LT> CM loo en •CD CO THE LOGICAL MACHINE. THE PREDICATE -KEY C IS DEPRESSED. THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE: A 7T^/^rrs3sa& x/t ic METHOD. BY W. STANLEY JEVONS, M.A., F.R.S., FELLOW OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON ; PROFESSOR OF LOGIC AND POLITICAL ECONOMY IN THE OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. VOL. I. MACMILLAN AND CO. 1874 [ The Right of Translation and Repruduction is reserved.} OXFORD: B. PIOKABD HALL, AND J. H. STACY, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. PREFACE. IT may be truly asserted that the rapid progress of the physical sciences during the last three centuries has not been accompanied by a corresponding advance in the theory of reasoning. Physicists speak familiarly of Scientific Method, but they could not readily describe what they mean by that expression. Profoundly engaged in the study of particular classes of natural phenomena, they are usually too much engrossed in the immense and ever-accumulating details of their special sciences, to generalize upon the methods of reasoning which they unconsciously employ. Yet few will deny that these methods of reasoning ought to be studied, especially by those who endeavour to introduce scientific order into less successful and methodical branches of knowledge. The application of Scientific Method cannot be re stricted to the sphere of lifeless objects. We must sooner or later have strict sciences of those mental and social phenomena, which, if comparison be possible, are of more interest to us than purely material phenomena. But it is the proper course of reasoning to proceed from the known to the unknown — from the evident to the obscure — from the material and palpable to the subtle and refined. The physical sciences may therefore be properly made the practice-ground of the reasoning V vi PREFACE. powers, because they furnish us with a great body of precise and successful investigations. In these sciences we meet with happy instances of unquestionable deductive reasoning, of extensive generalization, of happy prediction, of satisfactory verification, of nice calculation of proba bilities. We can note how the slightest analogical clue has been followed up to a glorious discovery, how a rash generalization has at length been exposed, or a conclusive experimentum crucis has decided the long-continued strife between two rival theories. In following out my design of detecting the general methods of inductive ^investigation, I have found that the more elaborate and interesting processes of quantitative induction have their necessary foundation in the simpler science of Formal Logic. The earlier, and probably by far the least attractive part of this work, consists, there fore, in a statement of the so-called Fundamental Laws of Thought, and of the all-important Principle of Substi tution, of which, as I think, all reasoning is a develop ment. The whole procedure of inductive inquiry, in its most complex cases, is foreshadowed in the combinational view of Logic, which arises directly from these fundamental principles. Incidentally I have described the mechanical arrangements by which the use of the important form called the Logical Abecedarium, and the whole working of the combinational system of Formal Logic, may be ren dered evident to the eye, and easy to the mind and hand. The study both of Formal Logic and of the Theory of Probabilities, has led me to adopt the opinion that there is no such thing as a distinct method of induction as con trasted with deduction, but that induction is simply an inverse employment of deduction. Within the last cen tury a reaction has been setting in against the purely empirical procedure of Francis Bacon, and physicists have PREFACE. vii learnt to advocate the use of hypotheses. I take the extreme view of holding that Francis Bacon, although he correctly insisted upon constant reference to experience, had no correct notions as to the logical method by which, from particular facts, we educe laws of nature. I en deavour to show that hypothetical anticipation of nature is an essential part of inductive inquiry, and that it is the Newtonian method of deductive reasoning combined with elaborate experimental verification, which has led to all the great triumphs of scientific research. In attempting to give an explanation of this view of Scientific Method, I have first to show that the sciences of number and quantity repose upon and spring from the simpler and more general science of Logic. The Theory of Probability, which enables us to estimate and calculate quantities of knowledge, is then described, and especial attention is drawn to the Inverse Method of Proba bilities, which involves, as I conceive, the true principle of inductive procedure. No inductive conclusions are more than probable, and I adopt the opinion that the theory of probability is an essential part of logical method, so that the logical value of every inductive result must be deter mined consciously or unconsciously, according to the principles of the inverse method of probability. The phenomena of nature are commonly manifested in. quantities of time, space, force, energy, &c., and the ob servation, measurement, and analysis of the various quan titative conditions or results involved, even in a simple experiment, demand much employment of systematic pro cedure. I devote a book, therefore, to a simple and general description of the devices by which exact measure ment is effected, errors eliminated, a probable mean result attained, and the probable error of that mean ascertained. I then proceed to the principal, and probably the most interesting, subject of the book, illustrating successively PREFACE. the conditions and precautions requisite for accurate ob servation, for successful experiment, and for the sure detection of the quantitative laws of nature. As it is impossible to comprehend aright the value of quantitative laws without constantly bearing in mind the degree of quantitative approximation to the truth probably attained, I have devoted a special chapter to the Theory of Ap proximation, and however imperfectly I may have treated this subject, I must look upon it as a very essential part of a work on Scientific Method. It then remains to illustrate the sound use of hypo thesis, to distinguish between the portions of knowledge which we owe to empirical observation, to accidental discovery, or to scientific prediction. Interesting questions arise concerning the accordance of quantitative theories and experiments, and I point out how the successive veri fication of an hypothesis by distinct methods of experi ment yields conclusions approximating to but never attaining certainty. Additional illustrations of the general procedure of inductive investigations are given in a chapter on the Character of the Experimentalist, in which I endeavour to show, moreover, that the inverse use of deduction was really the logical method of such great masters of experimental inquiry as Newton, Huyghens, and Faraday. In treating Generalization and Analogy, I consider the precautions requisite in inferring from one case to another, or from one part of the universe to another part, the validity of all such inferences resting ultimately upon the inverse method of probabilities. The treatment of Ex ceptional Phenomena appeared to afford an interesting subject for a further chapter illustrating the various modes in which an outstanding fact may eventually be explained. The formal part of the book closes with the subject of Classification, which is, however, very inadequately treated. PREFACE. I have, in fact, almost restricted myself to showing that all classification is fundamentally carried out upon the principles of Formal Logic and the Logical Abecedarium described at the outset. In certain concluding remarks I have expressed the conviction which the study of Logic has by degrees forced upon my mind, that serious misconceptions are entertained by some scientific men as to the logical value of our know ledge of nature. We have heard much of what has been aptly called the Reign of Law, and the necessity and uni formity of natural forces has been not uncommonly inter preted as involving the non-existence of an intelligent and benevolent Power, capable of interfering with the course of natural events. Fears have been expressed that the progress of Scientific Method must therefore result in dis sipating the fondest beliefs of the human heart. Even the ' Utility of Religion ' is seriously proposed as a subject of discussion. It seemed to be not out of place in a work on Scientific Method to allude to the ultimate results and limits of that method. I fear that I have very imper fectly succeeded in expressing my strong conviction that before a rigorous logical scrutiny the Reign of Law will prove to be an unverified hypothesis, the Uniformity of Nature an ambiguous expression, the certainty of our scientific inferences to a great extent a delusion. The value of science is of course very high, while the con clusions are kept well within the limits of the data on which they are founded, but it is pointed out that our experience is of the most limited character compared with what there is to learn, while our mental powers seem to fall infinitely short of the task of comprehending and explaining fully the nature of any one object. I draw the conclusion that we must interpret the results of Scientific Method in an affirmative sense only. Ours must be a truly positive philosophy, not that false negative philo- PREFACE. sophy which, building on a few material facts, presumes to assert that it has compassed the bounds of existence, while it nevertheless ignores the most unquestionable phenomena of the human mind and feelings. I have to thank my colleague, Professor Barker, for carefully revising several of the sheets most abounding in mathematical considerations. It is approximately certain that in freely employing illustrations drawn from many different sciences, I have frequently fallen into errors of detail. In this respect I must throw myself upon the indulgence of the reader, who will bear in mind, as I hope, that the scientific facts are generally mentioned purely for the purpose of iUustration, so that inaccuracies of detail wih1 not in the majority of cases affect the truth of the general principles iUustrated. December I5th, 1873. CONTENTS. BOOK I. FORMAL LOGIC, DEDUCTIVE AND INDUCTIVE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. SECTION PAGE 1. Introduction ...... 1 2. The Powers of Mind concerned in the Creation of Science . 4 3. Laws of Identity and Difference . . . .6 4. The Nature and Authority of the Laws of Identity and Dif ference ....... 7 5. The Process of Inference . . . . .11 6. Deduction and Induction . . . . .13 7. Symbolic Expression of Logical Inference . . .15 8. Expression of Identity and Difference . . .18 9. General Formula of Logical Inference . . .21 10. The Propagating Power of Identity . . . .24 11. Anticipations of the Principle of Substitution . .25 12. The Logic of Relatives . . . . .27 CHAPTER II. TEBMS. 1. Terms . . ..... 29 2. Twofold Meaning of General Names . . .31 3. Abstract Terms . . . . . .33 4. Substantial Terms . » . . . .34 5. Collective Terms . . . . . .35 6. Synthesis of Terms . . . . . .36 7. Symbolic Expression of the Law of Contradiction . .38 8. Certain Special Conditions of Logical Symbols r .39 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PROPOSITIONS. SECTION PAGE 1. Propositions . . . . . . .43 2. Simple Identities . . . . . .44 3. Partial Identities . . . . . .47 4. Limited Identities . . . . . .51 5. Negative Propositions . . . . .52 6. Conversion of Propositions . . . . .55 7. Twofold Interpretation of Propositions . . .57 CHAPTER IV. DEDUCTIVE REASONING. 1. Deductive Reasoning . . . . .59 2. Immediate Inference . . . . . .60 3. Inference with Two Simple Identities . . .61 4. Inference with a Simple and a Partial Identity . .64 5. Inference of a Partial from Two Partial Identities . . 66 6. On the Ellipsis of Terms in Partial Identities . .69 7. Inference of a Simple from Two Partial Identities . . 70 8. Inference of a Limited from Two Partial Identities . .71 9. Miscellaneous Forms of Deductive Inference . . .72 10. Fallacies . . . . . . .74 CHAPTER V. DISJUNCTIVE PROPOSITIONS. 1. Disjunctive Propositions . . . . .79 2. Expression of the Alternative Relation . . .81 3. Nature of the Alternative Relation . . . .81 4. Laws of the Disjunctive Relation . . . .85 5. Symbolic Expression of the Law of Duality . . .87 6. Various Forms of the Disjunctive Proposition . .89 7. Inference by Disjunctive Propositions . . .90 CHAPTER VI. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 1. The Indirect Method of Inference . . . .95 2. Simple Illustrations . . . . . .97 3. Employment of the Contrapositive Proposition . . 99 4. Contrapositive of a Simple Identity . . . .101 5. Miscellaneous Examples of the Method . . . 103 6. Abbreviation of the Process ..... 105 7. The Logical Abecedarium . . . . 10£ 8. The Logical Slate . . . . . .110 9. Abstraction of Indifferent Circumstances . 112 CONTENTS. xiii SECTION PAGE 10. Illustrations of the Indirect Method . . . .113 11. Fallacies analysed by the Indirect Method . . .117 12. The Logical Abacus . . . . . .119 13. The Logical Machine . . . . .123 14. The Order of Premises . . . . .131 15. The Equivalency of Propositions . . . .132 16. The Nature of Inference . . . . .136 CHAPTER VII. INDUCTION. 1. Induction . . . . . . .139 2. Induction an Inverse Operation . . . .140 3. Induction of Simple Identities . . . .146 4. Induction of Partial Identities . . . .149 5. Complete Solution of the Inverse or Inductive Logical Pro blem . . . . . . .154 6. The Inverse Logical Problem involving Three Terms . 157 7. Distinction between Perfect and Imperfect Induction . 164 8. Transition from Perfect to Imperfect Induction . .168 BOOK II. NUMBER, VARIETY, AND PROBABILITY. CHAPTER VIII. PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 1. Principles of Number . . . . .172 2. The Nature of Number . . . . .175 3. Of Numerical Abstraction . . . . .177 4. Concrete and Abstract Numbers . . . .178 5. Analogy of Logical and Numerical Terms . . .180 6. Principle of Mathematical Inference . . . .183 7. Reasoning by Inequalities . . . . .186 8. Arithmetical Reasoning . . . . .188 9. Numerically Definite Reasoning . . . .190 CHAPTER IX. THE VARIETY OP NATURE, OR THE DOCTRINE OP COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 1. The Variety of Nature . . . .195 2. Distinction of Combinations and Permutations . . 200 3. Calculation of Number of Combinations . . . 204 4. The Arithmetical Triangle . . . . .206 xiv CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 5. Connexion between the Arithmetical Triangle and the Logical Abecedarium . . . . .214 6. Possible Variety of Nature and Art . . . .216 7. Higher Orders of Variety . . . . .219 CHAPTER X. THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 1. Theory of Probability . . . . .224 2. Fundamental Principles of the Theory . . . 228 3. Rules for the Calculation of Probabilities . . .231 4. Employment of the Logical Abecedarium in questions of Probability . . . . . .234 5. Comparison of the Theory with Experience . . . 236 6. Probable Deductive Arguments .... 239 7. Difficulties of the Theory . . . . .243 CHAPTER XL PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 1. Philosophy of Inductive Inference .... 250 2. Various Classes of Inductive Truths . . . .251 3. The Relation of Cause and Eifect .... 253 4. Fallacious Use of the Term Cause . . . .254 5. Confusion of Two Questions . . . . .256 6. Definition of the Term Cause .... 257 7. Distinction of Inductive and Deductive Results . .260 8. On the Grounds of Inductive Inference . . .262 9. Illustrations of the Inductive Process . . .263 10. Geometrical Reasoning . . . . .268 11. Discrimination of Certainty and Probability in the Inductive Process ....... 271 CHAPTER XII. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF PROBABILITIES. 1. The Inductive or Inverse Application of the Theory of Probabilities . . . . . .276 2. Principle of the Inverse Method . . . .279 3. Simple Applications of the Inverse Method . . .281 4. Application of the Theory of Probabilities in Astronomy . 285 5. Statement of the General Inverse Problem . . .289 6. Simple Illustration of the Inverse Problem . . .292 7. General Solution of the Inverse Problem . . . 295 8. Rules of the Inverse Method . . . .297 9. Fortuitous Coincidences ..... 302 10. Summary of the Theory of Inductive Inference . . 307 CONTENTS. xv BOOK III. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT. CHAPTER XIII. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. SECTION PAGE 1. The Exact Measurement of Phenomena . . .313 2. Division of the Subject . . . . .318 3. Continuous Quantity . . . . .318 4. The Fallacious Indications of the Senses . . .320 5. Complexity of Quantitative Questions . . .323 6. The Methods of Accurate Measurement . . , 328 7. Conditions of Accurate Measurement . . . 328 8. Measuring Instruments . . . . .330 9. The Method of Repetition . ... 336 10. Measurements by Natural Coincidence . . .341 11. Modes of Indirect Measurement .... 345 12. Comparative Use of Measuring Instruments . . .349 13. Systematic Performance of Measurements . . .351 14. The Pendulum . . . . . .352 15. Attainable Accuracy of Measurement . . .354 CHAPTER XIV. UNITS AND STANDARDS OP MEASUREMENT. 1. Units and Standards of Measurement . . .357 2. Standard Unit of Time . . . . .359 3. The Unit of Space and the Bar Standard . . .365 4. The Terrestrial Standard . . . . .367 5. The Pendulum Standard ..... 369 6. Unit of Density . . . . . .371 7. Unit of Mass . . . . . .372 8. Subsidiary Units ...... 374 9. Derived Units . . . . . .375 10. Provisionally Independent Units . . . .377 11. Natural Constants and Numbers .... 380 12. Mathematical Constants . . . . .381 13. Physical Constants . . . . . .383 14. Astronomical Constants . . . . .384 15. Terrestrial Numbers . . . . .385 16. Organic Numbers . . . . . 385 17. Social Numbers . . . . . .386 CHAPTER XV. ANALYSIS OF QUANTITATIVE PHENOMENA. 1. Analysis of Quantitative Phenomena . . . .387 2. Illustrations of the Complication of Effects . . .388 3. Methods of Eliminating Error . . . .391 xvi CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 4. Method of Avoidance of Error .... 393 5. Differential Method . . . . . .398 6. Method of Correction ..... 400 7. Method of Compensation ..... 406 8. Method of Reversal . . . . .410 CHAPTER XVI. THE METHOD OF MEANS. 1. The Method of Means . . . . .414 2. Several Uses of the Mean Result . . . .416 3. The Significations of the Terms Mean and Average . .418 4. On the Fictitious Mean or Average Result . . .422 5. The Precise Mean Result . . . . .424 6. Determination of the Zero Point by the Method of Means . 428 7. Determination of Maximum Points . . . .431 CHAPTER XVII. THE LAW OF ERROR. 1. The Law of Error .... .434 2. Establishment of the Law of Error .... 435 3. Herschel's Geometrical Proof . . .437 4. Laplace's and Quetelet's Proof of the Law of Error . . 438 5. Derivation of the Law of Error from Simple Logical Prin ciples ....... 443 6. Verification of the Law of Error . . 444 7. Remarks on the General Law of Error . .447 8. The Probable Mean Result as defined by the Law of Error . 447 9. Weighted Observations . . .449 10. The Probable Error of Mean Results . 451 11. The Rejection of the Mean Result . . 454 12. Method of Least Squares . .458 13. Works upon the Theory of Probability and the Law of Error 459 14. Detection of Constant Errors . . . 460 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE, CHAPTEE I. INTRODUCTION. SCIENCE arises from the discovery of Identity amid Diversity. The process may be described in many dif ferent words, but our language must always imply the presence of one common and necessary element. In every act of inference or scientific method we are engaged about a certain identity, sameness, similarity, likeness, resemblance, analogy, equivalence or equality apparent between two objects. It is doubtful whether an entirely isolated phenomenon could present itself to our notice, since there must always be a contrast between object and object to awaken our consciousness. But in any case an isolated phenomenon could be studied to no useful purpose. The whole value of science consists in the power which it confers upon us of applying to one object the knowledge acquired from like objects ; and it is only so far, therefore, as we can discover and register resemblances or differences that we can turn our obser vations to account. Nature is a spectacle continually exhibited to our senses, in which phenomena are mingled in combina tions of endless variety and novelty. Wonder fixes the mind's attention; memory stores up a record of each B THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. distinct impression ; the powers of association bring forth the record when the like is felt again. By the higher faculties of judgment and reasoning the mind compares the new with the old, recognises essential identity, even when disguised by diverse circumstances, and expects to find again what was before experienced. It must be the ground of all reasoning and inference that what is true of one thing will be true of its equivalent, and that under carefully ascertained conditions Nature repeats herself. Were this indeed a Chaotic Universe, the powers of mind employed in science would be useless to us. Did Chance wholly take the place of order, and did all phe nomena come out, not of one same Infinite Lottery, to use Condorcet's expression, but out of lotteries ever changing in their conditions, there could be no reason to expect the like result in like circumstances. It is possible to conceive a world in which no two things should be O associated more often, in the long run, than any other two things. The frequent conjunction of any two events would then be purely fortuitous, and if we expected conjunctions to recur continually we should be disap pointed. In such a world we might recognise the same phenomenon as it appeared from time to time, just as we might recognise a marked ball as it was occasionally drawn from a ballot-box ; but the approach of any one phenomenon would be in no way indicated by what had gone before, nor would it be at all a sign of what was to come after. In such a world knowledge would be no more than the memory of past coincidences, and the reasoning powers, if they existed at all, would give no clue to the nature of the present, and no presage of the future. Happily the Universe in which we dwell is not the result of chance, and where chance seems to work it is our own deficient faculties which prevent us from recog- INTRODUCTION. nising the operation of Law and of Design. In the material framework of this world, substances and forces present themselves in definite and stable combinations. All things are not in perpetual flux, as ancient philoso phers held. Element remains element ; iron changes not into gold, nor oxygen into hydrogen. With suitable pre cautions we can calculate upon finding the same thing again endowed with the same properties. The con stituents of the globe, indeed, appear in almost endless combinations ; but each combination bears its fixed cha racter, and when resolved is found to be the compound of definite substances. Misapprehensions must continually occur, owing to the limited extent of our experience. We can never have examined and registered possible ex istences so thoroughly as to be sure that no new ones will occur and frustrate our calculations. The same outward appearances may cover any amount of hidden differences which we have not yet suspected. To the variety of substances and powers diffused through nature at its creation, we must not suppose that our brief experience can assign a limit ; and the necessary imperfection of our knowledge should be ever borne in mind. Yet there is much to give us confidence in science. The wider our experience, the more minute our examina tion of the globe, the greater the accumulation of well- reasoned knowledge, — the fewer must become the failures of inference compared with the successes. Exceptions to the prevalence of Law are gradually reduced to Law themselves. Certain deep similarities have been detected among the objects around us, and have never yet been found wanting. As the means of examining distant parts of the universe have been acquired, those similarities have been traced there as here. Other worlds and stellar systems may be almost incomprehensively different from ours in magnitude, condition and disposition of parts, and B 2 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. yet we detect there the same elements of which our own limbs are composed. The same natural laws can be detected in operation in every part of the universe within the scope of our instruments ; and doubtless these laws are obeyed irrespective of distance, time and circumstance. It is the prerogative of Intellect to discover what is uniform and unchanging in the phenomena around us. So far as object is different from object, knowledge is useless and inference impossible. But so far as object resembles object, we can pass from one to the other. In proportion as resemblance is deeper and more general, the commanding powers of knowledge become more wonder ful. Identity in one or other of its phases is thus always the bridge by which we pass in inference from case to case ; and it is my purpose in this treatise to trace out the various forms in which the one same process of reasoning presents itself in the ever-growing achievements of Scientific Method. The Powers of Mind concerned in the Creation of Science. It is no part of the purpose of this work to investigate the nature of mind, except so far as its powers are requisite to the formation of Science. In this place I need only point out that the mental powers engaged in knowledge are probably three in number. They are substantially as Mr. Bain has stated thema : — 1 . The Power of Discrimination. 2. The Power of Detecting Identity. 3. The Power of Eetention. We exert the first power in every act of perception. Hardly can we have a sensation or feeling unless we discriminate it from something else which preceded. a 'The Senses and the Intellect,' Second Ed., pp. 5, 325, &c. INTRODUCTION. Consciousness would almost seem to consist in the break between one state of mind and the next, just as an induced current of electricity arises from the beginning or the ending of the primary current. We are always engaged in discrimination ; and the rudiment of thought which exists in the lower animals probably consists in their power of feeling difference and being agitated by its occurrence. But had we power of discrimination only, Science could not be created. To know that one feeling differs from another gives purely negative information. It cannot teach us what will happen. Each sensation would stand out dis tinct from any other, and there would be no tie, no bridge of affinity between them. We want a unifying power by which the present and the future may be linked to the past ; and this seems to be accomplished by a different power of mind. Francis Bacon has pointed out that dif ferent men possess in very different degrees the powers of discrimination and identification. It may be said indeed that discrimination necessarily implies the opposite process of identification ; and so it doubtless does in superficial points. But there is a rare property of mind which consists in penetrating the disguise of variety and seizing the common elements of sameness ; and it is this pro perty which furnishes the true measure of intellect. The very name of intellect (interligo) expresses the action, not of separating, but of uniting and binding together the particular and various into the general and like. Logic is but another name for the same process b, the peculiar work of reason ; and Plato said of this unifying power, that if he met the man who could detect the one in the many, he would follow him as a god. b Max Miiller, ' Lectures on Language,' Second Series, vol. ii. p. 63. THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Laws of Identity and Difference. At the basis of all thought and science must lie the laws which express the very nature and conditions of the discriminating and identifying powers of mind. These are the so-called Fundamental Laws of Thought, usually stated as follows : — 1 . The Law of Identity. Whatever is, is. 2. The Law of Contradiction. A thing cannot both be and not be. ± 3. The Law of Duality. A thing must either be or not be. The first of these statements may perhaps be regarded as a description of identity itself, if so fundamental a notion can admit of description. A thing at any moment is perfectly identical with itself, and if any person were unaware of the meaning of the word ' identity' we could not better describe it than by such an example. The second law points out that contradictory attri butes can never be joined together. The same object may vary in its different parts ; here it may be black, and there white ; at one time it may be hard and at another time soft : but at the same time and place an attribute cannot be both present and absent. Aristotle truly described this law as the first of all axioms0 — one of which we need not seek for any demonstration. All truths cannot be proved, otherwise there would be an endless chain of demonstration ; and it is in self-evident truths like this that we find the fittest foundation. The third of these laws completes the other two. It asserts that at every step there are two possible alter natives — presence or absence, affirmation or negation. Hence I propose to name this law the Law of Duality, c 'Metaphysics,' Bk. III. chap. iii. 9-12, INTRODUCTION. for it gives to all the formulae of reasoning a dual character. It asserts also that between presence or absence, existence or non-existence, affirmation or ne gation, there is no third alternative. As Aristotle said, there can be no mean between opposite assertions : we must either affirm or deny. Hence the somewhat incon venient name by which it has been generally known — The Law of Excluded Middle. It may be held that these laws are not three inde pendent and distinct laws, they rather express three different aspects of the same truth, and each law doubt less presupposes and implies the other two. But it has not hitherto been found possible to state these characters of identity and difference in less than the three-fold formula. The reader may perhaps desire some infor mation as to the mode in which these laws have been stated, or the way in which they have been regarded, by philosophers in different ages of the world. Abundant information on this and many other points of logical history will be found in Ueberweg's ' System of Logic/ of which an excellent translation has been published by Mr. T. M. Lindsay d. I must confess however that the history of logical doctrines has seemed to me one of the most confusing and least beneficial studies in which a person can engage ; and over-abundant attention perhaps has been paid to it by Hamilton, Mansel, and many German logicians. The Nature and Authority of the Laws of Identity and Difference. I must at least allude to the profoundly difficult question concerning the nature and authority of these d Ueberweg's 'System of Logic/ transl. by Lindsay, London, 1871, pp. 228-281. THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Laws of Identity or Difference. Are they Laws of Thought or Laws of Things ? Do they belong to mind or to material nature 1 On the one hand it may be said that science is a purely mental existence, and must therefore conform to the laws of that which formed it. Science is in the mind and not in the things, and the properties of mind are therefore all important. It is true that these laws are verified in the observation of the exterior world ; and it would seem that they might have been gathered and proved by generalisation, had they not already been in our possession. But on the other hand, it may well be urged that we cannot prove these laws by any process of reasoning or observation, be cause the laws themselves are presupposed, as Leibnitz acutely remarked, in the very notion of a proof. They are the prior conditions of all thought and all know ledge, and even to question their truth is to allow them true. Hartley ingeniously refined upon this argu ment, remarking that if the fundamental laws of logic be not certain, there must exist a logic of a second order whereby we may determine the degree of uncer tainty : if the second logic be not certain, there must be a third, and so on ad infinitum. Thus we must sup pose either that absolutely certain laws of thought exist, or that there is no such thing as certainty whatever e. Logicians, indeed, appear to me to have paid insuf ficient attention to the fact that mistakes in reasoning are always likely to occur. The Laws of Thought are often called necessary laws, that is, laws which cannot but be obeyed. Yet as a matter of fact who is there that does not often fail to obey them ? They are the laws which the mind ought to obey rather than what it always does obey. Our thoughts cannot be the criterion of truth, for we often have to acknowledge e Hartley on Man, vol. i. p. 359. INTRODUCTION. mistakes in arguments of very moderate complexity, and we sometimes only discover our mistakes by a collision between our mental expectations and the events of ob jective nature. Mr. Herbert Spencer holds that the laws of logic are objective lawsf, and he regards the mind as being in a state of constant education, each act of false reasoning or miscalculation leading to results which are likely to prevent similar mistakes from being again committed. I am quite inclined to accept such ingenious views ; but at the same time it is necessary to distinguish between the accumulation of knowledge and experience, and the constitution of the mind which allows of the acquisition of knowledge. Before the mind can perceive or reason at all it must have the conditions of thought impressed upon it. Before a mistake can be committed, the mind must clearly distinguish tiie mistaken conclusion from all other assertions. Are not the Laws of Identity and Difference the prior conditions of all consciousness and all existence \ Must they not hold true, alike of things material and immaterial \ and if so, can we say that they are only subjectively true or objectively true 1 I am inclined, in short, to regard them as true both 'in the nature of thought and things,' as I expressed it in my first logical essay s, and I hold that they belong to the common basis of all existence. But this is one of the most profound and difficult questions of psychology and metaphysics which can be raised, and it is hardly one for the logician to decide. As the mathematician does not inquire into the nature of unity and plurality, but developes the formal laws of plurality, so the logician, as I conceive, must assume the truth of the Laws of f ' Principles of Psychology,' Second Ed., vol. ii. p. 86. s ' Pure Logic, or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity,' London (Stanford), 1864, pp. 10, 16, 22, 29, 36, &c. 10 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Identity and Difference, and occupy himself in developing the variety of forms of reasoning in which their truth may be manifested. Again, I need hardly dwell upon the question whether logic treats of language, notions, or things. As reasonably might we debate whether a mathematician treats of symbols, quantities, or things. A mathematician certainly does treat of symbols, but only as the instruments whereby to facilitate his reasoning concerning quantities ; and as the axioms and rules of mathematical science must be verified in concrete objects in order that the calcu lations founded upon them may have any validity or utility, it follows that the ultimate objects of mathe matical science are the things themselves. In like man ner I conceive that the logician treats of language so far as it is essential for the embodiment and exhibition of thought. Even if reasoning can take place in the inner consciousness of man without the use of any signs, at any rate it cannot become the subject of discussion until by some system of material signs it is manifested to other persons. The logician then uses words and symbols as instruments of reasoning, and leaves the nature and pe culiarities of existing language to the grammarian. But signs again must correspond to the thoughts and things expressed, in order that they shall serve their intended purpose. We may therefore say that logic treats ulti mately of thoughts and things, and immediately of the signs which stand for them. Signs, thoughts and ex terior objects may be regarded as parallel and analogous series of phenomena, and to treat one series is equivalent to treating either of the other series h. h See also 'Elementary Lessons in Logic/ Second Ed., p. 10. INTRODUCTION. \\ TJie Process of Inference. The fundamental action of our reasoning faculties consists in inferring or carrying to a new instance of a phenomenon whatever we have previously known of its like, analogue, equivalent or equal. Sameness or identity presents itself in all degrees, and is known under various names ; but the great rule of inference embraces all degrees, and affirms that so far as there exists sameness, identity or likeness, what is true of one thing will be true of the other. The great difficulty of reasoning doubtless consists in ascertaining that there does exist a sufficient degree of likeness or sameness to warrant an intended inference ; and it will be our main task to investigate the conditions under which the inference is valid. In this place I wish to point out that there is something common to all acts of inference however different their apparent forms. The one same rule lends itself to the most diverse applications. The simplest possible case of inference, perhaps, occurs in the use of a pattern, example, or, as it is commonly called, a sample. To prove the exact similarity of two portions of commodity, we need not bring one portion beside the other. It is sufficient that we cut a sample which exactly represents the texture, appearance, and general nature of one portion, and according as this sample agrees or not with the other, so will the two portions of commodity agree or differ. Whatever is true as regards the colour, texture, density, material of the sample will be true of the goods themselves. In such cases likeness of quality is the condition of inference. Exactly the same mode of reasoning holds true of magnitude and figure. To compare the size of two objects, we need not lay them alongside each other. A 12 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. staff, string, or other kind of measure may be employed to represent the length of one object, and according as it agrees or not with the other, so must the two objects agree or differ. In this case the proxy or sample repre sents length ; but the fact that lengths can be added and multiplied renders it unnecessary that the proxy should always be as large as the object. Any standard of con venient length, such as a common foot-rule, may be made the medium of comparison. The height of a church in one town may be carried to that in another, and objects existing immoveably at opposite sides of the earth may be vicariously measured against each other. We obviously employ the rule that whatever is true of a thing as regards its length, is true of its equal. To every other simple phenomenon in nature the same principle of substitution is applicable. We may compare weights or densities or degrees of hardness, and all other qualities, in like manner. To ascertain whether two sounds are in unison we need not compare them directly, but a third sound may be the go-between. If a tuning- fork is in unison with the middle C of York Minster organ, and we afterwards find it to be in unison with the same note of the organ in Westminster Abbey, then it follows that the two organs are tuned in unison. The rule of inference now is that what is true, as regards pitch, of the tuning-fork, is true of any sound in unison with it. The skilful employment of this substitutive process enables us to make measurements beyond the powers of our senses. No one can count the vibrations, for instance, of an organ pipe. But we can construct an instrument called the syren, so that while producing a sound of any pitch it shall register the number of vibrations consti tuting the sound. Adjusting the sound of the syren in unison with an organ pipe, we measure indirectly the INTRODUCTION. 13 number of vibrations belonging to a sound of that pitch. To measure a sound of the same pitch is as good as to measure the sound itself. Sir David Brewster, in a somewhat similar manner, succeeded in measuring the refractive index of irregular fragments of transparent minerals. It was a troublesome, and sometimes impracticable work to grind the minerals into prisms, so that their powers of refracting light could be directly observed ; but he fell upon the ingenious device of forming a liquid possessing exactly the same refractive power as the transparent fragment under examination. The moment when this equality was attained could be known by the fragments ceasing to reflect or refract light when immersed in the liquid, so that they became almost invisible in it. The refractive power of the liquid being then measured gives that of the solid ; and a more beau tiful instance of representative measurement, depending immediately upon the principle of inference, could not be found*. Throughout the various logical processes which we are about to consider — Deduction, Induction, Generalisation, Analogy, Classification, Quantitative Reasoning — we shall find the one same principle operating in a more or less disguised form. Deduction and Induction. The processes of inference always depend on the one same method of substitution ; but they may nevertheless be distinguished according as the results are inductive or deductive. As generally stated, deduction consists in 1 Brewster, 'Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments,' p. 273. See also "Whewell, ' Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences,' vol. ii. p. 355 ; Tomlinson, 'Philosophical Magazine,' Fourth Series, vol. xl. p. 328; Tyndall, in Youman's ' Modern Culture/ p. 1 6. 14 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. passing from more general to less general truths ; induc tion is the contrary process from less to more general truths. We may however describe the difference in another manner. In deduction we are engaged in develop ing the consequences of a law or identity. We learn the meaning, contents, results or inferences, which attach to any given proposition. Induction is the exactly inverse process. Given certain results or consequences, we are re quired to discover the general law from which they flow. In a certain sense all knowledge is inductive. We can only learn the laws and relations of things in nature by observing those things. But the knowledge gained from the senses is knowledge only of particular facts, and we require some process of reasoning by which we may con struct out of the facts the laws obeyed by them. Expe rience gives us the materials of knowledge : induction digests those materials, and yields us general knowledge. Only when we possess such knowledge, in the form of general propositions and natural laws, can we usefully apply the reverse process of deduction to ascertain the exact information required at any moment. In its ultimate origin or foundation, then, all knowledge is inductive — in the sense that it is derived by a certain inductive reasoning from the facts of experience. But it is nevertheless true, — and this is a point to which insufficient attention has been paid, — that all reason ing is founded on the principles of deduction. I call in question the existence of any method of reasoning which can be carried on without a knowledge of deductive pro cesses. I shall endeavour to show that induction is really the inverse process of deduction. There is no mode of ascertaining the laws which are obeyed in certain pheno mena, except we previously have the power of determining what results would follow from a given law. Just as the process of division necessitates a prior knowledge of multi- INTRODUCTION. 15 plication, or the integral calculus rests upon the obser vation and remembrance of the results of the differential calculus, so induction requires a prior knowledge of deduction. An inverse process is the undoing of the direct process. A person who enters a maze must either trust to chance to lead him out again, or he must carefully notice the road by which he entered. The facts furnished to us by experience are a maze of particular results ; we might by chance observe in them the fulfilment of a law, but this is scarcely possible, unless we thoroughly learn the effects which would attach to any particular law. Accordingly, the importance of deductive reasoning is doubly supreme. Even when we gain the results of in duction they would be of little or no use without we could deductively apply them. But before we can gain them at all we must understand deduction, since it is the inversion of deduction which constitutes induction. Our first task then, in this work, must be to trace out fully the nature of identity in all its forms of occurrence. Having given any series of propositions we must be prepared to develop the whole meaning embodied in them, and the whole of the consequences which flow from them. Symbolic Expression of Logical Inference. In developing the results of the Principle of Inference we require to use an appropriate language of signs. It would indeed be quite possible to explain the processes of reasoning merely by the use of words found in the ordinary grammar and dictionary. Special examples of reasoning, too, may seem to be more readily apprehended than general and symbolic forms. But it has been abundantly proved in the mathematical sciences that the attainment of truth depends greatly upon the invention of a clear, brief, and appropriate system of symbols. Not only is such a 16 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. language convenient, but it is essential to the expression of those general truths which are the very soul of science. To apprehend the truth of special cases of inference does not constitute logic ; we must apprehend them as cases of more general truths. The object of all science is the separation of what is common and general from what is accidental and different. In a system of logic, if anywhere, we should esteem this generality, and strive to exhibit clearly what is similar in very diverse cases. Hence the great value of general symbols by which we can represent the form and character of a reasoning process, disentangled from any consideration of the special subject to which it is applied. The signs required in logic are of a very simple kind. As every sameness or difference must exist between two things or notions, we need signs or terms to indicate the things or notions compared, and other signs to denote the relation between them. We shall need, then, (i) symbols for terms, (2) a symbol for sameness, (3) a symbol for differ ence, and (4) one or two symbols to take the place of conjunctions. Ordinary nouns substantive, such as Iron, Metal, Elec tricity, Undulation, might serve as terms, but for the reasons explained above it is better to adopt blank letters, devoid of special signification, such as A, B, C, D, E, &c. Each letter must be understood to represent a noun, and, so far as the conditions of the argument allow, any noun. Just as in Algebra, x, y, z, p, q, r, &c. are used for any quantities, undetermined or unknown, except when the special conditions of the problem are taken into account, so will our letters stand for undetermined or unknown things. These letter-terms will be used indifferently for nouns substantive and adjective. Between these two kinds of nouns there may be important differences in a metaphysical INTRODUCTION. 17 or grammatical point of view. But grammatical usage readily sanctions the free conversion of adjectives into substantives, and vice versd ; we may avail ourselves of this latitude without in any way prejudging the meta physical difficulties which may be involved. Here, as throughout this work, I shall devote my attention to truths which I can exhibit in a clear and formal manner, believing that, in the present condition of logical science, this will lead to much greater advantage than discussion upon the metaphysical questions which may underlie any part of the subject. Every noun or term denotes an object, and usually im plies the possession by that object of certain qualities or circumstances common to all the objects denoted. There are certain terms, however, which imply the absence of qualities or circumstances attaching to other objects. It will be convenient to employ a special mode of indicating these negative terms, as they are called. If the general name A denotes an object or class of objects possessing certain defined qualities, then the term Not-A will denote any object which does not possess the whole of those qualities ; in short, Not-A is the sign for anything which differs from A in regard to any one or more of the assigned qualities. If A denote ' transparent object,' Not-A will denote ' not transparent object.' Brevity and facility of writing and reading are of no slight importance in a system of notation, and it will therefore be desirable to substitute for the negative term Not-A a briefer mode of expression. The late Prof, de Morgan represented negative terms by small Eoman letters, or sometimes by small italic letters k, and as the latter seem to be highly convenient, I shall use a, 6, c, d, e, . . . p, q, r, &c., as the negative terms corre sponding to A, B, C, D, E, . . . P, Q, R, &c. Thus if A means ' fluid,' a will mean ' not-fluid/ and so on. k 'Formal Logic,' p. 38. C 18 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Expression of Identity and Difference. To denote the relation of sameness or identity I unhesi tatingly adopt the sign = , so long used by mathematicians to denote equality. This symbol was originally appropri ated by Robert Recorde in his 'Whetstone of Wit/ to avoid the tedious repetition of the words 'is equal to'; and he chose a pair of parallel lines, because no two things can be more equal l. The meaning of the sign has how ever been gradually extended beyond that of common equality ; mathematicians have themselves used it to indicate equivalency of operations. The force of analogy has been so great that writers in all other branches of science have more or less employed the same sign. The philologist indicates by it equivalency of meaning of words : chemists adopt it to signify the identity in kind and equality in weight of the elements which form two different compounds. Not a few logicians, for instance Ploucquet, Condillacm, George Benthamn, Boole, have employed it as the copula of propositions. Prof, de Morgan declined to use it for this purpose, but still further extended its meaning so as to include the equivalency of a proposition with the premises from which it can be inferred °, and Herbert Spencer has applied it in a like manner P. Many persons may think that the choice of a symbol is a matter of slight importance or of mere convenience, but I hold that the common use of this sign = in so many different meanings is really founded upon a generalisation 1 Hallam's 'Literature of Europe,' First Ed. vol. ii. p. 444, m Condillac, ' Langue des Calculs/ p. 157. n 'Outline of a New System of Logic/ London, 1827, pp. 133, &c. o 'Formal Logic,' pp. 82, 106. In his later work, 'The Syllabus of a New System of Logic,' he discontinued the use of the sign. P ' Principles of Psychology,' Second Ed., vol. ii. pp. 54, 55. INTRODUCTION. 19 of the widest character and of the greatest importance — one indeed which it is a principal object of this work to endeavour to explain. The employment of the same sign in different cases would be wholly unphilosophical unless there were some real analogy between its diverse meanings. If such analogy exist, it is not only allowable, but highly desirable and even imperative, to use the symbol of equi valency with a generality of meaning corresponding to the generality of the principles involved. Accordingly Prof, de Morgan's refusal to use the symbol in logical proposi tions indicated his opinion that there was a want of analogy between logical propositions and mathematical equations. I use the sign because I hold the contrary opinion. I conceive that the sign = always denotes some form or degree of sameness or equivalency, and the particular form is usually indicated by the nature of the terms joined by it. Thus '6720 pounds = 3 tons' is evidently a.n equation of quantities. The formula — x — = + ex presses the equivalency of operations. ' Exogens — Dico tyledons ' is a logical identity expressing a profound truth concerning the character of vegetables. We have great need in logic of a distinct sign for the copula, because the little verb is, hitherto used both in logic and ordinary discourse, is thoroughly ambiguous. It sometimes denotes identity, as in ' St. Paul's is the chef-d'oeuvre of Sir Christopher Wren/ but it more commonly indicates inclusion of class within class, or partial identity, as in 'Bishops are members of the House of Lords.' This latter relation involves identity, but re quires careful discrimination from simple identity, as will be shown further on. When with this sign of equality we join two nouns or logical terms, as in Hydrogen = The least dense element, we signify that the object or group of objects denoted by c 2 20 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. one term is identical with that denoted by the other in everything except the names. The general formula A = B must be taken to mean that A and B are symbols for the same object or group of objects. This identity may some times arise from the mere imposition of names, but it may also arise from the deepest laws of the constitution of nature ; as when we say Gravitating matter = Matter possessing inertia, Exogenous plants = Dicotyledonous plants, Plagihedral quartz cry stale = Quartz crystals rotating the plane of polarisation of light. We shall need carefully to distinguish between relations of terms which can be modified at our own will and those which are fixed as expressing the laws of nature ; but at present we are considering only the mode of expression. We may sometimes, but much less frequently, require a symbol to indicate difference or the absence of complete sameness. For this purpose we may generalise in like manner the symbol -*• , which was introduced by Wallis to signify difference between two numbers or quantities. The general formula B - C denotes that B and C are the names of some two objects or groups of objects which are not identical with each other. Thus we may say Acrogens * Flowering plants. SnowTdon *» The highest mountain in Great Britain. I shall also occasionally use the sign «» to signify in the most general manner the existence of any relation between the two terms connected by it. Thus «» might mean not only the relations of equality or inequality, sameness or difference, but any special relation of time, place, size, causation, &c. in which one thing may stand to another. By A «o* B I mean, then, any two objects of thought re lated to each other in any matter whatsoever. INTRODUCTION. 21 General Formula of Logical Inference. The one supreme rule of inference consists, as I have said, in the direction to affirm of anything whatever is known of its like, equal or equivalent. The Substitution of Similars is a phrase which seems aptly to express the power of mutual replacement existing between any two objects which are to a sufficient degree like or equivalent. It is a matter for further investigation to point out when and for what purposes a degree of similarity less than complete identity is sufficient to warrant substitution. For the present we think only of the exact sameness expressed in the form A = B. Now if we take the letter C to denote any third con ceivable object, and use the sign <** in its stated meaning of indefinite relation, then the general formula of all inference may be thus exhibited : — From A = B «» C we may infer A *» C or, in words — In ivhatever relation a thing stands to a second thing, in the same relation it stands to the like or equivalent of that second thing. The identity between A and B allows us indifferently to place A where B was or B where A was, and there is no limit to the variety of special meanings which we can bestow upon the signs used in this formula consistently with its truth. Thus if we first specify only the meaning of the sign «o», we may say that if C is the weight of B, then C is also the weight of A. Similarly If C is the father of B, C is the father of A ; If C is a fragment of B, C is a fragment of A ; If C is a quality of B, C is a quality of A ; If C is a species of B, C is a species of A ; If C is the equal of B, C is the equal of A ; and so on ad infinitum. 22 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. We may also endow with special meanings the letter- terms A, B and C, and the process of inference will never be false. Thus let the sign ** mean 'is height of,' and let A = Snowdon, B = Highest mountain in England or Wales, C = 3590 feet; then it obviously follows that since '3590 feet is the height of Snowdon/ and ' Snowdon = the highest mountain in England or Wales/ then '3590 feet is the height of the highest mountain in England or Wales/ One result of this general process of inference is that we may in any aggregate or complex whole replace any part by its equivalent without altering the whole. To alter is to make a difference, but if in replacing a part I make no difference, there is no alteration of the whole. Many inferences which have been very imperfectly in cluded in logical formulae at once follow. I remember the late Prof, de Morgan remarking that all Aristotle's logic could not prove that ' Because a horse is an animal, the head of a horse is the head of an animal.' I conceive that this amounts merely to replacing in the complete notion head of a horse, the term ' horse' by its equivalent some animal or an animal. Similarly, since The Lord Chancellor = The Speaker of the House of Lords, it follows that The death of the Lord Chancellor = The death of the Speaker of the House of Lords ; and any event, circumstance or thing which stands in a certain relation to the one will stand in like relation to the other. Milton reasons in this way when he says, in his Areopagitica, * Who kills a man, kills a reasonable crea ture, God's image/ If we may suppose him to mean God's image = man = some reasonable creature, INTRODUCTION. 23 it follows that ' The killer of a man is the killer of some reasonable creature/ and also ' The killer of God's image/ This replacement of equivalents may be repeated over and over again to any extent. Thus if person is identical in meaning with individual, it follows that Meeting of persons = meeting of individuals ; and if assemblage = meeting, we may make a new replace ment and show -that Meeting of persons = assemblage of individuals. We may in fact found upon this principle of substitution a most general axiom in the following terms ^ :— Same parts samely related make same wholes. If, for instance, exactly similar bricks be used to build two houses, and they be similarly placed in each house, the two houses must be similar. There are millions of cells in a human body, but if each cell of one person were represented by an exactly similar cell similarly placed in another body, the two persons would be undistinguishable, and would be only numerically different. It is upon this principle, as we shall see, that all accurate processes of measurement depend. If for a weight in a scale of a balance we substitute another weight, and the equili brium remains entirely unchanged, then the weights must be exactly equal. The general test of equality is substi tution. Objects are equally bright when on replacing one by the other the eye perceives no difference. Two objects are equal in dimensions when tested by the same gauge they fit in the same manner. Generally speaking, two objects are alike so far as when substituted one for another no alteration is produced, and vice versd when alike no alteration is produced by the substitution. . But if he will consider the contents of the last section (p. 87), he will see that the latter expression cannot be correct, otherwise no term would have any negative. For the negative of B -|- b is &B, or a self-contradictory term ; so that if A were identical with B -|- b, its nega tive a would be non-existent. This result would generally be an absurd one, and I see much reason to think that in a strictly logical point of view it would always be absurd. In all probability we ought to assume as a fundamental logical axiom that every term has its negative in thought. We cannot think at all without separating what we think about from other different things, and these things neces sarily form the negative notion f. If so, it follows that any term of the form B f b is just as self-contradictory as one of the form B6. It will be convenient to recapitulate in this place the three great Laws of Thought in their symbolic form, thus Law of Identity A = A. Law of Contradiction Aa = o. Law of Duality A = AB | A.b. 'Pure Logic,' p. 65. See also the criticism of this point by De Morgan in the ' Athenseum,' No. 1892, soth January, 1864 ; p. 155. DISJUNCTIVE PROPOSITIONS. 89 Various Forms of the Disjunctive Proposition. Disjunctive propositions may occur in a great variety of forms, of which the old logicians took very insufficient O I/ notice. There may be any number of alternatives each of which may be a combination of any number of simple terms. A proposition, again, may be disjunctive in one or both members. The proposition Solids or liquids or gases are electrics or conductors of electricity is an example of the doubly disjunctive form. The mean ing of any such proposition is that whatever falls under any one or more alternatives on one side must fall under one or more alternatives on the other side. From what has been said before, it is apparent that the proposition A | B = C | D will correspond to ab = cd, each member of the latter being the negative of a member of the former proposition. As an instance of a complex disjunctive proposition I may give Senior's definition of wealth, namely ' Wealth is what is transferable, limited in supply, and either productive of pleasure or preventive of pain &'.' Let A = wealth B = transferable C = limited in supply D = productive of pleasure E = preventive of pain. The definition takes the form A = BC(D* E); but if we develop the alternatives by a method to be afterwards more fully considered, it becomes A = BCDE | BCDe I- BCdE. s Boole's 'Laws of Thought,' p. 106. Jevoiis' 'Pure Logic,' p. 69. 90 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. An example of a still more complex proposition may be found in De Morgan's writings11, and is as follows :— ' He must have been rich, and if not absolutely mad was weakness itself, subjected either to bad advice or to most unfavourable circumstances/ If we assign the letters of the alphabet in succession, thus, A - he B = rich C = absolutely mad D = weakness itself E = subjected to bad advice F = subjected to most unfavourable circumstances, the proposition will take the form and if we develop the alternatives, expressing some of the different cases which may happen, we obtain A- ABC | ABcDEF |- ABcDE/ |- ABcDeF. Inference by Disjunctive Propositions. Before we can make a free use of disjunctive propositions in the processes of inference \ve must consider how dis junctive terms can be combined together or with simple terms. In the first place, to combine a simple term with a disjunctive one, we must combine it with every alter native of the disjunctive term. A vegetable, for instance, is either a herb, a shrub, or a tree. Hence an exogenous vegetable is either an exogenous herb, or an exogenous shrub, or an exogenous tree. Symbolically stated this process of combination is as follows — A(B-| C) = AB-| AC. Secondly, to combine two disjunctive terms with each other, combine each alternative of one separately with each h 'On the Syllogism,' No. iii. p. 12. Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. x. part i. DISJUNCTIVE PROPOSITIONS. 91 alternative of the other. Since flowering plants are either exogens or endogens, and are at the same time either herbs, shrubs or trees, it follows that there are altogether six alternatives — namely, exogenous herbs, exogenous shrubs, exogenous trees, endogenous herbs, endogenous shrubs, endogenous trees. This process of combination is shown in the general form (A I B) (C -|- D) - AC | AD + BC \ BD. It is hardly necessary to point out that, however numerous the terms combined, or the alternatives in those terms, we may effect the combination provided each alternative is combined with each alternative of the other terms, as in the algebraic process of multiplication. Some processes of deduction may at once be exhibited. We may always, for instance, unite the same qualifying term to each side of an identity even though one or both members of the identity be disjunctive. Thus let A = B | - C. Now it is self-evident that AD -AD, and in one side of this identity we may for A substitute its equivalent B -|- C obtaining AD = BD | CD. Since ' a gaseous element is either hydrogen, or oxygen, or nitrogen, or chlorine, or fluorine/ it follows that ' a free gaseous element is either free hydrogen, or free oxygen, or free nitrogen, or free chlorine, or free fluorine.' This process of combination will lead to most useful inferences when the qualifying adjective combined with both sides of the proposition is a negative of one or more alternatives. Since chlorine is a coloured gas, we may infer that ' a colourless gaseous element is either (colour less) hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine.' The alter native chlorine disappears because colourless chlorine does not exist. Again, since 'a tooth is either an incisor, 92 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. canine, bicuspid, or molar,' it follows that 'a not-incisor tooth is either canine, bicuspid, or molar.' The general rule is that from the denial of any of the alternatives the affirmation of the remainder can be inferred. Now this result clearly follows from our process of substitution ; for if we have the proposition A = B |C|D, and insert this expression for A on one side of the self- evident identitv A6 = A6, we obtain A.b = AB6 -I- A6C I AbD ;. and, as the first of the three alternatives is self-contra dictory, we strike it out according to the law of contra diction : there remains Ab = AbC -I- A6D. Thus our system fully includes and explains that mood of the Disjunctive Syllogism technically called the modus tollendo ponens. But the reader must carefully observe that the Dis junctive Syllogism of the mood ponendo tollens, which af firms one alternative, and thence infers the denial of the rest, cannot be held true in this system. If I say, indeed, that Water is either salt or fresh water, it seems evident that ' water which is salt is not fresh/ But this inference really proceeds from our knowledge that water cannot be at once salt and fresh. This incon sistency of the alternatives, as I have fully shown, will not always hold. Thus, if I say Gems are either rare stones or beautiful stones, (i) it will obviously not follow that A rare gem is not a beautiful stone, (2) nor that A beautiful gem is not a rare stone. (3) Our symbolic method gives only true conclusions ; for if we take DISJUNCTIVE PROPOSITIONS. 93 A = gem B = rare stone C = beautiful stone, the proposition ( i ) is of the form A - B | C hence AB = B -|- BC and AC - BC I C ; but these inferences are not equivalent to the false ones (2) and (3). We can readily represent such disjunctive reasoning, when it is valid, by expressing the inconsistency of the alterna tives explicitly. Thus if we resort to our instance of Water is either salt or fresh, and take A = Water B .-= salt C = fresh, then the premise is apparently of the form A = AB I AC ; but in reality there are the unexpressed conditions that ' what is salt is not fresh/ and ' what is fresh is not salt ; ' or, in letter-terms, B = Be C = 60. Now, if we substitute these descriptions in the original proposition, we obtain A = ABc |A6C; uniting B to each side we infer AB = ABc | AB6C or AB = ABc ; that is, Water which is salt is water salt and not fresh. I should weary the reader if I attempted to illustrate the multitude of forms which disjunctive reasoning may take ; and as in the next chapter we shall be constantly treating the subject, I must here restrict myself to a single 94 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. instance. A very common process of reasoning consists in the determination of the name of a thing by the successive exclusion of alternatives, a process called by the old name abscissio infiniti. Take the case : — Red-coloured metal is either copper or gold ( i ) Copper is dissolved by nitric acid (2) This specimen is red-coloured metal (3) This specimen is not dissolved by nitric acid (4) Therefore this specimen consists of gold. (5) Assigning our letter-symbols thus — A = this specimen B = red-coloured metal C = copper D = gold E = dissolved by nitric acid, the premises may be stated in the form B = BCcM-BcD (i) C = CE (2) A = AB (3) A = Ae. (4) Substituting for C in (i) by means of (2) we get B = BCdE ! BcD. From (3) and (4) we may infer likewise A = ABe, and if in this we substitute for B its equivalent just stated, it follows that A = ABCcZEe -I ABcDe. The first of the alternatives being contradictory, the result is A = ABcDe which contains a full description of ' this specimen/ as furnished in the premises, but by ellipsis indicates that it is gold. It will be observed that in the symbolic expression (i) I have explicitly stated what is certainly implied, that copper is not gold, and gold not copper, without which condition the inference would not hold good. CHAPTEK VI. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. THE forms of deductive reasoning as yet considered, are mostly cases of Direct Deduction as distinguished from those which we are now about to treat. The method of Indirect Deduction may be described as that which points out what a thing is, by showing that it cannot be anything else. We can define a certain space upon a map, either by colouring that space, or by colouring all except the space ; the first mode is positive, the second negative. The dif ference, it will be readily seen, is exactly analogous to that between the direct and indirect proof in geometry. Euclid often shows that two lines are equal, by showing that they cannot be unequal, and the proof rests upon the known num ber of alternatives, greater, equal or less, which are alone conceivable. In other cases, as for instance in the seventh proposition of the first book, he shows that two lines must meet in a particular point, by showing that they cannot meet elsewhere. In logic we can always define with certainty the utmost number of alternatives which are conceivable. The Law of Duality (pp. 6, 88) enables us always to assert that any quality or circumstance whatsoever is either present or absent in anything. Whatever may be the meaning and nature of the terms A and B it is certainly true that A = AB -i- Kb B = AB I aB. These are universal though tacit premises which may be employed in the solution of every problem, and which 96 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. are such invariable- and necessary conditions of all thought, that they need not be specially laid down. The Law of Contradiction is a further condition of all thought and of all logical symbols ; it enables, and in fact obliges, us to reject from further consideration all terms which imply the presence and absence of the same quality. Now, whenever we bring both these Laws of Thought into ex plicit action by the method of substitution, we employ the Indirect Method of Inference. It will be found that we can treat not only those arguments already exhibited according to the direct method, but we can also include an infinite multitude of other arguments which are incapable of solution by any other means. Some philosophers, especially those of France, have held that the Indirect Method of Proof has a certain infe riority to a direct method, which should prevent our using it except when obliged. But there are an unlimited number of truths which we can prove only indirectly. We can prove that a number is a prime only by the purely indirect method of showing that it is not any of the numbers which have divisors, and the remarkable process known as Eratosthenes' Sieve is the only mode by which we can select the prime numbers a. It bears a strong analogy to the indirect method here to be described. We can also prove that the side and diameter of a square are incommensurable, but only in the negative or indirect manner, by showing that the contrary supposition con stantly and inevitably leads to contradiction b. Many other demonstrations in various branches of the mathematical sciences rest upon a like method. Now if there is only one important truth which must be, and can only be "See Horsley, ' Philosophical Transactions,' 1772; vol. Ixii. p. 327. Hontucla, ' Histoire des Mathematiques,' vol. i. p. 239. ' Penny Cyclopaedia, ' article Eratosthenes. b Euclid, Book x. Prop. 117. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 97 proved indirectly, we may say that the process is a necessary and sufficient one, and the question of its com parative excellence or usefulness is not worth discussion. As a matter of fact I believe that nearly half our logical conclusions rest upon its employment. Simple Illustrations. In tracing out the powers and results of this method, we will begin with the simplest possible instance. Let us take a proposition of the very common form, A = AB, say, A Metal is an Element, and let us investigate its full meaning. Any person who has had the least logical training, is aware that we can draw from the above proposition an apparently different one, namely, A Not-element is a Not-metal. While some logicians, as for instance De Morgan,6 have considered the relation of these two propositions to be purely self-evident, and neither needing nor allowing analysis, a great many more persons, as I have observed while teaching logic, are at first unable to perceive the close connection between them. I believe that a true and complete system of logic will furnish a clear analysis of this process which has been called Contrapositive Con version ; the full process is as follows : — Firstly, by the Law of Duality we know that Not-element is either Metal or Not-metal. Now if it be metal, we know that it is by the premise an element ; we should thus be supposing that the very same thing is an element and a not-element, which is in opposition to the Law of Contradiction. According to the only other alternative, then, the not-element must be a not-metal. c 'Philosophical Magazine,' December 1852, Fourth Series, vol. iv. p. 435, 'On Indirect Demonstration,' H 98 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. To represent this process of inference symbolically we take the premise in the form A - AB. (i) We observe that by the Law of Duality the term not-B is thus described I = A6 -I- ab. (2) For A in this proposition we substitute its description as given in (i), obtaining 1} - AB6 -I- ab. But according to the Law of Contradiction the term AB6 must be excluded from thought or AB6 = o. Hence it results that 6 is either nothing at all, or it is ab ; and the conclusion is b = ab. As it will often be necessary to refer to a conclusion of this kind I shall call it, as is usual, the Contrapositive Proposition of the original. The reader need hardly be cautioned to observe that from all A's are B's it does not follow that all not-A's are not-B's. For by the Law of Duality we have a = aB | ab, and it will not be found possible to make any substitu tion in this by our original premise A = AB. It still remains doubtful, therefore, whether not-metal is element or not-element. The proof of the Contrapositive Proposition given above is exactly the same as that which Euclid applies in the case of geometrical notions. De Morgan describes Euclid's process as follows d : — ' From every not-B is not-A he pro duces every A is B, thus — If it be possible, let this A be not-B, but every not-B is not-A, therefore this A is not-A, which is absurd : whence every A is B.' Now De Morgan thinks that this proof is entirely needless, because common d 'Philosophical Magazine,' Dec. 1852 ; p. 437. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 99 logic gives the inference without the use of any geo metrical reasoning. I conceive however that logic gives the inference only by an indirect process. De Morgan claims 'to see identity in every A is B and every not-B is not-A, by a process of thought prior to syllogism/ But whether prior to syllogism or not, I claim that it is not prior to the laws of thought and the process of substitutive inference by which it may be undoubtedly demonstrated. Employment of the Contrapositive Proposition. We can frequently employ the contrapositive form of a proposition by the method of substitution ; and certain moods of the ancient syllogism, which we have hitherto passed over, may thus be satisfactorily comprehended in our system. Take for instance the following syllogism in the mood Camestres :— ' Whales are not true fish : for they do not respire water, whereas true fish do respire water.' Let us take A = whales, B = true fish, C = respiring water. The premises are of the form A = Ac, (i) B = BC. (2) Now, by the process of contraposition we obtain from (2) c = be, and we can substitute this expression for c in (i), ob taining A = A&c, or ' Whales are not true fish, not respiring water/ The mood Cesare does not really differ from Camestres except in the order of the premises, and it could be exhibited in an exactly similar manner. H 2 100 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. The mood Baroko gave much trouble to the old lo gicians who could not reduce it to the first figure in the same manner as the other moods, and were obliged to invent, specially for it and for Bokardo, a method of Indirect Eeduction closely analogous to the Indirect proof of Euclid. Now these moods require no exceptional processes, in this system. Let us take as an instance of Baroko, the argument All heated solids give continuous spectra, (i) Some nebulaB do not give continuous spectra ; (2) Therefore some nebulae are not heated solids. (3) Treating the little word some as an indeterminate adjective of selection, to which we assign a symbol like any other adjective, let A = some B = nebulas C = giving continuous spectra D = heated solid, The premises then become D = DC (i) AB = ABc. (2) Now from (i) we obtain by the Indirect method the Contrapositive c = cd, and if we substitute this expression for c in (2) we have AB = ABcrf; the full meaning of which is that ' some nebulae do not give continuous spectra and are not solids/ We might similarly apply the contrapositive in many other instances. Take the argument — ' All fixed stars are self-luminous ; but some of the heavenly bodies are not self-luminous, an,d are therefore not fixed stars.' Taking our terms A = fixed stars B = self-luminous THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 101 C = some D = heavenly bodies, we have the premises A - AB, (i) CD = bCV. (2) Now from (i) we can draw the Contrapositive b = ab, and substituting this expression for b in (2) we obtain CD = a&CD, which expresses the conclusion of the argument that * some heavenly bodies are not fixed stars.' Contrapositive of a Simple Identity. The reader should carefully note that when we apply the process of Indirect Inference to a simple identity of the form A = B, we may obtain further results. If we wish to know what is the term not-B, we have as before, by the Law of Duality, b = A6 -I- ab, and substituting for A we obtain b = B6 | ab = ab. But we may now also draw a second Contrapositive ; for we have a = aB -|- ab, and substituting for B its equivalent A we have a = aA. •[ ab = ab. Hence from the single identity A = B we can draw the two propositions a = ab b = ab, and observing that these propositions have a common term we can make a new substitution, getting a = b. 102 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. This result is in strict accordance with the fundamental principles of inference, and it may be a question whether it is not a self-evident result, independent of the steps of deduction by which we have reached it. For where two classes are coincident like A and B, whatever is true of the one is true of the other ; what is excluded from the one must be excluded from the other similarly. Now as a bears to A exactly the same relation that b bears to B, the identity of either pair follows from the identity of the other pair. In every identity, equality, or similarity, we may argue from the negative of the one side to the negative of the other. Thus at ordinary temperatures Mercury = liquid-metal, hence obviously Not-mercury = not-liquid-metal ; or since Sirius = brightest fixed star, it follows that whatever star is not the brightest is not Sirius, and vice versd. Every correct definition is of the form A = B, and may often require to be applied in the equivalent negative form. Let us take as an illustration of the mode of using this result the argument following : — Vowels are letters which can be sounded alone, (i) The letter w cannot be sounded alone ; (2) Therefore the letter w is not a vowel. (t\ Here we have a definition (i), and a comparison of a thing with that definition (2), leading to exclusion of the thing from the class defined. Taking the terms A = vowel, 3 = letter which can be sounded alone, C = letter w, THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 103 the premises are plainly of the form A = B, (i) C = 60. (2) Now by the Indirect method we obtain from (i) the Contrapositive b = a, and inserting in (2) the equivalent for b we have C = aO, (3) or ' the letter w is not a vowel/ Miscellaneous Examples of the Method. We can apply the Indirect Method of Inference how ever many may be the terms involved or the premises containing those terms. As the working of the method is best learnt from examples, I will take a case of two premises forming the syllogism Barbara : thus Iron is a metal (i) Metal is element. (2) If we want to ascertain what inference is possible con cerning the term Iron, we develop the term by the Law of Duality. Iron must be either metal or not-metal ; iron which is metal must be either element or not-elemerit ; and similarly iron which is not-metal must be either element or not-element. There are then altogether four alternatives among which the description of iron must be contained ; thus Iron, metal, element, (a) Iron, metal, not-element, (/3) Iron, not-metal, element, (7) Iron, not-metal, not-element. (§) Our first premise informs us that iron is a metal, and if we substitute this description in (7) and (3) we shall have self -contradictory combinations. Our second premise 104 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. likewise informs us that metal is element, and applying this description to (/3) we again have self-contradiction, so that there remains only (a) as a description of iron— our inference is Iron = iron, metal, element. To represent this process of reasoning in general symbols, let A = iron B = metal C = element. The premises of the problem take the form A = AB (i) B - BC. (2) By the Law of Duality we have A = AB -I- A6 (3) A = AC -I- Ac. (4) Now, if we insert for A in the second side of (3) its description in (4), we obtain what I shall call the development of A A = ABO -|- ABc -I- A6C I Abe. (5) Wherever the letters A or B appear in the second side of (5) substitute their equivalents given in (i) and (2) and the results at full length are A = ABC | ABCc ! AB6C | AB&Cc. The last three alternatives break the Law of Contradic tion, so that A = ABC -I- o I o -I- o A = ABC. This conclusion is, indeed, no more than we could obtain by the direct process of substitution ; it is the characteristic of the Indirect process that it gives all possible logical conclusions, both those which we have previously obtained, and an almost infinite number of others of which the ancient logic took little or no account. From the same premises, for instance, we can obtain a description of the THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 105 class not-element or c. By the Law of Duality we can develop c into four alternatives, thus — c = ABc -I- A6c | aBc -|- abc. Now if we substitute for A and B as before, we get c = ABO I AB&c -I- aBCc -|- abc, and striking out the terms which break the Law of Contra diction there remains c = abc, or what is not element is also not iron and not metal. This Indirect Method of Inference thus furnishes a complete solution of the following problem — Given any number of logical premises or conditions, required the description of any class of objects, or any term> as governed by those conditions. The steps of the process of inference may thus be concisely stated : — 1. By the Law of Duality develop the utmost number of alternatives which may exist in the description of the required class or term as regards the terms involved in the premises. 2. For each term in these alternatives substitute its description as given in the premises. 3. Strike out every alternative which is then found to break the Law of Contradiction, 4. The remaining terms may be equated to the term in question as the desired description or inference. Abbreviation of the Process. Before proceeding to illustrations of the use of this method, I must point out how much its practical em ployment can be simplified, and. how much more easy it is than would appear from the description. When we want to effect at all a complete solution of a logical 106 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. problem it is best to form, in the first place, a complete series of all the combinations of terms involved in it. If there be two terms A and B, the utmost variety of combinations in which they can appear are AB Ab aB ab. The term A appears in the first and second ; B in the first and third ; a in the third and fourth ; and b in the second and fourth. Now if we have any premise, say A = B, we must ascertain which of these combinations would be rendered self-contradictory by substitution ; the second and third would have to be struck out, and there would remain AB ab. Hence we draw the following inferences A = AB, B = AB, a - ab, b = ab. Exactly the same method must be followed where a question involves a greater number of terms. Thus by the Law of Duality the three terms A, B, C, give rise to eight conceivable combinations, namely ABC . («) ABc (0) AbC (7) Abe (S) aBC (e) aBc (0 abC W abc. (0) The development of the term A is formed by the first four of these ; for B we must select (a), (/3), (e), (£) ; C consists of («), (?), W M ; b of (7), (S), (,), (<9), and so on. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 107 Now if we want to investigate completely the meaning of the premises A - AB (i) B = EC, , (2) we examine each of the eight combinations as regards each premise; (7) and ($) are contradicted by (i), and (/3) and (£) by (2), so that there remain only ABC (a) aBC (e) abC W ale. (0) To describe any term under the conditions of the premises (i) and (2), we have only to draw out the proper com binations from this list ; thus — A is represented only by ABC or A = ABC, similarly c — ale. For B we have two alternatives thus stated, B = ABC I aBC ; and for I we have I — abC •[ ale. When we have a problem involving four distinct terms we need to double the number of combinations, and as we add each new term the combinations become twice as numerous. Thus A, B produce four combinations A, B, C, „ eight A, B, C, D „ sixteen „ A, B, C, D, E „ thirty-two „ A, B, C, D, E, F „ sixty-four „ and so on. I propose to call any such series of combinations the Logical Alecedarium. It holds in logical science a posi tion of importance which cannot be exaggerated. As we proceed from logical to mathematical considerations it will 108 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. become apparent that there is a close connection between these combinations and the most fundamental theorems of mathematical science. For the convenience of the reader who may wish to employ the abecedarium in logical questions, I have had printed on the next page a complete series of the combinations up to those of six terms. At the very commencement in the first column is placed a single letter X which might seem to be superfluous. This letter serves to denote that it is always some higher class which is divided up. Thus the combination AB really means ABX, or that part of some larger class, say X, which has the qualities of A and B present. The letter X is omitted in the greater part of the table merely for the sake of brevity and clearness. In a later chapter on Combinations it will become apparent that the intro duction of this unit class is requisite in order to com plete the analogy with the Arithmetical Triangle there described. The reader ought to bear in mind that though the abecedarium seems to give mere lists of combinations, these combinations are intended in every case to con stitute the development of a term of a proposition. Thus the four combinations AB, Afr, aB, ab really mean that any class X is described by the following proposition, X = X (AB -I- A6 ! aB \ ab). If we select the A's, we obtain the following proposition AX = X(AB I A6). Thus whatever group of combinations we treat must be conceived as part of a higher class, summum genus or universe symbolised in the term X ; but bearing this in mind, it is needless to complicate our formulas by always introducing the letter. All inference consists in passing from propositions to propositions, and combinations per se have no meaning. They are consequently to be regarded in all cases as forming parts of propositions. THE LOGICAL ABECEDAEIUM. i. ii. in, ly. y. VI. X AX AB ABC ABCD ABODE a X Ab A Be ABCd ABCDe a B Ab C ABcD A B C d E a b Abe A B c d A B C d e aB C AbC D AB cDE a B c A b C d A B c D e a b C A & c D AB c d E a b c Abed A B c c? e oBC D A6CDE aB C d Ab C D e a B c D A bC d E a B c d A 6 C d e ab G D Ab cD E a b C d A b c D e a b c D Ab c d E a b c d A b c d e aBC D E aB C D e aBC d E a B C d e a B c D E a B c D e a B c d E a B c d e a b C DE a b C D e 0 b C d E a b C d e a b c D E a b c D e a b c d E a b c d e ABCDEF ABCDE/ ABCD eF ABCDe/ ABCdEF AB CdE/ A BCdeF ABC d e f ABcDE F ABc DE/ A BcD eF ABcD e f ABcdE F A B cdE/ ABcd e F A B c d e/ AfcCDEF A&CDE/ AfeCDeF A&CD e f A b G d E F A&Crf E/ A bC de F A b C d e f A&cDEF A&cD E/ A&c D e F A b c D e/ A&cdE F Abe d E / Ab c d e F A b c d e f aBCDEF oBCDE/ a B C D e F aB C D e f a B C d E F aBCd E/ a B C d e F aB C d e f aB cD E F aBcD E / aB c D e F a B c D e f aB cd E F aB cd E / a B c d e F a B c d e f a&CDE F afeC D E / a&C De F ab C D e f a bC dE F ab C d E/ ab C d e F a b C d e f ab c D E F ab c D E / a & c D e F a b c D e f a b c d E F a b c d E f a b c d e F a b c d e f 110 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. In a theoretical point of view we may conceive that the abecedarium is always extended indefinitely. Every new quality or circumstance which can belong to an object, subdivides each combination or class, so that the number of such combinations when unrestricted by logical con ditions is represented by an indefinitely high power of two. The extremely rapid increase in the number of sub divisions obliges us to confine our attention to a few circumstances at a time. When contemplating the properties of this abecedarium, I am often inclined to think that Pythagoras perceived the deep logical importance of duality ; for while unity was the symbol of identity and harmony, he described the number two as the origin of contrasts, or the symbol of diversity, division and separation. The number four or the Tetractys was also regarded by him as one of the chief elements of existence, for it represented the generating virtue whence come all combinations. In one of the golden verses ascribed to Pythagoras, he conjures his pupil to be virtuous6 : 'By him who stampt The Four upon the Mind, Tlie Four, the fount of Nature's endless stream.' Now four and the higher powers of duality do represent in this logical system the variety of combinations which can be generated in the absence of logical restrictions. The followers of Pythagoras may have shrouded their master's doctrines in mysterious and superstitious notions, but in many points these doctrines seem to have some basis in logical philosophy. The Logical Slate. To a person who has once comprehended the extreme significance and utility of the Logical Abecedarium, the e Whewell, 'History of the Inductive Sciences,' vol. i. p. 222. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. Ill indirect process of inference becomes reduced to the repe tition of a few uniform operations of classification, selection, and elimination of contradictories. Logical deduction even in the most complicated questions becomes a matter of mere routine,, and the amount of labour required is the only impediment when once the meaning of the premises is rendered clear. But the amount of labour is often found to be considerable. The mere writing down of sixty-four combinations of six letters each is no small task, and, if we had a problem of five premises, each of the sixty-four combinations would have to be examined in connection with each premise. The requisite com parison is often of a very tedious character and consider able chance of errors thus arises. I have given much attention therefore to reducing both the manual and mental labour of the process, and I shall describe several devices which may be adapted for saving trouble and risk of mistake. In the first place, as the same sets of combinations occur over and over again in different problems, we may avoid the labour of writing them out by having the sets of letters ready printed upon small sheets of writing paper. It has also been suggested by a correspondent that, if any one series of combinations were marked upon the margin of a sheet of paper, and a slit cut between each pair of combinations, it would be easy to fold down any particular combination, and thus strike it out of view. The combi nations consistent with the premises would then remain in a broken series. This method answers sufficiently well for occasional use. A more convenient mode, however, is to have the series of letters shown on p. 109, engraved upon a common school writing slate, of such a size, that the letters may occupy only about a third of the space on the left hand side of the slate. The conditions of the problem can then 112 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. be written down on the unoccupied part of the slate, and the proper series of combinations being chosen, the contra dictory combinations can be struck out with the pencil. I have used a slate of this kind, which I call a Logical Slate, for more than ten years, and it has saved me much trouble. It is hardly possible to apply this process to problems of more than six terms, owing to the large num ber of combinations which would require examination ; thus seven terms would give 128 combinations, eight terms 256, nine terms 512, ten terms 1024, eleven terms 2048, twelve terms 4096, and so on in geometrical pro gression. Abstraction of Indifferent Circumstances. There is a simple but highly important process of inference which enables us to abstract, eliminate or disre gard all circumstances indifferently present and absent. Thus if I were to state that 'a triangle is a figure of three sides, with or without equal angles/ the latter qualification would be superfluous, because by a law of thought I know that angles must be either equal or unequal. To add the qualification gives no new know ledge since the existence of the two alternatives will be understood in the absence of any information to the contrary. Accordingly, when two alternatives differ only as regards a single component term which is positive in one and negative in the other, we may always reduce them to one term by striking out their indifferent part. It is really a process of substitution which enables us to do this ; for having any proposition of the form A = ABC -|- ABc, (i) we know by the Law of Duality that B = BC -|- Be. (2) Hence AB = ABC | ABc. (3) THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 113 And as the second member of this is identical with the second member of ( i ) we may substitute, obtaining A = AB. This process of reducing useless alternatives, may be applied again and again ; for it is plain that A = AB (CD | Cd -I- cD ! cd) communicates no more information than that A is B. This abstraction of indifferent terms is in fact the con verse process to that of development described in p. 104 ; and it is one of the most important operations in the whole sphere of reasoning. The reader should observe that in the proposition we cannot abstract C and infer A = B; but from AC | Ac = BC I Be we may abstract all reference to the term C. Illustrations of the Indirect Method. An infinite variety of arguments and logical problems might be introduced here to show the comprehensive character and powers of the Indirect Method. We can treat either a single premise or a series of premises. Take in the first place a simple definition, such as ' a triangle is a three-sided rectilinear figure.' Let A = triangle B — three-sided C = rectilinear figure, then the definition is of the form A- BC. If we take the series of eight combinations of three letters (see p. 106) and strike out those which are I 114 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. inconsistent mth the definition, we have the following result : — ABC -*%&- «Bc. Abe a&c. For the description of the class C we have C - ABC -I- a&C, that is, ' a rectilinear figure is either a triangle and three- sided, or not a triangle and not three-sided.' For the class & we have I = a&C I a&c. To the second side of this we may apply the process of simplification by abstraction described in the last section ; for by the Law of Duality a& = a&C I a&c ; and as we have two propositions identical in the second side of each we may substitute, getting & = a&, or what is not three-sided is not a triangle (whether it be rectilinear or not). Let us treat by this method the following argument :— * Blende is not an elementary substance ; elementary substances are those which are undecomposable ; blende, therefore, is decomposable.' Taking our letters thus — A = blende, B = elementary substance, C = undecomposable, the premises are of the form A = A&, (i) B = C. (2) No immediate substitution can be made ; but if we take the contrapositive of (2), namely & = c, (3) THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 115 we can substitute in ( i ) obtaining the conclusion A - Ac. But the same result may be obtained by taking the eight combinations of A, B, 0, of the abecedarium ; it will be found that only three combinations, namely Kbc aBC abc, are consistent with the premises, whence it results that A — Abc, or by the process of Ellipsis before described (p. 69) A - Ac. As a somewhat more complex example I take the argument thus stated, one which could not be thrown into the syllogistic form. ' All metals except gold and silver are opaque ; there fore what is not opaque is either gold or silver or is not-metal/ There is more implied in this statement than is dis tinctly asserted, the full meaning being as follows : All metals not gold or silver are opaque, ( i ) Gold is not opaque but is a metal. (2) Silver is not opaque but is a metal, (3) Gold and silver are distinct substances. (4) Taking our letters thus— A = metal C = silver B = gold D = opaque, we may state the premises in the form Kbc = A&cD (i) B - ABd (2) C = ACd (3) B - Be. (4) To obtain a complete solution of the question we take the sixteen combinations of A, B, C, D, and striking out i 2 116 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. those which are inconsistent with the premises, there remain only ABcd AbCd abcD abed. The expression for not-opaque things consists of the three combinations containing d, thus d = ABcd -I- AbCd •[ abed, or d = Ad (Be -|- bC) •{• abed. In ordinary language, what is not-opaque is either metal which is gold, and then not-silver, or silver and then not gold, or else it is not-metal and neither gold nor silver. A good example for the illustration of the Indirect Method is to be found in De Morgan's Formal Logic (p. 123), the premises being substantially as follows :— From A follows B, and from C follows D ; but B and D are inconsistent with each other ; therefore A and C are inconsistent. The meaning no doubt is that where A is, B will be found, or that every A is a B, and similarly every C is a D ; but B and D cannot occur together. The premises there fore appear to be of the form A = AB, (i) C = CD, (2) B = Brf. (3) On examining the series of sixteen combinations, but five are found to be consistent with the above conditions, namely, ABcd dBcd abCD abcD abed. THE INDIRECT METHOD OF INFERENCE. 117 In these combinations the only A which appears is joined to c, and similarly C is joined to a, or A is incon sistent with C. A more complex argument, also given by De Morgan f, contains five terms, and is as stated below, except that I have altered the letters. ' Every A is one only of the two B or C ; D is both B and C, except when B is E, and then it is neither ; therefore no A is D/ A little reflection will show that these premises are capable of expression in the following symbolic forms — A = ABc -|- A30, (i) DP - DeBC, (2) ' \*j/ As five letters, A, B, C, D, E3 enter into these premises it is requisite to treat their thirty-two combinations, and it will be found that fourteen of them remain consistent with the premises, namely ABcc?E aBCDe a&Cc£E ABccfe aBC r 1 J3 — AB J 6 = The Indirect Method of Inference furnishes an universal and clear criterion as to the relationship of propositions. The import of a statement is always to be measured by the combinations of terms which it destroys. Hence two propositions are exactly equivalent when they remove exactly the same combinations from the Abecedarium, and neither more nor less. A proposition is inferrible but not equivalent to another when it removes some but riot all the combinations which the other removes. Again, propositions are consistent provided that they leave some one combination containing each term, and the negative of each term. If after all the combinations inconsistent with two propositions are struck out, there still appears in the Abecedarium each of the letters A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, which were there before, then no inconsistency between the propositions exists, although they may not be equiva lent or even inferrible. Finally, contradictory propositions 134 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. are those which altogether remove any one or more letter- terms from the Abecedariurn. What is true of single propositions applies also to groups of propositions, however large or complicated ; that is to say, one group may be equivalent, inferrible, consistent, or contradictory as regards another, and we may similarly compare one proposition with a group of propositions. To give in this place illustrations of all the four kinds of relation would require much space : as the examples given in previous sections or chapters may serve more or less to explain the relations of inference, consistency, and contradiction, I will only add a, few instances of equivalent propositions or groups. In the following list each proposition or group of propo sitions is exactly equivalent in meaning to the correspond ing one in the other column, and the truth of this state ment may be tested by working out the combinations of the Abecedarium, which ought to be found exactly the same in the case of each pair of equivalents. A = A6 B = aB A = b a = B A = BC a = b\c A = AB I AC b = ab I A&C A-|-B = C-|-D ab = cd A I c = B I- d aC = bV A = ABI AC A = ABc I A6C A .~ AB = ABc A = Bl A = B B = CJ A- C A - ABl A = AC B - BCJ B = AlaBC A = ABi A - AC I A = ABCD. A = AD-I THE EQUIVALENCY OF PROPOSITIONS. 135 Although in these and many other cases the equivalents of certain propositions can readily be given, yet I believe that no uniform and infallible process can be pointed out by which the exact equivalents of premises can be ascer tained. Ordinary deductive inference usually gives us only a portion of the contained information. It is true that the combinations consistent with a set of propositions are logically equivalent to them, but the difficulty consists in passing back from the combinations to a new set of propositions. The task is here of a different character from any which we have yet attempted. It is in reality an inverse process, and is just as much more troublesome and uncertain than the direct process, as seeking is com pared with hiding. Not only may several different answers equally apply, but there is no method of discovering any of those answers except by repeated trial. The problem which we have here met is really that of induction, the inverse of deduction ; and, as I shall soon show, induction is always tentative, and unless conducted with peculiar skill and insight must be exceedingly laborious in cases of any considerable complexity. The late Professor de Morgan was unfortunately led by this equivalency of propositions into the most serious error of his ingenious system of Logic. He held that because the proposition 'All A's are all B's,' was but another expression for the two propositions 'All A's are B's ' and ' All B's are As,' it must be a composite and not really an elementary form of proposition1. But on taking a general view of the equivalency of propositions such an objection seems to have no weight. Logicians have, with few exceptions, persistently upheld the original error of Aristotle in rejecting from their science the one simple 1 ( Syllabus of a proposed system of Logic,' §§ 57, 121, &c. 'Formal Logic,' p. 66. 136 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. relation of identity on which all more complex logical - relations must really rest. The Nature of Inference. The question, What is Inference I is involved, even to the present day, in as much uncertainty as that ancient question, What is Truth \ I shall in more than one part of this work endeavour to show that inference never does more than explicate, unfold, or develop the information contained in certain premises or facts. Neither in deduc tive nor inductive reasoning can we add a tittle to our implicit knowledge, which is like that contained in an unread book or a sealed letter. Sir W. Hamilton has well said, ' Reasoning is the showing out explicitly that a pro position not granted or supposed, is implicitly contained in something different which is granted or supposed m/ Professor Bo wen has explained11 with much clearness that the conclusion of an argument states explicitly what is virtually or implicitly thought. ' The process of reasoning is not so much a mode of evolving a new truth, as it is of establishing or proving an old one, by showing how much was admitted in the concession of the two premises taken together.' It is true that the whole meaning of these statements rests upon that of such words as 'explicit/ 'implicit,' 'virtual.' That is implicit which is wrapped up, and we render it explicit when we unfold it. Just as the conception of a circle involves a hundred important geome trical properties, all following from what we know, if we have acuteness to unfold the results, so every fact and statement involves more meaning than seems at first sight. Reasoning explicates or brings to conscious posses sion what was before unconscious. It does not create, nor m Lectures on Metaphysics, vol. iv. p. 369. n Bowen, ' Treatise on Logic/ Cambridge, U. S., 1866; p. 362. THE NATURE OF INFERENCE. 137 does it destroy, but it transmutes and throws the same matter into a new form. The difficult question still remains, Where does novelty of form begin 1 Is it a case of inference when we pass from c Sincerity is the parent of truth ' to ' The parent of truth is sincerity'?' The old logicians would have called this change conversion one case of immediate inference. But as all identity is necessarily reciprocal, and the very meaning of such a proposition is that the two terms are identical in their signification, I fail to see any difference between the statements whatever. As well might we say that a = b and b = a are different equations. Another point of difficulty is to decide when a change is merely grammatical and when it involves a real logical transformation. Between a table of wood and a wooden table there is no logical difference (p. 37), the adjective being merely a convenient substitute for the prepositional phrase. But it is uncertain to my mind whether the change from ' All men are mortal ' to ' No men are not mortal' is purely grammatical. Logical change may perhaps be best described as consisting in the determina- tjon of a relation between certain classes of objects from a relation between certain other classes. Thus I consider it a truly logical inference when we pass from ' All men are mortal ' to ' All immortals are not-men/ because the classes immortals and not-men are different from mortals and men, and yet the propositions contain at the bottom the very same truth, as shown in the combinations of the Abecedarium. From logical inference we must discriminate the passage from the qualitative to the quantitative form of a pro position. We state the same truth when we say that ' mortality belongs to all men,' as when we assert that * all men are mortals.' Here we do not pass from class to class, but from one kind of term, the abstract, to another 138 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. kind, the concrete. But inference probably enters when we pass from either of the above propositions to the assertion that the class of immortal men is zero, or con tains no objects. It is really a question of words to what processes we shall or shall not apply the name ' inference/ and I have no wish to continue the trifling discussions which have already taken place upon the subject. We shall not commit any serious error, provided that we always bear in mind that two propositions may be connected together in four different ways. They may be— 1 . Tautologous or identical, involving the same relation between the same terms and classes, and only differing in the order of statement ; thus ' Victoria is the Queen of England' is tautologous with 'The Queen of England is Victoria/ 2. Grammatically equivalent, in which the classes or objects are the same and similarly related, and the only difference is in the words ; thus ' Victoria is the Queen of England' is grammatically equivalent to 'Victoria is England's Queen.' 3. Equivalent in qualitative and quantitative form, the classes being the same, but viewed in a different manner. 4. Logically equivalent, when the classes and relations are different, but involve the same knowledge of the possible combinations. CHAPTEE VII. INDUCTION. WE enter in this chapter upon the second great de partment of logical method, that of Induction or the Inference of general from particular truths. It cannot be said that the Inductive process is of greater importance than the Deductive process already considered, because the latter process is absolutely essential to the existence of the former. Each is the complement and counterpart of the other. The principles of thought and existence which underlie them are at the bottom the same, just as subtrac tion of numbers necessarily rests upon the same principles as addition. Induction is, in fact, the inverse operation to deduction, and cannot be conceived to exist without the corresponding operation, so that the question of re lative importance cannot arise. Who thinks of asking whether addition or subtraction is the more important process in arithmetic 1 But at the same time much difference in difficulty may exist between a direct and inverse operation ; the integral calculus, for instance, is almost infinitely more difficult than the differential cal culus of which it is the inverse. It must be allowed that in logic inductive investigations are of a far higher degree of difficulty, variety, and complexity than any questions of deduction ; and it is this fact no doubt which has led some logicians to erroneous opinions concerning the exclusive importance of induction. Hitherto we have been engaged in considering how 140 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. from certain conditions, laws, or identities governing the combinations of qualities, we may deduce the nature of the combinations agreeing with those conditions. Our work has been to unfold the results of what is contained in any statements, and the process has been one of Syn thesis. The terms or combinations of which the character has been determined have usually, though by no means always, involved more qualities, and therefore, by the relation of extension and intension, fewer objects than the terms in which they were described. The truths inferred were thus usually less general than the truths from which they were inferred. In induction all is inverted. The truths to be ascer tained are more general than the data from which they are drawn. The process by which they are reached is analytical, and consists in separating the complex com binations in which natural phenomena are presented to us, and determining the relations of separate qualities. Given events obeying certain unknown laws, we have to discover the laws obeyed. Instead of the comparatively easy task of finding what effects will follow from a given law, the effects are now given and the law is required. We have to interpret the will by which the conditions of creation were laid down. Induction an Inverse Operation. I have already asserted that induction is the inverse operation of deduction, but the difference is one of such great importance that I must dwell upon it. There are many cases where we can easily and infallibly do a certain thing but may have much trouble in undoing it. A per son may walk into the most complicated labyrinth or the most extensive catacombs, and turn hither and thither at his will ; it is when he wishes to return that doubt and INDUCTION. 141 difficulty commence. In entering, any path served him ; in leaving, he must select certain definite paths, and in this selection he must either trust to memory of the way he entered or else make an exhaustive trial of all possible ways. The explorer entering a new country makes sure his line of return by barking the trees. The same difficulty arises in many scientific processes. Given any two numbers, we may by a simple and infallible process obtain their product, but it is quite another matter when a large number is given to determine its factors. Can the reader say what two numbers multiplied together will produce the number 8,616,460,799 1 I think it unlikely that any one but myself will ever know ; for they are two large prime numbers, and can only be re discovered by trying in succession a long series of prime divisors until the right one be fallen upon. The work would probably occupy a good computer for many weeks, but it did not occupy me many minutes to multiply the two factors together. Similarly there is no direct process for discovering whether any number is a prime or not ; it is only by exhaustingly trying all inferior numbers which could be divisors, that we can show there is none, and the labour of the process would be intolerable were it not performed systematically once for all in the process known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes, the results being registered in tables of prime numbers. The immense difficulties which are encountered in the solution of algebraic equations are another illustration. Given any algebraic factors, we can easily and infallibly arrive at the product, but given a product it is a matter of infinite difficulty to resolve it into factors. Given any series of quantities however numerous, there is very little trouble in making an equation which shall have those quantities as roots. Let a, 1), c, d, &c., be the quantities ; then (x — a) (x — b) (x — c) (x — d) = o 142 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. is the equation required, and we only need to multiply out the expression on the left hand by ordinary rules. But having given a complex algebraic expression equated to zero, it is a matter of exceeding difficulty to dis cover all the roots. Mathematicians have exhausted their highest powers in carrying the complete solution up to the fourth degree. In every other mathematical operation the inverse process is far more difficult than the direct process, subtraction than addition, division than multiplication, evolution than involution ; but the difficulty increases vastly as the process becomes more complex. The differentiation, the direct process, is always capable of performance by certain fixed rules, but as these produce considerable variety of results, the inverse process of integration presents immense difficulties, and in an infinite majority of cases surpasses the present resources of mathematicians. There are no infallible and general rules for its accomplishment ; it must be done by trial, by guesswork, by remembering the results of differentia tion, and using them as a guide. Coming more nearly to our own immediate subject, exactly the same difficulty exists in determining the law which certain numbers obey. Given a general mathe matical expression, we can infallibly ascertain its value for any required value of the variable. But I am not aware that mathematicians have ever attempted to lay down the rules of a process by which, having given cer tain numbers, one might discover a rational or precise formula from which they proceed. The problem is always indeterminate, because an infinite number of formulae agreeing with certain numbers, might always be dis covered with sufficient trouble. The reader may test his power of detecting a law, by contemplation of its results, if he, not being a mathema tician, will attempt to point out the law obeyed by the INDUCTION. 143 following numbers : 11 ii i 5 691 7 3617 , — , , - , , — — j , -, — , CM.. 20 30 42 30 66 2730 6 510 These numbers are sometimes negative, more often posi tive ; sometimes in low terms, but unexpectedly spring ing up to high terms ; in absolute magnitude they are very variable. They seem to set all regularity and method at defiance, and it is hardly to be supposed that any one could, from contemplation of the numbers, have detected the relation between them. Yet they are derived from the most regular and symmetrical laws of relation, and are of the highest importance in mathematical analysis, being known as the numbers of Bernouilli. Compare again the difficulty of decyphering with that of cyphering. Any one can invent a secret language, and with a little steady labour can translate the longest letter into the character. But to decypher the letter having no key to the signs adopted, is a wholly different matter. As the possible modes of secret writing are infinite in number and exceedingly various in kind, there is no direct mode of discovery whatever. Repeated trial, guided more or less by knowledge of the customary form of cypher, and resting entirely on the principles of probability, is the only resource. A peculiar tact or skill is requisite for the process, and a few men, such as Wall is or Mr. Wheat- stone, have attained great success. Induction is the decyphering of the hidden meaning of natural phenomena. Given events which happen in certain definite combinations, we are required to point out the laws which have governed those combinations. Any laws being supposed, we can, with ease and certainty, decide whether the phenomena obey those laws. But the laws which may exist are infinite in variety, so that the chances are immensely against mere random guessing. The dif ficulty is much increased by the fact that several laws will 144 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. usually be in operation at the same time, the effects of which are complicated together. The only modes of dis covery consist either in exhaustively trying a great number of supposed laws, a, process which is exhaustive in more senses than one, or else by carefully contemplating the effects, endeavouring to remember cases in which like effects followed from known laws. However we accom plish the discovery, it must be done by the more or less apparent application of the direct process of deduction. The Logical Abecedarium illustrates induction as well as it does deduction. In the Indirect process of Inference we found that from certain propositions we could infaUibly determine the combinations of terms agreeing with those premises. The inductive problem is just the inverse. Having given certain combinations of terms, we need to ascertain the propositions with which they are consistent, and from which they may have proceeded. Now if the reader contemplates the following combinations ABC abC aBC abc, he will probably remember at once that they belong to the premises A = AB, B = BC. If not, he will require a few trials before he meets with the right answer, and every trial will consist in assuming certain laws and observing whether the deduced results agree with the data. To test the facility with which he can solve this inductive pro blem, let him casually strike out any of the combinations, say of the fourth column of the Abecedarium (p. 109), and say what laws the remaining combinations obey, observing that every one of the letter-terms and their negatives ought to appear in order to avoid self-contradiction in the premises (pp. 88, 128). Let him say, for instance, what laws are embodied in the combinations ABC aBC INDUCTION. . 145 The difficulty becomes much greater when more terms enter into the combinations. It would be no easy matter to point out the complete conditions fulfilled in the com binations ACe aECe abCe abcE. After some trouble the reader may discover that the principal lawTs are C = e, and A = Ae ; but he would hardly discover the remaining law, namely that BD = BDe. The difficulties encountered in the inductive investi gations of nature, are of an exactly similar kind. We seldom observe any great law in uninterrupted and undisguised operation. The acuteness of Aristotle and the ancient Greeks, did not enable them to detect that all terrestrial bodies tend to fall towards the centre of the earth. A very few nights of observation would have con vinced an astronomer viewing the solar system from its centre, that the planets travelled round the sun ; but the fact that our place of observation is one of the travelling planets, so complicates the apparent motions of the other bodies, that it required all the industry and sagacity of Copernicus to prove the real simplicity of the planetary system. It is the same throughout nature ; the laws may be simple, but their combined effects are not simple, and we have no clue to guide us through their intricacies. ' It is the glory of God/ said Solomon, ' to conceal a thing, but the glory of a king to search it out.' The laws of nature are the invaluable secrets which God has hidden, and it is the kingly prerogative of the philosopher to search them out by industry and sagacity. 146 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Induction of Simple Identities. Many of the most important laws of nature are ex pressible in the form of simple identities, and I can at once adduce them as examples to illustrate what I have said of the difficulty of the inverse process of induction. There are many cases in which two phenomena are usually con joined. Thus all gravitating matter is exactly coincident with all matter possessing inertia ; where one property appears, the other likewise appears. All crystals of the cubical system, are all the crystals which do not doubly refract light. All exogenous plants are, with some ex ceptions, those which have two cotyledons or seed-leaves. A little reflection will show that there is no direct and infallible process by which such complete coincidences may be discovered. Natural objects are aggregates of many qualities, and any one of those qualities may prove to be in close connection with some others. If each of a numerous group of objects is endowed with a hundred distinct physical or chemical qualities, there will be no less than J (100x99) or 4950 pairs of qualities, which may be connected, and it will evidently be a matter of great intricacy and labour to ascertain exactly which qualities are connected by any simple law. One principal source of difficulty is that the finite powers of the human mind are not sufficient to compare by a single act any large group of objects with another large group. We cannot hold in the conscious possession of the mind at any one moment more than five or six different ideas. Hence we must treat any more complex group by successive acts of attention. The reader will perceive by an almost individual act of comparison that the words Roma and Mora contain the same letters. He may perhaps see at a glance whether the same is true of Caused and Casual, and of Logica and Caligo. To assure INDUCTION. 147 himself that the letters in Astronomers make No more stars, that Serpens in cikuleo is an anagram of Joannes Keplerus, or Great gun do us a sum an anagram of Au gustus de Morgan, it will certainly be necessary to break up the act of comparison into several successive acts. The process will acquire a double character, and will consist in ascertaining that each letter of the first group is among the letters of the second group, and vice versd, that each letter of the second is among those of the first group. In the same way we can only prove that two long lists of names are identical, by showing that each name in one list occurs in the other, and vice versd. This process of comparison really consists in establish ing two partial identities, which are, as already shown (P- T33)» equivalent in conjunction to one simple iden tity. We first ascertain the truth of the two propositions A = AB, B = AB, and we then rise by substitution to the single law A = B. There is another process, it is true, by which we may get to exactly the same result, for the two propositions A = AB, a = ab are also equivalent to the simple identity A = B (p. 133). If then we can show that all objects included under A are included under B, and also that all objects not included under A are not included under B, our purpose is effected. By this process we should usually compare two lists if we are allowed to mark them. For each name in the first list we should strike off one in the second, and if, when the first list is exhausted the second list is also exhausted, it follows that all names absent from the first must be absent from the second, and the coincidence must be complete. The two modes of proving a simple identity are so closely allied that it is doubtful how far we can detect any difference in their powers and instances of application. The first method is perhaps more convenient where the L 2 148 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. phenomena to be compared are rare. Tims we prove that all the musical concords coincide with all the more simple numerical ratios, by showing that each concord arises from a simple ratio of undulations, and then show ing that each simple ratio gives rise to one of the con cords. To examine all the possible cases of discord or complex ratio of undulation would be impossible. By a happy stroke of induction Sir John Herschel discovered that all crystals of quartz which rotate the plane of polar ization of light are precisely those crystals which have plagihedral faces, that is, oblique faces on the corners of the prism unsymmetrical with the ordinary faces. This singular relation would be proved by observing that all plagihedral crystals possessed the power of rotation, and vice versd all crystals possessing this power were plagihedral. But it might at the same time be noticed that all ordinary crystals were devoid of the power. There is no reason why we should not observe any of the four propositions A = AB, B = AB, a = ab, b = ab, all of which follow from A = B (see p. 133). Sometimes the terms of the identity may be singular objects ; thus we observe that diamond is a combustible gem, and being unable to discover any other that is, we affirm Diamond = combustible gem, In a similar manner we ascertain that Mercury = metal liquid at ordinary temperatures, Substance of least density = substance of least atomic weight. Two or three objects may occasionally enter into the induction, as when we learn that Sodium I potassium — metal of less density than water, Venus I Mercury | Mars = major planet devoid of satellites. INDUCTION. H9 Induction of Partial Identities. We found in the last section that the simple identity of two classes is almost always discovered not by direct observation of the fact, but by first establishing two partial identities. There are also a great multitude of cases in which the partial identity of one class with an other is the only relation to be discovered. Thus the most common of all inductive inferences consists in establishing the fact that all objects having the properties of A have also those of B, or that A = AB. To ascertain the truth of a proposition of this kind it is merely necessary to assemble together, mentally or physically, all the objects included under A, and then observe whether B is present in each of them, or, which is the same, whether it would be impossible to select from among them any not-B. Thus, if we mentally assemble together all the heavenly bodies which move with apparent rapidity, that is to say the planets, we find that they all possess the property of not scintillating. We cannot analyse any vegetable sub stance without discovering that it contains carbon and hydrogen, but it is not true that all substances containing carbon and hydrogen are vegetable substances. The great mass of scientific truths consists of propo sitions of this form A — AB. Thus in astronomy we learn that all the planets are spheroidal bodies ; that they all revolve in one direction round the sun ; that they aU shine by reflected light ; that they all obey the law of gravitation. But of course it is not to be asserted that all bodies obeying the law of gravitation, or shining by reflected light, or revolving in a particular direction, or being spheroidal in form, are planets. In other sciences we have immense numbers of propositions of the same form, as for instance that all substances in 150 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. becoming gaseous absorb heat ; that all metals are elements ; that they are all good conductors of heat and electricity ; that all the alkaline metals are monad elements ; that all foraminifera are marine organisms ; that all parasitic animals are non- mammalian ; that lightning never issues from stratous clouds a ; that pumice never occurs where only Labrador felspar is present b : and scientific importance may attach even to such ap parently trifling observations as that ' white cats having blue eyes are deaf c.' The process of inference by which all such truths are obtained may readily be exhibited in a precise symbolic form. We must have one premise specifying in a dis junctive form all the possible individuals which belong to a class ; we resolve the class, in short, into its con stituents. We then need a number of propositions each of which affirms that one of the individuals possesses a certain property. Thus the premises must be of the form A = B! 01 D|. .:...! PI Q B- BX C = CX Q = QX. Now if we substitute for each alternative of the first premise its description as found among the succeeding premises we obtain A = BXI CXI ......... IPXIQX or A = (B!C| a Arago's Meteorological Essays, p. 10. b Lyell's Elements of Geology, Fourth ed. p. 373. c Darwin's Variation of Animals, &c. INDUCTION. 151 But for the aggregate of alternatives we may now substitute their equivalent as given in the first premise, namely A, so that we get the required result A = AX. It may be remarked that we should have reached the same final result if our original premise had been of the form A = ABI AC-I- IAQ. The difference of meaning is that all B's need not now be A's, nor all C's, &c. But we should still have A = ABX I ACX I I AQX = AX. We can always prove a proposition, if we find it more convenient, by proving its equivalent. To assert that all not-B's are not- A's, is exactly the same as to assert that all A's are B's. Accordingly we may ascertain that A = AB by first ascertaining that b = ab. If we observe, for in stance, that all substances which are not solids are also not capable of double refraction, it follows necessarily that all double refracting substances are solids. We may convince ourselves that all electric substances are noncon ductors of electricity, by reflecting that all good conduc tors do not, and in fact cannot, retain electric excitation. When we come to questions of probability it will be found desirable to prove, as far as possible, both the original proposition and its equivalent, as there is then an increased area of observation. The number of alternatives which may arise in the division of a class varies greatly, and may be any number from two upwards. Thus it is probable that every sub stance is either magnetic or diamagnetic, and no substance can be both at the same time. The division then must be made in the form A = ABcl-A&C. If now we can prove that all magnetic substances are capable of polarity, say B = BC, and also that all 152 TEE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. diamagnetic substances are capable of polarity C = CD, it follows by substitution that all substances are capable of polarity, or A = AD. We may divide the class substance again into the three subclasses, solid, liquid, and gas; and if we can show that in each of these forms it obeys Carnot's thermodynamic law, it follows that all substances obey that law. Similarly we may show that all verte brate animals possess red blood, if we can show separately that fish, reptiles, birds, marsupials, and mammals possess red blood, there being, as far as is known, only five principal subclasses of vertebrata. Our inductions will often be embarrassed by exceptions, real or apparent. We might affirm that all gems are incombustible were not diamond undoubtedly combustible. Nothing seems more evident than that all the metals are opaque until we examine them in fine films, when gold and silver are found to be transparent. All plants absorb carbonic acid except certain fungi ; all the bodies of the planetary system have a progressive motion from west to east, except the satellites of Uranus and Neptune. Even some of the profoundest laws of matter are not quite universal ; all solids expand by heat except india-rubber, and possibly a few other substances ; all liquids which have been tested expand by heat except water below 4°C and fused bismuth ; all gases have a coefficient of expan sion increasing with the temperature except hydrogen. In a later chapter I shall consider how such anomalous cases may be regarded and classified ; here we have only to express them in a consistent manner in our nota tion. Let us take the case of the transparency of metals, and assign the terms thus A = metal D = iron B = gold E, F &c. = copper, lead, &c. C = silver X = opaque. INDUCTION. 153 Our premises will be A = BIG! DIE, &c. B = Baj C = Cx D = DX E = EX, and so on for the rest of the metals. Now evidently Kbc = (D-I-EIFI )lc, ar.d by substitution as before we shall obtain Abe = A&cX, or in words, ' All metals not gold nor silver are opaque ; ' at the same time we have A(BI C) = ABI AC - ABaH- ACa = A(BI C)x, or ' Metals which are either gold or silver are not opaque.' In some cases the problem of induction assumes a much higher degee of complexity. If we examine the properties of crystallized substances we may find some properties which are common to all, as cleavage or fracture in definite planes ; but it would soon become requisite to break up the class into several minor ones. We should divide crystals according to the seven accepted systems — and we should then find that crystals of each system possess many common properties. Thus crystals of the Eegular or Cubical system expand equally by heat, conduct heat and electricity with uniform rapidity, and are of like elasticity in all directions ; they have but one index of refraction for light ; and every facet is repeated in like relation to each of the three axes. Crystals of the system which possess one principal axis will be found to possess the various physical powers of conduction, refraction, elasticity, &c., uniformly in directions perpendicular to the principal axis, but in other directions their properties vary according to complicated laws. The remaining systems in which the crystals possess three unequal axes, or have inclined axes, exhibit still more complicated results, the 154 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. effects of the crystal upon light, heat, electricity, &c., varying in all directions. But when we pursue induction into the intricacies of its application to Nature we really enter upon the subject of classification which we must take up again in a later part of this work. Complete Solution of the Inverse or Inductive Logical Problem. It is now plain that Induction consists in passing back from a series of combinations to the laws by which such combinations are governed. The natural law that all metals are conductors of electricity really means that in nature we find three classes of objects, namely — 1 . Metals, conductors ; 2. Not-metals, conductors ; 3. Not-metals, not-conductors. It comes to the same thing if we say that it excludes the existence of the class, 'metals not-conductors.' In the same way every other law or group of laws will really mean the exclusion from existence of certain combinations of the things, circumstances or phenomena governed by those laws. Now in logic we treat not the phenomena and laws but, strictly speaking, the general forms of the laws ; and a little consideration will show that for a finite number of things the possible number of forms or kinds of law governing them must also be finite. Using general terms we know that A and B can be present or absent in four ways and no more — thus AB, Aft, aB, ab • therefore every possible law which can exist concerning the relation of A and B must be marked by the exclusion of one or more of the above combinations. The number of possible laws then cannot exceed the number of selec tions which we can make from these four combinations, INDUCTION. 155 and we arrive at this utmost number of cases by omitting any one or more of the four. The number of cases to be considered is therefore 2x2x2x2 or sixteen, since each may be present or absent ; and these cases are all shown in the following table, in which the sign o indicates absence or non-existence of the combination shown at the left-hand column in the same line, and the mark i its presence :— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 8 * 9 V 11 12 * 13 14 * 15 * 16 AB o o o 0 o o - 0 o I i I i i i i i A6 o 0 o 0 I I I I o o o o i i i i aB o o I I o o I I o o I I o o i i ab 0 I 0 I o I o I 0 I o I 0 I o i Thus in column sixteen we find that all the conceivable combinations are present, which means that there are no special laws in existence in such a case, and that the combinations are governed only by the universal Laws of Identity and Difference. The example of metals and conductors of electricity would be represented by the twelfth column ; and every other mode in which two things or qualities might present themselves is shown in one or other of the columns. More than half the cases may indeed be at once rejected, because they involve the entire absence of a term or its negative. It has been shown to be a necessary logical principle that every term must have its negative (p. 88), and where this is not the case some inconsistency between the laws or conditions of combinations must exist. Thus if we laid down the two following propositions, * Graphite conducts electricity,' and ' Graphite does not conduct electricity/ it would amount to asserting the impossibility of graphite existing at all ; or in general terms, A is B and A is not B result in destroying altogether the combinations containing A. 156 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. We therefore restrict our attention to those cases which may be represented in natural phenomena where at least two combinations are present, and which correspond to those columns of the table in which each of A, a, B, b appears. These cases are shown in the columns marked with an asterisk. We find that seven cases remain for examination, thus characterised— Four cases exhibiting three combinations, Two cases exhibiting two combinations, One case exhibiting four combinations. It has already been pointed out that a proposition of the form A = AB destroys one combination A6, so that this is the form of law applying to the twelfth case. But by changing one or more of the terms in A = AB into its negative, or by interchanging A and B, a and b, we obtain no less than eight different varieties of the one form ; thus— 1 2th case. 8th case. i^tb case. i4th case. A = AB A — A.b « = «B a = ab b = ab B = aB b = A.b B = AB. But the reader of the preceding sections will at once see that each proposition in the lower line is logically equi valent to, and is in fact the contrapositive of, that above it (p. 98). Thus the propositions A = A& and B = aB both give the same combinations, shown in the eighth column of the table, and trial shows that the twelfth, eighth, fifteenth and fourteenth cases are thus fully ac counted for. We come to this conclusion then — The general form of proposition A = AB admits of four logically distinct varieties, each capable of expression in two different modes. In two columns of the table, namely the seventh and tenth, we observe that two combinations are missing. Now a simple identity A = B renders impossible both Kb and «B, INDUCTION. 157 accounting for the tenth case ; and if we change B into b the identity A = b accounts for the seventh case. There may indeed be two other varieties of the simple identity, namely a = b and a = B ; but it has already been shown repeatedly that these are equivalent respectively to A = B and A.~b (pp. 133, 134). As the sixteenth column has already been accounted for as governed by no special conditions, we come to the following general conclusion : — • The laws governing the combinations of two terms must be capable of expression either in a partial identity (A — AB), or a simple identity (A = B) ; the partial identity is capable of only four logically distinct varieties, and the simple identity of two. Every logical relation between two terms must be expressed in one of these six laws, or must be logically equivalent to one of them. In short, we may conclude that in treating of partial and complete identity, we have exhaustively treated the modes in which two terms or classes of objects can be related. Of any two classes it may be said that one must either be included in the other, or must be identical with it, or some similar relation must exist between one class and the negative of the other. We have thus completely solved the inverse logical problem concerning two terms d. The Inverse Logical Problem involving Three Terms. No sooner do we introduce into the problem a third term C, than the investigation assumes a far more com plex character, so that some readers may prefer to pass over this section. Three terms and their negatives may be combined, as we have frequently seen, in eight different d The contents of this and the following section nearly correspond with those of a paper read before the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society on December 26th, 1871. See Proceedings of the Society, vol. xi. pp. 65-68, and Memoirs, Third Series, vol. v. pp. 119-130. 158 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. combinations, and the effect of laws or logical conditions is to destroy any one or more of these combinations. Now we may make selections from eight things in 28 or 256 ways ; so that we have no less than 256 different cases to treat, and the complete solution is at least fifty times as troublesome as with two terms. Many series of com binations, indeed, are contradictory, as in the simpler problem, and may be passed over. The test of consistency is that each of the letters A, B, C, a, b, c shall appear somewhere in the series of combinations ; but I have not been able to discover any mode of calculating the number of cases in which inconsistency would happen. The logical complexity of the problem is so great that the ordinary modes of calculating numbers of combinations in mathematical science fail to give any aid, and ex haustive examination of the combinations in detail is the only method applicable. My mode of solving the problem was as follows : — Having written out the whole of the 256 series of com binations, I examined them separately and struck out such as did not fulfil the test of consistency. I then chose some common form of proposition involving two or three terms, and varied it in every possible manner, both by the circular interchange of letters (A, B, C into B, C, A and then C, A, B), and by the substitution for any one or more of the terms of the corresponding negative terms. For instance, the proposition AB = ABC can be first varied by circular interchange, so as to give BC = BCA and then C A = CAB. Each of these three can then be thrown into eight varieties by negative change. Thus AB = ABC gives aB = aBC, Afr = A6C, AB = ABc, db = abC, and so on. Thus there may possibly exist no less than twenty-four varieties of the law having the general form AB = ABC, meaning that whatever has the properties of A and B has those also of C. It by no means follows that some of the INDUCTION. 159 varieties may not be equivalent to others ; and trial shows, in fact, that AB = ABC is exactly the same in meaning as Ac = A5c or Be = Bca. Thus the law in question has but eight varieties of distinct logical mean ing. I now ascertain by actual deductive reasoning which of the 256 series of combinations result from each of these distinct laws, and mark them off as soon as found. I now proceed to some other form of law, for instance A = ABC, meaning that whatever has the qualities of A has those also of B and C. I find that it admits of twenty- four variations, all of which are found to be logically distinct ; the combinations being worked out, I am able to mark off twenty-four more of the list of 256 series. I proceed in this way to work out the results of every form of law which I can find or invent. If in the course of this work I obtain any series of combinations which had been previously marked off, I learn at once that the law is logically equivalent to some law previously treated. It may be safely inferred that every variety of the ap parently new law will coincide in meaning with some variety of the former expression of the same law. I have sufficiently verified this assumption in some cases and have never found it lead to error. Thus just as AB = ABC is equivalent to Ac = A6c, so we find that ab = ab(j is equivalent to ac = acB. Among the laws treated were the two A = AB and A = B which involve only two terms, because it may of course happen that among three things two only are in special logical relation, and the third independent ; and the series of combinations representing such cases of relation are sure to occur in the complete enumeration. All single propositions which I could invent having been treated, pairs of propositions were next investigated. Thus we have the relations, 'All A's are B's and all B's are C's,' of which the old logical syllogism is the 160 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. development. We may also have ' all A's are all B's, and all B's are C's,' or even ' all A's are all B's, and all B's are all C's.' All such premises admit of variations, greater or less in number, the logical distinctness of which can only be determined by trial in detail. Disjunctive propositions either singly or in pairs were also treated, but were often found to be equivalent to other propo sitions of a simpler form ; thus A — ABC I Kbc is exactly the same in meaning as AB = AC. This mode of exhaustive trial bears some analogy to that ancient mathematical process called the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Having taken a long series of the natural numbers, Eratosthenes is said to have calculated out in succession all the multiples of every number, and to have marked them off, so that at last the prime numbers alone remained, and the factors of every number were exhaus tively discovered. My problem of 2 56 series of combinations is the logical analogue, the chief points of difference being that there is a limit to the number of cases, and that prime numbers have no analogue in logic, since every series of combinations corresponds to a law or group of conditions. But the analogy is perfect in the point that they are both inverse processes. There is no mode of ascertaining that a number is prime but by showing that it is not the product of any assignable factors. So there is no mode of ascertaining what laws are embodied in any series of combinations but trying exhaustively the laws which would give them. Just as the results of Erato sthenes' method have been worked out to a great extent and registered in tables for the convenience of other mathematicians, I have endeavoured to work out the inverse logical problem to the utmost extent which is at present practicable or useful. I have thus found that there are altogether fifteen conditions or series of conditions which may govern IND UCTION. 161 the combinations of three terms, forming the premises of fifteen essentially different kinds of arguments. The following table contains a statement of these conditions, together with the number of combinations which are contradicted or destroyed by each, and the number of logically distinct variations of which the law is capable. There might be also added, as a sixteenth case, that case where no special logical condition exists, so that all the eight combinations remain. Reference Number. Propositions expressing the general type of the logical conditions. Number of dis tinct logical variations. Number of combinations contradicted by each. I. A = B 6 4 II. A = AB 12 2 III. A = B, B = C 4 6 IV. A = B, B = BC 24 5 V. A = AB, B = BC 24 4 VI. A = BC 24 4 VII. A = ABC 24 3 VIII. AB=ABC 8 i IX. A = AB, «B = aBc 24 3 X, A = ABC, ab = a&C 8 4 XI. AB = ABC, ab = abc 4 2 XII. AB = AC 12 2 XIII. A = BC-i-A6c 8 3 XIV. A = BC-|-6c 2 4 XV. A = ABC, a = Bc-|-b<7 8 5 192 There are sixty-three series of combinations derived from self-contradictory premises, which with the above 192 series and the one case where there are no conditions or laws at all, make up the whole conceivable number of 256 series. We learn from this table, for instance, that two pro positions of the form A = AB, B-BC, which are such as constitute the premises of the old syllogism Barbara, negative or render impossible four of the eight combi nations in which three terms may be united, and that these propositions are capable of taking twenty-four vari ations by transpositions of the terms or the introduction M 162 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. of negatives. This table then presents the results of a complete analysis of all the possible logical relations arising in the case of three terms, and the old syllogism forms but one out of fifteen typical forms. Generally speaking every form can be converted into apparently different propositions ; thus the fourth type A = B, B = BO may appear in the form A = ABC, a = ab, or again in the form of three propositions A = AB, B = BC, aB = aBc ; but all these sets of premises yield identically the same series of combinations, and are therefore of exactly equivalent logical meaning. The fifth type, or Barbara, can also be thrown into the equivalent forms A = ABC, aB = aBC and A = AC, B = A I aBC. In other cases I have obtained the very same logical conditions in four modes of statement As regards mere appearance and mode of statement, the number of possible premises would be almost unlimited. The most remarkable of all the types of logical condition is the fourteenth, namely A = BC I be. It is that which expresses the division of a genus into two doubly marked species, and might be illustrated by the example — ' Com ponent of the physical universe = matter, gravitating, or not-mat'ter (ether), not-gravitating.' It is capable of only two distinct logical variations, namely, A = BC I be and A = Be I bC. By transposition or negative change of the letters we can indeed obtain six different expressions of each of these propositions ; but when their meanings are analysed, by working' out the combinations, they are found to be logically equiva lent to one or other of the above two. Thus the proposi tion A = BC-|-&c can be written in any of the following five other modes, a = KM- Be, B = CA-|-ca, 6=cA-|-Ca, C = AB •!•«&, c=aB-\-Ab. I do not think it needful at present to publish the complete table of 193 series of combinations and the INDUCTION. 1G3 premises corresponding to each. Such a table enables us by mere inspection to learn the laws obeyed by any set of combinations of three things, and is to logic what a table of factors and prime numbers is to the theory of numbers, or a table of integrals to the higher mathematics. The table already given (p. 1 6 1 ) would enable a person with but little labour to discover the law of any combinations. If there be seven combinations (one contradicted) the law must be of the eighth type, and the proper variety will be apparent. If there be six combinations (two contradicted), either the second, eleventh, or twelfth type applies, and a certain number of trials will disclose the proper type and variety. If there be but two combinations the law must be of the third type, and so on. The above investigations are complete as regards the possible logical relations of two or three terms. But when we attempt to apply the same kind of method to the relations of four or more terms, the labour becomes im practicably great. Four terms give sixteen combinations compatible with the laws of thought, and the number of possible selections of combinations is no less than 21" or 6o3536. The following table shows the extraordinary manner in which the number of possible logical relations increases with the number of terms involved. Number of terms. Number of possible com binations. Number of possible selections of combi nations corresponding to consistent or in consistent logical relations. 2 3 4 5 6 4 8 16 32 64 16 256 65,536 4,294,967,296 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Some years of continuous labour would be required to ascertain the precise number of types of laws which may govern the combinations of only four things, and but a small part of such laws would be exemplified or capable M 2 164 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. of practical application in science. The purely logical inverse problem, whereby we pass from combinations to their laws, is solved in the preceding pages, as far as it is likely to be for a long time to come ; and it is almost impossible that it should ever be carried more than a single step further. Distinction between Perfect and Imperfect Induction. We cannot proceed further with advantage, before noticing the extreme difference which exists between cases of perfect and those of imperfect induction. We call an induction perfect when all the objects or combi nations of events which can possibly come under the class treated have been examined. But in the majority of cases it is impossible to collect together, or in any way to investigate, the properties of all portions of a substance or of all the individuals of a race. The number of objects would often be practically infinite, and the greater part of them might be beyond our reach, in the interior of the earth, or in the most distant parts of the Universe. In all such cases induction is said to be imperfect, and affected by more or less uncertainty. As some writers have fallen into much error concerning the functions and relative importance of these two branches of reasoning, I shall have to point out that — 1. Perfect Induction is a process absolutely requisite, both in the performance of imperfect induction and in the treatment of large bodies of facts of which our knowledge is complete. 2. Imperfect Induction is founded on Perfect Induction, but involves another process of inference of a widely different character. It is certain that if I can draw any inference at all concerning objects not examined, it must be done on the INDUCTION. data afforded by the objects which have been examined. If I judge that a distant star obeys the law of gravity, it must be because all other material objects sufficiently known to me obey that law. If I venture to assert that all ruminant animals have cloven hoofs, it is because all ruminant animals which have come to my notice have cloven hoofs. On the other hand I cannot safely say that all cryptogamous plants possess a purely cellular structure, because some such plants have a partially vascular structure. The probability that a new crypto gam will be cellular only can be estimated, if at all, on the ground of the comparative numbers of known cryptogams which are and are not cellular. Thus the first step in every induction will consist in accurately summing up the number of instances of a particular object or pheno menon which have fallen under our observation. Adams and Leverrier, for instance, must have inferred that the undiscovered planet Neptune would obey Bode's law, because all the planets known at that time obeyed it. On what principles and on what circumstances the passage from the known to the apparently unknown is warranted, must be carefully discussed in the next section, and in various parts of this work. It would be a great mistake, however, to suppose that Perfect Induction is in itself useless. Even when the enumeration of objects belonging to any class is complete, and admits of no inference to unexamined objects, the enumeration of our knowledge in a general proposition is a process of so much importance that we may consider it practically necessary. In many cases we may render our investigations exhaustive ; all the teeth or bones of an animal ; all the cells in a minute vegetable organ ; all the caves in a mountain side ; all the strata in a geological section ; all the coins in a newly found hoard, may be so completely scrutinized that we may make some general 166 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. assertion concerning them without fear of mistake. Every bone might be proved to consist of phosphate of lime ; every cell to enclose a nucleus; every cave to contain remains of extinct animals ; every stratum to exhibit signs of marine origin ; every coin to be of Roman manufacture. These are cases where our investigation is limited to a definite portion of matter, or a definite area on the earth's surface. There is another class of cases where induction is naturally and necessarily limited to a definite number of alternatives. Of the regular solids we can say without the least doubt that no one has more than twenty faces, thirty edges, and twenty corners ; for by the principles of geometry we learn that there cannot exist more than five regular solids, of each of which we easily observe that the above statements are true. In the theory of numbers, an endless variety of perfect inductions might be made ; we can show that no number less than sixty possesses so many divisors, and the like is true of 360 e, for it does not require any very great amount of labour to ascertain and count all the divisors of numbers up to sixty or 360. Similarly I can assert that between 60,041 and 60,077 no prime number occurs, because the exhaustive examination of those who have constructed tables of prime numbers proves it to be so. In matters of human appointment or history, we can frequently have a complete limitation to the numbers of instances to be included in an induction. We might show that none of the other kings of England reigned so long as George III ; that Magna Charta has not been repealed by any subsequent statute ; that the propositions of the third book of Euclid treat only of circles ; that no part of the works of Galen mentions the fourth figure of the syl- « Wallie's 'Treatise of Algebra' (1685), p. 22. INDUCTION. 167 logism ; that the price of corn in England has never been so high since 1847 as ^ was m that year ; that the price of the English funds has never been lower than it was on the 23rd of January, 1798, when it fell to 47 J. It has been urged against this process of Perfect In duction that it gives no new information, and is merely a summing up in a brief form of a multitude of particulars. But mere abbreviation of mental labour is one of the most important aids we can enjoy in the acquisition of knowledge. The powers of the human mind are so limited that multiplicity of detail is alone sufficient to prevent its progress in many directions. Thought would be prac tically impossible if every separate fact had to be separately thought and treated. Economy of mental powTer may be considered one of the main conditions on which our ele vated intellectual position depends. Most mathematical processes are but abbreviations of the simpler acts of addition and subtraction. The invention of logarithms was one of the most striking additions ever made to human power : yet it was a mere abbreviation of oper ations which could have been done before had a sufficient amount of labour been available. Similar additions to our power will, it is hoped, be made from time to time, for the number of mathematical problems hitherto solved is but an indefinitely small portion of those which await solution, because the labour they have hitherto demanded renders them impracticable. So it is really throughout all regions of thought. The amount of our knowledge depends upon our powers of bringing it within prac ticable compass. Unless we arrange and classify facts, and condense them into general truths, they soon sur pass our powers of memory, and serve but to confuse. Hence Perfect Induction, even as a process of abbrevi ation, is absolutely essential to any high degree of mental achievement. 168 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Transition from Perfect to Imperfect Induction. It is a question of profound difficulty on what grounds we are warranted in inferring the future from the present, or the nature of undiscovered objects from those which we have examined with our senses. We pass from Perfect to Imperfect Induction when once we allow our conclusion to pass, at all events apparently, beyond the data on which it was founded. In making such a step we seem to gain a nett addition to our knowledge ; for we learn the nature of what was unknown. We reap where we have never sown. We appear to possess the divine power of creating knowledge, and reaching with our mental arms far beyond the sphere of our own observation. I shall, indeed, have to point out certain methods of reasoning in which we do pass altogether beyond the sphere of the senses, and acquire accurate knowledge which observation could never have given ; but it is not imperfect induction that ac complishes such a task. Of imperfect induction itself, I venture to assert that it never makes any real addition to our knowledge, in the meaning of the expression sometimes accepted. As in other cases of inference it merely unfolds the information contained in past observations or events ; it merely renders explicit what was implicit in previous experience. It transmutes knowledge, but certainly does not create knowledge. There is no fact which I shall more constantly keep before the reader's mind in the following pages than that the results of imperfect induction, however well authenti cated and verified, are never more than probable. We never can be sure that the future will be as the present. We hang ever upon the Will of the Creator : and it is only so far as He has created two things alike, or maintains the framework of the world unchanged from moment to INDUCTION. 160 moment, that our most careful inferences can be fulfilled. All predictions, all inferences which reach beyond their data, are purely hypothetical, and proceed on the assump tion that new events will conform to the conditions detected in our observation of past events. No experience of finite duration can be expected to give an exhaustive knowledge of all the forces which are in operation. There is thus a double uncertainty ; even supposing the Uni verse as a whole to proceed unchanged, we do not really know the Universe as a whole. Comparatively speaking we know only a point in its infinite extent, and a moment in its infinite duration. We cannot be sure, then, that our observations have not escaped some fact, which will cause the future to be apparently different from the past ; nor can we be sure that the future really will be the outcome of the past. We proceed then in all our inferences to unexamined objects and times on the assumptions — 1. That our past observation gives us a complete know ledge of what exists. 2. That the conditions of things which did exist will continue to be the conditions of things which will exist. We shall often need to illustrate the character of our knowledge of nature by the simile of a ballot-box, so often employed by mathematical writers in the theory of probability. Nature is to us like an infinite ballot-box, the contents of which are being continually drawn, ball after ball, and exhibited to us. Science is but the careful observation of the succession in which balls of various character usually present themselves ; we register the combinations, notice those which seem to be excluded from occurrence, and from the proportional frequency of those which usually appear we infer the probable character of future drawings. But under such circumstances certainty of prediction depends on two conditions : — 170 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. 1. That we acquire a perfect knowledge of the compara tive numbers of -balls of each kind within the box. 2. That the contents of the ballot-box remain unchanged. Of the latter assumption, or rather that concerning the constitution of the world which it illustrates, the logician or physicist can have nothing to say. As the Creation of the Universe is necessarily an act passing all experience and all conception, so any change in that Creation, or, it may be, a termination of it, must likewise be infinitely be yond the bounds of our mental faculties. No science, no reasoning upon the subject, can have any validity ; for without experience we are without the basis and materials of knowledge. It is the fundamental postulate accordingly of all inference concerning the future, that there shall be no arbitrary change in the subject of inference ; of the pro bability or improbability of such a change I conceive that our faculties can give no estimate. The other condition of inductive inference — that we acquire an approximately complete knowledge of the combinations in which events do occur, is at least in some degree within the bounds of our perceptive and mental powers. There are many branches of science in which phenomena seem to be governed by conditions of a most fixed and general character. We have much ground in such cases for believing that the future occurrence of such phenomena may be calculated and predicted. But the whole question now becomes one of probability and improbability. We leave the region of pure logic to enter one in which the number of events is the ground of inference. We do not leave the region of logic ; we only leave that where certainty, affirmative or negative, is the result, and the agreement or disagreement of qualities the means of inference. For the future, number and quantity will enter into most of our processes of reasoning ; but then I hold that number and quantity are but portions of the INDUCTION. 171 great logical domain. I venture to assert that number is wholly logical, both in its fundamental nature and in all its complex developments. Quantity in all its forms is but a development of number. That which is mathematical is not the less logical ; if anything it is the more logical, in the sense that it presents logical results in the highest degree of complexity and variety. Before proceeding then from Perfect to Imperfect In duction I break off in some degree the course of the work, to treat of the logical conditions of number. I shall then employ number to estimate the variety of combinations in which natural phenomena may present themselves, and the probability or improbability of their occurrence under definite circumstances. It is in later parts of the work that I must endeavour to establish, in a complete manner, the notions which I have set forth upon the subject of Imperfect Induction, as applied in the investigation of Nature, which notions may be thus briefly stated:— 1. Imperfect Induction entirely rests upon Perfect In duction for its materials. 2. The logical process by which we seem to pass directly from examined to unexamined cases consists in an inverse and complex application of deductive in ference, so that all reasoning may be said to be either directly or inversely deductive. 3. The result is always of a hypothetical character, and is never more than probable. 4. No nett addition is ever made to our knowledge by reasoning ; what we know of future events or unex amined objects is only the unfolded contents of our previous knowledge, and it becomes less and less probable as it is more boldly extended to re mote cases. BOOK II, CHAPTER VIII. PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. NOT without much reason did Pythagoras represent the world as ruled by number. Into almost all our acts of clear thought number enters, and in proportion as we can define numerically we enjoy exact and useful knowledge of the Universe. The science of numbers, too, the study of the principles and methods of reasoning in number, has hitherto presented the widest and most practicable train ing in logic. So free and energetic has been the study of mathematical forms, compared with the forms and laws of logic, that mathematicians have passed far in advance of any pure logicians. Occasionally, in recent times, they have condescended to apply their great algebraic instruments to a reflex advancement of the primary logical science. It is thus that we chiefly owe to profound mathematicians, such as Sir John Herschel, Dr. Whewell, Professor De Morgan or Dr. Boole, the regeneration of logic in the present century, and I entertain no doubt that it is in maintaining a close alliance with the extensive branches of quantitative reasoning that we must look for still further progress in our comprehension of qualitative inference. I cannot assent, indeed, to the common notion that PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 173 certainty begins and ends with numerical determination. Nothing is more certain and accurate than logical truth. The laws of identity and difference are the tests of all that is true and certain throughout the range of thought, and mathematical reasoning is cogent only when it con forms to these conditions, of which logic is the first development. And if it be erroneous to suppose that all certainty is mathematical, it is equally an error to imagine that all which is mathematical is certain. Many processes of mathematical reasoning are of most doubtful validity. There are many points of mathematical doctrine which are and must long remain matter of opinion ; for instance, the best form of the definition and axiom concerning parallel lines, or the true nature of a limit or a ratio of infinitesimal quantities. In the use of symbolic reasoning questions occur at every point on which the best mathematicians may differ, as Bernouilli and Leibnitz differed irreconcile- ably concerning the existence of the logarithms of ne gative quantities a. In fact we no sooner leave the simple logical conditions of number, than we find ourselves in volved in a mazy and mysterious science of symbols. Mathematical science enjoys no monopoly, and not even a supremacy in certainty of results. It is the boundless extent and variety of quantitative questions that surprises and delights the mathematical student. When simple logic can give but a bare answer Yes or No, the algebraist raises a score of subtle questions, and brings out a score of curious results. The flower and the fruit, all that is attractive and delightful, fall to the share of the mathe matician, who too often despises the pure but necessary stem from which all has arisen. But in no part of human thought can a reasoner cast himself free from the prior conditions of logical correctness. The mathematician is a Montucla, ' Histoire cles Mathematiques,' vol. iii. p. 373. 174 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. only strong and true as long as he is logical, and if numbers rule the world, it is the laws of logic which rule number. Nearly all writers have hitherto been strangely content to look upon numerical reasoning as something wholly apart from logical inference. A long divorce has existed between quality and quantity, and it has not been un common to treat them as contrasted in nature and re stricted to independent branches of human thought. For my own part, I have a profound belief that all the sciences meet somewhere upon common ground. No part of know ledge can stand wholly disconnected from other parts of the great universe of thought ; it is incredible, above all, that the two great branches of abstract science, interlac ing and co-operating in every discourse, should rest upon totally distinct foundations. I assume that a connection exists, and care only to inquire, What is its nature 1 Does the science of quantity rest upon that of quality ; or, vice versd, does the science of quality rest upon that of quantity I There might conceivably be a third view, that they both rest upon some still deeper set of principles yet undiscovered, but there is an absence of any sugges tions to this effect. The late Dr. Boole adopted the second view, and treated logic as a kind of algebra, — a special case of analytical reasoning which admits but the two quantities — unity and zero. He proved beyond doubt that a deep analogy does exist between the forms of algebraic and logical deduction ; and could this analogy receive no other explanation we must have accepted his opinion, however strange. But I shall attempt to show that just the reverse explanation is the true one. I hold that algebra is a highly developed logic, and number but logical discrimination. Logic resembles al- o o gebra, as the mould resembles that which is cast in it. Logic has imposed its own laws upon every branch of PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 175 mathematical science, and it is no wonder that we ever meet with the traces of those laws from the domain of which we can never emerge. The Nature of Number. Number is but another name for diversity. Exact identity is "unity, and with difference arises plurality. An abstract notion, as was pointed out (p. 33), possesses a certain oneness. The quality of justice, for instance, is one and the same in whatever just acts it be manifested. In justice itself there are no marks of difference by which to discriminate justice from justice. But one just act can be discriminated from another just act by many circum stances of time and place, and we can count and number many acts each thus discriminated from every other. In like manner pure gold is simply pure gold, and is so far one and the same throughout. But besides its intrinsic and invariable qualities, gold occupies space and must have shape or size. Portions of gold are always mutually exclusive and capable of discrimination, at least in respect that they must be each without the other. Hence they may be numbered. Plurality arises when and only when we detect differ ence. For instance, in counting a number of gold coins I must count each coin once, and not more than once. Let C denote a coin, and the mark above it the position in the order of counting. Then I must count the coins I should make the third coin into two, and should imply the existence of difference where there is not difference5. C'" and C'" are but the names of one coin named twice b 'Pure Logic,' Appendix, p. 82, § 192. 176 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. over. But according to one of the conditions of logical symbols, which I have called the Law of Unity (p. 86), the same name repeated has no effect, and Al A = A. We must apply the Law of Unity, and must reduce all identical alternatives before we can count with certainty and use the processes of numerical calculation. Identical alternatives are harmless in logic, but produce deadly error in number. Thus logical science ascertains the nature of the mathematical unit, and the definition may be given in these terms — A unit is any object of thought which can be discriminated from every other object treated as a unit in the same problem. It has often been said that units are units in respect of being perfectly similar to each other ; but though they may be perfectly similar in some respects, they must be different in at least one point, otherwise they would be incapable of plurality. If three coins were so similar that they occupied the same space at the same time, they would not be three coins, but one. It is a property of space that every point is discriminable from every other point, and in time every moment is necessarily distinct from any other moment before or after. Hence we fre quently count in space or time, and Locke, with some other philosophers, has even held that number arises from repetition in time. Beats of a pendulum might be so perfectly similar that we could discover no difference except that one beat is before and another after. Time alone is here the ground of difference and is a sufficient foundation for the discrimination of plurality ; but it is by no means the only foundation. Three coins are three coins, whether we count them successively or regard them all simultaneously. In many cases neither time nor space is the ground of difference, but pure quality alone enters. AVe can discriminate for instance the weight, inertia, and PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 177 hardness of gold as three qualities, though none of these is before or after the other, either in space or time. Every means of discrimination may be a source of plurality. Our logical notation may be used to express the rise of number. The symbol A stands for one thing or one class, and in itself must be regarded as a unit, because no differ ence is specified. But the combinations AB and A.b are necessarily tivo, because they cannot logically coalesce, and there is a mark B which distinguishes one from the other. A logical definition of the number four is given in the combinations ABC, ABc1, A.bC, Abe., where there is a double difference, and as Puck says — ' Yet but three ? Come one more ; Two of both kinds makes up four.' I conceive that all numbers might be represented as arising out of the combinations of the Abecedarium, more or less of each series being struck out by various logical conditions. The number three, for instance, arises from the condition that A must be either B or C, so that the combinations are ABC, ABc, A&C. Of Numerical Abstraction. There will now be little difficulty in forming a clear notion of the nature of numerical abstraction. It consists in abstracting the character of the difference from which plurality arises, retaining merely the fact. When I speak of three men I need not at once specify the marks by which each may be known from each. Those marks must exist if they are really three men and not one and the same, and in speaking of them as many I imply the existence of the requisite differences. Abstract number, then, is the empty form of difference; the abstract N 178 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. number three asserts the existence of marks without specifying their kind. Numerical abstraction is then a totally different process from logical abstraction (see p. 33), for in the latter process we drop out of notice the very existence of difference and plurality. In forming the abstract notion hardness, for instance, I drop out of notice altogether the diverse circumstances in which the quality may appear. It is the concrete notion three hard objects, which asserts the existence of hardness along with sufficient other undefined qualities, to mark out three such objects. Numerical thought is indeed closely interwoven with logical thought. We cannot use a concrete term in the plural, as men, without implying that there are marks of difference. Only when we use a term in the singular and abstract sense man, do we deal with unity, unbroken by difference. The origin of the great generality of number is now apparent. Three sounds differ from three colours, or three riders from three horses ; but they agree in respect of the variety of marks by which they can be discriminated. The symbols i + i + i are thus the empty marks asserting the fact of discrimination which may apply to objects wholly independently of their peculiar nature. Concrete and Abstract Numbers. The common distinction between concrete and ab stract numbers can now be easily stated. In proportion as we specify the logical character of the things num bered, we render them concrete. In the abstract num ber three there is no statement of the points in which the three objects agree ; but in three coins, three men, or three horses, not only are the variety of objects defined, PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 179 but their nature is restricted. Concrete number thus implies the same consciousness of difference as abstract number, but it is mingled with a groundwork of similarity expressed in the logical terms. There is similarity or identity so far as logical terms enter ; difference so far as the terms are merely numerical. The reason of the important Law of Homogeneity will now be apparent. This law asserts that in every arithmetical calculation the logical nature of the things numbered must remain unaltered. The specified logical agreement of the things numbered must not be affected by the unspecified numerical differences. A calculation would be palpably absurd which, after commencing with length, gave a result in hours. It is in reality equally absurd in a purely arithmetical point of view to deduce areas from the calculation of lengths, masses from the combination of volume and density, or momenta from mass and velocity. It must remain for subsequent consideration in what sense we may truly say that two linear feet multiplied by two linear feet give four superficial feet, but arithmetically it is absurd, because there is a change of unit. As a general rule we treat in each calculation only objects of one nature. We do not, and cannot properly add, in the same sum yards of cloth and pounds of sugar. We cannot even conceive the result of adding area to velo city, or length to density, or weight to value. The unit numbered and added must have a basis of homogeneity, or must be reducible to some common denominator. Nevertheless it is quite possible, and in fact common, to treat in one complex calculation the most heterogeneous quantities, on the condition that each kind of object is kept distinct, and treated numerically only in conjunction with its own kind. Different units, so far as their logical differences are specified, must never be substituted one for the other. Chemists continually use equations N 2 180 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. which assert the equivalence of groups of atoms. Ordinary fermentation is represented by the formula C H1206= 2C2H60 + 2C02. Three kinds of units, the atoms respectively of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, are here intermingled, but there is really a separate equation in regard to each kind. Mathe maticians also employ compound equations of the same kind ; for in a + I N/ — i = c + d ^/ — i, it is impossible by ordinary addition to add a to b ^/ — i . Hence we really have the separate equations a = c, and b = dc. Similarly an equation between two quaternions is equivalent to four equations between ordinary quantities, whence in deed the origin of the name quaternion. Analogy of Logical and Numerical Terms. If my assertion is correct that number arises out of logical conditions, we ought to find number obeying all the laws and conditions of logic. It is almost super fluous to point out that this is the case with the funda mental laws of identity and difference, and it only remains for me to show that mathematical symbols do really obey the special conditions of logical symbols which were formerly pointed out (p. 39). Thus the Law of Com- mutativeness, is equally true of quality and quantity. As in logic we have AB = BA, so in mathematics it is familiarly known that 2 x 3 = 3 x 2, or x *y = y xx. The properties of space, in short, are as indifferent in pure multiplication as we found them in pure logical thought. c De Morgan's ' Trigonometry and Double Algebra,' p. 126. PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 181 Similarly, just as in logic triangle or square = square or triangle, or generally A I B = B I A, so in quantity 2+3 = 3 + 2, or generally x + iy = y + x. The symbol I is not identical with + , but it is so far analogous. How far, now, is it true that mathematical symbols v obey the law of simplicity expressed in the form AA = A, or the example Round round = round ? Apparently there are but two numbers which obey this law ; for it is certain that x x x — x is true only in the two cases when x = i or o. In reality all numbers obey the law, for 2 x 2 = 2 is not really analogous to AA = A. According to the definition of a unit already given, each unit is discriminated from each other in the same problem, so that in 2' x 2 ', the first two involves a different discrimination from the second ttvo. I get four kinds of things, for instance, if I first discriminate ' heavy and light ' and then ' cubical and spherical/ for we now have the following classes- heavy, cubical. light, cubical, heavy, spherical. light, spherical. But suppose that my two classes are in both cases discriminated by the same difference of light and heavy, then we have hearvy heavy = heavy, heavy light - o, light heavy = o, light light = light. In short, twice two is two unless we take care that the second two has a different meaning from the first. But 182 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. under similar circumstances logical terms would give exactly the like result, and it is not true that A' A" = A', identically where A" is different in meaning from A'. In an exactly similar manner it may be shown that the Law of Unity A-I-A = A holds true alike of logical and mathematical terms. It is absurd indeed to say that X + £C = X except in the one case when x — absolute zero. But this contradiction x + x = x arises from the fact that we have already defined the unit in one x as differing from those in the other. Under such circumstances the Law of Unity does not apply. For if in A'IA" = A' we mean that A" is in any way different from A' the assertion of identity is evidently false. The contrast then which seems to exist between logical and mathematical symbols is only apparent. It is because the Law of Simplicity and Unity must always be ob served in the operation of counting that those laws can no longer be operative. This is the understood condition under which we use all numerical symbols. Whenever I use the symbol 5 I really mean i + i + i + i + i, and it is perfectly understood that each of these units is distinct from each other. If requisite I might mark them thus i' + i" + i'" + i"" + i""'. Were this not the case and were the units really I'+i' + f' + i"^!"", the Law of Unity would, as before remarked, apply, and i"+l"=l". Mathematical symbols then obey all the laws of logical PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 183 symbols, but two of these laws seein to be inapplicable simply because they are presupposed in the definition of the mathematical unit. Logic thus lays down the con ditions of number, and the science of arithmetic developed as it is into all the wondrous branches of mathematical calculus is but an outgrowth of logical discrimination. Principle of Mathematical Inference. As I have asserted, the universal principle of all reasoning is that which allows us to substitute like for like. I have now to point out that in the mathema tical sciences this principle is involved in each step of reasoning. It is in these sciences indeed that we meet with the clearest cases of substitution, and it is the simplicity with which the principle can be applied which probably led to the comparatively early perfection of the sciences of geometry and arithmetic. Euclid, and the Greek mathematicians from the first, recognised equality as the fundamental relation of quantitative thought, but Aristotle rejected the exactly analogous, but far more general relation of identity, and thus crippled the formal science of logic as it has descended to the present day. Geometrical reasoning starts from the Axiom that 'things equal to the same thing are equal to each other/ Two equalities enable us to infer a third equality ; and this is true not only of lines and angles, but of areas, volumes, numbers, intervals of time, forces, velocities, degrees of intensity, or, in short, anything which is capable of being equal or unequal. Two stars equally bright with the same star must be equally bright with each other, and two forces equally intense with a third force are equally intense with each other. It is remarkable that Euclid has not expressly stated two other axioms, the truth of which is necessarily implied. The second axiom should 184 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. be that ' Two things of which one is equal and the other unequal to a third common thing, are unequal to each other/ An equality and inequality, in short, may give an inequality, and this is equally true with the first axiom of all kinds of quantity. If Venus, for instance, agrees with Mars in density, but Mars differs from Jupiter, then Venus differs from Jupiter. A third axiom must exist to the effect that 'Things unequal to the same thing may or may not be equal to each other.' Two inequalities give no ground of inference tvhatever. If we only know, for instance, that Mercury and Jupiter differ in density from Mars, we cannot say whether or not they agree between themselves. As a fact they do not agree ; but Venus and Mais on the other hand both differ from Jupiter and yet closely agree with each other. The force of the axioms can be most clearly illustrated by drawing lines d. The general conclusion must be then that where there is equality there may be inference, but where there is not equality there cannot be inference A plain induction will lead us to believe that equality is the condition of inference concerning quantity. All the three axioms may in fact be summed up in one, to the effect, that ' in whatever relation one quantity stands to another, it stands in the same relation to the equal of that other.' The active power is always the substitution of equals, and it is an accident that in a pair of equalities we can make the substitution in two ways. From a = b = cwe can infer a = c, either by substituting in a = b the value of b as given in b — c, or else by substituting in b = c the value of b as given in a = b. In a — b ^ d we can make but the one substitution of a for b. In e ^f^ g we can make no substitution and get no inference. In mathematics the relations in which terms may stand to each other are far more varied than in pure logic, yet 'Elementary Lessons in Logic' (Macmillan), p. 123. PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 185 our principle of substitution always holds true. We may say in the most general manner that In whatever relation one quantity stands to another, it stands in the same relation to the equal of that other. In this axiom we sum up a number of axioms which have been stated in more or less detail by algebraists e. Thus. ' If equal quantities be added to equal quantities, the sums will be equal.' To explain this, let a = b, c = d. Now a + c, whatever it means, must be identical with itself, so that a + c — a + c. In one side of this equation substitute for the quantities their equivalents, and we have the axiom proved a + c — l> + d. The similar axiom concerning subtraction is equally evi dent, for whatever a — c may mean it is equal to a — c, and therefore by substitution to b — d. Again, ' if equal quantities be multiplied by the same or equal quantities, the products will be equal/ For evidently ac = ac, arid if for c in one side we substitute its equal d, we have ac — ad, and a second similar substitution gives us ac — bd. We might prove a like axiom concerning division in an exactly similar manner. I might even extend the list of axioms and say that ' Equal powers of equal number are equal.' For certainly, whatever a x a x a may mean, it is equal to a x a x a ; hence by our usual substitution a*axa = bxbxb, or a3 = Z>3. The truth will hold of roots, that is to say, y^~= */T, e Todhunter's 'Algebra,' 3rd ed. p. 40. 186 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. provided that the same roots are taken, that is that the root of a shall really be related to a as the root of b is to I. The ambiguity of meaning of an operation thus fails in any way to shake the universality of the principle. We may go further and assert that, not only the above common relations, but all other known or conceivable mathematical relations obey the same principle. Let Pa denote in the most general manner that we do something with the quantity a ; then if a = b it follows that Pa = P6. Let us make Pa, for instance, mean a3 -3 a2 + 2 a + 5 ; then it necessarily follows that this quantity is exactly equal to b3 - 3 b2 + 2 I + 5. The reader will also remember that one of the most frequent operations in mathematical reasoning is to sub stitute for a quantity its equal, as known either by assumed, natural, or self-evident condition. Whenever a quantity appears twice over in a problem, we may apply what we learn of its relations in one place to its relations in the other. All reasoning in mathematics, as in other branches of science, thus involves the principle of treating equals equally, or similars similarly. In whatever way we employ quantitative reasoning in the remaining parts of this work, we never can desert the simple principle on which we first set out. Reasoning by Inequalities. I have stated that all the processes of mathematical reasoning may be deduced from the principle of substitution. Exceptions to this assertion may seem to exist in the use of inequalities. The greater of a greater is undoubtedly a greater, and what is less than a less is certainly less. Snowdon is higher than the Wrekin, and Ben Nevis than PRINCIPLES OF NUMBER. 187 Snowdon ; therefore Ben Nevis is higher than the Wrekin. But a little consideration discloses much reason for be lieving that even in such cases, where equality does not apparently enter, the force of the reasoning entirely depends upon underlying and implied equalities. In the first place, two statements of mere difference do not give any ground of inference. We learn nothing concerning the comparative heights of St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey from the assertions that they both differ in height from St. Peter's at Rome. Thus we need something more than mere inequality ; we require one identity in addition, namely the identity in direction of the two differences. Thus we cannot employ inequalities in the simple way in which we do equalities, and, when we try to express exactly what other conditions are requisite, we shall find ourselves lapsing into the use of equalities or identities. In the second place, every argument by inequalities may be represented with at least equal clearness and force in the form of equalities. Thus we clearly express that a is greater than b by the equation a = b + p, (i) where p is an intrinsically positive quantity, denoting the difference of a and b. Similarly we express that b is greater than c by the equation b = c + q, (2) and substituting for b in (i) its value in (2) we have a = c + q + p. (3) Now as p and q are both positive, it follows that a is greater than c, and we have the exact amount of excess specified. It will be easily seen that the reasoning con cerning that which is less than a less will result in an equation of the form c — a — q — p. Every argument by inequalities may then be thrown ) 88 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. into the form of an equality ; but the converse is not true. We cannot possibly prove that two quantities are equal by merely asserting that they are both greater or both less than another quantity. From e >f and g >f, or e gcg M fj .^ HI VO 02 HI M TO O HI M HI HI Tj- IO O HI O VO M IO M CO HI HI XO O ON to PI HI H HI 00 Tj" IO 00 vo vo VO co co co HI •^~ p. S M "o _ M HI VO VO vo oo HI cooo O 0 O 0 O 0 HI COOO 2 - ° « 1 M II 10 IO O IO M N TO O o o -*• O O M- N XO M HI o ~ . HI ON vra 10 vo *— e :g "*'vo c*00 a a HI •<*• N 11 co to o O CO !>• O "i-OO COVO N HI pi ^a M oo ^o o Is Ms "3 ta o S ,rj ... , 0 CO co (M CN — HI N IO O co co Tt- •<*••* -4- COVO HI HI fl O M t^OO •* O 15 NGO S S a> N 1* N vo T*- ^> ON vo HI CO IOOO o o o o o o CO IOOO o •- • — a -d HI vo IH vo vo N N § S3 N IO N U5VO HI (N -«J- d 3 * M 0> .t- 00 HI M COOO O O vo O O CO N CO •*• 'S •£ M CO 0>> M HI d^B o CO CO ON M HI 10 O O VO N o cooo HI HI HI .33 HI -^- O O TOVO Th O ti "$ o MNcotoooM S 0 ^ "H IO vo HI 0 M vc oo (N M- 10 O VO VOVO co ^" 10 a r§ .is w covo o 10 IH oo VD m iovo M HI N N CO -*• XOVO 1 ^H 00 r^ HI IO O ON O N HI HI ^ « w N CO --OO ONO « N M CO M •<*• M TT5VO J>» M M M COM BIN A TIONS A ND PERM UTA TIONS. 209 On carefully examining these numbers, we shall find that they are connected with each other by an almost unlimited series of relations, a few of the more simple of which may be noticed. 1. Each vertical column of numbers exactly corre sponds with an oblique series descending from left to right, so that the triangle is perfectly symmetrical in its contents. 2. The first column contains only units; the second column contains the natural numbers, i, 2, 3, &c. ; the third column contains a remarkable series of numbers, i, 3, 6, 10, 15, &c., which have long been called the tri angular numbers, because they correspond with the numbers of balls which may be arranged in a triangular form, thus — o O 00 o o o o o o o oo ooo oooo o oo ooo oooo ooooo These numbers evidently differ each from the previous one by the series of natural numbers. Their employment has been explained, and the first 20,000 of the numbers calculated and printed by E. de Joncourt in a small quarto volume, which was published at the Hague, in 1762. The fourth column contains the pyramidal numbers, so called because they correspond to the number of equal balls which can be piled in regular triangular pyramids. Their differences are the triangular numbers. The numbers of the fifth column have the pyramidal numbers for their differences, but as there is no regular figure of which they express the contents, they have been arbitrarily called the trianguli-triangular numbers. The succeeding columns have, in a similar manner, been said to p 210 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. contain the tria ngul i-pyr amidol, the pyramidi-pyramidal numbers, and so on.k 3. From the mode of formation of the table, it follows that the differences of the numbers in each column will be found in the preceding column to the left. Hence the second differences, or the differences of differences will be in the second column to the left of any given column, the third differences in the third column, and so on. Thus we may say that unity which appears in the first column is the first difference of the numbers in the second column ; the second difference of those in the third column ; the third difference of those in the fourth, and so on. The triangle is thus seen to be a complete classification of all numbers according as they have unity for any of their differences. 4. Every number in the table is equal to the sum of the numbers which stand higher in the next column to the left, beginning with the next line above ; thus 84 is equal to the sum of 28, 21, 15, 10, 6, 3, i. 5. Since each line is formed by adding the previous line to itself, it is evident that the sum of the numbers in each horizontal line must be double that of the line next above. Hence we know, without making any ad ditions, that the successive sums must be i, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c., the same as the numbers of combinations in the Logical Abecedarium. Speaking generally, the sum of the numbers in the nth line will be 2""1. 6. If the whole of the numbers down to any line be added together, we shall obtain a number less by unity than some power of 2 ; thus, the first line gives i or 21— i ; the first two lines give 3 or 22— i ; the first three lines 7 or 2s— i ; the first six lines give 63 or 26 — i ; or, speaking in general language, the sum of the first ?i lines is 2"— i. k Wallis's 'Algebra,' Discourse of Combinations, &c. p. 109. COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 211 7. It follows that the sum of the numbers in any one line is equal to the sum of those in all the preceding lines diminished by a unit. For the sum of the nth line is, as already shewn, 2n~1, and the sum of the first n — i lines is 2n~l— i, or less by a unit. This enumeration of the properties of the figurate numbers does not approach completeness ; a considerable, perhaps an unlimited, number of less simple and obvious relations might be traced out. Pascal, after giving many of the properties, exclaims1 : ' Mais j'en laisse bien plus que je n'en donne ; c'est ime chose etrange combien il est fertile en proprietes ! Chacun peut s'y exercer/ The arithmetical triangle may be considered a natural classifi cation of numbers, exhibiting, in the most complete manner, their evolution and relations in a certain point of view. It is obvious that in an unlimited extension of the triangle, each number will have at least two places. Though the properties above explained are highly curious, the greatest value of the triangle arises from the fact that it contains a complete statement of the values of the formula (p. 206), for the number of combinations of m things out of n, for all possible values of m and n. Out of seven things one may be chosen in seven ways, and seven occurs in the eighth line of the second column. The combinations of two things chosen out of seven 7x6 are - — - or 21, which is the third number in the eighth line. The combinations of three things out of seven are ^ x 6 x i" 3- or 35, which appears fourth in the eighth line. 1x2x3 In a similar manner, in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth columns of the eighth line I find it stated in how many ways I can select combinations of 4, 5, 6, and 7 things out of 7. Proceeding to the ninth line, I find in succession 1 ' (Euvres Completes,' vol. iii. p. 251. 1' 2 212 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. the number of ways in which I can select i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 things, out of 8 things. In general language, if I wish to know in how many ways m things can be selected in combinations out of n things, I must look in the n + Ith line, and take the m + ith number, counting from the left, as the answer. In how many ways, for instance, can a sub-committee of five be chosen out of a committee of nine. The answer is 126, and is the sixth number in the tenth line ; it will be found equal to — , which our previous formula (p. 206) would 7.6 give. The full utility of the figurate numbers will be more apparent when we reach the subject of probabilities, but I may give an illustration or two in this place. In how many ways can we arrange four pennies as regards head and tail 1 The question amounts to asking in how many ways we can select o, i, 2, 3, or 4 heads out of 4 heads, and the fiftli line of the triangle gives us the complete answer, thus— We can select No head and 4 tails in i way. „ i • head and 3 tails in 4 ways. „ 2 heads and 2 tails in 6 ways. „ 3 heads and i tail in 4 ways. „ 4 heads and o tail in i way. The total number of different cases is 16, or 24, and when we come to the next chapter, it will be found that these numbers give us the respective probabilities of all throws with four pennies. I gave in p. 205 a calculation of the number of ways in which eight planets can meet in conjunction ; the reader will find all the numbers detailed in the ninth line of the arithmetical triangle. The sum of the whole line is 28 or 256 ; but we must subtract a unit for the case where no planet appears, and 8 for the 8 cases in which only one COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 213 planet appears ; so that the total variety of conjunctions is 28— i _g or 247. If an organ has twelve stops, we find in the thirteenth line the numbers of combinations which we can draw, 0, i, 2, 3, &c., at a time; the total number of modes of varying the sound is no less than 212— i or 4095 m. If a number be the product of n prime factors, we find in the n+ Ith line the numbers of divisors, being the product of 1, 2, 3, or more of the prime factors ; and the whole number of divisors of tli3 number is the sum of the numbers in the line, subtracting unity, or 2"— i. One of the most important scientific uses of the arith metical triangle, consists in the information which it gives concerning the comparative frequency of divergencies from an average. Suppose, for the mere sake of argument, that all persons were naturally of equal stature of five feet, but enjoyed during youth seven independent chances of growing one inch in addition. Of these seven chances, one, two, three, or more, may happen favourably to any individual, but as it does not matter what the chances are, so that the inch is gained, the question really turns upon the number of combinations of o, i, 2, 3, &c., things out of seven. Hence the eighth line of the triangle give us a complete answer to the question, as follows :— Out of every 128 people- Feet. Inches. One person would have the stature of 5 o 7 persons „ ,, 51 21 persons „ „ 52 35 persons „ „ 53 35 persons „ „ 54 21 persons „ „ 5 5 7 persons „ „ 56 i person „ „ 57 m Bernoulli!, 'De Arte Conjectandi,' trans, by Mascrcs, p. 64. 214 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. By taking a proper line of the triangle, an answer may be had under any more natural supposition. This theory of comparative frequency of divergence from an average, was first adequately noticed by M. Quetelet, and has lately been employed in a very interesting and bold manner by Mr. Galton, in his work on ' Hereditary Genius/ We shall afterwards find that the theory of error, to which is made the ultimate appeal in cases of quantitative in vestigation, is founded upon the comparative numbers of combinations as displayed in the triangle. Connection between the Arithmetical Triangle and the Logical Abecedarium. There exists a close connection between the arith metical triangle described in the last section, and the series of combinations of letters called the Logical Abece- darium. The one is to mathematical science what the other is to logical science. In fact the figurate numbers, or those exhibited in the triangle, are obtained by summing up the logical combinations. Accordingly, just as the total of the numbers in each line of the triangle was twice as great as that for the preceding line (p. 210), so each column of the Abecedarium (p. 109) contained twice as many combinations as the preceding one. The like correspondence would also exist between the sums of all the lines of figures down to any particular line, and of the combinations down to any particular column. By examining any one column of the Abecedarium, we shall also find that the combinations naturally group themselves according to the figurate numbers. Take the combinations of the letters A, B, C, D ; they consist of all the ways in which I can choose four, three, two, one, or none of the four letters, filling up the vacant spaces COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 215 with negative terms. I may arrange the combinations as follows : — ABCD . Four out of four . . i combination. ABCc/ - Three out of four . 4 combinations. A5CD aBCD • Two out of four . . 6 combinations. aECd aBcD a&CD > One out of four ... 4 combinations. J abed None out of four . . i combination. The numbers, it will be noticed, are exactly the same as those in the fifth line of the arithmetical triangle, and an exactly similar correspondence would be found to exist in the case of each other column of the Abece- darium. Numerical abstraction, it has been asserted, consists in overlooking the kind of difference, and retaining only a consciousness of its existence (p. 177). While in logic, then, we have to deal with each combination as a separate kind of thing, in arithmetic we can distinguish only the classes which depend upon more or less positive terms being present, and the numbers of these classes imme diately produce the numbers of the arithmetical triangle. It may here be pointed out that there are two modes 216 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. in which we can calculate the whole number of com binations of certain things. Either we may take the whole number at once as shown in the Abecedarium, in which case the number will be some power of two, or else we may calculate successively, by aid of permutations, the number of combinations of none, one, two, three, and so on. Hence we arrive at a necessary identity between two series of numbers. In the case of four things we shall have 24 = i + - + 4 ' 3 + 4 • 3 • 2 + 4 -3-2.1 I 1.2 1.2.3 I . 2 '. 3 . 4' In a general form of expression we shall have n n n . (n—i) n (n-i\ (n—z\ 2 =i+- + - / 4. — 1 LL _J- + &e I 1.2 1.2-3 the terms being continued until they cease to have any value. Thus we have arrived at a proof of simple cases of the Binomial Theorem, of which each column of the Abecedarium is an exemplification. It may be shown that all other mathematical expansions likewise arise out of simple processes of combination, but the more complete consideration of this subject must be deferred. Possible Variety of Nature and Art. We cannot adequately understand the difficulties which beset us in certain branches of science, unless we gain a clear idea of the vast number of combinations or per mutations which may be possible under certain conditions. Thus only can we learn how hopeless it would be to attempt to treat nature in detail, and exhaust the whole number of events which might arise. It is instructive to consider, in the first place, how immensely great are the numbers of combinations with which we deal in many arts and amusements. COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 217 In dealing a pack of cards, the number of hands, of thirteen cards each, which can be produced is 52 . 51 • 50 ..... 40 or 635,013,559,600. But in whist four hands are simul taneously held, and the number of distinct deals becomes so vast that it would require twenty-eight figures to express it. If the whole population of the world, say one hundred thousand millions of persons, were to deal cards day and night, for a hundred million of years, they would not in that time have exhausted one hundred-thousandth part of the possible deals.0 Now, even with the same hands the play may be almost infinitely varied, so that the complete variety of games which may exist is almost incalculably great. It is in the highest degree improbable that any one game of whist was ever exactly like another, except by intention. The end of novelty in art might well be dreaded, did we not find that nature at least has placed no attainable limit, and that the deficiency will lie in our inventive faculties. It would be a cheerless time indeed when all possible varieties of melody were exhausted, but it is readily shown that if a peal of twenty-four bells had been rung continuously from the so-called beginning of the world to the present day, no approach could have been made to the completion of the possible changes.. Nay, had every single minute, been prolonged to 10,000 years, still the task would have been unaccomplished. P As regards ordinary melodies, the eight notes of a single octave give more than 40,000 permutations, and two octaves more than a million millions. If we were to take 0 ' Essay on Probability/ by Lubbock and Drinkwater, Useful Know ledge Society, 1833, p. 6. P Wallis ' Of Combinations,' p. 116, quoting Vossius. 218 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. into account the semitones, it would become apparent that it is practically impossible to exhaust the variety of music. Similar considerations apply to the possible number of natural substances, though we cannot always give precisely numerical results. It was recommended by Hatchett^ that a systematic examination of all alloys of metals should be carried out, proceeding from the most simple binary ones to more complicated ternary or quaternary ones. He can hardly have been aware of the extent of his proposed inquiry. If we operated only upon thirty of the known metals, the number of possible selections of binary alloys would be 435, of ternary alloys 4060, of quaternary 27,405, without paying any regard to the varying proportions of the metals, and only regarding the kind of metal. If we varied all the ternary alloys by quantities not less than one per cent., the number of these alloys only would be 11,445,060. An exhaustive investigation of the sub ject is therefore out of the question, and unless some laws connecting the properties of the alloy and its components can be discovered, it is not apparent how our knowledge of them can be ever more than most incomplete. The possible variety of definite chemical compounds, again, is enormouslv great. Chemists have already ex amined many thousands of inorganic substances, and a still greater number of organic • compounds ; r they have nevertheless made no appreciable impression on the number which may exist. Taking the number of ele ments at sixty- one, the number of compounds contain ing different selections of four elements each would be more than half a million (521,855). As the same i 'Philosophical Transactions' (1803), vol. xciii. p. 193. r Hofmann's ' Introduction to Chemistry,' p. 36. COM BIN A TIONS A ND PERM VTA TIOXS. 2 1 9 elements often combine in many different proportions, and some of them, especially carbon, have the power of forming an almost endless number of compounds, it would hardly be possible to assign any limit to the number of chemical compounds which may be formed. There are branches of physical science, therefore, of which it is unlikely that scientific men, with all their industry, can ever obtain a knowledge in any appreciable degree approaching to completeness. Higher Orders of Variety. The consideration of the facts already given in this chapter will not produce an adequate notion of the pos sible variety of existence, unless we consider the com parative numbers of combinations of different orders. By a combination of a higher order, I mean a combination of groups, which are themselves combinations of simpler groups. The almost unlimited number of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, described in organic chemistry, are combinations of a second order, for the atoms are groups of groups. The wave of sound pro duced by a musical instrument may be regarded as a combination of motions ; the body of sound proceeding from a large orchestra is therefore a complex aggregate of sounds each in itself a complex combination of move ments. All literature may be said to be developed out of the difference of white paper and black ink. From the almost unlimited number of marks which might be chosen we select twenty-six customary letters. The pronounceable combinations of letters are probably some trillions in number. Now, as a sentence is a cer tain selection of words, the possible sentences must be indefinitely more numerous than the words of which it may be composed. A book is a combination of 220 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. sentences, and a library is a combination of books. A library, therefore, is a combination of the fifth order, and the powers of numerical expression would be almost exhausted in attempting to express the number of dis tinct libraries which might be constructed. The calcu lation would not be possible, because the union of letters in words, of words in sentences, and of sentences in books, are governed by conditions so' complex as to defy calcu lation. I wish only to point out that there is no limit to the multitude of different sentences which may be de veloped out of the one difference of ink and paper. Galileo is said to have remarked that all truth is contained in the compass of the alphabet. We might add that it is all contained in the difference of ink and paper. One consequence of this power of successive combi nation is that the simplest signals or marks will suffice to express any information. Francis Bacon proposed for secret writing a biliteral cipher, which resolves all letters of the alphabet into permutations of the two letters a and b. Thus A. was aaaaa, B aaaab, X babal), and so on.s And in a similar way, as Bacon clearly saw, any one difference can be made the ground of a code of signals ; we can express, as he says, omnia per omnia. The Morse alphabet uses only a succession of long and short marks, and other systems of telegraphic language employ right and left strokes. A single lamp obscured at various intervals, long or short, may be made to spell out any words, and with two lamps, distinguished by colour or position, we could at once represent Bacon's biliteral alphabet. Mr. Bab- bage ingeniously suggested that every lighthouse in the world should be made to spell out its own name or number perpetually, by flashes or obscurations of 'Works,' edited by Shaw, vol. i. pp. 141-145, quoted in Rees' * Encyclopaedia,' art. Cipher, COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 221 various duration and succession, and the scheme would be easy of execution if needed. Let us calculate the number of combinations of dif ferent orders which may arise out of the presence or absence of a single mark, say A. Thus in A [AT I A we have four distinct varieties. Form them into a group of a higher order, and consider in how many ways we may vary that group by omitting one or more of the component parts. Now, as there are four parts, and any one may be present or absent, the possible varieties will be 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, or 1 6 in number. Form these into a new whole, and proceed again to create variety by omitting any one or more of the sixteen. The number of pos sible changes will now be, or 216, and we can repeat the process again and again if we wish. It will be easily seen that we are imagining the creation of objects, whose numbers are represented in the series of expressions — 2 2 2 222 2222, and so on. At the first step we have 2; -at the next 22, or 4; 2 at the third 22 , or 16, numbers of very moderate amount. Let the reader calculate the next term, and he will be surprised to find it leap up to 65,536. But at the next step he has to calculate the value of 65,536 two's multiplied together, and it is so great that we could not possibly compute it, the mere expression of the result requiring 19,729 places of figures. But go one step more and we pass the bounds of all reason. The sixth order of the powers of two becomes so great, that we could not even express the number of 222 THE PKIXCIPLES OF SCIENCE. figures required in writing it down, without using about 19,729 figures for the purpose. The successive orders of the powers of two have then the following values :— First order . • 2 Second order . • 4 Third order . 16 Fourth order . . 65,536 Fifth order, number expressed by 19,729 figures. Sixth order, number expressed by figures, to express the number of which figures would require about . . . . i9,729 %ures. It may give us a powerful notion of infinity to remem ber that at this sixth step, having long surpassed all bounds of conception, we have made no approach to the goal. Nay, were we to make a hundred such steps, we should be as far away as ever from actual infinity. It is well worth observing that our powers of ex pression rapidly overcome the possible multitude of finite objects which may exist in any assignable space. Archimedes showed long ago, in one of the most won derful writings of antiquity,* that the grains of sand in the world could be numbered, or rather, that if numbered, the result could readily be expressed in arithmetical notation. Let us extend his problem, and ascertain whether we could express the number of atoms which could exist in the visible universe. The most distant stars which can now be seen by telescopes —those of the sixteenth magnitude — are supposed to have a distance of about 33,900,000,000,000,000 miles.u Sir W. Thomson, again, has shown reasons for supposing i ' Liber de Arenas Numero.' u Chambers' s 'Astronomy' (1861), p. 272. COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 223 that there do not exist more than from 3Xio21 to io26 molecules in a cubic centimetre of a solid or liquid sub stance/ Assuming these data to be true, for the sake of argument, a simple calculation enables us to show that the almost inconceivably vast sphere of our stellar system if entirely filled with solid matter, would not contain more than about 68 x io90 atoms, that is to say, a number requiring for its expression 92 places of figures. Now, this number would be immensely less than the fifth order of the powers of two. In the variety of logical relations, which may exist between a certain number of logical terms, we also meet a case of higher variations. Two terms, as it has been shewn (p. 154), may form four distinct combinations, but the possible selections from these series of com binations will be sixteen in number, or, excluding cases of contradiction, seven. Three terms may form eight combinations, allowing 256 selections, or with exclu sion of contradictory cases, 193. Four terms give sixteen combinations, and no less than 65,536 possible selec tions from those combinations, the nature of which I naturally abstained from exhaustively examining. Five terms give thirty-two combinations, and 4,294,967,296 possible selections ; and for six terms the corresponding numbers are sixty-four and 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. Considering that it is the most common thing in the world to use an argument involving six objects or terms, it may excite some surprise that the complete investiga tion of the relations in which six such terms may stand to each other, should involve an almost inconceivable number of cases. Yet these numbers of possible logical relations belong only to the second order of combina tions. x 'Nature/ vol. i. p. 553. CHAPTER X. THEORY OF PROBABILITY. t THE subject upon which we now enter must not be regarded as an isolated and curious branch of speculation. It is the necessary basis of nearly all the judgments and decisions we make in the prosecution of science, or the conduct of ordinary affairs. As Butler truly said, 'Probability is the very guide of life.' Had the science of numbers been developed for no other purposes, it must have been developed for the calculation of probabilities. All our inferences concerning the future are merely pro bable, and a due appreciation of the degree of probability depends entirely upon a due comprehension of the prin ciples of the subject. I conceive that it is impossible even to expound the principles and methods of induction as applied to natural phenomena, in a sound manner, with out resting them upon the theory of probability. Perfect knowledge alone can give certainty, and in nature perfect knowledge would be infinite knowledge, which is clearly beyond our capacities. We have, therefore, to content our selves with partial knowledge — knowledge mingled with ignorance, producing doubt. Almost the greatest difficulty in this subject consists in acquiring a precise notion of the matter treated. What is it that we number, and measure, and calculate in the theory of probabilities \ Is it belief, or opinion, or doubt, or knowledge, or chance, or necessity, or want of art \ THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 225 Does probability exist in the things which are probable, or in the mind which regards them as such \ The etymology of the name lends us no assistance : for, curiously enough, probable is ultimately the same word as provable, a good instance of one word becoming differ entiated to two opposite meanings. Chance cannot be the subject of the theory, because there is really no such thing as chance,a regarded as pro ducing and governing events. This name signifies^//?'?/ (7, and the notion is continually used as a simile to express uncertainty, because we can seldom predict how a die, or a coin, or a leaf will fall, or when a bullet will hit the mark. But every one knows, on a little reflection, that it is in our knowledge the deficiency lies, not in the cer tainty of nature's laws. There is no doubt in lightning as to the point it shall strike ; in the greatest storm there is nothing capricious ; not a grain of sand lies upon the beach, but infinite knowledge would account for its lying there ; and the course of every falling leaf is guided by the same principles of mechanics as rule the motions of the heavenly bodies. Chance then exists not in nature, and cannot co-exist with knowledge ; it is merely an expression for our ignorance of the causes in action, and our cons;quent inability to predict t'.e result, or to bring it about in fallibly. In nature the happening of a physical event has been pre-determined from the first fashioning of the universe. Probability belongs wholly to the mind ; this indeed is proved by the fact that different minds may regard the very same event at the same time with totally different degrees of probability. A steam-vessel, for in stance, is missing and some persons believe that she has sunk in mid-ocean ; others think differently. In the a Dufau, ' De la Methode d'Observation,' chap. iii. Q 226 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. event itself there can be no such uncei tainty ; the steam- vessel either has sunk or has not sunk, and no subsequent discussion of the probable nature of the event can alter the fact. Yet the probability of the event will really vary from day to day, and from mind to mind, according as the slightest information is gained regarding the vessels met at sea, the weather prevailing there, the signs of wreck picked up, or the previous condition of the vessel. Probability thus belongs to our mental condition, to the light in which we regard events, the occurrence or non- occurrence of which is certain in themselves. Many writers accordingly have asserted that probability is con cerned with degree or quantity of belief. De Morgan says,b 'By degree of probability we really mean or ought to mean degree of belief/ The late Professor Donkin expressed the meaning of probability as 'quantity of belief;' but I have never felt satisfied with such a defini tion of probability. The nature of belief is not more clear to my mind than the notion it is used to define. But an all-sufficient objection is, that the theory does not measure what the belief is, but what it ought to be. Few minds think in close accordance with the theory, and there are many cases of evidence in which the belief existing is habitually different from what it ought to be. Even if tlje state of belief in any mind could be measured and expressed in figures, the results would be worthless. The very value of the theory consists in correcting and guiding our belief, and rendering our states of mind and consequent actions harmonious with our knowledge of exterior conditions. This objection has been clearly perceived by some of those who still used quantity of belief as a definition of probability. Thus De Morgan adds — ' Belief is but another name for imperfect knowledge.' Professor Donkin has b 'Formal Logic,' p. 172. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 227 well said that the quantity of belief is ' always relative to a particular state of knowledge or ignorance ; but it must be observed that it is absolute in the sense of not being relative to any individual mind ; since, the same information being presupposed, all minds ought to dis tribute their belief in the same way/6 Dr. Boole, too, seemed to entertain a like view, when he described the theory as engaged with ' the equal distribution of ignor ance,' d but we may just as well say that it is engaged with the equal distribution of knowledge. I prefer to dispense altogether with this obscure word belief, and to say that the theory of probability deals with quantity of knowledge, an expression of which a precise explanation and measure can presently be given. An event is only probable when our knowledge of it is diluted with ignorance, and exact calculation is needed to discriminate how much we do and do not know. The theory has been described by some as professing to evolve knowledge out of ignorance; but as Professor Donkin has admirably remarked, it is really ' a method of avoiding the erection of belief upon ignorance/ e It defines rational expectation by measuring the comparative amounts of knowledge and ignorance, and teaches us to regulate our action with regard to future events in a way which will, in the long run, lead to the least amount of disappointment and injury. It is, as Laplace as happily expressed it, good sense reduced to calculation. This theory appears to me the noblest creation of human intellect, and it passes my conception how two men possessing such high intelligence as Auguste Cornte and J. S. Mill, could have been found depreciating it, or even vainly attempting to question its validity. To c ' Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol. i. p. 355. d ' Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,' vol. xxi. part iv. e 'Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol i. p. 355. 228 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. eulogise the theory is as needless as to eulogise reason itself. Fundamental Principles of the Tlieory. The calculation of probabilities is really founded, as I conceive, upon the principle of reasoning set forth in preceding chapters. We must treat equals equally, and what we know of one case may be affirmed of every other case resembling it in the necessary circumstances. The theory consists in putting similar cases upon a par, and distributing equally among them whatever knowT- ledge we may possess. Throw a penny into the air, arid consider what we know with regard to its mode of falling. We know that it will certainly fall upon a flat side, so that either the head or tail will be uppermost, but as to whether it will be head or tail, our knowledge is equally divided. Whatever we know concerning head, we know as much concerning tail, so that we have no O ' reason for expecting one more than the other. The least predominance of belief to either side would be irrational, as it would consist in treating unequally things of which our knowledge is equal. The theory does not in the least require, as some writers have erroneously supposed, that we should first ascertain by experiment the equal facility of the events we are considering. So far as we can examine and measure the causes in operation, events are removed out of the sphere of probability. The theory comes into play where ignorance begins, and the knowledge we possess requires to be distributed over many cases. Nor does ' the theory show that the coin will fall as often on one side as the other. It is almost impossible that this should happen, because some inequality in the form of the coin, or some uniform manner in throwing it up, is almost sure to occasion a slight preponderance THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 229 in one direction. But as we do not previously know in which way a preponderance will exist, we have no more reason for expecting head than tail. Our state of know ledge will be changed, indeed, should we throw up the coin many times in succession and register the result. Every throw gives us some slight information as to the probable tendency of the coin, and in subsequent calcula tions we must take this into account. In other cases experience might show that we had been entirely mis taken ; we might expect that a die would fall as often on each of the six sides as on each other one in the long run ; trial might show that the die was a loaded one, and fell much the most often on a particular face. The theory would not have misled us : it treated correctly the information we had, which is all that any theory can do. It may be asked, Why spend so much trouble in calcu lating from imperfect data, when a very little trouble would enable us to render a conclusion certain by actual trial ? Why calculate the probability of a measurement being correct, when we can try whether it is correct ? But I shall fully point out in later parts of this work that in measurement we never can attain perfect coin cidence. Two measurements of the same base line in a survey may show a difference of some inches, and there may be no means of knowing which is the better result. A third measurement would probably agree with neither. To select any one of the measurements, would imply that we knew it to be the most nearly correct one, which we do not. In this state of ignorance, the only guide is the theory of probability, which proves that in the long run the mean of different quantities will come most nearly to the truth. In all other scientific operations whatsoever, per fect knowledge is impossible, and when we have exhausted all our instrumental means in the attainment of truth, 230 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. there is a margin of error which can only be safely treated by the principles of probability. The method which we employ in the theory consists in calculating the number of all the cases or events O concerning which our knowledge is equal. If we have even the slightest reason for suspecting that one event is more likely to occur than another, we should take this knowledge into account. This being done, we must determine the whole number of events which are, so far as we know, equally likely. Thus, if we have no reason for supposing that a penny will fall more often one way than another, there are two cases, head and tail, equally likely. But if from trial or otherwise we know, or think we know, that of 100 throws 55 will give tail, then the probability is measured by the ratio of 55 to 100. The mathematical formulae of the theory are exactly the same as those of the theory of combinations. In this latter theory, we determine in how many ways events may be joined together, and we now proceed to use this know ledge in calculating the number of ways in which a certain event may come about, and thus defining its probability. If we throw three pennies into the air, what is the proba bility that two of them will fall tail uppermost ? This amounts to asking in how many possible ways can we select two tails out of three, compared with the whole number of ways in which the coins can be placed. Now, the fourth line of the Arithmetical Triangle (p. 208) gives us the answer.- The whole number of ways in which we can select or leave three things is eight, and the possible combinations of two things at a time is three ; hence the probability of two tails is the ratio of three to eight- From the numbers in the triangle we may draw all the following probabilities :— One combination gives o tail. Probability £. Three combinations give i tail. Probability f . THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 231 Three combinations give 2 tails. Probability f . One combination gives 3 tails. Probability -J-. We could apply the same considerations to the ima ginary causes of the difference of stature, the combina tions of which were shown in p. 213. There are alto gether 128 ways in which seven causes can be combined together. Now, twenty-one of these combinations give an addition of two inches, so that the probability of a person under the circumstances being five feet two inches is i2—. The probability of five feet three inches is ™258 ; of five feet one inch is —-g ; of five feet r*8, and so on. Thus the eighth line of the Arithmetical Triangle gives all the probabilities arising out of the combinations of seven causes or things, Rules for the Calculation of Probabilities. I will now explain as simply as possible the rules for calculating probabilities. The principal rule is as follows : — Calculate the number of events which may happen independently of each other, and which are as far as is known equally probable. Make this number the de nominator of a fraction, and take for the numerator the number of such events as imply or constitute the hap pening of the event, whose probability is required. Thus, if the letters of the word Roma be thrown down casually in a row, what is the probability that they will form a significant Latin word"? The possible arrange ments of four letters are 4x3x2x1, or 24 in number (p. 201), and if all the arrangements be examined, seven of these will be found to have meaning, namely Roma, ramo, oram, mora, maro, armo, and amor. Hence the probability of a significant result is -/4-.f *' AVallis ' Of Combinations,' p. n1/. 232 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. We must distinguish comparative from absolute pro babilities. In drawing a card casually from a pack, there is no reason to expect any one card more than any other. Now, there are four kings and four queens in a pack, so that there are just as many ways of drawing one as the other, and the probabilities are equal. But there are thirteen diamonds, so that the probability of a king is to that of a diamond as four to thirteen. Thus the probabilities of each are propoitional to their respective numbers of ways of happening. Now, I can draw a king in four ways, and not draw one in forty-eight, so that the pro babilities are in this proportion, or, as is commonly said, the odds against drawing a king are forty-eight to four. The odds are seven to seventeen in favour, or seventeen to seven against the letters R,o,m,a, accidentally forming a significant word. The odds are five to three against two tails appearing in three throws of a penny. Con versely, when the odds of an event are given, and the probability is required, take the number in favour of the event for numerator, and the sum of the numbers for denominator. It is obvious that an event is certain when all the combinations of causes which can take place produce that event. Now, if we were to represent the pro bability of any such event according to our rule, it would give the ratio of some number to itself, or unity. An event is certain not to happen when no possible combina tion of causes gives the event, and the ratio by the same rule becomes that of o to some number. Hence it follows that in the theory of probability certainty is expressed by i, and impossibility by o ; but no mystical meaning should be attached to these symbols, as they merely express the fact that all or no possible combinations give the event. By a compound event, we mean an event which may be THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 233 distinguished into two or more simpler events. Thus the firing of a gun may be distinguished into pulling the trigger, the fall of the hammer, the explosion of the cap, &c. In this example the simple events are not inde pendent, because if the trigger is pulled, the other events will under proper conditions necessarily follow, and their probabilities are therefore the same as that of the first event. Events are independent when the happening of one does not render the other either more or less probable than before. Thus the death of a person is neither more nor less probable because the planet Mars happens to be visible. When the component events are independent, a simple rule can be given for calculating the probability of the compound event, thus — Multiply together the fi ac tions expressing the probabilities of the independent component events. The probability of throwing tail twice with a penny is 7=r x -ET, or ^ ; the probability of throwing it three times running is ^ x -^ x ^, or ^ ; a result agreeing with that obtained in an apparently different manner (p. 230). In fact when we multiply together the denominators, we get the whole number of ways of happening of the compound event, and when we multiply the numerators, we get the number of ways favourable to the required event. Probabilities may be added to or subtracted from each other under the important condition that the events in question are exclusive of each other, so that not more than one of them can happen. It might be argued that as the probability of throwing head at the first trial is ^, and at the second trial also ^, the probability of throwing it in the first two throws is \ + ^, or certainty. Not only is this result evidently absurd, but a repetition of the process would lead us to a probability of i-| or of any greater number, results which could have no meaning whatever. The probability we wish to calculate is that of 234 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. one head in two throws, but in our addition we have involved the case in which two heads also appear. The true result is ^ + ^ x \ or f , or the probability of head at the first throw, added to the exclusive probability that if it does not come at the first, it will come at the second. Some of the greatest difficulties of the theory and the subtlest errors arise from the confusion of exclusive and unexclusive alternatives. I may remind the reader that the possibility of unexclusive alternatives was a point previously discussed (p. 81), and to the reasons then given for considering alternation as logically unexclusive, may be added the existence of these difficulties in the theory of probability. The expression Headfirst throw or head second throw ought to be interpreted in our logical system as including both cases at once, and so it is in practice. Employment of the Logical Abecedarian in questions of Probability. When the probabilities of certain events are given, and it is required to deduce the probabilities of compound events, the Logical Abecedarium may give assistance, pro vided that there are no special logical conditions and all the combinations are possible. Thus, if there be three events A, B, C, of which the probabilities are a, (3, 7, then the negatives of those events, expressing the absence of the events, will have the probabilities i — a, i — /3, 1—7. We have only to insert these values for the letters of the combinations and multiply, and we obtain the probability of each combination. Thus the probability of ABC is 0/37 ; of A6c, a(i — /3)(i - 7). We can now clearly distinguish between the probabilities of exclusive and unexclusive events. Thus if A and B are events which may happen together like rain and high THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 235 tide, or an earthquake and a storm, the probability of A or B happening is not the sum of their separate proba bilities. For by the Laws of Thought we develop A I B into AB | Kb \ aB, and substituting a and {3, the proba bilities of A and B respectively we obtain a./3 + a.(i — /3) + (i — a)./3 or a + /3 — a . /3. But if events are incompossible or incapable of happening together, like a clear sky and rain, or a new moon and a full moon, then the events are not really A or B but A not-B, or B not-A or in symbols Kb } ttB. Now if we take fj. — probability of Kb v = probability of aB, then we may add simply, and probability of Kb \ aB = /m + v. Let the reader observe that since the combination AB cannot exist, the probability of Kb is not the product of the probabilities of A and b. But when certain combinations are logically impossible, it is no longer allowable to substitute the probability of each term for the term, because the multiplication of probabilities presupposes the independence of the events. A large part of the late Dr. Boole's Laws of Thought is devoted to an attempt to overcome this difficulty and produce a General Method in Probabilities, by which from certain logical conditions and certain given probabilities it wrould be possible to deduce the probability of any other combinations of events under those conditions. Boole pursued his task with wonderful ingenuity and power, but after spending much study on his work, I am compelled to adopt the conclusion that his method is fundamentally erroneous. As pointed out by Mr. Wilbraham &, Boole obtains his results by an arbitrary assumption, which is only the most probable, and not the only possible assump- K 'Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol. vii. p. 465; vol. viii. p. 91. 23G THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. tion. The answer obtained is therefore not the real probability, which is usually indeterminate, but only, as it were, the most probable probability. Certain problems solved by Boole are free from logical conditions and therefore may admit of valid answers. These as I have V shown h may also be solved by the simple combinations of the Abecedarium, but the remaind er of the problems do not admit of a determinate answer, at least by Boole's method. Comparison of the Theory with Experience. The Laws of Probability rest upon the simplest principles of reasoning, and cannot be really negatived by any possible experience. It might happen that a person should always throw a coin head uppermost, and appear incapable of getting tail by chance. The theory. would not be falsified, because it contemplates the possibility of the most extreme runs of luck. Our actual experience might be counter to ah1 that is probable ; the whole course of events might seem to be in complete contra diction to what we should expect, and yet a casual con junction of events might be the real explanation. It is just possible that some regular coincidences which we attribute to fixed laws of nature, are due to the accidental conjunction of phenomena in the cases to which our attention is directed. All that we can learn from finite experience is capable, according to the theory of probabilities, of misleading us, and it is only infinite experience that could assure us of any inductive truths. At the same time, the probability that any extreme runs of luck will occur is so excessively slight, that it would be absurd seriously to expect their occurrence. It 'Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society,' 3rd Series, vol. iv. p. 347. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 237 is almost impossible, for instance, that any whist player should have played in any two games where the distri bution of the cards was exactly the same, by pure accident (p. 217). Such a thing as a person always losing at a game of pure chance, is wholly unknown. Coincidences of this kind are not impossible, as I have said, but they are so unlikely that the lifetime of any person, or indeed the whole duration of history does not give any appreciable probability of their being encountered. Whenever we make any extensive series of trials of chance results, as in throwing a die or coin, the probability is great that the results will agree nearly with the predictions yielded by theory. Precise agreement must not be expected, for that, as the theory could show, is highly improbable. Several attempts have been made to test, in this way, the accord ance of theory and experience. The celebrated naturalist, Buffon, caused the first trial to be made by a young child who threw a coin many times in succession, and he obtained 1992 tails to 2048 heads. A pupil of Professor De Morgan repeated the trial for his own satisfaction, and obtained 2044 tails to 2048 heads. In both cases the coincidence with theory is as close as could be expected, and the details may be found in De Morgan's ' Formal Logic,' p. 185. Quetelet also tested the theory in a rather more com plete manner, by placing 20 black and 20 white balls in an urn and drawing a ball out time after time in an indifferent manner, each ball being replaced before a new drawing was made. He found, as might be expected, that the greater the number of drawings made the more nearly were the white and black balls equal in number. At the termination of the experiment he had registered 2066 white and 2030 black balls, the ratio being i'O21. i ' Letters on the Theoi'y of Probabilities,' translated by Downcs, 1849, PP- 36.37- 238 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. I have made a series of experiments in a third manner, which seemed to me even more interesting, and capable of more extensive trial. Taking a handful of ten coins, usually shillings, I threw them up time after time, and registered the numbers of heads which appeared each time. Now the probability of obtaining 10 , 9 , 8 , 7, &c., heads is proportional to the number of combinations of 10,9,8,7, &c., things out of 10 things. Consequently the results ought to approximate to the numbers in the eleventh line of the Arithmetical Triangle. I made altogether 2048 throws, in two sets of 1024 throws each, and the numbers obtained are given in the following table : — Character of Throw. Theoretical Numbers. First Series. Second Series. Average. Divergence. 10 Heads o Tail I 3 i 2 + i 9 .. i 10 12 ^3 »7* + 7i 8 „ 2 45 57 73 65 + 20 7 .. 3 1 20 129 123 126 + 6 6 „ 4 210 181 190 1*5* -*54 5 .. 5 252 257 232 244! ~ 'U 4 H 6 210 201 197 199 — ii 3 ,, 7 I 2O III 119 i«5 - 5 2 „ 8 45 52 50 51 + 6 i „ 9 10 2 1 15 18 + 8 o „ 10 I O i a - i Totals. 1024 1O24 1024 1024 — i The whole number of single throws of coins amounted to 10x2048 or 20,480 in all, one half of which or 10,240 should theoretically give head. The total number of heads obtained was actually 10,353, or 5222 in the first series, and 5131 in the second. The coincidence with theory is pretty close, but considering the large number of throws there is some reason to suspect a tendency in favour of heads. The special interest of this trial consists in the ex hibition, in a practical form, of the results of Bernouilli's theorem, and the law of error or divergence from the THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 239 mean to be afterwards more fully considered. It illus trates the connection between combinations and permu tations, which is exhibited in the Arithmetical Triangle, and which underlies many of the most important theorems of science. Probable Deductive Arguments. With the aid of the theory of probabilities, we may extend the sphere of deductive argument. Hitherto we have treated propositions as certain, and on the hypo thesis of certainty have deduced conclusions equally certain. But the information on which we reason in ordinary life is seldom or never certain, and almost all reasoning is really a question of probability. We ought therefore to be fully aware of the mode and degree in which the forms of deductive reasoning are affected by the theory of probability, and many persons might be surprised at the results which must be admitted. Many controversial writers appear to consider, as De Morgan remarked k, that an inference from several equally pro bable premises is itself as probable as any of them, but the true result is very different. If a fact or argument involves many propositions, and each of them is uncertain, the conclusion will be of very little force. The truth of a conclusion may be regarded as a com pound event, depending upon the premises happening to be true ; thus, to obtain the probability of the conclusion, we must multiply together the fractions expressing the probabilities of the premises. Thus, if the probability is TJ that A is B, and also -^ that B is C, the conclusion that A is C, on the ground of these premises, is ^ x -| or ^. Similarly if there be any number of premises requisite to k ' Encyclopaedia Metrop.' art. Probabilities, p. 396. 240 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. the establishment of a conclusion and their probabilities be m, n, p, q, r, &c., the probability of the conclusion on the ground of these premises is m x n x p x q x r x This product has but a small value, unless each of the quanties m, n, &c., be nearly unity. But it is particularly to be noticed that the probability thus calculated is not the whole probability of the con clusion, but that only which it derives from the premises in question. Whately's1 remarks on this subject might mislead the reader into supposing that the calculation is completed by multiplying together the probabilities of the premises. But it has been fully explained by De Morgan111 that we must take into account the antecedent probability of the conclusion ; A may be C for other reasons besides its being B, and as he remarks, ' It is difficult, if not impossible, to produce a chain of argument of which the reasoner can rest the result on those arguments only.' We must also bear in mind that the failure of one argu ment does not, except under special circumstances, disprove the truth of the conclusion it is intended to uphold, other wise there are few truths which could survive the ill considered arguments adduced in their favour. But as a rope does not necessarily break because one strand in it is weak, so a conclusion may depend upon an endless number of considerations besides those immediately in view. Even when we have no other information we must not consider a statement as devoid of all probability. The true expression of complete doubt is a ratio of equality between the chances in favour of and against it, and this ratio is expressed in the probability ^. Now if A and C are wholly unknown things, we have no reason to believe that A is C rather than A is not C. The antecedent probability is then ^. If we also have the 'Elements of Logic,' Book III, sections, n and 18. m ' Encyclopaedia Metrop.' art. Probabilities, p. 400. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 241 probabilities that A is B, J and that B is C, J, we have no right to suppose that the probability of A being C is reduced by the argument in its favour. If the conclu sion is true on its own grounds, the failure of the argument does not affect it ; thus its total probability is its ante cedent probability, added to the probability that this failing, the new argument in question establishes it. There is a probability ^ that we shall not require the special argument ; a probability ^ that we shall, and a probability ^ that the argument does in that case establish it. Thus the complete result is i + i x ^, or -f. In general language, if a be the probability formed on a particular argument, and c the antecedent probability, then the general result is i — ( i - a) ( i — c), or a + c — ac. We may put it still more generally in this way : — Let a, b, c, d, &c., be the probabilities of a conclusion grounded on various arguments or considerations of any kind. It is only when all the arguments fail that our conclusion proves finally untrue ; the probabilities of each failing are respectively i — a, i—b, i — c, &c. ; the probability that they will all fail (i — a)(i — 6)(i — c)... ; therefore the probability that the conclusion will not fail is i — (i — a)(i — 6)(i — c)...&c. On this principle it follows that every argument in favour of a fact, however flimsy and slight, adds probability to it. When it is unknown whether an overdue vessel has foundered or not, every slight indication of a lost vessel will add some proba bility to the belief of its loss, and the disproof of any particular evidence will not disprove the event. We must apply these principles of evidence with great care, and observe that in a great proportion of cases the adducing of a weak argument does tend to the disproof of its conclusion. The assertion may have in itself great inherent improbability as being opposed to other evidence R 242 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. or to the supposed laws of nature, and every reasoner may be assumed to be dealing plainly, and putting forward the whole force of evidence which he possesses in its favour. If he brings but one argument, and its probability a is small, then in the formula i — (i —a)(i — c) both a and c are small, and the whole expression has but little value. The whole effect of an argument thus turns upon the question whether other arguments remain so that we can introduce other factors (i —6), (i — c), &c., into the above expression. In a court of justice, in a publication having an express purpose, and in many other cases, it is doubtless right to assume that the whole evidence considered to have any value as regards the conclusion asserted, is put forward. To assign the antecedent probability of any proposi tion, may be a matter of great difficulty or impos sibility, and one with which logic and the theory of pro bability has little concern. From the general body of science or evidence in our possession, we must in each case make the best judgment we can. But in the absence of all knowledge the probability should be considered = ^, for if we make it less than this we incline to believe it false rather than true. Thus before we possessed any means of estimating the magnitudes of the fixed stars, the statement that Sirius was greater than the sun had a probability of exactly ^ ; for it was as likely that it would be greater as that it would be smaller ; and so of any other star. This indeed was the assumption which Michell made in his admirable speculations.0 It might seem indeed that as every proposition expresses an agree ment, and the agreements or resemblances between phe nomena are infinitely fewer than the differences (p. 52), eveiy proposition should in the absence of other informa tion be infinitely improbable, or c — o. But in our logical 0 ' Philosophical Transactions' (1767). Abridg. vol. xii. p. 435. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 243 system every term may be indifferently positive or nega tive, so that we express under the form A is B or A = AB as many differences as agreements. It is impossible therefore that we should have any reason to disbelieve rather than to believe it. We can hardly indeed invent a proposition concerning the truth of which we are absolutely ignorant, except when we are absolutely ignorant of the terms used. If I ask the reader to assign the odds that a ' Platythliptic Coefficient is positive'? he will hardly see his way to doing so, unless he regard them as even. The assumption that complete doubt is properly ex pressed by 4 has been called in question by Bishop Terrot,i who proposes instead the indefinite symbol § ; and he considers that 'the d priori probability derived from absolute ignorance has no effect upon the force of a subsequently admitted probability/ But a writer of far greater power, the late Professor Donkin, has strongly defended the commonly adopted expression of complete doubt. If we grant that the probability may have any value between o and i, and that every separate value is equally likely, then n and i-n are equally likely, and the average is always J. Or we may take p . dp to express the probability that our estimate concerning any proposition should lie between p and p + dp. The complete probability of the proposition is then the in tegral taken between the limits i and o, or again ^r. «* Difficulties of the Theory. The doctrine of probability, though undoubtedly true, requires very careful application. Not only is it a branch v 'Philosophical Transactions,' vol. 146. part i. p, 273. 9 ' Transactions of the Edinburgh Philosophical Society,' vol. xxi. p. 375, r 'Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol. i. p. 361. B 2 244 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. of mathematics in which positive blunders are frequently committed, but it is a matter of great difficulty in many cases, to be sure that the formulae correctly represent the data of the problem. These difficulties often arise from the logical complexity of the conditions, which might be, perhaps to some extent cleared up by constantly bearing in mind the system of combinations as developed in the Indirect Logical Method. In the study of probabilities, mathematicians had unconsciously employed logical pro cesses far in advance of those in possession of logicians, and the Indirect Method is but the full statement of these processes. It is very curious how often the most acute and power ful intellects have gone astray in the calculation of probabilities. Seldom was Pascal mistaken, yet he in augurated the science with a mistaken solution.8 Leibnitz fell into the extraordinary blunder of thinking that the number twelve was as probable a result in the throwing of two dice as the number eleven.* In not a few cases the false solution first obtained seems more plausible to the present day than the correct one since demonstrated. James Bernouilli candidly records two false solutions of a problem which he at first thought self-evident ; u and he adds an express warning against the risk of error, especially when we attempt to reason on this subject without a rigid adherence to the methodical rules and symbols. x Mont- mort was not free from similar mistakes/ and as to D'Alembert, great though his reputation was, and perhaps is, he constantly fell into blunders which must diminish the weight of his opinions.2 He could not perceive, for K Montucla, ' Histoire des Hathdmatiques,' vol. iii. p. 386. * Leibnitz ' Opera/ Dutens' Edition, vol. vi. part i. p. 217. Todhunter's ' History of the Theory of Probability,' p. 48. 11 Todlmnter, pp. 67-69. * Ibid. p. 63. y Ibid. p. 100. ''• Hii«l. pp. 258-59, 286. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 245 instance, that the probabilities would be the same when coins are thrown successively as when thrown simul taneously. a Some men of high ability, such as Ancillon, Moses Mendelssohn, Garve,b Auguste Comte c and J. S. Mill,d have so far misapprehended the theory, as to question its value or even to dispute altogether its vaKdity. Many persons have a fallacious tendency to believe that when a chance event has happened several times together in an unusual conjunction, it is less likely to happen again. D'Alembert seriously held that if head was thrown three times running with a coin, tail would more probably appear at the next trial.6 Bequelin adopted the same opinion, and yet there is no reason for it whatever. If the event be really casual, what has gone before cannot in the slightest degree influence it. As a matter of fact, the more often the most casual event takes place the more likely it is to happen again; because there is some slight empirical evidence of a tendency, as will afterwards be pointed out. The source of the fallacy is to be found entirely in the feelings of surprise with which we witness an event happening by apparent chance, in a manner which seems to proceed from design. Misapprehension may also arise from overlooking the difference between permutations and combinations. To throw ten heads in succession with a coin is no more unlikely than to throw any other particular succession of heads and tails, but it is much less likely than five heads and five tails without regard to their order, be- a Todhunter, p. 279. b Ibid. p. 453. c 'Positive Philosophy/ translated by Martineau, vol. ii. p. 120. d 'System of Logic,' bk. iii. chap. 18. 5th Ed. vol. ii. p. 61. e Montucla, ' Histoire/ vol. iii. p. 405. Todhunter, p. 263. 246 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. cause there are no less than 252 different particular throws which will give this result, when we abstract the difference of order. Difficulties arise in the application of the theory from our habitual disregard of slight probabilities. We are obliged practically to accept truths as certain which are nearly so, because it ceases to be worth while to calculate the difference. No punishment could be inflicted if absolutely certain evidence of guilt were required, and as Locke remarks, ' He that will not stir till he infallibly knows the business he goes about will succeed, will have but little else to do but to sit still and perish.'f There is not a moment of our lives when we do not lie under a slight danger of death, or some most terrible fate. There is not a single action of eating, drinking, sitting down, or standing up which has not proved fatal to some person. Several philosophers have tried to assign the limit of the probabilities which we regard as zero ; Buffon named f^Voo* because it is the probability that a man of 56 years of age would die the next day, and is practically disregarded. Pascal had remarked that a man would be esteemed a fool for hesitating to accept death when three dice gave sixes twenty times running, if his reward in case of a different result was to be a crown ; but as the chance of death in question is only in-660, or unity divided by a number of 47 places of figures, we may be said every day to incur greater risks for less motives. There is far greater risk of death, for instance, in a game of cricket. Nothing is more requisite than to distinguish carefully between the truth of a theory and the truthful application of the theory to actual circumstances. As a general rule, events in nature or art will present a complexity of 1 'Essay on the Human Understanding,' bk. IV. ch. 14. § i. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 247 relations exceeding our powers of treatment. The infinitely intricate action of the mind often intervenes and renders complete analysis hopeless. If, for instance, the probability that a marksman shall hit the target in a single shot be i in 10, we might seem to have no difficulty in calculating the probability of any succession of hits ; thus the proba bility of three successive hits would be one in a thousand. But, in reality, the confidence and experience derived from the first successful shot would render a second success more probable. The events are not really independent, and there would generally be a far greater preponderance of runs of apparent luck, than a simple calculation of probabilities could account for. In. many persons, however, a remarkable series of successes will produce a degree of excitement rendering continued success almost impossible. Attempts to apply the theory of probabilities to the results of judicial proceedings have proved of little value, simply because the conditions are far too intricate. As Laplace said,g ' Tant de passions, d'mterets divers et de circonstances compliquent les questions relatives a ces objets, qu'elles sont presque toujours insolubles.' Men acting on a jury, or giving evidence before a court, are subject to so many complex influences that no mathema tical formulae can be framed to express the real conditions. Jurymen or even judges on the bench cannot be regarded as acting independently, with a definite probability in favour of each delivering a correct judgment. Each man of the jury is more or less influenced by the opinion of the others, and there are subtle effects of character and manner and strength of mind which defy human analysis. Even in physical science we shall in comparatively few cases be able to apply the theory in a definite manner, because the s Quoted by Todhunter, 'History of the Theory of Probability,' p. 410. 248 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. data required for the estimation of probabilities are too complicated and difficult to obtain. But such failures in no way diminish the truth and beauty of the theory itself; for in reality there is no branch of science in which, as we shall afterwards fully consider, our symbols can cope with the complexity of Nature. As the late Professor Donkin excellently said,— ' I do not see on what ground it can be doubted that every definite state of belief concerning a proposed hypothesis, is in itself capable of being represented by a numerical expression, however difficult or im practicable it may be to ascertain its actual value. It would be very difficult to estimate in numbers the vis viva of all the particles of a human body at any instant ; but no one doubts that it is capable of numerical ex pression/11 The difficulty, in short, is merely relative to our know ledge and skill, and is not absolute or inherent in the subject. We must distinguish between what is theo retically conceivable and what is practicable with our present mental resources. Provided that our aspirations are pointed in a right direction, we must not allow them to be damped by the consideration that they pass beyond what can now be turned to immediate use. In spite of its immense difficulties of application, and the aspersions which have been mistakenly cast upon it, the theory of probabilities, I repeat, is the noblest, as it will in course of time prove, perhaps the most fruitful branch of mathe matical science. It is the very guide of life, and hardly can we take a step or make a decision of any kind without correctly or incorrectly making an estimation of proba bilities. In the next chapter we proceed to consider how the whole cogency of inductive reasoning, as applied to h < Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol. i. p. 354. THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. 249 physical' science rests upon probability. The truth or untruth of a natural law, when carefully investigated, resolves itself into a high or low degree of probability, and this is the case whether or not we are capable of pro ducing precise numerical data. CHAPTEE XI. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. WE have inquired into the nature of the process of perfect induction, whereby we pass backwards from certain observed combinations of qualities or events, to the logical conditions governing such combinations. We have also investigated the grounds of that theory of probability, which must be our guide when we leave certainty behind us, and dilute knowledge with ignorance. There is now before us the difficult task of endeavouring to decide how, by the aid of that theory, we can ascend from the facts to the laws of nature ; and may then with more or less success anticipate the future course of events. All our knowledge of natural objects must be ultimately derived from observation, and the difficult question arises — How can we ever know anything which we have not directly observed through one of our senses, the apertures of the rnind "? The practical utility of reasoning is to assure ourselves that, at a determinate time or place, or under specified conditions, a certain phenomenon may be ob served. When we can use our senses and perceive that the phenomenon does occur, reasoning is superfluous. If the senses cannot be used, because the event is in the future, or out of reach, how can reasoning take their place 1 Apparently, at least, we must infer the unknown from the known, and the mind must itself create an addition to the sum of knowledge. But I hold that it is quite impossible to make any real additions to the con- PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 251 tents of our knowledge, except through new impressions upon the senses, or upon some seat of feeling. I shall attempt to show that inference, whether inductive or deductive, is never more than an unfolding of the contents of our experience, and that it always proceeds upon the assumption that the future and the unperceived will be governed by the same conditions as the past and the perceived, an assumption which will often prove to be mistaken. In inductive just as in deductive reasoning, the con clusion never passes beyond the premises. Reasoning adds no more to the implicit contents of our knowledge, than the arrangement of the specimens in a museum adds to the number of those specimens. This arrangement adds to our knowledge in a certain sense : it allows us to per ceive the similarities and peculiarities of the individual specimens, and on the assumption that the museum is an adequate representation of nature, it enables us to judge of the prevailing forms of natural objects. Bacon's first aphorism holds perfectly true, that man knows nothing but what he has observed, provided that we include his whole sources of experience, and the whole implicit con tents of his knowledge. Inference but unfolds the hidden meaning of our observations, and the theory of probability shows how far we go beyond our data in assuming that new specimens will resemble the old ones, or that the future may be regarded as proceeding uniformly with the past. Various Classes of Inductive Truths. It will be desirable, in the first place, to distinguish between the several kinds of truths which we endeavour to establish by induction. Although there is a certain common and universal element in all our processes of 252 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. reasoning, yet a diversity arises in their application. Similarity of conditions between the events from which we argue, and those to which we argue, must always be the ground of inference; but this similarity may have regard either to time or place, or the simple logical combination of events, or to any conceivable junction of circumstances involving quality, time, and place. Having met with many pieces of substance possessing ductility, and a bright yellow colour, and having discovered, by perfect induction, that they all possess in addition a high specific gravity, and a freedom from the corrosive action of acids, we are led to expect that every piece of substance, possessing like ductility, and a similar yellow colour, will have an equally high specific gravity, and a like freedom from corrosion by acids. This is a case of the co-existence of qualities ; for the character of the specimens examined alters not with time or place. In a second class of cases, time will enter as a prin cipal ground of similarity. When we hear a clock pendulum beat moment after moment, at equal in tervals, and with a uniform sound, we confidently expect that the stroke will continue to be repeated uniformly. A comet having appeared several times at nearly equal intervals, we infer that it will probably appear again at the end of another like interval. A man who has returned home evening after evening for many years, and found his house standing, may, on like grounds, expect that it will be standing the next evening, and on many succeeding evenings. Even the continuous exist ence of an object in an unaltered state, or the finding again of that which we have hidden, is but a matter of inference to be decided by experience. A still larger and more complex class of cases involves the relations of space, in addition to those of time and quality. Having observed that every triangle drawn upon PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 253 the diameter of a circle, with its apex upon the circum ference, apparently contains a right angle, we may ascertain that all triangles in similar circumstances will contain right angles. This is a case of pure space reason ing, apart from circumstances of time or quality, and it seems to be governed by different principles of reasoning. I shall endeavour to show, however, that geometrical reasoning differs but in degree from that which applies to other natural relations. If we observe that the com ponents of a binary star have moved for a length of time in elliptic curves, we have reason to believe that they will continue so to move. Time and space relations are here complicated together. The Relation of Cause and Effect. In a very large part of the scientific investigations which must be considered, we deal with events which follow from previous events, or with existences which succeed existences . Science, indeed, might arise even were material nature a fixed and changeless whole. Endow mind with the power to travel about, and compare part with part, and it could certainly draw inferences concern ing the similarity of forms, the co-existence of qualities, or the preponderance of a particular kind of matter in a changeless world. A solid universe, in at least approxi mate equilibrium, is not inconceivable, and then the rela tion of cause and effect would evidently be no more than the relation of before and after. As nature exists, how ever, it is a progressive existence, ever moving and changing as time, the great independent variable, pro ceeds. Hence it arises that we must continually compare what is happening now with what happened a moment before, arid a moment before that moment, and so on, until we reach indefinite periods of past time. A comet 254 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. is seen moving in the sky, or its constituent particles illumine the heavens with their tails of fire. We cannot explain the present movements of such a body without supposing its prior existence, with a determinate amount of energy and direction of motion ; nor can we validly suppose that our task is concluded when we find that it came wandering to our solar system through the un measured vastness of surrounding space. Every event must have a cause, and that cause again a cause, until we are lost in the obscurity of the past, and are driven to the belief in one First Cause, by whom the whole course of nature was determined. Fallacious Use of the Term Cause. The words Cause and Causation have given rise to in finite trouble and obscurity, and have in no slight degree retarded the progress of science. From the time of Aristotle, the work of philosophy has been often de scribed as the discovery of the causes of things, and Francis Bacon adopted the notion when he said a ' vere scire esse per causas scire.' Even now it is not uncom monly supposed that the knowledge of causes is some thing different from other knowledge, and consists, as it were, in getting possession of the keys of nature. A single word may thus act as a spell, and throw the clearest inteUect into confusion, as I have often thought that Locke was thrown into confusion when endeavouring to find a meaning for the word power.1' In Mr. Mill's ' System of Logic ' the term cause seems to have re asserted its old noxious power. Not only does Mr. Mill treat the Laws of Causation as almost co-extensive with a 'Novum Organum/ bk. ii. Aphorism 2. b 'Essay on the Human Understanding/ bk. ii. chap. xxi. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 255 science, but he so uses the expression as to imply that when once we pass within the circle of causation we deal with certainties. The philosophical danger which attaches to the use of this word may be thus described. A cause is defined as the necessary or invariable antecedent of an event, so that when the cause exists the effect will also exist or soon follow. If then we know the cause of an event, we know when it will certainly happen ; and as it is implied that science, by a proper experimental method, may attain to a knowledge of causes, it follows that experience may give us a certain knowledge of future events. Now, no thing is more unquestionable than that finite experience can never give us certain knowledge of the future, so that either a cause is not an invariable antecedent, or else we can never gain certain knowledge as to causes. The first horn of this dilemma is hardly to be accepted. Doubtless there is in nature some invariably acting mechanism, such that from certain fixed conditions an invariable result always emerges. But we, with our finite minds and short experience, can never penetrate the mystery of those existences which embody the Will of the Creator, and evolve it throughout time. We are in the position of spectators who witness the productions of a compli cated machine, but are not allowed to examine its inti mate structure. We learn what does happen and what does appear, but if we ask for the reason, the answer would involve an infinite depth of mystery. The simplest bit of matter, or the most trivial incident, such as the stroke of two billiard balls, offers infinitely more to learn than ever the human intellect can fathom. The word cause covers just as much untold meaning as any of the words substance, matter, thought, existence. 256 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Confusion of Two Questions. The subject is much complicated, too, by the confusion of two distinct questions. An event having happened, we may ask — (j) Is there any cause for the event \ (2) Of what kind is that cause 1 No one would assert that the mind possesses any faculty capable of inferring, prior to experience, that the occurrence of a sudden noise with flame and smoke indi cates the combustion of a black powder, formed by the mixture of black, white, and yellow powders. The greatest upholder of d priori doctrines will allow that the parti cular aspect, shape, size, colour, texture, and other qualities of a cause must be gathered from experience and through the senses. The question whether there is any cause at all for an event, is of a totally different kind. If an explosion could happen without any prior existing conditions, it must be a new creation — a distinct addition to the universe. It may be plausibly held that we can imagine neither the creation nor annihilation of anything. As regards matter, this has long been held true ; as regards force, it is now almost universally assumed as an axiom that energy can neither come into nor go out of existence without distinct acts of Creative Will. That there exists any instinctive belief to this effect, indeed, seems doubtful. We find Lucretius, a philosopher of the utmost intellectual power and cultivation, gravely assuming that his raining atoms could turn aside from their straight paths in a self-deter mining manner, and by this spontaneous origination of energy determine the form of the universe.0 Sir George Airy, too, seriously discussed the mathematical conditions 0 ' De Rerum Natura/ bk. ii. 11. 216-293. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 257 under which a perpetual motion, that is, a perpetual source of self-created energy might exist.d The larger part of the philosophic world has long held that in mental acts there is free will — in short, self-causation. It is in vain to attempt to reconcile this doctrine with that of an intuitive belief in causation, as Sir W. Hamilton candidly allowed. It is quite obvious, moreover, that to assert the exist ence of a cause for every event, cannot do more than remove into the indefinite past the inconceivable fact and mystery of creation. At any given moment matter and energy were equal to what they are at present, or they were not ; if equal, we may make the same inquiry con cerning any other moment, however long prior, and we are thus obliged to accept one horn of the dilemma — ex istence from infinity, or creation at some moment. This is but one of the many cases in which we are compelled to believe in one or other of two alternatives, both incon ceivable. My present purpose, however, is to point out that we must not confuse this supremely difficult question with that into which inductive science inquires on the foundation of facts. By induction we gain no certain knowledge ; but by observation, and the inverse use of deductive reasoning, we estimate the probability that an event which has occurred was preceded by conditions of specified character, or that such conditions will be followed by the event. Definition of the Term Cause. Clear definitions of the word cause have been given by several philosophers. Hobbes has said, ' A cause is the sum or aggregate of all such accidents both in the agents d 'Cambridge Philosophical Transactions/ [1830] vol. iii. pp. 369^ 372. S 258 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. and the patients, as concur in the producing of the effect propounded ; all which existing together, it cannot be understood but that the effect existeth with them; or that it can possibly exist if any of them be absent/ Dr. Brown, in his 'Essay on Causation/ gave a nearly corresponding statement. 'A cause,' he sayse, 'may be defined to be the object or event which immediately precedes any change, and which existing again in similar circumstances will be always immediately followed by a similar change/ Of the kindred word poiver, he like wise says : f ' Power is nothing more than that invariable- ness of antecedence which is implied in the belief of causation/ These definitions may be accepted with the qualifica tion that our knowledge of causes in such a sense can be probable only. The work of science consists in ascer taining the combinations in which phenomena present themselves. Concerning every event we shall have to determine its probable conditions, or group of antecedents from which it probably follows. An antecedent is any thing which exists prior to an event ; a consequent is anything which exists subsequently to an antecedent. It will not usually happen that there is any probable con nection between an antecedent and consequent. Thus nitrogen is an antecedent to the lighting of a common fire ; but it is so far from being a cause of the lighting, that it renders the combustion less active. Daylight is an antecedent to all fires lighted during the day, but it probably has no appreciable effect one way or the other. But in the case of any given event it is usually pos sible to discover a certain number of antecedents which 0 'Observations on the Nature and Tendency of the Doctrine of Mr. Hume, concerning the Relation of Cause and Effect.' Second ed. P- 44- i Ibid. p. 97. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 259 seem to be always present, and with more or less pro bability we conclude that when they exist the event will follow. Let it be observed that the utmost latitude is at present enjoyed in the use of the term cause. Not only may a cause be an existent thing endowed with powers, as oxygen is the cause of combustion, gunpowder the cause of explosion, but the very absence or removal of a thing may also be a cause. It is quite correct to speak of the dryness of the Egyptian atmosphere, or the absence of moisture, as being the cause of the preservation of mummies, and other remains of antiquity. The cause of a mountain elevation, Ingleborough for instance, is the excavation of the surrounding valleys by denudation. It is not so usual to speak of the existence of a thing at one moment as the cause of its existence at the next, but to me it seems the commonest case of causation which can occur. The cause of motion of a billiard ball may be the stroke of another ball ; and recent philosophy leads us to look upon all motions and changes, as but so many mani festations of prior existing energy. In all probability there is no creation of energy and no destruction, so that as regards both mechanical and molecular changes, the cause is really the manifestation of existing energy. In the same way I see not why the prior existence of matter is not also a cause as regards its subsequent existence. All science tends to show us that the existence of the universe in a particular state at one moment, is the condition of its existence at the next moment, in an apparently different state. When we analyse the meaning which we can attribute to the word cause, it amounts to the existence of suitable portions of matter endowed with suitable quan tities of energy. If we may accept Home Tooke's asser tion, cause has etymologically the meaning of thing before. Though, indeed, the origin of the word is very obscure, its S 2 2GO THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. derivatives the Italian cosa, and the French chose, mean simply thing. In the German equivalent iirsache, we have plainly the original meaning of thing before, the sache denoting 'interesting or important object,' the English sake, and ur being the equivalent of the English ere, before*1. We abandon, then, both etymology and philo sophy, when we attribute to the laivs of causation any meaning beyond that of the conditions in which an event may be expected to happen, according to our observation of the previous course of nature. I have no objection to use the words cause and causation, provided they are never allowed to lead us to imagine that our knowledge of nature can attain to cer tainty. I repeat that if a cause is an invariable and necessary condition of an event, we can never know certainly whether the cause exists or not. To us, then, a cause is not to be distinguished from the group of positive or negative conditions which, with more or less probability, precede an event. In this sense, there is no particular difference between knowledge of causes and our general knowledge of the combinations, or succession of com binations, in which the phenomena of nature are presented to us, or found to occur in experimental inquiry. Distinction of Inductive and Deductive Results. We must carefully avoid confusing together inductive investigations which terminate in the establishment of general laws, and those which seem to lead directly to the knowledge of future particular events. That process only can be called induction which gives general laws, and it is by the subsequent employment of deduction that we can alone anticipate particular events. If the ob servation of a number of cases shews that alloys of metals 11 Leslie, ' Inquiry into the Nature of Heat/ Note xvi. p. 521. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE, 261 fuse at lower temperatures than their constituent metals, I may with more or less probability draw a general in ference to that effect, and may thence deductively ascer tain the probability that the next alloy examined will fuse at a lower temperature than its constituents. It has been asserted, indeed, by Mr. J. S. Mill1, and partially admitted by Mr. Fowler k, that we can argue directly from case to case, so that what is true of some alloys will be true of the next. Doubtless, this is the usual result of our reasoning, regard being had to degrees of probability ; but these logicians fail entirely to give any explanation of the process by which we get from case to case. To point, as Mr. Mill has done, to the reasoning, if such it can be called, of brute animals, is little better than to parody philosophy1. It may well be allowed, indeed, that the knowledge of future particular events is one main purpose of our investigations, and if there were any process of thought by which we could pass directly from event to event without ascending into general truths, this method would be sufficient, and certainly the most brief and simple. It is true, also, that the laws, of mental asso ciation lead the mind always to expect the like again in apparently like circumstances, and even animals of very low intelligence must have some trace of such powers of association, serving to guide them more or less correctly, in the absence of true reasoning faculties. But it is the very purpose of logic, according to Mr. Mill, to ascertain whether inferences have been correctly drawn, rather than to discover themm. Even if we can, then, by habit, i ' System of Logic,' bk. II. chap. iii. Mr. Bain has not adopted the views of Mr. Mill, on this particular point, so far as I can ascertain. See his 'Inductive Logic/ p. i. k 'Inductive Logic,' pp. 13-14. 1 'System of Logic,' bk. II. chap. 3, § 3. Fifth ed. pp. 212-213. "» Ibid., Introduction, § 4. Fifth ed. pp. 8-9. 262 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. association, or any rude process of inference, infer the future directly from the past, it is the work of logic to analyse the conditions on which the correctness of this inference depends. Even Mr. Mill would admit that such analysis involves the consideration of general truths11, and in this, as in several other important points, we might controvert Mr. Mill's own views by his own statements. On the Grounds of Inductive Inference. I hold that, in all cases of inductive inference, we must invent hypotheses, until we fall upon some hypothesis which yields deductive results in accordance with experi ence. Such accordance renders the chosen hypothesis more or less probable, and we may then deduce, with some degree of likelihood, the nature of our future experience, on the assumption that no arbitrary change takes place in the conditions of nature. We can only argue from the past to the future, on the general principle set forth in the commencement of this work, that what is true of a thing will be true of the like. So far then as one object or event differs from another, all inference is impossible ; particulars as particulars can no more make an inference than grains of sand can make a rope. We must always rise to something which is general or same in the cases, and assuming that sameness to be extended to new cases we learn their nature. Hearing a clock tick five thousand times without exception or variation, we adopt the very probable hypothesis that there is some invariably acting machine which produces those uniform sounds, and which will, in the absence of change, go on producing them. Meeting twenty times with a bright yellow ductile sub stance, and finding it to be always very heavy and in corrodible, I infer that there was some natural condition, n ' System of Logic,' bk. II. chap. iii. § 5. pp. 225, &c. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 263 which tended, in the creation of things, to associate these properties together, and I expect to find them associated in the next instance. But there always is the possibility that some unknown change may take place between past and future cases. The clock may run down, or be subject to any one of a hundred accidents altering its condition. There is no reason in the nature of things, so far as known to us, why yellow colour, ductility, high specific gravity, and incorrodibility, should always be associated together ; and in other like cases, if not in this, men's expectations have been deceived. Our inferences, therefore, always retain more or less of a hypothetical character, and are so far open to doubt. Only in proportion as our induction approximates to the character of perfect induction, does it approximate to certainty. The amount of uncertainty corresponds to the probability that other objects than those examined, may exist and falsify our inferences ; the amount of probability corresponds to the amount of infor mation yielded by our examination ; and the theory of probability will be needed to prevent our over-estimating or under-estimating the knowledge we possess. Illustrations of the Inductive Process. To illustrate the passage from the known to the ap parently unknown, let us suppose that the phenomena under investigation consist of numbers, and that the following six numbers being exhibited to us, we are required to infer the character of the next in the series : — 5, 15, 35, 45, 65, 95. The question first of all arises, How may we describe this series of numbers ? What is uniformly true of them ? The reader cannot fail to perceive at the first glance that they all end in five, and the problem is, from the proper- 264 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. ties of these six numbers, to infer the properties of the next number ending in five. If we proceed to test their properties by the process of perfect induction, we soon perceive that they have another common property, namely that of being divisible by jive without remainder. May we then assert that the next number ending in five is also divisible by five, and, if so, upon what grounds 1 Or extending the question, Is every number ending in five divisible by five 1 Does it follow that because six num bers obey a supposed law, therefore 376,685,975 or any other number, however large, obeys the law r( I answer certainly not. The law in question is undoubtedly true ; but its truth is not proved by any finite number of exam ples. All that these six numbers can do, is to suggest to my mind the possible existence of such a law ; and I then ascertain its truth, by proving deductively from the rules of decimal numeration, that any number ending in five must be made up of multiples of five, and must therefore be itself a multiple. To make this more plain, let the reader now examine the numbers— 7, i7> 37> 47> 67, 97. They all obviously end in 7 instead of 5, and though not at equal intervals, the intervals are exactly the same as in the previous case. After a little consideration, the reader will perceive that these numbers all agree in being prime numbers, or multiples of unity only. May we then infer that the next, or any other number ending in 7, is a prime number '{ Clearly not, for on trial we find that 27, 57, 117 are not primes. Six instances, then, treated empirically, lead us to a true and universal law in one case, and mislead us in another case. We ought, in fact to have no confidence in any law until we have treated it deductively, and have shown that from the conditions supposed the results expected must ensue. From the PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 265 principles of number, no one can show that numbers ending in 7 should be primes. From the history of the theory of numbers some good examples of false induction can be adduced. Taking the following series of prime numbers 41, 43, 47, 53, 61, 71, 83, 97, 113, 131, 151, &c., it will be found that they all agree in being values of the general expression x2 + x + 4 1 , putting for x in succes sion the values, o, i, 2, 3, 4, &c. We thus seem always to obtain a prime number, and the induction is apparently very strong, to the effect that this expression always will give primes. Yet a few more trials will disprove this false conclusion. Put x = 40, and we obtain 40 x 40 + 40 + 41, or 41 x 4 1 . Now such a failure could never have hap pened, had we shown any deductive reason why x2 + x + 4 1 should give primes. There can be no doubt that what here happens with forty instances, might happen with forty thousand or forty million instances. An apparent law never once failing up to a certain point may then suddenly break down, so that inductive reasoning, as it has been described by some writers, can give no sure knowledge of what is to come. Mr. Babbage admirably pointed out, in his Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, that a machine could be constructed to give a perfectly regular series of numbers, through a vast series of steps, and yet to break the law of progres sion suddenly at any required point. No number of particular cases as particulars enables us to pass by inference to any new case. It is hardly needful to inquire here what can be inferred from an infinite series of facts, because they are never practically within our power ; but we may unhesitatingly accept the conclusion, that no finite number of instances can ever prove a general law, or can give us sure knowledge of even one other instance. General mathematical theorems have indeed been dis- 266 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. covered by the observation of particular cases, and may again be so discovered. We have Newton's own state- o ment, to the effect that he was thus led to the all-impor tant Binomial Theorem, the basis of the whole structure of mathematical analysis. Speaking of a certain series of terms, expressing the area of a circle or hyperbola, he says, 'I reflected that the denominators were in arithmetical progression ; so that only the numerical co-efficients of the numerators remained to be investigated. But these, in the alternate areas, were the figures of the powers of the number eleven, namely 1 1°, 1 11, 1 12, 1 13, 1 14 ; that is, in the first i ; in the second i, i ; in the third i, 2, i ; in the fourth i, 3, 3, i ; in the fifth i, 4, 6, 4, i.° I inquired, therefore, in what manner all the remaining figures could be found from the first two ; and I found that if the first figure be called m, all the rest could be found by the continual multiplication of the terms of the formula ni—o m—i in— 2 m—^ X X X X &c. P 1234 It is pretty evident, from this most interesting statement, that Newton having simply observed the succession of the numbers, tried various formula? until he found one which agreed with them all. He was so little satisfied with this process, however, that he verified particular results of his new theorem by comparison with the results of common multiplication, and the rule for the extraction of the square root. Newton, in fact, gave no demonstration of his theorem ; and a number of the first mathematicians of the last century, James Bernouilli, Maclaurin, Landen, Euler, Lagrange, &c., occupied themselves with discovering a conclusive method of deductive proof. 0 These are the figurate numbers considered in pages 206-216. P ' Commercium Epistolicum. Epistola ad Oldenburgum,' Oct. 24, 1676. Horsley's '"Works of Newton', vol. iv. p. 541. See De Morgan in 'Penny Cyclopaedia', art. Binomial TJworem, p. 412. PHILOSOPHY OF INDUCTIVE INFERENCE. 267 Sir George Airy has also recorded a curious case, in which he accidentally fell by trial on a new geometrical property of the sphered Many of the most important and now trivial propositions in geometry, were probably thus discovered by the ancient Greek geometers ; and we have pretty clear evidence of this in the Commentaries of Proclus.r But discovery in such cases means nothing more than suggestion, and it is always by pure deduction that the general law is really established. As Proclus puts it, we must pass from sense to consideration. Given, for instance, the series of figures in the accom panying diagram, a little examination and measurement will show that the curv ed lines approximate to semicircles, and the rec tilineal figures to right- angled triangles. These figures may seem to sug gest to the mind the gen eral law that angles in scribed in semicircles are right angles ; but no number of instances, and no possible accuracy of measurement would really establish the truth of that general law. Availing ourselves of the suggestion furnished by the figures, we can only investigate deductively the consequences which flow from the definition of a circle, until we discover among them the property of containing right angles. Many persons, after much labour, have thought that they had discovered a method of trisecting angles by plane geometrical construction, because a certain complex ar rangement of lines and circles had appeared to trisect an angle in every case tried by them, and they inferred, by a 3 1\ + P, + P3 The sum of these three fractions amounts to unity, which correctly expresses the certainty that one cause or other must be in o*peration. We may thus state the result in general language. If it is certain that one or other of the supposed causes exists, the probability that any one does exist is the probability that if it exists the event happens, divided by the sum of all the similar probabilities. There ir.ay seem to be an intricacy in this subject which may prove dis tasteful to some readers ; but this intricacy is essential to the subject in hand. No one can possibly understand the principles of inductive reasoning, unless he will take the trouble to master the meaning of this rule, by which we recede from an event to the probability of each of its possible causes. This rule or principle of the indirect method is that which common sense leads us to adopt almost instinctively, before we have any comprehension of the principle in its general form. It is easy to see, too, that it is the rule which will, out of a great multitude of cases, lead us most often to the truth, since the most probable cause of an event really means that cause which in the greatest number of cases produces the event. But I have only met with one attempt at a general demonstration of the principle. Poisson imagines each possible cause of an event to be represented by a distinct ballot-box, containing black and white balls, in such ratio that the probability of a white ball being drawn is equal to that of the event THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 281 happening. He further supposes that each box, as is possible, contains the same total number of balls, black and white ; and then, mixing all the contents of the boxes together, he shows that if a white ball be drawn from the aggregate ballot-box thus formed, the probability that it proceeded from any particular ballot-box is represented by the number of white balls in that particular box, divided by that total number of white balls in all the boxes. This result corresponds to that given by the principle in question c. Thus, if there be three boxes, each containing ten balls in all, and respectively containing seven, four, and three wThite balls, then on mixing all the balls together we have fourteen Avhite ones ; and if we draw a white ball, that is if the event happens, the probability that it came out of the first box is T7T ; which is exactly equal to — ^ — ^-,the Tff + T& + T(> fraction given by the rule of the Inverse Method. Simple Applications of the Inverse Method. In many cases of scientific induction wTe may apply the principle of the inverse method in a simple manner. If only two, or at the most a few hypotheses, may be made as to the origin of certain phenomena, or the connection of one phenomenon with another, we may sometimes easily calculate the respective probabilities of these hypotheses. It was thus that Professors Bunsen and Kirchhoff esta blished, with a probability little short of certainty, that iron exists in the sun. On comparing the spectra of sun light and of the light proceeding from the incandescent vapour of iron, it became apparent that at least sixty bright lines in the spectrum of iron coincided with dark c Poisson, ' Rechcrclies sur la Probability cles Jugcmcnts,' Paris, 1837, pp. 82, 83. 282 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. lines in the sun's spectrum. Such coincidences could never be observed with certainty, because, even if the lines only closely approached, the instrumental imperfections of the spectroscope would make them apparently coincident, and if one line came within half a millemetre of another, on the map of the spectra, they could not be pronounced distinct. Now the average distance of the solar lines on KirchhofFs map is 2 millemetres, and if we throw down a line, as it were, by pure chance on such a map, the pro bability is about one-half that the new line will fall within ^ millemetre on one side or the other of some one of the solar lines. To put it in another way, we may suppose that each solar line, either on account of its real breadth or the defects of the instrument, possesses a breadth of TJ millemetre, and that each line in the iron spectrum has a like breadth. The probability then is just one-half that the centre of each iron line will come by chance within i millemetre of the centre of a solar line, so as to appear to coincide with it. The probability of casual coincidence of each iron line with a solar line is in like manner ^. Coincidence in the case of each of the sixty iron lines is a very unlikely event if it arises casually, for it would have a probability of only (^)co or less than i in a trillion. The odds, in short, are more than a million million millions to unity against such casual coincidence fl. But on the other hypothesis, that iron exists in the sun, it is highly probable that such coincidences would be observed ; it is immensely more probable that sixty coincidences would be observed if iron existed in the sun, than that they should arise from chance. Hence by our principle it is immensely probable that iron does exist in the sun. All the other interesting results given by the com parison of spectra, rest upon the same principle of proba- d Kirchhoff's ' Researches on the Solar Spectrum.' First part, trans lated by Professor Roscoe, pp. 18, 19. THE INDUCTIVE OK INVERSE METHOD. 283 bility. The almost complete coincidence between the spectra of solar, lunar, and planetary light renders it prac tically certain that the light is all of solar origin, and is reflected from the surfaces of the moon and planets, suffering only slight alteration from the atmospheres of some of the planets. A fresh confirmation of the truth of the Copernican theory is thus furnished. A vast probability may be shown to exist that the heat, light, and chemical effects of the sun are due to the same rays, and are so many different manifestations of the same undulations. For a photograph of the spectrum corre sponds exactly with what the eye observes, allowance being made for the great differences of chemical activity in dif ferent parts of the spectrum ; and delicate experiments with the thermopile also show that, where there is a dark line, there also the heat of the rays is absent. Sir J. Herschel proved the connexion between the di rection of the oblique faces of symmetrical quartz crystals, and the direction in which the same crystals rotate the plane of the polarisation of light. For if it is found in a second crystal that the relation is the same as in the first, the probability of this happening by chance is ^ ; the probability that in another crystal also the direction would be the same is 5, and so on. The probability that in n + i crystals there would be casual agreement of direc tion is the wth power of ^, Thus, if in examining fourteen crystals the same relation of the two phenomena is dis covered in each, the probability that it proceeds from uniform conditions is more than 8000 to i e. Now, since the first observations on this subject were made in 1820, no exceptions have been observed, so that the probability of invariable connexion is incalculably great. e 'Edinburgh Review,' No. 185, vol. xcii. July 1850, p. 32 ; Herschel's 'Essays,' p. 421; 'Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,' vol. i. p. 43. 284 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. A good instance of this method is furnished by the agreement of numerical statements with the truth. Thus, o ' iii a manuscript of Diodorus Siculus, as Dr. Young states g, the ceremony of an ancient Egyptian funeral is described as requiring the presence of forty-two persons sitting in judgment on the merits of the deceased, and in many ancient papyrus rolls the same number of persons are found delineated. The probability is but slight that Dio dorus, if inventing his statements or writing without proper information, would have chosen such a number as forty-two, and though there are not the data for an exact calculation, Dr. Young considers that the probability in favour of the correctness of the manuscript and the veracity of the writer on this ground alone, is at least 100 to i. It is exceedingly probable that the ancient Egyptians had exactly recorded the eclipses occurring during long periods of time, for Diogenes Laertius mentions that 373 solar and 832 lunar eclipses had been observed, and the ratio between these numbers exactly expresses that which would hold true of the eclipses of any long period, of say 1 200 or 1.300 years, as estimated on astronomical grounds h. It is evident that an agreement between small numbers, or customary numbers, such as seven, one hundred, a myriad, &c., is much more likely to happen from chance, and therefore gives much less presumption of dependence. If two ancient writers spoke of the sacrifice of oxen, they would in all probability describe it as a hecatomb, and there would be nothing remarkable in the coincidence. On similar grounds, we must inevitably believe in the human origin of the flint flakes so copiously discovered of late years. For though the accidental stroke of one stone g Young's 'Works,' vol. ii. pp. 18, 19. 11 'History of Astronomy,' Library of Useful Knowledge, p. 14. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 285 against another may often produce flakes, such as are occasionally found on the sea-shore, yet when several flakes are found in close company, and each one bears evidence, not of a single blow only, but of several suc cessive blows, all conducing to form a symmetrical knife- like form, the probability of a natural and accidental origin becomes incredibly small, and the contrary suppo sition, that they are the work of intelligent beings, approximately certain '. An interesting calculation concerning the probable con nexion of languages, in which several or many words are similar in sound and meaning, was made by Dr. Young k. Application of the TJieory of Probabilities in Astronomy. The science of astronomy, occupied with the simple relations of distance, magnitude, and motion of the heavenly bodies, admits more easily than almost any other science of interesting conclusions founded on the theory of probability. More than a century ago, in 1 767, Michell showed the extreme probability of bonds connecting together systems of stars. He was struck by the unexpected number of fixed stars which have companions close to them. Such a conjunction might happen casually by one star, although possibly at a great distance from the other, happening to lie on the same straight line passing near the earth. But the probabilities are so greatly against such an optical union happening often in the expanse of the heavens, that Michell asserted the existence of a bond between most of 1 Evans' 'Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain.' London, 1872 (Longmans). k 'Philosophical Transactions,' 1819; Young's 'Works,' vol. ii. pp. 15-18. 286 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. the double stars. It has since been estimated by Struve, that the odds are 95 70 to I against any two stars of not less than the seventh magnitude falling within the appa rent distance of four seconds of each other by chance, and yet ninety-one such cases were known when the estimation was made, and many more cases have since been discovered. There were also four known triple stars, and yet the odds against the appearance of any one such conjunction are 173,524 to i l. The conclusions of Michell have been en tirely verified by the discovery that many double stars are in connexion under the law of gravitation. Michell also investigated the probability that the six brightest stars in the Pleiades should have come by accident into such striking proximity. Estimating the number of stars of equal or greater brightness at 1500, he found the odds to be nearly 500,000 to i against casual conjunction. Extending the same kind of argument to other clusters, such as that of Prsesepe, the nebula in the hilt of Perseus' sword, he saysm : ' We may with the highest probability conclude, the odds against the contrary opinion being many million millions to one, that the stars are really collected together in clusters in some places, where they form a kind of system, while in others there are either few or none of them, to whatever cause this may be owing, whether to their mutual gravitation, or to some other law or appointment of the Creator.' The calculations of Michell have been called in question by the late James D. Forbes n, and Mr. Todhunter vaguely I Herschel, 'Outlines of Astronomy,' 1849, p. 565; but Todhunter, in his 'History of the Theory of Probability,' p. 335, states that the calculations do not agree with those published by Struve. 111 'Philosophical Transactions,' 1767, vol. Ivii. p. 431. II 'Philosophical Magazine,' 3rd Series, vol. xxxvii. p. 401, December, 1850; also August, 1849. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 287 countenances his objections °, otherwise I should not have thought them of much weight. Certainly Laplace accepts Michell's views P, and if Michell be in error, it is in the methods of calculation, not in the general validity of his conclusions. Similar calculations might no doubt be applied to the peculiar drifting motions which have been detected by Mr. .R. A. Proctor in some of the constellations (i. Against a general tendency of stars to move in .one direction by chance, the odds are very great. It is on a similar ground that a considerable proper motion of the sun is found to exist with immense probability, because on the average the fixed stars show a tendency to move apparently from one point of the heavens towards that diametrically op posite. The sun's motion in the contrary direction would explain this tendency, otherwise we must believe that myriads of stars accidentally agree in their direction of motion, or are urged by some common force from which the sun is exempt. It may be said that the rotation of the earth is proved in like manner, because it is immensely more probable that one body would revolve than that the sun, moon, planets, comets, and the whole of the stars of the heavens should be whirled round the earth daily, with a uniform motion superadded to their own peculiar motions. This appears to be nearly the reason which led Gilbert, one of the earliest English Copernicans, and in every way an admirable physicist, to admit the rotation of the earth, while Francis Bacon denied it r. In contemplating the planetary system, we are struck with the similarity in direction of nearly all its move- 0 ' History,' &c., p. 334. P ' Essai Philosophique/ p. 57. (i ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,' 20 January, 1870. ' Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol. xxxix. p. 381. r Hallam's ' Literature of Europe,' ist ed. vol. ii. p. 464. 288 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. ments. Newton remarked upon the regularity arid uni formity of these motions, and contrasted them with the eccentricity and irregularity of the cometary orbits s- Could we, in fact, look down upon the system from the northern side, we should see all the planets moving round from west to east, the satellites moving round their primaries and the sun, planets, and all the satellites rotating in the same direction, with some exceptions on the verge of the system. Now in the time of Laplace eleven planets were known, and the directions of rotation were known for the sun, six planets, the satellites of Jupiter, Saturn's ring, and one of his satellites. Thus there were altogether 43 motions all concurring, namely :— Orbital motions of eleven planets . .11 Orbital motions of eighteen satellites . .18 Axial rotations . . . . . 14 43 The probability that 43 motions independent of each other would coincide by chance is the 4 2nd power of ^, so that the odds are about 4,400,000,000,000 to i in favour of some common cause for the uniformity of direction. This probability, as Laplace observes*, is higher than that of many historical events which we undoubtingly believe. In the present day, the probability is much increased by the discovery of additional planets, and the rotation of other satellites, and it is only slightly weakened by the fact that some of the outlying satellites are exceptional in direction, there being considerable evidence of an acci dental disturbance in the more distant parts of the system. Hardly less remarkable than the uniformity of motion s ' Principia,' bk. ii. General scholium. ' Essai Philosophique,' p. 55. Laplace appears to count the rings of Saturn as giving two independent movements. THE INDUCTIVE OB INVERSE METHOD. 289 is the near approximation of all the orbits of the planets to a common plane. Daniel Bernouilli roughly estimated the probability of such an agreement arising from accident at r^c, the greatest inclination of any orbit to the sun's (12) ' J equator being i-i2th part of a quadrant. Laplace de voted to this subject some of his most ingenious investi gations. He found the .probability that the sum of the inclinations of the planetary orbits would not exceed by accident the actual amount ("914187 of a right angle for the ten planets known in 1801) to be j$ ('Qi/j-iS/)10, or about '00000011235. This probability may be combined with that derived from the direction of motion, and it then becomes immensely probable that the constitution of the planetary system arose out of uniform conditions, or, as we say, from some common cause11. If the same kind of calculation be applied to the orbits of comets the result is very different y. Of the orbits which have been determined 48*9 per cent, only are direct or in the same direction as the planetary motions z. Hence it becomes apparent that comets do not properly belong to the solar system, and it is probable that they are stray portions of nebulous matter which have become accidently attached to the system by the attractive powers of the sun or Jupiter. Statement of the General Inverse Problem. In the instances described in the preceding sections, we have been occupied in receding from the occurrence « Lubbock, 'Essay on Probability/ p. 14. De Morgan, ' Encyc. Metrop.' art. Probability, p. 412. Todhunter's ' History of the Theory of Probability,' p. 543. Concerning the objections raised to these conclu sions by the late Dr. Boole, see the ' Philosophical Magazine,' 4th Series, vol. ii. p. 98. Boole's ' Laws of Thought,' pp. 364-375. y Laplace, 'Essai Philosophique,' pp. 55, 56. z Chambers's ' Astronomy,' 2nd ed. pp. 346-49. U 290 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. of certain similar events to the probability that there must have been a condition or cause for such events. We have found that the theory of probability, although never yielding a certain result, often enables us to establish an hypothesis beyond the reach of reasonable doubt. There is, however, another method of applying the theory, which possesses for us even greater interest, because it illustrates, in the most complete manner, the theory of inference adopted in this work, which theory indeed it suggested. The problem to be solved is as follows : — An event having happened a certain number of times, and failed a certain number of times, required the pro bability that it will happen any given number of times in the future under the same circumstances. All the larger planets hitherto discovered move in one direction round the sun ; what is the probability that, if a new planet exterior to Neptune be discovered, it will move in the same direction ? All known permanent gases, ex cept chlorine, are colourless ; what is the probability that, if some new permanent gas should be discovered, it will be colourless 1 In the general solution of this problem, we wish to infer the future happening of any event from the number of times that it has already been observed to happen. Now, it is very instructive to find that there is no known process by which we can pass directly from the data to the conclusion. It is always requisite to recede from the data to the probability of some hypothesis, and to make that hypothesis the ground of our inference concerning future happenings. Mathematicians, in fact, make every hypothesis which is applicable to the question in hand ; they then calculate, by the inverse method, the probability of every such hypothesis according to the data, and the probability that if each hypothesis be true, the required future event will happen. The total pro bability that the event will happen, is the sum of the THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 291 separate probabilities contributed by each distinct hypo thesis. To illustrate more precisely the method of solving the problem, it is desirable to adopt some concrete mode of representation, and the ballot-box, so often employed by mathematicians, will best serve our purpose. Let the happening of any event be represented by the drawing of a white ball from a ballot-box, while the failure of an event is represented by the drawing of a black ball. Now, in the inductive problem we are supposed to be ignorant of the contents of the ballot-box, and are required to ground all our inferences on our experience of those con tents as shown in successive drawings. Rude common sense would guide us nearly to a true conclusion. Thus if we had drawn twenty balls, one after another, replacing the ball after each drawing, and the ball had in each case proved to be white, we should believe that there was a considerable preponderance of white balls in the urn, and a probability in favour of drawing a white ball on the next occasion. Though we had drawn white balls for thousands of times without fail, it would still be possible that some black balls lurked in the urn and would at last appear, so that our inferences could never be certain. On the other hand, if black balls came at intervals, I should expect that after a certain number of trials the future results would agree more or less closelv with the past o «•' ones. The mathematical solution of the question consists in nothing more than a close analysis of the mode in which our common sense proceeds. If twenty white balls have been drawn and no black ball, my common sense tells me that any hypothesis which makes the black balls in the urn considerable compared -with the white ones is im probable ; a preponderance of white balls is a more pro bable hypothesis, and as a deduction from this more u 2 292 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. probable hypothesis, I expect a recurrence of white balls. The mathematician merely reduces this process of thought to exact numbers. Taking, for instance, the hypothesis that there are 99 white and one black ball in the urn, he can calculate the probability that 20 white balls should be drawn in succession in those circumstances ; he thus forms a definite estimate of the probability of this hypothesis, and knowing at the same time the probability of a white ball reappearing if such be the contents of the urn, he combines these probabilities, and obtains an exact estimate that a white ball will recur in consequence of this hypothesis. But as this hypothesis is only one out of many possible ones, since the ratio of white and black balls may be 98 to 2, or 97 to 3, or 96 to 4, and so on, he has to repeat the estimate for every such possible hypothesis. To make the method of solving the problem perfectly evident, I will describe in the next section a very simple case of the problem, originally devised for the purpose by Condorcet, which was also adopted by Lacroixa, and has passed into the works of De Morgan, Lubbock, and others. Simple Illustration of the Inverse Problem. Suppose it to be known that a ballot-box contains only four black or white balls, the ratio of black and white balls being unknown. Four drawings having been made with replacement, and a white ball having appeared on each occasion but one, it is required to determine the proba bility that a white ball will appear next time. Now the hypotheses which can be made as to the contents of the urn are very limited in number, and are at most the following five : — a 'Traite dldmentaire du Calcul ties Probabilites,' 3rd ed. (1833), p. 148. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 293 4 white and o black balls The actual occurrence of black and white balls in the drawings renders the first and last hypotheses out of the question, so that we have only three left to consider. If the box contains three white and one black, the probability of drawing a white each time is f , and a black 3- ; so that the compound event observed, namely, three white and one black, has the probability f x f x f x \, by the rule already given (p. 233). But as it is indifferent to us in what order the balls are drawn, and the black ball might come first, second, third, or fourth, we must multiply by four, to obtain the probability of three white and one black in any order, thus getting ~. Taking the next hypothesis of two white and two black balls in the urn, we obtain for the same proba bility the quantity ^x±x±x±x^,or Jf, and from the third hypothesis of one white and three black we deduce likewise ^ x ^ x ^ x f x 4, or f^. According, then, as we adopt the first, second, or third hypothesis, the proba bility that the result actually noticed would follow is f-f, i|, and j,34> Now it is certain that one or other of these O 4 ' O i hypotheses must be the true one, and their absolute probabilities are proportional to the probabilities that the observed events would follow from them (see p. 279). All we have to do, then, in order to obtain the absolute pro bability of each hypothesis, is to alter these fractions in a uniform ratio, so that their sum shall be unity, the expression of certainty. Now since 27 + 16 + 3 =46, this will be effected by dividing each fraction by 46 and 294 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. multiplying by 64. Thus the probabilities of the first, second, and third hypotheses are respectively — 46' 46' 46 The inductive part of the problem is now completed, since we have found that the urn most likely contains three white and one black ball, and have assigned the exact probability of each possible supposition. But we are now in a position to resume deductive reasoning, and infer the probability that the next drawing will yield, say a white ball. For if the box contains three white and one black ball, the probability of drawing a white one is certainly f ; and as the probability of the box being so constituted is f|, the compound probability that the box will be so filled and will give a white ball at the next trial, is 27 3 81 _JL x 2 or — _ 46 4 104 Again, the probability is ~ that the box contains two white and two black, and under those conditions the probability is | that a white ball will appear ; hence the probability that a white ball will appear in consequence of that condition, is 16 i 32 ~r x or -1 ^ 46 2 184 From the third supposition we get in like manner the probability i jL x _ or -^ . 46 4 184 Now since one and not more than one hypothesis can be true, we may add together these separate probabilities, and we find that 81 i 32 3 116 184 ' ' 184 ' 784 184 is the complete probability that a white ball will be next drawn under the conditions and data supposed. TUB INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 295 General Solution of the Inverse Problem. In the instance of the inverse method described in the last section, a very few balls were supposed to be in the ballot-box for the purpose of simplifying the calculation. In order that our solution may apply to natural phe nomena, we must render our hypothesis as little arbitrary as possible. Having no a priori knowledge of the con ditions of the phenomena in question, there is no limit to the variety of hypotheses which might be suggested. Mathematicians have therefore had recourse to the most extensive suppositions which can be made, namely, that the ballot-box contains an infinite number of balls ; they have thus varied the proportion of white balls to black balls continuously, from the smallest to the greatest possible proportion, and estimated the aggregate proba bility which results from this comprehensive supposition. To explain their procedure, let us imagine that, instead of an infinite number, the ballot-box contained a large finite number of balls, say 1000. Then the number of white balls might be i or 2 or 3 or 4, and so on, up to 999. Supposing that three white and one black ball have been drawn from the urn as before, there is a certain very small probability that this would have occurred in the case of a box containing one white and 999 black balls ; there is also a small probability that from such a box the next ball would be white. Compound these probabilities, and we have the probability that the next ball really will be white, in consequence of the ex istence of that proportion of balls. If there be two white and 998 black balls m the box, the probability is greater, and will increase until the balls are supposed to be in the proportion of those drawn. Now 999 different hypotheses are possible, and the calculation is to be made for each of these, arid their aggregate taken as the final 296 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. result. It is apparent that as the number of balls in the box is increased, the absolute probability of any one hypo thesis concerning the exact proportion of balls is decreased, but the aggregate results of all the hypotheses will assume the character of a wide average. When we take the step of supposing the balls within the urn to be infinite in number, the possible proportions of white and black balls also become infinite, and the probability of any one proportion actually existing is infinitely small. Hence the final result that the next ball drawn will be white is really the sum of an infinite number of infinitely small quantities. It might seem, indeed, utterly impossible to calculate out a problem having an infinite number of hypotheses, but the wonderful resources of the integral calculus enable this to be done with far greater facility than if we supposed any large finite number of balls, and then actually computed the results. I will not attempt to describe the processes by which Laplace finally accomplished the complete solution of the problem. They are to be found described in several English works, especially De Morgan's * Treatise on Proba bilities/ in the ' Encyclopaedia Metropolitana,' and Mr. Tod- hunter's ' History of the Theory of Probability.' The ab breviating power of mathematical analysis \vas never more strikingly shown. But I may add that though the integral calculus is employed as a means of summing infinitely numerous results, we in no way abandon the principles of combinations already treated. We calculate the values of infinitely numerous factorials, not, however, obtaining their actual products, which would lead to an infinite number of figures, but obtaining the final answer to the problem by devices which can only be comprehended after study of the integral calculus. It must be allowed that the hypothesis adopted by Laplace is in some degree arbitrary, so that there was some THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 297 opening for the doubt which Boole has cast upon it1'. But it may be replied, (i) that the supposition of an infinite number of balls treated in the manner of Laplace is less arbitrary and more comprehensive than any other that could be suggested. (2) The result does not differ much from that which would be obtained on the hypothesis of any very large finite number of balls. (3) The supposition leads to a series of simple formulae which can be applied with ease in many cases, and which bear all the appearance of truth so far as it can be independently judged by a sound and practiced understanding. Rules of the Inverse Method. By the solution of the problem, as described in the last section, we obtain the following series of simple rules. i. To find the probability that an event which has not hitherto been observed to fail ivill happen once more, divide the number of times the event has been observed increased by one, by the same number increased by two. If there have been m occasions on which a certain event might have been observed to happen, and it has happened on all those occasions, then the probability that it will happen on the next occasion of the same kind is wl— m+2 For instance, we may say that there are nine places in the planetary system where planets might exist obeying Bode's law of distance, and in every place there is a planet obeying the law more or less exactly, although no reason is known for the coincidence. Hence the pro bability that the next planet beyond Neptune will conform to the law is fj. 2. To find the probability that an event which has not hitherto failed will not fail for a certain number of new occasions, divide the number of times the event has hap- b 'Laws of Thought/ pp. 368-375. 298 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. pened increased by one, by the same number increased by one and the number of times it is to happen. An event having happened m times without fail, the probability that it will happen n more times is Thus the probability that three new planets would obey Bode's law is ff, but it must be allowed that this, as well as the previous result, would be much weakened by the fact that Neptune can barely be said to obey the law. 3. An event having happened and failed a certain number of times, to find the probability that it will happen the next time, divide the number of times the event has happened increased by one, by the whole number of times the event has happened or failed increased by two. Thus, if an event has happened m times and failed n times, the probability that it will happen on the next occasion TO+ I 8 m -\-n-\- 2* Thus, if we assume that of the elements yet discovered 50 are metallic and 14 non-metallic, then the proba bility that the next element discovered will be metallic ° (To"' Again since of 37 metals which have been sufficiently examined only four, namely, sodium, potassium, lan thanum and lithium, are of less density than water, the probability that the next metal examined or discovered will be less dense than water is ^— - or ~ 37 + 2 39. We may state the results of the method in a more general manner thus, — If under given circumstances cer tain events A, B, 0, &c., have happened respectively m, n, p, &c., times, and one or other of these events must happen, then the probabilities of these events are propor tional to m + i, ?i -f i, p+ i, &c. so that the probability of A will be - But if new events TOrf THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 299 may happen in addition to those which have been ob served, we must assign unity for the probability of such new event. The proportional probabilities then become i for a new event, m + i for A, n + i for B, and so on, and the absolute probability of A is +»+J+ &c. It is very interesting to trace out the variations of probability according to these rules under diverse circum stances. Thus the first time a casual event happens it is i to i, or as likely as not that it will happen again ; if it does happen it is 2 to i that it will happen a third time ; and on successive occasions of the like kind the odds become 3, 4, 5, 6, &c., to i. The odds of course will be discriminated from the probabilities which are successively i|, ^, ^, &c. Thus on the first occasion on which a person sees a shark, and notices that it is accompanied by a little pilot fish, the odds are i to i , or the probability ^, that the next shark will be so accompanied. When an event has happened a very great number of times, its happening once again approaches nearly to cer tainty. Thus if we suppose the sun to have risen demon stratively one thousand million times, the probability that it will rise again, on the ground of this knowledge merely, is 1,000,000,000+1 ^ But then the bability that it 1,000,000,000+ i + 1 continue to rise for as long a period as we know it to have 1 I,OOO,OOO,OOO+I i ,1 i rni risen is only — . or almost exactly A. I he y 2,000,000,000+1 probability that it will continue so rising a thousand times as long is only about 5-^3-. The lesson which we may draw from these figures is quite that which we should adopt on other grounds, namely that experience never affords certain knowledge, and that it is exceedingly im probable that events will always happen as we observe c De Morgan's ' Essay on Probabilities,' Cabinet Cyclopaedia, p. 67. .300 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. them. Inferences pushed far beyond their data soon lose any considerable probability. De Morgan has saidd, ' No finite experience whatsoever can justify us in saying that the future shall coincide with the past in all time to come, or that there is any probability for such a conclusion.' On the other hand, we gain the assurance that experience sufficiently extended and prolonged will give us the knowledge of future events with an unlimited degree of probability, provided indeed that those events are not subject to arbitrary interference. It must be clearly understood that these probabilities are only such as arise from the mere happening of the events, irrespective of any knowledge derived from other sources concerning those events or the general laws of nature. All our knowledge of nature is indeed founded in like manner upon observation, and is therefore only probable. The law of gravitation itself is only probably true. But when a number of different facts, observed under the most diverse circumstances, are found to be harmonized under a supposed law of nature, the probability of the law approxi mates closely to certainty. Each science rests upon so many observed facts, and derives so much support from analogies or direct connections with other sciences, that there are comparatively few cases where our judgment of the probability of an event depends entirely upon a few antecedent events, disconnected from the general body of physical science. Events may often again exhibit a regularity of suc cession or preponderance of character, which the simple formula will not take into account. For instance, the majority of the elements recently discovered are metals, so that the probability of the next discovery being that of a metal, is doubtless greater than we calculated (p. 298). At the more distant parts of the planetary system, there ll 'Treatise on Probability,' Cabinet Cyclopaedia, p. 128. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 301 are symptoms of disturbance which would prevent our placing much reliance on any inference from the prevailing order of the known planets to those undiscovered ones which may possibly exist at great distances. These and all like complications in no way invalidate the theoretic truth of the formula, but render their sound application much more difficult. Erroneous objections have been raised to the theory of probability, on the ground that we ought not to trust to our a priori conceptions of what is likely to happen, but should always endeavour to obtain precise experimental data to guide use. This course, however, is perfectly in accordance with the theory, which is our best and only guide, whatever data we possess. We ought to be always applying the inverse method of probabilities so as to take into account all additional information. When we throw up a coin for the first time, we are probably quite ignorant whether it tends more to fall head or tail upwards, and we must therefore assume the probability of each event as TT. But if it shows head, for instance, in the first throw, we now have very slight experimental evidence in favour of a tendency to show head. The chance of two heads is now slightly greater than £, which it appeared to be at firstf, and as we go on throwing the coin time after time, the probability of head appearing next time constantly varies in a slight degree according to the character of our previous experience. As Laplace remarks, we ought always to have regard to such considerations in common life. Events when closely scrutinized will hardly ever prove to be quite independent, and the slightest pre ponderance one way or the other is some evidence of connexion, and in the absence of better evidence should be taken into account. e J. S. Mill, ' System of Logic,' 5th Edition, bk. iii. chap, xviii. § 3. f Todhuntcr's 'History,' pp. 472, 598. 302 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. The grand object of seeking to estimate the probability of future events from past experience, seems to have been entertained by James Bernoulli! and De Moivre, at lea,st such was the opinion of Condorcet ; and Bernouilli may be said to have solved one case of the problem?'. The English writers Bayes and Price are, however, undoubtedly the first who put forward any distinct rules on the subject11. Condorcet and several other eminent mathematicians ad vanced the mathematical theory of the subject; but it was reserved to the immortal Laplace to bring to the subject the full power of his genius, and carry the solution of the problem almost to perfection. It is instructive to observe that a theory which arose from the consideration of the most petty games of chance, the rules and the very names of which are in many cases forgotten, gradually advanced, until it embraced the most sublime problems of science, and finally undertook to measure the value and certainty of all our inductions. Fortuitous Coincidences. We should have studied the theory of probability to very little purpose, if we thought that it would furnish us with an infallible guide. The theory itself points out the possibility, or rather the approximate certainty, that we shall sometimes be deceived by extraordinary, but fortuitous coincidences. There is no run of luck so ex treme that it may not happen, and it may happen to us, or in our time, as well as to other persons or in other times. We may be forced by all correct calculation to refer such coincidences to some necessary cause, and yet we may be deceived. AH that the calculus of probability s Todlnmter's 'History,' pp. 378, 79. 11 ' Philosophical Transactions' [1763], vol. liii. p. 370, and [1764], vol. liv. p. 296. Todhunter, pp. 294-300. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 303 pretends to give, is the result in the long run, as it is called, and this really means in an infinity of cases. During any finite experience, however long, chances may be against us. Nevertheless the theory is the best guide we can have. If we always think and act according to its well interpreted indications, we shall have the best chance of escaping error ; and if all persons, throughout all time to come, obey the theory in like manner, they will undoubtedly thereby reap the greatest advantage. No rule can be given for descriminating between coincidences which are casual and those which are the effect of law or common conditions. By a fortuitous or casual coincidence, we mean an agreement between events, which nevertheless arise from wholly independent and different causes or conditions, and which will not always so agree. It is a fortuitous coincidence, if a penny thrown up repeatedly in various ways always falls on the same side ; but it would not be fortuitous if there were any similarity in the motions of the hand, and the height of the throw, so as to cause or tend to cause a uniform result. Now among the infinitely numerous events, ob jects, or relations in the universe, it is quite likely that we shall occasionally notice casual coincidences. There are seven intervals in the octave, and there is nothing very improbable in the colours of the spectrum happening to be apparently divisible into the same or similar series of seven intervals. It is hardly yet decided whether this apparent coincidence, with which Newton was much struck, is well founded or not1, but the question will probably be decided in the negative. It is certainly a casual coincidence which the ancients noticed between the seven vowels, the seven strings of the lyre, the seven Pleiades, and the seven chiefs at Thebesk. i 'Nature/ vol. i. p. 286. k Aristotle's ' Metaphysics,' xiii. 6. 3. 304 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. The accidents connected with the number seven have mis led the human intellect throughout the historical period. Pythagoras imagined a connection between the seven planets, and the seven intervals of the monochord. The alchemists were never tired of drawing inferences from the coincidence in numbers of the seven planets and the seven metals, not to speak of the seven days of the week. A singular circumstance was pointed out concerning the dimensions of the earth, sun, and moon ; the sun's diameter was almost exactly no times as great as the earth's diameter, while in almost exactly the same ratio the mean distance of the earth was greater than the sun's diameter, and the mean distance of the moon from the earth was greater than the moon's diameter1. The agree ment was so close that it might have proved more than casual, but its fortuitous character is sufficiently shown by the fact, that the coincidence ceases to be remarkable when we adopt the amended dimensions of the planetary system. A considerable number of the elements have atomic weights, which are apparently exact multiples of that of hydrogen. If this be not a law to be ultimately ex tended to all the elements, as supposed by Prout, it is a most remarkable coincidence. But, as I have observed, we have no means of absolutely discriminating accidental coincidences from those which imply a deep producing cause. A coincidence must either be very strong in itself, or it must be corroborated by some explanation or connection with other laws of nature. Little attention was ever given to the coincidence concerning the dimen sions of the sun, earth, and moon, because it was not very strong in itself, and had no apparent connexion with the 1 Chambers's 'Astronomy,' ist. ed. p. 23. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 305 principles of physical astronomy. Front's Law bears more probability because it would bring the constitution of the elements themselves in close connexion with the atomic theory, representing them as built up out of a simpler substance. In historical and social matters, coincidences are fre quently pointed out which are due to chance, although there is always a strong popular tendency to regard them as the work of design, or as having some hidden cause. It has been pointed out that if to 1 794, the number of the year in which Robespierre fell, we add the sum of its digits, the result is 1815, the year in which Napoleon fell; the repetition of the process gives 1830, the year in which Charles the Tenth abdicated. Again, the French Chamber of Deputies, in 1830, consisted of 402 members, of whom 221 formed the party called, 'La queue de Robes pierre/ while the remainder, 181 in number, were named ' Les honnetes gens.' If we give to each letter a numerical value corresponding to its place in the alphabet, it will be found that the sum of the values of the letters in each name exactly indicates the number of the party m. A number of such coincidences, often of a very curious character, might be adduced, and the probability against the occurrence of each may be enormously great. They must be attributed to chance, because they cannot be shown to have the slightest connexion with the general laws of nature ; but persons are often found to be greatly influenced by such coincidences, regarding them as evidence of fatality, that is of a system of causation governing human affairs independently of the ordinary laws of nature. Let it be remembered that there are an infinite number of opportunities in life for some strange coincidence to pre sent itself, so that it is quite to be expected that remark able conjunctions will sometimes happen. m S. B. Gould's 'Curious Myths,' p. 222. X 306 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. In all matters of judicial evidence, we must bear in mind the necessary occurrence from time to time of un accountable coincidences. The Roman jurists refused for this reason to invalidate a testamentary deed, the wit nesses of which had sealed it with the same seal. For witnesses independently using their own seals miglit be found to possess identical ones by accident". It is well known that circumstantial evidence of apparently over whelming completeness will sometimes lead to a mistaken judgment, and as absolute certainty is never really attain able, every court must act upon probabilities of a very high amount, and in a certain small proportion of cases they must almost of necessity condemn the innocent victims of a remarkable conjuncture of circumstances0. Popular judgments usually turn upon probabilities of far less amount, as when the palace of Nicomedia, and even the bedchamber of Diocletian, having been on fire twice within fifteen days, the people entirely refused to believe that it could be the result of accident. The Romans believed that there was a fatality connected with the name of Sextus. ' Semper sub Sextis perdita Roma fuit.' The utmost precautions will not provide against all contingencies. To avoid errors in important calculations, it is usual to have them repeated by different computers, but a case is on record in which three computers made exactly the same calculations of the place of a star, a,nd yet all did it wrong in precisely the same manner, for no apparent reason P. n Possunt autem omnes testes et uno annulo signare testamentum. Quid enim si septem annul! una sculptura fuerint, secundum quod Pom- ponio visum estl — 'Justinian/ ii. tit. x. 5. 0 See Wills on ' Circumstantial Evidence,' p. 148. P ' Memoirs of the Koyal Astronomical Society,' vol. iv. p. 290, quoted by Lardner, 'Edinburgh Review,' July 1834, p. 278. THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 307 Summary of the Theory of Inductive Inference. The theory of inductive inference adopted in this and the previous chapter, was chiefly suggested by the study of the Inverse Method of Probabilities, but it also bears much resemblance to the so-called Deductive Method described by Mr. J. S. Mill, in his well known ' System of Logic Q/ Mr. Mill's views concerning the Deductive Method, probably form the most original and valuable part of his treatise, and I should have ascribed the doctrine entirely to him, had I not found that the opinions put forward in other parts of his work are entirely inconsistent with the theory here upheld. As this subject is the most impor tant and difficult one with which we have to deal, I will try to remedy the imperfect manner in which I have treated it, by giving a brief recapitulation of the views adopted. All inductive reasoning is but an inverse application of deductive reasoning. Being in possession of certain particular facts or events expressed in propositions, we imagine some more general proposition expressing the existence of a law or cause ; and, deducing the particular results of that supposed general proposition, we observe whether they agree with the facts in question. Hypo thesis is thus always employed, consciously or unconsci ously. The sole conditions to which we need conform in framing any hypothesis is, that we both have and exercise the power of inferring deductively from the hypothesis, to the particular logical combinations or results, which are to be compared with the known facts. Thus there are but three steps in the process of induction : — (i) Framing of some hypothesis as to the character of the general law. q Book iii. chap. u. X 2 308 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. (2) Deducing consequences from that law. (3) Observing whether the consequences agree with the particular facts under consideration. In very simple cases of inverse reasoning, hypothesis may sometimes seem altogether needless. Thus, to take numbers again as a convenient illustration, I have only to look at the series, i, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, &c., to know at once that the general law is that of geo metrical progression ; I need no successive trial of vari ous hypotheses, because I am familiar with the series, and have long since learnt from what general formula it proceeds. In the same way a mathematician becomes acquainted with the integrals of a number of common formulae, so that we have no need to go through any pro cess of discovery. But it is none the less true that when ever previous reasoning does not furnish the knowledge, hypotheses must be framed and tried. (See p. 142.) There naturally arise two different cases, according as the nature of the subject admits of certain or only pro bable deductive reasoning. Certainty, indeed, is but a singular case of probability, and the general principles of procedure are always the same. Nevertheless, when certainty of inference is possible the process is simplified. Of several mutually inconsistent hypotheses, the results of which can be certainly compared with fact, but one hypo thesis can ultimately be entertained. Thus in the inverse logical problem, two logically distinct conditions could not yield the same series of possible combinations. Accord ingly in the case of two terms we had to choose one of seven different kinds of propositions, or in the case of three terms, our choice lay among 192 possible distinct hypotheses (pp. 1 54-1 64). Natural laws, however, are often quantitative in character, and the possible hypotheses are then infinite in varietv. THE INDUCTIVE OE INVERSE METHOD. 309 When deduction is certain, comparison with fact is needed only to assure ourselves that we have rightly selected the hypothetical conditions. The law establishes itself, and no number of particular verifications can add to its probability. Having once deduced from the prin ciples of algebra that the difference of the squares of two numbers is equal to the product of their sum and dif ference, no number of particular trials of its truth will render it more certain. On the other hand, no finite number of particular verifications of a supposed law will render that law certain. In short, certainty belongs only to the deductive process, and to the teachings of direct intuition ; and as the conditions of nature are not given by intuition, we can only be certain that we have got a correct hypothesis when, out of a limited number con ceivably possible, we select that one which alone agrees with the facts to be explained. In geometry and kindred branches of mathematics, deductive reasoning is conspicuously certain, and it would often seem as if the consideration of a single diagram yields us certain knowledge of a general proposition. But in reality all this certainty is of a purely hypothetical character. Doubtless if we could ascertain that a sup posed circle was a true and perfect circle, we could be certain concerning a multitude of its geometrical pro perties. But geometrical figures are physical objects, and the senses can never assure us as to their exact forms. The figures really treated in Euclid's 'Elements' are imaginary, and we never can verify in practice the con clusions which we draw with certainty in inference ; questions of degree and probability enter. Passing now to subjects in which deduction is only probable, it ceases to be possible to adopt one hypothesis to the exclusion of the others. We must entertain at the same time all conceivable hypotheses, and regard each 310 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. with the degree of esteem proportionate to its proba bility. We go through the same steps as before. (1) We frame an hypothesis. (2) We deduce the probability of various series of pos sible consequences. (3) We compare the consequences with the particular facts, and observe the probability that such facts would happen under the hypothesis. The above processes must be performed for every con ceivable hypothesis, and then the absolute probability of each will be yielded by the principle of the inverse method (p. 279). As in the case of certainty we accept that hypothesis which certainly gives the required results, so now we accept as most probable that hypothesis which most probably gives the results ; but we are obliged to entertain at the same time all other hypotheses with degrees of probability proportionate to the probabilities that they would give the results. So far we have treated only of the process by which we pass from special facts to general laws, that inverse application of deduction which constitutes induction. But the direct employment of deduction is often com bined with the inverse. No sooner have we established a general law, than the mind rapidly draws other particular consequences from it. In geometry we may almost seem to infer that because one equilateral triangle is equi angular, therefore another is so. In reality it is not because one is that another is, but because all are. The geometrical conditions are perfectly general, and by what is sometimes called parity of reasoning whatever is true of one equilateral triangle, so far as it is equilateral, is true of all equilateral triangles. Similarly, in all other cases of inductive inference, where we seem to pass from some particular instances to a new instance, we go through the same process. We THE INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE METHOD. 311 form an hypothesis as to the logical conditions under which the given instances might occur; we calculate inversely the probability of that hypothesis, and com pounding this with the probability that a new instance would proceed from the same conditions, we gain the absolute probability of occurrence of the new instance in virtue of this hypothesis. But as several, or many, or even an infinite number of mutually inconsistent hypo theses may be possible, we must repeat the calculation for each such conceivable hypothesis, and then the complete probability of the future instance will be the sum of the separate probabilities. The complication of this process is often very much reduced in practice, owing to the fact that one hypothesis may be nearly certainly true, and other hypotheses, though conceivable, may be so im probable as to be neglected without appreciable error. But when we possess no knowledge whatever of the con ditions from which the events proceed, we may be unable to form any probable hypotheses as to their mode of origin. We have now to fall back upon the general solution of the problem effected by Laplace, which consists in admitting on an equal footing every conceivable ratio of favourable and unfavourable chances for the production of the event, and then accepting the aggregate result as the best which can be obtained. This solution is only to be accepted in the absence of all better means, but like other results of the calculus of probabilities, it comes to our aid where knowledge is at an end and ignorance begins, and it prevents us from over-estimating the know ledge we possess. The general results of the solution are in accordance with common sense, namely, that the more often an event has happened the more probable, as a general rule, is its subsequent occurrence. With the extension of experience this probability indefinitely in creases, but at the same time the probability is slight 312 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. that events will long continue to happen as they have previously happened. We have now pursued the theory of inductive inference, as far as can be done with regard to simple logical or numerical relations. The laws of nature deal with time and space, which are indefinitely, or rather infinitely, divi sible. As we passed from pure logic to numerical logic, so we must now pass from questions of discontinuous, to questions of continuous quantity, encountering fresh considerations of much difficulty. Before, therefore, we consider how the great inductions and generalizations of physical science illustrate the views of inductive reason ing just explained, we must break off for a time, and review the means which we possess of measuring and comparing magnitudes of time, space, mass, force, mo mentum, energy, and the various manifestations of energy in motion, heat, electricity, chemical change, and the other phenomena of nature. BOOK III. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT. CHAPTER XIII. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. As physical science advances, it becomes more and more accurately quantitative. Questions of simple logical fact after a time resolve themselves into questions of degree, time, distance, or weight. Forces hardly suspected to exist by one generation, are clearly recognised by the next, and precisely measured by the third generation. But one condition of this rapid advance is the invention of suitable instruments of measurement. We need what Francis Bacon called Instantice citantes, or evocantes, methods of rendering minute phenomena perceptible to the senses ; and we also require Instantice radii or curri- culi, that is measuring instruments3. Accordingly, the introduction of a new instrument often forms an epoch in the history of science. As Davy said, ' Nothing tends so much to the advancement of knowledge as the application of a new instrument. The native intellectual powers of men in different times, are not so much the causes of the different success of their labours, as the peculiar nature of the means and artificial resources in their possession13'. In the absence indeed of advanced theory and analyti- a ' Novum Orgaiium,' bk. ii. Aphorisms 40, 45 and 46. b 'Chemical Philosophy/ Works, vol. iv. p. 39. Quoted by Young, "Works, vol. i. p. 576. 314 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. cal power, a very precise instrument would be useless. Measuring apparatus and mathematical theory should ad- vanceparipassu, and with just such precision as the theorist can anticipate results, the experimentalist should be able to compare them with experience. The laborious and scrupu lously accurate observations of Flamsteed, were the proper complement to the intense mathemetical powers of Newton. Every branch of knowledge commences with quantita tive notions of a very rude character. After we have far progressed, it is often amusing to look back into the infancy of the science, and contrast present with past methods. At Greenwich Observatory in the present day, the hundredth part of a second is not thought an in considerable portion of time. The ancient Chaldseans recorded an eclipse to the nearest hour, and even the early Alexandrian astronomers thought it superfluous to distinguish between the edge and centre of the sun. By the introduction of the astrolabe, Ptolemy and the later Alexandrian astronomers could determine the places of the heavenly bodies within about ten minutes of arc. But little progress then ensued for thirteen centuries, until Tycho Brahe made the first -great step towards accuracy, not only by employing better instruments, but even more by ceasing to regard an instrument as correct. Tycho, in fact, determined the errors of his instruments, and corrected his observations. He also took notice of the effects of atmospheric refraction, and suc ceeded in attaining an accuracy often sixty times as great as that of Ptolemy. Yet Tycho and Hevelius often erred several minutes in the determination of a star's place, and it was a great achievement of Rcemer and Flamsteed to reduce this error to seconds. Bradley, the modern Hip- parchus, carried on the improvement, his errors in right ascension being under one second of time, and those of declination under four seconds of arc according to Bessel. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 315 In the present day the average error of a single observa tion is probably reduced to the half or quarter of what it was in Bradley 's time; and further extreme accuracy is attained by the multiplication of observations, and their skilful combination according to the theory of error. Some of the more important constants, for instance that of nutation, have been determined within the tenth part of a second of space0. It would be a matter of great interest to trace out the dependence of this vast progress upon the introduction of new instruments. The astrolabe of Plotemy, the tele scope of Galileo, the pendulum of Galileo and Huygens, the micrometer of Horrocks, and the telescopic sights and micrometer of Gascoygne and Picard, Koemer's transit in strument, Newton's and Hadley's quadrant, Dollond's achromatic lenses, Harrison's chronometer, and Eamsden's dividing engine — such were some of the principal addi tions to. astronomical apparatus. The result is, that we now take note of quantities, 300,000 or 400,000 times as small as in the time of the Chaldseans. It would be interesting again to compare the scrupulous accuracy of a modern trigonometrical survey with Erato sthenes' rude but ingenious guess at the difference of lati tude between Alexandria and Syene — or with Norwood's measurement of a degree of latitude in 1635. ' Sometimes I measured, sometimes I paced/ said Norwood ; ' and I believe I am within a scantling of the truth/ Such was the germ of those elaborate geodesical measurements which have made the dimensions of the globe known to us within a few hundred yards. In other branches of science, the invention of an instru ment has usually marked, if it has not made, an epoch. The science of heat might be said to commence with the c Baily, 'British Association Catalogue of Stars,' pp. "7, 23. 316 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. construction of the thermometer, and it has recently been advanced by the introduction of the thermo-electric pile. Chemistry has been created chiefly by the careful use of the balance, which forms a unique instance of an instru ment remaining substantially in the form in which it was first applied to scientific purposes by Archimedes. The balance never has been and probably never can be im proved, except in details of construction. On the other hand, the torsion balance, introduced by Coulomb towards the end of last century, has rapidly become essential in many branches of investigation. In the hands of Caven dish and Baily, it gave a determination of the earth's density ; applied in the galvanometer, it gave a delicate measure of electrical forces, and was essential to the introduction of the thermo-electric pile. This balance is made by simply suspending any light rod by a thin wire or thread attached to the middle point. And we owe to it almost all the more delicate investigations in the theo ries of heat, electricity, and magnetism. Though we can now take note of the millionth of an inch in space, and the millionth of a second in time, wre must not overlook the fact that in other operations of science we are yet in the position of the Chaldeeans. Not many years have elapsed since the magnitudes of the stars, meaning the amount of light they send to the observer's eye, were guessed at in the rudest manner, and the astronomer adjudged a star to this or that order of magnitude by a rough comparison with other stars of the same order. To the late Sir John Herschel we owe an attempt to introduce an uniform method of measurement and expression, bearing some relation to ' the real photo metric magnitudes of the stars'*. Previous to the re- d 'Outlines of Astronomy,' 4th ed. sect. 781, p. 522. 'Eesults of Ob servations at the Cape of Good Hope,' &c., p. 371. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 317 searches of Bunsen and Roscoe on the chemical action of light, we were absolutely devoid of any mode of measuring the energy of light ; even now the methods are tedious, and it is not clear that they give the energy of light so much as one of its special effects. Many natural phe nomena have hardly yet been made the subject of mea surement at all, such as the intensity of sound, the phe nomena of taste and smell, the magnitude of atoms, the temperature of the electric spark or of the sun's photo sphere. To suppose, then, that quantitative science treats only of exactly measurable quantities, is a gross if it be a common mistake. Whenever we are treating of an event which either happens altogether or does not happen at all, we are engaged with a non-quantitative phenomenon, a matter of fact, not of degree ; but whenever a thing may be greater or less, or twice or thrice as great as another, whenever, in short, ratio enters even in the rudest manner, there science will have a quantitative character. There can be little doubt, indeed, that every science as it progresses will become gradually more and more quantitative. Numerical pre cision is doubtless the very soul of science, as Herschel said6, and as all natural objects exist in space, and involve molecular movements, measurable in velocity and extent, there is no apparent limit to the ultimate extension of quantitative science. But the reader must not for a moment suppose that, because we depend more and more upon mathematical methods, we leave logical methods behind us. Number, as I have endeavoured to show, is logical in its origin, and quantity is but a development of number, or is analogous thereto. e 'Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy/ p. 122. 318 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. Division of the Subject. The general subject of quantitative investigation will have to be divided into several parts. We shall, firstly, consider the means at our disposal for measuring phe nomena, and thus rendering them more or less amenable to mathematical treatment. This task will involve an analysis of the principles on which accurate methods of measurement are founded, forming the subject of the remainder of the present chapter. As measurement, how ever, only yields ratios, we have in the next chapter (XIV) to consider the establishment of unitary mag nitudes, in terms of which our results may be expressed. As every phenomenon is usually the sum of several dis tinct quantities proceeding from different causes, we have next to investigate in Chapter XV the methods by which we may disentangle complicated effects, and refer each part of the joint effect to its separate cause. It yet remains for us in subsequent chapters to treat of quantitative induction, properly so called. We must follow out the inverse logical method, as it presents itself in problems of a far higher degree of difficulty than those which treat of objects related in a simple logical manner, and incapable of merging into each other by addition and subtraction. Continuous Quantity. The phenomena of nature are for the most part mani fested in quantities which increase or decrease continu ously. When we inquire into the precise meaning of continuous quantity, we find that it can only be described as that which is divisible without limit. We can divide a millemetre into ten, or one hundred, or one thousand, or ten thousand parts, and mentally at any rate we can carry THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 319 on the process ad infinitum. Any finite space, then, must be conceived as made up of an infinite number of parts, each of which must consequently be infinitely small. We cannot entertain some of the simplest geometrical notions without allowing this. The conception of a square in volves the conception of a side and diagonal, which, as Euclid admirably proves in the ii7th proposition of his tenth book, have no common measure f, meaning, as I apprehend, no finite common measure. Incommensurable quantities are, in fact, those which have for their only common measure an infinitely small quantity. It is somewhat startling to find, too, that in theory incommen surable quantities will be infinitely more frequent than commensurable. Let any two lines be drawn haphazard ; it is infinitely unlikely that they will be commensurable, so that the commensurable quantities, which we are sup posed to deal with in practice, are but singular cases among an infinitely greater number of incommensurable cases. Practically, however, we treat all quantities as made up of the least quantities which our senses, assisted by the best measuring instruments, can appreciate. So long as microscopes were unin vented, it was sufficient to regard an inch as made up of a thousand thousandths of an inch ; now we must treat it as composed of a million millionths. We might apparently avoid all mention of infinitely small quantities, by never carrying our approxi mations beyond quantities, which the senses can appreciate. In geometry, as thus treated, we should never assert two quantities to be equal, but only to be apparently equal. Legendre really adopts this mode of treatment in the twentieth proposition of the first book of his Geometry ; and it is practically adopted throughout the physical sciences, as we shall afterwards see. But though our f See De Morgan, 'Study of Mathematics/ in TJ. K. S. Library, p. 81. 320 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. fingers, and senses, and instruments must stop somewhere, there is no reason why the mind should not go on. We can see that a proof which is only carried through a few steps, in fact, might be carried on without limit, and it is this consciousness of no stopping place, which renders Euclid's proof of his 1 1 7th proposition so impressive. Try how we will to circumvent the matter, we cannot really avoid the consideration of the infinitely small and the infinitely great. The same methods of approximation which seem confined to the finite, mentally extend them selves to the infinite £. One result which immediately follows from these con siderations is, that we cannot possibly adjust any two quantities in absolute equality. The suspension of Ma homet's coffin between two precisely equal magnets, is theoretically conceivable but practically impossible. The story of the ' Merchant of Venice,' turns upon the infinite improbability, that an exact quantity of flesh could be cut. Unstable equilibrium cannot exist in nature, for it is that which is destroyed by an infinitely small displace ment. It might be possible to balance an egg on its end practically, because no egg has a surface of perfect curva ture. Suppose the egg shell to be perfectly smooth, and the feat would become impossible. The Fallacious Indications of the Senses. I may briefly remind the reader how little we can trust to our unassisted senses in estimating the degree, quantity, or magnitude of any phenomenon. The eye cannot cor rectly estimate the comparative brightness of two lumi nous bodies which differ much in brilliancy ; for we know that the iris is constantly adjusting itself to the intensity 8 Lacroix, ' Essai sur 1'Enseignement ou maniere d'dtudier les Mathe- matiques/ 2nd ed. Paris, 1816, pp. 292-294. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 321 of the light received, and thus admits more or less light according to circumstances. The moon which shines with almost dazzling brightness by night, is pale and nearly imperceptible while the eye is yet affected by the vastly more powerful light of day. Much has been recorded concerning the comparative brightness of the zodiacal light at different times h, but it would be difficult to prove that these changes are not due to the varying darkness at the time, or the different acuteness of the observer's eye. For a like reason it is exceedingly difficult to esta blish the existence of any change in the form or compara tive brightness of nebula? ; the appearance of a nebula greatly depends upon the keenness of sight of the ob server, or the accidental condition of freshness or fatigue of his eye; the same is true of lunar observations'; and even the use of the best telescope fails to remedy this difficulty. In judging of colours again, we must remember that light of any given colour tends to dull the sensibility of the eye for light of the same colour. Nor is the eye when unassisted by instruments a much better judge of magnitude. Our estimates of the size of minute bright points, such as the fixed stars, are com pletely falsified by the effects of irradiation. Tycho calcu lated from the apparent size of the star-discs, that no one of the principal fixed stars could be contained within the area of the earth's orbit. Apart, however, from irradia tion or other distinct causes of error, our visual estimates of sizes and shapes are often astonishingly incorrect. Artists almost invariably draw distant mountains or other objects in ludicrous disproportion to nearer objects, as a comparison of a sketch with a photograph at once shows. The extraordinary apparent difference of size of the sun 11 'Cosmos,' Translated by Ottd, vol. i. pp. 131-134. i 'Report of the British Association,' 1871, p. 84. Grant's 'History of Physical Astronomy/ pp. 568-9. Y 322 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. or moon, according as it is high in the heavens or near the horizon, should be sufficient to make us cautious in accepting the plainest indications of our senses, unassisted by instrumental measurement. As to statements concern ing the height of the aurora and the distance of meteors, they are to be utterly distrusted. When Captain Parry says that a ray of the aurora shot suddenly downwards between him and the land which was only 3000 yards dis tant, we must consider him subject to an error of sense1. It is true that errors of observation are more usually errors of judgment than of sense. That which is actually seen must be truly seen so far ; and if we correctly interpret the meaning of the phenomenon, there would be no error at all. But the weakness of the bare senses as measuring instruments, arises from the fact that they import varying conditions of unknown amount, and we cannot make the requisite corrections and allowances as in the case of a solid and invariable instrument. Bacon has excellently stated the insufficiency of the senses for estimating the magnitudes of objects, or de tecting the degrees in which phenomena present them selves. ' Things escape the senses/ he saysm, 'because the object is not sufficient in quantity to strike the sense : as all minute bodies ; because the percussion of the object is too great to be endured by the senses : as the form of the sun when looking directly at it in mid- day ; because the time is not proportionate to actuate the sense : as the motion of a bullet in the air, or the quick circular motion of a firebrand, which are too fast, or the hour-hand of a common clock, which is too slow ; from the distance of the object as to place: as the size of the celestial bodies, and the size and nature of all distant bodies ; 1 Loomis, ' Ou the Aurora Borealis.' Smithsonian Transactions, quot ing Parry's Third Voyage, p. 61. m ' Novnm Organum.' THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 323 from prepossession by another object : as one powerful smell renders other smells in the same room imper ceptible ; from the interruption of interposing bodies : as the internal parts of animals ; and because the object is unfit to make an impression upon the sense : as the air or the invisible and untangible spirit which is in cluded in every living body/ Complexity of Quantitative. Questions. One remark which we may well make in entering upon quantitative questions, has regard to the great variety and extent of phenomena presented to our notice. So long as we deal only with a simply logical question, that question is merely, Does a certain event happen \ or, Does a certain object exist ? No sooner do we regard the event or object as capable of more or less, than one question branches out into many. We must now ask, How much is it compared with its cause or necessary condition ? Does it change when the amount of the cause changes \ If so, does it change in the same or opposite direction ? Is the change in simple proportion to that of the cause \ If not, what more complex law of connection holds true 1 This law determined satisfactorily in one series of cir cumstances may be varied under new conditions, and the most complex relations of several quantities may ultimately be established. In every question of physical science there is thus a series of steps of progress, the first one or two of which are usually made with ease, while the succeeding ones demand more and more careful measurement. We cannot lay down any single invariable series of questions which must be asked from nature. The exact character of the questions will vary according to the nature of the case, but they will usually be of a very evident kind, and we may readily illustrate them by actual examples. Suppose, Y 2 324 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. for instance, that we are investigating the solution of some salt in water. The first is a purely logical question : Is there solution, or is there not ? Assuming the answer to be in the affirmative, we next inquire, Does the solubility vary with the temperature, or not I In all probability some variation will be found to exist, and we shall have at the same time an answer to the further question, Does the quantity dissolved increase, or does it dimmish with the temperature ? In by far the greatest number of cases salts and substances of all kinds dissolve more freely the higher the temperature of the water, but there are a few salts, such as calcium sulphate, which follow the opposite rule. A considerable number of salts resemble sodium sulphate in becoming more soluble up to a certain temperature, and then varying in the opposite direction. We next require to assign the amount of variation as compared with that of the temperature, assuming at first that the increase of solubility is proportional to the in crease of temperature. Common salt is an instance of very slight variation, and potassium nitrate of very con siderable increase with temperature. Very accurate ob servations will probably show, however, that the simple law of proportionate variation is only approximately true, and some more complicated law involving the second, third, or higher powers of the temperature may ultimately be established. All these investigations have to be carried out for each salt separately, since no distinct prin ciples by which we may infer from one substance to another have yet been detected. There is still an in definite field for further research open ; for the solubility of salts would probably vary with the pressure under which the medium is placed ; the presence of other salts already dissolved may have effects yet unknown. The researches already effected as regards the solvent power of water must be repeated as regards alcohol, ether, carbon THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 325 bisulphide, and other media, so that unless general laws can be detected, this one phenomenon of solution can never be exhaustively treated. The same kind of questions recur as regards the solution or absorption of gases in liquids, the pressure as well as the temperature having then a most decided effect, and Professor Roscoe's re searches on the subject present an excellent example of the successive determination of various complicated laws11. There is hardly a single branch of scientific research in which similar complications are not ultimately en countered. In the case of gravity, indeed, we arrive at the final law, that the force is invariably the same for all kinds of matter, and depends only on the distance of action. But in other subjects the laws, if simple in their ultimate nature, are disguised and complicated in their apparent results. Thus the effect of heat in expanding solids, or the reverse effect of forcible extension or com pression upon the temperature of a body, will vary from one substance to another, will vary as the tem perature is already higher or lower, and will probably follow a highly complex law, which in some cases gives negative or exceptional results. In crystalline substances the same researches have to be repeated in each distinct axial direction. In the sciences of pure observation again, such as those of astronomy, meteorology, and terrestrial magnetism, we meet with many interesting series of quantitative deter minations. The so-called fixed stars, as Giordano Bruno divined, are not really fixed, and may be more truly described as vast wandering orbs, each pursuing its own path through space. We must then determine separately for each star the following questions : — 1 . Does it move 1 2. In what direction I » Watt's 'Dictionary of Chemistry,' vol. ii. p. 790. 326 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. 3. At what velocity ? 4. Is this velocity variable or uniform ? 5. If variable, according to what law ? 6. Is the direction uniform ? 7. If not, what is the form of the apparent path ? The successive answers to such questions in the case of certain binary stars, have afforded a proof that the motions are due to a central force coinciding in law with gravity, and doubtless identical with it. In other cases the motions are usually so small that it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish them with certainty. A coincidence of motions in some constellations has been pointed out by Mr. Proctor, and the parallactic effect due to the sun's proper motion has been surely detected ; but the time is yet far off when any general results as regards stellar motions can be established. The variation in the brightness of stars opens an un limited field for curious observation. There is not a star in the heavens concerning which we might not have to determine— 1 . Does it vary in brightness 1 2. Is the brightness increasing or decreasing ? 3. Is the variation uniform, that is, simply proportional to time "? 4. If not, according to what law does it vary ? In a majority of cases the change will probably be found to have a periodic character, in which case several other questions will arise, such as — 5. What is the length of the period ? 6. Are there minor periods within the principal period ? 7. What is the form or law of variation within the period ? 8. Is there any change in the amount of variation ? THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 327 9. If so, is it a secular, i. e. a continually growing- change, or does it give evidence of a greater period I Already the periodic changes of a certain number of stars have been determined with accuracy, and the lengths of the periods vary from less than three days up to in tervals of time at least 250 times as great. Periods within periods have also been detected0. There is, perhaps, no subject in which more complicated quantitative conditions have to be determined than ter restrial magnetism. Since the time when the declination of the compass was first noticed, as some suppose by Columbus, we have had successive discoveries from time to time of the progressive change of declination from century to century ; of the periodic character of this change ; of the difference of the declination in various parts of the earth's surface ; of the varying laws of the change of declination ; of the dip or inclination of the needle, and the corresponding laws of its periodic changes ; the horizontal and perpendicular intensities have also been the subject of exact measurement, and have been found to vary by place and time, like the directions of the needle ; daily and yearly periodic changes have also been detected, and all the elements are found to be subject to occasional storms or abnormal perturbations, in which the eleven year period, now known to be common to many planetary relations, is apparent. The complete solution of these motions of the compass needle involves nothing less than a determination of its position and oscillations in every part of the world at any epoch, the like deter mination for another epoch, and so on, time after time, until the periods of all changes are ascertained, and the character of the variations determined. This one subject offers to men of science an almost inexhaustible field for o Humboldt's 'Cosmos,' translated by Otte, vol. iii. p. 228. 328 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. interesting quantitative research P, in which we shall doubtless at some future time discover the operation of causes now most mysterious and unaccountable. The Methods of Accurate Measurement. In studying the modes by which physicists have ac complished very exact measurements, we find that they are very various, but that they may perhaps be reduced under the following three classes : — 1. The increase or decrease of the quantity to be measured in some determinate ratio, so as to bring it within the scope of our senses, and to equate it with the standard unit, or some determinate multiple or sub-mul tiple of this unit. 2. The discovery of some natural conjunction of events which will enable us to compare directly the multiples of the quantity with those of the unit, or a quantity related in a definite ratio to that unit. 3. Indirect measurement, which gives us not the quan tity itself, but some other quantity connected with it by known mathematical relations. Conditions of Accurate Measurement. Several conditions are requisite in order that a mea surement may be made with great accuracy, and that the result may be closely accordant when several inde pendent measurements are made. In the first place the magnitude must be exactly defined by sharp terminations, or precise marks of inconsiderable thickness. When a boundary is vague and graduated, like the penumbra in a lunar eclipse, it is impossible to say where the end really is, and different people wih1 come P Gauss, 'General Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism'; Taylor's ' Scientific Memoirs,' vol. ii. p, 228. THE EXACT MEASUREMENT OF PHENOMENA. 329 to different results. We may sometimes overcome this difficulty to a certain extent, by observations repeated in a special manner, as we shall afterwards see ; but when possible, we should choose opportunities for measure ment when precise definition is easy. The moment of occultation of a star by the moon can be observed with great accuracy, because the star disappears with perfect suddenness ; but there are many other astronomical con junctions, eclipses, transits, &c., which occupy a certain length of time in happening, and thus open the way to differences of opinion. It would be impossible to observe with precision the movements of a body possessing no definite points of reference. The spots on the sun, for instance, furnish the only direct criterion of its rotation, and the possibility that these spots have a tendency to move in one direction throws a doubt upon all deter minations of the sun's axial movement. The colours of the complete spectrum shade with perfect continuity into each other, so that their separation is entirely an arbitrary matter. Exact determinations of refractive indices would have been impossible, had we not the fixed dark lines of the solar spectrum as precise points for measurement, or, what comes to the same thing, various kinds of homogeneous light, such as that of sodium, pos sessing a nearly uniform length of vibration. In the second place, we cannot measure accurately unless we have the means either of multiplying or dividing a quantity without considerable error, so that we may correctly equate one magnitude with the multiple or sub- multiple of the other. In some cases we operate upon the quantity to be measured, and bring it into accurate coin cidence with the actual standard, as when in photometry we vary the distance of our luminous body, until its illuminating power at a certain point is equal to that of a standard lamp. In other cases we repeat the unit until it 330 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. equals the object, as in surveying land, or determining a weight by the balance. The requisites of accuracy now are : — (T) That we can repeat unit after unit of exactly equal magnitude ; (2) That these can be joined together so that the aggregate shall really be the sum of the parts. The same conditions apply to subdivision, which may be regarded as a multiplication of subordinate units. In order to measure to the thousandth of an inch, we must be able to add thousandth after thousandth without error in the magnitude of these spaces, or in their con junction. The condenser electrometer, as remarked by Thomson and Tait y = c then, if the observations were free from error, we should only need two observations giving two equations ; but, for the attainment of greater accuracy, we may take a series of observations, and then reduce the equations so as to give only a pair with average coefficients. This re daction is effected by, firstly, multiplying the coefficients of each equation by the first coefficient, and adding to gether all the similar coefficients thus resulting for the coefficients of a new equation ; and secondly, by repeating this process, and multiplying the coefficients of each equa tion by the coefficient of the second term. Thus meaning by (sum of a2) the sum of all quantities of the same kind, and having the same place in the equations as a2, we may briefly describe the two resulting mean equations as follows :— (sum of a"'} . x + (sum of «?>) . y = (sum of ac), (sum of ctb] . x + (sum of &2) . y — (sum of be]. When there are three or more unknown quantities the process is exactly the same in nature, and we only need additional mean equations to be obtained by multiply ing by the third, fourth, &c., coefficients. As the numbers THE LAW OF ERROR. 459 are in any case only approximate, it is usually quite un necessary to make the computations with any great degree of accuracy, and places of decimals may therefore oe freely cut oif to save arithmetical work. The mean equations having been computed, their solution by the ordinary methods of algebra gives the most probable values of the unknown quantities. Works upon the Theory of Probability and the Law of Error. Regarding the Theory of Probability and the Law of Error as constituting, perhaps, the most important subjects of study for any one who desires to obtain a complete comprehension of logical and scientific method as actually applied in physical investigations, I will briefly indicate the works in one or other of which the reader will best pursue the study. The best popular, and at the same time profound English work on the subject is De Morgan's ' Essay on Probabilities and on their Application to Life Contin gencies and Insurance Offices/ published in the ' Cabinet Cyclopedia/ and to be obtained from Messrs. Longman. No mathematical knowledge beyond that of common arithmetic is required in reading this work. Quetelet's ' Letters/ already often referred to, also form a most inter esting and excellent popular introduction to the subject, and the mathematical notes are also of value. Sir George Airv's brief treatise ' On the Algebraical and Numerical •/ O Theory of Errors of Observation and the Combination of Observations/ contains a complete explanation of the Law of Error and its practical applications. De Morgan's treatise ' On the Theory of Probabilities' in the ' Encyclopaedia Me- tropolitana/ presents an abstract of the more abstruse in vestigations of Laplace, together with a multitude of pro- 460 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. found and original remarks concerning the theory generally. In Lubbock and Drinkwater's work on ' Probability,' in the Library of Useful Knowledge, we have a very concise but good statement of a number of important problems. The Rev. W. A. Whitworth has given, in an interesting little work entitled ' Choice and Chance,' a number of good illus trations of the calculations both in the theories of Com binations and Probabilities. In Mr. Todhunter's admirable History we have an exhaustive critical account of almost all writings upon the subject of probability down to the cul mination of the theory in Laplace's works. In spite of the existence of these and some other good English works, there seems to be a want of an easy and yet pretty complete introduction to the study of the theory of probabilities. Among French works the ' Traite Elementaire du Cal- cul des Probabilites/ by S. F. Lacroix, of which several editions have been published, and which is not difficult to obtain, forms probably the best elementary treatise. Poisson's ' Eecherches sur la Probabilite des Jugements,' (Paris, 1837), commences with an admirable investigation of the grounds and methods of the theory. While La place's great ' Theorie Analytique des Probabilites ' is of course the ' Principia' of the subject, his 'Essai Philo- sophique sur les Probabilites ' is a popular discourse, and is one of the most profound and interesting essays ever published. It should be familiar to every student of logical method, and has lost little or none of its import ance by lapse of time. Detection of Constant Errors. The Method of Means is absolutely incapable of elimi nating any error which is always the same, and which always lies in one direction. We sometimes require to be aroused from a false feeling of security, and to be urged THE LAW OF ERROR. 461 to take suitable precautions against such occult errors. ' It is to the observer/ says Gauss*, 'that belongs the task of carefully removing the causes of constant errors,' and this is quite true when the error is absolutely constant. When we have made a number of determinations with a certain apparatus or method of measurement, there is a great advantage in altering the arrangement, or even devising some entirely different method of getting esti mates of the same quantity. The reason obviously con sists in the improbability that exactly the same constant error will affect two or more different methods of experi ment. If a discrepancy is found to exist, we shall at least be aware of the existence of error, and can take measures for finding in which way it lies. If we can try a considerable number of methods, the probability becomes considerable that errors constant in one method will be balanced or nearly so by errors of an opposite effect in the others. Suppose that there be three different methods each affected by an error of equal amount. The pro bability that this error wiU in all fall in the same direction is only ^ ; and with four methods similarly f . If each method be affected, as is always the case by several inde pendent sources of error, the probability becomes very great that in the mean result of all the methods some of the errors will partially compensate the others. In this case, as in all others, when human foresight and vigilance has exhausted itself, we must trust the theory of probability. In the determination of a zero point, of the magnitude of the fundamental standards of time and space, in the personal equation of an astronomical observer, we have instances of such fixed errors ; but as a general rule a change of procedure is likely to reverse the character of the error, and many instances may be given of the value of this precaution. t Gauss, translated by Bertram!, p. 25. 4 02 THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE. If we measure over and over again the same angular magnitude by the same divided circle, maintained in exactly the same position, it is evident that the same mark in the circle will be the criterion in each case, and any error in the position of that mark will equally affect all our results. But if in each measurement we use a different part of the circle, a new mark will come into use, and as the error of each mark can hardly be in the same direction, the average result will be nearly free from errors of division. It will be still better to use more than one divided circle. Even when we have no clear perception of the points of our apparatus at which fixed error is likely to enter, we may with advantage vary the construction of our appa ratus with the hope that we shall accidentally detect some latent imperfection. Baily's purpose in repeating the experiments of Michell and Cavendish on the density of the earth, was not merely to follow the same course and verify the previous numbers, but to try whether variations in the size and substance of the attracting balls, the mode of suspension, the temperature of the sur rounding air, &c., would yield different results. He per formed no less than 62 distinct series, comprising 2153 experiments, and he carefully classified and discussed the results so as to disclose the utmost differences. Again, in experimenting upon the resistance of the air to the mo tion of a pendulum, Baily employed no less than 80 pendulums of various forms and materials, in order to ascertain exactly upon what conditions the resistance de pends. Regnault, in his exact researches upon the dilata tion of gases made arbitrary changes in the magnitude of parts of his apparatus. He thinks that if, in spite of such modification the results are unchanged, the errors are probably of inconsiderable amount"; but in reality it is 11 Jamin, ' Cours cle Physique,' vol. ii. p. 60. THE LA W OF ERROR. 463 always possible, and usually likely, that we overlook sources of error which a future generation will detect. Thus the pendulum experiments of Baily and Sabine were directed to ascertain the nature and amount of a correction for air resistance, which had been entirely mis understood in the experiments upon which was founded the definition of the standard yard, by means of the seconds pendulum in the Act of 5th George IV. c. 74. It has already been mentioned that a considerable error was discovered in the determination of the standard metre as the ten-millionth part of the distance from the pole to the equator (p. 368). We shall return in the second volume to the further consideration of the methods by which we may as far as possible secure ourselves against permanent and undetected sources of error. In the meantime, having completed the consideration of the special methods requisite for treating quantitative phenomena, we must return to our principal subject, and endeavour to trace out the course by which the physicist, from observation and experiment, collects the materials of natural knowledge, and then proceeds by hypothesis and inverse calculation to educe from them the laws of nature. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. 887 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY P&ASci.