec, "Ectodermal pavement epithelium ; gh, gastral cavity ; m, mesoderm ; p, pores ; gk, ciliated chambers ; zk, affer- ent canals ; o, eggs in different stages of segmentation. cells. There are uniradiate, triradiate, quadriradiate, sexiradiate, multi- radiate forms, stars, spheres, etc. The skeleton of a sponge may con- sist of only one sort of spicule, or two or more sorts may occur together. The single spicules lie either loosely near each other, or are cemented together into coherent frameworks. The same is the case with horn fibres. The ordinary bath sponge is only a framework of such horn fibres ; it is merely the skeleton of a marine animal (Fig. 56). A nervous system is not yet with certainty proved to exist in the Porifem. Reproduction is either asexual or sexual. Asexual reproduction takes place by external or internal budding or gemmation. External gemmation. — A sponge may put out buds at various FIG. 60.— Various forms of skeletal spiculae from Sponges. POEIFERA 65 poin ! oi bh< body surface. These, without detaching themselves, grow \d can in their turn form buds. Sponge colonies thus ouds may at various points grow together, the colony itself arise. may again iave the appearance of a plexus or framework. The holes and interspaces of such a colony may then again assume the character of a canal system (pseudo-canals). These must, however, according to their origin, be sharply distinguished from the real canal system which runs through the walls of every sponge individual Separate sponge individuals may also fuse and form colonies. The number of oscula generally corresponds with the number of individuals which form the colony (Fig. 56, o). In the so-called internal gemmation groups of cells called gemmulse detach themselves from the sponge body, and after a period of rest develop into complete sponges. Observers differ as to the finer processes which take place during the development of these gemmulse. Sexual reproduction. — Sponges are either hermaphrodite or disecious ; in the former case the eggs and spermatozoa are not pro- duced at the same time in the same individual or colony ; they are protandrously hermaphrodite. The eggs and spermatozoa seem to develop from mesoderm cells. Development. — The course of development of the sponge from the fertilised egg, which often begins within the mother body, seems, to judge from the as yet insuffi- cient and often contradictory observations which have been made, to be so varied FIG. 61.— Sections of three stages of development of Oscarella lobularis, after K. Heider. A, Gastrula which has attached itself. B, Rudiments of mesoderm and canal system. C, Forma- tion of the osculum and ciliated chambers, e, Ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; m, mesoderm ; o, osculum ; p, pores ; ivk, ciliated chambers. that it is hardly possible to form a generally applicable scheme. We select the newly investigated development of Oscarella (Halisarca] lobularis (Fig. 61). By means of repeated egg division a freely swimming larva arises, the Blastula. This is a hollow sphere, whose wall consists of one single layer of flagellate cells. The blastula by invagination becomes a gastmla. This attaches itself by the gastrula mouth or blastopore, and the aperture gradually narrows and finally closes! VOL. I F 66 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Gelatinous substance is secreted between the ectoderm and endoderm, and into this cells migrate most probably from the endoderm. Thus the connective tissue mesoderm arises. At the same time radial invaginations of the endoderm vvhich lines the arch-enteron are formed in the mesoderm, and grow towards the ectoderm. These invaginations are rounded off and become the ciliated chambers (wL). Their com- munication with the gastric cavity becomes narrowed. The ciliated chambers become connected with the surface, either by the formation of pores through the external membrane (in the case of chambers lying superficially), or by the formation of short invaginations of the ectoderm, which finally reach the ciliated chambers. The osculum arises at the aboral pole, by the lengthening and breaking through of the body cavity. Sycone stage. According to these observations, the epithelium of the ciliated chambers, the efferent canals, and the central cavity (gastric cavity) is of endodermal origin ; the tesselated epithelium on the surface of the body and the epithelium of the afferent canals (at least partly) of ectodermal origin. According to other observers, in fresh water sponges the ectoderm is thrown off by the larva, and the whole adult sponge is derived from the endoderm. The observations of several investigators agree in establishing the fact that the gastrula of the sponge attaches itself by the edges of the blastopore. The osculum of the sponge therefore represents neither the blastopore of the gastrula nor the mouth of the Ccelenterata. The Porifera thus appear as a laterally developed group of the lower Metazoa, which do not admit of direct comparison with other Coslenterata, but are only distantly related to them. Literature. O. Schmidt. Die Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres. Leipzig, 1862. Drei Supple- mente, 1864 bis 1868. The same. Grundzuge eincr Spongienfauna des atlantischen Gebietes. Leipzig, 1870. Vfl^aeckel. Die Kalkschwamme. 3 Bde. Berlin, 1872. 0. Schmidt. Die Spongienfauna des mexikanischen Meerbusens und des caraibischen Meeres. Jena, 1880. F. E. Schulze. Untersuchungen uber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Spongien, in Zeitschrift f. w. Zoologie. Bd. 25-35. 1876-1881. G. C. Vosmaer. Porifera. In Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreiehs. Leipzig, 1882. N. Polejaeff. Report on the Calcarea in Chall. Exped. Rep. vol. VIII., part XXIV. London, 1883. F. E. Schulze. Report on the Hexadinellidce. Chall. Exped. Rep. vol. XXL, 'part LIII. London, 1887. Compare also the older works and treatises of Grant, Lieberkiihn, and Bowerbank, and newer investigations of Zittel, Barrois, Keller, Heider, Marshall, Lenden- feld, Gotte, etc. CLASS III.— Cnidaria. Systematic Review. Sub-Class 1. Hydrozoa. Prototype : Hydropolyp or Hydrula. In all Hydrozoa an ectodermal oeso- phagus is wanting ; the mouth leads direct into the endodermal gastric cavity. Gastral filaments are wanting. The sexual products mostly arise from the ectoderm. The sexes are generally separate. II CNIDARIA 67 Order 1. Hydridse (Fresh-water polyps). Single individuals or small stocks without envelopes consisting of a few similar individuals. Reproduction asexual by gemmation, and sexual. Hydra develop direct from the egg. Hermaphrodite. Hydra, in fresh water. Order 2. Hydromedusse. Hydroid colonies, which are at least dimorphic, since, besides the sterile nutritive polyps, there arise by gemmation sexual persons, which either detach themselves as Craspedote Mcdusce and swim about freely, or remain united with the colony as medusoid gonophores. In one series of Hydromedusce the attached Hydroid form is FIG. 62.— Bougainvillea ramosa (after Allman), with budding Medusa, h, Nutritive polyps ; mk, Medusa buds ; m, detached young Medusa (Margelis ramosa). suppressed, as the Craspedote Medusa develops direct from the fertilised egg into another Medusa. The systematic relationship of single forms is naturally determined both by the Hydroid and by the Medusa forms. As the whole life-history and development of only a minority of the many species is available, and in many species only the Hydroid form is known, in others only the Medusa form, a natural system of the Hydromedusce is still a desideratum. Hydroid form. Medusa form. Sub-Order 1. Hydrocorallia. Hydroid stocks, with calcified peri- Wanting, derm skeleton. The sexual products are produced in gonophores. Stylaster, Millepora. 68 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Hydroid form. Sub-Order 2. Tubularia. Small hydroid colonies, naked or covered with a chitinous envelope (peri- derm). The chitinous envelope never widens into a cup (theca) round the polyp head. In many forms the Medusce are reduced to gonophores, which do not de- tach themselves. Medusa form. Anthomedusae. Craspedote Medusce, without marginal vesicles and otoliths, with ocelli at the bases of the tentacles. Gonades in the outer wall of the gastric peduncle ; 4, seldom 6 or 8, radial canals. v Syncoryne Sarsii. Podocoryne earned. Eudendrium ramosum. Bougainmllea ramosa (Fig. 62). Stauridium cladonema. Cordylophora lacustris \ (in fresh water). J Tubularia larynx. Unknown. Examples. Sarsia tubulosa. Dysmoi*phosa carnea. Lizusa octocilia. Margclis ramosa (Fig. 62, m). Cladonema radiatum. Wanting. Wanting. Ctenaria ctenophora. Sub-Order 3. Campanaria. Small hydroid stocks with chitinous periderm, which widens round the polyp- head into a theca, into which the head with the tentacles can be withdrawn. The Medusa buds or sessile gonophores generally arise united into groups in special modified polyps devoid of ten- tacles and mouth (gonangia). Leptomedusse. " Craspedote Medusce, some without, some with, marginal vesicles, the latter developed from the base of the velum with ectodermal otolith cells. Ocelli at the tentacle bases sometimes present, sometimes wanting. Gonades always in the course of the radial canals. Number of radial canals various, often very great " (Haeckel). Examples. Campanularia geniculata. Unknown. Campanulina tenuis. Unknown. Unknown. Laomedia Caliculata. The Plumularia and the Sertularia are generally placed near the Campanaria. These are elegantly branched Hydroid stocks. In the first, the cups (thecrc) which contain the nutritive polyps are in a single row, in the second in two rows on opposite sides of the stem. The sexual products form bud-like outgrowths (gono- phores), which generally arise in groups on special modified polyps devoid of Obelia geniculata. f Eucope campanulata. 1 (Fig. 65, p. 74.) Phialidium variabile. GastroUasta Raffadii. Aequorea Forskalea. Wanting. n CNIDARIA 69 Hydroid form. Medusa form. mouth and tentacles, and they are sur- rounded by a chitinous periderm. It is as little known in this case as in that of the Hydrocorallia, whether these gonophores are degenerate Medusae which remain sessile, or simple sexually differ- entiated Hydropolyp buds. Sub-Order 4. Wanting. Traehomedusse. Craspedote Medusae with auditory or- gans (tentaculocysts), with endodermal otolith cells, which sometimes stand freely on the margin of the umbrella, sometimes enclosed in auditory capsules, Ocelli generally wanting. Gonades always in the course of the radial canals. Number of radial canals 4, 6, or 8, never more ; between them often blind centri- petal canals. Direct development with metamorphosis. Olindias Miilleri, Rho- palonema velatum, Aglantha digitalis, Geryonia probosddalis, Carmarina hastata. Sub- Order 5. Wanting. Narcomedusse. Craspedote Mcduscc with auditory or- gans, always standing freely on the margin of the umbrella, with endodermal otolith cells. Ocelli mostly wanting. Tentacles at some distance from the margin of the umbrella, inserted on the exumbrella, bound to the umbrella mar- gin by clasps (peronia), Avhich divide it into a number of collar lobes. Gonades on the gastric peduncle, often spreading from it peripherally in radial gastric pouches. Radial canals sometimes wanting, sometimes spreading out in the shape of flat gastric pouches. Circum- ferential canal sometimes obliterated. Number of tentacles, lobes, and pouches variable ; seldom 4, generally 8 or more, up to 32. Development usually direct, with metamorphosis. Cunina, Pcgan- tha, ^Egincta, ^Eginopsis, Solmaris. Order 3. Siphonophora. Polymorphic, freely swimming Hydrozoa stocks, whose individuals or persons, Craspedote Medusce, are modified for special functions. 70 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Sub-Order 1. Siphonanthe. The heteromorpliic persons bud on a variously formed stem, which may be com- pared with the gastric peduncle of a Medusa. Family 1. Calyconecta. — Without pneumatophore and feeler (taster) ; with one or more swimming bells at the upper end of the stem. The remaining hetero- morphic persons arranged in groups (cormidia), which can detach themselves from the stem as Eudoxice and Ersoece. Praya (Fig. 85, p. Ill), Diphyes, Abyla, Hippopodius. Family 2. Physonecta. — With pneumatophores, without aurophore, with several swimming bells, and with feelers. Apolemia, Agalma, Anthemodes, Hali- stemma, Physophora, Forskalia. Family 3. Auronecta. — With one large pneumatophore, under which stands a circle of swimming bells, and in the dorsal middle line of the latter a large medusoid air bell (aurophore), which secretes gas, and may be considered as a modified swimming bell. Stem shortened and thickened. Without feeler (?). Stephalia (Fig. 84, p. 110), Auralia, Rhodalia. Family 4. Cystonecta. — With large pneumatophore, without aurophore. Swimming bells and covering pieces wanting. Hhyzophysa, Physalia. Stem under the pneumatophore very much shortened, and flattened into a disc. Sub-Order II. Disconanthe. The heteromorphic individuals bud from the under side of a disc, which contains a many-chambered pneumatophore, and may be compared with a Medusa umbrella. The margin of the disc carries a ring of numerous tentacles. In the middle of the subumbrella stands the central gastric peduncle as chief siphon. Family 5. Disconecta. — Discatia, Porpita, Porpalia (Fig. 87, p. 114), Velella. Sub-Class II. Scyphozoa. Prototype : The Scyphopolyp or the Scyphula. In the Scyphozoa we find an ectodermal oesophagus. Gastral or mesenterial filaments are present in all cases on the septa or gastric ridges. The sexual products arise out of the endoderm. The sexes are generally found in separate individuals. Order 1. Anthozoa (Corals). Attached individuals or colonies. The body remains essentially on the samel grade as the Scyphula. The ectodermal oesophagus sinks in the form of a tube into; the spacious gastric cavity, and round it the latter is divided by septa into a variable \ number of separate pouches. The free internal edges of these septa run through i the gastric cavity to the aboral end of the body. A. Octocorallia. Sub-Order 1. Alcyonaria. — Generally with 8 septa and 8 pinnate tentacles. Polyp colonies of very various shapes. Skeletal forms very varied. Alcyonium, Pennatula, Kophobelerrwwn (Fig. 63), Gorgonia, Isis, Tubipora. B. Tetracorallia. Sub-Order 2. Rugosa. — Number of septa great, a multiple of 4. With calcareous skeleton. Fossil Paleozoic forms. CN ID ARIA 71 C. Hexacorallia. Sub-Order 3. Antipatharia (horn corals).— With 6 or 24 simple tentacles. Colonies with horny axial skeleton. Antipathes (6 tentacles, only 2 developed septa), Gerardia (24 tentacles and septa). Sub-order 4. Madreporaria (stone corals). — Mostly colonies, more rarely in- dividuals with strongly developed calcareous skeleton. 6n simple ten- tacles, and septa present in great numbers and variously arrranged. Madrepora, Astroides, Fungia, Astrcea, Mceandrina, Cladocora, Caryophyllia, Flabellum. Sub -Order 5. Actinaria (flesh corals). — Mostly individuals with 611 tentacles, and septa generally in considerable numbers and varied arrangement. Without skeleton. Cerianthus, Zoan- thus, Actinia, Anemonia, Adamsia, Edivardsia. Order 2. Scyphomedusse (Acraspeda). Mostly free-swimming individuals of bell- or disc-shape, in which the mesodermal supporting lamella is developed into a large gelatinous mass. The ecto- dermal oesophagus lies within a gastric peduncle which hangs down from the middle of the subumbrella. The 4 radial pouches of the Scyphula de- generate in the higher forms. The exumbrellar and subumbrellar walls of the peripheral portion of the gastric cavity grow together in such a way that only a variously developed system of radial gastro-canals remains. With tufts of gastral filaments. A true velum is wanting ; in its place, marginal lobes, containing processes of the gastro-canal system are present. A. Medusce with deeply vaulted um- brella.— The 4 radial gastric pouches and the septa which separate them more or less clearly retained. Sub -Order 1. Stauromedusse. — 4 septa retained (Lucernaria) or reduced to 4 pillars ( Tessera), 4 or 8 gonades in the subumbrellar wall of the 4 gastric pouches, without sensory bodies (rhopalia). Lucernaria (attached, with 8 marginal lobes, each carrying a tuft of stinging batteries). Tessera (free, with- out distinct marginal lobes, with 8 tentacles). Sub-Order 2. Peromedusse. — The 4 septa reduced to 4 pillars, in consequence of which the 4 gastric pouches are united into a circumferential sinus. With 4 ; FIG. 63.— Kophobelemnon Leuckartii. 72 COMPARATIVE AXATOMY CHAP. inter-radial rhopalia. S or 16 marginal lobes, 4 or 12 tentacles. Pa'icvlj.w. Pcriphylla, Sub-Order 3. Cubomedusse (Charybdeidse). 4 septa retained. 4 pair of gonades on the septa, freely protruding into the gastric pouches. With 4 perradial rhopalia, which contain tentaculocysts with endodermal otolith sacs, and are provided with one or more eyes. 4 interradial tentacles or tufts of tentacles. Mostly with velarium. Charybdca, Chirodropus, B. Mxlusic with flat, disc-like umbrella. — The 4 primary gastric pouches of Scyphula degenerated by disappearance of the septa, instead of which there are S. 16. 32, or more radial canals of varying width, and often branched or anastomosing, as survivals of the gastric cavity on the growing together of the subumbrellar and exumbrellar intestinal walls. The 4 interradial gastric ridges or taenioles are retained as remains of the septa, and these carry the phacelli, or tufts of gastral filaments. Development either direct with metamorphosis, or with alternation of generations. In the last case an attached Scypliula arises out of the gastrula and develops into a young attached Medusa (Scyphistoma). This multiplies in most cases by a sort of repeated fission or gemmation (strobilation). The constricted M>:duso. (JEpJiyra} changes through metamorphosis into the adult form. Sub-Order 4. Discomedusse. Family 1. Cannostomse.— With simple month tube, without oral arms, with s vascular lamella or cathammai i i / <• .-, , , plate ; v, velum ; rik, circumferential canal. body (from the tentacles to the mouth) also widens out, deepens, and becomes the subumbrella. We thus have a convexo-concave body, on whose circular margin the tentacles are radially arranged (Fig. 65, A). The mouth lies in the middle of the concave side, and generally on the summit of a pro- jection (gastric peduncle, gastric tube). The supporting membrane of the Hydropolyp thickens very much, 3' 74 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. and becomes the gelatinous dise of the Medusa, an elastic passive organ for locomotion and support. The partial fusing of the inner wall of the oral portion of the body with that of the aboral portion considerably reduces the gastric cavity lying between them, which originally spread throughout the whole extent of the disc. There remain only : 1. the cavity of the gastric peduncle into which the mouth leads. 2. A central stomach above the oral peduncle. These two parts form the main intestine. 3. A peripheral canal at the edge of the disc (the circumferential canal) which is continued into the tentacles. 4. Radially arranged connecting canals between the central stomach and the circumferential canal. These canals become nutritive gastro- canals, which also serve the purpose of blood- vessels (which are wanting) and convey food from the central stomach to the organs at the disc's edge. These two portions form the peripheral intestine. In some Craspedote Medusce, besides the radial canals and the circumferential canal, the endoderm from the centre to the circumference persists, its two layers being pressed to- gether by the strongly de- veloped oral or subumbrellar and aboral or exumbrellar jelly, thus forming the so-called vascular lamellae or eatham- mal plates, the layers of which, separating in radial strips, form the radial canals. The radial canals in simple FlG.65.-Eucope campanula, partly after Medm? *™ 4 ln number, and Haeckel A, From the surface. B, Section in the ar6 placed CrOSS-WlSC. Ihe direction a-b-c in Fig. A. a-b, Perradius ; 6-c, ad- radii in which they lie are -M ji „ ,«j" /T?' CK. A i\ Called PSrradll (Fig. 65, A, a-b). In Order to define the position Of Other tentacles, Canals, and organs, the radii exactly half way between the perradii have been called interradii. Half way between the 4 perradii and the 4 interradii lie the 8 adradii (b-c) ; half way between the 8 former and the 8 latter lie the 16 subradii. radius ; t. tentacle ; sb, marginal vesicle ; g. gonades ; mr, gastric peduncle; r, radial canals ; if velum • ri, circumferential canal ; ex, exumbrella ; su, sub- umbrella; ga, jelly; ty, tentacular vessel ; b-6, main ii CNIDARIA— GENERAL 75 From the margin of the disc a thin muscular membrane projects into the subumbrellar cavity like a diaphragm ; it is known as the Velum (v\ and is one of the principal locomotory organs of the Craspedote Medusae. There are many other organs at the margin of the disc, the princi- pal being : 1. A double nerve ring. 2. Marginal vesicles. 3. Eye spots. 4. A ring of nematoeysts. We shall speak of these organs later on. The derivation of the Medusa form from the Hydropolyp is the more probable as Medusce belonging to many divisions, in their in- dividual development, proceed from Hydropolyps by lateral budding. Such Medusce are then specially developed buds which have the function of forming the sexual products and of scattering them abroad. 2d Form : the Scyplwpolyp or the Scyphula (type : Lucernaria or a simple Coral individual) is the original form of the Scypliozoa, as the Hydropolyp is of the Hydrozoa. It is distinguished from the Hydropolyps in that at the oral pole the region about the mouth sinks in to form an cesophageal tube (Fig. 99, p. 130). The epithelium which lines it is thus ectodermal. Around this tube the gastric cavity falls into 4, 6, or 8 compartments separated by walls ; these partition Avails, whose free edges project into the gastric cavity as septa or tsenioles, bearing either mesenterial thickenings or gastral filaments, are continued along the body wall even to the aboral end of the body. All Corals remain essentially at the stage of the Scyphopolyps (Fig. 66 ; Fig. 82, p. 107). Their typical form is that of the cylinder or reversed truncated cone. The two ends of the body are almost circular ; by the aboral pedal disc the animal attaches itself, and hollow tentacles stand round the oral disc (especially at the edge). In the middle of the oral disc lies the generally elongated slit-like external mouth. The external mouth, in keeping with the Scyphopolyp plan, leads, not directly into the gastric cavity, which is lined with endoderm, but into a tube which has arisen by an invagination from without, and is therefore lined with ectoderm. This tube (cesophageal tube, stomo- daeum) is open at both ends. One opening, the external mouth, leads to the exterior; the other (the enteric aperture) leads into the spacious gastric cavity. The body wall consists of ectoderm and endoderm, between which a solid middle layer is interposed, of which we shall speak later. The endoderm and the middle layer raise themselves from the body walls, forming vertical ridges which project into the gastric cavity through- out the whole length of the body ; these ridges are the septa. In the neighbourhood of the oesophageal tube these septa project far enough 76 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. to fuse with its walls, so that the gastric cavity here appears divided into chambers or compartments arranged radially round the resophageal tube (Fig. 66, to the left). In the remainder of the body (Fig. 66, to the right) the septa pro- ject their free inner edges into the gastric cavity, which thus appears divided into a central portion and into radial niches separated by the septa (analogous to the gastro-canals of the other Cnidaria). These niches, in the neighbourhood of the cesophageal tube, are continued direct into the radial compartments between the tube and the body r FIG. 66.— Diagrammatic transverse section of a Coral individual ; to the left on the level of oesophagus, to the right on the level of the gastric cavity, a-b, Direction of the plane of sym- metry. wall, and these compartments again are continued into the axial cavities of the tentacles, which are lined with endoderm (cf. Fig. 82, p. 107). The axial cavities of the tentacles occasionally open externally at the tip by a pore. The number of tentacles represents, generally, the number of the septa. The Odocomllia have 8 septa, and 8 tentacles placed so as to alternate with them. The Tetmcorallia generally have a large number of septa which are always a multiple of 4. The Hexacorallia possess 6 or 6 ft partition walls and tentacles, arranged in a definite order which cannot here be described. We can only say, quite gener- ally, that the oldest septa project farthest, and the youngest septa least far, towards the axis. Most Corals have not a strictly radial structure ; on the contrary we often find, anatomically and ontogenetically, a bilateral symmetry in the arrangement of the parts of the body. The slit-like shape of the mouth even is a departure from radial structure. A plane through the chief axis of the body in the longitudinal direction of the mouth (Fig. 66, a-b) is, in fact, a median plane — the only plane which divides the body into two exactly similar halves. More exact ontogenetic investigation has shown that (e.g. in the Hexacorallia) two septa lying opposite each other to the right and left of this plane are first formed ; these septa incompletely divide the gastric cavity into two portions of unequal size. Two new septa are then formed symmetrically in the larger — say the anterior — division ; CNIDARIA— GENERAL 77 then two symmetrical septa in the posterior division. The rise of the other septa does not by any means occur in all Anthozoa after one and the same simple plan. (In most Actinaria the other septa arise in pairs, each pair in the space between two older septa.) We repeat what we said above, that the septa project the farther towards the chief axis of the Corals the older they are. The tentacles also arise symmetrically 'with reference to the median plane over the interseptal spaces of the gastric cavity. The mesenterial thickenings, or mesenterial filaments, are in- serted in all Corals at the free inner edges of the septa. sf. Sk. FIG. 67.— NausithoS. pr, Perradii ; ir, interradii ; ar, adradii ; sr, subradii ; rl, marginal lobes ; t, tentacle ; gf, gastral filaments ; m, circular muscle of the subumbrella ; sk, sensory bodies (rhopalia) ; g, sexual glands (goriades) ; in the middle the cross-shaped mouth. As the free- swimming Craspedote Medusa can be referred back to the Hydropolyps or Hydrula, so the free-swimming Acraspede or Scypho- medusa (Figs. 67 and 70, p. 85) can be referred back to the Scypho- polyp or Scyphula. The lower Acraspeda, with deeply vaulted, often cup-shaped body, are only slightly distinguished from the Scyplmla, and we find among them forms still attached (e.g. the Lucernaria). The 4 radial gastric pouches separated by septa are still present, or they flow together to form a great circumferential sinus, the septa dwindling into 4 small points of connection between the sub- umbrellar and exumbrellar gastric walls, between which the circum- ferential sinus remains in wide-open communication with the central 78 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. stomach. The 4 septa which carry phaeelli or tufts of gastral fila- ments are continued as gastric ridges or taenioles on the exumbrellar gastric wall to the aboral pole of the body. In the higher Acraspeda, the Discomedusce, the exumbrellar and subumbrellar walls of the peripheral intestine (circumferential sinus) coalesce, so that here again there arises a cathammal plate, in which variously -shaped radial canals and radial pouches remain as survivals of the circumferential sinus ; at such points the lamellae of the cathammal plate separate, leaving between them spaces, the lumens of these canals. The deriva- tion of the Discomedusce from a Scyphula form is further justified by the fact that in many of them the Scyphula appears as an attached early stage (Fig. 99, p. 130). The third form of the Cnidaria is the Ctenophora (Fig. 68). Its body is ovate, with 2 dissimilar poles; its principal axis, which connects the two poles, coincides with the long axis of the oval. At one pole of the chief axis (the oral) lies the mouth. The opposite pole here, as in other Cnidaria, is called the aboral pole. The oral aperture leads into a spacious cavity lying in the chief axis, which has its rise, ontogenetically, through an invagination from the exterior, and is lined, like the oesophageal tube of the Scyphozoa, with ectoderm. We call this cavity the cesophageal cavity (" stomach " of authors) (s). In form the cesophageal cavity is neither round nor radial, but very much flattened ; in a transverse section its lumen appears like a slit. In this we find the first departure from the radial body struc- ture of the Medusa. A plane running in the direction of the flattened cesophageal tube, and in which the chief axis lies, is called the median plane (c-d). The oesophageal tube leads through another opening into a smaller cavity lying above it and lined with endoderm — the stomach (m). The stomach is elongated at right angles to the chief axis and the median plane, and thus, when the animal is viewed from either the oral or the aboral pole, forms a cross with the oesophagus. A plane running through the chief axis in the direction of the stomach stands at right angles to the median plane, and is called the lateral plane ( Seizing or adhesive cells Qf a cteno. louth, on the tentacles, at the margin of the phore, after Chun, disc in the Medusae. On the tentacles of Hydro- and Scypko-medusce, and especially on the capturing filaments of the Siphonophora, they are assembled in masses, and form "stinging knobs " or " stinging batteries." VOL. I r, FIG. 69.— a, li, Stinging cells of a Hy- 82 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. In the body epithelium of the Ctenophora we find peculiar adhesive cells (Fig. 69, c) with uneven and sticky surfaces. Their bases are prolonged into spirally coiled contractile filaments. Besides the nerve cells, the sensory, muscle, stinging, flagellate, ciliated, and covering cells, various glandular cells and pigment cells are found in the body epithelium of many Cnidaria, and are especially numerous in the Ctenophom. III. The Gastro-eanal System. The gastro-canal system in its general arrangement has already been mentioned in the general review. It is the most characteristic system of organs of the Cnidaria, and in some groups reaches a very high degree of complication. This complication stands in direct rela- tion to the complication of other portions of the body, which fact is at once comprehensible when we learn that in the Cnidaria the gastro- canal system undertakes not only the digestion, but also the circulation. The more massive the body and the more numerous and complicated its organs, the more necessary is it that the nutrition of these organs should be provided for by gastro-canals or vessels. From such a standpoint the complicated arrangement of the gastro-canal system of the Medusae and Ctenophora is at once comprehensible. In the Medusce the margin of the umbrella is distinguished by the possession of numerous organs (tentacles, velum, auditory vesicles, stinging cells, nerve ring, eye spots, and sensory bodies). The subumbrellar side is strongly muscular, while the exumbrella is devoid of organs. The jelly being so largely developed as a passive organ for motion and support, the special gastro-canals (radial vessels) must run near the subumbrella to convey food to the organs on the margin of the disc. This purpose is also served by the circumferential canal, into which they enter. The relations of the gastro-canals to the other organs of the body are just as clear in the case of those Ctenophora which have a massive gelatinous tissue between the ectoderm and endoderm. The most important organs of the body, apart from the sexual organs, are in this group : the sensory body of the aboral pole, the 8 ribs, and the 2 tentacles ; answering to these, we find an aboral vessel, also 8 vessels running from the stomach to the ribs, and which enter 8 meridional vessels, and, further, 2 vessels which run to the base of the tentacles. According to the ontogenetic origin of the gastro-canal system, two principal types can be distinguished in the Cnidaria. In one type, which is found among the Hydrozoa, the whole gastro-canal system rises out of the endodermal enteron of the larva. In the second type, which is characteristic of the Scyphozoa and Ctenophora, the gastro- canal system consists of an ectodermal and an endodermal portion. The former, which we call stomodaeum in embryos, larvae, and generally in young transition stages, and oesophagus in adult animals, arises at the oral pole by a depression of the ectoderm into the body. This oesophagus is represented in the Scyphomedusce by the inner lining of the oral or gastric peduncle as far as the point of insertion of ii CNIDARIA— GASTRO-CANAL SYSTEM 83 the gastral filaments, in Corals by the tube which leads into the gastric cavity, and in the Ctenophora by the beginning of the gastro-canal system, hitherto unsuitably named the stomach. The mouth of the Hydromeduscv thus leads direct into the endodermal gastric cavity ; whereas the mouth of the Scyphomedusce, Anthozoa, and Ctenophora leads first into the ectodermal oesophagus, and from that through the enteric aperture, which corresponds with the mouth of the Hydromedusce, into the endodermal gastro-canal system. In all animals, from the Ccelenterata upwards, there is an ectodermal oesophagus. The endodermal gastric cavity is met with in its simplest form in the Hydroida as a simple pouch adhering closely to the inner surface of the ectoderm, from which hollow or solid processes extend into the axes of the tentacles. In the long, or principal axis of the body, thickenings of the gastric wall, gastric ridges, which are occasionally 4 in number, regularly arranged crosswise, are commonly found. We have already described the form of the gastric cavity of the Scypliula in the introduction ; and we also there described the general arrangement of the gastro-canal system in the Anthozoa. We add here that the septa which separate the gastric pouches from each other round the oesophagus are occasionally broken through near the oral disc by an aperture, so that a sort of circumferential canal arises. The hollow processes of the gastro-canal system in the tentacle axes sometimes penetrate to the exterior at the tips of the tentacles through pores. The free edges of the septa, which are turned towards the principal axis of the Coral individual, are thickened, and are prolonged as mesenterial filaments, freely projecting into the gastric cavity. The epithelium of these filaments contains numerous gland cells, and sometimes stinging cells as well. Some of these filaments, the so- called aeontia, are particularly long and vermiform, and can be quickly shot out of the body, either through the mouth, or through special pores in the body wall. These are found in the Actinia. How the gastro-canal system of the Craspedote Medusae (Hydromedusce) can be traced back to the gastric cavity of the Hydrula form, and the gastro-canal system of the Acraspeda (Scyphomedusce) to the gastric cavity of the Scyphula form, has already been shown in the general review. The radial canals in the Craspedote Medusce are comparatively seldom limited to the number 4. In most forms their number is greater, and in a few (^Eguortdce) they are very numerous (over 100) and run radially from the central stomach to the margin of the disc, and here enter the circumferential canal. There are also in a few Craspedota, near and between the radial canals, centripetal canals, which start from the circumferential canal and run a certain distance towards, but do not reach, the central stomach. The radial canals may be branched, and these branches may either end blindly or enter the circumferential canal. The central stomach may be divided, the 84 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. divisions being superimposed one on another in the principal axis. The lowest division is the opal stomach, continued in the oral or gastric peduncle, which hangs down from the middle of the sub- umbrella. The gastric peduncle, at whose free end lies the mouth, may be very variously developed, from a short wide tube to a long tubular structure protruding far beyond the subumbrellar cavity. The mouth is either simple, square, or cross-shaped, or produced into 4 points or lobes, and sometimes supplied with oral tentacles, or with variously shaped papillae. The edge of the mouth is generally well armed with nemato-cysts. The gastro-canal system of the Acraspeda or Scyphomedusce (Fig. 67, p. 77 ; Fig. 70) shows, in the arrangement of its single sections, a still more varied structure than that of the Craspedota. In some groups it is wonderfully complicated, and sometimes shows great similarity with the gastro-canal system of certain Craspedota ; in such cases, when we further think of the great similarity in body form, it is difficult to believe that the Acraspeda and Craspedota are two sharply divided branches of the Cnidaria. Let us first consider the oral tube or oral peduncle, which, unlike that of the Craspedota, contains the ectodermal oasophagus. The oral tube is usually short, and has either a simple square or cross-shaped aperture, or, as in most large Acraspeda, is produced into 4 long strong oral arms. These 4 perradial oral arms become, by means of a bisection so deep as to reach their bases, the 8 oral arms of the PJiizostomce, which are distinguished by the following peculiar organisa- tion. Each oral arm becomes deeply furrowed on the side turned to the chief axis, forming a channel in the longitudinal direction. This inner channel corresponds with an externally projecting mid-rib. The channel becomes deeper, and the curled edges of the oral arm which border it unite over it and grow together, so that it now becomes a closed canal. Such concrescence is completed along the whole length of the oral arm to its base, and also spreads to the edges of the oral aperture lying at the base of the arms, and the canal thus becomes completely closed. The concrescence of the curled edges of the arm, however, takes place in such a way that numerous small open canals remain (suctorial mouths) (Fig. 70 D, sin) • these lead from the exterior into the central canal of the arm. This again leads into the closed oBsophagus. In all Rliizostomce the original oral aperture is thus closed, and is replaced by the numerous suctorial mouths on the hollow oral arms. In the endodermal gastro-canal system, here as among the Craspedota, we can distinguish a central or main intestine from the peripheral intestine (Kranzdarm). The main intestine can separate into two divisions, one lying above the other, the lower of which •always communicates with the peripheral intestine. On the wall of the main intestine of all Acraspeda (as opposed to CNIDARIA— GASTIiO- CANAL SYSTEM 85 the Craspedota), there are 4 interradial or 8 adradial mobile gastral filaments, or, usually, tufts (phacelli) of gastral filaments, whose bases define the boundary between the ossophagus and the endodermal main intestine. The peripheral intestine is very variously developed. In FIG. 70.— Cannorhiza connexa, after Haeckel. A, Seen from the subumbrella ; B, from the side ; C, from the subumbrella, after removal of the oral arms and buccal stomach by cutting through the oral pillars. D, Section in the direction of the principal axis and the line abc in Fig. A. ci-Tj, Near an interradius ; &-c, perradius ; og, subgenital ostia ; ma, oral arm ; ps, perradial, is, inter- radial sensory body ; g, gonades ; mp, ap, oral pillars, arm pillars ; pfk, pillar canals ; pk, perradial ; ik, interradial gastro-canal ; 6-6, principal axis ; sgp, subgenital portions ; bm, buccal stomach ; ak, arm canal ; sm, suctorial mouths ; gc, central stomach. the lower Acraspeda, which also remind us of the Scyphula in their attachment by an aboral stalk (Lucernaria) and their cup-like shape, the peripheral intestine consists of 4 wide pouches divided by narrow septa, which communicate with the chief intestine and also open into 86 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. a circumferential canal at the margin of the disc by means of breaches through these septa. If the septa are reduced to 4 small points of concrescence between the exumbrellar and subumbrellar walls of the peripheral intestine, directly on the circumference of the main intestine, the 4 pouches coalesce to form a spacious circular sinus, which com- mands the whole edge of the disc, and communicates with the principal gastric cavity between the points of concrescence. In the higher Acraspeda this circumferential sinus becomes divided, by the partial concrescence of its exumbrellar and subumbrellar walls, into 8, 16, 32, or more radial chambers or radial canals, which in many forms, by anastomosing or branching, form a very ornamental net- work of canals running towards the edge of the disc (Fig. 70, 0). Excretory pores of the gastro-eanal system. — In various Medusw, in Acmspeda as well as in Craspedota, small apertures have been observed at the margin of the disc ; these often lie on the points of papillae, and by means of them communication between the peripheral gastro-canal system and the outer world is established. The gastro-eanal system of the Ctenophora (Fig. 68, p. 79), in its general arrangement, has already been delineated. We add here that the meridional vessels in lobate Ctenophora, and also in the Cestidce and Beroidce, communicate with each other and with the cesophageal vessels at the oral portion of the body, and that in the Beroidce they also send out numerous branching and anastomosing processes, some of which enter the jelly, or join to make a peripheral net-work. The nourishment of the often much -developed oral lobes of the lobate GtenopJwra is provided for by the meridional vessels, which traverse the oral lobes in various arabesque-like patterns. Histological. — Each epithelial cell of the gastro-canal system very commonly carries one single flagellum ; these cells are thus flagellate cells. Among the epithelial cells there are gland cells, stinging cells, cells with various contents as products of metabolism, epithelial muscle cells, etc. Veiy often the gastric epithelial cells send out amceboid or pseudopodia-like processes on that side of them which is turned to the lumen of the gastro-canal system, and by the help of these they take into their cell bodies small particles of food in the manner of the Rhizopoda (intracellular ingestion of food). IV. Musculature. In the Hydroida and Siphonoplivra we find, in the first place, a system of longitudinal fibres which run, buried in the epithelium, from the oral to the aboral pole, and in the tentacles. These fibres, which correspond to the processes of the ectodermal neuro- muscular or epithelial muscular cells, serve for contracting the body and the tentacles. In these forms again, and especially in the Siplionopliora, there is a system of circular fibres which run under the endodermal epithelium as processes of the endodermal epithelial muscular cells. By the contraction of these fibres the body and the tentacles are n CNIDARIA— MUSCULATURE 87 extended. In the medusoid swimming bells of the Siphonophora, just as in the Craspedote Medusce, a layer of striated ectodermal circular muscle fibres is developed in the subumbrella and in the velum. We find the two systems of muscles in the Medusce also, the longi- tudinal and the circular, though the latter is here ectodermal. The longitudinal muscle fibres are generally smooth, the circular muscle fibres usually striated. The muscle fibres are mostly processes from the epithelial muscle cells ; but there are also muscle bands and strands which quite detach themselves from the epithelium, and run in the gelatinous connective tissue as independent mesodermal muscles. The exumbrella is poor in muscles, sometimes even having none at all. In the remainder of the body, the longitudinal as well as the circular musculature falls into three systems : (1) into a system spreading over the gastric or oral peduncle ; (2) a system spreading over the sub- umbrella from the base of the oral peduncle to the margin of the disc ; (3) a system developed at the margin of the disc itself (musculature of the tentacles, the velum, and the velarium). In correspondence with this, the three systems of the longitudinal musculature are as follows : — A. The longitudinal musculature of the oral peduncle (serving for its contraction and retraction). B. The radial muscles, which run radially from the base of the oral peduncle towards the margin of the disc. C. The longitudinal muscles of the tentacles and marginal lobes. The three systems of the circular musculature are as follows : — A. The circular musculature of the oral peduncle. B. The circular musculature of the subumbrella, developed in the Craspedota over its whole extent, but in the Acraspeda generally form- ing a narrower but very strong peripheral muscle (Fig. 67, m, p. 77) near the circumference of the subumbrella. C. The strong circular musculature of the Craspedote velum, and the circular musculature of the Acraspede marginal lobes and velarium. In Scyphostoma and many lower Acraspeda, especially in attached forms, e.g. Lucernaria, there are 4 (seldom 8) interradial septal or funnel muscles (peduncular muscles) which, starting from near the oral disc, or that portion of the subumbrella which borders on the oral peduncle, run through the body as far as the aboral attached apex of the exumbrella. They lie in the 4 septa which separate the 4 gastric pouches on their axial sides, and then proceed upwards in the prolongations of the septa, i.e. in the 4 gastric ridges or ta3nioles. According to recent research, they arise in the ectodermal cells of a solid prolongation of the 4 interradial septal funnels, which grow towards the aboral pole ; we shall speak of these septal funnels later. The endodermal musculature of the Corals, in contradistinction to that of all the other Cnidaria, is at least as much if not more developed 88 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. than the ectodermal. The musculature is most highly developed in those Actinia which have no skeleton. It 'shows in its arrangement much similarity with that of the Scyphomedusce, e.g. the Lucenmria. We have an ectodermal longitudinal muscle system and an endoder- mal circular muscle system (leaving out of sight for the present the fact that single portions of the musculature detach themselves from the epithelial matrix and become mesodermal). I. The ectodermal longitudinal muscular system forms (a) the longitudinal muscles of the tentacles and (b) the radial muscles of the oral disc. This system is wanting in the oesophagus, in the outer wall of the body, and in the pedal disc. Only in some forms, which possess no septal longitudinal muscles (Cerianthus), there are in the body wall strong ectodermal longitudinal muscles which serve as retractors of the body. II. The endodermal circular muscular system extends all over the surfaces of the body, and forms a layer of circular fibres in the body wall, an inner circular muscular layer in the tentacles, a layer of con- centric fibres on the oral disc, and a circular muscular layer round the oesophagus. The musculature of the septa in Corals deserves special atten- tion ; it consists of a system of longitudinal and of a system of transverse muscles. The longitudinal muscles run along the septa from the pedal to the oral disc, and serve as retractors of the body. They are mostly so strongly developed that they form longitudinal thicken- ings on each septum in the space between it and the next septum (Fig. 66, p. 76). The transverse musculature is less strongly developed. It is attached on one side to the body wall, on the other to the pedal disc, the oral disc, and the oesophageal tube. The transverse muscles lie on one surface of each septum, the longitudinal on the other side. Their relative positions on the different septa varies in different divisions, and is always very characteristic. There is generally only one plane, which can be made to divide the body in such a way that the arrange- ment of the muscles on the septa on each side of it is exactly similar. This median plane runs in the principal axis in the direction of the flattened oesophagus or the slit-like oral aperture. In most Actinia with numerous septa of various ages and sizes, septa of equal sizes always go in pairs. The longitudinal muscular thickenings of such a pair of septa are turned towards each other. The longitudinal muscles are therefore turned towards the space between the two septa of such a pair — the so-called intraseptal space — and the transverse muscle layers are turned towards the space between this pair and the next on each side — the interseptal spaces. In those Alcyonaria which have 8 partition walls, the muscular thickenings of the 4 septa which lie on one side of the median plane are all directed towards one side (Fig. 66). There are, besides these, other types of muscle and septal arrange- ment in the Corals. ii CNIDARIA— MUSCULATURE 89 The longitudinal muscles of the septa show a great analogy with the septal or peduncle muscles of the lower Acraspeda. The former appear, however, according to present knowledge, to be endodermal muscles. The muscular elements of Corals are either epithelial muscle cells (endodermal musculature), or sub-epithelial muscle cells (ectodermal musculature), or mesodermal muscles (in some species at different parts of the body). The following applies to the musculature of the Medusae, Siphonophora, and Corals. If it is much developed in one part, the muscle lamella lays itself, for the purpose of superficial increase, in parallel folds like the leaves of a book (Fig. 71, C]. These folds may again fold themselves in a more or less complicated manner, so as to have a feathered appearance in transverse section. A c •mt, FIG. 71.— Diagrammatic representation of the various arrangements of the ectodermal Cnidarian musculature in transverse sections through the body wall, e, Ectoderm ; en, endo- derm ; m, muscle lamella ; mz, cell bodies of the muscle fibres ; sm, supporting membrane, jelly. The mesodermal supporting substance or supporting membrane takes part in the folding of the contiguous muscle lamellae by itself running within the folds in the form of lamellae. When muscle folds completely detach themselves from their matrix, the epi- thelium, and when the free edges of each fold coalesce, there arise out of these sub- epithelial muscle folds mesodermal muscle tubes (D}t which are then surrounded on all sides by the supporting substance. In the musculature of the Ctenophora, we in the first place dis- tinguish an ectodermal and a mesodermal portion, between which, however, no very sharp boundary can be made. The ectodermal muscu- lature consists of elongated sub-epithelial fibres on the boundary be- tween the epithelium and the jelly; these may have very various courses. Sometimes we can more or less clearly distinguish a system of longitudinal from a system of circular fibres. The ectodermal musculature is also continued on the oasophagus. The mesodermal musculature, which lies in the jelly, is more strongly developed than the ectodermal musculature ; its fibres, which have an isolated course and are elegantly branched at each end (Fig. 47, g, p. 47), run in various directions, though usually radially, being stretched between the different parts of the gastro-canal system and the outer integument. The contraction of the tentacles and their lateral filaments is brought 90 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. about by strands of longitudinal muscle fibrillse which run in their solid axes and which may be partially striated. Longitudinal and circular muscle fibres have also been observed in the walls of the gastro- canals. The Velum of the Cmspedote Medusa (Fig. 64, B, v, p. 73 ; Fig. 65, p. 74 ; Fig. 72, #, p. 95) is a thin membrane which projects from the margin of the disc like a diaphragm into the subumbrellar cavity. The gastro-canal system is never continued into this membrane, which consists of the following portions : — 1. A continuation of the epithelium of the exumbrella. 2. A continuation of the epithelium of the subumbrella. These two epithelia coalesce at the free inner edge of the velum. Under the former lies a thin supporting lamella, the continuation of the disc jelly ; under the latter, a layer of ectodermal circular muscle fibres (m), a continuation of the circular musculature of the subumbrella. V. Tentacles of the Cnidaria, Marginal Lobes of the Seyphomedusae. All Cnidaria (with the exception of the Rhizostomce among the Scyphomedusce and the Amalthceidce among the Craspedota) possess tentacles arranged in a circle round the mouth, at a greater or less distance from it. These tentacles are evaginations of the body wall, into which (with the perhaps only apparent exception of the Ctenophora) hollow or solid processes of the endodermal gastro-canal system pene- trate. The tentacles are pre-eminently organs for catching food, and at the same time sensory organs of touch. We shall see further on that some of them are partially transformed in the Craspedote and Acraspede Medusce into specific sensory organs. The structure of the tentacles, their number, their division and arrangement on the body, and their relation to the gastro-canal system, offer in the various divisions many modifications of great importance in classification. Form of the tentacle. — The tentacles are, speaking generally, cylindrical filaments. In the Hydroids they are usually simply fila- mentous, less frequently knobbed at the free end, and still less fre- quently branched (Cladocoryne). Among the Craspedote Medusce also we generally meet with filamentous tentacles. The family of the Cladonemidce alone is distinguished by tentacles which are dichoto- mously branched, or feathered on one side (provided with collateral filaments), and often knobbed. The tentacles of the Siplionopliora and the Ctenophora are also feathered on one side. The tentacles of the Acraspeda are simple. Among the Antlwzoa, the Alcyonaria possess tentacles feathered in two rows, but all other divisions have simple filamentous or vermiform tentacles. Number and arrangement of the tentacles. — Among the Hydroida ii CNIDARIA— TENTACLES, MARGINAL LOBES 91 the tentacles, in varying number, are either arranged in a circle at a short distance from the mouth (e.g. Hydra), or in two circles (e.g. Tubularia), or they are dispersed over the body of the individual, though not on its stalk (e.g. Coryne). In the Scyphostoma the tentacles (about 24 in number) are inserted at the edge of the oral disc of the cup-shaped body. In the Craspedote and Acraspede Medusae the tentacles are invariably found on the margin of the disc. In the simplest case we find in the former 4 perradial, and in the latter 4 perradial and 4 interradial tentacles. In most Medusae the number of tentacles increases in a regular manner — secondary, tertiary, etc., being inserted between the primary. Only in a few Craspedota the number is reduced to two tentacles, opposite one another, and less frequently to one single tentacle (in the sub- family of the Euphysidce among the Codonidce, and in the tentacle-bearing "persons" of one principal division of the Siphonophora (the Siphonantha). Complete loss of all tentacles is a distinguishing mark of the Amalthceidce among Craspedota and the Ehizostomce among Acraspeda. In a few Medusse, especially among the Narcomedusce, the points of insertion of the tentacles move up from the edge of the disc a greater or less distance on to the exumbrella. In the Corals the number of tentacles inserted at the circumference of the oral aperture represents, in a general way, the number of gastric pouches separated by septa. Each tentacle lies above a gastric pouch, which is produced into it in the form of an axial canal. In the Alcyo- naria we have 8, in the HexaGorallia 6 or Qn, in the Tetracorallia 4 or 4% such corresponding tentacles. The majority of the CtenopJiora (Tentaculata) possess two solid tentacles or retractile filaments, feathered on one side, lying in the lateral plane ; these can be withdrawn into special sacs or sheaths, and arise in the neighbourhood of the aboral pole ; later, however, they generally move towards the oral pole. Structure of the tentacles. — The tentacles of the Hydromedusce and Scyphomedusce consist: (1) of an ectodermal epithelium, generally with stinging knobs or batteries ; (2) of a layer of ectodermal longi- tudinal muscle fibres lying directly under this ; (3) of a structureless elastic supporting membrane ; and (4) of an axis of endodermal cells. This axis is hollow in most forms, and the cavity is in open communi- cation with the gastro-canal system of the body ; or it is solid, and then consists chiefly of a single row of disc-like cells, which are super- imposed like the coins in a roll of sovereigns (e.g. in Obelia, in many Trachomedusce, Narcomedusce, and the related Hydroids, also in Stauro- medusce and Cannostomce). This axial pillar must serve as an elastic organ of support. The hollow tentacles are mostly far more mobile and more strongly contractile than the solid. The tentacles of Corals are also hollow ; their structure differs considerably from that of the Hydro- and Scyplw-medusce. The ectoderm and endoderm in Corals are separated by a supporting substance which contains cells of connective 92 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. tissue. Under the outer epithelium lies an ectodermal muscle layer, and under the inner epithelium a similar endodermal layer. In some cases muscles may also run within the supporting substance. The tentacles of the Ctenophora are solid. They are generally provided with seizing or adhesive cells. Their axes are usually occupied by strongly developed longitudinal muscle-fibres. These fibres arise, as it appears, at an early stage out of special " mesodermal " elements, i.e. a group of cells which sever themselves from the primitive endo- derm of the young gastrula larva. We ought therefore, perhaps, to compare the solid axis of the Ctenoplwmn tentacle with the solid endo- dermal axis of the tentacles of many Medusce. The marginal lobes of the Seyphomedusse (Fig. 67, rl, p. 77 ; Fig. 70). The marginal lobes of the Scyphomedusce or Acraspeda are just as characteristic of them as is the velum of the Hydromedusce or Craspedota. As a real velum is wanting in all Scyphomedusce, so are marginal lobes wanting in all Hydromedusce. Like the tentacles, together with which they are found, the marginal lobes are processes of the body wall at the edge of the umbrella, into which the prolonga- tions of the gastro-canal system extend. Unlike the tentacles, they are broad and flat, serving as rowing organs, with muscles on the con- cave subumbrellar side. In the simplest cases there are 8 adradial marginal lobes, mostly, however, there are 16 subradial lobes, and their numbers are often still further increased. In the Cubomedusce and in many Rhizostomce the lobes grow together to form a circular rim of varying width, the so-called velarium which, however, can always be easily distinguished from the true velum of the Craspedota by its supply of gastro- canals. The clusters of tentacles of the Lucernaria are secondary outgrowths of the marginal lobes, between which rudiments of the primary tentacles can sometimes be found. VI. The Nervous System. This, which appears in the Cnidaria for the first time in the animal kingdom as an independent system, is marked by a rather diffuse arrangement (want of definite centralisation), and by the close relation which it bears to the body epithelium during the whole life. In the Hydra the outwardly directed cell body of the so-called neuro- muscular cells probably plays the part of an undifferentiated sensory nerve cell. But as early as the Craspedote Medusce we find an inde- pendently developed nervous system, close under the epithelium, outside the supporting membrane or jelly; it forms a plexus of bipolar and multipolar ganglion cells with connecting fibrillse. This plexus is con- nected by fibrillse on the one hand with the epithelial sensory cells (tactile, auditory, visual, olfactory cells), on the other hand with muscle fibres. In correspondence with this, the nervous tissue is particularly strongly developed on the margin of the umbrella, which ii ( CNIDARIA— NERVOUS SYSTEM 93 is so rich in sensory and locomotor organs. At this part in the Craspedota a central apparatus, in the form of a double nerve ring, is developed (Fig. 72, A and B, nrl} nr2) p. 95). One of these nerve rings, the upper one, is placed on the exumbrellar, the other on the subum- brellar margin, both close to the base of insertion of the velum. The first innervates chiefly the sensory organs of the umbrella margin, the latter the musculature of the velum ; the two are connected by fibrillse running through the supporting membrane. A peripheral nervous system is present in the form of a plexus of ganglion cells and fibres connected with the lower nerve ring, especially on the subumbrella ; it supplies the musculature of this part with nerves. The aboral exumbrella, not only in the Craspedota, but also in the Acraspeda, is devoid of a nervous system, as also of sensory organs and musculature ; this is explicable by the ontogenetic and phylogenetic derivation of these animals from a form attached by the aboral pole. In the Siphonophora also a plexus of ganglion cells at various parts of the body has been demonstrated. In the Scyphomedusce or Acraspeda also a plexus of ganglion cells is developed in the subumbrella. It is connected with considerable central accumulations of nerve tissue on the subumbrellar margin. These are developed in the Cubomedusce as 8 (4 perradial and 4 inter- radial) ganglia, connected together by a circular nerve, from which sensory nerves proceed to the rhopalia (sensory bodies) and to the tentacles, and motor nerves to the musculature. In the Discomedusce there are also 8 ganglia at the bases of the 8 sensory bodies, but here there is no connecting nerve ring. In the Corals a plexus of ganglion cells lying deep in the body epithelium has also been demonstrated. This isl particularly strongly developed on the oral disc, and at the base of the tentacles. In the nervous system of the Ctenophora we can, according to recent research, which still needs extension, distinguish the following parts : (1) a diffuse, ectodermal, ganglionic plexus under the body epithelium, which is spread over the whole surface of the body, and may be con- tinued on to the wall of the oesophagus ; (2) fine, branching, nucleated strands, which penetrate the jelly, and are connected with the muscles of the jelly by lateral branches — a connection between these strands and the ectoderm is not yet proved ; (3) 8 meridional nerve strands, running under the 8 ribs, and ciliated bands (see description of sensory body), — the rib-nerves. It is a remarkable fact that it has till now been impossible to prove a connection between these three parts of the conjectural nervous system and the sensory body at the ab- oral pole. A fact which deserves special mention is that, in the Medusce and Siphonophora, and especially in the Actinia, a more or less extended plexus of ganglion cells may lie under the endodermal epithelium. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. VII. The Sensory Organs. We meet with special sensory organs for the first time in the animal kingdom among the Cnidaria. The development and distribu- tion of these organs is directly related to the manner of life. In attached forms (Hydroids, Corals) there are only organs of touch (the tentacles) ; in free-swimming forms (Acraspeda, Craspedota, Siphonophora, Ctenophora} organs of smell, hearing, and sight may be added. • The organs of touch are primarily the tentacles of which we have already spoken. The sense of touch is due to special tactile eel belonging to the body epithelium ; these are provided with a projecting tactile hair, which is either flexible, mobile, or stiff. The basal ends of such cells are continued into nervous processes which are connected with the nervous system. Tactile cells are to be found, not only in the tentacles of the Cnidaria, but in great numbers on the margin of the disc of the Medusae, and especially in the Ctenophora, scattered over the whole free surface of the body. As organs of smell, or perhaps rather taste, we have : 1. Small elub-shaped papillae, which in certain Leptomedusce are found generally in great numbers at the edge of the umbrella between the tentacles, being attached to the margin by thin stalks. They contain a narrow blind canal, lined with thick cylindrical endodermal epithelium, which comes from the circumferential canal. 2. Pit-like depressions on the sensory bodies or rhopalia of the Acraspeda, lined with a sensory epithelium which is much folded and provided with long flagellate hairs. Auditory organs (perhaps also organs for regulating the position of the body in the water) are found in Craspedote and Acraspede Medusce and in the Ctenophora. We can distinguish three types of auditory organs : (1) auditory vesicles, or marginal vesicles with ectodermal otoliths ; (2) tentaeulo- eysts, or auditory tentacles ; and (3) the so-called sensory body of the Ctenophora. I. The auditory or marginal vesicles are found in the division of the Leptomedusce (Vesiculatce). These are, in the simplest cases, open pit-like depressions of the subumbrellar epithelium near the base of insertion of the velum. Within these auditory pits are one or more otoliths, which have come from ectodermal cells, while the cells which form the base of the pit bear auditory hairs, on which the otoliths rest (e.g. Mitrocoma). Auditory vesicles rise out of these auditory pits by the closing of the pit, which moves towards the exumbrellar side of the base of insertion of the velum and here forms an externally rounded protuberance (Fig. 72, A). Auditory pits and auditory vesicles receive their nerves from the subumbrellar nerve ring. In the simplest cases we find 8 adradial auditory vesicles, but the number is often much greater, and mounts up to many hundreds. CNIDARIA— SENSORY ORGANS 95 ec nr, II. Tentaeuloeysts OP auditory tentacles are, among the Medusce, the most widely spread organs of hearing. They are short transformed tentacles in which the solid endo- dermal axis in the Craspedota (Tracho- and Narco-medusce, Fig. 72, B, C\ or the peripheral distal end cells of the hollow tentacle-canal (Acraspeda, Fig. 73), form one or more otoliths, which are here, therefore, endodermal. The ectoderm of the tentaculocysts of the Craspedota and often also a sensory cushion round the base of the tenta- culocyst carry long stiff auditory hairs. In many TracliomeduscK the sensory cushion rises round the base of the tentaculocyst into a circular wall (Fig. 72, C\ which may even completely close over the tentaculo- cyst. Thus closed vesicular auditory organs again arise, but these have quite a different origin and morpho- logical signification from the true marginal vesicles of the Leptomedusce. Between the inner wall of the auditory vesicle and the tentaculocyst which it encloses, the auditory hairs are stretched like chords. The tenta- euloeysts always receive their nerves from the exumbrellar nerve ring. In the simplest cases we find 4 interradial tentaculocysts, but their number is often considerably greater. The sensory bodies or rhopalia of the Aeraspeda (Fig. 73) are com- pound sensory organs, of which the auditory organ is the principal factor. These are, at the same time, meta- morphosed tentacles into which a hollow process of the gastro- canal system penetrates. The endodermal cells at the peripheral blind end of these processes produce an otolith or a mass of otoliths. The outer epi- thelium of the auditory body carries the auditory hairs. In it, also, on one side lie the eye or eyes ; close to it also lie the olfactory pits. The FIG. 72. — A. Auditory vesicles of -ffiquorea Forskalea. B, Tentaculocysts of Cunina lativentris. C, Tentaculocysts of Rhopalonema velatum. A and B, Trans- verse sections of the margin of the disc ; C, section of the margin of the disc, after Hertwig. ec, Ectoderm ; er, endoderm of the circumferential canal ; nri, upper ; nr%, lower nerve ring ; r, circumferential canal ; sm, supporting membrane; o, otolith; hh, auditory hairs ; hg, auditory cells ; Me, tenta- culocysts ; bl, auditory vesicles; g, jelly; m, muscle lamellae ; en, endoderm cells of the tentaculocysts. In A and B the velum is bent centrifugally outwards. 96 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. whole epithelium round this compound sensory organ, which is pro- tected in special indentations in the disc margin by lobes, is a sensory epithelium with a thick nerve plexus. There are either 4 or 8, less frequently 12, 16, or even more rhopalia on the margin of the Acraspede umbrella. III. The sensory body at the aboral pole, so characteristic of the Ctenophom, is a compound sensory organ of a very peculiar kind, which, according to its structure, is an auditory organ, or rather, perhaps, an organ for regulating the movement of the swimming plates. The sensory body is constructed as follows. It consists at first of a shallow pit- like depression between the 4 branches of the aboral ee FIG. 73.— Sensory bodies of Nausithoe, after Hertwig (optical transverse section of the margin of the disc), sf, Sensory fold of the margin of the disc ; ec, ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; ga, gastro- canal ; Tik, auditory body ; o, otolith ; se, sensory epithelium ; oc, eye ; I, lens ; g, jelly. so-called funnel vesse1. The ciliated body epithelium which forms the base of this pit tLickens considerably (Fig. 75, se). Its elements are thread-like cells. In this " sensory cushion " are found deposits of pigment, which perhaps represent simple organs of sight. Round the edge of the pit there rises a membrane which unites above in the shape of a bell, forming a sort of roof to the pit, which is thus trans- formed into a vesicle. The membrane is composed of the long cilia at the edge of the pit cemented together. It is broken through by slits at 6 places, and through these the sea water can freely reach the interior of the vesicle. Two of these slits, which are opposite each other, belong to the median plane. The other 4 lie interradi- ally. On the sensory cushion within the vesicle rise 4 S-shaped radially-placed springs ; these likewise consist of fused cilia, and their free upper ends enter a globular mass of otoliths, which they support. From the 4 springs 4 rows of cilia run out through the 4 CNIDARIA— SENSORY ORGANS 97 interradial slits in the bell -shaped roof. They divide into 8 •adradial ciliated bands, which run along the aboral surface of the Ctenophoran body towards the upper end of the rows of swimming plates. Closely bordering on the sensory body are two ciliated epithelial bands, the so-called pole plates (Fig. 74, pp), whose edge is thickened. They lie in the median plane of the body ; at the point where they come in contact with the sensory body are found the two above-mentioned median slits through the bell covering that body. Organs of sight. — Simple organs of sight occur principally as pigment spots in such Leptomedusce as possess no marginal vesicles FIG. 74.— Aboral pole of the body of Callianira, after Hertwig. ws, Ciliated bands ; /, springs carrying the mass of otoliths (o) ; sk, sensory body ; pp, pole plates ; to, openings of the 4 branches of the aboral vessel or gastro-canal. FIG. 75.— Halves of two sections through the sensory body of Callianira, after Hertwig. A passes through one of the 4 springs (/) which carry the otolith mass (o) ; d, roof of the sensory pit ; se, sensory epithelium of the sensory body ; p, pigment. fpcellata), and in Anthomedusce. They consist of pigment cells and sensory cells, to which, in some cases, a cuticular thickening is added as lens. Such a lens is less often wanting in tike visual organs of the Acraspeda (Fig. 73, oc, I), whose structure is occasionally considerably complicated ; they form part of the marginal bodies. In the Cubo- medusce a vitreous body and a retina are developed between the lens and the pigment cup. In Charylde 5 there are compound eyes : each marginal body bears 2 large unpaired and 4 small paired eyes. Eye spots, sometimes with lenses, are found at the tips of the feelers in some Siphonophora. In the Ctenophora there are, as has already been mentioned, pigment spots in the sensory cushion of the sensory body. VIII. Supporting Organs, Protective Organs, Skeleton. The formations belonging to this category, which are very hetero- geneous, can at once be divided into two principal groups, according to their ectodermal or mesodermal origin. VOL. I H 98 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 1. Eetodermal supporting and protective organs. — These are found in attached Cnidaria, and especially in those which form animal stocks by asexual reproduction (incomplete fission and gemmation). We can easily understand why such stocks, which in their natural state imitate trees, bushes, grass, feathers, crusts, leaves, etc., need special adaptations for holding the parts upright in the water, to support and at the same time to protect them. We also see why such supporting organs are of no use, or of very little use to attached Cnidaria which do not form colonies, and why they are often wanting, or only slightly developed in such forms. (Examples : Hydra, the attached Scyphomedusce, and the Actinia among Corals.) The ectodermal supporting formations are simplest in the Hydroids. Here the body epithelium generally secretes a chitinous cuticle (peri- Fio. 76.— Diagrammatic representation of the structure of a Stone Coral (Madreporarian), after v. Koch. Only the lower aboral portion of the body is taken into consideration, fp, Foot- plate ; ap, exotheca ; mp, theca ; ss, sklerosepta ; hs, sarcosepta. White parts = calcareous skeleton. Streaked parts = ectoderm. Black parts =mesoderm. Dotted parts = endoderm. derm) which surrounds the body like a tube. This tube surrounds either only the stem, the branches of the stock, and the stalks of the individuals, or, further, it widens out round the individuals into cups into which they can be withdrawn. In the division of the Hydro- corallia the periderm becomes calcified, and forms a framework of many tubes, arranged in a complicated manner, and reticulately bound together. The calcareous skeletons of the Stone-corals (Hexacorallia, Madre- poraria), and the horny skeletons of the Alcyonidce (Octacorallia) belong to the order of skeletons secreted by the ectoderm. The origin of the calcareous skeleton of the Stone-corals (Fig. 76), and its relation to the soft parts of the body, are as follows : — The young Coral, still devoid of skeleton, having attached itself by the aboral end of its body, secretes from the ectoderm of its pedal II CNIDARIA— SKELETON 99 disc a foot-plate formed of globular calcareous grains, and thus con- nects the ectoderm of the foot with the surface to which the body is attached. Then from this foot-plate gradually arise, by calcareous secretion from the ectoderm, radially arranged perpendicular ridges, the star-ridges or sklerosepta. These are naturally covered on all sides with ectoderm, and they raise the pedal disc, in as many folds as there are ridges, into the gastric cavity. In the same way a cal- careous tube, the theea (Mauerblatt), arises, partly by the coalescence of the ends of the star-ridges, and partly perhaps also by the rising of a circular wall out of the pedal disc ; this again raises the basal body wall in folds into the gastric cavity, just as do the star-ridges. By the formation of this calcareous tube the gastric cavity is divided into a peripheral portion, lying outside the theca, and a central portion, the two being in open communication above its free upper edge. In the axis of the Coral a calcareous pillar often rises from the pedal disc and projects into the gastric cavity ; this is the eolumella. The star-ridges may fuse with this eolumella, they may also stand out above the before-mentioned tube as ribs. By a further calcareous secretion from the ectoderm round the base of the body wall, the exotheea arises ; this is lined by ectoderm, and forms an outer circular calcareous wall of varying height above the pedal disc. The peripheral ends of the star -ridges can also unite with the exotheea, though of course only by breaking through the body wall ; indeed the theca may entirely or partially coalesce with the exotheea, displacing the intermediate soft portions. Most Madreporaria, by incomplete fission or gemmation, form variously -shaped Coral colonies, in each individual of which the skeletal arrangement just described is repeated. Complications may arise by the complete or partial fusing, or else the complete disappear- ance of the thecse of the various individuals, etc. The star-ridges or sklerosepta never correspond in position with the ordinary septa or sareosepta, but on the contrary alternate with them, so that a skleroseptum always lies between 2 sareosepta, and a sarcoseptum between 2 sklerosepta. In consequence of this the sklerosepta imitate the sareosepta in number and arrangement. The skeletons of the Madreporaria are either massive and close (M. aporosa), or they are perforated by small cavities (M. porifera). The calcareous skeletons of the fossil Ruyosa had probably an origin similar to that of the Hexacorallia. The second kind of ectodermal Coral skeletons, the horn skeletons, which are found in many Alcyonaria and in the Antipatharia, are usually hollow axial skeletons ; they run through the bodies of these colonial Corals, and thus take the shape of their often elegantly branched stocks. It seems at first paradoxical that these axial skele- tons should be ectodermal. So as to explain this fact, we shall briefly describe the formation of the horn skeleton of Gerardia. The stocks 100 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAI of this Coral form a sort of crust over foreign bodies, preferring th< axial skeleton of other dead Alcyonaria. The surface by which they adhere to these bodies, and which is of course ectodermal, puts forth externally, and thus between itself and the surface to which it adheres, a lamella of horn, which, together with the foreign body (axial skeleton of another Alcyonid), forms the axial skeleton of the whole stock. "Now, however, it not infrequently happens that the Gerardia colony tries later to spread out further than is allowed by the surface it rests on, and then growths which bear young polyps appear on its branches, and into these a new formation of horn enters, attached to the original horny secretion; this new formation has a similar origin with the first, but encloses no foreign body " (v. Koch). In the other Alcyonaria which have a horny axial skeleton, the formation of the skeleton is similar (Fig. 82, B, p. 107), but that part of the axial skeleton which is attached to a foreign substance is very much reduced, whereas the free part rising from it is considerably developed, and forms the generally much-branched principal mass of the skeleton. Horny axial skeletons are thus always lined with an ectodermal axial epithelium. In the axial skeleton of the Alcyonaria , lime may be found in larger or smaller quantities, and sometimes preponderates. In his horny joints alternate with calcareous. The mesoderm of the soft part of the Coral stocks which covers the axial skeleton often contains calcareous spicules. In such cases (e.g. Gorgonia) we have j an ectodermal horny axial skeleton and a more peripheral mesodermal skeleton formed of calcareous spicules. 2. Mesodermal supporting organs. — The first of such organs which we shall consider is the thin structureless membrane, which, | throughout the whole Hydroid body, separates the ectoderm from the j endoderm. In the Craspedote Medusae this membrane thickens into the j more or less strongly developed structureless elastic disc jelly ; it is retained as a thin membrane only in the tentacles, and generally also in the oesophageal tube. In the Scyphomedusce the mesodermal sup- \ porting jelly begins to be more highly differentiated, connective tissue ; cells appearing in it, and fibres, which are either processes of such cells or differentiations of the intercellular substance (Fig. 36, p. 41). In the same way we find, in the Corals, a hyaline mesodermal layer throughout which cells are scattered. The membrane is everywhere reduced to a thinner layer in the tentacles. In many Corals (most Alcyonidce) the skeletal elements are found in this layer. They con- sist of variously shaped calcareous spicules, which arise in special cells and are found in varying numbers. In the mesoderm of AlcyoniumJ\ and in the peripheral portions (the rind) of the stock of the precious* Corals of commerce and other forms, they are isolated. Occasionally, however, a new calcareous substance is deposited between the calcareous spicules, cementing these into a firm mass, and leading to the formation-;) of axial skeletons such as that of the precious Coral of commerce. The greatest differentiation, histologically, within the Cnidaria is ii CNIDARIA— SUBGENITAL CAVITIES 101 shown by the jelly which functions as supporting tissue in the Cteno- phora, containing, as it does, nerve, muscle, and connective tissue elements. All these elements are usually represented by more or less branched fibres. As to the origin of the various mesodermal supporting formations, we have the following remarks to make. The homogeneous supporting membrane of the Hydroids, and the corresponding jelly substance of the Medusce, Corals, and Ctenophora is a product of secretion deposited between the ectoderm and endoderm. -Whether both layers take part in this secretion or only one, and if so which, is a question difficult to decide. The cell elements which lie in the jelly, on the contrary, seem almost exclusively to arise by the immigration of cells from the ectoderm. In Corals the ectoderm soon becomes multi-laminar. The cells of the deeper layers become mesodermal connective tissue cells by the rise between them of homogeneous sub- stance. Many observers, therefore, consider the Coral mesoderm as only a more deeply lying portion of the ectoderm. IX. Funnel Cavities (Septal Funnels) ; Subgenital Cavities, Subgenital Chamber. These formations, met with in many Acmspeda (analogous forma- tions are very rarely found in Craspedota) are in the lower forms represented by 4 interradial funnel-shaped depressions of the sub- umbrella round the oesophagus (Fig. 99, H, /, st, st', p. 130). They project more or less far into the gastric cavity, within the septa which separate the 4 gastric pouches. In Discomedusce they become 4 some- what flat interradial subgenital cavities. Their roof is close to the subumbrellar wall of the central gastric cavity in which the genital organs develop. The membrane which separates the two cavities thus becomes the genital membrane. In two families of the Rhizostomce, (the Versundce and Crambessidce), the 4 sub-genital cavities unite in the centre of the umbrella to form a spacious sub-genital chamber (porticus subgenitalis, Fig. 70 D, sgp, p. 85), which opens outward by four interradial apertures through the subumbrella into the umbrella cavity. The dorsal roof of the chamber is formed by the gastro-genital membrane, which separates it from the gastric cavity above it. The Subgenital chamber separates the central gastric cavity from the oesophagus. The two remain connected only by the 4 canals which run perradially (pfk). X. The Sexual Organs. The Cnidaria are either sexually separate, like the Hydrozoa and the Scyphozoa, (with a few exceptions, e.g. Hydra and a few Cladonemidce, Cerianthus, Chrysaora), or hermaphrodite like the Ctenophora. In the colonial Cnidaria we find male and female individuals either in the same stock (monoecious), and this is the rule ; or on different stocks (dioecious). 102 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Testes and ovaries are, taken as a whole, very simply constructed ; they are vesicles or spheres, with numerous egg and sperm cells at different stages of development. In Hydra both sorts of sexual products lie in the deeper part of the body epithelium. In the other colonial Hydroids they are met with in specially shaped so- called medusoid individuals, of which more will be said below, either being formed primarily in these individuals, or reaching such a position secondarily from the stem. In all Medusae the sexual glands or gonades show, by their position, a close relation to the nutritive gastro- canal system. In the Craspedota (Fig. 77), they lie in varying numbers either on the wall of the oral tube (Narcomedusce and Antho-\ medusce), or on the radial canals j (LeptomeduscesLiidTrachomedusce). Where there are 4 radial canals there are 4 gonades, and where j there are 8 radial canals, 8 i gonades. With increase in the j number of radial canals there may also be increase in the i number of gonades. In the j Acraspeda 4 (less frequently 8) globular or band -like gonades j are usually developed ; these are sometimes folded, or curled, -i or clustered, and occasionally ! of considerable size ; they lie in the subumbrellar wall of the j gastro-canal system, sometimes nearer the circumference, at other times nearer the central gastric cavity. In the Pelagidce and Cyanide?, the gonades hang down as 4 gastro-genital sacs from the subumbrella into the umbrella cavity ; in the Rhizostomw and Aurelidce, on the contrary, they lie on the upper surface of the subgenital cavities or the sub- genital porticus (Fig. 70, p. 85). In the Craspedota the ripe genital I products pass directly out into the umbrella cavity by the bursting of the gonade ; in the Acraspeda they pass inward into the cavity of the gastro-canal system, and reach the exterior thence through the mouth, j The sexual organs of Corals lie in the septa, near the free edges which project into the gastral cavity. FIG. 77. — Eucope campanulata, partly after Haeckel. A, From the surface. B, Section in the direction a-b-c of Fig. A. a-&,Perradius ; b-c, adradius; t, tentacle ; sb, marginal vesicle ; g, gonades ; mr, gastric peduncle ; r, radial canals ; v, velum ; ri, circumferential canal; ex, exumbrella; su, sub- umbrella; ga, jelly; tg, tentacular vessel; b-b, principal axis. ii CNIDARIA— STRATIFICATION OF BODY 103 In the hermaphrodite Ctenophora we meet with them on or in the walls of the meridional vessels, in such a way that on the one wall of the meridional vessel the male elements lie, and on the opposite wall the female elements. These sexual glands are so arranged that in each of the 8 regions of the body, separated by the meridians, there are either 2 testes or 2 ovaries. The ripe sexual products fall into the meridional vessels, and through the gastro-canal system reach the stomach and O3sophagus and pass out through the mouth. In the Cnidaria no special ways of transmission for the sexual products, and no special copulatory organs, are developed. Concerning the origin of the sexual products we may say, generally, that in very many Hydrozoa they are developed out of the ectoderm, but in the Scyphozoa out of the endoderm. Observers are not yet agreed about the origin of the sexual products in the Ctenophora. Since in the one form, the Hydroids, the sexual products come from the ectoderm, and in a related form from the endoderm, too great significance should not be attached to the place of their origin. XI. The " Stratification " of the Cnidarian Body. In the lowest Cnidaria the body during life consists of two layers of epithelium separated by a supporting lamella ; these two layers are similar to the two epithelial germinal layers of the gastrula larva. The musculature is formed by processes of the ordinary epithelial cells. Only the sexual products arise and continue to lie imbedded in the epithelium. As the complication of the organism increases, there is a tendency for certain tissues and organs to detach themselves from the epithelium and to take up a position beneath it. This tendency is shown by the various tissues and organs approximately in the following order : — 1. The sexual organs, which in the lowest Cnidaria are already subepithelial, and in the higher Cnidaria come to lie altogether or partly in the jelly. 2. Connective tissue elements, which immigrate into the gelatinous supporting membrane. 3. The musculature, whose elements first arrange themselves into a subepithelial muscle layer, and then also move (partially at any rate) into the jelly. 4. The tendency to take up a position deep in the body affects the nervous tissue far less. In consequence of the inseparable connection of the nervous system, on the one hand with the sensory organs, which in accordance with their functions must remain at the surface, and on the other hand with the musculature which tends to sink below it, this system takes up an intermediate position. We observe, then, in the Cnidaria the progressive development of an intermediate layer between the outer body epithelium and the inner intestinal epithelium, this intermediate layer being formed of 104 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. heterogeneous elements of independent origin, connective tissue, muscu- lature, nervous system, and sexual organs. The outer epithelium gives rise principally to the connective tissue and the nervous system, while the musculature and the sexual organs may be produced either by the outer or the inner epithelium. It is evident that the development of such an intermediate layer, which we call mesoderm, is the necessary preliminary of a higher organological differentiation of the body. XII. Reproduction. Asexual reproduction by fission and gemmation — Stock formation — Division of labour and polymorphism. Asexual reproduction is very common among the Cnidaria side by side with sexual reproduction. Among the Ctenophora alone it has not been observed. In Hydra we find asexual reproduction by gemmation FIG. 78.— Bougainvillea ramosa (after Allman), with budding Medusae, h, Nutritive polyps 5 mk, medusa buds ; m, detached young Medusae (Margelis ramosa). side by side with sexual reproduction in adult animals. Buds are formed by hollow outgrowths of the body wall. These buds grow, and at the distal end a breach is formed — the oral aperture, round which the tentacles arise by means of new outgrowths. Such buds can detach II CNIDARIA—REPROD UCTION 105 themselves from the mother body, or they may in small numbers remain united with it for some time. In the last case small Hydra colonies composed of similar individuals arise. In the same way elegant and richly branched colonies arise in most Hydroids (Fig. 78). The individuals of such stocks are, how- ever, generally not similar, but, as a consequence of more or less division of labour, Dimorphism or Polymorphism takes place. We distinguish : (1) sterile nutritive persons, which remain on the level of the Hydroid, and undertake the feeding of the stock, the gastric cavities of all the individuals of the stock being in communication with one another ; (2) sexual persons, which undertake the duty of ripening the sexual products, and also of planting them out and dispersing them, so that the young brood of Hydroids proceeding from the fertilised egg may attach them- selves in new places and form new stocks. The sexual persons which are destined for a free-swimming life, and which are buds of the Hydroid stock, attain a struc- ture corresponding with this manner of life, they become young Craspedote Medusce, which detach themselves from the stock, swim away, and — often after longer or shorter metamorphoses — ripen the sexual products. That the Craspe- dote Medusa is only a metamorphosed Hydroid suited for a free -swimming manner of life has already been pointed out. In the accompanying illustrations (Fig. 79, A-E), we can see how a bud t TT j -j ij i -.L FlG- 79-— A> B> c> A E> Diagram- Of a Hydroid Stock develops into a matic representations of the formation Craspedote Medusa. The development of free-swimming sexual persons has also the further advantage that it makes cross-fertilisa- tion possible. In many Hydroids, however, there develop on the stock by bud- ding sexual persons whose structure approaches more or less nearly to that of the Medusa, but does not reach it. Such medusoid sexual persons or gonophores (Fig. 80) do not detach themselves as free- swimming Medusce, but develop the sexual products while remaining connected with the stock. It is not possible to define the various sorts of medusoid buds as stages in the development of the Medusa form, as we cannot see what advantage could be gained by the greater or less development of the Medusa form in these attached sexual persons. They should rather be regarded as so many stages of degeneration, due to the fact that the sexual buds no longer detach themselves from of a Craspedote Medusa by budding from a Hydroid. Black portions = gastric cavities, en, Endoderm ; e, ecto- derm ; TO?*, gastric peduncle ; v, velum ; ra, radial canal ; r, circumferential canal. 106 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the stock as free-swimming Medusce. Degeneration can go so far that the original Medusa organisation becomes quite unrecognisable (Fig. 80, C). The division of labour among the persons of a stock goes still further in some Hydroids, and leads to the formation of polymorphic stocks. Besides the ordinary nutritive and sexual persons, feelers (tasters) devoid of mouth and tentacles, and thorn-like protective per- sons (guard polyps) provided with a hard periderm skeleton, may occur; between these latter the other persons can withdraw. Reproduction by gemmation and fission is relatively rare in the Medusce of the Hydrozoa, and in the Craspedote Medusce generally. In the division of the Anthomedusce gemmation has till now been observed only in the family of the Sarsiadce. Here numerous buds are formed either at the edge of the umbrella, or on the very much lengthened FIG. 80.— A, B, C, Three different types of gonophores from Hydrozoa. e, Ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; es, outer ectodermal envelope of the gonophore ; u, umbrella ; ra, radial canal ; r, circum- ferential canal ; t, tentacles ; m, gastric peduncle ; o, mouth ; ov, gonade (ovary) ; v, velum. gastric peduncle. These buds grow into young Sarsice like the mother animal, then detach themselves and swim about independently. Here we have formation of free-swimming Medusa-stocks without division of labour and without polymorphism of the individuals. The Medusce attain full development only after their detachment from the mother animal. Eeproduction by repeated binary fission has also been observed in Craspedote Medusce. In some cases (Gastroblasta) peculiar free-swimming Medusa -stocks arise which have the following structure. A single Medusa provided with tentacles and marginal vesicles carries on its subumbrella numerous gastric pouches. The number of these gastric pouches determines the number of persons in the stock, which are so far incompletely divided from each other that their discs never separate. Asexual reproduction by a sort of fission occurs also in young forms of the Discomedusce (e.g. Aurelia), i.e. in the young attached stage known as Scyphistoma and described above. In the simplest case CNIDARIA— REPRODUCTION 107 (monodise Strobila) the disc of the Scyphistoma (Ephyra) constricts itself and separates from the peduncle, on which by regeneration a new disc is afterwards formed. New discs, however, are mostly formed between the peduncle and the older discs before the latter detach them- selves; then we have the typical polydise Strobila (Fig. 81). In Corals, reproduction by gemmation and by incomplete fission is very wide spread. It is, however, rare in the naked Actinia. It leads to the formation of those occasionally very large Coral-stocks whose skeletons are well known as Eeef or Stone Coral, the Coral of commerce and other Alcyonaria. The gemmation and stock formation of the Alcyonaria is the most fully in- vestigated. At certain points of the mother-polyp outgrowths, the so-called stolons, make their appearance and are arranged on the mother- polyp in ways characteristic of each different group. They are either simple, or branched in a reticular manner. By new outgrowths, and local widenings of the endodermal canals which they contain, there arise, on these stolons, young daughter animals, in which the mouth, oasophageal tube, septa, and tentacles are formed. FIG. 81.— Polydise Strobila of Aurelia aurita, after Haeckel. In this way arise B FIG. 82.— Diagrams illustrative of gemination and stock formation in various Alcyonaria. A, General diagram. B, Gorgonia. C, Tubipora. D, Alcyonium. Black portions the cavities of the gastral system, s, GEsophagus ; se, septa ; mf, mesenterial thickenings ; dh, gastric cavity ; sk, axial skeleton, drawn in layers to illustrate the manner of its origin. 108 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. stocks formed of individuals whose gastric cavities remain connected, like those of the Reef Coral, by characteristic arrangements of the canal system. The above illustrations (Fig. 82, A-C) show diagrammatically the manner of gemmation and the beginning of stock formation in different Alcyonaria. In the Alcyonaria also, division of labour takes place, with the resulting dimorphism or polymorphism of the persons (zooids). Thus, side by side with the normal persons there are other persons without tentacles and with septa reduced in number (two) whose chief function is the taking in of water into the canal system. XIII. Organisation of the Siphonophora. It is most suitable for our purpose here to describe the structure of the Siphonophora, as it can only be explained and understood by help of the phenomena of asexual reproduction by means of gemma- tion, of stock formation, and of the division of labour. The Siphono- phora have actually been long considered by most investigators as polymorphic animal stocks, although zoologists had not agreed as to the significance of the separate parts. The following description corresponds in general with the views recently put forth by Haeckel. In the order of the Siphonophora two animal groups have till now been united, which, apart from the fact that both are Medusa- stocks, have nothing in common, and, in any case, have quite different origins. We shall therefore treat of these two groups — (1) the Siphonanthe and (2) the Diseonanthe — separately. I. The Siphonanthe. — These may be conceived of as colonies of Craspedote Medusce by comparing their whole body with a Craspedote Medusa on whose gastric peduncle numerous young Medusce have arisen by gemmation, somewhat in the same way as in Sarsia Siphonophora. While, however, the mother Medusa of the Sarsia is radially constructed and all the daughter Medusce are like each other and like the mother, the mother animal of a Siphonanth which is recognisable in its young or larval stage is a much metamorphosed Medusa. Its disc is mostly changed into an air vesicle, it possesses only one tentacle (which also occurs in the Craspedota), and its gastric peduncle is lengthened out into the generally very long " stem " of the Siphonanth. The daughter Medusce, budding from the stem, are neither like one another nor like the mother animal. They divide between them the general work, and are consequently variously modified to suit their special functions. If we now more closely consider the body of a Siphonanth, we must first bear specially in mind those parts which can be compared with parts or organs of the mother Medusa of a proliferous Craspedote. A. The pneumatophore or swim -bladder (Fig. 83) lies at the GNIDARIA— ORGANISATION OF SIPHONOPHORA 109 upper end of the stem, and represents a metamorphosed Medusa umbrella. (It is wanting only in the order of Calyconecta, where the umbrella of the larval mother Medusa develops into the first pro- visional swimming -bell and is then thrown off.) At one point of the exumbrella an invagination forms at an early stage for secreting air, the air vesicle, which expands so much that it represents by far the largest portion of the original disc ; it always remains in open communication with the exterior by means of the aperture of the invagination (the pore of the air vesicle). Around the air vesicle, in the bell which has been so much modified and has become more or less globular, there are 8 (less fre- quently 4 or 1 6) endodermal chambers divided by septa ; these open under the air vesicle into each other and into the endodermal axial canal of the stem. These chambers correspond with the radial canals of the Medusa. The pneumatophore serves as a hy- drostatic apparatus, which keeps the whole Siphonophora colony floating in the water. The air can be expelled through the pore of the air vesicle, and again secreted by the ectodermal glandular epithelium at its base. B. Only one of the tentacles is fully developed. This is moved from the margin of the disc on to the subumbrella to the base of the stem, and is probably usually thrown off at an early stage. C. The stem of the Siphonanth, which is generally long, tubular, and contractile, more rarely short and flat, answers to the gastric peduncle of a Medusa. An aperture (primary oral aperture) is but rarely found at its lower end. The view that these three parts together are equivalent to a Medusa is supported by ontogenetic observation, as is to a certain extent evident from what has already been said. The gastrula which develops from the fertilised egg grows into a Siphonanth larva, such a larva possessing at first only sb, Pneumatophore ; sg, swimming-bell ; ds, bract ; t, tentacles ; groj, go?, go$, gonophores ; hy, oral or gastric peduncle (siphon) ; p, feeler or taster (palpon) ; A-H, various groups of appendages which are never found in this way together in any single Siphon- anth. Black portion = gastric system. 110 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. these three parts — umbrella, tentacle, and gastric peduncle. This medusoid larva is bilaterally symmetrical. Its umbrella has a deep cleft, it possesses only one tentacle, its gastric peduncle is filled with yolk. The Siphonophora colony arises on the gastric peduncle by gemmation. Let us now consider the polymorphic appendages of the Siphonanth stem, which we compared with the daughter Medusce budding on the gastric peduncle of Sarsia siphonophora. All these appendages are arranged on the stem in a line whose position is called ventral. The au FIG. 84.— Stephalia corona, after Haeckel. A, Halved longitudinally. B, From life, sb, Swim- bladder ; au, aurophore ; sg, swimming-bells ; ka, canal system of the stem (chief stomach, st) ; go, gonophore clusters ; o, aperture (mouth) of the peduncle (chief gastric tube, st) ; hy, gastric tubes (siphons) ; t, tentacles. line generally becomes a spiral, because of the spiral twisting of the stem. Highest up on the stem under the pneumatophore (when one is present) the so-called swimming-bells or neetophores are inserted ; these are wanting only in the Cystonecta. The swimming-bells exclu- sively and alone provide for the locomotion of the whole stock. They have lost all those Medusa organs which were of no use to or even hindered the fulfilment of this function, first of all therefore, mouth, gastric peduncle, and tentacles. The locomotory organ of the Medusa, the disc or umbrella, however, is all the more strongly developed ; ft is much vaulted with a strong circular muscular layer in the sub- umbrella. Its edge projects in the shape of a true velum. At the base of the velum runs the circumferential canal, into which 4 radial canals enter. The swimming-bells are so inserted on the stem by their CNIDARIA— ORGANISATION OF SIPHONOPHORA 111 aboral or apical poles, that the aperture of the bell is turned downwards and outwards, away from the apex of the stem. When the swimming-bells contract, and so expel the water down- wards out of their subumbrellar cavities, the whole stock is propelled by the recoil in the opposite direction, i.e. upwards. The swim- ming-bells are not regularly, but bilaterally symmetrical, which is explicable by their insertion on the stem, and by the position they have to assume to effect the motion forward of the whole stock. As to the number and arrangement of the swimming-bells, we find either one or two opposite each other, or several, or often very many, arranged in two or many rows in circles round the stem. The points of insertion of the bells, however, always lie in a spiral, which is sometimes much extended, some- times much compressed. The direction in which this spiral is twisted is the opposite of that in which the other appendages are arranged. The radial vessels of each swimming - bell, which unite at its apical pole, are in open communication with the endodermal axial canal of the stem. Beneath the swimming-bells the stem carries the following different kinds of appendages, which we may also consider as modified Medusae : A. The gonophores or reproductive persons (Fig. 83, gov go2, go3). —To these belong exclusively the function of forming the sexual products. They are either male or female. The typical organisation of a Craspedote Medusa is still more or less faithfully maintained in them. They possess a bell-shaped umbrella with velum, circumferen- tial canal and radial canals, and, further, a gastric peduncle which projects into the subumbrellar cavity (occasionally with an oral aperture in addition), and in whose wall, as in the Codonidce among the Craspedote Medusce, the sexual products arise. The umbrella is here, probably, a protective apparatus. Occasionally the rudiments of tentacles are still found on the margin of the disc. Sometimes, how- ever, the whole Medusa form is considerably degenerated. B. Sterile persons. — These perform the functions of taking in food, and digestion, of protection, touch, etc. The Medusa structure in them FIG. 85.— Praya galea, after tfaeckel. 112 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. is always obscured, and often so much so as to be unrecognisable. The following different kinds of such sterile persons may be dis- tinguished : a. Persons in which the following typical organs of a Medusa may still be recognised : (1) a variously-shaped protective or braet as metamorphosed umbrella. It serves as umbrella or shield, and affords protection, not only to the other parts of the same person, but also to the neighbouring persons, which can withdraw under it. (2) The oral or gastric peduncle (siphon), the chief organ for taking in food and digestion. The siphon is often stalked, and the edge of the mouth widened into a funnel, or produced into 4 points, or prolonged like a proboscis. (3) A very contractile tentacle or capturing filament, which is placed at the base of the gastric tube. The tentacle is feathered on one side, i.e. it is provided with one row of lateral branches, whose ends are armed with stinging batteries. Such a sterile person simultaneously performs the functions of taking in food and of protection (Fig. 83, A}. b. Persons distinguished from those just described by the fact that the contractile hollow siphon has lost its mouth, and so appears changed into a taster or feeler (palpons). The tentacle at the base of the feeler becomes an unfeathered, long, and very retractile sensory filament (Fig. 83, B). c. Persons in which the umbrella is completely degenerated, and which consist of nothing but siphon and tentacle (Fig. 83, C). d. Persons which have retained exclusively the function of pro- tection, and in whom the umbrella alone, in the form of a bract, has attained development, while the formation of siphon and capturing filament has been suppressed (Fig. 83, E). e. Persons reduced to tasters, without bracts and without sensory filaments, C. Special swimming-bells. — Nectophores, agreeing in structure with the ordinary swimming bells developed at the upper end of the stem are found in some Siphonanths on other parts of the stem as well. These various appendages, or heteromorphic persons (A-C), of which several may be wanting, occur in different and often very characteristic order and manner of division on the stem. They are, in the first place, arranged in many Siphonanths in distinct groups, repeated at regular intervals and separated by internodes of the stem. The following are the chief modifications which occur in the com- position of such a group, which is known as a eormidium : A. The eormidium consists of (1) a gonophore and (2) a sterile person with bract, siphon, and capturing filament (Fig. 86). B. To these two persons a third person, a special swimming-bell, is added. C. The eormidium consists of (1) one or more gonophores, (2) one sterile person with siphon and tentacle, but without bract. . ii CNIDARIA— ORGANISATION OF SIPHONOPHORA 113 D. It consists of (1) one or more gonophores, (2) one siphon with tentacle but without bract, (3) one or more palpons with tentacle but without bract. E. It consists of (1) a group of gonophores, (2) a siphon together with a tentacle, (3) one or more palpons without tentacle, (4) several bracts, some of which perhaps belong to the palpons and to the siphon. Less frequently we find in the cormidium several siphons with tentacles. The cormidia described under A and B can detach themselves from the stem, and only when they are thus free-swimming Eudoxice (A) or Erscece (B) do they ripen the sexual products in their gono- \ FIG. 86.— Single Cormidium (Eudoxia) from Praya galea, after Haeckel. ds, Protective or bract ; r, radial canals of the same ; st, portion of the stem ; Jiy, siphon or gastric peduncle ; t, ten- tacle ; rik, stinging knobs ; sg, gonophore. phores. From the fertilised egg a medusoid Siphonophoran larva is then produced, and from this, by budding, comes the polymorphic Siphonmth stock. In many Siphonanths the arrangement of the heteromorphic persons in special cormidia is either more or less obscured (e.g. Rliizophysa, several Agalmidce and Forskalidce) or quite suppressed, so that the persons are irregularly distributed on the stem (Physalia, Agalmopsis). In this case the persons are generally appendages, in which, apart from the gonophores standing in groups or clusters, the medusoid structure is more or less completely degenerated : i.e. siphons with tentacle, taster with or without sensory filament, or isolated bracts. This dispersed arrangement is to be explained in this way : the parts belonging to a sterile person, such as siphon or taster, bract or tentacle, become detached, and move away from each other, and stand VOL. I I 114 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. separately on the stem. These dislocated portions or organs are able to multiply independently. II. The Diseonanthe (Disealia, Porpeta, Porpalia, Velella). — These have to be interpreted quite differently from the Siphonanthe. According to the harmonious and convincing teaching of ontogeny and comparative anatomy, these animals must be considered as Medusce with marginal tentacles. These Medusce have a gastric tube with mouth (principal siphon) in the centre of the subumbrella in the typical way, but also produce secondary siphons or palpons, by gemma- tion, on the subumbrella (just as in the G-astroblasta) ; out of the wall of these secondary siphons the Medusa-shaped gonophores FIG. 87.— Porpalia prunella, after Haeckel. cd, Central gland ; Ik, air chamber ; cp, central pore of the same ; rk, radial canal ; sp, supporting plate ; eu, exumbrella ; su, subumbrella ; t, ten- tacles ; g, gonades ; o, mouth ; ms, principal siphon ; gm, accessory siphons. bud (Fig. 87). All the tentacles belong to the margin of the un- divided persistent Medusa umbrella. In the umbrella (on which in Velella a vertical crest, generally placed diagonally, rises) an air vesicle is developed on the exumbrellar side ; this is often of very com- plicated structure, many chambered, and originally octoradiate ; the chambers communicate with the exterior through numerous pores. The young stages of the Diseonanthe are typical Medusce, with 8 (later 16) tentacles at the disc margin, and with one central gastric peduncle or siphon. The gonophores detach themselves as free -swimming medusoid sexual persons, and only ripen the sexual products after their separation. The view of the Siphonophoran body here brought forward takes up a position intermediate between two diametrically opposed theories, ii CNIDARIA— ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS 115 each of which has long had its supporters. According to one theory, the whole Siphonophoran body represents a single Medusa person, and all its separate appendages — the nectophores, siphons, tasters, tentacles and gonophores — are nothing but displaced organs of this Medusa, whose number increases by multiplication. According to the other theory, the Siphonophoran body is a free-swimming polymorphic Hydroid stock, and each of the appendages just enumerated, even each tentacle, is to be considered as a more or less modified person, suited to some special function, in consequence of an extreme division of labour, either, therefore, as a metamorphosed Hydroid, or (as e.g. the necto- phores and gonophores) as a metamorphosed Medusa. XIV. Life-history of the Cnidaria, Alternation of Generations. We shall return later to the special ontogeny of the Cnidaria, the arrangement of the layers of the body, and the development of the organs. Here we shall restrict ourselves to depicting the general course of their life-history. Hydra multiply both asexually by gemmation, and sexually by means of fertilised eggs. From the latter, by a gradual course of development, Hydra again arise. In very many Hydromedusce an attached Hydroid form arises out of the fertilised egg, out of which, by budding, comes a Hydroid stock, which is at least dimorphic and often polymorphic. Some buds become sterile nutritive persons, others sexual persons. The latter detach themselves from the stock as free -swimming Craspedote Medusce (Fig. 78, m, p. 104) and form the sexual products. From the fertilised egg an attached Hydroid may again be produced. We thus find here, in the cycle of development, two consecutive generations, as it were, intercalated : (1) the dimorphic or polymorphic Hydroid stock which reproduces by gemmation ; and (2) the Medusa which arises by gemmation, detaches itself, swims about, and reproduces itself sexually. Such an alternation of differently formed generations which multiply in different ways is called alternation of generations (metagenesis). It follows from our description that this alternation of generations is the result of division of labour between the single persons of a Hydroid stock. Each Medusa is originally equivalent to a nutritive person, and it owes its structure to adaptation to the special function of forming the sexual products and of dispersing them by means of its free locomotion. We must not, therefore, consider the Hydroid form as a young stage of the Medusa form. Nutritive polyp and Medusa are sisters. The one sister develops further than the other and reproduces sexu- ally, while the latter remains sterile. There are two other methods of development to be derived from the alternation of generations of the Hydro -Medusa. There are Hydroid stocks in which the sexual persons do not detach themselves 116 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. from the stock, but remain connected with it as medusoid gonophores. From the fertilised eggs of such Hydroids other Hydroids are produced. On the other hand there are Hydro-Medusae in whose whole life cycle no attached Hydroid stock is developed. From the fertilised egg of such a Craspedote Medina another sexual Medusa is produced, often after a series of metamorphoses. In the Discomedusce also a kind of alternation of generations occurs. The fertilised egg may develop into a young attached Medusa, which reproduces asexually by axial budding (strobilation, Fig. 81, p. 107) p - x^- FIG. 88. — Nausithoe. pr, Perradii ; ir, interradii ; ar, adradii ; sr, subradii ; rl, marginal lobes ; t, tentacles ; gf, gastral filaments ; m, circular muscle of the subumbrella ; sfc, sensory bodies (rhopalia) ; g, sexual glands (gonades) ; in the middle the oral cross. or by lateral budding. The constricted young Medusae (ephyrse), whose organisation, but for absence of gonades, is essentially the same as that of Nausithoe (Fig. 88), undergo a more or less complicated metamorphosis, till they again become adult sexually mature Medusce. Here, however, the organism which multiplies asexually is really a young stage of the sexually differentiated Medusa, not a sister as in the Hydro-Meduscz. The young Scyphistoma does not need to multiply asexually. It can detach itself from the stem and develop direct into a Medusa. There are also very many free-swimming Scypho-Medusce from whose fertilised eggs a new Medusa is produced again direct without the intervention of an attached stage in which multiplication is asexual. This direct development is usually accompanied by meta- ii CNIDARIA— LITERATURE 117 morphosis. Development with alternation of generations and without it can occur in the same species. In Corals a free-swimming larva is produced from the fertilised egg, and this attaches itself and develops into a Coral, which either remains a single individual or produces a Coral -stock by means of gemmation and incomplete fission. The Ctenophora, without exception, develop direct. From the fertilised egg of the Siphonophora a medusoid organism arises, which, by budding, yields the polymorphic animal stock. Here also (Physalia, Disconanthe) the medusoid gonophores can detach them- selves from the stock and lead a free life as sexual individuals. In many Siphonanthe groups of persons, the already mentioned Eudoxice and Erscece, detach themselves from the stock, and swim about freely as minute new animal stocks. In their gonophores the sexual pro- ducts are developed. From the fertilised egg a medusoid organism arises, which by gemmation again becomes the polymorphic animal ] stock. We thus have here again to do with a sort of alternation of generations. Literature. R. Leuckart. Zoologische Untersuchungen I. Giessen, 1853. The same. Zur ndhern Kenntniss der Siphonophoren von Nizza. Arch. f. Naturgeschichte. 1854. C. Gegenbaur. Beobachtungen uber Siphonophoren. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. 1853. The same. Neue Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Siphonophoren. Nova acta. Tom. 27. 1859. C. Vogt. Memoires sur les Siphonophores. Memoires de VInstitut genevois. 1854. A v. Kolliker. Die Siphonophoren oder Schwimmpolypen von Messina. Leipzig, 1853. Milne-Edwards et J. Haime. Histoire naturelle des Coralliaires. 3 vols. Paris, 1857-60. Th. Huxley. The Oceanic Hydrozoa. Roy. Society. London, 1859. De Lacaze-Duthiers. Histoire naturelle du corail. Paris, 1864. Th. Hincks. Natural History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes. 2 vols. London, 1868. Kolliker. Antomisch-systematische Beschreibung der Alcyonarien. Die Pennatuliden. Abhandlungen SenTcenb. nat. Ges. Frankfurt. Bd. 7 and 8. 1872. C. Glaus. Ueber Halistemma tergestinum. Arbeit. Zool. Institut. Wien. 1878. G. J. Allman. A Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. London, 1871-72. 2 vols. N. Kleinenberg. Hydra. Leipzig, 1872. 0. and R. Hertwig. Das Nervensystem und die Sinnesm-gane der Medusen. Leipzig, 1878. The same. Die Actinien. Jen. Zeitschr. f. Natumuiss. Bd. XIII. u. XIV. 1879-80. R. Hertwig. Ueber den Bau der Ctenophoren. Jena, 1880. C. Chun. Monographic der Ctenophoren. In: Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. Leipzig, 1880. E. Haeckel. System der Medusen. Jena, 1880, 1881. A.Andres. Monografia delle Attinie. 1. Theil, In : Fauna und Floi^a des Golfes von Neapel. 1884. 118 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. G. von Koch. Monographic der Gorgoniden. In : Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 1887. R. Hertwig. Die Aktinien der Challenger Expedition. Jena, 1882. E. Haeckel. Report on the Siphonophora of the Challenger Expedition. 1888. A. Goette. Ueber die EntwicJcelung von Aurelia aurita und Cotylorhiza tuberculata. 1887. Numerous important works and treatises by Metschiiikoff, F. E. Schulze, Haeckel, Moseley, L. Agassiz, A. Agassiz, Claus, Weismann, Hamann, Grenadier, Lacaze-Duthiers, Jourdan, Jikeli, Lendenfeld, Chun, C. Keller, Wilson, Fol, Semper, Dana, G. von Koch (a series of important treatises on Corals in Gegenbaur's Morph. Jahrb., vols. iv-ix). A. von Heider, etc. The fundamental law of Biogenesis. — Egg segmentation and the development of the two primary germinal layers of the Metazoa (gastrulation)— The ontogeny of the Cnidaria. Every Metazoon is, at the commencement of individual existence, a simple cell, an egg cell ; i.e. its development starts from a point at which the Protozoon remains during its whole life. Further, by the repeated division of the fertilised egg of every Metazoon, a germ is produced, whose structure repeats in a general way the structure of a simple Coslenterate. This germ, which is known as the gastrula, consists of two cell layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm, which may be compared with the two layers composing the body of a simple adult Ccelenterate. Fundamental law of Biogenesis. — The frequently observed parallelism between the consecutive stages of individual, or ontogenetic development, and the grades of development presented by the animal kingdom, is thus explained by the theory of descent. Every animal, in its ontogeny, passes through, in an extraordinarily ab- breviated and concise manner, the long series of its ancestral forms. " Ontogeny, or the history of the development of the individual, is a short recapitulation of the history of the race, or phylogeny." This sentence, in which the fundamental law of Biogenesis is formulated, contains a generalisation of the fact that every animal passes on to its descendants by inheritance, not only its organisation at an adult stage, but also its own course of development. In the course of time adaptation, i.e. the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence, interferes with the action of heredity, so that species do not remain constant, but change according to circumstances. In the same way, the ontogenetic process of development also, i.e. the series of consecutive stages of development of a species, may be subject to such modification that it no longer faithfully recapitulates the process of development of its ancestors. The repetition of ancestral development caused by inheritance is called " palingenetic " ; the modifications of ancestral development caused by adaptation are "caenogenetic." It is extremely difficult to determine in a concrete case what is palingenetic and what is csenogenetic. It is at once evident that a purely palingenetic course of development never occurs anywhere. It is only by the discovery of similarity be- tween one stage of development in an animal and another adult animal, that we can decide that that stage has something palingenetic in it. When a comparison of a stage of development in one species with other species in an adult condition is not possible, we have no sure means of judging what is palingenetic in it and what csenogenetic. For instance, we know of no adult animal with which the Echinoderm larva can be compared ; and we cannot consequently know whether these larvae have in any way retained the organisation of their primitive Echinoderm ancestors. Our justification, again, for holding that a stage of development is probably ii FUNDAMENTAL LAW OS BIOGENESIS 119 palingenetic, when other organisms in adult condition possess essentially the organisation of that stage of development, stands or falls with the assumption that in the course of the earth's history some lower animal forms have remained very little altered by the side of others which have developed into higher organisms, and that it is not the case that nearly all lower animals living to-day are the degenerate descendants of ancestors once highly developed. Palaeontology teaches us, in fact, that during those epochs of the earth's history which are accessible to investigation, and among those organisms which we know in a fossilised condition, many forms and groups of forms have remained unaltered for immensely long periods, while other forms on the contrary have progressed. On the other hand, we cannot doubt that retrogressions in the development of the organic world are by no means rare phenomena. The acquisition of a stationary manner of life, for example, and still more of parasitism, necessitate such retrogressions. In many cases, in consequence of new conditions, sexual maturity may be shifted to an earlier stage of development, better suited for competition, and the "adult" form may gradually cease to be developed. The Axolotl, for instance, generally becomes sexually mature at a stage with external gills — a so-called larval stage — and reproduces itself at that stage. It only rarely develops into the "adult" animal. If, in consequence of certain condi- tions, the development into an adult animal were altogether and always to cease to take place, we should have before us a case in which an animal, according to the common conception more lowly organised, descended from one more highly developed. If we wish, therefore, to compare the developmental stages of an animal with the final stages of other animal forms, in order to demonstrate their palingenetic meaning, we must always be' able to bring forward good reasons for believing that these animal forms are not simplified or degenerated. If the distinction between palingenesis and csenogenesis is difficult, even when we can illustrate it by adult animals, the difficulty increases when the comparison remains purely ontogenetic ; i.e. when we can only compare developmental stages of one animal with developmental stages of other animals. It is now accepted, that when two animal groups have similar larval forms, these groups are racially related. The larva of Balanoglossus agrees in many important points with the larva of the Echinoderm ; Balanoglossus is therefore considered to be related to the Echinoderms. It is possible that this view is correct ; but we cannot say that this relation is prob- able ; for we can bring forward no reason to show that either of these larval forms has any palingenetic significance. In dealing with ontogenetic problems we have to take into account another series of considerations, which are partly a simple result of a consistent carrying out of the Darwinian principles. We give only the most important. 1. We are more likely to be justified in considering an ontogenetic process of development palingenetic, when it exhibits from first to last an unbroken series of self-supporting stages of development, so that we can imagine the larva at each stage to be an adult sexually mature animal. But we certainly do not find such a method of development entirely realised anywhere in the animal world. 2. It is an advantage for an animal whose organisation is adapted to its condi- tions, i.e. which maintains with success the struggle for existence, to reach its adult form, not only as directly and as quickly as possible, but economically, i.e. without the development of parts which have become useless. 3. Such a direct and abbreviated development can take place only when the developing animal is from first to last provided with nourishment by means of which it can develop. This occurs either by the egg receiving from the mother body nutritive yolk to help in its development, or by its being nourished, as in viviparous animals, direct from the mother body. Everything that is connected with such 120 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. nourishment of the developing animal is a secondary addition to the original develop- ment. We cannot think either of a bird embryo at the time of incubation, or of a mammalian embryo in its egg envelopes as an independent and self- feeding animal. 4. Direct development may occur together with gradual development or meta- morphosis in the ontogenetic development of the animal. Of all the original in- dependent stages of development, often only one or a few are preserved, viz. those which are specially capable of competition, whilst all the others disappear in the direct development. Thus the insect egg develops direct into the caterpillar or larva by the help of the nutritive yolk. The larva at this stage of development, being suited for competition, procures food for itself independently, grows vigorously, and then again develops direct (pupal stage) by the help of the stored -up food into the adult winged insect. 5. The effect of the struggle for existence on the larvse at the various stages of development, and especially on those which feed independently, is just the same as on adult animals. It is therefore to be expected that the different manners of life (attached, free-swimming, parasitic, etc.) during the stages of development should determine adaptations and modifications in the larval organisation similar to those in adult animals. Such modifications, however, have a limit not clearly known to us, just because the stages they affect are stages of development whose purpose is to produce an adult sexually mature animal. 6. The more important organs or systems of organs are, the earlier do they begin to form in the larva ; or, in other words, the order of their development in time is in direct correspondence with their importance to the adult animal. Whatever holds good for the adult animal also naturally holds good for every organ and for every adaptation ; its development becomes more and more direct, and more and more abbreviated ; it adapts itself more and more to the purpose of reaching as soon as possible the form and arrangement which belong to the adult animal. Increasingly defined localisation of the developing parts is a necessary consequence of their earlier commencement. We see from the above that in phylogenetic investigations it is perhaps still more difficult to decide the true bearing of ontogenetic than of anatomical facts. We can only attain to phylogenetic conclusions of a certain degree of probability when comparative anatomy and comparative ontogeny go hand in hand, when com- parative anatomy takes into account the developing organs, and when comparative ontogeny does not leave out of consideration the last stages of development. Segmentation and gastrulation. — When we come to investigate in what manner the bi-laminar germ, the gastrula of the Metazoon, arises out of the fertilised egg, we find what appear to be very different methods of development. Numerous thorough investigations have proved that this variety of methods is almost exclu- sively caused by the quantity and distribution of the nutritive yolk in the egg. If we assign to the influence of the nutritive yolk the importance that is due to it, we shall be convinced that one single process underlies all these different phenomena. We must keep well in view, (1) that the nutritive yolk, or deutoplasm, is an inert, lifeless nutritive material deposited in the egg cell, and (2) that the forma- tive yolk, or the protoplasm, with the nucleus it encloses, is the only living active portion. We have already spoken of the variations in amount and distribution of the deutoplasm in the egg. We shall now describe the first appearance of segmentation or furrowing in the different kinds of eggs. The following are the types of eggs whose segmentation we propose to describe : — Holoblastic alecithal egg. Holoblastic telolecithal eggs, with varying quantity of nutritive yolk : Eupomatus (Annelid), Discocelis (Polydad), Bonellia (Ecliiurid], ii SEGMENTATION AND GASTRULATION 121 Ctenophora. Holoblastic centrolecithal eggs : Geryonia (Craspedote, Medusa}. Mero- blastic telolecithal eggs : Shark. Meroblastic centrolecithal eggs : Insects. The first divisions occur in directions which seem to be identical in the eggs of most animals. The first plane of division which, after previous nuclear division, separates the two daughter cells of the egg, i. e. the first two segmentation spheres, or blastomeres, runs in the direction of the principal axis of the egg, from the animal to the vegetative pole. By the animal pole Ave mean that portion of the surface of the egg at which the spermatozoon entered, and near which, in telolecithal eggs, the chief mass of the formative yolk lies. The point lying diametrically opposite to this we call the vegetative pole. The first plane of division is, therefore, with relation to the two poles, meridional. The holoblastic alecithal egg falls at the first division into two similar blasto- meres, each of which has a nucleus in its centre. The holoblastic telolecithal egg falls generally into two blastomeres, each of which repeats the structure of the undivided egg. Each blastomere shows polar differentia- tion— at the animal pole lies the greatest mass of formative yolk with the nucleus, at the vegetative pole the greatest mass of nutritive yolk (Fig. 89, B, C}. The holoblastic centrolecithal egg (Geryonia) falls into two blastomeres, each of which repeats the structure of a telolecithal egg, the formative yolk only appearing FIG. 89.— 2-Blastomere stage of different eggs.— These are placed in this and all following illustrations, so that the animal pole is directed upwards, and the vegetative pole downwards. The nucleus is black, the formative yolk dark, the nutritive yolk light and granulated. F represents merely a portion from the animal pole of an egg. at the free surface of the blastomere, and not at the side which is directed towards the plane of division. The nucleus of each blastomere lies superficially in the forma- tive yolk (Fig. 89, D). In the meroblastic telolecithal egg the inert lifeless nutritive yolk is so strongly developed in comparison with the living active formative yolk, that the formative yolk when dividing is not able to effect the division of the whole of the nutritive yolk. The former only therefore divides, the latter remaining undivided. We have thus a large sphere of nutritive yolk, with two masses of formative yolk divided by a meridional furrow at the animal pole, in each of which lies a nucleus (Fig. 89, F}. In the meroblastic centrolecithal, or rather mesolecithal, egg the central forma- tive yolk again alone is able to divide under the influence of the nucleus, while the remaining portions of the egg continue at first undivided (Fig. 89, E}. The second plane of division is also meridional and stands at right angles to the first. It divides each of the first blastomeres into two halves exactly in the same way as the first plane divided the whole egg. The third plane of division seems to be pretty generally equatorial. It is visible on the exterior of the egg as an equatorial furrow. It stands at right angles to the first two planes of division and to the chief axis of the egg, and divides the first 4 122 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. blastomeres into 8, of which the 4 animal portions form the animal part of the germ, and the 4 vegetative portions its vegetative part. In the holoblastic alecithal germ the 8 blastomeres are of equal size, and the third plane of division shows itself outwardly as a strictly equatorial circular furrow (Fig. 90, A). In holoblastic telolecithal germs each of the 4 blastomeres divides into a smaller animal blastomere, consisting almost exclusively of formative yolk, and a larger vegetative blastomere containing the nutritive yolk and a small quantity of formative, yolk. The greater part of the latter lies towards the animal pole of the blastomere and contains the nucleus. Each vegetative blastomere of the germ of 8 blastomeres thus repeats the structure of a blastomere of the germ at the 4 -blasto- mere stage. The more considerable the quantity of nutritive yolk in the germ, the larger is the vegetative blastomere as compared with the animal. The smaller blastomeres are called micromeres, the larger macromeres. The division of the 4 blastomeres into 4 micromeres and 4 macromeres looks as if the former budded from the latter (Fig. 90, B, C]. In the holoblastic centrolecithal (Geryonid] germ, after the appearance of the third plane of division, which is here strictly equatorial, the 8 blastomeres are of FIG. 90.— A, F, Diagrams showing the 8-blastomere stage of different eggs. equal size. Each blastomere has a peripheral layer of formative yolk, with a nucleus imbedded in it, and a mass of nutritive yolk towards the centre of the spherical germ (Fig. 90, D). The germ of the Ctenophora, departs from the usual arrangement of the telolecithal holoblastic germ, since the third process of division is not equatorial. Each of the 4 blastomeres divides, in a plane slantingly meridional, so that the germ consists of 8 approximately equal blastomeres, of which 4 lie rather nearer the animal pole than the other 4. The 8 blastomeres are grouped round a central space, which lies in the principal axis of the germ. Each blastomere shows the structure of the original Ctenophoran egg, the formative yolk lying chiefly at the animal pole of the blastomere, and the more considerable nutritive yolk forming its larger vegetative part. In the meroblastic telolecithal germ, in consequence of the great development of the nutritive yolk, the "equatorial " division takes place quite near the animal pole. Exteriorly this division is visible as a circular furrow (polar circle) which divides the 4 prominences of formative yolk into 4 smaller central prominences with nuclei, and 4 peripheral prominences also with nuclei. The 4 central and the 4 peripheral prominences are not completely separated below the surface, either from each other or from the subjacent nutritive yolk (Fig. 90, F). In the meroblastic mesolecithal germ the 8 central masses of formative yolk, each provided with a nucleus, are not separated from the great mass of nutritive yolk surrounding them (Fig. 90, E). No general rule can be given for further divisions. Many meridional, equatorial, and cross divisions follow. The determination of the processes in detail is the more II SEGMENTATION AND GASTRULATION 123 difficult in that divisions occur simultaneously at different points of the germ, and the number of blastomeres considerably increases. Starting with the 8-blastomere stage, we Avill further follow the course of development of each germ type. 1. In the holoblastic alecithal germ (Fig. 91), out of the 8 blastomeres, by repeated meridional and equatorial division, 16, 32, etc., blastomeres of about equal size are produced, which together form the uni-laminar wall of a sphere, which becomes hollow by the formation of a cavity (segmentation cavity, blastoccel) (total equal furrowing). At this stage the germ is called blastula, or cceloblastula, because it is hollow. During repeated division of the blastomeres the blastula becomes flattened at the vegetative pole ((7), the flattened part sinks into the seg- mentation cavity more and more, so that the invaginated portion, which consists of vegetative blastomeres, approaches the non-invaginated part by means of complete or partial reduction of the cavity. We now have before us a germ consisting of two layers of blastomeres, which have become epithelial. The outer layer is the ecto- derm, the inner the endoderm. At the edge of the aperture of invagination or blastopore the two layers pass into each other. The endodermal blastomeres or cells FIG. 91. — Segmentation and gastrulation of a holoblastic alecithal germ. B, Blastula. D, gastrula. fh, Segmentation cavity ; e, ecto- derm ; en, endoderm ; HI, blastopore. FIG. 92.— Segmentation and gastrulation of a telolecithal egg with little nutritive yolk (of Eupomatus). mi, Micromeres ; ma, macromeres ; en, eudoderm ; me, mesoderm ; HI, blastopore. form together a hollow sac, the arch-enteron, the cavity of which opens externally through the blastopore. At this stage the germ is called gastrula, and in this case coelogastrula, because the blastopore leads into an open enteric cavity. This pro- cess, by which a blastula becomes a gastrula, is called invagination or embole. 2. In the holoblastic telolecithal germs, the phenomena of blastula and gastrula formation are at least apparently different according to the presence of much or little nutritive yolk. Let us first consider a germ with little nutritive yolk, as, for example, that of Eupomatus (Fig. 92). It consists of 4 animal micromeres and 4 vegetative macromeres. The difference in their sizes is not very great, because of the small mass of nutritive yolk, and the third plane of division lies near the true equator. First the 4 micromeres divide, then the 4 macromeres. We thus now have 8 micromeres and 8 macromeres. The micromeres continue to divide, and the macromeres follow at a slower rate. While, however, the micromeres always divide into two cells or blastomeres of pretty equal size, the equatorial divisions of the macromeres are such that each divides into a micromere, which is directed towards the animal side of the germ and contains less nutritive yolk, and into a macromere, turned towards the vegetative pole and containing more nutritive yolk. 12-i COMPARATIVE AX ATOMY The number of micromeres thus increases, as in the iirst place they themselves divide, and in the second place new microineres, produced by macromeres, become added to them. This process of the continual production of micromeres is extremely important for the comprehension of all following types of segmentation and gastrula- tion. The furrowing is total, but already a little unequal. The blastula which results is a cceloblastula, with a cap-like cover of micromeres and a lower part formed of a few yolk-containing macromeres. In consequence, of the considerable size of the macromeres the segmentation cavity is somewhat narrowed. The gastrula is formed by invagination, and looks as if the layer of macromeres which sinks in were grown round on all sides by micromeres. The gastrula is a coelogastrula, and the arch-enteric cavity appears narrowed in consequence of the large size of the macromeres. Closely connected with the segmentation and germ-layer formation just described is another process, an example of which is afforded by the developing germ of JJimcUic. (Fig. 93). The process is essentially the same ; the apparent variations are explicable by the fact that the mass of nutritive yolk is more considerable. The 4 large macromeres, burdened Avith yolk, appear in consequence of their size as the fixed resting-point round which the processes of development take place. At first, as before, the 4 micromeres divide. The 4 macromeres are telolecithal blastomeres. The chief mass of the formative yolk left after the first division or budding no longer lies in the direction of the animal pole, but at some distance from it, towards the outer edge of the 4 micromeres. The division or budding of these 4 macromeres leads to the formation of 4 micromeres, which take up a position externally, side by side with those already formed (A}. The 4 macromeres still contain a remnant of formative yolk, which, as it always lies at the edge of the micromcre cap, moves along the surface of the germ from the animal side of the macromeres towards the vegeta- tive pole of the germ. Thus the process goes on (JJ, C). As the micromeres divide, and as their number increases bv the con- stant formation of new micromeres from macromeres, the macromeres are at last surrounded, everywhere except at a small space at the vegetative pole. This process is called epibole ; it is the growth of micromeres over a resting mass of very large macromeres. It will be seen from the above description that this process and that of invagination are fundamentally identical. The gastrula which is formed is a solid sterrogastrula, whose enteric cavity is almost filled up by the large si/e of the yolk-laden macromeres. The micro- meres j iresent at this stage form the ectoderm ; the macromeres represent the rudi- ments of the endodcrm and of a part of the mesoderm. The blastula stage of this method of development is unrecognisable. From the type of segmentation exemplified by JioncU.iu we pass on to one nearly related which occurs in the Polijdada (Fig. 91). The formation of micromeres, and their growth over the macromeres, is just as in JJoncUla. But here the 4 micromeres which are first constricted yield, by division, the whole ectoderm. The micromeres, which become constricted oil' from the macromeres in the second (and third) order, Fie. 03. — Segmentation and gastrulation of the egg of Bonellia, alter Spengel. mi, Microin<;res ; -'11111.. inacrouii-'ros ; cc, cctiKluriii. ii SEGMENTATION AND GASTRULATION 125 yield a great part of the mesoderm (musculature, sexual organs, connective tissue), and are overgrown by the ectoderm micromeres. All micromeres which are detached later belong to the endoderm. We have here before us a typical case of the tendency to shift back formations to very early stages of development. A typical gastrula is not developed in the Polyclada, since the separation of ectoderm and endoderm occurs as early as the 8-blastomere stage. We shall return to this later. The Ctenopkora exhibit an interesting process of segmentation and gastrula tion intermediate between the gastrulation by means of epibole of the telolecithal holo- blastic eggs and the gastrulation by de- lamination of the centrolecithal eggs to be FlG- 94.- Segmentation of a Polyclad spoken of later. The 8-blastomere stage of egg (o: Discocelif mi> First generation of , , ,& micromeres (ectoderm - forming cells) ; ?>ui, these animals has been described above, second generation of micromeres (mesoderm All the 8 blastomeres are telolecithal, with micromeres) ; ma, macromeres. the formative yolk directed towards the animal pole. What occurs at the 4-blastomere stage of the telolecithal holoblastic eggs hitherto described, viz. the constriction of the 4 micromeres from the 4 macro- meres, here takes place one stage later, at the 8-blastomere stage. The 8 blasto- meres in fact give off 8 micromeres towards the aboral pole (Fig. 95, A}. The further segmentation is quite similar to that of Bonellia. The micromeres increase in number (1) by division, (2) by the continual addition of new micromeres towards the vegetative pole, by constriction from the macromeres (J5, (7). After the micro- meres have thus grown round the macromeres, leaving a large region at the vegeta- tive pole in which the macromeres come freely to the surface, the formation of micromeres does not cease, as in the Polyclada. The already formed micromeres, however, yield exclusively ectoderm ; the remaining macromeres, part of the mesoderm and the endoderm. Here also no very recognisable gastrula is developed. FIG. 95.— Three stages in the segmentation of a Ctenophoran egg. mi, Micromeres ; ma, macromeres. In all processes of the formation of micromeres the following is to be specially noted. After a macromere has constricted off a micromere, or, what is the same thing, after a blastomere has divided into a small micromere with little or no nutri- tive yolk, and into a large macromere with much nutritive yolk, the portion of formative yolk or protoplasm which remains in the macromere grows evidently by the assimilation of nutritive yolk before the macromere can again divide. 3. Segmentation and gastrulation of the holoblastic centrolecithal germ. We give as an example of this the Geryonid germ which has been the most carefully investigated and is the best understood (Fig. 96). We are already acquainted with the 8-blastomere stage. Each blastomere is telolecithal, with deutoplasm directed towards the centre of the germ and protoplasm towards the circumference. The 8 blastomeres divide into 16, and then into 32 blastomeres of equal size, which 126 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. all remain telolecithal in the same way as in the 8-blastomere stage. The 32 blastomeres of the spherical germ form a single layer round a considerable central cavity. A blastula-like stage thus occurs, though the germ has really another signi- ficance, as the central cavity does not represent the segmentation cavity of the alecithal germ, but, as we shall see, the enteric cavity. When 32 blastomeres are formed, the formation of micromeres follows. From each blastomere a micromere is constricted off on the outer side, so that the germ now represents a double-layered hollow sphere, whose outer layer is formed of micro- meres, and whose inner layer consists of macromeres. The micromeres increase in number (1) by themselves dividing, (2) by the formation once more of micro- meres which are constricted off on the outer side of the macromeres. The micromeres form the ectoderm, the macromeres the endoderm, which surrounds a completely closed cavity — the enteric cavity. The germ thus represents a ccelogastrula without blastopore. "We call this a cceloplanula. The formation of the two germ layers in FIG. 96.— Segmentation and gastrulation of the Geryonid egg. mi, Micromeres ; ma, macromeres ; e, ectoderm ; en, endoderm. the manner described above is called delamination. It must appear clear from our description that this cannot be sharply distinguished from epibole. Both processes rest on the formation of micromeres. In Bonellia, and the Polyclada, the first formation of micromeres, or delamination, takes place at the 4-blastomere stage, in the Ctenophora at the 8-blastomere stage, and in Geryonia at the 32-blastomere stage. 4. The meroblastic mesolecithal germ was left at the stage where the formative yolk or protoplasm was divided into 8 small masses, each with a nucleus, in the centre of the undivided nutritive yolk. If we compare this stage with the 8- blastomere stage of the Geryonid germ, we shall see that these 8 masses of formative yolk correspond with the 8 portions of protoplasm of the latter germ, only that in the former, in consequence of the originally different arrangement of the nutritive yolk, the masses of protoplasm lie at the centre, while in the latter they are peripheral. In the meroblastic germ the nutritive yolk is undivided, the formative yolk being incapable, at the time of division, of effecting the division at the same time of so large a mass ; in the holoblastic egg the formative yolk controls the whole less massive nutritive yolk. The 8 central nucleated masses of protoplasm of the meroblastic mesolecithal germ (Fig. 97) we shall call merocytes. They are often branched, and have amoeboid movements. Their processes penetrate the surrounding mass of yolk, and are also connected with the thin layer of protoplasm which is found at the surface of the germ. They feed at the expense of the deutoplasm. The 8 merocytes divide into 16, 32, and so on, and move at the same time centrifugally through the yolk to the surface of the germ, where they form a simple continuous layer. It is this layer of merocytes which is called the blastoderm. The germ has now become centrolecithal, and agrees in its structure with the Geryonid II SEGMENTATION AND GASTRULATION 127 germ before the formation of micromeres or delamination, except that the central nutritive yolk is here still undivided. The further development of the germ has unfortunately not yet been thoroughly investigated. Some observations tend to show that at this point, as in the Geryonid germ, delamination or formation of micromeres takes place. The merocytes at the surface divide in such a way that the outer portion separates off completely as a nucleated micromere layer detached on all sides, while the inner portion remains in FIG. 97.— Segmentation and formation of blastoderm in the egg of an Insect. the nutritive yolk as a nucleated merocyte layer. Thus the two germ layers are formed ; the outer micromere layer represents the ectoderm ; the central mass of nutritive yolk with the merocytes which belong to it probably represents the endoderm. The merocytes by increasing in number and feeding at the expense of the nutritive yolk, become able at last to overpower and incorporate it, i.e. they can divide it. The gastrula is here a solid sterroplanula. It has been observed in many cases that in the partial segmentation, i.e. in the multiplication of the central merocytes, only some of them move towards the surface, there to form the blastoderm, while the others remain in the yolk. 5. The meroblastic telolecithal germ (Fig. 98). We left this germ at the 8-blastomere stage, with undivided mass of nutritive yolk. We may here also call the masses of proto- plasm merocytes. They stand in exactly the same relation to the collection of protoplasm at the animal pole of the blastomeres of the holoblastic telolecithal egg as do the merocytes of the mesolecithal meroblastic germ to the protoplasmic portion of the blastomeres of the Geryonid germ. The 8 primary merocytes divide in the following manner. The 4 central merocytes divide into 4 secondary central merocytes in contact with one another at the animal pole, and 4 secondary peripheral merocytes. The former are now entirely severed from each FIG. 98. — Segmentation of a mero- other and from the nutritive yolk as micro- bl.astic telolecithal egg (of a shark), after meres. The latter remain connected with the Riickert- mi> Micromeres; dp, deutoplasm; ,, „., me. merocytes. yolk as merocytes. The primary peripheral merocytes also divide, but their descendants remain connected with the yolk as merocytes. Some of them even sink into the nutritive yolk as branched and probably amoeboid merocytes. 123 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The region at the animal poll' of the germ (egg) in which the inicromeres and some of the merocytes are visible is called the germ or germinal disc. The further course of segmentation is as follows : — 1. The micromcres already formed continue to divide independently. '2. Towards the edge of the germ disc new inicromeres are constricted oil' from the nuTocytes, and then associate themselves to those already existing, so that the area of the micromcre region, or germ disc, increases. 3. The merocytes at the edge of the germ disc, as well as those which lie deep in the nutritive yolk, constantly divide, so that not only does the germ disc grow at its edge, hut the nutritive yolk becomes more and more crowded with merocytes, which penetrate further and further into it. Finally, the germ shows the following structure : at the animal pole, in the middle of the germ disc, lies a Hat mass of inicromeres consisting of several layers, the rudi- mentary ectoderm. Lying at the edge of the germ disc, and imbedded in the yolk, are merocytes. The greater number of these merocytes yield the material from which, by the formation of inicromeres in a way hereafter to be described, a large part of the mesoderm and the endodenn are built up. By the constriction of inicromeres from merocytes at the edge of the germ disc, and by division of the already formed ecto- derm cells, the cap of ectoderm increases still more, so that it grows more and more round the germ as the blastoderm. We see that in the development of the meroblastic telolecithal egg the gastrula form is unusually indistinct, because of the enormous mass of the nutritive yolk. The micromere-cap respresents the ectoderm ; the yolk with the merocytes the enclo- derm and part of the mesoderm. If a blastopore is sought for, this can only be re- presented by that portion of the germ which is not covered by the ectoderm cap, where the nutritive yolk comes to the surface. The edges of the blastopore are represented by the edges of the ectoderm cap. The gastrula formation here also occurs by means of epibole ; the gastrula is a solid discogastrula. In the above description only the most important types of segmentation and formation of the two primitive germ layers have been brought forward. The processes in the animal kingdom are in reality extremely varied, yet most of them can lie included without much dilliculty under one or other of our heads. The great majority of investigations are still insufficient ; because in some cases, as in the meroblastic eggs, observation is very difficult. The, dilliculty is to establish quite clearly the distribution of the formative yolk in the egg, and to follow the division of the blastomeres in detail. The method of gastrulation does not afford any means of recognising the relation- ships of animals, as it is determined by the quantity and distribution of the, nutritive volk, and this may be quite dissimilar in animals nearly related, and similar in widely separated forms. The question, which sort of segmentation and gastrulation is the original, has been much discussed. Most authorities hold, not without reason, total equal furrowing, the formation of a cccloblastula, and the subsequent formation of a coelo- gastrula by invagination to be the original method. This view is supported chiefly by the following facts : — (1) the want of a nutritive yolk, which cannot have been present in corresponding racial forms ; ("2} the similarity of the blastula with certain 1'roto/oan colonies (Mayosphcwct, Vulnw] ; (3} the similarity of the coelogastrula with the simplest CiP Phn~hrlnrn>ln Of the 8 Beaker longitudinal nerves only the 4 on one side (dm, dnj) are depicted. sn, The brain lies above the mouth Lateral nerves ; gc, chief or cerebral commis- in all Trematoda ; when the mouth sure- is placed in the pit of the oral sucker, the brain extends as a transverse bridge over the front part of the pharynx. The nervous system of Ampliilina quite agrees with that of the Distomidce. The nervous system of the typical Cestoda (Fig. 107) consists of I two lateral longitudinal trunks, which pass through the whole body US COMPARATIVE AXATOMY CHAP. and are connected Ijy means of a chief commissure (brain commissure) at the foremost end in the scolex. There are generally several more besides, often 8 longitudinal nerves, which, however, do not stretch backwards beyond the scolex, and further other nerves, which proceed to the suckers, the hooks, and in the Tetrarlnjnclndn: to the 4 muscular proboscides, etc. Apart from the brain commissure, all these nerves in the scolex are connected together in a complicated way by circular square, polygonal, or cross-shaped commissures. In the segments (proglottides) no commissures between the longitudinal trunks have yet been observed. The brain (cerebral ganglion, cerebral commissure) of the Platodes is not to be considered exclusively as a central nervous .system, since more or less numerous ganglion cells exist in the larger nerve trunks also, at those points where the nerves and commissures branch oil'. Thus the ganglion cells in many Triclndd. are lound in the ventral longitudinal trunks of the ladder nervous system, principally at the points of departure of the transverse commissures. AVe are thus led to conjecture that the double ganglia of the ventral ganglionie chain of the Venues have proceeded from these points in a ladder nervous system. The nervous system of the Platodes is in our opinion of the greatest significance from the point of view of comparative anatomy, because it joins on to that of the Cni'J.aria on one hand, and on the other is, in many groups, modified in a direc- tion which points to the nervous system of the Vcrmcs, and also perhaps of the lowest Molluscs. If we consider the matter without prejudice the following seems characteristic of the nervous system of the Turlcllario. and Trcmatoda. (1) The arrangement of the nervous system in the form of a nerve plexus all over under the skin, dorsal ly as well as ventrally, in close connection with the musculature which has to be innervated. In this condition we recognise a great similarity to the higher Cnldfi/ria. (2) The development of a central or^an (brain). AVe have seen in the C/iidnria that nerve centres are formed in close connection with the sensory organs, which is comprehensible a priori, since it is in the nerve centres that the junction of the sensory nerves with the motor nerves or nerve fibres takes place. Xow the finer structure of the brain of the Platodes shows, most unmistak- ably, that the brain is nothing more than a specially developed part of the nerve plexus, in which motor and sensory nerves unite. The sensory organs become, in connection with the development of bilateral symmetry, more and more localised in the anterior end of the body, •/./•. in the end which goes first in creeping ; and there- fore the centralised nerve plexus (or in other words the brain), in which the motor and the sensory fibres unite, must, following the sensory organs, shift more and more towards the anterior end of the body. In Awln we find '2 cerebral centres ; in Cextniln the many often very complicated commissures between the nerves in the scolex must collectively be considered as the brain ; in certain land Tr!<-ll«nn the sensory body is developed in the middle of the dorsal surface, we must consider this as the original position of the brain. As a necessary result of the development of this central portion, the peripheral nerves, the nearer they approach to this part, unite into increasingly massive trunks, which finally enter the brain. In consequence of the position of the brain at the anterior end of the body, the nerves proceeding in PLATODES— SENSORY ORGANS 149 backward are always the thicker nerves, while the lateral and front nerves are the shorter and thinner. The greater development of the musculature on the creeping surface has as a consequence the greater development of the ventral trunks. The elongation of the body further causes a retrogression of the outer longitudinal nerve trunks, so that finally the 2 inner longitudinal trunks remain as the main trunks, which from the first are very strong, since they have to innervate the most import- ant muscular organs which lie in the median line between them (pharynx, copulatory apparatus, suckers). Thus in the end the regular ladder nervous system of Gunda is deducible from a general nerve plexus in the integument, determined by the elonga- tion of the body, the localisation of the sensory organs at its anterior end, and the strong development of the musculature on the ventral surface. The brain in the Platodes appears the more evidently to consist of 2 lateral halves or ganglia connected by a bridge of fibres, the more strongly the % longitudinal trunks of the nervous system are developed in comparison with the whole nervous system. IX. The Sensory Organs. The Platodes possess sensory organs, which according to their structure may be described as eyes, auditory organs, or organs of touch. To these belong also ciliated pits, whose function is unknown. Many consider them to be olfactory organs. The development of the sensory organs stands in direct relation to the mode of life. They are besf\ developed in the free-living Turbettaria. In the parasitic Tremadotal their degeneration begins, and the Cestoda no longer possess any? specific sensory organs. A. Eyes. These are found in most Turbellaria and ectoparasitic Trematoda. They are wanting in adult endoparasitic Trematoda, but, on the other hand, are found in their young stages,' which are free-living, at least for a time. All Polydada possess eyes in large numbers, often as many as several hundreds. In their arrangement the following points are worthy of note. A group of eyes is always found above the brain and in the tentacles. Many forms possess, besides these, other eyes at the anterior margin of the body or all round the margin. In the Triclada there are either 2 eyes near the anterior end, or numerous eyes along the margin of the whole body, or along its anterior margin. In the Rhabdo- ccelidce there are generally 2 or 4 eyes (less frequently one unpaired eye) directly on or over the brain ; this is also the position of the 4 eyes of the ectoparasitic Trematoda and the 2 eyes of the free-living larvae of the endoparasitic Trematoda. In all the Platodes (except the Accda and Microstomidce) the eyes lie under the epithelium in the parenchyma ; in the Rliabdoccela and Trematoda dipectly on or in the brain. Yet in the case of the Polydada at least, it can be ontogenetically proved that the eyes at their first appearance arise in the ectoderm of the embryo and only secondarily sink below the surface. 150 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The eyes are simple pigment spots in many Rhabdoccdidce ; in others a refractive body is added. The eyes of the Triclada, Polyclada, and ectoparasitic Trematoda are somewhat more complicated. They consist of a pigment cup (often unicellular), at whose aperture lie one or more nerve or retinal cells as perceiving elements. In the cavity of the eye- cup lie homogeneous non-nucleated rods or clubs, apparently processes of the retinal cells. A fine optic nerve is connected with the group of retinal cells. In the Polyclada, where there are numerous eyes, the sensory nerves from the brain branch, sending a single branch to each eye. B. Auditory Organs. These are not widely spread among the Platodes. They are only found in the Rhabdocoelidce, and there almost exclusively in the division of the Acoela, and among the Alloiocoda in the family of the Monotidce. They are always found singly, and lie on the brain, and consist of a small spherical vesicle filled with fluid ; an otolith or auditory stone (composed of carbonate of lime and an organic substratum) is also enclosed in this vesicle. C. Organs of Touch. These are universal in the Turbellaria. In the first place the skin is everywhere very sensitive. This sensitiveness is caused by the presence of delicate tactile hairs or tufts of immobile tactile hairs, which are found in great numbers principally at the exposed parts of the body, especially at the anterior edge and on the tentacles. The tentacles may be considered in a special manner to be organs of touch ; they are present in very many Polydada, but less frequently in Triclada and Rhabdoccelidce. In the Polydadan family of the Planoceridce we find on the dorsal surface, between the middle and the anterior end, two lateral, mobile, stylet-shaped, solid tentacles (Fig. 103, t, p. 141), which can occasionally be withdrawn into temporary depressions of the skin. They may be directly compared with the tentacles of Ccelo- and Cteno- plana, but are distinguished from these and from the contractile ten- tacles of the Ctenophora (1) in that they have moved from the middle of the back more or less far towards the front, and (2) in that they have no lateral branches. In the Pseudoceridce and Euroleptidce there are at the anterior edge tentacular folds of the leaf-shaped body, into which branches of the intestine generally penetrate. In a few Triclada also, and in Vorticeros among the fihabdocoelidce, feeler-like projections or thickenings at the anterior margin of the body have been described. The so-called proboscis is a highly developed specific organ of touch which distinguishes a Rlwbdocodan family, the Proboscidea. The anterior end of the body of many Turbellaria is very retractile ; in Mesostoma rostratum it can be telescopically withdrawn and protruded. The permanent arrangement in the Proboscidea can be deduced from such a Ill PLATODES— SENSORY ORGANS 151 condition. The proboscidal apparatus of such an animal consists of an invagination at the anterior end of the body, on to which the outer epithelium is continued. This invagination can be evaginated and again withdrawn by means of special retractors. The invagination, as well as the retractors which are inserted in it, are surrounded by a sac- like muscular integument, by whose contraction the proboscis is pro- truded. Fig. 108, A, B, C, represents the proboscis in various stages of protrusion. The whole apparatus shows in every detail a similarity K* FIG. 108. — Proboscis of Macrorhynchus croceus. A , In a protruded condition ; B, half protruded ; C, withdrawn (after v. Graff), re, Proboscis epithelium, which is a continuation of the body epi- thelium (e) ; ms, muscular envelope which divides the proboscis from the body parenchyma ; m, dermal muscle layer ; rm, muscles for withdrawing the proboscis. which cannot be ignored to the 4 proboscides of the Tetrarhynchidce and the proboscis of the Nemertina to be described later. In the Trematoda the sensation of touch seems specially localised in the suckers. D. Ciliated Pits. In certain Bhabdocalidce, viz. in the Microstomidce, Prorliynchidce, and Plagiostomidce, there are 2 paired strongly ciliated integumental pits which lie laterally on a level with the brain, and are supplied with a nerve ring by the brain. They have been regarded as olfactory pits. In the Tridada, also, similar strongly ciliated parts of the epithelium of the end of the head have been observed, to which special sensory nerves proceed. In Mpalium, a land Triclad, there are pits supplied with special nerves in large numbers at the anterior margin of the body which is broadened out in the shape of a crescent. Whether the ciliated furrow which in all Polydada runs along the anterior margin of the body in the epithelium of the ventral side belongs to the forma- tion here described cannot yet be decided. X. The Body Parenchyma (Retieulum). The whole space between the body wall and the gastro-canal system, as far as it is not filled by specific organs, is occupied by a cellular connective tissue, the details of whose structure are very various. This connective tissue, which corresponds with the gelatinous tissue of the higher Cnidaria, is called parenchyma or reticulum. It often becomes 152 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. finely lacunar by the formation of many vacuoles filled with fluid. The lacunae may coalesce in sinuses which conduct fluid, which, however, generally remain small ; but in a few Ehabdoccela they become large hollow spaces filled with a perivisceral fluid. In such cases the body parenchyma can assume the constitution of a membrane, covering the inner organs like an epithelium. In the Accda, where there is no parenchyma separate from the intestine, the former, composed of star- shaped cells filling the whole body apart from the specific organs, may be described as digesting parenchyma. XL The Excretory or Water-vascular System. This is very characteristic of the Platodes, and as yet has been found to be wanting only in the Accelo, among the Rliabdoccelidce. It consists of a system of very fine transparent canals (excretory capillaries) which branch out in the parenchyma and between the muscles, and which enter into a system of wider, equally transparent canals, which open externally in various ways. In the formation of the ex- tremely thin walls of the capillaries only a few cells take part, so that the nuclei lying in the wall occur at long intervals, and in a trans- verse section of a canal the wall enclosing the central lumen belongs to a single cell. The capillaries thus represent perforations of linear FIG 109._Excretory cell rows of cells, and are described as intracellular. at the end of a fine excre- The wider canals, on the other hand, in the JOI7 canal ^(fc) of a Cestoda at any rate, appear lined by a thin epi- thelium, and are thus intercellular. The blind wf, flame. end of each excretory capillary is formed by one cell (Fig. 109), which possesses fine protoplasmic processes running into the parenchyma. In this cell, which, on the surface turned to the lumen of the capillary, carries a tuft of fine vibrating cilia (the flame) projecting into the lumen, excretory products (drops, granules, etc.) collect and are emptied out of the cell into the capillary. The excretory products are forwarded out of the capil- laries into the wider vessels partly by the motion of the above- mentioned cilia, and partly perhaps by the independent contractions of the canals, and thence reach the exterior. Sometimes also in the lateral walls of the capillaries and larger canals flames are found which belong to the excretory cells in those walls. The larger canals some- times have a continuous lining of cilia. It is not impossible that the greater part of the transparent fluid which fills the canals is water taken in from outside. If so, it is occasionally emptied out and again taken in. In this way the water- vascular system may also perform a respiratory function. Ill PLATODES— WATER-VASCULAR SYSTEM 153 The whole water-vascular system shows a decided similarity to a greatly developed dermal gland which has sunk deep under the skin, as is often the case in the Platodes (dermal mucus glands, rod glands, accessory glands of the copulatory apparatus). The excretory cells must then be considered as glandular cells, and the canals as glandular efferent ducts. We can actually regard the water-vascular system as a dermal gland, which has undertaken the special function of excretion. In consequence of the strong development of the parenchyma, and especially of the middle layer of the body, and because of the absence FIG. 110.— Water -vascular system of various Platodes. A, of Stenostoma; B, of Meso- stoma, after v. Graff ; C, Dendrocoelum, after Ijima ; D, Distomum divergens, after Fraipont ; E, Phyllacanthide, after Pintner. ph, Pharynx ; o, external aperture ; ez, excretory cells (terminal cell) ; eb, contractile vesicle. of a body cavity, this gland is obliged to search for the products of excretion all over the body — hence its great ramification. Concerning the arrangement of the principal canals and their external apertures (Fig. 110) the following is noteworthy. We have no sufficient information as to the water-vascular system of the Polydada. In the Triclada (Fig. 110, C) a main canal runs on each side of the body (Gunda has two such canals on each side, a ventral and a dorsal, bound together by canals), and these open externally on the dorsal side of the body by means of somewhat numerous special branches and excretory pores placed one behind another. These pores are arranged pretty regularly, in Gunda at least, and correspond in num- ber with the lateral intestinal diverticula — the transverse commissures of the nervous system, — in short with the number of those organs which are regularly paired from one end of the body to the other. In the Rhabdoccelidoe, we can distinguish 3 principal types. A. There are 2 lateral principal vessels, which have separate external openings on the ventral side, either (a) at the middle or the front part of the body by special branches opening externally direct (Prorliynchidce), or (b) by 2 cross branches which enter the pharyngeal pouch (Fig. 110, B, Mesostomidce, Vortex .?), or (c) direct by two open- ings lying at the posterior end of the body. 154 COMPAEATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. B. There are 2 longitudinal trunks which open externally at the posterior end of the body by means of a common terminal piece (many J \>rtici(la>, Proboscidea). C. There is a single median principal branch with an opening at the posterior end of the body (Stenostoma among the Microstomidce, Fig. 110, A\ In the Tri'iimtvdti, also we find typically 2 longitudinal trunks which open externally, either together through a common contractile terminal vesicle of very varying size at the posterior end of the body (digenetic Trematoda, Distoma, Monostoma, Fig. 110, 7>), or separately, anteriorly and dorsally, by means of 2 widened terminal portions. In liistoma hcpaflcum there is a wider and larger median longitudinal trunk, which stretches pretty far forward, and into which collecting canals enter from all sides. The external aperture lies at the extreme posterior end of the body. In the Cextodn. (Fig. 110, E) in the simplest cases there are on each side 2 longitudinal trunks running through the whole body, which are united anteriorly in the scolex by a loop. At the extreme posterior end of the body (at the end of the oldest segment) all the four branches open outwardly by means of a contractile vesicle (Twniadie, Tetmbothridce, Tetrarhynchidce). In the Bothriocephalidce, Ccmjophi/llidce, and Ligulidce the number of longitudinal trunks is increased to from 10 to 24, which anastomose in a definite way. A contractile terminal vesicle, into which all the longitudinal trunks enter, occurs only in the end of the oldest segment of the tape- worm ; in all other segments, after successive detachments of the older segments, the longitudinal trunks open outward directly and indepen- dently : some of them, however, may close, and thus end blindly. We have an apparent exception to this rule in Tcenia cucuincrinct; in which, as segments detach themselves behind, a new contractile terminal vesicle is always formed in the next segment. In many Cextitdc, besides the terminal apertures of the water-vascular system, special secondary openings have been observed, generally in great numbers. These are canals, which proceed at right angles from the main canals and open outward through pores. These secondary exits are generally found only at the front end of the body, in the scolex (in Tria'im- plinnis, many Tn'tiia', and Tetrarhyncha), less frequently in the proglottides also (Bothrioccphalus inindatiis and a few other forms). The larger canals show a tendency towards the formation of islands in very many IMatodcs, and especially in the (ht. They then break up into a more or less complicated anastomosing network. It is probable that the numerous longitudinal trunks bound together bv anastomoses in the above-named Ccstoda have proceeded from a few (4j longitudinal trunks by the formation of islands. XII. The Sexual Organs. All Platodes, with the exception of the genera Microstoma and Stenoatonw among the PJiabdoccda and of Dixtniivi, Immatolium among Ill PLATODES— SEXUAL ORGANS 155 the Trematoda, are hermaphrodite. The male sexual products, however, almost universally develop before the female — a phenomenon which has received the name of protandrous hermaphroditism. Both male and female sexual apparatus consist (1) of places of formation of the sexual products which are imbedded in the body parenchyma (ovaries and testes), (2) of special canals, efferent duets, which conduct the sexual products away from the places where they were formed to (3) the outer eopulatory apparatus. We will describe these three parts in succession. A. The Places of Formation of the Sexual Products. 1. The Female Germ Glands. — We meet with these in the Platodes in two forms. First, and this is the simpler and no doubt also the older condition, as simple ovaries, in which the egg germs ripen into eggs, in whose protoplasm particles of deutoplasm or nutritive yolk occur. Secondly, and this is the derived condition, in the double form of germaria and vitellaria. The germaria yield the egg germs, i.e. the young egg cells. The vitellaria, however, have undertaken the work of supplying these egg cells with the nutritive yolk which is necessary for their further development. Comparative research has shown that the vitellaria are not newly formed accessory glands of the female sexual apparatus, but that they are metamorphosed ovaries or portions of ovaries adapted to a special function. It need not be pointed out that the germaria are ovaries. In the Polyclada there are only ovaries and no vitellaria. The ovaries (Fig. 24, D, p. 29) are roundish bodies whose structure exactly corresponds with that of the female gonades of the higher Cnidaria. They lie in great numbers (Fig. Ill, o) on and between the intestinal branches or gastro-canals in the lateral parts of the body. In the Tridada, besides a few eggs in the discharged egg cocoons, there are extraordinarily numerous yolk cells, which serve to nourish the former. Light is thrown on this phenomenon by the fact that in certain Polyclada and Mollusca several eggs may be deposited in one cocoon, of which, however, only some develop ; the others sooner or later become disorganised and serve as food for the former. Thus perhaps the yolk cells in the Tridada cocoon may be considered as modified egg cells, which develop no further, but serve as food for the few fertilised egg cells which do develop. Division of labour, therefore, has stepped in among the germ-preparing organs, the ovaries ; some yield eggs capable of fertilisation and development ; others yield modified egg cells laden with yolk, which serve as food for the above, and are no longer capable of fertilisation and develop- ment. The first are the germaria (Fig. 112, Jcs), the second the vitellaria (ds). These two are homologous structures, and in a young condition look quite alike. In consequence of the large number of yolk cells which are given to the eggs, the vitellaria are far more numerous than 156 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the germaria, of which only 2 remain; but as these have only to yield eggs without yolk, they are quite sufficient in number. They generally lie at the anterior end of the body, whilst the vitellaria always occur in the lateral parts of the body between the intestinal branches. In the Rhabdocoelidce the germ-preparing organs are considerably cv FIG. ill.— Sexual organs of a Polyclad (Leptoplana). To the left only the female, to the right only the male organs are depicted. o, Ovaries ; ov, oviduct ; u, uterus ; h, testes ; vd, vasa deferentia ; sb, seminal vesicle ; p, penis ; sd, shell gland ; mo, male sexual aperture ; wo, female aperture. FIG. 112.— Sexual organs of a fresh -water Planarian (Triclad). ks, Germaria; ds, vitellaria; h, testes; ov, ovi- duct ; vd, vasa deferentia ; p, penis ; go, common external genital aperture. reduced in number, but on the other hand are, in relation to the body, much larger than the single ovaries of the Polydada. Many forms possess ovaries only. The Accda, and the Macrostomidce among the Ehabdocwla, have 2 lateral ovaries, the Microstomidce only 1 ovary. In many Rhabdoccelidce so-called germ-vitellaria attain development, one often clearly separated portion of the ovary yielding only egg germs, the other only yolk. One single germ-vitellarium is found in the Prorhynchidaz. Proxenetes among the Mesostomidce, Schultzia among the Vorticidce, and Cylindrostoma among the Plagio- stomidce possess two. Ill PLATODES— SEXUAL ORGANS 157 In the greater number of Rhabdoccda and Allcdoccela, however, there is a complete separation into germaria and vitellaria. The germaria are mostly small and round, the vitellaria (ds) are large, often lobate, branched or reticulate. The vitellaria are generally double ; where they are single reticulate branched masses, their originally double condition can be recognised by the duplication of their efferent ducts. The germarium is either double or single. One germarium is found in most Mesostomidce, Gyrator among the Proboscidea, most Vorticidce,and Solcnopharynx. Two are found in Promesostoma, most Probos- cidea, Provortex and Graffilla among the Vorticidce, and the Alloiocosla. Separate germaria and vitellaria are found in all Trematoda and Cestoda. The germaria (Figs. 114 and 115, ks) are either simply round, or lobed, or branched. The vitellaria (ds) are mostly (excepting in the Teenies) very extensive, and branched in a reticulate manner, or else broken up into a large number of small globular bodies or saccules. The Trematoda possess a median germarium and 2 lateral vitellaria, the Cestoda 2 germaria and either 2 lateral vitellaria or a small posterior vitellarium (Tcenice). II. The male germ elements or testes are present in the Polyclada (Fig. Ill, h) in greater numbers than the ovaries. They always lie in the lateral parts of the body between and under the intestinal branches. The same holds good of the numerous testes of the Triclada (Fig. 112, h). In Gunda segmentata the testes lie on each side in a single longitudinal row in the dissepiments which separate the con- secutive intestinal branches. They thus repeat themselves in the body just as regularly as do the intestinal branches, dissepiments, transverse commissures of the nervous system, and the external aper- tures of the water-vascular system. In the Rhabdoccelidce there are either 2 testes (Fig. 113, h, Rhabdocoda), or the testes are broken up into numerous lobes or vesicles, which are scattered in the parenchyma (Acoela, Alloiocoela). Nearly all Trematoda (Fig. 114, h) possess 2 round, or lobed, or branched testes, while in the Cestoda (Fig. 115, h) there are numerous scattered testicle vesicles. B. The Efferent Duets of the Sexual Products. The Female Duets. — The female sexual glands are produced into tubular ducts, which collect the sexual products and carry them to the exterior. The ducts are either egg ducts (oviducts) when they pro- ceed from the ovaries or germaria, or yolk ducts (vitello-ducts) when they carry out material formed in the vitellaria. The anatomy of this part is so varied that we can only select the most important points. In the Polyclada (Fig. Ill) numerous oviducts (ov) proceed from the numerous ovaries. These ducts frequently unite to form larger ducts, which again enter more spacious tubes, generally running in the longitudinal direction on both sides of the middle line. Numerous 158 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. eggs collect in these tubes, which are called egg receptacles or uterus tubes (u). As they enter the female copulatory apparatus they unite in an unpaired terminal portion, the egg passage, into which the thread- like efferent ducts of the numerous glands (sd) which are imbedded in the surrounding parenchyma open. The glands whose hardening secretions yield the egg shell which covers the egg or eggs are 010 FIG. 113.— Sexual organs of a Rhabcloccele (Mesostoma Ehren- bergii). To the left the testis is omitted ; to the right the vitel- laria and the uterus are left out. h, Testis ; ds,' vitellaria ; «, uterus ; p, penis ; ks, germarium. FIG. 114.— Sexual organs of a Tre- matode (Distoma), after Leuckart. h, Testes ; ks, germarium ; u, uterus ; ds, vitellariuin ; dg, yolk or vitello- duet ; vd, vasa deferentia ; Lg, Laurer's canal ; cb, cirrus pouch ; mo, male, wo, female sexual aperture. collectively known as the shell glands. They occur almost universally in the Platodes. In the Tridada (Fig. 112) there are 2 lateral longitudinal ovi- ducts (00), which conduct the eggs from the 2 germaria in the front of the body backwards to the copulatory apparatus. Apertures are found on the way, through which the vitellaria empty their products into them. Before passing out into the copulatory apparatus they unite to form a short unpaired egg passage, into which the efferent ducts of the shell glands open. In the Rhabdoccdidce (Fig. 113) the female sexual glands are gener- ally placed with their ends directly on the outer copulatory apparatus, and open into it. There is often a union of the vitellaria and the germaria before their exit into a common terminal portion. The shell Ill PLATODES— SEXUAL ORGANS 159 glands open either into the outer copulatory apparatus, or into a special fold of the same into which eggs and yolk are conducted, and which will here be called the uterus. In the A coda and Alloiocoda no definite connection between the germ glands and the copulatory apparatus can be demonstrated. The sexual products here make their way through the parenchyma to the copulatory apparatus. In the Trematoda (Fig. 114) an oviduct proceeding from the ovarium is found, then two yolk ducts (dg) which collect the yolk from the two lateral vitellaria. The oviduct and the yolk ducts together enter an unpaired canal which we shall call egg passage. This passage falls into 2 parts — one small part at the beginning, the ootype, into which the 3 ducts mentioned enter, and a long, generally coiled FIG. 115.— Sexual organs of Taenia saginata (medio-canellata), after Sommer. h, Testes ; vd, vasa deferentia ; cb, cirrus pouch ; gp, genital pore ; ov, oviduct ; ks, germaria ; sd, shell glands ; ds, vitellarium ; u, uterus. FIG. 116.— Fully ripe proglottides (segments). A, Of Taenia saginata ; B, of Taenia solium.' The dendriform figure represents the uterus. portion, the uterus (u)t leading from the ootype to the female genital aperture. The ootype receives the efferent ducts of the shell glands. Fertilisation takes place here, and also the union of the yolk with the egg ; and here a shell is formed round the fertilised egg. The ootype has an exit either in the dorsal or the ventral surface of the body through one more canal, Laurer's canal (Lg\ through which, probably, in copulation, the sperm reaches the ootype from outside. The fertil- ised eggs pass from the ootype into the uterus, where they often collect in enormous numbers, at least in the Distomidce. The uterus in these animals is consequently very long, and runs to the female copulatory apparatus in numerous coils, which in the adult often fill the greater part of the body. The Cestoda (Fig. 115) are closely allied to the Trematoda, especi- ally in forms in which, as in Bothriocephalus, the sexual apertures lie on one of the surfaces, and in which there are 2 lateral vitellaria. The collecting passages of the vitellaria unite in such forms into 160 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 2 yolk ducts, which, as well as 2 oviducts, enter the ootype by a common terminal piece, into which the efferent ducts of the shell glands open. From the ootype a canal proceeds to the copulatory apparatus (ov) on one side, and on the other side arises a widened uterus filled with eggs (Fig. 115, u; Fig. 116) running in coils, or provided with lateral sacs ; this uterus often reaches the exterior by a special aper- ture which recalls Laurer's canal in the Trematoda. Where there is only one vitellarium, only one yolk duct naturally enters the ootype (as in Fig. 115). II. Male duets. — In the Polydada numerous very fine canalicules enter the larger semen duets, vasa deferentia (Fig. Ill, vd), in which the spermatozoa collect, and these canals again have their exit in the male copulatory apparatus (p). The fine canals correspond to the oviducts, the wider ones to the uterus of the female sexual appar- atus. In the Triclada there are 2 lateral vasa deferentia (Fig. 112, vd), into which some at least of the testes empty their contents direct, while the manner in which the testes which are at a greater distance from the vasa deferentia empty themselves is not yet fully understood. In the Ehabdoccela (Fig. 113) the 2 testes are often' continued without any sharp demarcation into 2 semen ducts which enter the male copulatory apparatus either separately or by means of a common terminal portion. In the Accela and most Alloioccela special ducts are wanting ; the spermatozoa reach the copulatory apparatus through the parenchyma. Only in the Monotidce among the Alloioccela the transmission takes place by means of special ciliated vasa deferentia. The two testes of the Trematoda (Fig. 114) send out two semen ducts (vd) which unite into one common duct. In the Cestoda also (Fig. 115) many of the numerous canalicules proceeding from the testicle vesicle enter a common vas deferens leading to the male copu- latory apparatus. C. The Copulatory Apparatus. There is wonderful variety in the structure and position of the copulatory apparatus in the Platodes. Nearly related species often differ greatly in this point. I. The male eopulatory apparatus is always more complicated in structure than the female. It consists in the simplest cases of a mus- cular pouch which projects from the surface into the parenchyma, and into whose blind end, which is directed inwards, the semen duct, or ducts, enter. It is found in this form in certain PJiabdoccelidce. In most Turbellaria, however, it becomes complicated, and then we can generally distinguish the following distinct portions: (1) a penis sheath or penis pouch, (2) the actual penis, (3) a seminal vesicle, and (4) a granular gland. The penis and penis sheath show a struc- ture which is on the whole like the structure of the pharyngeal appa- in PLATODES— SEXUAL ORGANS 161 ratus described above. The penis is, in fact, a muscular circular fold which projects into the penis sheath from its wall in a manner similar to that in which the pharynx projects into the pharyngeal pouch. As the pharynx is protruded out of the pharyngeal pouch through the mouth, so is the penis protruded through the sexual aperture. During copulation the wall of the penis sheath also is pushed out or evagin- ated. The penis sheath is occasionally double, or there are several sheaths, each of which is related to the one outside it as the penis is to the penis sheath, and the whole apparatus may be telescopically extended and protruded. The penis is sometimes conical, some- times cylindrical, sometimes bent, either naked or armed in various ways. Its free end is often a hard chitinous tube. Between the penis on the one side and the terminal portion of the semen duct on the other, there is a vesicular expansion with muscular wall, the seminal vesicle (Fig. Ill, sb), in which the semen collects, and which, by its contraction during copulation, causes the ejection of the semen through the penis canal (ductus ejaculatorius). In nearly all Turbellaria there is, in connection with the male copulatory apparatus, a granular gland, the structure of which differs greatly in details. It forms a finely granular secretion, which mixes with the semen. The male copulatory apparatus of the Trematoda (Fig. 114, cb) and that of the Cestoda (Fig. 115, cb) are very similar in structure. In mechanism it corresponds with a Tetrarhynchus proboscis. There is a cylindrical or club-shaped penis sheath. Into the inner blind end of this penis sheath enters the unpaired terminal portion of the vas deferens. On entering the penis sheath it generally expands into a seminal vesicle, and then runs as a coiled thin tube through the penis sheath to emerge at the sheath's outer end through the male genital aperture. This tube, which is often furnished internally with barbed hooks or covered with an elastic cuticle, is forced out as an actual penis by the contraction of the penis sheath. The space between the penis and the penis sheath is filled with loose connective tissue. The penis and penis sheath are generally called cirrus and cirrus pouch in the Trematoda and Cestoda. Glands connected with the copulatory apparatus have also been observed. II. The female eopulatory apparatus very often, in many Tur- bellaria and in all Trematoda and Cestoda, consists of a simple tube of varying length, the vagina, which connects the egg passage or the ootype with the female sexual apparatus. This tube often serves merely as a place for depositing the eggs, not for copulation, i.e. it does not receive the penis. This is at least often the case with those Polydada which have more than one copulatory apparatus, but only one female genital aperture. In very many Turbellaria, however, the vagina is differentiated into a strong muscular organ, often provided with a hard cuticle, the bursa eopulatrix, which is adapted for the reception of the penis VOL. i M 162 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. during copulation. This may be developed independently as an acces- sory organ of the female copulatory apparatus. There is in many forms another broad, round, or pear-shaped accessory organ, the reeeptaeulum seminis, a reservoir in which the semen is preserved after copulation. In the Trematoda, many Cestoda, and in Trigonoporus among the Polydada, the ootype! or the uterus, or the egg passage, is connected with the exterior by another special passage, Laurer's canal, already mentioned. The physiological signification of this canal is not yet certainly understood. D. The Position and Number of the Copulatory Apparati and the Sexual Apertures. It may be considered the rule that one male and one female copulatory apparatus are present, and that each opens externally by its own special aperture somewhere in the middle line on the ventral side. The two sexual apertures are generally very near each other, and in many forms — most Trematoda, Cestoda, and Triclada, and in many Polydada and Rhabdoccelidce — come to lie in the base of a more or less deep depression of the outer skin — atrium genitale — so that only one common outer sexual aperture is present. In this point there is great variety in details, and many often striking deviations. In the Polydada the sexual apertures always lie behind the mouth, in the Cotylea, in particular, between the sucker and the mouth. The male aperture always lies in front of the female. Stylochus and Stylochoplana have a common external sexual aperture. In Anonymus there are several copulatory apparati and sexual apertures in 2 lateral longitudinal rows. Many Pseudoceridce possess 2 male copulatory apparati. The female copulatory apparatus and its aperture always remain single. In Stylostomum there is one common external aperture for the pharynx and the penis. In the Triclada the common sexual aperture lies behind the mouth, the male copulatory apparatus in front of the female. In the Rhabdoccelidce the arrangements are extraordinarily varied. There are sometimes two separate apertures, sometimes an atrium genitale, and thus a common external sexual aperture. Sometimes the male aperture lies in front of the female, and sometimes the reverse is the case. In Prorhynchus the male copulatory apparatus opens in the mouth. The genital apertures of the Trematoda, which either enter a common shallow atrium genitale or are very near together, generally lie at the anterior end of the body ; in the Distomidce, between the mouth and ventral sucker. Less frequently they lie at the posterior end of the body (e.g. Gasterostomum, Opisthotrema), or, asymmetric- ally to the left near the anterior edge of the body (e.g. in Tristomum). In the Cestoda there is generally a common external genital pore, or else the genital apertures are very near each other. The porus genitalis or the two genital apertures of each proglottis either lie at the edge (Tetraphyllidce, Tetrarhynchidce, most of the Tceniadce, Trioenophorus), or on one of the flat surfaces, which is therefore the ventral side (Ligula, Bothriocephalus, Schistocephalus, a few Tcenice). In Amphilina they lie at the posterior end of the body. in PLATODES— ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION 163 Copulation is generally mutual, both the copulating individuals acting as male and as female. Self-fertilisation, however, also seems to take place, e.g. in Cestoda, and perhaps also in a few Trematoda and Turbellaria. Development. — Like the atrium genitale, which is only a pit-like depression of the outer skin, so the male and female copulatory apparati arise, at least according to investigations made in the Polyclada, by folds from the exterior. The portion of the female genital organs which arises from invagination apparently reaches to the egg passage or ootype, so that not only the glands which open into the male genital organs, but the shell glands also of the female genital organs must be considered as modified dermal glands. XIII. Asexual Reproduction and its Origin — The Organisation of the Cestoda. Many Platodes, and especially the Turbellaria, show a marked capacity for regeneration. The body can not only re-form parts torn off, but broken off pieces of various sizes can become regenerated into new animals. Such a capacity of regenera- tion is very widespread, chiefly among lower stationary animals. In the Ccelenterata it is almost universal. The great advantage of this capacity for the preservation of the individual and of the race is evident. For attached animals, or very long or delicate soft-bodied animals, who are more exposed than others to mutilation and injuries to the body from enemies, etc., it is of very great importance. We can perhaps trace back to it the power of asexual reproduction by fission and gem- mation which occurs in the Metazoa. "We speak of such a method of reproduction when an animal form shows the peculiarity of falling into 2 or more pieces, appar- ently spontaneously, i.e. from causes unknown to us, these pieces becoming regener- ated into organisms similar to the common mother animal ; or when, from unknown causes, a smaller or larger piece of the body regularly detaches itself, the body thus reduced again replacing the lost portion, while the detached part becomes regenerated into a complete animal. Thus e.g. Lumbriculus, one of the worms belonging to the Oligochceta, falls spontaneously, or apparently spontaneously, into 2 or more pieces, each of which can become regenerated into a whole animal. Certain marine star-fish throw off one or more arms apparently spontaneously, which they soon replace by regeneration. As if this were not enough, each detached arm can again be regenerated into a complete star-fish. This conjectural origin of asexual reproduction is, however, almost always un- recognisable ; because different parts of an individual develop into whole individuals before they have fully separated, or an animal replaces a part by regeneration before this part has completely detached itself. Temporary animal stocks thus arise. If the parts do not detach themselves typical animal stocks arise, which by division of labour between the portions which are being regenerated into whole individuals (i.e. between the individuals which have arisen by gemmation), and by the develop- ment of a form and organisation in each adapted for some special function, may become polymorphous animal stocks. The reproduction and life-history of the Acraspede Medusa, e.g. of Aurelia, is specially suitable for the elucidation of the above view. We know that from the fertilised egg of this Medusa, under certain circumstances, another Medusa may proceed, without any attached stage multiplying asexually. Generally, however, the larva developed from the fertilised egg attaches itself and becomes a coral-like animal, the Scyphula, and later develops into an attached young 164: COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Medusa, the Scyphistoma. When this Scyphistoma has developed to a certain stage, in one case the larger portion of the body tears itself from the stem as a free- swimming Medusa. The remaining stem can, however, become regenerated into a complete attached Medusa (monodisc strobila), and the whole process may be repeated. We thus have here multiplication by detachment and subsequent regeneration. The detached piece has indeed so little to regenerate in it that the regenerative process may be described as cicatrisation. Or again the stem of the Scyphistoma becomes regenerated into a new Scyphistoma before the first Medusa has detached itself, and when this regenerative process continues without the Medusce at once fully detaching themselves we have a polydisc strobila. We call the whole process strobilation, and it has been described as asexual multiplication by axial budding. The polydisc strobila is a temporary animal stock. What has here been said helps us to understand the t Organisation of the Cestoda Body. In the body of the large majority of Cestoda the seolex (Fig. 117) is distinguishable from a row of subsequent segments or proglottides (Fig. 110, E, p. 153 ; Figs. 115, 116). The small pear or cone-shaped seolex itself consists of the head and neck. The former carries the organs of adhesion (suckers, hooks, proboscides), by means of which it attaches itself to the intestinal wall of the host. In it lie the single commissures be- tween the longitudinal trunks of the FIG. ii7.— Three heads of Tapeworms nervous system which may be regarded (scolices) A, Of Taeniasaginata;* of ag brain commissures. ft therefore) Taenia solium ; C, of Bothnocephalus , . 1 . . . , / latus. corresponds with the anterior end ot the Trematoda body. The thinner neck portion of the seolex is followed by the flattened segments, which are small at first but increase in size posteriorly. The neck portion of the seolex constantly produces new segments, which push back those already existing. The oldest and largest segment of the whole chain is there- fore the hindmost. In the segments the genital organs develop ; indeed, the whole hermaphrodite genital apparatus of each segment answers to the whole genital apparatus of a Trematode. The male genital organs are first developed in each segment, then the female; then follows fertilisation, and finally the segment is little else than a case which, besides the remains of the genital organs, is almost exclusively occupied by the extended uterus containing thousands of fertilised eggs. The row of segments from the head to the last segment represents the row of consecutive stages of development of the genital organs. The last segments from time to time detach themselves singly, or several together, and reach the exterior with the excrement of the host. On comparing the head and the segments we find that the head has no genital organs, and none of the segments have the organs of adhesion in PLATODES— ORGANISATION OF CESTODA BODY 165 and the brain commissures ; or, when we compare the head and pro- glottis with a Trematode, we find that the head has not the trunk, and the proglottis not the head, of the Trematode body. The head and one proglottis together, however, answer to the head and trunk, and thus to the whole body of a Trematode, apart from the fact that an intestinal canal is altogether wanting in the Cestoda. We, however, know forms whose body during life consists only of head and trunk, which is not clearly divided into a scolex and a proglottis. Such forms are Amphilina, Caryophyllceus, and Archigetes. These may be regarded either as intestineless Trematoda, or unsegmented Cestoda. They are, in any case, transition forms between the Trematoda and Cestoda. The relation existing between them and the segmented Cestoda is somewhat similar to that between the Acraspeda which are attached throughout life (e.g. Lucernaria), and the polydisc strobila of . Aurelia. A segmented tapeworm must in fact be considered as a strobila. The young, still unsegmented tapeworm, which attaches itself to the intestinal wall, i.e. the scolex, answers to the young stage of one of the unsegmented Cestoda mentioned above (Amphilina, Caryophyllceus, or Archigetes), in which the genital apparatus is not yet developed in the slightly developed trunk, the future neck. Now follows the incom- plete constriction of that part of the body of the scolex (the trunk or the first proglottis) in which later the genital organs develop. Re- generation of the constricted part then takes place ; this part is again constricted and again regenerates, and so on. The single parts remain connected for a longer or shorter time, and form the segments of the tapeworm chain or strobila. Finally, like the oldest Medusa discs of a polydisc strobila of Aurelia, the oldest segments of the tapeworm strobila detach themselves. The points in which the process differs in the two groups are essentially the following. The Medusae which detach themselves from a polydisc strobila develop further, and their sexual organs attain development only after detachment. The segments of the Cestoda which detach themselves, however, are already more than mature (sexually) ; they have performed their function, the pro- duction of fertilised eggs, and they make no attempt to regenerate the part which is wanting to make them complete Platodes, i.e. the head. In the Medusa strobila, further, that part of the body by which it is attached, viz. the apex of the exumbrella, is an insignificant part of the body both physiologically and anatomically, while the part by which the tapeworm is attached contains at least the principal part of the central nervous system. It does not seem difficult, in the case of the Tapeworm, to trace back strobilation to the phenomenon of regeneration. Proceeding from forms, like Amphilina, capable of regeneration, we can understand that by the peristaltic movements of the intestinal canal in which the animals lived parasitically, and by the outward movement of the ex- crement, the trunk, with the genital organs it contains, would be torn 166 COMPARATirE AXATOMY CHAP. off and ejected, the head which remained being, however, able to pro- duce a new trunk by regeneration. This process — the tearing off of the trunk with the eggs, the continued attachment of the head, and regeneration — must have been of the greatest use to these parasitic forms. By the tearing off of the trunk and its ejection the greater dispersal of the eggs was secured, and the probability of the infection of new hosts or intermediate hosts thus increased. The attached head could keep its ground in the already attained favourable refuge for the parasite, and easily regenerate a new trunk and new genital organs. The strobila consisting of man}* segments, however, offered the immense advantage that many segments could be benefited by the favourable nutritive conditions of parasitism, and could develop the genital organs ; on the other hand, by the periodical tearing off of the trunk of an unsegmented Tcenia, not only a longer time must pass before a new sexually ripe trunk would form, but the favourable con- ditions of nutrition would be much less utilised. There are Ta'nicc with only very few segments (To.'nia Echinococcus, with 3 to 4 proglottides); others possess several hundreds. In a few Tcenia', such as Ligula and Ti*icenopJiwus, the outer segmenta- tion is more or less indistinct ; internally, however, we find the same repetition of the genital organs as in the typically segmented tape- worms, from which these forms must without doubt be derived. In freshwater Tridada, multiplication by fission has been observed. Among the Rhaldocoela, in the genera Microstoma and Stenostoma, we find interesting processes of reproduction by axial budding. They can be best investigated in M. linen re. In the posterior end of the body of an individual a double transverse partition wall forms between the intestine and the skin. Immediately behind this the organs characteristic of the head portion of the Microstoma, — the pharynx and the brain, — with the nerve commissure surrounding the pharynx, form. The two septa subsequently move somewhat apart. An annular constriction of the body takes place between them, and the intestine finally also becomes constricted. Only then does the spon- taneous separation of the two pieces occur. Long before this separa- tion occurs, however, new phenomena have appeared in both pieces. In the first place the posterior piece grows to the same size as the anterior. Then in the posterior part of each a head portion again forms. The posterior parts of each principal piece thus marked off then grow to the size of the two parts lying in front of them. The whole body now consists of 4 pieces of equal size. This process is repeated twice in the same way, till 16 pieces are formed, i.e. till the worm stock consists of 16 individuals, the one most to the front possessing the original pharynx, the original brain, etc. Then follows generally the spontaneous separation of the individuals. Reproduction by gemmation occurs further in the young stage of Tcenia called the Finn, and especially in those finns which are known as Ccenurus and Echinococcus. This will be described later on. in PLATODES— ONTOGENY OF POLYCLADA 167 XIV. Ontogeny of the Polyelada. As a short illustration of the development of the Platodes from the fertilised egg, we choose the TurMlaria (Polydadidce). [The ontogeny of the Rhabdoccsla is almost unknown, and the development of the Tridada seems to us to be markedly coenogenetic. The eggs of these latter animals develop at the expense of the numerous yolk cells in the midst of which they lie imbedded within the egg cocoon, and it might with justice be said that the eggs and embryos of the Tridada live parasitic- ally on these yolk cells, which is not the case in the Polydada.] We have already (Fig. 94, p. 125) described and illustrated the first stages of segmentation. The 4 micromeres which are first separated by constriction yield the whole ectoderm ; the next 4 or twice 4 in like manner produced form a large part of the later mesoderm. The descendants of the 4 ectoderm micromeres grow round the whole germ by repeatedly dividing, thus enclosing not only the 4 macromeres, but also the 4 or 8 mesoderm micromeres. They thus form at last a continuous layer of epithelial cells round the whole germ, which is only broken through at the vegetative pole by a longitudinal slit corresponding with the ventral medium line of the embryo. This longitudinal slit is defined as the blastopore ; it soon completely closes. The germ is now at the stage of a bilaterally symmetrical planula, in which there is already a formation of mesoderm between the endodermal rudiments (the 4 macromeres, which meantime by division of one of them have increased in number to 5) and the ectoderm. The 4 or 8 mesoderm micromeres soon increase in number by fission, and thus form either a ring of mesoderm cells or 4 masses of mesoderm cells (2 anterior and 2 posterior). The macromeres, now surrounded on all sides, continue to give off by constriction micromeres, which again increase by fission and yield the intestinal epithelium. The yolk-containing macromeres finally become disintegrated, and the yolk is used up by the intestinal cells. Near the original blastopore a depression of the ectoderm occurs, the stomodseum, as the first beginning of the pharyngeal apparatus. The germ is now, apart from the fact that it is bilaterally symmetrical, at the stage of a Scyphula or a young Ctenophoran larva. The mesoderm cells extend more and more between the endoderm and the ecto- derm ; the sensory organs first appear in the ectoderm, on the side opposite the stomodseum, near the original animal pole, but shifted somewhat along the median plane, so that now anterior and posterior ends can be clearly distinguished. These sensory organs take the form of 2 or 3 eyes, and of cells which carry tufts of long hairs. In connection with these sensory organs, which in the case of eyes soon sink down below the ectoderm and become mesodermal, the paired cerebral rudiments arise as products of the ectoderm, and these also soon sink under the surface and become mesodermal. The two rudiments become secondarily connected by transverse bridges. The principal nerve trunks seem to arise as outgrowths of the cerebral rudiments which form the so-called neural plate. The ectodermal body epithelium becomes provided with cilia at an early stage. In the centre of the endoderm the enteric cavity arises in consequence of the increasing absorption of the yolk by the endoderm cells, which arrange themselves peripherally like an epithelium. Into the base of this cavity the stomadseum soon breaks. The enteric aperture is thus formed. The stomodseum changes in the following way into the definite pharyngeal apparatus. A circular invagination forms in it, the first beginning of the pharyngeal pouch. This is surrounded by a collection of mesoderm cells. Into the pharyngeal pouch the pharynx itself grows as a circular fold, consisting of mesoderm cells and a covering of epithelium. "The 168 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. body, which till now has been tolerably round, begins to flatten ; the surface in which the mouth lies can as the ventral surface be distinguished from the dorsal surface under which lie the eyes and brain. The mesoderm cells everywhere spread out between the intestine and the body epithelium, and form a continuous mass, which is thicker at the ventral side. Those layers of mesoderm which lie close under the epithelium yield the dermal musculature ; the deeper mesoderm cells yield the body parenchyma, and most probably also the germ -preparing organs of the genital apparatus. In a series of Polydada whose embryos leave the egg shell very early as free- swimming Miiller's larvae (Fig. 118), a ring of strong and long cilia which encircles the body arises directly in front of the mouth; this is the so-called preoral ciliated ring, running out round 4 or 8 processes of the body, one of which lies immediately before the mouth and one in the middle line of the back, while the FIG. 118.— Miiller's Polyclad larva (of Thysanozoon or Yungia). A, Median longitudinal section, g, Brain ; hd, main intestine ; en, endoderm ; ec, ectoderm ; sn, sucker ; ph, pharynx ; pt, pharyngeal pouch ; o, mouth. B, The same from the side. The black line indicates the course of the preoral ciliated ring. other 2 or 6 lie laterally in pairs. These processes, with their strong cilia, are drawn in and reabsorbed when the free-swimming larvae sink to the bottom and begin the creeping manner of life. The differentiation of the originally single enteron into main intestine and gastro- canals follows in consequence of the growth of mesodermal septa from the periphery more or less far inwards. The position of the mouth and pharynx on the ventral surface in the adult animal is determined by the relative growths of the anterior and posterior halves. If they grow equally, these organs lie centrally ; if the anterior half grows the more strongly, they lie posteriorly ; if the posterior grows the more, then they lie anteriorly. XV. The Life-history of the Trematoda. Whereas from the fertilised eggs of the ectoparasitic or monogenetic Trematoda other Trematoda develop direct without their young being assigned to another animal or host than that occupied by the adult, the development and life -history of the endoparasitic or digenetic Trematoda is remarkably complicated. We choose as an example the tolerably complicated life-history of the fluke, Distoma hepaticum (Fig. 119), which is parasitic in the liver of the sheep, causing the " sheep rot." The eggs of the fluke leave the liver of the host by the bile ducts, pass into the intestine, and are ejected with the excrement. They only develop when they meet with water. In this case there develops in the egg shell (A) a ciliated embryo, which leaves the Ill PLATODES— LIFE-HISTORY OF TREMATODA 169 egg shell and swims about freely (B). It is club-shaped ; at the thicker anterior end it has a small median prominence, behind this an X-shaped eye spot, and under this a ganglion, and further a granulated mass which is considered to be the intestinal rudiment. We can also recognise 2 ciliated cells of the excretory system. The greater mass of the body, however, is formed of germ cells, which are considered to be partheno- FIG. 119.— Life-history of Distoma hepaticum, after Leuckart. A, Egg with embryo. B, Free- swimming ciliated embryo ; o, eye spot. C, Sporocyst. D, E, and F, Redias ; ph, pharynx ; go, birth aperture ; d, intestine. G, Cercaria ; ms, oral sucker ; n, nerve ganglia ; fcs, ventral sucker ; gd, forked branches of the intestine ; cd, glands, whose secretion yields the cysts. H, Encysted young Distoma ; c, cyst. I, Young Distoma in the sheep's intestine. genetic eggs, possessing the capacity, of developing without being fertilised. These germ cells divide (furrow) early, and become cell spheres. The embryos must meet with a water-snail, Limnceus truncatulus, and penetrate into its respiratory cavity in order to develop further. They here lose the covering of cilia ; the eyes, the ganglion, and the granulated mass become disorganised. Their bodies represent a pouch, containing 170 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. in its interior a certain number of cell spheres which have developed out of the germ cells or parthenogenetic eggs. Instead therefore of the young animals, which are called Sporocyst s (C), developing further into new Distonw, they not only remain at a low stage of development, but they even suffer a considerable degeneration. It seems as if early reproduction were the only function of this Sporocyst. The cell spheres which they contain actually develop again into new germs, which leave the Sporocysfs body as Redicc (D, E), the Sporocyst finally disinte- grating, and thus never developing into a fluke. The Redicv which have become free, being developed out of the parthenogenetic eggs of the Sporocysts, reach a higher stage of development than their mother. They have at the front end of their body a sucker-like formation, and also a pharynx, a simple intestinal tube, and a birth aperture behind two blunt processes. Here also we find numerous germ cells between the intestine and the body wall ; these begin early to develop, i.e. to divide. The Redice in fact, like the Sporocysts, do not grow into flukes : they first creep about in the respiratory cavity of their host, Limnccvs truncatulus, and then penetrate into its liver. The germs which develop in them again become He-dice, which pass out by the birth aperture and are parasitic in the liver with their parents. This second genera- tion of liedice (F) again reproduces itself parthenogenetically. From their germs, however, at a warm time of year are developed, not Redid' again, but Iarva3 which are called Cercarice (G). These Cercarice already show the structure of a young Distoma ; they are flat, have oral and ventral suckers, a pharynx and a forked intestine, a double ganglion joined by a transverse commissure in front of and above the pharynx, both the principal branches of the excretory system, and besides these — and this is characteristic of the Cercarice — a movable caudal appendage. The Cercarice leave the mother body, i.e. the Redicc, by the birth aperture, forsake their host, and reach the water, in which they swim about for a time by means of their tail. They then settle upon grasses or plants growing in water in flooded meadows, lose their tail and become encysted by the help of the secretion contained in two very large glands which lie laterally in the body. In this encysted condition (H) they can remain a long time, and can withstand desiccation. They reach the sheep's intestine if occasion offers in the fodder, and there presumably the cyst is dissolved and the young Distoma enters the liver through the bile ducts. Such a young Distoma, with the first branchings of the intestine, is depicted in Fig. 119, /. The life-history of other endoparasitic Irematoda runs, as far as we know, the same course. The free -swimming Cercuria, however, often enters into a second intermediate host, in which it becomes encysted and loses its tail. This second host is generally an inverte- brate animal. The encysted Cercuria enters the body of the final host (generally a vertebrate animal) when the second intermediate host is eaten by the latter. Several different generations, therefore, follow each other in a in PLATODES— LIFE-HISTORY OF CESTODA 171 regular manner in the endoparasitic Trematoda. The generation which multiplies by fertilised eggs always reaches the full degree of organisa- tion of the Trematoda:, the following generation, which reproduces itself parthenogenetically and lives in other hosts, never reaches that degree of organisation ; they are ripe extraordinarily early, and perish after they have produced another generation, which also remains at an early embryonic stage. The different generations are known as Sporocysts, Redice, and Distoma generations. The regular alternation of such generations is called Heterogeny. XVI. The Life-history of the Cestoda. From the fertilised eggs of the Cestoda there proceed, generally while they still lie in their egg shells in the uterus, embryos which, since they are provided with 6 hooks, are called the 6 -hooked embryos. The fate of this embryo, which only in Bothriocephalus is ciliated and swims about freely in water, is very different in different Cestoda. In Tcenia cucumerina, which is parasitic in the intestine of the dog, it enters the body of the dog louse, Trichodectes canis. It here gets rid of the egg shell and reaches the body cavity, where it develops into a small worm, at one end of which the head develops with its rostellum and its 4 suckers, while at the other the pore of the excretory system can be made out. The head is somewhat sunk into the body. The body is filled with numerous calcareous granules. We have here simply an unsegmented, not yet sexually developed, tape- worm, which may be compared with a young Amphilina, or Caryo- phyllceus, or Archigetes. Through the dog's habit of licking and cleaning itself, the present host of this young form, which we may simply call scolex, is liable to be swallowed. While the louse is digested, the scolex withstands digestion, the calcareous granules neutralising the acid juices of the stomach. It fastens itself to the intestinal wall, and begins to produce, by terminal budding or strobilation, the chain of proglottides in which the genital organs develop. In this simple case we have one and the same individual, from the egg to the strobilising intestinal scolex. The 6-hooked embryo, the scolex in the body cavity of the louse, and the strobilising scolex in the intestine of the dog, are the same individual in various stages of development and in various habitats. In most of the Cestoda, in consequence of peculiar complications in the develop- ment, this is by no means so clear. In a series of Cestoda, to which Tcenia solium and T. saginata belong, the 6-hooked embryo in the tissues of its host changes, by the accumulation of fluid internally, into a vesicle surrounded occasionally by a special capsule or cyst formed out of those tissues. . From the wall of this vesicle, which is called Finn or Cystieereus, there arises, at the base of an invaginated hollow cone, a tapeworm head with suckers, rostellum, etc. (Fig. 120). While most investigators regard this process as 172 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. one of gemmation, we hold it to be simply one of growth and differentiation. The head with the vesicle is, according to our opinion, a young sexless Cestode answering to the scolex of Ticnia cucumcrina in the body cavity of the louse, only in this case the trunk or proscolex becomes extended into a large vesicle by the accumulation of fluid before the head of the tapeworm with its suckers, etc., forms. The development of this vesicle ought to be regarded as a special adaptation for the pro- tection of the head. If such a Cysticercus reaches, with the tissue of its host, the intestine of a new host, not only the cyst, but the whole vesicle dissolves, while the head and rudimentary neck which are evaginated resist digestion because of the FK, 120. Icyltteercus ceiiu- calcareous bodies they contain. In other losa. Finn of Taenia soiium, words, the young, sexless, unsegmented tape- cut in half. The scolex, which worm ioses its vesicular trunk. The scolex is invalidated into the vesicle, is . , P , c •, f seen with its suckers and rostei- fastens itself, by means of its organs of lum. After Leuckart. adhesion, to the intestinal wall, and at once regenerates the lost portion of the body in the form of the first proglottis, which in the developed tapeworm chain at length becomes the last and oldest, and new segments follow this one. The vesicle of the Cysticercus of different tapeworms varies in size according to the amount of fluid contained. It is sometimes a large sphere, sometimes merely a small swelling at the posterior end of the worm-like Cysticercus. In a few tapeworms development is complicated by the occurrence of an alternation of generations, the young unsegmented form in the intermediate host, the finn, multiplying asexually by gemmation. On the wall of the finn there thus arise, not only one rudimentary head, but several, indeed very many heads. Such a finn is called a Coenurus. It occurs in Ta/nia ctcnurus. In the finn known as Ecliinococcus (of Td'itia Ecliinococcus of the dog) there arise internally in the vesicular body by invagination of the wall numerous daughter vesicles, and even two generations of such vesicles, on whose walls several heads form. We must further remark here that asexual scolices living free in water have been observed. The Influence of Parasitism on the Structure and Development of Animals. In the race of the Platodes, for the iirst time among the Mctazoa, the parasitic manner of life is met with as a very widely spread phenomenon, Of the three classes which form this race, the two classes of the Trcmatoda and the Ccstoda consist in INFLUENCE OF PARASITISM ON STRUCTURE 173 entirely of parasitic forms, while most of the Turbellaria live freely. The transition from the free life to the parasitic brings with it such far-reaching changes in the conditions of existence that the original organisation, development, and life-history of the animals must necessarily be strongly influenced by it. This influence can be stated in a way which suits all cases in the animal kingdom where, in a naturally demarcated animal group, parasitic forms appear side by side with free-living forms. Similar variations in the conditions of existence have as a consequence similar varia- tions in structure and development. We can, apart from fine shades of difference in manner of life, distinguish two principal groups of parasites : (1) the Ectoparasites, which are parasitic on the outer surface of other animals, and (2) Endoparasites, which are parasitic in the intestine or other inner organs. The ectoparasites in many ways form the transition from non-parasitic to endoparasitic animals, for they still retain relations to the outer world which the latter have entirely given up. Parasitic life is the most convenient manner of life for the attainment of food. Parasites feed at the expense of the juices or tissues of their hosts, which are abundantly within their reach. Once on or in the host's body, it is of the greatest utility for them to retain the position they have gained. Hence the numerous and varied adaptations for the attachment of the body. In the Trematoda and Cestoda we find suckers, hooks, and protrusible proboscides armed with barbed hooks and other organs of adhesion. Many parasites possess a sucking apparatus to suck the juices of the host. Trematoda suck with the oral sucker and pharynx the mucus on the surface of the body, or the food pulp in the intestine, etc. The ectoparasitic Trematoda possess a well- developed alimentary canal, which is often even richly branched ; in the endoparasitic forms, which are supplied with food already partly dissolved, the work of digestion is facilitated. The intestine in endo- parasitic Trematoda is reduced to two main branches or to a simple caecum ; in the Sporocyst generation, which multiplies parthenogenetically, it has become quite rudi- mentary. Here feeding takes place simply by the diffusion of the juices of the host through the outer skin of the parasite. The same is the case in the Cestoda, which have entirely lost their alimentary canal. "We may therefore state that progressive accentuation of parasitism is accompanied by progressive reduction of the gastro-canal system, ending in its entire disappearance. The capacity of active locomotion is generally of very little use to endoparasites. "We accordingly find in them that those parts which serve for locomotion, locomotive organs and musculature, are more or less reduced. On the other hand many ectoparasites (not indeed exactly Platodes) possess a well-developed capacity of locomotion, which is of great importance to them, chiefly for the object of infecting new hosts (e.g. the flea). Very many ectoparasites can, in fact, live a free life for a time. The locomotory system and its musculature are therefore generally less degenerated in them than in endoparasites. In consequence of the very limited locomotion of endoparasites the power of directing themselves by special sensory organs is unnecessary, at least while para- sitism lasts. The ectoparasitic Trematoda already are far more sparingly supplied with sensory organs than the free-living Platodes. They still possess eyes, although of a very simple sort. The endoparasitic Trematoda have lost even these sensory organs, which occur only temporarily in the freely moving young stages of the ciliated larvae and the Cercarice. In the Cestoda special sensory organs are altogether wanting. The degree of development of the nervous system depends (1) on that of the musculature, and (2) on that of the sensory organs. We thus understand the gradual simplification of the nervous system, especially the sensory portion, from the ectoparasitic Treinatoda to the endoparasitic, and finally to the Cestoda. On 174 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. account, however, of the strong development of the musculature of the organs of adhesion the nervous system in relation with them is more or less strongly developed. Compare the strong development of the nervous system in the head of the Cestoda with its great reduction in the segments. Parasites seem to have a very slightly developed need for respiration. Judging from what we find in other divisions of the animal kingdom, the respiratory organs very often become degenerated, especially in endoparasites. The parasitic Platodes have no covering of cilia. The excretory system in the Platode parasites is developed at least as strongly as in the free-living forms. The genital organs also are as strongly developed, indeed even more strongly developed, in the former than in the latter. Ripe Distoma or ripe segments of Cestoda consist almost exclusively of the genital apparatus and the genital products. But to this we shall return. We therefore see that with increasing accentuation of the parasitic mode of life there is a proportional reduction of the sensory organs of the nervous systems, of the special digestive system, of the locomotory organs, and also of the respiratory organs, and thus a degeneration of all the organs except the genital and the excretory organs and the organs for adhesion and sucking. The influence of the parasitic mode of life on the development, and generally on the whole life-history of the parasite, is not less striking. If the parasite were to remain during life and in all stages of development parasitic on or in the same host, it would perish when the latter died, and the whole race to which it belongs would soon also perish. There must therefore be some provision or other for the infection of new hosts. This infection takes place in the simplest way in most ectoparasites. Many of these retain during youth their free mode of life, so that they can themselves seek out their hosts. Others retain throughout their power of free locomotion, and vividly recall. in their mode of life the beasts of prey. In the ectoparasitic Trematoda very little is known about the manner of infection of new hosts, but we do know — and this is very important — that the course of their development is direct and without intermediate hosts belonging to animal groups different from that of the final host. In the endoparasites the life-history is, as we have seen, more complicated. But here also originally free-living young forms must have provided for the spread of the individuals and the infection of new hosts, and thus for the preservation of the race. The observation of free scolices gives countenance to the presumption that originally a free-living young form, a scolex, developed from the fertilised egg, and in some way or other again found its way into the body of the final host. Most parasites are specialists, i.e. they thrive only in the bodies of one or of a few definite animal species. It is certain, however, that of their eggs or young forms only very few on the average reach the bodies of true hosts ; many perish without reaching any host, many find their way to the wrong place, go astray in the body of a host other than the usual one and there perish, or they may for a time hold their ground and also, as experience shows, develop somewhat further, never, or very seldom at any rate, attaining full develop- ment. This perhaps throws light on the origin of development by means of inter- mediate hosts. Carnivorous animals devour certain animals as their favourite food ; the latter are themselves carnivorous or herbivorous. If the eggs or young of a parasite accidentally reach the body of an animal which is the favourite food of its proper host, and if they could there remain alive for a longer or shorter time, the probability of their reaching in their new (intermediate) host the intestine of their proper host would be greatly increased. This or some similar advantageous manner of being smuggled into the body of the proper host might become established in STROBILATION AND SEGMENTATION 175 as that most advantageous for the preservation of the race, and would finally become the normal mode of infection. In the systematic review the intermediate hosts of several Trematoda and Cestoda are given, as well as the final hosts. The biological relations between the host and the intermediate host can easily be recognised, especially in the case of the Cestoda. Occasionally there are two intermediate hosts in the normal course of life. Free- living young forms, e.g. the ciliated larvse of the Trematoda, often effect the transi- tion of the parasite from host to intermediate host, or, as the Cercarice, from inter- mediate host to definitive host. In the Cestoda it is possible for parasitism to thrive to such an extent by the passive transmission of various stages of the parasite from host to host that the animals never lead a free life. The degenerating influence of the parasitic mode of life has here told upon all stages of development. However refined the artifices for infecting new hosts may be, the result of the process must always^ to an extraordinary extent depend upon chance. It is a chance when the egg or the embryo of the Distoma hepaticum reaches the water, a chance when it meets a Limna&us truncatulus, a chance when the encysted Cercaria, with the plant on which it lies, is eaten by a sheep. Thousands and thousands of eggs thus miss their aim. There is therefore another way of providing for the maintenance of the race in parasites, viz. their extraordinary fruitfulness and their highly developed capacity of reproduction. This capacity is very easy for them, because the conditions of existence in which they find themselves are the most favourable possible. A Distoma, indeed a single proglottis of a Tcenia, is capable of producing thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of eggs and embryos. And if of all these eggs but 1 or 2 on the average reach their aim, the maintenance of the race is provided for. Propagation by gemmation comes to the assistance of sexual propaga- tion by fertilised eggs in the segmented tapeworms and in the young forms known under the names of Echinococcus and Coznurus, In those cases also, in the Trematoda, where generations living in the so-called intermediate host are not surrounded by conditions so favourable that they can develop into adult Trematoda with male and female organs, they still possess the capacity, in spite of their reduced condition, of producing at an early stage a sort of egg, the germ cells; these dispense with fertilisation and nevertheless develop (parthenogenetic reproduction of the Sporocysts and Redice). When we consider the degenerated condition of the Sporocysts there is some justification for assuming that the Dicyemidce and Orthonectidce (cf. p. 60), which are very similar to these Sporocysts, are degenerated Trematoda from whose life-history the typical Trematode generation has completely disappeared. Strobilation and Segmentation. We have seen that the bodies of most Cestoda are segmented, and we have shown this segmentation to be the result of an axial budding or strobilation. The whole segmented body is thus an animal stock. In a few Turbellaria, especially in Gunda, segmentation also occurs, but in quite another way ; this is the regular paired arrangement of the organs which in the Polydada and Triclada are generally present in considerable numbers. There is a repetition at regular intervals of the transverse commissures of the nervous system (the ladder nervous system), the male and female sexual glands, the lateral intestinal branches, the dissepiments lying between them, and the external 176 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP, m apertures of the water -vascular system. Such a segmented body represents a simple Platode individual, not a Platode stock; it does not arise by budding. Strobilation and segmentation are therefore to be clearly kept apart. Literature. L. v. Graff. Monographic der Turbellarien. I. Rliabdocoelidce. Leipzig, 1882. Arnold Lang. Die Polycladen (Seeplanarien) des Golfes von Neapel. (Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel XL) Leipzig, 1884. Is. Ijima. Ueber Bau und Entwickelung der Susswasserplanarien (Tricladen}. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 1885. R. Leuckart. Die Parasiten des Menschen. 2d edition not yet completed. Numerous treatises and works by Sieboldt, Leuckart, Pagenstecher, Ercolani, Vogt, M. Schultze, 0. Schmidt, Quatrefages, Hallez, v. Graff, Selenka, Gbtte, Wagener, v. Beneden, Zeller, Braun, v. Kennel, Schauinsland, Thomas, Sommer, Landois Pintner, Kiichenmeister, Fraipont, Lang, etc. CHAPTEE IV THE ORGANISATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORMS (VERMES) THE race of the worms is, even after the exclusion of the Platodes, which till now have been included in it, by no means a natural, well-demarc- ated division of the animal kingdom ; now, as heretofore, it is like a lumber room, to which all those groups are relegated which cannot be placed elsewhere. It is therefore difficult to characterise the race of the worms in other than negative terms. All worms are bilaterally symmetrical animals ; their detailed structure, however, is most varied. They are raised above the Ccelenterata and Platodes by the possession of an anus, and of a blood-vascular system which undertakes physiologically one of the functions of the gastro-canal system of these animals. Where these systems are wanting a secondary degeneration has perhaps taken place. The mouth lies at the extreme anterior end of the body, originally always on the ventral side. A body cavity is either wanting, or is developed in varying degrees. Under the outer body epithelium there is found in all unshelled forms a generally strong muscular layer (derm o - muscular tube). The nervous system is developed in very different ways. The only constant point is the presence of a nerve centre placed above the oesophagus (brain, supra -oasophageal ganglion). There is also generally a nerve ring surrounding the oesophagus, the cesopb^gecc] ring, from which longitudinal trunks run backwards in trying number, position, and arrangement. All these portions — brain, cesophageal ring, and longitudinal nerves — belong to the central nervous system. Excretory organs (nephridia) are found in all divisions, but under the most different conditions. They often perform the function of conducting the sexual products out of the body. Segmented body appendages (extremities) are as completely wanting as is a specialised muscular organ of locomotion placed on the ventral side (foot). A strictly localised central organ of the blood-vascular system (heart) has been observed only in the ^"" VOL. I 178 COMPARATIVE AXATUMY CHAP. THE FOURTH RACE OR PHYLUM OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. VERMES. Systematic Review. CLASS I. Nemertina ^Rhyncoccela). Body ciliated, externally unsegmented, elongated, generally somewhat flattened dorso-ventrally. "\Yith out distinct body cavity, intestine straight, mostly with lateral diverticula, anus at the posterior end of the body. Above the intestine a proboscidal apparatus, generally emerging in front of and above the mouth. The central nervous system consists of a brain lying between the proboscis and the oeso- phagus, and of two lateral longitudinal trunks. Blood-vascular and excretory systems present. Sexes separate. By regular repetition of the inner organs (lateral intestinal divertieiiX , alar commissures of the longitudinal nerves, sexual glands) a sort of on often arises (Pseudometamerism). Almost exclusively marine. Order 1. Palseonemertina. Head without deep lateral longitudinal furrows. Proboscis without stylets. Mouth behind the brain. Carinclla, Polia. Order 2. Schizonemertina. On each side of the head a deep longitudinal groove. Proboscis without stylets. Mouth behind the brain. Lincus, Borlasict, Ccrclratnlus, Lanyia. Order 3. Hoplonemertina. Head without deep lateral longitudinal grooves. Proboscis armed with one stylet or several. Mouth generally in front of the brain. Ampliiporm, Drcpano- phorus, Tetrastcmma, Ncmcrtcs. Order 4. Malacotadellina Head without lateral longitudinal grooves. Proboscis without stylets. One sucking disc at the posterior end of the body. MalacoldcHa. Parasitic in marine mussels. CLASS II. Nemathelmia. Body cylindrical, spindle-shaped, or thread-like, unsegmented, covered with a fl ' cmi. le. Body cavity generally spacious. Intestine straight or wanting. posterior end of the body. Neither blood-vascular nor excretory <.7,ij Arable with those of any other worms. Sexes usually separate. Ner- --em an (esophageal ring, a medio- dorsal, and a medio-veutral longitudinal "* Vii inner metamerism is wanting, but the circular commissures of the longi- ti rves may repeat themselves in the Nematoda with tolerable regularity. Me vsitic. Order 1. Nematoda. \\*K; ; -tinal canal, without proboscis. Family Enoplidcc, mostly fret • living in the •• «. , frequently in fresh water or on land, without resophageal 1ml f often with ey .-. uly ^nfjuiH-nlida:, small, partly parasitic, partly free-living i-mimals. with do ' --'•'• Tylenchus scandcns, in grains .'f wlicfl" . A'/iguili Or, etc. Rhabditis ni4. — Eunice limosa (after Ehlers). Anterior and posterior ends of the l>ody ; dorsal side, fa, Unpaired feeler;//*, paired feelers; a, eyes;/', feeler-cirri; /;, gills; pc, dorsal para- podial cirri; p, parapodia; «c, anal cirri. iv VERMES—FORM OF BODY AND ORGANISATION 189 blood-vessels. In the Aphroditidce they become broad dorsal scales (elytra). In some cases (e.g. Capitellidce, Glyceridce) the dorsal para- podia may carry, besides the typical cirrus or the cirrus transformed into a lateral organ, a gill, which, in contradistinction to the gill which arises from the cirrus, is called a lymph gill; it is provided with haemo- lymph by continuations of the body cavity (in the absence of a blood- vascular system). The cirri may stand at the base of the parapodia, or may even move away from them. They may even be retained in those cases where the parapodia disappear. The head of the Polychceta is characterised by special appendages, the front ones being called feelers, the back ones feeler-cirri. They never stand on parapodia, which are just as constantly wanting in the true oral segment as are setae. In most of the delicate tubicolous Polychceta a reduction of the parapodial cirri or parapodial gills goes hand in hand with the reduction of the parapodia on the trunk ; they are retained only in the anterior segments. In the Serpulidce all the parapodial appendages are reduced, and therefore the head append- ages are transformed into greatly developed tentacle gills which often form a stately crown. In Sternaspis on each side of the anus there is a tuft of gills. In the Oligochceta, Archiannelida, Echiuridce, and some of the Capitel- lidce, not only the parapodia but their appendages (cirri, gills) are wanting. Only, Alma nilotica, a very insufficiently known Oligochcete which is found in muddy ditches in Egypt, carries dorsal gills on the hinder part of its body. In all these divisions the head appendages are also wanting. Only the Archiannelida (Polygordius, Protodrilus) possess two feelers at the extreme front of the head. In the Echiuridce the head is produced in front of and over the mouth into a long pro- cess provided with a longitudinal furrow or channel on the ventral side (proboscis, prostomium); this in Bonellia is forked at its end. The inner segmentation is reflected outwardly in most Chcetopoda, not only by the regular repetition of the setae (and the parapodia of the Polychceta), but also by an outer division of the body into rings, which is caused by the occurrence of more or less distinct regularly- repeated constrictions. These constrictions are generally found between 2 consecutive segments, and thus the rings, in number and position, answer to the real segments. It only seldom occurs that each segment is again ringed. In many of the lower Oligochceta, indeed in the Archiannelida and some of the Echiuridce, no distinct mark of rings or segmentation is recognisable on the integument. The body of the Chcetopoda is outwardly either homonomously segmented, i.e. all consecutive segments of the trunk are alike, or heteronomously segmented, when the segments in different regions are differently developed, both as concerns their outer shape and their provision with various setae, parapodia, cirri, gills, etc. We can in the latter case distinguish different regions of the body (e.g. thoracic region, branchial region, abdominal region, etc.) The integument of the Chceto- 190 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP, poda is covered with a chitinous cuticle which is specially strongly developed in the Polychceta Errantia. The cuticle is weaker and much more delicate in most of the Oligochceta which live in mud, and in the tubicolous Polychceta. For the general form of body and outer organisation of the Myzo- stomidce compare the systematic review. The form of the body in the Prosopygia is extremely varied. The most important points have already been referred to in the systematic review. The body is as little segmented externally as internally. In the Sipunculacea (Sipunculus, Priapulus, Halicryptus) a regular outward ringing of the trunk occurs. The rings, at least in some cases, correspond with the muscle bundles of the circular musculature and with the lateral nerves which proceed from the ventral strand. In Sipunculus there are, in addition to the circular furrows on the trunk, still deeper and more distinct longitudinal furrows, so that the whole skin seems divided into regular die-shaped areas. There are similar longitudinal furrows on the "proboscis" of Priapulus. Papillae are very wide spread on the bodies of the Sipunculacea, principally on the proboscis. A closer comparison of the proboscis of the Sipunculacea with the similarly named organ of the Echiuridce (which formerly were united with them in the class of the Gephyrea) shows great morphological difference between the two organs. The proboscis of the Sipun- culacea is the front portion of the body, which can be invaginated into the hinder portion. The mouth lies at its anterior end. The proboscis of the Echiuridce, is a prolongation of the head portion (prostomium), which lies in front of and above the mouth and cannot be invaginated. The mouth lies at its base. In the proboscis of the Sipunculacea runs the fore-gut, while the fore-gut is in no way con- nected with the prostomium of the Echiuridce. The Sipunculacea possess a rough cuticle ; in Phoronis it is delicate, and the skin therefore secretes a detached chitinous envelope, which serves as a dwelling tube. The Bryozoa generally form a rough hard cuticle (cell, ectocyst) whose aperture can be closed by a cover, and which often calcifies. In a similar way the mantle of the Brachiopoda secretes a bivalve shell which is generally calcareous, less frequently horny. This shell of the Brachiopoda (Fig. 125) cannot be compared with the similarly bivalved shell of the Mussel (Lamellibranchiata, Cochlidce). The two shell valves of the former are dorsal and ventral ; each valve is symmetrical ; the median plane of the body divides each valve into two lateral congruent halves. In the mussels, on the contrary, we distinguish a right and a left shell. The median plane passes between the two shell valves. Each valve is asym- metrical. The gaping edge of the shell in the mussels is ventral, in the Brachiopoda anterior ; the closed edge where the two valves IV VERMES—THE INTEGUMENT 191 are joined by a hinge is dorsal in the mussels, in the Brachiopoda it is posterior. We have already, in the systematic review, said what is most important con- cerning the oral tentacles and oral arms, which are very characteristic of the Prosopygia ; the various positions of the anus were also described. Eefer to it also for the outer form and organisation of the Rotatoria and Chcetog- naiha. FIG. 125.— Rhynconella psittacea. A, From above. B, From the left side. II. The Integument. The integument of the worms consists first of the outer cuticle, and second of the subjacent body epithelium, which secretes the cuticle, and which in most worms (just as in the Arthropoda)is called the hypodermis. The cuticle is very variously developed. It is thin and delicate in the soft-bodied forms, especially in the Nemertina, where it is perforated by very fine pores to allow the cilia to pass through. Where it is strongly developed, as in many Annulata, Prosopygia, Nematoda, and Eotatoria, it gives protection and support to the body, and as skeleton offers support and surfaces of attachment to the body musculature. It consists of a substance allied to chitin, and occasionally calcifies (in Bryozoa, Brachiopoda) into a very hard envelope or shell. It often shows stratification, and seems to be composed of various crossing systems of very fine adhering fibrillse. It may in general be conceived of as a secretory product of the glandular hypodermis cells which underlie it, or as a product of metabolism of the protoplasm of these cells. To the same category as the cuticle belong various sorts of tubes and envelopes which, detached from the integument, surround the bodies of many Annelida (tube-worms) and possess a chitinous substratum. We must further consider the setae of the Chcetopoda as cuticular formations of certain hypodermal glands, which can be seen, at least when they first appear, to be composed of fibrillae and fibres in close contact and glued together. The cellular hypodermis, which usually consists of one layer, can best be examined in the Annulata, where it is composed of the two following principal elements — (1) gland cells ; these are naked and large, and yield the material for cuticular formations; over each gland cell there is generally a pore in the cuticle; (2) thread-like cells ; these are generally slender cells whose protoplasm is strongly modified and falls into fibres. They often lose their nuclei, and are arranged round the gland cells in such a way as to form for the 192 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. latter a loose supporting tissue, in whose meshes the gland cells lie. Gland cells of the hypodermis form the chief component part of the subdermal setiparous sacs of the Chatopoda ; these are the setiparous glands which produce the setae. The setiparous glands may undergo important transformations. In Polyodontes (Aphroditidce), for example, the setiparous glands of the dorsal branch of the parapodia are changed into large spinning1 glands, whose thread-like secretion yields the material for the structure of the tubes they inhabit. In Aphrodite the dorsal setiparous glands produce setae and hairs, which form the hairy felt covering the respiratory chambers. The setiparous glands may again become simple dermal glands. Anackcda, for example, no longer possesses setae, but, in place of the 4 rows of setae of the related Enchytmus species, has 4 rows of flask-shaped hypodermal glands projecting into the body cavity. The mucous glands are peculiar dermal glands which are common, especially in naked and soft worms (Nemertina, Hirudinea). The hypodermis may be very insignificant in comparison with the cuticle. Its elements may fuse into a sub- cuticular layer of proto- plasm. In the Gordiidcr among the Nemathelmia we still find it clearly developed into an epi- thelial layer at the an- terior and posterior ends of the body, while in the rest of the body it is reduced to a subcuti- cular finely granulated layer containing scattered nuclei. In this reduced form we meet with the hypodermis in all other Nemathelmia, where it is often hardly recognisable. It seems here to be almost entirely taken up in the formation of the strong cuticle. The same is the case in the Bryozoa. In the Ilirudinea and in most Oli/jocha'ta, as sexual maturity begins, the hypodermis undergoes a peculiar metamorphosis in a series of the segments near the genital apertures (in the Hirudinea ahvays the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth.) The gland cells here swell greatly and come to lie in several superimposed layers, and there thus arises a girdle- like thickening of the body which is outwardly visible (the clitellum). In the gill-less Arnwluta (higher Oligochceta, Hirudinea) capillaries of FIG. 120. — Transverse section through the middle part of the body of a Nemertian, half diagrammatic. In, Lateral longitudinal nerves ; io nrorrnc ^nnnrlellrt tlim*A i« a fTn'n FlG' 130. — Transverse section In the genus bpadella t re is a tnm through the trunk of a Sagitta (after layer of transverse muscle fibrillae lying o. Hertwig). ih, Body cavity ; mes, in the body cavity, closely applied to the mesentery of the intestine ; md, mid- ventral musculature. _ The arrangement ^±,3^' "rasoulat"re; of the musculature in the head of the Chcetognatha undergoes a marked complication. The most important head muscles are those which serve for moving the seizing hooks. IV. The Proboscis of the Nemertina and Aeanthoeephala. These organs may be treated of together, although they arise quite independently, and are not homologous. In the proboseidal apparatus of the Nemertina (Fig. 131) we dis- tinguish the following principal parts: (1) the proboscis sheath; (2) the proboscis ; (3) the retractor muscle of the proboscis. The proboscis sheath (rs) is a tube closed on all sides which lies above the intestinal canal in the parenchyma of the body. Its muscular walls consist principally of a circular and a longitudinal muscle layer. The proboscis sheath stretches more or less far back, often to near the hindermost end of the body. The proboscis (r) is also a cylindrical tube. It lies invaginated into the proboscis sheath. The space, closed in on all sides, between proboscis sheath and proboscis is filled with fluid. The walls of the proboscis sheath and of the proboscis join each other not far behind the foremost end of the body. From this point a short tube (rhyneho- 198 COMPARA TIVE ANA TOMY CHAP. dseum, /•oison glanil ; mi, rotractor iiiusflc ; r gut ; d&, The mid-gut of the Hirudinea shows mostly paired, &£?*}, g^ai" lateral, segmentally arranged caeca or diverticula, the glands opening last pair of which is often very long and extends back- outwards by ste- wards on both sides of the hind-gut. Sometimes only this last pair of diverticula is retained, or the diverticula may be altogether wanting (e.g. Nephelis, Lumbricobdella). 206 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP- In the mid-gut of the Oligochceta we distinguish two principal divisions, the oesophagus (which according to recent observations also comes from the endodermal mesen- teron) and the stomach -intestine. The oesophagus is generally a tube with narrow lumen and weak walls. In the terrestrial Oligochceta and the Naidomorpha the oesophagus has somewhere in its course a muscular swelling (seldom double), the muscular stomach (gizzard). Besides this, 3 pairs of glandular lateral sacs enter the posterior portion of the oesophagus of the Lumbricidce and related terrestrial Oligochceta; these are known as the lime-secreting glands, or Morren's glands. The large stomach-intestine often shows constric- tions between the consecutive segments. In the Lumbricidce the absorbing surface of the stomach in- testine is increased by the fact that its dorsal wall is folded longitudinally into the lumen of the intestine, and so forms a tube lying in the dorsal middle line of the gut, but open longitudinally towards the body cavity; this is the typhlosolis (Fig. 165, p. 250, ty). In the mid-gut of the Polychceta also we can dis- tinguish an anterior division, mostly shorter and nar- rower, from the posterior wider stomach-intestine. At the boundary between the two special glands may enter, like the Morren's glands of the Oligochceta. The stomach intestine usually shows successive segmental emails, a, Phar- swellings, caused by constrictions at the partitions be- pT£ed6'iaterai di- tween tne segments. These swellings are often pro- the longed laterally into caeca ; these are particularly long in Aphrodite and the peculiar species Sphincter; in Aphrodite the caeca themselves are again branched (hepatic tubes). In the Syllidce and Hesionidce two lateral sacs enter the anterior end of the mid-gut (or posterior end of the fore-gut 1) ; these can be filled with air like a swim-bladder. The mid-gut usually has a straight course, but in the Chlorhcemidce, Amphictenidce, and above all in Stern- aspis, it forms more or less striking loops. The Capitellidce and a few Eunicidce are distinguished by the posses- sion of an accessory intestine ventral to the main intestine, and opening into it anteriorly and posteriorly in the Capitellidce, but in the Eunicidce, as it appears, only anteriorly. In Capitella ventral ciliated channels run forwards along the oesophagus and backwards along the hind-gut from these openings. The constituents of food are never met with in this accessory intestine, and it probably has a respiratory function. In the Echiuridce (Fig. 137) a very striking mid-gut lies in numerous loops and windings around the longitudinal axis of the body. 136.—] of Himdo medi- verticuia of mid-gut; da, pos- terior longer di- verticuia. IV VERMES— INTESTINAL CANAL 207 It has an accessory intestine lying close to it which passes anteriorly and posteriorly into longitudinal ciliated channels in the main intestine, FIG. 137.— Enteric canal, vascular system, and nephridia of Echiuriis. sg, Lateral vessels of the prostomium ; vd, dorsal vessel of the prostomium : vdi, dorsal vessel of the fore-gut (vda) ; Tc, crop ; md, mid-gut, with the accessory intestine (nd) ; vv, ventral vessel ; n, nephridia ; t, their funnel ; as, anal glands ; ed, hind-gut ; a, anus ; ml), muscles of the anterior hooked setae ; m, mouth. and is justly considered as the connecting piece of these channels arched over and thus separated from the intestine. The mid-gut of the Myzost&midce (Fig. 175, p. 262), with its branched diverticula which stretch as far as the lateral edge of the body, recalls the mid-gut of the Annelid species Sphincter, whose body is also broad and disc-like. While among the Sipunculacea the mid-gut in the Priapulidce runs in a straight line through the body, in the Sipunculidce (Fig. 138) it forms a descending limb which runs through the trunk to the posterior 208 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. hnr Fig. 139. — Organisation of an individual of Plumatella repens, with protruded crown of tern tacles. t, Tentacles ; lo, lophophore or tentacle car- rier ; ts, tentacle sheath (wall of anterior body); to, constant invaginated portion of the tentacle sheatM Iw, posterior portion of body wall, covered with I cuticular envelope (cell 2) ; au, anus ; ed, hind-gut ; • muscular (?) bands, which fasten the invaginated pal of the tentacle sheath to the body wall ; rm, larger retractor muscles for withdrawing the tentacle crow into the cell ; /, funiculus ; st, statoblasts ; m, stomacB with caecum ; Ih, body cavity ; g, brain. FIG. 138.— Anatomy of Sipunculus with protruded proboscis, partly after Vogt and Jung ; the body is cut open longitudinally, t, Tentacles ; g, brain ; vd, fore-gut ; rt, proboscis retractor ; n, nephridia ; &mr, that portion of the ventral chord which lies in the proboscis and runs freely in the body cavity ; bmrj, ventral chord of the trunk, marking the ventral middle line ; an, anus ; and, anal glands ; ed, hind-gut ; nd, accessory intestine ; abd, descending limb ; aud, ascending limb of the mid-gut. iv VERMES— INTESTINAL CANAL 209 end of the body, and then bends round to run forwards as an ascend- ing limb. The two limbs twist round each other and form a spiral. A ciliated channel runs along the whole course of the mid-gut. Where this ceases, at its posterior end, a blindly closed diverticulum is attached to the gut, winding round its end ; this may be homologous with the accessory intestine of the Chcetopoda. The intestine of Phoronis, like that of the Sipunculacea, forms a descending limb, and on the dorsal side of this an ascending limb. The arrangement in the Bryozoa (Fig. 139) is closely connected with that in the already described Prosopygia. A descending limb of the intestine, not very sharply distinguished from the fore-gut, leads into the expanded stomach, from which arises an ascending limb which passes into the hind-gut. The stomach is occasionally prolonged into a somewhat sharply demarcated csecum directed backwards. In the mid-gut of the Brachiopoda we distinguish an anterior widened part, the stomach, into which the oesophagus enters, and an adjoining narrower part, the stomach-intestine. The stomach carries one or more pairs of lateral diverticula which branch and divide into massive glandular lobes, called the liver; these envelop the stomach on all sides. The stomach-intestine forms either a simple or complicated coil and then runs backwards (Crania), or bends on one side round to the front (the other Ecardines), or ends blindly (Testicar dines}, In Dinophilus (Fig. 162, p. 246) and the Rotatoria (Fig. 123, p. 185; Fig. 161, p. 245) the mid-gut forms in the female a well-developed pouch-shaped stomach, which is sharply divided from the fore- and hind- guts. The epithelium of the stomach is either itself glandular, or there are special large glandular appendages. An intestinal muscula- ture is either wanting or very slightly developed. The mid-gut of the Chcetognatha (Fig. 152, p. 227) takes a straight course through the trunk cavity of the body, without lateral appendages. A muscular layer is wanting. C. The Hind-gut and the Anus. The hind-gut comes from the proctodseum of the larva, and forms in the worms a tube, often very short, but generally clearly separated from the mid-gut ; this tube opens externally through the anus, and is frequently called the rectum. The anus is either a separate aperture, or else it unites with the apertures of other organs of the body. This union is brought about through pit- or sac -like depressions of that region of the body wall in which these apertures lie near each other ; a cloaca is thus formed, which then opens externally by a new common aperture, the cloacal aperture. The juxtaposition of the external apertures of inner organs and the invagination of the region common to these apertures are very frequent in the animal kingdom. We will give only a few cases in illustration. In many Platodes the originally separate male and female genital apertures come to lie at the base of a common genital VOL. I P 210 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. cloaca. The male genital aperture may even be combined with the mouth (e.g. in Stylostomum among the Polyclada and in Prorhynchus among the Rhabdocwla}. In the Mesostomidce among the Rhabdoccela the longitudinal branches of the water- vascular system, which generally emerge independently at the surface of the body, enter the pharyngeal pouch, which itself represents an invagination of the outer body wall (stomodceuni). In a few Nemertina the otherwise universally separated proboscidal and oral apertures may be united (Amphiporus, Malacobdella, Geonemertes palaensis). The following are the most important combinations of the anal aperture with the apertures of other organs. There are three kinds of such combinations. 1. Union of the anal aperture with the apertures of the nephridia or excretory organs. — In the Priapulidce the two anal organs which serve primarily for excretion and secondarily as genital ducts emerge quite near the anus. In Sipunculus slightly developed anal glands have been observed entering the end of the hind-gut; these are perhaps (?) homologous with the anal organs of the Priapu- lidce. In the Echiuridce-, which in many ways occupy a position inter- mediate between the Chcetopoda and the Sipunculacea, both the anal glands (anal nephridia) also enter the hind-gut. In the Rotatoria also anus and nephridia enter a common cloaca. 2. Union of the anal with genital apertures. — In the male Nematoda the genital aperture emerges with the anus into a common cloaca ; and the same is the case in the female Rotatoria. 3. Union of the anal with both nephridial and genital aper- tures.— This occurs, as may be seen from 1 and 2, in the female Rotatoria, where all three apertures open into a common cloaca. The position of the anus and the cloaca. — The anus has a terminal position in the Nemertina, Nematoda) and Annulata. In the Nematoda it lies ventrally at a little distance from the posterior end of the body ; in the Annulata generally dorsally, but always in the last segment, except in Notopygos (Amphinomidce), where it lies several segments from the posterior end on the back. In 'the Chcetognatha it lies ventrally at the boundary between the trunk and the tail regions ; in the Rotatoria dorsally at the boundary between trunk and foot. In attached tubicolous Rotatoria it has moved some- what forwards on the back, so that the hind-gut bends round for- wards. The Prosopygia are distinguished by the fact that the anus lies on the back, moved far forward ; and in the Sipunculidce it even lies at the boundary between proboscis and trunk ; in Phoronis and the Bryozoa quite anteriorly on the back, either (Ectoprocta) outside the tentacle carrier or (Endoprocta) inside it. Where an anal aperture is retained in the Brachiopoda it lies anteriorly, to the right, near the mouth. There are, however, a few exceptions to the rule which generally holds for the Prosopygia. In the Priapulidce and in the Bracliiopod genus Crania the anus lies behind. iv VERMES—BODY CAVITY 211 VI. The Body Cavity, the Musculature which passes transversely through it, the Dissepiments and Mesenteries. In the Nemertina we cannot yet speak of a body cavity (ccelome). Apart from the connective tissue, which penetrates between the muscles of the dermo-muscular tube, the space between the intestine and that tube is everywhere filled by a gelatinous tissue which is morphologically equivalent to the gelatinous tissue of the Codenterata and the parenchyma of the Platodes. The various organs — genital glands, blood-vessels, nephridia — are imbedded in this gelatinous tissue. Dorso- ventral muscle fibres pass through it and form (1) a sort of enteric musculature, the intestine passing between them and holding them apart, and (2) passing between the enteric diverticula a sort of muscular septa separating them ; these septa, just like the diverticula themselves, lie one behind the other with more or less regularity, and recall the septa which are developed between the gastro-canals of the Platodes. In the Nemathelmia there is a very spacious body cavity filled with fluid, which, in the Nematoda, occupies the whole space between the dermo-muscular tube and the intestine ; and in the Acantlwcepliala, where an intestine is wanting, it is represented by the whole interior of the body, which is surrounded by the dermo-muscular tube. In this cavity lie the genital organs, bathed on all sides by the body fluid, and further, in the Acanthocephala, the lemnisci. In the latter the genital organs are attached by a muscular band or ligament to the posterior end of the proboscis sheath, and also by lateral muscular bands to the dermo-muscular tube. The body cavity of the Nemathel- mia is not lined with a special epithelium (endothelium), but is limited directly — externally by the body musculature, and internally by the walls of the intestine. The Gordiidce occupy an isolated position among the Nemat- helminths in the morphological condition of the ccelome, as in many other points of their organisation. In animals not quite sexually mature we find between the intestine and the body wall a consider- able mass of cells, which disappears for the most part at the time of the development of the genital glands, and is probably used as material for nourishing these glands. We then find, in place of the cell mass, a spacious body cavity, which, however, in contradistinction to other Nemathelminths, is lined on all sides by an epithelium, often of several layers, lying on the inside of the dermo-muscular tube (Fig. 170, p. 256). This epithelium, in contrast to the epithelium of the intestinal canal and to the outer body epithelium, we call the peritoneal endo- thelium. This endothelium forms, in the median plane of the body, a partition wall which separates into 2 lamellae ; these run dorso- ventrally, having the intestine between them. At the sides of the ventral median nerve they unite with the endothelium of the body 212 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. wall. By the special arrangement of this partition wall (mesentery) the body cavity is divided into 3 principal chambers ; 2 lateral, and 1 unpaired ventral chambers, in which the intestine runs. We shall return to some peculiarities of this mesentery later on, when treating of the genital organs. The presence of an endothelium and of a dorso-ventral median mesentery raises the Gordiidce almost to the level of the higher worms, and supports the view that they should be considered as such (probably Annulata) degenerated by parasitism. We cannot yet decide what should be considered as the body cavity in the Hirudinea among the Annulata. The space between the intestine and the body wall is filled by a connective tissue or paren- chyma whose elements undergo the most varied transformations. We find pigment cells, fat cells, fibres. Blood-vessels and blood-sinuses arise by the flowing together of the contents of neighbouring cells. The collective mass of the connective tissue elements is more strongly developed in the Gnathobdellidce than in the Rhyncholdellidce. In the latter division a connected system of blood-sinuses, whose walls are not muscular but lined with an endothelium, and in which the central nervous system lies, must be considered as a slightly developed or else much reduced body cavity. . In the Gnathobdellidce the sinus, which contains the ventral chord, the oesophageal commissures, and the brain, seems to be such a reduced body cavity. This sinus, however, is not lined with an endothelium. The fact that in all Hirudinea the blood -vascular system is in open communication with the sinuses makes it difficult to decide whether the canal and sinus systems represent parts of the body cavity ; and if so, to what extent this is the case. The sinuses are filled with a fluid which, in the Rhynchobdellidce, contains colourless blood cor- puscles. Muscle fibres, branched at both ends and attached to the dorsal and ventral body walls, run through the body parenchyma. They form muscular dissepiments between the enteric diverticula, the arrangement of which recalls that of the dissepiments in the Nemer- tina and Turbellaria, and, in correspondence with the metameric arrangement of these diverticula, are themselves metameric. For the Chcetopoda we can establish a general morphological scheme of the body cavity, which, however, undergoes considerable modifications in a few divisions. Between the intestine and the body wall there is always a body cavity filled with fluid, which is entirely separated from the blood-vascular system. The body cavity is divided in the following way. A dorsal mesentery connecting the intestine with the dorsal middle line, and a ventral mesentery connecting it with the ventral middle line of the body wall, divide the body cavity into 2 lateral chambers, a right and a left. Muscular partition walls, septa, or dissepiments, comparable to the dissepi- iv VERMES—BODY CAVITY 213 merits of the Turbellaria, Nemertina, and Hirudinea, divide the body cavity into as many consecutive chambers as there are segments. These transverse partition walls always run between 2 consecutive segments. They are bored through by those organs which run longitudinally through several segments ; viz. the enteric canal, the blood-vessels, and the nephridia. It is the septa which bring about the segmental constrictions of the intestine. The consecutive chambers of the body cavity are seldom completely separated from one another, the septa being mostly perforated, so that a free com- munication of the coelomic fluid in adjacent chambers of the body cavity is possible. All the walls of the body cavity and the organs lying in it are lined with a peritoneal endothelium, which undergoes the most various modifications. The endothelium of the body wall is distinguished as the parietal layer ; that of the intestine as the visceral layer. The chloragogen cells are peritoneal cells with definite excretory functions ; they are especially strongly developed in the Oligochceta, and are attached to the dorsal vessel and its branches, particularly to the network of blood-vessels which surround the intestine. The brown granules which they contain are products of excretion taken from the blood, and most probably reach the exterior through the nephridia by the detachment and dissolution of the chloragogen cells. We find such cells also in the Polychceta. The excretory organs probably also draw the excretory substances direct from the blood, i.e. from the network of vessels which surround the renal tube. The division of the body cavity may vary greatly in details. The dissepiments may become reduced or wholly disappear in large tracts of the body, so that con- secutive chambers of the body cavity coalesce. Especially where a protrusible pro- boscis is developed, the segments through which this organ stretches undergo a reduction of their dissepiments. Dissepiments and mesenteries are generally typic- ally developed in an early stage, even where in the adult condition great transforma- tions take place. The mesenteries may be reduced to isolated bands, fastening the intestine to the body wall, and these may also be developed only in certain regions of the body. On the other hand, the body cavity may undergo a still greater process of division (especially in Polychceta). For example, a membrane running under the intestine, attached on each side near the ventral chord to the body wall, often divides the body cavity into an upper chamber containing the intestine, and a lower chamber in which the ventral chord runs. Further, 2 lateral lamellae often run through the body in a dorso-ventral direction, slanting upwards and outwards from both sides of the ventral middle line ; these cut off 2 lateral cavities from the body cavity, which may be described as renal chambers, as they generally contain the greater part of the nephridia. These lamellae enclose transverse muscle fibres (Fig. 158, p. 237). The dissepiments undergo a striking reduction, especially in the bodies of those Choctopoda in which the enteric canal forms loops, and in which the segmentation of the body is more or less obscured (Chlorhcemidce, Sternaspidce, Echiuridce). A spacious body cavity is thus formed. In the Capitellidce the want of a separate blood-vascular system is compensated for by a strikingly pronounced partitioning of the body cavity. Communication between the body cavity and the outer world 2U COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. takes place in two ways. Firstly, by the nephridial canals, which will be described later, and which are originally present in pairs in each segment, and, secondly, by the dorsal pores. These have been clearly observed in the Lumbricidcc and related land Oligockci'ta, and are medio-dorsal perforations in the body wall, lying in the anterior end of each segment. They are wanting in the head segment and in a certain number of the subsequent anterior segments. According to some writers, dorsal pores are present also in Jl/ichi/trceir«jo<:]t«.-tn. But the presence of these pores has again recently heen disputed. In the Myzostomidw a body cavity filled with fluid is wanting. The organs found between the intestine and the body wall, above all the genital organs, are embedded in a body-parenchyma of con- nective tissue. Still the question remains to be decided, whether the space in which the sexual products lie does not answer to the body cavity of other worms. Dorso-ventral muscle fibres run through the parenchyma and form, in the same way as in the Ilirudinea, Xeme/iinn, and Tnrlx'UA/'///'/W^<, a longitudinal muscular band runs along the intes- tine. The co-lomic fluid generally contains amreboid lymph cells ; and besides these, in the Sipiincnlida', the sexual products and other iv VERMES— NERVOUS SYSTEM 215 peculiar bodies whose significance is not yet clear are found floating in it. In Phoronis also the body cavity is well developed, and lined throughout by a peritoneal endothelium. At the most anterior end of the body there is a septum which separates the cavity of the prostomium and the tentacles from the body cavity. The descending limb of the intestine is fastened to the body wall by a ventral mesentery, which, on the limb which ascends forwards to the anus, becomes a dorsal mesentery. The descending limb is further connected with the body wall by 2 lateral mesenteries. Among the Bryozoa the body cavity in the Pterobranchia and Endoprocta, is extremely reduced, but in the Ectoproda well developed. It is continued into the tentacles, and is often lined with a ciliated endothelium, at least this can be demonstrated in the fresh-water Bryozoa. The intestine is fastened to the body wall on all sides by fibres which are considered to be muscular. The gastric caecum is also suspended from the posterior body wall by a strong non- muscular strand, the funieulus. In Paludicella there is also a second funieulus. In the Brachiopoda the cavity containing the viscera is lined by an endothelium generally ciliated over a great part of its surface. The enteric canal is fastened to the body wall by a more or less complete dorso-ventral mesentery, which, when complete (e.g. in Crania), divides the body cavity into two lateral halves. There are often lateral membranes or bands as well fastening the intestine to the body wall — a gastro-parietal band in the region of the stomach, and an ileo-parietal band in the region of the hind-gut. These bands have been compared with septa, which implies that the Bracliiopod body was originally composed of three segments. This view is supported by other anatomical and ontogenetic facts. The body cavity in the Brachiopoda is continued in the hollow spaces of the mantle. An endothelial lining of the body cavities of Rotatoria and DinophUus has not yet been proved. Distinct mesenteries and septa are wanting. Fine fibres of connective tissue here and there connect the organs lying in the body cavity with its walls ; no constant arrange- ment, however, is found. The pliylogenetic origin of the body cavity of the worms, and generally of the higher Metazoa, is not at present certainly established ; it is also impossible to say decidedly how far the hollow spaces in the body, called body cavities, are homologous in the various divisions of the Vermes. In the Annulata and many other higher animals it has long been known that special parts of the peritoneal epithelium are the places of formation of the sexual products. We are therefore justified in asking the question, whether the ovaries and testes of the lower acoelomous worms out of whose germinal epithelium the sexual products are formed, do not correspond with the chambers of the body cavity (ccelome) of the higher worms. VII. The Nervous System. The Nemertina (Figs. 140, 141). — The central nervous system consists of the brain, which is placed in front of or over the oesophagus and under the anterior portion of the proboscidal apparatus, and of 216 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Kn Kit two longitudinal trunks, proceeding from the brain and running some- what ventrally in the lateral parts of the body ; these end near the anus, or else coalesce immediately in front of the anus above the hind-gut. The brain consists of two large lateral ganglia connected by a trans- verse commissure and further united by a commissure which runs over the proboscis, so that the proboscis at its anterior end is embraced by a nerve ring. Each cerebral ganglion carries a lobe, usually sharply demarcated and placed behind, seldom to the side or in front; the relations of this with the lateral grooves (ciliated organs, olfactory organs) will be de- scribed later. These are known as the olfactory lobes, and usually lie above the first portion of the lateral nerves. From the brain various nerves proceed forwards to the apex of the head, to the eyes, and so on. Special nerves innervate the oeso- phagus and the proboscis. In Paleo- nemertina and Schizonemertina, between the longitudinal and circular muscle a continuous nerve sheath (nerve plexus) entering the longitudinal trunks. A nerve aris- cerebrai lobes of the ciliated organs ; m, ing anteriorly in the dorsal cerebral proximal portion of the proboscis nerves ; commissures often runs in the dorsal kn, nerves of the head; sn, oesophageal -JUT v i J.T. J.T_- nerves; sn (further down), lateral longi- middle line; beneath this nerve we tudinal trunks ; qc, transverse commissures ; can Occasionally observe a SCCOnd lateral branches of the longitudinal dorso-median nerve, the nerve of the proboscis sheath. In the general nerve sheath, which innervates the dermo- muscular tube, we can, in the Schizonemertina, observe thicker strands, which form annu- lar commissures between the three principal nerves running in the longitudinal direction. In the Hoplonemertina the nerve sheath is wanting ; the commissures run separately, and sometimes show a markedly metameric arrangement. In the whole structure of this nervous system a considerable agreement with that of the Platodes (Polydada, Triclada, Trematoda) cannot be ignored. The brain and the longitudinal trunks of the Nemertina answer to the brain and the ventral longi- tudinal trunks of the Platodes. Whether the unpaired dorso-median longitudinal nerve of the Nemertina answers to the two dorsal longitudinal nerves of the Platodes cannot yet be decided. The longitudinal trunks (and also the brain) lie either FIG. 140. — Nervous system of the an- , erior part of the body of a Nemertian layers, there (Drepanophorus Lankesteri), after Hub- trunks. IV VERMES— NERVOUS SYSTEM 217 imbedded in, or directly under the epithelium (Carinina, Carinella), or they are enclosed in the musculature of the body wall (Cephalothrix, Cerebratulus}, or they lie on the inner side of the musculature (AmpMporus). FIG. 141.— Anterior end of the body of a Nemertian from the side, diagrammatic (partly after Hubrecht). g, Brain ; re, proboscis commissure ; dn, medio-dorsal nerve ; Iso, cerebral lobe of the lateral organ ; sn, lateral nerve ; mo, mouth ; r, proboscis ; d, intestine ; nr, nerve rings, commis- sures between lateral nerves and the medio-dorsal nerve ; TO, proboscidal aperture. In Malacobdella ganglionic swellings were formerly erroneously described as occurring in the course of the longitudinal trunks. Nemathelminths. — The nervous system of the Nematoda (Fig. 142) consists of a ring surrounding the oesophagus, the sides of which often swell out into a ganglion. A dorsal and a ventral longitudinal nerve arise out of the ring, and these run in the middle line to the posterior end of the body. The two nerves are connected together by transverse commissures which run under the cuticle outside the muscu- lature. The transverse commissures of the right and left sides of the body do not exactly correspond. Numerous nerves proceed forwards from the oesophageal ring towards the apex of the head. Attempts have been made to trace back the nervous system of the Nematoda to that of the Platodes in the following way. By union of the dorsal longitudinal trunks in the middle line the medio-dorsal nerve of the Nematoda arose, and by the union of the ventral longitudinal trunks the medio-ventral, which in young Ascaridce and in a Plectus is still distinctly paired. The dorsal half of the Nematodan oesophageal ring answers to the brain of the Platodes with its often distinct lateral swellings. The ventral half of the cesopliageal ring answers to the proximal portions of the ventral longitudinal trunks, still separated in the region of the oesophagus, but fused in the ventral middle line to form the medio-ventral nerve. The lateral nerves which run a short distance at the anterior end of the Nematoda are considered to be the remains of the lateral longitudinal nerves. The transverse commissures of the Nematoda correspond with the transverse commissures which connect the various longitudinal nerves of the Platodes. We prefer, however, to compare the nervous system of the Nematoda with that of the Nemertina, because there we have an unpaired dorso-median nerve, and the nerves corresponding with the outer lateral longitudinal nerves of the Platodes are wanting. The lateral swellings of the brain also are developed more clearly as lateral ganglia connected by a transverse com- missure than is the case in the Platodes. 218 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. In the Acanthocephala (Fig. 172, p. 258) there lies at the base of the proboscis sheath a ganglion which sends several nerves forwards to the proboscis sheath, the pro- boscis, and the neck. Posteriorly there proceed from the ganglion two lateral longitudinal nerves, which first enter the retinacula at the posterior end of the pro- boscis sheath and run in them to the body wall, and then to the posterior end of the body. A dorso- median longitudinal nerve has also been observed. In the male, besides the anterior gan- glion, another ganglion in the region of the genital apparatus (lying anteriorly on the base of the withdrawn bursa) has been de- scribed; this gives off nerves to the genital apparatus, and is also connected by two nerves with the posterior ends of the lateral longi- tudinal nerves of the body. FIG. 142. — Diagram- matic representation of the nervous system of the Nematoda, after Biitschli. on, Upper, un, under portion of the oeso- phageal ring; sg, lateral swellings of the same; vln, medio- ventral ; din, medio-dorsal longitudinal nerve ; c, commissures be- tween the two ; hsn, pos- terior lateral nerves (bur- sal nerves). The nervous system of the Acantho- cephala is up to the present time not clearly understood. If there really is a medio-dorsal longitudinal nerve it per- haps corresponds with the medio-dorsal nerve of the Nematoda, and then the lateral longitudinal nerves perhaps repre- sent the ventral longitudinal nerves, which fuse in the middle line in most Nematoda. What the relations are be- tween the cesophageal ring of the Nema- toda and the ganglion of the proboscis sheath of the Acanthocephala, or whether any such relations exist, are questions which must be left on one side. FIG. 143.— Cen- tral nervous sys- tem of Hirudo The Gordiidce also deviate from other Nematoda in the structure of the nervous system. Kound the rudimentary pharynx lies a medicinaiis, after ganglionic mass (peripharyngeal Hermann. ganglion) which is much thickened, chiefly ventrally, and is produced into a ventral chord (Fig. 170, p. 256). This runs backward in the middle line and swells into a caudal ganglion under the terminal portion of the genital ducts. In the male IV VERMES— NERVOUS SYSTEM 219 it divides at the most posterior end of the body into two strong branches which run into the caudal bifurcation. The peripharyngeal ganglion is connected on each side with the hypodermis, as is the ventral strand at the extreme posterior end of the body, in the caudal bifurcation, and indeed along its whole length by means of numerous unpaired median nerves. Nerve fibres radiate forwards from the peripharyngeal ganglion. A medio- dorsal nerve is wanting. It is probable that the peripharyngeal ganglion and the ventral strand of the Gordiidce are homologous with the cesophageal ring and ventral chord of the Annulata. .Annulata. — Here we can establish a general scheme for the central nervous system. It consists (1) of a brain which lies over the anterior portion of the enteric canal, and (2) of the segmented ventral chord, running through the body in the ventral middle line. These two are FIG. 144.— (Esophageal ring with diverging nerves of Hirudo, enlarged (after Hermann). g, Brain ; sc, cesophageal commissure "bgi, first ganglion of the ventral chord (infra - cesophageal ganglion) ; bg-2, second ventral ganglion. connected by 2 commissures, the oesophageal commissures, which embrace the fore-gut between them. The anterior end of the intestine is thus surrounded by a nerve ring, the so-called cesophageal ring, which enters the brain dorsally, and the first ganglion of the ventral chord ventrally (Figs. 144, 146). The brain (supra-oesophageal gan- glion), whose composition out of 2 lateral halves connected by trans- verse commissures can generally be clearly seen, lies originally in the first, the cephalic or oral segment. The anterior ganglion, or rather double ganglion, of the ventral chord (infra -oesophageal ganglion) probably originally belonged to the second segment of the body. The remaining double ganglia of the ventral chord follow the infra- 220 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. FIG. 145.— Terminal or (sucker) gan glion of Hirudo, with preceding gan glion, after Hermann. oesophageal ganglion, one in each segment. The 2 ganglia of each double ganglion are connected together by short transverse commis- issures, and with the corresponding ganglia of the preceding and succeeding double ganglia by longitudinal commissures. Besides the cesophageal commis- sures nerves proceed from the brain to the integument and the sensory organs of the head ; and from the ganglia of the ventral chord nerves supply the integument, sensory organs, and musculature of the segments to which they belong. The musculature of the fore -gut (pharynx, proboscis, etc.) is provided with nerves arising either direct from the brain or from the oesophageal commissures. These nerves are called cesophageal nerves (often also nervi vagi), and the plexus they form in the fore -gut is called the cesophageal nervous system. In the most various divisions there is also a further plexus of ganglionic cells and nerve fibres in the walls of the mid-gut (visceral nervous system, sympathetic nervous system) whose con- nection with the central nervous system requires further investigation. Difference of opinion prevails as to the phylogenetic origin of the nervous system of the Annulata. We prefer that view which not only derives the brain of the Annulata from that of the Nemertina and Platodes, but also sees in the segmented ventral chord with cesophageal commissures the further developed ladder nervous system formed in these lower divisions by the longitudinal ventral trunks and their transverse commissures. Ganglionic cells are found in the Platodes and Nemertina everywhere in the larger longitudinal trunks, and are present in great numbers in the Polyclada and Triclada at the points of divergence of the transverse commissures and lateral branches. These latter are repeated in an extremely regular manner and in a segmental arrangement as early as in certain Triclada (Gunda) and Nemertina (Drepanophorus). If we imagine the ganglionic cells of the longitudinal trunks crowded together at the points of divergence of the transverse commissures and side branches, and their number perhaps increased still further, these points of divergence must swell into ganglia and the longitudinal trunks become longi- tudinal commissures between the successive ganglia. The longitudinal trunks with their ganglia only need to move together into the ventral middle line, so as to become the typical ventral chord of the Annulata. The mouth and oesophagus prevent such a moving together in the anterior part of the body, and so the first part of the longitudinal trunks becomes the cesophageal commissures of the Annulata. An approximation of the longitudinal trunks, which, it is true, never leads to direct contact, may be observed as early as the Nemertina, not to speak of the Platodes. Whereas as a rule among these forms the paired longitudinal trunks lie laterally, sometimes even over the enteric diverticula (Amphiporus Moseleyi), they are found in Drepanophorus placed somewhat ventrally and nearer each other. On the other IV VEEMES— NERVOUS SYSTEM 221 hand, the ventral chord of the Annelida can, by the separation of its symmetrical halves, assume the appearance of a ladder nervous system (e.g. in the HermeUidce, Fig. 147). In very many Annulata (many Oligochccta and Polychceta] the brain stands in 7JH-*» ^ flfe>— *n mlL FIG. 146.— Anterior part of the body of Chaetogaster diaphanus, from the side, after Vejdovsky. sb, Sensory setse ; gz, ganglionic cells of the cup-shaped organ ; bga, ladder-like ventral chord of the pharyngeal region ; disi, dis2, first and second dissepiments ; pm, pharyngeal mus- cles ; bgcti, ventral ganglion in the oesophageal segment ; g, brain ; pg, pharyngeal ganglion ; md, stomach-intes- tine ; rt, retractors (?) of the pharynx ; sc, oesophageal commissure ; dg, dorsal vessel ; bg, ventral vessel ; ce, resophagus ; pji, pharynx. FIG. 147. — Nervous and nephridial systems in the anterior portion of the body of Sabellaria alveolata, from the ventral side, alter E. Meyer. The nervous system is made black, sr, (Eso- phageal ring ; l>m, ventral chord ; t, tentacles ; k, feeler gills ; m, mouth ; b, bundles of setse ; hb, hooked setae ; p, parapodia ; vn, anterior pair of ne- phridia ; hn, posterior nephridia through which the sexual products are dis- charged. direct connection with the hypodermis of the head segment. It often shows more or less distinct lobes, always symmetrically arranged, which look like special ganglia. The brain, which originally (and also ontogenetically) belongs to the head segment, can in some cases stretch into the second segment ; it can even move back into the 222 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. second, third, or fourth segment (in certain earthworms). The infra-cesophageal ganglion is also by no means always placed in the second segment of the body ; here and there it lies in the head segment, or in the first and second segment, or it moves farther back — farthest of all in Pleionc, where it lies in the fifth or seventh segment. In the Hirudinea (Figs. 143 to 145) the infra-cesophageal ganglion fuses with a few of the subsequent ganglia of the ventral chord, forming a considerable infra-cesophageal ganglionic mass, in which, however, by the number and arrange- ment of the diverging peripheral nerves, and by the arrangement of the ganglionic cells and fibre commissures, its composition out of several ganglia can be more or less distinctly recognised. The same is true of the large posterior (sucker) ganglion (Fig. 145), which is composed of six fused ganglia. As far as the ventral chord is concerned, the presence of a single ganglion in each segment is the rule ; but there are exceptions to this rule in the most varied groups. Sometimes one or two accessory ganglia are added to the principal ganglion, e.g. in the Serpulidce two ganglia are typically present in each segment. On the other hand the ganglionic masses may become very indistinct or be altogether wanting (Archiannelida, and isolated forma in the most varied groups). In Sternaspis the ventral chord shows ganglionic swellings only in the most posterior part of the body. The fusion of the two lateral halves of the ventral chord is often limited to the ganglia, whilst the longitudinal commissures run as completely separated strands. These again may lie so close to each other that they appear externally to be one single strand. It may even in various forms come to a fusing of the two commissures, so that the ventral chord then consists of a single strand, which, e.g. in the Archiannelida, does not even show the segmental ganglionic swellings, and then recalls in a striking manner the ventral strand of the Gordiidce. From the ganglia of the ventral chord there arise on each side nerves, generally 2 or 3, which run upwards in the body wall and innervate the musculature, the integument, and the segmental sensory organs, where such are present. It has been shown in some cases that this innervation takes place by. means of a sub-epithelial nerve plexus de- veloped all over the body. Lateral nerves may also diverge from the longitudinal com- missures between 2 consecutive ganglia. The same is the case in the most anterior longitudinal commissures — the cesophageal commissures. There is often (especially in Hirudinea) in the ventral chord a delicate median strand of longitudinal fibres which is called the intermediate nerve. The ventral chord is nearly always covered by a single or double sheath of connective tissue (neurilemma sheath), in which longitudinal muscle fibres run, principally in Oligo- chceta and Hirudinea. Certain tubes with a wide lumen and wall formed of neurilemma, which run back in varying but always small numbers on the dorsal side of the ventral chord, deserve special attention. These tubes, which are called neurochord strands or giant nerve tubes, begin anteriorly in the cesophageal commissures or in the infra- cesophageal ganglion, and stretch to the most posterior end of the ventral chord. They were in all probability originally the neurilemma sheaths of giant nerve fibres, arising from larger ganglionic cells which lay in the ganglia at different parts of the ventral chord. Various observations make it probable that the nerve fibres in the neurochord tubes in various Annulata degenerate, the neurochord tubes themselves persisting as elastic organs of support, containing a watery fluid mixed with the remains of the original nerve substance. Such degeneration is, however, denied by some authorities. The typical position of the ventral chord, and generally of the whole central nervous system of the Annulata, is in the body cavity on the inner side of the musculature. As the brain very often passes into the hypodermis of the head with- OF. VERMES— NERVOUS SYSTEM 223 out sharp limitation, so the posterior end of the ventral chord in most Oligochceta and Polycheeta passes without sharp limitation into the hypodermis of the anal segment. In many Chcetopoda of the most varied divisions, indeed in single genera of different families, the nervous system even in adult animals shows an embryonic con- dition, in so far as it lies outside the body musculature in the deeper part of the epidermis. This position of the central nervous system is thus far from being characteristic of the so-called Archiannelida, and we can in general give it no special systematic signifi- cance. We find besides in various divisions all transition stages, from the position of the ventral chord in the body cavity to its hypodermal position, since it can lie in the body musculature between the hypodermis and the body cavity. Moreover, in Capitella, anteriorly, the ventral chord lies in the body cavity, then passes in between the musculature, and finally, posteriorly, comes to lie in the hypodermis. The symmetrical halves of the ventral chord may separate in some cases, and the ventral chord can thus assume the form of a ladder nervous system (Figs. 146 and 147) (Hermella, many Serpulidce, Spinther, and in the pharyngeal region in the Chcetogastridce). In the Aphanoneura (^olosoma) the ventral chord is said to be entirely wanting, or it lies in a quite embryonic condition imbedded in the hypodermis. The nervous system of the Ecliiuridce (Fig. 148) deserves special attention. A distinctly marked supra - cesophageal gan- glion or brain is wanting. The cesophageal ring is very much elongated, in keeping with the great length of the prostomium. Its two limbs (cesophageal commissures), which run laterally in the prostomium (pro- boscis), and which coalesce at its anterior end, give off numerous branches towards both the exterior and interior ; those branches which run dorsally inwards may represent transverse commissures between the limbs of the oesophageal ring. Below and be- FIG. us.- Nervous system of hind the mouth the limbs of the cesophageal Echiurus, diagrammatic, us, The ring coalesce to form an unpaired ventral S^ ^"Sfflft Strand, which in adult animals has no gan- the prostomium and enter the ex- glion swellings, but is supplied with ganglionic treme anterior end of the ventral chord (6m) behind the mouth ; nr, Cells throughout its whole COUrse; this nerve ring8; vb, anterior hooked strand runs in the ventral middle line on setae ; 7j*> *he two posterior circles the body wall to the posterior end of the ^pMdL^ ^nuT^™ °f the body, and gives off to the right and left at short intervals lateral branches which correspond with the rings of the outer integument. The corresponding right and left lateral 224 COM PA It A 77 T ~E A XA TOM } ' CHAP. branches pass into each other dorsally, and thus form in the body wall numerous consecutive nerve rings. The nervous system of the MirJistoiuiJn' (Fig. 149) is now very exactly known. It consists of an a-sophageal ring surrounding the base of the pharynx, whose dorsal lateral portions are somewhat thickened, and so represent a weakly developed brain. Close to the oesophageal ring lie gangli- onic cells. Further forward in the pharynx a second nerve ring (pharyn- geal ring) is found, which is connected with the oesophageal ring by several longitudinal nerves, and gives off nerves to the tentacles at the free anterior edge of the pharynx. On the ventral side, under the integument, lies a large, elongated, ganglionic mass, from whose anterior end the two commissures (limbs) of the oesophageal ring arise. The ganglionic mass represents a ven- tral chord which consists of several (probably G) fused pairs of ganglia, and in which an intermediate nerve is to be found. From this ganglionic mass 1 1 alternately stronger and weaker nerves radiate on each side towards the circumference of the disc-shaped body ; these nerves branch in a complicated FIG. i40.-central nervous system of mannei- and innervate especially the •zostoma, after Nansen. ventral body wall, g, Brain ; sc, oesophageal commissures ; usg, infra- O3sophageal ganglion ; san, arm nerve proceeding from the supra-oeso- phageal ganglion ; ian, ditto from infra-cesophageal ganglion ; ces, oeso- rp-i phagus ; dmn, dorsal mantle nerves ; hn, nerves proceeding backwards from infra-oesophageal ganglion ; n, nephridia (oviducts) ; nt, nephridial funnel ; gf, genital folds ; ov, ovaries ; dm, dorsal mesentery ; vm, ven- tral mesentery. ventral branch for the ventral fold, are again richly branched, and their branches anastomose form- The nervous system of the Bracliiopoda, lies under the ing a plexus, integument. In the Bryozoa, only the supra-oesophageal ganglion of the oesoph- ageal ring is retained ; it lies as a generally inconsiderable mass (occa- sionally with thickened lateral parts) dorsally over the fore-gut, between mouth and anus, under the integument. From this ganglion nerves run chiefly into the tentacles, and further to the two ciliated pits, when such are present. Rotatoria. — Over the oesophagus there lies a ganglion (supra-oesoph- ageal ganglion) which sends off nerves to the wheel organ, the cutaneous organs of touch, and the muscles. It lies under the integument. In Dinophilus also, in front of and above the mouth (in the pro- stomium), is found a mass of fibres surrounded by ganglionic cells, which represents the supra-oesophageal ganglion. In Dinophilus gigas two longi- IV VERMES— NERVOUS SYSTEM 227 — m. ovd tudinal nerves rise out of it, which pass by the mouth, and run on both sides of the body immediately be- neath the integu- ment to its pos- terior end. These longitudinal nerves must represent the separated lateral halves of the ven- tral chord of the '•• //j^. \{ Annulata. Trans- L>- v ' J^.,jLkl verse commissures FIG. 151.— Head of Sagitta bipunct- .bewanting. ata> seen from above' wiih closed 0 seizing hooks, after O. Hertwig. g, Cil36tOg>na,tn3, Brain ; gh, seizing hooks ; sc, commissure 3. 1 5 1 andl 52). between brain and ventral ganglion ; an, rp-i optic nerve ; au, eye ; ro, anterior portion 8 of the olfactory organ ; rn, olfactory nerve. .system is here well developed. The central nervous system and the peripheral nerves lie, with the exception of a single portion, external to the musculature in the body epithelium. The brain or supra- oesophageal ganglion lies dorsally in the head segment, while the infra-cesophageal ganglion lies ventrally in the trunk segment and surpasses the cephalic ganglion in size. The cephalic and ventral ganglia are connected by 2 long commissures. Besides these 2 commissures, the supra-oesophageal ganglion gives off 2 strong nerves which penetrate the mesoderm forwards and downwards, and which we may call motor nerves, 2 lateral nerves which .supply the integument of the head, 2 outer pos- terior nerves which, after a short course, reach the 2 eyes behind the supra-oesophageal ganglion (nervi optici), and 2 inner posterior nerves which supply the unpaired sensory organ lying behind the eyes which is supposed to be the olfactory organ (nervi olfactorii). A great number of nerves radiate from the ventral ganglion, among which the continuations of the 2 oesophageal commissures, the ventral side, after after running through the ventral ganglion, are °-HeJtwis- m> Mouth ;*> ,. , , . ' intestine ; sc, oesophageal tound as. 2 strong longitudinal strands, which, commissure; ig, ventral after giving off numerous lateral nerves, them- ganglion; fl, fins; o», selves end in fine nerve fibres. All nerves diverg- °^^^\Q^^°^ ing from the ventral ganglion and the posterior tore ; a, anus ; ho, testes ; longitudinal nerves pass finally into a plexus of sh' tail cavity ; sl> sPerm !• • •,-, , „, -i • -i • i T T duct: sb. snfirm vpsiplp • gangliomc cells and nerve fibres, which is developed — d * 228 COMPARATirE AX ATOM V CHAP. in the epithelium all over the body. The motor nerves of the supra- cesophageal ganglion form a ganglion each on the sides of the fore-gut in the cephalic segment (lateral cephalic ganglia), with small accessory ganglia. The musculature of the head and the fore-gut are supplied with nerves by these ganglia. This mesodermal part of the nervous system of ^iy/tt L5^^** ""~**>Sfcl ' .. applied in such a way that the three f; parts together form the wall of the [ sphere. The retina consists of cells ; | the portion of each of these cells * which is in contact with the lens f is rod -like, and the part which f| is turned outwards is the cell-body Pia i54.-Section through the eye of sag- with its nucleus. At the circum- itta hexaptera, after O. Hertwig. ep, Body ference of the sphere, each retinal ^eiium ; z, lens ; p, pigment ; s« rods;™, retinal cells. cell is continued as a nerve-fibre. All the nerve fibres unite in the nervus opticus (Fig. 151, p. 227). The Chcetognathan eye may be considered to have come from 3 simple fused ocelli. A comparison of the three eyes just described shows how greatly the eyes of worms may vary in structure. 4. The eyes of Hirudo (Figs. 155, 156) lie in the anterior rings of the body and vary in number. They are cylindrical and stand at right angles to the somewhat modified hypodermis with which they are in contact. The optic nerve enters at the base, its fibres passing into long sensory cells which lie in the axis of the eye. Around the axis are arranged large clear cells, each containing a nucleus and a refractive substance. The whole organ is imbedded in strongly pigmented connective tissue. Our present knowledge of the structure of these organs hardly justifies us in calling them eyes ; morphologically they are transformed tactile organs. C. Olfactory Organs (Ciliated Organs). In many worms of the Nemertian and Chcetopodan divisions there are found, at the anterior end of the body, 2 lateral strongly ciliated 232 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. parts of the hypodermis, the so-called ciliated organs, ciliated clefts, ciliated pits, ciliated prominences, which are regarded as olfactory FIG. 156. — Section through a tactile sensory organ of Macrobdella, after Whitman, c, Cuticle ; ep, hypodermis ; p, large clear cells ; gz, ganglion cells ; n, nerve. The sensory cells are here clearly seen to be long hypodermis cells, »'• FIG. 155.-Section through the eye the tactile hairs which they carry are of a land leech, c, Cuticle ; ep, hypo- not depicted. dermis ; p, large clear cells ; g, ganglion cells ; n,\ nerve ; dz, cutaneous gland cells ; pi, pigment (after Whitman). organs. The body epithelium at these points consists of ciliated sensory cells, whose bases are prolonged as nerve fibres. These nerve fibres are connected under the sensory epithelium with a plexus of ganglion cells, which is itself again connected with the brain. In the Chcetopoda the ciliated parts just mentioned are frequently depressed in the form of pits or sacs, and are often protrusible. A special olfactory lobe (ganglion olfactorium) may be developed on the brain in close proximity to the ciliated organ, this lobe bearing the same relation to the olfactory organ that the lobus opticus or ganglion opticum bears to the eye. In the Nemertina these olfactory lobes are very strongly de- veloped, and often sharply separated from the brain (cf. p. 216 and Figs. 140, 141). The ciliated organs here are pits which open outwardly by means of longitudinal clefts at the sides of the head, and which in the Schizonemertina are continued inwardly as ciliated canals, penetrating to the interior of the cerebral olfactory lobes. It is probable that all these ciliated organs are homologous formations, and correspond with the ciliated grooves at the extremity of the head in the Turbellaria. In the Chcetopoda such organs have been found more or less developed in the Capitellidce, Eunicidce, Nereidce, Phyllodocidce, Syllidce, Opheliacea, Typhloscolecidce, iv VEEMES— SENSORY ORGANS 233 Sabellidce, Archiannelida, Tomopteridce, Ctenodrilus, and Aphanoneura. Sensory organs of similar structure and in a similar position have been observed in Bryozoa (Loxosoma Rhabdopleurci) and in Phoronis. In the Chcetognatha (Fig. 151, p. 227) a circular band, partly con- sisting of ciliated epithelial cells, lies like a ridge on the ordinary epithelium cells. It is considered to be an olfactory organ, and lies behind the eyes between the head and the trunk; this unpaired sensory organ is innervated by a pair of olfactory nerves running between the nervi optici. D. Organs of Taste (Cup-shaped Organs). There occur also certain sensory prominences of the body epithelium, essentially similar in structure to the olfactory organs just described, and called cup-shaped organs from the fact that they can be withdrawn into pit- or cup-shaped depressions of the integument. They always occur in large numbers and widely scattered. As, however, they are specially numerous at the edge of the mouth, in the oral cavity, and also in the pharynx, they are held to be organs of taste. The structure and distribution of these organs in the Capitellidce is well known. In Notomastus, Dasybranchus, and Heteromastus they occur only in the prostomium, thorax, and pharynx, in Masto- branchus .and Capitella on the abdomen also. Similar sensory organs are found also in OligocJiceta (Lumbricidce, Chcetogastridce, Enchytrceidce), especially numerous in the head, chiefly on the upper lip. Among the Polychceta they have been observed in the Nereidce (Nepliihys) and the Eunicidce (on the pharynx and in the buccal cavity). In the Hirudinea, where they were first observed and exactly described, they are always found on the lips. Cutaneous sensory organs, which are found in great numbers in the Sipunculidce and JEchiuridce on the papillse not only of the body, but of the proboscis as well (often arranged, like the papillae themselves, in longitudinal or transverse rows), probably also belong to the category of cup-shaped organs. E. Lateral Organs. These retractile sensory organs only occur in the Chcetopoda and agree essentially in structure with the cup- shaped organs. The numerous thread-like sensory cells of these organs carry sensory hairs, and are connected on the one hand with transverse muscle fibrillae which together form a retractor for the organ, and on the other hand with a plexus of ganglion cells which is again connected by a special nerve with the ventral chord. The above is the case in those Capitellidce which have been most carefully examined in this connection. The lateral organs are most clearly distinguished from the cup-shaped organs by their strictly segmental arrangement. There is a pair in each segment, one on each side between the dorsal and the 234 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. ventral parapodia. They are found not only in the Capitellidce, but also in Polyophthalmus and the Amphictenidce, and among the Oligochceta in the Lumbriculidce, There are many reasons for considering the lateral organs to be homologous with the dorsal cirri of the ventral parapodia of other Polychceta, and in the family of the Glyceridce we can follow, almost step by step, the transformation of these cirri into lateral organs. The cirri, being sensory organs, their gradual reduction into papillaB causes the tactile cells scattered in their hypodermis to collect together to form the compact sensory epithelium of the lateral organs. Strands of lateral ganglion cells appear always to occur in the lateral lines of the Oligochceta, entering the brain anteriorly. They are closely connected with the hypodermis, and in the Lumbriculidce supply the lateral organs with nerves. They are probably also connected with the intestinal nervous system. The function of the lateral organs is at present an unsolved problem. F. Auditory Organs. There is a remarkable absence of auditory organs in the Vermes. They only occur in the Polychceta, and there also only occasionally in a few families, viz. in the Arenicolidce, in the Terebellidce (Lanice), and Serpulidce (Myxicola, Amphiglene, Fabricia). Their occurrence has also been proved in several Terebellid Iarva3, in the larvae of Eupomatus (Serpulidce), and in a nearly related Chcetopodan larva. They are paired, and lie in Arenicola on the cesophageal commissures in the head segment, and in this case receive their nerves from the brain. In other forms they lie, as it appears, in the first trunk segment, and are supplied with nerves by the infra -cesophageal ganglion. In this point, as well as in their development, they recall the auditory organs of the mollusca. In adult animals they are vesicular (otocysts), the wall being formed by epithelial cells (sensory cells, auditory cells). The vesicles contain a fluid in which one or more otoliths are suspended. G. The Lateral Eyes of Polyophthalmus. Eye-like organs are found in strictly segmental order somewhat beneath the insertion of the transverse muscular bands in the lateral line of Polyophthalmus. They occur in P. pidus in the 8th to the 19th body segments, and are closely connected with the hypo- dermis which is free from pigment, and which with the cuticle covers each eye. Each eye consists of a lens, a pigment cup, and a body which consists of prismatic cells placed in this cup. The pigment cup and cell body together perhaps form a sort of retina (?) It must be expressly noticed that besides the lateral eyes, Polyoph- thalmus possesses cephalic eyes as well (3 in number) and lateral organs, and that it is very doubtful whether the lateral eyes are visual organs. IV VERMES— NEPHRIDIA 235 IX. Excretory Organs — Nephridia. (Occasionally Ducts for the transmission of the Sexual Products.) Nemertina. — The excretory apparatus, which is always paired, consists of canals lined with epithelium and mostly ciliated, which as a rule rise in the blood sinuses of the body and open externally. It is limited to the anterior portion of the bod always lie laterally over the longitudinal trunks of the nervous system. Its arrangement differs greatly in details. In all Nemertina, the epithelial walls of the excretory canals (nephridia) are glandular. In Carinella (Paleonemertina) an excretory portion separates itself from the lateral vessels of the blood-vascular system, and falls into two parts, a glandular part and a reservoir. On the one side it is connected with the lateraL vessels at two points, on the other with a canal which opens externally. In Carinoma the nephridium on each side consists of (1) a very short longi- tudinal canal which communicates with the lateral vessels at three points, and (2) an efferent duct which opens externally. In Carinina also the nephridial system on each side consists of two parts : (1) a compact mass of small canals, which projects inwards towards the blood sinus of the cesophageal region, and which (2) is connected with a nephridial cavity narrowing at its posterior end into a canal which opens externally. While in the Paleonemertina (with the excep- tion of Carinina) the nephridia are in__gpea- com- munication with the blood- vascular- system, such anterior The efferent ducts TUf portion of the a communication has till now not been proved in body of a Nemertian, dia- .-, -,r ,. -r ,1 n i • •• i grarurnatic. n, Longitudinal other i\emertma. In the bcluzonemertum on each canais of the nephridial side of the anterior region of the body there system; np, lateral apertures is either a single longitudinal canal or else a of the same ; na, ducts ; vd, dorsal vessel ; vl, longitudinal network of canals, m which, however, lateral vessel ; gs, transverse one principal canal can generally be distinguished, vessels between the dorsal These longitudinal canals, which lie in or on the a blood sinuses or lateral vessels on the inner side of the longitudinal muscle layers, reach the exterior on each side either (1) posteriorly through an efferent duct, or (2) through two ducts opening near the middle of their course, or (3) through several often very numerous lateral ducts which are more or less metamerically arranged. In the Hoplonemertina and Malacobdellidce also, on each side, in the anterior region of the body, a longitudinal canal is found. This 236 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. gives off, along its whole length, branches which again ramify. The longitudinal canals and their branches lie neither on nor in the blood sinuses, but are directly imbedded in the gelatinous connective tissue (body parenchyma). The longitudinal canals either open externally through several lateral efferent ducts, or on each side by one lateral canal, which may branch off from the longitudinal trunk either anteriorly, in the middle, or posteriorly. The nephridial system of the Schizonemertina and Hoplommertina shows a certain agreement with that of the Platodes. Here, as there, we meet with lateral longi- tudinal trunks which open externally on each side, either through one aperture (e.g. in the Platodes among the Rhdbdoccdida : Derostoma, Prorhynchus, Gyrator, Mesostoma ; and among the Trematoda : Polystomidce), or through numerous lateral ducts in more or less segmental arrangement (e.g. in Platodes among the Tridada). The longitudinal trunks of the Nemertina may even, as in the Platodes, be broken up into a plexus, or they may be present in numbers. Where the nephridial system in the Nemertina (Hoplonemertina) is neither in direct nor indirect communication with the blood-vascular system, it belongs to the branched type, as in the Platodes, which have no blood-vascular system. In the Nemertina, it is true, the nephridial system lies only in the front or foremost portion of the body. Terminal excretory cells have not been proved to exist, and the canals are lined with a ciliated epi- thelium, while in the Platodes (everywhere and in all divisions ?) each canal runs within cells arranged in a single row (intracellular). These differences, ho\vever, ought not to prevent a recognition of the homology between the excretory systems of the Platodes and the Nemertina. Nemathelmia. — The Nematoda and Acanthocephala must be described separately. In the first, longitudinal canals occur in the lateral lines ; till now no inner lining of epithelium has been proved to exist. The two longitudinal canals unite at the anterior end of the body to form a longer or shorter unpaired canal, which opens externally near the brain by a ventral median pore. The homologies of these canals, which are considered to be excretory canals, are quite uncertain. In the Gordiidce they are wanting. The canal-like space (section of the body cavity) which surrounds the intestine of these animals is said to divide (in Gordius Preslii) in front of the cloaca into two branches, and these perhaps open into the cloaca. Whether this canal is an excretory tube is, however, quite uncertain. In the Acanthocephala, in the subcuticle of the integument, a system of canals is found which will be described in the section on the vascular system. The anterior part of this canal system, which is quite separated from the posterior part, was formerly claimed as an excretory system ; but there are difficulties in the way of accepting this view, chiefly because it has no external aperture. Annulata. — The following scheme may be given as of general application to the excretory or nephridial system. It consists of paired tubes (nephridia), open at both ends, which are repeated segmentally. Each nephridium is in open— communication with the body cavity or blood sinuses by an inner aperture ; the external aperture lies in the integument. The nephridia therefore form an IV VERMES— NEPHRIDIA 237 open communication between the body cavity and the exterior, and serve chiefly for conducting the waste products of metabolism out of the body/ Since the genital products are, in many Annulate, developed out of the endothelium of the body cavity, then free them- selves from the matrix, and ripen when floating freely in the ccelomic fluid, an opportunity is given to them also of reaching the exterior through the nephridia. The nephridia thus frequently undertake, in addition to their purely excretory function, the transmission of the genital products to the exterior. This secondary function may often become the principal function in some of the nephridia, which may then undergo a complete transformation, and in the Polycliceta are called genital tubes.^x As already explained, paired nephridia originally occur in all the OD fan FIG. 158.— Transverse section through a trunk segment of a carnivorous Annelid, diagrammatic. &, Setae ; ac, aciculum (supporting seta) ; Im, longitudinal musculature ; vd, dorsal vessel ; k, gill ; dc, dorsal cirrus ; dp, dorsal parapodium ; vp, ventral parapodium ; vc, ventral cirrus ; tm, transverse muscles ; bm, ventral chord ; vo, ventral vessel ; rm, circular musculature ; ov, ovary ; np, nephridia ; tr, nephridial funnel ; md, mid-gut. In the body cavity are eggs. segments of the Annulate body, even in the cephalic or oral segment. It may, however, happen that the nephridia in a smaller or greater number of segments do not attain development. It is further very generally found that some of the nephridia begin to form early in the embryo or larva or young animal, and function as embryonic or larval kidneys, but afterwards entirely disappear when the permanent nephridia attain development. We shall call those which temporarily appear in the ontogenetic development provisional or embryonic nephridia. We can again distinguish two sorts of such provisional nephridia. (1) Those which appear in that region of the embryo or larva which corresponds with the subsequent head segment, and lie at the anterior end of the cell mass (mesoderm streaks), from which the most important organs of the segmented mesoderm come ; these are 238 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the embryonic head nephridia or the head kidneys. (2) Those which appear in the trunk segments ; these are the provisional trunk kidneys. The permanent nephridia, on account of their frequently strict segmental arrangement, are often called segmental organs, or on account of their looped or winding course (in Oligochceta and Hirudinea) looped canals. We will first describe the three sorts of nephridia separately, and then discuss their morphological significance and their relations to each other. A. The embryonic head nephridia (head kidneys). — These appear temporarily in the larva or embryo, and are paired. Their inner end lies in the embryonic head cavity. They have been observed in many Oligochceta and Polychceta. They are ciliated canals, which are not in open commnnication with the head cavity. The lumen of these canals is intracellular, i.e. the nephridia are rows of consecutive cells perforated to form a canal. In this point the embryonic head nephridia agree with the permanent nephridia of the Oligochceta and Hirudinea, and with the canals of the water- vascular system of the Platodes. They are occasionally branched (e.g. in the larvse of Echiurus and Polygordius), like the water-vascular system of the Platodes and the nephridia of many Nemertina. Lateral branchings of the principal canals also occur in the permanent nephridia of the Hirudinea and Oligochceta. Terminal cells provided with bundles of cilia (flames) often occur at the inner ends of the branched or simple nephridia ; the flames project into the lumen of the canal, in which they undulate. These terminal cells resemble those of the water- vascular system in the Platodes. B. The embryonic or provisional trunk nephridia. — These have till now been observed in comparatively few cases ; it is, however, probable that they are widely distributed. They occur (like permanent nephridia) in strictly segmental arrangement as paired canals in those generally anterior^ segments, in which in adults permanent nephridia are wanting. Among the Oligochceta it has been proved that in Rhynchelmis, in the 5 anterior trunk segments in which nephridia are wanting in adult animalg, 5 pairs of provisional nephridia, which degenerate later, attain development in the embryo. In the Capitellidce the nephridia are always wanting in a large number of anterior segments (thorax and anterior part of the abdomen), but this is only the case in adult animals. In the young animals, however, we meet with provisional nephridia in most of these segments, which are the better developed the younger the animal, and the further forward the segment to which they belong. In other words, the nephridia arise first anteriorly, and their degeneration proceeds in order from before backward (in the thoracic and in some of the anterior abdominal segments) in proportion as the permanent nephridia of the abdominal region attain development. In Nereis cultrifera (Fig. 159) there are found in the larval stage 5 pairs of provisional or larval trunk nephridia in the 5 anterior segments, in which in adult animals we meet with no nephridia. As in most Oligochceta nephridia are wanting in some of the anterior segments, it is probable that provisional nephridia occur in these segments in the larval forms. The same may be conjectured of the Polychceta. In the Oligochceta the nephridia are wanting in the genital segments, except in the Lumbricidce. But here also provisional nephridia attain development in these segments at early stages. In the Hirudinea provisional nephridia are developed in early embryonic or larval stages (2 pairs in Nephelis, 3 pairs in Hirudo, 4 pairs in Aulostoma) which disappear early. As the larvae are, at the time when pro- visional nephridia are present, still unsegmented, it cannot be certainly decided what IV VERMES—NEPHRIDIA 239 is their morphological significance. A certain number of the anterior and of the posterior segments of the adult Hirudo are without nephridia. This fact favours the conjecture that the larval nephridia of the Hirudinca are the provisional nephridia of the anterior trunk segments. Possibly the foremost pair of larval nephridia of the Hirudinea represent the embryonic head nephridia (head kidneys) of other Annulata. Concerning the structure of the pro- visional trunk nephridia, the following may be said. In the Capitellidce and Oligochceta they show in general the same structure as the permanent trunk nephridia. In Xereis they are distinguished from the permanent nephridia by the want of an inner aperture opening into the body cavity, i.e. of a funnel ; both by this fact and the fact that the nephridial canal is intracellular they recall the larval head nephridia of many Annulata. The larval nephridia of the Hirudinca have neither inner nor outer aperture. C. The permanent nephridia. — In every Annulate nephridium, if we for the time ignore the numerous complications and modifications presented by the differ- ent divisions, the following three portions may be distinguished : — (1) an inner 'cili- ated aperture opening into the body cavity or into a blood sinus ; this from its shape is often called the funnel ; (2) a canal con- nected with the above, which is generally ciliated, and often has glandular walls ; and (3) a terminal portion opening exter- nally. The central part or nephridial canal is intracellular in the Hirudinea and FlG. 159._Diagram of a very y0ung sped- Oligochceta, and generally much coiled men of Nereis cultrifera, after Edward Meyer, (looped canal) (Fig. 160). In the Polychceta g, Brain ; au, eyes ; In, larval trunk nephridia ; it is usually intercellular (lined with a Ph> pharynx with jaws ; di, dissepiments ; d, many-celled epithelium) and not coiled in iniestin1e ; <™> ventral ^> ed' ^ld:gu*; ^ J parapodia with cirri and setae. On the head are a complicated manner. The portion of the tentacles and sensory cirri, the Annulate nephridium which projects into the body cavity is outwardly covered by a continuation of the peritoneal endo- thelium., In the Hirudinea the permanent nephridia are wanting in a number of the anterior and posterior segments. In the rest of the body they are found in strictly segmental arrangement, one pair in each segment. The position of the funnels in the body varies 'very much ; they lie either in the ventral blood sinus (Clepsine\ or in those sinuses in which the testes lie (Hirudo, Aulostoma), or in other blood sinuses of the body. The nephridial canal has many windings and loops which lie close together, the finer details of which it is extremely diffi- cult to make out. Finally, it opens externally either directly without terminal swelling (Clepsine), or it opens into a vesicle lined with epithelium (ciliated in H. 240 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. •it medicinalis), which opens externally through a pore. That part of the nephridial canal which comes after the funnel is distinguished by the fact that fine, branched, and often anastomosing canals enter its intracellular principal lumen. The cells of this portion are in fact perforated by branching canals. In Hirudo the funnel is closed towards the blood sinus in which it lies. The nephridia in the genera Pontobdella, Branchellion, and Piscicola differ much from the above, as they form in each segment a complicated network of canals which are always intracellular, this network opening outwardly by 2 apertures and entering the blood sinuses of the body through 2 funnels. The nephridia of other Oligochceta show (Fig. 160) great correspondence with those of the Hirudinea. The funnel of a ne- phridium projects from the anterior wall of each dissepiment into the cavity of the segment lying anterior to that in which the rephridium lies. Starting from the funnel, the nephridial canal, which is everywhere intracellular, first passes through the dissepiment, forms more or less complicated loops in that segment of the body cavity which lies posteriorly (in these coils we can generally distinguish several different por- tions), and finally emerges through a terminal portion into a vesicle which opens outwardly. This vesicle is often provided with muscular walls. The funnel and external aperture of a nephridium ' thus always lie in two different segments Jvthe two external apertures of a pair of nephridia lie in the same segment as the inner funnels of the pair of nephridia which come next in order posteriorly. This position of the inner and outer apertures of the nephridia in 2 consecutive segments is maintained even in those cases where, as in the middle body seg- ments of Phreatothrix, the nephridial canal passes through several dissepiments, running back from its ciliated funnels through several segments ; it then forms a loop and bends for- wards again. In the nephridia of the Chceto- gastridce the ciliated funnels are wanting. In them, as in the Hirudinea, numerous branched and anastomosing intracellular canals enter the central canal. In a species of Acanthodrilus typically 4 pairs of nephridia in each segment (even in FIG. 160.— Nephridium of an Oli- gochaete, diagrammatic, tr, Funnel ; dis, dissepiment; ng2, glandular; ngi, non- glandular portion of the nephridial duct ; eb, terminal vesicle ; Iw, body wall (partly after Vejdovsky). (Lumbricidce) there are the genital segments). There is said to be a similar arrangement of nephridia in the anterior segments of Perichceta mirabilis. •The permanent nephridia of the Polyehceta are tubes with cellular walls ; their often ciliated central canal is thus as a rule, in opposition to that of the Oligochceta and Hirudinea, intercellular. (Intracellular nephridial canals, however, also occur. ) The nephridial tube is almost always so bent that we can distinguish in it two limbs, one centripetal, at whose inner end lies the funnel, which is mostly wide open and provided with cilia, and another centrifugal, which opens outwardly by breaking through the body wall. The nephridia lie in the nephridial or renal chambers of the body cavity which have already been described (p. 213), and they may iv VERMES— NEPHRIDIA 241. lie wholly in one segment, or else, as in the Oligochceta, each pair of nephridia belongs to two consecutive segments. Although there are many Polychceta in which the pairs of nephridia are repeated throughout the greater part of the body with great uniformity and in strictly seg- mental arrangement, there are, on the other hand, many groups in which we find great deviations from this arrangement. We can only mention the most important. In the Capitellidce permanent nephridia occur, as a rule, only in the abdominal region, either in the greater part of that region or only in the anterior, or only in the posterior portion. There is either one pair in each segment or several (Capitella] ; even as many as 6 pairs may occur in each segment. In most Capitellidce more or less numerous pairs of nephridia are changed into genital tubes, which will be further described below, and it is always the anterior pairs of nephridia which undergo such a transformation. The permanent nephridia of Capitella are distin- guished by the fact that they possess, as a rule, more than one funnel. In the Terebelloidea the nephridia only occur in the thoracic region, and in strictly segmental arrangement. In this region the dissepiments are wanting, with the exception of a strongly developed diaphragm which divides the coelome of the thoracic region into an anterior and a posterior cavity. The nephridia of the anterior thoracic cavity function as organs of excretion ; those of the posterior conduct the genital products to the exterior. In Lanice conchilcga there is a very striking nephridial arrangement. The 3 pairs of nephridia of the anterior thoracic cavity do not emerge externally direct, but the 3 nephridia of each side enter a short nephridial duct which has a single external aperture. In a similar way the 4 nephridia of the posterior thoracic cavity enter on each side a longitudinal nephridial duct, which, however, has not 1 opening but 4. It may therefore be said that the 4 nephridia on each side are connected by a longitudinal canal. In the Cirratulidce, Serpulacea, and ffermella (Fig. 147, p. 221) an anterior sterile region and a posterior genital region may be distinguished, the genital products attaining development in the latter. In the anterior sterile region, which consists of a varying number of segments, only one pair of nephridia occurs^ This pair alone has an excretory function. They are long, and extend through several segments. In the Cirratulidce they emerge ventrally by separate apertures in the third segment ; in the Serpulacea and Hcrmella, however, they unite anteriorly to form an unpaired duct, which reaches the exterior near the extreme anterior part of the body in the dorsal middle line. In the genital region the nephridia are repeated in strictly segmental arrangement, and serve as genital tubes for conducting the sexual products to the exterior. In Sternaspis, two brown lobate bodies lying in the 5th and 6th segments are regarded as nephridia ; these possess neither a lumen nor an internal aperture, and end in the integument between the sixth and seventh segments. In the Ecliiuridce (Fig. 137, p. 207) there are two sorts of organs which have been considered as nephridia, the so-called segmental organs and the anal tubes. The segmental organs have quite the structure of the permanent Polychsetan nephridia, and we can hardly doubt their homology with the latter. They occur either in 2 pairs (JEchiurus), or 3 pairs (Thalassema), or unpaired and singly (Bonellia), and possess well -developed internal funnels. Their outer apertures lie behind the anterior hooked setae. Their principal function is the transmission of the genital products out of the body 'cavity. The anal tubes are 2 long tubes which on the one hand enter the VOL. I R 242 COMPAEA TIVR ANA TOMY CHAP. hind-gut, and on the other are in open communication with the body cavity by means of numerous ciliated funnel apertures, one of which always lies terminally. An excretory function is ascribed to them. Whether they represent a pair of modified nephridia cannot at present be decided. The fact that they are supplied with numerous funnel apertures ought not to stand in the way of sach a view, as typical permanent nephridia in the Polychceta (Capitella) and Oligochceta (Anachceta} may be provided with accessory funnels. Organs which may with certainty be pointed to as nephridia have until now not been observed in the Myzostomidse. The problem of the morphological relations between the permanent nephridia, the provisional trunk nephridia, and the embryonic head nephridia, is still unsolved. It is closely connected with the questions as to the significance of segmentation in the Annulate body and the morphological significance of the body cavity and the mesoderm. It is very probable that the permanent segmentally-arranged nephridia in all the Annulata are homologous. The histological difference between the nephridia of the Hirudinea and Oligochceta on the one hand and those of the Polychceta on the other, which consists in the fact that in the former the nephridia are perforated rows of cells and in the latter as a rule tubes with epithelial walls, would in that case be unessential, as also would be the absence or presence of branchings. It is further probable that the provisional trunk nephridia are morphologically equivalent to the permanent nephridia. They are distinguished from the latter only in that they appear earlier and disappear in proportion as the permanent nephridia appear and assume their functions. The homology between provisional trunk nephridia and permanent nephridia is supported by the circumstance that no case has as yet been known in which permanent nephridia have attained development in a segment where provisional nephridia have previously appeared and then disappeared. Capi- tella, in which in the tenth and eleventh segments both provisional and permanent nephridia develop, is an exception, but only an apparent exception, for we have seen that in this animal several pairs of permanent nephridia occur in one segment. It is probable that the embryonic head nephridia are homologous with the trunk nephridia (provisional and permanent). The whole nephridial apparatus would then have to be judged of in the following way. Originally a pair of nephridia occurs in each segment of the segmented Annulate body, even in the head segment. All the pairs of nephridia are segmentally homologous with each other. The larva or embryo of the now living Annulata consists of the embryonic head segment and the unsegmented rudiment of the trunk. The differentiation of the trunk occurs from before backward ; the first and oldest segment to be developed is the first trunk segment ; then follows the second trunk segment, and so on. In correspond- ence with this, the pair of nephridia of the head segment first appears (em- bryonic head kidneys), then the pairs of nephridia of the anterior trunk segments, several of which (provisional trunk nephridia) may degenerate gradually as new nephridia, the permanent trunk nephridia, begin to form behind them. The cause of the disappearance of the head and the provisional trunk nephridia in the course of development is perhaps to be found in the fact that the foremost body segments in the adult animal are crowded with organs (pharynx, brain, etc.) Besides this, in the whole animal kingdom organs which attain development very early and function during larval or embryonic life show a tendency to degenerate early, as if they were soon worn out. Further in the Oligochceta (excepting the LumbricMce) the nephridia in the genital segments degenerate when the various sexual organs attain development. iv VERMES— NEPHRIDIA 243 The nephridia as organs of excretion. — The original and most general function of the nephridia is that of excretion. The discharge of the excretory products occurs in two ways. The nephridia may either take up the excretory products direct out of the body fluid or out of the blood by means of the open funnels, or the excretory products may collect in the walls of the nephridia and thence reach the nephridial cavity. The nephridia are often surrounded by a rich net- work of blood-vessels which yield up to the nephridial walls the excretory material they contain. The nephridia as duets for the sexual products. — Since the nephridia establish an open means of communication between the body cavity and the outer world, an opportunity is offered to the sexual pro- ducts floating in the coelomic fluid to choose this way of reaching the exterior. , In the Polychceta the nephridia in fact act at the same time as sperm ducts and oviducts. In the simplest cases this new function does not bring about any marked variation in the form and struct- ure of the nephridia, the funnels at most showing slight enlargement at the time of sexual maturity. It often happens, however, that some of the nephridia act almost exclusively as sperm ducts and oviducts. Their funnels are then strikingly enlarged, while at the same time the (excretory) nephridial canal diminishes in size and becomes simplified. Some of the nephridia in the Capitellidce undergo even more profound modification. The funnel becomes enormously enlarged, and connected with the exterior by means of a new canal, which breaks through the body wall and opens outwardly through a genital pore, while at the same time the nephridial canal may become reduced and may quite disappear. Thus arise the genital tubes ; they act as ducts for the sexual products and as copulatory organs. The sperm ducts and oviducts of the Oligo- chceta have also long been considered as modified nephridia, and it can- not be denied that they show great agreement with nephridia in their structure and composition (funnel, canal, or duct and terminal vesicle) as well as in their development. Nevertheless it is a striking fact that in the Oligoclmta^ where the nQphridia occur in strictly segmental arrangement (one pair in each segment), either permanent (iMmbritidce) or provisional nephridia (other Oligochceta) are found in the genital segments also, side by side with the sperm ducts and oviducts. In Acanthodrilus, where 4 pairs of nephridia occur typically in each segment, there are also 4 pairs in the genital segments. These are difficulties which cannot be ignored in the way of establishing a homology between the oviducts and sperm ducts of the Oligochceta and nephridia. The ducts for the sexual products in the Hirudinea and Myzostvmidce can certainly not as yet be considered as modified nephridia. The phylogenetic origin of the nephridial system of the Annulata is still quite uncertain. There are three different views. According to one of these, the whole nephridial system of the Annulata corresponds with the water -vascular system of the Platodes and with the excretory system of the Nemertina, which (in the 244 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Triclada and certain Nemertina] already shows a more or less distinct segmentation, in that the efferent ducts are segmentally repeated. In all Platodes and Nemertina, however, longitudinal canals are present throughout the whole body or in the anterior part of the body, which can open externally through more or less distinctly paired and segmentally arranged ducts, whilst in all Annulata the nephridia are separate at their first appearance, and with a very few exceptions (Lanice) remain separate during life. While the water- vascular system of the Platodes is markedly branched, such branching is less marked even in the Nemertina, and in the Annulata (Oligochceta, Polychceta) is generally altogether wanting. This may be explained by the fact that in the parenchymatous Platodes the excretory organs have to seek out the excretory products all over the body, while the development of a blood- vascular system and a body cavity affords spaces for collecting these products, out of which the nephridia can take them direct. The nephridial funnel in the Annulata, which ontogenetically originates quite separately from the other parts of the nephri- dium, would then be a new adaptation, a collecting apparatus, suited for taking up the excretory material out of the blood sinuses or body cavity, and for discharging it through the nephridial canals. According to a second view, only the embryonic head kidneys of the Annulata correspond with the water-vascular system of the Platodes, with which they certainly often show a great structural resemblance. A third supposition is that the head kidneys of the Chcetopoda and the embryonic kidneys of the Hirudinea answer to the excretory organs of the Nemertina, while the permanent nephridia may have arisen from the efferent ducts of the ovaries and testes of the Nemertina. This last conjecture is opposed by the fact, which is: unanimously supported by all recent investigations, that the original function of the Annulatan nephridium is excretory, and that only secondarily some of the nephridia undertake the transmission of the sexual products. Prosopygia. — The number of the nephridia is everywhere in this class very small ; there are never more than two pairs. In the Sipun- culidce (Fig. 138, p. 208) there are two large tubular nephridia like the permanent nephridia of the Polychceta, especially of the Echiuridce. They emerge laterally at the limit between the proboscis and the trunk (near the anus). Less frequently (Phascolion) only one nephri- dium occurs. The nephridia, besides their excretory functions, serve as ducts for the transmission of the genital products. In Sipunculus anal tubes which enter the hind-gut have been observed, which are perhaps homologous with the anal tubes of the Echiuridce and the Priapulidce. The Priapulidce have only two richly-branched anal tubes emerging near the anus. At the blind ends of the branches are found terminal cells with long flagella projecting into the canals, simi- lar to those which are characteristic of the water- vascular system of the Platodes and of some of the embryonic head nephridia and the provisional trunk nephridia of the Annulata. The anal tubes of the Priapulidce' are said to act as excretory organs in youth, and in later stages as places of formation and ducts for the transmission of the sexual products. Phoronis possesses one pair of nephridia which open outwardly and anteriorly by two lateral apertures, and besides their excretory function also undertake the transmission of the genital products out of the body cavity. Among the Bryozoa nephridia have till now been found only in the Endoprocta. They are paired IV VERMES— NEPHRIDIA 245 nt canals like the embryonic head nephridia of the Annulata, which issue between mouth and anus rc~ into the so - called vesti- bulum. The Brachiopoda (Fig. 150, p. 226) possess one pair, less frequently (Rhynchonella) two pairs like those permanent ne- phridia which in the Poly- chceta, Sipunculidce, and Phoronis discharge the sexual products. They emerge to the right and left of the mouth into the mantle cavity. Rotatoria and Dino- philus. — Dinophilus gyro- ciliatus(Fig. 162) possesses five pairs of nephridia, In which show a remarkable agreement with the provi- sional trunk nephridia of certain Polyclmta (Nereis cuUrifera, Fig. 159, p. 239). They lie one behind the other in the trunk region in those segments which are outwardly indicated and demarcated by ciliated rings. The nephridia of the Rotatvrici (Fig. 161) consist of two looped, and in certain places much con- voluted canals, which run longitudinally near the intestine ; these open into the cloaca, generally forming a contractile terminal vesicle. The longitudinal canals usually have short accessory hrflnrhps whosp ends FlG< ^--Organisation of Hydatina senta, after Plate. j 11^ -1 -i ro' Wheel or§an ; nt> nePMdial ciliated cells 5 n> nephridia ; (ciliated lobes, Vlbratlle Ph, pharynx ; md, gastric glands ; m, stomach ; ds, vitel- Seem tO be COn- laruim; fcs, germarium ; c&, outline of the contractile vesicle; li'l^-P thp PTirk of ^.hind-Sut;«.uterus;a.anus;/^cementorPedalS1ands; Ui It, lateral feeler ; In, nerve of the same ; e, advanced egg. the water-vascular system of the Platodes, and of the embryonic head nephridia of the 246 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. ill / Annulata. This correspondence indeed is apparent in the whole nephridium. The only organs which can perhaps be pointed to as transformed nephridia in the Chcetognatha are the ovi- ducts and the sperm ducts; these are paired tubes, the oviducts opening out- wardly, at the posterior end of the trunk segment, the sperm ducts in the tail segment by paired lateral apertures. The latter are provided with funnel-like ciliated inner apertures. X. Respiratory Organs. In many worms no specific respiratory organs are developed. Respiration is performed by means of the integument, and also often by the walls of the intestine. The general ciliation of the body in the Nemertina is of great assistance for respira- tion in water. In the Hirudinea and many Oligochce-ta cutaneous respiration is facilitated by the presence in the integu- ment of numerous fine blood-vessels. But we can only speak of specific respiratory organs where definite organs have been developed whose exclusive or most im- portant function is respiration. Among the Hirudinea we see in Pontobdella the integumental capillaries of the blood - FIG. 162.— organisation of Dino- vascular system already localised in eleva- md pharynx ; 'phd, pharyngeai glands ; n, therefore be called the branchial papillae. nephridia; md, mid-gut; wk, ciliated jn Bmnchellwn each ring carries on each rings ; o. ovarium ; an, anus ; ed, hind- . -, •, -IT •> • , i ' t gu1r side a branched appendage into which blood-vessels enter. Specific respiratory organs are wanting in the Oligochceta and the Archiannelida. Among the Oligochceta, only the insufficiently known Alma nilotica possesses branchial appendages at the posterior part of the body. The Polychceta, on the contrary, are pretty generally supplied with gills, which are usually branched appendages of the Parapodia (Fig. 124, p. 188 ; Fig. 158, p. 237); these in some cases, however, may emancipate themselves from the parapodia and may be independently inserted on the back. The comparative morphology of the gills of the Polychceta has not yet been thoroughly worked out. We may perhaps at once distinguish two sorts of gills — lymph gills and blood gills. The lymph gills are processes of the parapodia which are distinct from iv VERMES— RESPIRATORY ORGANS 247 the parapodial cirri ; they may occur simultaneously on the ventral and dorsal parapodia. They are found in the Capitellidce and the Glyceridce, and in the absence of a separate blood-vascular system are provided with continuations of the body cavity carrying haemolymph. The blood gills, on the contrary, are often branched appendages of the parapodia which are penetrated throughout by blood-vessels. We can again distinguish two sorts of blood gills — dorsal gills and cephalic gills. The dorsal gills are transformed cirri of the dorsal parapodia, or transformed lateral off-shoots of such cirri. They occur, like the para- podia themselves, in segmental order, but may often attain development only in certain regions of the body (branchial regions). The cephalic gills, on the other hand, which we meet with specially in tubicolous Annelids, are transformed tentacles or feeler-cirri of the head, and often form a beautiful crown of gills or tentacles projecting above the aperture of the tube. These crowns are at the same time also the seat of a fine sense of touch, and, further, organs for the drawing in of nourishment. In the Sabellidce, (Branchiomma) eyes may be developed on the cephalic gills. Where gills attain development they are almost always either ciliated or mobile, so that a constant exchange of the respirable medium, oxygenated water, is secured. In the thoracic membrane of the Serpulidce there is a rich network of vessels, and this no doubt has a respiratory significance. In Sternaspis, on each side of the anus, there is a tuft of filamentous gills. We do not find special respiratory organs in the Myzostomidce, the Chcetognatha, and the Rotatoiia, in whom a blood- vascular system also is wanting. In all these forms cutaneous respira- tion must take place, facilitated in the wheel animalculae by the activity of the wheel organ. The cutaneous respiration in the Echmridce is principally localised in the prostomium. In the Prosopygia the tentacles which stand round the mouth, or the oral arms furnished with cirri (Brachiopoda) chiefly act as gills, and these organs are either penetrated by blood-vessels (Phoronis, Brachiopoda?) or supplied with canal or vessel-like processes of the body cavity (Sipunculidce, Bryozoa). In the Brachiopoda the inner surface of the mantle has in all cases an addi- tional respiratory significance. The Priapulidce among the Sipunculacea possess no oral tentacles; in them respiration takes place through the integument. Besides this, however, there can be little doubt that in Priapulus the deeply-lobed caudal appendage into which, in the absence of a blood- vascular system, a continuation of the body cavity extends, may be regarded as a respiratory organ. Just as the cutaneous respiration may be concentrated in certain localised parts of the integument, in which places the principle of in- increase of surface is applied, accompanied by a richer vascularisation, the enteric respiration also may be localised. The accessory intestine which is found in some Polyclmta and Sipunculacea is said to represent such a respiratory portion of the enteric canal. Respiratory organs are wanting in the Nemathelminths. 248 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. XL Blood-Vascular System. There is no organic system in the worms which is so variable as the blood-vascular system. It is sometimes wanting, sometimes highly- developed. We even find that it may be wanting in certain groups whose nearest relations possess it. Thus, as we find a blood-vascular system sometimes present, sometimes absent, in the most different orders of the most different classes, its small morphological worth is evident. Even where worms are supplied with a circulatory apparatus it varies so much in structure that no morphological comparison is possible, at any rate at present. Nemertina (Fig. 157, p. 235). — In this class of the Fermes for the first time in the animal kingdom we meet with a blood- vascular system. In the Paleonemertina (excepting Falendniidce and Polliidce) it consists of 2 lateral vascular trunks, uniting posteriorly above the intestine, and anteriorly entering a lacunar system, which likewise establishes communication between them. In the Schizwiemertina (with the Polliidce and Valendniidce) there are 3 longi- tudinal vessels, 2 lateral, and 1 medio- dorsal which lies above the intestine, in the proboscidal region between the proboscis and the intestine. The 3 vessels become lacunar anteriorly, and communicate above and below the proboscis sheath. In the rest of the body they are connected together by transverse vessels. The same is the case in the Hoplonemertina, only a lacunar system is here wanting, and the vascular system is completely closed. The blood is colourless or contains red blood corpuscles. The vessels are lined with endothelium and occasionally have muscular walls. Nemathelminthes. — The Nematoda have no vessels. In the Acanthocephala, throughout the whole subcuticle, a peculiar network of canals extends, whose morphological and physiological significance is still little understood. The system of canals, which are hollow spaces without walls of their own, running in the very much thickened subcuticle, consists of 2 completely separate parts — the canal system of the trunk and the canal system of the neck, the proboscis, and the lemnisci. In the trunk canal system we find 2 specially distinct longitudinal trunks which run either laterally, or dorsally and ven- trally. The neck, head, and lemniscal canal system enters a circular canal situated at the base of the neck. The lemnisci (Fig. 172, /, p. 258 ) are two pouches, generally of a brown colour, which hang from the base of the neck into the body cavity and are processes or appendages of the subcuticle of the neck. A canal enters each lemniscus from the circular canal, and divides into two branches directly after entering ; these branches run longitudinally through the lemniscus. Besides these, narrower canals also occur in the lemnisci. Annulata. — The Hirudinea and the Chcetopoda are separated by sharp and radical differences in the blood-vascular system. In the Myzostomidce blood-vessels are altogether wanting. IV VERMES— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 249 dm. Hirudinea. — In describing the body cavity we have already drawn attention to the difficulty of distinguishing it from the blood-vascular system. We are, besides, not certain that these are two originally separate systems, and it seems almost necessary to consider the whole to- gether. There occur al- most universally 4 longi- tudinal vessels (Fig. 163) —1 dorsal, lying over the intestine, 1 ventral, in which the ventral chord lies, and 2 lateral, which in many cases pulsate. Of these 4 vessels the ventral one (ventral sinus) may best be considered as the , ,. -, -j FIG. 163.— Transverse section through Hirudo, diagram- principal part 01 a reduced matic> m> Circular;musculature ; Im, longitudinal muscular body cavity. The dorsal layer ; vl, lateral vessels ; np, looped canals (nephridia) ; vd, Vessel is wanting in Ne- dorsal vessel ; ^m> dorso-ventral musculature ; enp, terminal ° vesicle of the nephridia ; 6m, ventral chord ; vv, ventral pliehs and some land vessel ; A, testes ; vd, vas deferens ; md, mid-gut. leeches. The longitudinal vessels are connected together, chiefly at the anterior and posterior ends of the body, by fine vascular branchings. Such a connection also takes place in various ways in other parts of the body. The peripheral vascular system consists principally of 2 well -developed systems of branched and often anastomosing capillaries, one of which lies in the integument and penetrates into the body epithelium, the other spreading out over the intestine. The excretory and sexual organs are richly supplied with blood-vessels. In -w Nephelis (Fig. 164) and land leeches there are, in connection with the anas- tomoses between the lateral and ventral vessels, ampullae or blood vesicles in segmental arrangement, one on each side (land leech) or two together (Nephelis). FIG. i64.-vascuiar system in 4 In Branchellion on each side, at the base segments of the middle part of the of every third gill, there is a blood sinus, Ventral vMsef^S lateraf Basel's • *a' ^^6116(1 into a Vesicle. The blood 6V6ry- ampuiise. ' where contains colourless amoeboid cor-, puscles, and often free nuclei. In the Gnathobdellidce the blood is red. Haemoglobin is found dissolved in the blood plasm. By the presence of one dorsal and two lateral vessels, the blood- 250 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. vascular system of the Hirudinea recalls that of the Nemertina. They also agree in the possession of blood sinuses. The vascular system of the Chcetopoda is strikingly different from that of the Hirudinea. It is entirely separate from the body cavity. Both the lateral vessels of the Hirudinea are wanting. The most important and constant parts of the Chceto- podan circulatory apparatus are : (l^M^medio-dorsal longitudin^Bj^ssel and (2) a medio-venpil longitudinal vessel (Fig. 165). The first is mostly contractile ; in it the blood streams from behind forwards ; it lies over the intestine, some- times nearer the latter, sometimes nearer the body wall. The second is not FIG. 165.— Transverse section through a Lumbricus, diagrammatic. Ih, Body cavity ; eg, chloragogen cells ; contractile ; in it the blood rm, circular musculature ; lm, longitudinal musculature ; gleams from before back- dv, dorsal vessel ; ty, typhlosolis ; vt, typhlosolis vessel ; np, nephridia ; vv, ventral vessel ; vln, lateral vessel of the ventral chord ; bm, ventral chord with the neurochord tubes ; vvn, sub-neural vessel ; bm, 2 setae of the ventral row ; U, 2 of the lateral row. ward. It lies in the body cavity, below the intestine and above the ventral chord, approaching sometimes the one, sometimes the other. In the details of the arrangement, develop- ment, and course of the vessels there is extraordinary variety, which makes it impossible to describe them briefly and comprehensively. In a very simple case the ventral vessel divides at the anterior end of the body into 2 branches, which, surrounding the fore-gut, enter the anterior end of the dorsal vessel. The dorsal and ventral vessels are further connected in each segment by lateral vascular loops ; it is from these especially that branches proceed to the body wall. Vessels coming from a vascular network surrounding the intestine also enter the dorsal vessel ; this network in many cases may be replaced by a blood sinus lying between the epithelial and the muscular walls of the intestine. The blood in the vessels of the Chcetopoda is generally red, and contains colourless corpuscles. The following are brief descriptions of the. blood- vascular systems of an Oligochcetan and of a Polychcetan (arbitrarily selected). Lumbricus (Fig. 166) (as an example of the Oligochceta). — There are 5 longi- tudinal vessels ; first a medio - dorsal vessel ; — second and third 2 medio - ventral vessels, one of which lies under the intestine and above the ventral chord, and represents the ventral vessel which is always found in the Chcetopoda, while the other is much finer and runs under the ventral chord, the former is known as the ventral vessel, and the latter as the sub-neural vessel ;— fourth and fifth, 2 delicate VERMES— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 251 vd vessels which accompany the ventral chord throughout its whole length, running to the right and left of it ; these are the lateral vessels of the ventral chord. The sub-neural vessel is connected with the lateral vessels of the ventral chord at intervals by transverse anastomoses. The dorsal vessel, near the mid-gut, has segmental swellings, so that it here assumes the form of a string of beads. In the genital segments it is connected with the ven- tral vessel by 5 pairs of wider pouch-like contractile vascular loops, the so-called hearts. In the region of the mid-gut the dorsal vessel gives rise in each seg- ment to 3 pairs of vessels. The first pair run laterally in the body cavity and enter the sub -neural vessel. They give off in their course vessels to the body wall and the integument, and further, in the lower part of their course, anasto- moses to the ventral vessel and the lateral vessels of the ventral chord. The two posterior pairs run on the intestine where they break up into an extremely rich and close network. The typhlo- solis and the muscular stomach are also supplied from the dorsal vessel. An- teriorly, between the third and fourth pairs of hearts, there arises from the dorsal vessel on each side a vascular trunk, whose complicated branches sup- ply the anterior part of the body, the intestine, the body wall, the first pair of Morren's glands, the pharynx, the oesophagus, etc. ; these are also con- nected with the ventral and sub -neural vessels. In each segment the ventral vessel gives rise to a lateral pair of ves- sels, which branch in the body wall and the integument. These branches anas- tomose in that part of the body which contains the stomach intestine with the branches arising in each segment from the first pair of lateral vessels of the dorsal vessel, which latter maintain a communication between the dorsal ves- sel and the sub-neural vessel. The ventral and dorsal vessels give off branches to the extreme anterior end of the body, which ramify in the body wall and pharynx. The ventral vessel further divides at its anterior end into 2 branches, which pene- trate to the brain and so form an oesophageal ring. The contractile part of the blood-vascular system possesses muscular walls. Nephthys scolopendroides (Fig. 167) may be taken as an example of a Polychcctan with homonomous segmentation of the body. We find here the two most important typical vessels, the dorsal and the ventral. Both lie close to the wall of the FIG. 16*5.— Anterior portion of the body of Lumbricus terrestris, opened, to show the vascu- sperm sacs ; ph, pharynx ; aft, seminal vesicles ; vd, dorsal vessel ; vv, ventral vessel ; vsn, subrieural vessel; vln> lateral vessels of the ventral chord; bun, ventral chord; h, contractile vascular loops (hearts) between the dorsal and ventral vessels. 252 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. intestine. From the posterior end of the pharynx to the end of the body the dorsal vessel gives rise in each segment to a pair of lateral vessels, which run to the body wall and especially to the dorsal branch of the parapodia and there ramify. Soon after its rise out of the dorsal vessel each lateral vessel gives off a branch to the enteric wall, this branch there forming a rich vascular network. At the foremost end of the mid-gut the dorsal vessel shows a slight swelling ; it then leaves the intestine and runs along the inner side of the body wall in the region where the pharynx lies to the extreme anterior end of the body. It here divides into 2 branches, which run backwards, to pass into the anterior end of the ventral vessel at the posterior end of the pharyngeal region. The departure from the general plan of the principal vessels in the pharyngeal region is evidently caused by the great development of the pharynx. • If they lay as close to the pharynx as they do to the intes- tine in the rest of the body, they would be broken by its protrusion. The ventral vessel gives rise in each segment to a pair of lateral vessels, which run along to the base of the ventral branches of the parapodia, passing into the latter and there rami- fying. A connection between the lateral branches of the dorsal vessel and the lateral branches of the ventral vessel takes place in the following way. Between the dorsal and ventral branches of a parapodium there runs on each side a vessel which ramifies on one side in the dorsal branch, on the other in the ventral branch. These ramifications of the connecting vessels anastomose with the ramifications of the dorsal or ventral lateral vessels. On the ventral side of each dorsal parapodial branch a sickle-shaped gill is inserted. Two vessels from the vascular system of the dorsal parapodial branch enter the gill, and with many windings and anastomoses run through its whole length. Besides the dorsal and ventral vessels, Nephthys possesses also two extremely delicate lateral vessels of the ventral chord, which are connected by fine branches with the lateral branches of the ventral vessel. This arrangement of the blood- vascular system can, however, only to a very limited extent be considered typical of the Polychceta. In the different families, indeed, very great variations are to be found. The blood- vascular system is extraordinarily plastic. It follows the smallest modifications in the structure and arrangement of the other organs of the body. Its special form is above all dependent on the arrangement and development of the gills. In the Terebellidce the dorsal vessel forms in the anterior part of the body a tubular pulsating heart, which is narrowed anteriorly, and which supplies the gills lying on the most anterior body segments with blood-vessels. At its posterior end it splits into two branches, which encircle the intestine. These branches unite below the intestine to form a sub-intestinal vessel which runs a certain distance backwards over the ventral vessel. Then the sub-intestinal vessel FIG. 167.— Part of a transverse section through a segment of the body of Nephthys, diagrammatic, to demonstrate the arrangement of the blood-vessels (partly after J.aquet). dp, Dorsal ; vp, ventral para- podium, with bundles of setae and supporting seta ; vd, dorsal vessel ; vv, ventral vessel ; gin, lateral vessels of the ventral chord ; vg, connecting vessel between the dorsal and ventral parapodia ; d, intestine ; Inn, ventral chord ; k, gills ; kg, branchial vessels. iv VERMES— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 253 again divides into two branches, which encircle the intestine and again unite in the dorsal middle line to form a dorsal vessel running to the extreme posterior end of the body. In the Cirratulidce (Chcetozone}, at the posterior region of the body where there are no gills, a separate dorsal vessel and an enteric vascular plexus are both wanting. They are here replaced by a blood sinus which continuously surrounds the intestine inside its muscular wall. This sinus is continued anteriorly into a strong pulsating dorsal vessel (heart) which runs through the whole branchial region and gives off vessels to the gills directly or indirectly. In the Serpulidce the enteric canal is generally embedded along its whole length in a blood sinus, and a dorsal vessel is wanting. Lateral vessels frequently run along the sides of the intestine, and are connected by segmentally arranged transverse loops with the ventral vessel, and in the case of Serpulidce provided with a thoracic membrane these lateral vessels give off branches segmentally to this membrane which break up in it into extraordinarily numerous and fine ramifications. In the Serpulidce, where the gills are developed exclusively in the head segment, each branchial filament is penetrated by a single vessel, and the afferent and efferent blood passages first separate at the bases of the gills. In nearly all other Polychccta we can distinguish afferent and efferent vessels (branchial arteries and branchial veins) which pass into each other at the ends of the branchial filaments. In the Capitellidce and Glyceridce a blood- vascular system separate from the body cavity is wanting. The blood mingles with the ccelomic fluid (hsemolymph). In Mastobranchus alone there are still found rudiments of a' blood sinus surrounding the intestine. In many Polychccta there is found, in that broader part of the dorsal vessel which is called the heart, a strand, generally of a brown colour, lying freely in its lumen. This is called the heart body. Its function is not yet clear. In Chcetozone 3 such bodies are found. The blood-vascular system of the Echiuridce (Fig. 137, p. 207) is very simple. It consists of a . ventral vessel running through the whole body and lying above the ventral chord. Behind the mouth this vessel divides (like the ventral chord) into 2 branches which, embracing the mouth between them, pass along the 2 sides of the prostomium to its extreme anterior end, where they unite (like the 2 limbs of the oesophageal ring). A dorsal vessel arises from the point of junction, which, running backwards, traverses the prostomium and then runs along the fore-gut to the posterior end of the crop. Here it divides into 2 limbs, embracing the intestine, and these enter the ventral vessel together. The dorsal vessel is thus con- nected with the ventral vessel by 2 pairs of loops— one anterior, represented by the lateral vessels of the prostomium, and one posterior, at the limit between the fore-gut and the mid-gut. The dorsal vessel is not continued back over the fore-gut. Prosopygla. — A vascular system is wanting in the Priapulidce among the Sipunculacea, and in all Bryozoa. In Sipunculus there are two vessels, one dorsal and the other ventral, which accompany the fore-gut. Both end posteriorly near the place where the proboscis retractors are attached to the body wall. Anteriorly they enter a sinus which lies in front of the brain at the base of the tentacle crown, encircles the oral cavity, and is in communication with the inner cavities of the tentacles. By the contraction of the dorsal and ventral vessels the fluid they contain is forced into the circular sinus, and from it into the tentacles, which consequently extend and expand. The elements which float in the coelomic fluid are met with in the vascular fluid, so that an open communication between the body cavity and the vascular system probably exists. In Phoronis there is a closed blood- 254 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. vascular system with red blood corpuscles. A dorsal blood-vessel conducts the blood into a vessel which runs along the base of the tentacle crown and gives off branches to the tentacles. Other branches conduct the blood back into a second vascular ring which runs on the outer side of the former. A vessel rises from each side of the external vascular ring, which unites with that from the other side under the oesophagus, and runs back as ventral vessel asymmetrically in the left chamber of the body cavity; this vessel has -numerous lateral caeca. Besides these vessels there is a blood sinus around the stomach intestine. All the vessels are contractile. The opinions of the most recent investigators as to the blood- vascular system of the Bmcliiopoda vary greatly. Some deny the existence of any circulatory apparatus. There is only, they say, a system of sinuses belonging to the body cavity. Other investigations confirm the old view according to which, in some Brachiopoda a contractile tubular heart lies above the stomach, and a vein arising from the heart over the fore-gut. There are also said to be vessels in the arms, and also vessels called genital arteries. A blood-vascular system is wanting in the Rotatoria, Dinophilus, and the Chcetognatha. XII. Genital Organs. Division of the sexes generally prevails among the worms. The exceptions to this rule, apart from single cases, are the Hirudinea, Oligochceta, Myzostomidce, Chcetognatha, Phwonis, and many Bryozoa. Nemertina. — The genital apparatus (Fig. 135, p. 205) is here very simple. The ovaries in the female and the testes in the male are present in large numbers, and are found in the shape of small sacs in adult animals throughout that region of the body through which the mid-gut runs. They lie in the parenchyma (jelly) under the mus- culature. Each ovary and each testis, at the time of sexual maturity, becomes directly connected with the exterior by means of a special duct. The genital glands on each side generally lie in a longitudinal row in such a way that between two consecutive diverticula of the intestine there always lies an ovary or a testicle. They are therefore more or less regularly metameric in their arrangement, in cor- respondence with the more or less regular metameric arrangement of the enteric diverticula themselves. In some Nemertina there are also genital glands scattered about the parenchyma, each gland, however, has an independent external aperture. In this arrangement we find great agreement with the Turbellaria (especially the Polydada and Triclada). In the latter, however, the oviducts and sperm ducts arising from the genital glands unite to form common channels of exit. Nemathelminths. — 1. Nematoda. — The male genital apparatus is unpaired, and emerges at the posterior end of the body in the cloaca ; the female apparatus is paired, and emerges externally on the ventral IV VERMES— GENITAL ORGANS 255 side in front of the anus, generally near the middle of the body. The male genital apparatus (Fig. 168) is a single continuous tube, lying in the body cavity, which falls into several divisions between its blind inner end and its external aperture. The testicle division FIG. 168.— Ascaris lumbricoides, male genital apparatus, after Vogt and Yung, sf, Lateral lines ; h, testes ; d, intestine ; sb, sperm vesi- cle ; Tel, cloaca ; de, ductus ejacula- torius. FIG. 169.— Ascaris lumbricoides, female genital apparatus, after Vogt and Yung, wo, Female aper- ture ; v, vagina ; sf, lateral lines ; d, intestine ; u, uterus ; o, ovaries ; ov, oviducts. forms a thin much twisted tube into which a solid axis (rachis) projects from the blind end ; attached to this rachis the sperm cells are found at different stages of development. The germ layer lies at the blind solid end of the testicle tube. The nearer we approach to the efferent duct the more advanced are the stages of develop- ment and ripeness of the spermatozoa. The testicle division passes into a shorter, wider, pouch -shaped division, the sperm vesicle, 256 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. and this emerges by a short and narrow terminal piece, the duetus ejaeulatorius, into the cloaca. Above the duetus ejaculatorius there often lie two elongated sacs, invaginations of the cloaca. Each sac contains a chitinous spiculum. In copulation the spicula may be protruded from the cloacal aperture by special muscles attached to the spicular sacs. In the female genital apparatus (Fig. 169) each of the paired genital tubes repeats in essentials the divisions of the male apparatus. The extraordinarily long ovarial tube lies in numerous windings in the body cavity. In its axis there also lies a rachis, to which the young eggs are attached. The ovarial tube is continued into a wider part, the uterus, at whose commencement fertilisation generally takes place, that is if the eggs have not already been fertilised in that terminal portion of the ovarian tube into which the rachis does not reach. The uterus contains fertilised eggs in the first stages of their segmentation, and even young embryos. The two uteri unite at their ends and pass into a short common terminal division, the vagina, which is often muscular, and opens outwardly in the ventral middle line through the female genital aperture. 2. Gordiidse. — The genital apparatus of the Gordiidce is quite different from that of the Nematoda. The male apparatus also is paired. The male and female genital apertures emerge into the last division of the intestine (cloaca). The female genital glands (Fig. 170) are lobed ovaries which lie in large numbers in pairs one behind the other on both sides of the dorsal mesentery. They are developed very late at the expense of the mesodermal cells, which in the young Gordiidse almost entirely fill the body cavity. Some of the eggs which ripen in the ovaries reach the body cavity, entirely filling its lateral chambers and so forming those masses of eggs which were formerly erroneously considered to be ovaries. The further fate of these eggs is not known. Another portion of the eggs, however, pass out of the ovaries into two tubes lined with epithelium which lie in the dorsal mesentery. These tubes, which might be called uteri, run backwards, and when approach- ing the posterior end of the body become narrow and bend round as oviducts to the ventral side, where they enter a pear-shaped glandular accessory organ of the small degenerating cloaca, the atrium. There is further an unpaired vesicle, the receptaeulum se iis, placed under ^__iOT_^^^ md BD Fio. 170.— Transverse section through Gordius, after Vejdovsky. Ih, Body cavity ; c, cuticle ; hy, hypo- dermis ; u, uterus ; Im, longitudinal musculature ; et, endothelium of the body cavity ; ov, ovarium ; mes, mesenteries ; md, mid-gut ; bm, ventral chord. VERMES— GENITAL ORGANS 257 li the posterior part of the uterus ; this is connected with the atrium, and during copulation becomes filled with spermatozoa. In the male genital apparatus the actual testes have not yet been found. The other parts correspond with the various divisions of the female appar- atus. We can distinguish sperm sacs (corresponding with the uteri of the female), sperm duets, and the well-developed cloaca, a flask- shaped organ whose terminal part can be evaginated. There is no organ corresponding with the receptaculum of the female. 3. Acanthoeephala ; Female Apparatus (Fig. 171). — In quite young animals the ovaries are enclosed in the ligament by means of which the genital apparatus is suspended from the base of the proboscis sheath. Masses of eggs (swimming ovaries) early u — I- j reach the body cavity, probably by the bursting of the ligament, and in sexually mature animals are there present in great numbers together with single detached eggs. From the body cavity they are transmitted to the exterior by a muscular apparatus which is of very complicated structure, although consisting of a limited, but for each species definite and constant, number of muscle cells. We distinguish in it first an apparatus for swallowing the ova, the uterus bell, to the bottom of which the posterior, end of the ligament is attached. It is in open communication with the body cavity by means of a large anterior and a small posterior aperture. It alternately expands and contracts, and thus draws in the eggs which float in the coelomic fluid. From the uterus bell the eggs pass into the anterior apertures of two short canals which are called oviducts. The oviducts FlG 17L_Female genitai appar- emerge into a tubular unpaired division, atus of an Echinornynchus, vagina ; u'°> female aper' 1 , . , , , . . , ture ; o, ovaries ; U, ligament. The Unripe eggS Which have been drawn in With arrows indicate the course taken by the others are returned to the body cavity. the esgs in passing from the body Male Apparatus (Fig. 172, p. 258).- Two, or less frequently three, testes lie in the ligament. Each is continued in thj form of a sperm duet. Each of these sperm ducts has three pouch-like invaginations along its course (sperm vesicles). Posteriorly they -unite to form one common muscular vas deferens, which enters the ~^irsa at the point of a conical muscular projecting VOL. I S 258 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP, penis. The bursa is a spacious sac-like invagination of the posterior end of the body which can be evaginated in copulation. Three pairs of cement glands are generally con- nected with the male apparatus, their ducts entering the terminal division of the vas deferens (ductus ejaculatorius). Annulata. — The Hirudinea are hermaphrodite. Their male genital apparatus (Fig. 173) has the following general structure. Several testes lie in pairs segmentally arranged in the middle region of the body, generally between the consecutive lateral diver- ticula of the mid-gut, within the muscu- lar septa separat- ing these diverti- cula • the testes thus divide these septa into anterior and posterior lam- ellae. A short effer- ent duct arises from each testis. The ducts of all the consecutive testes of one side emerge into a vas FIG. 172.— Representation, partly dia- deferens which grammatic, of the organisation of a male Qei Echinorhynchus. r, Proboscis with barbed runs through the hooks, protruded ; rm, retractor muscles of -whole length of the proboscis; rs, proboscis sheath; rn, ,, fpqfl-pip rpo-irm proboscis nerves ; g, cerebral ganglion ; re, tne testicle region, retinacula; li, ligament; sn, longitudinal 111 front of the nerves; h, testes; vd, vas deferens; *6, most anterior tes- vesiculse seminales'; Ted, cement glands ; gg, . , common vas deferens ; gag, genital gan- tlS the tWO glion ; bs, bursa ; mo, male genital aperture ; deferentia Ih, body cavity ; p, penis ; I, lemnisci. FIG. 173.— Genital or- gans of Hirudo. p, Penis ; mo, male ; wo, female geni- tal aperture ; ov, ovaries ; h, testicles; vd, vas de- ferens. vasa con- verge towards the middle line, here to open outwardly by a common aperture, or in some cases by a common unpaired copulatory apparatus (penis). The number of testes may in some cases be greatly increased (Nephelis, Lumbricobdella}, and this probably results from the subdivision of each testis into several vesicles. Complications often occur in the last portion of the vasa deferentia. For example, in Hirudo, the vas deferens, before entering the penis through a short terminal passage, forms a tangled coil on each side. Glands are often connected with the penis. The male genital aperture in Hirudo is in the 10th segment, between the 30th and 31st rings. The female genital apparatus (Fig. 173) lies behind the male aperture, and generally between the vasa deferentia. It consists of iv VERMES— GENITAL ORGANS 259 two ovaries. From each ovary an oviduct arises, which, joining that of the other side, passes into a sac -like muscular terminal division, the vagina (Gnathobdellidce), or opens outwardly direct (Rhynchobdellidce). In the land leeches (Lumbricobdella, Cylicobdella] the oviducts remain separate until they enter the vagina. The ovaries here occur in numbers as swellings of the oviducts. In the Rhynchobdellidce the ovaries are elongated sacs ; in the aquatic Gnathobdellidce they are short and lobed, and usually contained in a round sac. In Hirudo the ducts unite, some distance before entering the vagina, to form a common oviduct, into which numerous glands (albumen glands) enter. The female aperture of Hirudo lies in the llth segment, between the 35th and 36th rings. The arrangement of the hermaphrodite genital apparatus of the Hirudinea vividly recalls the conditions which prevail in the Turbellaria (Polydada and Triclada). Oligoehseta. — The sexual, but more especially the transmitting, organs of the Oligochceta are so completely different from those of the Hirudinea, that it is not possible at present to refer the two to one common type. Testes and ovaries are always very few in number ; the former occur in one or two pairs, the latter in a single pair. The former always lie in front of the latter. The collective male and female genital apparatus occupies a limited number of segments in the anterior part of the body. The segments lying between the 9th and 1 4th generally form the genital zone. Less frequently (Aphanoneura, Chcetogastridce) the genital organs lie farther to the front. While in the Hirudinea, Nemertina, and Nematoda the egg and sperm passages are, as in the Platodes, direct canal-like continuations of the ovaries and testes, they are, in the Oligochceta, separated from the first from the germ glands, and show much agreement with nephridia in their structure. They are there- fore pretty generally regarded as nephridia which have assumed the function of conducting the genital products out of the body. We must not, nevertheless, forget that the sperm ducts and oviducts, even if they really are transformed nephridia, must in the segments referred to represent supernumerary nephridia, since, in the adult Lumbricidce and in the young stages of other Oligochceta, besides the oviducts and sperm ducts, typical nephridia occur in the genital segments as well as in the rest of the body. In the male genital ap- paratus we must distinguish three parts, viz. the testes, the sperm sacs/ and the sperm ducts. In the lAimbricidce there are almost always two pairs of testes, while the rest of the Oligochceta only possess one pair. The testes seem everywhere to break up at an early stage into the formative cells of the spermatozoa, so that in adult sexually mature animals they are retained at the best as rudiments. The sperm formative cells are early gathered into special sperm sacs, in which they develop further and produce the ripe spermatozoa. These sperm sacs, formerly regarded as testes, are large vesicles which develop on the dissepiments of the testicle segments as sac -like 260 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. outgrowths of their posterior lamellae. They are divided internally by lamellae into numerous compartments and chambers, in which the developing spermatozoa lie, and are in open communication with the body cavity. The manner in which the sperm formative cells pass out of the testes into the sperm sacs is not known. The sperm sacs, even in nearly related genera and species, differ considerably in their number and special arrangement. In some Lumbricidce a middle unpaired portion is formed, a sperm capsule, and the sperm sacs then appear merely as paired appendages to this capsule. In the Chcetogastridce alone no sperm sacs are developed. FIG. 174.— Lumbricus agricola. Genital organs, after Vogt and Yung. To the right the sperm sacs and a part of the unpaired sperm capsule are removed, fern, Ventral chord ; sti, st«, receptacula seminis ; ^, U, sperm funnels ; sbu, unpaired sperm capsule ; di, dissepiments cut off at their bases ; vd, vas deferens ; to, funnels of the oviducts ; o, ovaries ; ov, oviduct ; dti, part of the dissepiment between the 13th and 14th segments ; s&i, sb-2, s&3> paired sperm sacs ; fcj, ho, testes ; VIII-XV, 8th to 15th segments. The sperm formative cells in this family develop fully in the body cavity, and the ripe spermatozoa are collected direct out of the coelomic fluid by the funnels of the sperm ducts. Each sperm duet consists of a preseptal funnel, and of a duct which penetrates the septum and opens externally through a widened terminal division, the atrium (arising by an invagination of the outer integument). Where only one pair of testes is present there is generally only one pair of sperm ducts. This is the case in the Naidomorpha, Chcetogastridce, TuUficidce, and Enchitraeidce. In other Oligochceta, however, especially those which live on land, and in most Lumbriculidce, there are two pairs of sperm ducts. In this case all the four ducts are either entirely iv VERMES— GENITAL ORGANS 261 distinct from each other, or else the anterior and posterior ducts on each side enter a common atrium (many Lurnbriculidce), or the ducts of each side unite to form a common duct, which opens outwardly without the formation of an atrium (Lumbricidce). The sperm funnels lie in the same segments as the testes. In those Lumbricidce which have a median sperm capsule they lie in it. Female Genital Apparatus. — This consists of the two ovaries, the two oviducts and reeeptaeula seminis. The eggs either ripen in the ovaries, or the ovaries fall into a few groups of egg cells. Only one cell in each group then develops into an egg. The eggs occasionally pass out of the ovaries into special egg sacs corresponding to the sperm sacs, and pass out from these through the oviducts. In many of the lower Oligochceta there are no special oviducts. It is not really understood in what way the eggs are here transmitted to the exterior. The reeeptaeula seminis are paired sacs which open outwardly in special segments of the genital zone. They arise as invaginations of the integument, and occur in most Oligochceta in one pair, in the Lumbricidce, however, in two (less often three) pairs. They are closed towards the body cavity, are in no way connected with the rest of the genital apparatus, and are during copulation filled with sperm from without. Fig. 174, which depicts the genital apparatus of Lumbricus agricola, will help to elucidate the above. In the 9th and 10th segments we see the 2 reeeptaeula seminis, in the 10th and llth the sperm capsule divided by a transverse partition wall into an anterior and a posterior part, with its 3 appendages (the sperm sacs) to the left ; to the right the 3 sperm sacs and the cover of the sperm capsule are removed. We see the anterior and posterior testes of the right side of the body, and further the 2 right- hand sperm funnels and their ducts, which in the 12th segment unite to form the unpaired vas deferens emerging in the loth segment. In the 13th segment the 2 ovaries lie at the 2 sides of the ventral chord. Behind these, on the anterior side of the dissepiment between the 13th and 14th segments are the funnels of the oviducts which open outwardly in the 14th segment. Polyehseta. — The description here may be brief. With isolated exceptions, the sexes are separate. The matrix from which, generally only at certain periods, the ovaries or testes are de- veloped, is the endothelium of the body cavity. The position of the germ glands varies greatly. They are sometimes found on the so-called genital plates, sometimes on the dissepiments, or on the mesenteries, or they may be outgrowths of the endothelial covering of the ventral vessel, etc. The ovaries or testes are generally repeated in many, or at any rate in several, segments. Their form varies as much as their position; they are sometimes cellular thickenings, sometimes massive knobs, or tufts of strands, etc. The egg or sperm cells sever themselves sooner or later from the ovaries and testes, and ripen when floating freely in the coelomic fluid. From this they are discharged through nephridia which are more or less strongly modified 262 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. at the time of sexual maturity, or through nephridia which are permanently transformed into genital tubes. In Sternaspis, in the female one ovary is found, and in the male one testis. The genital gland in both sexes has the form of a four-lobed pouch, which lies between the loops of the intestinal tube, and passes into 2 efferent ducts opening outwards, between the 7th and 8th segments. The genital products do not enter the body cavity, but pass from the cavity of the genital gland to the exterior through the efferent ducts. The question as to whether these ducts represent modified nephridia must be decided by further research. The Myzostomidce (Figs. 175 and 176) are hermaphrodite. Their sexual apparatus does not easily admit of comparison with that of the other Annulate,, but rather recalls in many points that of FIG. 175.— Organisation of Myzostoma cirriferum, after v. Graft. To the left the parapodia (p), the suckers (sri), and the male genital apparatus are represented. To the right the enteric branches (da) and ovaries (o). c, Cirri ; php, pharyngeal tentacles ; ph, pharynx ; pht, pharyngeal pouch ; m, stomach (mid-gut) ; ed, hind-gut ; u, uterus ; wo, female genital aperture, which enters the cloaca; Mo, aperture of cloaca; pm, muscles for moving the parapodia; mo, male genital aperture ; si, sperm vesicle ; vd, vas deferens ; h, testes ; p, parapodia with hooks and supporting rod. the Platodes. It is, however, probable that this is more a case of analogy than of homology. In the sexually mature animals the parenchyma is filled with numerous egg cells which lie in VERMES— GENITAL ORGANS 263 masses between the branches of the intestine, especially on the dorsal side. These masses of eggs are regarded as ovaries. It is, however, possible /that they consist of eggs which have left the real ovaria. genital FIG. 176.— Section through Myzostoma, after v. Graff, ov, Ovaries ; da, intestinal branches ; u, uterus ; dm, dorso-ventral muscle fibres ; sn, suckers ; li, testes ; qm, transverse muscles ; l>m, ventral ganglionic masses ; pa, parenchyma ; md, intestine. The origin and places of formation of the eggs are not known with any certainty. The ripe eggs pass into a spacious uterus which lies on the dorsal side of the stomach -intestine. One dorsal and two lateral oviducts connect the uterus with the cloaca. The male apparatus is paired. On each side branched solid testicle strands lie in the parenchyma below the intestine and its branchings. On each side an anterior and a pos- terior vas deferens collect the sperm from the testes. Both vasa deferentia enter a muscular lateral sperm vesicle, which lies between the 3d and 4th suckers, and which opens outwardly at the edge of the body. Prosopygia. — The places of formation for the eggs and sperma- tozoa of the Sipunculidce, Phoron- idee, and Bracliiopoda are definite points of the endothelium of the body cavity. The sexual products fall into the coelomic fluid, and . , , , ,1 FIG. 177.— Diagrammatic representation of are emptied OUt thence by the the organisation of a Brachiopod, from the dor- nephridia, as Was the Case in the sal side ; the dorsal halves of shell and mantle are Polychseta. removed, a, Arms ; mh, mantle cavity ; m, mouth ; I, liver ; ma, stomach ; n, nephridia ; an, anus ; In the Sipunculidce the formation of 9, genital glands ; vs, part of the ventral shell the germs takes place for the most part whic? proje(;ts ^ckwards over the dorsal shell; , , v, anterior ; h, posterior ; r, right ; I, left, at the base of the ventral proboscis retractors. Phoronis is hermaphrodite. The male and female sexual products arise 264 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. on the asymmetrical ventral vessel. According to recent research it is probable that in most, perhaps in all, Brachiopoda the sexes are separate. The germ glands are outgrowths of the endothelium of the body cavity, and lie as branched or reticulated strands, in the Tcsticardincs in pairs in the body cavity of both mantle folds, in the Ecardines in the mantle folds and in the body cavity of the trunk, or in the latter alone (Fig. 150, p. 226 ; Fig. 177, p. 263). In the Priapulidce the anal tubes, which in early stages act as excre- tory organs, become later the places of formation of the genital products. They are then at the same time germ glands and efferent ducts. In the Bryozoa there seems to be no definite rule ; separation of the sexes is sometimes found, and at other times hermaphrodit- ism. The ovaries and the testes arise, in the Edoproda, as cell out- growths on the inside of the body wall or on the funiculus. The first position is most characteristic of the ovaries, the second of the testes. In the fresh-water Bryozoa, however (Fig. 139, p. 208), there also arise on the funiculus the statoblasts, which are to be regarded as parthenogenetic eggs. Special efferent ducts are wanting. The eggs and spermatozoa fall into the body cavity. We do not yet know for certain how they reach the exterior. Many observers maintain that in hermaphrodite Bryozoa self -fertilisation takes place in the body cavity. In many marine Edoprocta (Cliilostomata and some Cyclostomata) the ripe (fertilised) eggs are taken up into special capsule-like foldings of the body wall, the so-called ooeeia or ovieells, and these are regarded as modified individuals which have arisen by gemmation. This view does not as yet rest on sufficient foundation. The sexe& seem to be separate in the Endoproda, but it may perhaps be the case that the ovaries and testes do not develop at the same time. Two testes lie between the stomach and body wall, and pass into 2 sperm ducts, which emerge into a sperm vesicle, the latter opening by a pore into the vestibulum (the depression between the tentacles at the bottom of which the mouth lies). The female genital apparatus shows a similar arrangement : 2 ovaries, 2 oviducts, and an un- paired terminal division which also opens into the vestibulum by a pore. The genital apparatus of the Pterobranchia is not yet sufficiently known ; under the 2 eyes of Cephalodiscus lie 2 ovaries. Rotatoria (Fig. 161, p. 245). — Separation of the sexes here pre- vails. The usually unpaired, seldom paired, female germ gland lies near, generally below, the intestine, and consists of two parts — a germarium, which yields the egg germs, and a vitellarium, which richly supplies the young cells with yolk. The germ gland, which we may call the germ-vitellarium, is surrounded by a membrane which passes into a fine oviduct opening into the cloaca. The last part of the oviduct, where the eggs often remain for some time, may be called the uterus. In the male a testis with a vas deferens and protrusible penis are found, which latter lies at the posterior end of the body ; through it also the contractile terminal vesicles of the nephridia open outwardly. iv VERMES— GENITAL ORGANS 265 In Dinophilus (Fig. 162, p. 246) the sexes are separate. An ovary lies on the outer surface of the intestinal wall, ventrally on the boundary between the mid- gut and the hind-gut. It may perhaps be developed out of an endothelium, which, however, has not yet been proved to exist. The ripe eggs fall into the body cavity and are emptied out through a pore which forms temporarily in the body wall in front of the anus. The male sexual organs are not yet sufficiently known. In the male of D. apatris, at the posterior end, a conical organ (penis) is found, which lies in a sac out of which it can be protruded and into which it can be withdrawn. The Chcetognatha (Fig. 152, p. 227) are hermaphrodite. The ovaries are two long tubes which lie in the posterior part of the two lateral chambers of the trunk cavity. Throughout their whole length they are attached laterally by a mesentery to the body wall, this mesentery enclosing them all round like a sac. On the outer side of each ovary, and enclosed in its mesentery, lies a long oviduct, ending blindly to the front, and opening outwardly behind near the septum which separates the trunk and the tail cavities. It is not yet known how the eggs reach the oviduct and are discharged. The two testes lie as lateral cell thickenings or germ masses projecting into the body cavity from the body wall of the tail cavity. Groups of young sperm formative cells sever themselves and fall into the two lateral chambers of the tail cavity. The ripe spermatozoa are dis- charged through the sperm duets. In each sperm duct we can dis- tinguish an inner ciliated funnel, a duct, and a vesicle ; these open externally at the sides of the caudal segment. Thus in the arrange- ment of the reproductive organs, especially in that of the male genital apparatus, we find great similarity between these animals and the Chcetopoda, Sipunculidce, Phoronis, and the Bracliiopoda. Sexual Dimorphism in Worms. — Apart from the difference between the sexual organs and outer copulatory organs, there are, in many worms in which the sexes are separate, insignificant external differences between the male and the female. In some worms, however, the differences in inner organisation cause a remarkable sexual dimorphism in outer appearance and in size between the two. This is especi- ally the case in the Rotatoria, Dinophilus, and Bonellia. It is always the male which, in comparison with, the female, appears reduced and generally dwarfed. The- Rotatorian male is smaller than the female, with degenerated enteric canal and simplified wheel apparatus. The males are known only in the minority of genera and species, and are much rarer than the females. In Seison alone the males and females are alike. The fertilisation of the Rotatorian eggs has till now not been observed. The females usually produce two sorts of eggs — delicate-skinned summer eggs, and hard -shelled eggs which last through the winter. In Dinophilus vorticoides the two sexes are not different ; in D. apatris the male is smaller, with ciliated rings. Mouth, intestine, and anus are wanting. The males of Bonellia,. which are ciliated all over, and are in appearance not unlike the Rhabdocaelan Turbellaria, are minute in comparison with the females ; these males live parasitic - ally on the female in varying numbers on the proboscis, in the oesophagus, or in the 266 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. nephridium which serves as uterus and oviduct. The intestinal canal is without mouth or anus, a vascular system is wanting, nor have they the prostomium which in the female is strongly developed as a proboscis. In short, apart from the .sexual organs, they remain on the larval level. In some Myzostomidce there are so called complementary males, which are considerably smaller than the hermaphrodite individuals on which they live. Their organisation is like that of the hermaphro- dites. As rudiments of ovaries and oviducts have been discovered in their bodies, we can only consider these complementary males as originally hermaphrodites with one-sided development of the male genital apparatus, or as young hermaphrodites with the female genital apparatus not yet developed. XIII. Parthenogenesis. Reproduction by means of unfertilised eggs certainly takes place in the Rotatoria and Bryozoa. It was formerly thought that only the summer eggs of the wheel animalcules could develop without fertilisation, while the winter eggs must be fer- tilised, but the act of fertilisation has not yet been observed in connection with these latter. The statoblasts of the fresh -water Bryozoa are parthenogenetic eggs, and such eggs are also found in some marine Bryozoa. These eggs are enclosed in hard cases provided with many arrangements (air rings, processes, etc. ) serving to disperse them in the air or water. XIV. Asexual Reproduction by Gemmation and Fission. Many worms, especially the Nemertina, Chcetopoda, Sipunculidce, Phoronis, and the Bryozoa, are distinguished by a highly developed capacity of regeneration, which is of the greatest use for the maintenance of the individual and of the race. Such portions of the body as have been lost through adverse external circumstances, . broken off, bitten off, etc., are quickly regenerated, even such as contain the most important organs, e.g. the anterior part with the brain. Isolated broken off pieces may occasionally be regenerated into whole animals. As already indicated, we may perhaps some day be able to refer back the capacity shown throughout the animal kingdom for asexual reproduction by gemmation and fission to such an accidental multiplication by voluntary or enforced falling to pieces of the body with subsequent regeneration. Among the Vermes this form of reproduction occurs in the Polychceta, Oligochceta, and Bryozoa. Polychaeta. — One of the Capitellidce, Clistomastus, constricts off (most probably periodically) the posterior part of the body, which contains the sexual products, reforming it again by regeneration. In a Syllis, Haplosyllis spongicola, which lurks in holes at the bottom of the sea, the parapodia and setae of a number of the posterior segments become more strongly developed as sexual maturity approaches. The group of segments thus modified, containing the sexual products, severs itself, and swims about freely in the sea as a sexual swimming bud, dispersing the sexual products. In other Syllidce (Syllis, Autolytus] at the anterior end of the swimming bud a new head is formed with highly developed eyes, and this takes place even before it is severed. The detached swimming bud then represents a complete individual (person), in which the sexual products ripen. The individual from which the swimming bud has severed itself forms no sexual products, but is able at its posterior end to produce new swimming buds. The detached swimming buds or sexual animals may, apart from the fact that they contain the sexual organs, be distinguished from the mother animal by other, chiefly external, points of iv VERMES— STOCK FORMATION 267 their organisation. We thus have before us an alternation of generations. A mother animal which remains asexual produces asexually successive daughter animals which differ from the mother animal externally ; these detach themselves and reproduce sexually by means of fertilised eggs ; we thus have alternating asexual and sexual generations. In Myrianida, (also a Syllis) new buds arise on the mother animal even before the hindermost has detached itself. There thus arises a chain of buds of which the hindermost is the oldest and the foremost the youngest. This is a case of axial gemmation which is very similar to strobilation. Oligochseta. — In autumn Lumbriculus falls into pieces which are all able to regenerate into complete animals. In the genera ^Eolosoma and Ctenodrilus no sexual organs and no sexual reproduction have as yet been observed, only asexual reproduc- tion. In Ctenodrilus monostylos the body becomes constricted in the middle, and finally separates into two pieces, each of which may again divide. These pieces regenerate into normal animals after detachment. It is otherwise in Ct. pardalis. Here, in each segment (except the foremost) behind the dissepiment of the preceding segment, a budding zone appears, in which brain, oesophagus, etc., form. The development of these budding zones takes place from before backward. The segments thus trans- formed finally separate. In each of them the fore-gut and hind-gut become con- nected with the mid -gut and the typical segmentation is developed, so that each becomes a complete individual. In ^Eolosoma, as in the Syllidce, several posterior segments are included in the first bud. While the head forms anteriorly in this bud, it as well as the mother body increases in length, and the latter develops other buds posteriorly before the first and oldest, i.e. the hindermost bud detaches itself. The processes of gemmation are most complicated in Nais and Chwtogastcr, since here in the (anterior) mother individual as well as in the daughter individual new phenomena of gemmation appear before they become detached from each other. Chains of several individuals varying in age and stage of development thus arise. The age and degree of development may be given in a formula. A indicates the fore- most and oldest individual, in which at first the daughter individual B appeared ; then the bud C began to form in the individual B, and so on. An order of develop- ment of buds which has been observed in Nais barbata (from before backward) is as follows : A, F, D, £, E, C. Finally, the chain breaks up into its separate parts, which no longer multiply asexually, but increase the number of their segments, and as sexual individuals can develop sexual products. There is therefore here also a kind of alternation of generations, since sexual and asexual reproduction mutually exclude one another. XV. Stock Formation. The peculiar Syllis ramosa, which lives in deep-sea sponges, forms by means of lateral gemmation much-branched stocks, in which, as in most other Syllidce, special sexual individuals develop and detach themselves. This is the only case of lateral gemmation in the Chcetopoda. Among the Bryozoa, animal stocks of the most various shapes arise by lateral gemmation. They are sometimes tree -like, sometimes tufts, or they may be spread out like webs or crusts ; sometimes many single animals rise from a creeping stem. We thus find repeated in the Bryozoa the forms assumed by the Hydroida. In Loxosoma alone the buds detach themselves, so that a permanent stock is never formed. On the stocks of many Chilostoman Bryozoa peculiar appendages, so-called vibraeularia and avieularia, are found. The 268 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. former are prominences on the wall of the ordinary individuals (zooecia), each of which carries a long seta, by means of whose free movement particles of food are brought within reach, and the water surrounding the colony is kept in motion. The stalked avicularia are catching apparati which hold small animals fast till they die. The mechanism is similar to that of a crab's forceps or a bird's beak ; a movable mandible is hinged upon an immovable beak, and is worked by special muscles, so that the forceps can open and shut. Avicularia and vibracularia are, like the above-mentioned ooecia and ovicells, regarded as metamorphosed individuals without intestine. This assumed polymorphism of Chilostoman stocks is, however, as yet weakly supported. In marine Bryozoa all the individuals of a stock are connected together by a network of nerve threads, forming what has been called a colonial nervous system. XVI. Ontogeny of the Worms. The eggs of worms are either holoblastic alecitlial, or holoblastic telolecithal. In the latter case the yolk may vary very much in quantity. The course of seg- mentation and gastrulation varies in correspondence with the constitution of the egg. There is sometimes (in the holoblastic alecitlial egg, example Sagitta) a total and tolerably equal furrowing, forming a cceloblastuia, and then by invagination a ccelo- gastrula. Sometimes the furrowing is more or less unequal, and often connected with the formation of micromeres (cf. p. 124, segmentation of Bonellia). We find, always according to the quantity of yolk stored in the egg, all the stages from a coeloblastula to a sterroblastula, from an invagination to an epibole, and from a coelogastrula to a sterrogastrula. Alecithal eggs or telolecithal eggs with little nutritive yolk, ccelo- blastulae and coelogastrulae, are found in those groups of worms in which a free- swimming and independently feeding larva develops very early. This is the case in very many marine worms, especially in Neinertina, Polychceta, Sipunculidce, Bryozoa, Phoronis, Brachiopoda, and Chcetognatha. Telolecithal eggs with much nutritive yolk, sterroblastulse and sterrogastrulse, are found in those cases where the developing animal only begins to move and to feed very late, i.e. in an almost adult condition, and especially where a so-called direct embryonic development takes place, e.g. Oligochceta, Hirudinea, Eotatoria. Before passing on to describe the more important larval forms among the Vermes, we will briefly describe the development of Eupomatus uncinatus (Serpulidae) (Fig. 178, cf. also Fig. 92, p. 123). The blastula has a small blastoccel. The cells of the upper (animal) half are smaller and more numerous than those of the lower (vegetative) half. The former form the ectoderm, the latter the endoderm. At an early stage, at one side of the blastula, which we may call the anal side, 2 round cells appear with remarkable distinctness at the limit between the ectoderm and the endoderm. By the rise of these primitive mesoderm cells the blastula becomes bilaterally symmetrical. Besides an aboral or animal side and an oral or vegetative side, we can also distinguish an anterior and posterior (where the 2 primitive mesoderm cells lie), and likewise a right and a left, and a median plane. The two primitive mesoderm cells lie to the right and left of the median plane. The vegetative or endodermal wall of the blastula then becomes invaginated into the segmentation cavity to form the arch- enteron while at the same time the ectoderm grows out over the invaginated part. The process thus stands half way between invagination and epibole. The primi- tive mesoderm cells, lying at the posterior edge of the blastopore, sink between IV VERMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 269 endoderm and ectoderm, i.e. deeper into the segmentation cavity. This gastrula formation takes place in such a way that the blastopore is a median ventral longitudinal slit. This closes from back to front, until anteriorly, i.e. excentrically, only a small aperture remains. An equatorial ciliated ring, the preoral ciliated ring, appears early in the gastrula larva. In the cell thickening which carries this ring of cilia a circular nerve is developed. At the aboral pole the ectoderm thickens to form the neural plate, which carries a tuft of cilia. Directly round the narrowed blastopore the ectoderm becomes invaginated like a funnel, and forms the larval oesophagus or the stomodseum, which gradually approaches the anterior ventral edge of the preoral ciliated ring. The archenteron elongates downwards and back- wards. Several smaller cells are severed by fission from the primitive or pole cells of the mesoderm, and these are spread out in the segmentation cavity (primary body cavity) and form various larval organs, e.g. muscle fibres and the larval head FIG. ITS.— .4, B, C, Three stages of development of the larva (Trochophora) of Eupomatus, from the side, m, Polar cells of the mesoderm ; md, mid-gut ; fh, segmentation cavity ; sp, neural plate ; ivk, preoral ciliated ring ; st, stomodseum ; wki, postoral ciliated ring ; n, larval head nephri- dium ; ot, otolith ; an, anus (after Hatschek). nephridia. The primary body cavity lengthens. That half of the body which lies behind and below the preoral ciliated ring assumes a conical form. The point of the cone is the posterior end. From the posterior end to the mouth the body becomes flattened. On the dorsal surface the posterior end of the intestine opens by means of a small invaginatioii of the ectoderm, the proc- todseum with an anus ; this occurs not far from the posterior end of the larva. Diametrically opposite to this, at the neural area, which is surrounded by the preoral ciliated ring, lies the neural plate, which represents a part at any rate of the rudiment of the brain. A pigment spot (eye) arises asymmetrically in a cell of the neural area. Behind the mouth a slighter postoral ciliated ring appears. The whole ectoderm between the preoral and postoral ciliated rings is covered with short cilia, and thus forms an adoral ciliated zone. A narrow medio- ventral ciliated band forms from the mouth to the posterior end. Two auditory vesicles are developed out of two ectodermal cells immediately behind the postoral ciliated ring, and sink beneath the surface later. Two cell streaks or bands are developed from the two pole cells of 270 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the mesoblast which lie near the posterior end ; these lie close to the ectoderm ventrally on each side, and develop anteriorly by constricting off smaller cells and by the continuous division of the same ; they are the two xnesoderm streaks. The larva has now reached what is known as the Trochophora stage. It swims about freely by means of its ciliated rings. The hindermost smaller portion of the body with the intestine, proctodseum, and the posterior part of the mesoderm streaks, represents the rudiment of the afterwards segmented trunk plus the anal segment ; the whole of the larger anterior portion contains the rudiment of the head or oral segment. Larvre of the Trochophora type occur not only in worms, but are also common among Molluscs. In addition to the Trochophora the following are some of the most important kinds of worm larvse. The free-swimming larva of the Sipunculidce (Fig. 179) is already much further developed when hatched than the Polychcetan Trochophora, with which, however, it has much general similarity. In the Sipunculus larva the characteristic preoral ciliated ring of the Trochopliora larva is wanting, but such a ring, weakly md sp FIG. 179. —Larva of Sipunculus, after Hatschek. o, Mouth ; sp, neural-plate ; sto, stomodseum wk, post-oral ciliated ring; rr, retractors of the anterior body (proboscis); md, mid-gut; n nephridium ; an, anus. developed, is said to occur in the Phascolosoma larva. A postoral ciliated ring, on the other hand, is strongly developed. The intestine consists, as in the Trochophora larva, of stomodseum, mid-gut, and proctodaeum. The latter is moved somewhat from the posterior end on to the back, and the postanal part of the body growing faster than the preanal part, the anterior position of the anus which is characteristic of the adult animal comes about. The neural plate with 2, and later 4, larval eye-spots is found in the same place as in the Polychcetan Trochophora. A larval head kidney is not formed. The mesoderm, on the contrary, is far more developed than in the Polychcetan Trochophora. The retractors of the anterior body (proboscis), and the two trunk nephridia, have already begun to form. There is a spacious body cavity, but this does not correspond with the primary body cavity of the Trochophora, but rather with the secondary body cavity of the Annulata which appears within the mesodermal streaks, so that under the integument and around the intestine there is already a layer of mesoderm cells answering to the parietal and visceral layers of the mespderm of the Annulata. While, however, in the Annulata the mesodermal streaks become segmented and the body cavity is thereby divided into consecutive pairs of chambers, in the Sipunculidce there is neither segmentation of the mesoderm nor of the body cavity. IV VERMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 271 Bryozoa. — It is very difficult to describe the different, and for the most part still insufficiently known, larval forms of the Bryozoa, and to establish their relations to the adult animals. We must confine our- selves to a description of the larva of Pedicellina (Endoproda) (Fig. 180). A ciliated ring on a circular elevation divides the larval body into two regions. In the oral region, which is ciliated all over, lie the mouth and anus, the latter on a conical prominence. Behind the mouth lies a prominence with a tuft of cilia. Between the mouth and anus there is a depression, the vestibular pit. The whole oral region can be withdrawn into the aboral, so that the mouth and anus come to lie at the base of a depression whose edge is formed by the ciliated ring, and which is called the vestibulum. In the middle of the aboral region rises a ciliated tuft. From the base of this ciliated tuft an organ consisting of long ectoder- mal cells, the so-called cement gland, pro- jects into the interior of the larva. There is also in the aboral region another organ projecting inwards like a sac, into which a short canal enters from outside, this is the so-called dorsal organ. Both these organs are said to disappear in later metamorphosis. In examining the inner organis- ation we find a stomodseum, a sac-like mid-gut, and a hind-gut rising up to the anus. The wall of the intestine turned towards the vestibulum is much thickened and is called the liver. Muscles arranged in various ways serve for retracting the oral region. Between the stomach -intestine and the body epithelium of the oral region lies a mass of mesoderm cells, and connected with this on each side a small ciliated canal (nephri- dia of the adult animal ?). If we wish to compare these Endoproctan larvae, which show considerable resemblance with the Edoprodan larva of Meinbranipora known as Cypho- FIG. 180.— Larva of Pedicellina (after Hats- chek), from the side, o, Mouth ; 71, nephridium ; wk, ciliated ring ; do, dorsal organ ; kd, " cement gland" ; ws, ciliated tuft ; I, "liver"; m, meso- derm cells ; pd, proctodseum ; an, anus ; vs, vestibular pit ; st, stomodseum ; md, mid-gut. FIG. 181.— A, B, C, D, Four stages of the metamorphosis of the attached larva of Pedicel- lina. do, Dorsal organ; M, "cement gland"; st, stomodseum; md, mid -gut; pd, proctodteum ;: v, vestibulum ; vs, vestibular pit ; t, rudiment of tentacles ; pe, peduncle. The arrows indicate the direction from mouth to anus, ve, Invagination of the body wall towards the vestibulum (after Barrois). nautes, with a Polychcetan Trochophora, we must consider the ciliated ring as equiva- lent to the preoral ciliated ring of the latter. Then the so-called cement gland 272 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. with the ciliated tuft would answer in position to the neural plate of the Trocho- phora. The further development of the Pedicellina larva involves a peculiar metamorphosis (Fig. 181, A-D). The larva attaches itself by the oral region, while at the same time the vestibulum closes by the growing together of its free edges over the mouth and the anus. Thereupon the whole enteric canal, with the altered vestibulum turns round, inside the sac-like ectoderm which encloses them, so that later, reversing the larval order, the vestibulum, with the stomodsemn and proctodseum entering it, is turned to the free end, i.e. the original aboral region of the larva. The vestibulum becomes connected with the exterior by means of a new invagination of the ectoderm ; at the point of junction the tentacles appear. According to this ontogenetic observation the anus would lie, not dorsally, but ventrally, behind the mouth, and so would the ganglionic mass, which would thus not be homologous with the brain of other worms. Further investigations, however, FIG. 182.— A, B, C, Three stages of the development of the larva of Phoronis (Actinotrocha), from the side, sp, Neural plate; wk, ciliated organ; st, stomodaeum ; t, larval tentacles; ti, definitive tentacles ; md, mid-gut ; ra, rudiment of the trunk (stalk), invaginated in the larva A, pro- truded in B, developed into the trunk in C ; a, anus ; awk, anal ciliated ring ; hd, hind-gut (partly after Metschnikoff). especially as to the development of the nervous system, are needed to elucidate these points. The larva of Phoronis (Fig. 182) is known by the name of Actinotrocha. The mouth and anus lie at opposite ends of the ciliated larval body. Over the mouth a large prostommm hangs down, whose edge carries stronger cilia which probably correspond with the preoral ciliated ring of the Trochophora. A larval ganglion (neural plate) lies in the ectoderm of the prostomium, and is in one species provided with 4 eye-spots. Behind the mouth lies a ring of larval tentacles, and im- mediately behind this the rudiments of the definitive tentacles, at whose bases the nerve ring of the adult Phoronis begins to form. Around the anus we find a strongly ciliated ring. Behind the definitive tentacles on the ventral side lies the rudiment of the trunk, invaginated into the larval body. The secondary body cavity is well developed. In front of the invaginated rudiment of the trunk a nephridium like the VERMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 273 head nepliridia of the TrotJiophora lies on each side. These become the permanent nephridia of the adult Phoronis. The Adinotrocha thus formed sinks to the bottom of the sea ; the invaginated trunk protrudes and grows quickly, the mid-gut at the same time entering it and forming a loop with ascending and descending limbs. The whole prostomium, with the neural plate and the larval tentacles, are thrown off and devoured by the young Phoronis. Through all these processes the body has approached the adult stage ; it is quite evident that by the protrusion and rapid growth of the trunk, and the comparatively slight growth of the rest of the original larval body, the anus conies to lie dorsally near the mouth. This process readily allows of being referred back to the similar process in Sipunculus, only there the rudiment of the trunk is never invaginated into the larval body. Brachiopoda. — The free-swimming larva of Argiope (Fig. 183) consists of three consecutive divisions, which are called the anterior, middle, and posterior segments. FIG. 183.— ^1, free - swimming, li, attached larva of Argiope, from above (after Kowalewsky). vs, An- terior segment ; ins, middle segment ; As, posterior segment ; m, mantle ; md, mid-gut ; ivk, ciliated organ. FIG. 184.— Vertical median longitudinal section through an advanced embryo of Lin- gula, after Brooks, m, Mantle folds ; sd, dorsal, sv, ventral shell ; t, tentacles ; rnh, man- tle cavity ; Ih, body cavity ; st, stomoda?um ; o, mouth ; md, mid-gut ; hd, hind-gut ; m (below), shell muscles. The anterior segment is umbrella - shaped, and carries anteriorly 4 eyes. The margin of the umbrella has longer cilia than the rest of the body. The middle segment has dorsal and ventral folds directed posteriorly, and covering the posterior segment. At each side of the free edge of the ventral fold two bundles of setae are VOL. I T ( 'OMI'A RA Tl \ *E A X. 1 TOM Y CHAP. found. The mid-gut is the only part of the intestine which is developed. Between tlic intestine and the outer integument of the larva are found the paired secondary !>ody cavity, mesenteries, and muscles. The larva attaches itself by the end of the posterior segment which grows out into a stalk. The two folds of the middle segment bend forward like valves and form the mantle, the reduced anterior segment coming to lie in the mantle cavity. The bundles of seta' are thrown oil'. The stomodieum is formed by an imagination of the bodv wall of the anterior segment, whose base breaks through into the anterior end of the mid-gut. It lies a little below the eyes which afterwards degenerate. The rudiments of the nervous system and of the nepliridia have not been observed. In Tercbratnlina tentacles develop as buds on the circular edge of a disc which projects from the dorsal mantle fold. The tentacles increase in number and are grouped in the shape of a horse-shoe. The tentacular disc is then anteriorly prolonged into two processes, the arms, on which the double row of tentacles become the arm cirri. AYe here recognise great agree- ment with the Jjt-yo'.na and PJiOi'onis. Assuming that the point Avhere the eyes lie on the umbrella-shaped anterior segment in the .Jirucltinjiod larva corresponds with the neural plate of ^-Iffiimf rue/at, the agreement between their courses of development is considerable. The posterior segment oi t\\& Bmcltiopod larva, perhaps answers to the evaginating trunk part (stalk) in A<:tuiotrudia. The oral nerve lings in the I!r(i<-lt!i>jivd'/s Neural thick- plate of the T I'ocln^iJnu'd. The mouth i-iiiiiH with ciliated tuft; icfr, ciliated riii- ; rn, lies in the middle of the oral region. n.Tvcof the same; m, muscles; st, stomod*um ; lf ,(,1(]s j]lto t]u. stomodieum5 and this u/'l, niid-L'ut ; c.s- ectoderm sacs. . ,., .-, i • i v into a sac-like mid-gut winch lies ex- eentricallv (behind). A proctod.enm is wanting, and does not attain development during larval life. The space between the intestine and the ectoderm is a >pacioiis segmentation cavity or primary body cavitv. In it lie muscle fibres, and Lfeiiera'] v branched star-like mesoderm cells. The ectoderm of the oral region is invaginated into the ]irimary body cavity at I ]ioints, forming 'J ] tail's of sacs. One pair of these sacs lies in front of and the other behind the stomod;eum. The further development of these sacs is as follows (Fig. 18(5, A, ]>, C, ]>}: They sever themselves from the ectoderm of the larva. They then become connected in pairs, then the, anterior fused pair unites with the posterior pair, so that now, on the oral side of the Pil'«l iti.m, in its body cavity, a hollow plate arises with inner and outer walls. The inner wall grows round the enteric canal on all sides, IV VERMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 275 and forms the permanent outer integument of the young Nemertian. The outer, thinner, \vall then forms inside the Pilidium integument a sac -like covering for the young Nemertian, the amnion. This integument with ciliated ridge and neural plate, i.e. the primary ectoderm, falls away together with the amnion when the young Nemertian issues from the Pilidium. At an early stage we find on the inner side of the ectoderm sac a layer of cells, which in the Pilidium arise out of the ecto- dermal wall of the sac itself, but in the related Dcsor's larva are said to be derived from the mesoderm cells which lie in the primary body cavity: The 4 layers of cells thus arising represent the rudiment of the definitive mesoderm. The central nervous system arises out of 2 ectodermal outgrowths which unite to form the brain in the young Nemertian. They grow out posteriorly into two strands, the lateral nerves. The proboscidal apparatus rises firsi^?. out of an invagination of the ectoderm above the brain, and secondly out of parts of the mesoderm which surround this in- vagination. The Pilidium larva takes up a position intermediate between the young Tur- bellarian larva of the Polydada (cf. p. 167, Mailer's larva} and the typical Trockophoran larva. It agrees with the former in the absence of a proctodseum. The 4 FIG. 186.— A, B, C, D, Four diagrammatic transverse sections behind the mouth through a Pilidium larva during metamorphosis, to illustrate the method of formation of the mesoderm and secondary (definitive) ectoderm, e, Larval ectoderm ; ei, definitive ectoderm ; a, amnion ectoderm ; es, ectoderm sac ; m, mesoderm ; I, lateral lobes of the larva ; md, mid-gut ; ml, larval mesoderm. rudiments of the mesoderm probably answer to the 4 mesoderm masses of the young Polyclad larvae or embryos. A Nemertian larva related to the Pilidium, Desor's larva, shows the larval characteristics less developed. The ciliated ring and the ectodermal thickening with the ciliated tuft which corresponds with the neural plate are wanting. But the definitive ectoderm is formed, as in Pilidium, of discs which detach themselves from the primary ectoderm. Many Nemertina develop without metamorphosis. If we glance over the larval forms of worms we see that all are distinguished by peculiarities of structure which are explained by the circumstance that the animals feed independently and swim about freely at a very early stage of develop- ment. The simplest organs of locomotion which can be developed early are the cilia. They appear in all larvae. Ciliated rings are universally present ; the most constant is the preoral, which is provided with a special nervous system (nerve ring). Almost everywhere we find a spacious larval body cavity filled with fluid. The larvae are hydropic, their specific gravity being nearly that of water. They are provided with a functional hollow enteron and other functional parts — nervous system, sensory organs, muscles, excretory organs. It is pretty generally found that those parts of the larval body which function at an early stage are thrown off or reabsorbed at the end of larval life, and that the organs of the adult animal consist of cell material which is present in the larva as undifferentiated germ material perform- 276 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. ing no specific functions. A comparison of the larva with the adult animal shows that the body of the former corresponds with the anterior portion of the body of the latter, i.e., in segmented animals with the head segment. The smaller portion of the larva corresponds with the posterior end of the adult animal, while the trunk, with the exception of the mid-gut, remains in its embryonic condition in the larva. This is again to be explained by the fact that the embryo, which is provided with little or no nutritive yolk, must early develop organs necessary for independent feeding and locomotion, and these most indispensable organs lie chiefly at the anterior end of the body. This also explains why the locomotory organs of the larva, the ciliated rings, lie near the mouth, mostly somewhat in front of it ; and why, besides this, there sometimes appears a preanal ciliated ring ; why also, in certain (Polytrochati) Annelid larvae, other segmental ciliated rings appear as the segments of the trunk develop. Direct Embryonic Development. — This is chiefly found in fresh-water worms. The embryo is provided with enough nutritive yolk, generally stored in the endoderm cells, to enable it to develop direct (usually within an egg shell). Hence it follows that the organs necessary for free independent locomotion and feeding as an embryo are unnecessary. The comparison of the direct development of the embryo, say of Lumbricus, with that of a pelagic larva, e.g. a Trodiopliora, is very instructive. Fio. 187.— Embryo of Lumbricus (after Wilson). Optical median longitudinal section, e, Ecto- derm ; pme, pole cells of the mesodenn ; m, mesoderraal streaks ; sh, rudiments of the segmental body cavities in the mesodenn ; nb, neuroblast cells ; bm, rudiment of the ventral chord ; vm, visceral layer ; pm, parietal layer of the mesodenn somites ; ug, rudiment of the infra-ossophageal ganglion ; g, rudiment of the brain ; kh, head cavity ; o, mouth ; st, stomodseum ; md, mid-gut ; en, endoderm. The egg of Lumbricus is supplied with little yolk. The egg and the embryo which develop out of it are nourished in another manner. In every capsule there are several eggs in the midst of a mass of albumen which nourishes them. The embryo (Fig. 187) is at a certain stage egg-shaped, and surrounded on all sides by a thin unciliated ectodermal epithelium. The mouth lies anteriorly, somewhat near the ventral side ; it is surrounded by an epithelial thickening, and leads into a short stomodseum. This again opens into a very spacious mid-gut, whose epithelial wall lies close to the body wall all round. On the ventral side only, masses of cells, the two germ streaks, to be described later, are intercalated between the intestine and the body epithelium. A proctodaeum is wanting, it iv VERMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 111 develops only at a later stage. Anteriorly, above the mouth and directly under the ectoderm from which it is derived, lies a mass of cells — the rudiment of the brain. In many other worms with direct development the mid-gut is solid and not hollow, in consequence of the large masses of yolk contained in the endoderm cells (primitive macromeres). Since embryonic head nephridia have been observed in some OligocJiceta, the chief differences between them and the Polychcetan Trochophora are the following : Cilia are wanting in the former, and especially a pre-oral ciliated ring. Sensory organs (eyes, ciliated tufts) are wanting. A body cavity is wanting, and also a proc- todreum. On the other hand, as we shall see later, the mesoderm is much more developed than in the Polychcetan Trochopkora above described. The parts of the body present in the embryo represent the rudiments of the definitive organs, they do not, as in a free-swimming larva, fulfil specific functions, and therefore seldom disappear in the course of further development. The Gnathobdellidce form an ex- ception, for in them a metamorphosis takes place, and, according to recent research, the larval integument with its muscular and nervous systems, and further the provisional trunk nephridia and the oesophagus, are said to disappear. Development of the Outer Integument. — We may say, generally, that the outer integument or body epithelium of the worms is derived from the embryonic or larval ectoderm. The ectoderm either changes, without suffering any loss worth mentioning, into the body epithelium ; or some parts of the larval ectoderm which perform specific functions are thrown off ; or else certain portions of the larval ectoderm sever themselves, and unite on all sides of the body within the larval ectoderm to form the permanent ectoderm or body integument (e.g. Sipunculidce, Nemertinct}. We consider these processes as a kind of ecdysis. In the Gnathobdellidce (Hirudinca} alone it is said that the secondary ectoderm is not formed from the larval ectoderm, and that the latter is quite lost. The larval and definitive sensory organs, the larval and definitive nervous systems, and the larval and definitive seti- parous sacs (of the Chcetopoda) are products of differentiation of the ectoderm. The last mentioned are groups of glandular hypodermis cells, which sink under the integument, the setse arising in them as secretions. The ectodermal setiparous glands are enveloped by mesodermal elements which supply their musculature. Development of the Mesoderm and the Mesodermal Organs. — The mesoderm is for us a topographical conception. All that lies in the adult animal between the outer integument and the intestinal epithelium belongs to the mesoderm. The relations of the various mesodermal organs and systems of organs to the outer integument are very varied. These relations are closest in the nervous system in consequence of its dependence on the (ectodermal) sensory organs. As already described (cf. p. 223), in many worms the central nervous system remains in the integument, even in the adult animal, and is thus not mesodermal. The mesodermal position of the nervous system is, however, the general rule, as it is even as early as in the Platodes. As, however, it nearly always develops entirely separate from the rest of the mesoderm, we shall describe its development first. The Brain. — In some cases the brain, or a part of it at any rate, develops out of the ectodermal neural plate (many Annelids, Sipunculidce}. The elements of the neural plate probably arise in connection with the provisional or definitive sensory organs of the head (eyes, neural tuft, tentacles), though this cannot be established in detail. There are thus different parts which unite together to constitute it a sensory nervous centre. The neural plate must thus represent an organ similar to the sensory body of the Ctenophora or the marginal centres of the Medusce. It is often thrown off with the larval integument (e.g. in Phoronis, Pilidium), and the oral nerve rino- or the brain arises anew out of the secondary ectoderm. 278 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. npr npr lib Ventral Chord of the Annulata.— The ventral chord seems always to begin to form separately from the neural plate. It arises either as a continuous thickening of the ectoderm in the Ventral middlp line, or as a pair of thickenings one on each side of this middle line. The differentiation of the rudiment of the ventral chord into the definitive ventral chord goes hand in hand with the development of the rest of the trunk, and proceeds from before backward. It either remains, like the brain, connected during life with the ectoderm, or it becomes constricted off from it and takes up a position either in the musculature of the body wall or still deeper in the body cavity. At the posterior end of the body it almost always retains its embry- onic condition, as it here remains throughout life in its place of formation, the integument. The Hirudinea and Lumbricus among the Oligochceta differ very much from other Annulata and Sipunculidce. The ventral chord here does not arise in situ in the ectodermal integument ; but two ectodermal segmentation spheres (micromeres) appear veiy early near the posterior end, and take up a position under the ectoderm, lying symmetrically on each side near the middle line. New cells are continually constricted off anteriorly from these neuroblasts (Fig. 188, nb), which again divide, and a cell strand thus arises on each side of the ventral middle line, immediately beneath the integument. The two cell strands, which form part of the germ streaks of the Hirudinea and of Lum- bricus, represent the rudiment of the ventral chord, which, beginning behind the mouth, becomes continuously differentiated from before backward. It is evident from this that the rudiment of the ventral chord is unusually localised, and at the same time is to be referred to a very early stage of development. The connection of the ventral chord with the brain through the cesophageal commissure seems everywhere to take place secondarily. It may perhaps in time be proved that the central nervous system in the Worms and Platodes proceeds onto- streaks in a Lumbricus embryo (after Wil- genetically and phylogenetically from two son), pme, Pole cells of the mesoderm (ineso- cMef parts> viz< first from the sensory part blasts); n* pole cells of the ventral chord ^ ^ united (neuroblasts) ; npb, pole cells of the nephnclial rows (nephroblasts) ; x, pole cells of the cell centres or sensory ganglia of the anterior rows (xr) of unknown significance ; ec, ecto- end of the body, and second from the motor derm ; ez, large ectoderm cells ; npr, nephridial central nervous system, i.e. the ventral cell rows ; nr, neural cell rows ; m, mesoblast chordj ^ 3^^^ commissure, and the motor part of the brain of the Annulata, the longitudinal trunks and the motor part of the brain of the other worms and Platodes. In the Nemertina, however, the lateral nerves are said to grow out from the brain posteriorly. This may perhaps here, and also in the Turbellaria, point to a concentration of the whole central nervous system into one single rudiment. In the development of the other component parts of the mesoderm, we find that, just as the rudiment of the ventral chord in the Hirudinea and Lumbricus is shifted back to an early stage, and is condensed into two germ cells (the neuroblasts), so the rudiment of all other mesodermal organs in worms are extremely condensed and localised and shifted back to early stages, so that generally a few germ cells or a FIG. 188.— Superficial aspect of the germ IV VERMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 279 limited germ zone represents the condensed rudiment of all mesodermal organs, with the exception of the nervous system. We accordingly find in the Hirudinea (Cl-epsine) and in Lumbricus, in early stages of development, even during segmentation, on each side of what morphologically corresponds with the posterior end of the embryo, 4 or 5 micromeres, which soon sink down under the ectoderm - micro - meres, or are grown round by them. The 2 which lie posteriorly are the largest ; they lie close to each other, and in front of them 3 or 4 lie on each side of the ventral median line (Fig. 188). The 2 inner micromeres we already know ; they are the neuroblasts. Just as 2 rows of cells develop anteriorly from the neuro- blasts, forming the rudiment of the ventral chord, rows of cells also develop anteriorly from the remain- ing polar cells. The single or double cell rows which lie near the neural rows are the nephridial rows ; the polar cells from which they develop are the nephroblasts. They yield the material for the nephridia, which become differentiated from before backward. The most anterior ne- phridia are temporary ; they are the larval or embryonic nephridia. It is not yet known what part of the mesoderm is formed by the lateral rows of cells with their posterior polar cells. The cell rows which proceed from the most posterior lar- gest polar cells represent the rudi- ments of the body musculature, the endothelium, septa, and mesenteries. We shall return to their further development. All these cell rows taken together are known as the paired germ streaks. They lie at the two sides of the ven- tral middle line between the intestine and the integument. The germ pme FIG. 189.— Surface view of the germ streaks of a somewhat older Lumbricus-embryo, after the disap- pearance of the anterior polar cells (after Wilson). pme, Polar cells of the mesoderm (m) ; x, xr, cell rows of unknown significance ; nphr, nephridial cell streaks ; streaks thus yield all the mesodermal nbr, neural cell streaks, rudiment of the ventral chord organs, nervous system, nephridia, (bm) ', d^ dissepiments ; ib, inner ; ab, outer rows of muscles, endothelium, etc. In the setiParous S^ds; nph, rudiments of the nephridia; .. T 7 7 *, . 7 i .1 11 mu> longitudinal musculature. Ghiathobdefiidce, where the whole larval ectoderm is lost, the germ streaks are said even to produce the definitive body epithelium as well. This statement, however, requires confirmation. 280 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. There are germ streaks in many worms similar to those in the Hlrudinea, and Lumbricus. But it appears that these do not consist of contiguous rows of cells, but that each germ streak is the product of a single polar cell at the end of the embryo or young larva. We have described these two polar cells in Eupomatus as primitive mesoderm cells. The germ streaks which proceed from them are called mesoderm streaks ; they seem to yield the whole mesoderm with the exception of the nervous system. Here, therefore, the rudiments of almost all the mesodermal organs are localised and condensed into two blastomeres wrhich appear at an early stage at the posterior edge of the blastopore. In the larva of Lopadorhynchus (Polychwta), as the trunk grows, what is called the postoral ventral plate of the ectoderm is said to split from front to back into an inner muscular plate and an outer neural plate, the ventral chord being principally formed from the latter. Further Development of the Germ Streaks (Figs. 187-189). — In Lumbricus the two cell rows of the germ streaks, which are formed from the two large pos- terior polar cells, soon begin to be differentiated from before backward. Their cells divide. The simple cell rows thus become solid plates or strands. They extend forwards on both sides and meet dorsally above the mouth. In this cephalic portion of the germ streaks a central cavity appears which enlarges and becomes the cavity of the head. The outer layer of cells attaches itself to the outer integument of the head, and becomes the outer musculature and endothelium of the head segment. The inner layer forms the musculature of the pharynx and its endothelial covering. Behind the head on each side clefts also occur in the above- mentioned cell strands, and these, forming in segmental order from before backward and increasing in size, form the rudiments of the paired segmental chambers of the coelome. They separate the cell strands in each segment into a parietal layer contiguous to the integument and a visceral layer contiguous to the intestine. The cell strands are thus divided into paired segmentally consecutive portions. In each segment on each side both the parietal and the visceral layers grow up between integument and intestine till they meet in the dorsal middle line. The partition wall which is here formed in this way, and which divides the two lateral chambers of the body cavity, is the rudiment of the dorsal mesentery which is often temporary. A ventral mesentery arises in a similar manner. The cell material, which separates the consecutive chambers of the body cavity forms the dissepiments. The parietal layer forms the musculature of the body wall and the parietal endothelium ; the visceral layer forms the muscular layer of the intestine and the visceral endothelium. Development of the Blood-vascular System. — This system arises (Tercbella, Psygmobranchus] as a cavity filled with fluid between the epithelial intestinal wall and the contiguous visceral layer of the mesoderm. The chief vessels arise as longi- tudinal bulgings of the mesodermal walls of this enteric sinus, which finally become constricted off from it, passing from the form of grooves to that of closed canals. In Lumbricus and other Oligochceta the dorsal .vessels arise in a similar way as clefts between the enteric epithelium and the enteric muscle layer. They are at first paired, but generally unite to form the unpaired dorsal vessel. In a few Lumbricidce, however, even in adult animals, over a larger or smaller region of the body, they may remain double. Development of the Nephridia. — In the anatomical section we distinguished three parts in each nephridium : (1) the funnel ; (2) the nephridial duct ; ^and (3) the terminal portion which opens outwardly, which in the Hirudinea and Oligochceta is often widened out into a vesicle. It appears that in Lumbricus the nephridia develop in the following way. The nephridial ducts develop in pairs in each IV VEEMES— ONTOGENY OF THE WORMS 281 segment as outgrowths of the nephridial cell rows. Each duct consists at first of one cell or of a few cells, and later of a row of cells bent in the shape of the letter U, which projects into the body cavity and is thus provided with an outer endothelium. One limb of the cell row remains in contact with the integument, the end of the other attaches itself to the posterior wall of the dissepiment which lies in front of it. At this point an inner canal first appears in the solid row of cells. The terminal portion arises by an invagination of the integument. The funnel begins to form from one cell on the anterior wall of the dissepiment at the point where, on the posterior wall, the end of the nephridial duct lies. This cell only secondarily becomes a hollow ciliated funnel, which then unites with the nephridial canal through the dissepiment. The funnel thus arises separately from the nephridial canal out of the epithelium of the body cavity, and not out of the nephridial rows of cells. In the Polychceta also the funnel and the nephridial duct of each nephridium are said to arise separately. Development of the Sexual Glands. — It may be considered certain that in the Annulata and Prosopygia the ovaries and testes are developed from special parts of the endothelium of the body cavity. The Development of the Mesoderm in the Chsetognatha (Fig. 190).— The nervous system here lies in the integument of the body and does not belong to the mesoderm. FIG. 190.— A, B, C, Three early stages of development of Sagitta (after O. Hertwig). a, Gas- trula ; U, blastopore ; ud, arch-enteron ; g, primitive cells of the sexual organs ; vm, visceral layer ; pm, parietal layer of the mesoderm ; d, rudiment of mid-gut ; cs, ccelome sacs ; st, stomodteum ; d, intestine. In this case the mesoderm develops in a manner different from that in the worms as yet described. A ccelogastrula forms whose principal axis answers pretty accur- ately to the longitudinal axis of the adult Sagitta. The aboral pole of the gastrula corresponds with the future anterior end of the body. Two large cells which soon divide enter the base of the archenteron from the endoderm at an early stage. These 4 cells are the rudiment of the testes and ovaries. Then on each side there arises out of the base of the archenteron a fold of the endoderm, which grows into the archenteric cavity towards the blastopore. These 2 folds divide the arch- enteric cavity into a central cavity and two lateral cavities, which communicate at the free edges of the folds. The central -cavity is the definitive enteric cavity ; its epithelial walls, i.e. the inner epithelial lamellae of the folds, represent the rudiment of the definitive enteric epithelium. The folds close dorsally and ventrally to form the enteric tube, the latter carrying the 4 sexual cells at its freely projecting end. The two lateral cavities, which may almost be looked upon as 2 sac-like invaginations of the archenteron (ccelomic sacs), form the commencement of the body cavity. Each sac has an outer epithelial wall in contact with the ectoderm, and an inner wall in contact with the enteric tube. The former is the parietal, the later the visceral layer of the mesoderm. The former probably forms the musculature and the endothelium of the body wall, the latter the enteric endothelium. At the aboral 282 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. pole of the larva a small depression of the ectoderm becomes connected with the enteric tube. The permanent mouth and the stomodteum thus arise. The primitive mouth closes. The enteric tube becomes a solid strand, which continues to grow till it reaches the closed primitive mouth, i.e. the posterior end of the body. An enteric cavity does not again appear till a later stage. On the ventral side, a little in front of the posterior end of the body, an anus forms. The postanal intestine degenerates, its 2 visceral layers of the mesoderm forming the septum of the caudal segment. From the 4 genital cells the testes and ovaries develop. We thus see that in Sagitta the mesodermal organs have a double origin : first, 2 (afterwards 4) large endoderm cells lying at the base of the archenteron, which form the rudiments of the sexual glands ; secondly, the whole middle and oral epithelial wall of the archenteron of the ccelogastrula ; this represents a germ zone, continued at the edge of the blastopore into the ectoderm, and at the aboral portion of the larva into that part of the wall of the archenteron from which the definitive intestine is produced. This germ zone forms at an early stage two lateral cceloine sacs as a consequence of the formation of the folds above mentioned ; the cavities of these sacs produce the body cavity, and their walls the endothelium of the body cavity, and probably also the musculature of the body wall. Two hollow lateral coelome sacs of the archenteron appear at an early stage in one of the Brachiopoda, Argiope, much in the same way as do those in Sagitta ; these, constricting themselves off from the intestine, are said to form the body cavity and the mesoderm. The development of the mesodermal organs has, however, up to the present time been insufficiently observed. Various theories have been put forward as to the phylogenetic significance of the different processes of development to which the mesodermal organs owe their rise ontogenetically, all these theories resting upon the assumption that the ontogenetic process exactly repeats, sometimes in one point sometimes in another, the phylo- genetic development. These theories rest upon weak foundations as long as com- parative anatomy knows of no series of animal forms which shows us the gradual rise of the mesodermal organs in a manner similar to that seen in the successive onto- genetic stages of development. It is very doubtful whether the whole mesoderm, except the nervous system, can be derived phylogenetically from such simple organs as the ccelome sacs, or from cell groups such as the polar cells of the mesoblast, once present in simple gastrula-like racial forms. Observations are increasing in number which tend to show that ontogenetically also there is no single rudiment of the whole mesoderm, but rather several rudiments for the different mesodermal organs. Our review of the history of development of the worms supports this latter view. It may perhaps in time be established that the manner in which the various mesodermal organs appear in the Cnidaria moving from their places of formation, the ectodermal body epithelium and the endodermal enteric epithelium, into the deeper parts of the body wall, is essentially the same as that in which the mesodermal organs originally arose in the ancestors of the Platodes and the Vermes. The ontogenetic development of the mesoderm would then represent this process very much abbreviated and localised, pushed back to very early stages. If, in the Hirudinea (in Clepsine at least) and in Lumbricus as opposed to the other Annulata, the ventral chord does not arise in situ in the ectoderm but is formed by two blastomeres, the neuroblasts, which arise at an early stage, it is difficult to see why the polar cells of the other mesodermal organs (nephroblasts, mesoblasts, etc.) should not represent similar early developing condensed and localised rudiments. And why should not these different rudiments themselves be pushed back to, and localised and condensed in, a rudiment such as the early developed primitive mesoderm cells or zones 1 In the Polyclada we see at an 8-micromere stage (Fig. 94, p. 125) the rudiment of the whole ectoderm, iv VERMES— LITERATURE 283 with the nervous system localised and condensed in 4 micromeres, the rudiment of the mesoderm in 4 other micromeres, and the rudiment of the whole endodermal enteric system in the 4 macromeres. Development of the Intestine. — The intestine of the worms consists as a rule of three parts of different origin — the fore-gut, the mid-gut, and the hind-gut. From the" endodermal archenteron of the gastrula only the mid-gut is derived. At an early stage in larval life an anterior ectodermal invagination, the embryonic or larval oesophagus or the stomodieum, becomes connected with it, while a similar invagina- tion at the posterior end yields the proctodseum. "While the proctodaeum becomes in a direct manner the hind-gut, which is often very short, the fore-gut does not always proceed direct from the stomodseum. Sometimes, e.g. in the Hirudinea, the stomodaeum disappears and a new oesophagus arises independently in its place. Sometimes the definitive oesophagus begins to form out of the stomodaeum which as such disappears. This is the case in many Polychceta. The musculature of the fore-gut, which is often very strongly developed as the pharynx, seems every- where to be formed from the cephalic portion of the mesodermal or germ streaks. The origin of the muscular wall of the mid-gut and its endothelium, where this is present, from the visceral layer of the mesodermal streaks has already been described. Literature. Nemertina. W. C. M'Intosh. A Monograph of the British Annelids. Part I. Nemerteans. London, 1872-74. J. v. Kennel. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Nemertinen. Arbeiten d. zool. Instituts in Wurzburg. Bd. IV. 1878. A. A. W. Hubrecht. Report on the Nemertea, in Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M.S. Challenger. Zoology. Vol. XIX. Part LI V. London, 1887. Treatises by Quatrefages, Hubrecht, Oudemans, Moseley, L. v. Graff, Dewoletzky. Ontogeny : Hubrecht, Salensky, Gotte, Barrois, etc. Nematoda. A. Schneider. Monographic der Neinatoden. Berlin, 1866. R. Leuckart. Die Parasiten des Menschen. New edition in preparation. Works and treatises by Meissner, Eberth, Biitschli, Schneider, Leuckart, Glaus, E. van Beneden, de Man, Rohde, Schnlthess, etc. Ontogeny : Biitschli, Gotte, Hallez, etc. Gordiidse. F. Vejdovsky. Zur Morphologic der Gordiiden. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. Bd. XLIII. 1866. The same. Studien iiber Gordiiden. Ibid. Bd. XL VI. 1888. With Bibliography. Acanthocephala. Carl Baltzer. Zur Kenntniss der Echinorhynchen, in Arch. f. Naturgeschichte. 1880. A. Safftigen. Zur Organisation der Echinorhynchen, in Morphol. Jahrbuch von Gegenbaur. 10 Bd. 1885. Treatises by Greef, Schneider, Andres, etc. S+ 284 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Hirudinea. A. Moquin-Tandon. Monographic de la famille des Hirudinees. With Atlas. 2d edition. Paris, 1846. E. Leuckart. Die Parasiten des Menschen. New Edition in preparation. A. Gibbs Bourne. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Hirudinea. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Soc. Vol. XXIV. 1884. St. Apathy. Analyse der Aussern Korperform der Hirudineen. Mitth. Zool. Station Neapel. Bd. VIII. 1888. Treatises by Brandt and Ratzeburg (Medicin. Zoologie, 1829), Leydig, 0. Schtiltze, Hermann, Whitman, Jaquet, v. Kennel. Ontogeny : Rathke, Robin, Biitschli, Bergh, Whitman. Chaetopoda. Franz Vejdovsky. System und Morphologic der Oligochaeten. Prague, 1884. Ed. Claparede. Recherches anatomiques sur les Oligochetes. Geneva, 1862. The same. Les Ann6lides Chetopodes du golfe de Naples. Geneva, 1868. Supple- ment, 1870. The same. Recherches sur la structure des Annelides sedentaires. Geneva, 1873. Ernst Ehlers. Die Borstenwiirmer (Annelida Chaetopoda}. Leipzig, 1864-68. A. de Quatrefages. Histoire naturelle des Anneles. With Atlas. Paris, 1865. C. Semper. Die Vemvandtschaftsbeziehungen der gegliederten Thiere. Arbeiten aus dem zool. Institute in Wurzburg. Bd. III. 1876. B. Hatschek. Studien uber Entivicklungsgeschichte der Anneliden. Arbeiten des zool. Instituts zu Wien. Bd. I. 1878. J. Fraipont. Le genre Polygordius, in Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. XIV. Berlin, 1887. H. Eisig. Die Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel, in Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. XVI. Berlin, 1887. E. Meyer. Studien uber den Korperbau der Anneliden. I. Mitth. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel. 7 Bd. 1887. H. de Lacaze-Duthiers. Recherches sur la Bonellie. Annales d. Sciences natur. 1858. J. W. Spengel. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Gephyreen (i.e. the Echiuridce). I. in Mitth. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel. 1879. II. in Zeitschr. f. iviss. Zoologie. Bd. XXXIV. 1880. R. Greef. Die Echiuren (Gephyrea Armata), in Nova acta. Bd. XLI. Halle, 1879. Numerous treatises and works by d'Udekem, Audouin et Milne-Edwards, Hering, Gegenbaur, Claparede, Grube, Ratzel, Leydig, Perrier, Vejdovsky, Tide, Jaquet, A. Agassiz, Greef, Spengel, Eisig, E. Meyer, Pruvost, Vignal, Kiikenthal, Ehlers, Hatschek, v. Graff, Riesch, Foettinger, v. Kennel, Billow, and others. Ontogeny : Loven, Krohn, Claparede, Metschnikoff, A. Agassiz, Salensky, Kowal- evski, Kleinenberg, Vejdovsk^, Wilson, Hatschek, Gotte, and others. Myzostomidse. L. v. Graff. Das Genus Myzostoma. Leipzig, 1877. J. Beard. On the Life-history and Development of tJie Genus Myzostoma. Mitth. zool. Station Neapel. 5th vol. 1884. Fridtjof Nansen. Bidrag til Myzostomernes Anatomi og Histologi. With English resuirM. Bergen, 1885. With bibliography. iv VERMES— LITERATURE 285 Sipunculacea. W. Keferstein. Beit-rage zur anatomischen und systematischen Kenntniss der Sipun- culiden. Zeitschr. f. iv. Zool. Bd. XV. 1865. E. Selenka (with de Man and C. Billow). Die Sipunculiden. Wiesbaden, 1883. J. Andreae. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Histologie des Sipunculus nudus. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. 36. Bd. 1881. W. Apel. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologie des Priapulus caudatus (Lam. ) und des Halicryptus spinulosus (v. Sieb. ) Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. 42. Bd. 1885. Treatises by Grube, Krohn, Ehlers, A. Brandt, H. Theel, Spengel, Selenka, Hatschek (Ontogenie von Sipunculus], Horst, Slniter, Scharff, Schauinsland. Phoronis. A. Kowalevski. Anatomie und Entiuicklungsgeschichte von Phoronis. 1867. W. H. Caldwell. Note on the Structure, Development, and Affinities of Phoronis. Proc. Roy. Soc. 1882. Further : Metschnikoff and Schneider. Bryozoa. G. J. Allmann. A Monograph of the Fresh-water Poly zoa. Ray Society. 1856. H. Nitsche. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. Bd. XX. 1869. Bd. XXI. 1871. Bd. XXV. Suppl. 1875. Ed. Claparede. Beitrage zur Anatomie und EntwicTcelungsgeschichte der Seebryozoen. Zeitschr. f.w. Zool. Bd. XXL 1871. L. Joliet. Contributions a I'histoire des Bryozoaires des cotes de la France. Arch. Zool. experim. Tome V. 1877. Tome VI. 1878. Tome VIII. 1880. Th. Hinks. A History of the British Marine Polyzoa. London, 1880. Karl Kraepelin. Die deutsche Susswasser Bryozoa. Eine Monographic. I. anatomische systematischer Thcil. Hamburg, 1887. Treatises by Dumortier, P. J. van Beneden, Repiachoff, Smitt, 0. Schmidt, C. Vogt, Salensky, Vigelius, Waters, Haddon, Allnian, Sars. Ontogeny : Schneider, Barrels, Hatschek, Haddon. Brachiopoda. E.Owen. On the Anatomy of the Brachiopoda. Transact. Zool. Soc. London, 1835. G. Vogt. Anatomie der Lingula anatina. Neue DenTcschr. d. schweiz Gesellsch. f. Natunvissensch. Bd. VII. 1845. T. H. Huxley. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Brachiopoda. Annals and Magaz. of Nat. Hist. 2d series. Vol. XIV. 1854. A.Hancock. On the Organisation of the Brachiopoda. Phil. Trans. 1858. J. F. van Bemmelen, Untersuchungen uber den anatomischen und histologischen Bau der Brachiopoda Testicardinia. Neue Zeitschr. f. Naturw. Bd. XVI. 1883. L. Joubin. Recherches sur T anatomic des Brachiopodes inarticules. Arch, de Zoo- logie experimentale. 2d serie. Tome IV. 1886. H. de Lacaze Duthiers. Histoire de la Thecidie. Ann. Sc. naturelles. 4ieme serie. Tome XV. 1861. Further treatises and works by Cuvier, Davidson, Carpenter, Gratiolet, Morse, Shipley, Schulgin, Beyer. Ontogeny : Lacaze Duthiers, Kowalevski, Morse, Brooks, Shipley. 286 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP, iv Rotatoria. Ehrenberg. Die Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen. Leipzig, 1838. Fr. Leydig. Ucber den Ban und die, systematische Stellung cler Rdderthicre. Zeitschr. f. 10. Zoologie. Bd. VI. 1854. Karl Eckstein. Die Rotatorien der Umgegend von Giessen. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. Bd. XXXIX. 1883. Ludwig Plate. Beitrdge zur Naturgeschichte der Rotatorien. Jena. Zeitschr. f. Natumv. Bd. XIX. N. F. XII. 1885. Further treatises and works by Dujardin, Weisse, Dalrymple, Leydig, Gosse, Cohn, Claparede, Metschnikoff, Semper, Mbbius, Plate, Zelinka, Salensky, Hudson, Joliet, etc. Dinophilus. Eug. Korschelt. Ucber Bau und Entivickelung dcs Dinophilus apatris, in Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. 37 Bd. 1882. Further : 0. Schmidt, Mereschkovsky, Weldon, E. Meyer. Echinoderes and Gastrotricha. E. Metschnikoff. Ueber einige wcnig bekannte niedere Thierformen. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. Bd. XV. 1865. H. Ludwig. Die Ordnung Gastrotricha. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. Bd. XXVI. 1875. W. Reinhard. Kinorhyncha (Echinoderes), ihr anatomischer Bau und ihre Stellung im System. Zeitschr. f. w. Zool. 45 Bd. 1887. Cf. further : Dujardin, Greef, Schulze, Biitschli. Chaetognatha. 0. Hertwig. Die Chaetognathen. Eine Monographic. Jen. Zeitschr. f. Naturw. Bd. XIV. 1880. G. B. Grassi. / Chetognati, in Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 5. Mono- graphic. 1883. Further, the works of Krohn, Wilms, Kowalevski, etc. CHAPTER V The first division of the Arthropoda— The organisation and development of the Crustacea. THE FIFTH RACE OR PHYLUM OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. ARTHROPODA— ARTICULATA. Bilaterally symmetrical animals with chitinous exoskeleton, seg- mented body, and paired jointed extremities on all or some of the segments. With brain, oesophageal commissures, and segmented ventral chord. With heart lying above the intestine. Sexes separate, with one pair of sexual glands and originally paired ducts from these glands. First Sub-race or Sub-phylum. Branchiata. — Aquatic animals. With the exception of the anterior antennae all the appendages are morphologically biramose. Respi- ration cutaneous or by means of gills, which are almost always appendages of the basal joints of the limbs. SINGLE CLASS. Crustacea. First appendage to the Sub-race Branchiata : The Trilobites, Gigantostraca, Hemiaspiclse, and Xiphosura. Second appendage to the Sub-race Branchiata: The Pantopoda or Pycno- gonidae. Second Sub-race or Sub-phylum. Tracheata. — Land animals. Limbs not biramose, consisting of a single row of joints. Respiration by means of tracheae (tubular or book-leaf tracheae). CLASS I. Protracheata. CLASS II. Antennata (Myriapoda and Hexapoda). CLASS III. Chelicerota sive Arachnoidea. Appendage to the Phylum of the Arthropoda. The Tardigrada or Bear animalcules. 288 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. THE CRUSTACEA. Systematic Review. Sub-Class I. Entomostraca. Fig. 191.— Branchipus stagnalis, male. 01, Anterior an- tenna; ; a-2, posterior antennae, seizing antennae with accessory appendages ; ua, unpaired eye ; I, liver ; md (above), mandible ; sd, shell gland ; h, heart or dorsal vessel ; oh, slit-like apertures (ostia) of the heart ; md (below), intestine ; p, penis ; br, branchial sac ; bri, branchial leaflet ; pa, paired stalked eyes (after Glaus). The trunk consists of a varying number of segments. AVe can here often distin- guish an anterior division bearing limbs from a pos- terior division which has no such appendages. Each division, however, consists of a varying number of seg- ments. The genital aper- tures usually lie between the two divisions of the trunk. A dorsal shield is often present, and is developed in various ways. The limbs are very variously shaped. Besides the usual lateral eyes, the unpaired frontal eye of the Nauplius larva is retained by the adult animal. A masticatory stomach is wanting. A Nauplius larva is hatched from the egg. Mostly sinall animals. Order I. Phyllopoda. With swimming feet which carry branchial sacs, mandibles without feelers, and reduced maxillse. Sub-Order 1. Branchiopoda. Body distinctly seg- mented with numerous trunk segments, and numer - ous pairs of swimming feet., Carapace seldom wanting, either flat and shield-shaped or in the form of a bivalve shell. Heart an elongated dorsal vessel with numerous pairs of ostia. In fresh water. Branchipus (Fig. 191) (without shell), Apus (with flat carapace), Es- theria, Limnadia (with bi- valve shell). CRUSTACEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 289 Sub-Order 2. Cladocera (Daphnidse), Water Fleas. Body small, Avith few indistinct segments and 4 to 6 pairs of swimming feet. The posterior antennae are large rowing feet. •/ Fig. 192.— Daphnia similis, young female (after Glaus). al5 Antennule ; a2, second (rowing) antenna ; Z, hepatic caecum ; a?«, eye ; d, intestine ; sd, shell gland ; h, heart ; bru, brood cavity ; ab, abdomen ; br, branchial sac ; frf5, trunk feet ; g, brain. a-., Fig. 193.— Cypridina mediterranea, female, from the side (after Glaus). OL Anterior, a2, posterior antennae ; fs, frontal organ ; oc, unpaired eye ; au, paired eye ; h, heart ; in, stomach ; ~s, shell ; /2, cleaning foot ; g, sexual organs (?) ; /;, first foot ; mx.2, second maxilla ; sm, shell muscle,' mxi, first maxilla ; 06, upper lip ; md, mandible. Branchial sacs may be wanting. With bivalve shell. Head freely projecting. Female with dorsal brood cavity between shell and trunk. Heart sac-shaped with VOL. I 290 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. at*. e*i- one pair of ostia. Mostly in fresh water. Daphnia (Fig. 192), Sida, Moina, Lynceus, Polyphemus, Leptodora, Evadne (marine). Order 2. Ostracoda. Body small, consisting of few segments indistinctly seg- mented, with bivalve shell. Besides the 5 pairs of well- developed limbs to be attri- buted to the head, viz. the antennae, mandibles, and max- illae, all or some of which may be developed as creeping or swimming feet, we find only 2 pairs of trunk limbs. The heart may be present or want- ing. Fresh-water form : Cypris. Marine forms: Cythere, Halo- cypris, Cypridina (Fig. 193). Order 3. Copepoda (with biramose or rowing feet). Sub-Order 1. Eucopepoda. Body small, mostly dis- tinctly segmented, without shell fold. The trunk consists of 10 segments, the 5 anterior carrying 5 pairs of biramose rowing feet, while the 5 pos- terior are limbless. The fore- most trunk segment is fused with the head. Antennae, mandibles, and maxillae (the two branches of the posterior maxillae separated from one another) are well developed, at any rate in the free -living forms. The mouth parts in the parasitic forms either suck or pierce. Heart sometimes wanting ; when present it is Fig. 194 — Clausocalanus mastigophorus (Glaus), female, from the ventral side (after an original drawing by W. Giesbrecht). Only the extremities of the left side of the body are depicted 01 Anterior, 03, posterior antennse ; md, mandible with masticatory ridge fc; TO*,, anterior maxilla ; mx^a, mx^b, anterior and posterior maxillipedes = endopodite and exopodite oft second maxilla ; trtt, rowing feet (biramose), ts, rudimentary ; /, frontal organ ; r, rostrum ; au, eye • o upper lip; m, mouth; u, under lip; c+J, head and 1st trunk segment; JI-A', 2d-10th trunk segments; I-V, limb-bearing segments (thoracic segments) ; Vl-X, limbless segments (abdo- minal segments); VI+VII, genital double segment; go, genital aperture; es, ovisac (unpair /, fur ex. CRUSTACEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 291 sac-shaped. The females carry about the fertilised eggs in a paired or unpaired ovisac. Gills are wanting. Free-living or commensal Copepoda : Cyclops, Cantho- mptus, in fresh water ; Cetochilus, Clausocalanus (Fig. 194), marine ; Notodelphys, commensal in the branchial cavity of the Asddians. Parasitic Copepoda : Corycceus, Sapphirina (some of which are only occasionally or temporarily parasitic), Chondra- canthus, Caligus, Lerncea, Lernceocera, Penella, Lernanthropus, Lernceascus, Achthercs, Anchorella. Sub-Order 2. Branchiura (Argulidse), Carp Lice. Body consists of the flattened shield-shaped cephalo-thorax and the small flat abdomen (caudal fin) divided longitudinally. In front of the oral suctorial tube a ff, V <••/ aO-^C 1" ifi. ' ' FIG. 195.— Argulus foliaceus young male (after Glaus). «i, Anterior, a2, posterior antenna ; pa, paired eye ; ua, unpaired eye ; r, beak or suctorial tube enclosing the mandibles and maxillse ; kfi, anterior maxillipede with the adhering disc ; kfz, posterior maxillipede ; sd, shell glands ; (?, intes- tine with its lateral branched diverticula ; &j, &2> &s, &4> thoracic feet ; ab, abdomen ; t, testes. long protrusible stylet. Four pairs of long cirrus-like biramose swimming feet. Two large compound lateral eyes. Testes in the caudal fin. Heart present. Females without ovisacs, attach the eggs to foreign objects. Argulus (Fig. 195), on the carp. Order 4. Cirripedia, Characteristics of the attached forms : body indistinctly segmented, attached by the head end, surrounded by a mantle which generally calcifies and then forms a 292 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. shell or case. Anterior antennae (adhering antennae) minute, posterior antennae reduced. Oral limbs small, partly reduced. Six (less frequently 4) pairs of long biramose tendril-like feet. Without heart. Hermaphrodite, occasionally with dwarf males, less frequently sexes separate and dimorphic. Live in the sea. Family 1. Lepadidse (Pedunculata). Head end elongated into an attached peduncle. Lepas (Figs. 204 and 205), Conchoderma, Scalpellum, Pollicipes, Ibla. Family 2. Balanidse. Peduncle wanting. Body surrounded by a ring of calcareous plates. Balanus (Figs. 206 and 207), Tubicitiella, Coronula. Family 3. Alcippidse (Abdominalia). Body surrounded by a flask-shaped integumental mantle, with 3 or 4 pairs of feet, corresponding with the last 3 or 4 pairs of other Cirripedes. Live in the calcareous shells of other Cirripedes and Molluscs. Alcippe, Cryptophyalus. Family 4. Proteolepadidse (Apoda). Body maggot-like, without tendril-like feet. Anterior (adhering) antennae ribbon- shaped. Mouth a sucker. Enteric canal rudimentary. Parasitic in the mantle of other Cirripedes. Proteolepas. Family 5. Rhizocephala (Kentrogonidse), perhaps to be separated as a special sub -order or order from the other Cirripedes. Body pouch-shaped, answers to the cephalic portion only of related Crustaceans. Integument split into 2 lamellae ; between them is a brood cavity which opens out- wardly by means of an aperture in the outer lamella. Enteric canal wanting. Limbs wanting. Hermaphrodites, with dwarf males. Parasitic on the abdomen of Decapoda. The pouch-shaped body has an adhering peduncle from which spring the branched "roots" which penetrate everywhere between the viscera of the host and convey nourishment into the body of the parasite. The larval stages (Nauplius- and Cijpris- like larvje) are like those of other Cirripedes. Sacculina (Fig. 208), Peltogaster. Sub-Class II. Malacostraca. The body consists of 3 regions with constant number of segments. (1) The head, originally formed of 5 segments ; (2) the thorax, consisting of 8 segments, of which the anterior segment or segments, or all the segments, may fuse with the head to form an incomplete or a complete cephalo-thorax ; (3) the abdomen, which (reckoning the telson) consists of 7 segments, (in Nebalia alone, including the terminal segment, of 8). All the segments of the body except the last (and in Nebalia the last but one) carry limbs. The most anterior thoracic feet often move into the neighbourhood of the mouth to serve as foot-jaws and to assist in taking in food. The sixth pair of pleopoda (abdominal limbs) almost always differs in shape from the rest, and often forms with the telson a caudal fin. A shell fold springing from the posterior cephalic region is very common. A pair of compound lateral eyes is always found, as is also a masticatory stomach. The female genital apertures lie in the 6th thoracic segment, the male in the last. Development sometimes with, sometimes without, metamorphosis. The larva hatched from the egg is rarely a Nauplius. In many Thoracostraca the larvae pass through the Zocea Legion I. Leptostraca. An extremely important group, which of all living Crustaceans stands the nearest CRUSTACEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 293 ...u Ml to the racial form of the Malacostraca, and is often placed as a special sub-class between the Entomostraca and the Malacostraca. Body slender, covered with a bivalve shell, which extends back, leaving only the last 4 abdo- minal segments free. Besides this there is a movable cephalic plate. Head, with the 5 typical pairs of appendages, distinct from the thorax. All the 8 segments of the short thorax are distinct, with 8 pairs of similar biramose lamellate feet. On the basal joint of the protopodites of these segments there is a large epi- podial lamella functioning as a gill. The 4 anterior pairs of pleopoda are strong biramose rowing feet, the 2 posterior pairs are short and uni- ramose. The last segment of the abdomen carries two furcal processes. On the head are 2 stalked compound lateral eyes. Heart elongated, with 7 pairs of ostia, stretches through the thorax and the abdomen as far as into the 4th abdominal segment. Masticatory stomach present. Single order and family, Ncba- lidce: Nebalia (Fig. 196), Parane- balia, Nebaliopsis, marine forms. The fossil Paleozoic forms Cera- tiocaridce (Archoeostraca), Hymen- ocaris, Ceratiocaris, etc., are probably related to the Lepto- straca. Legion II. Arthrostraca (Edriophthalmata). A shell fold is wanting, except in the division of the Anisopoda. The first thoracic segment (less frequently the second also) is fused with the head, and the foremost pair of thoracic feet are transformed into foot -jaws. The 2 lateral eyes are sessile. Order 1. Anisopoda. Fia 19(3.— Nebalia Geoffroyi, male (after Claus). r, Rostral plate ; c, cephalic region ; km, masticatory First and second thoracic seg- stomach ; md, mandible ; sm, shell muscle ; mxt, feeler ments fused with the head. Cephalo- of the anterior maxilla (cleaning foot) ; I- VIII, thoracic thorax with lateral shell fold, which seSments.; «. testes5 s> shell«/> heart5 d> intestine; ... ai> anterior, a-->, posterior antenna ; mt, mandibular on each side covers a respiratory feeler . 6r/j thoracic feet ; prP6} pleopoda ; «, eye. cavity. Both the pairs of maxillse have feelers. The feelers of the anterior -pair project into the respiratory cavity as cleaning appendages. The maxillipede has an epipodial appendage functioning as gill. The pair of limbs belonging to the second thoracic segment, which is also fused with the head, are developed as powerful forceps. Abdomen with biramose swimming feet. Heart in the thorax, generally with 2 pairs of ostia (the heart of Apseudes has only 3 ostia). Apseudes, Tanais, Leptochelia. 294 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Order 2. Isopoda. Body broad, often flattened dorso-ventrally. Only the foremost thoracic seg- ment is fused with the head, the other 7 are free. No freely projecting shell fold. ctop --Ad •.ed FIG. 197.— Organisation of Orchestia cavimana, male (after Nebeski). c+ 1, Head+lst thoracic segment; II-VIII, free thoracic segments with their extremities; Pi-p?, abdominal segments; cti, anterior, a2, posterior antenna ; a, eye ; ce, oesophagus ; fc/, foot-jaw ; br, gills ; Im, ventral chord ; g, brain ; aoa, anterior aorta ; sm, cesophagal stomach ; ltd, unpaired intestinal csecum ; od, egg- bearing part of the germ glands ; h, heart ; t, testis ; vs, vesica seminalis ; de, ductus ejaculatorius ; elid, entrance of the urinary gland (hd) into the intestine ; aop, posterior aorta ; I, ends of the hepatic tubes ; ed, posterior end of the intestine. The 2 pairs of maxillae without feelers. Abdomen generally short, often reduced, mostly consisting of 6 segments with biramose lamellated pleopoda, whose branches, especially the endopodites, function as gills. Heart in the abdomen, generally stretches as far as into the posterior thoracic region, with 1 to 2 pairs of ostia. CRUSTACEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 295 Cymothoidea, hermaphrodite, some living free, others parasitic on fishes : Cymothoa, Anilocra, Cirolana, Nerodla, Aega, almost exclusively marine forms. Sphceromidm, free living, mostly marine, Spharoma. Pranizidce, free in the sea, the 3 anterior FIG. 198.— Caprella acutifrons, after P. Mayer. A, male from the side ; B, from the back. 01, Anterior, a2, posterior an- tenna ; &2> &3, &6> &7» &8. 2(i to 8tn thoracic feet, the 2<1 moved on to the throat; br, gills in the place of the 4th and 5th thor- acic feet; cth+I+II; cephalo-thorax = head +lst and 2d thoracic segments ; 1 1 1- VI II, free thoracic segments; ab, truncated abdomen. FIG. 199.— Diastylis stygia, male (after G. O. Sars). aj, Anterior, a^, posterior antenna; cth, cephalo-thoracic shield ; IV- VIII, free thoracic segments ; abi-abj, ab- dominal segments ; PI, 1st pleopod ; pfi, 6th pleopod ; en, endopodite ; ex, exopodite. thoracic segments fused with the head. Anceidce, female parasitic, male free-living, Anceus. Idotheidce, free living, principally marine, Idothea. Asellidcc : Aselhis, fresh water. Oniscidce, on land : Oniscus, Porcellio. The divisions of the Bopyridce. 296 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. and Cryptoniscidce contain parasites which are chiefly hermaphrodite with dwarf males. Body of the female deformed. Bopyrus (sexes separate), Gyge, Entoniscus, Cryptoniscus. Order 3. Amphipoda. Body laterally compressed. In the typical Amphipoda only the foremost thoracic segment is fused with the head, in the Caprellidce and Cyamidce the two anterior segments. The gills are found on the thoracic feet as pouch-shaped epipodial appendages. Where the abdomen is well developed it carries 6 pairs of biramose feet, of which the 3 anterior, generally more strongly developed, serve as swimming feet, the posterior, directed backwards and often stylet-shaped, as springing feet. Heart in the thorax with 3, seldom 1 or 2 pairs of ostia. Sub-Order 1. Crevettina. Head and eyes small. Foot-jaws with their limb-like feelers form a large under lip. Marine forms : Corophium, Talitrus, Orckestia (Fig. 197), Lysianassa. In fresh water, Gammarus. FIG. 200.— Squilla, from the side, cth, Cephalo-thoracic shield ; VI, VII, VIII, the 3 posterior free thoracic segments ; 01-07, the segments of the abdomen ; a7, the telson ; au, eye ; a1} anterior ; 02, posterior antenna ; 1-8, the 8 thoracic feet, of which 1 is the 1st foot-jaw and 2 is the 2d foot- jaw or the large seizing foot, 3, 4, 5 are the posterior seizing feet, 1-5 are called oral feet, 6, 7, 8, the 3 biramose rowing feet of the 3 posterior thoracic segments ; p, penis ; p\-p§, the pleopoda (swimming feet), p§ forming with the telson the powerful caudal fin ; br, the branchial tufts on the exopodites of the pleopoda. Sub-Order 2. Hyperina. Head and eyes large, the latter often divided into frontal and lateral eyes. Foot jaws form a small lower lip without feelers. Marine forms : Hyperia (eyes not divided), Phronima, Platyscelus, Oxyceplialus. Sub- Order 3. Lamodipoda. Abdomen truncated. The 2 anterior thoracic segments fused with the head. Gills on the 2d and 3d free thoracic segments ; limbs on these segments often reduced. Marine forms : Caprellidce, body veiy slender and thin — Caprella (Fig. 198), Proto, Protella ; Cyamidce, body broad and flat, parasitic on the skin of whales, Cyamus. Legion III. Thoracostraca (Podophthalmata). With a shell fold which covers a larger or smaller part of the thorax and fuses with the dorsal integument of all or some of the anterior thoracic segments, always, however, projecting freely laterally and covering the respiratory branchio- stegite. A varying number of anterior thoracic segments, or all the thoracic segments fused, at least dorsally, with the head to form an incomplete or a complete cephalo- CRUSTACEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 297 ...ctfl, thorax. The 2 lateral eyes stalked (except in the Cumaceci}. Order 1. Cumacea. Shell (cephalo - thoracic shield) small, leaving the 5 posterior free thoracic segments uncovered. Eyes sessile, close together or fused into one, weakly developed, occasionally wanting. Two pairs of foot-jaws. The first with a very large epipodite carrying a gill. Of the 6 subsequent pairs of thoracic feet, the first 2 always carry exopodites as well as endopodites, the next 3 also often have exopodites, but this is never the case with the last. Abdomen long and slender. In the female the pleopoda are wanting, excepting the last pair. Marine form, Diastylis (Fig. 199). Order 2. Stomatopoda. Cephalo-thoracic shield rather small, not cover- ing the 3 distinct posterior thoracic segments. Body elongated, flattened dorso - ventrally. Abdomen large and strong. The 5 anterior pairs of thoracic feet (oral feet because moved to near the mouth), are holding or seizing feet with epipodial lamellae, but without exopodites. The 3 posterior pairs of thoracic feet are biramose limbs without epipodial appendages. The 5 anterior pairs of pleopoda are strong lamellated swimming feet, whose exopodites carry branchial tufts. The 6th pair of pleopoda forms with the telson a powerful caudal fin. The heart with several pairs of ostia is elongated into a dorsal vessel running through the abdomen. Ovaries and testes in the abdomen. Marine, Squilla (Fig. 200). Order 3. Schizopoda. Cephalo-thoracic shield well developed, like a delicate integument covering the whole thorax. FlG. 201.— Slriella Thompson!!, The dorsal integument of the last 5 thoracic seg- male (after G. O. Sars). cth, Cephalo- ments, or of the last thoracic segment, is not united thoracic shield ; VII, VIII, 7th and with it. The 8 pairs of thoracic feet are formed 8th thoracic segments ; ab^afy, abdo- ,,.,••, ,. , .,, ,., minal segments ; pi-ps, pleopoda ; 6r, pretty much alike, and are biramose (with exopodite gjlls and endopodite) ; we can, however, generally describe the 2 anterior pairs of thoracic feet as foot-jaws, as they may have masticatory ridges. Abdomen strong, slender. Pleopoda very small in the female, strongly developed in the male. The last pair of pleopoda, well developed in both sexes, forms with the telson a rowing or swimming fin. Marine. Family 1. Mysidse. Thoracic feet without gills, the first pair with large vibratile epipodial lamellse. Last 5 thoracic segments free under the dorsal shield. Auditory organs in the endopodites of the 6th pair of pleopoda. My sis, Siriella (Fig. 201) ; in the male, gills on the pleopoda. 298 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Family 2. Lpphogastridse. With branchial tufts on the thoracic feet ; last 5 thoracic segments as in the Mysidce. Lophogaster. Family 3. Euphausidae. With branchial tufts on the thoracic feet. Only the last thoracic segment is free under the dorsal shield. Euphausia, Thysanopod.a. \UL FIG. 202.— Astacus fluviatilis, male, from the side, cth, Cephalo-thorax ; ab, abdomen ; kd, branchiostegite of the cephalo-thoracic shield ; XIV, first, XIX, last but one abdominal segment ; r, rostrum ; 0,1-0%, 1st and 2d antennae ; 8, third foot-jaw or maxillipede ; 9, chelate foot ; 10, 11, 12, 13, the 4 remaining ambulatory feet ; 19, the pleopoda of the 6th abdominal segment, which with the telson or terminal segment form the caudal fin (after Huxley). Order 4. Decapoda. Cephalo-thoracic shield large, generally firm and hard, calcareous, covering the whole thorax, and fused with the dorsal integument of all the thoracic segments. Exopodite of the 2d maxilla forms a vibratile plate which regulates the streaming of the water in the branchial cavity. The 3 anterior pairs of thoracic feet developed as foot-jaws or maxillipedes, the 5 posterior, some of which are armed with pincers, as ambulatory feet (hence " Decapoda "). In the adult these ambulatory feet consist only of protopodite and endopodite, while the exopodite is almost always wanting ; auditory organs on the basal joints of the inner antennse. Development director with metamorphosis. In the latter case a Nauplius is seldom (Carididce) hatched from the egg ; the larvae hatched are generally further developed, and pass through a Zocea and a Mysis stage. This order is very rich in forms. Sub-Order 1. Macrura. With well-developed abdomen, which is at least as long as the cephalo-thorax. Mostly with the full number of pleopoda, the last pair of which forms with the telson a powerful caudal fin. Carididaz (shrimps) : Penceus, Palcemon, Crangon, Pon- tonia, Alpheus, Sergestes, Lucifer, in the sea. Astacidce : Astacus flumatilis (Cray- fish, freshwater ; Figs. 202 and 203), Homarus (lobster), Nephrops, Callianassa, Gebia, marine. Palinuridce : Palinurus, Scyllarus, in the sea. Sub-Order 2. Anomura (this division cannot be sharply demarcated). Abdomen moderately large ; caudal fin mostly reduced. The hindermost pair of ambulatory feet or the two posterior pairs reduced. Third foot -jaws limb-like. Paguridce, hermit-crabs, marine, in empty shells of Molluscs ; abdomen soft skinned, asymmetrical, with degenerated pleopoda serving as clinging organs. Pagurus, Eupa- CRUSTACEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 299 gurus, Birgus (in holes in the ground). Hippidce, marine, live in mud ; posterior body hard skinned, the half of it bent forwards. The Galatcidce (Galatea) approach the Macrura, and the Porcellanidce (Porcellana) the Brachyura. FIG. 203.— Astacus fluviatilis, from the ventral side. A, male ; B, female. In the male the 8th to 13th and 15th to 18th extremities of the left side of the body are removed ; in the female the 2d and 4th to 13th of the right side. 3-13, Extremities of the cephalo-thorax ;\ara^ anterior and posterior antennae ; gd, aperture of the antennal glands ; wo, female ; mo, male genital aperture ; PrPe, pleopoda ; en, endopodite ; ex, exopodite of the last pair of pleopoda ; an, anus ; t, telson (after Huxley). Sub-Order 3. Brachyura (Crabs). Body flattened. Posterior body without anal fin, reduced, bent round on the ventral side of the cephalo-thorax. In the male only the two anterior pairs of pleopoda are usually retained. Notopoda, in the sea : Dromia, Dorippe, Lithodes. Oxystomata, round crabs : Calappa, Ilia, in the sea. Oxyrhyncha, • triangular crabs : Maja, Pisa, Stenorhynchus, Inachus, Lambrus, in the sea. Cydometopa : Telphusa 300 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. (fresh water), Cancer, Xantho, Pilumnus, Eriphia, Portunus, Carcinus, in the sea. Catometopa, square crabs : Pinnoteres, Ocypoda, Grapsus, in the sea, Gecarcinus, land-crabs. I. Outer Organisation.1 Nowhere in the animal kingdom does the study of outer organ- isation afford so much of interest to the comparative anatomist as among the Arthropoda. The more or less hard chitinous envelope which outwardly covers the body and all its limbs not only serves as a protection to the inner organs, but also represents the skeleton to which the musculature is attached inside. Herein lies the chief cause of the specially close relations between inner and outer organisation in the Arthropoda. In describing the outer organisation of the Crustacea we must take into consideration in turn (1) the body, (2) the extremities, and (3) the gills. A. The Body. We denote by this term the whole animal minus its appendages. It consists of a number of consecutive joints (segments, metameres, somites). The consecutive segments are movably articulated together. The chitinous integument investing the whole animal remains thin and soft between adjoining segments and forms intersegmental membranes. The study of comparative anatomy leads us to suppose that originally each segment except the last possessed a pair of limbs, so that the number of the limbs answered to the number of somites. We may diagrammatically represent the Crustacean body as consisting of a great number of segments, as is the case in the Annulata. The most anterior or head segment is distinguished by the possession of the eyes, the mouth, the brain, and a pair of extremities, which as feelers differ from all the other extremities ; these latter resemble one another more or less closely ; their special modifications will be described below. The anus lies in the hindermost segment, which has no limbs. This diagrammatic representation of the segmentation of the Crustacean body is not exactly realised in any known Crustacean. In fact we everywhere find important deviations even in those which are considered to stand nearest the racial form. We find first of all that in all Crustaceans the anterior region of the body is outwardly unsegmented, and, in opposition to our typical Crustacean, carries not one but five pairs of limbs. We are inclined to assume that this region has arisen by the fusing of a head segment with the four following segments, this assumption being supported by similar phenomena observed in various groups of Crustacea. Thus the most anterior unsegmented region of the body, which 1 In order to emphasise the great morphological significance of the Leptostracan body, Nebalia is treated of in this division apart from the other Malacostraca. v CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 301 carries 5 pairs of limbs, is known as the head, as apart from the trunk, i.e. the whole of the remaining segmented body. The trunk of the Entomostraca consists of a very varying number of segments, which in different regions may differ greatly in many respects (heteronomous segmentation of the trunk). The trunk of the Malacostraca always consists of a constant number of segments, viz. fifteen. It always falls into two sharply distinguished regions, each with a constant number of segments, an anterior thoracic region, consisting of 8 segments, and a posterior abdominal region (pleon) containing 7. The trunk of the Leptostraca (Nebalid), which in classification takes a place half way between the conjectural racial forms of the Entomostraca and those of the Malacostraca, though really more nearly related to the latter, also consists of (1) a thorax of 8 segments (which exactly answers to the thorax of the Malacostraca), and (2) an abdomen of 8 segments. There is nothing to hinder us from assuming that in all Crustaceans the segments which are numbered alike correspond, for instance the 2d, 6th, and 10th trunk segments of an Isopod with the 2d, 6th, and 10th trunk segments of a Phyllopod. As in the Annulata, so also in the Crustacea, the somites become differentiated ontogenetically in regular order from before backward, so that the youngest segment always appears posteriorly in front of the anal segment, this latter containing the formative material for the segments which are to appear in the course of development. There is therefore also nothing to hinder us from assuming that the anal segments of all Crustaceans correspond, of however many segments the trunk may consist. Apart from the above-mentioned conjectural fusing of the 5 most anterior primary segments to form the unsegmented head of the Crustacean, the metamerism of the trunk, either of the whole tffunk or of single regions of it, may be obscured or even entirely obliterated. Such obscuration or obliteration may in almost all cases be referred to one or more of the following causes : — 1. To the appearance of a shell or carapace as a fold arising from the dorsal side of the posterior head region, which spreads in varying form more or less far back over the body, covering or enveloping the same. Such a carapace serves for the greater protection of the body, and also is often closely connected with the respiratory functions. Since a shield -like integumental fold is formed in an essentially similar manner in the most various groups of Crustaceans and their larval forms, we have reason for assuming that it represents a primi- tive peculiarity of the Crustacean body. By the concrescence of the shield or shell with the integument of all or a portion of the trunk segments, the outer metamerism of the body is obliterated to a greater or less extent. 2. To the fusing of the anterior trunk segments with the head in 302 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. order to associate the limbs of these segments with the limbs already present on the head in the work of taking in food. 3. ' To the fact that the extremities in certain regions of the body give up their various functions (which are almost always associated with movement), and consequently become reduced or quite disappear. The independence of the segments which carry such reduced limbs is then more or less lost, that is if the said region does not in any other way gain a locomotory significance. 4. To the loss of the capacity for active locomotion by adapta- tion to the parasitic mode of life ; this adaptation leads to the reduc- tion of the extremities and the more or less complete obliteration of the metamerism of the whole body. Having prefaced these remarks by way of elucidation, we proceed to sketch in outline the external morphology of the body in the prin- cipal groups of the Crustacea. I. Entomostraca. Phyllopoda. — In Branchipus (Fig. 191) the trunk appears distinctly segmented, and falls into an anterior and a posterior region which are called thorax and abdomen respectively. The 11 segments of the thorax carry 11 pairs of limbs ; the abdomen, which consists of many segments, is limbless, and ends in 2 so-called furcal plates. A shield or shell fold is wanting. The head carries 2 stalked movable lateral eyes. In Apus the body is covered for the most part with a flat shell fold, not fusing with any of the anterior thoracic segments. The trunk consists of a large number of segments, the most posterior being limbless. In the Esthcridce the body is quite enveloped in a bivalve shell, which also covers the limbs laterally. The trunk consists of numerous segments. The posterior segments, which have no limbs, form a short abdomen, as opposed to the thorax of many segments. A bivalve shell also occurs in the Cladocera ; here also the shell covers the limbs. In this case, however, it leaves the well-marked head uncovered. In the trunk the segmentation is obliterated. It carries 4 to 6 pairs of limbs, and ends in an unsegmented abdomen devoid of appendages. Ostracoda. — The body is entirely enveloped in a bivalve shell, into which also the limbs can be withdrawn. The whole body is unsegmented. Besides the 5 pairs of cephalic limbs there are only 2 other pairs, so that the trunk appears extraordin- arily reduced. Copepoda. — A shield or shell-fold is here in all cases wanting. The manner of life of the animal leads to very various modifications of the body. In most free- living gnatkostomatous Copepoda the trunk is distinctly segmented (Fig. 194). We can distinguish in it a thorax of 5 segments carrying appendages, and an abdominal region also of 5 segments, but without appendages. The most ^ anterior thoracic segment is fused with the head to form an incomplete cephalo-thorax. The abdomen ends in 2 spine- or bristle-carrying processes which diverge in a fork (furcal pro- cesses). In certain female Notodelphydce each of the 4 free limb-carrying segments has on the dorsal side an unpaired wing-like fold. In the siphonostomatous Copepoda and Argulidcc we observe an advancing oblitera- tion of the segmentation of the trunk and a reduction of the abdomen as the parasitic manner of life becomes more marked. The body, in a few of the parasitic Siphon- ostomata (Lernceidce, Lernceopodidce, Chondracanthidoe), assumes such various and extraordinary forms that no similarity to other Crustaceans can be recognised. Cirripedia. — These, in an adult condition, are attached or parasitic animals. CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 303 The similarity to Crustaceans in outer appearance is only retained in the free-moving young stages, while in the adult forms this similarity is hardly recognisable. If we first consider the attached Lepadidw (Figs. 204 and 205), we can distinguish out- wardly an attached peduncle and a flattened shell, with a slit-like aperture on one side carried by the peduncle ; this shell consists (in Lepas} of 5 calcareous plates. If we open the shell we find within it the indistinctly segmented body, which carries long tendril-like feet (Fig. 205) and is attached to the shell near the point of inser- tion of the peduncle. The tendril-like feet are found on that side of the body turned away from the peduncle. A thorough ontogenetic and anatomical study of Lepas has now proved that these parts are to be described as follows. The peduncle FIG. 204.— Lepas ana- tifera after Darwin. Seen somewhat diagon- ally from the carinal side, c, Carina ; t, tergum ; s, scutum ; p, peduncle. FIG. 205.— Organisation of Lepas, after Glaus. The right half of the fold of the body integument with its calcareous plates removed, t, Tergum ; s, scutum ; c, caring ; TO, closing muscle of the scuta ; I, liver ; od, oviduct ; ov, ovarium ; cd, cement glands ; a1, anterior (adhering) antenna ; t, testes ; vd, vas deferens ; p, cirrus-shaped penis. ^ corresponds with the prolonged anterior portion of the Crustacean head, which has become attached, and which still carries on its anterior end the much-simplified anterior antenna in the shape of very small adhering organs (Fig. 205, a1). The shell is an integumental fold arising from the posterior head region. It answers to the shell or shield of other Crustaceans. In the chitinous integument of this fold in the Cirrcpedia, however, there arise by calcification the various calcareous plates, to which we shall again refer. The part of the indistinctly segmented body enclosed by the shell which lies anteriorly next the peduncle corresponds with the posterior head regjon, while the remainder, which carries the tendril-like feet, answers to the thorax of an Untomostracan ; and in addition to these parts there is a small trun- cated portion representing a reduced abdomen. The abdomen carries a long 304 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. FIG. 206. — Case of Balanus Hameri, from the side (after Dar- win), s, Scutum ; t, tergum. appendage, the male copulatory organ (p). This is bent forwards on the ventral side, and lies between the tendril-like feet. The thorax consists of 6 indistinct segments. In Lepas we find, as already mentioned, 5 shell pieces or calcareous plates of the integumental fold (mantle), one unpaired and four paired. The unpaired piece (c) lies on the dorsal side and is called the carina. The paired pieces (s, t) lie to the right and left ; the anterior are called the scuta, the posterior the terga. The cleft in the mantle or shell lies posteriorly and ventrally. Accessory shell pieces, impaired as well as paired, may be found in addition to the above. In the Balanidce (Figs. 206 and 207), in contradistinction to the Lepadidce, the attached anterior portion of the body is not prolonged like a stalk. The mantle forms by calcification several strongly united shell pieces which surround the body like a rampart, to which the scuta and terga form a kind of movable lid. In the Abdominalia, which live in the shells of Cirripedes and Molluscs, the number of the thoracic segments is reduced, and the body is enclosed in a flask-shaped mantle which does not calcify, as the shell of the host affords sufficient protection. The Apoda live parasitically, like the Abdominalia, in the mantle of other Cirripedes. The mantle fold does not here attain development. The body of 11 segments assumes the form of a fly -maggot, hav- ing lost the tendril-like feet. The Crustacean body suffers the greatest degree of degradation in the Rhizocephala, which live parasitically on the abdomen of Decapoda. In this case we find only an unsegmented •v" \ "\ o sac (Fig. 208), entirely devoid of limbs, containing the viscera (testes, germarium, cement glands, ganglion), and itself enveloped in another outer sac-like mem- brane. This outer membrane which surrounds the brood cavity has been considered, erroneously it appears, as the mantle. An aperture in it leading to the exterior is termed the cloaca. The body is attached to that of the host by means of a short peduncle. On this stalk of attachment arise long branched filaments which penetrate the body of the host and conduct nourish- ment from its body to the or; FIG. 207.— Balanus tintinabulum, after removal of the right half of the calcareous ring, o-o, Edges of the aperture of the ring sk ; sc, scutum ; t, tergum ; aj, anterior (adhering) antennae ; ov, ovarium ; ovi, oviduct ; wo, female genital aper- ture ; m, muscles for moving the scuta and terga ; ad, musculus adductor scutorum (after Darwin). parasite in a manner similar to that in which the roots of a plant convey nourishment out of the earth. The Rhizocephala are classed as a special order of the Entomostraca (Kentrogo- nidce). It is from thfeir ontogeny alone that we learn that they are Crustaceans at CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 305 all and nearly related to the Cirripedes. In the course of their development they pass through stages similar to those of the Cirripedes, free-swimming and provided with Crustacean limbs. In many Cirripedes there are by the side of the ordinary hermaphrodite individuals, complementary dwarf males differently formed, which will be referred to later. II. Leptostraca. In the segmentation of the trunk, the Leptostraca (Fig. 196) take an inter- mediate place between Entomostraca (especially Phyllopoda) and Malacostraca. As in the latter, the thorax which follows the head consists of eight limb - bearing segments, here very short but distinct. After the thorax comes the well-developed -mb FIG. 208.— Sacculina carcini in situ on the host (after a somewhat diagrammatic original drawing by Professor Delage, Paris), br, Branchial region ; I, hepatic region ; d, intestinal region of the host (Carcinus) ; ks, body ; p, peduncle of the Sacculina ; mb, basilar membrane out of which the roots of the parasite proceed. powerful abdomen consisting of 8 segments, i.e. of one more segment than the typical Malacostracan abdomen of 7 segments. The abdomen is further followed by the 2 so-called furcal processes. Only the 6 anterior abdominal segments carry limbs. The 6 limb-bearing abdominal segments must correspond with the 6 anterior abdominal segments of the Malacostraca. On the dorsal side of the posterior head region an integumental fold arises, which in the shape of a delicate laterally compressed bivalve shell covers the thorax and the 4 anterior abdominal segments, but does not fuse with them. This shell also, like the corresponding shells of many JSntomostraca, covers a large part of the limbs (Fig. 196). The head carries on each side a stalked compound (facet) eye. III. Malacostraca. There are two peculiarities specially to be noticed in the segmentation of the body of this large division. VOL. I X 306 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. First. — Apart from the unsegmented head, which carries the typical number of limbs (5 pairs), the trunk always consists of two regions, the thorax and the abdomen. They both have a constant number of segments, the former 8, the latter 7. Each of these, with the exception of the last abdominal segment, is • typically provided with a pair of limbs. The limbs of the 6th abdominal segment often form with the 7th or terminal segment a caudal or rowing fin. Second.— The segments of the thorax show a tendency to fuse with the head. Either the first segment or several anterior segments fuse with the head to form an incomplete cephalo-thorax, or all the thoracic segments unite, and with the head form a complete cephalo-thorax, which then shows external signs of the original segmentation only on the ventral side. Arthrostraca (Amphipoda, Isopoda, and Anisopoda). — The foremost thoracic segment is fused with the head. Seven thoracic segments thus remain free (Fig. 197). The eyes are sessile (Edriophthalmata). In the Amphipoda, the body is laterally compressed. The Caprellidce (Amphipoda) (Fig. 198) present many important peculiarities. The 2d thoracic segment is also fused with the head, so that only 6 thoracic segments are left free. The abdomen is reduced to a stump. The body of the Isopoda is dorso-ventrally flattened. In a few Isopoda even more thoracic segments become fused with the head. Thus in the Pranizidce (Anceus) the 3d thoracic segment is comprised in the incomplete cephalo-thorax. A shell-fold, though as a rule wanting in the Arthrostraca, is found in the Anisopoda, although slightly developed. In these latter the 2 anterior thoracic segments are fused with the head. In parasitic Isopoda the metamerism of the body may be indistinct and obliterated, and the body itself become asymmetrical. Thoracostraca.— A shell-fold is everywhere developed, proceeding from the head ; this, as a cephalo-thoracic shield, fuses dorsally with the integument of a larger or smaller number of thoracic segments, but, unlike the corresponding integumental fold of the Entomostraca and Leptostraca, it only covers the thorax, never the extremities and the abdomen. On the head (except in the Cumacea) there are 2 stalked facet- eyes (Podophthalmata). I. Cumacea (Fig. 199). — The cephalo-thoracic shield. remains small ; the cephalo- thorax includes the 3 or 4 anterior thoracic segments ; the 4 or 5 posterior ones remain free and distinct from one another. The abdomen is long and slender, and distinctly segmented. In the female it carries no feet ; the 6th segment only has on each side a pair of biramose stylet-like limbs. The two eyes (when present) are fused into one unpaired eye, or are very close to one another. II. Stomatopoda (Fig. 200).— The cephalo-thoracic shield is fused with the most anterior thoracic segments and covers the thorax with the exception of its 3 posterior segments which remain free. The broad abdomen is very strongly developed, and longer than the cephalo-thorax. The strongly developed lamellate limbs of the 6th abdominal segment form with the limbless terminal segment (telson) an imposing caudal plate (swimming fin). III. Schizopoda (Fig. 201).— The soft-skinned cephalo-thoracic shield generally covers the whole thorax, and fuses with the dorsal integument of a varying number of its segments. One or more segments, however, always remain unfused. In the Mysidce the last 5, in the Euphausidce only the last thoracic segment, remains unfused. Abdomen elongated and strong, ending in a swimming fin. IV. Decapoda (Figs. 202 and 203). — The strong cephalo-thoracic shield, which occasionally becomes through calcification of its chitinous integument as hard as stone, generally covers the whole thorax, and is also fused with the dorsal integu- ment of the thoracic segments. A complete cephalo-thorax is thus formed. The pleura of the cephalo-thorax, which project freely downwards at the sides, cover the v CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 307 two respiratory cavities, and are called gill covers or branchiostegites. The form and dimensions of the abdomen are very various. In. the Macrura the abdomen is strongly developed. In the good swimmers (e.g. Carididce) the whole body is laterally compressed, while in those Macrura which generally crawl, or only swim occasionally and not well (Astacidoe, Palinuridcc, Galatheidce, Thalassinidce), it is more or less flattened dorso-ventrally. The abdomen always ends in a strong caudal fin (terminal segment with the limbs of the 6th abdominal segment). In the Paguridtu (hermit crabs), which live in empty mollusc shells, the last thoracic segment is separate and not fused with the cephalo-thorax ; the abdomen, which is covered by the mollusc shell, is soft-skinned, the caudal fin reduced and bent round for- wards. The Brachyura are distinguished by the fact that the abdomen is -reduced to a small plate, which is bent forward on the ventral side of the cephalo-thorax, so that in looking at these Crustaceans from above only the cephalo-thorax can be seen. The abdominal limbs are reduced in number and form. The caudal fin is atrophied. B. The Extremities. According to the scheme sketched above of the segmentation of the Crustacean body, every segment except the last is provided with a pair of jointed extremities which articulate ventrally and laterally with the body. In order to complete the scheme with reference to the limbs, we must distinguish between the limbs of the most anterior segment and the rest. The first pair are not biramose, but consist of a single row of consecutive joints. All the other pairs are biramose. In such a biramose limb we distinguish 3 parts ; the shaft or stem (protopodite), the inner branch (endopodite), and the outer branch (exopodite). The shaft consists of 2 joints, a proximal joint articu- lating with the body, and a distal joint carrying the 2 branches. The 2 branches themselves are again jointed ; the inner branch is turned towards the median plane of the body, the outer branch away from it. The limbs of the Crustacea undergo the most various transforma- tions according to the special functions they perform. They can always, however, be referred back to the typical forms, the first pair to the unbranched (uniramose) form, and all the rest to the biramose form. This typical arrangement is found in the Nauplius, which is the youngest Crustacean larva, universally found among the Entomostraca and occurring also in a few Malacostraca. The Nauplius, which hatches from the egg, is unsegmented, and always possesses 3 pairs of appendages, the first uniramose, the second and third biramose. The limbs of the Nauplius become in all cases the three anterior pairs of limbs of the adult animal. The most anterior pair becomes the anterior antennae, the second the posterior antennae, and the third the mandibles of the adult. In the course of the metamor- phoses of the Nauplius, which are accompanied by numerous moults, the larval body elongates into the adult animal, and behind the appendages of the Nauplius new appendages bud from the body as a rule in order from before backward. All these newly formed 308 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. appendages originate as biramose limbs ; the biramose character may, however, be more or less indistinct, or may even be lost as the limbs develop into the corresponding limbs of the adult. In attempting a comparative review of the limbs throughout the class of the Crustacea, only the most important points can be touched upon. The setae with which they are often provided, and whose form and arrangement are extremely important for classification, cannot here be taken into consideration. 1. The Limbs of the Head. In all the Crustacea the head carries 5. pairs of limbs, which are called, following the order from before backward, the anterior antennae, posterior antennae, mandibles, anterior maxillae, and posterior maxillae. The 3 anterior pairs correspond with the 3 pairs of limbs of the Nauplius. a. The Anterior Antennae (Antennules) (Fig. 209). These lie in front of the mouth, and consist typically of a single row of joints. As a rule they function as organs of touch, but usually also carry the olfactory organs, and occasionally the auditory organs. FIG. 209.— Anterior antennae (antennules) of various Crustaceans. A, Of Astacus (after Huxley) ; o, auditory sac. B, Of Munnopsis typica, Isopod <$ (after Sars). C,OfNebaliaGeo/royi 6 (after Claus), without the setae ; pi, plate. D, Of Cyclops serrulatus 6 (after Glaus) ; rf, olfactory hairs. E, Of Daphnia pulex (after Leydig) ; rf, olfactory hairs ; g, ganglion. Entomostraca. — In all Entomostraca the antennules consist typically of a single row of joints. In the Phyllopoda (Fig. 209, E] they are small, carry numerous olfactory hairs, and are called feelers or olfactory antennse. In the Ostracoda (Fig. 193) they are strongly developed and occasionally provided with olfactory hairs, but chiefly function as locomotory organs for crawling and swimming. The anterior antennse of the Copepoda are strongly developed as swimming feet in the free-swim- ming forms, and are longer than any of the other limbs (Fig. 194). They carry olfactory hairs, and serve in the males as organs for seizing and holding the female during copulation (Fig. 209, D}. In the parasitic forms they are usually much v CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 309 shortened. The anterior antennae of the Cirripedia (Figs. 205 and 207) are very small, and can no longer be called limbs. The cement glands, whose secretion serves for fastening the body to the surface it rests on, open on them. These antennae, as well as all other limbs, are wanting in the Rhizocephala. In all Cirripedes, however, even in the Rhizocephala, they are well developed in the free-swimming young forms (the Nauplius and the so-called Cypris-like larva). Leptostraca. — In Nebalia (Fig. 209, C) the antennules are well developed. They consist of a 4 -jointed shaft which carries two appendages, one in the form of a plate ; the other, which is slender and flagellate, has many joints and carries olfactory filaments. These two appendages can in no wise be considered as the exopodite and endopodite of a biramose limb, as these latter always arise from the 2d (distal) joint of the shaft or protopodite. The shaft, with its many-jointed flagellum, corresponds with the undivided uniramose antenna. The plate is a new formation. Malacostraca. — Here also the anterior antennas are well developed and provided with olfactory filaments. They usually consist of a 3- or 4-jointed shaft and 2 flagella, one of which (accessory flagellum) is a secondary production of the antennule (Fig. 209, A}. There are sometimes 2 accessory flagella, and some- times they are altogether wanting (Isopoda), and in this latter case the antennule shows its typical uniramose form (Fig. 209, B}. The form of the Malacostracan antennules varies very much in details ; it shows more or less considerable variations in the two sexes. That the antennules of the Malacostraca also were originally uniramose as opposed to all the other biramose appendages, and that the accessory flagella are new formations, is principally proved by the Nauplius larva which occurs in some of the Malacostraca ; its first pair of limbs (the later antennules) being always uniramose. b. The Posterior Antennse (Fig. 210). These correspond with the 2d pair of limbs of the Nauplius, being its first pair of biramose limbs, and often serve as feelers. They' con- sist typically of the 2- jointed shaft or protopodite, an outer branch (exopodite) and an inner branch (endopodite). They appear in this form in many Entomostraca. Entomostraca. — Among the Phyllopoda the posterior antennae appear in the Cladocera as strong biramose rowing antennae (Fig. 192). In Apus they are reduced, and in Branchipus transformed into pincers. Among the Ostracoda in the Halocy- pridve, and Cyprinidce they are biramose swimming feet. The exopodite is, however, considerably reduced, and in the male supplied with seizing hooks. In the Cypri- didce and Cytheridce, however, they are uniramose, i.e. without exopodite. The posterior antennae of most Copepoda are clinging organs. In a few free-living forms they are typically biramose (Fig. 210, D\ in others uniramose, consisting of several joints (Fig. 210, C}. In the parasitic Copepoda, however, they appear degenerated into short simple clinging hooks (Fig. 210, JE). The posterior antennae are always wanting in adult Cirripedes. Leptostraca (Nebalia) (Fig. 196).— The posterior antennas consist of a 3-jointed shaft and a many-jointed flagellum, which is unusually long in the male. The exo- podite is wanting. Malacostraca.— In this division the posterior antennae is very commonly a 5-jointed shaft and a thin (ringed) many-jointed flagellum, the 2d joint of the shaft carrying a scale (squame). This structure of the posterior antennas is to be explained as follows. The first 2 joints of the shaft answer to the protopodite, 310 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the 3 other joints together with the flagellum to the endopodite, and the scale to the exopodite, of a typical biramose limb. This is clear from the fact that the 2d antennae of the Malacostracan larvae (Nauplius, Protozocea) show the typical biramose structure, the exopodite (which is often still jointed) being transformed in the course of development into the squame of the antenna in the adult. The 3 distal joints of the shaft are thus only the 3 proximal joints of the endopodite enlarged. Arthrostraca. — Amphipoda, the squame (exopodite) is wanting. In the female Hyperidfx, the antennae are rudimentary. Isopoda, squame wanting. In Bopyridw and Entoniscidas the antennae rudimentary. Anisopoda, squame present in Apseudes. FIG. 210.— Second or posterior antennae of various Crustaceans. A, lolanthe acanthonotus, (after Beddard)'. B, Eulimnadia texana, larva (after Packard). C, Cyclops signatus (after Uljanin). D, Pseudocalanus elongatus (after Brady). E, Trebius caudatus, parasitic Copepod (after Kroyer). F, Eulimnadia Agassizii, adult Phyllopod (after Packard). G-I, Euphausia pellucida (after Sars). G, Last Furcilia stage ; H, first Cyrtopia stage ; I, young Euph- ausia. K, Astacus fluviatilis (after Huxley); go, aperture of the green gland (antennal gland); er, exopodite (squame) ; en, endopodite with flagellum ; I, proximal ; II, distal joint of the proto- podite. Thoracostraca. — Cumacea, antennae without squame, in the male with unusu- ally long flagellum, in the female rudimentary. Stomatopoda, with large squame. Schizopoda, with well -developed squame (Fig. 210, G-I). Decapoda, except the Brachyura, with squame (Fig. 210, K), the outer being the posterior antennae. The antennal glands which have been observed both in the Entomostraca and the Malacostraca show a constant relation to the 2d antennae. That is to say, they always open on the basal joint of their protopodites. c. The Mandibles (Fig. 211). The mandibles correspond with the 3d pair of extremities (the 2d pair of biramose feet) of the Nauplius. They lie to the front at the side of the mouth and serve for mastication. They are origin- CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 311 ally typically biramose, but appear in various ways transformed in consequence of having undertaken the function of mastication. It is always the basal joint of the protopodite, as that lying nearest the mouth, which changes into a variously formed, hard, masticatory portion (corpus mandibulare), and is often toothed on the side turned towards the mouth ; the rest of the limb is more or less degenerated. Entomostraca. — In the Phyllopoda (Fig. 211, G) the mandible is reduced to the horny masticatory portion. The mandibles of the Ostracoda (H} have retained the typical form. The strongly developed masticatory joint is followed by a segmented "feeler," whose first joint (corresponding with the distal joint of the protopodite) may carry a little fan-like plate. This represents the exopodite, while the feeler, with the exception of its first joint, represents the endopodite. The mandibles in the free -living Copepoda (E, F) are toothed masticators (hence Gnathostomata) FIG. 211.— Mandibles of various Crustaceans. A, Lucifer, Nauplius (after Brooks). B, Nebalia 9 (after Glaus). C, Campy laspis nodulosa, Cumacean (after Sars). D, A larva of Branchipus, 0.8 mm. long (after Glaus). E, Notodelphys Almannii (after Thorell). F, Cyclops tenuicornis (after Glaus). G, Apus lucasanus (after Packard). H, Xestoleberis aurantia, Cytherid Ostracod (after Dahl). I, Astacus fluviatilis (after Huxley) ; I, proximal, II, distal joint of the protopodite ; ex, exopodite ; en, endopodite (feeler) ; fc, masticatory part or ridge. and carry feelers. The first joint of the feeler (2d joint of the protopodite) may carry a segmented exopodite. In most parasitic forms the mandibles are changed into stylet-shaped organs for sucking and piercing (Siphonostomata). Among the Cirripedes the mandibles are wanting in the Ehizocephala, and in other groups are developed as masticatory portions without feelers. Leptostraca (B) and Malacostraca (A, C, /). — The exopodite is everywhere wranting ; it is only present in the Nauplius stage of a few Malacostraca. The mandible consists of the basal masticatory or cutting joint, and a frequently 3- jointed feeler, whose first joint belongs to the protopodite, while the last two represent the joints of the endopodite. The feeler may here and there be wanting ; it is entirely wanting in the Cumacea (C]. We see from the above review that among all Crustacea only the Ostracoda and 312 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the Copepoda (more especially the latter) still retain in the structure of the man- dibles the original typical biramose form, since they alone retain the exopodite in the adult animal. d. The Anterior Maxillae (Fig. 212). These lie, in all Crustaceans, close to the mouth, and serve chiefly for mastication, like the mandibles and the posterior maxillae. The biramose character is much more commonly retained in them than in the mandibles, the exopodite being more frequently present. Entomostraca. — Phyllopoda (D), the anterior maxillae are reduced to simple unjointed masticatory ridges without feelers. In the Ostracoda (B, C] also the mas- ticatory ridge is the principal part, but there is a feeler as well, and in the Cypridce FIG. 212.— Anterior maxillae of various Crustaceans. A, Notodelphys agilis (after Brady). B, Cypridina stellifera (after Glaus). C, Cythera viridis (after Zenker). D, Daphnia similis (after Glaus). E, Euphausia pellucida, last Calyptopsis stage (after G. O. Sars). F, Astacus fluviatilis (after Huxley). G, Euphausia pellucida, adult (after G. O. Sars). H, Paranebalia longipes (after G. O. Sars). ex, Exopodite; en, endopodite ; Ar, masticatory ridge; fc], inner; fc>, outer masticatory ridge. and Cytheridce an exopodite, in the form of a fan-like plate, which is vibratile, and when the maxilla moves promotes respiration. The anterior maxillae of the free- living Copepoda (A) have masticatory ridges, feelers, and sometimes also fan-like exopodites ; in the parasitic forms, on the contrary, these parts are much reduced. The anterior maxillae of the Cirripedia are simple masticatory ridges without feelers ; they are wanting in the Rhizocephala. Leptostraca. — The anterior maxillse of Nebalia (H] are provided with two masticatory ridges (lacinise), and carry a long, jointed, whip-like appendage, which is regarded as an endopodite. This is bent backward dorsally, at least in the female, and serves for cleaning the inside of the shell fold. Malacostraca (E, F, G}.— The maxillae are flatly compressed. The exopodite is often wanting. The distal joint of the protopodite carries a masticatory ridge (lacinia interna), and so does the basal joint of the endopodite (lacinia externa). The remaining one or two joints of the endopodite form the feeler (palp). CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 313 Ontogeny and comparative anatomy enable us to trace back the anterior maxillte of the Malacostraca to the typical biramose foot. In those Malacostraca which pass through free Nauplius and Protozocea stages the maxillae are distinctly recognisable as consisting of a protopodite with a masticatory ridge on the distal joint, an en- dopodite of two or more joints with a masticatory ridge on the basal joint, and an exopodite in the form of a fan-like plate. The exopodite is retained as a vibratile fan -like plate in most Mysidce (Euphausia, Thysanopus, My sis}) and in a very reduced form in many Decapoda. e. The Posterior Maxillae (Fig. 213). The posterior maxillae have the same general typical structure as 3 C FIG. 213.— Second or posterior maxillae of various Crustaceans. A, Lernaea branchialis (5 (after Glaus) ; ms, edge of the mouth ; md, mandible ; ml5 anterior maxilla ; d, chitinous ridge ; in^a, m^b, anterior and posterior maxillipedes. B, Penaeidan larva (AcetesT) (after Claus). C, Eucopia australis (after G. O. Sars). D, Paranebalia longipes (after G. O. Sars). E, Astacus fluviatilis (after Huxley). F, Cypridina messinensis (after Claus). G, Cirolana spinipes (after Schioedte). H, Cyclops coronatus ; mo«, inner ; m2&, outer maxillipede (endo- and exo-podite of the 2d maxilla). I, Limnocy there incisa, anterior limb (after Dahl). K, Lysianassa umbo (after Goes). L, Lysiosquilla maculata (after Brooks). I, Proximal, II, distal joint of the protopodite ; ki, lacinia interna ; Jce, lacinia externa ; a, b, divisions of the same,; en, endopodite (palp, feeler) ; ex, exopodite (fan plate). In G : fcl5 Lacinia interna ; fc2, k3, divided lacinia externa ; k, masticatory ridge (lacinia). In L : 1 and 2, joints of the endopodite. :. , the anterior, and like the latter serve for mastication. But they 314 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. often show more clearly than the anterior maxillae the biramose character ; e.g. in the Malacostraca the exopodite is almost everywhere retained as a vibratile plate. Entomostraca. — In the Phyllopoda, the posterior maxillse are, like the anterior, reduced to simple masticatory ridges. In the Cladoeera they are indeed only to be found in the embryo. The posterior maxillse of the Ostracoda (F, I) show very various arrangements. They sometimes function almost exclusively as masticatory organs, sometimes they are locomotory organs as well, sometimes only the. latter. In the first case the masticatory ridge is well developed, the endopodite (feeler) small and 2-jointed, the exopodite (fan plate) either rudimentary (Cypris) or very strongly developed (Cypridina). In the second case the endopodite is longer and many -join ted. In the third case the maxilla is formed like an ordinary limb and the fan plate has dis- appeared. The arrangement of the posterior maxillse in the Copcpoda is very in- teresting (A, H). The endopodite and exopodite are here retained as appendages, which are usually jointed. Instead, however, of their being placed on a protopodite, they are inserted direct on the body, so that we might be tempted to consider them as special limbs. They have been called anterior and posterior maxillipedes. In the parasitic Copepoda they serve as clinging organs and end in hooks. In the ArgulidcK (Fig. 195, p. 291) each of the anterior maxillipedes is changed into a large adhering disc. The posterior maxillse of the Cirripedia are small, much reduced, and fused together into a sort of lower lip. They are wanting in the Rhizocephala. Leptostraca (D). — The 2d maxillse of Nebalia are biramose, with protopodite, endopodite, and exopodite. The protopodite carries 3 lobate masticatory ridges. The endopodite has 2 joints. The exopodite is unjointed and narrow, and is a transition form between the jointed branch and the broad flat fan plate. Malacostraca (B, E, G, K, L). — The posterior maxillse are more easily recognised as metamorphosed biramose feet than the anterior maxillse, in that they (except in the Arthrostracd) have retained besides the protopodite and the endopodite the exo- podite as the so-called fan plate. The protopodite generally carries 2 masticatory ridges (lacinise), one on the proximal, the other on the distal joint. These lacinise are often divided. The posterior maxillae of the Arthrostraca are very much simplified, most of all in the Amphipoda (K), where the exo- and endo-podite are wanting, and both the masticatory ridges of the protopodite are simple. In the Isopoda the lacinia of the distal joint of the protopodite is divided ; the exo- and endo-podite are wanting. In the land Isopoda and the parasitic forms even the protopodite, with the masticatory ridges, is more or less degenerated. In the Thoracostraca the posterior maxillse of the Schizopoda (£) show the arrange- ment above described as characteristic of the Malacostraca. Both masticatory ridges are divided (Thysanopus, Uuphausia), or the proximal remains undivided (My sis, Lophogaster, Siriella, Eucopia). In the Cumacea the endopodite (palp) is wanting, and the exopodite is small. In the Stomatopoda the exopodite is wanting, but on the other hand fan-like lobes are developed on the 2-jointed endopodite. The proximal masticatory ridge is undivided, the distal divided. In the Decapoda (B, E] the proximal as well as the distal masticatory ridge is divided ; the endopodite (palp or feeler) is small and unjointed (in the larva only has it two or more joints), and the exopodite is well developed in the shape of a fan plate, with a crescent-shaped process directed backwards, which regulates the streaming of water in the branchial cavity. CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION f. The Parag-natha. 315 We may here in passing notice certain peculiar processes which in the Thoracostraca and a few Entomostraca (Ostracoda and Copepoda) rise independently between the mandibles and maxillae on the ventral integument of the head, and are called paragnatha. They cannot be considered as separate limbs, as they are never innervated by special ganglia. They may perhaps represent the proximal masticatory ridges of the anterior maxillse which have become independent. In Apseudes (Anisopoda) a ridge-like portion is marked off' from them. 2. The Limbs of the Trunk. The limbs of the trunk can be deduced from biramose feet. Their number varies in the Entomostraca, but is constant in the Mcdacostraca. In the latter we always distinguish, in correspondence with the segmentation of the trunk, 8 pairs of thoracic limbs and 6 pairs of abdominal limbs or pleopoda. There is nothing to prevent us from assuming that the trunk appendages of the Entomostraca correspond with those of the Mala- costraca, pair with pair from before backwards. a. Entomostraea (Fig. 215). Phyllopoda. — The Branchiopoda, and Cladocera must be described separately. Branchiopoda (Fig. 214 ; Fig. 215, C) : the numerous (10 to 36) pairs of trunk limbs are formed pretty much alike. They are wanting on a varying number of pos- terior (abdominal) segments. All the limbs are leaf - shaped swimming feet with branchial appendages. They also serve for whirling food within reach. Their structure is essentially as follows. An unjointed or indistinctly jointed stem carries on its inner side (that turned to the median plane of the body) 6 appen- dages or lobes (endites) and on the outer side a flat respiratory plate and a pouch- or sac-like branchial appendage (epipodite). It is at present impossible, without straining, to deduce all these parts from FIG. 214. — Apus. Transverse section in the neighbourhood of the 7th or' 8th pair of feet. h, Heart ; d, intestine ; ov, ovaries ; 5m, ventral chord ; ah, respiratory cavity between the shell (s) and the body ; 1-6, endites ; 6r, gills ; ex, respir- there are 10 to 2/ pairs of swimming feet. atory plate (after Packard). The respiratory plate is divided into two. The Apodidcc (Apus) usually possess 35-50 pairs of swimming feet. The endites are jointed, and may be described as flagellate appendages ; they are very long (the 5th especially) on the 1st pair of swimming feet. The llth pair of feet carry on the typical component parts of a biramose limb. The respiratory plate is generally held to be an exopodite. In the Limna- diadce (Limnetis, Estheria, Limnadia) 316 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. each side a basin-like brood capsule serving for the reception of the eggs, formed out of the shaft and its respiratory plate. Each of the limb-bearing trunk segments lying behind the llth carries several (up to 6) pairs of swimming feet, gradually diminishing in size, an arrangement which is not yet sufficiently explained. The Branchiopoda (Branchipus] gener- ally possess 11 pairs of swimming feet. The Cladocera (Fig. 215, A\ in contradistinction to the Branchio- poda, are distinguished by the small number (4 to 6) of their trunk limbs. The special form of these trunk limbs in some genera recalls the swimming feet of the Branchio- poda, and they carry branchial appendages, especially in Sida and Daphnia. The most anterior trunk feet may, however, become slender and more leg -like, and finally through degeneration of the branchial appendage and the re- spiratory plate may become long seizing feet (Polyphemus, Lepto- dora). FIG. 215.— Trunk feet of some Entomostraca. A, Ostracoda.—The reduction in Daphnia similis (j> , 2d limb (after Glaus). B, Limno- the number of limbs here goes cythere incisa, last (3d) limb, i.e. 2d trunk limb (after even further than in the Cladocera. Dahl). c, Apus longicaudatus £, 1st limb (after We find only 2 pairs, which (Fig. Packard). D, Notodelphydaa, Doropygus porcicauda 215 £) are long and many-jointed d m, . . . The anterior pair serve as creeping or clinging feet, the posterior as cleaning feet. In Cypridina the latter are inserted dorsally on the trunk, and are here long many- jointed appendages (cf. Fig. 193, p. 289). Locomotion is effected chiefly by the limbs of the head. Copepoda (Figs. 194 and 195, pp. 290 and 291 ; Fig. 215, D).— The 4 or 5 pairs of feet are limited to the anterior part of the trunk, which as thorax is opposed to the limbless abdomen. The most anterior pair is inserted on the 1st thoracic segment, which is fused with the head, and is generally unlike the other pairs in its form. The thoracic limbs, as rowing feet, cause the swimming movement of the Copepoda. They, unlike those of the Phyllopoda, exhibit in a fine typical manner the biramose character, as they consist of a protopodite of 2 joints, an exo- and an endo-podite. The exo- and endo-podites generally have 3 joints (in the Argulidce they are long and many jointed) and function as flat oars. Adaptation to a parasitic mode of life in the Copepoda leads to the reduction and occasionally to the disappearance of the thoracic feet, e.g. in the Chondracanthina the 3d, 4th, and 5th pairs of thoracic feet are wanting, and in the Lernceopodidce all the thoracic feet have disappeared. Cirripedia (Fig. 215, E}. — The trunk extremities of these Crustaceans are biramose ; their exo- and endo-podites are long and many -jointed, and are described as tendril- ? , swimming foot of the 4th pair (after Brady). E, Balanus perforatus, 2d cirrus (after Darwin). 1,2,3, j ,., 4, 5, Bndites ; ex, respiratory plate or exopodite ; to, gill ; and exopodites. I and II, joints of the protopodite. CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 317 like feet. They are alternately protruded and withdrawn through the shell- or mantle-cleft, and serve for taking in particles of food and at the same time as respiratory organs. Six pairs of tendril-like feet are found in the Lepadidce and Salanidce, 3 or 4 pairs in the Abdominalia. In the Proteolepadidce and Rhizowphala the tendril-like feet entirely disappear. 6. Leptostraea. Nebalia, in the morphology of its trunk limbs, represents in many respects a transition form between the Entomostraca and the Thoracostraca. We can distinguish thoracic feet and abdominal feet (pleopoda) corresponding with the division of the trunk into a thorax of 8 segments (exactly answering to the Malacostracan thorax) and an abdomen (pleon) of 8 segments. The 8 pairs of thoracic feet are similar to one another, as in most Entomostraca. They are (Fig. 216) lamellate, strongly recalling the leaf- shaped limbs of the Phyllopoda, between which and j;he thoracic feet of the Malacostraca they form a connecting link. Each thoracic foot of Nebalia consists of the 3 parts characteristic of a biramose foot, viz. a protopodite of 2 joints, an exopodite, and an endopodite. The proximal or basal joint of the protopodite carries a doubly-tipped branchial lamella (epipodite), probably corresponding with the branchial appendage of the trunk feet in the Phyllo- poda. On the one side of the distal segment is inserted the 5-jointed endopodite as a direct pro- longation of the protopodite, and on the other the unjointed exopodite in the form of a branchial lamella, probably homologous with the respiratory plate on the trunk feet in the Phyllopoda. FlG- 216. -Nebalia, leaf-shaped In the abdomen (pleon) only the 6 anterior Seg- %£* ^0^1, ££ ments carry limbs. The 6 pairs of limbs probably podite ; ex, exopodite ; ep, epipodite. correspond with the 6 pairs of pleopoda in the Mala- costraca. The 4 anterior pairs (Fig. 225, D) serve for swimming ; they are typical biramose feet (with proto-, exo-, and endo-podites), and show some similarity to the swimming feet of the Copepoda. An epipodite is wanting. The last 2 pairs of pleopoda (Fig. 225, E] are short and uniramose, and consist of one or two joints. c. Malaeostraea. The trunk feet fall into thoracic feet and abdominal feet (pleopoda) in correspond- ence with the division of the trunk into a thorax of 8 segments and an abdomen (pleon) of 7. We find 8 pairs of thoracic feet and 6 pairs of pleopoda, the last abdominal segment being always devoid of appendages. It is better to consider the extremities of the thorax and of the abdomen separately. The Thoracic Limbs. As a varying number of the anterior thoracic segments may fuse with the head, a varying number of the anterior thoracic feet often enter into close relations with the mouth, as accessory organs for the taking in of food (foot-jaws, maxillipedes). The thoracic foot of Nebalia described above may be considered as the primitive form of the thoracic feet in the Malacostraca. In a typical Malacostracan thoracic limb the proximal joint of the protopodite 318 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. carries an epipodite, while the exopodite and the 5-jointed endopodite are attached to the distal joint. Very often both the exopodite and the epipodite disappear, and the thoracic foot is then an unbranched, 7 -jointed limb. The proximal joint of the protopodite occasionally fusing with the skeleton of the thorax, the distal joint alone is recognisable. Arthrostraca (Fig. 217). — Here, where the most anterior thoracic segment is fused with the head, the most anterior pair of thoracic feet are associated with the FIG. 217.— Thoracic limbs of some Arthrostraca. A, 1st pair of thoracic feet (maxillipedes) of Amphithoe penicillata (Costa). B-D, Apseudes. B, 1st right thoracic foot ; C, 3d thoracic foot ; D, 2d thoracic foot (after Boas). E and F, Asellus. E, 3d thoracic foot ; F, 1st thoracic foot (after Boas). J, II, Joints of the protopodite ; 1-5 joints of the endopodite ; k, fcj, masticatory ridges ; ep, epipodite ; ex, exopodite ; en, endopodite. oral limbs as a pair of maxillipedes. The absence of the exopodite is the general rule for the thoracic feet of the Arthrostraca. The proximal joint of the protopodite often fuses with the thoracic skeleton. On the basal joint of some thoracic feet there is, in the female, a lamellate appendage, the brood plate or lamella. The brood plates cover over a cavity, the brood pouch, on the ventral side of the thorax, and into this pouch the eggs enter and there develop (Fig. 218). The first thoracic foot (maxillipede) is characterised by the fact that the distal joint of the protopodite, and in the Amphipoda the proximal joint of the endopodite as well, car- ries a masticatory plate (lacinia). The Amphipoda are distinguished by the fact that the middle and posterior thoracic feet carry on the basal joints of their proto- podites pouch-like gills (epipodites) (Fig. 218), FIG. 218.— Corophium longicorne (Am- which, however, by the fusing of the basal phipod). Transverse section through the joints with the skeleton of the trunk may be thorax (after Delage.) d, Intestine; h, inserted directly on the latter. They are eavity ; bf, thoracic feet. istic of epipodial appendages, but they rise from the inner side of the basal joints. The gills of the Caprellidce (Fig. 198, p. 295) are generally limited to the 4th and 5th pairs of thoracic feet, and these thoracic feet are then reduced to the proximal joint of the protopodite. In the Isopoda gills are wanting on the thoracic feet, except on CRUSTACEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 319 the maxillipede, on which an epipodial appendage in the shape of a firm plate has been retained (Fig. 217, F). The Anisopoda deviate in many ways from other Isopoda (Fig. 217, B-D], especially the genus Apseudes. The anterior thoracic foot (maxilli- pede) (£) possesses a large epipodial appendage, which by its vibration causes a constant current of water in the respiratory cavity formed by the shell-fold. On the 2d and 3d thoracic feet (0, D) of Apseudes there are rudimentary exopodites, a fact of great importance in tracing back the thoracic feet of the Arthrostraca to biramose feet. The thoracic feet of the second pair are transformed into strong chelate feet in the ordinary manner, i.e. the ultimate (5th) joint of the endopodite is opposable to a distal process of the penultimate (the 4th). FIG. 219.— Thoracic feet of Diastylis stygia ? (after G. O. Sars). A, 1st, B, 2d, C, 4th, D, 6th thoracic feet, ep, Epipodial plate ; &r, gill on the same ; en, endopodite ; ex, exopodite, which in A is a hard lamella ; Irp, brood plate. Thoracostraca. — In the Cumacea (Figs. 199 and 219) the most anterior thoracic foot has become a maxillipede. The remaining thoracic feet are long. Brood- lamellae occur on the basal joints of the 2d to the 6th pairs in the female. The exopodite is wanting in the 1st (?), 2d, and 8th pairs ; in the female usually also in the 6th and 7th ; on the other feet it is present and serves for swimming. The endopodite has 5 joints. An epipodial appendage is developed only on the 1st thoracic foot (maxillipede), but here is very large. It has numerous branchial tubes. The distal joint of the protopodite of the maxillipede carries a masticatory ridge. Among the Stomatopoda (Figs. 200 and 220) the 5 anterior pairs of thoracic feet are formed very differently from the 3 posterior pairs. The latter arise from the 3 free posterior segments of the thorax, which are not covered by the cephalo- 320 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. V. thoracic shield. The 5 anterior pairs, which have moved to the neighbourhood of the mouth, have no exopodite in an adult condition, though it is to be found in their larval stages (Fig. 220). They all possess a disc-shaped epipodial appendage which serves for respiration. The endo- podite and the protopodite together only contain 5 joints. These 5 anterior pairs of feet are armed with prehensile hooks. Such a prehensile hook is formed by the last joint of a foot moving upon the last joint but one, like the blade of a knife upon its handle. Very powerful hooks of this kind are developed in the 2d pair of limbs for catching prey. The last 3 pairs of thoracic feet serve as ambu- latory feet. They are biramose feet with somewhat reduced endopodites ; the exopodite here forms the limb - like prolongation of the protopodite. Epi- podial appendages are wanting. FIG. 220.— Thoracic feet of a Squilla larva, In the Schizopoda the thoracic feet after Claus. A, 2d maxillipede. B, one of the are very interesting, connected on the subsequent 3 thoracic feet, en, Endopodite : ex, -i j • , •• ,v ? j • ,1 T * exopodite one han(^ Wltn tllose found in the Lepto- straca, and leading on the other to those of the Decapoda. All the 8 pairs of thoracic feet are still more or less similarly formed, and are biramose. It is best to describe the Euphausidce first, then the Lophogastridce, and lastly the Mysidce. In the Euphausidce (Fig. 221, F-I) the thoracic feet consist of the 2-jointed protopodite, a 5-jointed endopodite, and an exopodite which is composed of a one- jointed shaft and a flagellum which is frequently ringed. All the 8 pairs of thoracic limbs have epipodial appendages on the basal joints of the protopodites ; these appendages are simply pouch-like on the first pair, but are more or less branched on the other pairs, and form gills. The 2 anterior pairs of thoracic feet are slightly different from the subsequent pairs, the proximal joint of the protopodite having a ridge-like process. Herein we see the beginning of the metamorphosis of these thoracic feet into maxillipedes. In Euphausia the endopodite is wanting in the last two pairs, in Thysanopus in the last pair. In the Lophogastridce (Fig. 221, A and B] the 1st thoracic foot has already become a maxillipede, and the 2d also approaches the form of one. On the 1st pair the epipodial appendage becomes a broad vibratile plate. In the female brood-lamellse are found on the basal joints of the protopodites of the other feet. Gills arise near this basal joint, but from the integument of the thorax itself; these correspond with the epipodial gills of the Euphausidce, and may be described as appendages dislocated from the proximal joint of the protopodite. In the Mysidce (Figs. 201, 221, C-E) both the 2 anterior pairs of thoracic limbs are maxillipedes with masticatory ridges. The first maxillipede carries a vibratile epipodial plate. Some or all the other feet may in the female carry brood-lamellse (Fig. 222). Branchial appendages are wanting on the thoracic limbs of the Mysidce. The Decapoda (Figs. 223, 224, 202, 203) have the three anterior pairs of thoracic feet transformed into maxillipedes, which no longer serve for locomotion but only for taking in food. The exopodite is well developed in them, and flagellate ; the epipod- ite lies in the branchial cavity in the form of a long lamella. In the Brachi- ura it is whip-like and resembles a cleaning foot. The anterior maxillipedes have FIG. 221.— Thoracic feet of ScMzopoda (after G. O. Sars). A and B, Lophogas- ter typicus. A, 1st thoracic foot (rnaxillipede) ; B, 2cl thoracic foot of the ,= ambulatory feet; are directed backwards and pointed; ex, exopodites ; en, endopodites ; a, epipodites = podobranchife ; branchiae. arthrobranchise ; c, pleuro- they often serve for springing. The pleopoda are rarely lamellate. In the Caprellidce, where the abdomen is usually rudimentary, it carries at the most 3, at the least 2, much-degenerated limbs, which are better developed in the male (as copulatory feet) than they are in the female. Isopoda. — The pleopoda of the Isopoda are biramose limbs, whose endo- and exo-podites are unjointed, and generally delicate - skinned, lamellse, which serve for respiration. The last (6th) pair of pleopoda either forms together with the last abdominal segment a rowing fin (F)t as in the marine Isopoda, or is sty let- shaped, as in fresh-water and land Isopoda. In the parasitic Bopyridce and Cryptoniscidce the pleopoda are reduced or entirely wanting. In the land Onisddce the outer lamellse OR USTA CEA — GILLS 323 of the anterior pleopoda contain air chambers. In the Anisopoda the pleopoda are biramose swimming feet, not serving for respiration. Thoracostraca. — In the Stomatopoda we find on the strong abdomen 6 pairs of well-developed typical biramose pleopoda. The 5 anterior pairs are swimming feet, each of whose outer lamellae carries a branched gill. The 6th pair of pleopoda form with the telson (7th abdominal segment) a strong caudal fin. In the Cumacea the 6th pair of pleopoda (A, p6) consists of long bifurcated processes. The pleopoda of the 5 anterior abdominal segments are wanting in the female ; in the male they are swimming feet (H), and either present in their full numbers or in 2 to 3 pairs. In the Schizopoda the 6th pair of pleopoda (C) forms with the telson a caudal fin. Where there is an auditory organ it lies on the inner lamella of this pleopod. The 5 anterior pairs of pleopoda are well-developed biramose swimming feet, in the male FIG. 224.— Thoracic feet of Astacus fluviatilis (after Huxley). A, 2d thoracic foot (2d maxil- lipede). B, 1st thoracic foot (1st maxillipede). C, Part of transverse section through the thorax, showing an ambulatory foot and gills. D, 3d thoracic foot (3d maxillipede). I, II, Joints of the protopodite ; 1-5, of the endopodite en ; ex, exopodite ; pob, podobranchiae ; ab, arthrobranchiae ; plb, pleurobranchise ; k, masticatory ridge. at least. The 2 anterior pairs serve as copulatory organs in the Euphausidcc. In the male of Siriclla the pleopoda carry gills (£). Dccapoda (1-N}. — The development of the pleopoda stands in direct relation to the development of the abdomen itself. In the long-tailed Dccapoda (Macrura) 6 pairs of biramose pleopoda are generally found. The 6th pair with the telson forms a strong caudal fin. The 5 anterior pairs play no very important part in locomotion. In the Brachyura the pleopoda, in correspondence with the great reduction of the abdomen, are reduced. A caudal fin is usually wanting. In the male only the 2 anterior pairs of pleopoda are found, in the female 4 pairs. The caudal fin is generally reduced in the Anomura, and the pleopoda are truncated and only, developed on one side. The 2 anterior pairs of pleopoda very generally serve in the Decapodan male as copulatory organs. In the female the pleopoda often carry the eggs after their discharge and fertilisation. 324 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY C. The Respiratory Organs — Gills. CHAP. Respiration always takes place in Crustaceans by means of the outer integument. In small Crustaceans, in which the cuticle lying over the hypodermis is thin and delicate, the whole body surface Fio. 225.— Pleopoda (abdominal feet) of Leptostraca and Malacostraca. A, End of the abdomen of Diastylis stygia (after G. O. Sars) ; V, VI, VII, abdominal segments ; VII, telson ; p$, pleopoda of the 6th segment ; en, endopodite ; ex, exopodite. B, 2d pleopod with gills, exo- and endo-podite of Siriella Thompson!! (after G. 0. Sars). C, End of the abdomen (caudal fin) of Siri- ella gracilis (after G. O. Sars) ; VI, 6th abdominal segment ; VII, 7th abdominal segment (telson) ; en, ex, endo- and exo-podites of the 6th pleopoda, which together with the telson form the caudal" fin ; g, auditory organ. D, An anterior pleopod of Nebalia (after Glaus) ; ex, exopodite ; en, endopodite. E, Nebalia, 6th pleopod of the 9 (after Glaus). F, Anilocra (Isopod), caudal tin ; VI, 6th abdominal segment ; VII, telson ; p6, 6th pleopod with exopodite (ex) and endopodite (en) (after Delage). G, Lysianassa producta (Amphipod) ; end of the abdomen with the 4th, 5th, and 6th pleopoda, p±, p5, p$ ; IV, V, VI, VII, abdominal segments ; en, endo-, ex, exo-podite (after Goes). //, Diastylis stygia, 1st pair of pleopoda ; ex, exo-, en, endo-podite (after G. O. Sars). " I-N, Astacus fluviatilis. I, 3d pleopod of male ; K, 1st pleopod of female ; L, 1st pleopod of male ; M, 3d pleopod of the female; N, 2d pleopod of the male. 1, Anterior surface ; 2, posterior surface ; ex, exopodite ; a, the rolled-up plate of the endopodite ; 6, jointed end of the endopodite (after Huxley). breathes. This is especially the case in Ostracoda, Copepoda, many Cladocera, and many Cirripedia, which have no specific respiratory organs. In the great majority of Crustaceans, however, the respiration is particularly active at definite parts of the body, even if in addi- OB USTA CEA— GILLS 325 tion the whole integument or a large portion of the same is capable of respiration in a lesser degree. The respiratory functions in the Crustacea, as elsewhere, are promoted and facilitated by various adaptations. Among these we must note (1) the increase of the respiratory surface, the outer integument, (2) the flowing of the blood to and from the respiratory parts, (3) adaptations which serve to bring about a continual change of the aerated water which bathes the respiratory parts, and (4) adaptations designed for the protection of the neces- sarily delicate-skinned respiratory organs. The principal increase of the respiratory surface is due to the integumental fold which rises so generally from the head and appears in very different forms as mantle, dorsal carapace, bivalve shell, or FIG. 226.— Euphausia pellucida 9 (after G. O. Sars), cephalo-thorax (cth) and first abdominal segment (a&j) from the side, h, Heart ; ovd, oviduct ; ov, ovary ; I, liver ; m, stomach ; era, eye ; a-[, anterior, ao, posterior antenna ; ex^-ex^ exopodites of the 6 anterior thoracic limbs ; en\, en%, endopodites of the 2 anterior thoracic limbs ; the 4 following are not drawn ; endo- and exo-podites of the 7th and 8th thoracic limbs rudimentary ; &rr&r8, gills on the protopodites (I-VIII) of the thoracic limbs ; 6r1? first gill, a small epipodial appendage. • cephalo-thoracic shield. Wherever this fold remains soft-skinned it always helps in the respiration. It is often only the inner wall of the fold which remains soft-skinned, and we frequently meet with adapta- tions which serve for the purpose of setting in motion the water found in the cavity between the fold and the body (respiratory cavity). There are in Malacostraca (Zocea larvce, Tanaidce, Mysidce, Stomatopoda) epipodial appendages of the maxillae or of the anterior thoracic feet, which, during the movements of the limbs which carry them, vibrate and cause a stream of water in the respiratory cavity in which they lie. In a similar way in the Ostracoda the movement of the fan-like plates, the so-called branchial appendages, which may occur on the 4th, 5th, and 6th pairs of limbs, bring about a constant stream of water over the body surface. In the higher Malacostraca, especially in the 326 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. flu Dempoda, the integumental fold, which becomes very hard and thick, loses its respiratory significance, and as branchiostegite becomes a pro- tective cover to the delicate gills which lie laterally in the respiratory cavity under it. In the Balanidce a pair of fold-like projections of the mantle stand out into the mantle cavity. These folds may again form numerous lateral folds, so that the mantle surface is very much increased. These formations have been assumed to be gills. In some Cyprididce (Ostracoda) the body carries on each side near the dorsal middle line, under the shell, a row of small branchial lamellae. The function of respiration in the large majority of Crusta- ceans is performed by the limbs or their appendages. This is comprehensible, since the change of the water caused by the move- ment of the limbs is of the greatest use in promoting respiration. In many Lepadidce among the Cirripedia the tendril-like feet have cylindrical or lancet-shaped ap- pendages which with doubtful accuracy have been indicated as gills. They are found on the first pair or pairs, and occasionally on all of the tendril-like feet, and are usually inserted on them near the base. The leaf-shaped swimming feet FIG. 227. -Transverse section through the of ti.p PJiuJJnnnJa arp vprv wpll cephalo-thorax of the Cray-fish near the heart, Ol . me rO^UOpOOa ar diagrammatic, kd, Branchiostegite ; fc, gills ; Teh, SUlted for respiration. , The ap- respiratory or branchial cavity ; ep, lateral wall of pendagCS which are Called gills and £2tt^i55±K;*3E respiratory plates in this order abm, ventral longitudinal muscles running to the have already been described. The abdomen ; dim; dorsal longitudinal muscles run- g^fe Qf faQ pMlopo^a are epipodial ning to the abdomen ; 6m, ventral chord ; sit, c , subneural vessel ; bf, ambulatory foot; vs, ventral appendages, perhaps COrreSpOnd- sinus ; ov, ovary. The arrows indicate the direc- ing with the gills of the TIlOTCl- tion in which the blood flows (after Huxley and „_/„._ Plateau). COStl aca" In the Leptostraca (Nebalia), besides the delicate shell -fold, the lamellate thoracic feet function in a special manner as respiratory organs. Their two branchial plates (epipodite and exopodite) correspond with the branchial and respiratory plates of the Phyllopoda. The branchial plate (epipodite) of the proximal joint of the protopodite is morphologically equivalent to a Decapodan gill. CRUSTACEA— GILLS 327 In the Isopoda the delicate-skinned lamellae of the pleopoda serve for respiration, either both the lamellae of a foot or only the inner, the outer one being hard-skinned and serving as a covering plate to protect the inner one. The gills of the Stomatopoda (Squilld) are found as branched FIG. 228.— ^4 and B, Gills of Astacus fluviatilis. In A the branchiostegite is removed. The gills are seen in their natural position. In B the podobranchiae are cut off, and the outer arthrobranchise turned back downwards. Twice the natural size, oj, a2, 1st and 2d antennae; 3, mandible ; ep5, epipodite of the 2d maxilla ; 6, 1st maxillipede ; 7, 2d maxillipede ; 8, 3d maxillipede ; 9, forceps (cut-off) ; 10-13, the 4 succeeding ambulatory feet ; pli, 1st pleopod ; a&i, a&2 1st and 2d abdominal segments ; pdb, podobranchige ; arl>, inner, orb1, outer arthrobranchise ; plb, pleurobranchise ; the numbers attached show the appendages to which the gills belong, in order from before backward, beginning with the anterior antenna as No. 1 ; gh, articular membrane between the body and basal joint of the protopodite (after Huxley). appendages on the outer lamellae of the abdominal swimming feet (pleopoda). The arrangement of the gills in Sirietta (Mysidce) is similar; they here also occur in the males as appendages of the pleopoda, but on their inner branches. The gills of the Amphipoda, Schizopoda (except the Mysidce), and 328 COMPARATIVE AX ATOMY CHAP. Dccapoda are always originally epipodial appendages on the basal joints of the protopodites of the thoracic feet. They may be considered as homologous formations, and perhaps correspond with the gills of the Phyllopuda and the basal branchial plates (epipodites) of Xclalia. The pouch-shaped Amphipodan gills have already been considered. SehizopuJa, — The branchial tufts of the EujJtausi/hc (Fig. 226), whose branches are feathered, project freely from the basal joints of the protopodites of the thoracic limbs into the surrounding water without being covered by the lateral lamella? of the cephalo-thoracic shield. The brandling of the gills becomes increasingly complicated from the anterior to the posterior thoracic limbs. On the most anterior thoracic limb the gill is a simple appendage. In Loplwyastcr we find 2 to 7 such gills. These consist of 3 feathered branches, the upper one of which lies in a branchial cavity covered by the lateral lamella of the cephalo-thoracic shield. The gills are said not to rise direct from the basal joint of the protopodite, but close to it from the body. None the less they should be considered as dislocated epipodial appendages. The gills of the Dccvpoda (Figs. 227, 228) deserve more detailed description. Over the sides of the thorax to the right and left there is always an arched extension of the cephalo-thoracic shield, which, as branchiostegite (Fig. 227, M), covers a respiratory cavity (kh) in which the gills (/„•) lie. The branchiostegite extends ventrally to the points of insertion of the thoracic limbs, where the respiratory cavity on each side communicates by means of a longitudinal slit with the surrounding medium. AVe distinguish in the first place, according to their manner of insertion, three sorts of gills — podobranchire, arthrobranchiffi, and pleurobranchia?. The podo- branchise arise from the basal joints of the thoracic limbs, the arthrobranchise from the articular membranes between the basal joints and the body, and the pleuro- branchise from the body itself, but directly above the basal joints of the thoracic limbs to which they belong. All gills are to be considered phylo-genetically as epipodial appendages of the basal joints of the protopodites, the arthro- and pleuro- branchire having moved from their original places. Again, we distinguish two sorts of gills, according to their special form, viz. trichobranelme and pliyllobrancliire. In the trichobranchise numerous branchial filaments stand round a common stem cf <•£ ^ eH FIG. L^y.— Birgus latro. Diagrammatic transverse section in the region of the heart (after Semper). M, Branchial or lung cover ; 7;, la-art ; /;, gills ; ah, respiratory cavity ; p, pericardium ; >:k, branchial blood-oanals leading to the heart ; "i, u*, ";!, ('.4, lung or shell vessels leading from the heart ; /';, respiratory tufts ; d, pulmonary vessels leading to the heart ; el\, the same near their entrance into the pericardium. or a common axis, like the bristles of a bottle brush. In the phyllobranchiae the branchial filaments are small lamellse arranged in two rows on the stem, like the CRUSTACEA— GILLS 329 barbs on the shaft of a quill. Phyllobranchise and trichobranchise, between which there are many transitory forms, are not found together in the same species. Tricho- branchise are found in the Macrura (with the exception of the Sergestidce, Carididce, and the genera GeUa and Callianassa) ; phyllobranchise are found in all Anomura and Brachyura, and in those Macrura which do not possess trichobranchife. Podobranchise, arthrobranchise, and pleurobranchise may occur together, even on the same thoracic segment. They undergo many modifications and degenerations. The arrangement of the branchial apparatus in the various Decapodan genera and species may be given in branchial formulae. We shall here give the branchial formulae of Astacus fluviatilis and of Cancer pagurus. Branchial Formula of Astaeus fluviatilis (Cray-fish), after Huxley. Arthrobranchise. Thoracic segments and limbs. Podo- branchiae. Pleuro- branchice. Total. Anterior. ' Posterior. VI. 1st maxillipede 0(ep.) 0 0 0 = 0(ep.) VII. 2d 1 1 0 0 = 2 VIII. 3d 1 1 1 0 = 3 IX. 1st ambulatory foot 1 1 1 0 = 3 X. 2d 1 1 1 0 = 3 XI. 3d 1 1 1 Rudim. = 3 + Rudim. XII. 4th 1 1 1 Rudim. =3 + Rudim. XIII. 5th 0 0 , 0 1 =1 6 + ep. + | 6 + 5 + l+2Ru. = 18 + ep.+2R. Branchial Formula of Cancer pagurus (after Huxley). Arthrobranchise. Thoracic segments and limbs. branch*'^ i Pleuro- branchise. Total. Anterior. Posterior. VI. 1st ) J0(ep.) VII. 2d }- maxillipede. 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 0(ep.) = 2 VIII. 3d J Jl 1 1 0 = 3 IX. 1st 1 10 1 1 0 = 2 X. 2d 1 0 XL 3d I ambulatory Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 -t = 1 XII. 4th 1 foot' 0 0 0 0 = 0 XIII. 5th J | 0 0 0 0 =0 j2 + ep. + 3 + 2 + 2 = 9 + ep. While in other Decapoda the water enters the respiratory cavity through the lower longitudinal slit, in the Brachyura the water passes in and out only through certain small apertures, which are variously placed. Many Brachyura and Anomura may live for a longer or shorter time or almost exclusive on land, and show various adaptations which make it possible for them to retain water in the respiratory cavity, • or to draw back into that cavity water which leaves it, or to breathe air direct. It would lead us too far to describe all these adaptations in detail. We shall only consider the respiratory organs of Birgus latro (Anomura), which lives in holes in the earth (Fig. 229). The respiratory cavity of this animal falls into two parts, an 330 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. upper partly closed, and a lower more open, division, the lower edge of the branchio- stegite being bent inwards and somewhat upwards. The reduced gills lie in the lower division. The upper division holds air and functions as a lung. The integument of the outer cover (branchiostegite) of this upper division carries a great number of branched tufts, projecting into the air -filled cavity, and containing complicated arrangements of vascular spaces. For the special relation of the vascular system to the respiratory organs in Birgus, see the section on the circulatory system. The manner in which in the Crustacea the blood which has become poor in oxygen is conducted out of the body to the respiratory organs, and the blood rich in oxygen conducted out of the respiratoiy organs into the body, will be described in the section on the blood-vascular system. II. The Integument. The chitinous secretion of the hypodermis (body epithelium) which we met with in the Annulata is even more strongly developed in the Arthropoda. It covers the whole surface of the body and its append- ages as a cuticle, serving not only for protection, but also as outer skeleton (exo-skeleton) for the attachment of the muscles. This chitin- ous envelope is very differently constituted in the different divisions of the Crustacea, sometimes even in different parts of the same animal. In most Decapoda and Stomatopoda, many AmpUpoda and Isopoda, and on the shell -fold of Ostracoda and Cirripedia, however, the usually thick chitinous cuticle becomes very hard and firm by deposits of lime salts (carbonate and phosphate of lime) ; in certain Brachyura, Cirripedia, and Ostracoda it is even as hard as stone. The cuticle is, however, always comparatively thin, delicate, and flexible between the joints and on the respiratory surfaces. The constitution of the exoskeleton presents obstacles to the growth of the body. These are overcome by moulting or ecdysis. Under the old exoskeleton a new one is developed, which is at first soft and ex- tensible ; but after the first has been thrown off it soon hardens. The metamorphoses of the Crustaceans take place by means of several repeated moults. In this process not only the, outer chitinous integu- ment of the body, but the cuticular lining of the alimentary canal also is removed and renewed. The cuticle, of whose further structure we cannot here speak more in detail, is penetrated by fine perpendicular pores. Dermal glands, which take part in excretion, a fact which may be proved by feeding with carmine, are very common, especially in soft-skinned Crustaceans. It is hardly possible as yet to give a detailed comparative account of the structure and distribution of the various forms of glands. But we may give a few cases which for one reason or another are specially interesting. The segmentally arranged ventral and leg glands of Branchipus consist of small groups of dermal gland cells, found on the segments of the middle body. In every segment a pair of ventral glands are found on the outer sides of the double ganglion of the ventral chord, and a pair of leg glands in the basal lobes of the leg. The seg- mental repetition, the character as dermal glands, the position (in the region of the legs), and their rod-like secretion entirely justify the opinion that these glands are CR USTA CEA—INTEG UMENT— MUSCULATURE 331 homologous with the spinning and setiparous glands of the Annelida and the coxal glands of other Arthropoda. In the basal joints of the 8 pairs of thoracic limbs of Nebalia hypodermal glands have been observed ; it is probable that these perform excretory functions. Their position recalls the leg glands of Branchipus. We may here further mention — the dermal glands which occur in the basal joints of certain limbs of the Phronimidce ; and the beautifully constructed dermal glands in the limbs of the CoropJiiidce ; the unicellular dermal glands scattered in various parts of the body of Orchestia ; the scat- tered dermal glands of the Anisopoda (Tanais, Apseudes] ; the hook glands of Caprellidce ; and the so-called cement glands of female Decapoda, which lie on the ventral side of the abdomen, and whose hardening secre- tion serves for the attachment of the eggs. In Tanais and the Corophiidce the secretion of the above - mentioned glands hardens in water, and prob- ably helps, by cementing together foreign particles, to form the tubes inhabited by these animals. Special interest is claimed by the uni- and multi-cellular dermal glands lying scattered under the chitinous cuticle of the Corycoeidae, (Copepoda), because in them the connection of the gland cells with nerve fibres can be easily observed. A unicellular dermal gland with cuticular duct, which opens through a pore of the chitinous integument of the body, is in the Corycceidcc generally coupled with a terminal ganglion cell lying under a sensory seta. The nerve which runs to this pair of cells divides into 2 threads, one of which is con- nected with the gland cell and the other with the ganglion cell. III. The Musculature. FIG. 230. — Diagrams to demonstrate the mechanism of the motion of the segmented body in the Arthropoda. One larger segment (ct) and 4 smaller. The exoskeleton is denoted by black lines, A COntinilOUS derniO-mUS- tne inte particular membranes by dotted lines. The Cular tube such a s i s r h. a ra of Pr hinges between consecutive segments are marked a. t, ,UU« LUD6, SI Cnaracter- Tergal (dorgal) skeleton . ,f sternal (ventral) skeleton ; IStlC 01 the worms in general, d, dorsal longitudinal muscles = extensors (and flexors and Specially of the Amiulata in an uPward direction); v, ventral longitudinal i« wnnfirrr ,« f^^ n™,,^ ' muscles = flexors. In B, the row of segments is S Wanting m the Crustaceans, stretched ; In A, by the contraction of the muscle d, and indeed in the Arthropoda bent upwards; in C downwards, tg, Tergal; $g, generally. The development sternal interarticular membranes. of the cuticular integumental covering into a much firmer exoskeleton makes a greater localisation of the musculature possible. 332 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. We may assume, that in the homonomous segmented ancestors of the Crustacea, whose conjectural organisation we have already in many points diagrammatically sketched, 4 strongly -developed longitudinal muscles ran through the body. Two of these muscles ran dorsally and two ventrally on each side of the middle line. They were segmented in correspondence with the segmentation of the body, and in such a manner that the single muscle segments or myomeres lay interseg- mentally, i.e. with one end attached to the integument of one segment, and the other to the integument of the next following or next pre- ceding segment. We have no difficulty in assuming that the dorsal and ventral pair of longi- tudinal muscle strands answer to the 4 similarly placed masses of longitudinal muscles which occur in the Polychceta. We can find nothing, certainly, correspond- ing with the circular musculature of the Annelida. Traces of the latter may perhaps, however, be seen in the muscles which run at right angles to the longi- tudinal muscles, and which are attached on the one hand to the integument of the body, and on the other to the basal portion of the appendages which they move. Setting aside at first the muscles belonging to the inner organs, we can arrange the whole musculature of the body in three principal groups, viz. (1) the muscu- lature of the body, (2) the musculature of the limbs, and (3) the musculature common to both. The formation and segmentation of the body and limbs in differ- ent divisions varies so much in details that a comparative review of the musculature cannot be attempted. We may, however, explain the principle according to which the muscles are arranged, and per- form their functions not only in all Crustaceans, but universally in all Arthropoda. We have to bear in mind — (1) that the passive loco- motory organ, the skeleton, is in the Arthropoda an exoskeleton, which is in each segment of the body and in each joint of its extrem- ities a chitinous tube ; (2) that the muscles lie on the inner side of the skeleton, and are attached to the same from within ; (3) that the muscles are stretched intersegmentally, i.e. between the consecutive segments ; (4) that the chitinous integument between two segments is thin and flexible, forming the interarticular membrane ; (5) that the tubular exoskeleton of two adjacent segments or joints is hinged together in each case at two transversely opposite points. The arrangement and working of the musculature is illustrated by Fig. 230, which shows us 5 segments, one larger (ct) and 4 smaller, in vertical projection. The firm hard portions of the exoskeleton are marked by strong outlines, the delicate and flexible interarticular membranes (tg, sg) by dotted lines. The hinges between 2 consecutive skeletal segments are marked a. Such a hinge is found on each side ; in the projection the corresponding right and left hinges are seen as one. A dorsal muscle (d) is attached to the larger segment (ct), and runs through the smaller segments, being inserted in the dorsal or tergal skeleton (t) of each by means of a bundle of fibres. A ventral muscle (v) does the same on the ventral or sternal side (s). CRUSTACEA— MUSCULATURE 333 The skeletal segments may be compared to a double-armed lever whose fulcrum lies in the hinges. If the dorsal muscle contracts, it draws the dorsal arm of the lever (the tergal portion of the skeleton) in the direction of the pull towards the larger segment ; the tergal interarticular membranes become folded, the ventral stretched, and the 4 segments bend upwards (Fig. 230, A). If the ventral muscle contracts, while at the same time the dorsal slackens, the row of segments will be bent downwards (Fig. 230, C). It is evident that the same effect would be attained if the dorsal FIG. 231. — Two abdominal segments of the Cray-fish, diagrammatic, t, ti, t%, Tergal ; s, s^ s%, sternal exoskeleton ; x, hinges ; b-c, t>i-ci, articular facets, which when the row of segments is straightened take the position shown in B; ai-bi, a2-&2, c-aj, Ci-a2, e-di, ej-d2, interarticular membranes ; tm, tergal ; sm, sternal longitudinal muscle. A, Row of segments nearly straightened ; B, Row of segments bent ventrally by the contraction of the sternal longitudinal muscle, stretching the intertergal membranes. and ventral muscles, instead of collectively running from the smaller segments to the larger segment, only ran from one segment to the next following, as we assumed to be the case in the racial form, and as is really the case in the thorax and abdomen of many Crustaceans (Branchi- pus, many Isopoda, Amphipoda, etc.) The row of segments would then likewise bend dorsally on the contraction of the dorsal myomeres, and ventrally on the contraction of the ventral. In reality only the ventral bending takes place in the Crustacea ; the compara- tively weakly developed dorsal longitudinal muscles serve only for straightening the 334 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. body, as we see from the movements of the abdomen of the Cray-fish (Figs. 231 and 232). In its normal position the abdomen is somewhat stretched, find lies more or less as a straight posterior prolongation of the cephalo-thorax. Each dorsal (tergal) skeletal segment (Fig. 231, A, t, ti, t.2) has its most anterior somewhat thinner portion (b-c, bi-Ci) pushed some distance under the posterior edge of the preceding segment. The interarticular membrane (c-a1} Ci-«2) being bent backwards and outwards. The ventral hard skeleton consists of relatively narrow transverse segmental stripes (d-e, d^-e^ d^-c.^, connected by large intersegmental membranes (e-d^ e^d*), which in a state of rest are somewhat stretched. The pair of dorsal muscles (tm) are attached on the one hand anteriorly to the lateral walls of the cephalo- thorax (corresponding with the large segment of our diagram, Fig. 230), and inserted, on the other hand, by just as many pairs of bundles as there are abdominal segments, to the inner surfaces of the terga, a pair of muscles being inserted in each. The pair of ventral or sternal muscles (sm) are attached anteriorly to the ventral side of the cephalo-thorax to a row of processes of the exoskeleton directed inwards, and partly bound together by transverse ridges, which roof over the thoracic portion of the ventral chord and the sub-neural vessel. Posteriorly the sternal longitudinal muscles are succes- sively inserted on the inner sides of the sternal skeleton of the abdominal segments. The fibres of this muscle are twisted like the strands of a rope. If the pair of sternal or flexor muscles con- tracts, the abdominal row of segments cor- responding with our diagram bends ventrally (Fig. 231, B) till, as is the case in swimming, the telson touches the ventral side of the cephalo-thorax. While in this position the intersternal membranes of the abdomen are FIG. 232.— Astacus fluviatilis. Longi- folded, the whole tergal integument is tudinal section to represent the most stretched, and the tergal articular facets and important muscles and their relation to . , , . , , , , - the exoskeleton (after Huxley), em, Ex- "Particular membranes are drawn out from tensor; fm, flexor of the abdomen; adm, under the terga which cover them, and adductor of the mandibles ; cth, cephalo- come freely to the surface. If noAv the sternal thorax; abrab^ abdominal segments; t, muscle slackens, and the pair of tergal or ££: iS; ££:.£L£ the cephal°- «*-« — . f • ** f > •* tracts, the abdomen is straightened, the terga pass under one another like the tiles of a roof, and the intersternal membranes are stretched. A dorsal bending of the body is impossible, first because th^e intersternal membranes do not allow of further stretching, and secondly, because the terga can only be pushed one beneath the other as far as the posterior limit of their articular facets. This is best exemplified by the illustration (Fig. 231, A). v CRUSTACEA— MUSCULATURE 335 The mechanism for the movement of the appendages is in principle the same as that of the body. It is, however, evident that if the hinges of the joints of an appendage were arranged at equal distances along two parallel straight lines the row of joints of the extremity could only bend in one plane, as is indeed the case in the row of body segments. But the two hinges of the consecutive joints are in reality so placed as to make free movement possible. The exoskeleton of the body segments is related to the exoskeleton of the basal joints of the appendages which it carries just as a large joint of a limb is to a smaller. The muscles which on the one hand are inserted in the exoskeleton of the first joints of the extremities, by preference attach themselves on the other to the tergum of the corresponding segment. The mechanism of the forceps (chelse) of the Cray -fish (Fig. 233) is as follows. The forceps is formed by the two terminal joints of the ch elate foot. The last joint but one is produced into a pointed process (zf). The last joint (eg) articu- lates with it in the ordinary way by means of two opposite hinges. Round the hinges the two joints are connected by means of a thin and flexible interarticular membrane. Two muscles serve in the way shown in the illustration FIG. 233.— Forceps of the large chelate foot of the Cray-fish, diagrammatic. A, closed. B, Open, eg, Terminal joint ; vg, last joint but one with the pincer process zf; a, hinge on which the terminal joint moves ; gh, interarticular membrane ; o, opening muscle (abductor) ; s, closing muscle (adductor). for moving the terminal joint. By the contraction of the smaller the movable joint describes an arc away from the fixed process (Fig. 233, £), opening the forceps. If the much stronger muscle which lies on the other side of the hinge contracts the chela closes (A). The muscles of Crustaceans are often attached to the exoskeleton by means of sinewy and even chitinous terminal pieces. In the latter case we can speak of an endoskeleton. Both arrangements serve for the increase of the surface of attachment of the muscles. In those Entomostraca in which the strongly -developed shell -fold surrounds the whole body as a bivalve shell (Ostmcoda, Estheridce), a strong shell-musele connecting the two valves transversely serves for closing the shell. We find such a shell-muscle among the Malacostraca, also in the Leptostraca (Nebalia). As in all Arthropoda, the body musculature is transversely striated. 336 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. IV. The Enteric Canal. The intestine of the Crustacea has a simple straight course through the body. The mouth lies on the ventral side of the head, bordered and protected by an upper and an under lip (paragnatha) ; it is surrounded by appendages which serve for the taking in of food (mandibles, maxillae, and maxillipedes). The anus is found in the terminal segment of the body. We must distinguish, according to their ontogenetic origin and structure, 3 sections in the intestine : the fore-gut, the hind-gut, and the connecting mid-gut. The fore- and hind- guts, proceeding respectively from the ectodermal stomodaeum and proctodseum of the larva or embryo, are lined internally by a chitinous cuticle (intima). This cuticle, secreted by the hypodermis, passes at the mouth and anus into the chitinous exoskeleton. Only the epithelium of the mid-gut, which proceeds from the mesenteron, is of endodermal origin. The mid -gut in almost all Crustaceans is distinguished by the possession of diverticula which play the part of a hepato- panereas. As in other divisions of the animal kingdom, so also in many Crustaceans, pro- nounced parasitism has brought about a degeneration of the enteric canal. In the parasitic Cirripedia we find various stages of degeneration leading to the condition of the Rhizocephala, in which an enteric canal is wanting not only in the adult animals, but also in the free-swimming larvse. In the parasitic Isopoda the hind-gut with the anus, and sometimes a large part of the mid-gut as well, may entirely disappear. A. The Fore-gut. There is a characteristic difference between the condition of the fore-gut in Entomostraca and Malacostraca. In the former it is a simple alimentary tube (oesophagus), which, passing between the cesophageal commissures, runs dorsally, to pass later into the mid-gut which runs backwards. In the Malacostraca, on the contrary, it falls into at least two divisions, that which follows the buccal cavity, the ascending narrower oesophagus, and the broader masticatory or fore-stomach which lies in the head, and which leads to the mid-gut. Special salivary glands entering the oesophagus seem generally to be wanting in the Crustacea (such glands have only been observed in Cray- fish), but glands emerging on the upper lip, in the buccal cavity, and on the maxillae, are common; these are usually called salivary glands. They probably belong to the category of the leg- and the other dermal glands. For the present we set aside the special modifications which the fore-gut may undergo ; its structure is essentially the following. Its wall consists of a layer of hypodermis cells, which rest upon v CRUSTACEA— ENTERIC CANAL 337 an outer, often chitinous, basal membrane, and secrete, like the hypodermis of the integument, internally, a chitinous cuticle (intima). The fore -gut is embraced by circular muscular hoops, serving to narrow its lumen ; groups of muscles, mostly paired, attached on one side to the intestinal wall, on the other to a portion of the neighbouring integument, effect its expansion and other move- ments. The hypodermis of the oesophagus is often difficult to discover. Entomostraca. — The end of the oesophagus often projects in the form of a cone or funnel into the first part of the mid-gut, somewhat as does the uterus of a mammal into the vagina. This projection, which in Branchipus is bi-lobed, and set with small cuticular papillse, perhaps .corresponds with the masticatory stomach of the Malaco- straca. The intima of the oesophagus is generally longitudinally folded, which permits of its enlargement. In the Ostracoda the oesophagus may be enlarged before passing into the mid-gut into a so-called crop. In the Leptodora (Daphnidce) two divisions have been distinguished in the fore- gut, an ascending pharynx and a strikingly wide oesophagus running backwards. This latter may perhaps belong to the mid-gut. Malacostraca. — The possession of a masticatory or fore-stomach is characteristic of the Crustacea belonging to this second principal division. It is found in the Leptostraca, though in a somewhat simpler form than in the other Malacostraca. The masticatory stomach is a spacious sac of varying form. It is chiefly distinguished by the fact that its wall projects into its cavity in the form of definitely arranged folds, ridges, valves, plates, lamellae, and other prominences, on which the chitinous intima is specially strongly developed, so as together to form a very complicated framework. The special form of the masticatory stomach, with its projections, pouches, etc., and its chitinous framework, is extremely important in classification. A more detailed account, however, would take far too much space. The masticatory stomach generally falls into two divisions, an anterior cardiac division, into which the oesophagus enters, and a posterior pyloric division, which opens into the mid-gut. In the anterior division the food which has already been torn in pieces by the oral appendages is still further cut and ground up by the masticatory framework, and the digestion takes place chiefly in the posterior division, into which the secretions of the glands of the mid-gut enter.1 The special formation of the wall with its chitinous framework, in this second division, both hinders too rapid passage of the food to the mid-gut, and prevents its return into the masticatory stomach. The parts of the masticatory framework are moved by suitably arranged muscles, which are attached to the neighbouring integument. In many parasitic Isopoda, which suck in food in a fluid condition, the masticatory stomach is much simplified. The intestine of the Entoniscidce will be described at the end of this section (p. 341). In the Dccapoda, on the anterior wall of the cardiac division of the mas- ticatory stomach, are found two concretions, principally consisting of carbonate and phosphate of lime ; these are the so-called crab's eyes or gastroliths. In 1 See section on the mid-gut of the Dccapoda (p. 340). VOL. I Z 338 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the Cray-fish they are developed in summer and are largest just before the skin is cast. During this process they reach the cavity of the masticatory stomach, are there ground up, dissolved, and re -absorbed. It is highly probable that they yield the calcareous material for the hardening of the new after the casting of the old skeleton. The whole intima of the fore-gut, to- gether with the complicated chitinous framework of the masticatory stomach, is removed when the integument is shed ; it is vomited from the mouth. B. The Mid-gut. This represents the endodermal portion of the enteric canal, and its epithelium shows clearly its endodermal origin even in the adult, being differently constituted from the g , ectodermal epithelium of the fore- and hind- guts. The mid -gut again differs from the two other divisions of the intestine in having no chitinous intima answering to the outer chitinous cuticle of the body. It is nearly always distinctly marked off from the fore- and hind-guts by constrictions or valve -like arrangements. Besides this its anterior end, and occasion- ally its posterior end also, is marked by the entrance of glandular diverticula which represent invaginations of its wall. These, among which the hepatopancreas of the higher Malacostraca shows the greatest development, we shall describe in the sec- tion on the divertieula of the mid-gut. The form and extension of the mid-gut are very varied, while in the Entomostraca and many Malacostraca it represents by far the largest portion of the enteric tube, running from the head to near the posterior end of the body ; it has in other Mala- FIG. 234.— Astacus fluviatilis, median section of the body, seen from the right side. The thoracic feet and antennae of the left side are incompletely drawn (after Huxley), oa, Ophthalmic artery (aorta cephalica) ; aa, antennal artery ; cth, cephalo-thorax ; o, lateral ostium of the heart ; h, heart ; sa, sternal artery ; t, testes ; vd, vas deferens ; em, extensor muscles of the abdomen ; oaa, upper abdominal artery (arteria abdominalis) ; db, abdomen ; hd, hind-gut ; an, anus ; t, telson ; g, brain. (supra-cesophageal ganglion) ; 6/4, 4th thoracic foot (chelate foot) ; oe, oesophagus ; cs, cardiac portion of the stomach ; ps, pyloric portion of the stomach ; bd, right aperture of the hepato- pancreas into the stomach ; bm, ventral chord ; md, mid-gut ; Ir, liver (hepatopancreas) ; vdo, male genital aperture ; pli, pl^, pl$, 1st, 5th, and 6th pleopoda ; uaa, lower abdominal artery ; fin, flexor muscles of the abdomen. v CRUSTACEA— ENTERIG CANAL 339 costraca (at least in the Decapoda, Isopoda, and probably also in the Anisopoda) almost entirely disappeared as a special division of the enteric tube. It is here used up in the formation of its strongly devel- oped glandular diverticula, the hepatopancreatic tubes. In these cases the hind-gut which proceeds from the ectodermal proctodseum represents by far the largest portion of the enteric tube, running through the body from the masticatory stomach to its hindermost end. The fact that in the Isopoda and the Decapoda the whole enteric tube with the exception of the point of entrance of the hepatopancreas, proceeds from the embry- onic or larval stomodseum and proctodseum is ontogenetically established ; in the other Malacostraca ontogenetic investigations as to the limit between mid- and hind-guts have yet to be made. Up to the present time conclusions as to the extent of the hind-gut have been based exclusively upon that of the chitinous intima. The walls of the mid -gut and of its diverticula show the same general structure. The distinct epithelium is placed on a basal mem- brane and sometimes shows on the surface turned towards the lumen of the intestine a (non-chitinous) cuticular limiting membrane. On the outer side of the basal membrane the mid-gut and its diverticula are encircled by hoop-like, regularly repeated, circular muscles, which are seldom transversely striated. Longitudinal muscles are more rare, and where they occur are not numerous. They lie on the inner side of the circular muscles. In life we can observe, not only in the mid-gut but also in its diverticula, rhythmical waves of contraction, which are often very strong ; these also bring about, especially in the smaller Entomo- straca without hearts, a sort of circulation of hsemolymph in the lacunar system of the body. The Mid-gut of the Entomostraea. This generally falls into an anterior widened division (stomach, chyle stomach, stomach-intestine) and a posterior narrower division which we might designate the small intestine. The diverticula of the mid-gut, present usually in a single pair, open into the former division. The details of the arrangement of the mid-gut diverticula of the Entomostraea are very varied. The two diverticula of the Branchiopoda are themselves sub- divided. They vary greatly in size. In Apus they have lateral branches beset with numerous glandular lobes. In the Cladocera (Fig. 192, p. 289) two short horn-like diverticula are generally found, which are directed forwards. In the Ostracoda the two diverticula are so long that they often project on both sides into the shell fold. Diverticula of the mid-gut are wanting in a good many Copepoda ; in others they are present singly or in pairs, simple, or else complicated by the formation of accessory coaca. The arrangement of the two diverticula of the disc-shaped flattened Branchiura (Argulus) (Fig. 195, p. 291) recalls that in many Branchiopoda. Each of the two diverticula divides first into an anterior and a posterior branch, each of which again branches, and the branches penetrate as far as the lateral edges of the cephalo-thorax. In the generally longitudinally folded stomach of the non-parasitic Cirripedes diver- ticula also not unfrequently enter ; Balanus has 8 diverticula, which may be branched (B. pcrforatus}. 340 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAR OS km The Mid-gut Divertieula of the Malaeostraea. Among these we shall first distinguish those which enter at the anterior end of the mid-gut from those which enter at the posterior end. The former are universal. They correspond with the mid-gut diverticula of the Entomostraca, and are generally called livers. Taking into account their physiological activity, however, the name of hepato- panereas is more suitable. In the Leptostraca we find 4 pairs of hepatic tubes, 3 pairs of which, one upper, one lateral, and one lower, are very long and run along the mid-gut, reaching far into the abdomen. The short 4th pair stretches to the front of the head. The tubes join on each side to form a short wide sinus, and these sinuses, uniting at the two sides, enter by a common aperture the posterior end of the masticatory stomach ventrally. In the Arthrostraca also there are 1 to 3 pairs of diverticula entering the beginning of the mid-gut which is occasionally widened so as partly to surround the masticatory stomach. Among these there are often 2 (in the normal Amphipoda 4) tubes running backwards along the intestine, which, according to their function and the structure of their epithelium, specially deserve the name of a hepatopancreas. The arrangement of the glands of the mid -gut in the Schizo- poda, the Cumacea, and the larvae of the Decapoda is similar to that in the Leptostraca and Arthrostraca. They are distin- guished by 3 pairs of long hepatic tubes entering the most anterior portion of the mid-gut. In the Stomatopoda, distri- buted along the whole length of the mid-gut, there are 10 pairs of branched tufts of hepatic tubes. The adult Decapoda are distinguished by the possession of a paired hepatopancreas, which to the right and left enters the posterior and lower end of the masticatory stomach. By means of much branching the liver assumes the character of a very voluminous tubular gland filling a large part of the cephalo-thorax, and falling on each side into 3 lobes — an anterior, a lateral, and a posterior. If we examine only the extreme forms of the cells which unite to form the epithelium of the Malacostracan liver, we can distin- guish two sorts of cells : first, ferment cells, whose varied secretions (which may be liquid or solid, coloured or colourless) digest fibrine ; second, hepatic cells, whose fatty secretion con- tain a colouring matter related to the gall pigment of verte- brates. In consequence of these observations we cannot describe the glands of the mid-gut simply as a liver, but rather as a hepatopancreas. We cannot, also, carry out a sharp distinction of the cells into ferment cells and hepatic cells ; many transition forms occur. The glandular caeca which enter the posterior end of the mid-gut are found in the Amphipoda, i.e. in the Caprellidce and the Crevettina. They occur as one pair, except in Melita, which has only one such glandular tube. Physiologically they must (in the Crevettina) be considered as urinary glands. Morphologically they cannot be compared with the Malpighian vessels of the Tracheata, since they do not belong to the hind-gut, but to the mid-gut. In the posterior portion of the mid-gut of Nebalia there is at the inner side of ft FIG. 235. — Enteric canal of Asellus aquat- icus (after G. O. Sars). oe, OZsophagus ; km, masticatory stomach ; d, mid-gut ; a, anal-gut (rectum) ; I, hepatic tubes (hepatopancreas). v CRUSTACEA— ENTERIC CANAL 341 the dorsal enteric wall a longitudinal channel, which, at the end of the mid-gut, is continued into a csecum, reaching into the anal segment posteriorly, and ending in two lateral projections. C. The Hind-Gut. The hind-gut in Crustaceans is as a rule short and limited to the last segment or segments of the body. Its epithelium is lined with a frequently very strong chitinous intima. Its wall is almost always provided with well-developed hoop -like circular muscles. Special muscles or groups of muscles (dilators) are stretched between the hind-gut and the neighbouring integument (and widen the former by their contraction). In those Isopoda, Anisopoda, and Decapoda in which the hind-gut is very long, taking the place of the small intestine of other Crustacea, we find these dilators only at the posterior differen- tiated division of the hind-gut, called the rectum. Among the Amphipoda, Orchestia has a hind-gut which is strikingly long for this group, reaching as far forward as into the 7th thoracic segment. The anus lies in the terminal segment — dorsally in the Entomo- straca, ventrally in the Malacostraca. Special glands or diverticula entering the hind-gut are wanting in ( the Crustacea. In the Lynceidce among the Cladoccra, however, a glandular contractile csecum i found ventrally in the hind-gut, which in Pleuroxus is prolonged into a long vermi- form appendage wound round the gut. In the Stomatopoda it is said that 2 glandular saccules enter the anal gut. As other excretory organs are wanting in the adult animals these are supposed to have excretory functions. In the meantime it is not certainly proved that these glands of the Lynceidce and Stomatopoda really belong to the hind-gut and not rather to the terminal division of the mid-gut. The widening of the hind-gut on the contraction of the dilators draws in water through the anus, and subsequent contraction of the lumen of the gut expells it again with faecal particles. It has been stated without sufficient foundation that these sucking movements, at least in certain Entowwstraca (Phyllopoda), imply a respiratory function in the hind-gut. The chitinous intima of the hind-gut is ejected through the anus when the integument is shed. The peculiar modification which the enteric canal undergoes in the females of many parasitic Isopoda can here only briefly be described, taking as an example Portunion mcenadis (Entoniscidce}. The narrow oesophagus leads into a large sac composed of two lateral sacs. The inner wall of the sac projects into its lumen in the shape of numerous long processes covered with chitinous intima. In this division of the gut, which has been called the cephalogaster, the absorption of the food takes place. The cephalogaster is continued posteriorly into a second division, the typhlosolis, whose wall, much thickened dorsally, projects into the lumen in such a way that the latter in a transverse section is crescent-shaped, the concave side being directed upwards. A strong cuticle lines the typhlosolis and carries closely - placed long and stiff hairs which, projecting from the 342 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. opposite walls, mingle in such a way as to form a fine sieve apparatus, only admitting of the passage of fluids. The typhlosolis, which is fastened to the body wall by a pair of strong muscles, is followed by a third extremely muscular division, which is called Rathke's organ, and carries on energetic rhythmic contractions. A small tubular blindly closed terminal division, which is the only representative of the mid-gut, receives the ducts of two large contractile hepatic tubes. A hind- gut and anus are wanting. The whole intestine stretches only to the 3d thoracic segment. Portunion mcenadis sucks the blood of its host (Carcinus). The peculiar structure of the enteric canal, in which Rathke's organ and the cephalogaster alter- nately contract and expand, seems adapted to this sucking process. The enteric canal of the minute male of Portunion which lives in the body of the female does not show the peculiar transformation which it undergoes in the female. It is straight, and possesses two hepatic tubes, a hind-gut, and an anus. V. The Nervous System. The nervous system of the Crustacea is constructed on the same type as that of the Annulate^ and must be derived from the latter. The result of research in comparative anatomy and ontogeny justify us in giving the following diagrammatic representation of its general structure and original constitution. This scheme stands in direct relation to the generalised plan of the segmentation of the body of the Crustacean sketched above (p. 300). In the most anterior segment of the body (head segment) the brain (supra-cesophageal ganglion), consisting of two symmetrical lateral halves, lies in front of and over the oesophagus, giving off nerves to the unpaired eye, the anterior antennae and the frontal sensory organs (see below). Each of the other segments of the body possesses two ganglia (a double ganglion) lying very near each other in the ventral middle line. The two ganglia of each segment (the two symmetrical halves of each double ganglion) are connected together by means of a transverse commissure, and with the corresponding ganglia of the preceding and subsequent segments by longitudinal commissures. The two most anterior longitudinal commissures which connect the double ganglion of the second segment with the brain embrace the oesophagus. These are the cesophageal commissures. The whole central nervous system thus consists, as in the Annulata, of the brain and the segmented ventral chord (ventral ganglionie chain), whose segmentation corresponds with the segmentation of the body. From each double ganglion of the ventral chord nerves proceed to the body musculature of the segment to which it belongs, and to the musculature of the limbs with which that segment is provided. There are therefore one double ganglion for the 2d pair of antennae (in the 2d segment), a similar one for the 2 mandibles (in the 3d segment), 2 pairs of ganglia for the anterior and posterior pair of maxillae (in the 4th and 5th segments), and so on, a pair of ganglia in each segment for the limbs which belong to it. It must, however, be specially noted that the assumption of a special ganglion for v CRUSTACEA— NERVOUS SYSTEM 343 the posterior antennae is not yet securely established. Such a ganglion would have to be compared with the infra-cesophageal ganglion, and the segment corresponding with it to the first trunk segment of the Annulata. In most Crustaceans, however, the nerves for the posterior antennae do not arise from a distinct ganglion but from the cesophageal commissures ; their places of origin in the higher Crustacea have indeed moved as far forward as the brain. There are, however, many important reasons, to be brought forward later, in favour of the assumption of an originally distinct pair of ganglia and a special segment for the posterior antennae. All the more important and striking deviations from the typical Crustacean nervous system can be classed under the following heads. 1. Approximation of the two ganglia of a double ganglion by the shortening of the transverse commissure which unites them, and finally the fusing of these two ganglia into one ; its composition out of two lateral ganglia can, however, often be seen externally, and always internally, on examination of its finer structure. 2. Approximation and contact of the longitudinal commissures connecting the consecutive ganglia. 3. Approximation and contact of the consecutive ganglia by the shortening of the longitudinal commissures. This may lead to the fusing of the consecutive ganglia into one ganglionic mass, in which the original composition out of several ganglia can sometimes be clearly recognised ; at other times, however, this is very indistinct, or even quite unrecognisable. 4. Longitudinal displacement and shifting of the ganglia, generally from behind forward. Ganglia may be displaced from one segment into another. 5. Shifting of the points at which nerves leave the ventral chord. These displacements, however, apparently never affect the real origin of the nerves in the centres of the nervous system. 6. Entire disappearance of ganglia. This is perhaps only to be proved with certainty of the most posterior ganglia of the body. All these changes go hand in hand with transformations of the whole organism, especially with modifications in the segmentation of the body and in the development of the extremities. In the young stages of many Crustaceans it often happens that certain ganglia are still separate which in adult animals are fused. We see from this how important the knowledge of ontogeny is for a right comprehension of the morphology of the nervous system. The concentration of the nervous system (the fusing of originally distinct ganglia to form larger ganglionic masses) can be observed in most of the natural divisions of the Crustacea. For the sake of clearness we shall in each group of the Crustacea place the most conspicuously segmented nervous system in the fore- ground, while the description of the deviating, concentrated, or simplified nervous systems will be distinguished by the use of small print. 344 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Entomostraea. The nervous system of the Phyllopoda (Fig. 236, D\ especially that of the Branchiopoda (Branchipus, Artemia), best corresponds with the scheme of the Crustacean nervous system given above. The transverse commissures between the ganglia of the ventral chord are tolerably long, and so the whole ventral chord has the character of a ladder nervous system. The two ganglia of a double ganglion are connected together by two transverse commissures. We must note as specially important that the pairs of ganglia for the oral appendages, i.e. for the mandibles and maxillae, have remained distinct. Behind these 3 pairs of ganglia come (in Branchipus) the 1 1 pairs of ganglia of the limb -carry ing segments, then the 2 pairs of ganglia in the genital segments. Behind these, ganglia only occur as rudiments in the two following segments. The nerves for the posterior antennae arise out of the cesophageal commissures, which are provided with a layer of ganglionic cells ; this layer can the better be considered the ganglion of the 2d antennae, since in front of the mandibular ganglion, and behind the oesophagus, the cesophageal commissures are connected by a double tranverse commissure, corresponding with the double transverse commissures of the other ganglia of the ventral chord. The nerves for the unpaired frontal eye, for the paired stalked eyes, and for the anterior antennae spring from the brain. In correspondence with the greatly reduced segmentation of the whole body in the Cladocera (Phyllopod] its central nervous system is also much less pronounced. The ladder-like ventral chord consists of 7 pairs of ganglia, the foremost of which (infra-cesophageal ganglion) innervates the mandibles and maxillse, and the other 6 the 6 pairs of limbs. In front of the infra-cesophageal ganglion we find here a transverse commissure connecting the cesophageal commissures. The nerve for the 2d antennae arises from the infra-cesophageal ganglion. In Leptodom the 6 ventral ganglia in the adult animals are fused into one ventral ganglionic mass, while in the young animals they are still tolerably distinct. The nervous system of the Ostracoda deserves further investigation. The ventral chord of Cythere which follows the brain and oesophageal commissures is said to consist of an infra-oesophageal ganglion and 4 subsequent ventral ganglia. The infra-cesophageal ganglion is said to show its composition out of two ganglia and to innervate the jaws, while the 3 subsequent ganglia give off nerves to the limbs, and the last ganglion nerves to the most posterior divisions of the body and the genital apparatus. In contrast with the above, the ventral chord of Halocypris appears much con- centrated. It consists of an infra-cesophageal ganglion with nerves to the jaws and maxillipedes, and a small ventral ganglion. Out of the latter arise 2 pairs of nerves, which probably innervate the musculature of the limbs and the abdomen. In the various divisions of the Copepoda the central nervous system v CRUSTACEA— NERVOUS SYSTEM 345 shows several degrees of centralisation, from a more or less decentralised condition to the almost complete fusion of brain and ventral chord to form one ganglionic mass, pierced through by the esophagus. The segmentation is most complete in the free-swimming Copepoda, from which all the others are to be derived. In the Calanidce, for example, we have (apart from the brain) a ventral chord consisting of 7 ganglionic swellings which stretches more or less far into the abdomen. In other free-living Copepoda the number of ganglia is reduced, and the abdominal ganglia become small or disappear. But in the Corycceidce (Fig. 236, H) we already have only one single ganglionic mass surrounding the cesophagus, from which nerves radiate to the sensory organs, extremities, the musculature of the body, etc. The nervous system in various delicate parasitic Copepoda shows a similarly con- centrated, though partly also reduced, condition. The nervous system of the Carp-lice (Argulidce, Fig. 236, G), which are closely connected with the true Copepoda, is relatively highly developed. The concentrated ventral chord consists of 6 ganglia with much -shortened longitudinal and transverse commissures. The 4 posterior ganglia supply the 4 pairs of limbs, the 2 anterior the jaws, maxillipedes, and clinging feet. At the points at which the cesophageal commissures join the brain there are 2 ganglionic swellings, from which nerves go to the 2d antennae. Among the Cirripedes the nervous system of the Lepadidce is the most richly segmented. They possess a brain, long oesophageal com- missures, and 5 or 6 ventral ganglia. The nervous system of the so- called Cypris-like larvae, that is, of those which develop into herma- phrodite individuals, is similar. The so-called complementary males of the Lepadidce, on the contrary, and their Cypris-like larvce, only possess a cerebral ganglion (supra-oasophageal ganglion) and a thoracic ganglion, which alone represents the whole ventral chord. In the Balanidce the ventral ganglia are fused into one large ventral ganglionic mass. Degeneration goes very far in the whole nervous system of the Rhizocephala (Sacculina, Peltogaster), which are so much degenerated by parasitism ; we here find it in the form of one single ganglion, from which various nerves radiate (cf. Fig. 248, p. 373). This ganglion is said not to correspond with the larval supra-oasophageal ganglion, but to arise anew in the development of the adult animal. Malaeostraea. I. Leptostraea. — The interesting genus Nebalia, which of all living Malaeostraea stands nearest to their racial form, possesses an extra- ordinarily richly segmented nervous system. If this pronounced segmentation recalls, on the one hand, the nervous system of the Pliyl- lopoda (Branchiopoda), it shows on the other (especially in the structure of the brain) a decidedly Malacostracan character. The ganglia for the posterior antennae are moved far forward on the cesophageal commissures, and form, as in all Malaeostraea, the most posterior division of the brain. The transverse commissure, which corresponds with them, however, FIG. 236. CHAP, v CRUSTACEA— NERVOUS SYSTEM 347 FIG. 23(5.— Central nervous systems of various Crustaceans. A, Of Euphausia pellucida (after G. O. Sars). B, Of Astacus fluviatilis (after Vogt and Yung). C, Of Apseudes Latreillii (combined from several figures by Glaus). D, Of Limnadia (after Klunzinger), anterior portion. E, Of Asellus aquaticus (after G. 0. Sars). F, Of Maja squinado (after Milne Edwards). G, Of Argulus Corregoni (after Glaus). H, Of Sapphirina Edwardsii (after Haeckel). gg, Brain; cm, nerves of the paired eyes ; ua, unpaired eye with its nerve ; go, ganglion optjcum ; oj, nerve of the 1st antenna ; o2, of the 2d antenna ; sc, oesophageal commissures ; y, post-oesophageal tranverse commissure of the same (commissure of the antennal ganglia of 2d antenna ? ) ; a*>g, ganglion of the 2d antenna (in D) ; md, maudibular ganglion ; mxi, mxv, ganglia of the 1st and 2d pairs of maxillae ; I-V1II, thoracic ganglia; l>g, sub-oesophageal ganglion, consisting of several fused ganglia; 1-6, abdominal ganglia ; s, sympathetic nervous system ; sg, ganglion of the same ; eg, commissural ganglion ; TO, stomach (in F) ; ab, fused abdominal ganglia (in E). Jn G, g% signifies 2d ventral gan- glion ; %i-?i4, nerves for the 4 pairs of limbs ; Iff, nerve for the clinging foot. In H, gm signifies the ganglionic mass (brain fused with ventral chord) broken through by the oesophagus ; cl, corneal lens ; I, lens ; bn, posterior strong nerves, the lateral pairs of which go to the limbs. has remained separate behind the oesophagus and in front of the mandibular ganglia. The ganglia of all the pairs of limbs, even those of the oral limbs, have remained separate on the ventral chord, which has 17 ganglionic swellings. We thus find, counting from before backward : (1) a mandibular ganglion, (2) and (3) 2 maxillary ganglia; (4) to (11) 8 thoracic ganglia, and (12) to (17) 6 abdominal ganglia. It is a significant fact that in the larva the 6 abdominal ganglia are followed by a small 7th swelling, belonging to the limbless 7th abdominal segment ; this, however, entirely disappears at a later stage. This fact is rightly interpreted to mean that there must originally have been more than 6 pairs of pleopoda. In contradistinction to the ladder-like nervous system of the PTvyllopoda, the ganglia in Nebalia are fused in the middle line to form a double ganglion, and the longitudinal commissures are moved nearer each other. The latter are very much shortened in the thoracic region in correspondence with the abbreviation of the thoracic segments. II. Arthrostraea, Anisopoda. — The richly segmented nervous system of Apseudes (Fig. 236, C) is closely connected with that of Nebalia. The brain and oesophageal commissures are followed by an infra-oesophageal section, in which we can clearly distinguish the separate ganglia for the mandibles, the two pairs of maxillae, and the pair of maxillipedes. It is important to note that the maxillipedal ganglion, which corresponds with the first thoracic ganglion of Nebalia, is here more closely connected with the preceding ganglia, in keeping with the commencing transformation of the first pair of thoracic feet into a pair of maxillipedes. The 4 infra-oesophageal ganglia are followed by 7 double ganglia for the thorax and 6 for the abdomen, the last and largest of which is probably composed of two or more fused together. The ganglion for the posterior antennae is moved towards the brain, but the transverse commissure corresponding with it 4s clearly visible behind the oesophagus, in front of the mandibular commissure. The ganglia of the ventral chord are clearly double, and connected by two separate longitudinal commissures. In Tanais fusings and displacements seem already to have taken place in the ventral chord. The ventral chord here has, it is said, only 12 ganglia. 348 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Isopoda. — Among the true Isopoda several genera (such as Sphceroma, Idothea, Glyptonotus) are, in the rich segmentation of their nervous systems, closely connected with Apseudes. In Sphceroma we even find a 7th abdominal ganglion. The double nature of the central nervous system is everywhere more or less distinctly marked. The transverse commissure corresponding with the ganglia of the 2d pair of antennae seems to be more or less completely fused with the mandibular commissure. In many Isopoda there is fusion in the ventral chord and displacement and re- duction of the pairs of ganglia. The mandibular, maxillary, and maxillipedal ganglia in the first place fuse to form an infra-cesophageal ganglionic mass. Then a reduction in the number of the ganglia takes place chiefly in those of the abdomen. In some Isopoda 5 abdominal ganglia occur, in others (Porcellio, Oniscus, Asellus, Fig. 236, E) we find as the remains of the abdominal ventral chord only one ganglionic swelling attached to the last thoracic ganglion, and in others even this is wanting. The number of the separate thoracic ganglia is less frequently reduced. In those Entoniscidce (Portunion mceimdis) which are specially strongly modified through parasitism we find, besides the brain (which is everywhere retained), 2 thoracic ganglia and one abdominal ganglion at some distance from them, under the heart ; while in the not less strongly modified parasitic Bopyridce 7 thoracic ganglia are said to occur. Amphipoda. — Here in all cases we have a fusing of the anterior ganglia of the ventral chord, so that the nervous system no longer shows at any point that segmentation which we meet with in many Isopoda. In the nervous system of the Gammaridce we can still distinguish, apart from the brain, an infra-oasophageal ganglion consisting of several fused ganglia, and further 7 thoracic ganglia in the 7 free thoracic segments, and 4 abdominal ganglia in the 4 anterior abdominal segments. In Phronima the centralisation goes still further. There are only 5 thoracic ganglia behind the infra-cesophageal ganglionic mass, which consists of 6 fused ganglia. The last of the 4 abdominal ganglia is formed by the fusion of 3 ganglia which are still separate in the embryo. Not only the points of divergence of the nerves for the 2d antennse, but also those of the nerves of all the oral appendages are shifted forward on to the cesphagea'l commissures. The nervous system of many Hyperidce is similar to that of Phronima. In others, however, concentration goes still further, as not only the last 2 thoracic but also the last 2 abdominal ganglia may fuse together. In the most extreme cases we thus find only an infra- cesophageal ganglionic mass, 4 thoracic and 3 abdominal pairs of ganglia. In the Caprellidce the reduced abdomen retains no ganglia. Besides the brain and the sub-cesophageal ganglion which supplies the mandibles, maxillse, and maxillipedes, we find 7 thoracic ganglia, the 7th of which lies behind the 6th in the last thoracic segment but one. Three small ganglia belonging to the abdomen follow close behind the 7th thoracic ganglion. In young animals 4 more pairs of abdominal ganglia begin to form, and then fuse with the 3 small ganglia of the adult animal above mentioned. III. Thoraeostraea. — In many Schizopoda (Euphausia, Fig. 236, A, Boreomysis) all the ganglia for the oral and thoracic limbs, 11 in number, seem to have remained separate. v CRUSTACEA— NERVOUS SYSTEM 349 In others the number is evidently reduced by the fusing of originally separate ganglia. In Gnaihophausia we find besides the infra-oesophageal ganglion (which most probably consists of the fused mandibular and maxillary ganglia) 8, in Eucopia however only 6, thoracic ganglia. The most anterior thoracic ganglion has in this latter case probably united with the infra- cesophageal ganglion, and the last thoracic ganglion with the last but one. This is made probable by the fact that in the last thoracic segment no ganglion occurs. In Mysis (relicta) the thoracic ganglia are even said to be fused into a longitudinal strand. The cesophageal commissures are in many Schizopoda (Euphausia, Boreomysis] connected directly behind the oesophagus and in front of the most anterior ventral ganglion by a transverse commissure, which perhaps corresponds with the commissure of the ganglia of the posterior antennae often mentioned above. All the Schizopoda seem to possess 6 abdominal ganglia. The nerves which supply the body musculature of the abdomen diverge from the longitudinal commissures half-way between 2 consecu- tive ganglia. This arrangement seems to be characteristic of all Thoracostraca. In the Cumacea (Diastylis) the ventral chord consists of 16 pairs of ganglia ; the three most anterior of these, which have moved near each other, supply the oral limbs; 7 thoracic, and 6 abdominal pairs of ganglia follow. The nervous system of the Stomatopoda in its segmentation shows very clearly a close relation to the metamerism of the body. In the cephalo-thoracic portion of the ventral chord only the 3 ganglia of the 3 most posterior thoracic segments have remained separate, i.e. of those segments which, uncovered by the cephalo-thoracic shield, carry the biramose ambulatory feet. All the other preceding ganglia are united into a large infra-oesophageal ganglion. The cesophageal commissures are very long, arid show behind the oesophagus the transverse commissures often mentioned above. The 3 posterior thoracic ganglia are followed by the 6 abdominal ganglia which are characteristic of the Thoracostraca. Deeapoda. — We here find many grades of concentration, from the still tolerably richly segmented nervous system of the Macrura to the nervous system of the Brachyura, in which all the ganglia of the ventral chord have fused into one single thoracic ganglionic mass. Taking as a type of the Macrura the Cray-fish, Astacus fluviatilis (Fig. 236, B\ the highly developed brain gives off the nerves for the eyes, the anterior antennae, and from its posterior part for the posterior antennae. The cesophageal commissures are of considerable length and connected behind the oesophagus by a transverse commissure. In the course of each cesophageal commissure lies a small ganglion, the so-called com- missural ganglion. From these 2 commissural ganglia various nerves diverge, among which the visceral nerves and the nerves of the mandibles are to be specially noted. The latter indeed have their roots in the infra-cesophageal ganglion, but are united with the cesophageal commissures as far as the commissural ganglia. The cesophageal commissures enter an infra-oesophageal ganglionic mass which consists 350 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. of 6 united ganglia, i.e. of the mandibles, 2 maxillae, and 3 maxillipedes. The last swelling of this infra -oesophageal ganglionic mass (the 3d maxillipedal) is pretty clearly marked off. The 5 distinctly separate large thoracic ganglia for the 5 posterior thoracic segments and their extremities (the ambulatory feet) follow, and of these the 4th and 5th ganglia are very near each other. In the abdomen we find 6 ganglia, the last is the largest, and, as in all Malacostraca, may well represent 2 or even more originally separate ganglia. In the Cray-fish, as in nearly all Thoracostraca, the 2 ganglia of the originally double ganglion and the longitudinal commissures between the consecutive ganglia of the ventral chord are so closely connected in the middle line that their double nature is not outwardly perceptible. The longitudinal commissures separate from each other only between the penultimate and antepenultimate thoracic ganglia (6th and 7th), so as to let the sternal artery pass between them. In a few Macrura the 2 most posterior thoracic ganglia are fused, or there is a close approximation of all the cephalo-thoracic ganglia (Carididce, Palinurus). Here, however, the 6 abdominal ganglia remain separate, while in the Paguridce only 1 abdominal ganglion is present, in correspondence with the great reduction of the abdomen. We finally come to the Brachyura (Fig. 236, F), in which, in correspondence with the great reduction of the abdomen and the concentration of the cephalo-thorax, the whole ventral chord is fused together into a great thoracic knot, from which numerous nerves radiate out to all sides. Sympathetic Nervous System. This seems to occur in all Malacostraca, at least it has been observed with considerable uniformity in representatives of the three principal divisions, the Leptostraca, Arthrostraca, and Thoracostraca. In the Cray-fish a nerve with double roots arises on each side out of the commissural ganglion, proceeds forwards to the upper lip and mounts upwards at the sides of the oesophagus. The two nerves unite on the upper side of the stomach to form a median nerve which swells into a ganglion. From this ganglion a branching nerve runs backwards and spreads out in the wall of the stomach and gives off branches to the liver and also probably to the heart. The sympathetic nervous system is further connected by an unpaired nerve with the posterior portion of the brain. So highly developed a sympathetic nervous system seems wanting in the Entomostraca. But it is noteworthy that in the Phyllopoda (Branchipus) a nerve arises on each side out of the cesophageal com- missures which runs to the upper lip. The 2 nerves unite to form a labial ring, which is connected with a median ganglion and gives off nerves to the upper lip, the muscles of the oesophagus, etc. Structure of the Brain. — The brain of the Crustacea rises in the Malacostraca to a very high degree of complication. This complication, which reaches its highest point in the Decapoda, is seen in the complicated arrangement of the ganglionic cells and v CRUSTACEA— SENSORY ORGANS 351 of the courses of the fibres, and shows itself externally by the formation of lobes. It is probable that the brain of the ancestors of the Crustaceans contained the centres for the unpaired frontal eye, for the anterior antennae and perhaps also for the frontal sensory organs, together with the fibrous connections between these centres them- selves, between these centres and the cesophageal commissures, and lastly the anterior transverse connections of the cesophageal commissures. A higher complica- tion is caused in most of the Crustacea now living (all Malacostraca and many Ento- mostraca), first by tie occurrence of the paired eyes, and second by the fact that the originally infra-cesophageal ganglia of the posterior antennae unite with the brain from behind. We can in these cases distinguish three principal regions in the brain. First, an anterior region (fore-brain), with the centres for the unpaired eye (where this persists) and for the paired eyes. The optic nerves of the latter, whose fibres in the brain of the higher Crustacea form a chiasma, enter on each side a frequently very large optic ganglion, which is the largest accessory lobe of the fore- brain. Besides this the fore-brain has, especially in the higher Malacostraca, other lobate formations. Second, a mid-brain which adjoins the fore-brain, and contains the centres for the nerves of the anterior antennae. Third, the hindermost region of the brain (hind-brain), which is formed by the ganglia for the posterior antennae, whose transverse commissure is to be found behind the oesophagus, where it has, as already described, often remained as a separate transverse commissure between the cesophageal commissures. Neurochord strands or giant nerve tubes, like those with which we became acquainted in the Annulata, occur in the ventral chord of the Thoracostraca. An intermediate nerve also, of varying extent, has here and there been observed in the ventral chord. VL The Sensory Organs. A. Eyes. These are, as a rule, well developed in the Crustacea, and often show a high degree of complexity, especially in the Malacostraca, occasionally also in certain Entomostmca. Visual organs are either wanting or very much reduced in the adult condition of most of the parasitic and attached Crustacea (Cirripedia), also in many deep-sea forms and in others which live in dark places. Setting on one side a few divergent forms of Crustacean eyes, we can distinguish 2 kinds, which may occur simultaneously in the same animal : the unpaired frontal eye (accessory eye) and the paired lateral eyes (principal eyes). Both belong to the head. The unpaired eye lies above the brain, the paired at its sides. The unpaired eye occurs in the young larval forms of all Crustaceans (Nauplius eye) : it is always retained in the adult Entomostraca, some- times well developed, sometimes in a reduced condition. In the Malacostraca it degenerates in the course of development. From the universal distribution of the unpaired eye in the Entomostraca and young Malacostraca we may conclude that it was present in the ancestors of the Crustaceans. Paired eyes are found in all Malacostraca and many Entomostraca. They are either movable stalked eyes or fixed sessile eyes. The first may be imagined to arise out of unstalked eyes by the raising of that 352 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. part of the head immediately surrounding the eye, by its articula- tion, and further growth into a stalk. Formerly the stalked eyes were often erroneously considered to represent a pair of extremi- ties. In the development of the Crustaceans the paired eyes always appear much later than the unpaired eye, and we have reason for assuming that the unpaired eye is phylogenetically older than the paired. The following is a short review of the occurrence ar.d distribution of the paired or principal eyes. Entomostraca. — Phyllopoda : in the Estheridce, and Apusidce the paired eyes have moved towards each other in the middle line. The Branchiopoda have movable stalked eyes. The two principal eyes of the Cladocera have fused in the middle line to form a trembling frontal eye, which, however, is wanting in Monospilus. Ostracoda : the Cipridinidce possess besides the unpaired eye paired movable lateral eyes. In the Cypridce and Cytheridce also paired eyes occur, which may fuse together to form one unpaired eye. Whether these correspond with the paired eyes of other Crustaceans is not known. Copepoda : the Carp-lice, which are nearly related to the Copepoda, possess besides the unpaired eye 2 large lateral eyes. In the true Copepoda the latter are generally wanting, but paired eyes do occur, e.g. in Pontellidce, and these perhaps correspond with the lateral eyes of other Crustacea. The paired eyes of the Corycaeidce on the contrary do not easily admit of such a com- parison. It is, however, not improbable that the racial forms of the Copepoda possessed paired compound eyes, which have been again lost. Cirripedia : in the adult animals the paired eyes are wanting throughout, but on the other hand the Cypris-like larvce of the attached forms are provided with large lateral eyes. Malacostraca. — Lateral eyes occur everywhere. They are stalked in the Leptostraca and all Thoracostraca except the Cumacea. In the last case the sessile eyes are generally fused in the middle line ; they may, however, be altogether wanting. In the Arthrostraca, which have also been called the Edriophthalmata (in contra- distinction to the other Malacostraca, which are known as the Podophthalmata), the eyes are sessile. The facts that movable stalked eyes occur in the Phyllopoda (Branchipus), and that the eyes of Leptostraca (Nebalia), which in every way stand nearest the racial form of the Malacostraca, are similarly stalked, make it appear probable (other facts also being taken into consideration) that the paired eyes of the Arthrostraca were once stalked. Among the Amphipoda the Phronimidce show peculiarities. They possess two pairs of compound eyes, one frontal pair and one in the region of the cheek. The two eyes of the same side, however, must have proceeded by division from the single eye of the Amphipoda which in the Hyperidce is very large superficially. Structure of the Eyes. — The unpaired eye was formerly described as an x- shaped eye -spot, with or without a refractive body. On account of its general distribution in the Entomostraca, it is also called the Entomostracan eye. Its structure will be best illustrated by means of an example. The frontal eye of Calanella mediterranea (Fig. 237), a free-living Copepod, consists of 3 single eyes united together, 1 unpaired median and ventral, and 2 lateral and dorsal. Each single eye is composed of a pigment cup and a strongly refractive transparent " lens " laid in and on it. The term "lens" is, however, not applicable. It is composed of several cells, each of which is connected, whether at its CRUSTACEA— SENSORY ORGANS 353 outer or inner side is not yet quite certain, with a fibre of the optic nerve, and must therefore be considered as a retinal cell. The great similarity in structure between such a single eye and the eyes of Platodes should not be overlooked. The three -fold structure of the unpaired Crustacean eye seems to be characteristic. Occasionally, e.g. in Branchipus, 3 separate nerves leave the brain to run to the 3 single eyes. The structure of the paired lateral eyes of the Crustacea (stalked and un- stalked) is much more complicated. We have here the compound eye so characteristic of the Arthropoda. Even though, in single divisions of the Crustacea, it presents important modi- fications and complications in its structure we nevertheless evidently pia 237_Eye of Calanella mediter have to do (With a tew exceptions to ranea ? juv, from below (after Gren- be mentioned later) with homologous acher). p, Pigment plates of the paired ;plt visual organs. Let us take for descrip- ^ti'— S —' ""* '' tion the paired eye of Brancmpus, which presents in a tolerably simple manner the typical structure of the compound eye. The movable stalk of the hemispherical eye of Brancliipus (Fig. 238, B) contains the optie nerve ; this swells in the stalk into a ganglion, the ganglion optieum, which must be reckoned as belonging to the brain. The optic ganglion is followed at the distal end near the base of the eye by a second ganglion, the retinal ganglion. Nerve fibres radiate towards the eye from the nerve cells of this retinal ganglion. The eye itself is separated from the cavity of the eye stalk by a thin basal membrane. The nerve fibres which radiate from the retinal ganglion penetrate this membrane to enter the retinal cells immediately on the other side of it. The eye represents the half of a hollow sphere with thick walls, whose outer spherical surface corresponds with the outer surface of the eye, and whose inner (concave) surface corresponds with the basal membrane. It consists of numerous closely packed single eyes arranged radially. In each single eye or ommatidium (Fig. 238, E) we distinguish three chief constituents : — 1. The Retinula, i.e. that portion of the whole retina of the compound eye which belongs to each of the single eyes. This is the proximal portion coming next to the basal membrane. 2. The crystal cone, and 3. The hypodermal elements with the super jacent chitinous cuticle, the cornea of the Arthropodan eye. A. The VOL. I Retinula consists of 5 lono: cells regularly grouped 2 A 354 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. round a central axis : into the proximal ends of each of these cells a fibre from the optic nerve enters. The central axis is a tubular rod called the rhabdom. The 5 cells of the retinula contain pigment in the immediate neighbourhood of the rhabdom, and this pigment occurs in such large quantities in the thicker nucleated portions of the cells, that in each retinula a distal pigment layer is formed. Above FIG. 238.— Compound Crustacean eye. A, 2 single eyes (ommatidia) of Palaemon Squilla. The pigment is removed from the ommatidium on the right hand. C, Isolated crystal body of an ommatidium, consisting of 4 pieces. D, Transverse section through a retinula, about the middle of its length ; re, retinal cells ; rh, rhabdom consisting of 4 pieces. B, Section through the stalked eye of Branchipus. E, 2 ommatidia of the same animal, on a larger scale (figs. A, C, D, after Grenacher, B and E, after Claus); c, cornea (cuticle) ; d, corneal lens ; hy, hypodermis cells ; fc, crystal cone ; fcj, outer crystal body ; Jcz, crystal cells ; p, pigment ; pj, in fig. A, pigment strands running between the retinulse from the layer of nerve fibres ; re, retinula ; rh, rhabdom ; nf, nerve fibres ; 6m, basal membrane ; m, muscle ; rg, retinal ganglion ; go, ganglion opticum ; no, nervus opticus. this layer, terminal unpigmented portions project. These 5 ends together embrace the proximal ends of B. the refractive crystal cells. These are 4 in number and together form a cone, which contains in its distal portion a solid crystal v CRUSTACEA— SENSORY ORGANS 355 body secreted by the crystal cells. The layer of the crystal cells of the compound eye is covered by C. The transparent smooth ehitinous integument (cornea) with subjacent hypodermis cells, a continuation of the general body integument. The principal distinctions to be pointed out between the stalked eye of the higher Crustacea and that of Branchipus are in the cornea and the optic ganglion. In the former the cornea (ehitinous cuticle) is somewhat thickened over each single eye, forming for each a eorneal facet or corneal lens, which is convex either on its inner or outer side or on both sides (Fig. 238, A, d). The cornea then appears, when viewed from the surface, to be divided into regular polygonal areas, each of which corresponds with a corneal lens of a single eye. Again, whereas the ganglion opticum is simple in Bmnchipus, in the stalked eyes of the Malacostraca it falls into 3 ganglia also placed in the eye stalk. There are many important variations in detail in the structure of the Crustacean compound eye ; these chiefly concern the number of cells in a retinula, the number of crystal cells in a single eye, the number of single eyes in the whole eye, and the specific arrangement of the elements. The Decapoda and Isopoda possess 7 retinular cells, the Branchiopoda and Amphipoda 5, the Schizopoda 4. The single eyes of the Cladocera have 5 crystal cells, the Decapoda and the Branchiopoda 4, the Isopoda, Amphipoda, and Schizopoda 2. In the Isopoda only a few single eyes are found which are not closely packed (4 in Aselhis, 20 in Porcellio}. The isolated corneal lenses (not flattened into polygonal facets) are here biconvex. Each of the paired eyes of the Corycaeidce consists of one single eye, which in Corycaeus is strikingly large and long. It is in many respects markedly different from the ommatidia of the compound eyes of other Crustacea. In the Euphausidce among the Schizopoda there are, besides the two compound stalked eyes, other " accessory " eyes. These are found on the basal joints of the second and penultimate pairs of thoracic feet, and further, one in the ventral middle line of the abdomen between the pleopoda of each of the 4 anterior segments. Whether these organs belong to the category of visual organs is very doubtful ; we only know for certain that they are luminous. B. Other Sensory Organs. Among the other sensory organs of the Crustacea the most widespread are the tactile, and what are generally supposed to be olfactory, organs. In many Entomostraca we find, in addition, the so-called frontal sensory organs of unknown physiological significance. Auditory Organs occur in all the Decapoda, and have also been observed in isolated cases in other divisions. Other structures which have been described as sensory organs with unknown functions must be passed over in silence, because of their sporadic occurrence and also because too little is known about them. 356 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 1. Specific Organs of Touch. — The points of the limbs, especially of such as serve for locomotion or for holding food, possess a finer sense of touch than the other parts of the surface of the body. Special Tactile Setae are the principal organs of touch. These are found chiefly on the antennae, but also on other extremities, and occa- sionally also on the body itself. These setae are distinguished from other setae, spines, etc., whose function is almost entirely mechanical, by the fact that one or more ganglion cells lie at their bases connected by nerve fibres with the general nervous system (Fig. 239, D). 2. Olfactory Organs are found in the shape of pale delicate knobs, filaments, tubes, or points (Fig. 239, A, B), which are often grouped in bundles or transverse rows, and occur on the anterior antennae. FIG. 239.—^!, 7, 8, 9, joints of a 13-jointecl flagellum of the anterior Antenna of Nebalia (male) with the olfactory tubes. B, Two Olfactory tubes, more strongly magnified. C, Feathered sen- sory seta (auditory hair) from the antepenultimate pair of thoracic limbs of Apseudes, with cuti- cular basal capsule. D, Tactile hair (ib) of Branchipus. c, Body cuticle ; hy, hypodermis cells of the seta ; gz, ganglionic cell ; n, nerve fibre (after Glaus). Less frequently similar structures are also found on the second antennae. They always occur in greater numbers in the male than in the female. The chitinous cuticle of these olfactory processes is thickest at their bases ; towards their free end it is thin and delicate. At the base of each olfactory process a nerve fibre enters without forming a ganglionic cell, and continues into the interior of the process, running through it and filling it to its free end. The nerve fibres originate in ganglionic cells which, lying in the same or preceding joint of the antenna, belong to the antennal nerve. Whether the so-called Calceoli of the Amphipoda are olfactory organs, or whether, perhaps, they represent a kind of auditory organ, must remain undecided. 3. Frontal Sensory Organs. — The characteristic position of these organs which occur in one pair is the frontal region very near the brain. They are projecting filaments, cones, rods, or other cuticular v CRUSTACEA— SENSORY ORGANS 357 appendages, into which 2 nerves, the frontal nerves, enter, generally forming ganglionic cells. In Branchipus, in place of the cuticular pro- cess, there is only an inconsiderable 'thickening of the cuticle with large hypodermis cells surrounded by ganglionic cells lying under it Frontal sensory organs have been observed not only in the Ento- mostraca and Entomostracan larva, but also in the Malacostmcan larva (i.e. when it is a Nauplius), and from this we are justified in concluding that they were original structures present in the Crustacean racial form. 4. Auditory Organs of the Deeapoda. — These lie on the basal joint of the anterior antennae (antennulse). In all Deeapoda they occur as pit- shaped depressions of the chitinous integument, which generally remain open, but in a few cases (Hippolyte) may close and form a vesicle. In the open auditory vesicles the aperture is often covered by a compact row of setse projecting from one of the edges, less frequently by a thin projecting fold. The auditory pits contain sand particles taken in from outside, which probably function as otoliths, like the concretions of fluorcalcium in the closed auditory vesicles. At the base of the auditory pits, or on the inner wall of the auditory vesicles, feathered hairs arise; these are (1) otolith hairs, which carry the otoliths, and (2) free hairs, projecting into the cavity of the auditory pit. The distinctly marked, swollen base of the auditory hair is extremely delicate and thin-walled, and permits a considerable oscillation of the hair in response to the waves of sound. The auditory nerve, which branches from the antennal nerve and has its root in the brain, first sends off fibres to single ganglionic cells. Filaments from these ganglion cells enter the auditory hairs at their bases and are attached near their points to rod- shaped bodies. It is usually said of the two closed auditory vesicles of the Mysidce (Schizo- poda), that they lie in the tail. More correctly, they lie in the inner lamella (endo- podite) of the last pair of pleopoda, which, together with the telson, form the caudal fin. Their structure does not deviate essentially from that of the Decapodan auditory organs. They are innervated from the last abdominal ganglion. Oxycephalus (Amphipoda) possesses two auditory vesicles lying above the brain and containing otoliths. There is some justification for classing the sensory organs of the Deeapoda, Schizo- poda, and Ampkipoda above described as auditory organs ; but we must not fail to mention that more recent experimental investigations greatly support the view that they also serve for regulating the position of the body, and for maintaining its equilibrium. Feathered setae, which in structure show great agreement with the auditory hairs of the Deeapoda, occur on the antennae and also in other parts of the body in many Malacostraca, and have often been considered as auditory organs. This is, however, still an undecided point. It is, however, probable that the auditory organs of the Deeapoda have developed phylogenetically by the localisation of feathered sensory hairs and by the pit-like depression of those parts of the integument which carried them. The utilisation of foreign particles of sand as otoliths also supports this view. 358 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. VII. The Blood- Vascular System and the Body Cavity. In the Crustacea (and in the Arthropoda generally) we find no closed blood-vascular system. Those portions of the circulatory system which are provided with special walls, stand in open com- munication with blood lacunae. These lacunae have no special walls, but are only spaces between the various organs of the body, and repre- sent the body cavity. Scheme of the Circulatory System. — According to what is now known of the Crustacea we may imagine the circulatory system in the racial form of these animals to be essentially as follows : A contractile, tubular, dorsal vessel (heart) runs longitudinally through the body in the middle line above the intestine. The direction of the flow of blood in this dorsal vessel is from behind forward, as in the dorsal vessel of the Annulata. In each body segment the dorsal vessel possesses a pair of lateral slit-like apertures, the so-called ostia, through which its interior is in open communication with the blood sinus surrounding it ; this is the perieardial sinus, a part of the body cavity. The blood fluid (hsemolymph) enters the dorsal vessel through an aper- ture at its posterior end as well as through the lateral ostia from the perieardial sinus, and flows out at its anterior end. It then runs back- ward through the lacunar system more or less constantly in contact with the integument of the body and limbs where respiration takes place, and. finally re-enters the perieardial sinus. Entomostraea. — The scheme just sketched corresponds more exactly with the circulatory system of the Brancliiopoda (Phyllopodd) than with that of any other known Crustacean. The contractile dorsal vessel (heart) of Brancliipus (Fig. 191, p. 288) runs through the whole trunk and possesses a pair of ostia in all segments except the last, in which there is one terminal ostium. Anteriorly the heart is continued into an Aorta without ostia which enters the head and opens into the lacunar system of the body. In this latter system a ventral principal stream from before backward can be distinguished incompletely separated from the perieardial sinus by a septum stretched transversely over the enteric wall. The respiration takes place in the whole surface of the delicate integument of the body and limbs, but is apparently specially active in the branchial sacs. From the ventral principal stream an accessory stream runs into each limb down one side to the point, there to bend round and to run back up the other side to rejoin the principal stream. The heart of the other Entomostraea (Figs. 192 and 193, p. 289) (where such an organ occurs) is always much shortened, sac or pouch- shaped and only supplied with one pair of ostia. Anteriorly, in front of the anterior terminal ostium, the heart is sometimes (in many Copepoda, Branchiura, and Cladocera) continued into a longer or shorter aorta. A posterior ostium is added to the heart of the Copepoda. The ostia through which the blood flows into the heart are generally pro- v CRUSTACEA— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 359 vided with valves to prevent its return into the pericardial cavity on the contraction of the heart. The heart is always placed above the intestine in the most anterior trunk region. With regard to the presence of the heart in the Entomostraca, all Cladocera possess hearts. Among the Ostracoda it is only found in the Halocypridce and Cypridinidw, among the Copepoda only in the Calanidce, Pontellida, and Branchium. In the latter it lies far back in front of the so-called caudal fin and is continued anteriorly in a long- aorta as far as the brain. In the Cirripedia a separate blood-vascular system is altogether wanting. It would be a mistake to assume that those Entomostraca, which appear to be simple forms because of the want of a heart and generally of a separate blood- vascular system, are therefore also original forms. As in the worms, so also in Crus- taceans, the want of this system of organs must certainly be considered as a derived condition. The causes why a reduction of the heart goes as far as complete dis- appearance are indeed only known to a very small extent. Small size of body may here and there have some influence, occasionally the rhythmical movements of other inner organs (e. g. the stomach of many Copepoda) seem to suffice to set in circulation the blood or ccelomic fluid in the lacunar system ; a heart is thus rendered superfluous. "We have one remarkable exception to all that has been said above as to the circulatory system in the Crustacea. One genus of parasitic Copepoda (Lernan- thropus) possesses a richly branched blood- vascular system widely spread in the body and its appendages, and completely closed from the body cavity. A heart is wanting. The yellowish red blood is propelled along the principal vessels by the movements of the enteric canal, and flows forwards in two ventral longitudinal trunks and back- wards through an unpaired dorsal vessel. Malaeostraea, Leptostraea. — A knowledge of the circulation in the Leptostraea (Nebalia, Fig. 196, p. 293) is of great importance; it recalls in many respects that of the Branchiopoda, and in others points to that of the Malaeostraea. The long tubular heart stretches from the most posterior head region through the whole thorax into the 4th abdominal segment, and possesses 7 pairs of ostia. The 3 most anterior of these lie laterally in the heart in the posterior part of the cephalic region, the 3 following dorsally in the 2d, 4th, and 5th thoracic segments, and the 7th and largest in the 6th thoracic segment. In the last 2 thoracic segments, and in the abdomen the heart has no ostia. These pairs of (venous) ostia through which the blood enters the heart from the pericardial sinus, are, as in all Crusta- ceans, provided with valves. The heart is continued into an anterior and a posterior aorta, through which the blood flows out into the body. Valves hinder its return from the two aorta into the heart. Besides the aorta, branched arteries occur in both pairs of antennae and in the abdomen. The principal portions of the lacunar blood -vascular system are the pericardial sinus and a sinus lying under the intestine. The respiration is in all cases specially active at the thin inner 360 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. surface of the shell (which is kept clean by long maxillar feelers), and in the lamellate exo- and epipodites of the thoracic feet. In these parts a brisk circulation takes place. The blood which flows through the shell comes from the anterior aorta and re-enters the heart by the dor- sally placed ostia. Arthrostraea. — First of all we must here point out an important difference in the position of the heart in the two principal divisions of the Arthrostraea, the Isopoda and AmpUpoda. In the Isopoda by far the largest portion of the heart, which is provided with 1 to 2 pairs of ostia, lies in the abdomen ; in the Amphipoda, however, the tubu- lar elongated heart which is almost everywhere provided with 3 pairs of ostia lies in the thorax. This difference may be explained by supposing that the Isopoda have retained only the abdominal por- tion, and the Amphipoda only the thoracic portion of the primitive Malacostracan heart which ran through nearly the whole length of the body, and was provided with many pairs of ostia. The localisation of the respiration has probably played the chief part in bringing about this differentiation, since in the Isopoda respiration takes place in the rami, and prin- cipally in the endopodites of the abdominal feet (pleopoda), but in the Amphipoda chiefly in the pouch- like branchial appendages of the thoracic feet. In the Anisopoda the heart lies as in the Amphipoda in the thorax. FIG. 240.— Diagram of the circulatory system of the Isopoda, seen from the side. The right thoracic and cephalic walls removed. A part of the intestine (d) cut away (after Delage). Arterial system red, venous system blue, nervousvsystem black, ani, Anterior ; an^, posterior antennae ; ctb, cephalo-thorax ; II-VIII, 7 free thoracic segments ; 01-07, 7 abdominal segments ; br, gills (pleopoda) ; g, brain ; d, intestine ; h, heart ; o, ostium of the heart ; pc, pericardium ; va, anterior aorta ; la, lateral arteries ; t, thoracic arteries ; ha, hepatic artery ; si, lateral sinuses of the thoracic region ; sa, abdominal sinus ; obl^oints of insertion of the thoracic feet ; pg, subneural vessel (the dotted line should stop at the rect line); bp}>branchio-pericardial vessels ; zg, vessels leading to the gills ; aa, abdominal aorta ; os, ostia (?) of the lateral sinuses. pc, aucL- CRUSTACEA— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 361 The following is a rather more detailed description of the circula- tion of the Arthrostraca. Isopoda (Figs. 240 and 241). The heart, which lies for the greater part in the abdomen, and is provided with 1 to 2 pairs of lateral ostia, is closed blindly behind. Out of it 11 arteries arise, viz. (a) a medio-dorsal thoracic aorta running to the head and the eyes, and supplying the cerebral ganglia, and the 2 pairs of antennae, (&) one pair of lateral arteries for the anterior thoracic segments, and the posterior cephalic region together with the ex- tremities of these regions, (c) 3 pairs of thoracic arteries for the 3 posterior thoracic segments and their extremi- ties, (d) 1 pair of abdominal aortse for the abdomen and its limbs, which function as gills. The thoracic aorta forms anteriorly in front of the brain a ring which embraces the oesophagus, from which a subneural artery runs longitudinally under the ventral chord the whole length of the body. This also gives off branches to the limbs. Besides the blood lacunae which lie between the viscera, there is generally in the thorax a large, paired, ventral blood sinus, which in the abdomen FIG. 241.— Conilera cylindracea (after Delage). becomes unpaired. 5 pairs of vessels Transverse section of the abdomen. Most of the conduct the venous blood out of the letters have the same meaninS as in FiS- 24°- &> , . . , n Heart : x and y, muscle layers (muscle lamella) for abdominal sinus into the pleopoda moving the gilS (pieopoda)! flexor and extensor ;,, which function as gills. 5 pairs of is laid back . aTO> the abdominal arteries which sup- efferent vessels (veins) conduct the ply them ; ex, outer ; en, inner branchial lamella of the blood which has become arterial in pleopoda (exo- and endopodites) ; ag, efferent ; zg, *"*'' "' the giUs into the pedcarfial sinus; it passes thence through the ostia into the heart, and by the contraction of this latter it is again dispersed through the arteries. Amphipoda (Fig. 242). The Amphipoda present a striking contrast to the Iso- poda in that in the latter the vascular system, in the former the lacunar system, is the most pronounced. The long tubular heart which generally lies in the 5 or 6 anterior free thoracic segments, usually possesses 3 pairs of ostia, less frequently one (Corophium} or 2 (Platyscelidce). It is continued into an anterior and a posterior medio-dorsal aorta, which pour the blood either direct or through further arterial branches into a large ventral sinus which lies between the integument and the intestine and runs through the whole length of the body. Special afferent blood streams (vessels ?) conduct the mixed blood into the extremities of the thorax and abdomen, thus also into the branchial pouches of the thoracic limbs. Special efferent streams collect the blood in these extremities (thus also the blood which has become arterial in the gills) and conduct it back through 7 vascular loops in the thorax and through 6 in the abdomen into the pericardium, which stretches back beyond the heart to the end of the abdomen. In Corophium the abdominal portion of the pericardium and the abdominal vascular loops are wanting. The blood- vascular system of the Caprellidce agrees in the main with that of other Amphipoda, allowance being made for the reduction of the abdomen. 362 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. V It follows, from the above description, that in the Amphipoda the arterial blood cannot in any way be sharply distinguished from the venous blood. Anisopoda. — This division of the Arthrostraca, though in many points approaching more nearly the organ- isation of the Isopoda than that of the Amphipoda, shows in its blood- vascular system greater similarity to the latter. Two abdominal aortae, however, arise from the posterior end of the thoracic heart, and the peri- cardial sinus is continued into the abdomen. The heart of Apseudes possesses two. ostia on the left side and only one on the right ; in youth the 2 pairs of ostia are present. As to the significance of this fact see below (p. 367). In all Arthrostraca the paired ostia, as well as the points of origin of the aorta are provided with valves. Thoraeostraea, — The cir- culatory system here is linked on to that of the Isopoda. Start- ing with the Stomatopoda, the circulatory system of the older larvae of SquUla, known as A lima and Erichthus, which can hardly be distinguished from that of the adult, have been the most carefully investigated. The heart (Fig. 243) extends as a many -chambered dorsal vessel from the maxillar region (behind the stomach) through the thorax and the abdomen to fi1p pTiri nf fi1p K^ -hr]™™'™! tllG end Ot ™6 5™ abdominal Segment. 1WO divisions Can be distinguished in it, a short, lnrio. Tin<, long Pos' terior division. Probably the anterior division alone cor- FIG. 242.— Diagram of the circulatory system of theAmphipoda,fn>mtheside(afterDelage). Mostof the lettering as in Fig. 240. pt, Pericardial vessels rising from the epimeres (ep), extremities (brf), and gills (br) of the thorax ; pa, pericardial vessels of the ... anfpr:or flTir] abdomen ; s, ventral sinus ; ep, epimeres. The epi- W1Cle anterior> ancl meres of the thoracic segments IV and V partly cut off ; pi, pieopoda. FIG. 243.— Circulatory system of an older Squilla larva before it has passed into the SquUla form (after Glaus), h, Heart, continued posteriorly into the many - chambered dorsal vessel which is richly provided with pairs of ostia (o) ; ac, cephalic aorta ; ao, optic artery ; adi, oao, arteries of the two pairs of antennae ; am, marginal artery of the dorsal shell ; ast, arteria sternalis ; al, hepatic artery ; as, shell artery ; en, 1st lateral artery of the dorsal vessel ; aabi to o«66, lateral arteries of the abdomen ; dr, glandular saccules on the hind-gut ; I, hepatic lobes in the telson ; pfi, 6th pleopod (uropod) ; Tcb, branchial leaves (epipodial appendages of the oral feet). FIG. 243. 364 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. responds with the heart of the Deeapoda. It reaches to the posterior limit of the first maxillipedal segment, possesses a large pair of ostia, and gives off the following vessels : (a) an anterior un- paired cephalic aorta (ac), (b) and (c) an anterior weaker and a posterior stronger pair of arteries. The second division, the many-chambered dorsal vessel, possesses 12 pairs of ostia, and gives off 13 pairs of arteries and an unpaired posterior aorta. To complete the whole picture of the circulatory system and to show its relation to that of the Isopoda, we must add that a median subneural vessel runs under the ventral chord through the whole body, that the whole venous system is laeunar, and that there are two principal venous sinuses, one ventral, and the other dorsal. The arterial system, on the other hand, is composed of richly-branched vessels having walls of their own and breaking up into capillaries. As to the more detailed arrangements, the cephalic aorta supplies the eyes, the two pairs of antennse, the brain, and the anterior lateral regions of the shell. The most anterior pair of arteries supplies the mandibles and maxillae, and the central part of the shell. The large 2d pair of arteries probably supplies the maxillse and maxillipedes ; one artery passes between the longitudinal commissures of the ganglia of the 1st and 2d maxillipedal segments to connect itself with the subneural vessel (compare the sternal artery of the Schizopoda and Deeapoda). The subneural vessel gives off primarily vascular loops to the ganglia of the ventral chord, but it also gives off branches to the limbs. The 13 pairs of arteries of the many-chambered dorsal vessel supply the thorax and abdomen with their extremities in such a way that the parr of arteries belonging to a pair of ostia spread out, not in the segment in which the ostia occur, but in that immediately in front of it. The whole heart seems to have been shifted back one segment, so that the pair of ostia lying in the first abdominal segment (there are 7 pairs of ostia in the abdomen) originally belonged to the most posterior thoracic segment. The posterior aorta richly supplies the telson with lateral- branches. In the venous system paired lateral blood sinuses conduct the blood out of the extremities and other organs into the large ventral sinus. The blood streams thence [into the pericardial sinus and through the ostia back into the heart. It is only in the abdomen, whose limbs carry the gills, that the blood which has become arterial appears to flow direct back into the pericardial sinus, avoiding the ventral sinus. A comparison with younger Squilla larvae of the so-called Erichthoid stage makes it highly probable that 2 pairs of anterior ostia of the dorsal vessel there present disappear in the course of development. While, as a rule, in the many-chambered dorsal vessel a pair of ostia lies over each outgoing pair of arteries, there are no ostia to correspond with the two most anterior pair. Among the Thoracostraca a chambered dorsal vessel provided with many pairs of ostia and reaching into the abdomen is only found in the Stomatopoda. This more primitive condition has here been retained, evidently in connection with the localisa- tion of the respiration in the branchial tufts of the abdominal limbs. The blood-vascular systems of all the other Thoracostraca, at least of the Schizopoda and Deeapoda, closely resemble one another, and must be contrasted with that of the Stomatopoda. [The blood-vascular system of the Cumacea is not yet thoroughly investigated ; it probably agrees to a great extent with that of the Schizopoda and Deeapoda] CRUSTACEA— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 365 The heart of the Schizopoda, Decapoda^ and Cumacea appears, as contrasted with that of the Stomatopoda, extraordinarily shortened and provided with very few ostia (2 to 3 pairs). It always lies in the thorax and never stretches into the abdomen. This shortening was evidently caused by the localisation of the respiration in the thoracic region (gills of the thoracic feet, cephalothoracic shield as respiratory organ), and by the more or less extensive fusing of the thoracic segments. Among the Schizopoda the heart is still elongated in Siriella, where it runs through nearly the whole thorax into the last thor- acic segment. It is progressively shortened in Mysis and Mysodopsis. In Euphausia it has the concen- trated form of the Decapodan heart, and has, like the latter, 3 pairs of ostia, one dorsal, one lateral, and one ventral, while in the other Schizopoda and in the Zocea-larvce of the Decapoda, there are but 2 pairs of ostia. The Circulatory system of Astaeus (Fig. 234, p. 338, and Fig. 244) may be taken as an the heart, diagrammatic." M, branchiostegite ; example. The following vessels rise out of the heart : (a) an- teriorly the unpaired cephalic aorta, which supplies with its rich branchings the brain and the vessel ; &/, ambulatory foot ; vs, ventral sinus ; ov, eyes. (&) TWO anterior lateral ovarium. The arrows give the direction of the arteries (also called antennal flow of blood (after Huxley and Plateau)" arteries). These give off branches to the stomach, the antennal glands, the anterior and posterior antennae, and the cephalothoracic shield, (c) The two hepatic arteries. These arise at the anterior and lower edge of the heart and branch in the liver, (d) The sternal artery. This arises from the lower and posterior end of the heart, which is produced in the shape of a bulb, descends on the right or left side of the intestine, passes between the longitudinal commissures of the penultimate and ante-penultimate thoracic ganglia, to enter the sub-neural vessel below the ventral chord. This must be considered as a modified lateral artery of the heart (see Stomatopoda). (e) The posterior aorta arises out of the posterior end of the heart, and runs over the intestine backwards through the abdomen, giving off in each FlG- 244.— Transverse section through the cepnalotnorax of tne Cray.fisn in the re|ion of k> Sills • **• respiratory or branchial cavity ; ep, lateral wall of the cephalothorax ; pc, pericardium; 7tj heart . sa> sternal artery ; I, hepatopancreas ; d, intestine ; abm, ventral longitudinal muscles to the abdomen ; dbm, dorsal longitudinal muscles to the abdomen ; bm, ventral chord ; sn, sub-neural 366 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. segment a pair of lateral arteries which supply the intestine, integu- ment, and musculature of the abdomen. The sub-neural vessel which receives its blood from the sternal artery, is already known to us in the Isopoda and Stomatopoda, here, however, and in all Decapoda it plays a much larger part, since lateral branches from it supply all the limbs from the maxillae to the last pleopoda. It also serves for nourishing the ventral chord, this being its almost exclusive function in the Stomatopoda, the limbs there being more often supplied by branches of the lateral arteries of the heart. All the arteries branch richly and pass into arterial capillaries, which open into the venous laeunar system of the body. Even though the flow of blood in this laeunar system is, as in all Crustaceans, regular and constant, and though venous blood canals often come into existence, we do not find among the Decapoda any veins with walls of their own. The system of venous cavities, taken as a whole, represents the body cavity. We can only give a few details as to the course of the venous blood. It nearly all flows together into a large ventral blood sinus in the cephalothorax, from the lateral parts of which canals conduct it into the gills, while other canals convey the blood which has become arterial in the gills away from them to the pericardia! sinus. The respiratory organs are therefore here placed in that part of the circulatory system which conveys the blood out of the body back to the heart, and this is the case in all Arthropoda. The arterial blood coming from the gills leaves the pericardium, and, mixed with the blood which flows back out of the cephalothoracic shield, enters the heart through its ostia. The ostia as well as the points of origin of the arteries of the heart are provided with valves. The valves of the former prevent the return of the blood into the pericardium, those of the latter its return out of the arteries into the heart. When the heart contracts (systole) the blood contained in it is driven into the arteries, and when it again expands (diastole) it sucks in blood out of the pericardium through the ostia. In the Mysidce (with the exception of Euphausia) there are 2 or 3 unpaired hepatic arteries, springing from the ventral wall of the heart. The abdominal portion of the sub-neural vessel is wanting. In the male of Siriella, which carries gills on its pleopoda, the latter receive their blood from branches of the lateral arteries of the posterior aorta. In the Schizopoda, Cumacea, and larvce of Decapoda in which the gills are not yet developed, the blood circulation in the cephalothoracic shield with its fold is very brisk, and there is no doubt that in those forms which have no special gills the respiration principally takes place in it. In Siriella and Mysis and perhaps also in other Schizopoda it is most probable that the integument forming the inner wall of the respiratory cavity has also a respiratory function (comp. Fig. 222, p. 321). The channels which convey the blood out of the thoracic feet back to the heart cause ridge-like projections in this integument which may be called branchial ridges. The constant vibrations in the respiratory cavity of the epipodial appendages of the first thoracic foot create a constant exchange of water in it. We have already described (p. 329) the respiratory organ of the air-breathing Eirgus latro. We will here briefly describe the circulation of the blood in connection v CRUSTACEA—BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 367 with it. The respiratory organs are branched tufts which arise on the inner surface of the branchiostegite. The shell circulation which is found in all Thoracostraca and which also plays a great part in the respiration of many water - breathing forms, here brings about air-breathing. In the branchiostegite (here better "lung cover") and its tuft -like appendages there is a rich meshwork of blood sinuses, spread out between the vessels which conduct the blood in and out. The blood passes through a large vessel out of the venous blood sinus of the V M FIG. 245.— Birgus latro. Diagrammatic transverse section in the region of the heart (after Semper). M, Gill or lung cover ; h, heart ; fc, gills ; ah, respiratory cavity ; p, pericardium ; ek, branchial blood channels leading to the heart ; «i, 03, 03, 04, lung or shell vessels leading from the heart ; Ib, pulmonary tufts ; el, pulmonary blood channels leading to the heart ; eli, the same near their entrance into the pericardium. head into the lung cover. This vessel divides into 4 branches, 3 of which run to the upper and 1 to the lower portion of the lung cover, and break up into the meshwork of blood sinuses above mentioned. From this the blood which has become arterial is collected by vessels which unite into a great trunk, running first along the edge of the lung cover backwards, then upwards, and finally forwards, to unite before entering the pericardium with the vessel coming from the small gills. The blood of the Crustacea is usually colourless ; it is occasionally, however, slightly yellow, green, or red. In the latter case, e.g. in the Branchiopoda, the colouring material of the blood is haemoglobin. The colourless blood corpuscles are almost always able to change their form in an amseboid manner. Judging from the varying position and form of the Crustacean heart, we come to the conclusion that the original Crustacean heart was, as in Branchipus, a long, many -chambered dorsal vessel pro- vided with many segmental pairs of ostia. All other forms of heart have been developed from this by reduction of the anterior or the posterior portion, and by the disappearance of numerous pairs of ostia. These reductions have had for their principal causes the localisation of the respiration, the various differentiations of the different portions of the body, and the fusing of segments. The already mentioned ontogenetic fact that pairs of ostia may disappear in the course of development (Apseudes, Stomatopoda), agrees with this view. In many Isopoda the ostia lie alternately to the right and left in the heart ; this arrangement perhaps comes into existence by the disappearance of alternate ostia in the heart at first provided with paired ostia. 368 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The fact that in many Crustacea, e.g. the Branchiopoda, which go through a long series of metamorphoses from the Nauplius larva, the pairs of ostia are formed with the heart in order from before backward, cannot be brought up as an objection to the above. For this method of development corresponds in general with the manner of ontogenetic differentiation of the Arthropodan and Annelid body which takes place in that order. The whole question is closely connected with the view to be treated of later as to the phylogenetic significance of the Crus- tacean larval forms. VIII. The Excretory Organs (Antennal Glands, Shell Glands). Although comprehensive comparative investigations as to the methods of excretion are still wanting, we at least know that this function is performed in very various ways and by very various organs. We shall here take into consideration only two of these organs, the shell and the antennal glands. Certain intestinal appendages and dermal glands which also seem to serve for excretion, are mentioned in the sections on the intestine and the integument. It must not, however, be thought that this exhausts the number of parts of the body which have some share in excretion. Confining ourselves to the antennal and shell glands, we note : — (1) Number and Position. Each of these glands occurs as a single pair. The former emerge at the basal joint of the posterior antennae. The gland itself lies either entirely in this basal joint or more or less in the adjoining cavity of the head. The shell gland lies in the shell fold or in the cephalothoracic carapace in a region which originally corresponds with the 2d maxillar segment. Its aperture lies on or near the posterior maxillae. (2) Occurrence. — The antennal gland is widely distributed in the Crustacea. It seems wanting only in the Isopoda. ' While in the Malacostraca it is, as a rule, best developed in the adult, in the Ento- mostraca it only appears in the larval stages, and it but rarely per- sists in the adult 6ven as a rudiment. In the Decapoda the antennal gland has been called the green . gland. The shell gland is widely distributed among adult Entomostraca. Among the Malacostraca it has been observed in Nebalia, and further, in the Isopoda, Anisopoda, Cumacea, and in the larvae of some forms (Sergestes, Euphausia) in whose adult condition it is wanting. In Nebalia it is found in a reduced condition. (3) Structure and Development. — The structure of the antennal gland (Fig. 246) is everywhere essentially the same. We distinguish in it (1) a terminal saccule, (2) a coiled urinary canal which emerges through (3) a urinary bladder on the basal segment of the posterior antennae. The constitution of the epithelial wall is different in the terminal sac and in the urinary canal. The wall of the latter is often shown in transverse section to consist of one single cell, its lumen thus CRUSTACEA— EXCRETORY ORGANS 369 being intracellular. In the higher Crustacea, however, the cells appear in greater number and more closely crowded, the lumen being intercellular. The urinary canal is very long in the Malacostraca, and lies in complicated coils. At its distal end (near the opening) it widens into the urinary bladder. The terminal sac, as well as the urinary canal, may be further complicated in the higher Crusta- ceans by the formation of lateral invaginations. The shell gland has essen- tially the same structure as the antennal gland. That we have to do in the antennal and shell glands with excretory organs is shown by the fact that when the animals are fed with carmine, carmine par- ticles are after a time met with in the glandular sacs, at least in those of the antennal glands. According to observations made on the Cladocera, the shell glands are said to be of meso- dermal origin. The antennal FIG. 246.— Left Antennal Gland of M/sis glands (Of the Cray-fish), On the Jf?* Grobben). re Urinary canal; hb, urinary 1/17 bladder ; es, terminal sac ; oer, blood lacunse ; ea, Contrary, are Said to Come from urinary passage (efferent duct). a dermal depression, and so belong to the dermal glands. These statements, however, require further confirmation. Morphological Importance. — Leaving out of consideration the different origins mentioned above attributed to these glands it appears probable, from their essential agreement in structure, that the shell and antennal glands are segmental homologous formations. From their wide distribution in the Entomostmca, and Malacostraca or their larvae, we may further conclude that these glands are, phylogenetically, very ancient organs, derived from the racial forms of the Crustacea. The view that they are homologous with the nephridia of the Annulata may be supported by many facts in their coarser and finer structure. This view would gain greatly in probability if it could be shown that both are developed out of the mesoderm. This homology has not, however, yet been established. This is, perhaps, the place to mention the cement glands of the Cirripedia, which emerge on the last joint but one of the small adhering antennae (anterior antennse). The hardening secretion of these glands serves to attach the animal to the surface on which it rests. Besides these, certain glandular tubes of the Cirripedia, which emerge on the outer maxillae and were formerly taken for olfactory organs, have recently been VOL. I 2 B 370 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. pointed out as formations equivalent to the nephridia of the Annulata (segmental organs). They are said to be in open communication with the body cavity. IX. The Connective Tissue. The connective tissue found throughout the Crustacean body can here receive only brief attention. Plates, membranes, etc. of connective tissue lie close under the hypodermis and envelop the enteric canal and the sexual organs, and, as neurilemma, the nervous system. Connective tissue strands, fibres, mesenteries, in various places bind the inner organs together and attach them to the integument The lacunar blood - vascular system, the body cavity, is lined to a great extent, though certainly not continuously, with connective tissue. A special form of connective tissue, widely found in Crustaceans, is the fat body, which varies greatly in details. This often envelops the intestine and the heart. In the connective tissue cells of the fat body are found fat-drops, fat-globules, and also often protein granules. The fat body evidently plays a part sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, in metabolism. It is generally variously developed at different ages and times of the year, and also in the two sexes. In the larval forms it is often strongly developed before the moult, which accompanies a metamorphosis, and forms a reserve of nourishment for the process of transformation. In a few Crustaceans, which take no food at the time of sexual ripeness or of the hatching process, it is strongly developed before this time and much reduced after it. Connective tissue cells may often become star-like, branched, and occasionally contractile pigment cells. Pigment also occasionally occurs in hypodermal and intestinal cells. X. The Sexual Organs. The sexes are separate in the Crustacea, except in a few cases which will be duly mentioned. The male and female sexual organs are constructed on one type and have a similar position in the body. They are, as a rule, paired. More than one pair never occurs. We can distinguish corresponding divisions in male and female organs ; viz. first, the germ-preparing organs (ovaries in the female, testes in the male) ; second, the duets of the genital glands (oviducts, in the female, vasa deferentia in the male) ; third, terminal divisions of these ducts, sharply distinguished anatomically and ontogenetically from the preceding (vulva, vagina, reeeptaeulum seminis in the female, muscular duetus ejaeulatorius in the male) ; and fourth, outer eopulatory organs. The ovaries and testes cannot in their earliest stage be distin- guished. They can early be recognised as distinct cell groups in the mesoderm, their rudiments can sometimes be traced back to one or two segmentation cells. The oviducts and vasa deferentia arise out of the mesoderm apart perhaps from the rudiments of the germ glands. The terminal sections of the ducts arise by invaginations of the outer integument. The outer eopulatory apparatus consists either of transformed limbs or appendages of limbs, or of processes, folds, prominences, etc. of the integument. v CRUSTACEA— SEXUAL ORGANS 371 There is no doubt that the sexual organs in all Crustacea were originally paired. Some of them may, however, become unpaired, either (as in most Copepoda and Thoracostraca) by the two germ glands becoming connected by an unpaired uniting portion, or by the two ducts uniting over a greater or smaller extent to form a common un- paired oviduct or vas deferens, or by the ducts emerging through a common aperture. We can, however, always recognise the double nature of the sexual apparatus in some one (generally the larger) portion of it. The ovaries and testes are either simple or branched or coiled tubes or sacs which occupy in the body a dorsal position on each side of the intestine, often between the heart and the intestine. They lie in the trunk sometimes more to the front sometimes more to the back, and sometimes along nearly its whole length. Where there are con- necting portions between the germ glands of the two sides they lie dorsally above the intestine. The genital apertures are found on the ventral side except in the Cladocera and some Copepoda, where they lie dorsally. In the Entomostraca, setting aside the Cirripedia, the apertures lie, as a rule, immediately behind the limb-bearing anterior division of the trunk, at the limit between this and the limbless terminal division called the abdomen. The single or double segment in which they emerge is called the genital segment. There is thus in the Entomostraca no definite constant segment of the body in which the genital apertures lie. In the Malacostraca, on the contrary, apparently including the Leptostraca, the position of the genital apertures is definite and constant. The male genital apertures everywhere lie in the most posterior (i.e. the 8th) thoracic segment, usually (Thomcostraca) in the basal joint of the 8th pair of thoracic limbs. The female apertures are in the third from the last (the 6th thoracic segment, if we reckon in those fused with the head), and mostly in the basal joint of the protopodite. There are no exceptions to this rule. The Spermatozoa of the Crustacea are often distinguished by their remarkable size and shape. In the Decapoda they are provided with radially arranged processes, and are, as also in other divisions of the Crustacea, immobile. Numerous spermatozoa are often enclosed in a common envelope (spermatophore) formed by the secretions of the glandular portion of the male ducts. The eggs of many Crustacea possess besides a yolk membrane other accessory envelopes secreted by the female ducts. On adaptations for the care of the brood, see p. 379. Should the view prove correct, that the oviducts and vasa deferentia and also the antennal and shell glands correspond with the Annulatan nephridia, then, considering the different position of the male and female genital apertures, several pairs (4 at the least) of the segmental nephridia of the Annulata have been retained in the Crustacea. 372 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Entomostraca. — In the Uranchiopoda, the germ glands are paired ; in Branchipus (Fig. 191, p. 288) they are tubular and lie in the abdomen ; in Apus they are richly branched and lie in the limb-bearing division of the trunk. In Branchipus the ovi- ducts are widened out at their ends and enter a uterus in which the eggs remain for a time receiving a shell yielded by special uterine glands. The uterus lies in a pouch formed by a concrescence of genital prominences, the modified limbs of the two genital segments (12th and 13th trunk segments). The vasa deferentia are also widened out at their ends (sperm vesicles) and enter a muscular ductus ejaculatorius, which, when the penis is evaginated, is drawn out R FIG. 247.— Genital organs of Lernanthropus (after Heider). A, Female, B, male organs. OP, Ovary ; od, ovi- duct ; kd, cement glands ; rs, receptaculum seminis ; go, sexual aperture ; p, pore canal to the spermatophore ; o/t, brown body ; sp, sperma- tophore ; t, testis ; vd, vas deferens ; st, spermatophore pouch. with it inside it. The penis is an ectodermal outgrowth of the second genital prominence. In the Oladocera, the ovaries and testes are simple paired tubes. The oviducts emerge dorsally into the posterior end of the brood cavity (see on Care of the Brood, p. 379). The vasa deferentia with the ductus ejaculatorius emerge by paired apertures on the ventral side of the limbless posterior division of the body. In the Ostracoda the germ glands are paired, as also are the vasa deferentia and the oviducts. The testes often fall into several tubes. The ductus ejaculatorius with the sperm vesicle may be unpaired (Cypridina). The copulate ry apparatus of the male is to some extent complicated (transformed hindermost limbs). In the female, two genital prominences corresponding with those of the male contain the receptacula seminis. In Cypris the ovarial tubes extend into the shell-fold. CRUSTACEA— SEXUAL ORGANS 373 ol ai at HOD cd.- Copepoda. — The germ glands are mostly unpaired, and placed symmetrically in the anterior trunk segment dorsally on the intestine. That they were originally double is occasionally apparent. In many parasitic Copepoda (Fig. 247) the germ glands are distinctly paired and not connected by any transverse bridge. In Sapphirina a transverse bridge occurs. The oviducts are paired, and generally branched. Their ends are glandular or provided with glandular invaginations (cement glands), whose secretion yields the material for the egg sacs. A receptaculum seminis common to the two oviducts is often found. The paired apertures lie in the first abdominal .segment (sometimes at its posterior edge) either ventrally, laterally, or (rarely) dorsally. The sperm passages are paired or unpaired ; in the latter case they are generally on one side. They are provided with a glandular division, which yields the envelope of the spermatophore, and often with a wider portion functioning as spermato- phore pouch. The apertures in the genital segment are paired or unpaired ; in the second case frequently asym- metrical. Argulidse. — Two pairs of testes occur in the caudal fin, and there are 2 vasa deferentia with common sperm vesicle. A glandular tube, coming from the anterior part of the body, enters each vas deferens. The two vasa deferentia unite under the intes- tine into a common ductus ejacula- torius, which opens at the end of the last thoracic segment on a papilla-like projection. The ovary is unpaired, and even from its first appearance asymmetrical ; it lies in the thorax. The oviduct first appears paired, but it is afterwards atrophied on one side, and emerges at the base of the caudal fin. Two receptacula seminis, entirely separate from the female genital appar- atus occur on the under side of the caudal fin. Cirripedia. — The strikingly lobate ovaries are paired in the Balanidce, ID FIG. 248.— Longitudinal section through a mature Sacculina carcini externa, at right angles to the plane of symmetry (after Delage). co, Cloacal aperture ; sp, sphincter of the cloaca (cl) ; g, ganglion ; ai, outer integumental lamella, covering the brood cavity ; at, female genital atrium, into which the un- paired portion (uov) of the ovary and the cement glands (cd) enter ; "bh, brood cavity, shown empty to the left, with egg sacs (es) containing the developing and lie deep down in the shell ring eggs to. the right ; pov, the paired part of the ovary; (Fig. 207, p. 304) in that part of the U> inner integumental lamella covering the body . , , . , 5 . , ,. proper or visceral sac ; p, stalk entering the aperture body^cayity which^ extends _ into _the in the shell carapace (cp) of the host ; ^attachments of the roots on the stalk ; da, central lacuna of the stalk continued into the lacunae of the outer integu- mental lamella, the roots, etc., representing the body cavity ; t, testes. mantle fold. In the Lepadidce (Fig. 205, p. 303) the ovaries, which are to some extent united, lie in the anterior cephalic portion of the body called the peduncle. In both the Balanidce and the Lepadidce the terminal division of the oviduct emerges on a projection on the basal joint of the anterior pair of tendril-like 374 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. feet. This position deserves special notice, because the sexual apertures in no other Crustacean lie so far forward. In the RMzocephala (Fig. 248) the ovaries, in the shape of two lobate united masses, fill the greatest part of the visceral sac of the body which corresponds with the head of other Cirripedes. They open on each side into an atrium (at), into which the cement glands (cd) also enter, and which itself opens into the brood cavity (Wi). The ovary in Sacculina is said at its first appearance to be unpaired. The testes in the Balanidce and Lepadidcc (Fig. 205, t) occur as two richly-branched tubes at the sides of the intestine and are continued as 2 vasa deferentia, which swell out into sperm vesicles before uniting at the base of the cirrus at the extreme posterior end of the body to form the common ductus ejaculatorius. The 2 testes of the Rhizocephala (Fig. 248, t) are simply tubular, and their vasa deferentia emerge at FIG. 249.— A, female, B, male genital apparatus of Asellus aquaticus (after 0. Sars). ov, Ovary ; od, oviduct ; t, testicle lobes ; vd, vas cleferens ; pi, 1st and 2d pairs of pleopoda. that part of the brood cavity where the visceral sac is produced into the stalk. See also below as to the sexual relations in the Cirripedia. There is much more uniformity in the genital organs of the Malacostraca than in those of the Entomostraca. While the two ovaries and the two testes remain sepa- rate in the Leptostraca and Arthrostraca, in the Thoracostraca, with few exceptions, they are joined above the intestine by an intermediate piece. Leptostraca. — The ovaries and testes are long tubes which in the sexually mature animal run dorsally at the sides of the intestine from near the masticatory stomach to the last abdominal segment. The two short sperm ducts of the male emerge in the manner typical of the Malacostraca on a projection on the basal joint of the 8th pair of thoracic feet. The aperture of the oviduct also probably lies, as in other Malacostraca, in the third thoracic segment from the last. Arthrostraca. — The testes and ovaries are nearly always simple paired tubes, which sometimes ran through the largest portion of the thorax and abdomen, some- CRUSTACEA— SEXUAL ORGANS 375 times are limited to the thorax, or to one portion of the thorax. In most Isopoda the testis generally falls on each side into three pouches (Fig. 249, B\ which, however, possess a common vas deferens. The oviducts open in the antepenultimate thoracic segment into the brood cavity, receptacula seminis often developing at their ends. OD FIG. 250.— Genital organs of Squilla mantis (after Grobben). A, Male, B, female organs, ct, Posterior end of the cephalo - thoracic shield ; VI, VII, VIII, the 3 hindermost free thoracic segments ; t, testis ; vd, vas deferens ; d, appended glands ; ov, ovary ; od, oviduct ; rs, receptaculum seminis. FIG. 251.— Sexual organs of As- tacus. A, female, B, male organs, ov, Ovary ; u, unpaired portion of the same ; od, oviduct ; oe, genital aper- ture ; t, testes ; vd, vas deferens (after Huxley). The female genital apertures very often (Isopoda, Anisopoda) only appear at the time of the formation of the brood pouch. Peculiar phenomena appear at the time of reproduction in the Oniscidce. The two receptacula (representing invaginations of the outer integument) are at first not in open communication with the ends of the oviducts. Only after sperm has, during copulation, entered the receptacula, do they 376 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. pass into the oviducts by the bursting of their walls, and thus bring about the fertilisation of the eggs in the ovaries. The animal then casts its skin, and with the skin the receptacula seminis, so that the two genital apertures are no longer present. The fertilised eggs pass from the ovarium into the body cavity and thence through a newly-formed unpaired birth aperture in the last thoracic segment but one into the brood cavity. A new batch of eggs is fertilised later in the ovary by sperm left over from the first copulation, and this reaches the brood cavity in the same way. After this second batch of eggs has been developed in the brood cavity and the young that are hatched have left it, the animal moults, and then again appears as it was before copulation. Thoracostraca. — The genital organs of the Cumacea and in some respects also those of the Schizopoda need more thorough investigation. The paired sexual glands of the Thoracostraca are united by an unpaired piece which lies In the thorax in the Decapoda and Schizopoda, and in the telson in the Stomatopoda (Fig. 250), and always above the intestine. This piece is wanting only in the Cumacea (?) and Paguridce. Except in the Stomatopoda and Paguridce where the ovaries and testes lie in the abdomen, the germ glands are entirely or for the greater part restricted to the thorax. They everywhere lie between the intestine and the heart. The testis on each side is a tube which either remains straight (Stomatopoda}, or is coiled up in a complicated manner (e.g. in Paguristes, Carcinus), or is provided with simple lateral invaginations (Palinurus), or is much branched and carries small sacs at the ends of the branches (Astacus). It is enclosed in an envelope of connective tissue. The long and much coiled vasa deferentia run, like the oviducts in the female, posteriorly where the germ glands are in the thorax, and anteriorly where they are in the abdomen. They fall into two divisions, a proximal portion lying near the testes and a distal glandular portion often provided with small invaginations, this latter division being continued into the strongly muscula^ ductus ejaculatorius. This opens outwardly at the basal joint of the last pair of thoracic feet either on a slight -swelling (Macrura) or at the point of an elongated tubular penis (Brachiura, Schizopoda}. In the Stomatopoda there emerges at the point of the penis, besides the ductus ejaculatorius, the duct of a paired tubular accessory gland (Fig. 250, A, d) which lies in the free thoracic segments, and the two parts of which are connected anteriorly by an unpaired intermediate piece. The ovaries agree in general with the testes in position and shape, but they are simpler inasmuch as they are simple tubes or vesicles. In Squilla they have seg- mental bulgings. The oviducts are shorter and not so much coiled as the sperm ducts. They emerge at the typical point in the antepenultimate thoracic segment, in Squilla immediately at the side of a median receptaculum seminis. We cannot here enter on the subject of egg and sperm formation in the Crus- tacea. 'But the egg formation in the Cladocera, as it is peculiarly interesting, must be briefly described. Successive groups, each consisting of four germ cells, sever themselves from the germ layer when the production of summer eggs takes place, but only one cell out of each group becomes an egg, the others being used up as nourishment. In the production of winter eggs, however, only one cell out of every second group of germ cells becomes an egg, while the remaining 7 cells of the two groups serve as nourishment for the one egg. XL Sexual Dimorphism. This is more or less marked in all Crustacea. There are indeed no outer or inner portions of the body which in some one species, genus, or order of Crustacea are not differently constructed in the two sexes, and these differences have great biological significance and are of great importance in classification. We can here only select the most important and most widely distributed. CRUSTACEA— SEXUAL DIMORPHISM 377 The sexual differences are all to be ultimately explained as adaptations for ensuring reproduction and for preserving the young. Adaptations facilitating the copulation of the male and female are principally found in the body of the male. Adaptations for securing the favourable development of the eggs are met with in the female. Male Sexual Character- istics.—(a) The males of the Crustacea are throughout smaller and often also more agile than the females. This distinction of size k .specially remarkable in parasitic and attached Crustacea, where the minute males (as in the Cirripedia and parasitic Iso- poda) are described as dwarf males. On the other hand, in all cases where the females are so deformed and degraded by parasitism as to be hardly recognisable or even alto- gether unrecognisable as Crustaceans, the males ap- pear less degenerated ; they are usually still able to move freely, are provided with dis- tinct limbs, and show some resemblance to the nearest related free - living forms. This slighter degeneration on the part of the males may be considered as the persist- ence of a larval stage, the parasitic Crustacea under- going, as we shall see, a striking metamorphosis. Free-living larval forms with Crustacean characteristics, however, bring about the infection of new hosts The FIQ 252._Lernaeascus nematoxys. Aj Femal B ^ degradation and crippling of more highly magnmed. alt Anterior; 03, posterior antenna; md, mandibles ; mf, maxillipedes ; 6j, b%, &3, ti, t%, t& thoracic feet ; od, oviduct ; ov, ovary ; Ted, cement gland ; ab, abdomen ; d, intestine ; III, IV, V, thoracic segments ; aj, 1st abdominal segment; gp, genital plate; vd, vas deferens ; t, testes (after Glaus). the body only take place after the larva has attached itself on its definitive host. In the males this degradation does not occur, or not to the same extent, because they are obliged to retain their power of free locomotion in order to ensure the possibility of copulation and of fertilisation of the females. Since, however, the sole work of the male consists in the seeking out of, and the fertilisation of the female, we often find (as in the parasitic Cirripedia) great 378 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. degeneration of the parts not immediately connected with reproduction. The intestine is thus wanting in the dwarf male of the Cirripedia which on reaching its destination, i. e. the body of the female, there leads a semi-parasitic life. If the male does not reach this destination, he has failed in his life-work and perishes. To this subject of dwarf males we shall have to return (p. 382). The accompanying figures (Figs. 252, 253, 254) illustrate the great sexual dimorphism found in certain parasitic Copepoda and Isopoda. (b) The olfactory filaments (Riech- und Spur- faden) on the anterior antennae are always present in far greater numbers in the male than in the female. FIG. 253.— Portunion Maenadis. Adult mature female (after Giard andBonnier). A, With the brood cavity partly opened in the ventral median line and the brood lamellae'separated. The abdomen (db) is so placed that the ventral side is seen. Ir, The anterior middle and posterior lobes of the first brood lamella on the right side ; II, the same of the first brood lamella on the left ; II r and II I, 2cl brood lamella (right and left) : Illr and III I, 3d brood lamellae (right and left) ; IV, 4th brood lamellae; Vr and VI, 5th brood lamellae (right and left); pi, pleural lamella of the 1st abdominal segment ; ex%, exopodite of the pleopod of the 2d abdominal segment ; en^, endopodite of the pleopod of the 3d abdominal segment ; ov, ovary ; eg, cephalogaster ; ae, outer ; ai, inner antennae ; mf, maxillipede. B, Adult female, brood cavity not opened. The abdomen ab is seen slantingly from above ; th, thorax ; eg, cephalogaster ; Ji, cardial prominence. (c) In the males of the most different divisions, apart from the actual copu- latory organs, there are limbs transformed into " accessory organs of copulation" for the seizing, grasping, and holding fast of the female. Such are the posterior antennse of Branchipus, the seizing hooks in the anterior pair of limbs of the Estheridce, the adaptations for holding the female in the 2d antennse or the maxillipedes of the Ostracoda, the anterior (seizing) antennse of the Copepoda, etc. In the Amphipoda the seizing hooks on the anterior thoracic feet are more strongly developed in the male than in the female. In the Anisopoda ( Tanais dubius) 2 forms of males have been observed, both of which seem to be peculiarly well organised for catching and holding the female. The one form may be called " scenters," the other CRUSTACEA— SEXUAL DIMORPHISM 379 "seizers." The former have numerous olfactory filaments on the antennae, the latter much larger and very movable pincers on the chelate feet. In the Decapodan males, the most anterior pair or the two most anterior pairs of pleopoda seem trans- formed in order to assist in copulation. In the crayfish for example, they serve as tubes or channels for conducting the spermatophores away from the genital aperture to their destination. The other pleopoda which in the female carry the fertilised eggs are reduced in the male, or may be, as in the Brachyura, entirely wanting. In FIG. 254.— A, Adult male of Cancrion miser (nearly related to Portunion Fig 253, after Giard and Bonnier), r, Rostrum ; 01, anterior antenna ; th, thorax ; I, liver ; 7i, testis ; Tie, heart ; ab, abdomen. B. Hatched embryo of Portunion Maenadis (after Giard and Bonnier) from the ventral side. t2, limb of the 2d ; ti, of the 7th thoracic segment ; 03, 2d antenna ; pZ1; 1st ; p?6, 6th pleopod ; au, eye. the Decapodan males also the chelae of the chelate feet are more strongly developed than in the female. Adaptations for the Care of the Brood.— It rarely happens in the Crustacea that the female simply lays the eggs, attaching them to some foreign object and leaving them to their fate. We find almost everywhere, on the contrary, that the females retain the eggs on or in their own bodies in such a way that they are protected and often also nourished by the mother body. The eggs develop under the protection of the mother body, till the larvae or young Crustaceans are hatched, and even these occasionally remain for some time in their birthplace. 380 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. In the Cirripedia the eggs are concealed in the interior of the shell between the mantle and the body of the animal. In the Rkizocephala the integument splits into an outer lamella (mantle) and an inner lamella (wall of the visceral sac). Between the two a brood cavity arises (Fig. 248, p. 373), into which the eggs, emerging from the female atrium, enter, and in which they develop. The eggs are enclosed in a richly branched sac, formed of a chitinous membrane, and exactly repeating the form of the cement glands which enter the female atrium. The sac is in reality nothing but the inner cuticular lining of the cement glands which is ejected when the eggs are laid and becomes filled with the eggs as they leave the ovary. The Nauplii which develop out of the eggs in the brood cavity reach the exterior by means of its aperture called the cloaca. In the Branchiopoda there are various arrange- ments for the care of the brood. In the shelled forms, the eggs are concealed under the shell, either in appendages of certain pairs of limbs which are transformed into ovi- sacs or brood pouches (Apus), or on filamentous appendages of such limbs (Estheridce). In the Cladocera the eggs develop in a brood cavity (Fig. 192, p. 289), which forms dorsally between the shell and the body, becomes entirely closed towards the exterior by special arrangements, and contains a fluid for the further nourishing of the brood. In some Cladocera, a saddle-shaped thickening of the dorsal integument of the shell (Ephippium) covers every one or two winter eggs, and is cast off with the eggs as a protection during winter. This ephippium is often provided with adaptations which facilitate its passive distribution in space. In the Copepoda, the eggs which emerge from the genital apertures reach the interior of ovisacs which stand out freely from the body (in the genital segment), and which are formed from the secretion yielded by the cement glands. Where the two genital apertures lie somewhat far apart later- ally or dorsally in the double genital segment there is a pair of ovisacs ; where they lie very near each other on the ventral side, one unpaired median ovisac is formed .(Fig. 194, p. 290). These ovisacs are so characteristic of the Copepoda, that by this means the most deformed parasitic Copepodan females may be recognised (Fig. 255). In the Notodelphydce alone the eggs pass into a brood cavity enclosed by the integumental folds. The female of the Leptostraca shelters the eggs and hatched larvae between the lamellated thoracic feet. In the female of the Arthrostraca, Schizopoda, and Cumacea the brood lamellae on the basal joints of the thoracic feet already described develop at the approach of sexual maturity. These brood lamellae, by locking into one another from right and left, form the base of a brood cavity, whose cover is the ventral (sternal) integu- ment of the thorax (Fig. 218, p. 318). The eggs reach this brood cavity and develop in it. The hatched young or larvae often stay some time in it. The females of the Decapoda attach the emerging eggs to the pleopoda by means of the secretion FIG. 255.— Lernae- ocera esocina, female. ua, Frontal eye ; tj, t%, t3, t4, rudimentary thor- acic feet ; d, intestine ; , ., ,. od, oviduct; es, egg of tne cement glands already mentioned on the under side or sacs ; A, arm processes the abdomen. In the Brachyum, whose shield-shaped abdomen at the anterior end of js ^ent round on the sternal side of the cephalo-thorax, the the body (after Claus). abdomen is generally decidedly larger and broader in the female than in the male, and more adapted for covering and protecting the egg masses. The same difference, though not so pronounced, may be seen in the Macrura also. CR USTA CE A— HERMAPHRODITISM 381 XII. Hermaphroditism in the Crustacea. Hermaphroditism is a rare phenomenon in the Crustacea, and only found in attached and parasitic forms, viz. in the attached and parasitic Cirripedia and in parasitic Isopoda.1 The sexual relations in these groups are very interesting and must be further briefly described. The commoner Balanidce and Lepadidce are hermaphrodite. There are, however, Lepadidce (Ibla and many species of Scalpella) in which, besides the hermaphrodite individuals, dwarf males occur. These latter live parasitically on the bodies of the hermaphrodite individuals, generally in a fold of the mantle at the closing edge of the scutum. In their structure and form they are nowise like the hermaphrodites. They do not advance beyond the so-called Cypris stage, their body is almost vermiform and possesses besides the antennae only 4 pairs of reduced tendril-like feet. The oral limbs are wanting. A mouth is wanting, the enteric canal is rudimentary, and the testes unpaired. It is evident that these reduced dwarf males provide occasionally for the cross fertilisation of the hermaphrodite individuals. There are again some species of Scalpella (Sc. ornatum, regium, parallelo- gramma, nymphocola], and further the genera Cnjptophialus and Alcippe, in which dwarf males occur, but in which the individuals which correspond with the herma- phrodite individuals of the related Cirripedia are not hermaphro- dite, but only female. Here, therefore, separation of the sexes prevails with marked dimorphism. The majority of the Cirri- pedia, however, seem to be hermaphrodite without dwarf males. The Rhizocephala are hermaphrodite with dwarf males, which remain at the Cypris stage. The hermaphroditism of certain parasitic Isopoda is of another sort. The Cymothoidea are protandrously hermaphrodite, i.e. in youth they are male, later, the male copulatory segments are lost and the adult animals are exclusively female (Fig. 256). The sexual relations in the Entoniscidce (Portunion] are pro- bably the following. These large, characteristically-deformed parasites (Fig. 253) are protandrously hermaphrodite, but there are, besides, small males (Fig. 254, A] which have remained in a larval stage, and besides these again other degenerate so-called complementary males. Out of several larvae which reach the host, those which have the best place on its body and are best nourished probably develop into adults which function as females, the second-best nourished larvae remain as males in a larval stage, and all the others become degenerate complementary males. The Bopyridse, which are parasitic in the branchial cavity of the Carididce, are sexually separate and strongly dimorphic ; the dwarf males live on the bodies of the females. The origin of all these peculiar sexual relations is still very uncertain. Most free living Crustacea are sexually separate, and so are also the free living forms related to the hermaphrodite Crustacea. FIG. 256.— Herma- phrodite sexual ap- paratus of a young Cymothoa cestroides (after P. Mayer), somewhat diagram- matic, t, Testes ; ov, From this, and from the fact that hermaphrodites ovary ; od> oviduct ; e -. ,, •jj»jjLtj^ v®' vas deferens : p. are found among the parasitic and attached Crustacea, we may, penis with some probability, conclude that hermaphroditism in the Cirripedia and Isopoda is an acquired condition, perhaps brought about by the small 1 The Apusidoe (Phijllopoda] have also lately been shown to be hermaphrodites, with the occasional presence of males. 382 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. chance of fertilisation, which the attached or parasitic mode of life offers to sexually separate animals. To explain the occurrence of a hermaphrodite condition in general, we must assume (an assumption not without foundation) that the rudiments of the germ glands are indifferent, that in one case, under certain unknown circum- stances, they may develop as testes, in another as ovaries, and in others again pro- duce ovaries as well as testes. In the Cirripedia, the attached and parasitic modes of life are evidently extremely old. If the view that they are descended from Copepoda-HkQ forms is correct, then the ancestors of the Cirripedia, when first the attached or parasitic modes of life appeared, were probably sexually separate, and dimorphic with small, free-moving males, as indeed is still the case in many parasitic Copepoda. The attached and parasitic modes of life then became more and more pronounced in the female, and caused the appearance of hermaphroditism. The males, in the meantime, who had also taken on the Cirripede character, remained as dwarf males, and so the possibility of occasional cross-fertilisation was preserved. In most Cirripedia the males have probably in time disappeared, and the purely hermaphrodite condition has become fixed. In others, the dwarf males proving under certain conditions sufficient for ensuring fertilisation, have apparently led to the disappearance of hermaphroditism and the reappearance of sexual dimorphism. In the Isopoda the sexual relations have probably developed in quite another way. How protandrous hermaphroditism arose in the Cymothoidea is indeed, at present, uncertain. But we can perhaps imagine the rise of the sexual relations in the Crypt- oniscidce and Entoniscidce in this way ; these animals were originally, like the Cymothoidea, protandrously hermaphrodite, then in time some of the larvae developed only to the male stage and became larval or degenerate males. In the gill-inhabiting Bopyridce the male stage, in the originally hermaphrodite individuals, must have been suppressed, as the dwarf males sufficed. In the Amphipodan species Orchcstia, the curious fact has been established that a certain part of the germ layer of the testes of the male produces eggs, while the other parts produce spermatozoa. The eggs, however, never, or only in exceptional cases, reach the exterior, and in any case do not develop further. The above fact, which does not stand alone, is at present unexplained. XIII. Parthenogenesis— Cyclic Reproduction. Parthenogenesis occurs in the Crustacea only in the Phyllopoda, viz., in Esthcria and Apus (see note, p. 381) among the Branchiopoda and in the Cladoccra. The males are much rarer than the females, and in the Cladocera appear only periodically in autumn. The thin-shelled summer eggs develop parthenogenetically, and in many Phyllo- poda in summer there is a succession of generations of females multiplying partheno- genetically. The larger hard-shelled winter eggs, on the contrary, which are supplied with more nutritive yolk and are laid in autumn, require fertilisation. XIV. Ontogeny. We can here present only a selection of the observations on the ontogeny of the Crustacea, which are so numerous and have such an important bearing on general morphological and biological questions. We shall first briefly describe the develop- ment of the outer body form of some few Crustaceans which go through a long process of metamorphosis, and then give a sketch of the development of their inner organisation. CR USTA CEA— ONTOGENY 383 A. The larval history of the Crustacea — The Development of Apus (Order Phyllopoda, Family Branchiopoda). 1st Larval Stage, Nauplius. — Out of the egg is hatched an oval larva narrowing like a pear posteriorly, with a median frontal eye and three pairs of limbs, the most anterior of which is rod-shaped, while the two posterior are biramose. Its form and its setae are illustrated in Fig. 257, A. On the dorsal side of the body the dorsal shield has begun to form. The anus lies in an indentation of the posterior margin of the body. This first stage is called FIG. 257.— Larvae of Apus (after Claus). A, Nauplius, just hatched, with the rudiments of the 5 anterior trunk segments I-IV. B, 2d larval stage, with the rudiments of the anterior maxillae and the first 7 trunk segments. C, 4th larval stage. L, Liver ; s, shell ; fs, frontal sensory organ. the Nauplius larva : it is met with in essentially the same form as the first product of the egg in many Crustaceans ; we shall therefore enumerate its general characteristics. Body unsegmented with median frontal eye, with dorsal shield and frontal sensory organs (filaments, etc.) with 3 pairs of limbs, the first of which is simply rod-shaped, i.e. consists of a single row of joints, while the 2 posterior are biramose, i.e. consist of a protopodite, endopodite, and exopodite (shaft, inner and outer branch). In all Crustaceans the first pair of limbs of the Nauplius become the anterior antennae, the second the posterior antennae, the third the mandibles of the adult animal. The Nauplius of Apus (Fig. 257, A} is distinguished from the typical Nauplius 384 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. larva only by the fact that in the posterior third of the larval body, in front of its posterior end, the rudiments of the 5 anterior trunk segments (/- V} and their limbs can be recognised under the integument. 2d Larval Stage. — The Nauplius casts, its skin and the larva in the 2d stage (Fig. 257, B] shows considerable modifications. The anterior body is broadened, the posterior body elongated in the shape of a cone. There are two frontal projecting stylets (frontal sensory organs). The dorsal shield has increased in size. On the basal joint of the 3d pair of limbs (mandibular limbs) a masticatory process has formed. Behind the mandibular limbs are the rudiments of the first pair of maxillae (4). The 5 anterior segments of the trunk can be more clearly distinguished, and also the rudiments of the 3d and 4th pair of trunk limbs, the latter as transverse ridges. Later a 6th segment arises, and behind it the rudiments of the 2 subsequent segments. The bulgings at each side of the anus have become elongated into con- siderable furcal processes. 3d Larval Stage. — This is entered on at the 2d moult. There are 6 anterior pairs of lobate trunk limbs, whose size and degree of differentiation decreases from before backward ; these already clearly show the characteristic form of the Phyllo- podan swimmerets, with their endites, exopodites, and branchial sacs. Behind the 6 anterior trunk segments 2 more, and later 3 more, can be distinguished, and behind the anterior maxillae the posterior have begun to form. The dorsal shield at first covers only the two anterior trunk segments. The 4th Larval Stage appears with 7 anterior pairs of lobate trunk limbs (Fig. 257, C], Three to four anterior segments are covered by the dorsal shield. The 8th and 9th pairs of limbs show the beginning of lobate formations ; the 10th to 13th pairs of trunk limbs just arising. Rudiments of the paired eyes are visible. The rowing antennae (2d antennae) are provided with large jaw hooks. 5th Larval Stage. — The 9 anterior pairs of trunk feet are lobate, the 10th is in the act of forming a lobe, the llth, 12th, 13th, and 14th pairs of feet are forming. Behind these are to be seen the rudiments of 6 new segments. Locomotion, hitherto caused by the 2 anterior pairs of limbs, is now chiefly produced by the trunk feet (swimmerets). The mandibular foot is, as compared with the earlier stage, very much reduced, its principal part now being the masticatory process. Further Larval Stages. — Frequent moults follow. New swimmerets are con- tinually formed behind those already developed, and become differentiated from before backward. The mandibular foot is more and more reduced, till nothing remains but the masticatory process. The rowing limbs of the larvae (2d antennae) also become reduced. The dorsal shield continues to widen. The form of the adult animal develops very gradually. From this larval history we see, 1st, that the body and its appendages in general become differentiated quite gradually from before backward, that new segments and limbs progressively, though also occasionally irregularly, form behind those already developed, and that these differentiations originate in the most posterior region of the body. 2d. That there occur deviations in details from this manner of formation. The maxillae are an instance of belated appearance in the order of the limbs from before backward. This fact is of importance because in the adult Phyllopoda as compared with other Crustaceans the maxillae are very much simplified. 3d. The mandibles, which in the adults are masticatory ridges without feelers, are in young larvae well developed biramose limbs. 4th. The posterior antennae, which are reduced in the adult, are, as large biramose rowing arms, the chief organs of locomotion in the young larva. CR USTA CEA— ONTOGENY 385 Development of Cetochilus (Order Copepoda, Family Calanidse). 1st Larval Stage. Typical Nauplius (Fig. 258, A).— At the basal joint of the 2d antenna there is a masticatory process characteristic of most Crustacean Nauplii. The mouth is overhung by an enormous upper lip, which is also characteristic of many other Nauplius larvae. The anal aperture is not yet formed. 2d Larval Stage. — The body, and especially the posterior division, has grown longer. Anteriorly there is a small shell-fold. At the end of this stage the first pair of maxillae appear as small biramose feet behind the pair of mandibular feet. 3d Larval Stage. Metanauplius (Fig. 258, B and C). — Behind the first pair of maxillae the 2d, and behind these the 2 anterior pairs of trunk limbs, are forming, FIG. 258.— Larvae of Cetochilus septentrionalis (after Grobben). A, Nauplius ; B, Metanau- plius with the rudiments of the first 2 thoracic limbs from the side. C, older Metanauplius. ol, Upper lip ; m, mouth ; g, brain ; gz, genital cells ; an, anus ; me, primitive mesoderm cells ; 5, the two maxillipedes of the left side (exo- and endopodite of the posterior maxillae). all as biramose feet. The dorsal shield covers the anterior part of the body as far as and including the 2d maxillar segment. Masticatory ridges have developed on the basal joints of the maxillipedes Further Larval Stages. — During several moults a third trunk segment forms. 1st Cetochilus Stage. — The furcse at the end of the body are completed. A 4th trunk segment and the 3d trunk limbs begin to form. From what we find in other Copepoda, the only parts needed to complete the form of the adult animal are the remaining trunk segments and the 2 posterior trunk feet, all of which form during successive moults. The 2 pairs of maxillipedes which are separately inserted on the body, and are characteristic of the adult Copepoda in reality only correspond with the branches of the 2d pair of maxillae from which they come, and thus strictly speaking represent but one pair of extremities. VOL. I 2 C 386 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. We thus again see that in the Copepoda also the body with its limbs becomes progressively differentiated from before backward. Inasmuch as all the limbs of the adult animal are fully and typicalty developed, wTe find in this case, during the development, no reduction of limbs once (i.e. in larval stages) strongly developed. Development of Sacculina (Order Cirripedia, Sub-order Rhizocephala). The comparison of the process of development in free-living Entomostraca with that in the parasitic forms is very instructive. Let us take that Crustacean form FIG. 259.— Various larval stages of Sacculina Carcini. A, Nauplius after the first moult. B, Cypris stage from the side. C, The same, 3 hours after the larva has by means of its adhering antennae attached itself to a seta of the host. D, Formation of the Kentrogon larva. E, The same completed, the Cypris larval shell thrown off. F, The arrow has bored through the chitinous carapace of the host. The contents of the sac begin to pass into the body cavity of the host through the arrow, fs, frontal sensory organ ; ua, Nauplius eye ; gl, glands of the frontal horns ; ov, rudi- ment of the ovary ; /, fat globules ; &, seta of the host, to which the parasite has attached itself by means of its adhering antennae ; pf, arrow of the Kentrogon stage ; ab, abdomen (after Delage). which in an adult hermaphrodite condition is the most degraded and deformed, viz. Sacculina (Figs. 208, 248). Although the adult animal cannot be recognised as a Crustacean, the series of larval forms through which it passes during its individual development most clearly proves it to be such, and related to the Cirripedia. Nauplius Stage (Fig. 259, A}. — A typical Nauplius with its 3 characteristic pairs v CRUSTACEA— ONTOGENY 387 of limbs is hatched from the egg. The shield-like dorsal integument forms on each side anteriorly a process (frontal horn) at whose base glands emerge. There are 2 frontal filaments (frontal sensory organs) and an unpaired frontal eye. On the under side of the head is a median projection of considerable size in the place of the large upper lip of other Cirripede larvee. At the posterior end of the body are 2 separate jointed caudal processes. Mouth, intestine, and anus are wanting. Near the Nauplius eye is a cerebral ganglion. About the middle of the body lies a mass of cells, the rudiments of the ovary. The Nauplius now moults 3 times and under- goes during these processes a series of transformations preparatory to The Cypris Stage (Fig. 259, B], which it enters after its 4th moult. In this stage we find a laterally compressed shell entirely enclosing the body, and consisting of 2 lateral valves which pass into each other, in the dorsal middle line, without articulat- ing. The body consists of 3 regions, the large head, the trunk, and a rudimentary terminal portion (the abdomen). The shell arises from the head. The head contains the rudiment of the ovary, and carries the Nauplius eye, the frontal filaments and one pair of antennae which have proceeded from the anterior uniramose pair of limbs of the Nauplius. The two pairs of typical biramose limbs of the Nauplius (2d pair of antennae and pair of mandibular feet) have disappeared. The trunk con- sists of 6 segments, which have formed during the last Nauplius stages behind the head portion, and it has 6 pairs of typical biramose limbs which cause the swimming movement of the larva. The short abdomen carries one pair of short appendages provided with setae. Mouth, intestine, and anus are wanting. The larvse still feed at the expense of the nutritive yolk derived from the egg, which is thus gradually absorbed. The Kentrogon Stage. — After a free life of at least 3 days the Cypris-like larva fixes itself by means of one of its two antennae to the base of a seta on the back or on a foot of a very young crab. It then throws off the whole trunk, so that only the head is retained (Fig. 259, C, D}. The organs retained in the head become indistinct and, to a certain extent, fuse into a spherical mass which surrounds itself with a new hollow cuticle under the old one. The shell is then thrown off, and another new cuticle forms round the sac-shaped body within the old one, and in a crater- like depression of this new cuticle a hollow arrow-like process is formed (Fig. 259, E). The crater-like depression is then evaginated, the hollow arrow or borer is in this way pushed forward through the antennae and pierces it and the soft chitinous cuticle at the base of the seta of the host, and thus penetrates the body of the latter (Fig. 259, F). Through this hollow arrow the whole contents of the pouch now pass over into the body cavity of the host, and after becoming surrounded with a new cuticle are known as "Sacculina Interna." — All the organs of the adult Sacculina are formed out of the cell masses which have in this way passed over through the arrow. Among others the testes are now first developed, and are thus, as compared with the ovaries, very late. The Sacculina interim lies on the abdominal intestine of the host, and feeds by means of numerous root-like processes proceeding from its surface and penetrating the viscera of the host. As the Sacculina increases in size it exercises pressure on the musculature and integument of the host, which die away on the under side of the abdomen in the immediate neighbourhood of the parasite, thus allowing the latter to pass out, while the roots (now proceeding from a stalk) remain inside the host. Sacculina Externa. — The cloaca, till now closed, opens, and at its edge dwarf males are always found ; these have been shown to be animals which have remained at the Cypris-like larval stage, but can be distinguished from the female Cypris-like lame by the fact that they develop no arrow. The attached Cirripedia (Lcpadidce and Balanidce) like the Sacculina pass through 388 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP a Nauplius and a Cypris stage in the course of their developments. These larvae differ from the corresponding larvae of Sacculina not only in the possession of an enteric canal, but in a few other points as well. The Nauplius larva of the Cirripedia is characterised by a dorsal shield with frontal horns and posterior pointed processes, and by a large upper lip. Frequent moults lead to the Cypris-like larva (Fig. 260) ; this has a bivalve shell with shell muscles ; its anterior antennae have become adhering ab Tf FIG. 260.— Cypris-like larva of Lepas fasciculata (after Glaus). antennae. The posterior antennae and mandibular feet of the Nauplius larva have disappeared, and so has the upper lip. By the side of the median eye a paired com- pound eye has arisen. Behind the mandibular feet of the Nauplius simple anterior and perhaps also posterior maxillae have begun to form. The trunk consists of 6 segments with 6 pairs of biramose feet serving for swimming. The abdomen has 2 furcal appendages. A cement gland opens on the 2d joint of the adhering antenna, which is provided with a sucking disc. ca rf FIG. 261.— Pupa of Lepas pectinata, in optical section (after Glaus). In Figs. 260 and 261, the same letters are used : pa, paired eye ; ua, unpaired Nauplius eye ; rf, trunk feet, in Fig. 261 with the tendril-like feet beginning to form inside ; 1, anterior (adhering) antennae ; L, liver ; sm, occlusor muscle of the scuta ; ab, abdomen ; ca, carina ; t, tergum ; sc, scutum ; cd, cement gland. The Cypris-like larva attaches itself by means of its adhering antennas. A pupa stage follows (Fig. 261), during which the organs of the adult Cirripede form under the larval skin. Within the maxillae and the 6 pairs of trunk feet of the Cypris-like larva the mouth parts and the 6 pairs of tendril-like feet of the adult Cirripede begin to form. In the Lepadidce the head grows out anteriorly into the stalk which carries the minute adhering antennae, and under the Cypris shell the 5 shell pieces v CRUSTACEA— ONTOGENY 389 form on the mantle-fold. The Cypris shell is thrown off, and the paired eyes disappear. The history of the development of the attached and parasitic Cirripcdia is in many respects exceedingly interesting. The Cypris-like larva shows, apart from the absence of posterior antennae and mandibular feet, a distinctly Entomostracan character. Its 6 typical biramose feet recall the swimmerets of the Copepoda. The remarkable transformation of the free-swimming Cypris-like larva into the attached sexual animal must be referred to its adaptation to an attached mode of life ; this adaptation consists in the formation of a hard shell or framework serving for protec- tion, the transformation of the swimmerets into tendril-like feet suited for bringing food within reach, and the reduction of the paired eyes which are of no great use to the adult animal. A commencement of this adaptation to the attached mode of life may perhaps be seen even in the Cypris stage, viz., in the degeneration of the posterior antennae and mandibular feet, which in the Nauplius larva had played an important part, especially as organs of locomotion, whereas in the Cypris-like larva the trunk feet serve that purpose. The transformation of the Cypris-like larva into the parasitic Sacculina involves far more radical changes than those which take place in the development of the Lepadidce and Balanidce. The development of Sacculina may be described as a strikingly retrogressive metamorphosis. To explain the reappearance of the typical Nauplius and Cypris-like larvae in the course of development, notwithstanding the degradation of the adult animal, it is necessary not only to emphasise the power of inheritance but to remember that free-moving young forms are extremely useful to parasites for the infection of new hosts and the maintenance of the race. Nevertheless, even in the free-swimming larvae of Sacculina, we recognise distinct signs of degeneration such as the absence of an alimentary canal. This degeneration could take place without damage to the maintenance of the race, because the adult Sacculina, in consequence of its exceed- ingly favourable conditions of nutrition, can give its eggs for their development so much nutritive yolk that the larvae proceeding from them are under no necessity of obtaining food from without. The occurrence, at first sight so remarkable, of an endoparasitic stage in the development of the Sacculina is not difficult to under- stand, for by passing through such a stage the parasite avoids the danger of being thrown off by the moulting of the host. Larval History of the Euphausidse (Order Schizopoda, Fig. 262). 1. Nauplius Stage. — Typical. 2. Metanauplius Stage. — The masticatory ridge of the mandible develops, while the mandibular foot itself is reduced. The upper and under lips form. Behind the mandibles the rudiments of the 2 pairs of maxillae and of the 1st pair of thoracic feet (maxillipedes) appear as buds. The cephalothoracic shield is distinctly developed, and the paired eyes first appear. 3. Calyptopis Stage (somewhat corresponding to the Protozocea stage of Penazus] (B, C}. — The thorax and abdomen are demarcated, and the latter already elongated. Segmentation appears in the thorax, and later in the abdomen. No new extremities except the last pair of pleopoda (uropoda) begin to form. 4. Furcilia Stage. — The paired eyes become stalked. The most anterior pairs of thoracic and abdominal feet begin to form in succession from before backward. 5. Cyrtopia Stage. — The antennae are transformed and no longer serve for locomotion. The posterior pairs of thoracic and abdominal feet and the gills appear. 6. Post-larval Stages. — The adult animal is gradually formed, and the caudal fin definitely developed. It is hardly necessary to remark that all the thoracic feet 390 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. and pleopoda are originally biramose and in this animal retain this character during life. No great importance should be attached to the names of the developmental stages (Calyptopis, Furcilia, Gyrtopia) ; they are referable to a time when the larvre so named were thought to be different genera. We thus again see, from the larval history of the Euphausidce, that the body with its limbs is differentiated from before backward. We notice, however, special and important exceptions to this rule. In the first place the rudiment of the last pair of pleopoda FIG. 262.— Larvae of Euphausia. A, Nauplius, last form before moulting (after Metschnikoff). B, Protozoaea. C, the same somewhat older (after Glaus), th, Thoracic segments ; 06, abdomen ; (ara6\ abdominal segments ; an, anus ; fs, frontal sensory organ ; 1-5, limbs of the head ; OQ, 6th pair of pleopoda. appears before those of the other pleopoda, before even those of the thoracic feet. This is noteworthy on account of the special form of and the important part played by these pleopoda as part of the caudal fin in the older stages of develop- ment and in the adult. We further note that although the thorax becomes segmented sooner than the abdomen, and although on the thorax as on the abdomen the extremities become differentiated in succession from before backward, the rudi- ments of the extremities on the thorax and the abdomen are almost simultaneous and sometimes they even occur earlier on the abdomen. CR USTA CEA— ONTOGENY 391 Larval history of Penaeus (Order Decapoda, Sub-order Macrura, Family Carididse (Shrimps), Figs. 263 and 264). 1. Nauplius Stage.— A typical unsegmented Nauplius (Fig. 263, A) is hatched from the egg. The body possesses no dorsal shield ; it carries 2 setse posteriorly. 2. Metanauplius Stage. — The dorsal shield begins to form. The 3d pair of Xauplius limbs (mandibular limbs) shows the rudiments. of the masticatory ridge. Behind this appear the rudiments of the 4 subsequent limbs (maxillre and 2 anterior pairs of maxillipedes). 3. First Protozosea Stage (Fig. 263, B). — The cephalothoracic shield has grown large. The posterior division of the body elongates till it is as long as the anterior part. The 2 pairs of maxillae and the 2 anterior pairs of maxillipedes have devel- oped and are capable of functioning ; the latter are biramose limbs with endo- and exopodites. The division which follows behind these is divided into 6 segments without any trace of extremities, and these segments are the rudiments of the 6 pos- terior thoracic segments (III-VIII). These are followed by the posterior body which is not yet segmented and shows no trace of extremities. The mandibular feeler has disappeared. The posterior body ends with two furcal processes. Near the median eye the paired eyes appear. 4. The Second Protozosea stage (Fig. 264, A] is very similar to the first, but on the abdomen the rudiments of the 5 anterior abdominal segments (a^-a^) are visible. Behind the 2d pair of maxilli- pedes on the first of the 6 newly formed thoracic segments the rudiments of the 3d pair of maxillipedes appear (III). 5. First Zosea Stage. — The paired eyes stand out as stalked eyes. The 3d pair of maxillipedes has also become biramose. On the 5 subsequent pairs of thoracic seg- ments the rudiments of the 5 pairs of "ambulatory feet" appear (Fig. 264, B, IV- Till). On the segments of the abdomen also formations appear which are probably the rudiments of the pleopoda (ai-cts). In any case the beginnings of the last pair of pleopoda which are destined to (H-M) FIG. 263.— Young larva of Penaeus (after F. Muller). A, Nauplius ; B, Protozoaea. III- VIII, Rudiments of the 3d-8th trunk segments. ab, Abdomen ; 1-5, limbs of the head ; I, II, of the thorax. In all subsequent figures the head limbs are denoted by Arabic, the thoracic limbs by Roman numerals, the abdominal limbs (pleopoda) by «i, a^ etc., the telson by t, the exopodite by ex, and the endopodite by en. form with the telson the caudal fin, are distinctly visible on each side as bi-lobed formations under the integument. 6. Second Zosea Stage (Fig. 264, (7).— The last pair of pleopoda project freely. On the two pairs of maxillse the small fan-plates (exopodites) have formed. The 5 392 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. posterior pairs of thoracic feet (ambulatory feet) project freely as doubly- tipped pro- tuberances. The formations on the abdomen of the 1st Zocea stage, which were indicated as the rudiments of pleopoda, are no longer to be seen. The cephalothoracic shield has a pointed process projecting anteriorly in the middle line. The animal still moves chiefly by means of the 2 pairs of antennse. 7. Mysis or Schizopoda Stage (Fig. 264, D). — This is so called because all the thoracic feet are developed, like those of the Schizopoda, as long biramose limbs (with exo- and endopodite), and here also serve for swimming. The branchial appen- FIG. 264.— Older larvae of Penaeus. A , Older Protozoaea, dorsal view. B, 6 posterior thoracic segments, and abdomen, with the rudiments of the feet of a somewhat older larva. C, Further advanced Zoaea. D, Mysis stage of a Penaeus, from the side, fs, Frontal sensory organ ; L, liver ; ab, abdomen ; IV-VIII, thoracic segments ; (c^-og), abdominal segments ; t, telson. In C to the left, the 3d thoracic foot (3d maxillipede) is covered by the 2d (after Glaus). dages of the thoracic feet appear. The pleopoda grow further during this period, the most anterior pair first, then the 2d and then the others almost simultaneously. The feelers undergo important transformations, which bring them nearer the adult form. Alterations likewise appear in the cephalothoracic shield. The auditory sac forms at the base of the antennae. The mandible receives a feeler. The jaws approach their definitive form. By degrees, through several moults, the larvae reach 8. The Penaeus form, the exopodites of the thoracic feet becoming more or less reduced and the pleopoda developing further. The Penaeus development also shows us that the body with its appendages v CRUSTACEA— ONTOGENY 393 becomes differentiated from before backward. But here also the last pair of pleopoda advances more rapidly than the others. Larval history of the Stomatopoda (Fig. 265). Unfortunately we do not know the whole series of larval forms in any of the Stomatopoda. They belong to two types, one of which is called the Erichthus, the other the Alima type. "We shall only consider the first. A. Youngest known Erichthoid larva (A). — Three regions can be distinguished in the body, an anterior, a middle, and a posterior. The anterior corresponds with the head, and from it arises as a fold of the integument a large dorsal shield which covers the second region as well. The head carries besides a median eye the two large stalked eyes, the two pairs of antennse, the pair of mandibles and the two pairs of maxillae. The second region consists of 5 segments, corresponding with the 5 anterior thoracic segments, and carries 5 pairs of biramose swimmerets (7- V), the last 3 of which decrease in size from before backward. The 5 pairs of limbs answer to the 5 pairs of oral limbs in the adult Stomatopoda. The third region consists of 3 short limbless segments (also covered by the dorsal shield) corresponding with the 3 posterior thoracic segments, and a very large caudal plate, also devoid of appendages. B. In a somewhat older 2d larva a new segment (the most anterior abdominal segment) with one pair of limbs has formed in front of the caudal plate. The 2d pair of thoracic feet shows alterations preparatory to its transformation into large seizing feet. C. In a third larva (E) 2 new segments with the rudiments of their limbs, and in older larvse all the abdominal segments with their pairs of limbs excepting the 6th, have begun to form in front of the caudal plate, while the 3 posterior thoracic segments are still limbless. D. In a fourth Erichthoid larva the 2 anterior pairs of thoracic feet have lost their exopodites, but on the other hand the rudiments of epipodites (gills) appear on them. The three subsequent pairs of thoracic feet are reduced, and the last three thoracic segments are still limbless. On the 6th abdominal segment the rudiments of the limbs (uropoda) appear. E. In the subsequent stages, the 3rd, 4th and 5th pairs of thoracic limbs are completely reduced, or else are represented only by small sac-like prominences ( (7). F. There now follows, after various preparatory intermediate stages, the completely developed Erichthus larva. (D] The 3d, 4th, and 5th pairs of thoracic limbs again appear in their definitive form, so that now the 5 anterior trunk limbs are developed as seizing or oral limbs. On the last three thoracic segments the rudiments of the biramose ambulatory limbs appear. By this time, not only the full number of segments, but the full number of limbs of the adult animal is reached. In this larval histoiy of the Stomatopoda we note (1) That the segments of the body become differentiated from before backward. (2) That the limbs also as a general rule follow the same order. We observe this principally in the case of the abdominal limbs, since in the youngest Erichthoid larva the 5 anterior thoracic limbs are already developed. Of the pleopoda, the last (uropoda) appeared last, in opposition to the Decapoda, in which this latter takes precedence of all the others and even of some of the thoracic limbs. 3. The last three weakly developed thoracic limbs (ambulatory limbs) form the chief exception to the rule stated under (2), in that they first appear after the pleopoda. 4. It is a striking fact that the 3d, 4th, and 5th pairs of trunk limbs which are early developed as biramose rowing feet become completely reduced, and are then again formed in their definitive shape in the oldest Erichthus stage. 394 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY FIG. 265.— Stomatopodan larvae of the Erichthus type. A, Youngest known Erichthoid larva. B, Somewhat older larva, from the side. C, Young Erichthus larva (Zocea). D, Older Erichthus larva with complete number of limbs, an, Anus ; ua, nauplius eye ; br, rudiments of the gills on the pleopoda ; ab, abdomen. The Roman numerals in brackets denote the corresponding limbless thoracic segments. I-V, Oral feet ; VI-VIII, ambulatory feet ; t, telson (after Glaus). v CRUSTACEA— ONTOGENY 395 Development of Palinurus and Scyllarus (Decapoda, Macrura, Fam. Loricata). The early larval development is carried on within the shell ; during this development 2 stages, a Nauplius stage and a very important further stage which might be called the embryonic Phyllosoma stage, are passed through. The characteristics of this latter stage are as follows : There are 2 pairs of antennae, mandibles, and 2 pairs of maxillse. The thoracic limbs have all begun to form, i.e. 3 pairs of maxillipedes and 5 pairs of ambulatory limbs. The 2 most posterior (ambulatory limbs) are only present as minute buds. The 6 anterior are biramose, but the exopodites of the 2d and 3d pairs of maxillipedes are degenerated even during embryonic life. There are two stalked lateral eyes, and the median Nauplius eye. In the body 3 regions are to be distinguished. (1) Head with dorsal shield ; (2) thoracic region, in which the segmentation is indicated ; (3) a distinctly segmented but limbless abdominal region ending in a fork. Before the larva is hatched, however, in addition to the 2 posterior pairs of ambulatory feet which remained undeveloped, the 1st pair of maxillipedes dis- appear, and the 2d pair of maxillse and the 2d pair of antennae degenerate. FIG. 26G.— Phyllosoma of Palinurus (after Glaus), ad, Abdomen ; I, liver. In the larva hatched from the egg the above-mentioned regions of the body can be recognised — it is much flattened dorso-ventrally (like a leaf), and as transparent as glass ; it is called the younger Phyllosoma (Fig. 266). The older Phyllosoma larva is distinguished from the younger by the following characteristics. The 1st pair of maxillipedes has formed anew, and the 2 posterior pairs of ambulatory feet have developed. The 2 posterior maxillipedes again develop exopodites, and on the ambulatory limbs the rudiments of the gills appear. The abdomen is more elongated and shows the rudiments of the pleopoda. The larva thus already has, apart from its strange form, typical Decapodan characteristics. Its transformation into the sexual form has not been observed. In the development of the Loricata we note : — 1. That during the processes which go on in the last part of embryonic life the body with its extremities becomes differentiated typically from before backward. 2. That before the hatching of the Phyllosoma larva certain extremities or parts of extremities degenerate, to appear anew on the older Phyllosoma larva ; this 396 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. is especially the case with the 1st maxillipedes, and the rudiments of the last 2 ambulatory feet. The Phyllosoma shows in a specially striking manner the character of a pelagic larva. Development of the Brachyura. A very characteristic Zosea larva (Fig. 267) is hatched from the egg. Its dorsal „ ^. shield is marked by the possession of long spine-like processes, among which a frontal, 2 lateral and 1 dorsal are never wanting. All the head limbs are present. Of the thoracic limbs we find only the 2 anterior pairs of maxillipedes ; the other thor- acic limbs, as well as that part of the thorax to which they belong, are wanting or are only found in their first rudiments. The abdomen is segmented, and ends in a fork, but has no appendages. In the later Zosea stages the 3d pair of maxillipedes appears, the 5 ambulatory feet arise as imiramose limbs (without exopodites), and the pleopoda begin to form. FIG. 267.-Zoaea of Maja, after its moult (after Glaus), h, Heart. The Zocea swims principally by means of the 2 biramose anterior pairs of maxillipedes, and also by means of the abdomen which, in com- parison with that of the adult, is elongated and well developed. The older Zocea changes into a Megalopa larva (Fig. 268). This larva, but for the more strongly developed abdomen and the pleopoda, already resembles the sexual form. The maxillipedes and ambulatory feet appear as in the adult condition, and it must be n specially remarked that the ambu- /A latory feet are never biramose, and that the Brachyura thus do not pass through any Schizopoda stage. Through many moults the Mega- lopa is gradually transformed into the sexual form. We need say only a few words about the development of the Fia 268.— Megalopa larva of a Portunus with abdo- other Malacostraca. The Lcptos- men straightened out, dorsal aspect (after Glaus). CR USTA CEA— ONTOGENY 397 traca (Nebalia}, the Amphipoda, and a few Decapoda (e.g. the Cray-fsli), leave the egg in a form like that of the sexually ripe animal. On the other hand in the Isopoda, Mysidce, and Lophogastridce among the Schizopoda and the Cumacea, the young form hatched from the egg may be very little developed, and may even resemble a maggot-shaped Nauplius or Metanauplius ; but there are no early free- swimming larval forms, as the young undergo their metamorphoses in the brood pouch of the mother. The development of the parasitic Isopoda is interesting, since here the free-moving young or larval forms which go in search of hosts, resemble the typical Isopoda in form and development of the body and limbs much more distinctly than do the sexually mature animals. R B FIG. 269.— Moina rectirostris. Four early stages of development. A, Blastosphere, seen from the vegetative pole. B, Gastrula stage. C, somewhat older stage, with neural plate, closed blastopore and sexual cells sunk below the surface ; D, Nauplius stage, B, C, D, in optical longitudinal section. In C, D, the neural plate, and in D, the rudiments of the Nauplius limbs are projected on to the section, ec, Ectoderm ; me, mesoderm ; g, primitive sexual cells ; en, endoderm ; sp, neural plate ; lp, blastopore ; nd, nutritive yolk ; m, mouth ; st, stomodteum ; cq, anterior ; fro,' posterior antennae ; md, rudiments of mandible (after Grobfoen). B. The Arrangements of the Germ Layers and the Development of the Inner Organs may here be described by means of a few examples. I. Moina rectirostris (Order, Phyllopoda ; Sub-order, Cladocera ; Fig. 269). The segmentation of the mesolecithal egg is superficial, and somewhat unequal. In the 32 blastomere stage a blastomere lying at the vegetative pole is distinguished 398 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. by a specially large nucleus. This divides, and as the primitive sexual cell produces the rudiments of the germ glands. A blastomere in contact with this sexual cell yields the endoderm, and the blastomeres, which surround the primitive sexual cell, and the primitive endoderm cell, yield the Mesoderm (except the sexual organs and nervous system). In a later stage (Fig. 269, A] we find 4 genital cells, 32 endoderm cells, and 12 mesoderm cells ; all the remaining blastomeres represent the ectoderm. First the 12 mesoderm cells sink down, then the endodermal plate becomes invaginated (B}. In place of the gastrula mouth, which probably closes, the definitive mouth appears later. The genital cells increasing in number to 8, then sink down ((7). Nutritive yolk remains in the segmentation cavity. Two paired frontal groups of cells appear as rudiments of the neural plate. Later on this plate consists of several layers and yields anteriorly the brain, and posteriorly the retina. The oesophageal commissures and the ventral chord arise in situ as thickenings of the ectoderm. The mesoderm spreads itself out on the inner side of the ectoderm, on the surface of the rudiments of the genital glands, and around the mid-gut which is at first solid : this mid-gut alone proceeds from the endodermal invagination. The shell gland is of mesodermal origin and only opens secondarily at the point of the 2d maxilla. The compound eye is from the first paired. II. Cetochilus septentrionalis (Order, Copepoda). The segmentation is total and yields a blastula with a small segmentation cavity. Under the blastomeres at a certain stage 2 symmetrically placed cells can be distinguished as primitive mesoderm cells and a few others also symmetrically placed as endodermal cells. The dividing mesoderm cells sink deeper inwards. In still later stages we can recognise at the posterior end of the mesoderm, on each side, a large primitive mesodermal cell. The endoderm also becomes invaginated into the segmentation cavity. The gastrula mouth closes in a median line from before back- ward. The dividing mesoderm cells fill the segmentation cavity. The stomodseum and proctodaeum arise by means of ectodermal invaginations. At a later (Nauplius} stage there arises at each side behind the Nauplius eye an ectodermal thickening connected with the brain, which severs itself from the integument but degenerates later. These are to be considered as the rudiments of the paired compound lateral eyes with their optic ganglia, which are wanting in most Copepoda. A pair of meso- derm cells lying on the ventral side of the intestine represent the rudiments of the sexual glands. The 2 cells move higher on the 2 sides of the intestine, and become surrounded with smaller mesoderm cells, which yield the rudiments of the ducts, which at first are solid. In the 1st Cetochilus stage the paired genital rudiments fuse to form an unpaired dorsal sexual gland. The heart develops out of a paired rudiment of mesoderm cells. III. Branchipus (Phyllopoda). In the hatched Nauplius larva under the cuticle, the segments of the first maxilla and the first two trunk segments, with their limbs, have already begun to form. An elongated portion follows, in which the segmentation of the mesoderm streaks has begun. This does not reach as far back as into the anal segment. The two mesoderm streaks unite posteriorly directly in front of the anal segnient to form a ventral plate which forms a budding zone. Its cells rapidly increase, and as the development of the larva progresses new mesoderm segments continually become demarcated from the budding zone and spread out under the ectoderm to the dorsal middle line. But this segmented germ streak merely represents the parietal layer v CRUSTACEA— ONTOGENY 399 of the mesoderm ; the visceral layer never becomes segmented, and differentiates quite apart from the parietal layer. (In the anal segment on each side there lie 2 large cells, which, however, do not divide and do nothing to increase the budding zone by contributing cells.) The cell material of the mesoderm segments, which are successively formed at the anterior end of the budding zone, begins to group itself into three divisions, and this group is the more distinct the further the segment is removed from the budding zone, i.e. the older it is. The dorsal division yields the rudiment of the cardial chamber of the segment and that part of the dorsal longitudinal musculature which also belongs to it ; the lateral division yields the musculature of the limbs, the ventral the segmental division of the ventral musculature as well as the neurilemma of the ganglia. The limbs begin to form as outgrowths and bulgings of the ectoderm, into which cell-growths of the mesoderm penetrate. The ventral chord becomes differ- entiated from before backward. In each segment in which a pair of limbs begins to form an ectodermal thickening appears on each side of the ventral median line. The two thickenings in a segment represent the rudiments of the double ganglion, which at first are not united by a transverse commissure. These rudiments free themselves from the ectoderm at a later stage. We thus find in an older Branchipus larva the whole ventral chord from back to front in all stages of differentiation. Posteriorly, where new pairs of ganglia are continuously formed with the new segments, these are still ectodermal thickenings. In the formation of the heart (many-chambered dorsal vessel) only one longitudinal row of perpendicularly arranged muscle cells on each side takes part. The two rows grow together in such a way as to form a hollow tube. The heart becomes differentiated from before backward. In many larval stages a greater or smaller number of segmental cardial chambers are already developed anteriorly and silre&dy pulsate, while posteriorly new cardial chambers are in process of formation. The rudiments of the compound eye appear in the Metanauplius larva on each side as a hypodermal thickening, which is then said to divide into two layers, a superficial layer which yields the cornea and crystalline cone cells, and a deeper layer which yields the retinulre with the rhabdoms. Another ectodermal thickening connected with the first and belonging to the secondary brain chiefly yields the material for the optic and the retinal ganglia. IV. Astacus fluviatilis (Figs. 270-280). The segmentation is superficial, and leads to the formation of a spherical blasto- sphere (blastula), in which the central nutritive yolk, which is divided in radially arranged yolk pyramids, is enveloped all round by the blastoderm as by an epithelium. Stage A. At one point of the blastosphere the constitution of the blastoderm undergoes a change. The cells at this part are longer and stand closer together. This part corresponds with the future ventral side and is symmetrical ; it can be denominated the ventral plate. This ventral plate consists of the following portions : the 2 cephalic lobes, the 2 thoraco-abdominal rudiments, and farthest back, the unpaired median endoderm disc (Fig. 271). The whole ventral plate is of one layer except at one point between the endodermal disc and the thoraco-abdominal rudiments. Large cells have sunk down inwards from the blastoderm as the primitive mesoderm cells (B, M). "With the exception of the endoderm disc, which becomes invaginated later, and the primitive mesoderm cells, the ventral plate and the whole remaining blastoderm represents the ectoderm. The latter yields at a later stage the sides and back of the thoracic shield, but in the early stages of development is nothing more than a sac surrounding the yolk. 400 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. FIG. 270.— Astacus fluviatilis, section through an egg, after completed formation of blastoderm, ch, Chorion ; hs, stalk of attachment ; U, blastoderm cells. The nutritive yolk is black in this and the following Figs, (after Reich enbach). FIG. 271.— Astacus fluviatilis, part of the surface of an egg with embryo beginning to form.— Stage A. K Cephalic lobes, with the rudiment of the eye ; TA, thoraco-abdominal rudiments ; BM, formative zone of the mesoderm ; ES, endoderm disc (after Reichenbach). Stage B. Embryo, with semicircular gastral fur- row. — Only the ventral plate alters. At the an- terior edge of the endoderm disc a semicircular furrow, or a fold projecting in wards, appears. Stage C. Embryo, with circular gastral furrow. — The thoraco - abdominal plates unite in the middle line. The semicircular furrow has become a fur- row round the whole cir- cumference of the endoderm disc and is thus circular. The middle part of the en- doderm disc sinks down, so that it now becomes a de- pression with a somewhat raised floor (gastrula inva- gination). This depression represents the rudimentary midgut, and the outer edges of the original circular furrow are the edges of the blastopore or gastrula mouth. In front of the anterior edge of the blasto- pore lie the primitive meso- derm cells in active growth, and giving off cells towards the centre of the blasto- sphere (Fig. 275). Stage D. The primitive mouth is in the act of closing. — In the centres of the two cephalic lobes are the rudiments of the eyes. Between the cephalic lobes and the thoraco-abdominal rudiments the first traces of the mandibles and an- tennae appear. The primi- tive mouth closes from be- fore backward, its lateral edges growing together in the middle line. The cells •of the primitive intestine begin to consume nutritive yolk. CR USTACEA— ONTOGENY 401 FIG. 272.— Astacus fluviatilis, embryo in the Nauplius stage. — Stage F. A (above), Rudiment of eye ; I, upper lip ; G, cerebral ganglion ; «j, anterior antennae ; grao, ganglion of the segment of the 2cl antennae (03) ; gm, ganglion of the segment of the mandibles (in) ; Ta, thoraco-abdominal rudiments ; A, (below) anus (after Reichen- bach). Stage E. Embryo, with mandibles begin- ning to form. — In the middle of the thoraco- abdominal disc the (ecto- dermal) rudiments of the anus and hind-gut (proc- todseum) appear in the form of an anal pit. The mesodermal elements spread out below the ectoderm. Stage F. Embryo in the Nauplius stage (Figs. 272 and 276).— The 3 most anterior pairs of extremities (Nauplius extremities) can be dis- tinctly made out. Be- tween the anterior an- tennae the first (paired) traces of the brain appear, and immediately behind there, is a pit-like de- pression, the ectodermal rudiments of the mouth and fore - gut (stomo- dfeum). In the posterior antennal and the mandi- bular segments the rudi- ments of ganglia appear as ectodermal thicken- ings in the same way as in the formation of the brain. The thoraco- abdominal ridge, sur- rounded by a deep fur- row, projects anteriorly. The anus has moved forward on it and reaches the inner side of its an- terior edge, i.e. the later ventral side of the end of the body. The ecto- derm and mesoderm form a budding zone on the thoraco-abdominal ridge, and from this time new FIG. 273.— Astacus fluviatilis, embryo with thoracic feet beginning to form.— Stage H. .A, Eyes ; g, brain and ganglia of the anterior antennae (aj) ; «2, 2d antennae ; m, mandible ; mx^, mx2, anterior and posterior maxillae ; 2S6.-Part of a section through the eye of Lim- Separate retinula probably Ulus. cp, Chitiuous carapace ; cv, papilla-like thickenings conm'stinp- of 10 rells with of the same over each single eye: hy' hvP°dermis; ret, us, \A iLn retinul8e . %j nerves of the single eyes> rhabdom, pigment, and nerve, corresponds with each of these single lenses. The retinulae lie 420 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. in the hypodermis. The compound eye of Limulus is thus seen to be composed of numerous independent unilaminate single eyes crowded together. Each single eye corresponds with the unilaminate eye of certain Myriapoda and Scorpionidce, and the whole compound eye cor- responds with the sum of the eyes on one side of these Arthropoda, except that the chitinous carapace in Limulus forms a thickening common to all the single eyes. Enteric Canal. — From the large mouth a long oesophagus rises upward and forward, to enter a muscular masticatory- or fore-stomach placed in the anterior part of the cephalothorax ; the chitinous intima of this stomach projects in numerous longitudinal folds into its lumen. The fore-stomach is followed by a long straight mid-gut widened at its commencement ; this runs through the cephalothorax and abdomen and opens externally at the base of the caudal spine through a ventral anal aperture of the short hind-gut. The mid-gut receives the 4 ducts of 2 pairs of hepatopancreatic glands which branch freely in the cephalo- thorax. All through the intestine, except in the mid-gut, a chitinous intima is found. •Circulatory System. — The heart is an elongated dorsal vessel provided with 8 pairs of ostia which can be closed by valves. Sexual Organs. — The sexes are separate. The male, which is smaller than the female, is further distinguished externally by the fact that the most anterior or the two anterior postoral pairs of limbs do not end in pincers, but in claws. The 2 ovaries are tubes forming a network of branches, thos« of the two sides communicating with each other at various points. The two oviducts form a sac-like wider portion before they emerge. The female sexual apertures lie on the inner side of the opercular plates (the side turned to the body), at their bases, to the right and left of the median line. The two testes consist of a large number of vesicles dispersed throughout the body and attached to sperm ducts which branch and anastomose freely. The male apertures have the same position as the female. Coxal Glands. — On each side of the cephalothorax lies a red gland of considerable size whose outer aperture has only been found in young animals on the basal joint of the fifth pair of limbs. It is un- certain whether these coxal glands correspond with the shell glands of the Crustacea (which also emerge on the 5th pair of extremities, i.e. on the 2d maxillae). We have no right to assume that the 5th pair of extremities of Limulus answers to the 2d pair of maxillae of the Crustacea ; it is indeed improbable that this is the case. Ontogeny. — The 6 anterior pairs of limbs appear first and simultaneously, then follow the 7th pair (operculum) and the 8th (first gill-carrying abdominal limbs). On the cephalothorax there are indications of segmentation. The young Limulus hatched from the eggs shows a complete rudimentary cephalothoracic shield, the segmentation having then entirely disappeared. The abdomen, on the contrary, appears distinctly formed of 8 segments, but these are not movable upon each other. v XIPHOSURA 421 The caudal spine is still a very short and simple plate. The 2 compound eyes and the 2 ocelli are already present. Behind the 1st pair of abdominal feet the rudiments of the 2d are visible. At this stage the larva has the appearance of a Trilobite, and this similarity is increased by two dorsal longitudinal furrows. The gradual transition from the Trilobite stage to the Limulus stage is brought about by the appearance in order from before backward of the abdominal leaf-like feet. The A I FIG. 287.— Limulus polyphemus in the so-called Trilobite stage. A, Dorsal side ; B, ventral side (after Kingsley). leaf-like feet become biramose. Gills develop on them ; in the Trilobite stage rudi- ments of gills were found only on the most anterior pair of abdominal feet. The abdomen loses its segmentation. The caudal plate elongates by degrees into the caudal spine. Systematic position. — The relationship of the Xiphosura to the Crustacea is in any case very distant, since it is at present impossible to homologise the extremities of Limulus with typical Crustacean extremities, or to compare in detail the segmenta- tion of Limulus with that of any Crustacean. The biramose character of the leaf-like feet and of the 6th pair of thoracic feet is the only specific Crustacean characteristic shown by the Xiphosura, if we leave the gills out of consideration. The relation between the Xiphosura and .the fossil Hemiaspidce and Gigantostraca is evidently much closer. The Xiphosura, Nemiaspidce, and Gigantostraca are themselves again perhaps racially connected with the TriloUtcs. In any case, however, in the present state of science, it seems probable that all these groups are only connected at their roots with the Crustacea; The relations of the Gigantostraca and Xiphosura to the Arachnoidea, especially to the Scorpions, which is assumed by some observers, will be discussed later. Single genus Limulus. — Marine, L. moluccanus, Molucca, Sunda Islands ; L. polyphemus, East coast of North America. Most Important Literature. For general guidance. Karl A. Zittel. Handbuch der Palceontologie. 1. Abth. 2. Band. Mollusca und Arthropoda. Miinchen und Leipzig, 1881-1885. Trilobitze. H. Burmeister. Die Organisation der Trilobiten. Berlin, 1843. 422 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. J. Barrande. Systeme silurien du centre de la Boheme. Vol. I. Prague, 1852. Supplement. 1874. J. W. Salter and H. Woodward. A Monograph of British Trilobites. Palcconto- grapliical Society, 1867-1884. Fr. Schmidt. Revision der ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten. 1. Him. de I'Acad. imp. de St. Petersburg. Ser. VII, tome 30. 1881. C. D. Walcott. The Trilobitce. New and old evidence relating to its organisation. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Vol. VIII. 1881. Gigantostraca and Hemiaspidse. J. Nieszkowski. Der Eurypicrus remipes aus den obersilurischen Schichten der Insel Oesel, in Archiv f. Naturgeschichte Liv-, Est-, und Kurlands. 1. Ser. 2. Band. 1859. H. Woodward. A Monograph of British fossil Crustacea belonging to the order Mesostomata. Palwoniographical Society. Parts I-V. 1866-1878. Works of Huxley, Salter, Woodward, Baily, Schmidt, etc. Xiphosura. Alph. Milne-Edwards. Eecherches sur I' Anatomic des Limules, in Ann. Sciences naturelles, 5° serie, t. XVII. Paris, 1873. A. J. Packard. The Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology of Limulus polyphcmus, in Mem. Boston Society Natural History. Boston, 1880. E. Ray Lankester. Limulus an Arachnid, in Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, vol. 21. London, 1881. J. S. Kingsley. Notes on the Embryology of Limulus, in Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, vol. 25. London, 1885. Treatises of J. van der Hceven, Gegenbaur, Packard, Dohrn, R. Owen, Gulland, etc. Second Appendage to the Class of the Crustacea The Pantopoda (Pyenogonidse). The body, in comparison with the long and slender limbs, is extremely reduced, and falls into three divisions — proboscis or beak, trunk, and hind -body. The proboscis articulates with the most anterior trunk segment. At its point lies the mouth surrounded by three lips, and it contains internally the greater part of the fore-gut (" fish trap " apparatus). It consists of three pieces lying side by side longitudinally, an upper median piece and two lower lateral pieces. The trunk consists of 6 segments, the three anterior of which are always fused together ; it has lateral outgrowths on to the ends of which the limbs are hinged. The hind-body is unsegmented, short, truncated, and devoid of limbs. Extremities. — 7 pairs of extremities occur typically. The first extremities (1), the chelicerse, are innervated from the brain, and in the young animal end in pincers ; in the adult they are often reduced or altogether wanting. The following extremities (2-7) are inner- vated from the ganglia of the ventral chord, 2 and 3 from the most anterior ganglion, which consists in the larva of two separate ganglia. PANTOPODA 423 The 2d pair of extremities is generally shorter than those which follow, and in several genera is wanting. The 3d pair of extremities is developed in the males of all Panfopoda, and functions in them as egg-carriers. In several genera it is wanting in the females. The extremities 4-7 are never absent, they consist of nine joints, and end in claws, and are in comparison with the body exceedingly long, giving the animal a spider-like appearance. All the extremities are uniramose. The nervous system in the adult animal consists of a supra- cesophageal ganglion, an oesophageal commissure, and a ventral chord. The latter has 4 or 5 pairs of ganglia, from which arise the nerves for extremities 2 - 7 ; it ends posteriorly with one or two pairs of reduced ganglia, the last of which gives off nerves to the abdomen. FIG. 288.— Nymphon hispidum, male, ventral side (after Hoek). The setae are omitted. 1-7, Limbs ; (1, chelicerae ; 3, egg-carriers) ; s, proboscis ; ab, abdomen. Since the most anterior ganglion of the ventral chord consists of 2 or 3 pairs of ganglia, distinct in the larva, the complete number of the pairs of ganglia in the ventral chord is 8, 7 of which belong to the trunk and 1 to the abdomen. According to this the number of trunk segments and also of pairs of limbs must originally have been 8. From the supra-cesophageal ganglion the nerves for the eyes arise, and also those for the first pair of limbs and some of those for the proboscis. Some of the other proboscis nerves have their roots in the anterior portion of the first ventral ganglion. The nervous system of the proboscis with its ganglion is very complicated. Four eyes, each with a cuticular lens and a retina surrounded by pigment, lie on a prominence on the dorsal side of the first trunk segment. The enteric canal has 3 divisions : fore-gut, mid-gut, and hind-gut. The fore-gut, placed in the proboscis, has a complicated inner frame- work and a "fish trap" apparatus. The straight mid-gut is provided 424 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. with long eceea which project into extremities 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, some- times as far as the terminal joint. The anus lies at the end of the hind-body. Special respiratory organs are wanting. The heart has 2-3 pairs of ostia; its dorsal wall is fornled by the dorsal integument. The sexes are separate. The sexual glands are paired tubes, which extend through the trunk at the sides of and above the intestine, and are connected behind the heart by an unpaired piece. They give off accessory tubes into the extremities 4-7, which emerge on the 2d joints. In the male, however, the genital apertures are wanting in the 4th pair of extremities, and generally also in the 5th. In Pycnogonum and Rliyncliothorax only one aperture is found on each side in the females, and this is in the 7th pair of extremities. In the males, in the fourth joint of extremities 4-7 cement glands (coxal glands?) are found, whose secretion glues the eggs which issue from the female genital apertures into balls, which are carried about by the male on the 3d pair of extremities, transformed into egg-carriers. We find glands which are considered as excretory organs in the 2d and 3d pairs of extremities, emerging on the 4th or 5th joints. Ontogeny. — Most Pycnogonidce pass through a more or less complicated metamor- phosis. The youngest unsegmented larva carries 3 pairs of extremities, correspond- ing with extremities 1, 2, and 3 of the adult. The first ends in a claw. In spite of the agreement in the number of extremities this larva shows no near agreement with the Nauplius larva, and the extremities themselves, since they all consist of only one row of joints, do not show the character of the Nauplius limb. In the next stage new segments appear at the posterior end of the body and differentiate in the order from before backward. The enteric cceca at first do not project into the extremities. The cause of the entrance of enteric cceca and lateral tubes of the sexual glands into the interior of the limbs must be sought in the extraordinary reduction of the trunk and in the great longitudinal development of the limbs. The Pantopoda seem to occupy an isolated position among the Arthropoda. On account of the want of a typical Nauplius or Zocea larva we are not justified in placing them near the Crustacea, and they show no evident relation to any other class of Arthropoda. Many zoologists consider the Pantopoda to be related to the spiders, and establish the following homologies for the limbs. Extremity 1 = chelicerse or falces ; extremity 2 + the paired piece of the proboscis = lower jaw and pedi- palps ; extremities 3-6 = the 4 pairs of legs of the spider. Extremity 7 is want- ing in the adult spiders, but it is pointed out that in a few Arachnoidea the rudiments of paired extremities temporarily appear on the abdominal segments during embryonic development. On the other hand it must be remarked that the connection of the two paired pieces of the proboscis of the Pantopoda with the second extremity, and the homology of the two parts taken together with the lower jaw and pedipalp of the Arachnoidea, is by no means proved. The inner organisa- tion and the development give little footing for a special comparison of the Pantopoda with the Arachnoidea, since the coeca of the mid-gut have no great morphological significance. The Pantopoda are exclusively marine. Nymphon, Pallene, Phoxichilidium, Ammothea, Pycnogonum. Collossendeis gigas is a gigantic form in the deep seas. v PANTOPODA 425 The longest extremity sometimes measures 30 cm., while the whole body only attains a length of 8 cm. Most important Literature. Anton Dohrn. Die Pantopoden des Golfes von Ncapd. Eine Monographic in Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 3. Band. 1881. P. P. C. Hoek. Report on the Pycnogonida, in Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H. M.S. Challenger. Zoology, vol. III. 1881. In these works further bibliography is given. CHAPTER VI The second division of the Arthropoda. — Organisation and Development of the Air- breathing Articulata (Tracheata). Systematic Review. CLASS I. Protracheata (Onychophora). Body vermiform. A pair of preoral feelers at the point of the head. In the oral cavity a pair of horny jaws, at the side of the mouth oral papilla? (slime papillae), numerous pairs of short almost truncated limbs. Eespiration through tubular tracheae, whose outer apertures are scattered over the whole body. Numerous seg- mentally arranged pairs of nephridia. Coxal glands on the legs. Heart a long dorsal vessel with numerous pairs of ostia. CLASS II. Antennata (Myriapoda and Hexapoda). One pair of preoral feelers, 3 pairs of oral limbs. Trunk either homonomously segmented with numerous pairs of jointed legs, or heteronomously segmented with the limbs limited to the three segments of the anterior region of the trunk, the thorax ; the posterior region, the hind-body, being limbless. The head everywhere distinctly marked off from the trunk. Kespiration by means of tubular tracheae, whose outer apertures (stigmata) are segmentally arranged. The heart in the homono- mously segmented Myriapoda is a long dorsal vessel, supplied with many segmentally arranged pairs of ostia ; it runs through the trunk longitudinally : in the Hexapoda it is restricted to the abdomen. CLASS III. Chelicerota sive Arachnoidea. No preoral limbs comparable with the antennae of the Antennata or Protracheata. Several anterior body segments (7, including the frontal lobes) are fused to form an unsegmented region, called the cephalothorax. This carries 6 pairs of extremities, the most anterior of which lies in front of the mouth. The two anterior pairs are developed as oral limbs. The first are called the jaw-feelers (chelicerae), and the second jaw-palps (pedipalps). The 4 remaining pairs of extremities are jointed legs, generally long. Abdomen segmented or unsegmented, or fused with the thorax, Avith no developed limbs. Respiration either exclusively through book-leaf tracheae, or at the same time through book-leaf and tubular tracheae, or exclusively through tubular tracheae. Number of stigmata limited, at the most 4 pairs. The stigmata almost always lie in the abdomen. Heart, seldom wanting, restricted to the abdomen. CHAP. VI PROTRACHEATA 427 CLASS I. The Protraeheata (Onyehophora). An accurate knowledge of the organisation of the only genus belong- ing to this division, Peripatus, is of the greatest importance, because it combines unmistakable Annelid with unmistakable Tracheatan char- acteristics. Of all living Arthropoda, Peripatus has perhaps best preserved the original organisation of the ancestors of the Traclieata. Body. — The soft-skinned body is long and in appearance strikingly recalls certain Annelida, e.g. Hesione. The body is slightly flattened dorso-ventrally, with arched dorsal side and tolerably flat ventral side. The integument is ft °f 4 Fio. 289. — Peripatus Novae Zealandiaa (after Sedgwick). FIG. 290. — Peripatus Ectwardsii, Head from the under side. a, Basal portions of the antennae; op, oral papillae. The figure shows also the papillae surrounding the entrance to the oral cavity, and the jaws within the same. transversely ringed. The limbs are the only external indications of segmentation. The head is fairly distinct from the trunk. Over the whole body are scattered the wart-like papillae, each of which carries a hollow spine at its point. On each side of the head dorsally there is an eye, and in the middle of the ventral side is the mouth. The anus lies terminally at the posterior end of the body. Extremities. — The head carries anteriorly and dorsally two ringed and somewhat slender antenna. In the buccal cavity on each side lies a sickle-shaped jaw, consisting of two chitinous plates toothed along their inner sharp edges. On each side of the mouth arises a short ringed process beset with papillae. This process is called the oral or slime papilla. The trunk carries a varying number (14 to 42, accord- ing to the species) of similarly formed limbs. These extremities are placed laterally, at that part where the arched dorsal side bends in to meet the flat ventral side. Each extremity is truncated, 428 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. with transverse rows of papillae, which give it a ringed appearance, and each falls into two parts, a larger proximal conical leg and a smaller, narrower, distal foot, ending in two chitinous claws. Integument. — The body epithelium (hypodermis) is externally covered by a delicate chitinous cuticle. The spines on the papillae and claws on the feet also belong to the cuticular formation secreted by the hypodermis. Under the hypodermis lies a peculiar subepithelial layer, formed of fibres running in various directions. Musculature (Fig. 291). — Peripatus has a strongly developed dermo- muscular tube, which consists of the following layers : (1) an external layer of circular muscular fibres ; (2) a double layer of fibres crossing each other diagonally; (3) internally a strong longitudinal layer, con- t/m rt FIG. 291.— Transverse section through the antepenultimate segment of a female Peri- patus Edwardsii (after Gaffron). n, Longitudinal trunks of the nervous system ; h, heart (con- tractile dorsal vessel) ; 7m, longitudinal muscles ; ut, uterus ; d, intestine ; on, outer apertures of the nephridia. sisting of various bundles, whose arrangement on a transverse section of the body is shown in Fig. 291. In addition to these layers there are numerous sagittal or transverse muscle fibres corresponding with the dorso-ventral or transverse muscle fibres of the Annulata. Some of these fibres run through the body cavity in such a way as to divide - it into a median and two lateral divisions, the former containing the heart, the intestine, and the sexual organs, the latter the longitudinal trunks of the nervous system and the segmental organs. The muscul- ature of the extremities chiefly proceeds from the layer of diagonal fibres and the sagittal musculature. Special muscles serve for moving the jaws, claws, etc. None of the muscle fibres of Peripatus, except those of the jaw muscles,1 are transversely striated. The alimentary canal runs nearly straight through the body. 1 This exception, however, does not hold good for P. Leuckartii. VI PROTRACHEATA , 429 It falls into the following divisions : buccal cavity, pharynx, oeso- phagus, mid-gut or stomach-intestine, and rectum. The buecal cavity, in whose base the mouth proper lies, .arises ontogenetically by the growing together of a row of papillae surrounding the mouth ; the mouth and jaws are thus enclosed within a circular wall. In front of the mouth, within the buccal cavity, lies a median prominence, the tongue. At the back of the buccal cavity, where it passes into the pharynx, i.e. at the posterior edge of the mouth, is an invagination directed back- wards, into which the unpaired terminal portion of two salivary glands enters ; these glands are long tubes running through the greater part of the body longitudinally in the lateral divisions of the body cavity. At the anterior end, near the bend towards the common ter- minal division, each salivary gland has a ccecal vesicular appendage. The pharynx, which reaches to the region between the first and second pair of legs, possesses a very thick muscular wall : its lumen in a transverse section is Y-shaped. The oesophagus is shorter. Its wall, which consists of an outer longitudinal and an inner circular mus- cular layer, is much thinner than that of of Peripatus capensis, ventral side, laid open (after Balfour). a, Antenna; z, tongue ; fc, jaw ; dg, salivary gland ; gs, 3s FIG. 292.— Anterior end of the body are common terminal portion of the two salivary glands ; ph, pharynx ; ce, oaso- phagus ; I, the lip papillae surrounding the buccal cavity ; op, oral or slime papillge ; sld, duct or reservoir of the slime glands. the pharynx. These three divisions lined by the chitinous cuticle. The stomach - intestine stretches from near the two pairs of legs almost to the end of the body. Its wall is in folds, and its muscular layer (outer cir- cular and inner longitudinal, i.e. the reverse of what obtains in all anterior sections of the canal) is exceedingly thin. It is nowhere fastened to the body wall by mesenteries. The rectum, which is distinctly separated from the mid-gut, is considerably narrower, with a tolerably well-developed muscular wall. An endothelium (peritoneal epithelium) covers the outer muscular wall of the enteric canal and the other organs lying in or forming the boundary of the body cavity. The nervous system of Peripatus (Fig. 293) consists of a large brain placed in the head in front of and over the pharynx (supra- oesophageal ganglion), and of two ventral longitudinal nerve trunks proceeding from the brain, which run far apart in the lateral divisions of the body cavity to its posterior end. In each segment, i.e. in each part of the body corresponding with a pair of extremities, the longi- tudinal nerves are connected by several transverse commissures (9 -10 in 430 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Peripatus capensis). The longi- tudinal trunks show slight seg- mental swellings corresponding with the extremities ; they are also provided with a continuous layer of ganglion cells. At the posterior end of the body they pass over into each other above the rectum by means of a con- necting portion in which the layer of ganglion cells is want- ing. Numerous nerves go off laterally from the longitudinal trunks along their whole course ; these diverge at regular inter- vals and more or less correspond with the transverse commissures. Each extremity is supplied with two such lateral nerves. The nerves for the jaws diverge at the points where the longitud- inal trunks enter the brain ; rather farther back (or at the posterior end of the cesophageal commissure) arise the nerves for the oral papillae. Besides small nerves, the brain gives off strong nerves to the antennae. From its lower portion two more nerves arise which run to the tongue and the dorsal wall of the pharynx, and unite at the com- mencement of the oesophagus into an unpaired mediodorsal nerve forming a sympathetic nervous system. The two eyes correspond to some extent in their structure FIG. 293.— Anatomy of Peripatus cap- ensis (after Balfour). The enteric canal behind the pharynx is cut off and removed. g, Brain ; a, antenna ; op, oral or slime papil- lae ; sd, slime glands ; sr, slime reservoir, which at the same time acts as duct to the glands ; §04, sog, SOQ, SOQ, nephridia of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 9th pairs of limbs ; cd, elongated coxal gland of the last pair of feet ; go, genital aper- ture ; an, anus ; ph, pharynx ; n, longitudinal trunk of the nervous system. VI PROTRACHEATA 431 with the Aldopidan eye of the Chcetopoda described on p. 230. But the space containing fluid between the lens and the rod layer is wanting. The Peripatw eye proceeds ontogenetically from a hollow invagination of the cephalic ectoderm near the rudiments of the brain. The invagination closes and becomes the optic vesicle. The connection with the brain is said to arise later by the growing out of the optic nerve from the brain. The circulatory system consists of a contractile dorsal vessel or heart running through the body from the first segment to the last but one. This heart is supplied with paired ostia arranged segmentally and provided with valves. It lies in a pericardial sinus imbedded on its ventral side in a tissue comparable with the fat body of the Insecta. This sinus is incompletely separated from the underlying body cavity by a horizontal septum. The septum, which is formed of endothelium and muscle fibres running transversely, is fenestrated on both sides of the middle line. A median longitudinal nerve runs on the dorsal wall of the heart, as in the lulidce. Besides the heart a very fine medio- ventral longitudinal vessel is said to occur. Excretory organs (nephridia). Each trunk segment of Peri- patus is provided with a pair of nephridia. The nephridia lie in the lateral divisions of the body cavity and emerge on the under side of the extremities near their bases. Each nephridium (Fig. 294) consists of the 3 following parts : — (1) a terminal vesicle which opens out- wards through the external aperture ; (2) a looped nephridial canal bent back upon itself, which ends in (3) a funnel opening into the body cavity and placed near the terminal vesicle. We here find then the typical structure and arrangement of an Annulatan nephridium. In the 4th and 5th segment the nephridial canal is distinctly longer and forms many loops. The nephridia of the first three trunk* seg- ments are much smaller than the others ; their canal is short and without loops. According to the species, the nephridia are apparently wanting in the penultimate or antepenultimate segment, i.e. the last or penultimate limb-bearing segment. It has, however, been proved that the duets of the sexual organs which emerge here are transformed nephridia. Transformed nephridia are also found in two so-called anal glands, which open in the last body segment (the anal segment without extremi- ties) near the anus. These glands are wanting in the adult female, FIG. 294.— A nephridium of Peri- patus Edwardsii (after Gaffron). tr, Funnel ; sg, looped canal, or ne- phridial duct ; eb, terminal vesicle of the nephridium. 432 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. but appear temporarily in the course of development. It has also been ontogenetically proved that the salivary glands are the trans- formed nephridia of the segment carrying the oral papillae which has fused with the head ; this is of extreme importance. Two blindly ending canals which open into the oral cavity near the base of the jaws have been pointed out as nephridia of the jaw segment reduced to their eetodermal portion. Respiratory Organs. — It is a fact of great importance that Peripatus possesses the respiratory organs which are characteristic of the Tracheata, and which occur only in them. They consist of long, very fine, and thin chitinous tubes filled with air and widely dispersed through the body ; in Peripatus they are not branched ; they emerge united into tufts at the base of a flask -shaped depression of the integument. The outer aperture of such a depression may be called, as in the Tracheata, the stigma. In P. Edwardsii the stigmata occur in great numbers and quite irregularly all over the surface of the body. In P. capensis, on the contrary, at least some of the stigmata show a definite arrangement, viz. in longitudinal rows — on each side two, one dorsally and one ventrally. The stigmata in a longitudinal row are, however, more numerous than the pairs of legs. Leg Glands (eoxal glands) and Slime Glands. — In Peripatus capensis, in both sexes, there are paired glands emerging on the under side of the extremities, and only wanting in the first pair of trunk limbs. Every such coxal gland consists of a sac lying in the lateral division of the body cavity, and of a duct. The coxal glands of the last pair of feet are extraordinarily long in the male, and stretch far forward to near the middle of the body (Fig. 293, cd). In P. Edwardsii leg glands occur only in the males, not in each segment, but only in a certain number of segments lying in front of the genital segments ; one, two, or three glands may occur in each limb. There are two largely -developed thickly -branched slime glands (Fig. 293, sd), which must be considered as transformed leg glands, reaching far back into the body cavity. Their ducts run forward to emerge at the ends of the oral papillae. When the animals are irritated, these glands forcibly eject a secretion consisting of a tangle of viscid threads. Sexual Organs. — The sexes are separate. The best known sexual organs are those of P. Edwardsii. Those of other species seem in many points to be differently formed. (1) Female sexual apparatus (Fig. 295). This is as a rule paired. The two lateral halves, however, are connected at two points ; first, where the ovaries pass into the uteri, and second, to form the unpaired terminal division (vagina) leading to the exterior. The two ovaries are imbedded in a common envelope of connective tissue, and suspended to the pericardial septum in the median line by a ligament consisting of two muscles. They lie in the posterior portion of the body cavity. They are continued into the two uteri, which, close to the ovary, are united by an unpaired portion ; VI PROTRACHEATA 433 separating again and winding about the intestine, they run first for- wards then outwards, and finally backwards towards the median line, where they reunite to form the unpaired vagina, whose outer aperture lies ventrally between the penultimate pair of legs. Each uterus has in the part nearest the ovaries two appendages, a reeeptaeulum seminis and reeeptaeulum ovorum. The former is a sac opening into the uterus by means of two canals which unite at their mouths. This peculiar method of junction of the reeeptaeulum seminis and the uterus is explained by ontogeny. The reeeptaeulum is originally FIG. 295.— Female sexual organs of an older embryo of Peripatus Edwardsii (after Gaffron). U, Ovarial ligament; ov, ovarium ; ro, funnel portion of the reeepta- eulum ovorum ; rs, reeeptaeulum seminis ; ut, uterus ; va, vagina. FIG. 296.— Male genital apparatus of an adult Peri- patus Edwardsii spread out (after Gaffron). t, Testis; vs, vesicula seminalis ; vd, vas deferens ; de, ductus ejacu- latorius. only a U-shaped loop of the uterus. The two limbs of the loops unite at a later stage (Fig. 295, rs), fuse together at their ends, and open into each other, the partition wall disappearing. The limbs of the U-shaped bend thus become the two connecting canals, and the median piece (the bend of the U) becomes the sac of the reeeptaeulum seminis. The reeeptaeulum ovorum, which enters the part of the uterus lying between the ovary and reeeptaeulum seminis, consists of a funnel, which enlarges at its free edge into a blindly-closed sac of connective tissue filled with fertilised eggs. Peripatus is viviparous. The eggs develop in the uterus, in which all stages of VOL. I 2 F 434 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. development are met with, the youngest embryos close to the ovary, the oldest near the vagina. The younger embryos are fastened in a peculiar manner to the wall of the uterus, in the older embryos this placenta-like connection ceases, but they lie in a closed sac formed by the epithelium of the uterus. The position of the embryo in the uterus is externally marked by constrictions of that organ. As the embryos cannot travel along the uterus, the latter itself grows at the part nearest to the receptaculum seminis, while its last chamber shortens and degener- ates ; in this way space is provided for the attachment of new embryos to its wall. In copulation, which pro- bably takes place only once, the semen enters the receptaculum seminis. The eggs from the ovary which have reached the receptaculum ovorum pass thence into the uterus. In other species of Peripatus either the receptaculum seminis or the receptaculum ovorum may be wanting, and the eggs, which from the first have been better provided with nutritive yolk, do not attach themselves to the wall of the uterus. 2. Male genital apparatus (Fig. 296). — This is paired, with the exception of the ter- minal portion, which opens outwardly at the FIG. 297.— Part of a uterus same place as the vagina in the female. Each <* the two tubular te^ is continued into a cavity, and the embryo r(e) con- short vas effepens, which opens like a funnel tained in it with its placenta (ep), into a vesieula seminalis. From this again arises a fine coiled vas deferens, which, united with its companion, enters a long coiled terminal portion, the tubular duetus ejaeulatorius. In the proximal part of the latter an envelope of complicated structure is secreted round the masses of spermatozoa, and a spermatophore is formed. Ontogeny. — The development of Peripatus Edwardsii is complicated by the attachment of the embryos to the uterus wall, the latter undergoing considerable changes and forming a closed brood chamber (Fig. 297) round each embryo. In the case of each embryo an umbilical cord and placenta are formed, serving for its nourishment. Attached by the cord the embryo projects freely into the brood chamber. The side of the embryo turned away from the navel cord (which is a process of the dorsal side of its future head) becomes the ventral side. Around the embryo an envelope yielded by itself and called the amnion is formed, and is attached to the inner surface of the uterus. As the embryo grows older, it gradually curls up within the brood cavity. In Peripatus all those parts of the body which are metamerically or segment- ally repeated (the mesoderm segments, extremities, nervous system, coxal glands, etc.) develop and differentiate in the manner universally characteristic of the segmented animals, i.e. progressively in order from before backwards. The Mesoderm is differentiated into two ventral symmetrical mesoderm streaks, which unite posteriorly (at the edge of the blastopore) in a median zone, and in this VI PROTRACHEATA 435 zone, throughout embryonic development, active processes of growth go on. Besides this the cell material of the two mesoderm streaks themselves increases by a continuous process of division. Segmented cavities appear in the mesoderm streaks in continuous succession from before backward, and these separate into mesoderm segments or mesoderm sacs with Avails, which are at first unilaminar. The further differentiation of these mesoderm sacs occurs in such a way that each falls into three cavities, one of which becomes the nephridial funnel (Fig. 299, A-C] Avhile the others disappear as distinct cavities, and the cell material of their Avails yields the mesodermal por- tions (endothelium, muscles, connective tissue) of the trunk and of the extremities. The extremities arise as outgrowths of the body Avail. The first pair of rudimentary A FIG. 298.— Embryo of Peripatus Edwardsii, with growths beginning round the jaws. An- terior end of the body from the ventral side (after v. Kennel), fc, Jaws ; p, papillae, embracing the jaws laterally ; op, oral papillae ; no, nephridial aperture of the segment of the oral papillae. FIG. 299.— A, B, C, Diagrams to elucidate the development of the nephridia of Peripatus Edwardsii (after v. Kennel). Only one side of the body is represented in the transverse section. I, II, III, The three divisions into which each mesoderm sac falls ; II, the division which forms the rudiment of the funnel. In A the rudiment of the nephridial canal (nc) has appeared as an invagination of the ectoderm, in B it has united with the funnel rudiment (II) ; m, mesoderm ; Ib, body cavity ; n, longitudinal trunks of the nervous system ; d, intestine. extremities, after the antennse, develop into the jaws ; the second into the oral papillae (Fig. 298). The two segments corresponding with them fuse with the primitive head segment to form the later secondary head. The pharynx and oesophagus (stomodseum) and the hind-gut (proctodseum) form by imaginations of the ectoderm which open later into the endodermal mid-gut. The buccal cavity arises by the growing up of a rampart round the oral region, and in this cavity the jaws come to lie. ^^Thile the coxal glands (including the slime glands), which proceed exclusively from ectodermal invaginations, are clearly dermal glands, the nephridia (and the salivary glands, genital ducts, and anal glands, which are homologous with- them) arise out of paired rudiments. The funnel comes, as has already been mentioned, from one part of a mesoderm sac and only later becomes connected with an ectodermal invagination which yields the terminal vesicle, and, as it appears, the whole nephridial 436 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. duct also, however long and coiled it may be. The salivary glands in the young recently hatched animal still function as nephridia and have funnels opening towards the body cavity, which afterwards close but are still retained in the adult animal as vesicular appendages. Their nephridial ducts grow out far beyond the funnels to form blindly ending tubes posteriorly. Their apertures approach the middle line by the growing up of the oral enclosure and thus reach the floor of the buccal cavity. A new median invagination of the integument then yields their impaired duct. The genital ducts represent the nephridia of the penultimate limb -bearing segment and develop in a similar manner (Fig. 300). At first their outer apertures lie laterally, and apart. Later they approach the middle line. The uteri in the female and vasa deferentia in the male, which correspond with the nephridial canal of the typical nephridia, are joined by a new median unpaired invagination from without, and from this proceed, in the male the ductus ejaculatorius, and in the female the vagina. The brain and longitudinal nerve trunks arise as paired thickenings of the ectoderm, which differ- entiate from before backward and separate from the ectoderm. The rudimentary ganglia of the jaw segment fuse at a later stage with the rudimentary ganglia of the head segment to form the brain. FIG. 300.— A, B, C, Diagrammatic representation of the development of the female sexual apparatus of Peripatus Edwardsii in transverse sections (after v. Kennel), ov, Ovary, proceeding from the median portion of the mesoderm sac ; ml, that part of the female genital apparatus which corresponds with the nephridial fun- nel, and from which proceed chiefly the receptaculum ovorum and the piece which connects the uteri with the ovaries ; ee, paired ectodermal in- vaginations, which become the uterus. In B the two invaginations have ap- proached each other in the middle line, and in C at this point a new unpaired ectodermal invagination (va) has appeared, the rudiment of the vagina ; d, intestine ; n, longitudinal trunks of the nervous system. The Systematic Position of Peripatus. If we try to estimate what has been said about the organisation and development of this animal from a comparative point of view, we come to the conclusion that Peripatus unites typical Annulatan characteristics with typical Arthropodan and espe- cially Tracheatan characteristics. The following are its Annulatan characteristics : (1) segment- ally arranged nephridia of the type of the per- manent trunk nephridia of Worms ; (2) segment - ally arranged coxal glands, which are undoubtedly homologous with the Chsetopodan setiparous glands ; (3) a dermo-muscular tube, which most nearly approaches that of the Hirudinea. The truncated form of the extremities and the structure of the eye are less significant. The following are the Arthropodan and especially Tracheatan characteristics of Peri- patus:— (1) the respiratory organs developed in the form of tracheae ; (2) the dorsal heart lying in a pericardial sinus and supplied with many pairs of ostia, and the lacunar circulatory system ; (3) the transformation of extremities into mouth parts (jaws) ; (4) the specific form of the salivary glands. The nervous system deviates in a characteristic way from the somewhat similar nervous system of the Annulata and of the Arthropoda, by the lateral position of the ventral longitudinal trunks, the slight development of the ganglia, and the large number of transverse commissures in each segment. The nervous system of Peripatus vi PROTRACHEATA 437 is a ladder nervous system, which shows striking similarity with that of the Amphi- neura, Placophora, and Zeugobranchia among the Mollusca, and that of certain Platodes and Nemertina. There is no doubt, however, that the ladder nervous system of Peripatus is homologous with the brain and ventral cord of the Annulata and Arthropoda. Its specifically deviating form may be regarded in two ways : (1) The ladder nervous system of Peripatus has arisen out of a typical ventral cord by the moving apart of its symmetrical halves and the increase of the transverse commissures ; (2) in contrast with the ventral cord of the Annulata it represents a more primitive condition. The latter view seems to us the more plausible, since we adhere to the opinion that the ventral cord of the Annulata itself proceeded from a ladder-like nervous system by the moving together of the longitudinal trunks towards the ventral middle line. Peripatus, according to this view, would be related only to the typically segmented racial form of the Annulata. The fact is perhaps not without significance that the Phyllopoda also (wThich are held to stand nearest of all the living Crustacea to the racial form) possess a ladder-like nervous system. The large number of trans- verse commissures in each segment must be a secondary condition. In a few Annulata we find more than one transverse commissure, also probably as a secondary condition ; the same is also the case in the Phyllopoda. The tracheae of Peripatus may perhaps be regarded as dermal glands transformed by adaptation to life on land, glands similar to those long mostly unicellular dermal glands which in certain Hirudinea and many Turbellaria spread far through the body parenchyma. From the point of view of Comparative Anatomy it is of the greatest importance to have proved that the salivary glands and genital ducts are transformed nephridia, helping us as it does to understand the morphological significance of these organs in the Trachcata. No less important is the almost certain proof that the slime and coxal glands are homologous, and that these dermal glands are homologous with the setiparous glands of the Annulata, especially with reference to similar glands in the Traclieata. It cannot be certainly proved that the antennse, jaws, and oral papillae of Peripatus .correspond with the antennse mandibles, and one pair of maxillae of the Tracheata. Single genus : Peripatus. Animals avoiding light, and living on land in damp places, under the bark of old trees, under stones, etc. P. capensis : on the wooded slopes of Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope. P. Edivardsii : Venezuela ; related species in Trinidad. P. Novce Zealandice ; P. Leuckartii : Australia. Literature. H. N. Moseley. On the Structure and Development of Peripatus capensis, in Philos. Transactions. Vol. CLXIV. 1874, and in Proc. Roy. Soc. No. 153. Vol. XXII. 1874. F. M. Balfour. The Anatomy and Development of Peripatus capensis. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science. Vol. XXIII. 1883. J. v. Kennel. Entwicklungsgeschicte von Peripatus Edivardsii und P. torquatus. I. u. II. in Arbeiten Zool. Inst., Wiirzburg. Vols. VII. and VIII. 1885 to 1886. E. Gaffron. Beitrdge zur Anatomie und Histologie von Peripatus, in Schneider's Zool. Beitrdge. Vol. I. 1883. 1885. A. Sedgwick. A Monograph of the Development of Peripatus capensis, in Studies from the Morphological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Vol. IV. London, 1888. Also in Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science. In these Treatises also further Bibliography. 438 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. CLASS II. Antennata. Systematic Review. Sub-Class I. Myriapoda. Millipedes. Trunk homonomously segmented, segments usually numerous, of nearly equal size, and, except the last, provided with feet. "Without compound eyes. With numerous ocelli. Order 1. Symphyla. With not more than 12 leg-bearing trunk segments. One pair of branched tracheae, whose stigmata lie in the head. Unpaired genital aperture in the 4th segment. Scolopendrella (Fig. 301, p. 444). Order 2. Chilopoda. Body more or less flattened dorso-ventrally. Each body ring carries only one pair of limbs and answers to a segment. The two pairs of maxillae are separate. The first pair of trunk feet moved on to the head as maxillipedes with poison glands emerging on the terminal claw. Unpaired genital aperture on the penultimate segment. Fam. Scutigeridce : with compound eyes. Trunk consists of 15 leg-bearing segments. Scutigera. Fam. LithoUidce : trunk consists of 15 leg-bearing segments. No compound eyes, but ocelli. LithoUus (Fig. 323, p. 464), Henicops. Fam. Scolopendridce : with 21 or 23 leg-bearing trunk segments (the maxillipedal segment not included). Body elongated. Scolopendra, Cryptops. Fam. Geophilidce : body very long, with 31-173 leg-bearing trunk segments. GeopMlus, Himantarium. Order 3. Diplopoda (Chilognatha). Body mostly arched. From the 5th segment onwards each ring has 2 pairs of legs and thus corresponds \vith a double segment. The two pairs of maxillae are fused to form the so-called gnathochilarium. Without maxillipedes. Paired genital apertures between the 2d and 3d pairs of legs. The legs of the 7th ring in the male are changed into copulatory organs. Fam. Polyxenidce : 15 pairs of feet. Gnatho- chilarium rudimentary. Copulatory feet wanting. Polyxenus. Fam. Glomeridce : 11-14 rings. Glomeris. Fam. Polydesmidce : without eyes. 19-20 trunk rings, 29- 31 pairs of feet. Polydesmus, Brachydesmus. Fam. Chordeumidce : 30 trunk rings, 45-50 pairs of feet. Atractosotna, Craspcdosoma, Chordeuma. Fam. Lysiopetalidce : number of rings large, indefinite. Lysiopetalum. Fam. lulidce : 30-70 or more rings. lulus. Fam. Polyzonidce : gnathochilarium reduced. Number of the rings inconstant, 30-100 or more. Polyzonium. Order 4. Pauropoda. Feeler with several flagella. Only one pair of weakly developed maxillae. 10 trunk segments. 9 pairs of legs. Tracheae as yet not discovered. Genital apertures at the base of the second pair of legs. Pauropus. Sub-Class II. Hexapoda. Insecta. Trunk heteronomously segmented ; the almost constant number of segments of unequal size, the body is divided into head, thorax of 3 segments, and hind body of 10 segments. Each of the 3 thoracic segments has a pair of legs. Abdomen limbless. Compound eyes as well as ocelli almost always present. Apertures of the sexual organs always at the end of the hind body. vi ANTENNATA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 439 Legion I. Apterygota. Without wings. With rudiments of abdominal limbs, at least in the Thysanura. Without metamorphosis. Order 1. Thysanura. With 10 abdominal segments and 2-3 jointed bristle- shaped appendages (cerci) on the anal segment. Compound eyes and ocelli may be present or absent. Machilis, Lepisma, Nicoletia, Campodea (Fig. 302, p. 444), lapyx. Order 2. Collembola. With 6 abdominal segments or fewer. Nearly always a springing fork at the end of the hind-body. Without compound eyes. Occasionally with ocelli. Sminthurus, Podura, Isotoma, Macrolomct. Legion II. Pterygota. With a pair of wings on both the 2d and 3d thoracic segments. There are unwinged forms, which, however, are descended from winged ancestors. Order 1. Dermaptera (Forficulidse), Earwigs. Insects with gradual metamorphosis, and with biting mouth parts. The last abdominal segment has unjointed appendages (cerci), which form a pincer. Fore- wings short, changed into horny wing covers. Hind-wings large, delicate skinned, fan- shaped, can be folded longitudinally and transversely. Paired genital apertures, of which one may be rudimentary. Forficula, Labidura. Order 2. Orthoptera. Insects with gradual metamorphosis, with biting mouth parts ; with 2 pairs of membranous or parchment-like wings, sometimes wanting. Fore-wing generally shorter and more chitinous than the hind-wing. Variously shaped cerci on the hind body. Sexual apertures unpaired. Embidce, Blattidce (cockroaches : Pcriplancta, Blatta}. Mantidce (Mantis, praying insect). Phasmidce (stick or spectre insects, Bacillus, Phasma, Phyllium}. Saltatoria, including the 3 families, Acridiidce (grasshoppers : Acridium, (Edipoda, Mecostcthus, Stenobothrus, Tcttix, etc. ) ; Locustidce (Locusta, Thamnotrizon, Platycleis, Decticus) ; and Gryllidce (Gryllus, Gryllotalpa, Myrm ccophila). Order 3. Ephemeridse. Insects with incomplete metamorphosis. Mouth parts somewhat reduced, of the biting type. Hind -wing small or wanting, fore -wing large, wings finely membranous. Hind body with 3 (rarely 2) long cerci. Paired genital ducts, emerging separately. Larvte apneustic, Thysanura-like, with tracheal gills, and with biting mouth parts, live in water. Ephemera, Palingcnia, Chloe. Order 4. Odonata (Libellulidse). Insects with incomplete metamorphosis, and with biting mouth parts. Hind body with 2 unjointed anal processes. Both pairs of wings are large, and glass-like, with a rich network of veins. Thoracic legs moved forward. Larvae in water with various sorts of tracheal gills, apneustic. Libcllula, ^Jschna, Caloptcryx, Agrion, etc. 440 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY .CHAP. Order 5. Plecoptera (Perlaria). Insects with incomplete or gradual metamorphosis, with biting mouth parts. Hind body generally with 2 long cerci. Both pairs of wings large, veins forming large meshes, the hinder pair often broader than the front pair, and partly foldable. The Thysanura-like larvre live in water, with tracheal gills, apneustic. The tracheal gills often persist in the imago. Pcrla (Fig. 317, p. 456), Nemura. Order 6. Corrodentia. Insects without, or with gradual metamorphosis, with biting mouth parts. "Wings often wanting. In the Termites they are finely membranous, and in the sexual animals deciduous. They are wanting in the workers. Some Psoeidce and the Mallopliagct are wingless. The compound eyes are wanting in the Mallopliaga. The Avings of the winged Psoeidce are glassy, areolate, and like those of the Hymen- optera. Young forms Thysanura-like. Termitidce (white ants, which form communities, Termcs, Calotermes) ; Psoeidce ( Troctcs, Psocus, book lice ; Mallophaga, parasites feed- ing on the fur of animals or feathers of birds ; Trichodectes, Philopterus, bird lice ; Liotheum). Order 7. Thysanoptera sive Physopoda. Insects with gradual metamorphosis, the larval form very like the imaginal. The last larval stage goes without food. Sucking mouth parts. The claws of the short feet with the adhering lobes of the tarsus changed into a protrusible vesicular apparatus. Wings very narrow, with reduced veining, with long fringed edges, often wanting or rudimentary. Only 3 or 4 pairs of stigmata, one or 2 on the thorax, one on the first and one on the eighth ring of the hind body. Nervous system con- centrated. Thrips. Order 8. Rhynchota. Insects with gradual metamorphosis (in the males of the Coccidce complete meta- morphosis). Mouth parts form a proboscis adapted for piercing and sucking. Compound eyes are wanting in the parasitic Rhynchota. Sub-Order 1. Phytophthires. With two pairs of membranous wings. Generally wanting in the female. The Coccidce have only fore-wings, the hind-wings being changed into halteres. Fam. Psyllidce : with 2 pairs of wings (fore-wings parchment-like) ; Psylla, Lima. Fam. Aphidce : with 2 pairs of membranous wings, generally wanting in the female ; Aphis, Chermes, Schizoneura, Phylloxera. Fam. : Coccidce, scale insects ; Coccus, Lecanium, Aspidiotus. Sub-Order 2. Pediculidse (Aptera), Lice. Without facet eyes and without wings. Pediculus, Hcematopinus, Phthirius. Sub-Order 3. Heteroptera (Hcmiptera), Bugs. Four wings (seldom wanting). The anterior horny wing-covers are membranous at their points. Hind-wings membranous. Geocores (land bugs : Hydrometra, Halo- bates, Pentatoma, Coreus, Corizus, Alydus, Pyrrhocoris, Lygaeus, Miris, Capsus, Acanihia [bed-bugs], Reduviis, etc.) Hydrocores (water -bugs : Nepa, JRanatra, Naucoris, Corixa, Notonccta, etc.) vi ANTENNATA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 441 Sub-Order 4. Homoptera. Fore-and hind-wings similar in shape and membranous, but the fore-wings are always somewhat harder. Cicada, Fulgora, Pscudophana, Centrotus, Aphrophora, Tettigonia, Ledra, etc. Order 9. Neuroptera. Insects with complete metamorphosis and biting mouth parts. 2 pairs of membranous glassy wings, closely reticulate. Fam. Megaloptera : Myrmeleon, Mantispa, Hcmerobius, Chrysopa. Fam. Sialidce : larvse mostly in water, with trachea! gills. Sialis, Corydalis, Raphidia. Order 10. Panorpata. Insects with complete metamorphosis and biting mouth parts. 2 pairs of narrow membranous wings, widely reticulate. Larvse catterpillar-like. Panorpa, Bittacus, Boreus (wings rudimentary). Order 11. Trichoptera (Phryganidae), Caddis-flies. Insects with complete metamorphosis. Mandibles rudimentary. Maxillse form a membranous blunt proboscis. Body mostly hairy, less frequently scaly. Hind- wings generally larger than the fore-wings, folding like a fan. The larvse, which resemble those of cockchafers, live in tubes or cases chiefly in the water, have tracheal gills, and are apneustic. Phryganea, Limnophilus, Halesus, Hydropsyche, Mystacides, etc. Order 12. Siphonaptera sive Aphaniptera, Fleas. Insects with complete metamorphosis, with piercing and sucking mouth parts. No wings. No facet eyes. Parasites. Pulex, Sarcopsylla, Ceratopsyllus. Order 13. Coleoptera, Beetles. Insects with complete metamorphosis and biting mouth parts. Fore-wings as horny wing cases (elytra). Hind-wings membranous, can fold transversely and longi- tudinally, serve exclusively for flight. Larvse variously shaped, often Thysanura-like, occasionally like the cockchafer larvse, seldom limbless (Curculionidce), with biting mouth parts. Several thousand genera with over 80,000 species. Sub-Order 1. Cryptotetramera. The tarsi are four -jointed, one joint being rudimentary. Fam. Coccinellidce, EndomychidcK. Sub-Order 2. Cryptopentamera. Tarsi five -jointed, one joint being reduced and hidden. Fam. Chrysomelidce, Cerambycidce, Curculionidce, Bostrychidce, etc. Sub-Order 3. Heteromera. Tarsi of the two anterior pairs of legs five-jointed, those of the posterior pairs four-jointed. Fam. Meloidce (Cantharidce), Rhipiphoridoe, Tenebrionidce, (Edemeridce, Cistelidce, etc. 442 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Sub-Order. 4. Pentamera. Tarsi as a rule five-jointed in all legs. Fam. Xylophaga, Malacodermata, Elate- ridce, Buprestidce, Lamcllicornia, Silphidce, Pselapliidce, Staphylinidce, HydropMlidce, Dytiscidce, Carabidce, Cicindelidce, etc. Order 14. Lepidoptera. Insects with complete metamorphosis and sucking mouth parts, forming a pro- boscis which can generally be curled up. Body covered with scales. Both pairs of wings similar, membranous, covered with scales, rarely foldable. Hind-wings generally somewhat smaller than fore -wings. The larvae are caterpillars, with anal feet, with biting mouth parts, rarely (Micropteryx) footless. Sub-Order 1. Microlepidoptera. Fam. Pterophoridce, Tineidce, Pyralidce, Tortricidce. Sub-Order 2. Geometrina. Fam. Phytometridce, Deiidrometridce. Sub-Order 3. Noctuina. Fam. Ophiusida, Plusiadce, Agrotidce, Cuculliadce, Acronyctidce, etc. Sub-Order 4. Bombycina. Fam. Bonibycidce, Saturnidce, Psychidce, Zygcenidce, Cossidce, Liparidce, Eupre- piadce, Notodontidce. Sub-Order 5. Sphingina. Fam. Sesiadce, Sphingidce. Sub- Order 6. Ehopalocera. Fam. Hesperidce, Lyccenidce, Satyridce, Nymphalidce, ffeliconiidce, Equitidce. Order 15. Hymenoptera. Insects with complete metamorphosis, with mandibles adapted for biting and maxillae generally adapted for sucking. Usually 4 membranous, transparent, slightly veined wings. Various sorts of caterpillars — those of the Tenthredinidce and Uro- ceridce are footless, i.e. maggot-like. Sub-Order 1. Terebrantia. Female with ovipositor (borer or tube). Fam. Tenthredinidce, Uroceridce, Cyni- pidce (gall flies). The larvae of the Pteromalidce, Braconidce, Ichneumonidce, JSvaniadce, are generally parasitic in the larvae of other insects. Sub-Order 2. Acnleata. Female with poison sting and poison glands. Fam. Formicidce (ants), Fossoria (sand wasps), Vespidce (social wasps), Apidce (bees). vi ANTENN ATA— OUTER ORGANISATION 443 Order 16. Diptera. Insects with complete metamorphosis, with sucking and sometimes also piercing mouth parts. Fore-wings membranous, transparent. Hind-wings transformed into halteres. Larvse maggot-shaped (without legs), with or without head. Sub- Order 1. Pupipara. Viviparous. The larvse are born shortly before entering ^ the pupal state. Parasites. Wings often rudimentary. Melophayus, Braula, Nyctcribia. Sub-Order 2. Brachycera, Flies. Feelers short, generally three -jointed. Many families: Muscidce, Conopidce, Oestridce, Syrphidce, Empidce, Asilidce, Bombyliidce, Therevidce, Tabanidce, Leptidce, Xylophagidce, Sir atiomy idee. Sub-Order 3. Nemocera (Tipularia), Gnats. Feelers long, many -jointed, in the male often plumose. Fam. Bibionidce, Fungicolce, Noctuiformes, Culiciformes, CuUtidce, Gallicolce, Limnobiidce. Of the above enumerated orders that of the Dermaptera is usually placed as a family of the Orthoptera. The Epliemeridce, Odonata, Plecoptera, Corrodentia, and Thysanoptera are often united into the order of the Pseudoneuroptera, and the Panorpata incorporated with the Neuroptera. I. Outer Organisation.1 A. The Body. Myriapoda. The body consists of a head and a large number of uniform trunk segments, the anterior 3 of which correspond with the 3 thoracic segments of the Hexapoda (Insecta). The head has almost certainly arisen from at least 4 fused segments. Symphyla (Scolopendrella). — The trunk in this division, which probably stands nearest to the common racial form of the Myriapoda and Hexapoda, consists of 12 distinct leg-bearing segments, and an anal segment with 2 processes which may be described as spinning stylets (Fig. 301). Two feelers, which lie in front of these spinning processes, are perhaps transformed legs, and indicate the existence of a 13th pre-anal segment. If so, the whole number of trunk segments would be 13 or 14, and would then almost exactly correspond with the original number of segments in the Hexapodan trunk, in which the thorax has 3 and the abdomen 10 (perhaps 11) segments. The 1 This representation of the outer organisation can only be of the most general char- acter. For details, which are of great zoological importance, we must refer the reader to systematic works on Entomology. 444 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Pauropoda have the smaller number of 10 trunk segments (including the anal segment). In the Chilopoda (Fig. 323, p. 464) and Diplopoda the number of trunk segments is larger and often very considerable (in Himantarium there are as many as 173). It is possible that this large number of segments is not an original peculiarity of the Chilopoda and FIG. 301.— Scolopendrella immaculata (after Latzel). FIG. 302.— Campodea staphylinus, without the setae and hairs (after Lubbock). Diplopoda, but secondarily acquired, as in the serpents. In the Diplopoda only the 4 or 5 anterior trunk rings represent single segments, each subsequent ring is a double segment. Hexapoda. The body of the Hexapoda falls typically into 3 parts quite distinct from each other : head, thorax, and hind body (abdomen). The un- segmented head probably originally consisted of 4 segments. The thorax is composed of 3 segments : prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, answering to the 3 anterior trunk segments of the Myriapoda. The typical number of segments of the hind-body is 1 0 or 11. The thorax and the abdomen together form the trunk, which may be compared with the trunk of the Symphyla. Among the vi ANTENNATA— MOUTH PARTS 445 Apterygota the Thysanum possess 10 abdominal segments, and the Collembola a varying number, but always less than 1 0. In the Pterygota the number of abdominal segments in the adult animals varies, and is generally less than 1 0. This diminution is caused by the fusing of those segments which are connected with the genital apparatus and lie in front of the last, and secondly by the fusing of the anterior abdominal segments (usually only the first) with the thorax. On the other hand in a few insects (Macrolepidoptera, Diptera, and PJiynchota) the last (3d) thoracic segment is joined with the abdomen. B. The Limbs. The limbs of the Insecta consist of single rows of joints. We distinguish the limbs of the head from those of the trunk. It is certain that each trunk segment was originally provided with a pair of limbs (as is now the case in Peripatus and the Myriapoda). In the Hexapoda, however, only the limbs of the 3 anterior trunk segments, i.e. of the thorax, have been retained. 1. The Limbs of the Head. There are, typically, 4 pairs of cephalic appendages, which are called, in the order from before backward, the Antennae (feelers) Mandibles, anterior and posterior Maxillae. Comparing these cephalic limbs with the analogous limbs of the Crustacea, we see that in the Myriapoda and Insecta one pair of antennse is wanting. The cephalic limbs themselves are divided into 2 groups, the feelers, and the oral limbs or mouth parts (mandibles and maxillse). The feelers (antennae) of the Myriapoda and Hexapoda are always found in one single pair, and are pre-oral, springing from the forehead ; they are long and slender, many jointed, very variously formed in details, and v.ery often different in the two sexes. They are organs of touch, and at the same time carry the olfactory organs. They are innervated from the brain. The oral limbs (mouth parts) vary extraordinarily in form, according to the special functions to which they are adapted, these functions being chewing, triturating, biting, sucking, and piercing, etc. The tracing back of all these variously transformed mouth parts of the Hexapoda to 3 pairs of oral limbs (mandibles, and anterior and posterior maxillse) is one of the greatest achievements of comparative anatomy. We can only take into consideration the principal forms of these oral limbs. The mouth parts of the Orthoptera form the best starting-point in our review, because in them the composition of the lower lip (labium) of 2 lateral pieces (posterior maxillae) is most evident. The whole apparatus (Fig. 303) is as follows. 446 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 1. The upper lip (labrum Ibr) is an unpaired piece which covers the oral aperture in front and from above, and has nothing* to do with the limbs. 2. The Mandibles (upper jaws, md) consist on each side of a powerful but unsegmented masticatory plate with toothed edge. 3. The anterior maxillae (lower jaw). Each of these 2 maxillae consists of a 2-jointed basal portion (mx^, which carries first a 5-jointed feeler (pin, palpus maxillaris), and second, 2 un jointed 771 X. Fig. 303.— Mouth parts of Blatta (Orthoptera, after Savigny). Ibr, Labrum (upper lip) ; md, mandible; mx1} anterior pair of maxillae; mx.2, posterior pair of maxillae = lower lip (labium); st, stipes (stem) ; m, mentum ; sm, submentum ; mi and me, mala interna and externa, inner and outer ridges of the 1st and 2d pairs of maxillae ; pm, palpus maxillaris, feeler of the anterior maxillae ; pi, palpus labialis, feeler of the posterior maxillae. masticatory ridges, one outer (me, mala externa) and one inner (mi, mala interna). 4. The posterior maxillae together form the lower lip (labium, mx2). Each posterior maxilla consists of the same parts as the anterior maxillae (basal part, 3-jointed feeler pi, outer and inner masticatory ridges me and mi), but the 2 basal parts on each side have grown together behind and below the mouth in the middle line. These mouth parts are adapted for biting and chewing. » We shall now describe the most important modifications of the above type in systematic order. VI ANTENNATA— MOUTH PARTS 447 Myriapoda. Symphyla. — Mouth parts for chewing. Upper lip, mandibles, and 1 pair of maxillse with only 1 masticatory ridge and rudimentary feeler. The Pauropoda have similar mouth parts also weakly developed. The mouth parts of both •/y%k. *rK / V groups require further investigation. Chilopoda (Fig. 304).— The mouth parts, apart from the upper lip and the hypopharynx which belongs to the lower cesophageal wall, consist of the typical limbs, mandibles, anterior and posterior maxillse. The anterior pair of maxillse has well developed masticatory ridges, but has no feeler or only a rudimentary one. The feelers are well developed on the 2d pair of maxillse, but the masticatory ridges are wanting. The basal por- tions of these maxillae are sometimes Fi- 304.-Lithobius validus. The head from below after removal of the maxillipedes (after Latzel). separate, sometimes fused. a> Antenn83 ; sk> frontal portion of the cephalic shield ; Diplopoda. — The mouth parts are Oc, grouped ocelli; pi, feeler of lower lip or of the 2d here complicated and difficult to ex- pair of maxillse ; stl, stems of the same fused in the plain. The powerful upper law is middle line ; sto, stems of 1st pair of maxillse ; me, ?m, ,. -11 I, ,, , ,. / .1 outer and inner ridges of the same, followed by the lower lip (gnatho- chilarium, Fig. 305). This lower lip is said by some observers to consist of only 1 pair of maxillse. Others explain the pieces represented in the figure in such a way that the paired halves of the middle piece, each of which is provided with a masticatory ridge, correspond with the stem pieces of the posterior maxillse (lower lip), and the 2 lateral pieces each provided with 2 masti- catory ridges with the stem portions of the anterior maxillse, the palps being absent. Although this last view, which rests upon analogous modification of the 2 pairs of maxillse in certain beetle larvse (Elateridce), is preferable from the point of view of comparative anatomy, it is not yet quite certainly established. The developmental history, as far as it is as yet known, seems rather to support the first view, since the mandibles and the gnathochilarium of the Fig. 305.-The Gnathochilarium of Lysiopetalum Dipl^poda are said to come from the carmatum (Diplopoda, after v. Rath), mx,, Stem of *.* the anterior ; mz2) of the posterior maxillae (?) ; me and rudiments of 2 pairs of feet. A corn- mi, outer and inner masticatory ridges of the anterior parison of the mouth parts of the maxillae ; m, masticatory ridge of the posterior maxillse Myriapoda on a new ontogenetic Cower lip). basig ig urgently needed. Hexapoda. Apterygota. — The mouth parts of the Apterygota are adapted for mastication mx 448 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. and agree in all essential points with the Orthopteran type above described. The composition of the lower lip out of 2 maxillse is especially clearly shown in the Aptera. Both pairs of maxillse possess well developed palps. Pterygota. — The mouth parts of the Orthoptera were described and illustrated above. As, however, .the mouth parts of other orders of the Insecta deviate markedly from these, it is necessary to describe the more typical forms or arrangements. A knowledge of the mouth parts of a small family of the MicroUpidoptera, the Micropterygina, throws light on the mouth parts of the Lepidoptera. We here still find the typical parts : (1) toothed mandibles, capable of mastica- tion ; (2) anterior maxillae, with separate basal portions, with 6-jointed palps and 2 e masticatory ridges ; and (3) a lower lip (posterior maxillfe) whose basal cm. FIG. 306.— Mouth parts of a Macrolepidop- tera larva (Ocneria). Lettering as in Figs. 303 and 309. FIG. 307.— A, Mouth parts of the Macrolepidoptera. B, The lower lip (2d pair of maxillfe), isolated. Lettering as before, sr, Sucking proboscis, corresponding with the fused ridges of the 1 st pair of maxillae. portions are fused into one common piece, but carry 3-jointed palps and masticatory ridges still distinctly separate. The 2 inner ridges have grown together and form a short tube. In the other Microlepidoptera the mandibles lose their teeth and become rudimentary. On the anterior maxillae only 1 ridge is found. The ridges VI ANTENNATA— MOUTH PARTS 449 of the 2 pairs of maxillae fit together to form a sucking proboscis which can easily be coiled up. In the Macrolepidoptera the mandibles have disappeared, but the sucking proboscis formed by the 2 ridges of the anterior maxillae is on the contrary very strongly developed c and capable of being coiled. The maxillar and labial palps are nearly always retained, the former generally in a very reduced condition (1 -jointed in the Sphingina and many Rhopa- locera). In some of the latter the maxillar palp has, however, al- together disappeared. A series analogous to that of the Lepidoptera is afforded by the Hy- menoptera. At the head of the series stands the Tenthredinidce, whose mouth parts show great agreement with those of the Micropterygina. Besides the mandibles which, as in the other Hymenoptera, fini FIG. 308.— Mouth parts of a Tenthredo larva. Lettering as before. FIG. 309.— -4, Mouth parts of the Hymenoptera (Apis melifica). E, The two pairs of maxillae. au, Facet eye; a, antenna; Ibr, upper lip; md, mandible; ep, epipharynx ; mx^, anterior maxillse ; pm, palp of the same ; mm, the fused ridges of the same ; prg, paraglossa = outer ridge of the posterior maxillee (labium or lower lip) ; li, tongue (glossa)= inner ridge of the posterior maxillae ; c, cardo ; sm, submentum ; m, mentum ; stm, stem (stipes) of the anterior maxillae. are adapted for biting, we find anterior maxillae, on whose basal portions 6 -jointed palps and 2 maxillar ridges are quite distinct. On the posterior maxillae (lower lip) VOL. I 2 G 450 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. the basal portions are fused, the 2 4 -jointed palps are well retained, the outer masticatory ridges are separate, but the 2 inner ridges fuse to form a tube. In the other Hymenoptera (Fig. 309) the mandibles are always retained in a condition capable of masticating or biting ; both the maxillae go to form sucking or licking mouth parts. The palps on the anterior maxillae become reduced, the basal portions elongate and the masticatory ridges grow together on each side into a long piece (mm). On the under lip also the basal portion elongates, the feeler remains well developed, and slender, 2-4 jointed ; the inner ridges together form the long tongue, and the outer ridges small lateral appendages to it, called the accessory tongues (paraglossa). The mouth parts of the Diptera (Fig. 310) are adapted for piercing and sucking, and together form a peculiar proboscis. The bristle-shaped mandibles in the male, A 3 FIG. 310.— Mouth parts of the Diptera. A, of Tabanus. B, of Culex. Lettering as before. a, Antenna , an, facet eye ; oc, simple eye (ocellus). and occasionally in both sexes, are wanting as separate pieces, and are then no doubt fused with the upper lip. The proboscis is principally formed out of the following parts much elongated : first, the upper lip ; second, the basal portion of the lower lip, 2 lips (labella) at the end of this representing the transformed palps ; and third, a prolongation of the lower oesophageal wall (hypopharynx), developed into a pierc- ing setae, at whose point the salivary vessels emerge. The anterior maxillae form 2 slender setae, which lie together with the seta-like mandibles in the sucking proboscis. Their 1-5-jointed palps are mostly well developed. The mouth parts of the Rhynchota (Fig. 311) together form a proboscis adapted for piercing and sucking. The elongated, generally 4 -jointed lower lip (posterior maxillae) forms a channel in which lie the mandibles and interior maxillae, trans- formed into setae covered at their basal part by the- upper lip (labrum). ANTENNATA— MOUTH PARTS 451 The mechanism for sucking and stinging, which is occasionally very complicated, and to which certain adaptations in the oesophagus (pumps, " fish trap " apparatus, etc. ), belong, cannot be here more exactly described. The mouth parts of the other Hexapoda must be referred to one or other of the types depicted. The mouth parts of the Coleoptera are for biting and masticating, similar to those of the Orthoptera ; the masticatory ridges of the anterior maxillae are rarely trans- formed into a sucking tube. The mouth parts of the Dermaptera, Epheineridce, Odonata, Plecoptera Corrodentia, FIG. 311.— Mouth parts of the Hemiptera. A, of Pentatoma. B, of Pyrrhocoris. as before. Lettering Neuroptera, and Panorpata are also adapted for biting, and belong with various deviations to the type of those of the Orthoptera and Coleoptera. The mouth parts of the Thysanoptera (Physopoda) hold a position intermediate between the biting mouth parts of the Orthoptera and the sucking mouth parts of the Rhynchota. The mandibles are changed into piercing setae, and come to lie within a short tubular proboscis, which arises by the growing together of the upper lip with the anterior maxillae and the lower lip (posterior maxillae). The 2 pairs of maxillae have distinct palps and otherwise generally show the typical parts variously modified. In the Trichoptera the mandibles are rudimentary, the 2 pairs of maxillae together form a sort of proboscis (for piercing and sucking), the 4 palps remaining separate on it. The palps, however, as well as the proboscis itself, may disappear. In the Aphaniptera (Fleas) the mouth parts are for piercing and sucking. The mandibles are toothed ridges which, together with the upper lip form the sucking 452 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. tube. The anterior maxillae are short and ear-shaped with 4-jointed palps. The 2 many -jointed palps of the small lower lip lie on the sucking tube laterally. The various piercing and sucking mouth parts found among Insects have no doubt developed independently of one another from masticatory mouth parts. The special morphology of the mouth parts is therefore necessary for a knowledge of the relationships of the members of one and the same order, but not for a know- ledge of the phylogeny of the Insect-orders themselves. It sometimes occurs that the larvae of certain Insects (Megaloptera among the Neuroptera) have sucking mouth parts while the adults possess biting mouth parts. This is an interesting fact, which shows how within a small group the larvae may develop sucking mouth parts in adaptation to special conditions of existence. In those Lepidoptcra, Diptera, Aphaniptera, and certain Hymenoptera which are provided with sucking mouth parts, those of the larvae, when not degenerated, are of the biting type. 2. The Limbs of the Trunk. In the ancestors of the Antennata (Myriapoda and Hexapoda) in every case each trunk segment was certainly provided with a pair of limbs, as is still the case in Peripatus and in the Myriapoda. In the Hempoda only the 3 pairs of limbs of the 3 anterior trunk segments have been retained, these 3 segments together forming the thorax. Rudiments of extremities, however, are not wanting, as we shall presently see, on the segments of the hind-body even in the Hexapoda. The trunk limbs are throughout distinctly jointed and consist of several parts, whose number and constitution is extremely important in classification. The legs may be variously formed according to their special functions. We thus distinguish ambulatory, springing, swimming, seizing legs, etc. Among the Myria- poda the 1st pair of trunk feet in the Chilopoda moves to the head as a pair of maxilli- pedes (Fig. 323, p. 464).' These are very strong, and shaped like pincers. Their basal segments are fused to- FIG. 3l2.-Anterior end of the body of a female ther into ft kte j ^ Polydesmus complanatus, from the ventral side (after .-,-,1v A . i Latzel). «, Antenna ; st, stems of the mandibles ; v, middle line. A poison gland vulvse (apertures of the female sexual organs) ; «, lying in the maxillipede itself emerges at its terminal claw. In the Diplopoda (Fig. 312) the double segments (i.e. the rings following the 4th or 5th trunk rings) have each 2 pairs of legs, while vi ANTENNATA— TRUNK LIMBS 453 the 4 or 5 anterior rings are only provided with 1 pair each. One of the 4 or 5 anterior rings — in the lulidce it seems to be the 4th — may be limbless. The extremities of the 7th ring are usually trans- formed in the male into copulatory organs. / Rudiments of abdominal limbs in the Hexapoda. In order to prove the existence of such rudiments we must recall the coxal glands emerging on the legs of Peripatus. Similar glands emerge in the GMlopoda on the coxae of the 4 or 5 last pairs of legs, on the pleura of the last leg-bearing segment, and on the anal segment. In the Diplopoda these glands apparently correspond with the protrusible warts which occur in the Lysiopetalidce on the coxal joints of the 3d- 16th pairs of legs, and also with the pores on the coxae of the Chordeumidce. A knowledge of these organs in the Symphyla (Scolopendrella), which perhaps of all living Antennata stands nearest the common racial form of the Myriapoda and the FIG. 313.— Posterior end of body of Scolopendrella immaculata, from the ventral side (after Latzel). pu llth, piz 12th undeveloped, pairs of legs, p13, transformed legs (13th pair) carrying organs of touch (so) ; sg, spinning processes with the duct (dg) of the spinning gland ; cd, coxal gland : hs, coxal spur of the llth pair of legs. Insecta, is extremely important. On the coxal joints of the legs in Scolopendrella protrusible saccules, apparently glandular (Fig. 313, cd), can be distinctly made out, especially on the 3d-llth pairs. Laterally from these saccules, which must be homo- logous with the coxal glands of other Myriapoda and of Peripatus, there is a stylet- shaped appendage hs, which must be considered as a modified process of the coxal joint (coxal spur). In addition to these coxal saccules, Scolopendrella possesses 2 spin- ning glands, which emerge externally (dg) at the point of the spinning processes (sg), on the terminal segment of the body. These glands also probably belong to the category of coxal glands, and thus the spinning processes probably represent the last pair of limbs considerably transformed. The coxal saccules of Scolopendrella and the coxal glands of the Myriapoda and Protracheata (Peripatus) now throw much light on similar arrangements in the lowest Hexapoda, the Apterygota. In Campodea there are in the first abdominal segment two indistinctly jointed appendages which are rudimentary'extremities. In the subsequent abdominal segments as far as to the 8th there occurs on each side ventrally a protrusible saccule on whose outer side lies a mov- able pointed process. These saccules evidently correspond with the coxal glands of Scolopendrella, and are to be considered as degenerated coxal glands, while the 454 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. pointed process answers to the coxal spur of Scolopendrella. The coxal saccules and spurs of Campodea must therefore be regarded as remains of coxal joints of abdominal limbs, in short, as rudiments of coxse. Similar organs are also found in other Aptera (Figs. 314 and 315), principally in the Thysanura. On the other hand, the coxal rudiments may be wanting or be limited sometimes to the saccules and sometimes to the spurs. It is interesting also to relate that the above-mentioned L— V- FIG. 315.— A ventral shield of Machilis maritima, with two protrusible saccules (cb) on each side. On the left the saccules are withdrawn, on the right pro- truded, hs, movable appendages (coxal spurs), muscles of the same and of the protrusible saccules (after Oudemans). ft- FIG. 314.— Ventral side of the hind-body of a female Machilis maritima (after Oudemans). The left half of the 8th ventral shield is removed. I-IX, segments of the abdomen ; c, bristle-like jointed appendages (cerci) of the 10th abdominal segment ; cb, protrusible saccules = coxal glands in the act of degenerating ; hs, movable appendages=coxal spurs, conjectural rudiments of abdominal feet ; Ir, ovipositors. processes on the abdominal segments of the Thysanura were by many observers at once assumed to be degenerated abdominal feet. In the winged Hexapoda (Pterygota) rudiments of abdominal feet have also been observed. They appear at certain embryonic stages exactly like the rudiments of the thoracic feet, i.e. as prominences or stumps on the most anterior, or on several anterior, or on all the abdominal segments, sooner or later again to disappear. They have been observed in Coleoptera (Hydrophilus, Fig. 316, A and JB, Melolontha), Orthoptera (Gryllotalpa, Mantis, Periplaneta, (Ecanthus, JBlatta), and Trichoptera (Neophalax concinnus}. In a few forms (Gryllotalpa, (Ecanthus, Periplaneta, Blatta, Melolontha) the rudiments of the 1st pair of abdominal feet, before the hatching of the embryo, VI ANTENNA TA— WINGS 455 become short stalked vesicles of considerable size, which may be compared with the protruded coxal sacs of the Thysanura. A respiratory function has without sufficient foundation been ascribed to both these structures. Considering the widespread occurrence of rudimentary abdominal feet in the Embryos of winged Insects we are justified in asking the question, whether the B — (L -P9 FIG. 316.— A and B Hydrophilus embryos with the rudiments of extremities (after Heider). In the somewhat older embryo, B, the rudiments of abdominal feet, which disappear later, can be very distinctly seen ; a, anal aperture ; an., antenna; g, rudiment of the ventral ganglionic chain; m, oral aperture, md, Mandible ; mxi, 1st maxillse ; mx%, 2d maxillae (rudiment of the lower lip) ; pi, f>ii P& thoracic pairs of legs ; p±, p^, p?, p9, rudiments of extremities of the 1st, 2d, 4th, and 6th abdominal segments ; st, stigmata ; vie, procephalon. truncated feet (anal feet) of the larvse of butterflies and wasps are not rather the remains of real limbs than new formations. C. The Wings. Wings are altogether wanting in the Myriapoda. Among the Hexapoda the Apterygota, as their name implies, are entirely wingless. Since neither the adult Apterygota nor the embryos at any stage of their development have wings or organs belonging to wings, we are justified in assuming that their ancestors also were wingless, in short that the wingless state is as much the original condition here as in the Myriapoda and Protmcheata. This assumption is not without support from other points in their constitution. All other Hexapoda, however, are typically provided with wings, and originally indeed with 2 pairs, and although within the different orders of the Pterygota the wings 456 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. may be reduced to 1 pair, or may be entirely wanting (in both sexes or only in the female), we here have to do with a derived con- dition and with animals which have lost the wings once possessed by their ancestors. In such insects the rudiments of wings or of organs belonging to wings can often still be pointed out. The wings are thin lamellate un jointed folds of the body wall, speci- ally of the integument. The 2 lamellae of a wing fold lie close to each other. The wings are veined like the leaf of a plant. The veins for the most part are thickenings of the chitinous cuticle. Within the narrow interior space of the wing, nerves and especially tracheae enter, branching like the veins. Blood-vessels also accompany the veins. The arrangement of the veins is very important for classifica- tion. The exact investigation of the courses of the veins and their FIG. 317.— A, Larva. B, female imago of Capnia nigra (Perlid) (after Pictet). development, and especially the observation of rudimentary veins or veins in the act of disappearing, have led to the result that the wings of the various Hexapodan orders must be traced back not from one to the other, but to a common form of wing. Thus the examination of wings confirms the assumption that all orders of winged insects are derived from a common winged racial group. The 2 pairs of wings are appendages of the meso- and meta-thorax of the Insects. There are never more than 2 pairs. Their narrowed basal portions are articulated with the dorso-lateral parts of the meso- and meta-thorax. Strongly developed wing muscles serve to move them (see section on musculature). The problem of the phylogenetic origin of the wings of insects is extremely difficult, and as yet by no means solved. The rise of such organs is not explained by saying that they are integurnental folds, which gradually increased in size, stood out from and eventually articulated with the body. The wings must in all stages of their phylogenetic development have performed definite functions. It is impossible that they were originally organs of flight. "What function it was they VI ANTENNA TA— WINGS 457 performed before they became exclusively organs of flight is, however, entirely a matter of conjecture. The following view is at present the most acceptable. (1) The ancestors of the Hexapoda were, like the now living Apterygota, wingless land animals breathing through tracheae. (2) The Aptery 'goto, -like ancestors of the Ptcrygotan racial group became adapted to living in water. Dorsal integumental folds served for breathing in the water. The rise of such respiratory folds offers no difficulty, since every increase of surface, small or large, is of service. (3) The respiratory appendages (into which tracheae were continued) became movable and may perhaps have assisted in locomotion (swimming). This assumption also offers no difficulty, since the gills of many aquatic animals are movable, and their power of moving is an advantage on account of the exchange of water thus caused. (4) In a new gradual change to land life the respiratory function became less important and the locomotory function came to the front. Here, however, lies the greatest difficulty. It may, however, be assumed, that the animals while still living in water were capable of gliding over the surface of the water by the swinging of their branchial leaves, just as flying fish do by means of their thoracic fins. The limitation of the wings to the 2 pairs />f the meso- and metathorax must be explained mechanically, as more suited for the propulsion of the body in flight. We still see among living insects an un- doubted tendency to the stronger develop- ment of one of the pairs of wings. The so called tracheal gills of the larvse of the Phryganidce, Sialidce, and Ephemeridce may serve as an example for this conjectural formation of integumental folds serving for breathing in Avater. The Phryganid larvae live in the water in tubes of their own con- struction, and possess on their soft-skinned abdomens thread-like appendages into which tracheal branches enter. Such appendages are called tracheal gills. Similar append- ages are found on the abdomens of the Sialid larvae. In the Ephemerid larvse, which live free in water, there are found, on the seg- ments of the hind-body, 6 or 7 pairs of lateral, movable, tracheal gills (Figs. 318, 342, 343), which are sometimes tufted, sometimes leaf-shaped, sometimes thread- like. An anterior pair may even be developed as a sort of branchial cover for the posterior pairs. All these tracheal gills are evidently integumental folds and re- spiratory organs which have arisen as adaptations to aquatic life. When they are leaf-shaped, the tracheae which enter them branch more or less richly. They begin to form in a manner altogether similar to ordinary wings, and persist in the later larval stages together with the wing rudiments (Fig. 318). Unsuccessful attempts have been made to trace back the wings of Insects to other organs in other more or less remote animals, e.g. to the dorsal gills of the Chcetopoda or to the dorsal folds of the Crustacea. If there is any such connection the rudiments of the wings as primitive organs ought to appear in Insect embryos ; this, however, is not the case. Some information has already been given in the Systematic Review about the special form and arrangement of the wings in the various orders of the Insecta. FIG. 318. — Thorax and anterior ab- dominal Segments of the Larva of Cloeon dimidiatum (Ephemerid), with tracheal gills (tki, tkz, tks) and the rudiments of the fore- wings (VF) and hind-wing (HF). tl, Tracheal longitudinal trunks (after v. Graber). 458 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. II. The Integument and Glands. The integument is of the same type as that of the Crustacea and all other Arthropoda, the body being covered by a chitinous cuticle forming an exoskeleton. This cuticle is of varying flexibility and thickness, and shows many and great modifications, not only in the various parts of the body and limbs of the same animal, but among the different members of the class. A knowledge of the constitution of the exoskeleton in the various parts of the body is of great importance in classification, as is also a knowledge of the setae, hairs, scales, etc., which belong to the category of cuticular formations. The epithelium which secretes the chitinous cuticle is here also called the hypodermis. During eedysis, which accompanies the metamorphoses of the Antennata and the growth of the larvse, the whole exoskeleton is thrown off, together with the chitinous intima of that part of the intestine thus lined, the chitinous intima of the tracheae, and the ducts of the glands. The chitinous integuments thrown off are known as exuvia. Dermal glands are widely spread in the Antennata ; they appear in a great number of modified forms, emerge at the most various points of the body, and form secretions differing greatly in constitution. A comparative study of these on a wide basis is urgently needed. Investigation is especially needed as to which glands in the Antennata correspond with the coxal and spinning glands of Peripatus, and which glands, if any, are to be considered as transformed nephridia. At present the observations in comparative anatomy and ontogeny neces- sary to enable us to give a definite answer to these questions are wanting. Among the glands emerging on the outer integument we may first mention the salivary glands, which open in the immediate neighbourhood of the mouth. They are everywhere found in the Antennata, generally lying at the side of the fore-gut, in the head or thorax, and occur in 1-3 pairs. They are either simple or much lobed acinose glands, or else fall on each side into 2 or more glandular sacs. The ducts of the glands of each side, however, nearly always unite in a common duct, which finally unites with the duct from the other side to form an unpaired canal, which usually emerges externally on the lower lip or the hypopharynx, but in any case in the immediate neighbourhood of the mouth. Not infrequently a vesicular appendage (saliva reservoir) is found on each side of the canal. It sometimes happens that there are two separate apertures for a single pair of salivary glands, the unpaired terminal portion being absent. Where there are several pairs of glands, their ducts may also emerge separately ; usually, however, the ducts from each pair unite to form a common terminal portion. The salivary glands are, as far as their development is known, invaginations of the oral edge of the stomodaeum. According to some observations, it appears that the unpaired duct forms secondarily, the 2 salivary glands proceeding from paired rudiments. Spinning glands (sericteries) occur in many Insect larvse, and are specially strongly developed in those which pass through a pupa stage (e.g. caterpillars of Lepidoptera vi ANTENNATA— INTEGUMENT AND GLANDS 459 and larvse of Tenthredinidce). The thread-like secretion of these glands, which hardens when exposed to the air, forms the web of which the pupal envelope consists, but it may also serve for other purposes. The sericteries are glandular tubes which are paired, elongated, and coiled, often running through the whole length of the body ; the glandular cells of their epithelium often attain to an enormous size, and have cell nuclei in the form of branched networks. The 2 ducts unite, like those of the salivary glands, to form an unpaired terminal duct, whose aperture also lies near the mouth. Accessory glands may also open into the ducts of the sericteries. The ducts of these and other dermal glands have a chitinous intima, which, like the tracheal intima, may become thickened in a close spiral line. The spinning glands of Scolopendrella have already been mentioned when describ- ing the rudimentary abdominal limbs. The glands there mentioned as emerging through pores at the points of stylets on the anal segment, and through the pleural pores of the last leg-bearing segment, are also said to be spinning glands. Recalling the Protracheata, we are led to suppose that the salivary glands of the Antennata are transformed nephridia, and that the spinning glands belong to the same category as the coxal glands of Peripatus and the parapodial setiparous glands of the Chaetopoda. Compare also on this subject the section on the rudiments of abdominal limbs in the Hexapoda. The morphological worth of the other numerous dermal glands which have been observed in the Antennata cannot at present be rightly estimated. We can only name a few of them. The Myriapoda (Diplopoda) have stink glands for protection, which emerge through the " foramina repugnatoria " on the dorsal side of a varying number of trunk segments. These foramina are either paired, in which case they lie laterally, or unpaired in the middle line. In Paradesmus gracilis the secretion of the protective glands contains prussic acid. These protective glands, of which only 1 pair occurs in a double segment, have been regarded as modified nephridia. The glands of the Geophilidce among the Chilopoda, which emerge through unpaired median ventral pores, may perhaps belong to the category of protective glands. Stink glands, which yield a strongly smelling secretion evidently serving as a protection to the animal, are also found in many Insects (especially Neteroptera, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera). They are sometimes paired, sometimes unpaired, and emerge at different points of the body. In many Coleoptera these organs are appen- dages of the rectum. An enumeration of the recorded observations, however, could at present yield nothing of special interest to the comparative anatomist. Poison glands. — The maxillipedes of the Chilopoda contain poison glands whose outer aperture lies in the terminal claws. In the female of many Hymenoptera a poison gland occurs, which pours its secretion into a stinging apparatus of complicated structure placed at the posterior end of the body. The poison gland itself consists of 2 simple or branched glandular tubes, which enter a poison vesicle or reservoir by means of a common unpaired terminal piece (cf. Fig. 347, A, p. 487). Leg glands are found in many Insects on the terminal joints of the thoracic legs. Wax glands occur in many Rhynchota (Aphides, Coccidce). They lie either on the back in cross rows, or near the anus, and secrete filaments, plates, etc., of wax ; these are used either for forming a dorsal shield or a down which covers the body, or for enveloping the excrement. Rectal glands are papillae or thickenings with glandular epithelium, very commonly found in the rectum of Insects. In Mantis glands enter the coxee of the 1st pair of legs (coxal glands ?). 460 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. III. The Musculature. The arrangement of the muscles in the body and their relation to the exoskeleton is the same in the Antennata as in the Crustacea (cf. Crustacea, p. 331). The musculature seems to be broken up into a very great number of single muscles, which are arranged in a definite manner suitable for moving the segments, the regions of the body, the limbs and their separate joints, the mouth parts, the ovipositors, stings, etc. The greater part of the muscles of the body can be traced back to a paired system of dorsal and ventral intersegmental longitudinal muscles. While in the Myriapoda, in accordance with the homonomous segmentation of the body, the musculature is repeated in all the trunk segments, in the Hexapoda the musculature is very differently developed in the head, thorax, and abdomen. The musculature of the thorax is very strong, as might be expected from the fact that its 3 segments carry the limbs and wings. The wing1 muscles generally take a dorso- ventral course in the lateral portions of the thorax. The most import- ant parts among them are played by the elevators and depressors. The musculature is transversely striated. IV. The Enteric Canal. The mouth lies in the head between the mouth parts ; the anus always in the terminal segment of the abdomen. The enteric canal, in most Myriapoda and in the Apterygota, runs straight through the body and thus is not longer than the body. In the Pterygota, on the contrary, it generally forms more or less marked loops which are wanting or not so strongly developed in the larva. It everywhere falls into the 3 already known divisions : the fore-gut, which comes from the ectodermal stomodseum; the endodermal mid -p gut and the hind -gut, coming from the ectodermal proctodseum. These 3 divisions are generally distinct. Each of them can be further sub- divided, especially in the Hexapoda, where special organs in the form of diverticula are always to be found. Tubular and pouch -like diverticula of the hind-gut (wanting only in a few Apterygota) are especially characteristic of the Antennata. They appear in varying numbers, function as excretory organs, and have received the name of the Malpighian vessels. The salivary glands and the spinning glands of the larvae, both of which emerge at or near the mouth, have already been described. Myriapoda. — The enteric canal runs straight through the body ; only in the Glomeridce is it coiled in its posterior part. The mid-gut has numerous short hepatic tubes. At the beginning of the hind-gut 1 or 2 pairs of long Malpighian vessels enter ; these run along the gut, frequently winding round it. Hexapoda. — Each of the 3 principal divisions of the enteric canal may present various modifications, except in the Apterygota and the larvae of those Inlecta whose VI ANTENNATA—THE ENTERIC CANAL 461 straight enteric canals present no complications. The canal is most specialised in carnivorous Insecta, while in those Insecta that feed on plants it is generally uniform, but much coiled. The fore-gut often has 3 divisions : (1) a pharynx or oral cavity, (2) a narrow oesophagus passing through the cesophageal ring, and (3) a variously shaped fore-stomach widened out like a sac. The latter may be wanting as a separate division. If the fore-stomach is provided with a strong muscular wall it is called. a crop (ingluvies). In the honey bee it is called the honey stomach. In Insects with sucking mouth parts, and especially in the Lepidoptera (Fig. 348, p. 488) and Diptera, it is constricted off in the form of a stalked sac, which opens into the posterior part of the fore -gut and is unsuitably called sucking stomach ; it is more correctly a receptacle for food. Between the crop and the mid-gut in many carni- vorous Insecta (many Coleoptera, Neuroptera, and Orthoptera} a muscular masticatory stomach is interposed ; the chitinous intima of this stomach is much thickened, and in the form of spikes, spines, ridges, teeth, etc. projects into' the lumen ; these processes in transverse section form most beautiful and ornamental patterns. A peculiar pumping apparatus is in a few Rhynchota connected with the pharynx. The fore-gut is internally provided with a chitinous intima, the continuation of the chitinous exoskeleton. The mid-gut, which lies in the abdomen, is the most important division of the enteric canal for the assimilation of food ; its epithelium consists of glandular cells and often projects into the lumen in the form of folds or villi. It is -a somewhat wide tube frequently forming loops, and in it we can often distinguish an anterior wider portion, the phagus ; chyle stomach, and a longer thinner posterior masticatory stomach ; cd, chyle stom- J . , . ach covered with villi ; twijMalpighian portion (small intestine). The chyle stomach in yessels. ^ hind.gut with rectum the carnivorous Coleoptera is beset with short diver- (r) • ad, anal glands with muscular ticula, as if with villi ; in the Orthoptera longer vesicular appendages ab. diverticula enter its anterior portion. The hind-gut is lined with a delicate chitinous intima and has a muscular wall which, at the terminal portion ending in the anus, is of considerable thickness. Its length varies, it is often very long and coiled. The limit between the mid- and hind-guts is often difficult to define, since the mid-gut also may have an intima, and its ontogenetic development is not sufficiently worked out. It is assumed, somewhat arbitrarily, that the hind-gut begins at the point where the Malpighian vessels enter. Although these are undoubtedly forma- tions of the hind-gut, they do not necessarily always appear at its anterior end. The hind-gut is often further subdivided. Its last division sometimes carries an unpaired caecum. Paired anal glands (stink glands) may also enter it. The anal papillce, etc. classed as glands have already been mentioned. The intestine of certain Rhynchota, Psyllidce, and Cicadce is peculiarly constituted. The mid-gut and part FIG. 319.— Digestive apparatus of Carabus auratus (after Dufour). k, Head with mouth parts ; oe, ceso- in, crop (ingluvies) ; pv, 462 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. of the hind-gut form a loop (Fig. 322). The 2 limbs of the loop grow together for a certain distance, and wind round each other at this part. In the larvse of some Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Myrmeleon, and Diptera (Pupipara) the mid-gut ends blindly and is not yet connected with the hind-gut, the latter performing exclusively excretory functions (Fig. 321). The Malpighian Vessels. — These are long, generally filamentous appendages, which begin to form as invaginations of the proctodseum. Their large epithelial FIG. 320.— Nervous, tracheal, and digestive systems of the Honey bee (after Leuckart). The fine branchings of the tracheal system are not represented, the tracheal system on the right side of the figure is only partly drawn, aw, Facet eye ; a, antenna ; 6j, 62, 63, the 3 pairs of legs ; tb, part of the tracheal longitudinal trunks swollen into a large vesicle ; st, stigmata ; Tim, honey stomach ; cm, chyle stomach • vm, Malpighian vessels ; rd, rectal glands ; ed, hind-gut. cells (with nuclei often branched) contain coloured concretions in which uric acid is found. The Malpighian vessels occasionally have no distinct lumen ; they then consist of a few rows of cells. The number of the Malpighian vessels is as varied as their manner of entering the hind-gut. Apterygota. — Malpighian vessels are wanting in lapyx and the Collembola. In Gampodea there are ca. 16, and they are here short ; in the other Thysanura they are long and 4-8 in number. The tubules always unite in pairs before entering the hind-gut. Pterygota. — The Malpighian vessels are either very numerous and relatively short or less numerous' (2-8) and long. They are more numerous in the Dermaptera (ca. VI ANTENNATA—THE ENTERIC CANAL 463 30), Ephemeridae (ca. 40), Odonata (50-60), Plecoptera (40-50), Orthoptera (30-50 or more), and Hymenoptera (very numerous, often over 100, seldom below 12). On the other hand few (i.e. 2-8) are found in the Corrodentia (4-6), Thysanoptera (4), Rhynchota (2-4), Neuroptera (4-6), Panorpata (6), Trichoptera (6), Lepidoptera (6, seldom 2 or 4), Diptera (4 or 5), Siphonaptera (4), and Coleoptera (4-6). They generally enter the hind-gut separately, but occasionally the vessels of each side unite into a common duct, and sometimes the ducts from the two sides also have a common unpaired terminal piece. Here and there the vessels open into a paired or unpaired urinary bladder attached to the hind-gut. In the Aphides there are on each side oe -el FIG. 321.— Larva (maggot) of honey bee, anatomy of the digestive and nervous systems (after R. Leuckart). g, Brain ; 6m, ventral chord ; oe, oeso- phagus ; sd, spinning glands ; cd, mid-gut, or chyle stomach ; ed, hind-gut, not yet connected with the mid- gut ; vm, Malpighian vessels ; an, anus ; st, stigmata. FIG. 322. — Enteric canal of Psyllopsis fraxinicola (after Witlaczil). oe, (Esophagus ; md, mid-gut ; ed, hind-gut ; vm, Mal- pighian vessels ;]s, the coil formed by the hind-gut and the most anterior part of the mid-gut. 2 vessels which unite together before entering a common duct. In Aletia, Danais (Lepidoptera), there are on each side 3 vessels with short common terminal pieces (Fig. 348, p. 488). In Galleria (Lepidoptera) there is an unpaired terminal piece into which 5 or 6 branched vessels enter. In Ephippigera and the Crryllidce (Orthoptera} there are numerous vessels which, uniting into a tuft, enter the hind-gut through a long common ductus excretorius. In Orthezi'a (Coccidce) there are on each side 2 vessels which unite. The 2 terminal ducts themselves enter an unpaired terminal piece. The pupae of the Noctuina have 3 pairs of vessels, united in pairs, entering an unpaired urinary bladder. Lygaeus (Hemiptera] has on each side 2 vessels entering a urinary bladder. 464 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The number of Malpighian vessels is occasionally smaller in the larva than in the adult. Thus the larva of the Honey bee (Fig. 321) has only 4 vessels. In the Blattidce and Gryllidce the number increases during the gradual development. In the Lepidoptera the larva usually possesses the same number as the adult. Among the Termites only do the young forms possess more numerous Malpighian vessels than the adults. V. The Nervous System. This appears in the form which is characteristic of the Arthropoda and consists of the brain (supra - oesophageal ganglion), the cesophageal commissures, and the ventral* chord. The brain, which lies in the head above the oesophagus, often attains to a high degree of development (especially in the highly developed Hymenoptera), and is distinguished by the formation of lobes (ganglion opticum, olfactory lobes, etc.) From it arise the nerves for the sensory organs which lie in the head, for the eyes, the antennae, and the olfactory organs on the antennae. We can always distinguish in the ventral chord a cephalic and a trunk portion. The former consists of the infra -oesophageal ganglion, composed of the fused ganglia of the oral limbs, which in the embryo are often separate. The trunk portion of the ventral chord must originally have consisted of as many double ganglia united by longi- tudinal commissures, as there are trunk segments, but the ganglia of some of the last trunk segments are always fused to form a terminal ganglion, generally somewhat larger in size than the rest. The ventral chord is found in this unconcentrated form in the Myriapoda, Apterygota, and many Ptery- gota, and especially in the larvae of the Hexapoda. We find, however, within various orders of the Hexapoda more a, Antenna* ; fc/, maxillipedes (poison feet); or less pronounced Concentration of the ventral chord in a way similar to that described in connection with the Crustacea. This concentration takes place by the fusing of pairs of ganglia • it may appear in the abdomen as well as in the thorax and FIG. 323.— Lithobius forficulatus seen from the ventral side (after R. Leuckart). sd, salivary glands ; bm, ventral chord ; cp, coxal pores. ANTENNATA—THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 465 generally, not always, proceeds in both from behind forward. A junction of the fused ganglia of thorax and abdomen to form a large thoracic ganglionic mass may even take place (as in the Bmchyura and many Copepoda) ; such cases occur in the Diptera and Rhijnclwta. Although the larva? generally possess a less concentrated nervous system than the imagines, so that the progressive concentration can often be followed ontogenetically in the same species, this is not always the case, in fact the very reverse occasion- ally occurs. The interesting relation between the nervous system of the larva and that of the imago will be again referred to. From the ganglia of the ventral chord of the trunk (thorax and abdomen) arise the nerves for its integument, musculature, glands, and limbs. The 2 ganglia of a double ganglion are always closely contiguous, and appear as one mass con- sisting of two halves ; the longitudinal com- missures, however, which unite the consecutive ganglia very often remain separate. A sym- pathetic nervous system seems present in all Antenriata. Myriapoda (Fig. 323). One ganglion is found in each trunk segment. The ganglia are mostly united by distinctly separate longi- tudinal commissures. In the Pauropoda and Symphyla, however, the ventral chord is a median strand with con- secutive swellings, corresponding with the ganglia, and in this strand the longitudinal commissures are not separate. The 2 anterior trunk ganglia (or in Symphyla only the first) generally form with the sub-oesophageal ganglion a single mass, in which, however, the original composition can easily be made out. The limbless anal segment has no separate ganglion, and the ganglia of the 2 or 3 pre- ceding segments are fused together. The double segments of the Diplopoda each have 2 ganglia. Hexapoda. Apterygota. — In this division we have very good illustrations of the concentrated and non - concentrated nervous systems. The Thysanura have a non-concentrated FIG. 324.— Central nervous system of Machilis maritima (after Oudemans). au, Eye ; lo, lobus opticus ; g, brain ; an, antennal nerve ; oe, oesophagus passing between the cesophageal commissures ; usg, infra - cesophageal ganglion ; I • III, thoracic ganglia ; 1-8, abdominal ganglia, the last (8 a b c) consisting of three fused ganglia ; s, sympathetic nervous system of the ventral chord. VOL. I • ce 2 H 466 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. nervous system, consisting of the brain, ojsophageal commissures, infra-oesophageal ganglion, 3 ganglia of the 3 thoracic segments and 8 (in Campodea 7) ganglia of the abdomen (Fig. 324). The finer structure of the last and largest abdominal ganglion and the number of nerves proceeding from it show that it consists of 3 fused ganglia. The number of abdominal ganglia would according to this be 10, corresponding with the number of segments. In the Collembola the number of abdominal segments is reduced, and in accordance with this reduction of the body there is, as it appears, only 1 abdominal ganglion. Sminthurus is said to have only 1 thoracic ganglion. The 2 longitudinal commissures remain distinctly separate in the Thysanura. From each ganglion 2 nerves are given off on each side, and the same number proceed from the cesophageal commissures. In front of the infra-cesophageal ganglion and behind the oesophagus a transverse commissure connects the cesophageal commissures. Pterygota. — The nervous system of the winged Insecta shows very great variety in its arrangement : it is impossible here to go into details — the Diptera FIG. S25.—A-B, The nervous systems of 4 species of Diptera, to demonstrate their various degrees of concentration. A, Non-concentrated nervous system of Chrionomus plumosus, with 3 thoracic and 6 abdominal ganglionic masses. B, Nervous system of Empis stercorea, with 2 thoracic and 5 abdominal ganglionic masses. C, Nervous system of Tabanus bovinus, with one thoracic ganglionic mass and the abdominal ganglia moved towards each other. D, Nervous system of Sarcophaga carnaria. All the ganglia of the ventral chord except the infra-oesophageal ganglion, which always remains separate, are here united into one single thoracic ganglion mass (after E. Brand). (Fig. 325, A~D) are particularly instructive. In no other natural order of insects are the extremes so great, and yet connected by such numerous intermediate stages. The series begins with the suborder of the Nemocera, the Culicidce, Culiciformes, Tipulidce, Fungicolce (e.g. Chironomus, A), which have very slightly concentrated nervous systems. The ventral chord here consists of an infra-cesophageal ganglion, 3 thoracic ganglia, and 5-6 abdominal ganglia. The last thoracic ganglion is not simple, but at least 1 of the anterior abdominal ganglia is fused with it. The last and largest abdominal ganglion is also not simple ; it consists of several (in Chirono- mus probably 2) fused ganglia. The concentration of the nervous system among the vi ANTENNATA—THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 467 Diptcra begins in the families of the Empidce, Asilidce, Therecidce, Xylophagidce, Bibionidce (e.g. Empis, B), where the 2 anterior thoracic ganglia become fused, so that there are only two thoracic ganglia. In this respect the Diptera form a con- trast to other insects with only 2 thoracic ganglia, e.g. many Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera, in these cases it is the posterior thoracic ganglion which consists of the 2-fused posterior ganglia. Tabanus (Fig. 325, C] exhibits a nervous system in which all the 3 thoracic ganglia are fused into 1 thoracic ganglionic mass. This is the case in the families of the Syrpliidce, Stratyomidce, and Tabanidce. The abdominal ganglia show a tendency to approach each other and to fuse. Finally the highest degree of concentration among the Diptera is shown by the Muscidce, (Estridce, and Piqnparce, where all the ganglia of the ventral chord, except the infra- cesophageal ganglion, are fused into 1 large thoracic ganglionic mass (Fig. 325, D, Sarcophaga). From this mass a median nerve then runs towards the end of the abdomen, giving off nerves to the abdominal segments at regular intervals. A series similar to the above occurs in the Coleoptera, but the concentration here rarely goes so far as in the Diptera, since, though the abdominal ganglia may be wanting (in the Lamellicornia), the 2 thoracic ganglionic masses always remain separate. Wherever among insects separate abdominal ganglia are wanting these are fused with the most posterior thoracic ganglion, from which the abdominal nerves then often radiate backward, like the cauda equina in vertebrates. These abdominal nerves, however, may be united on each side into an abdominal longitudinal bundle, or these 2 longitudinal bundles may be fused to form 1 median abdominal strand. The Rhynchota, the Mallophaga (Corrodentia), and the Thysanoptera possess a much concentrated nervous system. In many Rhynchota all the thoracic ganglia, not excluding the infra-cesophageal ganglion, may fuse into 1 ganglionic niass, as is the case in the Coccidce and also to a lesser degree in the Aphides. All other insects have a non-concentrated or else slightly concentrated nervous system, with separate infra-cesophageal ganglion, at least 2 thoracic and several abdominal ganglionic masses, at the most 8 and rarely only 1. The full number of abdominal ganglia is not found in any insect larva or imago. In insect-embryos, however, the rudiments of all the 10 abdominal ganglia have been observed. It is clear from the above that the arrangement of the nervous system can be as little used as a criterion for the natural division of insects as the structure of any other organic system by itself. It can at the most be used for limiting the sub- divisions within the orders. The relation of the larval Nervous System to that of the Imago. — (1) Where the nervous system of the imago is not concentrated, it is generally not concentrated in the larva ; this is evidently the original condition. (2) Where single ganglia are fused in the imago, they are often separate in the larva. The honey bee affords an illustration of this ; the bee larva (Fig. 321, p. 463) possesses the fully segmented nervous system : brain, infra-cesophageal ganglion, 3 thoracic and 8 abdominal ganglia. The last abdominal ganglion comes from three rudimentary ganglia, which are separate in the embryo. The adult bee (Fig. 320, p. 462) possesses a brain, infra-cesophageal ganglion, 2 thoracic and 4 abdominal ganglia. The posterior and larger thoracic ganglion consists of the 2d and 3d thoracic ganglia fused together ; the composition of the last abdominal ganglion out of 3 ganglia can still be clearly made out. (3) "Where the nervous system in the imago is much concentrated, it is very often (e.g. Muscidce} much concentrated in the larva also, and at the same time slightly differentiated. We have here a case of the imaginal characteristics being shifted back on to the larval stage. (4) The nervous system in the larva is seldom much concentrated when not con- 468 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. centrated in the imago. Myrmeleon is, however, a case of adaptation of the nervous system to the short compressed form of body of the larva. net JTT d ±1, brane stretched over it. Beneath each stigma, at the beginning of each principal tracheal trunk, there is a closing apparatus which we cannot here more minutely describe ; by means of this apparatus, into which nerves enter, the trachea can be completely closed towards the exterior. The air in the tracheae is chiefly renewed by the respiratory movements of the abdomen (in the Hempoda); these movements are caused by the contractions of the muscular fibres which run dorso-ventrally. By the contraction of the abdomen (exspiration) the trachea are compressed and the air driven out through the stigmata, or, if the stigmata are closed, forced into the tracheal system of the thorax, head, and extremities. By the expansion of the abdomen (inspiration) new air from without again enters the tracheae, the elastic spiral of the tracheal tube playing an important part in its expansion. We are justified in assuming, that the tracheal system of the Antennata originally consisted of as many pairs of isolated tracheal bundles and stigmata as there were body segments (excluding the anal segment). Eeduction, however, has everywhere taken place, first of all at the anterier and posterior ends of the body, so that in some ANTENNATA—THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS 479 cases only a single pair of stigmata is left ; the tracheal system under- goes corresponding modifications, the most important of which is the connecting together of the originally separate bundles of tracheae by means of transverse and longitudinal anastomoses. With reference to the scattered and irregular apertures of the trachea in the Protracheata, we must point out that the arrangement of the tracheal system in all Antennata indicates a strictly segmental order of tracheal apertures in the racial form. There is never more than one pair of tracheae in one segment in the Antennata. Myriapoda. The most primitive arrangement is found in the Diplopoda, where one pair of stigmata and one pair of tracheal bundles occurs in each trunk segment. Each double segment also has 2 pairs of stigmata and 2 pairs of tracheal bundles. The separate FIG. 338.— Tracheal mass of a dorsal plate of Scutigera coleoptera. A, from above ; 13, in transverse section through the inter-segmental fold of the dorsal plate ; diagrammatic (after Haase). The tracheae, which enter the air cavity (ca) from both sides, are marked white, vs, Anterior ; hs, posterior stomatic aperture ; as (A) and se (B), outer ; ms (A) and si (B), inner stomatic slit. tracheal bundles are not connected by anastomoses. Each stigma leads into a tracheal sac, whose base is produced in the form of pointed horns, into which the numerous but unbranched trachea enter. Branched tracheae seem to occur only in the Glomeridce. The tracheal system of the Chilopoda is seen to be a secondary development from the fact that the tracheae branch profusely, and that the tracheae belonging to each stigma anastomose with one another transversely and longitudinally. Only in the Gteophilidce and Plutonium one pair of stigmata is retained on each leg-bearing segment, except the first and last. In the species Lithobius and in the Scolopendridce (except Plutonium], beginning with the third trunk segment, a pair of stigmata is found with considerable regularity on every second segment. The last leg-bearing segment is here also without stigmata. In Scutigera and Henicops the stigmata 480 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. belong to the trunk segments 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 (and 14 when there are 15 trunk segments in all). The tracheal system of Scutigera (Fig. 338) is distinguished by many peculi- arities. The stigmata here are unpaired and lie in the dorsal middle line. Each stigma leads into an air sac, into which on each side about 300 closely packed, radially placed, branched tracheal tubes enter. This form of trachea is specially interesting, as perhaps helping to explain the origin of the so-called book-leaf trachea? of the Arachnoidea, which will be described later. The respiratory system of the Symphyla, which in other respects may be reckoned as very primitive Myriapodan forms, is much reduced. There are only 2 stigmata, and these are on the under side of the head under the feelers. This is the only case in the whole division of the Antennata in which a pair of stigmata has been retained in the head. The branched trachea? do not extend either into the legs and feelers, or into the posterior region of the body at all. In the Pauropoda the tracheal system seems to be entirely degenerated. Hexapoda. Apterygota. — The tracheal system in a few Thysanura exhibits the original condition in so far that the longitudinal and transverse anastomoses are wanting (in a few species of Machilis, and in the Campodea, Fig. 339). In other Thysanura, however, they are present (lapyx, Nicoletia, Lepisma, and a few species of Machilis}. The most frequent number of pairs of stigmata seems to be 10 (Nicoletia, Lepisma, Lepismina] ; in this case two occur on the thorax and 8 on the abdomen. Machilis maritima has only 9 pairs of stigmata, 2 thoracic, and 7 abdominal. lapyx is said to possess 11 pairs, viz. 7 on the abdomen, and — an arrangement standing quite alone among the Antennata — 4 on the thorax. In Campodea the number is reduced to 3 pairs belonging to the thorax (the last pair possibly belonging to the first abdominal segment). Pterygota (Fig. 340). — Transverse and longitudinal anastomoses appear to be everywhere present. Among the longitudinal anastomoses on each side one develops more than the rest, and at first sight it appears as if these tracheal trunks formed the central portion of the tracheal system, from which, besides numerous lateral branches penetrating the body, branches run to the stigmata, and there open out- wardly. In the Diptera, Hymenoptera, and among the Coleoptera in the Hydro- philidce and Lamellicornea, the trachea? may widen out in some places into large tracheal sacs without spiral crenulations, known as air sacs (Fig. 320, p. 462). The number and arrangement of the stigmata vary within wide limits. In the same insect, at the same time, there are never more than 10 pairs of stigmata. Of these 10 pairs there is one pair on the mesothorax, one on the meta thorax, and one on each of the first 8 abdominal segments. The imagines of by far the greater number of insects are holopneustic, i.e. they possess many pairs of open stigmata, though the number of stigmata may be reduced, especially in the abdomen. The Aphaniptera alone have more than 2 pairs of stigmata in the thorax ; in them there is one prothoracic pair, not met with in other adult Insecta. The tracheal system of the larvae of insects exhibits interesting peculiarities, which are of great morphological importance. 1. The most primitive condition is found in those insects which undergo gradual metamorphosis, and whose larva? live during all stages, like the imagines, on land (Orthoptera}. These larva? are holopneustic, and their tracheal system simply passes into that of the imago. Holopneustic larvae may also occur in insects with complete metamorphosis, as in many Coleoptera (Malacodermata], which thus appear to be a primitive group. VI ANTENNATA—THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS 481 2. In many Insects with incomplete metamorphosis the holopneustic condition of the tracheal system is much altered in the larvae by the adaptation to aquatic life. In the aquatic larvae of the ffphcmeridce, Odonata, Plccoptera, for instance, there are no open stigmata, the tracheal system is completely closed, i.e. it is apneustic. The rudiments of the tracheal branches running from the stigmata to the longitudinal trunks are, however, present, but they are empty of air, and appear FIG. 339. — Machilis maritima, representing the tracheal system of the right side (after Oudemans). Ic, Head ; I, II, III, thoracic segments ; 1-10, abdominal segments ; s, stig- mata. FIG. 340. — Half -developed larva of an agamous unwinged female of Aphis Pelar- gonii. The tracheal system seen from above (after Witlaczil). 7c, Head ; a, antenna ; I, II, III, segments of the thorax ; IV-XII, segments of the abdomen ; &j, &2> &3> the 3 pairs of legs ; s, the stigmata of the tracheal system. in the form of strands (Fig. 343, ^/) ; these play an important part in the shedding of the larval tracheae, and then for a time open outwardly. When the last larval stage passes into the imaginal stage these strands become hollow, and the tracheal system becomes holopneustic. All such larvse breathe by means of tracheal gills. 3. In the majority of the larvse of insects which undergo complete metamorphosis, the stigmata of those segments which in the imago carry wings (meso- and meta- thorax) are closed, but on the other hand one pair of prothoracic stigmata wanting in the imago is usually found. We evidently have here a delayed differentiation of the tracheae which supply the wings and their musculature, referable to the absence VOL. I 2 I 482 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. t-e -- of wings in the larvse. The stigmatic strands belonging to these parts are present as rudiments. The tracheal system of these larvse is peripneustic. 4. The tracheal system of peripneustic larvse may be modified in various ways by adaptation to different modes of life : (a) it may become apneustic in larvse inhabit- ing water, as in the larvse of the Phryganidce and Sialidce, which breathe through tracheal gills, (b) By adaptation to life in water or parasitic life all the stigmata may remain closed in the larvse except the last pair. . The tracheal system is then called metapneustic. The larvse then obtain air at the surface of the water or of the host, by means of this posteriorly placed pair of stigmata, which is often elongated like a siphon, or provided with other suitable structural adapta- tions. The larvse of the water beetle and of many Diptera, which are aquatic or parasitic, are metapneustic. (c) There is occasionally besides the posterior an anterior prothoracic open pair of stigmata (Fig. 341). This amphipneustic tracheal system is found in many parasitic or half - parasitic Diptera larvse (Oestridce, Asilidce), which stretch only their anterior and posterior ends beyond the medium which surrounds the rest of the body. The larval stigmata of the meta- and amphipneustic fly larvse disappear during metamorphosis. In all cases where the larva is not holopneustic, the stigmatic branches of the tracheal system are present as rudiments. "We must distinguish between such first rudiments remaining latent during the larval period, and those rudiments of stigmatic branches which are found in the imagines of the various Insecta. The latter are the remains of stigmata which have disappeared. Several pairs of such stigmata are often found in the abdomen. The peculiar arrangements of the tracheal system in insect larvse show very clearly to what an extent special conditions of existence may influence the organisation of free-living larvse. FIG. 341. -Right B. The Tracheal Gills (Figs. 342 and 343). side of the tracheal system of a fly mag- Something has already been said about these got, seen from the respiratory organs of aquatic insect larvse in the stigma ;!'*, interior section on " wings." Tracheal gills, i.e. delicate mem- stigma • ti, longitud- branous processes of the body into which trachese inai tracheal trunks. exten(jj are found not only in the larvse of the E ' [jhemeridce, Trichoptera, and Sialidce there mentioned, but also in the larvse of the Plecoptera (Perlidce), Odonata, and the aquatic larvse of a few species of Diptera, Hymenopt&ra, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera. The tracheal gills of the Odonata are either external (Agrion) in the form of 3 branchial leaves on the last abdominal ring, or they are internal (Libellula, jEschna) in the form of folds in the rectum. In the latter case water is alternately drawn in and expelled through the anus. The tracheal gills of the larvse of the Perlidce are very variously formed; they are pouch -shaped or tufted, etc., and occur at very different parts of the body. The same is the case with the tracheal gills which occur singly in the larvse of Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidop- tera, and Coleoptera. Larvse which are provided with tracheal gills are vi ANTENNATA— SOUND-PRODUCING APPARATUS 483 apneustic. The tracheal gills, according to all observers, are respiratory organs, which have arisen independently of each other in various insect orders as adaptations to aquatic life. They are thrown off ...M FIG. 342. — Ephemerid larva with two tracheal gills on each side of each ab- dominal segment, and with 3 caudal pro- cesses (cerci) (after R. Leuckart). Fio. 343. — Right half of the middle abdominal segment of the larva of Baetis (Chloe) binoculatus with tracheal gills (after Palmen). trl, Longitudinal tracheal trunks ; vf, strand like threads of attachment of the longitudinal trunks to the integument (stig- matic strands) ; ktr, gill tracheae ; trie, tracheal gills. during the transition to the imaginal form in the Ephemeridce, Agrionidce, and Diptera, but are retained in the imagines of the Perlidce., Sialidce, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera. X. Sound -Producing Apparatus. It is well known that many insects can produce sounds. These sounds, which play many different parts in insect life, are principally produced — 1. By rapid vibrations of the wings (Hymenoptem, Diptem), and by the vibration of the halteres against the alulae (Diptera). 2. By the vibration of leaf -like appendages in the tracheae. These often lie in great numbers near the stigmata, and are made to vibrate during the respiratory movements of the animal by the inward and outward streaming of the air (Hymenoptera, Diptera). 3. By the rubbing together of rough uneven portions of the integument. The Acrididce stridulate by scraping their posterior femur 484 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. like the bow of a fiddle over the projecting ribs of the upper wing. In the Locustidce and Gryllidce only the males stridulate, by rubbing the rough basal portions of their wing cases against each other. In other insects sounds are produced by the rubbing together of other parts of the body. 4. In the singing Cicada also only the male can produce the well- known shrill sounds. The sound apparatus is here somewhat com- plicated. It consists of a pair of drum-skins (thin elastic extensions of the cuticular skeleton) on the first abdominal segment, and of strong muscles moving these skins. The abdomen filled with air acts as a resounding apparatus. As a protection to the delicate drum-skins folds of the thoracic and abdominal cuticular skeleton arch over them from before and behind. The sounds produced" by male insects are calls for attracting the females. XL Sexual Organs. The sexes are separate in all Antennata. A comparative study of the sexual organs justifies us in giving the following general plan of the sexual apparatus. It consists of a pair of germ glands (ovaries in the female, testes in the male) which pass into paired duets, the latter opening separately. The sexual glands and ducts appear, as far as their ontogeny is known, to proceed from a paired mesoder- mal genital rudiment. Ectodermal invaginations of the cuticle are often connected with the ends of the ducts. Since the ducts of the sexual organs in the Protracheata are trans- formed nephridia, we may perhaps infer the same for those of the Antennata. There is, however, a considerable difference in the two cases, as the greater part of the ducts in Peripatus arise out of the ectoderm, while in the Antennata, on the contrary, they come from the mesoderm. But it must not be forgotten that in the Annulata the greater part of the nephridium (nephridial duct) is of mesodermal origin Sexual organs, which are paired throughout (as in the plan above sketched), are only found in reality in the Ephemeridce (Fig. 344, A). In all other Antennata there are unpaired portions of the sexual appar- atus arising in various ways. 1. The two germ glands may fuse to form 1 unpaired germ gland, while the ducts remain separate either throughout their whole length or at any rate towards their ends, and always open externally through separate paired apertures. Such cases are found in the Diplopoda among the Myriapoda. 2. The germ glands remain paired. The ducts remain paired for the greater part of their course, only uniting to form a common terminal portion. This is the case in all Antennata except the Ephemeridce and the Diplopoda. VI ANTENNATA— SEXUAL ORGANS 485 In rare cases (Scolopendra) we find an unpaired germ gland and an unpaired duct, into whose end, however, paired accessory organs (glands, receptacula seminis, vesiculae seminales) enter. The unpaired portion may arise in very various ways. A. In the male of certain Forficulidce (Dermaptera) the ducts unite at one part of their course to form an unpaired sperm vesicle, from which the two ducts again as vasa deferentia separately run towards the two male genital apertures. One of these ducts, however, becomes reduced (Fig. 344, B\ while the other, as an unpaired ductus ejacula- torius, runs from the sperm vesicle to the outer aperture. B. An unpaired invagination of the integument grows from without to meet the two ducts, so that these open externally as through an FIG. 344.— A-F, Diagrammatic representation of the sexual apparatus of various Insects. A-E, Male organs. F, Female apparatus. The parts proceeding from invagination of the outer integument are indicated by thick black lines. A, Ephemerid. B, Forficula auricularia. C, Larva of Orthoptera. D, (Edipoda (belonging to the Acridiidce). E, Cetonia aurata (Coleoptera). F, ^schna (Libdlulid) (after Palmen). unpaired terminal portion lined with a chitinous cuticle (Fig. 344, C-F). The 2 ducts may open into the unpaired terminal section either by two separate apertures or by a single aperture. This arrangement is found in the Apterygota, also in the Libellulidce, Plecoptera, Orthoptera, fihynchota, and perhaps in other orders as well. Paired or unpaired accessory structures may appear in the terminal portion through secondary invaginations. C. A second unpaired section is sometimes added to the unpaired terminal portion described under B ; this section arises by the fusing of the two sperm ducts or oviducts throughout tracts of varying length to form one unpaired duct (ductus ejaculatorius, uterus, vagina, etc.), this unpaired duct enters the ectodermal invagination. This is probably the case in all the so-called higher insects (insects with com- plete metamorphosis). The position of the outer genital apertures is very various. In the Chilopoda among the Myriapoda the unpaired genital aperture lies in the penultimate body segment, i.e. in the genital segment, whose limbs may be transformed into genital appendages. 486 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Iii the Diplopoda and Pauropoihi the two genital apertures lie behind the 2d pair of legs, generally at the boundary between the 2d and 3d trunk segments. In the Syinphyla (Scolopendrella) the unpaired genital aperture lies on the -4th trunk segment between the le^s of this segment. Fn;. 34t'..— .1, Female. ]'>, Male sexual organs of Glomeris marginata (after Fabre). os, Opened ovarial sac, in which Hie two ovaries (uv) are seen; od, oviduct; /, trstes; tji-rf, common vas deferens; pa, paired ducts. Fie. ?,\->.— Inner male sexual organs. A. Of Molophagus ovinus. J:, Of Acheta campestris. C. Of Melolontha vulgaris (after Carus and Gegenbaur). /, Testes ; rd, vas deferens ; o1, si-niiiial vesicle; the coxal joints of the 3 pairs of legs ; bm, mus- culature ; ac, aorta cephalica with its swelling ; oe, oesophagus ; l>g, thoracic ganglia of the ventral chord ; sd, salivary glands of one side, those of the other side cut off near their entrance into the common salivary duct. Lettering of the abdomen : 1-9, abdominal segments ; h, heart; sm, so-called sucking stomach (food re- servoir); cm, chtlific stomach (mid -gut); a#, abdominal ganglia ; ed, hind-gut with colon (c) and rectum (r); vm, Malpighian vessels; ov, ovarial tubes, those of the right side cut off; ove, terminal filaments of the ovaries ; be, bursa copulatrix ; obc, its outer aperture ; od, oviduct ; vag, vagina ; wo, its outer aperture : ad, glandular appendages of the vagina partly cut away ; vkt connective canal between vagina and bursa copulatrix with swelling (receptaculum seminis) ; an, anus (after Surges). wo CUV VI ANTENNATA— SEXUAL ORGANS 489 A The thin terminal filaments of the egg tubes are generally attached to or near to the dorsal vessel, and thus form a sort of suspender. The elements of these are the same as those of the terminal chamber. The latter contains undifferentiated cell elements as remains of the ovarial rudiments, from which proceed (either in the embryo or the larva), on the one hand, the follicle epithelium of the ovarian tubes, and on the other, the ripening eggs and nutritive cells contained in these tubes. In the terminal chamber these cell elements remain undifferentiated, excepting when required for the renewal of the follicle epithelium, eggs, and nutritive cells in the adult insect. The third section which leads into the oviduct has usually the form of a string of beads. It contains the ripening eggs. The youngest and smallest lie nearest to the terminal chamber, the oldest and largest near the entrance into the oviduct. Two sorts of egg tubes have been distin- guished : those without nutritive cells and those with nutritive cells. The most simple are the ovarian tubes with- out nutritive cells (Fig. 349, A), which are found e.g. in the Orihoptera and Apterygota (excluding Campodea). Here in each tube there is a simple row of eggs from the terminal chamber to the oviduct. Between these consecutive eggs the tube appears constricted, and this causes the beaded appearance. Those parts of the egg tube which lie between two constrictions, each of which contains one egg, are called ovarian chambers. In the ovarian tube with nutritive cells we must again distinguish two different types. In the one type (Fig. 349, £) there is a regular alternation of egg chambers and nutritive chambers, each of the latter containing one or more nutri- tive cells, which serve for the nourishment of the ripening egg contained in the neighbouring chamber. The ovarian and nutritive chambers may be distinctly separated externally by constrictions (Hymen- optera and many Coleoptera}, or one nutritive and one egg chamber may lie in each section of the ovarian tube, which is externally visible as a swelling (Lepidoptera, Diptera). In the second type with nutritive cells, the actual tube consists (Fig. 349, C) of ovarian chambers only, the nutritive cells here remain massed together in the large terminal chamber. The single eggs in the tube are united with the terminal chamber by connective strands, which convey the nutritive material to the eggs. Egg cells, nutritive cells, and the cells of the follicle epithelium (epithelium of the chambers of the ovarian tubes) are, according to their origin, similar elements, like the egg and yolk cells of the Platodes ; division of labour leads to their later differentiation. Only a few of the numerous egg germs develop into eggs, the rest serving as envelopes and food for these few. FIG. 349.— Various types of ovarian tubes, diagrammatic. A, Ovarian tube without nutri- tive cells. B, Egg tube with alternating nutritive and egg compartments. C, Ovarian tubes in which the terminal chamber (ek) is developed into a nutritive chamber, with which the develop- ing eggs remain connected by means of strands (ds) ; ef, terminal filament ; ek, terminal chamber ; efa, egg compartments or chambers ; fe, follicle epithelium ; df, yolk chambers. 490 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. In a few Thysanura (Machilis, Lepisma, and especially lapyx) the ovarial tubes (5-7 on each side) are placed in the abdomen in more or less strict segmental arrange- ment. Each independently enters one of the two oviducts, which run through the abdomen as straight canals. The two oviducts open externally by a short unpaired terminal piece ; this common piece is said to be wanting in Machilis, only the outer aperture of the two oviducts being in this case common to both. In Campodea and the Collembola the ovaries and testes on each side are simple tubes. XII. Dimorphism — Polymorphism. In all insects the males and females differ, not only in the arrangement of their sexual organs, but also in various details of their outer organisation. This sexual dimorphism is in some cases very remarkable, and is generally connected with the absence of wings in the female, e.g. in the scale insects (Coccidce), in the luminous Goleoptera (Lampyridce), and in a few Bombycina (Psyche, Orgyia). In the parasitic Strepsiptera the females are legless, wingless, eyeless, and feelerless, and are thus like maggots. They are viviparous, and remain, as long as they live, enclosed in their pupal envelopes, inside the host, i.e. in the abdomen of various Hymenoptera. In colonial insects polymorphism arises in consequence of division of labour between the individuals of the colony. In many colonial Hymenoptera (bees and ants) only a few of the females (queens) are sexually mature and capable of re- production. The great majority of the other females (workers) have reduced sexual organs, and, among the ants, are wingless. Among the ants different forms of workers may appear (soldiers and workers proper). In the colonial Termites, and also among the Corrodentia, there are, besides the winged reproductive males and females, unwinged males and females with rudimentary sexual organs ; these are again divided into castes (workers, fighters), and vary in form accordingly. XIII. Development and Life-History. A. The Metamorphoses of Insects. The greater part of the developmental processes, by means of which the adult insect is produced from the fertilised egg, take place within the egg -envelope. The time passed within the egg is the period of embryonic development. The organism which escapes from the egg-envelope, or in other words, is hatched from the egg, is always already very highly developed, and, apart from the fact that it has no wings, .no mature sexual organs, and no compound eyes, 'is provided with all the typical insect organs in functional condition. It possesses a completely segmented body, antennae, mouth parts, thoracic limbs, developed nervous, digestive, and tracheal systems, the dorsal vessel, the body musculature, etc. It moves and feeds itself independently. It is called a larva. The larvae of the insects are thus, when hatched, far more highly developed than the larvae of most other Invertebrate. The changes which an insect undergoes before it becomes an adult sexually mature animal (imago) are extraordinarily various, and are conditioned by a whole series of co-operating factors, among which the most important are : (1) the degree of deviation of the imaginal form from the racial form ; (2) the different modes of life and of places of habitation of the larvae and imagines. I. The Apterygota (Thysanura and Collembola) are considered to have retained their original wingless condition, and in other ways also appear to stand nearest to vi HEXAPODA— METAMORPHOSES 491 the common racial form of the Insccta. The distinction between larva and imago is here wanting. The young animal hatched from the egg resembles in all points the sexually mature form, which it reaches by simple growth accompanied by ecdyses and by complete development of the sexual organs. Both young and adult animals live on land and lead the same sort of life. Development without metamorphosis (Ametabole). II. The adult insect is, apart from the complete development of the sexual organs, principally distinguished by the possession of wings. In the simplest cases, in the Orthoptera, Corrodentia, Thysanoptera, and most Rhynchota, the larvae lead the same kind of life as the imagines. They change gradually into the imaginal form, growing slowly through numerous ecdyses, while the wings arise and become more strongly developed each time the integument is shed. Gradual meta- morphosis. III. In the Cicada the modes of life of the imagines and the larvse differ. The former live on trees and shrubs, the latter underground on roots, and for this purpose possess strong fore-feet adapted for digging. The transition from the last larval stage to the imago must here be accompanied by a transformation of the fore-legs. Since an intermediate life between that on trees and on the earth is not easily conceivable, and since, consequently, any intermediate form between ordinary feet and digging feet would be purposeless, the transition from the larva to the imago has become direct. The last larval stage is then what is called quiescent, i.e. the organisation of the imago develops within the chrysalis at the expense of the accumulated reserve material. Gradual metamorphosis with pupal stage. IV. The modes of life of the larvse and imagines of the Ephemeridce, Odonata, and Pleeoptera are very different. The imagines live on land, the larvse have become adapted to aquatic life. In the transition to the imaginal form the tracheal gills are generally thrown off (Ephemeridce and many Libellulidce), the stigmata break through, and the tracheal system becomes holopneustic. In other forms the metamorphosis and the growth of the larvse occur gradually (in Chloe by means of more than 20 ecdyses). Incomplete metamorphosis (Hemimetabole). In cases II. III. and IV. the transformation of the larva into the imago is, as a rule, accomplished very gradually. The still wingless larva hatched from the egg shows an external organisation like that which the Apteryyota possess throughout life, even in their sexually mature condition. V. Some Rhynchota are wingless (the Pediculidce, many bugs and the females of the plant-lice), and so are some- Corrodentia (the Mallophaga), Orthoptera (various genera and species of Blattidoe and Phasmidaz), and Dermaptera. The wingless condition in these forms is derived, as opposed to that of the Apterygota ; they are descended from wing -bearing Rhynchota, Corrodentia, Orthoptera, and Dermaptera, but their wings have been reduced in consequence of parasitism or of other habits of life. The larva hatched from the egg has not, therefore, to develop wings. This process is suppressed, and with it the metamorphosis. The young form becomes, by simple growth, the sexually mature imago. In contrast to the original ametabole of the Apterygota we have here an acquired ametabole. VI. In contradistinction to the insects as yet mentioned, all others, i.e. the Neuroptera, Panorpata, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Siphonaptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera, are distinguished by so-called complete^metamorphosis (holometa- bole). A wingless larva is hatched from the egg, which indeed grows and moults, but, nevertheless, always retains the same organisation and undergoes no trans- formation during the larval stage. At the end of larval life, however, when the fat body has become strongly developed by rich nourishment, the larva moults and passes over into the differently formed pupal stage. The pupse are very variously shaped, often distinctly segmented with rudimentary extremities and wings, often 492 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. with concealed extremities. They are generally quiescent, immovable, and not capable of taking food, and are often surrounded by special protective envelopes — cocoons. The best known cocoons are those of the Lepidoptera, which are spun by the caterpillars from the secretion of their spinning glands. At the end of pupal life the envelope is opened and the imaginal insect (beetle, butterfly, fly, etc.) issues from it. This complete metamo'rphosis evidently proceeds from an incomplete or gradual metamorphosis. The wingless larva adapts itself to various conditions of existence, or is provided by its parents with excessive nourishment. It accumulates so much reserve material in its fat body that the further larval stages do not need to feed independently. By the suppression of numerous ecdyses these successive larval stages are abbreviated into one stage, — the stage of the outwardly quiescent pupa, within which the imago attains development at the expense of the reserve nourish- ment. The larvae of insects with complete metamorphosis vary much in their organi- sation, each being adapted to its own special surroundings. Two principal groups can, however, be distinguished : (1) with feet, e.g. the larvae of the Neuroptera, the "caterpillars" of the Lepidoptera, the larvae of the Coleoptera and Trichoptera ; (2) without feet, maggot -like larvae of the Diptera, larvae of most Hymenoptera and Siphonaptera. The former by possessing legs are the least removed from the Thysanura-like larval form of other winged insects ; they move freely, and with few exceptions feed independently. Many are carnivorous, living either on land or in water ; many feed on plants, on the leaves (caterpillars) or roots (cockchafer grubs). Among the Hymenoptera the larvae of the Tenthredinidce are vermiform, and like the butterfly caterpillars possess parapodia - like appendages on several abdominal segments in addition to the thoracic feet. The modes of life of the footless larvae of the Diptera and most Hymenoptera are very varied. They sometimes live free and are carnivorous, generally living then in water ; sometimes they are parasitic in the bodies of other animals or in plant tissue ; sometimes in putrefying matter, dung, etc. ; sometimes inside cases or cells which are filled with nutritive material ; sometime they are fed by the adults, etc. etc. Head- less maggots without feelers or ocelli and with reduced mouth parts are distinguished from larvae which have heads with these organs. The larvae of insects with complete metamorphosis are all originally peripneustic. By adaptation to aquatic or parasitic life they may become amphipneustic, meta- pneustic, or even apneustic, and in the last case may develop trachaeal gills. The mouth parts of the larva may differ greatly from those of the imago. This difference is best known and most striking in the Lepidoptera, whose larvae have masticating mouth parts, while their imagines have sucking mouth parts. The more specialised the larva on the one hand and the imago on the other, and the greater the difference in organisation between them, the more far-reaching natu- rally are the transformations by means of which during the pupal period the larval organisation becomes that of the imago. For instance, in the bee, the larva does not pass direct into the pupal stage, but first into the pre-pupal stage. In certain Coleoptera several larval stages differing very much from one another are met with. The Coleopteran genus Sitaris (Fam. Meloidea) lives parasitically on a bee (Anthophora). The larvae of this beetle, which are hatched from the egg, are active little animals with thoracic legs. They lurk in flowers in order to spring upon the bees coming to gather honey. They are thus carried to the hive, where they seize upon the eggs of the bee as soon as these are laid in the honey of the cells, and devour them. They afterwards moult and appear, after ecdysis, as meta- pneustic maggot-like larvae with reduced feet, floating on the surface of the honey, the mouth placed below, and the posterior end on the surface. When the honey is vi HEXAPODA— EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT 493 exhausted they pass into a pupa-like stage, out of which, however, not the imago, but a new larva emerges. Still further pupa-like stages of development then follow, till at last the final real pupa stage occurs. Here we can very clearly recognise, especially in the first two larval stages, the influence of various modes of life on the larvae of one and the same animal. Many Pteromalidce (Hymenoptera) pass through a series of peculiarly shaped larval stages, which are as yet by no means explained. The larvse live parasitically in the eggs, larvse, and pupse of other insects, in which the Pteromalidce lay their eggs by means of an ovipositor. It is remarkable that the youngest larvse possess far less highly developed inner organs than are usually found in the larvse of other insects. The above is naturally but a very incomplete description of this most interesting subject. B. The Embryonic Development of Insects. Hydrophilus, the water beetle, affords us a good illustration of this development. The egg is a long oval, with pointed anterior and blunt posterior pole. The segmentation is that typical of the centrolecithal eggs, and leads to the formation of a blastosphere. In this blastosphere we can distinguish a single superficial layer of small cells, the blastoderm, and, enveloped by it, the nutritive yolk with scattered nuclei. The formation of the embryo proceeds from one side of the blastosphere only, i. e. from the future ventral side, on which the blastoderm cells are higher than elsewhere. We may call this portion of the blastoderm the embryonic rudiment. At an early stage we can distinguish the boundaries of the segments, appearing externally as transverse streaks or lines. Anteriorly and posteriorly two longitudinal furrows appear, grow towards each other and unite, so as to mark off on the embryonic rudiment a peripheral portion, the lateral plates, from a central portion, the middle plate. The middle plate sinks below the surface, and so forms the floor of a channel- like medio-ventral invagination, whose edges grow towards each other on each side. This invagination is represented in transverse section in Fig. 350, A- Its edge is to be considered as the edge of the blastopore. How the lateral edges of this blastopore approach each other in the middle line and finally fuse with each other is illustrated by Fig. 352, A, B, C. After the closing of the blastopore the invagination becomes a medio-ventral longitudinal tube, over which the blastoderm of the former lateral plates spreads. From this invaginated tube proceed the mesoderm and perhaps also the endoderm (epithelium of the mid-gut). Even before the closing of the blastopore the rudiments of the embryonic en- velopes so common among insects, viz. the amnion and the serous envelope, appear. They first appear as a fold of the blastoderm at the edge of the embryonic rudiment. This fold grows more and more from all sides over the embryonic rudiment, finally covering it. The embryonic rudiment thus comes to lie in the base of a cavity whose mouth, wide open at first, grows smaller and smaller by the growing and final closing together of the amnion folds ; the final closing takes place over the anterior end of the embryonic rudiment. The tranverse section B, Fig. 350, shows the rising amnion folds, the transverse section C shows them grown over the embryonic rudiment so as to form a continuous cover. In the surface views of Fig. 352 the folds are denoted by af and of". The cavity which is formed by the amnion is called the amnion cavity. Its roof, in correspondence with its origin, consists of 2 epithelial lamellae, an inner one, which at the edge of the embryonic rudiment is continued into its blastoderm and represents the actual amnion, and an outer one, which at the edge of the embryonic rudiment is continued into the blastoderm of the whole remaining surface of the egg, and 494 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. 3 alo « .-i.s S M * £ <§ 3 o g ^ * g ^ •& ^illsll •z-Z^ Kl VI HEXAPODA— EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT 495 together with this represents an unbroken epithelial membrane, the serous envelope ; this latter surrounds the whole egg with its embryonic rudiment and the amnion on all sides. The amnion and the serous envelope have no share in the building up of the embryo. The latter develops exclusively out of the blastoderm of the embryonic rudiment and the invaginated tube, which we will call the germ streak. The blasto- derm of the embryonic rudiment grows further and further dorsally at its peripheral edges, so that at last it envelops the embryo on all sides as ectoderm. Though somewhat out of its strict order, for the sake of clearness, this process as well as the fate of the amnion and serosa may be here illustrated by means of the following dia- gramatio transverse sections. Fig. 351, A, represents the same stage as Fig. 350, F, FIG. 351.— Formation of the dorsal tube (process of involution of the embryonic integuments) in Hydrophilus (after Graber and Kowalevsky). A, Transverse section through an egg, whose em- bryonic rudiment is still covered by the amnion (a) and serosa (s). B, Amnion and serosa having grown together in the middle line have now torn open, drawing back on each side to form a fold. C, The fold, by the contraction of the serosa becomes more dorsal. D, The contracted serosa (dorsal plate) is being grown over by the fold. E, The dorsal tube has become closed by the growing together of the folds. F, The mid-gut is closed dorsally and has enclosed the dorsal tube (s). a, Amnion ; d, nutritive yolk ; h, heart ; I, ccelome ; m, rudiments of mid-gut ; n, nervous system ; s, serosa and the structures developed out of it, i.e. the dorsal plate and dorsal tube ; tr, principal tracheal trunk ; ec, ectoderm. but the position of the embryonic rudiment is reversed. In Fig. 351, B, we see the amnion and the serous envelope torn in the ventral middle line, after they had previously grown together. The amnion and the serous envelope thus form on each side a fold projecting ventrally. In 0 the serosa has contracted and has become the so-called dorsal plate, which now consists of high cylindrical epithelium. At the same time the ectoderm of the embryonic rudiments on both sides has extended 496 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. further dorsally. In D the fold (which proceeded from the amnion and a part of the serous envelope) has bent back and the dorsal plate has contracted still more. In E the folds have overgrown the dorsal plate and their edges have grown together in the middle line. By this process the so-called dorsal tube comes into existence, and then sinks into the yolk. The ectoderm then joins over the dorsal side of the embryo. The tube of the mid-gut enclosing the yolk, together with the dorsal tube, is formed by the complete surrounding of the yolk by the endoderm. The dorsal tube is then broken up with the yolk and reabsorbed within the mid-gut. In other insects these processes take the same course. The most important difference is caused by the fact that from the first the yolk penetrates between the amnion and the serosa, so that the embryo with the amnion seems to be imbedded deep in the yolk. The amnion remains connected with the serosa at one place only. At the place where the two membranes adhere a rent arises later, through which the embryo together with the amnion are everted. In the Lepidoptera no dorsal tube is formed. The embryonic integuments are here simply constricted off from the embryo and serve as the first food of the young grub. This is perhaps also the case in the Diptera and Hymenoptera. To return now to the developmental processes in the embryonic rudiment itself, we must go back to Fig. 350, B. The blastopore here appears closed. The invagin- ated tube (germ streak) is compressed dorso-ventrally and has a slit-like lumen. The transverse section C of a still later stage shows us the germ-streak spread out flat under the ectoderm. On each side of the middle line the latter is thickened and bilaminar. The thickened parts are transverse sections of longitudinal thickenings (primitive thickenings), between which there is a shallow median longitudinal groove (primitive groove). The deeper cells of the longitudinal thickenings form the two lateral strands, from which come the paired portions of the ventral chord. The so- called yolk furrowing has taken place at this stage, the yolk belonging to each nucleus being marked off, so that the whole is divided into irregular masses. In the transverse section D we see the germ streak divided into two lateral halves, a cavity appearing in each half ; these cavities become those of the primitive segments. These appear more clearly demarcated in the transverse section E of an older stage. They are the mesoderm cavities, which are repeated segmentally on each side. The remaining mesoderm of the germ streak has again united in the middle line. On each side near the primitive thickenings the ectoderm becomes in- vaginated to form a trachea. These tracheal rudiments appear segmentally in pairs, as is shown in the ventral surface view, Fig. 353, where their outer apertures (stigmata) are seen. In the transverse section F of a later stage the germ streak has drawn back some- what from the surface of the yolk, and so gives rise to a cavity, which becomes the definitive coelome and later joins the segmental cavities. The longitudinal trunks of the tracheae are already formed, as shown in transverse section. The lateral strands of the nervous system have separated from the ectoderm (hypodermis), and the primitive groove between them has deepened. The fusing of its base with the lateral strands yields the transverse commissures of the ventral chord. We find in each side between the yolk and the segmental cavities a newly formed layer of cells. This cell layer represents the endoderm. Gradually extending all over the surface of the yolk, it becomes the epithelium of the mid-gut which encloses the yolk. The yolk is gradually absorbed later. The wall of the mesoderm cavities which is in contact with the endoderm follows the latter, as it grows over the yolk and yields, as the visceral layer of the mesoderm, the muscular wall of the mid-gut. Long before all these processes have taken place the stomodseum has formed at the anterior (head) end of the embryonic rudiment and at the posterior end (in the terminal segment) the proctodaeum, both being ectodermal invaginations which vi HEXAPODA— EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT 497 become connected with the mid-gut at a later stage. The Malpighian vessels arise as imaginations from the ectodermal proctodseum. The limbs (Fig. 353) appear as paired bud-like outgrowths of the ectoderm and the subjacent mesoderm ; they appear between the primitive thickenings of the nerve chord and the stigmata. It is an important fact that besides the rudiments of the head and thoracic limbs, which alone are present in the adult animals, there occur at a certain stage distinct rudiments of abdominal limbs as well, those of the first abdominal segment being particularly clear (cp. especially Fig. 353, J5). These rudiments degenerate later. The origin of the two endodermal cell layers, which we saw appear in the transverse section (Fig. 350, F), is difficult to explain. At the stage at which this section is taken, the whole endodermal rudiment consists of two lateral cell streaks A ^ I • % *Jt p* / af Fig. 352.— A-E, Ventral view of 5 stages in the development of Hydrophilus (after Heider). The anterior end is directed upward, a and b, Points at which the blastopore first closes ; af, edge of the amnion fold ; af, caudal fold ; af", paired cephalic fold ; an, antenna ; es, terminal segment ; g, pit-like invagination (rudiment of the amnion cavity) ; fc, procephalic lobes ; r, groove-like medio-ventral invagination ; s, germ-streak covered by the amnion. between the yolk and the two rows of mesoderm cavities. Anteriorly at the stomodseum and posteriorly at the proctodseum the two streaks pass into one another. At earlier stages the endoderm consists of an anterior and a posterior U-shaped double streak. The limbs of the U, which are very short to begin with, are at first directed backward in the anterior double streak, and forward in the posterior streak ; they gradually elongate till at last the two anterior limbs meet the two posterior, and thus give rise to the two above-mentioned endodermal streaks. The first origin of the two U-shaped double streaks must probably be sought in the anterior and posterior ends of the median invagination of the blastoderm of the embryonic rudiments, which elsewhere forms only mesoderm. The whole invagina- tion would thus be the rudiment of the mesoderm plus the endoderm, and might be regarded as the gastrula invagination. In a transverse section of the still open anterior part of the invagination its base would represent the formative zone of the U-shaped endodermal streaks, while the lateral somewhat bulged-out walls yield mesoderm. The mesodermal germ streak would thus be continued anteriorly in two lateral bulgings of a gastrula invagination, arid we are therefore inclined to regard the mesodermal formation of insects as a modification of that manner of forming the mesoderm in which it proceeds from paired invaginations of the archenteron. According to another view, the yolk with its nuclei represents the endoderm, and VOL. I 2 K 498 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. yields the epithelium of the mid-gut in a way which has not been more closely observed. Other observers, again, maintain that the whole enteric epithelium is formed from the proctodseum and the stomodseum. It would perhaps be worth while to investigate whether the endoderm does not arise from the yolk cells by a kind of micromere formation, in a way similar to that in which the ectoderm is produced in many animals whose eggs contain much nutritive yolk (cp. p. 124, etc.) The heart arises out of two lateral originally widely separated rows of mesoderni B Fig. 353.— A and J5, Hydrophilus embryos with the rudiments of the extremities (after Holder). In the somewhat older embryo, J5, the rudiments of abdominal feet, which disappear later, are distinctly seen, a, Anal aperture ; an, antenna ; g, rudiment of the ventral ganglionic chain ; m, oral aperture ; md, mandible ; mx\, first maxilla ; mx-2, second maxilla (rudiment of the lower lip) ; pi, p*, jps, thoracic legs ; p±, p^y p?, p§, rudiments of the extremities of the first, second, fourth, and sixth abdominal segments ; st, stigmata ; vk, procephalon. cells. Each row, by sending out muscular processes, forms the side of a groove. The two sides move towards each other, uniting later in the middle line to form the cardial tube. The brain arises, like the ventral chord, as two lateral ectodermal thickenings (neural plates), which remain separate from each other for a considerable time, but from their first appearance are continuous with the lateral strands of the ventral chord. Besides this a second ectodermal invagination on each side takes part in its formation. Opinions as to the development of the eyes in insects still differ very much. According to recent observations it appears probable that both the compound and the simple eyes proceed from invaginations of the ectoderm, which become constricted off as vesicles, and only secondarily become connected with the optic portion of the brain (ganglion opticum). The first appearance of the sexual organs is not yet sufficiently investigated. vi HEXAPODA— METAMORPHOSES OF INSECTS 499 C. The Inner Processes in the Metamorphoses of Insects. In insects without metamorphosis or with gradual or incomplete metamorphosis the organs of the larva simply pass into those of the imago. There is no breaking up and disappearance of the larval organs, and no new formation of the imaginal organs, if we leave out of account the throwing off of tracheal gills and the formation of wings, compound eyes, and so on. In insects with complete metamorphosis the case is different. The larval organisa- tion has here been adapted, independently of the imago, to special conditions of existence. A gradual continuous transformation of the larval organs into the often quite differently constructed organs of the imago, during which the different stages would feed independently, is inconceivable, since organs undergoing such complete transformations could hardly be capable of functioning. There are, further, numerous phenomena in the most various divisions of the animal kingdom which prove that organs which have functioned actively during larval life are only slightly capable of development and metamorphosis. They are more often reabsorbed or thrown off in the further course of development. We thus see why in insects with complete metamorphosis the transition from the larva to the imago almost necessarily takes place during a pupal stage, the pupa changing into the imago partly at the expense of the reserve nourishment accumulated by the larva, it being unable to acquire food for itself. So as to understand the inner processes in the metamorphosis of the holometabo- listic insect, we will take as an example the larva of Corethra plumicornis (Diptera, Tipularia). Most of the larval organs here simply pass during metamorphosis into those of the pupa and of the imago. The larva, however, is footless and wingless. The rudiments of feet and wings form shortly before the pupal stage. Three pairs of ventral and 3 pairs of dorsal invaginations of the hypodermis appear and are called imaginal discs. In the bases of these invaginations out- growths appear and grow continuously longer, while the invagination in which they lie deepens (Fig. 354). The outgrowths in the 6 ventral invaginations are the rudi- ments of the thoracic limbs, the outgrowths of the 2 posterior dorsal pairs of imaginal discs are the rudiments of the wings and halteres which thus lie hidden within Fig. 354. — Rudiments 01 the body, till they are protruded and attain development. *ne imaginal discs in the The muscles of the wings are already rudimentarily larva of Corethra, diagram- , ,, i i - .LI i matte. Invaginations (fe and present m the embryo as cell strands, but they only ^ of the la°rval hypjdermis begin to differentiate at the end of larval life. (ihy), in whose bases the rudi- The complete metamorphosis of some insects, especi- ments of wings (fa) and legs ally of the Muscidce (e.g. Musca vomitoria), is accom- thru larva. They here lie. however (Fig. 3f>">), much deeper in the body, and are connected with the hypodermis liy means of long cell strands which are hollow only in the neighbourhood ot'the imaginal discs. The thoracic limbs and wings begin Fn;. 3.0'j. — .!, />', c, D, Diagrammatic representation of the development of the wings, legs, and the imaginal hypodermis of the Muscidae from the imaginal discs of the larva during meta- morphosis, diagrammatic transverse sections. ///, Chit incus integument of the larva, from which the subjacent hypodermis (//, leg rudiments ; ihy, imaginal hypodermis, spreading out in 1) from the imaginal discs. The imaginal rudiments of the hvpodenais are indicated by thick black outlines, the larval hypodermis by two thin parallel lines. to form in just the same wav as in C'o/v7//m as outgrowths within the imaginal sacs. At a later stage the processes of the imaginal discs which are connected with the hypodermis shorten and become hollow. The larval hypodermis then opens over the imaginal discs, which have moved outwards, and the feet and wings come freely to the surface. A new hypodermis layer spreads out from the imaginal discs over the thorax : this is the rudiment of the imaginal hypodermis, while in proportion as the imaginal hypodermis spreads, the larval falls to pieces and disappears, in such a way that the larval and imaginal hypodermis taken together at all stages of the metamorphosis form a continuous cover round the body. AVhile in the thorax the formation of the imaginal hypodermis proceeds from the imaginal discs, in the abdomen it proceeds (later than in the thorax) from the formative centres, the so- called islands, in the hypodermis. In each abdominal segment there are four larger vi HEXAPODA— PARTHENOGENESIS— P^DOGENESIS 501 FIG. 356. — A and B, Diagrammatic representa- tion of the formation of the imaginal hypodermis in the abdomen of the Muscidae, proceeding from the centres of the imaginal hypodermis (islands) (hi). Ih, Larval hypodermis. In trying to understand these metamorphosic processes we must always keep in view that ecdysis only affects the chitinous cuticle of the body, from which the sub- jacent hypodermis withdraws, secreting a new chitinous integument under the old one. The formation of the head is very peculiar. It is (as oesophagus and optic vesicles connected with the oesophagus) in- vaginated into the thorax, and is later A evaginated anteriorly out of the thorax during the pupal stage. The anterior part of the oesophagus becomes in this process the neck, which after the evagination of the head connects it with the thorax. Of the inner organs, the heart and the rudiments of the sexual organs seem to pass 'direct into the corre- sponding organs of the pupa. The whole musculature of the larva except a few muscles of the second thoracic segment disappears. The imaginal connective tissue and the greater part of the imaginal musculature are formed anew from the mesoderm elements, which early appear on the inner side of the imaginal discs. Perhaps the imaginal discs themselves yield, besides the thoracic hypodermis, the mesodermal layers belonging to them as well ; this point, however, needs further investigation. Certain dorsal muscles of the second thoracic segment of the larva do not disappear, but are transformed during a temporary loss of their transverse striation into the wing muscles of the imago. A large part of the larval tracheal system disappears. The imaginal tracheal system seems to be regenerated out of scattered cells and cell groups of the larval tracheal hypodermis. In the digestive tract the greater part of the mid-gut dis- appears. The imaginal mid-gut forms anew out of persistent epithelial islands of the larval mid -gut. Parts of the fore- and hind-guts proceed direct from the fore- and hind-guts of the larva, while other parts arise out of circular islands or formative centres, the so-called imaginal rings, of the larval fore- and hind-guts. The central portion of the nervous system (brain and ventral chord) and prob- ably also the beginnings of the larger peripheral nerves proceed by means of peculiar alterations and transformations from the corresponding parts of the larva. The salivary glands of the larva fall to pieces and disappear, falling victims to the leucocytes. The imaginal salivary glands are regenerated out of imaginal rings of the larval glands. The larval fat body is gradually devoured by the leucocytes. As already pointed out, the disintegration of the larval organs and the new formation of the imaginal organs do not belong to two distinct periods. Both pro- cesses go on side by side, so that in general there is'no discontinuity either in the out- ward form or in the structure of the organs. Physiological discontinuity prevails only in this sense, that the organs cannot, during transformation, perform their respective functions. Parthenogenesis— Cyclic Reproduction— Paedogenesis. Parthenogenesis occurs in many insects, and especially frequently in the plant lice (Rhynchota) and in many Hymenoptera, though here also, most probably, it is not the only method of reproduction, but merely alternates with reproduction 502 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY by means of fertilised eggs. In the colonial J/t///«>/i(>pfsra only males come from unfertilised eggs. In the Apliidex, in summer, several generations of partheno- geneticaily reproducing, viviparous, generally wingless females succeed one another. The last viviparous summer generation, however, produces winged males, and either winged or wingless females, Avhose fertilised eggs remain through the winter. From these latter the first summer generation of parthenogenetically reproducing females is again produced. The reproductive cycle of F/it/Uoscra is similar, with this distinction only, that all the generations are wingless, except that one out of whose eggs the sexual (male and female) generation is produced. Phylloxera is not viviparous. The reproductive arrangements of Cltcnnrs are very peculiar ; the males of this fir louse were, till recently, altogether unknown. A wingless generation (I.) tcrilu. as far as it is known, does not greatly dilier from that of Jn»<'<-hi. Kmbryoiiic envelopes, however, do not appear to form. AVhen the young Myrlapoda are hatched, they are either provided with the definitive number of segments and legs, as is the case in the Hcohipr.iulrido' and 6Vo/,A/Y/V/po>?(i j. or they possess a smaller number, to which the missing VI ANTENNATA—PHYLOGENY 503 ones are gradually added posteriorly during the many moults undergone by the animal. The young of the Scutigeridce and Lithobiidce (Chilopodd) have 7 pairs of legs. The number then increases to 15. The young Diplopoda ( Fig. 357), on the contrary, have only 3 pairs of feet on the 3 anterior trunk segments, and a few posterior segments still limbless. They thus recall the type of the Insect larvte. New segments gradually appear posteriorly and the number of legs increases. After each moult the number of rings is greater ; the increase generally takes place very irregularly, so that (e.g. Polydesmidce) stages with 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, and finally 20 rings, succeed one another. From the above we see, firstly, that a sort of metamorphosis takes place in many Myriapoda, and, secondly, that the body ^O-^-L^-^ ^-V* — £~">-T — b, there differentiates from before backward, a point which can no longer be made out in the Insecta. XIY. Phylogeny. Of the Antennata now living, the Symphyla, perhaps, stand nearest the common racial form. Yet even they are one-sidedly developed, and many of their organs, and above all, the tracheal system, by no means show a primitive arrange- ment. From the common racial form of the Antennata, the Myriapoda branched off to the one side, and the Hexapoda to the other. The different orders of Myria- poda perhaps developed polyphyletically, while for all Hexapoda we can assume one common racial form, resembling the now living Apterygota, and especially the Thysanura. There is thus no special reason for considering the Apterygota as originally winged insects, which became sexually mature at progressively earlier stages of development, and finally at a larval stage. At least one reason against such. a supposition is the occurrence of the protrusible vesicles in the abdomen of the Thysanura, which is present in the Myriapoda (Lysiopctalidce and Symphyla}, but almost entirely wanting in the Pterygota, only one pair appearing temporarily on the foremost abdominal segment in the embryo. The racial form of the Pterygota is to be derived from the Apterygota-like racial form of all Hexapoda, from which the various orders of insects have been produced. These have of course developed independently of one another. Those orders, how- ever, whose members undergo a gradual or incomplete metamorphosis, have retained the original characteristics to a larger extent than the rest. Of the remaining orders, again, it is the Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and Diptera which are furthest removed from the racial form, and which reach the highest development among the Insecta. Regarding the relation of the Antennata to the Protracheata, there can be no o/n FIG. 357. — Larva of Polydesmus com- planatus, just hatched (after v. Rath). Ibr, Upper lip ; a, antenna ; bt, sides of the head (cheeks) ; gcJi, gnathochilarium ; 6j, Z>2> 63, the three pairs of legs of the larva ; sd, glands (saftdriisen) ; an, anus. 504 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. doubt that the two classes are racially connected, and that Peripatus has, far more than any member of the whole class of the Antennata, retained the original Annulatan characteristics. Review of the most important Literature. I. Myriapoda. Anatomy. J. Bode. Polyxenus lagurus de Geer. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic, Morphologic und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chilognathen. Diss. und in : Zeitschrift f. d. gesammt. Naturwissenschaften. 1877. Leon Dufour. Recherches anatomiques sur le Lithobiusforficatus et la Scutigera lineata. Ann. sciences nat. Tome II. 1824. Hugo Eisig. Monographic der Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel. Berlin, 1887. (Contains observations on the morphology of the coxal, spinning, and salivary glands, and of the nephridia of the Myriapoda, Hexapoda, and Protracheata.) L. Fabre. Recherches sur T anatomic des organes reproducteurs ct sur le developpem^nt des Myriapodcs. Annales sciences nat. 4°. Zool. III. 1855. H. Grenacher. Ueber die Augen einiger Myriapodcn. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomic. 18 Bd. 1880. Erich Haase. Das Respirationssystem der Symphylcn und Chilopodcn. Zool. Bei- trage von A. Schneider. 1 Bd. 1884. Robert Latzel. Die Myriapodcn der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchic. Erste und zweite Hdlfte. Wien. 1880-1884. George Newport. On the organs of reproduction and the development of the Myria- poda. Philos. Transact. Roy. Soc., London, 1841 (cf. also Ann. Magaz. Nat. History. 1°. VIII. 1842). The same. On the structure, relations, and development of the nervous and circulatory systems. Ibid. 1843. Otto von Rath. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Chilognathen. Dissertation. Bonn, 1886. Friedr. Stein. Ueber die Gcschlechtsvcrhdltnisse der Myriapoden, etc., in Mullers Archiv. Jahrg. 1842. See also works of Newport, Stein, Plateau, Voges, Sograf, Humbert, Chatin, Kar- linski, Meinert, Haase, Brandt, Koch, Gervais, MacLeod, Packard, Ryder, Scudder, Savigny, Tbmosvary, "Wood-Mason, Heathcote, Brandt. Ontogeny. E. Metschnikoff. Embryologie der doppelfiissigen Myriapoden (Chilognatha}. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. 24 Bd. 1874. The same. Embryologisches uber Geophilus. Ibid. 25 Bd. 1875. II. Hexapoda. Anatomy. G. Ernst Adolph. Ueber InseTctenflugel. Nova Ada K. Leop. -Carol. Deutsch. Akad. Naturforscher. 41 Bd. 1880. Blanchard. " Insectes " in Regne animal de Cuvier. vi ANTENNATA— LITERATURE 505 F. Brauer. Systematisch-zoologische Studien. Sitz.-Ber. math.-naturwiss. Klasse k. Akad. Wiss. 91 Bd. 1 Abth. Wien, 1885. Eduard Brandt. Numerous treatises (in German) on the nervous systems of different insects in : Horce societatis entomological rossicce. Vols. 14 and 15 1879. E. Burgess. Contributions to the anatomy of the milk-weed butterfly (Danais Archip- pus}. Anniv. Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1880. Burmeister. Handbuch der Entomologie. Berlin, I. 1832 ; II. 1838, 1839. Justus Carriere. Die Sehorgane der Thiere, vergleichend-anatomisch dargestellt. Miinich und Leipzig. 1885. Carl Chun. Ueber den Ban, die Entwickelung und physiologische Bedeutung der Rectaldrusen bei den Insekten. Abhandl. Senkenb. Naturf. Gesellsch. Frankfurt a. M. 10 Bd. 1875. Leon Dufour. Recherches sur les Htmipteres, les Orthopteres, les Hymenopteres, les Nevropteres et les Dipteres. Mem. Acad. de sciences. Paris, Tome IV., 1833 ; VII., 1841; XL, 1851. See also numerous monographs in the Annales des sciences naturelles. V. Graber. Ueber den propulsatorischen Apparat der Insekten. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. 9 Bd. 1873. The same. Die tympanalen Sinnesapparate der Orthopteren. Denkschr. math.- naturwiss. Klasse Akad. Wissench. 36 Bd. Wien, 1875. The same. "Die Insekten." 2 Theile, in Naturkrafte. 21 and 22 Bd. Munich, 1877. The same. Die chordotonalen Sinnesorgane und das Gehb'r der Insekten. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie. 20 Bd. 1882. Battista Grassi. I progenitors dei Miriapodi e degli insetti. 7 treatises from 1886- 1888 in the publications of various Italian Acadamies and Societies, relating chiefly to the Apterygota and Scolopendrella. H. Grenacher. Untersuchungen iiber das Sehorgan der Arthropoden. Gottingen, 1879. F. Grosse. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Mallophagen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 42 Bd. 1885. E. Haase. Ueber Adominalanhdnge bei Hexapoden. Sitz.-Ber. d. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde in Berlin. 1889. G. Hauser. Physiologische und histiologische Untersuchungen iiber das Geruchsorgan der Insekten. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 34 Bd. 1880. F. E. Helm. Ueber die Spinndrusen der Lepidopteren. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 26 Bd. 1875. Bruno Hofer. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Speicheldriisen und des dazu gehorenden Nervenapparates von Blatta. Nova Acta K. Leop.-Carol. Akad. Naturf or scher. 51 Bd. 1887. K. Jordan. Anatomie und Biologic der Physapoda. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. 47 Bd. 1888. Fr. Leydig. Zum fcinern Bau der Arthropoden. Mailer's Archiv. 1855. Besides the text -books of Histology, many other classical works on the histology of the Tracheata and on their sensory organs. Joseph Heinrich List. Orthezia cataphracta. A monograph. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 45 Bd. 1887. John Lubbock. Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. Ray Society, London. 1873. The same. Origin and Metamorphosis of Insects. Macmillan. 1890. P. Lyonet. Traite" anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le bois de saule. La Haye. 1762. 506 'COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. J. MacLeod. La structure des trachtes et la circulation piritrachienne. Brussels, 1880. Meinert. Anatomia Forficularum. Dissert. I. Copenhagen, 1863. H. Michels. Beschreibung des Nervensystems von Oryctes nasicornis im Larven- Puppen-und Kdferzustande. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 34 Bd. Newport. " Insecta," in Cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology. Vol. II. 1839. J. T. Oudemans. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Thysanura und Collembola. Berlin, 1888. Holldndische Ausgabc : Amsterdam, 1887. J. A. Palmen. Zur Morphologic, des Tracheensystems. Helsingfors und Leipzig, 1877. The same. Ueber paarige Ausfiihrungsgdnge der Geschlechtsorgane bei InseTcten. Helsingfors, 1884. W. Patten. Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods. Mitth. Zool. Station zu Neapel. 6 Bd. 1886. F. J. Pictet. Recherches pour sermr a Thistoire et a V anatomic des Phryganides. Geneva, 1834. Reaumur. Memoires pour sermr a Vhistoire des Insectes. Paris. 12 vols. 1734- 1742. J. C. Savigny. Memoires sur les animaux sans vertebres. 1 Partie. 1 fascicule. Paris, 1816. Emil Schindler. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Malpighi'schen Gefdsse der Insekten. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 30 Bd. 1878. A. Sommer. Ueber Macrotoma plumbea. Beitrdge zur Anatomic der Poduriden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. 41 Bd. 1885. Job. Swammerdam. Historia insectorum generalis. Utrecht, 1669. The same. Bijbel der natuure. Lugd. Bat. 1737-1738. Bibel der Natur. 1752. Strauss -Diirkheim. Considerations g£nerales sur Vanatomie comparee des animaux articuUs et anatomie descriptive du Melolontha vulgaris. Paris, with Atlas, 1828. E. Witlaczil. Zur Anatomie der Aphiden. Arb. Zool. Instit. zu Wien. 4 Bd. 1882. The same. Zur Morphologic und Anatomie der Cocciden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 43 Bd. 1885-1886. The same. Die Anatomie der Psylliden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zoologie. 42 Bd. 1885. Comprehensive, but chiefly either systematic or biological works of Bonnet, Rb'sel von Rosenhof, Ch. de Geer, Kirby and Spence, Ratzeburg, 0. Heer, Taschenberg, Jager, Westwood, and others. Names of other authors, given without arrangement : Plateau, Gerstacker, Landois, Kirbach, Langhoffer, Haase, Graber, Breitenbach, Walter, Lienard, "Wood- Mason, Paul Mayer, Leon, Geise, Osc. Schmidt, Will, Leuckart, F. Dahl, H. von Wielowiejski, Emery, Forel, Engelmann, Simmermacher, Koestler, Spich- ardt, Packard, Kraepelin, Berger, Flogel, Dietl, Zimmermann, Cholodkovsky, Dewitz, Korschelt, Faussek, Landois, Glaus, v. Siebold, Pagenstecher, Hanin, A. Dohrn, F. Miiller, Adler, Cattie, Krancher, Grenacher, Hickson, Ticho- miroff, Vayssiere, Riley, Meinert, Scudder, Leydig, Schiemenz, Grassi, Beaure- gard, Wedde, Balbiani, Schneider, Redtenbacher, Miall and Denny, Audouin, Westwood, Wagner, Lacaze-Duthiers, Stein, Nicolet, Gerstfeld, Brulle, Lubbock, Semper, Kolliker, Claparede, Rathke, Hensen, Lespes, Rabl-Riickhard, Grobben, Plateau, Carlet, Dimmock, Bolles Lee, Kniippel, Ruland, Malpighi, Suckow, Loew, Targioni-Tozzetti, Owsjanikoff, Joh. Miiller, Brandt, Dareste, Serville, T. de Charpentier, L. H. Fischer, Pictet, Hagen, Kirby, Curtis, Kaltenbach, Lichtenstein, Becher, 0. Taschenberg, Herold, P. and Fr. Huber, de Saussure Brunner v. Wattenwyl. vi ANTENNATA— LITERATURE 507 Reproduction and Development. H. Ayers. On the development of Oecanthus niveus and its parasite Teleas. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. III. 1884. F. Brauer. Betrachtungen iiber die Verwandlungen der Insekten im Sinne der Descendenz-Theorie. Verh. d. k. k. zool.-botan. Gesellsch. in Wien. 19 Bd. 1869. N. Bobretzky. Ueber die Bildung des Blastoderms und der KeimUdtter lei den InseUen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch . Zoologie. 31 Bd. 1878. L. Dreyfus. Ueber Phylloxerinen. Dissertation. Wiesbaden. 1889. M. Fabre. L'hypermttamorphose et les moeurs des Meloides. Ann. sciences natur. 4°. Vol. VII. 1857. Ganin. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Entivickelungsgeschichte der Insekten. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 19 Bd. 1869. V. Graber. Ueber die Polypodie der Insektenembryonen. Morph. Jahrb. 13 Bd. 1888. B. Grassi. Studi sugli Artropodi. Intorno allo sviluppo delle api nelVuovo. Atti Acad. Scienze nat. Catania. 3°. Vol. XVIII. 1884. Berthold Hatschek. Beitrdge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Lepidopteren. Jenaische Zeitschr. 11 Bd. 1877. K. Heider. Ueber die Anlage der Keimbldtter von Hydrophilus piceus L. Abhandl. der Preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, 1885-1886. 0. and R. Herfrwig. Die Colomtheorie. Jena, 1881. A. Korotneff. Die Embryologie der Gryllotalpa. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 41 Bd. 1885. A. Kowalevsky. Emlryologische Studien an Wurmern und Arthropoden. Mem. Acad. imper. Petersburg. 7°. Vol. XVI. 1871. The same. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der nachembryonalen Entwickelung der Musciden. I. Zeitsch. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 45 Bd. 1887. R. Leuckart. Die Fortpfianzung und Entwickelung der Pupiparen. Abhandl. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle. 4 Bd. 1858. The same. Die ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung der Cecidomyialarven. Arch, fur Natur gesch. 1865. E. Metschnikoff. Einbryologische Studien an InseUen. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 16 Bd. 1866. W. Patten. The development of Phryganids, with a preliminary note on the develop- ment of Blatta germanica. Quart. Journ. Micr. Science. N.S. Vol. XXIV. 1884. J. van Rees. Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der innern Metamorphose von Musca vomitoria. Zool. JaJirb. von Spengel. Abth. f. Anat. und Ontog. 3 Bd. 1888. Viallanes. Recherches sur Thistologie des Insektes et sur les phenomenes, qui accom- pagnent le developpement postenibryonnaire de ces animaux, in Annal. Scienc. natur. zool. 6°. Vol. XIV. 1882. Alfred Voeltzkow. Entwickelung im Ei von Musca vomitoria und: Melolontha vulgaris. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelung im Ei bei Insekten. Arb. aus dem zool.-zoot. Institute Wiirzburg. 9 Bd. 1 Heft. 1889. N. Wagner. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Fortpflanzung der Insektenlarven. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 13 Bd. 1860. Aug. Weismann. Die Entwickelung der Dipteren im Ei. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 13 Bd. 1863. The same. Die nachenibryonale Entwickelung der Musciden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 14 Bd. 1864. 508 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The same. Die Metamorphose der Corethra plumicornis. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 16 Bd. 1866. Emanuel Witlaczil. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Aphiden. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 40 Bd. 1884. Other authors : Brauer, Ganin, Pagenstecher, MetschnikofF, Blochmann, Dreyfus, Fabre, Balbiani, A. Brandt, Biitschli, Dewitz, Dohrn, Graber, 0. v. Grimm, Kblliker, Leuckart, Melnikow, P. Mayer, A. S. Packard, Tichomiroff, Zaddach, Rathke, Robin, Henking. vi ARACHNOIDEA— SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 509 CLASS III. Arachnoidea sive Chelicerota — Spider-like Articulata. Systematic Review. Order 1. Scorpionidse (Fig. 359, p. 512). The body is divided into a compact unsegmented cephalo-thorax and a long seg- mented abdomen. In the abdomen again a thick and broad pre- abdomen of 7 segments is marked off from a long slender post-abdomen of 5 segments. The terminal segment of the latter carries a poison sting. On the ventral side of the 2d abdominal segment there is on each side a comb-like appendage. The jaw-feelers ( chelicerae) and jaw-palps (pedipalps) are provided with pincers. The pedipalps are leg-like, with large pincers. There are 4 pairs of book - leaf tracheae (lungs), whose stigmata lie on the ventral side of the 3d to the 6th abdominal segments. Euscorpius, Buthus, Androdonus. Order 2. Solpugidse (Fig. 358, p. 511). Head separate. Thorax of 3 segments, hind body cylindrical, of 10 segments. Chelicerse with pincers, pedipalps long and leg-like. Tubular tracheae. Stigmata in pairs on the 1st thoracic, and 2d and 3d abdominal segments. Galeodes, Solpuga. Order 3. Pseudoscorpionidse (Chernetidse) (Fig. 360, p. 513). Cephalo-thorax unsegmented or with two transverse furrows, abdomen broad, flat, of 11 segments. Neither poison stings nor caudal cerci present. Chelicerse and pedipalps like those of the Scorpionidce. Tubular tracheae. Two pairs of stigmata, on the 2d and 3d abdominal segments. With spinning glands. Small animals. Chernes, Chelifer, Obisium, •Chthonius. Order 4. Pedipalpi (Thelyphonidee) (Fig. 364, p. 519). Cephalo-thorax unsegmented, distinctly marked off from the hind body. The latter flattened, consisting of 11-12 segments. Chelicerse claw-shaped. Pedipalps large, ending either in claws or pincers. First pair of legs with flagellate ends, like feelers. Two pairs of book-leaf tracheae, whose stigmata lie on the ventral side of the 2d and 3d abdominal rings. Thelyphonus (last 3 abdominal segments form a truncated portion clearly marked off from the rest of the abdomen and carrying a long jointed caudal cercus). Phrynus. Near the Pedipalpi are perhaps to be classed the small and insufficiently known divisions of the Tartaridce and Microthelyphonidce. OrderS. Phalangidse. Cephalo-thorax unsegmented, hind body of 6 segments, compact, applied along its whole breadth to the cephalo-thorax. Chelicerae pincer-like, pedipalps leg- like. Legs often extraordinarily long and thin. Tubular tracheae with one pair of stigmata which lies ventrally at the junction of the cephalo-thorax and abdomen. "Without spinning glands. Phalangium, Leiobunum, Gonyleptus. Order 6. Cyphophthalmidse (often placed as a family of Order 5). Cephalo-thorax unsegmented, abdomen of 8 segments. Of the pseudoscorpionid type. Chelicerae and pedipalps like those of the Phalangidce. Tubular tracheae. Cyphophthcdmus (without spinning glands, with one pair of stigmata on the ventral side of the 1st abdominal segment). Gibbocellum (spinning glands at the base of the 510 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. abdomen behind the sexual aperture ; 2 pairs of stigmata on the 2d and 3d abdominal segments) (Fig. 372, p. 529). Order 7. Araneidae— Spiders. Both cephalo-thorax and abdomen unsegmented, the latter large and egg-shaped. Abdomen joined to the cephalo-thorax by a short narrow stalk, 4 to 6 pairs of spinning mammillae at the end of the abdomen. Chelicerse claw-like with poison glands. Pedipalps leg-like, terminal joint in the male transformed in a peculiar manner into an organ for transmitting the semen in copulation (Fig. 377, p. 535). Tracheae either exclusively book-leaf, or book-leaf and tubular at the same time. Sub-order 1. Tetrapneumones. "With 4 book-leaf tracheae, without tubular tracheae. The 2 pairs of stigmata, ventral, behind the base of the abdomen. Generally 4 (in Atypus 6) spinnerets. Mygale (Amcularia, Fig. 374, p. 531), Cteniza, Atypus, Sub-order 2. Dipneumones. With 2 book-leaf tracheae whose stigmata lie at the base of the abdomen, and with tubular tracheae emerging through an unpaired (less frequently paired, e.g. Dysderidce) stigma behind those of the book-leaf tracheae. The unpaired stigma of the tubular trachese is generally moved far back, so that it lies in front of the 6 spinnerets. This sub-order' includes most of the web-spinning spiders. Fam. Dysderidce (2 stig- mata for the tubular tracheae) : Dysdera, Segestria. Fam. Salti grada : Salticus, Attus. Fam. Citigrada (Lycosidce) : Lycosa, Tarantula. Fam. Laterigrada: Microm- mata, Philodromus, Xysticus. Fam. Tubitelaria : Dictyna, Tegenaria, Agelena, Argyroneta, Drassus, Clubiona. Fam. Retitelaria : Linyphia, Theridium, Pholcus. Fam. Orbitelaria : Epeira, Zilla, Meta. Order 8. Acarina— Mites. Abdomen fused with cephalo-thorax. Body unsegmented. Mouth parts adapted for biting, or piercing and sucking. Respiratory organs (tracheae) either present or absent. Many Mites are parasitic. a. Mites provided with tracheae : — Fam. Trombidiidce, : Trombidium. Fam. Tetranychidce : Tetramjchus. Fam. Hydrachnidce : Atax, Hydrachna, Hydrodoma. The sub-families of the marine Halacaridce : Aletes, Halacarus Avithout tracheae. Fam. Bddlidce: Bdella. Fam. Oribatidce : Oribata, Leiosoina. Fam. Gamasidce : Gamasus (Fig. 361, p. 514), Uropoda. Fam. Ixodidce : Ixodes, Argas. b. Mites without tracheae :— Fam. Tyroglyphidce (cheese Mites) : Tyroglyphus. Fam. Dermaleichidce : Listrophorus, Analges. Fam. Sarcoptidoe : Sarcoptes. Fam. Demoditidce: Demodex. Fam. Phytoptidce : Phytoptus. Appendage to the Class of the Arachnoidea. The Linguatulidse (Pentastomidae) Body vermiform, generally flattened, and ringed externally. No oral appendages. Two pairs of movable hooks near the mouth. Without sensory organs, tracheae, Malpighian vessels, or diverticula of the mid-gut. Male aperture in front, behind the mouth ; female aperture at the posterior end of the body. Parasites, Pentastomum, P. taenioides (Fig. 378, p. 537). Parasitic in the nasal and throat cavities and in the cephalic sinus of the dog and wolf. The embryos, enclosed in their egg envelopes, reach the exterior with the nasal mucus. If they are taken into the intestine of a rabbit or a hare (or of a few other mammals) the embryos become free, pierce their VI ARACHNOIDEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 511 way through the enteric wall and enter the liver or lungs. They here become encysted and undergo a remarkable metamorphosis, passing through many moults ; the final result is a larva which has been named Pentastoma denticulatum. This larva finally breaks through its cyst and moves about. If it in any way (most often with the flesh of its host) reaches the mouth and throat of the definitive host, it chooses its future place of location, and through a series of moults develops into the adult Pentastomum. I. Outer Organisation. A. The Body. If we compare the body of the Arachnoidea with that of the Antennata, the most important difference that strikes us is that in the Fig. 358.— Galeodes Dastuguei 9 , natural size. 1-6, The six pairs of extremities ; 1, chelicera 2, pedipalps ; c, head ; fh, the thorax of 3 segments ; ab, the abdomen (after L. Dufour). former no head distinctly marked off from the thorax, or, what is the same thing, on thorax separated from the head, can be distinguished. 512 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. In the body of the Arachnoidea we find almost always a number of anterior segments, probably 7, fused to form a generally unsegmented eephalo- thorax. Following upon this cephalo- thorax there is an abdomen consisting of a varying number of separate or fused segments, which may again fuse with the cephalo-thorax, as is the case in the Acarina and Linguatulidce ($) and thus the body appears neither segmented nor divided into regions. We thus, within the class of the Arachnoidea, have not only fusing of segments and an obliteration of segmentation, but also a progressive concentration of the whole body ; there can be little doubt that the Arachnoidea are no exception to the rule that the more richly and completely segmented the body is the better has it retained the primitive arrangement. The segmentation is richest in the Scorjrionida' and Solpngidce, but is very different in the two groups. The segmentation in both these forms claims special attention. The Solpugidic (Fig. 3 5 8) vividly recall the Insecta in the metamerism of the body. In opposition to all other Arachnoidea, not only is the anterior division of the body, answering to the cephalo-thorax, distinctly segmented, but it even falls into two parts, an anterior unsegmented head, which may be compared with the head of the Antennata, and a posterior thorax, consisting of three segments, which may be compared with the thorax of the Inwta and with the three anterior trunk segments of the Mi/riapnda. An abdomen of ten segments follows the thorax. There are considerable difficulties in the •way of comparing the segments of the body of the Sulpiujida with the head and a corresponding number of trunk segments of the A-ntciinata ; these difficulties arise chiefly in comparing the. extremities and nervous system, and will lie discussed later on. The ontogeny of the Solpugidm is unfortunatclv almost unknown. i_'. :;:/.'.— Scorpio africanus (;dlur Cuvier, J;«JIH animal). Iii the Scorpionidw (Fig. 359) the. eephalo-thorax is, in the adult condition, unsegmented; in the embryo, however, a segmentation into seven somites, including the frontal lobes, may be recognised. The abdomen, on the contrary, vi AEACHNOIDEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 513 is distinctly segmented and consists of twelve segments. In it, again, we can distinguish two divisions, distinctly marked off from each other. The anterior division, the broad pre-abdomen, consists of 7 segments ; the posterior, slenderer, tail-like division, the post-abdomen, of 5 segments. At the end of the post-abdomen is found the poison sting1, which is often included as one of the segments. It ought, however, probably to be considered as an articulated appendage of the last seg- ment, the latter being recognised, as in all Arthropoda, by the position of the anus. Two small, insufficiently known groups of Arach- iioidea, the Tartaridce and Microthelyphonidee, appear, as far as the metamerism of the body is concerned, to occupy in some respects an intermediate position between the Solpugidce and the Scorpionidce, and in others between the latter and the Thelyphonidce. In pjg. 360.— Chelifer Bravaisii the Microthelyphonidce an anterior and a posterior (after Cuvier, Regne animal). division can be distinguished in the cephalo-thorax, 2'6> Second to sixth pairs of and again, the latter shows on its dorsal surface indis- e tinct division into three parts which recalls the arrangement of the cephalo-thorax of the Solpugidce. The abdomen consists of ten segments, the last three being much narrower and smaller than the rest and representing a sort of post-abdomen, whose terminal segment carries a long, thin, jointed caudal filament. In the Tartaridce, the thorax is divided by a distinct circular constriction into an anterior and a posterior division. The abdomen consists of seven or eight segments followed by a small, short, truncated post-abdomen, formed of a few (four) segments and carrying a variously -shaped caudal appendage. In the Pedipalpi the cephalo-thorax is unsegmented. The abdomen consists of 12 segments (Thdyphonus) or of 11 (Phrynus). In Thelyphonus the last 3 segments are very small and narrow, and form a sort of post-abdomen, which carries an anal filament. The cephalo-thorax of the Chernetidce (Pseudoscorpionidce), which recall the Scorpionidce in their general type, is unsegmented or else has 2 dorsal transverse furrows. The abdomen consists of 11 (less often 10) segments. A pre-abdomen and a post-abdomen cannot be dis- tinguished, and a poison sting or a caudal or anal filament is wanting. The cephalo-thorax of the Phalangidce (including the Cyplioplithal- midce) is unsegmented. The abdomen, which is sometimes clearly, sometimes indistinctly segmented, is applied to the cephalo-thorax along its whole breadth. There is no separation of the abdomen into pre- abdomen and post-abdomen, and no caudal filament. In the Araneidce (the true spiders) the cephalo-thorax as well as the abdomen is unsegmented. The two are separated by a deep constriction. In the Acaridce the segmentation of the body as well as its division into regions is suppressed. It is rightly assumed that the un- VOL. I 2 L 514 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. segmented body has here come from the fusing of an unsegmented cephalo-thorax with an unsegmented abdomen. It only rarely occurs that the limbless abdomen is distinctly marked off from the limb- Fig. 361.— Larva of Gamasus fucorum (after Winkler). 1-5, The 5 pairs of extremities of the larva (the sixth still wanting); 1, the chelicerse = mandibles ; 2, the pedipalps = maxillae ; m, muscles ; vm, Malpighian vessels ; g, brain = supra-oesophageal ganglion ; Is, diverticula of the mid- gut (hepatic tubes) ; md, mid-gut ; h, heart ; ac, aorta-cephalica ; r, rectal vesicle. bearing cephalo-thorax. An anterior portion of the body, often distinguished as the "head," and carrying the oral aperture, can certainly not be regarded as an original division of the body, i.e. a vi ARAGHNOIDEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 515 division derived from ancestors. It is also very doubtful whether a ringing of the body, which can here and there be recognised, has anything whatever to do with a true segmentation. The body of the parasitic Linguatulidce is elongated, vermiform, and ringed. But this ringing has again nothing to do with a real seg- mentation. B. The Extremities. The Araehnoidea are typically provided with six pairs of extremities exclusively belonging to the eephalo-thorax. The abdomen is everywhere limbless. Of the 6 pairs of extremities the most anterior pair is known as the ehelieerse (mandibles, jaw-feelers, claw-feelers, falees), the second as the pedipalps (underjaws, maxillae). The other 4 pairs are mostly similar in form and serve as ambulatory legs for locomotion. The First Pair of Extremities — the ehelieerse — lie in front of and above the mouth. They are either 2- or 3-jointed, and serve for seizing, and often also for killing, prey. The terminal joint is claw- like. The chelicerae are chelate, when the terminal claw is, as in the chelate feet of Astacus, movable against a process of the preceding joint ; they might be called claw-jaws when the terminal claw can merely be bent round upon the preceding joint, as in the seizing feet of the Stomatopoda. The Second Pair of Extremities — the pedipalps or maxillae— lie on the two sides of the mouth, and everywhere function as oral appendages, being nearly always provided with masticatory ridges at their bases. The masticatory ridges, which elsewhere can move freely against one another, have in the Pedipalpi (Thelyphonidce), Cyplwphthal- midce, and Acarina, grown together in the middle line as an adaptation for sucking. As opposed to the masticatory ridge, the remaining part of the second extremity is called the palp or feeler. The many- jointed palp (originally 6-jointed) everywhere serves as an organ of touch, but may perform very different functions as well, and in correspondence with these functions may be very variously modified. In the Scorpionidce, Chernetidce, and in many mites it ends in pincers and functions as a seizing organ. In the Pedipalpi it ends as a claw feeler with a movable claw. The feelers of the Phalangidce and of many Acarina have a terminal claw. In the male Araneidce the terminal joint of the feeler is transformed into a copulatory organ. The feelers of the Solpugidce serve, like the 4 subsequent pairs of extremities, for locomotion, and are formed much like the rest. The same is the case in the Micro- thelyphonidce, where the second pair of extremities not only resembles those which follow it, but is even devoid of the masticatory ridges. The Third Pair of Extremities lies behind the mouth, and is in most Araehnoidea more or less like the 3 following pairs, and serves, like them, for locomotion. In the Scorpionidce and Phalangidce the basal joint is provided with a masticatory ridge. The third pair of 516 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. extremities is differently shaped in the Pedipalpi ; it is long and thin, with long flagellate ringed terminal joints. Here it is principally or exclusively used as an organ of touch. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Pairs of Extremities are, as a rule, similarly shaped — 6- jointed locomotory organs. In the Scorpionidce the fourth pair of extremities also carries a masticatory ridge. In the Linguatulidce, which are regarded as Arachnoidea degraded by parasitism, the limbs are reduced in number and form. Only two pairs of clinging hooks are found near the mouth. Definite data for a comparison of these clinging hooks with any special pairs of the limbs of typical Arachnoidea are, however, wanting. The homologies of the Arachnoidean limbs with those of other Arthropoda are difficult to establish. If we compare the Arachnoidea with the Antennata, and especially the cephalo-thorax of the former with the head and 3 anterior trunk segments (thorax) of the latter, we find that the Arachnoidea possess one pair of extremities less than the Antennata in the corresponding regions. In the Sotyugidce, in which the section of the body which corresponds with the cephalo-thorax of other Arachnoidea is, as in the Antennata, segmented, the head carries 3 pairs of extremities, viz. the chelicerae, pedipalps, and the pair of limbs which follow these. Each of the thoracic segments following the head possesses a pair of limbs. Since the Antennata carry typically 4 pairs of limbs on the head, viz., the antennae, mandibles, anterior and posterior maxillae, it follows — presup- posing that the head of the Solpugidce, really corresponds with that of the Antennata — that the wanting limbs belong to the head. Various facts, chiefly ontogenetic, make it probable that it is the antennae of the Antennata which are wanting in the Solpugidce and in the Arachnoidea generally,1 while the other limbs correspond accord- ing to their order of succession. In this way we reach the following homologies between the Arachnoidean and Antennatan limbs. — Head Antennata Arachnoidea I Antennae wanting 2 1 Mandibles = Chelicerse 1 Anterior Maxillae = Pedipalps ( Posterior Maxillse = 3d pair of limbs Head of the Solpugidce first "j Trunk foot = fourth ^j Pair "j 3 thoracic second |- (thoracic legs = fifth Y of >- segments of third J of Insecta) = sixth J Limbs J the Solpugidce Cephalo- thorax of the Arach- noidea 3 Anterior trunk segments = thorax of Insecta If these homologies are correct, then the chelicerse especially, but also the pedi- palps and the 3d pair of extremities of the Arachnoidea, differ very greatly from the corresponding cephalic limbs of the Antennata, i.e. the mandibles and anterior and posterior maxillae. The mandibles of the Antennata are never jointed and the maxillae never elongated like legs, as in the Arachnoidea. Now since it is not con- ceivable that the 3 anterior pairs of much-jointed limbs of the Arachnoidea have proceeded from the reduced and specialised oral appendages of the Antennata, we are compelled to assume that if there is any near relationship between the two groups, 1 While these sheets are passing through the press it is announced that the embryo of a large spider (Trochosa singoriensis, Laxm. ) shows distinct rudiments of antennae which disappear later ; and further, that more than 4 pairs of rudimentary abdominal limbs are visible, with traces of several pairs of stigmata. (Zool. Anzeiger, llth May 1891.) [TB.] 2 Ibid. VI ARACHNOIDEA— OUTER ORGANISATION 517 the Arachnoidea branched off from the common Tracheatan stem at a time when the oral appendages were still much jointed, and elongated like legs. In connection with the assumed complete absence of the Antennatan feelers in the Arachnoidea or Chelicerota, it is a striking fact that no rudiments which can be proved to be those of antennae appear, as far as we know, at any stage of development, even temporarily.1 And yet we must assume, keeping Peripatus in mind, that the ancestors of the Tracheata possessed well-developed antennae. In recent times the near relationship of the Arachnoidea, and especially of the Scorpionidce, with the fossil Gigantostraca and the Xiphosura has been zealously maintained. It cannot be denied that the 6 pairs of limbs of the Scorpion show- greater agreement with the 6 pairs of limbs of the cephalo-thorax of Limulus than with the limbs of the Antennata. There are, however, other serious objections to the assumption of a nearer relationship between the Arachnoidea 011 the one hand and the Xiphosura and Gigantostraca on the other (see p. 541). Rudiments of Abdominal Limbs in the Arachnoidea. 1. In various Arachnoidea rudiments of abdominal! limbs appear temporarily during embryonic development ; 6 pairs on the 6 anterior abdominal segments in the Scorpionidce (Fig. 379, p. 538), 4 pairs in the Ghernetidce and 4 pairs in the Araneidce (Fig. 380, p. 539). Such rudiments of abdominal limbs will probably also be found in the embryonic stages of other Arachnoidea, whose development has been hitherto not sufficiently investigated. 2. The Scorpionidce possess in the adult condition on each side of the second abdo- minal segment ventrally a comb-like organ (Fig. 362, k), whose function is not yet fully known. These two "combs" are said to come from embryonic rudiments of the limbs of the second abdominal segment. 3. It is in the highest degree probable that the spinning mammillae of the Araneidce, which, 4 or 6 in number, rise on the hind body, represent rudimentary abdominal limbs. This is supported by the following facts : (a) they are for the most part jointed ; (b) they, as recently observed, develop from the em- bryonic rudiments of abdominal limbs ; (c) the fact that they are spinning mammillae, i.e. that the spinning glands open 011 them. These facts gather weight when we remember the coxal and spinning glands of the Pro- tracheata and Antennata, and particularly the slime papillae of Peripatus and the spinnerets of Scolopendrella. The assumption that the spinning mammillae of the CypliopJiihcdmid genus, Gibbocellum, also represent rudimentary limbs, is open to the objection that the two pair of mammillae lie in one and the same, i.e. the 2d abdominal segment. FIG. 362. — Buthus occitanus (Regne animal). Cephalo-thorax, pre- abdomen (pra), and the first segments of the post- abdomen ( pa), from the ventral side. Limbs (1-6) not fully drawn. 1, Chelicerse; 2, pedipalps (jaw-feelers, chelate-feelers) ; g, genital aperture ; s, stigmata ; k, combs. 1 See note on p. 516. 518 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The occurrence of rudimentary abdominal limbs in the Araclmoidea proves that the ancestors of these animals possessed extremities on the abdomen (at least on 6 abdominal segments). II. The Nervous System. The segmentation of the body is reflected in the segmentation of the nervous system. The Scorpionidce, which of all Arachnoidea show the richest segmentation of the body, also possess the greatest number of ganglia in the ventral chord, while on the other hand in the Araneidce and Acaridce concentration both of body segmentation and of nerve chord reaches its highest point. As in other Arthropoda concentration of the nerve chord is due to displacements, fusings, and to reductions of originally separate segmentally-repeated pairs of ganglia ; these processes may be directly observed during onto- genetic development. The brain is connected with the ventral chord by a short ceso- phageal commissure. From the brain arise the optic nerves, and also, in most eases, the nerves of the ehelieerse. The fact that the chelicerae are innervated from the brain seems to oppose the assumption that they are homologous with the mandibles of the Antennata, since the latter always receive their nerves from the infra-cesophageal ganglion. It has been found, however, that in the earlier stages of development that portion of the brain from which the nerves of the chelicerse arise, and which is often still distinctly separate in the adult animal, begins to form in the embryo as the first post-oral pair of ganglia. These later take part in the formation of the cesophageal commissures, or else even fuse with the ganglionic rudiments of the segment of the frontal lobes, i.e. with the rudiments of the actual brain. This process is evi- dently similar to the fusing of the ganglia of the posterior antennae with the brain in the Crustacea. In the Phalangidce, however, in op- position to the other Arachnoidea, the nerves of the chelicerae are said to arise out of the anterior part of the great thoracic ganglionic mass. A similar observation has recently been made in the Acarina (Gama- sidce), where "the mandible nerves arise out of two spherical gan- glionic masses of the infra-oesophageal ganglion, and pass through the supra-cesophageal ganglion." Throughout the Arachnoidea, even in the ventral chord of the most richly segmented Scorpionidce and Solpugidce, all the ganglia of the cephalo-thorax, and a number of the anterior abdominal ganglia, fuse to form one great thoracic ganglionie mass, from which arise the nerves for the second to the sixth pairs of extremities and for the anterior abdominal segments. In the abdomen there may be several separate ganglia (Scorpionidce, Fig. 363), or only one or two (Thelyphonidce, Fig. 364, Solpugidce, Chernetidce, Phalangidce, Mygalidce among the Araneidce, Fig. 374, p. 531). In the Dipneumones (Araneidce) and the Acaridce (Fig. 365) on the contrary, the whole central nervous system, the brain and ventral chord, form a single mass VI ARACHNOIDEA— NERVOUS SYSTEM 519 FIG. 363. — Nervous system of the Scorpion (after Newport). 1-6, Nerves of the 6 pairs of limbs ; ma, middle eyes ; sa, lateral eyes ; g, brain ; bg, large infra-ceso- phageal ganglionic mass ; 01-07, ganglia of the abdomen. FIG. 364.— Nervous system of Thely- phonus caudatus (after Blanchard). 1-6, First to last pairs of limbs with the corresponding nerves from the thoracic ganglionic mass ; au, eyes ; g, brain ; ug, thoracic ganglionic mass ; ab, abdomen ; ag, abdominal ganglion ; sa, jointed caudal appendage. 520 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. pierced by the oesophagus ; the greater part of this mass, which lies behind the oesophagus, represents the fused ventral chord, from which the nerves radiate. The disappearance of a segmented abdominal ganglionic chain in the Arach- noidea may have been brought about by various co-operating factors : (1) by a forward displacement of the ganglionic masses, and the fusing of the same with the thoracic mass ; (2) by the fusing of several abdominal ganglia to form one or two abdominal masses ; (3) perhaps also by the running of the ganglia into the nerve trunks which, paired or externally unpaired, run through the abdomen ; and (4) by the concentra- tion of the whole ventral chord into one single thoracic ganglionic mass. In the Scorpionidce, where the nervous system in the abdomen is still most richly segmented, there are 7 abdominal ganglionic masses, 3 in the pre-abdomen, 3 in the FIG. 365— Central nervous system (thor- acic ganglionic mass) of Gamasus, diagram- matic (after Winkler). g, Portion lying over the oesophagus (o)= brain ; ug, portion lying under the oesophagus (infra-cesophageal gang- lionic mass) ; 1-6, nerves of the 6 pairs of limbs ; 1, of the chelicerse (mandibles) ; 2, of the pedi- palps (maxillse) ; nz, nerve of the tongue ; ns, visceral nerve ; tn, nerve of the maxillar palp. FIG. 366.— Nervous system of Pentas- tomum taenioides (after R. Leuckart). o, oesophagus ; m, anterior portion of the chylific stomach ; on, oesophageal nerves ; os, oeso- phageal ring running over the oesophagus ; ug, infra-oesophageal ganglionic mass. post-abdomen, and 1 on the boundary between the two, which as yet cannot be certainly assigned to the one or the other. The longitudinal commissures of the Arachnoidean ventral chord are, almost everywhere where they are distinguishable, fused in the middle line into an exter- nally single median longitudinal strand. The nervous system of the endo-parasitic Linguatulidce (Fig. 366) is much reduced. It is restricted to one ganglionic mass lying beneath the oesophagus and an apparently double commissure embracing the oesophagus, in which no special cerebral swelling can be made out. This great reduction of the brain is chiefly due to the degeneration of the eyes. A sympathetic nervous system has been proved to exist in various Arachnoidea (Scorpionidce, Araneidce, Acaridce), and consists of an unpaired nerve connected with the brain by paired nerves and running along the oesophagus and stomach. Ganglia connected with the ventral chord have also been described as belonging to the sympathetic nervous system. VI ARACHNOIDEA—THE EYES 521 III. The Eyes. Most Arachnoidea possess eyes. These are unicorneal and are, except in the middle eye of the Scorpions, constructed on the same general plan as the ocelli of the Antmnata. The hypodermis is nearly always continued under the cuticular lens to form the so-called vitreous body. Number and Position of the Eyes. — The eyes of the Arachnoidea are sessile and from 2 to 1 2 in number ; they lie symmetrically arranged on the upper side of the cephalo-thorax. Solpugidce : 2 large ocelli on one common prominence. Scorpionidce : 2-6 pairs of eyes, one pair of which, the great middle eyes, are placed close to the median line, and the rest at the anterior edge of the cephalo-thorax. Chernetidce : 0, 1 or 2 pairs of eyes. Pcdipalpi : 4 pairs of eyes, the largest lying in the middle, the other 3 FIG. 367.— A section through a middle eye of Euscorpius italicus (after Carriere). c, Chitinous carapace ; I, chitinous lens ; hy, hypodermis, continued as so-called vitreous body under the chitinous lens ; p, pigment cells ; r, retinulae ; rlc, the proximal nucleated portions of the retinulse ; no, optic nerves. B, A single retinular cell (r), with the rhabdomere (rh), and the nucleus (fc). C, A retinula with the pigment cells plt p.2, pR, p4. (B and C, after Ray Lankester.) on the anterior edge of the cephalo-thorax. Phalangidce : usually 1 pair of eyes in the middle of the cephalo-thorax on a prominence. In Cyphophthalmus there is an eye on each side on a prominence ; in Gibbocellum 2 eyes on each side at the edge of the cephalo-thorax, each on a prominence. Araneidce : generally 8, less often 6 or fewer eyes, symmetrically arranged, generally in 2 transverse rows on the cephalo-thorax. The special arrangement is of value for classification. Acarina : eyes are wanting, or present in 1 or 2 pairs. Linguatulidce : eyes wanting. The Structure of the Middle Eye of the Seorpionidse (Fig. 367). —The middle eye of the Scorpion takes, according to its structure, an intermediate place between a simple eye (ocellus) and a compound or facet eye. It agrees with the ocellus in possessing one single cuticular corneal lens, and with the facet eye in its retinal cells (understanding these cells in Grenacher's sense) which form groups, the so-called retinulse. 522 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Under the cuticular lens an epithelial layer lies as a continuation of the hypoder- mis ; this represents the matrix of the lens and is called the vitreous body. Under the vitreous body lies the layer of the retinulse. Each retinula is separated from its neighbours by pigment cells and consists of 5 retinal cells. One rhabdomere belongs to each retinal cell. The 5 rhabdomeres fuse in the axis of the retinula into one rhabdome. IV. Glands Opening on the Outer Integument. These are very numerous in the Arachnoidea. Many of them are insufficiently known, especially as far as their constitution and the physiological significance of their secretions are concerned. We shall divide the different sorts of glands into two principal groups : (1) such as open upon limbs, and (2) those whose ducts have no apparent connection with limbs. 1. Glands opening on Limbs. — Among these we have in the first place the spinning glands of the Araneidse, since the 2 or 3 pairs of spinning mammillae on which they open are very probably rudimentary abdominal limbs. There are on each side several variously constructed spinning glands, whose secretion, which hardens by exposure to air, serves for forming the various sorts of webs. Among these different pairs of glands there is one pair which only seems to occur in the female and to serve for the spinning of the egg cocoon. Immediately in front of the anterior pair of the spinning mammillae there is found in some Araneidce a paired glandular region, the so-called Cribrellum, in which extremely numerous spinning glands open through fine pores. The cribrellum perhaps also represents the last remains of another (4th) abdominal pair of limbs. The spinning glands of the Araneidce are rightly reckoned among those variously developed integumental glands (coxal glands, spinning glands, protrusible sacs), which must be finally traced back to the segmental setiparous glands on the parapodia of the Annelida. In Gibbocellum (Cyphophthalmidce) there are found on each side ventrally on the 2d abdominal segment 2 spinning mammillae, on which several spinning glands open. Glands which open on the 4 pairs of ambulatory legs (either on one or on several) have often been observed. One large gland is found on each side of the cephalo- thorax of the Scorpionidce. It emerges, at least in the embryo and in young animals, on the coxal joint of the 3d pair of ambulatory legs. On the 1st and 2d pair at the place where the glandular apertures lie in the 3d pair, there are bulgings which suggest that there were once glandular apertures here also. The apertures of these coxal glands are usually not demonstrable in adult animals. Similar glands having apertures on the coxae of the 3d pair of legs are found in the Araneidce also, in the Tetrapneumones (Mygale, Atypus] as well as in some Dipneumones. Here also it is often difficult to prove the existence of the outer apertures in the adults, and here also slits may appear on other legs which correspond in position with the glandular apertures of the 3d pair of legs. The fact that the coxal glands of the Scorpionidce and Araneidce are unmistakably similar to the coxal glands of the Xiphosura in position (on the 5th pair of extremi- ties), in structure, and in manner of opening, has been used as a further argument in favour of the relationship of these latter with the Arachnoidea. In the Solpugidce and Phalangidce also coxal glands are said to occur, in these cases on the bases of the last pair of legs. Their ducts have, however, not been observed. The occurrence of coxal glands in the Acaridce has also been described. In the Oribatidce, for example, they lie at the bases of the 2d pair of legs ; in the Gamasidce, it appears, between the coxal muscles of all the legs. It is not yet known if certain stigma-like pores near the bases of the 1st pair of legs of the Halacaridce vi ARACHNOIDEA— INTESTINAL CANAL 523 belong to the category of coxal glands. In Troiribidium a gland with its opening lies on the terminal joint of each leg. Glands of the pedipalps (the 2d pair of extremities) have been observed in various Arachnoidea (Atypus and other Araneidcc, Solpugidce, Scorpionidce, Phalangidce, and Tetranychus among the Acaridce). They have been classed somewhat arbitrarily, some as salivary glands, others (Galeodes) as poison glands, and others again as spinning glands (Tetranychus). Glands emerging on the chelicerse are also somewhat widely distributed. The best known and most investigated are the poison glands of the Araneidse, which mostly lie in the cephalo-thorax, but often partly project into the chelicene themselves and always open outward on their terminal claws. In the Gamasidce also there are glands at the bases of the chelicerse. According to recent observations, the webs pre- pared by the Pseudoscorpionidce are said to be formed by glands lying in the cephalo-thorax, whose ducts penetrate into the chelicerse and open on the terminal joint. Earlier observers had asserted that the spinning glands and their apertures were to be found on the ventral side of the first abdominal segment. In the Linguatulidce there are glands emerging at the bases of the 4 clinging hooks. We thus find in the Arachnoidea a striking number of limb glands. This number will no doubt be still further increased on more thorough investigation, and it may perhaps be established, that many of these glands, especially those emerging on the coxal joints of the extremities, belong, like the spinning glands of the Araneidce, to the category of segmental coxal glands homologous with the setiparous glands of the Annelida. 2. Glands not emerging on the Limbs. — Here belong the integumental glands emerging through pores in the chitinous cuticle at various parts of the surface of the body ; these have been observed in different divisions, with special frequency, however, in the Acaridce and Linguatulidce , and have been called oil glands, stigmatic glands, stink glands, etc. The poison gland of the Scorpion also belongs to these. It is paired, lies in the swollen terminal segment of the post-abdomen and emerges by 2 separate apertures at the point of the sting with which the tail is armed. In the Phalangidce and Cyphophthalmidce (Gibbocellum) there is in the cephalo-thorax one pair of glands (the so-called Krohn's glands), the 2 ducts of which are said to emerge through 2 apertures on the dorsal side of the cephalo-thorax. V. The Intestinal Canal. This has as a rule a straight course through the body. We can again distinguish in it the three well-known divisions, fore-gut, mid- gut, and hind-gut. The Fore-gut. — The mouth or buccal cavity is followed by the muscular pharynx, which functions chiefly as a suction pump, as it can be expanded by means of special groups of muscles attached to it, and contracted by circular muscles. The pharynx passes into the narrow oesophagus. This passes through the oesophageal ring and enters the mid-gut. Before entering the latter it swells, in the Aran- eidce, into a special sucking stomach. The mid-gut forms by far the largest portion of the digestive tract. In the Araehnoidea it shows in a very high degree the tendency to form C03cal invaginations which surpass all the rest of the viscera taken together in size and importance. Where the cephalo-thorax and 524 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. abdomen are distinctly separate, these invaginations may be repeated in each. The whole mass of the mid-gut with its invaginations repre- sents the digesting chylific stomach, and has glandular walls. The liquid nourishment reaches to the very extremities of these diverticula, which have been inaccurately called hepatic tubes. Jl da FIG. 368. — Digestive tract of the Scorpion (after Newport), pli, Phar- ynx ; sdt salivary glands ; md, diverticula of the mid- gut ; vm, Malpighian ves- sels; ed, hind-gut. FIG. 369.—^, Digestive apparatus of Mygale caementaria (after Duges in Cuvier's Regne Animal). B, The abdominal portion of the same, from the side. C, Digestive apparatus of a Gamasus, diagrammatic (after Winkler). Lettering the same in the 3 figures : g, brain ; dt, enteric diverticula of the thorax ; da, enteric diverticula (liver) of the abdomen (a), only the portions entering into the abdominal mid-gut drawn ; md, mid- gut with diverticula (d) of Gamasus ; vm, Malpighian vessels ; rb, rectal vesicle (cloaca) into which both the digestive tract and the Malpighian vessels enter ; o, oesophagus. The hind-gut is generally very short. It opens externally through the anal aperture which is placed ventrally at the posterior end of the body. Into the hind -gut enter tube-like excretory organs, corre- sponding with the Malpighian vessels of the Antennata. There is generally one pair of these, less frequently several pairs. In the Acarina an unpaired excretory tube is often found. The fact that the Arachnoidea like the Antennata have Malpighian vessels, while these vessels are not found in the Crustacea and Xiphosura and Pycnogonidce, is of great importance in deciding the question of their systematic position. vi ARACHNOIDEA— INTESTINAL CANAL 525 The dorsal wall of the hind-gut is often bulged out in the form of a muscular sac. It then looks as if the Malpighian vessels on the one hand and the mid-gut on the other entered a common terminal sac, not at its blind end but near the anal aperture. In the structure of its walls this rectal vesicle, which is also often called the cloaca, agrees with the Malpighian vessels, and not with the mid-gut. This favours the view that the excretory tubes of the Arachnoidea, like the Malpighian vessels of insects, are invaginations of the hind-gut, and consequently ectodermal formations. Salivary glands have often been described in the Arachnoidea, but our knowledge of them, especially of their manner of emerging, is very inadequate. The glands which open on the pedipalps are also often regarded as salivary glands. In certain Acarina (Oribatidce) a pair of glands emerging at the boundary between the fore-gut and the mid-gut has been observed. In various Arachnoidea there are groups of glands in the upper lip. The anatomy of the diverticula of the mid-gut varies greatly in the different orders. In the Scorpionidce (Fig. 368) they form a 5-lobed mass on each side in the pre - abdomen, this mass being connected with the mid-gut by means of 5 canals (hepatic ducts). In the mid-gut of Solpuga (Galeodes) numerous branched diverticula are said to enter both its anterior and its posterior ends. In the Pseudoscorpionidce there are 3 diverticula of the mid-gut, 2 lateral, and 1 unpaired ventral. The two lateral diverticula again subdivide at their outer edges into 8 lobes. The mid-gut here forms a double loop. In the Microthelyphonidce 5 pairs of shallow bulgings have been observed in the mid-gut. In the mid-gut of the Araneidce (Fig. 369, A, B] we must distinguish a cephalo-thoracic and an abdominal division. The former often has 5 pairs of diverticula. The first two diverticula may anastomose with each other over the sternal side of the thorax and so form a ring. The lateral diverticula often bend round from the side towards the middle line of the body under the thoracic ganglion, first, however, giving off a blind branch to the coxal joint of each limb (e.g. in Epeira and many other Araneidce}. In Atypus the thoracic portion of the mid-gut has only 3 pairs of diverticula, the most anterior pair in this case not forming a ring. In the anterior portion of the abdomen of the Araneidce, the mid-gut, which is here somewhat expanded, forms a considerable number of diverticula varying in size and much branched ; these are united by connective tissue to the mass which is erroneously called the liver. The coloured secretions occurring in some of the cells of these diverticula distinguish them from the non-coloured diverticula of the cephalo- thoracic mid-gut. The mid-gut of the Phalangidce is a tolerably spacious sac covered laterally and dorsally by numerous (30) blind tubes. These blind tubes enter the mid-gut through 6 lateral and 1 anterior pair of apertures. The mid-gut of the Acarina (Fig. 369, 0) also has longer or shorter bulgings, in- vaginations, or ccecal diverticula, whose number varies. There are often 2 or 3 pairs. The mid-gut of the Linguatulidce is a straight tube without diverticula. The Malpighian Vessels. — In the Scorpionidce, 2 Malpighian vessels enter the hind-gut. In one species (Sc. occitanus] 4 vessels are said to occur, 2 of them being branched. In the Araneidce, the Malpighian vessels consist of numerous fine branched and anastomosing tubes which finally unite on each side into two collecting ducts. The two ducts of one side enter the rectal vesicle by a common terminal portion. The tubes of the Phalangidce, formerly considered to be Malpighian vessels, are said by more recent observers to emerge at the mouth. In this case they can of course not be regarded as Malpighian vessels. They reojiicfi^fiy^her investigation. 526 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. In the Cyphophthalmidce, and especially in the genus Gibbocellum, 2 long Malpighian vessels are found which enter the sac-like expanded rectum (cloaca). Each vessel begins with a blind terminal tube, which breaks up into a plexus of fine tubules, uniting again into a single vessel entering the rectum. Malpighian vessels have been found in many Acarina. They are generally in the form of 2 long, occasionally coiled tubes, entering the hind-gut. Sometimes the 2 tubes unite in a common duct which enters the hind-gut, and they thus assume the form of the letter Y (Atax). In other .Acarina the excretory organ is an unpaired tube lying on the mid-gut. In Hydrodoma it emerges close behind the anus, but separate from it. In other cases numerous Malpighian vessels are said to enter the hind-gut near the anus (Argas). Here and there a rectal sac like that of the Araneidce is found, and into this enter both the gilt and the Malpighian vessels (Gamasidce, Fig. 369, O, and Halarachnidce). The arrangement of the long Malpighian vessels in the larvae and the first nymph stage of the Gamasidce is interesting. They here (Fig. 361, p. 514) reach far forward and form a loop at each leg which may reach into its third or fourth joint. The blind ends of the two vessels reach far into the first pair of legs. In some Acaridce and in the Linguatulidce no Malpighian vessels have as yet been found. Our know- ledge of the Malpighian vessels of the Arachnoidea in general is exceedingly scanty. VI. The Blood-vascular System. Among the Arachnoidea this system shows very various stages of development. It is most highly developed in the Scorpionidce and next in the Araneidce. The blood nowhere flows entirely in blood vessels separated from the body cavity, but rather for a larger or smaller portion of its course enters blood sinuses and lacunae, which represent the coelome. In the Arachnoidea also distinct relations between the blood -vascular system and the respiratory organs can be established. Where the respiratory organs are very strictly localised, as in the book- leaf tracheae of the Scorpionidce and Araneidce, the vascular system with walls of its own is most developed ; where the respiratory organs are dispersed over the whole body, as they are in the Antennata, and ajso where there are no special respiratory organs, the peripheral portion of the vascular system is reduced, as in the Antennata, and even its central organ, the heart, may disappear. The central organ, the heart (Figs. 370, 371), shows, like that of the Crustacea, various degrees of concentration, from the extended many-chambered dorsal vessel provided with numerous pairs of ostia (Scorpionidce), to the short, one-chambered cardial sac with one pair of ostia (Acaridce). This progressive concentration is evidently closely connected with the progressive" concentration of the whole body. That the heart lies in a pericardium has only been with certainty observed in a few cases. Muscles and strands of connective tissue, which are attached on the one side to the heart or the pericardium (the latter appears to be the case in the Araneidce), and on the other to the integument, seem to occur pretty generally. After the heart itself the most constant portion of the vascular system is a median anterior vessel-like prolongation of the heart, running on the dorsal side to the brain ; this may be called the aorta VI AEAGHNOIDEA— BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM 527 eephaliea. It is perhaps the remains of an originally long tubular heart which reached as far as the anterior region of the body, and which ceased to develop ostia. The heart lies in all Araehnoidea in the abdomen, or in that part of the body which corresponds with the abdomen. Scorpionidse (Fig. 370, A}. — The extended tubular heart of the Scorpion lies in the pre-abdomen. It is 8 chambered, and has 8 pairs of lateral openings. From the posterior end of each chamber a pair of lateral arteries diverges. The heart is continued posteriorly into an aorta of the post-abdomen, and anteriorly into an FIG. 370.— The hearts of various Araeh- noidea. A, Scorpion (after Newport). B, Araneid. C, Obisium silvaticum, juv. (Pseudoscorpionid) (after Winkler). D, Gamasus fucorum, larva (after Winkler). E, Young Phalangid (after Winkler). FIG. 371.— Heart of a Spider (Pholcus pJw.langoides) (after Schimkewitsch). ac, Aorta eephaliea ; o, ostia of the heart ; vp, origin of the vena pulmonalis ; aj, ag, 0,3, lateral arteries of the heart; aa, aorta or arteria abdominalis ; m, alary muscles, attached to the pericardium ; pc, pericardium. aorta eephaliea which runs through the cephalo-thorax. From the posterior aorta several lateral pairs of arteries arise. Immediately in front of the most anterior pair of ostia, and thus at the root of the aorta eephaliea, a lateral artery is likewise given off on each side. A little further forward there are two more lateral arteries running downwards, and embracing the oesophagus, so forming an cesophageal ring. From this cesophageal ring arises a medio- ventral longitudinal vessel running backwards ; this lies above the ventral chord, and is called the supraneural vessel. In front of the vessels forming the cesophageal ring the aorta eephaliea gives off numerous other arteries, principally to the 6 pairs of extremities. All the arteries apparently open into a lacunar system of the body, through which the blood flows in special currents, those of the pre-abdomen bathing the book-leaf 528 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. tracheae, again returning to the pericardium, and thence into the heart. This por- tion of the anatomy of the circulatory system, however, requires fresh investigation. The circulatory system of the Scorpionidce shows considerable similarity with that of the Xiphosura, which is increased by the occurrence of an cesophageal ring and a medio-ventral longitudinal vessel. It must, however, be particularly noticed that a medio-ventral longitudinal vessel (subneural vessel) occurs also in many Crustacea (Malacostraca), which further, in the Isopoda, is connected with the anterior end of the cephalic aorta by means of an oesophageal ring. In Peripatus also a medio-ventral vessel is said to have been observed. Araneidse (Figs. 370 B, 371). — After the Scorpionidce the Araneidce possess, as far as we know, the most richly developed vascular system. The heart, which runs along the dorsal side of the abdomen, is enclosed in a sac-like pericardium, which is itself again, as it appears, surrounded by a blood sinus. The heart has only 3 (in MygaU 4 ?) pairs of openings, and is continued anteriorly into an aorta cephalica and posteriorly into a short aorta or arteria posterior, and sends off laterally 3 pairs of in- considerable arteries which soon open into the lacunar system of the body. The arteria posterior opens into a blood sinus placed near the anus. The aorta cephalica runs further forward into the cephalo-thorax, soon dividing into 2 lateral trunks, which bend downwards, and after a short course break up into several arteries which run to the eyes and extremities. All these arteries open into blood lacuna or blood sinuses. In this definitely arranged system of lacunae and sinuses the blood flows through the body in definite directions. The greater portion of it finally collects on the ventral side in the anterior part of the abdomen, here takes an upward direction, and thus round the book-leaf tracheae, and then again finally enters the pericardium, whence it returns to the heart chiefly through the most anterior pair of ostia. From the book-leaf tracheae (lungs) to the pericardium the blood flows through a special vein, formed by a continuation of the pericardial wall. Since, however, the pericardium itself is only a part of the ccelome, this vein also cannot be regarded as a genuine blood vessel, but only as a more sharply demarcated canal-like part of the ccelome, i.e. of the general lacunar system. In the Pseudoscorpionidse (Fig. 370, C), Phalangidse (E), Cyphophthalmidse and Acarina (D) the vascular system is reduced to the heart and the aorta cephalica. The heart itself, placed in the anterior part of the abdomen, becomes shorter and more compact. The number of its pairs of ostia diminishes, till finally there is , only 1 pair (Acarina, and Obisium among the Pseudoscorpionidce). This reduction probably is caused by the anterior part of the heart losing its ostia, becoming narrow and passing into the aorta cephalica, while only the posterior cardial chambers with their pairs of ostia remain as a sac-like organ of propulsion. The heart of the Pseudoscorpionidce lies in the 3 or 4 anterior abdominal segments, and in Obisium is said to have only 1 pair of ostia, in Chernes, however, 4 pairs. The heart of the Phalangidce and Cyphophthalmidce has 2 pairs of ostia. Among the Acarina a heart has so far been found only in the Gamasidce and in Ixodes. It is probable, indeed almost certain, that many other Acarina have no heart, and in general no special blood-vascular system. The same is the case in the Linguatulidce. In the other Arachnoidea the blood-vascular system has either not yet been in- vestigated or else not sufficiently investigated for a comparative study. VII. The Respiratory Organs. The respiratory organs of the Arachnoidea are traehese, whose 1 to 4 pairs of outer apertures or stigmata almost always lie ventrally ARACHNOIDEA— RESPIRATORY ORGANS 529 and anteriorly in the abdomen. Two sharply distinguished forms of tracheae occur : tubular traehese and book-leaf tracheae. The former essentially agree with the tracheae already known to us in the Pro- tracheata and Antennata. The latter, which are also called lungs, lung tracheae, lung sacs, or leaf tracheae, have till now only been met with in the Arachnoidea. Tubular tracheae appear in three modified forms, between which, however, intermediate stages occur. (1) The principal trunk arising from the stigma is branched like a tree in the body, as in the Inseda and most Myriapoda. Separate tracheal trees are connected together by anastomoses. A spiral thread becomes differentiated in the chitinous cuticle of the trachea?. Such branched tree-like trachea? are found in the Solpugidce, Cypliophthalmidce (Fig. 372, Sj), Phalangidce, a few Pseudoscor- pionidce, and a few Acarina (Gamasidce, Ixodes). (2) The principal trunk arising from the stigma gener- ally divides only once into 2 chief branches. On each of these principal branches, at irregular intervals, are attached tufts of long finer unbranched tracheal tubules. Only one such tracheal tuft is sometimes found lying at the end of the principal trunk. Such trachea? are found in many Araneidce, many Pseudoscorpionidce, and in most of those Acarina which are as a rule provided with tracheae. This second tracheal form, and especially the modification of it last mentioned, leads over to the third form. (3) A common tracheal trunk, arising from the stigma, is wanting. The separate tubules of the tracheal tuft branch directly from the stigma. We are the more justified in tracing back this third form to a shortening and later disappearance of the common tracheal trunk, since the posterior tracheal tufts of a few Pseudoscorpionidse (Chernes cimicoides) still rise from the end of a short tube. Such simple tufted VOL. I 2 M Fig. 372. — Diagrammatic representation of the tracheal system of Gibbocellum Sudeticum (after Stacker). 1-6, 1st to 6th pair of limbs, only the first (chelicerse) drawn fully ; au, eyes ; go, genital aper- ture ; Sj, anterior pair of stigmata (for the tree-like tracheae) ; so, posterior pair of stigmata for the tufted tracheae ; an, anus. 530 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. v-e tracheae are found in a few Pseudoscorpionidce and a few Cyphophthalmidce (Gribbocellum, Fig. 372, s2). They show much similarity with the tracheae of the Scutigera (p. 479). True spiral threads are not found in the second and third forms of tubular tracheae. Book-leaf tracheae (traeheal lungs, lung sacs, Figs. 373 and 374). The stigma leads into a sac filled with air, into which there project from the anterior wall numerous leaves arranged like those of a book. They are, how- ever, also attached by their side edges to the lateral walls of the sac, so that the latter may be com- pared with a letter-case divided by many partition walls into numerous compartments ; the walls of the sac are internally lined with a chitinous cuticle, a continuation of the outer chitinous integument of the body ; this is also continued on to the leaves, so that these consist of two somewhat closely contiguous lamellae connected by (muscular ?) trabeculae or transverse supports. Between the two lamellae of a leaf the blood enters from the ccelome and the respiratory process takes place through the lamellae. The most plausible view of tlie mor- phological signification of these lung sacs seems still to be that they are modified FIG. 373. — Longitudinal section through a book -leaf trachea of an Araneid, diagram- matic, after MacLeod, v, Anterior ; h, pos- terior ; ve, ventral side of the book-leaf trachea ; d, dorsal side; fee, integument of the ventral body wall of the abdomen ; st, stigmatic aper- ture ; Ih, air- or traeheal cavity ; tr, the spaces between the traeheal lamellae; p, transverse supports between the tracheae. traeheal tufts. If we imagine that in a traeheal tuft which opens outwardly by means of a short traeheal trunk the separate tubules standing close together, mutually flatten each other out into hollow plates, and that these hollow plates become arranged in a row, we have before us a so-called book-leaf trachea or traeheal lung. The separate very narrow spaces lying between the leaves of the air sac would thus correspond with the lumina of the flattened tracheae. Ribbon-like flattened tracheae are in fact to be found in the Araneidte. Compare further the figures of the traeheal tufts of Scutigera, p. 479, which greatly facilitate a comprehension of the view here given of the rise of book-leaf tracheae. Another view as to the morphological significance of the book-leaf tracheae of the Arachnoidea has been put forward by those who hold that the Arachnoidca and especially the Scorpionidce are nearly related to the Xiphosura. According to this view the leaves or partition walls which project into the lung sac answer to the branchial leaves of the abdominal feet of Limulus, which have sunk below the body surface. The 4 pairs of book-leaf tracheae in the Scorpion would thus represent rudiments of the 4 < pairs of abdominal feet, i.e. of their branchial appendages. In comparison with the view first given, this view seems to us artificial and unsupported by comparative anatomy and ontogeny. VI ARACHNOIDEA— RESPIRATORY ORGANS 531 The Scorpionidce, Pedipalpi, and the tetrapneumonic Araneidce (Mygalidce) have only book-leaf tracheae. In the dipneumonic Araneidce book-leaf and tubular tracheae exist simultaneously. Number and Position of the Stigmata. The Scorpionidce possess 4 pairs of book-leaf tracheae and 4 pairs of stigmata, lying laterally on the ventral, side of the 3d to the 8th abdominal segments (Fig. 362, p. 517). The Pedipalpi have 2 pairs of book -leaf tracheae with 2 pairs of stigmata on the ventral side of the 2d and .3d abdominal segments (Fig. 364, p. 519). Among the Araneidce the ar- rangements are different in the Tetra- pneumones and the Dipneumones. The Tetrapneumones (Mygalidce} have 2 pairs of book -leaf tracheae and 2 pairs of stigmata (Fig. 374, ft, s) lying on the ventral side of the base of the abdomen. The Di- pneumones have only one pair of book -leaf tracheae, corresponding with the anterior pair of the Tetra- pneumones. Besides these, however, they have, as the equivalent of the - \s$^ ^ -'(iVj^LJ^^ffW - £ second pair of book-leaf tracheae of the Tetrapneumones — tubular tracheae, which generally open through an unpaired stigma in the shape of a transverse fissure placed far back on the abdomen. This unpaired stigma no doubt arises from a posteriorly placed pair of stigmata, which have united. This supposition is supported by the fact that in some Araneidce (Dysdera, Segestria, Argyroneta} two separate more anteriorly placed stigmata for the tubular tracheae occur (behind the pair for the book-leaf tracheae), and also by the circumstance that in a few cases (Dictyna] the tracheal trunks which open through the un- paired stigma are distinctly recog- nisable as double. The Solpugidce have tubular tracheae with tree - like ramifica- FIG. 374. — Mygale, from the ventral side. The ventral wall of the cephalo-thorax removed to show the large cephalo-thoracic ganglion (bg) and the 2d small ganglion at the base of the abdomen. The ventral wall of the abdomen on the left side opened out. m, Ventral muscles of the abdomen ; I, lamellae of the book-leaf trachete; ft, book-leaf _ tracheae; s, stigmata of the same ; ov, ovary ; sp, spinning mammillae ; 1-6, 1st to 6th pairs of extremities. 2-6, not completely drawn (Regne animal). tions, opening through 3 pairs of stigmata, the first pair lying in the first thoracic segment, the second and third pairs in the second and third abdominal segments. The position of the first pair of stig- mata in the thorax deserves to be specially noted. 532 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. The Pseudoscorpionidce have tubular tracheae with 2 pairs of stigmata, which lie in the 2d and 3d abdominal segments. In Cheiridium there is only one pair of stigmata, which has perhaps arisen by the fusing of the two pairs found in other Pseudo- scorpionidce. The ramified tracheae of the Phalangidce are said to open through a single pair of stigmata, lying ventrally at the anterior end of the abdomen, which is closely applied along its whole breadth to the cephalo-thorax. Among the Cyphophthalmidce, Cyphophthalmus is said to have only one pair of stigmata on the under side of the first abdominal segment. Gibbocellum (Fig. 372), on the contrary, has 2 pairs of stigmata lying laterally and ventrally in the 2d and 3d abdominal segments. The anterior pair of stigmata leads into richly branched tracheae, whose two principal trunks unite into an unpaired median trunk in the cephalo-thorax. The posterior pair of stigmata lead into tufted tracheae. Each stigma is covered by a plate pierced like a sieve, and each pore in this plate represents the aperture of a tracheal tubule. In many Acarina, especially in the parasitic and marine Acarina, tracheae are wanting. When they are present they open out through one pair of stigmata, which are placed very unusually. This pair of stigmata generally lies near the coxal joints of the last pair of extremities, but often much further forward. It occasionally lies on the dorsal side, and sometimes above the base of the chelicerae. This arrange- ment is not at present understood. In certain Acarina short tubes or sacs connected with apertures in the outer chitinous integument have been considered as the rudi- ments of tracheae. The Linguatulidce are devoid of tracheae. The Microthelyphonidce also are said to have no special respiratory organs. If this be established, it must not be considered in the Acaridce the original arrangement. The Tartaridce are said to possess lateral apertures supposed to be stigmatic in the 2d, 3d, and 4th ventral rings, thus having 6 in all. A review of the position of the respiratory organs and their apertures in the various divisions of the Arachnoidea shows us that not only do several abdominal segments possess stigmata, but that these may occur, as is shown by the example of the Solpugidce, in the thorax also. Leaving out of consideration the anterior position of the stigmata in certain Acarina, which are a very one-sidedly developed Arachnoid group, and evidently, excepting the Linguatulidce, the furthest removed from the racial form, we are justified in assuming that the, to us, unknown racial form of the Arachnoidea possessed a larger number of stigmata x and of tracheae connected with them than any Arachnoid form now living. This presupposes that the book-leaf tracheae are modified tubular tracheae. VIII. Sexual Organs. In all Arachnoidea the sexes are separate. The sexual organs lie in the abdomen. The testes and ovaries are either paired or single. The paired condition must be the more primitive. The ovaries in very many Arachnoidea appear as tubes beset with spherules or sacs, and so have a grape-like appearance. The eggs arise only in the sacs, which may be called egg -follicles, and they thence enter the ovarian tube, which serves only as a duct. • With very rare exceptions the ducts of the sexual organs are paired. These unite in their terminal portion, and open externally 1 See footnote on page 516. VI ARACHNOIDE A— SEXUAL ORGANS 533 through an unpaired ventral genital aperture at the anterior end of the abdomen. Several organs, chiefly accessory, are connected with the terminal portion of the ducts, viz. receptacula seminis, vesiculse seminales, glands, male and female copulatory organs. The anatomical structure of the sexual apparatus in the different Arachnoidea varies greatly in detail. The review which follows is incomplete, and only takes into account the better known forms. Scorpionidse. Female Apparatus (Fig. 375, A). — Three longitudinal tubes, beset with spherical ovarian follicles, lie in the pre-abdomen, one median and two lateral. The median tube is connected with the lateral by 5 transverse anastomoses, also beset FIG. 375.— Female sexual apparatus of various Arachnoidea. Most of the figures are some- what diagrammatic. A, Scorpio occitanus (after Blanchard). H, Galeodes barbarus (after L. Dufour). C, Trichodactylus anonymus (Acarid) female sexual organs of the nymph (after Nalepa). A An Araneid. E, Pentastoma taenioides (after R. Leuckart). F, Phalangium opilio (after Gegenbauer). G. Cepheus tegeocranus (oribatid) (after Michael). H. Gamasus crassipes (Acarid) (after Winkler). I, Trombidium fuliginosum (after Henking). ov, ovaries ; od, oviduct ; go, genital aperture ; rs, receptaculum seminis ; or (in C), outer aperture of the same ; va, vagina (in E also the uterus) ; op, ovipositor ; a, glandular appendages. with ovarian follicles, so that the ovigerous portion of the sexual apparatus forms a network of 8 meshes. From the anterior end of this there arises on each side an oviduct, which at once swells into a rather long tube (receptaculum seminis, or vagina?) The two tubes converge towards the ventral middle line, where they emerge on the first abdominal ring, in front of the combs, through an aperture which is covered by 2 valves. The Scorpionidce are viviparous. The embryos develop in the ovarial tubes, which function as uteri. Male Apparatus (Fig. 376, A).— The tubular testes are distinctly paired. There 534 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. are on each side two testicle tubes connected together by anastomoses. These two tubes unite anteriorly to form a sperm duct, which, joining the duct from the other side, opens outwardly at the place where, in the female, the genital aperture lies. Paired accessory organs. are connected with the ducts, viz. copulatory organs, seminal vesicles, and glands. Pseudoscorpionidse. — The ovary is an unpaired tube beset with follicles, which is continued into two oviducts entering a short vagina. Numerous unicellular, and 2 long tangled tubular glands are connected with the vagina. The testes in Chernes and Obisium recall in their form the ovaries of the Scor- pionidce. In Chelifer, on the contrary, we find a single median testicle tube. There are everywhere 2 sperm ducts, entering a common copulatory apparatus, with which are connected glands similar to those in the female. The unpaired genital aperture lies ventrally in both sexes on the boundaries between the 2d and 3d abdominal segments. FIG. 376.— Male sexual apparatus of various Arachnoidea. Most of the figures are somewhat diagrammatic. A, Scorpio occitanus (after Blanchard). B, Galeodes barbarus. C, Galeodes nigripalpis (after Dufour). D, Philoica domestica (Araneid) (after Bertkau). E, Pentastoma taenioides, only the anterior end of the testes drawn (after Leuckart). F, Uropoda (Acarid) (after Winkler). G, Trombidium fuliginosum (Acarid) (after Henking). H, Phalangium opilio (after Krohn). I, Gamasus crassipes (Acarid) (after Winkler). The letters in all cases signify : t, testes (dotted) ; vd, vasa deferentia ; sb, seminal vesicle ; p, penis ; a, glandular appendages ; as, tubular appendages ; ab, vesicular appendages ; be, bursa expulsatoria ; c, cirrus ; cb, cirrus pouch. Solpugidse. — The female sexual apparatus (Fig. 375, B) consists of 2 long ovarial tubes beset at their outer edges with numerous ovarian follicles, and placed in the abdomen. From each ovary there arises an oviduct. The 2 oviducts unite, their ends swelling. The external genital aperture is a longitudinal fissure on the ventral side of the first abdominal segment. The male apparatus (Fig. 376, B, C) consists of 2 thin and very long winding testicle tubes on each side of the abdomen, and quite separate from each other. These testicle tubes are continued into sperm ducts. The 2 sperm ducts of one side unite after a longer or shorter course into one duct, which, joining that from the other side, opens externally through a common aperture, which lies ventrally on the first abdominal segment. The ducts have either 4 or 2 swellings, regarded as seminal vi ARACHNOIDEA— SEXUAL ORGANS 535 vesicles ; if there are 4 they lie in the course of the 4 sperm ducts, if 2 in the course of the 2 common efferent ducts. Pedipalpi. — The ovaries and testes are paired with paired ducts, and a common unpaired genital aperture on the ventral side of the first abdominal segment. The Phrynidce are viviparous. Microthelyphonidse. — The germ glands (the ovaries at least) are said to be un- paired. There are probably 2 oviducts, which open outward by means of a common terminal piece on the ventral side of the first abdominal segment. Araneidse. Female Apparatus (Fig. 375, D). — There are in the abdomen 2 wide tubes, beset with numerous ovarian follicles, and looking like a cluster of grapes. The free ends of the ovaries sometimes fuse in such a way as to give rise to an un- paired circular ovary. There are always two short oviducts, uniting to form a short terminal portion (vagina), which emerges through the unpaired median genital aperture at the base of the abdomen, on the ventral side, between or somewhat behind the anterior pair of stigmata. All female Araneidce possess receptacula seminis. There is either one receptaculum, or two lateral receptacula, less frequently three, one median and two lateral. These receptacula, into wrhich, during copula- tion, the semen is introduced, are entirely separate from the sexual apparatus in many Araneidce, and have separate outer apertures near the female genital apertures. In others they are accessory organs of the vagina. In Epeira each of the two receptacula has 2 apertures — an outer one, placed on the genital plate near the sexual aperture, and an inner one leading into the vagina. Male Apparatus (Fig. 376, Z>). — Two testes lie as long tubes in the abdomen, and are continued as 2 long thin and often much coiled sperm ducts, these' opening out- ward by means of a short wide common duct through the male genital aperture, which lies between the 2 anterior stigmata. The transition from the testes into the vasa deferentia is often gradual, so that it is difficult to say where the former leave off and the latter begin. Occasionally the blind ends of the 2 testes are united by connec- tive tissue. In the male sexual apparatus of the Araneidce a special copulatory organ is wanting. The pedipalps of the male function as copulatory organs, their terminal joints (Fig. 377) being transformed in a peculiar manner. The inner side of this terminal joint carries an outgrowth, through which runs a spirally coiled canal emerging at the pointed end. This canal is filled by the male with sperm from the genital aper- ture. When copulation takes place the point of the outgrowth of the pedipalp is introduced into the receptaculum seminis of the female, and the semen discharged from / the spiral canal into the receptaculum. PViaioTKririca rn\n *7* P Ufa AM TT\ FlG- 3T7.-Last joint of the pedipalp of Fili- Phalangida (Fig. 3/5, F, Fig. 3/6, S). gtata tegtacea Latr (after Bertkau). — Both the ovaries and testes are here un- paired. Each germ gland is a semicircular tube which, by analogy with the arrangement described in the Araneidce, may well be considered to have arisen by the fusing of the blind ends of originally paired germ glands. The ovarian tube is superficially beset with ovarian follicles. The 2 ends of the germ glands are con- tinued into 2 ducts (sperm ducts in the male, oviducts in the female), and these unite to form a common duct which enters the copulatory apparatus. This, in the male, is a rod-like penis, in the female, a long cylindrical ovipositor. Both the penis and the ovipositor are enclosed in special sheaths, and they can, together with their sheaths, be protruded and evaginated. The 2 vasa deferentia are very much coiled 536 COMPARATIVE AX ATOMY CHAP. shortly before entering the common duet. IV fore the latter enters the penis, its wall becomes strongly muscular. This muscular portion of the duct evidently serves as a propelling organ for driving the semen out of the penis. A pair of accessory glands enters the end of the penis sheath. In the female the common efferent duct has 2 divisions, the proximal division being enlarged into a uterus, which at maturity is lilled with eggs, the narrow and long distal portion being a vagina which is continued into the ovipositor. The vagina has 3 lateral sacs, which are regarded as receptacula seminis. Accessory glands enter the end of the sheath of the ovipositor. The genital aperture in both sexes lies ventrally, on the boundary between the cephalo-thorax and the abdomen. It often occurs in the male PhalangiclcG that eggs develop on the surface of the testes ; these apparently do not leave the body, but are reabsorbed. Cyphophthalmidae. — Here also the genital aperture lies ventrally at the base of the abdomen (on the first abdominal segment). The male has a long penis, the female a long ovipositor. Acarina (Fig. 375, C, G, If, I, Fig. 376, F, G, /).— Great variety here prevails in the structure of the sexual organs. The following are 2 extreme cases. In the first there are 2 separate symmetrically-placed germ glands and 2 separate ducts, opening outwards through a common unpaired copulatory organ. We here see the more original arrangement. The other extreme is rare. It is found in the female of the Gamasidce (Fig. 375, If), where a single unpaired ovarv is continued into a single unpaired duct, which opens outwards through the copulatory organ. Transition forms between these 2 extremes are very commonly found. The 2 germ glands fuse in various ways to form one, which sometimes still shows traces of its originally double character ; the ducts, however, remain separate to a greater or smaller extent. Accessory organs, glands, receptacula seminis are often connected with the ducts. The unpaired terminal portion of the ducts nearly always leads to the outer sexual apparatus, which in the male is the penis, and in the female may be developed as an ovipositor. There are often found near the genital apertures adaptations (c.y. suckers) which assist in copulation. The sexual organs are by no means limited in position to the posterior part of the body, on the contrary, the fact that they often run far forward shows the extent to which the concentration of the whole body and the obliteration of the boundary between the cephalo-thorax and the abdomen have taken place. The aperture of these organs often lies far forward also, in some cases as far forward as between the most anterior pair of legs. It has been observed in the Tyroylyphu (Trichodactylus anonyinus] that the genital aperture which in the adult female lies between the 2d pair of legs, in the last larval stage (before the last moult) still lies between the last pair. This observation also throws light on the anterior position of the stigmata in many mites, which must be attributed to displacement. As in the Arnncida^ so also in certain Acurida there occur in the females recepta- cula seminis witli apertures separate from the rest of the sexual apparatus. Tricho- dactylus thus has a receptaculum at the posterior end of the body, opening outward through a post-anal aperture. The penis is introduced into this aperture during copulation. The receptaculum is connected by 2 short tubes with the 2 ovaries. Tin's arrangement and that found in Eprira recall to a certain extent the well-known arrangement in the Trcniatoda and (Jvxl.uda, where the female sexual apparatus is connected with the exterior not only by means of the usual genital aperture, but by Laurer's duct as well. In Trichodactylus the receptaculum arises independently by an invagination of the integument, and becomes connected with the ovaries only secondarily. Home Acarina are viviparous, others ovoviviparotis, i.e. the eggs develop to a VI ARACHNOIDEA— ONTOGENY 537 -oe t S certain extent within the mother body, so that the young is hatched soon after the laying of the egg. Most Acarina, however, are oviparous. The eggs or embryos collect often in great numbers in the expanded oviducts, which then function as uteri. Linguatulidse. Female Apparatus (Figs. 375 E, 378). — The ovary is a long un- paired tube, beset with ovarian follicles, which runs through the body over the intestine in a longitudinal direction. It is continued anteriorly into 2 oviducts, which surround the oeso- phagus, and under it enter the anterior end of the unpaired vagina. This serves at the same time as uterus, the first embryonic development of the eggs taking place in it. The vagina is an unusually long tube which runs backward with many windings, accompanying the intestine, and is often filled with several hundreds of thousands of eggs and embiyos ; it opens outward through a female genital aperture close to the -anus. The ducts of 2 long receptacula seminis, which lie at the 2 sides of the mid-gut, enter the most anterior end of the vagina at the point where the oviducts join it. Male Apparatus (Fig. 376, E}. — The testes are paired or unpaired tubes placed like the ovary. The testis or testes are continued anteriorly into an unpaired efferent division, which has been regarded as a seminal vesicle. This vesicula semi- nalis divides anteriorly into 2 canals, the vasa deferentia, which encircle the ossophagus. Each vas deferens ends in a male copulatory apparatus. The male genital aperture common to the 2 copulatory apparati lies, in contradistinction to that of the female, in the anterior portion of the body, between the 2d pair of hooks. Corresponding with the recep- tacula seminis of the female there are in the male 2 blind tubes running backward, these are apparently organs for propelling the semen, and enter the 2 sperm ducts. The end of each sperm duct enters a very long chitinous cirrus, which at a time of rest is rolled up in a special sac. IX. Ontogeny. FIG. 378.— Female of Pentas- tomum taenioides at the time of copulation, with the viscera (after Leuckart). Ti, Hooks ; oe, oeso- phagus; rs, receptacula seminis, one of which is still empty ; d, gut ; ov, ovaiy ; va, vagina. We can only bring forward a few facts concerning the ontogeny of the Arachnoidea, chiefly such as are of most importance from the point of view of compara- tive anatomy. 1. The segmentation is in the main that of the centre- or mesolecithal eggs. A blastoderm is formed covering the yolk, in which, however, merocytes remain. The formation of the germ layers and of the rudiments of the most important organs proceeds, as in other Arthropoda, from a blastoderm plate, which may be called the embryonic rudiment. In the Scorpionidce, however, the egg seems to be meroblastically telolecithal, and the furrowing takes a corresponding course, so that no blastoderm enveloping the yolk on all sides is formed, but a germ disc is developed at one pole of the egg. 538 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. \ 2. Embryonic envelopes have till now only been found in the Scorpionidce. The embryonic envelope here, as in the Insecta, consists of 2 membranes, the outer repre- senting the serosa, the inner the amnion of the Hexa- poda. 3. The formation of segments in the embryonic rudiments takes place as a rule from before backward, so that new segments are continually formed from the terminal segment behind those already developed. Fre- ;V%f~~" ~yyjjil quently, however, the segment bearing the chelicerfe, 1 V •" ^ • ~ * and sometimes that bearing the pedipalps, appear only after the formation of a few of the subsequent segments. 4. The rudiments of the extremities seem in various Arachnoidea to have different orders of succession. The permanent extremities, with the exception of the cheli- cerfe, which begin to form later, often develop simul- taneously. In the Pseudoscorpionidce the rudiments of the extremities are even said to be recognisable before the marking off of the segments on the embryonic rudiments. 5. In all Arachnoidea, except the Linguatulidce, the body is, in its embryonic condition, more richly seg- mented than in the adult animal. The cephalo- thoracic region especially shows embryonic metamerism. This region consists at certain embryonic stages of a cephalic or frontal lobe, in which the stomodseum and the definitive oral aperture form, and of 6 subsequent and thus post-oral segments, the 1st being that of the ciba FIG. 379.— Embryo of a Scor- pion, spread out flat, from the ventral side (after Metschni- koff). U, Frontal lobes; 1, chelicerse; 2, pedipalps; 3-6, the 4 pairs of legs ; aba, rudi- ments of the abdominal limbs ; pa, post abdomen. chelicerse, the 2d that of the pedipalps, while the 4 others are the segments of the 4 following pairs of extremities. In the abdomen also, even when there is no meta- merism in the adult animal, .segmentation is to be recognised in the embryo. The number of the embryonic abdominal segments in the various divisions of the Arach- noidea, however, differs greatly. It is a specially important fact that the segment bearing the chelicerse is in the embryo post-oral. No extremities develop on the frontal lobe, where, in the Crustacea, Protracheata, and Antennata, the antennae form.1 From this fact it follows that there is no correspondence between the chelicerse of the Arachnoidea and the antennae of the Antennata. The appearance of rudimentary abdominal limbs in the embryos of many Arachnoidea has already been mentioned ; some of these rudiments disappear later, some, however, are retained (e.g. the combs of the Scorpion, the spinning mammillae of the Araneidce). 6. "What has been said about the relation of the embryonic metamerism of the body to the definitive metamerism of the same is also true of the nervous system. Investigations show that in the Scorpionidce and Araneidce a pair of ganglia forms in each embryonic segment. The embryonic pair of ganglia of the frontal lobe is the rudiment of the supra-resophageal ganglion. In the first post-oral segment a special ganglion for the chelicersB is developed, which only secondarily joins the supra- cesophageal ganglion, forming with it the brain. In the Antennata and Protracheata, on the contrary, the antennae are from the very first innervated from the preoral supra-cesophageal ganglion. Each of the following embryonic segments except the terminal segment in like manner possesses 1 pair of ganglia. The more or less 1 See footnote on page 516. VI A RA CHNOIDEA—PHYLOGENY 539 concentrated form of the nervous system of the adult animal arises in consequence of the fusing of pairs of ganglia which were separate in the embryo. The whole central nervous system arises in a manner similar to that in other Arthropoda. 7. The Mesoderm of the Araclmoidea at a certain embryonic stage is developed just as in the Annulata, Protracheata, Antennata, and perhaps also the Crustacea, in the form of 2 lateral segmented streaks or bands with segmental cavities. 8. The fore- and hind-guts develop in the well-known way as imaginations of the ectoderm (stomodteum and proctodseum). Opinions still differ as to the manner of formation of the tube of the mid-gut. 9. The first rudiments of the lungs (book-leaf tracheae) appear as imaginations of the ectoderm, and thus in the same way as the tracheae in the Antennata. 10. Most Arachnoidea when born or hatched from the egg resemble the adult. As far as we know, a post-embryonic metamorphosis occurs only in the Pseudo- scorpionidce and Acarina. The former are hatched in a very imperfect condition, but -fte FIG. 380.— A, B, C, Embryos of Agelena labyrinthica at three stages of development ; in A and B supposed to be spread out flat, in C in the natural form from the venti'al side ; Jd, frontal lobes ; st, stomodseum ; 1-6, 1st to 6th pairs of extremities (of the cephalo-thorax) ; viz. 1, the chelicer* ; 2, the pedipalps ; 3-6, legs ; a, rudiments of abdominal limbs ; aw in C spinning mammillae (after Balfour). remain for some time (parasitically) attached to the body of the mother, who carries the eggs about with her. The young larvae of the Acarina (Fig. 361, p. 514) are still devoid of the last pair of extremities, i. e. of the 4th pair of legs. The metamorphosis in the Acarina is often very complicated, and is accompanied by many moults. Sometimes several pupal and larval stages occur. In such cases the metamorphosis is accompanied by the same inner processes as in the Insecta with complete meta- morphosis, i.e. by the breaking up and disappearance of larval organs, and by the forma- tion of the definitive organs out of imaginal portions of the larva. The development and life-history of the Linguatulidce were briefly described in the systematic review. The ontogeny of this group yields no data for deciding their systematic position. X. Phylogeny. The Arachnoidea form a sharply demarcated natural division of the Arthropoda. Leaving the Linyuatulidce out of consideration, there can be no doubt as to the 540 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. relationship of the various orders united in this class. There is, further, no doubt that those Arachnoidea whose bodies are most richly segmented have best preserved the original character. These are the Scorpionidce, on account of the rich segmenta- tion of their abdomen and abdominal nervous system, and the Solpugidce, on account of the segmentation of that part of the body which answers to the cephalo-thorax of other Arachnoidea ; this cephalo-thorax consists of an anterior section and three sub- sequent segments, which may be compared with the head and three anterior trunk segments of the Antennata. For such a comparison, however, further data as to the structure and development of the Solpugidce are needed. The Acarina, with their highly concentrated organisation, are evidently the furthest removed from the racial form of the Arachnoidea. The other divisions in various points take intermediate positions, and may be used as examples of pro- gressive concentration. It is by no means proved that the Linguatulidce belong to the Arachnoidea. We are not even in a position strictly to prove that they are Arthropoda. It is, in any case, quite possible that the Linguatulidce are mite-like animals greatly modified by parasitism, but they might just as well be degenerate descendants of other Arthropoda. Definite data are wanting for deciding whether the want of a respiratory and blood- vascular system is original, or has only arisen secondarily through parasitism. The presence of 2 pairs of hooks does not prove that they are Arachnoidea or indeed Arthro- poda at all. The history of their development also affords us no assistance. The position of the female genital aperture at the posterior end of the body is unusual in the Arachnoidea. The diverticula of the mid-gut so common among the Arachnoidea are wanting here. The reduction of the central nervous system to an cesophagcal ring with several cesophageal ganglia is probably connected with the reduction of sensory organs, extremities (?), etc., brought about by parasitism, but this does not help to decide the question whether they are descended from Arachnoidea and not from other animals provided with such a nervous system. There finally remains only the constitution of the ovarial tubes beset with ovarian follicles, which specially recall the Arachnoid arrangement, and opinions may differ as to the value of this point of agreement. The question as to the systematic position of the Arachnoid class in the Arthro- podan system is still a matter of discussion. There are two views on this subject. According to one of these views the Arachnoidea are nearly related to the Xiphosura and fossil Gigantostraca ; these three would then together form a third subphylum of the Arthropoda, distinct both from the Crustacea and the Antennata. According to the other view the Arachnoidea are racially connected with the Antennata, and form with these and the Protracheata the subphylum of the Tracheata. At present we prefer the latter view, and consider the Arachnoidea as Tracheata which have lost their antennae,1 while the first postoral pair of limbs, homologous with the mandibles of the Anten- nata, has been pushed forward, so that in all adult Arachnoidea they are inserted in front of the mouth. The cephalo-thorax of the Arachnoidea would then correspond with the fused head and thorax (3 anterior trunk segments) of the Antennata, and we thus perhaps find in the segmentation of the cephalo-thorax in the Solpugidce a primitive arrangement. If this supposition should prove correct, then the compari- son of the other organs presents no very great difficulties. In judging of the system- atic position of the Arachnoidea, their relationship to the Antennata is strongly supported by the facts that the Arachnoidea possess both Malpighian vessels and tracheae, which are wanting in the Crustaceans as in the Xiphosura. In the Antennata, the mandibles and the 2 pairs of limbs of the head which 1 See footnote on page 516. vi ARACHNOIDEA—PHYLOGENY 541 follow them are either not at all or very little like legs, they are changed into mouth parts. In the Arachnoidea, the appendages which probably correspond with them (the chelicerfe, the pedipalps, and the 1st pair of legs) have preserved far better the character of long-jointed extremities. Now, since we can find no justification in com- parative anatomy or ontogeny for deriving long many-jointed extremities from abbreviated and specialised mouth-parts adapted for chewing, sucking, etc., but are, on the contrary, distinctly justified in assuming that the opposite process is the usual one, we conclude that the racial form of the Arachnoidea branched off from the racial form of the Antennata very early, at a time when the limbs lying directly behind the mouth were not yet changed into specialised mouth-parts. The Arachnoidea (Chelicerota) on the one hand, and the Antennata on the other, would thus represent two branches diverging early from the Tracheate trunk. The Protracheata cannot, it is true, be placed at the root of this trunk, but may still in many points of their organisation much more faithfully retain the primitive condition than do the Arach- noidea and Antennata, and may thus to a certain extent represent an offshoot from the root. The above statements must make the relationship of the Arachnoidea and especi- ally of the Scorpionidce with the Xiphosura and Gigantostraca appear at present doubtful. At the same time it cannot be denied that the limbs of the cephalo- thorax in the Arachnoidea show a remarkable agreement with those of the Xiphosura and Gigantostraca, a much greater agreement than with the corresponding limbs of the Antennata. The want of preoral limbs comparable with the antennae is also a point of agreement not to be underestimated.1 But we may possibly have here only a phenomenon of convergence. The agreement in the rest of the organisation, leaving out of account characteristics common to all Arthropoda, appears to us not so great as to justify a nearer relationship based upon it. Even if the occurrence of rudi- mentary abdominal limbs forces us to assume that the ancestors of the Arachnoidea possessed abdominal limbs, the -'same is true', of the Hexapoda also, the Myriapoda still possessing limbs on all the trunk segments. The comparison of the book-leaf tracheae with the book-like gills of the Xiphosura seems far-fetched compared with their derivation from the tufted tracheae. The assumption that the tubular tracheae in the Arachnoida have arisen independently of those of the Protracheata and Antennata can only be resorted to as a makeshift. Mal- pighian vessels are wanting in the Xiphosura. The sexual organs may emerge at very different regions of the body in the Antennata, as \vas seen as early as in the Myria- poda, and therefore no very great weight should be attached to the circumstance that their position is almost similar in the Arachnoidea and the Xiphosura. The presence of coxal glands, which emerge in the Arachnoidea and Xiphosura on the third pair of legs, does not bear much upon this question, since, on the one hand, coxal glands may occur on other pairs of legs as well in the Arachnoidea, and on the other, these glands are very widely distributed among the Protracheata and Antennata (especially Myriapoda}, and apparently were originally found in all the pairs of legs, as is .still the case in the Protracheata. In any case further investigations as to the relations between the Arachnoidea and the Xiphosura cannot but be fruitful, and may throw much light upon the as yet by no means solved problem of the relationship of the two groups. The Pantopoda (Pycnogonidce) are also often considered as related to the Arach- noidea, a view which was arrived at originally in consequence of the great similarity in appearance of the two groups. This view had, however, to be abandoned when their organisations were more closely compared (cf. p. 424). 1 See footnote on page 516. 542 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Review of the most important Literature. Anatomy. Ph. Bertkau. Ueber den Generationsapparat der Araneiden. Archivf. Naturgesch. 41 Jahrg. The same. JSeitrdge zur Kenntniss der Sinnesorgane der Spinnen. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie. 27 Bd. The same. Ueber die Respirationsorgane der Araneen. Arch. f. Naturg. 38 Bd. 1872. The same. Ueber das Cribrellum und Calamistrum. Em Beitrag zur Histiologie, Biologie und Systematik der Spinnen. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. 48 Jahrg. 1882. The same. Ueber den Bau und die Function der sogen. Leber bei den Spinnen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. 23 Bd. 1884. The same. Ueber den Verdauungsapparat der Spinnen. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie. 24 Bd. 1885. Edouard Claparede. fitudes sur la circulation du sang chez les Arantes du genre Lycose. Memoir es Soc. Physique et d'Histoire natur. Geneva. 17 Bd. 1863. The same. Studien an Acariden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. 18 Bd. 1867-1868. G. Cuvier. Le Regne animal. Nouv. Edition. Paris, 1849. Insectes, Arachnides, Crustacees von Audouin, Blanchard, etc. L. Dufour. Histoire anatomique et physiologique des Scorpions. Mem. Acad. Scienc. Savants etrangers. XIV. 1856. The same. Anatomie, Physiologic, et Histoire naturelle des Galeodes. Mtmoires de I' Acad. d. Sciences. Paris. Savants etrangers. XVII. 1858. Hugo Eisig. Monographic der Capitelliden des Golfes von Neapel. Berlin, 1887. (Contains the morphological significance of the coxal glands, spinning glands, etc. of the Arachnoid ea.) Batt. Grassi. I. Progenitori dei Miriapodi e degli Insetti. V. Intorno ad un nuovo aracnide artrogastro. Boll. Societa entomol. italiana. XVIII. 1886. Hermann Henking. Beitrdge zur Anatomie, Entwicklungsgeschichte und Biologie von Trombidium fuliginosum. Zeitschr. fur. wiss. Zool. 37 Bd. 1882. W. E. Hoyle. On a new Species of Pentastomum (P. protelis), from the Mesentery of Proteles cristatus. Transact. Roy. Society, Edinburgh. Vol. XXXII. 1883. G. Joseph. Cyphophthalmus duricarius. Berliner Entom. Zeitschr. 1868. E. Ray Lankester. Limulus an Arachnid. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science. N.S. Vol. XXI. 1881. E. Ray Lankester and A. G. Bourne. The minute structure of the lateral and of the central eyes of Scorpio and of Limulus. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science. N.S. Vol. XXIII. 1883. Rud. Leuckart. Ueber den Bau und die Bedeutung der sog. Lungen bei den Arachniden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. 1 Bd. 1849. The same. Bau und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pentastomen. Leipzig and Heidel- berg. 1860. J. MacLeod. La structure des trachees et la circulation peritrache'enne. Brussels. 1880. The same. Recherches sur la structure et la signification de Vappareil respiratoire des Arachnides. Arch. Biolog. Tome V. 1884. A. Menge. Die Shecrenspinnen. Schriften der naturf. Gesellsch. zu Danzig. 1855. Albert .D. Michael. British Oribatidce. Ray Society. London, 1884. Nalepa. Die Anatomie der Tyroglyphen. I. Abth. Sitzber. math.-naturwiss. Classe. vi AEAGHNOIDEA— LITERATURE 543 Akademie Wissensch. Wien. 90 Bd. 1885. II. Abth. Ibid. 92 Bd. I. Abth. 1886. Newport. On the structure, relations, and development of the nervous and circulatory systems in Myriapoda and macrourous Arachnida. Philos. Transact. I. 1843. E. Rossler. Beitrdge zur Anatomic der Phalangiden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. 36 Bd. 1882. Robert von Schaub. Ueber die Anatomic von Hydrodoma. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Hydrachniden. Sitzber. AJcad. Wiss. Wien. math-naturw. Classe. 97 Bd. 1888. Wladimir Shimkewitsch. Etude sur I'anatomie de VEpeire. Annales Scienc. natur. 6°. Tome 17. 1884* Anton Stecker. Anatomisches und Histiologisches iiber Gibbocellum, einc neue Arach- nide. Arch. f. Naturgesch. 42 Jahrg. 1876. Alfred Tulk. Upon the anatomy of Phalangium Opilio. Ann. Magaz. Nat. Hist. Vol. XII. 1843. Bernh. Weissenborn. Beitrdge zur Phylogenie der Arachniden. Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Naturwissensch. 20 Bd. N. F. 13. 1885 (with Bibliography). Willibald Winkler. Das Herz der Acarinen nebst vergleichenden BemerTcungen iiber das Herz der Phalangiden und Chernetiden. Arb. Zool. Inst. Univers. Wien. 7 Bd. 1886. The same. Anatomie der Gamasiden. Arbeit. Zool. Inst. Universitdt Wien. 7 Bd. 1888. Other authors : De Graaf, Loman, Krohn, Henking, Horn, Dahl, MacLeod, Ehlers, Karpelles, Stecker, Oeffinger, Croneberg, Pelseneer, Bertkau, Lohmann, Kramer, Haller, Menge, Parker, Pagenstecher, 0. P. Cambridge, Ray Lankester, Gulland, Meckel, Plateau, Abendroth, P. J. van Beneden, Blanchard, Brandt, Gervais, Megrin, Grube, J. van der Hoeven (on Phrynus), Leydig, Nicolet Lucas, Kittary, Duges, Treviranus, Hutton, Hasselt, Koch, Blanc. On Acarina many works of Kramer and Haller. Ontogeny. F. M. Balfour. Notes mi the development of the Araneina. Quart. Journ. Micr. Science. Vol. XX. 1880. Edouard Claparede. Recherches sur Devolution des araignees. NatuurTc. Verhandl. Provinciaal Utrechtsch gcnootschap van Kunsten en Wetensch. Deel I. Utrecht 1862. William Locy. Observations on the development of Agelena ncevia. Bullet. Mus. Comp. Zool. Havard Coll. Cambridge. Vol. XII. 1886. El. Metschnikoff. Embryologie des Scorpions. Zeitschr. f. wisscnsch. Zoologie. 21 Bd. 1870. The same. Entwicklungsgcschichte von Chelifer. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie. 21 Bd. 1870. W. Schimkewitsch. Etude sur le developpement des Araignees. Arch. Biol. Tome 6. 1887. Other authors : Rathke, Balbiani, Barrois, Herold, Ludwig, P. J. van Benedeu, Claparede, Henking, Kowalevsky and Schulgin, Moriu, Jaworowski (in reference to note on p. 516). 544 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CHAP. Appendage to the Race of the Arthropoda. The Tardigrada, or Bear Animalcule. The body of these small animals, which does not exceed 1 mm. in length, is cylindrical or a long oval ; it is outwardly unsegmented, and carries 4 pairs of short truncated appendages armed with claws, and not marked off from the body by joints. The last pair of these appendages lies at the posterior end of the body. The most anterior portion of the body is either narrowed like a proboscis, or marked off FIG. 381.— Macrobiotus Hufel- andii. Outlines of the body and ventral chord. The supra -oeso- phageal ganglion is not repre- sented, ug, Infra-oesophageal gan- glion ; 0!, 02, 03, 04, the 4 following ganglia (after Plate). FIG. 382.— Head of Doyerla simplex, from the ventral side. The nervous system not drawn. pa, Oral papillae ; mh, oral cavity ; ev, hypoder- mal thickenings near the mouth (glands ?) ; z, teeth; mr, oral tube; 'ph, pharynx; oe, oeso- phagus ; md, mid-gut or stomach intestine ; bv, hypodermal thickenings (leg glands? coxal glands?) in the feet (after Plate). like a head. The body is covered by a probably chitinous cuticle, which is thrown off from time to time (ecdysis). The mouth lies at the anterior, and the anus at the posterior end of the body. In the straight digestive tract which passes through the ccelome the 3 well- known regions, the fore-gut, mid-gut, and hind-gut (rectum) may be distinguished, The oral aperture, which is surrounded by papillae, and in some cases by setae, also leads into an oral cavity, into which project the pointed and sometimes calcified ends of 2 teeth. Two pear-shaped or tube-like glands (salivary glands ? poison glands ?) enter the oral cavity. The oral cavity is followed by a generally narrow oral tube, which swells out at its posterior end into a muscular, spherical, or egg-shaped oesophageal bulb (pharynx). Between the mid-gut (stomach) VI TARDIGRADA 545 and the oesophageal bulb an oesophagus is intercalated. Two blind tubes enter the rectum, no doubt corresponding with the Malpighian vessels of the Tracheata. The sexes are separate ; the germ glands unpaired, and sac- shaped. In both sexes they enter the hind -gut, which thus becomes a cloaca. Special circulatory and respiratory organs are wanting. The nervous system consists of a brain, an infra -oesophageal gan- glion which is connected with the brain by two oesophageal commis- sures, and 4 other ventral ganglia, which are connected by longitudi- nal commissures placed far apart from one another. There are two eye spots in the head, lying on two small ganglia connected by nerves with the brain. The musculature is richly developed. Various dorsal, ventral, and lateral longitudinal muscles run under the integument. Special muscles serve for moving the legs. All the muscles are smooth. The systematic position of the Tardigrada is uncertain. The three related facts that they possess accessory organs of the hind-gut comparable with the Malpighian vessels, tube- like oral glands, and truncated feet provided with claws, make it not improbable that they belong -to the Arthropoda, and especially to the Tracheata. The want of oral limbs, the structure of the nervous system, and the manner of emergence of the sexual organs, stand in the way of a comparison of the Tar- digrada, with the Acarina. Although we may agree with the view that they are some- how related to the Tracheata, or to the ances- tors of the Tracheata, we cannot in any case assume that they, in any way, resemble the primitive arrangements. The want of a blood-vascular system, the unpaired germ glands, the reduced and abbreviated condition of the whole body, the absence of nephridia and of coxal glands (?), rather make the Tardigrada appear as a one- sidedly developed lateral branch. Most of the Tardigrada live among moss and lichens, a very few in fresh or salt water. They can stand desiccation, and remain apparently dead for a long time, reviving again when wetted. Echiniscus, Macrobiotus, Milnesium, Doyeria. Fig. 383. — Posterior portion of the body of Macrobiotus Hufelandii $ , from the side, h, Testis ; ad, accessory gland of the male sexual apparatus ; d, cloaca ; an, anus ; vm, excretory tube (Malpighian vessel) ; md, mid-gut (after Plate). Literature. Ludwig H. Plate. Beitrage zur NaturgescMchte der Tardigraden. Zool. Jahrbucher von Spengel, Abth.fur Anatomic und Ontogenie. 3 Bd. 1888. In this treatis there is a bibliography up to 1888. VOL. I 2 N INDEX Numbers in Italics give Systematic Position, refer to Figures. Numbers in Black Type ABDOMINALIA, 292 Abyla, 70 Acantharia, 6 Acanthia, 440 Acanthin, 16 Acanthocephala, 180 Acanthodrilus, 181 Acanthometra, 6 Acanthocystis, 6 Acarina, 510 Accessory intestine (Vermes), 206 Acheta campestris, sexual organs, 486 Acliromatin, 35 Achtheres, 291 Acidaspis, 415 Acineta, 11 Accela, 134 Acone eyes (Insecta), 470 Acontia, 83 Acotylea, 133 Acraspeda, 71 Acridiidce, 439 Acridium tartaricum, 474 Acronyctidce, 44% Actinaria, 71 Actinia, 71 Actinocephahis, 9 Actinophrys, 6 Actinophrys sol, 6 Actinosplicerium, 6 Actinotrocha, 272 Aculeata, 44% Adamsia, 71 Adradii, 74 dSga, 295 JSgineta, 69 jEginopsis, 69 JElosoma, 181 Forskalea, 68 ; auditory vesicles, 95 JEschna, 439 ; sexual organs, 485 Agalma, 70 Agalmopsis, 113 Agelena, 510 ,, labyrinthica, embryo, 539, Aglantha digitalis, 69 Agnostus, 415 Agrion, 439 Agrotidce, 442 Alary muscles, 475 Alcippidce, 292 Alcyonaria, 70; gemmation, 107 Alcyonella, 184 Alcyonium, 70 Alcyonidium, 184 Alcyopidce, 182 Aletes, 510 Aletia, 463 Alima type of larva, 393 Allantonema mirabile, 200 Alloiocoela, 134 Allolobophora, 181 Atturus, 181 Alma nilotica, 246 Alpheus, 298 Alternation of generations (Protozoa), 21 ; (Cnidaria), 115 ; (Vermes), 267 ; (An- tennata), 502 Alydus, 440 Amalthceidce, 90 Ametabole, 491 Ammothea, 4% 4 Amnion, 434, 493 Amoeba, 4 ,, polypodia, 3, 12 Amcebina, 4 Amphiasters, 35 Amphifflene, 234 Amphilina, 134 Amphinomidce, 182 Amphipoda, 296 ; circulatory system, 362 Amphiporus, 178 Moseleyi, 220 Amphipneustic tracheal system, 482 Amphistoma, 134 ' Amphtthoe penicillata, thoracic limbs, 318 548 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Amphitrite, 182 Anachceta, 181 Analges, 510 Anceidce, 295 Anchorella, 291 Anchylostoma, 180 Androctonus, 509 Anemonia, 71 Anguillula aceti, 178 Anilocra, 295 ; pleopoda, 324 Anisospore, 20 Annulata (Annelida), 180 ; diagram of pharynx, 202, 203 ; section, 237 Anomura, 298 Anonymus, 133 Antennata, 438-508 Anthea cereus, 50 Anthemodes, 70 Anthomedusce, 68 Anthophora, 492 Anthozoa, 70 Antipatharia, 71 Aphaniptera, 441 Aphanoneura, 181 ApMdce, 440 Aphis pelargonii, tracheal system, 481 Aphroditea, 182 Aphrophora, 441 Apidce, 442 Apis melijica, anatomy, 462, 463 ; sexual organs, 487 Aplysina, 62 Apoda, 292 Apolemia, 70 Apneustic tracheal system, 481 Apseudes, 293 ; auditory hair, 356 ; thor- acic limbs, 318 Apseudes Latreillii nervous system, 346 Apterygota, 439 Apus, 288 ; section, 315 ; larvae, 383 ,, longicaudatus, trunk feet, 316 ,, lucasanus, mandibles, 311 Arachnoidea, 509-543 Araneidce, 510 ; book-leaf tracheae, 630 ; sexual organs, 533 Arcella, 4 „ vulgaris, 3 Archceostraca, 293 Archenteron, 37 Archiannelida, 181 Archigetes, 134 Arenicolidce, 182 Argas, 510 Argiope, 185 ; larva, 273 Argulidce, 291 Argulus, 291 „ Corregoni nervous system, 346 „ foliaceus, 291 Argyroneta, 510 Aridities, 182 Arthrobranchiae, 328 Arthropoda, 287-545 Arthrostraca, 293 ; thoracic limbs, 318 Articulata, 287 Asaphus, 415 Ascandra, 60 Ascaridce, 180 ; section, 194 Ascaris lumbricoides, 180 ; genital appara- tus, 255 „ nigrovenosa, 179 A scones, 62 Asellidce, 295 ; thoracic limbs, 318 Asellus aquaticus, enteric canal, 340; geni- tal apparatus, 374 ; nervous system, 346 Asilidce, 443 Aspidiotus, 440 Aspidogaster, 143 Asplancha, 185 Astacidce, 298 Astacus fluviatilis, 298, 298, 299 ; 2d antennae, 310 ; antennules, 308 ; anterior maxillae, 312 ; cephalo-thorax, 326 ; for- ceps, 335 ; gills, 327 ; mandibles, 311 ; muscles, 334 ; nervous system, 346 ; ontogeny, 399-406 ; pleopoda, 324 ; pos- terior maxillae, 313 ; sections, 338, 365 ; segments, 333 ; sexual organs, 375 ; thoracic feet, 323 Asterias glacialis, eggs, 31, 33 Asterope, 182 Astrcea, 71 Astroides, 71 Atax, 510 Atractonema, 200 Atractosoma, 438 Attus, 510 Atypus, 510 Aulactinium, 7 ,, actinastrum, 7 Aulosphcera, 7 Aulostomum, 181 Auralia, 70 Aurelia aurita, 72 ; development of, 130 Auronecta, 70 Aurophore, 70 Autolytus, 182 Avicularia, 510 Avicularia, 267 j\.xolotl, 119 Axopodia, 14 BACILLUS, 439 Baetis binoculatus, segment, 483 Balanidce, 292 Balanoglossus, 119 Balantidium, 9 Balanus, 292 „ Hameri, 303 „ perforatus, trunk feet, 316 „ tintindbulum, 304 Bdellidce, 510 Belinurus, 417 Beroidce, 72 Bibionidce, 443 Biogenesis, 118 INDEX 549 Bipalium, 133 Birgus, 299 „ latro, sections, 328, 367 Bittacus, 441 Blastocoel, 123 Blastoderm, 126 Blastomeres, 121-131 Blastopore, 57, 123 Blastula, 36, 57 Blatta, mouth parts, 446 „ orientalis, nervous system, ?468 Blattidce, 439 Bombycina, 44% Bombylliidce, 443 Bonellia, 182 ; egg segmentation, 124 Bopyridce, 295 Boreomysis scyphops, 321 Boreus, 441 Borlasia, 178 Bostrychidce, 441 Bothriocephalus latus, 134 '•> scolex, 164 ,, punctatus, 154 Bougainvillea ramosa, 68, 67, 104 Brachionus, 185 Brachiopoda, 184, 263 Brachonidce, 44% Brachycera, 44$ Brachydesmus, 4^8 Brachyura, 299 ; development, 396 Bract, 112 Branchellion, 181 Branchial formula, Astacus, 329 ; Cancer pagurus, 329 Branchiata, 287 Branchiobdella, 181 Branchiomma, 247 Branchiopoda, 288 Branchiostegite, 307 Branchipus, 288 ; mandibles, 311 ; section of eye, 354 ; tactile hair, 356 ; ontogeny, 398 ,, stagnalis, 191 Branchiura, 291 Braula, 443 Brood capsule, 316 ; care of, 379 ; cavity, 380 ; chamber, 434 ; lamella, 321, 378 ; plate, 319 ; pouch, 318 Bronteus, 415 Bryozoa, 183 Bugula, 184 Bunodes, 411 Buprestidce, 44% Buthus, 509 ,, occinatus, anatomy, 517 C^NOGENESIS, 118 Calanella mediterranea, 353 Calappa, 299 Calcaria, 60 Calceoli, 356 Calcispongice, 60 Caligus, 291 Callianassa, 298 Callianira, aboral pole and sensory body, 97 ; development, 131 Calliaxis, gills of larva, 322 Callizona grubei, eye of, 230 Calopteryx, 439 Calyconecta, 70 Calymene, 415 Calymna, 6 Calyptopis larva, 389 Campanaria, 68 Campanularia geniculata, 68 Campanulina tennis, 68 Campodea, 439 ,, staphylimis, 444 Campylaspis nodulosa, mandibles 311 Cancer, 300 Cancrion miser, 379 Cannopilus, 7 Cannorhiza, 72 ,, connexa, 85 Cannostomce, 72 Cantharidce, 441 Canthocamptus, 291 Capitellidce, 181 Capitibranchiata, 182 Capnia nigra, larva and imago. 456 Caprella acutifrons, 295 Caprellidce, 296 Capsus, 440 Carabidce, 442 Carabus auratus, digestive apparatus, 461 Carcinus, 300 Carchesium, 11 Carididce, 298 Carina, 304 Carinella, 178 Carmarina hastata, 69 Caryophyllceus, 134 Caryophyllia, 71 Cassiopcea, 72 Catallacta, 11 Cathammal plates, 74, 78 Catometopa, 300 Cecidomyia, 502 Cellepora, 184 Cellulose, 16 Centrotus, 441 Cephalodiscus, 184 Cephalogaster, 341 Cephalo-thorax, 302 Cepheus tegiocranus, sexual organs, 533 Cerambycidce, 441 Ceraspongice, 62, 61 Ceratiocaridce, 293 Ceratium 8, „ Tripus, 9 Ceratopsyllus, 441 Cercaria, 169 Cerebratulus, 178 Cerianthus, 71 Cestidce, 72 550 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Cestoda, 134 Cestoplana, 133 Cetochilus, 291 ; development of, 385 ,, septentrionalis, 385 ; ontogeny, 398 Cetonia aurata, sexual organs, 485 Chcetogaster diaphanus, anterior part of body, 221 Chcetogastridce, 181 Chcetognatha, 185 Chcetopoda, 181 Ch&tozone, 253 Chalaza, 30 Challengeria, 7 Charybdeidce, 72 Cheirurus, 415 ,, Quenstedtii, 414 Chelicerae (Xiphosura), 417; (Arachnoidea), 515 Chelicerota, 509 Chelifer, 509 ,, Bravaisii 513 Chermes, 440 Chernetidce, 509 Chilaria, 417 ChUodon, 9 Chilognatlia, 438 Chilomonas, 8 ,, Paramcecium, 8 Chilopoda, 438 Chilostomata, 264 Chironomus plumosus, nervous system, 466 Chirodropus, 72 ChloS, 439 ; segment, 383 Chlorcemidce, 182 Chloragogen cells, 213 Choanqftagellata, 8 Chondracanthus, 291 Chondrosia, 61 Chordeumidce, 438 Chordotonal ligament, 472 ; organs, 472, 473 Chorion 28 Chromatin, 35 Chrysaora, 101 Chrysomelidce, 441 Chrysopa, 441 Chthonius, 509 Cicada, 441 Cicindelidce, 442 Ciliata, 9 Ciliofiagellata, 8 Cirolana, 295 „ spinipes, posterior maxillie, 313 Cirratulidce, 182 Cirri, 188 Cirripedia, 291 Cistelidce, 441 Citigrada, 510 Cladocera, 289 Cladocora, 71 Cladocoryne, 90 Cladonema radiatum, 68 Clathria, 61 Clathrulina, 6 Clausocalanus, 291 ,, mastigophorus, 290 Clepsidrina, 9 Clepsine, 181 Clistomastus, 266 Clitellio, 181 Clitellum, 192 Cloen dimidiatum, segments of larva, 457 Clubiona, 510 Cnidaria, 66-132 Cnidoblast, 39 Coccidce, 440 Coccinellidce, 441 Ccdenterata, 58-132 Coeloblastula, 123 Coelogastrula, 123 Cceloplana Mecznikowi, 136 Coaloplanula, 126 Ccenurus, 172 ,, cerebralis, 135 Coleoptera, 441 Collembola, 439 Collosendeis gigas, 4%4 Collosphcera, 6 Collozoum, 6 Columella, 99 Complementary males (Cirripedia), 305 ; (Myzostomidce), 266 Conchoderma, 292 Conilera cylindracea, 361 Conocephalites, 415 Conopidce, 443 Convoluta, 134 > pharyngeal apparatus, 139 Copepoda, 290 Corals (Anthozoa), 70 ; section, 76 Cordilophora lacustris, 68 ; stinging cells, 81 Corethra, imaginal discs, 499 ,, plumicornis, nervous system, 472 Coreus, 440 Corixa, 440 Corizus, 440 Cormidium, 70, 112, 113 Cornutella, 7 Corophium, 296 ,, longicorne, thoracic limbs, 318 Corrodentia, 440 Cortina, 7 „ typus, 7 Corycceus, 291 Corydalis, 441 Cossidce, 442 Cotylea, 133 Cotylorhiza, 72 Crab's eyes (gastroliths), 337 Crambessa, 72 Crangon, 298 Crania, 185 Craspedota, 67, 69, 73 ; diagram, 73 ; for- mation of, 105 INDEX 551 Crayfish, see Astacus fluviatilis Crevettina, 296 Cribrellum, 522 Criodrilidce, 181 Cristatella, 184 Crustacea, 288-413 Cryptoniscidce, 296 Cryptopentamera, 441 Cryptophyalus, 292 • Cryptops, 438 Cryptotetrama, 441 Ctenaria ctenophora, 68, 80 Cteniza, 510 Ctenodrilus, 181 ,, monostylus, 267 „ pardalis, 267 Ctenopliora, 72 ; adhesive cells, 81 ; de- velopment, 131 ; segmentation of egg, 125 ; sensory body, 79, 96 ; swimming plates, 79, 81 Ctenoplana Kowalevskii, 136, 137 Cubomedusce, 72 Cuculliadce, 442 Culex, mouth parts, 450 Culicidce, 443 Culiciformes, 443 Citmacea, 297 Cunina, 69 ,, lativentris, tentaculocysts, 95 Curculionidce, 441 Cyamidce, 296 Cyanea, 72 Cydometopa, 299 Cydoporus, 133 Cyclops, 291 ,, coronatus, posterior maxillae, 313 ,, serrulata, antennules, 308 ,, signatus, 2d antennae, 310 ,, tenuicornis, mandibles, 311 Cyclostomata, 264 Cydippidce, 72 Cylicobdella, 259 Cylindrostoma, 156 Cymothoa oestroides, sexual organs, 381 Cymothoidea, 295 Cynipidce, 44% Cyphonantes, 271 Cyphophthalmidce, 509 Cypridina, 290 ,, mediterranea, 289 ,, messinensis, posterior maxillss, 313 ,, stellifera, anterior maxillae, 312 Cypris, 290 Cypris larva, 387, 386, 388 Cyrtopia larva, 389 Cysticercus, 171 ,, celluloses, 135, 172 ,, fasciolaris, 135 ,, pisiformis, 135 Cystoflagellata, 8 Cystonecta, 70 Cythera, 290 Cythera viridis, anterior maxillae, 312 Cytod, 2 DANAIS, 463 ,, archippus, anatomy, 488 Daphnia, 290 ,, pulex, antennules, 308 ,, similis, 289 ; anterior maxillae, 312 ; trunk feet, 316 Daphnidce, 289 Dasybranchus, 181 Decapoda, 298 Decticus, 439 Delamination, 126 Demodicidce, 510 Dendrobcena, 181 Dendroccelum, 133 Dendrocometes, 11 Dendrometridce, 44% Dermaleichidce, 510 Dermaptera, 439 Dero, 181 Desor's larva, 275 Deutomerit, 9, 16 Deutoplasm, 26 Diastylis, 297 ,, stygia, 295 ; thoracic feet, 319 pleopoda, 324 Dictyastrum, 6 Dictyna, 510 Dicyemidce, 58 - Dicyema, 59 Difflugia, 4 ,, pyriformis, 3 Digenetic Trematoda, 134 Dimorphism, sexual (Vermes), 265; (Crust- acea), 376 ; (Antennata), 490 Dinoflagellata, 8 Dinophilus, 185 ,, apatris, 265 ,, gyrociliatus, 246 ,, vorticoides, 265 Diopatra, 182 Diphyes, 70 Diplopoda, 438 IHplozoon, 134 Dipneumones, 510 Diptera, 443 ; mouth parts, 450 Discalia, 70 Discocelis, 120 Discodrilidce, 181 ; segmentation of egg, 125 Discogastrula, 128 IHscomedusce, 72 Disconantha, 70 Disconecta, 70 Discophora, 180 Discoplanula, 128 Distoma, 134 , , divergens, water- vascular system, 153 ,, hcematobium, 154 hevaticum 134 \ life-history 169 552 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Distoma isostomum, 134 > intestinal and nervous system, 143 ,, lanceolatum, 134 > sexual organs, 158 Dochmius duodenalis, 180 Dorippe, 299 Doropygus porcicauda, trunk feet, 316 Dorsdbranchiata, 182 Doyeria simplex, head, 544 Drassus, 510 Drepanophorus, 178 ,, Lankasterii, nervous sys- tem, 216 Dromia, 299 Dwarf males (Cirripedia), 305 ; (Crustacea generally), 377 Dysderidce, 510 Dysmorphosa carnea, 68 Dytiscidce, 44% Dytiscus, section through ocellus, 470 EARTHWORM, see Lumbricus Ecardines, 185 Ecdysis, 458 Echinococcus, 172 ,, veterinorum, 135 Echinodera, 186 Echinoderm, 119 Echinorhynchus, 180 ; genital organs, 257 ; organisation, 258 ,, gigas, 180 Echiuridce, 182 Echiurus, enteric canal, vascular system, and nephridia, 207; nervous system, 223 Ectoparasitica, 134 Ectoplasm, 13 Ectoprocta, 184 Ectosarc, 13 Edriophthalmata, 293 Edwardsia, 71 Eggs, animal, 25 ; parthogenetic, 32 ; segmentation, 121-131 ; summer (Crust- acea), 376,'382 ; types of, 27-32 ; winter (Crustacea), 376, 382 Elateridce, 442 Elytra (Vermes), 189 ; (Antennata), 441 Embidce, 439 Embole, 123 Empidce, 44$ Empis stercorea, nervous system, 466 Enchytrceidce, 181 Ency station, 16 Endite, 315 Endomychidce, 441 Endoparasitica, 134 Endoplasm, 13 Endopodite, 307 Endosarc, 13 Enoplidce, 178 Entomostraca, 288 Entoniscus, 296 Entoprocta, 184 Epeira, 510 Ephe?neridce, 439 ; sexual organs, 485 ; larva, 483 Ephippigera, 463 Ephippium, 380 Ephyra, 72 Epibole, 124 Epimerit, 9, 16 Epipodite, 315 Epistylis, 11 Equitidce, 442 • Erichthus larva, 393, 394 Eriphia, 300 Errantia, 182 Erscea, 70, 113 Eschara, 184 Estheria, 288 Eucharis, 72 Eucone eyes, 470 Eucope campanulata, 68, 74, 102 Eucopepoda, 290 Eucopia australis, posterior maxillae, 313 Eudendrium ramosum, 68 Eudorina, 8 Eudoxia, 70, 113 Eudrilus, 181 Euglena, 8 Eulimnadia Agassizii, 2d antennae, 310 ,, texana, 2d antennas, 310 Eunice limosa, 188 Eunicidce, 182 Eupagurus, 298 Euphausia pellucida, 2d antennae, 310 ; anterior maxillae, 312 ; nervous system, 346 ; pleopoda, 325 Euphausidce, 298 ; larval history, 389 ; larvae, 390 Euphrosyne, 182 Euplectella, 61 Euplotes, 9 Eupomatus uncinatus, egg segmentation, 123 ; larva, 269 Euprepiadce, 44% Eurylepta, 133 Eurypteridce, 415 Euscorpius, 509 ,, italicus, eye, 521 Euspongia qfficinalis, 62 Eustrongylas gigas, 180 Evadne, 290 Evaniadce, 442 Exogone, 182 Exopodite, 307 Exotheca, 99 Exumbrella, 73 Exuvia, 458 Eye-spots (Cnidaria), 75, 97 ;' (Protozoa), 18 ; x-shaped (Crustacea), 352 ; (Pla- todes), 169 FABRICIA, 234 Facet-eyes, 470 Falces, 515 INDEX 553 Fat-body (Crustacea), 370 ; (Antennata), 477 Filaria medinensis, 179 Filariidce, 178 Filistata testacea Latr., pedipalp, 535 Finn, 135, 166, 171, 172 ' ' Fish trap " apparatus (Pantopoda), 422 ; (Antennata), 451 Flabellum, 71 Flagellata, 7 Flame-cell, 152 Floscularia, 185 Flustra, 184 Forficula auricularia, sexual organs, 485 Forficulidce, 439 Formicidce, 442 Forskalia, 70 Fossoria, 44% Fredericella, 184 Freia, 9 Fulgora, 441 Fungia, 71 Fungicolce, 44$ Funiculus, 215 Furcilia larva, 389 GALATEID^;, 299 Galeodes, 509 ,, barbarus, sexual organs, 533, 534 ,, Dastaguei, 511 ,, nigripalpis, sexual organs, 534 Galleria, 463 Oallicolce, 448 Gamasidce, 510 Gamasus, nervous system, 520 ; digestive apparatus, 524 ,, crassipes, sexual organs, 533, 534 ,, fucorum, larva, 514 ; heart, 527 Gametes, 20 Gammarus, 296 Gasterostomum, 162 Gastrsea theory, 56 Gastrceidce, 58-60 Gastroblasta Ra/celii, 68 Gastroliths, 337 Gastrophysema, 58 Gastrotricha, 186 Gastrula, 37, 57, 118 Gastrulation, 120-131 Gebia, 298 Gecarcinus, 300 Gemmulae, 65 Geocores, 440 Geodesmus, 133 Geodia, 61 Geometrina, 442 Geonemertes palaensis, 199 Geophilidce, 438 Gephyrea, 190 Gerardia, 71 ; horn skeleton of, 99, 100 Germaria, 25, 155 Germinal disc, 128 ; spot, 26 ; vesicle, 25 Geryonia, segmentation of egg, 126 Geryonia proboscidalis, 69 Giant nerve tubes (Crustacea), 351 ; (Ver- mes), 222 Gibbocellum, 509 ,, Sudeticum, 529 Gigantostraca, 415, 416 Glands, 40 ,, anal (Protr.), 431 ,, autennal (Crust.), 368, 369 ,, cement (Antenn.), 487; (Crust.), 369 ; (Pantop. ), 424 ,, coxal (Arach.), 522; (Protr.), 432; (Xiph.), 420 ,, granular, 160 ,, green (Decapoda), 368 „ hook (Caprella), 331 ., Krohn's (Arach.), 522 „ leg (Antenn.), 459 ; (Crust.), 330 ; (Protr.), 432 ,, Morren's (Oligochseta), 206 oil (Arach.), 522 ,, pedipalp (Arach.), 522 ,, pharyngeal (Oligochseta), 202 ,, poison (Antenn.), 459 ; (Aran- eidaa), 522 ; (Vermes), 199 ,, rectal (Antenn.), 459 * ,, salivary, (Antenn.), 458 ; (Arach.), 525 ; (Crust), 336 ; (Platocles), 140 ; (Protr. ), 429 ; (Vermes), 202 ,, septal (Oligochseta), 202 ,, shell (Crust.), 368, 369; (Plat- odes), 158 ,, slime (Antenn.), 487 ; (Protr.), 432 ,, spinning (Antenn.), '458 ; (Aran- eidae), 522 ; (Vermes), 192 „ stigmatic (Arach. ), 522 ,, stink (Antenn.), 459; (Arach.), 522 ,, ventral (Crust.), 330 ,, wax (Antenn.), 459 Globigerina, 4 Glomeridce, 4$$ Glomeris marginata, sexual organs. 486 Gflyeeridce, 182 Glyptonotus, 348 Gnathobdellidce, 1S1 Gnathochilarium, 447 Gnathophausia, 349 Gnathostomata, 311 Gonades, 102 Gonangia, 68 Gonochorism, 24 Gonophore, 105, 106, 111 Gonyleptus, 509 Gordiidce, ISO Gordius, 256 ,, aquaticus, 180 ,, Preslii, 236 Gorgonia, 70 Graffilla, 134 Grapsus, 300 554 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Gregarina, 8 Gromia, 4 ,, oviformis, 5 Gryllidce, 439 Gryllotalpa, 439 Gunda segtnentata, 133 Gyge, 296 Gynoecophorus Iwematdbius, 134 Gyrator, 157 Gyrodactylus, 134 H&MATOPINUS, 440 Hcemopis aulastomum, 181 Halacaridce, 510 Halesus, 441 Halichondrina, 61 ffaliphysema, 58 Haliscara, 61 ,, lobularis, section, 65 Halistemma, 70 Holla, 182 Halobates, 440 Halocypris, 290 I Halycryptus, 183 Halteres, 473 Haplosyllis, 182 ,, spongicola, 266 Harpes, j.15 Heliconiidoe, 442 Heliozoa, 6 Hemerobius, 441 Hemiaspidce, 416 Hemiraetabole, 491 Hemiptera, 440 ; mouth parts, 451 Henicops, 438 Hermaphroditism, 24 „ protandrous, 65 Hermellidce, 182 Hermione, 182 Hesionidce, 182 Hesperidce, 442 Heterogeny, 171 Heteromera, 441 Heteroptera, 440 Heterotricha, 9 Hexacorallia, 71 Hexactinellidce, 61 Hexapoda, 438 Himantarium, 438 Hippidce, 299 Hippolyte, 357 Hippopodius, 70 Hirudinea, 180 ; eye, 232 ; section, 249 Hirudo medicinalis, 181 ; genital organs, 258 ; intestinal canal, 206 ; nervous system, 218. 219, 220 Histriobdella, 181 Holometabole, 491 Holopneustic tracheal system, 480 Holotricha, 9 Homarus, 298 Homoptera, 441 Honey-bee, see Apis Honey-stomach, 461 Hoplonemertina, 178 Hormiphera, 72 ,, plumosa, 79 Hornera, 184 ffyalonema, 61 Hyaloplasm, 26, 49 Hyalosphenia, 4 lata, 3 Hydatina, 185 ,, senta, 245 Hydra, 67 ; neuromuscular cells, 46 ffydrachnidce, 510 Hydridce, 67 Hydracorallia, 67 Hydrocores, 440 Hydrodoma, 510 Hydromedusce, 67 ffydrometra, 440 Hydrophilidce, 442 Hydrophilus, embryos, 455 ; development, 494, 495, 497, 498 Hydropolyp, 66 ; diagram, 73 Hydropsyche, 441 ffydrozoa, 66 Hydrula, 66 Hymenocaris, 293 Hymenoptera, 422 ; mouth parts of larva, 449 Hyperina, 296 Hypotricha, 9 IAPIX, 439 \ ^ Ibla, 292 Ichneumonidce, 44% Ichthydium, 186 Idotheidce, 295 Ilia, 299 Imago, 490 Imperforata, 4 Inachus, 299 Infusoria, 9 Ingluvies, 461 Insecta, 438 Interarticular (intersegmental) membranes, 300 Interradia, 74 Interseptal spaces, 88 Intima, 336 Intraseptal spaces, 88 lolanthe acanthronotus, 2d antennae, 310 Isis, 70 Isopoda, 294 ; circulatory system, 360 Isospore, 20 Isopteryx apicalis, chordotonal organ, 473 Isotoma, 439 lulidce, 438 lulus Sabulosus, sensory organs, 474 Ixodidce, 510 KARYOKINESIS, 35 Kentrogonidce, 292 Kentrogon larva 387, 386 INDEX 555 KopJwbelemnon, 70 ,, Leuckartii, 71 LABIDURA, 439 Lacenularia, 185 Lacinia, externa, 312, 313 ; interna, 312, 313 Lambrus, 299 Lamellicornia, 44% Lamodipoda, 296 Langia, 178 Lanice, 182 ,, conchilega, 241 Laomedia Caliculata, 6S Laterigrada, 510 Laurer's canal, 159 Lecanium, 440 Ledra, 441 Leiobunum, 509 Lemnisci, 248 Leiosoma, 510 Lepadidce, 292 ; organisation, 303 Lepas antifera, 303 , , fasciculata, Cypris-like larva, 388 ,, pectinata, pupa, 388 Lepidoptera, 44% Lepisma, 439 Leptidce, 443 Leptochelia, 293 Leptodiscus, 8 Leptodora, 290 Leptomedusce, 68 1 } 7 Leptoplana, 133 ; sexual organs, 156 Leptostraca, 292 ; pleopoda, 324 Lermcea, 291 „ branchialis, posterior maxillae, 313 Lernceascus, 291 ,, nematoxys, 377 Lernceocera, 291 ,, esocina, 380 Lernceopodidce, 316 Lernanthropus, 291 ; genital organs, 372 Leucandra, 60 Leucocytes, 500 Leucones, 63 Libellulidce, 439 Lichas, 415 Ligula, 134 Limnadia, 288 ; nervous system, 346 Limnceus truncatulus, 169 Limnobiidce, 443 LimnocytJiere incisa, posterior maxillae, 313 ; trunk feet, 316 Limnodrilus, 181 Limnophilus, 441 Limulidce, 4%1 > section of eye, 419 Limulus moluccanus, 421 ,, polyphemus, J$l, 418 ; trilobite stage, 421 ; section, 419 Linens, 178 Linguatulidce, 510 Lingula, 185 ; embryo, 273 Linyphia, 510 Liothetim, 440 Liparidce, 44% Listrophorus, 510 Lithobiidce, 438 Lithdbius forficulatus, 464 ,, validus, 447 Lithodes, 299 Lituola, 4 Lima, 440 Lizusa octocilia, 68 Lobatce, 72 Locusta viridissima, tibia of fore leg, 473 Locustidce, 439 Lopadorhynchus, 280 Lophogaster typicus, thoracic feet, 321 Lophogastridce, 298 Lophophore, 183 Lophopus, 184 J anterior body, 184 Loricate, 410 Loxosoma, 184 Lucernaria, 71 Lucifer, 298 ; mandibles, 311 Lumbricidce, 181 Lumbriculidce, 181 Lumbricus, 181 ; embryo, 276 ; germ streaks, 278, 279 ; section, 250 ,, agricola, genital organs, 260 ,, terrestris, anterior body, 251 Lyccenidce, 442 Lycosidce, 510 Lygceus, 440 Lymph gills, 246 Lynceus, 290 Lysianassa, 296 ,, producta, pleopoda, 324 ,, umbo, posterior maxillae, 313 Lysopetalidce, 438 Lysiopetalum carinatum, gnathochilarium, 447 Lysiosquilla maculata, posterior maxillae, 313 MACHILIS, 439 ,, maritima, nervous system, 465 ; tracheal system, 481 ; ven- tral shield, 454 Macrdbdella, sensory organ, 232 Macrobiotus Hufelandii, hinder body, 545 ; outline, 544 Macrolepidoptera, mouth parts, 448 Macromeres, 122-131 Macronucleus, 9, 18 Macrorhynchus, 134 ,, croceus, proboscis, 151 Macrospores, 20 Macrostoma, 134 Macrotoma, 439 Macrura, 298 Madreporaria, 71 ; diagram of structure, 556 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Moeandrina, 71 Magosphcera, 11 ; planula, 11 JUaja, 299 ; Zocea of, 396 ,, squinado, nervous system, 346 Mala interna and exterua, 446 Malacobddlina, 178 Malacodermata, 44% Malacostraca, 292 ; pleopopa, 324 Mallophaga, 440 Malpighian vessels, 460, 462 ; (Arachn. ), 525; (Tardigr.), 545 Mantidce, 439 Mantispa, 441 Margelis ramosa, 68, 67 Marginal lobes, 71, 92 ; vesicles, 75 Mastigophora, 7 Mastobranchus, 253 Mecostethus, 439 Medusce, 67, 71 Megalopa, larva, 396 Megaloptera, 441 Melicerta, 185 Meloidce, 441 Melolontha vulgaris, sexual organs, 486 Melophagus, 443 ,, ovimus, sexual organs, 486 Mermecophila, 439 Mermis nigrescens, 179 Mermithidce, 179 Merocytes, 126 Merostomce, 1+15 Mesenterial filaments, 75, 83 Mesostoma, 134 > intestinal and nervous system, 142 ; pharyngeal apparatus, 139 ,, Ehrenbergii, sexual {organs, 158 Mesothorax, 444 Meta, 510 Metagenesis, 115 Metanauplius larva, 389 Metapneustic traclieal system, 482 Metathorax, 444 Metazoa, 4 ; divisions of, 57 Microlepidoptera, 442 Micromeres, 122-131 Micrommata, 510 Micronucleus, 9, 18 Micropteryx, 442 Micropyle, 28 Microspores, 20 Microstoma, 134 „ linear e, 166 Microthdyphonidce, 509 Miliola, 4, 5 Millepora, 67 Miris, 440 Misidce, 297 Mitrocoma, 94 Moina, 290 „ rectirostris, ontogeny, 397 Monas, 8 Monera, 2, 4 Moniligaster, 181 Monocystidce, 9 Monogenetic Trematoda, 134 Monostomum, 134 Monothalamia, 16 Monotus, 134 Monozoa, 134 Mutter's larva, 168 Munnopsis typica, antennules, 308 Muscidce, 443 ; development, 500, 501 Mygale, 510 ; anatomy, 531 ,, ccementaria, digestive apparatus, 524 Myoblasts, 49 Myophriscs, 15 Myrianidce, 182 Myriapoda, 438 Myrmeleon, 441 Mysidce, 297 ; antennal gland, 369 My sis flexuosa, thoracic feet, 321 ,, relicta, 349 ,, larva, 298, 392 Mysodopsis, 365 Mystacides, 441 Myxicola, 182 Myxilla, 61 Myxodiction, 4 Myxopodia, 14 Myzostoma, nervous system, 224 ; section, 263 ,, cirriferum, organisation, 262 Myzostomidce, 182 NADINA, 134 Naidomorpha, 181 Nate, 181 ,, barbata, 267 Narcomedusae, 69 Nassella, 7 Nassellaria, 7 JVaucoris, 440 Nauplius, 307, 386, 390 Nausithoii, 72, 11 ; sensory bodies, 96, 116 Nebalia, 293 ; antennules, 308 ; mandibles, 311 ; olfactory tubes, 356 ; pleopoda, 324 ; thoracic foot, 317 ,, Geo/royi, 293 Nebalidce, 293 Nebaliopsis, 292 Nectophore, 110, 112 Nemathelmia, 178 Nematocysts, 39, 81 Nematoda, 178 ; diagram of nervous sys- tem, 218 Nemertes, 178 Nemertina, 178; anterior end of body, 217 ; diagram of proboscis, 198 ; in- testinal canal and genital organs, 205 ; larva, 274; nephridial and circulatory system, 235 ; section through body, 192 Nemocera, 443 INDEX 557 Nemura, 440 Nepa, 440 Nephelis, 181 ; vascular system, 249 Nephridia, 235 ; as ducts for sexual pro- ducts, 243 ; excretory organs, 243 ; per- manent, 239 ; phylogenetic origin of, 247 ; provisional or embryonic, 237, 238 Nephroblasts, 279 Nephrops, 298 Nephthys, 182 ,, scolopendroides, 251 ; section, 252 Nereidce, 182 Nereis cultrifera, 239 Nerocila, 295 Neural plate, 167 Neurilemma, 52 Neuroblasts, 278 Neurochord (Vermes), 222 ; (Crustacea), 351 Neuroptera, 441 Nicoletia, 439 Noctiluca, 8 ,, miliaris, 9 Noctuiformes, 44$ Noctuina, 442 Non-Calcarea, 60 Notodelphys, 291 ; trunk feet, 316 „ agilis, anterior maxillae, 312 ,, Almannii, mandibles, 311 Notodontidce, 442 Notoinastus, 181 Notommata, 185 Notonecta, 440 Notopoda, 299 Notopygos, 182 Nucleus, 1 Nuda, 72 Nycteribia, 443 Nymphalidoe, 44% Nymphon, 4%4 ,, hispidum, 423 OBELIA geniculata, 68 Obisium, 509 ,, silvaticum, heart, 527 Ocellata, 97 Ocelli, 469 Ocneria, mouth parts, 448 Octocorallia, 70 Ocypoda, 300 Odonata, 439 Odontoblasts, 45 (Ecanthus, 454 CEdemeridce, 441 (Edipoda, 439 ; sexual organs, 485 (Estridce, 443 Olenus, 415 Oligochceta, 181 ; nephridia, 240 Oligodadus, 146 Olindias Mulleri, 69 Olynthus, 60, 62 Ommatidium, 353, 471 Ooecia, 264 Ootype, 159 Oniscidce, 295 Onychophora, 4%7 Operculum, 417 Opheliacea, 181 Ophrydium, 11 Opisthotrema, 162 Orbitelarice, 510 Orchestra, 296 ,, cavimana, 294 Oribatidce, 510 Orthezia, 463 Orthonectidce, 58 Orthoptera, 4^9 ; sexual organs of larva 485 Oscarella, 61 ,, lobularis, section, 65 Osculosa, 7 Osteoblasts, 45 Ostia, 358 Ostracoda, 290 Oxycephcdus, 296 Oxyrhyncha, 299 Oxystomata, 299 Oxytricha, 9 Oxyuris vermicularis, 180 PACHYDRILUS, 181 Psedogenesis, 502 Paguridce, 298 Palcemon, 298 ,, Squilla, eyes, 354 Palceonemertina, 178 Palingenia, 439 Palingenesis, 118 Palinuridce, 298 Palinurus, 298 ,, Phyllosoma of, 395 Pallene, 424 Palpons, 112 Paludicella, 184 Pandorina, 8 Panorpata, 441 Pantopoda, 422-425 Paradesmus gracilis, 459 Paradoxides, 415 Paragnatha, 315 Paramcecium, 9 ,, aurelia, 17 Paranebalia, 293 ,, longipes, anterior maxillae, 312 ; posterior maxillae, 313 Parapodia, 188 Parasitism, 172 Parthenogenesis (Vermes), 266 ; (Insecta), 501, 502 Parthenogonidia, 21 Pauropoda, 438 Pedicellina, 184 ', larva, 271 558 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Pediculidce, 440 Pedipalpi, 509 Pedipalps (Arachn.), 515 Pedunculata, 292 Pegantha, 69 Pelagia noctiluca, 72 Peltogaster, 292 Penaeus, 298 ; posterior maxillae of larva, 313 ; older larvae, 392 Penella, 291 Pennatula, 70 Pentamera, 441 Pentastomidce, 510 Pentastomum, 510 ,, denticulatum, 511 , , tcenioides, 510 ; nervous sys- tem, 520 ; sexual organs, 533, 534, 537 Pentatoma, 440 ; mouth parts, 451 Perforata, 4 Perichceta, 181 „ mirabilis, 240 Pericolpa, 72 Peridinium, 8 Peripatus, 437 ,, capensis, 4^7 ; anatomy, 430 ; anterior bo4y, 429 , , Edwardsii, 437 ', embryo, 435 ; head, 427 ; nephridia, 431 ; section of segment, 428 ; sexual organs, 436 ,, Leuckartii, 1$7 , , Novce Zealandice, J$7, 427 Periphylla, 72 Periplanata, 439 Peripneustic tracheal system, 482 Peritricha, 11 Perlaria, 440 Peromedusce, 71 Peronia, 69 Perradii, 74 Phacelli, 78, 85 Phacops, 415 Phceodaria, 7 Phaeodium, 7 Phagocytes, 500 Phalangidce, 509 ; heart, 527 Phalangium opilio, sexual organs, 533, 534 Phalansterium, 8 Phascolion, 244 Phascolosoma, 183 Phasmidce, 439 Phialidium varidbile, 68 Philodromus, 510 Philoica domestica, sexual organs, 534 Philopterus, 440 Pholcus, 510 ,, phalangoides, heart, 527 Phoronidce, 183 Phoronis, 183 ; larva, 272 Phoxichilidium, 424 Phractaspis, 6 ,, prototypus, 6 Phreatothrix, 240 Phreoryctidce, 181 Phronima, 296 Phryganea, 441 Phrynus, 509 Phthirius, 440 Phylactolcemata, 184 Phyllacanthidce, water- vascular system, 153 Phyllium, 439 Phyllobothrium, 134 Phyllobranchiaa, 328 Phyllodocidce, 182 Phyllopoda, 288 Phyllosoma larva, 395 Phylloxera, 440 Physalia, 70 Physemaria, 58 Physonecta, 70 Physophora, 70 Physopoda, 440 Phytometridoe, 442 Phytophthires, 440 Phytoptidce, 510 Pilema, 72 Pilidium larva, 274, 275 Pilumnus, 300 Pinnoteres, 300 Pisa, 299 Piscicola, 240 Plagiostoma, 134 Plakina, 61 Planaria, 133 ; ovary, 29 Planocera, 133 ; pharynx, 139 ; intestinal and nervous system, 141 Planula, 129, 130 ^ Platodes, 133-172 Platydeis, 439 Platyscdus, 296 Plecoptera, 440 Pleon, 301 Pleopoda, 315, 322 Pleura, 414 Pleurobranchiae, 328, 327 Pleurochceta, 181 Plumatella, 184 ,, repens, 208 Plumularia, 68 Plusiada, 442 Pneumatophore, 70, 108 Podobranchiae, 328, 327 Podoconus, 7 PodocoTgjne carnea, 68 Podopfrrya, 11 ,, gemmipara, 11 Podophthalmata, 296 Podura, 439 Pcecilopoda, 417 Polar bodies, 31 Polia, 178 Pollicipes, 292 Polychceta, 181 Polydadidce, 133 Polycystidce, 9 INDEX 559 Polycyttaria, 6 Polydesmidce, 438 Polydesmus complanatus, anterior body, 452 ; larva, 503 Polygordius, 181 Polymnia, 182 Polymorphism (Insecta), 490 Polynce, 182 Polyophthalmus, 181 Polyphemus, 290 Polystomum, 134 Polythalamia, 16 Polyxenidce, 438 Polyzoa, 134 Polyzonidce, 438 Pontobdella, 181 Pontonia, 298 Porcellanidce, 299 Porcellio, 295 Porifera, 60-66 Porpalia, 70 ,, prunella, 114 Porpita, 70 Portunus, 300, 378 ,, mcenadis, embryo, 379 ,, Megalopa, larva, 396 Pranizidce, 295 Pray a, 70 „ galea, 111, 113 Priapulidce, 183 Proboscidea, 139, 157 Proctodaeiim, 269 Proetus, 415 Proglottides, 164 Promesostoma, 157 Pronucleus, 32 Prorhynchus, 134 Prosopygia, 182 Prosthiostomum, 133 ; pharyngeal appar- atus, 139 Protamceba, 4 Protella, 296 Proteolepadidce, 292 Prothorax, 444 Protista, 4 Proto, 296 Protodrilus, 181 Protomerit, 9, 16 Protomyxa, 4 Protoplasm, 1 Protopodite, 307 Protospongia, 8 ,, Haeckelii, 8 Protozoa, 4-23 Protozocea larva, 390, 391, 392 Protracheata, 427-437 Protula, 182 Provortex, 157 Proxenetes, 156 Psammoryctes, 181 Pselaphidce, 442 Pseudocalanus elongatus, 2d antennae, 310 Pseudoceridce, 150 Pseudoneuroptera, 44$ Pseudophana, 441 Pseudopodia, 4, 14 Pseudoscorpionidce, 509 Psocidce, 440 Psychidoe, 442 Psygmobranchus, 280 Psyllidce, 440 Psyllopsisfraxinicola, enteric canal, 463 Pterobranchia, 183 Pteromalidce, 442 Pterophoridce, 442 Pterygota, 439 Pterygotus, 416 ,, osiliensis, 416 Pulex, 441 Pupipara, 44$ Pycnogonidce, 422 Pygidium, 414 Pyralidce, 44% Pyrrhocoris, 440 ; mouth parts, 451 QUADRULA, 4 ,, symmetrica, 3 RADIOLARIA, 6 Ranatra, 440 Raphidia, 441 Rathke's organ, 342 Redia, 169 Reduviis, 440 Reniera, 61 Reticulum, 151 Retinacula, 200 Retinophorae, 471 Retitelaria, 510 Rhabdites, 138 Rhabditis nigrovenosa, 178 Rhabdocoelidce, 133 Rhabdom, 354 Rhabdomere, 470 Rhabdopleura, 184 Rhachis, 414 Rhipiphoridoe, 441 Rhizocephala, 292 Rhizophysa, 70 Rhizopoda, 4 Rhizostomce, 72 Rhodalia, 70 Rhopalia, 71, 95, 96 Rhopalocera, 44% Rhopalonema velatum, 69 ; tentacles, 95 Rhopalura, 58 ,, Giardii, 59 Rhynchelmis, 181 Rhynchobdellidce, 181 Rhynchocoela, 178 Rhynchodaeum, 197 Rhynchonella, 185 ,, psittacea, 191 Rhynchota, 440 Rhynclwthorax, 424 Rotalia, 4 560 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Rotalia Freyeri, 5 Rotatoria, 185 Rotifer a, diagram, 185 Rugosa, 70 S A BELL A, 182 Sabellaria, 182 ,, alveolata, nervous aiid nephri- dial system, 221 Saccocirrns, 181 Sacculina, 292 , , carcini, 305 ; development, 386 ; section, 373 ; larval stages, 386 ,, externa, 387 ,, internet,, 387 Sagitta, 185 ; development, 281 ; section, 197 ,, bipunctata, head of, 227 hexaptera, 227 ; eye, 231 Saltatoria, 439 SaMicus, 510 Saltigrada, 510 Sao, 415 Sapphirina, 291 ,, Edioardsii, nervous system, 346 Sarcodictyum, 15 Sarcodina, 4 Sarcolemma, 48 Sarcomatrix, 15 Sarcophaga carnaria, nervous system, 466 Sarcopsylla, 441 Sarcoptidce., 510 Sarcosepta, 99 Sarsia siphonophora, 110 ,, tubulosa, 68 Saturnidce, 442 Satyridce, 44% Scalpellum, 292 Schistocephalus, 134 Schizonemertina, 178 Schizoneura, 440 Schizopoda, 297 ; thoracic feet, 321'; larva, 392 Schultzia, 156 Scolex, 138, 164 Scolopendrella, 438 ; heart, 476 - , , immaculata, 444 ; poster- ior body, 453 Scolopendridce, 438 Scolopophore, 471 Scorpio, embryo, 638 ; nervous system, 519 ; digestive tract, 524 : heart, 527 ,, Africanus, 512 ,, occitanus, sexual organs, 633, 534 Scorpionidce, 509 Scuta, 304 Scutigera coleoptera, trachse, 479 Scutigeridce, 438 Scyllarus, 298 ; development, 395 Scyphistoma, 72 Scyphomedusce, 71 Scyphopolyp or Scyphula, 70 ; develop- ment, 130 Scyphozoa, 70 Sedentaria, 182 Segestria, 510 Segmental organs, see Nephridia Segmentation, 120-129 ; nucleus, 33 Seison, 185 Semostomce, 72 Sensory body of Ctenophora, 79, 96 Sergestes, 298 Serictery, 458 Serpulidce, 182 Sertularia, 68 Sesiadce, 442 Sialidce, 441 Sida, 290 Silphidce, 442 Siphonantha, 70, 108-114, 109 Sipkonaptera, 441 Siphonophora, 69 Siphonostoma, 182 Sipunculacea, 183 Sipunculidce, 183 Sipunculus, 183 ; anatomy, 208 ; diagram of muscles, 195 ; larva, 270 Siriella, 297 ,, gracilis, pleopoda, 324 „ Thompsonii, pleopoda, 324 Sitaris, 492 Sklerosepta, 99 Sminthurus, 439 Solenopharynx, 157 Solmaris, 69 Solpugidce, 509 Spadella, 185 Sphceromidce, 295 Sphcerozoum, 6 Sphcerula bombi, 179 Sphingina, 44% Spicules, 64 Spiculispongice, 61 Spionidce, 182 Spirifer, 185 SpirograpMs, 182 Spirostomum, 9 Spongelia, 62 Spongilla, 61 Spongin, 63 Spongioplasm, 26, 49 Sporocysts, 169 Spumellaria, 6 Squame, 309 Squilla, 295, 296 ; thoracic feet of larva, 320 ; circulatory system of larva, 363 ,, viantis, genital organs, 375 Staphylinidce, 442 Statoblasts, 264 Stauridium cladonema, 68 INDEX 561 Stauromedusce, 71 Stenobothrus, 439 Stenorhynchus, 299 Stenostoma, 134', water- vascular system, 153 Stentor, 9 ,, Roeselii, 10 Stephalia, 70 ,, corona, 110 Stephanoceros, 185 Stephanosphcera, 8 Sternaspidce, 182 Sterrogastrula, 124 Sterroplanula, 127 Stichocotyle, 143 Stigmata (Protozoa), 18 ; (Antennata), 426-478 Stomatopoda, 297 ; larvae, 393, 394 Stomodaeum, 167, 269 Stratiomyidce, 44$ Strepsiptera, 490 Strobila, Monodisc, 107 ; Polydisc, 107 Strobilation, 116 Stroinbidium, 11 Stylaria, 181 Stylaster, 67 Stylockoplana, 162 Stylochus, 162 Stylodrilus, 181 Stylonichia, 9 ,, mytilus, 10 Stylorhynchus, 9 ,, longicollis, 9 Stylostomum, 133 Suberites, 61 Subradii, 74 Subumbrella, 73 Suctoria, 11 Sycandra, 60 ,, ciliata, 63 Sycones, 62, 66 Syllidce, 182 Syllis, 182 ,, ramosa, 267 Sympathetic nervous system (Antenn.), 468; (Arachn.), 520; (Crust.), 350; Protrach.), 430 ; (Vermes), 220 Symphyla, 438 Syncoryne Sarsii, 68 Syncytia, 41 Syrphidce, 443 TABANID&, 443 Tabanus, mouth parts, 450 ,, bovinus, nervous system, 466 Tcenia, 134 ccenurus, 135 crassicollis, 135 cucumerina, 135 Echinococcus, 135 saginata, 134 5 proglottis, 159 ; (mediocanellata) sexual organs, 159 scolices, 164 VOL. I Tcenia serrata, 135 ; nervous system of scolex, 147 , , solium, 135 ; proglottis, 159 ; sco- lex, 164 ; Finn 172 Taenioles, 75, 78 Talitrus, 296 Tanais, 293 Tarantula, 510 Tardigrada, 544, 545 Tartaridce 509 Tegenaria, 510 Tdphusa, 299 Telson, 322 Tenebrionidce, 441 Tentaculata, 72 Tentaculocyst, 69, 95 Tenthredinidce, 442 Tenthredo, mouth parts of larva, 449 Terebellidce, 182 Terebrantia, 442 Terebratula, 185 ,, vitrea, 226 Terga, 304 Termitidce, 440 Tessera, 71 Testicar dines, 185 Tethya, 61 Tetracorallia, 70 Tetranychidce, 510 Tetraphyllidce, 162 Tetrapneumones, 510 Tetrarhynchus, 134 Tetrastemma. 178 Tettigonia, 441 Tettix, 439 Thalassema, 182 Thalassicolla, 6 Thalassoplancta, 6 ,, brevispicula, 6 Tkamnotrizon, 439 Theca, 68, 99 Thecidium, 185 Thelyphonidce, 509 Thelyphonus caudatus, nervous system, 519 Therevidce, 44% Theridium, 510 Tharacostraca, 296 Thrips, 440 Tkysanoessa gregaria, thoracic feet, 321 Thysanopoda, 298 Thysanoptera, 440 Thysanozoon, 133 Thysanura, 439 Tineidce, 442 Tintinnus, 11 Tipularia, 44$ Tomopteridce, 182 Tortricidce, 442 Tracheae, 477 ; structure, 478 ,, book-leaf, 530 ,, tubular, 529 Tracheal gills, 457, 482, 483 2 o 562 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Tracheal lungs, 530 Tracheata, 287 Trachelius, 9 Trachomedusce, 69 Travisia, 181 Trebius caudatus, 2d antennse, 310 Trematoda, 134 Tricenophorus, 134 Trichina spiralis, 179, 179 Trichobranchise, 328 Trichocephahis dispar, 179 Trichocyst, 13, 17 Trichodactylus anonymus, sexual organs, 533 Trichodectes, 440 Trichodina, 11 Trichoplax adherens, 58, 60 Trichoptera, 441 Trichotrachelidce, 179 Tricladidce, 133; intestinal and nervous systems, 142 ; sexual organs, 156 Trigonoporus, 133 Trilobita, 414, 415 ; restored trunk seg- ment, 414 Trinudeus, 415 Tristomum, 134 Trochosa singoriensis, 516 Troctes, 440 Trombidiidce, 510 Trombidium fuliginosum, sexual organs, 533 Tuberella, 61 TuUcinella, 292 Tubificidce, 181 Tubipora, 70 Tubitelaria, 510 Tubularia larynx, 68 Turbellaria, 133 ; pharyngeal apparatus, 139 ; excretory cell, 152 Tylenchus scandens, 178 Tympanal organ, 473 Typhlosolis, 206 Tyroglyphidce, 510 Urochceta, 181 Uropoda, 510 ; sexual organs, 534 Uropoda, 389 Urospora, 9 ,, Scenuridis, 9 Urostyla, 9 Uterus bell, 257 VACUOLES, contractile, 17 ; noncoutrac- tile, 14 Velarium, 92 Velella, 70, 114 Velum, 75, 90 Vermes, 177-286 Versuridce, 101 Vesiculata, 94 Vespidce, 442 Vibracularia, 267 Vitellaria, 26, 155 Volvox, 8 ,, globatur, 21 Vortex, 134 Vorticella, 11 ,, microstoma, 10 Vorticeros, 134 WALDHEIMIA, 185 ,, flavescens, 196 Water-vascular system, 136 XANTHO, 300 Xestoleberis aurantia, mandibles, 311 Xiphosura, 417-421 Xylophaga, 442 Xysticus, 510 YUNQIA, 133 ZlLLA, 510 Zocea.\aj:va, 298, 391, 392, 396 Zoanthus, 71 Zoophyta, 58-132 Zona radiata, 28 Zygote, 20 THE END Printed by R. & R. 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