Br -t 'Jr iffir* ii&S^i^K-? I BK '■&f$MW&si 'v^-n HfllB^B^BH ■ ■ ' „<'• i'^fX& ■' ■■ 's'-'iiSi ii -%i 'r\*S 1 'V11 Univ. of I! -"|f, MBilARY A TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited LONDON . FOMBAY . CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK . BOSTON . CHICAGO ATLANTA . SAN FRANCISCO THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltd TORONTO A TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY BY T. JEFFERY PARKER, D.Sc, F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, UUNEDIN, N.Z. AND WILLIAM A. HASWELL, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S. TROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, N.S.W. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1910 QL YX3 \q\0 v. I KlCHAKD CLAV AND SONS, LIMITED, BREAD STREET HILL, E.C., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. First Edition, 1898. Second Edition, 1910. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION In spite of its bulk, the present work is strictly adapted to the needs of the beginner. The mode of treatment of the subject is such that no previous knowledge of Zoology is assumed, and students of the first and second years should have no more difficulty in following the accounts of the various groups than is incidental to the first study of a complex and unfamiliar subject. There can be little doubt that the study of Zoology is most profitably as well as most pleasantly begun in tbe field and by the sea-shore, in the Zoological Garden and the Aquarium. In a very real sense it is true that the best zoologist is he who knows the most animals, and there can certainly be no better foundation for a strict and scientific study of the subject than a familiarity with the general appearance and habits of the common members of the principal animal classes. But Zoology as a branch of academical study can hardly be pursued on the broad lines of general natural history, and must be content to lose a little in breadth of view — at least in its earlier stages — while insisting upon accurate observation, comparison, and induction, within the limited field of Laboratory and Museum work. A not uncommon method of expounding the science of Zoology is to begin the study of a given group by a definition, the very terms of which it is impossible that the student should under- stand; then to take a general survey of the group, illustrated by casual references to animals and to structures of which it is highly unlikely he has ever heard ; and, finally, to descend to a survey of the more important forms included in the group. It will probably be generally agreed that, from the teacher's point of view, this method begins at the wrong end, and is hardly more rational than vi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION it would be to deliver a course on the general characteristics of English Literature, suitably illustrated by " elegant extracts," to a class of students who had never read a single English poet or essayist. There can be no question as to the vast improvement effected in zoological teaching by the practice of preceding the study of a given group as a whole by the accurate examination of a suitable member of it. With the clear mental image of a particular animal, in the totality of its organisation, the comparison of the parts and organs of other animals of like build becomes a profitable study, and the danger of the comparative method — that the student may learn a great deal of the systems of organs in a group without getting a clear conception of a single animal belonging to it — is much diminished. The method of " types " has, however, its own dangers. Students are, in their way, great generalisers, and, unless carefully looked after, are quite sure to take the type for the class, and to consider all Arthropods but crayfishes and cockroaches, and all Molluscs but mussels and snails, as non-typical. For this reason a course of Zoology which confines itself entirely or largely to " types," or, as we prefer to call them,1 examples, is certain to be a singularly- narrow and barren affair, and to leave the student with the vaguest and most erroneous ideas of the animal kingdom as a whole. This is especially the case when the number of examples is small, each of the Phyla being represented by only one or two forms. In our opinion every group which cannot readily and intel- ligibly be described in terms of some other group should be represented, in an elementary course of Zoology, by an example. We have, therefore, in the majority of cases, described, in some detail, an example of every important class, and, in cases where the diversity of organisation is very great — as in Crustacea and Fishes — two or more examples are taken. The student is thus furnished with a brief account of at least one member — usually readily accessible — of all the principal groups of animals. By the time the example has been studied, a definition of the class and of its orders will convey some idea to the mind, and will 1 Following a suggestion for which we are indebted to Dr. Alexander Hill, Master of Downing College, Cambridge. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION vii serve to show which of tho characters already met with are of distinctive importance, and which special to the example itself In order to bring out this point more clearly, to furnish a connec- tion between the account of the example and that of the class as a whole, and to give some idea of the meaning of specific, generic, and family characters, we have introduced, after the classification, a paragraph giving the systematic position of the example, some- times in more, sometimes in less detail. Following the table of classification with its brief definitions comes the general account of the group. This is usually treated according to the comparative method, the leading modifications of the various parts and organs being described seriatim. In a few cases this plan has been abandoned and the class described order by order, but this is done only when the deviations from the type are so considerable as to lead us to think the comparative method unsuitable for beginners. On the other hand, when all the classes of the phylum present a very uniform type of structure, the phylum is studied comparatively as a whole. The description of each group usually ends with some account of its ethology and distribution, and with a discussion of its affinities and of the mutual relationships of its various subdivisions. We have done our best to make the space devoted to each group proportional to- its complexity and range of variation, and to subdue the natural tendency to devote most attention to the more recently investigated classes, or to those in which Ave ourselves happen to be especially interested. A few lesser groups have been put into small type, partly to economise space, partly because they seem to us to be of minor importance to the beginner. Following out the plan of deferring the discussion of general questions until the facts with which they are connected have been brought forward, we have placed the sections on Distribution, on the Philosophy of Zoology, and on the History of Zoology at the end of the book. We have, however, placed a general account of the structure and physiology of animals immediately after the Introduction, and one on the Craniate Vertebrata before the description of the classes of that division, but it will be obvious that these deviations from the strictly inductive method were inevitable in order to avoid much needless repetition. After a good deal of consideration we have decided to omit all viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION references to the literature of the subject in the body of the work. Anything like consistent historical treatment would be out of place in an elementary book ; and the introduction of casual references to particular discoveries, while they might interest the more advanced reader by giving a kind of personal colouring to the subject, could hardly fail, from their necessarily limited character, to be misleading to the beginner, and to increase rather than diminish his difficulties. We have, therefore, postponed all reference to the history of the science to the concluding Section, in which the main lines of progress are set forth, and have given, as an Appendix, a guide to the modern literature of Zoology. The latter is intended merely to indicate the next step to be taken by the student who wishes to acquire something more than a mere text-book knowledge.1 The various Sections have been written by the authors in fairly equal proportions, but the work of each has been carefully read and criticised by the other, and no disputed point has been allowed to stand without thorough discussion. We are therefore jointly and severally responsible for the whole work. A very large proportion of the figures have been specially drawn and engraved for the book. Those in which no source is named are from our own drawings, with the exception of Figs. 571, 572, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1022, 1059, 1063, and 1071, for which we are indebted to Mrs. W. A. Haswell. Figs. 1002 bis, 1005 bis, Are from photographs kindly taken for us by Mr. A. Hamilton.*2 Many blocks have been borrowed from well-known works, to the authors and publishers of which we beg to return our sincere acknowledg- ments. All the new figures inave been drawn by Mr. M. P. Parker. 1 In this connection we cannot resist the pleasure of quoting two passages, exactly expressing our own views, from the preface to Dr. Waller's Human Physiology, which came under our notice after the above paragraph was in type : — ' ' I have given a Bibliography after some hesitation, feeling that references to original papers are of no use to junior studeuts, and must be too imperfect to be satisfactory to more advanced students. . . . Attention has been paid to recent work, but I have felt that the gradually-formed deposit of accepted know- ledge must be of greater intrinsic value than the latest ' discovery ' or the newest theory. An early mental diet in which these items are predominant is an unwholesome diet ; their function in elementary instruction is that of condi- ments, valuable only in conjunction with a foundation of solid food." * 'Plie figures referred to are numbered 608, 609, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1085, 1128, 1132, 1 140, 1063, and 1067 in the new edition. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION ix We have received generous assistance from Professors Arthur Dendy, G. B. Howes, Baldwin Spencer, and J. T. Wilson, and from Mr. J. P. Hill and Dr. Arthur Willey. Professor W. N. Parker has very kindly read the whole of the proof-sheets and favoured us with many valuable suggestions, besides acting as referee in numerous minor difficulties which would otherwise have cost a delay of many weeks. It is a mere truism to say that a text-book can never really reflect the existing state of the science of which it treats, but must necessarily be to some extent out of date at the time of publication. In the present instance, the revises of the earlier pages, giving the last opportunity for any but minor alterations, were corrected in the latter parb of 1895, and the sheets passed for press in the middle of 1896. We are, therefore, fully alive to the fact that much of our work already needs a thorough revision, and can console ourselves only by reflecting that " to travel hope- fully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour." We may mention, in conclusion, that, whatever may be the merits or demerits of the book, it enjoys the distinction of being unique in one respect. The two authors have been separated from one another, during the greater part of - their collaboration, by a distance of 1200 miles, and the manuscript, proofs, and drawings have had to traverse half the circumference of the globe in their journeys between the authors on the one hand, and the publishers, printers, artist, and engravers on the other. It will, therefore, be readily believed that all persons concerned have had every oppor- tunity, during the progress of the work, of exercising the supreme virtue of patience. PllEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION A new edition of this Text-Book has been called for on some- what short notice, and, had it not been for the assistance generously rendered by Professor W. Newton Parker, who has helped me greatly in the revision of the proofs, and has made a large number of useful suggestions, it would have been impossible for me to have completed the work within the time prescribed. Fortunately, also, materials for the most important of the alterations and additions had been already, to a certain extent, prepared. The original plan of the work has not been in any way altered, and, though all parts have been subjected to careful revision, there is a good deal, especially in the descriptions of many of the examples, which has not been materially changed. On the other hand, some parts have been to a great extent re-written, and a good many illustrations have been added, a fair proportion of which arc new to text-books of this description. I have the pleasure of acknowledging assistance, on special points received from Professor J. P. Hill, Mr. S. J. Johnston, B.A., B.Sc, Mr. E. J. Goddard, B.A., D.Sc, and Mr. H. L. Kesteven, B.Sc, all of the University of Sydney. A good many of the new illustra- tions were re-drawn by W. Birmingham, Laboratory Assistant, Department of Biology. W. A. Haswell. CONTENTS I'AOK Preface v Contents of Sections in Vol. I xiii List of Illustrations in Vol. I. xix Table of the Classification of the Animal Kingdom . . . xxxv Introduction 1 SECTION I The General Structure and Physiology of Animals . 1. Amoeba .. 2. The Animal Cell 3. The Ovum : Maturation, Impregnation, and Segmentation : the Germinal Layers 4. Tissues 5. Organs ..... 6. The Reproduction of Animals 7. Symmetry .'.... 8. The Primary Subdivisions or Phyla of the Animal Kingdom 10 10 14 19 23 31 40 41 43 SECTION II Phylum Protozoa ... Class I. Rhizopoda . . . . 1. Example of the Class — Amoeba proteus 2. Classification and General Organisation Systematic Position of the Example Appendix to the Rhizopoda Class II. Mycetozoa 1. Example of the Class — Didymium difforme 2. General Remarks Class III. Mastigophora .... 1. Example of the Class — Englena viridis 2. Classification and General Organisation Systematic Position of the Example Class IV. Sporozoa 1. Example of the Class — Monocystis agilis 2. Classification and General Organisation Systematic Position of the Example 45 46 46 47 48 04 <;<; oo 67 67 67 ('»!• 70 so 80 81 82 xiv CONTENTS PAGE Phylum Protozoa — continued. Class V. Infusoria 88 1. Example of the Class — Parametrium caadatum .... 88 2. Classification and General Organisation 91 Systematic Position of the Example 91 Further Remarks on the Protozoa . . . . - . . . 101 SECTION III Phylum and Class Porifera [Parazoa] 105 1. Example Sf the Class — Sycon gelatinosum 105 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Ill Systematic Position of the Example 112 3. General Organisation 114 SECTION IV Phylum Ccelenterata 128 Class I. Hydrozoa '. 128 1. Example of the Class — Obelia 128 2. General Structure and Classification 140 Systematic Position of the Example 142 Additional Remarks 167 Class II. Scyphozoa 168 1. Example of the Class — Aurelia aurita 168 2. General Structure and Classification 176 Systematic Position of the Example 177 Additional Remarks 184 Class III. Actinozoa 185 1. Example of the Class — Tealia crassicornis . . . . ' 185 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 193 Systematic Position of the Example 196 3. General Organisation . . . • 196 Class IV. Ctenophora 211 1. Example of the Class — Hormiphora plumosa 211 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 220 Systematic Position of the Example 221 3. General Organisation 222 Appendix to Ctenophora— Ctenoplana and Codoplana . . . 225 The Relationships of the Ccelenterata 226 Appendix to the Ccelenterata — The Mesozoa . . . . . 230 SECTION V Phylum Platyhelmixthes 235 1. Examples of the Phylum . . 236 i. Planaria or Dendrocodum ■ . 236 ii. Fasciola hepaticci 240 iii. Tamia solium 245 CONTENTS xv 1'Al.K Phylum Piati hii.mintuks continued. 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 251 Systematic Position of the Examples 253 .".. General Organisation 254 4. Distribution, Mode of Occurrence, and Mutual Relationships . 283 Appendix to Platyhelminthes — Class Nemertinea .... 288 Distinctive Characters and Classification . 2'.»r> SECTION VI Phylum Nemathelminthes' 297 Class I. Nematoda 297 1. Example of the Class — Ascaris lumbricvides 297 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 303 Systematic Position of the Example 304 3. General Organisation 305 Class II. Acanthocephala 312 Class III. Chsetognatha 316 Appendix to Nemathelminthes 319 Family Chatoso-micUe 319 ,, Echinoderidce 311) ,, Desmoscolecidce 320 Affinities and Mutual Relationships of the Nemathelminthes . 320 SECTION VII Phylum Tkochelminthes 322 (lass 1. Rotifera - 323 1. Example of the Class — Brachionu* rubens 323 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 327 Systematic Position of the Example 329 3. General Organisation 330 Class II. Gastrotricha 335 Appendix to Trochelminthes — Dinophilea and Histriobdellea . 336 SECTION VIII Phylum Molluscoida 340 Class I. Polyzoa 340 1. Example of the Class — Bxigula avicularia 341 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 347 Systematic Position of the Example 348 3. General Organisation 348 Class II. Phoronida 355 Class III. Brachiopoda 880 1. Example of the Class — Magellania lenticitlaris .... 360 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 366 Systematic Position of the Example 367 3. General Organisation 367 Mutual Relationships of the Classes of the Molluscoida . . 372 xvi CONTENTS SECTION IX PACJE Phylum Echinodermata . 375 1. Example of the Asteroidea — Asterias rubens or Anthenea Jtdvetcens. 375 2. Example of the Echinoidea — Wrong i/locentrotus or Echinus . . 393 3. Example of the Holothuroidea — Cucnmaria or Colochirus . . 401 4. The Crinoidea — Antetkm rosacea . . 405 5. Distinctive Characters and Classification .410 Systematic Position of the Examples 414 6. General Organisation 415 SECTION X Phylum Annulata 439 Class I. Chaetopoda 439 1. Examples of the Class 440 i. Nereis dumerilii 440 ii. Lwnribricus 454 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 464 Systematic Position of the Examples . . . . . . 460 3. General Organisation 467 Appendix to the Chaetopoda — Class Myzostomida .... 489 ( 'lass II. Gephyrea 491 1. Example of the Class — Sipuncidus nudus 492 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification . . . . 495 3. General Organisation . . 496 Class III. Archi-annelida 503 Class IV. Hirudinea 506 1. Example of the Class — Hirudo medicinalu and H. audraUs . 506 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 515 Systematic Position of the Example ' ... 517 3. General Organisation 517 4. General Remarks on the Annulata 523 SECTION XI Phylum Arthropoda 526 Class I. Crustacea 526 1. Examples of the Class 526 i. Apus or Lepidurus 526 ii. Astacus fiuviatilis 539 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 561 Systematic Position of the Examples 569 "3. General Organisation 570 Affinities and Mutual Relationships 602 Appendix to Crustacea — Class Trilobita 604 Class II. Onychophora ; . .607 Class III. Myriapoda 614 1. Distinctive Characters and Classification . . . " . . 614 2. General Organisation til5 CONTENTS xvii PAOK Piivii m A i; i iikopoda — continued. Class IV. Insecta 619 1. Example of the Class — Periplaneta oriental™ or P. americana . 619 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 631 Systematic Position of the Example 636 3. General Organisation 636 Class V. Arachnida 653 1. Example of the Class — Euscorpio or Buthus 653 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 660 3. General Organisation 662 Appendix to the Arachnida — the Pycnogonida, LinguatulicUi, and Tardigrada 673 Relations of the Air-breathing Arthropoda 676 SECTION XII Phylum Molixsca 680 Class I. Pelecypoda 680 1. Example of the Class — Anodonta and Unio 680 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 694 Systematic Position of the Examples 696 3. General Organisation ... 696 Class II. Amphineura 712 1. Distinctive Characters and Classification 712 2. General Organisation 713 Class III. Gastropoda 721 1. Example of the Class — Triton nodiferus . ■ 721 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 732 Systematic Position of the Example . . . . . . 734 3. General Organisation . . 735 Appendix to the Gastropoda . 756 A. Class IV. Scaphoda 756 B. Rhodope 758 Class V. Cephalopoda 759 1. Examples of the Class 759 i. Sepia, 759 ii. Nautilus pompilius 776 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification ... . . . 789 Systematic Position of the Examples 790 3. General Organisation 790 General Remarks on the Mollusca 804 VOL. I LIST OF ILLUSTBATIONS VOL. I. na page 1. Amoeba proteus 10 2. Amoeba polypodia, fission 13 .*!. Alveolar theory of protoplasm 15 4. Reticular theory of protoplasm 16 5. Diagrams illustrating karyokinesis 17 6. Ovum of Sea urchin 19 7. Maturation and fertilisation of ovum 20 8. Segmentation of ovum 22 9. Gastrulation .22 10. Gastrula 23 11. Various forms of epithelium 24 12. Diagram to illustrate structure of glands 25 13. Gelatinous connective tissue 20 14. Reticular connective tissue 20 15. Fatty tissue 27 10. Hyaline cartilage 27 17. Fibro cartilage 27 18. Bone 28 l'». (nstriped muscle 29 20. Striped muscle 29 21. Nerve-cells 30 22. Nerve-fibres 30 23. Various forms of spermatozoa . . . . . . .30 24. Viscera of. Frog . . 33 25. Bones of human arm with biceps muscle 37 20. Nervous system of Frog 38 27. Hydra 41 28. Diagram of axes of body 42 29. Radial symmetry 42 30. Amoeba, various species . 47 31. Protamoeba primitiva 49 32. Quadrula, Hyalosphenia, Arcella, and Difflugia 49 33. Microgromia socialis . -50 6 2 tx LTST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 34. Platoum stercoreum 51 35. Various forms of Foraminifera 52 36. Shells of Foraminifera 53 37. Ilastigerina murrayi 54 38. Dimorphism and alternation of generations in Polystomella . . 55 39. Actinophrys sol 57 40. Actinosphferium eichhornii 57 41. Various forms of Heliozoa 58 42. Actinophrys sol, conjugation .59 43. Lithocircus annularis 60 44. Tnalass°plancta brevispicula 61 45. Aulactinium actinastrum 62 46. Actinomma asteracanthion 62 47. Collozoum inerme . 63 48. Chlamydomyxa labyrinth uloides 64 49. Labyrinthula 65 50. Didymium difforme 66 , 51. Euglena viridis . 68 52. Various forms of Flagellata . . .71 53. Trypanosome 72 54. Haematococcus pluvialis 73 55. Pandorina morum 74 56. Volvox globator 75 57. Heteromita rostra ta . . • 76 58. Various forms of Choanoflagellata . 77 59. Various forms of Dinoflagellata 79 60. Noctiluca miliaris 79 61. Monocystis 80 62. Gregarina . 82 63. ,, development 83 64. Eimeria and Coccidium . 84 65. Coccidium, life-history 85 66. Malaria parasite • . . 86 67. Myxidium and Myxobolus 87 68. Sarcocystis miescheri 88 69. Paramoecium caudatum 89 70. ,, ,, conjugation 90 71. Various forms of Ciliata 94 72. „ „ 95 73. Vorticella 96 74. Zoothamnium arbuscula 97 75. Opanna ranarum 98 76. Various forms of Tentaculifera 100 77. Diagram showing the mutual relationships of the Protozoa . 103 78. Sycon gelatinosum 106 79. ,, ,, magnified • 106 80. ,, ,, transverse section 107 81. „ ,, vertical section 108 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxi Hi.. HAOB 82. Sycon gelatinosum, pore-membrane .... . . 109 83. „ „ apopyle 109 84. External form of various Sponges . 115 85. Ascetta primordialis 116 86. Diagrams of canal-system of various Sponges 117 87. Vertical Section of Spongilla 118 88. Cells of ectoderm of Sponge 119 89. Development of tri-radiate spicule 120 90. Skeleton of various Sponges 121 91. Various forms of Sponge spicules . . . • . . . 122 92. Pheronema Carpenteri 123 '.'.".. Larva of Clathrina blanca . 124 94. Development of Sycon raphanus 125 95. Obelia 130 96. ,, Vertical section of polype . 132 '.»7. Nematocysts of Hydra . 133 98. Tentacle of Eucopella 134 99. Obelia, medusa 135 100. Diagram of medusa . 136 101. Derivation of medusa from polype 137 102. Projections of polype and medusa. . 138 103. Development of zoophyte 140 .104. Bougainvillea ramosa 144 105. Various forms of Leptolime 145 106. Ceratella 146 107. Hydra 147 108. Protohydra leuckartii 148 109. Various forms of leptoline Medusas 150 110. Diagram illustrating formation of sporosac by degeneration of medusa 151 111. Early development of Eucope 152 11 2. Two Trachymedusas 154 113. Two Narcomedusae 154 114. ^Eginura, tentaculocyst . . 155 115. Larva of ^-Eginopsis . . 156 116. Millepora alcicornis, skeleton . . 157 117. Millepora, diagram of structure 158 118. Stylaster sanguineus, skeleton 159 119. Halistemma tergestinum 160 120. Diagram of a Siphonophore . 162 121. Development of Halistemma . 163 122. Physalia 164 123. Diphyes campanulata . . . . . 165 124. Porpita pacifica 166 125. Graptolites 167 126. Aurelia aurita, dorsal and ventral views . . . . . . 169 127. ,, ,, side view and vertical section 171 128. ,, ,, portion of umbrella with tentaculocyst . . .172 xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PACK 129. Aurelia aurita, development 174 130. Tessera princeps . 178 131. Lucernaria 178 132. Pericolpa quadrigata 179 133. Nausithoe 180 134. Charybdsea marsupialis . . • 181 135. Pilema pulmo "... 183 136. Pelagia noctiluca, development 184 137. Tealia crassicornis, dissection and transverse section . . .186 138. Diagrammatic sections of Sea-anemone 188 139. Tealia crassicornis, section of tentacle 190 140. Nematocysts of Sagartia 190 141. Section of mesenteric filament of Sagartia .... . 191 142. Transverse sections of embryos of Actinia 193 143. Zoanthus sociatus 197 144. Hartea elegans 197 145. Corallium rubrum 198 146. Astrsea pallida .. . 198 147. Pennatula sulcata - . 199 148. Tubipora musica 199 149. Edwardsia claparedii 200 150. Antipathes ternatensis 201 151. Parantipathes and Schizopathes 202 152. Minyas 202 153. Alcyonium palmatum 203 154. Gorgonia verrucosa ..... 204 155. Structure of simple coral . . 206 156. Dendrophyllia and Madrepora 207 157. Adamsia palliata 209 158. Hormiphora plumosa , 211 159. ,, ,, dissection and transverse section . . . 212 160. ,, ,, diagrammatic sections 214 161. ,, ,, section of branch of tentacle .... 215 162. , , , , sense-organ 216 163. Ovum of Lampetia 217 164. Segmentation of oosperm in Ctenophora 218 165. Development of Ctenophora 218 166. Development of Callianira 218 167. ,, ,, (later stages) ...... 219 168. Three Cydippida 222 169. Deiopea kaloknenota 223 170. Cestus veneris . . 223 171. Beroe forskalii 224 172. Ctenoplana kowalevskii 225 173. Sections of embryos of Actinia and Beroe 228 174. Diagram illustrating the mutual relationships of the Ccelenterata . 229 175. Dicyema paradoxum with infusoriform embryos . 230 176. ,, ,, „ vermiform ,, .... 230 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxiii no. PAM 177. Dicyema paradoxum, male 231 178. Rhopalura giardii, male . 232 171). ,, ,, female 232 180. Salinella, longitudinal section 233 181. ,, transverse ,, . 234 182. Planaria, digestive and excretory systems 237 183. „ nervous system 237 184. ,, reproductive system 239 185. Transverse section of a Planarian 240 180. Distomum hepaticum 240 187. ,, ,, section of integument 241 188. ,, ,, internal organisation 242 189. ,, ,, terminal part of reproductive apparatus . 243 190. ,, ,, development 244 191 . Taenia solium 246 192. „ ,, head 247 193. ,, ,, transverse section 247 194. ,, ,, proglottis 248 195. ,, ,, ripe proglottis 250 196. ,, ,, development 251 197. Various Planarians 255 198. Gunda segmentata 256 199. Digenetic Trematodes 257 200. Gyrodactylus and Polystomum 258 201. Temnocephala 259 202. Actinodactylella 260 203. Tetrarhynchus .... 261 204. Taenia echinococcus . . . . 261 205. Ligula . 262 206. Caryophyllfeus 263 207. Gyrocotyle • . 268, 208. Archigetes 263 209. Section of body- wall of a Triclad 264 210. Parenchyma of Flat-worm .... .... 265 211. Diagram of Rhabdocoele 266 212. „ „ Polyclad 266 213. „ „ Triclad 267 214. Flame-cell 269 215. Reproductive organs of Mesostomum ehrenbergii .... 272 216. Development of a Polyclad . 274 217. Midler's larva 275 218. Embryos of Dendroccelum 276 219. Embryo of Temnocephala 278 220. „ „ 279 221. A Cysticercoid 280 222. ,, with head evaginated . 281 223. Cyst of Taenia echinococcus . . 282 224. Scolices „ 282 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. Scolex of Taenia echinococcus . • Process of budding in Microstomum Diagram of the relationships of the Platyhelminthes tinea Diagram of Nemertine . Proboscis of Nemertine Tetrastemma .... Anterior portion of Nemertine Proboscis of Hoplonemertean, retracted ,, ,, everted Transverse section of Nemertine . Vascular and excretory systems of Nemertine Pilidium Ascaris lumbricoides ,, ,, transverse section ,, ,, muscle fibres . ,, ,, dissection of female . Nervous system of Nematoda Ascaris lumbricoides, dissection of male organs Body- wall of platymyarian Nematode Ankylostoma duodenale . Transverse section of Gordius Oxyuris Gordius, anatomy .... Development of Ascaris nigrovenosa Trichinella spiralis .... Two species of Echinorhynchus (Gigantorhynchus) Echinorhynchus gigas, dissection of male . ,, ,, ,,- female ,, ,, ,, nephridia . ,, ,, female organs Sagitta hexaptera bipunctata, transverse , , , , head ,, hexaptera, eye Development of Sagitta Cheetosoma Echinoderes Desmoscolex A trochophore . Brachionus rubens, female ,, ,, pharynx ,, ,, male and Diagram of a Rotifer Paiaseison asplanchnus . Typical forms of Rotifera mastax sections female, with attached and Nemer- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxv 27-. Cluetonotus maximus 896 l'7-"'. ,, „ anatomy . •!•">»> 274. Dinophilus tfeniatus 337 '_'7">. Stratiodrilus tasmanicus 338 _'7";. Mugula avicularia .... 34? 277. Development of Bugula 345 278. „ „ 346 279. Larva of Bugula 346 280. Plumatella 349 281. Cristatella 350 282. Lophopus 351 283. Pedicellina 355 284. Phoronis australis 356 285. ,, ,, free end 357 2.St>. ,, ,, internal organisation 357 287- ,, ,, section 358 288. ,, „ development 359 289. Magellan ia flavescens, shell 361 290. ,, lenticularis, anatomy 363 291. ,, flavescens, lophophore 364 292. ,, muscular system 364 293. Terebratula, nervous system, &c 365 .294. Typical Brachiopods 368 295. ,, ,, anatomy 369 296. Development of Cistella 370 297. Larva of Cistella 370 298. Development of Cistella ... 371 299. Lophophore of embryo Brachiopod . . • 372 300. Diagrams of phylactolaematous Polyzoon and Phoronis . . . 373 301. Starfish, oral aspect 376 302. ,, vertical section of arm . 378 303. ,, ambulacral system 379 304. Starfish, portion of vertical section of arm 380 305. ,, diagrammatic sections 381 306. Asterias rubens, digestive system 382 307. Astropecten, section of stone-canal 383 308. Anthenea flavescens, dissection from dorsal aspect .... 384 309. Asterias rubens, structure 385 310. Anthenea flavescens, lateral dissection . . . . . . 386 311. ,, ,, aboral surface 387 312. ,, ,, oral surface . . . . . . . 387 313. Asterina gibbosa, development 389 314. „ „ „ 390 315. „ „ larva 390 316. „_ „ ....... 391 317. ,, exigua, young after metamorphosis 391 318. Asterina gibbosa, development . 392 319. Apical system of young Starfish '. 393 xxvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 320. Echinus esculentus, peristome 394 321. Strongylocentrotus 395 322. Corona of Sea-urchin 396 323. Apical disc of Sea-urchin 397 324. Echinus, lantern of Aristotle 397 325. Sea-urchin, anatomy, lateral view 398 326. Echinoid, transverse section of ambulacral zone . " . . . 399 327. Sea-urchin, anatomy, oral view . 400 328. Cucumaria planci . 401 329. Anatomy of a Holothurian 403 330. Antedon 405 331. Aboral view of Antedon 406 332. Antedon disc . . .406 333. ,, transverse section of pinnule 407 334. ,, sagittal section 408 335. Anthenea, ventral view 419 336. Ophioglypha lacertosa 420 337. Astrophyton arborescens . 421 338. Diagram of spine of Sea-urchin 422 339. Pedicellaria of Arbacia punctulata 422 340. Hemipneustes radiatus 423 341. Clypeaster sub-depressus 423 342. Metacrinus interruptus 424 343. Development of Echinoderms 431 344. ,, ,, Antedon 432 345. Stalked larva of Antedon . 433 346. Diagram to illustrate the relationships of the classes of Echino- dermata 437 347. Nereis dumerilii 440 348a. ,, ,, parapodium -. 441 348b. ,, ,, setae 441 349. Nereis diversicolor, proboscis 443 350. Nereis dumerilii, anatomy 444 351. ,, ,, transverse section 445 352. ,, ,, nervous system 446 353. „ ,, eye 447 354. ,, ,, nephridium . . . . . . . 448 355. ,, ,, development . . 451 356. „ ,, ,, . - 453 357. Lumbricus herculeus 454 358. ,, setae ; 455 359. ,, transverse section 456 360. ,, sagittal section 457 361. ,, nervous system 459 362. ,, nephridium 460 363. ,, reproductive organs 462 364. ,, development . . .. . . . . i . 463 365. Polynoe setosissima 467 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxvii no. paoe 366. Vermilia ccespitosa 468 367. Cluetopterus 469 368. Setae of various Polyclueta 470 369. Section of setigerous sac of an Oligochsete 470 370. Polynoe extenuata, anterior end 471 371. Polych«3ta, various, heads .* . . . 472 :*:•_'. Tubifex 473 373. Terebella 474 '•71. \phrodita, enteric canal 475 375. Saccocirrus, transverse section 477 376. Phyllodoce, nephridium . 479 ."-77. Xephridia and coelomoducts 480 378. Diagram illustrating development of gonad of Polyclueta . . 482 379. Spirorbis kevis 484 380. Eupomatus, development of trochophore 485 381. Autolytus cornutus, budding 487 382. Syllis ramosa 487 383. Serpulae with their tubes . . . 488 384. Myzostomum 490 385. ,, anatomy 491 386. Sipunculus nudus, anterior extremity 492 387. ,, „ tentacular fold 493 388. ,, ,, anatomy 494 389. ,, ,, nervous system 494 390. Bonellia viridis, female 497 391. Echiurus 497 392. Priapulus 498 393. Bonellia, anatomy * ... 499 394. Echiurus, ciliated funnel 499 395. ,, anatomy . 500 396. ,, nervous system 500 397. Bonellia, male • . 501 398. Echiurus, trochophore 501 399. Polygordius neapolitanus 503 400. Protodrilus 504 401. Polygordius neapolitanus, transverse section 504- 402. ,, ,, trochophore 505 403. ,, „ ,, later stage .... 505 404. Hirudo medicinalis 507 405. ,, ,, transverse section 508 406. „ jaw 509 407. ,, australis, dissection from dorsal aspect .... 510 408. ,, australis, ,, ,, left side 511 409. ,, medicinalis, nephridium 512 410. ,, diagram of blood-channels 513 411. ,, section of eye 514 412. ,, cocoon 515 413. Three Rhynchobdellida 517 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430a 430b 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. Proboscis of Clepsine Nephridium of Herpobdella . Pontobdella, nephridial system Clepsine, development Diagram of origin of metamerism . Diagram illustrating the relationships of the Annulata Trochelminthes .... Apus cancriformis, dorsal aspect . Lepidurus kirkii, side view . Apus glacialis, ventral aspect ,, appendages . ... Lepidurus kirkii, sagittal section . Apus, transverse section ,, shell-gland .... ,, cancriformis, nervous system ,, structure of paired eye . ,, development .... .Astacus fiuviatilis, male . ,, ,, transverse section of abdomen ,, ,, appendages .... ,, ,, articulations and muscles of leg Section of skin and exoskeleton of Lobster Articulations and muscles of abdomen of Crayfish Astacus fiuviatilis, dissection from right side ,, „ gills ,, ,, kidney . . . ,, ,, transverse section of thorax . ,, ,, diagram of circulation ,, ,, nervous sj'stem ,, ,, reproductive organs ,, ,, formation of the blastoderm ,, ,, early embryo . • ,, ,, nauplius . ,, ,, section of embryo ,, ,, advanced embryo Three Branchiopoda .... ,, Cladocera .... Cypris .... Cyclops and Calocalanus Various forms of parasitic Eucopepoda Argulus foliaceus Lepas anatifera . Balanus . . . Sacculina carcini Nebalia geoffroyi Paranaspides Mysis oculata . . . Diastylis LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxix no, PAGE 461. Gammarus 584 402. Asellus 685 403. Amphipoda 586 404. Isopoda 587 405. Shrimp and Prawn 588 4 till. Scyllarus arctus 589 407. Pagurus bernhardus 589 408. Cancer pagurus . . . . 590 409. Typical Brachyura 591 470. Squilla 592 471. Orchestia cavimana, anatomy 594 47•-,. Euphausia pellucida 595 473. Nervous system of Crab 590 474. Cypris-stage of Lepas 598 475. Larvse of Crabs 000 470. Diagram illustrating the mutual relationships of the orders of Crustacea . . . 004 477. Dalmanites and Phacops 005 478. Triarthrus beckii 000 479. Peripatus capensis 007 480. ,, ,, ventral view of head . . . . . . 007 481. ,, anatomy 008 482. „ tracheal pit 009 483. ,, nephridium 010 484. ,, novse zealandiae, development . . . • . .011 485. ,, capensis 013 480. Scolopendrella immaculata 015 487. Scolopendra , 010 488. Lithobius forficatus 010 489. Pauropus huxleyi 017 490. Strongylostoma, development 018 491. Periplaneta orientalis 020 492. ,, mouth-parts 021 493- ,, americana, lateral view of head 021 494. ,, muscular system . . . 024 495. ,, anatomy 025 490. ,, salivary glands 635 497. Trachea of caterpillar 020 498. Periplaneta, tracheal system 027 499. ,, nervous system 027 500. ,, male reproductive organs 028 501. ,, female reproductive organs . . . . . 028 502. Segmentation of ovum of Insect 029 503. Ventral plate of embryo Cockroach 030 504. Embryo Cockroach 030 505. Lepisma 632 500. Podura 032 507. Locusta 033 508. Ephemera 633 xxx LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 509. Aphis rosre . 633 510. Cicada 634 511. Culex and larva 634 512. Gastrophilus equi . 634 513. Pieris 635 514. Crioceris ' . . . 635 515. Section of integument of Insect . . 636 516. Mouth-parts of Honey-bee 637 517. ,, • ,, Diptera . . . 638 518. ,, ,, Lepidoptera 639 519. Digestive organs of Beetle 641 520. Nervous, tracheal, and digestive systems of the Honey-bee . 642 521. Trachea] gills of Ephemerid . . . 643 522. Heart of Cockchafer 643 523. Nervous system of Diptera 644 524. Ocellus of Dytiscus larva 645 525. Chordotonal organ of Isopteryx 645 526. Sexual apparatus of Honey-bee 646 527. Segmentation of ovum of Insect . 648 528. Germinal layers and amnion of Insect 649 529. Development of Hydrophilus 650 530. „ „ 650 531. Apis mellifica, queen, worker, and drone 652 532. Formica rufa .652 533. Euscorpio 654 ' 534. Ventral surface of cephalothorax and pre-abdomen of Scorpion . 654 535. Endosternite of Scorpion 655 536. Scorpion, anatomy, lateral view 657 537. ,, ,, dorsal ,, . 658 538. ,, development 659 539. Embryo of Scorpion 659 540. Chelifer bravaisii 662 541. Phrynus 663 542. Galeodes dastuguei 663 543. Epeira diadema 664 544. ,, ,, chelicerse and pedipalpi of female .... 664 545. ,, ,, ,, ,, male . . . . . 664 546. Sarcoptes scabiaei 665 547. Trombidinm fuliginosum 665 548. Limulus 666 549. ,, ventral view 667 550. Eurypterus fischeri ... 668 551. Anatomy of dipneumonous Spider 669 552. Limulus, sagittal section 670 553. Lung-book of spider . . 670 554. Tracheal system of Spider 670 555. Gill-books of Limulus • . . 671 556. Lateral eye of Euscorpio 671 557. Central eye of Euscorpio 672 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxxi no. mom 558. Nymphon hispidum 674 559. Pentastomum trenioidcs 674 560. Macrobiotus hufelandi 675 Ml. I tiagmm to illustrate affinities of Arthropoda 678 MS. Aiiodonta cygnea 681 MS, ,, ,, interior of valve and animal removed from shell . 682 M4. ,, section of shell and mantle 683 MS. ,, cygnea, animal after removal of mantle-lobe . . . 685 MS. ,, ,, dissection from left side 686 .">t)7. ,, ,, structure of gills 687 MS. ,, ii transverse sections 688 569. ,, diagram of circulation 690 570. ,, statocyst 691 571. ,, early embryo 692 572. „ later- embryos 692 B7S. ,, advanced embryo 693 574. ,, metamorphosis 694 575. Anatomy of Pecten 697 576. Valves of Mya, Modiola, and Vulsella 698 577. Cardium edule 698 578. Venus gnidia 699 579. Scrobicularia piperata 699 580. Solecurtus strigillatus 700 581. Diagram of concrescence of man tie-lobes 700 582. Requienia and Hippurites 701 583. Teredo navalis 701 584. Aspergillum - 702 585. Mytilus edulis - 702 586. Nucula delphinodonta 703 587. Gills of Pelecypoda 704 588. Gill-filaments of Mytilus 705 589. Dissection of Poromya 705 590. Donax, enteric canal 706 591. Nervous system and auditory organs of Nucula 707 MS. Eye of Pecten 708 593. Development of Ostrea 709 594. Veliger of Ostrea 709 595. Embryos of Cyclas 710 MS. Diagram illustrating the mutual relationships of the Pelecypoda . 712 597. Chsetoderma nitidulum 713 598. Neoinenia carinata 714 599. Chiton, spinosus, dorsal view 714 600. „ ventral view 714 601. „ valves of shell 715 602. Chsetoderma nitidulum, longitudinal section ' 716 603. Chiton, longitudinal section 717 604. Nervous system of Amphineura 717 605. Neomenia carinata, reproductive organs 718 606. Chiton, nephridial and genital systems 719 xxxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PACK 607. Chiton, development ... 720 608. Triton nodiferus, shell 722 609. Triton ,, shell, median section 723 610. ,, ,, operculum -. 724 611. ,, ,, lateral view of body 724 612. ,, ,, diagram of introvert . . . . . . 725 613. ,, ,, dissection from dorsal side 727 614. ,, ,, buccal mass 728 615. ,, ,, vertical section of buccal cavity . . . . 728 616. ,, ,, nervous system from dorsal side .... 730 617. ,, ,, ,, ,, and related parts, lateral view . 731 618. ,, ,, section of eye 732 619. Diagrams of displacement of mantle-cavity, &c. .... 736 620. Solarium perspectivum 737 621. Terebra oculata . . . .738 622. Cyprsea moneta 739 623. Doris tuberculata 739 624. Carinaria mediterranea . . . . 739 625. Limax 739 626. Sigaretus leevigatus 740 627. Aplysia 740 628. Shell-bearing Pteropoda 741 629. Atlanta peronii 741 630. Pterotrachea scutata 742 631. Helix nemoralis 742 632. Pleurophyllidia lineata . > . . . 743 633. Patella vulgata .... • 743 634. Pulmonary cavity and related parts in Limax 743 635. Nervous system of Patella 745 636. Nervous system of Aplysia 746 637. ,, ,, ,, Limnseus 746 638. Eyes of Gastropoda 747 639. Osphradium of Murex 747 640. Reproductive organs of Helix 748 641. Ovotestis of Gastropoda . . . 749 642. Forms of egg-cases in Gastropoda . . . . . . . . 749 643. Segmentation and formation of germinal layers in Gastropoda . 751 644. Early development of Patella 752 645. Trochophore of Patella ... 753 646. Later trochophore of Patella . . . . 754 647. Veliger of Vermetus 755 648. Diagram illustrating the relationships of the Gastropoda . . 756 649. Dentalium, section of shell 756 650. ,, anatomy 757 651. ,, larvoe .' 757 652. Rhodope . 758 653. Sepia, cultrata 760 654. Sepia ,, shell 762 655. ,, chromatophore 762 LIST OF [LLUSTRATION8 xxx.ii m, PAOI 666. Sepia, cultrata, cranial cartilage 7<».'{ 657. H >> nuchal cartilage 7<>3 658. ,, ,, mantle-cavity 7<»4 659. ,, officinalis, jaws 7'i-"> 660. ,, section of buccal mass 7<><> 661. ,, officinalis, enteric canal 766 662. ,, cultrata, dissection of male from posterior aspect . . . 707 (it;.!. ,, ,, lateral dissection of male 768 664. ,, officinalis, longitudinal section of ink-sac .... 70'.t 666. ,, cultrata, vascular system 770 666. ,, ,, cephalic ganglia 770 667. ,, ii pedal and pleuro-visceral ganglia .... 770 668. ,, section of eye 771 669. ,, cultrata, statolith 772 670. ,, officinalis, renal organs 773 671. ,, ,, diagrammatic sagittal section of female . . . 774 672. ,, male reproductive organs 775 673. ,, sperms and spermatophore 775 674. Nautilus pompilius, section of shell .... . 776 675. ,, ,, female in shell 778 676. Nautilus macromphalus, entire animal 77(» 677. Nautilus pompilius, lobe of foot 780 678. ,, ,, spadix 781 679. ,, ,, cephalic cartilage 781 680. ,, ,, mantle-cavity of male ...... 782 681. ,, ,, dissection of male from left side . . . 784 682. ,, „ arteries . 785 683. „ ,,• renal sacs, ctenidia, &c 786 684. ,, ,, male reproductive organs 788 685. „ ,, female ,, ,, 788 686. ,, macromphalus, egg 780 687. Octopus vulgaris 791 688. Loligo vulgaris 792 689. Argonauta argo 793 690. Octopus lentus, male 793 691. Amphitretus pelagicus 794 692. Shell of Spirula 794 693. Spirula peronii • • • • 795 694. Ammonite 7(»> 695. Shell of Belemnite 796 696. ,, Argonauta argo • • 796 697. Segmentation of Loligo 798 698. Blastoderm of Sepia 799 699. ,, i, sections 799 700. Development of Loligo 8(W 701 801 702- „ , ™ 703. ,. • • °°f 704. Diagram to illustrate the relationships of the Cephalopoda . . 804 VOL. I c CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM IN THIS BOOK. KINGDOM ANIMALIA. Phylum I. PROTOZOA. ^1 ? ass I. BHIZOPODA. Order 1. Lobosa. ,, 2. FORAMIXIFERA. ,, 3. HELtOZOA. ,, 4. Radiol aria. MYCETOZOA. MASTIGOPHORA. Order 1. Flagellata. „ 2. Choaxoflagellata. ,, 3. DlNOFLAUELLATA. Class II lass III Order 4. Cystoflaoellata. Class IV. SPOEOZOA. Order 1. Greuarinida. ,, 2. Coccidiidka. ,, .3. h.emosporidia. ,, 4. Myxosporidea. ,, 5. Sarcocystidea. Class V. INFUSOEIA. Order 1. Ciliata. ,, 2. Textaculifera. Phylum II. PORIFERA. Class POEIFEEA. Sub-class I. Calcarea. Order 1. Homoccela. Order 2. Heterocckla. •Sub-class II. Hexactinellida. ,, III. Demospongia. Phylum III. CCELENTERATA. Class I. HYDEOZOA. Order 1. Leptolin.e. Sub-order a. Aiilhomedux^. ,, b. Lf-ptomedittii'. Order 2. Trachylin.e. Class II. SCYPHOZOA. Order 1. Staitromedus.k. ,, 2. Coroxata. ,, 3. cubomedis.e. ,, 4. Djscomedus.e. Sub-order a. SemoMomn'. ,, b. Rhizo8tomA. Class V. CRINOIDEA. Sub-class I. Monocyclica. Sub-class II. Dicyclica. Class VI. CY8T0IDEA. ,, VII. BLASTOIDEA. „ VIII. EDRIA8TEE0IDEA. „ IX. CARPOIDEA. Phylum IX. ANNULATA. Class I. CHJETOPODA. y Sub-class I. Polychaeta. ^ Order 1. Archi-Ch^topoda. ,, 2. Phaxerocephala, ,, 3. Cryptocephala. Sub-class II. Oligochaeta. V Order 1. Microdrili. ,, 2. Megadrili. Appendix to the Chsetopoda- MYZOSTOMIDA. Class II. GEPHYEEA. Order 1. Inermi a. ,, 2. Armata. Class III. ARCHI ANNELIDA. „ IV. HIRUDINEA. > Order 1. Rhyxchobdellida. ,, 2. Arhyxchobdellida. -Class Sub-order 1. Gnathobdellkbi. ,, 2. Herpobdellida. Phylum X. -+/ Class I. CRUSTACEA. Sub-class I. Branchiopoda. ^ Order 1. Axostraca* ,, 2. NOTOSTRACAt ,, 3. coxchostraca. ,, 4. Cladogera. Sub-class II. Ostracoda. ,, III. Copepoda. Order 1. Eucopepolia. ,, 2. Branchiura. Sub-class IV. Cirripedia. Order 1. Eucirripedia. ,, 2. Rhizocephala. Sub-class V. Halacostraca. Order 1. Mysidacea. ,, 2. Cumacea. ,, 3. Taxaidacea. ,. 4. Isopoda. ,, o. Amphipoda. Sub-order 1. Macrura. ,, 2. Anomura. ,, 3. Brachyura. Appendix to Crustacea — Class TRI- LOBITA. Class II. ONYCHOPHORA* ^ „ III. MYRIAPODA. ^ Sub-class I. Progoneata. APvTHROPODA. Order 1. Pauropoda. ,, 2. Diplopoda. ,, 3. Symphyla. Sub-class II. Opisthogoneata. Order 1. Chilopoda. Class IV. INSECTA. Order 1. Aptera. >> .£. UKTHUlThliA. 3. Neuroptkua. >> 4. Hemiptera. tt 5. DlPTERA. >> 6. Lkpidoptera. )) 7. Coleoptera. JJ 8. Hymexoptera. Class V. ARACHNIDA. ^ Order 1. Scorpioxida. ? > 2. PsEUDOSCORPIOXIDA. >> 3. Pedipalpida. >> 4. SoLPUGIDA. >> 5. Phalangioa.' >> 6. Araxeida. ii 7. Acarida. )> 8. XlPHOSORA. >> 9. ErRYPTERIDA. Appendix to the Arachnida — The Pycxogoxida, Lixguatclida, and Tar- DIGRADA. xxxviii CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Phylum XL MOLLUSCA. Class I. PELECYPODA. Order 1. Protobraxchia. ,, 2. FlLIBRANCHIA. „ 3. PsEUDO-LAMELLIBRAXCHIA. ,, 4. EULAMELLIBRAXCHIA. Sub-order a. Integripalliata. ,, b. Sinupal/iata. Order 5. Septibraxchia. Class II. AMPHINEUEA. Order 1. Placophora. ,, 2. Aplacophora. Class III. GASTEOPODA. Sub-class I. Streptoneura. Order 1. Aspidobraxchia. Sub-order 1. Docoylossa. ,, 2. Rhipidogloasa. Order 2. Pectixibraxchia. Sub-order 1. Platypodia. ,, 2. Heteropoda. Sub-class II. Euthyneura. Order 1. Opisthobraxchia. Sub-order 1. Tectihranchia. ,, 2. Nudibranchia. Order 2. Pulmoxata. Appendix to the Gastropoda- SCAPHODA and RHODOPE. Class V. CEPHALAPODA. Sub-class I. Dibranchiata. Order 1. Decapoda. ,, 2. Octopoda. Sub-class II. Tetrabranchiata. -Class Phylum XII. CHORDATA. Sub-phylum I. ADELOCHORDA. Class ADELOCHOEDA. Sub-phylum II. UROCHORDA. Class UEOCHOEDA. Order 1. Larvacea. ,, 2. Thaliacea. Sub-order a. Cyclomyaria. ,, b. Hemimyaria. ,, <:. Pyrosomata. Order 3. Ascidiacea. Sub-order a. Ascidin' simplices. ,, b. Ascidiw compotitiv. Sub-phylum III. EUCHORDA. Section I. Acrania. Section II. Craniata. Class I. CYCLOSTOMATA. Order 1. Petromyzoxtes. ,, 2. Myxinoidei. Class II. PISCES. Sub-class I. Elasmobranchii. Order 1. Cladoselachil ,, 2. Pleuracaxthei. ,, 3. Acaxthodei. 4. Selachii. Sub-order a. Protosdachii. ,, b. Euselachii. Section o. Squalida. ,, 0. Rajida. Sub-class II. Holocephali. ,, III. Teleostomi. Order 1. Crossopterygil ,, 2. Chondrostei. ,, 3. Holostei. ,, 4. Teleostei. Sub-order a. Physostomi. ,, b. Anacanthini. ,, c. Acanthopteri. , , d. Pharynyoijnath i. ,, ft. Plectognathi. ,, f. Lophobranchii. Sub-class IV. Dipnoi. Order 1. Moxopxeumoxa. ,, 2. Dipxeumoxa. Appendix to Pisces — The Ostracodermi. Class III. AMPHIBIA. Order 1. Urodela. ,, 2. Antra. ,, 3. Oymxophioxa. 4. Steoocephala. CLASSIFICATION <>F TIIF ANIMAL KINGDOM Phylum XII. CHORDATA— continued. Order 16. Pterooletks. 17. Columba:. 18. Psittaci. 19. Striges. 20. Picarias. 21. Passeres. Class VI. MAMMALIA. Sub-class I. Prototheria. „ II. Theria. Section A. Metatheria (Marsupiau a). Order 1. Polyprotodontia. „ 2. DlPROTODONTIA. Section B. Eu theria. Order 1. Edentata. ,, 2. Cetacea. Sub-order a. Mystacoceti. ,, b. Odontoceti ■ Order 3. Sirenia. ,, 4. Unoulata. Section 1. Ungulata vera. Sub-order a. Perissodactyla. ,, b. Artiodactyla. Section 2. Subungulata. Sub-order a. Hyracoidea. ,, b. Proboscidea. Order 5. Carnivora. Sub-order a. Carnivora vera. ,, b. Pinnepedia. Order 6. Rodentia. ,, 7. Insectivora. ,, 8. Chiroptera. Sub-order a. Megachiroptera. ,, b. Microchiroptera. Order 9. Primates. Sub-order a. Prosimii. ,, b. Anthropoidea Class IV . KEPTILIA. Order 1. Sqcamata. Sub-order a. Lacertilia. ., b. Ophidia. „ c. Pythonomorpha Order 2. Rhynchocephalia. >> 3. Chelonia. 99 4. Theromorpha. >t 5. Crocodilia. 99 6. Sauropterygia. 99 7. ICHTHYOSAURIA. 99 8. DlNOSAURIA. 99 9. Pterosauria. Class V. AVES. Sub-class I. Archaeornithes. Sub-cl iss II. Neornithes. Division A. Eatitas. Order 1. Meoistakes. ,, 2. Apteryges. 99 3. DlNORMTHES. ,, 4. Rheas. 99 ,"). Struthiones. 99 6. iEPYORNITHES. ,, 7. Gastornithes. Division B. Carinatas. Order 1. Stereornithes. 99 2. Odonto:lCjE. 99 3. ICHTHYORNITHES. 99 4. Pygopodes. 99 5. Impennes. ,, 6. TlTRBINARES. ,, 7. Steganopodes. ,, 8. Herodiones. 99 9. Anseres. 91 10. AOCIPITRES. 9> 11. Crypturi. 99 12. Gallin.k. 99 13. GRALLiB. 99 14. Gavia;. 99 15. L.IMICOLA5. u Zoology Vol. I. u» ERRATA. 17, description of Fig. 3, for " atrosphere " read " astrophere." 52, description of Fig. 35, for " Rotalla" read " Rotalia." 71, description of Fig. 52, for " Astasiopis" read " Astasiopsis. " 74, line 9, for " divison " read " division." Ill, line 1,/or "out" read "outer." 208, line 10, for " siphnozoids " read " siphonozooids. " 272, line 2, for " prostrate" read " prostate." 402, line 43, for " peripha>mal " read " perihaemal." 450, line 7, for "Fig. 346" read "Fig. 347." ZOOLOGY INTRODUCTION Zoology, the branch of Natural History which deals with animals, is one of the two subdivisions of the great science Biology, which takes cognisance of all organisms, or things having life, as distinguished from such lifeless natural objects as rocks and minerals. The second of the two subdivisions of Biology is Botany, which deals with plants. The subject-matter of Zoology, then, is furnished by the animals which inhabit the land-surface, the air, and the salt and fresh waters of the globe : the aim of the science is to find out all that can be known of these animals, their structure, their habits, their mutual relationships, their origin. The first step in the study of Zoology is the recognition of the obvious fact that the innumerable individual animals known to us may be grouped into what are called species, the members of which resemble one another so closely that to know one is to know all. The following example may serve to give the reader a fairly accurate notion of what Zoologists understand by species, and of the method of naming species which has been in use since the time of the great Swedish naturalist Linnaeus. The Domestic Cat, the European Wild Cat, the Ocelot, the Leopard, the Tiger, and the Lion are animals which agree with one another in the general features of their organisation — in the number and form of their bones and teeth, in the possession of retractile claws, and in the position and characters of their internal organs. No one can fail to see that these animals, in spite of differences of size, colour, markings, &c, are all, in the broad sense of the word, " Cats." This is expressed in the language of systematic Zoology by saying that they are so many species of a single genus. According to the system of binomial nomenclature introduced by Linnaeus, each kind of animal receives two names — one the generic 2 ZOOLOGY name, common to all species of the genus ; the other the specific name, peculiar to the species in question. Both generic and specific names are Latin in form, and are commonly Latin or Greek in origin, although frequently modern names of persons or places, with Latinised terminations, are employed. In giving the name of an animal, the generic name is always placed first, and is written with a capital letter, the specific name following it, and being written, as a rule, with a small letter. For instance, to take the examples already referred to, the Domestic Cat is called Felis domestica, the European Wild Cat F. catus, the Leopard F. pardus, the Tiger F. tigris, the Lion F. leo. Thus the systematic name of an animal is something more than a mere appellation, since it indicates the affinity of the species with other members of the same genus : to name an animal is, in fact, to classify it. It is a matter of common observation that no two individuals of a species are ever exactly alike : two tabby Cats, for instance, however they may resemble one another in the general characters of their colour and markings, invariably present differences in detail by which they can be readily distinguished. Individual variations of this kind are of universal occurrence. Moreover, it often happens that the members of a species are divisible into groups distinguishable by fairly constant characters : among Domestic Cats, for instance, we find white, black, tabby, gray, and tortoiseshell Cats, besides the large long-haired Persian breed, and the tailless Manx Cat. All these are distinguished as varieties of the single species Felis domestica. It is often difficult to decide whether two kinds of animals should be considered as distinct species or as varieties of a single species, and no universal rule can be given for determining this point. Among the higher animals mutual fertility is a fair practical test, the varieties of a species usually breeding freely with one another and producing fertile offspring, while distinct species either do not breed together or produce infertile hybrids or mules. Compare, for instance, the fertile mongrels produced by the union of the various breeds of Domestic Dog with the infertile mule produced by the union of the Horse and Ass. But this rule is not without exception, and in the case of wild animals is, more often than not, impossible of application : failing it, the only criterion of a " good species " is usually the presence of constant differences from allied species. Suppose, for instance, that a naturalist receives for description a number of skins of wild Cats, and finds, after an accurate examination, that in some specimens the tail is two-thirds the length of the body and the skin of a uniform reddish tint with a few markings on the head, while in the rest the tail is nearly half as long as the body, and the skin tawny with black stripes. If there are no intermediate gradations between these two sets of individuals, they will be placed without hesitation in distinct INTRODUCTION 3 species: if, on the other hand, there is a complete series of grada- tions between them, they will be considered to form a single variable species. As, therefore, animals have to be distinguished from one another largely by structural characters, it is evident that the foundations of a scientific Zoology must be laid in Morphology, the branch of science which deals with form and structure. Morphology may be said to begin with an accurate examination of the external characters ; the divisions of the body, the number and position of the limbs, the characters of the skin, the position and relations of the mouth, eyes, ears, and other important structures. Next the internal structure has to be studied, the precise form, position, &c, of the various organs, such as brain, heart, and stomach, being made out : this branch of morphology is distinguished as Anatomy. And, lastly, the various parts must be examined by the aid of the microscope, and their minute structure, or Histology, accurately determined. It is only when we have a fairly comprehensive knowledge of these three aspects of a given animal — its external characters, its rough anatomy, and its histology — that we can with some degree of safety assign it to its proper position among its fellows. An accurate knowledge of the structure of an animal in its adult condition is not, however, all-sufficient. Nothing has been made more abundantly clear by the researches of the last half- century than that the results of anatomy and histology must be / checked, and if necessary corrected, by Embryology — i.e. by the study of the changes undergone by animals in their develop- ment from the egg to the adult condition. A striking instance is afforded by the common Barnacles which grow in great numbers on ships' bottoms, piers, &c. The older zoologists, such as Linnaeus, grouped these creatures, along with Snails, Mussels, and the like, in the group Mollusca, and even the great anatomical skill of Cuvier failed to show their true position, which was made out only when Vaughan Thompson, about sixty years ago, proved, from a study of the newly hatched young, that their proper place is among the Crustacea, in company with Crabs, Shrimps, and Water-fleas. Given a sound knowledge of the anatomy, histology, and em- bryology of animals, their Classification may be attempted — that is, we may proceed to arrange them in groups and sub-groups, each capable of accurate definition. The general method of classification employed by zoologists is that introduced by Linnaeus, and may be illustrated by reference to the group of Cats which we have already used in the explanation of the terms genus, species, and variety. We have seen that the various kinds of true Cat — Domestic Cat, Lion, Tiger, &c. — together constitute the genus Fclis. Now there b 2 4 ZOOLOGY is one member of the cat-tribe, the Cheetah, or Hunting Leopard, which differs from all its allies in having imperfectly retractile claws and certain peculiarities in its teeth. It is therefore placed in a distinct genus, Cynaelurus, to mark the fact that the differences separating it from any species of Felis are of a more fundamental character than those separating the species of Felis from one another. The nearest allies of the Cats are the Hyaenas, but the presence of additional teeth and of non-retractile claws — to mention only two points — makes the interval between Hyaenas and the two genera of Cats far greater than that between Felis and Cynaelurus. The varying degree of difference is expressed in classification by placing the Hyaenas in a separate family, the Hywnidai, while Felis and Cynaelurus are placed together in the family Fclidce. Similarly, the Civets and Mongooses form the family Viverridce ; the Dogs, Wolves, Jackals, Foxes, &c, the family Canidoe ; Bears, the family Ursidce ; and so on. All the foregoing animals have sharp teeth adapted to a flesh diet, and' their toes are armed with claws. They therefore differ fundamentally from such animals as Sheep, Deer, Pigs, and Horses, which have flat teeth adapted for grinding vegetable food, and hoofed feet. The differences here are obviously far greater than those between any two of the families mentioned above, and are emphasised by placing the flesh-eaters in the order Carniwra, the hoofed animals in the order Ungulata. In the same way gnawing animals, such as Rats, Mice, and Beavers, form the order Bodentia ; pouched animals, such as Kangaroos and Opossums, the order Marsupialia ; and so on. Carnivora, Ungulata, Rodentia, Marsupialia, &c, although differing from one another in many important respects, agree in the possession of a hairy skin and in the fact that they all suckle their young. They thus differ from Birds, which have a covering of feathers and hatch their young from eggs. The differences here are considerably more important than those between the orders of quadrupeds referred to, and are expressed by placing the latter in the class Mammalia, while Birds constitute the class Avcs. In the same way the scaly, cold-blooded Lizards, Snakes, Tortoises, &c, form the class Reptilia; the slimy-skinned, scaleless Frogs, Toads, and Salamanders the class Amphibia ; and the finned, water-breathing Fishes the class Pisces. Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes all agree with one another in the possession of red blood and an internal skeleton — an important part of which is an axial rod or vertebral column — and in never having more than two pairs of limbs. They thus differ in some of the most fundamental features of their organisation from such animals as Crabs, Insects, Scorpions, and Centipedes, which have colourless blood, a jointed external skeleton, and INTRODUCTION 5 numerous limbs. These differences — far greater than those be- tucfii classes — are expressed by placing the backboned animals in the phylum or sub-kingdom Chordata, the many-legged, armoured forms in the phylum Arthropoda. Similarly, soft-bodied animals with shells, such as Oysters and Snails, form the phylum M(Mu90a, Polypes and Jelly-fishes the phylum Goelentcrata. And finally the various phyla recognised by zoologists together con- stitute the kingdom Animalia. Thus the animal kingdom is divided into phyla, the phyla into classes, the classes into orders, the orders into families, the families into genera, and the genera into species, while the species themselves are assemblages of individual animals agreeing with one another in certain constant characters. It will be seen that the individual is the only term in the series which has a real existence : all the others are mere groups formed, more or less arbitrarily, by man. To return to the animal originally selected as an example, it will be seen that the zoological position of the Domestic Cat is expressed .as follows : — Kingdom — Animalia. Phylum — Chordata, Class — Mammalia. Order — Carnivora. Family — Felida: Genus-r- Felis. Species — F. domestica. The object of systematic zoologists has always been to find a natural as opposed to an artificial classification of animals. Good instances of artificial classification are the grouping of Bats with Birds on the ground that they both possess wings, and of Whales with Fishes on the ground that they both possess fins and live in the water. An equally good example of a natural classi- fication is the grouping of both Bats and Whales under the head of Mammalia because of their agreement, in all essential points of anatomy, histology, and embryology, with the hairy quadrupeds which form the bulk of that class. With the older zoologists the difficulty was to find some general principle to guide them in their arrangement of animals — some true criterion of classification. It was believed by all but a few advanced thinkers that the individuals of each species of animal were descended from a common ancestor, but that the original progenitor of each species was totally unconnected with that of every other, having, as BufFon puts it, " participated in the grace of a distinct act of creation." To take an instance — all Wolves were allowed to be descended from a pair of ancestral Wolves, and all Jackals from a pair of ancestral Jackals, but the original pair in each case was supposed to have come into being by a supernatural 6 ZOOLOGY process of which no explanation could or ought to be offered. Nevertheless it was obvious that a Jackal was far more like a Wolf than either of them was like a Tiger, and that in a natural system of classification this fact should be expressed by placing the Wolf and Jackal in one family, the Tiger in another. All through the animal kingdom the same thing occurs : no matter what group we take, we find the species composing it resemble one another in varying degrees, or, as it is sometimes ex- pressed, have varying degrees of relationship to one another. On the view that each species was separately created the word relation- ship was used in a purely metaphorical sense, as there could of course be no real relationship between two groups of animals having a totally independent origin. But it was assumed that creation had taken place according to a certain scheme in the Divine Mind, and that the various species had their places in this scheme like the bits of glass in a mosaic. The problem of classifica- tion was thus to discover the place of each species in the pattern of the unknown design. The point of view underwent a complete change when, after the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859, the Doctrine of Descent or of Organic Evolution came to be generally accepted by biologists. A species is now looked upon, not as an independent creation, but as having been derived by a natural process of descent from some pre-existing species, just as the various breeds of Domestic Fowl are descended from the little Jungle-fowl of India. On this view the resemblances between species referred to above are actually matters of relationship, and species are truly allied to one another in varying degrees since they are descended from a common ancestor. Thus a natural classification becomes a genealogical tree, and the problem of classification is the tracing of its branches. This, however, is a matter of extreme difficulty. Representing by a tree the whole of the animals which have ever lived on the earth, those existing at the present day would be figured by the topmost twigs, the trunk and main branches representing extinct lorms. Thus the task of arranging animals according to their relationships would be an almost hopeless one but for two circumstances : one, that remains of many extinct forms have been preserved ; the other, that the series of changes undergone by an animal in its development from the egg often forms an epitome of the changes by which, in the course of ages, it has been evolved from an ancestral type. Evidence furnished by the last-named circumstance is, of course, furnished by embryology : the study of extinct animals constitutes a special branch of morphology to which the name Palaeontology is applied. The solid crust of the earth is composed of various kinds of rocks divisible into two groups : (1) Igneous rocks, such as granite INTRODUCTION 7 and basalt, the structure of which is duo to the action of the internal heat of the globe, and which originate below the surface and arc not arranged in layers or strata ; (2) Aqncons or sedimentary rocks, which arise by the disintegration, at the surface of the earth, of pre-existing rocks, the fragments or debris being carried off. by shea ins and rivers and deposited at the bottom of lakes or seas. Being formed in this way by the deposition of successive layers or strata, the sedimentary rocks have a stratified structure, the lowest being in every case older than the more superficial layers. The researches of geologists have shown that there is a general order of SKOA tsion of stratified rocks : that they may be divided into three great groups, each representing an era of time of immense but unknown duration, and that each group may be subdivided into more or fewer si/stems of rocks, each representing a lesser period of time. The following table shows the thirteen rock-systems usually recognised, arranged under the three great groups in chronological order, the oldest being at the bottom of the list. f 13. Quaternary and Recent. III. Cainozoic or Tertiary. . "~sA^'t^^ Fig. 13.— Gelatinous connective tissue of a Jelly-fish ; e, epithelium ; g, gelatinous matrix b2, branching cells ; ef, elastic fibres. (From Lang's Comparative Anatomy.) the cells being bound together into groups and masses or lobules by means of fibrous connective tissue. In the case of cartilage the matrix is of a firm but elastic Via. 14. — Reticular connective tissue. (From Lang.) character, sometimes quite homogeneous in appearance (hyaline cartilage, Fig. 16), sometimes permeated by systems of fibres (fibro- cartilage, Fig. 17), which may be of an elastic nature (yellow elastic STIMCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 27 cartilage). The cells are usually rounded, and as a rule several occur together in spaces scattered through the matrix ; sometimes condensation of the matrix round each of the spaces in which the cells are contained forms a cell-capsule. The outer surface IS Fio. 15.— Fatty tissue ; F, fat-cells ; B, connective-tissue fibrils. (From Lang, after Ranvier.) covered over by a fibrous membrane — the perichondrium. Carti- lage is frequently hardened by the deposition in the matrix of salts of lime — and is then known as calcified cartilage. In bone or osseous connective tissue (Fig. 18) the matrix is exceed- ingly dense and hard owing to its being strongly impregnated with carbonate and phosphate of lime. It consists typically of numer- ous thin lamellae, which are arranged partly parallel with the sur- face, partly concentrically around certain canals — the Haversian canals (c) — in which blood-vessels lie. The cells, or bone-corpuscles, lie Fio. 16.— Hyaline cartilage. Fid. 17.— Fibro-cartilage. in minute spaces — the lacunae — between the lamellae, and a system of exceedingly fine channels — the canaliculi — extend from lacuna to lacuna, containing fine protoplasmic processes by means of which neighbouring cells are placed in communication with one another The outer surface of the bone is covered by a vascular fibrous 28 ZOOLOGY membrane — the periosteum — which takes an active part in its growth and nutrition. The connective tissues are all more or less passive in the functions which they perform, serving mainly for support and for binding together the various organs. Muscular tissue, on the other hand, has an active part to play — this being the tissue by means of which, in general, all the movements of the body of an animal are brought about. Muscular tissue varies greatly in minute structure in different groups of animals, and even in different parts of the same ani- mal. It consists of microscopic fibres aggregated together into large bundles or layers. These fibres are composed of a sub- stance — the muscle-siibstanee — which when living has the special property of contractility, contract- ing or becoming shorter and thicker on the application of a stimulus. There are two princi- pal varieties of muscular tissue to be distinguished, termed re- spectively non-striated and striated muscle. Each fibre of non-striated muscle (Fig. 19) is usually a single, greatly elongated cell, sometimes branched, with a single nucleus ; it may contain a core of unaltered protoplasm, or all except the nucleus may be altered into muscle-substance ; cross- striation is absent. A fibre of striated muscular tissue (Fig. 20) is formed by the close union of several cells which are repre- sented by their nuclei (n). Some- times there is a core of proto- plasm ; but more usually the entire fibre is composed of muscle- substance, with perhaps a remnant of protoplasm in the neigh- bourhood of each nucleus. The substance of the fibre is crossed by numerous transverse bands and striae, the precise significance of which is a matter of controversy. The fibre is usually en- closed in a delicate sheath — the sarcolemma. Striated muscular i. 18. — Transverse section of compact bone, a, lamellse concentric with the outer surface ; b, lamellse concentric with the surface of the marrow cavity ; c, section of Haversian canals ; c', sec- tion of a Haversian canal just dividing into two ; d, interstitial lamellae. (From Huxley's lessons in Physiology.) STRiriTRE AND I'll YSH )|,( ><; V OF UTCMALB 29 tissue is specially characteristic of parts in which rapid movement is necessary. The principal elements of nervous tissue are nerve-cells and nerve- fibres. Nerve-cells (Fig. 21) vary greatly in form ; they are relatively Fig. 19. — Xon-striated muscle-coll ; /, substance of fibre ; n, nucleus ; p, unaltered protoplasm in the neighbourhood of the nucleus. (From Huxley's Lessons in Physiology.) large cells with large nuclei and one or several processes, one of which is always continuous with a nerve fibre. The nervc-jibres (Fig. 22), which are to be looked upon as greatly produced processes of nerve-cells, are arranged for the most part in strands which are termed nerves. The fibres themselves vary greatly in structure in different classes of animals. In the higher animals the most characteristic form of nerve-fibre is that which is termed the medullated nerve-fibre. In this there is a central cylinder — the axis-cylinder or oieuraxis (A, ax) — which is the 2 As 6 Fio. 20. — Striated muscle. A, part of a muscular fibre of a Frog; B, portion of striated muscle teased out to show separation Into fibrillm. (From Uuxlcy's Lessons in Physiology.) b, d, g, transverse bands and striaj ; ft, nuclei. essential part of the fibre and is made up of numerous extremely fine primitive fibrillar ; this is surrounded by a layer of a white glistening material — the white substance of Schwann or medullary sheath (mrd), enclosed in turn in a very delicate membrane — the neurilemma (ncur). The blood, the lymph, and other similar fluids in the body of an animal may be looked upon as liquid tissues, having certain cells 30 ZOOLOGY SECT. — the corpuscles — disseminated through a liquid plasma, which takes the place of the ground-substance of the connective tissues. irmed <\x i near Fig. 21.— Nerve-cells. A, multipolar ; B, bipolar. Fig. 22. — Nerve-fibres. A, mcdullated ; B, non-medulated ; ax, neuraxis ; ined, medullary sheath ; neur, neurilemma. In a large proportion of cases such corpuscles are similar to Amoebae in their form and movements (amoeboid corpuscles, leuco- cytes). In the blood of Vertebrates leucocytes occur along with coloured corpuscles of definite shape containing the red-colouring matter (hcemoglobin) of the blood. The leucocytes are able, like Amoebae, to ingest solid particles, and under certain conditions a number of them may unite .to- gether to form a single mass of protoplasm with many nuclei, termed a plasmodium. The characteristic cells of the reproductive tissues are the ova and the spermatozoa or sperms. The ova (Fig. 6), when fully formed, are relatively large, usually spherical cells, sometimes composed entirely of protoplasm, but usually with an addition of nutrient food-yolk. Each ovum, as already mentioned, en- closes a large nucleus (germinal vesicle) and in the interior of that one or more nucleoli or. germinal spots. The sperms (Fig. 23) are extremely minute bodies, nearly always motile, usually slender and whip-like, tapering towards one extremity, and commonly with a rounded head at the other. Fig. 23. — Various forms of spermatozoa. a, of a Mammal ; 6, of a Turbellarian worm ; c, and d, and e, of Nematode worms ; /, of a Crustacean ; g, of a Salamander ; h, the commonest form with oval head and long flagellum. (From Lang's Comparative Anatomy.) The spc nnrtoin STKl "CTIKE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 31 The sperms are developed by a succession of cell-divisions from certain cells — the primitive male cells — similar in character to immature ova. 5. Organs. The chief systems of organs of an animal are the integumen- tary, the skeletal, the muscular, the alimentary or digestive, the vascular, the respiratory, the nervous, the excretory, and the repro- ductive The skin or integument consists in the majority of animals of a cellular membrane — the epidermis — to which reference has already been made, with, superficial to it, in many animals, a non- cellular layer the cuticle, and below it usually a fibrous layer which is known as the dermis. The epidermis may consist of a single layer or may be stratified ; it is frequentty ciliated, and some of its cells frequently assume the form of unicellular glands. Modi- fication of its superficial layers of cells gives rise frequently to the formation of hard structures contributing to the development of an exoskelcton {vide infra). The cuticle, when present, varies greatly in thickness and con- sistency. Sometimes it is very thin and delicate ; in many animals it becomes greatly thickened and hardened so as to form a strong protecting crust, sometimes of a material termed chitin, somewhat akin to horn in consistency, sometimes solidified by the deposition of calcareous salts. The cuticle is to be looked upon as a secretion from the cells of the epidermis; but the term is frequently applied in the case of the higher animals — in which a cuticle in the strict sense of the term is absent — either to a super- ficial part of the epidermis, in which the cells have become altered and horny, or to the whole of that layer. The layer or layers of the integument situated beneath the epiderm consist of fibrous connective tissue and muscular fibres, constituting, as mentioned above, the derm or dermis. The term skeleton or skeletal system is applied to a system of hard parts, external or internal, which serves for the protection and support of softer organs and often for the attachment of muscles. This system of hard parts may be external, enclosing the soft parts, or it may lie deep within the latter, covered by integument and muscles : in the former case it is termed an exoskelcton or external skeleton ; in the latter an endoskeleton or internal skeleton. In many groups of animals both systems are developed. An exoskelcton is formed by the thickening and hardening of a part or the whole of one of the layers of the integument enumerated above ; or more than one of these layers may take part in its formation. In many invertebrate animals, such as Insects, Crustaceans, and Molluscs, it is a greatly thickened and hardened 32 ZOOLOGY sect. cuticle which forms the exoskeleton. The horny scales of Reptiles, the feathers of Birds, and the fur of Mammals are examples of an exoskeleton derived from the epidermis, while the bony shell of Turtles and the bony scales of Fishes are examples of a dermal exoskeleton. When an endoskeleton is present, it usually consists either of cartilage or bone or of both ; but sometimes it is composed of numerous minute bodies (spicules) of carbonate of lime or of a siliceous material. A skeleton, whether internal or external, is usually composed of a number of pieces which are movably articulated together, and which thus constitute a system of jointed )evers on which the muscles act. The alimentary or digestive system consists of a cavity or system of cavities into which the food is received, in which it is digested, and through the wall of which the nutrient matters are absorbed ; together with ^*-tain glands. In the lowest groups in which a distinct alimentary ov enteric cavity is present it is not distinct from the general cavity of the body ; but in all higher forms there is an enteric canal which is sus- pended within the cavity of the body, and the lumen of which is completely shut off from the latter. It may have simply the form of a sac or bag with a single opening which serves both as mouth and anus ; in other cases the sac becomes branched and may take the form of a system of branching canals. In most animals, however, the alimentary canal has the form of a longer or shorter tube beginning at the mouth and ending at the anal opening (Fig. 24). In most cases there are organs in the neighbourhood of the mouth serving for the seizure of food ; these may be simply tentacles or soft finger-like appendages, or they may have the form of jaws, by means of which the food is not only seized, but torn to pieces or pounded up to small fragments in the process of mastication. The alimentary canal itself is usually divided into a number of regions which differ both in structure and in function. In general there may be said to be three regions in the ali- mentary canal — the ingestive, the digestive and absorbent, and the egestive or efferent. The ingestive region is the part following behind the mouth, by which the food reaches the digestive and absorbent region. But, besides serving as a passage, it may also act as a region in which the food undergoes certain processes, chiefly mechanical, which prepare it for digestion. This ingestive region may comprise a mouth-cavity or buccal cavity, a pharynx, an oesophagus or gullet, with sometimes a muscular gizzard which may be provided with a system of teeth for the further breaking up of the food, and sometimes a crop or food-pouch. The digestive and absorbent region is the part in which the chemical processes of digestion go on, and from which takes place SUM CTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 33 tht absorption of the digested food-substances. Into this part are poured the secretions of the various digestive glands, which act on the different ingredients of the food so as to render them more soluble. Through the lining membrane of this part the digested nutrient matter passes, to enter the blood-system. This region may present a number of subdivisions; nearly always there are at least two — a wide sac, the stomach, and a narrow tube, the intestine. The egestive or efferent region of the alimentary canal is the posterior part of the intestine, in which digestion and absorption do not go on, or only go on to a limited extent, and which serves Fk;. 24.— General view of the viscera of a male Frop, from the right side, a, stomach ; b, urinary bladder; c, small intestine ; cl, cloacal aperture; d, large intestine; e, liver;/, bile-duct; »/, gall-bladder ; A, spleen ; I, lung ; A-, larynx ; /, fat-body ; m, testis ; n, ureter ; o, kidney ; p, pancreas ; *, cerebral hemisphere ; *p, spinal cord ; t, tongue ; u, auricle ; vr, urostyle ; r, ventricle ; v», vesicnla seminalis ; ic, optic lobe ; x, cerebellum ; y, Eustachian recess ; z, nasal sac. (From Marshall.) mainly for the passage to the anal opening of the fmces or unabsorbed effete matters of the food. The whole of the interior of the alimentary canal is lined by a layer of cells — the alimentary or enteric epithelium. The form and arrangement of the cells of this epithelium vary greatly in different groups of animals. Usually, they are vertically elongated, prismatic or columnar, or pyramidal in shape ; frequently they are ciliated. In some lower forms, the cells lining; the alimentary cavity have the power, like Amoeba, of thrusting forth processes of their protoplasm (Fig. 11, h), and of taking minute particles of food into their interior to become digested and absorbed (intracellular digestion). Sometimes they are all more or less, active in secreting a fluid destined to act on the food and render it more soluble ; sometimes this function is confined to certain of the cells, which have a special form ; very often the secreting cells VOL. I D 34 ZOOLOGY V SECT. line special little pouch-like, simple or branched glands, opening by a passage or duct into the main cavity of the alimentary canal. Besides these glands formed from specially modified cells of the enteric epithelium there are nearly always present certain large special glands, separate from the alimentary canal itself, but opening into it by means of ducts. Of these the most generally- occurring are the glands termed salivary glands, liver, and pancreas. The salivary glands have the function of secreting a fluid called the saliva, which, in many cases at least, has a special action on starchy matters, converting them into sugar. The ducts of these glands open always, not into the digestive, but into some part of the ingestive region of the alimentary system. The most important function of the liver — properly so called — is one distinct from the process of digestion ; its secretion — the bile — has, however, at least a mechanical effect on this process, and assists the secretion of the pancreas in its effects upon fat. In lower forms the organ to which the term liver is commonly applied appears in many cases to combine the functions of a true liver with that of a pancreas, and is thus more appropriately termed hepato-pancreas or liver-pancreas. The pancreas secretes a fluid — the pancreatic juice — which has a very important effect in digestion. It renders substances of the nature of albumins soluble by converting them into modifications termed peptones ; it converts starch into the soluble substance sugar ; it acts on fatty matters in such a way as to convert them into emulsions which are capable of being taken up and absorbed, and it effects the splitting up of part of the fat into fatty acids and glycerine. When the food has been acted on by the various digestive secretions, the soluble part of it is fitted to be taken up and absorbed through the wall of the alimentary canal into the blood (in animals in which a blood-system exists), or into the fluid which takes its place. In the higher animals a part of the soluble matter of the food passes directly into the blood contained in the blood-vessels ; while another part is taken up by a set of special vessels, the lacteals — which are a part of the lymphatic system, and reaches the blood indirectly. In some of the lower groups of animals there is no system of blood-vessels, and the nutrient matter of the food, absorbed through the alimentary canal, merely passes from cell to cell throughout the body, or is received into a space or series of spaces containing fluid intervening between the alimentary canal and the wall of the body. But in the majority of animals there is a system of branching tubes containing a special fluid — the blood, and it is into this that the nutrient matter absorbed from the food sooner or later finds its way. The blood has for one of its principal functions the conveyance of the nutrient matters from the I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 35 alimentary canal throughout the body, so that the various organs may select from it the material which they require for the carrying on of their functions. To carry out this office the blood is con- tained in a complicated system of branching tubes or blood-vessels . The essence of the process of respiration, as we have alreadyseen, is an interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid which takes place between the tissues of an organism and the surrounding medium, whether air or water. During the vital changes which go on in the bodies of all animals, as in Amoeba, oxygen is constantly being used up and carbonic acid being formed. The necessary supply of oxygen has to be got from the air, or, in the case of aquatic animals, from the air dissolved in the surrounding water. At the same time the carbonic acid has to be got rid of. In the lowest animals — as for instance Amoeba, and many of higher organisation — the oxygen passes inwards and the carbonic acid outwards through the general surface of the body. But in the great majority of animals there is a special set of organs — the organs of respiration — having this particular function. In some animals these organs of respiration are processes, simple or branched, lined by a very delicate membrane, and richly supplied with blood-vessels. Such processes are called gills or branchial ; they are specially adapted for the absorption of oxygen dissolved in water. In other animals the oxygen is obtained directly from the air ; and in such air-breathing forms the organ of respiration is very often a sac, either simple or compound, termed a lung. The interior of this sac is lined with an epithelium of extreme delicacy, immediately outside of which is a network of microscopic blood- vessels or capillaries with thin walls ; and the oxygen readily passes from the air in the cavity of the lung through its lining and the thin wall of the blood-vessel into the blood. In other air- breathing forms the organs of respiration are tracheal, which are ramifying tubes, by means of which the air is conveyed to all parts of the body. In such forms, of which the Insects are examples, the air is conveyed, by means of these tubes, from openings on the surface of the body to all parts, and respiration goes on in all the organs. In order that the air or water in contact with the surface of the lungs or gills may be renewed, there are usually special mechanical arrangements. In many gill-bearing animals the gills are attached to the legs, and are thus moved about when the animal moves its limbs. In others certain of the limbs are constantly moving in such a way as to cause a current of water to flow over the gills. In air-breathing forms there is usually a pumping apparatus, by means of which the air is alternately drawn into and expelled from the lungs. In a great number of animals there is in the blood a substance d2 36 ZOOLOGY SECT. called haemoglobin, which has a strong affinity for oxygen ; and the oxygen from the air, when it enters the blood, enters into a state of loose chemical combination with it. In this state, or simply dissolved in the fluid plasma of the blood, the oxygen is conveyed throughout the body. Thus the blood, besides receiving the solid and liquid food from the alimentary canal and carrying it throughout the body for distribution, receives also the oxygen or gaseous food, and supplies it to the parts requiring it. In all parts of the body in which vital action is taking place chemical changes are constantly going on. These chemical changes in the tissues, having for their result the production of heat, motion, secretion, and nerve-action, are for the most part of the nature of oxidations, and involve a constant consumption of oxygen; while a product which becomes formed as a result of this action is carbonic acid gas. To carry out all the functions which it has to perform as a distributor of nourishment and oxygen and a remover of carbonic acid, the blood has to be moved about through the vessels — to circulate throughout the various organs. In the lowest forms in which a definite blood-system is to be recognised, this movement is effected in great measure by the general movements of the body of the animal. In others certain of the vessels contract and drive the blood through the system ; such contractions are of a peristaltic character, the contractions being of the nature of con- strictions running in a definite direction along the course of the vessel, with an effect similar to that produced by drawing the hand along a compressible india-rubber tube. In all higher forms the movement of the blood is effected by means of a special organ — the heart. The heart is a muscular organ which by its contractions forces the blood through the system of vessels. In its simplest form it usually consists of two chambers, both with muscular walls, — the one, called the auricle, receiving the blood and driving it into the other, which is called the ventricle. The latter, in turn, when it contracts, drives the blood through the vessels to the various parts of the body — the return of the blood backwards to the auricle from the ventricle being prevented by the presence of certain valves, which act like folding doors opening from the auricle towards the ventricle, but closing when pressure is exerted in the opposite direction. In the higher animals the heart becomes a more complex organ than this, with a larger number of chambers and a more elaborate sj^stem of valves. Carbonic acid, as already mentioned, is a waste-product con- stantly being produced in the tissues and being carried off by the blood to pass out by the gills or lungs. Besides the carbonic acid, there are constantly being formed waste-substances of another class — viz., substances containing nitrogen, of which uric acid and urea are the principal ultimate forms. These are separated from i STRUCTURE AND PHYSTOLOCiY OF ANIMALS 37 the blood and thrown out of the body by a distinct set of organs called renal organs, or organs of urinary excretion,. The form of these organs varies greatly in the different groups; in many cases they are more or less intimately connected with the genital system. In place of the simple contractions and extensions of the proto- plasm which constitute the only movements of Amceba, the higher animals are capable of complex and definite movements. These are brought about by the agency of a set of organs termed the muscles. A muscle is a band or sheet of muscular fibres endowed in the living state with the property of contractility, by virtue of which, when stimulated in certain ways, it contracts in the direction of its length, becoming shortened, and, at the same time, thickened (Fig. 25). The extremities of the muscle are Fia. 25. — Bonos of the human arm and fore-arm with the biceps muscle, showing the shortening and thickening of the muscle during contraction and the consequent change in the relative position of the bones — viz. , flexion of the fore-arm on the upper arm. (From Huxley's Physiology.) frequently composed, not of contractile muscular fibres, but of a form of strong fibrous connective tissue — the tendon of the muscle. The ends of the muscle are usually firmly attached to two different parts of the jointed framework or skeleton, external or internal; and, when the muscle contracts and becomes shortened, these two parts are drawn nearer to one another. In all but the most lowly-organised animals there is a system of organs — the nervous system — by means of which a communi- cation is effected between the various parts of the body, enabling them to work in harmony, and by means of which also a communi- cation is established between the organism and the external world. The two essential elements of the nervous system — the nerve-cells and nerve-fibres — have a regular arrangement which varies in the different animal types both as regards structural details and the relations borne to the other systems of organs ; but there are to be recognised two chief parts or sets of parts — the central and the peripheral. 38 ZOOLOGY SECT. The central parts of the nervous system consist (Fig. 26) of certain aggregations of nerve-matter known as nerve- ganglia, containing a large number of nerve -eel Is ; a relatively large mass of this matter may be collected together to form a train. To or from these central parts pass all the systems of nerve-fibres, constituting the peripheral part of the system ; the former have the office both of re- ceiving impressions con- veyed by the nerve-fibres from the surface, from the organs of special sense, and from the in- ternal organs, and of sending off messages through similar channels to the various parts of the body — to muscles, to glands, to alimentary canal, and to vascular system. When a move- ment is to be effected a message passes from the nerve-centre along a nerve-fibre to- a muscle and causes it to contract ; when an organ requires the amount of blood sup- plied to it to be in- creased or diminished a message is conveyed along a nerve-fibre and causes the dilatation or contraction of the blood- vessels of the part; and a similar initiatory or controlling influence is exerted over the activities of all the organs. In certain groups of animals all the impressions from the external world are received through the integument of the general surface, and this is the case in all animals with the general impressions of touch and of heat and cold. The sensitiveness of Fig. 26. — Nervous system of the Frog. Howes's At Ian.) (From i STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS M the integument to such general impressions may be increased by the presence in it of a variety of tactile papillae or corpuscles having nerve-fibres terminating in them. In most animals, how- ever, iheiv are certain organs, the organs of special sense, adapted to receiving impressions of special kinds — eyes for the reception of the impressions produced by light, cars for the recep- tion of those produced by the waves of sound, olfactory organs or organs of smell, and gustatory organs or organs of taste. The most rudimentary form of eye is little more than a dot of pigment which absorbs some of the rays of bright light — these producing a nerve-disturbance in certain neighbouring nerve-cells. To this may be added clear, highly-refracting bodies which intensify the effect. In the higher types of eye there are the same character- istic parts — the clear, highly-refracting substance, the pigment, and the nerve-cells ; but each has undergone a development resulting in the construction of an organ adapted to the reception of light- impressions of a very definite character. The highly-refracting body assumes the form of a lens for the focussing of the light-rays ; the nerve-cells are arranged within a regular layer, the retina, from which nerve-fibres pass to the central part of the nervous system ; the pigment is so arranged as to absorb the light-rays and prevent their passage beyond the retina, and in certain cases also lines a diaphragm, the iris, with a central aperture through which the rays of light are admitted to the central parts of the eye. In some animals (Insects, Crustacea) the eye consists of a very large number of independent elements, each with.its refracting apparatus, its nervous element, and its absorbing pigment. The car in its simplest form is a membranous sac or otocyst with internally projecting stiff cilia, and containing a liquid in which there lie a number of particles of carbonate of lime. The sound- waves evidently set in vibration the liquid and its contained cal- careous particles, and by means of these vibrations acting on the cilia, an impression of a definite character is produced in the cells of a neighbouring nerve-ganglion. In higher forms the apparatus for receiving the vibrations becomes extremely complex, and there is elaborated a nervous mechanism by which sounds of different pitch and intensity produce impressions of a distinct character. The organ of hearing usually possesses the additional function of an organ ministering to the sense of rotation, and thus has an important part to play in the maintenance of the equilibrium of the body. The essential elements of the reproductive organs — the ova and spermatozoa — have already been briefly alluded to (p. 30). The ova are developed in an organ termed the ovary, and the sperms in an organ called the spermary or testis. Sometimes ovaries and testes are developed in the same individual, when the arrangement is termed moncecious or hermaphrodite ; sometimes 40 ZOOLOGY sect. the ovaries occur in one set of individuals — the females — and the testes in another set — the males, when the term unisexual or dioecious is employed. Very frequently the male differs from the female in other respects besides the nature of the reproductive elements — -in size, colour, and the like ; when such differences are strongly marked the animal is said to be sexually dimorphic. The ova and sperms are usually conveyed to the exterior by canals or ducts — the ovarian ducts or oviducts, and the testicular ducts, spermiducts, or vasa defer entia. In some instances the ova are impregnated after being discharged from the oviducts, and the development of the young takes place externally; in other cases the impregnation takes place in the oviduct, and the young become fully developed in the interior of a special enlargement of the oviduct termed the uterus. In the former case the animal is said to be oviparous, in the latter viviparous ; but there are numerous intermediate gradations between these two extremes. 6. The Reproduction of Animals. In a limited number of groups of animals reproduction takes place by means of cells corresponding to ova developed in organs similar to ovaries, but without impregnation by means of sperms. This phenomenon is known as parthenogenesis (cf. p. 21). Besides the sexual process of reproduction by means of ova and spermatozoa, there are in many classes of animals various asexual modes of multiplication. One of these — the process of simple fission — has been already noticed in connection with the reproduction of Amoeba. The formation of spores is an asexual mode of multi- plication which occurs only in the Protozoa, and will be described in the account of that group. Multiplication by budding takes place in a number of different classes of animals. In this form of reproduction a process or bud (Fig. 27, bd) is given off from some part of the parent animal ; this bud sooner or later assumes the form of the complete animal, and may become detached from the parent either before or after its development has been completed or may remain in permanent vital connection with the parent form. When the buds, after becoming fully developed, remain in vital continuity with the parent, a sort of compound animal, consisting of a greater or smaller number of connected units, is the result. Such a compound organism is termed a colony, and the component units are termed zooids. In some cases such a colony is produced by a process which is more correctly termed incomplete fission than budding. Alternation of generations ; heterogamy ; pedogenesis. — In the life-history of a considerable number of animals, a stage in which reproduction takes place by a process of budding or fission STRUTUiE AND I'll YsrOLOfJY OF ANIMALS 41 Alternates with a stage in which there occurs a true sexual mode si reproduction. Such a phenomenon is termed alternation of gensjratiqns or metagenesis. The term heterogamy is applied to OftBOfl in which two different sexual generations — usually a true sexual and a parthenogenetic — alternate with one another. Pedogenesis, or the development of young by a sexual process from Fir,. 27.— Fresh-water polype (Hydra), two specimens, the one expanded, the other contracted, .showing multiplication by budding. M.1 Id* Od.'S buds in various stages of growth. (From Parker's Biology.) individuals that have not attained the adult condition, is a phenomenon which is to be observed in some groups of animals. 7. Symmetry. The general disposition or symmetry of the parts in an animal presents two main modifications — the radial and the bilateral. The gastrula (p. 23) is the simplest and most generalised form among multicellular animals or Metazoa ; but no adult animal retains this simple shape. In the gastrula we may imagine a central primary axis (Fig. 28, AB) passing through the middle of the blas- topore and of the archenteric cavity, and a series of secondary axes (ab, cd,) running at right angles to this to the outer surface. In a symmetrical gastrula the secondary axes would be all equal. Many 42 ZOOLOGY SECT, animals are in the adult condition similar in their symmetry to the gastrula, except that there are special developments along a series of regularly arranged radiating secondary axes ; these radial developments may be in the form of tentacles or radially arranged processes (Fig. 29), or may assume the character of a radial arrange- ment of internal parts. Such an animal is said to be radially symmetrical. The body of a radially symmetrical animal is capable — c d- Fig. 28. — Diagram of the axes of the body. AB, primary axis ; ab, ed, secondary axes. The lower figure is a transverse section of the upper one showing its two secondary axes. (From Gegenbaur.) Fig. 29. — Radial symmetry. Letters as in Fig. 28. The processes at A are the tentacles ; the lower figure repre- sents the upper or oral surface. (From Gegenbaur.) of being divided into a series of equal radial parts or antimcres, each of which is symmetrically disposed with regard to one of the secondary or radial axes. In animals which are not permanently fixed, locomotion usually takes place in the direction of the primary axis of the body, and one side, habitually directed downwards, becomes modified differ- ently from the other which is habitually directed upwards : lower or ventral surface becomes distinguishable from an upper or dorsal. Thus the radial symmetry is now disturbed ; the secondary axes have become unequal ; the dorso-ventral or vertical secondary axes i STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 4:] are, to a greater or less extent, different from the transverse or horizontal secondary axes, and the body of an animal having such a disposition of the parts is divisible into two equal lateral halves or hemiaomes by a median vertical plane passing through the primary axis. This is the bilateral symmetry observable in all but a few types 6f animals. Sometimes the bilaterally symmetrical animal is unsegmented ; xunetimes it is divided into a series of segments or metamercs. A distinct head may be present or absent. The head end or anterior end is that which, save in exceptional cases, is directed forwards in locomotion. It is towards this end that the organs of special sense are situated, as well as the opening of the mouth and the organs for the prehension and mastication of food. A head is developed when the anterior part bearing these structures is marked off externally from the rest. In segmented animals the head consists of a number of segments amalgamated together, and it contains the brain or the principal central ganglia of the nervous system. 8. The Primary Subdivisions or Phyla of the Animal Kingdom. The various systems of organ) — digestive, circulatory, nervous, excretory, etc. — present under one form or another in all the higher groups of animals, are variously arranged and occupy various relative positions in different cases, producing a number of widely different plans of animal structure. According as their structure conforms to one or another of these great plans, animals are referred to one or another of the corresponding great divisions or phyla of the animal kingdom. That animals do present widely differing plans of structure is a matter of common knowledge. We have only to compare the true Fish, such as Cod, Haddock, etc., in a fish- monger's shop with the Lobsters and the Oysters, to recognise the general nature of such a distinction. The first-named are charac- terised by the possession of a backbone and skull, with a brain and spinal cord, and of two pairs of limbs (the paired fins) ; they belong to the great vertebrate or backboned group — the division Vertc- brata of the. phylum Chordata, The Lobsters, on the other hand, in which these special vertebrate structures are absent, possess a body which is enclosed in a hard jointed case, and a number of pairs of limbs also enclosed in hard jointed cases and adapted to different purposes in different parts of the body — some being feelers, others jaws, others legs: their general type of structure is that which characterises the phylum Arthropoda. The Oysters, again, with their hard calcareous shell secreted by a pair of special folds of the skin constituting what is termed the mantle, and with a special arrangement of the nervous system and other organs which 44 ZOOLOGY sect, t need not be described here, are referable to the phylum Mollusca. Other familiar animals are readily to be recognised as belonging to one or other of these great phyla. A Prawn, a Crab, a Blue-bottle Fly, a Spider, are all on the same general plan as the Lobster : they are jointed animals with jointed limbs, and have the internal organs occupying similar positions with relation to one another : they are all members of the phylum Arthrcpoda. Again, a Mussel, a Snail, and a Squid are all to be set side by side with the Oyster as conforming to the same general type of structure : they are all members of the phylum Mollusca. A Dog, a Lizard, and a Fowl, again, are obviously nearer the Fish : they all have a skull and backbone, brain and spinal cord, and two pairs of limbs, and are members of the great group Chordata. Altogether twelve phyla are to be recognised, viz. : — I. Protozoa VII. Molluscoida II. Porifera VIII. Echinodermata III. Ccelenterata IX. Annulata IV. Platyhelminthes X. Arthropoda V. Nemathelminthes XI. Mollusca VI. Trochelminthes XII. Chordata But these do not comprise all known animals. There are a number of smaller groups which are only very doubtfully to be associated with one or other of the phyla ; and it is in some cases chiefly to avoid multiplication of the latter that such groups are not treated as independent. Such forms, until their places are more definitely fixed, are best dealt with as appendices to the phyla to which they appear most nearly related. o SECTION II PHYLUM PROTOZOA In the preceding section we learnt the essential structure of an animal cell, and it was pointed out that in the lowest organisms the entire individual consists of a single cell. All such unicellular animals are placed in the lowest primary subdivision of the animal kingdom — the phylum Protozoa. We have also learnt that cells vary considerably in character. They may be amoeboid or capable of protruding temporary processes of protoplasm called pseudopods ; flagellate, or produced into one or more — always a small number — of threads having an intermit- tent lashing movement ; ciliated, or produced into numerous rhythmically moving threads of protoplasm ; -or encysted, the proto- plasm being enclosed in a cell- wall. Moreover, under certain circumstances, amoeboid cells may fuse with one another to form a plasmodvum. These well-marked phases in the life of the cell allow us to divide the Protozoa into subdivisions called Classes. The same organism may be amoeboid, flagellate, encysted, and plasmodial at various stages of its existence, but nevertheless we find certain forms in which the dominant phase in the life-history is amoeboid, others which are characteristically flagellate or ciliated, others again in which the tendency to form plasmodia is a distinctive feature. In this way five well-marked groups of unicellular organisms may be distinguished. Class 1. Rhizopoda. — Protozoa in which the amoeboid form is predominant, the animal always forming pseudopods. Flagella are often present in the young, and occasionally in the adult. Encystation frequently occurs. Class 2. Mycetozoa. — Terrestrial Protozoa in which the plas- modial phase is specially characteristic, as also is the formation of large and often complex cysts. Class 3. Mastigophora. — Protozoa in which the flagellate form 46 ZOOLOGY sect. is predominant, although the amceboid and encysted conditions frequently occur. Class 4. Sporozoa. — Parasitic Protozoa without special loco- motive parts in the adult. Encystation is almost universal, and the young may be flagellate or amceboid. Class 5. Infusoria. — Protozoa which are always ciliated, either throughout life or in the young condition. CLASS I.— RHIZOPODA. 1. Example of the Class — Amoeba proteus. Amoeba has been fully described in the preceding chapter ; it will therefore be unnecessary to do more than recapitulate the most essential features in its organisation. It is an irregular mass of protoplasm (Fig. 30, e) about ^ mm. in diameter, produced into irregular processes or pseudopods (psd) of variable size and form and capable of being protruded and retracted, often with considerable rapidity. The protoplasm is divisible into a granular internal substance or endosarc and a clear outer layer or ectosarc ; the difference between the two is hardly a structural one, but depends simply on the accumulation of granules in the central portion. The granules are, for the most part, various products of metabolism — proteinaceous or fatty. Imbedded in the endosarc is a large nucleus (mi), of spherical form, consisting of a clear achromatic substance, enclosed in a membrane, and containing minute granules of chromatin. The contractile vacuole (c. vac), a very characteristic structure of the Protozoa, lies in the outer layer of the endosarc, and exhibits rhythmical move- ments, contracting and expanding at more or less regular intervals. Amoeba feeds by ingesting minute organisms (Fig. 30, c,f.,vac.) or fragments of organisms — i.e., by enveloping them in its substance, retaining them until the proteids they contain are dissolved and assimilated, and then crawling away and leaving the undigested remnants behind. Amoebae are sometimes found to undergo encystation; the pseudopods are withdrawn and the protoplasm surrounds itself with a cell-wall or cyst (d, cy), from which, after a period of rest, it emerges and resumes active life. The cyst is formed of a chitinoid material — i.e., a nitrogenous substance allied in composi- tion to horn and to the chitin of which the armour of Insects, ^Crayfishes, etc., is composed. Reproduction takes place by simple or binary fission ; direct or amitotic division of the nucleus is followed by division into two of the cell-body (i). Occasionally two Amcebse have been observed to PHYLUM PROTOZOA 47 conj 11 n«t<- or undergo complete fusion, but nothing is known of the result of this process or of its precise significance in this particular cast'. Fio. 30.— Amoeba. A, A. quarta ; B, the same killed and stained ; C, A. proteus ; D, encysted specimen ; E, A. proteus ;"T\ nucleus of same, stained ; G, A. verrucosa ; H, nucleus of same, stained ; I, A. proteus, undergoing binary fission ; a, point of union of enclosing pscudopods ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; cy. cyst ; /. vac. food-vacuole ; nu. nucleus (numerous in A. quarta) ; psd. pscudopod. (From Parker's Biology, after Leidy, Grubcr, and Howes.) 2. Classification and General Organisation. The Rhizopoda differ among themselves in the character of their pseudopods, which may be short and blunt or long and 48 ZOOLOGY sect. delicate ; in the number of nuclei ; and in the presence or absence of a hard shell within or around the protoplasm. The following four orders may be distinguished : — Order 1. — Lobosa. Rhizopoda with short, blunt pseudopods. Order 2. — FoRamimfera. Shelled Rhizopoda with fine, branched, and anastomosing pseudopods. Order 3.— Heliozoa. Rhizopoda with fine, stiff, radiating pseudopods, Order 4. — Radiolaria. Rhizopoda having a shell in the form of a perforated central capsule, and usually, in addition, a siliceous skeleton : the pseudo- pods are long and delicate. Systematic Position of the Example. Amoeba proteus is one of many species of the genus Amoeba, belonging to the family Amoebidoz, of the order Lobosa. The blunt pseudopods not uniting to form networks place it among the Lobosa : the absence of a shell, among the Amoebidse.. The genus Amoeba is distinguished by the presence of one or more nuclei, and of a contractile vacuole. In A. proteus the pseudopods are of considerable length and sometimes branched, and there is a single nucleus, having its chromatin in the form of scattered granules. Order 1. — Lobosa. General Structure. — The members of this group all agree with Amoeba in essential respects, their most characteristic feature being the short, blunt pseudopods. The chief variations in struc- ture upon which the genera and species are founded have to do with the number and character of the nuclei, the form of the pseudopods, and the presence or absence of a shell. In Amoeba itself there may be one (Fig. 30, e) or several (b) nuclei, the chromatin of the nucleus may be arranged in various ways (f, h), and the pseudopods may be prolongations of con- PHYLUM PROTOZOA 49 siderable relative size (c), or mere wave-like elevations of the surface (<;)• Sometimes specimens are found in which neither nucleus nor vacuole is present; these are placed in the genus Fig. 81 .— Protamoeba primitiva. Showing changes of form and three stages in binary fission. (After Haeckel, from Parker's Biology.) Protamaiba (Fig. 31). Very probably, however, future investigation will show this and other non-nucleate forms to possess a potential nucleus in the form of minute scattered granules of chromatin. The largest of the naked or shell-less Lobosa is Pelomyxa, which may be as much as 8 mm. in diameter ; it is multi-nucleate and is further distinguished by the presence of numerous non-contractile vacuoles in the endosarc. #^^ Fig. 32.— A, Quadrula symmetrica; B, Hyalosphenia lata; C, Arcella vulgaris ; I), Difflugia pyriformis. (From hang's OtmparatiK Anatomy.) Skeleton. — We may understand the relation of the shelled to the shell-less Lobosa by supposing an Amceba to draw in the pseudopods from the greater part of its body, and to secrete, from that part only, a cell-wall ; such a cell-wall or capsule would differ vol. i a 50 ZOOLOGY kECT. from a cyst in having an aperture at one end to allow of the protrusion of pseudopods from a small naked area. This is exactly what we find in Arcclla and its allies (Fig. 32, A-c), in which the shell is chitinoid. A different kind of shell is found in Dijjlugia (d), which secretes a gelatinous coating to which minute sand- grains and other foreign particles become attached. Order 2. — Foraminifera General Structure. — The members of this order differ from the Lobosa in the fact that their pseudopods are long and delicate and unite to form networks ; moreover,, with few exceptions, they agree with Arcella and its allies in possessing a shell. In the majority of cases this shell is formed of calcium carbonate. One of the simplest members of the group is Microgromia (Fig. 33). It consists of a protoplasmic body (B), with a single nucleus Fig. 33.— Microgromia socialis. A, entire colony ; B, single zooid ; C, zooid which has undergone binary fission, with one of the daughter-cells creeping out of the shell ; D, fiagellula ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; nu. nucleus ; sh. shell. (From Biitschli's Protozoa, after Hertwig and Lesser.) (nu.) and contractile vacuole (c. vac), enclosed in a chitinoid cell- wall or shell (sh.) with an aperture at one end through which the protoplasm protrudes and is produced into delicate radiating pseudopods. The animal multiplies by binary fission, and the individuals or zooids thus produced remain united in larger or smaller clusters, or cell-colonies (A). Sometimes the cell-body of a zooid divides and one of the daughter-cells creeps out of the cell- wall (C),and, after moving about for a time like an Amoeba, draws in its pseudopods, assumes an oval form, and sends out two flagella by means of which it is propelled through the water (D). We shall find other instances in which the young of a Rhizopod is n PHYLUM PROTOZOA 51 fiflagrfhihi, is. a cell provided with one or more flagcl la, which, if its history were not known, would be included among the Mastigophora. Platoum (Fig. 34, A) is a form resembling Microgromia, but illustrating a very interesting type of colony. The protoplasm flows out of the mouth of the shell in the form of a long plate (B) c- vac sh Fia. 3 1.— Platoum stercoreum. A, single zooid ; B, formation of colony ; e. vac. contractile vacuole ; /. food particles ; nil. nucleus ; sli. shell. (From BUtschli's Protozoa, after Cienkowsky.) which sends off rounded side branches, and each of these, acquiring a cell-wall, becomes a zooid of the simple cell-colony. Gromia (Fig. 35, 1) leads us to the more typical Foraminifera. The protoplasm of this form protrudes from the mouth (a) of the chitinoid shell (sh.) and flows around it so that the shell becomes an internal structure. The pseudopods are very long and delicate and unite to form" a complicated network, exhibiting a streaming movement of granules and serving, as usual, to capture prey. Skeleton. — Squammulina (Fig. 35, #) differs from Gromia mainly in having the shell formed of calcium carbonate and possessing the character of a hollow, stony sphere, with an aperture at one end. It appears that all the calcareous Foraminifera begin life in this simple form ; but in the majority of cases the adult structure attains a considerable degree of complexity. The protoplasm of the original globular chamber overflows, as it were, through the aperture ; but, instead of formirig"an elongated plate from which side buds are given off, as in Platoum, the extended mass rounds itself off, and secretes a calcareous shell in organic connection with the original shell, and communicating with it by the original MKJrture. In this way a two-chambered shell is produced, and a repetition of the process gives us the many-chambered shell found in most genera. New chambers may be added in a straight line (Fig. 36, 8), or alternately on opposite side3 of the original chamber (5), or with each new chamber enclosing its predecessor (.£), or in a flat spiral, each new chamber being larger than its predecessor (7, 8), or in a spire in which the newer chambers E 2 52 ZOOLOGY overlap the older (9, 10), or in an irregular spiral of globular chambers (6), or in an extremely compact spiral in which the new chambers completely enclose their predecessors (11). In all cases ''■III Wm\\\ \\\\\ Roralla 3.Squammulina 4.M i I i o I a Fia. 35. -Various forms of Foraminifera. In U, Miliola, a, shows the living animal ; 6, the same killed and stained ; a. aperture of shell ; j. food particles ; nu. nucleus ; sh. shell. (From Biitschli's Protozoa and Claus's Zoology.) adjacent chambers communicate with one another either by a single large hole or by numerous small ones: the protoplasm is thus perfectly continuous throughout the organism. With the „ PHYLUM PROTOZOA 53 increase in the number of chambers there is a multiplication of the nucleus (Fig. 35, 4, b, nu). Not only does the shell increase in size by the formation of new '.i .La gen a 4.Frondicularia 6.Globigerina Q.PIanorbulina ll.Nummulites Fig. 3f>.— Shells of Foraminifera. In 3, /<, and 6, a shows the surface view, and b a section ; 8a is a diagram of a coiled cell without supplemental skeleton ; 8b of a similar form with supplemental skeleton (n. nl\) ; and JO of a form with overlapping whorls ; in 11a half the shell is shown in horizontal section ; b is a vertical section ; .), and multiply by fission : then, after a time, they become irregular in outline, draw in the flagellum, and become amoeboid (E). The amoebube thus formed congregate in considerable numbers and fuse with one another (F), the final result being the production of the great amoeboid mass (G) with which we started. There is no fusion of the nuclei of the amoebulae. Thus Didymium in its active condition is a jAasmodium, i.e. a body formed by the concresence of amoebulae. 2. General Remarks on the Mycetozoa. Speaking generally, the Mycetozoa differ from all other Protozoa in their terrestrial habit. They are neither aquatic, like most members of the phylum, nor parasitic, like many other forms, but live habitually a sub-aerial life on decaying organic matter. They are also remarkable for their close resemblance in the structure of the sporangia and spores to certain Fungi, a group of parasitic or saprophytic plants in which they ai'e often included, most works on Botany having a section on the Myxomycetes or " Slime-fungi," as these organisms are then called. They are placed among animals on account of the structure and physiology of the flagellate, amoeboid, and plasmodial phases, which exhibit automatic movements and ingest solid food. The Mycetozoa are sometimes included among the Rhizopoda, a course which their very peculiar reproductive processes appears to render inadvisable. An interesting organism, called Protomyxa, probably belongs to this group. In its plasmodial phase it consists of orange-coloured masses of protoplasm, about 1 mm. in diameter, which crawl over sea-shells by means of their long, branched pseudopods, and ingest living prey. No nuclei are known. The protoplasm becomes encysted and breaks up into naked spores, which escape from the cyst as flagellula?, but soon become amoeboid and fuse to form the plasmodium. CLASS III.— MASTIG0PH0RA. 1. Example of the Class — Euglena viridis. Euglena (Fig. 51) is a flagellate organism commonly found in the water of ponds and puddles, to which it imparts a green colour. The' body (E, H) is spindle-shaped, and has at the blunt anterior end a depression, the gullet (F, ces.), from the\ inner surface of which F 2 68 ZOOLOGY springs a single long flagellum {fl. ). According to recent observa- tions the flagellum is not a simple thread, but is beset with delicate cilium-like processes. The organism is propelled through the water by the lashing movements of the flagellum, which is always directed forwards ; it can also perform slow worm-like movements of contraction and expansion (A — D), but anything like the free pseudopodial movements which characterise the Rhizopoda is precluded by the presence of a very thin membrane or cuticle which invests the body. Oblique and longitudinal lines jin the outer layer of the protoplasm may be due to the presence of contractile fibrils. There is a nucleus {mi.) near the centre of the body, and at the anterior end a contractile vacuole (H, c. vac), leading into Fig. 51. — Euglena viridis. A — 1), four views illustrating euglenoid movements; E and H, enlarged views ; F, anterior end further enlarged ; G, resting form after binary fission ; c. vac. contractile vacuole in II, reservoir in E and F ; c//. cyst ; fl. flagellum ; m. mouth ; nu. nucleus ; ces, gullet ; p. paramylum bodies ; pg. pigment spot ; r. (in H), reservoir. (From Parker's Biology, after Kent and Klebs.) a large non-contractile space or reservoir (r.) which discharges into the gullet. The greater part of the body is coloured green by the charac- teristic vegetable pigment, chlorophyll, and contains rod-shaped grains of i2aramykjjit (H, p.), a carbohydrate allied to starch. In contact with the reservoir is a bright red speck, the stigma (pg.), formed of a pigment allied to chlorophyll and called hcematochrome. It seems probable that the stigma is a light-perceiving organ or rudimentary eye. Euglena is nourished like a typical green plant : it decomposes the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water, assimilating the carbon and evolving the oxygen. Nitrogen and other elements it absorbs in the form of mineral salts in solution in the water. But it has ii PHYLUM PROTOZOA 69 also been shown that the movements of the flagellum create a whirlpool by which minute fragments are propelled down the gullet and into the soft internal protoplasm. There seems to be no doubt that in this way minute organisms are taken in as food. Euglena thus combines the characteristically animal (holozoic) with the characteristically vegetable (holophytic) mode of nutrition. But^inaLLprobabiJity, the Euglena is in large measure saprophytic, the products of the decay of organic matter dissolved in the water being absorbed through the general surface. Sometimes the active movements cease, the animal comes to rest and surrounds itself with a cyst or cell-wall of cellulose (G), from which, after a quiescent period, it emerges to resume active life. It is during the resting condition that reproduction takes place by the division of the body in a median plane parallel to the long axis (G). Under certain circumstances multiple fission takes place, and flagellulae are produced, which, sometimes, after passing through an amoeboid stage, develop into the adult form. 2. Classification and General Organisation. The Mastigophora form a very extensive group, the genera and species of which show a wonderful diversity in structure and habit. The only character common to them all is the presence of one or more flagella. Some approach plants so closely as to be claimed by many botanists ; others are hardly to be distinguished from Rhizopods ; while the members of one order present an interesting likeness to certain peculiar cells found in Sponges. The class is divisible into four orders as follows : — Order 1. — Flagellata. Mastigophora having one or more flagella at the anterior end of the body. Order 2. — Choanoflagellata. Mastigophora having a single flagellum surrounded at its base by a contractile protoplasmic collar. Order 3. — Dinoflagellata. Mastigophora having two flagella, one anterior, the other encircling the body like a girdle. Order 4. — Cystoflagellata. Mastigophora having two flagella, one of which is modified into a long tentacle, while the other is small and contained within the gullet. 70 ZOOLOGY sect. Systematic Position of the Example. Euglena viridis is one of several species of the genus Euglena, and belongs to the family Eit.glcnidce, sub-order Euglenoidea, and order Flagcllata. The presence of an anterior flagellum and the absence of a collar, transverse flagellum, or tentacle, indicate its position among the Flagellata. It is placed among the Euglenoidea in virtue of possessing a single flagellum and a small gullet into which the reservoir opens. The genus Euglena is distinguished I by its centrally placed nucleus, green chromatophore, red stigma, and euglenoid movements. E. viridis is separated from other species of the genus by its spindle-shaped body with blunt ante- rior and pointed posterior end, and by the flagellum being some- what longer than the body. Order 1. — Flagellata. The cell-body is usually ovoid or flask-shaped (Fig. 52, 6, 7, 9, &c), but may be almost ^globular (1), or greatly elongated (3). Anterior and posterior ends are always distinguishable, the flagella being directed forwards in swimming, and, as a rule, dorsal and ventral surfaces can be distinguished by the presence of a mouth or by an additional flagellum on the ventral side. They are, therefore, usually bilaterally symmetrical, or divisible into equal and similar right and left halves by a vertical antero-posterior plane. Some of the lower forms have no distinct cuticle, and are able, under certain circumstances, to assume an amoeboid form {2). The curious genus Mastigamceba (4-) has a permanently amoeboid form, but possesses, in addition to pseudopods, a single long flagellum. It obviously connects the Mastigophora with the Rhizopoda, and indeed there seems no reason why it should be placed in the present group rather than with the Lobosa. Simi- larly, Dimorpha (5) connects the Flagellata with the Heliozoa : in its flagellate phase (a) it is ovoid and provided with two flagella, but it may send out long stiff radiating pseudopods, while retaining the flagella, or may draw in the latter and assume a purely helizoan phase of existence provided with pseudopods only (b). Nuclei of the ordinary character are universally present. In addition there is present in the cytoplasm near the base of the flagelluma muchmore minute, deeply-staining body, which is termed the blepharoblast (Fig. 53). This has sometimes been taken for a micronucleus such as is general in the Infusoria, but it is not of nuclear origin, and does not take an active part in any reproductive processes. The number of flagella is subject to great variation. There mav be one (Fig. 52, IS), two (9, 10), three (6), or four (7). Sometimes the flagella show a differentiation in function ; in PHYLUM PROTOZOA 71 Hrfrromita, e.g. (Fig. 57) the anterior flagellum (Jl. 1) only is use. I in progression, the second or ventral flagellum (fl. 2) is trailed 7.Tetram\ta ff.Dallingeria 8.oiK< 9.Cryf>romooaS 10.Diblomirc ft il.Dinobryon 12. Sy ncry p t a 13. Anthobhysa H.Rhibidodendron Flo. 52. — Various forms of Flagellata. — In 2, flagellate (a) and amoeboid (b) phases are shown ; in 5, flagellate (a) and helio^oan (b) phases ; in 8 are shown two stages in the in- gestion of a food-particle (/.); clr,\ chromatophores ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; /. food par- ticle g. gullet; n». nucleus ; I. lorica ; p. protoplasm ; per. peristome ; v.i. vacuole of ingestion. (Mostly from BUtschli's Protozoa, after various authors.) behind when the animal is swimming freely, or is used to anchor it to various solid bodies. In some (Trypanosomes, Fig. 53) the 72 ZOOLOGY SECT. flagellum (or one of them, if two are present) is attacked through- out its length, or in the greater part of its length, to the edge of a wavy protoplasmic flange, or undulating membrane, running along the body. There are also important variations in structure correlated with varied modes of nutrition. Many of the lower forms, such as Heteromita, live in decomposing animal infusions : they have neither mouth nor gullet and take no solid food, but live by absorbing the nutrient matters in the solution ; their nutrition is, in fact, saprophytic, like that of many fungi. A few live as para- sites in various cavities of the body of the higher animals. The Hwmoflagellata, an extensive group, live as parasites in the plasma of the blood of various vertebrates. Most of these appear to be harmless, but some are the causes of serious diseases in Man Fio. 53. — Trypanosomes of Fishes, c. blepharoblast ; /. flagellum ; fa, and fp. (In k) anterior and posterior flagella ; m. undulating membrane ; n. nucleus. (After Laveran and Mesnil.) and other higher animals. One Euglena-like form lives as an intra-cellular parasite within the cells of one of the lower worms. Hcematococcus (Fig. 54), Pandorina (Fig. 55), Volvox (Fig. 56), and their allies present us with a totally different state of things. The mouthless body is surrounded by a cellulose cell-wall (cm.), and contains chromatophores (chr.) coloured either green by chloro- phyll or red by haematochrome. Nutrition is purely holophytic, i.e. takes place by the absorption of a watery solution of mineral salts and by the decomposition of carbon dioxide. It is, there- fore, not surprising that these chlorophyll -containing Flagellata are often included among the Algse or lower green plants. Other genera live in a purely animal fashion by the ingestion of solid proteinaceous food, usually in the form of minute living organisms : in these cases there is always some contrivance for capturing and swallowing the prey. In Oikomonas (Fig. 52, 8), we have one of the simplest arrangements : near the base of the flagellum is a slight projection containing a vacuole (v.i.); the movements of the flagellum drive small particles (/.). against this region, where the protoplasm is very thin and readily allows the particles to penetrate into the vacuole, where they are digested. PHYLUM PROTOZOA 73 hi Euglrna, as wc have seen, there is a short, narrow gullet, and in some genera (9, g) this tube becomes a large and well-marked structure. Skeleton. — While a large proportion of genera are naked or covered only by a thin cuticle, a few fabricate for themselves a delicate chitinoid shell or lorica (10, /.), usually vase-shaped and widely-open at one end so as to allow of the protrusion of the contained animalcule. In the chlorophyll-containing forms there is a closed cell-wall of cellulose (Fig. 54, c.w.). One group of Jto tn.m Fin. 54.— Hsematococcus pluvialis. A, motile stage ; B, resting stage ; C, D, two modes of fission ; E, Hcrmatococcv.s lacustrif, motile stage ; F, diagram of movements of fiagellum ; chr. chromatophores ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; cell-wall; nw. nucleus; nu'. nucleolus; ?'."'"• pyrenoids. (From Parker's Biolnriii.) marine Flagellates have siliceous skeletons similar to those of the Radiolaria, with which they were originally classed. In many genera colonies of various forms are produced by repeated budding. Some of these are singularly like a zoophyte (see Sect. IV.) in general form (Fig. 52, 11), being branched colonies composed of a number of connected monads, each enclosed in a little glassy lorica ; or green (chlorophyll-containing) zooids are enclosed in a common gelatinous sphere, through which their flagella protrude (12) ; or tufts of zooids, reminding us of the flower-heads of Acacia, are borne on a branched stem (13). In Volvox (Fig. 56) the zooids of the colony are arranged in the form of a hollow sphere, and in Pandorina (Fig. 55) in that of a solid sphere enclosed in a delicate shell of cellulose. Lastly, in Rhipido- 74 ZOOLOGY SECT. dcndron (Fig. 52, 14) a beautiful branched fan-shaped colony is produced, the branches consisting of closely adpressed gelatin- ous tubes each the dwelling of a single zooid. Binary fission is the ordinary mode of asexual multiplication, and may take place either in the active or in the resting condition. Hoematococcus (Fig. 54) and Euglena (Fig. 51), for instance, divide while in the encysted condition ; Heteromita (Fig. 57) Fio. 55. — Pandorina morum. A, entire colony; H, asexual reproduction, each zooid dividing into a daughter-colony ; C, liberation of garhetes ; D — P, three stages in conjugation of gametes ; G, zygote ; H- -K, development of zygote into a new colony. (From Parker's Biology, after Goebel.) and other saprophytic forms while actively swimming : in the latter case the divison includes the almost infinitely fine flagellum. In correspondence with their compound nature, the colonial genera exhibit certain peculiarities in asexual multiplication. In Dinobryon (Fig. 52, 11) a zooid divides within its cup, in which one of the two products of division remains ; the other crawls out of the lorica, fixes itself upon its edge, and then secretes a new lorica for itself. In Pandorina (Fig. 55) each of the sixteen zooids of the colony divides into sixteen (B), thus forming that number of daughter-colonies within the original cell- wall, by the rupture of i: PHYLUM PROTOZOA 75 which they are finally liberated. In Vokn.r (Fig. 56), certain zooids, called parthenogonidia (A, a), have specially assigned to them the function of asexual reproduction : they divide by a process resembling the segmentation of the egg in the higher animals (Dl-D5), and form daughter-colonies which become detached and swim freely in the interior of the mother-colony. A very interesting series of stages in sexual reproduction is found in this group. In Heteromita two individuals come together Fio. 5(5.— Volvox globator. A, entire colony, enclosing several daughter-colonies; B, the same during sexual maturity ; C, four zooids in optical section ; D*— D8, develop- ment of parthenogonidium ; E, ripe spermary ; F, sperm ; G, ovary containing ovum and sperms ; H, oosperm ; a, parthenogonidia ; #. flagellum ; or. ovum ; on/, ovaries ; pff. pigment spot ; ipij. spermaries. (From Parker's Biology, after Cohn and Kirchner.) (Fig. 57, E1) and undergo complete fusion (E2 — E4) : the result of this conjugation of the two gametes or conjugating cells is a thin- walled sac, the zygote (E5), the protoplasm of which divides by multiple fission into very minute spores. These, when first liberated by the rupture of the zygote (E6), are mere granules, but soon the ventral or trailing flagellum is developed, and after- wards the anterior flagellum (F1 — F4). In Pandorina (Fig. 55) the cells of the colony escape from the common gelatinous envelope (C) and conjugate in pairs (D, E), forming a zygote (F, G), which, after a period of rest (H), divides and forms a new colony (K). ZOOLOGY In some cases the conjugating cells are of two sizes, union always taking place between a large cell or megagamete and a small cell nu c.vac Fia. 57. — Heteromita rostrata. A, the positions assumed in the springing movements of the anchored form ; B, longitudinal fission of anchored form ; C, transverse fission of the same ; U, fission of free-swimming form ; B, conjugation of free-swimming with anchored form ; E5, zygote ; E<>, emission of spores from zygote ; F, development of spores ; fl.l, ante- rior ; fl.S, ventral flagellum. (From Parker's Biology, after Dallinger.) or microgametc. In Vol vox (Fig. 56) this dimorphism reaches its extreme, producing a condition of things closely resembling what PHYLUM PROTOZOA 77 we find in the higher animals. Certain of the zooids enlarge and form megagametea (B, 'S.— Various forms of Choanoflagellata. 2b illustrates longitudinal fission ; 2c, the pro- duction of tiagellulw ; c. collar ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; /t. flagelium ; I. lorica ; nu. nucleus ; s. stalk. (After Saville Kent.) Order 2. — Choanoflagellata. General Structure. — The members of this group are distin- guished by the presence of a vase-like prolongation of the proto- plasm, sometimes double, called the collar (Fig. 58, 7, c), surrounding the base of the single flagelium (/I.). The collar is contractile, and, although its precise functions are not yet certainly known, there is 78 ZOOLOGY sect. evidence to show that its movements cause vortices in the water which draw in small bodies towards the outside of the collar to which they adhere. By degrees such bodies are drawn towards the base, and each is received into a vacuole which moves back into the interior of the protoplasm, another vacuole taking its place. The animalcule may draw in both collar and nagellum and assume an amoeboid form. The nucleus (mt.) is spherical, and there are "one or two con- tractile vacuoles (c. vac), but no trace of mouth or gullet. Some forms are naked (1), others (2) enclosed in a chitinoid shell or lorica of cup-like form. A stalk (s.) is usually present in the loricate and sometimes also in the naked forms. The genera mentioned in the preceding paragraph are all simple, but in other cases colonies are produced by repeated fission. In Polyceca (3) the colony has a tree-like form, which may reach a high degree of complexity by repeated branching. A totally different mode of aggregation is found in Protcrospongia (4), in which the zooids are enclosed in a common gelatinous matrix of irregular form. Reproduction. — The "collared monads," as these organisms are often called, multiply by longitudinal fission (2b). In some cases multiple fission of encysted individuals has been observed (2c), small simple flagellulse being produced which gradually develop into the perfect form. The order is especially interesting from the fact that, with the exception of Sponges, it is the only group in the animal kingdom in which the collar occurs. Order 3. — Dinoflagellata. The leading features of this group are the arrangement of the two flagella which they always possess, and the usual presence of a remarkable and often very beautiful and complex shell. The body (Fig. 59, 1) is usually bilaterally asymmetrical, i.e. it may be divided into right and left halves, which are not precisely similar. On the ventral surface is a longitudinal groove (I. gr. ), extending along the anterior half only, and meeting a transverse groove (t. gr. ), which is continued round the body like a girdle. From the longitudinal groove springs a large nagellum (fl. 1), which is directed forwards and serves as the chief organ of propulsion ; a second nagellum (fl. 2) lies in the transverse groove, where its wave-like movements formerly caused it to be mistaken for a ring of small cilia. The body is covered with a shell (2) formed of cellulose, and often of very complex form, being produced into long and ornamental process, and marked with stripes, dots, &c. Besides a nucleus and a contractile vacuole, the proto- plasm contains chromatophores (1, chr.) coloured with chlorophyll or an allied pigment of a yellow colour, called diatomin. Nutrition is holophytic or holozoic. The foregoing description applies to all the commoner genera. Prorocentrum (3) is remarkable for the absence of the transverse groove, while Polykrikos (4) has no fewer than eight transverse grooves and no shell. The latter genus also has stinging-capsules or nematocysts (a, b) in the protoplasm, resembling those of Zoophytes (see Sect. IV.), and has numerous nuclei of two sizes, distinguished as meganuclei {nu. ), and micronuclei (nu'.). PHYLUM PROTOZOA 79 Reproduction is, as usual, by binary fission, the process taking place some- times in a tiro -swimming individual, sometimes in one which has lost its flagella and come to rest. Cleno dinium 2.Cerarium 3.Prorocentrum 4.Polykrikos Fio. 59.;— Various forms of Dinoflapellata. 2 shows the shell only; Art is an undischarged, and b a discharged stinging-capsule ; chr. chromatophores ; jt. 1, longitudinal flagellum ; fl. ?, transverse flagellum ; I. ;i. tentacle ; /. flagel- hun ; m. mouth ; t». nucleus. (From Lang.) 80 ZOOLOGY The spores (b, c), formed by the breaking up of the protoplasm of the parent, escape as flagellulae. y CLASS IV.— SP0R0Z0A 1. Example of the Class — Monocystis agilis. One of the most readily procured Sporozoa is the microscopic worm-like Monocystis agilis (Fig. 61, A), which is. commonly found leading a parasitic life in the vesiculse seminales of the common Earthworm. It is flattened, greatly elongated, pointed at both ends, and performs slow movements of expansion and contraction, reminding us of those of Euglena. In this, the trophozoite or adult Fig. (51. — Monocystis. A, Trophozoites in different stages of contraction. B, encysted gametocytes. C, division of gametocytes into gametes. D, conjugation of gametes to form zygotes. E, Cyst enclosing ripe spores formcdirom the zygotes. F, single spore, showing the (8) sporozoitcs in its interior. G. group of developing sperm-cells of the earthworm, enclosing a sporozoite in the centre. H, young trophozites still surrounded with the tails of the degenerated sperms, nu, nuclei. (From Parker's Practical Zoology.) condition, the protoplasmic body is covered with a firm cuticle, and is distinctly divided into a denser superficial portion, the cortex, and a central semi-fluid mass, the medulla. There is a large clear nucleus (nu.) with a distinct nucleolus and nuclear membrane, but the other organs of the protozoan cell-body are absent : there is no trace of contractile vacuole, of flagella or pseudopods, of mouth or gullet. Nutrition is effected entirely by absorption. Reproduction takes place by a peculiar and characteristic process of spore-formation. Two individuals come together, and become rounded off and enclosed in a common cyst (B). The nucleus of each divides repeatedly, until a large number of nuclei are formed (C). Each of the nuclei becomes surrounded by a thin layer of protoplasm. The minute cells thus formed, after ii PHYLUM PROTOZOA 81 moving to and fro actively for a time, unite in pairs after the substance of the two individuals has become coalescent (D). From each of the cells or zygotes that are formed by the union of two of the original small cells or gametes, a spore is formed, so that the cyst now comes to contain numerous small spores (E). These are spindle-shaped bodies, each enclosed in a strong chitinoid case (F), and thus differing in a marked manner from the naked spores of the Rhizopoda and Mastigophora. The protoplasm and nucleus of each spore then undergo fission, becoming divided into a number of somewhat sickle-shaped bodies which are arranged within the spore-coat somewhat like a bundle of sausages. By the rupture of the spore-coat these falciform young or sporozoitcs are liberated, and at once begin active movements, the thin end of the body moving to and fro like a clumsy flagellum. The falciform young appear, in fact, to be greatly modified flagellulae. They make their way to the clumps of developing sperms, bore their way in, and are thus found surrounded by sperm-cells in various stages of development (G). After thus living an intracellular life for a time, they escape (H) into the cavity of the vesicula and grow into the adult form. 2. Classification and General Organisation. The Sporozoa are exclusively parasitic, being the only group of Protozoa of which this can be said. They have no organs of locomotion and always multiply by spore -formation. The class is divisible into the following five orders : — Order 1. — Gregarinida. Sporozoa in which the trophozoite is free and motile. Order 2.— Coccidiidea. Sporozoa in which the trophozoite is a minute intracellular parasite. Order 3. — H^mosporidia. Sporozoa in which the trophozoite is amoeboid, and lives as a parasite in the coloured blood-corpuscles of Vertebrates. Order 4. — Myxosporidea. Sporozoa in which the trophozoite is amoeboid, but not intra- cellular. Order 5. — Sarcocystidea. Elongated Sporozoa, usually found in muscle. VOL. I g 82 ZOOLOGY SECT, Systematic Position of the Example. Monocystis agilis is a species of the genus Monocystis, belonging to the family Monocystidat, of the order Gregarinida. It is placed in the Gregarinida on account of being free and motile in the tro- phozoite state. The absence of partitions dividing the protoplasm into segments indicates its position among the Monocystidse. Monocystis is distinguished by its elongated form, by the absence of any special apparatus in the cyst for the liberation and dispersal of the spores, and by its spindle-shaped spores with thickened ends, each producing 4 — 8 falciform young. The differences between the species of Monocystis depend largely upon size. Order 1. — Gregarinida. All the more typical members of the class belong to this group. With the exception of Monocystis, already described, the only genus to which it will be necessary to draw attention is Oregarina (Figs. 62 and 63), the various species of which are parasitic in the intestines of Crayfishes, Cockroaches, Centipedes, Fig. 62. —Oregarina. A, two specimens of 0. blattarum partly embedded in enteric epithelial cells of Cockroach ; B1, Ii2, two specimens of G. dvjardini ; in B~ the epimerite ( epithelium may be partially or completely destroyed. It is only, apparently, when such extensive damage has been done, or is threatened, that multiplication by sporogony takes place — the invasion of a new host being by this process rendered probable, and the continuance of the race being thus provided for in the event of the death of the host in which the epithelium has become destroyed. In this process certain of the merozoites, instead of developing into trophozoites, grow more slowly (d), and become converted into either micro- or megagame- tocytes. Each of the former (h, j) gives rise by division to a number of narrow biflagellate microgametes or sperms. Each of the megagametocytes (e, f), after a process of the nature of maturation, forms a single rounded megagamete (ovum) . When this becomes fertilised by the penetration into it of a single microgamete, the resulting body (zygote or oosperm) divides to form a varying number of cells each enclosed in a resistant cyst (k). These give rise to spores with a firm, chitinous spore-membrane, each containing two or more falciform young or sjjorozoiles (I). The cyst destroys the cell as it grows, and thus becomes free in the cavity by which the epithelium is lined. The spores may thus pass out to the exterior, and, if taken into the digestive canal of a new host, may liberate the now active sporozoites, which may penetrate into epithelial cells (a) to become the trophozoites with which the cycle began. PHYLUM PROTOZOA *5 In some of the Coccidiidea this life cycle is modified in various ways, as, for example, by the omission of schizogony — the trophozoites in such a case developing directly into gametocytes. Flo. 65. — Life-History of Coccidium tchubergi. a. penetration of epithelium cell of host by sporozoite; b-c, stuges of multiple fission (schizogony); d, gametocyte ; t, f, formation of megagamete (ovum) : g, fertilisation ; h, j, formation of microgamctes (sperms) ; h, develop- ment of fertilised ovum into four spores ; I, formation of two sporozoites (falciform young) in each spore. (From Calkins, after Schaudinn.) Order 3. — H^mosporidea. These are Sporozoa which in the trophozoite condition live as parasites in the interior of the coloured blood -corpuscles of all classes of Vertebrates, but are occasionally found in other cells. In Man and in some other mammals and ZOOLOGY in certain birds it has been found that their presence is the cause of various feverish affections. The various forms of malaria in man have been proved to be due to the presence in the blood-corpuscles of the patient of parasites belonging to this order. The malaria-parasites, the history of which has been carefully worked out, pass through a life-cycle comparable to that of Coccidium described above. In the trophozoite stage (Fig. 66, A^-O) they live as amoeboid -^ssmel Fio. 66.— Life-History of Malaria Parasites. A-G, parasite of quartan fever, showing development of trophozoite in a blood-corpuscle and the formation of inerozoites ; H, gametocyte of the same ; I-M, parasite of tertian fever to the formation of the merozoites ; N, gametocyte ; 0-T, crescentic gametocytes of Laverania ; PS, formation of micro- gametes or sperms ; V- W, maturation of megagamete or ovum ; X, fertilisation ; Y, zygote. a, zygote enlarging in stomach of mosquito ; b-e, passing into the body-cavity ; /, g, develop- ment of the contents into a mass of sporozoites ; k, sporozoites passing into the salivary glands. (From Calkin's Protozoa, after Ross and Fielding Ould.) intracellular parasites in the interior of the coloured corpuscles of their host. Here they multiply by schizogony — the products (merozoites) entering other corpuscles. Some of the merozoites when they become established in the interior of the corpuscles develop into rounded or crescentic bodies which become the gametocytes (H, N, 0, T). In order that the life-cycle may be completed, it is necessary that the parasite at this stage should be taken into the interior of a II PHYLUM PROTOZOA 87 second or intermediate host. In the case of the parasite of human malaria the intermediate host is a mosquito of the genus Anopheles. On the mosquito drawing up a drop of the hlood of a malaria patient, all stages of the parasite that oecur in it are destroyed by the digestive juices of the insect with the exception of the gametocytes ; these survive and form gametes in the stomach of the mosquito. Each male gametocyte gives rise to a number of slender filamentous microgametes (sperms, P, S) and each female gametocyte forms a single megagamete (ovum). After maturation (U — -If) the megagamete is fertilised (x) by one of the actively-moving microgamates, the result being the formation of an active spindle-shaped ookinete. This perforates the stomach wall and comes to rest in the subjacent tissues. It then becomese encysted and increases greatly in size, bulging out into the body-cavity (b — e). The contents of the cyst eventually become divided up (/, g) into a large number of long, narrow sporozoites. When the cyst becomes ruptured into the body- cavity, these find their way to the salivary glands (h), and thence they may readily be transferred to the blood-system of a human being when the mosquito bites. Penetrating into the interior of coloured corpuscles they reach the trophozoite condition. The Hpemogregarines, which may most conveniently be referred to here, are Sporozoa which live, like the malaria parasites, in the coloured blood- corpuscles of all classes of Vertebrates ; but which in the mature or trophozoite condition are not amoeboid, retaining the Gregarina-like form, and are therefore to be regarded as belonging to the Gregarinida. Order 4. — Myxosporidea. This group includes a small number of genera which are amoeboid in the trophozoite phase, and which reproduce continuously by spore-formation during that phase (Fig. 67, A). Many nuclei are present Fio. 67.— A, Myxidium lieberkuhnii, amoeboid phase; B, Myxobolus mulleri, spore with discharged nematoeysts {ate); C, spores (psorosperms) of a Myxosporidian ; nte. nematoeysts. (From BUtschli's Protozoa.) in the amoeboid body, which may be of comparatively large size. The spores (B) produced within the protoplasm of the trophozoite are provided each with one or more bodies like the nematoeysts of zoophytes and jelly-fish [See Section IV]. Myxosporidea occur as parasites mainly of fishes and amphibians, but very many occur in various groups of Invertebrates. " Pebrine," the destructive silk-worm disease, is due to the presence of a Sporozoan belonging to this order. A good example of the order is Myxidium, found in the urinary bladder of the pike. 88 ZOOLOGY sect. Order 5.— Sarcocystidea. The best known form of this order is Sarcocysiis (Fig. 68), which occurs in the flesh of mammals, each parasite having the form of a long spindle embedded Fig. 68. — Sarcocystis miescheri, adult form (s) in striped muscle of pig. (From Biitschli's Protozoa, after Rainey.) in a striped muscular fibre. They are often known as Rainey's or Mieschtr's corpuscles. The protoplasm divides into spores from which falciform young are liberated. CLASS V.— INFUSORIA. 1. Example of the Class — Paramcecium caudatum. Structure. — Paramcecium, the "slipper-animalcule," is tolerably common in stagnant ponds, organic infusions, &c. The body (Fig. 69) is somewhat cylindrical, about \ mm. in length, rounded at the anterior and bluntly pointed at the posterior end. On the ventral face is a large oblique depression, the buccal groove (hue. gr.), leading into a short gullet (gul.), which, as in Euglena, ends in the soft internal protoplasm. The body is covered with small cilia arranged in longitudinal rows and continued down the gullet. The protoplasm is very clearly differentiated into a comparatively dense cortex (port.) and a semi-fluid medulla (med.), and is covered externally by a thin pellicle or cuticle (pu.) which is continued down the gullet. The cilia are continuous with the pellicle. In the cortex are found two nuclei, the relations of which are very characteristic. One, distinguished as the meganucleus (nu.), 'is a large ovoid body staining evenly with aniline dyes, which, when it divides, does so directly by a simple process of constriction. The other, called the micronucleus (pa. nit,), is a very small body closely applied to the meganucleus; when it divides it goes through the complex series of stages characteristic of mitosis (p. 16).. m The contractile vacuoles (c. vac.) are two in number, and are very readily made out. Each is connected with a series of radiating spindle-shaped cavities in the protoplasm which serve as feeders to it. After the contraction of the vacuole these cavities are seen gradually to fill, apparently receiving water from the surrounding PHYLUM PROTOZOA 89 protoplasm: they then contract, discharging the water into the vacuole, the latter rapidly enlarging while they disappear from c.rac. Ttuc. 97: Fn;.»'"— Paramoecium caudatum A, the living animal from the ventral aspect; B, the same in optical section : the arrow shows the course taken by food-particles ; C, a specimen which has discharged its trichocysts ; D, diagram of binary fission ; buc. gr. buccal groove ; cortex ; c». cuticle ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; /. vac. food vacuole ; irul. gullet ; med. medulla; Hi'.meganucleus; 3x1. nu. micronucleus ; trch. trichocysts. (From Parker's Biology.) view ; finally the vacuole contracts and discharges its contents externally. The cortex contains minute radially arranged sacs called trichocysts {trch.). When the animal is irritated, more or fewer of 90 ZOOLOGY SECT. these suddenly discharge a long delicate thread, which, in the condition of rest, is very probably coiled up within the sac. In a specimen killed with iodine or osmic acid the threads can fre- quently be seen projecting in all directions from the surface (C). Food, in the form of small living organisms, is taken in by means of the current caused by the cilia of the buccal groove. The food-particles, enclosed in a globule of water or " food-vacuole " (/. vac), circulate through the protoplasm, when the soluble parts are gradually digested and assimilated. Starchy and fatty matters, as well as proteids, are available as food, the digestive powers of Paramcecium being thus considerably in advance of those of Amoeba. Effete matters are egested at a definite anal spot posterior to the mouth, where the cortex and cuticle are less resistent than else- where. The whole feeding process can Readily be observed in this and other Infusoria by placing in the water some insoluble colour- ing matter, such as carmine or indigo, in a fine state of division.- Reproduction. — Multiplication takes place by transverse fission (D), the division of the body being preceded by that of both nuclei. As already mentioned, the meganucleus divides directly, the micronucleus indirectly. It has been proved, however, that multiplication by binary fission cannot go on indefinitely ; but that after it has been repeated flgSIU Fio. 70. —Paramcecium caudatum, stages in conjugation, gul. gullet ; mg. nu. meganucleus ; mi. nu. micronucleus ; Mg. nu. reconstructed meganucleus ; Mi. nu. reconstructed micro- nucleus. (From Parker's Biology, after Hertwig.) a certain number of times it is interrupted by conjugation. In this very remarkable and characteristic process two Paramcecia ii PHYLUM PROTOZOA 91 become applied by their ventral faces (Fig. 70, A), but do not fuse. The meganocleus (mg, ///Oof each breaks up into small masses, which disappear, being apparently absorbed into the protoplasm. At the same time the micronucleus (mi. nu.) of each divides, each product of division immediately dividing again, so that each gamete or conjugating body is provided with four micronuclei (B). Two of these (mi. nu.', mi. nu.") disappear; of the remaining two one is distinguished as the stationary 'pronucleus, the other as the active pronucleus. The active pronucleus of each Infusor now passes into the body of the other and fuses with its stationary pronucleus (D), each individual thus coming to possess a single nuclear body derived in equal proportions from the two conjugat- ing cells (E). The animalcules then separate from one another, and the nucleus of each divides and gives rise to the permanent mega- (G, Mg. nu.) and micronuclei (Mi. nu.). 2. Classification and General Organisation. In the majority of the Infusoria the body is ciliated throughout life, but in certain forms cilia are present only in the immature condition, the adult being provided with peculiar organs of prehension or tentacles. We thus get two orders, viz. : — Order 1. — Ciliata. Infusoria provided with cilia throughout life. . Order 2. — Tentaculifera. Infusoria possessing oilia in the young condition, tentacles in the adult. Systematic position of the Example. Paramcecium aurelia is one of several species of the genus Paramaxium, belonging the family Parmwcidm, of the sub-order Trichostomata, and order Ciliata. The presence of cilia in the adult condition places it among the Ciliata : the presence of a permanently open mouth into which food particles are swept by the movement of the cilia, among the Trichostomata. The Para- moecidae are free-swimming, asymmetrical, uniformly ciliated, with a ventrally placed mouth. P. caudatum is about \ — \ mm. in length, its length about four times its breadth, rounded in front, and bluntly pointed behind, and a single micronucleus is present. Order 1. — Ciliata. This order presents a wider range of variations — some of them of a truly extraordinary character — than any other group of Protozoa. 92 ZOOLOGY sect. The form of the body is very varied : it may be ovoid (Fig. 71, 1), kidney-shaped (#), trumpet-shaped (&), vase or cup-shaped (4-, 9) ; produced into a long, flexible, neck-like process (5), or into large paired lappets (6) ; flattened from above downwards, or elongated and divided into segments reminding us of those of a segmented worm (8). Most species are free-swimming, but some are attached to weeds, stones, &c, by a stalk. This may be a purely cuticular structure (9), or may contain a prolongation of the cortex in the form of a delicate contractile axial fibre (Figs. 73 and 74, ax./.), which serves to retract the Infusor, its contraction causing the stalk to coil up into a close spiral. The arrangement of the cilia is also subject to great varia- tion, and presents four chief types. In the holotrichous type, of which Paramcecium is an example, the cilia are all small, equal- sized or nearly so, and arranged in longitudinal rows (Fig. 69, Fig. 71, 1). The second or heterotrichous type is seen in its simplest form in Nyctotherus (Fig. 71, 2), in which the left side of the peristome is bordered by a row of specially large adoral cilia, the rest of the body being covered with small cilia. In Stentor (3) the peristome is situated on the broad distal end of the trumpet- shaped body, and the adoral band of cilia takes a spiral course. This leads us to the peritrichous type of ciliation : in Vorticella (Fig. 73) the vase-shaped body is, for the most part, quite bare of cilia, but around the thickened edge of the peristome passes one limb of a spiral band of large cilia united at their bases, the other limb being continued round a raised lid-like structure, or disc, into which the distal region is produced. This arrangement of cilia reaches its greatest complexity in Epistylis plicatilis (Fig. 71, 9), in which the ciliary spiral makes no fewer than four turns. But it is in the hypotrichous type that the most extraordinary modifications are found. The flattened body bears on its dorsal surface mere vestiges of cilia in the form of very minute processes of the cuticle, while on the ventral surface the cilia take the form of large hooks, fans, bristles, and plates with fringed ends (Fig. 71, 7). The hooks and plates do not vibrate rhythmically like ordinary cilia, but are moved as a whole at the will of the animal, thus acting as legs. The hypotrichous Ciliata, in fact, in addition to swimming freely in the water, creep over the surface of weeds, &c, very much after the manner of Woodlice. One of the most extraordinary forms in this group is Diophrys (7), the size and arrangement of its polymorphic cilia giving it a very grotesque appearance. In another genus (10) the distal end of the flask- shaped body bears a circlet of large fringed cilia, giving the animal the appearance of a Rotifer (vide Section VII.). In addition to cilia, many genera possess delicate sheets of protoplasm or undulating membranes in connection with the n PHYLUM PROTOZOA 93 peristome. They contract so as to produce a wave-like movement which aids in the ingestion of food. In some cases (Fig. 71, 11) the undulating membrane (u. nib.) is a very large and obvious structure. Certain peculiar forms have yet to be mentioned. Multicilia (Fig. 71, 12) has an irregular body of varying form, and bears a small number of very long flagellum-like cilia. Another genus in which the cilia approach to flagella is Lophomonas (13), the ovoid body of which bears a tuft of close-set cilia at its anterior end. Actino- bolus (11/,) is remarkable for- the possession, in addition to cilia, of long retractile tentacles used for attachment. In Didinium (15) the barrel-shaped body is encircled by two hoops of cilia. As we have seen, the meganucleus in Paramcecium is ovoid : in other genera it may be elongated and band-like (3, nig. nu), horse- shoe-shaped (9), very long and constricted at intervals so as to look like a string of beads (16), or much convoluted and branched (17). In some genera the meganucleus undergoes repeated divison, forming at last a very great number of small bodies only discoverable by staining : this process of fragmentation of the nucleus may proceed so far that the protoplasm of a stained specimen has the appearance of being strewn with granules of chromatin. The discovery of this phenomenon has tended to throw doubt on the reported total absence of a nucleus in some Rhizopods. In nearly all species one or more micronuclei are present, the number sometimes reaching nearly thirty. In Opalina (Fig. 75) numerous nuclear bodies (nu.) are present, some of which on account of their- mitotic mode of division are to be regarded as micronuclei, while the rest are meganuclei. In Vorticella and other peritrichous genera there is a single contractile vacuole (Fig. 73, c. vac.), which, like that of Euglena, opens through the intermediation of a reservoir into the vestibule. In the remaining Ciliata there may be one, two, or many — some- times a hundred — contractile vacuoles. They may be scattered all over the cortex (Fig. 71, 18), or arranged in one or two rows (8). The star-like arrangement of radiating canals, described in Paramcecium, occurs in several genera : or there may be two long canals, or the number of these channels in the protoplasm may reach thirty (19, c). In some instances the protoplasm is hollowed out by numerous non-contractile vacuoles (18, vac.) so as to have a reticulate appearance, reminding us of the extra-capsular protoplasm of Radiolaria. Trichocysts, like those of Paramcecium, are found in many holotrichous forms, but arc rarely present in the other subdivisions of the order. In the peritrichous Epistylis umbcllaria, however, there are found numerous minute capsules (Fig. 71, 9, ntc.) arranged in pairs, each containing a coiled thread. They are TtUh isniHiini,.~, 16.Condvlosl-oma l8.Trachelius IftOphryoglena opsis FlG. 71. — Various forms of Ciliata. 9a shows part of a colony, 6 a single zooid, and c a couple of nematocysts ; a. anus ; c. (in 18) cuticle ; c. (in 19) excretory canals ; c. vac. contractile vacuole; /. vac. food vacuole; hryciium 2.Pyxicola 5. S t i chofricha Fig. 72.— Various forms of Ciliata. In 1 the shell alone is shown ; »». contractile fibre ; op. operculum. (From Butschli's Protozoa, after various authors.) From them there is a fairly complete gradation to genera, like Paramoecium, having the permanently open mouth on the left side of the ventral surface, at the end of a well-marked buccal grove or peristome. Vorticella (Fig. 73) and its allies are peculiar in having the edge of the peristome (per.) thickened so as to form a projecting rim, and in the development of an elevated disc (d.) from the area thus enclosed : the mouth (mth.) lies between the peri- stome and the disc, and between it and the gullet proper (gull.) is interposed a section of the ingestive tube called the vestibule into which the reservoir opens, and which contains the anal spot. In Nyctotherus (Fig. 71, 2) and some other genera there is, instead of the temporary anal spot described in Paramecium, a distinct anal aperture (a.). 96 ZOOLOGY Most of the Ciliata are naked, having no shell or other form of skeleton ; but in a few forms the body is provided with a shell or lorica, formed of a chitinoid material, and reminding us of the Fig. 73. — Vorticella. A, B, living specimens in different positions , C, optical section ; Di, D-, diagrams illustrating coiling of stalk; E', E'-*, two stages in binary fission; E3, free zooid ; F1, F-, division into mega- and microzooids ; G1, G-, conjugation ; H1, multiple fission of encysted form ; H-, H3, development of spores ; ax. f. axial fibre ; cort. cortex ; cu. cuticle ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; d. disc ; gull, gullet ; m. mierozooid ; mth. mouth ; nu. mega- nucleus ; per. peristome. (From Parker's Biology.) similar structure found in so many of the Mastigophora. Some (Fig. 71, 4) have bell-like shells, variously ornamented, and in others (Fig. 72, 1) the similarly shaped shell is perforated and resembles the skeleton of some of the Radiolaria. A chitinoid plate or operculum (Fig. 72, #, op.) may be fixed to the edge of the peristome, and, when the animal is retracted in its case accurately closes the mouth of the latter, or a similar operculum (-5) is II PHYLUM PROTOZOA 97 attached to the interior of the tube, and is closed by a contractile thread of protoplasm (m.), which acts as a retractor muscle. Compound forms or colonies are common among the Peritricha, rare in the other subdivisions. Many peritrichous forms occur as branched, tree-like colonies, often of great complexity (Fig. 11, 9a; Fig. 74). The stem of these may be a purely cuticular structure and non-contractile (Fig. 71, 9, b), or may contain an axial fibre or muscle, like that of Vorticella (Fig. 73, ax./.). In Ophridium (Fig. 72, 4) the colony is an irregular mass, sometimes 3-4 cm. in diameter, consisting of a gelatinous substance in which a delicate, branching stem is embedded, each branch terminating in a zooid. Some genera (Fig. 72, 5) secrete a hollow, brown, gelatinous tube, branched dichotomously ; the end of each branch is the habitation of one of the zooids. Reproduction. — Transverse fission is the universal method of reproduction, the entire process taking from half an hour to two Fig. 74. — Zoothamnium arbuscula. A, entire colony; B, the same, natural size; C, the same, retracted ; D, nutritive zooid ; E, reproductive zooid ; F1, F"2, development of reproduc- tive zooid ; ax./, axial fibre ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; nu. nucleus ; n.g. nutritive zooid ; r.z. reproductive zooid. (From Parker's Biology, after Saville Kent.) hours in different species. In Vorticella (Fig. 73, E) and other Peritricha the plane of division is parallel to the long axis of the bell-shaped body, but as the distal surface probably corresponds with the dorsal surface of such forms as Paramcecium, fission is really transverse in this case also. In such simple Peritricha as Vorticella division proceeds until two zooids are produced on a single stalk ; one of the two then acquires a second circlet of cilia near its proximal end, becomes detached (E3), and, after leading a free-swimming life for a time, settles down and develops a stalk : in this way the dispersal of the non-locomotive species is ensured. In many species of Zoothamnium (Fig. 74) the zooids VOL. I H 98 ZOOLOGY SECT. are dimorphic : the ordinary bell-shaped forms (n.z.) divide in the usual way, but as they remain attached, the process results only in the increased complexity of the colony, not in the development of a new one. The larger zooids (r. z.) are globular and mouthless : they become detached, swim off, and, after a short free existence, settle down, develop a stalk (F), divide, and so form a new colony. In Vorticella multiplication by ludding also occurs : a small process is given off from one side (Fig. 73, F), develops a basal circlet of cilia,, and swims off as a microzooid, the parent individual Fig. 75.— Opalina ranarum. A, living specimen ; B, stained specimen showing nuclei ; C, stages in nuclear division ; D — F, stages in fission ; G, final product of fission ; H, encysted form ; I, young form liberated from cyst ; K, the same after multiplication of the nucleus has begun ; wit. nucleus. (From Parker's Biology, after Saville Kent and Zeller.) or megazooid being left attached to the stalk. Obviously this process is simply a modification of binary fission, the products of division being of very different dimensions instead of equal-sized as is the more usual case. Spore-formation take place in Colpoda. The Infusor becomes encysted, and divides into two, four, and finally eight masses, each of which, becoming surrounded by a special investment, becomes a spore. A somewhat similar process has been described in Vorticella (Fig. 73, H) and others. A peculiar kind of spore-formation, specially adapted to the requirements of an internal parasite, takes place in Opalina ii PHYLUM PROTOZOA 99 (Fig. 75). a parasite in the intestine of the Frog. Binary fission takes place (D, E, F), and is repeated again and again so rapidly that the daughter-cells are unable to grow to the adult size before the next division. The final results of the process are small bodies (G), each with only two or three nuclei instead of the large number characteristic of the adult. These become encysted (H), and in this passive condition are passed out of the Frog's intestine with its faeces, frequently being deposited on water-weeds. All this takes place during the Frog's breeding season : the tadpoles or Frog- larvai feed upon the water-plants, and in doing so frequently take in the spores or encysted Opalinae along with their food. When this occurs the cyst is dissolved by the digestive juices of the host, and the protoplasm of the spore is set free as a rounded body with a single nucleus (I), which rapidly grows into an adult Opalina (K). Conjugation, in the form of a temporary union accompanied by interchange of micron uclei, has been described in Paramoecium (p. 90), and takes place in many Ciliata. In others {e.g. Stylonychia histrio) there is a complete union of the two gametes. In Vorticella union is also permanent, and takes place, not between two ordinary forms, but between one of the ordinary stalked individuals, or megagametes, and a free-swimming, small form, or microgamete, produced, as described above, by budding (G1, G2). The essence of conjugation is the reception of nuclear material derived from another individual : its effect appears to be a renewal of vitality, usually manifesting itself in increased activity in multiplication by fission. Order 2. — Tentaculifera. Judged from the adult structure alone, the members of this order would certainly be placed in a separate class of the Protozoa : it is only in virtue of the facts of development that they are united in a single class with the Ciliata. The body may be globular (Fig. 76, ia), ovoid (lb), or cup- shaped (2a), but presents nothing like the variety of form met with among the Ciliata. The distinguishing feature of the group is furnished by the tentacles which are always present in greater or less number, and which, in some cases at least, are the most highly differentiated organs found in the whole group of Protozoa. The characters of the tentacles vary strikingly in the different genera. In the common forms Acineta (2), and Podophrya (1), the ten- tacles spring either from the whole surface, or in groups from the angles of the somewhat triangular body. Each tentacle is an elon- gated cylindrical structure (7c), capable of protrusion and retrac- tion, and having its distal end expanded into a sucker. It is, more- over, practically tubular, the axial region consisting of a semi-fluid H 2 100 ZOOLOGY SECT. protoplasm, while the outer portion is tolerably firm and resistant. When partially retracted, a spiral ridge is sometimes observable 3.Rhy -1 v w *•* 4.Dendrocomeres r -.. , \ 6. S pha«r obhrya nchero _ 5. EbheMa r ' 7.0(>hpyodenclron a.Ef)heloha 9. Dendrosoma Fig. 70. —Various forms of Tentaculifera. la and 6, two species of Podophrya; c, a tentacle much enlarged ; Sa, Acineta jolyi ; 2b, A. tuberosa ; in 6 the animal has captured several small Ciliata ; 8a, a specimen multiplying by budding ; 8b, a free ciliated bud ; 9a, the entire colony ; 96, a portion of the stem ; 9c, a liberated bud ; a, organism captured as food ; 6.c. brood-cavity ; bd. bud ; c. vac contractile vacuole ; /, lorica ; mg. nu. meganucleus ; mi. nu. micronucleus ; t. tentacle. (After Btitschli and Saville Kent.) around the tentacle : this may indicate the presence of a band of specially contractile protoplasm, resembling the axial fibre in the ii PHYLUM PROTOZOA 101 stalk of VortircUa. Infusors and other organisms are caught by the tentacles (4, 0), the cuticle of the prey is pierced or dissolved where the sucker touches it, and the semi-fluid protoplasm can then be seen flowing down the tentacle into the body of the captor. A single tentacle only may be present (3), or the tentacle may be branched (4), the extremity of each branch being suc- torial. In some forms there are no terminal suckers (5), and the tentacles are waved about to catch the prey instead of standing out stiffly as in Acineta. In other cases there are one or more long, striated tentacles with tufted ends (7). The nucleus may be ovoid (la), horseshoe-shaped, or branched (8, 9) : in many cases a micronucleus (1 a, mi. nu.) has been found and it probably occurs in all. There are one or more contractile vacuoles (c. vac). Some genera are naked (1) : others form a stalked shell or lorica (2n) like that met with in many of the Mastigophora. The only colonial form is the wonderful Dendrosoma (9), in which the entire colony attains a length of about 2 mm., and bears an extraordinary resemblance to a zoophyte (vide Sect. IV.). It consists of a creeping stem from which vertical branches spring, and the various ramifications of these are terminated in Podo- phrya-like zooids with suctorial tentacles. The nucleus is very remarkable, extending as a branched axis throughout the colony (b, nu.). Micronuclei of the ordinary character are present as well. Reproduction by Unary fission takes place in many species. In Ephelota gerrtmipara (8) a peculiar process of budding occurs : the distal end of the organism grows out into a number of projections or buds, into which branches of the nucleus extend. These become detached, acquire cilia on one surface, and swim off (b). After a short active existence tentacles appear and the cilia are lost. In this case budding is external, but in Acineta tuberosa (2b) the buds become sunk in a depression, which is finally converted into a closed brood-cavity (b.c.) : in this the buds take on the form of ciliated embryos, which finally escape from the parent. In Dendrosoma the common stem of the colony produces internal buds (b, bd.). Further Remarks on tlve Protozoa. The majority of the Protozoa are aquatic, the phylum being equally well represented in fresh and salt water. They occur practically at all heights and depths, from 8,000 to 10,000 feet above 'sea-level, to a depth of from 2,000 to 3,000 fathoms. Some forms, such as species of Amoeba and Gromia, live in damp sand and moss, and may therefore be almost considered as terrestrial organisms. In accordance with their small size and the readiness with which they are transported from place to place a large pro- 102 ZOOLOGY sect. portion of genera and even of species are universally distributed, being found in all parts of the world where the microscopic fauna has been investigated. Numerous parasitic forms are known. Besides the entire class of Sporozoa, species of Rhizopoda, Mastigophora, and of Infusoria occur both as internal and external parasites. Species of Amoeba are common in the intestines of the higher animals, and one species has been found in connection with a cancerous disease in Sheep. A ciliate Infusor, Ichthyophthirius, is found in the skin of freshwater Fishes, where it gives rise to inflammation and death. Many instances have been met with in our survey of the Phylum of compound or colonial forms, the existence of which seems at first sight to upset our definition of the Protozoa as unicellular animals. But in all such cases the zooids or unicellular individuals of the colony exhibit a quasi-independence, each, as a rule, feeding, multiplying, and performing all other essential animal functions independently of the rest, so that the only division of labour is in such forms as Zoothamnium and Volvox, in which certain zooids are incapable of feeding, and are set apart for reproduction. In all animals above Protozoa, on the other hand, the body is formed of an aggregate of cells, some of which perform one function, some another, and none of which exhibit the independent life of the zooid of a protozoan colony. It cannot, however, be said that there is any absolute distinction between a colony of unicellular zooids and a single multicellular individual : Proterospongia and Volvox approach very near to the border-land from the protozoan side, and a similar approach in the other direction is made by certain animals known as Mesozod, which will be discussed hereafter (Sect. IV.). Moreover, the Mycetozoa, the plasmodia of which are formed by the fusion of Amcebulae, the nuclei of the latter remaining distinct and multiplying, are rather non-cellular than unicellular. This point will also be referred to at the conclusion of the section on Sponges (Sect. III.). In each division of the Protozoa we have found comparatively low or generalised forms side by side with comparatively high or specialised genera. For instance, among the Rhizopoda, there can be no hesitation in placing the Lobosa, and especially Prota- mceba, at the bottom of the list, and the Radiolaria at the top. Similarly, among the Mastigophora, such simple Flagellata as Oikomonas (Fig. 52. # and 8) and Heteromita are obviously the lowest forms, Noctiluca and the Dinoflagellata the highest. But whether the Rhizopoda, as a whole, are higher or lower than the Flagellata, is a question by no means easy to answer. A flagellum certainly seems to be a more specialised cell-organ than a pseudopod, and some of the Mastigophora rise above the highest of the Rhizopoda in the possession of a firm cortex and cuticle, II PHYLUM PROTOZOA 103 .and the consequent assumption of a more definite form of body than can ]><>ssil>l\ be produced by the flowing protoplasm of a ForaniininT or a Radiolarian. On the other hand, the nucleus of the Radiolaria is a far more complex structure than that of the Mastigophora : and in Foraminifera, Radiolaria, and Heliozoa the organism frequently begins life as a flagellula, a fact which, on the hypothesis that the development of the individual recapitu- lates that of the race, appears to indicate that these orders of Rhizopoda are a more recently developed stock than at any rate the lower Flagellata. These circumstances, and the fact that Mastigamceba might equally well be classed as a lobose Rhizopod with a flagellum or as a Flagellate with pseudopods, seem to indicate that the actual starting-point of the Protozoa was a form Radiolaria Foraminifera Lobosa Mycetozoa Dinoflagellata Cystoflagellata Heliozoa Choano. Flagellata Flagellata Tentaculifera Ciliata -Sporozoa Fio. 77.— 'Diagram showing the mutual relationships of the chief groups of Protozoa. capable of assuming either the amoeboid or the flagellate phase. From such a starting-point the Lobosa, Foraminifera, Heliozoa, Radiolaria, and Flagellata diverge in different directions, the first four keeping mainly to the amoeboid form, but assuming the flagellate form in the young condition, in the case of Foraminifera, Heliozoa, and Radiolaria. The Choanoflagellata, Dinoflagellata, and Cystoflagellata are obviously special developments of the Flagellate type along diverging lines. As to the Ciliata, Multicilia and Lophomcnas (Fig. 71,12 and 13) appear to indicate the derivation of the order from the Flagellate type, since their cilia are long and flageilum-like ; but the evidence is not strong and no other is at hand. The derivation of the Tenta- culifera from a ciliate type appears to be clear. The Tentaculifera and the hypotrichous Ciliata- are undoubtedly the highest develop- 104 ZOOLOGY secx n ment of the Protozoan series, since they show a degree of differentiation attained nowhere else by a single cell. The Mycetozoa appear to have been derived from the common amoeboid-flagellate stock, since they are all predominantly amoe- boid in the adult condition, flagellate when young. The Sporozoa probably had a similar origin, but the characters of. this class have evidently been profoundly modified in accordance with their parasitic mode of life. The diagram on the previous page is an attempt to express these relationships in a graphic form. SECTION III PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA [PARAZOA] i The microscopic animals described in the preceding section are, as already repeatedly pointed out, characterised by their unicellular character, and in this respect stand in contrast to the remainder of the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom is thus capable of division into two great subdivisions, the Protogog, or uni- cellular animals, and the JSlsiazoa or multicellular forms — the latter comprising all the growfji^ffaT; remain to be dealt with. In the earliest stage of their existence all the multicellular animals or Metazoa are, as already pointed out (p. 19), in a unicellular condition, originating in a single cell, the fertilised ovum or oosperm. By the process of segmentation or yolk-division the . unicellular oosperm becomes converted in all the Metazoa into a mass of cells from which the body of the adult animal is eventually built up. Of the Metazoa, the group which approxi- mates most closely to the Protozoa is that now to be dealt with — the Porifcra or Sponges. With all the other multicellular groups the Sponges are so strongly in contrast that the Metazoa may be regarded as falling into two main divisions — the Porifera or Parazoa, on the one hand, and all the rest of the Metazoa, grouped together as Enterozoa, on the other. 1. Example of the Class — Syccn gelatinosum. General External Appearance and Gross Structure. — : Sycon gelatinosum,1 one of the Calcareous Sponges, has the form of a tuft,one to three inches long, of branching cylinders (Fig. 78),all con- nected together at the base, where it is attached to the surface of a rock or other solid body submerged in the sea. It is flexible, though of tolerably firm consistency ; in colour it presents various shades of gray or light brown. To the naked eye the surface appears smooth, but when examined under the lens it is found to exhibit a pattern of considerable regularity, formed by the presence of \ 1 This species is an inhabitant of southern seas. In all essential respects the account of it given above will apply to S. ciliatum, a common European specie which differs chiefly in the absence of the pore -membranes. 106 ZOOLOGY ( innumerable elevations of a polygonal shape, which cover the whole surface and are separated off from one another by a system of depressed lines. In these depressions between the elevations are to be detected, under the microscope, groups of minute pores — the ostia or inhalant pores. At the free end of each of the cylin- drical branches is a small but distinct opening, surrounded by what appears like a delicate fringe. When the branches are bisected longitudinally (Fig. 79), it is found that the terminal openings (o) lead into narrow passages, wide enough to admit a stout pin, running through the axes of the cylinders ; and the passages in the Fio. 78. — Sycon gelatinosum. — Entire sponge, consisting of a group of branching cylinders (natural size). Fig. 5U Sycon gelatinosum.— A portion slightly magnified ; one cylinder (that to the right) bisected longitudinally to show the central paragastric cavity opening on the exterior by the osculum, and the position of the incurrent and radial canals ; the former indicated by the black bands, the latter, dottedn'p. marks the position of three of the groups of inhalant pores at the outer ends of the incurrent canals ; o. osculum. interior of the various branches join where the branches join — the pas- sages thus forming a communicating system. On the wall of the passages are numerous fine apertures which re- quire a strong lens for their detection. The larger apertures at the ends of the branches are the oscula of the sponge, the passages the paragastric cavities. If a living Sycon is placed in sea- water with which has been mixed some carmine powder, it will be noticed that the minute particles of the carmine seem to be at- tracted towards the sur- face of the sponge, and will often be seen to pass into its substance through the minute in- halant pores or ostia already mentioned as occurring in groups be- tween the elevations on 7 Ill PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 107 the outer surface. This would appear to be due to the passage of a current of water into the interior of the sponge through these minute openings dotted over the surface ; and the movement of the floating particles shows that a current is at the same time flowing out of each of the oscula. A constant circulation of water would thus be seen to be carried on — currents moved by some invisible agency flowing through the walls of the sponge to the central paragastric cavities, and passing out again by the oscula. If a portion of the Sycon is firmly squeezed, there will be pressed out at first sea- water, and then, when greater pressure is Fio. 80.— Sycon gelatinosum. Section through the wall of a cylinder taken at right angles to the long axes of the canals, highly magnified ; co, collencytes ; IC, incurrent canals ; ov. young ova ; Ji, radial canals ; tp. triradiate spicules. exerted, a quantity of gelatinous-looking matter, which, on being examined microscopically, proves to be partly composed of a protoplasmic material consisting of innumerable, usually more or less broken cells with their nuclei, and partly of a non-protoplasmic, jelly-like substance. When this is all removed there remains behind a toughish felt-like material, which maintains more or less completely the original shape of the sponge. This is the skeleton or supporting framework. A drop of acid causes it to dissolve with effervescence, showing that it consists of carbonate of lime. When some of it is teased out and examined under the microscope, it proves to consist of innumerable, slender, mostly three-rayed microscopic bodies (Figs. 80 and 81, sp) of a clear glassy appearance. These are the calcareous spicules which form J ZOOLOGY Fig. 81. — Sycon gre latino sum Transverse section through the wall of a cylinder (parallel with the course of the canals), showing one incurrent (/C), and one radial (R) canal throughout their length ; tp. triradiate spicules ; sp'. oxeote spicules of dermal cortex (rfc.) ; sp". tetraradiate spicules of gastral cortex (gc.) ; ec. ectoderm ; en. layer of flattened cells lining the paragastric cavity ; pm. pore-membrane ; pp. prosopyles ; ap. apopyle ; di. diaphragm ; exc. excurrent passage ; P.G. paragastric cavity ; em. early embryo ; em', late embryo. The arrows in- dicate the course of the water through the sponge. SECT' the skeleton of the Sycon. The arrangement of the spicules, their relation to the protoplasmic parts, and the structure of the latter, have to be studied in thin sections of hard- ened specimens (Figs. 80 and 81). An examination of such sections leads to the following results. • Microscopic struc- ture.— Covering the outer surface of the sponge is a single layer of cells — the dermal layer or ectoderm l (Fig. 81, ec) — through which project regularly- arranged groups of needle- like and spear-like spicules (sp), forming the pattern of polygonal elevations on the outer surface. The cells of the ectoderm are in the form of thin scales, . which are closely cemented together by their edges. The paragastric cavities are lined by a layer of cells (en) which are, like those of the ectoderm, thin flattened scales. Running radially through the thick Avail of the cylinders are a large number of regularly- arranged straight passages. Of these there are two sets, those of the one set — the incurrent canals (Figs. 80j 1 The terms ectoderm and endoderm are here used as con- ■ venient terms for the outer and inner layers of the Sponge, though, as will appear -later, these layers differ completely in their mode of formation from the layers so named in the higher phyla. in PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 109 and 81 IC) — narrower, and lined by ectoderm similar to the ectoderm of the surface ; those of the other set — the radial or flagellate canals (II) — rather wider, octagonal in cross-section, and lined by endoderm continuous with the lining of the paragastric cavity. The incurrent canals end blindly^at their inner extremities — not reaching the paragastric cavity f externally each becomes somewhat dilated, and the dilatations of neighbouring canals often communicate. These dilated parts are closed externally by a thin membrane — the pore-mcmhranc (Fig. 81 pm, and Fig. 82), perforated by three or four small openings (Fig. 82, p) — the ostia already referred to. The flagellate canals are blind at their outer ends, which lie at a little distance below the surface opposite the polygonal projections referred to above as forming a pattern on the outer surface ; internally, each communicates with the paragastric cavity by a short, wide passage — the cxcurrcnt canal (Fig. 81 exc). Incurrent \ J ■0^:. ,- Fio. 82.— Sycon gelatinosum. Sur- Fin. 83.— Sycon gelatinosum. face view of a pore-membrane highly An apopyle surrounded by its dia- magnified ; p. ostium ; A. position of phrngm ; m. contractile cells, the outer end of a radial canal. and flagellate canals run side by side, separated by a thin layer of sponge substance except at certain points, where there exist small apertures of communication — the prosopylcs (pp), — uniting the cavities of adjacent incurrent and flagellate canals. Each proso- pyle is a perforation in a single cell termed a porocyte. The ectoderm lining the incurrent canals is of the same char- acter as that of the outer surface. The endoderm of the flagellate canals, on the other hand, is totally different from that which lines the paragastric cavity. It consists of cells of columnar shape ranged closely together so as to form a continuous layer. Each of these flagellate endoderm cells, or collared cells, or choano- cytes, as they are termed, is not unlike one of the Choanoflagellate Protozoa (p. 77) ; it has a nucleus, one or more vacuoles, and, at the inner end, a single, long, whip-like flagellum, surrounded at its base by a delicate, transparent, collar-like upgrowth, similar to that which has already been described as occurring in the Choanoflagellata. If a portion of a living specimen of the sponge/ 110 ZOOLOGY sect. 'i, teased out in sea-.ater, and the broken fragments examined under a tolerably high power of the microscope, groups of these collared cells will be detected here and there, and in many places the movement of the flagella will be readily observed. The flagellum is flexible but with a certain degree of stiffness, especially towards the base, and its movements resemble those which a very supple fishing-rod is made to undergo in the act of casting a long line — the movement being much swifter and stronger in the one direction than in the other. The direction of the stronger movement is seen, when some of the cells are observed in their natural relations, to be from without inwards. It is to these movements that the formation of the currents of water passing along the canals is due. The collars of the cells in specimens teased in this way become for the most part drawn back into the protoplasm. The short passage or excurrent canal, which leads inwards from the flagellate canal to the paragastric cavity, differs from the former in being lined by flattened cells similar to those of the paragastric cavity ; it is partly separated from the flagellate canal by a thin diaphragm (Fig. 81, di, and Fig. 83), perforated by a large circular central aperture — the apopyle (ap) — which is capable of being contracted or dilated : its opposite aperture of com- munication with the paragastric cavity, which is very wide, is termed the gastric ostium of the excurrent canal. The effect of the movement of the flagella of the cells in the flagellate canals is to produce currents of water running from without inwards along the canals to the paragastric cavity. This causes water to be drawn inwards through the prosopyles from the incurrent canals, and, indirectly, from the exterior through the perforated membranes at the outer ends of the latter. Between the ectoderm of the outer surface and of the incurrent canals, and the endoderm of the inner surface and of the flagellate canals, are a number of spaces filled by an intermediate layer — the mcsoglcea — in which the spicules of the skeleton are embedded. Each spicule is developed from cells termed sclero- blasts, which migrate inwards from the ectoderm. Each ray is formed by the agency of a separate scleroblast, so that there are three at least of the latter for each triradiate, and four for each tetraradiate spicule. The spicules (Figs. 80 and 81, sp) are regularly arranged, and connected together in such a way as to protect and support the soft parts of the sponge. Most are, as already noticed, of triradiate form. Large numbers, however, are of simple spear-like or club-like shape (sp) ; these, which are termed the oxeote spicules, project on the outer surface beyond the ectoderm, and are arranged in dense masses, one opposite the outer end of each of the ciliated canals, this arrangement pro- ducing the pattern already referred to as distinguishable on the J in PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 111 outer surface. The thick outer layer in which the bases of these V oxeote spicules lie embedded, is termed the dermal cortex (dc). A thick stratum at the inner ends of the canals and immediately surrounding the paragastric cavity is termed the gastral cortex (gc). It is supported by triradiate and also by tetraradiate spicules, one ray of each of which (ftp") frequently projects freely into the para- gastric cavity, covered over by a thin layer of flattened endoderm cells. The mesogloea itself, as distinguished from the spicules which lie embedded in it, consists of a clear gelatinous substance containing numerous nucleated cells of several different kinds. Most of these are small cells of stellate shape, with radiating processes — the connective-tissue cells or collencytes (Fig. fcO, co) ; others are fusiform ; a good many — the amoeboid wandering cells — are Amoeba-like, and capable of moving about from one part of the sponge to another. Around the inhalant pores and the apopyles are elongated cells (Figs. 82 and 83), sometimes prolonged into narrow fibres. These are contractile — effecting the closure of the apertures in question, — and are therefore to be looked upon as of the nature of muscular fibres. In the case of the inhalant pores they are ectodermal ; in that of the apopyles they are endodermal. A band of similar fibres surrounds the osculum — the oscular sphincter. The sexual reproductive cells — the ova (Figs. 80 and 81, ov) and sperms— are developed immediately below the flagellate endoderm cells of the flagellate canals, and in the same situation are to be found developing embryos (em, em'), resembling in their various stages those of Sycon raphanus, as described below, y 2. — Distinctive Characters and Classification. Sponges are plant-like, fixed, aquatic Metazoa, all, with the exception of one family, inhabitants of the sea. The primary form is that of a vase or cylinder, the sides of which are perforated by a number of pores and in the interior of which is a single cavity ; but in the majority of Sponges a process of branching and folding leads to the formation of a structure of a much more complex character. The surface of the Sponge is covered by a single layer of flattened cells — the ectoderm1 — and the internal cavities, or a part of them, are lined by a second single layer — the endoderm, — part or the whole of which consists of a single layer of choanocytcs, i.e. columnar collared cells, each provided internally with a long flagellum. Between these two layers is a quantity of tissue usually of a gelatinous consistency — the mcsoglaa — containing a number of cells of various kinds. The wall of the Sponge is pierced by a number of apertures. The skeleton or supporting 1 See footnote on p. 108. i \ 112 ZOOLOGY sect. framework, developed in the mesogloea from cells derived from the ectoderm, consists in some cases of fine, flexible fibres of a material termed sponginj in others of spongin-fibres supplemented by microscopic siliceous spicules; in others of siliceous spicules alone ; in others of spicules"or carbonate of lime. Reproduction takes place both asexually by the formation of gemmules, and sexually by means of ova and sperms. The ovum develops into a ciliated free-swimming larva, which afterwards becomes fixed and develops into the plant-like adult Sponge. The Sponges are sufficiently far removed in structure from the rest of the Metazoa to justify us in looking upon them as con- stituting one of the great divisions or phyla of the animal kingdom. At the same time there is so much uniformity of structure within the group that a division into classes is not demanded ; the phylum Porifera contains a single class. The class Porifera is classified as follows : — Sub-Class I. — Calcarea. Sponges with a skeleton of calcareous spicules, and with com- paratively large collared cells. Order 1. — Homoccela Calcareous Sponges in which the internal lining membrane consists throughout of flagellate collared cells. Order 2. — Heteroccela. Calcareous Sponges in which the paragastric cavity is lined by flattened cells, the collared cells being restricted to flagellate canals or chambers. Sub-Class II. — Hexactinellida. Sponges with six-rayed, tri-axon, siliceous spicules, and simple canal system represented by unbranched or branched flagellate chambers. Sub-Class III.— Demospongia. Sponges either devoid of skeleton or with spongin fibres alone, or a combination of spongin fibres and siliceous spicules, the latter, when present, never six-rayed; the canal system of the Rhagon type (p. 118), usually complicated. Systematic Position of the Example. Sycon gelatinosum is one of many species of the genus Sycon. Sycon is one of several genera of the family Syccttidm ; and the hi PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 113 family Sycettidw is one of several families of the order Hetcrocoela of the class Calcarea. Among the families of the Heteroccela, that of the Sycettidcc is distinguished by the following features, which characterise all its members : — " The flagellate chambers are elongated, arranged radially around a central paragastric cavity, their distal ends projecting more or less on the dermal surface, and not covered over by a continuous cortex. The skeleton is radially symmetrical." Of the genera into which the Sycettidcc are divided, Sycon is characterised as follows : — " The flagellate chambers are not intercommunicating ; their distal ends are provided each with a tuft of oxeote spicules." The members of one of the other genera of the family — Sycetta — while possessing the general characteristics of the family, differ from those of the genus Sycon in wanting the tufts of oxeote spicules ; those of a third — Sycantha — have the flagellate chambers united in groups ; the chambers of each group intercommunicating by openings in their walls, and each group having a single common opening into the gastric cavity. The members of this genus re- semble Sycon, and differ from Sycetta, in the presence of tufts of oxeote spicules at the distal ends of the flagellate chambers. These distinctions between classes, orders, families, and genera are of an entirely arbitrary character. No such divisions exist in nature ; and they are merely established as a convenient way of grouping the sponges and facilitating their classification. But a classification of this kind, if carried out on sound principles, should nevertheless have something corresponding to it in nature, inas- much as the grouping of the various divisions and subdivisions aims at expressing the relationships of their members to one another. The members, for example, of the family Sycettidcc are all regarded, on account of the features which they possess in common, as being more nearly related to one another than to the members of the other families, and as- having been derived from a common ancestor which also possessed those features — the diver- gences of structure which we observe in the different genera and species being the result of a gradual process of change. Within the limits of the genus Sycon, S. gelatinosum is distin- guished from the rest as a group of individual Sponges all possess- ing certain specific characters which it will be unnecessary to detail here. But the individual Sponges referable to this species frequently differ somewhat widely from one another : there are numerous individual variations. If we compare a number of specimens .all possessing the species-characters of Sycon gelatino- sum, we find that they differ in the number of branches, in the shape of the cylinders — some being relatively narrow, some re- latively wide — in the degree of development of the oscular crown of spicules, in the ratio of the thickness of the wall to the width vol. i I 114 ZOOLOGY sect. of the contained paragastric cavities, and in many other more minute points ; in fact, we find as a result of the comparison that no two specimens are exactly alike. These differences are so great that some very distinct races or varieties of S. gelatinosum have been recognised, and some have received special names. Here again, as in the case of the families and orders, the distinctions are of an arbitrary character — some writers on Sponges setting down as several species what others regard merely as varieties of one species. It is impossible, in fact, to draw a hard and fast line of distinction between species and varieties. In the higher groups of animals the attempt is made to establish a physiological dis- tinction ; all the members of a species are regarded as being fertile inter se, and capable of producing fertile offspring as a result of their union ; but such a mode of distinguishing species is impos- sible of application among lower forms such as the sponges. In these lower groups, accordingly, a species can only be defined as an assemblage of individuals which so closely resemble one an- other that they might be supposed to be the offspring of a parent- form similar to themselves in all the most essential features. And, according to the view taken of the relative importance of different points of colour, shape, and internal structure, the con- ceptions of the species and their varieties and mutual relationships formed by different observers must often differ widely from one another. 3. General Organisation. General Form and Mode of Growth. — The simplest Sponges are vase-shaped or cylindrical in form, either branched or un- branchedj and, if branched, with or without anastomosis or coalescence between neighbouring branches. But the general form of the less simple Sponges diverges widely from that of such a branching cylinder as is presented by Sycon gelatinosum (Fig. 78). From the point to which the embryonic sponge becomes attached it may spread out horizontally, following the irregulari- ties of the surface on which it grows, and forming a more or less closely adherent encrustation like that of an encrusting lichen (Fig. 84, A). The surface of such an encrustation may be smooth ; more commonly it is raised up into elevations — rounded bosses, cones, ridges or lamellae ; and the edges may be entire or lobed. In other cases the sponge grows at first more actively in the vertical than in the horizontal direction, and the result may be a long, narrow structure, cylindrical or compressed, and more or less branched (Fig. 84, B). Sometimes vertical and horizontal growth is almost equal, so that eventually there is formed a thick, solid mass of a rounded or polyhedral shape (Fig. 84, C), with an even, or lobed, or ridged surface. Very often, after active vertical growth TIT PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 115 has resulted in the formation of a comparatively narrow basal part or stalk, the Sponge expands distally, growing out into lobes or 1 tranches of a variety of different forms, and frequently anasto- mosing. Sometimes, after the formation of the stalk with root- like processes for attachment, the Sponge grows upwards in such a way as to form a cup or tube with a terminal opening. Such a B.Psammoclema D. Poherion Fio.84 — External form of various Sponges. A, Oscaria, an encrusting form, with the upper surfac.-.- raised up into a number of rounded prominences; B, Psarumoclema. a ramifying subcylindrical Sponge ; C, Euspongria (toilet sponge), a massive form with a broad base ; D, Poterion (Neptune's Cup), an example of a complex Sponge assuming the form of a vase. (After Vosmaer.) cup-shaped Sponge, exemplified in the gigantic Neptune's Cup {Poterion, Fig. 84, D), is not to be confounded with the simple vase or cup referred to above as the simplest type of Sponge, being a much more complex structure with many oscula. Some- times the Sponge grows from the narrow base of attachment into a thin flat plate or lamella ; this may become divided up into a number of parts or lobes, which may exhibit a divergent arrange- I 2 116 ZOOLOGY SECT. ment like the ribs of an open fan. Often the lamella becomes folded, and sometimes there is a coalescence between the folds, resulting in the development of a honey-comb-like form of sponge. Sponges resemble plants, and differ from the higher groups of animals, in the readiness with which, in many cases, their form becomes modified during growth by external conditions (environment). Different individuals of the same kind of Sponge, while still exhibiting the same essential structure and the same general mode of growth, may present a variety of minor differences of form, in accordance with differ- ences in the form of the supporting surface or in the action of waves and currents. Leading Modifications of Structure. — Symn gelatinosnm be- longs to a type of Sponges interme- diate between the very simplest forms on the one hand, and the more com- plex on the other. The simplest type of Sponge-structure is that of the so-called Ascctia or Olynthas (Fig. 85). This is not a mature form - — no adult Sponge retaining such simplicity of structure. It is vase- shaped, contracted at the base to form a sort of stalk by the expanded extremity of which it is attached ; at the opposite or free end is the circular osculum. So far there is a considerable resemblance to Sycon gelatinosum ; but the structure of its wall in Ascetta is extremely simple. Regularly arranged over the surface are a number of small rounded apertures, the inhalant pores; but, sinoe the wall of the Sponge is very thin, these apertures lead directly into the central or paragastric cavity (Fig. 86 A), the long passages or canals through which the communica- tion is effected in Sycon being absent. The wall consists of the same three layers as in Sycon, but the middle one, though it contains a small number of spicules, is very thin. The ectoderm is a thin layer of flat cells; the paragastric cavity is lined throughout by choanocytes similar to those of the flagellate canals of Sycon. Fio. 85.— Olynthus stage of a simple calcareous Sponge (Clalhrina). A portion of the wall of the vase-like sponge removed to show the para- gastric cavity. (After Haeckel.) Ill PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 117 A somewhat more com is exhibited by those sponges in which the wall becomes thick- ened and perforated by radially-arranged canals, which open di- rectly on the outer sur- face by means of inhal- ant pares or ostia, and lead directly into the paragastric cavity by means of ape/pyks — the whole inner sur- face as well as the radial canals being lined with flagellate endoderm cells. In forms which may be regarded as represent- ing the next stage of development (Fig. 86, U : see also the figures of Sycon gela- tinosum), there are formed by infolding of the surface, in the intervals between the radial canals, canal- like spaces, the incur- rent centals, lined by ectoderm and com- municating with the exterior on the one hand, either by a wide opening or by pores (ostia) perfor- ating a pore-mem- brane, and on the other by means of small openings, the prosopylcs (the equi- valents of the inhalant pores of the Oiynlhus), with the"*radial canals. Sponges similar to Sycon gelatinosum, plex type of structure than that of Ascetta L Li| M -.&L , 0m / / ml •i i ■'"' P« \fi Fig. 86.— Diagram of the canal system of various sponges, the ectoderm denoted by a continuous narrow line ; the flat- tened endoderm by an Interrupted line ; the flagellate sndodena by short parallel strokes. A, cross-section through ■ part of the wall of an Ascon ; B, cross-section through a part <>f the wall of a Sycon ; C, cross-section through a pirt of the wall of Livcilta ctmve&I / />, vertical ii through OscarMa ; a, spaces of the incurrent canal system ; b, spices of the excurrent canal system ; ot. oscu- lum. (After Korseholt and Heider.) 118 ZOOLOGY SECT. but with flagellate canals arranged in groups, each group centred round a main excurrent canal (Fig. 86, G) afford us the next grade of advancing complexity. In these the incurrent canals may form a branching system. In all the higher groups of Sponges (Fig. 86, D and Fig. 87) the flagellate cells are confined to cer- tain special enlargements of the canals — the so-called " ciliated chambers " (C) — and the rest of the canals are lined by flattened cells. Special names have been applied to the main types of canal- system briefly sketched above. Forms in which the paragastric cavity is lined by flagellate cells are said to belong to the Ascon type, whether the paragastric cavity communicates directly or by flagellate canals with the exterior. Forms in which there is a paragastric cavity lined by flattened cells, and a system of radially 0 P,G Ex Fio. 87. — Vertical section of a fresh-water sponge (Spongllla), showing the arrangement of the canal-system. C. ciliated chambers ; DP. dermal pores ; Ex. excurrent canals ; 60. openings of the excurrent canals ; PG. paragastric cavity ; SD. subdermal cavities ; 0. osculum. (Modified from Leuckart and Nitsche's diagrams.) arranged flagellate chambers, are said to possess the Syt'on type of structure. Such Sponges as have small rounded flagellate cham- bers (" ciliated chambers "), communicating in most cases by narrow branching incurrent canals with the exterior (directly or indirectly) on the one hand, and by similar excurrent canals with the paragastric cavity on the other — the flagellate cells being confined to the flagellate chambers — are said to possess the Bhagon type of canal-system. In the Ithagon proper the arrangement ox parts is very simple. The Sponge has a paragastric cavity opening on the exterior by an osculum. Opening into this central cavity by wide apopyles are a number of rounded chambers each com- municating with the exterior by an inhalant pore (prosopyle). The development of branches from the originally simple Sponge, and the coalescence of neighbouring branches with one another, greatly obscure the essential nature of the Sponge as a colony 01 zooids similar to the branches of Sycon gelatinosum ; and this effect in PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 119 is increased by the development of a variety of infoldings of the ectoderm which appear in the higher forms. The oscula dis- tributed over the surface of the mass may indicate the component zooids,but these are not always recognisable, being carried inwards by the infoldings or closed up altogether. A thicker or thinner specialised outer layer — the dermal cortex — situated immediately below the superficial ectoderm, is present in many Sponges. This is a layer of mesoglcea with special skeletal elements, usually containing spaces and canals lined by ectoderm — (subdermal cavities, Fig. 87, SB) — which communicate directly with the exterior, and, internally, usually with more deeply situated spaces (subcortical cavities), from which the in- current canals lead to the ciliated chambers. This dermal cortex is present, though not highly developed, in Sycon gelatinosum (Fig. 81, dc), and the enlarged outer ends of the incurrent canals lying in the dermal cortex and closed externally by the pore- bearing membrane, may be regarded as representing dermal cavities. In most higher sponges a special inner layer is developed; this is the gastral cortex, represented in a rudi- mentary form in Sycon gelatinosum (Fig. 81, gc.) as the internal layer with special spicules, in which the excurrent canals are situated. Histology. — In the protoplasmic elements or cells of the various groups of Sponges there is little variation, except in minor points. The cells of the ectoderm (Fig. 88) are flattened, and very rarely assume other forms; in some cases each flattened ecto- dermal cell is provided with a flagellum. Lining the paraga- stric cavities and canals is a layer of flattened cells similar to those of the ectoderm, or of flagellate collared cells. In ^£ X^S^-' the gelatinous substance of the **>;:.'■'■ ^^ mesoglcea are embedded connec- FlG 88>_Cells of the 'Jtoderm, very highly tive-tissue Cells, amoeboid Wan- magnified. (After Von Lendcnfeld.) dering cells, and, in certain positions (around orifices), muscle-cells. Unicellular glands (see p. 25) are present in some sponges, both calcareous and siliceous ; also cells containing the pigment to which the bright colour of many sponges is due, though in most cases the pigment is not confined to special cells, but occurs scattered through the con- nective-tissue cells and flagellate cells. Fresh-water Sponges are green, owing to the presence of chlorophyll, the colouring matter to which the prevailing green colour of plants is due. 120 ZOOLOGY SECT. Fio. 89. — Development of a tri-radiate spicule of Clathrina. scl, scleroblasts. (After Minchin.) The elements of the skeleton differ in character in the different classes. In the Calcarea they consist of calcareous spicules, usually tri-radiate in form. Each of these spicules is developed from special cells — the scleroblasts (Fig. 89). In the remaining groups of Sponges the skeleton either consists of spongin fibres alone (Fig 90, A), or of siliceous spicules alone, or of a combination of spongin fibres with siliceous spicules (B) : in some Demo- spongia (the Myxospmigia) skeletal parts are altogether absent. Spongin is a sub- stance allied to silk in chemi- cal composition : the fibres are exceedingly fine threads, consisting of a soft granular core and an outer tube of concentric layers of spongin. These threads branch and . anastomose, or are woven and felted together in such a way as to form a firm, elastic, supporting structure. They are secreted by the activity of certain cells in the mesogloea which are called the spongin- blasts, derived from the ectoderm. In certain exceptional cases the spongin assumes the form of spicules. The siliceous spicules (Fig. 91) are much more varied in shape than the spicules of the Calcarea, and in a single kind of Sponge there may be a number of widely differing forms of spicules, each form having its special place in the skeleton of the various parts of the Sponge- body. In most forms siliceous spicules and spongin fibres combine to form the supporting framework, the relative develop- ment of these two elements varying greatly in different cases. But in certain groups, including the common Washing-sponges (Fig. 90 A), spicules are completely absent, and the entire skeleton consists of spongin. In some forms which are § devoid of spicules, the place of these is taken by foreign bodies — shells of Radiolaria, grains of sand, or spicules from other sponges (Fig. 90, C). In others, again, such as the Venus's Flower-Basket (Ewplectella), the Glass-Rope Sponge (Hyaloncma), and Pher/mema (Fig. 92), the skeleton consists throughout of siliceous spicules bound together by a siliceous cement. Reproduction in the Sponges is effected either sexually or asexuallv. The process by which, in all but the simplest forms of Sponges, a colony of zooids is formed from the originally simple Ill rHYIJU AM) CLASS I'OlUFERA 121 cylinder or vase, may be looked upon as an asexual mode of repro- duction by budding. In some cases asexual multiplication also takes place by the production of external buds ; in others of internal buds in the shape of groups of cells called gemmules, which eventually become detached and develop into new individuals. In the Fresh- B.Pachychalina Fir. skj — Microscopic structure of the skeleton in various sponges. A, Eusponeia network of spongin fibres ; B, Pactaychalina, spongin strengthened by siliceous spicules ; C, Spongelia, spongin itrangtbeBed by various foreign siliceous bodies, fragments of spicules of other sponges, &c. (After Vosmaer.) water Sponges (Spongillidce) multiplication takes place very actively by means of such gemmules, each of which is a spherical group of cells enclosed in an envelope composed of peculiarly shaped siliceous spicules, termed amphidiscs (Fig. 91, right side). These gemmules are formed in the substance of the Sponge towards the end of the 122 ZOOLOGY year; they are set free by the decay of the part of the parent sponge in which they are developed, and fall to the bottom. In spring the contained mass of protoplasmic matter reaches the exterior through an aperture in the wall of the gemmule, and develops into the adult form. All Sponges multiply by a sexual process — by means of male cells, or sperms, and female cells, or ova. These are developed from certain of the amoeboid wandering cells of the mesoglcea, which take up a special position, usually immediately below the collared cells of the endoderm. Ova and sperms are developed in the same Sponge, but rarely at the same time. The amoeboid cell destined to form sperms divides into a number of small cells, giving rise to a rounded mass of sperms. The latter, when mature, have oval or pear-shaped heads and a long tapering appendage or tail. Each amoeboid cell destined to form an ovum enlarges, and Fig. 91. — Various forms of sponge spicules. (From Lang's Text-Book.) eventually assumes a spherical form. After a sperm has penetrated into its interior and effected impregnation, the ovum usually becomes enclosed in a brood -capsule formed for it by certain neighbouring cells, and in this situation, still enclosed in the parent Sponge, it undergoes the earlier stages of its development. The boring Sponge, Cliona, is the only one, so far as known, in which the early stages of development are passed through externally. In all known cases there is a free-swimming ciliated larval stage ; but the form assumed by the larva differs profoundly in different Sponges. Of the simpler types of calcareous sponges with a structure resembling that of the Ulynthus, the development has been followed out in the case of Clalhrina blanca. In this sponge segmentation is followed by the formation of an oval blastula, the wall of which consists of a single layer of cells all alike in character — elongated, columnar, and flagellate. At one pole of the blastula is seen a pair of cells which are of a different character, being large, rounded, and granular. These are destined to give rise to the archceocytcs, some of which form the repro- PHYLUM AND CLASS PORIFERA 123 ductive colls. Certain of the flagellate cells then withdraw their flagella and pass into the internal cavity, becoming amoeboid. Soon Fio. 92.— Pheronema carpenteri, one of the Huxactinellida. (From Wyville Thomson.) a large number of these amoeboid cells come to fill up a great part of the cavity of the larva, which now passes into a stage corresponding to the planula larva of the Ccelenterates (Sect. IV). This is the 124 ZOOLOGY larval form known as the parenchy inula. The parenchymula (Fig. 93) consists of three kinds of cells : — (1) an external layer of flagellate cells ; (2) an inner mass of amoeboid cells ; (3) the two posterior granular cells. In this condition it becomes fixed, and develops into the form of a flat plate with an irregular outline. . Most of the amoeboid cells now migrate to the outer surface, passing between the flagellate cells and then becoming arranged outside them to form the ectoderm. The flagel- late cells now form an irregular mass together with a number of non-flagellate cells derived from the ectoderm, which are destined to give rise to the porocytes. A cavity appears in the mass, and becomes surrounded by a layer of porocytes. The cavity increases in size, and is soon seen to be bounded not by the porocytes alone, but in part also by flagellate cells. Sub- sequently the flagellate cells come to form the entire boundary of the cavity, the porocytes passing outwards to become perforated by apertures — the inhalant apertures — in the wall of the sponge. Among the flagellate cells and porocytes there are also amoeboid cells derived from the two original granular cells; some of these give rise to the reproductive cells. The scleroblasts are formed of certain ectoderm cells which migrate inwards, and at an early stage arrange themselves in threes to give rise to the tri-radiate spicules. The development of the sponge becomes completed by the enlargement of the internal cavity (paragastric cavity) which is now lined by flagellate cells, and by the development of the osculum. In Sycon the early stages (Fig. 94, a-c) differ somewhat from those in Glathrina hlanca, and the embryo leaves the parent sponge in the peculiar stage to which the name of amphiblastula is applied. When the blastula is formed, the greater part of its wall consists of clear cells, with a number of granular cells — the archoeo- cytes — at the posterior pole. The clear cells become elongated and flagellate. The archoeocytes pass into the internal (segmenta- tion) cavity and become completely enclosed by the flagellate cells (stage of so-called pseudogastrula). The cells at the posterior end then lose their flagella and become large rounded granular cells, so that after a time the wall of the embryo comes to be composed in one half of the flagellate cells that have remained unaltered, and in the other half of the large granular cells. It is in this stage — termed the amphi- 2>-buds ( By studying the development of these structures, and by a comparison with other forms, it is known that, both blastostyles and medusa^ buds are zooids, so that the colony is trimorpkic, having zooids of three kinds. To make out the structure in greater detail, living specimens should be observed under a high power. A polype is then seen to consist of a somewhat cylindrical, hollow body, of a yellowish colour, joined to the common stem by its proximal end, and pro- duced at its distal end into a conical elevation, the manubrium or hypostome (mnb), around the base of which are arranged the twenty- four tentacles in a circle. Both body and manubrium are hollow, containing a spacious canity, the enteron (cnt), which communicates with the outer world by the mouth (mth\ an aperture placed at the summit of the manubrium. The mouth is capable of great dilatation and contraction, and accordingly the manubrium appears now conical, now trumpet-shaped. Under favourable circum- stances small organisms may be seen to be caught by the polypes and carried towards the mouth to be swallowed. The hydrotheca ( has the form of a vase or wine-glass, and is perfectly transparent and colourless. A short distance from its vol. I ' K Fxa 95. -Obelia .p. A, portion of a j£^U ^^ffi^^^SfSt ?5K \ B, medusa; C, the same with reversed umbrel a D, «« saj™, o™ i i , , , Us. blastos'tyle 5 <«• ccaiosarc ; «f. ■ ectodera ; J^^fQ' ^SubriuiZ; V gonotheca; ».tt. hydrotheca ; J, iithocyst m. M. mea us a , (.tentacle; mesogloea; m*A. mouth ; j>. pensarc; P. 1, *, 3, polypes, raa. c. reuuu « W. velum. MOT. iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 131 narrow or proximal end, it is produced inwards into a sort of circular shelf (a&), perforated in t he cen^r^^upon this the base of the polype rests, and through the aperture it is continuous with the common stem. When irritated — by a touch or by the addition of alcohol or other poison — the polype undergoes a very marked con- traction : it suddenly withdraws itself more or less completely into the theca, and the tentacles become greatly shortened and curved over the manubrium (P. 2). The various branches of the common stem show a very obvious distinction into two layers : a transparent, tough, outer membrane, of a yellowish colour and horny consistency, the perisarc (p), and an inner, delicate, granular layer, the ccenosarc (cce), continuous by a sort of neck or constriction with the body of each hydranth. The ccenosarc is hollow, its tubular cavity being continuous with the cavities of the polypes, and containing a fluid in which a flickering movement may be observed, due, as we shall see, to the action of cilia. At the base of each zooid or branch the perisarc presents several annular constrictions, giving it a ringed appear- ance : for the most part it is separated by an interval from the ccenosarc, but processes of the latter extend outwards to it at irregular intervals, and in the undeveloped zooids (Bd. 2) the two layers are in close apposition. In the blastostyle both -mouth and tentacles are absent, the zooid ending distally in a flattened disc : the hydrotheca of a polype is represented by the gonotheca (, which is a cylindrical capsule enclosing the whole structure, but ultimately becoming ruptured at its distal end to allow of the escape of the medusa- buds. These latter are, in the young condition, mere hollow off- shoots of the blastostyle : when fully developed they have the appearance of saucers attached by the middle of the convex surface to the blastostyle, produced at the edge into sixteen very short tentacles, and having a blunt process, the manubrium, projecting from the centre of the concave surface. They are ulti- mately set free through the aperture in the gonotheca as little medusae or jelly-fish (B — D), which will be described hereafter. The microscopical structure of a polype (Fig 96) reminds us, in its general features, of that of such a simple sponge as Ascetta, but with many characteristic differences. The body is composed of two layers of cells, the ectoderm (ect) and the endoderm (end) : between them is a very delicate transparent membrane, the mcsogloea or supporting lamella (insgl), which, unlike the inter- mediate layer of sponges, contains no cells and is practically structureless. The same three layers occur in the manubrium, the ectoderm and endoderm being continuous with one another at the margin of the mouth. The tentacles are formed of an outer layer of ectoderm, then a layer of mesoglcea, and finally a solid core of large endoderm cells arranged in a single series. The K 2 132 ZOOLOGY SECT. ccenosarc, blastostyles, and medusa-buds all consist of the same layers, which are thus continuous through the entire colony. The perisarc or transparent outer layer of the stem shows ijo cell-structure, but only a delicate lamination. It is, in fact, not a "~ celfTHar membrane or epithelium, like the ectoderm and endoderm, but a cuticle, formed, layer by layer, as a secretion from the ectoderm cells (see p. 31). It is composed of a substance of chitinoid or horn- like consistency, and, like the lorica of many Protozoa, serves as a protective external skeleton. When first formed it is of course in contact with the ectoderm, but when the full thickness is attained Fig. 90. — Obelia sp. Vertical section of a polype, highly magnified ; tct. ectoderm ; end. endo- derm ; ent. enteric cavity ; hydrotheca ; msgl. mesogloea ; mth. mouth; ntc. nematocysts ; »h. shelf -like prolongation of hydrotheca ; t. tentacle. the latter retreats from it, the connection being maintained only at irregular intervals. In the same way the hydro- and gonothecse are cuticular products of the polypes and blastostyles respectively : in the young condition both occur in the form of a closely fitting investment of the knob-like rudiment of the zooid (Fig. 95, Bdl,%). The ectoderm has the general character of a columnar epithelium (see p. 24), but exhibits considerable differentiation of its component cells. It is mainly composed of large conical cells with their bases outwards, and having between their narrow inner ends clumps of small rounded interstitial cells, and occasional large branched nei've- IV PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 133 edU (Fig. 98, nv.c). The tentacles and the manubrium contain, in addition, a layer of unstriped muscle-fibres between the ectoderm and the mesoglcea : they are arranged longitudinally, and serve for the rapid shortening of the tentacles (Fig. 98, inf). This muscular layer is a derivative of the ectoderm, and may be looked upon as a rudimentary mesoderm. Fig. 97.— Nematocysts of Hydra. A, undischarged ; B, discharged ; C, nerve-supply ; otft, cnidoblast ; cnc. cnidocil ; nu. nucleus ; ntc. nematocyst ; nv.c. nerve-cell. (From Parker's Biology, after Schneider.) Embedded in the ectoderm are numerous clear ovoid bodies, the stinging-capsules or nematocysts (Figs. 96 — 98 ntc), organs closely resembling those of Epistylis umbellaria (p. 93), and like them, serving as weapons of offence. Each consists (Fig. 97, A) of a tough ovoid capsule, full of fluid, and invaginated at one end in the form of a hollow process continued into a long, coiled, hollow thread. The whole apparatus is developed into an interstitial cell called a cnidoblast (cnb), which, as it approaches maturity, migrates towards 134 ZOOLOGY SECT. aWP^-^ the surface and becomes embedded in one of the large ectoderm cells. At one point of its surface the cnidoblast is produced into a delicate protoplasmic process, the cnidocil or trigger-hair (cnc) : when this is touched — for instance by some small organism brought into contact with the waving tentacle — the cnidoblast undergoes a sudden contraction, and the pressure upon the stinging capsule causes an instantaneous eversion of the thread (B), at the base of which are minute barbs. The threads are poisonous, and exert a numbing effect on the animals upon which Obelia preys. The endoderm also has the general character of a columnar epithelium. In the body of the polype the cells are very large and have the power of sending out pseudopods at their free ends (Fig. 96), which apparently seize and ingest minute portions of the partly-digested food. As in many Protozoa, the pseudo- pods may be drawn in and long fiagella protruded, the contrac- tion of which causes a constant movement of the food particles in the enteron. Amongst these large cells are narrow cells with^ very granular protoplasm : they are gland-cells, and secrete a digestive juice. In the manu- brium a layer of endodermal muscle-fibres has been described taking a transverse direction, and so serving to antagonise the longitudinal muscles and contract the cavity. In the tentacles (Figs. 96 and 98) the endoderm {end) consists of a single row of short cylindrical cells, nearly cubical in longitudinal section: their protoplasm is greatly vacuolated and their cell- walls so thick that they may be considered as forming a sort of internal skeleton to the tentacles. The structure of the medusae — formed, as we have seen, by the development of medusa-buds liberated from a ruptured- gonotheca — yet remains to be considered. The convex outer^surface of the bell or umbrella (Fig. 95, B — D) by which the zooid was originally attached to the blastostyle is distinguished as the cx-umbrclla, the Fio. 98 — Tentacle of Eucopella. The lower part of the figure snows the ex- ternal surface, in the middle part the ectoderm is removed and the muscular and nervous layer exposed, in the upper part these latter are removed so as to show the core of endoderm cells ; ect. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; m f. muscle- fibres ; nic. nematocyst ; mi. nucleus ; nv.c. nerve-cell. (After von Lendenfeld.) iv PHYLUM C(ELENTERATA 135 concave inner surface as the sub-umbrella. From the centre of the sub-umbrella proceeds the manubrium (mnb), at the free end of which is the four-sided mouth (mth). Very commonly, as the medusa swims the umbrella becomes turned inside out, the sub- umbrella then forming the convex surface and the manubrium springing from its apex (Fig. 95, C, and Fig. 99, A). The mouth (Figs. 95, 96, 99, and 100, mth) leads into an enteric cavity which occupies the whole interior of the manubrium, and from its dilated base sends off four delicate tubes, the radial in mils {rod. c), which pass at equal distances from each other through the substance of the umbrella to its margin, where they all open into a circular canal {circ. c), running parallel with and close to the margin. By means of this system of canals the food, taken ffon mnb Kio. 99. — Obelia sp. A, mature medusa swimming with everted umbrella ; B, one quarter of the same, oral aspect ; circ.c. circular canal ; gon. gonad ; I. lithocyst ; mnb. manubrium ; mth. mouth ; rod. c. radial canal ; t. tentacle. (After Haeckel.) in at the mouth and digested in the manubrium, is distributed to the entire medusa. The edge of the umbrella is produced into a very narrow fold or shelf, the velum (Fig. 100, vl), and gives off the tentacles (t), which are sixteen in number in the newly-born medusa (Fig. 95), very numerous in the adult (Fig. 99). At the bases of eight of the tentacles — two in each quadrant — are minute globular sacs (/), each containing a calcareous particle or lithitc. These are the marginal sense-organs or lithocysts : they were formerly considered to be organs of hearing, and are hence frequently called olocysts : in all probability their function is to guide the medusa by enabling it to judge of the direction in which it is swimming. The marginal organs, in this case, may therefore be looked upon as organs of the sense of direction. The manubrium (Fig. 100, mnb) of the medusa consists of 136 ZOOLOGY precisely the same layers as that of the hydranth — ectoderm, mesogloea, and endoderm. The ectoderm is continued on to the sub-umbrella, and then round the margin of the bell on to the ex-umbrella, so that both surfaces of the bell are covered with ectoderm. The endoderm is continued from the base of the enteric cavity into the radial canals and thence to the circular canal, so that the whole canal-system is lined by endoderm. In the portions of the bell between the radial canals there is found, between the outer and inner layers of ectoderm, a thin sheet of endoderm, the endoderm-lamella (end. lam), which stretches between adjacent radial canals and between the circular canal and the enteric cavity. In the bell, as in the manubrium, a end.fam Fig. 100. -Dissection of a medusa with rather more than one-quarter of the umbrella and manu- brium cut away (diagrammatic). The ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm striated, and the mesogloea black, tire. c. circular canal ; end. lam. endoderm lamella ; gon. gonad ; {. lithocyst ; mnb. manubrium ; mth. mouth ; rod. c. radial canal ; vl. velum. layer of mesogloea everywhere intervenes between ectoderm and endoderm. The velum (vl) consists of a double layer of ectoderm and a middle one of mesogloea : there is no extension of endoderm into it. The tentacles, like those of the hydranth, are formed of a core of endoderm covered by ectoderm, the cells of the latter being abundantly supplied with stinging-capsules. Comparison of Polype and Medusa. — Striking as is the difference between a polype and a medusa, they are strictly homologous structures, and the more complex medusa is readily derivable from ^the simpler polype- form. It is obvious, in the first instance, that the lipex of the umbrella corresponds with the base of a hydranth (Fig. 101, A and D), being the part, by which the zooid is attached in each case to the parent stem : the mouth with the manubrium are also obviously homologous structures in IV PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 137 the two cases. Suppose the tentacular region of a polype to be pulled out, as it were, into a disc-like form (B), and afterwards to be bent into the form of a saucer (C) with the concavity distal, eel Fig. 101.— Diagrams illustrating the derivation of the medusa from the polype. A, longitudinal, and A', transverse section (along the line ab)of polype-form; B, polype-form with extended ten- tacular region ; C, vertical, and C, transverse section (along the line aJb) of form with tentacular region extended into the form of a bell ; D, vertical, and D', transverse section (along the lineal) of medusa. The ectoderm is dotted, the endodenn striated, and the mesoglcea black, cir. r. circular canal; ect. ectoderm; end endoderm ; end. lam. endoderm lanialfcl ; ent. cav. enteric cavity ; hyp. hypostomc or manubrium ; mnb. manubrium ; mst/l. mesoglcea ; villi, mouth ; nv. nv', nerve-rings ; t. tentacle ; v. velum. (From Parker's Biology.) i.e. towards the manubrium. The result of this would be a medusa- like body (C, C) with a double wall to the entire bell, the narrow space between the two layers containing a prolongation of the 138 ZOOLOGY SECT. enteron (ent. cav') and being lined with endoderm. From such a form the actual condition of things found in the medusa would be produced by the continuous cavity in the bell being for the most part obliterated by the growing together of its walls so as to form rcvcUcce radius ad-rcuiciMf \ CrUtffOsdsiios \ SUb-radiu,j> » „ ^ a-d- radiws sub radius ptr- ra dius — Fig 102.^Projections of polype (A) and medusa (B), showing the various orders of radii; gon. gonad ; mnb. manubrium. the endoderm-lamella (D', end. lam), and remaining only along four meridional areas — the radial canals (rad. c), and a circular area close to the edge of the bell — the circular canal (cir. c). While both polype and medusa are radially symmetrical, the increase in complexity of the medusa is accompanied by a differentiation of the structures lying along certain radii. If a polype is projected on a plane surface (Fig. 102, A), iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 139 t.ikt-n at right angles to its long axis, a large number of radii — about twenty- four — can be drawn from the centre outwards, all passing through similar parts, i.e. along the axis of a tentacle and through similar portions of the body and manubrium. But in the medusa (B) the case is different. The presence of the four radial canals allows us to distinguish four principal radii or per-radii. Half way between any two per-radii a radius of the second order, or inter-radius, may be taken ; half way between any per-radius and the inter-radius on either side a radius of the third order, or ad-radius, and half way between any ad-radius and the adjacent per- or inter-radius, a radius 0/ the fourth order, or sub-radius. Thus there are four per-radii, four inter-radii, eight ad-radii, and sixteen sub-radii. In Obelia the radial canals, the angles of the mouth, and four of the tentacles are per-radial, four more tentacles are inter-radial, and the remaining eight tentacles, bearing the lithocysts, are ad-radial. The sub-radii are of no importance in this particular form. Reproduction. — In the description of the fixed Obelia-colony no mention was made of cells set apart for reproduction, like the ova and sperms of a sponge. As a matter of fact, such sexual cells are found only — in their fully developed condition at least — in the medusae. Hanging at equal distances from the sub-umbrella, in immediate relation with the radial canal and therefore per- radial in position, are four ovoid bodies (Figs. 99 and 100, gon), each consisting of an outer layer of ectoderm continuous with that of the sub-umbrella, an inner layer of endoderm continuous with that of the radial canal and enclosing a prolongation of the latter, and of an intermediate mass of cells which have become differentiated int» ova or sperms. As each medusa bears organs of one sex only (testes or ovaries, as the case may be), the individual medusae are dioecious. It will be noticedthat the gonad has the same general structure as an immature zooid — an outpushing of the body-wall consisting of ectoderm and endoderm, and containing a prolongation of the enteric cavity. Development. — When the gonads are ripe, the sperms of the male medusae are shed into the water and carried by currents to the females, impregnating the ~ova,-which thus become oosperms or unicellular embryos. The oosperm undergoes complete seg- mentation (Fig. 103, A — F), and is converted into an ovoidal body called a planula (G, H), consisting of an outer layer of ciliated ectoderm cells and an inner mass of endoderm cells in which a space appears, the rudiment of the enteron. The planula swims freely for a time (H), then settles down on a piece of timber, sea- weed, &c, fixes itself by one end (K), and becomes converted into a hydrula or simple polype (L, M), having a disc of attachment at its proximal end, and at its distal end a manubrium and circlet of tentacles. Soon the hydrula sends out lateral buds, and, by a frequent repetition of this process, becomes converted into the complex Obelia-colony with which we started. This remarkable life-history furnishes the first example we have yet met with among the Metazoa of alternation of generations, or 140 ZOOLOGY SECT. metagenesis (see p. 41). The Obelia-colony is sexless, having no gonads, and developing only by the asexual process of budding ; but certain of its buds — the medusoe — develop gonads, and from Fig. 103 — Stages in the development of two Zoophytes (A— H, Laomedea. I— M, Endeu- drium) allied to Obelia ; A — F, stages in segmentation ; G, the planula enclosed in the maternal tissues ; H, the free-swimming planula ; I — M, fixation of the planula and develop- ment of the hydrula. (From Parker's Biology, after Allnian.) their impregnated eggs new Obelia-colonies arise. We thus have an alternation of an asexual generation, or agamobium — the Obelia- colony, with a sexual generation, or go-niobium — the medusa. 2. General Structure and Classification. The Hydrozoa may be defined as multicellular animals in which the cells are arranged in two layers, ectoderm and endoderm, separated by a gelatinous, non-cellular mesoglcea, and enclosing a continuous digestive cavity which communicates directly with the exterior by a single aperture — the mouth — and is lined through- out by endoderm. The ectoderm consists of epithelial cells, inter- stitial cells, muscle-fibres, and nerve-cells. Certain of the inter- stitial cells give rise to characteristic organs of offence — the stinging-capsules. The endoderm consists of flagellate or amoeboid cells, gland-cells, and sometimes muscle-fibres. There are two main forms of zooids, polypes or nutritive zooids, which are usually sexless, and medusae or reproductive zooids. In corre- spondence with its locomotive habits, the medusa attains a higher i\ PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 141 degree of organisation than the polype, having more perfect muscular and nervous systems, distinct sense-organs, and a diges- tive cavity differentiated into central and peripheral portions, the latter taking the form of radial and circular canals. The repro- ductive products are discharged externally, and are very commonly, though not always, of ectodermal origin. Many Hydrozoa agree with Obelia in exhibiting alternation of generations, the asexual generation being represented by a fixed, more or less branched hydroid colony, the sexual generation by a free-swimming medusa. In other forms there are no free medusae, but the hydroid colony produces fixed reproductive zooids. In others, again, there is no hydroid stage, the organism existing only in the medusa-form. Then, while in most instances the only skeleton or supporting structure is the horny perisarc, there are some forms in which the coenosarc secretes a skeleton of calcium carbonate, forming a massive stony structure or coral. Lastly, there are colonial forms which, instead of remaining fixed, swim or float freely on the surface of the ocean, and such pelagic species are always found to exhibit a remarkable degree of polymorphism, the zooids being of very various forms and performing diverse functions. Thus we have zoophyte colonies known to produce free medusa?, zoophyte colonies known not to produce free medusas, and medusae known to have no zoophyte stage. Moreover, there are many medusae of^ which the life-history is unknown, so that it is un- certain whether or not a zoophyte stage is present. It is also found that in some cases closely allied zoophytes produce very diverse medusae, while similar medusas, in other cases, may spring from very different zoophytes. For these reasons a sort of double classification of the Hydrozoa has come about, some zoologists approaching the group from the point of view of the zoophyte, others from that of the medusa. On the whole the following scheme seems best adapted for bringing before the beginner the leading modifications of the class. Order 1. — LEPTOLiNiE. Hydrozoa in which there is a fixed zoophyte stage, and in which the sense-organs are exclusively ectodermal. Sub-Order a. — Anthomedusce. Leptolinae in which the polypes are not protected by hydrothecae or the reproductive zooids by gonothecae : the medusae bear the gonads on the manu- brium and have no lithocysts. Sub-Order b. — Leptomedusw. Leptolinae in which hydro- and gonothecae are present : the medusae bear the gonads in connection with the radial canals and usually have lithocysts. 142 ZOOLOGY sect. Order 2. — Trachylinse. Hydrozoa in which no fixed zoophyte stage is known to occur, all members of the group being locomotive medusae, some of which have been proved to develop directly from the egg. The sense- organs are formed partly of endoderm. Sub- Order a. — Trachymedusw. Trachylinse in which the tentacles spring from the margin of the umbrella, and the gonads are developed in connection with the radial canals. Sub-Order b. — Narcomedusce. Trachylinse in which the tentacles spring from the ex-umbrella, some dis- tance from the margin, and the gonads are developed in connection with the manubrium. Order 3. — Hydrocorallina. Hydrozoa in which a massive skeleton of calcium carbonate is secreted from the ccenosarc, the dried colony being a coral. Order 4. — Siphonophora. Pelagic Hydrozoa in which the colony usually exhibits extreme polymorphism of its zooids. Order 5. — Graptolithida. An extinct group of Hydrozoa, found only in rocks of Palaeozoic age, in the form of the fossilised perisarc of the branched colonies. Systematic Position of the Example. Obelia, in virtue of the possession of gono- and hydrothecae, and of gonads formed in connection with the radial canals, belongs to the sub-order Leptomedusae. It is placed in the family Campanu- lariidm, distinguished by having cup-shaped thecae borne at the ends of distinct branchlets : the genus Obelia is distinguished from other genera of the same family by the fact that the reproductive zooids are free-swimming medusae. Order 1. — Leptolin;e. The more typical members of this group agree in all essential respects wTith Obelia, consisting of branched colonies bearing two principal forms of zooids, which serve for nutritive and reproductive purposes respectively. General Structure. — The form and size of the colonies are subject to great variation : they may be little insignificant tufts growing on shells, sea-weeds, &c, or may take the form of com- plex trees three feet in height, and containing many thousand iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 143 fcooids. The hydranths maybe colourless and quite invisible to the naked eye, or, as in some Tubularia^ (Fig. 105, 5) may be bril- liantly coloured, flower-like structures, nearly an inch in diameter. The medusae may be only just visible to the naked eye, or, as in JEquorea, may attain a diameter of 38 mm., or about 15 inches: they are often seen with great difficulty owing to the bubble-like transparency of the umbrella ; but frequently the manubrium is brightly coloured, or brilliant dots of colour — the ocelli or eye-spots — may occur around the margin of the umbrella. They are also frequently phosphorescent, the phosphorescence of the ocean being often due to whole fleets of medusae liberated in thousands from the hydroid colonies beneath the surface. The two sub-orders of Leptolinae are distinguished by the arrangement of the perisarc. In the Anthomedusae, of which Bouyainvillea (Fig. 104) is a good example, the cuticle stops short at the bases of the hydranths, and the reproductive zooids are not enclosed in gonothecse. It is for this reason that, in classifications founded on the zoophyte stage, the Anthomedusae are called Gymno- blastea or naked-budded zoophytes (see also Fig. 105, 1, 4, 5). In the Leptomedusae the cuticle is usually of a firmer consistency than in the first sub-order, and furnishes hydrothecae for the hydranths and gonothecae for the reproductive zooids : they are hence often classified as Calyptoblastea or covered-budded hydroids. To this group belong the commonest species of hydroids found on the sea- shore, and often mistaken for seaweeds — the " Sea-firs " or Sertu- larians. The medusae. also exhibit characteristic, differences in the two sub-orders. In the Anthomedusae the umbrella is usually strongly arched, and may even be conical or mitre-shaped (Figs. 104 ; 105, 7 ; 1 09, 1 and 2) : its walls are thick, owing to a great development of the gelatinous mesogloeaof the ex-umbrella, that of the sub-umbrella remaining thin ; and the velum is considerably wider than in Obelia. But the most important characteristics are the facts that the gonads(gon) are developed on the manubrium and that lithocysts are absent. Sense-organs are, however, present in the form of specks of red or black pigment at the bases of the tentacles. These ocelli (oc) consist of groups of ectoderm cells containing pigment, and it has been proved experimentally that they are sensitive to light : they are, in fact, the simplest form of eyes. In the Leptomedusae the umbrella is usually less convex, thinner, and of softer consist- ency than in the Anthomedusae, the gonads are developed as buds formed in connection with the radial canals and projecting from the sub-umbrella, the velum is feebly developed, and sense-organs take the form sometimes of ocelli, but usually of lithocysts. In the majority of Leptolinae the coenosarc, as in Obelia, con- sists of a more or less branched structure attached to stones, timber, seaweeds,shells,&c, by a definite root-like portion (hydrorhiza). The 144 ZOOLOGY curious genus Hydractinia (Fig. 105, 1) is remarkable for possessing a massive ccenosarc, consisting of a complex arrangement of branches which have undergone fusion, so as to form a firm brownish crust on the surfaces of dead gastropod shells inhabited by Hermit-crabs. The constant association of Hydractinia with Fio.104— Bougainviilea ramosa. A, entire cdlony, natural size; B, portion of the same magnified ; C, immature medusa, cir. c. circular canal; cu. cuticle or perisarc ; ent. car. enteric cavity; hyd. polype or hydranth ; hyp. hypostome or manubrium ; vied, medusa; mnb. manubrium ; rod. c. radial canal ; t. tentacle ; v. velum. (Prom Parker's Biology, after Allman.) Hermit-crabs is a case of commensalism : the hydroid feeds upon minute fragments of the Hermit-crab's food, and is thus its com- mensal or messmate ; and the Hermit-crab is protected from its enemies by the presence of the inedible, stinging hydroid. Hydractinia belongs to the Anthomedusse : the Leptomedusan L'.Myriofhela 3. Corymorpha raef.c 4Syncoryne rad.c miib o.Tubuloria a -runb 7. Sarsia 6. Clavarella Fia. 10.0.— Various forms of Leptolinse. In 1, a shows the entire colony, 6 a portion highly magnified ; in 7, a is a species producing medusa-buds from the manubrium, b from the bases of the tentacles ; dz. dactylozooids ; m. and M. medusae ; mnb. manubrium ; mth. mouth ; oc. eye-spots ; rcul. c. radial canals ; *. sporosacs ; sp. spines ; /, (>, 1-, tentacles. VOL. I L 146 ZOOLOGY SECT. Clathrozoon, an Australian genus, resembles it in having branched and intertwined ccenosarcal tubes, the perisarc of which under- goes fusion ; but the complex mass thus produced, instead of forming an incrustation on a shell, is a large, abundantly branched, tree-like structure, resembling some of the fan-corals or Gorgonacea (vide infra). Ceratdla (Fig. 10G) has a similar fan-coral-like appearance, with a branching axis composed of numerous inter- Fio. 106. — Ceratella fusca. About nat. size. (From Hickson, after Baldwin Spencer.) twining and anastomosing tubes ; but while Clathrozoon possesses thecse, in Ceratella they are absent. A great simplification of the colony is produced in Myriothcla (Fig. 105 2), in which the short coenosarc bears a single large terminal hydranth, and gives off numerous slender branches which bear the reproductive zooids (s). Even greater simplicity is found in Corymorpha (3), in which the entire organism consists of a single stalked polype, from the tentacular region of which the medusae (m) arise. IV PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 147 But the simplest members of the whole class, with the exception of one or two imperfectly known forms which will be referred to nte - SCALE FOR A Fio. 107!— Hydra. A, vertical section of entire animal ; B, portion of transverse section, highly magnified ; C, two large ectoderm cells ; D, endoderm cell of //. viridis ; E, large nematocyst ; F, small nematocyst ; G, sperm, a, ingested diatom ; bd. 1, bd. 2, buds ; chr. chromatophores ; cnbl. cnidoblast ; cnc. cnldocil ; ect. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; ent. car. enteric cavity ; ent. eav'. its prolongation into the tentacles ; fl. flagellum ; hyp. hypostome or manubrium ; int. c. interstitial cells ; m. pr. muscle-processes ; mth. mouth : ttugl. mesogloea : nlc. large, and ntc\ small nematocysts ; nu. nucleus : ov. ovunj ; ovy. ovary ; psd. pseudopods ; tpy. spermary ; vac. vacuole. (From Parker's Elementary Biology, after Lankester and Howes.) below, are the Fresh-water Polypes of the genus Hydra. The entire organism (Figs. 27 and 107) consists of a simple cylindrical L 2 148 ZOOLOGY sect. body with a conical hypostome and a circlet of six or eight tentacles. It is ordinarily attached, by virtue of a sticky secretion from the proximal end, to weeds, &c, but is capable of detaching itself and moving from place to place after the manner of a loop- ing caterpillar. The tentacles are hollow, and communicate freely with the enteron. Both the body and the tentacles are, highly contractile, the contractions being effected by means of a layer of fibres which run longitudinally. These fibres are processes — the muscle processes — (C, in. pr.) of the large ectoderm cells. Similar shorter muscle-processes of some of the endoderm cells run circularly and antagonise the longitudinal fibres. Nematocysts are abundant in the ectoderm. The endoderm cells are mostly amoeboid and vacuolated. Each usually bears one or more flagella, but these may be retracted. Glandular cells occur here and there. Nerve-cells (multipolar) occur in both layers, but present no regular arrangement. There is no perisarc. Buds (bd. 1, bd. 2) are produced which develop into Hydras, but these are always detached sooner or later, so that a permanent colony is never formed. There FiG.108..-Protoliydra leuckartii. (Prom Chun, after Greeff.) The mouth is to the left, the disc of attachment to the right. are no special reproductive zooids, but simple ovaries (ovy) and testes {spy) are developed, the former at the proximal, the latter at the distal end of the body. Even simpler than Hydra are Protohydra (Fig. 108) and Microhydra, in which the tentacles are absent. Pelagohydra is also solitary, but is pelagic. The part corres- ponding to the base in Hydra here takes the form of a float, and there are tentacles distributed over the surface of the float as well as in the neighbourhood of the mouth ; medusae are developed from processes on the float. Pelagohydra, however, is perhaps more nearly related to the Siphoiiophora — an order yet to be dealt with — than to the Leptolinse. The polypes are usually cylindrical, as in Obelia, but in some genera they are widened out into a vase-like form (Fig. 105, S), in others elongated into a spindle-shape (J/). The tentacles may be disposed in a single circlet, as in Obelia and Hydra, or there may be an additional circlet rounft the hypostome (8, 5), or at the base of the polype, or they may be scattered irregularly over the whole surface (Jj). In Myriothela {$) they are short, and so numerous as to have the appearance of close-set papillas. In some forms iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 149 they are knobbed at the ends, the knobs being loaded with stinging- capsules (4). In some species a dimotyhism of the hydranths obtains, some of them being modified to form protective zooids. In Hydractinia (1) these are simply mouthless hydranths with very short tentacles abundantly supplied with nematocysts, capable of very active movements, and called dactylozooids (dz). In Plumularia there are small structures called "guard-polypes," resembling tentacles in structure, with very numerous nematocysts, and each enclosed in a theca. In Hydractinia the coenosarc is also produced into spines (sp), which may be much modified zooids. But the most remarkable modifications occur in the repro- ductive zooids. In a large proportion of genera, both of Anthomedusae and Leptomedusae, these take the form of locomotive medusae, agreeing in general structure with the descriptions already given. Each appears at first as a hollow bud-like process of the blastostyle, or of an ordinary polype, or, more exceptionally, of the coenosarc. This becomes constricted at the junction and rounded off. The ectoderm at its free extremity becomes thickened, and this thickening, as it grows, pushes the endoderm before it, producing a sort of involution. In the interior of the mass of ectoderm a cavity appears : this is destined to form the sub-umbrellar cavity. The ectodermal partition that at first separates the cavity from the exterior, becomes perforated and most of it is absorbed, what remains round the edge going to form the velum. The endoderm is reduced to a thin layer except along four radial lines where it gives rise to the four radial canals, the thin parts between going to form the endoderm lamella. In different families and genera the medusae exhibit almost end- less variety in detail. As to size they vary from about 1 mm. in diameter up to 400 mm. (16 inches). The number of tentacles may be very great (Fig. 109, 2) or these organs may be reduced to two (Fig. 109, 1), or even to one (Fig. 105, 3) ; in the last-named cases it will be noticed that the medusa is no longer radially, but bilaterally symmetrical, i.e. it can be divided into two equal and similar halves by a single plane only — viz., the plane passing through the one or two tentacles. With the increase in the number of the tentacles a corresponding increase in that of the radial canals often takes place (Fig. 109, 3). Some medusae creep over submarine surfaces, walking on the tips of their peculiarly modified tentacles (Fig. 105, 6) but the majority propel themselves through the water in a series of jerks by alternately contracting and expanding the umbrella, and so, by rhythmically driving out the contained water, moving with the apex foremost. In correspondence with these energetic move- ments there is a great development of both muscular and 8ECT. IV PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 151 nervous systems. The velum and the sub-umbrella possess abundance of muscle-fibres, presenting a transverse striation, and round the margin of the umbrella is a double ring of nerve- cells and fibres, one ring being above, the other be\ow the at- tachment of the velum (Fig. 101, I), nv, nv). The medusae thus furnish the first instance we have met with of a central nervous t)/x(cm, i.e. a concentration of nervous tissue over a limited area serving to control the movements of the whole organism. It has been proved experimentally that the medusae is paralysed by removal of the nerve-ring. Over the whole sub-umbrella is a loose network of nerve-cells and fibres connected with the nerve- ring, and forming a peripheral nervous system. In some medusae the circular canal communicates with the exterior by minute pores placed at the summits of papillae, the Fio. 110.— Diagram illustrating the formation of a sporosac by the degradation of a medusa. A, medusa enclosed in ectodermal envelope (««) ; B, intermediate condition with vestiges of umbrella (v.) and radial canals (ra) : C, sporosac. ec. ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; m, manubrium ; or, ovary ; t, tentacle ; v, velum. (From Lang's Comparative Anatomy.) endoderm cells of which contain brown granules. There seems to be little doubt that these are organs of excretion, the cells with- drawing nitrogenous waste-matters from the tissues and passing them out through the pores. If we except the contractile vacuoles of Protozoa, this is the first appearance of specialised excretory organs in the ascending series of animals. Besides producing gonads, some medusae multiply asexual ly by budding, the buds being developed either from the manubrium (Fig. 105, 7a), or from the margin of the umbrella (76) or the base of the tentacles. The buds always have the medusa form. In many Leptolinae the reproductive zooids undergo a degrada- tion of structure, various stages of the process being found in different species. Almost every gradation is found, from perfect medusae to ovoid pouch-like bodies called sporosa&s (Fig. 105, lb, 5, s), each consisting of little more than a gonad, but shoeing an in- dication of its true nature in a prolongation of the digestive^cavity 152 ZOOLOGY of the colony, representing the stomach of the manubrium (Fig. 110). We thus have a reproductive zooid reduced to what is practically a reproductive organ. It is obvious that a continua- tion of the same process might result in the production of a simple gonad like that of Hydra : there is, however, no evidence to show that the Fresh- water Polype ever produced medusa?, and the probabilities are that its ovaries and testes are simply gonads, and not degenerate zooids. The case is interesting as showing how a simple structure may be imitated by the degradation of a complex one. It is quite possible, on the other hand, that the reproductive organs of the Leptomedusae (Fig. 100) are sporosacs, i.e. reproductive zooids, not mere gonads. In some rare cases the Fig. 11 1.— Early development of Eucope. A, blastula<-stage ; B, planula with solid endoderm ; C, planula with enteric cavity ; al. enteric cavity ; ep. ectoderm ; hy. endoderm. (From Balfour's Embiyology, after Kowalevsky.) sexual cells are not developed either in medusae or in sporosacs, but are formed directly in the blastostyles. In Obelia we found the medusa? to be budded off from pecu- liarly modified mouthless zooids — the blastostyles. This arrange- ment, however, is by no means universal : the reproductive zooids — whether medusa? or sporosacs — may spring directly from the coenosarc, as in Bougainvillea (Fig. 104), o"r from the ordinary hydranths (Fig. 105, 4- and 5). The primitive sex-cells, from which ova or sperms are ultimately developed, are sometimes formed from the endoderm or (more usually) ectoderm cells of the repro- ductive zooid; but in many cases originate in the coenosarc, and slowly migrate to their destination in the ectoderm of the gonad, where they metamorphose in the usual way into the definitive re- productive products, which when mature pass into the space below the ectoderm of the gonad. The development of the Leptolinae frequently, but not always, iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 15.3 begins within the maternal tissues, i.e. while the oosperm or im- pregnated egg- cell is still contained in the gonad of the medusae or in the sporosac. The oosperm divides into two cells, then into four, eight, sixteen, &c. Fluid accumulates in the interior of the embryo, resulting in the formation of a blastula or hollow globe formed of a single layer of cells (Fig. Ill, A). The blastula elongates, and the cells at one pole undergo division, the daughter- cells passing into the cavity, which they gradually fill (B). At this stage the embryo is called a planula : it consists of an outer layer of cylindrical cells — the ectoderm — which acquire cilia, and an inner mass of polyhedral cells — the endoderm. In some cases the planula arises by a different process : a solid morula is formed, the superficial cells of which become radially elongated and form ectoderm, the central mass of cells becoming endoderm. By means of its cilia the planula swims freely, and before long a cavity appears in the middle of the solid mass of endoderm, the cells of which then arrange themselves in a single layer around the cavity or enteron (C, al). The planula then comes to rest, fixes itself at one end to some suitable support, and becomes con- verted into a simple polype or hydrula by the attached end broadening into a disc and the opposite extremity forming a manubrium and tentacles. The hydrula soon begins to send off lateral buds, and so produces the branched colony. In Tubularia the oosperm develops, while still enclosed in the sporosac, into a short hydrula. which, after leading a free existence for a short time, fixes itself by its proximal end, buds, and produces the colony. In Hydra development begins in the ovary, and is complicated by the fact that the ectoderm of the morula gives rise to a sort of protective shell : in this condition the embryo is set free, and, after a period of rest, develops into the adult form. \ Order 2. — Trachylin^e General Structure. — The members of this order are all medusas: no zoophyte stage is certainly known in any of them, and several species have been proved to develop directly from the egg. They thus differ from the members of the preceding order in the fact that no alternation of generations ordinarily occurs in their life-history. Most species are of small or moderate size, the largest not exceeding 100 mm. (4 inches) in diameter. The gelatinous tissue or mesoglcea of the ex-umbrella is usually well developed, giving the medusa a more solid appearance than the delicate jelly-fish of the preceding order: this is well shown in Fig. 112, in which the apical region of the umbrella has a comparatively immense thick- ness. The tentacles are also stiff and strong, and are always solid in the young condition, although they may be replaced in the adult by hollow tentacles. 154 ZOOLOGY SECT. But the most characteristic anatomical feature of the group is the structure of the sense-organs, which are club-shaped bodies (Figs. 112 and 113, tc) consisting of an outer layer of ectoderm 2.Glossocodo'i Fig. 112.^-Two Trachymedusse. cir. c. circular canal; ffon. gonad; mnb. manubrium; inth. mouth ; rod. c. radial canal ; re. c. recurrent canal ; t. tentacle ; tc. tentaculocyst ; tg. tongue ; vl. velum. (After Haeckel.) rdd.c l.Cunarcha 2.Polyco(pa Fio. 113. — Two Narcomedusje. 2 in vertical section, gon. gonad ; mnb. manubrium ; mth. mouth ; pr. peronium ; rad.c. radial canal ; t. tentacle ; tc. tentaculocyst ; t.r. tentacle-root ; v.l. velum. (After Haeckel.) enclosing a central axis of endoderm cells (Fig. 114): they have, therefore, the structure of tentacles. They contain one or more lithites, which are always derived from the endoderm. To PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 155 distinguish them from the lithocysts of Leptomedusae, and to mark the fact that they are modified tentacles, they are called tcntaculo- cysls. They may either project freely from the margin of the umbrella, or may become enclosed in a pouch-like growth of ectoderm and more or less sunk in the tissue of the umbrella. Eyes occur in some, and are always of simple structure. The two sub-orders of Trachylinae are characterised by the mode of origin of the tentacles. In Trachymedusae, as in the preceding order, they arise near the edge of the um- brella (Fig. 112), but in the Narcomedusae they spring about half-way between the edge and the vertex (Fig. 113), and are continued, at their proximal ends, into the ielly of the ex-umbrella in the form of " tentacle-roots " (Lr). As to the position of the reproductive organs, there is the same difference be- tween the two sub-orders of Trachylinae as between the two sub-orders of Lepto- linae. In the Trachymedusae the gonads (Fig. 112, gon) are developed in the course of fche radial canals : in the Narcomedusae (Fig. 113) they lie on the manubrium, sometimes extending into the pouch-like offshoots of its cavity. There is always a well-developed velum, which, as in Fig. 113, 1, may hang down vertically instead of taking the usual horizontal position. In the Narcomedusae the manubrium is short ; in the Trachymedusae it is always well developed, and is sometimes (Fig. 112, 2) prolonged into a long, highly contractile peduncle, having its inner surface produced into a tongue-like process (tg) which protrudes through the mouth. In some the gastric cavity is situated in the manubrium, which in such a case is looked upon as partly of the nature of a process of the sub-umbrella (pseudo- manubrium). The simplest case of the development of Trachylinae is seen in jEgirwpsis, one of the Narcomedusae. The oosperm gives rise to a ciliated planula, which forms first two (Fig 115), then four tentacles, and a mouth, hypostome, and stomach. The larva of iEginopsis is thus a hydrula, closely resembling the corresponding stage of Tubularia. After a time the tentacular region grows out, carrying the tentacles with it, and becomes the umbrella of the Fig. 114.— .ffieinura myosura, a tentaculo* cyst highly magnified, erf. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; I. lithites ; nlc. nematocysts ; nc.c. group of nerve-colls. (After Haeckel). 156 ZOOLOGY sect. medusa. Thus the actual formation of the medusa from the hydrula of yEginopsis corresponds precisely with the theoretical derivation given above (p. 136). It will be seen that in the present case there is no metagenesis or alternation of generations, but that development is accompanied by a metamorphosis — that is, the egg gives rise to a larval form differing in a striking manner from the adult, into which it becomes converted by a gradual series 01 changes. Metagenesis is, however, not quite unknown among the Trachy- linse. In a parasitic Narcomedusa (Cttnina parasitica) the planula Fig. 115. —Larva of JEginopsiS. m. mouth ; t. tentacle. (From Balfour, after Metschnikoff.) fixes itself to the manubrium of one of the Trachymedusse which serves as its host, and develops into a hydrula. But the latter, in- stead of itself becoming metamorphosed into a medusa, retains the polype form and produces other hydrulae by budding, these last becoming converted into medusae in the usual way. Order 3. — Hydrocorallina. The best-known genus of Hydroid Corals is Millepora, one species of which is the beautiful Elk-horn Coral, M. alcicornis. The dried colony (Fig. 116 A) consists of an irregular lobed or branched mass of carbonate of lime, the whole surface beset with the numerous minute pores to which the genus owes its name. The pores are of two sizes : the larger are about 1 or 2 mm. apart, and are called gastropores (B, (j.p) ; the smaller are arranged more or less irregularly round the gastropores, and are called dadylopores (d.p). The whole surface of the coral between the pores has a pitted appearance. Sections (C) show that the entire stony mass is traversed by a complex system of branched canals, which com- municate with the exterior through the pores. The wide vertical PIIYLl M OKI.KNTKKATA 157 canals in immediate connection with the gastropores are traversed by horizontal partitions, thf tabula} (tb). In the living animal each pore is the place of origin of a zooid : from the gastropores protrude polypes (Fig. 117, F) with hypostome and four knobbed tentacles; from the dactylopores long, filamentous, mouthless dactylozooids or feelers (D.Z), with irregularly disposed tentacles : the function of these latter is probably protective and tactile, like that of the guard-polypes of Plumularia and the dactylozooids of Hydractinia. The bases of the zooids are con- nected with a system of delicate tubes, which ramify through the « + W r^% d?> I Fio. 116.— Millepora alcicornis. A, part of skeleton, natural size ; B, portion of surface, magnified ; C, vertical section, magnified ; d.p. dactylopores ; g.p. gastropores ; tb. tabulw. (After Nicholson and Lydekker.) canals of the coral and represent a much-branched coenosarc, recalling that of Hydractinia (p. 144). The coenosarcal tubes have the usual structure, consisting of ectoderm and endoderm with an intervening mesogloea. From the relative position of the parts it will be obvious that the cal- careous skeleton is in contact throughout with the ectoderm of the colony : it is, in fact, like the horny perisarc of the Leptolinse, a cuticular product of the ectoderm. The only other genus to which we shall refer is Stylaster (Fig. 118), which forms a remarkably elegant tree-like colony, abund- antly branched in one plane, and of a deep pink colour. On the branches are little cup-like projections with radiating processes passing from the wall of the cup towards the centre, and thus 158 ZOOLOGY closely resembling the true cup-corals belonging to the Actinozoa {vide infra). But in the case of Stylaster each " cup " is the locus, not of one, but of several zooids-— a polype projecting from its centre, and a dactylozooid from each of the compartments of its peripheral portion. A calcareous projection, the style, the presence of which is the origin of the generic name, rises up from the tabula at the bottom of each pore. The gonophores in most species of Millepora are developed in certain of the pores in dilatations or ampulla ; in one species at end ect Fig. 117. — Millepora. Diagrammatic view of a portion of the living animal, partly from the surface, partly in vertical section. In the sectional part the ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm striated, and the skeleton black, ect. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; d.p. dactylopore ; D.Z. dactylozooid ; g.p. gastropore ; mth. mouth ; P. polype ; t. tentacle. (Altered from Moseley.) the apices of the dactylozooids. They are medusae, but never have the complete medusa-form, being devoid of velum, mouth, radial canals and tentacles. Both male and female medusoe become free, but the period of free existence is very short. In Stylaster the medusoid character is much more completely lost, and the gonophores are more of the nature of sporosacs or 1\ PHI LITM CCKLENTRRATA 159 degraded reproductive zooida lodged in special chambers («) of the coral. The Hydrocorallina occur only in the tropical portions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, where they are found on the " coral- Fio. lia— Stylaster sanguineus. A, portion of skeleton, natural size; B, small portion, magnified ; a. ampulla? ; d.p. dactylopores ; g.p. gastropores. (After Nicholson and Lydekker.) " reefs" partly or entirely surrounding many of the islands in those seas. Fossil forms arc found as far back as the Triassic epoch. Order 4.— Siphoxopkora. The diversity of form exhibited by the members of this order is so great that anything like a general account of it would only be confusing to the beginner, and the most satisfactory method of presentation will be by the study of a few typical genera. Halistemma (Fig. 119 A) occurs in the Mediterranean and other seas, and consists of a long, slender, floating stem, to which a number of structures, differing greatly in form, are attached. At one — the uppermost — end of the stem is an ovoid, bubble-like body con- taining air — the float or pncumatophore (pn). Next come a number of closely set, transparent structures (net), having the general char- acters of unsymmetrical medusae without manubria, each being a deep, bell-like body, with a velum and radiating canals. During life these swimming-bells or nectocalyces contract rhythmically — i.e. at regular intervals — drawing water into their cavities, and immedi- ately pumping it out, thus serving to propel the entire organism hp/v Fig. 11J>. — Halistemma tergestinum. A, the entire colony; B, a single group of zooids. ecu. ccenosarc ; dz. dactylozooid ; hph. hydrophyllium or bract ; net. nectocalyx or swiniming- bell; ntc. battery of nematocysts ; p. polype; pn. pneumatophore or float; s, s\ sporocysts ; t. tentacle. (After Glaus.) sect, iv PHYLUM CCKLENTERATA 1G1 through the water. Below the last nectocalyx the character of the structures borne by the stem changes completely: they are of several kinds, and are arranged in groups which follow one another at regular intervals, and thus divide the stem into seg- ments, like the nodes and internodes of a plant. Springing from certain of the " nodes " are unmistakable polypes- (p), differing however from those we have hitherto met with in having no circlet of tentacles round the mouth, but a single long branched tentacle (t) arising from the proximal end, and bearing numerous groups or " batteries " of stinging-capsules (ntc). In the remaining nodes the place of the polypes is taken by dactylo- zooids or feelers (dz) — mouthless polypes, each with an unbranched tentacle springing from its base. Near the bases of the polypes and dactylozooids spring groups of sporosacs (B, s, s'), some male, others female; and finally delicate, leaf-like, transparent bodies — the bracts or hydrophyllia (hph) — spring from the " internodes " and partly cover the sporosacs. It is obvious that on the analogy of such sf hydroid polype as Obelia, Halistemma is to be looked upon as a polymorphic floating colony, the stem representing a coenosarc, and the various struc- tures attached to it zooids — the polypes nutritive zooids, the feelers tactile zooids, the sporosacs reproductive zooids, the bracts protective zooids, and the swimming-bells locomotory zooids. The float may be looked upon as the dilated end of the stem, which has become invaginated or turned-in so as to form a bladder filled with air, its outer and inner surfaces being furnished by ectoderm, and the middle portion of its wall by two layers of endoderm, between which the enteric cavity originally extended (Fig. 120, pri). The upper or float-bearing end is proximal — i.e. answers to the attached end of an Obelia-stem : it is the opposite or distal end which grows and forms new zooids by budding. In some Siphonophora the bracts contain indications of radial canals, so that these structures, as well as the swimming-bells and sporosacs, are formed on the medusa-type, while the hydranths and feelers are constructed on the polype-type. It will be noticed that the radial symmetry, so chai-acteristic of most of the Hydrozoa previously studied, gives way, in the case of Halistemma, to a bilateral symmetry. The swimming-bells are placed obliquely, and the mouth of the bell is not at right angles to the long axis, so that only one plane can be taken dividing these structures into two equal halves : the same applies to the polype and feelers with their single basal tentacle. When first formed the various zooids are all on one side of the stem, but the latter becomes spirally twisted during growth, and so causes them to arise irregularly. vol. I M 162 ZOOLOGY The egg of Halistemma gives rise to a ciliated planula re- sembling that of the other Hydrozoa. At one pole the ectoderm becomes invaginated to form the float (Fig. 121, ep), the opposite extremity is gradually converted into the first polype (po), and net Fig. 120.— Diagram of a Siphonophore : the thick line represents endoderm ; the space ex- ternal to it, ectoderm ; the internal space, the enteric cavity, cce. coenosarc ; dz. dactylozooid ; hph. iiydrophyllium ; md. sporosac ; net, net', nectocalyces ; ntc. battery of nernatocysts ; p. polype ; pn. pneumatophore ; t. tentacle. (After Glaus.) a bud appears on one side which becomes the first tentacle (t). By gradual elongation, and the formation of new zooids' as lateral buds, the adult form is produced; the various zooids are all formed between the first polype and the float, so that the two 1'IIVI.I M OKLKNTKUATA 163 become further and further apart, being always situated at the distal and proximal ends of the colony respectively. In an allied form (Agalma) the first structure to appear in the embryo is not the float, but the first bract, which grows considerably and envelops the growing embryo in much the same way as the umbrella of a medusa envelops the manu- brium. On this and other grounds some zoologists look upon the Siphonophore- • olonv as a medusa the manubrium of which has extended immensely and produced lateral buds after the manner of some Anthomedusai (Fig. 105, 7 a). Fig. 121.— Two stages in the development of Halistemma : the endoderm is shaded, the ectoderm left whi£e. ep. pneumatocyst or air-chamber, of pneumatophore ; hy. endoderm surrounding pneumatophore ; po. polype ; pp. pneumatophore; t. tentacle. (From Balfour, after MetschnikofT.) On this theory the entire coenosarc is an extended manubrium, and the first or primary bract is the umbrella. But frequently — as in Halistemma — a primary bract is not formed, and when present there appears to be no reason against regarding it as a lateral bud of the axis, of quite the same nature as the remaining zooids. In the well-known " Portuguese man-of-war " (Physalia) there is a great increase in proportional size of the float and a corre- sponding reduction of the rest of the coenosarc. The float (Fig. 122, pn) has the form of an elongated bladder, from 3 to 12 cm. long, pointed at both ends, and produced along its upper edge into a crest or sail («•) : as a rule it is of a brilliant peacock-blue colour, but orange-coloured specimens are sometimes met with. At one end is a minute aperture communicating with the exterior. There are no swimming-bells, but from the underside of the float hang gastrozooids (p), dactylozooids, branching blastostyles (goiwdendra) with groups of medusoids looking like bunches of grapes of a deep blue colour, and long retractile tentacles (t), M 2 164 ZOOLOGY sometimes several feet in length and containing batteries of stinging-capsules powerful enough to sting the hand as severely as a nettle. The male reproductive zooid remains attached, as in C7* Fig. 122. — Physalia : the living animal floating on the surface of the sea. er. crest ; p. polype ; pn. pneumatophore ; t. tentacle. (After Huxley.) Halistemma, but the female apparently becomes detached as a free medusa. In Dlphycs the float is absent. Two swimming-bells (Fig. 123 A, m) of proportionally immense size are situated at the proximal end of the coensarc, and are followed by widely-separated groups of zooids (B), each group containing a polype (n) with its tentacles (i), IV IMIVLCM OKLKNTKRATA 165 a meduzoid {