•CM "CD TEXT-BOOK OF PALAEONTOLOGY I TEXT-HOOK OF PALAEONTOLOGY BY &* KARL A\ VON ZITTEL PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AM) 1'AI.AKOXTOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITV dl MI'MCH TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY CHAELES B. EASTMAX, Ph.D. ASSISTANT IX PALAEONTOLOGY IN THE MUSEUM OF COM PAR ATI\ K AT HARVARD COI.I.KCK. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. ENGLISH EDITION REVISED AND K.M.AK<;i;i> IJY THE AUTHOR AND EDITOR IN COLLABORATION WITH THE FOLLOWING sl'Ki'l A LISTS : C. K. BKECHKR, .1. M. CLARKE, \V. H. DALL, G. J. HINDE, A. HYATT, .1. S. KINGSLKV, H. A. l'II.-Hl:V C. SCHUCHERT, S. H. SCUJJDKH, W. I'. sl.ADKX. K. ( ). I I.KK II. ( . \VA< H>MLTH VOL. I. WITH 1476 WOODCUTS iLontion MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. NEW YORK: MACMILLAX & CO. 1900 EDITOR'S PREFACE THE GninilrJiijc iil,-KX. Asterozoa, !•:<•}, inozoa. Dr. GEORGE JKXXIN«;S HIM.K, Vermcs. Mi. KHWARD O. ULRICH, Bryozoa, OstntroJu. Mr. CHAKI.KS SI'HIVIIKHT, Unichiopoda. Dr. WILLIAM H. DALL, Pelecypoda. Prof. HENRY A PILSBRY, Gastropoda. Prof. Ai.i'in;rs HYATT, Cephalopoda. Prof. CHARLES E. BEECHER, Trilobita. Prof. JOHN M. CLARKE, Eucrustacea (pars), Acerata (par*). Prof. JOHN S. KINGSLEY, Eucrustacea (pars), Acerata (pars). Prof. SAMUEL H. SCUDDER, Insecta. The Editor is also greatly indebted to his friend Dr. John C. Merriam, who undertook the translation of the entire chapter on Mottu$ca, a very laborious work. Dr. Merriam's assistance has been further enlisted in the translation of the second volume, which will be devoted exclusively to the Vertebrates. Dr. August F. Foerste was kind enough to furnish a transla- tion of the chapter on Insects, and various friends have assisted in correcting proofs. For the compilation of the index the Editor is indebted to Miss Elizabeth B. Bryant, a former student of his at Radcliffe College, and to lis brother, Mr. David P. Eastman. CHARLES R. EASTMAN. HAKVAI:I> UNIVKKSITY, S.*litcmJbcr 15, 1899. AUTHOR'S PREFACE DIE englische Ausgabe meiner Grundziige der Palaeontologie hat ein vom deutschen Original in verschiedener Hinsicht abweichende Gestalt erhalten. Der Herausgeber, mein Freund und ehemaliger Schiller Dr. Eastman, suchte mit meiner Zustimmung eine Anzahl der hervorragendsten Specialisten fur die Bearbeitung einzelner Thierclassen zu gewinnen. Dadurch erfuhr das Werk eine griindliche und sachkundige Ueberarbeitung, welche sich namentlich im Detail vortheilhaft geltend macht und mancherlei Irrthiimer der deutschen Ausgabe beseitigte. Fiir diese miihevolle und aufopfernde Arbeit bin ich den Mitarbeitern des TEXT-BOOK zu grossem Dank verpflichtet. Allerdings wurde durch die Betheiligung einer grosseren Anzahl von Autoren, deren Anschauungen in systematischen Fragen nicht immer unter einander und mit denen des Autors der deutschen Ausgabe in Einklang standen, die Einheitlichkeit des \\7erkes nicht unerheblich gestort und auch der ursprung- liche Umfang verschiedener Abschnitte bedeutend iiberschritten ; allein diese Nachtheile diirften durch die sorgfaltigere Durcharbeitung des eigentlichen Stoffes reichlich ausgeglichen sein. Die Revision der Crinoideen hatte der verstorbene Herr Charles Waclismuth, jene der Asteroideen und Echinoideen Herr W. Percy Sladen iibernomnien. Abgesehen von einigen Abanderungen, welche mehr terminologische als sachliche Fragen betreffen, wurde in diesen Abtheilungen eine weit voll- standigere Aufzahlung und Characterisierung der fossilen Gattungen durch- gefiihrt, als in der deutschen Ausgabe. Weitergehende Umgestaltung erfuhr die Classe der Bryozooen durch Herrn E. 0. Ulrich. Die palaeozoischen Formen sind von diesem ausgezeichneten Kenner mit einer Ausfiihrlichkeit behandelt, welche nicht ganz mit der Darstelhmg ande.rer Abtheilungen in Einklang steht. Auch die Transferierung der bereits bei den Korallen abgehandelten Chaetetiden und Fistuliporiden zu den Bryozoen und die dadurch veranlasste doppelte Darstellung derselben ist eine Incongruenz, welche sich nur durch die Meinungsverschiedenheit iiber die zoologische Stellung dieser ausgestorbenen Organismen Entschuldigung lasst. Eine durchgreifende Umarbeitung haben die Brachiopoden durch Herrn Charles Schuchert erfahren. Wahrend sich die deutsche Ausgabe mehr auf die viii TKXT-linnK (>!•' 1'A LA K( >NT( >L< >< ;Y \\ erke und AnsehauuniM'ii v<>n Thomas Davidson stiit/t, fol^t die rnglische Uebersetzung sowohl in der AutYa>sun- do:- ( iati un.uen und Familim, als nueh in den systematiselien Prineipien den iieust-n Arlieiten von James //"//, «j<'li< r bei der Bearbeitung der Trilobitea und Professor Jlyiff bei jener der ('ep}ialoj)oden geleitet. Es ist niir x\veifelliaft, ob die Zeit -/.\\ einer durchgreifenden Reform der bio- logischen Systematik, bei welcher Avi'iiigi'r morphologische und vergleicbend- anatomis. he Merkmale, als embryologische und phylogenetische Gesichtspimkte im Vordergrund stehen, jetzt schon gekommen ist ; allein jedenfalls sucht die in Nord America gegenwjirtig herrscbende Stromung auf einem neuen Weg xur \Vahrheit zu gelangen und eine die genealogiscben Beziehungen deutlicher wiederspiegelnde Systematik zu erzielen. Bei den Pelecypoden hat Herr Dr. W. H. DaU die durch Neumayr eingefiihrten und in den (Jrundziigen mit einigen Modificationeri angenommenen Gruppen durch seine eigene, auf langjahrige Specialuntersuchungen basirte Eintheilung eisetxt. Die Scaphopoden, Amphineuren, Gastropoden und Pteropoden wurden von Herrn Professor H. A. Pilsbry, die Crustaceen mit Ausnahme der Trilobiten und einiger anderer Gruppen von Professor /. S. Kingsky, und die iibrigen Arthropoden von meinem langjahrigen Mitarbeiter und Freund Professor X. //. ^ciiil/lcr in sachkundigster AVeise durchgesehen. Fiir den wichtigen Abschnitt der Cephalopoden tragt Herr Professor Alpheus JI//nff die A'erantwortlichkeit. Hier treten die Differenzen mit der deutschen Ausgabe am aufFallendsten zu Tage, vertritt doch dieser Autor am entschiedensten die moderne Richtung *.in America. Obwohl meine An- schauungen iiber verschiedene Grundprincipien der Systematik, namentlich iiber Al)grenzung von Familien, Gattungen und Arten von denen meines amrrikanischen Collegen abweichen, so glaubte ich doch einem so hervorra- genden Kenner der fossilen Cephalopoden bei der Bearbeitung des von ihm ubernommen Al>schnittes vollig freie Hand lassen zu miissen. Das TEXT- J)0(>K ist dadui'ch um eine werthvolle Originalarbeit bereichert worden, welche \ iele bis jetxt noch nicht veriitfentlichte Thatsachen enthalt. Xu i;an/. besonderem Dank bin ich dem Herausgeber der englischen Aus-alie Hen n Dr. ('. /.'. Euxlnuin verpflichtet. Er hat keine Miihe gescheut, da- \Yerk mil d<-n neiisten Krgebnissen der palaeontologischen Forschung in Kinklan^; xu brin^en und den Fortgang derselben zu fordern. DM. KARL A. VON ZITTEL. Mi:N- H KN im September 1899. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE F DEFINITION AXD SCOPE OF PALAEONTOLOGY .... 1 SUB-KINGDOM I. PKOTO/OA . . . . . . . . .17 SUB-KINGDOM II. COELENTEEATA. (Zoophytes) - . . . . . .41 SUB-KINGDOM III. ECHINODERMATA . . . . . . . .122 SUB-KINGDOM IV. YKKMKS. (Worms) . . . . . . . .251 SUB-KINGDOM V. MOLLUSCOIDEA . . . . . . . .257 SUB-KINGDOM VI. MOLLUSCA . . . . . . . .344 I SUB-KINGDOM VII. ARTHROPODA. (Articulates) ...... 605 INDEX 693 INTRODUCTION DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF PALAEONTOLOGY Palaeontology (Aoyos ruv TraAcuwv e'l/Twv) is the science which treats of the life which has existed on the globe during former geological periods. It deals with all questions concerning the properties, classification, relationships, descent, conditions of existence, and the distribution in space and time of the ancient inhabitants of the earth, as well as with those theories of organic and cosmogonic evolution which result from such inquiries. By fossils, or petrifactions, are understood all remains or traces of plants and animals which have lived before the beginning of the present geological period, and have become preserved in the rocks. The evidence which is in all cases conclusive as to the fossil character of organic remains is the geological age of the formation in which they occur, whereas their mode and state of preservation, or the fact of their belonging to extinct or to still living species, are merely incidental considerations. Although, as a rule, fossils have undergone more or less radical changes during the process of fossilisation, and are usually converted into mineral substances, as the term petrifaction indi- cates, nevertheless, under exceptionally favourable conditions (as in frozen ground, amber, resin, peat, etc.), plants and animals may be preserved through geological periods in a practically unaltered state. Carcasses of mammoths and rhinoceroses entombed in the frozen mud-cliffs of Siberia, and inclusions of insects, spiders, and plants, in amber are none the less genuine fossils, in spite of their having sustained no trace whatever of mineral infiltration. A by no means inconsiderable number of plants and animals occurring strictly fossil in Tertiary and Pleistocene formations belong to still living species ; while, on the other hand, the remains of forms which have become extinct during historical times (Bhytina, Alca, Didus, Pezophaps, etc.) can no more be classed as fossils in the true sense of the word than all such recent organisms as may chance to become buried in deposits now forming under the present prevailing orographic and climatal conditions. The changes which organic bodies undergo during the process of fossilisa- tion are partly chemical and partly mechanical in their nature.1 According 1 M7///C, Charles A., Conditions of preservation of invertebrate fossils. Bull. U.S. Geol. and Geog. Survey Territ., 1880, vol. V. p. 133. Tmbucco, Oiac., La Petriflcazione. Pavia, 1887. VOL. I B ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY as certain portions of the original substance are removed, or are replaced atom for atom by foreign matter, the result may be either carbonisation, decom- position, total dissipation, or petrifaction. Carbonisation is a deoxidising process taking place under water or with limited access of air, and especially common among plants. Fossil wood and other vegetable matter abound in peat, lignite, and bituminous coal, the leaves being transformed into a thin flake of carbon, on which often the finest venation is still discernible. In some cases chitinous animal structures also become carbonised, as in insects, crustaceans, and graptolites. Decomposition as a rule effectually destroys all organic carbon and nitrogen compounds. With few exceptions, therefore, animals without hard parts, such as worms, infusorians, naked mollusca, most hydrozoa, many anthozoa, and the embryoes of vertebrates, leave no traces behind in the rocks. Horn, hair, chitin, and similar structures are likewise totally destroyed during the fossilisation process, while only under especially favourable conditions, as, for instance, in ice or in frozen soil, muscular and epidermal tissues remain unchanged ; or else, through the taking up of lime phosphate in argillaceous and calcareous deposits, undergo a sort of petrifaction, in which the finer structure is but little altered.1 Even the conservable hard parts of animal bodies are deprived of their organic compounds ; bones give up their fats and oils, and the shells of mollusks, echinoderms, and crustaceans lose their pig- ments and soft substratum. The hard portions, which first become more or less porous through loss of their organic constituents, next suffer the gradual disintegration of their inorganic compounds, and experience lastly either total dissolution, reabsorption, or petrifaction. Petrifaction. — In this process foreign substances soluble in water (chiefly calcium carbonate and silica, more rarely pyrites, iron oxyhydrate, and other salts) impregnate and completely fill all original cavities as well as those formed subsequently by decay. Chemical metamorphism takes place occasionally, when, owing to the decomposition of certain inorganic con- stituents, the original molecules become replaced by those of other substances. For instance, we find quartz pseudomorphs after calcareous tests and skeletons, and conversely, calcite pseudomorphs after silica, as in certain sponges. Wherever the space originally occupied by soft parts, as, for example, the interior of a shell or other hollow body, becomes filled up with infiltrating ooze, while the shell itself or the enclosing wall decays, there is produced a cast of the interior, which in most cases (especially where the shell is thin, as in ammonites, brachiopods, certain mollusks, and crustaceans) preserves an exact copy of the original form, and is susceptible of as accurate determination as the real object. Not infrequently fossil organisms leave molds or imprints of their shells or skeletons — very rarely of their whole bodies — in the rocks. Sometimes, indeed, their presence is indicated merely by tracks or footprints. Fossils are often distorted by mechanical agencies, such as faulting, folding, crushing, and other deformations of the country rock. Such cases require especial attention, and due caution must be observed in their determination. Palaeontology and Biology. — Although the fossil remains of ancient life-forms yield but a fragmentary record of themselves, are almost never 1 Reis, Otto, Ueber Petrificirung der Muskulatur. Arch, mikroskop. Anat., Baud XLI. INTRODUCTION 3 perfectly preserved, and are usually more or less altered in appearance, yet, on the whole, they readily fit into place in the great framework of the zoological and botanical classifications. Notwithstanding all their differences, they are built on the same general plan as recent organisms, and their identification requires the most careful comparison with nearly related plants and animals. The methods of palaeontological research do not differ from those employed* by the zoologist and botanist, excepting, of course, that the palaeontologist is restricted to those parts alone which are capable of preservation, and must reconstruct the missing soft parts ideally from analogy with recent forms. It is, nevertheless, incumbent on the palaeontologist to obtain all possible informa- tion from the material such as it is, aided by every means he can devise ; and hence his investigations do not cease with an examination of the external, macroscopic characteristics, but must be extended to the finer microscopic and histological as well. In numerous subdivisions of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, palaeontology has anticipated zoology and botany by important histological discoveries ; in the branch of vertebrate comparative anatomy, for example, through the exhaustive study of conservable hard parts, such as the teeth, skeleton, dermal covering, etc., this science has been elevated to its present high standard chiefly by palaeontologists (Cuvier, Owen, Huxley, H. v. Meyer, Riitimeyer, Marsh, Cope, and others). The principle of correlation of parts, first applied with such eminent success by Cuvier, according to which all parts of an organism stand in certain fixed relationships to one another, so that one part cannot vary without a corresponding variation taking place in the others, is now worked out not only for the whole group of vertebrates, but for inverte- brates as well ; and its elaboration is such that frequently a single bone, tooth, or plate, a sadly demolished carapace, a shell-fragment, a bit of stem, and the like, is sufficient for us to form a tolerably accurate conception of their former owner. It is therefore clear that in so far as palaeontology has to deal with the study and classification of fossil organisms, it is no other than a part of zoology, comparative anatomy, and botany, and hence may be very properly divided into Palaeozoology and Palaeobotany. Palaeontology has astonishingly increased the subject-matter of the two biological sciences, has filled up in- numerable gaps in the system, and has infinitely enriched our knowledge of the variety and complexity of plant and animal organisation. In almost every class of both kingdoms where preservation is possible, the number of fossil forms considerably exceeds the recent. A natural classification of the Foraminifera, sponges, corals, echinoderms, mollusks, vertebrates, and of the vascular crypto- gams, cycads, and conifers, would be utterly inconceivable without taking palaeontological evidence into account, since in certain classes (brachiopods, cephalopocls, reptiles, mammals) the number of extinct fossil forms is ten, a hundred, or even a thousand-fold greater than the living, and this proportion is steadily increasing in favour of palaeontology, since new fossiliferous localities are being discovered almost daily in various parts of the world. Palaeontology and Geology. — Although as a biological science palaeon- tology does not differ essentially from botany and zoology, yet its connection with geology is none the less intimate, and consequently it has been cultivated quite as assiduously by geologists as by biologists. The material is brought to light almost wholly by geologists or by geological collectors, who derive it from the stratified rocks of the earth's crust — that is to say, rocks which have been formed by the subaqueous deposition of sediment, or have been built up from 4 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY detritus on dry land by the agency of winds. The distribution of fossils among stratified rocks is by no means promiscuous, and neither do all rocks contain the same species ; but, on the contrary, each separate stratigraphical- complex, and frequently even single beds and layers, are characterised by certain particular suites of fossils. The older the rock, the more strikingly different from recent organisms are its fossil remains ; the younger the forma- tion, the greater is their resemblance. Now, since experience shows that contemporaneous deposits which have been laid down under similar conditions (as, for example, in salt or in fresh water) contain identical or at least very similar fossils, the latter furnish us with an infallible guide, taken together with the local stratigraphic succession, for determining the relative age of a given formation. Furthermore, a knowledge of the fossils occurring in homo- taxial deposits enables us to reconstruct the various palaeofaunas and palaeo- floras which have existed on our planet at different periods in its history. Having determined the chronological succession of the clastic rocks by means of their superimposition and their characteristic or index-fossils, they may be divided up into still smaller series, each one of which is characterised by a particular assemblage of organic remains. In the main, then, palaeontology is the ultimate foundation of historical geology. Excluding the oldest metamorphic rocks (gneiss, mica schists, phyllite?, etc.) which are destitute of fossils, and concerning whose origin there is still great difference of opinion, the total thickness of the sedimentary rocks amounts to 20,000 — 30,000 metres. The building up of this prodigious pile of rock must have extended over an inconceivably long time, whose dura- tion cannot even approximately be estimated, since we are without data as to the rate of deposition in former periods, and since the beginning, culmina- tion, and end of geological epochs cannot be correlated with astronomical events. Since, however, the earth has been inhabited in former times by very different creatures from those now living ; since successive palaeofaunas and palaeofloras follow one another everywhere in the same order ; and since, furthermore, in certain formations the greater part or even the total number of species appear and disappear in a body, so that one fauna or flora is replaced almost in its entirety by the next following ; it is obvious that the sedimentary rocks may be subdivided into a number of longer and shorter time measures, which may be designated by particular names. The beginning and end of such periods (group, system, or formation, series or section, stage, zone, or bed) is usually indicated by local interruptions in the deposition, occasioned by variations in sea-level, volcanic eruptions, or by other causes ; and such disturbances are usually accompanied by changes in the flora and fauna. The now generally accepted subdivision of the secondary rocks is represented in the table on page 5, in which it should be noted that only the first three columns are of universal significance, while the last two apply only to European conditions. The rocks of the Archaean Group amount to 40,000 — 60,000 metres in thickness. They belong to the oldest and longest period in the history of our planet, and are remarkable for their schistose and crystalline structure, as well as for the total absence of fossils. In order of stratigraphy, gneiss com- prises for the most part the oldest, mica, chlorite, and talc-schists the middle, and phyllites (primitive schists) the youngest division of this group. The so- INTRODUCTION Eras Periods Epochs 0 Quarternary System Alluvium I Deposits Diluvium (Pleistocene) I'nst-larial S-nt-s Glacial I'nu'lacial ,, Tertiary System Pliocene Sicilian Series (Sicilien) Astian „ (Astien) § Miocene Pontian Series fPontien) Sannatian ,, (Sarmatien) Tortonian „ (Tortonien) Helvetian ,, (Helvetien) Burdigalian Series (Burdigalien) 1JJ Oligocene Aquitanian Series (Aquitanirn,) Tmigrian „ (Tongrien) pq — Eocene o3 Ugimiin Series (Ligurien) Bartouian ,, (Bartonien) 1'ari.sian „ (Lutetien) Suessonian ,, (Suessonien) Thanetian „ (Thanetien) f 1 9 Cretaceous System Upper Cretaceous Jianian Series (Danien) Senonian ,, (Senonien) Turonian ,, (Turonien) Cenoinanian Series (Cenomanien) Lower Cretaceous Gault Series (Albien) Aptian and Urgonian Series (Aptien, Urgonien) Barremian Series (Barremien) Neocomian ,, (Neocoinien) Jurassic System Upper Jurassic (Malm) Tithonian and Portland Series (Portlandien) Kimineridgian ,, (Kiinnieridgien) Oxfordian ,, (Oxfordien) Kellaway ,, (Callovien) Middle Jurassic (Dogger) Bath or Great Oolite Series (Bathoriien) Bajeux or Inferior Oolite Series (Bajocien) Lower Jurassic (Lias) Toarcian Series (Toarcien) Charmouthian Series (Liasien) Sinemurian ,, (Sinemurien) Hettangian ,, (Hettangien) Triassic System Upper Triassic (Keuper) Rhaetic Series (Rhaetien) Carniolan ,, (Carnien) Norian ,, (Norieu) Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) Ladinian Series (Ladinien) Virglorian „, (Virglorien) Lower Triassic (Bunter Sandstein) Werfeniau Series (^^. ^ Permian System (Dyas) Zechstein Rothliegendes Thuringian Series (Thuringien) Punjabian ,, (Punjabien) Autunian ,, (Autunien) Carboniferous System Coal Measures Uralian Series (Uralien) Muscovian ,, (Moscovien) Carboniferous Limestone (Culm) Dinantian Series (Dinantien) Devonian System Upper Devonian Faniennian Series (Famennien) Frasnian ,, (Frasnien) Givetian „ (Givetien) Middle Devonian Eifelian Series (Eifelieu) Lower Devonian Coblenzian Series (Coblenzien) Gedinnian „ (Gedinnien) Silurian System Silurian Ludlow Series Wenlock „ (Gothlandien) Upper Llandovery Series Ordovician (Lower Silurian) Bala or Caradoc Series Llandello „ (Ordovicieu) Arenig ,, Cambrian System Upper Cambrian FeS[o°gCSefS (Potsdaiaieu) Middle Cambrian Menevian Series (Acadien) Lower Cambrian Harlech Series (Georgien) 111 << * o Primitive Schist System Gneiss System Phyllite (Primitive Schists, Mica and Chlorite Schists, etc.) Gneiss Precambrian Series (Algonkien) 6 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY called fossil organism, JEozoon, occurring in gneiss, has been proved to be of inorganic nature. The Palaeozoic or Primary Group comprises the Cambrian. Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian systems, each of which is made up of a great number of series, stages, and zones. In the Cambrian crustaceans (trilobites), mollusks and worms predominate, associated with a few Pelmatozoa, coelenterates, sponges, and poorly preserved algae. In the Silurian system all classes of the animal kingdom are represented with the exception of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, while the flora still consists of algae. Marine invertebrates are very abundant, especially crus- taceans, mollusks, echinoderms, and coelenterates, while only a few frag- mentary fish-remains indicate the presence of vertebrates. All the species, and nearly all the genera, have since become extinct, and belong for the most part to extinct families and orders. During the Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian systems, the same classes of animals continue as a body, but are represented by totally different families and genera. Fishes develop a great, variety of forms in the Devonian, amphibians (Stegocephalia) make their appearance in the Carboniferous, and reptiles in the Permian. The flora con- sists chiefly of vascular cryptogams, together with a few conifers and cycads. The Mesozoic Group comprises three systems — the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. Many of the widely distributed Palaeozoic types (Tetracoralla, Graptolites, Crinoids, Cystids, Blastoids, Brachiopods, Trilobites) have either wholly- or in greater part disappeared, while others (Cephalopods, Lamellibranchs, Sea- urchins) are replaced by very different genera and families. Vertebrates are remarkable for the gigantic size attained by amphibians (Labyrinthodonta) and many reptiles, as well as for the wonderful variety of the latter. Birds appear for the first time in the Upper Jurassic (Arcliaeopteryx), and mammals towards the close of the Triassic, being represented by diminutive, probably mar- supial types. During the Triassic and Jurassic periods, vascular cryptogams, conifers, and cycads remain the dominant plant forms, dicotyledons not occur- ring until the middle Cretaceous. The Cenozoic Group comprises the Tertiary and Post-Tertiary or Quaternary systems. Among the invertebrates, ammonites, belemnites, Rudistae, and most of the Crinoidea have now passed away. Amphibians and reptiles have greatly declined, and, like the invertebrates, -are represented by still living orders. On the other hand, birds, and most particularly mammals, attain a wide distribution ; the latter class branches out in such manifold variety, and experiences such rapid development during Cenozoic time, that it alone furnishes us with the principal index-fossils of this era. From now on the flora consists chiefly of dicotyledonous plants. Palaeontology and Physical Geography. — Not only do fossils con- stitute the very foundation of historical geology, but they furnish -us in addition with invaluable information respecting the origin of the rocks in which they occur, the former distribution of land and water, climatal conditions, and the laws of geographical distribution that have prevailed in former periods. By means of analogy with recent species we are able in most cases readily to determine whether fossil forms pertain to land, fresh, brackish, or salt water species, whence it is apparent under what conditions the strata were deposited. The distribution of marine and fresh-water formations helps us to certain conclusions respecting the extent of former INTRODUCTION 7 seas and land areas. Deep-sea, shallow water, and littoral deposits are readily distinguishable by means of their fossil organisms. By fossils, also, even the climatal conditions of former periods are recorded with great fidelity. The luxurious and uniform development of cryptogams over the face of the globe during Carboniferous time presupposes a warm, moist climate, little varying with latitude ; tropical dicotyledons occurring in the Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits of Greenland, or coral-reefs extending into high latitudes during the Palaeozoic era, prove with equal certainty the pre- valence of a milder climate and higher oceanic temperature in earlier times ; while again, the remains of reindeer, the lemming, musk-ox, polar fox, and other arctic animals in the diluvium of Central Europe testify to a period of glaciation with reduced mean annual temperature. The geographical distribution of fossil organisms proves that the regions and provinces occupied by recent plants and animals are to a certain extent identical with those existing in the Tertiary, and that life has been subject to the same distributional laws in the past as in the present. Nearly all recent forms are the obvious descendants of extinct creatures which formerly occupied the same region. For example, the fossil mammals, birds, and reptiles of Diluvial time in Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America, are scarcely distinguishable from forms now inhabiting the same continents. The old ancestral homes of marsupials and edentates were perpetuated in Australia and South America until as recently as the Diluvial epoch, and during the Tertiary, Europe, Asia, and America formed but a single zoological province, inhabited by the ancestors of forms now living in the northern hemisphere. An understanding of the physical conditions which have governed the perpetuation of recent plants and animals in their respective provinces (succession of similar types) would be utterly impossible without a knowledge of their distribution in former times. In like manner, our know- ledge of the distribution of land and water, of the climatal conditions, oceanic currents, etc., of earlier periods depends chiefly upon evidence derived from fossils. Palaeontology and Embryology (Ontogeny). — To trace living plants and animals through all stages of growth from the egg upward to maturity, and thence on to final dissolution, is the task of Embryology or Ontogeny. At the present moment, botanists and zoologists are devoting their most scrutinising attention to embryological investigations, which latter accordingly exert a powerful influence on the progress of biology, and particularly on the classification. The fact that every individual, species, and genus of a whole group of plants and animals passes through nearly the same course of development, at least in the primary stages, and that all embryoes belonging to a given order or class resemble one another so closely, up to a certain stage, that they cannot be told apart, has revealed unexpected affinities among forms differing very considerably in the adult stage. Cirripedes, for example, which were formerly mistaken for shell-bearing mollusks, develop from the same Nauplius-larvae as the Copepoda, Phyllopoda, and Ostracoda, although the mature individuals belonging to these orders of crustaceans possess but little common resemblance. Likewise, the whole group of vertebrate embryoes can hardly be distinguished from one another in the earliest stages, and only very gradually assume the characteristic features pertaining to class and order. 8 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY The results of embryological inquiry have a most important bearing on palaeontology. Numerous fossil forms are known, which, in comparison with recent related organisms, exhibit embryonic, or at least larval or adol- escent characteristics. Examples of such persistent embryonic types are especi- ally common in vertebrates, for the reason that here the skeleton becomes ossified very early in life, and hence the immature stages of the recent can be directly compared with adult fossil forms. Now, observation has shown that in most of the older fossil fishes and reptiles, the vertebral column never passed beyond an embryonic stage, but remained in a cartilaginous or incompletely ossified condition through life. The Palaeozoic amphibians (Stegocephalia) probably breathed by means of both gills and lungs through- out life, whereas most recent amphibians lose their gills comparatively early (Caducibranchia), and breathe wholly by lungs. Many fossil reptiles and mammals retain certain skeletal peculiarities permanently, while allied recent forms exhibit them only in embryonic stages. The construction and shape of the skull in most of the older fossil reptiles and mammals closely corre- sponds with that in embryoes of recent related types. In the oldest fossil artiodactyls the palm-bones are all completely separated, while in recent ruminants this division continues only during the embryonic stage, being followed by a fusion of the two median metapodals, together with a reduction of the laterals. Among invertebrates, also, fossil embryonic types are by no means uncommon. The Palaeozoic Belinuridae find their counterpart in the larvae of the common Limulus ; many fossil sea-urchins are characterised by linear ambulacra, while recent related forms, although developing petaloid radii in the adult stage, pass through the linear phase during adolescence. Many fossil crinoids before maturity resemble the living genus Antedon ; and, according to Jackson, recent oysters and Pectens exhibit in their nepionic stages certain characters peculiar to Palaeozoic genera of mollusks. The so-called fossil generalised or comprehensive types, which unite in one and the same form characters which, in geologically later, or recent descendants, have become distributed among different genera and families, are in reality merely adolescent or immature types which have stopped short of the higher differentiation attained by their descendants. Generalised types always precede more highly specialised ; and properties that were originally distri- butive among older forms are never reunited in geologically younger species or genera. Trilobites, amphibians, and reptiles of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic eras, and early Tertiary mammals belong almost exclusively to the category of generalised types. In certain groups of vertebrates, and especially of mammals (Ungulata, Carnivora), the chronological succession of genera is so closely paralleled by the successive stages of development in the life-history of their descendants, that to a certain extent the ontogeny of the individual is a representment of a long chronological series of fossil forms. This truth furnishes a strong foundation for the biogenetic law, enunciated in various terms by Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Serres, Meckel, Fritz Miiller, and others, and recently more precisely formulated by Haeckel, as follows : — The developmental history, or ontogeny of an individual is merely a short and simplified repetition or recapitulation of the slow (perhaps extending over thousands of years) process of evolution of the species and of the whole branch. The biogenetic law has since been found to hold true not only for verte- INTRODUCTION 9 brates, but also for invertebrates, including even totally extinct types. In ammonites, for instance, the primary or innermost whorls always differ from the outer in their greater simplicity of suture, and in their lesser ornamenta- tion. Very often a similarity is observable with geologically older forms ; and it is a well-known fact that all ammonites pass through early stages which resemble, at least so far as chambering of the shell is concerned, Palaeoxoi'- goniatites. A comparison of the inner whorls of an ammonite with its corre- sponding goniatitic form, or with older ammonites, seldom fails to reveal ties of kinship not otherwise discernible. Beecher has shown that nearly every stage in the growth of arm-supports in recent brachiopods corresponds to some fossil genus ; and further, that the chronological succession of the latter is to a certain degree identical with the successive ontogenetic stages of recent forms. The relation of so-called rudimentary organs occurring in recent forms to those of the allied predecessors of the latter is of particular significance. By rudimentary organs are meant certain structures (as, for example, limbs, parts of limbs, organs of sense, respiration, digestion, reproduc- tion, etc.), which are still indicated by dwarfed remains, but whose physiological functions, and hence their utility to the organism, have wholly disappeared. Rudimentary organs are, as a rule, either normally de- veloped in an embryonic stage, or at least more strongly than in the adult individual, owing to a process of degeneration, or retrogressive development. The fossil progenitors of forms possessing rudimentary organs are almost always characterised by a full development of the respective parts. The lateral metacarpals and metatarsals in the horse and most ruminants, for example, are indicated only by rudimentary side-splints ; but in an embryonic stage they are much more strongly developed, and in related fossil forms they occur as normal bones, carrying toes like the other metapodals, and serving for locomotion and support. The wrist and metacarpal bones in birds have also suffered degeneration, as is evident from a comparison with embryoes and with older forms (Archaeopteryx), which exhibit a much higher develop- ment. In like manner, the teeth of birds have also become degenerated. In only a few forms (parrots) are indications of dental ridges discernible during embryonic stages; but in all known Mesozoic birds the teeth are well developed and remain functional throughout life. Similarly, teeth are developed during embryonic stages in the baleen whale, but subsequently become atrophied ; while in the older fossil Cetacea teeth are always present. Other instances of this nature are to be met with in great profusion, both among vertebrates and invertebrates. The biogenetic law is, however, not infrequently obscured, for the reason that two closely related forms may not develop in exactly the same manner ; embryoes of the one type may be affected by peculiar accelerating impulses which are not shared by those of the other, and in consequence the first may pass through certain stages very rapidly, or may even omit them altogether. In this way the historical or palingenetic record contained in the growth of every individual may be to a large extent suppressed or rendered unintelligible; and this phenomenon of inexact parallelism (coenogenesis) is especially common in highly differentiated types, where the embryo passes through a multitude of phases. Palaeontology and Phylogeny. — While conceding that by means of 10 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY embryological investigations zoologists and botanists are able to trace out the gradual development and differentiation of an organism through all its various stages, and thereupon to construct a tree of descent (phylogcny) founded upon the successive phases of growth, nevertheless such hypothetical genealogies can only be relied upon as truthful when they are substantiated by palaeonto- logical facts. And only in cases where the different ontogenetic stages are represented by corresponding fossil embryonic or generalised types, which appear in the same chronological order, and clothe the supposititious ancestral tree with real forms, can the truthfulness of the latter be said to have been established. This requirement palaeontology is from the nature of things unable to satisfy except in a few instances ; but a multitude of other facts, however, testifies to the blood-kinship between morphologically similar fossil and recent organisms, and points to the direct descent of the younger from the older forms. Geology proves conclusively that of the numerous floras and faunas which lie buried in the rocks, those which are most nearly of the same geological age bear the greatest resemblance to each other. It often happens that species and genera occurring in a given formation reappear in the next following with scarcely any perceptible changes, so that the doctrine of the gradual trans- formation and transmutation of older forms is irresistibly forced upon one, while the faunas and floras of later periods assert themselves as the obvious descendants of the more ancient. Other weighty evidence for the progressive evolution of organisms is afforded by fossil transitional series, of which a considerable number are known to us, notwithstanding the imperfection of the palaeontological record. By transitional 'series are meant a greater or lesser number of similar forms occurring through several successive horizons, and constituting a practically unbroken morphic chain. Oftentimes, indeed, the differences between individuals belonging to different periods are so slight that we can hardly assign to them the value of a variety. But let a number of such mutations occur in succession, the end-members of the series become finally so divergent as to constitute distinct species and genera. The most striking and most numerous examples of transitional series naturally occur in types peculiarly well fitted for preservation, such as mollusks, brachiopods, sea-urchins, corals, and vertebrates. Particularly remarkable among mollusks are the closely linked transitional series in ammonites. Among vertebrates transmutation proceeded far more rapidly than among invertebrates, and accordingly, the successive members of a series are usually so divergent as to require their assignment to separate genera. With increasing abundance of palaeontological material, the more numerous and more complete are the series of intermediate forms which are brought to light. But the more extended our knowledge of transitional series, the greater is the difficulty we encounter in defining our conception of species. While the older disciples of the Linnaean and Cuvierian' schools contended that each individual species was created with a certain definite sum of fixed characters, and remained incapable of any extensive modifications ; on the other hand, those holding to the theory of descent, evolution, or transmutation, look upon varieties, species, subgenera, genera, families, orders, classes, and sub- kingdoms as distinctions of merely transient importance, corresponding to the state of our information at the present time ; it being assumed that by means of gradual transmutation during the course of ages all organisms INTRODUCTION 11 have become evolved from a single primitive cell, or from a few primitive types. According to the Linne"-Cuvier doctrine, a species is composed of individuals which are directly descended from one another, or from common ancestors, and which resemble their progenitors as much as they resemble each other. Members of one and the same species interbreed, while individuals belonging to different species do not cross, or when they do, produce infertile or imper- fectly fertile offspring. According to the theory of descent, no sharp specific distinctions can be drawn, but all individuals are assigned to the same species which possess a number of essential properties in common, and which are not connected on all sides with neighbouring groups by means of intermediate types. It is plain that this definition is open to considerable laxity of interpretation, and inasmuch as the direct descent of individuals belonging to a given species cannot always (in palaeontology never) be determined on experimental grounds, systematists are rarely fully agreed in regard to the limitations of species, genera, and families. The doctrine of the invariability of species received powerful support from the cataclysmic theory of Cuvier, which maintained that each period in the earth's history is marked by distinctively characteristic faunas and floras ; that no species is common to two successive periods ; that tremendous convulsions of nature (cataclysms} occurred at the close of each cycle, and annihilated the whole organic world ; and that by means of special creative acts, the renovated earth became time and again populated with new animals and plants which bore • absolutely no connection either with previous or with subsequently introduced types. Cuvier's cataclysmic theory may be regarded at the present day as com- pletely overthrown, inasmuch as the modern school of geology, following the leadership of Sir Charles Lyell, has demonstrated conclusively that the earth has proceeded from one stage to another during the course of its development only with the utmost slowness ; that the same forces and laws which regulate the world of to-day have operated likewise in primeval times ; and that geo- logical periods are by no means abruptly set off from one another, but, on the contrary, are linked together by innumerable transitional stages. The theory of the descendant origin of organic forms, which was advanced as early as 1802 by J. B. Lamarck and Geoffroy St. Hilaire, and was supported by Gothe, Oken, and Meckel in Germany, kept winning continually more and more adherents, yet it was not until the latter half of the present century that its universal significance was insisted on by Charles Darwin and his school. Palaeontology, as already remarked, contributes a great deal of extremely weighty evidence in favour of the theory of descent ; the series of intermediate forms, often traceable through several successive formations ; the presence of embryonic and generalised types ; the parallelism between ontogeny and the chronological succession of related fossil forms ; the similarity between floras and faunas of approximately the same age ; the correspondence in the geo- graphical distribution of recent organisms with that of their progenitors ; arid a host of other facts are explicable only by means of the theory of descent. The causes of variation and transmutation were attributed by Lamarck chie,fly to the use and disuse of organs ; secondly, to the effect of changes in ex- ternal conditions ; and lastly, to a supposed resident tendency toward variation 12 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY and perfection existing in each individual. According to Lamarck, new properties brought about by these influences are transmitted to descendants through inheritance, and become permanently established in the race. Geoffroy St. Hilaire maintained the same principles on the whole, but ascribed the chief causes of variation of species to the influence of environment. The Darwinian theory of natural selection is based upon the property common to all organisms of acquiring ancestral characteristics through heredity, and of transmitting them in turn to their progeny ; and also on the adapta- bility of organisms to particular external conditions, by means of which variations are brought about. Since in the struggle for existence only those individuals which are the best adapted — that is to .say, those possessing the most advantageous modifications — survive, nature is continually exercising, according to Darwin, a most rigorous selection which operates toward the increase and perfection of useful variations. Through the constant accumula- tion of originally slight yet serviceable modifications, and through the perpetual transmission of the same from one generation to another, there are produced first different varieties, then species, and eventually genera, families, and orders. The zoological and botanical classifications are, according to Darwin, merely an expression of genealogical facts, exhibiting the remoter and closer ties of con- sanguinity which exist among different organic forms. Darwin's explanation of the origin of species through the agency of natural selection found in Wallace, Huxley, Haeckel, and others, zealous and ingenious supporters, while on other sides it encountered vehement opposition. M. Wagner regarded free intercrossing as an insurmountable obstacle to the establishment of new modifications, and contended that the isolation of a few individuals, a condition which would occur most frequently during migrations, was a necessary postulate in accounting for the origin of each new variety or species. Bronn, Nageli, and A. Braun raised the objection to Darwin's theory of natural selection that many organs are entirely useless to the individual, and therefore natural selection, which depends upon the principle of utility, could neither have produced such organs nor could have modified them in any way. Nageli assumed that, in addition to natural selection, a certain resident tendency toward perfection, inherent in every individual, takes part in con- ditioning the growth of morphological characters. Every variation brought about by external or internal agencies is at once in the nature of a differentia- tion, a step forward in the division of labour, and consequently an advancement. Weismann endeavoured in a similar manner to supplement Darwin's theory of selection by his hypothesis of the continuity of germ-plasm. According to Weismann, germ-matter is of itself capable of producing all variations that are useful to an organism. Only that which exists in the original plasm or in the sexual elements as embryonic rudiments can be transmitted to offspring and become further acted upon and developed by natural selection, according to Weismann's theory. The continuity, that is to say, the perpetual trans- mission of a portion of the germ-plasm from parents to offspring, forms a necessary postulate to the theory of descent. In opposition to Weismann, who attributes only a subordinate influence to the action of physical environ- ment as a cause of variations, and who particularly denies the inheritance of acquired characters, stands the Neo-Lamarckian school (represented by Herbert Spencer, Cope, Hyatt, Osborn, Semper, Glaus, Roux, and others), which ranges itself more and more on the side of Lamarckian ideas, and ascribes to the use INTRODUCTION 13 and disuse of organs, and to external conditions, a very considerable influence in effecting the transmutation of organic forms. While, on the one hand, Semper, Locard, and Clessin undertake to prove the direct action of environ- ment on mollusks in a number of instances, and Schmankewitz confidently asserts that the transformations in Artemia are induced by changes in the saltness of the water; on the other hand, Cope, Osborn, Roux, and others* emphasise the effect of use and disuse, and abundance or scantiness of food- supply. Adequate nourishment and exercise increase the development of a given organ, while physical conditions determine its form. Since like causes produce like effects in the animate as well as in the inanimate world, it is obvious that similar organs must be developed in a variety of plant and animal forms wherever they are subjected to similar external conditions, and especially to the same physical agencies. A convenient explanation is thus found for the phenomena of parallelism, or recurring " common types of structure," which are in nowise related to one another by inheritance. The analogous swimming- organs of fishes, ichthyosaurians, and whales, or the analogous limb-structure in long-legged ruminants, the horse, elephant, and carnivora, are due to adaptation to external conditions and to use; the same explanation also accounts for the like form of sternum in bats, birds, and Pterosauria, or for the spindle-shaped body characteristic of most rapid-swimming fishes, reptiles, and aquatic mammals, or for the similar form of jaw possessed by marsupials and various orders of Placentalia. These are all instances of parallelism, in which it often happens that two fundamentally different forms acquire the same outward shape, or become provided with similar or analogous organs. Kineto- genesis, or the process of a gradual transformation of parts, especially parts belonging to the internal skeleton, skull, and limbs, is very ingeniously interpreted by Cope as having been accomplished in mammals through the agency of mechanical conditions, use, and food. The same author has also traced out the different stages of development in fossil genera as exemplified by numerous series of intermediate forms. Life -Period and Extinction of Species. — Observation shows that different organisms are by no means equally susceptible to impulses received from the outer world. Many fossil genera remain almost wholly unchanged throughout a number of formations (Foraminifera, Cidaris, Nautilus, Lingula, Terebratula, Insectivora), and hence may be designated as persistent or conservative types, in contradistinction to variable types. The latter pass through rapid changes at the beginning of their career, develop a great variety of forms, and send out branches and off-shoots in all directions up to a certain point ; they may then die out after a comparatively short period of ascendency (Nummidites, Graptolites, Cystids, Blastoids, Tetracoralla, Palechinoidea, Trilobitae, Eudistae, Ichthyosauria, Pterosauria, Dinosauria, Amblypoda, Toxodontia, etc.), or in some cases may even continue on to the present day with undiminished vitality (Spatangidae, Clypeastridae, many "land and fresh-water mollusks, crabs, lizards, snakes, ruminants, apes). Not infrequently types that were primitively variable pas& over gradually into persistent ; their power of adaptation dwindles, they grow less plastic, become incapable of sending off new varieties, species, or genera, and as the less vigorous of their number become worsted one after another, they finally stand out like curious, isolated relics of antiquity (Pentacrinus, Hatteria, Tapirus, Equus, etc.) in the midst of subsequently remodelled surroundings. A one-sided development in a certain direction, excessive size, abnormal 14 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY (liyper-tropliic) peculiarities, or too high specialisation of organs, is as a rule injurious to the form and leads usually to its extermination. Many groups remarkable for their extreme differentiation (Dinosauria, Pterosauria, AmUypoda, Toxodontia, etc.) have become extinct probably for this reason, since, having advanced so far in a single limited direction, adaptation in other directions was no longer possible. Persistent types seldom produce a large number of species during a single geological period ; types that start up suddenly and proceed to vary rapidly as a rule soon die out ; while groups that develop slowly and steadily usually contain in their growth the promise of great longevity. For the extinction of many plants (Sigillaria, Lepidodendron, Filices) and animals (Blastoids, Tetracomlla, Trilobites, Ammonites, Rudistae, Ichthyosauria, etc.) of former periods no adequate explanation has as yet been found. Changes in external conditions, especially such as regards the distribution of land and water, climatal conditions, saltness of the water, volcanic eruptions, paucity of food-supply, and the encroachments of natural enemies, may have led in many instances to the extinction of certain forms, but such conjectures signally fail to account for the disappearance of an entire species or particular group of organisms. Oftentimes extinction seems to have been caused merely by superannuation. Long-lived forms belong for the most part to persistent types whose range of species is limited. Their reproductive functions have declined, and like an individual in its dotage, they evince all the symptoms of decrepitude and old age. Darwin attributes the extinction of less well-adapted organisms to the struggle for existence ; but since, according to the theory of natural selection, new species arise only with extreme slowness by means of the gradual accumulation of useful variations, and since in like manner their less successful competitors are only very gradually crowded out, we should expect to find in the rocks, supposing that the palaeontological record were in any degree perfect, all manner of extinct intermediate forms, and we should be able, at least for those groups especially liable to conservation, to build up complete ancestral trees. But as observation shows, not only do most plants and animals now living in a wild state adhere to their peculiar characteristics with great tenacity, exhibiting barely appreciable changes even in the course of hundreds or thousands of years, but, furthermore, fossil species remain within the limits of a single geological period fairly constant. With the beginning of a new epoch or period, however, which is usually indicated in the rocks by petrographical changes, a greater or lesser number of species either entirely disappears, or is replaced by closely related, but at the same time more or less different forms. Obviously, therefore, there have been periods when the process of transformation and the weeding out of organisms were greatly accelerated, and following upon these reconstructive periods long intervals of repose have ensued, during which intervals species have adhered to their characteristic forms with but little variation. The fact that evolution has advanced by occasional bounds or leaps stands, however, in nowise contra- dictory to the theory of descent. The whole animate community at any point on the earth's surface rests normally in a state of equilibrium, the balance being maintained by the con- certed action of all ranks and members of society. For the preservation of this balance nature practises a most rigid domestic economy. Every plant depends upon particular conditions of soil, food, temperature, moisture, and INTRODUCTION 15 other requisites for its support ; and these conditions govern its distribution ami increase in the last degree. Every plant controls the destiny of all animals subsisting upon it ; their numbers multiply with its increase, and wane with its decrease. The fate of these creatures determines that of their natural enemies, who stand in similar relationships to still remoter circles; and hence no form can overstride the bounds set for it by the general balance without disturbing the whole general system of economy. Let the flora or fauna of a given region become altered by the extinction of a number of species, or by the introduction of new and more powerful competitors, the balance is immediately upset. In the first instance vacant places must be filled up, and in the second, room must be made for the newcomers at the expense of the settled community. Thus, wherever climatal, orographic, or other changes are instrumental in bringing about the extermination of large numbers of plants and animals during the lapse of a geological period, an inequilibrium must necessarily result. But thereupon the struggle for existence is waged with unwonted severity among the survivors, until finally a new state of equilibrium is attained, and a pause in the formation of new species ensues. The whole course of evolution in the organic world during past geological periods indicates not only definite progression in all branches of the animal and vegetable kingdoms up to their present state, but also an advance toward perfection. Granting that the theory of descent is true, and that all organisms have developed from a single primitive cell, or from a few primitive ground- types, then every new growth and differentiation must stand for improvement and progress, leading gradually to the development of more or less highly specialised organs, and to a division of labour in their physiological functions ; the higher the degree in which this is manifested, and the more conformably to apparent purpose and utility that each organ fulfils its functions, the more perfect is the organism, as we conventionally term it. Evolution in the organic world has not advanced in a simple, straightforward direction, but in an exceedingly complicated and circuitous. The biological systems, accord- ingly, do not suggest to us the similitude of a ladder with its numerous rounds, but rather that of an enormously ramifying tree, whose topmost twigs represent the youngest, and, on the whole, the most perfect forms of every branch. The root, trunk, and a goodly portion of the upper limbs lie buried in the earth ; and only the ultimate green shoots, the last and most highly differentiated members of long ancestral lines, blossom forth in the world of to-day.1 1 [In connection with the two preceding topics, see a paper by the author, read before the Inter- national Congress of Geologists, 1894, on " Palaeontology and the Biogenetic Law" (reprinted in Natural Science, vol. VI., May 1895). On the terminology of evolution in general, see A. Hyatt, " Bioplastology and the Belated Branches of Biologic Research " (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, vol. XXVI., 1893). Abstract of same in Zoolog. Anzeiger, No. 405, 1892. Other terms employed in the foregoing are introduced and explained by Cope in his "Origin of the Fittest," 1887, and in various articles in the American Naturalist.— TRANS.] 16 ELEMENTS OF PALAEONTOLOGY OUTLINE CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Sub-Kingdoms. Sub-Branches. I. PROTOZOA II. COELENTERATA III. ECHINODERMATA IV. VERMES V. MOLLUSCOIDEA VI. MOLLUSCA . VII. ARTHROPODA VIII. VERTEBRATA I. Porifera . II. Cnidaria . I. Pelmatozoa II. Asterozoa III. Echinozoa [. Branchiata [. Tracheata Classes. 1. Rhizopoda. 2. Flagellata.1 3. Infusoria.1 4. Gregarina.1 1. Spongiae. 'I. Anthozoa. 2. Hydrozoa. [1. Crinoideal 2. Cystoidea.l 3. Blastoideci :1. Ophiuroidea. 2. Aster oidea. 1. JSchinQidfid- 2. Holothurioidea. 1. Platyhelminthes.1 2. Nemathelminthes. *3. Gephyrea. 4. Eotifera.1 5. AtinelidcL. :1. Bnjozoa. 2. Bracliiopoda. 1. Lamellibranchiat'a. I. Scaphopoda. 3. Amphineura. 4. Gastropoda. . Cephalopoda. 1 . Crustacea. r 1 . Myriopoda. 2. Arachnoid <.'.«. 3. Insect a. 1. 2. 3. Septilia. 4. J.WS. 5. Mammalia. 1 Unknown in the fossil state. Sub-Kingdom I. PROTOZOA PROTOZOA are unicellular organisms, with bodies consisting of sarcode (proto- plasm), usually very minute, frequently microscopic in size, and without differentiated tissues or organs. They are water-inhabitants, take in nourishing matter either at any point on the periphery of the body whatsoever, or through a so-called mouth (cytostome), and reject the undigested portions either from any part of the body whatsoever, or from a definite point called the anal aperture (cytopyge). The contractile sarcode almost invariably contains one or more nuclei, and exhibits considerable diversity of structure and differentiation. Locomotion is accomplished by means of vibratile cilia, flagella, pseudopodia, or irregular processes of the periphery. Reproduction takes place by means of budding or self-division, which latter process is often preceded by a temporary coalescence (conjugation) of two individuals. Protozoa are divided into four classes: Rhizopoda, Flagellata,- Infusoria, and Gregarina (Sporozoa), of which only the first class is represented in the fossil state. Class 1. RHIZOPODA. Body-substance composed of richly granulated, jelly-like sarcode, which ttlfrni'ifi.'!/! retracts, and again coalesces with irregular, finger-like, or thread-like called pseudopodia. Rhizopods have been so named on account of the property they possess of protruding pseudopodia from the periphery of the body. Although serving as a means of locomotion and for the taking up of nutritive matter, the pseudo- podia represent no permanent organs, since they are protruded only for the I IMS- ing occasion, and disappear again as they coalesce with the main body of sarcode. The pseudopodia often exhibit protoplasmic streaming, and occa- sionally interlace so as to form networks. Rhizopods usually secrete calcareous, silicious, or chitinous tests, or build silicious skeletons of exceeding great diversity of form. Enormous deposits are built up by their accumulation on the sea-floor, and numerous strata of marine origin are largely composed of their remains. Four orders of Rhizopods are recognised: Forj^nifera, Ra^^ria, Amoebina? and Heliozoa ; of these only the first two have parts capable of preservation. 1 Butschli, 0., Protozoen in Bronn's Classen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, 1880-1889. 2 To the Amoebina, Huxley and Haeckel formerly assigned the so-called Bathybius, a reticu- lated jelly-like substance composed of anastomosing strands, aiid occurring at great depths in the Atlantic Ocean. Wyville Thomson and Moebius regarded it as a precipitate of calcium sulphate, VOL. I C 18 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS i Order 1. FORAMINIFERA. d'Orbigny.1 (Polythalainia, Breyn ; Thalamophora, Hertwig.) Rhizopoda with slender, thread-like, or band-like, frequently anastomosing pscm/n- podia, and usually with a calcareous, more rarely with an arenaceous or chitinous test. The scarcely differentiated, richly granulated sarcode body of the Foraminifera usually contains a contractile vacuole, and is enclosed by a shell or test which is almost invariably calcareous in composition, although in some cases it may be of a silicious or even chitinous nature, and which, as a rule, is divided into chambers by interior partitions or septa. The sarcode com- municates with the exterior either by means of a single large aperture (oral or general aperture) situated at one extremity of the test, or by means of innumerable fine pores (foramina) which perforate the shell. Through these openings the sarcode emits usually long, filiform, net -like anastomosing pseudopodia, in which often active granular currents are discernible. Only a few forms secreting chitinous tests (Gromia) are fresh- water inhabit- ants ; the rest are marine in habit. Foraminifera are usually so small in size that, although perceptible to the naked eye, they can barely be discriminated as separate individuals. Certain exceptionally large forms (Nummulites) attain a diameter of four or five centimetres. intermingled with decomposed organic matter. In deep-sea ooze, which consists chiefly of lime carbonate, as well as in Bathybius, great quantities of minute calcareous bodies of various shapes are found, such as also occur as an essential constituent of chalk, marls, and most marine lime- stones belonging to older geological periods (cf. C. W. Giimbel, Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, 1870, p. 753). Ehrenberg termed these bodies morpho- >»j^ ^ju ^ lites, and regarded them as K/J PfiMiM$\ \ inorganic in nature. Huxley (Journal Microscop. Science, fcfclBl UN i *JS 1868, VIII. No. 6) and Haeckel (Jenaische Zeitschrift, 1870, V. 3, p. 18) regarded them at first { FIG. 1, c.—Coccoliths (Discoliths) from the Adriatic Sea ; upper side and (Fig. 1). The simple, disk- in profile (after O. Schmidt). like varieties, convex on the FIG. 2.— Coccospheres from the Atlantic Ocean (after Haeckel). iinnpr sulp iurl rnnpavp nn tin- FIG. 3.-Rhabdoliths from the Adriatic Sea (after O. Schmidt). All " figures magnified 700 diameters. lower, were termed discoliths (Fig. 1, a, b) ; while those com- posed of two closely applied disks of different sizes, resembling cuft'-buttons in profile, were referred to as cyatlwliths (Fig. 1, c). Coccoliths are only visible under powers of 800 — 1000 diameters, and exhibit, as a rule, a number of zones differing in their refractive indices, which are disposed about a single, double, or star-shaped central granule. Frequently large numbers of coccoliths become aggregated together in the form of freely suspended spherules or coccospheres (Fig. 2). Besides coccoliths, other minute, rod-shaped, calcareous bodies are sometimes met with, which are charac- terised by a discoidal or cruciform enlargement at one end. These are called rlitdxInUtli* (Fig. 3), and their nodular aggregations rhabdospheres. Wyville Thomson, Carter, and Murray would identify coccospheres as unicellular algae, or as sporangia of algae, while Haeckel creates for them a special group, " Calcocytae," and assigns them provisionally to the Protophytes. According to Harting, however, the action of ammonia generated by the decomposition of albuminous matter held in solution in lime sulphate or lime chloride, causes the separation out of minute calcareous disks which bear a striking resemblance to coccoliths. Hence it would appear that the formation of excessively fine divided particles of lime in the sea should take place wherever there are decom- posing albuminous, or nitrogenous substances present, and the calcium sulphate held in solution in the water becomes precipitated as calcium carbonate. 1 Literature : d'Orbigny, Atcide, Foramiuiferes fossiles du Bassiu tertiaire de Vienne, 1846. ,,KI,KK i » FOBAMINIPEBA 1!) The test may be either unilocular, enclosing a single cavity (Monothalamia), or it may be divided by septa into a greater or lesser number of chambers (Poli/thalamia). Multilocular tests all grow from a single primordial chamber, which is either spheroidal or elliptical in contour, and augment rapidly by means of the successive apposition of new chambers, each a little larger than the first, and each being applied in turn against the general pseudopodial aperture of the preceding. All the chambers communicate with each other by means of pores through which the sarcode is protruded. According as the chambers are applied against one another in a linear series (Stichostega), in a • spiral (Helicostega), in concentric rings (Cyclostega), in double or triple alterna- tions of either straight (Enallostega) or spiral rows (Entomostega), or envelop one another in irregular coils disposed in from two to five different planes (Aguthistega), a great variety of forms may be produced. These differences in external form, together with peculiarities in the mode of growth, were employed by Alcide d'Orbigny as a basis for the first detailed system of classification of the Foraminifera that has been devised. For specific diag- noses, the relative size and shape of the shell, and varieties of ornamentation, such as bands, lips, protuberances, points, spines, and the like, are of greatest significance. In certain Foraminifera which secrete calcareous shells (Nummulinidae, Miliolidae, Lagenidae, Orbulina) a peculiar dimorphism has been observed, in that while some individuals have an extremely large primordial chamber (megasphere), others, although differing in nowise in external form and ornamentation, are characterised by an extremely minute 1 n-imordiat chamber (microsphere, Fig. 4). Those individuals which possess mega- spheres are almost invariably much inferior in size to those having micro- Fia 4. spheres. De la Harpe refers this pheno- woeuMna /;/™/j/i, schiumb. Recent ; Bay of menon to sexual differences; Munier- Chalmas and Schlumberger claim, on the other hand, that during the growth of those forms characterised by microspheres, the megaspheres, which are in all cases originally present, become absorbed and are replaced by an increased number of smaller chambers. Van den Broeck argues against these hypotheses, and attempts - to explain dimorphism as the result of different modes of reproduction (fission and budding). The finer structure of the shell or test, which has been thoroughly investigated by Carpenter and Williamson, is of great importance in the classification of the Foraminifera. Chitinow tests are as a rule single -chambered (monothalamous), imper- forate, and are provided with a single large-sized oral aperture. Silicious I'.ln-.-tiberg, C. Gf., Mikrogeologie, 1854, and Abhandlungeu der Berliner Akademie, 1839. X-lni/tze, Max, Ueber den Organismus der Polythalamien, Leipzic, 1854. Carpenter, W. B., Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera, Ray Society, 1862. Reuss, E. A., Numerous Reports in Sitzuugsberichte der Wiener Akademie, from 1860 onwards. ,NV// t'-ni/,',; (',>,i rtid, Saggio di una Classificazione dei Foraminiferi, Bollet. Comitato Geol., 1876. Jinx///, II'. /;., Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminil'era, Palaeontograph. Soc., 1876. Brady, Jr. B., Report on the Foraminifera, Scientific Results Challenger Exped., Zoology, XL, 1884. •20 CLASS I PROTOZOA— RH I ZO L'GIM tests consist of minute grains of sand, often intermingled with particles of lime and other foreign matter, the particles being held together by a silicious or argillaceous cement. The tests are unilocular or multil octilar, occasionally attain considerable size, and are either imperf orate (Fig. 5, A), or, in addition to the either simple or sieve-like principal apertures, are punctured by FIG. 5. A, Section through an iniperforate arenaceous Roeni.) 13, Section through a perforate arenaceous test showing coarse tubuli, highly magnified (Ple- i 'jibbosum, d'Orb.) FIG. •tion of vitreous perforate test with fine tubuli (Nodosaria rapa, d'Orb.) B, Portion of periphery, and section of a vitreous perforate test with coarse tubules less closely set together (Globigerina conglomerates, Sch wager). tubules, through which the pseudopodia are emitted (Fig. 5, B). Calcareous tests are also sometimes (Miliolidae, Textularidae) encrusted with agglutinated, compactly cemented sandy particles, and hence consist of an interior calcare- ous, and an exterior sandy-silicious layer (Fig. 6). The greater number of FIG. Clii,i.'ii-nmmina textulariformis, Holier, sp. Perforate calcareous test invested with arenaceous envelope. ••% (after Moller). FIG. S. OpercuKna complanata, Bast. Miocene ; Bor- deaux, a, natural size ; b, median longitudinal section ; c, transverse section, greatly enlarged. Lam. Vitreous perforate test with spur-like sup- plemental skeleton tra- versed by canals. Foraminifera, however, secrete tests composed of carbonate of lime, which may be either porcellaneous and iniperforate, or vitreous and perforate in structure. In the first class (Imperforata) the shell is homogeneous, and appears in reflected Kght as an- opaque mass (Fig. 4) ; in the second (Perforata) it is lustrous, transparent, and perforated by numerous fine tubules which pass through the walls radially. These tubules, which are visible on the peri- FOIIA.MIXIFERA 21 as tine pores (foramina), are either all equal in diameter, being extremely HUM 11 and closely set together (Fig. 7, A), or an; larger in calibre and more widely separated from one another (Fig. 7, B}. Certain vitreous, perforate 1'oiaminifera are still further provided with coarser, anastomosing canals, which are restricted to definite parts of the shell, such as the septa, or the. median plane of the spiral, in forms which are symmetrically con- voluted. In the livin- state, these larger canals are occupied by bands or stolons of sarcode, but there is no connection 1 >et ween them and the other foramina or radial tubules. In many forms exhibiting more com- plicated structure, cal- careous deposits are ob- served, which are dis- tributed partly over the periphery, and partly in cavities and depressions within the shell itself. This is the so-called in- termediate or supplemental skeleton, which often gives rise to peculiar excrescences on the peri- phery (Fig. 9), and in some cases is also pierced by tubules. Reproduction in the Foraminifera takes place either by means of fission, or by means of small nuclei which originate i,,.,.,,., within thp rarfnt inrli &> Individual Discoliths and Cyatholiths ; c, Coccospheres ; d, Globigerina; [~ e, Globi,,,;-;,;, with bnrsted test; /, Textitlaria; g, g', Radlolaria; h, i, Victual, invest themselves Diatoms ; k, I, Sponge spicules ; m, Mineral fragment. with unilocular or multi- locular tests, and forthwith abandon the parent shell, whereupon the latter falls to pieces. The vast majority of Foraminifera are marine in habit. They occur in shallow water bordering the coasts, sometimes attached to algae, sometimes creeping on the bottom. A few genera are extraordinarily abundant in the open sea, occurring at different depths as free-swimming forms, and also on the floor of the ocean. Enormous quantities of their remains are spread over large tracts of the sea-bottom, and down to a depth of 2300 fathoms they remain an essential constituent of the chalk-like deep-sea ooze. This is a finely divided agglomeration of decomposed calcareous substances, such as the shells of FIG. 10. ooze magnified 700 diameters. with Coccoliths ; 22 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS I mollusks, corals, bryozoans, coccoliths, radiolarians, diatoms, sponges, and Foraminifera. Of the latter, certain genera are remarkable for their extra- ordinary abundance (Globigerina, Orbulina, Pulvinulina, Biloculina), (Fig. 10). In the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Gloligerina ooze is the prevailing deep- sea deposit ; in the North Sea, along the coast of Norway, Bilociilina ooze. Numerous limestones and marls of older geological periods exhibit great similarity in structure and chemical composition to the now forming deep-sea oozes. White chalk (Fig. 11) is clearly a variety of abyssmal ooze, from which silicious constituents have become segregated out, and in which Textularia predominate instead of Globigerina. Certain of the Eocene limestones of the Specimen of prepared white chalk from Meudon, as seen in transmitted light under power of 300 diameters, showing Textularia, Globiyerina, and Rotalia. FIG. 12 Thin slice of Pliinerkalk from Bohemia viewed in transmitted light under power of 50 diameters, showing sections of Nodosaria, Rotalia, Frondiculcrin. and numerous isolated Globigerina chambers. Paris basin are composed almost exclusively of the tests of Miliolidae, while others are made up of Alveolinae, and Nummulites. During the Carboniferous period the chief rdle as rock -building organisms was played by Fusilina. Many dense, apparently homogeneous, or even semi-crystalline limestones of various ages, when examined microscopically in thin sections, are seen to be composed in large part of Foraminifera and other organic bodies (Fig. 12). Fossil Foraminifera are best preserved, being usually detachable from the matrix, and at the same time occur most abundantly, in unconsolidated marls and clays which are interbedded with calcareous strata, or in limestones of a chalky or earthy character. The tests of Foraminifera were first discovered by Janus Plancus, in 1730, on the beach of Rimini, and in the following year they were found by Beccari in the Pliocene of Bologna. They were long considered to be shells of mollusks, and were described by Breyn, Soldani, Fichtel, d'Orbigny, and others as Cephalopoda foraminifera, in distinction from Cephalopoda siphonifera. Dujardin, in 1835, was the first to recognise their true character as belonging to the Rhizopoda, ORDER i FORAMINIFERA 23 Foniminifera are divided into the four following sub -orders: — Chitinosa, . Ifft/lntiiiantia, Porcellanea, and Vitro-Cakarea. Sub-order A. CHITINOSA.^ Schwager. Test chitinous, imperforate, sometimes encrusted with agglutinated particles, and with pseudopodial aperture at one or at both extremities. This group comprises the single family Gromidae, which is made up chiefly of fresh-water forms, and whose occurrence in a fossil state is unknown. £ p.Q . Sub-order B. AGGLUTINANTIA. Schwager. Test composed of agglutinated sandy particles or other silicious foreign bodies, which are held together by a compact, silicious, or argillaceous cement. Family 1. Astrorhizidae. Brady. Test arenaceous, with rough exterior, usually unsymmetrical, often attaining con- siderable size; the sandy particles are sometimes only loosely cemented together; occasionally branching or developing radial prolongations ; septa wanting. Recent, and very abundant at great depths. Fossil in Palaeozoic and Jurassic formations. Saccammina, Sars. (Fig. 13). Shell thick, with labyrinthiform interior; spherical, pear-shaped, or fusiform, with tubular prolongations at one or both ends ; sometimes united together in chains. Ordovician (Ayrshire), Devonian (Canada), Carboniferous, and Recent. Entire strata of Carboniferous rock near Elf hills, Northumberland, are built up by S. Carteri, Brady. Large-sized species of Astrorhiza, Psammosphaera, Saccammina, Hyperammina, and Rhabdammina are described by Hausler from the Upper Jurassic (Trans- versarius beds) of Switzerland. Family 2. Lituolidae. Brady. Test arenaceous or composed of agglutinated particles of various kinds ; more or less regular in contour; divided by septa into a number of chambers, or more rarely single- chambered; free-swimming or attached; septal planes irregular, sometimes labyrinthic. Recent species occur mostly at considerable depths. Thurammina, Brady. Test free, monothalamous, irregularly spheroidal, usually with excrescences or spiny processes. Upper Jurassic and Recent. Ammodiscus, Reuss. Test free, monothalamous, depressed, spirally coiled in a single plane, with terminal pseudopodial aperture. In all formations from Carboniferous to Recent. Trochammina, Park. Jones (Fig. 16). Test thin, smooth, consisting of com- pact, ochre-like cement with embedded sandy particles ; turbinate, or spirally wound like a snail-shell (trochoid) ; imperfectly chambered. Lias to Recent. Placopsilina, d'Orb. (Fig. 15). Test rough, arenaceous, attached, and divided into pyriform or spherical chambers, which are joined in chains or are irregularly attached together. Lias to Recent. 24 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS I PJieophax, Montf. (HaphsticJie, Reuss), (Fig. 14). Test free, rod-shaped or slightly bent; septa simple (Itheophax) or labyrinthic (Haplostiche) ; pseudo- podial aperture at extremity. Carboniferous to Recent. /Lihiola, Lam. (Haplophragmvm, Reuss), (Fig. 17). Test free, crosier-shaped FIG. 13. FIG. 14. Jlo.plostiche horrida, Schwa - ger. Upper J urassic A, Saccammimt, Carteri, Brady. Carboniferous Lime- stone; Elfhills, Northum- berland. 1/1- B, Fractured pressa test, filled . with interior Gruibingen, calcite. io/j (after Brady). Wiirttemberg. pper (Im- Placopsiliua rostrata, Quenst. sp. Upper Jur- Trochammina assic (Impressa tens, Karrer. Vienna clay) ; clay) ; Reichen- bach, Win-Item berg. sandstone (Senonian) ; Hutteldorf, near Vienna. (Haplo-' phragminm) irregu- lare, Roemer. Sca- phiten - Planer ; Krb'ndorf, Bohemia. or spirally wound. General aperture simple or sieve-like ; septa simple (Haplo- phragmium) or labyrinthic (Lituola). Carboniferous to Recent; particularly abundant in Jurassic and Cretaceous. Family 3. Orbitolinidae. Zittel. Test silicious, imperforate, bowl-shaped, and composed of concentric rings which are partitioned off into numerous chambers. Orbitolina, Lam. (Fig 18). Test silicious, with agglutinated sandy particles ; bowl-shaped to depressed conical ; upper side convex, lower side slightly hollow. Periphery smooth, or with concentric bands, imperforate. Test composed of multilocular rings, the chambers communicating with one another on all sides by means of pores. The peripheral portion of each chamber is divided up into smaller compartments by two secondary septa disposed at right angles to each other. Very abundant in the Lower (0. lenticularis, Lam.) and Upper Cretaceous (0. concava, Lam.) FIG. IS. c, Transverse section larged). . (en- Sub-order C. PORCELLANEA. Schwager. Test calcareous, porcellaneous, imperforate. Under starved conditions (e.g. in brackish water) the test may assume a chitinous or arenaceous character, or may become encrusted with a thin, homo- geneous, silicious envelope. The majority of recent forms inhabit shallow water ; only a few occur at abyssmal depths. OKI'KK I FORAMIXIKKK'A Nubecularidae. Bnuly. attached, extreme!// //•/>'>////"/• in rnnti,n,\ Triassic to Recent. Kaniily 1. Test comparatively A//v//--.s-/':r»/, with one or with several general apertures. The recent genus Nubecnlaria, Dfr., belonging to this family occurs fossil' in ;ill formations from the Triassic onward, and is particularly abundant in the Miocene (S;irm;iti;ui stage) of Bessarabia, Russia. Family 2. Peneroplidae. Schwager. Test piano-spiral or cyclical, bilateral!// x//n/ metrical, usually polythalamous, more rarely monothalamous. Triassic to Recent. Cornuspira, Schultze (Fig. 19). Test composed of numerous piano-spiral convolutions ; oral aperture simple, terminal ; monothalamous. Lias to Recent. Peneroplis, Montf. (Fig. 20). Test discoidal, complanate, polythalamous ; direction of growth primarily spiral, gradually becoming rectilinear, while FIG. ly FIG. 22. Cornuspira pol //• &yra, Reuss. Peneroplis planatus, " Orliodt na luimmis A, Orbitolites compl', TrilocuUna gibba, d'Orb. Oligocene sand from Astrupp. C, Spiroloculina Badensii, d'Orb. Miocene Tegel ; Baden, near Vienna. D, Quin- queloculina saxorum, d'Orb. Eocene (Calcaire Grossier) ; Grignon, near Paris. the extremities so as to form a septum of its own walls. Terminal pseudo- podial aperture either curving in the form of a crescent about a tooth-like pro- jection, or branching dendritically (Lacazina). Forms having all the seg- ments disposed in a single plane, and all externally visible, are grouped to- gether in the sub -genus Spiroloculina, d'Orb. ; with all the segments completely A, Longitudinal section of Biloculina inornata, d'Orb. (enlarged). B, Transverse section of Quinqucloculina saxornm, d'Orb. (enlarged). FIG. 26. FIG. 27. I''KK I FORAMINIFEBA Tetrctfaxis, Khrl»<;-. (Fig. 31, F}. Test calcareous, conical. Alternating chambers arranged in a turbinate spire. Carboniferous Limestone. FIG 30. . I . Ttxtularia ijlnlilfi: m , llm 'Jpper Cretaceous (Seuonian) ; Pattenauer Stollen, near Traunstein, Bavaria. /;, Bolivina incrcusatd, Reuss. Upper Cretaceous ; Gotzreuther Graben, near Siegsdorf, Bavaria. 6', Plecanium (/ibbosum, d'Orb. Pliocene ; Sienna, Italy. D, Gmmmostomum (Vulvulina) gramen, d'Orb. Recent ; Cuba. E, iTattdryina rugosa, d'Orb. Upper Cretaceous, Gotzreuther Graben, near Siegsdorf. F, Clavulina cvmmunis, d'Orb. Miocene ; Baden, near Vienna. Cassidulina, d'Orb. (Ehrenbergina, Eeuss) (Fig. 31, G). Test calcareous, the FIG. 31. .!. HiiUmina BucJiiana, d'Orb. Miocene (Leithakalk) ; Nussdorf, near Vienna. B, Bulimina pupoidcs, <1 Orb. Same locality. C, Climacammina textulariformis, Moller. Carboniferous Limestone; ])ugno, Russia, Longi- tudinal section. -°/i (after Moller). D, Climacammina pyriforme, Moller, sp. Carboniferous Limestone ; Sloboda, Russia. 20/j (after Moller). E, Valvulina sp. Eocene (Caleaire Grossier) ; Grignon, near Paris. F, Tetrataxis ronica, Ehrbg. Carboniferous Limestone ; Bachtin, Russia. s°/i (after Moller). (;, Ehmibergina serrata, Reuss. Miocene ; Baden, near Vienna. alternating biserial segments either completely or only partially coiled. Tertiary and Recent. 30 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS I Family 3. G-lobigerinidae. Carpenter. Test free, calcareous, perforated by coarse tubules; monothalamous or poly- thalamous ; chambers globular, either irregularly disposed or imperfectly spiral. Of the two most important genera belonging to this family, Orbulina, d'Orb. (Fig. 32, A}, is unilocular, and GloUgerina, d'Orb. (Fig. 32, C], multilocular. The individual chambers usually conduct into a common central'canal. In both genera the test is often covered with extremely delicate calcareous spines, which, however, are very easily broken off, and are never preserved in the fossil Austriaca, d'Orb. Miocene Tegel ; Baden, near Vienna. ' C, GloUgerina con- State. These genera fjlomerata, Schwager. Pliocene; Kar Nikobar Island, a, Inferior surface; QT,A AYPA«civpli7 rliflfncp b, Superior surface ; c, Portion of periphery ; d, Transverse section enlarged. ' ev L in modern deep-sea deposits (Globigerina ooze) ; they occur sparingly in Mesozoic formations, beginning with the Triassic, and first rise to importance during the late Tertiary period. Sphaeroidina, d'Orb. (Fig. 32, B}. Cretaceous to Recent. FIG. 32. Family 4. Botalidae. Carpenter. Test calcareous, rarely arenaceous or silicious, finely or coarsely perforated, fre- quently with intermediate skeleton, free or attached, turbinate or discoidal in contour. Segments usually arranged in an elongated spire, although in some forms Discorbina, Park. Jones (Fig. 33, A, B). Test coarsely perforated, tur- binoid. Inferior surface broad and flat ; umbilicus often filled with deposit of intermediate skeleton. Cretaceous to Recent. Planorbulina, Park. Jones (Fig. 33, C). Test coarsely perforated, com- planate, usually attached, superior and inferior, surfaces dissimilar ; early seg- ments arranged in depressed spire, subsequently becoming cyclical. Lias to Recent. The d'Orbignyan sub-genera Truncatulina, Anomalina, Planulina, etc., are based upon different modifications in form. jRotalia, Lam. (Fig. 34, A). Test finely perforated, with segments in turbinoid spire. Septa composed of two slightly separated lamellae, .with anastomosing canals occupying the intermediate space. Basis often thickened by supplemental skeleton. (?) Silurian. Upper Jurassic to Recent. Pulvinulina, Park. Jones (Fig. 34, B}. Rotaliform, but septa single and without interseptal canal-system. Lower Lias to Recent. Endothyra, Phill. (Fig. 34, • C). Test calcareous ; composed of an exterior coarsely perforated, and an interior compact layer consisting of minute grains of limey matter ; polythalamous ; irregularly spiral. General aperture MKDKK I FORAMINIFERA porous. Abundant in Carboniferous Limestone, and according to Brady, also recent. Cakarina, d'Orb. (Fig. 35). Test discoidal, with dissimilar upp.-r ;iiid FIG. 33. .1, l>ixr.,rl>inix up. Recent, a, Under side; 1>, Upper side; c, Lateral view; d, Median section. C, Planorbulinu, Mediter- .-, d'Orb. Recent ; Mediterranean, a, Inferior surface ; I, Superior surface ; c, Transverse section. lower surfaces, chambers spirally wound. Exterior encrusted with supple- mental skeleton, which fills up all depressions, and builds spiny or spur-like FIG. 84. A, Rotalia Beccari, Lin. Pliocene ; Sienna, Italy. K, Pulvinulina Partschi, d'Orb. Miocene (Tegel) ; Baden, near Vienna. C, Endothyra Panderi. Mdller. Carboniferous Limestone ; Russia. 2o/j. D, Endothyra parva. Moller. Carboniferous Limestone ; Russia. Longitudinal section, loo/j. appendages traversed by coarse canals. Particularly abundant in Maastricht Chalk. TinoporuSy Montf. Patdlina, Williamson. The recent genera Carpentaria, Gray, Poly- trema, Gray, Rwpertia, Jones, etc., are distin- guished by their extremely irregular, usually attached, coarsely perforated tests, which occa- sionally attain considerable size, and often contain agglutinated, sandy, or other foreign particles. Thalamopora, Roem., occurring in the Cretaceous, probably also belongs to this family. , Upper Cretaceous to Holland. Family 5. Fusulinidae. Moller. Test calcareous, perforate, polythalamous, fusiform or spherical, composed of numerous spirally inrolled whorls (symmetrically involute]. The whorls are divided 32 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS i into principal chambers by />/•//>, Septal plane with interseptal canal-system; c, Interior of chamber; •/. 1'im-ly perforate periphery ; e, Small pillars of intermediate skeleton. in \vards to the centre (Nummuhna). The septa are pierced in the median, plane by an oblique slit-like aperture, and also extend into the saddle-shaped •ilar prolongations of the chambers. They are directed in the groups Jfnifiafat and tftriatae in straight or slightly curved lines (Figs. 40 and 42, C) • in the tfhniiifae they follow meandering courses (Fig. 42, A}-, and in the Itrfii-Hlnfn,- (Fig. 42, B) they form an interlacing network by means of connecting pro- VOL. I D 34 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS I cesses. The ramifications of these lateral processes (Filet cloisonnaire) may be readily seen on fracturing a portion of the test, and are a valuable aid in the determination of species. The oldest Nummulites (N. pristinus, Brady) occur very sparsely in the Carboniferous Limestone and Upper Jurassic, but are dis- tinguished from the typical later forms by the absence of an interior canal-system in the marginal cord. The typical Nummulites which are so characteristic of the Eocene (Num- mulitic limestone) in Europe, North Africa, Asia, and Central America, often build up massive formations. The largest Eocene?pyrenees?w' species (N. Giztliensis, Ehrbg., N. orbiculatus, Schafh.) attain a diameter of 60 mm. ; the smallest species does not exceed 2 mm. ; recent representatives comparatively scarce. Polystomella, d'Orb. (Fig. 44) ; Nonionina, d'Orb. ; Cydodypeus, Carp. Tertiary and Recent. FIG. 41. Nummulites (Assi- £12 FIG. 42. A, Nummulites Gizehensis, Ehrbg. Eocene ; Libyan Desert. Natural size. A 3, Specimen with eroded peri- pheral portion, showing arrangement of septa. B*2, Nummulites laevigatus, Lam. Caleaire Grossier ; Paris. Natural size. B*, Portion of same enlarged. G'12, Nummulites Ramondi, Defr. Eocene (Nummulitic lime- stone); Pyrenees. Natural size. C$, Enlarged section. \/ Orbitoides, d'Orb. (Hymenocydus, Bronn ; Lycophrys, Montf.), (Fig. 45). Test discoidal, with circular or stellate contour, of ten. bent, exterior smooth or. with FIG. 43. A, Nummulitic limestone with horizontal sections of N. distans, Pusch. Peyrehorade, in the Pyrenees. £, Nummulitic limestone showing sections of N. Defr. Zakophane in the Carpathians. N. Lucasanus, FIG. 44. f Polystomella crispa, Lam. Pliocene ; Sienna, Italy. (Highly magnified.) radial striae, and composed of numerous concentric annuli disposed about a ORDER I FORAMINIFERA 35 primordial spiral of three to five whorls. The rings are divided by transverse partitions into small rectangular chambers, and the septa and marginal cord are traversed by canals. Superimposed over the median series of prinripal chambers on both sides are several layers of flattened secondary chamberlets, FIG. 45. A, Orbitoides papyracea, Boubee. Eocene (Ferruginous sandstone) ; Kressenberg, Upper Bavaria. (Greatly enlarged). 1 Median chambers ; a Lateral chambers ; » Compact pillars of intermediate skeleton. B, Portion of miMlian transverse section, highly magnified; -Lateral chambers with perforate walls; 4 Canal-system of cyclical marginal cord ; 5 Tubules connecting adjacent chambers. C, Periphery and profile of same, natural size. D, Orbitoides tenella, Giimbel. Eocene ; Kressenberg. (Natural size.) E, Orbitoides variecostata, Giimbel. Eocene ; San Martino, near Verona. (Natural size.) F, Orbitoides ephippium, Sow. Eocene ; Kressenberg. (Natural size.) which are likewise disposed in concentric rings. Very abundant in the Eocene, associated with Nummulites ; rare in Upper Cretaceous and Miocene. Dawson, Carpenter, and various other authors have referred the so-called Eozoon occurring in crystalline limestone of the Archaean (Laurentian) period to the Foraminifera ; but the elaborate investigations of Mobius have shown that neither Eozoon nor Archaeospliaerina can be regarded as organic structures, but are mineral segregations. Range and Distribution of Fossil Poraminifera. Of the over 2000 species of Foraminifera that have been described, about two-thirds are known in a fossil state. The longevity of certain genera and species is remarkable, many of them persisting, according to Parker, Jones, Brady, and others, throughout a number of formations of various ages. The earliest forms occur very sparingly in the Silurian of St. Petersburg, Siberia, and Scotland. They are for the most part poorly preserved, those from Petersburg being recognisable only as glauconitic casts, belonging in part to silicious shell-bearing genera (Placopsilina, Saccamina), and in part to vitreo-perforate genera (Nodosaria, Lagem, Globigerina, Eotalia). The Devonian is also very poor in Foraminifera remains ; but, on the other hand, the Carbon- iferous yields an abundant and considerably varied fauna; in fact, certain genera (Fusilina, Schwagerina, Saccamina, Endothyra) build up limestone de- 36 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPOD A CLASS i posits occasionally of great thickness. Numerous representatives of the Lagenidae (Nodosaria, Dentalina, etc.), Teniulnri'/ni', Eotalidae, and even the Numrmtiinidae accompany the rock-building forms, and continue for the most part throughout the Permian. Except in the Alps, the Triassic is almost destitute of Foraminifera, and even the pure limestones and dolomites of the Alpine Triassic have usually become so altered by metamorphism as to render the recognition of tests well-nigh impossible. Notwithstanding, Globigerina limestone has been discovered in the Upper Triassic of the Northern Alps, and tests of Cristellaria, Marginulina, Globigerina, Textularia, BilocuUna, etc., are found in the St. Cassian beds. Certain argillaceous and calcareous strata of the Lias and Jura contain vast quantities of minute, vitreo-perforate or silicious Foraminifera. In the Cretaceous, Textularia, Eotalia, Cristellaria, Globigerina, Miliola, and Coccoliths are essential constituents of the White Chalk. Individual beds of the Maestricht Chalk consist almost entirely of Calcarina remains ; in the Urgo-Aptian Orb- itolina is the chief rock-builder ; in the Upper Cretaceous Alveolina. The maximum, development of the Foraminifera falls in the Tertiary period. Massive beds of the Eocene Calcaire Grossier occurring in the Paris basin and in the Pyrenees, and affording an excellent building material, are composed of Miliolidae remains ; Other Eocene limestones consist of Alveolina, * Operculina, Orbitolites, and Orbitoides aggregations. But of far greater geological importance are the Nummulites, which occur in incredible abundance in the Eocene and Oligocene Nummulites-formations of the Mediterranean district, Asia Minor, and Eastern Asia. During the late Tertiary the Nummulites almost entirely disappear ; only Amphistegina continues as an occasional rock-builder, and from the middle and later Tertiary on, the Foraminifera fauna remains very nearly the same as now.1 1 [Additional references to the Literature on Protozoa : Soldani, A., Testaceographia ac Zoophytographia, etc., 1789. Fichtel und Moll, Testacea microscopia aliaque minuta ex generibus Argonauta et Nautilus, 1803. Dujardin, F., Observations sur les Rhizopodes (Comptes Rendus), 1835. ('In /in rede et Lachmann, Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes, 1858-59. Parker and Jones, Nomenclature of the Foraminifera, (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.), 1858-75. Terquem, 0., Meiuoires sur les Foraminiferes du Lias (Mem. de 1'Acad. Imp. de Metz), 1858-66. \Vili;«mson, W. C., On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain, 1858. Mutter, «/"., Ueber die Thalassicolen, Polycystinen, uud Acanthometren ( Abhandl. Berliner Akad.), 1858. Rewss, E. A., Entwurf einer systematischen Zusammenstellung der Foramiiiiferen, 1861. Jones, Parker, and Brady, Monograph of the Foraminifera of the Crag, 1868. Ehrenberg, C. G., Mikrogeologische Studien iiber das kleinste Leben der Meeres-Tiefgrunde. etc. (Abhandl. Berliner Akad.), 1872. Zittel, If. A. von, Ueber fossile Radiolarien der obereu Kreide (Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch.), 1876. Leidy, J., Freshwater Rhizopods of North America (Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ. vol. XII.), 1879. Dunibowski, E. von, Die Spongieu, Radiolarien, und Foramiiiiferen der Unter-Liasischen Schichten von Schafburg (Deukschr. Wiener Akad.), 1882. Brandt, K., Die kolouiebildenden Radiolarien (Sphaerozoeeu) des Golfes von Neapel, 1885. Hdusler, R., Monographic der Foramiiiiferen - Fauna der schweizerscheu Transversarius - Zone (Abhandl. der schweiz. palaont. Gesellsch.), 1890. Perner, J., Ueber die Foramiiiiferen des bohmischeu Cenomans. Palaeontographica Bohemica No. 1 (Abhandl. der k. bohm. Gesellsch. der Wissen. II. Classe), 1892. Sherborn, C. D., Index to the Genera and Species of the Foraminifera (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. vol. XXXVII.), 1893-95. Very extensive bibliographies are contained in the works of Carpenter and Brady, cited on p. 19. Reference may also be made here to the exhaustive bibliography of the Sponges, which will be found in the monographs of Hinde and Rauff, cited on p. 42. — TRANS.]. ORDER II RADIOLARIA 37 .Silurian 1 j Permian £ I Jonssk \ | s Miocene § I s "s A., Chitinosa B. ' Agglutinantia Litnolidae „ | Orbitulinidac ! C. Porcellanea Nubecularidac Peneroplidae '" Miliolidae 1 __ ••BHB mgglEBm B^ •-^•^ D. Vitro-Calcarea Lafenidac ••• IMBl Textularidae Globifferinidae Rotalidae Fusulinidae Xuinmulinidae •BE — ......... •^^^^ 1 W^B^^W — - Order 2. RADIOLARIA. Miiller.1 (Polycystina, Ehrenberg.) Uhr.opoda emitting fine, filiform, radially directed pseudopodia, with capsule and extra-capsulum, and usually with delicate silicious skeleton. The sarcode body of the Radiolarians is differentiated into (1) an inner « -.Mitral sphere or capsule of tough slimy protoplasm containing one or more nuclei, vacuoles, alveoles, granules, oil-globules, and sometimes crystals, and surrounded by a capsule-membrane perforated by pores or pylae ; and (2) an outer jelly-like extra-capsulum. the sarcode of which emits pseudopodia. The individuals lead usually an isolated existence, and are only rarely united in colonies. Must Radiolarians secrete skeletons composed either of bars or spicules of (an organic substance allied to horn or chitin) or silica, or they build an exceedingly delicate lattice-work composed of transparent amorphous silica. Only the latter forms are known in a fossil state, and owing to their minute size, are commonly indiscernible except with the aid of the microscope. 1 Khrenberg, C. G., Mikrogeologie, 1854, and Abhandlg. Berliner Akad. 1875 (Radiolaria from Karliados). — Haeckel, E., Die Kadiolarien. Monograph 1862, and Report on the Radiolaria col- lected l.y II. .M.S. Challenger, ISSl.—Hertwig, Ji., Der Organismus der Radiolarien, 1879.— >'/••;///•, E., Palaeontographica, XXVI. 1878 (Radiolaria from Sicily).— 7? list, D., Palaeontographica, XXXI. 1885, XXXIV. 1888, and XXXVIII. 1892.— Drei/er, /•'., Die Tripoli von Csiltanisetta. Jsnaische Zeitsclirift f. Xaturw. XXIV. ISQQ.—Cayeux, L., Bull. Geol. Soc. France, 1894, p. li»7. 38 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS Haeckel divides the Radiolaria into four sub-orders, as follows : — A. Acantharia. — Capsule-membrane uniformly perforated ; skeleton com- posed of acanthinic spicules. Unknown in fossil state. B. SpumeUaria. — Capsule -membrane single, pores distributed all over; skeleton silicious, spherical, or discoidal, sometimes wanting (Fig. 48). C. Nasselaria. — Capsule-membrane single, perforated only about the oral pole ; skeleton silicious, helmet- or cap-shaped, conformation of poles dissimilar (Figs. 49, 50). D. Phaeodaria. — Capsule-membrane double, perforated by one main opening prolonged into a tubulus, and by a few smaller accessory openings. A dark FIG. 46. Silurian and Devonian Radiolarians : A, Cenosphaera macropora, Riist. Ordovician ; Cabrieres, Languedoc. L, Staurolonche micropora, Riist. Ordovician ; Cabrieres. C, Caryosphaera Groddecki, Riist. Upper Devonian ; Schiibenliolz, near Elbingerode, Harz Mountains. D, Lithocampe Tschernytscheicii, Riist. Devonian ; Ural. Magnified 100—120 diameters (after Riist). pigment body (phaeodium) constantly present in extra-capsular sarcode. Skeleton commonly consisting of hollow silicious spicules disposed in flask-shaped or variously shaped frameworks. Unknown in fossil state. Radiolarians are exclusively marine organisms, and are found at all bathy- metric zones. They occur in vast numbers, especially in tropical seas, FIG. 47. Carboniferous, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Radiolarians : A, Stauracontium inaequale, Riist. Carboniferous ; Sicily. B, Trochodiscus Nicholsoni, Riist. Carboniferous ; Harz. C, Xiphodictya acuta, Riist. In coprolite from Lias ; Ilsede, Hanover. D, Hymeniastrum rolundum, Riist. In coprolite from Cretaceous ; Zilli,[Saxony. swimming on the surface, as well as at medium and even abysmal depths ; particularly between 2000 — 4000 fathoms in depth, extensive deposits of " Radiolarian mud " have been found, the composition of which is largely silica with a small percentage of carbonate of lime. The diversity of form exhibited by Radiolarians is most astonishing, and the identification of their microscopic silicious skeletons is impossible without ORDER II RADIOLARIA 39 Contrary to formerly accepted ideas, the geo- the aid of special literature. logical antiquity of the Radiolarians is very great ; and they also play an important part in the composi- tion of many silicious and calcareous-silicious rocks (quartzites, horn- stone, jasper, phyllites, Aptychenschiefer,etc.) According to Barrois they are the oldest known animal organ- isms, since the Spumel- laria (Monosphaeroidae) occur plentifully in the bituminous quart- zites of Bretagne, in- terbedded with pre- Cambrian gneiss. Although the group is still very imperfectly known, yet, according to Rust, fossil Radio- laria are by no means less abundant and less diversified than the recent. ceptional (Miocene of Barbados, Oran, Sicily) have the skeletons been preserved unaltered, and still consist of amorphous silica. In the older rocks the silica has usually become dissipated in the matrix, being re- placed by lime carbonate, iron, or some colouring agent; in other cases the quartz has become crypto- crystalline, or replaced by a calcite pseudomorph. The Cambrian Griffel- schiefer of Sonneberg in FIG. 49. Thuringia contain poorly Recent and Tertiary Nasselarians : A, Podocyrtis Schomburgld, Ehrbg. r»reserved Svka*roidea : the Tertiary marl ; Barbados. B, Cyrtocalpis amphora, Haeek. Recent ; * , .^ Mrssma. C, Bothryocnmpe liexfttltalamia, Haeck. Recent; Mediter- USUallV dark, tllOUgh SOniC- ranean. D, Petalospyrisforeolata, Ehrbg. Tertiary marl ; Barbados. ,. i , li^ht coloured Ordovician strata of Langenstriegis in Saxony, and of Rehau and Steben in Franconia, the red jasper of Abington, Scotland, and the Ordovician silicious Recent and Tertiary Spumellarians : A, Actinomma asferacanthium, Haeck. T in «v Recent; Messina. B, Stylodictya multispina. Haeek. Recent; Messina. C, ] ex- jfeiiodiscus Humboldti, Ehrbg. Barbados earth (Miocene); Barbados. D, instances HaUomma dixiphos, Ehrbg. Miocene marl ; Caltanisetta, Sicily. E, Astromma ' Aristotdis, Ehrbg. Miocene ; Barbados. 40 PROTOZOA— RHIZOPODA CLASS I rocks of Cabrieres in Languedoc, are more or less rich in Radiolarian remains belonging exclusively to the Spumellaria (Fig. 46, A, B}. From the Devonian jasper of Siberia, the silicious schists of Hesse and Nassau, and the "Tnanganif erous quartzite of Elbingerode in the Harz, and other places, Riist has described forty-six Spumellarian species and seventeen Nasselarian (Cyrtoidea). The sub-Carboniferous quartzites, phyllites, adinole, and jaspers from the Harz (Culm formation), Ural district, and Sicily have yielded 155 species, of which thirty-six belong to the Nasselaria. In general the Palaeozoic Radiolarians are remarkable for their relatively large size and excellent preservation. The Triassic appears to be destitute of Radiolarians except in the Alps, where they are abundant in the hornstone and silicious limestone of the Buchenstein beds of Hungary, and occur less frequently in the Reifling lime- stones, in the Wengen beds of Storzic in Krain, in the marls of St. Cassian, and in the silicious lime- stone of the Roth elstein, near Aussee, etc. They are usually associated herewith the remains of sponges and Foramini- fera. In the silicified coprolites of the Lias, found at Ilsede, Han- over, Radiolarians are Tertiary Nasselarians from Barbados : A, Anthocyrtis mespihis, Ehrbg. B, ver7 common ; they are in the limestones of the Lower Lias on the Schafberg in Upper Austria. Certain hornstone beds of Middle Jurassic age, found at Piszke, Hungary, the Upper Jurassic pudding- stones of Cittiglio, near Laveno on Lago Maggiore, and numerous Tithonian jaspers, as well as the Alpine Aptychus beds, are charged with Radiolarians ; here the Nasselaria are nearly as plentiful as the Spumellaria. The Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) of Gardenazza has yielded but few forms ; but, on the other hand, coprolites from the Gault, found near Zilli in Saxony, and Lower Cretaceous clay marls in Manitoba, Canada, as well as the Upper Cretaceous marls of Haldem in Westphalia, and Vordorf in Braunschweig, contain excellently preserved skeletons in greater or lesser abundance. Even the flinty concretions of the Upper Chalk sometimes contain them, although in a poor state of preservation. Certain Eocene hornstones in Italy, according to Pantanelli, are filled with Radiolarian remains, while in the Flysch they are also very profuse in some localities, although usually poorly preserved. By far the most noted occurrence of fossil Radiolarians is in the chalky "Barbados earth," of Miocene age, in which Foraminifera'are also very con- spicuous ; while the " tripoli " of Grotte, Caltanisetta, and Girgenti in Sicily, of Oran, Aegina, Zante, the Nikobar Islands, and other localities (Miocene and Pliocene), is scarcely less noteworthy. Ehrenberg has described 278 species from Barbados alone, and from Sicily Stohr has described 118 species, most of which belong to still extant Spumellarian, Nasselarian, and Phaeodarian genera. FlQ 50 Sub-Kingdom II. COELENTERATA. (ZOOPHYTES) COELENTERATES or Zoophytes are free-swimming or attached aquatic animals of very variable form and size, with multicellular bodies, and more or less distinctly radial in symmetry. A large-sized mouth-opening conducts into a central gastric cavity (gaxtrovascular space), which either ends blindly, or is provided with peri- pheral pouches, or a canal-system for the conveyance of food-particles. Since the chief function of the gastrovascular space, together with its diverticula, is that of digestion, although including also the reproductive organs, it corresponds, at least physiologically, to the stomach and intestines of higher animals. A definite anal opening is absent ; the excretions and sexual elements are voided through the mouth. The body consists of three layers of cells, an ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm. The ectoderm often secretes a calcareous or horny skeleton, but in most cases the horny, silicious, or calcareous skeletal elements are the product of the mesoderm. Reproduction is either sexual or asexual, or an alternation of generations may occur. The process of budding or self-division gives rise to polyzooid colonies, in which the individuals subsist in intimate relationships with one another, and sometimes institute a physiological division of labour. R. Leuckart was the first to recognise the Coelenterates as constituting a distinct structural type of animals, and separated them from the Echinoderms, with which the older systematists had associated them under the general term of Radiates or Actinozoa. The Coelenterates are divided into three principal groups or sub-branches : Porifera, Cnidaria, and Ctenophora ; of which only the first two have left traces in the rocks. SUB-BRANCH I. Porifera. Hogg. The Porifera or Sponges are sessile, aquatic animals of extremely variable form. The body consists of a single layer of pavement- cells forming the ectoderm, a likewise single layer of collared epithelial cells constituting the entoderm, and a strongly developed mesoderm tissue, which latter comprises the bulk of the soft parts (including all the organs, muscles, sexual elements, and nerves), and almost invariably secretes a hard skeleton. The latter may consist of horny sponge-fibres, or of regularly disposed silicious or calcareous skeletal elements. The whole body is ramified by a canal -system, and the outer epithelial layer is perforated by countless, minute, dermal pores for the entrance 42 COELENTERATA— PORIFERA SUB-BRANCH i of water laden with food-particles. The pores communicate by means of fine incurrent canals with sub-dermal ciliated chambers, from which larger excurrent canals conduct the water and sponge-food through the body, and generally open into a wide, exhalent opening called the cloaca or paragaster. Stinging cells, tentacles, and radial mesenteries are absent. The Porifera comprise but one class — the Sponges. Class 1. SPONGIAE. Sponges.1 Sponges are remarkable for their extreme variability in external form and size ; they lead either an isolated existence, or are united in colonies of cylindrical, tubulate, pyriform, fungus-like, bulbous, spherical, compressed, leaf- like, umbel-, bowl-, or beaker-shaped, or of botryoidal form. They are long or short stemmed, or a peduncle may be absent ; sometimes the stock is branching, and the arms may be either separate or interlaced so as to form networks. Nothing is less stable than the outer conformation, which varies excessively according to the situation and other physical conditions, and whose systematic importance, accordingly, is very slight. The size is also extremely variable, ranging from that of a pin-head to 1 J metres in diameter. Sponges are invariably sessile in habit, being attached either by means of a stem or a bundle of anchoring spicules, or they may be simply encrusting at the base. The canal-system, by which the whole body is traversed, is extremely com- plicated in thick-walled, but simple in thin-walled sponges. A distinction is recognised between incurrent or inhalent, and excurrent or exhalent canals.2 The water enters through the dermal pores, and passes through the incurrent canals into the ciliated chambers, which are lined with epithelial cells. From these it is conveyed through all parts of the body by means of the frequently branching excurrent canals, which open into a sac-like, tube-like, or funnel- shaped cloaca. The exhalent opening of the latter is termed the osculum. Extremely thin-walled sponges have no cloaca, osculum, or branching canal- 1 Literature : A. On recent Sponges. Schmidt, 0., Die Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres, Leipzig, 1864-66.— Die Spongien des Meerbusens von Mexico, Jena, 1879-80.— Haeckel, K, Die Kalkschwamme, 1872,—Schulze, F. K, Untersuchungen iiber den Ban und die Entwickelung der Spongien ; Zeitschr. fur wissenschaft. Zool., Bd, XXVII., XXVIII., XXX., 1876-80.— Report on the Hexactinellida ; Sci. Results Challenger Exped., Zoology, vol. XXI. 1887.— Vosmaer, G. O. J., Porifera ; Bronris Classen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs (2nd ed.), Bd. II. 1882-87.— Lendenfeld, Jl. v., Das System der Spongien ; Biolog. Centralblatt, Bd. IX. 1889.— A Monograph of the Horny Sponges, London, 1889. B. On fossil Sponges. Goldfuss, A., Petrefacta Germaniae, Bd. I. 1826-33.— Michelin, H., Iconographie zoophytologique, 1840-47. — Fromentel, E. de, Introduction a 1'etude des eponges fossiles ; Mem. Soc. Linn. Normandie, vol. XI. 1859. — Moemer, F. A., Die Spongitarien des norddeutschen Kreidegebirges ; Palaeonto- graphica, Bd. XII. l&(M.—Zittel, K. A., Ueber Coeloptychium ; Abhandl. k. bayer. Akad. Bd. XII. 1876.— Studien iiber fossile Spongien, I., II., III., ibid. Bd. XIII. 1877 (translated by Dallas in Annals and Magazine of Nat. Hist, for 1877, 1878, 1879).— Beitrage zur Systematik der fossilen Spongien, I., II., III.; Neues Jahrb. fur Mineral. 1877, 1878, 1879.— Quenstedt, F. A., Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands, Bd. V. l877.—Sollas, W. «/., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. XXXIII. 1877, and XXXVI. 1880. — Hinde, G. J., Catalogue of fossil Sponges of British Museum, London, 1883. — Monograph of British fossil Sponges ; Palaeontographical Society, 1887, 1888, 1893.— Ran/, H., Palaeospongio- logia ; Palaeontographica, Bd. XL. 1893. '-' [In the terminology proposed by Rauff (torn, cit.\ inhalent canals are designated as epirrhysa, and exhalent canals aporrhysa ; the former terminate on the periphery in ostia (not to be confounded with the finer dermal pores), while the latter terminate on the cloacal surface in postica (again not to be confounded with gastral pores). Postica are usually larger than ostia, and differ from them in form and arrangement. — TRANS.] CLASS I SPONGIAE 43 system, but the excurrent canals terminate directly in small openings situated on the upper surface of the body. The cloaca when present is often of considerable depth, although sometimes shallow, or reduced to a mere sac-like prolongation of the osculum. Forms with a large and deep cloaca are regarded as single individuals, those with numerous cloacae and oscula as colonies. I Jut since all the cloacae of a colony communicate by means of canals, while the oscula are never surrounded by a crown of tentacles, it is often difficult to distinguish between large excurrent canals and true cloaca, and hence also between individuals ami colonies. In the first process the fertilised ova comprete^aTtolerably regular segmentation, develop into a gastrula, pass out through the osculum, and attach themselves to some foreign object. Asexual reproduction takes place_by_budding, the young buds remaining attachecfTicftire parent individual, andthus giving rise to colonies. Reproduction by means of fission is of rare occurrence. The great majority of sponges secrete a skeleton composed either of horny fibres or of silicious or calcareous spicules, or they incorporate foreign bodies into their framework. Only a few recent forms (Myxospongiae) are with- out a skeleton. In the horny sponges (Ceratospongiae) the skeleton consists of anastomosing and reticulated fibres of spongin, an organic nitrogen compound resembling silk. The fibres are either solid, or they contain an axial canal, which is sometimes cored with foreign bodies, such as sand-grains, fragments of sponge-spicules, Foraminifers, Radiolarians, etc. Silicious spicules are sometimes encased in horny fibres, sometimes occur detached in the cellular tissues, or are interwoven and consolidated with one another in various ways to form scaffoldings. In each genus the skeleton is composed of but a single form, or at the most of but a few regularly repeated varieties of silicious bodies, which are called the skeletal elements. In addition to these there occur more or less abundantly, especially on the outer surface and in the cloacal and canal walls, extremely delicate flesh-spicules, usually of small size and of great diversity of form. The flesh-spicules are as a rule destroyed during fossilisation. All the silicious skeletal elements are secreted by nucleated cells, and are composed of concentric layers of colloidal silica, deposited usually about a slender axial canal. In some spicules, notably those having spherical or stellate contours, the axial canal is wanting. It is very delicate in fresh spicules, but becomes enlarged by maceration, and in fossil specimens it is often coarsely calibrated. The multitudinous varieties of silicious skeletal elements (Fig. 51) are resolvable into a few fundamental types, as follows : — \^> (a) Uniaxial spicules or Monaxons (Fig. 5 11"10 and 14-16). Straight or bent, smooth, prickly or knotty, bevelled, sharpened or truncated needles, rods, hooks, clasps, pins, and anchors (amphidisrs). They invariably contain an axial canal, which may be either entirely sealed up, or open at one or at both ends. (b) Tetraxial spicules or Tetraxons (Fig. 5 117). The normal form is characterised by four equal rays intersecting like the bisectrices of the plane angles of a regular tetrahedron. Triaxial forms result from the occasional abortion of one of the rays. One of the rays may become elongated or other- wise modified so as to form anchors (triaens) with three simple or furcate hooks (Fig. 5 118~23). Three of the rays may be numerously divided or foliately expanded so as to produce forms resembling thumb-tacks (trichotriaens, phyllo- 44 COELENTERATA— SPONGIAE CLASS 1 ; atrophy of the fourth ray in the last-named form reduces the spicule to a delicate silicious disk (Fig. 5 128). A peculiar forking of the shaft gives rise to candelabras or amphitriaens, while other modifications may produce umbel-like spicules (Fig. 5 1'26), etc. Certain skeletal elements of the Lithistids (Figs. 53-68) may be regarded as irregular tetraxons (desmoms), in which the extremities of the four rays are prolonged in knotty, root-like excrescences, or in which, owing to the un- Fio. 51. Various forms of Sponge spicules from the Upper Cretaceous of Haldevn, Westphalia ; magnified 25 diameters. !—•:>, Uniaxial rods and needles. 7—0, Uniaxial silicious elements with coarse axial canals. 10—13, Uniaxial cylinders and spheres. 14, Microspined spicule. 15, Clasp-hook flesh-spicule. 16, Bispatulate fleah-spicnla. 17, Regular four-rayed spicule (chevaux de frise). 18—21, Trifid anchor-shaped spicules. 22—23, Anchors with furcate head-rays. 24—25, Irregular four-rayed skeletal elements. 20, Umbel-shaped spicule. 27, Six-rayed spicule. 28, Po'lyaxile silicious disc. symmetrical growth, branching, or atrophy of one or more of the arms, extremely irregular forms are produced ; for these a special terminology has been devised by Rauff. (c) Hexactinellid spicules (Hexactins or Triaxons) (Figs. 69-74). The ground- form is an axial cross with six equal arms intersecting at right angles like the axes of a regular octahedron. Atrophy of one or more of the rays may result in pentaxial, tetraxial, triaxial, or even nail-shaped forms, without their real character becoming entirely obliterated. Bifurcation or other modifications of a number or all of the rays produce those exquisite silicious structures so characteristic of the group Hexadinellida, which resemble candelabras, double- headed anchors, fir-trees, pitch-forks, rosettes, etc. The fusion of juxtaposed hexactins produces more or less symmetrical latticeworks with cubical interstices. ('/) Anaxile or polyaxile bodies of spherical, cylindrical, stellate, or discoidal shape, which are not derivable from either of the three ground-forms, occur in only a few varieties of recent and fossil silicious sponges. Calcareous skeletal elements are much less complicated, and are generally smaller and more perishable than the silicious. Their form is either triaxial (triads), tetraxial (tetraxons), or nail-shaped (monaxons). The triaxial and ORDER i SILICISPONGIAE— MONACTIXELLIDA 45 tetra.xial spicnles an- very rarely forked or otherwise modified. Kach skeletal (•lenient behaves optically like a single ealeite crystal : axial canals are absent. The skeletal dements in spunk's are arranged chielly with reference to the circulation of water tlmm-h the canal systems. In thin-walled forms they are more or less closely crowded together, and are often regularly oriented in the* soft parts; in other forms they are encased in horny filires, or are packed in b»-t \\eeii the canals ; in still others they are united to form an irregular frame- work, or may be soldered together in a regularly reticulated scaffold iii.u. The hornv til>res are totally destroyed during fossilisation ; calcareous spicules are often wholly or partially dissolved, or are replaced by infiltrating lime carbonate, and assume a dense fibrous appearance (Pharetrones). In silicious sponges also the skeletal elements are rarely preserved unaltered ; as a rule the originally colloidal silica becomes crystalline, or is dissolved and carried away. The cavities thus formed may subsequently become tilled with infiltrating quartz, limonite, or most commonly with carbonate of lime. In this manner the skeletons of fossil silicious sponges are converted into calcite, and, contrariwise, spicules that were originally calcareous may become silicified. Hence the distinction between silicious and calcareous sponges in the fossil state depends entirely upon morphological characters, and not at all upon the chemical composition of the preserved parts. Sponges are divided into four sub-classes : — Myxospongiae, Ceratospongiae, S&icispongiae, and Calcispongiae. The latter group stands in sharp contrast to the other three, which are connected by intermediate forms, and constitute to- ether a group of equal value with the calcareous sponges. Skeletal elements are absent in the Mi/xospongiae, whose bodies are composed entirely of soft cellular tissues. The Ceratospongiae also lack imperishable hard parts, the spongin fibres being entirely destroyed during fossilisation. The reputed horny sponges from the Trias (Wiizocorallum), Jurassic, and Cretaceous (Spongites, Saxonicus, Paramudra, etc.) are either of inorganic nature, or are zoologically indeterminate. All fossil sponges, therefore, belong either to the Silicispongiae or the Calcispongiae. The oldest forms are found in the Cambrian; in the Trias, Jurassic, and Cretaceous they are very abundant. Sub-Class 3. SILICISPONGIAE. Silicious Sponges. Skeleton composed either exclusively of silicious elements, or of horny fibres enclos- ing silicious spicules. Order 1. MONACTINBLLIDA. Zittel. (Monaxonia, F. E. Schulze.) All skeletal elements uniaxial. The Monactinellida include the majority of existing marine sponges, most of which occur at moderate depths ; and also the few fresh-water forms (Spongilla) that are known. The skeleton, as a rule, is composed like that of the horny sponges, of anastomosing spongin fibres, which either encase rod-like spicules, or contain quantities of uniaxial silicious elements ; sometimes the latter are also present in the soft parts. In each genus there are generally but one or but a few varieties of silicious elements present, which are uniformly dis- 46 COELEN TER AT A— SPONGI AE CLASS I tributed throughout the body. Needles, hooks, crotchets, cylinders, spindles, amphidiscs, and the like occur in great diversity. Owing to the decomposition of the horny fibres during fossilisation, and the fact that the skeletal elements are never soldered together, the latter become detached and strewn in all directions. While Monactinellid spicules are very common in certain forma- tions, they are rarely united in the form of coherent skeletons, and are only capable of generic determination when possessing characteristic forms (Remeria, Esperia, etc.) The lowermost members of the Alpine Lias often contain considerable hornstone, and are sometimes completely filled with rod-shaped spicules. In various Cretaceous and Tertiary horizons also Monactinellid spicules are enormously abundant. Hinde has described a Climacospongia from the Silurian of Tennessee, in which the skeleton consists of spicules arranged in longitudinal rows, and connected by transversely disposed elements. The spicules were probably originally enclosed in horny fibres. The Clionidae secrete pin-shaped silicious elements which are also encased in horny fibres, and by means of which they bore labyrinthic passages in the shells of mollusks. Fossil sponge -borings are also common. Detached spicules of Renieria, Axinella, and Haplistion have been described by Hinde from the English Car- boniferous Limestone. Order 2. TETRACTINELLIDA. Marshall. (Tetraxonia, F. E. Schulze.) Skeleton composed of regular tetraxons which are generally combined with uni- axial, polyaxile, or heteraxile silicious bodies. The skeletal elements occur detached throughout the soft parts, and are never united to form a connected framework. The most common forms of skeletal elements are normal tetraxons, anchors with simple or furcate prongs, spheres, and stellate bodies. In certain genera (Geodia) the large anchors and cylinders are disposed in radiately arranged fascicles, and are surrounded by a thick layer of anaxile spheres. Detached Tetractinellid spicules associated with Monactinellids occur more or less abundantly in the Carboniferous Limestone, the Alpine Infra- Lias, the English Neocomian, the Deister Sand- stone (Hils), the Upper Cretaceous of Haldem and Coesfeld in Westphalia, and in the Tertiary and Pleistocene formations. The skeletal elements are preserved in their natural position in the Tethyopsis, Zittel (Fig. 52); and PacJiastrella, FlG- 52- genera Ophiraphidites, Carter Schmidt. Order 3. LITHISTIDA. Schmidt. Massive, thick -walled, silicious sponges, usually with complicated canal -system. Skeleton composed of irregular tetraxons or monaxons (desmoms), which develop knotty or root-like branches either at the extremities or all along the shaft, and are firmly ORDER in SILICISPONGIAE— LITHISTIDA 47 united by zygosis. Symmetrical, tetraxial, uniaxial, or polyaxile dermal and flesh- spicules also present. The Lithistids are closely related to the Tetractinellids, and, in the opinion of many zoologists, constitute with them but a single order. The Lithistids are peculiarly well suited for preservation, owing to the massive, stony character of their skeletons ; and their remains occasionally form thick deposits, especially in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Their outer configu- ration is extremely variable ; most commonly it is bowl-shaped, cup-shaped, pyriform, globular, bulbous, or plate-like ; while the body is attached either by the base or by means of a peduncle. The canal-system varies greatly in different genera, but is usually well developed and more or less complicated. The four- rayed skeletal elements are interlocked by means of the root-like branching ends of the rays, and the points of intersection (nodes) with the ends of adjacent uniaxial spicules are thickened into balls. The uniaxial, usually very irregular skeletal elements are interlaced on all sides by means of root-like processes. Dermal and flesh-spicules are preserved only under exceptionally favourable conditions, but are invariably present in recent genera, and furnish valuable systematic characters. The classification of fossil Lithistids is based wholly upon the skeletal elements and canal -systems. Five principal groups are recognised, whose subdivision into families need not concern us at present : — Tetracladina, Eutaxicladina, Anomocladina, Megamorina, and Ehizomorina. Exist- ing Lithistids occur most abundantly at depths ranging between 100 and 400 metres, but are occasionally found as deep as 1800 metres. Sub-Order A. TETRACLADINA. Zittel. Skeletal elements composed of four usually equal rays, each of which encloses axial canal, and has extremities terminating in root-like strands or processes; spicides are intertwined to form an open mesh- work. Dermal spicules either grapnel - like te- traxons, frequently with furcate prongs, or dis- coidal with entire or lobate margin; or they are nail - shaped or , cylindrical monaxons. The skeletal ele- ments of the Tetracla- FIG. 53. dina are Usually SVm- Aulocopium auvuitium, Oswald. Diluvium; Sadowitz, Silesia, a, Indi- , . , vidual in !/.-> natural size ; 6, Skeleton magnified GO diameters. metrical tetraxons, whose four smooth, more rarely tuberculate or knotty rays intersect approxi- mately at an angle of 109£°. They occur in the Cambrian and Silurian, are very scarce in the Upper Jurassic (Protetraclis), but common in the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Recent periods. Aidocopium, Oswald (Fig. 53). Hemispherical or bowl-shaped with short peduncle ; inferior surface covered with dense, wrinkled, silicious skin. Cloaca central ; sponge body with numerous arched canals parallel to contour of peri- 48 COELEN TEE ATA— SPONGI AE CLASS I phery, and with, finer radial canals leading from exterior to cloaca. Skeleton composed of irregular smooth -rayed tetraclons with root-like branching FIG. 54. Callopegma acaiile, Zitt. Senonian ; Ahlten, Hanover ; a, Individual in 2/4 natural size ; fe, Skeleton mag- nified 40/i 5 c> Portion of periphery, 2/i ; d, Same magnified 40/j, and showing anchors with furcate head-rays. extremities, disposed in rows parallel to the radial canals. Occurs (usually replaced by calcite) in the Ordovician of the Eussian Baltic Sea Provinces, FIG. 55. Phymatella tulerosa, Quenst. sp. Quadratenkreide (Upper Senonian) ; Linden, near Hanover, a, Sponge, 1/2 natural size; 6, Outer surface, 1/1 5 c, Skeletal element, so/j ; d, Spicules from stalk portion, 50/j. Siphonia tulipa, Zitt. Greensand ; Blackdown." A, Longitudinal section, natural size. B, Sponge with peduncle and root, 1/2 natural size (after Sowerby). Ordovician of Illinois, and Silurian of Gottland. Also in erratic blocks on the plains of Northern Germany, usually chalcedonised. » Archaeoscyphia, Hinde. Cambrian. Callopegma, Zittel (Fig. 54). Bowl- or funnel-shaped, short-stemmed, thick- walled. External surface perforated by smaller, internal by larger canal-openings (ostia and postica). Skeleton composed of smooth-rayed tetraclons, the digitate extremities of Avhich are inflated into balls. Dermal spicules in the form of anchors and rods. Upper Cretaceous. Phymatella, Zittel (Fig. 55). Upper Cretaceous. ORDER III SILICISPONGIAE— LITHIST IDA 40 Siphonia, Park. (Fig. 56). Fig-, pear-, or apple-shaped, with long or short p.-dunele. IJody with deep cloaca, into which arched canals running parallel with the periphery, together with numerous fine radial canals, conduct. Skel.-tMi. composed o! smooth-rayed, branching dichotriders. Dermal spicules Fie. 58. Skeletal element of Jerea Quenstedti, Zitt., showing branching extremities of rays. Quadratenkreide ; Linden, near Hanover, *Yi. l-'i<;. 59. I'liiitliaxi'Uii siiimniiiMt, Zitt. Skeleton magnified SO diamet.-ix. Senonian ; Ahlten, Hanover. iiiu i i>!ir!f ; //, Skeleton, -»o/j ; c> Lobiite disk from dermal layer, *' , i>/i i/ma, Zitt. (Fig. 63). Body cylindrical, thick-walled, attached; cloaca wide and tube-like, receiving numerous radial canals, and extending FIG. 63. •'/•• '/'I* i/iiin iiiilli-iiitrntii, (H)lilt'. sj>. I'lipcr Malm; Horhst riiss. A, Two individuals, I/., natural siz»-. /.'. Skt-li-toii magnified 30 diaiuctrrs. < '. Di-tachcd skeleUil element of Cylindrophyma, 60/x (after Kauft'). down as far as the base. External surface perforated by fine ostia. Common in I'ppcr Jurassic. 2'b!cs Mi-/i>iir/ld-in/j. Saccospongia, Rauff. Silurian. Megalithisia, Zitt. Upper Jurassic ; Nattheim. Donjderma, Zitt. (Fig. 64). Sponge-body cylindrical, simple or branching, pyriform or compressed, with a number of larger canals running parallel with the body axis, and numerous smaller radial canals. Skeletal elements large, bent, and divided into two or more simple branches. Dermal spicules in the form of three- fluked anchors. Upper Cretace- ous ; Northern Germany, Eng- land, and France. According to Hinde, also Car- boniferous. C art er ella, Zitt. Cretaceous. Isorhaphinia, Zitt. Sub -cylin- drical, pedunculate, with wide cloaca reaching nearly to the base. Skeletal elements large, slightly bent, rod-shaped, inflated at the ends, rarely dichoto- mously branching. They are associated in bundles, and so interlocked at their extremities as to form an open meshwork. Cretaceous. /. texta, Roemer sp. Sub-Order E. RHIZOMOEINA. Zittel Skeletal elements small, composed of four or of three principal rays, or simple and irregular, with numerous projecting spines or tubercles ; axial canal simple or branching. Dermal spicules monaxons, tetraxons, or similar to those of the skeleton. Chiefly Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Recent. 1 Nipterella, Hinde. Cambrian. Cnemidiastrum, Zitt. (Cnemidium, p. p. Goldf.), (Fig. 65). Turbinate or bowl- shaped, with deep cloaca. Walls thick, perforated by numerous radial canals disposed in tiers one over another, thus forming vertical fissures which often divide toward the exterior. Skeletal elements irregularly branching, entirely beset with blunt, spiny processes. Abundant in the Upper Jurassic Spongiten- kalk of South Germany, the skeletons being almost invariably replaced by calcite. C. rimulosum, Goldf. According to Hinde also present in the Carboniferous Limestone of Ireland. 1 1 i/alotragos, Zitt. Bowl-, plate-, or funnel-shaped, with short peduncle. Depression in summit perforated by the ostia of numerous short canals. Ex- ternal surface finely perforate, or covered by a smooth or wrinkled dermal layer. Skeletal elements irregular, with numerous branches beset with points, but with few spines. Very abundant in Upper Jurassic Spongitenkalk. H. patella, Goldf. sp. Platychonia, Zitt. Leaf- or ear-shaped, irregularly undulating, covered on both surfaces with fine pores. Skeletal elements resembling those of Hyalo- tragos. Upper Jurassic. P. vagans, Quenst. sp. OUDKll III SILICISPONGIAE— LITHISTIDA Jereica, Zitt. (Fig. 66). Sponge cylindrical, turliinate, pyrifonn, or club- shaped, with short peduncle. Summit truncated or with shallow depression, perforated by the postica of vertical ••xi-urn-nt canals. Exterior perforated by FIG. 65. Cnemidiastrum stellatum, Goldf. sp. Upper Jurassic Spongiten- knlk ; Hossingen, Wiirttemberg. a Sponpe, J /2 natural size ; b, Ver- tical tangential section, showing radial canals in vertical clefts; e, ^keletiil elements, 60/j. FIG. 66. Skeleton of Jereica polystoma, Roem.sp. Upper Cretaceous; Ahlten, Hanover. *>°/i. ostia of the finer radial incurrent canals. Skeletal elements root-like, bent, irregularly branching, with numerous short lateral processes. Upper Cretaceous. ./. polystoma, Roem. sp. ; /. punctata, Goldf. sp. Cheiu'iii>i)ri>omfunrjifonnis, Lamx. Senonian ; Chatellerault, Touraine. 1/3 natural size. FIG. 68. Verruculina auriformis, Roem. sp. Quadi-aten- kreide ; Linden, near Hanover. -/;t natural'size. peduncle. Cloaca deep, perforated by postica of fine canals. Skeletal el en in its numerously branched, and containing branching axial canal. Upper Cretaceous. Veiruculina, Zitt. (Fig. 68). Foliate-, funnel-, ear-, or bowl-shaped, short- stemmed or sessile. Ostia on the upper surface surrounded by slight, collar-like elevations. Middle (Gault) and Upper Cretaceous. 54 COELENTERATA— SPONGIAE CLASS i Amphithelion, Zitt. Like the preceding, but with both ostia and postica terminating in bosses. Cretaceous. Other genera : Scytalia, Coelocorypha, Stachyspongia, Pachinion, Seliscothon, Zitt. etc., in the Middle and Upper Cretaceous. Order 4. HEXACTINELLIDA. O. Schmidt. (Triaxonia, F. E. Schulze.) Silicious sponges with six-rayed skeletal elements, the rays being normally disposed in three axes intersecting at right angles, and containing axial canals ; elements either detached or fused together so as to form a lattice-like mesh. Dermal and flesh spicules exceedingly variable in form, but invariably six-rayed. Next to the Lithistida, the Hexactinellida are the most abundant of the fossil silicious sponges. They are extraordinarily variable in form, and are often anchored by a tuft or " rope " of long, slender, glassy fibres, or are attached directly by the base. The walls are thin, as a rule, and enclose usually a wide cloaca ; the canal-system is consequently much simpler than in the Lithistida, being made up merely of short tubes which penetrate the walls more or less deeply on both sides, and generally end blindly. Sometimes the sponge is entirely composed of thin-walled tubes which twine about one another irregularly and produce a system of lacunar interstices (intercanals) of greater or lesser size. The skeletal elements proper are distinguished by their considerably larger size and uniform type of structure, from the usually minute, astonishingly variable and delicate flesh-spicules ; the latter, unfortunately, are very seldom preserved in the fossil state. The skeletal elements occur detached in the soft parts in the Lyssacina group, or they are but partially or irregularly cemented together ; in the Dictyonina group, on the other hand, the skeletal elements are regularly united in such manner that the rays of proximate elements are all closely applied against one another, and are surrounded by a continuous silicious envelope. In this way a more or less symmetrical lattice-work with cubical meshes is produced, in which, however, the fusion of juxtaposed elements is indicated by the fact that each ray contains two distinctly separated axial canals. The junction of the rays at the central node of each element is usually inflated, but is .sometimes sculptured in such manner as to enclose a hollow octahedron (lantern nodes, lychnisks). The exterior of the skeleton is often covered by a dermal' layer composed of irregular hexactins, in which the externally directed ray has become atrophied ; or a dense silicious envelope is secreted, in which stellate hexactins with reduced outwardly and inwardly directed rays (stauractins) are embedded in greater or lesser profusion. The Hexactinellida of the present day are distributed chiefly over the greater depths of the ocean beyond the hundred fathom line (200 to 3000 fathoms). They occur fossil principally in deep-sea deposits, and make their first appear- ance in the Cambrian ; their period of greatest development falls in Jurassic and Cretaceous time. Sub-Order A. LYSSACINA. Zittel. Skeletal elements either entirely detached, or only partial! // and in an irregular fashion cemented together. Root-tuft often present. ORDER iv SILICISPONGIAE— HEXACTINELLIDA 55 The Lif.^iriim are poorly adapted for preservation in the fossil state, since the skeletal elements are but rarely cemented together to form a connected framework, and the flesh-spicules are invariably destroyed. Notwithstanding, complete sponges composed of large-si/ed, detached hexactins, have been found in \ 'alaeozoic formations, and also in the Upper Jurassic of Streitberg ; and. indeed, the oldest sponges that can lie determined with certainty all belong to the Lyssacina. Family 1. Protospongidae. Hinde. l, >•///•, fitlit'-like, or spherical sponges, with walls composed of a single In iti- r of cruciform f>'fr-nti'nt* /* divided into secondary squares by smaller spicules, so that the mesh- work is constituted of several series of squares. Cambrian and Ordovician. To this family belong the genera Protospongia, Salter, and PhormoseUa, Hinde. Family 2. Dictyospongldae. Hall. Usually large, funnel-shaped, cylindrical, or prismatic sponges, wlwse thin walls are frequently diversified by ridges and prominences. Skeletal framework very regular, and composed of larger and smaller quadrate meshes situated one within the other. Framework farmed by bundles of slender spicules. Ordovician to Devonian. Chiefly in Devonian of North America and Europe. Dictijopliyton, Uphantaenia, Hall, and Hydnoceras, Conrad, occur usually in the form of well-preserved moulds in Devonian sandstones and slate ; the silicious spicules are totally destroyed. Family 3. Plectospongidae. Rauff. Thin-walled tubes with skeleton composed of a regular framework made up of an ascending and approximately ring-like series of spicules; the latter form rectangular to quadrate, but not very symmetrical meshes. Spicular rays fasciculate. Ordovician and Silurian. Cyathophycus, Walcott; Palaeosaccus, Acanthodictya, Hinde; Ordovician. Plec- todenna, Hinde ; Silurian. Genera incertae sedis. Patter* i a i«, Miller (Strobilospongia, Beecher). In form of large botryoidal clumps. Brachiospongia, Marsh. Vase-like sponges with broad inferior margin prolonged into a number of hollow arms; Ordovician of North America. These, together with Amphispongia, Salter, and Astroconia, Sollas, from the Silurian of England, represent extinct families of the Lyssacina. I'f/rituneina, M'Coy (Acestra, Koem.) Fascicles of long, stout spicules, sup- posed to be root-tufts. Silurian. lliirella, Hinde (Fig. 70), from the Carboniferous, has thin walls com- posed of a layer of robust, irregularly amalgamated hexactins. As a rule, two of the rays lying in the same plane divide dichotomously from the nodes outward, so as to produce a six-armed instead of a four-armed cross. In Jxtri-y cavities. The nmiv important f«>— il form- are divided into the following familic-. Family 1. Craticularidae. llauli. /'>/•- //,/,/,. ]>. j... Zitt.-l M..H Srlmi/.-. Cup-sliapril, i-f/linili-ii'iil, liriiH'-liiitif. ••)• jly/,//,^ v. ,Syi/V///.//- /- aiirf'tii-i- irifliuiif ilinfinrf outer skeletal lat/rr, mi unit iii// y//v,//-/7r'/ /'// '/ /A/'7.v/////-/ /,/' ///, Upper Jurassic; Strt'itlicr^, Krancuiiia. 1- - :, natural sixc ; l>, Enlarged jiortiuii ol' ouli-r surlan- \vitlmut di-rmal n minimi n Tremadictyon, Zitt. (Fig. 73). Cup-, plate -shaped, or cylindrical, with wide cloaca. Canal-open- ings on both sides in alternating rows. Base nodular; ex- terior veiled over Fio 73 with delicate net- Tremadictyon reticuiat™,, Goi.if. sp." ' WOrk Of amalgamated ". *P<>i',-<'. - :, natural Size ; /., Knlar-.-d . . . ,. layer: c, Portion with well-preserved dermal layer, :; i : r arranged in quincunx; on cloacal surface in vertical rows. Upper Jurassic. Goldf. sp. SpJienaulax, Zitt., Ferrucocoelio, Etall, etc. Jurassic. I'riitiriilnriii Muggendorf, Franconia. Upper .1 natural ", Sponge, !/• I, Latticed skeleton, 1% ; c, Thickened dernial layer. Family 2. Ooscinoporidae. Zittel. Calycoid, beaker-like, lobate, branching, or stellately concolntud *p<»t ;/>•<, //•//// flint walls perforated on both side* by mimci-mi* <->/<'>/ in »lf> -unit in;/ 58 COELENTERATA— SPONGIAE CLASS I nnwls short, ending blind. Framework compact, with fine meshes; dermal layer replaced by thicken- ing of outermost skeletal layer. Spicular nodes solid, more rarely perforate. Cretaceous. Leptophragma, Zitt. Beaker-shaped, with root- like attachment. Walls thin, covered on both sides with small canal- openings arranged in alternating rows. Mesh- work very closely woven, spicular nodes solid. Middle and Upper Cre- taceous. Pleurostoma, Roem., Guettardia, Mich. Cre- taceous. Coscinopora, Goldf. (Fig. 75). Beaker -like, with branching roots. Ostia small, round, and in alternating rows. Skeletal elements in part with perforated intersection nodes. Root consisting of long silicious fibres. Dermal layer formed by thickening and fusion of outermost hexactins. Cretaceous. Coscinopora infundibttliformis, Goldf. Upper Westphalia. «, Complete individual, 1/2 natural natural size ; c, Same, 3/i ; cl, Skeleton of cup, l^/j ; Cretaceous ; Coesfeld, size ; b, Outer surface, e, Skeleton of root, 12/j. Family 3. Staurodermidae. Zittel. Top-shaped, funnel-shaped, or cylindrical, moi'e rarely branching or in clumps. Ostia and postica irregularly distributed, or in alternating rows. Skeletal framework more or less regular; intersection n 7 nodes thick or octahedrally excavated. The outer, or both surfaces of the wall provided with large, stellate spicules (stauractins), which differ from those of the rest of the skeleton, and are either but loosely cemented together, or are embedded in a con- tinuous silicious skin. Jurassic and Cretaceous. FIG. 70. Cypellia rugosa, Goldf. sp. Upper Jurassic; Stroll berg, Franconia. a, Sponge, Va natural size; ft, c, Dermal layer, i-'/i- Zitt. (Fig. 76). Top- shaped, bowl-shaped, or branching, without root. Canals irregu- larly distributed, crooked, and branched. Lattice skeleton with irregular meshes, intersection nodes perforated. Dermal layer composed of large, four-rayed stauractins embedded in a thin, continuous, or perforated skin. Very common in Upper Jurassic Spongitenkalk. ORDER IV SILICISP()X(JIAE-HEXACTINELLIDA r,o Zitt. Funnel-shaped or plate-like, with broad and shallow cloaca, into which the large, round postica of short canals open. Inner and ..liter surfaces provided with dermal layer, in which stellate spicules are em- bedded with reduced externally and internally directed rays. Upper Jurassic. Casearia, Quenst. ( V I i 1 1 drical, with numerous annular constrictions. Cloaca deep, tubiform ; dermal layer re- latively thick, and made up of cemented stellate spicules. Upper Jurassic. C. articulafu, Goldf. sp. Porospongia, $ Orb. (Fig. 77). Compressed and expanded, Flo. 77. more rarely bulbous or cylin- Porospongia impressa, Golclf. sp. imconia. a, e, Skeleton, M/ Upper Jurassic; Muggendorf, drical. Superior surface pitted Fra'*?™. A Fras»ient in natliral size = »• D' with large exhalent apertures of short, blindly terminating cloacae, and covered over with a dense or finely perforate silicious skin, in which cruciform spicules and regular hexactins are embedded. Lattice skeleton with cubical meshes ; intersection nodes imper- forate. Upper Jurassic. Family 4. Ventriculitidae. Toulmin Smith. Wall intricately convoluted ; folds radially disposed, generally vertical in direc- tion. Radial canals ending blind. Longitudinal furrows developed along folds of the wall, and either open, or partially covered over with dermal layer, which is usually formed by thickening of the outer skeletal layer. Skeletal framework, with octahedrally perfoi'ated nodes. Roots consisting of elon- Zltt. Up , •ma. ", Sponge, I/a natural size ; ?>, Skeleton, is/,. Fcu*yteia*smaCarteri.Zltt. Upper Jurassic; Hohenpiilz, I Ventriculites striatvs, Smith. Quadratenkrciilc; Linden, near Hanover, a, Sponge, i/., natural size ; b, Transverse section, i/, ; c, .Ski-l.-fmi, U/j. gated silicious fibres united by transverse bridges and ivithout axial canals. Jurassic and Cretaceous. Pachyteichisma, Zitt. (Fig. 78). Turbinate or bowl-shaped, with very thick, 60 COELENTERATA— SPOXGIAE CLASS I convoluted wall. Folds separated on outer surface by deeply incised furrows, on inner surface by shallow furrows. Framework extremely regular. Root and dermal layer absent. Upper Jurassic. Venfriculites, Mant. (Fig. 79). Bowl-, plate-, beaker-, funnel-shaped, or cylindrical, with wide cloaca. Wall thin, convoluted ; folds separated on both sides by closely crowded longitudinal furrows. Lattice-work of skeleton more or less regular ; outer layer thickened ; roots present. Common in Middle and Upper Cretaceous. Schizorhabdus, Rhiwpotcrion, Polyblastidium, Zitt. ; Sporadoscinia, Pomel ; Lepi- dospongia, Roem., etc. Cretaceous. Family 5. Coeloptychidae. Zittel. Umbel- or mushroom-shaped, with stalk. Wall thin, deeply folded. Convolutions radially arranged, becoming furcate toward periphery of umbel, and exposed on lower FIG. SO. Coe'optychium agaricoides, Goldf. Upper Cretaceous; Vordorf, near Braunschweig. .-', Top view. B, Pro- file. C Under surface, 2/3 natural size. D, Skeleton, 61^ surface. Marginal and upper surface enveloped with porous dermal layer entirely covering the folds. Ostia only on under side of umbel, situated on backs of the folds. Framework very regular; intersection nodes octahedral, perforated; rays of hexactins provided with slender, thorny processes. Coeloptychium, Goldf. (Fig. 80), occurring in the Upper Cretaceous of Northern Germany, England, and Southern Russia, is the solitary genue. ORDER IV SIL1CISPOXG1AK HEXACTINELLIDA 61 Family 6. Maeandrospongidae. Zittel. msistinff of thin-walled, intricate!?/ /»/>.'/rinthme, and partially amalgamate,/ tub,-* or filling which form tuberous, pyriform, beaker-shaped, or like branching stocks- !•• „ tween the <«/»>• are cavities mill interstices of consider- able &izet irliicli coiisfiftitt theso-ntllnl inti'ir.nnnlifii- lar syxfi'iii. /-'"in' canals faintly developed. Dermal t, or represented silicious superji''/"/ >•/•///. Almn- < la nt in the Cretaceous, and also represented l>v numerous recent FIG. SI. Plocost-jn ili in fii'iiuait, (ii-in. Greensand ((Vnonianian); Hanowitz, Hungary. a, Fragment in natural size ; b, Dermal lay.-r, live times enlarged ; c, Sk-l.-tnn of interior, 12/j ; ri, Outward portion of skeleton, 12/1. genera. Plocoscyphia, Reuss. (Fig. 81). Clump-like or bulbous stocks consisting of labyrinthic, anastomosing tubes or foliae. Walls of tubes thin, perforated by numerous small ostia. Latticed skeleton, intersection nodes solid or perforate. Cretaceous. Ji'-d-iflu, Schliiter (Fig. 82). The thin walls of the shallow, beaker-like sponge are composed of vertical tubes having a radial disposition and fused with one another along the sides. Between the tubes are large interstices ; near the base the tubes de- velop hollow, spinous processes. Lattice skeleton very regu- lar, exactly similar to Codoptychium. Upper Cretaceous ; Westphalia. Tremabolites, Zitt. ; Etheridgia, Tate ; Zittelispongia, Sinzoff, etc. Upper kelandi, Srlilut. C^iadrat.-nkrfide . ( 'u.-st'cld. AV.-st]»lialia. Camerospongia, d'Orb. (Fig. 83). (Jlolmlar, sul (-globular, or pyriform. Upper half of the body enveloped by .smooth silicious skin, and with large circular depression on the summit; lower half marked by undulating ridges and furrows, and passing gradually into a stem. Interior of sponge body consists of thin- walled, labyrinthous tubes. Upper Cretaceous. Cystispongia, Roem. (Fig. 84). Like the preceding, but with dense silicious FIG. 82. A, Sponge CretaceOUS. l.n.lv. i ., natural six-- ; n, Ostia of radial canals ; /; Hollow, root-like processes of wall. B, Sk.-l.-t.nii, 5J/J. 62 COBLES TERAT A— SPONGIAE CLASS i skin punctured by large, irregularly shaped apertures, uniformly enveloping the FIG. 83. Camerospongia fungiformis, Goldf. sp. Planer; Oppeln, Silesia. Natural size. FIG. 84. Cystispongia bursa, Quenst. Cuvieri-Planer (Turonian) ; Salz- gitter, Hanover, a, Sponge, natural size ; b, Dermal layer with underlying skeletal framework ; c, Skeleton, 12/j. whole sponge body. Body composed entirely of tubes. Cretaceous and still living. Sub-Class 4. CALCISPONGIAE. Calcareous Sponges. Skeleton composed of calcareous spicules of three-rayed, foitr-mii<><1, or uniaxial t <•*. The external form of the Calcisponges is quite as variable as that of the silicious sponges, and reminds one particularly of the Lithistida. Like the Lithistids, too, the thick-walled Leucones and Pharetrones have a canal-system consisting of a central cavity into which radial excurrent canals conduct ; while the numerous tributaries of. the latter end in ciliated chambers which are fed by fine incurrent canals. In the Sycones the wall is perforated by simple radial tubes, but in the thin-walled Ascones it is pierced by mere holes. The calcareous skeletal elements lie free in the soft parts, sometimes forming but a single layer disposed in the same plane (Ascones) ; sometimes their disposition is more or less distinctly radial, following the canal courses (Sycones) • some- times they are irregularly crowded together (Leucones) ; and sometimes they are closely apposed in the form of solid anastomosing fibres (Pharetrones). Regular triaxial spicules are of the most common occurrence, next monaxial spicules, sharpened on both sides, and more rarely four-rayed spicules. Owing to the ready solubility of the skeletal elements in calcareous sponges, they are usually but poorly preserved in the fossil state, and are ill-adapted for microscopical investigation. The three-rayed and rod-shaped spicules which are united in fibres are seldom distinctly recognisable as such, since, as a rule, they are either wholly or partially dissolved, and are converted into homogeneous or crystalline fibres of calcite (Fig. 88) ; in these minute threads of calcite may be •\( :>V-A^_;I ^ FIG. 8: ORDER I CALCISPONGIAE— PII A II MT1K >.\ Ms seen radiating in all diivrt ion> tn.m miim-roii- rent ivs «.t rry>talli.-at inn. SI.HH- times such calcareous skeleton- afterwards Keeomr silicilicd. It i- therefore, that the present eheniieal n>mpi»jt i«»n »\ a I'M— il -[lon^e fnrni.-li«- n~ Fibres of a PAorctroTM. composed raynl f.iiiciiI.'S (r,-r»i/i. Fi... 88. --il <-al<"il<-<,ii- spi.n^i- alt'-M-d liy crystalli.sa. tiun, 4" ,. no clue in regard to its original character, since during the process of fossilisatimi a silicious skeleton may become converted into a calcareous, and u ealeare<>n> into a silicious. Of the four orders of calcareous sponges — Pharetrones, Si/cones, A scone*, and Is-ii'-mics — only the first two are of practical importance to the palaeontologist, traces of the others being either wanting or extremely fragmentary. Order 1. PHARETRONES. Zittel. Wall thick ; canal-system like that of the Lithistida, though sometimes indi*tii»1 and apparently absent. Spicules arranged in solid anastomosing fibres ; a smooth or corrugated dermal layer frequently present. Devonian to Cretaceous; unknown in Tertiary and Recent. Eudea, Lamx. Cylindrical or club-shaped, usually simple, rarely branching. narrow, tubiform, extending to the base, and terminating above in a Fio. 89. Peronidella '. Must. sp. Upprr •)"!•- as>ic- ; Mu^gcii- dorf. Reduced V-'- Fio. 00. Peronidella dumosa, From. s|i. mis; Berklingen, Brattn- schweig. Natural size. Fin. HI. \CorynellaQuenstedti, Zitt. Conil-Ha- : Natt- li.'iin. o, Six>nge, natural size ; '•, fibres, 4/i. round osculum. Dermal layer smooth, perforated by ostia of short canals. Triassic and Jurassic. E. clavata, Lamx. Peronidella, Zitt. (antea Peronella, Zitt. non Gray, Sip/wiwcoelw, Pol,' 64 COELENTEEATA— SPONGIAE CLASS I From.), (Figs. 89, 90). Thick-walled, cylindrical, simple, or branching. Cloaca tubiform, extending to the base ; base sometimes covered by dense dermal layer, the rest of the exterior finely perforate. A distinct canal-system absent. The coarse, anastomosing skeletal fibres composed of closely packed three-rayed and one-rayed spicules. Sparse in Devonian (P. constricta, Sandb. sp.) ; common in Trias, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. Eii*il>]n>in-Ulionella Bronni, Miinst. sp. Coral-Rag; Nattheiin. Natural size. . FIG. 93. Oculospongiu, tul)uli/era,Golhi<.1onema Farringu< •//.<( , .Sharps sp. Lower Cretaceous (Aptiaii) ; Farringdon, Berkshire. -/3 natural size. Oculospongia (Fig. 93) and Diplostoma, Trias to Creta- ceous. Synopella, Zitt. ; Cretaceous. From. ; Cretaceous. Eiasmostoma^ From. (Fig. 95). Foliate-, ear-, or funnel-shaped. Upper (i.e. inner) surface covered with smooth dermal layer, in which large shallow" oscula are situated ; under surface cribriform. Cretaceous. Rhaphidonema, Hinde (Fig. 96). Beaker-, funnel-, or twisted leaf -shaped. Inner or upper surface smooth, with very small oscula or pores. Outer surface rough, cribriform. Canal-system indistinct. Trias, Jurassic, Cretaceous. Paehytylodia, Zitt. Funnel-shaped, thick-walled ; base with smooth dermal ORDER II CALCISPONGIAE— s Y< < »N KS layer; oscula invent here. l»ut absent on other parts d composed i.f very coarse, anastomosing til.r.-. < Jretaceous. (loldf. -p. exterior. sk.-i.-t..n /'. ////'»//-,,•<,,/ l,if .t«iH" "*, Mant. sp. Aptian ; Farrin-don, Berk- M, Steinmann. l/iaUtmopOia, 8li.re> A^ 15l,sh-lik(- colony, one person sliced open; natural Roem., and Barroisia, Steinm., size. ^ Mvido^cut l^ro^otMquely, «^, o, Janction Of i -»r- i n two se-inents; '., Cloaca; o, Osculuni ; (/. Hadial canals. < . I'. occur 111 the Lower and Middle Three-rayed skeletal spi.-ul.-s. •"•• l and r-'(1 (after Steiniuann). Cretaceous. l',i*ita, Swit/erland. Range and Distribution of Fossil Sponges. The phylogeny of the J///."/syo/,r/iae, Ccratospongiae, and a part of the ', owing to their perishable organisation, must ever remain involved in doubt. Nevertheless, isolated spicules prove the existence of Monactinellids and Tetractinellids in Palaeozoic seas ; while in the Trias, Jurassic, and Cre- taceous these forms become important rock-builders, and certainly play an active part in the formation of hornstone, chalcedony, and flint. In the Ter- tiary, spicules referable to existing genera are quite common. VOL. i F 66 COELENTERATA— SPONGIAE CLASS i The former distribution of the three best preserved sponge groups — the Lithistids, Hexactinellids, and Calcisponges — is noteworthy. The living repre- sentatives of the first two orders inhabit deep, or moderately deep water, while the calcareous sponges predominate in shallow waters bordering the coast. And hence, since fossil Calcisponges likewise occur almost entirely in marly, clayey, or sandy strata of undoubted littoral origin, and are absent in limestones where Lithistids and Hexactinellids predominate, it is plain that the distribu- bution of both fossil and recent sponges has been occasioned by like physical conditions. In the Cambrian occur the Lithistid genera Archaeosci/phia and Nipterella, and in the Ordovician and Silurian of Europe and North America are found a number of Teiracladina (Aulocopium) and Eutaxidadina forms (Astylospongia, Palaeomanon, Hindia), together with a few Rhizomoiina. In the Carboniferous Ehizomorina and Megamorina are sparsely represented; but in the Upper Jurassic, and especially in the Spongitenkalk of Franconia, Swabia, Switzerland, and the Krakau district, the Lithistids exhibit an astonishing development, and occasionally form thick beds. They occur only sparingly in the Lower Cretaceous, but are abundant in the Planer, Greensand, and Upper Cre- taceous of Northern Germany, Bohemia, Poland, Galicia, Southern Russia, England, and France. The Tertiary being nearly everywhere made up of shallow - water formations, the absence of Lithistids and Hexactinellids is not surprising. They persist locally, however, as, for instance, in the Upper Miocene of Bologna, and in the Province of Gran in Northern Africa. The range of the Hexadinellida is in every respect similar to that of the Lithistida. Beginning in the Upper Cambrian, they are represented in the Ordovician and Silurian by peculiarly modified Lyssacina forms (Protospongia, Phormosella, Cyathophycus, Palaeosaccus, Pledoderma, Pattersonia, Brachiospongia, Didyophyton, Astmeospongia). The same group continues also through the Devonian, where Didyophyton and its associates are conspicuous for their wide- spread distribution in North America. A few aberrant Li/tsarina, which Hinde designates as Heteradinellidae, are found in the Carboniferous. During the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras the distribution of the HexartinrUidn is nearly identical with that of the Lithistida ; although here and there beds occur which are charged principally with Hexactinellids, and others chiefly with Lithistids. Very different conditions are presented by the Calcisponges, among which only the Pharetrones and Sycons are of geological importance. The oldest calcareous sponges occur very sparsely indeed in the Middle Devonian and Carboniferous Limestone. They appear in considerable diversity in the Alpine Trias (St. Cassian and Seelandalp), but outside the Alps are almost wholly absent. In the Jurassic they occur in marly beds of the Dogger (Ranville, Swabia), and also in certain facies of the Malm (Terrain a Chailles, Coral-Rag of Nattheim, Sontheim, etc.) in Southern Germany and Switzerland. The Lower Cretaceous (particularly the Neocomian of Braunschweig, the Swiss Jura, and the Paris Basin), as well as the Aptian of La Presta, near Neuchatel, and Farringdon, Berkshire ; and also the Middle Cretaceous (Ceno- manian) of Essen, Le Mans, and Havre, are characterised by an abundance of well-preserved Pharetrones, and a lesser number of Sphinctozooid Sycons. In the Tertiary, however, both groups are wanting, although the existence of BUB-BRANCHI] > CNIDARIA— ANTHOZOA ~j - ,. calcareous spoilers is still illdicat e< 1 1 >y oeea-i< >M;I | del.iehed lri;ictiii-. \Vitll tile clost- of tllr Cretaceous, tin- IMiaivtroiies si-i-ill entirely tu ha\e disappeared. ' SuB-Bi;.\.\< H II. Cnidaria. The I'niiliiri'i or \< //////ii/*//»i/-i/ have a radially symmetrical body. and a terminal niout h-openin^ surrounded by Heshy tentacle-. In tin- ectoderm (.-ometimes also in the entoderm) midoblaM - an- common. from tin- content> of which t lu-r.-nl cells (//>/,/, //V//.s/.<), filled with an nrticatin.u fluid and contaiiiiii- a liolli)\v, spirally coiled thread, arc developed. Kach cnidohlast pOMC fine superficial process (en ii lonely developed. The ectoderm or mesoderm frequently secrete.- a calcareous or horny skeleton, and both ectoderm and entoderm are eoncerned in the pm- <1 net ion of muscles and nerves. The sexual organs are the product of th' entoderm. The Cnidaria are divided into two classes: Autlm-jm and ////'// Class 1. ANTHOZOA = ACTINOZOA. Coral Polypi I'.«imllt/ sessile, cylindrical polyps, possessing a mmith >•///•/••/// ////r-/ /"/ ttnl oesophagus, and gastrovascul"rf it inns (mesenteric folds) into a system of radially dispo&'tl JUHK-IK-*. A cakareotu or }t»rn >/ tib-lrfon is frequently developed. The simple polyp individuals have the form of a cylindrical or conical tithe. at the distal end of which is situated a muscular disk perforate! centrally by the -lit-like or oval fissure of the mouth. The mouth is furnished with a ring of tentacles round its margin, and opens into a membranous oesophageal tube 1 To the sponges, and iu fact to the Hexactinellids, Hinde lius ivt.-irt-.l the >ingular group •iiliilne occurring iu the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian Systems. Tin--,- an- all free, -lolmlar, cup-, or platter-shaped bodies containing a central cavity, and who>e i-alraiv-m.- wall is i-i.iupi'.sed nt elements arranged in (jiiinciinxial order. The elements lying on the outer or under side of the wall consist of small rhomlioidal plate- having tour transverse rays dispo-i-, /. Pasceolu*, /*<•/,,,,/;/,*. /'<,///;/,, /,<,*/>//< i,', •,'/,•*) is wholly ,-onje.-tnral ; (iiimbel as-, igns them to the calcareous algae (Doctfloporidcte), and others to the Foraniinifi-ia <•! h monograph l.y A'"/'.//' in AMiamlliingen k. bayer. Akad.-mi,-. II. ('].. Hd. XN'II.. l^l'l'. Milne -Edioardf, //., .-t Haimt, ./.. Hist. .ire Naturelle ^ih- drs 1,-ii-ain- ].al.-.,/,,i(|ii.-s. Aivh. du .Museum. Pari-. \'M]. \'.. l^.M. .l/////« -AW/'vov/s. //.. ,-t //,/>',!»'. ./., Monograph of the British fossil Coral-. Pala. tl lhnn-,1,1, M.. ibid. ISti'i-tJ'.t. and 1S7'J.- -Me'/ision of the Families and lieiiera of the Srlemdermic Zoantharia or Madreporuia. .lourn. Limn-an Sor.. Londmi. Xnni.^y. \-..l. \\"lll.. ls^i. /•',-,1/iii-itfi'l, E. 'iiti-i, K. ill-, Zoo])hytes. EW^ontologie iVa., raise. Since 1861. A""/"/, /•'., Monographic des Polypiers Jura-si. pie.- dr la Sui-se. Abhandl. Sehwei/. pahie..: 1880-94, vols. VI |. -XX 1 1. K'n'Ii, <'h. ran. Die iinijeschlerhtlirhe N'rrmeliruim dt-r jialai-o/oj-rhen Knrallrn. PalaeontOgraphica, Kd. XXIX.. 1883. Prat* K., Ueber Septalstructnr. Palaeontographica, 1882. XXIX. Quensttdt, /•'. .1.. IVtrela.-tenkun.le DiMits.-hlau.ls. Hand VII., 1889. Rohrcn uinl Sternk..rallen. ReU8*, -I. K., Sit/.UllLCsl.rrirhte drl Wirner Akadelnie. 1859, 1864, 1865, 1870 I Dellksrhrif VII., XXIII., XXVIIL, XXIX., XXXI.. XXXIII. 68 COELEXTERATA— CNIDARIA SUB-BRANCH II conducting into the gastric cavity. The outer covering of the body, whose parts are designated as wall, oral disk, and pedal disk, are constituted of ectoderm and cntoderm, between which is a thin layer of mesoderm (Mesogloea). Six eiatere»jnore radially disposed vertical partjt/ions (wseT^mesX-lTigs. 98, 99), _ projecting inwardly from the body-wall, divide the gastric cavity into a serie's of radiating compartments (mesenteric pouches}. The mesenteries are prolonged upwardly as the hollow, muscular tentacles; while the generative organs are attached to their faces near the lower end of the body. The mesenteries are mvrivd on both sides with muscular tissues, and bear mesenteric filaments on their curled inner edges. On one side of the mesenteries the muscle fibres are transversely directed, on the other longitudinally. The longitudinal system is usually considerably folded and thickened ; and the disposition of these muscular portions (Miiskelfahife) is of great importance from a systematic stand- point, since it reveals the bilateral symmetry. of many Anthozoans, and enables one readily to identify the anti- meres. If a polyp in- dividual be cut in two by a plane passing through the longer axis of the mouth -opening, then, in the Octocor«ll , -i -i tive mesenteries. posed On the Hght-hai id side, and those of the left on the left-hand side. In the Hexacomlla (Fig. 99) the mesenteries are grouped in pairs, with the muscular thickenings of any pair facing each other. T\v«» pairs, however (those corresponding with the opposite extremities of the longitudinal mouth), form often an exception to this rule, since these have the muscular thickenings placed on opposite sides. These are called the directive mesenteries, and serve to indicate the longitudinal axis of the body. Only a few Anthozoa have permanently soft bodies ; the majority secreting calcareous, horny, or partly horny and partly calcareous structures, termed the skeleton or corallum. The simplest form of corallum is that composed of microscopic, round, cylindrical, acerate, or tuberculated spicules of carbonate of lime, which are developed in great quantities in the mesoderm and remain detached in the soft parts (many Alcymaria). In a number of forms (Cornllhoti, Mopseii, TiibijHU'a) the spicules are firmly cemented together by means of a calcareous or horny connective substance, in such a manner as to form tubes ( Tubipora), or, when the secretion takes place chiefly at the base, a sclerobase, or axis. Surrounding the axis is the soft coenosarc in which the polyps of the colony are embedded (Fig. WQ1). In some cases the sclerobase is composed entirely of horny matter without admixture of calcareous secretions. In the so-called "stone corals" (Fig. 101) a consistent calcareous skeleton is formed by the outer surface of the ectoderm. At the base of the polyp between each OLA881 ANTHOZOA l>;iii- of mesenteries, the infold. -.1 ectoderm secrete* siu;ill, round, oval, or irregular calcareous bodies (ackrtfea); these arejojjjysed against one another in radial direction-, and as oth. •• cessTvely hid down on the top of them, upright partitions in- sep^d^Sternleisten, downs) are built up! Gradually, also, as the p..lvp approaches maturity, the ba-al plate becomes ral«-ilied. owing to the georetion l.y the outer surface of the ectoderm of numerous minute, cWly crowded, calcareous bodies. The septa, however, grow considerably above the Itase. and become lodged in the vertical interspaces between the mesenteries. In the same manner, within the soft body- wall, a calcareous secretion may take place, bind in- the outer edges of the septa together, and known as the n',ill or tli.rn (M'U/n; H'miil. ntiiniillr). Both septa and theca are composed of minute, denselv crowded calcareous bodies, in which delicate calcareous fibres may be seen radiating in all directions from a central dark space. And since - - i:i,r, Mesentery ; loc, M>— • tt-rial pouches ; coe, Coenosark ; .^>t, s.-ptum : col, Cohuiiella. all the calcareous bodies forming the septa have a radial disposition, the calcification-centres as seen in transverse sections form a dark, mostly inter- rupted, and occasionally jagged median line, from which bundles of minute fibres radiate outward in all directions. Similar calcification-centres are found also in the theca. Sometimes the median dark line is uninterrupted and di\ ides the septum into two separate lamellae. The interstices between the sclerites forming the septa are either completely filled with carbonate of lime (Aporosa), or there remain larger or smaller porous -paces (J'l'i-furnta); in many cases, in fact, the septa are represented by a loose network of sclerites piled up vertically, or merely by vertically directed spine-. The number of mesenteries and septa within the visceral chamber is equal to that of the tentacles, and is somewhat uniform throughout the different sub-classes, orders, genera, and species. Increase takes place, as a rule, in such a manner that whenever, as the polyp grows, a new visceral chamber is formed. 70 COELENTEEATA— CXIDARIA SUB-BRANCH II a new septum is secreted. The number, width, thickness, and mode of forma- tion of the septa furnish important systematic characters, usually four, six, eight, or twelve principal or primary septa are first formed, between which septa of the second, third, and fourth cycles and so on are successively inter- calated. The upper edges of the septa are sometimes smooth, sometimes serrated or uranulated ; and they extend from the central depression to the walls of the theca, either obliquely or in a curved line. This open, central depression, formed by the superior edges of the septa, is known as the calice (AV'7/, cul '//.'•)• The sides of the septa are rarely smooth, but are commonly granulated or furnished with rows of small prominences ; occasionally they are provided with well-marked vertical cross-bars (carinae). When the projections on the sides of the septa are in the form of conical or cylindrical transverse bars, they are termed synapticula. Frequently the synapticula of two adjacent septa become joined together ; sometimes whole rows of them are fused, together to form perpendicular bars, thus greatly strengthening the septal framework. In some corals (Athecalia) the development of synapticula is such as to render an oute* wall superfluous. With the upward growtjji of the polyp, the theca gradually becomes elevated, and its lower portions, as their occupation by the soft parts ceases, are' partitioned off by numerous horizontal or oblique calcareous plates which bridge over the interseptal spaces. These structures are known as dissepiments (Traversen) and tabulae (Baden); the tabulae are often nothing but highly developed dissepiments, being dis- tinguished from the latter merely by the fact sol. coraiium split open that they extend across between the s&pta at longitudinally ; true colu- •? meiia in the centre, sur- the same level ; sometimes they are perfectly ofpali- horizontal, sometimes they are arched or funnel-shaped (Fig. 102), and sometimes incomplete. Dissepiments and tabulae are most strongly developed in cylindrical forms, and frequently fill the in- cluded space within the theca with a vesicular or cellular tissue. When a number or when all of the septa are produced as far as the centre of the calice, their free edges may become twisted so as to form an axial structure, known as a pseudo-columella. Sometimes, however, a true columella (Saulchen, Axe) is present ; this may be either a compact, styliform, or foliaceous structure, or may be composed of a bundle of styliform or twisted rods (Fig. 10:>), or of thin lamellae. It extends from the floor of the visceral chamber to the bottom of the calice, into which it projects for a greater or less distance. The structures known as pali (Pfahlchen, paluli) are narrow vertical plates which are inserted between the columella and the inner ends of the septa in one or more cycles (Fig. 103). The outer wall or theca is often formed by the secretion of a particular ring-like fold of the ectoderm, and is constituted of distinct sclerites, having separate calcification -centres, and connecting the outer edges of the septa FIG. 102. Lithostrotion Murtin.i, E. and H. -Longi- tudinal sec- tion showing tabulae. FIG. 103. cyathus, CLASS 1 ANTHOZOA 71 (Knflii'';ili,i). In many <•;,>«•> the peripheral edges of the septa become thickni.-d and laterally fu.-ed tn form a spurious theca (Psetnl<>l/i' <•«/>" ); and occasionally the dissepiments lyin-- in a certain zone become united BO as to form an inner wall within the true thcca. The rj,tth<;;i is a usually smooth, sometimes corrugated, superficial calcareous investment, which, according to Koch, is merely a prolongation of the liasd plate, and is secreted by the outer surface of the ectoderm, which is reflected over the top of the corallum. The epitheca is deposited either directly upon the theca, or, when the septa are produced outwards so as to form exothecal lamellae or ribs (W^-), the theca and epitheca are separated. Exothecal lamellae, not corresponding in position to the septa, are called y/>r//,///(v,s/W or rut/tic. Sexual reproduction is comparatively rare among Anthozoans. Following fertilisation and segmentation of the ova, ciliated larvae are born, which swim a 1 >out for a time, become fixed, and develop into simple polyp individuals. Asexual reproduction by gemmation or fission is much more common. The individuals produced in this way remain connected with one another and with the parent animal, forming polyp stocks or colonies of exceedingly various forms and sizes. New corallites are produced either within or without the calice of the parent polvp. In extra- calicinal gemmation, the buds are thrown out either from the sides of the polyp (lateral ija iunation\ or are formed in the common calcareous matrix which unites the various corallites of a colony (coerienchymal and f<>4«l ffemniatiori). In both cases the new corallites may diverge from one another, being attached to the parent corallum only at the base, or they may grow up closely opposed to the latter and to one another, so that the thecae are in contact on all sides. In this way, branched, dendroid, or massive and knob-like ( " astraeif orm ") compound coralla are formed. A less common mode of increase is by basal or stolonal gemmation. In this process the Avail of the original polyp sends out creeping prolongations (stolons) or basal expansions, out of which new corallites arise. In calidnal gemmation buds are produced within the calice of the parent corallite, according to one or the other of the following methods : — Either certain particular septa become enlarged and pro- duced so as finally to enclose a new calicinal disk (septal gemmation) ; or tabulae are produced upwards in the form of pockets, from which neAv corallites are developed (tiilnilur ijciniiuiti»n). In both septal and tabular gemmation, a portion of the parent corallite including a part of the original Avail is concerned in the formation of buds; while the septa or modified tabulae are converted into portions of the new thecae, from which neAv septa then begin to grow inwards toward the centre. A peculiar kind of calicinal gemmation is that known as rejuvenescence. In this method only one bud is formed within the parent calice, but it enlarges until it completely fills the latter. By the indefinite repetition of this process, a corallum is formed, consisting of a succession of cups placed one within the other, of which only the youngest and uppermost is occupied by the living animal. The beginning of reproduction by fission is marked by an elongation or distortion of the parent calice, accompanied by the contraction of the Avail at •pposite points along the margin. The constriction may proceed until it divides the oral disk into tAvo halves ; or tAvo opposite septa may unite to form a new theca. By this method, branching, massive, or astraeiform colonies are produced, Avhich do not differ essentially from those formed by budding. l-l COELENTERATA— CNIDARIA SIB-BRA:STH n Frequently, however, individuals formed by fission become only imperfectly separated, remaining proximally more or less closely in contact. In such cases tin- mlices form continuous, straight, curved, or labyrinthic furrows, with more or less clearly distinguishable centres. The compound corallum of a polyp stock remains practically the same as in solitary individuals, excepting that the conditions are more complicated when the separation of the individuals is incomplete. Dendroid and astraeiform • colonies frequently develop a common connective matrix or tissue (coenenchyma) which unites the various corallites into a whole ; it is secreted externally to the theca by an inverted external part of the polyp over the top of the corallum (Jin mljiliiffe), and is sometimes dense in structure (Oculinulae), or it may consist of a vesicular or tubular tissue. The separate corallites are often also united by means of the septa, which are produced over and beyond the thecae, and fused with those of neighbouring individuals. In such cases the interseptal loculi are almost always filled with strongly developed dissepiments. All structures developed in the included space within the theca, with the exception of the septa, are designated collectively as endotheca ; those lying without the theca as exotheca. The Anthozoa are exclusively marine forms, and predominate in shallow water. Many of the Actiniaria, Antipatharia, and Madreporaria occur also at greater depths, ranging from 50-300, and sometimes even to 1500 fathoms. The so-called reef-corals inhabit depths not exceeding 30-35 metres, and require a temperature of the water of about 18° to 20° C. Hence, existing coral-reefs are restricted to a zone extending about 30° on either side of the equator ; they are distinguished according to form as fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and atolls. While the stony corals (Forties, Madrepora, Turbinaria, Pocittupnw, numerous Astraeidae and Fungidae) and the Alcyonarians (Hdiopora) are the most important, they are not the only agents concerned in the formation of reefs, as an active part is also played by the Hydromedtwc (Milleporidae), calcareous algae (Litliothamnium, Melobesia), mollusks, echinoderms, bryozoans, and worms. Of the ancient coral-reefs which have been formed in nearly all of the great geological periods, those of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic periods are composed in part of genera similar to those now living; while those of the Palaeozoic represent genera and families that are now principally extinct, and whose relation to living forms is often quite uncertain. The Anthozoa are divided by Haeckel into three sub-classes — Tef i, and Octoeoralla. Sub-Class 1. TETRACORALLA. Haeckel.1 (Zoantharia Rugosa, Milne-Edwards ; Pterocorallia, Freeh.) Extinct, palaeozoic, simple, or composite sderodermic corals, with septa, arranged according to a tetrameral system, and either bilaterally or radially si/mmetrirnl ; 1 Literature (cf. also p. 67) : Kunth, A., Beitrage zm Kemitniss fossiler Korallen. Zeitschrift der deiitschen geoloeisclien Gesell- schaft, Hd. XXI.. isw. ;,.,.! XXII., 1870. Dybotosl-i. It'. .V.. Monographic -'/'i/it;>; F., Lethaea Palaeozoica, 1883, pp. 324-416. >V///;//,>,-. (i,-m., Anthozoen dt-s rliciuischeii Mittel-Devons. Aldiaiulhmgeii der preussischen <*eolo- gfechen Lmides-Austiilt, lid. VII I.. 1889. 81 B-OLA88 I AKTHOZOA— TETRACORALLA /// / or dissepiments, mxi //•//// well^nctrbed^ fi/>fn>-nf/i/ /'•/•////•/'/w/. The Tetnn-iii-iiltii are especially characteri>ed by the possession <>f foui principal or primary septa, between which four set- of new >epta ;uc subse- quently developed. The four principal septa are sometimes of c<|ii;il pi-opor tions. when they may bo either stouter ami longer than the others (>'/»/»/ thinner and shorter (Omphyma) } or they may In- of une,|u;d proportions. Of the two principal septa which lie in the longitudinal axis of tin- corallum. nin- (called tlie 1-iin/itnil tH-jifinii) is fre(juently situated in a depre — ion or furrow known as tin- t'<*.//////,/• .«///////, is either normally developed, or is more or less reduced. Occasionally the counter septum is placed in a fossula, while the cardinal septum is normally developed . but the two laterally disposed or nlur >>y/" are always e«|iial in sixe. The remaining septa not infrequently exhibit a well-marked radial arrangement, in which the longer and more strongly developed usually alternate with the shorter and less strongly developed. New septa, according to Kunth and Dybowski, are inserted in the follow- ing order. First, a new septum is given off on either side of the cardinal septum (Fig. 104, A), and takes up a position parallel with the alar septum. This leaves an intermediate space between the cardinal and the newly formed septa, which becomes filled, however, by the repeated insertion of new septa one above the other in the same manner as the first ; and hence they diverge from the cardinal septum, as they grow upward, in a pinnate fashion. Likewise the two counter °0™te1' s''1)tnl quadrants lying between the alar and counter septa become occupied by lamellae which are given off from the alar septa, and gradually arrange themselves parallel with the counter septum. The mode of growth in the Tetrawratla will be readily understood on inspecting the surface of such specimens whose septa are visible on the exterior, or whose wall is readily removed by corrosion or polishing. One may then note three distinct lines extending from the calicinal margin to the base ; these mark the cirdinal and the two alar septa, from which the other pinnately branching septa are directed obliquely upward (Fig. 105). The order in which the septa are given off in the four quadrants is indicated by the numerals in Fig. 104. Many of the Tetrwnrnllii multiply by sexual reproduction, and occur only as single individuals ; asexual reproduction takes place usually by calicinal, more rarely by lateral gemmation, and results in dendroid or massive colonies. Dissepiments are generally abundantly developed between the septa, which latter are compact, and the upper edges of which are either smooth or serrated. Sometimes the dissepiments fill the whole interior with a vesicular tissue, and the central visceral cavity is frequently entirely partitioned off by horizontal, inclined, or funnel-shaped tabulae. The wall is usually composed MI nnjili iiUu in 1i IIH'I inn r- !/: nut ii in, K. aii'l II. ' u- honilVrous Limestoiif ; Tom nay, Bi-l^iuin. -/]. A. Cun'linal si-plum ; ij, s, Alar I 'I... 105. Zaphrentif Bill. Onlovician : cinnati, Ohio. Natural size. COELEXTERATA— CXIDARIA SUB-BRANCH II of the thickened and fused septal edges ; sometimes it is invested with epitheca and furnished with vertical rugae or root-like processes. A true coenenchyma is absent. In a few genera the calice is provided with a lid or operculum, which may be composed of one (Calceola) or of several plates (Goniophyllum). With the exception of a few genera whose systematic position is uncertain, all the typical TetracoraUa are confined to the Palaeozoic rocks. They are probably the ancestors of the imperf orate Hexacoralla. Family 1. Cyathaxonidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Turlinatc or horn-shaped coralla, occurring only simple. Septa with regt/In,- radial arrangement. Tabulae and dis- sepiments absent. Cyathaxonia, Mich. (Fig. 106). Acutely pointed, conical. Cardinal septum in fossula. Septa numerous, extending inward as far as the strongly developed styliform and considerably elevated columella. Carboniferous Limestone ; Belgium and England. Duncanella, Xich. Corallum top- shaped. Septa nearly all of uniform length and size, forming a spurious columella in centre of the deep calice, exsert at the base. Silurian ; North America. D. lorenlis, Xrch. Petraia, Miinst, (Fig. 107). Tur- binate or conical. Septa short, reaching to the centre only at the Columella absent. Ordovician to Carboniferous. FIG. 106. Cyathaxonia cnrnii, Mir.h. ( 'a rlion ifVrnr.s Limestone; Toumuy. Cor- allum" with fractured theca, showing open interseptal loculi. 2/1- Petraia Must. Devonian; Enkeberg, near Brilon. Vl- a, Cor- allum viewed from the apex ; 6, Trans- verse section below the middle. FIG. 10S. PolycoeJw pro- funda, Germ, sp. Zechstein ; Gera. l/i (after Roemer). base of the very deep calice. Polycoelia, King. (Fig. 108). Horn-shaped. Calice very deep; four principal septa reach nearly to its centre, between which in each quadrant are five shorter septa. Zechstein. Kanophyllum, Dyb. Ordovician and Silurian. Family 2. Palaeocyclidae. Dybowski. Coralla simple, discoidal, or bowl-shaped. Septa numerous, stout, approaching radial symmetry in disposition. - Tabulae and dissepiments wanting. r«l,Lin. Silurian; Gottland. ". Tnp view of calice; b, Profile. 1/1. FIG. 110. M ic rocyct " >• discus, Meek and Worth. Hamil- ton (Devonian); North America. J/i. ", (.'i>rallum from below; I, from above (after Nicholson). Calice with three Devonian ; Eifel srp.-t'l.Ass [ A NTHOZOA— TETRACORALLA Meek and Worth. (Fig. 110). Like the preceding, but with mly one septal fossula. Devonian ; North America. Family 3. Zaphrentidae. Milne-Kdwards and Haime. Cwalla ximjili; fiirliimif'; conical, <><• o//;,/,//vimpnts not very abundant in inter- sry;//// Ix'uli. N/,-,-/,/, /„.<„,„, Hall. Turbinate, often curved. Septa numerous (80-130), alternately long and short; the free edges of the longer septa are t \vi-trd together ' ( , /( in the centre to form a pseudo- coluinella. Tab- ulae few or alismt. Posi- tion of the prin- cipal septum is ivrugnisable on the exterior by system of pin- nately diverging costal ridges. Common in Ordo- \iriaii and Sil- urian. FIG. 111. nilcnsix, Bill. Hudson River group (Oi'iluviciau); Cincinnati, Ohio. l/j. A, Side vi>-\v. /.', Transverse section. C, Longitudinal section, (h, Car- dinal sejituin; g, counter septum ; s, alar septum.) f. (Figs. 111-114). Simple, turbinate, or sub -cylindrical, - W TIG. 114. r,,.. ii-j. Zdphrentis Enniskilleni, "Rich, ('ariioiiifernus Lime. y.ueiir. Dev...nian lime- ( •iirl.onitVroiis Limestone; and two short septa united at the end* to form the wall. -tone ; ohio. Ti.urnay, Helium. D, Longitudinal section showing tabulae (after Nicholson). irer|iiently elongated. Calice deep, with circular margin. Septa numerous, reaching to the centre ; cardinal septum in a deep fossula. Tabulae numerous, somewhat irregular, and passing from side to side of the visceral chamber : 7fi COELEXTERATA — OX ID ARIA SUB-BRANCH n dissepiments sparingly developed in outer zone of corallum. 50-60 species known, ranging from Silurian to Carboniferous. Maximum development in Carboniferous. Amplexus, Sow. Simple, sub- cylindrical, or elongated turbinate. Calice shallow, usually Avith septal fossulae. Septa moderately numerous, short, never produced to centre. Tabulae highly developed, horizontal. Ordovician to Carboniferous limestone. Aulacophyllum, E. and H. Turbinate. Septa numerous, extending to centre. Cardinal septum in deep fossula ; adjacent septa pinnately developed. Ordovician to Devonian. J/^o/;A/////////, E. and H. (Fig. 104). Turbinate. Cardinal septum in largest of three fossula. Carboniferous limestone. Lophophyllum. E. and H. Carboniferous limestone. Anisophyllam, E. and H. Ordovician to Devonian. Pycnophyllum, Lindstr. Ordovician and Silurian. Apasmophyllum, Roem. Metriophi/llurn, E. and H. Thamnophyllum, Penecke. Devonian. Peiitapliyllum, de Koninck. Carboniferous. Family 4. Cyathophyllidae. Milne-Ed\vards and Haime. Simple or composite corolla. Septa numerous, radially arranged ; the four prin- cipal septa rarely distinguished by greater or smaller size. Tabulae and veswulai tissue (dissepiments) abundant. Cyathophylhim, Goldf. (Figs. 115-117). Extremely variable in form, sometimes simple, turbinate, or sub-cylindrical ; sometimes giving rise to FiO.118. l'!/iitlinplii/U.ii/n i-i/cx/iitdxii HI, Gull 1 1. Devonian; Gerolstein, Eifel. Natural Cyathophyllum hemgonv.m, Goldf. Devonian; Gerol- size. stein, Eifel. Natural size. bushy, fasciculate, or astraeiform colonies, where reproduction takes place by calicinal or lateral gemmation. Septa very numerous, strictly radial in arrange- ment, and often alternately long and short ; the longer septa extending to the centre. Visceral chamber filled with numerous imperfectly developed tabulae : vesicular dissepiments highly developed in peripheral portion. Nearly 100 species known, ranging .from Ordovician to Carboniferous limestone Maxi- mum development in Devonian. si B-CLA88 I ANTHOZOA— TETRACOBALLA ~~ i, E. and H. (Fig. 118). Like the preceding, but >cj»ta not to the centre. Devonian and Carboniferous Limestone. Hall. I'snally simple and turbinate, more rarely forming |r • rli/iH/iiit Ji'-ti-i-'ii'lii/Hum E. and H. .Middl Devonian; Gerolstein, Eifel. ^4, Transverse ; /^Longi tudinal section (after Nicholson). Fi.;. 118. < '<* in jHijili i/ll a m rnni- / * ri xxii in. Ludw. Car- boniferous Limestone ; Hausdorf, Silesia. u, Longitudinal ; b, Trans- verse section. Fio. ll'J. Diphyph '•in, i a in, Lonsd. Carboniferous Li nic.st one; Ka- nn-nsk, Ural. dendroid colonies. Septa numerous, extending to the centre, and thickened on their sides by conspicuous vertical ridges ("carinae "). Devonian. l)ifilii()JiyUumt Lonsd. (Fig. 119). Ordovician to Carboniferous. PJ/ol /- 1'iliyllum, Lindstr. Ordovician and Silurian. Eridophyttum, E. and H. Silurian Uuttla ;uid Devonian. E. and H. Silurian limestone; ", Side view ; 1>, Calice from above. Lithoxt i otto* ,B.andH. Carbon. Limcst. ; Maiisdnrf, Sili-sia. Sections of in- dividual corallite (after Knntli). ^ Dyb. Carboniferous. Devonian. CrepidofJiyUiim, Xich. Nich. Chona.w, E. and H. Silurian to Carboniferous. , Eaf. (Fig. 120). Corallum simple, conical, or turbinate ; th.-ra with root-like processes. Septa numerous ; the four principal septa in shallow \ >.ma. COELENTERATA— CNIDABIA SUB-BRANCH II fossula. Surface marked with pinnately branching striae. Tabulae numerous. Silurian. Chonophyllum, E. and H. Silurian and Devonian. Ptyctiaphyttvm, E. and H. Simple and turbinate, or composite. Each stock is composed of funnel-shaped, invaginated layers, representing calicinal buds, the marginal lips of which are more or less reflected outwards. Septa numerous and strongly twisted in the centre to form a pseudo-columella ; their peripheral edges are thick- ened and are fused with one another so as to form a wall. Silurian (P. patellatum, Schlot. sp.) and Devonian. FIG. 122. J.nitxiliilvin. Jlorifiinitix. Lolisd. Carboniferous Limestone ; Kildare, Ireland, l/i- a, Two cylindrical corallites, partially split open ; /'. Two hexagonal calices, seen from above. Phillipsustraea Hennahi, E. and H. Devonian limestone ; Ebersdorf, Silesia. «, Upper surface ; I, Transverse section. Natural size. Cydophylhim, Duncan and Thorn. Simple, cylindro-conical. Septa numer- ous, the longer ones forming a thick pseudo-columella with enclosed spongy tissue. Aulophyllwn, E. and H., Aspidophyllum, fiJwdophyllum, Xich. and Thorns., etc. Carboniferous. Ltifwstrotwn, Llwyd. (Stylaxis, M'Coy ; Petalaxis, E. and H.), (Fig. 121). Fasciculate or astraeiform stocks composed of prismatic or cylindrical corallites. FIG. 124. Stauria n.i/e (after Nicholson). Septa numerous, alternately long and short. Styliform columella in the centre. Abundant in Carboniferous limestone. Lonsdaleia, M'Coy (Fig. 122). Fasciculate or astraeiform, composite coralla. Septa well developed ; columella large, composed of vertically rolled lamellae. Central tabulate area bounded' by an interior dissepimental wall, BUB-CLASS 1 A NTHOZOA— TETRACORA LLA between which ;iin I tli«- thera vehicular endotheca is abundantly developed. Common in Carboniferous rocks. Sclnveiu.u- Astraeiforni storks composed of small prismatic cMrallites. Septa e\t remely numerous. very slender, extending to the centre. Theca imperfectly developed. Visceral chamber filled with infundibulit'orm tabular and vesicular tixiir. Silurian (X. ///////x, M'Cuy sp.) and Devonian. I'lif/tfiji/ifitlimi, S/titiiji////!/niii, E. and 11. Silurian and I )«-\ oiiian. .Irrmiltii-in, Srhweiuu. Astraeiform or bushy colonio. Septa stout and numrrou-. S3T interior wall ifl present; taltidae are de\c]oped in the central area, \\hile the perijdieral zone is filled with vesicular tissue. Silurian (. /. >, Lin. sp.) and Devonian. f, E. and H. (Fig. 123). Astraeiform colonies, with indi- vidual corallites united l>y confluent septa, which are produced lieyond the theca. and uhsciire the same. Interseptal loculi filled with vesicular endotheca. I>e\oniaii and (arhoniferous. Sfniir/n, E. and H. (Fig. 124). Astraeiform or bushy composite coral la. Septa \\ell developed; the four principal septa characterised by larger size, and forming a complete cross in centre of each corallite. Silurian (Wenlock). Columnaria, Goklf. (Favistella, Hall). Astraeiform stocks, composed of long, polygonal, thick- walled corallites. Septa radially arranged in two cycles, alternately long and short, barely reaching the centre. Tabulae horizontal. disposed at regular intervals apart, and stretching across the entire visceral chamber. Dissepiments imperfectly developed or absent. Ordovician to Devonian. Heterophyllia, M'Coy. Carboniferous. Battersbyia, E. and H. Devonian. Family 5. Cystiphyllidae. Milne-Edwards and Haiinc. Usually simple corolla. Septa very thin ; interseptal loculi filial /'•//// or compact stereoplasma. Tabulae absent ; central of visceral cJmmler either completely filled ivith vesicular („• stereoplasma, or containing the same only in the lower portions of chamber. Calcareous operculum sometimes present. CystiphyUum, Lonsd. (Figs. 125, 126). Simple, very rarely fofmTng bushy colonies. Calice deep; the entire visceral chamber filled with vesicular tissue, which, as a rule, wholly obliterates the numerous lineally directed si -pi a. Silurian and Devonian. >'//vy///^/r>, M'Coy (Fig. 127). Usually simple coralla. Septa well developed, alternately long and short, some- times forminj^a pseudo-columella. Silurian to Carbon- iferous. Goniophjmm, E. and H. (Fig. 128). Corallum simple, in the form of a four-sided pyramid, and covered with thick epithecal deposit. Calice deep; septa numerous, thick and very short. Entire visceral chamber filled with vesicular and stereoplasmic endotheca. Operculum com- posed of four plates symmetrically paired. Silurian. Rhizophyllum, Lindst. Corallum simple, pyramidal, KK.. i •_•:,. Cyitipkyll <>[<.;1,'l1,'..ll sij!.''v""ia" or hemispherical, 80 COELEXTERATA— CNIDARIA SUB-BRANCH II flattened on one side ; external surface corrugated, and sending off hollow, root -like exothecal processes. Calice marked with septal striae ; internal FIG. 126. Cystiphyllum cylindricum, Lonsd. Silurian; Iron Bridge, England. ^4, B, Transverse and longitudinal sections (after Nicholson). FIG. 127. Strephodes Murchisoni, Lons. Showing strongly developed dissepiments and tabulae. structure consisting of vesicular tissue and stereoplasma. Operculum in form of semicircular plate ; inner sur- face traversed by median ridge and fainter, granulated, parallel elevations. Silurian. Calceola, Lam. (Fig. 129). Corallum simple, semi -turbin ate. or slipper-shaped, with one side flat and triangular. Calice very deep, extending nearly to apex, and marked internally with fine septal striae. Cardinal septum placed in the centre of the vaulted side, counter septum in middle of flattened side, and alar septa at the angles. Internal structure composed of fine vesicular tissue and stereoplasma. Operculum semicircular, very thick, under Calceola sandalina, Lam. , " . Devonian; Eifei. Natural surface marked with prominent median and fainter lateral septal ridges. C. sandalina, Lam. Very common in Middle Devonian of Europe, rare in Carboniferous Limestone of Belgium. FIG. 128. finii inpii /ill a at, pyramid' ate, His. Sp. Silurian; Gottland. A, Specimen with operculum. B, Calice seen from above. Natural size (after Lindstrom). FIG. 129. Range and Distribution of the Tetracoralla. The typical Tetracoralla are confined to the Palaeozoic rpfiks. They are unknown in the Cambrian, and make their first appearance in the Ordovician, where they are sparsely represented in North America and in Hfrope. Here the most abundantly distributed genus is Streptelasma ; Cyathophyllum and Ptychqphyttum being of rarer occurrence. The period of maximum development falls in the Silurian, which contains the largest number of genera and species. There are limestones found on the islands of Gottland and Dago (Esthonia), as well as at Dudley, Shropshire, and at Lockport, New York, and other places in North America, which are made up of ancient coral-reefs. The principal agents BUB-CLASS II ANTIIo/oA — I1K\.\< <»|;.\l.!..\ concerned in tin- fiiriiiatinii «it" i! //•'//-., //«/«*/• : .iiia, Auhir»jihi/llniii, Cyxti- /ihl/lllllii. etc., <>f tlic T'fr'l'-","//'!, Koides llUIlleroi; and Kchinodernis. Tin- / f"<-0raUa arc not ma in tin- \> • •specially in the Middle and I n <>l the Kif.i ;. Mar/.. I '.onlo^n,-. Kn.u'land. and Nort: .ndant here are the .u'eiiera 1'f/tith»/iltyllinn, < V//M//I, . ,''»/'// /V/I//X Anifil'-niji, Lift i, etc.. predominate in t he ( 'arlMHiifen.ii- I .inn-stone of B< ! : Ireland, and North . \nieii. -a ; while in tin- Xn h-tein the >n|ifary x«'"U> i /. ( )n the other hand, the iVrnio ( '.u -I,,,,, • . ,j the Salt L'aiiLTf in l-'arther India and of the i-l;iml Timor contain the -, ./////,H»/II/. \ h. the . (i'i.;i'-"i-'i/l'' ; and to this ^r-iuji al>«» ha\c been assigned //o/oryx/ix, K. and II., from the Cretaceous, and the recent genera /A/y/oy,//////!//,-. and ti'iii/nin, Duncan. A numlier of Palaeozoic Tetrawralla, such a« / .•lii/lli". and Sfnurin, are referred )>y Duncan and Nicholson to th<- Sub-Class 2. HEXACORALLA. HaeckeL (Zoantharia, Blainville ; //».»•./»•/////// and /V///// /w.AW ///<»///, /•/<.< »//•/>//"/ in cyd* -' es of si. r • fr«jiii nf/i/ ii-'ifh riil/;i, lint xiHiH-tiiiH'* jl.f these three on (jnly the MadnpOTQtia are kno\\-n in a fossil These forms are di-t MIL: li-hed from the T'trii'-»nilln by the lu-xann-ral system and radial arrangement of m- - and septa : and from tli> 100, in addition to the abore-named characters, by their simjile tentacles. In the M-nlf /"•n'ri". -i\g oi- more rai'ely t\\el\e principal sej t;. spring from the l)a|e of the theca, and bet \\een ii these new septa originate in >udi manner 'i,'. that all similarly situate.! mesenteries be ;;; come simultaneously provided with an J ' 130. • Miln.-- K.lwnnU •!>>! i th- II, j- ti, ;;;;;; "••" A .... . n . mark *e beginning m additional septum. The corallum, accord in.icly, consists of at least six, but usually j"'j{ ^.VlTut'..'^'!"'^!-'- ' of a larger numl>er of septa, \\ hose disposi- tion is strictly radial. The six principal septa form the first cycle, and at the VOL. I <; 82 COELENTERATA — CXIDABIA SUB-BRANCH n same time mark off the boundaries between which new cycles of successively six, twelve, twenty-four septa, etc., are inserted. The septa of any cycle are usually all of about the same length and thickness, those of the later cycles being almost invariably of lesser proportions than those of the earlier. This law of septal growth, however, which was first accurately determined by Milne-Edwards and Haime (Fig. 130), is by no means strictly adhered to. Irregularities in the growth of new septa may result in a penta-, hepta-, or octameral arrangement. Reproduction takes place either sexually, when separate individuals are pro- duced ; or asexually, by means of lateral or basal gemmation ; or by fission. In composite coralla, the individual corallites are sometimes united by a common coenenchyma. Endothecal structures are frequently present in the form of synapticula, dissepiments, and tabulae. The order of stone corals or Madreporaria (Zoantharia sclerodermata) was divided by Milne-Edwards and Haime into five sub-orders : fiugosa, Tabulata, Tubulosa, Perforata, and Aporosa. Of these, the Itugosa have been elevated by Haeckel into a separate sub-class under the name of Tetracoralla. The groups Aporosa and Perfomta are called Hexacoralla ; while the affinities of the Tabulate (with which the Tubulosa are now generally included) are still unsatisfactorily determined. The group is certainly composed of a varied assemblage of forms, some of which have been assigned to the Hexacoralla, some to the Octocoralla, and some to the Hydrozoa and Bryozoa. [Miss Ogilvie, D.Sc., will shortly publish a work on the "Structure and Classification of Corals," in which the subdivisions of the Madreporaria into Tetracoralla and Hexacoralla are entirely abandoned, on the ground that the tetra- meral septal system is merely an ancestral feature strongly marked in certain of the older families, while hexameral septal symmetry is but one of many forms of radial symmetry (pentameral, octameral, decameral, dodecameral, etc.), developed in the course of time within this group of corals. The further sub- division of Hexacoralla into Aporosa and Perforata is also discontinued by Miss Ogilvie, who classifies the whole of the Madreporaria (" stone corals ") into a number of families of equal rank. These are : — Zaphrentidae, Cyathophyllidae, Amphiastraeidae (a new family of Palaeozoic — Recent age, including Stauria, Columnaria, Pinacophyllum, AmpJiiastraea, Aplosmilia, Euphyllia, etc.), TurUnolidae (including the Cyathaxonidae and Trochosmilinae), Oculinidae, Pocilloporidae (in- cluding the Stylophorinae with the genera Astrocoenia and Stephanocoenia), Madre- poridae (including the Turbinarinae), Stylinidae, Astraeidae (excluding the Eus- milinae, Edw. and H.), Fungidae (including the Thamnastraeinae), Eupsammidae (including the Stylophyllinae, Epistreptapliyllum, Diplaraea, etc.), Archaeocyathidae, and Poritidae. — THE AUTHOR.] •rder 1. MADREPtRARIA. Milne-Edwards. Radially symmetrical sclerodermous corals with typically hexameral (rarely penta- meral, heptameral, or octameral) arrangement of septa. Sub-Order A. APfROSA. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Septa and theca compact ; inter septal loculi usually partitioned off by dissepiments oi' synaptioles, more rarely by tabulae, seldom empty throughout. Theca either in- dependently secreted, or formed by fusion of the septal edges, or absent. BUB-CLASS II ANTILOZOA— HK.\ACOI;ALL.\ Family 1. Turbinolidoe. Milm-Jvlwarils un-l Halm.-. ( 'Hi-nil inn timjili; ni-ii .-, /.„! ,-niiifi'i.-il- '••///, (»•. The TurbinoKdat Ix-^in in the Juras>ie, and ai ily aliiiiiil.-uit iii tin- T-'l'tiary and at tin- |>iv-mt • duodielmooottabt*, Guiiir. i:cm- ; l{;nli-n, IK-JIT Vicuna. Natural size. '•on /.'.,/>..//,. nn.l H M nt-ar Vienna. Natural size. columella present. Tertiary and Recent ; common in Calcaire Grossier of tho 1'ari- I'.asin, and Eocene of England. Sfpkcnetrochtu, E. and H. Free, cuneiform, with don uated calice ; columella foliaceous. Cretaceous to Recent. N. rfi.^ni.^ Lam. Common in Calcaire Grossier of tin- Paris Basin. SiHilofrifliH.", K. and 11.; >7//A///v/r////>, From.; n,,,-hnt,-iH-liii.<. Duncan. Cretaceous; Discotrochus, E. and H. Tertiary, etr. <',,-<'f»fritchus, E. and H. (Fig. 132). Horn shaped ; MCOnuhiS, Fnmi. Ajitian ; H;iutc Manic. ,-, L'n.lilc, natural size ; t-ene ; I'or/.tcich, Moravia. .-, rrulilc, i.a! sw-tiun, nntural aizo ltnlii'n.<, K. ami II- I, Calii-c cnUirneil. ... . , natural si/c ; b, Calice cnlar-.-l. young forms attached at the apex. Septa very numerous, produced theca ; columella fasciculate. Cretaceous to Recent. 84 COELENTERATA — CX1DARIA SUB-BRANCH n Flabellum, Lesson. (Fig. 133). Wedge-shaped, compressed, isolated, or attached. Septa numerous. Wall covered with epitheca, and sometimes furnished with spinous processes. Tertiary and Recent. Trochocyathus, E. and H. (Fig. 134). Horn-shaped, with circular calice. Septa stout; columella papillous and trabecular, and surrounded by several cycles of pali. Numerous species from Lias to Recent. Thecocyathus, E. and H. Depressed, conical, or discoidal, attached early in life, later becoming free. Wall with thick epithecal investment. Calice circular, septa numerous ; columella fasciculate, and surrounded by several cycles of pali. Lias, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Recent. Paracyathus, Deltocyathus, E. and H. Tertiary and Recent. Discocyathus, E. and H. Jurassic. Coenocyathus, Acanthocyathus, Bathycyathus, E. and H., etc. Tertiary and Recent. Caryophyllia, Stokes (Fig. 136). Turbinate, with broad base, attached. Calice circular; columella papillous, trabecular, and surrounded by a single cycle of pali. Cretaceous to Recent. Family 2. Oculinidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. composite corolla, increasing by lateral gemmation. Walls of corallites thickened by a compact coenenchyma. Lower portion of visceral chamber narroived or filled up by deposition of stereoplasma. Septa moderately numerous ; interseptal loculi usually open to the base. Lias to Recent; fossil forms not particularly numerous. Oculina, Lam. Corallites irregularly or spirally distributed over the smooth surface of coenenchyma. Septa slightly projecting; columella papillous, surrounded by cycle of pali. Tertiary and Recent. Agathelia, Reuss. Like the preceding, but form- ing tuberous or lobate colonies. Cretaceous and Tertiary. Synhelia, E. and H. Cretaceous. Astrohelia, E. and H. Tertiary. Psammohelia, Euhelia, E. and H., etc. Jurassic. Haplohelia, Reuss. Small, arborescent, with corallites all disposed on one side of the branches. Coenenchyma striated or granulated. Septa in tnree cycles ; columella and pali present. Oligocene. Enallohelia, E. and H. (Fig. 137). Stock branching ; corallites disposed usually in alternating sequence in two rows along the sides of branches. Coenenchyma highly developed, striated, or granulated ; columella rudimentary. Jurassic. Family 3. Pocilloporidae. Verrill. Composite, branching, lobate, or massive colonies, with small cylindrical corallites, united by compact coenenchyma. Septa few (6-24), sometimes rudimentary. Visceral chamber partitioned off by horizontal tabulae. Of the two recent genera belonging to this family, Pocillopora and Seriato- pora, Lam., the former occurs also fossil in the Tertiary. BUB-CLASS II HEXACORALLA— APOE08A— ASTRAEIDAE r.tniilx I. Stylophoridae. Milm- K.l\vard> ;m.| Maim.-. _ ,sVy//»/ n-,11 developed, forming // »•»////-,// eohnneUa ; infir*i-/>fn/ Im-uli riii/if// tlin>iiil/ti\e. .uid tuberous. Caliees small, embedded in abundant, at the surface spinous, eoeneiiehyma. Septa well de\el.,|)ed, niiHlerately numerous ; Columella styliform. Jurassic, Ter- tiary, and Ken'm. AnuacU, Iv and IF. Kocene. St>/l"l»-lin, K. and H. ^ Family 5. Astraeidae. Milne- K.I wards and < 'orattwn composite, or more rarely simple. Theca formed li/ fn*ivy//,// Septa numerous, usually well developed ; visceral eli/ r partitioned off by moi'e or less abundantly developed dissepiments, more rarely bi/ tabulae. .]/>////'y ///<•• of septa exothei'ully produced (costal septa}. Very abundant from the Trias onwards, and by far the most protean family of all the Hexacoralla. According to the serrated or entire character of tin- free septal edges, Milne-Edwards divides the Astraeidae into two sub-families — the J.-ifi-ti.iiiHir and the Still':,-! I. Vifiiu.-i. ". Cunilluiii, natural si/- Jurassic and ('r< Sub-Family A. ASTKAKINAK. Milne-Edwards and Hainif. septal edges tootJwd, serrated, »/• Insular. a. Simple i-ornll'i. Afontlivaultia, Lamx. (Fig. 139). Cylindrical, conical, turl>inatr, or dis- . and cither acutely pointed, or broadly expanded at the l>a-r. Srpt.-i -.nilHii c'iri/'>iiliiill. 'Natuni! six.-. . .-: 140. :, 'ill in .^umi.sn, Fr-iin. N- St. Dizi.T, Haut-Mariif. Natnra! , upper edges serrated. Columella absent; epitheca thick, corrugated, readily becoming detached. Common in Trisissie and Jurassic; somewhat rare in Cretaceous and Tertiary. LeptopliyUia, Keuss (Fig. 140). Like the preceding, but without epitheea, and attached by broad base. Jurassic and Cretaceou-. 86 COELENTERATA— ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH II LitJwphyllia, E. and H. Miocene and Recent. Like the preceding, but with vesicular columella. ft. Simple corolla or composite colonies multiplying l>y calicinal or marginal gemmation. Stylophyllum, Reuss. Corallum simple, either with or without calicinal or marginal gemmation, FIG. 141. Stylocora exilis, Reuss cene ; Niederieis Mio- or forming massive colonies. Septa stout, but only inferiorly complete, terminating above in strong vertical spines. Dissepiments vesicular ; wall covered with epitheca. Alpine Trias. Stylopliyllopsis, Freeh. Simple or imperfectly branch- ing. Septa terminating near the centre in detached vertical spines. Alpine Trias. y. Busliy colonies multiplying by lateral gemmation. Cladocora, Ehrbg. Corallum composed of long Austria, cylindrical branches, free on all sides. Calice circular ; septa well developed ; columella papillous ; cycle of pali present. Jurassic to Recent. Stylocora, Reuss (Fig. 141). Branches cylindrical; septa stout, those of the first cycle with columnar thickenings on inner edges ; columella styliform. Cretaceous and Miocene. Pleurocora, E. and H. Cretaceous. Goniocora, E. and H. Triassic and Jurassic. 8. Composite corallites multiplying by basal gemmation ; buds arising from stolons or basal expansions. Pihizangia, E. and H. (Fig. 142). Corallites united by short, sub-cylindrical stolons. X^alices shallow, circular; columella papillous. Cretaceous and Tertiary. Latusastraea, d'Orb. Corallites arising from common basal expansion, short FIG. 142. Rhizangia Michelini, Reuss. Middle Cretaceous ; Gosau Valley, Austria. Natural size (after Reuss). FIG. 143. Cladangla conferta, Reuss. Miocene ; Bischof- swart, Moravia. a, Corallum, natural size ; 1), Calice enlarged (after Reuss). and strongly inclined to one side, so that the calices acquire a semicircular contour and assume the form of protruded lips. Jurassic and Cretaceous. Astrangia, Cryptangia, Phyllangia, dadangia, Ulangia, E. and H, etc. Tertiary and Recent. €. Massive coralla multiplying by lateral gemmation. Heliastraea, E. and H. (Fig. 144). Cylindrical corallites united by exothecally produced, confluent, costal septa. Columella spongy ; dissepiments numerous between the septa both within and exterior to the theca. Jurassic to Recent. .SUB-CI.A-- II 1 1 1:.\ ACORALLA— APOROSA— ASTRAEIDAE 87 with poly- imperfect to Cre- Fn>m. Like tin- pivrrdin«j, l.nt with s.-v.-ral all the cycles excepting the last. Tertiary :nnl /.< >K< )SA— ASTRA Kl I >A K Bfi costae granulated. Colnmella absent, dissepiments nuincn.u-. ( 'ivtarrous and Tertiary. Coelosmilia, E. and H. (Fig. 153). Like the preceding, but with dis.-rpi ments sparsely developed. Cretaceous and Recent. Placoxiuiliit, K. and H. (Fig. 154). Cuneiform, I wise acutely pointed or slightly pedunculate. Calice laterally compressed, elongated. Septa numerous ; dissepiments abundant; columella foliaceous. Epitheca absent; costae granu- lated. Cretaceous. J>ijilni-fi-iiiiini, Goldf. Calice laterally compressed, greatly elongated in transverse direction, and bent downwards at the ends so as to become crescent- shaped. Columella and epitheca absent. Costae dichotomously or trieho- tomously furcate. Upper Cretaceous. Axosmilia, E. and H. Jurassic. Phyllosmilia, From. Cretaceous. LH/>!">- Hin. K. and H. Cretaceous and Recent. /?. Coralla multiplying by lateral gemmation. Placophyllia, d'Orb. (Fig. 155). Buds originating on calicinal margin or sides, and giving rise to bushy or massive colonies. Columella styliform. Jurassic. Gahixea, Oken. Bushy colonies with cylindrical corallites united by layers of finely vesicular epitheca (peritheca). Recent. Stijlina, Lam. (Fig. 156). Massive colonies, with corallites united by co- alescent costae. Septa well developed, disposed in six, eight, or ten cycles. GoMf. sp. Nattliciin. a, Coialluni, natural sixc ; b, (.'alice ei Still! Ashtoii, England. enlarged. Fit;. 150. , E. and H. Coral-Ilag ; Steeple c, Natural six.- ; /-, C'alices Dissepiments numerous ; columella styliform. Multiplication by costal gemma- tion. Profuse in Trias, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. Placocoenia, d'Orb ; On/ptocoenia, E. and H. Jurassic and Cretaceous. <'t/'ifltojt/tt>i-a, Mich. Massive colonies, with corallites united by costae. Septa short, not reaching the centre ; columella absent. Visceral chamber partitioned off by horizontal tabulae. Jurassic and Cretaceous. Coccophyttum, Reuss. Massive colonies, with corallites united directly by their walls. Calices polygonal, septa numerous. Columella absent; visceral chamber tabulated. Alpine Trias. Pinacopkyllum, Freeh. Triassic. Hoiocystis, Lonsd. Massive colonies, Avith corallites united by costae. Four of the septa larger or stouter than the rest. Tabulae in visceral chamber. Cretaceous. 90 COELENTERATA— ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH II Astrocoenia, E. and H. (Fig. 157). Massive colonies. Corallites polygonal, united by their walls; septa numerous, long. Columella stylif orm ; only dissepiments present in visceral chamber. Trias to Tertiary. Stephanocoenia, E. and H. Like the preceding, but with columella surrounded by cycle of pali. Trias to Recent. Phyllocoenia, E. and H. (Con- fusastraea, d'Orb. ; Adelastraea, FIG. 157. Reuss). Massive colonies. Coral- lites round or oval, imperfectly united by costae. Septa strongly developed, thickened in the middle between theca and the centre. Columella rudimentary. Trias to Tertiary. Convexastraea, d'Orb. ; Trias to Cretaceous. Colnmnastraea, Stylocoenia, E. and H., etc. ; Cretaceous and Tertiary. y. Coralla multiplying by fission. Haplosmilia, d'Orb. Bushy colonies. Corallites usually with tlichotomously dividing crests. Calices circular or elongated ; columella styliform ; theca with ridge-like costae. Jurassic. Plocophyllia, Reuss (Fig. 158). Branching, foliaceous, or massive colonies. Astrocoenici decaphylla, E. and H. Upper Cretaceous ; Gosau Valley, Austria, a, Coralluin, natural size ; I, Calices enlarged. FIG. 158. Plocophyllia (xdyculata, Reuss. Oligocene ; Monte Carlotta, near Vicenza. Natural size. FIG. 150. I!li!)iiili>;/!ira crassa, From. Coral - Rag ; Gray, Haute-Saone. i/a natural size. Corallites either becoming free or grouped into detached rows. Columella absent. Tertiary. BarysmUia, E. and H. Corallum massive, forming a thick stem, the apex of which is covered with short buds. Calices oval, sometimes disposed in series ; columella rudimentary. Cretaceous. Stenosmilia, From. Like the preceding, but with lamellar columella. Cretaceous. Pachygym, E. and H. Corallites arranged in winding rows, and united by SUB-CLASS II II KXA< 'ORALLA— APOROSA— FUNGIDAE 91 broad mass of costal coenenchyma. Columella lamellar. Jurassic and Cretaceous. d'Orb. Jurassic and Cretaceous. i, K. and 11. (Fig. 159). Corallum fan-shaped, often corrugated, and with but a single calicular furrow. Columella lamellar. Jurassic and Cretaceous. Family 6. Fungfidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Simple, coralla, or low, laterally expanding colonies. Septa numerous, upper edges synaptimlti (rawly also dissepiments) between the septa. Wall between rorallites absent, but developed on under side of i-ulinti,*. Reproduction sexual <>r //;/ gemmation. Jurassic to b Recent. /•'n/i;tin, Lam. p.p. emend. Dana. Corallum simple, de- pressed, discoidal. Septa very numerous, varying in length and thickness, united only by synapticula, and projecting on the lower side as dentated costae. Theca absent. Post- pliocene and Recent. Microseris, From. (Fig. 160). Corallum simple, dis- '•<>idal, circular; upper side vaulted, lower flat and granulated. Trochoseris, E. and H. Tertiary and Recent. Cyathoseris, E. and H. (Fig. 161). Corallum turbinate, attached. FIG. 160. Microseris hemisphaerica, From. Greensand (Cenomanian); Le Mans, France, a and 6, Upper and lower surfaces, enlarged ; c, Profile, natural size. Cretaceous. Young FIG. 101. OtfOfkottri$ tubregvJarts, Ri-uss. Miocene; Monte Carlotta, near Viccnza, Italy. a, Top view ; b, Side view, natural si/f. • •i.rallitrs arising from periphery by costal gemmation. Common outer wall naked, striated. Cretaceous and Tertiary. Lophoseris, E. and H. ; Mycedium, Oken ; Agaricia, Lam., etc. Tertiary and Recent. COELENTERATA— ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH II Sub-Order B. PERFOBATA. Milne-Edwards and Haime. built up of small calcareous bodies (sclerites), between which are empty interstices of greater or lesser size. Theca formed by fusion of outer septal edges or absent. Interseptal loculi empty throughout or traversed by synapticula or dissepiments. ? Family 1. Archaeocyathidae.1 Walcott. Simple, turbinate, or sub -cylindrical corolla. Septa and theca porous ; inner septal edges united by perforated interior wall, which encloses a hollow central space. Synapticula present in interseptal loculi. All the genera described up to the present time (Archaeocyathus, Bill. ; Ethmophyllum, Meek; Spirocyathus, Hinde; Protopharetra, Bornem., etc.) are restricted to the Cambrian rocks of Canada, North America, Spain, and Sardinia. They represent possibly a distinct order of the Madreporarm. Family 2. Eupsaxnmidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Corallum simple or becoming composite by lateral gemmation. Septa rery numerous, sometimes united by synapticula, and frequently with their inner edges fused together. Theca naked or covered with epitheca, and formed by thickening of the septal edges. Silurian to Recent. Calostylis, Linds. Corallum simple, sub - cylindrical, or composite and multiplying by lateral gemmation. Septa very numerous, of spongy con- Eupgammla .trochiformis, Pallas. Cal- caire Grossicr ; Chaussy, near Paris. Natural size. \'i<;. 1(>3. Hnlinii>iili i/lliii- ximiala, Reuss. Oligocene ; Waldbockelheim, Prussia. a, Natural size; b, Number of septa enlarged. FIG. 164. sti-iiliiin1mUia elegans, Bronn sp. Pliocene; Stazzano, near Modena, Italy, a and b, Upper and lower surfaces, enlarged; c, Profile, natural sistency, and either fused together or united by synapticula. Columella thick, spongy ; wall covered with epitheca. Silurian ; Gottland. Haplaraea, Milasch. Simple, cylindrical coralla, with broad encrusting base. Septa numerous, extending to the centre, perforated by large apertures, and sometimes fused together or united by synapticula. Traversa also present, but no columella. Jurassic and Cretaceous. 1 Sittings, K, Palaeozoic Fossils of Canada, I., 1861-65.— Walcott, C. 7A, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 30, 1886. — Bornemann, J. G., Versteinerungeu des Camlirisclieu Systems von Sardinieii, 1886.— Hinde, G. J., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. XLV., 1889, p. 125. UM ,, HKXAmlJALLA—PERFORATA !>3 /;//y;.>v/,,, //,;,,l,-<'i>hr/Ilia, Blv. (Fig. 165). Corallum branching, increasing l»v lateral gemmation. Calices oval ; septa numerous and slender, those of the last cycle extending to the spongy columella, and fused with the converging ends of shorter septa of preceding cycle. Tertiary and Recent. Lobopsammia, Stereopsammia, E. and H. ; Eocene. Astroides, E. and H. ; Keeent. Family 3. Thamnastraeidae. Reuss. (Pseudoastraeidae and Pseudoagaricinae, Pratz.) Simple corolla, or composite, basally expanded or massive colonies. Septa numer- ous, move or less perforate, and composed of calcareous bodies (trabeculae) arranged in FIG. 165. Dendrophyllia . elegans, Duncan. Oligocene ; Brockenlmrst, 5' Trausv"rs" s"rti"" natural size FIG. 166. Lam. Ujipfr Cr<'t;icc,,us ; (iosau Valley, Salzkaininergut. «., Side view ; &, Lower surface ; c, Lateral aspect of septum, natural size. vi i-finil or fan-shaped rows. Theca between individual corallites absent, but present on under side of corallites or on lower side of the common stock Interseptal loculi with xi/iHi/iticulae and dissepiments. Abundant from Trias to Cretaceous ; rarer in Tertiary and Recent. Anabacia, E. and H. Simple, free, discoidal, or lenticular coralla, with flat base. Upper side vaulted, calice slit-like. Septa very numerous, thin, and united by synapticulae. Theca absent. Jurassic. 94 COELENTEKATA— ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH II Genabacia, E. and H. Like the preceding but composite, the central calice being surrounded by a row of smaller calices. Jurassic. Micrabacia, E. and H. Cretaceous. Omphalophyllia, Laube. Simple, turbinate, or sub-cylindrical, attached, and covered with epitheca. Septa very numerous, upper edges granulated. Calice shallow, columella styliform. Alpine Trias. Cyclolites, Lam. (Fig. 166). Simple, free, discoidal, upper side vaulted, lower flat and covered with corrugated epitheca. Septa very thin, extending FIG. 167. Tliii-,itn(istraea prolifera, Becker. Upper Jurassic ; Nattheiin, Wiirttemberg. A, Corallum, 2/3 natural size; w, Common wall. B, Lateral surface of costal septum, enlarged (8/j), showing trabecular constitution ; m, Line of junction of two septa belonging to different corallites ; t, Trabeculae ; p, Trabecular lacunae (after Pratz). C, Thamiti'xtrttni. ni/in-ii-ites, Goldf. Upper Cretaceous; Gosau, Salzkammergut. Portion of upper surface of corallmn, natural size. to the centre, extremely numerous, composed of vertical rows of trabeculae, and united by synapticulae and dissepiments. Very abundant in Cretaceous, rare in Jurassic and Eocene. Thamnastraea, Le Sauvage (Fig. 167). Composite, laterally expanded and pedunculate, or mushroom-shaped coralla. Common wall restricted to lower side of corallum ; individual corallites without proper walls, but united by costal septa. Columella styliform or rudimentary. Septa well developed, composed of fan-shaped rows of cylindrical trabeculae, and united by synap- ticulae and dissepiments. Very abundant from Trias to Oligocene. Dimorphastraea, d'Orb. Like the preced- ing, but with calices concentrically arranged about a central individual. Trias to Tertiary. Comoseris, d'Orb. (Fig. 168). Like T/iam- •nastraea, but with calices separated into groups by ascending fiexuous ridges. Jurassic and Tertiary. Astraeomorpha, Reuss. Coralla composite, tuberous, basally expanded, or branching, and covered with corrugated epitheca. Corallites small, united by short and stout costal septa ; columella styliform. Trias to Oligocene. Microsolena, Lamx. ; Trias and Jurassic. Dimorpharaea, From. ; Jurassic. Fig. 1G8. Comoseris conferta, Reuss. Oligocene ; Monte Carlotta, naer Vicenza. Twice en- larged. BUB-C LA88 I! 1 1 1:.\ ACORALLA— POEITIDAE 95 Family 4. Poritidae. Duna. Composite corolla composed of 2)orous sclerenchyma. Corallites small ; septa as a ride only moderately numerous, sometimes represented by rows of trabeculae or lamellae. Theca absent. Sub-Family A. SPONGiOMORPHiNAt:. Freeh. CoraKum composed of thick trabeculae and strengthened by horizontal synapticulae. Calices very imperfectly differentiated from coenenchyma, and without distinct septa. Dissepiments usually *jntrsely developed. Of the genera belonging to this sub-family, Spongiomorpha, Heptastylis, and Stromatomorpha, Freeh, are found in the Alpine Trias (Rhaetic and Zlambach Schichten). These are all tuberous, composite coralla of extremely irregular form. In Spongiomorpha and Heptastylis, six septa are indicated by somewhat regularly disposed columns of trabeculae ; and in the latter form these' are bound together by synapticulae which are projected at equal altitudes, and form perforated horizontal storeys. In Stromatomorpha no radial arrangement of the trabecular septa exists. Palaeacis, E. and H. (Sphenopoterium, Meek and Worth), occurring in the Carboniferous limestone of North America and Scotland, possibly also belongs here. Sub-Family B. TURBINARINAE. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Septa well developed, compact. Corallites embedded in canaliculated coenenchyma. Actinacis, d'Orb. (Fig. 169). Massive or branching coralla. Coenenchyma abundant, granulated ; septa stout, of nearly uniform proportions, columella papillous ; pali in front of all the septa. Cretaceous and Tertiary. FIG. 169. FIG. 170. Actinacis eleyu //>•, Hciiss. Upper Cretaceous ; Gosau Valley, Balzkammetgat. «, Upper surface, natural Lithuraeu Websteri, Bowerb. sp. Eocene ; Brackles- size ; b, Transverse section, enlarged ; c, Longitudinal ham Bay, England, a, Coralluiu, natural size ; b, Four section, enlarged (after Reuss). calices enlarged. Astraeopora, Blv. Massive coralla. Coenenchyma porous and on upper surface echinulate. Septa of dissimilar proportions ; columella and pali absent. Tertiary and Recent. Dendracis, E. and H. ; Cryptaxis, Reuss. Tertiary. Turbinaria, Oken (Gemmipora, Blv.) Corallum foliaceous. Coenenchyma tolerably compact and finely echinulate. Septa of similar proportions ; columella spongy. Cretaceous to Recent. 96 COELENTERATA-~ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH II Sub-Family C. PORITINAE. Milne-Edwards and Haime. >Vy//V mil nrii numerous, well developed. Corallites united by their porous walls. Litharaea, E. and H. (Fig. 170). Massive coralla. Calices sub-polygonal; septa generally in three cycles ; columella spongy. Eocene and Miocene. Pihodaraea, E. and H. Massive coralla. Spurious walls of corallites thick ; pali prominent. Miocene and Eecent. Porites, Lam. (Fig. 171). Massive or branching coralla. Calices shallow, polygonal ; septa irregularly reticulated ; columella papillous, surrounded by Fio. 171. Porites incrustans, Reuss. Miocene; Moravia. a, Transverse section ; b, Longitudinal section. Both figures highly magnified. FIG. 172. «, Alveopora spongiosu, Dana. Recent; Fiji Islands. Longitudinal section of corallite showing perforate Avails and tabulae; b, Alveopora ntdis, Reuss. Nununulitic lime- stone ; Oberburg, Styria, 1/1 ; c, Calices, greatly enlar^-d. (Fig. a, after Dana ; b, after Reuss). single cycle of pali. Cretaceous to Recent. The genus Porites is one of the most important of existing reef-builders. Protaraea and Stylaraea, E. and H. Usually encrusting coralla with poly- gonal calices. Visceral chambers partitioned off by horizontal tabulae. Silurian and Devonian. Sub-Family D. ALVEOPORINAE. Verrill. Septa composed of detached trabeculae, spines, or reticulated lamellae. T/teca perforate. Visceral cluimber ivith perforate tabulae. Alveopora, Quoy and Gaim. (Fig. 172). Massive coralla. Calices small, polygonal. Septa represented by detached spinous processes. Tabulae sparsely developed, remotely situated. Tertiary and Recent. Koninckia, E. and H. Cretaceous. Family 5. Madreporidae. Dana. Composite, branching, or lobate coralla with small tubiform corallites embedded in a canaliculated and reticulated coenenchyma. Septa (6-12) sometimes imperfectly developed. Two long septa projected from opposite sides and meeting in the centre. The genus Madrepora, Lin. (Fig. 173), is an important agent in the con- struction of existing coral reefs, and builds colonies sometimes of considerable size. It occurs sparsely in the fossil state in the Tertiary. Range and Distribution of the Hexacoralla. The group Aporosa of the Hexacoralla appears to have originated from the Tetracoralla, and to form the direct continuation of their line. They begin as BUB-CLAM ii IIKXACORALLA— PORITIDAE 97 the latter disappear; they develop a great variety of forms in the Trias, and from the Mesozoic clown to the present day they have continued to play a leading part in the construction of coral-reefs. Of the six families constituting the Aporosa, the .htr^iinmidae and Poritidae occur sporadically in the Silurian and Carl M.I i if. -nms, while it is not until the Trias that the Thamnastraeidae and llnrit'nl'n> develop a large variety of forms; from the Trias to the Tertiary, however, these genera continue to be important reef-builders. The Eupsam- inidae attain their greatest development in the Tertiary and Recent, while the Ufadrdporidae belong almost exclusively to the present period. Occasional isolated deep-sea forms are met with in most of the several geological periods, but the usual mode of occurrence of the HexacoraMa is •iated in masses in coralline limestones ; the limestones may be of very variable thicknesses, but as a rule are interstratified between deposits of distinctly littoral character. Ancient coral-reefs most nearly resemble modern fringing or barrier reefs, but not atolls, the origin of which is clearly dependent upon the peculiar orographic FIG. 173. Conditions of the Pacific Ocean. .V.»//Tporo Anglim, Duncan. Oligocene ; TViP Longitudinal section, greatly enlarged. beds of the Alpine Trias contain* large numbers of reef -building Hexacoi'alla ; but the pure limestones and dolomites of the Alps, as well as the Trias outside the Alpine region, are frequently either almost or entirely destitute of coralline remains. In the Lias coral-reefs have been found in England, Luxemburg, and Lorraine. Certain beds of the Dogger, usually of but meagre thickness, are occasionally charged with corals, as in Swabia, the Rhine valley in Baden, the Swiss .Jura, Normandy, and England. Coralline limestones are abundantly developed in the Upper Jurassic of the Jura Mountains in France and Switzer- land, in Lorraine, Southern Baden, Swabia (Nattheim, Blaubeuern), Bavaria ( Kelheim), many places in France and England, as well as in the whole province of the Alps, Carpathians, CeVennes, and Apennines ; here the uppermost horizon (Tithonian) is especially characterised by their development. In the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) coral-reefs are found in France (Haute-Marne and Yonne), Crimea, and Mexico; while the Urgonian of Switzerland and the Bavarian Alps is occasionally charged with corals. In the Turonian and Senonian of the Alps (Gosau Beds), Pyrenees, and the Provence, numerous coral-reefs occur, usually accompanied by Rudistae ; elsewhere, how- ever, except in Holland (Maestricht) and Denmark (Faxoe), the Upper Cretaceous contains but a limited number of reef-building Hexacoralla. In the older Tertiary (Eocene and Oligocene) the occurrence of coral-reefs is restricted to the northern and southern flanks of the Alps and Pyrenees, VOL. I H 98 COELENTERATA— ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH n Arabia and the AVest Indies ; while outside the Alps in Europe and in America their distribution is mostly sporadic. In the Miocene and Pliocene the true coral-reefs retreat more and more towards the equator (Red Sea, Java, Japan), while the Hexacwalla which persist in formations of the temperate zone (Vienna Basin, Italy, Touraine) constitute but an insignificant feature of the general fauna. Appendix to the Hexacoralla. Sub-Order C. TABULATA.1 Milne-Edwards and Haime. Invariably composite corolla composed of tuUform or prismatic corallites. Walls thick, independently calcified, compact, or perforated by connecting mural pores. Septa but slightly developed (usually six or twelve), sometimes represented merely by vertical ridges or rows of spines, and sometimes entirely absent. Visceral chamber partitioned off into successive storeys by tabulae. Synapticulae and dissepiments wanting. To the Tabulata were originally assigned by Milne-Edwards and Haime all corals having numerous tabulae and rudimentary septa. Later researches have shown, however, that some of these forms (e.g. Pocilloporidae) belong to the Aporosa, others (Heliopoiidae) to the Octocoralla, and still others (Millepora) to the Hydrozoa ; while the affinities of a few (Chaetitidae, Monticuliporidae) are of such doubtful nature as to be referred by some authors to the Corals, and by others to the Bryozoans. The majority of the typical Tabulata (Favositidae, Syringoporidae, Halysitidae) exhibit close relationships to the Hexacoralla; but since they are for the most part now extinct and are largely confined to the Palaeozoic rocks, the positive determination of their systematic position seems almost hopeless. The ontogeny of the corallites in the Tabulata shows that the development of mural pores is homologous with the process of gemmation. Reproduction sometimes takes place by fission, but generally by means of buds from the edges of the calices at various stages during the growth of the parent corallites. Buds are given oft' early in Aulepora, producing basal corallites only ; periodically in Romingeria, producing verticils of corallites ; periodically and on one side in Halysites, producing linear series of adjacent corallites ; and very frequently in Favosites, etc., producing compact coralla with numerous mural pores representing aborted buds. Family 1. Favositidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Massive w branching coralla. Corallites uniformly piismatic, tall, and united by their walls, which are perforated by large -sized pores. Septa very short, usually represented by but faintly projecting ridges or rows of spines, but seldom completely absent. Tabulae numerous, situated at regular intervals, complete and horizontal, more rarely oblique or irregularly vesicular ("cystoid"). The Favositidae are distinguished from the Poritidae, with which Verrill associates them, by their thick, solid walls, which are punctured by round, 1 Lindstrom, G., Affinities of the Anthozoa Tabulata (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4, XVIII.), 1876. — /ti/ftuwski, W., Die Chaetitiden der ostbaltischen Silurformation (Verb, der k. russ. min. Gesi-llscli. St. Petersburg), 1877. — Nicholson, H. A., On the Structure and Affinities of the Tabulate Corals of 1 lit- Palaeozoic Period. London, 1879. — On the Structure and Affinities of the genus Monticulipora. London, 1881. — Roemer, F., Lethaea Palaeozoica, I., 1883, p. 416. — Waagen, IF., and Wentzd, 11'.. The Salt Range Fossils. Palaeontol. Indica, 1887. — Naug, E., Ueber sogeuannte Chaetetes ;ms mesozoischen Ablagerungen (Neues Jahrb. fur Mineral.), 1883, I., p. 171. — Beecher, C. E., The Development of a Palaeozoic Poriferous Coral. — Symmetrical Cell Development in the Favositidae. (Trans. Conn. Acad. vol. VIII.), 1891. TABULATA— FAVOSITIDAK sometimes tubiform iniir;il JMHVS. Tin1 cnrallites BT6 u-iially polygonal in contour, and their walls exhibit in t ran>\ crse sections a dark, or sometim.-s lii^ht coloured median line, with thickenings of itereOpUtftma OD either >id> FIG. 174. G If. sp. Devonian ; EitVl. A, Corallum, natural si/.-. B, Gorallites enlarged, two of them brokrn opni and showing tabulae, ''and /', Trans\ ITS.- and longitudinal suctions sho-.vin;,' spiniform srptu and mural pon-s(/i). (''and I> al'ti-r Nicholson.) 17(. (/). The family is exclusively Palaeozoic, and plays an important part in the formation of Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous coralline limestone.-. /'»os//,.s Lam. (fW/fm'Y^/w, Goldf.), (Fig. 174). Corallum massive, more rarely branching. Corallites prismatic, polygonal, generally hexagonal. Mural pores distributed at considerable intervals. Septa very faintly developed, represented by longitudinal ridges or rows of spines, or occasionally obsolete. Tabulae numerous. Ordo- vician to Carboniferous: very abundant in Silurian and Devonian. ''iiliiinin./Hini, Nidi, (('tifiijiwiii. Bill.) Like the preceding, but with numerous, short, well marked septa. Mural pores large, disposed in vertical rows between the >epta. ( )rdovieiaii. EmmotuiOy K. and II.; Ordovician to Carboniferous. A i/rfn/Hn-, Mmal p.m-s (atVr Nicholson). Th, 17.'.. Silurian (Niagara); x.-v York. 100 COELENTERATA— ANTHOZOA SUB-BRANCH IT Striatopora, Hall (Fig. 176). Like the preceding, but with tubes contracted by stereoplasma at a greater depth, so as to give the calices a funnel-shaped appearance. Silurian and Devonian. Alveolites, Lam. (Fig. 177). Corallum massive or branching, composed of small, contiguous, compressed, thin-walled corallites, with obliquely opening triangular or semilunar calices. Septa very faint, represented merely by ridges FIG. 177. A, Alveolites suborbicularis, Lara. Middle Devonian ; Gerolstein, Eit'el. Natural size. B and C, Alveolites Labecliel, E. and H. Silurian (Wenlock) ; FIG. 178. Pleurodictyum problenu i tic urn, Goldf. Lower Devonian; Coblenz. Natural size. Vermi- . , , . . . . - Ironbridge, England. Tangential and vertical sections, 10/1 (after Nicholson). form foreign body in the centre. or rows of spinules, sometimes but a single row present. Mural pores of large size, irregularly distributed. Very common in Silurian and Devonian. Cladopora, Hall. Coenites, Eichw. Silurian and Devonian. Pleurodictyum, Goldf. (Fig. 178). Corallum depressed, discoidal, circular, or elliptical in contour, lower surface covered with concentrically striated FIG. 179. Michelinia favosa, do Kon. Carboniferous Limestone ; Toujmay, Belgium. A, Corallum from above. B, Lower surface with radiciform epithecal processes. C, Vertical section (after Gaudry). epitheca, and frequently with foreign vermiform body occupying centre of the base. Corallites small, polygonal, contracted inf eriorly so as to become funnel- shaped. Septa represented by faint marginal ridges, or obsolete. Walls pierced by irregularly distributed mural pores. Tabulae scanty. Devonian. P. p'ollematicum, Goldfuss, is tolerably abundant in the Lower Devonian " Spirifera sandstone " of the Eifel, but is only known in the form of casts. si l ;-r|. ASS II TABULATA— SYRIXGOPORIDAE 101 In these tin- walls of the conillites are represented by narrow fissures which are bridged across by transverse rods, while the visceral chamber is filled up with sandstone. /'. .%•////.,/«./-,/. Katon. from the Hamilton Group of North America, is a closely related species, and also possesses the vermiform body. Mii-/n-linisl stone; RognitatkmtL Fich telgebirge. Natural si/c. Family 3. Syringoporidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fasciculate coralla composed of cylindrical <-<>rr'nl«i- persist as late as the Zechstein, and the Chaetetidae range from the Ordovician to the Cretaceous. Sub-Class 3. OCTOCORALLA. Haeckel. (Octadinia, Ehrenberg; Alcyonaria, Milne-Edwards.) Composite colonies, rarely simple polyps, the individuals provided with eight mesenterial folds and eight broad, pinnately fringed, or plumose tentacles, which form a single cycle about the mouth. Hard skeletal elements are very generally developed in the Octocoi'alla, being absent in comparatively few forms, and are remarkable for their manifold 106 COELENTERATA— CNIDARIA SUB- BRANCH II variety ; they occur either detached in the ectoderm and mesoderm, or are closely packed together at the base to form a horny or calcareous axis (sclero- basis), about which the polyps are distributed. Sometimes the calcareous bodies (sclerodermites) form compact tubes which are periodically partitioned off' into storeys with the upward growth of the animal. Reproduction is accomplished either sexually or asexually by basal or lateral gemmation, rarely by fission. Only the calcareous parts are known in the fossil state, such as the solid axes, detached skeletal elements, tubes, and com- posite coralla ; the horny structures are totally destroyed during fossilisation. The Octocoralla make their appearance in the Ordovician, but belong only exceptionally to the more common fossils. I Family 1. Alcyonidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fixed, fleshy, lobate, or ramose polyp stocks (very rarely simple individuals), with echinulate or spicidar calcareous bodies (sclero- dermites) occurring detached in the soft parts. Isolated sclerodermites readily escape observation, owing to their minute size and fragile constitution. They have been detected as yet only by Pocta l in the Upper Cretaceous strata near Laun, Bohemia. Family 2. Pennatulidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Polyp stocks with base embedded in sand or mud, and with horny or calcareous sclerobase ; polyps dimorphic. Slender, round, or quadrate calcareous axes referable to the Pennatulidae have been detected with certainty only in the Trias (Prographularia, Freeh.), Cretaceous (Pavonaria, Cuv. ; Pennatulites and Palaeosceptron, Cocchi ; Glyptosceptron, Bohm), and Tertiary (Graphularia, E. and H.), (Fig. 190). Family 3. G-orgonidae. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fixed, branching, or fan-shaped colonies, with horny or calcareous (Eocene) !imeFa°rS solid sclerobase, or with jointed axis composed of alternating hoi-ny and calcareous segments. FIG. 19t. Graphularia dcser- torum, Zitt. Nuin- freh, Libyan Desert, a, Axis, natural size ; b, V , Cross - sections ; c, Striated surface, enlarged. All the genera possessing horny, flexible axes (Goi'gonia, Pihipidogorgio, etc.) are perishable. Detached remains referable to Primnoa, Gorgonella, and Virgularw, the axes of which are composed of both horny and calcareous layers, have been described from the Tertiary. In the genus Isis the axis consists of cylindrical, calcareous segments alternating with horny connecting joints. It is found fossil in the Tertiary, and has been reported also from the Cretaceous. The genus Moltkia, occurring in the Upper Cretaceous, has cylindrical joints which are pitted with slight depressions indicating the position of branches. In the red or gem coral (Gwallium, Lin.) the axis is built up of spiniform sclerites, which are united 1 Pocta, PhilqU'- Sitzungsl.ericlite der Wiener Akatl. der Wisseiisch., Bd. 92, Jalirg. 1885. SUB-CLASS III A N T I fOZOA— OCTOCORALLA 107 l»v ;i tibro-crystalliiH' calcareous matrix impregnated with organic matter. It is found hut rarely in tin- fos>il state, hut is known from the ( Yetaceous and Tertiar. Family 4. Tubiporidae. MiliK--l'Mwanl< ami »•/' red-coloured /«//•/»//»•/ calcar&nu tofas conntctrf by plot The cylindrical tubes of the remit Or^anpipe Coral (7?///;//w//v/) are com posed of spiniform sck-rites, which are united with one another directly in sueli nianner as to enclose small hollow spaces appearing superficially as pores. The connecting horizontal plates or floors a re traversed by canals which communicate with tin- \ isreral diamliers of the tubes by means of numerous round openings ; ne\\ coi-allites are luidded from their upper surfaces. Unknown in fossil state. Family 5. Helioporidae. Moseley. of two series of tubifonn condlites ; the larger tubes are embedded in a strongly developed coenenchyma nmde up of *.•/>/"//<•/• (siphonopores). Both autopores and siphonopores are closely tabulate; the are provided with ridge-like pseudosepta, which, however, do not n>m>*pinnl numerically with the tentacle. The affinities of the Helioporidnc with the Octocoralla were first pointed out by Moseley.1 The larger polyps inhabit the autopores, and are furnished with eight mesenterial folds and a crown of eight tentacles ; while the smaller polyps, which are without either A J: c tentacles or sexual organs, are lodged in the siphonopores. The skeleton is composed of cal- careous trabeculae, the same as in the ]Ic.i-in-nrnll(i, from whose centres of calcification radial fibres extend outwards in caespi- tose fashion. The siphonopores multiply by intermural gemma tion, while the autopores are formed by the coalescence and fusion of a number of the siphono- pores. Heli»/»>rn, niainv. (Fig. 191, A, B). Corallum massive or ramose ; autopores with 12-25 slightly developed pseudosepta, and embedded in a coenenchyma made up of smaller siphonopores; the latter are more closely tabulate than the autopores. Cretaceous to Recent. Polytremanx, d'Orb. (Fig. 191, (.'). Like Helioporv, but pseudosepta much more strongly developed, sometimes reaching nearly to the centre. Cretaceous. Certain Palaeozoic corals (Heliolitidne} exhibiting characters very similar to IHlniHH-ii are assigned to the same vicinity with the latter by Moseley, Nicholson, and other authors. Like Heliopoi'a, the corallum in these forms i- massive, and consists of larger tubes embedded in a coenenchyma formed of Fro. Rcuss sp. 101. Upper Cretaceous St. Beuw. Upper Crateceoiu sectiou> enlarged< Oown, saizkiumncr-ut. Vertical 1 Moseley, If. A"., Philosophical Transactions, Royal Society, vol. 166, 1877. 108 ( ,'OELENTERATA— CNIDARI A CLASS II smaller tubes. Both series of corallites are provided with numerous horizontal tabulae ; and, as in Heliopora, the autopores are produced by the coalescence of a number of adjoining coenenchymal tubes. In the Heliolitidae, however, twelve well-developed septa are uniformly present. The walls of the corallites are composed of homogeneous, compact, calcareous matter, and exhibit the Hdiolites porosa, Goldfuss. Devonian ; Eifel. A, Corallum, natural size. B, Portion of outer surface enlarged. C, Longitudinal section, enlarged. histological structure as the. Favositidae and Chaetetidae. Owing to these anomalies the systematic position of the Heliolitidae remains uncertain. Heliolites, Dana (Fig. 192). Corallum massive, nodular, or ramose. Auto- pores with twelve more or less strongly developed pseudosepta, though' occasionally represented by rows of spinules, and frequently with central columella. Siphonopores without septa, and multiplying by fission or inter- mural gemmation. Abundant from Ordovician to Devonian. Plasmopora, E. and H. Like Heliolites, but having walls of the siphonopores incomplete, and tabulae of contiguous tubes fused together so as to form a vesicular tissue. Ordovician to Devonian. Class 2. HYDROZOA. Huxley. Hyclroids and Medusae.1 Sessile or free-swimming polyps or polyp stocks, without oesophageal tube, and with simple gastrovascular cavity not divided into radial pouches. The Hydrozoans are organisms which rarely secrete hard parts, and hence are ill-adapted for preservation in the fossil state. The ramifying polyp stocks are usually inferior in size to those of the Anthozoa, and possess always a simpler structure ; dimorphism or polymorphism is, however, exhibited by the different individuals, some of which perform solely vegetative, and others only locomotive functions. Of great interest is the prevailing alternation of genera- tions, in which process fixed polyp stocks give rise to a generation of free- swimming Medusae, the eggs of which develop in turn into polyps. The Hydrozoa are all aquatic, and with few exceptions are inhabitants of the sea. They are commonly divided into the two following sub -classes : — Hydromedusae and Acalephae. 1 Huxley, T. N., The Oceanic Hydrozoa. London, 1859. — Agassiz, A., North American Aca- lephae (111. Cat. Museum Comp. Zool. Cambridge, II.), 1865. — Hincks, T., Natural History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1868.- — -Glaus, C., Untersuchungen iiber die Organisation, etc., der Medusen. Leipzic, 1883. Cf. also references on pp. 109, 114, and 121. SUM 'I. ASS I HYDROZOA— HYDRO*! KI >rs.\ K 109 Sub-Class 1. HYDROMEDUSAE. Vogt.1 Sessile or free-.w'im nnn-, "//^, Hydrotor&llinae, Tnbulnri, and Campanulariae secrete durable, calcareous, or chitinous structures. Order 2. HYDROCORALLINAB. Moseley. * Xiihnl i/olyps secreting at the base a dense calcareous skeleton, traversed at intervals ifo series of vertical tubes, into which the dimorphic zooids can be retracted. The Hydrocorallinae comprise the two recent groups Milleporidae and Stjilnx- which were universally regarded as true corals until Louis Agassi/ and Moseley proved their relationship to the Hydrozoa. Millepora, Lin. (Fig. 193). Massive, foliately expanded, encrusting, or ^branching polyparia (coenosteum), often attaining considerable size. Upper sin face punctured by round open- ings of the larger tubes (gastro- pwes), between which are the mouths of numerous smaller tubes (dactylopores). The skeleton i- composed of a network of juiastomosing calcareous fibres, traversed by a system of tortuous canals. The gastropores lodge the larger, nutritive polyps, and the dactylopores the smaller, food- procuring zooids ; the latter have no mouth, but are provided with short, clavatc tentacles on their , . . sides, and their tubes commum- -.1 +V>« rv,4^v,, 1 CatC With the Vermiform CanalS. Zooidal tubes tabulate, but non- sept ate. The genus is an important reef -builder of the present day, but occurs only sparsely in the fossil state. Earliest known forms appear in the Eocene. As'///A/.s/6'/-, Gray. Branching polyparia composed of a network of fibrous, rose-coloured coenenchyma, in which are situated calicular depressions that are 1 . 1 II ni,i, t, ./. (,'., Monograph of the Gymuoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids ; Ray Society, 1371-72. S!, imixnm, (/., Ueber fos-sile Hydrozoen au.s der Faniilie der Coryniden (Palaeontographica, Bd. XXV.), 1877. — Ueber triasische Hydrozoen vom ostlicheii Balkan (Sitzungsl)er. Wiener Akad. in.it li. phys. Classc, Bd. CII.), 1893. — Canavari, M., Idrozoi Titoniani appartenanti alia Fainiglia delle Ellipsactinidi (Mem. Comitato Geol. vol. IV.), 1893. — Nichol^m. II. A., Monograph of the British Stromatoporoids (Palaeontographical Society), 1886-92. — Bargatzki, A., Die Stromatoporen iU-s rlicinischfii Devons. Bonn, 1881. /, 11. .\'., Philosophical Transactions Royal Society, vol. 167, 1878. FIG. 193. Millepora nnilosa, Esp. Recent. A, Upper surface of coeno- steuin, showing gastropores, /,-, and daetyloi>ores, c, •*<>/! . /;, Ver- tical sect inn, /., ^astropores with tabulae, t ; c, Vermiform canals coiimiunicatiny with dactylopores, so/j (after Steinmann). 110 COELENTERATA— CNIDARIA CLASS II provided with pseudosepta and columellae, and communicate with the zooid tubes and vermiform canals. Recent, and occurring sparsely in the Tertiary. Order 3. TUBULARIAE. Airman. Polyp stocks which are either naked or covered with chitinous outer layer (periderm). Both the polypoid nutritive zooids, and also the medusoid reproductive animals are without cup-shaped hydrothecae surrounding the polyp head. A chitinous or calcareous skeleton (hydrophyton) is frequently secreted at the base. Hydractinia, v. Bened. (Fig. 194). Hydrophyton in the form of encrusting, chitinous, rarely calcareous expansion, frequently investing gastropod shells. The crust consists of successive, slightly sepa- rated, horizontal laminae, which are supported by- numerous vertical rods or columns (radial pillars). The surface is covered with projecting hollow spines and tuber- cles, and is also traversed by shallow, branching grooves (astrorhizae). In- terlaminar spaces com- municating with the sur- face by means of rounded tubes. Tertiary and Recent. Ellipsactinia, Steinm. Hydrophyton irregu- larly ellipsoidal, com- FIG. 194. A, Hydractinia echiwato, Flem. Recent ; North Sea. Portion of parasitic colony, greatly enlarged ; hy, Polyps (hydranths) ; go, Generative buds (gonophores) ; hph, Hydrophyton adherent to shell of Buccinium undatum, and showing reticulated structure in vertical section. B, Hydractinia calcarea, Cart. Vertical section of hydrophyton, greatly enlarged (after Carter) ; a, Primary basal lamella ; b, Interlaminar space ; c, Second lamella ; d, Radial pillars between the lamellae ; e, f, Tubercles and spines posed of thick, COnCCn- prqjecting on upper surface. C, Hydractinia pliocaena, Allm. Pliocene; ~_ . •,. •, -. Asti, Italy. Hydrophyton encrusting on Nassa shell (natural size). triC, Slightly Separated, D, Portion of magnified surface of the latter, showing branching grooves «a 1«Q T.Qrtlia Inrnolla^ and wart-iike tubercles. calcareous lamellae, wThich are united by sparsely distributed vertical columns. Lamellae are formed by the anastomosis of exceedingly delicate calcareous fibres, punctured by numerous fine radial tubes, and furnished on both sides with pits, tubercles, and branching furrows. Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) ; Alps, Carpathians, and Apennines. Sphaeractinia, Steinm. Like the preceding, but composed of thin, widely separated lamellae, which are supported by numerous radial pillars. Centre frequently occupied by a foreign body. Upper Jurassic (Tithonian). ? Loftusia, Brady (Fig. 195). Ellipsoidal or fusiform bodies, composed of thin, concentric, or spirally rolled calcareous lamellae. Interlaminar spaces wide, intersected by numerous radial pillars, and often secondarily filled with calcareous mud. Eocene ; Persia. Parkeria, Carp. Globular or walnut- shaped organisms with nodulated exterior, and composed of rather thick, concentric, calcareous lamellae. Inter- laminar spaces divided into chamberlets by stout radial' pillars, which usually BUB-CLASS I 1 1 V I mOZOA— TUBULARIAE 111 extend continuously through ;i number «.f lamellae. Both lamellae and pillars^ consist «.f i.iii.utcly tabulated tissue, the tubules of which are radial in arrange- ,,,,-nt. Centre fluently occupied by .-i foivign body. Cambridge Greensand (Cenomanian). Tin- genera Parteria and h,ftn*i" \v«'iv originally described as agglutinate. Foraminifera : but they are manifestly very closely allied to Ellipsadinia and Sphaeractinia, Powphacra, Steimn. (Fig. 196). Globular masses of the size of peas or ha/el nuts, t're<|uently growing around some foreign body, and composed of anastomosing calcareous fibres which are penetrated by numerous radial tubules : the latter open on the surface in the form of lar^e pores, around which radial or stellate furrows (,i*tmrl,i\i>i } are sometimes grouped. Upper Cretaceous. FIG. 195. l.i'ftusiii Pentad, Brady. Eocene; Persia. A, Specimen cut open to show general structure, natural size (after Brady). li, Section showing two lamellae and inter- liiininar lillinj:, greatly enlarged. FIG. 196. Porosphaera gldbu- l«rix, Phill. sp. Upper Cretaceous ; Riigen. .4, Skeleton, natural size ; I, Cavity origin- ally occupied by foreign body. B, Trans- verse section showing radial tubes of gastro- pores, '-/! (after Stein- inann). Stolic.ihiriiiiii-n lulu i-i'ii!«tii, Nidi, Di vonian (Cornit'.Tous limestone); Jams, Ontario. Natural si/e (after Nicholson). Km. 1 '."'.'. Caunopora /i/cosed of two slightly ... . ... . „ T -i • i separated lamellae ;», Intel-laminar Idwstroma, Winch. Coenosteum cylindrical or chambexiet ; c, Badfci puiar tm- fasciculate, traversed by axial, tabulate zooidal tubes, v which give off secondary lateral tubes. General tissue reticulated, similar to Xfruiinifojiorri. \ )e\ onian. Stylodictyon^ Stromatdporella, and Syringostroma, Nich.; Amphipont, Schulze ; ^fiirlit/Htlcx, Bargat. Devonian of Europe and North America. A number of genera are described by Waagen and Wentzel from the Permo-Carboniferous rocks of Farther India, such as Carteriiw, Di.*jcct»jM>ri', ( 'im>jn»-nt etc. I-'HJ. 200. Order 4. CAMPANULARIAE. Allman. (Leptomediisae, CalyptoUastea, Allman ; Thecuphora, Hincks.) -, In-" in-/t in ;r, i>lmd-like, sessile colonies, with chitinous periderm tin' /y^.sr, pt'iliittr/i; mill u/m, Um cup-Hh receptacles (liydrothecae) which enclose the VOL. I I 114 COELENTERATA— CNIDARIA CLASS II individual polyps. The proliferous zooids are developed within urn-shaped capsules (gonothecae) of comparatively large size, and sometimes become separated off us free-swimming velate Medusae. Although existing Campanularians (Sertularidae, Plumularidae, Campanu- Jaridae) are provided with a durable periderm, their remains have not as yet been detected in the fossil state, with the exception of a few forms from the Pleistocene. Nevertheless, in the Upper Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and occasionally in the Devonian, numerous finely branching plant -like remains are found, which are sometimes furnished with a strong foot-stalk, and sometimes terminate acutely at the base ; the original substance of which was undoubtedly chitinous. These forms are grouped together under the common term Cladophora, Hopkinson, and may be regarded as- early types of the Cam- panulariae. Particularly well - preserved specimens exhibit on one or occasionally on both sides of the branchlets small cellules or hydrothecae, which evidently served for the reception of zooids. Very often the branches are united by numerous slender transverse processes or dissepiments. In the genera Dendrograptus, Callograptus, Thamnogmptus, and Inocaulis, Hall ; Calypto- . Hal1- Silurian qraptus. Spencer ; Brwqraptus. Lapworth, (Niagara) ; Lockport, New York. Natural size. y * ' y y ^ ' " . b, Dictyo-nema, sp. Branch-bearing hydrothecae. etc., the Organisms are provided With a >• thick foot-stalk, by which they were prob- ably attached to some foreign object. The branches are numerous, slender, often bifurcating, bear hydrothecae, and are connected by transverse processes. Dictyonema, Hall (Dictyograptus, Hopkin.), (Fig. 201). Funnel- or fan-sTiaped branching fronds terminating acutely .at the base, and probably unattached. Branches united at short intervals by dissepiments, and furnished distally on one side with hydrothecae ; the latter, however, are rarely well preserved. Ordovician to . Devonian. Particularly common in Ordovician rocks near Christiania, Norway, but usually compressed into fan-like networks. Appendix to the Campanulariae. Graptolitoidea, Lapworth (Bhabdopkora, Allman).1 Under the term Graptolitoidea or Graptolites are included organisms which are generally found accompanying the Cladophora in Palaeozoic strata, and 1 Barrande, J., Graptolites de Bohenie. Prague, 1850. — Geinitz, 11. B., Die Versteinerungen der Grauwackenformation in Sachsen. Leipsic, 1852. — Die Graptolithen des mineral ogischen Museums in Dresden, 1890. — Hall, «/"., Graptolites of the Quebec. Group. Canadian Organic Remains, Decade II. (Geol. Surv. Canada), 1865.— Herrmann, 0., Die Graptolithen-Familie Dichograptidae, 1885.— Holm, G., Gotlands Graptoliter (Bihang Svenska Vetensk. Ak. Handl. vol. XVI.), 1890.— On Didymograptus, Tetragraptus, etc. (Geol. Fdren. Stockholm Forhandl. XVII.), 1895.— Lapworth, C., Notes on the British Graptolites (Geol. Mag. vols. X. and XIII.), 1873-76. Also various papers SUM-CLASS i HYDKOZOA— < :KA 1TOLITOIDEA 115 which haw Wen considered l.y various authors as plant iv ma ins, horny sponges, Pennatulidae, (Vphalopods. and Bryozoans. Portlock, in is i:;, first pointed out their analogy witli the Scrtularians and Plumularians ; and liis inferences as to their common relationship were gradually corroborated by the painstaking researches of Allmaii. Hall, llopkinson, Lapworth, Nicholson, and others. The Uraptolites ditl'er. however, from all existing HydromeduSM, and also from the closely related ('/mlnjilmrti, in the fact of their non-attachment, and in that a rod-like axis is almost invariably developed in the periderm. Graptolites are generally found in an imperfect state of preservation, lying flattened in the same plane upon the slaty laminae in which they are embedded, and associated in large numbers. More rarely they occur in limestone, when the internal cavities are filled with calcareous matter, and the original form accurately preserved. The general skeletal tissue (periderm) was obviously flexible, and composed of >mooth or finely striated chitine ; usually it has the form of a dense continuous membrane, but in the Retiolitidae it is attenuated and supported by a latticed network of chitinous threads. It is usually preserved as a thin bitumino- carbonaeeous film, which, however, is often infiltrated with pyrites, and is not intVeijui'iitly replaced by a 'glistening greenish-white silicate (Giimbelite). The organism or hydrosoma of the Graptolites is usually linear, more rarely jictaloid in form, undivided or branching, and is either straight, bent, or in exceptional instances spirally enrolled. Cup-shaped hydrothecae, which are usually obliquely set and more or less overlapping, are borne on on,e or on both sides of the polypary, and are united by a common coenosarcal canal enclosed in the periderm. The polypary is strengthened by a peculiar chitinous* axis (rir'iii/ii, solid axis), which in the monoprionidian forms runs in a groove lying outside the coenosark on the dorsal side of the organism (i.e. on the side opposite to the polypiferous margin). But in the biserial Graptolites the virgula is generally double, and the two halves are either enclosed between the laminae of a central or sub-central septum, which is formed by the coalescence of the flattened dorsal walls (Diprionidae) • or they are placed on opposite sides of the coenosark, and are united with the peridermal network (Rdiolitidae). Very commonly the virgula projects at'one or at both extremities, but notably at the distal end of the polypary, as a longer or shorter naked filament; its proximal extension is often called the radicle. Springing from the common canal, which runs parallel witn the virgula, is a series of hydrothecae (th<'i-r!nilini, Bronn. sp. Silurian (Etage E) ; Prague. A, Hydrosoma, natural size. 11, Longitu- dinal section, enlarged. C, Dorsal aspect, enlarged. 1), MniHiiirtu.s Bohemians, Barr. Same locality, a, Vir- gula ; f, Common canal ; th, Hydrothecae ; x, External aperture (after Barrancle). FIG. 203. U, C, Clhiificiiiii'iijifiif! tiiiiii'ii!!*, Hall. Ordovician (Trenton limestone) ; Cincinnati, Ohio. a, Vertical section, enlarged, showing central virgula ; 1), In- dividual of the natural size ; c, Cross - section, enlarged; (I, i', I>iplw/raptiis2>r a filiform pn>\ iinal virpila, or aurain into two ipimform »r B proer^es. Sdinrt inirs tin- hv< lr« •>< iina remains undh idcd, somet inn-s it forms branches which may diverge at \arioii> aii^'lrs ; in other cases two or four )iiono]»!-ioni(iiaii polyparies may be placed i»a<-k to back with their dor.-al walls enali-seiiii,'. thus :,ri\in^ rise to di ..r tetra prionidian colonie-. In tin- latter types the i-iM-iiitsark i- (•oniiiK.nly divided l»y one or two median septa, and the primordial luids originate at \ariniis distances along the simlar margin. ( )eea>ional sjteeimens of di|>rioiiidian ( Jrapt "lit es ha\f 1 n found lirarin^ lai'-e -a. • like in- irregularly expanded eorneoiix >t nu-tuivs ( Ki^'. -"•"'). whieh an- ei.mpai'al.le \\ith the nvai-ian eapsnles (*/'*/////////»/) of recent Sei'inlarians. Furthrf- moi-e, the singular Ixxlics kimwn as lhui:- jir/t, „;,/n ////• x/Wr nf jiii/i/jinn/ //////// o t» (lein. •Ia«-kf! J02, 206). I5arr. ; /'^///"A^//-"/////x and Hydrosoma undivided, rectilinear, or curved, some- luri»n(Alnm8 (IrafiMiu (ii-riiiuny; '', M« - lnrian Klintsli.-l.l. Si-i.tlaii.l. Shf.w- in- sicula (aft.T I.-tp \\nrtli); tiii-rii-ulntu*. U-HT. Silurian: I'l-.i-uiMatt. r I5;uiaii«lc). All ti^'Urrs natural vii-ian ; I'e.inl l.-vi-, Canada (after Hall). •JOT. Silurian ; Xi-kk.)\vit/, "r Harramlf). in-ar fta. l>iiliiniiHir»i>t' <»r.luviriaii ; (afti-r Hall). |.,-\ i a, Hall. Canada Hall. 1'uint I times helicoid. Hydrothecae in contact, usually overlapping. Aperture either entire or contracted, often directed downwards. Almmlant from base to summit of Silurian. 118 COELENTERATA— CNIDARIA liastrites, Barr. (Fig. 207). Hydrosoma simple, spirally coiled. Common canal very narrow, virgula attenuated ; hydrothecae more or less linear, and separated from one another by considerable intervals. Silurian. Leptograptus, Lapw. Hydrosoma consisting of two long, filiform, undivided, inequal primary branches, with hydrothecae developed from major extremity of the common sicula. Ordovician. Coenograptus, Hall (Fig. 208). Two primary branches originating from the centre of a triangular sicula, curving sigmoidally, and giving off simple branches from the convex side at tolerably regular intervals. Ordovician. *~IHdymograptus, M'Coy (Figs. 209, 212, a). Two simple, symmetrically FIG. 211. Digeanograptus ramosus, Hall. Ordovician (Hudson River) ; New York (after Hall). :\ FIG. 212. n, Did ijmnrjrn.pt ux Murchisoni, Beck sp. Ordovician (Llandeilo Group); Wales, b, Dichograptu* octobrachiatu*, Hall. Ordovician (Quebec Group); Point Levis, Canada (after Hall). FIG. 213. a, c, Climrn:ograj)t'Ut> t>/]>i<''ir"i>tn<, I lall ( Fig. '2 1 1). Hydrosoma composed of two symmet rically d. -veloped branches which arr coalcseent in the proximal, and free in the distal portion of their length. Distal end- of hydrot hecar isolated and incurved. Ordovician. Sub Order B. DIPRIONIDAE. Hopkinson. iHJ "f /"'" "/' '//""/' /'« /7/W fOWt "/' /' '/'//'"/A' <'"< jtfii,;,/ 1,,,,-J; I,, Inn-/:, tritit tin' rir/l>/»!/i-fn.<, M'Coy (Fi^. L' 1 -'5, < V'".-" •»/''"•-• t"i- hvch-othecae coalescing along the whole length of their Poin°t I>^B, 'fi'i1 pn/>/j>trr>/. rift/it/" f flic jieri'/t / in : tin' lilffrr i..< 111 licit iiftt'iniufnl, unit tilji/mrt,;/ H/xni ,i iK'tir,,,']; i,f dlitlHOUS fibt'CS. ^i''H/" absent. Ufa, llai-r. (Fig. 215). Hydrosoma undivided, elongate, compressed, and tapering toward the extremities. Hydrothecae disposed in rows on each side of the axis, inclined, and in contact with one another. Virgulae two in number, separated, and attached to opposite sides of the peridermal network in the median plane of the hydrosoma ; one is rectilinear, the other zigzag-shaped. Ordovician and Silurian. Sftomaiograptus, Holm; /.V/^/.v/y./y/s, Hall; £/»»•".'/''"/''"'• Emmons. Or- dovician. Range and Distribution of the Hydrozoa. Of the Hydio/oans in which preservation is at all possible, the 7/W/v«-i*/W- Unae are known with certainty as far back as the Upper Cretaceous. During the Tertiary period they achieved a s..mewhat greater distribution, but have 120 COELENTERATA— CNIDAHJA CLASS II only recently begun to enter extensively into the formation of coral-reefs and other calcareous deposits. In the Upper Jurassic, notably in the Tithonian of the Mediterranean district, certain of the Hydractinidae (Ellipsactinia, Sphaeractinia) are very plentifully distributed ; while, on the other hand, both the Triassic genus Heter- astridium, and the genera Parkeria and Porosphaera, occurring in the Cretaceous of Northern Europe, belong to the rarer fossils. Of vast importance as rock-builders, however, were the Stromatoporoidea of the Palaeozoic era. They occur profusely in the Ordovician and Silurian strata A p of North America, England, and Russia, and particularly in the Middle Devonian of the Eifel and Ardennes, as well as in Nassau, Devonshire, . the Ural Mountains, Spain, etc. They frequently attain gigantic proportions, and are an essential constituent of the limestones and coral reefs of the Silurian and Devonian periods ; but they do not survive beyond the Palaeozoic era. The Gmptolitoidea, under which head the Cladophom are also commonly included, are con- fined to the Upper Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian periods. They are profusely distributed in the silicious schists and alum -slates of the Fichtelgebirge, Thuringia, Saxony, and Bohemia. They are plentiful also in the Harz, in Poland, Silesia, the Baltic Provinces, and the Ural district ; and again in Scandinavia, Cumberland, Wales, the north of England, Scotland, and Ireland, as well as in Normandy, Brittariy, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, and Carinthia. In America they are found exquisitely preserved in Newfoundland, Canada' New York' Virsinia' Teiinessee> Ohio> B, Cross -section, c, Lower end, en- Wisconsin, and Iowa. They are known also in larged ; calcareous matter dissolved ot .LI A • /T> T • \ i A T i out by acid, v, zigzag-shaped vir«*uia • South America (Bolivia) and Australia, and are not uncommon in the drift which covers the ih F«t. 215. necting the virguiae ; o, Apertures plains of Northern Germany. (after Holm). ; According to Lapworth, the Graptolites are distributed vertically throughout six different horizons; the first of which coincides with the Upper Cambrian, the three following with the Ordovician, and the two uppermost with the Silurian. The Monoprionidae are especially characteristic of the two Silurian horizons. Sub-Class 2. ACALEPHAE. Cuvier. Scyphomedusae. (Discophora, Huxley.) Free-swimming, discoidal, or bell-shaped Medusae, with downwardly directed mouth, with gastro-vascular pouches and numerous radial canals, and fairing, as a rule, the margin of umbrella lobed. Cambrian to Recent. The Acalephs or Lobed Jelly-fishes, though frequently of considerable size, are entirely without hard parts, and therefore are singularly unfitted for preservation. BUB-CLASS II HYDROZOA— ACALEPHAE 121 FIG. 210 Eichstiidt, Bavaria, in^outliiie.) 1/7 natural size. (M .itho-rnphic slat'-s : issing parts restored 1'nder exreptioiiallv ta\ ..arable conditions, however, ;is in tin- Lithographic Slat.-s (I'pprr Jurassic) ,,f Kirlistadt and Sul.-nbofen, impressions ..f these deli- cate organisms are sometimes pre- served, which admit of accurate iatic determination, The best preserved and at tin- same time the most abundant speriesis/i'///'»7"/////rx ii>!i,,ii-',\ /.'.. !Yl,.-r rinr Mrdnsr in F.-u«-r>trm BttznngBber. Wi.-n. Akad. Bd. LILfc 1865.— Haeckel, E., Ueber foodie M.-duscii (Z.-itselir. fiir wisst-iiM-haft. Zodl. lid. XV. and XIX.), 1865 and 1870.— Neues Juhrk fur MiniTiilngie, 1866.— Jenaisclir Zi-its<-hr. Bd. VIII., 1874.— System der Meduseu, Bd. I. and II., .Ii-na, 1880-81.— Nathorst, A. G., Om Aftryck af Medusor, etc. (K. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl., IM. XIX.), 1881.— A,,,,,,,,,,. L. /-., Ueher jurassische Meduseu (Abhandl. k. baier. Akad. Bd. XVII.), 1883.— A'/-"//'//. -I.. Uebet f..ssilc Medusen (Mem. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb. vol. XVL, 7th Ser.), 1871. /'"lifi'l, //.. AltiH-nuivlie .Medusen (Festschrift zum 70ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts), 1892. — //•>//, ./., Palaeontology of N.Y., vol. I.. 1847, and III., 1859.— 20th Report N.Y. State Cabinet X.-it. Hi>t., l.xti.S.— /,^>*/v>r, Transverse section of same. 18/j ; c, Joint -face; ecivteil in the integument (dermal connective tissue), and are all composed of microscopically small calcareous liodies embedded in organic matter. As these liodies are united to form perforated hori/ontal laminae, which are connected with one another by \ertieal pillars, the result is a minutelv reticulated structure, highly characteristic of all Echinoderms. During fo»ili>ation the interstices are commonly infiltrated with lim- Inmate, so that the whole structure is transformed into calcite, exhibiting un- mistakable rhombohedral cleavage. Kach plate, joint, and spine of a sea-urchin, Martish, or crinoid lieha\es mineralogically and optically like a single calcite crystal. >. All the Kchinoderms are marine. In the classification proposecMvf Haeckel thcv are divided into three primary groups comprising the following classes : — Sub-branch A. /"Class 1. Crinoidea. Pelmatozoa. - „ 2. Sab-branch B. Asterozoa. Suh-hiuncli ('. Echinozoa. I „ 3. Blastoideu. ( Class 1. Opkiuroidea \ „ 2. Asteroidea. (Sea-lilies.) (( 'ystideans.) (Blaatoids.) (Brittle stars.) (Star-fishes.) TClass 1. Echinoiden. (Sea-urchins.) \ „ 2. Holotliin'i'il,l>,i. (Sea-cucumbers.) SUB-BRANCH A. Pelmatozoa. Leuckurt. The a are Echinoderms which, during the whole or at least the" earlv poll ion of their existence, are fixed liy a Jointed, flexible stalk, ol' ale attaehed l»y the dorsal or al»oral surface of the body. The principal viscera are enclosed in a lnirsifonn, cup-shaped, or spheri«-al test ('•"///.'•), which is composed of a M-stem of calcareous plates ; and on the upper surface of which are situated lioth the mouth and anus, as well as the ainlmlacral or food grooves conducting to the mouth. Asa rule, jointed flexible arms spring from the distal ends of the ambulacral grooves around the margin of the calyx; sometimes, however, arms are wanting, the amluilacral areas licing extended down the >ide> of the cal\-\, and Keset on l>oth sides with ji-nnules (Blastoidea). The inferior (dorsal, al>oral) portion of the calyx is composed of a single or douMe series of l»asal plates, \\hieh either rest directly upon tin- stalk, or are grouped aliout a rentro- dorsal plate. The /'ilni'ifm.Hi are diviiled into three classes: — Crinoideii, C>/.-f"i'i>l'-ii. nf thc.M-, only the Crinoids are 1'epresented by a few existing genera ; the others are wholly extinct, and are confined, moreover, to the hilaeo/.oic rocks. Although tlie Cystideans possess a less highly specialised organisation than the others, and probably represent the common ancestral 124 ECHIXODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in type from which both the Blastoids and Crinoids have been derived, neverthe- less, it is expedient to treat of the Crinoids first, since a knowledge of the anatomy in recent forms is essential to an adequate conception of the extinct. Class 1. CRINOIDEA. Miller, Sea-lilies.1 (Brachiata, Bronn ; Actinoidea, F. Eoemer.) Usually long-stalked, more rarely non-pedunculate and sessile, occasionally free- swimming Pelmatozoa with calyx composed of regularly arranged plates, and provided with well-developed movable arms. The Crinoid organism consists of three principal elements — calyx, arms, and stalk. The calyx and arms together are sometimes spoken of as the crown, as contrasted with the peduncle. 1. The Calyx. — The calyx has usually the form of a cup-, bowl-shaped, or globular capsule, within w^hich the more important organs are enclosed. Its lower (dorsal or abactinal) surface commonly rests upon a peduncle (Fig. 219) ; but in some forms it is attached directly by the base, and in rare instances it is free. The superior (ventral or actinal) surface is either membraneous or plated ; it carries the mouth and ambulacral grooves, and hence is homologous with the under side of a star-fish or sea-urchin. As a rule, only the inferior and lateral portions (dorsal cup) of the calyx are visible, owing to the concealment of the summit by the arms. The cup is constituted of two or more circlets of plates, which are uniformly oriented with reference to the ambulacral organs. a. By the base is understood the one or two rings of plates intervening between the topmost joint of the column and the first cycle of plates situated in the projection of the ambulacra or arms. When the basis is monocyclic (Fig. 220) the position of the proximal ring of plates is interradial ; but when dicyclic it is radial, and the upper ring corresponds with the basals of mono- cyclic forms. In the nomenclature of P. Herbert Carpenter, the upper series of plates in 1 Literature : Miller, J. S., A Natural History of the Crinoidea or lily-shaped Animals. 1821. Millie/; ,/.,Ueber den Ban des Pentacrinus cuput medusae (Abhandl. Berliner Akacl.), 1841. de Koninck, L. 6-'., et le Hon. H., Recherches sur les Crinoide.s du terrain carbonifere de la Belgique. Brussels, 1854. (Very extensive bibliography.) Be I/ rich, E., Die Crinoideen des Muschelkalks (Abhandl. Berliner Akad.), 1857. Schultze, L., Monographic der Echinodermen des Eifler Kalks (Denkschrift der k. k. Akad. der Wissenschaften), Vienna, 1866. Sltu/nard, B. F., Catalogue of Palaeozoic Echinodermata of North America (Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. vol. II.), 1868. (Very complete bibliography.) Carpenter, W. B., On the Structure, Physiology, and Development of Antedon rosaceus (Philo- sophical Transactions Royal Society, vol. CLVL), 1876. Wachsnndh, C., and Springer, F., Revision of the Palaeocrinoidea. I. — III. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad.), 1879-86. Wachsmnth, C., and Springer, F., Discovery of the Ventral Structure of Taxocrinus and Haplocrinus, ibid., 1888. Wachsmuth, C., and Xjiriiv/er, F., The Perisomic Plates of Crinoids, ibid., 1890. Wachsmuth, C., and Springer, F., The Crinoidea Camerata of North America. (In preparation.) Loriol, P. de, Paleontologie Francaise. Crinoides Jurassiques, I. — II., 1882-89. Neumayr, J/., Die Stamme des Thierreichs. Band I., 1889.- Af/assiz, A., Calamocrinuq Diomcdae (Memoirs Museum Comp. Zool. vol. XVII.), 1892. Bather, F. A., British Fossil Crinoids (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6th ser.), vols. V.— VII.), 1890-92. Bather, F. A., The Crinoidea of Gotland (K. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handlingar, vol. XXV.), 1892. C'lMNulhKA 125 tin- dicvdic forms ;iiv properly termed //i/sr//x, and tin- lower Berjea nii' The basals as thus defined are e<|ui\ alent to tin- " parabasals " in Fro. 219. S S/l!l'- Lng. staik.-d Crin.ii.l with dieyHir ad anal inter- radius. ". Anals; I, b, [nfrabasals. (Ki-hi and left sides . atVr Au- gdin.) Arti i/ni'ri a us jn'iilxisi-liliuH.-i, Hall. Pro- jection of calyx showing the three kisal* (b), 5x3 simple radials (?•), four paired inter- rays (/(•)) ni"l ;l lit'th unpaireil anal interray (")• Fi'.. -J-J1. I'nti-riiii'i'in us in ulti jili'f, Traut. Calyx with f infrabasalfl in the dicyclic to three. During the ontogenetic development of the recent Antedon, a UK m- or less complete resorption of the basals has lift-n ol»scr\fd ; and tin- same probably also held true tor certain Mesozoic genera (A1/^-// ///'•/•/'////.<, In many of the non-pedunculate (/'////"'•//////>•, Marsupites, Fig. 222) an additional plate known as the »•/ ntmdwsal rests against the infraliasals, and jjj-i.baldv represents an atrophied stalk. The Itasals ar«- united with one anot her and with the overlying radials l*v close sutures, and are immovably held together l»y tihrnus connecti\e tissue. 'ITimgh usually sim mill, the joint faces are sometimes striated, and are visiKle externally as incised lines. />. Succeeding the l>ase is a cycle of five (rarely four or six) plates, which, on account of their position with reference to the rays, are called radials. The radials form the sides of the calyx in nearly all Mesozoic and Recent Crinoids, and give origin directly to the arms, which may become free immediately aliove the radials, or may be incorporated for some distance in -the calyx, either by means of supplementary plates, or by lateral suture among themselves. FK.. •_'•_••_'. Sehlot. sp. 126 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III The upper boundary of the calyx is differently demarcated by different authors. Many assign all the plates above the first cycle of plates in each ray to the arms, even when they are immovably united with one another at the sides ; while, according to Schultze and others, the arms begin invariably at the •point where they first become movable, i.e. above the first articular facet. The latter course is open to serious objections, inasmuch as strictly homologous parts receive different appellations in different groups. Carpenter, Wachsmuth, and Bather restrict the term " radial " to the lower- most circlet of radially situated plates, and speak of the succeeding cycles as far as and including the first axillary plate as bmchials (distinguished as first, second, and third costals, distichals, and palmars respectively), in all cases, whether the plates are free or fixed. In most Palaeozoic Crinoids one or more interradial plates are intercalated between two of the rays, and in line with the anal aperture ; these are called the anal plates or anals. If a plane be passed through the latter and through the radial situated directly opposite, the calyx will be divided into two symmetrical halves : the parts lying to the right or left when viewed from the i FIG. 223. l'i nt/ii'i'lnus civputmedusac, Lain. sp. Ventral disk constructed of very thin perisomic plates, with central mouth (o), open ambulacra, and eccentric anus (A). FIG. 224. Hyocrinus Bethellianus,"Wyv. Thorn. Recent. Ventral disk, enlarged, o, Orals ; p, Mouth (peristome) ; s, Covering plates; c, Dorsal canals of the arms ; am, Ambulacral furrows of the arms ; an, Anus (after Wyville Thomson). posterior or anal side" are so designated ; while the anterior side is that opposite the anal interray. Interradial plates, however, are not confined to the anal interray, but are frequently developed also between the other rays, when the calyx is correspondingly expanded. If several cycles of radials are present, an equal number of interradials are also developed, and are distinguished in like manner as interradials and distichal interradials of various orders. The anal interray is frequently characterised by the peculiar number, size, and position of the anal plates. c. The superior side of the calyx is known as the tegmen calyds. The covering may be in the form of a coriaceous skin, in which large numbers of thin calcareous ossicles are embedded (Figs. 223, 224), or of a plated disk rising from the base of the arms. It frequently exhibits a more or less central, externally visible mouth -opening, and a usually eccentric interradial anal aperture. The mouth opens into an oesophagus and thence into the expanded visceral mass, which fills the greater portion of the inner cavity. The intestinal canal is directed - downwards at first, and after numerous windings discharges into the anal opening. In certain fossil Crinoids (Actinocrinidae) the digestive CLASS I CIMNOIDKA 127 apparatus is represented by an extremely thin -walled, finely perforated, con- voluted Unly, which occupied the vertical axis of the body cavity, and was contracted into a narrow tube toward the base (Fig. 232). In all recent (Yinoids fiv<- (occasionally four) open ambulacra! furrows lined with epithelium conduct from the mouth to the tips of the arms, remaining either simple or subdividing as often as there are arms. Underneath the floor of the grumes runs an ambulaeral vessel tilled with water ; and accompanying this are the blood and vascular canals and a nervous cord. Distensible tentacles pass out from alternate sides of the ambulacra, and the latter unite to form a circumoral /•///'/ ni/ni/. From the ring canal five short open tubes (stone or Water «•«////'/>•) extend downwards into the body cavity and supply the ambulacral system with water. In the recent genera, T/iaumatocrinus, Ithizocrinus, Calamocrinus, Hyocrinus ( Kig. L'L'l), and in a large number of fossil Crinoids, a triangular oral plate is >ituated in each of the five angles of the mouth-opening. The apices of the :. 825. I.l-l-l/t,, : !: I'lll ,/,/.»•. Miiller. Ciin.iici wjth .-ion- Katrtl anal tube (after Scluiltze) , iii riini^ i/ui iii/iii'Ii ilnix, Hall sp. Specimen showing plates <>f the tei;- inen ami eccentric anus. FIG. L'i'7. <"/"'.-• rosaceits, KIIIMU. Devonian ; Eifel. Calyx witli ven- tral pavement, twice en- larged (after Schultze). nrals are diivctrd towards one another, and between them run the ambulacra. The plates arc extremely \ariable in size; and although well-developed in the larvae of Jutn/nn and I'nihi.-rinus, they become wholly resorbed before maturity. In a number of Palaeozoic Crinoids (Larmfarmia, Fig. 227) the summit is entirely <>r in large part composed of five oral plates which may be either laterally in contact or separated by furrows. More frequently, however, the orals occupy only the angles of the mouth-opening, the remaining area between the ambulacra] furrows being covered with more or less regularly arranged inttrambuiacral plates (Fig. 224). In most of the Palaeozoic Camerata, and the recent Calanworinus, the anus is placed at the upper end of a tube known as the anal ////*• or profacis. In the Fistulata, however, the anal opening is situated along the anterior side of the ventral sac, or between the sac and the mouth. <>t the interaml.iilacral plates a greater or smaller number (in Calamocrinus all in the vicinity of the mouth) are perforated by respiratory pores for the admission of water into the inner cavity. Pores evidently performing a similar office occur in some of the Fistulata; but these, instead of piercing the 128 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III body of the plates, enter only their outer angles. Other Fiatulata have a madreporite. The ambulacra are frequently lined along their sides by perpendicular, \\ edge-shaped side-plates, and these are surrounded by movable covering pieces, both of which extend from the mouth to the ends of the arms. In the Palaeozoic Taxocfinus (Fig. 228), the covering pieces are arranged in alternate rows, with side 'pieces adjoining them. The latter plates occur also in most of the Fistula fa and Articulata, but are rarely represented in the Camerata. The mouth may be exposed or closed; being either surrounded by five oral plates (Taxocrinus, Fig. 228), or the posterior oral may be pushed in between the four others, so as to conceal the mouth ; the latter is then said to be subtegminal (Fig. 229). A very remarkable modification of the ventral disk occurs in the Palaeozoic Camerata. Here the usually very numerous plates attain considerable thickness, and fit into one another like the stones of an arch to form an extremely rigid, more or less convex vault, which is sometimes surmounted by an equally rigid plated proboscis. At the apex of the dome five large-sized plates are often FIG. 228. Taxocrinus intermed- ius, W. and S. Ventral disk (after Wachsmuth and Springer.) PIG. :>•_". >. Platycrinus Haiti, Shuni. Projection of ventral disk, o, Anibulacrals ; in, In- terambulacral areas ; in', Anal inter- radius ; e, Covering pieces of the anibu- lacrals ; i, Interradials ; p, Anterior and lateral orals ; o, Posterior (anally situated) oral ; x, Plates of the anal interambulacral area (after W. and S.) Fie. 230. He.iucrtnus elonyatus, Goldf. Calyx with tegmen. a, Profile; I, Aspect from above. distinguishable, of which that lying in the anal interradius commonly differs from the rest in form and size, and appears to be wedged in amongst the others. These five plates are identified by Wachsmuth and Springer as orals. The remainder of the tegminal plates are distinguished according to their position as ambulacrals arid interambulacrals ; in most of the Actinocrinidae the ambulacrals are not arranged in alternate rows (Fig. 231), but frequently consist of large single plates of one or more orders, which are separated from one another by the continuous interposition of supplementary pieces. In other groups, notably the Platt/crmidae, the ambulacra are generally arranged in two rows of rather large plates, which, however, lose their original character to some extent. The interambulacrals usually meet with the interbrachials. The tegmen of the Camerata, as a rule, is composed of large nodose plates, for the identification of which considerable experience is required. Most of the Palaeozoic Crinoids have but a single opening in the tegmen, which is interraclial in position, and undoubtedly represents the anus. With the exception of the Ichthyocrinidae the mouth is subtegminal, and the food grooves are rigidly closed. In many cases the covering pieces are pushed CLASS I CRIXOIDEA 129 inward, and the ambulacra follow the inner floor of the tegim-n, forming a skeleton of ramifying tubes ; these are conducted along open galleries from the mouth to tin* arm opening ( 1'V -•">-, A). 2. 77*0 Arms (Brachin). — The arms of the Crinoid body form the immediate prolongation of the radials. The plates of the arms are termed brachiah, and Fio. 231. Aijiinnx-r'nnis Aniericanus, Roen'i. Ventral disk, r, Uni- serial anibnlarrals ; /', Interaiii- bulacrals ; n, Anally situated oral ; /i. Anterior and lateral orals ; Posterior interaniljulacrals (after \Vai-hsnnith and Springer). Fio. 232. Actinocrinus proboscidicdis, Hall. A, Plates of tegtnen partially removed in order to show the covered ambulacral passages (a) leading from the arms to the mouth. Ji, Plated upper surface of ambulacral galleries. C, Natural cast of ventral disk with impressions of calyx ambulacra (n) leading to the mouth (o); an, Anus. arc arranged either in single or double alternating rows ; and hence are spoken of BB uniserial (Fig. 233, A), or as biserial (Fig. 233, B). The plates of the i mist-rial arms may be either rectangular or cuneiform, the major ends being directed alternately to the right and left. In biserial arms the smaller ends of •••unfit.*, An;;, sp., showing uniserial arms. /;, i;,l/;,-ri,iii.* <;>xte-mcnt> together. Tin- union i> further M ren-t hem-d l.y siituiv>. the appos.-d faces «>f tin- joint- lii-in^ tor tin- most |iart fiat, and cither radially -triated, 01- diversified in \arioiis ways l.y ]>roinine!ices and ; he ^roo\ ••> In-ill-' likewise occupied l.y conneeti\e tissue. Smile! ime> tin- :I|J|M.-.-. : are -niooth and rigidly united with one another ( /•„'//••/•/// //•>-, etcj ; l.nt in Other cases an articulation is >emred l.y means of an elevated usually oblique fulcral i-id^f (/////:»«•/•/////.<, /Ai// /•»///'/"«•/•/////>•). The proximal segments ot the eoliinin occasionally exhibit sini|.le vertical clefts whi«-h indicate an original • |iiiiH|iii]iartite composition. These divisions always occur alternately with those of the l.asals in monocyclic, and with those of the infrabasals in dicydie forms. (hdn^uij. — Although \\e are acquaint ed as yet with the life -history of I. ut the single genus .////MA///, the phenomena of its development are of such H-niticam e as to shed most valual. le light upon many con- ditions ol.served in fossil Crinoids. Following impregnation, the ova perform the early stages of development within tin: ovarian glands of the j.innules. Immediately after escaping from the \itelline membrane the embryo is girded with four tran>\er>e ciliated Lands, possesses a laterally situated mouth, and bears considerable resemblance to certain Annelid em- bryoes. Delicate plates of calcareous network (which, when definitely developed, are ten in number) are next formed within the wider anterior portion of the gastrula larva; these are arranged in two transverse rings, the plates of the anterior >eiie> being plaeed symmetrically above those of the posterior. K\ tend in- from the centre of the lower row downwards and backwards, a series of delicate calcareous rings may now be observed, at tlie base of which a large cribriform plate is rapidly developed. The two rows of plates gradually become enlarged, and the outline of the rudimentary calyx is more clearly defined, while sheaves of parallel calcareous rods are >een pa-Hii- through tly rin-s of the rudimentary stalk. The hitherto free-swimming larva now becomes fixed, the ciliated bands disappear, the outer surface becomes invested with a thick sari-ode layer, and the mouth appears as a lar^e patent opening "••eiipyin:;- the centre of the cup. The five plates surroundin.u the mouth are termed the orals, and the five con- *al, *,.:,]. stitutin^ the proximal series the basals, which rest directly dowd upon the tupnio>t segment (centrodorsal) of the stalk. In the five diamond-shaped spaces which are left between the divisions of the urals and ha>al> delicate net like plates ( ra dials) are next formed, which increase rapidly in si/e and intrude upon the orals. At the same time a sixth plate (anal) makes its appearance in the zone of radials, but is gradually forced upward with the orals into the ventral disk. Rows of elongate cylindrical segments (brachials), which grow very rapidly, are next given off by the radials, when the larva is said to have reached the " Pentacrinus stage." Simultaneously with the development of the arms and column, a resorption of the anal and orals occurs, which plates are obliterated on the completion of the dermal skeleton. The basals also become obsolete, owing to the encroachment of the centrodorsal, and are indicated in the adult form by a mere rudiment in s] w.wiii.- 132 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM m the form of a small ring-like rosette. Finally, the button-shaped centrodorsal, which is now beset with numerous cirri, detaches itself from the stalk, and the creature becomes capable of independent motion. The ontogeny of Antedon reveals the fact that the basals, orals, and stem represent the most primitive skeletal structures, while the radials and brachials are formed at a subsequent period. Similar evidence is afforded by numerous fossil Crinoids, in which the basals and column are very strongly developed, while the radials are mostly of inferior size, and the arms either rudimentary or absent.1 Habitat. — Existing Crinoids live together in large numbers, and inhabit depths ranging from shallow water to a maximum of about 3000 fathoms. Their distribution, however, is mostly very local. Fossil Crinoids also appear to have been gregarious in habit, and their remains are frequently found com- mingled with those of reef-building corals in Palaeozoic strata. Owing to the extremely delicate constitution of many of the skeletal parts, and the looseness with which the plates and segments are united, the Crinoid organism is by no means favourably adapted for preservation in the fossil state. Perfect crowns are of comparatively rare occurrence ; but, on the other hand, detached joints of the stem and arms are often very abundant, and occasionally form beds of considerable thickness. Crinoidal limestones of greater or lesser extent are met with in numerous formations from the Ordovician to the Jura ; those of the Carboniferous and Muschelkalk (Trochitenkalk) being especially characteristic. Classification. — The first attempt to construct a classification of the Crinoids was that of J. S. Miller in 1821. Four groups differing in the form and mode of union of the calyx plates were distinguished by Miller, as follows : — C. arti- culata, semiarticulata, inarticulate, and coadunata. The classification of Johannes Miiller, in 1841, was based upon a number of differential characters, such as the articular or close suture of the radials, the thickness of the calyx plates, the mobility of the arms, and the plated or coriaceous character of the ventral disk. Two principal groups were recognised : Articulata and Tesselata ; while a third (Costata) was constructed for the reception of the unique genus Saccocoma. T. and T. Austin and F. Roemer adopted the untenable divisions of Stalked and Unstalked Crinoids. The importance of Wachsmuth and Springer's investigations on the structure of the calyx, especially of the tegmen, and on the orientation of the stem and its canals in monocyclic and dicyclic forms, cannot be overestimated. Two groups were put forward in their classification of 1879: Palaeocrinoidea and Stomatocrinoidea ( = Neocrinoidea, Carpenter) ; groups which correspond in the main with the Tesselata and Articulata of Johannes Miiller. This classification was subsequently abandoned, and a new one proposed for it in 1888, in which four principal orders were recognised, as follows : Camerata, Inadunata, Articulata, and Canaliculata ; the latter being nearly identical with the Articulata of Miiller. The Inadunata are further divided into the two sub- orders—/, larviformia and I. fistulata ; but it is preferable to regard these groups 1 [Some of the Ichthyocrinidae are almost identical, in fact, with the pedunculate stages of Antedon. Wachsmuth and Springer, from their observations on the orientation of the stem and its canal in fossil monocyJic and dicyclic Crinoids, were led to infer the presence of infrabasals in the nepionic or adult stages of many forms previously supposed to be without them. This prediction was abundantly confirmed by Mr. Bury's discovery of minute infrabasals in the gastrula larva of Antedon. See especially //. Bury, Early Stages in the Development of Antedon rosaceus, Philos Trans, vol. CLXXIX. pp. 257-301, 1889.— TUANS.] CLASS i CRINOIDEA 133 as of equal value with the remaining orders. The divisions established by Wachsniiith and Springer are on the whole extremely well founded, and have been adopted as the basis of the following systematic arrangement. The term Inuiliiinitn is dropped, however, on raising the Larrifnrinm and Fistulata to the rank of independent orders ; and for the terms Articulata and Canaliculatn, the designations Flexibilia and Arlii-nlnttt are substituted respectively. [More recently an improved classification has been prepared by Wachsmuth and Sprin-.-r, in connection with their as yet unpublished monograph on the Crinoidea ( 'um.-rata of North America. The primary divisions of the Crinoidea as now recognised by these authors are shown in the subjoined table. Within tin- last few years, also, the terminology has been amended in several important respects ; and conformably to the usage of the leading English and Ameriran authorities, certain of these changes have been adopted in the present r.lition. Aii explanatory note on the use of terms is therefore given at this place, in order to facilitate reference, and to exhibit the correspondence between the older terminology and the new. . The only abbreviations employed in the text are the following : — IB = Infrabasals. Br = Brachials. £ = Basals. RA = lUdianal. fi = Radials. IRA = First or special anal. In addition to these the following are used in the figures, but are printed in small letters : — K= Calyx. 0 = Orals. IR = Interradials. Explanation of Terms. = Crinoid minus the stem. /'• = Crinoid skeleton minus the stem and free arms. ' ,-i/ji- All parts of the calyx below the origin of the free arms. n That part of the calyx lying above the origin of the free arms, and embracing the disk ambulacra, the mouth, and the anus. Includes the terms ventral disk, vault, dome, in a i HI it, etc. -Z?ose = Tliat part of the dorsal cup lying next to the column. It may be composed of one or of two rings of plates, which are distinguished as basals and infrctbasals. The basals adjoin the radials and alternate with them, being interradial in position. The infrabasals, when t, form the proximal ring, and are radially disposed. A',////,//.-,- = The circlet formed by the first plate in each of the rays ; or, the radially situated circlet of plates above basals, and this ring only. In some of the earlier Crinoids one or more of the radials are transversely bisected, in which case the two parts are distinguished as super - inferradial. (Abbreviated Ji1 in the figures.) ilx — All plates beyond the radials in radial succession. They are called faced brachials so far as they take part in the calyx ; free brachials or arm-plates when they do not. The brachials forming the first circlet above the radials, whether free or fixed, are called ///•///////•// hrachials, or cost(ils_ ; those of the second order distichals, or secondary brachials ; those of the third order pal mars ; and all succeeding brachials, whether there are additional divisions in the ray or not, receive the name post-palmars. /i/f< r/adials = All plates occupying the spaces between the rays proper, whether they belong to the dorsal cup or the ventral disk. Those of the dorsal cup, which are interposed between the brachials, are distinguished as interbrachials, and those of the tegmen, which lie between the ambulacra, as interambulacrals. Anals= Interradials of the posterior side, forming the base of the anal structure. The special or first anal plate, when present, invariably rests upon the truncated upper face of the posterior basal, and between the radials. Higher anal plates may be present, even when the special anal is wanting ; they are interposed between the interbrachials following the median line of the posterior area. 134 ECHIXODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in The Radiuiidl (= first or lower anal plate auct. ), when present, rests within the re-entrant angle of two adjoining basals to the right of the true anal plate, and is the lower half of a bisected radial, which only in certain genera assumes anal functions. Orats = Ti}ie five large interradial plates which surround the mouth or cover it. They are said to be symmetrical when of nearly the same size and form ; asymmetrical when the posterior plate is pushed in between the four others. Ambulacrals = r£l\z rows of small plates in the tegmen which are radially situated. They consist of adambidacrals or side-pieces, and the covering-plates (SaumplattcJien). The former, when present, constitute the outer, the latter the inner rows of plates. The covering plates form a roof over the food-grooves ; they are generally represented by two alternating rows of small plates, more or less regular in their arrangement, which are movable upon the arms and pinnules, but upon the disk only in those Crinoids in which the mouth is exposed. The orientation is based upon the natural position of the Crinoid, with the arms uppermost, and viewing the specimen from the anal side. The anal interradius will then be posterior, the radius opposite to it anterior, while the right and left sides correspond with right and left of the observer. Primary Divisions of the Crinoidea, according to W. and Sp. I. Crinoids in which the arms are free above the radials. The topmost joint the youngest in the stem. — Order 1. INADUNATA. (a) Disk composed of orals only. Ambulacra subtegminal. — Sub-Order A. Larviformia. (b) Posterior side of the disk extended into a sac. Ambulacra supra tegminal. — Sub-Order B. Fistulata. II. Crinoids in which the lower brachials take part in the dorsal cup. All plates of the calyx united by close sutures. Mouth and food-grooves closed. The top joint the youngest in the stem. — Order 2. CAMERATA. III. Crinoids in which the lower brachials are incorporated into the calyx either by lateral union with each other, or by means of a skin studded with calcareous particles. All plates from the radials up movable. Mouth and food-grooves exposed. The top stem joint fused with the infrabasals, and not the youngest joint of the stem. — -Order 3. ARTICULATA. (a) Arms non-pinnulate. — Sub-Order A. Impinnata. (b) Arms pinnulate.— Sub-Order B. Pinnata.] Order 1. LARVIFORMIA. Wachsmuth and Springer. (Haplocrinacea, Neumayr.) Tegmen formed by five triangular orals only, arranged in the form of a pyramid. Dorsal cup composed of basals and radials exclusively, except in the Cupressocrinidae, where the basals enclose a central undivided plate. All plates immovably united by close sutures ; arms feebly developed. Ordovician to Carboniferous. Mostly small forms exhibiting embryonic characters persistently throughout life. Family 1. Haplocrinidae. Roemer. Calyx small, pyriform to globose. Three of the radials compound, the others simple. Orals large, triangular to pentagonal, laterally in contact. Arms jive, uniserial, non- pinnulate. Devonian. CRINOIDEA— LARVIFOKMIA //.ifi/o'-riini*. Steining. (Fig. IM). I! five, // five, unequal. Three of the radials composed of two pieces, of which the uppenim-t oi- *njii-rr/,;/;///•»!»'.-•, Goldf. Devonian; ,> GerolstHn, Kif.-l. O, Calyx SP.MI from on,, Bide! r<>rided with, transverse ridges and large muscle plates. Upper Sub-Carboniferous ; Europe and North America. .ll/it'tpcrinus, E. and C. B completely anchylosed in the adult, and the suture lines between the orals also disappear- ing with age. Stem largest next to the calyx, rapidly tapering downward. Sub-Carboniferous ; Great Britain and North America. Family 3. Pisocrinidae. Angelin. Cnft/.i- twwll, globose or cup-shaped, and composed of heavy fi/ufcs. Busals three to five, radials five, very unequal, the right posterior "in1 rmnpound. Inferradial completely roofed over by flif literal flanges of the wjicmidHtl and right antero -lateral f>n/i"/. .-I mi* MIH/I/C, nniseridl, and composed of long, (•/////////•/••/// ' Silurian and Devonian. rixnc.fi HUS, de Kon. (Fig. 237, A). B five, unequal, forming a triangle. Only the large anterior radial, and the left posterior resting upon the basals ; the superradial of the right posterior ray, and the right antero-lateral radial, being ^M'P01^''1 by the upper angle of the inferradial ; the latter not in contact with the anal tube. Articular facets of the '""-dials impressed between vertical partitions formed by the hlteral margins of the plates. Tegmen rarely preserved; but, as observed by Wachsmuth in P. pilula, consisting of />1 «T 11 !•!• nve large symmetrical orals, above which rises a long, narrow, anal tube. Arms long, and composed of extremely elongate, heavy, cylindrical ossicles. Silurian ; Gottland, Dudley, England, and North America (Niagara Group). 136 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III Triacnnus, Miinst. (Fig. 237, B}. Differs from the preceding in having but three B. Wachsmuth has shown, however, that some of the Eifel specimens occasionally have five B, thus leading to the inference that the two forms are identical. Devonian ; Eifel, Fichtelgebirge. Family 4. Symbathocrinidae. Wachsmuth and Springer. Calyx small, bowl-shaped, composed of three unequal or of Jive equal basals, and Jive nearly equal radials. Tegmen foi'med by five small, asymmetrical orals ; between these and the radials extends a long, anal tube, which, however, is not supported by anal plates. Entire upper edges of the radials bevelled off so as to form straight articular facets, which are furnished with well-developed transverse ridges. Arms five, simple ; column round. Devonian and Carboniferous. Symbathocrinus, Phill. B three, unequal ; R five, long, quadrangular or pentagonal. The posterior oral larger than the others. Anal tube long, very slender, resting partly upon the radials and partly upon the orals. Arms long, uniserial, and composed of comparatively thick ossicles with sharp angular edges. Carboniferous ; Great Britain and North America. Phimocrinus, Schultze. Differs from the preceding in having five B. De- vonian ; Europe. Stylocrinus, Sandb. Distinguished from Symbathocrinus mainly by the character of the radial facets, which are directed obliquely downward and inward, in- stead of upward and outward. Devonian. Storting ocrinus, Schultze. Devonian. Lageniocrinus, de Kon. Carboniferous. Family 5. Cupressocrinidae. d'Orbigny. Calyx large, basin - shaped, composed of five equal basals and Jive equal radials ; the basals en- closing a central pentagonal plate, which in all probability represents Jive anchylosed infrabasals. Upper faces of radials broad, truncate y and forming an even horizontal line. Costal s compressed, flange- shaped. A peculiar annular showing well- preserved ' inrolled pinnules, plated covering of structure, the SO-Cttlled " COnSOlidat- ambulacral furrows, and neuro-vascular canals perforating the . ossicles ; e, Interior of calyx from above, showing the five con- ing apparatus, Situated OU lite volidating plates; the lowermost containing the anal opening- • , /• n 7 /, Radial pierced by ambulacral opening, but with wall covering, UPP^' interior margin OJ me Ctt/yj' the same partly broken away ; 0, Side-view of radial in which the bffwffn HIP nvrn hnw 238. Cupressocrinus crassus, Goldf. Devonian; Gerolstein, Eifel. a, Perfect specimen, natural size; 1), Cross-section of column ; c, Centrodorsal plate; d, Section through the folded -up arms, ORDER ii CRINOIDEA— CAMERATA 137 Cupressocrinus, Goldf. (Fig. 238). Tegmen very small; the greater part of the ventral surface covered by the so-called consolidating apparatus. This is composed of five petaloid, horizontally truncated interradial pieces, which are laterally in contact, and enclose a large, central open space. The opening was probably covered by orals, as in Symbathocrinus ; while the consolidating plates served for the attachment of muscles. Five round apertures, through which the ambulacra entered the calyx, perforate the divisions between the consolidating plates ; one of the latter is pierced by the anal opening (Fig. 238, «). Arms provided with a wide and deep ventral furrow, lined on both sides with jointed, closely abutting appendages ; of these there are several to each arm-plate, thus showing that they are different from true pinnules. Middle Devonian ; Eifel, Harz, Nassau, and Westphalia. C. crassus, elongatus, abbreviatus, Goldf. Mf/rtillocnnus, Sandb. Calyx deep ; tegmen formed by five large symmetri- cal orals resting directly upon the radials. IB fused into a single plate, and pierced by the quadripartite canal of the stem. Devonian. Family 6. Stephanocrinidae. Wachsmuth and Springer. Calyx cup-shaped, composed of three elongate basals, five radials, and five inter- radials. Radials deeply forked ; the prongs formed by the margins of two contiguous radials extending upward between the arms, and building together with the interradials a row of pyramids. Radial incisions occupied by the ambulacral grooves, which are roofed over by two rows of covering pieces ; those of the same row closely anchylosed. First costals semi- lunate, and resting within a horseshoe-like concavity near the outer end of radial incisions. Tegmen constituted of five large triangular orals. Arms very short, composed of about ten pieces, all of which are axillary, and give off side arms. The latter are biserial, non-pinnulate, and are made up of long, strongly cuneiform joints. Ordovician and Silurian. no 239 Stephanocrinus, Conrad (Rhombifera, Barr.), stephnnocrinus anguiat-us, Conrad, sii- (Fig. 239). This unique genus is distinguished Of S^°nKi ST^BunTmif £££ from all other Larvifwmia by the biserial and ^SLk^a^aftSnaU)?" °f the branching character of the arms, as well as by the presence of small interradials. Anal aperture situated near the summit of one of the interradial projections. Ordovician (Etage D) ; Bohemia. Silurian ; North America. Order 2. CAMERATA. Wachsmuth and Springer. (Sphaeroidocrinacea, Neumayr. ) The lower arm-plates incorporated into the dorsal cup by means of supplementary plates. All plates of the calyx united by close sutures, and immovable. Tegmen in the form of a solid vault, composed of rigidly united plates. Mouth- and food-grooves completely covered; the covering pieces of the latter frequently incorpoi'ated in the tegmen. Anal opening eccentric or subcentral, frequently situated at the end of a proboscis-like anal tube. Interradials constantly present in all interrays ; inter- 1 38 ECHINODERMATA — PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in dislirhdl* «n Platycrinus, Miller (Figs. 229, 240). />' three, unsymmetnYal, fiv.jiiently anchylosed. /,' long, large, laterally unitpd by close sutures, and furnished siippi-inrly with a crescent- shaped articular facet. Succeeding the R, and united with them by close sutures, is a row of small axillaries. These are. often so minute as to be completely hidden within the radial facets, as is also the case sometimes with the first distichals. First row of interradials on a level with the arm-bases, ,ind consisting of three plates horizontally arranged; they are in part interbrachial and in part interambulacral. The higher interradials, when present, strictly interainlmlaeral ; plates of the anal interray more numerous than those of the four regular sides. Orals large, asymmetrical, and resting against the interradials. Covering pieces of the ambulacra generally exposed, very rigid, and incorporated into the tegmen. Anus either eccentric, or placed at the end of a short thick tube. Arms uniserial at their lower ends, but gradually becom- ing biserial. Column elliptical and twisted; the axes of 'O . , . . , I'lutHn-tHiisti-Hjiiitidin-tHl'i*, the upper and lower surfaces of the individual segments Austin sp. Carboniferous 1 icing slightly shifted upon one another. The stem is (reTtor^d'aiJe^de^oSrick""1 pierced by a very minute axial canal, and gives off cirri toward the distal end. Extremely scarce in Devonian, but abundant in Carbon- iferous. P. laevis, Mill. ; P. hemisphaericus, M. and W. Eudadocrinus, Meek. Calyx and stem as in Platycrinus, but having the rays produced laterally into large tubular appendages, from which biserial, pinnule-bearing arms are given off alternately throughout their entire length. Sub-Carboniferous (Burlington and Keokuk Groups). Coccocrinus, Miiller (Fig. 227). Like Platycrinus, but the costals wider, and forming together with the interradials a part of the dorsal cup. Costals two, succeeded by two distichals, of which the upper one is axillary; inter- radials only one to each side. Orals large, triangular, abutting against the interradials, and forming nearly the whole of the ventral surface. They are separated from one another by a deep angular groove, closed at the bottom. Anal opening in the suture between the posterior interradial and its corre- sponding oral. Silurian ; Tennessee. Devonian ; Eifel. Culicocrinus, Miiller. Transitional between Coccocrinus arid Platycrinus. Calyx, as in the former, small and globose ; but the orals somewhat asym- metrical. Arms bifurcated, heavy, biserial. Column round. Middle Devonian ; Kifel. Cordylocrinus, Aug. Arrangement of calyx plates as in Platycrinus, but the tegmen higher, and arms uniserial. Column round, and bearing long cirri ; the upper ones reaching nearly to the tips of the arms. Silurian ; Gottland. Miirsupiocrinus, Phill. Dorsal cup depressed, saucer-shaped. B and R as in J'latycrimis. Radials rapidly spreading, and followed by a very small trigonal axillary ; this, together with the two superjacent distichals, is buried within the radial facet, so that the three plates are wholly or almost wholly supported by the radials. Tegmen composed of numerous small pieces ; anal opening eccentric. Column round, and traversed by a large axial canal. Silurian ; Gottland, England, and North America (Niagara Group). 140 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III Family 2. Hexacrinidae. Wachsmuth and Springer. Dorsal cup composed of a monocydic base, five large radials, and an anal plate similar in farm and size to the radials interposed between them. In all other respects constituted like the Platucrinidae. Devonian and Carboniferous. Hexacrinus, Austin (Fig. 241). B three, equal; R five, very large and elongate. Tegmen low, composed of relatively large plates, and pierced by an eccentric anal opening. Arms uniserial or biserial; pinnules unusually long. Column round. Devonian ; represented by numerous species in England, France, Belgium, and the Eifel, but by only a few in North America. DicJwcrinus, Miinst. Differs from Hexacrinus in having but two hexagonal basals, and an eccentric anal opening. Sub-Carboniferous ; Belgium. Great Britain, and North America. Arthrocantha, Williams (Histricrinus, Hinde). Like Hexacrinus, except that the calyx plates are beset with short mobile spines. Devonian ; North America. Pterotocrinus, Lyon and Cass. B two, equal. R short, rapidly spreading ; their upper faces excavated for the reception of several orders of brachials, FIG. 241. Hexacrinus elongatus, Goldf. Devonian ; Pelm, Eifel. a, Calyx seen from one side ; 6, Aspect of summit ; c, Diagram of calyx and arms ; d, e, Column of H. spinosus, Milll. (after L. Schultze). , which rest with their lateral edges upon it ; all of these plates taking part in the dorsal cup. IRA less than half the size of the R, and sometimes triangular. Tegmen highly elevated, pyramidal. Orals large, asymmetrical ; their lower angles enclosing five large, radially disposed plates, which are separated from one another by interambulacral pieces. These plates are provided with enormous, leaf-like, club-shaped, or spatulate processes, which project outward conspicuously from between the arms. Anus sub-central. Arms four to each ray ; biserial. Kaskaskia Group ; North America. Talarocrinus, "W. and Sp. Intermediate between the preceding and Dicho- crinus; structure of the tegmen resembling the former, that of the dorsal cup the latter. IRA slightly smaller than the R ; its upper • end narrower than ORDER ii VCRINOIDEA— CAMERATA 1 4 1 the lower. Costals one to each ray, very minute, trigonal ; they are roofed over by the distichals, which rest with their sides upon the R, but are laterally in contact with one another. Processes of the tegmen thorn-like and less prominent than in I'terotocrinus. Arms two to four. Anus sub-central. Con- fined to the St. Louis Limestone of North America. Family 3. Actinocrinidae. Roemer. Base monocyclic. Basals three, sub-equal ; radials united laterally, except at the posterior side, where they are separated by a large anal plate. Fixed brachials large, xiiiiilnr in for/n fo the radials. Interradials abundantly represented ; the first row interposed between the primary brachials, and consisting < if a single plate in each of the interrays except the posterior ; the second row consisting of two or three plates, and usually succeeded by additional rows. Plates of the tegmen numerous, and forming a rigid vault. Orals markedly asymmetrical; anus sub -central, eccentric, or marginal, with or without an anal tube. Ordovician to Middle Sub-Carboniferous. [The Actinocrinidae, Roemer, according to "Wachsmuth and Springer, fall naturally into two subdivisions, which are elevated by them in their forthcoming Monograph to the rank of inde- pendent families. The relations between the two sections, which are designated as groups A and B in the original, and the genera embraced by them, are as follows : — Fl°- 242- Patelliocrinus lepio- A. (ACTINOCRINIDAE, s. str.), IRA hexagonal, succeeded by two gSSrian; ^Sfttiand'. interbrachials without a second anal. (Actinocrinus, Cactocrinus, ^Jjjj™* size (after Amphoracrinus, Teleiocrinus, Steganocrinus, Physetocrinus, Strotocrinus.} B. (BATOCRINIDAE, W. and Sp.), IRA heptagonal, succeeded by two interbrachials which enclose a secondary anal. (Batocrinus, Eretmocrinus, Dorycrinus, Agaricocrinus, Alloprosalocrinus, Barrandeocrinus, Habrocrinus, Desmidocrinus, Periechocrinus, Megisto- crinus, Abacocrinus, etc.] (SECTION A.) ACTINOCRINIDAE. Actinowinus, Miller (Fig. 243). Calyx pyriform or ovate; plates of the dorsal cup generally ornamented with striae passing from plate to plate. B three, equal, forming a hexagon. Three of the R six-sided, generally higher than wide ; the posterior pair heptagonal. First costals nearly as high as wide ; second costals axillary, supporting both distichals and palmars, and frequently higher orders of brachials. IR very numerous, passing insensibly into the tegmen ; anus sub-central, and borne at the end of a large, strong anal. tube. Arms biserial ; not bifurcating in their free state, or rarely so ; and given off in clusters from lateral expansions of the calyx. Pinnules long, slender, and laterally in contact. Column long, round ; its joints frequently sharply edged, and with striated upper and lower faces. Abundant in Sub-Carboniferous of North America and Europe. Cactocrinus, W. and Sp. Like the preceding, except that the arms form a continuous ring around the calyx, and the IR of the dorsal cup are separated from those of the tegmen. Sub-Carboniferous ; North America. Amphoracrinus, Austin. Dorsal cup, saucer-shaped or almost flat; tegmen 14-2 K< ' H ! X< > I > K 1 ! M ATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III highly elevated. Arms heavy ; branching in the free state. Anus borne at FIG. :>43. A, Actlnwriniix y/;W»,M •/ an(* arched over by the palmars and higher bnichials, when these are present in the calyx, so as to be completely shut off from the plates of the tegmen. Tegmen elevated ; its OUDKIt If CR1NOIDEA— CAMERATA 143 plates heavv, and more or less turbid. Anal tube nearly central, very long, and gradually tapering. Anns simple, hiserial, and very short. Confined to the Sub-Carbonifflroufl of North America. Type — B. icosidactylus, Gassed. Erehnocrinuttf Lvon and Cassed. Like the preceding, but the Hi of the dorsal dip (••.minimus \\ith tho-e «.f tin- teamen, and arms nearly twice as long: their upper portions much wider, spatulate, and folded inward. Anal tube shorter than in /A/Awy/'// */.-•, and <.ften Kent abruptly to one side. Sub-Carboni- ferous; North America. /A//-//OV////S, Uoem. ( Fi-. L'45). Calyx broadly turbinate or sub-globose, truncate at the base, and deeply -innate in all the interradial areas, but chiefly so in the posterior one. Hates of the dorsal cup smooth or corrugated, but not Mriated, and all more or less convex. Tegmen strongly convex, composed of moderately heavy plates. Orals five, large ; the posterior one nodose, or more frequently extended into a long spine, and occupying a central position. Surrounding these and overlying the ambulacra are five other spinous or nodose, plates, which are separated by interradial pieces. Anus lateral in position, and FIG. 24."). 1/1/1 inii/i'/nhiix, Hall, VHI'. InterSMdlu*. M.and W. Sub-Carbon- iferous ; Burlington, Iowa. Calyx viewed from tin- anal side. Natural sizt- (after Mrrk ami Wortlien). FIG. -240. a, IIal>i'!, tt us. Aug. .Silurian ; (iottland. Tegmen viewed from the anal side. Natural size ; I, H. ortHitus, Aug. Tegmen showing cnveriii" pieces of the ambulacra (after Angelin). not extended into a tube. Arm openings twelve to twenty; the arm-bearing plates protuberant. Devonian ; Eifel. Lower Sub-Carboniferous ; North America. Agaricocrinus, Troost (Fig. 231). Calyx much depressed ; basal disk flat or slightly concave. 11 supporting two primary £r, which are followed by short distichals, and in rays with more than two arms, by still shorter palmars. lit of the dorsal cup rarely more than four ; those of the tegmen numerous, especially at the anal side. Tegmen high, pyramidal ; the upper end occupied by a massive, button-shaped, central piece, which is surrounded by four similar, but slightly smaller plates ; these constituting together the orals. Confined to the Sub-Carboniferoua of North America. A. Americanus. Eoem. sp. ; A. pentuqonu* Hall. Alhproaalocrinia, Lyon and Cass. Warsaw Limestone. Habrocrinus, Ang. (Pionocrinus, Aug. ; Carpocrinus, Mull.), (Fig. 246). JJ three, equal. Costals 2x5; the distichals supporting the arms. IRA very large, and followed by numerous IE, arranged in rows of two or three plates. Arms uniserial, long, heavy, and simple throughout. Silurian ; Gottland and England. 144 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III [The genus Carpocrinus was described by Miiller as having no anal plate ; but according to Angelin the type-species (C. simplex) has an IRA interposed between the radials. It must therefore be referred to Habro- crinus, which it resembles in all other respects.] Desmidocrinus, Ang. (Fig. 247). Like the preceding, but with a greater number of arms, which are longer, and composed of shorter joints. Silurian ; Gottland. Periechocrinus, Austin (Geocrinus, d'Orb.) Calyx large, elon- gate, somewhat urn-shaped, and composed of thin plates. R and primary Br long and narrow, frequently bearing a median longi- tudinal ridge. Distichals two ; interradials very numerous, the second row composed of either two or three plates. Plates of the tegmen very small. Anal opening sub-central, sometimes prolonged in a tube composed of small, thin plates. Arms numerous, slender, branching, biserial ; pinnules long and thin. Column round, pierced by an extremely large axial canal. Silurian ; Gottland, England, North America. Megistocrinus, Owen and Shum. Devonian to Middle Sub- Carboniferous ; North America. Abacocrinus, Ang. Silurian ; Desmidocrinus heterodactylus, Ang. Silurian ; Gottlanc AnS).siz' r Europe. Gennaeocrinus, W. Group) ; North America. and Sp. Devonian (Hamilton Family 4. Barrandeocrinidae. Angelin. Base monocydic. Basals three, enclosing an anal plate which supports three inter- Arms biserial, recumbent ; pinnules, exposed, and directed upwards. Silu- rian ; Gottland. Barrandeocrinus, Ang. R followed by two costals ; the upper ones giving off two heavy arms, which in perfect specimens are so closely folded as to conceal the calyx completely. Pinnules very long; their tips bending inward from opposite sides. Column cylindrical, and very heavy ; axial canal circular. Silurian ; Gottland. [This genus is referred by Wachsmuth and Springer to the Batocrinidae and the family discontinued.] Family 5. Reteocrinidae. Wachsmuth and Springer. Monocydic or diet/die. Infrabasals, when present, five ; basals four to Jive. Radials separated by a large IRA which supports a vertical row of higher anals all of nearly the same size • the upper ones passing gradually into the tegmen. The spaces to either side of this row, as well as the whole of the four other interrays, both in the dorsal cup and tegmen, paved with minute, irregularly formed pieces. Ordovician. Reteocrinus, Bill. Calyx obconical ; interradial and interaxillary areas profoundly depressed. IB five, differing considerably in size. B five, large, pro- tuberant, hexagonal. R and fixed brachials forming a broad, highly elevated ridge, which passes insensibly into the arms. IE in contact with the B, and consisting of a large number of minute, irregular pieces. Tegmen composed of numerous, very small, convex plates, irregularly arranged. Arms with strong pinnules, and branching in the free state. Column sub-pentagonal. Ordovician ; North America. < KINOIDEA— CAMKRATA 145 Xe*ocrm**i S. A. Miller. IB obsolete; B four; (-(,11111111 Muadran«,'ular. < Hli• /-/W,,s Angelin.) AW- ,//>//,-//>. 7,'<"//Vx /,/A-/W/// /// confo4 casegrf "/ ///'- interior side, where they are sep«r// wwrnl rows o/ interradials, between which additional tum/.< or» inf, rj>o«ed. Ordovician and Silurian. [Thysanocrinidae was substituted by W. and Sp. as a family name, on dis- covering the identity between •!, Hadials ; r'l, First costals ; y, Lower, and 5, upper piece of the wing-likf processes). (,', 'IVginen. J>, Dorsal cup (/•!, Radials; »•-', First costals; ir, Interradials ; jiecic8 occurs in the De- vonian of the Eifel. fiill'ii-niniSy Aug. (Fig. 2 53). Calyx flask-shaped ; i< >IK -a\ it vat the base deeper and wider than in the pre- ceding, sometimes involv- ing not only the radials, but parts of the costals as well. Partitions for the ro^rtfinii nf flin arm* nnli CWHcrtiMM n ,.- Calvx. shl,win., th(. coBsKtlon of the tegmen. C, Inner or ventral shorter extending tO less asPect ot the base. D, Outer or dorsal aspect of the same. Natural i 'ir .1 1-1 c ! sixe (after Angelin). than half the height of the aims. Otherwise similar to Eucalyptocrinus, arid sharing the same distribution. Hypanthocrimts, Phill.' Probably identical with Eucalyptocrinus (Fig. 251). Family 10. Crotalocrinidae. Angelin (emend. W. and Sp.) Base dicyclic. Dorsal cup composed of five infrabasals, five basals, five radials, an anal plate, and the lower brachials, which are laterally in contact. Upper edges of radials more or less excavated. Tegmen fiat or bid slightly elevated ; its plates immovably Fio. 253. ECHIXODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III united by sutures. Orals asymmetrical ; ambulacra bifurcating once or twice within the calyx, and roofed by two roics of very regularly arranged covering pieces ; a few inter ambulacrals also present. Anus eccentric, placed at the end of a tube. Arms uniserial, dichotomising at short intervals throughout their entire length. Pinnules unknown. Column round, strong, the distal end formed into a thick root. Silurian. This family embraces the genera Crotalocrinus, Austin (Anthocrinus, Mtiller), (Fig. 254), and Enallocrinus, d'Orb., both of which are found in the Silurian of Gottland and England. The arms of the same ray are laterally united in Crotalocrinus throughout FIG. 254. A, Crotalocrinus pulcher, Rising. (Anthocrinus Loveni, Miiller). Silurian ; Gottland. Crown with folded arms. B, Portion of stem. C, Cross-section of four contiguous arm-ossicles of the network. I), Dorsal aspect of arm-plates, showing their intimate union ; those above the two rows figured have been broken away so as to expose the side-pieces and covering plates of the ambulacra] furrows. E, Tegmen of C. rugosits, Miller (after Angelin). their entire length, so as to resemble five broad, reticulate leaflets ; Avhile those of Enallocrinus are united for a certain distance only, and then become free. The arms in both forms were capable of being stretched out horizontally on the same level with the tegmen. Order 3. FISTULATA. Wachsmuth and Springer. (Inadunata fistulata, W. and Sp. ; Cyathocrinacea, Neumayr.) All plates of the dorsal cup united by close suture. Jtadials bisected or simple. Anal plate (IRA) generally, and radianal (RA) frequently represented ; the former resting upon the truncated upper face of the posterior basal, the latter situated to the right of Die IRA, and within the angle formed by the posterior and postero-lateral basals. Interradials proper not represented. Tegmen greatly extended at the posterior side to form an elongate or balloon-shaped sac. Ambulacra tegminal, lined by side- plates, and roofed over by small covering pieces. Mouth eccentric and subtegminal, • Knr.u in < 'K I NOIDEA— FISTULATA 151 by for. <>nik. Arms free from tlu radial* >/////v//v/ .- ,.tii>imllii /'/'s/r/W. /'i /i miles present or absent. Ordovician to Trias. The /Y.-7//A//" an- characterised by an enormous development of the posterior interradius, which is extended upward s<» as to form a large ventral sac or tube: The plates of this sac are in some cases perforated by small, round, or slit-like p<»ivs (I'l'sjiiriifiti'ii jutffa) • while in others the pores are replaced by superficial pits. In the latter forms, a large, profusely perforated plate (madreporiti) is interposed <>n the disk proper between the sac and the month. The position of the anus, as observed by Wachsmuth and Springer, is at the side of the sac nearest the mouth ; or it pierces the disk proper between the sac and the mouth. The radials in some families of the Fistulata are transversely bisected in one, two, or in three rays. \Vhen three of the compound radials are Fi(. 205 present, they are generally distributed in the Diagram shown.- arrangement of plates right posterior, the anterior, and the left antero- ^^^^^^^^\ lateral rays; but when only one radial is «, ^ a", Anal ami lower tnbe plates (after bisected, it is constantly that to the right of the anal area. The phases exhibited by the last-named plate in its palaeonto- logical development furnish excellent differential characters. The superradial, or arm-bearing portion of the plate, is situated in the earlier forms directly in line with the inferradial or lower part of the plate ; but in later forms it is pushed to the right by the gradual increase in width of the ventral sac. The inferradial remains constant in position, but when supporting the sac, as is usually the case among the later forms, it receives the name of radiancd. Primitively, however, as was shown first by Wachsmuth and Springer, and subsequently by Carpenter and Bather, the radianal represents the lower portion of the right posterior radial ; and it has, therefore, nothing in common with the anal plate, which is a specialised interradial. Under the Fistulata are included the following families : — Hybocrinidae, A nomalocrinidae, Heterocrinidae, Belemnocrinidae, Catillocrinidae, and Calceocrinidae, comprising the monocyclic forms ; and Gasterocomidae, Cyathocrinidae, Poterio- cr in ii fiic [Encrinidae], and Agassizocrinidae among the dicyclic. Family 1. Hybocrinidae. Zittel. Base mononjclic. B«sals foe, high. T1ie% right posterior radial compound ; the inferradial supporting the ventral sac ; the superradial extremely small or undeveloped. I 'en fnil ,sv//; in its most primitive foi'm, extending but little above the rest of the legmen. ( )rdo\ ician. ffybocrinus, Billings. Calyx cup -shaped or obconical. Inferradial large, angular above ; supporting to the right a very small superradial, and to the left the first tube-plate, which generally resembles the superradial in form and size. It with a crescent-shaped facet. Arms simple, devoid of pinnules, and composed of quadrangular joints. Ordovician ; Canada, Kentucky, and Tennessee. II'ijilncAnm, Grewingk (Fig. 256). Like the preceding, but with the inferradial sloping only to the right, and supporting a small, trigonal super-. 15-2 ECHIXODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in radial. On the left it supports small plates of the ventral sac, without the intervention of a larger plate. Ordovician ; St. Petersburg. Hybocystes, Wetherby. Arrangement of calycine plates the same as in Hybocrinus, but differing in the arm structure. Three of the rays bearing primitive arms composed of but few joints ; ambulacral furrows passing from the ventral to the dorsal side of the arms, and continued upon the surface of the E, The two other rays are without arms, and the ambulacra follow the surface of the calyx, passing down so far as to enter the basals- Ordovician ; Kentucky. Petersburg. calyx Ba&i'ocninus. Volborth. Like Hoplocrinus, but the right seen from the anal . * side (after ore- posterior and the anterior ray without arms ; apparently inferradials only are developed. Ordovician ; St. Petersburg. Family 2. Anomalocrinidae. Waclismuth and Springer. Base monocydic. Radials very irregular in form, the right posterior and left antero-lateral ones compound, all of tliem laterally in contact. Ventral sac small, tubular ; its lowermost plate resting in the angle formed by the superradiol to the right, and the upper end of the simple radial to the left. Arms uniserial, bifurcating' at intervals. Pinnules or small armlets given off from each arm-joint on one side only, as far as from one bifurcation to the next, ivhen they change to the opposite side. Ordovician. Anomalocrinus, M. and W. B five. Unique in that the large simple R of the posterior ray is often longitudinally bisected in the median line. A small quadrangular supplementary piece enclosed within the basal ring. Tegmen composed of large plates. Column strong. Ordovician ; North America. Family 3. Heterocrinidae. Zittel (emend. W. and Sp.) Base monocydic ; basals five ; one or more of the radials compound. The infer- radial of the right posterior ray supporting to the right the superradial, and to the left the ventral sac. Anals absent. Arms uniserial. Ordovician and Silurian. Heterocrinus, Hall (Stenocrinus, W. and Sp.) Crown sub-cylindrical, calyx small, arms long. Three of the R compound ; the others simple, and shorter. The inferradial of the posterior ray has the form of an axillary, supporting to the left the ventral sac, and to the right the superradial. Arms comparatively stout, giving off long branchlets at intervals, which often branch again. Column very large, pentagonal, and quinquepartite ; the lines of suture inter- radial in position. Ordovician ; North America. Ectenocrinus, S. A. Miller (Heterocrinus, W. and Sp. non Hall). Like the preceding, but the arms formed of continuous series of syzygies comprising two plates each, the epizygals giving off long armlets. Column of moderate size, round, and tripartite ; axial canal large and pentalobate. Ordovician ; North America. Ohiocrinus, W. arid Sp. Differs from Heterocrinus in the details of its arm- structure, and in the form of the ventral sac. Arms ten, long, and giving off from every third or fourth joint long filiform armlets, which extend to the full height of the main arms. Ventral tube resting upon the left sloping side of the right posterior inferradial (RA\ and ascending spirally with the adjacent ORDER in C1UXOIDEA— FISTULATA ir,:i convolutions in contact. Column strong, obtusely pentagonal, and quinque- partite. Ordo\ ician ; North America. /"••/•/////*, Hall. l> five, small : // five, the right posterior one compound. Tin- lower section of tin- latter, which serves as radianal, nearly of the same sixr as the other //, hut angulai above instead of concave. It supports the superradial on the right, and the ventral sac on the left; it is so large as to extend considerably above the level of the other //, thus assuming the aspect of an axillarv hrachial. Ventral sac composed at its posterior side of a longi- tudinal row of lame, solid, elongate plates; at the other sides of short, delicate, transverse pieces; the former plates being attached to the It A, are -easily mis- taken for arm ossicles. Arms without pinnules, branching. Column sharply pentagonal ; the angles radially disposed. Ordovician ; North America. Herjicfu,rinn.t, Salter (Myoledactylus, trail). B five, of irregular form and size. R five, the right posterior one horizontally divided. Ventral tube long and narrow, and resting upon the sloping upper face of the inferradial. Arms mm pinmilate, branching. Column evolute at its upper end, and more or less round ; involute and crescent-shaped toward the terminal end, with large cirri springing from the two horns of the crescent ; section sharply pentagonal. Silurian : North America and Europe. Family 4. Belemnocrinidae. Wachsmutli and Springer. ic ; cylindrical to ovoid. It is composed of five large, elongate, irregular pieces, ami is pierced by a small canal which widens slightly at the upper ''IK!. Eadials five, quadrangular, and separated posteriorly by a narrow IRA. I >' nf r;/, (j icing off armlets alternately at intervals. Column round vr pentagonal ; in the latter case having its angles radially directed. Cirri, wlten present, interradial in position. Sub-Carboniferous. Bdcmnocrinus, White. Burlington Group; Mississippi Valley. Family 5. Catillocrinidae. Wachsmutli and Springer. Base monocydic ; dorsal cup *« m-rr- shaped ; general symmetry of the calyx greatly disturbed. Basals irregular in form, their number unknown ; radials still more irregular both in form and in size. Most of the arms given off from two of the radials, n-lii<-h are sometimes five or six times larger than the other three; they are simple, quadrangular, ami rest within small sockets directly upon the radials. Anal plates wanting. Ventral tube heavy, composed of very long, longitudinally arrange*/ crescent-shaped pieces, and supported directly by the radials; it exhibits a wide open groove along the anterior side, which prolaUy -iw* covered by small - Devonian arid Sub-Carboniferous. < '"fillocrinus, Troost. Crown, when the arms are closed, elongate, cylindrical. Calyx basin-shaped, concave at the base, truncate at its upper margin. Basal disk small. R five ; those of the two antero-lateral rays fully six times as wide as the others, and expanding upwards, so as to encroach upon the smaller ones. The larger R support twelve to sixteen arms ; the smaller ones rarely more than one each. Sub-Carboniferous ; North America. Mycocrinus, Schultze. Dorsal cup mushroom -shaped. Plates massive, irregular, and without ornamentation. B two (according to Schultze), one of 154 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in them twice as large as the other, and the two forming a knob-like body. E five, their inner edges resting upon the angular margin of the basal disk ; they spread broadly outward from the B, extending far beyond them. The two larger R separated at the posterior side by two equal smaller plates ; and at the anterior side by a single plate having a quite narrow upper face. M. boletus, Schultze, apparently with fifteen arms ; their structure unknown. Middle Devonian ; Eifel. Family 6. Calceocrinidae. Meek and Worthen. " Inadunata Monocyclica, in which a bilateral symmetry along the left anterior radius and right posterior inter-radius has been superinduced in conjunction with bending of the crown on the stem in such a way that the right posterior interray lies along the stem ; with the left anterior, right posterior, and right anterior radials com- pound ; with anal x (IRA) shifted over the right posterior radius, usually into the right posterior interradius, and supporting a massive tube ; with three, rarely four arms, of which two are as a rule peculiarly modified and bear armlets or pinnules." - Rather, The Crinoidea of Gotland. Ordovician to Sub-Carboniferous. Castocrinus, Ringueberg. B distinct, all entering into the articular surface of the stem. The right posterior, and right antero-lateral superradials joined by ill-defined close suture, each abutting with one side on the adjacent large simple R. The lower plate of the tube supported by the right posterior superradial only, while the right antero-lateral superradial supports the first brachial of the right antero-lateral arm. The right posterior and right antero-lateral superradials separated from one another, and also from the ventral tube, by the right posterior and right antero-lateral R. Arms four. Ordovician ; North America. Type, C. furcillatus, W. R. Billings sp. Euchirocrinus, M. and W. B unfused, or perhaps sometimes the left pos- terior fused with the left antero-lateral one. The right posterior and right antero-lateral superradials fused in a T-shaped piece, which abuts with either wing on the corners of the large simple R. The right posterior and right antero-lateral inferradials separated from one another and from the tube by the T-piece ; tube supported by the whole upper margin of the latter. Arms three. Ordovician and Silurian ; North America. Type, E. punctatus, Ulrich sp. Calceocrinus (Hall) Ringueberg. Left posterior B fused with the left antero-lateral one ; the fused plates very rarely entering the stem articula- tion. The posterior and right antero-lateral B bounded for some distance by the large R. T-plate separated from the large simple R by the right posterior and right antero-lateral R; it is low, wide, and occasionally very small. Tube supported by the T-piece and the two inferradials to the right, but not touching the two large simple radials. Arms three. Silurian and Devonian ; Europe and America. Type, C. typus, Ringueberg. Halysiocrinus (Ulrich) Bather. B as in the preceding, but the fused posterior and right antero-lateral ones never entering into the stem articula- tion. T-piece either obsolete or concealed between the right posterior and right antero-lateral inferradials, and the two large R in the stem articulation. Tube supported by the inferradials to the right, which are in contact ; and abutting by its lower corners on the two large simple R. Arms three. Bur- lington and Keokuk Groups ; Mississippi Valley. Type, H. ventricosus, Hall sp. V>KI>I:K irr r Kl NOI I )EA— FISTULATA Gatteroooma antiqua, QolAt Devonian; Priim, Eifel. o, Calyx seen from one side ; b, Anal aspect ; < , .Teginen. »/l (after L. Schultze). Family 7. Gasterocomidae. Warhsmnth and Springer. Base dic>/<-lir. fnfnilxixals anchylosed into an undivided disk, which is by a hi nir /riluhate canal. Radials large; articular facets directed outward, horseshoe-sluiped, occupy i/i't //m/7// the whole outer face of the plates, and pierced //// " large dorsal canal. Anal opening low down, situated directly above the anal plate and fa-,, ,-,1,1'nih. Tegmen composed of five interradials, five orals, and ambulacral plates. Devonian. Gasterocoma, Goldf. (Epactocrinus, Miiller), (Fig. 257). Irifrabasal disk extending but slightly beyond the column ; surrounded by five B, of which the posterior one is slightly truncated. R five, three of them equal, the two posterior ones irregular; the latter enclose the IRA and anal opening, which is surrounded by a few small pieces. The arms, as indicated by the character of the radial facets, either recumbent or widely divergent. De- vonian ; Eifel. Nanocrinus, Miiller. Similar to the preceding, but only four of the R arm -bearing. The right antero - lateral one, however, has two articular facets, and evidently supported a pair of arms instead of a single one ; the anterior R is considerably smaller, and has no articular facet. Devonian. Achradocrinus, Schultze ; Scoliocrinus, Jaekel. Devonian ; Germany. Family 8. Cyathocrinidae. Roemer (emend. Wachsmuth and Springer.) Base dicyclic. Radials simple or compound; their upper edges furnished with a small crescent-shaped facet. Radials and arm-plates united by close suture, as are the latter among each other. IRA usually, and RA occasionally present. Tegmen with five orals and a madreporite, extended into a strong ventral tube. The disk ambulacra resting on the lateral margins of two large interradial plates ; they are lined by side-pieces, and roofed over with covering plates. Arms without pinnules, long, branching, and uniserial. Ordovician to Carboniferous. Dendrocrimis, Hall (? Palaeocrinus, Billings). Calyx obconical, higher than wide, unsymmetrical. IB five, equal. B five, the largest plates in the calyx; the posterior one truncated at its upper face, and supporting a large anal plate. Four of the R pentagonal and simple ; the right posterior one compound, with the two parts vertically arranged. IRA succeeded by two or three plates which form the base of the ventral sac, but are partly enclosed in the calyx. Ventral sac very large. Arms long and branching ; column sharply pentagonal, or sub-pentangular. A number of species occur in the Ordovician of North America, but only a single doubtful one known from the Silurian (Niagara Group). Homocrinus, Hall (Fig. 258). Like the preceding, except that the arm- bearing portion of the right posterior radial is pushed over toward the right, so as to support, conjointly with the anal, the ventral sac. Silurian ; North America. Devonian ; Rhineland. Gastrocrinus arid Rhadinocrinus, Jaekel ; Bactrocrinus, Stein. Devonian. 156 EC HINODERMATA— PELM ATOZOA SUH- KINGDOM III Ci/athoa-iiws, Miller, emend. AY. and Sp. (Figs. 259, 260). Dorsal cup cup-shaped, bilaterally symmetrical. IB five, equal. B large ; the posterior one truncated for the support of an anal plate. R five, all simple ; their upper faces provided with a facet occupying less than the full width of the plates. Ventral sac rarely extending to more than one-half the height of the arms. The number of costals extremely variable among the rays. Arms rather delicate, composed of elon- gate cylindrical joints, and giving off" numer- ous branches, most of which divide again. Column round. Ordovician to Sub-Car- boniferous ; Europe and North America. Lecythocrinus, Miiller, emend. Zittel (Figs. 225, 261).1 Like the preced- ing, except that the infrabasals are very small, and entirely concealed by the column. Ventral sac in the form of a long tube, and e composed of numerous, very regularly ar- ranged hexa- :onal plates, o 1 u m n o b- tusely quad- rangular, com- posed of long peripheral canals. FIG. 258. Homocrinits curtus, Miill. sp. Devonian ; Schonecken, Eifel. «, Calyx from the anal side, showing ventral sac and one arm (right and left sides reversed) ; b, Stem ; of stem-joint (after Schultze). FIG. 200. a, Cyathocrinus longimanus, Aug. Silurian ; Gottland. Crown of the natural size (after Angrlin); b, C. ramosus, Ang. Portion of an arin viewed from the side ; c, Ventral aspect of same (enlarged) ; d, C. mulvaceus, Hall. Sub- Carboniferous ; Burlington, Iowa. Tegnien perfectly preserved ; e, The same after removal of the covering pieces and orals (after Meek and Worthen). FIG. 259. ntft. Diagram of dorsal cup (after Bather). joints, and perforated by a large central and four Devonian ; Eifel. Gissocrimis, Ang. (Fig. 262). IB three to five. B five; the posterior one truncated, and supporting an anal plate. Radial facets elliptical in contour. Ambulacra roofed over by alternately arranged covering pieces. Ventral sac long, always laterally folded. Madreporite well defined. Arms long, regularly bifurcating. Silurian ; Gottland and England. Devonian ; Eifel. Arachnocrinus, M. and W. Calyx very small, resembling Cyathocrinus in the arrangement of its plates, but forming a bulbous protuberance from which the robust arms stretch out horizontally. Silurian and Devonian ; Europe and North America. 1 [The type-specimen upon which this genus was founded (L. Eifelianus, Miill.) was regarded by Schultze as an abnormal variety of Ta.rocnnus, and the specific name was changed by him to T. briareus. But Taxocrinus has no such ventral tube, nor has it peripheral canals. In the latter respect Lecytkocrinus differs also from Gissocrinns, with which it otherwise has close affinities.] J OHDKK III CRINOIDEA— FISTULATA 157 .1A/.s//'/'"//'///s, Bather. Probably merely a variety of Cyatliocrinus, with which it slum's in structure of the calyx and mode of branching. The arms, however, are relatively longer, as is also the ventral tube ; column quinque- partitc. Silurian; Dudley, England. AV/7/0/-/-/////.S-, Aug. Calyx small, cup-shaped, unsymmetrical. IB five, high, si ight ly protuberant. B five, three of them hexagonal and equal ; the posterior pair indented l.y the radianal. R five, very large, with excavated facets. HA small, rhomlioidal, and supporting the ventral sac. Arms ten, giving off a mi lets from alternate sides of each or of every second or third joint throughout their entire length; in some species the armlets give off sub- branches. Ventral sac in the form of a tube which coils upon itself like a snail at about one-fourth the height of the arms. Anal opening situated anteriorly at the base of the tube. Silurian ; Gottland. Wachsm. Differs from Cyathocrinus in having massive arms, FIG. 262. i n a x Kifilin a ».<, Mull.' Itcvoiimii; Eiti-1. !{,•- stored (afti-r Srhult/e). s, Phill. Silurian; Gott- land. Crown of the natural size (after Angelin) ; b, G. p^mctuosus, Aug. Tegnien ; c, Ventral and lateral aspect of the arms (enlarged). composed of rather short, heavy, almost circular pieces, and exhibiting very narrow ambulacral furrows. In some species the IE A sustains a diminutive supplementary piece to the right, which is wanting in others. Ventral sac composed of but few rows of heavy plates, longitudinally arranged. Column stout, obtusely pentagonal, and quinquepartite ; axial canal very large. Sub- Carboniferous ; North America. Euspirocrinus, Ang. (Fig. 219). Dorsal cup conical, composed of massive plates. IB five ; B five ; R with a deep and broad articular facet, notched for the passage of the axial cord. IRA large, rising above the level of the R. K' idianal somewhat smaller, and supporting a plate of the ventral tube which takes part in the dorsal cup. Tube cylindrical, composed of relatively large plates. Tegmen formed of five interradial pieces, which support by their lateral edges two rows of side pieces enclosing an irregular row of covering plates. Madreporite small ; column quinquepartite. Silurian ; Gottland. 158 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in Streptocrinus, W. and Sp. (Ophiocrinus, Ang. non Salter nee Semper). Plates of the dorsal cup as in Cyathocrinus. Ventral sac composed of about eight rows of hexagonal plates, some of which are deeply folded transversely, so as to produce well-marked depressions on the surface. Arms slightly bending downward; their ambulacral grooves narrow, and provided with covering pieces only. Silurian ; Gottland. Tenarocrinus, Bather. Dorsal cup broad, and composed of thin plates ; the truncated posterior B supporting a large IRA. The right posterior E com- pound; its superradial shifted to the right; but the inferradial, notwith- standing its slanting position, gives no support to the ventral sac. The latter is very large, longitudinally folded, and covered with transverse rows of pits. Column round, with very wide axial canal. Silurian ; Dudley, England. Parisocrinu-s, W. and Sp. Dorsal cup obconical, composed of five IB, five B, and five R, with an anal and radianal ; the latter two together supporting the long, cylindrical, ventral sac. Upper edges of the R excavated so as to form a narrow semicircular facet for the reception of the first costals ; number of the latter very variable among the rays. Arms multibrachiate, divergent, and filiform at their tips. Column round. Devonian ; Germany. Sub-Carboniferous ; North America. Atdestocrinus, W. and Sp. Dorsal cup elongate, always more or less con- stricted along the suture line between the basals and infrabasals. IB five, large, forming an almost solid ovo-cylindrical body. B five, long and narrow ; R five ; four of them equal and arm-bearing, the anterior one less than half the size of the others and not arm-bearing. Costals 4x4, the uppermost axillary, and supporting two main arms ; armlets given off on alternate sides from every second plate. Anal interradius as in the preceding. Burlington and Keokuk Groups ; Mississippi Valley. Sphaerocrinus, Roemer, and Achradocrinus, Schultze. Of these only the structure of the calyx is known. The dorsal cup in both forms is globular, composed of very thin plates, and the arms are pierced by a dorsal canal. In the first-named genus IRA and HA are both represented, and it has an eccentric anal opening which is directed upwards. But in the second RA is wanting, and the position of the anus is strictly lateral, it being situated in the suture line between the posterior radials. Middle Devonian ; Eifel. Codiacrinus, Schultze. Calyx small, resembling a poppy head. IB five ; B five ; R five ; the plates within each circlet equal to one another, and laterally in contact. Devonian ; Germany. Lecythiocrinus, White. Arrangement of calyx plates as in the preceding, but with wider radial facets ; these are directed upwards instead of obliquely outwards, and are provided with transverse ridges and well-defined ligamentous fossae. Coal Measures ; North America. Family 9. Poteriocrinidae. Roemer. Base dicydic. Infrabasals five, sometimes hidden by the column. Basals five ; radials jive, with transverse articular ridges. Anal and radianal generally repre- sented ; and lower plates of the tube frequently entering into the dorsal cup. Ventral sac large ; elongate or balloon-shaped in the earlier forms, small and conical in the later ones ; it is composed of hexagonal plates, having the angles perforated by pores. OKDKK III CRINOIDEA— FISTULATA 1 .V.) in,'/ nil .•Inn* xi in I'lr "/' lifii n<-h hiy, /////>/W, inti r/W.v'/^/, "/' OGCOtivnotty /Kiriii't /"/,'/' iiinniih's. Devonian and Carboniferous. Pott'i-i'"-rinit.^ Miller. Dorsal cup obconical; plates thin and plicated arolind their margins so as to form triangular pits at the angles. IB equal ; B high.. Three of the /.' hexagonal; the posterior and the right postero-lateral ones ^c7 FIG. 204. Diagram showing arrangement of ]>lates in the dorsal cup of Scaphioc ri n u s. Sniji/i me, -inn* it, i ('«•//.-.•, Hall. Sub- Carboniferous (Keokuk (Jroup) ; Crawfordsville, Indiana. Natural si xi '. FIG. Diagram of '//•"/'/"'»''''" "•'-'• ''', '"- frabasals ; ^, Basals ; r, Hadials ; c, Anal ; br, Brachials (after Bather). FIG. 2f.:,. Woodocrin UK MiKTmlnr. tj/lus, de Kon. Perfect specimen from the Car- boniferous Limestone of Yorkshire (after d« Koninck). heptagonal, and rising above the level of the others. Articular facets crescent-shaped, and rarely occupy- ing the full width of the plates. Anal and radianal both present. Ventral sac very large, tubular, and extending to the full length of the arms ; its two lowermost plates partially incorporated into the sac. Arms long, branching, composed of cuneate joints, alternately arranged. Column round or obtusely pentagonal. Upper Devonian and Sub-Carbon. Lophocrinus, v. Meyer. Devonian ; Nassau. Scaphiocrinus, Hall (Hydriocrinus, Trautsch.), (Figs. 263, 264, 269). Dorsal cup low cup-shaped to saucer-shaped. Arrangement of plates and mode of articulation as in the preceding ; but the upper faces of the R form a horizontal line, and are completely occupied by the lower faces of the first brachials. Costals one or two ; the axillaries provided with transverse ridge and fossae similar to 160 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM in those of the It. Arms long, uniserial, branching, and composed of wedge- shaped joints, alternately arranged. Sub-Carboniferous and Coal Measures. Scytalocrinus, W. and Sp. Dorsal cup generally deep. Arrangement of calyx plates as in the preceding, from which it differs in the character of the arms. These are stronger, and remain undivided after the first bifurcation, which takes place above the first or second brachial. They are straight, and composed of moderately short, very slightly wedge-shaped joints. Pinnules long and rather closely abutting. Sub-Carboniferous. Decadocrinus, W. and Sp. Dorsal cup very short, concave at the bottom. Arrangement of plates of the dorsal cup as in the preceding, but the arms simple and thinner, and composed of long, decidedly cuneate joints, which give them a strongly waving or zigzag outline. Pinnules very robust, closely resembling armlets, and widely separated. Sub-Carboniferous ; North America. Woodocrinus, de Kon. and le Hon (Phttocrinus, de Kon. ; Pachylocrinus, "VV. and Sp.), (Fig. 265). Dorsal cup saucer-shaped. IB five, small, generally covered completely by the column. B large, their lower portions curving inward together with the IB, and forming a concavity. Anal area and mode of articulation as in Scaphiocrinus. Ventral sac short, bulging toward the upper end. Arms twenty or more, uniserial, heavy, and closely folded so as to be laterally in contact; arm-ossicles very short. Pinnules long and numerous. Column round. Sub-Carboniferous ; England and North America. Zeacrinus, Hall (Troost). Resembling Woodocrinus in form and construc- tion of the dorsal cup, but with short, thick, sub-pyramidal ventral sac. IRA and RA both present ; the latter especially large, and deeply inserted between the B. Arms short, uniserial ; the two main divisions of each ray giving off numerous branches toward the inner side. These branches fit so closely together that when the arms are closed the crown appears like a perfectly solid body. Arm -ossicles short, transversely arranged. Middle and Upper Sub-Carboniferous. Coeliocrinus, White, and Hydreionocrinus, de Kon., are closely related to Woodocrinus and Zeacrinus. They are distinguished chiefly by the form of the ventral sac, which in Coeliocrinus is balloon-shaped, and in Hydreionocrinus mush- room-shaped. They are found in the Lower and Upper Sub-Carboniferous respectively. Graphiocrinus, de Kon. and le Hon (Fig. 266), and Bursacrinus, M. and W., differ from the majority of the Poteriocrinidae in having but one anal plate, RA being absent. Dorsal cup depressed, concave at the bottom ; IB very small, generally covered by the column. Graphiocrinus has ten main arms, which are simple ; and the ten main arms of Bursacrinus give off branches in a similar fashion as in Zeacrinus. Sub-Carboniferous ; North America. Miller and G-urley describe under Aesiocrinus a Carboniferous form agree- ing with Graphiocrinus in the construction of the calyx ; but the plates of the ventral sac are extremely heavy, and enclose a narrow cavity ; while the plates of the sac in the typical form are rather delicate, and the inner space is relatively wider [In addition to the above, the following genera have also been associated with the Poteriocrinidae : — Cromyocrinus, Phialocrinus, and Stemmatocrinus, Trantsch. ; Eupachy- crinus and Erisocrinus, M. and W. ; Geriocrinus, White ; and Ulocrinus, Miller and <>KPKK III CRINOIDEA— FISTULATA 161 (Jurli-y. Although agivring with this family in a general way, they are readily dis- tinguished from the typical forms by certain characters which they possess in common with tin- K,i<-riniibn'. The dorsal cup is saucer-shaped, and composed of heavy plates ; the articular faa-s of tin- radials are provided with well-marked muscular fossae ; tin- arms vary fnmi Unix-rial to biserial within the limits of the same genus ; and the ventral sat- is reduced to a small cone, extending but little above the level of the ventral di.-k. These genera, according to Wachsmuth and Springer, constitute, together with the genus Encrinus, a group which is sufficiently distinct to be recognised as an inde- pendent family. European writers, on the other hand, have almost without exception agreed in a>MK-iating Encrinus in the same category with recent Crinoids ; the reasons for this being -partly because it is a Mesozoic form, partly because it has axial canals along the inner floor of the dorsal cup, and, finally, because anal plates are wanting. But the imaginary line which was formerly conceived as separating the Palaeozoic from the Neozoic Crinoids, has now been generally abandoned ; and as axial canals have been found to exist among Palaeozoic forms as well as among the later ones, the only vital distinction remaining is the presence or absence of anal plates. In point of fact anals are present in most of the above-named genera. Cromy- ocrinus and Eupachycrinus have both an RA and IRA ; Phialocrinus has only the IRA, and Ulocrinus only the RA ; but Stemmatocrinus and Erisocrinus agree with Encrinus in having neither IRA nor RA. Hence, if the division between the Poterio- crinidae and Encrinidae be established simply upon the presence or absence of anal plates in the cup, Stemmatocrinus and Erisocrinus are necessarily included under the latter family, and the remainder excluded. But if other characters be chosen as criteria, such as the mode of articulation, and the reduction of the ventral sac, then all of the above genera must be included in the same family with Encrinus. The latter course appears preferable-; especially since the gradual disappearance of anals may be regarded as a natural consequence of the decrease in size of the ventral sac. Adopting this course, the family Encrinidae may be denned as follows : — Calyx more or less saucer -sJiaped, with dicyclic base. Infrabasals Jive, small, generally concealed beneath the top stem-joint. Articular faces of the radials forming a horizontal line, and completely occupied by the first costals ; faces provided with large muscular fossae, and a perforated transverse ridge. Costals one or two. Ventral sac rudimentary ; anal plates gener- ally absent. Tegmen (in Encrinus) elevated, composed of ratJier heavy plates. Arms usually ten, rarely five or fourteen ; pinnule-bearing. Carboniferous and Trias.] Cromyocrinus, Trautsch. (Fig. 267). Dorsal cup low, cup- or saucer-shaped. IB moderately large, always projecting beyond the column. IRA large ; RA barely touching the ventral sac ; no plates of the latter entering the dorsal cup. Costals one to each ray. Arms ten, rarely five ; uniserial or slightly interlocking from opposite sides. Column round. Carboniferous Limestone ; Moscow, Russia. Kaskaskia Group ; Mississippi Valley. Eupachycrinus, M. and W. Dorsal cup as in the preced- ing genus, but the IB much smaller, and concealed by the column. B large. IRA and RA both represented ; the latter very large, and supporting a small plate of the ventral FJG tube, the lower part of which descends into the cup. Arms cromyocnnus'gioiuius generally ten, rarely five or fourteen ; either uniserial, inter- M. and w Sub-car- ' , . * ' . ,J Tr . boniferous; Chesti-r, 111. locking, or biserial. Kaskaskia Group ; Mississippi Valley. Natural size (after Meek Ceriocrinus, White (Delocrinus, Miller and Gurley). a Dorsal cup as in the preceding, but the posterior B more elongate than the others, and supporting a small IRA ; upper end of the latter extending above VOL. I M 162 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III the M. Radianal wanting. Costals one or two ; the lower one frequently extended into a spine. Arms ten, short and heavy, uniserial or biserial. Kaskaskia Group and Coal Measures ; Mississippi Valley. Phialocrinus, Trautsch. Construction of anal area as in Graphiocrinus, but the mode of articulation between radials and brachials as in Encrinus. Ventral sac small. Costals two; arms ten. Accompanies the preceding, and found also in Carboniferous Limestone of Russia. Ulocrinus, Miller and Gurley. Dorsal cup globular or cup-shaped. IB projecting beyond the column. B large ; the posterior one variable in size, but hexagonal like the others. IRA absent ; EA large, occupying the full height of the R, and supporting the ventral sac. Arms unknown. Coal Measures ; North America. Erisocrinus, M. and W., and Stemmatocrinus, Trautsch., are without either IRA or radianal. The former has five minute infrabasals, which are covered by the stem ; those of Stemmatocrinus are large and perfectly anchylosed so as to form a single plate. Certain Coal Measure species of Erisocrinus are scarcely distinguishable from Encrinus liliiformis. Sub - Carboniferous and Coal Measures ; North America and Russia. [Encrinus, Miller. The description of this genus is retained in its original position under the ArticulataJ] Family 10. Agassizocrinidae. "Wachsmuth and Springer. (Astylocrinidae, Roemer.) Base dicyclic. Dorsal cup elongate, with massive plates, and enclosing an extremely narrow visceral cavity. Infra- Nasals and la-sals very large ; the former consisting of five elongate pieces, which form an almost solid semiovoid or semi- globose body. Radials very short, and proportionally smaller than the other plates of the cup. Anal and radianal both present. Structure of tegmen and ventral sac unknown. Arms ten. Sub- Carboniferous. Agassizocrinus, Troost (Astylocrinus, Roemer), (Fig. 268). There is evi- dence that this form was fixed in its early stages by a stem, but subsequently became free-swimming. In the adult condition the scar where the column was attached, as well as the suture lines between the IB, became gradually obliterated by a secretion of calcareous matter over the whole surface of the plates. Restricted to the Kaskaskia Group of North America. [Reference may be made here to Jaekel's recent Monograph, "Beitriige zur Kenntniss der palaeozoischen Crinoideen Deutschlands " (Palaeont. Abhandl. von Dames und Kayser, ncue Folge, Bd. III.), 1895. Unfortunately this excellent memoir was not available before the present sheet was in print. — TRANS.] FIG. 268. Agassizocrinus laevis, Koeiner sp. Kaskaskia Group; Indiana, a, Crown, nat. size; b, Ventral aspect of the coalesced infrabasal disk; c, Side-view of same, nat. size (after M. and W.) Scaphiocrinus multiplex, Trautsch. Upper part of Sub-Carboniferous ; Mos- cow, Russia. Nat. size. UKDKK IV CIMXOIDEA— FLEXIBILIA 163 Order 4. FLEXIBILIA. Zittel. i, p.p. \V. and Sp.,1 non Miillcr ; I>'hthyocrinacea, Neumayr.) Base diet/die, with stem or stemless ; the proximal ring of the base in the latter case enclosing a (?) dorsocentral (Carpenter). Arms branching, pinnulate or non- jiiiiHuhift'. Ti'tiii/fK, .^ii fur as has been observed, composed of orals and numerous exceedingly >•///////, loosely united, movable pieces; orals asymmetrically arranged. Month mn/ ,niilnilifi-a exposed/ the latter roofed over by covering pieces and enclosed bij side-plates. Ordovician to Carboniferous, and also Cretaceous. Family 1. Ichthyocrinidae. Wachsmuth. and Springer. ./// jtlates of the calyx ami of the arms from the radials upward united by loose nntni-c. or by muscular articulation. Base dicyclic ; infrabasals three, unequal, small, fKA— ARTICULATA 165 K.iinily -2. Marsupitidae. d'< )rl.i-nv. Base dicydic. Dorsal cup large, composed of large, thin plates. Column absent ,- /•,/,/vs,-///rr/ lii rW //// dorsal canals. Struc- t '•'>/ 1 ncn and pinnules unknown. The only known ^I'lius is Marsupites, Mantell, occurring in the Upper Cretin-rims (White Chalk) of England and Northern Germany (Fig. 274). FIG. 274. .Vi'/>-/'/./V.-s t>; ttn, i;,im -Is, Schlot. sp. Upper -us ; Liiin-hurj,', Prussia. , Inferior aspect. Natural size (after Schliiter). Family 3. Uintacrinidae. Zittel. ^'/iiimetry perfectly pentamerous, plates thin, column wanting. Base monocydic ; A//.NV//.S five, enclosing a small, pentagonal, (?) dorsocentral, or centr odor sal plate. < v,.s/r//.s two, the upper one axillary, and suppoi'ting two rows of distichals which are succeeded by palmar s. Interbrachials numerous, the lowermost ring interposed between the costals. Arms long and pinnulate ; composed of very short, almost circular ossicles. Pinnules heavy and closely abutting ; the lower ones united by MI in res, and incorporated into the calyx. The solitary genus Uintacrinus, Grinnell (Fig. 275), occurs in the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas and Westphalia. Order 5. ARTICULATA. Johannes Miiller. (Neocrinoidea, Carpenter; Pentacrinacea, Neumayr.) Tegmen coriaceous] studded with minute calcareous particles, or covered with well- defined small plates of irregular arrangement. Mouth and food-grooves exposed ; orals 1 [This plate is supposed l>y Carpenter to represent the distal plate of the stem, and not the proximal one. — TKANS. ] 166 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III present in nepionic, frequently also in the adult stages. Plates of the dorsal cup heavy ; basals and radials united by dose suture; radials and lower brachials by muscular articulation or by syzygy. Radials laterally in contact, except in Thaumato- crinus ; but small irregular plates are frequently interposed between the costals and distichals. Anal plates represented only in the larval stages. Arms uniserial and pinnulate, the ossicles pierced by a dorsal canal. Trias to Eecent. The Articulata include all Kecent, Tertiary, and Mesozoic Crinoids, with the exception of Marsupites, Uintacrinus [and Encrinus, according to Wachsmuth and Springer]. They are chiefly characterised by the exposed condition of the mouth and food-grooves, as well as by a canal which perforates the arms. This is known as the dorsal or axial canal, and contains a nerve-band and fibres of connective tissue. Starting from the dorsally situated chambered organ (Fig. 276), there are five canals which traverse the basals as far as the centre, where they divide into two branches which con- tinue upward through the radials and brachials ; and there is also in the radials a ring -canal which serves to connect the longitudinal canals with one another. In young individuals these canals are in the form of open grooves on the inner side of the plates, but they become per- fectly closed in the adult condition. Diagram showing course of axial canals [T° tne 4rtwulata (Articulosa) Wachsmuth in the calyx .and arms of Encrinus. Canals an(j Springer refer only the Pseudomonocuclica ; represented by dotted lines when pene- . r & J trating the interior of the plates, and by that IS to Say, L/rmOlds which are Constructed heavy lines when exposed on the inner ,v j- i- i i , • r • r ,r • r side of the calyx (after Beyrich). on the dicychc plan, but in which the mfra- basals are rudimentary, and are more or less completely fused with the top stem- joint, and in which the last-named joint is not the youngest in the stem, as is the case in all other forms. The families thus embraced are the Apiocrinidae, Bourgueticrinidae, Eugeniacrinidae, and Comatulidae among Mesozoic and later Crinoids, and the Ichthyocrinidae among the Palaeozoic. The Ichthyocrinidae, which are devoid of pinnules, are placed in the sub-group Articulata Impinnata ; the others, which are all pinnulate, constitute the sub-order Articulata Pinnata. The Pentacrinidae and Encrinidae, both of which are in all probability derived from the Poteriocrinidae, are assigned by these authors to the Fistulata, and the same is also true of the Plicatocrinidae and Holopidae, in which the top stem-joint is the youngest joint of the column wherever the latter is represented.] FIG. 276. Family 1. Encrinidae. Roemer. Dorsal cup low, saucer-shaped, with dicyclic base. Infrabasals five, very small, and covered by the upper stem-joint. Basals five, large ; radials five, the articular faces truncate, and provided with transverse ridges. Interbrachials absent, legmen in the form of a vault. Arms 5 x 2 or 5 x 4 ; heavy and simple, closely abutting, and either biserial or composed of alternately arranged cuneate joints. Column round, rarely giving off cirri ; the terminal end thickened and laterally extended. Trias. Encrinus, Miiller (Figs. 276-278). R succeeded by two costals, of which ORDER V CRINOI DEA— ARTICULATA 167 the upper one is axillary, and supports the distichals. Union Wi \veen the R and first costals and between the axillary costals and first distichals is by muscular articulation ; the two costals and the two proximal distichals form /,/• i •-• FIG. 277. /•;/" -ri nits liliiformiti, Mill.T. Muschelkalk ; Hrannschwri-. FIG. 278. Portions of the calyx and arms of Encrinus. a, Interior of calyx ; a*, Exterior of same ; b, Basal, upper surface ; r, Radial, inner surface ; /3, One of the uniserial, and /3*, bi- serial arm -plates; both of them traversed by duplicate dorsal canals ; p, Pinnule ossicle (enlarged) ; br, First brachial, under surface; frr*-, First and second brachials joined together; inside, seen from below ; br*, First brachial, upper surface, showing line of syzygial suture ; br2, Second brachial (axillary), showing articular facets. a syzygy, with their apposed faces dotted. Arms ten, or exceptionally twenty; uniserial at their lower ends, but rapidly becoming biserial. Upper and lower faces of stem -joints marked over their whole surface or only around their outer margins with radiating striae. Central canal small, round. Abundant in the Trias, especially in the German Muschelkalk. The stem - frag- ments of E. liliiformis not infre- quently form massive beds of limestone (Trochitenkalk). Dadocrinus, v. Meyer. Like the preceding, but smaller, and with uniserial arms. Trias. Holocrinus, Jaekel. Trias. Family 2. Apiocrinidae. d'Orbigny. , , , . , , Afiooriuus Parkinsoni, Schlotheim. Great Oolite ; Ran villc, Lall/X UnsymmetllCal, Composed Calvados, a, Calyx and upper stem-joints, viewed from the nf Itonvii nJnf#Q "Rntirlr\'mn'nf\ side; b, Ventral aspect; c, Articular surface of one of the of tieaiy plates. ±fase pseuaomono- Stern.j0i'nt8 (natural size)! cyclic ; the infrabasals completely fused with the centrodorsal, but rarely visible within the basal ring. Basals jive, radials five, occasionally separated by a few interbrachials. Tegmen composed of Flo. 279. 168 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III rather heavy plates ; mouth and anus not observed. Arms uniserial, branching, and bearing long pinnules. Column round to sharply pentagonal, without lateral cirri ; the proximal joint the largest of the stem; distal end thickened and forming a stout root. Jura, Cretaceous, and Recent. Apiocrinus, Mill (Figs. 279-281). Dorsal cup pyriform, supported by a long cylindrical column, the proximal joints of which gradually expand in FIG. 280. Apiocrinus Parkinsoni, Schloth. Great Oolite; Ranville, Calvados. A, Diagram of calyx, showing course of canals. These are represented by dotted lines when concealed within the plates, and by heavy lines where visible on the inner surface of the basals. B, Median longitudinal section through the uppermost stem-joints, showing empty space included between them ; b, Basal, seen from above and from the inside ; b*, Lower surface of same ; ri, Radial, seen from without ; ri*, Inner aspect of same ; r2, and r%*, Corresponding views of first brachial ; br, Arm-plates. (Canals are invisible in plates above the basals, except where they have become exposed by weathering or abrasion.) FIG. 281. Apiocrinus Roissyanus, d'Orb. Upper Jura (Coral-Rag) ; Tonnerre, Yonne. Restoration (after d'Orbigny). diameter, so as to become of equal width with the B. Upper face of the centrodorsal bearing five, low, angular ridges, which correspond in their dis- position with the suture lines of the IB. Radials followed by two costals, which are laterally and longitudinally united by rather close suture. Upper faces of the costals excavated and striated ; the free brachials perforated, and furnished with well-defined transverse ridges. In a few species small inter- brachials are interposed between the costals. Column round, the proximal joints in contact only near the periphery ; inner portions of the joints wedge- shaped, and leaving a hollow space between them. Lias to Cretaceous. om>i:i< v CRINOIDEA— ARTICULATA 169 stems occur notably in the Alps in great profusion, but calices arc rare. ii'ii'ffiinhif.rinus, d'Orb. Differs from the preceding in having costals im- movably united with interbrachials. Solitary species : G. dilatus, d'Orh. .Jura. M/Ilericrinus, d'Orb. Closely allied to Apiocrinus, but articular facets of ladials and brachials more strongly developed. Base occasionally with five minute IB, which are coalesced with the top stem-joint (centrodorsal) ; the latter extended laterally, and resting against the outer faces of the B. Column more or less sharply pentagonal, with the angles interradially directed. Lias to Lower Cretaceous. .Icrochordocrinus, Trautsch. Jura and Lower Cretaceous. < 'ulamocrinus, Ag. Recent; Galapagos Islands. (Cf. Literature, p. 124.) Family 3. Bourgueticrinidae. de Loriol. Dorsal cup small, pyriform, with shallow body-cavity, and composed of a centro- !, five basals, five radials, and one to two costals. Tegmen (in recent foi'ms) cori- acetnu, and with mouth surrounded by five orals. Arms five, thin, uniserial, and bearing very long pinnules. Stem giving off numerous cirri ; composed of heavy dice- box-shaped joints, both faces of which are provided with elevated transverse ridges, and deep ligamentous fossae. Jura to Recent. Bourgueticrinus, d'Orb. (Fig. 282). Centrodorsal unusually large, as wide as the calyx at its greatest width, and wider than across the basals. R FKJ. 282. Bowmutterinus dlipti- Mill. White Chalk: Wiltshire. «, Calyx with centrcxlorsal and two of the stem-joints (nat. size); l>, Ventral aspect (en- larged); c, Stem-joints; ,:„ +V,0iV or+iViilnr fnppf"« Ocean. . I, Individual twice the natural size. B, Tegmen several tnm> their artlCUlar laCCt times enlarged ; am, Ambulacral furrows of the arms ; c, Dorsal crescent - shaped : the Outer canals ; on, Anus ; m, Mouth ; o, Orals (after Wyville Thomson). . -,. n faces longitudinally convex. Pinnules undivided, except the proximal ones, which consist of three pieces ; they are angular or keel-shaped along the dorsal side, and deeply furrowed FIG. 288. 172 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB- KINGDOM III on the ventral. Tegmen unknown. Upper Jura ; a rare form, found in the Franconian and Swabian Alp. Hyocrinus, Wyv. Thomson (Fig. 288). This recent form is obviously allied to the preceding, but differs from it rather conspicuously in the mode of branching of its arms. It has a heavily plated tegmen, with mouth sur- rounded by large orals. Carpenter regards it as the type of an independent family. Family 7. Saccocomidae. d'Orbigny. Calyx small, hemispherical, non-pedunculate. Eadials five, very thin, elevated ridges along the median line, and enclosing an extremely small basal Saccocomu pectinfita, Goldf. Upper Jura (Lithographic Slates) ; Eichstadt, Bavaria, a, Individual in natural size ; 1>, Side view of calyx ; c, Calyx seen from below, 2/x ; d, Two of the lower arm-plates ; c, Two arm-plates of a higher order with one of the branches ; /, The upper part of one of the arms straightened out ; g, Lower brachials of .S'. tenella, Goldf. (Figs, d and g greatly, the others slightly enlarged.) plate. Arms 5x2; thin, widely separated, and giving off alternately towards the extremities - simple incurving branches. Arm-plates cylindrical; each side of the ambulacral furrow lined ivith wing-like or spiniform projections. The entire skeleton exhibiting a reticulated structure with coarse meshes. Upper Jura. The only known genus, Saccocoma, Ag. (Fig. 289), occurs profusely in the Lithographic Slates of Eichstadt and Solenhofen, Bavaria. It is a free- swimming form, whose affinities with the monocyclic Plicatocrinidae were first clearly demonstrated by Jaekel.1 1 Zeitschrift der deutschen geol. Gesellsch. Bd. XLIV., 1892. OUDHK V CRINOIDEA— ARTICULATA 173 //>• Family 8. Pentacrinidae. d'Orbigny. ( '«l>ix small, bowl-shaped, ami with dicydic base ; but the infrabasals are either ni'liniiiifiini, <>f 'o,//,///, •/,-/// ft-sin'lif.d in tlie adult state. The top stem-joint always the youngest joint of the column. Basals five, radials five, costals one to two. Tegmen flexible, studded with small, irregular, calcareous particles or delicate plates. Arms niiuu rinidii lfnn<-hin'j, pinnulate. Column long, r or sub-pentagonal ; angles interrudiatty tJie cirri given off radially. Upper and lower faces of the stem -joints orna- '! with a quinquelobate figwrt. Trias to Recent. Pentacrinus, Miller (Iso- crinns, v. Meyer; Cladocrinus, Ag. ; Cainocrinus, Forbes), (Fig. 290). IB obsolete; costals rarely more than two, none of them pinnulate. Arms very!! numerously divided. Column more or less pentangular ; the angles of the axial canal, contrary to the general rule in dicyclic forms, are radially directed, so as to correspond with the outer angles of the stem. Cirri very numerous ; stem not thickened at its distal end. Trias to Recent ; maxi- mum in Lias. Exquisitely preserved specimens are found in the Lower Lias of England, and the Upper Lias in the vicinity of Boll and Metzingen, Wiirtemberg. A slab con- taining no less than twenty- four perfect crowns of P. subangularis, Miller, with long intertwining stems, is preserved in the Tubingen Museum. There also may be seen a column which Quenstedt traced for over 70 feet, without reaching either end. M"facrinus, Carp. Differs from Pentacrinus in that the Pi are succeeded by four to seven costals, of which the first and second form a syzygy. Where seven costals are present, the fourth and fifth are also united by syzygy. Angles of axial canal interradially disposed, so as to alternate with the outer Pentacrinus (Extracrinus) briareus, Mill. Lower Lias ; Lyme Regis, England (after Goldfuss). a, Stem-joints of P. subangutarit, Mill. Upper Lias ; b, Column of /'. basaltiformis, Mill. Middle Lias. 174 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA .SUB-KINGDOM III angles of the stem. Arms moderately branching. Cirri generally directed upwards ; those of Pentacrinus, as a rule, downwards. Recent ; Pacific Ocean. Extracrinus, Austin. Base composed of five rudimentary IB and five B ; radials with downward prolongations from their lower ends. The five inter- radial petals on the upper and lower faces of the stem-joints narrower and more lanceolate than in Pentacrinus. Lias to Recent. (?) Balanocrinus, Ag. Stem-joints round, with serrated margins ; articular faces marked by five crenulated ridges radiating from the centre. Lias to Cretaceous. Family 9. Comatiftidae. d'Orbigny.1 Pedunculate and fixed in nepionic stages, later losing the stem and leading a free existence. Base pseudomonocyclic; infrabasals visible only in the ciliated larva, afterwards becoming fused with the top stem -joint. Basals, which are large in the larval condition, are transformed at the end of the Pentacrinoid stage into the so-called rosette. Centrodorsal giving off numer- ous cirri after detachment of the stem ; its angles inter- radially disposed, like the stem of dicyclic Crinoids. Tegmen coriaceous, naked or indurated by thin calcareous plates. ••^'Z&Z'>> ' |ff ••> Body - cavity very shallow ; arms simple, interlocking, Lias to Recent. Wfh'l W Over 200 species are represented in the present seas, most of them being inhabitants of shallow water. Antedon, Freminv. (Alecto, Leach ; Comatula, Lam. ; Pterocoma, Ag. ; Decacnemos, Brorm ; Comatu- Una, d'Orb. ; Hertha, Hage- now ; Solanocrinus, Gleno- a, Antedon (Solanocrinus) costatus, Goldf. Upper Jura (Diceras- tremiteS, Goldf.), (FigS. 235, Kalk) ; Kelheim, Bavaria. Dorsal aspect of crown ; centrodorsal and Orki\ TVT ^.T. pinnules not preserved (slightly reduced) ; b-d, A. scrobiculutus, Goldf. A a I). IVlOUtn central, anUS Upper Jura; Streitberg, Franconia ; b, Ventral; c, dorsal; and PPppntriV- ppntrnrlnrcal d, lateral aspect of calyx ; e, Arin-plate. ni r 1 C , C 0 r S a 1 button-shaped. Costals two ; the upper one axillary. Arms ten or more. Lias to Recent. Eudiocrinus, Carp. (Ophiocrinus, Semper). Like Antedon, except that it has only five arms. Represented by one Neocomian and five Recent species. 1 Muller, J., Ueber die Gattung Comatula, etc. (Abhandl. Berlin. Akad.), 1847. Ludwig, H., Beitrage zur Anatomie der Crinoideen (Zeitschr. fur wiss. Zool. XXVIII.), 1877. Carpenter, P. ff., Report on the Crinoidea (Sci. Results, Chall. Exped., XI. and XXVI.), 1884-88. Jaekel, 0., Entwurf einer Morphogenie und Phylogenie der Crinoideen (Sitzber. naturf. Ges.), 1894. ORDER v CRINOIDEA— ARTICULATA I 7 :> Adinometra, Muller (Comaster, Goldf. ; Phanogenia, Loven). Mouth eccentric or marginal ; anus central or subcentral. Centrodorsal depressed, discoidal ; covered with a single (rarely a double) row of cirri, or sometimes altogether naked. Jura to Recent. Pr&machocrinus, Carp. Centrodorsal hemispherical or conical, and covered • with numerous closely set cirri. 11 succeeded by a single costal ; with high distal faces and large muscle plates. Mouth central ; ambulacra symmetri- cally disposed. Recent. Atelecrinus, Carp. Centrodorsal acorn-shaped, and bearing five double rows of cirri, those of each row altcri&ting with one another and with those of adjacent rows. R separated from the Centrodorsal by a complete circle of B. The first six or more orders of brachials devoid of pinnules. Recent. Thaumatocrinus, Carp. Calyx plates as in the preceding, but with the addition of five large interradials resting upon the basals, followed by small irregular pieces between the costals at four of the sides ; the posterior interradial bearing a short, solid, jointed appendage. Ventral surface covered by a narrow band of perisome, and almost entirely occupied by five large, symmetrically situated orals. Mouth central ; anus eccentric, and extended in a short tube. Arms five. Recent; found at a depth of 1800 fathoms. Range and Distribution of the Crinoidea. With the exception of the Comatulidae, all recent Crinoids (Pentacrinus, Metacrinus, Rhizocrinus, Bathycrinus, Calamocrinus, Hyocrinus, Holopus) are deep- sea inhabitants ; and in many instances our knowledge of them is based upon but a few sporadic specimens. Of the Comatulidae, over 200 recent species have been described, the majority of which are found either in literal zones, or in comparatively shallow water. Crinoids attained their maximum development during the Palaeozoic era. The three principal orders — the Larmformia, Camerata, and Fistulata — are wholly confined to the Palaeozoic rocks; and with the exception oiMarsupites and Uintacrinus, the same is also true of the FlexiUlia. The Articulata, on the other hand, appear first in the Trias, and are represented continuously up to the present time. On this account Carpenter separated the Mesozoic and Cenozoic forms, under the term Neocrinoidea, from all earlier Crinoids, the latter being designated as Palaeocrinoidea. This distinction, however, has been shown to be largely artificial, and is now generally abandoned. Crinoids, as a rule, have but a very local distribution ; but in certain formations detached stem-joints and other fragments occur so profusely as to become of considerable rock-building importance; strata amounting to a number of metres in thickness are occasionally met with, which are almost wholly constituted of Crinoid remains. While the great majority of recent forms are deep-sea inhabitants, the Palaeozoic, on the contrary, often characterise shallow water deposits, and are especially numerous in the vicinity of fossil coral reefs. Of the Mesozoic Crinoids, the Eugeniacrinidae and Plicatocrinidae, whose remains are commonly associated with those of Hexactinellid and Lithistid Sponges, probably lived at considerable depths ; while, on the other hand, iheJEncrinidae, Apiocrinidae, Saccocomidae, and Pentacrinidae, were undoubtedly shallow water forms. 176 ECHIXODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III TABLE SHOWING THE VERTICAL RANGE OF THE CRINOIDEA. Families. Cambrian. 1 1 Silurian. Devonian. Carboniferous. Permian. i d I-B Cretaceous. b 1 Recent. 1. Larviformia 1. Haplocrinidae 2. Allagecrinidae 3. Pisocrinidae 4. Symbathocrinidae 5. Cupressocrinidae 6. Stephanocrinidae 2. Camerata 1. Platycrinidae 2. Hexacrinidae ' 3 Actinocrinidae ___ _^ 4. Barrandeocrinidae 5. . Reteocrinidae 6. Thysanocririidae 7. Rhodocrinidae 8 Melocrinidae — _~ 9. Calyptocrinidae 10. Crotalocriuidae 3. Fistulata 1. Hybocrinidae 2 Anoroalocrinidae — ^»— -^ - 3. Heterocrinidae 4. Belemnocrinidae 5. Catillocrinidae 6. Calceocrinidae — ^^^ ~— " .^— — - 7. Gasterocomidae 8. Cyathocrinidae 9. Poteriocrinidae 10 Acrassizocrinidae — ...?... 4. Flexibilia 1. Ichthyocrinidae 2 Marsupitidae 3 TJintacrinidae 5. Articulata 2 Apiocrinidae 3. Bourgueticrinidae 4. Eugeniacrinidae 5 Holopidae 6. Plicatocrinidae 7. Saccocomidae 8 Pentacrinidae " 9. Comatulidae CLASS ii CYSTOIDEA 177 Crinoidal fragments have been detected in the Cambrian, but consist of stem-joints only (Dcii'/m'-rimis). The Ordovician of England also yields a \urirty of stem-joints, and well-preserved calices of Hybocrinus and Baerocrinus occur in rocks of the same age in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. In North America, also, the Trenton and Hudson River limestones are locally very rich in Crinoid remains. The Silurian localities of Dudley and Wenlock, England, and especially the island of Gottland, Sweden, are famous for the surprising abundance and exquisite state of preservation of their fossil Crinoids. The Swedish forms alone comprise 43 genera and 176 species. The Silurian of North America, notably the Niagara Group, likewise contains a large variety of forms. The best known Devonian localities are the Eifel, Rhineland, Nassau, West- phalia, the Ardennes, Asturias, Departement Mayenne, and North America. The Carboniferous Limestone of Tournay and Vise", Belgium, and that of Eng- land, Ireland, and the vicinity of Moscow, Russia, is occasionally charged with exceptionally well-preserved Crinoidal remains. But the most famous of all horizons is the Sub-CarboniferouS Limestone of North America, where, in particular, the localities of Burlington, Iowa, and Crawfordsville, Indiana, have acquired a world- wide reputation. The Permian has yielded but a single genus, which is doubtfully referable to Cyathocrinus. From the Trias only the Encrinidae and a few species of Pentacrinus are as yet known. The remaining members of the Articulata make their appearance in the Jura and Cretaceous, and with the exception of the Saccocomidae, are still represented in the existing fauna. Class 2. OYSTOIDEA. Leopold von Buch.1 Extinct, pedunculate, or more rarely stemless Pelmatozoa, with calyx composed of more or less irregularly arranged plates. Arms imperfectly developed, sometimes absent. Calyx plates often finely perforate. The calyx is globose, bursiform, ovate, or ellipsoidal in form, more rarely 1 Literature: Volborth, Alex, von, Ueber die Echinoencrinen (Bull. Acad. Imp. Sc. St. Petersb. vol. X.), 1842. Volborth, Alex, von, Ueber die russischen Sphaeroniten (Verhandl. Mineralog. Gesellsch. St. Petersb.), 1845-46. Buch, Leopold von, Ueber Cystideen (Abhandl. der Berliner Akad. fiir 1844), 1845. Translated in Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1845. Forbes, Edward, On the Cystidea of the Silurian Rocks of the British Islands (Mem. Geol. Survey Great Brit. vol. II., part 2), 1848. Miiller, Johannes, Ueber den Bau der Echinodermen (Abhandl. der Berliner Akad.), 1853. J/n/f, Jtnnen, Palaeontology of New York, vol. II., 1852, and vol. III., 1859. Billings, E., On the Cystidea of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada (Figures and Descriptions of Canadian Organic Remains, Decade III.), 1858. Hall, James, Descriptions of some new Fossils from the Niagara Group (20th Ann. Rept. N.Y. State Cabinet of Nat. Hist.), 1867. Billings, E., Notes on the Structure of Crinoidea, Cystidea, and Blastoidea (Sil. Amer. Journ. Sci. 2nd ser.), vol. XLVIII., 1869, and XLIX., 1870. Volborth, Alex, von, Ueber Achradocystites uud Cystoblastus (Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., vol. XVI.), 1870. Schmidt, Fr., Ueber Baltisch-Silurische Petrefacten (Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., vol. XXI.), 1874. Barrande, Joachim, Systeme Silurieu du Centre de la Boheme. Cystidees, vol. VII., 1887. Carpenter, P. H., On Certain Points in the Morphology of the Cystidea (Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. XXIV.), 1891. VOL. I N 178 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III cylindrical or discoidal, and is composed of quadrangular, pentagonal, hexa- gonal, or polygonal plates, which are united by close suture. The plates vary in number from thirteen to several hundreds, and only exceptionally exhibit a regular arrangement. Sharp demarcations between the actinal and abactinal systems of plates, and between radial and interradial areas rarely exist ; the plates of the sides of the calyx pass insensibly into those of the ventral surface, and are disposed in regular cycles only in a few instances. The base, however, is composed of a distinct ring of plates, and is usually recognisable by the presence of an articular surface for the attachment of a stem, or by being directly adherent to some foreign object. The mouth is indicated by a central or subcentral aperture on the upper surface. It is sometimes covered by five small plates corresponding to the orals of Crinoids, and from it radiate from two to five simple or branching ambulacral grooves. The second opening on the ventral surface is situated eccentrically, and is frequently closed by a valvular pyramid, consisting usually of five or more triangular plates ; or the covering may consist of a variable number of smaller pieces. This aperture, which was regarded by L. von Buch, Volborth, Forbes, and Hall as a genital open- ing, is now generally conceded to represent the anus. A third smaller opening, situated be- tween the mouth and the anus, is present in a few forms only. The functions of this latter a, Aristocystites. Sub- orifice are not well un- tegminal ambulacral ^ . . rooves; &, Same of derstOOQ, but it IS COm- llarged monly regarded as the ovarian aperture, or genital pore (Fig. 292) Yet another small, slit-like opening, situated in the vicinity of the mouth, was detected by Barrande in the genus Aristocystites ; but its functions are altogether unknown. The ambulacral grooves, which are present in most Cystideans, are usually simple, although sometimes distally branching, and are frequently roofed over by alternately arranged covering pieces. In a few forms (Caryocrinus, Cryptocrinus, etc.) the grooves are wholly absent. The genera Aristocystites, Pyrocystites, and Craterina are without exposed ambulacral grooves ; but they have instead, as Barrande discovered, a peculiar system of five or six covered passages on the inner surface of the calyx plates, which converge towards the mouth, and are distally more or less branching (Fig. 293). These structures, the so-called " hydrophores palme'es" were homologised by Barrande with the hydrospires of Blastoids ; but as Neumayr has pointed out, they are probably the equivalent of subtegminal food-grooves in Crinoids. The calyx plates exhibit most remarkable structural peculiarities. As a FIG. 292 Glyptosphaerites Leuchtenbergi, Volborth. Calyx showing ambulacral grooves, plated mouth-opening, large laterally situated anus, and small ovarian aperture between mouth and anus. Pyrocystites. (after Barrande). CLASS II CYSTOIDEA 179 rule they are more or less extensively perforated by pores or fissures ; although in some forms (Cryptocrinus, Malocystites, Ateleocystites, etc.) they appear to be imperforate, and are composed of a homogeneous calcareous layer of greater or lesser thickness, the same as in Crinoids. But in Aristo- cystites, Craterina, Proteocystites, Glyptosphaerites, Echinosphaerites, etc., the plates are uniformly covered both externally and internally with a very thin, generally smooth, calcareous membrane, which may be perforate or imperforate. The central layer is of variable thickness, and is traversed by numerous canals (Figs. 294, 295) which extend from the inner to the outer surface, sometimes rectilinearly (Aristocystites, Craterinera, perforating the median ,.•,„.! . «. , . layer of plate. etc.) ; sometimes in slightly sinuous lines ; and in rare instances they divide dichotomously. The canals terminate on either surface in small round apertures or pores, which are arranged either singly or in pairs, and may or may not penetrate the outer calcareous membrane. The pores are commonly situated either on a tubercular elevation, or in a slight superficial depression. But still more frequent than the canals are the so-called pore-rhombs (Fig. 296) which occur indifferently in types possessing numerous or but few calycine plates. The pores are arranged so as to form lozenge-shaped or rhombic figures, in such manner that one half of each rhomb belongs to one Fio. 295. infi. Calyx swn from the anal side; c, Mouth, arms, and covered ambulacral grooves; d, Calyx plates enlarged, showing pore-rhombs (cf. Fig. 296). Ambulacral grooves short ; arms two to five, free, Userial, rarely preserved. Stem, when present, composed of several vertical series of alternately arranged plates. Ordovician and Silurian. Echinosphaerites, Wahlenb. (Fig. 301). Globose, non-pedunculate. Mouth central, ambulacral grooves short. Anal opening protected by valvular 184 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III pyramid ; arms unknown. Very abundant in the Ordovician of Russia and Scandinavia. E. aurantium, Rising, sp. Arachnocystites, Neumayr. Like the preceding, except that it has strong arms, usually three in number, which sometimes attain a length of 10 cm. Stem tapering distally to a point. Ordovician (Etage D) ; Bohemia. A. infaustus, Barr. sp. Caryocystites, v. Buch (Fig. 302). Calyx plates relatively large. Pore-rhombs on external surface elevated, prominent. Stem wanting. Ordovician ; Russia, Scandinavia, England. C' 9™natum, Wahlenb. Owciistites, Barrande. Ordovician (Etage D) ; Bohemia. „ , ... -T>MT n i T Palaeoct/stites, Billings. Calyx ovate or pyriform ; plates numerous, and poriferous at the margins. Ordovician ; Canada. grana- turn, wahib. sp. Or- dovician ; Oeland. Plates of the natural elevated Calyx composed of regularly arranged plates, attachment of small arms. to Permian. Family 5. Cryptocrinidae. Zittel. rings of very finely perforate or imperforate, somewhat Mouth central, surrounded by articular facets for the Anus eccentric; stem round and slender. Ordovician Cryptocrinus, v. Buch (Fig. 303). Base composed of three plates, and sur- mounted by two zones, each containing five plates of unequal sizes. Mouth and anus enclosed within a ring of smaller pieces. Ordo- vician ; St. Petersburg. C. cerasus, v. Buch. Echinocystites, Hall. Or- dovician ; North America. Porocrinus, Bill. (Fig. 304). Base composed of three plates, and succeeded by two circlets of regularly alternating pieces. Upper Cycle giving rise to five feeble, uniserial arms. Small from above, and from below FIG. 303. Cryptocrinus cerasus, v. Buch. fur- a, Porocrinus conicus, Billings. Ordovician ; Ottawa, Canada. Nat. size (after Billings) ; 6, P. riiilicitus, Beyr. Ordovician ; St. Petersburg. Calyx plates show- ing pectinated rhombs. Consider- ably enlarged (after Beyrich). supplementary pieces _- (nat size); m>Mouth. fl> Anus nished with pore-rhombs in- tercalated in the re-entrant angles between the calyx plates. Ordovician ; Canada, Russia. Hypocrinus, Beyr. Base composed of three plates, and succeeded by two zones of alternately arranged, perforate plates. Mouth central. Permian ; Timor. Family 6. Oaryocrinidae. Bernard. Calyx composed of a moderate number of plates exhibiting a more or less definite arrangement in cycles. Certain or all of the side plates with pore-rhombs ; those of the ventral surface imperf orate. Arms three to thirteen, free, feeble. Stem constantly present, occasionally long. Ordovician and Silurian. CLASS II CYSTOIDEA 185 If.micosmites, v. Buch. Calyx composed of four basal plates two zones ,ontainin- six and nine lateral plates respectively, and a circlet of six plates forming the rented rarfcee. The latter carries three short ambulacral grooves, at the ends of which are situated small articular facets for the attachment of arms. Rhomb-pores present on all of the side plates. vi.-ian : Russia. H. /»///•//'»/•//»*, v. Buch. Btt^m'/ms- Say (Fi- 305). Calyx hexameroui, with dicyclic base. Infrabasals four, un.-Mual; followed by a second row (basals) of i ;es, alternating with the plates of the first and third cycles. The latter ring consists of eight plates, six of which, arc.. fd ^BBsrsv i^me^m >> ing to Carpenter, represent the radials, and two (the interscapu- lars of Hall) the interradials. Ven- tral surface formed of six or more small pieces. All plates of the cup furnished with pore-rhombs ; the summit plates imperf orate. Mouth and ambulacral grooves subtegminal. Anus protected by valvular pyramid, and situated on the outer margin of the ventral surface. Here also are placed the arms, which are six to thirteen in number, and relatively feeble. Stem long, composed of cylindrical segments. Silurian ; North America (New York and Tennessee). Echinoencrinus, v. Meyer (Sycocystites, v. Buch), (Fig. 306). Calyx com- posed of four basal plates, and three cycles containing five plates each. All calycine plates ornamented with costae or ridges radiating outward from the centre. Ventral surface with short ambulacral grooves, and articular facets for the attachment of three small arms. Anus removed to a lateral position between the first and second circlet of side plates. Three pore -rhombs present ; of these, two are situated above the base on the side opposite the anus, and the third above and slightly to the right of the anus. Stem round, short, tapering distally to a point, and composed of hollow segments inserted one within the other like the draws of a spy-glass. Ordovician ; Russia. Glyptocystites, Billings. Ordovician ; Canada and Russia. Homocystites, Mimocystites, Barrande. Ordovician ; Bohemia. Family 7. Anomalocystidae. Woodward. Calyx more or less compressed, frequently with dissimilarly plated anterior and posterior sides. Plates either imperf orate or with simple pores ; pore-rhombs absent or but few in number. Arms free ; stem short, tapering distally to a point. Cambrian to Silurian. FIG. 305, ornatus, Say. Silurian ; Lockport, New York. «, CaTyx from one side, with two arms attached ; b, Summit, natural size ; c, Inner and outer surfaces of calyx plate of the second circlet, with pore-rhombs. FIG. Echinoencrinus striatus, v. Buch. Ordovician ; St. Petersburg, i 186 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III Trochocystites, Barr. Calyx strongly compressed. Plates of the right and left sides large, those of both the anterior and posterior small, polygonal. All plates perforate, but without pore-rhombs. Ventral surface with three apertures. Stem com- posed of several vertical rows of plates. Cam- brian ; Bohemia, Spain, Northern France. Mitrocystites, Barr. Like the preceding, ex- cept that one side of the calyx is composed of toler- ably large, and the other of small plates. Ordo- vician ; Bohemia. Anomalocystites, Hall (Aeteleocystites, Bill.) Calycine plates smaller and more numerous on th *rl +- Vi tn6 convex sicie than the COncave AnUS Pleurocystites squamosus, Billings. Ordovician ; Ottawa, Canada. a, Calyx from the anterior side ; b, Same from the ^anal side ; c, Arms, enlarged. Right and left reversed (after Billings). ' on , , , situated very low down on the convex side. Arms feeble, filiform. Ordovician and Silurian ; North America, England, Bohemia. Balanocystites, Dendrocystites, Barr. Ordovician ; Bohemia. Pleurocystites, Bill (Fig. 307). Convex side with large plates arranged in cycles ; flattened side covered with very minute plates. Three isolated pore-rhombs borne on the convex side. Arms two in number, robust. Stem round, tapering distally to a point. Ordovician ; Canada. FIG. 308. Pseudocrinites quadrifasciatus, Pearce. Silurian ; Tividale, Eng- land. A, Calyx from one side. B, Summit, showing mouth (m), anus (a), and three of the arms. The fourth arm (x) broken away, exposing flattened surface of calyx. FIG. 309. Callocystites Jewetti, Hall. Silurian (Niagara Group) ; Lockport, New York. A, Calyx from one side (natural size). JB, Ambulacral grooves and three pectinated rhombs (rh), enlarged ; o, Mouth ; an, Anus ; g, Genital pore (after Hall). Family 8. Callocystidae. Bernard. Calyx composed of large plates arranged in three or four cycles, and exhibiting three to five pectinated rhombs, the component halves of which stand on contiguous plates, CLASS IF CVSTOIDKA 187 and are separated by an interval. Mouth slit-like, and forming the centre of radia- tion for two to five pinnulate arms which are protected by covering pieces, and either repose upon the calyx, or are sunk below the surface in grooves. Stem well developed, taperiii'/ if It P fns-prl both with radials and deltoids ; b, c, Ambulacra in which lancet-plates (Q only Pair may D<3 1USe.C are preserved ; d, e, Ambulacra intact ; lancet-plate concealed, by each Other and with the anUS side-plates (after Etheridge and Carpenter). . -i • i , i nr.-t in which case the fifth or posterior spiracle is considerably larger than the others. Granatocrinus, Pentremites, Pentremitidea, etc. (Fig. 314, A), are examples of the latter case; Granatocrinus having five circular orifices with tube-like projections, while in Pentremites and Pentremitidea the four smaller spiracles are divided into two compartments by the terminal median ridge of the deltoids. The posterior CLASS III BLASTOIDEA 191 spiracle in the two latter genera is divided by a duplicate ridge into three compartments; of these the middle one enters the inner cavity, and the two outer ones communicate with the hydrospires by means of the hydrospire canal. In Troostocrinus, Schizoblastus, and Cryptoblastus (Fig. 313, D) the posterior spiracles are confluent with the anus, while those of the four regular sides are separated. Elaeacrinus, Mesoblastus, and Acentrotremites have ten separate spiracles, and a large, distinct anal aperture. The typical Codasteridae (Cadaster and Fhaenoschisma), in which the hydrospires are exposed externally, have no spiracles and no hydrospire canal. Orophocrinus (Fig. 313, B) has ten elongate clefts extending along the sides of the ambulacra ; but these are in reality the unclosed portions of the radial sinuses, and correspond to the open hydrospire canals of Pentremites, which are apparent upon the removal of the side-plates. The ambulacra are usually depressed below the general level of the calyx, but are sometimes raised above it, or they may be placed in the same plane with it. They vary in form from narrow A n linear to broad petaloid, and are considerably complicated in structure (Fig. 315). The centre of each ambulacrum is occupied by the lancet-plate, a long, narrow piece, pointed at both ends, which extends to the full length of the fields. Its proximal end is inserted be- tween the deltoids, and takes part in the lip around the summit-opening. The upper sur- face of the plate is excavated along the median line, and forms an open, well-defined groove, which conducts to the mouth, and in all prob- ability represents the food-groove. The in- terior of the plate is traversed by an axial canal, which communicates by means of the ambulacral opening with an oral ring belonging plate (0 ; median food-groove of the same ,, T r (a) ; side-plates (s) ; outer side-plates (e) ; tO the Water- VaSCUlar System. In a number OI and marginal pores (p). 5/j (after E and forms (Pentremites, Orophocrinus) there is to ^SffSSSSSS^^ Letter' be seen a second, smaller, and extremely thin plate underlying the median portion of the first; this is called the under hi mrf -plate,. The lancet-plate rarely occupies the full width of the ambulacral field, and the spaces between its lateral edges and the sides of the radial sinus are either wholly or partially covered by a row of small, horizontally elongated side-plates (" pore-plates" of Roemer). In Pentremites, Orophocrinus, and other genera, an additional series of still smaller pieces, called the outer side-plates (" supple- mentary pore-plates" of Roemer), are placed between the side-plates and the walls of the radial sinus. Pentremites and Cryptoschisma have the entire upper surface of the lancet-plate exposed to view, and the side-plates are situated alongside of it in the same plane. But in other forms the lancet-plate is wholly, or to a very large extent, concealed by the side-plates (Fig. 315, B), so that as a rule only a small space along the food-groove is' visible. The sutures between the side-plates are indicated by shallow, horizontal grooves, which are continued as superficial markings over both halves of the lancet- plate as far as the median ambulacral groove. These crenulations, it should FIG. 315. A, Pentremites pyriformis, Say. Portion of an ambulacrum, exhibiting the lancet- 192 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III be noted, are frequently effaced in weathered specimens (Fig. 315, A and E]> Small pit-like depressions, or small tubercles, which are observable on the side- plates, indicate the places where the appendages or pinnules were formerly attached. These are \ J^J^L / only exceptionally completely conceal the ambulacral fields, and extend upward above the summit of the calyx (Fig. 316). They vary consider- ably in length, even among species be- gub longing to the same genus. In most Blastoids the side-plates, or the outer side-plates when such are present, are pierced by marginal pores (or hydrospire pores), which communicate with the hydrospires. The pores are situated at the extreme outer margins of the plates, at the end of the lateral ridges, and alternate in position with the sockets of the pinnules. They are present in all forms, FIG. 316. a, Pinnule of Pentremites, enlarged ; b, Granatocrinus Norwoodi, O. and S., with perfectly preserved pinnules (after Meek and Worthen). Trans- Pentremites sulcatus, Carboniferous ; Illinois verse section of calyx at about 1/3 the height of the ambulacral fields. X 1 !/2- hy, Hydrospires ; I, Lancet- plate ;" p, Pore-plates ; r, Radials. Transverse sections through the ambulacral fields, showing various forms of hydrospires. A, Granatocrinus Derbyensis. B, Granatocrinus Norwoodi. C,*Metablastus lineatus. D, Orophocrinus verus. All sections enlarged (after Etheridge and Carpenter). having the hydrospires concealed within the calyx ; but are absent in the Codasteridae, in which the hydrospires are wholly or in part exposed on the outer surface. The hydrospires are bundles of flattened, lamellar tubes, extending under- 1 [According to Wachsmuth these markings are not a mere ornamentation ; but the ridges consti- tute the sides, and the depressions the floors of a series of small ducts leading from the pinnules to the median ambulacral groove. In a number of excellently preserved specimens observed by this distinguished author (Pentremites, Orophocrinus, and Schizoblastus), not only the longitudinal groove, but also the side grooves throughout the entire field were roofed over by alternately arranged, very minute plates, extending all the way to the pinnules. The arrangement of the side ducts, their upward curvature on approaching the main canal, and their relations to the pinnules, leaves scarcely a doubt that they were closed food-grooves serving to conduct nutriment from the pinnules to the mouth. It is questionable whether the term " pinnules " is strictly appropriate as applied to the appendages of Blastoids, for while the latter evidently performed the function of arms, it is by no means certain that they discharged the ova, which is the special office of pinnules in Crinoids. The statement that the appendages are frequently biserial does not agree with the observations of Wachsmuth. All the specimens examined by this writer are uniserial, but the ossicles are sometimes sharply wedge-shaped, and interlock to a slight extent from opposite sides, thus simulating a biserial arrangement. — TRANS.] CLASS HI BLASTOIDEA 193 ncath the lancet- and side-plates, in a direction parallel with the boundaries of tin- anilMilaeral tit-Ms. They begin at the lower end of the ambulacra, and terminate in the hydrospire canals, of which the spiracles form the external apertures. When the spiracles are confluent, the canals of adjacent groups of hvdrtispin-s «inter t he sanu- opening. The hydrospires are suspended in the majority of forms along the walls of the body-cavity (Pentremites), (Fig. 317), l.cinur attached either to the outer margins of the under lancet-plate or to a separate piece known as t he ln//» M/X///S). l'< nfirmitt's has from four to nine hydrospires in each group ; Granato- ri'imix two, or exceptionally one; Troostocrinus and Mesollastus generally three, and <)r»i<1«i,Tinit* from five to seven (Fig. 318, A to D). In Phaenoschisma and I'lH/imfi-r (Fig. 323) the tubes open externally by slits piercing the radials and deltoids and running parallel with the ambulacra. The functions of the hydrospires can only be surmised, but they are supposed to have served for respiration ; they correspond doubtless to the pet 'tinated rhombs and calycine pores of the Cystideans and to the respiratory pores of Crinoids. It is probable that water was admitted to the hydrospire sacs through the marginal pores, and was discharged through the spiracles. Roemer and Forbes have suggested that the hydrospires may also have per- formed reproductive functions. Ludwig has called attention to the resemblance between the genital bursae of Ophiuroids and the slit-like spiracles in Oropho- rriiiiix: his theory is that the hydrospires served both for purposes of respiration and for the discharge of genital products, a view which was also shared by Carpenter. The stem in Blastoids is preserved only in exceedingly rare instances. It is round, provided with a small axial canal, and composed of short joints, which apparently multiplied in a similar manner as in the Crinoids. In Oro- phocrinus and Pentremites it has been traced for a length of 15 cm. without reaching the end ; and in the latter form it has occasionally been found with a few, comparatively heavy, radicular cirri. It has frequently been claimed, owing to the superficial resemblance of their ambulacral areas, that the Blastoids and Echinoids are mutually related ; but such presumptions are founded upon a total misconception of the value of external characters. The construction of the calyx, the presence of pinnules, and the stemmed condition, are features which identify them unmistakably as Pelmatozoa ; and their nearest relatives under this group are the Cystideans. The parallelism between the ambulacral fields of the one class and the recumbent arms, apparently soldered on to the calyx of the other, is self-evident. The hydrospires of Blastoids correspond to the pore-rhombs of Cystideans, as has already been remarked ; and the position of the mouth and anus is the same in both types. The Blastoids constitute a peculiar, but, on the whole, a very well-defined group, which is now regarded as of equal rank with the Crinoids and Cystids. Blastoids have not been recognised as such, up to the present time, in strata lower than the Silurian ; but it is possible that several genera occurring in the Ordovician of North America and Russia (Blastoidocrinus, AsteroUastus, etc.), which are now referred to the Cystids, may eventually be transferred to the Blastoidea. The only known Silurian form is Troostocrinus, which occurs sparsely in the Niagara Group of North America. Several genera are repre- sented in the Devonian, being distributed in both Europe and America, but VOL. I 194 ECHINODERMATA— PELMATOZOA SUB-KINGDOM III the climax of Blastoid development takes place in the Sub-Carboniferous of North America. Some of the beds of the Kaskaskia Group are fairly charged with their remains, which as a rule are excellently preserved ; but above this horizon no traces of them have as yet been discovered. Nineteen genera, comprising upwards of 120 species, are recognised by Etheridge and Carpenter in their admirable monograph. Order 1. REGULARES. Etheridge and Carpenter. Pedunculate Blastoids with a symmetrical base, in which the radials and ambulacra are all equal and similar. Family 1. Pentremitidae. d'Orbigny. usually convex, and often much elongated. Spiracles five, but sometimes more or less completely divided by a median septum, and bounded proximally by the upper- most side-plates. Lancet-plate either entirely visible or partially covered by side-plates which extend to the margins of the ambulacra. Hydrospires concentrated at the lowest part of the radial sinus. Devonian and Sub-Carboniferous. Pentremites, Say. Calyx usually ovate or pyriform, with elongate, sub- truncate base. Ambulacra broad, sub-petaloid. Lancet-plate wholly exposed, and resting below on an under lancet-plate. Side-plates and outer side-plates' numerous, the former abutting against the edges of the lancet-plates. Hydrospires three to nine ; spiracles single, or occasionally double ; the two of the posterior side confluent with the anus, and forming with it a single large orifice. Summit covered by numerous spines, placed closely against one another so as to form a pyramid, which completely covers the summit and the greater portion of the spiracles. Excessively abundant in the Sub- Carboniferous of North America (St. Louis and Kaskaskia Groups), but not identified in Europe. P. Godoni, Defrance, and P. pyri- formis, Say, are the most familiar species. Pentremitidea, d'Orb. Calyx clavate- pyramidal, with elongate, usually conical base, and truncate or convex upper face. Ambulacra narrow, short; lancet-plate more or less completely concealed by side-plates. Deltoids very small, generally confined to the upper face of the calyx, and seldom visible in a side-view. Spiracles and hydrospires as in the preceding. Lower and Middle Devonian; Eifel, Ardennes, Spain, Great Britain, and North America. P. Pailletti, de Vern. ; P. Eifelianus, Eoemer ; P. clavatus, Schultze. Mesoblastus, E. and C. Calyx oval to globose, with concave to protuberant base. Radials long, deltoids small, short, unequally rhombic. Ambulacra FIG. 319. Pentremites Co'/niii, Defr. Sub-Carbon- iferous ; 111. (Nat. size.) FIG. 320. Pentremites sulcatus, Roein. Sub--Garbonifer- ous ; 111. A, Summit as- pect. B, Base. OKM:I; I BLASTOIDKA— 195 very narrow. extending to the base. Spim- !••-. M -i rule, distinctly double, but sometimes incompletely divided. Lancet-plate perfectly, or for the most part, concealed by >ide plates. Carboniferous; Belgium, England, North America. .]/. .-/•»//»/ /*////*, Koeiner. Family ~2. Troostoblastidae. Etheridge and Carpenter. Ambulacra narrow, linear, deeply impressed, descending outward from the summit. confined to the narrow upper end, invisible externally, except the posterior one in '/'/•'" -.-/",•/ //n/.s-. Ln ncet- plate entirely concealed by side-plates. A f, rqprtttntod !»/ lineal slits at the sides of the deltoid ', a nil IK it l><> a mled by side-plates. Silurian to Sub-Carbon- iferous (Warsaw Group). Troostocrww, Shum. (Fig. 321). Calyx narrow, elongate, somewhat fusiform, with contracted, subtruncate, or slightly convex upper face. Ambulacra short. The four anterior deltoids overlapped by the radia limbs; the posterior one much larger than the rest, and appearing externally. Posterior spiracles confluent with the anus. Silurian (Niagara Group) ; North America. Metablaslus, E. and C. Like the preceding, but all the deltoids equal, and the two posterior spiracles not confluent with the anus. Spiracle slits ten in number; hydrospires four lo each side of an ambulacrum. Silurian to Sub-Car- , . ... 1 roostocnnus Rein- boniferous. iw ,-,/«, Troost sp. Tricoelocrinus, M. and \V. Calyx pyramidal, broadest below faffe™" ; RoeTner"'. and narrowing upwards; when seen from above or below, da?al'(nafrom8izex strongly pentagonal in outline, owing to the projecting and Lf^,1'1 asl"(t carinated character of the radials. Deltoids small ; ambulacra long, and extremely narrow. Spiracles ten, dis- tinct ; anus large. Hydrospires small, enclosed within the substance of the forked plates. Sub- Carboniferous. Family :i. Nucleoblastidae. Carpenter. Etheridge and Fie. Elaeacrinus * Verneuili, Troost sp. Lower Devonian ; Columbus, O. (after II'M-mcr). .1. SHIe-VteW of calyx. /-', H;is,-. C, Ventral surface. I), Same, enlarged. Calyx usually globular or ovoidal, with flattt m>