loo =CM "1^ "to -CD 'CD ;CO THE WORKS OF FRANCIS MAITLAND BALFOUR. VOL. I. tiftu'timu (JTambrfoge : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. r~ jftemorfal (KHvfttom THE WORKS OF FRANCIS MAITLAND BALFOUR, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, AND PROFESSOR OF ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY IN THE UNIVBRSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. EDITED BY M. FOSTER, F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ; AND ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., FELLOW AND LECTURER OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. I VOL. I. SEPARATE MEMOIRS. MACMILLAN AND CO. 1885 [The Right of Translation is reserved.] PREFACE. UPON the death of Francis Maitland Balfour, a desire very naturally arose among his friends and admirers to provide some memorial of him. And, at a public meet- ing held at Cambridge in October 1882, the Vice- Chancellor presiding, and many distinguished men of science being present, it was decided to establish a ' Balfour Fund ' the proceeds of which should be applied : firstly to maintain a studentship, the holder of which should devote himself to original research in Biology, especially in Animal Morphology, and secondly, ' by occasional grants of money, to further in other ways original research in the same subject '. The sum of ^8446 was subsequently raised; this was, under certain conditions, entrusted to and accepted by the University of Cambridge; and the first 'Balfour student' was appointed in October 1883. The publication of Balfour's works in a collected form was not proposed as an object on which part of the fund should be expended, since his family had expressed their wish to take upon themselves the charge of arranging for a memorial edition of their brother's scientific writings. B. b 11 PREFACE. That edition, with no more delay than circumstances have rendered necessary, is now laid before the public. It comprises four volumes. The first volume contains, in chronological order, all Balfour's scattered original papers, including those published by him in conjunction with his pupils, as well as the Monograph on the Elasmobranch Fishes. The last memoir in the volume, that on the Anatomy and Development of Peripatus Capensis, was published after his death, from his notes and drawings, with additions by Prof. Moseley and Mr Adam Sedgwick, who prepared the manuscript for publication. To the volume is pre- fixed an introductory biographical notice. The second and third volumes are the two volumes of the Comparative Embryology reprinted from the original edition without alteration, save the correction of obvious misprints and omissions. The fourth volume contains the plates illustrating the memoirs contained in Vol. i. We believe that we are consulting the convenience of readers in adopting this plan, rather than in distributing the plates among the memoirs to which they belong. To assist the reader the explanations of these plates have been given twice : at the end of the memoir to which they belong (in the case of the Monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes at the end of each separate chapter), and in the volume of plates. All the figures of these plates had to be redrawn on the stone, and our best thanks are due to the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company for the pains which they have taken in executing this work. We are also indebted to the Committee of Publication of the Zoological Society for the gift of electrotypes of the wood-cuts illustrating memoir no. xx. of Vol. i. PREFACE. iii Several photographs of Balfour, taken at different times of his life, the last shortly before his death, are in the possession of his relatives and friends ; but these, in the opinion of many, leave much to be desired. There 'is also a portrait of him in oils painted since his death by Mr John Collier, A.R.A., and Herr Hilde- brand of Florence has executed a posthumous bust in bronze*. The portrait which forms the frontispiece of Vol. i. has been drawn on stone by Mr E. Wilson of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, after the latest photograph. Should it fail, in the eyes of those who knew Balfour well, to have reproduced with com- plete success his features and expression, we would ven- ture to ask them to bear in mind the acknowledged difficulties of posthumous portraiture. * In possession of the family. Copies also exist in the Library of Trinity College, and in the Morphological Laboratory, at Cambridge. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE i INTRODUCTION i 1872 I. On some points in the Geology of the East Lothian Coast. By G. W. and F. M. BALFOUR ... 25 1873 II. The development and growth of the layers of the blasto- derm. With Plate i 29 III. On the disappearance of the Primitive Groove in the Embryo Chick. With Plate i 41 IV. The development of the blood-vessels of the Chick. With Plate 2 47 1874 V. A preliminary account of the development of the Elasmo- branch Fishes. With Plates 3 and 4 ... 60 1875 VI. A comparison of the early stages in the development of Vertebrates. With Plate 5 112 VII. On the origin and history of the urinogenital organs of Vertebrates 135 VIII. On the development of the spinal nerves in Elasmobranch Fishes. With Plates 22 and 23 .... 168 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1876 IX. On the spinal nerves of Amphioxus . 1876—78 X. A Monograph on the development of Elasmobranch Fishes. With Plates 6—21 .... 1878 XI. On the phenomena accompanying the maturation and impregnation of the ovum ...... XII. On the structure and development of the vertebrate ovary. With Plates 24, 25, 26 1879 XIII. On the existence of a Head-kidney in the Embryo Chick, and on certain points in the development of the Miillerian duct. By F. M. BALFOUR and A. SEDGWICK. With Plates 27 and 28 XIV. On the early development of the Lacertilia, together with some observations on the nature and relations of the primitive Streak. With Plate 29 .... XV. On certain points in the Anatomy of Peripatus Capensis . XVI. On the morphology and systematic position of the Spongida 1880 XVII. Notes on the development of the Araneina. With Plates 30, 31, 32 XVIII. On the spinal nerves of Amphioxus XIX. Address to the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1881 XX. On the development of the skeleton of the paired fins of Elasmobranchii, considered in relation to its bearings on the nature of the limbs of the Vertebrata. With Plate 33 XXI. On the evolution of the Placenta, and on the possibility of employing the characters of the Placenta in the classi- fication of the Mammalia PAGE 197 203 521 549 618 644 657 661 668 696 698 734 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii 1882 XXII. On the structure and development of Lepidosteus. By F. M. BALFOUR and W. N. PARKER. With Plates 34—42 738 XXIII. On the nature of the organ in Adult Teleosteans and Ganoids which is usually regarded as the Head-kidney or Pronephros 848 XXIV. A renewed study of the germinal layers of the Chick. By F. M. BALFOUR and F. DEIGHTON. With Plates 43,44,45 854 POSTHUMOUS, 1883 XXV. The Anatomy and Development of Peripatus Capensis. Edited by H. N. MoSELEYand A. SEDGWICK. With Plates 46—53 871 FRANCIS MAITLAND BALFOUR, the sixth child and third son of James Maitland Balfour of Whittinghame, East Lothian, and Lady Blanche, daughter of the second Marquis of Salisbury, was born at Edinburgh, during a temporary stay of his parents there, on the loth November, 1851. He can hardly be said to have known his father, who died of consumption in 1856, at the early age of thirty-six, and who spent the greater part of the last two years of his life at Madeira, separated from the younger chil- dren who remained at home. He fancied at one time that he had inherited his father's constitution ; and this idea seems to have spurred him on to achieve early what he had to do. But, though there was a period soon after he went to College, during which he seemed delicate, and the state of his health caused considerable anxiety to his friends, he eventually became fairly robust, and that in spite of labours which greatly taxed his strength. The early years of his life were spent chiefly at Whitting- hame under the loving care of his mother. She made it a point to attempt to cultivate in all her children some taste for natural science, especially for natural history, and in this she was greatly helped by the boys' tutor, Mr J. W. Kitto. They were encouraged to make collections and to form a museum, and the fossils found in the gravel spread in front of the house served as the nucleus of a geological series. Frank soon be- came greatly interested in these things, and indeed they may be said to have formed the beginnings of his scientific career. At all events there was thus awakened in him a love for geology, which science continued to be his favorite study all through his B. i INTRODUCTION. boyhood, and interested him to the last. He was most assiduous in searching for fossils in the gravel and elsewhere, and so great was his love for his collections that while as yet quite a little boy the most delightful birthday present he could think of was a box with trays and divisions to hold his fossils and specimens. His mother, thinking that his fondness for fossils was a passing fancy and that he might soon regret the purchase of the box, purposely delayed the present. But he remained constant to his wish and in time received his box. He must at this time have been about seven or eight years old. In the children's museum, which has been preserved, there are specimens labelled with his childish round-hand, such as a piece of stone with the label " marks of some shels ;" and his sister Alice, who was at that time his chief companion, remembers discussing with him one day after the nursery dinner, when he was about nine years old, whether it were better to be a geologist or a naturalist, he deciding for the former on the ground that it was better to do one thing thoroughly than to attempt many branches of science and do them imperfectly. Besides fossils, he collected not only butterflies, as do most boys at some time or other, but also birds ; and he with his sister Alice, being instructed in the art of preparing and pre- serving skins, succeeded in making a very considerable collec- tion. He thus acquired before long not only a very large but a very exact knowledge of British birds. In the more ordinary work of the school-room he was some- what backward. This may have been partly due to the great difficulty he had in learning to write, for he was not only left- handed but, in his early years, singularly inapt in acquiring particular muscular movements, learning to dance being a great trouble to him. Probably however the chief reason was that he failed to find any interest in the ordinary school studies. He fancied that the family thought him stupid, but this does not appear to have been the case. In character he was at this time quick tempered, sometimes even violent, and the energy which he shewed in after life even thus early manifested itself as perseverance, which, when he was crossed, often took on the form of obstinacy, causing at times no little trouble to his nurses and tutors. But he was at the INTRODUCTION. same time warm-hearted and affectionate ; full of strong im- pulses, he disliked heartily and loved much, and in his affections was wonderfully unselfish, wholly forgetting himself in his thought for others, and ready to do things which he disliked to please those whom he loved. Though, as we have said, some- what clumsy, he was nevertheless active and courageous ; in learning to ride he shewed no signs of fear, and boldly put his pony to every jump which was practicable. In 1 86 1 he was sent to the Rev. C. G. Chittenden's prepara- tory school at Hoddesden in Hertfordshire, and here the quali- ties which had been already visible at home became still more obvious. He found difficulty not only in writing but also in spelling, and in the ordinary school-work he took but little interest and made but little progress. In 1865 he was moved to Harrow and placed in the house of the Rev. F. Rendall. Here, as at Hoddesden, he did not shew any great ability in the ordinary school studies, though as he grew older his progress became more marked. But happily he found at Harrow an opportunity for cultivating that love of scientific studies which was yearly growing stronger in him. Under the care of one of the Masters, Mr G. Griffith, the boys at Harrow were even then taught the elements of natural science. The lessons were at that time, so to speak, extra- academical, carried on out of school hours ; nevertheless, many of the boys worked at them with diligence and even enthusiasm, and among these Balfour became conspicuous, not only by his zeal but by his ability. Griffith was soon able to recognize the power of his new pupil, and thus early began to see that the pale, earnest, somewhat clumsy-handed lad, though he gave no promise of being a scholar in the narrower sense of the word, had in him the makings of a man of science. Griffith chiefly confined his teaching to elementary physics and chemistry with some little geology, but he also encouraged natural history studies and began the formation of a museum of comparative anatomy. Balfour soon began to be very zealous in dissecting animals, and was especially delighted when the Rev. A. C. Eaton, the well-known entomologist, on a visit to Harrow, initiated Griffith's pupils in the art of dissecting under water. The dissection of a caterpillar in this way was probably an i — 2 INTRODUCTION. epoch in Balfour's life. Up to that time his rough examination of such bodies had revealed to him nothing more than what in school-boy language he spoke of as " squash ;" but when under Eaton's deft hands the intricate organs of the larval Arthropod floated out under water and displayed themselves as a labyrinth of threads and sheets of silvery whiteness a new world of obser- vation opened itself up to Balfour, and we may probably date from this the beginning of his exact morphological knowledge. While thus learning the art of observing, he was at the same time developing his power of thinking. He was by nature fond of argument, and defended with earnestness any opinions which he had been led to adopt. He was very active in the Harrow Scientific Society, reading papers, taking part in the discussions, and exhibiting specimens. He gained in 1867 a prize for an essay on coal, and when, in 1868, Mr Leaf offered a prize (a micro- scope) "for the best account of some locality visited by the writer during the Easter Holidays," two essays sent in, one by Balfour, the other by his close friend, Mr Arthur Evans, since well known for his researches in Illyria, were found to be of such unusual merit that Prof. Huxley was specially requested to adjudicate between them. He judged them to be of equal merit, and a prize was given to each. The subject of Balfour's essay was " The Geology and Natural History of East Lothian." When biological subjects were discussed at the Scientific Society, Balfour appears to have spoken as a most uncompromising opponent of the views of Mr Charles Darwin, little thinking that in after life his chief work would be to develope and illustrate the doctrine of evolution. The years at Harrow passed quickly away, Balfour making fair, but perhaps not more than fair, progress in the ordinary school learning. In due course however he reached the upper sixth form, and in his last year, became a monitor. At the same time his exact scientific knowledge was rapidly increasing. Geology still continued to be his favorite study, and in this he made no mean progress. During his last years at Harrow he and his brother Gerald worked out together some views concern- ing the geology of their native county. These views they ultimately embodied in a paper, which was published in their joint names in the Geological Magazine for 1872, under the title INTRODUCTION. 5 of "Some Points in the Geology of the East Lothian Coast," and which was in itself a work of considerable promise. Geology however was beginning to find a rival in natural history. Much of his holiday time was now spent in dredging for marine animals along the coast off Dunbar. Each specimen thus obtained was carefully determined and exact records were kept of the various ' finds,' so that the dredgings (which were zealously continued after he had left Harrow and gone to Cambridge) really con- stituted a serious study of the fauna of this part of the coast. They also enabled him to make a not inconsiderable collection of shells, in the arrangement of which he was assisted by his sister Evelyn, of Crustacea and of other animals. Both to the masters and to his schoolfellows he became known as a boy of great force of character. Among the latter his scrupu- lous and unwavering conscientiousness made him less popular perhaps than might have been expected from his bright kindly manner and his unselfish warmheartedness. In the incidents of school life a too strict conscience is often an inconvenience, and the sternness and energy with which Balfour denounced acts of meanness and falsehood were thought by some to be unnecessarily great. He thus came to be feared rather than liked by many, and comparatively few grew to be sufficiently intimate with him to appreciate the warmth of his affections and the charm of his playful moments. At the Easter of 1870 he passed the entrance examination at Trinity College, Cambridge, and entered into residence in the following October. His college tutor was Mr J. Prior, but he was from the first assisted and guided in his studies by his friend, Mr Marlborough Pryor, an old Harrow boy, who in the same October had been, on account of his distinction in Natural Science, elected a Fellow of the College, in accordance with certain new regulations which then came into action for the first time, and which provided that every three years one of the College Fellowships should be awarded for excellence in some branch or branches of Natural Science, as distinguished from mathematics, pure or mixed. During the whole of that year and part of the next Mr Marlborough Pryor remained in resi- dence, and his influence in wisely directing Balfour's studies had a most beneficial effect on the latter's progress. INTRODUCTION. During his first term Balfour was occupied in preparation for the Previous Examination ; and this he successfully passed at Christmas. After that he devoted himself entirely to Natural Science, attending lectures on several branches. During the Lent term he was a very diligent hearer of the lectures on Physiology which I was then giving as Trinity Praelector, having been appointed to that post in the same October that Balfour came into residence. At this time he was not very strong, and I remember very well noticing among my scanty audience, a pale retiring student, whose mind seemed at times divided between a desire to hear the lecture and a feeling that his frequent coughing was growing an annoyance to myself and the class. This delicate-looking student, I soon learnt, was named Balfour, and when the Rev. Coutts Trotter, Mr Pryor and myself came to examine the candidates for the Natural Science Scholarships which were awarded at Easter, we had no difficulty in giving the first place to him. In point of knowledge, and especially in the thoughtfulness and exactitude displayed in his papers and work, he was very clearly ahead of his com- petitors. During the succeeding Easter term and the following winter he appears to have studied physics, chemistry, geology and comparative anatomy, both under Mr Marlborough Pryor and by means of lectures. He also continued to attend my lectures, but though I gradually got to know him more and more we did not become intimate until the Lent term of 1872. He had been very much interested in some lectures on embryology which I had given, and, since Marlborough Pryor had left or was about to leave Cambridge, he soon began to consult me a good deal about his studies. He commenced practical histological and embryological work under me, and I remember very vividly that one day when we were making a little excursion in search of nests and eggs of the stickleback in order that he might study the embryology of fishes, he definitely asked my opinion as to whether he might take up a scientific career with a fair chance of success. I had by this time formed a very high opinion of his abilities, and learning then for the first time that he had an income independent of his own exertions, my answer was very decidedly a positive one. Soon after, feeling more and INTRODUCTION. more impressed with his power and increasingly satisfied both with his progress in biological studies and his sound general knowledge of other sciences, anxious also, it may be, at the same time that as much original inquiry as possible should be carried on at Cambridge in my department, I either suggested to him or acquiesced in his own suggestion that he should at once set to work on some distinct research ; and as far as I remember the task which I first proposed to him was an investi- gation of the layers of the blastoderm in the chick. It must have been about the same time that I proposed to him to join me in preparing for publication a small work on Embryology, the materials for this I had ready to hand in a rough form as lectures which. I had previously given. To this proposal he enthusiastically assented, and while the lighter task of writing what was to be written fell to me, he undertook to work over as far as was possible the many undetermined points and un- satisfactory statements across which we were continually coming. During his two years at College his health had improved ; though still hardly robust and always in danger of overwork- ing himself, he obviously grew stronger. He rejoiced exceed- ingly in his work, never tiring of it, and was also making his worth felt among his fellow students, and especially perhaps among those of his own college whose studies did not lie in the same direction as his own. At this time he must have been altogether happy, but a sorrow now came upon him. His mother, to whom he was passionately attached, and to whose judicious care in his early days not only the right development of his strong character but even his scientific leanings were due, had for some time past been failing in health, though her condition caused no immediate alarm. In May 1872, however, she died quite suddenly from unsuspected heart disease. Her loss was a great blow to him, and for some time afterward I feared his health would give way ; but he bore his grief quietly and manfully and threw himself with even increased vigour into his work. During the academic session of 1872 — 3, he continued steadily at work at his investigations, and soon began to make rapid progress. At the beginning he had complained to me about what he considered his natural clumsiness, and expressed a fear INTRODUCTION. that he should never be able to make satisfactory microscopic sections ; as to his being able to make drawings of his dissec- tions and microscopical preparations, he looked upon that at first as wholly impossible. I need hardly say that in time he acquired great skill in the details of microscopical technique, and that his drawings, if wanting in so-called artistic finish, were always singularly true and instructive. While thus struggling with the details which I could teach him, he soon began to manifest qualities which no teacher could give him. I remember calling his attention to Dursy's paper on the Primitive Streak, and suggesting' that he should work the matter over, since if such a structure really existed, it must, most probably, have great morphological significance. I am free to. confess that I myself rather doubted the matter, and a weaker student might have been influenced by my preconceptions. Balfour, however, thus early had the power of seeing what existed and of refusing to see what did not exist. He was soon able to convince me that Dursy's streak was a reality, and the complete working out of its significance occupied his thoughts to the end of his days. The results of these early studies were made known in three papers which appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science for July 1873, and will be found in the beginning of this volume. The summer and autumn of that year were spent partly in a visit to Finland, in company with his friend and old school- fellow Mr Arthur Evans, and partly in formal preparation for the approaching Tripos examination. Into this preparation Balfour threw himself with characteristic energy, and fully justified my having encouraged his spending so much of the preceding time in original research, not only by the rapidity with which he accumulated the stock of knowledge of various kinds necessary for the examination but also by the manner in which he acquitted himself at the trial itself. At that time the position of the candidates in the Natural Sciences Tripos was determined by the total number of marks, and Balfour was placed second, the first place being gained by H. Newell Martin of Christ's College, now Professor at Baltimore, U.S.A. In the examination, in which I took part, Balfour did not write much, and he had not yet learnt the art of putting his statements In the best INTRODUCTION. possible form ; he won his position chiefly by the firm thought and clear insight which was present in almost all his answers. The examination was over in the early days of Dec. 1873 and Balfour was now free to devote himself wholly to his original work. Happily, the University had not long before secured the use of two of the tables at the then recently founded Stazione Zoologica at Naples. And upon the nomination of the University, Balfour, about Christmas, started for Naples in company with his friend Mr A. G. Dew-Smith, also of Trinity College. The latter was about to carry on some physiological observations ; Balfour had set himself to work out as completely as he could the embryology of Elasmobranch fishes, about which little was at that time known, but which, from the striking characters of the adult animals could not help proving of in- terest and importance. From his arrival there at Christmas 1873 until he left in June 1874, he worked assiduously, and with such success, that as the result of the half-year's work he had made a whole series of observations of the greatest importance. Of these perhaps the most striking were those on the development of the urogenital organs, on the neurenteric canal, on the development of the spinal nerves, on the formation of the layers and on the phe- nomena of segmentation, including a history of the behaviour of nuclei in cell division. He returned home laden with facts and views both novel and destined to influence largely the progress of embryology. In August of the same year he attended the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Belfast ; and the account he then gave of his researches formed one of the most important incidents at the Biological Section on that occasion. In the September of that year the triennial fellowship for Natural Science was to be awarded at Trinity College, and Balfour naturally was a candidate. The election was, according to the regulations, to be determined partly by the result of an examination in various branches of science, and partly by such evidence of ability and promise as might be afforded by original work, published or in manuscript. He spent the remainder of the autumn in preparation for this examination. But when the 10 INTRODUCTION. examination was concluded it was found that in his written answers he had not been very successful ; he had not even acquitted himself so well as in the Tripos of the year before, and had the election been determined by the results of the examination alone, the examiners would have been led to choose the gentle- man who was Balfour's only competitor. The original work however which Balfour sent in, including a preliminary account of the discoveries made at Naples, was obviously of so high a merit and was spoken of in such enthusiastic terms by the External Referee Prof. Huxley, that the examiners did not hesi- tate for a moment to neglect altogether the formal written answers (and indeed the papers of questions were only intro- duced as a safeguard, or as a resource in case evidence of original power should be wanted) and unanimously recom- mended him for election. Accordingly he was elected Fellow in the early days of October. Almost immediately after, the little book on Embryology appeared, on which he and I had been at work, he doing his share even while his hands and mind were full of the Elas- mobranch inquiry. The title-page was kept back some little time in order that his name might appear on it with the addition of Fellow of Trinity, a title of which he was then, and indeed always continued to be, proud. He also published in the October number of the Quarterly Journal of Microscopi- cal Science a preliminary account of his Elasmobranch re- searches. He and his friends thought that after these almost inces- sant labours, and the excitement necessarily contingent upon the fellowship election, he needed rest and change. Ac- cordingly on the i /th of October he started with his friend Marlborough Pryor on a voyage to the west coast of South America. They travelled thither by the Isthmus of Panama, visited Peru and Chili, and returned home along the usual route by the Horn ; reaching England some time in Feb. 1875. Refreshed by this holiday, he now felt anxious to complete as far as possible his Elasmobranch work, and very soon after his return home, in fact in March, made his way again to Naples, where he remained till the hot weather set in in May. INTRODUCTION. 1 1 On his return to Cambridge, he still continued working on the Elasmobranchs, receiving material partly from Naples, partly from the Brighton Aquarium, the then director of which, Mr Henry Lee, spared no pains to provide him both with embryo and adult fishes. While at Naples, he communicated to the Philosophical Society at Cambridge a remarkable paper on "The Early Stages of Vertebrates," which was published in full in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, July, 1875; he also sent me a paper on "The Development of the Spinal Nerves", which I communicated to the Royal Society, and which was subsequently published in the Phi- losophical Transactions of 1876. He further wrote in the course of the summer and published in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology \\\ October, 1875, a detailed account of his "Obser- vations and Views on the Development of the Urogenital Organs." Some time in August of the same year he started in company with Mr Arthur Evans and Mr J. F. Bullar for a second trip to Finland, the travellers on this occasion making their way into regions very seldom visited, and having to subsist largely on the preserved provisions which they carried with them, and on the produce of their rods and guns. From a rough diary which Balfour kept during this trip it would appear that while enjoying heartily the fun of the rough tra- velling, he occupied himself continually with observations on the geology and physical phenomena of the country, as well as on the manners, antiquities, and even language of the people. It was one of his characteristic traits, a mark of the truly scientific bent of his mind, of his having, as Dohrn soon after Balfour's first arrival at Naples said, ' a real scientific head,' that every thing around him wherever he was, incited him to careful exact observation, and stimulated him to thought. In the early part of the Long Vacation of the same year he had made his first essay, in lecturing, having given a short course on Embryology in a room at the New Museums, which I then occupied as a laboratory. Though he afterwards learnt to lecture with great clearness he was not by nature a fluent speaker, and on this occasion he was exceedingly 12 INTRODUCTION. nervous. But those who listened to him soon forgot these small defects as they began to perceive the knowledge and power which lay in their new teacher. Encouraged by the result of this experiment, he threw himself, in spite of the heavy work which the Klasmobranch investigation was entailing, with great zeal into an arrange- ment which Prof. Newton, Mr J. W. Clark and myself had in course of the summer brought about, that he and Mr A. Milnes Marshall, since Professor at Owens College, Manchester, should between them give a course on Animal Morphology, with practical instruction, Prof. Newton giving up a room in the New Museums for the purpose. In the following October (1*87 5) upon Balfour's return from Finland, these lectures were accordingly begun and carried on by the two lecturers during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms. The number of students attending this first course, conducted on a novel plan, was, as might be expected, small, but the Lent Term did not come to an end before an en- thusiasm for morphological studies had been kindled in the members of the class. The ensuing Easter term (1876) was spent by Balfour at Naples, in order that he might carry on towards completion his Elasmobranch work. He had by this time determined to write as complete a monograph as he could of the develop- ment of these fishes, proposing to publish it in instalments in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, and subsequently to gather together the several papers into one volume. The first of these papers, dealing with the ovum, appeared in Jan. 1876; most of the numbers of the Journal during that and the succeeding year contained further portions ; but the com- plete monograph did not leave the publisher's hands until 1878. He returned to England with his pupil and friend Mr J. F. Bullar some time in the summer ; on their way home they passed through Switzerland, and it was during the few days which he then spent in sight of the snow-clad hills that the begin- nings of a desire for that Alpine climbing, which was destined to be so disastrous, seem to have been kindled in him. In October, 1876, he resumed the lectures on Morphology, taking the whole course himself, his colleague, Mr Marshall, INTRODUCTION. 13 having meanwhile left Cambridge. Indeed, from this time on- ward, he may be said to have made these lectures, in a certain sense, the chief business of his life. He lectured all three terms, devoting the Michaelmas and Lent terms to a systematic course of Animal Morphology, and the Easter term to a more element- ary course of Embryology. These lectures were given under the auspices of Prof. Newton ; but Balfour's position was before long confirmed by his being made a Lecturer of Trinity College, the lectures which he gave at the New Museums, and which were open to all students of the University, being accepted in a liberal spirit by the College as equivalent to College Lectures. He very soon found it desirable to divide the morphological course into an elementary and an advanced course, and to increase the number of his lectures from three to four a week. Each lecture was followed by practical work, the students dis- secting and examining microscopically, an animal or some animals chosen as types to illustrate the subject-matter of the lecture ; and although Balfour had the assistance at first of one1, and ultimately of several demonstrators, he himself put his hand to the plough, and after the lecture always spent some time in the laboratory among his pupils. Had Balfour been only an ordinary man, the zeal and energy which he threw into his lectures, and into the supervision of the practical work, added to the almost brotherly interest which he took in the individual development of every one of the pupils who shewed any love whatever for the subject, would have made him a most successful teacher. But his talents and powers were such as could not be hid even from beginners. His extensive and exact knowledge, the clearness with which in spite of, or shall I not rather say, by help of a certain want of fluency, he explained difficult and abstruse matters, the trenchant way in which he lay- bare specious fallacies, and the presence in almost his every word of that power which belongs only to the man who has thought out for himself everything which he says, these things aroused and indeed could hardly fail to arouse in his hearers feelings which, except in the case of the very dullest, grew to be those of 1 His first Demonstrator up to Christinas 1877, was Mr J. F. Bullar. In Jan. 1878, Mr Adam Sedgwick took the post of Senior Demonstrator, and held it until Balfour's death. 14 INTRODUCTION. enthusiasm. His class, at first slowly, but afterwards more rapidly, increased in numbers, and, what is of more import- ance, grew in quality. The room allotted to him soon became far too small and steps were taken to provide for him, for myself, whose wants were also urgent, and for the biological studies generally, adequate accommodation ; but it was not until Oct. 1877 that we were able to take possession of the new quarters. Even this new accommodation soon became insufficient, and in the spring of 1882 a new morphological laboratory was commenced in accordance with plans suggested by himself. He was to have occupied them in the October term, 1883, but did not live to see them finished. As might have been expected from his own career, he regarded the mere teaching of what is known as a very small part of his duties as Lecturer ; and as soon as any of his pupils became sufficiently advanced, he urged or rather led them to undertake original investigations ; and he had the satisfaction before his death of seeing the researches of his pupils (such as those by Messrs. Bullar, Sedgwick, Mitzikuri, Haddon, Scott, Osborne, Caldwell, Heape, Weldon, Parker, Deighton and others) carried to a successful end. In each of these inquiries he himself took part, sometimes a large part, generally suggesting the problem to be solved, indicating the methods, and keeping a close watch over the whole progress of the study. Hence in many cases the published account bears his name as well as that of the pupil. In the year 1878 his Monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes was published as a complete volume, and in the same year he received the honour of being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, a distinction which now-a-days does not often fall to one so young. No sooner was the Monograph completed than in spite of the labours which his lectures entailed, he set himself to the great task of writing a complete treatise on Comparative Embryology. This not only laid upon him the heavy burden of gathering together the observations of others, enormous in number and continually increasing, scattered through many journals and books, and recorded in many different languages, as well as of putting them in orderly array, and of winnowing INTRODUCTION. out the grain from the chaff (though his critical spirit found some relief in the latter task), but also caused him much labour, inasmuch as at almost every turn new problems suggested them- selves, and demanded inquiry before he could bring his mind to writing about them. This desire to see his way straight before him, pursued him from page to page, and while it has resulted in giving the book an almost priceless value, made the writing of it a work of vast .labour. Many of the ideas thus originated served as the bases of inquiries worked out by himself or his pupils, and published in the form of separate papers, but still more perhaps never appeared either in the book or elsewhere and were carried with him undeveloped and unrecorded to the grave. The preparation of this work occupied the best part of his time for the next three years, the first volume appearing in 1880, the second in 1881. In the autumn of 1880, he attended the Meeting at Swansea of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, having been appointed Vice-President of the Biological Sec- tion with charge of the Department of Anatomy and Physio- logy. At the Meetings of the Association, especially of late years, much, perhaps too much, is expected in the direction of explaining the new results of science in a manner inter- esting to the unlearned. Popular expositions were never very congenial to Balfour, his mind was too much occupied with the anxiety of problems yet to be solved ; he was there- fore not wholly at his ease, in his position on this occasion. Yet his introductory address, though not of a nature to interest a large mixed audience, was a luminous, brief exposition of the modern development and aims of embryological investi- gation. During these years of travail with the Comparative Em- bryology the amount of work which he got through was a marvel to his friends, for besides his lectures, and the re- searches, and the writing of the book, new labours were de- manded of him by the University for which he was already doing so much. Men at Cambridge, and indeed elsewhere as well, soon began to find out that the same clear insight which was solving biological problems could be used to settle knotty 1 6 INTRODUCTION. questions of policy and business. Moreover he united in a remarkable manner, the power of boldly and firmly asserting and maintaining his own views, with a frank courteousness which went far to disarm opponents. Accordingly he found himself before long a member of various Syndicates, and indeed a very great deal of his time was thus occupied, especially with the Museums and Library Syndicates, in both of which he took the liveliest interest. Besides these University duties his time and energy were also at the service of his College. In the preparation of the New Statutes, with which about this time the College was much occupied, the Junior Fellows of the College took a conspicuous share, and among these Junior Fellows Balfour was perhaps the most active ; indeed he was their leader, and he threw himself into the investigation of the bearings and probable results of this and that proposed new statute with as much zeal as if he were attacking some morphological problem. While he was in the midst of these various labours, his friends, often feared for his strength, for though gradually im- proving in health after his first year at Cambridge, he was not robust, and from time to time he seemed on the point of break- ing down. Still, hard as he was working, he was in reality wisely careful of himself, and as he grew older, paid more and more attention to his health, daily taking exercise in the form either of bicycle rides or of lawn-tennis. Moreover he continued to spend some part of his vacations in travel. Combining business with pleasure, he made frequent visits to Germany and France, and especially to Naples. The Christmas of 1876 — 7 he spent in Greece, that of 1878 — 9 at Ragusa, where his old school-fellow and friend Mr Arthur Evans was at that time residing, and the appointment of his friend Kleinenberg to a Professorship at Messina led to a journey there. Early in the long vacation of 1880, he went with his sister, Mrs H. Sidgwick, and her husband to Switzerland, and was joined there for a short time by his friend and pupil Adam Sedgwick. During this visit he took his first lessons in Alpine climbing, making several excursions, some of them difficult and dangerous ; and the love of mountaineering laid so firm a hold upon him, that he returned to Switzerland later on in the autumn of the same year, in company with his INTRODUCTION. 17 brother Gerald, and spent some weeks near Zermatt in systematic climbing, ascending, among other mountains, the Matterhorn and the Weisshorn. In the following summer, 1 88 1 , he and his brother Gerald again visited the Alps, dividing their time between the Chamonix district and the Bernese Oberland. On this occa- sion some of the excursions which they made were of extreme difficulty, and such as needed not only great presence of mind and bodily endurance, but also skilful and ready use of the limbs. As a climber indeed Balfour soon shewed himself fearless, indefatigable, and expert in all necessary movements as well as full of resources and expedients in the face of diffi- culties, so much so that he almost at once took rank among the foremost of distinguished mountaineers. In spite of his apparent clumsiness in some matters, he had even as a lad proved himself to be a bold and surefooted climber. More- over he had been perhaps in a measure prepared for the difficulties of Alpine climbing by his experience in deer- stalking. This sport he had keenly and successfully pur- sued for many years at his brother's place in Rosshire. When however about the year 1877, the question of physiological experiments on animals became largely discussed in public, he felt that to continue the pursuit of this or any other sport involving, for the sake of mere pleasure, the pain and death of animals, was inconsistent with the position which he had warmly taken up, as an advocate of the right to experiment on animals ; and he accordingly from that time onward wholly gave it up. His fame as an investigator and teacher, and as a man of brilliant and powerful parts, was now being widely spread. Pupils came to him, not only from various parts of England, but from America, Australia and Japan. At the York Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in August, 1 88 1, he was chosen as one of the General Secretaries. In April, 1881, the honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the University of Glasgow, and in November of the same year the Royal Society gave him one of the Royal Medals in recognition of his embryological discoveries, and at the same time placed him on its Council. At Cambridge he was chosen, in the autumn of 1880, Presi- dent of the Philosophical Society, and in the December of that B. 2 1 8 INTRODUCTION. year a brilliant company were gathered together at the Annual Dinner to do honour to their new young President. Otherwise nothing as yet had been done for him in his own University in the way of recognition of his abilities and services ; and he still re- mained a Lecturer of Trinity College, giving lectures in a Uni- versity building. An effort had been made by some of his friends to urge the University to take some step in this direction ; but it was thought at that time impossible to do anything. In 1 88 1 a great loss fell upon the sister University of Oxford in the death of Prof. George Rolleston ; and soon after very vigorous efforts were made to induce Balfour to become a candidate for the vacant chair. The prospect was in many ways a tempting one, and Balfour seeing no very clear way in the future for him at his own University, was at times inclined to offer himself, but eventually he decided to remain at Cam- bridge. Hardly had this temptation if we may so call it been overcome when a still greater one presented itself. Through the lamented death of Sir Wyville Thomson in the winter of 1 88 1 — 2, the chair of Natural History at Edinburgh, perhaps the richest and most conspicuous biological chair in the United Kingdom, became vacant. The post was in many ways one which Balfour would have liked to hold. The teaching duties were it is true laborious, but they had in the past been compressed into a short time, occupying only the summer session and leaving the rest of the year free, and it seemed probable that this arrangement might be continued with him. The large emolument would also have been grateful to him inasmuch as he would have felt able to devote the whole of it to scientific ends ; and the nearness to Whittinghame. his native place and brother's home, added to the attractions ; but what tempted him most was the position which it would have given him, and the opportunities it would have afforded, with the rich marine Fauna of the north-eastern coast close at hand, to develope a large school of Animal Morphology. The existing Professors at Edinburgh were most desirous that he should join them, and made every effort to induce him to come. On the part of the Crown, in whose hands the appointment lay, not only were distinct offers made to him, but he was repeatedly pressed to accept the post. Nor was it until after a considerable INTRODUCTION. 19 struggle that he finally refused, his love for his own University in the end overcoming the many inducements to leave ; he elected to stay where he was, trusting to the future opening up for him some suitable position. In this decision he was undoubtedly influenced by the consideration that Cambridge, besides being the centre of his old friendships, had become as it were a second home for his own family. By the appointment of Lord Rayleigh to the chair of Experimental Physics his sister Lady Rayleigh had become a resident, his sister Mrs Sidgwick had lived there now for some years, and his brother Gerald generally spent the summer there ; their presence made Cambridge doubly dear to him. At the close of the Michaelmas term, with feelings of relief at having completed his Comparative Embryology, the prepara- tion of the second volume of which had led to almost incessant labour during the preceding year, he started to spend the Christmas vacation with his friend Kleinenberg at Messina. Stopping at Naples on his way thither he found his pupil Caldwell, who had been sent to occupy the University table at the Stazione Zoologica, lying ill at Capri, with what proved to be typhoid fever. The patient was alone, without any friend to tend him, and his mother who had been sent for had not yet arrived. Accordingly Balfour (with the kindness all forgetful of himself which was his mark all his life through) stayed on his journey to nurse the sick man until the mother came. He then went on to Messina, and there seemed to be in good health, amusing himself with the ascent of Etna. Yet in January, soon after his return home, he com- plained of being unwell, and in due time distinct symptoms of typhoid fever made their appearance. The attack at first pro- mised to be severe, but happily the crisis was soon safely passed and the convalescence was satisfactory. While yet on his sick bed, a last attempt was made to induce him to accept the Edinburgh offer, and for the last time he refused. These repeated offers, and the fact that the dangers of his grave illness had led the University vividly to realize how much they would lose if Balfour were taken away from them, encouraged his friends to make a renewed effort to gain for him some adequate position in the University. This time 2 — 2 20 INTRODUCTION. the attempt was successful, and the authorities took a step, unusual but approved of by the whole body of resident members of the University ; they instituted a new Professorship of Animal Morphology, to be held by Balfour during his life or as long as he should desire, but to terminate at his death or resignation unless it should be otherwise desirable. Accordingly in May, 1882, he was admitted into the Professoriate as Pro- fessor of Animal Morphology. During his illness his lectures had been carried on by his Demonstrator, Mr Adam Sedgwick, who continued to take his place during the remainder of that Lent Term and during the ensuing Easter Term. The spring Balfour spent partly in the Channel Islands with his sister Alice, partly in London with his eldest brother, but in the course of the Ea'ster Term returned to Cambridge and resumed his work though not his lectures. His recovery to health was steady and satisfactory, the only drawback being a swelling over the shin-bone of one leg, due to a blow on the rocks at Sark ; otherwise he was rapidly becoming strong. He himself felt convinced that a visit to the Alps, with some mountaineering of not too difficult a kind, would complete his restoration to health. In this view many of his friends coincided ; for the experience of former years had shewn them what a wonderfully beneficial effect the Alpine air and exercise had upon his health. He used to go away pale, thin and haggard, to return bronzed, clear, firm and almost stout ; nor was there anything in his condition which seemed to forbid his climbing, provided that he was cautious at the outset. Accordingly, early in June he left Cambridge for Switzerland, having long ago, during his illness in fact, en- gaged his old guide, Johann Petrus, whom he had first met in 1880, and who had always accompanied him in his expeditions since. His first walking was in the Chamonix district ; and here he very soon found his strength and elasticity come back to him. Crossing over from Montanvert to Courmayeur, by the Col du Geant, he was attracted by the peak called the Aiguille Blanche de Peuteret, a virgin peak, the ascent of which had been before attempted but not accomplished. Consulting with Petrus he determined to try it, feeling that the fortnight, which by this INTRODUCTION. 21 time he had spent in climbing, had brought back to him his old vigour, and that his illness was already a thing of the past. There is no reason to believe that he regarded the expedition as one of unusual peril ; and an incident which at the time of his death was thought by some to indicate this was in reality nothing more than a proof of his kindly foresight. The guide Petrus was burdened by a debt on his land amounting to about £150. In the previous year Balfour and his brother had come to know of this debt ; and, seeing that no Alpine ascent is free from danger, that on any expedition some accident might carry them off, had conceived the idea of making some provision for Petrus' family in case he might meet with sudden death in their service. This suggestion of the previous year Balfour carried out on this occasion, and sent home to his brother Gerald a cheque of £150 for this purpose. But the cheque was sent from Montanvert before he had even conceived the idea of ascending the Aiguille Blanche. It was not a provision for any specially dangerous ascent, and must be regarded as a measure prompted not by a sense of coming peril but rather by the donor's generous care for his servant. On Tuesday afternoon, July 18, he and Petrus, with a porter to carry provisions and firing to their sleeping-place on the rocks, set out from Courmayeur, the porter returning the same night. They expected to get back to Courmayeur some time on the Thursday, but the day passed without their appearing. This did not cause any great anxiety because it was supposed that they might have found it more convenient to pass over to the Chamonix side than to return to Cour- mayeur. When on Friday however telegrams dispatched to Chamonix and Montanvert brought answers that nothing had been seen of them, it became evident that some accident had happened, and an exploring party set out for the hills. It was not until early on the Sunday morning that this search party found the bodies, both partly covered with snow, lying on the Glacier de Fresney, below the impassable icefall which sepa- rates the upper basin of the glacier from the lower portion, and at the foot of a couloir which descends by the side of the icefall. Their tracks were visible on the snow at the top of the couloir. Balfour's neck was broken, and his skull fractured 22 INTRODUCTION. in three places; Petrus' body was also fractured in many places. The exact manner of their death will never be known, but there can be no doubt that, in Balfour's case at all events, it was instantaneous, and those competent to form a judgment are of opinion that they were killed by a sudden fall through a comparatively small height, slipping on the rocks as they were descending by the side of the ice-fall, and not precipi- tated from the top of the couloir. There is moreover indirect evidence which renders it probable that in the fatal fall Petrus slipped first and carried Balfour with him. Whether they had reached the summit of the Aiguille and were returning home after a successful ascent or whether they were making their way back disheartened and wearied with failure, is not and perhaps never will be known. Since the provisions at the sleeping-place were untouched, the deaths probably took place on Wednesday the i pth. The bringing down the bodies proved to be a task of extreme difficulty, and it was not till Wednesday the 26th that the remains reached Courmayeur, where M. Bertolini, the master of the hotel, and indeed everyone, not least the officers of a small body of Italian troops stationed there, shewed the greatest kindness and sympathy to Balfour's brothers, Gerald and Eus- tace, who hastened to the spot as soon as the news of the terrible disaster was telegraphed home. Mr Walter Leaf also and Mr Conway, friends of Balfour, the former a very old one, who had made their way to Courmayeur from other parts of Switzerland as soon as they heard of the accident, rendered great assistance. The body was embalmed, brought to England, and buried at Whittinghame on Saturday, Aug. 5, the Fellows of Trinity College holding a service in the College Chapel at the same time. In person he was tall, being fully six feet in height, well built though somewhat spare. A broad forehead overhanging deeply set dark brown eyes whose light shining from beneath strongly marked eye-brows told all the changes of his moods, slightly prominent cheek-bones, a pale skin, at times in- clined to be even sallow, dark brown hair, allowed to grow on the face only as a small moustache, and slight whiskers, made up a countenance which bespoke at once strength of character and delicacy of constitution. It was an open countenance, hiding INTRODUCTION. 23 nothing, giving sign at once, both when his body was weary or weak, and when his mind was gladdened, angered or annoyed. The record of some of his thoughts and work, all that he had given to the world will be found in the following pages. But who can tell the ideas which had passed into his quick brain, but which as yet were known only to himself, of which he had given no sign up to that sad day on which he made the fatal climb? And who can say whither he might not have reached had he lived, and his bright young life ripened as years went on ? This is not the place to attempt any judg- ment of his work : that may be left to other times, and to other hands; but it may be fitting to place here on record a letter which shews how much the greatest naturalist of this age appreciated his younger brother. Among Balfour's papers was found a letter from Charles Darwin, acknowledging the receipt of Vol. II. of the Comparative Embryology in the fol- lowing words : "July 6, 1881. DOWN, BECKENHAM, KENT. MY DEAR BALFOUR, I thank you heartily for the present of your grand book, and I congratulate you on its completion. Although I read almost all of Vol. I. I do not feel that I am worthy of your present, unless indeed the fullest conviction that it is a memorable work makes me worthy to receive it. * * * * * Once again accept my thanks, for I am proud to receive a book from you, who, I know, will some day be the chief of the English Biologists. Believe me, Yours sincerely, CHARLES DARWIN." The loss of him was a manifold loss. He is mourned, and will long be mourned, for many reasons. Some miss only the brilliant investigator ; others feel that their powerful and sympathetic teacher is gone ; some look back on his memory INTRODUCTION. and grieve for the charming companion whose kindly courtesy and bright wit made the hours fly swiftly and pleasantly along ; and to yet others is left an aching void when they remember that they can never again lean on the friend whose judgment seemed never to fail and whose warm-hearted affection was a constant help. And to some he was all of these. At the news of his death the same lines came to the lips of all of us, so fittingly did Milton's words seem to speak our loss and grief— "For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime, Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer." M. FOSTER. I. ON SOME POINTS IN THE GEOLOGY OF THE EAST LOTHIAN COAST \ By G. W. and F. M. BALFOUR, Trinity College, Cambridge. THE interesting relation between the Porphyrite of Whit- berry Point, at the mouth of the Tyne, near Dunbar, and the adjacent sedimentary rocks, was first noticed, we believe, by Professor Geikie, who speaks of it in the Memoirs of the Geologi- cal Survey of East Lothian, pages 40 and 31, and again in the new edition of Jukes's Geology, p. 269. The volcanic mass which forms the point consists of a dark felspathic base with numerous crystals of augite : it is circular in form, and is exposed for two-thirds of its circumference in a vertical precipice facing the sea, about twenty feet in height. The rock is traversed by numerous joints running both in a horizontal and in a vertical direction. The latter are by far the most conspicuous, and give the face of the cliff, when seen from a distance, a well-marked columnar appearance, though the columns themselves are not very distinct or regular. They are quadrangular in form, and are evidently produced by the inter- section at right-angles of the two series of vertical joints. It is clear that the face of the precipice has been gradually receding in proportion as it yielded to the action of the waves ; and that at a former period the volcanic rock extended con- siderably further than at present over the beds which are seen to dip beneath it. These latter consist of hard fine-grained calcareous sandstones belonging to the Lower Carboniferous formation. Their colour varies from red to white, and their prevailing dip is in a N.W. direction, with an average inclination of 12 — 20°. If the volcanic mass is a true intrusive rock, we should naturally expect the strata which surround it to dip away in all directions, the amount of their inclination diminishing in 1 From the Geological Magazine, Vol. IX. No. 4. April, 1872. 26 GEOLOGY OF THE EAST LOTHIAN COAST. proportion to their distance from it. We find, however, that the case is precisely the reverse : as the beds approach the base of the cliff, they dip towards it from every side at perpetually in- creasing angles, until at the point of junction the inclination amounts in places to as much as 5 5 degrees. The exact amount of dip in the various positions will be seen on referring to the accompanying map. N FIG. i. MAP OF STRATA AT WHITBERRY POINT. Scale, 6 in. to the mile. A. Lava sheet. B. Sandstone Beds, dipping from every side towards the lava. CC. Line of Section along which Fig. i is supposed to be drawn. We conceive that the phenomenon is to be explained by supposing the orifice through which the lava rose and overflowed the surface of the sedimentary strata to have been very much smaller in area than the extent of igneous rock at present visible ; and that the pressure of the erupted mass on the soft beds be- neath, aided perhaps by the abstraction of matter from below, caused them to incline towards the central point at a gradually increasing angle. The diagram, fig. 2, will serve further to illustrate this hypothesis. A is the neck or orifice by which the melted matter is supposed to ascend. C shews the sheet of lava after it has overspread the surface of the sandstone beds jB,'so as to cause them to assume their present inclination. The dotted GEOLOGY OF THE EAST LOTHIAN COAST. lines represent the hypothetical extension of the igneous mass and sandstones previous to the denudation which they have suffered from the action of the waves. Professor Geikie, in his admirable treatise on the Geology of the county1, adopts a view on this subject which is somewhat different from that which is suggested in this paper. He con- siders that the whole mass is an intrusive neck of rock with perpendicular sides; and that it once filled up an orifice through the surrounding sedimentary strata, of which it is now the only remnant. ^ __ LEVEL OF FIG. 2 FIG. 2. VERTICAL SECTION THROUGH CC. DIAGRAM (FiG. i). A. Orifice by which the lava ascended. B. Sandstone Beds. B'. Hypothetical extension of ditto. C. Sheet of lava spread over the sandstones B. C. Hypo- thetical extension of ditto. He admits that the inclination of the sandstone beds towards the igneous mass in the centre is a phenomenon that is some- what difficult to explain, and suggests that a subsequent contrac- tion of the column may have tended to produce such a result. To use his own words: "In the case of a solid column of felstone or basalt, the contraction of the melted mass on cooling may have had some effect in dragging down the sides of the orifice2." But, apart from other objections, it is scarcely conceivable that this result should have been produced by the contraction of the column. In his recent edition of Jukes's Manual of Geology (p. 269), in which he also refers to this instance, he states that in other cases of "necks" it is found to be an almost invariable rule, "that 1 Memoirs of Geological Survey of Scotland, sheet 33, pp. 40, 41. 2 Note on p. 41 of Mem. Geol. Survey of East Lothian. 28 GEOLOGY OF THE EAST LOTHIAN COAST. strata are bent down so as to dip into the neck all round its margin." We are not aware to what other instances Prof. Geikie may allude; but on referring to his Memoir on tJte Geology of East Lothian, we find that he states in the cases of 'North Berwick Law' and 'Traprain' (which he compares with the igneous mass at Whitberry Point), that the beds at the base of these two necks, where exposed, dip away from them, and that at a high angle. In support of the hypothesis which we have put' forward, the following arguments may be urged : (1) That in one place at least the sedimentary strata are seen to be actually dipping beneath the superincumbent basalt; and that the impression produced by the general relation of the two rocks is, that they do so everywhere. (2) Since the columns into which the lava is split are verti- cal, the cooling surface must have been horizontal : the mass must, therefore, have formed a sheet, and not a dyke ; for, in the latter case, the cooling surfaces would have been vertical. (3) It is difficult to conceive, on the supposition that the volcanic rock is a neck with perpendicular sides, that the marine denudation should have uniformly proceeded only so far as to lay bare the junction between the two formations. We should have expected that in many places the igneous rock itself would have been cut down to the general level, whereas the only signs of such an effect are shown in a few narrow inlets where the rock was manifestly softer than in the surrounding parts. The last objection is greatly confirmed by the overhanging cliffs and numerous blocks of porphyrite which lie scattered on the beach, as if to attest the former extension of that ancient sheet of which these blocks now form but a small remnant. In- deed, the existence of such remains appears sufficient of itself to condemn any hypothesis which presumes the present face of the cliff to have formed the original boundary of the mass. It may be fairly objected to our theory, as Prof. Geikie him- self has suggested, that the high angle at which the strata dip is difficult to account for. But, in fact, this steep inclination con- stitutes the very difficulty which any hypothesis on the subject must be framed to explain; and it is a difficulty which is not more easily solved by Prof. Geikie's theory than by our own. II. THE DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF THE LAYERS OF THE BLASTODERM1. With Plate I. figs, i — 5 and 9 — 12. THE following paper deals with the changes which take place in the cells of the blastoderm of the hen's egg during the first thirty or forty hours of incubation. ,The subject is one which has, as a general rule, not been much followed up by embryo- logists, but is nevertheless of the greatest interest, both in refer- ence to embryology itself, and to the growth and changes of protoplasm exhibited in simple embryonic cells. I am far from having exhausted the subject in this paper, and in some cases I shall be able merely to state facts, without being able to give any explanation of their meaning. My method of investigation has been the examination of sections and surface views. For hardening the blastoderm I have employed, as usual, chromic acid, and also gold chloride. It is, however, difficult to make sections of blastoderms hardened by this latter reagent, and the sections when made are not in all cases satisfactory. For surface views I have chiefly used silver nitrate, which brings out the outlines of the cells in a manner which leaves nothing to be desired as to clearness. If the out- lines only of the cells are to be examined, a very short immersion (half a minute) of the blastoderm in a half per cent, solution of silver nitrate is sufficient, but if the immersion lasts for a longer period the nuclei will be brought out also. For studying the latter, however, I have found it better to employ gold chloride or carmine in conjunction with the silver nitrate. My observations begin with the blastoderm of a freshly laid egg. The appearances presented by sections of this have been accurately described by Peremeschko, " Ueber die Bildung der 1 From the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. xin., 1873. 30 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF Keimblatter im HUhnerei," Sitzungsberichte der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 1868. Oellacher, " Untersuchung iiber die Furchung und Blatterbildung im Hiihnerei," Studien aus dem Institut filr Experim. Pathologie in Wien, 1870 (pp. 54 — 74), and Dr Klein, Ixiii. Bande der Sitz. der K. Acadamie der Wiss. in Wien, 1871. The unincubated blastoderm (PI. I, fig. i) consists of two layers. The upper layer is composed of a single row of columnar cells. Occasionally, however, the layer may be two cells thick. Thf cells are filled with highly refracting spherules of a very small size, and similar in appearance to the finest white yolk spherules, and each cell also contains a distinct oval nucleus. This membrane rests with its extreme edge on the white yolk, its central portion covering in the segmentation cavity. From the very first it is a distinct coherent membrane, and exhibits with silver nitrate a beautiful hexagonal mosaic of the outlines (PI. I. fig. 6) of the cells. The diameter of the cells when viewed from above is from -%fa§ — -S^M °f an inch. The under layer is very different from this : it is composed of cells which are slightly, if at all, united, and which vary in size and appear- ance, and in which a nucleus can rarely be seen. The cells of which it is composed fill up irregularly the segmentation cavity, though a distinct space is even at this time occasionally to be found at the bottom of it. Later, when the blastoderm has spread and the white yolk floor has been used as food, a considerable space filled with fluid may generally be found. The shape of the floor of the cavity varies considerably, but it is usually raised in the middle and depressed near the circumference. In this case the under layer is perhaps only two cells deep at the centre and three or four cells deep near the circumference. The cells of which this layer is composed vary a good deal in size ; the larger cells being, however, more numerous in the lower layers. In addition, there are usually a few very large cells quite at the bottom of the cavity, occasionally separated from the other cells by fluid. They were called formative cells (Bildungselemente) by Peremeschko (loc. cit.) ; and, according to Oellacher's observations (loc. cit), some of them, at any rate, fall to the bottom of the segmentation cavity during the later THE LAYERS OF THE BLASTODERM. 31 stages of segmentation. They do not differ from the general lower layer cells except in size, and even pass into them by insensible gradations. All the cells of the lower layer are granular, and are filled with highly refracting spherules precisely similar to the smaller white yolk spherules which line the bottom of the segmentation cavity. The size of the ordinary cells of the lower layer varies from gTrmj — iwou °f an incn- The largest of the formative cells come up to 3^ of an inch. It will be seen from this description that, morphologically speaking, we cannot attach much importance to the formative cells. The fact that they broke off from the blastoderm, towards the end of the seg- mentation— even if we accept it as a normal occurrence, rather than the result of manipulation — is not of much importance, and, except in size, it is impossible to distinguish these cells from other cells of the lower layer of the blastoderm. Physiologically, however, as will be afterwards shewn, they are of considerable importance. The changes which the blastoderm undergoes during the first three or four hours of incubation are not very noticeable. At about the sixth or eighth hour, or in some cases consider- ably earlier, changes begin to take place very rapidly. These changes result in the formation of a hypoblast and mesoblast, the upper layer of cells remaining comparatively unaltered as the epiblast. To form the hypoblast a certain number of the cells of the lower layer begin to undergo remarkable changes. From being spherical and, as far as can be seen, non-nucleated, they become (vide fig. 2 Ji) flattened and nucleated, still remaining granular, but with fewer spherules. Here, then, is a direct change, of which all the stages can be followed, of a cell of one kind into a cell of a totally different character. The new cell is not formed by a destruction of the old one, but directly from it by a process of metamorphosis. These hypoblast cells are formed first at the centre and later at the circumference, so that from the first the cells at the circumference are less flattened and more granular than the cells at the centre. A number of cells of the original lower layer are enclosed between this layer and the epiblast ; and, 32 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF in addition to these, the formative cells (as has been shewn by Peremeschko, Oellacher, and Klein, whose observations I can confirm) begin to travel towards the circumference, and to pass in between the epiblast and hypoblast. Both the formative cells, and the lower layer cells enclosed between the hypoblast and epiblast, contribute towards the mesoblast, but the mode in which the mesoblast is formed is very different from that in which the hypoblast originates. It is in this difference of formation that the true distinction be- tween the mesoblast and hypoblast is to be looked for, rather than in the original difference of the cells from which they are derived. The cells of the mesoblast are formed by a process which seems to be a kind of free cell formation. The whole of the interior of each of the formative cells, and of the other cells which are enclosed between the epiblast and the hypoblast, become converted into new cells. These are the cells of the mesoblast. I have not been able perfectly to satisfy myself as to the exact manner in which this takes place, but I am inclined to think that some or all of the spherules which are contained in the original cells develop into nuclei for the new cells, the protoplasm of the new cells being formed from that of the original cells. The stages of formation of the mesoblast cells are shewn in the section (PI. I, fig. 2), taken from the periphery of a blastoderm of eight hours. The first formation of the mesoblast cells takes place in the centre of the blastoderm, and the mass of cells so formed produces the opaque line known as the primitive streak. This is shown in PI. I, fig. 9. One statement I have made in the above description in reference to the origin of the mesoblast cells, viz. that they are only partly derived from the formative cells at the bottom of the segmentation cavity, is to a certain extent opposed to the statements of the three investigators above mentioned. They state that the mesoblast is entirely derived from the formative cells. It is not a point to which I attach much im- portance, considering that I can detect no difference between these cells and any other cells of the original lower layer except that of size ; and even this difference is probably to be explained THE LAYERS OF THE BLASTODERM. 33 by their proximity to the white yolk, whose spherules they absorb. But my reason for thinking it probable that these cells alone do not form the mesoblast are, ist. That the mesoblast and hypoblast are formed nearly synchronously, and except at the centre a fairly even sprinkling of lower layer cells is from the first to be distinguished between the epiblast and hypoblast. 2nd. That if some of the lower layer cells are not converted into mesoblast, it is difficult to see what becomes of them, since they appear to be too numerous to be converted into the hypoblast alone. 3rd. That the chief formation of mesoblast at first takes place in the centre, while if the formative cells alone took part in its formation, it would be natural to expect that it would begin to be formed at the periphery. Oellacher himself has shewn (Zeitschrift fur wissenscliaftliche Zoologie, 1873, " Beitrage zur Entwick. Gesch. der Knochen- fische") that in osseous fishes the cells which break away from the blastoderm take no share in the formation of the mesoblast, so that we can derive no argument from the formation of the mesoblast in these animals, for believing that in the chick it is derived only from the formative cells. In the later stages, however, from the twelfth to the twenty- fifth hour, the growth of the mesoblast depends almost entirely on these cells, and Peremeschko's discovery of the fact is of great value. Waldeyer (Henle tmd v. Pfeufer's Zeitschrift, xxxiv. Band, fur 1869) has given a different account of the origin of the layers. There is no doubt, however, in opposition to his state- ments and drawings, that from the very first the hypoblast is distinct from the mesoblast, which is, indeed, most conspicu- ously shewn in good sections ; and his drawings of the deriva- tion of the mesoblast from the epiblast are not very correct. The changes which have been described are also clearly shewn by means of silver nitrate. Whereas, at first this reagent brought out no outline markings of cells in the lower layer, by the eighth to the twelfth hour the markings (PI. I, fig. 3) are very plain, and shew that the hypoblast is a distinct coherent membrane. In section, the cells of the hypoblast appear generally very thin and spindle shaped, but the outlines brought out by the B. 3 34 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF silver nitrate shew that they are much expanded horizontally, but very irregular as to size, varying even within a small area from ^g. — -ffo of an inch in the longest diameter. At about the twelfth hour they are uniformly smaller a short way from each extremity of its longer axis than over the rest of the blastoderm. It is, perhaps, fair to conclude from this that growth is most rapid at these parts. At this time the hypoblast, both in sections and from a surface view after treatment with silver nitrate, appears to end abruptly against the white yolk. The surface view also shews that its cells are still filled with highly refractive globules, making it difficult to see the nucleus. In some cases I thought that I could (fig. 3, a) make out that it was hour-glass shaped, and some cells certainly contain two nuclei. Some of the cells (fig- 3> ^) shew re-entrant curves, which prove that they have undergone division. The cells of the epiblast, up to the thirteenth hour, have chiefly undergone change in becoming smaller. In surface views they are about 4^7 of an inch in diameter over the centre of the pellucid area, and increase to ^j^y of an inch over the opaque area. In the centre of the pellucid area the form of the epiblast cells is more elongated vertically and over the opaque area more flattened than was the case with the original upper layer cells. In the centre the epiblast is two or three cells deep. Before going on to the further changes of the blastodermic cells it will be well to say a few words in reference to the origin of the mesoblast. From the description given above it will be clear that in the chick the mesoblast has an independent origin ; it can be said neither to originate from the epiblast nor from the hypoblast. It is formed coincidently with the latter out of apparently similar segmentation cells. The hypoblast, as has been long known, shews in the chick no trace of its primitive method of formation by involution, neither does the mesoblast shew any signs of its primitive mode of formation. In so excessively highly differentiated a type as birds we could hardly expect to find, and certainly do not find, any traces of the THE LAYERS OF THE BLASTODERM. 35 primitive origin of the mesoblast^ either from the epiblast or hypoblast, or from both. In the chick the mesoblast cells are formed directly from the ultimate products of segmentation. From having a secondary origin in most invertebrates the mesoblast comes to have, in the chick, a primary origin from the segmentation spheres, precisely as we find to be the case with the nervous layer in osseous fishes. It is true we cannot tell which segmentation-cells will form the mesoblast, and which the hypoblast ; but the mesoblast and hypoblast are formed at the same time, and both of them directly from segmentation spheres. The process of formation of the mesoblast in Loligo, as observed by Mr Ray Lankester (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, February, 1873), is still more modified. Here the mesoblast arises independently of the blastoderm, and by a process of free cell-formation in the yolk round the edge of the blastoderm. If Oellacher's observations in reference to the origin of formative cells are correct, then the modes of origin of the mesoblast in Loligo and the chick would have nothing in common ; but if the formative cells are in reality derived from the white yolk, and also are alone concerned in the formation of the mesoblast, then the modes of formation of the mesoblast in the chick would be substantially the same as that observed by Mr Ray Lankester in Loligo. No very important changes take place in the actual forms of the cells during the next few hours. A kind of fusion takes place between the epiblast and the mesoblast along the line of the primitive streak forming the axis-string of His ; but the line of junction between the layers is almost always more or less visible in sections. In any case it does not appear that there is any derivation of mesoblast cells from the epiblast ; and since the fusion only takes place in the region of the primitive groove, and not in front, where the medullary groove arises (see succeed- ing paper), it cannot be considered of any importance in reference to the possible origin of the Wolffian duct, &c, from the epiblast (as mooted by Waldeyer, Eierstock und Ei, Leipzig, 1870). The primitive groove, as can be seen in sections, begins to appear very early, generally before the twelfth hour. The epiblast spreads rapidly over the wjiite yolk, and the area pellucida also increases in size. 3—2 36 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF From the mesoblast forming at first only a small mass of cells, which lies below the primitive streak, it soon comes to be the most important layer of the blastoderm. Its growth is effected by means of the formative cells. These cells are generally not very numerous in an unincubated blastoderm, but rapidly increase in numbers, probably by division ; at the same time they travel round the edge of, and in some cases through, the hypoblast, and then become converted in the manner described into mesoblast cells. They act as carriers of food from the white yolk to the mesoblast till, after the formation of the vascular area, they are no longer necessary. The numerous cases in which two nucleoli and even two nuclei can be seen in one cell prove that the mesoblast cells also increase by division. The growth of the hypoblast takes place in a very different way. It occurs by a direct conversion, cell for cell, of the white yolk spheres into hypoblast cells. This interpretation of the appearances, which I will describe presently, was first suggested to me by Dr Foster, from an examination of some of my specimens of about thirty-six hours, prepared with silver nitrate. Where there is no folding at the junction between the pellucid and opaque areas, there seems to be a perfect continuity in the silver markings and a gradual transition in the cells, from what would be undoubtedly called white yolk spheres, to as undoubted hypoblast cells (vide PI. I, fig. 5). In passing from the opaque to the pellucid areas the number of white yolk spherules in each cell becomes less, but it is not till some way into the pellucid area that they quite cease to be present. I at first thought that this was merely due to the hypoblast cells feeding on the white yolk sphericles, but the perfect continuity of the cells, and the perfect gradation in passing from the white yolk cells to the hypoblast, proves that the other interpretation is the correct one, viz. that the white yolk spheres become directly converted into the hypoblast cells. This is well shewn in sections (vide PI. I, fig. 4) taken from embryos of all ages from the fifteenth to the thirty-sixth hour and onwards. But it is, perhaps, most easily seen in embryos of about twenty hours. In such an embryo there is a most perfect gradation : the cells of the hypoblast become, as they approach the edge THE LAYERS OF THE BLASTODERM. 37 of the pellucid area, broader, and are more and more filled with white yolk sphericles, till at the line of junction it is quite impossible to say whether a particular cell is a white-yolk cell (sphere) or a hypoblast cell. The white-yolk cells near the line of junction can frequently be seen to possess nuclei. At first the hypoblast appears, to end abruptly against the white yolk ; this state of things, however, soon ends, and there super- venes a complete and unbroken continuity between the hypo- blast and the white yolk. Of the mode of increase of the epiblast I have but little to say. The cells undoubtedly increase entirely by division, and the new material is most probably derived directly from the white yolk. Up to the sixth hour the cells of the upper layer retain their early regular hexagonal pattern, but by the twelfth hour they have generally entirely lost this, and are irregularly shaped and very angular. The cells over the centre of the pellucid area remain the smallest up to the twenty-fifth hour or later, while those over the rest of the pellucid area are uniformly larger. In the hypoblast the cells under the primitive groove, and on each side as far as the fold which marks off the exterior limit of the proto-vertebrae, are at the eighteenth hour consider- ably smaller than any other cells of this layer. In all the embryos between the eighteenth and twenty-third hour which I have examined for the purpose, I have found that at about two-thirds of the distance from the anterior end of the pellucid area, and just external to the side fold, there is a small space on each side in which the cells are considerably larger than anywhere else in the hypoblast. These larger cells, moreover, contain a greater number of highly refractive spherules than any other cells. It is not easy to understand why growth should have been less rapid here than elsewhere, as the position does not seem to correspond to any feature in the embryo. In some specimens the hypoblast cells at the extreme edge of the pellucid area are smaller than the cells immediately internal to them. At about the twenty- third hour these cells begin rapidly to lose the refractive spherules they contained in the earlier stages of incubation, and come 38 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF to consist of a nucleus surrounded simply by granular proto- plasm. At about this period of incubation the formative cells are especially numerous at the periphery of the blastoderm, and, no doubt, become converted into the mass of mesoblast which is found at about the twenty-fifth hour in the region of the vascular area. Some of them are lobate, and appear as if they were undergoing division. At this time also the greatest number of formative cells are to be found at the bottom of the now large segmentation cavity. In embryos of from thirty to forty hours the cells of the hypoblast have, over the central portion of the pellucid area, entirely lost their highly refractive spherules, and in the fresh state are composed of the most transparent protoplasm. When treated with reagents they are found to contain an oval nucleus with one or sometimes two nucleoli, imbedded in a considerable mass of protoplasm. The protoplasm appears slightly granular and generally contains one or two small vacuoles. I have already spoken of the gradation of the hypoblast at the edge of the blastoderm into white yolk. I have, therefore, only to mention the variations in the size of its cells in different parts of the pellucid area. The points where the cells are smallest seem generally to coincide with the points of maximum growth. Over the embryo the cells are more regular than elsewhere. They are elongated and arranged transversely to the long axis of the embryo. They are somewhat hexagonal in shape, and not unlike the longer pieces in the dental plate of a Myliobatis (PI. I, fig. 10). This regularity, however, is much more marked in some specimens than in others. These cells are about ^J^yth of an inch in breadth, and y^V^th in length. On each side of the embryo immediately external to the proto-vertebrae the cells are frequently about the same size as those over the embryo itself. In the neck, however, and near the end of the sinus rhomboidalis, they are considerably smaller, about -j^o^1 mc^- eacn wa7- The reason of this small size is not very clear, but probably shews that the greatest growth is taking place at these two points. The cells, again, are very small at the head fold, but are very much larger in front of this — larger, in fact, than any other cells of the hypoblast. Outside the embryo they gradually increase THE LAYERS OF THE BLASTODERM. 39 in size towards the edge of the pellucid area. Here they are about r^th of an inch in diameter, irregular in shape and rather angular. The outlines of the cells of the epiblast at this time are easily distinguished from the cells of the hypoblast by being more elongated and angular; they are further distinguished by the presence of numerous small oval cells, frequently at the meeting point of several cells, at other times at points along the lines of junction of two cells (PI. I, fig. 12). These small cells look very like the smaller stomata of endothelial membranes, but are shewn to be cells by possessing a nucleus. There is considerable variation in size in the cells in different parts of the epiblast. Between the front lobes of the brain the cells are very small, 4oVotn mcn> rising to ^^th on eacn s^e- They are about the latter size over the greater part of the embryo. But over the sinus rhomboidalis they fall again to from ^nnjth to 4oVotn inch. This is probably to be explained by the growth of the medullary fold at this point, which pushes back the primitive groove. At the sides of the head the cells are larger than any- where else in the epiblast, being here about j(^th inch in diameter. I at present see no explanation of this fact. At the periphery of the pellucid area and over the vascular area the cells are T^th to ^^th inch in diameter, but at the periphery of the opaque area they are smaller again, being about the ^oWth of an inch. This smaller size at the periphery of the area opaca is remarkable, since in the earlier stages the most peripheral epiblast cells were the largest. It, perhaps, implies that more rapid growth is at this time taking place in that part of the epiblast which is spreading over the yolk sac. 40 DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF THE BLASTODERM. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. Figs. 1—5 and 9—12. Fig. i. Section through an unincubated blastoderm, shewing the upper layer, composed of a single row of columnar cells, and the lower layer, composed of several rows of rounded cells in which no nucleus is visible. Some of the "formative cells," at the bottom of the segmentation cavity, are seen at (l>). Fig. 2. Section through the periphery of an eight hours' blastoderm, shewing the epiblast (/), the hypoblast (h], and the mesoblast commencing to be formed (c), partly by lower-layer cells enclosed between the epiblast and hypoblast, and partly by formative cells. Formative cells at the bottom of the segmentation cavity are seen at b. At s is one of the side folds parallel to the primitive groove. Fig. 3. Portion of the hypoblast of a thirteen hours' blastoderm, treated with silver nitrate, shewing the great variation in the size of the cells at this period. An hour-glass shaped nucleus is seen at a. Fig. 4. Periphery of a twenty-three hours' blastoderm, shewing cell for cell the junction between the hypoblast (h) and white-yolk spheres (w). Fig- 5- Junction between the white-yolk spheres and the hypoblast cells at the passage from the area pellucida to the area opaca. The specimen was treated with silver nitrate to bring out the shape of the cells. The line of junction between the opaque and pellucid areas passes diagonally. Fig. 9. Section through the primitive streak of an eight hours' blastoderm. The specimen shews the mesoblast very much thickened in the immediate neighbourhood of the primitive streak, but hardly formed at all on each side of the streak. It also shews the primitive groove just beginning to be formed (pr), and the fusion between the epiblast and the mesoblast under the primitive groove. The hypoblast is com- pletely formed in the central part of the blastoderm. At / is seen one of the side folds parallel to the primitive groove. Its depth has been increased by the action of the chromic acid. Fig. 10. Hypoblast cells from the hinder end of a thirty-six hours' embryo, treated with silver nitrate, shewing the regularity and elongated shape of the cells over the embryo and the smaller cells on each side. Fig. ii. Epiblast cells from an unincubated blastoderm, treated with silver nitrate, shewing the regular hexagonal shape of the cells and the small spherules they contain. Fig. 12. Portion of the epiblast of a thirty-six hours' embryo, treated with silver nitrate, shewing the small rounded cells frequently found at the meeting-points of several larger cells which are characteristic of the upper layer. III. ON THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE PRIMITIVE GROOVE IN THE EMBRYO CHICK \ With Plate I, figs. 6—8 and 13—19. THE investigations of Dursy (Der Primitivstreif des Hiihn- chens, von Dr E. Dursy. Lahr, 1866) on the primitive groove, shewing that it is a temporary structure, and not connected with the development of the neural canal, have in this country either been ignored or rejected. They are, nevertheless, perfectly accurate ; and had Dursy made use of sections to support his statements I do not think they would so long have been denied. In Germany, it is true, Waldeyer has accepted them with a few modifications, but I have never seen them even alluded to in any English work. The observations which I have made corro- borating Dr Dursy may, perhaps, under these circumstances be worth recording. After about twelve hours of incubation the pellucid area of a hen's egg has become somewhat oval, with its longer axis at right angles to the long axis of the egg. Rather towards the hinder (narrower) end of this an opaque streak has appeared, with a somewhat lighter line in the centre. A section made at the time shews that the opaque streak is due partly to a thicken- ing of the epiblast, but more especially to a large collection of the rounded mesoblast cells, which along this opaque line form a thick mass between the epiblast and the hypoblast. The mesoblast cells are in contact with both hypoblast and epiblast, and appear to be fused with the latter. The line of junction between them can, however, almost always be made out. Soon after the formation of this primitive streak a groove is formed along its central line by a pushing inwards of the epiblast. 1 From the Qziarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. Kill, 1873. 42 PRIMITIVE GROOVE IN THE EMBRYO CHICK. The epiblast is not thinner where it lines the groove, but the mass of mesoblast below the groove is considerably thinner than at its two sides. This it is which produces the peculiar appearance of the primitive groove when the blastoderm is viewed by transmitted light as a transparent line in the middle of an opaque one. This groove, as I said above, is placed at right angles to the long axis of the egg, and nearer the hind end, that is, the narrower end of the pellucid area. It was called " the primitive groove " by the early embryologists, and they supposed that the neural canal arose from the closure of its edges above. It is always easy to distinguish this groove, in transverse sections, by several well-marked characters. In the first place, the epiblast and mesoblast always appear more or less fused together underneath it ; in the second place, the epiblast does not become thinner where it lines the groove ; and in the third place, the mesoblast beneath it never shews any signs of being differentiated into any organ. As Dursy has pointed out, there is frequently to be seen in fresh specimens, examined as transparent objects, a narrow opaque line running down the centre of this groove. I do not know what this line is caused by, as there does not appear to be any structural feature visible in sections to which it can correspond. From the twelfth to the sixteenth hour the primitive groove grows rapidly, and by the sixteenth hour is both absolutely and considerably longer than it was at the twelfth hour, and also proportionately longer as compared with the length of the pellucid area. There is a greater interval between its end and that of the pellucid area in front than behind. At about the sixteenth hour, or a little later, a thickening of the mesoblast takes place in front of the primitive groove, forming an opaque streak, which in fresh specimens looks like a continuation from the Anterior extremity of the primitive groove (vide PI. I, fig. 8). From hardened specimens, however, it is easy to see that the connection of this streak with the primitive groove is only an apparent one. Again, it is generally possible to see that in the central line of this streak there is a narrow PRIMITIVE GROOVE IN THE EMBRYO CHICK. 43 groove. I do not feel certain that there is no period when this groove may not be present, but its very early appearance has not been recognized either by Dursy or by Waldeyer. More- over, both these authors, as also His, seem to have mistaken the opaque streak spoken of above for the notochord. This, however, is not the case, and the notochord does not make its appearance till somewhat later. The mistake is of very minor importance, and probably arose in Dursy's case from his not sufficiently making use of sections. At about the time the streak in front of the primitive groove makes its appearance a semicircular fold begins to be formed near the anterior ex- tremity of the pellucid area, against which the opaque streak, or as it had, perhaps, better be called, " the medullary streak," ends abruptly. This fold is the head fold, and the groove along the me- dullary streak is the medullary groove, which subsequently forms the cavity of the medullary or neural canal. Everything which I have described above can without diffi- culty be made out from the examination of fresh and hardened specimens under the simple microscope ; but sections bring out still more clearly these points, and also shew other features which could not have been brought to light without their aid. In PL I, figs. 6 and 7, two sections of an embryo of about eighteen hours are shewn. The first of these passes through the medullary groove, and the second of them through the extreme anterior end of the primitive groove. The points of difference in the two sections are very obvious. From fig. 6 it is clear that a groove has already been formed in the medullary streak, a fact which was not obvious in the fresh specimen. In the second place the mesoblast is thickened both under the groove and also more especially in the medullary folds at the sides of the groove ; but shews hardly a sign of the differentiation of the notochord. So that it is clear that the medullary streak is not the notochord, as was thought to be the case by the authors above mentioned. In the third place there is no adhesion between the epiblast and the mesoblast. In all the sections I have cut through the medullary groove I have found this feature to be constant; while (for instance, as in PL I, figs. 7, 9, 17) all sections through the primitive groove 44 PRIMITIVE GROOVE IN THE EMBRYO CHICK. shew most clearly an adhesion between the epiblast and meso- blast. This fact is both strongly confirmatory of the separate origins of the medullary and primitive grooves, and is also important in itself, as leaving no loophole for supposing that in the region of embryo there is any separation of the cells from the epiblast to form the mesoblast. By this time the primitive groove has attained its maximum growth, and from this time begins both absolutely to become smaller, and also gradually to be pushed more and more back- wards by the growth of the medullary groove. The specimen figured in PI. I, fig. 18, magnified about ten diameters, shews the appearance presented by an embryo of twenty-three hours. The medullary groove (me) has -become much wider and deeper than it was in the earlier stage ; the medullary folds (A) are also broader and more conspicuous. The medullary groove widens very much posteriorly, and also the medullary folds separate far apart to enclose the anterior end of the primitive groove (pr\ All this can easily be seen with a simple microscope, but the sections taken from the specimen figured also fully bear out the interpretations given above, and at the same time shew that the notochord has at this age begun to appear. The sections marked 13 — 17 pass respectively through the lines with corre- sponding numbers in fig. 18. Section I (fig. 13) passes through the middle of the medullary canal. In it the following points are to be noted, (i) That the epiblast becomes very much thinner where it lines the me- dullary canal (me), a feature never found in the epiblast lining the primitive groove. (2) That the mesoblast is very much thickened to form the medullary folds at A, A, while there is no adherence between it and the epiblast, below the primitive groove. (3) The notochord (c/i) has begun to be formed, though its separation from the rest of the mesoblast is not as yet very distinct1. In fig. 14 the medullary groove has become wider and the medullary folds broader, the notochord has also become more expanded : the other features are the same as in section I. "In the third section (fig. 15) the notochord is still more expanded; 1 In the figure the notochord has been made too distinct. PRIMITIVE GROOVE IN THE EMBRYO CHICK. 45 the bottom of the now much expanded medullary groove has become raised to form the ridge which separates the medullary from the primitive groove. The medullary folds are also flatter and broader than in the previous section. Section 4 (fig. 16) passes through the anterior end of the primitive groove. Here the notochord is no longer visible, and the adherence between the mesoblast and epiblast below the primitive groove comes out in marked contrast with the entire separation of the two layers in the previous sections. The medullary folds (A) are still visible outside the raised edges of the primitive groove, and are as distinctly as possible separate and independent formations, having no connection with the folds of the primitive groove. In the last section (fig. 17), which is taken some way behind section 4, no trace of the medullary folds is any longer to be seen, and the primitive groove has become deeper. This series of sections, taken in conjunction with the specimen figured in fig. 1 8, must remove all possible doubt as to the total and entire independence of the primitive and medullary grooves. They arise in different parts of the blastoderm ; the one reaches its maximum growth before the other has commenced to be formed ; and finally, they are distinguished by almost every possible feature by which two such grooves could be distinguished. Soon after the formation of the notochord, the proto-vertebrse begin to be formed along the sides of the medullary groove (PI. I, fig. 19, pv). Each new proto-vertebra (of those which are formed from before backwards) arises just in front of the an- terior end of the primitive groove. As growth continues, the primitive groove becomes pushed further a"nd further back, and becomes less and less conspicuous, till at about thirty-six hours only a very small and curved remnant is to be seen behind the sinus rhomboidalis ; but even up to the forty-ninth Dursy has been able to distinguish it at the hinder end of the embryo. The primitive groove in the chick is, then, a structure which appears very early, and soon disappears without entering di- rectly into the formation of any part of the future animal, and without, so far as I can see, any function whatever. It is clear, therefore, that the primitive groove must be the rudiment of some ancestral feature ; but whether it is a rudiment of some 46 PRIMITIVE GROOVE IN THE EMBRYO CHICK. structure which is to be found in reptiles, or whether of some earlier form, I am unable to decide. It is just possible that it is the last trace of that involution of the epiblast by which the hypoblast is formed in most of the lower animals. The fact that it is formed in the hinder part of the pellucid area perhaps tells slightly in favour of this hypothesis, since the point of involution of the epiblast not unfrequently corresponds with the position of the anus. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. Figs. 6—8 and 13—19. Figs. 6 and 7 are sections through an embryo rather earlier than the one drawn in fig. 8. Fig. 6 passes through the just commencing medullary groove (md), which appears in fresh specimens, as in fig. 8, merely as an opaque streak coming from the end of the primitive groove. The notochord is hardly differentiated, but the complete separation of mesoblast and hypoblast under the primitive groove is clearly shewn. Fig. 7 passes through the anterior end of the primitive groove (pr), and shews the fusion between the mesoblast and epiblast, which is always to be found under the primitive groove. Fig. 8 is a view from above of a twenty hours' blastoderm, seen as a transparent object. Primitive groove (pr). Medullary groove (md}, which passes off from the anterior end of the primitive groove, and is produced by the thickening of the meso- blast. Headfold (//). Figs. 13 — 17 are sections through the blastoderm, drawn in fig. 18 through the lines i, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively. The first section (fig. 13) passes through the true medullary groove (me); the two medullary folds (A, A) are seen on each side with the thickened mesoblast, and the mesoblast cells are beginning to form the notochord (nc) under the medullary groove. There is no adherence between the mesoblast cells and the epiblast under the me- dullary groove. The second (fig. 14) section passes through the medullary groove where it has become wider. Medullary folds, A, A ; notochord, ch. In the third section (fig. 15) the notochord (ch) is broader, and the epiblast is raised in the centre, while the medullary folds are seen far apart at A. In section fig. 16 the medullary folds (A) are still to be seen enclosing the anterior end of the primitive groove (pr). Where the primitive groove appears there is a fusion of the epiblast and mesoblast, and no appearance of the notochord. In the last section, fig. 1 7, no trace is to be seen of the medullary folds. Figs. 18 and 19 are magnified views of two hardened blastoderms. Fig. 18 is twenty-three hours old; fig. 19 twenty-five hours. They both shew how the medullary canal arises entirely independently of the primitive groove and in front of it, and also how the primitive groove gets pushed backwards by the growth of the medullary groove, pv, Proto-vertebrae ; other references as above. Fig. 1 8 is the blastoderm from which sections figs. 13 — 17 were cut. IV. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF . THE CHICK \ With Plate II. THE development of the first blood-vessels of the yolk-sac of the chick has been investigated by a large number of ob- servers, but with very discordant results. A good historical resume of the subject will be found in a paper of Dr Klein (liii. Band der K. Akad. der Wissensch. Wien], its last in- vestigator. The subject is an important one in reference to the homo- logies of the blood-vascular system of the vertebrata. As I shall shew in the sequel (and on this point my observations agree with those of Dr Klein), -the blood-vessels of the chick do not arise as spaces or channels between the cells of the mesoblast ; on the contrary, they arise as a network formed by the united processes of mesoblast-cells, and it is through these processes, and not in the spaces between them, that the blood flows. It is, perhaps, doubtful whether a system of vessels arising in. this way can be considered homologous with any vascular system which takes its origin from channels hollowed out in between the cells of the mesoblast. My own researches chiefly refer to the development of the blood-vessels in the pellucid area. I have worked but very slightly at their development in the vascular area ; but, as far as my observations go, they tend to prove that the mode of their origin is the same, both for the pellucid and the vascular area. The method which I have principally pursued has been to examine the blastoderm from the under surface. It is very difficult to obtain exact notions of the mode of development of 1 From the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. XIII, 1873. 48 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. the blood-vessels by means of sections, though these come in as a valuable confirmation of the other method. For the purpose of examination I have employed (i) fresh specimens ; (2) specimens treated with spirit, and then mounted in glycerine ; (3) specimens treated with chloride of gold for about half a minute, and then mounted in glycerine ; and (4) specimens treated with osmic acid. All these methods bring out the same appearances with varying clearness ; but the successful preparations made by means of the gold chloride are the best, and bring out the appearances with the greatest distinctness. The first traces of the blood-vessels which I have been able to distinguish in the pellucid area are to be seen at about the thirtieth hour or slightly earlier, at about the time when there are four to five proto-vertebrae on each side. Fig. i shews the appearance at this time. Immediately above the hypoblast there are certain cells whose protoplasm sends out numerous processes. These processes vary consider- ably in thickness and size, and quickly come in contact with similar processes from other cells, and unite with them. I have convinced myself, by the use of the hot stage, that these processes continually undergo alteration, sometimes uniting with other processes, sometimes becoming either more elongated and narrower or broader and shorter. In this way a network of somewhat granular protoplasm is formed with nuclei at the points from which the processes start. From the first a difference may be observed in the character of this network in different parts of the pellucid area. In the anterior part the processes are less numerous and thicker, the nuclei fewer, and the meshes larger ; while in the posterior part the processes are generally very numerous, and at first thin, the meshes small, and the nuclei more frequent. As soon as this network commences to be formed the nuclei begin to divide. I have watched this take place with the hot stage. It begins by the elongation of the nucleus and division of the nucleolus, the parts of which soon come to occupy the two ends of the nucleus. The nucleus becomes still longer and then narrows in the centre and divides. By this means the nuclei become much more numerous, and are found in almost all the larger DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. 49 processes. Whether they are carried out into the processes by the movement of the surrounding protoplasm, or whether they move through the protoplasm, I have been unable to determine ; the former view, however, seems to be the most probable. It is possible that some nuclei arise spontaneously in the protoplasm, but I am much more inclined to think that they are all formed by the division of pre-existing nuclei — a view favoured by the number of nuclei which are seen to possess two nucleoli. Coincidently with the formation of the new nuclei the protoplasm of the processes, as well as that surrounding the nuclei at the starting-points of the processes, begins to increase in quantity. At these points the nuclei also increase more rapidly than elsewhere, but at first the resulting nuclei seem to be all of the same kind. In the anterior part of the pellucid area (fig. 4) the increase in the number of nuclei and in the amount of protoplasm at the starting-points of the protoplasm is not very great, but in the posterior part the increase in the amount of the protoplasm at these points is very marked, and coincidently the increase in number of the nuclei is also great. This is shewn in • figs. 2 and 3. These are both taken from the tail end of an embryo of about thirty-three hours, with seven or eight proto- vertebrae. Fig. 3 shews the processes beginning to increase in thickness, and also the protoplasm at the starting-points increasing in quantity ; at the same time the nuclei at these points are be- ginning to become more numerous. Fig. 3 is taken from a slightly higher level, i. e. slightly nearer the epiblast. In it the protoplasm is seen to have increased still more in quantity, and to be filled with nuclei. These nuclei have begun to be slightly coloured, and one of them is seen to possess two nucleoli. Very soon after this a change in the nuclei begins to be observed, more especially in the hinder part of the embryo. While before this time they were generally elongated, some of them now become more nearly circular. In addition to this, they begin to have a yellowish tinge, and the nuclei, when treated with gold (for in the fresh condition it is not easy to B. 4 50 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. see them distinctly), have a more jagged and irregular appear- ance than the nucleoli of the other nuclei. This change takes place especially at the starting-points of the processes, so that the appearance presented (fig. 5) is that of spherical masses of yellowish nuclei connected with other similar spherical masses by protoplasmic processes, in which nuclei of the original type are seen imbedded. These masses are surrounded by a thin layer of protoplasm, at the edge of which a normal nucleus may here and there be detected, as at fig. 5 a and a, the latter possessing two nucleoli. Some of these processes are still very delicate, and it is exceedingly probable that they undergo further changes of position before the final capillary system is formed. These differentiated nuclei are the first stage in the forma- tion of the blood-corpuscles. From their mode of formation it is clear that the blood-corpuscles of the Sauropsida are to be looked upon as nuclei containing nucleoli, rather than as cells containing nuclei ; indeed, they seem to be merely ordinary nuclei with red colouring matter.. This would make them truly instead of only functionally homologous with the red corpuscles of the Mammalia, and would .well agree with the fact that the red corpuscles of Mammalia, in their embryonic condition, possess what have previously been called nuclei, but which might perhaps more properly be called nucleoli. In the anterior part of the blastoderm the processes, as I have stated, are longer and thinner, and the spaces enclosed between them are larger. This is clearly brought out in PI. 2, fig. 4. But, besides these large spaces, there are other smaller spaces, such as that at v. It is, on account of the transparency of the protoplasm, very difficult to decide whether these are vacuoles or simply spaces enclosed by the processes, but I am inclined to think that they are merely spaces. The difficulty of exactly determining this point is increased by the presence of numerous white-yolk spherules in the hypoblast above, which considerably obscure the view. At about the same time that the blood-corpuscles appear in the posterior end of the pellucid area, or frequently a little later, they begin to be formed in the anterior part also. The DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. masses of them are, however, far smaller and far fewer than in the posterior part of the embryo. It is at the tail end of the pellucid area that the chief formation of blood-corpuscles takes place. The part of the pellucid area intermediate in position be- tween the anterior and posterior ends of the embryo is likewise intermediate as regards the number of corpuscles formed and the size of the spaces between the processes ; the spaces being here larger than at the posterior extremity, but smaller than the spaces in front. Close to the sides of the embryo the spaces are, however, smaller than in any other part of the pellucid area. It is, however, in this part that the first formation of blood-corpuscles takes place, and that the first complete capil- laries are formed. We have then somewhat round protoplasmic masses filled with blood-corpuscles and connected by means of processes, a few of which may begin to contain blood-corpuscles, but the majority of which only contain ordinary nuclei. The next changes to be noticed take place in the nuclei which were not converted into blood-corpuscles, but which were to be seen in the protoplasm surrounding the corpuscles. They become more numerous and smaller, and, uniting with the protoplasm in which they were imbedded, become converted into flat cells (spindle-shaped in section), and in a short time form an entire investment for the masses of blood-corpuscles. The same change also occurs in the protoplasmic processes which con- nect the masses of corpuscles. In the case of those processes which contain no corpuscles the greater part of their protoplasm seems to be converted into the protoplasm of the spindle-shaped cells. The nuclei arrange themselves so as completely to sur- round the exterior of the protoplasmic processes. In this way each process becomes converted into a hollow tube, completely closed in by cells formed from the investment of the original nuclei by the protoplasm which previously formed the solid processes. The remainder of the protoplasm probably becomes fluid, and afterwards forms the plasma in which the corpuscles float. While these changes are taking place the formation of the blood-corpuscles does not stand still, and by the time a system of vessels, enclosed by cellular walls, is formed out of 4—2 52 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. the protoplasmic network, a large number of the connecting processes in this network have become filled with blood-cor- puscles. The appearances presented by the network at a slightly later stage than this is shewn in PI. 2, fig. 6, but in this figure all the processes are seen to be filled with blood- corpuscles. This investment of the masses of corpuscles by a cellular wall occurs much earlier in some specimens than in others, both in relation to the time of incubation and to the completion of the network. It is generally completed in some parts by the time there are eight or nine proto-vertebrae, and is almost always formed over a great part of the pellucid area by the thirty-sixth hour. The formation of the corpuscles, as was pointed out above, occurs earliest in the central part of the hour-glass shaped pellucid area, and latest in its anterior part. In the hinder part of the pellucid area the processes, as well as their enlarged starting-points, become entirely filled with corpuscles ; this, however, is by no means the case in its an- terior part. Here, although the corpuscles are undoubtedly developed in parts as shewn in fig. 7, yet a large number of the processes are entirely without them. Their development, moreover, is in many cases very much later. When the de- velopment has reached the stage described, very little is re- quired to complete the capillary system. There are always, of course, a certain number of the processes which end blindly, and others are late in their development, and are not by this time opened ; but, as a general rule, when the cellular invest- ment is formed for the masses of corpuscles, there is completed an open network of tubes with cellular walls, which are more or less filled with corpuscles. These become quickly driven into the opaque area in which at that time more corpuscles may almost always be seen than in the pellucid area. By the formation of a network of this kind it is clear that there must result spaces enclosed between the walls of the capillaries ; these spaces have under the microscope somewhat the appearance of being vesicles enclosed by walls formed of spindle-shaped cells. In reality they are only spaces enclosed at the sides, and, as a general rule, not above and below. They have been mistaken by some observers for vesicles in DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. 53 which the corpuscles were supposed to be developed, and to escape by the rupture of the walls into the capillary spaces between. This mistake has been clearly pointed out by Klein (loc. «Y.). At the time when these spaces are formed, and especially in the hinder two-thirds of the pellucid area, and in the layer of blood-vessels immediately above the hypoblast, a formation takes place which forms in appearance a secondary investment of the capillaries. Dr Klein was the first to give a correct ac- count of this formation. It results from the cells of the meso- blast in the meshes of the capillary system. Certain of these cells become flattened, and send out fine protoplasmic processes. They arrange themselves so as completely to enclose the spaces between the capillaries, forming in this way vesicles. Where seen on section (vide fig. 6) at the edge of the vesicles these cells lining the vesicles appear spindle-shaped, and look like a secondary investment of the capillaries. This investment is most noticeable in the hinder two-thirds of the pellucid area ; but, though less conspicuous, there is a similar formation in its anterior third, where there would seem to be only veins present. Dr Klein (loc. cit., fig. 12) has also drawn this investment in the anterior third of the pellucid area. He has stated that the. vessels in the mesoblast between the splanchnopleure and the somatopleure, and which are enclosed by prolongations from the former, do not possess this secondary investment ; he has also stated that the same is true for the sinus terminalis ; but I am rather doubtful whether the generalisation will hold, that veins and arteries can from the first be distinguished by the latter possessing this investment. I am also rather doubtful whether the spaces enclosed by the protoplasmic threads between the splanchnopleure and somatopleure are the centres of vessels at all, since I have never seen any blood-corpuscles in them. It is not easy to learn from sections much about the first stages in the formation of the capillaries, and it is impossible to distinguish between a completely-formed vessel and a mere spherical space. The fine protoplasmic processes which connect the masses of corpuscles can rarely be seen in sections, except when they pass Vertically, as they do occasionally (vide PI. 2, fig. 9) in the opaque area, joining the somatopleure and the 54 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. splanchnopleure. Dr Klein considers these latter processes to be the walls of the vessels, but they appear rather to be the processes which will eventually become new capillaries. From sections, however, it is easy to see that the appear- ances of the capillaries in the vascular area are similar to the appearances in the pellucid area, from which it is fair to con- clude that their mode of formation is the same in both. It is also easy to see that the first formation of vessels occurs in the splanchnopleure, and that even up to the forty-fifth hour but few or no vessels are found in the somatopleure. The mesoblast of the somatopleure is continued into the opaque area as a single layer of spindle-shaped cells. Sections clearly shew in the case of most of the vessels that the secondary investment of Klein is present, even in the case of those vessels which lie immediately under the somatopleure. In reference to the origin of particular vessels I have not much to say. Dr Klein's account of the origin of the sinus terminalis is quite correct. It arises by a number of the masses of blood-corpuscles, similar to those described above, becoming connected together by protoplasmic processes. The whole is subsequently converted into a continuous vessel in the .usual way. From the first the sinus terminalis possesses cellular walls, as is clear from its mode of origin. I am inclined to think that Klein is right in saying that the aortae arise in a similar manner, but I have not worked out their mode of origin very fully. It will be seen from the account given above that, in refer- ence to the first stages in the development of the blood-vessels, my observations differ very considerably from those of Dr Klein ; as to the later stages, however, we are in tolerable agreement. We are in agreement, moreover, as to the fundamental fact that the blood-vessels are formed by a number of cells becoming connected, and by a series of changes converted into a network of vessels, and that they are not in the first instance merely channels between the cells of the mesoblast. By the forty-fifth hour colourless corpuscles are to be found in the blood whose exact origin I could not determine ; pro- bably they come from the walls of the capillaries. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. 55 In the vessels themselves the coloured corpuscles undergo increase by division, as has already been shewn by Remak. Corpuscles in the various stages of division may easily be found. They do not appear to show very active amoeboid movements in the vessels, though their movements are sometimes very active when removed from the body. To recapitulate — some of the cells of the mesoblast of the splanchnopleure send out processes, these processes unite with the processes from other cells, and in this way a network is formed. The nuclei of the original cells divide, and at the points from which the processes start their division is especially rapid. Some of them acquire especially at these points a red colour, and so become converted into blood-corpuscles ; the others, together with part of the protoplasm in which they are imbedded, become converted into an endothelium both for the processes and the masses of corpuscles ; the remaining proto- plasm becomes fluid, and thus the original network of the cells becomes converted into a network of hollow vessels, filled with fluid, in which corpuscles float. In reference to the development of the heart, my observa- tions are not quite complete. It is, however, easy to prove from sections (vide figs. 10 and 11, PL 2) that the cavity of the heart is produced by a splitting or absorption of central cells of the thickened mesoblast of the splanchnopleure, while its muscular walls are formed from the remaining cells of this thickened portion. It is produced in the following way : — When the hypoblast is folded in to form the alimentary canal the mesoblast of the splanchnopleure follows it closely, and where the splanchnopleure turns round to assume its normal direction (fig. 11) its mesoblast becomes thickened. This thick- ened mass of mesoblast is, as can easily be seen from figs. 10 and n, PL 2, entirely distinct from the mesoblast which forms the outside walls of the alimentary canal. At the point where this thickening occurs an absorption takes place to form the cavity of the heart. The method in which the cavity is formed can easily be seen from figs. 10 and 11. It is in fig. u shewn as it takes place in the mesoblast on each side, the folds of the splanchnopleure not having united in the middle line ; and hence a pair of cavities are formed, one on each side. It 56 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. is, however, probable that, in the very first formation of the heart, the cavity is single, being formed , after the two ends of the folded mesoblast have united (vide k z, fig. 10). In some cases the two folds of the mesoblast appear not at first to become completely joined in the middle line ; in this case the cavity of the heart is still complete from side to side, but the mesoblast-cells which form its muscular walls are deficient above. By the process of absorption, as I said, a cavity 'is produced in the thickened part of the mesoblast of the splanch- nopleure, a cavity which is single in front, but becomes divided further behind, where the folds of the mesoblast have not united, into two cavities, to form the origin of the omphalomeseraic veins. As the folding proceeds backwards the starting-point of the omphalomeseraic veins is also pushed backwards, and the cavities which were before separated become joined to- gether. From its first formation the heart is lined internally by an endothelium ; this is formed of flattened cells, spindle- shaped in section. The exact manner of the origin of this lining I have not been able to determine; it is, however, probable that some of the central mesoblast-cells are directly converted into the cells of the endothelium. I have obtained no evidence enabling me to determine whether Dr Klein is correct in stating that the cells of the mesoblast in the interior of the heart become converted partly into blood-corpuscles and partly into a cellular lining forming the endothelium of the heart, in the same way that the blood- vessels in the rest of the blastoderm are formed. But I should be inclined to think that it is very probable— certainly more probable than that the cavity of the heart is formed by a pro- cess of splitting taking place. Where I have used the word " absorption " in speaking of the formation of the cavity of the heart, I must be understood as implying that certain of the interior cells become converted into the endothelium, while others either form the plasma or become blood-corpuscles. The originally double formation of the hinder part of the heart probably explains Dr Afanassiev's statement (Bulletin de rAcadem. Imperiale dc St Petersb., torn, xiii, pp. 321 — 335), that he finds the endothelium of the heart originally dividing its interior into two halves ; for when the partition of the mesoblast DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. 57 which separated at first the two halves of the heart became absorbed, the endothelium lining of each of the originally sepa- rate vessels would remain complete, dividing the cavity of the heart into two parts. The partition in the central line is, how- ever, soon absorbed. The account given above chiefly differs from that of Remak by not supposing that the mesoblast-cells which form the heart are in any way split off from the wall of the alimentary canal. There can be no doubt that His is wrong in supposing that the heart originates from the mesoblast of the splanchnopleure and somatopleure uniting to form its walls, thus leaving a cavity between them in the centre. The heart is undoubtedly formed out of the mesoblast of the splanchnopleure only. Afanassiev's observations are nearer to the truth, but there are some points in which he has misinterpreted his sections. Sections PL 2, figs. 10 and 11, explain what I have just said about the origin of the heart. Immediately around the noto- chord the mesoblast is not split, but a very little way outside it is seen to be split into two parts so and sp ; the former of these follows the epiblast, and together with it forms the somatopleure, which has hardly begun to be folded at the line where the sec- tions are taken. The latter (sp} forms with the hypoblast (Jiy) the splanchnopleure, and thus has become folded in to form the walls of the alimentary canal (d). In fig. 11 the folds have not united in the central line, but in fig. 10 they have so united. In fig. n, where the mesoblast, still following the hypoblast, turns back to assume its normal direction, it is seen to be thickened and to have become split, so that a cavity (of} (of the omphalomeseraic vein) is formed in it on each side, lined by endothelium. In the section immediately behind section fig. 11 the meso- blast was thickened, but had not become split. In fig. 10 the hypoblast folds are seen to have united in the centre, so as to form a completely closed digestive canal (d) ; the folds of the mesoblast have also united, so that there is only a single cavity in the heart (/is), lined, as was the case with the omphalomeseraic veins, by endothelium. In conclusion, I have to thank Dr Foster for his assistance and suggestions throughout the investigations which have formed 58 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. the subject of these three short papers, and which were well carried on in the apartments used by him as a Physiological Laboratory. EXPLANATION OF PLATE '2. Fig. i is taken from the anterior part of the pellucid area of a thirty hours' chick, with four proto-vertebrse. At n is a nucleus with two nucleoli. Figs. 2 and 3 are taken from the posterior end of the pellucid area of a chick with eight proto-vertebrae. In fig. 3 the nuclei are seen to have considerably in- creased in number at the points of starting of the protoplasmic processes. At n is seen a nucleus with two nucleoli. Fig. 4 is taken from the anterior part of the pellucid area of an embryo of thirty- six hours. It shews the narrow processes characteristic of the anterior part of the pellucid area, and the fewer nuclei. Small spaces, which have the appearance of vacuoles, are shewn at v. Fig. 5 is taken from the posterior part of the pellucid area of a thirty-six hours' embryo. It shews the nuclei, with somewhat irregular nucleoli, which have begun to acquire the red colour of blood-corpuscles ; the protoplasmic processes con- taining the nuclei ; the nuclei in the protoplasm surrounding the corpuscles, as shewn at a, a'. Fig. 6 shews fully formed blood-vessels, in part filled with blood-corpuscles and in part empty. The walls of the capillaries, formed of cells, spindle-shaped in sec- tion, are shewn, and also the secondary investment of Klein at k, and at b is seen a narrow protoplasmic process filled with blood-corpuscles. Fig. 7 is taken from the anterior part of the pellucid area of a thirty-six hours' embryo. It shews a collection of nuclei which are beginning to become blood- corpuscles. Figs, i — 5 are drawn with an \ object-glass. Fig. 6 is on a much smaller scale. Fig. 7 is intermediate. Fig. 8. — A transverse section through the dorsal region of a forty-five hours' em- bryo ; ao, aorta with a few blood-corpuscles, v, Blood-vessels, all of them being formed in the splanchnopleure, and all of them provided with the secondary invest- ment of Klein ; p, e> pellucid area ; o, p, opaque area. Fig. 9. — Small portion of a section through the opaque area of a thirty-five hours' embryo, showing protoplasmic processes, with nuclei passing from the somatopleure to the splanchnopleure. Fig. 10. — Section through the heart of a thirty-four hours' embryo, a. Alimen- tary canal ; hb, hind brain ; nc, notochord ; e, epiblast ; s, o, mesoblast of the soma- topleure ; sp, mesoblast of the splanchnopleure ; hy, hypobiast ; hz, cavity of the heart. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE CHICK. 59 Fig. n. — Section through the same embryo as fig. 10, and passing through the orifice of the omphalo-meseraic vein, of, Omphalo-meseraic vein ; other references as above. These two sections shew that the heart is entirely formed from the mesoblast of the splanchnopleure, and that it is formed by the splitting of that part of the meso- blast which has turned to assume its normal direction after being folded in to form the muscular wall of the alimentary canal. In fig. 1 1 the cavities so formed on each side have not yet united, but in fig. 10 they have united. When the folding be- comes more complete the cavities (of, of) in fig. 1 1 will unite, and in this way the origin of the omphalo-meseraic veins will be carried further backwards. In the sec- tion immediately behind section 1 1 the mesoblast had become thickened, but had not split. V. A PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FisHES1. With Plates 3 and 4. DURING the spring of the present year I was studying at the Zoological Station, founded by Dr Dohrn at Naples, and entirely through its agency was supplied with several hundred eggs of various species of Dog-fish (Selachii) — a far larger number than any naturalist has previously had an opportunity of studying. The majority of the eggs belonged to an oviparous species of Mustelus, but in addition to these I had a considerable number of eggs of two or three species of Scyllium, and some of the Torpedo. Moreover, since my return to England, Professor Huxley has most liberally given me several embryos of Scyllium stellare in a more advanced condition than I ever had at Naples, which have enabled me to fill up some lacunae in my observa- tions. On many points my investigations are not yet finished, but I have already made out a number of facts which I venture to believe will add to our knowledge of vertebrate embryology ; and since it is probable that some time will elapse before I am able to give a complete account of my investigations, I have thought it worth while preparing a preliminary paper in which I have briefly, but I hope in an intelligible manner, described some of the more interesting points in the development of the Elas- mobranchit. The first-named species (Mustelus sp. ?) was alone used for the early stages, for the later ones I have also employed the other species, whose eggs I have had ; but as far as I have 1 From the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. xiv. 1874. Read in Section D, at the Meeting of the British Association at Belfast. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBKANCH FISHES. 6l seen at present, the differences between the various species in early embryonic life are of no importance. Without further preface I will pass on to my investigations. The Egg-shell. In the eggs of all the species of Dog-fishes which I have ex- amined the yolk lies nearest that end of the quadrilateral shell which has the shortest pair of strings for attachment. This is probably due to the shape of the cavity of the shell, and is certainly not due to the presence of any structures similar to chalazae. The Yolk. The yolk is not enclosed in any membrane comparable to the vitelline membrane of Birds, but lies freely in a viscid albu- men which fills up the egg-capsule. It possesses considerable consistency, so that it can be removed into a basin, in spite of the absence of a vitelline membrane, without falling to pieces. This consistency is not merely a property of the yolk-sphere as a whole, but is shared by every individual part of it. With the exception of some finely granular matter around the blastoderm, the yolk consists of rather small, elliptical, highly refracting bodies, whose shape is very characteristic and renders them easily recognizable. A number of striae like those of muscle are generally visible on most of the spherules, which give them the appearance of being in the act of breaking up into a series of discs; but whether these striae are normal, or produced by the action of water I have not determined. Position of the Blastoderm. The blastoderm is always situated, immediately after impreg- nation, near the pole of the yolk which lies close to the end of the egg-capsule. Its position varies a little in the different species and is not quite constant in different eggs of the same species. But this general situation is quite invariable. It is of about the same proportional size as the blastoderm of a bird. Segmentation. In a fresh specimen, in which segmentation has only just commenced, the blastoderm or germinal disc appears as a circu- 62 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. lar disc, distinctly marked off by a dark line from the rest of the yolk. This line, as is proved by sections, is the indication of a very shallow groove. The appearance of sharpness of distinc- tion between the germ and the yolk is further intensified by their marked difference of colour, the germ itself being usually of a darker shade than the remainder of the yolk ; while around its edge, and apparently sharply separated from it by the groove before mentioned, is a ring of a different shade which graduates at its outer border into the normal shade of the yolk. These appearances are proved by transverse sections to be deceptive. There is no sharp line either at the sides or below separating the blastoderm from the yolk. In the passage be- tween the fine granular matter of the germ to the coarser yolk- spheres every intermediate size of granule is present; and, though the space between the two is rather narrow, in no sense of the word can there be said to be any break or line between them. This gradual passage stands in marked contrast with what we shall find to be the case at the close of the segmentation. In the youngest egg which I had, the germinal disc was already divided into four segments by two furrows at right angles. These furrows, however, did not reach its edge; and from my sections I have found that they were not cut off below by any horizontal furrow. So that the four segments were continuous below with the remainder of the germ without a break. In the next youngest specimen which I had, there were already present eighteen segments, somewhat irregular in size, but which might roughly be divided into an outer ring of larger spheres, separated, as it were, by a circular furrow from an inner series of smaller segments. The furrows in this case reached quite to the edge of the germinal disc. The remarks I made in reference to the earlier specimen about the separation of the germ from the yolk apply in every particular to the present one. The external limit of the blasto- derm was not defined by a true furrow, and the segmentation furrows still ended below without meeting any horizontal fur- rows, so that the blastoderm was not yet separated by any line from the remainder of the yolk, and the segments of which it was composed were still only circumscribed upon five sides. In DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 63 this particular the segmentation in these animals differs materi- ally from that in the Bird, where the horizontal furrows appear very early. In each segment a nucleus was generally to be seen in sec- tions. I will, however, reserve my remarks upon the nature of the nuclei till I discuss the nuclei of the blastoderm as a whole. For some little time the peripheral segments continue larger than the more central ones, but this difference of size becomes less and less marked, and before the segments have become too small to be seen with the simple microscope, their size appears to be uniform over the whole surface of the blastoderm. In the blastoderms somewhat older than the one last de- scribed the segments have already become completely separate masses, and each of them already possesses a distinct nucleus. They form a layer one or two segments deep. The limits of the blastoderm are not, however, defined by the already completed segments, but outside these new segments continue to be formed around nuclei which appear in the yolk. At this stage there is, therefore, no line of demarcation between the germ and the yolk, but the yolk is being bored into, so to speak, by a continuous process of fresh segmentation. The further segmentation of the already existing spheres, and the formation of new ones from the yolk below and to the sides, continues till the central cells acquire their final size, the peripheral ones being still large, and undefined towards the yolk. These also soon reach the final size, and the blastoderm then becomes rounded off towards the yolk and sharply separated from it. The Nuclei of the Yolk. Intimately connected with the segmentation is the appear- ance and history of a number of nuclei which arise in the yolk surrounding the blastoderm When the horizontal furrows appear which first separate the blastoderm from the yolk, the separation does not occur along the line of passage from the fine to the coarse yolk, but in the former at some distance from this line. The blastoderm thus rests upon a mass of finely granular material, from which, however, it is sharply separated. At this 64 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. time there appear in this finely granular material a number of nuclei of a rather peculiar character. They vary immensely in size — from that of an ordinary nucleus to a size greater than the largest blastoderm-cell. In PI. 3, fig. i, ;/, is shewn their distribution in this finely granular matter and their variation in size. But whatever may be their size, they always possess the same characteristic struc- ture. This is shewn in PI. 3, figs. I and 2, n. They are rather irregular in shape, with a tendency when small to be roundish, and are divided by a number of lines into distinct areas, in each of which a nucleolus is to be seen. The lines dividing them into these areas have a tendency (in the smaller specimens) to radiate from the centre, as shewn in PI. 3, fig. i. These nuclei colour red with haematoxylin and carmine and brown with osmic acid, while the nucleoli or granules contained in the areas also colour very intensely with all the three above- named reagents. With such a peculiar structure, in favourable specimens these nuclei are very easily recognised, and their distribution can be determined without difficulty. They are not present alone in the finely granular yolk, but also in the coarsely granular yolk adjoining it. They* form very often a special row, sometimes still more markedly than in PI. 3, fig. i, along the floor of the segmentation cavity. They are not, however, found alone in the yolk. All the blastoderm-cells in the earlier stages possess precisely similar nuclei ! From the appearance of the first nucleus in a segmentation-sphere till a comparatively late period in development, every nucleus which can be distinctly seen is found to be of this character. In PL 3, fig. 2, this is very distinctly shewn. (i) We have, then, nuclei of this very peculiar character scattered through the subgerminal granular matter, and also universally present in the cells of the blastoderm. (2) These nuclei are distributed in a special manner under the floor of the segmentation cavity on which new cells are continually appearing. Putting these two facts together, there would be the strongest presumption that these nuclei do actually become the nuclei of cells which enter the blastoderm, and such is DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 65 actually the case. In my account of the segmentation I have, indeed, already mentioned this, and I will return to it, but before doing so will enter more fully into the distribution of these nuclei in the yolk. They appear in small numbers around the blastoderm at the close of segmentation, and round each one of them there may at this time be seen in osmic acid specimens, and with high powers, a fine network similar to but finer than that represented in PL 3, fig. 2. This network cannot, as a general rule, be traced far into the yolk, but in some exceptionally thin specimens it may be seen in any part of the fine granular yolk around the blastoderm, the meshes of the network being, however, considerably coarser between than around the nuclei. This network may be seen in the fine granular material around the germ till the latest period of which I have yet cut sections of the blastoderm. In the later specimens, indeed, it is very much more distinctly seen than in the earlier, owing to the fact that in parts of the blastoderm, especially under the embryo, the yolk-granules have disap- peared partly or entirely, leaving only this fine network with the nuclei in it. A specimen of this kind is represented in PI. 3, fig. 2, where the meshes of the network are seen to be finer immediately around the nuclei, and coarser in the intervals. The specimen further shows in the clearest manner that this network is not divided into areas, each representing a cell and each containing a nucleus. I do not know to what extent this network extends into the yolk. I have never yet seen the limits of it, though it is very common to see the coarsest yolk- granules lying in its meshes. Some of these are shewn in PL 3, fig. 2,yk. This network of lines1 (probably bubbles) is characteristic of many cells, especially ova. We are, therefore, forced to believe that the fine granular and probably coarser granular yolk of this meroblastic egg consists of an active organized basis with 1 The interpretation of this network is entirely due to Dr Kleinenberg, who sug- gested it to me on my shewing him a number of specimens exhibiting the nuclei and network. B. 5 66 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. passive yolk-spheres imbedded in it. The organized basis is especially concentrated at the germinal pole of the egg, but becomes less and less in quantity, as compared with the yolk- spheres, the further we depart from this. Admitting, as I think it is necessary to do, the organized condition of the whole yolk-sphere, there are two possible views as to its nature. We may either take the view that it is one gigantic cell, the ovum, which has grown at the expense of the other cells of the egg-follicle, and that these cells in becoming absorbed have completely lost their individuality; or we may look upon the true formative yolk (as far as we can separate it from the remainder of the food-yolk) as the remains of one cell (the primitive ovum), and the remainder of the yolk as a body formed from the coalescence of the other cells of the egg-follicle, which is adherent to, but has not coalesced with, the primitive ovum, the cells in this case not having completely lost their individuality ; and to these cells, the nuclei, I have found, must be supposed to belong. The former view I think, for many reasons, the most pro- bable. The share of these nuclei in the segmentation, and the presence of similar nuclei in the cells of the germ, both support it, and are at the same time difficulties in the way of the other view. Leaving this question which cannot be discussed fully in a preliminary paper like the present one, I will pass on to another important question, viz. : How do these nuclei originate ? Are they formed by the division of the pre-existing nuclei, or by an independent for- mation ? It must be admitted that many specimens are strongly in favour of the view that they increase by division. In the first place, they are often seen "two together;" examples of this will be seen in PI. 3, fig. I. In the second place, I have found several specimens in which five or six appear close together, which look very much as if there had been an actual division into six nuclei. It is, however, possible in this case that the nuclei are really connected below and only appear separate, owing to the crenate form of the mass. Against this may be put the fact that the division of a nucleus is by no means so common as has been sometimes supposed, that in segmentation it has very rarely been ob- DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 6/ served that the nucleus of a sphere first divides1, and that then segmentation takes place, but segmentation generally occurs and then a new nucleus arises in each of the newly formed spheres. Such nuclei as I have described are rare ; they have, however, been observed in the egg of a Nephelis (one of the Leeches), and have in that case been said to divide. Dr Kleinenberg, however, by following a single egg through the whole course of its development, has satisfied himself that this is not the case, and that, further, these nuclei in Nephelis never form the nuclei of newly developing cells. I must leave it an open question, and indeed one which can hardly be solved from sections, whether these nuclei arise freely or increase by division, but I am inclined to believe that both processes may possibly take place. In any case their division does not appear to determine the segmentation or segregation of the protoplasm around them. As was mentioned in my account of the segmentation, these nuclei first appear during that process, and become the nuclei of the freshly formed segmentation spheres. At the close of segmentation a few of them are still to be seen around the blastoderm, but they are not very numerous. From this period they rapidly increase in number, up to the commencement of the formation of the embryo as a body dis- tinct from the germ. Though before this period they probably become the nuclei of veritable cells which enter the germ, it is not till this period, when the growth of the blastoderm becomes very rapid and it commences to spread over the yolk, that these new cells are formed in large numbers. I have many speci- mens of this age which shew the formation of these new cells with great clearness. This is most distinctly to be seen imme- diately below the embryo, where the yolk-spherules are few in number. At the opposite end of the blastoderm I believe that more of these cells are formed, but, owing to the presence of numerous yolk-spherules, it is much more difficult to make cer- tain of this. 1 Kowalevsky (" Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Holothurien, " Mt- moirs de PAc. Imp. de St Petersbourg, vii ser., Vol. xi. 1867) describes the division of nuclei during segmentation in the Holothurians, and other observers have described it elsewhere. 5—2 68 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. As to the final destination of these cells, my observations are not yet completed. Probably a large number of them are concerned in the formation of the vascular system, but I will give reasons later on for believing that some of them are con- cerned in the formation of the walls of the digestive canal and of other parts. I will conclude my account of these nuclei by briefly summarizing the points I have arrived at in reference to them. A portion, or more probably the whole, of the yolk of the Dog-fish consists of organized material, in which nuclei ap- pear and increase either by division or by a process of in- dependent formation, and a great number of these subse- quently become the nuclei of cells formed around them, frequently at a distance from the germ, which then travel up and enter it: The formation of cells in the yolk, apart from the general process of segmentation, has been recognised by many ob- servers. Kupffer (Archiv. filr Micr. Anat., Bd. IV. 1868) and Owsjannikow ('' Entwickelung der Coregonus," Bulletin der Akad. St Petersburgh, Vol. XIX.) in osseous fishes1, Ray Lan- kester (Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. XI. 1873, p. 81) in Cephalopoda, Gotte (Archiv. fiir Micr. Anat. Vol. X.) in the chick, have all described a new formation of cells from the so-called food-yolk. The organized nature of the whole or part of this, previous to the formation of the cells from it, has not, however, as a rule, been distinctly recognised. In the majority of cases, as, for instance, in Loligo, the nucleus is not the first thing to be formed, but a plastide is first formed, in which a nucleus subsequently makes its ap- pearance. 1 Gotte, at the end of a paper on "The Development of the Layers in the Chick " (Archiv. fur Micr. Anat., Vol. X. 1873, p. 196), mentions that the so-called cells in Osseous fishes which Oellacher states to have migrated into the yolk, and which are clearly the same as those mentioned by Owsjannikow, are really not cells, but large nuclei. If this statement is correct the phenomena in Osseous fishes are precisely the same as those I have described in the Dog-fish. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 69 Formation of the Layers. Leaving these nuclei, I will now pass on to the formation of the layers. At the close of segmentation the surface of the blasto- derm is composed of cells of a uniform size, which, however, are too small to be seen by the aid of the simple micro- scope. The cells of this uppermost layer are somewhat columnar, and can be distinguished from the remainder of the cells of the blastoderm as a separate layer. This layer forms the epiblast ; and the Dog-fish agree with Birds, Batrachians, and Osseous fish in the very early differentiation of it. The remainder of the cells of the blastoderm form a mass, many cells deep, in which it is impossible as yet or till a very considerably later period to distinguish two layers. They may be called the lower layer cells. Some of them near the edge of this mass are still considerably larger than the rest, but they are, as a whole, of a fairly uniform size. Their nuclei are of the same character as the nuclei in the yolk. There is one point to be noticed in the shape of the blas- toderm as a whole. It is unsymmetrical, and a much larger number of its cells are found collected at one end than at the other. This absence of symmetry is found in all sections which are cut parallel to the long axis of the egg-capsule. The thicker end is the region where the embryo will subse- quently appear. This very early appearance of distinction in the blasto- derm between the end at which the embryo will appear, and the non-embryonic end is important, especially as it shews the affinity of the modes of development of Osseous fishes and the Elasmobranchii. Oellacher (Zeitschrift fur Wiss. Zoo- logie, Vol. XXXIII. 1873) has shewn, and, though differing from him on many other points, on this point Gotte (A rch. fiir Micr. Anat. Vol. IX. 1873) agrees with him, that a similar absence of symmetry by which the embryonic end of the germ is marked off, occurs almost immediately after the end of segmentation in Osseous fishes. In the early stages of development there are /O DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. a number of remarkable points of agreement between the Osseous fish and the Dog-fish, combined with a number of equally remarkable points of difference. Some of these I shall point out as I proceed with my description. The embryonic end of the germ is always the one which points towards the pole of the yolk farthest removed from the egg-capsule. The germ grows, but not very rapidly, and without other- wise undergoing any very appreciable change, for some time. The growth at these early periods appears to be particularly slow, especially when compared with the rapid manner in which some of the later stages of the development are passed through. The next important change which occurs is the formation of the so-called " segmentation cavity." This forms a very marked feature throughout the early stages. It appears, however, to have somewhat different re- lations to the blastoderm than the homologous structure in other vertebrates. In its earliest stage which I have observed, it appears as a small cavity in the centre of the lower layer cells. This .grows rapidly, and its roof becomes composed of epiblast and only a thin lining of " lower layer " cells, while its floor is formed by the yolk (PL 3, fig. 3, s g}. In the next and third stage (PI. 3, fig. 4, s g] its floor is formed by a thin layer of cells, its roof remaining as before. It has, however, become a less conspicuous formation than it was ; and in the last (fourth) stage in which it can be distinguished it is very inconspicuous, and almost filled up by cells. What I have called the second stage corresponds to a period in which no trace 'of the embryo is to be seen. In the third stage the embryonic end of the blastoderm projects outwards to form a structure which I shall speak of as the " embryonic rim," and in the fourth and last stage a distinct medullary groove is formed. For a considerable period during the second stage the segmentation cavity remains of about the same size ; during the third stage it begins to be encroached upon, and becomes smaller both absolutely, and relatively to the increased size of the germ. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 71 The segmentation cavity of the Dog-fish most nearly agrees with that of Osseous fishes in its mode of formation and re- lation to the embryo. Dog-fish resemble Osseous fish in the fact that their em- bryos are entirely formed from a portion of the germ which does not form part of the roof of the segmentation cavity, so that the cells forming the roof of the segmentation cavity take no share at any time in the formation of their embryos. They further agree with Osseous fish (always supposing that the descriptions of Oellacher, loc. cit., and Gotte, Archiv. fur Micr. Anat. Bd. IX. are correct) in the floor of the segmen- tation cavity being formed at one period by yolk. Toge- ther with these points of similarity there are some important differences. (1) The segmentation cavity in the Osseous fish from the first arises as a cavity between the yolk and the blastoderm, and its floor is never at any period covered with cells. In the Dog- fish, as we have said above, both in the earlier and later periods the floor is covered with cells. (2) The roof in the Dog-fish is invariably formed by the epiblast and a row of flattened lower layer cells. According to both Gotte and Oellacher the roof of the segmentation cavity in Osseous fishes is in the earlier stages formed alone of the two layers which correspond with the single layer forming the epiblast in the Dog-fish. In Osseous fishes it is very difficult to distinguish the various layers, owing to the similarity of their component cells. In Dog- fish this is very easy, owing to the great distinctness of the epiblast, and it appears to me, on this account, very probable that the two above-named observers may be in error as to the constitution of its roof in the Osseous fish. With both the Bird and the Frog the segmentation cavity of the Dog- fish has some points of agreement, and some points of differ- ence, but it would take me too far from my present subject to discuss them. When the segmentation cavity is first formed, no great changes have taken place in the cells forming the blastoderm. The upper layer — the epiblast — is composed of a single layer of columnar cells, and the remainder of the cells of blastoderm, 72 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. forming the lower layer, are of a fairly uniform size, and poly- gonal from mutual pressure. The whole edge of the blastoderm is thickened, but this thickening is especially marked at its embryonic encl. This thickened edge of the blastoderm is still more conspi- cuous in the next and second stage (PI. 3, fig. 3). In the second stage the chief points of progress, in addi- tion to the increased thickness of the edge of the blastoderm, are — (1) The increased thickness and distinctness of the epiblast, caused by its cells becoming more columnar, though it remains as a one-cell-thick layer. (2) The disappearance of the cells from the floor of the seg- mentation cavity. The lower layer cells have undergone no important changes, and the blastoderm has increased very little if at all in size. From PI. 3, fig. 3, it is seen that there is a far larger collection of cells at the embryonic than at the opposite end. Passing over some rather unimportant stages, I will come to the next important one. The general features of this (the third) stage in a surface view are — (1) The increase in size of the blastoderm. (2) The diminution in size of the segmentation cavity, both relatively and absolutely. (3) The appearance of a portion of the blastoderm pro- jecting beyond the rest over the yolk. This projecting rim extends for nearly half the circumference of the yolk, but is most marked at the point where the embryo will shortly appear. I will call it the " embryonic rim." These points- are still better seen from sections than from surface views, and will be gathered at once from an inspection of PI. 3, fig. 4. The epiblast has become still more columnar, and is markedly thicker in the region where the embryo will ap- pear. But its most remarkable feature is that at the outer edge of the "embryonic rim" (e r) it turns round and becomes continuous with the lower layer cells. This feature is most im- portant, and involves some peculiar modifications in the develop- DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 73 ment I will, however, reserve a discussion of its meaning till the next stage. The only other important feature of this stage is the ap- pearance of a layer of cells on the floor of the segmentation cavity. Does this layer come from an ingrowth from the thickened edge of the blastoderm, or does it arise from the formation of new cells in the yolk ? It is almost impossible to answer this question with cer- tainty. The following facts, however, make me believe that the newly formed cells do play an important part in the forma- tion of this layer. (1) The presence at an earlier date of almost a row of nuclei under the floor of the segmentation cavity (PI. 3, fig. i). (2) The presence on the floor of the cavity of such large cells as those represented in fig. i, b d, cells which are very different, as far as the size and granules are concerned, from the remain- der of the cells of the blastoderm. On the other hand, from this as well as other sections, I have satisfied myself that there is a distinct ingrowth of cells from the embryonic swelling. It is therefore most probable that both these processes, viz. a fresh formation and an ingrowth, have a share in the formation of the layer of cells on the floor of the segmentation cavity. In the next stage we find the embryo rising up as a distinct body from the blastoderm, and I shall in future speak of the body, which now becomes distinct as the embryo. It cor- responds with what Kupffer (loc. cit.} in his paper on the "Osseous Fishes" has called the "embryonic keel." This starting-point for speaking of the embryo as a distinct body is purely arbitrary and one merely of convenience. If I wished to fix more correctly upon a period which could be spoken of as marking the commencing formation of the embryo, I should select the time when structures first appear to mark out the portion of the germ from which the embryo becomes formed ; this period would be in the Elasmobranchii, as in the Osseous fish, at the termination of segmentation, when the want of sym- metry between the embryonic end of the germ and the opposite end first appears. 74 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. I described in the last stage the appearance of the " embry- onic rim." It is in the middle point of this, where it projects most, that the formation of the embryo takes place. There appear two parallel folds extending from the edge of the blastoderm towards the centre, and cut off at their central end by another transverse fold. These three folds raise up, be- tween them, a flat broadish ridge, "the embryo" (PL 3, fig. 5). The head end of the embryo is the end nearest the centre of the blastoderm, the tail end being the one formed by its (the blastoderm's) edge. Almost from its first appearance this ridge acquires a shallow groove — the medullary groove (PI. 3, fig. 5, m g) — along its middle line, where the epiblast and hypoblast are in absolute contact (vide fig, 6 a, 7 a, 7 b, &c.) and where the mesoblast (which is already formed by this stage) is totally absent. This groove ends abruptly a little before the front end of the embryo, and is deepest in the middle and wide and shallow behind. On each side of it is a plate of mesoblast equivalent to the combined vertebral and lateral plates of the Chick. These, though they cannot be considered as entirely the cause of the medullary groove, may perhaps help to make it deeper. In the parts of the germ outside the embryo the mesoblast is again totally absent, or, more correctly, we might say that outside the embryo the lower layer cells do not become differ- entiated into hypoblast and mesoblast, and remain continu- ous only with the lower of the two layers into which the lower layer cells become differentiated in the body of embryo. This state of things is not really very different from what we find in the Chick. Here outside the embryo (i.e. in the opaque area) there is a layer of cells in which no dif- ferentiation into hypoblast and mesoblast takes place, but the layer remains continuous rather with the hypoblast than the mesoblast. There is one peculiarity in the formation of the mesoblast which I wish to call attention to, i.e. its formation as two lateral masses, one on each side of the middle line, but not continuous across this line (vide figs. 6 a and 6 b, and 7 a and 7 b}. Whether this remarkable condition is the most primi- DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 75 tive, i.e. whether, when in the stage before this the mesoblast is first formed, it is only on each side of the middle line that the differentiation of the lower layer cells into hypoblast and mesoblast takes place, I do not certainly know, but it is un- doubtedly a very early condition of the mesoblast. The con- dition of the mesoblast as two plates, one on each side of the neural canal, is precisely similar to its embryonic condition in many of the Vermes, e.g. Etiaxes and Lumbricus. In these there are two plates of mesoblast, one on each side of the nervous cord, which are known as the Germinal streaks (Keimstreifen) (vide Kowalevsky " Wiirmern u. Arthropoden"; Mem. de I'Acad. Imp. St Peter sbourg, 1871). From longitudinal sections I have found that the segmen- tation cavity has ceased by this stage to have any distinct existence, but that the whole space between the epiblast and the yolk is filled up with a mass of elongated cells, which probably are solely concerned in the formation of the vas- cular system. The thickened posterior edge of the blastoderm is still visible. At the embryonic end of the blastoderm, as I pointed out in an earlier stage, the epiblast and the lower layer cells are perfectly continuous. Where they join the epiblast, the lower layer cells become distinctly divided, and this division commenced even in the earlier stage, into two layers ; a lower one, more directly continuous with the epiblast, consisting of cells somewhat resembling the epiblast-cells, and an upper one of more flat- tened cells (PI. 3, fig. 4, m). The first of these forms the hypoblast, and the latter the mesoblast. They are indicated by hy and m in the figures. The hypoblast, as I said before, re- mains continuous with the whole of the rest of lower layer cells of the blastoderm (vide fig. 7 b}. This division into hypoblast and mesoblast commences at the earlier stage, but becomes much more marked during this one. In describing the formation of the hypoblast and meso- blast in this way I have assumed that they are formed out of the large mass of lower layer cells which underlie the epi- blast at the embryonic end of the blastoderm. But there is another and, in some ways, rather a tempting view, viz. 76 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. to suppose that the epiblast, where it becomes continuous with the hypoblast, in reality becomes involuted, and that from this involuted epiblast are formed the whole mesoblast and hypoblast. In this case we would be compelled to suppose that the mass of lower layer cells which forms the embryonic swelling is used as food for the growth of the involuted epiblast, or else em- ployed solely in the growth over the yolk of the non-embryonic portion of the blastoderm ; but the latter possibility does not seem compatible with my sections. I do not believe that it is possible, from the examination of sections alone, to decide which of these two views (viz. whether the epiblast is involuted, or whether it becomes merely conti- nuous with the lower layer cells) is the true one. The question must be decided from other considerations. The following ones have induced me to take the view that there is no involution, but that the mesoblast and hypoblast are formed from the lower layer cells. (1) That it would be rather surprising to find the mass of lower layer cells which forms the " embryo swelling " playing no part in the formation of embryo. (2) That the view that it is the lower layer cells from which the hypoblast and mesoblast are derived agrees with the mode of formation of these two layers in the Bird, and also in the Frog ; since although, in the latter animal, there is an involu- tion, this is not of the epiblast, but of the larger cells of the lower pole of the yolk, -which in part correspond with what I have called the lower layer cells in the Dog-fish. If the view be accepted that it is from the lower layer cells that the hypoblast and mesoblast are formed, it becomes ne- cessary to explain what the continuity of the hypoblast with the epiblast means. The explanation of this is, I believe, the keystone to the whole position. The vertebrates may be divided as to their early development into two classes, viz. those with holoblastic ova, in which the digestive canal is formed by an involution with the presence of an " anus of Rusconi" This class includes "Amphioxus," the " Lamprey," the "Stur- geon," and " Batrachians." DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 77 The second class are those with meroblastic ova and no anus of Rusconi, and with an alimentary canal formed by the infold- ing of the sheet of hypoblast, the digestive canal remaining in communication with the food-yolk for the greater part of em- bryonic life by an umbilical canal. This class includes the " Elasmobranchii," " Osseous fish," " Reptiles," and " Aves." The mode of formation of the alimentary canal in the first class is clearly the more primitive ; and it is equally clear that its mode of formation in the second class is an adaptation due to the presence of the large quantity of food-yolk. In the Dog-fish I believe that we can see, to a certain extent, how the change from the one to the other of these modes of de- velopment of the alimentary canal took place. In all the members of the first class, viz. " Amphioxus" the "Lamprey," the "Sturgeon," and the "Batrachians," the epiblast becomes continuous with the hypoblast at the so-called " anus of Rusconi," and the alimentary canal, potentially in all and actually in the Sturgeon (vide Kowalevsky, Owsjannikow, and Wagner, Bulletin der Acad. d. St Petersbourg, Vol. XIV. 1870, " Entwicklung der Store "), communicates freely at its ex- treme hind end with the neural canal. The same is the case in the Dog-fish. In these, when the folding in to form the alimentary canal on the one hand, and the neural on the other, takes place, the two foldings unite at the corner, where the epiblast and hypoblast are in continuity, and place the two tubes, the neural and alimentary, in free communication with each other1. There is, however, nothing corresponding with the " anus of Rusconi," which merely indicates the position of the involution of the digestive canal, and subsequently completely closes up, though it nearly coincides in position with the true anus in the Batrachians, &c. This remarkable point of similarity between the Dog-fish's development and the normal mode of development in the first class (the holoblastic) of vertebrates, renders it quite clear that the continuity of the epiblast and hypoblast in the Dog- 1 This has been already made out by Kowalevsky, " Wurmern u. Arthropoden, " loc. tit. 78 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. fish is really the remnant of a more primitive condition, when the alimentary canal was formed by an involution. Besides the continuity between neural and alimentary canals, we have other remnants of the primitive involution. Amongst these the most marked is the formation of the embryonic rim, which is nothing less than the commencement of an involu- tion. Its form is due to the flattened, sheet-like condition of the germ. In the mode in which the alimentary canal is closed in front I shall shew there are indications of the primitive mode of formation of the alimentary canal ; and in certain peculiarities of the anus, which I shall speak of later, we have indications of the primitive anus of Rusconi ; and finally, in the general growth of the epiblast (small cells of the upper pole of the Batrachian egg) over the yolk (lower pole of the Batrachian egg), we have an example of the manner in which the primitive involution, to form the alimentary canal, invariably disappears when the quantity of yolk in an egg becomes very great. I believe that in the Dog-fish we have before our eyes one of the steps by which a direct mode of formation comes to be substituted for an indirect one by involution. We find, in fact, in the Dog-fish, that the cells from which are derived the mesoblast and hypoblast come to occupy their final position in the primitive arrangement of the cells during segmentation, and not by a subsequent and secondary involution. This change in the mode of formation of the alimentary canal is clearly a result of change of mechanical conditions from the presence of the large food-yolk. Excellent parallels to it will be found amongst the Molljasca. In this class the presence or absence of food-yolk produces not very dissimilar changes to those which are produced amongst vertebrates from the same cause. The continuity of the hypoblast and epiblast at the em- bryonic rim is a remnant which, having no meaning or function, except in reference to the earlier mode of development, is likely to become lost, and in Birds no trace of it is any longer to be found. I will not in the present preliminary paper attempt hypo- thetically to trace the steps by which the involution gradually DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 79 disappeared, though I do not think it would be very difficult to do so. Nor will I attempt to discuss the question whether the condition with a large amount of food-yolk (as seems more probable) was twice acquired — once by the-Elasmobranchii and Osseous fishes, and once by Reptiles and Birds — or whether only once, the Reptiles and Birds being lineal descendants of the Dog-fish. In reference to the former point, however, I may mention that the Batrachians and Lampreys are to a certain extent intermediate in condition between the Amphioxus and the Dog- fishes, since in them the yolk becomes divided during segmen- tation into lower layer cells and epiblast, but a modified invo- lution is still retained, while the Dog-fish may be looked upon as intermediate between Birds and Batrachians, the continuity at the hind end between the epiblast and hypoblast being retained by them, though not the involution. It may be convenient here to call attention to some of the similarities and some of the differences which I have not yet spoken of between the development of Osseous fish and the Dog-fish in the early stages. The points of similarity are — (i) The swollen edge of the blastoderm. (2) The embryo-swelling. (3) The embryo-keel. (4) The spreading of the blastoderm over the yolk-sac from a point corresponding with the position of the embryo, and not with the centre of the germ. The growth is almost nothing at that point, and most rapid at the opposite pole of the blastoderm, being less and less rapid along points of the circumference in proportion to their proximity to the embryonic swelling. (5) The medullary groove. In external appearance the early embryos of Dog-fish and Teleostei are very similar ; some of my drawings could almost be substituted for those given by Oellacher. This similarity is especially marked at the first appearance of the medullary groove. In the Dog-fish the medullary groove becomes con- verted into the medullary canal in the same way as in Birds and all other vertebrates, except Osseous fishes, where it comes to nothing, and is, in fact, a rudimentary structure. But in spite of Oellacher's assertions to the contrary, I am convinced from the similarity of its position and appearance to the true medullary groove in the Dog-fish, that the groove which appears 80 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. in Osseous fishes is the true medullary groove ; although Oel- lacher and Kuppfer appear to have conclusively proved that it does not become converted into the medullary canal. The chief difference between the Dog-fish and Osseous fish, in ad- dition to the point of difference about the medullary groove, is that the epiblast is in the Dog-fish a single layer, and not divided into nervous and epidermic layers as in Osseous fish, and this difference is the more important, since, throughout the whole period of development till after the commencement of the formation of the neural canal, the epiblast remains in Dog- fish as a one-cell-deep layer of cells, and thus the possibility is excluded of any concealed division into a neural and epi- dermic layer, as has been supposed to be the case by Strieker and others in Birds. Development of the Embryo. After the embryo has become definitely established, for some time it grows rapidly in length, without externally under- going other important changes, with the exception of the ap- pearance of two swellings, one on each side of its tail. These swellings, which I will call the Caudal lobes (figs. 8 and 9, t s), are also found in Osseous fishes, and have been called by Oellacher the Embryonal saum. They are caused by a thickening of mesoblast on each side of the hind end of the embryo, at the edge of the embryonic rim, and form a very conspicuous feature throughout the early stages of the develop- ment of the Dog-fish, and are still more marked in the Torpedo (PI. 3, fig. 9). Although from the surface the other changes which are visible are very insignificant, sections shew that the notochord is commencing to be formed. I pointed out that beneath the medullary groove the epiblast and hypoblast were not separated by any interposed mesoblast. Along the line (where the mesoblast is deficient) which forms the long axis of the embryo, a rod-like thickening of the hypo- blast appears (PI. 3, figs. 7/. DEVELOPMENT OF VERTEBRATES. 133 never becomes either the one or the other of these openings, it is, I think, possible to account for its corresponding in position with the mouth in some cases or the anus in others. That it would soon come to correspond either with the mouth or anus (probably with the earliest formed of these in the embryo), wherever it was primitively situated, follows from the great simplification which would be effected by its doing so. This simplification consists in the greater facility with which the fresh opening of either mouth or anus could be made where the epiblast and hypoblast were in continuity than elsewhere. Even a change of correspondence from the position of the mouth to that of the anus or vice versa could occur. The mode in which this might happen is exemplified by the case of the Selachians. I pointed out in the course of this paper how the final point of envelopment of the yolk became altered in Selachians so as to cease to correspond with the anus of Rusconi ; in other words, how the position of the blastopore became changed. In such a case, if the yolk material again became diminished, the blasto- pore would correspond in position with neither mouth nor anus, and the causes which made it correspond in position with the anus before, would again operate, and make it correspond in position perhaps with the mouth. Thus the blastopore might absolutely cease to correspond in position with the anus and come to correspond in position with the mouth. It is hardly possible to help believing that the blastopore primitively represented a mouth. It may perhaps have lost this function owing to an increase of food yolk in the ovum preventing its being possible for the blastopore to develop directly into a mouth, and necessitating the formation of a fresh mouth. If such were the case, there would be no reason why the blastopore should ever again serve functionally as a mouth in the descendants of the animal which developed this fresh mouth. 134 EARLY STAGES IN DEVELOPMENT OF VERTEBRATES. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCES. al. Cavity of alimentary canal, bl. Blastoderm, ch. Notochord. ep. Epiblast. em. Embryo, f. Formative cells, hy. Hypoblast. / /. Lower layer cells. »i. Mesoblast. «. Nuclei of yolk of Selachian egg. n c. Neural canal, s g. Segmenta- tion cavity, x. Point where epiblast and hypoblast are continuous at the mouth of the alimentary involution. This point is always situated at the tail end of the embryo, yk. Yolk. Epiblast is coloured blue, mesoblast red, and hypoblast yellow. The lower layer cells before their separation into hypoblast and mesoblast are also coloured green. A I, A II, A ill. Diagrammatic sections of Amphioxus in its early stages (founded upon Kowalevsky's observations). B I, B II, B III. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of an hypothetical animal, intermediate between Amphioxus and Batrachians, in its early stages. C I, C n, c in. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of Bombinator igneus in its early stages (founded upon Gotte's observations). In c ill the neural canal is com- pleted, which was not the case in B in. The epiblast in c ill has been diagram- matically represented as a single layer. D I, D II, D in. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of an animal, intermediate between Batrachians and Selachians, in its early stages. E I, E II, E ill. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of a Selachian in its early stages. E'. Surface view of the yolk of a Selachian's egg to shew the manner in which it is enclosed by the Blastoderm. The yolk is represented yellow and the Blastoderm blue. F I, F II, F ill. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of a Bird in its early stages. VII. ON THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES1. RECENT discoveries2 as to the mode of development and anatomy of the urinogenital system of Selachians, Amphibians, and Cyclostome fishes, have greatly increased our knowledge of this system of organs, and have rendered more possible a comparison of the types on which it is formed in the various orders of vertebrates. 1 From the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. X. 1875. a The more important of these are : — Semper — Ueber die Stammverwandtschaft der Wirbelthiere u. Anneliden. 6V//- tralblatt f. Med. Wiss. 1874, No. 35. • Semper — Segmentalorgane bei ausgewachsenen Haien. Centralblatt f. Med. IViss. 1874, No. 52. Semper — Das Urogenitalsystem der hoheren Wirbelthiere. Cenlralblatt f. Med. Wiss. 1874, No. 59. Semper — Stammesverwandschaft d. Wirbelthiere u. Wirbellosen. Arbeiten aits Zool. Zootom. Inst, Wurzburg. II Band. Semper — Bildung u. Wachstum der Keimdriisen bei den Plagiostomen. Central- blatt f. Med. Wiss. 1875, No. 12. Semper— Entw. d. Wolf. u. Mull. Gang. Centralblatt f. Med. Wiss. 1875, No. 29. Alex. Schultz — Phylogenie d. Wirbelthiere. Centralblatt f. Med. Wiss. 1874, No. 51. Spengel — Wimpertrichtern i. d. Amphibienniere. Centralblatt f. Med. Wiss. 1875, No. 23. Meyer — Anat. des Urogenitalsystems der Selachier u. Amphibien. Sitzb. Natur- for. Gesellschaft. Leipzig, 30 April, 1875. F. M. Balfour — Preliminary Account of development of Elasmobranch fishes. Quart. Journ. of Micro. Science, Oct. 1874. (This edition, Paper V. p. 60 et seq.} W. Muller — Persistenz der Urniere bei Myxine glutinosa. Jenaische Zeitschrijt, 1873- W. Muller — Urogenilalsystem d. Amphioxus u. d. Cyclostomen. Jenaische Zeit- schrift, 1875. Alex. Gott-e — Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke {Bombinator ignciis]. 136 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. The following paper is an attempt to give a consecutive history of the origin of this system of organs in vertebrates and of the changes which it has undergone in the different orders. For this purpose I have not made use of my own observa- tions alone, but have had recourse to all the Memoirs with which I am acquainted, and to which I have access. I have com- menced my account with the Selachians, both because my own investigations have been directed almost entirely to them, and because their urinogenital organs are, to my mind, the most convenient for comparison both with the more complicated and with the simpler types. On many points the views put forward in this paper will be found to differ from those which I expressed in my paper (loc. cit^) which give an account of my original1 discovery of the segmental organs of Selachians, but the differences, with the exception of one important error as to the origin of the Wolffian duct, are rather fresh developments of my previous views from the consideration of fresh facts, than radical changes in them. In Selachian embryos an intermediate cell-mass, or middle plate of mesoblast is formed, as in birds, from a partial fusion of the somatic and splanchnic layers of the mesoblast at the outer border of the protovertebrae. From this cell-mass the whole of the urinogenital system is developed. At about the time when three visceral clefts have appeared, there arises from the intermediate cell-mass, opposite the fifth protovertebra, a solid knob, from which a column of cells grows backwards to opposite the position of the future anus (fig. i,/<^.). This knob projects outwards toward the epiblast, and the column lies at first between ^he mesoblast and epiblast. The knob and column do not long remain solid. The knob be- coming hollow acquires a wide opening into the pleuroperitoneal or body cavity, and the column a lumen ; so that by the time that five visceral clefts have appeared, the two together form a 1 These organs were discovered independently by Professor Semper and myself. Professor Semper's preliminary account appeared prior to my own which was pub- lished (with illustrations) in the Quarterly Journal of Mic. Science. Owing to my being in South America, I did not know of Professor Semper's investigations till several months after the publication of my paper. THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 137 FlG. I. TWO SECTIONS OF A PRISTIURUS EMBRYO WITH THREE VISCERAL CLEFTS. The sections are to shew the development of the segmental duct (pd) or primi- tive duct of the kidneys. In A (the anterior of the two sections) this appears as a solid knob projecting towards the epiblast. In B is seen a section of the column which has grown backwards from the knob in A. spn. rudiment of a spinal nerve ; me. medullary canal ; ch. notochord ; X. string of cells below the notochord ; mp. muscle-plate ; mp'. specially developed portion of muscle-plate ; ao. dorsal aorta ; pd. segmental duct. so. somatopleura ; sp. splanchnopleura ; //. pleuroperitoneal or body cavity ; ep. epiblast ; al. ali- mentary canal. duct closed behind, but communicating in front by a wide opening with the pleuroperitoneal cavity. Before these changes are accomplished, a series of solid1 outgrowths of elements of the 'intermediate cell- mass' appear at the uppermost corner of the body-cavity. These soon be- come hollow and appear as involutions from the body-cavity, curling round the inner and dorsal side of the previously formed duct. One involution of this kind makes its appearance for each protovertebra, and the first belongs to the protovertebra im- mediately behind the anterior end of the duct whose develop- ment has just been described. In Pristiurus there are in all 29 of these at this period. The last two or three arise from that portion of the body-cavity, which at this stage still exists behind the anus. The first-formed duct and the subsequent involutions are the rudiments of the whole of the urinary system. 1 These outgrowths are at first solid in both Pristiurus, Scyllium and Torpedo, but in Torpedo attain a considerable length before a lumen appears in them. 138 THE URINOriENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. The duct is the primitive duct of the kidney1; I shall call it in future the segmental duct ; and the involutions are the com- mencements of the segmental tubes which constitute the body of the kidney. I shall call them in future segmental tubes Soon after their formation the segmental tubes become convoluted, and their blind ends become connected with the segmental duct of the kidney. At the same time, or rather before this, the blind posterior termination of each of the seg- mental ducts of the kidneys unites with and opens into one of the horns of the cloaca. At this period the condition of affairs is represented in fig. 2. FIG. i. DIAGRAM OF THE PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF THE KIDNEY IN A SELACHIAN EMBRYO. pd. segmental duct. It opens at o into the body cavity and at its other extremity into the cloaca ; x. line along which the division appears which separates the seg- mental duct into the Wolffian duct above and the Miillerian duct below ; st. seg- mental tubes. They open at one end into the body-cavity, and at the other into the segmental duct. There is at pd, the segmental duct of the kidneys, opening in front (p) into the body-cavity, and behind into the cloaca, and there are a series of convoluted segmental tubes (st), each opening at one end into the body-cavity, and at the other into the duct (pd). The next important change which occurs is the longitudinal division of the segmental duct of the kidneys into Miiller's duct, or the oviduct, and the duct of the Wolffian bodies or Leydig's duct. The splitting2 is effected by the growth of a wall of cells 1 This duct is often called either Miiller's duct, the oviduct, or the duct of the primitive kidneys ' Urnierengang.' None of these terms are very suitable. A justifi- cation of the name I have given it will appear from the facts given in the later parts of this paper. In my previous paper I have always called it oviduct, a name which is very inappropriate. 2 This splitting was first of all discovered and an account of it published by Semper ( Centralblatt f. Med. \Viss. 1875, No. 29). I had independently made it out THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEKRATES. 139 which divides the duct into two parts (fig. 3, wd. and md.). It takes place in such a way that the front end of the segmental duct, anterior to the entrance of the first segmental tube, together with the ventral half of the rest of the duct, is split off from its dorsal half as an independent duct (vide fig. 2, x). The dorsal portion also forms an independent duct, and into it the segmental tubes continue to open. Such at least is the FIG. 3. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF A SELACHIAN EMBRYO ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF THE WOLFFIAN AND MlJLLERIAN DUCTS BY THE LONGI- TUDINAL SPLITTING OF THE SEGMENTAL DUCT. me. medullary canal ; mp. muscle-plate; ch. notochord; ao. aorta; cav. car- dinal vein; st. segmental tube. On the one side the section passes through the opening of a segmental tube into the body cavity. On the other this opening is represented by dotted lines, and the opening of the segmental tube into the Wolfnan duct has been cut through ; wd. Wolffian duct ; md, Miillerian duct. The Miil- lerian duct and the Wolffian duct together constitute the primitive segmental duct ; gr. The germinal ridge with the thickened germinal epithelium ; /. liver ; i. intes- tine with spiral valve. for the female a few weeks before the publication of Semper's account — but have not yet made observations about the point for the male. My own previous account of the origin of the Wolffian duct (Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, Oct. 1874, and this edition, Paper V.), is completely false, and was due to my not having had access to a complete series of my sections when I wrote the paper. 140 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. method of splitting for the female — for the male the splitting is according to Professor Semper, of a more partial character, and consists for the most part in the front end of the duct only being separated off from the rest. The result of these changes is the formation in both sexes of a fresh duct which carries off the excretions of the segmental involutions, and which I shall call the Wolffian duct — while in the female there is formed another complete and independent duct, which I shall call the Miillerian duct, or oviduct, and in the male portions only of such a duct. The next change which takes place is the formation of an- other duct from the hinder portion of the Wolffian duct, which receives the secretion of the posterior segmental tubes. This secondary duct unites with the primary or Wolffian duct near its termination, and the primary ducts of the two sides unite together to open to the exterior by a common papilla. Slight modifications of the posterior terminations of these ducts are found in different genera of Selachians (vide Semper, Centralblatt filr Med. Wiss. 1874, No. 59), but they are of no fundamental importance. These constitute the main changes undergone by the seg- mental duct of the kidneys and the ducts derived from it ; but the segmental tubes also undergo important changes. In the majority of Selachians their openings into the body-cavity, or, at any rate, the openings of a large number of them, persist through life ; but the investigations of Dr Meyer1 render it very probable that the small portion of each segmental tube adjoining the opening becomes separated from the rest and becomes converted into a sort of lymph organ, so that the open- ings of the segmental tubes in the adult merely lead into lymph organs and not into the gland of the kidneys. These constitute the whole changes undergone in the female, but in the male the open ends of a varying number (according to the species) of the segmental tubes become connected with the testis and, uniting with the testicular follicles, serve to carry away the seminal fluid2. The spermatozoa have therefore to 1 Sitzen. der Naturfor. Gesdlschaft, Leipzig, 30 April, 1875. 2 We owe to Professor Semper the discovery of the arrangement of the seminal ducts. Centralblatt f. Med. Wiss. 1875, No. 12. THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 141 pass through a glandular portion of the kidneys before they enter the Wolffian duct, by which they are finally carried away to the exterior. In the adult female, then, there are the following parts of the urinogenital system (fig. 4) : (i) The oviduct, or Miiller's duct (fig. 4, md.}, split off from the segmental duct of the kidneys. Each oviduct opens at its upper end into the body-cavity, and behind the two oviducts have independent communications with the cloaca. The ovi- ducts serve simply to carry to the exterior the ova, and have no communication with the glandular portion of the kidneys. FIG. 4. DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS IN AN ADULT FEMALE SELACHIAN. md. Miillerian duct ; wd. Wolffian duct ; st. segmental tubes ; d. duct of the posterior segmental tubes ; ov. ovary. (2) The Wolffian ducts (fig. 4, wd.) or the remainder of the segmental ducts of the kidneys. Each Wolffian duct ends blindly in front, and the two unite behind to open by a common papilla into the cloaca. This duct receives the secretion of the whole anterior end of the kidneys1, that is to say, of all the anterior segmental tubes. (3) The secondary duct (fig. 4, d.) belonging to the lower portion of the kidneys opening into the former duct near its termination. (4) The segmental tubes (fig. 4. st) from whose convolutions and outgrowths the kidney is formed. They may be divided 1 This upper portion of the kidneys is called Leydig's gland by Semper. It would be better to call it the Wolffian body, for I shall attempt to shew that it is homologous with the gland so named in Sauropsida and Mammalia. 142 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS. OF VERTEBRATES. into two parts, according to the duct by which their secretion is carried off. In the male the following parts are present : (1) The Miillerian duct (fig. 5, md.), consisting of a small remnant, attached to the liver, which represents the foremost end of the oviduct of the female. (2) The Wolffian duct (fig. 5, wd], which precisely corre- sponds to the Wolffian duct of the female, except that, in ad- dition to functioning as the duct of the anterior part of the kidneys, it also serves to carry away the semen. In the female it is straight, but has in the adult male a very tortuous course (vide fig. 5). FIG. 5. DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS IN AN ADULT MALE SELACHIAN. md. rudiment of Mullerian duct ; wd. Wolffian duct, which also serves as vas deferens ; st. segmental tubes. The ends of three of those which in the female open into the body-cavity, have in the male united with the testicular follicles, and serve to carry away the products of the testis ; d. duct of the posterior segmental tubes ; t. testis. (3) the duct (fig. 5, d.} of the posterior portion of the kid- neys, which has the same relations as in the female. (4) The segmental tubes (fig. 5. st.}. These have the same relations as in the female, except that the most anterior two, three or more, unite with the testicular follicles, and carry away the semen into the Wolffian duct. The mode of arrangement and the development of these parts suggest a number of considerations. In the first place it is important to notice that the seg- mental tubes develope primitively as completely independent THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 143 organs1, one of which appears in each segment. If embryology is in any way a repetition of ancestral history, it necessarily follows that these tubes were primitively independent of each other. Ancestral history, as recorded in development, is often, it is true, abridged ; but it is clear that though abridgement might prevent a series of primitively separate organs from appearing as such, yet it would hardly be possible for a primitively compound organ, which always retained this condition, to appear during development as a series of separate ones. These considerations appear to me to prove that the segmented ancestors of verte- brates possessed a series of independent and segmental ex- cretory organs. Both Professor Semper and myself, on discovering these organs, were led to compare them and state our belief in their identity with the so-called segmental organs of Annelids. This view has since been fairly generally accepted. The segmental organs of annelids agree with those of vertebrates in opening at one end into the body-cavity, but differ in the fact that each also communicates with the exterior by an inde- pendent opening, and that they are never connected with each other. On the hypothesis of the identity of the vertebrate segmental tubes with the annelid segmental organs, it becomes essential to explain how the external openings of the former may have become lost. This brings us at once to the origin of the segmental duct of the kidneys, by which the secretion of all the segmental tubes was carried to the exterior, and it appears to me that a right understanding of the vertebrate urinogenital system depends greatly upon a correct view of the origin of this duct. I would venture to repeat the suggestion which I made in my original paper (he. cit.} that this duct is to be looked upon as the most anterior of the segmental tubes which persist in vertebrates. 1 Further study of my sections has shewn me that the initial independence of these organs is even more complete than might be gathered from the description in my paper (loc. cit.). I now find, as I before conjectured, that they at first correspond exactly with the muscle-plates, there being one for each muscle-plate. This can be seen in the fresh embryos, but longitudinal sections shew it in an absolutely demon- strable manner. 144 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. In favour of this view are the following anatomical and em- bryological facts, (i) It developes in nearly the same manner as the other segmental tubes, viz. in Selachians as a solid outgrowth from the intermediate cell- mass, which subsequently becomes hollowed so as to open into the body-cavity : and in Amphibians and Osseous and Cyclostome fishes as a direct involution from the body-cavity. (2) In Amphibians, Cyclos- tomes and Osseous fishes its upper end develops a glandular portion, by becoming convoluted in a manner similar to the other segmental tubes. This glandular portion is often called either the head-kidney or the primitive kidney. It is only an embryonic structure, but is important as demonstrating the true nature of the primitive duct of the kidneys. We may suppose that some of the segmental tubes first united, possibly in pairs, and that then by a continuation of this process the whole of them coalesced into a common gland. One external opening sufficed to carry off the entire secretion of the gland, and the other openings therefore atrophied. This history is represented in the development of the dog- fish in an abbreviated form, by the elongation of the first seg- mental tube (segmental duct of the kidney) and its junction with each of the posterior segmental tubes. Professor Semper looks upon the primitive duct of the kidneys as a duct which arose independently, and was not derived from metamorphosis of the segmental organs. Against this view I would on the one hand urge the consideration, that it is far easier to conceive of the transformation by change of function (comp. Dohrn, Func- tions^vechsel, Leipzig, 1875) of a segmental organ into a segmental duct, than to understand the physiological cause which should lead, in the presence of so many already formed ducts, to the appearance of a totally new one. By its very nature a duct is a structure which can hardly arise de novo. We must even sup- pose that the segmental organs of Annelids were themselves transformations of still simpler structures. On the other hand I would point to the development in this very duct amongst Amphibians and Osseous fishes of a glandular portion similar to that of a segmental tube, as an a posteriori proof of its being a metamorphosed segmental tube. The development in insects of a longitudinal tracheal duct by the coalescence of a THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 145 series of transverse tracheal tubes affords a parallel to the forma- tion of a duct from the coalescence of a series of segmental tubes. Though it must be admitted that the loss of the external openings of the segmental organs requires further working out, yet the difficulties involved in their disappearance are not so great as to render it improbable that the vertebrate segmental organs are descended from typical annelidan ones. The primitive vertebrate condition, then, is probably that of an early stage of Selachian development while there is as yet a segmental duct, — the original foremost segmental tube open- ing in front into the body-cavity and behind into the cloaca ; with which duct all the segmental tubes communicate. Vide Fig. 2. The next condition is to be looked upon as an indirect result of the segmental duct serving as well for the products of the generative organs as the secretions of the segmental tubes. As a consequence of this, the segmental duct became split into a ventral portion, which served alone for the ova, and a dorsal portion which received the secretion of the segmental tubes. The lower portion, which we have called the oviduct, in some cases may also have received the semen as well as the ova. This is very possibly the case with Ceratodus (vide Giinther, Trans, of Royal Society, 1871), and the majority of Ganoids (Hyrtl, Denksckriften Wien, Vol. VIII.). In the majo- rity of other cases the oviduct exists in the male in a completely rudimentary form ; and the semen is carried away by the -same duct as the urine. In Selachians the transportation of the semen from the testis to the Wolffian duct is effected by the junction of the open ends of two or three or more segmental tubes with the testicular follicles, and the modes in which this junction is effected in the higher vertebrates seem to be derivatives from this. If the views here expressed are correct it is by a complete change of function that the oviduct has come to perform its present office. And in the bird and higher vertebrates no trace, or only the very slightest (vide p. 165) of the primitive urinary function is retained during embryonic or adult life. The last feature in the anatomy of the Selachians which B. 10 146 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. requires notice is the division of the kidney into two portions, an anterior and posterior. The anatomical similarity between this arrangement and that of higher vertebrates (birds, &c.) is very striking. The anterior one precisely corresponds, anatomically, to the Wolffian body, and the posterior one to the true per- manent kidney of higher vertebrates : and when we find that in the Selachians the duct for the anterior serves also for the semen as does the Wolffian duct of higher vertebrates, this similarity seems almost to amount to identity. A discussion of the differences in development in the two cases will come con- veniently with the account of the bird ; but there appear to me the strongest grounds for looking upon the kidneys of Selachians as equivalent to both the Wolffian bodies and the true kidneys of the higher vertebrates. The condition of the urinogenital organs in Selachians is by no means the most primitive found amongst vertebrates. The organs of both Cyclostomous and Osseous fishes, as well as those of Ganoids, are all more primitive ; and in the majority of points the Amphibians exhibit a decidedly less differentiated condition of these organs than do the Selachians. In Cyclostomous fishes the condition of the urinary system is very simple. In Myxine (vide Joh. Muller My xinoid fishes, and Wilhelm Muller, Jenaische Zeitsckrift, 1875, Das Urogenital- system des A mphioxus u. d. Cyclostomeri) there is a pair of ducts which communicate posteriorly by a common opening with the abdominal pore. From these ducts spring a series of trans- verse tubules, each terminating in a Malpighian corpuscle. These together constitute the mass of the kidneys. About opposite the gall-bladder the duct of the kidney (the segmental duct) narrows very much, and after a short course ends in a largish glandular mass (the head-kidney), which communicates with the pericardial cavity by a number of openings. In Petromyzon the anatomy of the kidneys is fundamentally the same as in Myxine. They consist of the two segmental ducts, and a number of fine branches passing off from these, which become convoluted but do not form Malpighian tufts. The head-kidney is absent in the adult. W. Muller (loc. cit.} has given a short but interesting account of the development of the urinary system of Petromyzon. He THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 147 finds that the segmental ducts develop first of all as simple involutions from the body-cavity. The anterior end of each then developes a glandular portion which comes to communicate by a number of openings with the body-cavity. Subsequently to the development of this glandular portion the remainder of the kidneys appears in the posterior portion of the body-cavity ; and before the close of embryonic life the anterior glandular portion atrophies. The comparison of this system with that of a Selachian is very simple. The first developed duct is the segmentai duct of a Selachian, and the glandular portion developed at its anterior extremity, which is permanent in Myxine but embryonic in Petromyzon, is, as W. Miiller has rightly recognized, equivalent to the head-kidney of Amphibians, which remains undeveloped in Selachians. It is, according to my previously stated view, the glandular portion of the first segmental organ or the seg- mental duct. The series of orifices by which this communicates with the body-cavity are due to the division of the primary opening of the segmental duct. This is shewn both by the facts of their development in Petromyzon given by Muller, as well as by the occurrence of a similar division of the primary orifice in Amphibians, which is mentioned later in this paper. In a note in my original paper (loc. cit.} I stated that these openings were equivalent to the segmental involutions of Selachians. This is erroneous, and was due to my not having understood the description given in a preliminary paper of Muller (JenaiscJie Zeitschrift, 1873). The large development of this glandular mass in the Cyclostome and Osseous fishes and in embryo Am- phibians, implies that it must at one time have been important. Its earlier development than the remainder of the kidneys is probably a result of the specialized function of the first seg- mental organ. The remainder of the kidney in Cyclostomes is equivalent to the kidney of Selachians. Its development from segmental in- volutions has not been recognized. If these segmental involu- tions are really absent it may perhaps imply that the simplicity of the Cyclostome kidneys, like that of so many other of their organs, is a result of degeneration rather than a primitive con- dition. JO— 2 148 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. In Osseous fishes the segmental duct of the kidneys developes, as the observations of Rosenberg1 (" Teleostierniere," Inaug. Disser. Dorpat, 1867) and Oellacher (Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zool. 1873) clearly prove, by an involution from the body-cavity. This involution grows backwards in the form of a duct and opens into the cloaca. The upper end of this duct (the most anterior segmental tube) becomes convoluted, and forms a glandular body, which has no representative in the urinary apparatus of Selachians, but whose importance, as indicating the origin of the segmental duct of the kidneys, I have already insisted upon. The rest of the kidney becomes developed at a later period, probably in the same way as in Selachians ; but this, as far as I know, has not been made out. The segmental duct of the kidneys forms the duct for this new gland, as in embryo Selachians (Fig. 2), but, unlike what happens in Selachians, undergoes no further changes, with the exception of a varying amount of retrogressive metamorphosis of its anterior end. The kidneys of Osseous fish usually extend from just behind the head to opposite the anus, or even further back than this. They consist for the most part of a broader anterior portion, an abdominal portion reaching from this to the anus, and, as in those cases in which the kidneys extend further back than the anus, of a caudal portion. The two ducts (segmental ducts of the kidneys) lie, as a rule, in the lower part of the kidneys on their outer borders, and open almost invariably into a urinary bladder. In some cases they unite before opening into the bladder, but generally have inde- pendent openings. This bladder, which is simply a dilatation of the united lower ends of the primitive kidney-ducts, and has no further importance, is almost invariably present, but in many cases lies unsymmetrically either to the right or the left. It opens to the exterior by a very minute opening in the genito-urinary papilla, immediately behind the genital pore. There are, however, a few cases in which the generative and urinary organs have a 1 I am unfortunately only acquainted with Dr Rosenberg's paper from an ab- stract. THE URINOGEN1TAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 149 common opening. For further details vide Hyrtl, Denk. der k. Akad. Wien, Vol. II. It is possible that the generative ducts of Osseous fishes are derived from a splitting from the primitive duct of the kidney, but this is discussed later in the paper. In Osseous fishes we probably have an embryonic condition of the Selachian kidneys retained permanently through life. In the majority of Ganoids the division of the segmental duct of the kidney into two would seem to occur, and the ventral duct of the two (Miillerian duct), which opens at its upper end into the body-cavity, is said to serve as an excretory duct for both male and female organs. The following are the more important facts which are known about the generative and urinary ducts of Ganoids. In Spatularia (vide Hyrtl, Geschlechts u. Harnwerkzeuge bei den Ganoiden, DenkscJiriften der k. Akad. Wien, Vol. VIII.) the following parts are found in the female. (1) The ovaries stretching along the whole length of the abdominal cavity. (2) The kidneys, which are separate and also extend along the greater part of the abdominal cavity. (3) The ureters lying on the outer borders of the kidneys. Each ureter dilates at its lower end into an elongated wide tube, which continues to receive the ducts from the kidneys. The two ureters unite before terminating and open behind the anus. (4) The two oviducts (Mullerian ducts). These open widely into the abdominal cavity, at about two-thirds of the distance from the anterior extremity of the body-cavity. Each opens by a narrow pore into the dilated ureter of its side. In the male the same parts are found as in the female, but Hyrtl found that the Mullerian duct of the left side at its entrance into the ureter became split into two horns, one of which ended blindly. On the right side the opening of the Mullerian duct was normal. In the Sturgeon (vide J. Muller, Ban u. Grenzeu d. Ganoiden, Berlin Akad. 1844; Leydig, FiscJien u. Reptilicn, and Hyrtl, Ganoideit) the same parts are found as in Spatularia. ISO THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. The kidneys extend along the whole length of the body- cavity ; and the ureter, which does not reach the whole length of the kidneys, is a thin-walled wide duct lying on the outer side. On laying it open the numerous apertures of the tubules for the kidney are exposed. The Miillerian duct, which opens in both sexes into the abdominal cavity, ends, according to Leydig, in the cases of some males, blindly behind without opening into the ureter, and Miiller makes the same statement for both sexes. It was open on both sides in a female specimen I examined1, and Hyrtl found it invariably so in both sexes in all the specimens he examined. Both Rathke and Stannius (I have been unable to refer to the original papers) believed that the semen was carried off by transverse ducts directly into the ureter, and most other ob- servers have left undecided the mechanism of the transportation of the semen to the exterior. If we suppose that the ducts Rathke saw really exist they might perhaps be supposed to enter not directly into the ureter, but into the kidney, and be in fact homologous with the vasa efferentia of the Selachians. The frequent blind posterior termination of the Miillerian duct is in favour of the view that these ducts of Rathke are really present. In Polypterus (vide Hyrtl, Ganoideii) there is, as in other Ganoids, a pair of Miillerian ducts. They unite at their lower ends. The ureters are also much narrower than in previously described Ganoids and, after coalescing, open into the united oviducts. The urinogenital canal, formed by coalescence of the Miillerian ducts and ureters, has an opening to the exterior immediately behind the anus. In Amia (vide Hyrtl) there is a pair of Miillerian ducts which, as well as the ureters, open into a dilated vesicle. This vesicle appears as a continuation of the Miillerian ducts, but receives a number of the efferent ductules of the kidneys. There is a single genito-urinary pore behind the anus. In Ceratodus (Giinther, Phil. Trans. 1871) the kidneys are small and confined to the posterior extremity of the abdomen. The generative organs extend however along the greater part of 1 For this specimen I am indebted to Dr Giinther. THE UR1NOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 151 the length of the abdominal cavity. In both male and female there is a long Mullerian duct, and the ducts of the two sides unite and open by a common pore into a urinogenital cloaca which communicates with the exterior by the same opening as the alimentary canal. In both sexes the Mullerian duct has a wide opening near the anterior extremity of the body- cavity. The ureters coalesce and open together into the% urino- genital cloaca dorsal to the Mullerian ducts. It is not abso- lutely certain that the semen is transported to the exterior by the Mullerian duct of the male, which is perhaps merely a rudiment as in Amphibia. Dr Gunther failed however to find any other means by which it could be carried away. The genital ducts of Lepidosteus differ in important par- ticulars from those of the other Ganoids (vide M tiller, loc. cit. and Hyrtl, loc, cit.}. In both sexes the genital ducts are continuous with the in- vestments of the genital organs. In the female the dilated posterior extremities of the ureters completely invest for some distance the generative ducts, whose extremities are divided into several processes, and end in a different way on the two sides. A similar division and asym- metry of the ducts is mentioned by Hyrtl as occurring in the male of Spatularia, and it seems not impossible that on the hypothesis of the genital ducts being segmental tubes these divisions may be remnants of primitive glandular convolu- tions. The ureters in both sexes dilate as in other Ganoids at their posterior extremities, and unite with one another. The unpaired urinogenital opening is situated behind the anus. In the male the dilated portion of the ureters is divided into a series of partitions which are not present in the female. Till the embryology of the secretory system of Ganoids has been worked out, the homologies of their generative ducts are necessarily a matter of conjecture. It is even possible that what I have called the Mullerian duct in the male is function- less, as with Amphibians, but that, owing to the true ducts of the testis having been overlooked, it has been supposed to function as the vas deferens. Giinther's (loc. cit.} injection ex- periments on Ceratodus militate against this view, but I do not think they can be considered as conclusive as long as the 152 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. mechanism for the transportatiop of the semen to the exterior has not been completely made out. Analogy would certainly lead us to expect the ureter to serve in Ganoids as the vas deferens. The position of the generative ducts might in some cases lead to the supposition that they are not Mullerian ducts, or, in other words, the most anterior pair of segmental organs but a pair of the posterior segmental tubes. What are the true homologies of the generative ducts of Lepidosteus, which are continuous with the generative glands, is somewhat doubtful. It is very probable that they may re- present the similarly functioning ducts of other Ganoids, but that they have undergone further changes as to their anterior extremities. It is, on the other hand, possible that their generative ducts are the same structures as those ducts of Osseous fishes, which are continuous with the generative organs. These latter ducts are perhaps related to the abdominal pores, and had best be considered in connection with these; but a completely satisfac- tory answer to the questions which arise in reference to them can only be given by a study of their development. In the Cyclostomes the generative products pass out by an abdominal pore, which communicates with the peritoneal cavity by two short tubes1, and which also receives the ducts of the kidneys. Gegenbaur suggests that these are to be looked upon as Mullerian ducts, and as therefore developed from the segmental ducts of the kidneys. Another possible view is that they are the primitive external openings of a pair of segmental organs. In Selachians there are usually stated to be a pair of abdominal pores. In Scyllium I have only been able to find, on each side, a large deep pocket opening to the exterior, but closed below towards the peritoneal cavity, so that in it there seem to be no abdominal pores2. In the Greenland Shark (Lcemargns Borealis) 1 According to M tiller (Myxinoiden, 1845) there is in Myxine an abdominal pore with two short canals leading into it, and Vogt and Pappenheim (An. Sci. Nat. Part IV. Vol. xi.) state that in Petromyzon there are two such pores, each connected with a short canal. 2 My own rough, examination of preserved specimens was hardly sufficient to THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 153 Professor Turner (Journal of Anat. and Phys. Vol. VIII.) failed to find either oviduct or vas deferens, but found a pair of large open abdominal pores, which he believes serve to carry away the generative products of both sexes. Whether the so-called abdominal pores of Selachians usually end blindly as in Scyl- lium, or, as is commonly stated, open into the body-cavity, there can be no question that they are homologous with true abdominal powers. The blind pockets of Scyllium appear very much like the remains of primitive involutions from the exterior, which might easily be supposed to have formed the external opening of a pair of segmental organs, and this is probably the true meaning of abdominal pores. The presence of abdominal pores in all Ganoids in addition to true genital ducts and of these pockets or abdominal pores in Selachians, which are almost certainly homologous with the abdominal pores of Ganoids and Cyclo- stomes, and also occur in addition to true Miillerian ducts, speak strongly against the view that the abdominal pores have any relation to Miillerian ducts. Probably therefore the abdominal pores of the Cyclostomous fishes (which seem to be of the same character as other abdominal pores) are not to be looked on as rudimentary Miillerian ducts. We next come to the question which I reserved while speak- ing of the kidneys of Osseous fishes, as to the meaning of their genital ducts. In the female Salmon and the male and female Eel, the een- c> erative products are carried to the exterior by abdominal pores, and there are no true generative ducts. In the case of most other Osseous fish there are true generative ducts which are continuous with the investment of the generative organs1 and enable me to determine for certain the presence or absence of these pores. Mr Bridge, of Trinity College, has, however, since then commenced a series of investigations on this point, and informs me that these pores are certainly absent in Scyllium as well as in other genera. 1 The description of the attachment of the vas deferens to the testis in the Carp given by Vogt and Pappenheim (Ann. Scien. Nat. 1859) does not agree with what I found in the Perch (Perca fluvialis}. The walls of the duct are in the Perch con- tinuous with the investment of the testis, and the gland of the testis occupies, as it were, the greater part of the duct ; there is, however, a distinct cavity corresponding to what Vogt and P. call the duct, near the border of attachment of the testis into 154 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. have generally, though not always, an opening or openings inde- pendent of the ureter close behind the rectum, but no abdominal pores are present. It seems, therefore, that in Osseous fish the generative ducts are complementary to abdominal pores, which might lead to the view that the generative ducts were formed by a coalescence of the investment of the generative glands with the short duct of abdominal pore. Against this view there are, however, the following facts : (1) In the cases of the salmon and the eel it is perfectly true that the abdominal pore exactly corresponds with the opening of the genital duct in other Osseous fishes, but the absence of genital ducts in these cases must rather be viewed, as Vogt and Pappenheim (loc. cit.) have already insisted, as a case of degeneration than of a primitive condition. The pre- sence of genital ducts in the near allies of the Salmonidae, and even in the male salmon, are conclusive proofs of this. If we admit that the presence of an abdominal pore in Salmonidae is merely a result of degeneration, it obviously cannot be used as an argument for the complementary nature of abdominal pores and generative ducts. (2) Hyrtl (Denkschriften der k. Akad. Wien, Vol I.) states that in Mormyrus oxyrynchus there is a pair of abdominal pores in addition to true generative ducts. If his statements are correct, we have a strong argument against the generative ducts of Osseous fishes being related to abdominal pores. For though this is the solitary instance of the presence of both a genital opening and abdominal pores known to me in Osseous fishes, yet we have no right to assume that the abdominal pores of Mormyrus are not equivalent to those of Ganoids and Se- lachians. It must be admitted, with Gegenbaur, that embry- ology alone can elucidate the meaning of the genital ducts of Osseous fishes. In Lepidosteus, as was before mentioned, the generative ducts, though continuous with the investment of the genera- tive bodies, unite with the ureters, and in this differ from the generative ducts of Osseous fishes. The relation, indeed, of the which the seminal tubules open. I could find at the posterior end of the testis no central cavity which could be distinguished from the cavity of this duct. THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 155 generative ducts of Lepidosteus to the urinary ducts is very similar to that existing in other Ganoid fishes ; and this, coupled with the fact that Lepidosteus possesses a pair of abdominal pores on each side of the anus1, makes it most proba- ble that its generative ducts are true Miillerian ducts. In the Amphibians the urinary system is again more primi- tive than in the Selachians. The segmental duct of the kidneys is formed2 by an elon- gated fold arising from the outer wall of the body-cavity, in the same position as in Selachians. This fold becomes con- stricted into a canal, closed except at its anterior end, which remains open to the body-cavity. This anterior end dilates, and grows out into two horns, and at the same time its opening into the body-cavity becomes partly constricted, and so divided into three separate orifices, one for each horn and a central one between the two. The horns become convoluted, blood channels appearing between their convolutions, and a special coil of vessels is formed arising from the aorta and projecting into the body-cavity near the openings of the convolutions. These formations together constitute the glandular portion3 of the original anterior segmental tube or segmental duct of the kidneys. I have already pointed out the similarity which this organ exhibits to the head-kidneys of Cyclostome fishes in its mode of formation, especially with reference to the division of the primitive opening. The lower end of the segmental duct unites with a horn of the cloaca. After the formation of the gland just described the remainder of the kidney is formed. 1 This is mentioned by Miiller (Ganoid fishes, Berlin Akad. 1844), Hyrtl (loc. tit.), and Gtinther (loc. cit.}, and through the courtesy of Dr Giinther I have had an oppor- tunity of confirming the fact of the presence of the abdominal pores on two specimens of Lepidosteus in the British Museum. 2 My account of the development of these parts in Amphibians is derived for the most part from Gotte, Die antwickdungsgescMchte der Unke. 3 It is called Kopfniere (head-kidney), or Urniere (primitive kidney), by German authors. Leydig correctly looks upon it as together with the permanent kidney con- stituting the Urniere of Amphibians. The term Urniere is one which has arisen in my opinion from a misconception ; but certainly the Kopfniere has no greater right to the appellation than the remainder of the kidney. 156 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. This arises in the same way as in Selachians. A series of involutions from the body-cavity are developed ; these soon form convoluted tubes, which become branched and interlaced with one another, and also unite with the primitive duct of the kidneys. Owing to the branching and interlacing of the primi- tive segmental tubes, the kidney is not divided into distinct segments in the same way as with the Selachians. The mode of development of these segmental tubes was discovered by Gotte. Their openings are ciliated, and, as Spengel (loc. cit.} and Meyer (loc. «Y.) have independently discovered, persist in most adult Amphibians. As both these investigators have pointed out, the segmental openings are in the adult kidneys of most Amphibians far more numerous than the vertebral segments to which they appertain. This is .due to secondary changes, and is not tp be looked upon as the primitive state of things. At this stage the Amphibian kidneys are nearly in the same condition as the Selachian, in the stage represented in Fig. 2. In both there is the segmental duct of the kidneys, which is open in front, communicates with the cloaca behind, and receives the whole secretion from the kidneys. The parallelism between the two is closely adhered to in the subsequent modifications of the Amphibian kidney, but the changes are not completed so far in Amphibians as in Selachians. The segmental duct of the Amphibian kidney becomes, as in Selachians, split into a Miil- lerian duct or oviduct, and a Wolffian duct or duct for the kidney. The following points about this are noteworthy : (1) The separation of the two ducts is never completed, so that they are united together behind, and for a short distance, blend and form a common duct ; the ducts of the two sides so formed also unite before opening to the exterior. (2) The separation of the two ducts does not occur in the form of a simple splitting, as in Selachians. But the efferent ductules from the kidney gradually alter their points of en- trance into the primitive duct. Their poinfe of entrance become carried backwards further and further, and since this process affects the anterior ducts proportionally more than the posterior, the efferent ducts finally all meet and form a common' duct which unites with the Mullerian duct near its posterior ex- THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 157 tremity. This process is not always carried out with equal completeness. In the tailless Amphibians, however, the process is generally1 completed, and the ureters (Wolffian ducts) are of considerable length. Bufo cinereus, in the male of which the Mullerian ducts are very conspicuous, serves as an excellent example of this. In the Salamander (Salamandra maculosa), Figs. 6 and 7, the process is carried out with greater completeness in the female than in the male, and this is the general rule in Amphi- bians. In the male Proteus, the embryonic condition would seem to be retained almost in its completeness so that the ducts of the kidney open directly and separately into the still persisting primitive duct of the kidney. The upper end of the duct nevertheless extends some distance beyond the end of the kidney and opens into the abdominal cavity. In the female Proteus, on the other hand, the separation into a Mulle- rian duct and a ureter is quite complete. The Newt (Triton) also serves as an excellent example of the formation of distinct Mullerian and Wolffian ducts being much more complete in the female than the male. In the female Newt all the tubules from the kidney open into a duct of some length which unites with the Mullerian duct near its termination, but in the male the anterior segmental tubes, including those which, as will be afterwards seen, serve as vasa efferentia of the testis, enter the Mullerian duct directly, while the posterior unite as in the female into a common duct before joining the Mullerian duct. For further details as to the variations exhibited in the Amphi- bians, the reader is referred to Leydig, Anat. Untersuchung, Fischen u. Reptilien. Ditto, Lehrbuch der Histologie, Menschen u. Thiere. Von Wittich, Siebold u. Kolliker, Zeitschrift, Vol. IV. p. 125. The different conditions of completeness of the Wolffian ducts observable amongst the Amphibians are instructive in reference to the manner of development of the Wolffian duct in Selachians. The mode of division in the Selachians of the segmental duct of the kidney into a Mullerian and Wolffian 1 In Bombinator igneus, Von Wittich stated that the embryonic condition was retained. Leydig, Anatom. d. Amphib. u. Reptilien, shewed that this is not the case, but that in the male the Mullerian duct is very small, though distinct. 158 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. duct is probably to be looked upon as an embryonic abbre- viation of the process by which these two ducts are formed in Amphibians. The fact that this separation into Miillerian and Wolffian ducts proceeds further in the females of most Amphi- bians than in the males, strikingly shews that it is the oviductal function of the Miillerian duct which is the indirect cause of its separation from the Wolffian duct. The Miillerian duct formed in the way described persists almost invariably in both sexes, and in the male sometimes functions as a sperm reservoir ; e.g. Bufo cinereus. In the embryo it carries at its upper end the glandular mass described above (Kopfniere), but this gene- rally atrophies, though remnants of it persist in the males of some species (e.g. Salamandra). Its anterior end opens, in most cases by a single opening, into the perivisceral cavity in both sexes, and is usually ciliated. As the female reaches maturity, the oviduct dilates very much ; but it remains thin and incon- spicuous in the male. The only other developmental change of importance is the connection of the testes with the kidneys. This probably occurs in the same manner as in Selachians, viz. from the junction of the open ends of the segmental tubes with the follicles of the testes. In any case the vessels which carry off the semen constitute part of the kidney, and the efferent duct of the testis is also that of the kidney. The vasa effe- rentia from the testis either pass through one or two nearly isolated anterior portions of the kidney (Proteus, Triton) or else no such special portion of the kidney becomes separated from the rest, and the vasa efferentia enter the general body of the kidney. In the male Amphibian, then, the urinogenital system con- sists of the following parts (Fig. 6) : (1) Rudimentary Miillerian ducts, opening anteriorly into the body-cavity, which sometimes carry aborted Kopfnieren. (2) The partially or completely formed Wolffian ducts (ureters) which also serve as the ducts for the testes. (3) The kidneys, parts of which also serve as the vasa efferentia, and whose secretion, together with the testicular products, is carried off by the Wolffian ducts. THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 159 (4) The united lower parts of Wolffian and Miillerian ducts which are really the lower unsplit part of the segmental ducts of the kidneys. FIG. 6. DIAGRAM OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF A MALE SALAMANDER. (Copied from Ley dig's Histologie des Menschen u. der Thiere.) md. MUller's duct (rudimentary); y. remnant of the secretory portion of the segmental duct Kopfniere ; Wd. Wolffian duct ; a less complete structure in the male than in the female ; st. segmental tubes or kidney. The openings of these into the body-cavity are not inserted in the figure ; t. testis. Its efferent ducts form part of the kidney. In the female, there are (Fig. 7) (1) The Miillerian ducts which function as the oviducts. (2) The Wolffian ducts. (3) The kidneys. (4) The united Miallerian and Wolffian ducts as in the male. Wfif m.d FIG. 7. DIAGRAM OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF A FEMALE SALAMANDER. (Copied from Ley dig's Histologie des Menschen u. der Thiere) Md. Muller's duct or oviduct ; Wd. Wolman duct or the duct of the kidneys ; st. segmental tubes or kidney. The openings of these into the body-cavity are not inserted in the figure ; o. ovary. The urinogenital organs of the adult Amphibians agree in almost all essential particulars with those of Selachians. The l6o THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. ova are carried off in both by a specialized oviduct. The Wolffian duct, or ureter, is found both in Selachians and Am- phibians, and the relations of the testis to it are the same in both, the vasa efferentia of the testes having in both the same anatomical peculiarities. The following points are the main ones in which Selachians and Amphibians differ as to the anatomy of the urinogenital organs ; and in all but one of these, the organs of the Amphi- bian exhibit a less differentiated condition than do those of the Selachian. (1) A glandular portion (Kopfniere) belonging to the first segmental organ (segmental duct of the kidneys) is found in all embryo Amphibians, but usually disappears, or only leaves a remnant in the adult. It has not yet been found in any Se- lachian. (2) The division of the primitive duct of the kidney into the Miillerian duct and the Wolffian duct is not completed so far in Amphibians as Selachians, and in the former the two ducts are confluent at their lower ends. (3) The permanent kidney exhibits in Amphibians no distinction into two glands (foreshadowing the Wolffian bodies and true kidneys of higher vertebrates), as it does in the Se- lachians. (4) The Miillerian duct persists in its entirety in male Am- phibians, but only its upper end remains in male Selachians. (5) The openings of the segmental tubes into the body- cavity correspond in number with the vertebral segments in most Selachians, but are far more numerous than these in Amphibians. This is the chief point in which the Amphibian kidney is more differentiated than the Selachian. The modifications in development which the urinogenital system has suffered in higher vertebrates (Sauropsida and Mammalia) are very considerable ; nevertheless it appears to me to be possible with fair certainty to trace out the rela- tionship of its various parts in them to those found in the Ichthyopsida. The development of urinogenital organs has been far more fully worked out for the bird than for any other member of the amniotic vertebrates ; but, as far as we know, THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. l6l there are no essential variations except in the later periods of development throughout the division. These later varia- tions, concerning for the most part the external apertures of the various ducts, are so well known and have been so fully described as to require no notice here. The development of these parts in the bird will therefore serve as the most conve- nient basis for comparison. In the bird the development of these parts begins by the appearance of a column of cells on the upper surface of the intermediate cell-mass (Fig. 8, W.d\ As in Selachians, the in- termediate cell-mass is a group of cells between the outer edge of the protovertebrae and the upper end of the body cavity. The column of cells thus formed is the commencement of the duct of the Wolffian body. Its development is strikingly similar to that of the segmental duct of the kidney in Selachians. I shall attempt when I have given an account of the development of the Miillerian duct to speak of the relations between the Selachian duct and that of the bird. Romiti (A rcJiiv f. Micr. Anaf.Vol.X.) has recently stated that the Wolffian duct developes as an involution from the body cavity. The fact that the specimens drawn by Romiti to support this view are too old to determine such a point, and the inspection of a number of specimens made by my friend Mr Adam Sedgwick of Trinity College, who, at my request, has been examining the urinogenital organs of the fowl, have led me to the conclusion that Romiti is in error in differing from his predecessors as to the development of the Wolffian duct. The solid string of cells to form the Wolffian duct lies at first close to the epiblast, but, by the alteration in shape which the protovertebrse undergo and the general growth of cells around it, becomes gradually carried downwards till it lies close to the germinal epithelium which lines the body cavity. While undergoing this change of position it also acquires a lumen, but ends blindly both in front and behind. Towards the end of the fourth day the Wolffian duct opens into a horn of the cloaca. The cells adjoining its inner border commence, as it passes down on the third day, to undergo histological changes, which, by the fourth day, result in the formation of a B. II 162 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. FIG. 8. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE DORSAL REGION OF AN EMBRYO FOWL OF 45 h. To SHEW THE MODE OF FORMATION OF THE WOLFFIAN DUCT. A. epiblast ; B. mesoblast ; C. hypoblast ; M.c. medullary canal; Pv. Pro- tovertebrse ; W.d. Wolffian duct ; So. Somatopleure ; Sp. Splanchnopleure ; //. pleuroperitoneal cavity ; ch. note-chord ; ay. dorsal aorta ; v. blood-vessels. THE UR1NOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 163 series of ducts and Malpighian tufts which form the mass of the Wolffian body1. The Miillerian duct arises in the form of an involution, whether at first solid or hollow, of the germinal epithelium, and, as I am satisfied, quite independently of the Wolffian duct. It is important to notice that its posterior end soon unites with the Wolffian duct, from which however it not long after becomes separated and opens independently into the cloaca. The upper end remains permanently open to the body cavity, and is situated nearly opposite the extreme front end of the Wolffian body. Between the 8oth and rooth hour of incubation the ducts of the permanent kidneys begin to make their appearance. Near its posterior extremity each Wolffian duct becomes ex- panded, and from the dorsal side of this portion a diverticulum is constricted off, the blind end of which points forwards. This is the duct of the permanent kidneys, and around its end the kidneys are found. It is usually stated that the tubules of the permanent kidneys arise as outgrowths from the duct, but this requires to be worked over again. The condition of the urinogenital system in birds im- mediately after the formation of the permanent kidneys is strikingly similar to its permanent condition in adult Sela- chians. There is the Miillerian duct in both opening in front into the body cavity and behind into the cloaca. In both the kidneys consist of two parts — an anterior and posterior — which have been called respectively Wolffian bodies and perma- nent kidneys in birds and Leydig's glands and the kidneys in Selachians. The duct of the permanent kidney, which at first opens into that of the Wolffian body, subsequently becomes further split off from the Wolffian duct, and opens independently into the cloaca. 1 This account of the origin of the Wolffian body differs from that given by Wal- deyer, and by Dr Foster and myself (Elements of Embryology, Foster and Balfonr), but I have been led to alter my view from an inspection of Mr Sedgwick's preparations, and I hope to shew that theoretical considerations lead to the expectation that the Wolffian body would develop independently of the duct. I I — 2 1 64 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. The subsequent changes of these parts are different in the two sexes. In the female the Mullerian ducts1 persist and become the oviducts. Their anterior ends remain open to the body cavity. The changes in their lower ends in the various orders of Sau- ropsida and Mammalia are too well known to require repetition here. The Wolffian body and duct atrophy: there are left however in many cases slight remnants of the anterior extre- mity of the body forming the parovarium of the bird, and also frequently remnants of the posterior portion of the gland as well as of the duct. The permanent kidney and its duct remain unaltered. In the male the Mullerian duct becomes almost completely obliterated. The Wolffian duct persists and forms the vas deferens, and the anterior so-called sexual portion of the Wolffian body also persists in an altered form. Its tubules unite with the seminiferous tubules, and also form the epi- didymis. Unimportant remnants of the posterior part of the Wolffian body also persist, but are without function. in. both sexes the so-called permanent kidneys form the sole por- tion of the primitive uriniferous system which persists in the adult. In considering the relations between the modes of develop- ment of the urinogenital organs of the bird and of the Se- lachians, the first important point to notice is, that whereas in the Selachians the segmental duct of the kidneys is first de- veloped and subsequently becomes split into the Mullerian and Wolffian ducts ; in the bird these two ducts develope inde- pendently. This difference in development would be accurately described by saying that in birds the segmental duct of the kid- neys developes as in Selachians, but that the Mullerian duct- developes independently of it. Since in Selachians the Wolffian duct is equivalent to the segmental duct of the kidneys with the Mullerian removed from it, when in birds the Mullerian duct developes independently of the segmental kidney duct, the latter becomes the same as the Wolfftan duct. 1 The right oviduct atrophies in birds, and the left alone persists in the adult. THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 165 The second mode of stating the difference in development in the two cases represents the embryological facts of the bird far better than the other method. It explains why the Wolffian duct appears earlier than the Miillerian and not at the same time, as one might expect ac- cording to the other way of stating the case. If the Wolffian duct is equivalent to the segmental duct of Selachians, it must necessarily be the first duct to develope ; and not impro- bably the development of the Miillerian duct would in birds be expected to occur at the time corresponding to that at which the primitive duct in Selachians became split into two ducts. It probably also explains the similarity in the mode of de- velopment of the Wolffian duct in birds and the primitive duct of the kidneys in Selachians. This way of stating the case is also in accordance with theoretical conclusions. As the egg-bearing function of the Miillerian duct became more and more confirmed we might ex- pect that the adult condition would impress itself more and more upon the embryonic development, till finally the Miil- lerian duct ceased to be at any period connected with the kidneys, and the history of its origin ceased to be traceable in its development. This seems to have actually occurred in the higher vertebrates, so that the only persisting connection be- tween the Miillerian duct and the urinary system is the brief but important junction of the two at their lower ends on the sixth or seventh day. This junction justly surprised Waldeyer (Eier- stock it. Ei, p. 129), but receives a complete and satisfactory explanation on the hypothesis given above. The original development of the segmental tubes is in the bird solely retained in the tubules of the Wolffian body arising independently of the Wolffian duct, and I have hitherto failed to find that there is a distinct division of the Wolffian bodies into segments corresponding with the vertebral segments. I have compared the permanent kidneys to the lower por- tion of the kidneys of Selachians. The identity of the ana- tomical condition of the adult Selachian and embryonic bird which has been already pointed out speaks strongly in favour of this view ; and when we further consider that the duct of 165 THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. the permanent kidneys is developed in nearly the same way as the supposed homologous duct in Selachians, the suggested identity gains further support. The only difficulty is the fact that in Selachians the tubules of the part of the kidneys under comparison develope as segmental involutions in point of time anteriorly to their duct, while in birds they develope in a manner not hitherto certainly made out but apparently in point of time posteriorly to their duct. But when the immense modifications in development which the whole of the gland of the excretory organ has undergone in the bird are considered, I do not think that the fact I have mentioned can be brought forward as a serious diffiulty. The further points of comparison between the Selachian and the bird are very simple. The Miillerian duct in its later stages behaves in the higher vertebrates precisely as in the lower. It becomes in fact the oviduct in the female and atrophies in the male. The behaviour of the Wolffian duct is also exactly that of the duct which I have called the Wolffian duct in Ichthyopsida, and in the tubules of the Wolffian body uniting with the tubuli seminiferi we have represented the junction of the segmental tubes with the testis in Selachians and Amphibians. It is probably this junction of two inde- pendent organs which led Waldeyer to the erroneous view that the tubuli seminiferi were developed from the tubules of the Wolffian body. With the bird I conclude the history of the origin of the urinogenital system of vertebrates. I have attempted, and I hope succeeded, in tracing out by the aid of comparative anatomy and embryology the steps by which a series of inde- pendent and simple segmental organs like those of Annelids have become converted into the complicated series of glands and ducts which constitute the urinogenital system of the higher vertebrates. There are no doubt some points which require further elucidation amongst the Ganoid and Osseous fishes. The most important points which appear to me still to need further research, both embryological and anatomi- cal, are the abdominal pores of fishes, the generative ducts of Ganoids, especially Lepidosteus, and the generative ducts of Osseous fishes. THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF VERTEBRATES. 167 The only further point which requires discussion is the em- bryonic layer from which these organs are derived. I have shewn beyond a doubt (loc. cit^) that in Selachians these organs are formed from the mesoblast. The unanimous testimony of all the recent investigators of Amphibians leads to the same conclusion. In birds, on the other hand, various in- vestigators have attempted to prove that these organs are derived from the epiblast. The proof they give is the fol- lowing : the epiblast and mesoblast appear fused in the region of the axis cord. From this some investigators have been led to the conclusion that the whole of the mesoblast is derived from the upper of the two primitive embryonic layers. To these it may be replied that, even granting their view to be correct, it is no proof of the derivation of the urinogenital organs from the epiblast, since it is not till the complete for- mation of the three layers that any one of them can be said to exist. Others look upon the fusion of the two layers as a proof of the passage of cells from the epiblast into the mesoblast. An assumption in itself, which however is followed by the further assumption that it is from these epiblast cells that the urino- genital system is derived ! Whatever may have been the primi- tive origin of the system, its mesoblastic origin in vertebrates cannot in my opinion be denied. Kowalewsky (Embryo. Stud, an Vermeil u. ArtJiropoda, Mem. Akad. St Petersbourg, 1871) finds that the segmental tubes of Annelids develope from the mesoblast. We must therefore look upon the mesoblastic origin of the excretory system as having an antiquity greater even than that of vertebrates. VIII. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES \ With Plates 22 and 23. IN the course of an inquiry into the development of Elasmo- branch Fishes, my attention has recently been specially directed to the first appearance and early stages of the spinal nerves, and I have been led to results which differ so materially from those of former investigators, that I venture at once to lay them before the Society. I have employed in my investiga- tions embryos of Scy Ilium canicula, Scyllium stellare, Pristiurus, and Torpedo. The embryos of the latter animal, especially those hardened in osmic acid, have proved by far the most favourable for my purpose, though, as will be seen from the sequel, I have been able to confirm the majority of my conclu- sions on embryos of all the above-mentioned genera. A great part of my work was done at the Zoological Station founded by Dr Dohrn at Naples ; and I have to thank both Dr Dohrn and Dr Eisig for the uniformly obliging manner in which they have met my requirements for investigation. I have more recently been able to fill up a number of lacunae in my observations by the study of embryos bred in the Brighton Aquarium ; for these I am indebted to the liberality of Mr Lee and the directors of that institution. The first appearance of the Spinal Nerves in Pristiurus. In a Pristiurus-embryo, at the time when two visceral clefts become visible from the exterior (though there are as yet 1 [From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. CLXVI. Pt. i. Received October 5, Read December 16, 1875.] DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES, &C. 169 no openings from without into the throat), a transverse section through the dorsal region exhibits the following features (PL 22, fig. A) :- The external epiblast is formed of a single row of flattened elongated cells. Vertically above the neural canal the cells of this layer are more columnar, and form the rudiment of the primitively continuous dorsal fin. The neural canal (nc) is elliptical in section, and its walls are composed of oval cells two or three deep. The wall at the two sides is slightly thicker than at the ventral and dorsal ends, and the cells at the two ends are also smaller than elsewhere. A typical cell from the side walls of the canal is about T^m inch in its longest diameter. The outlines of the cells are for the most part distinctly marked in the specimens hardened in either chromic or picric acid, but more difficult to see in those pre- pared with osmic acid ; their protoplasm is clear, and in the interior of each is an oval nucleus very large in proportion to the size of its cell. The long diameter of a typical nucleus is about ^W inch, or about two-thirds of that of the cell. The nuclei are granular, and very often contain several espe- cially large and deeply stained granules ; in other cases only one such is present, which may then be called a nucleolus. In sections there may be seen round the exterior of the neural tube a distinct hyaline membrane : this becomes stained of a brown colour with osmic acid, and purple or red with haematoxylin or carmine respectively. Whether it is to be looked upon as a distinct membrane differentiated from the outermost portion of the protoplasm of the cells, or as a layer of albumen coagulated by the reagents applied, I am unable to decide for certain. It makes its appearance at a very early period, long before that now being considered ; and similar membranes are present around other organs as well as the neu- ral tube. The membrane is at this stage perfectly continuous round the whole exterior of the neural tube as well on the dorsal surface as on tJie ventral. The section figured, whose features I am describing, belongs to the middle of the dorsal region. Anteriorly to this point the spinal cord becomes more elliptical in section, and the spinal canal more lanceolate ; posteriorly, on the other hand, the spinal I/O DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES canal and tube become more nearly circular in section. Im- mediately beneath the neural tube is situated the notochord (ch). It exhibits at this stage a central area rich in protoplasm, and a peripheral layer very poor in protoplasm ; externally it is in- vested by a distinct cuticular membrane. Beneath the notochord is a peculiar rod of cells, constricted from the top of the alimentary canal1. On each side and below this are the two aortae, just commencing to be formed, and ventral to these is the alimentary canal. On each side of the body two muscle-plates are situated ; their upper ends reach about one-third of the way up the sides of the neural tube. The two layers which together constitute the muscle-plates are at this stage perfectly continuous with the somatic and splanchnic layers of the mesoblast, and the space between the two layers is continuous with the body cavity. In addition to the muscle-plates and their ventral continuations, there are no other mesoblast- cells to be seen. The absence of all mesoblastic cells dorsal to the superior extremities of the muscles is deserving of special notice. Very shortly after this period and, as a rule, before a third visceral cleft has become visible, the first traces of the spinal nerves make their appearance. First Stage. — The spinal nerves do not appear at the same time along the whole length of the spinal canal, but are formed first of all in £he neck and subsequently at successive points posterior to this. Their mode of formation will be most easily understood by referring to PI. 22, figs. B I, B II, Bill, which are representa- tions of three sections taken from the same embryo. B I is from the region of the heart ; B II belongs to a part of the body posterior to this, and B III to a still posterior region. In most points the sections scarcely differ from PL 22, fig. A, which, indeed, might very well be a posterior section of the embryo to which these three sections belong. The chief point, in addition to the formation of the spinal nerves, which shews the greater age of the embryo from which the sections were taken is the complete formation of the aortae. 1 Vide Balfour, " Preliminary account of the Development of Elasmobranch Fishes," Quart. Jouni. of Microsc. Science, Oct. 1874, p. 33. [This edition, p. 96.] IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 17 1 The upper ends of the muscle-plates have grown no further round the neural canal than in fig. A, and no scattered meso- blastic connective-tissue cells are visible. In fig. A the dorsal surface of the neural canal was as com- pletely rounded off as the ventral surface ; but in fig. B III this has ceased to be the case. The cells at the dorsal surface of the neural canal have become rounder and smaller and begun to proliferate, and the uniform outline of the neural canal has here become broken (fig. B III, pr). The peculiar membrane completely surrounding the canal in fig. A now terminates just below the point where the proliferation of cells is taking place. The prominence of cells which springs in this way from the top of the neural canal is the commencing rudiment of a pair of spinal nerves. In fig. B II, a section anterior to fig. B III, this formation has advanced much further (fig. Bli,/r). From the extreme top of the neural canal there have now grown out two club-shaped masses of cells, one on each side ; they are perfectly continuous with the cells which form the extreme top of the neural canal, and necessarily also are in contact with each other dorsally. Each grows outwards in contact with the walls of the neural canal ; but, except at the point where they take their origin, they are not continuous with its walls, and are perfectly well separated by a sharp line from them. In fig. B I, though the club-shaped processes still retain their attachment to the summit of the neural canal, they have become much longer and more conspicuous. Specimens hardened in both chromic acid (PI. 22, fig. C) and picric acid give similar appearances as to the formation of these bodies. In those hardened in osmic acid,, though the mutual relations of the masses of cells are very clear, yet it is difficult to dis- tinguish the outlines of the individual cells. In the chromic acid specimens (fig. C) the cells of these rudiments appear rounded, and each of them contains a large nucleus. I have been unable to prepare longitudinal sections of this stage, either horizontal or vertical, to shew satisfactorily the extreme summit of the spinal .cord ; but I would call attention 172 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES to the fact that the cells forming the proximal portion of the outgrowth are seen in every transverse section at this stage, and therefore exist the whole way along, whereas the distal portion is seen only in every third or fourth section, accord- ing to the thickness of the sections. It may be concluded from this that there appears a continuous outgrowth from the spinal canal, from which discontinuous processes grow out. In specimens of a very much later period (PI. 23, fig. L) the proximal portions of the outgrowth are unquestionably continuous with each other, though their actual junctions with the spinal cord are very limited in extent. The fact of this continuity at a later period is strongly in favour of the view that the posterior branches of the spinal nerves arise from the first as a continuous outgrowth of the spinal cord, from which a series of distal processes take their origin. I have, however, failed to demonstrate this point absolutely. The processes, which we may call the nerve-rudiments, are, as appears from the later stages, equal in number to the muscle-plates. It may be pointed out, as must have been gathered from the description above, that the nerve-rudiments have at this stage but one point of attachment to the spinal cord, and that this one corresponds with the dorsal or posterior root of the adult nerve. The rudiments are, in fact, those of the posterior root only. The next or second stage in the formation of these struc- tures to which I would call attention occurs at about the time when three to five visceral clefts are present. The disappear- ance from the notochord in the anterior extremity of the body of a special central area rich in protoplasm serves as an excellent guide to the commencement of this epoch. Its investigation is beset with far greater difficulties than the previous one. This is owing partly to the fact that a number of connective-tissue cells, which are only with great difficulty to be distinguished from the cells which compose the spinal nerves, make their appearance around the latter, and partly to the fact that the attachment of the spinal nerves to the neural canal becomes much smaller, and therefore more dif- ficult to study. Fortunately, however, in Torpedo these peculiar features IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 173 are not present to nearly the same extent as in Pristiurus and Scyllium. The connective-tissue cells, though they appear earlier in Torpedo than in the two other genera, are much less densely packed, and the large attachment of the nerves to the neural canal is retained for a longer period. Under these circumstances I consider it better, before pro- ceeding with this stage, to give a description of the occurrences in Torpedo, and after that to return to the history of the nerves in the genera Pristiurus and Scyllium. The development of the Spinal Nerves in Torpedo. The youngest Torpedo-embryo in which I have found traces of the spinal nerves belongs to the earliest part of what I called the second stage. The segmental duct1 is just appearing, but the cells of the notochord have not become completely vacuolated. The rudi- ments of the spinal nerves extend half of the way towards the ventral side of the spinal cord ; they grow out in a most distinct manner from the dorsal surface of the spinal cord (PL 22, fig. D a, pr) ; but the nerve-rudiments of the two sides are no longer continuous with each other at the dorsal median line, as in the earlier Pristmrus-embryos. The cells forming the proximal portion of the rudiment have the same elongated form as the cells of the spinal cord, but the. remaining cells are more circular. From the summit of the muscle-plates [mp] an outgrowth of connective tissue has made its appearance (c), which eventually fills up the space between the dorsal surface of the cord and the external epiblast. There is not the slightest difficulty in distin- guishing the connective-tissue cells from the nerve-rudiment. I believe that in this embryo the origin of the nerves from the neural canal was a continuous one, though naturally the peripheral ends of the nerve-rudiments were separate from each other. The most interesting feature of the stage is the commencing formation of the anterior roots. Each of these arises (PL 22, 1 Vide Balfour, "Origin and History of Urinogenital Organs of Vertebrates," Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Oct. 1875. [This edition, No. VII.] 174 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES fig. D a, ar] as a small but distinct outgrowth from the epiblast of the spinal cord, near the ventral corner of which it appears as a conical projection. Even from the very first it has an indis- tinct form of termination and a fibrous appearance, while the protoplasm of which it is composed becomes very attenuated towards its termination. The points of origin of the anterior roots from the spinal cord are separated from each other by considerable intervals. In this fact, and also in the nerves of the two sides never being united with each other in the ventral median line, the anterior roots exhibit a marked contrast to the posterior. There exists, then, in Torpedo-embryos by the end of this stage distinct rudiments of both the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves. These rudiments are at first quite independent of and disconnected with each other, and both take their rise as outgrowths of the epiblast of the neural canal. The next Torpedo-embryo (PL 22, fig. D b), though taken from the same female, is somewhat older than the one last described. The cells of the notochord are considerably vacuo- lated ; but the segmental duct is still without a lumen. The posterior nerve-rudiments are elongated, pear-shaped bodies of considerable size, and, growing in a ventral direction, have reached a point nearly opposite the base of the neural canal. They still remain attached to the top of the neural canal, though the connexion has in each case become a pedicle so narrow that it can only be observed with great difficulty. It is fairly certain that by this stage each posterior nerve- rudiment has its own separate and independent junction with the spinal cord ; their dorsal extremities are nevertheless pro- bably connected with each other by a continuous commissure. The cells composing the rudiments are still round, and have, in fact, undergone no important modifications since the last stage. The important feature of the section figured (fig. Db), and one which it shares with the other sections of the same embryo, is the appearance of connective-tissue cells around the nerve- rudiment. These cells arise from two sources ; one of these is supplied by the vertebral rudiments, which at the end of IN ELASMO13RANCH FISHES. 175 the last stage (PI. 22, fig. C, vr) become split off from the inner layer of the muscle-plates. The vertebral rudiments have in fact commenced to grow up on each side of the neural canal, in order to form the mass of cells out of which the neural arches are subsequently developed. The dorsal extremities of the muscle-plates form the second source of these connective-tissue cells. These latter cells lie dorsal and external to the nerve-rudiments. The presence of this connective tissue, in addition to the nerve-rudiments, removes the possibility of erroneous interpre- tations in the previous stages of the Pristiurus-embryo. It might be urged that the two masses which I have called nerve-rudiments are nothing else than mesoblastic connective tissue commencing to develope around the neural canal, and that the appearance of attachment to the neural canal which they present is due to bad preparation or imperfect observation. The sections of both this and the last Torpedo-embryo which I have been describing clearly prove that this is not the case. We have, in fact, in the same sections the developing connective tissue as well as the nerve-rudiments, and at a time when the latter still retains its primitive attachment to the neural canal. The anterior root (fig. D b, ar} is still a distinct conical promi- nence, but somewhat larger than in the previously described embryo ; it is composed of several cells, and the cells of the spinal cord in its neighbourhood converge towards its point of origin. In a Torpedo-embryo (PI. 22, fig. D c) somewhat older than the one last described, though again derived from the oviduct of the same female, both the anterior and the pos- terior rudiments have made considerable steps in develop- ment. In sections taken from the hinder part of the body I found that the posterior rudiments nearly agreed in size with those in fig. D b. It is, however, still less easy than there to trace the junc- tion o*f the posterior rudiments with the spinal cord, and the upper ends of the rudiments of the two sides do not nearly meet. In a considerable series of sections I failed to find any case 176 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES in which I could be absolutely certain that a junction between the nerve and the spinal cord was effected ; and it is possible that in course of the change of position which this junction undergoes there may be for a short period a break of continuity between the nerve and the cord. This, however, I do not think probable. But if it takes place at all, it takes place before the nerve becomes functionally active, and so cannot be looked upon as possesstng any physiological significance. The rudiment of the posterior nerve in the hinder portion of the body is still approximately homogeneous, and no distinction of parts can be found in it. In the same region of the body the anterior rudiment retains nearly the same condition as in the previous stage, though it has somewhat increased in size. In the sections taken from the anterior part of the same embryo the posterior rudiment has both grown in size and also commenced to undergo histological changes by which it has become divided into a root, a ganglion, and a nerve. The root (fig. D c, pr) consists of small round cells which lie close to the spinal cord, and ends dorsally in a rounded extremity. The ganglion (g) consists of larger and more elongated cells, and forms an oval mass enclosed on the outside by the down- ward continuation of the root, having its inner side nearly in contact with the spinal cord. From its ventral end is continued the nerve, which is of con- siderable length, and has a course approximately parallel to that of the muscle-plate. It forms a continuation of the root rather than of the ganglion. Further details in reference to the histology of the nerve- rudiment at this stage are given later in this paper, in the description of Pristiitrus-embryos, of which I have a more com- plete series of sections than of the Torpedo-embryos. When compared with the nerve-rudiment in the posterior part of the same embryo, the nerve-rudiment last described is, in the first place, considerably larger, and has secondly under- gone changes, so that it is possible to recognize in it parts which can be histologically distinguished as nerve and ganglion. The developmental changes which have taken place in the IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 177 anterior root are not less important than those in the posterior. The anterior root now forms a very conspicuous cellular promi- nence growing out from the ventral corner of the spinal cord (fig. D c, ar). It has a straight course from the spinal cord to the muscle-plate, and there shews a tendency to turn down- wards at an open angle : this, however, is not represented in the specimen figured. The cells of which it is composed each con- tain a large oval nucleus, and are not unlike the cells which form the posterior rudiment. The anterior and posterior nerves are still quite unconnected with each other ; and in those sec- tions in which the anterior root is present the posterior root of the same side is either completely absent or only a small part is to be seen. The cells of the spinal cord exhibit a slight tendency to converge towards the origin of the anterior nerve-root. In the spinal cord itself the epithelium of the central canal is commencing to become distinguished from the grey matter, but no trace of the white matter is visible. I have succeeded in making longitudinal vertical sections of this stage, which prove that the ends of the posterior roots adjoining the junction with the cord are all connected with each other (PL 22, fig. D d). If the figure representing a transverse section of the em- bryo (fig. D c) be examined, or better still the figure of a section of the slightly older 8cy Ilium-embryo (PL 23, fig. H I or 1 1), the posterior root will be seen to end dorsally in a rounded extremity, and the junction with the spinal cord to be effected, not by the extremity of the nerve, but by a part of it at some little distance from this. It is from these upper ends of the rudiments beyond the junction with the spinal cord that I believe the commissures to spring which connect together the posterior roots. My sections shewing this for the stage under consideration are not quite as satisfactory as is desirable ; nevertheless they are sufficiently good to remove all doubt as to the presence of these commissures. A figure of one of these sections is represented (PL 22, fig. D d). In this figure pr points to the posterior roots and x to the commissures uniting them. B. 12 178 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES In a stage somewhat subsequent to this I have succeeded in making longitudinal sections, which exhibit these junctions with a clearness which leaves nothing to be desired. It is there effected (PI. 23, fig. L) in each case by a proto- plasmic commissure with imbedded nuclei1. Near its dorsal extremity each posterior root dilates, and from the dilated por- tion is given off on each side the commissure uniting it with the adjoining roots. Considering the clearness of this formation in this embryo, as well as in the embryo belonging to the stage under descrip- tion, there cannot be much doubt that at the first formation of the posterior rudiments a continuous outgrowth arises from the spinal cord, and that only at a later period do the junctions of the roots with the cord become separated and distinct for each nerve. I now return to the more complete series of Pristiurus- embryos, the development of whose spinal nerves I have been able to observe. Second Stage of the Spinal Nerves in Pristiurus. In the youngest of these (PL 22, fig. E) the notochord has undergone but very slight changes, but the segmental duct has made its appearance, and is as much developed as in the Torpedo- embryo from which fig. D b was taken. (The embryo from which fig. E a was derived had three visceral clefts.) There have not as yet appeared any connective-tissue cells dorsal to the top of the muscle-plates, so that the posterior nerve-rudiments are still quite free and distinct. The cells composing them are smaller than the cells of the neural canal ; they are round and nucleated ; and, indeed, in their histological constitution the nerve-rudiments exhibit no important deviations from the previous stage, and they have hardly increased in size. In their mode of attachment to the neural tube an important change has, however, already com- menced to be visible. In the previous stage the two nerve-rudiments met above the 1 This commissure is not satisfactorily represented in the figure. Vide Explana- tion of Plate 23. IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 179 summit of the spinal cord and were broadly attached to it there; now their points of attachment have glided a short dis- tance down the sides of the spinal cord1. The two nerve-rudiments have therefore ceased to meet above the summit of the canal ; and in addition to this they appear in section to narrow very much before becoming united with its walls, so that their junctions with these appear in a transverse section to be effected by at most one or two cells, and are, comparatively speaking, very difficult to observe.. In an embryo but slightly older than that represented in Fig. E a the first rudiment of the anterior root becomes visi- ble. This appears, precisely as in Torpedo, in the form of a small projection frpm the ventral corner of the ?pinal cord (fig. E b, ar). The second step in this stage (PI. 22, fig. F) is comparable, as far as the connective-tissue is concerned, with the section of Torpedo (PI. 22, fig. D d). The notochord (the histological details of whose structure are not inserted in this figure) is rather more developed, and the segmental duct, as was the case with the corresponding Torpedo -embryo, has become hollow at its anterior extremity. The embryo from which the section was taken possessed five visceral clefts, but no trace of external gills. In the section represented, though from a posterior part of the body, the dorsal nerve-rudiments have become considerably larger than in the last embryo ; they now extend beyond the base of the neural canal. They are surrounded to a great ex- tent by mesoblastic tissue, which, as in the case of the Torpedo, takes its origin from two sources, (i) from the commencing vertebral bodies, (2) from the summits of the muscle-plates. It is in many cases very difficult, especially with chromic- acid specimens, to determine with certainty the limits of the rudiments of the posterior root. 1 [May 18, 1876. — Observations I have recently made upon the development of the cranial nerves incline me to adopt an explanation of the change which takes place in the point of attachment of the spinal nerves to the cord differing from that enun- ciated in the text. I look upon this change as being apparent rather than real, and as due to a growth of the roof of the neural canal in the median dorsal line, which tends to separate the roots of the two sides more and more, and cause them to assume a more ventral position.] 12 — 2 l8o DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES In the best specimens a distinct bordering line can be seen, and it is, as a rule, possible to state the characters by which the cells of the nerve-rudiments and vertebral bodies differ. The more important of these are the following: — (i) The cells of the nerve-rudiment are distinctly smaller than those of the vertebral rudiment ; (2) the cells of the nerve-rudiment are elongated, and have their long axis arranged parallel to the long axis of the nerve-rudiment, while the cells surrounding them are much more nearly circular. The cells of the nerve-rudiment measure about -^^ x -^^ to TiiW x W&ff inch' those of the vertebral rudiment y^ xTsW inch- The greater difficulty experienced in distinguishing the nerve- rudiment from the connective-tissue in Pristiurus than in Torpedo arises from the fact that the connective-tissue is much looser and less condensed in the latter than in the former. The connective-tissue cells which have grown out from the muscle-plates form a continuous arch over the dorsal surface of the neural tube (vide PI. 22, fig. F) : and in some specimens it is difficult to see whether the arch is formed by the rudiment of the posterior root or by connective-tissue. It is, however, quite easy with the best specimens to satisfy one's self that it is from the connective-tissue, and not the nerve-rudiment, that the dorsal investment of the neural canal is derived. As in the previous case, the upper ends of each pair of posterior nerve-rudiments are quite separate from one another, and appear in sections to be united by a very narrow root to the walls of the neural canal at the position indicated in fig. F1. The cells forming the nerve-rudiments have undergone slight modifications ; they are for the most part more distinctly elon- gated than in the earlier stage, and appear slightly smaller in comparison with the cells of the neural canal. They possess as yet no distinctive characters of nerve- cells. They stain more deeply with osmic acid than the cells around them, but with haematoxylin there is but a very slight difference in intensity between their colouring and that of the neighbouring connective-tissue cells. The anterior roots have grown considerably in length, but 1 The artist has not been very successful in rendering this figure. IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. l8l their observation is involved in the same difficulties with chromic-acid specimens as that of the posterior rudiments. There is a further difficulty in observing the anterior roots, which arises from the commencing formation of white matter in the cord. This is present in all the anterior sections of the embryo from which fig. F is taken. When the white matter is formed the cells constituting the junction of the anterior nerve- root with the spinal cord undergo the same changes as the cells which are being converted into the white matter of the cord, and become converted into nerve-fibres ; these do not stain with haematoxylin, and thus an apparent space is left between the nerve-root and the spinal cord. This space by careful examina- tion may be seen to be filled up with fibres. In osmic acid sections, although even in these the white matter is stained less deeply than the other tissues, it is a matter of comparative ease to observe the junction between the anterior nerve root and the spinal cord. I have been successful in preparing satisfactory longitudinal sections of embryos somewhat older than that shewn in fig. F, and they bring to light several important points in reference to the development of the spinal nerves. Three of these sections are represented in PI. 22, figs. G I, G 2, and G 3. The sections are approximately horizontal and longitudinal. G I is the most dorsal of the three ; it is not quite horizontal though nearly longitudinal. The section passes exactly through the point of attachment of the posterior roots to the walls of the neural canal. The posterior rudiments appear as slight prominences of rounded cells projecting from the wall of the neural canal. From transverse sections the attachment of the nerves to the wall of the neural canal is proved to be very narrow, and from these sections it appears to be of some length in the direction of the long axis of the embryo. A combination of the sections taken in the two directions leads to the conclusion that the nerves at this stage thin out like a wedge before joining the spinal cord. The independent junctions of the posterior rudiments with the spinal cord at this stage are very clearly shewn, though the rudiments are probably united with each other just dorsal to their junction with the spinal cord. 1 82 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES The nerves correspond in number with the muscle-plates, and each arises from the spinal cord, nearly opposite the middle line of the corresponding muscle-plates (figs. G I and G 2). Each nerve- rudiment is surrounded by connective-tissue cells, and is separated from its neighbours by a considerable interval. At its origin each nerve-rudiment lies opposite the median portion of a muscle-plate (figs. G I and G 2) ; but, owing to the muscle-plate acquiring an oblique direction, at the level of the dorsal surface of the notochord it appears in horizontal sections more nearly opposite the interval between two muscle-plates (figs. G 2 and G 3). In horizontal sections I find masses of cells which make their appearance on a level with the ventral surface of the spinal cord. I believe I have in some sections successfully traced these into the spinal cord, and I have little doubt that they are the anterior roots of the spinal nerves ; they are op- posite the median line of the muscle-plates, and do not appear to join the posterior roots (vide fig. G 3, ar). At the end of this period or second stage the main cha- racters of the spinal nerves in Pristiurus are the following : — (1) The posterior nerve-rudiments form somewhat wedge- shaped masses of tissue attached dorsally to the spinal cord. (2) The cells of which they are composed are typical undif- ferentiated embryonic cells, which can hardly be distinguished from the connective-tissue cells around them. (3) The nerves of each pair no longer meet above the summit of the spinal canal, but are independently attached to its sides. (4) Their dorsal extremities are probably united by com- missures. (5) The anterior roots have appeared ; they form small conical projections from the ventral corner of the spinal cord, but have no connexion with the posterior rudiments. The Third Stage of the Spinal Nerves in Pristiurus. With the third stage the first distinct histological differen- tiations of the nerve-rudiments commence. Owing to the IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 183 changes both in the nerves themselves and in the connective- tissue around them, which becomes less compact and its cells stellate, the difficulty of distinguishing the nerves from the surrounding cells vanishes ; and the difficulties of investigation in the later stages are confined to the modes of attachment of the nerves to the neural canal, and the histological changes which take place in the rudiments themselves. The stage may be considered to commence at the period when the external gills first make their appearance as small buds from the walls of the visceral clefts. Already, in the earliest rudiments of the posterior root of this period now figured, a number of distinct parts are visible (PL 23, fig. Hi). Surrounding nearly the whole structure there is present a delicate investment similar to that which I mentioned as sur- rounding the neural canal and other organs ; it is quite struc- tureless, but becomes coloured with all staining reagents. I must again leave open the question whether it is to be looked upon as a layer of coagulated protoplasm or as a more definite structure. This investment completely surrounds the proxi- mal /portion of the posterior root, but vanishes near its distal extremity. The nerve-rudiment itself may be divided into three distinct portions: — (r) the proximal portion, in which is situated the pedicle of attachment to the wall of the neural canal ; (2) an enlarged portion, which may conveniently, from its future fate, be called the ganglion ; (3) a distal portion beyond this. The proximal portion presents a fairly uniform diameter, and ends dorsally in a rounded expansion ; it is attached remark- ably enough, not by its extremity, but by its side, to the spinal cord. The dorsal extremities of the posterior nerves are there- fore free ; as was before mentioned, they probably serve as the starting-point of the longitudinal commissures between the posterior roots. The spinal cord at this stage is still made up of fairly uni- form cells, which do not differ in any important particulars from the cells which composed it during the last stage. The outer portion of the most peripheral layer of cells has already begun to be converted into the white matter. The delicate investment spoken of before still surrounds the 184 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES whole spinal cord, except at the points of junction of the cord with the nerve-rudiments. Externally to this investment, and separated from it for the most part by a considerable interval, a mesoblastic sheath (PL 23, fig. Hi, z) for the spinal cord is beginning to be formed. The attachment of the nerve-rudiments to the spinal cord, on account of its smallness, it still very difficult to observe. In many specimens where the nerve is visible a small prominence may be seen rising up from the spinal cord at a point cor- responding to x (PI. 23, fig. H l). It is, however, rare to see this prominence and the nerve continuous with each other : as a rule they are separated by a slight space, and frequently one of the cells of the mesoblastic investment of the spinal cord is interposed between the two. In some especially favourable specimens, similar to the one figured, there can be seen a dis- tinct cellular prominence (fig. H I, x) from the spinal cord, which becomes continuous with a small prominence on the lateral border of the nerve-rudiment near its free extremity. The absence of a junction between the two in a majority of sections is only what might be expected, considering how minute the junction is. Owing to the presence of the commissure connecting the posterior roots, some part of a nerve is present in every section. The proximal extremity of the nerve-rudiment itself is com- posed of cells, which, by their smaller size and a more circular form, are easily distinguished from cells forming the ganglionic portion of the nerve. The ganglionic portion of the nerve, by its externally swollen configuration, is at once recognizable in all the sections in which the nerve is complete. The delicate investment before mentioned is continuous around it. The cells forming it are larger and more elongated than the cells forming the upper por- tion of the nerve-rudirnent : each of them possesses a large and distinct nucleus. The remainder of the nerve rudiment forms the commence- ment of the true nerve. It can in this stage be traced only for a very small distance, and gradually fades away, in such a manner that its absolute termination is very difficult to observe. The connective-tissue cells which surround the nerve-rudi- IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 185 ment are far looser than in the last stage, and are commencing to throw out processes and become branched. The anterior root-nerve has grown very considerable since the last stage. It projects from the same region of the cord as before, but on approaching the muscle-plate takes a sudden bend downwards (fig. H II, ar). I have failed to prove that the anterior and posterior roots are at this stage united. Fourth Stage. In an embryo but slightly more advanced than the one last described, important steps have been made in the development of the nerve-rudiment. The spinal cord itself now possesses a covering of white matter ; this is thickest at the ventral portion of the cord, and extends to the region of the posterior root of the spinal nerve. The junction of the posterior root with the spinal cord is easier to observe than in the last stage. It is still effected by means of unaltered cells, though the cells which form the projection from the cord to the nerve are commencing to undergo changes similar to those of the cells which are being converted into white matter. In the rudiment of the posterior root itself there are still three distinct parts, though their arrangement has undergone some alteration and their distinctness has become more marked (PL 23, fig. 1 1). The root of the nerve (fig. 1 1, pr) consists, as before, of nearly circular cells, each containing a nucleus, very large in propor- tion to the size of the cell. The cells have a diameter of about ^y1^ of an inch. This mass forms not only the junction between the ganglion and the spinal canal, but is also con- tinued into a layer investing the outer side of the ganglion and continuous with the nerve beyond the ganglion. The cells which compose the ganglion (fig. I I, sp. g] are easily distinguished from those of the root. Each cell is elon- gated with an oval nucleus, large in proportion to the cell ; and its protoplasm appears to be continued into an angular, not to say fibrous process, sometimes at one and more rarely at 1 86 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES both ends. The processes of the cells are at this stage very difficult to observe : figs. la, I b, I c represent three cells pro- vided with them and placed in the positions they occupied in the ganglion. The relatively very small amount of protoplasm in com- parison to the nucleus is fairly represented in these figures, though not in the drawing of the ganglion as a whole. In the centre of each nucleus is a nucleolus. Fig. I b, in which the process points towards the root of the nerve, I regard as a commencing nerve-fibre : its more elon- gated shape seems to imply this. In the next stage special bundles of nerve-fibres become very conspicuous in the gan- glion. The long diameter of an average ganglion-cell is about ffai of an inch. The whole ganglion forms an oval mass, well separated both from the nerve-root and the nerve, and is not markedly continuous with either. On its outer side lies the downward process of the nerve-root before mentioned. The nerve itself is still, as in the last case, composed of cells which are larger and more elongated than either the cells of the root or the ganglion. The condition of the anterior root at this stage is hardly altered from what it was ; it is composed of very small cells, which with haematoxylin stain more deeply than any other cell of the section. A figure of it is given in I II. Horizontal longitudinal sections of this stage are both easy to make and very instructive. On PL 23, fig. K I is represented a horizontal section through a plane near the dorsal surface of the spinal cord : each posterior root is seen in this sec- tion to lie nearly opposite the anterior extremity of a muscle- plate. In a more ventral plane (fig. Kll) this relation is altered, and the posterior roots lie opposite the hinder parts of the muscle-plates. The nerves themselves are invested by the hyaline mem- brane spoken of above ; and surrounding this again there is present a delicate mesoblastic investment of spindle-shaped cells. Longitudinal sections also throw light upon the constitu- tion of the anterior nerve roots (vide fig. K II, or). In the two segments on the left-hand side in this figure the anterior roots IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 187 are cut through as they are proceeding, in a more or less hori- zontal course, from the spinal cord to the muscle-plates. Where the section (which is not quite horizontal) passes through the plane of the notochord, as on the right-hand side, the anterior roots are cut transversely. Each root, in fact, changes its direction, and takes a downward course. The anterior roots are situated nearly opposite the middle of the muscle-plates : their section is much smaller than that of the posterior roots, and with haematoxylin they stain more deeply than any of the other cells in the preparation. The anterior roots, so far as I have been able to observe, do not at this stage unite with the posterior ; but on this point I do not speak with any confidence. The period now arrived at forms a convenient break in the development of the spinal nerves ; and I hope to treat the remainder of the subject, especially the changes in the ganglion, the development of the ganglion-cells, and of the nerve-fibres, in a subsequent paper. I will only add that, not long after the stage last described, the posterior root unites with the anterior root at a consider- able distance below the cord : this is shewn in PI. 23, fig. L. Still later the portion of the root between the ganglion and the spinal cord becomes converted into nerve-fibres, and the ganglion becomes still further removed from the cord, while at the same time it appears distinctly divided into two parts. As regards the development of the cranial nerves, I have made a few observations, which, though confessedly incomplete, I would desire to mention here, because, imperfect as they are, they "seem to shew that in Elasmobranch Fishes the cranial nerves resemble the spinal nerves in arising as outgrowths from the central nervous system. I have given a figure of the development of a posterior root of a cranial nerve in fig. M I. The section is taken from the same embryo as figs. B I, B II, and B III. It passes through the anterior portion of a thickening of the external epiblast, which eventually becomes involuted as the auditory vesicle. The posterior root of a nerve (VII) is seen growing out from the summit of the hind brain in precisely the same manner that 1 88 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES the posterior roots of the spinal nerves grow out from the spinal cord : it is the rudiment of the seventh or facial nerve. The section behind this (fig. M II), still in the region of the ear, has no trace of a nerve, and thus serves to shew the early dis- continuity of the posterior nerve-rudiments which arise from the brain. I have as yet failed to detect any cranial anterior roots like those of the spinal nerves1. The similarity in development be- tween the cranial and spinal nerves is especially interesting, as forming an important addition to the evidence which at present exists that the cranial nerves are only to be looked on as spinal nerves, especially modified in connexion with the changes which the anterior extremity of the body has undergone in existing vertebrates. My results may be summarized as follows : — Along the extreme dorsal summit of the spinal cord there arises on each side a continuous outgrowth. From each outgrowth processes corresponding in number to the muscle-plates grow downwards. These are the posterior nerve-rudiments. The outgrowths, at first attached to the spinal cord through- out their whole length, soon cease to be so, and remain in con- nexion with it in certain spots only, which form the junctions of the posterior roots with the spinal cord. The original outgrowth on each side remains as a bridge, uniting together the dorsal extremities of all the posterior rudi- ments. The points of junction of the posterior roots with the spinal cord are at first situated at the extreme dorsal summit of the latter, but eventually travel down, and are finally placed on the sides of the cord. After these events the posterior nerve-rudiments grow rapidly in size, and become differentiated into a root (by which they are attached to the spinal canal), a ganglion, and a nerve. The anterior roots, like the posterior, are outgrowths from the spinal cord ; but the outgrowths to form them are from the 1 [May 1 8, 1876. — Subsequent observations have led me to the conclusion that no anterior nerve-roots are to be found in the brain.] IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. 189 first discontinuous, and the points from which they originally spring remain as those by which they are permanently attached to the spinal cord, and do not, as in the case of the posterior roots, undergo a change of position. The anterior roots arise, not vertically below, but opposite the intervals between the posterior roots. The anterior roots are at first quite separate from the pos- terior roots ; but soon after the differentiation of the posterior rudiment into a root, ganglion, and nerve, a junction is effected between each posterior nerve and the corresponding anterior root. The junction is from the first at some little distance from the ganglion. Investigators have hitherto described the spinal nerves as formed from part of the mesoblast of the protovertebrae. His alone, so far as I know, takes a different view. His's l observations lead him to the conclusion that the pos- terior roots are developed as ingrowths from the external epiblast into the space between the protovertebrae and the neural canal. These subsequently become constricted off, unite with the neural canal and form spinal nerves. These statements, which have not been since confirmed, diverge nearly to the same extent from my own results as does the ordinary account of the development of these parts. Hensen (Virchow's Archiv, Vol. XXXI. 1864) also looks upon the spinal nerves as developed from the epiblast, but not as a direct result of his own observations2. Without attempting, for the present at least, to explain this divergence, I venture to think that the facts which I have just described have distinct bearings upon one or two important problems. One point of general anatomy upon which they throw con- siderable light is the primitive origin of nerves. So long as it was admitted that the spinal and cerebral nerves 1 Erste Anlage des Wirbelthier-Leibes. 2 [May 1 8, 1876. — Since the above was written Hensen has succeeded in shewing that in mammals the rudiments of the posterior roots arise in a manner closely re- sembling that described in the present paper ; and I have myself, within the last few days, made observations which incline me to believe that the same holds good for the chick. My observations are as yet very incomplete.] DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES developed in the embryo independently of the central nervous system, their mode of origin always presented to my mind con-- siderable difficulties. It never appeared clear how it was possible for a state of things to have arisen in which the central nervous system, as well as the peripheral terminations of nerves, whether motor or sensory, were formed independently of each other, while between them a third structure was developed which, growing in both directions (towards the centre and towards the peri- phery), ultimately brought the two into connexion. That such a condition could be a primive one seemed scarcely possible. Still more remarkable did it appear, on the supposition that the primitive mode of formation of these parts was represented in the developmental history of vertebrates, that we should find similar structural elements in the central and in the peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system arises from the epiblast, and yet contains precisely similar nerve-cells and nerve-fibres to the peripheral nervous system, which, if derived, as is usually stated, from the mesoblast, was necessarily supposed to have a com- pletely different origin from the central nervous system. Both of these difficulties are to a great extent removed by the facts of the development of these parts in Elasmo- branchs. If it be admitted that the spinal roots develop as outgrowths from the central nervous system in Elasmobranch Fishes, the question arises, how far can it be supposed to be possible that in other vertebrates the spinal roots and ganglia develop indepen- dently of the spinal cord, and only subsequently become united with it. I have already insisted that this cannot be the primary con- dition ; and though I am of opinion that the origin of the nerves in higher vertebrates ought to be worked over again, yet I do not think it impossible that, by a secondary adaptation, the nerve-roots might develop in the mesoblast1. 1 [May 18, 1876.— Hensen's observations, as well as those recently made by myself on the chick, render it almost certain that the nerves in all Vertebrates spring from the spinal cord.] IN ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. IQI The presence of longitudinal commissures connecting the central ends of all the posterior roots is very peculiar. The commissures may possibly be looked on as outlying portions of the cord, rather than as parts of the nerves. I have not up to this time followed their history beyond a somewhat early period in embryonic life, and am therefore un- acquainted with their fate in the adult. As far as I am aware, no trace of similar structures has been met with in other vertebrates. The commissures have a very strong resemblance to those by which in Elasmobranch Fishes the glossopharyngeal nerve and the branches of the pneumogastric are united in an early embryonic stage1. I think it not impossible that the commissures in the two cases represent the same structures. If this is the case, it would seem that the junction of a number of nerves to form the pneu- mogastric is not a secondary state, but the remnant of a primary -one, in which all the spinal nerves were united, as they embryo- nically are in Elasmobranchs. One point brought out in my investigations appears to me to have bearings upon the origin of the central canal of the Vertebrate nervous system, and in consequence upon the origin of the Vertebrate group itself. The point I allude to is the posterior nerve-rudiments making their first appearance at the extreme dorsal summit of the spinal cord. The transverse section of the ventral nervous cord of an ordi- nary segmented worm consists of two symmetrical halves placed side by side. If by a mechanical folding the two lateral halves of the nervous cord became bent towards each other, while into the groove formed between the two the external skin became pushed, we should have an approximation to the Vertebrate spinal cord. Such a folding might take place to give extra rigidity to the body in the absence of a vertebral column. If this folding were then completed in such a way that the groove, lined by external skin and situated between the 1 Balfour, "A Preliminary Account of the Development of Elasmobranch Fishes," Q. y. Micros. Sc. 1874, plate xv. fig. 14, v.g. [This edition, PI. 4, fig. 14, v.g.}. 1 92 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES two lateral columns of the nervous system, became converted into a canal, above and below which the two columns of the nervous system united, we should have in the transformed nervous cord an organ strongly resembling the spinal cord of Vertebrates. This resemblance would even extend beyond mere external form. Let the ventral nervous cord of the common earthworm, Lumbricus agricola, be used for comparison1, a transverse sec- tion of which is represented by Leydig2 and Claparede. In this we find that on the ventral surface (the Annelidan ventral surface) of the nervous cord the ganglion-cells (grey matter) (K) are situated, and on the dorsal side the nerve-fibres or white matter (//). If the folding that I have supposed were to take place, the grey and white matters would have very nearly the relative situations which they have in the Vertebrate spinal cord. The grey matter would be situated in the interior and surround the epithelium of the central canal, and the white matter would nearly surround the grey and form the anterior white commissure. The nerves would then arise, not from the sides of the nervous cord as in existing Vertebrates, but from its extreme ventral summit. One of the most striking features which I have brought to light with reference to the development of the posterior roots, is the fact of their growing out from the extreme dorsal summit of the neural canal — a position analogous to the ventral" summit of the Annelidan nervous cord. Thus the posterior roots of the nerves in Elasmobranchs arise in the exact manner which might have been anticipated were the spinal cord due to such a folding as I have suggested. The argument from the nerves becomes the stronger, from the great peculiarity in the position of the outgrowth, a feature which would be most perplexing without some such explanation as I have proposed. The central epithelium of the neural canal according to this view represents the external skin ; and its ciliation is to be explained as a rem- nant of the ciliation of the external skin now found amongst many of the lower Annelids. 1 The nervous cords of other Annelids resemble that of Lumbricus in the relations of the ganglion-cells of the nerve-fibres. 2 Tafeln zur vergleichenden Anatomic, Taf. iii. fig. 8. IN ELASMOHRANCII FISHES. . 193 I have, however, employed the comparison of the Vertebrate and Annelidan nervous cords, not so much to prove a genetic relation between the two as to shew the a priori possibility of the formation of a spinal canal and the d posteriori evidence we have of the Vertebrate spinal canal having been formed in the way indicated. I have not made use of what is really the strongest argument for my view, viz. that the embryonic mode of formation of the spinal canal, by a folding in of the external epiblast, is the very method by which I have supposed the spinal canal to have been formed in the ancestors of Vertebrates. My object has been to suggest a meaning for the peculiar primitive position of the posterior roots, rather than to attempt to explain in full the origin of the spinal canal. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES1. . PLATE 11. Fig. A. Section through the dorsal region of an embryo of Scy 'Ilium stcllare, with the rudiments of two visceral clefts. The section illustrates the general features at a period anterior to the appearance of the posterior nerve-roots. nc. neural canal, nip. muscle-plate, ch. notochord. x. subnotochordal rod. ao. rudiment of dorsal aorta, so. somatopleure. sp. splanchnopleure. al. alimentary tract. All the parts of the Action except the spinal cord are drawn somewhat diagrammatically. Figs. B I, B II, B in. Three sections of a Pristiurus-embryo. B I is through the heart, B 11 through the anterior part of the dorsal region, and B in through a point slightly behind this. Drawn with a camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) In B in there is visible a slight proliferation of cells from the dorsal summit of the neural canal. In B n this proliferation definitely constitutes two club-shaped masses of cells (pr), both attached to the dorsal summit of the neural canal. The masses are the rudi- ments of the posterior nerve-roots. In B i the rudiments of the posterior roots are of considerable length. 1 The figures on these Plates give a fair general idea of the appearance presented by the developing spinal nerves ; but the finer details of the original drawings have in several cases become lost in the process of copying. The figures which are tinted represent sections of embryos hardened in osmic acid ; those without colour sections of embryos hardened in chromic acid. B. 13 194 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES pr. rudiment of posterior roots, nc. neural canal. ;«/. muscle-plate, ch. noto- chord. x. subnotochordal rod. ao. dorsal aorta, so. somatopleure. sp. splanchno- pleure. al. alimentary canal, ht. heart. Fig. C. Section from a Prtstiurus-embtyo, slightly older than B. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The embryo from which this figure was taken was slightly distorted in the process of removal from the blastoderm. vr. rudiment of vertebral body. Other reference letters as in previous figures. Fig. D a. Section through the dorsal region of a Torpedo-embryo with three visceral clefts. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The section shews the formation of the dorsal nerve-rudiments (pr) and of a ventral anterior nerve-rudiment (ar), which at this early stage is not distinctly cellular. ar. rudiment of an anterior nerve-root, y. cells left behind on the separation of the external skin from the spinal cord. c. connective-tissue cells springing from the summit of the muscle-plates. Other reference letters as above. Fig. D b. Section from dorsal region of a Torpedo-embryo somewhat older than Da. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The posterior nerve-rudiment is considerably longer than in fig. D a, and its pedicle of attachment to the spinal cord is thinner. The anterior nerve-rudiment, of which only the edge is present in the section, is distinctly cellular. m. mesoblast growing up from vertebral rudiment, sd. segmental duct. Fig. D c. Section from a still older Torpedo-embryo. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The connective-tissue cells are omitted. The rudiment of the ganglion (g) on the posterior root has appeared. The rudiment of the posterior nerve is much longer than before, and its junction with the spinal cord is difficult to detect. The anterior root is now an elongated cellular structure. g. ganglion. Fig. D d. Longitudinal and vertical section through a Torpedo-embryo of the same age as D c. The section shews the commissures (x) uniting the posterior roots. Fig. E a. Section of a Pristiurus-embryo belonging to the second stage. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The section shews the constriction of the pedicle which attaches the posterior nerve-rudiments to the spinal cord. pr. rudiment of posterior nerve-root, nc. neural canal, mp. muscle-plate, vr. vertebral rudiment, sd. segmental duct. ch. notochord. so. somatopleure. sp. splanchnopleure. ao. aorta, al. alimentary canal. Fig. E b. Section of a Pristiurus-embryo slightly older than E a. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The section shews the formation of the anterior nerve-root (ar). ar. rudiment of the anterior nerve-root. Fig. F. Section of a Pristiurus-embryo with the rudiments of five visceral clefts. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The rudiment of the posterior root is seen surrounded by connective-tissue, from which it cannot easily be distinguished. The artist has not been very successful in rendering this figure. IN ELASMOBRANCII FISHES. 195 Figs. G i, G 2, 63. Three longitudinal and horizontal sections of an embryo some- what older than F. The embryo from which these sections were taken was hardened in osmic acid, but the sections have been represented without .tinting. G i is most dorsal of the three sections. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. i.) nc. neural canal, sp.c. spinal cord. //-. rudiment of posterior root. ar. rudiment of anterior root. mp. muscle- plate, c. connective-tissue cells, ch. notochord. PLATE 23. Fig. H I. Section through the dorsal region of a Pnstiurus-embryo in which the rudimentary external gills are present as very small knobs. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) The section shews the commencing differentiation of the posterior nerve-rudiment into root (pr), ganglion (sp.g), and nerve (;/), and also the attachment of the nerve- root to the spinal cord (x). The variations in the size and shape of the cells in the different parts of the nerve-rudiment are completely lost in the figure. pr. posterior nerve-root, sp.g. ganglion of posterior root. n. nerve of posterior root. x. attachment of posterior root to spinal cord. w. white matter of spinal cord. t. mesoblastic investment to the spinal cord. Fig. H 11. Section through the same embryo as H I. (Zeiss CC ocul. i.) The section contains an anterior root, which takes its origin at a point opposite the interval between two posterior roots. The white matter has not been very satisfactorily represented by the artist. Figs. I i, I n. Two sections of a Pristiurus-embryo somewhat older than H. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. i.) The connective-tissue cells are omitted. Figs. I a, I b, I c. Three isolated cells from the ganglion of one of the posterior roots of the same embryo. Figs. K i, K II. Two horizontal longitudinal sections through an embryo in which the external gills have just appeared. K I is the most dorsal of the two sections. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. i.) The sections shew the relative positions of the zmterior and posterior roots at different levels. /;-. posterior nerve-rudiment, ar. anterior "nerve-rudiment, sp.c. spinal cord. n.c. neural canal, mp. muscle-plate, mp' . first-formed muscles. Fig. L. Longitudinal and vertical section through the trunk of a Scylliuin-embryo after the external gills have attained their full development. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. i.) The embryo was hardened in a mixture of chromic acid and osmic acid. The section shews the commissures which dorsally unite the posterior roots, and also the junction of the anterior and posterior roots. The commissures are unfortu- nately not represented in the figure with great accuracy ; their outlines are in nature perfectly regular, and not, as in the figure, notched at the junctions of the cells composing them. Their cells are apparently more or less completely fused, and certainly not nearly so clearly marked as in the figure. The commissures stain very deeply with the mixture of osmic and chromic acid, and form one of the most con- 13—2 196 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES, &C. spicuous features in successful longitudinal sections of embryos so hardened. In sections hardened with chromic acid only they cannot be seen with the same facility. • sp. c. spinal cord. gr. grey matter, iv. white matter, ar. anterior root. pr. posterior root. x. commissure uniting the posterior roots. Figs. M I, M ir. Two sections through the head of the same embryo as fig. B. • M I, the foremost of the two, passes through the anterior part of the thickening of epiblast, which becomes involuted as the auditory vesicle. It contains the rudiment of the seventh nerve, VII. Camera. (Zeiss CC ocul. 2.) VII. rudiment of seventh nerve, au. thickening of external epiblast, which becomes involuted as the auditory vesicle, n. c. neural canal, ch. notochord. //. body-cavity in the head. so. somatopleure. sp. splanchnopleure. al. throat ex- hibiting an outgrowth to form the first visceral cleft. IX. ON THE SPINAL NERVES OF AMPHIOXUS'. DURING a short visit to Naples in January last, I was enabled, through the kindness of Dr Dohrn, to make some observations on the spinal nerves of Amphioxus. These were commenced solely with the view of confirming the statements of Stieda on the anatomy of the spinal nerves, which, if correct, appeared to me to be of interest in connection with the observations I had made that, in Elasmobranchs, the anterior and posterior roots arise alternately and not in the same vertical plane. I have been led to conclusions on many points entirely opposed to those of Stieda, but, before recording these, I shall proceed briefly to state his results, and to examine how far they have been cor- roborated by subsequent observers. Stieda2, from an examination of sections and isolated spinal cords, has been led to the conclusion that, in Amphioxus, the nerves of the opposite sides arise alternately, except in the most anterior part of the body, where they arise opposite each other. He also states . that the nerves of the same side issue alter- nately from the dorsal and ventral corners- of the spinal cord. He regards two of these roots (dorsal and ventral) on the same side as together equivalent to a single spinal nerve of higher vertebrates formed by the coalescence of a dorsal and ventral root. Langerhans3 apparently agrees with Stieda as to the facts about the alternation of dorsal and ventral roots, but differs 1 From the Jotirnal of Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. X. 1876. - Mem. Acad. Petersbourg, Vol. XIX. 3 Archiv f. mikr. Anatomie, Vol. xn. 198 THE SPINAL NERVES OF AMFHIOXUS. from him as to the conclusions to be drawn from those facts. He does hot, for two reasons, believe that two nerves of Amphi- oxus can be equivalent to a single nerve in higher vertebrates : (i) Because he finds no connecting branch between two suc- ceeding nerves, and no trace of an anastomosis. (2) Because he finds that each nerve in Amphioxus supplies a complete myotome, and he considers it inadmissible to regard the nerves, which in Amphioxus together supply two myojomes, as equiva- lent to those which in higher vertebrates supply a single myo- tome only. Although the agreement as to facts between Langerhans and Stieda is apparently a complete one, yet a critical exami- nation of the statements of these two authors proves that their results, on 'one important point at least, are absolutely contra- dictory. Stieda, PI. III. fig. 19, represents a longitudinal and horizontal section through the spinal cord which exhibits the nerves arising alternately on the two sides, and represents each myotome supplied by one nerve. In his explanation of the figure he expressly states that the nerves of one plane only (i.e. only those with dorsal or only those with ventral roots) are represented ; so that if all the nerves which issue from the spinal cord had been represented double the number figured must have been present. But since each myotome is sup- plied by one nerve in the figure, if all the nerves present were represented, each myotome would be supplied by two nerves. Since Langerhans most emphatically states that only one nerve is present for eacJi myotome, it necessarily follows that he or Stieda has made an important error ; and it is not too much to say that this error is more than sufficient to counter- balance the value of Langerhans' evidence as a confirmation of Stieda's statements. I commenced my investigations by completely isolating the nervous system of Amphioxus by maceration in nitric acid according to the method recommended by Langerhans1. On examining specimens so obtained it appeared that, for the greater length of the cord, the nerves arose alternately on the THE SPINAL NERVES OF AMPHIOXUS. 199 two sides, as was first stated by Owsjannikow, and subsequently by Stieda and Langerhans ; but to my surprise not a trace could be seen of a difference of level in the origin of the nerves of the same side. The more carefully the specimens were examined from all points of view, the more certainly was the conclusion forced upon me, that nerves issuing from the ventral corner of the spinal cord, as described by Stieda, had no existence. Not satisfied by this examination, I also tested the point by means of sections. I carefully made transverse sections of a successfully hardened Amphioxus, through the whole length of the body. There was no difficulty in seeing the dorsal roots in every third section or so, but not a trace of a ventral root was to be seen. There can, I think, be no doubt, that, had ventral roots been present, they must, in some cases at least, have been visible in my sections. In dealing with questions of this kind it is no doubt difficult to prove a negative; but, since the two methods of investiga- tion employed by me both lead to the same result, I am able to state with considerable confidence that my observations lend no support to the view that the alternate spinal nerves of Amphi- oxus have their roots attached to the ventral corner of the spinal cord. How a mistake on this point arose it is not easy to say. All who have worked with Amphioxus must be aware how diffi- cult it is to conserve the animal in a satisfactory state for making sections. The spinal cord, especially, is apt to be distorted in shape, and one of its ventral corners is frequently produced into a horn-like projection terminating in close con- tact with the sheath. In such cases the connective tissue fibres of the sheath frequently present the appearance of a nerve-like prolongation of the cord ; and for such they might be mistaken if the sections were examined in a superficial manner. It is not, however, easy to believe that, with well conserved specimens, a mistake could be made on this point by so careful and able an investigator as Stieda, especially considering that the histological structure of the spinal nerves is very different from that of the fibrous prolongations of the sheath of the spinal cord. 2OO THE SPINAL NERVES OF AMPHIOXUS. It only remains for me to suppose that the specimens which Stieda had at his disposal, were so shrunk as to render the origin of the nerves very difficult to determine. The arrangement of the nerves of Amphioxus, according to my own observations, is as follows. The anterior end of the central nervous system presents on its left and dorsal side a small pointed projection, into which is prolonged a diverticulum from the dilated anterior ven- tricle of the brain. This may perhaps be called the olfactory nerve, though clearly of a different character to the other nerves. It was first accurately described by Langerhans1. Vertically below the olfactory nerve there arise two nerves, which issue at the same level from the ventral side of the anterior extremity of the central nervous system. These form the first pair of nerves, and are the only pair which arise from the ventral portion of the cerebro-spinal cord. The two nerves, which form the second pair, arise also opposite each other but from the dorsal side of the cord. The first and second pair of nerves have both been accurately drawn and described by Langerhans : they, together with the olfactory nerve, can easily be seen in nervous systems which have been isolated by maceration. In the case of the third pair of nerves, the nerve on the right-hand side is situated not quite opposite but slightly be- hind that on the left. The right nerve of the fourth pair is situated still more behind the left, and, in the case of the fifth pair, the nerve to the right is situated so far behind the left nerve that it occupies a position half-way between the left nerves of the fifth and sixth pairs. In all succeeding nerves the same arrangement holds good, so that they exactly alternate on two sides. Such is the arrangement carefully determined by me from one specimen. It is possible that it may not be absolutely con- stant, but the following general statement almost certainly holds good. All the nerves of Amphioxus, except the first pair, have their roots inserted in the dorsal part of the cord. In the case of THE SPINAL NERVES OF AMPHIOXUS. 2OI the first two pairs the nerves of the two sides arise opposite each other ; in the next few pairs, the nerves on the right-hand side gradually shift backwards : the remaining nerves spring alternately from the two sides of the cord. For each myotome there is a single nerve, which enters, as in the case of other fishes, the intermuscular septum. This point may easily be determined by means of longitudinal sections, or less easily from an examination of macerated specimens. I agree with Langerhans in denying the existence of ganglia on the roots of the nerves. X. A MONOGRAPH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. PUBLISHED 1878. PREFACE. THE present Monograph is a reprint of a series of papers published in the Journal of A natomy and Physiology during the years 1876, 1877 and 1878. The successive parts were struck off as they appeared, so that the earlier pages of the work were in print fully two years ago. I trust the reader will find in this fact a sufficient excuse for a certain want of coherence, which is I fear observable, as well as for the omission of references to several recent publications. The first and second chapters would not have appeared in their present form had I been acquainted, at the time of writing them, with the researches which have since been published, on the behaviour of the ger- minal vesicle and on the division of nuclei. I may also call attention to the valuable papers of Prof. His1 on the formation of the layers in Elasmobranchs, and of 'Prof. Kowalevsky2 on the development of Amphioxus, to both of which I would certainly have referred, had it been possible for me to do so. Professor His deals mainly with the subjects treated of in Chapter III,, and gives a description very similar to my own of the early stages of development. His interpretations of the observed changes are, however, very different from those at which I have arrived. Although this is not the place for a discussion of Prof. His's views, I may perhaps state that, in spite of the arguments he has brought forward in support of his position, I am still inclined to maintain the accuracy of my original account. The very striking paper on Amphioxus by Kowalevsky (the substance of which I understand to have been published in Russia at an earlier period) contains a con- firmation of the views expressed in chapter VI. on the develop- 1 Zeitschrift f. Anat. n. Entwicklungsgeschichte, Bd. n. 2 Archiv f. Micr. Anat. Bd. xnr. 206 PREFACE. merit of the mesoblast, and must be regarded as affording a conclusive demonstration, that in the case of Vertebrata the mesoblast has primitively the form of a pair of diverticula from the walls of the archenteron. The present Memoir, while differing essentially in scope and object from the two important treatises by Professors His1 and Gotte2, which have recently appeared in Germany, has this much in common with them, that it deals monographically with the development of a single type : but here the resemblance ends. Both of these authors seek to establish, by a careful investigation of the development of a single species, the general plan of development of Vertebrates in general, if not of the whole animal kingdom. Both reject the theory of descent, as propounded by Mr Darwin, and offer completely fresh explana- tions of the phenomena of Embryology. Accepting, as I do, the principle of natural selection, I have had before me, in writing the Monograph, no such ambitious aim as the establish- ment of a completely new system of Morphology. My object will have been fully attained if I have succeeded in adding a few stones to the edifice, the foundations of which were laid by Mr Darwin in his work on the Origin of Species. I may perhaps call attention to one or two special points in this work which seem to give promise of further results. The chapter on the Development of the Spinal and Cranial Nerves contains a modification of the previously accepted views on this subject, which may perhaps lead to a more satisfactory con- ception of the origin of nerves than has before been possible, and a more accurate account of the origin of the muscle-plates and vertebral column. The attempt to employ the embryo- logical relations of the cephalic prolongations of the body-cavity, and of the cranial nerves, in the solution of the difficult problems of the Morphology of the head, may prove of use in the line of study so successfully cultivated by our great English Anatomist, Professor Huxley. Lastly, I venture to hope that my con- clusions in reference to the relations of the sympathetic system and the suprarenal body, and to the development of the meso- 1 Erste A nlage des IVirbelthierleibes. - Entwickltingsgesehichte dcr Unkc. PREFACE. 207 blast, the notochord, the limbs, the heart, the venous system, and the excretory organs, are not unworthy of the attention of Morphologists. The masterly manner in which the systematic position of Elasmobranchs is discussed by Professor Gegenbaur, in the introduction to his Monograph on the Cranial Skeleton of the group, relieves me from the necessity of entering upon this complicated question. It is sufficient for my purpose that the Elasmobranch Fishes be regarded as forming one of the most primitive groups among Vertebrates, a view which finds ample confirmation in the importance of the results to which Prof. Gegenbaur and his pupils have been led in this branch of their investigations. Though I trust that the necessary references to previous contributions in the same department of enquiry have not been omitted, the 'literature of the subject' will nevertheless be found to occupy a far smaller share of space than is usual in works of a similar character. This is an intentional protest on my part against, what appears to me, the unreasonable amount of space so frequently occupied in this way. The pages devoted to the ' previous literature ' only weary the reader, who is not wise enough to skip them, and involve a great and useless expen- diture of time on the part of any writer, who is capable of some- thing better than the compilation of abstracts. In conclusion, my best thanks are due to Drs Dohrn and Eisig for the uniformly kind manner in which they have for- warded my researches both at the Zoological Station in Naples, and after my return to England ; and also to Mr Henry Lee and to the Manager and Directors of the Brighton Aquarium, who have always been ready to respond to my numerous de- mands on their liberality. To my friend and former teacher Dr Michael Foster I tender my sincerest thanks for the neverfailing advice and assistance which he has given throughout the whole course of the work. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE RIPE OVARIAN OVUM, pp. 213 — 221. Structure of ripe ovum. Atrophy of germinal vesicle. The extrusion of its membrane and absorption of its contents. Oellacher's observations on the germinal vesicle. Gotte's observations. Kleinenberg's observations. General conclusions on the fate of the germinal vesicle. Germinal disc. CHAPTER II. THE SEGMENTATION, pp. 222 — 245. Appearance of impregnated germinal disc. Stage with two furrows. Stage with twenty-one segments. Structure of the sides of the furrows. Later stages of segmentation. Spindle-shaped nuclei. Their presence outside the blastoderm. Knobbed nuclei. Division of nuclei. Conclusion of segmentation. Nuclei of the yolk. Asymmetry of the segmented blastoderm. Comparison of Elasmobranch segmentation with that of other meroblastic ova. Literature of Elasmobranch seg- mentation. CHAPTER III. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS, pp. 246 — 285. Division of blastoderm into two layers. Formation of segmentation cavity. Disappearance of cells from floor of segmentation cavity. Nuclei of yolk and of blastoderm. Formation of embryonic rim. Appearance of a layer of cells on the floor of the segmentation cavity. Formation of mesoblast. Formation of medullary groove. Disappearance of segmentation cavity. Comparison of segmentation cavity of Elasmobranchs with that of other types. Alimentary cavity. Formation of mesoblast in two lateral plates. Protoplasmic network of yolk. Summary. Nature of meroblastic ova. Comparison of Elasmobranch development with that of other types. Its relation to the Gastrula. Haeckel's views on vertebrate Gastrula. Their untenable nature. Comparison of primitive streak with blastopore. Literature. CHAPTER IV. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE ELASMOBRANCH EMBRYO AT SUCCESSIVE STAGES, pp. 286 — 297. Description of Stages A — Q. Enclosure of yolk by blastoderm. Relation of the anus of Rusconi to the blastopore. B. 14 210 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. STAGES B — G, pp. 298 — 314. General features of the epiblast. — Original uniform constitution. Separation into lateral and central portions. The medullary groove. — Its conversion into the me- dullary canal. The mesoblast. — Its division into somatic and splanchnic layers. Formation of protovertebrse. The lateral plates. The caudal swellings. The formation of the body-cavity in the head. The alimentary canal. — Its primitive constitution. The anus of Rusconi. Floor formed by yolk. Formation of cellular floor from cells formed around nuclei of the yolk. Communication behind of neural and alimentary canals. Its discovery by Kowalevsky. Its occurrence in other instances. General features of the hypoblast. The notochord. — Its formation as a median thickening of the hypoblast. Possible interpretations to be put on this. Its occurrence in other instances. CHAPTER VI. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRUNK DURING STAGES G TO K, pp. 315 — 360. Order of treatment. External epiblast. — Characters of epiblast. Its late division into horny and epidermic layers. Comparison of with Amphibian epiblast. The unpaired fins. The paired fins. — Their formation as lateral ridges of epiblast. Hypothesis that the limbs are remnants of continuous lateral fins. Mesoblast. — Con- stitution of lateral plates of mesoblast. Their splanchnic and somatic layers. Body-cavity constituting space between them. Their division into lateral and ver- tebral plates. Continuation of body-cavity into vertebral plates. Proto vertebrae. Division into muscle-plates and vertebral bodies. Development of muscle-plates. Disappearance of segmentation in tissue to form vertebral bodies. Body-cavity and parietal plates. Primitive independent halves of body-cavity. Their ventral fusion. Separation of anterior part of body-cavity as pericardial cavity. Com- munication of pericardial and peritoneal cavities. Somatopleure and splanchnopleure. Resume.. General considerations on development of mesoblast. Probability of lateral plates of mesoblast in Elasmobranchs representing alimentary diverticula. Meaning of secondary segmentation of vertebral column. The urinogenital system. — Development of segmental duct and segmental tubes as solid bodies. Formation of a lumen in them, and their opening into body-cavity. Comparison of segmental duct and segmental tubes. Primitive ova. Their position. Their structure. The noto- chord.— The formation of its sheath. The changes in its cells. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRUNK FROM STAGE K TO THE CLOSE OF EMBRYONIC LIFE, pp. 361 377. External epiblast. — Division into separate layers. Placoid scales. Formation of their enamel. Lateral line. — Previous investigations. Distinctness of lateral line and lateral nerve. Lateral nerve a branch of vagus. Lateral line a thickening of epiblast. Its greater width behind. Its conversion into a canal by its cells assuming a tubular arrangement. The formation of its segmental apertures. Mucous canals of the head. Their nerve-supply. Reasons for dissenting from Semper's and Gotte's view of lateral nerve. Muscle-plates. — Their growth. Conversion of both layers into TABLE OF CONTENTS. 211 muscles. Division into dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral sections. Derivation of limb- muscles from muscle-plates. Vertebral column and notochord. — Previous investi- gations. Formation of arches. Formation of cartilaginous sheath of notochord and membrana elastica externa. Differentiation of neural arches. Differentiation of haemal arches. Segmentation of cartilaginous sheath of notochord. Vertebral and intervertebral regions. Notochord. CHAPTER VIII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL NERVES AND OF THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, pp. 378 396. The spinal nerves. — Formation of posterior roots. Later formation of anterior roots. Development of commissure uniting posterior roots. Subsequent develop- ment of posterior roots. Their change in position. Development of ganglion. Further changes in anterior roots. Junction of anterior and posterior roots. Summary. General considerations. — Origin of nerves. Hypothesis explaining peripheral growth. Hensen's views. Later investigations. Gotte. Calberla. Relations between Annelidan and Vertebrate nervous systems. Spinal canal. Dr Dohrn's views. Their difficulties. Hypothesis of dorsal coalescence of lateral nerve cords. Sympa- thetic nervous system. — Development of sympathetic ganglia on branches of spinal nerves. Formation of sympathetic commissure. CHAPTER IX. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANS IN THE HEAD, pp. 397 445. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN, pp. 397 — 407. General history. Fore-brain. — Optic vesicles. Infundibulum. Pineal gland. Olfactory lobes. Lateral ventricles. Mid-brain. Hind-brain. — -Cerebellum. Medulla. — Previous investigations. Huxley. Miklucho-Maclay. Wilder. ORGANS OF SENSE, pp. 407 — 412. Olfactory organ. — Olfactory pit. Schneiderian folds. Eye. — General development. Hyaloid mem- brane. Lens capsule. Processus falciformis. Auditory organs. — Auditory pit. Semicircular canals. MOUTH INVOLUTION and PITUITARY BODY, pp. 412 — 414. Outgrowth of pituitary involution. Separation of pituitary sack, Junction with infundibulum. DEVELOPMENT OF CRANIAL NERVES, pp. 414 — 428. Early devel- opment of sth, 7th, 8th, 9th and loth cranial nerves. Distribution of the nerves in the adult. The fifth nerve. — Its division into ophthalmic and mandibular branches. Later formation of superior maxillary branch. Seventh and auditory nerves. — Separa- tion of single rudiment into seventh and auditory. Forking of seventh nerve over hyomandibular cleft. Formation of anterior branch to form ramus opthalmicus super- ficialis of adult. General view of morphology of branches of seventh nerve. Glosso- pharyngeal and vagus nerves. — General distribution at stage L. Their connection by a commissure. Junction of the commissure with commissure connecting posterior roots of spinal nerves. Absence of anterior roots. Hypoglossal nerve. MESOBLAST OF HEAD, pp. 429 — 432. Body-cavity and myotomes of head. — Continuation of body- cavity into head. Its division into segments. Development of muscles from their walls. General mesoblast of head. NOTOCHORD IN HEAD, p. 433. HYPOBLAST OF THE HEAD, pp. 433 — 434. The formation of the gill-slits. Layer from which gills are derived. SEGMENTATION OF THE HEAD, pp. 434 — 440. Indication of segmentation afforded by (i) cranial nerves, (2) visceral clefts, (3) head-cavities. Comparison of results obtained. 212 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL, pp. 446 — 459. The solid oesophagus. — Oesophagus originally hollow. Becomes solid during Stage K. The postanal section of the alimentary tract. — Continuity of neural and alimentary canals. Its discovery by Kowalevsky. The postanal section of gut. Its history in Scyllium. Its disappearance. The cloaca and anus. — The formation of the cloaca. Its junction with segmental ducts. Abdominal pockets. Anus. The thyroid body. — Its formation in region of mandibular arch. It becomes solid. Pre- vious investigations. The pancreas. — Arises as diverticulum from dorsal side of duodenum. Its further growth. Formation of duct. The liver. — Arises as ventral diverticulum of duodenum. Hepatic cylinders. Comparison with other types. The subnotochordal rod.- — -Its separation from dorsal wall of alimentary canal. The section of it in the trunk. In the head. Its disappearance. Views as to its meaning. CHAPTER XI. THE VASCULAR SYSTEM AND VASCULAR GLANDS, pp. 460 — 478. The heart. — Its development. Comparison with other types. Meaning of double formation of heart. The general circulation. The venous system. The primitive condition of. Comparison of, with Amphioxus and Annelids. The cardinal veins. Relations of caudal vein. The circulation of the yolk-sack. — Previous obser- vations. Various stages. Difference of type in amniotic Vertebrates. The vascular glands. — Supra-renal and inter-renal bodies. Previous investigations. TJie supra- renal bodies. — Their structure in the adult. Their development from the sympathetic ganglia. The inter-renal body. — Its structure in the adult. Its independence of supra- renal bodies. Its development. CHAPTER XII. THE ORGANS OF EXCRETION, pp. 479 520. Previous investigations. Excretory organs and genital ducts in adult. In male. — Kidney and Wolffian body. Wolffian duct. Ureters. Cloaca. Seminal bladders. Rudimentary oviduct. In female. — Wolffian duct. Ureters. Cloaca. — Segmental openings. Glandular tubuli of kidney. Malpighian bodies. Accessory Malpighian bodies. Relations of to segmental tubes. Vasa efferentia. Comparison of Scyllium with other Elasmobranchs. Development of segmental tubes. Their junction with segmental duct. Their division into four segments. Formation of Malpighian bodies. Connection between successive segments. Morphological interest of. Development of Miillerian and Wolffian ducts. In female — General account. Formation of ovi- duct as nearly solid cord. Hymen. In male — Rudimentary Miillerian duct. — Comparison of development of Miillerian duct in Birds and Elasmobranchs. Own researches. Urinal cloaca. Formation of Wolffian body and kidney proper. — General account. Details of formation of ureters. Vasa efferentia. — Views of Semper and Spengel. Difficulties of Semper's views. Unsatisfactory result of own researches. General homologies. Resume. Postscript. CHAPTER I. THE RIPE OVARIAN OVUM. THE ripe ovum is nearly spherical, and, after the removal of its capsule, is found to be unprovided with any form of pro- tecting membrane. My investigations on the histology of the ripe ovarian ovum have been made with the ova of the Gray Skate (Raja batis] only, and owing to a deficiency of material are somewhat im- perfect. The bulk of the ovum is composed of yolk spherules, imbedded in a protoplasmic matrix. Dr Alexander Schultz1, who has studied with . great care the constitution of the yolk, finds, near the centre of the ovum, a kernel of small yolk sphe- rules, which is succeeded by a zone of spherules which gradually increase in size as they approach the surface. But, near the surface, he finds a layer in which they again diminish in size and exhibit numerous transitional forms on the way to molecular yolk-granules. These Dr Schultz regards as in a retrogressive condition. Another interesting feature about the yolk is the presence in it of a protoplasmic network. Dr Schultz has completely confirmed, and on some points enlarged, my previous observa- tions on this subject2. Dr Schultz's confirmation is the more important, since he appears to be unacquainted with my pre- vious investigations. In my paper (loc. cit.}, after giving a description of the network I make the following statement as to its distribution. 1 Archiv fur Micro. Anat. Vol. XI. 1875. 2 Quart. Journ, Micro, Science, Oct. 1874. [This edition, No. v.] 214 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. "A specimen of this kind is represented in Plate 14, fig. 2, n. y, where the meshes of the network are seen to be finer immediately around the nuclei, and coarser in the intervals. The specimen further shews, in the clearest manner, that this network is not divided into areas, each represent- ing a cell and each containing a nucleus. I do not know to what extent this network extends into the yolk. I have never yet seen the limits of it, though it is very common to see the coarsest yolk-granules lying in its meshes. Some of these are shewn in Plate 14, fig. 2,j. k." [This edition, p. 65.] Dr Schultz, by employing special methods of hardening and cutting sections of the whole egg, has been able to shew that this network extends, in the form of fine radial lines, from the centre to the circumference ; and he rightly states, that it exhibits no cell-like structures. I have detected this network extending throughout the whole yolk in young eggs, but have failed to see it with the distinctness which Dr Schultz attributes to it in the ripe ovum. Since it is my intention to enter fully both into the structure and meaning of this network in my account of a later stage, I say no more about it here. At one pole of the ripe ovum a slight examination demon- strates the presence of a small circular spot, sharply distinguished from the remainder of the yolk by its lighter colour. Around this spot is an area which is also of a lighter colour than the yolk, and the outer border of which gradually shades into the normal tint of the yolk. If a section be made through this part (vide PI. 6, fig. i) the circular spot will be found to be the germinal vesicle, and the area around it a disc of yolk containing smaller spherules than the surrounding parts. The germinal vesicle possessed the same structure in both the ripe eggs examined by me ; and, in both, it was situated quite on the external surface of the yolk. In one of my specimens it was flat above, but convex below ; in the other and, on the whole, the better preserved of the two, it had the somewhat quadrangular but rather irregular section represented in PI. 6, fig. I. It consisted of a thickish membrane and its primitive contents. The membrane surrounded the upper part of the contents and exhibited numerous folds and creases (vide fig. i). As it extended downwards it became thinner, and completely disappeared at some little distance from the lower end of the contents. These, therefore, rested below on the yolk. At its circumference the membrane of the disc was THE RIPE OVARIAN OVUM. 215 produced into a kind of fold, forming a rim which rested on the surface of the yolk. In neither of my specimens is the cavity in the upper part of the membrane filled by the contents ; and the upper part of the membrane is so folded and creased that sections through almost any portion of it pass through the folds. The regularity of the surface of the yolk is not broken by the germinal vesicle, and the yolk around exhibits not the slightest signs of displace- ment. In the germinal vesicle figured the contents are some- what irregular in shape ; but in my other specimen they form a regular mass concave above and convex below. In both cases they rest on the yolk, and the floor of the yolk is exactly moulded to suit the surface of the contents of the germinal vesicle. The contents have a granular aspect, but differ in constitution from the surrounding yolk. Each germinal vesicle measured about one-fiftieth of an inch in diameter. It does not appear to me possible to suppose that the pecu- liar appearances which I have drawn and described are to be looked upon as artificial products either of the chromic acid, in which the ova were hardened, or of the instrument with which sections of them were made. It is hardly conceivable that chromic acid could cause a rupture of the membrane and the ejection of the contents of the vesicle. At the same time the uniformity of the appearances in the different sections, the regu- larity of the whole outline of the egg, and the absence of any signs of disturbance in the yolk, render it impossible to believe that the structures described are due to faults of manipulation during or before the cutting of the sections. We can only therefore conclude that they represent the real state of the germinal vesicle at this period. No doubt they alone do not supply a sufficient basis for any firm conclusions as to the fate of the germinal vesicle. Still, if they cannot sustain, they unquestionably support certain views. The natural interpretation of them is that the membrane of the germinal vesicle is in the act of commencing to atrophy, preparatory to being extruded from the egg, while the contents of the germinal vesicle are about to be absorbed. In favour of the extrusion of the membrane rather than its absorption are the following features, 2l6 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. *- ( i) The thickness of its upper surface. (2) The extension of its edge over the yolk. (3) Its position external to the yolk. In favour of the view that the contents will be left behind and absorbed when the membrane is pushed out, are the follow- ing features of my sections : (i) The rupture of the membrane of the germinal vesicle on its lower surface. (2) The position of the contents almost com- pletely below the membrane of the vesicle and surrounded by yolk. In connection with this subject, Oellacher's valuable observa- tions upon the behaviour of the germinal vesicle in Osseous Fishes and in Birds at once suggest themselves1. Oellacher sums up his results upon the behaviour of the germinal vesicle in Osseous Fishes in the following way (p. 12) : " The germinal vesicle of the Trout's egg, at a period when the egg is very nearly ripe, lies near the surface of the germinal disc which is aggre- gated together in a hollow of the yolk After this a hole appears in the membrane of the germinal vesicle, which opens into the space between the egg-membrane and the germinal disc. The hole widens more and more, and the membrane frees itself little by little from the contents of the germinal vesicle, which remain behind in the form of a ball on the floor of the cavity formed in this way. The cavity becomes flatter and flatter and the contents are pushed up further and further from the germinal disc. When the hollow, in which lie the contents of the original germinal vesicle, completely vanishes, the covering membrane becomes inverted and the membrane is spread out on the convex surface of the germinal disc as a circular, investing structure. It is clear that by the removal of the membrane the contents of the germinal vesicle become lost." These very definite statements of Oellacher tell strongly against my interpretation of the appearance presented by the germinal vesicle of the ripe Skate's egg. Oellacher's account is so precise, and his drawings so fully bear out his interpretations, that it is very difficult to see where any error can have crept in. On the other hand, with the exception of those which Oellacher has made, there cannot be said to be any satisfactory observations demonstrating the extrusion of the germinal vesicle from the ovum. Oellacher has observed this definitely for the Trout, but his observations upon the same point in the Bird would quite as well bear the interpretation that the membrane alone became pushed out, as that this occurred to the germinal vesicle, contents and all. 1 Archiv fiir Micr, Anat. Vol. VIII. p. i. ' RIPE OVARIAN OVUM. While, then, there are on the one hand Oellacher's observa- tions on a single animal, hitherto unconfirmed, there are on the other very definite observations tending to shew that the ger- minal vesicle has in many cases an altogether different fate. Gotte1, not to mention other observers before him, has in the case of Batrachian's eggs traced out with great precision the gradual atrophy of the germinal vesicle, and its final absorption into the matter of the ovum. Gotte distinguishes three stages in the degeneration of the germinal vesicle of Bombinator's egg. In the first stage the germinal vesicle has begun to travel up towards the surface of the egg. It retains nearly its primitive condition, but its contents have become more opaque and have partly withdrawn themselves from the thin membrane. The germinal spots are still circular, but in some cases have increased in size. The most important feature of this stage is the smaller size of the germinal vesicle than that of the cavity of the yolk in which it lies, a condition which appears to demonstrate the commencing atrophy of the vesicle. In the next stage the cavity containing the germinal vesicle has vanished without leaving a trace. The germinal vesicle itself has assumed a lenslike form, and its borders are irregular and pressed in here and there by yolk. Of the membrane of the germinal vesicle, and of the germinal spots, only scanty remnants are to be seen, many of which lie in the immediately adjoining yolk. In the last stage no further trace of a distinct germinal vesicle is present. In its place is a mass of very finely granular matter, which is without a distinct border and graduates into the surrounding yolk and is to be looked on as a remnant of the germinal vesicle. This careful investigation of Gotte proves beyond a doubt that in Batrachians neither the membrane, nor the contents of the germinal vesicle, are extruded from the egg. In Mammalia, Van Beneden2 finds that the germinal vesicle becomes invisible, though he does not consider that it absolutely ceases to exist. He has not traced the steps of the process with the same care as Gotte, but it is difficult to believe that an 1 Entwicklungsgeschichte der Unke. a Recherches sur la Composition et la Signification dc FCEuf. JB. 15 2l8 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. extrusion of the vesicle in the way described by Oellacher would have escaped his notice. Passing from Vertebrates to Invertebrates, we find that almost every careful investigator has observed the disappear- ance, apparent or otherwise, of the germinal vesicle, but that very few have watched with care the steps of the process. The so-called Richtungskorper has been supposed to be the extruded remnant of the germinal vesicle. This view has been especially adopted and supported by Oellacher (loc. cit.\ and Flemming1. The latter author regards the constant presence of this body, and the facility with which it can be stained, as proofs of its connection with the germinal vesicle, which has, however, accord- ing to his observations, disappeared before the appearance of the Richtungskorper. Kleinenberg2, to whom we are indebted for the most precise observations we possess on the disappearance of the germinal vesicle, gives the following account of it, pp. 41 and 42. "We left the germinal vesicle as a vesicle with a distinct doubly con- toured membrane, and equally distributed granular contents, in which the germinal spot had appeared The germinal vesicle reaches o'c^mm. in diameter, and at the same time its contents undergo a separation. The greater part withdraws itself from the membrane and collects as a dense mass around the germinal spot, while closely adjoining the membrane there remains only a very thin but unbroken lining of the plasmoid material. The intermediate space is filled with a clear fluid, but the layer which lines the membrane retains its connection with the mass around the germinal vesicle by means of numerous fine threads which traverse the space filled with fluid. At about the time when the formation of the pseudocells in the egg is completed the germinal spot undergoes a retrogressive metamorphosis, it loses its circular outline and it now appears as if coagulated ; then it breaks up into small fragments, and I am fairly confident that these become dissolved. The germinal vesicle becomes, on the egg assuming a spherical form, drawn into an eccentric position towards the pole of the egg directed outwards, where it lies close to the surface and only covered by a very thin layer of plasma. In this situation its degeneration now begins, and ends in its complete disappearance. The granular contents become more and more fluid ; at the same time part of them pass out through the membrane. This, which so far was firmly stretched, next collapses to a somewhat egg-like sac, whose wall is thickened and in places folded. 1 " Studien in der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Najaden," Si/z. d. k. Akad. Bd. i.xxi. 1875. - Hydra. Leipzig, 1872. RIPE OVARIAN OVUM. 219 "The inner mass which up to this time has remained compact now breaks up into separate highly refractive bodies, of spherical or angular form and of very different sizes ; between them, here and there, are scattered drops of a fluid fat I am very much inclined to regard the solid bodies in question as fat or as that peculiar modification of albuminoid bodies which we recognise as the certain forerunner of the formation of fat in so many pathologically altered tissues ; and therefore to refer the disappearance of the germinal vesicle to a fatty degeneration. On one occasion I believe that I observed an opening in the membrane at this stage ; if this is a normal condition it would be possible to believe that its solid contents passed out and were taken up in the surrounding plasma. What becomes of the membrane I am unable to say ; in any case the germinal vesicle has vanished to the very last trace before impregnation occurs." Kleinenberg clearly finds that the germinal vesicle disappears completely before the appearance of the Richtungskb'rper, in which he states a pseudocell or yolk-sphere is usually found. The connection between the Richtungskorper and the germi- nal vesicle is not a result of strict observation, and there can be no question that the evidence in the case of invertebrates tends to prove that the germinal vesicle in no case disappears owing to its extrusion from the egg, but that if part of it is extruded from the egg as Richtungskorper this occurs when its constituents can no longer be distinguished from the remainder of the yolk. This is clearly the case in Hydra, where, as stated above, one of the pseudocells or yolk-spheres is usually found imbedded in the Richtungskorper. My observations on the Skate tend to shew that, in its case, the membrane of the germinal vesicle is extruded from the egg, though they do not certainly prove this. That conclusion is however supported by the observations of Schenk1. He found in the impregnated, but not yet segmented, germinal disc a cavity 'which, as he suggests, might well have been occupied by the germinal vesicle. It is not unreasonable to suppose that the membrane, being composed of formed matter and able only to take a passive share in vital functions, could, without thereby influencing the constitution of the ovum, be ejected. If we suppose, and this is not contradicted by observation, that the Richtungskorper is either only the metamorphosed membrane of the germinal vesicle with parts of the yolk, or part of the yolk alone, and assume that in Oellacher's observations 1 " Die Eier von Raja quadrimaculala," Siiz. der k. Akad. Wien, Bel. LXVIII. 15—2 220 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. only the membrane and not the contents were extruded from the egg, it would be possible to frame a consistent account of the behaviour of the germinal vesicle throughout the animal kingdom, which may be stated in the following way. The germinal vesicle usually before, but sometimes imme- diately after impregnation undergoes atrophy and its contents become indistinguishable from the remainder of the egg. In those cases in which its membrane is very thick and resistent, e.g. Osseous and Elasmobranch Fishes, Birds, etc., this may be incapable of complete resorption, and be extruded bodily from the egg. In the case of most ova, it is completely absorbed, though at a subsequent period it may be extruded from the egg as the Richtungskorper. In all cases the contents of the germinal vesicle remain in the ovum. , In some cases the germinal vesicle is stated to persist and to undergo division during the process of segmentation ; but the observations on this point stand in need of confirmation. My investigations shew that the germinal vesicle atrophies in the Skate before impregnation, and in this respect accord with very many recent observations. Of these the following may be mentioned. (i) Oellacher (Bird, Osseous Fish). (2) Gotte (Bombinator igneus). (3) Kupffer (Ascidia canina). (4) Strasburger (Phallusia mamillata). (5) Kleinenberg (Hydra). (6) Metsch- nikoff (Geryonia, Polyzenia leucostyla, Epibulia aurantiaca, and other Hydrozoa). This list is sufficient to shew that the disappearance of the germinal vesicle before impregnation is very common, and I am unacquainted with any observations tending to shew that its disappearance is due to impregnation. In some cases, e.g. Asterocanthion1, the germinal vesicle vanishes after the spermatozoa have begun to surround the egg; but I do not know that its disappearance in these cases has been shewn to be due to impregnation. To do so it would be necessary to prove that in ripe eggs let loose from the ovary, but not fertilized, the germinal vesicle did not undergo the same changes as in the case of fertilized eggs ; and this, as far as I 1 Agassiz, Embryology' of the Star-Fish. RIPE OVARIAN OVUM. 221 know, has not been done. After the disappearance of the germinal vesicle, and before the first act of division, a fresh nucleus frequently appears [ — vide — Auerbach (Ascaris nigro- venosa), Fol (Geryonia), Kupffer (Ascidia canina), Strasburger (Phallusia mamillata), Flemming (Anodon), Gotte (Bombinator igneus)], which is generally stated to vanish before the appear- ance of the first furrow ; but in some cases (Kupffer and Gotte, and as studied with especial care, Strasburger) it is stated to divide. Upon the second nucleus, or upon its relation to the germinal vesicle, I have no observations ; but it appears to me of great importance to determine whether this fresh nucleus arises absolutely de novo, or is formed out of the matter of the germinal vesicle. The germinal vesicle is situated in a bed of finely divided yolk-particles. These graduate insensibly into the coarser yolk- spherules around them, though the band of passage between the coarse and the finer. yolk-particles is rather narrow. The mass of fine yolk-granules may be called the germinal disc. It is not to be looked upon as diverging in any essential particular from the remainder of the yolk, for the difference between the two is one of degree only. It contains in fact a larger bulk of active protoplasm, as compared with yolk-granules, than does the remainder of the ovum. The existence of this agreement in kind has been already strongly insisted on in my preliminary paper ; and Schultz (loc. cit.} has arrived at an entirely similar conclusion, from his own independent observations. One interesting feature about the germinal disc at this period is its size. My observations upon it have been made with the eggs of the Skate (Raja) alone ; but I think that it is not probable that its size in the Skate is greater than in Scyllium or Pristiurus. If its size is the same in all these genera, then the germinal disc of the unimpregnated ovum is very much greater than that portion of the ovum which undergoes segmentation, and which is usually spoken of as the germinal disc in impregnated ova. I have no further observation on the ripe ovarian ovum ; and my next observations concern an ovum in which two furrows have already appeared. CHAPTER II. THE SEGMENTATION. I HAVE not been fortunate enough to obtain an absolutely complete series of eggs during segmentation. In the cases of Pristiurus and Scyllium only have I had any considerable number of eggs in this condition, though one or two eggs of Raja in which the process was not completed have come into my hands. In the youngest impregnated Pristiurus eggs, which I have obtained, the germinal disc was already divided into four seg- ments. The external appearance of the blastoderm, which remains nearly constant during segmentation, has been already well described by Ley dig1. The yolk has a pale greenish tinge which, on exposure to the air, acquires a yellower hue. The true germinal disc appears as a circular spot of a bright orange colour, and is, according to Leydig's measurements, ijm. in diameter. Its colour renders it very conspicuous, a feature which is further increased by its being surrounded by a narrow dark line (PI. 6, fig. 2), the indica- tion of a shallow groove. Surrounding this line is a concentric space which is lighter in colour than the remainder of the yolk, but whose outer border passes by insensible gradations into the yolk. As was mentioned in my preliminary paper (loc. cit.}, and as Leydig (loc. cit.} had before noticed, the germinal disc is always situated at the pole of the yolk which is near the rounded end of the Pristiurus egg. It occupies a corresponding position in the eggs of both species of Scyllium (stellare and canicula) near the narrower end of the egg to which the shorter pair of strings is attached. The germinal disc in the youngest egg 1 Kitt/ieii mid //die: SEGMENTATION. 223 examined, exhibited two furrows which crossed each other at right angles in the centre of the disc, but neither of which reached its edge. These furrows accordingly divided the disc into four segments, completely separated from each other at the centre of the disc, but united near its circumference. I made sections, though not very satisfactorily, of this germinal disc. The sections shewed that the disc was composed of a protoplasmic basis, in which were imbedded innumerable minute spherical yolk-globules so closely packed as to constitute nearly the whole mass of the germinal disc. In passing from the coarsest yolk-spheres to the fine spherules of the germinal disc, three bands of different-sized yolk-particles have to be traversed. These bands graduate into one another and are without sharp lines of demarcation. The outer of the three is composed of the largest-sized yolk-spherules which constitute the greater part of the ovum. The middle band forms a concentric layer around the germinal disc, and is composed of yolk-spheres considerably smaller than those outside it. Where it cuts the surface it forms the zone of lighter colour im- mediately surrounding the germinal disc. The innermost band is formed by the germinal disc itself and is composed of sphe- rules of the smallest size. These features are shewn in PI. 6, fig. 6, which is the section of a germinal disc with twenty-one segments ; in it however the outermost band of spherules is not present. From this description it is clear, as has already been men- tioned in the description of the ripe unimpregnated ovum, that the germinal disc is not to be looked upon as a body entirely distinct from the remainder of the ovum, but merely as a part of the ovum in which the protoplasm is more concentrated and the yolk-spherules smaller than elsewhere. Sections shew that the furrows visible on the surface end below, as indeed they do on the surface, before they reach the external limit of the finely granular matter of the germinal disc. There are therefore at this stage no distinct segments : the otherwise intact germinal disc is merely grooved by two furrows. I failed to observe any nuclei in the germinal disc just described, but it by no means follows that they were not present. 224 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. In the next youngest of the eggs1 examined the germinal disc was already divided into twenty-one segments. When viewed from the surface (PI. 6, fig. 3), the segments appeared divided into two distinct groups — an inner group of eleven smaller segments, and an outer group of segments surrounding the former. The segments of both the inner and the outer group were very irregular in shape and varied considerably in size. The amount of irregularity is far from constant and many germinal discs are more regular than the one figured. In this case the situation of the germinal disc and its relations to the yolk were precisely the same as in the earlier stage. In sections of this germinal disc (PI. 6, fig. 6), the groove which separates it from the yolk is well marked on one side, but hardly visible at the other extremity of the section. Passing from the external features of this stage to those which are displayed by sections, the striking point to be noticed is the persisting continuity of -the segments, marked out on the surface, with the floor of the germinal disc. The furrows which are visible on the surface merely form a pattern, but do not isolate a series of distinct segments. They do not even extend to the limit of the finely granular matter of the germinal disc. The section represented, PI. 6, fig. 6, bears out the statements about the segments as seen on the surface. There are three smaller segments in the middle of the section, and two larger at the two ends. These latter are continuous with the coarser yolk-spheres surrounding the germinal disc and are not separated from them by a segmentation furrow. In a slightly older embryo than the one figured I met with a few completely isolated segments at the surface. These segments were formed by the apparent bifurcation of furrows as they neared the surface of the germinal disc. The segments thus produced are triangular in form. They probably owe their origin to the meeting of two oblique furrows. The last- formed of these furrows apparently ceases to be prolonged after meeting the first-formed furrow. I have not in any case 1 The germinal disc figured was from the egg of a Scyllium stellare and not Pristiurus, but I have also sections of a Pristiurus egg of the same age, which do not differ materially from the Scyllium sections. SEGMENTATION. 225 observed an example of two furrows crossing one another at this stage. The furrows themselves for the most part are by no means simple slits with parallel sides. They exhibit a beaded structure, shewn imperfectly in PI. 6, fig. 6, but better in PL 6, fig. 6 a, which is executed on a larger scale. They present intervals of dilatations where the protoplasms of the segments on the two sides of the furrow are widely separated, alternating with intervals where the protoplasms of the two segments are almost in contact and are only separated from one another by a very narrow space. A closer study of the germinal disc at this period shews that the cavities which cause the beaded structure of the furrows are not only present along the lines of the furrows but are also found scattered generally through the germinal disc, though far more thickly in the neighbourhood of the furrows. Their ap- pearance is that of vacuoles, and 'with these they are probably to be compared. There can be little question that in the living germinal disc they are filled with fluid. In some cases, they are collected in very large numbers in the region of a furrow. Such a case as this is shewn in PI. 6, fig. 6 b. In numerous other cases they occur, roughly speaking, alternately on each side of a furrow. Some furrows, though not many, are entirely destitute of these structures. The character of their distribution renders it impossible to overlook the fact that these vacuole-like bodies have important relations with the formation of the seg- mentation furrows. Lining the two sides of the segmentation furrows there is present in sections a layer which stains deeply with colouring re-agents; and the surface of the blastoderm is stained in the same manner. In neither case is it permissible to suppose that any membrane-like structure is present. In many cases a similar very delicate, but deeply-stained line, invests the vacuo- lar cavities, but the fluid filling these remains quite unstained. When distinct segments are formed, each of these is surrounded by a similarly stained line. The yolk-spherules are so numerous, and render even the thinnest section so opaque, that I have failed to make satis- factory observations on the behaviour of the nucleus. I find 226 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. nuclei in many of the segments, though it is very difficult even to see them, and only in very favourable specimens can their structure be studied. In some cases, two of them lie one on each side of a furrow; and in one case at the extreme end of a furrow I could see two peculiar aggregations of yolk-spherules united by a band through which the furrow, had it been con- tinued, would have passed. The connection (if any exists) be- tween this appearance and the formation of the fresh nuclei in the segments, I have been unable to elucidate. The peculiar appearances attending the formation of fresh nuclei in connection with cell-division, which have recently been described by so many observers, have hitherto escaped my observation at this stage of the segmentation, though I shall describe them in a later stage. A nucleus of this stage is shewn on PI. 6, fig. 6 c. It is lobate in form and is divided by lines into areas in each of which a deeply-stained granule is situated. The succeeding stages of segmentation present from the surface no fresh features of great interest. The somewhat irregular (PI. 6, figs. 4 and 5) circular line, which divides the peripheral larger from the central smaller segments, remains for a long time conspicuous. It appears to be the representative of the horizontal furrow which, in the Batrachian ovum, separates the smaller pigmented spheres from the larger spheres of the lower pole of the egg. As the segments become smaller and smaller, the distinction between the peripheral and the central segments becomes less and less marked; but it has not disappeared by the time that the segments become too small to be seen with the simple lens. When the spheres become smaller than in the germinal disc represented on PI. 6, fig. 5, the features of segmentation can be more easily and more satisfactorily studied by means of sections. To the features presented in sections, both of the latter and of the earlier blastoderms, I now return. A section of one of the earlier germinal discs, of about the age of the one represented on PI. 6, fig. 4, is shewn in PI. 6, fig. 7. It is clear at a glance that we are now dealing with true seg- ments completely circumscribed on all sides. The peripheral SEGMENTATION. 22/ segments are, as a rule, larger than the more central ones, though in this respect there is considerable irregularity. The segments are becoming smaller by repeated division ; but, in addition to this mode of increase, there is now going on outside the germinal disc a segmentation of the yolk, by which fresh seg- ments are being formed from the yolk and added to those which already exist in the germinal disc. One or two such segments are seen in the act of being formed (PL 6, fig. 7 /) ; and it is to be noticed that the furrows which will eventually mark out the segments, do so at first in a partial manner only, and do not circumscribe the whole circumference of the segment in the act of being formed. These fresh furrows are thus repetitions on a small scale of the earliest segmentation furrows. It deserves to be noticed that the portion of the germinal disc which has already undergone segmentation, is still sur- rounded by a broad band of small-sized yolk-spherules. It appears to me probable that owing to changes taking place in the spherules of the yolk, which result in the formation of fresh spherules of a small size, this band undergoes a continuous renovation. The uppermost row of segmentation spheres is now com- mencing to be distinguished from the remainder as a separate layer which becomes progressively more distinct as segmenta- tion proceeds. The largest segments in this section measure about the TiToth of an inch in diameter, and the smallest about ^otn °f an inch. . The nuclei at this stage present points of rather a special in- terest. In the first place, though visible in many, and certainly present in all the segments1, they are not confined to these: they are also to be seen, in small numbers, in the band of fine spherules which surrounds the already segmented part of the germinal disc. Those found outside the germinal disc are not confined to the spots where fresh segments are appearing, 1 In the figure of this stage, I have inserted nuclei in all the segments. In the section from which the figure was taken, nuclei were not to be seen in many of the segments, but I have not a question that they were present in all of them. The difficulty of seeing them is, in part, due to the yolk-spherules and in part to the thinness of the section as compared with the diameter of a segmentation sphere. 228 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. but are also to be seen in places where there are no traces of fresh segments. This fact, especially when taken in connection with the for- mation of fresh segments outside the germinal disc and with other facts which I shall mention hereafter, is of great morpho- logical interest as bearing upon the nature and homologies of the food-yolk. It also throws light upon the behaviour and mode of increase of the nuclei. All the nuclei, both those of the segments and those of the yolk, have the peculiar structure I described in the last stage. In specimens of this stage I have been able to observe certain points which have an important bearing upon the be- haviour of the nucleus during cell-division. Three figures, illustrating the behaviour of the nucleus, as I have seen it in sections of blastoderms hardened in chromic acid, are shewn in PL 6, figs. 7 a, 7 b and 7 c. In the place of the nucleus is to be seen a sharply defined figure (Fig. 7 a) stained in the same way as the nucleus or more deeply. It has the shape of two cones placed base to base. From the apex of each cone there diverge towards the base a series of excessively fine striae. At the junction between the two cones is an irregular linear series of small deeply stained granules which form an apparent break between the two. The line of this break is continued very indistinctly beyond the edge of the figure on each side. From the apex of each cone there diverge outwards into the protoplasm of the cell a series of indistinct markings. They are rendered obscure by the presence of yolk-spherules, which completely surround the body just described, but which are not arranged with any reference to these markings. These latter striae, diverging from the apex of the cone, are more distinctly seen when the apex points to the observer (Fig. 7 b), than when a side of the cone is in view. The striae diverging outwards from the apices of the cones must be carefully distinguished from the striae of the cones themselves. The cones are bodies quite as distinctly differ- entiated from the protoplasm of the cell as nuclei, while the striae which diverge from their apices are merely structures in the general protoplasm of the cell. SEGMENTATION. 229 In some cells, which contain these bodies, no trace of a com- mencing line of division is visible. In other cases (Fig. 7 c), such a line of division does appear and passes through the junction of the two cones. In one case of this kind I fancied I could see (and have represented) a coloured circular body in each cone. I do not feel any confidence that these two bodies are constantly present; and even where visible they are very indistinct. Instead of an ordinary nucleus a very indistinctly marked vesicular body sometimes appears in a segment; but whether it is to be looked on as a nucleus not satisfactorily stained, or as a nucleus in the act of being formed, I cannot decide. With reference to the situation of the cone-like bodies I have described I have made an observation which appears to me to be of some interest. I find that bodies of this kind are found in the yolk completely outside the germinal disc. I have made this observation, in at least two cases which admitted of no doubt (vide Fig. 7 nx'\ We have therefore the remarkable fact, that whatever connection these bodies may have with cell-division, they can occur in cases where this is altogether out of the question and where an increase in the number of nuclei can be their only product. These are the main facts which I have been able to de- termine with reference to the nuclei of this stage; but it will conduce to clearness if I now finish what I have to say upon this subject. At a still later stage of segmentation the same peculiar bodies are to be seen as during the stage just described, but they are rarer; and, in addition to them, other bodies are to be seen of a character intermediate between ordinary nuclei and the former bodies. Three such are represented in PI. 6, figs. 8 a, 8 b, 8 c. In all of these there can be traced out the two cones, which are how- ever very irregular. The striation of the cones is still present, but is not nearly so clear as it was in the earlier stage. In addition to this, there are numerous deeply stained granules scattered about the two figures which resemble exactly the granules of typical nuclei. 230 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCII FISHES. All these bodies occupy the place of an ordinary nucleus, they stain like an ordinary nucleus and are as sharply defined as an ordinary nucleus. There is present around some of these, especially those situated in the yolk, the network of lines of the yolk de- scribed by me in a preliminary paper1, and I feel satisfied that there is in some cases an actual connection between the net- work and the nuclei. This network I shall describe more fully hereafter. Further points about these figures and the nuclei of this stage I should like to have been able to observe more com- pletely than I have done, but they are so small that with the highest powers I possess (Zeiss, Immersion No. 2 = Ty n.) their complete and satisfactory investigation is not possible. Most of the true nuclei of the cells of the germinal disc are regularly rounded; those however of the yolk are frequently irregular in shape and often provided with knob-like processes. The gradations are so complete between typical nuclei and bodies like that shewn (PI. 6, fig. 8 c] that it is impossible to refuse the name of nucleus to the latter. In many cases two nuclei are present in one cell. In later stages knob-like nuclei of various sizes are scattered in very great numbers in the yolk around the blastoderm (vide PI. 7). In some cases it appears to me that several of these are in close juxta-position, as if they had been produced by the division of one primitive nucleus. I do not feel absolutely confident that this is the case, owing to the fact that in the investigation of a knobbed body there is great difficulty in ascertaining that the knobs, which appear separate in one plane, are not in reality united in another. I have, in spite of careful search, hitherto failed to find amongst these later nuclei cone-like figures, similar to those I found in the yolk during segmentation. This is the more re- markable since in the early stages of segmentation, when very few nuclei are present in the yolk, the cone-like figures are not uncommon ; whereas, in the latter stages of development when the nuclei of the yolk are very common and obviously increas- ing rapidly, such figures are not to be met with. 1 Loc. dt. SEGMENTATION. 23! In no case have I been able to see a distinct membrane round any of the nuclei. I have hitherto attempted to describe the appearances bearing on the behaviour of the nuclei in as objective a manner as possible. My observations are not as complete as could be desired ; but, taken in conjunction with those of other investigators, they appear to me to point towards certain definite conclusions with reference to the behaviour of the nucleus in cell-division. The most important of these conclusions may be stated as follows. In the act of cell-division the nuclei of the resulting cells are formed from the nucleus of the primitive cell. This may occur ; — (1) By the complete solution of the old nucleus within the protoplasm of the mother cell and the subsequent reaggregation of its matter to form the nuclei of the freshly formed daughter cells, (2) By the simple division of the nucleus, (3) Or by a process intermediate between these two where part of the old nucleus passes into the general protoplasm and part remains always distinguishable and divides ; the fresh nucleus being in this case formed from the divided parts as well as from the dissolved parts of the old nucleus. Included in this third process it is permissible to suppose that we may have a series of all possible gradations between the extreme processes I and 2. If it be admitted, and the evidence we have is certainly in favour of it, that in some cases, both in animal and vegetable cells, the nucleus itself divides during cell division, and in others the nucleus com- pletely vanishes during the cell-division, it is more reasonable to suspect the existence of some connection between the two processes, than to suppose that they are entirely different in kind. Such a connection is given by the hypothesis I have just proposed. The evidence for this view, derived both from my own observations and those of other investigators, may be put as follows. The absolute division of the nucleus has been stated to occur in animal cells, but the number of instances where the 232 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. evidence is quite conclusive are not very numerous. Recently F. E. Schultze1 appears to have observed it in the case of an Amoeba in an altogether satisfactory manner. The instance is quoted by Flemming2. Schultze saw the nucleus assume a dumb-bell shape, divide, and the two halves collect themselves together. The whole process occupied a minute and a half and was shortly followed by the division of the Amoeba, which occu- pied eight minutes. Amongst vegetable cells the division of the nucleus seems to be still rarer than with animal cells'. Sachs3 admits the division of the 'nucleus in the case of the paren- chyma cells of certain Dicotyledons (Sambucus, Helianthus, Lysimachia, Polygonum, Silene) on the authority of Hanstein. The division of the nucleus during cell-division, though seemingly not very common, must therefore be considered as a thoroughly well authenticated occurrence. The frequent disappearance of the nucleus during cell-division is now so thoroughly recognised, both for animal and vegetable cells, as to require no further mention. In many cases the partial or complete disappearance of the nucleus is accompanied by the formation of two peculiar star- like figures. Appearances of the kind have been described by Fol4, Flemming5, Auerbach6 and possibly also Oellacher7 as well as other observers. These figures8 are possibly due to the streaming out of the 1 Archivf. Micr. Anat. XI. p. 592. 2 "EntwicklungsgeschictederNajaden,"LXXl.Bd.der.SY/z.^r/&..4az 4 and 5). In the Bird the representative of the horizontal furrow appears relatively much earlier. It is formed when there are eight segments marked out on the surface of the germinal disc1. From Oellacher's2 account of the segmentation in the fowl3 it seems certain, as might be anticipated, that this furrow is nearly parallel to the surface of the disc, so that it cuts the earlier formed vertical furrows and causes the segments of the germinal disc to be completely circumscribed below as -well as at the surface. In the Elasmobranch egg this is not the case ; so that, even after the smaller central segments have become separated from the outer ring of larger ones, none of the segments of the disc are completely circumscribed, and only appear to be so in surface views (vide PI. 6, fig. 6). Segmentation in the Elasmo- branch egg differs in the following particulars from that in the Bird's egg: (1) The equivalent of the horizontal furrow of the Batrachian egg appears much later than in the Bird. (2) When it has appeared it travels inwards much more slowly. As a result of these differences, the segments of the germinal disc of the Birds' eggs are much earlier circumscribed on all sides than those of the Elasmobranch egg. As might be expected, the segmentation of the Elasmobranch egg resembles in many points that of Osseous Fishes (vide Oellacher4 and Klein8). It may be noticed, that with Osseous as with Elasmobranch Fishes, the furrow corresponding with the horizontal furrow of the Amphibian's egg does not appear at as early a period as is normal. The third furrow of an Osseous Fish egg is parallel to one of the first formed pair. In Oellacher's6 figures, PI. 23, figs. 19 — 21, peculiar headings 1 Vide Elements of Embryology, p. 23. 2 Strieker's Studien, 1869, Pt. i, PI. n. fig. 4. 3 Unfortunately Professor Oellacher gives no account of the surface appearance of the germinal discs of which he describes the sections. It is therefore uncertain to what period his sections belong. 4 Zeitschrift fitr IViss. Zool. Bd. xXn. 1872. 5 Monthly Microscopical your nal, March, 1872. fl Loc. tit. SEGMENTATION. 24! of the sides of the earlier formed furrows are distinctly shewn. No mention of these is made in the text, but they are un- questionably similar to those I have described in the Elasmo- branch furrows. In the case of Elasmobranchs I pointed out that not only were the sides of the furrow beaded, but that there appeared in the protoplasm, close to the furrows, peculiar vacuole-like cavities, precisely similar to the cavities which were the cause of the beadings of the furrows. The presence of these seems to shew that the molecular cohesion of the protoplasm becomes, as compared with other parts, much diminished in the region where a furrow is about to appear, so that before the protoplasm finally gives way along a particular line to form a furrow, its cohesion is broken at numerous points in this region, and thus a series of vacuole- like spaces is formed. If this is the true explanation of the formation of these spaces, their presence gives considerable support to the views of Dr Kleinenberg upon the causes of segmentation, so clearly and precisely stated in his monograph upon Hydra ; and is opposed to any view which regards the forces which come into play during segmentation as resident in the nucleus. I have not observed the peculiar threads of protoplasm which Oellacher1 describes as crossing the commencing segmentation furrows. I have also failed to discover any signs of a concentra- tion of the yolk-spherules, round one or two centres, in the segmentation spheres, similar to that observed by Oellacher in the segmenting eggs of Osseous Fish. The appearances observed by him are probably connected with the behaviour of the nucleus during segmentation, and are related to the curious bodies I have already described. With reference to the nuclei which Oellacher2 has described as occurring in the eggs of Osseous Fish during segmentation, there can, I think, be little doubt that they are identical with the peculiar nuclei in the Elasmobranch eggs. He8 says : In an unsegmented germ there occurred at a certain point in the section a small aggregation of round bodies. I do not feel satisfied whether these aggregations represent one or more nuclei. 1 Loc. cit. - Loc. cit. 3 Loc. cit. pp. 410, 411, &c. 242 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Fig. 29 shews such aggregation ; by focusing at its optical section eleven unequally large rounded bodies measuring from 0x104 — 0*009 mm- mav be distinguished. They lay as if in a multilocular gap in the germ mass, which however they did not quite fill. In each of these bodies there appeared another but far smaller body. These aggregations were distinguished from the germ by an especially beautiful intense violet gold chloride colouration of their elements. The smaller elements contained in the larger were still more intensely coloured than the larger. He further states that these aggregations equal the segments in number, and that the small bodies within the elements are not always to be seen with the same distinctness. Oellacher's description as well as his figures of these bodies leaves no doubt in my mind that they are exactly similar bodies to those which I have already spoken of as nuclei, and the characteristic features of which I have shortly mentioned, and shall describe more fully at a later stage. A moderately full description of them is to be found in my preliminary paper1. Their division into a series of separate areas each with a deeply-stained body, as well as the staining of the whole of them, exactly corresponds to what I have found. That each is a single nucleus is quite certain, though their knobbed form might occasionally lead to the view of their being divided. This knobbed condition, observed by Oellacher as well as myself, certainly supports the view, that they are in the act of budding off fresh, nuclei. Oellacher conceives, that the areas into which these nuclei are divided represent a series of separate bodies — this according to my observations is not the case. Nuclei of the same form have already been described in Nephelis, and are probably not very rare. They pass by insensible gradations into ordinary nuclei with numerous granules. One marked feature of the segmentation of the Elasmobranch egg is the continuous advance of the process of segmentation into the yolk and the assimilation of this into the germ by the direct formation of fresh segments out of it. Into the significance of this feature I intend to enter fully hereafter ; but it is interesting to notice that Oellacher's descriptions point to a similar feature in the segmentation of Osseous Fish. This however consists chiefly in the formation of fresh segments 1 Loc. cit. p. 415. [This Edition, p. 64.] SEGMENTATION. 243 from the lower parts of the germinal disc which in Osseous Fish is more distinctly marked off from the food-yolk than in Elasmo- branchs. I conclude my description of the segmentation by a short account of what other investigators have written about its features in these fishes. One of the earliest descriptions of this process was given by Leydig1. To his description of the germinal disc, I have already done full justice. In the first stage of segmentation which he observed 20 — 30 segments were already visible on the surface. In each of these he recognized a nucleus but no nucleolus. He rightly states that the segments have no membrane, and describes the yolk-spherules which fill them. The next investigator is Gerbe2. I have unfortunately been unable to refer to this elaborate paper, but I gather from an abstract that M. Gerbe has given a careful description of the external features of segmentation. Schenk3 has also made important investigations on the sub- ject. He considers that the ovum is invested with a very delicate membrane. This membrane I have failed to find a trace of, and agree with Leydig4 in denying its existence. Schenk further found that after impregnation, but before seg- mentation, the germinal disc divided itself into two layers, an upper and a lower. Between the two a cavity made its appearance which Schenk looks upon as the segmentation cavity. Segmentation commences in the upper of the two layers, but Schenk does not give a precise account of the fate of the lower. I have had no opportunity of investigating the impregnated ovum before the commencement of segmentation, but my observations upon the early stages of this process render it clear that no division of the germinal disc exists subsequently 1 Rochen u. Haie. It is here mentioned that Coste observed the segmentation in these fishes. 2 "Recherches sur la segmentation des products adventifs de 1'oeuf des Plagios- tomes et particulierement des Raies." Robin, Journal de rAnatomie et de la Phy- siologic, p. 609, 1872. 3 "Die Eier von Raja quadrimaculata innerhalb der Eileiter," Sitz. der k. Akad. Wien. Vol. LXXIII. 1873. 4 Loc, cit. My denial of the existence of this membrane naturally applies only to the egg after impregnation, and to the genera Scyllium and Pristiurus. 244 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. to the commencement of segmentation, and that the cavity discovered by Schenk can have no connection whatever with the segmentation cavity. I am indeed inclined to look upon this cavity as an artificial product I have myself met with somewhat similar appearances, after the completion of segmen- tation, which were caused by the non-penetration of my harden- ing reagent beyond a certain point. Without attempting absolutely to explain the appearances described by Professor Schenk, I think that his observations ought .to be repeated, either by himself or some other competent observer. Several further facts are recorded by Professor Schenk in •his interesting paper. He states that immediately after im- pregnation, the germinal disc presents towards the yolk a strongly convex surface, and that at a later period, but still be- fore the commencement of segmentation, this becomes flattened out. He has further detected amoeboid movements in the disc at the same period. As to the changes of the germinal disc during segmentation, his paper contains no facts of importance. Next in point of time to the paper of Schenk, is my own preliminary account of the development of the Elasmobranch Fishes1. In this a large number of the facts here described in full are briefly alluded to. The last author who has investigated the segmentation in Elasmobranchs, is Dr Alexander Schultz2. He merely states that he has observed the segmentation, and confirms Professor Schenk's statements about the amoeboid movements of the germinal disc. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6. Fig. i. Section through the germinal disc of a ripe ovarian ovum of the Skate. gv. germinal vesicle. Fig. 2. Surface-view of a germinal disc with two furrows. Fig5- 3> 4) 5- Surface-views of three germinal discs in different stages of segmen- tation. 1 Loc. cit. 2 "Die Embryonal Anlage der Selachier. Vorlaufige Mittheilung," Centralblalt f. Med. Wiss. No. 33, 1875. SEGMENTATION. 245 Fig. 6. Section through the germinal disc represented in fig 3. n. nucleus; x. edge of germinal disc. The engraver has not accurately copied my original drawings in respect to the structure of the segmentation furrows. Figs. 6 a and 6l>. Two furrows of the same germinal disc more highly magnified. Fig. 6c. A nucleus from the same germinal disc highly magnified. Fig. 7. Section through a germinal disc of the same age as that represented in fig. 4. n. nucleus; nx. modified nucleus; nx'. modified nucleus of the yolk; f. furrow appearing in the yolk around the germinal disc. Figs. 7 a, fl>, 7, Sc. Modified nuclei from the yolk from the same germinal disc. Fig. 8 d. Segment in the act of division from the same germinal disc. Fig. 9. Section through a germinal disc in which the segmentation is completed. It shews the larger collection of cells at the embryonic end of the germinal disc than at the non-embryonic, ep. epiblast. CHAPTER III. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. IN the last chapter the blastoderm was left as a solid lens- shaped mass of cells, thicker at one end than at the other, its uppermost row of cells forming a distinct layer. There very soon appears in it a cavity, the well-known segmenta- tion cavity, or cavity of von Baer, which arises as a small space in the midst of the blastoderm, near its non-embryonic end (PI. 7, % i). This condition of the segmentation cavity, though already1 described, has nevertheless been met with in one case only. The circumstance of my having so rarely met with this con- dition is the more striking because I have cut sections of a considerable number of blastoderms in the hope of encountering specimens similar to the one figured, and it can only be explained on one of the two following hypotheses. Either the stage is very transitory, and has therefore escaped my notice except in the one instance ; or else the cavity present in this instance is not the true segmentation cavity, but merely some abnormal structure. That this latter explanation is a possible one, appears from the fact that such cavities do at times occur in other parts of the blastoderm. Dr Schultz2 does not mention having found any stage of this kind. The position of the cavity in question, and its general ap- pearance, incline me to the view that it is the segmentation cavity3. If this is the true view of its nature the fact should be 1 Qy- Journal of Microsc. Science, Oct. 1874. [This Edition, No. V.] 2 Centr.f. Med. Wiss. No. 38, 1875. 3 Professor Bambeke (" Poissons Osseux," Mem. A cad. Btlgique 1875) describes a cavity in the blastoderm of Leuciscus rutilus, which he regards as the true seg- mentation cavity, but not as identical with the segmentation cavity of Osseous Fishes, FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 247 noted that at first its floor is formed by the lower layer cells and not by the yolk, and that its roof is constituted by both the lower layer cells and the epiblast cells. The relations of the floor undergo considerable modifications in the course of de- velopment. The other features of the blastoderm at this stage are very much those of the previous stage. The embryonic swelling is very conspicuous. The cells of the blastoderm are still disposed in two layers : an upper one of slightly columnar cells one deep, which constitutes the epi- blast, and a lower one consisting of the remaining cells of the blastoderm. An average cell of the lower layer has a diameter of about •gi) ; but no continuous layer of it is present. In the foremost of the three sections (fig. 8^) the mesoblast can scarcely be said to have become in any way separated from the hypoblast except at the summit of the medullary folds (m). From these and similar sections it may be certainly concluded, that the mesoblast becomes first separated from the hypoblast as a distinct layer in the posterior region of the embryo, and only at a later period in the region of the head. In an embryo but slightly more developed than B, the forma- tion of the layer is quite completed in the region of the embryo. To this embryo I now pass on. In the non-embryonic parts of the blastoderm no fresh fea- tures of interest have appeared. It still consists of two layers. The epiblast is composed of flattened cells, and the lower layer of a network of more rounded cells, elongated in a lateral 1 Loc. cit. 264 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. direction. The growth of the blastoderm has continued to be very rapid. In the region of the embryo (PI. 7, fig. 9) more important changes have occurred. The epiblast still remains as a single row of columnar cells. The hypoblast is no longer fused with the mesoblast, and forms a distinct dorsal wall for the alimentary cavity. Though along the axis of the embryo the hypoblast is composed of a single row of columnar cells, yet in the lateral part of the embryo its cells are less columnar and are one or two deep. Owing to the manner in which the mesoblast became split off from the hypoblast, a continuity is maintained between the hypoblast and the lower layer cells of the blastoderm (PL 7, fig- 9)> while the two plates of mesoblast are isolated and dis- connected from any other masses of cells. The alimentary cavity is best studied in transverse sections. (Vide PI. 7, fig. ioa, lob and 10^, three sections from the same embryo.) It is closed in above and at the sides by the hypoblast, and below by the yolk. In its anterior part a floor is commencing to be formed by a growth of cells from the walls of the two sides. The cells for this growth are formed around the nuclei of the yolk ; a feature which recalls the fact that in Amphibians the ventral wall of the alimentary cavity is similarly formed in part from the so-called yolk cells. We left the mesoblast as two masses not completely sepa- rated from the hypoblast. During this stage the separation between the two becomes complete, and there are formed two great lateral plates of mesoblast cells, one on each side of the medullary groove. Each of these corresponds to a united vertebral and lateral plate of the higher Vertebrates. The plates are thickest in the middle and posterior regions (PI. 7, fig. ioa and iob], but thin out and almost vanish in the region of the head. The longitudinal section of this stage represented in PI. 7, fig. 9, passes through one of the lateral masses of mesoblast cells, and shews very distinctly its complete independence of all the other cells in the blastoderm. From what has been stated with reference to the develop- ment of the mesoblast, it is clear that in Elasmobranchs this layer is derived from the same mass of cells as the hypoblast, FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 265 and receives none of its elements from the epiblast In connec- tion with its development, as two independent lateral masses, I may observe, as I have previously done1, that in this respect it bears a close resemblance to mesoblast in Euaxes, as de- scribed by Kowalevsky2. This resemblance is of some interest, as bearing on a probable Annelid origin of Vertebrata. Kow- alevsky has also shewn3 that the mesoblast in Ascidians is similarly formed as two independent masses, one on each side of the middle line. It ought, however, to be pointed out that a similar bilateral origin of the mesoblast had been recently met with in Lym- naeus by Carl Rabl*. A fact which somewhat diminishes the genealogical value of this feature in the mesoblast in Elasmo- branchs. During the course of this stage the spherules of food-yolk immediately beneath the embryo are used up very rapidly. As a result of this the protoplasmic network, so often spoken of, comes very plainly into view. Considerable areas may some- times be seen without any yolk-spherule whatever. On PI. 7, fig. 7#, and figs, n and 12, I have attempted to reproduce the various appearances presented by this network : and these figures give a better idea of it than any description. My observations tend to shew that it extends through the whole yolk, and serves to hold it together. It has not been possible for me to satisfy myself that it had any definite limits, but on the other hand, in many parts all my efforts to demonstrate its presence have failed. When the yolk-spherules are very thickly packed, it is difficult to make out for certain whether it is present or absent, and I have not succeeded in removing the yolk- spherules from the network in cases of this kind. In medium- sized ovarian eggs this network is very easily seen, and extends through the whole yolk. Part of such an egg is shewn in PL 7, 1 Quart. Journ. of Microsc. Science, Oct., 1874. [This Edition, No. V.J 2 " Embryologische Studien an Wiirmern u. Arthropoden." Memoires de rAcad. S. Peter sbourg. Vol. XIV. 1873. 3 Archiv fiir Mikr. Anat. Vol. vn. 4 Jenaische Zeitsckrift, Vol. IX. 1875. A bilateral development of mesoblast, according to Professor Haeckel (loc. cit.), occurs in some Osseous Fish. Hensen, Zeit. fiir Anat. u. Entw. Vol. i., has recently described the mesoblast in Mammalia as consisting of independent lateral masses. B. 18 266 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. fig. 14. In full-sized ovarian eggs, according to Schultz1, it forms, as was mentioned in the first chapter, radiating striae, extending from the centre to the periphery of the egg. When examined with the highest powers, the lines of this network appear to be composed of immeasurably small granules arranged in a linear direction. These granules are more distinct in chromic acid specimens than in those hardened in osmic acid, but are to be seen in both. There can be little doubt that these granules are imbedded in a thread or thin layer of protoplasm. I have already '(p. 252) touched upon the relation of this network to the nuclei of the yolk2. During the stages which have just been described specially favourable views are frequently to be obtained of the formation of cells in the yolk and their entrance into the blastoderm. Two representations of these are given, in PL 7, fig. 7«, and fig. 13. In both of these distinctly circumscribed cells are to be seen in the yolk (c), and in all cases are situated near to the typical nuclei of the yolk. The cells in the yolk have such a relation to the surrounding parts, that it is quite certain that their presence is not due to artificial manipulation, and in some cases it is even difficult to decide whether or no a cell area is circumscribed round a nucleus (PL 7, fig. 13). Although it would be possible for cells in the living state to pass from the blasto- derm into the yolk, yet the view that they have done so in the cases under consideration has not much to recommend it, if the following facts be taken into consideration, (i) That the cells 1 Archivfiir Mikr. Anal. Vol. xi. 2 A protoplasmic network resembling in its essential features the one just de- scribed has been noticed by many observers in other ova. Fol has figured and described a network or sponge-like arrangement of the protoplasm in the eggs of Geryonia. (JenaischeZeitschrift, Vol. vu.) Metschnikoff (Zeitschrift f. Wiss. Zoologie, 1874) nas demonstrated its presence in the ova of many Siphonophorias and Medusae. Flemming (" Entwicklungsgeschichte der Najaden," Site, derk. Akad. Wien, 1875) has found it in the ovarian ova of fresh-water mussels (Anodonta and Unio), but regards it as due to the action of reagents, since he fails to find it in the fresh condition. Amongst vertebrates it has been carefully described by Eimer (Archiv fiir Mikr. Anat., Vol. vin.) in the ovarian ova of Reptiles. Eimer moreover finds that it is continuous with prolongations from cells of the epithelium of the follicle in which the ovum is contained. According to him remnants of this network are to be met with in the ripe ovum, but are no longer present in the ovum when taken from the oviduct. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 267 in the yolk are frequently larger than those in the blastoderm. (2) That there are present a very large number of nuclei in the yolk which precisely resemble the nuclei of the cells under discussion. (3) That in some cases (PL 7, fig. 13) cells are seen indistinctly circumscribed as if in the act of being formed. Between the blastoderm and the yolk may frequently be seen a membrane-like structure, which becomes stained with hsematoxylin, osmic acid etc. It appears to be a layer of coagulated albumen and not a distinct membrane. SUMMARY. At the close of segmentation, the blastoderm forms a some- what lens-shaped disc, thicker at one end than at the other ; the thicker end being termed the embryonic end. It is divided into two layers — an upper one, the epiblast, formed by a single row of columnar cells ; and a lower one, con- sisting of the remaining cells of the blastoderm. A cavity next appears in the lower layer cells, near the 'non- embryonic end of the blastoderm, but the cells soon disappear from the floor of this cavity which then comes to be constituted by yolk alone. The epiblast in the next stage is reflected for a small arc at the embryonic end of the blastoderm, and becomes continuous with the lower layer cells ; at the same time some of the lower layer cells of the embryonic end of the blastoderm assume a columnar form, and constitute the commencing hypoblast. The portion of the blastoderm, where epiblast and hypoblast are continuous, forms a projecting structure which I have called the embryonic rim. This rim increases rapidly by growing inwards more and more towards the centre of the blastoderm, through the continuous conversion of lower layer cells into columnar hypoblast. While the embryonic rim is being formed, the segmentation cavity undergoes important changes. In the first place, it receives a floor of lower layer cells, partly from an ingrowth from the two sides, and partly from the formation of cells around the nuclei of the yolk. 1 8— 2 268 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Shortly after the floor of cells has appeared, the whole seg- mentation cavity becomes obliterated. When the embryonic rim has attained to some importance, the position of the embryo becomes marked out by the appear- ance of the medullary groove at its most projecting part. The embryo extends from the edge of the blastoderm inwards to- wards the centre. At about the time of the formation of the medullary groove, the mesoblast becomes definitely constituted. It arises as two independent plates, one on each side of the medullary groove, and is entirely derived from lower layer cells. The two plates of mesoblast are at first unconnected with any other cells of the blastoderm, and, on their formation, the hypo- blast remains in connection with all the remaining lower layer cells. Between the embryonic rim and the yolk is a cavity, — the primitive alimentary cavity. Its roof is formed of hypo- blast, and its floor of yolk. Its external opening is homologous with the anus of Rusconi, of Amphioxus and the Amphibians. The ventral wall of the alimentary cavity is eventually derived from cells formed in the yolk around the nuclei which are there present. Since the important researches of Gegenbaur1 upon the meroblastic vertebrate eggs, it has been generally admitted that the ovum of every vertebrate, however complicated may be its apparent constitution, is nevertheless to be regarded as a simple cell. This view is, indeed, opposed by His2 and to a very modified extent by Waldeyer3, and has recently been attacked from an entirely new standpoint by Gotte4; but, to my mind, the objections of these authors do not upset the well founded conclusions of previous observations. 1 "Wirbelthiereier mit partieller Dottertheilung. " Miiller's Arch. 1861. 8 Erste Anlage des Wirbelthierleibes. 3 Eierstock u. Ri. 4 Entwicklungsgeschichte der Unke, The important researches of Gotte on the development of the ovum, though meriting the most careful attention, do not admit of discussion in this place. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 269 As soon as the fact is recognised that both meroblastic and holoblastic eggs have the same fundamental constitution, the admission follows, naturally, though not necessarily, that the eggs belonging to these two classes differ solely in degree, not only as regards their constitution, but also as regards the manner in which they become respectively converted into the embryo. As might have been anticipated, this view has gained a wide acceptance. Amongst the observations, which have given a strong objective support to this view, may be mentioned those of Professor Lankester upon the development of Cephalopoda1, and of Dr Gotte2 upon the development of the Hen's egg. In Loligo Professor Lankester shewed that there appeared, in the part of the egg usually considered as food-yolk, a number of bodies, which eventually developed a nucleus and became cells, and that these cells entered into the blastoderm. These observations demonstrate that in the eggs of Loligo the so-called food-yolk is merely equivalent to a part of the egg which in other cases undergoes segmentation. The observations of Dr Gotte have a similar bearing. He made out that in the eggs of the Hen no sharp line is to be found separating the germinal disc from the yolk, and that, independently of the normal segmentation, a number of cells are derived from that part of the egg hitherto regarded as exclusively food-yolk. This view of the nature of the food-yolk was also advanced in my preliminary account of the develop- ment of Elasmobranchs3, and it is now my intention to put forward the positive evidence in favour of this view, which is supplied from a knowledge of the phenomena of the develop- ment of the Elasmobranch ovum ; and then to discuss how far the facts of the growth of the blastoderm in Elasmobranchs accord with the view that their large food-yolk is exactly equivalent to part of the ovum, which in Amphibians undergoes segmentation, rather than some fresh addition, which has no equivalent in the Amphibian or other holoblastic ovum. Taking for granted that the ripe ovum is a single cell, the 1 Annals and Magaz. of Natural History, Vol. xi. 1873, p. 81. 2 Archivf. Mikr. Anat. Vol. X. 3 Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science, Oct. 1874. 2/0 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. question arises whether in the case of meroblastic ova the cell is not constituted of two parts completely separated from one another. Is the meroblastic ovum, before or after impregnation, com- posed of a germinal disc in which all the protoplasm of the cell is aggregated, and of a food-yolk in which no protoplasm is present ? or is the protoplasm present throughout, being simply more concentrated at the germinal pole than elsewhere ? If the former alternative is accepted, we must suppose that the mass of food-yolk is a something added which is not present in holoblas- tic ova. If the latter alternative is accepted, it may then be maintained that holoblastic and meroblastic ova are constituted in the same way and differ only in the proportions of their con- stituents. My own observations in conjunction with the specially inte- resting observations of Dr Schultz1 justify the view which regards the protoplasm as present throughout the whole ovum, and not confined to the germinal disc. Our observations shew that a fine protoplasmic network, with ramifications extending through- out the whole yolk, is present both before and after impregna- tion. The presence of this network is, in itself, only sufficient to prove that the yolk may be equivalent to part of a holoblastic ovum ; to demonstrate that it is so requires something more, and this link in the chain of evidence is supplied by the nuclei of the yolk, which have been so often referred to. These nuclei arise independently in the yolk, and become the nuclei of cells which enter the germ and the bodies of which are derived from the protoplasm of the yolk. Not only so, but the cells formed around these nuclei play the same part in the development of Elasmobranchs as do the largest so-called yolk cells in the development of Amphibians. Like the homologous cells in Amphibians, they mainly serve to form the ventral wall of the alimentary canal and the blood-corpuscles. The identity in the fate of the so-called yolk cells of Amphibians with the cells derived from the yolk in Elasmobranchs, must be considered as a proof of the homology of the yolk cells in the first case 1 Archivf. Mikr. Anat. Vol. XXI. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 271 with the yolk in the second ; the difference between the yolk in the two cases arising from the fact that in the Elasmobranch ovum the yolk-spherules bear a larger proportion to the proto- plasm than they do in the Amphibian ovum. As I have suggested elsewhere1, the segmentation or non-segmentation of a particular part of the ovum depends solely upon the proportion borne by the protoplasm to the yolk particles ; so that, when the latter exceed the former in a certain fixed proportion, segmentation is no longer possible ; and, as this limit is approached, seg- mentation becomes slower, and the resulting segments larger and larger. The question how far the facts in the developmental history of the various vertebrate blastoderms accord with the view of the nature of the yolk just propounded is one of considerable interest. An answer to it has already been attempted from a general point of view in my paper2 entitled ' The Comparison of the early stages of development in Vertebrates'; but the subject may be conveniently treated here in a special manner for Elasmobranch embryos. In the wood-cut, fig. i A, B, C3, are represented three dia- grammatic longitudinal sections of an Elasmobranch embryo. A nearly corresponds with the longitudinal section represented on PL 7, fig. 4, and B with PL 7, fig. 7. In PL 7, fig. 7, the segmentation cavity has however completely disappeared, while it is still represented as present in the diagram of the same period. If these diagrams, or better still, the wood-cuts fig. 2 A, B, C (which only differ from those of the Elasmobranch fish in the smaller amount of food-yolk), be compared with the corresponding ones of Bombinator, fig. 3 A, B, C, they will be found to be in fundamental agreement with them. First let fig. i A, or fig. 2 A, or PL 7, fig. 4, be compared with fig. 3 A. In all there is present a segmentation cavity situated not centrally but near the surface of the egg. The roof of the cavity is thin in • all, being composed in the Amphibian of epiblast alone, and in 1 "Comparison," &c., Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, July, 1875. [This Edition, No. VI.] 2 Loc. cit. 3 This figure, together with figs. 2 and 3, are reproduced from my paper upon the comparison of the early stages of development in vertebrates. 2/2 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. the Elasmobranch of epiblast and lower layer cells. The floor of the cavity is, in all, formed of so-called yolk (vide PL J, fig. 4), which in all forms the main mass of the egg. In the Amphibian the yolk is segmented, and, though it is not segmented in the Elasmobranch, it contains in compensation the nuclei so often mentioned. In all, the sides of the segmentation cavity are formed by lower layer cells. In the Amphibian the sides are FIG. i. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of an Elasmobranch embryo. Epiblast without shading. Mesoblast black with clear outlines to the cells. Lmver layer cells and hypoblast with simple shading. ep. epiblast. m. mesoblast. al. alimentary cavity, sg. segmentation cavity. , nc. neural canal, ch. notochord. x. point where epiblast and hypoblast become continuous at the posterior end of the embryo, n. nuclei of yolk. A. Section of young blastoderm, with segmentation cavity in the middle of the lower layer cells. B. Older blastoderm with embryo in which hypoblast and mesoblast are dis- tinctly formed, and in which the alimentary slit has appeared. The segmentation cavity is still represented as being present, though by this stage it has in reality disappeared. C. Older blastoderm with embryo in which neural canal has become formed, and is continuous posteriorly with alimentary canal. The notochord, though shaded like mesoblast, belongs properly to the hypoblast. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 273 FIG. 2. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of embryo, which develops in the same manner as the Elasmobranch embryo, but in which the ovum contains far less food-yolk than is the case with the Elasmobranch ovum. Epiblast without shading. Mesoblast black with clear outlines to the cells. Lower layer cells and hypoblast with simple shading. cp. epiblast. m. mesoblast. hy. hypoblast. sg. segmentation cavity. al. alimentary cavity, tid neural canal, hf. head -fold. n. nuclei of the yolk. The stages A, B and C are the same as in figure . 2/4 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. FIG. 3. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections of Bombinator igneus. Reproduced with modi- fications from Gotte. Epiblast without shading. Mesoblast black with clear outlines to the cells. Lower layer cells and hypoblast with simple shading. ep. epiblast. /./. lower layer cells, y. smaller lower layer cells at the sides of the segmentation cavity. m. mesoblast. hy. hypoblast. al. alimentary cavity. sg. segmentation cavity. nc. neural cavity. ,yk. yolk-cells. A is the youngest stage in which the alimentary involution has not yet appeared. x is the point from which the involution will start to form the dorsal wall of the alimentary tract. The line on each side of the segmentation cavity, which separates the smaller lower layer cells from the epiblast cells, is not present in Gotte's original figure. The two shadings employed in the diagram render it necessary to have some line, but at this stage it is in reality not possible to assert which cells belong to the epiblast and which to the lower layer. B. In this stage the alimentary cavity has become formed, but the segmentation cavity is not yet obliterated. x. point where epiblast and hypoblast become continuous. . C, The neural canal is already formed, and communicates posteriorly with the alimentary. x. point where epiblast and hypoblast become continuous. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 275 enclosed by smaller cells (in the diagram) which correspond exactly in function and position with the lower layer cells of the Elasmobranch blastoderm. The relation of the yolk to the blastoderm in the Elasmo- branch embryo at this stage of development very well suits the view of its homology with the large cells of the Amphibian ovum. The only essential difference between the two ova arises from the roof of the segmentation cavity being in the Elasmobranch embryo formed of lower layer cells, which are absent in the Amphibian embryo. This difference no doubt depends upon the greater quantity of yolk particles present in the Elasmobranch ovum. These increase the bulk of the lower layer cells, which are thus compelled to creep up the sides of the segmentation cavity till they close it in above. In the next stage for the Elasmobranch, fig. I and 2 B and PI. 7, fig. 7, and for the Amphibian, fig. 3 B, the agreement between the two types is again very close. In both for a small portion (x) of the edge of the blastoderm the epiblast and hypo- blast become continuous, while at all other parts the epiblast, accompanied by lower layer cells, grows round the yolk or round the large cells which correspond to it. The yolk cells of the Amphibian ovum form a comparatively small mass, and are therefore rapidly enveloped ; while in the case of the Elasmo- branch ovum, owing to the greater mass of -the yolk, the same process occupies a long period. In both ova the portion of the blastoderm, where epiblast and hypoblast become continuous, forms the dorsal lip of an opening — the anus of Rusconi — which leads into the alimentary cavity. This cavity has the same relation in both ova. It is lined dorsally by lower layer cells, and ventrally by yolk or what corresponds with yolk ; the ventral epithelium of the alimentary canal being in both cases eventually supplied by the yolk cells. As in the earlier stage, so in the present one, the anatomical relations of the yolk to the blastoderm in the one case (Elasmo- branch) are nearly identical with those of the yolk cells to the blastoderm in the other (Amphibian). The main features in which the two embryos differ, during the stage under considera- tion, arise from the same cause as the solitary point of differ- ence during the preceding stage. 2/6 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. In Amphibians, the alimentary cavity is formed coincidently with a true ingrowth of cells from the point where epiblast and hypoblast become continuous, and from this ingrowth the dorsal wall of the alimentary cavity is formed. The same ingrowth causes the obliteration of the segmentation cavity. In the Elasmobranchs, owing to the larger bulk of the lower layer cells caused by the food-yolk, these have been compelled to arrange themselves in their final position during segmenta- tion, and no room is left for a true invagination ; but instead of this there is formed a simple split between the blastoderm and the yolk. The homology of this with the primitive invagi- nation is nevertheless proved by the survival of a number of features belonging to the ancestral condition in which a true invagination was present. Amongst the more important of these are the following: — (i) The continuity of epiblast and hypoblast at the dorsal lip of the anus of Rusconi. (2) The continuous conversion of indifferent lower layer cells into hypo- blast, which gradually extends backwards towards the segmenta- tion cavity, and exactly represents the course of the invagination whereby in Amphibians the dorsal wall of the alimentary cavity is formed. (3) The obliteration of the segmentation cavity during the period when the pseudo-invagination is occurring. The asymmetry of the gastrula or pseudo-gastrula in Cyclo- stomes, Amphibians, Elasmobranchs and, I believe, Osseous Fishes, is to be explained by the form of the vertebrate bo'dy. In Amphioxus, where the small amount of food-yolk present is distributed uniformly, there is no reason why the invagination and resulting gastrula should not be symmetrical. In other vertebrates, where more food-yolk is present, the shape and structure of the body render it necessary for the food-yolk to be stored away on the ventral side of the alimentary canal. This, combined with the unsymmetrical position of the anus, which primitively corresponds in position with the blastopore or anus of Rusconi, causes the asymmetry of the gastrula invagi- nation, since it is not possible for the part of the ovum which will become the ventral wall of the alimentary canal, and which is loaded with food-yolk, to be invaginated in the same fashion as the dorsal wall. From the asymmetry, so caused, follow a large number of features in vertebrate development, FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 277 which have been worked out in some detail in my paper already quoted1. Prof. Haeckel, in a paper recently published2, appears to imply that because I do not find absolute invagination in Elasmobranchs, I therefore look upon Elasmobranchs as mili-- tating against his Gastraea theory. I cannot help thinking that Prof. Haeckel must have somewhat misunderstood my meaning. The importance of the Gastraea theory has always appeared to me to consist not in the fact that an actual ingrowth of certain cells occurs — an ingrowth which might have many different meanings3 — but in the fact that the types of early development of all animals can be easily derived from that of the typical gastrula. I am perfectly in accordance with Professor Haeckel in regarding the type of Elasmobranch development to be a simple derivative from that of the gastrula, although believing it to be without any true ingrowth or invagination of cells. Professor Haeckel4 in the paper just referred to published his view upon the mutual relationships of the various vertebrate blastoderms. In this paper, which appeared but shortly after my own5 on the same subject, he has put forward views which differ from mine in several important details. Some of these bear upon the nature of food-yolk ; and it appears to me that Professor Haeckel's scheme of development is incompatible with the view that the food-yolk in meroblastic eggs is the homologue of part of the hypoblast of the holoblastic eggs. The following is Professor Haeckel's own statement of the scheme or type, which he regards as characteristic of mero- blastic eggs, pp. 98 and 99. Jetzt folgt der hochst wichtige und interessante Vorgang, den ich als Einstiilpung der Blastula auffasse und der zur Bildung der Gastrula fiihrt (Fig. 63, 64) 6. Es schlagt sich namlich der verdickte Saum der Keim- scheibe, der " Randwulst " oder das Properistom, nach innen um und eine diinne Zellenschicht wachst als directe Fortsetzung desselben, wie ein immer 1 Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science, July, 1875. [This Edition, No. VI.] 2 " Die Gastrula u. Eifurchung d. Thiere," Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. IX. 3 For instance, in Crustaceans it does not in some cases appear certain whether an invagination is the typical gastrula invagination, or only an invagination by which, at a period subsequent to the gastrula invagination, the hind gut is frequently formed. 4 Lac. cit. 5 Loc. cit. tf The references in this quotation are to the figures in the original. 278 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. enger werdendes Diaphragma, in die Keimhohle hinein. Diese Zellen- schicht ist das entstehende Entoderm (Fig. 64 /', 74 i}. Die Zellen, welche dieselbe zusammensetzen und aus dem innern Theile des Randwulstes her- vorwachsen, sind viel grosser aber flacher als die Zellen der Keimhohlen- decke und zeigen ein dunkleres grobkorniges Protoplasma. Auf dem Boden der Keimhohle, d. h. also auf der Eiweisskugel des Nahrungsdotters, liegen sie unmittelbar auf und riicken hier durch centripetale Wanderung gegen dessen Mitte vor, bis sie dieselbe zuletzt erreichen und nunmehr eine zusammenhangende einschichtige Zellenlage auf dem ganzen Keimhohlen- boden bilden. Diese ist die erste vollstandige Anlage des Darmblatts, Entoderms oder " Hypoblasts", und von nun an konnen wir, im Gegen- satz dazu den gesammten iibrigen Theil des Blastoderms, namlich die mehrschichtige Wand der Keimhohlendecke als Hautblatt, Exoderm oder "Epiblast" bezeichnen. Der verdickte Randwulst (Fig. 64 w, 74 w), in welchem beide primare Keimblatter in einander iibergehen, besteht in seinem oberen und ausseren Theile aus Exodermzellen, in seinem unteren und inneren Theile aus Entodermzellen. In diesem Stadium entspricht unser Fischkeim einer Amphiblastula, welche mitten in der Invagination begriffen ist, und bei welcher die entstehende Urdarmhohle eine grosse Dotterkugel aufgenommen hat. Die Invagination wird nunmehr dadurch vervollstandigt und die Gastrula- bildung dadurch abgeschlossen, dass die Keimhohle verschwindet. Das wachsende Entoderm, dem die Dotterkugel innig anhangt, wolbt sich in die letztere hinein und nahert sich so dem Exoderm. Die klare Fliissigkeit in der Keimhohle wird resorbirt und schliesslich legt sich die obere convexe Flache des Entoderms an die untere concave des Exoderms eng an : die Gastrula des discoblastischen Eies oder die "Discogastrula" ist fertig (Fig. 65, 76 ; Meridiandurchschnitt Fig. 66, 75). Die Discogastrula unsers Knochenfisches in diesem Stadium der vollen Ausbildung stellt nunmehr eine kreisrunde Kappe dar, welche wie ein gefiittertes Miitzchen fast die ganze obere Hemisphere der hyalinen Dot- terkugel eng anliegend bedeckt (Fig. 65). Der Ueberzug des Miitzchens entspricht dem Exoderm (e\ sein Futter dem Entoderm (2). Ersteres besteht aus drei Schichten von kleineren Zellen, letzteres aus einer einzigen Schicht von grosseren Zellen. Die Exodermzellen (Fig. 77) messen 0,006 — 0,009 Mm., und haben ein klares, sehr feinkorniges Protoplasma. Die Entodermzellen (Fig. 78) messen 0,02 — 0.03 Mm. und ihr Protoplasma ist mehr grobkornig und triiber. Letztere bilden auch den grossten Theil des Randwulstes, den wir nunmehr als Urmundrand der Gastrula, als " Properi sioma " oder auch als " RuSGONl'schen After" bezeichnen kon- nen. Der letztere umfasst die Dotterkugel, welche die ganze Urdarm- hohle ausfullt und weit aus der dadurch verstopften Urmund-Oeffnung vorragt. My objections to the view so lucidly explained in the passage just quoted, fall under two heads. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 2/9 (1) That the facts of development of the meroblastic eggs of vertebrates, are not in accordance with the views here advanced. (2) That even if these views be accepted as representing the actual facts of development, the explanation offered of these facts would not be satisfactory. Professor Haeckel's views are absolutely incompatible with the facts of Elasmobranch development, if my investigations are correct. The grounds of the incompatibility may be summed up under the following heads : (1) In Elasmobranchs the hypoblast cells occupy, even before the close of segmentation, the position which, on Pro- fessor Haeckel's view, they ought only eventually to take up after being involuted from the whole periphery of the blasto- derm. (2) There is no sign at any period of an invagination of the periphery of the blastoderm, and the only structure (the embryonic rim) which could be mistaken for such an invagination is confined to a very limited arc. (3) The growth of cells to form the floor of the segmenta- tion cavity, which ought to be part of this general invagination from the periphery, is mainly due to a formation of cells from the yolk. It is this ingrowth of cells for the floor of the segmentation cavity which, I am inclined to think, Professor Haeckel has mistaken for a general invagination in the Osseous Fish he has investigated. (4) Professor Haeckel fails to give an account of the asym- metry of the blastoderm ; an asymmetry which is unquestion- ably also present in the blastoderm of most Osseous Fishes, though not noticed by Professor Haeckel in the investigations recorded in his paper. The facts of development of Osseous Fishes, upon which Pro- fessor Haeckel rests his views, are too much disputed, for their 280 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. discussion in this place to be profitable1. The eggs of Osseous Fishes appear to me unsatisfactory objects for the study of this question, partly on account of all the cells of the blastoderm being so much alike, that it is a very difficult matter to dis- tinguish between the various layers, and, partly, because there can be little question that the eggs of existing Osseous Fishes are very much modified, through having lost a great part of the food-yolk possessed by the eggs of their ancestors2. This dis- appearance of the food-yolk must, without doubt, have produced important changes in development, which would be especially marked in a pelagic egg, like that investigated by Professor Haeckel. The Avian egg has been a still more disputed object than even the egg of the Osseous Fishes. The results of my own investigations on this subject do not accord with those of Dr Gotte, or the views of Professor Haeckel3. Apart from disputed points of development, it appears to me that a comparative account of the development of the meroblastic ' 1 A short statement by Kowalevsky on this subject in a note to his account of the development of Ascidians, would seem to indicate that the type of development of Osseous Fishes is precisely the same as that of Elasmobranchs. Kowalevsky says, Arch. f. Mikr. Anat. Vol. vil. p. 114, note 5, "According to my observations on Osseous Fishes the germinal wall consists of two layers, an upper and lower, which are continuous with one another at the border. From the upper one develops skin and nervous system, from the lower hypoblast and mesoblast." This statement, which leaves unanswered a number of important questions, is too short to serve as a basis for supporting my views, but so far as it goes its agreement with the facts of Elasmobranch development is undoubtedly striking. 2 The eggs of the Osseous Fishes have, I believe, undergone changes of the same character, but not to the same extent, as those of Mammalia, which, according to the views expressed both by Professor Haeckel and myself, are degenerated from an ovum with a large food-yolk. The grounds on which I regard the eggs of Osseous Fishes as having undergone an analogous change, are too foreign to the subject to be stated here. 3 I find myself unable without figures to understand Dr Rauber's {Centralblatt filrMed. Wiss. 1874, No. 50; 1875, Nos. 4 and 17) views with sufficient precision to accord to them either my assent or dissent. It is quite in accordance with the view propounded in my paper (loc. cif.) to regard, with Dr Rauber and Professor Haeckel, the thickened edge of the blastoderm as the homologue of the lip of the blastopore in Amphioxus; though an imagination, in the manner imagined by Professor Haeckel, is no necessary consequence of this view. If Dr Rauber regards the whole egg of the bird as the homologue of that of Amphioxus, and the inclosure of the yolk by the blastoderm as the equivalent to the process of invagination in Amphioxus, then his views are practically in accordance with my own. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 28 1 vertebrate ova ought to take into consideration the essential differ- ences which exist between the Avian and Piscian blastoderms, in that the embryo is situated in the centre of the blastoderm in the first case and at the edge in the second1. This difference entails important modifications in develop- ment, and must necessarily affect the particular points under discussion. As a result of the different positions of the embryo in the two cases, there is present in Elasmobranchs and Osseous Fishes a true anus of Rusconi, or primitive opening into the alimentary canal, which is absent in Birds. Yet in neither Elasmobranchs2 nor Osseous Fishes does the anus of Rusconi correspond in position with the point where the final closing in of the yolk takes place, but in them this point corresponds rather with the blastopore of Birds3. Owing also to the respective situations of the embryo in the 1 I have suggested in a previous paper ("Comparison," &c., Quart. Jotirnal of Micr, Science, July, 1875) that the position occupied by the embryo of Birds at the centre, and not at the periphery, of the blastoderm may be due to an abbreviation of the process by which the Elasmobranch embryos cease to be situated at the edge of the blastoderm (vide p. 296 and PI. 9, fig. i, 2). Assuming this to be the real expla- nation of the position of the embryo in Birds, I feel inclined to repeat a speculation which I made some time ago with reference to the primitive streak in Birds (Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science, 1873, p. 280). In Birds there is, as is well known, a struc- ture called the primitive streak, which has been shewn by the observations of Dursy, corroborated by my observations (loc. cit.), to be situated behind the medullary groove, and to take no part in the formation of the embryo. I further shewed that the peculiar fusion of epiblast and mesoblast, called by His the axis cord, was confined to this structure and did not occur in other parts of the blastoderm. Nearly similar results have been recently arrived at by Hensen with reference to the primitive streak in Mammals. The position of the primitive streak immediately behind the embryo suggests the speculation that it may represent the line along which the edges of the blastoderm coalesced, so as to give to the embryo the central position which it has in the blastoderms of Birds and Mammals, and that the peculiar fusion of epiblast and mesoblast at this point may represent the primitive continuity of epiblast and lower layer cells at the dorsal lip of the anus of Rusconi in Elasmobranchs. 1 put this speculation forward as a mere suggestion, in the hope of elucidating the peculiar structure of the primitive streak, which not improbably may be found to be the keystone to the nature of the blastoderm of the higher vertebrates. 3 Vide p. 296 and Plate 9, fig. i and 2, and Self, "Comparison," &c., loc. cit. 3 The relation of the anus of Rusconi and blastopore in Elasmobranchs was fully explained in the paper above quoted. It was there clearly shewn that neither the one nor the other exactly corresponds with the blastopore of Amphioxus, but that the two together do so. Professor Haeckel states that in the Osseous Fish investigated by him the anus of Rusconi and the blastopore coincide. This is not the case in the Salmon. B. 19 282 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. blastoderm, the alimentary and neural canals communicate posteriorly in Elasmobranchs and Osseous Fishes, but not in Birds. Of all these points Professor Haeckel makes no mention. The support of his views which Prof. Haeckel attempts to gain from Gotte's researches in Mammalia is completely cut away by the recent discoveries of Van Beneden1 and Hensen2. It thus appears that Professor Haeckel's views but ill accord with the facts of vertebrate development ; but even if they were to do so completely it would not in my opinion be easy to give a rational explanation of them. Professor Haeckel states that no sharp and fast line can be drawn between the types of ' unequal ' and ' discoidal ' segmenta- tion3. In the cases of unequal segmentation he admits, as is certainly the case, that the larger yolk cells (hypoblast) are simply enclosed by a growth of the epiblast around them ; which is to be looked on as a modification of the typical gastrula inva- gination, necessitated by the large size of the yolk cells (vide Professor Haeckel's paper, Taf. II. fig. 30). In these instances there is no commencement of an ingrowth in the manner supposed for meroblastic ova. When the food-yolk becomes more bulky, and the hypoblast does not completely segment, it is not easy to understand why an ingrowth, which had no existence in the former case, should occur ; nor where it is to come from. Such an ingrowth as is supposed to exist by Professor Haeckel would, in fact, break the continuity of development between meroblastic «and holo- blastic ova, and thus destroy one of the most important results of the Gastraea theory. It is quite easy to suppose, as I have done, that in the cases of discoidal segmentation, the hypoblast (including the yolk) becomes enclosed by the epiblast in precisely the same manner as in the cases of unequal segmentation. But even if Professor Haeckel supposes that in the unseg- mented food-yolk a fresh element is added to the ovum, it 1 " Developpement Embryonnaire des Mammiferes, " Bulletin de PAcad. r. d. Belgique, 1875. 2 Loc. cit. 3 For an explanation of these terms, vide Prof. Haeckel's original paper or the abstract in Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science for January, 1876. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 283 remains quite unintelligible to me how an ingrowth of cells from a circumferential line, to form a layer which had no previous existence, can be equivalent to, or derived from, the invagination of a layer, which exists before the process of invagination begins, and which remains continuous throughout it. If Professor Haeckel's views should eventually turn out to be in accordance with the facts of vertebrate development, it will, in my opinion, be very difficult to reduce them into conformity with the Gastraea theory. Although some space has been devoted to an attempt to refute the views of Professor Haeckel on this question, I wish it to be clearly understood that my disagreement from his opinions concerns matters of detail only, and that I quite accept the Gastraea theory in its general bearings. Observations upon the formation of the layers in Elasmo- branchs have hitherto been very few in number. Those published in my preliminary account of these fishes are, I believe, the earliest1. Since then there has been published a short notice on the subject by Dr Alex. Schultz2. His observations in the main accord with my own. He apparently speaks of the nuclei of the yolk as cells, and also of the epiblast being more than one cell deep. In Torpedo alone, amongst the genera investigated by me, is the layer of epiblast, at about the age of the last described embryo, composed of more than a single row of cells. 1 I omit all reference to a paper published in Russian by Prof. Kowalevsky. Being unable to translate it, and the illustrations being too meagre to be in themselves of much assistance, it has not been possible for me to make any use of it. 2 Centralblatt f. Med. Wiss. No. 33, 1875. 19 — 2 284 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. c. Cells formed in the yolk around the nuclei of the yolk. ep. Epiblast. er. Em- bryonic ring. es. Embryo swelling, hy. Hypoblast. //. Lower layer cells, ly. Line separating the yolk from the blastoderm, m. Mesoblast. mg. Medullary groove. «'. Nuclei of yolk. na. Cells to form ventral wall of alimentary canal which have been derived from the yolk. n al. Cells formed around the nuclei of the yolk which have entered the hypoblast. sc. Segmentation cavity, vp. Combined lateral and vertebral plate of mesoblast. Fig. i. Longitudinal section of a blastoderm at the first appearance of the seg- mentation cavity. Fig. i. Longitudinal section through a blastoderm after the layer of cells has disappeared from the floor of the segmentation cavity, bd. Large cell resting on the yolk, probably remaining over from the later periods of segmentation. Magnified 60 diameters. (Hardened in chromic acid.) The section is intended to illustrate the fact that the nuclei form a layer in the yolk under the floor of the segmentation cavity. " The roof of the segmentation cavity is broken. Fig. 2 a. Portion of same blastoderm highly magnified, to shew the characters of the nuclei of the yolk n' and the nuclei in the cells of the blastoderm. Fig. 2 b. Large knobbed nucleus from the same blastoderm, very highly magnified. Fig. 2 c . Nucleus of yolk from the same blastoderm. Fig. 3. Longitudinal section of blastoderm of same stage as fig. 2. (Hardened in chromic acid.) Fig. 4. Longitudinal section of blastoderm slightly older than fig. 2. Magnified 45 diameters. (Hardened in osmic acid.) It illustrates (i) the characters of the epiblast ; (2) the embryonic swelling; (3) the segmentation cavity. Fig. 5. Longitudinal section through a blastoderm at the time of the first appear- ance of the embryonic rim, and before the formation of the medullary groove. Magnified 45 diameters. Fig. 5 a. Section through the periphery of the embryonic rim of the blastoderm of which fig. 5 represents a section. Fig. 6. Section through the embryonic rim of a blastoderm somewhat younger than that represented on PI. 8, fig. B. Fig. 7. Section through the most projecting portion of the embryonic rim of a blastoderm of the same age as that represented on PI. 8, fig. B. The section is drawn on a very considerably smaller scale than that on fig. 5. It is intended to illustrate the growth of the embryonic rim and the disappearance of the segmentation cavity. Fig. 7 a. Section through peripheral portion of the embryonic rim of the same blastoderm, highly magnified. It specially illustrates the formation of a cell (c) around a nucleus in the yolk. The nuclei of the blastoderm have been inaccurately rendered by the artist. FORMATION OF THE LAYERS. 285 Figs. 8 a, 8 1>, 8^. Three sections of the same embryo. Inserted mainly to illus- trate the formation of the mesoblast as two independent lateral masses of cells ; only half of each section is represented. 8 a is the most posterior of the three sections. In it the mesoblast forms a large mass on each side, imperfectly separated from the hypoblast. In 8 b, from the anterior part of the embryo, the main mass of mesoblast is far smaller, and only forms a cap to the hypoblast at the highest point of the medullary fold. In 8 c a cap of mesoblast is present, similar to that in 8 b, though much smaller. The sections of these embryos were somewhat oblique, and it has unfortunately happened that while in 8 a one side is represented, in 8^ and 8i2 — '016 Mm., but its size as a rule bears no relation to the size of the containing cell. This is illustrated by the subjoined list of measurements. Size of Primitive ova in Size of nucleus of Primitive degrees of micrometer scale ova in degrees of micrometer with F. ocul i. scale with F. ocul i. 10 8 13 8 13 » H 7 IS 7 13 7\ ii 8 16 5i 12 7 10 7 15 6 13 6 12 7 The numbers given refer to degrees on my micrometer scale. Since it is the ratio alone which it is necessary to call attention to, the numbers are not reduced to decimals of a millimeter. Each degree of my scale is equal, however, with the object glass employed, to '002 Mm. This series brings out the result I have just mentioned with great clearness. In one case we find a cell has three times the diameter of the nucleus 16 : 5^ ; in another case 10 : 8, the nucleus has only a slightly smaller diameter than the cell. The irration- ality of the ratio is fairly shewn in some of my figures, though none of the largest cells with very small nuclei have been represented. The nuclei are granular, and stain fairly well with haema- toxylin. They usually contain a single deeply stained nucleolus, but in many cases, especially where large (and this independently THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 351 of the size of the cell), they contain two nucleoli (PL 12, figs. 14^ and 14 d}, and are at times so lobed as to give an apparent indication of commencing division. A multi-nucleolar condition of the nuclei, like that figured by Gotte1, does not appear till near the close of embryonic life, and is then found equally in the large ova and in those not larger than the ova which exist at this early date. As regards the relation of the primitive ova to each other and the neighbouring cells, there are a few points which deserve attention. In the first place, the ova are, as a rule, collected in masses at particular points, and not distributed uniformly (fig. 140). The masses in some cases appear as if they had resulted from the division of one primitive ovum, but can hardly be adduced as instances of a commencing coalescence ; since if the ova thus aggregated were to coalesce, an ovum would be produced of a very much greater size than any which is found during the early stages. Though at this stage no indication is present of such a coalescence of cells to form ova as is believed to take place by Gotte, still the origin of the primitive ova is not quite clear. One would naturally expect to find a great number of cells intermediate between primitive ova and ordinary columnar cells. Cells which may be intermediate are no doubt found, but not nearly so frequently as might have been anticipated. One or two cells are shewn in PL 12, fig. 14 a, x, which are perhaps of an intermediate character; but in most sections it is not possible to satisfy oneself that any such intermediate cells are present. In one case what appeared to be an intermediate cell was measured, and presented a diameter of '012 Mm. while its nucleus was '008 Mm. Apart from certain features of the nucleus, which at this stage are hardly very marked, the easiest method of distinguishing a primitive ovum from an adjacent cell is the presence of a large quantity of protoplasm around the nucleus. The nucleus of one of the smallest primitive ova is not larger than the nucleus of an ordinary cell (being about •008 Mm. in both). It is perhaps the similarity in the size of the nuclei which renders it difficult at first to distinguish de- veloping primitive ova from ordinary cells. Except with the 1 Entwicklungsgeschichte der Unke, PI. i, fig. 8. 352 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. very thinnest sections a small extra quantity of protoplasm around a nucleus might easily escape detection, and the de- veloping cell might only become visible when it had attained to the size of a small typical primitive ovum. It deserves to be noticed that the nuclei even of some of the largest primitive ova scarcely exceed the surrounding nuclei in size. This appears to me to be an argument of some weight in shewing that the great size of primitive ova is not due to the fact of their having been formed by a coalescence of different cells (in which case the nucleus would have increased in the same proportion as the cell) ; but to an increase by a normal method of growth in the protoplasm around the nucleus. It appears to me to be a point of great importance certainly to determine whether the primitive ova arise by a metamor- phosis of adjoining cells, or may not be introduced from else- where. In some of the lower animals, e.g. Hydrozoa, there is no question that the ova are derived from the epiblast; we might therefore expect to find that they had the same origin in Verte- brates. Further than this, ova are frequently capable in a young state of executing amoeboid movements, and accordingly of migrating from one layer to another. In the Elasmobranchs the primitive ova exhibit in a hardened state an irregular form which might appear to indicate that they possess a power of altering their shape, a view which is further supported by some of them being at the present stage situated in a position very different from that which they eventually occupy, and which they can only reach by migration. If it could be shewn that there were no intermediate stages between the primitive ova and the adjoining cells (their migratory powers being admitted) a strong presumption would be offered in favour of their having migrated from elsewhere to their present position. In view of this possibility I have made some special investigations, which have however led to no very satisfactory results. There are to be seen in the stages immediately preceding the present one, numerous cells in a corresponding position to that of the primitive ova, which might very well be intermediate between the primitive ova and ordinary cells, but which offer no suffi- ciently well marked features for a certain determination of their true nature. THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 353 In the particular embryo whose primitive ova have been described these bodies were more conspicuous than in the majority of cases, but at the same time they presented no special or peculiar characters. In a somewhat older embryo of Scyllium the cells amongst which the primitive ova lay had become very distinctly dif- ferentiated as an epithelium (the germinal epithelium of Waldeyer) well separated by what might almost be called a basement membrane from the adjoining connective-tissue cells. Hardly any indication of a germinal ridge had appeared, but the ova were more definitely confined than in previous embryos to the restricted area which eventually forms this. The ova on the average were somewhat smaller than in the previous cases. In several embryos intermediate in age between the embryo whose primitive ova were described at the commencement of this section and the embryo last described, the primitive ova presented some peculiarities, about the meaning of which I am not quite clear, but which may perhaps throw some light on the origin of these bodies. Instead of the protoplasm around the nucleus being clear or slightly granular, as in the cases just described, it was filled in the most typical instances with numerous highly refracting bodies resembling yolk-spherules. In osmic acid specimens (PL 12, fig. 15) these stain very darkly, and it is then as a rule very difficult to see the nucleus; in specimens hardened in picric acid and stained with hsematoxylin these bodies are stained of a deep purple colour, but the nucleus can in most cases be dis- tinctly seen. In addition to the instances in which the proto- plasm of the ova is quite filled with these bodies, there are others in which they only occupy a small area adjoining the nucleus (PL 12, fig. 15 a), and finally some in which only one or two of these bodies are present. The protoplasm of the primitive ova appears in fact to present a series of gradations between a state in which it is completely filled with highly refracting spherules and one in which these are completely absent. This state of things naturally leads to the view that the primitive ova, when they are first formed, are filled with these spherules, which are probably yolk-spherules, but that they 354 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. gradually lose them in the course of development. Against this interpretation is the fact that the primitive ova in the younger embryo first described are completely without these bodies; this embryo however unquestionably presented an abnormally early development of the ova; and I am satisfied that embryos present considerable variations in this respect. If the primitive ova are in reality in the first instance filled with yolk-spherules, the question arises as to whether, consider- ing that they are the only mesoblast cells filled at this period with yolk-spherules, we must not suppose that they have migrated from some peripheral part of the blastoderm into their present position. To this question I can give no satisfactory answer. Against a view which would regard the spherules in the protoplasm as bodies which appear subsequently to the first formation of the ova, is the fact that hitherto no instances in which these spherules were present have been met with in the late stages of development; and they seem therefore to be confined to the first stages. Notochord. The changes undergone by the notochord during this period present considerable differences according to the genus examined. One type of development is characteristic of Scyllium and Pristiurus; a second type, of Torpedo. My observations being far more complete for Scyllium and Pristiurus than for Torpedo, it is to the two former genera only that the following account applies, unless the contrary is ex- pressly stated. Only the development of the parts of the noto- chord in the trunk are here dealt with; the cephalic section of the notochord is treated of in a subsequent section. During stage G the notochord is composed of flattened cells arranged vertically, rendering the histological characters of the notochord difficult to determine in transverse sections. In longi- tudinal sections, however, the form and arrangement of the cells can be recognised with great ease. At the beginning of stage G each cell is composed of a nucleus invested by granular pro- toplasm frequently vacuolated and containing in suspension numerous yolk-spherules. It is difficult to determine whether THE NOTOCHORD. 355 there is only one vacuole for each cell, or whether in some cases there may not be more than one. Round the exterior of the notochord there is present a distinct though delicate cuticular sheath. The vacuoles are at first small, but during stage G rapidly increase in size, while at the same time the yolk-spherules completely vanish from the notochord. As a result of the rapid growth of the vacuoles, the nuclei, surrounded in each case by a small amount of protoplasm, become pushed to the centre of the notochord, the remainder of the protoplasm being carried to the edge. The notochord thus becomes composed during stages H and I (PI. 1 1, fig. 4 — 6) of a central area mainly formed of nuclei with a small quantity of protoplasm around them, and of a thin peripheral layer of protoplasm without nuclei, the widish space between the two being filled with clear fluid. The exterior of the cells is indurated, so that they may be said to be invested by a mem- brane1; the cells themselves have a flattened form, and each ex- tends from the edge to the centre of the notochord, the long axis of each being rather greater than half the diameter of the cord. The nuclei of the notochord are elliptical vesicles, consisting of a membrane filled with granular contents, amongst which is situated a distinct nucleolus. They stain deeply with haema- toxylin. Their long diameter in Scyllium is about 0*02 Mm. The diameter of the whole notochord in Pristiurus during stage I is about o-i Mm. in the region of the back, and about O'o8 Mm. near the posterior end of the body. Owing to the form of its constituent cells, the notochord presents in transverse sections a dark central area surrounded by a lighter peripheral one, but its true structure cannot be unravelled without the assistance of longitudinal sections. In these (PI. 12, fig. 10) the nuclei form an irregular double row in the centre of the cord. Their outlines are very clear, but those of the individual cells cannot for certain be made out. It is, however, easy to see that the cells have a flattened and wedge- shaped form, with the narrow ends overlapping and interlocking at the centre of the notochord. 1 This membrane is better looked upon, as is done by Gegenbaur and Gotte, as intercellular matter, 356 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. By the close of stage I the cuticular sheath of the notochord has greatly increased in thickness. During the period intermediate between stages I and K the notochord undergoes considerable transformations. Its cells cease to be flattened, and become irregularly polygonal, and appear but slightly more compressed in longitudinal sections than in transverse ones. The vacuolation of the cells proceeds rapidly, and there is left in each cell only a very thin layer of protoplasm around the nucleus. Each cell, as in the earlier stages, is bounded by a membrane-like wall. Accompanying these general changes special alterations take place in the distribution of the nuclei and the protoplasm. The nuclei, accompanied by protoplasm, gradually leave the centre and migrate towards the periphery of the notochord. At the same time the protoplasm of the cells forms a special layer in contact with the investing sheath. The changes by which this takes place can easily be followed in longitudinal sections. In PI. 12, fig. n the migration of the nuclei has commenced. They are still, however, more or less aggregated at the centre, and very little protoplasm is present at the edges of the notochord. The cells, though more or less irregularly polygonal, are still somewhat flattened. In PI. 12, fig. 12 the notochord has made a further progress. The nuclei now mainly lie at the side of the notochord, where they exist in a somewhat shrivelled state, though still invested by a layer of protoplasm. A large portion of the protoplasm of the cord forms an almost continuous layer in close contact with the sheath, which is more distinctly visible in some cases than in others. While the changes above described are taking place the notochord increases in size. At the age of fig. 11 it is in the anterior part of the body of Pristiurus about O'li Mm. At the age of fig. 12 it is in the same species O'I2 Mm., while in Scyl- lium stellare it reaches about O'l/ Mm. During stage K (PI. 11, fig. 8) the vacuolation of the cells of the notochord becomes even more complete than during the earlier stages, and in the central cells hardly any protoplasm is present, though a starved nucleus surrounded by a little pro- toplasm may be found in an occasional corner. THE NOTOCHORD. 357 The whole notochord becomes very delicate, and can with great difficulty be conserved whole in transverse sections. The layer of protoplasm which appeared during the last stage on the inner side of the cuticular membrane of the noto- chord becomes during the present stage a far thicker and more definite structure. It forms a continuous layer with irregular prominences on its inner surface ; and contains numerous nuclei. The layer sometimes presents in transverse sections hardly any indication of a division into a number of separate cells, but in longitudinal sections this is generally very obvious. The cells are directed very obliquely forwards, and consist of an oblong nucleus invested by protoplasm. The layer formed by them is very delicate and very easily destroyed. In one example its thickness varied from '004 to -006 Mm., in another it reached •012 Mm. The thickness of the cuticular membrane is about *OO2 Mm. or rather less. The diameter of a notochord in the anterior part of the body of a Pristiurus embryo of this stage is about O'2i Mm. Round the exterior of the notochord the mesoblast cells are commencing to arrange themselves as a special sheath. In Torpedo the notochord at first presents the same struc- ture as in Pristiurus, i.e. it forms a cylindrical rod of flattened cells. The vacuolation of these cells does not however commence till a relatively very much later period than in Pristiurus, and also presents a very different character (PI. 11, fig. 7). The vacuoles are smaller, more numerous, and more rounded than in the other genera, and there can be no question that in many cases there is more than one vacuole in a cell. The most striking point in which the notochord of Torpedo differs from that of Pristiurus consists in the fact that in Torpedo there is never any aggregation of the nuclei at the centre of the cord, but the nuclei are always distributed uniformly through it. As the vacuolation proceeds the differences between Torpedo and the other genera become less and less marked. The vacuoles become angular in form, and the cells of the cord cease to be flattened, and become polygonal. At my final stage for Torpedo (slightly younger than K) the only important feature distinguishing the notochord from that 358 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. of Pristiurus, is the absence of any signs of nuclei or pro- toplasm passing to the periphery. Around the exterior of the cord there is early found in Torpedo a special investment of mesoblastic cells. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 11 AND 12. COMPLETE LIST OK REFERENCE LETTERS. al. Alimentary tract, an. Point where anus will be formed, ao. Dorsal aorta. ar. Rudiment of anterior root of spinal nerve, b. Anterior fin. c. Connective-tissue cells, cav. Cardinal vein. ch. Notochord. df Dorsal fin. ep. Epiblast. ge. Germinal epithelium, ht. Heart. /. Liver, mp. Muscle-plate, mp'. Early formed band of muscles from the splanchnic layer of the muscle-plates, nc. Neural canal. p. Protoplasm from yolk in the alimentary tract, pc. Pericardial cavity, po. Primi- tive ovum. pp. Body cavity, pr. Rudiment of posterior root of spinal nerve, sd. Segmental duct. sk. Cuticular sheath of notochord. so. Somatic layer of mesoblast. sp. Splanchnic layer of mesoblast. spc. Spinal cord. sp. v. Spiral valve, jr. Inter- renal body. st. Segmental tube. sv. Sinus venosus. ua. Umbilical artery, um. Umbilical cord. iiv. Umbilical vein. v. Splanchnic vein. v. Blood-vessel, vc. Visceral cleft. Vr. Vertebral rudiment. W. White matter of spinal cord. x. Subnotochordal rod (except in fig. 140). y. Passage connecting the neural and alimentary canals. PLATE 11. Fig. i. Section from the caudal region of a Pristiurus embryo belonging to stage H. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Osmic acid specimen. It shews (i) the constriction of the Subnotochordal rod (x) from the summit of the alimentary canal. (-2) The formation of the body-cavity in the muscle-plate and the ventral thickening of the parietal plate. Fig. i a. Portion of alimentary wall of the same embryo, shewing the formation of the subnotochord rod (x) . Fig. 2. Section through the caudal vesicle of a Pristiurus embryo belonging to stage H. Zeiss C, ocul. i. It shews the bilobed condition of the alimentary vesicle and the fusion of the mesoblast and hypoblast at the caudal vesicle. Fig. 3 a. Sections from the caudal region of a Pristiurus embryo belonging to stage H. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Picric acid specimen. It shews the communication which exists posteriorly between the neural and alimentary canals, and also by comparison with 3 b it exhibits the dilatation undergone by the alimentary canal in the caudal vesicle. Fig. 3 b. Section from the caudal region of an embryo slightly younger than 30. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Osmic acid specimen. PLATES II AND 12. 359 Fig. 4. Section from the cardiac region of a Pristiurus embryo belonging to stage H. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Osmic acid specimen. It shews the formation of the heart (ht) as a cavity between the splanchnopleure and the wall of the throat. Fig. 5. Section from the posterior dorsal region of a Scyllium embryo, belonging to stage H. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Osmic acid specimen. It shews the general features of an embryo of stage H, more especially the rela- tions of the body-cavity in the parietal and vertebral portions of the lateral plate, and the early-formed band of muscle (mp1) in the splanchnic layer of the vertebral plate. Fig. 6. Section from the oesophageal region of Scyllium embryo belonging to stage I. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Chromic acid specimen. It shews the formation of the rudiments of the posterior nerve-roots (pr) and of the vertebral rudiments (Vr). Fig. 7. Section of a Torpedo embryo belonging to stage slightly later than I. Zeiss C, ocul. i, reduced \. Osmic acid specimen. It shews (i) the formation of the anterior and posterior nerve-roots, (i) The solid knob from which the segmental duct (sd) originates. Fig. 8. Section from the dorsal region of a Scyllium embryo belonging to a stage intermediate between I and K. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Chromic acid specimen. It illustrates the structure of the primitive ova, segmental tubes, notochord, etc. Fig. 8 a. Section from the caudal region of an embryo of the same age as 8. Zeiss A, ocul. i. It shews (i) the solid oesophagus. (2) The narrow passage connecting the peri- cardial (pc) and body cavities (pp). Fig. 9. Section of a Pristiurus embryo belonging to stage K. Zeiss A, ocul. i. Osmic acid specimen. It shews the formation of the liver (/), the structure of the anterior fins (b), and the anterior opening of the segmental duct into the body-cavity (sd). Figs. 9 a, gb, gc, gd. Four sections through the anterior region of the same embryo as 9. Osmic acid specimens. The sections shew (i) the atrophy of the post-anal section of the alimentary tract (gb, gc, gd). (i) The existence of the segmental tubes behind the anus (gb, gc, gd). With reference to these it deserves to be noted that the segmental tubes behind the anus are quite disconnected, as is proved by the fact that a tube is absent on one side in gc but reappears in gd. (3) The downward prolongation of the segmental duct to join the posterior or cloacal extremity of the alimentary tract (9^). PLATE 12. Fig. 10. Longitudinal and horizontal section of a Scyllium embryo of stage H. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Reduced by ^. Picric acid specimen. It shews (i) the structure of the notochord ; (2) the appearance of the early formed band of muscles (mp') in the splanchnic layer of the protovertebra. Fig. u. Longitudinal and horizontal sections of an embryo belonging to stage I. Zaiss C, ocul. i. Chromic acid specimen. It illustrates the same points as the previous section, but in addition shews the formation of the rudiments of the vertebral bodies ( Vr) which are seen to have the same segmentation as the muscle-plates. 360 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Fig. i^.1 Longitudinal and horizontal section of an embryo belonging to the stage intermediate between I and K. Zeiss C, ocul. i. Osmic acid specimen illustrating the same points as the previous section. Fig. 13. Longitudinal and horizontal section of an embryo belonging to stage K. Zeiss C, ocul. i, and illustrating same points as previous section. Figs. 140, 14^, 14^, \\d. Figures taken from preparations of an embryo of an age intermediate between I and K, and illustrating the structure of the primitive ova. Figs. 14 a and 14 £ are portions of transverse sections. Zeiss C, ocul. 3 reduced \. Figs. 14 c and \\d are individual ova, shewing the lobate form of nucleus. Zeiss F, ocul. a. Fig. 15. Osmic acid preparation of primitive ova belonging to stage K. Zeiss immersion No. i, ocul. i. The protoplasm of the ova is seen to be nearly filled with bodies resembling yolk-spherules : and one ovum is apparently undergoing division. Fig. 1 5 a. Picric acid preparation shewing a primitive ovum partially filled with bodies resembling yolk-spherules. Fig. 16. Horizontal and longitudinal section of Scyllium embryo belonging to stage K. Zeiss A, ocul. i. Picric acid preparation. The connective-tissue cells are omitted. The section shews that there is one segmental tube to each vertebral segment. Fig. 17. Portion of a Scyllium embryo belonging to stage K, viewed as a trans- parent object. It shews the segmental duct and the segmental involutions — two of which are seen to belong to segments behind the end of the alimentary tract. Fig. 1 8. Vertical longitudinal section of a Scyllium embryo belonging to stage K. Zeiss A, ocul. i . Hardened in a mixture of osmic and chromic acid. It shews (1) the commissures connecting together the posterior roots of the spinal nerves ; (2) the junction of the anterior and posterior roots (3) the relations of the segmental ducts to the segmental involutions and the alternation of calibre in the segmental tube ; (4) the germinal epithelium lining the body-cavity. 1 The apparent structure in the sheath of the notochord in this and the succeeding figure is merely the result of an attempt on the part of the engraver to represent the dark colour of the sheath in the original figure. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRUNK FROM STAGE H TO THE CLOSE OF EMBRYONIC LIFE. External Epiblast. THE change already alluded to in the previous chapter (p. 317) by, which the external epiblast or epidermis becomes divided into two layers, is completed before the close of stage L. In the tail region at this stage three distinct strata may be recognized in the epidermis, (i) An outer stratum of flattened horny cells, which fuse together to form an almost continuous membrane. (2) A middle stratum of irregular partly rounded and partly flattened cells. (3) An internal stratum of columnar cells, bounded towards the mesoblast by a distinct basement membrane (PI. 13, fig. 8), unquestionably pertaining to the epiblast. This layer is especially thickened in the terminal parts of the paired fins (PL 13, fig. i). The two former of these strata together constitute the epidermic layer of the skin, and the latter the mucous layer. In the anterior parts of the body during stage L the skin only presents two distinct strata, viz. an inner somewhat irregular layer of rounded cells, the mucous layer, and an outer layer of flattened cells (PL 13, fig. 8). The remaining history of the external epiblast, consisting as it does of a record of the gradual increase in thickness of the epidermic strata, and a topographical description of its variations in structure and thickness in different parts, is of no special interest and need not detain us here. In the late embryonic periods subsequent to stage Q the layers of the skin cease to be so distinct as at an earlier period, B. 24 362 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. partly owing to the innermost layer becoming less columnar, and partly to the presence of a large number of mucous cells, which have by that stage made their appearance. I have followed with some care the development of the placoid scales, but my observations so completely accord with those of Dr O. Hertwig1, that it is not necessary to record them. The so-called enamel layer is a simple product of the thickening and calcification of the basement membrane, and since this membrane is derived from the mucous layer of the epidermis, the enamel is clearly to be viewed as an epidermic product. There is no indication of a gradual conversion of the bases of the columnar cells forming the mucous layer of the epidermis into enamel prisms, as is frequently stated to occur in the formation of the enamel of the teeth in higher Vertebrates. Lateral line. The lateral line and the nervous structures appended to it have been recently studied from an embryological point of view by Gotte* in Amphibians and by Semper3 in Elasmobranchs. The most important morphological result which these two distinguished investigators believe themselves to have arrived at is the direct derivation of the lateral nerve, from the ectoderm. On this point there is a complete accord between them, and Semper especially explains that it is extremely easy to establish the fact. As will appear from the sequel, I have not been so fortunate as Semper in elucidating the origin of the lateral nerve, and my observations bear an interpretation not in the least in accord- ance with the views of my predecessors, though not perhaps quite conclusive against them. It must be premised that two distinct structures have to be dealt with, viz. the lateral line formed of modified epidermis, and the lateral nerve whose origin is in question. The lateral line is the first of the two to make its appear- ance, at a stage slightly subsequent to K, in the form of a 1 Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. VIII. 2 Entwicklungsgeschickte d. Unke. :! Urogenital-system d. Selachier. Semper's Arbeiten, Bd. II. THE LATERAL LINE. 363 linear thickening of the inner row of cells of the external epi- blast, on each side, at the level of the notochord. This thickening, in my youngest embryo in which it is found, has but a very small longitudinal extension, being present through about 10 thin sections in the last part of the head and first part of the trunk. The thickening, though short, is very broad, measuring about O'28 Mm. in transverse section, and presents no signs of a commencing differentiation of nervous structures. The large intestinal branch of the vagus can be seen in all the anterior sections in close proximity to this line, and appears to me to give off to it posteriorly a small special branch which can be traced through a few sections, vide PI. 1 3, fig. 2 n.L But this branch is not sufficiently well marked to enable me to be certain of its real character. In any case the posterior part of the lateral line is absolutely without any ad- joining nervotts strtictures or traces of such. The rudiment of the epidermic part of the lateral line is formed of specially elongated cells of the mucous layer of the epiblast, but around the bases of these certain rounder cells of a somewhat curious appearance are intercalated. There is between this and my next youngest embryo an unfortunately large gap with reference to the lateral line, although in almost every other respect the two embryos might be regarded as belonging to the same stage. The lateral line in the older embryo extends from the hind part of the head to a point well behind the anus, and is accompanied by a nerve for at least two-thirds of its length. In the foremost section in which it appears the intestinal branch of the vagus is situated not far from it, and may be seen at intervals giving off branches to it. There is no sign that these are otherwise than perfectly normal branches of the vagus. Near the level of the last visceral cleft the intestinal branch of the vagus gives off a fair-sized branch, which from the first occupies a position close to the lateral line though well within the mesoblast (PL 13, fig. 3*2, «./). This branch is the lateral nerve, and though somewhat larger, is otherwise much like the nerve I fancied I could see originating from the intestinal branch of the vagus during the previous stage. It rapidly thins out posteriorly and also approaches closer 24 — 2 364 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. and closer to the lateral line. At the front end of the trunk it is quite in contact with it, and a short way behind this region the cells of the lateral line arrange themselves in a gable-like form, in the angle of which the nerve is situated (PI. 13, figs. 3^, and 3). Its cavity exhibits at the same time the indication of a division into a central and two lateral parts. The hind-brain. The hind-brain has at first a fairly uniform structure, but by the close of stage I, the anterior part becomes distinguished from the remainder by the fact, that its roof does not become thin as does that of the posterior part. This anterior, and at first very insignificant portion, forms the rudiment of the cerebellum. Its cavity is quite simple and is continued uninterruptedly into that of the remainder of the hind-brain. The cerebellum assumes in the course of development a greater and greater prominence, and eventually at the close of stage Q overlaps both the optic lobes in front and the medulla behind (PI. 1 6, fig. 7«). It exhibits in surface-views of the hardened brain of stages P and Q the appearance of a median con- striction, and the portion of the ventricle contained in it is prolonged into two lateral outgrowths (PI. 16, figs. 8c and %d, cb\ The posterior section of the hind-brain which forms the me- dulla undergoes changes of a somewhat complicated character. In the first place its roof becomes in front very much extended and thinned out. At the raphe, where the two lateral halves of the brain originally united, a separation, as it were, takes place, and the two sides of the brain become pushed apart, remaining united by only a very thin layer of nervous matter (PI. 15, fig. 6, iv. v.). As a result of this peculiar growth in the brain, the roots of the nerves of the two sides which were originally in contact at the dorsal summit of the brain become carried away from one another, and appear to rise at the sides of the brain (PI. 15, figs. 6 and 7). Other changes also take place in the walls of the brain. Each lateral wall presents two projections towards the interior (PI. 15, fig. $a). The ventral of these vanish, and the dorsal approximate so as nearly to divide the cavity of the hind-brain, or fourth ventricle, into a large dorsal and a small ventral channel (PI. 15, fig. 6), and this latter becomes completely obliterated in the later stages. The dorsal pair, while approximating, also become more promi- nent, and stretch into the dorsal moiety of the fourth ventricle (PI. 15, fig. 6). They are still very prominent at stage Q (PI. 16, 404 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. fig. &/, //), and correspond in position with the fasciculi teretes of human anatomy. Part of the root of the seventh nerve originates from them. They project freely in front into the cavity of the fourth ventricle (PI. 16, fig. 7 ft). By stage Q restiform tracts are indistinctly marked off from the remainder of the brain, and are anteriorly continued into the cerebellum, of which they form the peduncles. Near their junction with the cerebellum they form prominent bodies (PL 16, fig. 7 a, rt), which are regarded by Miklucho-Maclay1 as representing the true cerebellum. By stage O the medulla presents posteriorly, projecting into its cavity, a series of lobes which correspond with the main roots (not the branches) of the vagus and glosso-pharyngeal nerves (PI. 17, fig. 5). There appear to me to be present seven or eight projections : their number cannot however be quite certainly determined. The first of them belongs to the root of the glosso- pharyngeal, the next one is interposed between the glosso- pharyngeal and the first root of the vagus, and is without any corresponding nerve-root. The next five correspond to the five main roots of the vagus. For each projection to which a nerve pertains there is a special nucleus of nervous matter, from which the root springs. These nuclei do not stain like the remainder of the walls of the medulla, and stand out accordingly very conspicuously in stained sections. The coating of white matter which appeared at the end of stage K, on the exterior of each lateral half of the hind-brain, extends from a point just dorsal to the attachment of the nerve- roots to the ventral edge of the medulla, and is specially con- nected with the tissue of the upper of the two already described projections into the fourth ventricle. A rudiment of the tela vasculosa makes its appearance during stage Q, and is represented by the folds in the wall of the fourth ventricle in my figure of that stage (PI. 16, fig. ja, tv). The development of the brain in Elasmobranchs has already been worked out by Professor Huxley, and a brief but in many respects very complete account of it is given in his recent paper 1 Das Gehirn d. Selachier, Leipzig, 1870. THE VIEWS OF MIKLUCHO-MACLAY. 405 on Ceratodus1. He says, pp. 30 and 31, " The development of the cerebral hemispheres in Plagiostome Fishes differs from the process by which they arise in the higher Vertebrata. In a very early stage, when the first and second visceral clefts of the embryo Scyllium are provided with only a few short branchial filaments, the anterior cerebral vesicle is already distinctly divided into the thalamencephalon (from which the large infundibulum proceeds below, and the small tubular peduncle of the pineal gland above, while the optic nerve leaves its sides) and a large single oval vesicle of the hemispheres. On the ventral face of the integument covering these are two oval depressions, the rudimentary olfactory sacs. " As development proceeds the vesicle of the hemispheres becomes divided by the ingrowth of a median longitudinal septum, and the olfactory lobes grow out from the posterior lateral regions of each ventricle thus formed, and eventually rise on to the dorsal faces of the hemispheres, instead of, as in most Vertebrata, remaining on their ventral sides. I may remark, that I cannot accept the views of Miklucho-Maclay, whose proposal to alter the nomenclature of the parts of the Elasmobranch's brain, appears to me to be based upon a misinterpretation of the facts of develop- ment." The last sentence of the paragraph brings me to the one part on which it is necessary to say a few words, viz. the views of Miklucho-Maclay. His views have not received any general acceptance, but the facts narrated in the preceding pages shew, beyond a doubt, that he has 'misinterpreted' the facts of develop- ment, and that the ordinary view of the homology of the parts is the correct one. A comparison of the figures I have given of the embryo brain with similar figures of the brain of higher Vertebrates shews this point conclusively. Miklucho-Maclay has been misled by the large size of the cerebellum, but, as we have seen, this body does not begin to be conspicuous till late in embryonic life. Amongst the features of the embryonic brain of Elasmobranchs, the long persisting unpaired condition of the cerebral hemisphere, upon which so much stress has already been laid by Professor Huxley, appears to me to be one of great 1 Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1876, Pt. I. pp. 30 and 31. 406 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. importance, and may not improbably be regarded as a real ancestral feature. Some observations have recently been pub- lished by Professor B. G. Wilder ' upon this point, and upon the homologies and development of the olfactory lobes. Fairly good figures are given to illustrate the development of the cerebral hemispheres, but the conclusions arrived at are in part opposed to my own results. Professor Wilder says : " The true hemi- spheres are the lateral masses, more or less completely fused in the middle line, and sometimes developing at the plane of union a bundle of longitudinal commissural fibres. The hemispheres retain their typical condition as anterior protrusions of the anterior vesicle ; but they lie mesiad of the olfactory lobes, and in Miistelus at least seem to be formed after them'.' The italics are my own. From what has been said above, it is clear that the statement italicised, for Scyllium at least, completely reverses the order of development. Still more divergent from my con- clusions are Professor Wilder's statements on the olfactory lobes. He says : " The true olfactory lobe, or rhinencephalon, seems, therefore, to embrace only the hollow base of the crus, more or less thickened, and more or less distinguishable from the main mass as a hollow process. The olfactory bulb, with the more or less elongated crus of many Plagiostomes, seems to be developed independently, or in connection with the olfactory sack, as are the general nerves ;" and again, " But the young and adult brains since examined shew that the ventricle (i.e. the ventricle of the olfactory lobe) ends as a rounded cul-de-sac before reaching the ' lobe.'" The majority of the statements contained in the above quotations are not borne out by my observations. Even the few preparations of which I have given figures, appear to me to prove that (i) the olfactory lobes (crura and bulbs) are direct outgrowths from the cerebral rudiment, and develope quite in- dependently of the olfactory sack ; (2) that the ventricle of the cerebral rudiment does not stop short at the base of the crus ; (3) that from the bulb a nerve grows out which has a centrifugal growth like other nerves of the body, and places the central olfactory lobe in communication with the peripheral olfactory 1 "Anterior brain-mass with Sharks and Skates," American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. XII. 1876. THE OLFACTORY ORGAN. 407 sack. In some other Vertebrates this nerve seems hardly to be developed, but it is easily intelligible, that if in the ordinary course of growth the olfactory sack became approximated to the olfactory lobe, the nerve which grew out from the latter to the sack might become so short as to escape detection. Organs of Sense. Tfie olfactory organ. The olfactory pit is the latest formed of the three organs of special sense. It appears during a stage intermediate between / and K, as a pair of slight thickenings of the external epiblast, in the normal vertebrate position on the under side of the fore-brain immediately in front of the mouth (PI. 15, figs, i and 2, . nearly as far as the hinder end of the kidneys. This part of the body lies between the caudal vein and dorsal aorta. At about the point where the unpaired caudal vein divides into the two cardinals, the interrenal body becomes less well marked off from the surrounding tissue, though it may be traced forward for a considerable distance in the region of the small intestine. It retains up to stage Q its original extension, but the anterior part becomes quite definite though still of a smaller calibre than the posterior. In one of my examples of stage O the two divisions were separated by a small interval, and not as in other cases continuous. I have not determined whether this was an accidental peculiarity or a general feature. I have never seen any signs of the interrenal body becoming continuous with the suprarenal bodies, though, as in the adult, the two bodies overlap for a considerable distance. The histology of the interrenal body in the embryonic periods is very simple. At first it is formed of cells differing from those around in being more circular and more closely packed. By stage L its cells have acquired a character of their own. They are still spherical or oval, but have more protoplasm than before, and their nucleus becomes very granular. At the same time the whole body becomes invested by a tunic of spindle-shaped mesoblast cells. By stage O it begins to be divided into a number of separate areas or lobes by septa formed of nucleated fibres. These become more distinct in the succeeding stages up to Q (PI. 1 8, fig. 7), and in them a fair number of capillaries are formed. From the above description it is clear that embryology lends no more countenance than does anatomy to the view that the interrenal bodies belong to the same system as the suprarenal, and it becomes a question with which (if of either) of these two EXPLANATION OF PLATE 19. 477 bodies the suprarenal bodies of the higher Vertebrata are homo- logous. This question I shall not attempt to answer in a definite way. My own decided belief is that the suprarenal bodies of Scyllium are homologous with the suprarenal bodies of Mammalia, and a good many points both in their structure and position might be urged in favour of this view. In the mean time, how- ever, it appears to me better to wait before expressing a definite opinion till the embryonic development of the suprarenal bodies has been worked out in the higher Vertebrata. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 19. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. Nervous System, n. Nerve, sp n. Spinal nerve, sy g. Sympathetic ganglion. Alimentary Canal. d. Cloaca. in d. Cloacal involution. ce ep. CEsophageal epithelium, pan. Pancreas, th. Thyroid body. General. abp. Abdominal pocket (pore), aur. Auricle. cav. Cardinal vein. cauv. Caudal vein. ly. Lymphoid tissue, m m. Muscles, o d. Oviduct. / c. Pericardium. //. Body cavity, sr. Suprarenal body. ?/. Ureter, v ao. Ventral aorta (anterior continuation of bulbus arteriosus). ven. Ventricle, wd. Wolffian duct. Figs, i a, i &, ic. Three sections through the cloacal region of an embryo belong- ing to stage O. i a is the anterior of the three sections. Zeiss A, ocul. 2. Reduced one-third. i a shews the cloaca! involution at its deepest part abutting on the cloacal section of the alimentary tract. i b is a section through a point somewhat behind this close to the opening of the Wolffian ducts into the cloaca. i c shews the opening to the exterior in the posterior part of the cloaca, and also the rudiments of the two abdominal pockets (ab p). Fig. 2. Section through the cloacal region of an embryo belonging to stage P. Zeiss A, ocul. 2. The figure shews the solid anterior extremity of the cloacal involution. Fig. 3. Longitudinal vertical section through the thyroid body in a stage between C and P. Zeiss aa, ocul. i. The figure shews the solid thyroid body (th) connected in front with throat, and terminating below the bulbus arteriosus. 4/8 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Fig. 4. Pancreas (pan) and adjoining part of the alimentary tract in longitudinal section, from an embryo between stages L and M. Zeiss A, ocul 2. Fig. 5. Portion of liver network of stage L. Zeiss C, ocul. i. The section is intended to illustrate the fact that the tubules or cylinders of which the liver is composed are hollow and not solid. Between the liver tubules are seen blood spaces with distinct walls, and blood corpuscles in their interior. Fig. 6. Section through part of one of the suprarenal bodies of an adult Scyllium hardened in chromic acid. Zeiss C, ocul. 2. The section shews the columnar cells forming the cortex and the more polygonal cells of the medulla. Fig. 7. Transverse section through the anterior suprarenal body of an adult Scyllium. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. Reduced one-third. The tissue of the suprarenal body has not been filled in, but only the sympathetic ganglion cells which are seen to be irregularly scattered through the substance of the body. The entrance of the nerve (n) is shewn, and indications are given of the distribution of the nerve-fibres. Fig. 8. Section through the sympathetic ganglion of a Scyllium embryo between stages M and N, shewing the connecting trunk between the suprarenal body and the spinal nerve (sp n), and the appearance of an indication in the ganglion of a portion more directly connected with the nerve. Zeiss D, ocul. 2. Fig. 9. Section through one of the anterior sympathetic ganglia of an embryo of stage Q, shewing its division into a true ganglionic portion (syg), and a suprarenal body (sr). Zeiss C, ocul 2. CHAPTER XII. THE ORGANS OF EXCRETION. THE earliest stages in the development of the excretory system have already been described in a previous chapter1 of this memoir, and up to the present time no investigator, with the exception of Dr Alex. Schultz2, has gone over the same ground. Dr Schultz' descriptions are somewhat brief, but differ from my own mainly in stating that the segmental duct arises from an involution instead of as a solid knob. This discrepancy is, I believe, due to Dr Schultz drawing his conclusions as to the development of the segmental duct from its appearance at a comparatively late stage. He appears to have been unac- quainted with my earlier descriptions. The adult anatomy and later. stages in the development of the excretory organs form the subject of the present chapter, and stand in marked contrast to the earlier stages in that they have been dealt with in a magnificent monograph3 by Professor Semper, whose investigations have converted this previously almost unknown field of vertebrate embryology into one of the most fully explored parts of the whole subject. Reference is frequently made to this monograph in the succeeding pages, but my references, numerous as they are, give no adequate idea of the completeness and thoroughness of Professor Semper's in- vestigations. In Professor Semper's monograph are embodied the results of a considerable number of preliminary papers pub- lished by him in his Arbeiten and in the Centralblatt. The excretory organs of Elasmobranchs have also formed the sub- 1 Chapter vi. p. 345, et seq. 2 Archiv f. Micr. Anat. Bd. XI. 3 " Urogenital System d. Plagiostomen," Semper, Arbeiten, Vol. II. 480 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. ject of some investigations by Dr Meyer1 and by myself2. Their older literature is fully given by Professor Semper. In addition to the above-cited works, there is one other paper by Dr Spengel3 on the Urinogenital System of Amphibians, to which reference will frequently be made in the sequel, and which, though only indirectly connected with the subject of this chapter, deserves special mention both on account of the accuracy of the investi- gations of which it forms the record, and of the novel light which it throws on many of the problems of the constitution of the urinogenital system of Vertebrates. Excretory organs and genital ducts in the adult. The kidneys of Scyllium canicula are paired bodies in con- tact along the median line. They are situated on the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity, and extend from close to the diaphragm to a point a short way behind the anus. Externally, each appears as a single gland, but by the arrangement of its ducts may be divided into two distinct parts, an anterior and a posterior. The former will be spoken of as the Wolffian body, and the latter as the kidney, from their respective homology with the glands so named in higher Vertebrates. The grounds for these determinations have already been fully dealt with both by Semper4 and by myself. Externally both the Wolffian body and the kidney are more or less clearly divided into segments, and though the breadth of both glands as viewed from the ventral surface is fairly uniform, yet the hinder part of the kidney is very much thicker and bulkier than the anterior part and than the whole of the Wolffian body. In both sexes the Wolffian body is rather longer than the kidney proper. Thus in a male example, 33 centimetres 1 Sitzungsberichte d. Naturfor. Ges. Leipzig, 1875. No. 2. 2 " Preliminary account of the development of Elasmobranch Fishes," Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1874. "Origin and History of the Urinogenital Organs of Vertebrates," Journal of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. X. 3 Arbeiten, Semper, Vol. in. 4 Though Professor Semper has come to the same conclusion as myself with respect to these homologies, yet he calls the Wolfnan body Leydig's gland after its distinguished discoverer, and its duct Leydig's duct. EXCRETORY ORGANS IN THE ADULT. 481 long, the two glands together measured 8£ centimetres and the kidney proper only 3^. In the male the Wolffian bodies ex- tend somewhat further forwards than in the female. Leaving the finer details of the glands for subsequent treatment, I pass at once to their ducts. These differ slightly in the two sexes, so that it will be more convenient to take the male and female separately. A partly diagrammatic representation of the kidney and Wolffian body of the male is given on PL 20, fig. i. The se- cretion of the Wolffian body is carried off by a duct, the Wolffian duct (w. d.), which lies on the ventral surface of the gland, and receives a separate ductule from each segment (PI. 20, fig. 5). The main function of the Wolffian duct in the male is, how- ever, that of a vas deferens. The testicular products are brought to it through the coils of the anterior segments of the Wolffian body by a number of vasa efferentia, the arrangement of which is treated of on pp. 487, 488. The section of the Wolffian duct which overlies the Wolffian body is much contorted, and in adult individuals at the generative period enormously so. The duct often presents one or two contortions beyond the hind end of the Wolffian body, but in the normal condition takes a straight course from this point to the unpaired urinogenital cloaca, into which it falls independently of its fellow of the opposite side. It receives no feeders from the kidney proper. The excretion of the kidney proper is carried off not by a single duct, but by a series of more or less independent ducts, which, in accordance with Prof. Semper's nomenclature, will be spoken of as ureters. These are very minute, and their in- vestigation requires some care. I have reason, from my ex- aminations of this and other species of Elasmobranchs, to be- lieve that they are, moreover, subject to considerable variations, and the following description applies to a definite individual. Nine or possibly ten distinct ureters, whose arrangement is diagrammatically represented in fig. I, PL 20, were present on each side. It will be noticed that, whereas the five hindermost are distinct till close to their openings into the urinogenital cloaca, the four anterior ones appear to unite at once into a single duct, but are probably only bound up in a common sheath. The ureters fall into the common urinogenital cloaca, 482 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. immediately behind the opening of the Wolffian duct (so far as could be determined), by four apertures on each side. In a section made through the part of the wall of the cloaca con- taining the openings of the ureters of both sides, there were present on the left side (where the section passed nearer to the surface than on the right) four small openings posteriorly, viz. the openings of the ureters and one larger one anteriorly, viz. the opening of the Wolffian duct. On the other side of the section where the level was rather deeper, there were five dis- tinct ducts cut through, one of which was almost on the point of dividing into two. This second section proves that, in this in- stance at least, the two ureters did not unite till just before opening into the urinogenital cloaca. The same section also appeared to shew that one of the ureters fell not into the cloaca but into the Wolffian duct. As stated above both the Wolffian duct and the ureters fall into an unpaired urinogenital cloaca. This cloaca communicates at one end with the general cloaca by a single aperture situated at the point of a somewhat conspicuous papilla, just behind the anus (PI. 20, fig. i, o), and on the other it opens freely into a pair of bladders, situated in close contact with each other, on the ventral side of the kidney (PI. 20, fig. I, sb}. To these bladders Professor Semper has given the name uterus mascu- linus, from having supposed them to correspond with the lower part of the oviducts of the female. This homology he now admits to be erroneous, and it will accordingly be better to drop the name uterus masculinus, for which may be substituted seminal bladder — a name which suits their function, since they are usually filled with semen at the generation season. The seminal bladders communicate with the urinogenital cloaca by wide openings, and it is on the borders of these openings that the mouths of the Wolffian duct and ureters must be looked for. My embryological investigations, though they have not been specially directed to this point, seem to shew that the seminal bladders do not arise during embryonic life, and are still absent in very young individuals. It seems probable that both the bladders and the urinogenital cloaca are products of the lower extremities of the Wolffian duct. The only other duct requiring any notice in the male is the rudimentary oviduct. As was first URINARY DUCTS OF THE FEMALE. 483 shewn by Semper, rudiments of the upper extremities of the oviducts, with their abdominal openings, are to be found in the male in the same position as in the female, on the front surface of the liver. In the female the same ducts are present as in the male, viz. the Wolffian duct and the ureters. The part of the Wolffian duct which receives the secretion of the Wolffian body is not contorted, but is otherwise similar to the homologous part of the Wolffian duct in the male. The Wolffian ducts of the two sides fall independently into an unpaired urinal cloaca, but their lower ends, instead of remaining simple as in the male, become dilated into urinary bladders. Vide PI. 20, fig. 2. There were nine ureters in the example dissected, whose arrangement did not differ greatly from that in the male — the hinder ones remaining distinct from each other, but a certain amount of fusion, the extent of which could not be quite certainly ascer- tained, taking place between the anterior ones. The arrange- ment of the openings of these ducts is not quite the same as in the male. A somewhat magnified representation of it is given in PL 20, fig. 3, o. u. The two Wolffian ducts meet at so acute an angle that their hindermost extremities are only separated by a septum. In the region of this septum on the inner walls of the two Wolffian ducts were situated the openings of the ureters, of which there were five on each side arranged linearly. In a second example, also adult, I found. four distinct openings on each side similarly arranged to those in the specimen de- scribed. Professor Semper states that all the ureters in the female unite into a single duct before opening into the Wolffian duct. It will certainly surprise me to find such great variations in different individuals of this species as is implied by the dis- crepancy between Professor Semper's description and my own. The main difference between the ureters in the male and female consists in their falling into the urinogenital cloaca in the former and into the Wolffian duct in the latter. Since, however, the urinogenital cloaca is a derivative of the Wolffian duct, this difference between the two sexes is not a very im- portant one. The urinary cloaca opens, in the female, into the general cloaca by a median papilla of somewhat smaller di- mensions than the corresponding papilla in the male. Seminal 484 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. bladders are absent in the female, though possibly represented by the bladder-like dilatations of the Wolffian duct. The ovi- ducts, whose anatomy is too well known to need description, open independently into the general cloaca. Since the publication of Professor Semper's researches on the urinogenital system of Elasmobranch fishes, it has been well known that, in most adult Elasmobranchs, there are present a series of funnel-shaped openings, leading from the perivisceral cavity, by the intermediation of a short canal, into the glandular tubuli of the kidney. These openings are called by Professor Semper, Segmentaltrichter, and by Dr Spengel, in his valuable work on the urogenital system of Amphibia, Nephrostomen. In the present work the openings will be spoken of as segmental openings, and the tubes connected with them as segmental tubes. Of these openings there are a considerable number in the adults of both sexes of Scy. canicula, situated along the inner border of each kidney. The majority of them belong to the Wolffian body, though absent in the extreme anterior part of this. In very young examples a few certainly belong to the region of the kidney proper. Where present, there is one for each segment1. It is not easy to make certain of their exact number. In one male I counted thirteen. In the female it is more difficult than in the male to make this out with cer- tainty, but in one young example, which had left the egg but a short time, there appeared to be at least fourteen present. Ac- cording to Semper there are thirteen funnels in both sexes — a number which fairly well agrees with my own results. In the male, rudiments of segmental tubes are present in all the an- terior segments of the Wolffian body behind the vasa efferentia, but it is not till about the tenth segment that the first complete one is present. In the female a somewhat smaller number of the anterior segments, six or seven, are without segmental tubes, or only possess them in a rudimentary condition. A typical segment of the Wolffian body or kidney, in the sense in which this term has been used above, consists of a number of factors, each of which will be considered in detail with reference to its variations. On PI. 20, fig. 5, is represented 1 The term segment will be more accurately defined below. SEGMENTAL TUBES. 485 a portion of the Wolffian body with three complete segments and part of a fourth. If one of these be selected, it will be seen to commence with (i) a segmental opening, somewhat oval in form (st. o] and leading directly into (2) a narrow tube, the seg- mental tube, which takes a more or less oblique course back- wards, and, passing superficially to the Wolffian duct (w.d\ opens into (3) a Malpighian body (p. mg] at the anterior ex- tremity of an isolated coil of glandular tubuli. This coil forms the fourth section of each segment, and starts from the Mal- pighian body. It consists of a considerable number of rather definite convolutions, and after uniting with tubuli from one or two (according .to size of the segment) accessory Malpighian bodies (a. mg), smaller than the one into which the segmental tube falls, eventually opens by a (5) narrowish tube into the Wolffian duct at the posterior end of the segment. Each seg- ment is completely isolated (except for certain rudimentary structures to be alluded to shortly) from the adjoining ones, and never has more than one segmental tube and one communication with the Wolffian duct. The number and general arrangement of the segmental tubes have already been spoken of. Their openings into the body-cavity are. in Scyllium, very small, much more so than in the majority of Elasmobranchs. The general appearance of a segmental tube and its opening is somewhat that of a spoon, in which the handle represents the segmental tube, and the bowl the segmental opening. Usually amongst Elasmobranchs the openings and tubes are ciliated, but I have not determined whether this is the case in Scy. canicula, and Semper does not speak definitely on this point. From the segmental openings proceed the segmental tubes, which in the front segments have nearly a transverse direction, but in the posterior ones are directed more and more obliquely backwards. This statement applies to both sexes, but the obliquity is greater in the female than in the male. As has been said, each segmental tube normally opens into a Malpighian body, from which again there proceeds the tubulus, the convolutions of which form the main mass of each segment. This feature can be easily seen in the case of the Malpighian bodies of the anterior part of the Wolffian gland in young 486 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. examples, and sometimes fairly well in old ones, of either sex1. There is generally in each segment a second Malpighian body, which forms the commencement of a tubulus joining that from the primary Malpighian body, and, where the segments are larger, there are three, and possibly in the hinder segments of the Wolffian gland and segments of the kidney proper, more than three Malpighian bodies. The accessory Malpighian bodies, or at any rate one of them, appear to have curious relations to the segmental tubes. The necks of some of the anterior segmental tubes (PI. 20, fig. 5) close to their openings into the primary Malpighian bodies are provided with a small knob of cells which points towards the preceding segment and is usually connected with it by a fibrous band. This knob is most conspicuous in the male, and in very young animals or almost ripe embryos. In several instances in a ripe male embryo it appeared to me to have a lumen, and to be continued directly forwards into the accessory Malpighian body of the preceding segment. One such case is figured in the middle segment on PI. 20, fig. 5. In this embryo segmental tubes were present in the segments immediately succeeding those connected with the vasa efferentia, and at the same time these segments contained ordinary and accessory Malpighian bodies. The segmental tubes of these segments were not, how- ever, connected with the Malpighian body of their proper seg- ment, but instead, turned forwards and entered the segment in front of that to which they properly belonged. I failed to trace them quite definitely to the accessory Malpighian body of the preceding segment, but, in one instance at least, there appeared to me to be present a fibrous connection, which is shewn in the figure already referred to, PI. 20, fig. 5, r. st. In any case it can hardly be doubted that this peculiarity of the foremost segmental tubes is related to what would seem to be the normal arrangement in the next few succeeding segments, where each segmental tube is connected with a Malpighian body in its own segment, and more or less distinctly with an accessory Malpighian body in the preceding segment. 1 My observations on this subject completely disprove, if it is necessary to dp so after Professor Semper's investigations, the statement of Dr Meyer, that segmental tubes in Scyllium open into lymph organs. THE VASA EFFERENTIA. 487 In the male the anterior segmental tubes, which even in the embryo exhibit signs of atrophy, become in the adult completely aborted (as has been already shewn by Semper), and remain as irregular tubes closed at both ends, which for the most part do not extend beyond the Wolffian duct (PI. 20, fig. 4, r. st.}. In the adult, the first two or three segments with these aborted tubes contain only accessory Malpighian bodies ; the remaining segments, with aborted segmental tubes, both secondary and primary Malpighian bodies. In neither case are the Malpighian bodies connected with the aborted tubes. The Malpighian bodies in Scyllium present no special peculiarities. The outer layer of their capsule is for the most part formed of flattened cells ; but, between the opening of the segmental tube and the efferent tubulus of the kidney, their cells become columnar. Vide PI. 20, fig. 5. The convoluted tubuli continuous with them are, I believe, ciliated in their proximal section, but I have not made careful investigations with refer- ence to their finer structure. Each segment is connected with the Wolffian duct by a single tube at the hinder end of the segment. In the kidney proper, these tubes become greatly prolonged, and form the ureters. It has already been stated that the semen is carried by vasa eflferentia from the testes to the anterior segments of the Wolf- fian body, and thence through the coils of the Wolffian body to the Wolffian duct. The nature of the vasa will be discussed in the embryological section of this chapter : I shall here confine myself to a simple description of their anatomical relations. The consideration of their connections naturally falls under three heads: (i) the vasa efferentia passing from the testes to the Wolffian body, (2) the mode in which these are connected with the Wolffian body, and (3) with the testis. In PI. 20, fig. 4, drawn for me from nature by my friend Mr Haddon, are shewn the vasa efferentia and their junctions both with the testes and the kidney. This figure illustrates better than any description the anatomy of the various parts. Behind there are two simple vasa efferentia (v. e.) and in front a complicated network of vasa, which might be regarded as formed of either two or four main vessels. It will be shewn in the sequel that it is really formed of four distinct vessels. 488 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Professor Semper states that there is but a single vas efferens in Scyllium canicula, a statement which appears to me unquestion- ably erroneous. All the vasa efferentia fall into a longitudinal duct (I. c), which is connected in succession with the several segments of the Wolffian body (one for each vas efferens) which appertain to the testis. The hind end of the longitudinal duct is simple, and ends blindly close to its junction with the last vas efferens ; but in front, where the vasa efferentia are complicated, the longitudinal duct also has a complicated constitution, and forms a network rather than a simple tube. It typically sends off a duct to join the coils of the Wolffian body between each pair of vasa efferentia, and is usually swollen where this duct parts from it. A duct similar to this has been described by Semper as Nierenrandcanal in several Elasmobranchs, but its existence is expressly denied in the case of Scyllium ! It is usually found in Amphibia, as we know from Bidder and Spengel's researches. Spengel calls it Langscanal des Hoden ; the vessels from it into the kidney he calls vasa efferentia, and the vessels to it, which I speak of as vasa efferentia, he calls Quercanale. The exact mode of junction of the separate vasa efferentia with the testis is difficult to make out on account of the opacity of the basal portion of the testis. My figure shews that there is a network of tubes (formed of four main tubes connected by transverse branches) which is a continuation of the anterior vasa efferentia, and joined by the two posterior ones. These tubes receive the tubuli coming from the testicular ampullae. The whole network may be called, with Semper, the testicular network. While its general relations are represented in my figure, the opacity of the testes was too great to allow of all the details being with certainty filled in. The kidneys of Scyllium stellare, as might be expected, closely resemble those of Scy. canicula. The ducts of the kidney proper, have, in the former species, a larger number of distinct openings into the urinogenital cloaca. In two male examples I counted seven distinct ureters, though it is not impossible that there may have been one or two more present. In one of my examples the ureters had seven distinct openings into the cloaca, in the other five openings. In a female I counted eleven ureters opening into the Wolffian duct by seven distinct openings THE VASA EFFERENTIA. 489 In the remaining parts of the excretory organs the two species of Scy Ilium resemble each other very closely. As may be gathered from Prof. Semper's monograph, the excretory organs of Scyllium canicula are fairly typical for Elas- mobranchs generally. The division into kidney and Wolffian body is universal. The segmental openings may be more numerous and larger, e.g. Acanthias and Squatina, or absent in the adult, e.g. Mustelus and Raja. Bladder-like swellings of the Wolffian duct in the female appear to be exceptional, and seminal bladders are not always present. The variations in the ureters and their openings are considerable, and in some cases all the ureters are stated to fall into a single duct, which may be spoken of as the ureter par excellence1, with the same relations to the kidneys as the Wolffian duct bears to the Wolffian body. In some cases Malpighian corpuscles are completely absent in the Wolffian body, e.g. Raja. The vasa efferentia of the testes in Scyllium are very typical, but there are some forms in which they are more numerous as well as others in which they are less so. Perhaps the vasa efferentia are seen in their most typical form in Centrina as described and figured (PI. XXl) by Professor Semper, or in Squatina vulgaris, as I find it, and have represented it on PI. 20, fig. 8. From my figure, representing the anterior part of the Wolffian body of a nearly ripe embryo, it will be seen that there are five vasa efferentia (v. e) connected on the one hand with a longitudinal canal at the base of the testes (n. t) and on the other with a longitudinal canal in the Wolffian body. Connected with the second longitudinal canal are four Malpighian bodies, three of them stalked and one sessile ; from which again proceed tubes forming the commencements of the coils of the anterior segments of the Wolffian body. These Malpighian bodies are clearly my primary Malpighian bodies, but there are in Squatina, even in the generative segments, secondary Malpighian bodies. What Semper has described for Centrina and one or two other genera, closely correspond with what is present in Squatina. 1 I feel considerable hesitation in accepting Semper's descriptions of the ureters and their openings. It has been shewn above that for Scyllium his statements are probably inaccurate, and in other instances, e.g. Raja, I cannot bring my dissections to harmonise with his descriptions. B. 32 490 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FTSHES. Development of tfie Segmental Tubes. On p. 345, et seq. an account was given of the first formation of the segmental tubes and the segmental duct, and the history of these bodies was carried on till nearly the period at which it is taken up in the exhaustive Memoir of Professor Semper. Though the succeeding narration traverses to a great extent the same ground as Semper's Memoir, yet many points are treated somewhat differently, and others are dealt with which do not find a place in the latter. In the majority of instances, attention is called to points on which my results either agree with, or are opposed to, those of Professor Semper. From previous statements it has been rendered clear that at first the excretory organs of Elasmobranchs exhibit no division . into Wolffian body or kidney proper. Since this distinction is merely a question of the ducts, and does not concern the glandular tubuli, no allusion is made to its appearance in the present section, which deals only with the glandular part of the kidneys and not with their ducts. Up to the close of stage K the urinogenital organs consist of a segmental duct opening in front into the body-cavity, and terminating blindly behind in close contact with the cloaca, and of a series of segmental tubes, each opening into the body-cavity on the inner side of the segmental duct, but ending blindly at their opposite extremities. It is with these latter that we have at present to deal. They are from the first directed obliquely backwards, and coil close round the inner and dorsal sides of the segmental duct. Where they are in contact (close to their open- ings into the body-cavity) with the segmental duct, the lumen of the latter diminishes and so comes to exhibit regular alternations of size. This is shewn in PI. 12, fig. 18 s. d. At the points where the segmental duct has a larger lumen, it eventually unites with the segmental tubes. The segmental tubes rapidly undergo a series of changes, the character of which may be investigated, either by piecing together transverse sections, or more easily from longitudinal and vertical sections. They acquire a A -shaped form with an anterior limb opening into the body-cavity and posterior limb, resting on a THE SEGMENTAL TUBES. 491 dilated portion of the segmental duct. The next important change which they undergo consists in a junction being effected between their posterior limbs and the segmental duct. In the anterior part of the body these junctions appear before the commencement of stage L. A segmental tube at this stage is1 shewn in longitudinal section on PL 21, fig. 7 a, and in transverse section on PI. 18, fig. 2. In the former the actual openings into the body-cavity are not visible. In the transverse section only one limb of the A is met with on either side of the section ; the limb opening into the body-cavity is seen on the left side, and that opening into the segmental duct on the right side. This becomes quite intelligible from a comparison with the longitudinal section, which demonstrates that it is clearly not possible to see more than a single limb of the A in any transverse section. After the formation of their junctions with the segmental duct, other changes soon take place in the segmental tubes. By the close of stage L four distinct divisions may be noticed in each tube. Firstly, there is the opening into the body-cavity, with a somewhat narrow stalk, to which the name segmental tube will be strictly confined in the future, while the whole pro- ducts of the original segmental tube will be spoken of as a seg- ment of the kidney. This narrow stalk opens into a vesicle (PL 1 8, fig. 2, and 21, fig. 6), which forms the second division. From the vesicle proceeds a narrower section forming the third division, which during stage L remains very short, though in later stages it grows with great rapidity. It leads into the fourth division, which constitutes the posterior limb of the A, and has the form of a dilated tube with a narrow opening into the segmental duct. The subsequent changes of each segment do not for the most part call for much attention. They consist mainly in the elongation of the third division, and its conversion into a coiled tubulus, which then constitutes the main mass of each segment of the kidney. There are, however, two points of some interest, viz. (i) the formation of the Malpighian bodies, and (2) the establishment of the connection between each segmental tube and the tubulus of the preceding segment which was alluded to in the description on p. 486. The development of the 32—2 492 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Malpighian body is intimately linked with that of the secondary connection between two segments. They are both products of the metamorphosis of the vesicle which forms the termination of the segmental tube proper. At about stage O this vesicle grows out in two directions (PL 21, fig. 10), viz. towards the segment in front (p.x) and posteriorly into the segment of which it properly forms a part (mg). That portion which grows backward remains continuous with the third division of its proper segment, and becomes con- verted into a Malpighian body. It assumes (PL 21, figs. 6 and 10) a hemispherical form, while near one edge of it is the opening from a segmental tube, and near the other the opening leading into a tubulus of the kidney. The two-walled hemisphere soon grows into a nearly closed sphere, with a central cavity into which projects a vascular tuft. For this tuft the thickened inner wall of cells forms a lining, and at the same time the outer wall becomes thinner, and formed of flattened cells, except in the in- terval between the openings of the segmental tube and kidney tubulus, where its cells remain columnar. The above account of the formation of the Malpighian bodies agrees very well with the description which Pye1 has given of the formation of these bodies in the embryonic Mam- malian kidney. My statements also agree with those of Semper, in attributing the formation of the Malpighian body to a metamorphosis of part of the vesicle at the end of the seg- mental tube. Semper does not however enter into full details on this subject. The elucidation of the history of the second outgrowth from the original vesicle towards the preceding segment is fraught with considerable difficulties, which might no doubt be over- come by a patient investigation of ample material, but which I have not succeeded in fully accomplishing. The points which I believe myself to have determined are illustrated by fig. 10, PL 21, a longitudinal vertical section through a portion of the kidney between stages O and P. In this figure parts of three segments of the kidney are repre- sented. In the hindermost of the three — the one to the right — 1 Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. IX. THE MALPIGHIAN BODIES. 493 there is a complete segmental tube (s. t) which opens at its upper extremity into an irregular vesicle, prolonged behind into a body which is obviously a developing Malpighian body, m.g, and in front into a wide tube cut obliquely in the section and ending apparently blindly (p.x). In the preceding segment there is also a segmental tube (s. f) whose opening into the body- cavity passes out of the plane of the section, but which is again connected with a vesicle dilating behind into a Malpighian body (wi.g) and in front into the irregular tube {p.x), as in the succeeding segment, but this tube is now connected (and this could be still more completely seen in the segment in front of this) with a vesicle which opens into the thick-walled collecting tube (fourth division) of the preceding segment close to the opening of the latter into the Wolffian duct. The fact that the anterior prolongation of the vesicle ends blindly in the hinder- most segment is due of course to its terminal part passing out of the plane of the section. Thus we have established between stages O and P a connection between each segmental tube and the collecting tube of the segment in front of that to which it properly belongs ; and it further appears that in consequence of this each segment of the kidney contains two distinct coils of tubuli which only tmite close to their common opening into the Wolffian dzict ! This remarkable connection is not without morphological interest, but I am unfortunately only able to give in a frag- mentary manner its further history. During the greater part of embryonic life a large amount of interstitial tissue is present in the embryonic kidneys, and renders them too opaque to be advantageously studied as a whole ; and I have also, so far, failed to prepare longitudinal sections suitable for the study of this connection. It thus results that the next stage I have satisfactorily investigated is that of a nearly ripe embryo . already spoken of in connection with the adult, and. represented on PI. 20, fig. 5. This figure shews that each segmental tube, while distinctly connected with the Malpighian body of its own segment, also sends out a branch towards the secondary Mal- pighian body of the preceding segment. This branch in most cases appeared to be rudimentary, and in the adult is certainly not represented by more than a fibrous band, but I fancy that I 494 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. have been able to trace it (though not with the distinctness I could desire) in surface views of the embryonic kidney of stage Q. The condition of the Wolffian body represented on PL 20, fig. 5 renders it probable that the accessory Malpighian body in each segment is developed in connection with the anterior growth from the original vesicle at the end of the segmental tube of the succeeding segment. How the third or fourth accessory Mal- pighian bodies, when present, take their origin I have not made out. It is, however, fairly certain that they form the com- mencement of two additional coils which unite, like the coil connected with the first accessory Malpighian body, with the collecting tube of the primitive coil close to its opening into the Wolffian duct or ureter. The connection above described between two successive kidney segments appears to have escaped Professor Semper's notice, though I fancy that the peculiar vesicle he describes, loc. cit. p. 303, as connected with the end of each ^egmental tube, is in some way related to it. It seems possible that the secondary connection between the segmental tube and the pre- ceding* segment may explain a peculiar observation of Dr Spengel1 on the kidney of the tailless Amphibians. He finds that, in this group, the segmental tubes do not open into Mal- pighian bodies, but into the fourth division of the kidney tube. Is it not just possible that in this case the primitive attachment of the segmental tubes may have become lost, and a secondary attachment, equivalent to that above described, though without the development of a secondary Malpighian body, have been developed ? In my embryos the secondary coil of the seg- mental tubes opens, as in the Anura, into the fourth section of a kidney tubulus. Development of the Milllerian and Wolffian ducts. The formation of the Mullerian and Wolffian ducts out of the original segmental duct has been dealt with in a masterly manner by Professor Semper, but though I give my entire assent to his general conclusions, yet there are a few points on 1 Loc. cit. pp. 85-89. MULLERIAN AND WOLFFIAN DUCTS. 495 which I differ from him. These are for the most part of a secondary importance ; but they have a certain bearing on the homology between the Miillerian duct of higher Vertebrates and that of Elasmobranchs. The following account refers to Scy. canicula, but so far as my observations go, the changes in Scy. stellare are nearly identical in character. I propose treating the development of these ducts in the two sexes separately, and begin with the female. Shortly before stage N a horizontal split arises in the seg- mental duct1, commencing some little distance from its anterior extremity, and extending backwards. This split divides the duct into a dorsal section and a ventral one. The dorsal section forms the Wolffian duct, and receives the openings of the seg- mental tubes, and the ventral one forms the Miillerian duct or oviduct, and is continuous with the unsplit anterior part of the primitive segmental duct, which opens into the body-cavity. The nature of the splitting may be gathered from the woodcut, fig. 6, p. 511, where x represents the line along which the s.eg- mental duct is divided. The splitting of the primitive duct extends slowly backwards, and thus there is for a considerable period a single duct behind, which bifurcates in front. A series of transverse sections through the point of bifurcation always exhibits the following features. Anteriorly two separate ducts are present, next two ducts in close juxtaposition, and immedi- ately behind this a single duct. A series of sections through the junction of two ducts is represented on Plate 21, figs. I A, i B, i C, i D. In my youngest example, in which the splitting had com- menced, there were two separate ducts for only 14 sections, and in a slightly older one for about 18. In the second of these embryos the part of the segmental duct anterior to the front end of the Wolffian duct, which is converted directly into the oviduct, extended through 48 sections. In the space included in these 48 sections at least five, and I believe six, segmental tubes with openings into the body-cavity were present. These segmental tubes did not however unite with the oviduct, or at best, but one or two rudimentary junctions were visible, and the evi- dence of my earlier embryos appears to shew that the segmental 1 For the development of the segmental duct, vide p. 34 5, et seq. •496 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. tubes in front of the Wolffian duct never become in the female united with the segmental duct. The anterior end of the Wolffian duct is very much smaller than the oviduct adjoining it, and as the reverse holds good in the male, an easy method is afforded of distinguishing the two sexes even at the earliest period of the formation of the Wolffian duct. Hitherto merely the general features of the development of the oviduct and Wolffian duct have been alluded to, but a careful inspection of any good series of sections, shewing the junction of these two ducts, brings to light some features worth noticing in the formation -of the oviduct. It might have been anticipated that, where the two ducts unite behind as the seg- mental duct, their lumens would have nearly the same diameter, but normally this appears to be far from the case. To illustrate the formation of the oviduct I have represented a series of sections through a junction in an embryo in which the splitting into two ducts had only just commenced (PI. 21,' fig. i), but I have found that the features of this series of sections are exactly reproduced in other series in which the splitting has extended as far back as the end of the small intes- tine. In the series represented (PI. 21) i A is the foremost section, and i D the hindermost. In i A the oviduct (od) is as large or slightly larger than the Wolffian duct (w. d), and in the section in front of this (which I have not represented) was con- siderably the larger of the two ducts. In i B the oviduct has become markedly smaller, but there is no indication of its lumen becoming united with that of the Wolffian duct — the two ducts, though in contact, are distinctly separate. In i C the walls of the two ducts have fused, and the oviduct appears merely as a ridge on the under surface of the Wolffian duct, and its lumen, though extremely minute, shews no sign of becoming one with that of tJte Wolffian duct. Finally, in i D the oviduct can merely be recognised as a thickening on the under side of the segmental duct, as we must now call the single duct, but a slight bulging downwards of the lumen of the segmental duct appears to indicate that the lumens of the two ducts may perhaps have actually united. But of this I could not be by any means certain, and it seems quite possible that the lumen of the oviduct never does open into that of the segmental duct. MULLERIAN AND WOLFFIAN DUCTS. 497 The above series of sections goes far to prove that the posterior part of the oviduct is developed as a nearly solid ridge split off from the under side of the segmental duct, into which at the utmost a very small portion of the lumen of the latter is continued. One instance has however occurred amongst my sections which probably indicates that the lumen of the segmental duct may sometimes, in the course of the formation of the oviduct and Wolffian duct, become divided into two parts, of which that for the oviduct, though considerably smaller than that for the Wolffian duct, is not so markedly so as in normal cases (PI. 21, fig. 2). Professor Semper states that the lumen of the part of the oviduct split off from the hindermost end of the segmental duct becomes continuously smaller, till at last close to the cloaca it is split off as a solid rod of cells without a lumen, and thus it comes about that the oviduct, when formed, ends blindly, and does not open into the cloaca till the period of sexual maturity. My own sections do not include a series shewing the formation of a terminal part of the oviduct, but Semper's statements accord precisely with what might probably take place if my account of the earlier stages in the development of the oviduct is correct. The presence of a hymen in young female Elasmobranchs was first made known by Putmann and Garman1, and subsequently discovered independently by Semper2. The Wolffian duct appears to receive its first segmental tube at its anterior extremity. In the male the changes of the original segmental duct have a somewhat different character to those in the female, although there is a fundamental agreement between the two sexes. As in the female, a horizontal split makes its appearance a short way behind the front end of the segmental duct, and divides this into a dorsal Wolffian duct and a ventral Miillerian duct, the latter continuous with the anterior section of the segmental duct, which carries the abdominal opening. The differences in deve- lopment between the two sexes are, in spite of a general similarity, 1 "On the Male and Female Organs of Sharks and Skates, with special reference to the use of the claspers," Proceed. American Association for Advancement of Science, 1874- 2 Loc . ci(. 498 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. very obvious. In the first place, the ventral portion split off from the segmental duct, instead of being as in the female larger in front than the Wolffian duct, is very much smaller ; while behind it does not form a continuous duct, but in some parts a lumen is present, and in others again absent (PI. 21, fig. 6). It does not even form an unbroken cord, but is divided in dis- connected portions. Those parts with a lumen do not appear to open into the Wolffian duct. The process of splitting extends gradually backwards, so that there is a much longer rudimentary Miillerian duct by stage O than by stage N. By stage P the posterior portions of the Miillerian ducts have vanished. The anterior parts remain, as has been already stated, till adult life. A second difference between the male and female depends on the fact that, in the male, the splitting of the segmental duct into Miillerian duct and Wolffian duct never extends beyond the hinder extremity of the small intestine. A third and rather important point of difference consists in the splitting commencing far nearer the front end of the segmental duct in the male than in the female. In the female it was shewn that about 48 sections intervened between the front end of the segmental duct and the point where this became split, and that this region included five or six segmental tubes. In the male the homologous space only occupies about 7 to 12 sections, and does not contain the rudiment of more than a single segmental tube. Although my sections have not an absolutely uniform thickness, yet the above figures suffice to shew in a conclusive manner that the splitting of the segmental duct commences far further forwards in the male than in the female. This difference accounts for two facts which were mentioned in connection with the excretory organs of the adult, viz. (i) the greater length of the Wolffian body in the male than in the female, and (2) the fact that although a nearly similar number of segmental tubes persist in the adults of both sexes, yet that in the male there are five or six more segments in front of the first fully developed segmental opening than in the female. The above description of the formation of the Miillerian duct in the male agrees very closely with that of Professor Semper for Acanthias. For Scyllium however he denies, as it appears to MULLERIAN DUCT IN BIRDS. 499 me erroneously, the existence of the posterior rudimentary parts of the Mullerian duct. He further asserts that the portions of the Mullerian duct with a lumen open into the Wolffian duct. The most important difference, however, between Professor Semper's and my own description consists in his having failed to note that the splitting of the segmental duct commences much further forwards in the male than in the female. I have attempted to shew that the oviduct in the female, with the exception of the front extremity, is formed as a nearly solid cord split off from the ventral surface of the segmental duct, and not by a simple splitting of the segmental duct into two equal parts. If I am right on this point, it appears to me far easier to understand the relationship between the oviduct or Mullerian duct of Elasmobranchs and the Mullerian duct of Birds, than if Professor Semper's account of the development of the oviduct is the correct one. Both Professor Semper and my- self have stated our belief in the homology of the ducts in the two cases, but we have treated their relationship in a very different way. Professor Semper1 finds himself compelled to reject, on theoretical grounds, the testimony of recent observers on the development of the Mullerian duct in Birds, and to assert that it is formed out of the Wolffian duct, or, according to my nomenclature, '.the segmental duct.' In my account2, the ordinary statements with reference to the development of the Mullerian duct in Birds are accepted ; but it is suggested that the indepen- dent development of the Mullerian duct may be explained by the function of this duct in the adult having, as it were, more and more impressed itself upon the embryonic development, till finally all connection, even during embryonic life, between the oviduct and the segmental duct (Wolffian duct) became lost. Since finding what a small portion of the segmental duct became converted into the Mullerian duct in Elasmobranchs, I have reexamined the development of the Mullerian duct in the Fowl, in the hope of finding that its posterior part might develope nearly in the same manner as in Elasmobranchs, at the expense of a thickening of cells on the outer surface of the Wolffian duct. 1 Loc. cit. pp. 412, 413. 2 " The Urinogenital Organs of Vertebrates," Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. x. p. 47. [This edition, p. 164.] 500 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. I have satisfied myself, in conjunction with Mr Sedg\vick, that this is not the case, and that the general account is in the main true; but at the same time we have obtained -evidence which tends to shew that the cells which form the Miillerian duct are in part derived from the walls of the Wolffian duct. We propose giving a full account of our observations on this point, so that I refrain from mentioning further details here. It may however be well to point out that, apart from observations on the actual development of the Miillerian duct in the Bird, the fact of its abdominal opening being situated some way behind the front end of the Wolffian duct, is of itself a sufficient proof that it cannot be the metamorphosed front extremity of the Wolffian (= segmental) duct, in the same way that the abdominal opening of the Miillerian duct is the front extremity of the segmental duct in Elasmobranchs. Although the evidence I can produce in the case of the Fowl of a direct participation of the Wolffian duct in the for- mation of the Miillerian is not of an absolutely conclusive kind, yet I am inclined to think that the complete independence of the two ducts, if eventually established as a fact, would not of itself be sufficient (as Semper is inclined to think) to disprove the identity of the Miillerian duct in Birds and Elasmobranchs. We have, no doubt, almost no knowledge of the magnitude of the changes which can take place in the mode of development of the same organ in different types, yet this would have to be placed at a very low figure indeed in order to exclude the possibility of a change from the mode of development of the Miillerian duct in Elasmobranchs to that in Birds. We have, it appears to me, in the smallness of the portion of the segmental duct which goes to form the Miillerian duct in Elasmobranchs, evidence that a change has already appeared in this group in the direction of a development of the Miillerian duct independent of the segmental duct, and therefore of the \Volffian duct ; and it has been in view of this consideration, that I have devoted so much attention to the apparently unimportant point of how much of the segmental duct was concerned in the formation of the Miillerian duct. An analogous change, in a somewhat different direction, would seem to be taking place in the development of the rudimentary Miillerian duct in the male Elasmobranchs. URINAL CLOACA. 50! It is, perhaps, just worth pointing out, that the blindness of the oviduct of female Elasmobranchs, and its mode of develop- ment from an imperfect splitting of the segmental duct, may probably be brought into connection with the blindness of the extremity of the Miillerian duct or oviduct which so often occurs in both sexes of Sturgeons (Accipenser). I may, perhaps, at this point, be permitted to say a few words about my original account of the development of the Wolffian duct. This account was incorrect, and based upon a false interpretation of an imperfect series of sections, and I took the opportunity, in a general account of the urinogenital system of Vertebrates, to point out my mistake1. Professor Semper has, however, subsequently done me the honour to discuss, at considerable length, my original errors, and to attempt to ex- plain them. Since it appears to me improbable that the con- tinuation of such a discussion can be of much general interest, it will suffice to say now, that both Professor Semper's and my own original statements on the development of the Wolffian duct were erroneous ; but that both of us have now recognised our mistakes ; and that the first morphologically correct account of the development was given by him. With reference to the formation of the urinal cloaca there is not much to say. The originally widely separated openings of the two Wolffian ducts gradually approximate in both sexes. By stage O (PL 19, fig. I b) they are in close contact, and the lower ends of the two ducts actually coalesce at a somewhat later period, and open by a single aperture into the common cloaca. The papilla on which this is situated begins to make its appearance considerably before the actual fusion of the lower extremities of the two ducts. Formation of Wolffian Body atid Kidney proper. Between stages L and M the hindermost ten or eleven seg- ments of the primitive undivided excretory7 organ commence to undergo changes which result in their separation from the 1 Joitrnal of Anatomy and Pkysiolegy, VoL x. 1875. [This edition, Xo. VII. ] 502 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. anterior segments as a distinct gland, which was spoken of in the description of the adult as the kidney proper, while the unaltered preceding segments of the kidney were spoken of as the Wolffian body. It will be remembered that each segment of the embryonic kidney consists of four divisions, the last or fourth of which opens into the Wolffian duct. The changes which take place in the hindermost ten or eleven segments, and cause them to become distinguished as the kidney proper, concern alone the fourth division of each segment, which becomes prolonged back- wards, and its opening into the Wolffian duct proportionately shifted. These changes affect the foremost segments of the kidney much more than the hindermost, so that the fourth division in the foremost segments becomes very much longer than in the hindermost, and at last all the prolongations of the kidney segments come to open nearly on the same level, close to the cloacal termination of the Wolffian duct (Pk 21, fig. 8). The prolongations of the fourth division of the kidney-segments have already (p. 481) been spoken of in the description of the adult as ureters, and this name will be employed for them in the present section. The exact manner in which the changes, that have been briefly related, take place is rather curious, and very difficult to unravel without the aid of longitudinal sections. First of all, the junction between each segment of the kidney and the Wolffian duct becomes so elongated as to occupy the whole interval between the junctions of the two neighbouring seg- ments. The original opening of each tube into the Wolffian duct is situated at the anterior end of this elongated attach- ment, the remaining part of the attachment being formed solely of a ridge of cells on the dorsal side of the Wolffian duct. The general character of this growth will be understood by com- paring figs. 7 a and 7 d, PI. 21 — two longitudinal vertical sec- tions through part of the kidneys. Fig. 7 a shews the normal junction of a segmental tube with the Wolffian duct in the Wolffian body, while in figure 7 b (r. u) is shewn the modified junction in the region of the kidney proper in the same embryo. The latter of these figures (fig. 7 b) appears to me to -prove that the elongation of the attachments between the segmental tubes THE URETERS. 503 and Wolffian duct takes place entirely at the expense of the former. Owing to the length of this attachment, every trans- verse section through the kidney proper at this stage either presents a solid ridge of cells closely adhering to the dorsal side of the Wolffian duct, or else passes through one of the openings into the Wolffian duct. During stage M the original openings of the segmental tubes into the Wolffian duct appear to me to become obliterated, and at the same time the lumen of each ureter is prolonged into the ridge of cells on the dorsal wall of the duct. Both of these changes are illustrated in my figures. The fact of the obliteration of the original opening into the Wolffian duct is shewn in longitudinal section in PI. 21, fig. 9, u, but more conclusively in the series of transverse sections represented on PI. 21, figs. 3 A, 3 B, 3 C. In the hindermost of these (3 C) is seen the solid terminal point of a ureter, while the same ureter possesses a lumen in the two previous sections, but ex- hibits no signs of opening into the Wolffian duct. Sections may however be met with which appear to shew that in some instances the ureters still continue to open into the Wolffian duct, but these I find to be rare and inconclusive, and am in- clined to regard them as abnormalities. The prolongation of the lumen of the ureters takes place in a somewhat peculiar fashion. The lumen is not, as might be expected, completely circumscribed by the wall of the ureter, but only dorsally and to the sides. Ventrally it is closed in by the dorsal wall of the Wolffian duct. In other words, each ureter is at first an in- complete tube. This peculiarity is clearly shewn in the middle figure of the series on PI. 21, fig. 3 B. During stages M and N the ureters elongate considerably, and, since the foremost ones grow the most rapidly, they soon come to overlap those behind. As each ureter grows in length it remains an incomplete tube, and its lumen, though pro- portionately prolonged, continues to present the same general relations as at first. It is circumscribed by its proper walls only dorsally and laterally ; its floor being formed in the case of the front ureter by the Wolffian duct, and in the case of each succeeding ureter by the dorsal wall of the ureter in front. This is most easily seen in longitudinal sections, and is repre- 504 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. sented on PL 21, fig. 9, or on a larger scale in fig. 9 A. In the latter figure it is especially clear that while the wall on the dorsal side of the lumen of each ureter is continuous with the dorsal wall of the tubulus of its own segment, the wall on the ventral side is continuous with the dorsal wall of the ureter of the preceding segment. This feature in the ureters explains the appearance of transverse sections in which the ureters are not separate from each other, but form together a kind of ridge on the dorsal side of the Wolffian duct, in which there are a series of perforations representing the separate lumens of the ureters (PL 21, fig. 4). The peculiarities in the appearance of the dorsal wall of the Wolffian duct in fig. 9 A, and the difference between the cells composing it and those of the ventral wall, become intelligible on comparing this figure with the repre- sentation of transverse section in figs. 3 B and 3 C, and especially in fig. 4. Most of the ureters continue to end blindly at the close of stage N, and appear to have solid posterior terminations like that of the Mullerian duct in Birds. By stage O all the ureters have become prolonged up to the cloacal end of the Wolffian duct, so that the anterior one has a length equal to that of the whole kidney proper. For the most part they acquire independent openings into the end section of the Wolffian duct, though some of them unite together before reaching this. The general appearance of the hindermost of them between stages N and O is shewn in longitudinal and vertical section in PL 21, fig. 8, u. They next commence to develope into complete and in- dependent tubes by their side walls growing inwards and meet- ing below so as to completely enclose their lumen. This is seen already to have occurred in most of the posterior ureters in PL 21, fig. 8. Before stage P the ureters cease to be united into a con- tinuous ridge, and each becomes separated from its neighbours by a layer of indifferent tissue : by this stage, in fact, the ureters have practically attained very nearly their adult condition. The general features of a typical section through them are shewn on PL 21, fig. 5. The figure represents the section of a female embryo, not far from the cloaca. Below is the oviduct (o d\ Above this again is the Wolffian duct (w. d], and still dorsal to THE VASA EFFERENTIA. t 505 this are four ureters (u]. In female embryos more than four ureters are not usually to be seen in a single section. This is probably owing to the persistence, in some instances, of the intimate connection between the ureters found at an earlier stage of development, and results in a single ureter coming to serve as the collecting duct for several segments. A section through a male embryo of stage P would mainly differ from that through a female in the absence of the oviduct, and in the presence of probably six1, instead of four, ureters. The exact amount of fusion which takes place between the ureters, and the 'exact number of the ureters, cannot easily be determined from sections, but the study of sections is chiefly of value in shewing the general nature of the changes which take place in the process of attaining the adult condition. It may be noticed, as a consequence of the above account, that the formation of the ureters takes place by a growth of the original segmental tubes, and not by a splitting off of parts of the wall of the Wolffian duct. The formation of ureters in Scyllium, which has been only very cursorily alluded to by Professor Semper, appears to differ very considerably from that in Acanthias as narrated by him. The Vasa Efferentia. A comparison of the results of Professor Semper on Elasmo- branchs, and Dr Spengel on Amphibians, suggests several interesting questions with reference to the development of the vasa efferentia, and the longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body. Professor Semper was the first to describe the adult anatomy and development of vasa efferentia in Elasmobranchs, and the following extracts will fully illustrate his views with reference to them. " In2 dem friihesten Stadium finden sich wie friiher angegeben ungefahr 34 Trichter in der Leibeshohle, von diesen gehen die 27 hintersten in die persistirenden Segmentaltrichter iiber, von denen 4 beim erwachsenen Thiere auf dem Mesorchium stehen. 1 This at least holds good for one of my embryos at this stage, which is labelled Scy. canicula, but which may possibly be Scy. stellare. 2 Loc. cit. p. 364. B. 33 5O6 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. Die iibrigen 7 schliessen sich vollstandig ab zu den erwahnten langlichen und spater mannigfach auswachsenden varicosen Trichterblasen ; von diesen sind es wiederum 3 — 4 welche unter- einander in der Langsrichtung verwachsen und dadurch den in der Basis der Hodenfalte verlaufenden Centralcanal des Hodens bilden. Ehe aber diese Verwachsung zu einem mehr oder minder geschlangelten Centralcanal vollstandig wird, hat sich einmal das Lumen der Trichterblasen fast vollstandig geschlossen und ausserdem von ihnen aus durch Verwachsung und Knospung die erste Anlage des rete vasculosum Halleri gebildet (Taf. XX. Figs, i, 2c). Es erstreckt sich namlich mehr oder minder weit in die Genitalfalte hinein ein unregelmassiges von kleinen Zellen begranztes Canalnetz welches zweifellos mit dem noch nicht ganz vollstandigen Centralcanale des Hodens (Taf. XX. Fig. 2 c] in Verbindung steht. Von diesem letzteren aus gehen in regel- massigen Abstanden die Segmentalgange (Taf. XX. Fig. 2 sg.} gegen die Niere hin ; da sie meist stark geneigt oder selbst geschlangelt (bei 6ctm langen Embryonen) gegen die Niere zu verlaufen, wo sie sich an die primaren Mafyig/ti'schen Korper- chen und deren Bildungsblasen ansetzen, so kann ein verticaler Querschnitt auch nie einen solchen nun zum vas efferens gewor- denen Segmentalgang seiner ganzen Lange nach treffen. Gegen die Trichterfurche zu aber steht namentlich am hinteren Theile der Genitalfalte der Centralcanal haufig noch durch einen kurzen Zellstrang mit dem Keimepithel der Trichterfurche in Ver- bindung; mitunter findet sich hier sogar noch eine kleine Hohlung, Rest des urspriinglich hier vorhandenen weiten Trichters" (Taf. XX. Fig. 3*). And again : " Dieser1 Gegensatz in der Umbildung der Seg- mentalgange an der Hodenbasis scheint nun mit einem anderen Hand in Hand zu gehen. Es bildet sich namlich am Innenrande der Niere durch Sprossung und Verwachsung der Segmentalgange vor ihrer Insertion an das primare Malpigki'sche Korperchen ein Canal beim Mannchen aus. den ich als Nierenrandcanal oben bezeichnet habe. Ich habe denselben bei Acanthias Centrina (Taf. XXI. Fig. 13) und Mustelus (Taf. XV. Fig. 8) gefunden. Bei Centrina ist er ziemlich lang und vereinigt mindestens 7 Segmentalgange, aber von diesen letzteren stehen nur 5 mit dem 1 Loc. cit. p. 395. THE VASA EFFERENTIA. 507 Hodennetz in Verbindung. Dort nun wo diese letzteren sich an den Nierenrandcanal ansetzen (Taf. xxi. Fig. 13 sg.t — sg.6) findet sich jedesmal ein typisch ausgebildetes Malpightsc\\e.s Korper- chen, mit dem aber nun nicht mehr wie urspriinglich nur 2 Canale verbunden sind (Taf. XXI. Fig. 14) sondern 3. Einer dieser letzteren ist derjenige Ast des Nierenrandcanals welcher die Ver- bindung mit dem nachst folgenden Segmentalgang zu besorgen hat. An den Stellen aber wo sich an den Nierenrandcanal die hinteren blind gegen den Hoden hin endenden Segmentalgange ansetzen fehlen diese Malpigki'schen Korperchen (Taf. XXI. Fig. r3 s&} vollstandig. Auch bei Mustelus (Taf. XV. Figs. 8, 10) findet genau dasselbe Verhaltniss statt; da aber hier nur 2 (oder 3) Segmentalgange zu vasa efferentia umgewandelt werden, so stehen hier am kurzen Randcanal der Niere auch nur 2 oder 3 MalpigkPsd&Q, Korperchen. Diese aber sind typisch ausgebildet" (Taf. XV. Fig. 10). From these two extracts it is clear that Semper regards both the vasa efferentia, and central canal of the testis network, as well as the longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body, as products of the anterior segmental tubes. The appearance of these various parts in the fully grown embryos or adults of such genera as Acanthias and Squatina strongly favours this view, but Semper appears to have worked out the development of these structures somewhat partially and by means of sections, a method not, in Scyllium at least, very suitable for this particular investigation. I myself at first unhesitatingly accepted Semper's views, and it was not till after the study of the paper of Dr Spengel on the Amphibian kidney that I came to have my doubts as to their accuracy. The arrangement of the parts in most Amphibians is strikingly similar to that in Elasmobranchs. From the testis come transverse canals corresponding with my vasa efferentia ; these fall into a longitudinal canal of the kidneys, from which again, as in Squatina (PI. 20, fig. 8), Mustelus and Centrina, canals (the vasa efferentia of Spengel) pass off to Malpighian bodies. So far there is no difficulty, but Dr Spengel has made the extremely important discovery, that in young Amphibians each Malpighian body in the region of the generative ducts, in addition to receiving the vasa efferentia, is connected with a fully developed segmental 33—2 508 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. tube opening into the body-cavity. In Amphibians, therefore, it is improbable that the vasa efferentia are products of the open extremities of the segmental tubes, considering that these latter are found in their unaltered condition at the same time as the vasa efferentia. When it is borne in mind how strikingly similar in most respects is the arrangement of the testicular ducts in Amphibia and Elasmobranchs, it will not easily be credited that they develope in entirely different methods. Since then we find in Amphibians fully developed segmental tubes in the same segments as the vasa efferentia, it is difficult to believe that in Elasmobranchs the same vasa efferentia have been developed out of the segmental tubes by the obliteration of their openings. I set myself to the solution of the origin of the vasa effe- rentia by means of surface views, after the parts had been made transparent in creosote, but I have met with great difficulties, and so far my researches have only been partially successful. From what I have been able to see of Squatina and Acanthias, I am inclined to think that the embryos of either of these genera would form far more suitable objects for this research than Scyllium. I have had a few embryos of Squatina which were unfortunately too old for my purpose. Very early the vasa efferentia are fully formed, and their arrangement in an embryo eight centimetres long is shewn in PL 20, fig. 6, v.c. It is there seen that there are six if not seven vasa efferentia connected with a longitudinal canal along the base of the testes (Semper's central canal of the testis), and passing down like the segmental tubes to spaces between the successive segments of the Wolffian body. They were probably connected by a longitudinal canal in the Wolffian body, but this could not be clearly seen. In the segment immediately behind the last vas efferens was a fully developed segmental tube. This embryo clearly throws no light on the question at issue except that on the whole it supports Semper's views. I further failed to make out anything from an examination of still younger embryos. In a somewhat older embryo there was connected with the anterior vas efferens a peculiar structure represented on PL 20, fig. 7, r. stt which strangely resembled the opening of an ordinary segmental tube, but as I could not find it in the younger embryo, this suggestion as to its nature, is, at the best, THE VASA EFFERENTIA. 509 extremely hazardous. If, however, this body really is the remnant of a segmental opening, it would be reasonable to con- clude that the vasa efferentia are buds from the segmental tubes as opposed to their openings ; a mode of origin which is not incompatible with the discoveries of Dr Spengel. I have noticed a remnant, somewhat similar to that in the Scyllium embryo, close to the hindermost vas efferens in an embryo Squatina (PL 20, fig. 8, r. st ?). With reference to the development of the longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body, I am without observations, but it appears to me to be probably a further development of the outgrowths of the vesicles of each segmental tube, which were described in connection with the development of the segmental tubes, p. 492. Were an anterior outgrowth of one vesicle to meet and coalesce with the posterior outgrowth of th,e preceding vesicle, a longi- tudinal canal such as actually exists would be the result. The central canal of the base of the testes and the network connected with it in the adult (PI. 20, fig. 4), appear to be derivatives of the vasa efferentia. I am thus compelled to leave open the question of the real nature of the vasa efferentia, but am inclined to regard them as outgrowths from the anterior segmental tubes, though not from their open terminations. My views upon the homologies of the various parts of the urinogenital system, the development of which has been described in the present chapter, have already been expressed in a paper on Urinogenital organs of Vertebrates1. Although Kolliker's2 discovery of the segmental tubes in Aves, and the researches of Spengel3, Gasser4, Ewart5 and others, have rendered necessary a few corrections in my facts, I still adhere in their entirety to the views expressed in that paper, and feel it unnecessary to 1 Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Vol. x. [This edition, No. vn.] 2 Enturicklungsgeschichte des Menschcn it. der hoheren Thiere. 3 Loc. cit. 4 Beitrdge zur Entwicklungsg. d. Allantois d. Mutter1 schen Gdnge ^l. d. Afters. 5 "Abdominal Pores and Urogenital Sinus of Lamprey," Journal of Anatomy and 1'hysiology, Vol. x. p. 488. DEVELOPMENT OK ELASMOBKANCH FISHES. repeat them in this place. I conclude the chapter with a resume of the development of the urinogenital organs in Elasmobranchs from their first appearance to their permanent condition. Resume. — The first trace of the urinary system makes its appearance as a knob springing from the intermediate cell-mass opposite the fifth protovertebra (woodcut, fig. %K,p.d}. This knob is the rudiment of the abdominal opening of the segmental duct, and from it there grows backwards to the level of the anus a solid column of cells, which constitutes the rudiment of the segmental duct itself (woodcut, fig. 5 B, /. d). The knob projects FIG. 5. Two SECTIONS OF A PRISTIURUS EMBRYO WITH THREE VISCERAL CLEFTS. tpn tpn a/ The sections illustrate the development of the segmental duct (fd) or primitive duct of the kidneys. In A (the anterior of the two sections) this appears as a solid knob (pcf) projecting towards the epiblast. In B is seen a section of the column which has grown backwards from the knob in A. sptt. rudiment of a spinal nerve; me. medullary canal; ch. notochord ; X. string of cells below the notochord; mp, muscle-plate; mp' . specially developed portion of muscle-plate ; ao. dorsal aorta ; pd. segmental duct ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchno- pleure ; pp. pleuroperitoneal or body-cavity ; ep. epiblast ; al. alimentary canal. towards the epiblast, and the column connected with it lies between the mesoblast and epiblast. The knob and column do not long remain solid, but the former acquires an opening into the body-cavity continuous with a lumen, which makes its appearance in the latter. While the lumen is gradually pushing its way backwards along the solid rudiment of the segmental duct, the first traces RESUME OF URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 51 I of the segmental tubes, or proper excretory organs, make their appearance in the form of solid outgrowths of the intermediate cell-mass, which soon become hollow and open into the body- cavity. Their blind ends curl obliquely backwards round the inner and dorsal side of the segmental duct. One segmental tube makes its appearance for each protovertebra, commencing with that immediately behind the abdominal opening of the segmental duct, the last tube being situated a short way behind the anus. Soon after their formation the blind ends of the segmental tubes open into the segmental duct, and each of them becomes divided into four parts. These are (woodcut 7) (i) a section carrying the abdominal opening or segmental tube proper, (2) a dilated vesicle into which this opens, (3) a coiled tubulus proceeding from (2) and terminating in (4), a wider portion opening into the segmental duct. At the same time, or shortly before this, each segmental duct unites with and opens into one of the horns of the cloaca, and also retires from its primitive position between the epiblast and mesoblast, and assumes a position close to the epithelium lining the body-cavity. The general features of the excretory organs at this period are dia- grammatically represented on the woodcut, fig. 6. In this fig. FIG. 6. DIAGRAM OF THE PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF THE KIDNEY IN AN ELASMOBRANCH EMBRYO. pd. segmental duct. It opens at o into the body-cavity and at its other extremity into the cloaca; x. line along which the division appears which separates the segmental duct into the Wolffian duct above and the Miillerian duct below; st. segmental tubes. They open at one end into the body-cavity, and at the other into the segmental duct. p.d is the segmental duct and o its abdominal opening, s.t points to the segmental tubes, the finer details of whose structure are not represented in the diagram. The kidneys thus form at this period an unbroken gland composed of a series of isolated coiled 512 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. tubes, one extremity of each of which opens into the body- cavity, and the other into the segmental duct, which forms the only duct of the kidney, and communicates at one end with the body-cavity, and at the other with the cloaca. The next important change concerns the segmental duct, which becomes longitudinally split into two complete ducts in the female, and one complete duct and parts of a second in the male. The manner in which this takes place is diagrammatically represented in woodcut 6 by the clear line x, and in transverse section in woodcut 7. The resulting ducts are the (i) Wolffian duct dorsally, which remains continuous with the excretory FIG. 7. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF A SCYLLIUM EMBRYO ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF THE WOLFFIAN AND MULLERIAN DUCTS BY THE LONGITUDINAL SPLITTING OF THE SEGMENTAL DUCT. •mp me. medullary canal ; mp. muscle-plate ; ch. notochord ; ao. aorta ; ca v. cardinal vein ; st. segmental tube. On the one side the section passes through the opening of a segmental tube into the body-cavity. On the other this opening is represented by dotted lines, and the opening of the segmental tube into the Wolffian duct has been cut through; w, d. Wolffian duct; m. d. Mullerian duct. The section is taken through the point where the segmental duct and Wolffian duct have just become separate; gr. The germinal ridge with the thickened germinal epithelium ; /. liver ; i. intestine with spiral valve. RESUME OF URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 513 tubules of the kidney, and ventrally (2) the oviduct or Miillerian duct in the female, and the rudiments of this duct in the male. In the female the formation of these ducts takes place by a nearly solid rod of cells, being gradually split off from the ventral side of all but the foremost part of the original segmental duct, with the short undivided anterior part of which duct it is continuous in front. Into it a very small portion of the lumen of the original segmental duct is perhaps continued (PL 21, fig. i A, etc.). The remainder of the segmental duct (after the loss of its anterior section and the part split off from its ventral side) forms the Wolffian duct. The process of formation of the ducts in the male chiefly differs from that in the female in the fact of the anterior undivided part of the segmental duct, which forms the front end of the Miillerian duct, being shorter, and in the column of cells with which it is continuous being from the first incomplete. The tubuli of the primitive excretory organ undergo further important changes. The vesicle at the termination of each segmental tube grows forwards towards the preceding tubulus, and joins the fourth section of it close to the opening into the Wolffian duct (PI. 21, fig. 10). The remainder of the vesicle becomes converted into a Malpighian body. By the first of these changes a connection is established between the successive segments of the kidney, and though this connection is certainly lost (or only represented by fibrous bands) in the anterior part of the excretory organs in the adult, and very probably in the hinder part, yet it seems most probable that traces of it are to be found in the presence of the secondary Malpighian bodies of the majority of segments, which are most likely developed from it. Up to this time there has been no distinction between the anterior and posterior tubuli of the primitive excretory organ which alike open into the Wolffian duct. The terminal division of the tubuli of a considerable number of the hindermost of these (ten or eleven in Scyllium canicula), either in some species elongate, overlap, and eventually open by apertures (not usually so numerous as the separate tubes), on nearly the same level, into the hindermost section of the Wolffian duct in the female, or into the urinogenital cloaca, formed by the coalesced terminal 514 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. parts of the Wolffian ducts, in the male; or in other species become modified in such a manner as to pour their secretion into a single duct on each side, which opens in a position correspond- ing with the numerous ducts of the other type (woodcut, fig. 8). It seems that both in Amphibians and Elasmobranchs the type with a single duct, or approximations to it, are more often found in the females than in the males. The subject requires however to be more worked out in Elasmobranchs1. In both groups the modified posterior kidney-segments are probably equivalent to the permanent kidney of the amniotic Vertebrates, and for this reason the numerous ducts of the first group or single duct of the second were spoken of as ureters. The anterior tubuli of the primitive excretory organ retain their early relation to the Wolffian duct, and form the Wolffian body. The originally separate terminal extremities of the Wolffian ducts always coalesce, and form a urinal cloaca, opening by a single aperture situated at the extremity of a median papilla behind the anus. Some of the abdominal openings of the segmental tubes in Scyllium, or in other cases all the openings, become obliterated. In the male the anterior segmental tubes undergo remark- able modifications. There appear to grow from the first three or four or more of them (though the point is still somewhat obscure) branches, which pass to the base of the testis and there unite into a longitudinal canal, form a network, and receive the secretion of the testicular ampullae (woodcut 9, nf). These ducts, the vasa efferentia, carry the semen to the Wolffian body, but before opening into the tubuli of this they unite into the longitudinal canal of tJie Wolffian body (l.c], from which pass off ducts equal in number to the vasa efferentia, each of which normally ends in a Malpighian body. From the Malpighian body so connected start the convoluted tubuli of what may be called the generative segments of the Wolffian body along which the semen is conveyed to the Wolffian duct (v. d). The Wolffian duct itself becomes much contorted and acts as vas deferens. 1 The reverse of the above rule is the case with Raja, in the male of which a closer approximation to the single-duct type is found than in the female. RESUME OF URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 515 DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS IN AN ADULT FEMALE ELASMOBRANCH. m. d, Miillerian duct; w. d. Wolffian duct; s. t. them are represented with openings into the body-cavity; segmental tubes ; ov. ovary. glandular tubuli ; five of d. duct of the posterior In the woodcuts, figs. 8 and 9, are diagrammatically repre- sented the chief constituents of the adult urinogenital organs in the two sexes. In the adult female, £g. 8, there are present the following parts : (1) The oviduct or Miillerian duct (m.cT) split off from the segmental duct of the kidneys. Each oviduct opens at its an- terior extremity into the body-cavity, and behind the two ovi- ducts have independent communications with the general cloaca. (2) The Wolffian ducts (w. d}, the other product of the seg- mental ducts of the kidneys. They end in front by becoming continuous with the tubulus of the anterior segment of the Wolffian body on each side, and unite behind to open by a com- mon papilla into the cloaca. The Wolffian duct receives the secretion of the anterior part of the primitive kidney which forms the Wolffian body. (3) The ureter (d) which carries off the secretion of the kidney proper. It is represented in my diagram in its most rare and differentiated condition as a single duct. (4) The glandular tubuli (s. t}, some of which retain their original openings into the body-cavity, and others are without them. They are divided into two groups, an anterior forming 5i6 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. the Wolffian body, which pour their secretion into the Wolffian duct, and a posterior group forming the kidney proper, which are connected with the ureter. FIG. 9. DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS IN AN ADULT MALE ELASMOBRANCH. m. d. rudiment of Miillerian duct; w. d. Wolffian duct, marked vd in front and serving as vas deferens ; st. glandular tubuli ; two of them are represented with openings into the body-cavity; d. ureter; /. testis; nt. central canal at the base of the testis; VE. vasa efferentia; k. longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body. In the male the following parts are present (woodcut 9) : (1) The Mullerian duct (md)t consisting of a small rudi- ment attached to the liver representing the foremost end of the oviduct of the female. (2) The Wolffian duct (w. d} which precisely corresponds to the Wolffian duct of the female, but, in addition to functioning as the duct of the Wolffian body, also acts as a vas deferens (vd). In the adult male its foremost part has a very tortuous course. (3) The ureter (d), which has the same fundamental consti- tution as in the female. (4) The segmental tubes (st). The posterior of these have the same arrangement in both sexes, but in the male modifica- tions take place in connection with the anterior ones to fit them to act as transporters of the testicular products. Connected with the anterior ones there are present (i) the vasa efferentia (VE), united on the one hand with (2) the central canal in the base of the testis (nt), and on the other with the POSTSCRIPT. 5 I 7 longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body (l.c}. From the latter are seen passing off the successive tubuli of the anterior seg- ments of the Wolffian body in connection with which Malpighian bodies are typically present, though not represented in my diagram. Postscript. It was my original intention to have given an account of the development of the generative organs. In the course, how- ever, of my work a number of novel and unexpected points turned up, which have considerably protracted my investiga- tions, and it has appeared to me better no longer to delay the appearance of this monograph, but to publish elsewhere my results on the generative organs. In chapter VI. p. 349 et seq. the early stages of the generative organs are described, but in contemplation of the completion of the account no allusion was made to their literature, and more especially to Professor Semper's important contributions. I may perhaps say that I have been able to confirm the most important result to which he and other anatomists have nearly simultaneously arrived with respect to Vertebrates, viz. that the primitive ova give rise to both the male and female generative products. DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 20 AND «i. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. a mg. Accessory Malpighian body. cav. Cardinal vein. • ge. Germinal epithelium. k. True kidney. /. c. Longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body connected with vasa efferentia. mg. Malpighian body. nt. Network and central canal at the base of the testis. o. External aperture of urinal cloaca, od. Oviduct or MUllerian duct of the female, od' . MUllerian duct of the male. ou. Openings of ureters in Wolffian duct in the female (fig. 3). ping- Primary Malpighian body. px. Growth from vesicle at the end of a segmental tube to join the collecting tube of the preceding segment, r st. Rudimentary segmental tube. tu. Ureter commencing to be formed. s b. Seminal bladder, j d, Segmental duct, s t. Segmental tube, st o. Opening of segmental tube into body-cavity, sur. Suprarenal body. t. Testis. u. Ureters. v e. Vas efferens. iv b, Wolffian body, w d. Wolffian duct. PLATE 20. Fig. i. Diagrammatic representation of excretory organs on one side of a male Scy Ilium canicula, natural size. Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of the kidney proper on one side of a female Scyllium canicula, natural size, shewing the ducts of the kidney and the dilated por- tion of the Wolffian duct. Fig. 3. Opening of the ureters into the Wolffian duct of a female Scyllium canicula. The figure represents the Wolffian ducts (w d) with ventral portion removed so as to expose their inner surface, and shews the junction of the two W. ducts to form the common urinal cloaca, the single external opening of this (o), and openings of ureters into one Wolffian duct (ou). Fig. 4. Anterior extremity of Wolffian body of a young male Scyllium canicula shewing the vasa efferentia and their connection with the kidneys and the testis. The vasa efferentia and longitudinal canal are coloured to render them distinct. They are intended to be continuous with the uncoloured coils of the Wolffian body, though this connection has not been very successfully rendered by the artist. Fig. 5. Part of the Wolffian body of a nearly ripe male embryo of Scyllium canicula as a transparent object. Zeiss a a, ocul. 3. The figure shews two segmental tubes opening into the body-cavity and connected with a primary Malpighian body, and also, by a fibrous connection, with a secondary Malpighian body of the preceding segment. It also sh^ws one segmental tube (r st) imperfectly connected with the accessory Malpighian body of the preceding segment of the kidney. The coils of the kidney are represented somewhat diagrammatically. Fig. 6. Vasa efferentia of a male embryo of Scyllium canicula eight centimetres in length. Zeiss a a, ocul. 2. There are seen to be at the least six and possibly seven distinct vasa going to as many segments of the Wolffian body and connected with a longitudinal canal in the base of the testis. They were probably also connected with a longitudinal canal in the Wolffian body, but this could not be clearly made out. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 2O AND 21. 519 Fig. 7. The anterior four vasa efferentia of a nearly ripe embryo. Connected with the foremost one is seen a body which looks like the remnant of a segmental tube and its opening (r si ?). Fig. 8. Testis and anterior part of Wolffian body of an embryo of Squatina vulgaris. The figure is intended to illustrate the arrangement of the vasa efferentia. There are five of these connected with a longitudinal canal in the base of the testis, and with another longitudinal canal in the Wolffian body. From the second longitudinal canal there pass off four ducts to as many Malpighian bodies. Through the Mal- pighian bodies these ducts are continuous with the several coils of the Wolffian body, and so eventually with the Wolffian duct. Close to the hindermost vas efferens is seen a body which resembles a rudimentary segmental tube (r st?}. PLATE 21. Figs, i A, i B, i C, i D. Four sections from a female Scyllium canicula of a stage between M and N through the part where the segmental duct becomes split into Wolffian duct and oviduct. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. i A is the foremost section. The sections shew that the oviduct arises as a thickening on the under surface of the segmental duct into which at the utmost a very narrow prolongation of the lumen of the segmental duct is carried. The small size of the lumen of the Wolffian duct in the foremost section is due to the section passing through nearly its anterior blind extremity. Fig. 2. Section close to the junction of the Wolffian duct and oviduct in a female embryo of Scyllium canicula belonging to stage N. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. The section represented shews that in some instances the formation of the oviduct and Wolffian duct is accompanied by a division of the lumen of the segmental duct into two not very unequal parts. Figs. 3 A, 36, 3 C. Three sections illustrating the formation of a ureter in a female embryo belonging to stage N. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. 3 A is the foremost section. The figures shew that the lumen of the developing ureter is enclosed in front by an independent wall (fig. 3 A), but that further back the lumen is partly shut in by the subjacent Wolffian duct, while behind no lumen is present, but the ureter ends as a solid knob of cells without an opening into the Wolffian duct. Fig. 4. Section through the ureters of the same embryo as fig. 3, but nearer the cloaca. Zeiss B, ocul. i. The figure shews the appearance of a transverse section through the wall of cells above the Wolffian duct formed by the overlapping ureters, the lumens of which appear as perforations in it. It should be compared with fig. 9 A, which represents a longitudinal section through a similar wall of cells. Fig. 5. Section through the ureters, the Wolffian duct and the oviduct of a female embryo of Scy. canicula belonging to stage P. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. Fig. 6. Section of part of the Wolffian body of a male embryo of Scyllium canicula belonging to stage O. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. 520 DEVELOPMENT OF ELASMOBRANCH FISHES. The section illustrates (i) the formation of a Malpighian body (mg) from the dilatation at the end of a segmental tube, (i) the appearance of the rudiment of the Miillerian duct in the male (od'). Figs. 7 a, 7 b. Two longitudinal and vertical sections through part of the kidney of an embryo between stages L and M. Zeiss B, ocul. 2. 7 a illustrates the parts of a single segment of the Wolffian body at this stage, vide p. 491. The segmental tube and opening are not in the plane of the section, but the dilated vesicle is shewn into which the segmental tube opens. 7 b is taken from the region of the kidney proper. To the right is seen the opening of a segmental tube into the body-cavity, and in the segment to the left the commenc- ing formation of a ureter, vide p. 502. Fig. 8. Longitudinal and vertical section through the posterior part of the kidney proper of an embryo of Scyllium canicula at a stage between N and O. Zeiss A, ocul. 2. The section shews the nearly completed ureters, developing Malpighian bodies, &c. Fig. 9. Longitudinal and vertical section through the anterior part of the kidney proper of the same embryo as fig. 8. Zeiss A, ocul. 2. The figure illustrates the mode of growth of the developing ureters. 9 A. More highly magnified portion of the same section as fig. 9. Compare with transverse section fig. 4. Fig. 10. Longitudinal and vertical section through part of the Wolffian body of an embryo of Scyllium canicula at a stage between O and P. The section contains two examples of the budding out of the vesicle of a segmental tube to form a Malpighian body in its own segment and to unite with the tubulus of the preceding segment close to its opening into the Wolfnan duct. XI. ON THE PHENOMENA ACCOMPANYING THE MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE Ovun1. THE brilliant discoveries of Strasburger and Auerbach have caused the attention of a large number of biologists to be turned to the phenomena accompanying the division of nuclei and the maturation and impregnation of the ovum. The results of the recent investigations on the first of these points formed the sub- ject of an article by Mr Priestley in the sixteenth volume of this Journal, and the object of the present article is to give some account of what has so far been made out with reference to the second of them. The matters to be treated of naturally fall under two heads : (i) the changes attending the ripening of the ovum, which are independent of impregnation ; (2) the changes which are directly due to impregnation. Every ovum as it approaches maturity is found to be composed (Fig. i) of (i) a protoplasmic body or vitellus usually containing yolk-spherules in suspension ; (2) of a germinal vesicle or nucleus, FIG. i. — Unripe ovum of Toxopneustes lividus (copied from Hertwig). 1 From the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, April, 1878. B, 34 522 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. containing (3) one or more germinal spots or nucleoli. It is with the germinal vesicle and its contents that we are especially concerned. This body at its full development has a more or less spherical shape, and is enveloped by a distinct membrane. Its contents are for the most part fluid, but may be more or less granular. Their most characteristic component is, however, a protoplasmic network which stretches from the germinal spot to the investing membrane, but is especially concentrated round the former (Fig. i). The germinal spot forms a nearly homo- geneous body, with frequently one or more vacuoles. It occupies an often excentric position within the germinal vesicle, and is usually rendered very conspicuous by its high refrangibility. In many instances it has been shewn to be capable of amoeboid movements (Auerbach, and Os. Hertwig), and is moreover more solid and more strongly tinged by colouring reagents than the remaining constituents of the germinal vesicle. These peculiari- ties have caused the matter of which it is composed to be distinguished by Auerbach and Hertwig as nuclear substance. In many instances there is only one germinal spot, or one main spot, and two or three accessory smaller spots. In other cases, e.g. Osseous Fish, there are a large number of nearly equal germinal spots. The eggs which have been most investigated with reference to the changes of germinal vesicle are those with a single germinal spot, and it is with these that I shall have more especially to deal in the sequel. The germinal vesicle occupies in the first instance a central position in the ovum, but at maturity is almost always found in close proximity to the surface. Its change of position in a large number of instances is accomplished during the growth of the ovum in the ovary, but in other cases does not take place till the ovum has been laid. The questions which many investigators have recently set themselves to answer are the two following: — (i) What becomes of the germinal vesicle when the ovum is ready to be impregnated ? (2) Is any part of it present in the ovum at the commencement of segmentation ? According to their answers to these questions the older embryologists roughly fall into two groups: (i) By one set the germinal vesicle is stated to completely disappear and not to be genetically connected with the subsequent nuclei MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 523 of the embryo. (2) According to the other set it remains in the ovum and by successive divisions forms the parent nucleus of all the nuclei in the body of the embryo. Though the second of these views has been supported by several very distinguished names the first view was without doubt the one most generally entertained, and Haeckel (though from his own observations he was originally a supporter of the second view) has even enunciated the theory that there exists an anuclear stage, after the disappearance of the germinal vesicle, which he regards as an embryonic repetition of the monad condition of the Protozoa. While the supporters of the first view agree as to the dis- appearance of the germinal vesicle they differ considerably as to the manner of this occurrence. Some are of opinion that the vesicle simply vanishes, its contents being absorbed in the ovum ; others that it is ejected from the ovum and appears as the polar cell or body, or Ricktungskb'rper of the Germans — a small body which is often found situated in the space between the ovum and its membrane, and derives its name from retaining a constant position in relation to the ovum, and thus serving as a guide in determining the similar parts of the embryo through the different stages. The researches of Oellacher (I5)1 in this direction deserve special mention, as having in a sense formed the founda- tion of the modern views upon this subject. By a series of careful observations upon the egg of the trout and subsequently of the bird, he demonstrated that the germinal vesicle of the ovum, while still in the ovary, underwent partial degeneration and eventually became ejected. His observations were made to a great extent by means of sections, and the general accuracy of his results is fairly certain, but the nature of the eggs he worked on, as well as other causes, prevented his obtaining so deep an insight into the phenomena accompanying the ejection of the germinal vesicle as has since been possible. Loven, Flemming (6), and others have been led by their investigations to adopt views similar in the main to Oellacher's. As a rule, however, it is held by believers in the disappearance of the germinal vesicle that it becomes simply absorbed, and many very accurate 1 The numbers appended to authors' names refer to the list of publications at the end of the paper. 34—2 524 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. accounts, so far as they go, have been given of the gradual atrophy of the germinal vesicle. The description of Kleinenberg (14) for Hydra, and Gbtte for Bombinator, may perhaps be selected as especially complete in this respect ; in both instances the germinal vesicle commences to atrophy at a relatively early period. Coming to the more modern period the researches of five workers, viz. Biitschli, E. van Beneden, Fol, Hertwig, and Strasburger have especially thrown light upon this difficult sub- ject. It is now hardly open to doubt that while part of the germinal vesicle is concerned in the formation of the polar cell or cells, when such are present, and is therefore ejected from the ovum, part also remains in the ovum and forms a nuclear body which will be spoken of as the female pronucletis, the fate of which is recorded in the second part of this paper. The researches of Biitschli and van Beneden have been especially instrumental in demonstrating the relation between the polar bodies and the ger- minal vesicle, and those of Hertwig and Fol, in shewing that part of the germinal vesicle remained in the ovum. It must not, however, be supposed that the results of these authors are fully substantiated, or that all the questions connected with these phenomena are settled. The statements we have are in many points opposed and contradictory, and there is much that is still very obscure. In the sequel an account is first given of the researches of the above-named authors, followed by a statement of those results which appear to me the most probable. The researches of van Beneden (3 and 4) were made on the ovum of the rabbit and of Asterias, and from his observations on both these widely separated forms he has been led to con- clude that the germinal vesicle is either ejected or absorbed, but that it has in no case a genetic connection with the first segmentation sphere. He gives the following description of the changes in the rabbit's ovum. The germinal vesicle is enclosed by a membrane, and contains one main germinal spot, and a few accessory ones, together with a granular material which he calls nucleoplasma, which affects, as is usual in nuclei, a reticular arrangement. The remaining space in the vesicle is filled by a clear fluid. As the ovum approaches maturity the germinal MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 525 vesicle assumes an excentric position, and fuses with the peri- pheral layer of the egg to constitute the cicatriciilar lens. The germinal spot next travels to the surface of the cicatricular lens and forms the nuclear disc: at the same time the membrane of the germinal vesicle vanishes though it probably unites with the nuclear disc. The nucleoplasma then collects into a definite mass and forms the nucleoplasmic body. Finally the nuclear disc assumes an ellipsoidal form and becomes the nuclear body. Nothing is now left of the original germinal vesicle but the nuclear body and the nucleoplasmic body both still situated within the ovum. In the next stage no trace of the germinal vesicle can be detected in the ovum, but outside it, close to the point where the modified remnants of the vesicle were previously situated, there is present a polar body which is composed of two parts, one of which stains deeply and resembles the nuclear body, and the other does not stain but is similar to the nucleo- plasmic body. Van Beneden concludes that the polar bodies are the two ejected products of the germinal vesicle. In the case of Asterias, van Beneden has not observed the mode of formation of the polar bodies, and mainly gives an account of the atrophy of the germinal vesicle, but adds very little to what was already known to us from Kleinenberg's (14) earlier observations. He describes with precision the breaking up of the germinal spot into fragments and its eventual dis- appearance. Though there are reasons for doubting the accuracy of all the above details on the ovum of the rabbit, nevertheless, the obser- vations of van Beneden taken as a whole afford strong grounds for concluding that the formation of the polar cells is connected with the disappearance, partial or otherwise, of the germinal vesicle. A very similar account of the apparent disappearance of the germinal vesicle is given by Greeff (19) who states that the apparent disappearance of the germinal spot precedes that of the vesicle. The observations of Biatschli are of still greater importance in this direction. He has studied with a view to elucidating the fate of the germinal vesicle, the eggs of Nephelis, Lymnaeus, Cucullanus, and other Nematodes; and Rotifers. In all of these, with the exception of Rotifers, he finds polar bodies, and in this 526 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. respect his observations are of value as tending to shew the wide-spread existence of these structures. Negative results with reference to the presence of the polar bodies have, it may be re- marked, only a very secondary value. Biitschli has made the very important discovery that in perfectly ripe eggs of Nephelis, Lymnaeus and Cucullanus and allied genera a spindle, similar to that of ordinary nuclei in the act of division, appears close to the surface of the egg. This spindle he regards as the meta- morphosed germinal vesicle, and has demonstrated that it takes part in the formation of the polar cells. He states that the whole spindle is ejected from the egg, and that after swelling up and forming a somewhat spherical mass it divides into three parts. In the Nematodes generally. Biitschli has been unable to find the spindle modification of the germinal vesicle, but he states that the germinal vesicle undergoes degeneration, its outline be- coming indistinct and the germinal spot vanishing. The position of the germinal vesicle continues to be marked by a clear space which gradually approaches the surface of the egg. When it is in contact with the surface a small spherical body, the remnant of the germinal vesicle, comes into view, and eventually becomes ejected. The clear space subsequently disappears. This de- scription of Biitschli resembles in some respects that given by van Beneden of the changes in the rabbit's ovum, and not im- possibly refers to a nearly identical series of phenomena. The discovery by Biitschli of the spindle and its relation to the polar body has been of very great value. The publications of van Beneden, and more especially those of Biitschli, taken by themselves lead to the conclusion that the whole germinal vesicle is either ejected or absorbed. Nearly simultaneously with their publications there appeared, however, a paper by Oscar Hertwig (11) on the eggs of one of the com- mon sea urchins ( Toxopneustes lividus), in which he attempted to shew that part of the germinal vesicle, at any rate, was con- cerned in the formation of the first segmentation nucleus. He believed (though he has himself now recognised that he was in error on the point) that no polar cell was formed in Toxop- neustes, and that the whole germinal vesicle was absorbed, with the exception of the germinal spot which remained in the egg as the female pronucleus. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 527 The following is the summary which he gives of his results, PP- 357—8. " At the time when the egg is mature the germinal vesicle undergoes a retrogressive metamorphosis and becomes carried towards the surface of the egg by the contraction of the proto- plasm. Its membrane becomes dissolved and its contents dis- integrated and finally absorbed by the yolk. The germinal spot appears, however, to remain unaltered and to continue in the yolk and to become the permanent nucleus of the ripe ovum capable of impregnation." After the publication of Butschli's monograph, O. Hertwig (12) continued his researches on the ova of Leeches (Hcemopis and Nephelis], and not only added very largely to our knowledge of the history of the germinal vesicle, but was able to make a very important rectification in Butschli's conclusions. The following is a summary of his results : — The germinal vesicle, as in other cases, undergoes a form of degeneration, though retaining its central position ; and the germinal spot breaks up into frag- ments. The stages in which this occurs are followed by one when, on a superficial examination, the ovum appears to be absolutely without a nucleus ; but there can be demonstrated by means of reagents in the position previously occupied by the germinal vesicle a spindle nucleus with the usual suns at its poles, which Hertwig believes to be a product of the fragments of the germinal spot. This spindle travels towards the periphery of the ovum and then forms the spindle observed by Butschli. At the point where one of the apices of the spindle lies close to the surface a small protuberance arises which is destined to form the first polar cell. As the protuberance becomes more prominent one half of the spindle passes into it. The spindle then divides in the normal manner for nuclei, one half remaining in the pro- tuberance, the other in the ovum, and finally the protuberance becomes a rounded body united to the egg by a narrow stalk. It is clear that if, as there is -every reason to think, the above description is correct, the polar cell is formed by a simple pro- cess of cell-division and not, as Butschli believed, by the forcible ejection of the spindle. The portion of the spindle in the polar cell becomes a mass of granules, and that in the ovum becomes converted without 528 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. the occurrence of the usual nuclear stage into a fresh spindle. A second polar cell is formed in the same manner as the first one, and the first one subsequently divides into two. The portion of the spindle which remains in the egg after the formation of the second polar cell reconstitutes itself into a nucleus — the female pronucleus — and travelling towards the centre of the egg un- dergoes a fate which will be spoken of in the second part of this paper. The most obscure part of Hertwig's work is that which con- cerns the formation of the spindle on the atrophy of the germinal vesicle, and his latest paper, though it gives further details on this head, does not appear to me to clear up the mystery. Though Hertwig demonstrates clearly enough that this spindle is a product of the metamorphoses of the germinal vesicle, he does not appear to prove the thesis which he maintains, that it is the metamorphosed germinal spot. Fol, to whom we are indebted in his paper on the develop- ment of Geryonia (7) for the best of the earlier descriptions of the phenomena which attend the maturation of the egg, and later for valuable contributions somewhat similar to those of Biitschli with reference to the development of the Pteropod egg (8), has recently given us a very interesting account of what takes place in the ripe egg of Asterias glacialis (9). In reference to the formation of the polar cells, his results accord closely with those of Hertwig, but he differs considerably from this author with reference to the preceding changes in the germinal vesicle. He believes that the germinal spot atrophies more or less completely, but that in any case its constituents remain behind in the egg, though he will not definitely assert that it takes no share in the formation of the spindle at the expense of which both the polar cells and the female pronucleus are formed. The spindle with its terminal suns arises, according to him, from the contents of the germinal vesicle, loses its spindle character, travels to the surface, and reacquiring a spindle character is con- cerned in the formation of the polar cells in the way described by Hertwig. Giard (10) gives a somewhat different account of the be- haviour of the germinal vesicle in Psammechinus miliaris. At maturity the contents of the germinal vesicle and spot mix MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 529 together and form an amoeboid mass, which, assuming a spindle form, divides into two parts, one of which travels towards the centre of the egg and forms the female pronucleus, the other remains at the surface and gives origin to two polar cells, both of which are formed after the egg is laid. What Giard regards as the female pronucleus is perhaps the lower of the two bodies which take the place of the original germinal vesicle as de- scribed by Fol. Vide the account of Fol's observations on p. 531. Strasburger, from observations on Phallusia, accepts in the main Hertwig's conclusion with reference to the formation of the polar bodies, but does not share Hertwig's view that either the polar bodies or female pronucleus are formed at the expense of the germinal spot alone. He has further shewn that the so- called canal-cell of conifers is formed in the same manner as the polar cells, and states his belief that an equivalent of the polar cells is widely distributed in the vegetable subkingdom. This sketch of the results of recent researches will, it is hoped, suffice to bring into prominence the more important steps by which the problems of this department of embryology have been solved. The present aspects of the question may perhaps be most conveniently displayed by following the history of a single ovum. For this purpose the eggs of Asterias glacialis, which have recently formed the subject of a series of beautiful researches by Fol (9), may conveniently be selected. The ripe ovum (fig. 2), when detached from the ovary, is formed of a granular vitellus without a vitelline membrane, but enveloped in a mucilaginous coat. It contains an excentrically situated germinal vesicle and germinal spot. In the former is present the usual protoplasmic reticulum. As soon as the ovum reaches the sea water the germinal vesicle commences to un- dergo a peculiar metamorphosis. It exhibits frequent changes of form, its membrane becomes gradually absorbed and its out- line indented and indistinct, and finally its contents become to a certain extent confounded with the vitellus (Fig. 3). The germinal spot at the same time loses its clearness of outline and gradually disappears from view. At a slightly later stage in the place of the original germinal vesicle there may be observed in the fresh ovum two clear spaces (fig. 4), one ovoid and nearer the surface, and the second 530 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. FIG. 2. — Ripe ovum of Asterias glacialis enveloped in a mucilaginous envelope, and containing an excentric germinal vesicle and germinal spot (copied from Fol). FlG. 3. — Two successive stages in the gradual metamorphosis of the germinal vesicle and spot of the ovum of Asterias glacialis immediately after it is laid (copied from Fol). FIG. 4. — Ovum of Asterias glacialis, shewing, the clear spaces in the place of the germinal vesicle. Fresh preparation (copied from Fol). more irregular in form and situated rather deeper in the vitellus. By treatment with reagents the first clear space is found to be formed of a spindle with two terminal suns on the lower side of which is a somewhat irregular body (Fig. 5). The second clear space by the same treatment is she\vn to contain a round body. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 531 FIG. 5. — Ovum of Asterias glacialis, at the same stage as Fig. 4, treated with picric acid (copied from Fol). Fol concludes that the spindle is formed out of part of the germinal vesicle and not of the germinal spot, while he sees in the round body present in the lower of the two clear spaces the metamorphosed germinal spot. He will not, however, assert that no fragment of the germinal spot enters into the formation of the spindle. It may be observed that Fol is here obliged to fill up (so far at least as his present preliminary account enables me to determine) a lacuna in his obseivations in a hypothetical manner, and O. Hertwig's (13) most recent observations on the ovum of the same or an allied species of Asterias tend to throw some doubt upon Fol's interpretations. The following is Hertwig's account of the changes in the germinal vesicle. A quarter of an hour after the egg is laid the protoplasm on the side of the germinal vesicle towards the surface of the egg develops a prominence which presses inwards the wall of the vesicle. At the same time the germinal spot develops a large vacuole, in the interior of which is a body con- sisting of nuclear substance, and formed of a firmer and more refractive material than the remainder of the germinal spot. In the above-mentioned prominence towards the germinal vesicle, first one sun is formed by radial striae of protoplasm, and then a second makes its appearance, while in the living ovum the germinal spot appears to have vanished, the outline of the germinal vesicle to have become indistinct, and its contents to have mingled with the surrounding protoplasm. Treatment with reagents demonstrates that in the process of disappearance of the germinal spot the nuclear mass in the vacuole forms a 532 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. rod-like body, the free end of which is situated between the two suns which occupy the prominence of the germinal vesicle. At a slightly later period granules may be seen at the end of the rod and finally the rod itself vanishes. After these changes there may be demonstrated by the aid of reagents a spindle between the two suns, which Hertwig believes to grow in size as the last remnants of the germinal spot gradually vanish, and he maintains, as before mentioned, that the spindle is formed at the expense of the germinal spot. Without following Hertwig so far as this1 it may be permitted to suggest that his observations tend to shew that the body noticed by Fol in the median line, on the inner side of his spindle, is in reality a remnant of the germinal spot and not, as Fol supposes, part of the germinal vesicle. Considering how conflicting is the evidence before us it seems necessary to leave open for the present the question as to what parts of the germinal vesicle are concerned in forming the first spindle. The spindle, however it be formed, has up to this time been situated with its axis parallel to the surface of the egg, but not long after the stage last described a spindle is found with one end projecting into a protoplasmic prominence which makes its appearance on the surface of the egg (Fig. 6). Hertwig believes FIG. 6. — Portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis, shewing the spindle formed from the metamorphosed germinal vesicle projecting into a protoplasmic prominence of the surface of the egg. Picric acid preparation (copied from Fol). that the spindle simply travels towards the surface, and while doing so changes the direction of its axis. Fol finds, however, that this is not the case, but that between the two conditions 1 Hertwig's full account of his observations, with figures, in the 4th vol. of the Morphologische Jahrbuch, has appeared since the above was written. The figures given strongly support Hertwig's views. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 533 of the spindle an intermediate one is found in which a spindle can no longer be seen in the egg, but its place is taken by a com- pact rounded body. He has not been able to arrive at a conclu- sion as to what meaning is to be attached to this occurrence. In any case the spindle which projects into the prominence on the surface of the egg divides it into two parts, one in the prominence and one in the egg (Fig. 7). The prominence itself with the FIG. 7. — Portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis at the moment of the detachment of the first polar body and the withdrawal of the remaining part of the spindle within the ovum. Picric acid preparation (copied from Fol). enclosed portion of the spindle becomes partially constricted off from the egg as the first polar body (Fig. 8). The part of the FIG. 8. — Portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis, with the first polar body as it appears when living (copied from Fol). spindle which remains in the egg becomes directly converted into a second spindle by the elongation of its fibres without passing through a typical nuclear condition. A second polar cell next becomes formed in the same manner as the first (Fig. 9), and FIG. 9. — Portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis immediately after the formation of the second polar body. Picric acid preparation (copied from Fol). 534 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. the portion of the spindle remaining in the egg becomes con- verted into two or three clear vesicles (Fig. 10) which soon unite to form a single nucleus, the female pronucleus (Fig. 11). fC^ap^6-^ FIG. 10. — Portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis after the formation of the second polar cell, shewing the part of the spindle remaining in the ovum becoming converted into two clear vesicles. Picric acid preparation (copied from Fol). FIG. n. — Ovum of Asterias glacialis with the two polar bodies and the female pronucleus surrounded by radial strife, as seen in the living egg (copied from Fol). The two polar cells appear to be situated between two membranes, the outer of which is very, delicate and only distinct where it covers the polar cells, while the inner one is thicker and becomes, after impregnation, more distinct and then forms what Fol speaks of as the vitelline membrane. It is clear, as Hertwig has pointed out, that the polar bodies originate by a regular cell division and have the value of cells. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 535 General conclusions. Considering how few ova have been adequately investigated with reference to the behaviour of the germinal vesicle any general conclusions which may at present be formed are to be regarded as provisional, and I trust that this will be borne in mind by the reader in perusing the following paragraphs. There is abundant evidence that at the time of maturation of the egg the germinal vesicle undergoes peculiar changes, which are, in part at least, of a retrogressive character. These changes •may begin considerably before the egg has reached the period of maturity, or may not take place till after it has been laid. They consist in appearance of irregularity and obscurity in the outline of the germinal vesicle, the absorption of its membrane, the partial absorption of its contents in the yolk, and the break- ing up and disappearance of the germinal spot. The exact fate of the single germinal spot, or the numerous spots where they are present, is still obscure; and the observations of Oellacher on the trout, and to a certain extent my own on the skate, tend to shew that the membrane of the germinal vesicle may in some cases be ejected from the egg, but this conclusion cannot be accepted without further confirmation. The retrogressive metamorphosis of the germinal vesicle is followed in a large number of instances by the conversion of what remains into a striated spindle similar in character to a nucleus previous to division. This spindle travels to the surface and undergoes division to form the polar cell or cells in the manner above described. The part which remains in the egg forms eventually the female pronucleus. The germinal vesicle has up to the present time only been observed to undergo the above series of changes in a certain number of instances, which, however, include examples from several divisions of the Ccelenterata, the Echinodermata, and the Mollusca, and also some of the Vermes (Nematodes, Hirudinea, Sagitta). It is very possible, not to say probable, that it is uni- versal in the animal kingdom, but the present state of our know- ledge does not justify us in saying so. -It maybe that in the case of the rabbit, and many Nematodes as described by van Beneden 536 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. and by Butschli, we have instances of a different mode of for- mation of the polar cells. The case of Amphibians, as described by Bambeke (2) and Hertwig (12) cannot so far be brought into conformity with our type, though observations are so difficult to make with such opaque eggs that not much reliance can be placed upon the exist- ing statements. In both of these types of possible exceptions it is fairly clear that, whatever may be the case with reference to the formation of the polar cells, part of the germinal vesicle remains behind as the female pronucleus. There are a large number of types, including the whole of the Rotifera J and Arthropoda, with a few doubtful exceptions, in which the polar cells cannot as yet be said to have been satis- factorily observed. Whatever may be the eventual result of more extended inves- tigation, it is clear that the formation of polar cells according to our type is a very constant occurrence. Its importance is also very greatly increased by the discovery by Strasburger of the existence of an analogous process amongst plants. Two questions about it obviously present themselves for solution : (i) What are the conditions of its occurrence with reference to impregnation ? (2) What meaning has it in the development of the ovum or the embryo ? The answer to the first of these questions is not difficult to find. The formation of the polar bodies is independent of impregnation, and is the final act of the normal growth of the ovum. In a few types the polar cells are formed while the ovum is still in the ovary, as, for instance, in some species of Echini, Hydra, &c., but, according to our present knowledge, far more usually after the ovum has been laid. In some of the instances the budding off of the polar cells precedes, and in others follows impregnation ; but there is no evidence to shew that in the later cases the process is influenced by the contact with the male element. In Asterias, as has been shewn by O. Hertwig, the 1 Flemming (6) finds that, in the summer and probably parthenogenetic eggs of Lacinularia socialis, the germinal vesicle approaches the surface and becomes invisible, and that subsequently a slight indentation in the outline of the egg marks the point of its disappearance. In the hollow of the indentation Flemming believes a polar cell to be situated, though he has not definitely seen one, MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 537 formation of the polar cells may indifferently either precede or follow impregnation — a fact which affords a clear demonstration of the independence of the two occurrences. To the second of the two questions it does not unfortunately seem possible at present to give an answer which can be regarded as satisfactory. The retrogressive changes in the membrane of the germinal vesicle which usher in the formation of the polar bodies may very probably be viewed as a prelude to a renewed activity of the contents of the vesicle ; and are perhaps rendered the more neces- sary from the thickness of the membrane which results from a protracted period of passive growth. This suggestion does not, however, help us to explain the formation of polar cells by a pro- cess identical with cell division. The ejection of part of the germinal vesicle in the formation of the polar cells may probably be paralleled by the ejection of part or the whole of the original nucleus which, if we may trust the beautiful researches of Biit- schli, takes place during conjugation in Infusoria as a preliminary to the formation of a fresh nucleus. This comparison is due to Biitschli, and according to it the forma'tion of the polar bodies would have to be regarded as assisting, in some as yet unknown way, the process of regeneration of the germinal vesicle. Views analogous to this are held by Strasburger and Hertwig, who regard the formation of the polar bodies in the light of a process of excretion or removal of useless material. Such hypotheses do not unfortunately carry us very far. I would suggest that in the formation of the polar cells part of the constituents of the germinal vesicle which are requisite for its functions as a complete and independent nucleus are removed to make room for the supply of the necessary parts to it again by the spermatic nucleus (vide p. 541). More light on this, as on other points, may probably be thrown by further investigations on parthenogenesis and the presence or absence of a polar cell in eggs which develope parthenogenetically. Curiously enough the two groups in which parthenogenesis most frequently occurs in the ordinary course of development (Arthro- poda and Rotifera) are also those in which polar cells, with the possible exception mentioned above, of the parthenogenetic eggs of Lacenularia, are stated to be absent. This curious coincidence, B. 35 538 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. should it be confirmed, may perhaps be explained on the hypothesis, I have just suggested, viz. that a more or less essential part of the nucleus is removed in the formation of the polar cells ; so that in cases, .e.g. A rthropoda and Rotifera, where polar cells are not formed, and an essential part of the nucleus not therefore removed, parthenogenesis can much more easily occur than when polar cells are formed. That the part removed in the formation of the polar cells is not absolutely essential, seems at first sight to follow from the fact of parthenogenesis being possible in instances where impreg- nation is the normal occurrence. The genuineness of all the observations on this head is too long a subject to enter into here1, but after admitting, as we probably must, that there are genuine cases of parthenogenesis, it cannot be taken for granted without more extended observation that the occurrence of development in these rare instances may not be due to the polar cells not having been formed as usual, and that when the polar cells are formed the development without impregnation is less possible. The remarkable observations of Professor Greeff (19) on the parthenogenetic development of the eggs of Asterias rubens tell, however, very strongly against this explanation. Greeff has found that under normal circumstances the eggs of this species of starfish will develope without impregnation in simple sea water. The development is quite regular and normal though much slower than in the case of impregnated eggs. It is not definitely stated that polar cells are formed, but there can be no doubt that this is implied. Professor Greeffs account is so precise and circumstantial that it is not easy to believe that any error can have crept in ; but neither Hertwig nor Fol have been able to repeat his experiments, and we may be per- mitted to wait for further confirmation before absolutely accepting them. 1 The instances quoted by Siebold from Hensen and Oellacher are not quite satisfactory. In Hensen's case impregnation would have been possible if we can suppose the spermatozoa to be capable of passing into the body-cavity through the open end of the uninjured oviduct; and though Oellacher's instances are more valuable, yet sufficient care seems hardly to have been taken, especially when it is not certain for what length of time spermatozoa may be able to live in the oviduct. For Oellacher's precautions, vide Zeit. fiir -iviss. Zool. Bd. xxil. p. 202. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 539 It is possible that the removal of part of the protoplasm of the egg in the formation of the polar cells may be a secondary process due to an attractive influence of the nucleus on the cell protoplasm, such as is ordinarily observed in cell division. Impregnation of the Ovum. A far greater amount of certainty appears- to me to have been attained as to the effects of impregnation than as to the changes of the germinal vesicle which precede this, and there appears, moreover, to be a greater uniformity in the series of resulting phenomena. For convenience I propose to reverse the order hitherto adopted and to reserve the history of the literature and my discussion of disputed points till after my general account. Fol's paper on Asterias glacialis, is again my source of informa- tion. The part of the germinal vesicle which remains in the egg, after the formation of the second polar cell, becomes converted into a number of small vesicles (Fig. 10), which aggregate them- selves into a single clear nucleus which gradually travels toward the centre of the egg and around which as a centre the protoplasm becomes radiately striated (Fig. n). This nucleus is known as \.\\Q female pronnclcus1 . In Asterias glacialis the most favourable period for fecundation is about an hour after the formation of the female pronucleus. If at this time the spermatozoa are allowed to come in contact with the egg, their heads soon become enveloped in the investing mucilaginous coat. A pro- minence, pointing towards the nearest spermatozoon, now arises from the superficial layer of protoplasm of the egg and grows till it comes in contact with the spermatozoon (Figs. 12 and 13). Under normal circumstances the spermatozoon, which meets the prominence, is the only one concerned in the fertilisation, and it makes its way into the egg by passing through the prominence. The tail of the spermatozoa, no longer motile, remains visible for some time after the head has bored its way in, but its place is soon taken by a pale conical body which is, however, probably in part a product of the metamorphosis of the tail itself (Fig. 14). This body vanishes in its turn. 1 According to Hertwig's most recent statement a nucleolus is present in this nucleus. 35—2 540 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. FIG. 12. FIG. 13. FIGS. 12 and 13. — Small portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis. The spermatozoa are shewn enveloped in the mucilaginous coat. In Fig. 12 a prominence is rising from the surface of the egg towards the nearest spermatozoon ; and in Fig. 13 the spermatozoon and prominence have met. From living ovum (copied from Fol). At the moment of contact between the spermatozoon and the egg the outermost layer of the protoplasm of the latter raises itself as distinct membrane, which separates from the egg and prevents the entrance of any more spermatozoa. At the point where the spermatozoon entered a crater-like opening is left in the membrane (Fig. 14). FIG. 14. — Portion of the ovum of Asterias glacialis after the entrance of a spermato- zoon into the ovum. It shows the prominence of the ovum through which the spermatozoon has entered. A vitelline membrane with a crater-like opening has become distinctly formed. From living ovum (copied from Fol). The head of the spermatozoon when in the egg forms a nucleus for which the name male pronucleus may be conveniently adopted. It grows in size by absorbing, it is said, material from the ovum, though this may be doubted, and around it is formed a clear space free from yolk-spherules. Shortly after its forma- MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 54! tion the protoplasm in its neighbourhood assumes a radiate arrangement (Fig. 15). At whatever point of the egg the FIG. 15. — Ovum of Asterias glacialis, with male and female pronucleus and a radial striation of the protoplasm around the former. From living ovum (copied from Fol). spermatozoon may have entered, it gradually travels towards the female pronucleus. This latter, around which the protoplasm no longer has a radial arrangement, icmains motionless till it comes in contact with the rays of the male pronucleus, after which its condition of repose is exchanged for one of activity, and it rapidly approaches the male pronucleus, and eventually fuses with it (Fig. 16). FIG. 16. — Three successive stages in the coalescence of the male and female pronu- cleus in Asterias glacialis. From the living ovum (copied from Fol). The product of this fusion forms the first segmentation nucleus (Fig. 17), which soon, however, divides into the two nuclei of the two first segmentation spheres. While the two pronuclei are approaching one another the protoplasm of the egg exhibits amoeboid movements. Of the earlier observations on this subject there need perhaps only be cited one of E. van Beneden, on the rabbit's ovum, 542 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. FIG. 17. — Ovum of Asterias glacialis, after the coalescence of the male and female pronucleus (copied from Fol). shewing the presence of two nuclei before the commencement of segmentation. Btitschli was the earliest to state from ob- servations on Rhabditis dolichura that the first segmentation nucleus arose from the fusion of two nuclei, and this was sub- sequently shewn with greater detail for Ascaris nigrovenosa, by Auerbach (i). Neither of these authors gave at first the correct interpretation of their results. At- a later period Biitschli (5) arrived at the conclusion that in a large number of instances (Lymntzus, Nephelis, Cucullanus, &c.), the nucleus in question was formed by the fusion of two or more nuclei, and Strasburger at first made a similar statement for PJiallusia, though he has since withdrawn it. Though Biatschli's statements depend, as it seems, upon a false interpretation of appearances, he never- theless arrived at a correct view with reference to what occurs in impregnation. Van Beneden (3) described in the rabbit the formation of the original segmentation nucleus from two nuclei, one peripheral and the other central, and he gave it as his hypothetical view that the peripheral nucleus was derived from the spermatic element. It was reserved for Oscar Hertwig (n) to describe in Echinus lividus the entrance of a sperma- tozoon into the egg and the formation from it of the male pronucleus. Though there is a general agreement between the most recent observers, Hertwig, Fol, Selenka, Strasburger, &c., as to the main facts connected with the entrance of one spermatozoon into MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 543 the egg, the formation of the male pronucleus, and its fusion with the female pronucleus, there still exist differences of detail in the different descriptions which partly, no doubt, depend upon the difficulties of observation, but partly also upon the observa- tions not having all been made upon the same species. Hertwig does not enter into details with reference to the actual entrance of the spermatozoon into the egg, but in his latest paper points out that considerable differences may be observed in occurrences which succeed impregnation, according to the relative period at which this takes place. When, in Asterias, the impregnation is effected about an hour after the egg is laid and previously to the formation of the polar cells, the male pronucleus appears at first to exert but little influence on the protoplasm, but after the formation of the second polar cell, the 'radial striae around it become very marked, and the pronucleus rapidly grows in size. When it finally unites with the female pronucleus it is equal in size to the latter. In the case when the impregnation is deferred for four hours the male pronucleus never becomes so large as the female pronucleus. With reference to the effect of the time at which impregnation takes place, Asterias would seem to serve as a type. Thus in Hirudinea, Mollusca, and Nematodes impregna- tion normally takes place before the formation of the polar bodies is completed, and the male pronucleus is accordingly as large as the female. In Echinus, on the other hand, where the polar bodies are formed in the ovary, the male pronucleus is always small. Selenka, who has investigated the formation of the male pronucleus in Toxopneustes variegatus, differs in certain points from Fol. He finds that usually, though not always, a single spermatozoon enters the egg, and that though the entrance may be effected at any part of the surface, it generally occurs at the point marked by a small prominence where the polar cell was formed. The spermatozoon first makes its way through the mucous envelope of the egg, within which it swims about, and then bores with its head into the polar prominence. The head of the spermatozoon on entering the egg becomes enveloped by the superficial protoplasm, and travels inward with its envelope, while the tail remains outside. As Fol has described, a delicate membrane becomes formed shortly after the entrance of the 544 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. spermatozoon. The head continues to make its way by means of rapid oscillations, till it has traversed about one eighth of the diameter of the egg, and then suddenly becomes still. The tail in the meantime vanishes, while the neck swells up and forms the male pronucleus. The junction of the male and female pronu- cleus is described by Fol and Selenka in nearly the same manner. Giard gives an account of impregnation which is not easily brought into harmony with that of the other investigators. His observations were made on Psammechinus miliaris. At one point is situated a polar body and usually at the pole opposite to it a corresponding prominence. The spermatozoa on gaining access to the egg attach themselves to it and give it a rotatory movement, but according to Giard none of them penetrate the vitelline membrane which, though formed at an earlier period, now retires from the surface of the egg. Giard believes that the prominence opposite the polar cells serves for the entrance of the spermatic material, which probably passes in by a process of diffusion. Thus, though he regards the male pronucleus as a product of impregnation, he does not believe it to be the head of a spermatozoon. Both Hertwig and Fol have made observations on the result of the entrance into the egg of several spermatozoa. Fol finds that when the impregnation has been too long delayed the vitelline membrane is formed with comparative slowness and several spermatozoa are thus enabled to penetrate. Each sper- matozoon forms a separate pronucleus with a surrounding sun ; and several male pronuclei usually fuse with the female pro- nucleus. Each male pronucleus appears to exercise a repulsive influence on other male pronuclei, but to be attracted by the female pronucleus. When there are several male pronuclei the segmentation is irregular and the resulting larva a monstrosity. These statements of Fol and Hertwig are at first sight in con- tradiction with the more recent results of Selenka. In Toxo- pneustes variegatus Selenka finds that though impregnation is usually effected by a single spermatozoon yet that several may be concerned in the act. The development continues, however, to be normal if three or even four spermatozoa enter the egg almost simultaneously. Under such circumstances each sperma- tozoon forms a separate pronucleus and sun. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION, OF THE OVUM. 545 It may be noticed that, while the observations of Fol and Hertwig were admittedly made upon eggs in which the impreg- nation was delayed till they no longer displayed their pristine activity, Selenka's were made upon quite fresh eggs ; and it seems not impossible that the pathological symptoms in the embryos reared by the two former authors may have been due to the imperfection of the egg and not to the entrance of more than one spermatozoon. This, of course, is merely a suggestion which requires to be tested by fresh observations. We have not as yet a sufficient body of observations to enable us to decide whether impregnation is usually effected by a single spermato- zoon, though in spite of certain conflicting evidence the balance would seem to incline towards the side of a single spermato- zoon1. The discovery of Hertwig as to the formation of the male pronucleus throws a flood of light upon impregnation. The act of impregnation is seen essentially to consist in the fusion of a male and female nucleus ; not only does this appear in the actual fusion of the two pronuclei, but it is brought into still greater prominence by the fact that the female pronucleus is a product of the nucleus of a primitive ovum, and the male pronucleus is the metamorphosed head of the spermatozoon which is itself developed from the nucleus of a spermatic cell2. The spermatic cells originate from cells (in the case of Verte- brates at least) identical with the primitive ova, so that the fusion which takes place is the fusion of morphologically similar parts in the two sexes. It must not, however, be forgotten, as Strasburger has pointed out, that part of the protoplasm of the generative cells of the two sexes also fuse, viz. the tail of the spermatozoon with the protoplasm of the egg. But there is no evidence that the former is of importance for the act of impregnation. The fact that impregnation mainly consists in the union of two nuclei gives an importance to the nucleus which would probably not have been accorded to it on other grounds. 1 The recent researches of Calberla on the impregnation of the ovum of Petromyzon Planeri support this conclusion. 2 This seems the most probable view with reference to the nature of the head of the spermatozoon, though the point is not perhaps yet definitely decided. 546 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. Hertwig's discovery is in no way opposed to Mr Darwin's theory of pangenesis and other similar theories, but does not afford any definite proof of their accuracy, nor does it in the meantime supply any explanation of the origin of two sexes or of the reasons for an embryo becoming male or female. Summary. In what may probably be regarded as a normal case the following series of events accompanies the maturation and im- pregnation of an egg : — (1) Transportation of the germinal vesicle to the surface of the egg. (2) Absorption of the membrane of the germinal vesicle and metamorphosis of the germinal spot. (3) Assumption of a spindle character by the remains of germinal vesicle, these remains being probably largely formed from the germinal spot. (4) Entrance of one end of the spindle into a protoplasmic prominence at the surface of the egg. (5) Division of the spindle into two halves, one remaining in the egg, the other in the prominence. The prominence becomes at the same time nearly constricted off from the egg as a polar cell. (6) Formation of a second polar cell in same manner as first, part of the spindle still remaining in the egg. (7) Conversion of the part of the spindle remaining in the egg after the formation of the second polar cell into a nucleus — the female pronucleus. (8) Transportation of the female pronucleus towards the centre of the egg. (9) Entrance of one spermatozoon into the egg. (10) Conversion of the head of the spermatozoon into a nucleus — the male pronucleus. (11) Appearance of radial striae round the male pronucleus which gradually travels towards the female pronucleus. (12) Fusion of male and female pronuclei to form the first segmentation nucleus. MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. 547 List of important recent Publications on the Maturation and Impregnation of the Ovum. 1. Auerbach. Organologische Studien, Heft 2. 2. Bambeke. "Recherches s. Embryologie des Batraciens." Bull, de I'Acad. royale de Belgique, 2me ser., t. LXI, 1876. 3. E. Van Beneden. "La Maturation de 1'CEuf des Mammiferes." Bull, de PAcad. royale de Belgique, 2me se*r., t. XL, no. 12, 1875. 4. E. Van Beneden. "Contributions a 1'Histoire de la Ve"sicule Ger- minative, &c." Bull, de PAcad. royale de Belgiqtte, 2me se"r., t. XLI, no. i, 1876. 5. Biitschli. Eizelle, Zelltheilung, und Conjugation der Infusorien. 6. Flemming. "Studien in d. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Najaden." Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wien, B. LXXI, 1875. 7. Fol. "Die erste Entwickelung des Geryonideneies." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. VII. 8. Fol. " Sur le DeVeloppement des Pteropodes." Archives de Zoologie Experimental et Generate, Vols. IV and V. 9. Fol. "Sur le Commencement de 1'He'noge'nie." Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Geneve, 1877. 10. Giard. Note sur les premiers phe"nomenes du developpement de I'Oursin. 1877. 11. Hertwig, Oscar. "Beit. z. Kenntniss d. Bildung, &c., d. thier. Eies." Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. I. 12. Hertwig, Oscar. Ibid. Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. in, Heft. J. 13. Hertwig, Oscar. "Weitere Beitrage, &c." Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. in, Heft 3. 14. Kleinenberg. Hydra. Leipzig, 1872. 15. Oellacher, J. "Beitrage zur Geschichte des Keimblaschens im Wirbelthiereie." Archiv f. micr. Anat., Bd. vin. 1 6. Selenka. Befruchtung u. Theilung des Eies von Toxopneustes variegatus (Vorlaufige Mittheilung). Erlangen, 1877. 17. Strasburger. tleber Zellbildung u. Zelltheilung. Jena, 1876. 18. Strasburger. Ueber Befruchtung u. Zelltheilung. Jena, 1878. 19. R. Greeff. " Ueb. d. Bau u. d. Entwickelung d. Echinodermen." Sitzun. der Gesellschaft z. Beforderung d. gesammten Naturiviss. z. Marburg, No. 5. 1876. 548 MATURATION AND IMPREGNATION OF THE OVUM. Postscript. — Two important memoirs have appeared since this paper was in type. One of these by Hertwig, Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. iv, contains a full account with illustrations of what was briefly narrated in his previous paper (13); the other by Calberla, "Der Befruchtungsvorgang beim Ei von Petromyzon Planeri" Zeit. fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. xxx, shews that the superficial layer of the egg is formed by a coating of protoplasm free from yolk- spheres, which at one part is continued inwards as a column, and contains the germinal vesicle. The surface of this column is in contact with a micropyle in the egg-membrane. Impregnation is effected by the entrance of the head of a single spermatozoon (the tail remaining outside) through the micropyle, and then along the column of clear protoplasm to the female pronucleus. XII. ON THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY \ (With Plates 24, 25, 26.) THE present paper records observations on the ovaries of but two types, viz., Mammalia and Elasmobranchii. The main points dealt with are three : — I. The relation of the germinal epithelium to the stroma. 2. The connection between primitive ova in Waldeyer's sense and the permanent ova. 3. The homologies of the egg membranes. The second of these points seems to call for special attention after Semper's discovery that the primitive ova ought really to be regarded as primitive sexual cells, in that they give rise to the generative elements of both sexes. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELASMOBRANCH OVARY. The development of the Elasmobranch ovary has recently formed the subject of three investigations. The earliest of them, by H. Ludwig, is contained in his important work, on the ' Formation of the Ovum in the Animal Kingdom V Ludwig arrives at the conclusion that the ovum and the follicular epithe- lium are both derived from the germinal epithelium, and enters into some detail as to their formation. Schultz 3, without appa- rently being acquainted with Ludwig's observations, has come to very similar results for Torpedo. 1 From the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. 18, 1878. 2 Arbeilen a. d. zooL-zoot. Institut Wurzburg, Bd. I. 3 Archivf. micr. Anat. Vol. XI. 550 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT Semper 1, in his elaborate memoir on the urogenital system of Elasmobranchs, has added very greatly to our knowledge on this subject. In a general way he confirms Ludwig's statements, though he shews that the formation of the ova is somewhat more complicated than Ludwig had imagined. He more especially lays stress on the existence of nests of ova (Ureierernester), derived from the division of a single primitive ovum, and of certain peculiarly modified nuclei, which he compares to spindle nuclei in the act of division. My own results agree with those of previous investigators, in attributing to the germinal epithelium the origin both of the follicular epithelium and ova, but include a number of points which I believe to be new, and, perhaps, of some little interest ; they differ, moreover, in many important particulars, both as to the structure and development of the ovary, from the accounts of my predecessors. The history of the female generative organs may conveniently be treated under two heads, viz. (i) the history of the ovarian ridge itself, and (2) the history of the ova situated in it. I pro- pose dealing in the first place with the ovarian ridge. The Ovarian ridge in Scy ilium. — At the stage spoken of in my monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes as stage L, the ovarian ridge has a very small development, and its maximum height is about O'l mm. It exhibits in section a somewhat rounded form, and is slightly constricted along the line of attachment. It presents two surfaces, which are respectively outer and inner, and is formed of a layer of somewhat thickened germinal epithelium separated by a basement membrane from a central core of stroma. The epithelium is far thicker on the outer surface than on the inner, and the primitive ova are entirely confined to the former. The cells of the germinal epithelium are irregularly scattered around the primitive ova, and have not the definite arrangement usually characteristic of epithelial cells. Each of them has a large nucleus, with a deeply staining small nucleolus, and a very scanty protoplasm. In stage N the ovarian ridge has a pointed edge and narrower attachment than in stage L. Its greatest height is about O'l/ mm. There is more stroma, and the basement mem- brane is more distinct than before ; in other respects no changes 1 Arbeitcn a. d. zool.-zoot. Institut IVurzburg, Bd. n. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 551 worth recording have taken place. By stage P a distinction is observable between the right and left ovarian ridges ; the right one has, in fact, grown more rapidly than the left, and the differ- ence in size between the two ridges becomes more and more conspicuous during the succeeding stages, till the left one ceases to grow any larger, though it remains for a great part of life as a small rudiment. The right ovarian ridge, which will henceforth alone engage our attention, has grown very considerably. Its height is now about O'4 mm. It has in section (vide PI. 24, fig. i) a triangular form with constricted base, and is covered by a flat epithelium, except for an area on the outer surface, in length co-extensive with the ovarian ridge, and with a maximum breadth of about O'25 mm. This area will be spoken of as the ovarian area or region, since the primitive ova are confined to it. The epithelium covering it has a maximum thickness of about 0^05 mm., and thins off rather rapidly on both borders, to become continuous with the general epithelium of the ovarian ridge. Its cells have the same character as before, and are several layers deep. Scattered irregularly amongst them are the primitive ova. The germinal epithelium in the ovarian region is separated by a basement membrane from the adjacent stroma. In succeeding stages, till the embryo reaches a length of 7 centimetres, no very important changes take place. The ovarian region grows somewhat in breadth, though in this respect different embryos vary considerably. In two embryos of nearly the same age, the breadth of the ovarian epithelium was 0*3 mm. in the one and 0^35 mm. in the other. In the former of these em- bryos, the thickness of the epithelium was slightly greater than in the latter, viz. o'OQ mm. as compared with o-o8. In both the epithelium was sharply separated from the subjacent stroma. There were relatively more epithelial cells in proportion to primitive ova than at the earlier date, and the individual cells exhibited great variations in shape, some being oval, some angular, others very elongated, and many of them applied to part of an ovum and accommodating themselves to its shape. In some of the more elongated cells very deeply stained nuclei were present, which (in a favourable light and with high powers) exhibited the spindle modification of Strasburger with great 552 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT clearness, and must therefore be regarded as undergoing division. The ovarian region is' at this stage bounded on each side by a groove. In an embryo of seven centimetres (PL 24, fig. 2) the breadth of the ovarian epithelium was o-5, but its height only 0*06 mm. It was still sharply separated from the subjacent stroma, though a membrane could only be demonstrated in certain parts. The amount of stroma in the ovarian ridge varies greatly in different individuals, and no reliance can be placed on its amount as a test of the age of the embryo. In the base of the ovarian ridge the cells were closely packed, elsewhere they were still embryonic. My next stage (PL 24, fig. 3, and fig. 4), shortly before the time of the hatching of the embry/o, exhibits in many respects an advance on the previous one. It is the stage during which a follicular covering derived from the germinal epithelium is first distinctly formed round the ova, in a manner which will be more particularly spoken of in the section devoted to the development of the ovum itself. The breadth of the ovarian region is 0^56 mm., and its greatest height close to the central border, O'I2 mm. — a great advance on the previous stage, mainly, however, due to the larger size of the ova. The ovarian epithelium is still in part separated from the subjacent stroma by a membrane close to its dorsal and ventral borders, but elsewhere the separation is not so distinct, it being occasionally difficult within a cell or so to be sure of the boundary of the epithelium. The want of a clear line between the stroma and the epithelium is rendered more obvious by the fact that the surface of the latter is somewhat irregular, owing to pro- jections formed by specially large ova, into the bays between which are processes of the stroma. In an ovary about this stage, hardened in osmic acid, the epithelium stains very differently from the subjacent stroma, and the line of separation between the two is quite sharp. A figure of the whole ovarian ridge, shewing the relation between the two parts, is represented on PL 24, fig. 5. The layer of stroma in immediate contact with the epithelium is very different from the remainder, and appears to be destined to accompany the vascular growths into the epithelium, which OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 553 will appear in the next stage. The protoplasm of the cells com- posing it forms a loose reticulum with a fair number of oval or rounded nuclei, with their long axis for the most part parallel to the lower surface of the epithelium. It contains, even at this stage, fully developed vascular channels. The remainder of the stroma of the ovarian ridge has now acquired a definite structure, which remains constant through life, and is eminently characteristic of the genital ridge of both sexes. The bulk of it (PI. 24, fig. 3, str) consists of closely packed polygonal cells, of about 0^014 mm. with large nuclei of about oxxx). These cells appear to be supported by a delicate reticulum. The whole tissue is highly vascular, with the numerous capillaries ; the nuclei in the walls of which stand out in some preparations with great clearness. In the next oldest ovary, of which I have sections, the breadth of the ovarian epithelium is 07 mm. and its thickness CTO96. The ovary of this age was preserved in osmic acid, which is the most favourable reagent, so far as I have seen, for observing the relation of the stroma and epithelium. On PI. 24, fig. 6, is represented a transverse section through the whole breadth of the ovary, slightly magnified to shew the general relations of the parts, and on PI. 24, fig. 7, a small portion of a section more highly magnified. The inner surface of the ovarian epithelium is more irregular than in the previous stage, and it may be observed that the subjacent stroma is growing in amongst the ova. From the relation of the two tissues it is fairly clear that the growth which is taking place is a definite growth of the stroma into the epithelium, and not a mutual intergrowth of the two tissues. The ingrowths of the stroma are, moreover, directed towards individual ova, around which, outside the follicular epithelium, they form a special vascular investment in the succeeding stages. They are formed of a reticular tissue with comparatively few nuclei. By the next stage, in my series of ovaries of Scy. camcula, important changes have taken place in the constitution of ovarian epithelium. Fig. 8, PI. 24, represents a portion of ths ovarian epithelium, on the same scale as figs. I, 2, 3, &c., and fig. 9 a section through the whole ovarian ridge slightly magni- fied. Its breadth is now 1*3 mm., and its thickness O'3 mm. B. 36 554 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT The ova have grown very greatly, and it appears to me to be mainly owing to their growth that the greater thickness of the epithelium is due, as well as the irregularity of its inner surface (vide fig. 9). The general relation of the epithelium to the surrounding parts is much the same as in the earlier stage, but two new features have appeared — (i) The outermost cells of the ovarian region have more or less clearly arranged themselves as a kind of epithelial covering for the organ ; and (2) the stroma ingrowths of the previous stage have become definitely vascular, and have penetrated through all parts of the epithelium. The external layer of epithelium is by no means a very marked structure, the character of its cells varies greatly in different regions, and it is very imperfectly separated from the subjacent layer. I shall speak of it for convenience as pseudo- epitlielium. The greater part of the germinal epithelium forms anasto- mosing columns, separated by very thin tracts of stroma. The columns are, in the majority of instances, continuous with the pseudo-epithelium at the surface, and contain ova in all stages of development. Many of the cells composing them naturally form the follicular epithelium for the separate ova; but the majority have no such relation. They have in many instances assumed an appearance somewhat different from that which they presented in the last stage, mainly owing to the individual nuclei being more widely separated. A careful examination with a high power shews that this is owing to an increase in the amount of protoplasm of the individual cells, and it may be noted that a similar increase in the size of the bodies of the cells has taken place in the pseudo-epithelium and in the follicular epithelium of the individual ova. The stroma ingrowths form the most important feature of the stage. In most instances they are very thin and delicate, and might easily be overlooked, especially as many of the cells in them are hardly to be distinguished, taken separately, from those of the germinal epithelium. These features render the investigation of the exact relation of the stroma and epithelium a matter of some difficulty. I have, however, been greatly assisted by the investigation of the ovary of a young example OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 555 of Scyllium stellare, i6i centimetres in length, a section of which is represented in PI. 25, fig. 26. In this ovary, although no other abnormalities were observable, the stroma ingrowths were exceptionally wide ; indeed, quite without a parallel in my series of ovaries in this respect. The stroma most clearly divides up the epithelium of the ovary into separate masses, or more probably anastomosing columns, the equivalents of the egg-tubes of Pfluger. These columns are formed of normal cells of the germinal epithelium, which enclose ovarian nests and ova in all stages of development. A comparison of the section I have represented, with those from previous stages, appears to me to demonstrate that the relation of the epithelium and stroma has been caused by an ingrowth or penetration of the stroma into the epithelium, and not by a mutual intergrovvth of the two tissues. Although the ovary, of which fig. 26 represents a section was from Scy. stellare, and the previous ovaries have been from Scy. canicula, yet the thickness of the epithelium may still be appealed to in confirmation of this view. In the previous stage the thickness was about O'og6 mm., in the present one it is about O'i6mm., a difference of thickness which can be easily accounted for by the growth of the individual ova and the additional tracts of stroma. A pseudo-epithelium is more or less clearly formed, but it is continuous with the columns of epithelium. In the stroma many isolated cells are present, which appear to me, from a careful comparison of a series of sections, to belong to the germinal epithelium. The thickness of the follicular epithelium on the inner side of the larger ova deserves to be noted. Its meaning is discussed on p. 567. Quite a different interpretation to that which I have given has been put by Ludwig and Semper upon the parts of the ovary at this stage. My pseudo-epithelium is regarded by them as forming, together with the follicular epithelium of the ova, the sole remnant of the original germinal epithelium; and the masses of cells below the pseudo-epithelium, which I have attempted to shew are derived from the original germinal epithelium, aie regarded as parts of the ingrowths of the adjacent stroma. Ludwig has assumed this interpretation without having had an opportunity of working out the development of the parts, but 36—2 556 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT Semper attempts to bring forward embryological proofs in support of this position. If the series of ovaries which I have represented be ex- amined, it will not, I think, be denied that the general appear- ances are very much in favour of my view. The thickened patch of ovarian epithelium can apparently be traced through the whole series of sections, and no indications of its sudden reduction to the thin pseudo-epithelium are apparent. The most careful examination that I have been able to make brings to light nothing tending to shew that the general appearances are delusive. The important difference between us refers to our views of the nature of the tissue subjacent to the pseudo- epithelium. If my results be accepted, it is clear that the whole ovarian region is an epithelium interpenetrated by connective tissue ingrowths, so that the region below the pseudo-epithelium is a kind of honeycomb or trabecular net-work of germinal epithelium, developing ova of all stages and sizes, and composed of cells capable of forming follicular epithelium for developing ova. Ludwig figures what he regards as the formation of the follicular epithelium round primitive ova during their passage into the stroma. It is' quite clear to me, that his figures of the later stages, 33 and 34, represent fully formed permanent ova surrounded by a follicular epithelium, and that their situation in contact with the pseudo-epithelium is, so to speak, an accident, and it is quite possible that his figures 31 and 32 also represent fully formed ova ; but I have little hesitation in asserting that he has not understood the mode of formation of the follicular epithelium, and that, though his statement that it is derived from the germinal epithelium is quite correct, his account of the process is completely misleading. The same criticism does not exactly apply to Semper's statements. Semper has really observed the formation of the follicular epithelium round young ova ; but, nevertheless, he appears to me to give an entirely wrong account of the relation of the stroma to the germinal epithelium. The extent of the difference between Semper's and my view may perhaps best be shewn by a quotation from Semper, loc. «'/., 465: — " In females the nests of primitive ova sink in groups into the stroma. In these groups one cell enlarges till it becomes the ovum, the neighbouring cells OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 557 increase and arrange themselves around the ova as follicle cells." Although the histological changes which take place in the succeeding stages are not inconsiderable, they do not involve any fundamental change in the constitution of the ovarian region, and may be described with greater brevity than has been so far possible. In a half-grown female, with an ovarian region of 3 mm. in breadth, and O'8 mm. in thickness, the stroma of the ovarian region has assumed a far more formed aspect than before. It consists (PL 24, fig. 10) of a basis in most parts fibrous, but in some nearly homogeneous, with a fair number of scattered cells. Immediately below the pseudo-epithelium, there is an im- perfectly developed fibrous layer, forming a kind of tunic, in which are imbedded the relatively reduced epithelial trabeculae of the previous stages. They appear in sections as columns, either continuous with or independent of the pseudo-epithelium, formed of normal cells of the germinal epithelium, nests of ova, and permanent ova in various stages of development. Below this there comes a layer of larger ova which are very closely packed. A not inconsiderable number of the larger ova have, however, a superficial situation, and lie in immediate contact with the pseudo-epithelium. Some of the younger ova, enclosed amongst epithelial cells continuous with the pseudp-epithelium, are very similar to those figured by Ludwig. It is scarcely necessary to insist that this fact does not afford any argument in favour of his interpretations. The ovarian region is honey- combed by large vascular channels with distinct walls, and other channels which are perhaps lymphatic. The surface of the ovarian region is somewhat irregular and especially marked by deep oblique transverse furrows. It is covered by a distinct, though still irregular pseudo-epithelium, which is fairly columnar in the furrows but flattened along the ridges. The cells of the pseudo-epithelium have one peculiarity very unlike that of ordinary epithelial cells. Their inner ex- tremities (vide fig. 10) are prolonged into fibrous processes which enter the subjacent tissue, and bending nearly parallel to the surface of the ovary, assist in forming the tunic spoken of above. This peculiarity of the pseudo-epithelial cells seems 55^ THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT to indicate that they do not essentially differ from cells which have the character of undoubted connective tissue cells, and renders it possible that the greater part of the tunic, which has apparently the structure of ordinary connective tissue, is in reality derived from the original germinal epithelium, a view which tallies with the fact that in some instances the cells of the tunic appear as if about to assist in forming the follicular epithelium of some of the developing ova. In Raja, the similarity of the pseudo-epithelium to the subjacent tissue is very much more marked than in Scyllium. The pseudo- epithelium appears merely as the superficial layer of the ovarian tunic somewhat modified by its position on the surface. It is formed of columnar cells with vertically arranged fibres which pass into the subjacent layers, and chiefly differ from the ordinary fibres in that they still form parts of the cell-proto- plasm enclosing the nucleus. In PL 25, fig. 34, an attempt is made to represent the relations of the pseudo-epithelium to the subjacent tissue in Raja. Ludwig's figures of the pseudo- epithelium of the ovary, in the regular form of its constituent cells, and its sharp separation by a basement membrane from the tissue below, are quite unlike anything which I have met with in my sections either of Raja or Scyllium. Close to the dorsal border of the ovary the epithelial cells of the non-ovarian region have very conspicuous tails, extending into a more or less homogeneous substance below, which con- stitutes a peculiar form of tunic for this part of the ovarian ridge. In the full-grown fpmale the stroma of the ovarian region is denser and has a more fibrous aspect than in the younger animal. Below the pseudo-epithelium it is arranged in two or three more or less definite layers, in which the fibres run at right angles. It forms a definite ovarian tunic. The pseudo- epithelium is much more distinct, and the tails of its cells, so conspicuous in previous stages, can no longer be made out. Formation of the permanent ova and tlie follicular epithelium. — In my monograph on the development of Elasmobranch Fishes an account was given of the earliest stages in the development of the primitive ova, and I now take up their development from OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 559 the point at which it was left off in that work. From their first formation till the stage spoken of in my monograph as P, their size remains fairly constant. The larger examples have a diameter of about O'O35 mm., and the medium-sized examples of about O'O3 mm. The larger nuclei have a diameter of about O'i6 mm., but their variations in size are considerable. If the above figures be compared with those on page 350 of vmy monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes, it will be seen that the size of the primitive ova during these stages is not greater than it was at the period of their very first appearance. The ova (PL 24, fig. i) are usually aggregated in masses, which might have resulted from division of a single ovum. The outlines of the individual ova are always distinct. Their proto- plasm is clear, and their nuclei, which are somewhat passive towards staining reagents, are granular, with one to three nucleoli. I have noticed, up to stage P, the occasional presence of highly refractive spherules in the protoplasm of the primitive ova already described in my monograph (pp. 353, 354, PL 12, fig. 15). They seem to occur up to a later period than I at first imagined. Their want of constancy probably indicates that they have no special importance. Professor Semper has de- scribed similar appearances in the male primitive ova of a later period. As to the distribution of the primitive ova in the germinal epithelium, Professor Semper's statement that the larger primi- tive ova are found in masses in the centre, and that the smaller ova are more peripherally situated is on the whole true, though I do not find this distribution sufficiently constant to lay so much stress on it as he does. The passive condition of the primitive ova becomes suddenly broken during stage Q, and is succeeded by a period of remark- able changes. It has only been by the expenditure of much care and trouble that I have been able to elucidate to my own satisfaction what takes place, and there are still points which I do not understand. Very shortly after stage O, in addition to primitive ova with a perfectly normal nucleus, others may be seen in which the nucleus is apparently replaced by a deeply stained irregular body, smaller than the ordinary nuclei (PL 24, fig. 11, d. //.). 560 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT This body, by the use of high objectives, is seen to be composed of a number of deeply stained granules, and around it may be noticed a clear space, bounded by a very delicate membrane. The granular body usually lies close to one side of this mem- brane, and occasionally sends a few fine processes to the opposite side. The whole body, i.e. all within the delicate membrane is, according to my view, a modified nucleus ; as appears to me very clearly to be shewn by the fact that it occupies the normal position of a nucleus within a cell body. Semper, on the other hand, regards the contained granular body as the nucleus, which he compares with the spindles of BUtschli, Auerbach, &c.\ This interpretation appears to me, however, to be negatived by the position of these bodies. The manner in which Semper may, perhaps, have been led to his views will be obvious when the later changes of the primitive ova are described. The formation of these nuclei would seem to be due to a segregation of the constituents of the original nuclei ; the solid parts becoming separated from the more fluid. As a rule, the modified nuclei are slightly larger than the original ones. In stage Q the fol- lowing two tables shew the dimensions of the parts of three unmodified and of three modified nuclei taken at random. Primitive ova with unmodified nuclei — Nuclei 0-014 mm. O'Oi2 mm. 0*01 mm. Primitive ova with modified nuclei — Granular Nuclei. Bodies in Nuclei. O'oiS mm o-oo6 mm. o'olS mm 0*006 mm. o'oi2 mm 0-009 mm. For a slightly older stage than Q, the two annexed tables also shew the comparative size of the modified and unmodified nuclei : 1 Loc. cit. p. 361. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 561 Unmodified nuclei of normal primitive ova — 0x114 mm. o-oi6 mm. o-oi4 mm. o'oi6 mm. ox>i6 mm. Nuclei of primitive ova with modified nuclei — Granular Nuclei. Bodies in Nuclei. o'oiS mm crooS mm. o-oi6 mm o'ooS mm. o'oi6 mm o'oi mm. o'oi6 mm. ...... croiS mm These figures bring out with clearness the following points : (i) that the modified nuclei are slightly but decidedly larger on the average than the unmodified nuclei ; (2) that the contained granular bodies are very considerably smaller than ordinary nuclei. Soon after the appearance of the modified nuclei, remarkable changes take place in the cells containing them. Up to the time such nuclei first make their appearance the outlines of the individual ova are very clearly defined, but subsequently, although numerous ova with but slightly modified nuclei are still to be seen, yet on the whole the outlines of all the primitive ova are much less distinct than before ; and this is especially the case with the primitive ova containing modified nuclei. From cases in which three or four ova are found in a mass with modified nuclei, but in which the outline of each ovum is fairly distinct, it is possible to pass by insensible gradations to other cases in which two or three or more modified nuclei are found embedded in a mass of protoplasm in which no division into separate cells can be made out (fig. 14). For these masses I propose to employ the term nests. They correspond in part with the Ureiernester of Professor Semper. Frequently they are found in hardened specimens to be enclosed in a membrane-like tunic which appears to be of the nature of coagulated fluid. These membranes closely resemble and sometimes are even continuous with trabeculae which tra- verse the germinal epithelium. Ovaries differ considerably as 562 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT to the time and completeness of the disappearance of the out- lines marking the separate cells, and although, so far as can be gathered from my specimens, the rule is that the outlines of the primitive ova with modified nuclei soon become indistinct, yet in one of my best preserved ovaries very large nests with modified nuclei are present in which the outline of each ovum is as distinct as during the period before the nuclei undergo these peculiar changes (PI. 24, fig. 12). In the same ovary other nests are present in which the outlines of the indi- vidual ova are no longer visible. The section represented on PL 24, fig. 2, is fairly average as to the disappearance of the outlines of the individual ova. It is clear from the above statements, that in the first in- stance the nests are produced by the coalescence of several primitive ova into a single mass or syncytium ; though of course, the several separate ova of a nest may originally, as Semper believes, have arisen from the division of a single ovum. In any case there can be no doubt that the nests of separate ova in- crease in size as development proceeds ; a phenomenon which is more reasonably explained on the view that the ova divide, than on the view that they continue to be freshly formed. The same holds true for the nests of nuclei and this, as well as other facts, appears to me to render it probable that the nests grow by division of the nuclei without corresponding division of the protoplasmic matrix. 1 cannot, however, definitely prove this point owing to my having found nests, with distinct outlines to the ova, as large as any without such outlines. The nests are situated for the most part near the surface of the germinal epithelium. The smaller ones are frequently spherical, but the larger are irregular in form. The former are about 0*05 mm. in diameter; the latter reach 0*1 mm. Scat- tered generally, and especially in the deeper layers, and at the edges of the germinal epithelium, are still unmodified or only slightly modified primitive ova. These unmodified primitive ova are aggregated in masses, but in these masses the outlines of each ovum, though perhaps less clear than in the earlier period, are still distinct. When the embryo reaches a length of seven centimetres, and even in still younger embryos, further changes are observable. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 563 In the first place many of the modified nuclei acquire fresh characters, and it becomes necessary to divide the modified nuclei into two categories. In both of these the outer boundary of the nucleus is formed by a very delicate membrane, the space within which is perfectly clear except for the granular body. In the variety which now appears in considerable numbers the granular body has an irregular star-like form. The rays of the star are formed of fibres frequently knobbed at their extremi- ties, and the centre of the star usually occupies an eccentric position. Typical examples of this form of modified nucleus, which may be spoken of as the stellate variety, are represented on PI. 25, fig. 17 ; between it and the older granular variety there is an infinite series of gradations, many of which are repre- sented on PL 24, figs. 12, 14, 15, 1 6. Certain of the stellate nuclei exhibit two centres instead of one, and in some cases, like that represented on PL 25, fig. 19, the stellate body of two nuclei is found united. Both of these forms are possibly modi- fications of the spindle-like form assumed by nuclei in the act of dividing, and may be used in proving that the nests increase in size by the division of the contained nuclei. In addition to the normal primitive ova, a few of which are still present, there are to be found, chiefly in the deeper layers of the germinal epithelium, larger ova differing considerably from the primitive ova. They form the permanent ova (PL 24, fig. 3 o). Their average diameter is 0^04 mm., compared with 003 mm., the diameter of original primitive ova. The protoplasm of which they are composed is granular, but at first a membrane can hardly be distinguished around them ; their nucleus is rela- tively large, O'O2 — 0^027 mm. in diameter. It presents the characters ascribed by Eimer1, and many other recent authors*, to typical nuclei (vide PL 24, fig. 3, and PL 24, 25, figs. 13, 14, 15, 1 6, 17, 1 8). It is bounded by a distinct membrane, within which is a more or less central nucleolus from which a number of radial fibres which stain very deeply pass to the surface ; here they form immediately internal to the membrane a network with granules at the nodal points. In some instances the regularity of the arrangement of these fibres is very great, in other in- 1 Archiv f. inter. Anat. Vol. xiv. " Vide especially Klein, Quart. Jouni. of Mic. Sci. July 1878. 564 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT stances two central nucleoli are present, in which case the regu- larity is considerably interfered with. The points in which the youngest permanent ova differ from the primitive may be summed up as follows : — (i) The permanent ova are larger, the smallest of them being larger than the average primitive ova in the proportion of four to three. (2) They have less protoplasm as compared to the size of the nucleus. (3) Their protoplasm is granular instead of being clear. (4) Their nucleus is clear with exception of a network of fibres instead of being granular as in the primitive ova. It thus appears that the primitive ova and permanent ova are very different in constitution, though genetically related in a way to be directly narrated. The formation of permanent ova is at its height in embryos of about seven centimetres or slightly larger. The nests at this stage are for the most part of a very considerable size and contain a large number of nuclei, which have probably, as before insisted, originated from a division of the smaller number of nuclei present in the nests at an earlier stage. Figs. 14 — 18 are representations of nests at this period. The diameter of the nuclei is, on the whole, slightly greater than at an earlier stage. A series of measurements gave the following results : — o-oi6 mm. O'oi6 mm. 0*018 mm. O'O2 mm. o'O2 mm. Both varieties of modified nuclei are common enough, though the stellate variety predominates. The nuclei are sometimes in very close contact, and sometimes separated by protoplasm, which in many instances is very slightly granular. In a large number of the nests nothing further is apparent than what has just been described, but in a very considerable number one or more nuclei are present, which exhibit a transitional character between the ordinary stellate nuclei of my second category, and the nuclei of permanent ova as above described ; and in these nests the formation of permanent ova is taking place. Perma- nent ova in the act of development are indicated in my figures by the letters d o. Many of the intermediate nuclei are more OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 565 definitely surrounded by granular protoplasm than the other nuclei of the nests, and accordingly have their outlines more sharply defined. Between nuclei of this kind, and others as large as those of the permanent ova, there are numerous transi- tional forms. The larger ones frequently lie in a mass of granular protoplasm projecting from the nest, and only united with it by a neck (PI. 24, figs. 14 and 16). For prominences of this kind to become independent ova, it is only necessary for the neck to become broken through. Nests in which such changes are taking place present various characters. In some cases several nuclei belonging to a nest appear to be undergoing conversion into permanent ova at the same time. Such a case is figured on PL 25, figs. 17 and 18. In these cases the amount, of granular protoplasm in the nest and around each freshly formed ovum is small. In the more usual cases only one or two permanent ova at the utmost are formed at the same time, and in these instances a considerable amount of granular proto- plasm is present around the nucleus of the developing perma- nent ovum. In such instances it frequently happens several of the nuclei not undergoing conversion appear to be in the process of absorption, and give to the part of the nest in which they are contained a very hazy and indistinct aspect (PI. 24, fig. 15). Their appearance leads me to adopt the view that while some of the nuclei of each nest are converted into the nuclei of the permanent ova, others break down and are iised as the pabu- lum, at the expense of which the protoplasm of the young ovum grows. It should, however, be stated, that after the outlines of the permanent ova have become definitely established, I have only observed in a single instance the inclusion of a nucleus within an ovum (PI. 25, fig. 24). In many instances normal nuclei of the germinal epithelium may be so observed within the ovum. The nuclei which are becoming converted into the nuclei of permanent ova gradually increase in size. The following table gives the diameter of four such nuclei : — o'O22 mm. ox>22 mm. 0x124 mm. 0x132 mm. 566 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT These figures should be compared with those of the table on page 564. The ova when first formed are situated either at the surface or in the deeper layers of the germinal epithelium. Though to a great extent surrounded by the ordinary cells of the germinal epithelium, they are not at first enclosed in a definite follicular epithelium. The follicle is, however, very early formed. My observations lead me then to the conclusion that in a general way the permanent ova are formed by the increase of protoplasm round some of the nuclei of a nest, and the subse- quent separation of the nuclei with their protoplasm from the nest as distinct cells — a mode of formation exactly comparable with that which so often takes place in invertebrate egg tubes. Besides the mode of formation of permanent ova just de- scribed, a second one also seems probably to occur. In ovaries just younger than those in which permanent ova are distinctly formed, there are present primitive ova, with modified nuclei of the stellate variety, or nuclei sometimes even approaching in character those of permanent ova, which are quite isolated and not enclosed in a definite nest. The body of these ova is formed of granular protoplasm, but their outlines are very indistinct. Such ova are considerably larger than the normal primitive ova. They may measure 0^04 mm. In a slightly later stage, when fully formed permanent ova are present, isolated ones are not infrequent, and it seems natural to conclude that these isolated ova are the direct descendants of the primitive ova of the earlier stage. It seems a fair deduction that in some cases primitive ova undergo a direct metamorphosis into permanent ova by a modification of their nucleus, and the assumption of a granular character in their protoplasm, without ever forming the con- stituent part of a nest. It is not quite clear to me that in all nests the coalescence of the protoplasm of the ova necessarily takes place, since some nests are to be found at all stages in which the ova are distinct. Nevertheless, I am inclined to believe that the fusion of the ova is the normal occurrence. The mode of formation of the permanent ova may then, according to my observations, take place in two ways : — i. By the formation of granular protoplasm round the nucleus in a OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 567 nest, and the separation of the nucleus with its protoplasm as a distinct ovum. 2. By the direct metamorphosis of an isolated primitive ovum into a permanent ovum. The difference between these two modes of formation does not, from a morphological point of view, appear to be of great importance. The above results appear clearly to shew that the primitive ova in the female are not to be regarded as true ova, but as the parent sexual cells ivJiich give rise to tlie ova : a conclusion which completely fits in with the fact that cells exactly similar to the primitive ova in the female give rise to the spermatic cells in the male. Slightly after the period of their first formation the permanent ova become invested by a very distinct and well-marked, some- what flattened, follicular epithelium (PI. 24, fig. 3). Where the ova lie in the deeper layers of the germinal epithelium, the follicular epithelium soon becomes far more columnar on the side turned inwards, than on that towards the surface, especially when the inner side is in contact with the stroma (PI. 24, fig. 7, and PI. 25, figs. 24 and 26). This is probably a special provision for the growth and nutrition of the ovum. There cannot be the smallest doubt that the follicular epithe- lium is derived from the general cells of the germinal epithelium — a point on which my results fully bear out the conclusions of Ludwig and Semper. The larger ova themselves have a diameter of about O'o6 mm., and their nucleus of about 0^04 mm. The vitellus is granular, and provided with a distinct, though delicate membrane, which has every appearance of being a product of the ovum itself rather than of the follicular epithelium. The membrane would seem indeed to be formed in some instances even before the ovum has a definite investment of follicle cells. The vitellus is frequently vacuolated, but occasionally the vacuoles appear to be caused by a shrinking due to the hardening reagent. The nucleus has the same peculiar reticulate character as at first. Its large size, as compared with the ovum, is very noticeable. With this stage the embryonic development of the ova comes to a close, though the formation of fresh ova continues till com- paratively late in life. I have, however, two series of sections of ovaries preserved in osmic acid, from slightly larger embryos 568 THK STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT than the one last described, about which it may be well to say a few words before proceeding to the further development of the permanent ova. The younger of these ovaries was from a Scyllium embryo 10 centimetres long, preserved in osmic acid. A considerable number of nests were present (PI. 24, fig. 13), exhibiting, on the whole, similar characters to those just described. A series of measurements of the nuclei in them were made, leading to the following results : — 0*014 mm. o'oi4 mm. O'oi6 mm. O'oi6 mm. o'oiS mm. 0*018 mm. Thus, if anything, the nuclei were slightly smaller than in the younger embryo. It is very difficult in the osmic specimens to make out clearly the exact outlines of the various structures, the nuclei in many instances being hardly more deeply stained than in the protoplasm around them. The network in the nuclei is also far less obvious than after treatment with picric acid. The permanent ova were hardly so numerous as in the younger ovary before described. A number of these were measured with the following results : — Ovum. Nucleus. 0*03 mm 0-014 mm. 0-034 mm 0-018 mm. ox>28 mm. ...... o'oi6 mm. 0x13 mm O'O2 mm. ox>4 mm O'O2 mm. ox>4 mm. ...... ox>2 mm. 0^048 mm ox>2 mm. These figures shew that the nuclei of the permanent ova are smaller than in the younger embryo, and it may therefore be safely concluded that, in spite of the greater size of the embryo from which it is taken, the ovary now being described is in a more embryonic condition than the one last dealt with. Though the permanent ova appeared to be formed from the nests in the manner already described, it was fairly clear from OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 569 the sections of this ovary that many of the original primitive ova, after a metamorphosis of the nucleus and without coalescing with other primitive ova to form nests, become converted directly into the permanent ova. Many large masses of primitive ova, or at least of ova with the individual outlines of each ovum distinct, were present. The average size of ova composing these was how- ever small, the body measuring about o'Oi6'mm., and the nucleus O'OI2 mm. Isolated ova with metamorphosed nuclei could also be found measuring O'O22, and their nuclei about 0*014 mm. The second of the two ovaries, hardened in osmic acid, was somewhat more advanced than the ovary in which the formation of permanent ova was at its height. Fewer permanent ova were in the act of being formed, and many of these present had reached a considerable size, measuring as much as O'O/ mm. Nests of the typical forms were present as before, but the nuclei in them were more granular than at the earlier period, and on the average slightly smaller. A series measured had the following diameters : — o'oi mm. o-oi2 mm. o'oi4 mm. 0*016 mm. One of these nests is represented on PI. 25. fig. 20. Many nests with the outlines of the individual ova distinct were also present. On the whole it appeared to me, that the second mode of formation of permanent ova, viz. that in which the nest does not come into the cycle of development, preponderated to a greater extent than in the earlier embryonic period. POST-EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVA. — My investi- gations upon the post-embryonic growth and development of the ova, have for the most part been conducted upon preserved ova, and it has been impossible for me, on this account, to work out, as completely as I should have wished, certain points, more especially those connected with the development of the yolk. Although my ovaries have been carefully preserved in a large number of reagents, including osmic acid, picric acid, chromic acid, spirit, bichromate of potash, and Miiller's fluid, none of these have proved universally successful, and bichromate of potash B. 37 570 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVET,OPMENT and Muller's fluid are useless. Great difficulties have been ex- perienced in distinguishing the artificial products of these reagents. My investigations have led me to the result, that in the gradual growth of the ova with the age of the individual the changes are not quite identical with those during the rapid growth which takes place at periods of sexual activity, after the adult condition has been reached — a result to which His has also arrived, with reference to the ova of Osseous Fish. I propose dealing separately with the several constituents of the egg-follicle. Egg membranes. — A vitelline membrane has been described by Leydig1 in Raja, and an albuminous layer of the nature of a chorion51 by Gegenbaur3 in Acanthias — the membranes described in these two ways being no doubt equivalent. Dr Alex. Schultz4 has more recently investigated a consider- able variety of genera and finds three conditions of the egg membranes, (i) In Torpedo, a homogeneous membrane, which is of the nature of a chorion. (2) In Raja, a homogeneous membrane which is, however, perforated. (3) In Squalidae, a thick homogeneous membrane, internal to which is a thinner perforated membrane. He apparently regards the perforated inner membrane as a specialised part of the simple membrane found in Torpedo, and states that this membrane is of the nature of a chorion. My own investigations have led me to the conclusion that though the egg-membranes can probably be reduced to single type for Elasmobranchs, yet that they vary with the stage of development of the ovum. Scyllium (stellare and canicula) and Raja have formed the objects of my investigation. I commence with the two former. It has already been stated that in Scyllium, even before the follicular epithelium becomes formed, a delicate membrane round 1 Rochen u. ffaie. 8 By chorion I mean, following E. van Beneden's nomenclature, a membrane formed by the follicular epithelium, and, by vitelline membrane, one formed by the vitellus or body of the ovum. 8 "Bau und Entwicklung d. Wirbelthiereier," &c., Mull. Archiv, 1861. 4 "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Selachier," ArrJi.f. mikr. Anat. Vol. XI. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. the ovum can be demonstrated, which appears to me to be derived from the vitellus or body of the ovum, and is therefore of the nature of a vitelline membrane. It becomes the vitelline membrane of Leydig, the albuminous membrane of Gegenbaur, and homogeneous membrane of Schultz. In a young fish (not long hatched) with ova of not more than O'i2 mm., this membrane, though considerably thicker than in the embryo, is not thick enough to be accurately measured. In ova of O'5 mm. from a young female (PI. 25, fig. 21) the vitelline membrane has a thickness of O'OO2 mm. and is quite homo- geneous1. Internally to it may be observed very faint indications of the differentiation of the outermost layer of the vitellus into the perforated or radially striated membrane of Schultz, which will be spoken of as zona radiata. In an ovum of I mm. from the nearly full grown though not sexually mature female, the zona radiata has increased in thick- ness and definiteness, and may measure as much as O'OO4 mm. It is always very sharply separated from the vitelline membrane, but appears to be more or less continuous on its inner border with the body of the ovum, at the expense of which it no doubt grows in thickness. In ova above I mm. in diameter, both vitelline membrane and zona radiata, but especially the latter, increase in thickness. The zona becomes marked off from the yolk, and its radial striae become easy to see even with comparatively low powers. In many specimens it appears to be formed of a number of small columns, as described by Gegenbaur and others. The stage of about the greatest development of both the vitelline membrane and zona radiata is represented on PI. 25, fig. 22. At this time the vitelline membrane appears frequently to exhibit a distinct stratification, dividing it into two or more suc- cessive layers. It is not, however, acted on in the same manner by all reagents, and with absolute alcohol appears at times longi- tudinally striated. From this stage onwards, both vitelline membrane and zona gradually atrophy, simultaneously with a series of remarkable 1 The apparent structure in the vitelline membrane in my figure is merely in- tended to represent the dark colour assumed by it on being stained. The zona radiata has been made rather too thick by the artist. 37—2 572 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT changes which take place in the follicular epithelium. The zona is the first to disappear, and the vitelline membrane next be- comes gradually thinner. Finally, when the egg is nearly ripe, the follicular epithelium is separated from the yolk by an im- measurably thin membrane — the remnant of the vitelline membrane — only visible in the most favourable sections (PL 25, fig. 23 v /.). When the egg becomes detached from the ovary even this membrane is no longer to be seen. Both the vitelline membrane and the zona radiata are found in Raja, but in a much less developed condition than in Scyllium. The vitelline membrane is for a long time the only membrane present, but is never very thick (PL 25, fig. 31). The zona is not formed till a relatively much later period than in Scyllium, and is always delicate and difficult to see (PL 25, fig. 32). Both membranes atrophy before the egg is quite ripe ; and an ap- parently fluid layer between the follicular epithelium and the vitellus, which coagulates in hardened specimens, is probably the last remnant of the vitelline membrane. It is, however, much thicker than the corresponding remnant in Scyllium. Though I find the same membranes in Scyllium as Alexander Schultz did in other Squalidae, my results do not agree with his as to Raja. Torpedo I have not investigated. It appears to me probable that the ova in all Elasmobranch Fishes have at some period of their development the two mem- branes described at length for Scyllium. Of these the inner one, or zona radiata, will probably be admitted on all hands to be a product of the peripheral protoplasm of the egg. The outer one corresponds with the membrane usually regarded in other Vertebrates as a chorion or product of the follicular epithelium, but, by tracing it back to its first origin, I have been led to reject this view of its nature. The follicular epithelium. — The follicular epithelium in the eggs of Raja and Acanthias has been described by Gegenbaur1. He finds it flat in young eggs, but in the larger eggs of Acanthias more columnar, and with the cells wedged in so as to form a double layer. These observations are confirmed by Ludwig8. Alexander Schultz3 states that in Torpedo, the eggs are at first enclosed in a simple epithelium, but that in follicles of 1 Loc. fit. » Lof. tit. » Loc. cii. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 573 •008 mm. there appear between the original large cells of the follicle (which he describes as granulosa cells and derives from the germinal epithelium) a number of peculiar small cells. He states that these are of the same nature as the general stroma cells of the ovary, and believes that they originate in the stroma. When the eggs have reached O'l — 0*15 mm., he finds that the small and large cells have a very regular alternating arrange- ment. Semper records but few observations on the follicular epithe- lium, but describes in Raja the presence of a certain number of large cells amongst smaller cells. He believes that they may develope into ova, and considers them identical with the larger cells described by Schultz, whose interpretations he does not, however, accept. My own results accord to a great extent with those of Dr Schultz, as far as the structure of the follicular epithelium is concerned, but I am at one with Semper in rejecting Schultz's interpretations. In Scyllium, as has already been mentioned, the follicular epithelium is at first flat and formed of a single layer of uniform cells, each with a considerable amount of clear protoplasm and a granular nucleus. It is bounded externally by a delicate mem- brane— the membrana propria folliculi of Waldeyer — and in- ternally by the vitelline membrane. In the ovaries of very young animals the cells of the follicular epithelium are more columnar on the side towards the stroma than on the opposite side, but this irregularity soon ceases to exist. In many cases the nuclei of the cells of the follicular epithe- lium exhibit a spindle modification, which shews that the growth of the follicular epithelium takes place by the division of its cells. No changes of importance are observable in the follicular epithe- lium till the egg has reached a diameter of more than I mm. It should here be stated that I have some doubts respecting the completeness of the history of the epithelium recorded in the sequel. Difficulties have been met with in completely eluci- dating the chronological order of the occurrences, and it is possible that some points have escaped my observation. The first important change is the assumption of a palisade- like character by the follicle cells, each cell becoming very narrow 574 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT and columnar and the nucleus oval (PI. 25, fig. 28). In this condition the thickness of the epithelium is about 0^025 mm. The epithelium does not, however, become uniformly thick over the whole ovum, but in the neighbourhood of the germinal vesicle it is very flat and formed of granular cells with indistinct outlines, rather like the hypodermis cells of many "Annelida. Coincidently with this change in the follicular epithelium the commencement of the atrophy of the membranes of the ovum, described in the last section, becomes apparent. The original membrana propria folliculi is still present round the follicular epithelium, but is closely associated with a fibrous layer with elongated nuclei. Outside this there is now a layer of cells, very much like an ordinary epithelial layer, which may possibly be formed of cells of the true germinal epithelium (fig. 28, fe). This layer, which will be spoken of as the secondary follicle layer, might easily be mistaken for the follicular epithe- lium, and it is possible that it has actually been so mistaken by Eimer, Clark, and Klebs, in Reptilia, and that the true follicular epithelium (in a flattened condition) has been then spoken of as the Binnenepithel. In slightly older eggs the epithelial cells are no longer uni- form or arranged as a single layer. The general arrangement of these cells is shewn in PI. 25, fig. 29. A considerable number of them are more or less flask-shaped, with bulky protoplasm pro- longed into a thin stem directed towards the v-itelline membrane, with which, in many instances if not all, it comes in contact. These larger cells are arranged in several tiers. Intercalated between them are a number of elongated small ceils with scanty protoplasm and a deeply staining nucleus, not very dissimilar to, though somewhat smaller than, the columnar cells of the previous stage. There is present a complete series of cells intermediate between the larger cells and those with a deeply stained nucleus, and were it not for the condition of the epithe- lium in Raja, to be spoken of directly, I should not sharply divide the cells into two categories. In surface views of the epithelium the division into two kinds of cells would not be suspected. There can, it appears to me, be no question that both varieties of cell are derived from the primitive uniform follicle cells. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 5/5 The fibrous layer bounding the membrana propria folliculi is thicker than in the last stage, and the epithelial-like layer (fe) which bounds it externally is more conspicuous than before. Immediately adjoining it are vascular and lymph sinuses. The thickness of the follicular epithelium at this stage may reach as much as 0^04 mm., though I have found it sometimes consider- ably flatter. The cells composing it are, however, so delicate that it is not easy to feel certain that the peculiarities of any individual ovum are not due to handling. The absence of the peculiar columnar epithelium on the part of the surface adjoin- ing the germinal vesicle is as marked a feature as in the earlier stage. When the egg is nearly ripe, and the vitelline membrane has been reduced to a mere remnant, the follicular epithelium is still very columnar (PL 25, fig. 23). The thickness is greater than in the last stage, being now about 0*045 mm., but the cells appear only to form a single definite layer. From the character of their nuclei, I feel inclined to regard them as belonging to the category of the smaller cells of the previous stage, and feel confirmed in this view by finding certain bodies in the epithelium, which have the appearance of degenerating cells with granular nuclei, which I take to be the flask-shaped cells which were present in the earlier stage. I have not investigated the character of the follicular epithe- lium in the perfectly ripe ovum ready to become detached from the ovary. Nor can I state for the last-described stage anything about the character of the follicular epithelium in the neighbour- hood of the germinal vesicle. As to the relation of the follicular epithelium to the vitelline membrane, and the possible processes of its cells continued into the yolk, I can say very little. I find in specimens teased out after treatment with osmic acid, that the cells of the follicular epithelium are occasionally provided with short processes, which might possibly have perforated the vitelline membrane, but have met with nothing so clear as the teased out specimens figured by Eimer. Nothing resembling the cells within the vitelline membrane, as described by His1 in Osseous Fish, and Lindgren in Mammalia, has been met with2. 1 Das Ei bei Knochenfischen. 2 Arch.f. Anat. Phys. 1877. 5/6 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT My observations in Raja are not so full as those upon Scyllium, but they serve to complete and reconcile the observations of Semper and Schultz, and also to shew that the general mode of growth of the follicular epithelium is fundamentally the same in my representatives of the two divisions of the Elasmobranchii. In very young eggs, in conformity with the results of all previous observers, I find the follicular epithelium approximately uniform. The cells are flat, but extended so as to appear of an unexpected size in views of the surface of the follicle. This condition does not, however, last very long. A certain number of the cells enlarge considerably, others remaining smaller and flat. The differences between the larger and the smaller cells are more conspicuous in sections than in surface views, and though the distribution of the cells is somewhat irregular, it may still be predicted as an almost invariable rule that the smaller cells of the follicle will line that part of the surface of the ovum, near to which the germinal vesicle is situated. On PI. 25, fig. 30, is shewn in section a fairly average arrangement of the follicle cells. Semper considers the larger cells of such a follicle to be probably primitive ova destined to become permanent ova. This view I cannot accept : firstly, because these cells only agree with primitive ova in being exceptionally large — the character of their nucleus, with its large nucleolus, being not very like that of a primitive ovum. Secondly, because they shade into ordinary cells of the follicle ; and thirdly, because no evidence of their becoming ova has come before me, but rather the reverse, in that it seems probable that they have a definite function con- nected with the nutrition of the egg. To this point I shall return. In the next stage the small cells have become still smaller. They are columnar, and are wedged in between the larger ones. No great regularity in distribution is as yet attained (PI. 25, fig. 31). Such a regularity appears in a later stage (PI. 25, fig. 32), which clearly corresponds with fig. 8 on PI. 34 of Schultz's paper, and also with the stage of Scyllium in PI. 25, fig. 29, though the distinction between the two kinds of cells is here far better marked than in Scyllium. The big cells have now be- come flask-shaped like those in Scyllium, and send a process down to the vitelline membrane. The smaller cells are arranged OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 577 in two or three tiers, but the larger cells in a single layer. The distribution of the larger and smaller cells is in some instances very regular, as shewn in the surface view on PI. 25, fig. 33. There can, it appears to me, be no doubt that Schultz's view of the smaller cells being lymph-cells which have migrated into the follicle cannot be maintained. The thickness of the epithelium at this stage is about 0^04 mm. In the succeeding stages, during which the egg is rapidly grow- ing to the colossal size which it eventually attains, the follicular epithelium does not to any great extent alter in constitution. It grows thicker on the whole, and as the vitelline membrane gradually atrophies, its lower surface becomes irregular, exhibit- ing somewhat flattened prominences, which project into the yolk. At the greatest height of the prominences the epithelium may reach a thickness of O'o6 mm., or even more. The arrange- ment of the tissues external to the follicular epithelium is the same in Raja as in Scyllium. The most interesting point connected with the follicle, both in Scyllium and Raja and presumably in other Elasmobranchs is that its epithelium at the time when the egg is rapidly ap- proaching maturity is composed with more or less of distinctness of two forms of cells. One of these is large flask-shaped and rich in protoplasm, the other is small, consisting of a mere film of protoplasm round a nucleus. Considering that the larger cells appear at the time of rapid growth, it is natural to interpret their presence as connected with the nutrition of the ovum. This view is supported by the observations of Eimer and Braun, on the development of Reptilian ova. In many Reptilian ova it appears from Eimer's1 observations, that the follicular epi- thelium becomes several layers thick, and that a differentiation of the cells, similar to that in Elasmobranchs, takes place. The flask-shaped cells eventually undergo peculiar changes, becoming converted into a kind of beaker-cell, with prolongations through the egg membranes, which take the place of canals leading to the interior of the egg. Braun also expresses himself strongly in favour of the flask-shaped cells functioning in the nutrition of the eggs. That these cells in the Reptilian ova really corre- 1 Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Vol. vin. z Braun, " Urogeuitalsystem d. Amphibien," Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Institut 578 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT spond with those in Elasmobranchs appears to me clear from Eimer's figures, but I have not myself studied any Reptilian ovum. My reasons for dissenting from both Semper's and Schultz's views on the nature of the two forms of follicular cells have already been stated. The Vitellus and the development of the yolk spherules. — Leydig, Gegenbaur, and Schultz, have recorded important ob- servations on this head. Leydig1 chiefly describes the peculiar characters of the yolk spherules. Gegenbaur2 finds in the youngest eggs fine granules; which subsequently develop into vesicles, in the interior of which the solid oval spheres, so characteristic of Elasmobranchs, are de- veloped. Schultz describes in the youngest ova of Torpedo the minute yolk spherules arranged in a semi-lunar form around the ec- centric germinal vesicle. In older ova they spread through the whole. He also gives a description of their arrangement in the ripe ovum. Dr Schultz further finds in the body of the ovum peculiar protoplastic striae, arranged as a series of pyramids, with the bases directed outwards. In the periphery of the ovum a protoplastic network is also present, which is continuous with the above-mentioned pyramidal structures. My observations do not very greatly extend those of Gegen- baur and Schultz with reference to the development of the yolk, and closely agree with what Gegenbaur has given in the paper above quoted more fully for Aves and Reptilia than for Elasmo- branchii. In very young ova the body of the ovum is simply granular, but when it has reached about 0*5 mm. the granules are seen to be arranged in a kind of network, or spongework (PI. 25, fig. 21), already spoken of in my monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes. This network becomes more distinct in succeeding stages, especially in chromic acid specimens (PI. 25, fig. 22), probably in part owing to a granular precipitation of the protoplasm. In U'urzburg, Bd. iv. He says, in reference to the flask -shaped cell, p. 166, "Hochstens wiirde ich die Funktion der grossen Follikelzellen als einselligt Dritsen mehr be- tonen." 1 Loc. (it. '* l.oc. cit. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 579 the late stages, when the yolk spherules are fully developed, it is difficult to observe this network, but, as has been shewn in my monograph above quoted, it is still present after the commence- ment of embryonic development. An arrangement of the proto- plasmic striae like that described by Schultz has not come under my notice. The development of the yolk appears to me to present spe- cial difficulties, owing to the fact pointed out by His1 that the conditions of development vary greatly according to whether the ovary is in a state of repose or of active development. I do not feel satisfied .with my results on this subject, but believe there is still much to be made out. Observations on the yolk spherules may be made either in living ova, in ova hardened in osmic acid, or in ova hardened in picric or chromic acids. The two latter reagents, as well as alcohol, are however unfavourable for the purpose of this study, since by their action the yolk spherules appear frequently to be broken up and othenvise altered. This has to some extent occurred in PI. 25, fig. 21, and the peculiar appearance of the yolk of this ovum is in part due to the action of the reagent. On the whole I have found osmic acid the most suitable reagent for the study of the yolk, since without breaking up the developing spherules, it stains them of a deep black colour. The yolk spherules commence to be formed in ova, of not more than o-o6 mm. in the ovaries of moderately old females. In young females they are apparently not formed in such small ova. They arise as extremely minute, highly refracting particles, in a stratum of protoplasm some little way below the surface, and are akvays most numerous at the pole opposite the germinal vesicle. Their general arrangement is very much that figured and described by Allen Thomson in Gaster- osteus2, and by Gegenbaur and Eimer in young Reptilian ova. In section they naturally appear as a ring, their general mode of distribution being fairly typically represented on PI. 25, fig. 27. The ovum represented in fig. 27 was O'5 mm. in diameter, and the yolk spherules were already largely developed ; in smaller ova they are far less numerous, though arranged in a similar fashion. The developing yolk spherules are not uniformly dis- 1 Das Ei bei Knochenfischen. - " Ovum" in Todd's Encyclopedia, fig. 69. 580 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT tributed but are collected in peculiar little masses or aggrega- tions (PL 25, fig. 21). These resemble the granular masses, figured by His (loc. cit. PI. 4, fig. 33) in the Salmon, and may be compared with the aggregations figured by Gotte in his mono- graph on Bombinator igneus (PI. I, fig. 9). It deserves to be especially noted, that when the yolk spherules are first formed, the peripheral layer of the ovum is entirely free from them, a feature which is however apt to be lost in ova hardened in picric acid (PI. 25, fig. 21). Two points about the spherules appear clearly to point to their being developed in the protoplasm of the ovum, and not in the follicular epithelium, (i) That they do not make their appearance in the superficial stratum of the ovum. (2) That no yolk spherules are present in the cells of the follicular epithelium, in which they could not fail to be detected, owing to the deep colour they assume on being treated with osmic acid. It need scarcely be said that the yolk spherules at this stage are not cells, and have indeed no resemblance to cells. They would probably be regarded by His as spherules of fatty mate- rial, unrelated to the true food yolk. As the ova become larger the granules of the peripheral layer before mentioned gradually assume the character of the yolk spheres of the adult, and at the same time spread towards the centre of the egg. Not having worked at fresh specimens, I cannot give a full account of the growth of the spherules ; but am of opinion that Gegenbaur's account is probably correct, according to which the spheres at first present gradually grow and develop into vesicles, in the interior of which solid bodies (nuclei of His ?) appear and form the permanent yolk spheres. When the yolk spheres are still very small they have the typical oblong form * of the ripe ovum, and this form is acquired while the centre of the ovum is still free from them. The growth of the yolk appears mainly due to the increase in size and number of the individual yolk spheres. Even when the ovum is quite filled with large yolk spheres, the granular 1 The peculiar oval, or at times slightly rectangular and striated yolk spherules of Elasmobranchs are mentioned by Leydig and Gegenbaur (PI. n, fig. 20), and myself, Preliminary Account of Development of Elasmobranch Fis/us, and by Filippi and His in Osseous Fishes. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 581 protoplastic network of the earlier stages is still present, and serves to hold together the constituents of the yolk. In the cortical layer of nearly ripe ova, the yolk has a somewhat differ- ent character to that which it exhibits in the deeper layers, chiefly owing to the presence of certain delicate granular (in hardened specimens) bodies, whose nature I do not understand, and to special yolk spheres rather larger than the ordinary, provided with numerous smaller spherules in their interior, which are probably destined in the course of time to become free and to form ordinary yolk spheres. The mode of formation of the yolk spheres above described appears to me to be the normal, and possibly the only one. Certain peculiar structures have, however, come under my notice, which may perhaps be connected with the formation of the yolk. One of these resembles the bodies described by Eimer1 as " Dotterschorfe." I have only met these bodies in a single instance in ova of O'6 mm., from the ovary (in active growth) of a specimen of Scy. canicula 23 inches in length. In this instance they consisted of homogeneous clear bodies (not bounded by any membrane) of somewhat irregular shape, though usually more or less oval, and rarely more than O'O2 mm. in their longest diameter. They were very numerous in the peripheral layer of the ovum, but quite absent in the centre, and also not found outside the ovum (as they appear to be in Reptilia). Yolk granules formed in the normal way, and staining deeply by osmic acid, were present, but the " Dotterschorfe " presented a marked contrast to the remainder of the ovum, in being absolutely unstained by osmic acid, and indeed they appeared more like a modified form of vacuole than any definite body. Their general appearance in Scyllium may be gathered from Eimer's figure 8, PI. 11, though they were much more numerous than represented in that figure, and confined to the periphery of the ovum. Dr Eimer describes a much earlier condition of these structures, in which they form a clear shell enclosing a central dark nucleus. This stage I have not met with, nor can I see any grounds for connecting these bodies with the formation 1 " Untersuchung iiber die Eier d. Reptilian," Archiv f. mikros. Anat. Vol. VIII. 582 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT of the yolk, and the fact of their not staining with osmic acid is strongly opposed to this view of their function. Dr Eimer does not appear to me to bring forward any satisfactory proof that they are in any way related to the formation of the yolk, but wishes to connect them with the peculiar body, well known as the yolk nucleus, which is found in the Amphibian ovum1. Another peculiar body found in the ova may be mentioned here, though it more probably belongs to the germinal vesicle than to the yolk. It has only been met with in the vitellus of some of the medium sized ova of a young female. Examples of this body are represented on PI. 25, fig. 25 A, x. As a rule there is only one in each of the ova in which they are present, but there may be as many as four. They consist of small vesicles with a very thick doubly contoured membrane, which are filled with numerous deeply staining spherical granules. At times they contain a vacuole. Some of the larger of them are not very much smaller than the germinal vesicle of their ovum, while the smallest of them present a striking resemblance to the nucleoli (fig. 25 B), which makes me think that they may possibly be nucleoli which have made their way out of the germinal vesicle. I have not found them in the late stages or large ova. The following measurements shew the size of some of these bodies in relation to the germinal vesicle and ovum : — Diameter of Germinal Diameter of Body in Diameter of Ovum. Vesicle. Vitellus. 0^096 mm. . . 0*03 mm. . . o'oog mm. 0*064 mm. . . o-o25 mm. . . o'oi2 mm. 0-096 mm. 0-03 mm. J°'°19 mm' |p'oo3 mm. Germinal vesicle. — Gegenbaur2 finds the germinal vesicle completely homogeneous and without the trace of a germinal spot. In Raja granules or vesicles may appear as artificial pro- ducts, and in Acanthias even in the fresh condition isolated vesicles or masses of such may be present. To these structures he attributes no importance. Alexander Schultz3 states that there is nothing remarkable in the germinal vesicle of the Torpedo egg, but that till the egg 1 Vide Allen Thomson, article "Ovum," Todd's Encyclopedia , p. 95. 2 Loc. cit. s l^oc. cil. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 583 reaches O'5 mm., a single germinal spot is always present (mea- suring about O'oi mm.), which is absent in larger ova. The bodies described by Gegenbaur are now generally recog- nised as germinal spots, and will be described as such in the sequel. I have very rarely met with the condition with the single nucleolus described by Schultz in Torpedo. My own observations are confined to Scyllium. In very young females, with ova not larger than ccoo, mm., the germinal vesicle has the same characters as during the embryonic periods. The contents are clear but traversed by a very distinct and deeply staining reticulum of fibres connected with the several nucleoli which are usually present and situated close to the membrane. In a somewhat older female in the largest ova of about O'I2 mm., the germinal vesicle measures about O'o6 mm., and usually occupies an eccentric position. It is provided with a distinct though delicate membrane. The network, so conspicuous during the embryonic period, is not so clear as it was, and has the appearance of being formed of lines of granules rather than of fibres. The fluid contents of the nucleus remain as a rule, even in the hardened specimens, perfectly clear, though they become in some instances slightly granular. There are usually two, three, or more nucleoli generally situated, as described by Eimer, close to the membrane of the vesicle, the largest of which may measure as much as 0*006 mm. They are highly refracting bodies, containing in most instances a vacuole, and very frequently a smaller spherical body of a similar nature to themselves1. Granules are sometimes also present in the germinal vesicle, but are probably only extremely minute nucleoli. In ova of O'5 mm. the germinal vesicle has a diameter of O'I2 mm. (PI. 25, fig. 21). It is usually shrunk in hardened specimens though nearly spherical in the living ovum. Its contents are rendered granular by reagents though quite clear when fresh, and the reticulum of the earlier stages is sometimes with difficulty to be made out, though in other instances fairly clear. In all cases the fibres composing it are very granular. The membrane 1 Compare, with reference to several points, the germinal vesicle at this stage with the germinal vesicle of the frog's ovum figured by O. Hertwig, Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. in. pi. 4, fig. r. 584 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT is thick. Peculiar highly refracting nucleoli, usually enclosing a large vacuole, are present in considerable numbers, and are either arranged in a circle round the periphery, or sometimes aggre- gated towards one side of the vesicle ; and in addition, numerous deeply staining smaller granular aggregations, probably belong- ing to the same category as the nucleoli (from which in the living ovum they can only be distinguished by their size), are scattered close to the inner side of the membrane over the whole or only a part of the surface of the germinal vesicle. In a fair number of instances bodies like that figured on PL 25, fig. 27, are to be found in the germinal vesicle. They appear to be nucleoli in which a number of smaller nucleoli are originating by a process of endogenous growth, analogous perhaps to endogenous cell-formation. The nucleoli thus formed are, no doubt, destined to become free. The above mode of increase for the nucleoli appears to be exceptional. The ordinary mode is, no doubt, that by simple division into two, as was long ago shewn by Auerbach. Of the later stages of the germinal vesicle and its final fate, I can give no account beyond the very fragmentary statements which have already appeared in my monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes. Formation of fresh ova and ovarian nests in the post-embryonic stages. — Ludwig1 was the first to describe the formation of ova in the post-embryonic periods. His views will be best explained by quoting the following passage : — " The follicle of Skates and Dog fish, with the ovum it con- tains, is to be considered as an aggregation of the cells of the single-layered ovarian epithelium which have grown into the stroma, and of which one cell has become the ovum and the others the follicular epithelium. The follicle, however, draws in with it into the stroma a number of additional epithelial cells in the form of a stalk connecting the follicle with the superficial epithelium. At a later period the lower part of the stalk at its junction with the follicle becomes continuously narrowed, and at the same time a rupture takes place in the cells which form it. In this manner the follicle becomes at last constricted 1 Lot. fif. OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 585 off from the stalk, and so from its place of origin in the super- ficial epithelium, and subsequently lies freely in the stroma of the ovary." He further explains that the separation of the follicles from the epithelium takes place much earlier in Acanthias than in Raja, and that the sinkings of the epithelium into the stroma may have two or three branches each with a follicle. Semper gives very little information with reference to the post-embryonic formation of ova. He expresses his agreement on the whole with Ludwig, but, amongst points not mentioned by Ludwig, calls attention to peculiar aggregations of primitive ova in the superficial epithelium, which he regards as either rudimentary testicular follicles or as nests similar to those in the embryo. My observations on this subject do not agree very closely with those either of Ludwig or Semper. The differences between us partly, though not entirely, depend upon the fundamentally different viewi^we hold about the constitution of the ovary and the nature of the epithelium covering it (vide pp. 555 and 556). In very young ovaries (PI. 24, fig. 8) nests of ova (in my sense of the term) are very numerous, but though usually super- ficial in position are also found in the deeper layers of the ovary. They are especially concentrated in their old position, close to the dorsal edge of the organ. In some instances they do not present quite the same appearance as in the embryo, owing to the outlines of the ova composing them being distinct, and to the presence between the ova of numerous interstitial cells derived from the germinal epithelium, and destined to become follicular epithelium. These latter cells at first form a much flatter follicular epithelium than in the embryonic periods, so that the smaller adult ova have a much less columnar investment than ova of the same size in the embryo. A few primitive ova may still be found in a very superficial position, but occasionally also in the deeper layers. I am inclined to agree with Semper that some of these are freshly formed from the cells of the germinal epithelium. In the young female with ova of about O'5 mm. nests of ova are still fairly numerous. The nests are characteristic, and present the various remarkable peculiarities already described B. 38 586 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT in the embryo. In many instances they form polynuclear masses, not divided into separate cells, generally, however, the individual ova are distinct. The ova in these nests are on the average rather smaller than during the embryonic periods. The nests are frequently quite superficial and at times continuous with the pseudo-epithelium, and individual ova also occasionally occupy a position in the superficial epithelium. Some of the appearances presented by separate ova are not unlike the figures of Ludwig, but a growth such as he describes has, according to my observations, no existence. The columns which he believes to have grown into the stroma are merely trabeculae connecting the deeper and more superficial parts of the germinal epithelium ; and his whole view about the formation of the follicular epithe- lium round separate ova certainly does not apply, except in rare cases, to Scyllium. It is, indeed, very easy to see that most freshly formed ova are derived from nests, as in the embryo ; and the formation of a follicular epithelium round these ova takes place as they become separated from the nests. A few solitary ova, which have never formed part of a nest, seem to be formed in this stage as in the embryo ; but they do not grow into the stroma surrounded by the cells of the pseudo-epithelium, and only as they reach a not inconsiderable size is a definite follicular epithelium formed around them. The follicular epi- thelium, though not always formed from the pseudo-epithelium, is of course always composed of cells derived from the germinal epithelium. In all the ova formed at this stage the nucleus would seem to pass through the same metamorphosis as in the embryo. In the later stages, and even in the full-grown female of Scyllium, fresh ova seemed to be formed and nests also to be present. In Raja I have not found freshly formed ova or nests in the adult, and have had no opportunity of studying the young forms. Summary of observations on the development of the ovary in Scyllium and Raja. (i) The ovary in the embryo is a ridge, triangular in sec- tion, attached along the base. It is formed of a core of stroma and a covering of epithelium. A special thickening of the epi- OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 587 thelium on the outer side forms the true germinal epithelium, to which the ova are confined (PL 24, fig. i). In the development of the ovary the stroma becomes differentiated into an external vascular layer, especially developed in the neighbourhood of the germinal epithelium, and an internal lymphatic portion, which forms the main mass of the ovarian ridge (PI. 24, figs. 2, 3, and 6). (2) At first the thickened germinal epithelium is sharply separated by a membrane from the subjacent stroma (PI. 24, figs, i, 2, and 3), but at about the time when the follicular epi- thelium commences to be formed round the ova, numerous strands of stroma grow into the epithelium, and form a regular network of vascular channels throughout it, and partially isolate individual ova (PI. 24, figs. 7 and 8). At the same time the surface of the epithelium turned towards the stroma becomes irregular (PI. 24, fig. 9), owing to the development of individual ova. In still later stages the stroma ingrowths form a more or less definite tunic close to the surface of the ovary. External to this tunic is the superficial layer of the germinal epithelium, which forms what has been spoken of as the pseudo-epithelium. In many instances the protoplasm of its cells is produced into peculiar fibrous tails which pass into the tunic below. (3) Primitive ova. — Certain cells in the epithelium lining the dorsal angle of the body cavity become distinguished as primitive ova by their abundant protoplasm and granular nuclei, at a very early period in development, even before the forma- tion of the genital ridges. Subsequently on the formation of the genital ridges these ova become confined to the thickened germinal epithelium on the outer aspect of the ridges (PL 24, fig. i). (4) Conversion of primitive ova into permanent ova. — Primitive ova may in Scyllium become transformed into perma- nent ova in two ways — the difference between the two ways being, however, of secondary importance. (a) A nest of primitive ova makes its appearance, either by continued division of a single primitive ovum or otherwise. The bodies of all the ova of the nest fuse together, and a polynuclear mass is formed, which increases in size concomitantly with the division of its nuclei. The nuclei, moreover, pass through a series of transformations. They increase in size and form deli- 38-2 588 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT cate vesicles filled with a clear fluid, but contain close to one side a granular mass which stains very deeply with colouring reagents. The granular mass becomes somewhat stellate, and finally assumes a reticulate form with one more highly refracting nucleoli at the nodal points of the reticulum. When a nucleus has reached this condition the protoplasm around it has become slightly granular, and with the enclosed nucleus is segmented off from the nest as a special cell — a permanent ovum (figs. 13, 14, 15, 1 6). Not all the nuclei in a nest undergo the whole of the above changes ; certain of them, on the contrary, stop short in their development, atrophy, and become employed as a kind of pabulum for the remainder. Thus it happens that out of a large nest perhaps only two or three permanent ova become developed. (b) In the second mode of development of ova the nuclei and protoplasm undergo the same changes as in the first mode ; but the ova either remain isolated and never form part of a nest, or form part of a nest in which no fusion of the protoplasm takes place, and all the primitive ova develop into permanent ova. Both the above modes of the formation continue through a great part of life. (5) The follicle. — The cells of the germinal epithelium arrange themselves as a layer around each ovum, almost imme- diately after its separation from a nest, and so constitute a fol- licle. They are at first flat, but soon become more columnar. In Scyllium they remain for a long time uniform, but in large eggs they become arranged in two or three layers, while at the same time some of them become large and flask-shaped, and others small and oval (fig. 29). The flask-shaped cells have probably an important function in the nutrition of the egg, and are arranged in a fairly regular order amongst the smaller cells. Before the egg is quite ripe both kinds of follicle cells undergo retrogressive changes (PI. 25, fig. 23). In Raja a great irregularity in the follicle cells is observable at an early stage, but as the ovum grows larger the cells gradually assume a regular arrangement more or less similar to that in Scyllium (PI. 25, figs. 30 — 33). (6) The egg membranes.— -Two membranes are probably always present in Klasmobranchs during some period of their OF THE VERTEBRATE OVARY. 589 growth. The first formed and outer of these arises in some instances before the formation of the follicular epithelium, and would seem to be of the nature of a vitelline membrane. The inner one is the zona radiata with a typical radiately striated structure. It is formed from the vitellus at a much later period than the proper vitelline membrane. It is more developed in Scyllium than in Raja, but atrophies early in both genera. By the time the ovum is nearly ripe both membranes are very much reduced, and when the egg (in Scyllium and Pristiurus) is laid, no trace of any membrane is visible. (7) The vitellus. — The vitellus is at first faintly granular, but at a later period exhibits a very distinct (protoplasmic) network of fibres, which is still present after the ovum has been laid. The yolk arises, in the manner described by Gegenbaur, in ova of about O'o6 mm. as a layer of fine granules, which stain deeply with osmic acid. They are at first confined to a stratum of protoplasm slightly below the surface of the ovum, and are most numerous at the pole furthest removed from the germinal vesicle. They are not regularly distributed, but are aggregated in small masses. They gradually grow into vesicles, in the inte- rior of which oval solid bodies are developed, which form the permanent yolk-spheres. These oval bodies in the later stages exhibit a remarkable segmentation into plates, which gives them a peculiar appearance of transverse striation. Certain bodies of unknown function are occasionally met with in the vitellus, of which the most remarkable are those figured at x on PL 25, fig. 25 A. (8) The germinal vesicle. — A reticulum is very conspicuous in the germinal vesicle in the freshly formed ova, but becomes much less so in older ova, and assumes, moreover, a granular appearance. At first one to three nucleoli are present, but they gradually increase in number as the germinal vesicle grows older, and are frequently situated in close proximity to the membrane. 590 THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT THE MAMMALIAN OVARY (PI. 26). 7'he literature of the mammalian ovary has been so often dealt with that it may be passed over with only a few words. The papers which especially call for notice are those of PflUger1, Ed. van Beneden2, and especially Waldeyer3, as inaugurating the newer view on the nature of the ovary, and development of the ova ; and of Foulis4 and Kolliker5, as representing the most recent utterances on the subject. There are, of course, many points in these papers which are touched on in the sequel, but I may more especially here call attention to the fact that I have been able to confirm van Beneden's statement as to the existence of polynuclear protoplasmic masses. I have found them, how- ever, by no means universal or primitive; and I cannot agree'in a general way with van Beneden's account of their occurrence. I have found no trace of a germogene (Keimfache) in the sense of Pfliiger and Ed. van Beneden. My own results are most in accordance with those of Waldeyer, with whom I agree in the fundamental propositions that both ovum and follicular epithe- lium are derived from the germinal epithelium, but I cannot accept his views of the relation of the stroma to the germinal epithelium. In the very interesting paper of Foulis, the conclusion is arrived at, that while the ova are derived from the germinal epithelium, the cells of the follicle originate from the ordinary connective tissue cells of the stroma. Foulis regards the zona pellucida as a product of the ovum and not of the follicle. To both of these views I shall return, and hope to be able to shew that Foulis has not traced back the formation of the follicle through a sufficient number of the earlier stages. It thus comes about that though I fully recognise the accuracy of his figures, I am unable to admit his conclusions. Kolliker's statements 1 Die Eierstocke d. Saugethiere it. d. Menschen, Leipzig, 1863. a "Composition et Signification de 1'cEuf," Acad. r. dc Be^i which must, no doubt, be identified with the cumulus of the earlier stages. Towards the opposite end, or perhaps rather nearer the centre of the white side of the ovum, is an imperfectly marked triangular white area. There can be no doubt that the line connecting the cumulus with the triangular area is the future long axis of the embryo, and the white area is, without doubt, the procephalic lobe of Balbiani. A section of the ovum at this stage is represented in PI. 31, fig. ii. It is not quite certain in what direction the section is taken, but I think it probable it is somewhat oblique to the long axis. However this may be, the section shews that the whitish hemisphere of the blastoderm is formed of columnar cells, for the most part two or so layers deep, but that there is, not very far from the middle line, a wedge-shaped internal thickening of the blastoderm where the cells are several rows deep. With what part visible in surface view this thickened portion corre- sponds is not clear. To my mind it most probably corresponds to the larger white patch, in which case I have not got a section through the terminal prominence. In the other sections of the same embryo the wedge-shaped thickening was not so marked, but it, nevertheless, extended through all the sections. It appears to me probable that it constitutes a longitudinal thick- ened ridge of the blastoderm. In any case, it is clear that the white hemisphere of the blastoderm is a thickened portion of the NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 673 blastoderm, and that the thickening is in part due to the cells being more columnar, and, in part, to their being more than one row deep, though they have not become divided into two distinct germinal layers. It is further clear that the increase in the number of cells in the thickened part of the blastoderm is, in the main, a result of the multiplication of the original single row of cells, while a careful examination of my sections proves that it is also partly due to cells, derived from the yolk, having been added to the blastoderm. In the following stage which I have obtained (which cannot be very much older than the previous stage, because my speci- mens of it come from the same batch of eggs), a distinct and fairly circumscribed thickening forming the ventral surface of the embryo has become established. Though its component parts are somewhat indistinct, it appears to consist of a proce- phalic lobe, a less prominent caudal lobe, and an intermediate portion divided into about three segments ; but its constituents cannot be clearly identified with the structures visible in the previous stage. I am inclined, however, to identify the anterior thickened area of the previous stage with the procephalic lobe, and a slight protuberance of the caudal portion (visible from the surface) with the primitive cumulus. I have, however, failed to meet with any trace of the cumulus in my sections. To this stage, which forms the first of the second period of the larval history, I shall return, but it is necessary now to go back to the observations of Claparede and Balbiani. There can, in the first place, be but little doubt that what I have called the primitive cumulus in my description is the struc- ture so named by Claparede and Balbiani. It is clear that Balbiani and Claparede have both failed to appreciate the importance of the organ, which my observations shew to be the part of the ventral thickening of the blastoderm where two rows of cells are first established, and therefore the point where the first traces of the future mesoblast becomes visible. Though Claparede and Balbiani differ somewhat as to the position of the organ, they both make it last longer than I do : I feel certainly inclined to doubt whether Claparede is right in considering a body he figures after six segments are present, to 674 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. be the same as the dorsal organ of the embryo before the form- ation of any segments, especially as all the stages between the two appear to have escaped him. In Agelena there is undoubt- edly no organ in the position he gives when six segments are found. Balbiani's observations accord fairly with my own up to the stage represented in fig. 2. Beyond this stage my own observa- tions are not satisfactory, but I must state that I feel doubtful whether Balbiani is correct in his description of the gradual separation of the procephalic lobe and the cumulus, and the passage of the latter to the dorsal surface, and think it possible that he may have made a mistake as to which side of the pro- cephalic lobe, in relation to the parts of the embryo, the cumulus is placed. Although there appear to be grounds for doubting whether either Balbiani and Claparede are correct in the position they assign to the cumulus, my observations scarcely warrant me in being very definite in my statements on this head, but, as already mentioned, I am inclined to place the organ near the posterior end (and therefore, as will be afterwards shewn, in a somewhat dorsal situation) of the ventral embryonic thickening. In my earliest stage of the third period there is present, as has already been stated, a procephalic lobe, and an indistinct and not very prominent caudal portion, and about three segments between the two. The definition of the parts of the blastoderm at this stage is still very imperfect, but from subsequent stages it appears to me probable that the first of the three segments is that of the first pair of ambulatory limbs, and that the segments of the chelicerae and pedipalpi are formed later than those of the first three ambulatory appendages. Balbiani believes that the segment of the chelicerae is formed later than that of the six succeeding segments. He further concludes, from the fact that this segment is cut off from the procephalic portion in front, that it is really part of the pro- cephalic lobe. I cannot accept the validity of this argument ; though I am glad to find myself in, at any rate, partial harmony with the distinguished French embryologist as to the facts. Balbiani denies for this stage the existence of a caudal lobe. There is certainly, as is very well shewn in my longitudinal NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 675 sections, a thickening of the blastoderm in the caudal region, though it is not so prominent in surface views as the procephalic lobe. A transverse section through an embryo at this stage (PI. 31, fig. 12) shews that there is a ventral plate of somewhat columnar cells more than one row deep, and a dorsal portion of the blasto- derm formed of a single row of flattened cells. Every section at this stage shews that the inner layer of cells of the ventral plate is receiving accessions of cells from the yolk, which has not to any appreciable extent altered its constitution. A large cell, passing from the yolk to the blastoderm, is shewn in fig. 12 at y. c. The cells of the ventral plate are now divided into two distinct layers. The outer of these is the epiblast, the inner the meso- blast. The cells of both layers are quite continuous across the median line, and exhibit no trace of a bilateral arrangement. This stage is an interesting one on account of the striking similarity which (apart from the amnion) exists between a sec- tion through the blastoderm of a spider and that of an insect immediately after the formation of the mesoblast. The reader should compare Kowalevsky's (Mem. Acad. Petersbonrg, Vol. XVI. 1871) fig. 26, PL IX. with my fig. 12. The existence of a continuous ventral plate of mesoblast has been noticed by Barrois (p. 532), who states that the two mesoblastic bands originate from the longitudinal division of a primitive single band. In a slightly later stage (PI. 30, fig. 3 a and 3 b] six distinct segments are interpolated between the procephalic and the caudal lobes. The two foremost, ch and pd (especially the first), of these are far less distinct than the remainder, and the first segment is very indistinctly separated from the procephalic lobe. From the indistinctness of the first two somites, I conclude that they are later formations than the four succeeding ones. The caudal and procephalic lobes are very similar in appearance, but the procephalic lobe is slightly the wider of the two. There is a slight protuberance on the caudal lobe, which is possibly the remnant of the cumulus. The superficial appearance of seg- mentation is produced by a series of transverse valleys, sepa- rating raised intermediate portions which form the segments. 676 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. The ventral thickening of the embryo now occupies rather more than half the circumference of the ovum. Transverse sections shew that considerable changes have been effected in the constitution of the blastoderm. In the previous stage, the ventral plate was formed of an uniform ex- ternal layer of epiblast, and a continuous internal layer of meso- blast. The mesoblast has now become divided along the whole length of the embryo, except, perhaps, the procephalic lobes, into two lateral bands which are not continuous across the middle line (PL 31, fig. 13 me). It has, moreover, become a much more definite layer, closely attached to the epiblast. Between each mesoblastic band and the adjoining yolk there are placed a few scattered cells, which in a somewhat later stage become the splanchnic mesoblast. These cells are derived from the yolk-cells ; and almost every section contains examples of such cells in the act of joining the mesoblast. The epiblast of the ventral plate has not, to any great extent, altered in constitution. It is, perhaps, a shade thinner in the median line than it is laterally. The division of the mesoblast plate into two bands, together, perhaps, with the slight reduc- tion of the epiblast in the median ventral line, gives rise at this stage to an imperfectly marked median groove. The dorsal epiblast is still formed of a single layer of flat cells. In the neighbourhood of this layer the yolk nuclei are especially concentrated. The yolk itself remains as before. The segments continue to increase regularly, each fresh seg- ment being added in the usual way between the last formed segment and the unsegmented caudal lobe. At the stage when about nine or ten segments have become established, the first rudiments of appendages become visible. At this period (PL 30, fig. 4) there is a distinct median ventral groove, extending through the whole length of the embryo, which becomes, how- ever, considerably shallower behind. The procephalic region is distinctly bilobed. The first segment (that of the cheliceras) is better marked off from it than in the previous stage, but is with- out a trace of an appendage, and exhibits therefore, in respect to the development of its appendages, the same retardation that characterised its first appearance. The next five segments, viz. those of the pedipalpi and four ambulatory appendages, present NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 6/7 a very well-marked swelling at each extremity. These swellings are the earliest traces of the appendages. Of the three succeed- ing segments, only the first is well differentiated. The caudal lobe, though less broad than the procephalic lobe, is still a widish structure. The most important internal changes con- cern the mesoblast, which is now imperfectly though distinctly divided into somites, corresponding with segments visible ex- ternally. Each mesoblastic somite is formed of a distinct somatic layer closely attached to the epiblast, and a thinner and less well-marked splanchnic layer. In the appendage- bearing segments the somatic layer is continued up into the appendages. The epiblast is distinctly thinner in the median line than at the two sides. The next stage figured (PI. 30, figs. 5 and 6) is an important one, as it is characterized by the establishment of the full num- ber of appendages. The whole length of the ventral plate has greatly increased, so that it embraces nearly the circumference of the ovum, and there is left uncovered but a very small arc between the two extremities of the plate (PI. 30, fig. 6; PL 31, fig. 15). This arc is the future dorsal portion of the embryo, which lags in its development immensely behind the ventral portion. There is a very distinctly bilobed procephalic region (pr. 1} well separated from the segment with the chelicerse (ch}. It is marked by a shallow groove opening behind into a circular depression (sf.) — the earliest rudiment of the stomodaeum. The six segments behind the procephalic lobes are the six largest, and each of them bears two prominent appendages. They con- stitute the six appendage-bearing segments of the adult. The four future ambulatory appendages are equal in size : they are slightly larger than the pedipalpi, and these again than the chelicerse. Behind the six somites with prominent appendages there are four well-marked somites, each with a small protuber- ance. These four protuberances are provisional appendages. They have been found in many other genera of Araneina (Clapa- rede, Barrois). The segments behind these are rudimentary and difficult to count, but there are, at any rate, five, and at a slightly later stage probably six, including the anal lobe. These fresh segments have been formed by the continued segmentation of 678 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. the anal lobe, which has greatly altered its shape in the process. The ventral groove of the earlier stage is still continued along the whole length of the ventral plate. By the close of this stage the full number of post-cephalic segments has become established. They are best seen in the longitudinal section (PI. 31, fig. 15). There are six anterior appendage-bearing segments, followed by four with rudimentary appendages (not seen in this figure), and six without appendages behind. There are, therefore, sixteen in all. This number accords with the result arrived at by Barrois, but is higher by two than that given by Claparede. The germinal layers (vide PI. 31, fig. 14) have by this stage undergone a further development The mesoblastic somites are more fully developed. The general relations of these somites is shewn in longitudinal section in PI. 31, fig. 15, and in trans- verse section in PI. 31, fig. 14. In the tail, where they are simplest (shewn on the upper side in fig. 14), each mesoblastic somite is formed of a somatic layer of more or less cubical cells attached to the epiblast, and a splanchnic layer of flattened cells. Between the two is placed a completely circumscribed cavity, which constitutes part of the embryonic body-cavity. Between the yolk and the splanchnic layer are placed a few scattered; cells, which form the latest derivatives of the yolk-cells, and are to be reckoned, as part of the splanchnic mesoblast. The meso- blastic somites do not extend outwards beyond the edge of the ventral plate, and the corresponding mesoblastic somites of the two sides do not nearly meet in the middle line. In the limb- bearing somites the mesoblast has the same general characters as in the posterior somites, but the somatic layer is prolonged as a hollow papilliform process into the limb, so that each limb has an axial cavity continuous with the section of the body- cavity of its somite. The description given by Metschnikoff of the formation of the mesoblastic somites in the scorpion, and their continuation into the limbs, closely corresponds with the history of these parts in spiders. In the region of each procephalic lobe the mesoblast is present as a continuous layer underneath the epiblast, but in the earlier part of the stage, at any rate, is not formed of two distinct layers with a cavity between them. NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 679 The epiblast at this stage has also undergone important changes. Along the median ventral groove it has become very thin. On each side of this groove it exhibits in each append- age-bearing somite a well-marked thickening, which gives in surface views the appearance of a slightly raised area (PI. 30, fig. 5), between each appendage and the median line. These thickenings are the first rudiments of the ventral nerve gang- lia. The ventral nerve cord at this stage is formed of two ridge-like thickenings of the epiblast, widely separated in the median line, each of which is constituted of a series of raised divisions — the ganglia- — united by shorter, less prominent divi- sions (fig. 14, vg}. The nerve cords are formed from before backwards, and are not at this stage found in the hinder seg- ments. There is a distinct ganglionic thickening for the chelicera quite independent of tJie procephalic lobes. In the procephalic lobes the epiblast is much thickened, and is formed of several rows of cells. The greater part of it is destined to give rise to the supra-cesophageal ganglia. During the various changes which have been described the blastoderm cells have been continually dividing, and, together with their nuclei, have become considerably smaller than at first. The yolk cells have in the meantime remained much as before, and are, therefore, considerably larger than the nuclei of the blastoderm cells. They are more numerous than in the earlier stages, but are still surrounded by a protoplasmic body, which is continued into a protoplasmic reticulum. The yolk is still divided up into polygonal segments, but from sections it would appear that the nuclei are more numerous than the seg- ments, though I have failed to arrive at quite definite conclu- sions on this point. As development proceeds the appendages grow longer, and gradually bend inwards. They become very soon divided by a series of ring-like constrictions which constitute the first indi- cations of the future joints (PI. 30, fig. 6). The full number of joints are not at once reached, but in the ambulatory ap- pendages five only appear at first to be formed. There are: four joints in the pedipalpi, while the chelicerae do not exhibit any signs of becoming jointed till somewhat later. The primitive presence of only five joints in the ambulatory appendages 680 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. is interesting, as this number is permanent in Insects and in Peripatus. The next stage figured forms the last of the third period (PI. 30, figs. 7 and 70). The ventral plate is still rolled round the egg (fig. 7), and the end of the tail and the procephalic lobes nearly .meet dorsally, so that there is but a very slight develop- ment of the dorsal region. There are the same number of segments as before, and the chief differences in appearance be- tween the present and the previous stage depend upon the fact (i) that the median ventral integument between the nerve ganglia has become wider, and at the same time thinner ; (2) that the limbs have become much more developed; (3) that the stomodaeum is definitely established; (4) that the pro- cephalic lobes have undergone considerable development. Of these features, the three last require a fuller description. The limbs of the two sides are directed towards each other, and nearly meet in the ventral line. The chelicerae are two-jointed, and terminate in what appear like rudimentary chelae, a fact which perhaps indicates that the spiders are descended from ancestors with chelate chelicerae. The four embryonic, post- ambulatory appendages are now at the height of their develop- ment. The stomodaeum (PL 30, fig. 7, and PL 31, fig. 17, st) is a deepish pit between the two procephalic lobes, and distinctly in front of the segment of the chelicerae. It is bordered in front by a large, well-marked, bilobed upper lip, and behind by a smaller lower lip. The large upper lip is a temporary structure, to be compared, perhaps, with the gigantic upper lip of the embryo of Chelifer (cf. Metschnikoff). On each side of and behind the mouth two whitish masses are visible, which are the epiblastic thickenings which constitute the ganglia of the chelicerae (PL 30, fig- 7. &. g\ The procephalic lobes (pr. 1} now form two distinct masses, and each of them is marked by a semicircular groove, dividing them into a narrower anterior and a broader posterior division. In the region of the trunk the general arrangement of the germinal layers has not altered to any great extent. The ven- tral ganglionic thickenings are now developed in all the segments in the abdominal as well as in the thoracic region. The individ- NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 68 1 ual thickenings themselves, though much more conspicuous than in the previous stage' (PL 31, fig. 16, v. c], are still integral parts of the epiblast. They are more widely separated than before in the middle line. The mesoblastic somites retain their earlier constitution (PI. 31, fig. 16). Beneath the procephalic lobes the mesoblast has, in most respects, a constitution similar to that of a mesoblastic somite in the trunk. It is formed of two bodies, one on each side, each composed of a splanchnic and somatic layer (PI. 31, fig. 17, sp. and so), enclosing between them a section of the body-cavity. But the cephalic somites, unlike those of the trunk, are united by a median bridge of mesoblast, in which no division into two layers can be detected. This bridge assists in forming a thick investment of mesoblast round the stomodaeum (sf). The existence of a section of the body-cavity in the praeoral region is a fact of some interest, especially when taken in con- nection with the discovery, by Kleinenberg, of a similar structure in the head of Lumbricus. The procephalic lobe represents the praeoral lobe of Chaetopod larvae, but the prolongation of the body- cavity into it does not, in my opinion, necessarily imply that it is equivalent to a post-oral segment. The epiblast of the procephalic lobes is a thick layer several cells deep, but without any trace of a separation of the ganglio- nic portion from the epidermis. The nuclei of the yolk have increased in number, but the yolk, in other respects, retains its earlier characters. The next period in the development is that in which the body of the embryo gradually acquires the adult form. The most important event which takes place during this period is the development of the dorsal region of the embryo, which, up to its commencement, is practically non-existent. As a con- sequence of the development of the dorsal region, the embryo, which has hitherto had what may be called a dorsal flexure, gradually unrolls itself, and acquires a ventral flexure. This change in the flexure of the embryo is in appearance a rather complicated phenomenon, and has been somewhat differently described by the two naturalists who have studied it in recent times. For Claparede the prime cause of the change of flexure is B. 44 682 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. the translation dorsalwards of the limbs. He compares the dorsal region of the embryo to the arc of a circle, the two ends of which are united by a cord formed by the line of insertion of the limbs. He points out that if you bring the middle of the cord, so stretched between the two ends of the arc, nearer to the summit of the arc, you necessarily cause the two ends of the arc to approach each other, or, in other words, if the insertion of the limbs is drawn up dorsally, the head and tail must ap- proach each other ventrally. Barrois takes quite a different view to that of Claparede, which will perhaps be best understood if I quote a translation of his own words. He says : " At the period of the last stage of the embryonic band (the stage represented in PI. 31, fig. 7, in the present paper) this latter completely encircles the egg, and its posterior extremity nearly approaches the cephalic region. Finally, the germinal bands, where they unite at the anal lobe (placed above on the dorsal surface), form between them a very acute angle. During the following stages one observes the anal segment separate further and further from the cephalic region, and approach nearer and nearer to the ventral region. This displacement of the anal segment determines, in its turn, a modification in the divergence of the anal bands ; the angle which they form at their junction tends to become more obtuse. The same processes continue regularly till the anal segment comes to occupy the opposite extremity to the cephalic region, a period at which the two germinal bands are placed in the same plane and the two sides of the obtuse angle end by meeting in a straight line. If we suppose a continuation of the same phenomenon it is clear that the anal segment will come to occupy a position on the ventral surface, and the germinal bands to approach, but in the inverse way, so as to form an angle opposite to that which they formed at first. This condition ends the process by which the posterior extremity of the em- bryonic band, at first directed towards the dorsal side, comes to bend in towards the ventral region." Neither of the above explanations is to my mind perfectly satisfactory. The whole phenomenon appears to me to be very simple, and to be caused by the elongation of the dorsal region, i.e. the region on the dorsal surface between the anal and pro- NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 683 cephalic lobes. Such an elongation necessarily separates the anal and procephalic lobes ; but, since the ventral plate does not become shortened in the process, and the embryo cannot straighten itself on account of the egg-shell, it necessarily be- comes flexed, and such flexure can only be what I have already called a ventral flexure. If there were but little food yolk this flexure would cause the whole embryo to be bent in, so as to have the ventral surface concave, but instead of this the flexure is confined at first to the two bands which form the ventral plate. These bands are bent in the natural way (PI. 30, fig. 8, B', but the yolk forms a projection, a kind of yolk-sack as Barrois calls it, distending the thin integument between the two ventral bands. This yolk-sack is shewn in surface view in PI. 30, fig. 8, and in section in PI. 32, fig. 18. At a later period, when the yolk has become largely absorbed in the formation of various organs, the true nature of the ventral flexure becomes apparent, and the abdomen of the young Spider is found to be bent over so as to press against the ventral surface of the thorax (PI. 30, fig. 9). This flexure is shewn in section in PI. 32, fig. 21. At the earliest stage of this period of which I have ex- amples, the dorsal region has somewhat increased, though not very much. The limbs have grown very considerably and now cross in the middle line. The ventral ganglia, though not the supra-cesophageal, have become separated from the epiblast. The yolk nuclei, each surrounded by protoplasm as before, are much more numerous. In other respects there are no great changes in the internal features. In my next stage, represented in PI. 30, figs. 8 a, and 8 b, a very considerable advance has become effected. In the first place the dorsal surface has increased in length to rather more than one half the circumference of the ovum. The dorsal region has, however, not only increased in length, but also in definite- ness, and a series of transverse markings (figs. 8 a and b}, which are very conspicuous in the case of the four anterior abdominal segments (the segments with rudimentary appendages), have appeared, indicating the limits of segments dorsally. The terga of the somites may, in fact, be said to have become formed. 44—2 684 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. The posterior terga (fig. 8 a} are very narrow compared to the anterior. The caudal protuberance is more prominent than it was, and somewhat bilobed ; it is continued on each side into one of the bands, into which the ventral plate is divided. These bands, as is best seen in side view (fig. 8 b), have a ventral curvature, or, perhaps more correctly, are formed of two parts, which meet at a large angle open towards the ventral surface. The posterior of these parts bears the four still very conspicuous provisional appendages, and the anterior the six pairs of thoracic append- ages. The four ambulatory appendages are now seven-jointed, as in the adult, but though longer than in the previous stage they do not any longer cross or even meet in the middle line, but are, on the contrary, separated by a very considerable interval. This is due to the great distension by the yolk of the ventral part of the body, in the interval between the two parts of the original ventral plate. The amount of this yolk may be gathered from the section (PL 32, fig. 18). The pedipalpi carry a blade on their basal joint. The chelicerae no longer appear to spring from an independent postoral segment. There is a conspicuous lower lip, but the upper is less prominent than before. Sections at this stage shew that the internal changes have been nearly as considerable as the ex- ternal. The dorsal region is now formed of a (i) flattened layer of epiblast cells, and a (2) fairly thick layer of large and rather characteristic cells which any one who has studied sections of spider's embryos will recognize as derivatives of the yolk. These cells are not, therefore, derived from prolongations of the somatic and splanchnic layers of the already formed somites, but are new formations derived from the yolk. They com- menced to be formed at a much earlier period, and some of them are shewn in the longitudinal section (PI. 31, fig. 15). In the next stage these cells become differentiated into the somatic and splanchnic mesoblast layers of the dorsal region of the embryo. In the dorsal region of the abdomen the heart has already become established. So far as I have been able to make out it is formed from a solid cord of the cells of the dorsal region. NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 685 The peripheral layer of this cord gives rise to the walls of the heart, while the central cells become converted into the cor- puscles of the blood. The rudiment of the heart is in contact with the epiblast above, and there is no greater evidence of its being derived from the splanchnic than from the somatic mesoblast ; it is, in fact, formed before the dorsal mesoblast has become differentiated into two layers. In the abdomen three or four transverse septa, derived from the splanchnic mesoblast, grow a short way into the yolk. They become more conspicuous during the succeeding stage, and are spoken of in detail in the description of that stage. In the anterior part of the thorax a longitudinal and vertical septum is formed, which grows downwards from the median dorsal line, and divides the yolk in this region into two parts. In this septum there is formed at a later stage a vertical muscle attached to the suctorial part of the stomodseum. The mesoblastic somites of the earlier stage are but little modified ; and there are still prolongations of the body cavity into the limbs (PI. 32, fig. 18). The lateral parts of the ventral nerve cords are now at their maximum of separation (PI. 32, fig. 18, v. g.). Considerable differentiation has already set in in the constitution of the ganglia themselves, which are composed of an outer mass of ganglion cells enclosing a kernel of nerve fibres, which lie on the inner side and connect the successive ganglia. There are still distinct thoracic and abdominal ganglia for each segment, and there is also a pair of separate ganglion for the chelicerae, which assists, however, in forming the cesophageal commissures. The thickenings of the praeoral lobe which form the supra- cesophageal ganglia are nearly though not quite separated from the epiblast. The semicircular grooves of the earlier stages are now deeper than before, and are well shewn in sections nearly parallel to the outer anterior surface of the ganglion (PL 32, fig. 19). The supra-cesophageal ganglia are still entirely formed of undifferentiated cells, and are without commissural tissue like that present in the ventral ganglia. The stomodasum has considerably increased in length, and the proctodaeum has become formed as a short, posteriorly 686 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. directed involution of the epiblast. I have seen traces of what I believe to be two outgrowths from it, which form the Mal- pighian bodies. The next stage constitutes (PL 3.0, fig. 9) the last which requires to be dealt with so far as the external features are con- cerned. The yolk has now mainly passed into the abdomen, and the constriction separating the thorax and abdomen has begun to appear. The yolk-sack has become absorbed, so that the two halves of the ventral plate in the thorax are no longer widely divaricated. The limbs have to a large extent acquired their permanent structure, and the rings of which they are formed in the earlier stages are now replaced by definite joints. A delicate cuticle has become formed, which is not figured in my sections. The four rudimentary appendages have dis- appeared, unless, which seerns to me in the highest degree im- probable, they remain as the spinning mammillae, two pairs of which are now present. Behind is the anal lobe, which is much smaller and less conspicuous than in the previous stage. The spinnerets and anal lobe are shewn as five papillae in PI. 30, fig. 9. Dorsally the heart is now very conspicuous, and in front of the chelicerae may be seen the supra-oesophageal ganglia. The indifferent mesoblast has now to a great extent become converted into the permanent tissues. On the dorsal surface there was present in the last stage a great mass of unformed mesoblast cells. This mass of cells has now become divided into a somatic and splanchnic layer (PI. 32, fig. 22). It has. moreover, in the abdominal region at any rate, become divided up into somites. At the junction between the successive somites the splanchnic mesoblast on each side of the abdomen dips down into the yolk and forms a septum (PI. 32, fig. 22 s}. The septa so formed, which were first described by Barrois, are not complete. The septa of the two sides do not, in the first place, quite meet along the median dorsal or ventral lines, and in the second place they only penetrate the yolk for a certain distance. Internally they usually end in a thickened border. Along the line of insertion of each of these septa there is developed a considerable space between the somatic and splanch- nic layers of mesoblast. The parts of the body-cavity so estab- NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 687 lished are transversely directed channels passing from the heart outwards. They probably constitute the venous spaces, and perhaps also contain the transverse aortic branches. In the intervals between these venous spaces the somatic and splanchnic layers of mesoblast are in contact with each other. I have not been able to work out satisfactorily the later stages of development of the septa, but I have found that they play an important part in the subsequent development of the abdomen. In the first place they send off lateral off- shoots, which unite the various septa together, and divide up the cavity of the abdomen into a number of partially sepa- rated compartments. There appears, however, to be left a free axial space for the alimentary tract, the mesoblastic walls of which are, I believe, formed from the septa. At the present stage the splanchnic mesoblast, apart from the septa, is a delicate membrane of flattened cells (fig. 22, sp}. The somatic mesoblast is thicker, and is formed of scattered cells (so). The somatic layer is in part converted, in the posterior region of the abdomen, into a delicate layer of longitudinal muscles, the fibres of which are not continuous for the whole length of the body, but are interrupted at the lines of junc- tion of the successive segments. They are not present in the anterior part of the abdomen. The longitudinal direction of these fibres, and their division with myotomes, is interesting, since both these characters, which are preserved in Scorpions, are lost in the abdomen of the adult Spider. The original mesoblastic somites have undergone quite as important changes as the dorsal mesoblast. In the abdominal region the somatic layer constitutes two powerful bands of longitudinal muscles, inserted anteriorly at the root of the fourth ambulatory appendage, and posteriorly at the spinning mammillae. Between these two bands are placed the nervous bands. The relation of these parts are shewn in the section in PL 32, fig. 20 d, which cuts the abdomen horizontally and longitudinally. The mesoblastic bands are seen at m., and the nervous bands within them at ab. g. In the thoracic region the part of the somatic layer in each limb is converted into muscles, which are continued into dorsal and ventral muscles 688 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. in the thorax (vide fig. 20 c). There are, in addition to these, intrinsic transverse fibres on the ventral side of the thorax. Besides these muscles there are in the thorax, attached to the suctorial extremity of the stomodaeum, three powerful muscles, which I believe to be derived from the somatic mesoblast One of these passes vertically down from the dorsal surface, in the septum the commencement of which was described in the last stage. The two other muscles are lateral, one on each side (PL 31, fig. 20 c.). The heart has now, in most respects, reached its full de- velopment. It is formed of an outer muscular layer, within which is a doubly-contoured lining, containing nuclei at inter- vals, which is probably of the nature of an epithelioid lining (PL 32, fig. 22 ///). In its lumen are numerous blood-corpuscles (not represented in my figure). The heart lies in a space bound below by the splanchnic mesoblast, and to the sides by the somatic mesoblast. This space forms a kind of pericardium (fig. 22 pc], but dorsally the heart is in contact with the epi- blast. The arterial trunks connected with it are fully established. The nervous system has undergone very important changes. In the abdominal region the ganglia of each side have fused together into a continuous cord (fig. 21 ab. g.}. In fig. 20, in which the abdomen is cut horizontally and longitudinally, there are seen the two abdominal cords (ab. g.} united by two trans- verse commissures; and I believe that there are at this stage three or four transverse commissures at any rate, which remain as indications of the separate ganglia, from the coalescence of which the abdominal cords are formed. The two abdominal cords are parallel and in close contact. In the thoracic region changes of not less importance have taken place. The ganglia are still distinct. The two cords formed of these ganglia are no longer widely separated in median line, but meet, in the usual way, in the ventral line. Transverse commissures have become established (fig. 20 c) be- tween the ganglia of the .two sides. There is as little trace at this, as at the previous stages, of an ingrowth of epiblast, to form a median portion of the central nervous system. Such a median structure has been described by Hatschek for Lepi- doptera, and he states that it gives rise to the transverse com- NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 689 missures between the ganglia. My observations shew that for the spider, at any rate, nothing of the kind is present. As shewn in the longitudinal section (PI. 32, fig. 21), the ganglion of the chelicerae has now united with the supra-ceso- phageal ganglion. It forms, as is shewn in fig. 20 b (ch. g.}, a part of the oesophageal commissure, and there is no sub- cesophageal commissure uniting the ganglia of the chelicerae, but the cesophageal ring is completed below by the ganglia of the pedipalpi (fig. 20 c,pd.g.}. The supra-cesophageal ganglia have become completely sepa- rated from the epiblast. I have unfortunately not studied their constitution in the adult, so that I cannot satisfactorily identify the parts which can be made out at this stage. I distinguish, however, the following regions: (1) A central region containing the commissural part, and continuous below with the ganglia of the chelicerae. (2) A dorsal region formed of two hemispherical lobes. (3) A ventral anterior region. The central region contains in its interior the commissural portion, forming a punctiform, rounded mass in each ganglion. A transverse commissure connects the two (vide fig. 20 b}. The dorsal hemispherical lobes are derived from the part which, at the earlier stage, contained the semicircular grooves. When the supra-cesophageal ganglia become separated from the epidermis the cells lining these grooves become constricted off with them, and form part of these ganglia. Two cavities are thus formed in this part of the supra cesophageal ganglia. These cavities become, for the most part, obliterated, but persist at the outer side of the hemispherical lobes (figs. 20 a and 21). The ventral lobe of the brain is a large mass shewn in longitudinal section in fig. 21. It lies immediately in front of and almost in contact with the ganglia of the chelicerae. The two hemispherical lobes agree in position with the fungi- form body (pilzhutformige Korperti), which has attracted so much the attention of anatomists, in the supra-cesophageal ganglia of Insects and Crustacea; but till the adult brain of Spiders has been more fully studied it is not possible to state whether the hemispherical lobes become fungi form bodies. 690 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. Hatschek1 has described a special epiblastic invagination in the supra-cesophageal ganglion of Bombyx, which is probably identical with the semicircular groove of Spiders and Scorpions, but in the figure he gives the groove does not resemble that in the Arachnida. A similar groove is found in Peripatus, and there forms, as I have found, a large part of the supra-ceso- phageal ganglia. It is figured by Moseley, Phil. Trans., Vol. CLXIV. pi. Ixxv, fig. 9. The stomodaeum is considerably larger than in the last stage, and is lined by a cuticle; it is a blind tube, the blind end of which is the suctorial pouch of the adult. To this pouch are attached the vertical dorsal, and two lateral muscles spoken of above. The protodaeum (pr.} has also grown in length, and the two Malpighian vessels which grow out from its blind extremity (fig. 20 e. mp. g^) have become quite distinct. The part now formed is the rectum of the adult. The proctodaeum is sur- rounded by a great mass of splanchnic mesoblast. The mesen- teron has as yet hardly commenced to be developed. There is, however, a short tube close to the proctodaeum (fig. 20 e. mes], which would seem to be the commencement of it. It ends blindly on the side adjoining the rectum, but is open an- teriorly towards the yolk, and there can be very little doubt that it owes its origin to cells derived from the yolk. On its outer surface is a layer of mesoblast. From the condition of the mesenteron at this stage there can be but little doubt that it will be formed, not on the surface, but in the interior of the yolk, I failed to find any trace of an anterior part of the mesenteron adjoining the stomodaeum. In the posterior part of the thorax (vide fig. 20 d], there is un- doubtedly no trace of the alimentary tract. The presence of this rudiment shews that Barrois is mis- taken in supposing that the alimentary canal is formed entirely from the stomodaeum and proctodaeum, which are stated by him to grow towards each other, and to meet at the junction of the thorax and abdomen. My own impression is that the stomo- daeum and proctoda;um have reached their full extension at the 1 " Ik-itiagc z. Entwick. d. Lepidopteren," JenaischeZeit.t Vol. xi. p. 124. NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. 69! present stage, and that both the stomach in the thorax and the intestine in the abdomen are products of the mesenteron. The yolk retains its earlier constitution, being divided into polygonal segments, formed of large yolk vesicles. The nuclei are more numerous than before. In the thorax the yolk is anteriorly divided into two lobes by the vertical septum, which contains the vertical muscle of the suctorial pouch. In the posterior part of the thorax it is undivided. I have not yet been able clearly to make out the eventual fate of the yolk. At a subsequent stage, when the cavity of the abdomen is cut up into a series of compartments by the growth of the septa, described above, the yolk fills these compartments, and there is undoubtedly a proliferation of yolk cells round the walls of these compartments. It would not be unreasonable to conclude from this that the compartments were destined to form the hepatic caeca, each caecum being enclosed in a layer of splanchnic mesoblast, and its hypoblastic wall being derived from the yolk cells. I think that this hypothesis is probably correct, but I have met with some facts which made me think it possible that the thickenings at the ends of the septa, visible in PI. 32, fig. 22, were the commencing hepatic caeca. I must, in fact, admit that I have hitherto failed to work out satisfactorily the history of the mesenteron and its append- ages. The firm cuticle of young spiders is an obstacle both in the way of making sections and of staining, which I have not yet overcome. General Conclusions. Without attempting to compare at length the development of the spiders with that of other Arthropoda, I propose to point out a few features in the development of spiders, which appear to shew that the Arachnida are undoubtedly more closely re- lated to the other Tracheata than to the Crustacea. The whole history of the formation of the mesoblast is very similar to that in insects. The mesoblast in both groups is formed by a thickening of the median line of the ventral plate (germinal streak). 692 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANEINA. In insects there is usually formed a median groove, the walls of which become converted into a plate of mesoblast. In spiders there is no such groove, but a median keel- like thickening of the ventral plate (PI. 31, fig. 11), is very probably an homologous structure. The unpaired plate of mesoblast formed in both insects and Arachnida is exactly similar, and becomes divided, in both groups, into two bands, one on each side of the middle line. Such differences as there are between Insects and Arach- nida sink into insignificance compared with the immense differ- ences in the origin of the mesoblast between either group, and that in the Isopoda, or, still more, the Malacostraca and most Crustacea. In most Crustacea we find that the mesoblast is budded off from the walls of an invagination, which gives rise to the mesenteron. In both spiders and Myriopoda, and probably insects, the mesoblast is subsequently divided into somites, the lumen of which is continued into the limbs. In Crustacea mesoblastic somites have not usually been found, though they appear occa- sionally to occur, e.g. Mysis, but they are in no case similar to those in the Tracheata. In the formation of the alimentary tract, again, the differ- ences between the Crustacea and Tracheata are equally marked, and the Arachnida agree with the Tracheata. There is gene- rally in Crustacea an invagination, which gives rise to the mesenteron. In Tracheata this never occurs. The proctodaeum is usually formed in Crustacea before or, at any rate, not later than the stomodaeum1. The reverse is true for the Tracheata. In Crustacea the proctodaeum and stomodaeum, especially the former, are very long, and usually give rise to the greater part of the alimentary tract, while the mesenteron is usually short. In the Tracheata the mesenteron is always considerable, and the proctodaeum is always short. The derivation of the Mal- pighian bodies from the proctodaeum is common to most Tra- cheata. Such organs are not found in the Crustacea. With reference to other points in my investigations, the evidence which I have got that the chelicerae are true postoral appendages supplied in the embryo from a distinct postoral 1 If Grobben's account of the development of Moina is correct this statement must be considered not to be universally true. NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARANETNA. 693 ganglion, confirms the conclusions of most previous investi- gators, and shews that these appendages are equivalent to the mandibles, or possibly the first pair of maxillae of other Tra- cheata. The invagination, which I have found, of part of a groove of epiblast in the formation of the supra-cesophageal ganglia is of interest, owing to the wide extension of a similar occurrence amongst the Tracheata. The wide divarication of the ventral nerve cords in the em- bryo renders it easy to prove that there is no median invagina- tion of epiblast between them, and supports Kleinenberg's observations on Lumbricus as to the absence of this invagina- tion. I have further satisfied myself as to the absence of such an invagination in Peripatus. It is probable that Hatschek and other observers who have followed him are mistaken in affirming .the existence of such an invagination in either the Chaetopoda or the Arthropoda. The observations recorded in this paper on the yolk cells and their derivations are, on the whole, in close harmony with the observations of Dohrn, Bobretzky, and Graber, on Insects. They shew, however, that the first formed mesoblastic plate does not give rise to the whole of the mesoblast, but that during the whole of embryonic life the mesoblast continues to receive accessions of cells derived from the cells of the yolk. Araneina. 1. Balbiani, " Mdmoire sur le DeVeloppement des Araneides," Ann, Set. Nat., series v, Vol. xvn. 1873. 2. J. Barrois, " Recherches s. 1. DeVeloppement des Araigne"es," Journal de I'Anat. et de la PhysioL, 1878. 3. E. Claparede, Recherches s, VEvolution des Araigne"es, Utrecht, 1860. 4. Herold, De Generatione Araniorum in Ovo, Marburg, 1824. 5. H. Ludwig, "Ueb. d. Bildung des Blastoderm bei d. Spinnen," Zeit.f. iviss. Zool., Vol. xxvi. 1876. 694 NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AKANETNA. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 30, 31, AND 32. PLATE 30. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. ch. Chelicerse. ch. g. Ganglion of chelicera?. c. 1. Caudal lobe. p. c. Primitive cumulus, pd. Pedipalpi. pr. I. Prreoral lobe. . pp1. //2. etc. Provisional ap- pendages, sp. Spinnerets, st. Stomodreum. I — IV. Ambulatory appendages, i — 16. Postoral segments. Fig. i. Ovum, with primitive cumulus and streak proceeding from it. Fig. 2. Somewhat later stage, in which the primitive cumulus is still visible. Near the opposite end of the blastoderm is a white area, which is probably the- rudiment of the procephalic lobe. Fig. 3« and 3$. View of an embryo from the ventral surface and from the side when six segments have become established. Fig. 4. View of an embryo, ideally unrolled, when the first rudiments of the appendages become visible. Fig. 5. Embryo ideally unrolled at the stage when all the appendages have become established. Fig. 6. Somewhat older stage, when the limbs begin to be jointed. Viewed from the side. Fig. 7. Later stage, viewed from the side. Fig. "ja. Same embryo as fig, 7, ideally unrolled. Figs. 8« and 8/'. View from the ventral surface and from the side of an embryo, after the ventral flexure has considerably advanced. Fig. 9. Somewhat older embryo, viewed from the ventral surface. PLATES 31 AND 32. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. ao. Aorta, ab. g. Abdominal nerve cord. ch. Cheliceraj. ch. g. Ganglion of chelicerae. ep. Epiblast. hs. Hemispherical lobe of supra-cesophageal ganglion. ///.Heart. /•/. Lower lip. m. Muscles, me. Mesoblast. mes. Mesenteron. mp.g. Malpighian tube. ms. Mesoblastic somite, cc. (Esophagus. /. c. Pericardium. pd. Pedipalpi. pd. g. Ganglion of pedipalpi. pr. Proctodxum (rectum), pr. c. Primitive cumulus, s. Septum in abdomen. st>. Somatopleure. sp. Splanchnopleure. EXPLANATION OF PLATES 30, 31, 32. 695 st. Stomodseum. sit. Suctorial apparatus. sn. g. Supra-p) is anterior, a second (mep] is placed in the middle, and a third is posterior (mp}. They have been named by Gegenbaur the propterygium, the mesopterygium, and the metapteryginm ; and these names are now generally adopted. The metapterygium is by far the most important of the three, and in Scyllium canicula supports 12 or 13 rays1. It forms a large part of the posterior boundary of the fin, and bears rays only on its anterior border. The mesopterygium supports 2 or 3 rays, in the basal parts of which the segmentation into distinct rays is imperfect ; and the propterygium supports only a single ray. The pelvic fins are horizontally placed, like the pectoral fins, but differ from the latter in nearly meeting each other along the median ventral line of the body. They also differ from the pectoral fins in having a relatively much broader base of attach- ment to the sides of the body. Their cartilaginous skeleton (woodcut, fig. 2) consists of a basal bar, placed parallel to the base of the fin, and articulated in front with the pelvic girdle. On its outer border it articulates with a series of cartilaginous fin-rays. I shall call the basal bar the basipterygium. The rays which it bears are most of them less segmented than those of the pectoral fin, being only divided into two ; and the posterior ray, which is placed in the free posterior border of the fin, con- tinues the axis of the basipterygium. In the male it is modified in connection with the so-called clasper. The anterior fin-ray of the pelvic fin, which is broader than the other rays, articulates directly with the pelvic girdle, instead of with the basipterygium. This ray, in the female of Scyllium canicula and in the male of Scyllinm catulus (Gegenbaur), is peculiar in the fact that its distal segment is longitudinally divided into two or more pieces, instead of being single as is the case with the remaining rays. It is probably equivalent to two of the posterior rays. 1 In one example where the metapterygium had 13 rays the mesopterygium had only 2 rays. OF THE PAIRED FINS OF ELASMOBRANCHS. 725 Development of the paired Fins. — The first rudiments of the limbs appear in Scy Ilium, as in other fishes, as slight longitudinal ridge-like thickenings of the epiblast, which closely resemble the first rudiments of the unpaired fins. These ridges are two in number on each side — an anterior immediately behind the last visceral fold, and a posterior on the level of the cloaca. In most Fishes they are in no way con- nected ; but in some Elasmobranch embryos, more especially in that of Torpedo, they are connected together at their first develop- ment by a line of columnar-epiblast cells. This connecting line of columnar epiblast, however, is a very transitory structure. The rudimentary fins soon become more prominent, consisting of a projecting ridge both of epiblast and mesoblast, at the outer edge of which is a fold of epiblast only, which soon reaches con- siderable dimensions. At a later stage the mesoblast penetrates into this fold, and the fin becomes a simple ridge of mesoblast covered by epiblast. The pectoral fins are at first considerably ahead of the pelvic fins in development. The direction of the original epithelial line which connected the two fins of each side is nearly, though not quite, longitudinal, sloping somewhat obliquely ventralwards. It thus comes about that the attachment of each pair of limbs is somewhat on a slant, and that the pelvic pair nearly meet each other in the median ventral line shortly behind the anus. The embryonic muscle-plates, as I have elsewhere shewn, grow into the bases of the fins ; and the cells derived from these ingrowths, which are placed on the dorsal and ventral surfaces in immediate contact with the epiblast, probably give rise to the dorsal and ventral muscular layers of the limb, which are shewn in section in Plate 33, fig. I m, and in Plate 33, fig. 7 m. The cartilaginous skeleton of the limbs is developed in the indifferent mesoblast cells between the two layers of muscles. Its early development in both the pectoral and the pelvic fins is very similar. When first visible it differs histologically from the adjacent mesoblast simply in the fact of its cells being more concentrated ; while its boundary is not sharply marked. At this stage it can only be studied by means of sections. It arises simultaneously and continuously with the pectoral and pelvic girdles, and consists, in both fins, of a bar springing at /26 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKELETON right angles from the posterior side of the pectoral or pelvic girdle, and running parallel to the long axis of the body along the base of the fin. The outer side of this bar is continued into a thin plate, which extends into the fin. The structure of the skeleton of the fin slightly after its first differentiation will be best understood from Plate 33, fig. T, and Plate 33, fig. 7. These figures represent transverse sections through the pelvic and pectoral fins of the same embryo on the same scale. The basal bar is seen at bp, and the plate at this stage (which is considerably later than the first differentiation) already partially segmented into rays at br. Outside the region of the cartilaginous plate is seen the fringe with the horny fibres (h. f.) ; and dorsally and ventrally to the cartilaginous skeleton are seen the already well-differentiated muscles (#2). The pectoral fin is shewn in horizontal section in Plate 33, fig. 6, at a somewhat earlier stage than that to which the trans- verse sections belong. The pectoral girdle (p. g^) is cut trans- versely, and is seen to be perfectly continuous with the basal bar (vp) of the fin. A similar continuity between the basal bar of the pelvic fin and the pelvic girdle is shewn in Plate 33, fig. 2, at a somewhat later stage. The plate continuous with the basal bar of the fin is at first, to a considerable extent in the pectoral, and to some extent in the pelvic fin, a continuous lamina, which subsequently segments into rays. In the parts of the plate which eventually form distinct rays, however, almost from the first the cells are more concentrated than in those parts which will form the tissue between the rays ; and I am not inclined to lay any stress whatever upon the fact of the cartilaginous fin-rays being primitively part of a continuous lamina, but regard it as a secondary phenomenon, dependent on the mode of conversion of embryonic mesoblast cells into cartilage. In all cases the sepa- ration into distinct rays is to a large extent completed before the tissue of which the plates are formed is sufficiently differ- entiated to be called cartilage by an histologist. The general position of the fins in relation to the body, and their relative sizes, may be gathered from Plate 33, figs. 4 and 5 which represent transverse sections of the same embryo as that from which the transverse sections shewing the fin on a larger scale were taken. OF THE PAIRED FINS OF ELASMOBRANCHS. 727 During the first stage of its development the skeleton of both fins may thus be described as consisting of a longitudinal bar running along the base of the fin, and giving off at right angles series of rays which pass into the fin. The longitudinal bar may be called the basipterygium ; and it is continuous in front with the pectoral or pelvic girdle, as the case may be. The further development of the primitive skeleton is different in the case of the two fins. The Pelvic Fin. — The changes in the pelvic fin are compara- tively slight. Plate 33, fig. 2, is a. representation of the fin and its skeleton in a female of Scyllium stellare shortly after the primitive tissue is converted into cartilage, but while it is still so soft as to require the very greatest care in dissection. The fin itself forms a simple projection of the side of the body. The skeleton consists of a basipterygium (bp}, continuous in front with the pelvic girdle. To the outer side of the basipterygium a series of cartilaginous fin-rays are attached — the posterior ray forming a direct prolongation of the basipterygium, while the anterior ray is united rather with the pelvic girdle than with the basipterygium. All the cartilaginous fin-rays except the first are completely continuous with the basipterygium, their structure in section being hardly different from that shewn in Plate 33, fig. i. The external form of the fin does not change very greatly in the course of the further development ; but the hinder part of the attached border is, to some extent, separated off from the wall of the body, and becomes the posterior border of the adult fin. With the exception of a certain amount of segmentation in the rays, the character of the skeleton remains almost as in the embryo. The changes which take place are illustrated by Plate 33, fig. 3, shewing the fin of a young male of Scyllium stellare. The basipterygium has become somewhat thicker, but is still continuous in front with the pelvic girdle, and otherwise retains its earlier characters. The cartilaginous fin-rays have now become segmented off from it and from the pelvic girdle, the posterior end of the basipterygial bar being segmented off as the terminal ray. The anterior ray is directly articulated with the pelvic girdle, and the remaining rays continue articulated with the basipterygium. Some of the latter are partially segmented. 728 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKELETON As may be gathered by comparing the figure of the fin at the stage just described with that of the adult fin (woodcut, fig. 2), the remaining changes are very slight. The most important is the segmentation of the basipterygial bar from the pelvic girdle. The pelvic fin thus retains in all essential points its primitive structure. The Pectoral Fin. — The earliest stage of the pectoral fin dif- fers, as I have shewn, from that of the pelvic fin only in minor points (PL 33, fig. 6). Therq is the same longitudinal or basip- terygial bar (bp], to which the fin-rays are attached, which is continuous in front with the pectoral girdle (p g). The changes which take place in the course of the further development, how- ever, are very much more considerable in the case of the pectoral than in that of the pelvic fin. The most important change in the external form of the firi is caused by a reduction in the length of its attachment to the body. At first (PL 33, fig. 6), the base of the fin is as long as the great- est breadth of the fin; but it gradually becomes shortened by being constricted off from the body at its hinder end. In con- nection with this process the posterior end of the basipterygial bar is gradually rotated outwards, its anterior end remaining attached to the pectoral girdle. In this way this bar comes to form the posterior border of the skeleton of the fin (PL 33, figs. 8 and 9), constituting the metapterygium (mp\ It becomes eventually segmented off from the pectoral girdle, simply articu- lating with its hinder edge. The plate of cartilage, which is continued outwards from the basipterygium, or, as we may now call it, the metapterygium, into the fin, is not nearly so completely divided up into fin-rays as the homologous part of the pelvic fin; and this is especially the case with the basal part of the plate. This basal part be- comes, in fact, at first only divided into two parts (PL 33, fig. 8) — a small anterior part at the front end (me. /), and a larger pos- terior along the base of the metapterygium (mp) ; and these two parts are not completely segmented from each other. The anterior part directly joins the pectoral girdle at its base, re- sembling in this respect the anterior fin-ray of the pelvic girdle. It constitutes the (at this stage undivided) rudiment of the meso- OF THE PAIRED FINS OF ELASMOBRANCHS. 729 pterygium and propterygium of Gegenbaur. It bears in my specimen of this age four fin-rays at its extremity, the anterior not being well marked. The remaining fin-rays are prolonga- tions outwards of the edge of the plate continuous with the metapterygium. These rays are at the stage figured more or less transversely segmented; but at their outer edge they are united together by a nearly continuous rim of cartilage. The spaces between the fin-rays are relatively considerably larger than in the adult. The further changes jn the cartilages of the pectoral limb are, morphologically speaking, not important, and are easily under- stood by reference to PL 33, fig. 9 (representing the skeleton of the limb of a nearly ripe embryo). The front end of the anterior basal cartilage becomes segmented off as a propterygium (//), bearing a single fin-ray, leaving the remainder of the cartilage as a mesopterygium (mes). The remainder of the now considerably segmented fin-rays are borne by the metapterygium. General Conclusions. — From the above observations, conclu- sions of a positive kind may be drawn as to the primitive structure of the skeleton ; and the observations have also, it appears to me, important bearings on the theories of my pre- decessors in this line of investigation. The most obvious of the positive conclusions is to the effect that the embryonic skeleton of the paired fins consists of a series of parallel rays similar to those of the unpaired fins. These rays support the soft parts of the fins, which have the form of a longitudinal ridge ; and they are continuous at their base with a longitudinal bar. This bar, from its position at the base of the fin, can clearly never have been a median axis with the rays on both sides. It becomes the basipterygium in the pelvic fin, which retains its embryonic structure much more completely than the pectoral fin; and the metapterygium in the pectoral fin. The metapterygium of the pectoral fin is thus clearly homologous with the basipterygium of the pelvic fin, as originally supposed by Gegenbaur, and as has since been maintained by Mivart. The propterygium and mesopterygium are obviously relatively unimportant parts of the skeleton as compared with the metapterygium. B. 47 730 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKELETON My observations on the development of the skeleton of the fins certainly do not of themselves demonstrate that the paired fins are remnants of a once continuous lateral fin ; but they sup- port this view in that they shew the primitive skeleton of the fins to have exactly the character which might have been an- ticipated if the paired fins had originated from a continuous lateral fin. The longitudinal bar of the paired fins is believed by both Thacker and Mivart to be due to the coalescence of the bases of the primitively independent rays of which they believe the fin to have been originally composed. This view is probable enough in itself, and is rendered more so by the fact, pointed out by Mivart, that a longitudinal bar supporting the cartilagin- ous rays of unpaired fins is occasionally formed ; but there is no trace in the embryo Scylliums of the bar in question being formed by the coalescence of rays, though the fact of its being perfectly continuous with the bases of the fin-rays is somewhat in favour of such coalescence. Thacker and Mivart both hold that the pectoral and pelvic girdles are developed by ventral and dorsal growths of the ante- rior end of the longitudinal bar supporting the fin-rays. There is, so far as I see, no theoretical objection to be taken to this view ; and the fact of the pectoral and pelvic girdles originating continuously and long remaining united with the longitudinal bars of their respective fins is in favour of it rather than the reverse. The same may be said of the fact that the first part of each girdle to be formed is that in the neighbourhood of the longitudinal bar (basipterygium) of the fin, the dorsal and ventral prolongations being subsequent growths. On the whole my observations do not throw much light on the theories of Thacker and Mivart as to the genesis of the skeleton of the paired fin ; but, so far as they bear on the sub- ject, they are distinctly favourable to those theories. The main results of my observations appear to me to be decidedly adverse to the views recently put forward on the struc- ture of the fin by Gegenbaur and Huxley, both of whom, as stated above, consider the primitive type of fin to be most nearly retained in Ceratodus, and to consist of a central multisegmented axis with numerous lateral rays. OF THE PAIRED FINS OF ELASMOBRANCHS. 731 Gegenbaur derives the Elasmobranch pectoral fin from a form which he calls the archipterygium, nearly like that of Ceratodiis, with a median axis and two rows of rays — but holds that in addition to the rays attached to the median axis, which are alone found in Ceratodus, there were other rays directly articulated to the shoulder-girdle. He considers that in the Elasmobranch fin the majority of the lateral rays on the poste- rior (or median according to his view of the position of the limb) side have become aborted, and that the central axis is repre- sented by the metapterygium ; while the pro- and mesoptery- gium and their rays are, he believes, derived from those rays of the archipterygium which originally articulated directly with the shoulder-girdle. This view appears to me to be absolutely negatived by the facts of development of the pectoral fin in Scyllium — not so much because the pectoral fin in this form is necessarily to be regarded as primitive, but because what Gegenbaur holds to be the primitive axis of the biserial fin is demonstrated to be really the base, and it is only in the adult that it is conceivable that a second set of lateral rays could have existed on the posterior side of the metapterygium. If Gegenbaur's view were correct, we should expect to find in the embryo, if anywhere, traces of the second set of lateral rays ; but the fact is that, as may easily be seen by an inspection of figs. 6 and 7, such a second set of lateral rays could not possibly have existed in a type of fin like that found in the embryo. With this view of Gegenbaur's it appears to me that the theory held by this anatomist to the effect that the limbs are modified gill-arches also falls, in that his method of deriving the limbs from gill-arches ceases to be admissible, while it is not easy to see how a limb, formed on the type of the embryonic limb of Elasmobranchs, could be derived from a gill-arch with its branchial rays. Gegenbaur's older view, that the Elasmobranch fin retains a primitive uniserial type, appears to me to be nearer the truth than his more recent view on this subject ; though I hold the ' fundamental point established by the development of these parts in Scyllimn to be that the posterior border of the adult Elasmobranch pectoral fin is the primitive base-line, i.e. line of attachment of the fin to the side of the body. 47—2 732 DEVELOPMENT OF FINS OF ELASMOBRANCHS. Huxley holds that the mesopterygium is the proximal piece of the axial skeleton of the limb of Ceratodus, and derives the Elasmobranch fin from that of Ceratodus by the shortening of its axis and the coalescence of some of its elements. The en- tirely secondary character of the mesopterygium, and its total absence in the young embryo Scyllium, appear to me as con- clusive against Huxley's view as the character of the embryonic fin is against that of Gegenbaur ; and I should be much more inclined to hold that the fin of Ceratodus has been derived from a fin like that of the Elasmobranchs by a series of steps similar to those which Huxley supposes to have led to the establishment of the Elasmobranch fin, but in exactly the reverse order. There is one statement of Davidoff's which I cannot allow to pass without challenge. In comparing the skeletons of the paired and unpaired fins he is anxious to prove that the former are independent of the axial skeleton in their origin and that the latter have been segmented from the axial skeleton, and thus to shew that an homology between the two is impossible. In support of his view he states1 that he has satisfied himself, from embryos of Acanthias and Scyllium, that the rays of the unpaired fins are undoubtedly products of the segmentation of tJie dorsal and ventral spinous processes. This statement is wholly unintelligible to me. From my examination of the development of the first dorsal and the anal fins of Scyllium I find that their rays develop at a considerable distance from, and quite independently of, the neural and haemal arches, and that they are at an early stage of development dis- tinctly in a more advanced state of histological differentiation than the neural and haemal arches of the same region. I have also found exactly the same in the embryos of Lepidosteus. I have, in fact, no doubt that the skeleton of both the paired and the unpaired fins of Elasmobranchs and Lepidosteus is in its development independent of the axial skeleton. The phylo- genetic mode of origin of the skeleton both of the paired and of the unpaired fins cannot, however, be made out without further investigation. 1 Loc. til. p. 514. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 33. 733 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 33. Fig. i. Transverse section through the pelvic fin of an embryo of Scy Ilium belonging to stage P1, magnified 50 diameters, bp. basipterygium. br. fin ray. m. muscle, hf. horny fibres supporting the peripheral part of the fin. Fig. 2. Pelvic fin of a very young female embryo of Scyllium stellare, magnified 1 6 diameters, bp. basipterygium. pu. pubic process of pelvic girdle (cut across below), il. iliac process of pelvic girdle, fa. foramen. Fig. 3. Pelvic fin of a young male embryo of Scyllium stellare, magnified 16 diameters, bp. basipterygium. mo. process of basipterygium continued into clasper. il. iliac process of pelvic girdle, pu. pubic section of pelvic girdle. Fig. 4. Transverse section through the ventral part of the trunk of an embryo Scyllium of stage P, in the region of the pectoral fins, to shew how the fins are attached to the body, magnified 18 diameters, br. cartilaginous fin-ray, bp. basi- pterygium. m. muscle of fin. mp. muscle-plate. Fig. 5. Transverse section through the ventral part of the trunk of an embryo Scyllium of stage P, in the region of the pelvic fin, on the same scale as fig. 4. bp. basipterygium. br. cartilaginous fin-rays, m. muscle of the fins. mp. muscle- plate. Fig. 6. Pectoral fin of an embryo of Scyllium canicula, of a stage between O and P, in longitudinal and horizontal section (the skeleton of the fin was still in the condi- tion of embryonic cartilage), magnified 36 diameters, bp. basipterygium (eventual metapterygium). fr. cartilaginous fin-rays, p g. pectoral girdle in transverse section. fo. foramen in pectoral girdle, pe. epithelium of peritoneal cavity. Fig. 7. Transverse section through the pectoral fin of a Scyllium embryo of stage P, magnified 50 diameters, bp. basipterygium. br. cartilaginous fin-ray, m. muscle. hf. horny fibres. Fig. 8. Pectoral fin of an embryo of Scyllium stellare, magnified 16 diameters. mp. metapterygium (basipterygium of earlier stage), me.p. rudiment of future pro- and mesopterygium. sc. cut surface of a scapular process, cr. coracoid process. fr. foramen, hf. horny fibres. Fig. 9. Skeleton of the pectoral fin and part of pectoral girdle of a nearly ripe embryo of Scyllium stellare, magnified 10 diameters, mp. metapterygium. mes. mesopterygium. pp. propterygium. cr. coracoid process. 1 I employ here the same letters to indicate the stages as in my "Monograph on Elasmobranch Fishes." XXI. ON THE EVOLUTION OF THE PLACENTA, AND ON THE POSSIBILITY OF EMPLOYING THE CHARACTERS OF THE PLACENTA IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA*. FROM Owen's observations on the Marsupials it is clear that the yolk-sack in this group plays an important (if not the most important) part, in absorbing the maternal nutriment destined for the foetus. The fact that in Marsupials both the yolk-sack and the allantois are concerned in rendering the chorion vascular, makes it a priori probable that this was also the case in the primitive types of the Placentalia ; and this deduction is sup- ported by the fact that in the Rodentia, Insectivora, and Cheiro- ptera this peculiarity of the foetal membranes is actually found. In the primitive Placentalia it is also probable that from the discoidal allantoic region of the chorion simple foetal villi, like those of the Pig, projected into uterine crypts ; but it is not certain how far the umbilical region of the chorion, which was no doubt vascular, may also have been villous. From such a primitive type of fcetal membranes divergencies in various directions have given rise to the types of foetal membranes found at the present day. In a general way it may be laid down that variations in any direction which tended to increase the absorbing capacities of the chorion would be advantageous. There are two obvious ways in which this might be done, viz. (i) by increasing the complexity of the foetal villi and maternal crypts over a limited area, (2) by increasing the area of the part of the chorion covered by the placental villi. Various combinations of the two pro- cesses would also, of course, be advantageous. 1 From the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, t88i. THE EVOLUTION OF THE PLACENTA. 735 The most fundamental change which has taken place in all the existing Placentalia is the exclusion of the umbilical vesicle from any important function in the nutrition of the foetus. The arrangement of the foetal parts in the Rodentia, In- sectivora, and Cheiroptera may be directly derived from the primitive form by supposing the villi of the discoidal placental area to have become more complex, so as to form a deciduate discoidal placenta, while the yolk-sack still plays a part, though physiologically an unimportant part, in rendering the chorion vascular. In the Carnivora, again, we have to start from the discoidal placenta, as evinced by the fact that in the growth of the pla- centa the allantoic region of the placenta is at first discoidal, and only becomes zonary at a later stage. A zonary deciduate placenta indicates an increase both in area and in complexity. The relative diminution of the breadth of the placental zone in late foetal life in the zonary placenta of the Carnivora is probably due to its being on the whole advantageous to secure the nutri- tion of the foetus by insuring a more intimate relation between the foetal and maternal parts, than by increasing their area of contact. The reason of this is not obvious, but, as shewn below, there are other cases where it is clear that a diminution in the area of the placenta has taken place, accompanied by an increase in the complexity of its villi. The second type of differentiation from the primitive form of placenta is illustrated by the Lemuridae, the Suidae, and Manis. In all these cases the area of the placental villi appears to have increased so as to cover nearly the whole subzonal membrane, without the villi increasing to any great extent in complexity. From the diffused placenta covering the whole surface of the chorion, differentiations appear to have taken place in various directions. The placenta of Man and Apes, from its mode of ontogeny, is clearly derived from a diffused placenta (very probably similar to that of Lemurs) by a concentration of the foetal villi, which are originally spread over the whole chorion, to a disk-shaped area, and by an increase in their arborescence. Thus the discoidal placenta of Man has no connexion with, and ought not to be placed in, the same class as those of the Ro- dentia, Cheiroptera, and Insectivora. 736 THE EVOLUTION OF THE PLACENTA. The polycotyledonary forms of placenta are due to similar .concentrations of the fcetal villi of an originally diffused pla- centa. In the Edentata we have a group with very varying types of placenta. Very probably these may all be differentiations within the group itself from a diffused placenta such as that found in Manis. The zonary placenta of Orycteropus is capable of being easily derived from that of Manis by the disappearance of the fcetal villi at the two poles of the ovum. The small size of the umbilical vesicle in Orycteropus indicates that its discoidal pla- centa is not, like that of the Carnivora, directly derived from a type with both allantoic and umbilical vascularization of the chorion. The discoidal and dome-shaped placentae of the Armadillos, Myrmecophaga, and the Sloths may easily have been .formed from a diffused placenta, just as the discoidal placenta of the Simiidse and Hominidae appears to have been formed from a diffused placenta like that of the Lemuridae. The presence of zonary placentae in Hyrax and ElepJias does not necessarily afford any proof of affinity of these types with the Carnivora. A zonary placenta may be quite as easily de- rived from a diffused placenta as from a discoidal placenta ; and the presence of two villous patches at the poles of the chorion in : Elephas very probably indicates that its placenta has been evolved from a diffused placenta. Although it would not be wise to attempt to found a classi- fication upon the placental characters alone, it may be worth while to make a few suggestions as to the affinities of the orders of Mammalia indicated by the structure of the placenta. We clearly, of course, have to start with forms which could not be grouped with any of the existing orders, but which might be called the Protoplacentalia. They probably had the primitive type of placenta described above : the nearest living repre- sentatives of the group are the Rodentia, Insectivora/and Chei- roptera. Before, however, these three groups had become dis- .tinctly differentiated, there must have branched off from the .primitive stock the ancestors of the Lemuridae, the Ungulata, and the Edentata. It is obvious on general anatomical grounds that the Monkeys and Man are to be derived from a primitive Lemurian type ; and THE EVOLUTION OF THE PLACENTA. 737 with this conclusion the form of the placenta completely tallies. The primitive Edentata and Ungulata had no doubt a diffused placenta which was probably not very different from that of the primitive Lemurs ; but how far these groups arose quite in- dependently from the primitive stock, or whether they may have had a nearer common ancestor, cannot be decided from the structure of the placenta. The Carnivora were certainly an offshoot from the primitive placental type which was quite in- dependent of the three groups just mentioned ; but the character of the placenta of the Carnivora does not indicate at what stage in the evolution of the placental Mammalia a primitive type of Carnivora was first differentiated. No important light is thrown by the placenta on the affinities of the Proboscidea, the Cetacea, or the Sirenia ; but the character of the placenta in the latter group favours the view of their being related to the Ungulata. XXII. ON THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPI- DOSTEUS1. By F. M. BALFOUR and W. N. PARKER. (With Plates 34—42.) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION 739 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT 74° BRAIN — Adult brain 759 Development of the brain . . _ 7^4 Comparison of the larval and adult brain of Lepidosteiis, together with some observations on the systematic value of the characters of the Ganoid brain 767 SENSE ORGANS — Olfactory organ 77 ' Anatomy of the eye H>. Development of the eye 771 SUCTORIAL Disc 774 MUSCULAR SYSTEM 775 SKELETON — Vertebral column and ribs of the adult 77^ Development of the vertebral column and ribs 778 Comparison of the vertebral column of Lepidosteus with that of other forms 793 The ribs of Fishes 793 The skeleton of the ventral lobe of the tail fin, and its bearing on the nature of the tail fin of the various types of Pisces . . . 80 1 EXCRETORY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS— Anatomy of the excretory and generative organs of the female . • 810 Anatomy of the excretory and generative organs of the male . • 813 Development of the excretory and generative organs . . . . 815 Theoretical considerations 822 1 From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1882. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 739 THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES — PAGE Topographical anatomy of the alimentary canal 828 Development of the alimentary canal and its appendages . . . 831 THE GILL ON THE HYOID ARCH 835 THE SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF LEPIDOSTEUS . . . . . . 836 LIST OF MEMOIRS ON THE ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS 840 LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS . . . . 841 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 842 INTRODUCTION. THE following paper is the outcome of the very valuable gift of a series of embryos and larvae of Lepidostens by Professor Alex. Agassiz, to whom we take this opportunity of expressing our most sincere thanks. The skull of these embryos and larvae has been studied by Professor Parker, and forms the subject of a memoir already presented to the Royal Society. Considering that Lepidosteus is one of the most interesting of existing Ganoids, and that it is very closely related to species of Ganoids which flourished during the Triassic period, we naturally felt keenly anxious to make the most of the opportunity of working at its development offered to us by Professor Agassiz' gift. Professor Agassiz, moreover, most kindly furnished us with four examples of the adult Fish, which have enabled us to make this paper a study of the adult anatomy as well as of the develop- ment. The first part of our paper is devoted to the segmentation, formation of the germinal layers, and general development of the embryo and larva. The next part consists of a series of sections on the organs, in which both their structure in the adult and their development are dealt with. This part is not, however, in any sense a monograph, and where already known, the anatomy is described with the greatest possible brevity. In this part of the paper considerable space is devoted to a comparison of the organs of Lepidosteus with those of other Fishes, and to a state- ment of the conclusions which follow from such comparison. The last part of the paper deals with the systematic position of Lepidosteus and of the Ganoids generally. 74° STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT. The spawning of Lepidosteus takes place in the neighbour- hood of New York about May 2Oth. Agassiz (No. i)1 gives an account of the process from Mr S. W. Carman's notes, which we venture to quote in full. " Black Lake is well stocked with Bill-fish. When they appear, they are said to come in countless numbers. This is only for a few days in the spring, in the spawning season, between the 1 5th of May and the 8th of June. During the balance of the season they are seldom seen. They remain in the deeper parts .of the lake, away from the shore, and, probably, are more or less nocturnal in habits. Out of season, an occasional one is caught on a hook baited with a minnow. Commencing with the 2Oth of April, until the I4th of May we were unable to find the Fish, or to find persons who had seen them during this time. Then a fisherman reported having seen one rise to the surface. Later, others were seen. On the afternoon of the i8th, a few were found on the points, depositing the spawn. The temperature at the time was 68° to 69° on the shoals, while out in the lake the mercury stood at 62° to 63°. The points on which the eggs were laid. were of naked granite, which had been broken by the frost and heat into angular blocks of 3 to 8 inches in diameter. The blocks were tumbled upon each other like loose heaps of brick- bats, and upon and between them the eggs were dropped. The points are the extremities of small capes that make out into the lake. The eggs were laid in water varying in depth from 2 to 14 inches. At the time of approaching the shoals, the Fish might be seen to rise quite often to the surface to take air. This they did by thrusting the bill out of the water as far as the corners of the mouth, which was then opened widely and closed with a snap. After taking the air, they seemed more able to remain at the surface. Out in the lake they are very timid, but once buried upon the shoals they become quite reckless as to what is going on about them. A few moments after being driven 1 The numbers refer to the list of memoirs of the anatomy and development given at the end of this memoir. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS; 741 off, one or more of the males would return as if scouting. If frightened, he would retire for some time ; then another scout would appear. If all promised well, the females, with the atten- dant males, would come back. Each female was accompanied by from one to four males. Most often, a male rested against each side, with their bills reaching up toward the back of her head. Closely crowded together, the little party would pass back and forth over the rocky bed they had selected, sometimes passing the same spot half-a-dozen times without dropping an egg, then suddenly would indulge in an orgasm ; and, lashing and plashing the water in all directions with their convulsive movements, would scatter at the same instant the eggs and the sperm. This ended, another season of moving slowly back and forth was observed, to be in turn followed by another of excite- ment. The eggs were excessively sticky. To whatever they happened to touch, they stuck, and so tenaciously that it was next to impossible to release them without tearing away a portion of their envelopes. It is doubtful whether the eggs would hatch if removed. As far as could be seen at the time, upon or under the rocks to which the eggs were fastened there was an utter absence of anything that might serve as food for the young Fishes. " Other Fishes, Bull-heads, &c., are said to follow the Bill-fish to eat the spawn. It may be so. It was not verified. Certainly the points under observations were unmolested. During the afternoon of the i8th of May a few eggs were scattered on several of the beds. On the igth there were more. With the spear and the snare, several dozens of both sexes of the Fish were taken. Taking one out did not seem greatly to startle the others. They returned very soon. The males are much smaller than the average size of the females ; and, judging from those taken, would seem to have as adults greater uniformity in size. The largest taken was a female, of 4 feet ii inch in length. Others of 2 feet 6 inches contained ripe ova. With the igth of May all disappeared, and for a time — the weather being mean- while cold and stormy — there were no signs of their continued existence to be met with. Nearly two weeks later, on the 3ist of May, as stated by Mr Henry J. Perry, they again came up, not in small detachments on scattered points as before, but in 742 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. multitudes, on every shoal at all according with their ideas of spawning beds. They remained but two days. During the summer it happens now and then that one is seen to come up for his mouthful of air ; beyond this there will be nothing to suggest the ravenous masses hidden by the darkness of the waters." Egg membranes, — The ova of Lepidosteus are spherical bodies of about 3 millims. in diameter. They have a double investment consisting of (i) an outer covering formed of elongated, highly refractive bodies, somewhat pyriform at their outer ends (Plate 34, fig. i/,/*.), which are probably metamorphosed follicular cells1, and (2) of an inner membrane, divided into two zones, viz. : an outer and thicker zone, which is radially striated, and constitutes the zona radiata (s. r.}, and an inner and narrow homogeneous zone (2. r'.\ Segmentation. — We have observed several stages in the seg- mentation, which shew that it is complete, but that it approaches the meroblastic type more nearly than in the case of any other known holoblastic ovum. Our earliest stage shewed a vertical furrow at the upper or animal pole, extending through about one-fifth of the circum- ference (Plate 34, fig. I), and in a slightly later stage we found a second similar furrow at right angles to the first (Plate 34, fig. 2). We have not been fortunate enough to observe the next phases of the segmentation, but on the second day after impregnation (Plate 34, fig. 3), the animal pole is completely divided into small segments, which form a disc, homologous to the blastoderm of meroblastic ova ; while the vegetative pole, which subsequently forms a large yolk-sack, is divided by a few vertical furrows, four of which nearly meet at the pole opposite the blastoderm (Plate 34, fig. 4). The majority of the vertical furrows extend only a short way from the edge of the small spheres, and are partially intercepted by imperfect equatorial furrows. 1 We have examined the structure of the ovarian ova in order to throw light on the nature of these peculiar pyriform bodies. Unfortunately, the ovaries of our adult examples of Lepidosteus were so badly preserved, that we could not ascertain any- thing on this subject. The ripe ova in the ovary have an investment of pyriform bodies similar to those of the just laid ova. With reference to the structure of the ovarian ova we may state that the germinal vesicles are provided with numerous nucleoli arranged in close proximity with the membrane of the vesicle. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 743 Development of the embryo. — We have not been able to work out the stages immediately following the segmentation, owing to want of material ; and in the next stage satisfactorily observed, on the third day after impregnation, the body of the embryo is distinctly differentiated. The lower pole of the ovum is then formed of a mass in which no traces of the previous segments or segmentation furrows could any longer be detected. Some of the dates of the specimens sent to us appear to have been transposed ; so that our statements as to ages must only be taken as approximately correct. Third day after impregnation. — In this stage the embryo is about 3*5 millims. in length, and has a somewhat dumb-bell shaped outline (Plate 34, fig. 5). It consists of (i) an outer area (p. z] with some resemblance to the area pellucida of the Avian embryo, forming the parietal part of the body ; and (2) a central portion consisting of the vertebral and medullary plates and the axial portions of the embryo. In hardened specimens the peripheral part forms a shallow depression surrounding the central part of the embryo. The central part constitutes a somewhat prominent ridge, the axial part of it being the medullary plate. Along the anterior half of this part a dark line could be observed in all our speci- mens, which we at first imagined to be caused by a shallow groove. We have, however, failed to find in our sections a groove in this situation except in a single instance (Plate 35, fig. 20, x), and are inclined to attribute the appearance above-mentioned to the presence of somewhat irregular ridges of the outer layer of the epiblast, which have probably been artificially produced in the process of hardening. The anterior end of the central part is slightly dilated to form the brain (£.) ; and there is present a pair of lateral swellings near the anterior end of the brain which we believe to be the commencing optic vesicles. We could not trace any other clear indications of the differentiation of the brain into distinct lobes. At the hinder end of the central part of the embryo a very distinct dilatation may also be observed, which is probably homo- logous with the tail swelling of Teleostei. Its structure is more particularly dealt with in the description of our sections of this stage. 744 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. After the removal of the egg-membranes described above we find that there remains a delicate membrane closely attached to the epiblast. This membrane can be isolated in distinct portions, and appears to be too definite to be regarded as an artificial product. We have been able to prepare several more or less complete series of sections of embryos of this stage (Plate 35, figs. 18 — 22\ These sections present as a whole a most striking resemblance to those of Teleostean embryos at a corresponding stage of development. Three germinal layers are already fully established. The epiblast (ep.} is formed of the same parts as in Teleostei, viz. : — of an outer epidermic and an inner nervous or mucous stratum. In the parietal region of the embryo these strata are each formed of a single row of cells only. The cells of both strata are somewhat flattened, but those of the epidermic stratum are decidedly the more flattened of the two. Along the axial line there is placed, as we have stated above, the medullary plate. The epidermic stratum passes over this plate without undergoing any change of character, and the plate is entirely constituted of the nervous stratum of the epidermis. The medullary plate has, roughly speaking, the form of a solid keel, projecting inwards towards the yolk. There is no trace, at this stage at any rate, of a medullary groove ; and as we shall afterwards shew, the central canal of the cerebro-spinal cord is formed in the middle of the solid keel. The shape of this keel varies according to the region of the body. In the head (Plate 35, fig. 18, m.c.}, it is very prominent, and forming^ as it does, the major part of the axial tissue of the body, impresses its own shape on the other parts of the head and gives rise to a marked ridge on the surface of the head directed towards the yolk. In the trunk (Plate 35, fig's. 19, 20) the keel is much less prominent, but still projects sufficiently to give a convex form to the surface of the body turned towards the yolk. In the head, and also near the hind end of the trunk, the nervous layer of the epiblast continuous with the keel on each side is considerably thicker than the lateral parts of the layer. The thickening of the nervous layer in the head gives rise to STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 745 what has been called by Gotte l " the special sense plate," owing to its being subsequently concerned in the formation of parts of the organs of special sense. We cannot agree with Gotte in regarding it as part of the brain. In the keel itself two parts may be distinguished, viz.: a superficial part, best marked in the region of the brain, formed of more or less irregularly arranged polygonal cells, and a deeper part of horizontally placed flatter cells. The upper part is mainly concerned in the formation of the cranial nerves, and of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. The mesoblast (ms.) in the trunk consists of a pair of inde- pendent plates which are continued forwards into the head, and in the prechordal region of the latter, unite below the medullary keel. The mesoblastic plates of the trunk are imperfectly divided into vertebral and lateral regions. Neither longitudinal sections nor surface views shew at this stage any trace of a division of the mesoblast into somites. The mesoblast cells are polygonal, and no indication is as yet present of a division into splanchnic and somatic layers. The notochord (nc.) is well established, so that its origin could not be made out. It is, however, much more sharply separated from the mesoblastic plates than from the hypoblast, though the ventral and inner corners of the mesoblastic plates which run in underneath it on either side, are often imperfectly separated from it. It is formed of polygonal cells, of which between 40 and 50 may as a rule be seen in a single section. No sheath is present around it. It has the usual extension in front. The hypoblast (/y.) has the form of a membrane, composed of a single row of oval cells, bounding the embryo on the side adjoining the yolk. In the region of the caudal swelling the relations of the germinal layers undergo some changes. This region may, from the analogy of other Vertebrates be assumed to constitute the lip of the blastopore. We find accordingly that the layers be- come more or less fused. In the anterior part of the tail 1 " Ueb. d. Entwick. d. Central Nerven Systems d. Teleoslier," Arc/iiv fur inikr. Anat. Vol. xv. 1878. B. . 48 746 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF I.EPIDOSTEUS. swelling, the boundary between the notochord and hypoblast becomes indistinct. A short way behind this point (Plate 35, fig. 21), the notochord unites with the medullary keel, and a neurenteric cord, homologous with the neurenteric canal of other Ichthyopsida, is thus established. In the same region the boun- dary between the lateral plates of mesoblast and the notochord, and further back (Plate 35, fig. 22), that between the mesoblast and the medullary keel, becomes obliterated. Fifth day after impregnation. — Between the stage .last de- scribed and the next stage of which we have specimens, a con- siderable progress has been made. The embryo (Plate 34, figs. 6 and 7) has grown markedly in length and embraces more than half the circumference of the ovum. Its general appearance is, however, much the same as in the earlier stage, but in the cephalic region the medullary plate is divided by constrictions into three distinct lobes, constituting the regions of the fore- brain, the mid-brain, and the hind-brain. The fore-brain (Plate 34, fig. 6,f.b.} is considerably the largest of the three lobes, and a pair of lateral projections forming the optic vesicles are decidedly more conspicuous than in the previous stage. The mid-brain (m.b.} is the smallest of the three lobes, while the hind-brain (h.b) is decidedly longer, and passes insensibly into the spinal cord behind. The medullary keel, though retaining to a great extent the shape it had in the last stage, is no longer completely solid. Throughout the whole region of the brain and in the anterior part of the trunk (Plate 35, figs. 23, 24, 25) a slit-like lumen has become formed. We are inclined to hold that this is due to the appearance of a space between the cells, and not, as supposed by Oellacher for Teleostei, to an actual absorption of cells, though we must admit that our sections are hardly sufficiently well pre- served to be conclusive in settling this point. Various stages in its growth may be observed in different regions of the cerebro- spinal cord. When first formed, it is a very imperfectly defined cavity, and a few cells may be seen passing right across from one side of it to the other. It gradually becomes more definite, and its wall then acquires a regular outline. The optic vesicles are now to be seen in section (Plate 35, fig. 23, op.} as flattish outgrowths of the wall of the fore-brain, STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF I.KHDOSTKUS. 747 into which the lumen of the third ventricle is prolonged for a short distance. The brain has become to some extent separate from the superjacent epiblast, but the exact mode in which this is effected is not clear to us. In some sections it appears that the separation takes place in such a way that the nervous keel is only covered above by the epidermic layer of the epiblast, and that the nervous layer, subsequently interposed between the two, grows in from the two sides. Such a section is represented in Plate 35, fig. 24. Other sections again favour the view that in the isolation of the nervous keel, a superficial layer of it remains attached to the nervous layer of the epidermis at the two sides, and so, from the first, forms a continuous layer between the nervous keel and the epidermic layer of the epiblast (Plate 35, fig. 25). In the absence of a better series of sections we do not feel able to determine this point. The posterior part of the nervous keel retains the characters of the previous stage. At the sides of the hind-brain very distinct commencements of the auditory vesicles are apparent. They form shallow pits (Plate 35, fig. 24, au.} of the thickened part of the nervous layer adjoining the brain in this region. Each pit is covered over by the epidermic layer above, which has no share in its formation. In many parts of the lateral regions of the body the nervous layer of the epidermis is more than one cell deep. The mesoblastic plates are now divided in the anterior part of the trunk into a somatic and a splanchnic layer (Plate 35, fig. 25, so., sp.), though no distinct cavity is as yet present between these two layers. Their vertebral extremities are somewhat wedge-shaped in section, the base of the wedge being placed at the sides of the medullary keel. The wedge-shaped portions are formed of a superficial layer of 'palisade-like cells and an inner kernel of polygonal cells. The superficial layer on the dorsal side is continuous with the somatic mesoblast, while the remainder pertains to the splanchnic layer. The diameter of the notochord has diminished, and the cells have assumed a flattened form, the protoplasm being confined to an axial region. In consequence of this, the peripheral layer appears clear in transverse sections. A delicate cuticular sheath 48-2 748 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. is formed around it. This sheath is probably the commence- ment of the permanent sheath of later stages, but at this stage it cannot be distinguished in structure from a delicate cuticle which surrounds the greater part of the medullary cord. The hypoblast has undergone no changes of importance. The layers at the posterior end of the embryo retain the characters of the last stage. Sixth day after impregnation. — At this stage (Plate 34, fig. 8) the embryo is considerably more advanced than at the last stage. The trunk has decidedly increased in length, and the head forms a relatively smaller portion of the whole. The regions of the brain are more distinct. The optic vesicles (op.} have grown outwards so as to nearly reach the edges of the area which forms the parietal part of the body. The fore-brain projects slightly in front, and the mid-brain is seen as a distinct rounded promi- nence. Behind the latter is placed the hind-brain, which passes insensibly into the spinal cord. On either side of the mid- and hind-brain a small region is slightly marked off from the rest of the parietal part, and on this are seen two more or less trans- versely directed streaks, which, by comparison with the Sturgeon1. we are inclined to regard as the two first visceral clefts (br.c.}. We have, however, failed to make them out in sections, and owing to the insufficiency of our material, we have not even studied them in surface views as completely as we could have wished. The body is now laterally compressed, and more decidedly raised from the yolk than in the previous stages. In the lateral regions of the trunk the two segmental or archinephric ducts (sg.} are visible in surface views : the front end of each is placed at the level of the hinder border of the head, and is marked by a flexure inwards towards the middle line. The remainder of each duct is straight, and extends backwards for about half the length of the embryo. The tail has much the same appearance as in the last stage. The vertebral regions of the mesoblastic plates are now seg- mented for the greater part of the length of the trunk, and the 1 Salensky, " Recherches s. le Developpement du Sterlet." Archives de Biol. Vol. n. 1881, pi. xvii. fig. 27. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 749 somites of which they are composed (Plate 36, fig. 30, pr.) are very conspicuous in surface views. Our sections of this stage are not so complete as could be desired : they shew, however, several points of interest. The central canal of the nervous system is large, with well- defined walls, and in hardened specimens is filled with a coagu- lum. It extends nearly to the region of the tail. The optic vesicles, which are so conspicuous in surface views, appear in section (Plate 35, fig. 26, op.} as knob-like outgrowths of the fore-brain, and very closely resemble the figures given by Oellacher of these vesicles in Teleostei1. From the analogy of the previous stage, we are inclined to think that they have a lumen continuous with that of the fore- brain. In our only section through them, however, they are solid, but this is probably due to the section merely passing through them to one side. The auditory pits (Plate 35, fig. 27, au.} are now well marked, and have the form of somewhat elongated grooves, the walls of which are formed of a single layer of columnar cells belonging to the nervous layer of the epidermis, and extending inwards so as nearly to touch the brain. In an earlier stage it was pointed out that the dorsal part of the medullary keel was different in its structure from the re- mainder, and that it was destined to give rise to the nerves. The process of differentiation is now to a great extent com- pleted, and may best be seen in the auditory region (Plate 35, fig. 27, VIII.). In this region there was present during the last stage a great rhomboidal mass of cells at the dorsal region of the brain (Plate 35, fig. 24, VIII.). In the present stage, this, which is the rudiment of the seventh and auditory nerves, is seen growing down on each side from the roof of the hind-brain, between the brain and the auditory involution, and abutting against the wall of the latter. Rudiments of the spinal nerves are also seen at intervals as projections from the dorsal angles of the spinal cord (Plate 36, fig. 29, sp.1t.}. They extend only for a short distance outwards, gradually tapering off to a point, and situated 1 "Beitrage zur Entwick. d. Knochenfische," Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxm. 1873, taf. m. fig. ix. 2. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. between the epiblast and the dorsal angles of the mesoblastic somites. The process of formation of the cranial nerves and dorsal roots of the spinal nerves is, it will be seen, essentially the same as that already known in the case of Elasmobranchii, Aves, &c. The nerVes afise as outgrowths of a special crest of cells, the neural crest of Marshall, which is placed along the dorsal angle of the cord. The peculiar position of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves is also very similar to what has been met with in the early stages of these structures by Marshall in Birds1, and by one of us in Elasmobranchs2. In the parietal region a cavity has now appeared in part of the trunk betweeri the splanchnic and somatic layers of the mesoblast (Plate 36, fig. 29, b.c^), the somatic layer (so.) consist- ing of a single row of columnar cells on the dorsal side, while the remainder of each somite is formed of the splanchnic layer (j/'.). In many of the sections the somatic layer is separated by a considerable interval from the epiblast. We have been able to some extent to follow the develop- ment of the segmental duct. The imperfect preservation of our specimens has, as in other instances, rendered the study of the point somewhat difficult, but we believe that the figure represent- ing the development of the duct some way behind its front end (Plate 36, fig. 29) is an accurate representation of 'what may be seen in a good many of our sections. It appears from these sections that the duct (Plate 36, fig. 29, .$£•.) is developed as a hollow ridge-like outgrowth of the somatic layer of mesoblast, directed towards the epiblast, in which it causes a slight bulging. The cavity of the ridge freely com- municates with the body-cavity. The anterior part of this ridge appears to be formed first. Very soon, in fact, in an older embryo belonging to this stage, the greater part of the groove becomes segmented off as a duct lying between the epiblast and somatic mesoblast (Plate 36, fig. 28, sg.}, while the front end still remains, as we believe, in communication with the body-cavity by an anterior pore. 1 Journal of Anat and Physiol. Vol. xi. p. 491, plates xx. and xxi. 2 " Elasmobranch Fishes," p. 156, plates 10 and 13. [This edition, p. 378, pi. ii, 14-] STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 75 1 This mode of development corresponds in every particular with that observed in Teleostei by Rosenberg and Oellacher. The structure of the notochord (nc.) at this stage is very similar to that observed by one of us in Elasmobranchii1. The cord is formed of transversely arranged flattened cells, the outer parts of which are vacuolated, while the inner parts are granular, and contain the nuclei. This structure gives rise to the appear- ance in transverse sections of an axial darker area and a periphe- ral lighter portion. The hypoblast retains for the most part its earlier constitution, but underneath the notochord, in the trunk, it is somewhat thick- ened, and the cells at the two sides spread in to some extent under the thickened portion (Plate 36, fig. 29, s.nc.}. This thick- ening, as is shewn in transverse sections at the stage when the segmental duct becomes separated from the somatic mesoblast (Plate 36, fig. 28, s.nc.), is the commencement of the subnoto- chordal rod. The tail end' of the embryo still retains its earlier characters. Seventh day after impregnation. — Our series of specimens of this stage is very imperfect, and we are only able to call attention to the development of a certain number of organs. Our sections clearly establish the fact that the optic vesicles are now hollow processes of the fore-brain. Their outer ends are dilated, and are in contact with the external skin. The formation of the optic cup has not, however, commenced. The nervous layer of the skin adjoining the outer wall of the optic cup is very slightly thickened, constituting the earliest rudiment of the lens. In one of our embryos of this day the developing auditory vesicle still has the form of a pit, but in the other it is a closed vesicle, already constricted off from the nervous layer of the epidermis. With reference to the development of the excretory duct we cannot add much to what we have already stated in describing the last stage. The duct is considerably dilated anteriorly (Plate 36, fig. 31, .$#•.); but our sections throw no light on the nature of the ab- dominal pore. The posterior part of the duct has still the form 1 " Elasmobranch Fishes," p. 136, plate 11, fig. 10. [This edition, p. 354, pi. 12.] 752 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. of a hollow ridge united with somatic mesoblast (Plate 36, fig. 32, sg.). During this stage, the embryo becomes to a small extent folded off from the yolk-sack both in front and behind, and in the course of this process the anterior and posterior extremities of the alimentary tract become definitely established. We have not got as clear a view of the process of formation of these two sections of the alimentary tract as we could desire, but our observations appear to shew that the process is in many respects similar to that which takes place in the formation of the anterior part of the alimentary tract in Elasmobranchii1. One of us has shewn that in Elasmobranchs the ventral wall of the throat is formed not by a process of folding in of the hypo- blastic sheet as in Birds, but by a growth of the ventral face of the hypoblastic sheet on each side of and at some little distance from the middle line. Each growth is directed inwards, and the two eventually meet and unite, thus forming a complete ventral wall for the gut. Exactly the same process would seem to take place in Lepidosteus, and after the lumen of the gut is in this way established, a process of mesoblast on each side also makes its appearance, forming a mesoblastic investment on the ventral side of the alimentary tract. Some time after the ali- mentary tract has been thus formed, the epiblast becomes folded in, in exactly the same manner as in the Chick, the embryo becoming thereby partially constricted off from the yolk (Plate 36, figs. 33, 34). The form of the lumen of the alimentary tract differs some- what in front and behind. In front, the hypoblastic sheet remains perfectly flat during the formation of the throat, and thus the lumen of the latter has merely the form of a slit. The lumen of the posterior end of the alimentary tract is, however, narrower and deeper (Plate 36, figs. 33, 34, a/.). Both in front and behind, the lateral parts of the hypoblastic sheet become separated from the true alimentary tract as soon as the lumen of the latter is established. It is quite possible that at the extreme posterior end of the embryo a modification of the above process may take place, for 1 F. M. Balfour, "Monograph on the Development of Elasmobranch Fishes," p. 87, plate 9, fig. 2. [This edition, p. 303, pi. 10.] STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 753 in this region the hypoblast appears to us to have the form of a solid cord. We could detect no true neurenteric canal, although a more or less complete fusion of the germinal layers at the tail end of the embryo may still be traced. During this stage the protoplasm of the notochordal cells, which in the last stage formed a kind of axial rod in the centre of the notochord, begins to spread outwards toward the sheath of the notochord. Eighth day after impregnation. — The external form of the em- bryo (Plate 34, fig. 9) shews a great advance upon the stage last figured. Both head and body are much more compressed later- ally and raised from the yolk, and the head end is folded off for some distance. The optic vesicles are much less prominent externally. A commencing opercular fold is distinctly seen. Our figure of this stage is not, however, so satisfactory as we could wish. A thickening of the nervous layer of the external epiblast which will form the lens (Plate 36, fig. 35, /.) is more marked than in the last stage, and presses against the slightly concave exterior wall of the optic vesicle (op.). The latter has now a large cavity, and its stalk is considerably narrowed. The auditory vesicles (Plate 36, fig. 36, au.) are closed, ap- pearing as hollow sacks one on each side of the brain, and are no longer attached to the epiblast. The anterior opening of the segmental duct can be plainly seen close behind the head. The lumen of the duct is consider- ably larger. The two vertebral portions of the mesoblast are now sepa- rated by a considerable space from the epiblast on one side and from the notochord on the other, and the cells composing them have become considerably elongated from side to side (Plate 36, fig. 37, MS.). In some sections the aorta can be seen (Plate 36, fig. 37, ##.) lying close under the sub- notochordal rod, between it and the hypoblast, and on either side of it a slightly larger cardinal vein (cd. v.}. The protoplasm of the notochord has now again retreated towards the centre, shewing a clear space all round. This is 754 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. most marked in the region of the trunk (Plate 36, fig. 37). The sub-notochordal rod (s. nc.) lies close under it. A completely closed fore-gut, lined by thickened hypoblast, extends about as far back as the auditory sacks (Plate 36, figs. 35 and 36, «/.'). In the trunk the hypoblast, which will form the walls of the alimentary tract, is separated from the notochord by a considerable interval. Ninth day after impregnation : External characters. — Very considerable changes have taken place in the external characters of the embryo. It is about 8 millims. in length, and has assumed a completely piscine form. The tail especially has grown in length, and is greatly flattened from side to 'side : it is wholly detached from the yolk, and bends round towards the head, usually with its left side in contact with the yolk. It is pro- vided with well-developed dorsal and ventfal fin-folds, which meet each other round the end of the tail, the tail fin so formed being, nearly symmetrical. The head is not nearly so much folded off from the yolk as the tail. At its front end is placed a disc with numerous papillae, of which we shall say more here- after. This disc is somewhat bifid, and is marked in the centre by a deep depression. Dorsal to it, on the top of the head, are two widely separated nasal pits. On the surface of the yolk, in front of the head, is to be seen the heart, just as in Sturgeon embryos. Immediately below the suctorial disc is a slit-like space, forming the mouth. It is bounded below by the two mandibular arches, which meet' ventrally in the median line. A shallow but well-marked de- pression on each side of the head indicates the posterior boundary of the mandibular arch. Behind this is placed the very con- spicuous hyoid arch with its rudimentary opercular flap ; and in the depression, partly covered over by the latter, may be seen a ridge, the external indication of the first branchial arch. Eleventh day after impregnation : External characters. — The embryo (Plate 34, fig. 10) is now about 10 millims. in length, and in several features exhibits an advance upon the embryo of the previous stage. The tail fin is now obviously not quite symmetrical, and the dorsal fin-fold is continued for nearly the whole length of the trunk. The suctorial disc (Plate 34, fig. 1 1, s.d.} is much more STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 755 prominent, and the papillae (about 30 in number) covering it are more conspicuous from the surface. It is not obviously com- posed of two symmetrical halves. The opercular flap is larger, and the branchial arches behind it (two of which may be made out without dissection) are more prominent. The anterior pair of limbs is now visible in the form of two longitudinal folds projecting in a vertical direction from the surface of the yolk-sack at the sides of the body. The stages subsequent to hatching have been investigated with reference to the external features and to the habits by Agassiz, and we shall enrich our own account by copious quota- tions from his memoir. He states that the first batch were hatched on the eighth1 day after being laid. " The young Fish possessed a gigantic yolk-bag, and the posterior part of the body presented nothing specially different from the general appearance of a Teleostean embryo, with the exception of the great size of the chorda. The anterior part, however, was most remarkable ; and at first, on seeing the head of this young Lepidosteus, with its huge mouth- cavity extending nearly to the gill-opening, and surmounted by a hoof-shaped depression edged with a row of protuberances acting as suckers, I could not help comparing this remarkable structure, so utterly unlike anything in Fishes or Ganoids, to the Cyclostomes, with which it has a striking analogy. This organ is also used by Lepidostetts as a sucker, and the moment the young Fish is hatched he attaches himself to the sides of the disc, and there remains hanging immovable; so firmly attached, indeed, that it requires considerable commotion in the water to make him loose his hold. Aerating the water by pouring it from a height did not always produce sufficient disturbance to loosen the young Fishes. The eye, in this stage, is rather less advanced than in corresponding stages in bony Fishes ; the brain is also comparatively smaller, the otolith ellipsoidal, placed obliquely in the rear above the gill-opening. . . . Usually the gill-cover is pressed closely against the sides of the body, but in breathing an opening is seen through which water is constantly passing, a 1 This statement of Agassi/, does not correspond with the dates on the specimens sent to us — a fact no doubt due to the hatching not taking place at the same time for all the larva;. 756 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. strong current being made by the rapid movement of the pectorals, against the base of which the extremity of the gill-cover is closely pressed. The large yolk-bag is opaque, of a bluish-gray colour. The body of the young Lepidostens is quite colourless and trans- parent. The embryonic fin is narrow, the dorsal part commencing above the posterior end of the yolk-bag ; the tail is slightly rounded, the anal opening nearer the extremity of the tail than the bag. The intestine is narrow, and the embryonic fin extend- ing from the vent to the yolk-bag is quite narrow. In a some- what more advanced stage, — hatched a few hours earlier,— the upper edge of the yolk-bag is covered with black pigment cells, and minute black pigment cells appear on the surface of the alimentary canal. There are no traces of embryonic fin-rays either in this stage or the one preceding ; the structure of the embryonic fin is as in bony Fishes — previous to the appearance of these embryonic fin-rays — finely granular. Seen in profile, the yolk-bag is ovoid ; as seen from above, it is flattened, rect- angular in front, with rounded corners, tapering to a rounded point towards the posterior extremity, with re-entering sides." We have figured an embryo of 1 1 millims. in length, shortly after hatching (Plate 34, fig. 12), the most important characters of which are as follows : — The yolk-sack, which has now become much reduced, forms an appendage attached to the ventral surface of the body, and has a very elongated form as compared with its shape just before hatching. The mouth, as also noticed by Agassiz, has a very open form. It is (Plate 34, fig. 13, m.} more or less rhomboidal, and is bounded behind by the mandi- bular arch (?«;/.) and laterally by the superior maxillary processes (s. mx). In front of the mouth is placed the suctorial disc (s. .) placed at the outer edge of the retina along the insertion of the iris (ir). The terminal branches of some of the main arteries appear also to fall directly into this vein. The membrane supporting the vessels just described is com- posed of a transparent matrix, in which numerous cells are embedded (Plate 38, fig. 50). Development. — In the account of the first stages of develop- ment of LepidosteuS) the mode of formation of the optic cup, the lens, &c., have been described (vide Plates 35 and 36, figs. 23, 26, 35). With reference to the later stages in the development of the eye, the only subject with which we propose to deal is the growth of the mesoblastic processes which enter the cavity of the vitreous humour through the choroid slit. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 773 Lepidosteus is very remarkable for the great number of meso- blast cells which thus enter the cavity of the vitreous humour, and for the fact that these cells are at first unaccompanied by any vascular structures (Plate 37, fig. 43, v.h). The mesoblast cells are scattered through the vitreous humour, and there can be no doubt that during early larval life, at a period however when the larva is certainly able to see, every histologist would con- sider the vitreous humour to be a tissue formed of scattered cells, with a large amount of intercellular substance ; and the fact that it is so appears to us to demonstrate that Kessler's view of the vitreous humour being a mere transudation is not tenable. In the larva five or six days after hatching, and about 15 millims. in length, the choroid slit is open for its whole length. The edges of the slit near the lens are folded, so as to form a ridge projecting into the cavity of the vitreous humour, while nearer the insertion of the optic nerve they cease to ex- hibit any such structure. The mesoblast, though it projects between the lips of the ridge near the lens, only extends through the choroid slit into the cavity of the vitreous humour in -the neighbourhood of the optic nerve. Here it forms a lamina with a thickened edge, from which scattered cells in the cavity of the vitreous humour seem to radiate. At a slightly later stage than that just described, blood- vessels become developed within the cavity of the vitreous humour, and form the vascular membrane already described in the adult, placed close to the layer of nerve-fibres of the retina, but separated from this layer by the hyaloid membrane (Plate 38, fig. 48, v.s/1.). The artery bringing the blood to the above vascular membrane is bound up in the same sheath as the optic nerve, and passes through the choroid slit very close to the optic nerve. Its entrance into the cavity of the vitreous humour is shewn in Plate 38, fig. 48 (vs.); its relation to the optic nerve in Plate 37, fig. 46, C and D (vs.). The above sheath has, so far as we know, its nearest analogue in the eye of Alytes, where, however, it is only found in the larva. The reader who will take the trouble to refer to the account of the imperfectly-developed processus falcifprmis of the Elas- 774 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. mobranch eye in the treatise On Comparative Embryology, by one of us1, will not fail to recognize that the folds of the retina at the sides of the choroid slit, and the mesoblastic process passing through this slit, are strikingly similar in Lepidosteus and Elasmobranchii ; and that, if we are justified in holding them to be an imperfectly-developed processus falciformis in the one case, we are equally so in the other. Johannes Miiller mentions the absence of a processus falci- formis as one of the features distinguishing Ganoids and Te- leostei. So far as the systematic separation of the two groups is concerned, he is probably perfectly justified in this course ; but it is interesting to notice that both in Ganoids and Elasmo- branchii we have traces of a structure which undergoes a very special development in the Teleostei, and that the processus falciformis of Teleostei is therefore to be regarded, not as an organ peculiar to them, but as the peculiar modification within the group of a primitive Vertebrate organ. SUCTORIAL Disc. One of the most remarkable organs of the larval Lepidosteus is the suctorial disc, placed at the front end of the head, to which we have made numerous allusions in the first section of this memoir. The external features of the disc have been fully dealt with by Agassiz, and he also explained its function by observations on the habits of the larva. We have already quoted (p. 755) a passage from Agassiz' memoir shewing how the young Fishes use the disc to attach themselves firmly to any convenient object. The discs appear in fact to be highly efficient organs of attachment, in that the young Fish can remain suspended by them to the sides of the jar, even after the water has been lowered below the level at which they are attached. The disc is formed two or three days before hatching, and from Agassiz' statements, it appears to come into use imme- diately the young Fish is liberated from the egg membranes. We have examined the histological structure of the disc at various ages of its growth, and may refer the reader to Plate 34, 1 Vol. II. p. 414 [the original edition]. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 775 figs. 1 1 and 13, and Plate 37, figs. 40 and 44. The result of our examination has been to shew that the disc is provided with a series of papillae often exhibiting a bilateral arrangement. The papillae are mainly constituted of highly modified cells of the mucous layer of the epidermis. These cells have the form of elongated columns, the nucleus being placed at the base, and the main mass of the cells being filled with a protoplasmic reti- culum. They may' probably be regarded as modified mucous cells. In the mesoblast adjoining the suctorial disc there are numerous sinus-like vascular channels. It does not appear probable that the disc has a true sucking action. It is unprovided with muscular elements, and there appears to be no mechanism by which it could act as a sucking organ. We must suppose, therefore, that its adhesive power depends upon the capacity of the cells composing its papillae to pour out a sticky secretion. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. There is a peculiarity in the muscular system of Lepidosteus, which so far as we know has not been previously noticed. It is that the lateral muscles of each side are not divided, either in the region of the trunk or of the tail, into a dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral division. This peculiarity is equally characteristic of the older larvae as of the adult, and is shewn in Plate 41, figs. 67, 72, and 73, and Plate 42, figs. 74 — 76. In the Cyclostomata the lateral muscles are not divided into dorsal and ventral sections ; but except in this group such a division has been hitherto considered as invariable amongst Fishes. This character must, without doubt, be held to be the indica- tion of a very primitive arrangement of the muscular system. In the embryos of all Fishes with the usual type of the lateral muscles, the undivided condition of the muscles precedes the divided condition ; and in primitive forms such as the Cyclosto- mata and Amphioxus the embryonic condition is retained, as it is in Lepidosteus. 776 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. SKELETON. PART I. — Vertebral column and ribs of the adult. A typical vertebra from the trunk of Lepidosteus has the following characters (Plate 42, figs. 80 and 81). The centrum is slightly narrower in the middle than at its two extremities. It articulates with adjacent vertebrae by a convex face in front and a concave face behind, being thus, according to Owen's nomenclature, opisthoccelous. It presents on its under surface a well-marked longitudinal ridge, which in many vertebrae is only united at its two extremities with the main body of the vertebra. From the lateral borders of the centrum there project, at a point slightly nearer the front than the hind end, a pair of pro- minent haemal processes (h.a.}} to the ends of which are articu- lated the ribs. These processes have a nearly horizontal direc- tion in the greater part of the trunk, though bent downwards in the tail. The neural arches (n.a.) have a somewhat complicated form. They are mainly composed of two vertical plates, the breadth of the basal parts of which is nearly as great as the length of the vertebrae, so that comparatively narrow spaces are left be- tween the neural arches of successive vertebrae for the passage of the spinal nerves. Some little way from its dorsal extremity each neural arch sends a horizontal process inwards, which meets its fellow and so forms a roof for the spinal canal. These pro- cesses appear to be confined to the posterior parts of the ver- tebrae, so that at the front ends of the vertebrae, and in the spaces between them, the neural canal is without an osseous roof. Above the level of this osseous roof there is a narrow passage, bounded laterally by the dorsal extremities of the neural plates. This passage is mainly filled up by a series of cartilaginous elements (Plate 42, figs. 80 and 81, t.c.) (probably fibro-cartilage), which rest upon the roof of the neural canal. Each element is situated intervertebrally, its anterior end being wedged in between the two dorsal processes of the neural arch of the vertebra in front, and its posterior end extending for some STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEFIDOSTEUS. 777 distance over the vertebra behind. The successive elements are connected by fibrous tissue, and are continuous dorsally with a fibrous band, known as the ligamentum longitudinale superius (Plate 42, figs. 80 and 81, /./.), characteristic of Fishes generally, and running continuously for the whole length of the vertebral column. Each of the cartilaginous elements is, as will be after- wards shewn, developed as two independent pieces of cartilage, and might be compared with the dorsal element which usually forms the keystone of the neural arch in Elasmobranchs, were not the latter vertebral instead of intervertebral in position. More or less similar elements are described by Gotte in the neural arches of many Teleostei, which also, however, appear to be vertebral ly placed, and he has compared them and the corre- sponding elements in the Sturgeon with the Elasmobranch cartilages forming the keystone of the neural arch. Gotte does not, however, appear to have distinguished between the carti- laginous elements, and the osseous elements forming the roof of the spinal canal, which are true membrane bones ; it is probable that the two are not so clearly separated in other types as in Lepidosteus. The posterior ends of the neural plates of the neural arches are continued into the dorsal processes directed obliquely up- wards and backwards, which have been somewhat unfortunately described by Stannius as rib-like projections of the neural arch. The dorsal processes of the two sides do not meet, but between them is placed a median free spinous element, also directed obliquely upwards and backwards, which forms a kind of roof for the groove in which the cartilaginous elements and the liga- mentum longitudinale are placed. The vertebrae are wholly formed of a very cellular osseous tissue, in which a distinction between the bases of the neural and haemal processes and the remainder of the vertebra is not recognizable. The bodies of the vertebras are, moreover, directly continuous with the neural and haemal arches. The ribs in the region of the trunk are articulated to the ends of the long haemal processes. They envelop the body- cavity, their proximal parts being placed immediately outside the peritoneal membrane, along the bases of the intermuscular septa. Their distal ends do not, however, remain close to the B. 50 778 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. peritoneal membrane, but pass outwards along the intermuscular septa till their free ends come into very close proximity with the skin. This peculiarity, which holds good in the adult for all the free ribs, is shewn in one of the anterior ribs of an advanced larva in Plate 41, fig. 72 (rb.}. We are not aware that this has been previously noticed, but it appears to us to be a point not without interest in all questions which concern the homology of rib-like structures occupying different positions in relation to the muscles. Its bearings are fully dealt with in the section of this paper devoted to the consideration of the homologies of the ribs in Fishes. As regards the behaviour of the ribs in the transitional region between the trunk and the tail, we cannot do better than trans- late the description given by Gegenbaur of this region (No. 6, p. 411): — "Up to the 34th vertebra the ribs borne by the late- rally and posteriorly directed processes present nothing remark- able, though they have gradually become shorter. The ribs of the 35th vertebra exhibit a slight curvature outwards of their free ends, a peculiarity still more marked in the 36th. The last named pair of ribs converge somewhat in their descent back- wards so that both ribs decidedly approach before bending out- wards. The 37th vertebra is no longer provided with freely terminating ribs, but on the contrary, the same pair of processes which in front was provided with ribs, bears a short forked process as the haemal arch. The two, up to this point separated ribs, have here formed a haemal arch by the fusion of their lower ends, which arch is movable just like the ribs, and, like them, is attached to the vertebral column'' '• \ ! In the region of the tail-fin the haemal arches supporting the caudal fin-rays are very much enlarged. PART II. — Development of the vertebral column and ribs. The first development and early histological changes of the notochord have already been given, and we may take up the history of the vertebral column at a period when the notochord forms a large circular rod, whose cells are already highly vacuo- lated, while the septa between the vacuoles form a delicate STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 779 wide-meshed reticulum. Surrounding the notochord is the usual cuticular sheath, which is still thin. The first indications of the future vertebral column are to be found in the formation of a distinct mesoblastic investment of the notochord. On the dorsal aspect of the notochord, the mesoblast forms two ridges, one on each side, which are pro- longed upwards so as to meet above the neural canal, for which they form a kind of sheath. On the ventral side of the noto- chord there are also two ridges, which are, however, except on the tail, much less prominent than the dorsal ridges. The changes which next ensue are practically identical with those which take place in Teleostei. Around the cuticular sheath of the notochord there is formed an elastic membrane — the membrana elastica externa. At the same time the basal parts of the dorsal, or as we may perhaps more conveniently call them, the neural ridges of the notochord become enlarged at each intermuscular septum, and the tissue of these enlargements soon becomes converted into cartilage, thus forming a series of independent paired neural processes riding on the membrana elastica externa surrounding the notochord, and extending about two-thirds of the way up the sides of the medullary cord. They are shewn in transverse section in Plate 41, fig. 67 (n.a.), and in a side view in fig. 68 (n.a.}. Simultaneously with the neural arches, the haemal arches also become established, and arise by the formation of similar enlargements of the ventral or haemal ridges. In the trunk they are very small, but in the region of the tail their condition is very different. At the front end of the anal fin the paired haemal arches suddenly enlarge and extend ventralwards (Plate 41, fig. 67, h.a.}. Each succeeding pair of arches becomes larger than the one in front, and the two elements of each arch first nearly meet below the caudal vein (Plate 41, fig. 67) and finally actually do so, forming in this way a completely closed haemal canal. At the point where they first meet the permanent caudal fin com- mences, and here (Plate 41, fig. 68) we find that not only do the. haemal arches meet and coalesce below the caudal vein, but they are actually produced into long spines supporting the fin-rays of the caudal fin, which thus differs from the other fins in being 50—2 780 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. supported by parts of the true vertebral column and not by independently formed elements of the skeleton. Each of the large caudal haemal arches, including the spine, forms a continous whole, and arises at an earlier period of larval life than any other part of the vertebral column. We noticed the first indications of the neural arches in the larva of about a week old, while they are converted into fully formed cartilage in the larva of three weeks. The neural and haemal arches, resting on th'e membrana elastica externa, do not at this early stage in the least constrict the notochord. They grow gradually more definite, till the larva is five or six weeks old and about 26 millims. in length, but otherwise for a long time undergo no important changes. Dur- ing the same period, however, the true sheath of the notochord greatly increases in thickness, and the membrana elastica ex- terna becomes more definite. So far it would be impossible to distinguish the development of the vertebral column of Lepidos- teus from that of a Teleostean Fish. Of the stages immediately following we have unfortunately had no examples, but we have been fortunate enough to obtain some young specimens of Lepidosteus^, which have enabled us to work out with tolerable completeness the remainder of the de- velopmental history of the vertebral column. In the next oldest larva, of about 5 '5 centims., the changes which have taken place are already sufficient to differentiate the vertebral column of Lepidosteus from that of a Teleostean, and to shew how certain of the characteristic features of the adult take their origin. In the notochord the most important and striking change consists in the appearance of a series of very well marked verte- bral constrictions opposite the insertions of the neural and hcemal arches. The first constrictions of the notochord are thus, as in other Fishes, vertebral; and although, owing to the growth of the intervertebral cartilage, the vertebral constrictions are subse- quently replaced by intervertebral constrictions, yet at the same time the primitive occurrence of vertebral constrictions demon- strates that the vertebral column of Lepidosteus is a modification of a type of vertebral column with biconcave vertebrae. 1 These specimens were given to us by Professor W. K. Parker, who received them from Professor Burl G. Wilder. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. The structure of the gelatinous body of the notochord has undergone no important change. The sheath, however, exhibits certain features which deserve careful description. In the first place the attention of the observer is at once struck by the fact that, in the vertebral regions, the sheath is much thicker ('014 millim.) than in the intervertebral ('005 millim.), and a careful examination of the sheath in longitudinal sections shews that the thickening is due to the special differentiation of a superficial part (Plate 41, fig. 69, s/i.~) of the sheath in each vertebral region. This part is somewhat granular as compared to the remainder, especially in longitudinal sections. It forms a cylinder (the walj of which is about *oi millim. thick) in each vertebral region, immediately within the membrana elastica externa. Between it and the gelatinous tissue of the notochord within there is a very thin unmodified portion of the sheath, which is continuous with the thinner intervertebral parts of the sheath. This part of the sheath is faintly, but at the same time distinctly, concentri- cally striated — a probable indication of concentric fibres. The inner unmodified layer of the sheath has the appearance in transverse sections through the vertebral regions of an inner membrane, and may perhaps be Kolliker's "membrana elastica interna." We are not aware that any similar modification of the sheath has been described in other forms. The whole sheath is still invested by a very distinct mem- brana elastica externa (m.e/). The changes which have taken place in the parts which form the permanent vertebrae will be best understood from Plate 41, figs. 69 — 71. From the transverse section (fig. 70) it will be seen that there are still neural and haemal arches resting upon the membrana elastica externa ; but longitudinal sections (fig. 69) shew that laterally these arches join a cartilaginous tube, embrac- ing the intervertebral regions of the notochord, and continuous from one vertebra to the next. It will be convenient to treat separately the neural arches, the haemal arches with their appendages, and the intervertebral cartilaginous rings. The neural arches, except in the fact of embracing a relatively smaller part of the neural tube than in the earlier stage, do not 782 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. at first sight appear to have undergone any changes. Viewed from the side, however, in dissected specimens, they are seen to be prolonged upwards so as to unite above with bars of cartilage directed obliquely backwards. An explanation of this appear- ance is easily found in the sections. The cartilaginous neural arches are invested by a delicate layer of homogeneous bone, developed in the perichondrium, and this bone is prolonged beyond the cartilage and joins a similar osseous investment of the dorsal bars above mentioned. The whole of these parts may, it appears to us, be certainly reckoned as parts of the neural arches, so that at this stage each neural arch consists of: (i) a pair of basal portions resting on the notochord consisting of cartilage invested by bone, (2) of a pair of dorsal cartilaginous bars invested in bone (n.a'.}, and (3) of osseous bars connecting (i) and (2). Though, in the absence of the immediately preceding stages, it is not perfectly certain that the dorsal pieces of cartilage are developed independently of the ventral, there appears to us every probability that this is so ; and thus the cartilage of each neural •arch is developed discontinuously, while the permanent bony neural arch, which commences as a deposit of bone partly in the perichondrium and partly in the intervening membrane, forms a continuous structure. Analogous occurrences have been described by Gotte in Teleostei. The dorsal portion of each neural arch becomes what we have called the dorsal process of the adult arch. Between the dorsal processes of the two sides there is placed a median rod of cartilage (Plate 41, fig. 70, i. s.), which in its development is wholly independent of the true neural arches, and which constitutes the median spinous element of the adult. In tracing these backwards it becomes obvious that they are homologous with the interspinous elements supporting the dorsal fin, in that they are replaced by these interspinous elements in the region of the dorsal fin, and that the interspinous bones occupy the same position as the median spinous processes. This homology was first pointed out by Gotte in the case of the Teleostei. Immediately beneath this rod is placed the longitudinal STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 783 ligament (Plate 41, fig. 70, /./.), but there is as yet no trace of a junction between the neural arches of the two sides in the space between the longitudinal ligament and the spinal cord. The basal parts of the neural arches of the two sides are united dorsally by a thin cartilaginous layer resting on the sheath of the notochord, but they are not united ventrally with the haemal arches. The haemal processes in the trunk are much more prominent than in the preceding stage, and their bases are united ventrally by a tolerably thick layer of cartilage. In the trunk they are continuous with the so-called ribs of the adult (Plate 41, fig. 70) ; but in order to study the nature of these ribs it is necessary to trace the modifications undergone by the haemal arches in pass- ing from the tail to the trunk. It will -be remembered that at an earlier stage the haemal arches in the region of the tail-fin were fully formed, and that through the anterior part of the caudal region the haemal pro- cesses were far advanced in development, and just in front of the caudal fin had actually met below the caudal vein. The mode of development of the haemal arches in the tail as unjointed cartilaginous bars investing the caudal arteries and veins is so similar to that of the caudal haemal arches of Elasmobranchii, that it appears to us impossible to doubt their identity in the two groups1. The changes which have taken place by this stage with reference to the haemal arches of the tail are not very con- siderable. In the case of a few more vertebrae the haemal processes 1 Gegenbaur (No. 6) takes a different view on this subject, as is clear from the following passage in this memoir (pp. 369— 370) :—" Each vertebra of Lepidosteus thus consists of a section of the notochord, and of the cartilaginous tissue surrounding its sheath, which gives origin to the upper arches for the whole length of the vertebral column, and in the caudal region to that of the lower arches also. The latter do not however complete the enclosure of a lower canal, but this is effected by special independent elements, which are to be interpreted as homologues of the ribs." (The italics are ours.) While we fully accept the homology between the ribs and the lower elements of the kemal arches of the tail, the view expressed in the italicised section, to the effect that the lower parts of the caudal arches are not true haemal arches but are independently formed elements, is entirely opposed to our observations, and has we believe only arisen from the fact that Gegenbaur had not the young larvae to work with by which alone this question could be settled. 784 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. have united into an arch, and the spinous processes of the arches in the region of the caudal fin have grown considerably in length. A more important change is perhaps the commence- ment of a segmentation of the distal parts of the haemal arches from the proximal. This process has not, however, as yet re- sulted in a complete separation of the two, such as we find in the adult. If the haemal processes are traced forwards (Plate 42, figs. 75 and 76) from the anterior segment where they meet ventrally, it will be found that each haemal process consists of a basal portion, adjoining the notochord, and a peripheral portion. These two parts are completely continuous, but the line of a future separation is indicated by the structure of the cartilage, though not shewn in our figures. As the true body-cavity of the trunk replaces the obliterated body-cavity of 'the caudal region, no break of continuity will be found in the structure of the haemal processes (Plates 41 and 42, figs. 73 and 74), but while the basal portions grow somewhat larger, the peripheral portions gradually elongate and take the form of delicate rods of cartilage extending ventralwards, on each side of the body- cavity, immediately outside the peritoneal membrane, and along the lines of insertion of the intermuscular septa. These rods obviously become the ribs of the adult. As one travels forwards the ribs become continually longer and more important, and though they are at this stage united' with the haemal processes in every part of the trunk, yet they are much more completely separated from these processes in front than behind (Plate 41, fig. 72). In front (Plate 41, fig. 72), each rib (rb.}t after continuing its ventral course for some distance, immediately outside the peri- toneal membrane, turns outwards, and passes along one of the intermuscular septa till it reaches the epidermis. This feature in the position of the ribs is, as has been already pointed out in the anatomical part of this section, characteristic of all the ribs of the adult. It is unfortunate that we have had no specimens shewing the ribs at an earlier stage of development ; but it appears hardly open to doubt that iJie ribs are originally continuous with tlie hcenial processes, and that the indications of a separation between STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 785 those two parts at this stage are not due to a secondary fusion, but to a commencing segmentation. It further appears, as Miiller, Gegenbaur and others have stated, that the ribs and haemal processes of the tail are serially homologous structures ; but that the view maintained by Gotte in his very valuable memoirs on the Vertebrate skeleton is also correct to the effect that the h&mal arches of the tail are homo- logous throughout the series of Fishes. To this subject we shall return again at the end of the section. Before leaving the haemal arches it may be mentioned that behind the region of the ventral caudal fin the two haemal pro- cesses merge into one, and form an unpaired knob resting on the ventral side of the notochord, and not perforated by a canal. There are now present well -developed intervertebral rings of cartilage, each of which eventually becomes divided into two parts, and converted into the adjacent faces of the contiguous vertebrae. These rings are united with the neural and haemal arches of the vertebrae in front and behind. Each ring, as shewn by the transverse section (Plate 41, fig. 71), is not uniformly thick, but exhibits four projections, two dorsal and two ventral. These four projections are continuous with the bases of the neural and haemal arches of the adjacent vertebrae, and afford presumptive evidence of the derivation of the intervertebral rings from the neural and haemal arches; in that had they so originated, it would be natural to anticipate the presence of four thickenings indicating the four points from which the cartilage had spread, while if the rings had originated independently, it would not be easy to give any explanation of the presence of such thickenings. Gegenbaur (No. 6), from the investigation of a much older larva than that we are now describ- ing, also arrived at the conclusion that the intervertebral carti- lages were derived from the neural and haemal arches ; but as doubts have been thrown upon this conclusion by Gotte, and as it obviously required further confirmation, we have considered it important to attempt to settle this point. From the description given above, it is clear that we have not, however, been able absolutely to trace the origin of this cartilage, but at the same 786 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. time we think that we have adduced weighty evidence in corrobo- ration of Gegenbaur's view. As shewn in longitudinal section (Plate 41, fig. 69, iv.r.}, the intervertebral rings are thicker in the middle than at the two ends. In this thickened middle part the division of the cartilage into two parts to form the ends of two contiguous vertebrae is subsequently effected. The curved line which this segmentation will follow is, however, already marked out, and from surface views it might be supposed that this division had actually occurred. The histological structure of the intervertebral cartilage is very distinct from that of the cartilage of the bases of the arches, the nuclei being much more closely packed. In parts, indeed, the intervertebral cartilage has almost the character of -fibre-cartilage. On each side of the line of division separating two vertebrae it is invested by a superficial osseous deposit. The next oldest larva we have had was 1 1 centims. in length. The filamentous dorsal lobe of the caudal fin still projected far beyond the permanent caudal fin (Plate 34; fig. 16). The vertebral column was considerably less advanced in deve- lopment than that dissected by Gegenbaur, though it shews a great advance on the previous stage. Its features are illustrated by two transverse sections, one through the median plane of a vertebral region (Plate 42, fig. 78) and the other through that of an intervertebral region (Plate 42, fig. 79), and by a horizontal section (Plate 42, fig. 77). In the last stage the notochord was only constricted verte- brally. Now, however, by the great growth of intervertebral cartilage there have appeared (Plate 42, fig. 77) very well- marked intervertebral constrictions, by the completion of which the vertebrae of Lcpidosteus acquire their unique character amongst Fishes. These constrictions still, however, coexist with the earlier, though at this stage relatively less conspicuous, vertebral con- strictions. The gelatinous body of the notochord retains its earlier condition. The sheath has, however, undergone some changes. In the vertebral regions there is present in any section of the sheath — (i) externally, the membrana elastica externa STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 787 then (2) the external layer of the sheath (sh.), which is, however, less thick than before, and exhibits a very faint form of radial striation ; and (3) internally, a fairly thick and concentrically striated layer. The whole thickness is, on an average, O'l8 millim. In the intervertebral regions the membrana elastica externa is still present in most parts, but has become absorbed at the posterior border of each vertebra, as shewn in longitudinal section in Plate 42, fig. 77. It is considerably puckered transversely. The sheath of the notochord within the membrana elastica externa is formed of a concentrically striated layer, continuous with the innermost layer of the sheath in the vertebral regions. It is puckered longitudinally. Thus, curiously enough, the membrana elastica externa and the sheath of the notochord in the intervertebral regions are folded in different directions, the folds of the one being only visible in transverse sections (Plate 42, fig. 79), and those of the other in longitudinal sections (Plate 42, fig. 77). The osseous and cartilaginous structures investing the noto- chord may conveniently be dealt with in the same order as before, viz. : the neural arches, the haemal arches, and the intervertebral cartilages. The cartilaginous portions of the neural arches are still unossified, and form (Plate 42, fig. 78, n.a.) small wedge-shaped masses resting on the sheath of the notochord. They are in- vested by a thick layer of bone prolonged upwards to meet the dorsal processes (n.a'.}, which are still formed of cartilage invested by bone. It will be remembered that in the last stage there was no key-stone closing in the neural arch above. This deficiency is now however supplied, and consists of (i) two bars of cartilage repeated for each vertebra, but intervertebral ly placed, which are directly differentiated from the ligamentum longitudinale supe- rius, into which they merge above ; and (2) two osseous plates placed on the outer sides of these cartilages, which are continuous with the lateral osseous bars of the neural arch. The former of these elements gives rise to the cartilaginous elements above the osseous bridge of the neural arch in the adult. The two osseous plates supporting these cartilages clearly form what we 788 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. have called in our description of the adult the osseous roof of the spinal canal. A comparison of the neural arch at this stage with the arch in the adult, and in the stage last described, shews that the greater part of the neural arch of the adult is formed of mem- brane-bone, there being preformed in cartilage only a small basal part, a dorsal process, and paired key-stones below the ligamen- tum longitudinale superius. The haemal arches (Plate 42, fig. 78) are still largely carti- laginous, and rest upon the sheath of the notochord. They are invested by a thick layer of bone. The bony layer investing the neural and haemal arches is prolonged to form a continuous investment round the vertebral portions of the notochord (Plate 42, fig. 78). • This investment is at the sides prolonged outwards into irregular processes (Plate 42, fig. 78), which form the com- mencement of the outer part of the thick but cellular osseous cylinder forming the middle part of the vertebral body. The intervertebral cartilages are much larger than in the earlier stage (Plate 42, figs. 77 and 79), and it is by their growth that the intervertebral constrictions of the notochord are pro- duced. They have ceased to be continuous with the cartilage of the arches, the intervening portion of the vertebral body between the two being only formed of bone. They are not yet divided into two masses to form the contiguous ends of adjacent vertebrae. Externally, the part of each cartilage which will form the hinder end of a vertebral body is covered by a tube of bone, having the form of a truncated funnel, shewn in longitudinal section in Plate 42, fig. 77, and in transverse section in Plate 42, fig- 79- At each end, the intervertebral cartilages are becoming penetrated and replaced by beautiful branched processes from the homogeneous bone which was first of all formed in the peri- chondrium (Plate 42, fig. 77). This constitutes the latest stage which we have had. Gegenbaur (No. 6) has described the vertebral column in a somewhat older larva of 18 centims. The chief points in which the vertebral column of this larva differed from ours are : (i) the disappearance of all trace of the STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 789 primitive vertebral constriction of the notochord ; (2) the nearly completed constriction of the notochord in the intervertebral regions ; (3) the complete ossification of the vertebral portions of the bodies of the vertebrae, the terminal so-called intervertebral portions alone remaining cartilaginous ; (4) the complete ossifi- cation of the basal portions of the haemal and neural processes included within the bodies of the vertebrae, so that in the case of the neural arch all trace of the fact that the greater part was originally not formed in cartilage had become lost. The cartilage of the dorsal spinous processes was, however, still persistent. The only points which remain obscure in the later history of the vertebral column are the history of the notochord and of its sheath. We do not know how far these are either simply absorbed or partially or wholly ossified. Gotte in his memoir on the formation of the vertebral bodies of the Teleostei attempts to prove (i) that the so-called mem- brana elastica externa of the Teleostei is not a homogeneous elastica, but is formed of cells, and (2) that in the vertebral regions ossification first occurs in it. In Lepidosteus we have met with no indication that the mem- brana elastica externa is composed of cells ; though it is fair to Gotte to state that we have not examined such isolated portions of it as he states are necessary in order to make out its structure. But further than this we have satisfied ourselves that during the earlier stage of ossification this membrane is not ossified, and indeed in part becomes absorbed in proximity to the inter- vertebral cartilages ; and Gegenbaur met with no ossification of this membrane in the later stage described by him. Summary of the development of the vertebral column and ribs, A mesoblastic investment is early formed round the noto- chord, which is produced into two dorsal and two ventral ridges, the former uniting above the neural canal. Around the cuticular sheath of the notochord an elastic membrane, the membrana elastica externa, is next developed. The neural ridges become enlarged at each inter-muscular septum, and these enlargements 7QO STRUCTURE 'AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. soon become converted into cartilage, thus forming a series of neural processes riding on the membrana elastica externa, and extending about two-thirds of the way up the sides of the neural canal. The haemal processes arise simultaneously with, and in the same manner as, the neural. They are small in the trunk, but at the front end of the anal fin they suddenly enlarge and extend ventralwards. Each succeeding pair of hsemal arches becomes larger than the one in front, each arch finally meeting its fellow below the caudal vein, thus forming a completely closed haemal canal. These arches are moreover produced into long spines supporting the fin-rays of the caudal fin, which thus differs from the other unpaired fins in being supported by parts of the vertebral column, and not by separately formed skeletal elements. In the next stage which we have had the opportunity of study- ing (larva of 5^ centims.), a series of very well-marked vertebral constrictions are to be seen in the notochord. The sheath is now much thicker in the vertebral than in the intervertebral regions : this is due to a special differentiation of a superficial part of the sheath, which appears more granular than the remainder. This granular part of the sheath thus forms a cylinder in each vertebral region. Between it and the gelatinous tissue of the notochord there remains a thin unmodified portion of the sheath, which is continuous with the intervertebral parts of the sheath. The neural and haemal arches are seen to be continuous with a cartilaginous tube embracing the intervertebral regions of the notochord, and continuous from one vertebra to the next. A delicate layer of bone, developed in the perichondrium, invests the cartilaginous neural arches, and this bone grows upwards so as to unite above with the osseous investment of separately developed bars of cartilage, which are directed obliquely back- wards. These bars, or dorsal processes, may be reckoned as parts of the neural arches. Between the dorsal processes of the two sides is placed a median rod of cartilage, which is developed separately from the true neural arches, and which constitutes the median spinous element of the adult. Immediately below this rod is placed the ligamentum longitudinale superius. There is now a commencement of separation between the dorsal and ventral parts of the haemal arches, not only in the tail, but also STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 79 1 in the trunk, where they pass ventralwards on each side of the body-cavity, immediately outside the peritoneal membrane, along the lines of insertion of the intermuscular septa. These are obviously the ribs of the adult, and there is no break of con- tinuity of structure between the haemal processes of the tail and the ribs. In the anterior part of the trunk the ribs pass out- wards along the intermuscular septa till they reach the epidermis. Thus the ribs are originally continuous with the haemal pro- cesses. Behind the region of the ventral caudal fin the two haemal processes merge into one, which is not perforated by a canal. Each of the intervertebral rings of cartilage becomes eventually divided into two parts, and converted into the adjacent faces of contiguous vertebrae, the curved line where this will be effected being plainly marked out. These rings are united with the neural and haemal arches of the vertebrae next in front and behind. As these rings are formed originally by the spreading of the cartilage from the primitive neural and haemal processes, the intervertebral cartilages are clearly derived from the neural and haemal arches. The intervertebral cartilages are thicker in the middle than at their two ends. In our latest stage (11 centims.), the vertebral constrictions of the notochord are rendered much less conspicuous by the growth of the intervertebral cartilages giving rise to marked intervertebral constrictions. In the intervertebral regions the membrana elastica externa has become aborted at the posterior border of each vertebra, and the remaining part is considerably puckered transversely. The inner sheath of the notochord is puckered longitudinally in the intervertebral regions. The granular external layer of the sheath in the vertebral regions is less thick than in the last stage, and exhibits faint radial striations. Two closely approximated cartilaginous elements now form a key-stone to the neural arch above : these are directly differen- tiated from the ligamentum longitudinale superius, into which they merge above. An osseous plate is formed on the outer side of each of these cartilages. These plates are continuous with the lateral osseous bars of the neural arches, and also give rise to the osseous roof of the spinal canal of the adult. 792 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. Thus the greater part of the neural arches is formed of mem- brane bone. The haemal arches are invested by a thick layer of bone, and there is also a continuous osseous investment round the vertebral portions of the notochord. The intervertebral cartilages become penetrated by branched processes of bone. Comparison of the vertebral column of Lepidosteus with that of other forms. The peculiar form of the articulatory faces of the vertebrae of Lepidosteus caused L. Agassiz (No. 2) to compare them with the vertebrae of Reptiles, and subsequent anatomists have suggested that they more nearly resemble the vertebrae of some Urodelous Amphibia than those of any other form. If, however, Gotte's account of the formation of the am- phibian vertebrae is correct, there are serious objections to a comparison between the vertebrae of Lepidosteus and Amphibia on developmental grounds. The essential point of similarity supposed to exist between them consists in the fact that in both there is a great development of intervertebral cartilage which constricts the notochord intervertebrally, and forms the articular faces of contiguous vertebrae. In Lepidosteus this cartilage is, as we have seen, derived from the bases of the arches ; but in Amphibia it is held by Gotte to be formed by a special thickening of a cellular sheath round the notochord which is probably homologous with the cartilaginous sheath of the notochord of Elasmobranchii, and therefore with part of the notochordal sheath placed within the membrana elastica externa. If the above statements with reference to the origin of the intervertebral cartilage in the two types are true, it is clear that no homology can exist between structures so differently de- veloped. Provisionally, therefore, we must look elsewhere than in Lepidosteus for the origin of the amphibian type of vertebrae. The researches which we have recorded demonstrate, how- ever, in a very conclusive manner that the vertebrae of Lepi- dosteus have very close affinities with those of Teleostei. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 793 In support of this statement we may point: (i) To the structure of the sheath of the notochord ; (2) to the formation of the greater part of the bodies of the vertebrae from ossification in membrane around the notochord ; (3) to the early biconcave form of the vertebras, only masked at a later period by the de- velopment of intervertebral cartilages ; (4) to the character of the neural arches. This latter feature will be made very clear if the reader will compare our figures of the sections of later vertebrae (Plate 42, fig. 78) with Gotte's1 figure of the section of the vertebra of a Pike (Plate 7, fig. i). In Gotte's figure there are shewn similar intercalated pieces of cartilage to those which we have found, and similar cartilaginous dorsal processes of the vertebras. Thus we are justified in holding that whether or no the opisthoccelous form of the vertebrae of Lepidostens. is a commencement of a type of vertebrae inherited by the higher forms, yet in any case the vertebrae are essentially built on the type which has become inherited by the Teleostei from the bony Ganoids. PART III. — The ribs of Fishes. The nature and homologies of the ribs of Fishes have long been a matter of controversy ; but the subject has recently been brought forward in the important memoirs of Gotte2 on the Vertebrate skeleton. The alternatives usually adopted are, roughly speaking, these : — Either the haemal arches of the tail are homologous throughout the piscine series, while the ribs of Ganoids and Teleostei are not homologous with those of Elasmobranchii ; or the ribs are homologous in all the piscine groups, and the haemal arches in the tail are differently formed in the different types. Gotte has brought forward a great body of evidence in favour of the first view; while Gegenbaur3 may 1 "Beitrage zur vergl. Morphol. d. Skeletsystems d. Wirbelthiere." Archiv f. Mikr. Anat. Vol. xvi. 1879. 2 " Beitrage z. vergl. Morph. d. Skeletsystems d. Wirbelthiere. II. Die Wir- belsaule u. ihre Anhange." Archvo /. Mikr. Anat., Vol. xv., 1878, and Vol. xvi., 1879. 3 " Ueb. d. Entwick. d. Wirbelsaule d. Lepidosteus, mit. vergl. Anat. Bemer- kungen. "Jena ische Zeitschrift, Bd. in., 1863. B. 51 794 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. be regarded as more especially the champion of the second view. One of us held in a recent publication 1 that the question was not yet settled, though the view that the ribs are homologous throughout the series was provisionally accepted. It is admitted by both Gegenbaur and Gotte that in Lepido- steus the ribs, in the transition from the trunk to the tail, bend inwards, and finally unite in the region of the tail to form the ventral parts of the haemal arches, and our researches have abundantly confirmed this conclusion. Are the haemal arches, the ventral parts of which are thus formed by the coalescence of the ribs, homologous with the haemal arches in Elasmobranchii ? The researches recorded in the preceding pages appear to us to demonstrate in a conclusive manner that they are so. . The development of the haemal arches in the tail in these two groups is practically identical ; they are formed in both as simple elongations of the primitive haemal processes, which meet below the caudal vein. In the adult there is an apparent difference between them, arising from the fact that in Lepidosteus the peripheral parts of the haemal processes are only articulated with the basal portions, and not, as in Elasmobranchii, continuous with them. This difference does not, however, exist in the early larva, since in the larval Lepidosteus the haemal arches of the tail are unsegmented cartilaginous arches, as they permanently are in Elasmobranchii. If, however, the homology between the haemal arches of the two types should still be doubted, the fact that in both types the haemal arches are similarly modified to support the fin-rays of the ventral lobe of the caudal fin, while in neither type are they modified to support the anal fin, may be pointed out as a very strong argument in confirmation of their homology. The demonstration of the homology of the haemal arches of the tail in Lepidosteus and Elasmobranchii might at first sight be taken as a conclusive argument in favour of Gotte's view, that the ribs of Elasmobranchii are not homologous with those of Ganoidei. This view is mainly supported by two facts : — 1 Comparative Embryology, Vol. II., pp. 462, 463 [the original edition]. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 795 (1) In the first place, the ribs in Elasmobranchii do not at first sight appear to be serially homologous with the ventral parts of the haemal arches of the tail, but would rather seem to be lateral offshoots of the haemal processes, while the haemal arches of the tail appear to be completed by the coalescence of independent ventral prolongations of the haemal processes. (2) In the second place, the position of the ribs is different in the two groups. In Elasmobranchii they are situated between the dorso-lateral and ventro- lateral muscles (woodcut, fig. i, rb.}, FIG. i. II, m.el Diagrammatic section through the trunk of an advanced embryo of Scyllium, to shew the position of the ribs. ao., aorta; c. sh., cartilaginous notochordal sheath; cv., cardinal vein; hp., hremal process; k., kidney; /.j., ligamentum longitudinale superius ; m.el., membrana elastica externa; na., neural arch; no., notochord ; //., lateral line; rb., rib; sp.c., spinal cord. while in Lepidosteus and other Ganoids they immediately girth the body-cavity. There is much, therefore, to be said in favour of Gotte's view. At the same time, there is another possible interpretation of the facts which would admit the homology of the ribs as well as of the haemal arches throughout the Pisces. 51—2 796 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. Let us suppose, to start with, that the primitive arrangement of the parts is more or less nearly that found in Lepidosteus, where we have well-developed ribs in the region of the trunk, girthing the body-cavity, and uniting in the caudal region to form the ventral parts of the haemal arches. It is easy to con- ceive that the ribs in the trunk might somewhat alter their position by passing into the muscles, along the inter-muscular septa, till they come to lie between the dorso-lateral and ventro- lateral muscles, as in Elasmobranchii. Lepidosteus itself affords 'a proof that such a change in the position of the ribs is not impossible, in that it differs from other Ganoids and from Teleostci in the fact that the free ends of the ribs leave the neighbourhood of the body-cavity and penetrate into the muscles. If it be granted that the mere difference in position between the ribs of Ganoids and Elasmobranchii is not of itself sufficient to disprove their homology, let us attempt to picture what would take place at the junction of the trunk and tail in a type in which the ribs had undergone the above change in position. On nearing the tail it may be supposed that the ribs would gradually become shorter, and at the same time alter their position, till finally they shaded off into ordinary haemal processes. If, how- ever, the haemal canal became prolonged forwards by the forma- tion of some additional complete or nearly complete haemal arches, an alteration in the relation of the parts would necessarily take place. Owing to the position of the ribs, these structures could hardly assist in the new formation of the anterior part of the haemal canal, but the continuation forwards of the canal would be effected by prolongations of the haemal processes supporting the ribs. The new arches so formed would naturally be held to be homologous with the haemal arches of the tail, though really not so, while the true nature of the ribs would also be liable to be misinterpreted, in that the ribs would appear to be lateral outgrowths of the haemal processes of a wholly different nature to the ventral parts of the haemal arches of the tail. In some Elasmobranchii, as shewn in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 2), in the transitional vertebrae between the trunk and the tail, the ribs are supported by lateral outgrowths of the haemal processes, while the wholly independent prolongations of STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 797 the haemal processes appear to be about to give rise to the haemal arches of the tail. This peculiar state of things led Gotte, and subsequently one of us, to deny for Elasmobranchs all homology between the ribs and any part of the haemal arches of the tail ; but in view of the explanation just suggested, this denial was perhaps too hasty. FIG. 2. r.p - . . . V. etuis. Transverse section through the ventral part of the notochord, and adjoining structures of an advanced Scyllium embryo at the root of the tail. Vb., cartilaginous sheath of the notochord; ka., haemal process; r.p., process to which the rib is articulated ; m.el., membrana elastica externa ; ck., notochord ; ao., aorta; V.cau., caudal vein. We are the more inclined to take this view because the re- searches of Gotte appear to shew that an occurrence, in many- respects analogous, has taken place in some Teleostei. In Teleostei, Johannes Muller, and following him Gegenbaur, do not admit that the haemal arches of the tail are in any part formed by the ribs. Gegenbaur (Elements of Comp. Anat., trans- lation, p. 431) says, "In the Teleostei, the costiferous transverse processes" (what we have called the haemal processes) "gradually 798 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. converge in the caudal region, and form inferior arches, which are not homologous with those of Selachii and Ganoidei, although they also form spinous processes." The opposite view, that the haemal arches of the tail in Tele- ostei contain parts serially homologous with the basal parts of the haemal processes as well as with the ribs, has been also maintained by many anatomists, e.g., Meckel, Aug. Muller, &c., and has recently found a powerful ally in Gotte. In many cases, the relations of the parts appear to be funda- mentally those found in Lepidosteus and Amia, and Gotte has shewn by his careful embryological investigations on Esox and Anguilla, that in these two forms there is practically conclusive evidence that the ribs as well as the haemal costiferous pro- cesses of Gegenbaur, which support them, enter into the forma- tion of the haemal arches of the tail. In a great number of Teleostei, e.g., the Salmon and most Cyprinoids, &c., the haemal arches in the region of transition from the trunk to the tail have 'a structure which at first sight appears to support Johannes Miiller's and Gegenbaur's view. The haemal processes grow larger and meet each other ventrally; while the ribs articulated to them gradually grow smaller and disappear. The Salmon is typical in this respect, and has been carefully studied by Gotte, who attempts to shew (with, in our opinion, complete success) that the anterior haemal arches are really not entirely homologous with the true haemal arches behind, but that in the latter, the closure of the arch below is effected by the haemal spine, which is serially homologous with a pair of coal- esced ribs, while in the anterior haemal arches, i.e., those of the trunk, the closure of the arch is effected by a bridge of bone uniting the haemal processes. The arrangement of the parts just described, as well as the view of Gotte with reference to them, will be best understood from the accompanying woodcut (fig. 3), copied from Gotte's memoir. Gotte sums up his own results on this point in the following words (p. 138): "It follows from this, that the half rings, forming the haemal canal in the hindermost trunk vertebrae of the Sal- mon, are not (with the exception of the last) completely homo- STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 799 logous with those of the tail, but are formed by a connecting piece between the basal stumps (haemal processes), which origi- nates as a paired median process of these stumps." The incomplete homology between the anterior haemal arches and the true caudal haemal arches which follow them is exactly what we suggest may be the case in Elasmobranchii, and if it be admitted in the one case, we see no reason why it should not also be admitted in the other. •If this admission is made, the only ground for not regarding the ribs of Elasmobranchii as homologous with those of Ganoids FIG. 3. Semi-diagrammatic transverse sections through the first caudal vertebra (A), the last trunk vertebra (B), and the two trunk vertebrae in front (C and D), of a Salmon embryo of 2-3 centims. (From Gotte.) ub., haemal arch; ub'., haemal process; ud"., rib; c., notochord ; a., aorta; v. , vein; ^., connecting pieces between haemal processes ; u., kidney ; d., intestine ; sp'., haemal spine ; m',, muscles. is their different position, and we have already attempted to prove that this is not a fundamental point. The results of our researches appear to us, then, to leave two alternatives as to the ribs of Fishes. One of these, which may be called Gotte's view, may be thus stated: — The haemal arches 800 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. are homologous throughout the Pisces: in Teleostei, Ganoidei, and Dipnoi1, the ribs, placed on the inner face of the body-wall, are serially homologous with the ventral parts of the haemal arches of the tail ; in Elasmobranchii, on the other hand, the ribs are neither serially homologous with the haemal arches of the tail nor homologous with the ribs of Teleostei and Ganoidei, but are outgrowths of the haemal processes into the space between the dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral muscles, which may perhaps have their homologues in Teleostei and Ganoids in certain accessory processes of the vertebrae. The other view, which we are inclined to adopt, and the arguments for which have been stated in the preceding pages, is as follows: — The Teleostei, Ganoidei, Dipnoi, and Elasmobran- chii are provided with homologous haemal arches, which are formed by the coalescence below the caudal vein of simple pro- longations of the primitive haemal processes of the embryo. The canal enclosed by the haemal arches can be demonstrated em- bryologically to be the aborted body-cavity. In the region of the trunk the haemal processes and their prolongations behave somewhat differently in the different types. In Ganoids and Dipnoi, in which the most primitive arrange- ment is probably retained, the ribs are attached to the haemal processes,and are placed immediately without the peritoneal mem- brane at the insertions of the intermuscular septa. These ribs are in many instances (Lepidosteus, Acipenser], and very probably in all, developed continuously with the haemal processes, and be- come subsequently segmented from them. They are serially homologous with the ventral parts of the haemal arches of the tail, which, like them, are in many instances (Ceratodus, Lepidos- teus, Polypterus, and to some extent in Amia) segmented off from the basal parts of the haemal arches. In Teleostei the ribs have the same position and relations as those in Ganoids and Dipnoi, but their serial homology with the ventral parts of the haemal processes of the tail, is often (e.g., the Salmon) obscured by some of the anterior haemal arches in the posterior part of the trunk being completed, not by the ribs, but 1 We .find the serial homology of the ribs and ventral parts of the haemal arches to be very clear in Ceratodus. Wiedersheim states that it is not clear in Protopterus, although he holds that the facts are in favour of this view. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 8oi by independent outgrowths of the basal parts of the haemal pro- cesses. In Elasmobranchii a still further divergence from the primi- tive arrangement is present. The ribs appear to have passed outwards along the intermuscular septa into the muscles, and are placed between the dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral muscles (a change of position of the ribs of the same nature, but affecting only their ends, is observable in Lepidosteus). This change of position, combined probably with the secondary formation of a certain number of anterior haemal arches similar to those in the Salmon, renders their serial homology with the ventral parts of the haemal processes of the tail far less clear than in other types, and further proof is required before such homology can be con- sidered as definitely established. This is not the place to enter into the obscure question as to how far the ribs of the Amphibia and Amniota are homologous with those of Fishes. It is to be remarked, however, that the ribs of the Urodela (i) occupy the same position in relation to the muscles as the Elasmobranch ribs, (2) that they are con- nected with the neural arches, and (3) that they coexist in the tail with the haemal arches, and seem, therefore, to be as differ- ent as possible from the ribs of the Dipnoi. PART IV. — The skeleton of the ventral lobe of the tail fin, and its bearing on the nature of the tail fin of the various types of Pisces. In the embryos or larvae of all the Elasmobranchii, Ganoidei, and Teleostei which have up to this time been studied, the un- paired fins arise as median longitudinal folds of the integument on the dorsal and ventral sides of the body, which meet at the apex of the tail. The tail at first is symmetrical, having a form which has been called diphycercal or protocercal. At a later stage, usually, though not always, parts of these fins atrophy, while other parts undergo a special development and constitute the permanent unpaired fins. Since the majority of existing as well as extinct Fishes are provided with discontinuous fins, those forms, such as the Eel (Anguilla), in which the fins are continuous, have probably re- 802 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. verted to an embryonic condition : an evolutional process which is of more frequent occurrence than has usually been admitted. In the caudal region there is almost always developed in the larvae of the above groups a special ventral lobe of the em- bryonic fin a short distance from the end of the tail. In Elasmo- branchii and Chondrostean Ganoids the portion of the em- bryonic tail behind this lobe persists through life, and a special type of caudal fin, which is usually called heterocercal, is thus produced. This type of caudal fin appears to have been the most usual in the earlier geological periods. Simultaneously with the formation of the ventral lobe of the heterocercal caudal fin, the notochord with the vertebral tissues surrounding it, becomes bent somewhat dorsalwards, and thus the primitive caudal fin forms a dorsally directed lobe of the heterocercal tail. We shall call this part the dorsal lobe of the tail-fin, and the secondarily formed lobe the ventral lobe. Lepidosteus and Amia (Wilder, No. 15) amongst the bony Ganoids, and, as has recently been shewn by A. Agassiz1, most Teleostei acquire at an early stage of their development hetero- cercal caudal fins, like those of Elasmobranchii and the Chondro- stean Ganoids ; but in the course of their further growth the dorsal lobe partly atrophies, and partly disappears as such, owing to the great prominence acquired by the ventral lobe. A portion of the dorsally flexed notochord and of the cartilage or bone replacing or investing it remains, however, as an indication of the original dorsal lobe, though it does not project backwards beyond the level of the end of the ventral lobe, which in these types forms the terminal caudal fin. The true significance of the dorsally flexed portion of the vertebral axis was first clearly stated by Huxley2, but as A. Agassiz has fairly pointed out in the paper already quoted, this fact does not in any way militate against the view put forward by L. Agassiz that there is a complete parallelism be- tween the embryonic development of the tail in these Fishes and the palseontological development of this organ. We think 1 " On the Young Stages of some Osseous Fishes. — I. The Development of the Tail," Proc. of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XIII., 1877. 2 "Observations on the Development of some Parts of the Skeleton of Fishes," Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science, Vol. vil., 1859. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 803 that it is moreover convenient to retain the term homocercal for those types of caudal fin in which the dorsal lobe has atrophied so far as not to project beyond the ventral lobe. We have stated these now well-known facts to enable the reader to follow us in dealing with the comparison between the skeleton supporting the fin-rays of the ventral lobe of the caudal fin, and that supporting the fin-rays of the remaining unpaired fins. It has been shewn that in Lepidosteus the unpaired fins fall into two categories, according to the nature of the skeletal parts supporting them. The fin-rays of the true ventral lobe of the caudal fin are supported by the spinous processes of certain of the haemal arches. The remaining unpaired fins, including the anal fin, are supported by the so-called interspinous bones, which are developed independently of the vertebral column and its arches. The question which first presents itself is, how far does this distinction hold good for other Fishes ? This question, though interesting, does not appear to have been greatly discussed by anatomists. Not unfrequently the skeletal supports of the ventral lobe of the caudal fin are assumed to be the same as those of the other fins. Davidoff1, for instance, in speaking of the unpaired fins of Elasmobranch embryos, says (p. 514): "The cartilaginous rays of the dorsal fins agreed not only in number with the spinous processes (as indeed is also found in the caudal fin of the full- grown Dog-fish)," &c. Thacker2, again, in his memoir on the Median and Paired Fins, states at p. 284 : " We shall here consider the skeleton of the dorsal and anal fins alone. That of the caudal fin has undergone peculiar modifications by the union of fin-rays with haemal spines." Mivart3 goes into the question more fully. He points out (p. 471) that there is an essential difference between the dorsal and ventral parts of the caudal fin in Elasmobranchs, in that in 1 " Beitrage z. vergl. Anat. d. hinteren Gliedmassen d. Fische," Morph. Jahrbuch, Vol. v., 1879. * Trans, of the Connecticut Acad., Vol. in., 1877. 3 St George Mivart, "Fins of Elasmobranchs, " Zool, Trans., Vol. x. 804 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. the former the radials are more numerous than the vertebrae and unconformable to them, while in the latter they are equal in number to the vertebras and continuous with them. "This," he goes on to say, "seems to point to a difference in nature be- tween the dorsal and ventral portions of the caudal fin, in at least most Elasmobranchs." He further points out that Polyodon resembles Elasmobranchs. As to Teleostei, he does not express himself decidedly except in the case of Murcena, to which we shall return. Mivart expresses himself as very doubtful as to the nature of the supports of the caudal fin, and thinks " that the caudal fin of different kinds of Fishes may have arisen in different ways in different cases." An examination of the ventral part of the caudal fin in various Ganoids, Teleostei, and Elasmobranchii appears to us to shew that there can be but little doubt that, in the majority of the members of these groups at any rate, and we believe in all, the same distinction between the ventral lobe of the caudal fin and the remaining unpaired fins is found as in Lepidosteus. In the case of most Elasmobranchii, a simple inspection of the caudal fin suffices to prove this, and the anatomical features involved in this fact have usually been recognized ; though, in the absence of embryological evidence, the legitimate conclusion has not always been drawn from them. The difference between the ventral lobe of the caudal fin and the other fins in the mode in which the fin-rays are supported is as obvious in Chondrostean Ganoids as it is in Elasmobranchii ; it would appear also to hold good for Amia. Polypterus we have had no opportunity of examining, but if, as there is no reason to doubt, the figure of its skeleton given by Agassiz (Poissons Fossiles) is correct, there can be no question that the ventral lobe of the caudal fin is supported by the haemal arches, and not by interspinous bones. In Calamoicthys, the tail of which we have had an opportunity of dissecting through the kindness of Professor Parker, the fin- rays of the ventral lobe of the true caudal fin are undoubtedly supported by true haemal arches. There is no unanimity of opinion as to the nature of the elements supporting the fin-rays of the caudal fin of Teleostei. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 805 Huxley1 in his paper on the development of the caudal fin of the Stickleback, holds that these elements are of the nature of interhsemal bones. He says (p. 39) : " The last of these rings lay just where the notochord began to bend up. It was slightly longer than the bony ring which preceded it, and instead of having its posterior margin parallel with the anterior, it sloped from above downwards and backwards. Two short osseous plates, attached to the anterior part of the inferior surface of the penultimate ring, or rudimentary vertebral centrum, passed down- wards and a little backwards, and abutted against a slender elongated mass of cartilage. Similar cartilaginous bodies occupy the same relation to corresponding plates of bone in the anterior vertebrae in the region of the anal fin ; and it is here seen, that while the bony plates coalesce and form the inferior arches of the caudal vertebrae, the cartilaginous elements at their ex- tremities become the interhaemal bones. The cartilage connected with the inferior arch of the penultimate centrum is therefore an " interhsemal " cartilage. The anterior part of the inferior surface of the terminal ossification likewise has its osseous inferior arch, but the direction of this is nearly vertical, and though it is con- nected below with an element which corresponds in position with the interhaemal cartilage, this cartilage is five or six times as large, and constitutes a broad vertical plate, longer than it is deep, and having its longest axis inclined downwards and back- wards. . . . " Immediately behind and above this anterior hypural apo- physis (as it may be termed) is another very much smaller vertical cartilaginous plate, which may be called the posterior hypural apophysis." We have seen that Mivart expresses himself doubtful on the subject. Gegenbaur2 appears to regard them as haemal arches. The latter view appears to us without doubt the correct one. An examination of the tail of normal Teleostei shews that the fin-rays of that part of the caudal fin which is derived from the ventral lobe of the larva are supported by elements serially homologous with the haemal arches, but in no way homologous 1 "Observations on the Development of some parts of the Skeleton of Fishes," Quart. Journ. Micr. Science, Vol. vn., 1859. 2 Elements of Comparative Anatomy. (Translation), p. 431. 806 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. with the interspinous bones of the anal fin. The elements in question formed of cartilage in the larva, become ossified in the adult, and are known as the hypural bones. They may appear in the form of a series of separate haemal arches, corresponding in number with the primitive somites of this region, which usually, however, atrophy in the adult, or more often are from the first imperfectly segmented, and have in the adult the form of two or three or even of a single broad bony plate. The transitional forms between this state of things and that, for instance, in Lepidosteus are so numerous, that there can be no doubt that even the most peculiar forms of the hypural bones of Teleostei are simply modified haemal arches. This view of the hypural bones is, moreover, supported by embryological evidence, since Aug. MUller1 (p. 205) describes their development in a manner which, if his statements are to be trusted, leaves no doubt on this point. There are a considerable number of Fishes which are not provided with an obvious caudal fin as distinct from the remain- ing unpaired fins, i.e. Chimaera, Eels, and various Eel-like forms amongst Teleostei, and the Dipnoi. Gegenbaur appears to hold that these Fishes ought to be classed together in relation to the structure of the caudal portion of their vertebral column, as he says on p. 431 of his Comparative Anatomy (English Translation): " In the Chimaerae, Dipnoi, and many Teleostei, the caudal portion of the vertebral column ends by gradually diminishing in size, but in most Fishes, &c." For our purpose it will, however, be advisable to treat them separately. The tail of Chimsera appears to us to be simply a peculiar modification of the typical Elasmobranch heterocercal tail, in which the true ventral lobe of the caudal fin may be recognized in the fin-fold immediately in front of the filamentous portion of the tail. In the allied genus Callorhynchus this feature is more distinct. The filamentous portion of the tail of Chimaera con- stitutes, according to the nomenclature adopted above, the true dorsal lobe, and may be partially paralleled in the filamentous dorsal lobe of the tail of the larval Lepidosteus (Plate 34, fig. 16). 1 " Beobachtungen zur vergl. Anat. d. Wirbelsaule," Miiller's Archiv, 1853. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 807 The tail of the eel-like Teleostei is again undoubtedly a modification of the normal form of tail characteristic of the Teleostei, in which, however, the caudal fin has become very much reduced and merged into the prolongations of the anal and dorsal fins. This can be very clearly seen in Siluroid forms with an Eel- like tail, such as Cnidoglanis. Although the dorsal and ventral fins appear to be continuous round the end of the tail, and there is superficially no distinct caudal fin, yet an examination of the skeleton of Cnidoglanis shews that the end of the vertebral column is modified in the usual Teleostean fashion, and that the haemal arches of the modified portion of the vertebral column support a small number of fin-rays ; the adjoining ventral fin- rays being supported by independent osseous fin-supports (inter- spinous bones). In the case of the Eel (Anguilla anguilld) Huxley (loc. cit.} long ago pointed out that the terminal portion of the vertebral column was modified in an analogous fashion to that of other Teleostei, and we have found that the modified haemal arches of this part support a few fin-rays, though a still smaller number than in Cnidoglanis, The fin-rays so supported clearly consti- tute an aborted ventral lobe of the caudal fin. Under these circumstances we think that the following state- ment by Mivart (ZooL Trans. Vol. X., p. 471) is somewhat mis- leading : — "As to the condition of this part (i.e. the ventral lobe of the tail-fin) in Teleosteans generally, I will not venture as yet to say anything generally, except that it is plain that in siich forms as Murcena, the dorsal and ventral parts of the caudal fin are similar in nattire and homotypal with ordinary dorsal and anal fins1." The italicized portion of this sentence is only true in respect to that part of the fringe of fin surrounding the end of the body, which is not only homotypal with, but actually part of, the dorsal and anal fins. Having settled, then, that the tails of Chimaera and of Eel- like Teleostei are simply special modifications of the typical form of tail of the group of Fishes to which they respectively 1 The italics are ours. 8o8 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. belong, we come to the consideration of the Dipnoi, in which the tail-fin presents problems of more interest and greater difficulty than those we have so far had to deal with. The undoubtedly very ancient and primitive character of the Dipnoi has led to the view, implicitly if not definitely stated in most text- books, that their tail-fin retains the character of the piscine tail prior to the formation of the ventral caudal lobe, a stage which is repeated embryologically in the pre-heterocercal condition of the tail in ordinary Fishes. Through the want of embryological data, and in the absence of really careful histological examination of the tail of any of the Dipnoi, we are not willing to speak with very great confi- dence as to its nature ; we are nevertheless of the opinion that the facts we can bring forward on this head are sufficient to shew that the tail of the existing Dipnoi is largely aborted, so that it is more or less comparable with that of the Eel. We have had opportunities of examining the structure of the tail of Ceratodus and Protopterus in dissected specimens in the Cambridge Museum. The vertebral axis runs to the ends of the tail without shewing any signs of becoming dorsally flexed. At some distance from the end of the tail the fin-rays are sup- ported by what are apparently segmented spinous prolongations of the neural and haemal arches. The dorsal elements are placed above the longitudinal dorsal cord, and occupy therefore the same position as the independent elements of the neural arches of Lepidostetis. They are therefore to be regarded as homologous with the dorsal fin-supports or interspinous bones of other types. The corresponding ventral elements are there- fore also to be regarded as interspinous bones. In view of the fact that the fin-supports, whenever their development has been observed, are found to be formed inde- pendently of the neural and haemal arches, we may fairly assume that this is also true for what we have identified as the inter- spinous elements in the Dipnoi. The interspinous elements become gradually shorter as the end of the tail is approached, and it is very difficult from a simple examination of dissected specimens to make out how far any of the posterior fin-rays are supported by the haemal arches only. To this question we shall return, but we may remark STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 809 that, although there is a prolongation backwards of the verte- bral axis beyond the last interspinous elements, composed it would seem of the coalesced neural and haemal arches but without the notochord, yet by far the majority of the fin-rays which constitute the apparent caudal fin are supported by inter- spinous elements. The grounds on which we hold that the tail of the Dipnoi is to be regarded as a degenerate rather than primitive type of tail are the following : — (1) If it be granted that a diphycercal or protocercal form of tail must have preceded a heterocercal form, it is also clear that the ventral fin-rays of such a tail must have been supported, as in Polypterus and Calamoicthys, by haemal arches, and not by interspinous elements ; otherwise, a special ventral lobe, giving a heterocercal character to the tail, and provided with fin-rays supported only by haemal arches, could never have become evolved from the protocercal tail-fin. Since the ventral fin-rays of the tail of the Dipnoi are supported by interspinous elements and not by haemal arches, this tail-fin cannot claim to have the character of that primitive type of diphycercal or protocercal tail from which the heterocercal tail must be supposed to have been evolved. (2) Since the nearest allies of the Dipnoi are to be found in Polypterus and the. Crossopterygidae of Huxley, and since in these forms (as evinced by the structure of the tail-fin of Polyp- terus, and the transitional type between a heterocercal and diphycercal form of fin observable in fossil Crossopterygidae) the ventral fin-rays of the caudal fin were clearly supported by haemal arches and not by interspinous elements, it is rendered highly probable that the absence of fin-rays so supported in the Dipnoi is a result of degeneration of the posterior part of the tail. [We use this argument without offering any opinion as to whether the diphycercal character of the tail of many Crossop- terygidae is primary or secondary.] (3) The argument just used is supported by the degenerate and variable state of the end of the vertebral axis in the Dipnoi — a condition most easily explained by assuming that the terminal part of the tail has become aborted. B. 52 8 10 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. (4) We believe that in Ceratodus we have been able to trace a small number of the ventral fin-rays supported by haemal arches only, but these rays are so short as not to extend so far back as some of the rays attached to the interspinous elements in front. These rays may probably be interpreted, like the more or less corresponding rays in the tail of the Eel, as the last remnant of a true caudal fin. The above considerations appear to us to shew with very considerable probability that the true caudal fin of the Dipnoi has become all but aborted like that of various Teleostei ; and that the apparent caudal fin is formed by the anal and dorsal fins meeting round the end of the stump of the tail. From the adult forms of Dipnoi we are, however, of opinion that no conclusion can be drawn as to whether their ancestors were provided with a diphycercal or a heterocercal form of caudal fin. The general conclusions with reference to the tail-fin at which we have arrived are the following : — (1) The ventral lobe of the tail-fin of Pisces differs from the other unpaired fins in the fact that its fin- rays are directly supported by. spinous processes of certain of the haemal arches instead of independently developed interspinous bones. (2) The presence or absence of fin-rays in the tail-fin supported by haemal arches may be used in deciding whether apparently diphycercal tail-fins are aborted or primitive. EXCRETORY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. I. — Anatomy. The excretory organs of Lepidostens have been described by MUller (No. 13) and Hyrtl (No. n). These anatomists have given a fairly adequate account of the generative ducts in the female, and Hyrtl has also described the male generative ducts and the kidney and its duct, but his description is contradicted by our observations in some of the most fundamental points. In the female example of 100*5 centims. which we dissected, the kidney forms a paired gland, consisting of a narrow strip of glandular matter placed on each side of the vertebral column, on STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 8ll the dorsal aspect of the body-cavity. It is covered on its ventral aspect by the oviduct and by its own duct, but is sepa- rated from both of these by a layer of the tough peritoneal membrane, through which the collecting tubes pass. It extends forwards from the anus for about three-fifths of the length of the body-cavity, and in our example had a total length of about 28 centims. (Plate 39, fig. 60, k). Anteriorly the two kidneys are separated by a short interval in the median line, but poste- riorly they come into contact, and are so intimately united as almost to constitute a single gland. A superficial examination might lead to the supposition that the kidney extended forwards for the whole length of the body- cavity up to the region of the branchial arches, and Hyrtl appears to have fallen into this error ; but what appears to be its anterior continuation is really a form of lymphatic tissue, something like that of the spleen, filled with numerous cells. This matter (Plate 39, fig. 60, fy.) continues from the kidney forwards with- out any break, and has a colour so similar to that of the kidney as to be hardly distinguishable from it with the naked eye. The true anterior end of the kidney is placed about 3 centims. in front on the left side, and on the same level on the right side as the wide anterior end of the generative duct (Plate 39, fig. 60, od.}. It is not obviously divided into segments, and is richly supplied with malpighian bodies. It is clear from the above description that there is no trace of head-kidney or pronephros visible in the adult. To this subject we shall, however, again return. As will appear from the embryological section, the ducts of the kidneys are probably simply the archinephric ducts, but to avoid the use of terms involving a theory, we propose in the anatomical part of our work to call them kidney ducts. They are thin-walled widish tubes coextensive with the kidneys. If cut open there may be seen on their inner aspect the numerous openings of the collecting tubes of the kidneys. They are placed ventrally to and on the outer border of the kidneys (Plate 39, fig. 60, s.g.}. Posteriorly they gradually enlarge, and approaching each other in the median line, coalesce, forming an unpaired vesicle or bladder (£/.) — about 6 centims. long in our example — opening by a median pore on a more or less 52 — 2 8l2 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. prominent papilla (u.g.} behind the anus. The dilated portions of the two ducts are called by Hyrtl the horns of the bladder. The sides of the bladder and its so-called horns are pro- vided with lateral pockets into which the collecting tubes of the kidney open. These pockets, which we have found in two female examples, are much larger in the horns of the bladder than in the bladder itself. Similar pockets, but larger than those we have found, have been described by Hyrtl in the male, but are stated by him to be absent in the female. It is clear from our examples that this is by no means always the case. Hyrtl states that the wide kidney ducts, of which his de- scription differs in no material point from our own, suddenly narrow in front, and, perforating the peritoneal lining, are con- tinued forwards to supply the anterior part of the kidney. We have already shewn that the anterior part of the kidney has no existence, and the kidney ducts supplying it are, according to our investigations, equally imaginary. It was first shewn by Miiller, whose observations on this point have been confirmed by Hyrtl, &c., that the ovaries of Lepidosteus are continuous with their ducts, forming in this respect an exception to other Ganoids. In our example of Lepidosteus the ovaries (Plate 39, fig. 60, ov.) were about 1 8 centims. in length. They have the form of simple sacks, filled with ova, and attached about their middle to their generative duct, and continued both backwards and forwards from their attachment into a blind process. With reference to these sacks Miiller has pointed out — and the importance of this observation will become apparent when we deal with the development — that the ova are formed in the thickness of the inner wall of the sack. We hope to shew that the inner wall of the sack is alone equivalent to the genital ridge of, for instance, the ovary of Scyllium. The outer aspect of this wall — i.e., that turned towards the interior of the sack — is equivalent to the outer aspect of the Elasmobranch genital ridge, on which alone the ova are developed1. The sack into which the ova fall is, as we shall shew in the embryological section, a special section of the body-cavity shut off from the remainder, 1 Treatise on Comparative Embryology, Vol. I., p. 43 [the original edition]. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 813 and the dehiscence of the ova into this cavity is equivalent to their discharge into the body-cavity in other forms. The oviduct (Plate 39, fig. 60, od.} is a thin-walled duct of about 21 centims. in length in the example we are describing, continuous in front with the ovarian sack, and gradually tapering behind, till it ends (od'.} by opening into the dilated terminal section of the kidney duct on 'the inner side, a short distance before the latter unites with its fellow. It is throughout closely attached to the ureter and placed on its inner, and to some extent on its ventral, aspect. The hindermost part of the oviduct which runs beside the enlarged portion of the kidney duct — that portion called by Hyrtl the horn of the urinary bladder — is so completely enveloped by the wall of the horn of the urinary bladder as to appear like a projection into the lumen of the latter structure, and the somewhat peculiar appearance which it presents in Hyrtl's figure is due to this fact. In our examples the oviduct was provided with a simple opening into the kidney duct, on a slight papilla ; the peculiar dilatations and processes of the terminal parts of the oviduct, which have been described by Hyrtl, not being present. The results we have arrived at with reference to the male organs are very different indeed from those of our predecessor, in that we find the testicular products to be carried off by a series of vasa efferentia, which traverse the mesorchium, and are con- tinuous with the uriniferous tubuli ; so that the semen passes through the uriniferous tubuli into the kidney duct and so to the exterior. We have moreover been unable to find in tJu male a duct homologous with the oviduct of the female. This mode of transportation outwards of the semen has not hitherto been known to occur in Ganoids, though found in all Elasmobranchii, Amphibia, and Amniota. It is not, however, impossible that it exists in other Ganoids, but has hitherto been overlooked. Our male example of Lepidosteus was about 60 centims. in length, and was no doubt mature. It was smaller than any of our female examples, but this according to Garman (vide, p. 361) is usual. The testes (Plate 39, fig. 58 A. A) occupied a similar position to the ovaries, and were about 21 centims. long. They were, as is frequently the case with piscine testes, 8 14 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. divided into a series of lobes (10 — 12), and were suspended by a delicate mesentery (mesorchium) from the dorsal' wall of the abdomen on each side of the dorsal aorta. Hyrtl (No. n) states that air or quicksilver injected between the limbs of the mesentery, passed into a vas deferens 'homologous with the oviduct which joins the ureter. We have been unable to find such a vas deferens ; but we have found in the mesorchium a number of tubes of a yellow colour, the colour being due to a granular substance quite unlike coagulated blood, but which appeared to us from microscopic examination to be the remains of spermatozoa1. These tubes to the number of 40 — 50 con- stitute, we believe, the vasa efferentia. Along the line of suspen- sion of the testis on its inner border these tubes unite to form an elaborate network of tubes placed on the inner face of the testis — an arrangement very similar to that often found in Elas- mobranchii (vide F. M. Balfour, Monograph on tJie Development of Elasmobranch Fishes, plate 20, figs. 4 and 8). We have figured this network on the posterior lobe of the testis (fig. 58 B), and have represented a section through it (fig. 59 A, n.v.e.}, and through one of the vasa efferentia (v.e.) in the mesorchium. Such a section conclusively demonstrates the real nature of these passages : they are filled with sperm like that in the body of the testis, and are, as may be seen from the section figured, continuous with the seminal tubes of the testis itself. At the attached base of the mesorchium the vasa efferentia unite into a longitudinal canal, placed on the inner side of the kidney duct (Plate 39, fig. 58 A, t.c., also shewn in section in Plate 39, fig. 59 B, I.e.). From this canal tubules pass off which are continuous with the tubuli uriniferi, as may be seen from fig. 59 B, but the exact course of these tubuli through the kidney could not be made out in the preparations we were able to make of the badly conserved kidney. Hyrtl describes the arrangement of the vascular trunks in the mesorchium in the following way (No. 11, p. 6): "The mesorchium contains vas- cular trunks, viz., veins, which through their numerous anasto- 1 The females we examined, which were no doubt procured at the same time as the male, had their oviducts filled with ova : and it is therefore not surprising that the vasa efferentia should be naturally injected with sperm. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 815 moscs form a plexus at the hilus of the testis, whose efferent trunks, 13 in number, again unite into a plexus on the vertebral column, which is continuous with the cardinal veins." The arrangement (though not the number) of Hyrtl's vessels is very similar to that of our vasa efferentia, and we cannot help thinking that a confusion of the two may have taken place ; which, in badly conserved specimens, not injected with semen, would be very easy. We have, as already stated, been unable to find in our dis- sections any trace of a duct homologous with the oviduct of the female, and our sections through the kidney and its ducts equally fail to bring to light such a duct. The kidney ducts are about 19 centims. in length, measured from the genital aperture to their front end. These ducts are generally similar to those in the female ; they unite about 2 centims. from the genital pore to form an unpaired vesicle. Their posterior parts are considerably enlarged, forming what Hyrtl calls the horns of the urinary bladder. In these enlarged portions, and in the wall of the unpaired urinary bladder, numerous transverse partitions are present, as correctly described by Hyrtl, which are similar to those in the female, but more numerous. They give rise to a series of pits, at the blind ends of which are placed the openings of the kidney tubules. The kidney duct without doubt serves as vas deferens, and we have found in it masses of yellowish colour similar to the substance in the vasa efferentia identified by us as remains of spermatozoa. 1 1 . — Development. In the general account of the development we have already called attention to the earliest stages of the excretory system. We may remind the reader that the first part of the system to be formed is the segmental or archinephric duct (Plate 36, figs. 28 and 29, .$£-.). This duct arises, as in Teleostei and Amphibia, by the constriction of a hollow ridge of the somatic mesoblast into a canal, which is placed in contiguity with the epiblast, along the line of junction between the mesoblastic somites and the lateral plates of mesoblast. Anteriorly the duct 8l6 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. does not become shut off from the body-cavity, and also bends inwards towards the middle line. The inflected part of the duct is the first rudiment of the pronephros, and very soon becomes considerably dilated relatively to the posterior part of the duct. The posterior part of each segmental duct acquires an opening into the cloacal section of the alimentary tract. Apart from this change, the whole of the ducts, except their pronephric sections, remain for a long time unaltered, and the next changes we have to speak of concern the definite establishment of the pronephros. The dilated incurved portion of each segmental duct soon becomes convoluted, and by the time the embryo is about 10 milling in length, but before the period of hatching, an important change is effected in the relations of their peritoneal openings1. Instead of leading into the body-cavity, they open into an isolated chamber on each side (Plate 38, fig. $i,pr. c.}, which we will call t\\Q pronephric chamber. The pronephric chamber is not, however, so far as we can judge, completely isolated from the body-cavity. We have not, it is true, detected with certainty at this stage a communication between the two ; but in later stages, in larvae of from 1 1 to 26 millims., we have found a richly ciliated passage leading from the body-cavity into the pronephros on each side (Plate 38, fig. 52, p.f.pl). We have not succeeded in determining with absolute certainty the exact relations between this passage and the tube of the pronephros, but we are inclined to believe that it opens directly into the pronephric chamber just spoken of. As we hope to shew, this chamber soon becomes largely filled by a vascular glomerulus. On the accomplishment of these changes, the pronephros is essentially provided with all the parts typically present in a segment of the mesonephros (woodcut, fig. 4). There is a peritoneal tube (/)2, opening into a vesicle (v) ; from near the neck of the peritoneal tube there 1 The change is probably effected somewhat earlier than would appear from our description, but our specimens were not sufficiently well preserved to enable us to speak definitely as to the exact period. 2 We feel fairly confident that there is only one pronephric opening on each side, though we have no single series of sections sufficiently complete to demonstrate this fact with absolute certainty. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 817 comes off a convoluted tube (pr.n.}, forming the main mass of the pronephros, and ending in the segmental duct (sd.\ Diagrammatic views of the pronephros of Lepidosteus. A, pronephros supposed to be isolated and seen from the side ; B, section through the vesicle of the pronephros and the ciliated peritoneal funnel leading into it ; pr.n., coiled tube of pronephros; sd., segmental or archinephric duct ; f., peri- toneal funnel ; v., vesicle of pronephros ; bv., blood vessel of glomerulus ; £•/., glomerulus. The different parts do not, however, appear to have the same morphological significance as those in the mesonephros. Judging from the analogy of Teleostei, the embryonic structure of whose pronephros is strikingly similar to that of Lepidosteus, the two pronephric chambers into which the segmental ducts open are constricted off sections of the body-cavity. 8l8 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. With the formation of the convoluted duct opening into the isolated section of the body-cavity we may speak of a definite pronephros as having become established. The pronephros is placed, as can be made out in later stages, on the level of the opening of the air-bladder into the throat. The pronephros increases in size, so far as could be determined, by the further convolution of the duct of which it is mainly formed ; and the next change of importance which we have noticed is the formation of a vascular projection into the pro- nephric chamber, forming the glomerulus already spoken of (vide woodcut, fig. 4,gl.), which is similar to that of the pronephros of Teleostei. We first detected these glomeruli in an embryo of about 15 millims., some days after hatching (Plate 38, fig. 52, gl.}, but it is quite possible that they may be formed considerably earlier. In the same embryo in which the glomeruli were found we also detected for the first time a mesonephros consisting of a series of isolated segmental or nephridial tubes, placed posteriorly to the pronephros along the dorsal wall ot' the abdomen. These were so far advanced at this stage that we are not in a position to give any account of their mode of origin. They are, however, formed independently of the segmental ducts, and in the establishment of the junction between the two structures, there is no outgrowth from the segmental duct to meet the segmental tubes. We could not at this stage find peritoneal funnels of the segmental tubes, though we have met with them at a later stage (Plate 38, fig. 53, //.), and our failure to find them at this stage is not to be regarded as conclusive against their existence. A very considerable space exists between the pronephros and the foremost segmental tube of the mesonephros. The anterior mesonephric tubes are, moreover, formed earlier than the posterior. In the course of further development, the mesonephric tubules increase in size, so that there ceases to be an interval between them, the mesonephros thus becoming a continuous gland. In an embryo of 26 millims. there was no indication of the forma- tion of segmental tubes to fill up the space between the pronephros and mesonephros. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 819 The two segmental ducts have united behind into an unpaired structure in an embryo of 1 1 millims. This structure is no doubt the future unpaired urinogenital chamber (Plate 39, figs. 58 A, and 60, bl.}. Somewhat later, the hypoblastic cloaca becomes split into two sections, the hinder one receiving the coalesced segmental ducts, and the anterior remaining continuous with the alimentary tract. The opening of the hinder one forms the urinogenital opening, and that of the anterior the anus. In an older larva of about 5*5 centims. the pronephros did not exhibit any marked signs of atrophy, though the duct between it and the mesonephros was somewhat reduced and surrounded by the trabecular tissue spoken of in connection with the adult. In the region between the pronephros and the front end of the fully developed part of the mesonephros very rudimentary tubules had become established. The latest stage of the excretory system which we have studied is in a young Fish of about 1 1 centims. in length. The special interest of this stage depends upon the fact that the ovary is already developed, and not only so, but the formation of the oviducts has commenced, and their condition at this stage throws considerable light on the obscure problem of their nature in the Ganoids. Unfortunately, the head of the young Fish had been removed before it was put into our hands, so that it was impossible for us to determine whether the pronephros was still present ; but as we shall subsequently shew, the section of the segmental duct, originally present between the pronephros and the front end of the permanent kidney or mesonephros, has in any case dis- appeared. In addition to an examination of the excretory organs in situ, which shewed little except the presence of the generative ridges, we made a complete series of sections through the excre- tory organs for their whole length (Plate 39, figs. 54 — 57). Posteriorly these sections shewed nothing worthy of note, the excretory organs and their ducts differing in no important particular from these organs as we have described them in the adult, except in the fact that the segmental ducts are not joined by the oviducts. Some little way in front of the point where the two segmental 820 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. ducts coalesce to form the urinary bladder, the genital ridge comes into view. For its whole extent, except near its anterior part (of which more hereafter) this ridge projects freely into the body-cavity, and in this respect the young Fish differs entirely from the adult. As shewn in Plate 39, figs. 56 and 57 (g.r.), it is attached to the abdominal wall on the ventral side of, and near the inner border of each kidney. The genital ridge itself has a structure very similar to that which is characteristic of young Elasmobranchii, and it may be presumed of young Fishes generally. The free edge of the ridge is swollen, and this part constitutes the true generative region of the ridge, while its dorsal portion forms the supporting mesentery. The ridge itself is formed of a central stroma and a germinal epithelium covering it. The epithelium is thin on the whole of the inner aspect of the ridge, but, just as in Elasmobranchii, it becomes greatly thickened for a band-like strip on the outer aspect. Here, the epithelium is several layers deep, and contains numerous primitive germinal cells (p.o.}. Though the generative organs were not sufficiently advanced for us to decide the point with certainty, the structure of the organ is in favour of the view that this specimen was a female, and, as will be shewn directly, there can on other grounds be no doubt that this is so. The large size of the primitive germinal cells (primitive ova) reminded us of these bodies in Elasmo- branchii. In the region between the insertion of the genital ridge (or ovary, as we may more conveniently call it) and the segmental duct we detected the openings of a series of peritoneal funnels of the excretory tubes (Plate 39 , fig. 57, /./!), which clearly there- fore persist till the young Fish has reached a very considerable size. As we have already said, the ovary projects freely into the body-cavity for the greater part of its length. Anteriorly, how- ever, we found that a lamina extended from the free ventral edge of the ovary to the dorsal wall of the body-cavity, to which it was attached on the level of the outer side of the segmental duct. A somewhat triangular channel was thus constituted, the inner wall of which was formed by the ovary, the outer by the lamina just spoken of, and the roof by the strip of the peritoneum STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 821 of the abdominal wall covering that part of the ventral surface of the kidney in which the openings of the peritoneal funnels of the excretory tubes are placed. The structure of this canal will be at once understood by the section of it shewn in Plate 39, % 55- There can be no doubt that this canal is the commencing ovarian sack. On tracing it backwards we found that the lamina forming its outer wall arises as a fold growing upwards from the free edge of the genital ridge meeting a downward growth of the peritoneal membrane from the dorsal wall of the abdomen ; and in Plate 39, fig. 56, these two laminae may be seen before they have met. Anteriorly the canal becomes gradually smaller and smaller in correlation with the reduced size of the ovarian ridge, and ends blindly nearly on a level with the front end of the excretory organs. It should be noted that, owing to the mode of formation of the ovarian sack, the outer side of the ovary with the band of thickened germinal epithelium is turned towards the lumen of the sack; and thus the fact of the ova being formed on the inner wall of the genital sack in the adult is explained, and the comparison which we instituted in our description of the adult between the inner wall of the genital sack and the free genital ridge of Elasmobranchs receives its justification. It is further to be noticed that, from the mode of formation of the ovarian sack, the openings of the peritoneal funnels of the excretory organs ought to open into its lumen ; and if these openings persist in the adult, they will no doubt be found in this situation. Before entering on further theoretical considerations with reference to the oviduct, it will be convenient to complete our description of the excretory organs at this stage. When we dissected the excretory organs out, and removed them from the body of the young Fish, we were under the im- pression that they extended for the whole length of the body- cavity. Great was our astonishment to find that slightly in front of the end of the ovary both excretory organs and seg- mental ducts grew rapidly smaller and finally vanished, and that what we had taken to be the front part of the kidney was nothing else but a linear streak of tissue formed of cells with 822 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. peculiar granular contents supported in a trabecular work (Plate 39, fig. 54). This discovery first led us to investigate histologically what we, in common with previous observers, had supposed to be the anterior end of the kidneys in the adult, and to shew that they were nothing else but trabecular tissue with cells like that of lymphatic glands. The interruption of the segmental duct at the commencement of this tissue demonstrates that if any rudiment of the pronephros still persists, it is quite functionless, in that it is not provided with a duct. Ill . — Theoretical considerations. There are three points in our observations on the urino- genital system which appear to call for special remark. The first of these concerns the structure and fate of the pronephros, the second the nature of the oviduct, and the third the presence of vasa efferentia in the male. Although the history we have been able to give of the prone- phros is not complete, we have nevertheless shewn that in most points it is essentially similar to the pronephros of Teleostei. In an early stage we find the pronephros provided with a peri- toneal funnel opening into the body-cavity. At a later stage we find that there is connected with the pronephros on each side, a cavity — the pronephric cavity — into which a glomerulus projects. This cavity is in communication on the one hand with the lumen of the coiled tube which forms the main mass of the pronephros, and on the other hand with the body-cavity by means of a richly ciliated canal (woodcut, fig. 4, p. 817). In Teleostei the pronephros has precisely the same charac- ters, except that the cavity in which the glomerulus is placed is without a peritoneal canal. The questions which naturally arise in connection with the pronephros are: (i) what is the origin of the above cavity with its glomerulus ; and (2) what is the meaning of the ciliated canal connecting this cavity with the peritoneal cavity ? We have not from our researches been able to answer the first of these questions. In Teleostei, however, the origin of this STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 823 cavity has been studied by Rosenberg1 and Gotte*. According to the account of the latter, which we have not ourselves con- firmed but which has usually been accepted, the front end of the segmental duct, instead of becoming folded off from the body- cavity, becomes included in a kind of diverticulum of the body- cavity, which only communicates with the remainder of the body-cavity by a narrow opening. On the inner wall of this diverticulum a projection is formed which becomes a glomerulus. At this stage in the development of the pronephros we have essentially the same parts as in the fully formed pronephros of Lepidosteus, the only difference being that the passage con- necting the diverticulum containing the glomerulus with the remainder of the body-cavity is short in Teleostei, and in Lepi- dosteus forms a longish ciliated canal. In Teleostei the opening into the body-cavity becomes soon closed. If the above com- parison is justified, and if the development of these parts in Lepidosteus takes place as it is described as doing in Tele- ostei, there can, we think, be no doubt that the ciliated canal of Lepidosteus , which connects the pronephric cavity with the body-cavity, is a persisting communication between this cavity and the body-cavity; and that Lepidostetis presents in this respect a more primitive type of pronephros than Teleostei. It may be noted that in Lepidosteus the whole pronephros has exactly the character of a single segmental tube of the mesonephros. The pronephric cavity with its glomerulus is identical in structure with a malpighian body. The ciliated canal is similar in its relations to the peritoneal canal of such a segmental tube, and the coiled portion of the pronephros re- sembles the secreting part of the ordinary segmental tube. This comparison is no doubt an indication that the pronephros is physiologically very similar to the mesonephros, and so far justifies Sedgwick's3 comparison between the two, but it does not appear to us to justify the morphological conclusions at 1 Rosenberg, Untersuch. ueb. d. Entwick. d. Teleostiemiere, Dorpat, 1867. 2 Gotte, Entwick. d. Unke, p. 826. 3 Seclgwick, " Early Development of the Wolffian Duct and anterior Wolffian Tubules in the Chick; with some Remarks on the Vertebrate Excretory System," Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, Vol. xxi., 1881. 824 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. which he has arrived, or to necessitate any modification in the views on this subject expressed by one of us l. The genital ducts of Ganoids and Teleostei have for some time been a source of great difficulty to morphologists ; and any contributions with reference to the ontogeny of these structures are of interest. The essential point which we have made out is that the ante- rior part of the oviduct of Lepidosteus arises by a fold of the peritoneum attaching itself to the free edge of the genital ridge. We have not, unfortunately, had specimens old enough to decide how the posterior part of the oviduct is formed ; and although in the absence of such stages it would be rash in the extreme to speak with confidence as to the nature of this part of the duct, it may be well to consider the possibilities of the case in relation to other Ganoids and Teleostei. The simplest supposition would be that the posterior part of the genital duct had the same origin as the anterior, i. e., that it was formed for its whole length by the concrescence of a peri- toneal fold with the genital ridge, and that the duct so formed opened into the segmental duct. The other possible supposition is that a true Miillerian duct — i.e., a product of the splitting of the segmental duct — is sub- sequently developed, and that the open end of this duct coalesces with the duct which has already begun to be formed in our oldest larva. In attempting to estimate the relative probability of these two views, one important element is the relation of the oviducts of Lepidosteus to those of other Ganoids. In all other Ganoids (vide Hyrtl, No. 1 1) there are stated to be genital ducts in both sexes which are provided at their ante- rior extremities with a funnel-shaped mouth open to the abdo- minal cavity. At first sight, therefore, it might be supposed that they had no morphological relationship with the oviducts of Lepidosteus, but, apart from the presence of a funnel-shaped mouth, the oviducts of Lepidosteus are very similar to those of Chondrostean Ganoids, being thin-walled tubes opening on a projecting papilla into the dilated kidney ducts (horns of the 1 F. M. Balfour, Comparative Embryology, Vol. n., pp. 600 — 603 [the original edition]. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 825 urinary bladder, Hyrtl). These relations seem to prove beyond a doubt that the oviduct of Lepidosteus is for its major part homologous with the genital ducts of other Ganoids. The relationship of the genital ducts to the kidney ducts in Amia and Polypterns is somewhat different from that in the Chondrostei and Lepidosteus. In Amia the ureters are so small that they may be described rather as joining the coalesced genital ducts than vice versa, although the apparent coalesced portion of the genital ducts is shewn to be really part of the kidney ducts by receiving the secretion of a number of meso- nephric tubuli. In Polyptenis the two ureters are stated to unite, and open by a common orifice into a sinus formed by the junction of the two genital ducts, which has not been described as receiving directly the secretion of any part of the meso- nephros. It has been usual to assume that the genital ducts of Ganoids are true Mullerian ducts in the sense above defined, on the ground that they are provided with a peritoneal opening and that they are united behind with the kidney ducts. In the absence of ontological evidence this identification is necessarily provisional. On the assumption that it is correct we should have to accept the second of the two alternatives above sug- gested as to the development of the posterior parts of the oviduct in Lepidosteus. There appear to us, however, to be sufficiently serious objec- tions to this view to render it necessary for us to suspend our judgment with reference to this point. In the first place, if the view that the genital ducts are Mullerian ducts is correct, the true genital ducts of Lepidosteus must necessarily be developed at a later period than the secondary attachment between their open mouths and the genital folds, which would, to say the least of it, be a remarkable inversion of the natural order of develop- ment. Secondly, the condition of our oldest larva shews that the Mullerian duct, if developed later, is only split off from quite the posterior part of the segmental duct ; yet in all types in which the development of the Mullerian duct has been followed, its anterior extremity, with the abdominal opening, is split off from either the foremost or nearly the foremost part of the seg- mental duct. B- S3 826 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. Judging from the structure of the adult genital ducts of other Ganoids they must also be developed only from the posterior part of the segmental duct, and this peculiarity so struck one of us that in a previous paper1 the suggestion was put forward that the true Ganoid genital ducts were perhaps not Miillerian ducts, but enlarged segmental tubes with persisting abdominal funnels belonging to the mesonephros. If the possibility of the oviduct of Lepidosteus not being a Miillerian duct is admitted, a similar doubt must also exist as to the genital ducts of other Ganoids, and we must be prepared to shew that there is a reasonable ground for scepticism on this point. We would in this connexion point out that the second of the two arguments urged against the view that the genital duct of Lepidosteus is not a Miillerian duct applies with equal force to the case of all other Ganoids. The short funnel-shaped genital duct of the Chondrostei is also very unlike undoubted Miillerian ducts, and could moreover easily be conceived as originating by a fold of the peritoneum, a slight extension of which would give rise to a genital duct like that of Lepidosteus. The main difficulty of the view that the genital ducts of Ganoids are not Miillerian ducts lies in the fact that they open into the segmental duct. While it is easy to understand the genesis of a duct from a folding of the peritoneum, and also easy to understand how such a duct might lead to the exterior by coalescing, for instance, with an abdominal pore, it is not easy to see how such a duct could acquire a communication with the segmental duct. We do not under these circumstances wish to speak dog- matically, either in favour of or against the view that the genital ducts of Ganoids are Miillerian ducts. Their ontogeny would be conclusive on this matter, and we trust that some of the anatomists who have the opportunity of studying the develop- ment of the Sturgeon will soon let us know the facts of the case. If there are persisting funnels of the mesonephric segmental tubes in adult Sturgeons, some of them ought to be situated within the genital ducts, if the latter are not Mullerian ducts ; 1 F. M. Balfour, "On the Origin and History of the Urinogenital Organs of Vertebrates," Journ. of Anat. and Phys., Vol. X., 1876 [This edition, No. VII]. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF I-EPIDOSTEUS. 827 and naturalists who have the opportunity ought also to look out for such openings. The mode of origin of the anterior part of the genital duct of Lepidosteus appears to us to tell strongly in favour of the view, already regarded as probable by one of .us1, that the Teleostean genital ducts are derived from those of Ganoids ; and if, as appears to us indubitable, the most primitive type of Ganoid genital ducts is found in the Chondrostei, it is interesting to notice that the remaining Ganoids present in various ways approximations to the arrangement typically found in Teleostei. Lepidosteus obviously approaches Teleostei in the fact of the ovarian ridge forming part of the wall of the oviduct, but differs from the Teleostei in the fact of the oviduct opening into the kidney ducts, instead of each pair of du^ts having an independ- ent opening in the cloaca, and in the fact that the male genital products are not carried to the exterior by a duct homologous with the oviduct. Amia is closer to the Teleostei in the arrange- ment of the posterior part of the genital ducts, in that the two genital ducts coalesce posteriorly ; while Polypterus approaches still nearer to the Teleostei in the fact that the two genital ducts and the two kidney ducts unite with each other before they join ; and in order to convert this arrangement into that charac- teristic of the Teleostei we have only to conceive the coalesced ducts of the kidneys acquiring an independent opening into the cloaca behind the genital opening. The male genital ducts. — The discovery of the vasa efferentia in Lepidosteus, carrying off the semen from the testis, and trans- porting it to the mesonephros, and thence through the mesone- phric tubes to the segmental duct, must be regarded as the most important of our results on the excretory system. It proves in the first place that the transportation outwards of the genital products of both sexes by homologous ducts, which has been hitherto held to be universal in Ganoids, and which, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, must still be assumed to be true for all Ganoids except Lepidosteus, is a secondary arrangement. This conclusion follows from the fact that in Elasmobranchs, &c., which are not descendants of 1 F. M. Balfour, Comparative Embryology, Vol. II., p. 605 [the original edition]. 53—2 828 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. the Ganoids, the same arrangement of seminal ducts is found as in Lepidostens, and it must therefore have been inherited from an ancestor common to the two groups. If, therefore, the current statements about the generative ducts of Ganoids are true, the males must have lost their vasa efferentia, and the function of vas deferens must have been taken by the homologue of the oviduct, presumably present in the male. The Teleostei must, moreover, have sprung from Ganoidei in which the vasa efferentia had become aborted. Considerable phylogenetic difficulties as to the relationships of Ganoidei and Elasmobranchii are removed by the discovery that Ganoids were originally provided with a system of vasa efferentia like that of Elasmobranchii. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES. I. — -Anatomy. Agassiz (No. 2) gives a short description with a figure of the viscera of Lepidosteus as a whole. Van der Hceven has also given a figure of them in his memoir on the air-bladder of this form (No. 8), and Johannes Muller first detected the spiral valve and gave a short account of it in his memoir (No. 13). Stan- nius, again, makes several references to the viscera of Lepi- dosteus in his anatomy of the Vertebrata, and throws some doubt on Miiller's determination of the spiral valve. The following description refers to a female Lepidosteus of IOO'5 centims. (Plate 40, fig. 66). With reference to the mouth and pharynx, we have nothing special to remark. Immediately behind the pharynx there comes an elongated tube, which is not divisible into stomach and oesophagus, and may be called the stomach (j/.). It is about 44*6 centims. long, and gradually narrows from the middle to- wards the hinder or pyloric extremity. It runs straight back- wards for the greater part of its length, the last 3*8 centims., however, taking a sudden bend forwards. For about half its length the walls are thin, and the mucous membrane is smooth ; STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 829 in the posterior half the walls are thick, and the mucous mem- brane is raised into numerous longitudinal ridges. The peculiar glandular structure of the epithelium of this part in the embryo is shewn in Plate 40, fig. 62 (st.}. Its opening into the duo- denum is provided with a very distinct pyloric valve (Py}. This valve projects into a kind of chamber, freely communi- cating with the duodenum, and containing four large pits (c'}, into each of which a group of pyloric caeca opens. These caeca form a fairly compact gland (c.) about 6-5 centims. long, which overlaps the stomach anteriorly, and the duodenum posteriorly. Close to the pyloric valve, on its right side, is a small papilla, on the apex of which the bile duct opens (b.d'}. A small, apparently glandular, mass closely connected with the bile duct, in the position in which we have seen the pancreas in the larva (Plate 40, figs. 62 and 63, /.), is almost certainly a rudimentary pancreas, like that of many Teleostei ; but its preservation was too bad for histological examination. We be- lieve that the pancreas of Lepidosteus has hitherto been over- looked. The small intestine passes straight backwards for about 8 centims., and then presents three compact coils. From the end of these a section, about 5 centims. long, the walls of which are much thicker, runs forwards. The intestine then again turns backwards, making one spiral coil. -This spiral part passes directly, without any sharp line of demarcation, into a short and straight tube, which tapers slightly from before backwards, and ends at the anus. The mucous membrane of the intestine for about the first 3^5 centims. is smooth, and the muscular walls thin : the rest of the small intestine has thick walls, and the mucous membrane is reticulated. A short spiral valve (sp. v.}, with a very rudimentary epithelial fold, making nearly two turns, begins in about the posterior half of the spiral coil of the intestine, extending backwards for slightly less than half the straight terminal portion of the in- testine, and ending 4 centims. in front of the anus. Its total length in one example was about 4'5 centims. The termination of the spiral valve is marked by a slight constriction, and we may call the straight portion of the in- testine behind it the rectum (re.}. 830 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. The posterior part of the intestine, from the beginning of the spiral valve to the anus, is connected with the ventral wall of the abdomen by a mesentery. The air-bladder (a.b.} is 45 centims. long, and opens into the alimentary canal by a slit-like aperture (a.fr.) on the median dorsal line, immediately behind the epipharyngeal teeth. Each lip of this aperture is largely formed by a muscular cushion, thickest at its posterior end, and extending about 6 millims. behind the aperture itself. A narrow passage is bounded by these muscular walls, which opens dorsally into the air-bladder. The air-bladder is provided with two short anterior cornua, and tapers to a point behind : it shews no indication of any separation into two parts. A strong band of connective tissue runs along the inner aspect of its whole dorsal region, from which there are given off on each side — at intervals of about 12 millims. anteriorly, gradually increasing to 18 millims. pos- teriorly— bands of muscle, which pass outwards towards its side walls, and then spread out into the numerous reticulations with which the air-bladder is lined throughout. By the contraction of these muscles the cavity of the air-bladder can doubtless be very much diminished. The main muscular bands circumscribe a series of more or less complete chambers, which were about twenty-seven in number on each side in our example. The chambers are con- fined to the sides, so that there is a continuous cavity running through the central part of the organ. The whole organ has the characteristic structure of a simple lung. The liver (lr.} consists of a single elongated lobe, about 32 centims. long, tapering anteriorly and posteriorly, the anterior half being on the average twice as thick as the posterior half. The gall-bladder (g.b.} lies at its posterior end, and is of con- siderable size, tapering gradually so as to pass insensibly into the bile duct. The hepatic duct (kp.d) opens into the gall- bladder at its anterior end. The spleen (s.) is a large, compact, double gland, one lobe lying in the turn of the intestine immediately above the spiral valve, and the other on the opposite side of the intestine, so that the intestine is nearly embraced between the two lobes. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 831 1 1. — Development. We have already described in detail the first formation of the alimentary tract so far as we have been able to work it out, and we need only say here that the anterior and posterior ends of the canal become first formed, and that these two parts gradually elongate, so as to approach each other ; the growth of the posterior part is, however, the most rapid. The junction of the two parts takes place a very short distance behind the opening of the bile duct into the intestine. For some time after the two parts of the alimentary tract have nearly met, the ventral wall of the canal at this point is not closed ; so that there is left a passage between the alimentary canal and the yolk-sack, which forms a vitelline duct. After the yolk-sack has ceased to be visible as an external appendage it still persists within the abdominal cavity. It has, however, by this stage ceased to communicate with the gut, so that the eventual absorption of the yolk is no doubt entirely effected by the vitelline vessels. At these later stages of de- velopment we have noticed that numerous yolk nuclei, like those met with in Teleostei and Elasmobranchii1, are still to be found in the yolk. It will be convenient to treat the history of sections of the alimentary tract in front of and behind the vitelline duct separately. The former gives rise to the pharyngeal region, the oesophagus, the stomach, and the duodenum. The pharyngeal region, immediately after it has become established, gives rise to a series of paired pouches. These may be called the branchial pouches, and are placed between the successive branchial arches. The first or hyomandibular pouch, placed between the mandibular and hyoid arches, has rather the character of a double layer of hypoblast than of a true pouch, though in parts a slight space is developed between its two walls. It is shewn in section in Plate 37, fig. 43 (h.m), from an embryo of about 10 millims., shortly before hatching. It 1 For a history of similar nuclei, vide Comp. Embryol., Vol. II., chapters III. and IV. 832 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. does not appear to undergo any further development, and, so far as we can make out, disappears shortly after the embryo is hatched, without acquiring an opening to the exterior. It is important to notice that this cleft, which in the cartila- ginous Ganoids and Polypterus remains permanently open as the spiracle, is rudimentary even in the embryo of Lepidosteus. The second pouch is the hyobranchial pouch : its outer end meets the epiblast before the larva is hatched, and a perforation is effected at the junction of the two layers, converting the pouch into a visceral cleft. Behind the hyobranchial pouch there are four branchial pouches, which become perforated and converted into branchial clefts shortly after hatching. The region of the oesophagus following the pharynx is not separated from the stomach, unless a glandular posterior region (vide description of adult) be regarded as the stomach, a non- glandular anterior region forming the oesophagus. The lumen of this part appears to be all but obliterated in the stages im- mediately before hatching, giving rise for a short period to a solid oesophagus like that of Elasmobranchii and Teleostei1. From the anterior part of the region immediately behind the pharynx the air-bladder arises as a dorsal unpaired diverticulum. From the very first it has an elongated slit-like mouth (Plate 40, fig. 64, a.b'-.}, and is placed in the mesenteric attachment of the part of the throat from which it springs. We have first noticed it in the stages immediately after hatching. At first very short and narrow, it grows in succeeding stages longer and wider, making its way backwards in the mesentery of the alimentary tract (Plate 40, fig. 65, a.b.}. In the larva of a month and a half old (26 millims.) it has still a perfectly simple form, and is without traces of its adult lung-like structure ; but in the larva of 1 1 centims. it has the typical adult structure. The stomach is at first quite straight, but shortly after the larva is hatched its posterior end becomes bent ventralwards and forwards, so that the flexure of its posterior end (present in the adult) is very early established. The stomach is continuous be- 1 Vide Coinp. Embryo!., Vol. II., pp. 50 — 63 [the original edition]. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 833 hind with the duodenum, the commencement of which is indicated by the opening of the bile duct. The liver is the first-formed alimentary gland, and is already a compact body before the larva is hatched. We have nothing to say with reference to its development, except that it exhibits the same simple structure in the embryo that it does in the adult. A more interesting glandular body is the pancreas. It has already been stated that in the adult we have recognized a small body which we believe to be the pancreas, but that we were unable to study its histological characters. In the embryo there is a well-developed pancreas which ' arises in the same position and the same manner as in those Vertebrata in which the pancreas is an important gland in the adult. We have first noticed the pancreas in a stage shortly after hatching (Plate 40, fig. 6i,/.). It then has the form of a funnel- shaped diverticulum of the dorsal wall of the duodenum, imme- diately behind the level of the opening of the bile duct. From the apex of this funnel numerous small glandular tubuli soon sprout out. The similarity in the development of the pancreas in Lepi- dosteus to that of the same gland in Elasmobranchii is very striking1. The pancreas at a later stage is placed immediately behind the end of the liver in a loop formed by the pyloric section of the stomach (Plate 40, fig. 62,/.). During larval life it constitutes a considerable gland, the anterior end of which partly envelopes the bile duct (Plate 40, fig. 63,/.). Considering the undoubted affinities between Lepidosteus and the Teleostei, the facts just recorded with reference to the pancreas appear to us to demonstrate that the small size and occasional absence (?) of this gland in Teleostei is a result of the degeneration of this gland ; and it seems probable that the pancreas will be found in the larvae of most Teleostei. These conclusions render intelligible, moreover, the great development of the pancreas in the Elasmobranchii. 1 Vide F. M. Balfour, "Monograph on Development of Elasmobranch Fishes," p. 226 [This edition, No. X., p. 454]. 834 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. We have first noticed the pyloric caeca arising as outgrowths of the duodenum in larvae of about three weeks old, and they become rapidly longer and more prominent (Plate 40, fig. 62, £.). The portion of the intestine behind the vitelline duct is, as in all the Vertebrata, at first straight. In Elasmobranchs the lumen of the part of the intestine in which a spiral valve is present in the adult, very early acquires a more or less semilunar form by the appearance of a fold which winds in a long spiral. In Lepi- dosteus there is a fold similar in every respect (Plate 38, fig. 53, sp.v.\ forming an open spiral round the intestine. This fold is the first indication of the spiral valve, but it is relatively very much later in its appearance than in Elasmobranchs, not being formed till about three weeks after hatching. It is, moreover, in correlation with the small extent of the spiral valve of the adult, confined to a much smaller portion of the intestine than in Elasmobranchii, although owing to the relative straightness of the anterior part of the intestine it is proportionately longer in the embryo than in the adult. The similarity of the embryonic spiral valve of Lepidosteus to that of Elasmobranchii shews that Stannius' hesitation in accept- ing Miiller's discovery of the spiral valve in Lepidosteus is not justified. J. Mliller (Ban u. Entwick. d. Myxinoideii) holds that the so- called bursa entiana of Elasmobranchii (i.e., the chamber placed between the part of the intestine with the spiral valve and the end of the pylorus) is the homologue of the more elongated portion of the small intestine which occupies a similar position in the Sturgeon. This portion of the small intestine is no doubt homologous with the still more elongated and coiled portion of the small intestine in Lepidosteus placed between the chamber into which the pyloric caeca, &c., .open and the region of the spiral valve. The fact that the vitelline duct in the embryo Lepidosteus is placed close to the pyloric end of the stomach, and that the greater portion of the small intestine is derived from part of the alimentary canal behind this, shews that Miiller is mistaken in attempting to homologise the bursa entiana of Elasmobranchii, which is placed in front of the vitelline duct, with the coiled part of the small intestine of the above forms. The latter is either derived from an elongation of the very short STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 835 portion of the intestine between the vitelline duct and the primi- tive spiral valve, or more probably by the conversion of the anterior part of the intestine, originally provided with a spiral valve into a coiled small intestine not so provided. We have already called attention to the peculiar mesentery present in the adult attaching the posterior straight part of the intestine to the ventral wall of the body. This mesentery, which together with the dorsal mesentery divides the hinder section of the body-cavity into two lateral compartments is, we believe, a persisting portion of the ventral mesentery which, as pointed out by one of us1, is primitively present for the whole length of the body-cavity. The persistence of such a large section of it as that found in the adult Lcpidosteus is, so far as we know, quite exceptional. This mesentery is shewn in section in the embryo in Plate 38, fig. 53 (v.tnt^. The small vessel in it appears to be the remnant of the subintestinal vein. THE GILL ON THE HYOID ARCH. It is well known that Lepidosteus is provided with a gill on the hyoid arch, divided on each side into two parts. An excellent figure of this gill is given by Miiller (No. 13, plate 5, fig. 6), who holds from a consideration of the vascular supply that the two parts of this gill represent respectively the hyoid gill and the mandibular gill (called by MUller pseudobranch). Miiller's views on this subject have not usually been accepted, but it is the fashion to regard the whole of the gill as the hyoid gill divided into two parts. It appeared to us not improbable that embryo- logy might throw some light on the history of this gill, and accordingly we kept a look out in our embryos for traces of gills on the hyoid and mandibular arches. The results we have arrived at are purely negative, but are not the less surprising for this fact. The hyomandibular cleft as shewn above, is never fully developed, and early undergoes a complete atrophy — a fact which is, on the whole, against Muller's view ; but what astonished us most in connection with the gill in question is that we have been 1 Comparative Embryology, Vol. II. p. 514 [the original edition]. 836 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. unable to find any trace of it even in the oldest larva whose head we have had (26 millims.), and at a period when the gills on the hinder arches have reached their full development. We imagined the gill in question to be the remnant of a gill fully formed in extinct Ganoid types, and therefore expected to find it better developed in the larva than in the adult. That the contrary is the fact appears to us fairly certain, although we can- not at present offer any explanation of it. SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF LEPIDOSTEUS. A. Agassiz concludes his memoir on the development of Lepidosteus by pointing out that in spite of certain affinities in other directions this form is " not so far removed from the bony Fishes as has been supposed." Our own observations go far to confirm Agassiz' opinion. Apart from the complete segmentation, the general develop- ment of Lepidosteus is strikingly Teleostean. In addition to the general Teleostean features of the embryo and larva, which can only be appreciated by those who have had an opportunity of practically working at the subject, we may point to the following developmental features1 as indicative of Teleostean affinities : — (1) The formation of the nervous system as a solid keel of the epiblast. (2) The division of the epiblast into a nervous and epidermic stratum. (3) The mode of development of the gut (vide pp. 752 — 754). (4) The mode of development of the pronephros ; though, as shewn on p. 822, the pronephros of Lepidosteus has primitive characters not retained by Teleostei. (5) The early stages in the development of the vertebral column (vide p. 779). In addition to these, so to speak, purely embryonic characters there are not a few important adult characters : — (i) The continuity of the oviducts with the genital glands. 1 The features enumerated above are not in all cases confined to Lepidosteus and Teleostei, hut are always eminently characteristic of the latter. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMPINT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 837 (2) The small size of the pancreas, and the presence of numerous so-called pancreatic caeca. (3) The somewhat coiled small intestine. (4) Certain characters of the brain, e.g., the large size of the cerebellum ; the presence of the so-called lobi inferiores on the infundibulum ; and of tori semicirculares in the mid- brain. In spite of the undoubtedly important list of features to which we have just called attention, a list containing not less important characters, both embryological and adult, separating Lepidosteus from the Teleostei, can be drawn up : — (1) The character of the truncus arteriosus. (2) The fact of the genital ducts joining the ureters. (3) The presence of vasa efferentia in the male carrying the semen from the testes to the kidney, and through the tubules of the latter into the kidney duct. (4) The 'presence of a well-developed opercular gill. (5) The presence of a spiral valve; though this character may possibly break down with the extension of our knowledge. (6) The typical Ganoid characters of the thalamencephalon and the cerebral hemispheres (vide pp. 769 and 770). (7) The chiasma of the optic nerves. (8) The absence of a pecten, and presence of a vascular mem- brane between the vitreous humour and the retina. (9) The opisthoccelous form of the vertebrae. (10) The articulation of the ventral parts of the haemal arches of the tail with processes of the vertebral column. (u) The absence of a division of the muscles into dorso- lateral and ventro-lateral divisions. (12) The complete segmentation of the ovum. The list just given appears to us sufficient to demonstrate that Lepidosteus cannot be classed with the Teleostei ; and we hold that Muller's view is correct, according to which Lepidosteus is a true Ganoid. The existence of the Ganoids as a distinct group has, how- ever, recently been challenged by so distinguished an Ichthyolo- gist as Glinther, and it may therefore be well to consider how far the group as defined by Mliller is a natural one for living 838 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. forms1, and how far recent researches enable us to improve upon Mtiller's definitions. In his classical memoir (No. 13) the charac- ters of the Ganoids are thus shortly stated : — " These Fishes are either provided with plate-like angular or rounded cement-covered scales, or they bear osseous plates, or are quite naked. The fins are often, but not always, beset with a double or single row of spinous plates or splints. The caudal fin occasionally embraces in its upper lobe the end of the ver- tebral column, which may be prolonged to the end of the upper lobe. Their double nasal openings resemble those of Teleostei. The gills are free, and lie in a branchial cavity under an oper- culum, like those of Teleostei. Many of them have an accessory organ of respiration, in the form of an opercular gill, which is distinct from the pseudobranch, and can be present together with the latter ; many also have spiracles like Elasmobranchii. They have many valves in the stem of the aorta like the latter, also a muscular coat in the stem of the aorta. Their ova are transported from the abdominal cavity by oviducts. Their optic nerves do not cross each other. The intestine is often provided with a spiral valve, like Elasmobranchii. They have a swim- ming-bladder with a duct, like many Teleostei. Their pelvic fins are abdominal. " If we include in a definition only those characters which are invariable, the Ganoids may be shortly defined as being those Fish with numerous valves to the stem of the aorta, which is also provided with a muscular coat ; with free gills and an operculum, and with abdominal pelvic fins." To these distinctive characters, he adds in an appendix to his paper, the presence of the spiral valve, and the absence of a processus falciformis and a choroid gland. To the distinctive set of characters given by Miiller we may probably add the following : — (1) Oviducts and urinary ducts always unite, and open by a common urinogenital aperture behind the anus. (2) Skull hyostylic. 1 We do not profess to be able to discuss this question for extinct forms of Fish, though of course it is a necessary consequence of the theory of descent that the various groups should merge into each other as we go back in geological time. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 839 (3) Segmentation complete in the types so far investigated, though perhaps Amia may be found to resemble the Teleostei in this particular. (4) A pronephros of the Teleostean type present in the larva. (5) Thalamencephalon very large and well developed. (6) The ventricle in the posterior part of the cerebrum is not divided behind into lateral halves, the roof of the undivided part being extremely thin. (7) Abdominal pores always present. The great number of characters just given are amply sufficient to differentiate the Ganoids as a group ; but, curiously enough, the only characters amongst the whole series which have been given, which can be regarded as peculiar to the Ganoids, are (i) the characters of the brain, and (2) the fact of the oviducts and kidney ducts uniting together and opening by a common pore to the exterior. This absence of characters peculiar to the Ganoids is an indi- cation of how widely separated in organization are the different members of this great group. At the same time, the only group with which existing Ganoids have close affinities is the Teleostei. The points they have in common with the Elasmobranchii are merely such as are due to the fact that both retain numerous primitive Vertebrate charac- ters1, and the gulf which really separates them is very wide. There is again no indication of any close affinity between the Dipnoi and, at any rate, existing Ganoids. Like the Ganoids, the Dipnoi are no doubt remnants of a very primitive stock ; but in the conversion of the air-bladder into a true lung, the highly specialized character of their limbs2, their peculiar autostylic skulls, the fact of their ventral nasal openings leading directly into the mouth, their multisegmented bars (interspinous bars), directly prolonged from the neural and haemal arches and supporting the fin-rays of the unpaired dorsal and ventral fins, and their well-developed cerebral hemispheres, 1 As instances of this we may cite (i) the spiral valve; (2) the frequent presence of a spiracle; (3) the frequent presence of a communication between the pericardium and the body-cavity ; (4) the heterocercal tail. 2 Vide F. M. Balfour, "On the Development of the Skeleton of the Paired Fins of Elasmobranchs," Proc. Zool. Soc., 1881 [This edition, No. XX.]. 840 STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. very unlike those of Ganoids and approaching the Amphibian type, they form a very well-defined group, and one very dis- tinctly separated from the Ganoids. No doubt the Chondrostean Ganoids are nearly as far re- moved from the Teleostei as from the Dipnoi, but the links uniting these Ganoids with the Teleostei have been so fully pre- served in the existing fauna of the globe, that the two groups almost run into each other. If, in fact, we were anxious to make any radical change in the ordinary classification of Fishes, it would be by uniting the Teleostei and Ganoids, or rather con- stituting the Teleostei into one of the sub-groups of the Ganoids, equivalent to the Chondrostei. We do not recommend such an arrangement, which in view of the great preponderance of the Teleostei amongst living Fishes would be highly inconvenient, but the step from Amia to the Teleostei is certainly not so great as that from the Chondrostei to Amia, and is undoubtedly less than that from the Selachii to the Holocephali. LIST OF MEMOIRS ON THE ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 1. Agassiz, A. "The Development of Lepidosteus? Part I., Proc. Amer. A cad. Arts and Sciences, Vol. xiv. 1879. 2. Agassiz, L. Recherches s. I. Poissons Fossiles. Neuchatel. 1833 —45- 3. Boas, J. E. " Ueber Herz u. Arterienbogen bei Ceradotus u. Protop- terus" Morphol. Jahrbitch, Vol. VI. 1880. 4. Davidoff, M. von. " Beitrage z. vergleich. Anat. d. hinteren Glied- massen d. Fische," Morphol. Jahrbuch, Vol. vi. 1880. 5. Gegenbaur, C. Untersuch. z. vergleich. Anat. d. Wirbelthiere, Heft II., Schultergiirtel d. Wirbelthiere. Brnstflosse der Fische. Leipzig, 1865. 6. Gegenbaur, C. "Zur Entwick. d. Wirbelsaule d. Lepidosteus, &c." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. ill. 1867. 7. Hertwig, O. "Ueber d. Hautskelet d. Fische (Lepidosteus u. Polypterus)? Morphol. Jahrbuch, Vol. V. 1879. 8. H ceven, Van der. " Ueber d. zellige Schvvimmblase d. Lepidosteus." M tiller's Archiv, 1841. STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEPIDOSTEUS. 84! 9. Hyrtl, J. "Ueber d. Schwimmblase von Lepidosteus osseus" Sitz. d. Wiener Akad. Vol. vin. 1852. 10. Hyrtl, J. "Ueber d. Pori abdominales, d. Kiemen-Arterien, u. d. Glandula thyroidea d. Ganoiden," Sitz. d. Wiener Akad. Vol. VIII. 1852. u. H y r 1 1, J . Ueber d, Zussammenhang d. Geschlechts u. Harnwerkzeuge bet d. Ganoiden, Wien, 1855. 12. Kolliker, A. Ueber d. Ende d. Wirbelsaitle b. Ganoiden, Leipzig, 1860. 13. M tiller, J. "Ueber d. Bau u. d, Grenzen d. Ganoiden," Berlin Akad. 1844. 14. Schneider, H. "Ueber d. Augenmuskelnerven d. Ganoiden," Jcnaische Zeitschrift, Vol. XV. 1881. 15. Wilder, Burt G. " Notes on the North American Ganoils, Amia, Lepidosteus, Acipenser, and Polyodon? Proc. Amer. Assoc.for the Advance- ment of Science, 1875. LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. a. Anus, a b. Air-bladder, a b'. Aperture of air-bladder into throat, ac. An- terior commissure, af. Anal fin. al. Alimentary canal, ao. Aorta, ar. Artery. ati. Auditory pit. b. Brain, be. Body-cavity, bd. Bile duct. bd'. Aperture of bile duct into duodenum, bl. Coalesced portion of segmental ducts, forming urino- genital bladder. bra. Branchial arches, brc. Branchial clefts. c. Pyloric caeca. c'. Apertures of caeca into duodenum. cb. Cerebellum. c), which, passing beneath the nerve-cord of its side, runs to the external orifice. The enlarged terminal portion possesses thick muscular walls, and possibly constitutes a sper- matophore maker, as has been shewn to be the case in P. N. Zealandiae, by Moseley. In some specimens a different arrangement obtains, in that the left vas deferens passes under both nerve-cords to join the right. In addition to the above structures, which are all described by Moseley, there are a pair of small glandular tubes (_/), which open with the unpaired terminal portion of the vas deferens at the generative orifice. 2. Female Organs. PI. 52, fig. 33. The female organs consist of a median unpaired ovary and a pair of oviducts, which are dilated for a great part of their course to perform a uterine function, and which open behind into a common vestibule communicating directly with the exterior. Ovary. — In the specimen figured the following is the arrange- ment : The ovary lies rather to the dorsal side in the central com- partment of the body-cavity, and is attached to one of the OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. 905 longitudinal septa separating this from the lateral compart- ment. It lies between the penultimate and antepenultimate pair of legs. The oviducts cross before opening to the exterior. The right oviduct passes under the rectum, and the left over the rectum. They meet by opening into a common vestibule, which in its turn opens to the exterior immediately ventral to the anus. It has not been ascertained how far this arrange- ment, which differs from that observed by Moseley, is a normal one. The young undergo nearly the whole of their develop- ment within the uterus. They possess at birth the full number of appendages, and differ from the parent only in size and colour.] NOTES ON ADDITIONAL GLANDULAR BODIES IN THE LEGS [CRURAL GLANDS]. 1. They are present in all except the first. 2. They open externally to the nephridia (PI. 51, fig. 20), except in the fourth and fifth pairs of legs, in which they are internal. 3. A muscular layer covers the whole gland, consisting, I believe, of an oblique circular layer. 4. The accessory gland in the male (fig. 43, ag] is probably a modification of one of these organs. [The structure and relations of these glands may be best understood by reference to PI. 51, fig. 20. Each consists of a dilated vesicular portion (fgl] placed in the lateral compart- ment of the body cavity in the foot, and of a narrow duct leading to the exterior, and opening on the ventral surface amongst the papillae of the second row (counting from the in- ternal of the three foot pads — fig. 20 F). The vesicular portion is lined by columnar cells, with very large oval nuclei, while the duct is lined by cells similar to the epidermic cells, with which they are continuous at the opening. In the last (i/th) leg of the males of this species, this gland (vide above, note 4) possesses a slit-like opening placed at the B. 58 906 ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT apex of a well-developed white papilla (PI. 47, fig. 4). It is enormously enlarged, and is prolonged forward as a long tubular gland, the structure of which resembles that of the vesicles of the crural glands in the other legs. This gland lies in the lateral compartment of the body cavity, and extends forward to the level of the 9th leg (PI. 48, fig. 8, and PI. 53, fig. 43). It is described by Professor Balfour as the accessory gland of the male, and is seen in section lying immediately dorsal to the nerve-cord in fig. 20, PART III. THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. [The remarkable discoveries about the early development of Peripatus, which Balfour made in June last, shortly before starting for Switzerland, have already been the subject of a short communication to the Royal Society (Proc. Roy. Soc. No. 222, 1882). They relate (i) to the blastopore, (2) to the origin of the mesoblast. Balfour left no manuscript account or notes of his discovery in connection with the drawings which he prepared in order to illustrate it, but he spoke about it to Professor Ray Lankester and also to us, and he further gave a short account of the matter in a private letter to Professor Kleinenberg. In this letter, which by the courtesy of Professor Kleinenberg we have been permitted to see, he describes the blastopore as an elongated slit-like structure extending along nearly the whole ventral surface ; and further states, as the result of his examin- ation of the few and ill-preserved embryos in his possession, that the mesoblast appears to originate as paired outgrowths from the lips of the blastopore. The drawings left by Balfour in connection with the dis- coveries are four in number: one of the entire embryo, shewing the slit-like blastopore and the mesoblastic somites, the other three depicting the transverse sections of the same embryo. OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. 907 The first drawing (fig. 37), viz. that of the whole embryo, shews an embryo of an oval shape, possessing six somites, whilst along the middle of its ventral surface there are two slit- like openings, lying parallel to the long axis of the body, and placed one behind the other. The mesoblastic somites are ar- ranged bilaterally in pairs, six on either side of these slits. The following note in his handwriting is attached to this drawing : "Young larva of Peripatus capensis, — I could not make out for certain which was the anterior end. Length 1-34 milli- metres." Balfour's three remaining drawings (figs. 40 — 42) are, as already stated, representations of transverse sections of the embryo figured by him as a whole. They tend to shew, as he stated in the letter referred to above, that the mesoblast originates as paired outgrowths from the hypoblast, and that these outgrowths are formed near the junction of the hypoblast with the epiblast at the lips of the blastopore. In fig. 42 the walls of the mesoblastic somites appear con- tinuous with those of the mesenteron near the blastopore. In fig. 40, which is from a section a little in front of fig. 42, the walls of the mesoblastic somites are independent of those of the mesenteron. Fig. 41 is from a section made in front of the region of the blastopore. In all the sections the epiblast lying over the somites is thickened, while elsewhere it is formed of only one layer of cells; and this thickening subsequently appears to give rise to the nervous system. Balfour in his earlier investigations on the present subject found in more advanced stages of the em- bryo the nerve-cords still scarcely separated from the epiblast1. We have since found, in Balfour's material; embryos of a slightly different age to that just described. Of these, three (figs. 34, 35, 36) are younger, while one (fig. 38) is older than Balfour's embryo. Stage A. — The youngest (fig. 34) is of a slightly oval form, and its greatest length is -48 mm. It possesses a blastopore, 1 Comparative Embryology', original edition, Vol. I. p. 318. [This edition, Vol. II. P- 385-] 58-2 908 ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT which is elongated in the direction of the long axis of the em- bryo, and is slightly narrower in its middle than at either end. From one end of the blastopore there is continued an opaque band. This we consider to be the posterior end of the blasto- pore of the embryo. The blastopore leads into the archenteron. Stage B. — In the next stage (fig. 35) the embryo is elongate- oval in form. Its length is 7 mm. The blastopore is elongated and slightly narrowed in the middle. At the posterior end of the embryo there is a mass of opaque tissue. On each side of the blastopore are three mesoblastic somites. The length 'of the blastopore is "45 mm. Stage C. — In the next stage (fig. 36) the features are much the same as in the preceding. The length of the whole embryo is '9 mm. The following were the measurements of an embryo of this stage with five somites, but slightly younger than that from which fig. 36 was drawn. Length of embryo 74 mm. „ blastopore '46 „ Distance between hind end of blastopore and hind end of body '22 „ Distance between front end of body and front end of blastopore -o6 „ The somites have increased to five, and there are indications of a sixth being budded off from the posterior mass of opaque tissue. The median parts of the lips of the blastopore have come together preparatory to the complete fusion by which the blastopore becomes divided into two parts. Stage D. — The next stage is Balfour's stage, and has been already described. The length is i-34. It will be observed, on comparing it with the preceding em- bryos, that while the anterior pair of somites in figs. 35 and 36 lie at a considerable distance from what we have called the anterior end of the embryo (a), in the embryo now under con- sideration they are placed at the anterior end of the body, one on each side of the middle line. We cannot speak positively as to how they come there, whether by a pushing forward of OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. 909 the anterior somites of the previous stage, or by the formation of new somites anteriorly to those of the previous stage. In the next stage it is obvious that this anterior pair of somites has been converted into the prasoral lobes. The anterior of the two openings to which the blastopore gives rise is placed between the second pair of somites ; we shall call it the embryonic mouth. The posterior opening formed from the blastopore is elongated, being dilated in front and continued back as a narrow slit (?) to very near the hind end of the embryo, where it presents a second slight dilatation. The anterior dilatation of the posterior open region of the blastopore we shall call the embryonic anus. Lately, but too late to be figured with this memoir, we have been fortunate enough to find an embryo of apparently precisely the same stage as fig. 37. We are able, therefore, to give a few more details about the stage. The measurements of this embryo were : Length of whole embryo i '32 mm. Distance from front end of body to front end of mouth -32 „ Distance from embryonic mouth to hind end of em- bryonic anus "52 „ Distance from hind end of embryonic anus to hind end of body '45 » Length of embryonic anus ...... '2 „ „ part of blastopore behind embryonic anus . '2 „ Greatest width of embryo '64 „ Stage E. — In the next stage (figs. 38 and 39) the flexure of the hind end of the body has considerably increased. The anterior opening of the blastopore, the embryonic mouth, has increased remarkably in size. It is circular, and is placed between the second pair of mesoblastic somites. The anterior dilatation of the posterior opening of the blastopore, the em- bryonic anus, has, like the anterior opening, become much enlarged. It is circular, and is placed on the concavity of the ventral flexure. From its hind end there is continued to the hind end of the body a groove (shewn in fig. 39 as a dotted line), which we take to be the remains of the posterior slit- like part of the posterior opening of the blastopore of the pre- ceding stage. The posterior dilatation has disappeared. The QIC ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT embryo has apparently about thirteen somites, which are still quite distinct from one another, and apparently do not com- municate at this stage with the mesenteron. The epiblast lying immediately over the somites is, as in the earlier stages, thickened, and the thickenings of the two sides join each other in front of the embryonic mouth, where the anterior pair of mesoblastic somites (the praeoral lobes) are almost in contact. The median ventral epiblast, i.e. the epiblast in the area, bounded by the embryonic mouth and anus before and behind and by the developing nerve-cords laterally, is extremely thin, and consists of one layer of very flat cells. Over the dorsal surface of the body the epiblast cells are cubical, and arranged in one layer. Measurements of Embryo of Stage E. Length of embryo n?. mm. Greatest width -64 „ Distance from front end of embryonic mouth to hind end of embryonic anus '48 „ Greatest length of embryonic mouth . . . . -16 „ Length between hind end of embryonic mouth and front end of embryonic anus '29 „ These measurements were made with a micrometer eyepiece, with the embryo lying on its back in the position of fig. 38, so that they simply indicate the length of the straight line connect- ing the respective points. This is the last embryo of our series of young stages. The next and oldest embryo was 3'2 mm. in length. It had ringed antennae, seventeen (?) pairs of legs, and was completely doubled upon itself, as in Moseley's figure. The pits into the cerebral ganglia and a mouth and anus were present. There can be no doubt that the mouth and anus of this embryo become the mouth and anus of the adult. The important question as to the connection between the adult mouth and anus, and the embryonic mouth and anus of the Stage E, must, considering the great gap between Stage E and the next oldest embryo, be left open. Meanwhile, we may point out that the embryonic mouth of Stage E has exactly the OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. pi I same position as that of the adult ; but that the anus is consider- ably in front of the hind end of the body in Stage E, while it is terminal in the adult. If the embryonic mouth and anus do become the adult mouth and anus, there would appear to be an entire absence of stomo- daeurn and proctodaeum in Peripattts, unless the buccal cavity represents the stomodseum. The latter is formed, as has been shewn by Moseley, by a series of outgrowths round the simple mouth-opening of the embryo, which enclosing the jaws give rise to the tumid lips of the adult. For our determination of the posterior and anterior ends of each of these embryos, Stage A to E, we depend upon the opaque tissue seen in each case at one end of the blastopore. In Stage A it has the form of a band, extending backwards from the blastopore. In Stages B — D, it has the form of an opaque mass of tissue occupying the whole hind end of the embryo, and extending a short distance on either side of the posterior end of the blas- topore. This opacity is due in each case to a proliferation of cells of the hypoblast, and, perhaps, of the epiblast (?). There can be no doubt that the mesoblast so formed gives rise to the great majority of the mesoblastic somites. This posterior opacity is marked in Stage C by a slight longitudinal groove extending backwards from the hind end of the blastopore. This is difficult to see in surface views, and has not been represented in the figure, but is easily seen in sections. But in Stage D this groove has become very strongly marked in surface views, and looks like a part of the original blastopore of Stage C. Sections shew that it does not lead into the archenteron, but only into the mass of mesoblast which forms the posterior opacity. It presents an extraordinary resemblance to the pri- mitive streak of vertebrates, and the ventral groove of insect embryos. We think that there can be but little doubt that it is a part of the original blastopore, which, on account of its late appear- ance (this being due to the late development of the posterior 912 ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT part of the body to which it belongs), does not acquire the normal relations of a blastopore, but presents only those rudimentary features (deep groove connected with origin of mesoblast) which the whole blastopore of other tracheates presents. We think it probable that the larval anus eventually shifts to the hind end of the body, and gives rise to the adult anus. We reserve the account of the internal structure of these em- bryos (Stages A — E) and of the later stages for a subsequent memoir. We may briefly summarise the more important facts of the early development of Peripatus capensis, detailed in the preceding account. 1. The greater part of the mesoblast is developed from the walls of the archenteron. 2. The embryonic mouth and anus are derived from the respective ends of the original blastopore, the middle part of the blastopore closing up. 3. The embryonic mouth almost certainly becomes the adult mouth, i.e. the aperture leading from the buccal cavity into the pharynx, the two being in the same position. The embryonic anus is in front of the position of the adult anus, but in all probability. shifts back, and persists as the adult anus. 4. The anterior pair of mesoblastic somites gives rise to the swellings of the praeoral lobes, and to the mesoblast of the head1. There is no need for us to enlarge upon the importance of these facts. Their close bearing upon some of the most im- portant problems of morphology will be apparent to all, and we may with advantage quote here some passages from Bal- four's Comparative Embryology, which shew that he himself long ago had anticipated and in a sense predicted their dis- covery. "Although the mesoblastic groove of insects is not a gas- trula, it is quite possible that it is the rudiment of a blasto- pore, the gastrula corresponding to which has now vanished 1 We have seen nothing in any of our sections which we can identify as of so- called mesenchymatous origin. OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. 913 from development." (Comparative Embryology, Vol. I. p. 378, the original edition1.) "TRACHEATA. — Insecta. It (the mesoblast) grows inwards from the lips of the germinal groove, which probably represents the remains of a blastopore." (Comparative Embryology, Vol. II. p. 291, the original edition2.) "It is, therefore, highly probable that the paired ingrowths of the mesoblast from the lips of the blastopore may have been, in the first instance, derived from a pair of archenteric diver- ticula." (Comparative Embryology, Vol. II. p. 294, the original edition3.) The facts now recorded were discovered in June last, only a short time before Balfour started for Switzerland ; we know but little of the new ideas which they called up in his mind. We can only point to passages in his published works which seem to indicate the direction which his speculations would have taken. After speculating as to the probability of a genetic connec- tion between the circumoral nervous system of the Ccelenterata, and the nervous system of Echinodermata, Platyelminthes, Chae- topoda, Mollusca, &c., he goes on to say : " A circumoral nerve-ring, if longitudinally extended, might give rise to a pair of nerve-cords united in front and behind — exactly such a nervous system, in fact, as is present in many Nemertines (the Enopla and Pelagonemertes), in Peripatus and in primitive molluscan types (Chiton, Fissurella, &c.). From the lateral parts of this ring it would be easy to derive the ventral cord of the Chaetopoda and Arthropoda. It is especially de- serving of notice, in connection with the nervous system of the above-mentioned Nemertines and Peripatus, that the commis- sure connecting the two nerve-cords behind is placed on the dorsal side of the intestines. As is at once obvious, by referring to the diagram (fig. 231 B), this is the position this commissure ought, undoubtedly, to occupy if derived from part of a nerve- ring which originally followed more or less closely the ciliated edge of the body of the supposed radiate ancestor." (Compara- tive Embryology, Vol. II. pp. 311, 312, the original edition4.) 1 This edition, Vol. n. p. 457. 2 This edition, Vol. III. p. 352. 3 This edition, Vol. m. p. 356. 4 This edition, Vol. in. pp. 378, 379. 9 14 ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERIPATUS CAPENSIS. The facts of development here recorded give a strong addi- tional support to this latter view, and seem to render possible a considerable extension of it along the same lines.] LIST OF MEMOIRS ON PERIPATUS. 1. M. Lansdown Guilding. "An Account of a New Genus of Mollusca," Zoological Journal, Vol. II. p. 443, 1826. 2. M. Andouin and Milne-Edwards. " Classific. des Anndlides et description de celles qui habitent les cotes de France," p. 411, Ann. Scien. Nat. ser. I. Vol. xxx. 1833. 3. M. Gervais. "Etudes p. servir a 1'histoire naturelle des Myria- podes," Ann. Scien. Nat. ser. n. Vol. vn. 1837, p. 38. 4. Wiegmann. Wiegmann's Archiv, 1837. 5. H. Milne-Edwards. "Note sur le Peripate juluforme" Ann. Scien. Nat. ser. n. Vol. xvm. 1842. 6. Blanchard. "Sur Forganisation des Vers," chap. IV. pp. 137 — 141, Ann. Scien. Nat. ser. in. Vol. Vlll. 1847. 7. Quatrefages. " Anat. des Hermelles, note on," p. 57, Ann. Scien. Nat. ser. in. Vol. x. 1848. 8. Quatrefages. Hist. Nat. des Anneles, 1865, Appendix, pp. 675 — 6. 9. De Blainville. SuppL au Diet, des Sc. Nat. Vol. I. 10. Ed. Grube. " Untersuchungen lib. d. Bau von Peripatus Ed- wardsii? Archiv fur Anat. und Physiol. 1853. 11. Saenger. " Moskauer Naturforscher Sammlung," Abth. Zool. 1869. 12. H. N. Moseley. "On the Structure and Development of Peripatus capensis? Proc. Roy. Soc. N.O. 153, 1874. 13. H. N. Moseley. " On the Structure and Development of Peripatus capensis," Phil. Trans. Vol. CLXIV. 1874. 14. H. N. Moseley. "Remarks on Observations by Captain Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum, on Peripatus novce zealandice," Ann. and Mag. of Nat. History, Jan. 1877. 15. Captain Hutton. " Observations on Peripatus novce sealandice," Ann. and Mag. of Nat. History, Nov. 1876. 16. F. M. Balfour. "On Certain Points in the Anatomy of Peripatus capensis" Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science, Vol. xix. 1879. 17. A. Ernst. Nature, March loth, 1881. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 915 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 46—53!. COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCE LETTERS. A. Anus. a. Dorso-lateral horn of white matter in brain, a.g. Accessory gland of male (modified accessory leg gland), at. Antenna, at. n. Antennary nerve, b. Ventro-lateral horn of white matter of brain. b. c. Body-cavity. bl. Blastopore. C. Cutis. c. Postero-dorsal lobe of white matter of brain. e.g. Supracesophageal ganglia, cl. Claw. c. m. Circular layer of muscles, co. Commissures between the ventral nerve-cords, co. i. Second commissure between the ventral nerve-cords. co1. 2. Mass of cells developed on second commissure, cor. Cornea, c. s. d. Com- mon duct for the two salivary glands. . cu. Cuticle, d. Ventral protuberance of brain. d. 1. m. Dorsal longitudinal muscle of pharynx. d. n. Median dorsal nerve to integument from supraoesophageal ganglia, d. o. Muscular bands passing from the ventro-lateral wall of the pharynx at the region of its opening into the buccal cavity. E. Eye. E. Central lobe of white matter of brain, e. n. Nerves passing outwards from the ventral cords, ep. Epidermis, ep.c. Epidermis cells. F. i, F. a, &c. First and second pair of feet, £c. f. Small accessory glandular tubes of the male generative apparatus. F.^. Ganglionic enlargement on ventral nerve-cord, from which a pair of nerves to foot pass off. f. gl. Accessory foot-gland. F. n. Nerves to feet. g. co. Commissures between the ventral nerve-cords containing ganglion cells, g. o. Gene- rative orifice. H. Heart, h. Cells in lateral division of body-cavity. hy. Hypo- blast, i.j. Inner jaw. j. Jaw. j. n. Nerves to jaws. L. Lips. /. Lens. /. b. c. Lateral compartment of body-cavity, le. Jaw lever (cuticular prolongation of inner jaw lying in a backwardly projecting diverticulum of the buccal cavity). /. m. Bands of longitudinal muscles. M. Buccal cavity. M1. Median backward diverticulum of mouth or common salivary duct which receives the salivary ducts, me. Mesenteron. mes. Mesoblastic somite, m. 1. Muscles of jaw lever, m. s. Sheets of muscle passing round the side walls of pharynx to dorsal body wall. od. Oviduct, ce. OZsophagus. a's. co. OZsophageal commissures, o.f. g. Orifice of duct of foot-gland, o.j. Outer jaw. op. Optic ganglion, op. n. Optic nerve, or.g. Ganglionic enlargements for oral papillae, o r. n. Nerves to oral papillae, or. p. Oral papillas. o. s. Orifice of duct of segmental organ, ov. Ovary, p. Pads on ventral side of foot. p. Common duct into which the vasa deferentia open. p. c. Posterior lobe of brain. /. d. c. Posterior commissure passing dorsal to rectum. /./. Internal opening of nephridium into body cavity, ph. Pharynx, pi. Pigment in outer ends of epidermic cells, pi. r. Retinal pigment, p. n. Nerves to feet. p.p. Primary papilla, pr. Prostate. R. Rectum. Re. Retinal rods. R. m. Muscle of claw. s. Vesicle of nephridium. j1. Part of 4th or 5th nephridium which corresponds to vesicle of other nephridia. 1 The explanations of the figures printed within inverted commas are by Professor Balfour, the rest are by the Editors. 91 6 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. s. c. i. Region No. i of coiled tube of nephridium. s. c. 2. Region No. i of ditto. s. c. 3. Region No. 3 of ditto. s. c. 4. Region No. 4 of ditto, s. d. Salivary duct. s. g. Salivary gland, si. d. Reservoir of slime gland, sl.g. Tubules of slime gland. s. o. i, 2, 3, &c. Nephridia of ist, 2nd, &c., feet. s. o.f. Terminal portion of nephri- dium. s.p. Secondary papilla, st. Stomach, sf. e. Epithelium of stomach, sy. Sympathetic nerve running in muscles of tongue and pharynx, sy1. Origin of pharyn- geal sympathetic nerves. T. Tongue, t. Teeth on tongue, te. Testis. tr. Trach.e0e. tr. c. Cells found along the course of the tracheae. tr. o. Tracheal stigma, tr. p. Tracheal pit. tit. Uterus, v. c. Ventral nerve cord. v. d. Vas deferens. v. g. Imperfect ganglia of ventral cord. PLATE 46. Fig. i. Peripatus capensis, x 4 ; viewed from the dorsal surface. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour. ) PLATE 47. Fig. 2. A left leg of Peripatus capensis, viewed from the ventral surface ; x 30. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) P'ig. 3. A right leg of Peripatus capensis, viewed from the front side. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) Fig. 4. .The last left (i7th) leg of a male Peripatus capensis, viewed from the ventral side to shew the papilla at the apex of which the accessory gland of the male, or enlarged crural gland, opens to the exterior. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) Prof. Balfour left a rough drawing (not reproduced) shewing the papilla, to which is appended the following note. " Figure shewing the accessory genital gland of male, which opens on the last pair of legs by a papilla on the ventral side. The papilla has got a slit-like aperture at its extremity." Fig. 5. Ventral view of head and oral region of Peripatus capensis. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) PLATE 48. Figs. 6 and 7 are from one drawing. Fig. 6. Peripatus capensis dissected so as to shew the alimentary canal, slime glands, and salivary glands ; x 3. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) Fig. 7. The anterior end of Fig. 6 enlarged ; x 6. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) The dissection is viewed from the ventral side, and the lips, L., have been cut through in the middle line behind and pulled outwards, so as to expose the jaws, /., which have been turned outwards, and the tongue, T. , bearing a median row of chitinous teeth, which branches behind into two. The junction of the salivary ducts, j. d., and the opening of the median duct so formed into the buccal cavity is also shewn. The muscular pharynx, extending back into the space between the ist and 2nd pairs of legs, is followed by a short tubular oesophagus. The latter opens into the large stomach with plicated walls, extending almost to the hind end of the animal. The stomach at its point of junction with the rectum presents an S-shaped ventro- dorsal curve. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 917 A. Anus. at. Antenna. F. i, K. 2. First and second feet. /. Jaws. L. Lips. ae. OZsophagus. or. p. Oral papilla, ph. Pharynx. R. Rectum, s. d. Salivary duct. s. g. Salivary gland, si. d. Slime reservoir, si. g. Portion of tubules of slime gland, st. Stomach. T. Tongue in roof of mouth. Fig. 8. Peripatus capensis, X4; male. (From a drawing by Miss Balfour.) Dissected so as to shew the nervous system, slime glands, ducts of the latter passing into the oral papilla, accessory glands opening on the last pair of legs (enlarged crural glands), and segmental organs, viewed from dorsal surface. The first three pairs of segmental organs consist only of the vesicle and duct leading to the exterior. The fourth and fifth pairs are larger than the succeeding, and open externally to the crural glands. The ventral nerve-cords unite behind dorsal to the rectum. A. Anus. a. g. Accessory generative gland, or enlarged crural gland of the iyth leg. at. Antenna, c. g. Supra-oesophageal ganglia with eyes. co. Commissures between the ventral nerve-cords, d. n. Large median nerve to dorsal integument from hinder part of brain. F. i, i, &c. Feet. g. o. Generative orifice,