1 00:00:03,87 --> 00:00:08,01 To. Me and it. 2 00:00:14,16 --> 00:00:20,95 To. Him you need. 3 00:00:26,27 --> 00:00:27,00 To move. 4 00:00:36,73 --> 00:00:37,10 To. 5 00:00:44,83 --> 00:00:48,43 The who. 6 00:00:53,72 --> 00:00:57,91 Knew who to. 7 00:01:27,18 --> 00:01:32,74 This is the story of Michael Blake former paratrooper one of the many eggs G.I.'s 8 00:01:32,75 --> 00:01:36,69 were found themselves drawn back to those places they had known during the war 9 00:01:37,18 --> 00:01:42,62 seeking the old drill of excitement but never finding it. But Blake's whisperings 10 00:01:42,63 --> 00:01:48,27 story different from those Maybe you've heard of well the end of it anyway it hit 11 00:01:48,28 --> 00:01:52,84 the headlines at the time but it will bring up here at the village of St Hilda's 12 00:01:52,85 --> 00:01:58,05 they are in the rugged mountains of the South of France. The summer dawn comes 13 00:01:58,06 --> 00:02:03,54 quiet day to the village perched here on the. To the precipice. They will it's 14 00:02:03,55 --> 00:02:09,17 preached always the first awake was on his way to the church when Saddam. 15 00:02:12,05 --> 00:02:16,55 The bells were ringing the bells that have been silent ever since the disappearance 16 00:02:16,56 --> 00:02:17,16 of a god with 17 00:02:17,17 --> 00:02:22,15 a single day are the famous green glow that made this village an object of the 18 00:02:22,16 --> 00:02:25,29 religious to the sick the maimed and the baseball for nearly 19 00:02:25,30 --> 00:02:30,81 a thousand years to Father Duro it meant that the gauntlet had come home for the 20 00:02:30,82 --> 00:02:36,02 ballad been made of the bell we should never really again until it returned but it 21 00:02:36,03 --> 00:02:40,19 wasn't there in the nature which had been empty so long why at the end of the bells 22 00:02:40,20 --> 00:02:42,63 ringing and who was ringing them. 23 00:02:44,43 --> 00:02:53,43 I'm 24 00:02:53,92 --> 00:02:55,95 to them 25 00:02:55,96 --> 00:03:21,94 he 26 00:03:21,95 --> 00:03:21,97 eh 27 00:03:22,56 --> 00:03:35,63 C.F.C.'s 28 00:03:35,64 --> 00:03:40,46 I'm 29 00:03:40,47 --> 00:03:43,76 Jim. 30 00:03:48,61 --> 00:03:49,13 Jim 31 00:03:49,14 --> 00:03:57,41 I'm 32 00:03:57,42 --> 00:04:00,26 Jim. 33 00:04:06,32 --> 00:04:12,58 Yes come home. Brought it from nobody. There was nobody there. 34 00:04:14,45 --> 00:04:17,15 Only. The dead man. 35 00:04:32,24 --> 00:04:37,94 If he ring the bell to sing the going to come home. He was dealt the grand nobody 36 00:04:37,95 --> 00:04:44,94 would of. Change Liz Kelly. 37 00:04:45,97 --> 00:04:52,56 An American. So there it was the miracle of the Goddess for the come home with no 38 00:04:52,57 --> 00:04:58,95 one to bring in the Bell the grime with no man alive to pollute and of course the 39 00:04:58,96 --> 00:05:05,55 mystery of the dead man. With the end of the story. But this story has really 40 00:05:05,56 --> 00:05:10,09 begun many years earlier. This nineteen bloody war. 41 00:05:14,10 --> 00:05:16,27 Your life liberation of the South of France. 42 00:05:31,36 --> 00:05:34,36 One survivor respect around behind the German lines. 43 00:06:07,74 --> 00:06:08,42 I'm close. 44 00:06:14,67 --> 00:06:21,15 And. I set 45 00:06:22,01 --> 00:06:28,29 my sketches. The ideas that correspondent and over the papers battle scenes 46 00:06:28,47 --> 00:06:34,88 impressions and explore Oh now. I see yours is like Utena play 47 00:06:35,62 --> 00:06:41,81 a game of human species getting at our journey. Whatever it is I've changed 48 00:06:41,82 --> 00:06:46,92 passport was and I've lost touch. I was educated in England and I know to check my 49 00:06:46,93 --> 00:06:50,62 father was a coach in those days the pose a Russian is 50 00:06:50,63 --> 00:06:55,96 a check for us to. Get out. American the wasting of 51 00:06:55,97 --> 00:06:59,99 a lot of ammunition. Only to Michel you get the JAMMA nine hundred on the 52 00:07:00,00 --> 00:07:06,83 counter-attack don't nobody interested to see. OK to let you into the 53 00:07:06,84 --> 00:07:13,52 jeans he was going. To let you go the Gemini show. But I think this. 54 00:07:16,20 --> 00:07:16,59 Open. 55 00:07:29,60 --> 00:07:33,93 I told you I sketched. In 56 00:07:33,94 --> 00:07:40,64 a little she got. The green 57 00:07:40,65 --> 00:07:41,73 glove of 58 00:07:41,74 --> 00:07:48,30 a very valuable. This is Blake you have to go it's yours it was another make you 59 00:07:48,31 --> 00:07:55,25 rich for the rest of your life. Because those gems. I told you I sketched that many 60 00:07:55,26 --> 00:07:58,71 a sideline in peacetime I'm an art dealer antiques 61 00:07:59,22 --> 00:08:03,74 a shop in London. Even York probably had a bit. Of 62 00:08:03,75 --> 00:08:09,38 a given he's. Never been like I described with 63 00:08:09,39 --> 00:08:11,54 a fortune of the one collective would be demolished. 64 00:08:38,26 --> 00:08:44,34 She would laugh when. We were looking for you everything we show you dropped from 65 00:08:44,35 --> 00:08:51,22 the plane. Don't worry the underground has had many other good for you. Jim. 66 00:09:01,49 --> 00:09:03,49 Jim's account a checking one thousand times I gotta get 67 00:09:03,50 --> 00:09:10,43 a message. Message me that one. Of cos 68 00:09:10,44 --> 00:09:10,84 the other. 69 00:09:37,10 --> 00:09:41,91 Champagne method. You might. 70 00:09:43,82 --> 00:09:44,91 Just waiting to. 71 00:09:54,67 --> 00:10:00,83 Make. It is that really feel good. As you. 72 00:10:01,91 --> 00:10:07,77 Can See That is like from. New York when it comes. 73 00:10:09,38 --> 00:10:14,18 To coming right now no no not now or ever Germans are dreaming that's why we drink 74 00:10:14,65 --> 00:10:21,43 so they're American. Sometimes. We think yes we drink to you our 75 00:10:21,44 --> 00:10:28,05 first American in the world came with thank the English to the French. And. 76 00:10:30,92 --> 00:10:37,63 We had. The music. Of this favorite 77 00:10:37,64 --> 00:10:43,54 to. It isat the gate to. Where we played together here 78 00:10:44,50 --> 00:10:51,46 it was before the war. Which will be out of 79 00:10:51,53 --> 00:10:54,81 the well. Maybe. 80 00:11:02,09 --> 00:11:08,26 We found him and methadone but all supposed to be best because to speak when we 81 00:11:08,27 --> 00:11:12,06 found him he said Thompson imagine the message would do says I. 82 00:11:27,73 --> 00:11:32,78 Thought I was doing something for his country. He died for nothing. That man swore 83 00:11:32,79 --> 00:11:33,36 to Jim for 84 00:11:33,37 --> 00:11:49,87 a tax. Treaty. Which kind of help. Are 85 00:11:49,88 --> 00:11:56,24 you ready most. Countries. 86 00:11:57,37 --> 00:12:04,13 Can't. She has not spoken 87 00:12:04,14 --> 00:12:10,96 since the reason is quite God bless you for getting your bag Michel. You found it 88 00:12:11,12 --> 00:12:12,82 yes in the ruins was 89 00:12:12,83 --> 00:12:17,01 a lot is hard it is better to just think you know I keep it for you some day you 90 00:12:17,02 --> 00:12:20,31 can come back for it after the law is clear you keep. 91 00:12:31,98 --> 00:12:37,89 That was the end of the beginning they took to the words. And the story stopped 92 00:12:37,90 --> 00:12:39,02 dead for several years. 93 00:12:45,80 --> 00:12:50,80 It started again one fine August morning in Paris the years have been tough for 94 00:12:50,81 --> 00:12:56,84 Michael Blake everything had gone wrong so Michael came back for somewhere in the 95 00:12:56,85 --> 00:12:59,62 south of France he knew of a glove which was worth 96 00:12:59,63 --> 00:13:07,64 a fortune. But 97 00:13:07,65 --> 00:13:14,54 someone had been waiting for Michael Blake's return and. The platform on 98 00:13:14,55 --> 00:13:15,61 which we're now standing is 99 00:13:15,62 --> 00:13:19,85 a hundred eighty eight feet above the ground. A total head of the structure is nine 100 00:13:19,86 --> 00:13:24,72 hundred and seventy five feet now if you continue with me cannot be passed over 101 00:13:24,73 --> 00:13:25,69 there to be able to get 102 00:13:25,70 --> 00:13:31,40 a good look at the same in all the bridges allowing. This way. 103 00:13:51,43 --> 00:13:57,51 Thank you look over your shoulder and some of the little men to gracious to. You 104 00:13:57,52 --> 00:13:58,11 come this way. 105 00:14:05,00 --> 00:14:07,71 Because of elevators he tries to stop the time in. 106 00:14:18,35 --> 00:14:23,47 The street can you tell me the time. Ten minutes to twelve time 107 00:14:23,48 --> 00:14:26,60 a commission elevator. You can look down. 108 00:14:36,81 --> 00:14:40,98 Now because you've seen the river saying which close to Paris if you look you all 109 00:14:40,99 --> 00:14:43,00 messed up on Monument the Austrian. 110 00:15:01,37 --> 00:15:04,57 The trouble with you is Jim. I gotta take like 111 00:15:04,58 --> 00:15:10,02 a seriously or not take it all in the night. Ready getting it. 112 00:15:13,47 --> 00:15:15,98 And then you say. To me. 113 00:15:21,22 --> 00:15:28,17 Well I want to chuck my old buddy Chuck. Right Mike 114 00:15:28,18 --> 00:15:34,91 you've heard me talk Mike I'll stay to get Mike this is Chris Christie. In 115 00:15:34,92 --> 00:15:41,41 a big favor didn't. Even want to. 116 00:15:42,50 --> 00:15:44,74 Write. In finish. 117 00:16:00,42 --> 00:16:04,46 I'm going to. Get 118 00:16:04,47 --> 00:16:09,39 a job. In 119 00:16:09,40 --> 00:16:27,20 a week. Why 120 00:16:27,21 --> 00:16:30,67 is it an article. I will be asked 121 00:16:30,68 --> 00:16:37,53 a lot of questions. And interact with it all about this morning while with family 122 00:16:38,52 --> 00:16:38,81 and in 123 00:16:38,82 --> 00:16:45,63 a. Minute. Sharing tourist psychopathic 124 00:16:46,29 --> 00:16:47,42 stranger in town I'm 125 00:16:47,43 --> 00:16:54,43 a gimmick getting to have. An official or unofficial message is any reason 126 00:16:54,44 --> 00:17:01,33 why Madeleine was not. Attending. And 127 00:17:01,34 --> 00:17:04,05 believe me. I like I haven't robbed 128 00:17:04,06 --> 00:17:10,18 a bank and killed anybody I'm not an international spy reason. X.X. 129 00:17:10,18 --> 00:17:17,13 . He danced in this. House got me into more 130 00:17:17,14 --> 00:17:17,53 trouble. 131 00:17:31,46 --> 00:17:37,11 He went home well I still knew where. The first trial the Michael 132 00:17:37,12 --> 00:17:39,95 a gas. Tank missed. 133 00:17:54,02 --> 00:18:00,99 We grew old I'll get your guitar player play for solitude. Perimeter. You 134 00:18:01,00 --> 00:18:05,91 know I will make these rash promises about. Never in front of witnesses who. 135 00:18:08,54 --> 00:18:09,05 Didn't even have 136 00:18:09,06 --> 00:18:17,30 a chance in we're. Kind of. Going 137 00:18:17,31 --> 00:18:22,15 to think it's great. She have an extra week maybe. 138 00:18:25,12 --> 00:18:29,87 Because we're going to come to money come. You can come six o'clock train in the 139 00:18:29,88 --> 00:18:32,26 morning. Well I think it's 140 00:18:32,27 --> 00:18:38,22 a real diffuse not actions like that made me feel much me. How I Met Your friend 141 00:18:38,23 --> 00:18:43,51 Jimmy I was invited to get what you mean which was stay together which I didn't go 142 00:18:43,52 --> 00:18:50,27 to college. And looks like we 143 00:18:50,28 --> 00:18:51,92 spent the night together on the phone to. 144 00:19:34,93 --> 00:19:41,14 Believe. Him I go break this part of me aside and said you might come here about 145 00:19:41,35 --> 00:19:48,08 will you please return with us to your hotel. Why. I'm Inspector 146 00:19:48,09 --> 00:19:51,86 phobia Barry's police department that is our information regarding the man who lies 147 00:19:51,87 --> 00:19:55,27 dead in your room. Eight. 148 00:20:12,62 --> 00:20:19,56 You know this then. Sound from 149 00:20:19,57 --> 00:20:24,86 then on the Eiffel Tower Why do you recall having seen. The life of me I can't 150 00:20:24,87 --> 00:20:31,03 remember. For the life of you perhaps you had better and. I want is my mother's 151 00:20:31,04 --> 00:20:37,87 knowledge of this matter. Have you seen that person. Also in the 152 00:20:37,88 --> 00:20:44,71 ivory tower. Remember that is 153 00:20:44,72 --> 00:20:47,39 definitely whether you know that to lie on behalf of 154 00:20:47,40 --> 00:20:50,71 a criminal is to render yourself an existing don't call me 155 00:20:50,72 --> 00:20:55,07 a criminal why should she lie that you're hearing the I didn't say she lie. 156 00:20:57,96 --> 00:21:03,02 So neither of you can recall what you know to me it just chance or 157 00:21:03,03 --> 00:21:08,53 a tiger just drew the three of you together. The doctor says it's been dead for 158 00:21:08,67 --> 00:21:13,38 thirty six hours out there right away during that time. A little cabaret down the 159 00:21:13,39 --> 00:21:15,71 street I don't know if a place called 160 00:21:15,72 --> 00:21:21,92 a sleeping carriage and. If I was here it is well you spoke the truth there are 161 00:21:21,93 --> 00:21:28,68 witnesses to prove it. What are you doing. Spending my money you got any objection 162 00:21:29,56 --> 00:21:36,16 that is the reason. I came here I came here to kill 163 00:21:36,17 --> 00:21:43,13 a guy left his body in my bedroom. And arrest me I cannot arrest you. But you will 164 00:21:43,14 --> 00:21:46,96 be transferred to another room one of my men will be on hand we'll call it 165 00:21:47,00 --> 00:21:52,54 a protective custody. Is the three elements in your favor. 166 00:21:53,70 --> 00:22:00,04 Strongest. Young ladies take substantiating or second you stayed out tonight 167 00:22:00,05 --> 00:22:04,93 instead of disposing of the deceit it might have been possible. You seem to be 168 00:22:04,94 --> 00:22:08,93 a reasonably intelligent person if you'd kill this man I believe you would have 169 00:22:08,94 --> 00:22:11,48 destroyed his drawing. It was 170 00:22:11,49 --> 00:22:16,49 a day. I mean if you miss you when you fail to identify him because it's obvious he 171 00:22:16,50 --> 00:22:22,41 needed a means to identify you but it also indicates that there is somewhere 172 00:22:22,42 --> 00:22:23,23 a link or 173 00:22:23,24 --> 00:22:29,70 a connection between your presence in friends and his THAT. All of you is 174 00:22:29,71 --> 00:22:34,01 a down. Lieutenant of United States airborne infantry. 175 00:22:38,84 --> 00:22:38,96 In 176 00:22:38,97 --> 00:22:46,03 a suit. You want to die whenever and I want my friend outside. My watch 177 00:22:46,04 --> 00:22:47,54 that the policeman is wearing 178 00:22:47,55 --> 00:22:59,96 a cavity there is no policeman's or. A 179 00:22:59,97 --> 00:23:05,04 right he's got that's all this is yet thanks to. 180 00:23:11,16 --> 00:23:17,03 The priest back in place. Back to full they're going to play. 181 00:23:19,17 --> 00:23:24,31 Secretary. Back to where. I wait 182 00:23:24,32 --> 00:23:26,09 a minute you think I'm going to hang around here provide 183 00:23:26,10 --> 00:23:32,44 a link when to come back. Next week next week and. 184 00:23:34,61 --> 00:23:38,22 Yeah. Yeah I will take time out. 185 00:24:22,29 --> 00:24:27,97 You know. I think the problem. With. 186 00:25:00,80 --> 00:25:02,55 The in. 187 00:26:36,47 --> 00:26:43,44 Shame. No smoke I speak of the English much much you don't know that when you bump 188 00:26:43,45 --> 00:26:49,62 into me this morning who had you to phone me. Alone which is illegal I was guilty 189 00:26:49,63 --> 00:26:53,77 of the same brush. You took to make it a goal to stand here in 190 00:26:53,78 --> 00:26:59,20 a million fantasy that when you go to send in NG I go to County Calif right I'm 191 00:26:59,21 --> 00:27:03,68 going on NG intelligible to I know I'm a little my wife she has 192 00:27:03,69 --> 00:27:08,70 a Nobel in English name the I'm still stranded and then being an American you 193 00:27:08,71 --> 00:27:15,28 wouldn't know. But if you would wish to sell you'll still the money my wife and I 194 00:27:15,29 --> 00:27:16,68 did and I stripped. 195 00:27:49,38 --> 00:27:55,91 That. Seat for 196 00:27:55,92 --> 00:28:02,09 complimenting. The boss I regret your project on traveling light of course I forgot 197 00:28:02,91 --> 00:28:03,82 that I liked. 198 00:28:11,77 --> 00:28:12,13 It is 199 00:28:12,14 --> 00:28:37,31 a political matter. And 200 00:28:37,31 --> 00:28:37,31 . 201 00:29:02,97 --> 00:29:07,42 That's what I'm asking you. I was reading and I quite Thank you I. 202 00:29:15,66 --> 00:29:15,96 Don't want to. 203 00:29:34,69 --> 00:29:36,42 Get into. Without. 204 00:29:44,79 --> 00:29:45,24 Evident in 205 00:29:45,25 --> 00:30:02,37 a night. Train right now. Seven 206 00:30:02,38 --> 00:30:03,97 hundred francs and ninety nine. 207 00:30:11,22 --> 00:30:18,01 Thank you very much. It can make it. Such 208 00:30:18,02 --> 00:30:22,38 a little dangerous shipping. What really happened to the policeman it was that he 209 00:30:22,39 --> 00:30:22,76 went out on 210 00:30:22,77 --> 00:30:26,12 a date or something I don't know the particulars All right so I kill him till. 211 00:30:31,78 --> 00:30:37,10 He's unchanged. Which is keeping you awake. If you're to get to. 212 00:30:50,95 --> 00:30:56,14 The place walk out on but you can't run away like will catch up with me anyhow 213 00:30:56,15 --> 00:30:59,57 within two days two days until the other friend and 214 00:30:59,58 --> 00:31:03,39 a fan what is this and I'll listen I'll tell you what it is is none of your 215 00:31:03,40 --> 00:31:07,92 business and I don't want any more your help can not offering my help as 216 00:31:07,93 --> 00:31:10,11 a customer and I'm going to do it deep if you're 217 00:31:10,12 --> 00:31:16,13 a kid that way I'll be in jail. Get this I'm going to stick by you until I know 218 00:31:16,14 --> 00:31:20,52 what this is all about in self-defense I'll do it believe me I'll be with you day 219 00:31:20,53 --> 00:31:27,22 and night. Complaining. Michael tell me I'm not the kind of 220 00:31:27,23 --> 00:31:34,23 beast you. This is 221 00:31:34,24 --> 00:31:34,60 a man. 222 00:31:54,17 --> 00:31:54,36 With 223 00:31:54,37 --> 00:32:00,73 a pipeline up. From the South as if he was supposed to get out of Mexico are nasty 224 00:32:00,74 --> 00:32:06,39 to kill at. What age tell me but I didn't kill any man face now what is all this 225 00:32:06,40 --> 00:32:13,29 later on the train. Yes. I want to talk about the way the manager. 226 00:32:18,97 --> 00:32:25,74 Agapanthus you have to come out of the other way. If you 227 00:32:25,75 --> 00:32:28,46 doesn't tell me and I meet with one of the stations. 228 00:33:11,44 --> 00:33:14,17 Had to take them up. Then he went to sleep. 229 00:33:32,07 --> 00:33:32,92 Now but we will. 230 00:33:39,02 --> 00:33:43,88 Be breakfast. Where do we go from here. 231 00:33:52,51 --> 00:33:58,55 To. Try to find. One. 232 00:34:01,14 --> 00:34:02,17 On the field is shaped like 233 00:34:02,18 --> 00:34:09,46 a bird. Flying at the bailout. Was 234 00:34:09,47 --> 00:34:13,00 a war. We want to go back and find. 235 00:34:27,58 --> 00:34:30,53 But some. Parents. 236 00:34:40,67 --> 00:34:43,28 Count too much. Of 237 00:34:43,29 --> 00:35:06,88 a night. The 238 00:35:06,89 --> 00:35:12,80 American attack last night. It arrives here in. 239 00:35:19,70 --> 00:35:20,29 My dear. 240 00:35:32,21 --> 00:35:39,16 God. To get into one of the. Attacks. 241 00:35:40,77 --> 00:35:40,98 That's. 242 00:35:57,68 --> 00:36:03,57 About. Thousand years in heaven. I don't understand. 243 00:36:39,32 --> 00:36:44,20 That's the village up there only going to. Come over here. 244 00:36:47,77 --> 00:36:50,56 This is a very famous spot a local legend is called 245 00:36:50,57 --> 00:36:56,25 a sharp point at the shop you can see. This is Latin L B I want to battle over the 246 00:36:56,26 --> 00:36:59,41 moon I thought you said do you think you are 247 00:36:59,42 --> 00:37:04,86 a funny one but this is way in the past is in the mood what's happening way up that 248 00:37:04,87 --> 00:37:10,11 road. Is the only one connected the edge of the outside world but an L.D.R. 249 00:37:10,24 --> 00:37:14,27 Attack that was in the rear he led his men down to this spot but the only other 250 00:37:14,28 --> 00:37:19,30 route and were to possible go practice Well that was the end of the Morse you can 251 00:37:19,31 --> 00:37:23,78 see the go track over there it starts from the village going to the precipice and 252 00:37:23,79 --> 00:37:23,91 it's 253 00:37:23,92 --> 00:37:28,42 a very dangerous cost on the face of the cliff it will see the track clearly as it 254 00:37:28,43 --> 00:37:31,25 reaches the valley and big bags across rough country to 255 00:37:31,26 --> 00:37:32,92 a point directly below it and 256 00:37:32,93 --> 00:37:39,53 a kind again very steeply up up up to this point. What the village 257 00:37:39,54 --> 00:37:46,22 Anyway it's not what is there now it's what was there one way in the pan well. 258 00:37:47,81 --> 00:37:48,33 In the past. 259 00:38:32,89 --> 00:38:34,04 This is an empty. 260 00:38:40,02 --> 00:38:44,34 Profit yesterday so and it's got the same one I said about to get 261 00:38:44,35 --> 00:38:45,34 a different system. 262 00:38:52,05 --> 00:38:55,60 And ideas helped you along prod money trying to read it is 263 00:38:56,41 --> 00:39:02,49 a God No because it was not always people who used to come here and thousands in 264 00:39:02,50 --> 00:39:09,22 the Gamma gone about to go eat it and. Who could imagine that it would not be 265 00:39:09,23 --> 00:39:11,30 safe there but you can imagine what 266 00:39:11,31 --> 00:39:17,24 a dancer brought pictures prices up to change and think the world deleted enough I 267 00:39:17,25 --> 00:39:19,28 don't know your collector a twelve million francs for 268 00:39:19,29 --> 00:39:23,39 a stone to divide the gauntlet I think like what they are but the one hundred 269 00:39:23,40 --> 00:39:27,31 thousand pounds is the easy part and I did 270 00:39:27,32 --> 00:39:34,18 a travelling oppressively I believe that one day. Become whole and then you will 271 00:39:34,19 --> 00:39:39,48 ring the bell or you know about the battle to the bell that has never run since the 272 00:39:39,49 --> 00:39:43,96 day the gauntlet was stolen will never be again until it comes back yes I read that 273 00:39:43,97 --> 00:39:46,93 somewhere but. I give out 274 00:39:46,94 --> 00:40:04,02 a. Good 275 00:40:04,03 --> 00:40:04,55 bye darling. 276 00:40:15,19 --> 00:40:17,45 Run Dubnyk to get the money column I.P.O. 277 00:40:17,46 --> 00:40:22,62 In the morning guys but even if you can combine business with. Reality here is the 278 00:40:23,09 --> 00:40:24,45 next degree show me that the casino. 279 00:40:42,36 --> 00:40:44,07 Is telegram right for you from T.V. 280 00:40:44,28 --> 00:40:45,12 I decoded it. 281 00:41:19,27 --> 00:41:25,46 This is approaching this road we've given up. On him and then there's. My wife to 282 00:41:25,47 --> 00:41:27,53 pay as my son is not trying to. 283 00:41:32,59 --> 00:41:32,85 Not. 284 00:42:04,61 --> 00:42:05,16 Let me. 285 00:42:13,42 --> 00:42:14,08 The only thing that. 286 00:42:20,79 --> 00:42:24,50 I don't you see Chris another big bad luck this proves it. 287 00:42:28,31 --> 00:42:33,28 You're not to blame because the price is destroyed by the war. All right my 288 00:42:33,29 --> 00:42:39,45 comeback if you weren't ready to say things I was. Nothing like disgrace. You know 289 00:42:39,46 --> 00:42:44,84 when I walked out of that door years ago things they went from bad to worse. I 290 00:42:44,85 --> 00:42:47,09 thought that when I came back and found 291 00:42:47,10 --> 00:42:53,96 a glove that might help. My make up on. But if they 292 00:42:53,97 --> 00:42:58,64 optioned don't go. I'd like to have 293 00:42:58,65 --> 00:43:11,39 a check. I 294 00:43:11,43 --> 00:43:18,30 get it from every. Rather good. With 295 00:43:18,31 --> 00:43:22,55 metaphor. Polish title. 296 00:43:29,95 --> 00:43:33,10 Just to clarify matters I've been keeping 297 00:43:33,11 --> 00:43:38,95 a tab on USE THE WALL TO MY York office I must say that it is at the time. That man 298 00:43:38,96 --> 00:43:44,03 killed Michael. Yes I did read about that in the papers current event the man who 299 00:43:44,04 --> 00:43:49,61 was beaten to death. I imagine anyone who comes in decided to double cross somebody 300 00:43:49,61 --> 00:43:52,94 . To make 301 00:43:52,95 --> 00:43:57,55 a deal behind somebody back so you killed my dear young lady I never killed anyone 302 00:43:57,56 --> 00:44:02,74 in my life that even during the war the Germans of the Palm Isabella grabber to the 303 00:44:02,75 --> 00:44:07,62 French were gonna be one of their spies so convenient arrangement beside the point 304 00:44:08,37 --> 00:44:12,88 you're broke that's why you're going to France to cash in on the glove so it's 305 00:44:12,89 --> 00:44:19,19 still here. It might be why the tell me play. 306 00:44:20,84 --> 00:44:26,66 Emmy. Don't touch it. Not yet. 307 00:44:28,69 --> 00:44:35,66 Today Blake. But it isn't the first time blood been shed for the god of candles 308 00:44:35,67 --> 00:44:42,43 in. A green glove the same thing you want to talk about my help your hair I warrant 309 00:44:42,44 --> 00:44:47,47 a vision of your arrest and it can. Really believe I killed that game I'm 310 00:44:47,48 --> 00:44:50,27 a detective on the train he was shot dead you left your coat 311 00:44:50,49 --> 00:44:55,54 a piece is too pretty for the part of the police to. Themselves for they think you 312 00:44:55,55 --> 00:45:00,15 get a break what you they're after the frame just of opportunity not if like 313 00:45:00,73 --> 00:45:03,09 a lot of nice effective for that's where you put 314 00:45:03,10 --> 00:45:07,81 a lot of color on how I don't want any I'll get you one brand of your five thousand 315 00:45:07,82 --> 00:45:13,52 dollars for the glove come here is Pepe when I'm boxing said was the crab 316 00:45:13,70 --> 00:45:17,01 a rough customer. Get out of my way. 317 00:45:39,00 --> 00:45:41,51 To. Making. 318 00:45:46,64 --> 00:45:48,53 A name is. 319 00:46:09,68 --> 00:46:15,69 To. Aim. 320 00:46:21,35 --> 00:46:21,63 To. 321 00:46:36,85 --> 00:46:43,78 Remain whom it is. A good idea. To 322 00:46:43,79 --> 00:46:50,28 be able to get. It to make up to break. Even if you know what it Johnny and 323 00:46:51,19 --> 00:46:53,41 I do try to get you to visit my great. 324 00:47:00,45 --> 00:47:03,03 Game in which. 325 00:47:11,78 --> 00:47:13,97 Man named. 326 00:47:43,16 --> 00:47:43,41 He's. 327 00:48:14,96 --> 00:48:20,63 The man who had. Traditionally from 328 00:48:20,64 --> 00:48:27,25 a man. Bring him to the village and. 329 00:48:28,61 --> 00:48:29,73 No more than fifty people. 330 00:48:57,11 --> 00:48:57,26 He's 331 00:48:57,27 --> 00:49:05,71 a good enough case when you. Don't. Know. My 332 00:49:05,72 --> 00:49:06,08 son. 333 00:49:12,70 --> 00:49:18,87 He should be back immediately. Time is. 334 00:49:21,16 --> 00:49:25,62 Now most to live. Here. 335 00:49:29,82 --> 00:49:36,59 She tells me which happens. When we click on the moment consumer choice about to. 336 00:49:38,42 --> 00:49:40,32 Be shocked to see the beautiful new she. 337 00:49:47,53 --> 00:49:48,19 Didn't repeat. 338 00:49:57,16 --> 00:50:03,02 Everything but I'm but. Maybe not with you. 339 00:50:05,83 --> 00:50:11,62 And Madam nobody else. But it's late for you to be out of your bed. 340 00:50:12,89 --> 00:50:16,99 Tonight but I'm. Not. 341 00:50:23,39 --> 00:50:24,08 Turning them down. 342 00:50:34,20 --> 00:50:40,88 I didn't mean anybody. The police are leaving. We might as well be going to shows 343 00:50:40,89 --> 00:50:47,06 away. Something talking to the bank. 344 00:50:50,37 --> 00:50:53,41 I promised that would keep it thanks given to me. 345 00:50:57,47 --> 00:51:04,25 Sounds nothing. Like to. Do. I think she has 346 00:51:04,26 --> 00:51:09,39 a right to see it I think you are too there's nothing in it but I. Try. 347 00:51:11,35 --> 00:51:18,21 Green gloves. So they'll get to mountain village by 348 00:51:18,22 --> 00:51:23,99 Monte Carlo very small which famous of course for the gauntlets which was said to 349 00:51:24,00 --> 00:51:29,67 be a Lisick and. That gauntlet 350 00:51:29,68 --> 00:51:36,39 a center. Is it. Is it possible. 351 00:51:40,58 --> 00:51:42,80 To. Send in. 352 00:51:51,59 --> 00:51:56,42 Two thousand people. When I went to Cuba to come. 353 00:51:59,48 --> 00:52:04,42 To Paris and. Would come. To expect. 354 00:52:34,14 --> 00:52:38,80 Him. To live he'll announce one died. 355 00:52:46,53 --> 00:52:47,43 But no one knew. 356 00:52:55,59 --> 00:52:55,89 Me. 357 00:53:19,14 --> 00:53:23,80 Nobody around still think we should take in the road and run into the place that we 358 00:53:23,81 --> 00:53:27,11 figured something out we've got a leg a stand right now I haven't got 359 00:53:27,12 --> 00:53:33,89 a leg don't walk on tired and. I can't imagine how you try and send those clouds 360 00:53:33,90 --> 00:53:40,58 over there in the rain any minute let's go. Live to my thank Paris and make sure to 361 00:53:40,59 --> 00:53:47,27 catch up with us Sunday ideally along those can happen in America. Which you know I 362 00:53:47,28 --> 00:53:53,32 must believe in there. Which attempts to close the strange and she just fainted and 363 00:53:53,33 --> 00:53:59,05 she hit her head this will prove to dish that except turning to thinking and. Do 364 00:53:59,06 --> 00:54:06,00 you know before the glove man it shouldn't come back because it would pay off. No 365 00:54:06,01 --> 00:54:12,75 man. Enough to go I was you know Zizi. Even wanted to 366 00:54:12,76 --> 00:54:18,19 marry. But I wouldn't. Look away or. 367 00:54:20,35 --> 00:54:21,28 Has no idea she's. 368 00:54:32,78 --> 00:54:36,04 The same in. 369 00:54:41,32 --> 00:54:42,58 The in. 370 00:54:48,94 --> 00:54:49,51 The middle with 371 00:54:49,52 --> 00:55:01,19 a. Yes 372 00:55:01,19 --> 00:55:07,72 . He 373 00:55:08,14 --> 00:55:14,80 just met the pope back this is John by the process. Was. 374 00:55:15,83 --> 00:55:18,41 Well we'll take a jog Yes mama move 375 00:55:18,42 --> 00:55:24,03 a tall guy comes in the car or we have no car. What we're hanging San Rafael we 376 00:55:24,04 --> 00:55:27,80 thought it was you get a bus from here this is no bus to me but we have 377 00:55:27,81 --> 00:55:33,03 a rule and we can try your clothes while you sleep. It's 378 00:55:33,04 --> 00:55:39,75 a warm day you. Committed. You can now read. 379 00:55:41,13 --> 00:55:45,84 This where Mr or Mrs Smith Mr or Mrs John Smith because because the police because 380 00:55:45,85 --> 00:55:52,65 of them the reason you do this is. Yes Well if you like to sign for as 381 00:55:52,66 --> 00:55:58,91 dining. Mr and Mrs Smith just write the image 382 00:55:59,75 --> 00:56:02,49 with. A rolled from 383 00:56:02,50 --> 00:56:08,90 a gown as myrow from the ship. If you we both come to Rome and take off all of your 384 00:56:08,91 --> 00:56:12,32 toes. My wife is 385 00:56:12,33 --> 00:56:19,13 a little bit shy Yes You see we just got married to day to day all across the 386 00:56:19,63 --> 00:56:23,32 country all I. Know the call to. 387 00:56:26,53 --> 00:56:30,89 Give the brandy Yes mamma said you won't catch code you can take to the kitchen 388 00:56:31,18 --> 00:56:31,54 come. 389 00:56:38,16 --> 00:56:38,92 See you later mom. 390 00:56:46,42 --> 00:56:53,41 You know we are. Miss you and that 391 00:56:53,42 --> 00:57:00,34 I was going to honeymoon walking. To reduce the. Property being 392 00:57:00,35 --> 00:57:06,47 used to such things exist. We'll both be so comfortable 393 00:57:07,19 --> 00:57:12,41 and with just enough of us on with our best why I want to conquer the God I want 394 00:57:12,42 --> 00:57:17,47 wanting store of it. And my husband went down down. 395 00:57:21,96 --> 00:57:27,10 On. You need another to one with me and I'm. 396 00:57:30,20 --> 00:57:34,62 Glad you think you just. Keep it thank you. 397 00:57:44,34 --> 00:57:44,62 Think. 398 00:58:00,29 --> 00:58:05,90 Would you like another brandy I'm sure. Is good to lining the stomach for my son to 399 00:58:05,91 --> 00:58:12,09 say what an idiot and it'll keep your spirits up the minute you let the train all 400 00:58:12,10 --> 00:58:18,14 on your wedding night know they are by the way my wife said the Dr is down to that 401 00:58:18,14 --> 00:58:23,21 . Effect and. If it has been the night. 402 00:58:29,70 --> 00:58:34,92 Before for a cozy bed was did you drop into sense not seeing I came back 403 00:58:34,93 --> 00:58:38,50 a night for that girl looks like an event but it improves. 404 00:58:44,19 --> 00:58:50,89 You to. Bandy and they give Brandy Alfonse why I should have 405 00:58:50,90 --> 00:58:56,90 mine. Is nothing like brandy to. Lift up the ears. 406 00:58:58,26 --> 00:59:03,74 Thank you. For the something I want to tell you but I'm better off to be use 407 00:59:03,75 --> 00:59:10,72 a nice. View of you with an amiable eyes she still faces but Friend me and have 408 00:59:10,73 --> 00:59:12,32 we our best was 409 00:59:12,33 --> 00:59:32,19 a major when I tell you of all she's on. That 410 00:59:32,19 --> 00:59:32,19 . 411 00:59:57,02 --> 00:59:59,95 Smack. In that. 412 01:00:15,26 --> 01:00:20,25 Area is it. Came here to. 413 01:00:57,82 --> 01:00:58,19 There. 414 01:01:16,37 --> 01:01:16,68 My. 415 01:01:33,95 --> 01:01:37,90 Mind if I kiss you. Don't say that to us twice. 416 01:01:42,76 --> 01:01:46,55 Thank you for you. Right. 417 01:01:51,35 --> 01:01:58,34 Now I try and talk to. You wanted to help me. On my 418 01:01:59,15 --> 01:02:03,56 way you can't do this to murder you haven't done it to prove it finished Well I'm 419 01:02:03,57 --> 01:02:06,24 not so sure they can't that's why we've got to think of 420 01:02:06,25 --> 01:02:08,04 a way out before we get in any deeper. 421 01:02:13,73 --> 01:02:20,15 Sleep. When you go 422 01:02:20,59 --> 01:02:22,16 downstairs to do that. 423 01:02:35,19 --> 01:02:41,03 Last night I can't get out. The first time in my life. 424 01:03:21,04 --> 01:03:21,47 You know I have 425 01:03:21,48 --> 01:03:28,95 a bit bucket of money. To stay here I'm going to handle myself. I 426 01:03:28,96 --> 01:03:33,99 don't stray we're going to. Everything just the way of getting the game. 427 01:03:37,65 --> 01:03:40,54 Played out to be then I come. Into. 428 01:04:02,87 --> 01:04:04,45 The. 429 01:04:14,42 --> 01:04:15,01 Know there's nothing. 430 01:04:21,76 --> 01:04:28,66 That we. Are going to come to 431 01:04:28,67 --> 01:04:29,02 we have 432 01:04:29,03 --> 01:04:39,75 a guidebook. To measure the cost. And 433 01:04:39,76 --> 01:04:44,46 you get yourself an interest. In this and I think they have. 434 01:04:48,62 --> 01:04:52,78 To finish. The season over get in 435 01:04:52,79 --> 01:05:43,25 a still image. Point 436 01:05:43,26 --> 01:05:49,55 out. You going 437 01:05:49,53 --> 01:05:52,01 to to graduate. It's 438 01:05:52,02 --> 01:05:57,18 a little town about the animal. Run company I want you to do something for me 439 01:05:57,19 --> 01:06:00,51 Christmas gotta be fast I'm taking the glove back as an L.T.R. 440 01:06:00,52 --> 01:06:06,43 Now. Mike how can I miss 441 01:06:07,23 --> 01:06:10,89 a check everything is going to be at the Cabaret the casino to tonight I want you 442 01:06:10,90 --> 01:06:14,21 to go there Chris corrected tension keep him interested talk to him until three 443 01:06:14,22 --> 01:06:19,36 o'clock by three the most important part of three o'clock and listen very carefully 444 01:06:19,37 --> 01:06:25,45 Chris it's three o'clock tell him where I'm going. To come ask you right away and I 445 01:06:25,46 --> 01:06:27,30 shall idea and you can expect 446 01:06:27,31 --> 01:06:31,84 a fall back on that is man of the village at five o'clock on those roads analogize 447 01:06:31,85 --> 01:06:36,33 it and we'll have the county's boys right the middle of eleven and let me tell nice 448 01:06:36,69 --> 01:06:43,66 they must be got it. I think since. Cabaret the casino telekinetic 449 01:06:43,67 --> 01:06:48,84 free crack at the Fleet up there at five. But might we should we should really took 450 01:06:48,85 --> 01:06:54,84 his out there in time. Actually. Doing nice. 451 01:07:27,10 --> 01:07:27,62 And enjoys 452 01:07:27,63 --> 01:07:39,06 a funny name. Joining me for the. Time. But 453 01:07:39,07 --> 01:07:46,03 I. Kept on 454 01:07:46,04 --> 01:07:49,99 coming up. The money but certainly you wish to send 455 01:07:50,00 --> 01:07:55,26 a message. Returning to. Albany is leaving just behind you know as 456 01:07:55,27 --> 01:08:00,28 a sovereign nation of the top teams in the way that it now sounds. 457 01:08:03,59 --> 01:08:08,55 Like you've been there and figure it. Out on you both later right. 458 01:08:19,73 --> 01:08:26,70 By Brandi Felix. You know given. That is 459 01:08:26,71 --> 01:08:30,90 because we did a little. You know you got 460 01:08:30,91 --> 01:08:34,37 a lovely biscuit he keeps. Such 461 01:08:34,38 --> 01:08:38,19 a good chance. You'll just end up broke the object of 462 01:08:38,20 --> 01:08:44,10 a man. In his mind taking it back you get it. 463 01:08:45,62 --> 01:08:45,95 But it is 464 01:08:45,96 --> 01:08:50,99 a better way than the tables of how he got your getting ready when he clinched it 465 01:08:51,00 --> 01:08:57,04 McNabb. Believe it or not no. IP it said age or give up too easily. 466 01:08:58,28 --> 01:09:04,90 I say to heart. That's why maybe the Patterson that. Discretion sometimes the 467 01:09:04,91 --> 01:09:11,15 better part of valor but. What about Mike when you know he wanted to be he didn't 468 01:09:11,16 --> 01:09:11,43 do 469 01:09:11,47 --> 01:09:18,41 a relay but who's to blame he didn't have to go to Paris. That I feel is is that 470 01:09:18,42 --> 01:09:24,39 he actually helped you could you get him out of this but I. Will as well it's 471 01:09:24,40 --> 01:09:31,38 nothing I can think of. The very charming come out of my name's 472 01:09:31,39 --> 01:09:36,50 Tom. Is that all you seem to be what else is it isn't it don't you want to know 473 01:09:36,51 --> 01:09:40,30 where he ends up is it about how much you're aware that it was that without 474 01:09:40,31 --> 01:09:45,63 a stereotype happy maybe the brandy Pelosi thank you might say the positive. 475 01:09:47,20 --> 01:09:51,76 Things in this because I want to even talk to him why not if you. See me at the 476 01:09:51,77 --> 01:09:57,50 station the next and then when he can't you have to get him. Use out of he wanted 477 01:09:57,51 --> 01:10:02,91 to go to it you know why discuss it I would say the cash generated really I must 478 01:10:02,92 --> 01:10:03,03 have 479 01:10:03,04 --> 01:10:11,76 a pledge. To take the class to. Take in the glove package and. Wanted 480 01:10:11,77 --> 01:10:16,72 to get at. It you know I couldn't care less what my training in the country 481 01:10:16,73 --> 01:10:21,81 situation but to get him out of God that can. Could buy. 482 01:10:36,16 --> 01:10:37,49 Me down you're not 483 01:10:37,50 --> 01:10:43,26 a lawyer it's probably going to drink enough to change his mind to the right side 484 01:10:43,27 --> 01:10:48,09 of. The trunk and then in ten minutes but but come on already to. 485 01:11:24,91 --> 01:11:25,18 Become 486 01:11:25,19 --> 01:11:29,35 a good thing to say stop me and of course going to meet the demand it's going to 487 01:11:29,90 --> 01:11:30,74 restaurants Madam. 488 01:11:43,96 --> 01:11:50,43 Even the Mrs John Smith recipient of nice under six isn't really missing I'm going 489 01:11:50,44 --> 01:11:51,31 to be in the new show. 490 01:13:13,14 --> 01:13:14,43 Good. 491 01:13:34,97 --> 01:13:39,15 Good. 492 01:13:44,69 --> 01:13:51,01 Good. And then Blake will be ahead of the car would run him about 493 01:13:51,02 --> 01:13:55,47 a block you three will walk to the village and I'll wait here for the come. 494 01:14:05,26 --> 01:14:10,51 To get 495 01:14:11,00 --> 01:14:17,28 good. To get. 496 01:14:18,75 --> 01:14:24,90 A. Big. Big 497 01:14:24,39 --> 01:14:24,90 big. 498 01:14:36,64 --> 01:14:41,25 Big. 499 01:15:21,45 --> 01:15:22,06 To the village. 500 01:15:43,91 --> 01:15:49,33 To something beyond just check. Man tribal. 501 01:15:50,67 --> 01:15:56,74 Village. To go track tell him to watch for him from the. 502 01:15:59,98 --> 01:16:02,76 I'm going. To close the trap. 503 01:16:51,14 --> 01:16:56,67 The is is in the. 504 01:17:00,80 --> 01:17:03,91 Live in the. 505 01:17:30,07 --> 01:17:32,24 In the 506 01:17:33,23 --> 01:17:37,88 in the. 507 01:17:40,09 --> 01:17:44,46 The in the. In the. 508 01:17:51,69 --> 01:17:52,40 In. 509 01:18:16,11 --> 01:18:16,57 I want to make 510 01:18:16,58 --> 01:18:32,90 a deal. I only want to glom. In 511 01:18:32,90 --> 01:18:32,90 . 512 01:18:52,95 --> 01:18:59,13 In. The in the in. 513 01:19:02,57 --> 01:19:03,78 The in. 514 01:19:18,06 --> 01:19:19,28 He was afraid it was 515 01:19:20,26 --> 01:20:06,31 a jump. In 516 01:20:06,31 --> 01:20:06,31 . 517 01:20:17,45 --> 01:20:23,35 The jump and I'm thinking my friend the bomb not the killed two in my opinion 518 01:20:23,36 --> 01:20:27,78 a plan. In. 519 01:20:31,79 --> 01:20:33,36 The in. 520 01:20:38,63 --> 01:20:39,36 The in. 521 01:21:23,61 --> 01:21:30,41 When. The 522 01:21:30,42 --> 01:21:31,04 people like. 523 01:21:39,22 --> 01:21:45,59 To. Live. 524 01:22:22,98 --> 01:22:23,90 In. 525 01:22:41,52 --> 01:22:45,73 In any man in. 526 01:22:50,37 --> 01:22:52,34 The if you think. 527 01:23:08,87 --> 01:23:11,02 This is 528 01:23:11,03 --> 01:23:17,24 a it isn't news. To me it is 529 01:23:17,25 --> 01:23:22,18 a whim it 530 01:23:22,19 --> 01:23:28,35 has. A new 531 01:23:28,36 --> 01:23:33,97 enemy. 532 01:23:46,30 --> 01:23:49,24 This is. 533 01:24:00,21 --> 01:24:04,16 Our climate mechanics. And if you're in 534 01:24:04,17 --> 01:24:10,04 a bad deal. Of the day the globe first thing is. 535 01:24:14,19 --> 01:24:17,08 Going to. BE What is different matter. 536 01:24:22,84 --> 01:24:29,65 Right now something you can. Every day accept. My signature like. 537 01:24:32,14 --> 01:24:32,81 My neighbor got me 538 01:24:32,82 --> 01:24:39,50 a moment. Of who is going to come. Out 539 01:24:39,51 --> 01:24:42,99 numbered surely. Thank you Keith 540 01:24:43,00 --> 01:24:52,89 when 541 01:24:52,90 --> 01:24:58,32 the fifty eight eight. 542 01:25:00,19 --> 01:25:04,90 Eight. Eight 543 01:25:04,91 --> 01:25:12,30 who 544 01:25:12,80 --> 01:25:18,13 I am when 545 01:25:18,40 --> 01:25:20,77 a who. I 546 01:25:20,78 --> 01:25:26,86 am who I 547 01:25:26,87 --> 01:25:32,23 am who I am who I am 548 01:25:32,24 --> 01:25:37,13 who I am 549 01:25:37,14 --> 01:25:44,32 who 550 01:25:44,33 --> 01:25:50,61 I am who I 551 01:25:50,62 --> 01:25:56,16 am who I am I 552 01:25:56,17 --> 01:26:02,83 am who I 553 01:26:02,84 --> 01:26:14,50 am 554 01:26:14,51 --> 01:26:16,53 who I am 555 01:26:16,54 --> 01:26:21,91 who I 556 01:26:21,92 --> 01:26:27,22 am 557 01:26:27,23 --> 01:26:33,65 who. I am. 558 01:26:43,09 --> 01:26:44,07 C.N.N. 559 01:26:44,07 --> 01:27:16,37 . NEWSROOM 560 01:27:16,37 --> 01:27:22,93 . Nobody there was little is there. No one except. 561 01:27:24,34 --> 01:27:25,11 The Daily Mail. 562 01:27:48,59 --> 01:27:54,98 From. The police on him train from the Pentagon. 563 01:27:57,07 --> 01:28:02,65 You're all right. It's been another matter of the town. In that me too but you 564 01:28:02,66 --> 01:28:07,74 didn't do it my dream. Run of men in the village one of them is already complex. 565 01:28:10,01 --> 01:28:16,17 Gloves come. Up in the village they're saying to me today that the miracle of the 566 01:28:16,18 --> 01:28:21,08 Goddess come not the means by which case. Good luck to you.