COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE HX64087140 QP34 .C91 ^^e T '1 book of an 0<«tU4Mlt«Mti(9>«(t«UMtH«(M«M4»«t«Hiit44t()ni(<1tlt«tt iiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiJ,HMiuiuU!iaiii!Uiuit(iuiiutt«i-i4 mtlifCitpoflrttigork College of $i)P^tcians; anb ^urgeonfii mhvav^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Columbia University Libraries LIPPriVCOTT'S PHrSIOLOGTES THE THIRD BOOK OF ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE OF THE HUMAN BODY BY J. A. CULLER, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OK PHYSICS IN MIAMI UNIVERSITY, OXFORD, OHIO PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Copyright, 1904, by J. B. Lippincott Company Copyright, 1905, by J. B. Lippincott Company We, the undersigned, have carefully read Book III. of the Lippin- cott Physiologies, and are happy to note the full and adequate teaching of the physiological reasons for obeying the laws of health, including those that relate to the nature and effect of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics upon the human system which this book contains. The truths taught are well told in language adapted to pupils in elementary and secondary schools, for which we heartily recommend the book. Mary H. Hunt, Life Director of National Educational Association ; National Director of Bu- reau of Scientific Temperance Investi- gation, and World and National Super- intendent of Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction of the Wom- an's Christian Temperance Union. Members of the Text-Book Covunittce of the Advisory Board George W. Webster, M.D., President of Illinois State Board of Health. Lewis D. Mason, INLD., T. D. Crothers, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Brain and Nervous Sj'stem, the New York School of Clinical Medicine. Rev. Albert H. Plumb, D.D. William A. Mowry, Ph.D. Electrotyped and Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, U. S. A, PREFACE This is the last book of a series of three. It is the most advanced of the tliree, and is complete within itself. It is intended to embrace the facts in anatomy, physiology, and hygien*e which every man and woman shonld know. Every effort has been put forth to make the subject plain to the reader. This is important in a subject of this kind. A lack of interest very frequently arises from the inability to grasp an idea as it is presented, though it may be simple enough when presented in a different way. The body is treated as an organized unit, each part having a function, and all parts being related to the others and dependent upon the harmonious operation of all. The division of labor among the organs of the body is often so sharp that a derangement of one tends to a disorganization of the whole body. This furnishes a strong basis for rules of hygiene and the consideration of the alcohol problem. This book contains not only general statements, but exact information as far as possible. Technicalities may seem to be avoided by general statements, but the subject is thus often robbed of its interest and value. The red corpuscles are the carriers of oxygen, but in a book of this kind the function of the hemoglobin and its affinity iii iv PREFACE for oxygen should be explained. Otherwise the pupil may get the idea, as in cases known, that the gas is carried in the concave depression of the corpuscle. This is an illustration of the many peculiar ideas which pupils form fi'om only general statements. Questions are appended at the end of each chapter. These are mainly topical. It is i^resumed that the teacher will add numerous questions in the nature of quizzes, as conditions may demand, but the best recita- tion is one in which a pupil discusses a topic in a con- nected discourse. A list of experiments, such as may be performed in any school where this book is used, is found at the end of each chapter. The experiments are i^urposely few in number, being selected with the intention that not one of them need be omitted. It is better to give them from time to time during the study of the text, rather than all at once. The teacher will find it profitable to supple- ment the list with others when time and conditions per- mit. Nothing is so great an aid in making this subject interesting as ex|3eriments which are performed by teacher and pupils. Many experiments may be per- formed at home, and will be performed with zest by most of the class after they have had proper direction. The subject of alcohol and its effect on the body has been treated in the light of modern investigation. The statements in regard to its effect are based upon a knowl- edge of the nature of the human organism, reliable experiments which have been made, and the experiences of the past. PREPArn^: V The writer acknowledjj^es his iiulel)tedness to tlie J. B. Lippincott Company for many courtesies, and permission to use a number of cuts belonging to tliem. Also te S. II. Williams, professor of biology in Miami Univer- sity, for many valuable suggestions and reading of man- uscript, and to G. W. Hoke, professor of natural history in Miami University, for many helps and suggestions. By permission of Ginn & Co. two cuts from BlaisdelPs physiology are used in this text. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cn.vrTER PAGE I. (Jeneraf, \'iew of the Subject 5 II. The Cells of the' Body l-*^ III. The Skeletox 3^ IV. Structure and Nourish :sient of Bones 45 V. Joints -^'^ VI. -Motion ''^^' VII. Foods '^ VIII. Digestion ^'^ IX. Wholesome and Unwholesome Drinks 118 X. Circulation 1-^ XI. Respiration ^^'"-^ XII. Bacteria ^^-^ XIII. The Skin 207 XTV. Excretion --^ XV. The Xervous System 231 XVI. Physiology of the Xervous System 258 XVII. Hygiene of the Xervous System 271 XVIII. The Special Senses 293 Vll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ¥ FIG. PAGE 1. Typical coll \:i 2. Collection of plant-cells 14 3. kSection of twig of basswood 14 4. Section of pinewood !."> 5. Stomata of leaf 13 6. Bone-cells 10 7. Multiplication of cells from a single cell 17 8. Cell under a strong microscope 17 9. Protozoa . 19 10-15. Stages of cell division 20 16. The amoeba radiosa 22 17. Pavement epithelium 24 18. Columnar epithelium 24 19. Ciliated epithelium 2.5 20. Tvpe of gland 29 21. Human skeleton 34 22. Longitudinal section of bone 37 23. The cranium 38 24. A vertebra 39 2.5. The atlas 39 26. The axis 40 27. The sacrum and coccyx 40 28. The spinal column 41 29. Tlie ribs 42 30. The forearm and lower leg 43 31. Section of flat bone 45 32. ^klagnified .section of bone 46 33. Bone tied in knot 48 ix X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIU. PAGE 34. The hip-joint oo 35. Pivot-joint 5G 3G. Muscular movement 60 37. Bones of arm and biceps muscle 61 38. Levers of first class 62 39. Levers of second class 64 40. Lever of third class 64 41. Shape of muscle 66 42. Fascia of muscle 67 43. Muscles of forearm 68 44. Striated muscle fibres 69 45. Involuntary muscle fibres 69 46. Exercisers 72 47. Trichinae in pork 90 48. Osmosis of liquids 95 49. Permanent teeth 98 50. Section of tooth 99 51. Magnified section of tooth 99 52. Racemose gland 100 53. Stomach and intestines 103 54. ^lucous coat of stomach 104 55. Section small intestine of cat 107 56. Microphotograph of villi 107 57. Diagram of villus 108 58. External view of liver 109 59. Lobule of liver 109 60. Shallow wells 125 61. External view of heart 131 62. Cavities of heart 132 63. Auriculo-ventricular valves 133 64. Section of heart 133 65. Semilunar valves 134 66. Showing course of blood through heart 135 67. Section of artery and vein 136 LIST or IFJJ'S'njATIoNS xi fl»'- PACK (is. ( iipilliirics \im (59. C'apillaiit's in miisclc i;jS 70. IJrd l»l(i of licail 140 7.*{. Selii'iiu' showiii^^ circulation of blood 14S 74. The fluco envelopes of the eartli liiJ 1'}. Tlie laiyiix 100 70. The vocal cords 100 77. The trachea and bronchi. 107 78. Infundibiila and air-sacs 108 79. The lungs 109 80. The pleura 170 81. Illustration of action of ribs 172 82. Illustration of action of diaphragm 17.3 8.3. Illustration of the combustion of iron 17.3 84. Illustration of changes in a leaf 177 8,1. Ivxchanges in the lungs 178 SO. Dillusion of gases 178 87. Window arranged for ventilation 182 SS. Particles of dust 184 89. Action of intercostal muscles 190 90. Bacteria 192 91. Multiplication of bacteria 193 92. Yeast-plants 193 93. Bacteria of diphtheria 198 94. Bacteria of lock-jaw 199 9.5. Bacteria of tuberculosis 200 9G. Bacteria of typhoid fever 201 97. Cross-section of skin of monkey's linger 207 98. Magnified cross-section of skin 209 99. Surface of palm of hand 210 100. Sweat-glands -H 101. Hair-follicle 213 xii LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS ^I<5. PAGE 102. Cross-section of kidney 224 103. Section of cortex of kidney 22.j 104. Malpighian body 220 105. Malpighian bodies 227 lOG. Neurons 234 107. A neuron 230 108. Medullated nerve-fibre 230 109. Neuralgia cells 237 110. Brain on right side 239 111. Top of cerebrum 240 112. Section of brain, left half 241 113. Convolutions 242 114. Section of nerve 244 115. Section of spinal cord 248 IIG. A piece of spinal cord 249 117. Cervical nerves 250 118. Relation of nerves from spinal cord 251 119. Communication of neurons 252 120. End plate 252 121. Connection of nerve and muscle 253 122. Branching of nerves 254 123. Motor and sensory areas of brain 2G0 124. The supply of blood to the brain 274 125. Fatigued cells 275 126. Section of the eye 297 127. Illustrations of refraction 299 128. Influence of cornea 300 129. Function of iris 301 130. Attachment of lens 303 131. Focal distance 304 132. Convexity of lens 304 133. Emmetropic eye 305 134. Myopic eye 306 135. Hypermetropic eye 307 LIST or ILf.rSTIJATIoXS xiii rir.. PACK l:{t>. .Musflfs t)l ryt' :iOS 1.57. Nerve elements of retina ;ilO 13S. Rod and cone 311 130. Retina 312 140. Optic nerves :;14 141. Tear f,'lan(Is 317 142. Sound-waves 320 143. Pinna of ear . 322 144. Drum-head and ossicles of ear 323 145. Mechanical action of tympanum 32.j 14G. Section of ear 32S 147. Labyrinth of ear 329 148. The cochlea 331 140. The membranous labyrinth 332 150. Acoustic epithelium 333 151. Canals of the cochlea 334 152. Corti's organ 335 153. Tactile papillae 340 154. Pacinian corpuscles 341 155. Olfaotory bulb 343 156. The tongue 340 157. Circumvallate papillae 347 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTEK I 0 A GENERAL VIEAV OF THE SUBJECT Matter and life. — 3Iau hiis always been interested in the study of his own body. It is natural for liim to look about and make comparisons between other objects aud himself. He observes that every known form of matter is either an inert, lifeless substance, as stone, iron, water, and air, or is organized and endowed with life, as in vegetables and animals. The great bulk of matter is lifeless, but the small part that is endowed with life is of greatest interest and im- portance. We do not know what life is, but we do know that it has a wonderful influence upon matter that is taken into the bodies of plants and animals. We know that vegetables and animals are alive for three reasons : (1) They can take up lifeless matter called their food and can change it in such a way that it builds up and strengthens their own bodies. Only a live body can do this. (2) They can reproduce their own kind. They are both made up of small bodies called cells, and the cells can produce others just like themselves. The 6 G THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY cells of a live body only can do this. (3) They can move. It is true a tree cannot move about bodily, but there is a constant movement within ite cells, as will be explained in the next chapter. Any body that can do these three things is alive. Animals and vegetables. — Some minute organ- isms are of such a low order that it is not possible to tell whether they are animals or plants. In all the higher orders, however, there is a clear distinction between the animals and the plants. (1) Animals have the power of voluntary motion of the whole body, while plants are fixed to one place. (2) Animals feed on complex foods that have been prepared by plants, while plants feed on simple foods, such as minerals, water, and carbon dioxide. (3) Animals have a distinct digestive tract within the body, while plant food is prepared in the green leaves. (4) Animals are endowed with a distinct nervous sys- tem, to which plants have nothing to correspond. Mail is an Animal. Classes of animals. — The animal kingdom is di- vided in modei'n zoologies into twelve branches. The lowest branch includes the Protozoa. This word means Jirst life, and is a general name for a group of the lowest kind of animals. All these are of very simple structure, and so small that they can be seen only by aid of the microscope. They may be found wherever there is water. During their lifetime they are composed of but a single A <;RNK^^\L v.ifw of tiik sriuKcT 7 cell, aii.l yet they eat, breathe, move, feel, and reproduce like utluT animals, oiilv in a verv simiile wav. From thest* lowest foiins of the animal kinjjjdom there is a gradual rise to higher and more complex forms. Many cells unite to form one lx)dy, and different kinds of cells form organs with special functions. The highest branch of the animal kingdom is the IV/- tebratf's. This includes all animals that have a backbone. Mtin is a Veiiehrate AnhnAl. The vertebrates. — Vertebrate animals are of six kinds. (1) The Cyclosiomata. a kind of eel without true bones, and with only a trace of a backlx)ne. It gets its name from the fact that its mouth is circular and always stands open. The lamprey is an example of this class. (2) The Fishes. (3) The Amphibia, vertebrates which spend the early part of their life as tadpoles in water, such as toads and frogs. (^4; The Beptiles. (5) The Birds. (6) The Mammals. Mammals are distincruished bv the hair on the IhxIv and by the mamumry gland that secretes milk for the nourishment of their joung. They also differ from the other vertebrates in having a midriff, or diaphragm, that separates the chest from the abdomen. Man is a Mamma2. The study of man. — We are about to study the wonderful structure and oi)eration of the highest and most complex organism in wliich life resides, — the hu- man bodv. 8 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY . Scientists have investigated and experimented for many- years to find out how the body is made and how it oper- ates. While many things are yet without a satisfactory exi^lanation, much is known with certainty, and with these things all should be familiar. The more one knows the more he can do, and the greater is his pleasure, whether he reads, travels, works, converses, or communes with his own thoughts. The chief object in this stud\', however, is that it may lead to the development of a sound and skilful body. Man is capable of high development of both mind and body, but those who are ignorant of the principles of physiology and hygiene are apt to follow instincts, appe- tites, and passions rather than intelligence and reason. Although knowledge alone will not produce a sound body or a sound mind, yet the practice which should accom- pany knowledge is much more likely to follow when there is an intelligent basis for the manner and purpose of eating, breathing, sleei)ing, working, and study. A healthy body and a vigorous mind are, as a rule, found together. The great advantages of good health should furnish a sufficiently strong motive for understanding the condi- tions by which it can be secured. The three divisions of the subject.— When a machinist undertakes to operate a machine with which he is not familiar, he first makes a study of it and tries to answer three questions : (1) How is it constructed? A (iFA'F.K'AI. VIKW OF TIM-: sril.IKC.T [) (2) What is tlic use nf cadi part, and how (hx'S it ()|K'rat(' ? (3) How can it 1m' iiia(h' !(► operate most enicit'iitly and k(M'}) ill i;()o(l runnini;' order? Tilt' liunian body is a machine more complex and intri- cate than anything the mind lias hoxm able to devise. Mduy of its operations are automatic, but the whole body, cither directly or indirectly, is placed under the control of the mind which resides within it. The freedom of choice makes each one responsible for his physical condition. The three divisions of this subject are : (1) Anatomy, a description of the construction of the body. (2) Physiology, a description of the use and. operations of the various parts of the body. (3) Hygiene, a description of the conditions and laws of good health. Anatomy. — The word anatomy is from two Greek words which mean, to cut apart. The act of cutting a body apart to determine the structure of its parts is called dissection. What we learn about the situation, structure, and adaptability of the various parts of the body is called the anatomy of those parts. For example, in giving the anatomy of the stomach we would tell its location in the body, its shape and size, its openings, its linings, and its relation to other organs. Physiology. — The word physiology is made up of two Greek words which together mean, a discourse on nature. 10 THIHD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The woi'd is now applied to nature only as it is seen in animals and plants. In this book we shall studj^ nature only as it is seen in man. The proper title of this book, then, is, The Physiology of the Human Body. Physiology proper deals only with the activities of the various parts of the body. In giving the physiology of the stomach, we describe its movements and the effect of its secretions upon the food within it. The term is also used in a broad sense including both anatomy and hygiene. In this sense it is used as a title of this book. Hygiene. — The word hygiene is from a Greek word which means health. The name of the goddess of health in mythology is Hygeia Hygiene treats of the principles and rules which have for their object the promotion of good health. Aids to the study of physiology.— All the sciences are very closely related, and each one helps to explain the others. Progress in the study of physiology has been possible only in proportion as the other great sciences have advanced. The chemist can analyze the matter of the body and determine its composition. He can also determine the composition of foods and their adaptability to the needs of the body. He can follow the food in its circuit through the body and can note the changes it undergoes, thus de- termining the chemical function of the organ through which it passes. A GENERAL VIKW OF TlIK SUIUKCT 11 Physics throws lit;hl \\\u)\\ Ihc study of i)hysioh>gy in funiisliino- ;i cN^nr know i<'(lu<. ,,i" jj,,. ukm li;niic:ii juiiici- pU'S omi)U)y(Hl in the body, tlic ciK'rjry valiH' <>{' foods, and ill sliowiiio- Miat th(5 body is a true machine. ^rodorn biolo.cjy h;is been, probably more than any other science, n ,ii:rent source of information in re^^ard to living nature in motion. The biologist is not satisfied with snperficial knowledge, but searches for the basis of even life itself. The microscope has been a powerful in- strument in his hands, and has opened to his view the structure and activity of the living cell. The subject of physiology cannot be clearly understood without a knowledge of the activities within the cell. For this reason the next chapter is devoted to a study of the cell. REVIEW QUESTIONS. These and similar sets of questions at the end of chapters should be assigned as definite lessons to be carefully prepared. The pupil is not ready to recite the review lesson until he can answer each question without turning to the text. It is a good plan in this sub- ject, as in most others, to insist on having the first lessons very thoroughly prepared and understood. Successful preparation of the first lessons is sure to result in an interest in the subject and greater effort in the lessons that follow. Each succeeding chapter is written on the assumption that the preceding one has been mas- tered. 1. What are the proofs of life? 2. Is it proper to use the expression 'Mive coal" or ''live wire"? 3. How can you distinguish between animals and plants? 4. Is a dead ox an animal ? What is it ? 12 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 5. "What is the lowest branch of the animal kingdom ? What is their manner of life? 6. What is the highest branch ? 7. Give in order the six kinds of vertebrates. 8. Give an example of each kind. 9. "What does the word amphibia mean? (See dictionary. ) 10. Xame three things that distinguish mammals. 11. How does an animal differ from a brute? 12. What is man's position in the animal kingdom? 13. Of what advantage is a knowledge of physiology ? 14. Does a body need to be large in order to be healthy? 15. AVhat would you say of a strong body that was unskillful? 16. What are the three things a machinist must know about his machine ? 17. What are the three divisions of physiology? 18. Define anatomy. 19. Define physiology. 20. Define hygiene. 21. In what broad sense is the term physiology often used ? 22. AMiat other sciences aid in the study of physiology ? 23. Of what use is the microscope in this study? 24. W^hat is biology ? ( See dictionary. ) ('II A VTKU n THE ('p:lls of the body What the cell is.— ^lost cells are too small to be seen by the naked eye, but the microscope reveals not only the cell, but the minute parts of which it is com- posed. Fig. 1 represents a cell which may be taken as a type of all cells. On the out- side is the cell-wall, which may be thin or thick, circular or ir- regular in shape, or may be want- ing altogether. The cell-wall is not alive, but is the material which has been secreted by the live material within the cell. Within the walls is the cell-sub- stance, or protoplasm. This sub- stance makes up the most of the cell and is found alike in cells of j^lants and animals. It is a somewhat trans- parent mass, in some cases a thin liquid, and in others thick like jelly. Lying within the protoplasm is the nucleus. This is a small body surrounded by a membrane and having within it several smaller bodies called nucleoli. The nucleus is an essential part of the cell, as will be shown later. 13 Fig. 1.— Typical cell. C, cell-wall ; ^V, nucleus ; n, nucleolus ; P, protoplasm. 14 TIIIED BOOK Ot^ PHYSIOLOGY Cellular structures.— AH living bodies are made up uf cells. Some very small animals consist of only- one cell, but all higher animals and plants are composed of many thousands of them. Plant- cells are usually enclosed in heavy walls, and when they are crowded one against another they are forced to assume a shaj^e best suited to the space they occupy, as shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 3 is shown the arrangement of cells in a twig of basswood as seen Fig. 2. — Diagram of a col- lection of plant-cells. Fig. 3. — Microphotograph uf a cro-=s--eciion of a twig of basswood. through a low-power microscope. The outline of the cell-walls can be plainly seen arranged in rows radiating Tin: CIILLS OF TIIK I'.ohV i:. from the ce'iitic. Dry wood, in fact, is oiil\ a collection of cell-walls. riie slreii^rth of wood depends on the kind and anioiiiil of material «leposited in the walls of the cells. Fig. 4 gives the appeanince of a cross-section of pine wood. Fig. 4. — Cross-section of pine wood. In i:)lants as in animals there is a division of work among the cells. Some assume the office of protection of the others. Some collect and prepare the plant food. A great variety of work is performed by the various tissues of which tlie plant is composed. Fig. 5 shows Fig. 5.— Surface of leaf showing stomata. the microscopic appearance of the surface of a leaf. The large flat cells are plainly seen, but the points of chief interest are the modified cells about the stomata ^ or 16 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY mouths. These are a good example of special functions of cells. Their office is to regulate the transpiration of water from the leaves. When water in the leaves is scant, these cells close the stoma and prevent its escape, but when water is present in excess the cells open the stoma and permit it to freely evaporate. The cells of plants have many characteristics in com- mon with those of animals, though the latter are often less clearly defined and more difficult to study. In the tissues of animals a distinction should be made between the cell proper and the material which Fig. 6.— Bone-cells. ^^^^ cells collect about themselves. In Fig. 6 is a representation of three bone-cells highly magnified. The spaces between the' cells are filled in with bone material which may be considered the walls of the cells. In the same way the muscle, nerves, cartilage, and other tissues are largely composed of material which the cells have built np about themselves and which may be considered a cell-wall modified to suit the special pur- pose of the tissue. The origin of cells.— The body of man, as well as the bodies of all higher animals and plants, begins as a single cell, or egg. The egg, A, Fig. 7, divides into halves forming two complete cells. Each of the halves, in turn, divides into two, making four, then eight, six- teen, thirty-two, and so on. Several stages in the divi- sion of the egg are illustrated in Fig. 7. The last, U, THE TRLLS OF TIIF. P.oDV has the appeiirance of a l>eiry, and is Ciilled the imilherry stage of develo])iiient. This Imudh' of cells is closely bound together, and continues to grow by a multiplica- rion of cells and an accumulation of cell material. The bodies of man and all higher animals are formed out of such bundles of cells. All start as a single cell, which by di- viding and subdividing results in the growth of the body. The body of a full-grown man is composed of many millions of cells. Parts of a cell. — Microscopes have been very much improved, and Fig. 7. — Diagram il- lustrating the multipli- cation of cells from a sintrle cell. Fig. 8. — Appearance of a cell under a strong microscope. scientists have learned much better ways of using them, so that now they can see many things which before es- caped their notice. In Fig. 8 is shown a cell as it ap- 18 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY pears under a modern microscox^e. The protoplasm, F, has the appearance of a mass of foam. ]S[ear the centre of the cell is the nucleus surrounded by a membrane, m. Within the membrane appear two different kinds of sub- stances. One is like the protoplasm in the body of the cell, and the other is represented in the figure by the heavy lines, ch. This latter substance is called chromatin, and is one of the most interesting and important parts of the cell. Just above the nucleus aj)pear two aster-like bodies, c These are called centrosomes. At first only a very small dot appears, but soon it divides into two, which are later surrounded by the radiating fibres as shown. The other marks are not essential i)arts of the cell. An empty space is seen at v, and d is only a speck of lifeless matter. The nucleus. — All cells have a nucleus in some form. It is the most essential part of the cell. Without the nucleus a cell cannot assimilate food or reproduce itself. Some interesting experiments have been per- formed to demonstrate the importance of this part of the cell. Certain small animals are made of only one cell, but are large enough so that they may be cut into parts and the action of the parts observed through a micro- scope. In Fig. 9 is a representation of such an animal. A bead-like string of nuclei extends through its body. If it be cut into parts as shown at B, the two ux)i)er pieces will contain nuclei, but the lowest one will not. It would then be observed that the two nucleated pieces TiiK cKi.Ls or 'rill-: r.oDv i:» live on as tliou^'^li iiothin*:^ liiid happened to them, and each ill time wouUl take on the sjime form as the origi- nal. The otlier piece would be observed to move abont ,■#■ ,.Al!;'!"'/;".;^:^ 3^- .///?'/'/f/^>j?^ dCimCi^^cW?p^^, ? ^/~< m B Flo. 0. — .1, protozoa ; 5, same out into three parts, the being without nuclei ; C, the two nucleated pieces regaini lowest nir the form of the original. for a short time, but it would not assimilate food or change its form, and soon its life would cease. Such ex- periments show that the nucleus is a vital part of the cell. How new cells are formed. — This is a subject of great importance in biology and i^hysiology. We here give the ijrincipal steps by which one cell becomes two. The diagrams show only the i^art of the cell to which attention is particularly directed. A cell at rest is repre- sented in Fig. 10. The nucleus is filled with a net-work of fibres, and just above it are the two dots called centro- somes. Sometimes only one dot is seen, but it soon divides 20 TIIIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY into two. These soon begin to change in a very interest- ing \vay. The first change noticed is in tlie nucleus. Here the fibres form into a thread and then break up into a num- ber of pieces called cliromoHomes. The number of chromo- somes is always the same for animals of the same species. In this cell there are four. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. The next change is seen in the centrosomes. They assume a star-like appearance and begin to move from each other, as shown in Fig. 12. though they are still con- nected by fibres running from one to the other. The membrane about the nucleus now disappears, and the centrosomes continue to separate until one is on each side of the cell with the chromosomes between them, as shown in Fig. 13. TllK (MOI.I.S OK 'rilK lioDV L>i Tlir ('li:iiin<' wliicli iinw follows is iiiosl woii- soiiie und foiii- lo 111*' ol her. The lish very much alone. In all liiiiher animals, including man, a great number of cells are joined together forming one bodj^, and the work of the body is divided among them. Some cells are concerned only in building up a bony framework for the body ; some secrete fluids needed for the digestion of food ; some form the protecting layer on the outside of the l^ody. Just as in a large factory there is a division of labor, and each workman is an expert in some i)articular process or operation, so there is a di- vision of labor among the cells of the body. Thus each cell becomes specially fitted for doing some particular thing necessary to the welfare of the whole body. Tissue. — A number of cells of similar origin grouped together and having a special work to do in any part of the body constitute a tissue. Each cell is alive and to some extent is independent of the other cells, but, as already shown, a single cell is so small that it is a very helpless creature when alone. We have to use a good microscope to even see it. A single cell of muscle can contract, but its etfort is very feeble. When^ however, thousands of them act together, 24 THIJRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY the bundle of muscle is able to lift beavy weights and perform hard labor. There are in the body six different kinds of tissue : (1) Epithelium 5 (2) Connective ; (3) Adipose ; (4) Os- seous ; (5) Muscular ; (6) Nervous. Epithelium. — Epithelium is the name of the layers of cells that cover the whole outside of the body and line all the vessels within that communicate with the outside. Epithelium is a very common and a \'ery important tissue. Fig. 17. — Pjivement epithelium. Fig. 18. — Columnar epithelium. - Its chief use on the surface of the skin is to i^rotect^the parts beneath it. Here the cells are flat, and are fitted to- gether at their edges much like the tile in a pavement, and so it is called pavement epithelium^ Fig. 17. The nails and hair, also the claws and horns of animals, are made of this kind of tissue. Another kind is called columnar epithelium, for, as seen in Fig. 18, the cells are set on end and have the appear- ance of columns. This kind of bells lines the stomach and intestines. Still another kind, shown in Fig. 19, is called ciliated epithelium because the cells have projections at the top TIIK (TJ.LS or TIIR r.oDV 25 that look like eyelnslies (ciliaj. Wliile the cells are alive tlu' cilia ;in' in coiistnnt motion. iMshini:- back and forth. Fig. 19. — Ciliated epithelium. Snch cells line the air-x^assage of the nose, windpipe, and lungs. They are also found in various other parts of the bodv. Connective tissue. — Connective tissue is distrib- uted throughout the body, and its duty is to bind to- gether and sui)port the various parts. One kind is called white fibrous tissue. It forms the ligaments which bind the bones together at the joints. It is the tissue of the tendons that connect muscle to bone. It serves as a tough membrane to cover various organs of the body. In nearly every organ of the body it is an in- dispensable connecting tissue. When seen under the microscope it has the appearance of silvery white waving bands. It is not elastic, but is very strong. Even the bone to which it is attached will break before the white tissue will give way. An example of its strength may be seen in a butcher- 2G THTKD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY shoj) where a beef or pork is hung from a peg by the ten- don of the hind leg. Another kind of connective tissue is called the yellow elastic tissue. It differs from the white fibrous tissue in color and also in the fact that it is elastic. It can be stretched, and will return to its original condition as soon as the stretching force is removed. It is found in various places in the body where such a tissue is needed, as in the skin, vocal cords, and arteries. A third kind is called areolar tissue because its fibres are lax and the spaces between them may be easily filled up with air or a liquid. This tissue is very abundant in the body. It binds parts together, but allows them to move freely on each other. It is found, for example, just under the skin, all over the body. It is this tissue which allows the skin to have such great freedom of movement. When the hide is removed from a dead ox it is only the areolar tissue that needs to be severed. Adipose tissue. — -Adipose tissue is a collection of cells that contain fat. Each cell has a nucleus and is alive like other cells, but is degenerate and soon to die. This tissue is found in many parts of the body within the areolar tissue. It is often abundant beneath the skin and around the heart and kidneys. The fat of the cell is a liquid while the animal is alive but becomes solid after death. Lard is obtained from the adipose tissue of the hog, and tallow from that of beef. Fat is also found in the body outside of adipose tissue. It is not part of a cell, but consists of little globules of TIIR CELLS OF TIIK liohV 27 fjit sueli as are roniul in tlio blood. The usa of Hit will \hi ih'scvihoi] under llu' subject of food. Osseous tissue. -^>^w'>"s' fi-ssnf is the name ai)|)li«'d to tlu^ collection of cells thai bnild np llie l)one of Ihii body. Three such cells are shown in Fig. 0. Their function is to j»ather from the blood the material they need, and to Imild up around themselves the hard and strong substance called bene. Bone is made hard by the lime compounds — calcium phosphate and calcium car- bonate— which the cells secrete. In some parts of the body these cells do not secrete lime, and then the tissue is called cartilage. Such is the nature of the pads between bones at the joints, and many other parts of the body. If the cartilage of the external ear were as inflexible as bcme, there would be great danger that it might be broken off by accident. Cartilage, how- ever, is classed with the osseous tissue. Muscular tissue. — Muscular tissue is the name of a very abundant collection of cells which form a material called muscle. This tissue can contract under the in- fluence of the cell. It thus pulls upon the bodies to which its ends are attached and draws the bodies closer together. This tissue is used in every motion that is made by the body. Nervous tissue. — Nervous tissue is a collection of cells that form the brain, the spinal cord, the nerves, and the ganglia. These cells are provided with long thread- 2S THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY like projections that run out to the cells of other tissues. In this way the nerve-cells have a directing and controll- ing influence over all parts of the body. Organs. — A collection of cells having similar work to perform is called a tissue. A collection of several kinds of tissue all working to the same purpose is called an organ. The ear, for ex- ample, is made up of manj^ different tissues, which to- gether form the organ of hearing. The lungs are the organs of respiration. The stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas are organs of digestion. The eye is the organ of sight, and the brain of thought. Systems. — A system includes several organs working together to the same end. The circulatory system would include all organs that have to do with the circulation of blood or other fluids. These would be the heart, arte- ries, capillaries, veins, and lymphatics. Six important systems may be named : digestive^ circula- tory, respiratory, nervous, excretory, and motor. The excretory system includes all those organs that are concerned in getting rid of the waste products or other substances that would be injurious if retained in the body. The motor system includes the muscles, bones, ten- dons, and motor nerves as far as they are concerned in giving to the body its variety of motions. Many organs belong to two or more systems. The lungs, for example, are organs of respiration, but in ex- Tin: CKLLS OF TJIK HuDY 29 piralioii tlicy an' also oriians of excretion, sinee earlxm dioxide and otlier waste matter thus escape into the air. Glands. — In many i)laces in the body it is necessary to secrete Irom the blood certain liqnids wbicli are needed in the economy of the body. Examples of such secre- tions are the juices needed to digest food, and the sweat which is poured out on the skin. At otlier places it is necessary to excrete matter for which the body no longer has any need, or matter which would be harmful if not j^romptly thrown off. An ex- ample of this is the urea which is excreted by the kidneys. Secretion and excretion are accomplished by organs called glands. A simple form of gland is represented in Fig. 20. It consists of a layer of epi- thelial cells built U2^ in connective tissue around a cavity and having an outlet called a duct. A net-work of blood capillaries lies close to these cells on the outside. The cells take from the blood the material suited to the special purpose of the gland. For example, the glands of the mouth will secrete saliva and those in the stom- ach will secrete gastric juice. Fig. 20.— Type of gland. C, cavity surrounded with epi- thelial cells ; d, duct. Serous and mucous membranes.— The two principal lining membranes of the cavities of the body are the serous and mucous membranes. The serous mem- 30 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY brane lines all cavities that are closed, that is, having no communication with the outside of the body. This membrane lines the cavities of the abdomen, and is there called the peritoneum ; it covers the lungs, and is there called the pleura ; it surrounds the heart, and is there known as the pericardium. Serous membrane is thin and glistening and always moist in a healthy body. It is a protection and support to the body it surrounds. The mucous membraiie lines all cavities that communi- cate with the outside. It may be considered as a continuation of the skin which covers the outer surface of the body. It is com- posed of layers of epithelial cells, and contains, in many places, small glands which secrete fluids suited to the purpose of the organ which they line. The two cavities of the trunk. — The trunk of the body is divided into two main cavities. The upper one is called the thorax and the lower one the abdomen. They are separated by the diaphragm, which is a parti- tion between them. The lungs, heart, and large blood- vessels are the principal organs in the thorax. In the abdomen are the stomach, small and large in- testines, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, and numerous blood-vessels. THE CELLS OF THE BODY 31 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. What lire f(»ur i)arts of a typical c«'H ? 2. What is protoplasm ? (Consult also the dictionary and cyclo- pa'dia. ) 3. What is wood? 4. What are stoniata, and how d(j they operate? 5. What distinction is made between the cell and the cell mate- rial ? 6. Make a drawing of seve/al bone-cells, 7. How do cells originate? 8. What is the unit in the animal body? 9. Make a drawing to illustrate the appearance of a cell under a strong microscope. 10. l)escribe the several parts that may be yeen. 11. Describe an experiment showing the importance of the nucleus. 12. Describe six steps in the formation of new cells from old ones. 13. What is karyokinesis ? (See dictionary. ) 14. What part of the process makes it almost certain that the new cells will be like the old? 15. Describe the amteba. 16. How is it different from other animals? 17. What cells of similar kind are in the body? 18. What is meant by a division of labor? 19. What is the advantage of a collection of cells ? 20. What is a tissue ? 21. How many kinds of tissue in the body? Name them. 22. Define epithelium. 23. Describe and make drawings of three different kinds of epithelium. 24. Why should there be different kinds?, 25. What is the function of connective tissue ? 32 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 20. Describe and give examples of three kinds of connective tissue. 27. Describe adipose tissue. 28. What is osseous tissue ? 29. What is the function of muscular tissue ? 30. What is the relation between the nervous tissue and the other tissues ? 31. What is an organ ? Give examples. 32. What is a system ? Name six. 33. Define the duty of each system. 34. What is secretion and excretion ? 35. Describe the structure of a simple gland. 36. Of what use are glands ? 37. What is serous membrane, and where is it found in the body? 38. What kind of organs are lined with mucous membrane ? 39. What kind of fluids do glands secrete ? 40. What are the two main cavities in the trunk of the body, and what are the chief organs in each? CnAPTEK III THE SKELETON The skeleton of the human body is made of bonevS, with pa lengthwise. Fio. 22. — Longitudinal section of upper end of femur. 1, 2, compact bone ; 3, cancellated bone. Short bones. — The short bones are such as those of the carpus and tarsus. Thej^ are made of spongy bone, and covered with a thin crust of hard, compact bone. Flat bones. — The flat bones are used to protect other parts of the body and to furnish a broad surface for the attachment of muscle. They are made of two plates of hard bone, quite close together, with spongy bone be- tween. The flat bones are the frontal, parietal, occipital, nasal, lachrymal, vomer, scapula, hip-bones, sternum, ribs, and patella. 38 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Irregular bones.— The irregular bones are so called because of their form. They are all bones of the skele- ton not included in the other three classes. They all have a hard, bony shell on the outside with spongy bone tissue within. The cranium. — The cranium is a strong bony box which supports and protects the most delicate and most important organ of the body, — the brain. In the cranium of the adult, as shown in Fig. 23, the flat bones are joined Fig. 23. — Cranium. edge to edge h\ a kind of joint called a suture. The edires ""row into each other and form a solid union. The cranium of the infant is soft and easily distorted, because the bones are not yet hardened with lime. All the other bones of the skull articulate with the sphenoid, which, like a wedge, holds them firmly to- gether. TIIH SKKLKTON ?,'.) The vertebral COlunm. — Tho vertebral column is coiupusod of o.i vertcbnc (Latin, vcrtere, to turn) placed one on top of tlie otlier. The cliaracteristic parts of a vertebra are the Vmdj', several processes, and a perfora- tion just back of the body. These an^ shown in Fig. 24. ..s i#^^ Fig. 24. — Vei'tebra. B, body; T^ transverse process ; S, spinous process. The vertebrae are piled up in the manner shown in Fig. 28, and serve as a strong pillar to hold up the head and the trunk of the body. The holes together form a tube for the protection of the spinal cord. Fig. 2.5. — Atlas. The atlas. — The topmost vertebra is called the atlas, because the head rests upon it (see Atlas in dictionary). 40 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY It differs in shape from the other vertebrae, as may be seen in Fig. 25. It articulates with the base of the skull, and when the head is turned it turns with it. Fk;. 2*;.— Axis. Axis. — The rsecond vertebra is called the axi.s, because it forms a pivot uj^on which the atlas rotates. The pecu- liaritj^ in the shape of the axis is the tooth-like projection called the odontoid process. The atlas fits over this x^ro- cess and rotates about it when the head is turned from side to side. Fig. 27. — Sacrum and coccyx. Sacrum and coccyx. — At the lowest point of the backbone is the coccyx. In early life it consists of four TIIK SKFJJ«:T()X 41 separate bones, but later tliey grow t<>j;elh<*i- and fm m one solid bone, ft is called the coceyx because it looks like the beak of a euekoo. Just above the coccyx is the sacrum, or sacred bone. It is so called because it was once used in sacrifices. In early life it is com- posed of five separate bones, but later they grow together. The sacrum and coccyx, to- gether with the two large hip- bones, form a strong basin at the base of the trunk of the body. It is called the jx'his, l>ecause lyelvin in the Latin language means basin (see skeleton on page 34). Flexibility of the back- bone.— The bod}' of each vertebra is about one inch thick. AVhen they are placed one on top of the other thay form a cobimn that is slightly curved like the letter S. The bony i:)art of the vertebraj do not touch each other. There is a pad of elastic cartilage between them, and all are bound firmlj' together by strong ligaments. Both the shajje of the column and the pads of cartilage Fig. 28. — Showing curves of spinal column. 42 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY prevent sudden jars from walking, jumping, or a slight fall. The cartilage also permits great freedom of move- ment in all directions. The ribs. — The ribs are flat, elastic l)ones surround- ing the chest. They are twenty-four in number, twelve Fig. 29.— The ribs. on each side. The u^^per seven on each side are true ribs, and the lower five are false ribs. All articulate with the backbone by a true joint, two to each dorsal vertebra. In the front the seven true ribs are joined to the sternum by means of cartilage. The fii^t three false ribs are joined in front to the cartilage of the lowest ti^ue rib. and the two remaining ones have no attachment in front, and so are QduW^d floating ribs. The THE SKKLKTON 4:j ribs do not pass strai^lit aiouiid the chest, but are lower ill front, and also sa^ in llie niiddlo. Tlie advantage of this will be apparent when we come to the study of breathing. The extremities. — There are many points of simi- larity between the bones of the arms and legs. The tei Fig. 30. — Forearm and lower leg. femur is the largest bone in the body, and the corre- sponding bone in the arm is the humerus. The tibia is the next longest, and is on the same side as the great toe. The radius of the arm is a corresponding bone on the same side as the thumb. The fibula of the leg has its 44 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY counterpart in the ulna of the arm. The tarsus is similar to the carpus. The metatarsus and metacarpus are much alike, and both the feet and the hands end in phalanges. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. Give four uses for bones. 2. How many bones in the human body? 3. Give good reasons for learning their names. 4. Name and locate the bones of the skull. 5. Point out and name the bones of the face. 6. Define the names of the ear bones. 7. What are the three classes of vertebrae? Locate them. 8. What are the three kinds of ribs? 9. Where is the sternum? The os innominatum? The hyoid? 10. Name all bones of the upper limbs. 11. Name all bones of the lower limbs. 12. Name together the corresponding bones of the arms and legs. 13. Point out on the chart all the bones of the body, giving names. 14. How are bones classified as to their structure? 15. Define a long hone. Name all the long bones. 16. AVhat is the structure of short hones? Oijiat hones f 17. To which of the four classes do the ribs belong? 18. Locate the sphenoid. 19. How many vertebrae are there, and why are they so called? 20. Which vertebra is called the atlas ? Why so called? 21. What is the use of the odontoid process? 22. What is the pelvis f 23. What provision is made to relieve the brain from sudden jars ? 24. What is the difference between the true, the false, and the floating ribs ? 25. How can you tell which of the two bones in the forearm is the radius ? CHAPTEE IV STRUCTURE AND NOURISHMENT OF BONE Strength of bones.— Bones which are to serve as a framework of the bodies of animals should be strong and at the same time light. This condition is brought about by making all long bones in the form of tubes, as shown in Fig. 22. A tube will support much more Fig. 31. — Cross-section of a flat bone. weight than the same amount of material in form of a solid rod. This principle is utilized in the use of hollow iron pillars for the sujjport of buildings and in the hollow stalks of grasses and grains. In the middle of the shaft of the long bone the tube is smaller, but the walls are thicker and almost as compact iis ivory. To- wards the ends the walls are thinner and the shaft larger. The exi^anded ends are filled with spongy bone which looks something like lattice work, and so is called cancellous bony tissue. The strength and lightness of flat bones are secured by having two plates of compact bone with cancellous tissue between them. The shai)e and structure of a bone depend upon the nature of its ser vice to the body. 45 46 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Microscopical examination of bone.— When we look through the inicroscoj^e at a very thin slice of bone it is seen to have a very definite and interesting structure which can never be seen with the naked eye. Fig. 32 ilhistrates the appearance of such a cross-section. r^^:r^iM^^^U:.-^^Q, tm. .. .J ' - :-'-~.^~'- 9- ;. Fig. o2. — Cross-section of hone, highly magnified. The lioles at the centres of the circles are only about sk of an inch across, some being larger and some smaller. These holes are tubes cut across. The tubes run length- wise with the bone and are called Haversian canals, from the name of the discoverer. Dr. Havers. The bone-cells are arranged in circles around the canals. Their loca- tion may be determined by the black, irregular spots called lacunce where the living cell resides. Very fine tubes, called canaUculi, ladiate from each lacunae, con- necting them one to another and with the central Haver- sian canal. Each canal with its concentric layers of STRUCTrUK OK IloXK 47 lacnnii' jukI caiialiculi form a ll<(rrr.sian si/shni. IIi<^ljly maunilied Ixnw cells arc I'cprcsciilcii in Vi*!;. y reference to Fig. 34 it is j51ain that, within certain limits, the leg can be moved in auy direction desired. In the shoulder, where the humerus articulates with the scapula, is also a joint of this kind. The socket here is not so deep as that at the hip. As a result of the shal- low socket the arms have a greater range of motion than the legs, but the shoulder-joint is more liable to dislo- cation. Another kind of joints, called gliding joints, may also be mentioned. Examples may be found in the bones of the carpus and tarsus, which maj^ glide slightly upon each other. Health of joints. — Joints are delicate in struc- ture, and so are liable to disorder unless they receive proper care. A diseased condition of the joints, called gout, is common with those who drink strong wine and other alcoholic liquors. The tendency to gout is also often inherited. Another serious disease, often located in joints, is rheu- matism. It is frequently the result of negligence in the niattei: of clothing suited to changes in the weather. It 58 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY may be caused by sitting in damp places, or by neglect- ing to cliange clotliing after exposure to wet. Eheuma- tism is the cause of a great deal of pain and discomfort, and yields very slowly to any treatment now known. Joints are liable to sprains and dislocations. When the ligaments about a joint are torn or unduly stretched, the joint is said to be sj) rained. Even slight sprains should receive immediate attention, for neglect may, as has often been the case, result in stiff joints. When the bones of a joint are forced out of place it is called a dislocation. When this occurs, no time should be lost in calling a surgeon to put the bones in place again. QUESTIONS FOR EEVIEAV. 1. Of what use are joints in the human skeleton ? 2. What are the three conditions of a good movable joint? 3. How do joints of the body compare with joints of a machine? 4. Describe the use of articular cartilage. 5. How is a joint lubricated ? 6. What provision is made for keeping joints in place? 7. Give examples of immovable joints. 8. What kind of joints in the bones of the face? 9. Name three important kinds of movable joints. 10. Describe the motion of the atlas on the axis. 11. What kind of motion in a hinge-joint? 12. Of what advantage is a ball-and-socket joint? 13. What kind of joints are in the tarsus and carpus? 14. What is gout f what is one of its causes? 15. What are some of the causes of rheumatism in the joints ? 16. What is a sprain ? 17. What is a dislocation ? 18. Point out and name each kind of movable joint seen in skele- ton on page 34. CHAPTER VI MOTION Motion a test of life. — Animals have the power of vohintary inoveiiieiit. Our common test of life is the ability to move. Some motion, such as the beating of the heart or the act of breathing, is going on in the body at all times. The power of voluntary movement, however, is one of the chief distinguishing marks between the higher animals and the higher plants. Movement within the cells. — Beside the com- monly observed motions of the body, there are also many delicate motions which are never seen except by aid of a strong microscope. The motion within the cell, as in case of cell division described on page 20, is an evidence of the life of the cell. The white corpuscle is capable of independent move- ment, and goes about from j)lace to place within the body. Another examjDle of cellular movement is found in cer- tain of the epithelial cells which are provided with cilia (Fig. 19). These cilia, some thirty to each cell, are in constant motion, lashing back and forth. This motion is produced by the cell, and continues long after the body as a whole has ceased to live. 59 60 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Motion by means of muscles. — The principal bodih- motions are accomplished by the action of the muscles upon the bones. One important use of the skel- eton and its joints is to give the body agility and facility of motion. The skeleton alone, however, has no power of motion. The power to produce motion resides chiefly in the muscles, which are attached to the bones. They are called skeletal muscles. There are also other kinds of muscle, such as those of the heart and arteries, which will be described later. The two ends of a skeletal muscle are attached to two different bones, which have a movable joint between them. When the muscle contracts, the positions of the bones are changed in their relation to each other. In Fig. 36. — Diagram showing how motion is produced by contraction of muscle. the diagram (Fig. 36) the muscle is attached at O and I. The joint is at J. AVhen the muscle shortens, the lines A J and B J will be drawn towards each other. If the point O is immovable, all the motion will be made by A J. Such is the plan of most skeletal muscles. It is plain that if the two ends of the muscle were attached MOTIOX Gl to the Siime bone its contractions wonld only tend to stniin the bone and tear the mnscle. Shape and attachment of muscles. — Skeletal muscles consist of a soft. red. central part, which tapers off at each end into cords of white fibrous tissue. The coitls are called tendons, and they .serve as a convenient means for the attachment of muscles to bones. Some muscles, however, are attacheil directly, without the in- tervciition of tendons. Fig. oT. — Showing bones of the arm and biceps muscle. In Fig. 37. O is called the origin of the muscle and /the insertion. The origin is the end nearest the centre of the body, and which usually moves the least. In the Fig. is a representation of the muscle called the biceps. It is the large muscle of the arm. to which men and l>oys often point as an evidence of their muscular ability. 62 TITTPJ) P,O0K OF PHYSIOLOGY It has its origin in the shoulder-blade at 0, and its in- sertion at I. When it contracts, the forearm and hand are raised. Mechanical principles in the motions of the skeleton.— The lever is the chief mechanical con- trivance for i^roducing the motions of the body: Levers are usually classed as three kinds, the difference depend- ing on the point of attachment of the iceiffht. the powet', W © ^ w © w @ ■^ u Fig. 38.— Levers of the first class. and the fulcrum . Tlie fulcrum is alwaj'S the still place, or the axis upon which the lever rotates. Fig. 38 shows three levers of the first class. The bolts show the posi- tions of the fulcrums. The hand shows the point where the power is applied, and the weight or resistance to the power is at the other end. Mot I ox 03 Tn the topmost lrv<'r Mh' Iwo aims ai<' ('(iiuil, and so there is no a(hantaj;:(^ except that wlien tlie liand i)uslie8 down the weight goes up. In the second lever the weight end is niucli lonj^'cr tlian tlie hand end, and so, wlien tlie hand moves down and up, the weight will move u]) and down, but much farther and faster. With this arrangement the hand can move only a light weight, but it can move it rapidly. Tn the third one the hand has the long arm of th«i lever. The weight may now be heavy, but it can be moved up and dow^n only slowly. Not much use is made in the body of this first class of levers. An example of it is found in the backward move- ment of the head. Here the fulcrum is the point where the skull articulates with the atlas. The front part of the head is heavier than the part back of this fulcrum, and so the head will fall forward of itself But a back- ward motion is produced by the contraction of muscles which are attached to the backbone below and to the occipital bone above. In the second class of levers the fulcrum is at one end and the powder at the other, with the weight between them. In this arrangement there is a gain in power, and the closer the weight is to the fulcrum the heavier it may be for the same power exerted by the hand, but the weight will move through a smaller distance and less rapidly than the hand does. A good example of this kind of lever is found in the foot. It is used in rising on the toes. Here the toes are the fulcrum, the power is applied at the heel, and the weight of the body is between. 64 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY When the strong muscle of the calf contracts, it pulls upon the tendons which are attached to the heel and the body is raised. W © Fig. 39. — Levers of the .«ecoiid Every step we take in walking and running involves the use of this muscle and lever. W Fig. 40.— Lever of the third claas. Levers of the third class are most common in the body. Here the power is applied between the fulcrum and the weight. The power, in this kind of lever, must always MOTION 65 bo j^rciitcr tliiiii {\w wci^lil, or rcsistiiiici', but tliero is ;i ^SLin in (hr vclointy with wliich tiic \v(^ii;lit is moved. The; niovi'mcnt by wliicii Die liiiud is raised to Iheinouth is accomplished by a ]vv(iv of this kind. By reference to Fijj^. M it is seen that tlie fulcrum is the elbow, the weij^ht is the foi-earm, the hand, and what- ever the hand contains, and the power is applied to the radius a little way below the elbow at the point of inser- tion of the biceps. Voluntary muscles. — Muscles are of two kinds, the voluntary and the involuntary. The voluntary^ as the word would indicate, are those which are under the con- trol of the mind and can be operated at will. When you nod in response to an inquiry, we know you mean yes, because the muscles that produce that motion are voluntary'. All the skeletal muscles are volun- tary. Each bundle of muscle, as we shall see later, is made up of a great number of cells with the cell material about them. Each cell is connected by a nerve-thread to the nervous centre, — the brain. When we wish any voluntary muscle to do work, a message is sent out along the nerve from the brain to the muscle. The muscle is thus stimu- lated to activity. Each cell of the muscle contains a store of energy which it gets from the food we eat. When the food material unites with the oxygen which we breathe, the energy is changed to heat and work. The energy is all in the cell, and the message from the brain only excites the cell to activity. It is not like ring- 66 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY ing an electric bell by pressing a button, for in that case all the energy passes over the wire to the bell. The relation of a general to his army is a good illustra- tion of the relation of the brain to the muscle. The energy is in the army, but it may remain perfectly passive until orders are received from the general. The order Fig. 41. — Showing the shape of a muscle before and after contraction. may set the whole army in motion. Only the stimulus and not the energy came from the general. Involuntary muscles. — Involuntary muscles are those over which the mind has no direct control. They are such muscles as are found in the walls of the gullet, and which by contractions force the food down into the stomach. The muscles in the coats of the stomach are of this kind, and after a meal they contract on the food, moving it about and mixing it with the digestive juices. The intestines by a contraction of the muscles in their walls move the food along without any voluntary atten- tion on our part. The action of the heart is beyond the MOMMON 67 control of the will. Its muscles are therefore involuntary. The muscles which are concerned in the operation of breathing may be called semi-voluntary, for they can, to some extent, be controlled by the will, but breathing will continue while we are asleep, or while we are completely absorbed in other matters. It must not be thought that these cells move purely of their own accord. They, too, are stimulated by nerves which come from nerve-centres, as will be exj^lained under the discussion of the nervous system. Structure of voluntary muscle. — The voluntary mus- cles are put up in bundles called fascicc. The fascice are bound with connective tissue, and are in turn made up of smaller bun- dles called fasciculi, five of which are shown in Fig. 42. The fas- ciculi are composed of fibres, which are the cells and cell mate- rial of muscle. The fibres are composed of a soft substance enclosed in a sheath called the sarco- lemma. The fibres are small, having an average diameter of about ^U of an inch, while their length varies from i to 1\ inches. A bundle of muscle may be a foot or more long, so that a fibre cannot always reach from end to end of the mus- FiG. 42.— Portion of fas- cia showing live fasciculi and their component fibres. 68 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY cle. In that case the end of one lies between two others that follow, and to which they are cemented by means of the sarcolemma. At the ends of skeletal mus- cles the fibres blend into the tendons, or, if there be no ten- dons, they connect to the bone. When the fibre is examined by a strong microscope, it is seen to be marked across by very fine alternating bands of dark and light. A bundle of this kind of fibres is called striped or striated muscle. Each fibre contains a nucleus, and is connected by a nerve to the brain so that it can be made to contract at will. Structure of involuntary muscle. — The involuntary mus- cles are made wp of spindle- shaped fibres Avhich are about 43 0 of an inch iu length and about 4oW inch in breadth. Each contains an elongated nucleus. This kind of muscle is used to surround cavities of the bodj^, cliiefly the digestive tract and blood-vessels. As they are not attached to bones, they have no origin or in- sertion. Pig. 43. — Showing- iiuis- cles of the forearm and their tendons. MOTION C9 The fibros are not striated ;is in voluntary muscles. They slowly contract uiulcr proper stimulus, becoming shorter, and thus cliauging the capacity <►(" tlu^ cavity which thev surround. Fir,. 44. — Striated muscular fibres. The fibres of the heart partake of the structure of both kinds of muscle. Its flattened fibres are laced together Ftg. 45. — Fibres of iuvuluntury muscles. and are without a sarcolemma, as is the case with invol- untary muscles, but the fibres are striped as in voluntary muscles, though not so distinctly. The development of muscle.— Muscle is capable of high development. Our bodies are made in such a 70 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY way that when any organ or part of the body is called upon for greater and greater service an effort is made to meet the demand. When a muscle has been unused for a long time, it degenerates, until but little is left of it, except the con- nective tissue. After a broken arm or leg has been in the splints for several weeks, the muscles become so weak that it requires long and careful exercise to bring them back to their former strength. The brawny arm of the blacksmith, on the other hand, shows the effect of vigorous daily exercise. Exercise is a call for power which nature tries to furnish. Food of rauscle. — Each muscular fibre or cell, as we have alread}^ explained, is a little engine capable of converting food into heat and motion. Just like other engines, however, they cannot give out any energy until they first receive it. Good air and good food are neces- sary to the development of strong and healthy muscle. Without these, exercise is worse than useless. Development gradual.— Many young people try to develop the muscle too rapidly. They sometimes choose large dumb-bells for their gymnastic exercises and expect to see great results in a few days or weeks. This is a mistaken notion. The true development of either body or mind comes gradually. Those who are experienced in this matter give more attention to the regularity and persistence in their practice MOTION 71 than to tlie intensity ol' it. A strong man can profitably use only a two-pound (hinib-bell, but lie must piactisi* a certain len<;th of time every day and then rest. When exercise is carried too far, the muscle becomes exhausted and weakened. Clothing during exercise.— In a later chapter we shall see that one office of the skin is to throw otl" wavSte matter which, if retained in the circulation, would be a poison to the blood. During vigorous exercise the quan- tity of waste thrown off is nuich greater than at other times, and for this reason the clothing should be loose and light. The same kind of clothing is also necessary for the freedom of the nuiscles and to i^ermit the escape of the excess of heat which is always developed by ex- ercise. Kinds of exercise. — There are a great many kinds of good exercises. The kind, however, is not always so important as the way it is done. As a rule, it may be said that outdoor exercises are good for bodily development because of the wholesome air and sunshine. Also those exercises which call into use many muscles of the body are preferable. Walking is good, inasmuch as it takes one into the open, fresh air ; but if the Avalk is onl}- a stroll about the streets it fails to call into use many parts of the body. The best kind of a walk is one up and down hills and over fields and fences. A dress parade is of little value. 72 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Those who live near a body of water have at hand a most beneficial kind of exercise in rowing, which should call into full use the muscles of tlie arms, legs, and back. Lawn tennis is among the best of outdoor exercises. Base-ball and foot-ball under a proper director are good kinds of sport, not only for the exer- cise in the game itself, but also because success comes only to those who take good care of their general health at all times. Physical culture.— In re- cent times there is a demand for physical culture apart from any games. This can be se- cured, under the guidance of a competent director, in the gym- nasia of the best schools and colleges. In any game there are some parts of the body which receive an undue amount of exercise, and other parts which receive none, or not enough for their proper development. In physical training the development progresses in a systematic and natural manner. The action of the heart, lungs, and muscles are all strengthened. Those who are Fig. 46. — Exercisers MOTION 73 MCiik can tluis !)(' made (it locngaji^ti in streniioiis athletic sport without haini to themselves. Thii general health is improved by sucii culture, and the chances of disejuse and sickness are much reduced. One Diay obtain such culture at home by use of dumb- bells, Indian clubs, and exercisers such as shown in Fig. 4(>. iMore important than the apparatus, however, is the will-power needed to persist in taking the regular daily exercise. It is best always to first consult one who is competent to instruct in this art, that the many errors which the un- aided novice is sure to make may be avoided. Whatever the nature of the exercise is, the conditions that should prevail are : good air, many muscles in use, moderation, rest, persistency in effort, and regularity in time. Skilful muscles. — The development of a strong and healthy body is desirable for several reasons. Such a condition has associated with it a good appetite for food and ability to assimilate it ; a vigorous circulation of blood ; and deep breathing. Such a condition of body furnishes a good foundation for a vigorous and sustained action of mind. "A sound mind in a sound body" is a true maxim. It is not necessary for this purpose that the muscles be highly developed, ^but that they should receive sufficient exercise to keep them in a healthy and vigorous condition. A large and strong muscle, however, is, to most people. 74 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY of no advantage in itself. Such a muscle may strike a heavy blow or lift a great weight, but such things can be done by the brutes, which have still stronger muscles. Man's object must be to acquire skill in the use of his muscle. A strong muscle that is trained to move the arms, hands, legs, and body in a skilful manner is worth all the time and effort which such training requires. Effect of alcohol on the muscles. — At one time it was thought that alcohol would add strength to the muscles. Its true nature and effect upon the body were not then known. In these later years a close study of the subject has been made by able scientists and physicians who were interested only in finding out the truth. The evidence in all cases is that the use of alcoholic drinks will lessen the ability of the muscles for sustained work, and the man who relies upon the use of his muscles for a living, cuts down the soui'ce of his strength by the use of alcohol. Of course, other evil effects follow the use of alcohol, but onlv the effect on muscle is beins^ considered here. Experiments with the ergograph. — The ergo- graph is an instrument by which it is possible to tell quite exactly any change in the ability of muscles to do work. Experiments with this instrument have shown that with doses as small as one and one-half teaspoonful of alcohol there was at fi.rst, for a short time, an increase in work. But soon there was a rai^id drop m the scale. MOTION 75 so that llic total work done was less than without jilco- hol. Many experiments of this kind indicate that alco- hol has a depressinjr effect ujmmi the nmscles. Experiments with armies. — Tt was once custom- ary to deal out to soldiers rations of strong drink, such as whiskey, rum, and brandy. This was done because it was believed that the soldier could then endure a longer march and greater fatigue and hardshii). Trial has been made with soldiers in the armies of the United States, England, Germany, and other nations, with the use of alcohol and without it. The results clearly showed that the soldiers without alcohol were in much better physical condition at the end of a hard contest or long march. Those who had taken alcohol would start out more briskly, but would sooner fall by the way. Alcohol and the railroads.— All good railroads seek to do business on an economical and efficient basis. To do this they must have efficient men. They have found that alcohol, even in moderate quantities, will sooner or later lessen a man's efficiency for service. The officials of a good railroad will not accept the ser- vices of a man who is known to drink any kind of alco- holic liquors. Some will not even permit their em- ployees to lodge or board at a hotel which has a bar attached. Similar precautions are taken by all large business firms. This is not so much because these corporations are 7G THTHD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY interested in the temperance problem, but they want those men who can l3est do their work. They know from experience that a good man will l>e better if he is a total abstainer from alcoholic liquors. Athletics and alcohol. — Those who train for ath- letic contests, where they will need all the strength and power of endurance they can muster, are required to totally abstain from the use of tobacco and alcohol. Ex- perience has shown the trainers that these two poisons are destructive, and tend to tear down and not to build up. Even those who follow the ignoble calling of prize fighting are compelled to be total abstainers, at least during their period of training. A young man who belongs to the boat-crew or foot- ball team of one of the great colleges could not more efFectivel}' disgrace himself in the eyes of his fellow- students than by using alcohol or tobacco on the eve of an important contest. Effect of alcohol on skill. — Most people are not directly concerned in athletic sports, but the same prin- ciple that makes it advisable to refrain from alcohol in that case will more forcibly apply in the serious contests of life. The degree of skill needed to make one a suc- cess in any art is acquired only by long practice under favorable physical conditions. Alcohol so affects the nerves and muscles that the nerve is not able to deliver a clear-cut order to the muscular cell, or the cell is not MOTION 77 a])l(' to execute the order. The result is an uiistrady aud clunisy motion. It is claiiiM'd on <^ood authority that the present com- mercial supnunacy of the United States is in good part due to the fact that there is less drinking among our workmen than among those of European countries. The result must be the acquisition and retention of an artistic skill which results in a better and larger output of goods. The Labor Bureau of the United States shows iu its report that a large per cent, of the employers of skilled and unskilled labor require total abstinence on the part of their employees. They are not even willing that their men should drink after their day's work is done, for both experience and exact experimentation have shown that alcoholic drinks taken at night impair working ability the following day. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. What is our common test of life? 2. Describe some movements in the body which we do not ordinarily observe. 3. How are nuiscles attached in reference to joints? Why? 4. What is meant by origin and insertion of muscle ? Illustrate by reference to the biceps. 5. Show the advantages and disadvantages of levers of the first class. Where in the body is this lever used? 6. What is the position of fulcrum, power, and xceight in levers of the second class? Give example of its use in the body. 7. When is a lever of the third class ? Give example of its use in the body. 8. Which kind of lever is most used in the body? What is tlie effect on bodilv motions ? 78 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 9. What are voluntary muscles ? AVhere are they located ? 10. How are muscles stimulated to activity? 11. Is the energy in the nerves or in the muscles? Illustrate by the relation of a general to his army. 12. AVhere are the involuntary muscles ? Why so called? 13. Explain the structure of voluntary muscles. 14. Explain the structure of involuntary muscles. 15. What is peculiar about the structure of heart muscle? 16. How can muscle be developed ? 17. Why do working muscles need food? 18. Why cannot muscle be developed rapidly? 19. What kind of clothing is best during exercise? Why? 20. Name some good exercises. Give reasons. 21. How does physical culture differ from exercise in games ? 22. AVhy is skill desirable ? 23. What is the effect of alcohol on muscle ? 24. What is shown by the ergograph ? 25. What has been the experience with armies? 26. What is the action of railroad officials in regard to alcohol? Why? 27. Wh}' do those who train for athletic contests not drink alcohol ? 28. What is the effect of alcohol on skill? CHAPTER VII FOODS The use of food. — Our l)Oflies need food for two purposes, first, to build up and maintain the tissues of the body, and, second, to furnish the energj^ needed for the ivork we have to perform and the heat which must be maintained in the body. Nature has given to all animals the sensations of hnnger and thirst, and an appetite for those things which the tissues need. A perfectly healthy appetite should be a' safe guide in choosing food. Most appetites, however, are not reliable, and for this reason, among others, food is a proper subject for intelligent study both as to its nature and its use in the body. Constant loss of material from the body. — There is constantly being thrown off from the body in various ways a quantity of matter which would be in- jurious if retained in the body, or which is no longer of any use. Every breath from the lungs carries out con- siderable water and carbon dioxide : by perspiration the skin is constantly giving off water and waste ; a large amount of water and urea is excreted by the kidneys ; the undigestible parts of food as well as the undigestible matter which is eaten with food are daily thrown off' from the body ; and the surface epithelium is constantly 79 80 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY wearing away and falling off. From all such causes the body loses on an average about nine ijounds each day. It is plain that at this rate the l)ody would soon waste away unless food be supplied at the same rate. The nine pounds a day is for the average healthy body at work at its full capacity. When food is not sufiQcient to supply the loss, the waste will be less, but the body will be less efficient in the same proportion. Loss of energy. — The old idea of food was that it was only for the purpose of supplying the tissues with material for their growth and repair, and to lubricate the moving parts. The real nature of food was not un- derstood. We now know that the chief function of food is to supxjly energy. Every motion and action of the body, even thinking itself, is a use of energy which was in the food. When the body does any work it must lose a certain amount of energy, and is to that extent less able to do other work. When the body does very little work, not so much food need be eaten, for the energy from the food last taken has not yet been expended. When much work -is done the energy is soon exhausted, and we are made aware of the fact by the sensation of hunger. Two kinds of energy. — There are two kinds of energy, called the potential and the l-lnetic. The water in a dam has potential energy because it would flow down the valley if the dam were removed. A weight on a shelf has potential energy because it will fall if the FOODS 81 shelf is removed. Coal has a p<>teiitial enerj]:y bc^caiise it h;us a strong allinity for uxygound is fat. This substance, like the carbohydrates, is composed only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but in different proportion. The quantity of fat in the body varies greatly in different in- dividuals and in the same individual at different times, but the average quantity in a man is about six pounds. Other substances in the body. — The three classes of substances just named are the important organic com- pounds of the body. There are also several other sub- stances which are not important in themselves, but which are indispensable because of the assistance they give in the processes of life. Water constitutes about two-thirds of the weight of the body. If a man weighs one hundred and fifty pounds, one hundred i^ounds are water. Every tissue of the body contains some water. Even the enamel of the teeth, the hardest substance in the body, is 2 per cent, water. Muscle is three- fourths water. Bone is about 22 per cent, water, and saliva is almost -pure water. Salt is found in all tissues of the body. FOODS 8.1 Phosphate and carbonate of lime are tlie chief constitu- ents of the bones and the teeth. A number of either compounds are also found in the body. What is a food. — Foods should l>e such sul:)stances as will sup])ly the material of which we find the body is composed. A sutetance is not a fooe supplied without the excess of any one. Amount of food. — ^lost food is eaten for the en- ergy it contains, and the' work which it enables a man to do. It is evident, then, that a man needs more food when he is hard at work than when he is at rest or engaged only in mild forms of exercise. As to how much food the body needs, it is not yet pos- sible to give a definite answer. The authointies do not agree on this matter. It is quite certain, however, that most people err in eating too much rather than too little. According to a standard which has been largely followed, it is assumed that a man doing moderate work would need 118 grams of proteid, 56 grams of fat, and 500 grams of carbohydrates per day. The total fuel value of this amount of food is 3055 large calories.'-' Recent exxjeriments would indicate that an amount of food whose fuel value is only 1600 large calories is, when properly digested and assimilated, better both for health and ability to do strenuous work. If excess of food were only so much matter to be re- * A large calorie is the amount of lieat needed to raise the tem- perature of one kilogram of water one degree centigrade. 90 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY fused and cast off by tlie body, it would not be a matter of particular concern. But the organs of digestion and excretion make an effort to handle all of it. They are overtaxed, and none of their work is done well. Such ill-13repared food may even be a poison to the tissues and work great evil to the health of the body. The cooking of foods. — Cooking is practised bv all civilized peox^le. and is indispensable in the preparation of certain kinds of food. The carbohydrates, which are mainlv starch, form tlie laro'er bulk of foods. AVhen the Fig. 47. — Triehinfe in pork. Starch is cooked, it is much more readily soluble in the juices employed in its digestion. Meats are not only more palatable when properly jjre- pai'cd in the kitchen, but the tissues are softened, and can be more finely divided by mastication, and more readily dissolved by the gastric juice in the stomach. Another good reason for cooking some foods is that any minute living organisms which might be present may be destroyed by the intense heat. This is particularly true of i^ork. lu Fig. 47 is a specimen of diseased pork, as it appears under the microscope, showing trichinae coiled up in the tissue. These, if eaten, may lodge in the tissues of the body. Thorough cooking will kill them. FOODS 01 Rules and methods of cooking cannot be given in a book of this character. Many books are written and schools established for instruction in this useful art. A general knowledge of the best ways to prepare food would be of the jrreatest vahie to tho human nice. Is alcohol a food ? — Any substance which at first seems to supply the body's needs, but which in time works a serious injuiy, is not a food. The sj'mbol which the chemist uses for alcohol is CJIgO. Since carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are essen- tial parts of the tissues of the body and of our foods, it might at first appear that alcohol would be a desirable food. ^Mleu we consider a number of other compounds, how- ev^er, which also contain elements found in the body, but which we know to be poisonous, we see that our inference in regard to alcohol is not correct. Hydrocyanic acid, for example, is a deadly poison. A very small quantity of it will kill almost instantly, and yet it is made up of hydrogen, carlxm. and nitrogen, its symbol being HCX. Again, we know that alcohol will oxidize. — that is. it will burn and yield heat and energy. Alcohol will also oxidize in the human body and yield a certain amount of heat and energy. Since this is one of the most important functions of food, it would appear that alcohol would be a food. A true food, however, will yield heat and energy with- out doing any harm to the organs and tissues of the bodj*. Alcohol, while it yields heat and energy, acts at the same 92 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY time as a poison. For this reason alcohol cannot be classified as a food. This may be illustrated in this way : It is vrell known that when sulphuric acid and water are mixed together in about equal parts, the mixture will become very hot. This acid will also corrode and "eat up" iron. Suppose now that an engineer sliould adopt the plan of mixing sulphuric acid witli the water in the boiler when he wanted to "get ui>" steam. The water would be rapidly heated, and, to an ignorant person, this would seem to be a good plan. It would soon be found, however, that the material of the engine was being rapidh^ destroyed by the acid, and either this method of getting energy would have to be discontinued or the boiler would soon need to go to the shop for repairs or be abandoned alto- gether. QUESTIONS FOR REVIP:W. 1. State the two chief purposes of food. 2. "What are some of the ways by which the body loses in weight? 3. AVhat was an old idea about the purpose of food ? 4. AVhy does a man get hungr}- sooner when he works tlian when he is idle ? 5. What are the two kinds of energy? 6. Explain what is meant by potential energy. 7. How does a steam-engine get its energy ? 8. AVhat difference in the use of food in a steam-engine and in man ? 9. How does the body get energy from food? 10. Where did the food get its energy ? 11. What difference in the kind of oxidation in an engine and in a human body? F()OJ)S ^''* 12. Name the four elements of which the body is largely com- p<^tHl. Name i?everal others. l.S. What are the three chief comiMumd.s of the binly ? What is their composition? 14. How much of the body is water? 15. Define a foinl. 10. Why must the food of the body be complex compounds? 17. What element of food is found only in ])roteid? 18. How are proteids formed? 19. What kinds of foods ftirnish us with proteids? 20. What kind of foods furnish carbohydrates? 21. What is the source of fats? 22. What makes wheat a good food? 23. Explain the rising of bread. 24. How does corn differ from wheat as a fooegin to push out the first set and to take their phices. At the age of twelve or thirteen years all the permanent teeth have appeared except the back ones, which are called wisdom teeth, and which do not come till the age of twenty or twenty -five yeais. Fig. 49. — -Permanent teeth of the right side. (Gray.) 1, 2, and 3, molars ; 4 and o, bicuspids ; 6, canine ; 7 and 8, incisors. The full set numbers sixteen in each jaw, making thirty- two in all. In each jaw the four front teeth are called incisors ; the next two, one on each side, are the canines ; the next two on each side are hicuspids ; the last three on each side are the molars. Composition of teeth. — Teeth are made of a hard material similar to bone. They are composed of a crown, which is that part extending beyond the gums ; DIGESTION 99 the neck, which is surrouiKh'd by the <^uins ; and the yoot, which is einbe(hhMl in Ww, hour of tlic jaw iind liniily fixed with cement. A cross- sec Mo 11 of a tooth shows that it is composed of three parts. In the centre is the i)iilp-cavity, wliicli is filled with a nct-woi'k of blood-vessels and nerves. Fig. 50. — Longi- tudinal section of tooth. E, enamel ; D, dentine; P, pulp. Fig. 51. — Cross-section of tooth, masrnified, sliowinsr enamel. Surrounding the pulj) is the dentine, which is very hard, and yet is alive and composed of fibres radiating from the pulp and receiving nourishment from the blood that circulates through the pulp-cavity. Enamel covers the crown of the tooth and is thickest on the grinding surface. It is the hardest substance in the body, and can withstand a great deal of grinding without wearing away. Fig. 51 shows a very thin sec- tion of tooth as it appeared under the microscope. 100 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Salivary glands. — The process of griDding the food between the teeth is called mastication. While food is being masticated, a fluid called saliva is poured out into the mouth through ducts from the salivary glands. There are three sets of these glands. They are the parotid, submaxillary, and subungual, — two of each kind. The parotid glands are situated just below and in front of the ears, and the ducts from them open into the mouth on the inner surface of the cheek, near the second molar tooth of the upper jaw. The submaxillary \J^ ^ and sublingual glands are situated Fig. 52.— Racemose beneath the tongue, and empty into ^ ■ the mouth just under the tongue. These are called racemose glands, because they consist of sacks all connected together and giving the whole the appearance of a bunch of grapes, as shown in Fig. 52. The purpose and nature of saliva. — The office of saliva is, first, to keep the mouth moist at all times ; second, to moisten the food so that it may be more thor- oughly masticated and afterwards swallowed ; third, to dissolve some of the foods that are already soluble ; and, fourth, to begin the change of starch to sugar. Saliva is almost pure water, but it contains a ferment called ptyaliHj which causes the change of starch to sugar. Ptyalin is not a living organism, like a yeast ferment. DIGESTION 101 It can chan / Fio. 5-3. — Section of smaii mrostine of cat. A^Tien a villus is clos^^ly examined, it is fonnd to be covered with a layer of epithelial cells as shown in Fig. 57. FiG. 56. — Micn)photograph of villi. Within is a net-work of ves.sels to receive and carry away the liquids that pass through the layer of cells. In the 108 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY centre, L, is a tube called a lacteal, which, during diges- tion, is filled with a milky white liquid. About the lacteal are the capillary blood-vessels. Here and there between the villi are the mouths of glands called the crypts of Lieberkiihn. Fig. 57. — Diagram of villus. E, layer of epithelial cells ; yl, artery F, vein : L, lacteal. The liver. — Two large glands concerned in intestinal digestion are set off from the alimentary tract, but con- nect with it by means of ducts, through which they pour their secretions into the small intestine. These glands are the liver and the pancreas. The liver is the largest gland in the body and weighs from three to four pounds. It is situated on the right side of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm, and consists of five lobes. It contains a net-work of tubes, through which the blood and other liquids circulate. DKiKSTloX 100 Fig. 58.— External view of liver. 1, riglit Icbe ; 2, left lobe; ^, portal vein; 4, hepatic artery; o, bile duc-t ; 6, gall-bladder; 7, in- ferior vena cava. Fig. 59.— Lobule of the liver. Blood is brought by portal vein to outer surface of the lobule and flows through the lobule to its centre, where it is collected by the hepatic vein and conducted to the inferior vena cava. 110 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY On close examination it is seen that the liver is made up of a great number of masses called lobules. Each lobule consists of hepatic or liver cells, between which run numerous fine blood-tubes. The work of the liver is done by these cells. In Fig. 59 is seen a cross-section or a lobule highly magnified. The liver is of great service to the body in sevei'al ways. In this chapter we are interested in its ability to produce bile. This substance is gathered up by nu- merous hepatic ducts, which finally unite and pour the bile into the duodenum. Beneath the liver is a gall-bladder, in which the gall is stored when not needed for digestion. The pancreas. — The other large gland concerned in digestion is the pancreas. It is situated in the abdomen back of the stomach. It is a racemose gland and re- sembles those that secrete saliva. It is six to eight inches long, but quite narrow and thin, weighing only from two to four ounces. Its function is to secrete pancreatic juice, which is poured through a duct that opens into the bile duct just before it reaches the duodenum. Digestion in the small intestine.— While the food is passing through the process of gastric digestion, the glands concerned in intestinal digestion secrete their juices and pour them into the small intestine. When the chyme passes through the pj^lorus into the duo- denum, digestive juices are there ready to receive it. DIGESTION 111 These are the pancreatic juice, the bile, ami the secre- tions from the small glantLs embedded in the niucx)us coat of the intestine. These, when mingled with tln' food nuuss, change the acid chyme to tlic iilkaliiR' chiile. Action of the pancreatic juice.— The secretion of the paucrea^s is the most important of the intestinal juices. It is a clear, alkaline liquid, and is capable of doing three things : First, it rapidly converts starch into sugar. This action was begun by the saliva, but was stopped by the acid in the gastric juice of the stomach. Second, it digests any proteids that escaped digestion in the stomach. Third, it changes some of the fats to soap, in which form it is soluble in water, and so can be absorbed. Most of the fats, however, lue only emulsified, and are passeil as small droplets through the bodies of the epi- thelial cells. The action of bile. — The human bil«.' i.s a brownish liquid, but will, if kept for a time, turn green. Its use is not fully known, but it is certain, from the bad etfects which follow when the supply is shut off, that bile has an important office in digestion. It is alkaline, and helps to neutralize the acid of the chyme. It excites the muscular coat to action, and tlius is a means of moving the food along the intestine. It also facilitates the absorption of fats. Intestinal juice. — The juice secreted by glands in the mucous coat of the intestine is, like the other two, 112 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY alkaline. It converts the sugars which we eat into a kind which can be more readily absorbed by the villi. The large intestine. — The final portion of the ali- mentary tract is called the large intestine. It is but five feet in length, but is called ''large" because it will aver- age about two inches in diameter. The area of its cross- section, then, is nearly four times as great as that of the small intestine. It begins on the right side of the abdomen and ex- tends up along that side, forming the ascending colon; then across, forming the transverse colon; then down on the left side, forming the descending colon. (See Fig. 53.) The small intestine opens into the side of the colon some distance from the end. At this opening there are folds of the mucous membrane which form a valve called the ileocolic valve. By this arrangement the con- tents of the small intestine may easily pass into the colon, but cannot return. The part of the colon below the ileocolic valve is called the cwcum (blind), because it is closed at the lower end. From the caecum hangs the vermiform appendix. This is a slender tube about four inches long, and is the seat of a common inflammation called apx^endicitis . The coats of the large intestine are the same as in the small, except that the mucous coat is not supplied with villi. It is furnished, however, with numerous glands. Action of the large intestine.— By the time the food mass has reached the ileocolic valve its valuable DKiESTION 113 food contents have been largely absorbed. Tliat which enters the colon is mostly water, some food, and wiuste products. In the large intestine a great deal of water is absorbed, and the digestion of the remnants of fo(Kl will continue and the food will be absorbed. The residue is cast from the body. Hygiene of Nutrition. Mastication.— Thor- ough mastication is a hiatter of real importance in the preparation of the food for digestion. Foods must be chewed until they are thorough!}^ ground up. Experi- ments show that those who insist on thorough mastication ha\e fewer ailments of their digestive organs and are stronger with a less quantity of food. Even when food is quite soft, it is necessary to chew it until it is well mixed with saliva, for the ferment in saliva continues its effect on starch throughout the diges- tive tract, except in the acid contents of the stomach. Care of teeth. — Mastication will not be well done unless the teeth are good. Teeth will readily decay. Particles of foreign matter allowed to remain between the teeth is the cause of much of the decay. After each meal a w^ooden toothpick should be used, and the teeth washed with brush and water. Since the material of the teeth is chiefly phosphate of lime, acid will dissolve them. For this reason it is well to use often a mild soap in washing the teeth to neutralize any acid. Teeth which are neglected are apt to become covered with a coating called tartar. This is not only injurious 114 TIIIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY to the teeth, but objectionable in appearance, and should be removed by a dentist. Decay begins at a small spot on a tooth and extends in to the pulp. The beginning of decay may escape at- tention for a long time, and after toothache begins it is often too late to save the tooth. It is a good plan to consult a dentist two or three times a year, if only to be assured that the teeth are in a sound condition. A healthy stomach. — As long as the stomach is in a healthy state one is seldom conscious that he has such an organ. When it is disordered, however, it is the cause of a great deal of suffering, and the whole body must suffer with it. Some practices which produce a disordered condition of the stomach, and which are to be avoided, are : (1) Eating too much ; (2) forcing food into the stomach be- fore it is properl}' masticated ; (3) eating too often, thus keeping the stomach constantly excited to action with- out periods of rest ; (4) doing vigorous work either directly before or after a meal ; (5) the use of alcoholic drinks. When proper care is taken with respect to gastric digestion, the proper conditions for the best intestinal digestion will be provided at the same time. Alcohol and digestion. — It was once customary to take at meals some drink containing alcohol. Some people still continue the custom. It was supposed to aid DKIKSTKJxN 115 digestion, but tests nuidc, in i-et^ent years sliow that it retards rather than promotes digestion. Food w.ill re- main longer in tlie stomacli when alcohol is taken with it. Many drinkers are troubled with catarrli of the stomacli. The mucous membrane becomes inflanu^d and unhealthy. The freedom from i)ain which the dyspeptic experiences after a drink of alcoholic liquor is not a result of the curative power of the alcohol, but of its deadening eft'ect upon th'e sensory nerves. The strong appetite which some have for strong drink is an indication of a disordered condition of the stomach. Appetite for bread is satisfied whenever enough is eaten, but that for alcohol may increase eveu beyond the con- trol of the drinker. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1 . What is digestion ? Illustrate. 2. Why is digestion necessary,? 3. Describe an experiment showing the action in osmosis. 4. Have ?/0M tried the experiment? 5. How do fats get into the blood ? 6. When food is in the stomach, is it inside or outside the body ? Explain. 7. What are the parts of the alimentary tract? 8. What are the first two acts of digestion ? 9. Describe the temporary set of teeth. 10. Classify the permanent teeth. 11. What is the crown of a tooth? Name the other parts. 12. AVhat three parts are observed in a cross-section of a tooth ? 13. Describe the enamel. The pulp. The dentine. 14. How is saliva secreted ? 15. What is a racemose gland ? 116 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 16. What are four uses of saliva? 17. Whatisptyalin? 18. "What makes saliva *' ropy " ? 19. Bound the fauces. 20. What is the uvula ? What are tonsils ? 21. What is the pharynx ? Name the openings from it. 22. What is the epiglottis ? What is its use ? 23. What is deglutition ? 24. Describe the cesophagus. 25. Locate and describe the stomach. 26. Describe the muscular coats of the stomach. 27. How is the stomach held in place? 28. Describe the mucous coat of the stomach. 29. What are the digestive juices of the stomach ? What is the action of each ? 30. What kind of food is digested in the stomach ? 31. What changes are made on fats in the stomach ? 32. AVhat is the use of the muscular coats on the stomach ? 33. What is chyme? 34. Describe the small intestine. Name its parts. 35. What is the mesentery ? 36. What are valvulse conniventes? What their use? 37. What is a villus ? 38. Describe the structure of a villus. 39. Describe the liver. What part does it have in digestion ? 40. Describe a liver lobule. 41. Describe the pancreas. 42. What three juices act upon the food in the small intestine? 43. What is the effect of the pancreatic juice ? 44. What is the use of the bile? 45. Describe the large intestine. 46. What is the use of the ileocolic valve? 47. Describe the vermiform appendix. 48. What is the coecum ? DKiKSTION 117 49. Describe the coats of the colon. 50. "What are the changes on the food in the colon ? 51. AVliy is thorough mastication necessary? 52. What causes teeth to decay? 53. "What are some ways of caring for the teeth? 54. State several ways by which the stomach maybe disordered. 55. What effect does cheerfulness at the table have on digestion? 50. What effect does alcohol have on digestion? 57. Will alcohol cure the cause of pain? 58. Why does appetite for* alcohol become so strong? 59. What is a beverage? (See English dictionary. ) EXPERIMENTS. To illustrate action of gastric juice.— Prepare an artificial gastric juice by mixing together pepsin 5 parts, hydrochloric acid 3 parts, and water 500 parts. Put into this liquid some pieces of hard-boiled egg, and keep at about the same temperature as the body. After a time the egg will be dissolved, or digested. This ilhistrates digestion of proteids. Action of saliva. — Collect one-half test-tube full of saliva from the mouth. Put iuto it a little cooked starch and keep warm. In a short time make a test for sugar as follows : Add to the contents of the tube a few drops of dilute copper sulphate. Then add caustic soda in excess until the liquid becomes a clear blue. Now boil the liquid in the upper part of the tube, and if grape sugar be present it will turn red. Emulsion of fats. — Shake up some olive oil and a solution of caustic soda. The mixture becomes milky in appearance. The oil is divided into very fine drops, which do not collect together. This is called an emulsion. CHAPTER IX WHOLESOME AND UNWHOLESOME DRINKS Much of the ill-healtli of the human race comes from not knowing what is good and what is not good for the body. Untold suffering has thus resulted from ignorance concerning the nature and effects of alcoholic drinks. Many false suppositions concerning their origin have led to mistaken ideas of their value. It is very important that such false opinions should be corrected. It is well known that ripe fruit in its season is a whole- some part of a healthy person's diet ; but the fruit season in the temperate zone is short, hence men have tried various means of preserving fruits beyond their ripening time. Drying is an old method of preserving fruit. In drying, the water of the fruit evaporates, and, if care is taken, the fruit is otherwise not much changed. Another way of preserving fruit is to boil it with sugar and seal it while boiling hot in air-tight cans. If this is well done, the fruit does not lose its wholesomeness. But if the cans are not perfectly tight, or the fruit not suffi- ciently heated, germs of mould or other minute organ- isms get inside and cause the fruit to spoil. When this happens the fruit becomes unfit to eat, because the fer- mentation has changed its nature. It is apt to contain poisons which may cause illness if it is eaten. 118 wir()M-:s()Mi<: and rx\\Mi()r;i<:s()MK dimxks no Sometimes people wish to pieserve only the juice of fruit and use it iis n drink. If tlie juice is pressed out and at once heated and sealed in air-tight cans or bottles, while boiling hot, it can be kept from changing, just as fruit can by canning. If the juice is not thus heated and bottled, but is allowed to stand after it is pressed out, it will soon ferment and change. During the fermentation a poison is developed which makes the fermented liquid unhealthful. The cause of fermentation in expressed fruit juice is a small germ, invisible except under a microscope ; but it is not the same kind of a germ that causes whole or stewed fruit to spoil. The germ that sets up fermenta- tion in expressed fruit j nice is a species of yeast. Similar germs can be seen in common yeast by soaking it and ex- amining it under a microscoi^e. The wild yeast germs float in the air, in a dry state, settle upon the skins and stems of fruit, and from there are washed into the juice when it is expressed from the fruit. In a few hours, under the right conditions of moderate warmth, they begin to change the fruit juice. This change is called alcoholic fermentation, because the sugar of the fruit juice is thereby changed, in whole or in part, to alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. Every fermentation changes the nature of the substance fermented. Fermented fruit juices are unhealthful^ because they con- tain alcohol, which is a poison to the human system. A poison is any substance whose nature it is when absorbed into the blood to injure health or destroy life. It is not necessary that a substance cause sickness or 120 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY death at once, in order to be a poison ; its injurious effects may follow so slowly and subtly that they do not show plainly at first. Poisons are classified by authorities on this subject according to their characteristic effects upon the body, or its various i)arts. A narcotic poison is one that dulls or deadens the brain. Alcohol is classed by writers on poisons among the narcotics, because its most important effect is to dull the nervous system. It is similar in this respect to opium, ether, and chloroform, all of which belong to the same class, i.e., narcotic poisons. The most common drinks made in this country by fer- menting fruit juices are cider, made from the juice of apples, and wine, made usually from the juice of grapes, occasionally from currants, elderberries, and some other fruits. Wine has been much used as a promoter of social intercourse. The narcotic effect of the alcohol in the wine, when only a small quantity is taken, dulls the nerves enough to take the edge off of the understanding and weaken the self-control. In this condition a person says and does things which he would be ashamed of in his right senses. A companj-, after the effect of wine begins to show itself, will laugh at silly speeches which at other times would seem pitiable instead of funny. It is a poor compliment to civilization to assume that people must be slightly narcotized before they can be agreeable companions. One danger in social wine drinking, in some classes of WIIOLKSOME AND UNWHOLESOME DRINKS 121 society, is that wine lias been used as a means of admin- istering drugs, which still further stupefy the iniud and thus quickly i^repare the way for crime. But the great- est danger in wine is the power of the alcohol it contains to make the drinker want more, while it destroys the power of his will to control the desire for more. It is futile to urge self-control in the use of a substance whose nature it is to destroy self-control. The best way of exercising self-control in regard to alcoholic drinks is to refuse the invitation to take them. The wine drinker may intend to be moderate ; but it is the nature of the alcohol in his wine to weaken his self-control and make him immoderate. Light wines, such as are ordinarily used as beverages, contain 10 per cent, of alcohol, but more is often added to wines till it may reach as much as 35 per cent. Cider or fermented apple juice. The juice of apples when pressed out and fermented makes a liquid called cider. The yeast germs which are on the surface of the api^les when they are ground and crushed grow and multiply so rapidly in the exi^ressed juice that in a few hours much of the sugar of the juice may be changed to alcohol. Cider-making is a common way of disposing of small and unsound apples ; but it has been a sad economy for many farmers whose promising sons have acquired at the cider-barrel the craving for alcohol that has led to their destruction. Hard cider contains more alcohol than most malt liquors. When alcoholic fermentation has 122 TIIIKD BOOK OF PIITSTOLOGY gone on until about 14 per cent, of the fermenting liquid is alcohol, the yeast germs can no longer continue their work. Another fermentation, however, the acetic, takes place in this liquid and changes the alcohol to acetic acid, by which process hard cider is turned into vinegar. Beer. — A large percentage of alcoholic liquors is made from grain = These are the malt liquors, such as beer, ale, and porter, which may contain from 2 or 3 to 10 per cent, of alcohol. The most common of these is beer. One of the x^rincipal food elements in grain is starch. When grains are ground and made into flour or meal, and then into bread or other cereal food, the starch re- mains largely unchanged, except such i^arts as are turned into dextrine, which is a kind of sugar and a good food. When grain is used for making beer, the starch is first changed to sugar by sprouting the grain, and the sugar is then soaked out with water. Thus is obtained a sweet liquid called wort, the sugar of which can be changed to alcohol by fermentation. Yeast is added to the wort. Alcoholic fermentation takes place and changes the sugar of the wort to alcohol, and the result is beer. Beer, like all alcoholic liquors, is a dangerous drink because it contains alcohol. The false idea that beer is harmless because there is not much alcohol in it and that a little will not do a man any harm, is a cause of much mischief. It makes the drinker careless about the amount he drinks. Even if he takes but little, that little has the power to set up a craving wrror.KsoMK axd t'xwitolesome drinks 123 for more that leads liim to make uj) for tlie weakness of his drink bj' the quantity lie takes. Thus the beer drinker often gets as much alcohol as if he took whiskey or brandy. The narcotic effect of the alcohol further deadens the drinker's sensibilities, making him careless, not only about his own welfare but that of others. Judges in criminal courts have again and again called attention to the frequent association of beer drinking with the com- mission of crime. Their testimony strengthens the evi- dence that beer is a demoralizing drink. At the present time there is special need that boys be warned against the offer of free beer. Accepting such offers may fasten upon them the craving for alcohol that will lead to their spending the most of their future earn- ings for beer or other alcoholic drink. The effort to teach a boy to drink beer is not made for the benefit of the boy, but to swell the number of beer customers. Such attempts to mortgage a boy's future money-earning power to drink are as inhuman as the bygone i)ractice of slave- catching in Africa. The distilled liquors, gin, whiskey, rum, brandy, con- tain more alcohol than the fermented drinks. Gin con- tains 38 per cent.; whiskey, 45 per cent.; rum, 48 per cent.; brandj', 50 per cent. These are all injurious in proportion to the amount of alcohol they contain. Drinking water. — It is of the utmost importance to the health of the people in any community that only good drinking water be used. Water is the only 124 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY drink needed by man. and he should have plenty of it and have it free from impurities. A man needs about three quarts of water every day. A part of this is already in the foods eaten, so that a pint or more of water as such may satisfy the body's needs. There is very little danger that any one will drink too much pure water. A gi'eat deal is needed for proper digestion, absorption, secretion, and excretion. If water is drunk in excess, it is easily eliminated. Most people drink too little water. It should not be taken, however, to moisten the food in the mouth during a meal. The saliva alone must do that. Sources of water. — All land water comes from rain. Part of it remains on the surface in rivers, brooks, pools, and cisterns, and is called surface water. Part runs down through the ground and rocks, thus supplying the springs and deep wells. Another part is just beneath the surface and supplies the shallow wells. Impurities in water. — Water is nature's great sol- vent, and also a universal culture medium for all kinds of minute organic life. While it slowly percolates through the soil and rock, it takes up in solution many mineral substances. These in a moderate quantity are not objectionable. Such water is found in most deep wells and springs. Surface water may be good for drinking, but it is always to be suspected. The rain falling upon the land carries to the streams any decaying matter which may be Wiished along, and WIloT.FSO.MI-: AND IN W IIoI.ESOME DRINKS 125 the sewage of a city, if allowed to emptj' into a stream, may contaminate the water with germs of disease. Water is safe only when free from decaying matter. Shallow wells are the greatest source of impure water. Decaying matter from barn-yards or out-houses may easily have a shallow underground i:)iissage to the well. Fig. 60. — A shallow woll, such as are always to be suspected. Such wells have often started an epidemic of typhoid fever. A painted pumj:) and neat lawn and curb about such a well do not purify the water, for the poison is seeping in beneath the surface. A well deep down into the rock, with water-tight iron casing, will, as a rule, contain good water. 126 TIIirvD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Means of purifying water.— Good water will be without color, odor, or organic matter of any kind. Effort is often made to provide such water by the use of small house-filters. These may make the water clear, but may not take out the germs of disease which are the most objectionable. In fact, an old filter often contaminates more water than it ever purified. Nature's way is to filter water through thick layers of clean sand, gravel, earth, and rock, thus supplying the deep wells with pure water. This cannot be done for shallow wells, nor can man imitate this method on a small scale. Organic matter in water may not of itself be injurious, but may be a food for certain classes of germs which then grow and thrive there. If water is suspected, it should be boiled (not warmed) for twenty minutes. This will efifectuallj' destroy all bac- terial life and make the water free at least from that danger. Ice water. — The custom of placing ice in the water to be drunk is a wrong practice for two reasons. First, if the water was impure from which the ice was taken, the ice will be impure. Germs of disease in water are not killed by freezing the water. Second, much water at such a temperature interferes with digestion and may produce a disordered condition of the stomach. Water may be cooled by ice, but the melted ice should never form part of the drinking water. WIIOLKSOMI-: AND T N W IIOLKSO.M M DIMNKS 127 QUESTIONS FOIl KKVIKW. 1. lIoNv may fruit be presorvcd? 2. What is the cause of feriiieiitatic.n? 8. Why are fermented fruit juices unliealthful? 4. What is a poison ? 5. "What kind of a poison is alcoliol? 0. State some evil effects of wine drinking. 7. How docs the juice in the apple differ from hard cider? 8. How is beer made ? 9. State some of the evil effects of beer drinking. 10. What are distilled liquors? 11. How much water does a man need in a day ? 12. What is the effect of drinking more water than is needed? i:]. Why should water not be taken along with foods? 14. What becomes of the water which falls as rain? 15. What causes water to be " hard" ? 16. W' hy is rain water " soft" ? 17. What is the source of impurities in water? 18. When is drinking-water safe? 19. Explain how shallow wells are liable to contain impure water. 20. Why is a deep well better ? 21. What is the use of filters? 22. How may impure water be made fit to drink? 23. State some evil results that may follow the use of ice water. CHAPTEE X CIRCULATION Why circulation is necessary.— We have seen that the body is made up of a g^reat many cells, each having a life of its own, but all working together to serve the purpose of the bodj^ as a whole. All the cells, however, except the white corpuscle, are fixed in posi- tion and incapable of moving from their place. The cells cannot live without food, but they cannot go after it. Circulation of the fluid food is necessary to carry nourishment to the cells. The cell cannot perform its functions without pro- ducing waste products, which must be carried away. Circulation is necessary to carry off waste products and other objectionable substances, and transport them to organs of ex- cretion, such as the lungs, liver, hidneys, and skin, ichere they may be taken out of the circulating fluid and cast from the body. How the food gets into the stream of blood.— Under the subject of digestion the food was followed until it was in a liquid form and had passed through the walls of the villi into the vessels within. At this point was found a net-work of fine tubes. These are a part of the general circulating system, and here the food is taken into the stream of blood. Part 128 CIL'CCLA'no.V 129 of the tubes j^ather u}) all the food, except the fats, and convey it to the liver. Other tubes, calle, inferior vena cava ; Z), right auricle ; e, tricuspid valve ; G right ventricle ; w, semilunar valve ; S, pulmo- nary artery ; /j, />, />, j), pulmonary veins ; A", left auricle ; /f, left ven- tricle ; ?2, semilunar valve ; A, aorta. When the blood returns from the lungs it enters the auricle on the left side, K, and passes on into the left ventricle, H. The contraction of the strong muscles of the left ventricle closes the mitral valve, i, and forces the blood out into the great artery. A, which carries it to all parts of the system. 13G THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Thus the auricles act as reservoirs to hold the blood while the valves are closed, and the valves act like the valves of a pump, opeuing only to a flow in one di- rection. The arteries. — Arteries are tubes through which blood is forced out to the various tissues of the body. The arteries stand open like a heavy rubber tube, whether they are filled with blood or not. Fig. 67. — Section of arterv and vein. A, arterv ; V. vein. The walls of arteries are composed of three coats. The inner one is thin and transparent, being a continua- tion of the inner lining of the heart. The middle coat is quite thick in the larger arteries, and is composed of muscular fibres and yellow, elastic tissue arranged in rinsrs around the tube. The outer coat is composed of (MIJCrrvATlOX 137 layei's of wliitc, fibrous tissiu', and so is very stroii<^ siiul U)Uii;h. Distribution of arteries. — The arteries arise from the iH'art, one from each ventricle. The one from the right ventricle carries the impure blood to the lungs. It is called the pulmonary artery. The one from the left ventricle carries the pure red blood out to all parts of the body. It is called the aorta. The aorta arches up over the heart, sending off branches to the heart itself the head, and the arms. Then it descends, close to the backbone, through the thorax, sending off numerous small branches to nourish the tissues in that region. Then it passes through the diaphragm into the abdomen, where many large branches are distributed to the important organs located there. Near the base of the abdomen the aorta divides, one branch passing down each leg. Each of these numerous branches also divides in a similar manner until the tubes are so small they cannot be traced except by the aid of a microscope. At the ends of the numerous fine arteries the capillaries begin. Capillaries. — The capillaries are very fine tubes that pervade nearly every tissue of the body. They are in- terposed between the ends of an artery and the begin- ning of a vein. The walls of the capillary tubes are an extension of only the thin inner layer of the artery, and so the food 138 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY contents of tlie blood can easily transfuse to the cells just outside. The average size of the capillaries is about xsVo of an inch, but they lie so close together and are so numerous Fig. 68. — Capillaries. A, terminal of fine artery ; V, origin of vein. that it is hardly possible to prick the skin with a fine needle without puncturing some of them and letting out some blood. The capillaries are the most essential part of the whole system of circulation, for it is from them alone that the cells are fed. In Fig. 69 is a representation of the relation of the capillaries to a bundle of muscle-fibres. The cells of the muscle are surrounded by a liquid called lymph. As the blood passes through the capillaries the cell-food transfuses through into the lymph. Both the cells and the capillaries are bathed in lymph, and the exchange takes place according to the principle of os- mosis explained on page 95. The cell then takes its food from the lymph. Blood moves very slowly in the capillaries, — only Fig. 69. — Diagram showing muscle-cells and blood capil- laries. CIRCULATION 139 about one iiicli in ii ininulc, — and so there is time lor the osiiiot i(- act ion. Veins. — Tlic arteries lM'out to remove it. The foreign matter is taken into their own bodies and dissolved or carried out to the surface. This is often done at the sacrifice of their own lives to save the body. When tht* skin or mucous lining is cut or l^roken, germs of disease will lo^ige there and begin to multiply and feed on the tissues. When this happens, the white corpuscles collect about the spot in great numljers and attack the invading germs. In such a case the white corpuscles are like a standing army called upon to repel an invasion. If the army is strong, a.s it is in good health, it usually comes off victo- rious. Many of the corpuscles, however, must sacrifice themselves in the contiict, and the pus in a wound i» a mass of their dead bodies. Blood-clots. — While the blood is in the living body it is a thin liquid. But as soon as any is allowed to escape it becomes thick, and forms the blood-clot. After blood has stood for an hour or more the clot shrinks in size, and a yellow liquid called serum runs from it. Serum is just like plasma, except that the fibrinogen is wanting. (See page 142.) The clotting is due to the fibrinogen, which, for some cause unknown, is changed into a great number of inter- lacing fibres (fnWedJibrin. The threads of fibrin gradually contract and gather 10 146 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY up, as in a net, all tlie corpuscles and squeeze out the serum. This operation is called coagulation. Fibrin can easily be separated if some fresh blood, secured at the slaughter-house, be whipped with a bun- dle of twigs. The fibrin will adhere to the twigs, and can then be washed and examined. The circuit of the blood. — After this study of the various organs of circulation and their function, we are ready to follow the blood A B in its circuit through the body. Since only pure blood is ready for distribution, and the left ventricle of the heart is the chief agent in sending it out, the proper place to begin the circuit is at the left ventricle of the heart. This cavity, as we have learned, is surrounded by very heavy muscular walls capable of hard work. When filled with red blood, the muscle-fibres shorten, thus closing the cavity and forcing the blood out through the semilunar valves into the aorta. This great artery communicates by numerous branches to every tissue of the body. Fig. 72. — Section through the ventricles of the heart. A^ when ventricles are filled with blood ; B^ just after contraction. In the arteries. — The walls of the arteries are com- posed in part of elastic tissue. The left ventricle forces CIRCULATION 147 a quantity of blood into them at every beat. Thus the arteries are kept so full that their elastic walls are stretched. We can now s«*e the use of the semilunar valves to keep the blood in the aorta until the left ven- tricle can fill up again. The arti^ries thus exert a steady pressure upon the blood within them. Pulse. — New blood is forced into the aorta, which is already full and distended. This causes a wave or j;w/«e to pass over it. The pulse may be felt at 5iny point where the artery comes close to the surface. Blood passes through the large arteries at the rate of about one foot per second ; but it is not the rush of blood that causes the pulse. The fresh ventricle-full of blood causes a sudden en- largement of the aorta at the point where it enters, and it is this distention which travels as a wave, or i^ulse, along the artery. Control of quantity of blood in an artery. — One of the coats of the wall of an artery is composed of muscular fibres which pass around the artery. When these contract they make the artery smaller, and when they relax they j)ermit the elastic tissue to stretch, and the artery may become larger. In this way the quantity of blood which may flow to any part of the body can be regulated. The action of these muscles is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, as will be explained later. The flow of blood is not under control of the will, but 148 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Fig. 73. — Scheme showing the circulation of the hlood. RA^ right auricle; BV, right ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; L, capillaries of lungs ; PV, pulmonary vein ; LA, left auricle ; LV, left ventricle ; AO, aorta; Sc, Sc, subclavian arteries; c,c, carotid arteries; A, A, capillaries of arms ; 77, capillaries of head ; CA, coeliac artery ; HA, hepatic artery ; SA, splenic artery ; GA, gastric artery ; G, capillaries of stomach ; Sp, capillaries of spleen ; PV, portal vein ; Li, capil- laries of liver; HV, hepatic vein; MA, mesenteric artery; I, capil- laries of intestines ; MV, mesenteric vein ; RA, renal artery ; K, 1, capillaries of Malpighian bodies of the kidneys ; K, 2, capillaries about the tubules of kidneys ; RV, renal vein ; LE, capillaries of lower ex- tremities ; A VC\ ascending vena cava ; D VC, descending vena cava. ClJiCULATlOI^ 149 150 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY certain kinds of emotion may result in such a contraction of the arteries carrying blood to the head that the face may become very pale, and fainting may result from lack of blood. Other kinds of emotion may cause the muscles to relax and a large quantity of blood will come to the face, causing blushing. Exposure to cold will cause the arteries near the sur- face to contract, and so the skin becomes white. Warmth will relax them, and a ruddy color comes with an in creased supply of blood. Blood in the capillaries.— The arteries have di- vided into countless small branches, and the blood in a steady stream, and without any pulse, now leaves them and enters the capillaries. Here the exchange takes place between the blood and the tissues. The nature of the exchange will depend on the contents of the blood and the nature of the tissue through which the capillaries pass. In the liver one kind of exchange will occur ; in the kidneys, another kind ; in the villi, the lungs, the muscle, the bone, and the skin, still other kinds. In all cases, however, the exchange occurs through the walls of capillaries. Systems of circulation. — There is but one great system of circulation, for the blood which leaves the left ventricle of the heart will return to the same point again. For convenience, however, the circuit may be divided into several systems depending on certain marked CIIM'IU.ATTON 151 changers effected in llic blood at various points in its ciiTuit. The most important divisions are tlie systeviic, the poriol, the renal, and the pulmonary. Systemic circulation. — Blood is supplied by the arteries to the cells of every tissue of the body. This is the general or si/stemic circulation. By this system blood is carried to the capillaries about the cells of muscle, bone, nerve, and all other tissues. In these capillaries the blood loses the materials needed for the repair and growth of the cell, and for energy. These pavSs by os- mosis into the lymph about the cell. At the same time the blood gains, by osmosis into the capillaries, carbon dioxide, water, and urea. Distinction must be made between the systemic circu- lation, where blood is supplied for the benefit of the cells, and the other kinds of circulation, where blood is forced through capillaries of various organs that it may be modified or purified. All these latter changes are for the benefit of the systemic circulation. The portal circulation. — The blood which is furnished by the systemic circulation to the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen supplies the needs of the cells of those organs, and also furnishes materials needed for the juices used in digestion. In exchange for these, the blood takes up a supply of food which has passed from the digestive tract into the capillaries of the stomach and intestines. 152 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The blood is now gathered up from these four organs by minute veins which unite into one large one called the portal vein. Through it this blood is conducted to the liver, where it passes through a second set of capil- laries and is changed 1u a manner explained on page 129. This is the only place in the body where a vein sup- plies blood to capillaries. Renal circulation. — Two branches of the ab- dominal aorta carry blood to the kidneys. Some small branches of these are made to supply blood to the tissues of the kidneys, but most of the blood passes through another system of bodies, to be described later. The blood here loses a great deal of water and urea. Just after the blood passes through the kidneys it is probably purer than at any other point in its circuit. In the veins. — After any portion of blood has fulfilled its purpose in circulation, it is gathered up and brought back to the heart by the regular system of veins. The color of the blood is now a purple, because that is the color of hemoglobin when it loses its oxygen. Pulmonary circulation. — Although the blood has returned to the heart, it is bj^ no means back to our starting- place at the left ventricle. It has only reached the right heart. The superior and inferior vena cava now pour the blood into the right auricle, whence it flows into the right ven- tricle. The walls of the right ventricle now close in CIRCULATION 153 upon it, slnittiii^^ tlic Iricnspid valve and forcing it out into thvi puhnonari/ aftcnj and on to the lungs. When the blood started out. from the left ventricle it was a bright red, showing that the red corpuscles were loaded with oxygen. When it passed through the capil- laries of the systemic system the oxygen was given up to the cells there, and the color of the corpuscles changed to purple. The pulmonary artery is the only artery that carries purple blood. In the lungs an important exchange is made. Blood gives up carbon dioxide, water, and certain organic im- purities to the air in the air-sacs, and takes in return a fresh supply of oxygen. The blood is now a bright red again and is conducted by the pulmonary veins to the left auricle. Thence it flows into the left ventricle. The circuit is now com- plete. Heart-beats. — ^The two auricles contract and relax together. Likewise the two ventricles. While the ven- tricles are contracting the auricles are filling, and as soon as the ventricles relax the auricles contract. As explained before, the auricles are hardly more tlian small reservoirs to hold blood while the valves below them are closed. Their contraction is but feeble. The alternate contraction and relaxation of the ven- tricles may be felt at a point where the apex of the heart is close to the chest-wall. This point is to the left of the sternum, between the fifth and sixth ribs. 154 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Sounds of the heart. — If the ear be pressed tightly upon the point directly over the apex of the heart, two distinct sounds are heard during each beat. They are similar to the sounds made in pronouncing the syllables loob dup. The sounds are caused by the action of the valves. The mitral and tricuspid valves close at the same time, producing the sound loob. When the ven- tricles relax, the l)ack pressure of the elastic aorta sud- denly closes the semilunar valves, causing the sound (iTq). Work of the heart. — The heart of an adult beats about seventy-two times every minute. The ventricles have to force the blood into the arteries against a strong back pressure, and they must continue to do this about sevent^^-two times a minute during life. As a consequence the heart is the hardast- worked organ in the body. If a strong man would carry upon his shoulder a weight of 200 i^ounds to the top of a mountain 2000 feet high, he would have done no more work upon the weight than the heart does every day upon the blood. Rest and nourishment of the heart. — After each contraction of the heart there is a period of relaxa- tion and rest which is even longer than the time of contraction. Thus the heart rests more than half the time, though each period of rest is short. The muscles of the heart are well supplied with blood. CIRCULATION 155 The first branch from the aorta, just above the heart, is the coronary artcrii, which carries blood directly to the imiscles of the heart and supplies the cells with food. The heart gets no nourishment from the blood while it is in the auricles and ventricles. Hygiene of circulation. — A x^igorous circulation oi good blood is sure to result in good health and a rapid recovery from temporary illness or accidental injury. But good blood is possible only under the four con- ditions already pointed out. (1) A plentiful supply of nourishing food must be taken into the blood-current from the alimentary tract. (2) The blood must be sup- plied with an abundance of oxygen from the air in the lungs. (3) The kidneys, liver, lungs, and other excre- tory organs must take from the blood the waste products and other substances no longer of use in the blood. (4) The nervous system must be able to control the tlow of blood and to direct it to the point where it is most needed. Effect of exercise on the circulation. — It is observed that exercise increases the rapidity of the heart-beats. This results in a more rapid flow of blood, deeper breathing, and, in time, hunger. Blood is sup- plied in larger quantity to any part of the body that is active. An exercise that calls into action every part of the body will quicken the flow of blood through the en- tire system. Such exercise frequently repeated tends to build up a stronger body. 156 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Contraction of the muscles and movements of the body also assist circulation in a mechanical way. The veins and lymphatics are supplied with numerous valves, so that any pressure upon them will always push the liquid within them towards the heart, for the valves will prevent any movement in the opposite direction. Since many veins and lymphatics lie near the surface, any tight bands or clothing will seriously impede the cir- culation at any time, but particularly during exercise. Colds. — The cause of ^^ colds" is not certainly known, but they appear to be closely connected in some way with the circulation of the blood. An exposure to cold weather, to wet, or to drafts of air may contract the blood-vessels on the surface of the body and bring about a condition called a cold. What- ever may be the exact cause, it is known from expe- rience that colds may be avoided by maintaining a vigor- ous circulation by exercise and deep breathing. ^Yoolen clotliing assists in preventing sudden changes in surface temperature. Bleeding from a wound.— Y^^hen a vein is punc- tured, the blood oozes out in a steady stream because it is not under pressure. The bleeding may be stopped by a bandage on the side of the wound farthest from the heart. When an artery is severed, the blood issues in a stream with considerable force, which increases with each beat of the heart. Such a wound needs immediate attention. riRCULATloN 157 The bleeding may be temporarily checked by a tight bandage on the side of the wound towards the heart. The bandage must be tight, as the arteries usually lie deep in the tlesh. Effect of alcohol on the heart.— Under some conditions the heart may beat faster after a person takes an alcoholic drink, but such quickened action is not due to any strengthening action of alcohol on the heart itself, as was once supjiosed. It is due rather to distuibance of the nerves in other parts of the bod}-. The mere act of swallowing or sipping cold water will increase the beating of the heart, and so will swallowing anj' hot, biting substance, as pepper or ginger tea, be- cause of the sensitiveness and complex relations of the nervous system. AVhen the heart beats faster after taking an alcoholic drink, the result is chiefly due to such dis- turbance of the nerves, for when care Ls taken to avoid all irritation of the throat and stomach in giving an alco- holic drink, little or no change in the heart-beat occurs. Muscular action also makes the heart beat faster, and so in all exact tests of this kind the person taking the alco- hol is kept quiet and away from the company of others. Under such precautions it is seldom that any change in the heart's action occurs, showing that the old notion that alcohol is a stimulant or a source of strength for the heart is false. Instead of being a benefit to the heart, alcoholic drinks are a fruitful source of heart disease. German physicians have begun to observe that in cities where the most beer 158 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY is drunk they have the largest number of cases of heart disease. Alcohol and the arteries. — It has been explained that the supply of blood through the arteries is regu- lated by muscles under control of the nervous system. A large dose of alcohol, such as is contained in a drink of whiskey, will disturb the controlling power of the nervous system and allow the arteries to relax, and warm blood flows freely out to the surface of the body. Thus the heat can rapidly radiate and the tempera- ture of the whole body is reduced. For this reason those who drink alcoholic liquoi^s suffer more and will be more quickly frozen from long exposui^e to cold. Alcohol and oxygen. — The oxygen forms only a loose chemical combination with the hemoglobin of the red corpuscle. Alcohol has a strong afl&nity for oxygen, and. when mingled with the blood, robs the corpuscles of the oxygen which should go to the tissues. YThile the oxidation of the alcohol will produce heat, it is at the expense of the bodily health and vigor. Tobacco and the circulation. — Experience shows that the nicotine of tobacco is injurious to the organs of circulation, particularly to the heart. The heart-beat often becomes irregular and spasmodic. It is claimed by reputable physicians that much of the heart- trouble and heart-failure is caused by the use of tobacco. CIRCULATION 15!) Tobacco is particularly harniful lo voulli uiidri- lliirty years of a«;e. QUESTIONS FOR KEVIKW. 1. Why is circuhition lu'ct'ssary? 2. How (Iocs food get from the stomach and iuteHtiiU'H into the blood ? 3. What is tlic use of glycogen? 4. Give three functions of the liver. 5. Name the organs of circulation. 6. What is the heart? Its size, shape, and position. 7. Describe the pericardium. 8. Describe the cavities of the heart. 9. Name and locate the valves of the heart. 10. Make drawings to show the manner of action of the valves. 11. IMake drawing and trace the course of the blood in the heart. 12. What are arteries ? Describe their coats. 13. What is the function of the pulmonary artery ? 14. Describe the course of the aorta. 15. What are capillaries? What does the word mean? 16. What is the location and size of capillaries? 17. What is the function of the capillaries? 18. How does food get from the capillaries to the cells? 19. How is the blood collected again ? 20. Describe the structure of a vein. 21. What kind of valves in veins? How may their location be observed in surface veins? 22. What is the function of the lymphatics ? 23. Describe the two large lymphatic ducts. 24. What are " waxen kernels" ? 25. What is the construction of the lymphatic nodes? What their function? 26. Describe the spleen. 27. How much blood in a man who weighs 200 ptjunds? 28. State three important uses of blood. 160 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 29. What is the composition of blood ? 30. Describe blood-plaaraa. 31. Give a full account of the red corpuscles. 32. What is the function of hemoglobin ? 33. What is the origin of the red corpuscle ? 34. Describe the white corpuscle. AVhat is its origin ? 35. Of what use is the white corpuscle? 35. What is fibrin ? How is it formed ? 37. Beginning at the left ventricle, trace the blood in a complete circuit through the body. (It will take some time to prepare and answer this question, but it should be done. The answer will in- clude all matter from page 146 to 153, and should be prepared by each pupil for one continuous recitation.) 38. Explain the beating of the heart. 39. Describe the sounds of the heart. 40. How much work does the heart do? 41. What is the coronarv artery? 42. What four conditions will supply good blood? 43. How does exercise affect circulation? 44. What is the effect of alcohol on circulation ? 45. How does blood flow from a cut in an artery? How from a vein*? Why? 40. What should be done when an art«ry is severed? 47. On which side of an artery must pressure be applied to stop bleeding? Why? How in case of a vein ? Why? EXPERIMENTS. Fibrin. — Secure a quart of fresh blood at the slaughter-house. Take a stock of broom or a bundle of fine twigs and beat it in the manner of beating eggs. The fibrin will cling to the broom, and the red corpuscles adhering to it can be rinsed off with water. After the fibrin i.> taken out, the remaining part will not coagulate, however long it may stand. Serum. — Allow some fresh blood to stand for a time in a glass jar. A clot will form in the centre, and a yellowish liquid, the serum, will .separate from it. ("IKcn.A'noN h;i To show the pulee at the wrist. -Secure u .small piccr (if mirror alHuit V| inch s(iiuire, iiiul fa.sten it with wax <»iito the point in the where the i>ulse i.s plainly felt. the hand near a window in such j>osition that the sunlight will be reflecteulse aloyg the rubber tube may be felt each time fre-sh water is admitted. Examination of the heart.— Secure from the butcher an ox heart. Carefully examine the exterior and the number of tubes. Dissect and examine the cavities. Search for the valve.<;. Notice the thickness of the walls. To examine red corpuscles.-Puncture the skin of the thumb with a needle and let out a small drop of blood. Spread the blood on a slip of glass, and examine under a compound microscope. The blood must be only a very thin smear on the glass, or the separate corpuscles will not be seen. 11 CHAPTER XI RESPIRATION The ocean of air. — The air is a great ocean of gas which forms the outer layer of the earth. Air moves with the earth, and is a part of it. Nothing is outside the Fig. 74. — The three envelopes of the earth. Man's abode i= at the bottom of the outer haver. earth unless it is beyond this layer of air. Man, properly speaking, lives beneath the surface of the earth. His natural place is in the plane where the ocean of air rests upon the oceans of water and the land. 162 RRSPI RATION 163 Tlie deptli of tlw mimmhI ocean is not known, for it luis no definite snrface at tlie top, but shades off into lighter and ligliter air until none exists. It is very probable that some air exists as hi«j:h as 1000 miles al)ove the lands and watei*. Since air has weight, tin; layer next to the land is pressed upon with considerable force. At sea level tlie pressure is about 14.7 jKninds on every square inch of surface. Since air, like all gases, is very compressible, it is quite dense at the bottom. Each cubic foot of air at sea level will weigh 1.28 ounces. Man and other land animals are fitted to live in this lower dense layer of air. The air is composed of several gases which are mixed together by diffusion. The most important one is oxygen. Oxj^gen is the breath of life, and man is dependent upon it for every minute of his existence. The relation of man to this medium in which he must live, forms the topic of discussion in this chapter. What respiration is. — Eespi ration is a process by which an exchange of gases takes place between the air and the tissues of the body. The oxygen, taken from the air in the lungs, is carried by the red corpuscles to the cells of the bod}'. The blood takes up in exchange the carbon dioxide and other tissue waste, and convej^s them back to the lungs, where they are given out to the air. This broad definition would necessitate oui' tracing the air from the nostrils to the cells of the body and back again. 164 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The part of the process from the lungs to the cells is called internal respiration, and is tieated here under the subject of the circulation of the blood. The first part of the process — from the nostrils to the lungs and return — is called external respiration, and is the proper subject of this chapter. Why respiration is necessary.— Many very small animals have no lungs and no blood, and yet their life, like that (»f man, depends on their taking food and having it combine with oxygen of the air. They are so small, however, that they do not need special organs. They absorb their food and air through the surface of their bodies. In man and all higher animals the body is large, and most of the cells lie far beneath the surface. For this reason man needs special apparatus to carrj^ both the food and the oxygen to the cells. What oxygen does for the ceUs. — Roughly speaking, it may be said that oxygen does for the body what a draft of air does for the steam-engine. In the boiler of the engine the oxygen combines with the burning coal, producing heat and energy, while carbon dioxide and water pass up the chimney as waste products of combustion. In the body the oxygen combines with the food in the cell, producing heat and energy, while carbon dioxide and water pass out at the lungs as waste products of combustion. RESPIRATION 1(;5 Th<' cell a|)p«':iis to liave tlie ability to ston* uj) hotli food aiul oxygen to a limited extent, and tln-n have them unite in combustion when eni^-oy and lieat are needed. Practically all such combustion takes place hi the cells and under the control of tlie nervous system. Organs concerned in external respiration. — The respiratory tract, through which air is brought into close contact with the blood in the luugs, consists of the nostrils, i)liarijnx^ Jaryrix, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tabes, infundihula, and air-sacs. The i^assage of air in and out through this tract is brought about chiefly by movement of the rihs and diaphragm. The nostrils. — -The nostrils are lined with a mucous membrane, which is always kept moist with a secretion of uiucus. Particles of dust and minute germs are lodged on the sticky mucus, and thus the air is strained on its entrance to the respiratory tract. The mucous lining is under- laid with a net-work of blood-vessels, and by this means the air is also warmed in the nostrils. Larynx. — From the nostrils the air passes into the pharynx, wliicli has already been described as a box with seven openings. One of these openings is the voice-box, at the top of the windpipe. It is called the larynx. Across the top of the larynx are stretched the mem- branes called the vocal cords. The opening between the vocal cords is the glottis. The epiglottis stands ready to 166 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY close the glottis whenever anything is swallowed, but at all other times the glottis is open. The larynx is con- FiG. 75.— The larynx. E, epiglottis; A, " Adam's apple. " A B Fig. TG. — Vocal cords. V F, true vocal cords ; P F, false vocal cords; L, epiglottis. A^ cords open, as in breathing ; B, cords drawn close together, as in speaking and singing. structed of cartilage. '^Adam's apple" is a projection of one of the cartilages of the larynx. RESPIRATION 167 The trachea. — The trachea, or windpipe, is a tube about one inch in diameter and extendin^^ from tlie larynx downward for a distance of al)out four and one- half inches, when' it divides into two l)ranches called the bronchi. Fig. 77. — Tracheu and bronchi showing the rings of cartilage. T to T, trachea ; LB, left bronchus ; RB, right bronchus. The trachea is kept open by some sixteen to twenty incomplete rings of cartilage of about the shape of a horse-shoe. The incomplete part of the rings is on the posterior side, where the tube is completed bj^ a connec- 168 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY tive tissue. Against this part lies the oesophagus. While food is being swallowed, the windpipe is more or less closed by the pressure upon its soft side. The whole tube is lined with mucous mem])rane whose surface-cells are ciliated epithelium, (See page 25.) The cilia are an interesting example of provisions within the body for the care and protection of important or- gans. Cilia line nearly the whole respiratory tract, be- FiG. 78. — Tiifundilmla and air-sacs. ginning in the nostrils. Xone are found in the air-sacs. They are not hairs, but minute projections of the cell material which wave constantly back and forth. Their movement is more rapid in a direction towards the outlet of the air-passages, and thus any objectionable sub- stance in the lungs or windpipe is slowly pushed up to the throat, where it may be coughed up. The bronchi have a structure similar to that of th^ RKSIM RATION 169 windpipe, and in fact are onlj- a continuation of the windpipe in two branches. The right bronchus is about one inch long, and the left one twice as long, but of smaller diameter. Bronchial tubes. — At'ier the bronchi enter the lungs they are called bronchial tubes. These tubes divide into smaller and smaller branches, and are distributed to every part of the lung tissue. They finally end in coni- cal expansions called infundibula, which are covered with Fig. 79.— The lungs. clustei"S of air-sac6 having somewhat the appearance shown in Fig. 78. The lungs. — The lungs are the most important or- gan of respiration. They are two in number, the right and left, and they occupy most of the space within the walls of the thorax. The weight of the two lungs to- gether is about forty to fifty ounces, the right one being somewhat heavier and larger thau the left one. 170 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Lung tissue is composed of the numerous bronchial tubes with their terminal air-sacs ; a net- work of ar- teries, capillaries, veins, and lymphatics ; and an abun- dance of elastic tissue binding all together. It is the least dense of all the tissues of the body, being only about one-half as heavy as the same volume of water. The walls of the air-sacs are very thin, and blood Fig. 80. — Diagram showing pleura. i2, right lung; X, left lung; e, entrance of bronchi and blood-vessels ; i, part of pleura which ad- heres closely to surface of the lung ; o, part of pleura which adheres to chest' wall. The space between i and o is called the pleural cavity, though the two are in contact ; D, diaphragm. capillaries lie just outside. The sacs are very small, but exceedingly numerous. The total number has been esti- mated at between five and six millions, and their total area as twenty square feet. When thej^ are filled with air the exchange of gases readily occurs. The pleura. — Each lung is enclosed in a serous membrane called the pleura. The pleura adheres tightly to the lung, and completely covers it except at the point RESPIF^\TION 171 where the bronchi and blfKul tnbes ont^r it. At this point the pleura turns back, iis shown in t lie diagram, and lines the walls of the thonix. Thus each pleura is a closed sac, and there is no communication from the one to the other. The space between the pleura on the lungs and that on the walls of the thorax is called the pleural cavity. In fact, however, there is no space between, but the two linings press against each other. Since they are very smooth and are kej^t moist by secretions, they glide uj^on each other without friction when the lungs move as in breathing. Inhalation. ^ — It is a principle of physics that a body, free to move, will always move In the direction of the greater force. Air is no exception to this law. If we can produce a condition in the lungs such that the pressure of the air out through the windpipe is less than the pres- sure inward, air will be forced into the lungs. This con- dition is brought about chiefly ])y movements of the ribs and diaphragm. Action of the ribs. — The ribs form a true joint with the dorsal vertebrae and pass around the chest to the front, where they (all but the two pairs of floating ones) are joined by their cartilaginous ends to the sternum. Eibs do not pass straight around the chest, but droop considerably in front. The contraction of muscles will raise the sternum and elevate the front end of the ribs. This will increase the capacity of the chest, 172 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSrOLOGY and air will rusli into the elastic lungs and expand them till they fill the chest as before. The ribs also droop at each side of the chest, and between them are intercostal muscles, which by con- traction elevate the ribs, and in this way also the chest is enlarged. (See experiment at end of the chapter.) This may be illustrated by the de- vice shown in Fig. 81. The board, B, represents the backbone 5 the rings, E, the ribs : and the cylinder, the lungs. In the first position the rings just permit the cylinder to pass through them. In the second position, where the rings are elevated, there is room for a larger cylinder or for this one to expand, as the lungs would do. Action of the diaphragm. — The diaphragm has already been described as the dome-shaped par- tition between the thorax and the abdomen. The top of the dome is formed of tough connective tissue, the enlargement of tli-. ^^^^ which layers of musclc radi- chest bv elevation of the j.-^g ^ ate to the sides of the thorax. When these muscles contract, the diaphragm is flattened. Thus the contents of the abdo- ^Mm Fig. 81. — Illuatratini RESPMJATION 173 men are jmslied down and the chest is enlarged, in the diagram. Fig. 82, if A. and B represent tlif chest and abdomen respectively, it is plain that, if the lied. Steam and hot-water radiators placed in a room will heat the air and cause it to move about by convection icithin the room, but will not provide ventilation. ..£^1. m . o o o o o o < lOOoOOOOO o OOOOOOOOOO oooooooocooo DOOOOOOOOOOO.OOOOOOOOOOC oooooooooooooooooooooo Fig. 87. — Window arranged for ventilation. A stove or fireplace connected to a chimney that ^'draws'' well will remove a considerable quantity of air from a room^ and fresh air will come in through the cracks at doors and windows. This, however, will not be sufficient except for one or two persons. A good plan, where special means of ventilation have RESPIRATION 183 not been provided, is (o rais«i the lower siush of ;i window a distance of three or four inches and place beneath it a board or. better, a perforated zinc box. The zinc l)ox shonld be about one inch thick, three inches wid(^, and jnst long enough to fit in beneath the sash. The perfo- ration in the two sides should not be opposite. In this way fresh air will be admitted between the sash, and other air will go out through the holes in the zinc with- out causing a draft in any part of the room. Sleeping-rooms need special care. It is better to sleep in a cold room in winter time, for then the necessary covers for the night will be needed at once on retiring, and windows may be freely opened. Sound sleep is not possible in bad air. Good breathing. — Though one may be supplied with fresh air, he may not get the full benefit from it unless he breathes it to the blood in plentiful quantity. Tight clothing about the waist displaces the liver, stomach, lungs, and other organs. This not only gives to the body a deformed appearance, but makes free respira- tion impossible. After all proper conditions are complied with, it is still necessary for each person to make a business of breathing for a short time each day. This may be done in the country or park, on the i>orch, or in a room before an open window. A good exercise of this kind is one where the person stands erect, expands the chest to its fullest capacity, then, holding the breath, pushes with all the might with 184 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY ODe hand against the wall for a few moments, stands erect again, exhales, then fills the lungs once more and pushes with the other hand. This may be repeated till one is slightly dizzj'. In a few days the exercise can be prolonged. Such breathing will not only furnish warmth and vigor for a winter day, but will greatly diminish liability to colds. Dust in air. — The appearance of air gives but slight indication of its fitness for breathing. Air always con- tains a large number of particles which are not vis- ible to the naked eye ex- ^■■■:'\i->''Sj''^r^:/^:^- cept under special condi- tions, as when a beam of light is admitted into a darkened room. Fig. 88 shows some dust particles as seen through Fig. 88.— Particles of dust from a high-power microscope. a living-room, magnified. rj.^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ in the air of dwelling-rooms, and consist of a variety of particles of dead matter as well as living germs. The particles are very minute, but exceedingly' nu- merous. A careful count has shown that in country air there are about 100,000 particles in everj^ cubic inch, and in towns there are from 1,000,000 to 50,000,000 in a cubic inch. It is not possible to avoid all dust particles, and so KESIMUATION 185 provision is iniide in the iiir-pussages to prevent their accuniuhition in tlie hmgs, ;is lias already been ex- plained. Dusty air, liowever, should be avoided as far as pos- sible, not only because the dust itself is objectionable, but also because of the j^ernis of disease which are liable to be i^resent in larger numbers when dust is plentiful. Living germs in the air. — About one out of every seven deaths in civilized countries is caused by consump- tion of the lungs. This disease is aptly called the '^ great white plague.'' In all cases it is caused by breathing into the lungs the living germs which cause that disease. There they multiply and destroy the lung tissue. There is no danger of contracting ' ' consumi)tion, ' ' or tuberculosis of the lungs, if the air is free from tubercu- lar germs. The careless spitting of a consumptive may result in a spread of his disease to others. The sputum may dry in the room or on the street, and then be blown about with the dust. The germs, though dry, will live for a long time in a dormant state. As soon as they fall upon a spot where they can get moisture and food, they become active and increase in number. Old wall paper and carpets maj^ have, clinging to them, many germs of this and other kinds. To sweep such carpets, or dust such walls, only sets afloat the dust and germs. The occupants of the room are then compelled to breathe them, or the dust is allowed to settle upon the books, chairs, tables, and clothes in the room, and 18G THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY will be afterwards stirred uj^ by every movement in the room. Careful dusting with a moist cloth is good, but is not sufficient. Ordinary house-cleaning may remove the dirt which can be seen, but such dirt is often the least objectionable from a sanitary point of view. A room which has long been in use as a living apartment cannot be cleaned unless, in addition to the ordinary means, it be thoroughly fumigated. This should be done at least once each year, whether germs of contagion are known to be present or not. A formaldehyde generator used according to direc- tions will effectively cleanse a room of disease germs, without injury to the furnishings in the room and with little expense or inconvenience. Effect of alcohol. — Every one is liable to disease at all times. Good health depends largely upon ones ability to resist disease. Good health may be defined as that condition in which the oxv2:en and the food unite in proper quantity to produce the available energy needed by the body, without any interference from poisons. As already explained under '^Circulation," alcohol does interfere by extracting oxygen from the red cor- puscles, and the heat given off by its oxidation is more than offset by the derangements of the organs of the body. The effect of alcohol is not always apparent, but it always interferes, to some extent, with the normal proc- esses within the body. in^:spiij.\Tic)N 187 A wojikeiied condition of any part of the body makes tlio wliole body liable to disejuse. A larpfe proportion of those who go to hospitals because of diseases of the throat and lungs, are those wlio have been addicted to the use of alcohol. Continued use of large quantities of alcohol cause the lungs to become congested with blood, so that less air is breathed into them. This results in inllammation and loss of vitality, with th6 consequent inability to resist disease. Tobacco smoke. — The smoke of tobacco irritates and infiames the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Those who smoke, especially those who inhale tobacco smoke, are particularly liable to catarrhal in- flammation and colds in the head. The most injurious effect of tobacco results from the use of the cigarette. This is not because the cigarette contains more injurious substances than other tobacco, but because of the way it is used. All cigarette smokers, except the merest novice, inhale the smoke deep into the air-sacs of the lungs. It was shown on page 178 how easily a gas can transfuse from the air-sac into the blood. After a few whiffs and inhalations from a cigarette, the effect of the poison can be felt even to the tips of the fingers and toes. The use of the cigarette has an evil effect upon men of any age. A boy cannot select a more effective way of stunting his growth and weakening both body and mind. 188 THIRD BOOK OF PirVSloLOGY QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. Describe the atmosphere. 2. In what sense does man live beneath the surface of the earth ? 3. How is man dependent on the air ? 4. Define respiration. 5. What two kinds of respiration ? Define each. 6. Wliy does man need special organs of respiration? 7. Of what use is oxygen to the body ? 8. "UTiere in the body does oxygen combine with food? 9. Name all organs concerned in breathing. 10. Why should air be breathed through the nostrils? 11. Describe the larynx and the vocal cords. 12. How is the trachea constructed? 13. Why are animals choked by swallowing a large morsel of food? 14. Describe the ciliated cells in the trachea. Of what use are they ? 15. What are the bronchi ? 16. What are bronchial tubes ? Infundibula? 17. Describe the lungs as to location, weight, density, and com- position. 18. What is the pleura? Of what use is it? 19. What causes air to move into the lungs? 20. Does the air expand the chest, or does the air go in because the chest gets larger ? 21. Explain the action of the ribs in inhalation. 22. How does the diaphragm cause inhalation ? 23. Construct an apparatus to illustrate how the elevation of the ribs will increase the capacitv of the chest. 24. What forces the air out of the lungs ? 25. How is air forced out in case of coughing and loud speaking? 26. What is the capacity of the lung.-? 27. How much air can one breathe out in 2. What is meant ))y saying tliat air is a mixture? ."»:;. What is the use of nitrogen and argon ? o4. Of what use is carhon dioxide in tiie air? W'ii.ii are lis chief sources ? 35. How are vegetables and animals dependent on each other? ?A\. AVhat are the two chief objects in breathing? 37. Explain the osmosis of gases. 38. AVhat is the composition of expired air? 30. Compare food and breathing of man to coal and draft of an engine. 40. Where is impure air found? What causes it to be impure? 41. Why does breath make it impure? 42. What is ventilation? 4?>. What is the purpose of ventilation ? 44. How can impure air be detected? 4-3. Describe various methods of ventilation. 4<). Why is a steam-radiator in a room not a good ventilator? 47. Describe a method oi window ventilation. 48. Describe a breathing exercise. 49. How much dust is in the air? 50. AVhat becomes of the dust we breathe ? 51. How is lung consumption contracted? 52. AVhen is a room dean ? 53. How does alcohol interfere with respiration? 54. AA'hy do drinkers more easily contract disease? 55. How does smoking affect the respiratory tract? EXPERIMENTS. Burning an iron wire in oxygen.— Fi{<. 8o of the text is a i>hoto- graph of the burning of an iron wire in oxygen. For this experimeirt procure 190 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY a large granite-ware spoon, and fill it full of pulverized potassium chlorate (KClOv). Hold the spoon over a Bunsen flame or large alcohol lamp till the po- tassium chlorate is all in a liquid form. Have ready a piece of picture-cord about twelve inches long Avith one end slightly frayed out. Heat this end of the wire in the flame, and dip it at once into some sulphur. "While the sulphur ad- hering to the wire is burning, hold it close to the surface of the liquid in the spoon. Keep the spoon over the flame. The iron wire will burn with the brill- iant scintillation observed in the photograph. Osmosis of gases.— Fig. S6 shows the apparatus needed for this experi- ment. The porous cup is the kind ordinarily used in battery jars. The oi)en end can be closed, by means of a little plaster of Paris, through which passes a glass tube. The hydrogen can readily be prepared by pouring some dilute hydrochloric acid upon some zinc in a bottle. Place the large glass jar over the bottle and collect some hydrogen. After one or two min- utes, or less, lift the jar to a piosition over the I)orous jar, and watch for bubbles in the water at the lower end of the glass tube. Action of the intercostal muscles.— Between the ribs are two sets of intercostal mus- cles. In one set the fibres run obliquely down- ward and forward. In the other, upward and forward. When the first contracts, the ribs are raised. The contraction of the second set de- presses them. This may be illustrated by the device shown in Fig. 89. Four pieces of wood are jointed together in the manner shown. Tacks are driven into the horizontal pieces at intervals of an inch or more. These two strips represent two ribs. Stretch elastic bands between the tacks, as shown in the upper part of the figure, and their elastic force will elevate the strips. This is the effect of the first set of intercostal muscles, and they are employed in inhalation. Now arrange the bands as shown in the lower part of the figure, and the strips will be lowered. This is the action of the second set of intercostals, and they are used in exhalation. Test for carbon dioxide in the breath.— Procure a piece of un- slaked lime and place it in a quart jar, nearly full of water. Shake the jar occa- FiG. 89. — Apparattis il- lustrating the action of the intercostal muscles. RESPIEATrON 191 gionally, and sot asuit' till the linu'settU'.s and tlio liijuid l)ccoMies rHjrffCtly ck-ar. Decant a little of tlu- clear linuid into a small Ixittle or a test-tuhe. iJlow air from the hintrs through a tnK' into the lime water. The water will lieeome milky white. The carhon dioxide has unitt'd with the lime, and formed cal- cium carbonate, which hangs in small particles in the water. To test the ventilation of a room.— Prepare some touch-pa[»er by soaking any kind of soft j'aper in a solntion of .saltpetre. After the paix-r is dry it can be lighted, and will continue to smoke, but will not burn with a flame. By use of the smoke from a taper made of such paper, test the doors, win- dows, and other points where air may enter or leave the room where you live. Raise the lower sash just a little, and determine whether air is coming in or going out, above and below the sash. Each one should do this at his own home. CHAPTEE XII BACTERIA What bacteria are. — Bacteria are a class of very minute i^lants. During the last t^renty years they have been studied very closely, and are found to be very use- ful agents in every-day life. They are able to bring about changes in nature without which neither plants nor animals could long continue. They are of use in the manufac- turing industries and in the pro- duction of articles of food. They also cause many of the dis- eases from which man and the other animals suffer. A scientific study of these minute organisms is called bacteriology. Fig. 90. — Bacteria. --, , . j? -l x • A, spheres ; B, rods ; c, Shape and size of bacteria. spiral.^. — There ai e many different kinds of bacteria, but. as far as their shape and size are concerned, there are only three, — the spheres, the rods, and the spirals. The characteristic shapes are shown in Fig. 90. The spheres may vary in size, but all are very minute. If lUO.OUO of the largest 192 HACTKRIA 193 of them were placed in a line side by sid<', the line wonld be only six inches lon«^. The rods are very narrow, bnt some kinds have con- siderable length. The spirahs are similar to the rods in size. Bacteria are the smallest living things that have ever been seen in a microscoi)e. How they multiply. — The great number of bac- teria and the rapidity with which they can multiply make them very important agents in the world for good or evil. They increase in number by a division of one into two. two into four, four into eight, and so on. Fig. 91. — Multiplication liv divi.-ion. A sphere, as seen in Fig. 01, will become elongated, and finally divide in the middle and become two. All bacteria multiply in this way. In this respect they differ from yeast germs, which multiply l)y a method Fig. 92. — Yeast-plants. called huddhuj. Yeast germs are shown in Fig. 92. This is the chief mark of distinction between yeast and bacteria.- 13 194 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Tlie rapidity of multiplication of bacteria depends on many conditions, such as temperature, moisture, and the amount of food which the bacteria can get. Some can double their number every thirty minutes. At this rate it is easy to calculate that a single bacterium would in twelve hours have increased in number to more than 8,398,000. The food of bacteria. — Bacteria are defined as plants, and yet in some respects they are like animals. Plants live on food of a very simple kind, which they can make into complex forms suitable for the food of animals. Bacteria in this respect are like animals, for they live only on complex foods, and can live and thrive only when they can get it. For this reason it is dangerous to allow certain bacteria to get a lodgement in the tissues of the body, for there they find the kind of food they want, and so will multiply and produce poi- sons which are the cause of many diseases. Where bacteria are found. — Bacteria are found in every place where animals and plants live. The soil is full of them to a depth of two or three feet or more. They are in all bodies of water. All decaying matter is crowded with them. Animals, including man, contain them throughout the whole alimentary tract. They cling to the skin and the clothes. Any disturbance that will raise a dust in a room or on the street will cause great numbers of them to float in the air. They are not found in the tissues of any healthy orsran. BACTKIMA 195 Use of bacteria in the industries.— Mauy tliou- sands of dollars are invested in industries wliicli ai'e de- pendent on the help of bacteria. Bacteria are able to bring abont many useful chemical changes. For ex- ample, when cidei" is allowed to stand in air it soon be- comes sour and is changed to vinegar. If the cider had been boiled and then sealed from the air, it would liave remained fresh. The change to vinegar is caused by bacteria, which find in cider a desirable food. The x^roduct of their life there is the vinegar. The ''mother of vinegar" is a mass of millions of bacteria. Other kind of bacteria find milk a suitable food. One product of their life is an acid which makes the milk sour and causes it to curdle. Milk would remain sweet indefinite!}^ if bacteria could be kept out of it. The flavor of butter is due to the work of bacteria, and the ripening of cheese is also a result of changes which they bring about. The •'retting" of flax, by which the tough fibres of linen are separated from the woody part, is effected by bacteria. Thus it is possible to name many arts in which bac- teria play an important part. Enough has been said to show that these minute organisms are not always an enemy of man. In fact, most of them are not only harm- less, but a great aid. It is man's duty to find out their character and habits of life and turn them to good use. 196 TRIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Bacteria as food producers. — The material of our food is used over and over. Plants change simple com- pounds into complex ones, such as proteids, fats, and carbohydrates. Plants cannot live on these. The car- bon dioxide which the animals breathe out is a suitable food for plants. Plants cannot live on the tissues of ani- mals or i^lants until they are broken up into simple comi)Ounds. This is the work of bacteria. When an animal dies in the field or a tree falls in the woods, their bodies soon soften and decay. This is the result of the work of mill- ions of bacteria, whicli find there the complex foods upon which they thrive. The tissues are thus reduced to simi^le compounds suitable again for i^lant life. If no bacteria are present, meat will not spoil and plants will not decay. Thus the same material may go round and round, from air and soil to plants, from plants to animals, from animals through bacteria back to plants again. The energy comes from the sunlight, and as long as the sun shines upon green leaves this circuit of food material may continue. Yeast. — Y'east germs are classified as different from bacteria, for reasons given on page 193. But thej^ are microscopic plants, and can produce great chemical changes in the substances in which the}- can live and multiply. The chief products of their life are alcohol and carbon dioxide. The process by which this is done is called BACTKIMA 197 fermentation, and tliis lias already been explained in Chapter IX. The fermentation caused by the yeast-plant is the fii-st step in the disinti'gration of many substances. Aft^r the work of the yeast-i^lant is done, certain bacteria may enter the substance and make other changes until the simple forms of plant food are produced. Bacteria which produce disease. — Probably all bacteria are of some great use in the world. M9 the wound. Tlicro they j»i<«liu'(' a \ iolent ijoisoiu wliicli is taken np by tlic Mood. Moir tliaii the usual nund)er of cases ol" lock-jaw ocenr alter each Fourth of .Tnlj', as a result of the admission of these bacteria into wounds eansy lir(^-era('k<'is an^ V^ ^ y^ Fig. 95. — Germs of tuLerculosis. The two fundamental precautions in reference to this disease are, a vigorous state of health, and avoidance of con- tamination from others. Laws of public health require that association with con- sumptives be avoided. This is particularly so in public places and close rooms. Because this disease is not violent, but slow and insidi- ous, people become careless in regard to it, though it is known to kill about 15 per cent, of the human race. BA(TKIMA 201 Typhoid fever. — In Fig. 9G are shown the bacteria which are the cause of tjfphoid fever. These grow in the intestines, but also often spread to the liver and other ghmds. They can move about by motion of the minute projections called Jlagella. Poisons which they produce are the cause of the violent fever which is characteristic of this disease. These germs are conveyed chiefly by food and water. The water of a single Well has often been the cause of an ■^ 1^- ^^- - ^^"j^ "r^ t r -<- ir ^' Fio. 06. — Typhoid fever germs. epidemic of typhoid fever. A shallow well is always to be suspected on this account. Provisions in the body for resisting bacteria. — We have mentioned only a few of the diseases which are caiLsed by bacteria. There is a constant contest for supremacy between the living cells within the body and the living cells (bacteria) without. The cells within are an organized body, and are, as it 202 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY were, fortified in their place ; but the bacteria possess means of attack which are often successful if the fortifica- tions are weak. The body's chief means of protection are the skin, cer- tain coiuiter-poisom which destroy or check the growth of bacteria, and the white corpuscles. The skin as a protection. — Tlie skin may be likened to a strong wall about the organized body of cells within. Bacteria may hang in great numbers on the out- side of the skin, but they cannot go through it. The linings of the respiratory and alimentary tracts act as a similar protection against most germs. When, however, a bruise, cut, or mixture of any kind occurs in these protective coverings, the bacteria at once invade the tissues. Even a slight scratch of the skin may, for this reason, become a bothersome wound. Surgeons now know how to dress a wound so that bac- teria are kept away. The wound then heals rapidly and without the formation of pus. Alexines. — It is not possible to prevent, at all times, the access of bacteria into the living tissue. Fortunately, however, certain substances in the blood and tissue make most bacterial life impossible there. They are called alexines. Although their nature is not well known, it is clear that they serve as protective agents against bacteria. Certain disease-producing bacteria are able to neu- tralize the action of the alexines, and so proceed to establish themselves in the living tissue. IU(Ti:iilA 208 The white corpuscle. — AftiM- llu- ordinary moans h;i\o failed to repel the invading baeteria, the body still has in reseiNc another means <►!' defence. One of the chief dnties of the white corpuscle is to go abont throngh the body, apparently in search of foreign bodies, which they at once attempt to remove or render harmless. They are not confined to the blood-vessels, bnt can glide out into the tissues. They can take into their bodies minute particles which they dissolve or carry away even if they must sacrifice themselves in doing so. For this reason they are often called the scavengers of the body. When bacteria gain admission to the tissue at any point, as through a wound, the white corpuscles gather there in great numbers. The wound becomes swollen and inflamed because of their presence. They appear to pour out from their bodies a secretion which checks the growth of bacteria. Many white corpuscles are killed in the conflict, and the accumulation of their dead bodies forms the substance called j^its. Some bacteria are able to produce such violent poisons that the white corpuscles are not able to check them. In such cases the disease will ''run its course," and the bacteria would continue to multiply until death would result, except that the body itself then produces sub- stances which are an antidote to the bacterial poisons. If the body is able to survive, the disease will reach a climax and recovery will begin. This changed condi- tion oft^n renders the body immune from an attack of the same diseiuse for a certain length of time. Some- times for a lifetime. 204 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Argument for a robust body. — Many things in regard to bacterial diseases are not definitely known. It is well known, however, that most diseases are caused by these minute organisms, and that one whose body is robust and whose habits of life are good can most effectively resist their attack. Drugs are effective in killing bacteria outside the body, but no drug now known will destroy them after they are lodged in tlie living tissue, without destroying the body as well. The effective means of combating them comes in a natural way from within the body itself. The state of the body determines its ability to resist disease. This is a good reason for the maintenance of a body in which every cell is assimilating its due proportion of food and oxygen, and performing its part in relation to the welfare of the body as a whole. Modern discoveries show that the physician may assist the body in its effort to neutralize the bacterial poisons. This he does not attempt to do by the use of drugs intended to kill the germs, but by injection of certain substances which will make the poisons harmless. For examx)le, one who is bitten by a mad dog is almost sure to suffer from hydrophohia. The disease does not develop for some time, so that the body may be prepared for it before it sets in. The physician is prepared with mate- rial taken from the spinal cord of a rabbit which has died from the disease. This is injected into the body of the patient, first in a mild form and then in stronger and stronger doses. When the disease does develop, BACTKiUA 20.') the body is used to the poisons producod, and no serious results follow. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. What are bacloriii, uiul what do they do? 2. Describe the shape and size of bacteria. 3. How do bacteria muhiply? 4. How do they differ from the yeast germ? 5. On what kind of food do bacteria subsist? 6. Why do some kinds of bacteria invade the tissues of the body ? 7. Where can bacteria be found? 8. Explain the formation of vinegar. 9. Name several arts and industries in which bacteria have a part. 10. In what condition must the food of plants be? Tlie food of animals? 11. How do bacteria prepare plant food? 12. What causes meats and fruits to spoil? 13. What is the source of the energy in food? 14. What is the cause and effect of fermentation f 15. How do bacteria produce disease? 16. What is the cause of diolera infantum f 17. What is diphtheria, and how may it be treated? 18. What is tetanus ? 19. How are tubercular germs conveyed from one person to another? 20. How can consumption be avoided? 21. What is typhoid fever? How is it carried about from one to another ? 22. What three provisions are made in the body for resisting bacteria ? 23. How does the skin resist bacteria? 24. What are alexines, and what is their use? 25. How do white corpuscles resist bacteria? 26. Give a good reason for maintaining a robust body. CHAPTEE XIII THE SKIN General character of the skin. — The skin is a tough, pliable, and elastic covering over the entire out- side surface of the bod3\ The mucous membrane, which lines all cavities of the body that communicate with the outside^ may be considered a continuation of the outer skin, though much modified in character. The hairs and nails are only modified forms of the skin. The claws, hoofs, and horns of animals are modified forms of the skin which covers their bodies. Use of skin. — The chief function of the skin is to serve as a protective covering. AVe have already de- scribed its use as a protection against the invasion of bacteria. In every- day life the body must constantly come in contact with outside objects, and a strong cover- ing like the skin is needed to protect the delicate parts beneath. To make the skin a more effective guardian of the body, it is filled with terminals of nerves. Thus the mind is instantly notified when any part of the body comes in contact with outside objects. In addition to its use as a protection, it also serves as an excretory organ. A great deal of water and some waste are taken from the blood by the glands in the skin. 206 TIIK SKIX 207 The evaiX)ration of the water from the surface of the skill hits an important nso in rooless as a temperature regulator. TllH SKIN 215 Clothing. — As ill ready explained, heat is constantly leaving (lie body by radiation and perspiration. When exposed 1o cold weather, perspiration is checked by closinjif the i)ores, but radiation becomes more rapid than before. For this reason the IkkIv must bo piotected with proper clothing-. Ch)thing does not warm the body. It only prevents the escape of heat. In cold weather, then, a garment should be a poor conductor of heat. A loose woollen garment is good because much air is enclosed between its loose fibres, and air is a very i^oor conductor of heat. Many workmen who are exposed to the hot sun wear woollen shirts to keep the excessive heat out. A woollen sweater is an excellent protection during winter and at all times when there is liability of cooling off too suddenly. The effect of the color of clothes is a matter of some importance. Black is a good absorber of heat and also a good radiator. White is poor in both. When a black cloth is exposed to sunlight or some other source of heat, it will become warmer than the white cloth ; l)ut when the source of heat is withdrawn the black will cool more rapidly. A black garment will, on a cold day, allow more heat to escape from the body than a white one made of the same material. As people ordinarily live, white is the best color the year round, as far as the absorption and radiation of heat are concerned. Cotton and linen goods are good for summer wear 216 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY under ordinary conditions. They are fairly good con- ductors of lieat, and for that reason the body will cool by radiation if the surrounding atmosphere be cool. The greatest advantage of such goods in hot weather lies in the fact that they will readily absorb moisture from the skin and conduct it to the outside, where it can rapidly evaporate. The kind and amount of clothing depend upon the climate, habits of life, and constitution of the body. Many of the ills of the body result from an improper kind or quantity of clothing. As a rule, a loose woollen garment next to the skin is best in winter time, and for some it is best the year round. Each one must suit his clothing to his individual needs. Bathing. — Every i)ore of a healthy body is con- stantly perspiring. Sometimes, as on exposure to cold, the amount of matter perspired is very small. At other times, when there is danger of the body being over- heated, a large amount of sweat is poured out on the surface of the body. Along with the perspired water is a considerable quantity of urea, salts, and other matter. When the water evaporates, these substances become dried on the skin and clothing. The oil which is furnished by the sebaceous glands also causes dust and dirt to adhere more readily to the skin and hair. In addition to this, one who is engaged in any active occupation must come in contact with more or less dirt which clings to the body. THE SKIN 217 Bathing is necessary to assist the skin in its work of excretion, and also for the mere purpose of being clean. Beside the mere matter of removing dirt, however, a cold bath in the morning will, to some people, be a stim ulus to the whole body during the day ; and a warm bath just before retiring will often induce sound and restful sleep. Times and methods of bathing.— The advice of various authorities vary in regard to the times and methods of bathing. One may bathe too often, and thus do the body more harm than good. A change of the clothing worn next to the skin is often more essential to good health than the application of water and soap. The vocation and manner of life will help to determine how frequently one should bathe. The skin may be moistened with water every day and then well rubbed with a coarse towel; but a thorough bath everj^ week, or even every two weeks, may be sufficient under ordinary circumstances. In hot weather or after severe exercise baths may be more frequent. The kind of a bath is a matter to be decided by each individual in accordance with his state of health and his circumstances. Baths may be cold^ warm, or hot. The cold bath may consist in a plunge into cold water, a cold shower, the application of cold water by means of a sponge, or even dipping the hands into the water and rubbing it rapidly over the skin. The first . effect of the cold water is to close the pores 218 THIPvD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY and contract tbe blood capillaries ; but this should be quickly followed by a reaction, and a warm, healthful glow should fee felt all over the surface of the body. The body should be exposed to the cold water for only a very short time and then vigorously rubbed with a coarse towel. Unless a warm glow follows, the cold bath will be injurious. Persons of weak constitution should be cau- tious in the use of the cold bath and, if attempted at all, it should be taken in mild form at first until the body becomes used to the shock. The warm bath is the one commonly used with soap to wash away grease and dirt. Many people will never use the hot and cold baths, but every one needs the warm bath and soap, and a frequent change of underclothing, to keep the skin in a healthy condition. Any one who can get a sponge or wash-cloth, some mild soap, and a basin of water, has no excuse for not keeping his body clean. A clean skin and clean clothes improve not only the physical, but also the moral condition of the individual. Hot baths may be recommended by physicians in treat- ment of certain diseases. Care of the hair. — A beautiful head of hair is an ornament to its possessor, but only good care will keep it so. The hair may occasionally be washed with soft water and a mild soap, but only often enough to keep it and the scalp clean. Massage of the scalp and use of the hair- brush will stimulate the roots of the hairs to healthy activity. The natural secretions of the sebaceous glands will Tin-: sKiK 210 ordinarily keep tlic hiiir soft and <;lossy. If it I>ecoiiies dry iiiid loses its gloss, a little viiseliin' may be applied to it. A large mmiber of loose cells of the epidermis, along with oil which has dried on the scali), constitutes what is called dandruff. Tt indicates a diseased condition of the scalp and is associated with a loss of hair. Care of nails. — (Mc^an and neatly-trimmed nails are a recommendation to any one. Dirty nails with jagged edges indicate careless habits, not only in this but in other matters. They should be cleaned every day with a nail-brush and water, and the edges should be occasion- ally trimmed to a smooth curve. The epidermis which overlaps the nails at the roots and sides should be pushed back, for otherwise it adheres so firmly to the uail that the skin will l>e torn, forming the ^'hang-nail." QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. What is the nature of the skin? 2. How does skin protect the body ? 3. Why is the skin provided with nerves of touch? 4. Describe the two layers of skin. 5. How thick is the epidermis? 6. What kind of cells form the epidermis? How are they supplied? 7. Are the cells of the epidermis alive? 8. Explain the color of the skin. What causes freckles? 9. Describe the true skin. 10. What are pores ? Can you see them ? 11. Describe a sweat-gland. 220 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 12. What is perspiration? Describe two kinds. 18. Try an experiment to show insensible perspiration. 14. Explain fully the effect of evaporation from the surface of the body. 15. Describe the root of a hair. 16. What causes hair to grow? 17. What causes hair to stand on end ? 18. Describe the nail. 19. How does a nail grow ? 20. Explain the lunula. 21. What is the use of clothing? 22. Why will a woollen garment keep the body warmer than a linen one? 23. What is the effect of the color of clothing? 24. Why do cotton and linen make good summer garments ? 25. Why is bathing necessary? 26. How often should one bathe? 27. What is the advantage of a cold bath ? When and how should it be taken ? 28. Why should clothing worn next to the skin be frequently changed ? 29. What is proper care of the hair? 30. Why should nails be kept clean ? CHAPTEK XIV EXCRETION Secretion and excretion compared.— We have seeu that numerous glands are distributed througliont the body. All the gl5.nds are enclosures surrounded with cells, and opening, as a rule, by ducts out onto a free surface. Blood constantly flows through the numerous capil- laries about the cells of the gland, and from it is selected the various substances, in accordance with the i:)urpose of the gland. The cells of a gland may gather out liquids which are already in the blood, or they may elaborate the materials which they collect, and produce new compounds. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach, for example, is not taken from the blood, but is made by the gastric glands. When the material collected by a gland is for further use in the body, the process is called secretion. For ex- amples, the saliva and gastric juice are secretions. When material is collected by a gland only to be cast out of the body, the process is called excretion. For ex- ample, urea is excreted by the kidneys and carbon di- oxide is excreted by the lungs. Some substances are both secretions and excretions. For example, the bile is an important agent in digestion, 221 222 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY aud so may be considered a secretion of the liver ; but bile would soon make the blood impure unless it be con- stantly eliminated : and tbus it is also an excretion. The chief excretory organs.— The chief organs concerned in excretion are the Jungs. sJcin, liver, and Jtidneys. These have all been described except the kidneys. In this chapter we briefly refer to the work of each, aud describe the work of the kidnej's in full. The lungs. — The lungs are excretory organs of very great importance. We have already compared breathing to a draft of air through the burning fuel of a steam-engine. In the engine the air enters below the grate^ and the waste products of combustion pass out through a chimney above. In the body the air is supplied to the blood in the lungs and the i)roducts of combustion are returned by the same channel. Thus the air-passage serves both for damper and chimney. The chief substance excreted by the lungs is carbon dioxide (CO,). This is the chief product of combustion of coal, wood, coal-oil, or any kind of carbonaceous sub- stance. Some organic substances are also excreted with every exhalation. The character of these substances is not well understood ; but there is no doubt of their presence in the breath and their vitiating effect on the air in a close room. Water is also excreted in large quantity by the lungs. EXCRETION 223 The skin. — While the skin is chiefly an organ for tlie protection of the l)0(ly, it also has an additional donble function of secretion of waste substances and the regulation of bodily temperature. Thus the skin may be regarded iis both secretory and excretory. Its chief excretions are water, urea, and salts. There is a close relation between the skin and the kid- neys. When the excretions of the skin are large, the kidneys are relieved of much of their work ; when the glands of the skin arc inactive, more work is thrown upon the kidneys. The liver. — The excretions of the liver depend upon the kind of substances in the blood. As already ex- plained, the liver is a most efficient guardian of the health of the body. Nothing gets from the stomach or intestines into the general circulation until it has first been tested by the liver, and many substances that would be injurious are either changed in their character or excreted. Bile is an excretion of the liver. If the bile should remain in the blood, serious disorders are sure to follow. It is made to serve a useful purpose in intestinal diges- tion, and much of it may again enter the portal veins and be again excreted, or secreted, by the liver. Kidneys. — The kidneys are among the most impor- tant of the excretory organs. A man could not live more than one day if the action of his kidneys would cease. 224 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY They are two in number and are located in the abdo- men, one on each side of the spinal column, in the region of the loins. Each is about four inches long, two inches broad, and one inch thick. They are shaped somewhat like a beau, Fig. 102. — Cross-section of kidney. C, C. cortex: M, pyramids of Miilpighi ; L. L, medulla; P, pelvis; .4, artery; T, vein; U, ureter. and on the side towards the backbone is a depression called the hihnn. Three tubes enter the kidney at the hilum. One is the renal artery, which carries blood to the kidney ; another is the renal vein, which carries the EX(MM^TI()X 225 blood away ; and between them is the ureter, wliich ear- ries the excretions of the kidney to the bhidder. Internal structure of the kidney. -A longitu- dinal section of a kidney would lia\e ab(jut th(* appear- ance shown in Fig. 102. The ureter on entering the Fig. 108. — Section of cortex of a kidney, showing Malpighian bodies slightly magnified. kidney spreads out, forming a cavity called the pelvis of the kidney. Projecting into the pelvis are a number of pyramids, from eight to eighteen in number, and known 2iS>i\\Q pyramids of Malpiglu. The pyramids project from the medullary layer of the kidney. Surrounding the med- io 226 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY ullary layer is the cortex. The kidneys are enclosed and held in place by a capsule of fatty areolar tissue. Microscopic examination of the kidneys. — Minute examination of the cortex shows that it contains numerous spherical bodies about y^^ of an inch in diam- eter. These are known as the ^lalpighian bodies. It is in these that the excretion of the kidney is chiefly done. Each little sphere is composed of two parts, as shown in Fig, 104. ^\"ithin is a roll, or tuft, of capillary blood-vessels, to which blood is supplied by an artery called the afferent vpssel. Leading out of the tuft is an artery called the efferent vessel. This again breaks into capillaries around the convoluted tubule, and these are gathered into ceins. The tuft of capillaries is en- closed in a capsule from which a tube, called the uriniferoiui tubule^ carries the excretions to the pelvis of the kidney. The uriniferous tubules be- gin at the Malpighian bodies in the cortex and pursue a circuitous route through the cortex and the medullary layer to straight collecting tubes which open at the apex Fig. 10-1. — Showing struc- ture of Malpighian body and uriniferous tubule. J, artery; 4/". afferent vessel; 3/, Mal- pighian body ; T, tuft of blood capillaries ; V, uriniferous tu- bule ; Ef. efferent vessel; ]'. vein. The blood first passes through the capillaries of the ^lalpighian body and then through the capillaries about the uriniferous tubule. EXCEETTOX 227 of the pyramids into the pelvis of the kidney. Fv^. 105 is a liijj^hly inajj^nificd section of kidney, showing some branchfs of a collecting tube. All the secretions are thus brought to the pelvis and drained off by the ureter. ^' ? Fig. 105. — Section of cortex of kidney, hiijhly magnified, show- ing Malpighiaii bodies and the tubes leading to the pelvis of the kidney. The excretions of the kidney.— The substances excreted by the kidneys are urea, salts, other waste, and a large quantity of water. The amount of liquid excreted in one day is about three pints, about one ounce of which is urea. The chief function of the kidneys is to excrete urea. The water is necessary that the other substances may be in solution and thus be carried along. The chief excretion of the Malpighian bodies is water. 228 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The urea is excreted by the cells which line the urinifer- ous tubules. Urea is the product resulting from the use of proteid food. In the chapter on food it was shown that proteid is the only food which contains nitrogen. Urea also con- tains nitrogen. The chemical symbol for urea is COX,H^. Urea is gathered from the blood current by the liver, and then the kidneys, with a little help from the skin, excrete this waste product of the proteids. When the amount of nitrogen excreted is equal to the amount of nitrogen in the i)roteid food, there is said to be nitrogenous equilib- rium. In this case the muscles neither gain nor lose in weight. In case of starvation the urea continues to be excreted, but it results from the fact that the muscles themselves are being used as proteid food. Thus the muscles waste away and the body loses in weight. Diseases of the kidneys.— When the kidneys are removed from an animal, death speedily ensues. The urea accumulates in the blood and produces blood-poison- ing. Even a partial and temporary suspension of the work of the kidneys always results seriously to the welfare of the whole body. Colds often cause an affection of the kidneys by causing the skin to suspend its work as an excretory organ. Extra work is thus thrown upon the kidneys, and, if it is overworked, a diseased condition is produced. Alcoholic drinks injure the kidneys more, probably, than any other known cause. EXrHF/nON 229 The cells of the tubules and Malpighian bodies become changed, so that thoy no lonjjer perform well their natural functions. Albumen of the blood is then often allowed to pass out of the cai)illaries with the other secretions. This condition is known as Bright' s disease. Eminent physicians say that alcoholic drinks are one cause of this fatal disease. Fatty degeneration of the kidneys is another result of using alcoholic drinks. ' Parts of the tissue of the kidney are replaced by fat. Thus the secreting organ is in fact decreased in size, for the fat can have no part in the work of excretion. Extra work is thus thrown upon the remaining parts of the kidneys, or the blood is allowed to pass on through without proj^er purification, and the whole body suffei's the consequence. Alcohol also, as already explained, interferes with di- gestion and the excretions of the liver. Thus injurious substances are introduced into the circuit of the blood. The kidney attempts to eliminate these in addition to its natural work. As a result the kidney is overtaxed and becomes inflamed and diseased. Over-eating, also, or the eating of rich and highly-sea- soned food, is the cause of much kidney trouble. All parts of the body sutfer from any affection of the kidneys because the purity of the blood is at once im- paired. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. What is the source of the hydrochloric acid in the stomach? 2. What is secretion? Give examples. 3. What is excretion? Give examples. 230 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGT 4. Is bile a secretion or an excretion? 5. Xame the chief excretory organs. 6. Describe the excretions of the lungs. 7. Do the air-passages correspond to the damper or the chimney of a stove ? 8. How can you show that there is water in tlie breath? 9. What does the skin excrete? 10. Is the water in sweat an excretion or a secretion ? . 11. For what two purposes is bile produced by the liver? 12. Locate and describe the kidneys. 13. !Make a drawing of a section of a kidney, showing cortex, medullary layer, pyramids, pelvis, ureter, and blood-vessels. 14. Describe a Malpighian body. 15. Describe a uriniferous tubule. 16. What is excreted by the kidneys? 17. What is the cause of urea in the blood? 18. Explain "nitrogenous equilibrium." 19. Why does one lose flesh during sickness? 20. How important is the work of the kidneys? 21. How does a cold affect the kidneys? 22. What is Bright' s disease? What may cause it ? 23. Explain "fatty degeneration" of the kidneys. 24. In what other ways does alcohol have a bad effect on the kidneys ? 25. Why does the whole body suffer when the kidneys do not act? CHAPTER XV THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The need of a controlling organ. — A number of dift'erent systems and organs have already l>een explained. Some are concerned in the movements of the body. Some take in and digest the food. Some distribute food and oxvgren to the cells. Others rid the bodv of waste and impurities, and numerous others still are at work in one way or another for the welfare of the whole body. Each organ must work in liarmony with all the others, or it itself must soon sutler. For example, the tissues of the hands and arms need food : but. although the hands be loaded with the best kind of food, the tissues cannot get it until it is properly prepared by several other organs. The hand carries the food t<» the mouth : there it is masticated and mixed with saliva : then it is swal- lowed, and digested in the stomach and intestines : thence it passes over into the current of blood, and is distrib- uted to the cells of the body. Thus the hands, by which the first act of this process was accomplished, are de- pendent on the organs of digestion, and the organs of digestion depend on the hands to bring food within their reach. In a similar way each organ must rely upon the co- operation of the othei^, and the failure of any one im- portant organ will result in the destruction of all. 231 232 THIPvD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Froui this it is plain that there must be one organ, or a collection of them, which shall have a controlling and di- recting influence uj^on the others, and which shall not only cause all i^arts to work in harmony, but also iji pro- portion to the demands of the body at different times. This important function is performed by the nervous system. An organized body of men. — The human body may be considered as a number of units, each with a dif- ferent function and all working together as an organized body. The relation of these various units may be made clearer by a comparison with a number of men who bind themselves together in an organized body for the accom- plishment of a definite purpose. In such an organization a variety of different kinds of work must be done, and each man selects the kind which he can do best and does that only. Each member knows that his success depends on the success of the whole organization, but however o'ood his individual work mav be. his efforts mav not be effective unless there is some way to direct his work in accordance with what is being done by the other mem- bers. So, in such an organization, a president is always selected, and it is his business to so direct the work of each that the general results may be most effective. Heads of departments may also be appointed, and they may look after many matters of detail without reporting them to the iDresident. Each man may after a time be- come so expert in his work that he can be trusted to continue it without constant direction. THE XKHVorS SYSTI':>r 233 Wlienever one menihei- of the organization fails to do liis j)art or fails to work in harmony with the others, then the president must be notified and the matter adjusted, or the organization will break down. All the relations just pointed out between the presi- dent and the other members of the organization are similar to those between the nervous system and the other organs of the body. The nervous system. — Tlie nervom system is com- posed of nerve-centres, nerves, and special organs at the ends of nerves. The nerve-centres are the brain, the spinal card, and ganglia. The nerves all originate in the nerve- centres and extend out to the parts to which impulses are to be sent or from which impulses are to be received. There is but one great nervous system, with centres here and there, and nerve-trunks and nerve-fibres rami- fying to every part of the body, the whole system being more or less intimately joined together. But, because of certain differences in character and function, the system is divided into two parts. The first is called the cerebrospinal or central nervous system, and includes the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves leading out from them. The second is called the Sympathetic, or Ganglionic, nervous system, and includes numerous small nerve-centres called ganglia, and the nerves which issue from them. The sympathetic system is chiefly concerned with the involuntary movements of the body, such as those in- volved in digestion, circulation, and respiration. 23; THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The nerve-cell.— Nerve-cells, like other cells, are composed of minute masses of protoplasm containing a nucleus and a nucleolus. A very noticeable character- istic of a nerve-cell is its tending to send off many pro- cesses from the cell-body. Part of the processes are short, and soon divide into numerous fine branches Fig. 106. — Xeurons from the gray matter of the cerebrum. Cell- body, dendrites, and short portion of the axis-cylinder are shown. A micro photocrraph. within the gray matter of the nerve-centres. These branches are called dendrites because thej^ resemble, in form, the branches of a tree. One process of the cell, usually much longer than the others, is called the axis-cylinder. It may extend out as far as two or three feet from the bo(h' of the cell. The axis-cylinder is a fine thread of protoplasm continuous TllK NERVOUS SYSTEM 235 with the cell material. The cell-body, the dendrites, and the axis-cylinder with its sheath and special endings all constitute one cell. This cell is as much alive as any of the one-celled animals described in the fii-st chapter of this book. The processes of nerve cells do not have movement as in the case of the amoeba ; but if the axis- cylinder of a nerve-cell be severed, that part of it which is thus deprived of connection with the cell-body and the nucleus will deteriorate and pass away. The unusual extension of a fine thread of the cell material is the one thing about a nerve-cell which makes it so different from the other cells, and also makes it possible for nervous matter to exercise a controlling and directing influence over other cells. The unit of the nervous system, the neuron. — Such a cell as we have just described is called a neuron. The neuron is the unit of the nervous system. The whole nervous system is a collection of a vast numl)er of these units. Since the axis-cylinder is a very delicate thread of protoplasm, it is protected by one or more membranes which surround it. Xearly all the axis-cylinders of the cells in the central nervous system have two coverings, as shown in Figs. 107 and 108. The first, called the medul- lary sheath, lies next to the axis-cylinder and consists of a white, oily substance. It is this sheath which gives to many nerves their pure white apjjearance. Outside of this is a thin ehistic sheath called the neurilemma. The medullary sheath is broken at intervals of about 236 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY Fig. 107.— Diagram of a neuron, c, body of cell ; ?i, nucleus ; t^ dendrites ; a, axis- cylinder ; w, medullary sheath (the white matter) ; «, neurilemma; L nucleus of the neurilemma ; f/, nodes ; e, endings. Fig. 108. — A medullated nerve-fibre, treated with osmic acid, and highly magnified. 1, its nucleus; 2, node; 3, the axis-cj-linder ; 4, membranous sheath of the internode ; 5, medullary sheath (the thick black line). TITE NKRVOrS SYSTIOM 237 J^ of :iii iiicli 1)\' mxlrs. Tlu; iiciirilciiniKi is c.ontiniKHis throuj^huut the whole hMi«;lh of Ihr nerve-libic, and in it ;ue (Miibedded nnclei, one in cucli intcrnode. Fibres which are covered )>y bolii tliese sheaths sire called mnhdlated nerve -fibres, and sncli an- always white. Other fibres, chielly those of th<' sympathetic nervous system, have no medullary sheath, and so are gray in color. These are called non-medullaled nerve fibres. Nervous tissue. — Nerve tissue is composed of gray and white matter. The gray is the essential part of the Fig. 109. — Neuroglia cells. system and is composed of the protoplasm of the cell bodies and the axis-cylinder. Wherever a number of cells are clustered together, the matter is gray, as in the brain, the spinal cord, and the ganglia. 238 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The white matter is composed of nerve-fibres, the whiteness being due to the medullary sheath around the axis- cylinder. Both the gray and the white matter are supported and held together by the ordinary connective tissue, and also by another tissue called neurogJia. Xeuroglia is peculiar to the nervous system. A few of its cells are represented in Fig. 109. The brain. — The brain is the large nerve-centre of the body. It is enclosed within the bony walls of the cranium and is surrounded by three membranes. The outer membrane is called the dura mater. It lies next to the inner surface of the skull. The inner mem- brane, called the pia mater, adheres closely to the sur- face of the brain, passing in and out through all of its folds. Between the two is the arachnoid (like a spiders web), so called because it is transparent and very thin. It is transparent, however, only in the sense that lace or a spiders web is transparent. It invests the whole sur- face of the brain, but does not follow the pia mater into the folds. Spaces between the arachnoid and the pia mater are filled with cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid is nearly pure water, and its purpose seems to be to protect the brain in case of sudden jars or concussions. The pia mater is a very vascular membrane. — that is, it contains numerous blood-vessels for the supply of nourishment to the brain. The three membranes are together called the meninges, TUK XKIJVors SYSTEM 239 and wlu'u tliey Ixicoine iiiMamoones of the skull beneatli wliicli thej' lie. Thus there are the frontal, the panetaJ, the temporal, and the oecipital h)l)es. The whole surface of the cerebrum is covered witli Fig. 112. — Cross-secdon of brain. Left half. gray matter to a depth of from one-sixth to one-twelfth of an inch. It is called the cortex of the cerebrum. This matter is composed of the cell-bodies, their sup- porting tissue, and the blood-vessels concerned in their nutrition. Beneath the gray is the white matter, which is composed of the medullated nerve-fibres leading from or to the cells. On the surface of the cerebrum are numerous deep convolutions or folds, which afford a large surface for the gray matter. The number and depth of the convo- 16 242 TIIIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY lutions are the chief distinguishing marks between the brain of man and tliat of the lower animals, and also be- tween that of the liigher and lower races of men. Fig. 113. — A portion of a horizontal section of a cerebral hemisphere, showing convolutions. The cerebellum.— The cerebellum— the lesser brain — constitutes about one-eighth of the whole brain, and so is called the lesser brain. It lies beneath the posterior part of the cerebrum, as shown in Fig. 110. It is com- posed of gray and white matter, the gray being arranged in parallel ridges. A cross-section of the cerebellum shows that the white matter enters each of its hemispheres as a trunk, and by numerous branches is distributed to all parts of the sur- face. (Fig. 112.) From this api^earance the cerebellum has been called the tree of life. The pons. — The pons is situated below the cere- brum and in front of the cerebellum. It is composed TIIK NKIiVOUS SVSTKM 243 of both gray and white matter', and is ;il)()ut one inch long and a littk^ more in thickness. Nerves from the spinal cord pass up througli it lo tlic cerebrum and cerebellum, and transverse libres i)avSs through it from one side of the cerebellum to the other. Thus the pons serves as a bridge by moans of which communication can be made from one part of the nervous system to another. The medulia oblongata. — The medulla oblongata is that i)art of the upper end of the spinal cord enclosed within the skull. It is about one and a quarter inches in length and about one inch through its thickest part. A fissure on both its anterior and posterior sides divides it into two equal parts. Both the gray and the white matter are found in the medulla, the gray being col- lected into groups which are more or less independent of each other, and which are the origin of some of the most important nerves. Nearly all the fibres of the spinal cord cross over, in the medulla, to the other side, and, continuing on their way, make connection with the cerebrum and cerebel- lum. Thus the nerves from the right hemispheres of the brain are distributed to the left side of the body, and those from the left hemispheres to the right side. Nerves. — The neuron has already been described. The axis-cylinder with its i>rotecting sheaths is a nerve- fibre. A nerve is simply a number of nerve-fibres run- ning side by side and bound together by connective 244 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY tissue, in wliicli are blood-vessels that coiivej^ uourish- ment to the nerve tissue. Around the whole bundle of fibres is another sheath called the perineurium. The nerve-fibres lie close together in a nerve, but each is independent of the others throughout its whole course. Fig. 114. — Portion of a cross-section of a nerve showing the ends of nerve-fibres. A niicrophotograph. Whatever communication there is from one fibre to an- other, it does not appear to be along any kind of connect- ing fibre. I^erves are smooth, white, shining cords which vary in size from those scarcely visible by the naked eye to the great sciatic nerve, which is about one-half inch wide and one-sixth inch thick, and extends from the lower end of the spinal cord down to the toes, sending off some fibres along its whole course, and growing less and less in size as it descends. A nerve may be compared to a cable such as is used in a telephone system, where several hundred copper wire3 TUK XI^RVOrS SYSTK.U 245 are encased in a lead tube. Each wire corresponds to the axis-cylinder of a nerve-fibre. Around each wire is a loose wrapping of paper, corresponding to the sheaths about the axis-cylinder. Around the whole bundle of wires is the lead tube, which corresponds to the peri- neurium of the nerve. The copper wires serve only as conductoi'S along which electricity may flow from a battery or other source of electricitj^ to a machine or device which it operates at the other end. Xerve-fibres, also, are only paths along which impulses travel from a nerve-centre to the part of the body which they stimulate. There is this difference, however, be- tween an electric current passing over a wire and an impulse passing over a nerve, — the whole of the energy which operates a telegraph, telephone, or motor passes over the wire, while in a nerve only enough energy passes to stimulate to activity the i^otential energy already stored in the parts to which the nerves are distributed. The illustration is more nearly true in the case where, by pressure of an electric button, a slight current of electricity is made to operate a device which opens a valve and admits steam to the engines, which in turn operate the machinery of a factory or exposition. Efferent and afferent nerves. — All nerve fibres appear to be alike in structure, but experiment shows that there are two kinds, at least as far as their functions are concerned. One kind conducts impulses out from 246 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY nerve- centres, and so are called efferent or motor fibres. Another kind conducts impulses towards the nerve- centres and are called afferent or sensory nerve-fibres. Efferent or motor impulses stimulate the muscles, glands, or other parts of the body to activity. Afferent or sensory impulses keep the nerve-centres informed in regard to the condition of the body and its relation to other objects. The cranial nerves. — Twelve pairs of nerves arise in the brain and pass out through openings in the cranium to the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the nose, and other important organs of the body. They are called cranial nerves. The first are the nerves of the sense of smell. They are called olfactory nerves, and run from the nostrils to the base of the cerebrum. The second are the optic nerves, or nerves of sight. They extend from the eyeballs to the base of the cere- brum. Both the first and the second pairs are purely sensory. The third, fourth, and sixth i)airs are motor nerves whieli run to the muscles that move the eyeballs. The fifth pair are both motor and sensory, and are distributed to various portions of the face. The seventh pair are distributed to the muscles of the face and scali). They arise from the medulla oblongata, as do all the nerves of the last six pairs. The eighth are the auditory nerves, or nerves of hear- ing. They are purely sensory. TJIE NERVOUS SYSTEM 247 The ninth are the gustatonj nerves, or nerves of taste, and also the motor nerves of the i^harynx. The tenth i)air extends farther from the brain than any other of the twelve pairs. They are called the pneumogastric nerves because of their important functions in relation to the lungs and stomach. They are also called the vagi, or wandering nerves, because they are distributed to so many organs. Branches of these im- portant nerves are distributed directly to the pharynx, the oesophagus, and stomach, the larynx, trachea, and lungs, and indirectly, through the sympathetic nerves, to the heart, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, small intes- tines, and large blood-vessels. The eleventh pair are distributed to the muscles of the neck, and the twelfth pair to the muscles of the tongue. Nerve-fibres from the cells of the brain are distributed not ouh' to the other parts of the body, but connection is made from one hemisphere of the cerebrum to the other by numerous fibres through the corpus callosum, and numerous other fibres connect the lobes and con- volutions of the cerebrum with each other. The spinal cord. — The spinal cord is a bundle of nerve-fibres enclosing an axis of gray matter composed of nerve-cells. It is about eighteen inches long in the adult, and extends from the large opening, the foramen magnum in the occipital bone, down to the lower part of the body of the firet lumbar vertebra. The spinal foramina of the vertebrae form the spinal canal within which the spinal cord lies. 248 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The cord is surrounded by three membranes, the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater, all of which are continuations of membranes of the same names, already described as coverings of the brain. y'f^^ : -Wi^ Fig. 115. — Ding-ram of cross-section of spinal cord. A, anterior fissure ; P, posterior fissure ; G, gray matter ; W, white matter. The small circle at the centre is a cross-section of a minute canal which runs the whole length of the cord. The spinal cord is about one-half inch in diameter, being a little thicker from side to side than from front to back. Two fissures run the whole length of the cord, dividing it into two equal jiarts. The one in front is called the anterior or ventral fissure, and the one behind is called the Xjosterior or dorsal fissure. The anterior fissure is wider and not quite so deep as the posterior. A cross-section shows that the cord is composed of white and gray matter, the white being on the outside and the gray in the centre. This arrangement, as we have seen, is just the opposite of that in the brain. TIIK NF.IJVorS S VST KM 249 Tlie wliitc iii:itt(M- is (•oin])()S('(l cliielly ol" iiuMlullated nerve-librrs runnin^^ \i\) and down tlie conl, wliilc tlie gray matter is comi^osed (•hietty of nerve-cells. The two sides of the cord are connected, as shown in Fig. 115, by an istlinins of white and gray matter, giving to the gray a resemblance to the letter H. The anterior horns of the gray matter are blunt, and do not come very close to the surface of the cord, while the posterior ones are pointed, and reach almost to the surface. In the centre of the isthmus, in the Fig., is seen a small circle. This is a cross-section of a small tube which runs the whole length of the cord, and opens above into cavities called ventricles in the white matter of the brain. Spinal nerves. — Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves issue from the cord and pass out between the vertebrae A ^'^^^'^ ^1 Fig. lie. — A piece of spinal cord. A^ A, anterior, motor, or efferent nerve-roots ; P, P, posterior, sensory, or afferent nerve-roots ; Gr, (?, ganglia on posterior roots ; .S", S, beginning of spinal nerves. to nearly all parts of the body. On each side of the an- terior fissure are two shallow grooves, and on each side of the i^osterior fissure are two similar grooves. From these grooves the rootlets of the nerves spring in a close longitudinal row, as may be seen in Figs. 116 and 117. A number of these rootlets collected together constitute a spinal nerve. Those that spring from the anterior part 250 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY of the cord, on each side of the fissure, are motor nerves o Those which appear to originate on the posterior i^art on each side, are sensory nerves. The motor and sensory nerves from the same half of the cord soon unite into one nerve, the two kinds of nerve-fibres being bound to- gether in the same bundle, and yet remaining independent of each other throughout their whole course. On the posterior roots, just before the}^ unite with the anterior ones, is an enlaro:ement, or knot, called a spinal ganglion. One of these is found on each of the posterior nerve-roots. These are small collections of nerve- cells with special and important func- tions. The roots of the anterior, or motor, fibres arise from the cells in the ante- rior horn of the gray matter, and an impulse from that source moves out on the different fibres. The sensory fibres arise from the cells of the spinal ganglia, as shown in Fig. 118. These fibres divide into two, a short distance from the cell, — one branch running out to the sensory region, as the skin, and the other branch joining the spinal cord and passing up through the white matter to the brain. Here and there along its ascent fine branches Fig. 117. — Poste- rior view of the upper section of spinal cord, showing the eight cervical nerves. TITK XKKVors SYSTExM 251 are given oil" w iiiili aiborize about the cells in tlie ante- rior horn of tlie gray matter. Tliat is, the libre at its end divides into line branches, which mingle with the Fig. 118. — Diairrani showinsr the ori2;in and relation of afferent and efferent nerves. .?, skin ; G, ganglion ; P, posterior horns ; M, mus- cle ; af, afferent nerve ; e/, efferent nerve ; A, anterior horns. dendrites of the motor cell, much as the branches of one tree may mingle with those of another when the trees stand close together. Nerve endings. — As already exi^lained, the neuron is a cell which is peculiar in that it may send out a very long process of its own material. The cell-body and its nucleus are the central parts of the neuron 5 the axis- cylinder process is the line of communication between -the cell-bod}^ and the organ to which the neuron is at- tached ; and the nerve ending is a special arrangement by which a nervous impulse may be readily communicated to the cells of other tissues, or by which an outside stim- ulus, such as light, sound, and touch, uidy be received with distinctness and inteusit}'. Xot every neuron, however, is supplied with a special ending. A single nervous impulse may be transmitted over several neurons to its destination. As shown in 252 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY diagram (Fig. 119), the impulse may start from A and travel to B, thence on the next neuron to C. and finally reach the ending in the muscle at M. M Fig. 119. — Diagram showing method by which one neui'on may communicate with an- other. Motor end plates. — At the termination of nerves which are distributed to muscles, the proto- plasm of the axis-cylinder ai^pears to be poured out on the muscle- fibre for a distance in all directions, as shown in Fig. 120. This is called the end plate of the nerve. An end plate is attached to each muscle-fibre, near its middle. The nerve-fibre pierces the wall of the muscle-fibre, the neurilemma being joined to the sarcolemma, Fig. 120. — End plate of a motor nerve- fibre. and the axis-cylinder of the nerre being joined to the protoplasmic contents of the muscle-cell. Thus, a uer- TIIK NKRVOUS SYSTEM 253 vous impulse miiy start in a iiorve-ceiitre, as in the brain or spinal cord, and Ix' conducted alon<;- a nerve to the end plate, and thence to the fibres of muscle, causing them to contract. Endings of sensory nerves. — I n case of a sensory nerve, the stimulus is applied at the end and the resulting impulse travels in to the nerve-centre. Fig. 121. — Diagnini .sliowing eH)iinection of a nervo-fibre to a cell of muscle. A^ axis-cylinder of nerve ; ??, neurilemma ; ?/<, cell of muscle. The office of this set of nerves is to keep the nerve- centres informed in regard to the condition of the body and the body's relation to outside objects. Thus, when any wound is received or any organ is diseased, the mind is informed by impulses conveyed on the sensory nerves. The same set of nerves also convey sensations of heat and cold and pres.suie. One pair of this kind of nerves has such delicate endings — the eyes — that even waves of ether can start in them an imj)ulse which produces the sensation of light. Another pair has the ears for nerve endings, and waves of air can start in them an impulse which results in the sensation of sound. There are five special sensory nerve endings producing five special senses^ — aeeing, hearing, feeling^ tasting, and 254 TRIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY smelling. These are more fully described in a separate chapter. Other nerves. — Xerves have been classified as motor and fiensory because these are their chief functions. But nerves perform other functions also. Secretion and excretion are vital operations and are performed by li\ing cells, which are grouj^ed together in a form which we have called a gland. Xerve-fibres are distributed to each cell of a gland, and the stimulus which comes to them over the nerves regulates the activity of the gland. If such a nerve be severed, the gland will become inactive. A nerve plexus. — A nerve plexus is a point where many nerves come close together and where fibres branch off from one nerve and con- tinue their way in another nerve. Fig. 122. —Mode Xerve-fibres do not form a net- of branching of nerve- fi^j-eg work, like blood capillaries, but, as shown in Fig. 122. fibres leave one bundle and join another. Xumerous branches of this kind occur in the plexuses. The nerve which comes from a plexus may thus be put in communication with many nerve-centres. In this way the parts of the body to which such nerves are dis- tributed, for example, the legs, are capable of a great variety of movements. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 255 Nnnierous plexuses, some large and some small, are fouml tlirougiiout llie nervous sj'stem. The chief ones are found in tlie neck, the regions of the pelvis, and associated with the sympathetic system in the cavities of the thorax and abdomen. The sympathetic nervous system. — The sym- pathetic nervous system is chielly concerned in the stimu- lation and control of tfie involuntary processes. It is called sympathetic because of the close relation or sympathy which these nerves establish between many vital organs of the body. For example, increased mus- cular effort calls for more blood, the arteries relax, and the heart lesponds by beating faster. This calls for more oxygen, and breathing is hastened. The product of this increavsed combustion must be cared for by an increased activity of the excretory glands. Thus, by means of the connecting nerves, one organ is made to work in harmony with another. The sympathetic system consists of ganglia, nerves, and plexuses. The chief ganglia are forty-nine in number and are arranged in two rows, one on each side of the spinal column and a little to the front of it. Each gang- lion is connected by a nerve to the one above it and to the one below it, giving to the whole the appearance of two chains hung from the base of the cranium, with their lower ends connected at the coccyx. Thus, there are twenty-four ganglia on each side and one at the bottom midway between, and to which the lower ends of the two chains are attached. 256 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The nerves of the sympathetic system are, for the most part, non-medullated, and so are finer and of a grayish color. Along with these nerves are mingled many branches of the spinal and cranial nerves, so that the whole ner- vous system is intimately connected. The sympathetic nerves are distributed to the viscera of the thorax and abdomen, to the blood-vessels, and to the lymphatics. In front of the chains of ganglia are three great plexuses of nerves containing numerous smaller ganglia. The one in the thorax is called the cardiac plexus. The one in the abdomen is called the solar plexus. It is just back of the stomach and has smaller plexuses radiating from it, the whole resembling somewhat the sun and its rays, and hence its name. The one in the pelvis is called the hypogastric plexus. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. Why does the. body need a controlUng organ? Ihustrate. 2. Compare the body as an organism with an organized body of men. 3. Of what parts is the nervous system composed? 4. What three kinds of nerve-centres? 5. What are the two great nervous systems? Of what is each composed ? 6. Describe a nerve-ceh. 7. AVhat is the unit of the nervous system? 8. Describe the axis-cylinder and its sheaths. 9. What makes a nerve-fibre white? 10. How does the gray differ from the white matter of tlie ner- vous system ? TITF M:iJ\'()rS SYSTK.M 257 11. W\\&t \i^ iietirogl id f 12. What is the ^rain/ Describe ita coverings. ].'>. What is meant by "the pin inatrr \< a vtu^cnlar iiM-rnbrane" ? 14. What is cerebrospinal 7neningiti.. Describe the pneumogasiric nerves. 27. How is the spinal cord protected ? 28. Make a drawing and explain the appearance of a cross-section of the spinal cord. 29. How many spinal nerves ? 30. What are the roots of spinal nerves, and what two kinds ? 31. Which roots have ganglia? 32. Explain how the two kinds of nerves connect with the spinal cord. 33. What are yiene endings f 34. Describe a motor end plate. 35. What kind of endings on the sensory nerves? 36. Explain a nerve plexus. 37. In what way does one nerve branch to another? 38. Why is the sympatJietic system so called? 39. Of what is the sympathetic system composed? 40. Describe the solar plexus. 17 CHAPTEE XVI PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Some functions of the nervous system have already been alluded to in the preceding chapter to make plainer the anatomy of the part described. This chapter will be devoted entirely to a brief description of some of the fundamental functions of the system as far as known. Little by little many important facts about nerve- centres and nerves have been discovered, but as yet much is unknown both about their anatomy and their physiology. It is known, for example, that the mind is in some way intimately associated with the brain : but we have not even a plausible theory as to the nature of the association. It is known that some kind of an impulse passes from cells over nerves ; but nothing is known as to the nature of the impulse. It is known that an impulse may be transmitted from one neuron to another ; but it is not known how this is accomplished. All such facts will doubtless be satisfactorily explained when the related sciences have advanced far enough to make such things intelligible. Four functions of nerve-centres. — Collections of nerve-cells, forming nerve-centres, are the essential parts of the nervous system, the nerves being simply the carriers of nervous impulses. 258 TIIK NRRVOUS SVSTKM 259 Tlie functions of these centres may be classified ;is four kinds. (1) They ore rrcfirer.s of imjmJsr.s hvow/ht fo them over afferent nerves. The elfeet of the impulses is a sensa- tion of which tlic niinecomes paralyzed. Some- times a blood-clot becomes lodged over certain parts of the brain, and similar results follow. In such cases, if the cause of the pressure be removed, the part of the body that was affected will regain its normal condition. Experiments have al9<5 l)eeu made upon the monkey's brain, which most resembles the human, and when an electric stimulus is applied to various points on the cor- tex, it is observed that different parts of the body are caused to move. Thus, when one point is touched, the fingers will close. At other points the arms, legs, or toes will be aflfecteil. In this way the cortex has been mapped out into motor areas, as represented in Fig. 123. The sensory regions are not so definitely determined. The sensation of vision is located in the occipitiil lobe of the cerebrum, the region of hearing is iust in front of it. and taste and smell are located in the temporal lobes. Tne cerebrum as the controlling organ. — The muscles uf the body may receive a stimulus from several different nerve-centres, but all voluntary acts have their origin in the cerebrum. Tlie cerebrum is the centre of all voluntary motion. Sensory impulses, also, may never reach the cerebrum, or may be unheeded there, but all cautious sensation is in the cerebrum. 262 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY While the cerebrum acts as a unit in the higher func- tions of thinking and knowing, each lieinisphere exer- cises complete control over the opposite side of the body, and through the sympathetic system may even greatly modify the involuntary movements. Impulses carried over a seusory nerve may produce a conscious sensation, and the motor nerves may then at once carry a stimulus to the muscles, and thus execute a volition. The sensation may, however, be stored in the meraorj^ and not acted upon for weeks or years. Man, in this respect, differs from animals, which are in most instances creatures of sudden impulse. Intelligence and the size of the brain.— Other things being equal, intellectual power is i)roportional to the size of the brain. Size alone, however, is no proof of a superior intellect. Men whose braius were of aver- age size have often shown themselves superior in thought to others who had a large head. The texture and area of the cortex of the cerebrum seem to have most to do with the character of a man's mental endow- ment. Function of the cerebellum. — The function of the cerebellum, as far as known, is chiefly to harmonize and coordinate the various movements of the body. The act of balancing the body and retaining the proper position in standing or walking or performing any act in which many muscles are engaged is j^erformed by the cerebellum. When this part of the brain is injured the THK NKRVOUS SYSTPLM 263 sense of oreceding paragraph that habit is formed by frequent repetition of the same act or thought. A habit may be of the greatest advantage or disadvan- tage to its possessor. The character and mode of action of the nervous system furnishes the basis for an explanation of the formation of habit. Several rei)etitions of the same act, in response to any stimulus, will make it easier for that same stimulus to result in a similar act. For illustration, when a boy is being taught that he should lift his hat when he meets a lady, he may have to be reminded of the fact a njmbei of times at first, but after many repetitions of the act he will perform it without any thought whenever the occa sion arises. One who has often wet his fingers or thumb in his mouth when he wished to turn the leaves of a book is quite sure to employ that method when he reads a paper or book before an audience. The motor impulses come to act in certain grooves, as it were, and, unless the dominant cerebrum is able to over- power and direct these impulses in new channels, the habit becomes fixed. TIIK NKIJVorS SVSTFM 2f)9 Functions of nerves.— Nerves are tlie conductors of nervous impulses. While the niiturc of the impulse is not known, its various effects an^ doubtless due to the character of the orpin which receives it, just as a cur- rent of electricity will produce sound in a telephone, light in an electric lamp, motion in a motor, or elec- trolysis in certain chemical compounds. The various sensory organs receive stimuli from the outside, and the afferent nerves carry them to the nerve- centres. The efferent nerves carry orders from the nerve-centres, and their effect may be a contraction of muscles, secre- tion of the glands, nutrition of the cells, or a regulation of the rapidity and frequency of muscular contraction, as in the heart. Each fibre of a nerve has its own special work to do, and if it is disabled the other fibres near by cannot assume its work. If a small part of the liver or lungs should be injured, the remaining part can completely perform the functions of those organs ; but if a single fibre of the optic nerve, for example, should be severed, a blind spot will be produced in the eye. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW. 1. Give four functions of nerve-centres. 2. What makes the cerebrum such an important centre? 3. In what part of the cerebrum do we think? 4. Name several mental operations that are performed in the cerebrum. 5. Explain what is meant by the localization of functions. How was this determined? 270 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 6. Give the locality of several motor areas in the cortex of the cerebrum. Also locate several sensory areas. 7. What is voluntary motion, and where is its centre? S. Where do we become conscious of a sensation? 9. "Why does an injury to the right side of the brain paralyze the left side of the body ? 10. "What is meant by saying that wild animals are creatures of sudden impulse? 11. AVhat relation is there between the size of the brain and mental capacity? 12. What is the chief functioii of the cerebellum? 13. Of what use is the pons? 14. What two important functions are common to the medulla and the spinal cord ? 15. Explain fully a reflex action. 16. Give several examples of reflex action. 17. Explain how centres of reflex action are like heads of de- partments in a large store. 18. Describe the important functions of the medulla. 19. What class of reflex actions are centred in the medulla? 20. State fully the advantage of reflex action. 21. How can reflex centres be educated? 22. What is a habit? 23. Explain how habits are formed. CHAPTEK XVII HYGIENE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Nutrition of nervous tissue. — The brain, as well as other nervous tissue, is directh' de})endent on the food which we eat for its well-being and its ability to perform its functions. It is not known just how nerve tissue appropriates its food, but it is clear that when the supply of food is in- adequate, or the blood is for any reason impoverished or poisoned, the nerve tissue will suffer in common with the rest of the body. This is a fundamental fact in considering the relation between a health}- bodj' and a vigorous mind. All food must be properly prepared by the organs of digestion, secretion, and excretion, and then properly distributed by the organs of circulation before it is ready for assimi- lation by the nervous tissue or any other tissue. A healthy nervous tissue is then possible only when other organs of the body can supply to it good and sufficient nourishment. It is not necessary to a strong mind that the muscles be strong and that a man be able to perform heavy manual labor, but it is necessary that the other organs be able to perform their functions. Expenditure of energy in nervous opera- tions.— Every impulse sent out by a nerve-centre iu- 271 272 TRIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY volves an expenditure of energy. Every tliought which passes through the mind, and every mental effort in the solution of a problem or in pursuance of a line of thought, uses up some of the store of energy in the brain. The only source of this energy is the food which we eat and the air which we breathe. Just as a muscle becomes fatigued when its store of energy runs low, so a nerve- centre can work only when it has a stock of energy to expend. The brain a favored organ. — All the other organs are helpless without the direction of the brain. Such actions as breathing and the beating of the heart will continue for a time without any directions from the cerebrum, but all voluntary action will cease, and the whole body, if left to itself, will soon be without food, and so without any store of energy to expend. The natural result is death, which in this case would simply mean that the store of energy had run out, and consequently no further activity could be possible. For this reason every effort is made by the body t6 protect and keep strong the master organ, — the brain. By referring again to the organized company of men which we have used for illustration, it is plain that the life and health of the president, if he is a good one, should be preserved for the sake of every other member of the organization. Mnch more so is this true of the brain, for no other organ can by any means be elected to its place. So we find the brain well protected from any chance 1IY(JIENE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 273 injury, uiid it also appears that the other organs will, when necessary, sacrifice some of their store of energy for the sustenance of the brain, acting, as it were, on the principle tliat if the brain should fail, all would fail with it. Proper kind of food for the brain. — Much stress has sometimes been laid on the necessity of certain kinds of food for the support of particular tissues. One kind for the brain, another for the muscle or the bone, and so on. While this is true to some extent, yet it is fortunate that we do not at each meal have to determine the needs of the various tissues, and then make out a bill of fare to supply those needs. Any good, mixed diet contains the elements necessary for the sustenance of the brain. Besides, we cannot conclude that because certain chemical compounds are found in a tissue, that therefore we should eat foods which contain those compounds ; for the cells of the various organs are able to form many new chemical com- pounds from the food material. The important matters to be considered are that the food be healthful for the whole body ; that it be well masticated and digested ; that it be distributed in the blood to points where it is needed ; that it be completely oxidized ; and. last, that the products of the oxidation be completely removed by excretion. When all these are performed in a natural way, the brain will receive its proper nourishment without further attention on our part. 18 27-t THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The supply of blood to the brain.— ^Ve have tried to emphasize the fact that every nervous impulse and every process of thinking involve an expenditure of energy which is obtained from food. The average brain constitutes only about one-fiftieth of the weight imfpj Fig. 124. — The carotid artery conducting: I'lood to the head. C, right carotid ; I. internal carotid : E. external carotid. of the body, but about one-eighth of the blood is sent to it for its nourishment. The internal carotid artery, as seen in the figure, one on each side, passes in through the base of the cranium, and is distributed through the vascular pia mater to the brain -cells. If the blood IIVCIKNK OF THE XKRVOUS SYSTEM 275 should be witlidrawu. unconsciousness would result at once, and in a short time death. This close dependence of mental action upon the blood supply makes it clear that the blood should be rich in those materials which are loaded with energy, and also free from alcohol, nicotine, opium, and all other .sub- stances that have an injurious effect upon the nervous tissue. Brain fatigue. — A machine cannot give out any energy until it first receives it. That is, it cannot do Fig. 125. — .4. a cell stored with energy-yielding material: B. same cell fatigued after a period of work. any work until work is done upon it. A clock will not run until it is wound up. If you will transfer enough of your energy to a clock -spring to keep it running for eight days, the clock will come to rest at the end of that time only l^ecause the store of energy which it received from you has then been expended. The cells of our bodies are little machines in this respect. They can convert energy which was in food into other forms, such as motion and heat, but they can- 276 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY not expend any more than they receive. This is just as true of nerve-cells as of any cells of the body. It is j)lain, then, that after cells have been at work for a time their store of energy will be expended, and the cells will become fatigued. The condition of a fatigued cell can actually be ob- served by means of a microscope. As seen in Fig. 125, the cell at first is round and plump, but after a season of work it became jagged and shrivelled. The cell can now be stored again, and will then be able to do more work. Thus the cell is like the clock-spring, and if they are regularly re-stored with energy they will continue to run until worn out. Need of sleep. — Cells may be receiving and expend- ing energy at the same time, or they may rest and store up an excess of energy, which may be rapidly expended later. Man and all animals are so constituted that periods of complete rest in sleep are absolutely necessary. Some organs of the body, as the muscles, may get partial rest by simply ceasing from work, but there is no complete rest, particularly for the brain, except in sound sleep. The nature and cause of sleep are not known ; but it is known that during that time the fatigued and shrivelled cells gradually become round and full, and thus are ready for vigorous effort when the period of sleep has passed. During sleep every organ of the bodj' partially or completely suspends operation. All consciousness and TTYCIKXK OF TIIK NKRVOFS SYSTRM 277 all voluntary action cease completely in sound sleep. Even reflex action is slower in response to any stimulus. Breathing, beating of the heart, and excretion continue, but at a slower rate. Sleep, then, is a period of complete rest, during which the cells constantly gain in energy-yielding material, and at the same time there is a minimum of expenditure of energy. Amount of sleep necessary. — The amount of time that should be spent in sleep varies with age, occu- pation, temperament, and state of health. Eight hours is probably a fair average. Children need more than eight houi-s, and old people less. Most j^eople take too little rather than too much sleep. This is especially true of active young men and women. Xeeded sleep that is lost can never be completely made up at a later date. The over-expenditure of energy is not a matter of much consequence, for energy is plentiful in the world ; but it is a matter for most serious consideration that the machine — the cell or organ, — may therebj^ be injured so that its capacity for receiving and transmitting energy is thereafter lessened. Vigorous mental exercise is conducive to strength of intellect. The more the mind is properly used the stronger it becomes, just as a proper exercise of muscle will result in its development. But there are limits beyond which either brain or muscle will be injured by further exercise. The limit is reached when the store of energy runs low and demands are made upon them be- 278 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY yond their ability to perform. At such a time a period of complete rest in sleep must be taken, and should be continued until the cells are again stored and ready for a period of activitj'. When a youth is healthy and his sleep is natural, he will not, as a rule, sleep too long. A good rule is, ^' Early to ])ed and late to rise (if necessary), but wide awake and intense all day." Things are accomplished in this world not by long time and weak effort, but by intense application in a short time. Only those who take plenty of sound sleep can have a stock of energy sufficient for sustained effort during even a short time. A student who si:>ends enough time in sound sleep is never injured by the amount of work expected of him in the schools : but one who spends a night amid the excite- ments and distractions of a social gathering and takes only a few hours of the morning for a light and fitful sleep, and ends up a series of injuries with a forced and hurried breakfast, can hardh' be equipped for a stren- uous day's work. The efforts of such an one are attempts to draw from a store which is already exhausted. How to induce sleep. — Under normal conditions, sleep is perfectly natural and easy, and nature will herself determine the time and the amount that are necessary. But the modern way of living is producing an increasing number of those who suffer from insomnia. The intense activity of the day, accompanied by worry and excite- ment, the overtaxed mind and body, the stimulation of drugs, the unhygienic forms of dress, the lack of periods HYGTENR OF TIFF. NKRVOUS SYSTKM 279 of rt'post' :iiul ix'cieatioii, and indulgence in the use of alcoliolic diinks. and the excessive use of tobacco, all tend to ])r()duce a condition of the body which is apt to result in insomnia, or at least in very light and restless sleeping. Even without any apparent fault of the suf- ferer, sleep often comes tardily or not at all. Narcotics, such as morphine, are often taken to pro- duce artificial sleep, but such a i^ractice is very danger- ous, and should be resoited to only on the advice of a competent physician. Those who have a difficulty in going to sleep may often profit by a few simple rules, as follows : (1) After being dressed for the night, take some light gymnastic exercises with dumb-bells, and also by rising slowly a number of times upon the toes and then upon the heels. (2) Take a warm bath and rub the body, thus re- moving any cutaneous irritation ; or simply bathe the feet and legs in cold water. (3) See that there is sufficient ventilation to keep the air fresh during the night. Sleep on a fairly hard mat- tress,— never on feathers. Use only light covers. (4) Do not attempt to think out a i^roblem or make any kind of mental effort after retiring. Get the mind as nearly as possible in a state of inactivity. (5) Make a serious effort to dismiss all worry and ex- citement. Keep the mind on some pleasant experience or anticipation. Do not dwell on an imaginary train of possible evils. (6) Relax every muscle in the body. This is impor- 280 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY taiit. Even when the body appears to be in repose, it will often be found that several muscles of the legs, arms, or neck are tense. Practise the art of relaxation several times each day, until it can be easily and completely done. Efficiency in the art of complete relaxation is valuable not only for the purpose of inviting sleep, but also for periods of repose which should be taken during the day. (7) Retire with the intention of at once going to sleep, and thus a habit may be formed in which sleep is asso- ciated with that environment. Good and bad habits. — Habit, as already ex- plained, is a tendency to do again in the same way the things which have often been done before. Habits may be good or bad. Either kind may become fixed. Xo one cares to get rid of a good habit, and fortunately it would be difficult to do even if one did wish to change it. Bad habits become equally fixed and difficult to change. It is necessary to any man's success that he should be, in most things, a creature of habit, and, of course, these habits must be good ones. In all things which a man does by force of habit, he will, if his habits are good, do the right thing in the right way without thinking about it. Herein is the great advantage and economy of being a creature of correct habits, and nothing so handicaps a young man or woman as habits which are incorrect. Bad habits include more than immoral tendencies. A very moral man often has some bad habits. An awkward llV(ilEXE UV THE NEliVOlIS SYSTEM 281 walk, carelessness in dross, impolite address, improper table manners, wrong forms of speech in common con- versation, scrawly and illegible writing, lack of intensity in effort, tendency to slight work, and so on, are all habits which will remain and grow more and more marked, unless they can be forcibly corrected. No edu- cation is more valuable to a man or woman than the numerous good habits which may be formed in the earlier years of life, for, in its* broadest sense, habit is only another name for character. In earl}^ life the nervous system is in its plastic stage. Habits are then easily formed or changed. But every act, every thouglit, and every way of doing things make a lasting impression even on the youthful mind. At the age of twenty-five or thirty years the nervous tissue may be said to have become set. Only by a strong effort of the will and by continued practice can a habit hitherto formed be now changed, and it is doubtful that a radical change can ever be made. The nervous system, however, never entirely loses its plastic nature. By persistent effort old habits may be practically changed, though the tendency to return to the old habit is always imminent. These considerations make the education of the youth of to-day a matter of supreme importance for the sake of the coming generation. Effect of alcohol on the nervous system.— The nervous system, more than any other part of the body, is injured by the use of alcohol. The same amount 282 THlIiD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY of. injury to the braiu will have a greater evil effect, because the brain is the controlling organ. An injury to the head of any organization is more serious, as far as the welfare of the organization is con- cerned, than a similar injury to an inferior member. We have shown that a centre in the medulla controls the rate of the heart-beat. Any injury to this centre will, of course, affect the action of the heart, though the heart itself may be perfectly sound. In a similar manner whatever affects the vasomotor nerve-centres will modify the circulation of the blood, and any injury to a motor area of the cerebral cortex will affect its control of the muscles which it stimulates to action. The cause of dyspepsia may lie in the nerve-centre which normally stimulates the secretion of the gastric glands. Thus alcohol works a double evil in that it injures the various organs in ways already explained, and, worst of all, it weakens or finally destroys the nervous centres upon which the other organs must rely for stimulation, nutrition, and recovery from iujurj-. Mankind has had a long experience with alcohol, and many scientific investigations have been made as to its effects on the human system. Almost without exception its continued use as a drink has been found to have an evil effect. Whether the matter is considered from a physiological, a financial, or a moral stand-point, the use of alcoholic drinks as a beverage is condemned by scien- tific facts as well as by the experience of mankind. The so-called arguments in its favor are chiefly apologies for its continuance, and tjie main motive back of the traffic IIVCIKNE or TIIK NKIiA^OUS SYSTEM 28;{ ill intoxiciitin<; li({iiors is the; soiirci; of gain to its pro- moters. Alcohol holds iiii important place in the arts, and it may be useful jls a fuel, but it is every day becoming more evident that alcoholic beverages, even in moderate quantities, are evil, and only an evil. Alcohol in small doses.— There has been, and is now, a prevalent notion 'that if alcoholic liquors are used in moderate quantity, much good may be derived from them, or at least no injury would be done. This mistaken notion is the chief cause of both the moderate and the immoderate drinking of alcohol. The masses of people do not have the facilities or the inclination to investigate the subject ; and because they know that a moderate use of malted liquors produces no apparent evil, while it does often bring about a feeling of bodily comfort and of mental cheer, they are easily de- ceived. The body has within itself wonderful agencies of re- cuperation. It differs from any other machine in that it can build uj) and repair itself. Whenever any injurious substance, as alcohol, is taken into the body, an effort is at once made to excrete it ; but before this can be done much of it is carried in the current of blood to the various tissues, where it exerts its poisonous effect upon the pro- toplasm of the cells — particularly the nerv^e-cells. If the amount of alcohol is small and is much diluted, the in- jury to the cells may be slight and easil}^ repaired. It should be carefully noted, however, that alcohol, in what- 284 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY ever doses, presents itself to the cells as an enemy, whose evil effects are to be either prevented or repaired. Because the cells are able to survive the effects of a small dose is no proof that it is not a poison, any more than small doses of arsenic or strychnine might be con- sidered harmless because they do not at once destroy the tissues or arrest the functions of the organs. Food, on the other hand, comes to the cells without any antago- nism, and is assimilated in a natural manner. These facts are of the greatest importance in the con- sideration of this subject, for the apparent immunity from the evil effects of the small dose is the gateway through which all immoderate drinking steadily creeps in. This immunity, however, is only apparent. Each recovery from the poisonous effects leaves the nervous system with less ability to resist the next. Its evil effects are thus cumulative, and sooner or later become apparent in a weakened condition of some organ or a suspension of some function. Most people do not look far into the future or are willing to take chances. Unless serious pain or sickness follows at once upon a certain line of conduct, they are apt to continue in a course which gives present gratification. As a consequence, the evils from moderate drinking are most insidious in character, for irreparable harm may be done before the drinker is aware of his condition. Alcohol as a mental stimulus. — The first effect of a drink of alcoholic liquor is an apparent stimulation of the nerve-centres to greater activity. This has led TTYGTKNE OF THE XERVOUS SYSTP:M 285 manj' to believe that alcohol has the effect of rousing mental activity, and that one can write and think more brilliantly under such a stimulus. But careful examina- tion will show that alcohol produces in the brain a con- dition of excitement i-ather than that of healtlifnl stimula- tion. It may properly be compared to the introduction of a poisonous serpent into the midst of a company of people in an enclasure from which they cannot escape. There would no doubt be intense activity in the com- pany, and great excitement, but the motive in all their efforts would be that of self-preservation. It would not be probable that this increased activity would result in any worthy accomplishment, and after the serpent is removed it is quite x»robable that each member of the company would find himself in a state of fatigue, which would prevent any, even natural, effort until after a period of rest. WTien one's brain is thrown into a state of excitement by alcohol, he gets an exaggerated idea of his capacity to think and work. He imagines he is doing more than he is in fact. One who writes a production in this state of excitement may at the time be highly j)leased with his effort, but a calm review later will show that he greatly overestimated his work. A hearty meal of good food, abundance of fi-esh air, and plenty of sleep are the natural and proper provisions for intense and sustained effort. Immoderate use of alcohol. — Every one abhors the coiidition uf a confirmed drunkard, but nearly every 286 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY one who drinks immoderately was at one time only a mod- erate drinker. Immoderate drinking is a natural result of moderate drinking. Under the continuous poisonous effects of alcohol, even in moderate doses, the nervous tis- sue deteriorates and loses its former delicacy of response to stimuli. More alcohol must now be taken to produce the desired effect. Besides, an appetie for alcohol is gradu- ally contracted, and becomes so strong that all the efforts of the better side of a man's nature cannot resist it. The antidote for alcoholic poison is more alcohol. Con- siderations of home, family, morals, and respect of others gradually come to count for naught. Such an one is suffering from a self-inflicted disease which is known as dipsomania, — madness for drink. The disease may yield to j^roper treatment and the patient may again get control of himself, but he never fully recovers, and a very slight temj^tation will in most cases lead him again into inebriety. Complete recovery from the effects of immoderate and long- continued use of alcohol is imi)ossible because of the changes made in the character of the nervous tissue. It is found that the brain becomes shrunken in size and the space about it becomes filled with water. Many of the cells degenerate into fat or connective tissue. Thus the essential and vital part of the tissue is sacrificed, and of course the power to think and control the body is ^proportionately reduced. The last stage of dipsomania is often delirium tremens. This is the most horrible condition to which a human being can be reduced, and may come on at any time ]TV(;iKNK OF 'niK XKI{Vr)rs SVSTKM 287 iluriiig a period of drinkinjjj, — even early in the career of the drnnkard. Il in ('IVect transforms a man into a wild lM*ast. Tlu' iimscles are all in a tremoi-. becanse the poisoned motor centres can no longer control tliem. Tli«' mind is delirious and imagines all sorts of horrible iH'asts, serpents, and insects, which are ever in pursuit and cannot be driven away. Death may come to the sutierers relief at any instant, or the tx)rture may hust for several days, and then be followed by a return of the rational state. Hereditary effect. — Nothing in physiology is more clearly established than the fact that children inherit traits, dispositions, bodily and mental strength or weak- ness from their parents. Children of drunken parents are often at a great disad- vantage because of some inherited weakness. Defects of some kind are usually handed down from a father or grandfather who has been given to the use of alcoholic drinks. Maybe the child will have weak lungs and be predisposed to consumption. Maybe there will be some physical defect in the brain, with a consequent dulness or tendencj^ to insanity. The general tone of both mind and body may be inferior, and the child be thus handi- capped for life. An appetite for strong drink frequently appears in the children of drinking parents. Such an appetite may be aroused by a few drinks of alcohol. Thus, one who per- sists in drinking alcohol injures not only himself but also all those dependent upon him while he lives, and 288 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY may transmit the evil effects of liis course to generations that follow. The only safe course. — There is only one safe course in regard to the use of alcoholic liquors, and that is totally to abstain from their use. An occasional indul- gence in some mild alcoholic drink may do no perma- nent injury that is apparent ; for, as we have explained, the body is able, within certain limits, to repair any organ that is injured. But whatever may be said about the harmlessness of the small dose of alcohol, it is still in accordance with the testimony of the best experts and of the best elements of the human race that the only safe course is total abstinence. The experience of men in the future will be just as it has been in the, past ; and the testimony of individuals, communities, and nations in the past is all against the use of alcohol as a beverage. Tobacco and the nervous system. — Many of the fundamental objections to the use of alcohol can also be urged against the use of tobacco. Tobacco contains a violent i^oison called nicotine. A very small quantity of this poison in a concentrated form would soon cause death. When by any use of tobacco it is introduced into the current of blood, it of course is carried to the brain as well as to other parts of the body. Its general effect upon the nerve-cells is much the same as that of alcohol. That is, it tends to do injury, and must be either warded off or the injury nuist be repaired. HYGIENE OF TIIF. XERVOUS RVSTFM 289 ^\ hen Olio hjus attained liii^ full growth, is healthy, and is engaged actively in some outdoor work, the noticeable l)hysical injury from tlio moderate use of tobacco may not be easily recognized. To students, clerks, or any whose constitutions are delicate, and whose work is in close rooms, the use of tobacco is very harmful. This is particularly true of the cigarette. Many investigations have been made in regard to the smoking habit among students in college, and every report of such investiga- tion shows that the smoker is inferior in his standing. The worst effect of tobacco is found in its use by the young. Those who are growing are likely to stunt their growth by the use of tobacco. Nicotine will seriously affect certain nervous centres, thereby causing organic troubles, such as the irregular action and palpitation of the heart so common with those who use tobacco freely or with the youth who uses tobacco at all. Other nerve- centres wdiich regulate secretion and excretion are also injured, so that blood improperly purified is distributed to the various cells. The easily fatigued muscle of the smoker is an evidence of this fact. Worst of all, the mental powers are weakened. This results both from the poisoning of the brain-cell itself, and also from the fact that the other organs do not furnish pure blood for its nourishment. It will be observ^ed in the public schools that the youth who smokes (if he smokes at all he will usually smoke a great deal) will be restless and inattentive, will lack ability to appl}^ himself and hold his mind to his studies, and of course will fall be- hind and want to quit school. It is also observed that 19 290 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY students who are in college and wlio are habitual smokers cannot with credit meet the requirement in those studies which can be mastered only by concentrated effort and attention. This statement can be ^'e^ified by college statistics on this point. Cigarette smoking is the most injurious use of tobacco for the reasons already given under the subject of respi- ration. Opium. — Opium is a powerful narcotic poison. Its use is not so common in the United States as is that of alcohol and tobacco, but it is all too common. The vic- tims of the opium habit yield to an appetite which they are helpless to resist, and sink to extreme degradation of both mind and body. The druggists of almost every town can point out a number of both men and women who will resort to any deception to secure opium. They will lie or steal, if necessary, to secure the money to l)uy the drug. The victims are stealthy in their practice, and will usually deny that they use it, so that the prevalence of the habit is not commonly known. The opium habit is easily contracted. Morphine is a tincture of opium and is frequently used to allay pain. Its continued use may engender in the system a craving for it which is difficult to resist. Some patent medicines, which are advertised as '^pain- killers" and "stomach bitters," contain as much as 40 per cent, or more of alcohol and often a considerable quan- tity of morphine. Both drugs are narcotics, and of course will stop pain by x^aralyzing the sensory nerves. IIV(rIENR OF TIH^: NRIiVOlTS SYSTIvM 2:il In such ways the unsuspecting victim may after a time find liimself a slave to the opium liabil, from wliicli it is very jn'obable he Mill nevei- l)e riS(' whirli arc prodiUMMl by special organs at the oiiliT ends of sensory nerves. They are seeing, hearing, toiiehing, tasting, and smelling. Tlie special organs which piodncc these sensiitions are the eyes, the ears, the touch corpnseles, and tlio special endings of the gustatorg and olfactorij nerves. General sensations.— There are many other sensa- ti(tus ill the body which may. more properly, be classed as general sensations. These are such as (1) 'Vhid sense of temperature, which is located principally in Ihe skin. By this sense we are promptly informed as to whether the temperature is too high or too low for the most successful operation of the cells and organs which are affected. This sense is also acute in the mouth and at the entrance of the nose. These are the points of entrance of food and air, and. as we might expect, we find here several outposts, or guards, such as touch, taste, smell, and this additional one. — the sense of temperature. (2) The sense of pain. Wiien any sensory nerve is in- jured or is excited beyond what is natural, a sense of pain results. When the epidermis is removed from any part, as in case of a blister on the finger, contact with 293 294 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY the exposed true skin will produce pain rather than a sense of touch. ^Vhile pain is sometimes considered a great evil, yet it is in fact a very great blessing, for otherwise we would become verj- careless in regard to the liealth of our bodies. Even if we always tried to do what was best, we would often be ignorant of the effects of our course except as we were checked by pain. The cause of pain, and not the pain itself, is the thing to be avoided. (3) Sense of hunger, thirst, fatigue, or illness are all gen- eral senses which are very vague in their character. They cannot be definitely located, and aie probably the combined result of sensory impulses from all or many cells of the body. Their purpose is to inform the cere- brum as to the state of the cells in reference to their ability to perform their natural functions. (4) The sense of weight. By this sense it is possible to determine the weight or resistance of an object by the amount of muscular exertion. This sense ms-v be so trained that it becomes fairly reliable. (5) The sense of pressure. This sense is most delicate on the forehead, where a slight increase or decrease of pressure may be detected. Advantage of the special senses.— By means of the special senses we are able to gain elearhj defined knowledge of objects outside the body. If the fine branches of the optic nerve were distributed in the skin of the face, we could probably tell darkness from day- light, but could never have distinct images of objects THK SPECIAL SKXSp:S 295 such as we ^a't when light tirst passes tliruugh the eye and then falls upon the nerve-ends. Simihirly, wo might get an idea of some intense sounds without ears. l>ut the sensation would lack all distinctness and delicacy. The five special senses are the five great avenues through which all, or nearly all. our knowledge is gained. It is through them that connection is made between the outside world and the central nervous system. If all sensiitions were suddenly 4x) cease, a man would continue to live, but it would be impossible for him to determine whether he existed or nut. He would for a time con- tinue to think as a result of his store of previous sensa- tions, but soon these would fade away, and his mind would become a complete blank. Thus we are in constant dependence upon the streams of sensation from our special sense organs. The two great media. — Every minute of our lives we must V)e surrounded l)y two great media, — the air and the ether. We might expect, then, to find, as we do find, that two of the most valuable and delicate sense organs are the ones which record any disturbance in these media, — the ear being a receiver for waves of air, and the eyes for waves of ether. The ether fills all space and permeates all matter. When it is agitated at any point, waves pass out in every direction, like the waves which go out from the point where a stone is thrown into a still pond, only the ether waves will go out in all directions as radiations from the centre of a sphere. The sun is constantly sending out 296 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY waves of this kind, and they travel the whole distance — about 93,000,000 miles — from the sun to the earth in eight minutes. Thus the earth is flooded with waves which cause nearly all the light and heat we have on earth. In the same manner light comes to us from the stars, which are vastly farther away than the sun. Thus the eye, more than any other sense, gives us knowledge of objects at a great distance from the body. The re- gion from which we could gain knowledge would be very limited without this sense. The air also constantly presses about us, and any vibrating body will start in it a series of waves that will travel out in all directions. These waves, however, con- sist of alternate condensations and rarefactions of air, while the ether waves are simple undulations. The air waves travel only about 1100 feet in one second and can- not go very far, but probably fully as much information is brought to us on air waves as on the ether waves. Thus the eye and the ear are our two great sense organs, because they are made to receive the vibrations which are constantly brought to us on these two great and ever-present media. THE EYE General anatomy of the eye.— The eye is nearly spherical in shape, is nearly one inch in diameter, and is set in a bony socket upon a bed of fat. Its principal parts may be seen in the cross-section shown in Fig. 126. On the outside is the sclerotic coat, which on the front of the eye is transparent and bulges forward, forming Tin: SPKCIAL SENSES 297 the coiiwn. Just back of the cornea is a cavity filled with a watery lluid called the aqueous humor. Across the rear part of this chamber is stretched a curtaiu called the iris, through the centre of which is a round opening called the jrupil. Just back of the iris is the crysUdlinr Jem, resting in a concave depression of tlie vitreous humor, which fills the large central chamber of the eyeball. Next within the sclerotic coat is the dark-brown choroid Fig. 120. — Cross-section of the eye. C, the cornea; A^ aqueous humor; /, iris; Z/, cr3"stalline lens; F, vitreous humor; .S", sclerotic coat; CV(, choroid coat: R. retina; O, optic nerve; Y^ yellow spot. coat, which is continuous in front with the iris. The inner coat is the retirm. The optic nerve enters the eye a little below and to the inner side of the ball, and its numerous branches are distributed to the retina. On the retina, in the centre of the back part of the ball, is a spot about one twenty- fourth of an inch in diameter. It is yellow in color, and so is called the yellow spot. This spot is in line with the axis through the cornea and the crystalline lens. 298 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The purpose and operation of the anterior parts. — The function of the cornea, iris, and crystalline lens, all ^rorking together, is to produce a small but distinct image and locate it exactly on the jellow spot of the retina. The cornea is fixed in position. l)ut the iris will change the size of the pupil in accordance with the brightness of the light, and the lens will change its shape in accordance with the distance of the object. The cornea produces the image, the iris regulates the amount of light, and the lens locates the image upon the yellow spot. The cornea. — The cornea is the transparent part of the sclerotic coat. It is much more convex than the remainintr surface of the eyeball, and is set into the re- maiuing j^ortion of the sclerotic coat much as a crystal is set into the case of a watch. The distance across the cornea is about one-sixth the circumference of the ball. In the normal eye the cornea has the shape of a segment of a sphere, its curvature being the same in all directions. The curvature is greatest in youth and becomes less and less iis age advances. The function of the cornea is to receive the rays of light which come to it from a point outside the eye, and bend them so that they will meet again at a point within the eye. This is done in accordance with a principle in light called refraction. Refraction of light. — Whenever a ray of light passes obliquely from one medium to another of different density it will be bent out of its course. This is called tup: siM^ciAL sf.nses 209 rt'fraction of light. In Fij^. Vl~, A, :i ray of liglitfroin O enters ohliciuely into a piece of glass. That is, it goes from a light incdiinn. Ilicair. into a dense modiiim. tlie glitss. In that Ciuse the ray is always bent towards the G ^'^ 7?"^ ^^ .1 \ ^' A Fio. yi~. — In A^ a ray starts from 0, in air, and enters plate «>f glass, G. RU the direction of refracted ray. In i?, the rays from 0 are refracted by lens L and brought to point F. perpendicular, 7* P. In case the light would start in the glass, as at T, then the ray, T A^ on going out into a lighter medium, the air, would be bent away from the perpendicular, P P, and would go to 0. Xow. if we take a lens in the shape of the cornea, as in 127, -B, and applj' these laws of refraction, it will be 300 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY plain tliat the rays of light from 0 will be V)ent so that they will come together at F. Thus, as shown in Fig. 128. if an arrow, O. l)e the ob- ject, then rays of light from any point of the arrow will, Fig. 128. — Eays <>f light from each end of the arrow, 0, are brought to a focus at I. after passing through the cornea, be bent so that they will come together again, and form an image of that point. In the figure only two rays are drawn from each end of the arrow, as that is all that is needed to find the two ends of the image. The image of other points of the arrow will lie between the two ends. It is observed that the image is inverted, and that is the i^osition of all images in the eye. The cornea alone will produce a distinct image, but it cannot produce satisfactory vision without the aid of the iris and crystalline lens, as will now be explained. The iris. — Iris in mythology was the goddess of the rainbow, and hence the name of this curtain with its variety of color. The iris is the chief source of the beauty of the eye, but nature intended it for a useful purpose in vision. In the iris are two sets of muscle- fibres. One kind radiates from the pupil to the outer TIIK SPECIAL SKNSES 301 edge of the iris. When these contract they pnll the iris away from tlie centre in all directions, thus making the pupil larger. In the other set the fibres are concentric about the pupil, and when they contract the iris is drawn towards the centre, and thus the pupil is made smaller. The action is automatic, a bright light causing a contrac- tion of the concentric fibres and so a smaller pupil, and a dull light permitting the iris to be drawn back and so a larger pupil. The purpose of this arrangement is twofold : (1) To produce on the retina an image of the Siime brilliancy, Fig. 129. — Diagram illustraring the aberration of focus caused by a spherical lens. 0, origin of light ; F, focus where the five rays through the central part of the lens meet ; a, a, the rays which pass through outer edge of lens and are focused at .S"; T, T, is a screen cor- responding to the iris in the eye. It shuts off all rays except those which pass most nearly through the centre of the lens. whatever be the intensity of the source of light. Vision would be dimmed by too much as well as by too little light, and too bright an image would injure the retina, (2) To shut out the rays which would otitierwise pass in through the edges of the cornea and crystalline lens and 302 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY would not come to a focus at the same point as the other rays, which entered near the centre of the cornea. This is illustrated in Fig. 129. The value of the iris in this respect is experienced by those who have belladonna placed in the eye to cause the pupil to expand so that the interior of the eye can be examined. Clear vision is impossible until the effect of the belladonna has passed away. In many optical instruments a screen with a round hole through the centre is placed in front of the lens to secure a distinct image according to the principles just explained. The crystalline lens. — The crystalline lens is a transparent colorless body in the shape of a double con- vex lens. It is about one-third of an inch broad and one-sixth of an inch through its thickest part. On its anterior side it is bathed with the aqueous humor and is in contact with the iris. On its posterior side it rests in a concave depression of the vitreous humor. The convexity of the lens is greater on the posterior side. In old age the lens becomes flatter and less trans- parent. In structure the lens is made up of a number of concentric layers, or lamina, much like the structure of a lily-bulb or onion. The lens is held in place by a ligament, which is attached all around its edge. This ligament is attached also to a ring of muscle-fibres at the front edge of the choroid coat. This muscle, known as the ciliary muscle^ is composed of both circular and radial fibres. An idea TUK SPECIAL SENSES 803 of the relation of these ])ails may he ohtaiii<'e shifted so that its position does not agree witli that in the other eye. An obje*et tlien api)eai-s distorted or double. By the use of two eyes all objects can be seen witli greater distinctness, and solid objects are made to stand out as solids. Color sensations. — The eye is so constructed that different nervous impulses are produced by the different wave-lengths of light. This gives us the ability to dis- tinguish coloi-s, for difference in color results only from difference in the wave-length of light. These waves have been measured, and it is found that when 395.000,000.000.000 of them flow into the eye in one second, the sensation will be what we call red. When the number is 7G0. 000. 000. 000. 000 per second, the sen- sation is called violet. The waves are longest for red and shortest for violet, while various other wave-lengths produce all the intervening colore. Some able scientists believe that the nerve-terminals in the eye are of three distinct kinds. One kind, when stimulated alone, will give rise to the seiLsation of red ; another kind, green : and a third kind, violet. AVhen all three are stimulated equally, the combined sensation is white. Grav is a low dearree of whiteness. All other coloi-s are mixtures of certain proportions of these three primary color sensations. The eyes of some persons are deficient in ability to dis- tinguish certain colors. Such pei-sons are said to be color-bliiid. 316 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The iuability to distinguish red and green is the com- mon defect. About four men out of every hundred and one woman out of every two hundred are said to be color-blind. Nature's provision for the protection of the eyes. — Since the eye is such a delicate and useful organ, it must be well protected from possible harm, for an injury to it is, indirectly, an injury to the whole organ- ized body. The safeguards placed about the eye are (1) its position in a bony socket, (2) the eyelids and eyebrows, (3) the tears and oil secretions, and (4) the sensitive conjunc- tiva. Any flat object, as a book or the open hand, pressed over the region of the eye, will be arrested before it touches the eyeball. Thus the eye is protected bj' its deep position in a bony socket. Tlie eyebrows keep sweat or other liquid from run- ning down into the eyes. The eyelids and lashes are a constant protection against dust and insects, and by frequently closing and opening, the lids wash the surface of the eye and keep it uniformly moist. The tears are very necessary for keeping the exposed part of the eye clear and transparent. Beneath the skin near the outer end of the eyebrows is a racemose gland which secretes a liquid called tears, and pours it through a dozen or more ducts onto the surface of the eye. The ducts open beneath the upper eyelid, near the outer TlIK SPECIAL SENSES 317 corner of the eye. At the inner corner of the eye is a provision for cunvinj^ any excess of teiirs into the nos- trils. This can Ix' understood from an examination of Fi^'. 141. At the inner anjj^le of the eye, on each eyelid, may be seen a slij^^ht elevation. These are the lachrymal impilloe. On the summit of these is a small oi)euing called the .K.>..-v--.::----.v:ii5^ Fig. 141. — The left eye, with a portion of the eyelids removed, to exhibit the lachrymal canals and sac. 1, lachrymal canals; 2, com- mencement of these on the lachrymal papilla; ; 4, edges of the eye- lids ; 5, lachrymal sac ; 6, internal palpebral ligament. lachrymal punetum. Tears enter these openings, and are carried back through the canal to the lachrymal sac, and escape thence into the nose. In the eyelids are also a number of small glands which secrete an oily substance and pour it out on the edges of the lids. The tears keep the cornea always clean and moist, and 318 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY the oil keeps the tears from flowing over at the edge of the lids. The inuer surface of both lids and the whole visible front of the eyeball are covered by a delicate and very sensitive mucous membrane called the conjunctiva. The sensitiveness of this lining quickly calls attention to the presence of any foreign substance in the eye. Care of the eyes. — Although every one places a high estimate upon the value of his eyes, yet no other organ is more frequently misused. The eye has wonder- ful powers of recovery from the effects of mistreatment, but sooner or later some weakness of the eyes will appear if they are persistently abused. The reading of fine print is injurious. Reading by sunlight or a very strong artificial light will injure the retina. Eeading by twilight or a weak and flickering artificial light will strain the eyes. It is injurious to read on a railroad train, because the jolting requires a constant readjustment of the lens. The habit of reading while lying on a lounge or after going to bed, works a serious injury to the eyes, and has been the direct cause of blindness. Holding a book too close to the eyes will strain the adjusting mechanism and cause short-sightedness. One should not bend over and look down upon the work in which he is engaged. A book should be held in front about fourteen inches away for a normal eye. The light should be admitted at the rear and left side of the room where j^upils study and write or do any TIIK SPECIAL SENSES 319 work requiring a constant use of the eyes. Artificial light should always fall over the left shoulder upon the page of a book. If the eyes smart, pain, or have a full feeling, they need rest, and should l>e examined by an oculist for any defect which might be corrected by glasses. Permit only a perfectly reliable and competent physician or oculist to prescribe for the eyes. Maintain a healthy tone of the whole system and the eye.s will be stronger to meet the demands which are con- stantly made upon them. Alcohol seriously affects the eyes by its injurious effects upon the whole body, thus decreasing or poison- ing the source of nourishment to the eyes, and also di- rectly by its paralyzing effect upon the optic nerve and by the intiammation which results from the congested blood-vessels. Blood-shot eyes are marks of the alcohol drinker. The use of tobacco also, particularly the smoking of cigarettes, frequently works serious injury to the organs of vision. This is particularly' true of those who are pupils in school and those whose work is indoors. Doc- tors often refuse to treat the eyes unless the patient will cease from smoking, at least during the time of treat- ment. THE EAR The second great medium in which we always must live is the air. It is natural that we should have an organ which is capable of receiving any disturbance in the air and applying it as a stimulus to the ends of a nerve 820 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY so as to produce a sensation in the brain. Such an organ is the ear, and the sensation produced is called sound. The nature of air- waves. — Light- waves have been explained as a series of undulations which might be compared to the undulating waves which are seen on water. But waves of air that produce sound are very- different from light-waves. If air could be seen while it is carrying sound-waves it would be noticed that at one point the particles would ^^e crowded together : a ^..5^i^?2^xii^^- ; -^-^^^^^^v little farther on they ji-??.'-^' '^'^ "' \:. ^^r.-^^ would be more widely ■yr-M'': ■''*?^ ■i^^^^^^^^^:.>^^% separated, and still far- ""^l^i^^^^^^^^^^^^vl^- ther they would be "^'^-..i^.''%' crowded again, and so *%:^% on. The crowded con- dition of the air is called Fig. 142. — Condensations and rare- . f .. . . a condensation, and be- factions m air-waves. tween the condensations are the rarefactions. This condition is represented in Fig. 142, where a vibrating body at O is sending out condensations and rarefactions in all directions. Only a small section of the waves is shown in the figure. When the air is very much condensed and rarefied the sound is intense or loud. This is the condition of the air close to a vibrating body, but the amount of conden- sation grows less and less as the distance increases, and thus sounds are faint when the vibrating body is far away. Each wave of sound is composed of one condensation THE SPECIAL SENSES 321 and one rarefaction. When the waves are very close to- gether, so that a great niinilx^r of them reach the ear in one second, a note having a high pitch is prodnced. These waves travel through the air at the rate of about 1100 feet in one second. They move fiuster when the air is warm and slower when it is cold. When the number of waves per second is about sixteen, they begin to pro- duce a sensiition of a very low sound. As the numl^er of waves increases, the pitch rises, until, when the num- ber becomes about 40,000 in a second, the ear is no lonf]rer affected bv them. The ear. — It is difficult to decide between thi? eye and the ear as to which is of greater service to man. It appeal's that those who are blind are capable of a better sort of mental culture through their eai'S than those who are deaf and are compelleil to gain their knowledge chiefly through their eyes. The ear is a very delicate and complex organ, and some of its parts are exceedingly difficult to explain. The subject may be discussed under three heads, — the ex- ternal ear J the middle ear. and the internal ear. The first two are concerned only in receiving and ti^nsforming the sound-waves so that they may properly excite the terminals of the auditory nerve. These, then, are simi- lar in function to the parts in the front of the eye which formed and located the image on the terminals of the optic nerve. The external ear. — The e.vternal ear is composed of the pinna and meatus. The pinna is the part of the ear 21 322 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY that projects from the side of the head. It is composed of elastic cartilage covered with skiu. As may be seen in Fig. 143, the outer rim is called the helix. The soft, pendent i)art at the lower end is tlie lobe. The deep depression near the centre is the concha, which is partly divided by the commence- ment of the helix. At tlie bottom of the concha i^ the entrance to the meatus. The pinna collects the waves from a larger area of air and di- rects them to the month of the meatus. Thus the sound is made more intense, just as a high tide may be caused at the narrow head of a bay by the feeble waves collected from a large area at the mouth of the bay. In many animals the pinna can be freely moved by the action of muscles which are attached to it. 3Iuscles are also provided for this purpose in man, but so seklom have they l)een used that in most people they have lost their power. The second part of the external ear is the auditory meatus, or caiial. which is about one inch long, and ex- tends from the concha to the drum-head of the middle ear. The first part of the canal, about one-half incli in Fig. 143.— Pinna of ear. H, helix ; C, concha ; L, lobe ; E, entrance to audi to ry meatus. THE SPECIAL SENSES 323 leiifrtli, is formed of cartilage, and tlie remain in*; part is througli bone. The wliole is lined with a very thin skin, which also covei*s the outer side of the drum-heiwl. Be- neath the skin in the cartila<;inou.s portion are numer- ous j^lands which secrete the ear wax. This wax is bitter and sticky, and. with the aid of hairs at the entrance of the canal, keeps insects and dust from reaching the drum head. The middle ear.— The middle ear is a cavity in the temporal bone between the external and internal ears. It is called the ti/mpanum, or ear-drum, because it contains Fig. 144. — The tympanic membrdne and the ossicles of the middle ear. /n, meatus ; f. tympanum : h. malleus, or hammer ; o, incus, or anvil ; s, stapes, or stirrup. air. and a membrane is stretched between it and the meatus. Upon this membrane the air-waves beat as upon the head of a drum. The drum communicates with 324 THIRD. BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY the outside air through the Eustachian tube, which con- nects it with the pharynx. Within the drum is a chaiu of bones which are articu- lated to each other, one end of the chain being fastened to the drum-head and the other to the oval window of the inner ear. The bones are called the ossicles of the middle ear. Their relation to each other and to the tympanum may be seen in Fig. 144. The shape of the bones has suggested the names ham- me7', anvil, and stirnq). The corresponding Latin names commonly used are malleus, incus, and stapes. The purpose of the middle ear is to receive the feeble waves which beat upon the drum- head and convert them into vibrations of greater force, so that they may prop- erly affect the liquid which fills the spaces of the inner ear. This is done by the tympanic membrane, or drum- head, and the chain of bones. The tympanic membrane, or drum-head.— The chief agency for intensif^'ing the vibrations is the drum-head. In shape and structure it is admirably adapted to this end. It is composed of three layers, the outer one being a continuation of the skin w^hich lines the meatus, and the inner one being the mucous mem- brane which lines the whole interior of the drum. The middle layer is the essential one. It is composed of radial and circular fibres of connective tissue which are alwaj^s stretched and kept tense by a muscle which pulls on the handle of the hammer. Thus the membrane is made to take the shape of a funnel with its apex at the TIIK SPFClAf. SF.XSES 325 point of attachment to the hammer. Tlie sides of this funnel are stretched, but do not piuss straij^ht from the rim to the apex. They apparently sag towards the centre of the funnel, thus l)eing convex towards the meatus. This is important, for it is chietly by this arrangement that the force of a sound-wave is intensified. Tlie me- chanical principle involved may be easily understood by reference to the dia- gram, Fig. 145, which rep- resents the outlines of the drum-head. The radial fibres are stretched from the apex to the base of the cone, and the circular Fig. 14o. — Diagram showing mechanical action of tympanum. fibres keep the sides convex towards the centre. Xow, any pressure against the inner sides of a and h in the direction of the arrows would relieve their tension and permit the apex to move towards c, in which direc- tion it is constantly pulled by the handle of the ham- mer. When the pressure ceases, the apex will at once be brought back to its former position by the tension of a and b. The sides may move back and forth through a considerable distance, while the apex will, as a result, be moved back and forth only a very short distance, but with proportionately greater force. Thus sound-waves may exert a considerable force on the handle of the hammer. The ossicles of the ear-drum.. — The function of the three bones in the drum is to transfer the vibra- tions from the drum head to the inner ear, and to still 326 THIRD BOOK OF PTTYSTOLOGY further intensify the vibration at a sacrifice of distance moved. The bones are held in place by ligaments, and are closely jointed to each other. They act together as a lever, having its fulcrum at F (Fig. 146). Thus the power arm of the lever is the distance from the vertex of the drum-head to 7^, while the resistance arm is only from F to the end of the long process of the anvil. The power arm of this lever is found to be one and one-half times as long as the resistance arm, and so the force is increased one and one-half times and the distance moved is made proportionately less. The back and forth move- ment of the stirrup does not exceed about 2 io of an inch. The Eustachian tube. — The pressure of the air within the drum should be the same as that of the air outside. Air-pressure is constantly changing at any point on the earth, as is shown by the changes in the barometer, and also the pressure is different at different altitudes. In order that man might retain his power of hearing while he is subject to these frequent changes, it is neces- sary that a tube connect the outside air with the drum. This is the purpose of the Eustachkin tube, which is shaped like a trumi^et, and is connected by its small end to the drum and by its large end to the pharynx. It is made of thin cartilage, so that it usually stands open. Air may be forced from the mouth into the drum, or may by suction be drawn from it. In either case a dif- ference of air tension is caused within and without the THE SPECIAL SENSES 327 drum. :ni(l lieariiif:; becomes indistinct and confused. Tliis will colli iiuic, tlioui^li nose :ni(l mouth ])c now open, loi- the hir<;e opening of the tube is loosely closed by certain muscles in the ])hai yiix which are concerned in the act of swallowing. When we swallow, then, the l)assage through the tube is free, and the equjil tension of the air is restored. When the i)harynx is inilamed, as from colds, the Eustachian tube often becomes partly or wholly closed, thus causing a roaring and feeling of fulness in the drum. I' Oipenings into the drum. — The Eustachian tube is the only opening through which substances, such as gases and liquids, can pass into and from the middle ear, or drum. There are three other openings, however, through which waves or other disturbances may easily pass in or out. These are all covered with thin membranes. One is the tympanic membrane, which has already been de- scribed, and the other two are the oval and circular win- dows which open into the internal ear. There are, also, openings, near the top of the drum, into air-chambers in the temporal bone. These chambers are called the tiiaslokl cells. Size of parts of the drum.— The student is apt to get the idea that the parts just described are much larger than they are in fact. A statement of the size of a few parts may assist in getting a correct idea of the size of all. 328 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY The tympanic membrane is not quite one-half inch in diameter. The length of the malleus, or hammer, is nearly seven-tenths of an inch. The total lensrth of the Fig. 146. — Diagram showing the relative position of the three parts of the ear. //i, meatus ; ^?n, tympanic memhrane ; i. tympanum ; A, malleus ; a. incus ; .s, stapes ; o. oval window ; en^ Eustachian tube ; sc, semicircular canals ; r, vestibule ; ^, cochlea ; F. fulcrum of the lever formed by the ossicles. stapes, or stirrup, is not quite two-tenths of an inch. The weight of all the bones together is only a few grains. The internal ear.— The relation of the three parts of the ear may be learned by an observation of the dia- gram in Fig. 146. The sound-waves pass in through the meatus, in, and cause a vibration of the tympanic mem- TriK SPECIAL SENSES 329 brane, tni. The chain of hones acts as a lever witli the fulcruiu at J'] and transmits the vibrations to tlic oval window, (>, the entrance into the third division of the ear. The internal ear is called the lahyrinth because of its many winding passage-ways. Tlie labyrmth is an irregu- lar chamber in the hard part of the temporal bone. It may be described as composed of three parts, — the vesti- FiG. 147. — The right labyrinth, viewed outwardly in front, magni- fied two and a half times. 1, vestibule ; 2, oval window ; 3, round window ; 4, superior semicircular canal ; 5, posterior semicircular canal; G, inferior semicircular canal ; 7, ampullae; 8, cochlea. hule^ the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. These are simply cavities in the hard bone. If some plaster of Paris were poured into these cavities and allowed to remain there till it would harden and form a cast, it would, when cut out, have the form shown in Fig. 147. These cavities are called the osseous labyrinth, as distin- guished from another which is contained within it and known as the membranous lahyrinth. The osseous labyrinth. — The osseous, or bony, vestibule lies between the cochlea and the semicircular 830 TIUVJ) BOOK OF PHYSTOLOOY canals. On its front side, that is the side towards the tympanum, is the oval loindow, which is covered with a membrane to which the stirrup is attached. Below is the round icindoic. covered with a thin membrane which separates the liquid within the vestibule from the air in the middle ear. In the back part of the vestibule are five holes, wdiich are the openings into the semicircular canals. These canals are not complete circles, but arch over somewhat in the shape of a horseshoe, both ends opening into the vestibule. Two of the ends unite and pass together into the vestibule, and hence there are but five openings as seen from within the vestibule. The plane of each of the semicircular canals is at right angles to the planes of the other two. just a,s the three faces of a cube that meet at one corner are each at right angles to the other two. This is important, as will be explained later on. The osseous cochlea is a spiral canal resembling in shape the interior of a snail shell, and hence its name. The axis of the cochlea is a conical pillar of bone called the modiolus. The canal passes sj^irally around the modi- olus, making two and one-half turns. A thin spiral shelf of bone, called the spiral lamina, projects from the modiolus much as the blades of steel project from the central axis of an augur. The spiral lamina extends about half-way across the canals, as shown in Fig. 148. The remaining distance across the canal is filled in by tlie membranous cochlea, which will later be described. Thus, the osseous canal is divided into two TIIK SIM^^>(UAL SF.NSKS 381 nearly equal channels thronghont its w liolo. l(»ngtli. The MpjK'r one connnunieatcs at its hiusc witli the vestibule, and so is callcMl tln^ Ncstibnlsu" passjig(\ The base of the lower one is over the round window, through the membrane of which it may communicate with the tympanum, and so it is called the* lympanic passage. The two are connected only b}^ a small orifice at the top of the canal. The whole labyrinth is lined with x^eriosteum, which secretes a fluid called perilymph, with which the labyrinth is filled. Fig. 148.— The cochlea luid open, its summit turned upward, mtigni- liod three diameters. 1, 2, 3, the tympanic pas- sage ; 4, 5, G, tlie vestibu- lar passage ; 7, 8, osseous spiral lamina; 9, mem- branous spiral lamina ; 10, orifice of communica- tion of the two passages at the summit of the cochlea; 11, 12, termina- tion of the osseous and membranous spiral lami- n:e. The membranous laby- rinth. -The membranous lahy- rlnth, shown in Fig. 149, is nearly the form and shape of the bony labyrinth in which it is enclosed. It occupies about two-thirds of the space in the bony cavity and partly floats in the i^erilymph. It is comi^osed of three parts, having names of the corresponding parts of the bony labyrinth, and is filled with a liquid called endo- lymph. In the membranous vestibule are two pouches, the smaller called the saccukj and the larger, the utricle. 332 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY These are fastened together, but do not communicate except through the Y"-shaped tube called the vestibular aqueduct, sliown in Fig. Connected to the utri- cle are the three mem- branous semicircular canals which are lightly attached along one side to the bony canal. A division of the au- ditory nerve enters the saccule, utricle, and ^C^ — ^6 Fig. 149. — The membranous laby- rinth, magnified two and a half times. 1, utricle ; 2, saccule ; 3, semicircu- lar canals ; 4. ampullae of semicircu- lar canals ; o, vestibular aqueduct ; 6, membranous cochlea ; 7. canal connecting saccule and membranous cochlea. semicircular canals, and at these points the membrane closely adheres to the bone. At the entrance to the semicircular canals and on spots in the membranous labyrinth are epithelial cells of a peculiar formation, known as hair-cells. These are directly surrounded by a liquid somewhat thicker than the endolymph, and in it are embedded numerous small crvstals of calcium carbonate, known as the otoliths. In these hair-cells the nerve-fibres of the vestibular branch of the auditory nerve end. These, however, probably have no part in producing the sensations of sound. The membranous cochlea is a three-sided tube with one side attached to the bony wall of the canal and the opposite corner to the edge of the spiral lamina. Thus, it completes the division of the bony canal into two parts. In fact, the canal of the cochlea ma}' be con- TllK SPECIAL SENSES 333 sidered as divi(les, — the vestibular tnlH'. tlif fi/iHjKUii'c tuhc. and the monhnfuniis tnbf Ik?- twcon ihv othiT two and on the outer side of the eanal. In Fig. 151 is shown a eross-section of one of the bony eanals of the cochlea. The membranous canal, ur pas- sage, is filled with endoly-mph and winds about with the other pas- sages to the top of the cochlea, where it is closed. Its only open ing is at its base through a small canal into the saccule. See Fig. 140. 7. Fig. 150.— Diagram of acoustic epithelium. 1, acoustic hair-cell ; 2, sup- porting cell ; 3, immature cell. The organ of Corti.— The membranous canal of the cochlea is the most essential part of the organ of hearing. On its floor is the organ of Corti. where the nerve-fibres receive the impulses that arise from the vibrations of sound-waves. By reference to Fig. 152 it is seen that a membrane is stretched from the edge of the spiral lamina at O to the wall of the cochlea at W. This is the basilar membrane. Upon it stand the rods of Corti and the hair-cells. The rods are comparatively stiff and are arranged in an inner and an outer row. The tops of the two rows are bent towards each other and connected, thus forming 334 TIIIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY the tunnel, A. The base of the rods are attached by broad feet to the basilar membrane. About 4500 i)airs of these rods are placed along the course of the canal. On the inner side of the tunnel formed by the rods is a row of hair-cells, and on the outer side there are three or four rows of the same kind of cells. (Fig. 152.) •- ;-';!i=-ii~fir A Fig. 151. — Cross-section of one of the canals of the cochlea, show- ing the three passages. 1, bon}- wall of cochlea ; 2, position of modio- lus ; 3, bone of spiral lamina ; 4, periosteum ; 5, basilar membrane ; G, under the arch of Cord's fibres ; 7, cochlear nerve ; 8, ganglion. A fibre of the auditory nerve is attached to each of the hair-cells. There are, in the cochlea, about 16,000 of these cells. The basilar membrane is stretched from side to side, THE SPECIAL SENSES 335 but lies loose ill ;i direction Jiloiij;' the canal. The layer of this ineini»iaii(' to which the rods and hair-cells are attached is stri[)cd by fibres IVoni side to side. These fibres difler in length, the shortest being at the base of Fig. 152. — Diagram of a section of the membranous cochlea, j«how~ ing position and arrangement of Corti's organ, i and e, interior and exterior rods of Corti ; .1, tunnel formed by the arching rods ; //, in- terior row of hair-cells; //, A, A, exterior row of hair-celKs. the cochlea, and the longest at the top. The length varies from about .00162 inch for the shortest to about .01949 inch for the longest. Thus, the latter is a little more than twelve times the former. Function of the cochlea. — The cochlea alone is the organ of hearing. All sense of sound and music arises in the cochlea. When the stapes sets up a vibratory motion, or quiver, in the perilymph, the motion is easily communicated to the delicate membranes about the membianous cochlea, 336 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY aiul tlie eiidolyinph partakes uf tlie same vi]>rations. The fibres of tlie basilar membrane, which have the proper length to vibrate in sympathy, will be most agi- tated. The rods and haii-cells which are attached to these fibres will convej^ the motion to the terminals of the nerve-fibres. A nervous impulse thus started will travel along the auditory nerve to the medulla oblongata and thence by other neurons to the seat of perception in the cerebrum. The difference in the length of the fibres of the basilar membrane is sufficient to explain the ear's ability to dis- tinguish all differences of pitch in music, even when the difference is very slight. The ear is most sensitive in the first octave above middle C. Here the ear of some trained musicians have been able to distinguish a difference of one-half a wave per second, thus making about 1000 distinguishable notes in the octave. Function of the round window. — Since the whole labyrinth is enclosed in a hard, bony cavity and is filled with a liquid which is almost incompressible, it is necessary to have some spot which will yield. The pur- pose of the round icbidow is to yield to j)ressare upon the liquid in the labyrinth. ^Vhen the stapes presses in- ward, the pressure is communicated along the vestibular pa*ssage of the cochlea and then across to the tympanic passage and down to the oval window, which is thus made to bulge out into the tympanum A decrease of pressure in the labyrinth would cause the round window TIIK SPECIAL SENSRS 337 to bnljxe in. The oval window thus permits greater tVeedoiii of vibration in the liquid. Function of the semicircular canals— The seniicircuhir canals and vestibule pr()bal)ly liave no part in produeiufj the seusation of hearing. The position and structure of the canals as well as many experiments which have been made all go to show tliat their function is to give a sense of equilibnum. 'By this sensation it is possible for us to maintain any desired ])osture of the body. The least tendency to fall to one side or the other is at once made known and checked by the use of the proper muscles. The planes of the three canals are each at right angles to the other two, and hence any motion of the head will cause a motion of the liquid in one or more of the canals. This motion affects the auditory hair-cells to which the nerve-fibres are attached, and thus a nervous impulse is sent on the vestibular branch of the auditory nerve to the medulla and on to the cerebellum. Experiments made with birds and other animals show that when the semicircular canals are injured, the animal will fall from side to side when it attempts to move. All sense of balance and ability to co-ordinate muscular movement appear to be gone. The nerve terminals in the vestibule are probably associated in function with those of the semicircular canals. Care of the ear. — The inner ear is so well protected that it needs no care except in so far as it shares in the 22 338 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY general health or weakness of the whole system. It is, however, capable of a very high degree of culture and refinement. A great deal of the pleasure and enjoyment of this world is derived from music, but only those whose ears and minds have been educated to that which is best in music can get the full enjoyment from it. The external and middle ear open to the outside, and so can receive direct care at our hands. Sometimes ear-wax in excess will gather in the meatus or collect on the tympanic membrane. In such cases it is always better to consult a i:)hysiciau, for the attempt to get it out with a pinhead or other hard instrument may cause a still more serious injury. Insects sometimes get into the meatus, but seldom do any injury. A little warm water or sweet oil poured in will usually cause them to come out, or a physician can remove them with proper instruments. The middle ear is probably the greatest source of trouble and needs our greatest care. When the throat is inflamed and sore, thei-e is always danger that the inflammation may be com- municated to the Eustachian tube and thence into the middle ear. An inflammation of the linings of the middle ear may cause serious illness or even death. Xot only the middle ear proper may be affected, but also the mastoid cells in the temporal bone. Here, back of the ear, pus may col- lect where there is only a very thin partition of bone between it and the brain. In that case it may be neces- THE ^^PECIAL SENSES 330 sary t<> l)ore throiiirh the outer layer of the skull Id the pus au(l thus drain it otY. CoUls often ''settle'' in the middle ear and caust' a great deal of pain and annoyance. sp:nse of touch Location and purpose of the touch organs.— The whole surface of the skin, and the mucous membrane at points of entrance to the body, are covered with minute conical elevations called the papilla?. These are on the outer surface of the true skin and are covered by the epidermis. In some regions of the skin the papillie are very numerous, and on the palmar surface of the hands and fingei*s they are arranged in rows which can be plainly seen. Some of the papillie contain only loops of capillary blood-vessels and lymphatics, but othei*s contain a special organ called the tactile corpuscle. The purpose of the tactile corpuscle is to give us knowledge by contact with outside bodies. The eye and the ear are the two great organs, of about equal importance, through which we gain knowledge bj^ means of waves coming from the objects that are seen or heard. The sense of touch is third in importance. The tactile corpuscle. — Many of the papilke con- tain an oval-shaped body called the tactile coipuscle. These are found on the palms and soles, i>articularly on 340 THIED BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY the fiugers and toes, where about one out of every five of the i^apillae contains this organ. One, two, or three nerve- fibres may enter directly into the corpuscle or after winding three or four times around it. Other tactile end organs which are distributed gener- ally in the skin of the bod}' are the end bidbs. These u ^ Pig. 153. — Two tactile papillae from skin of finger. Touch corpuscle within and nerve-fibres below. are small collections of epithelial cells to which nerve- fibres are connected. They are quite as sensitive as the corpuscles described above. The Pacinian corpuscle. — The Pacinian cor- puscles are small, oval-shaped, white bodies found in many parts of the alveolar tissue beneath the skin. They are formed of thirty or more tunics of connective tissue and contain at the centre a terminal of a nerve-fibre. Their function is not clearlv understood. TIIK SI»KCIAI> Sl'^.NSES 341 Sensitiveness of different parts of the body. — Ry layin^!: the t\\<> i)()iiits of ;i compjiss upon the skin at various i)laees, a test can easily be made of one's ability to distiniut, but is continued us cartilage towards the end of the nose. Iloth passages open freely to the air in front and to the l)harynx in the rear. Both passages are covered with mucous membrane, a large surface being presented not T Fig. loo. — o, olfactory })ulb ; ?i, nerves descondirif; to the mucous membrane. onlj^ by the i)lain walls, but also by the three turbinated bones which x)roject from the exterior sides of the nostrils The lower j)art of the nose cavity is called the I'esjnra- tory region^ for it is properly fitted for receiving air into the body, as has been exi)lained under the subject of respiration. Here the lining membrane is composed of ciliated ei^ithelium. The upper part of the cavity is called the olfactory region. 344 THIRD B(30K OF PHYSIOLOGY The olfactory region. — In the upper part of the Dostrils the organ of smell is located. Here the surface is also covered with epithelial cells, but they are not ciliated and their construction is peculiar. Part of them contain an oval nucleus from which long projections ex- tend on each end, one coming to the surface of the mem- brane and the other extending back to a nerve-fibre. Numerous cells of this kind reach the free surface of the mucous membrane at one end, and connect with a nerve- fibre at the other. Xumerous glands in this region keep the surface con- stantly moist. The act of smeHing. — Odors which arise from substances are carried in the air. In ordinary breathing, a small area of the olfactory region is always exposed to the air passing through the nostrils, but by '^sniffing," the air is admitted to a much larger area and many more of the nerves of smell are affected. The fine x>articles suspended in the air must fall ux^on the moist mucous membrane and be dissolved, or, if a gas, must enter into solution before they produce any effect. An impulse started by this stimulus will travel to the olfactory bulbs, as shown in Fig. 155, and will there be taken up by other neurons and carried to the seat of per- ception in the temporal lobes of the cerebrum. The use of the smelling sense. — In many of the lower animals, as in certain breeds of dogs, the sense of smell is the most important of the five senses. TIM-: SIM-^CIAL SENSKS 345 In man tliis sense is nflen uiuleresti mated. Tlie pri- mary purpose is to j^ive us knowledge of any liarmful substance in the air wliich we ))reathe. As a secondary use, it enables us to distinguish objects by their odor, and to give pleasui-e in the presence of pleasjint odors. Tlie impressions made by the sense of smell appear to l)e very distinct and lasting. When the same odor is breathed through the nostrils for a time, it ceases to aifect the organ of smell. When one comes from fresh air into a close room, the bad con- dition of the air is very noticeable at first, but after a few breaths the ability to distinguish the foul from the pure air is lost, until a change of air is again made. The air in Mammoth Cave is quite free from the float- ing particles which are plentiful in the air we ordi- narily breathe. After a few hours in the cave, one will, on coming out into the air again, feel a keen pain in the nostrils until he becomes accustomed to the outside air. Since the mucous membrane of the nostrils is the first to be exposed to the air which we inhale, it will intercept most of the i^articles which are floating in the air, and thus it is often irritated and inflamed, and a catarrhal condition is brought about, which is very destructive to the organ of smell. THE SENSE OF TASTE Location and structure of the organs of taste. — Just as the organ of smell is a guard at the gate- way to the lungs, so the organ of taste is a guard at the gateway to the stomach. 34G THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY A ^^^ si •13 Fig. 156. — View of the dorsum of the tongue. 1, 2, Y-like row of the circumvallate papilhie ; 3, fungiform papiUae ; 4, 5, conical papilUe ; 6, 6, floor of the fauces, with numerous lymphoid follicular glands ; 7, tonsils ; 8, summit of the epiglottis. TIIK SPK(^IAIi SKNSKS 347 The organs of taste are found in various parts of the mouth, but chiefly on the palate and tonjj^ue. On the ton<;^ue numerous little eminences may be plainly seen with the naked eye. These are papilke, wliich contain the organs of tiiste. On the frout part of the tongue there are small conical projections called filiform papilhv. On the middle region they are larger and appear like a fungus growth, and so are called fungiform papillw. On Fig. 157. — Cross-section of a circumvallate papilla, f^ taste-buds; i/>, wall ; g^ nerve-fibres connected to taste-buds. the back of the tongue are eight or ten large elevations arranged in a V form with the vertex of the V towards the throat. Each of these appears to be surrounded wath a ditch and a w^all, and so are called cireumvaUate papillce. Within the latter two kinds of papillae are clusters of cells called taste-huds. Within the buds are several cells which i:)roject from the end of the bud, and to which fibres of nerves are attached. These are the taste-cells. These buds are arranged in the sides of the depressions 348 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY around the circumvallate papillae as shown in Fig. 157. Thej^ are also found in the fungiform papillae. Conditions and kinds of taste. — A substance must be in solution before it can affect the taste-cells. If the tip of the tongue he wiped dry and some dry sugar be touched to it, no taste will follow until the tongue again becomes moist. By the sense of taste it is possible to distinguish sweet, sour, bitter, and salt. The tip of the tongue is best adapted for receiving a stimulus from sweet substances, and the sides and back of the tongue for sour or bitter substances. Cultivation of taste. — By proper attention the sense of taste may be made very acute. Some persons are i^aid good salaries for doing nothing but determine the quality of liquors by their cultivated sense of taste. The constant use of tobacco and alcoholic liquors will, however, so blunt this sense that most substances will have no taste or will all taste alike. Smell and taste are closely associated and often con- fused. The odor from substances in the mouth may easily pass up. from the throat into the nostrils, and thus we attribute to the sense of taste what belongs to the sense of smell. If while eating an onion the nostrils be held shut, the so-called onion taste will not be per- ceived. TlIK SPECIAL SKXSKS 349 QT^ESTIONS FOR KEVIKW. 1. "Wliat are the special senses? 2. Name and describe five general senses. 3. "What is the great advantage of the five special senses? 4. What are the two great media through which stimuli reach the special senses, — the eye and the ear? 5. Make a sketch and locate the parts of the eye. 6. "What is the use of the front parts of the eye? 7. Describe the cornea. 8. When is light refracted? 9. ^lake a drawing to show how rays of light are affected by the cornea. 10. Describe the iris. 11. What is the use of the iris? 12. Describe the crystalline lens. 13. What is the chief use of the lens? 14. Explain how the convexity of the lens is changed for dif- ferent distances . 15. AVhen is the eye emmetropic? 10. Explain the condition of the myopic eye. 17. When is the eye said to be hypermetropic? 18. What kind of glasses must be used for near-sighted or far- sighted eyes ? Why ? 19. How is the eye moved? 20. Explain the cause of cross-eyes. 21. What is the function of the posterior parts of the eye? 22. What are the three coats of the eye? Which is most essen- tial? Why? 23. Describe the retina. 24. AVhat are the rods and cones, and where are they placed ? 25. Locate and describe the yellow spot. 26. Where is the blind spot ? 27. AVhat is the size of the image on the retina? 350 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY 28. How close can two points be together and still be seen as two ? 29. Describe the optic nerve. 30. How are two eyes better than one ? 31. Explain the perception of color. 32. Explain all the ways by which the eyes are protected. 33. What care should be taken of the eyes ? 34. How do alcohol and tobacco injure the eyes ? 35. Explain the nature of air-waves. 36. How fast does sound travel ? Light ? 37. AVhat are the three parts of the ear ? 38. Describe the pinna and give its use. 39. Describe the meatus. 40. Why is the middle ear called a drum ? 41. Xame the parts of the drum. 42. Describe the structure and use of the tympanum. 43. Make a drawing of the three bones and describe them. 44. How do the bones increase the force of the vibrations ? 45. What is tlie use of the Eustachian tube? 46. What are the openings into the drum ? 47. How large is the drum ? 48. Where is the labyrinth located, and what are its three parts? 49. Describe the osseous labyrinth. 50. Describe the membranous labyrinth. 51. How do the nerves end in the utricle, saccule, and semi- circular canals ? 52. Describe the membranous cochlea. 53. Give a full description of the oi^an of Corti. 54. What is the function of the cochlea ? 55. Of what use is the round window? 56. What is the function of the semicircular canals? 57. How can the ear be properly cared for ? 58. Wliere are the organs of touch located ? 59. Describe a tactile corpuscle. 60. What is a Pacinian corpuscle ? THE SPF.CIAL SENSES 351 61. What part <>f i\w body \n most sensitive to touch? Wliat least? HoNv can this be determined? 62. How do we know wlien we are touched? 63. Describe the structure of the nostrils. 64. Explain the use of "sniffing." 66. Of what advantage is a keen sense of smell? 66. Where are the organs of taste located? 67. Describe the taste-buds. 68. What are the four taste sensations? 69. How are smell and taste confused? 70. Which of the special senses do you prize most highly? Why? EXPERIMENTS. 1. Secure at the butcher-shop two or three eyes of the ox or sheep. Closely examine one of them, noting the tough, white sclerotic coat on the outside; the point of entrance of the optic nerve ; the bulging, transparent cornea on the front ; the iris and pupil beneath. Cut through the cornea, noting its thickness and the limpid aqueous humor within. Find the crystalline lens and notice the curvature of its two sides. Open the back part, noting the three coats and the thick vitreous humor within. 2. Hold a mirror close before the face and notice the size of the pupil. Shade the eyes from the light, and the iris can be seen to draw back on all sides, thus making the pupil larger. Suddenly admit more light to the eyes and the pupil will grow smaller. 3. Make on a piece of white paper two black spots about three inches apart. Hold the left eye shut and look with the right eye steadily at the spot on the left. By varying the distance a position of the paper can ea,sily be found ■where the image of the spot on the right side will fall upon the place where the optic nerve enters the right eye. This is the blind spot, and so the image makes no impression, that is, cannot be seen. A. Try to see a whole line of this jjage distinctly without moving the eyes. Try a single small word. Try a single letter. Only the images of very small objects can be wholly contained in the yellow spot. Hence the need of many muscles to freely move the eyes from point to point. 5. Use a pocket microscope as a len.s. Hold it near the wall of a room and 352 THIRD BOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY note the image of a window or burning lamp. This is the action of the eomea of the eye. (). Look through a window and adjust the crystalline lens so that some object, as a tree or a house, can be seen distinctly. At the same time the window can be seen, but only indistinctly. Now readjust the lens so that the window can be distinctly seen, and then the objects beyond can be seen only indistinctly. 7. The image on the retina of an eye may be seen by cutting away the two outside coats from the back of the eye of an ox. The thin retina must be care- fully left in place. If the eye thus prepared be now pointed towards a candle or lamp, and the light be screened from the eyes of the observer, an inverted image can be seen on the retina. 8. Rapidly rotate a wheel and notice that the spokes will all apparently be blended. The space between the spokes and the spokes themselves unite to form a transparent disc. This is because a retinal impression lasts for about one-seventh of a second. If the rotating wheel is seen by the light from a stroke of lightning, it will appear to be standing still. 9. Prepare two discs of card-board, about six inches in diameter, one blue and the other yellow. Hold the blue one against a white background and look steadily at it for a minute, then suddenly jerk it away. A yellow disc will be seen in its place. Try the same with the yellow one, and a blue outline of the disc will appear on the white background. These are two complementary colors and will when mixed produce white. When the eye was fatigued by looking at the yellow it was still sensitive to its complement, — the blue. When it was fatigued by the blue it could more dis- tinctly see the yellow. 10. Close the nose and mouth and blow air through the Eustachian tube into the ear-drum. Notice that hearing is then less distinct. 11. Utter quick, explosive notes into a piano and notice how it returns the same note whatever the pitch may be. By this illustrate the sympathetic action of the fibres in the basilar membrane of the cochlea. 12. Use a compass with blunt points and try on various parts of the body how close together the points may be and yet be felt as two points. 18. It is an interesting test of one's ability to locate the spot where he has been touched, if one will close his eyes while another touches him with the THE SPECIAL SENSES 353 point of 11 pencil. Then sec how nearly the one who is touched can locate the exact spot. U. Cn)s.s two finpers and roll a hullet or small naind body between them. One will appear as two. 1;'). I'hu-e the .same numljer of shot in each of two bottles. Balance one lK)ttk' in each hand to determine, by the mn.scnlar, the weij^ht. Then have some one change a few siiot from one bottle to the other and then try to determine which bottle is the heavier. By continued practice the rau.scular sense becomes very acute. 1(). Prepare three vessels of water. One hot, one cold, and a third luke- warm. Place one hand in the hot water and the other in the cold. After a short time transfer both to the lukewarm water, and it will feel cold to the hand that was in the not water, and warm to the hand that was in the cold water. £3 GLOSSARY A LIST of physiological ternjs likely to be mispronounced. It is a good plan to have the class pronounce this list of words occasionally until the pupils become accustomed to the sounds and accents. Ab do'men Ad'i pose (ad'i pos) Af'fer ent Al bu'meu Al ex'ines (al eks'ins) Al i men'ta ry A mci/ba (a me ba) Am phib'i a (am fib'e ah) A nat'o my An ti tox'in (an te lok'sin) A or'ia Ap pen di ci'tis A 'que ous (a'kwe us) Ar ach'noid (ar ak'noid) Ar e'o lar Ar'ter y Ar tic'u lar Au'di to ry Au'ri cle (aw'rik 1) Au ric'u lo ven tric'u lar Bac te'ri a Bac te ri ol'o gy Bas'i lar Bi'ceps (bi'seps) Bi cus'pids Bron'chi (bron'ki) Cae'cum (se'kum) Cal'o rie (kal'o re) Can al ic'u li Can'cel lous Ca' nines Cap'il la ries Car bo hy'drates Car'di ac Car ti lag'in ous (g = j) Ca tarrh'al Cen'tral fo'vea (fo've ah) Cer e bel'lum Cer'e bro spi'nal Cer'e bro spi'nal men in gi'tis (Ser'e bro spi'nal men in ji'tis) Cer'e brum (ser'e brum) Cer'vi cal (ser'vi kal) Cho'roid (ko'roid) Chro'ma tin (kro'mat in) Chyle (kii; Chyme (kim) Cil'i a ted Cir'cum val'late Co ag u la'tion Coc'cyx (kok'six) Coch'lea (kok'leah) Con'cha (kong^kah) 355 356 GLOSSAEY Cor'ne a (kor'neah) Cor'pus cal lo'sum Cor'pus cle Cra'ni um Crys'tal line Cy clo slo'ma la Deg lu ti'tion De lir'i um tre'mens Den'drites Den'tiue (den'tin) Di'a phragni (di'af ram ) Diph the'ri a (dif the're ah) Dip soma'ni a Dis sec'tion Du 0 de'num Du'ra ma'ter Ef'fer ent E lee trol'y sis Em me trop'ic E mul'si fied En am'el En do car'di um En'do lymph (en'do limi) En dos'te um En vi'ron ment Ep i glot'tis Ep i the'li um E qui lib'ri um Er'go graph Eu sta'chi an ( u sta'ke an) E vap o ra'tion Ex' ere to ry Ex ha la'tion Fah'ren heit (Fah'ren hit) Fas cise (fash'e e) Fas cic'u li ( fas ik'u li) Fau'ces ( law'sez) Fer men ta'tion Fi brin'o gen Fib'u la Fil'i form Fis'sure (fish'ur) Flagei'la(fla jel'la) Fo ra'men Fun'gi form (.fun'ji form) Gan'gli a (gang'gle a) Gly'co gen (gli'ko jen) Gus'ta to ry Gym na'si a Ha ver'si an ( Ha ver'zhan ) Hem o glo'bin Hi'lum Hy dro chlo'ric Hy dro pho'bia Hy'gi ene Hy per me trop'ic Hy po gas'tric II e o col'ic Il'e um In ci'sors In'cus (ing'kus) In fun dib'u la In ha la'tiou In nom i ua'tum In sal 1 va'tion In som'ni a In ter cos'tal In tes'tine (in tes'tin) In Torun ta ry Je ju'num Ki net'ic Lab'y rinth Lach'ry mal ( lak'rim al ) GLOSSARY 357 Lac'te al Lar'ynx ( 'ar'ingx) Lie'ber kuhn (le'ber k6n) Lo'cal i /a'tion Ln'mi la Lym phat'ics (lim fat'ics) Mag ne'si urn Mal'le us Mai pig'hi an (nial pig'e an) Mas li ca'tion Mas'toid Max'il la ry Mo a'tus Me (lul'la Me dul'la ob Ion ga'ta Med'ul la ry Mem'bra nous Men in'ges (men in'jez) Mes'en te ry Met a ear' pal Met a tar'sal Mi cro pho'to graph Mi cro scop'ic Mo di'olus Mor'phine ( mor'fin ) Mu'cous (mu'kus) Mu riat'ic My op'ic My'o sin Neu'ron Nic'o tine (nic'o tin) Nu'cle us Oc cip'i tal 0 don'toid Oe soph'a gus (e sof a gus) 01 fac'to ry Os mo'sis Os'se ous(os'e us) Os'si cle (os'e kl) 5'to lith Ox i (la'tion Pa cin'i an Pan'cre as Pa i)il'la) (03 = e) Par'a lyzed Pa ri'e tal I'a roL'id I'a tel'la Per i ear'di um Per'i lyiuph Per i os'te um Per i star tic Per i to ne'um Per spi ra'tion Pha lan'ges (fa lan'jez) Phar'ynx (far'inx) Phos'pho rus ( fos'fo rus) Phys i ol'o gy Pi'a ma'ter Pleu'ra (plu'rah) Pneu mo gas' trie (nu mo gas'tric) Pneu mo'ni a (nu mo'ne ah) Po tas'si um Po teu'tial ( po ten'shal ) Pro'te id Pro'to plasm Pro to zo'a Pty'a iin ( ti'a lin ) Pul'mo na ry Py lo'rus Rac'e mose (ras'e mos) Re frac'tion Res'pi ra'tion Res' pi ra to ry Ret'i na Sac'cule Sar CO lem'ma 358 GLOSSAEY Scle rot'ic (skle rot'ic) Se cre'tion Sem i cir'cu lar Sem i lu'nar Se'rous (se'rus) Skel'e tal Sta'pes ( sta'pez ) Sto'ma ta Stri'a ted Sub cla'vi an (sub kla've an) Sub lin'gual (sub ling'gwal) Sub max'il la ry Sul phu'ric Su'ture Sym pa tbet'ic Syn o'vi al Tet'a nus Tho rac'ic (tho ras'ic) Tib'ia Tis'sue (tish'u) Tra'che a ( tra'ke ah) Trans pi ra'tion Tri chi'n£E (triki'ne) Tu ber cu lo'sis Tym'pan um Ty'phoid Un du la'tions U re'a (u re'ah) U rin if'er ous U'vu la Vac'u um Val'vu Ise con ni ven'tes Vas o mo' tor Ven'tri cle Ver'te bra (plural se = e) Ves'ti bule Vil'li Vil'lus Vit're ous Vol'un ta ry INDEX Abdomen, 30 Adam's apple, 166 Adipose tissue, 26 Afferent nerves, 245 Air, 162, 163, 295 composition of, 174 germs in, 1S5 quantity breathed, 174 waves of, 320 Alcohol and oxygen, 158 as a food, 91, 92 as a mental stimulus, 284 effect on muscle, 74 effect on digestion, 114 effect on circulation, 157, 158 effect on respiration, 186 effect on kidneys, 229 effect on the nervous sys- tem, 281 effect on eye. 319 excessive use of. 2S5 hereditary effect, 287 quantity in drinks. 123 small doses of, 283 Alexines, 202 Alimentary canal, 96 Amneba. 21 Anatomy, 9 Animals and vegetables, 6 Antitoxin, 198 Aorta. 134 Appendicitis, 112 Arachnoid, 238 Argon, 176 Arteries, 136 Atlas, 39 Auricles, 132 Auriculo-ventricular valves, 133 ■Axis, 40 Axis-cylinder, 234 B Bacteria, 192 food of, 194 use of, 195 Ball-and-socket joint, 56 Basilar membrane, 333 Bathing, 216 Beating of heart, 153 Biceps, 61 Bicuspids, 98 Bile, 110 action of. Ill Bleeding, 156 Blind spot. 311 Blood composition of, 142 experiments on, 161 function of, 142 quantity of, 142 Blood-clots. 145 Blood-plasma, 142 Blushing, 150 Bone, 33 classes of, 36 composition of, 47 experiments on, 52 359 560 i:NrDEX Bone, fracture of. oO health of, 48 microscopic appearance, 46 names of, 35 nourishment of, 47 number of, 33 of ear, 325 strength of, 45 use of, 33 Brain, 238 a favored organ, 272 convolutions of, 242 lobes of, 241 parts of, 239 supply of blood to, 274 weiglit of, 239, 262 Bright's disease, 229 Bronchi, 167 Bronchial tubes, 169 Caecum, 112 Canaliculi, 46 Cancellous bone tissue, 45 Canines, 98 Capillaries, 137 Carbohydrates, 84, 86 Carbon dioxide, 176 Cardiac orifice, 102 Carotid artery, 274 Cartilage, 27 Cells, 13 division of, 19 how formed, 19 origin of, 16 parts of, 17 Centrosome, 19 Cerebellum, 242 function of, 262 Cerebrospinal meningitis, 239 Cerebrum, 240 Cerebrum, function of, 259 Cholera infantum, 197 Chromatin, 18 Chyle, 111 Chyme, 105 Cilia, 25 Circulation, 128 effect of exercise on, 155 hygiene of, 155 organs of, 130 scheme of, 148 systems of, 149 Circumvallate papillse, 347 Coagulation, 146 Coccyx, 40 Cochlea, 330, 335 Colds, 156 Color sensations, 315 Composition of body, 33, 34 Cones, 311 Conjunctiva, 318 Connective tissue, 25 Convolutions of brain, 242 Corn, 87 Cornea, 297, 298 Corpus eallosum, 240 Cortex of cerebrum, 241 Cortex of kidney, 226 Corti's arches, 335. Cranial nerves, 246 Cranium, 38 Cross-eyes, 309 Crystalline lens, 302 D Deglutition, 102 Delirium tremens, 286 Dendrites, 234 Dentine, 99 Dermis, 208 Diaphragm, 30 IN1)P]X 36^ ] )i:;-c'stioii, 9.") experiments on, 117 in intestines, 110 in stomach, 104 organs of, 07 why necessary, 95 Diphtheria, 107 Drum of ear, 323 Duodenum, lOG Dura mater, 238 Dust in air, 184 E Ear, 321 anatomy of, 322 care of, 337 p]fFerent nerves, 245 Emmetropic eye, 305 Enamel, 00 Endolymph, 331 Endosteum, 47 End plates, 252 Energy, 80, 81 ]]pidermis, 207 Epiglottis, 101, 166 Epithelium, 24 Ether, 295 Eustachian tube, 326 Excretions, 221 organs of, 222 Exercise, 71 Exhalation, 173 External ear, 322 Eye, 296 anatomy of, 296 care of, 318 protection of, 316 Fascia, 67 Fasciculi, 67 Fat, 84 Fatigue, 275 Fauces, 101 Fermentation, 197 I'ihres of musch', 67 Fihrin, 145 Fibrinogen, 14o Flat bones, 37 Food, 79 a complex compound, 85 amount of, 89 compared to coal in engine, 81 cooking of, 90 definition of, 85 for brain, 273 mixed, 88 produced by bacteria, 196 Gall-bladder, 110 Ganglia, 233 Gastric gland, 104 juice, 104 General sensations, 293 Germs in air, 185 Glands, 29 Gliding joint, 57 Glycogen, 129 Gout, 57 H Habit, 268, 280 Hair, 212 care of, 218 Haversian canals, 46 Health, 204 Heart, 130 divisions of, 132 valves of, 132 work of, 154 362 IXDEX Hemispheres of brain, 240 Hemoglobin, 144 Hilum, 224 Hinge- joint, 56 Hip-joint, 55 Hydrochloric acid, 105 Hvdrophobia, 204 Hygiene, 10 Hypermetropic eye, 306 Heocolic valve, 112 Ilium, 106 Image on retina, 312 Incisors, 98 Inferior vena cava, 139 Inhalation. 171 Inspired air, 177 Internal ear, 328 Involuntary muscles, 66 Iris, 300 Irregular bones, 38 Jejunum, 106 Joints, 53 health of, 57 kinds of, 55 structure of. 53 K Kidnevs. 223 Lachrymal gland, 317 Lacteal, 108 Lacuna^, 46 Large intestine, 112 action of, 112 Larynx, 165 Levers. 02 Life, 5 Ligaments, 54 Light, 296 Liver, 108 action of, 129 Lobes of brain, 241 Lock-jaw, 198 Long bones, 36 Lungs, 169 as excretory organ, 222 capacity of, 174 Lymph, 138 Lymphatic nodes, 141 Lymphatics, 140 M Malpighian bodies, 226 ^lammal, 7 Z\larrow, 48 Mastication, 97, 113 Matter and life, 5 Medulla oblongata, 243 function of, 263 Medullary layer, 225 Medullary sheath, 235 Medullated nerve-fibre, 237 Membranous labyrinth, 331 Meninges, 238 Mesentery, 106 Middle ear, 323 Modiolus, 330 Molars, 98 Movements of the eyes, 307 Mucous membrane, 30 Muscles, 60 attachment of, 61 development of, 69, 70 food of, 70 kinds of, 65 of the eyes, 308 skill of, 73 INDKX 363 Muscles, stnicturo of, 07 Muscular tissue, 27 Mj'opic eye, 305 N Nails, 214 care of, 21!) Nerve-cell, 234 Nerve-centres, 258 Nerve endiiifjs, 2.")! Nerves, 243 functions of, 209 Nervous system, 233 divisions of, 233 Nervous tissue, 27, 237 nutrition of, 271 Neuroglia, 238 Neurilemma, 235 Neuron, 235 Nitrogen, 176 Nitrogenous equilibrium, 228 Nodes, 237 Nose, 342 Nostrils, 165 Nucleus, 18 O Odontoid process, 40 Q^]sophagus, 102 Olfactory region, 344 Opium, 290 Optic nerves, 313 Organ of C'orti, 335 Organs, 28 Origin of muscles, 61 Osmosis, 95 Osseous tissue, 27 Osseous labyrinth, 329 Otoliths, 332 Oval window, 330 Oxidation, 82 Oxygen, 175 Ozone, 175 Piicininn corpuscles, 341 Pancreas, 110 Pancreatic juice. 111 Patent medicines, 290 Pelvis, 41 Pelvis of kidney, 224 Pepsin, 105 Peptone, 105 Pericardium, 131 Perilymph, 331 Perineurium, 244 Periosteum, 47 Peristaltic motion, 105 Peritoneum, 103 Perspiration, 211 Pharjnix, 101 Physical culture, 72 Physiology, 9 Pia mater, 238 Pinna of ear, 322 Pivot- joint, 50 Pleura, 170 Pleural cavity, 171 Plexus of nerves, 254 Pneumogastric nerves, 247 Pons, 242 function of, 203 Pores, 210 Portal circulation, 151 Proteid, 83, 80 Protozoa, 0 Pulmonary artery, 137 Pulmonary circulation, 152 Pulse, 147 Pus, 203 Pyloric orifice, 102 Pyramids of Malpighi, 225 3G4 IXDEX R Eacemose gland. 100 Red corpuscles, 142 Keflex action, 2G3 advantage of, 260 education of, 267 Refraction of light, 298 Renal circulation, 152 Rennin, 105 Respiration, 162 experiments on, 189 hygiene of, 179 organs of, 165 use of, 164 Retina, 309 Ribs, 42 Rickets. 49 Rods, 311 Round window. 330. 336 Sacculus. 331 Sacrum, 40 Salivary glands, 100 Sarcolemma, 67 Secretion. 221 Semicircular canals, 330, 337 Semilunar valves, 134 Serous membrane, 29 Short bones, 37 Size of brain, 239, 262 Skeletal muscles, 60 Skeleton, 34 Skin as an excretory organ, 223 as a protection, 202 color of, 208 hygiene of, 214 layers of, 207 use of, 206 Sleep, 276 ^mall intestine, 105 digestion in, 110 Smell, 342 Soft palate, 101 Solar plexus, 256 Sound, 296 Sound of heart, 154 Sound-waves, 320 Special senses, 293 Spinal cord, 247 Spinal nerves, 249 Spleen. 141 Sprains, 58 Stomach, 102 health of, 114 Striated muscle, 68 Superior vena cava, 139 Suture, 38 Sweat-glands. 210 Sympathetic nervous system, 255 SynoA'ia, 54 Systemic circulation, 151 Systems, 28 Tactile corpuscles, 339 Tartar, 113 Taste, 345 Taste-buds, 347 Tears, 317 Teeth, 97 care of, 113 Temperature of body, 211 Tetanus, 198 Thoracic duct, 129 Thorax, 30 Tissue, 23 Tobacco effect on circulation, 158 effect on respiration, 187 INDEX 365 Tobacco effect oil tlie nerves, 288 Tonsils, 101 Touch, 339 Trachea, 167 Trichinie, 1»0 Tuberculosis, 185, 109 Tympanum, 323 Typhoid fever, 201 U Urea, 228 Ureter, 227 Uriniferous tubules, 226 Utricle, 331 U\-ula, 101 Vagi, 247 Vahnilae conniventes, 106 Veins, 139 Ventilation, 180 Ventricles, 132 Vertebral column, 39 Vertebrates, 7 classes of, 7 Villi, 106 \'oeal cords, lOi Voluntar}' muscles, 65 w Water, 123 Wheat, 86 White corpuscles, 144, 203 Work of heart, 154 Yeast, 193. 196 Yellow spot, 311 THE END «r- SEP 11 1928 ! i wr llUit!