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LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3!ly¥yvyudi7 LIBRAR SJINVHSIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIA a o INSTITUTION INSTITUTION INSTITUTION a ee NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS SSIYVUEIT_ LIBRARIES NVINOSHLINS SHIYVYSIT_LIBRARIE NVINOSHLINS S31Y¥Vvy¥slt 3 ns bey NUTS ONT AN: NOILNLI : << = se < = 4 tf A a = : g 3 Yip 3 5 = oO % yj — | a 9 Zz x = = = Ly = = - = > e = = w ra i?) : w LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31uvuai7_LIBRAF ” = 7) = = : a a uw? md +B y ra RNS us a - a. _ o =a \Y. o am <5; a < aie ASN a a = = = SY a 4 : = Z = z a S VS = ba i ee a g Sat SN WA EE oe) ma a i ) RS \ = no” m ” THESAURUS CONCHYLIORUM, OR MONOGRAPHS gavision of Mo Molla ona] library GENERA OF SHELLS. EDITED BY G. B. SOWERBY, Jun., F.LS. LONDON : SOWERBY, 70, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY. 1847. 350300 7 oe JUN8 1954 | re Se LIBRARNS ee oY, f. al Omi. % NOTICE. In presenting this series of illustrated monographs to the public, the editor wishes to express his thanks to those friends who have assisted him by permitting the use of their specimens, and by drawing up those monographs which appear under their names. He is also grateful for the general support with which he has been honoured during the progress of the work. The difficulties experienced in col- lecting the necessary information, the great labour and expense of the illustrations, and the comparatively slow return of the capital employed, are the reasons for those long intervals between the appearance of the Parts, which have been so much complained of. As the latter difficulty gradually gives way, the former will be over- come, as the editor will be enabled to give more time to the work, and to obtain increased assistance in the subordinate departments. The editor having heard of those who would wish to possess the work, but are deterred from doing so on account of its slow appearance, begs to suggest that their subscriptions would contribute towards the re- moval of the evil which they deprecate. If a small number of additional subscribers were obtained; if a few of the more affluent subscribers would take a second copy; and others, by shewing the present volume to their friends, were to induce them to join in patronizing the under- taking, there would be no difficulty in producing the parts at short and regular intervals. Those who are anxious for such a result may pro- mote it in this way. As one effect of that increased support which has already commenced, it will be seen that in the latter Parts a larger number of plates has been given, and the letter-press has been fuller in proportion, than in the earlier Parts. It is intended to carry on the work in future on the same scale of increased liberality ; and- the editor cherishes a hope that the successful termination of the present volume will so far add to the list of subscribers as to enable him to proceed with greater rapidity with the successive monographs. The ‘ Thesaurus Conchyliorum’ will in future be published at No. 70, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, to which place Mr. G. B. Sowerby, Sen., F.L.S., is removing his stock of Books, Minerals, Fossils, and Shells. Among the latter will be found many of the species described and figured only in the monographs, as well as others more generally known, G.B. Sowerby, Jun., having made arrangements to assist in the business, will be happy to supply the desiderata of those who may favour him and his father with their commands. MONOGRAPHS of Genera of Shells contained in the first volume of the “THESAURUS CONCHYLIORUM.? HELICINA . PuPINA. ROSTELLARIA APORRHAIS STRUTHIOLARIA STROMBUS . PTEROCERAS . PECTEN } HINNITES Lima CYCLOSTOMA . SCALARIA . CoOLUMBELLA . TEREBRA . VOLUTA TELLINA LINGULA . ‘TEREBRATULA ORBICULA | CRANIA Hipponyx THECIDIUM j MAaRGINELLA CYMBaA. MELO , SPONDYLUS . PLICATULA PEDUM } 1 to 16 i — 19 Q1— 24 95 — 39 41 — 44 45 — 82 83 — 88 89 — 156 . 83 -- 108 (bis.) . 109 — 146 Ge . 147 (4is)190 . 191 to 220 . 221 — 336 . 287 — 288 . 841 — 364 . 865 — 871 . 873 — 406 . 407 — 411 . 412 — 416 . 417 — 434 . 485 — 438 Plate. lto 3 4 5 6 ——10 1a . 12 — 20 . 21— 22 . 23—31 . 02 — 3D . 36 —40 . 41—45 46 — 55 . 56 — 66 ; 67 . 68 — 72 73 . 74—78 . 79-- 80 . 81— 83 84 — 89 . 90 — 91 N.B. The binder will observe that Pages 83 to 186 have been, by error, repeated; but the table of contents will prevent confusion. *,* Tn binding his own copy, the editor intends placing the plates in one cover, and the letter-press in another, and thinks the subscribers will find it most convenient to do the same. 104 129 J] S00 V05, he A Eo | . . t é t Tran ne i ALAS lita oll Fupt na 22 73 10 Li A 78 é @ Nic Q a 2 Nat Diam GBS. Jun’. . ee ‘ et anh : a | i, / j ; : ie { , ¥ " ‘i if ik at . Brit } ata ae \ iv? J eal Hite (yey id : UTE it enihp ee aye ay, r ; Ut | uy vin = HO (i eh | 0 i AA bs Hi eR ti Nal. /Aan rary VI/ GBS Jun? 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