a 7 : * } r a ) Tides and Tidal Datums in the United States WHO! DOCUMENT | COLLECTION = by D. L. Harris SPECIAL REPORT NO. 7 FEBRUARY 1981 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. U.S. ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Kingman Building Ki Fort Belvoir, Va. 22060 Reprint or republication of any of this material shall give appropriate credit to the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Kingman Building Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 ___— ~ : {ffice, Washington, D.C. 20402 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEROREICONA TE EINCISGEM 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO,| 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER SR-7 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) ; 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED TIDES AND TIDAL DATUMS IN THE UNITED STATES Special Report 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER - AUTHOR(s) 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) D. L. HARRIS - PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK Department of the Army AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS Wea F31234 Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERRE-CO) Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 - CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE Department of the Army February 1981 Coastal Engineering Research Center 13. NUMBER OF PAGES Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 382 - MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 1S. SECURITY CLASS. (of thia report) UNCLASSIFIED 1Sa, DECL ASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) - SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES . KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse sida if necessary and identify by block number) Tidal datums _ Tides United States ABSTRACT (Continue em reverse sides if meceasary and identify by block number) The boundary between sea and land appears to be the natural datum of reference for measuring elevation of land or depth of the sea. This boundary, however, varies continuously because of the astronomical tides and for other reasons. The various factors whiclhi cause this variability are discussed with emphasis on the astronomical tides as the most predictable of the plenomena which affect sea level. (Continued) DD on, 1473 EDrmion oF 1 Nov 65 ts OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) Several tidal datums of practical importance are described. Sources of detailed information are identified. Difficulties associated with surveys which extend over a wide range of latitude and eleva- tion are discussed. Statistical characteristics of the astronomical tides at various U.S. ports are investigated and documented with graphs and tables. The distribution function for astronomical tidal heights is found to be nearly symmetric at many stations. At many other continental tide stations, the astro- nomical tide remains above mean sea level (MSL) more than half the time, but departs farther from MSL in a negative rather than in a positive direction. At Honolulu, Hawaii, the predicted tide is below the MSL more than half the time and positive departures are larger than negative departures. A technical glossary and supplementary tables are included. 2 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) PREFACE This report is published to provide engineers with a ready reference to information about tidal datums and tide characteristics, and to provide information about the statistical distribution of astronomical tidal heights which can be used in setting and measuring the elevation of proposed engineering works or combined with similar statistics for storm surges and tsunamis to estimate the probability of extreme water levels. The work was carried out under the coastal engineering research program of the U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC). This report is one of a series of reports to be published to form a Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM), The report was prepared by Dr. D. Lee Harris, formerly Chief, Coastal Oceanography Branch, and Senior Scientist in the Research Division, now with the Coastal and Oceano- graphic Engineering Department, University of Florida. The study could not have been carried out without the active support of C. Thurlow and other members of the Oceanog- raphy Division, National Ocean Survey (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration (NOAA). Dr. R.M. Berry, NOS, was also extremely helpful in preparing the section dealing with the International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD). Many co-op students, including K. Quest, G. Grove, and L. Deskins, participated in the preparation of the graphs and tables. C. Miller of CERC assisted in the computational aspects of the study; W.G. Grosskopf com- pleted the computer program and made the final calculations presented in the report. R.A. Jachowski, Chief, Coastal Design Criteria Branch, was the CEM project monitor for the report. Comments on this publication are invited. Approved for publication in accordance with Public Law 166, 79th Congress, approved 31 July 1945, as supplemented by Public Law 172, 88¢4 Congress, approved 7 November 1963. ELAS 4 L T ED E. BISHOP Colonel, Corps of Engineers Commander and Director II Till IV VI Vil CONTENTS P. CONVERSION FACTORS, U.S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (S])_ ... <0 SYMBOLSAND DEBINIRIONS sie ci-heich i-teieoleeaea anion 10 INTRODUCTION) yor Foo tuennaen One cate eect ue nea er on mene 13 DESCRIPTION OF THERECORDS ................... 15 1 Astronomical Tidess go. ccc koek sc ve cones) |e) arene nar 15 2: Water Level 'Records\:5 JN. Cava a! ov sis ements Cee ROne RE 18 3. Tide Observations and Tide Record Analysis ............ 21 4, Perturbations in Tide Records with Periods Much Longer Than the Tidal Period) 3, jc... uc haie® akin shia ee ace a ee 21 THE TIDE PREDICTION EQUATION ....... RUM eRe re IA 2 24 i's. Dhevhide Generation’ Horce 1.00 yee ee eee eee 26 2. The Declination of the Sun and Moon ................ 30 3. Interaction of Solar and Lunar Tides ................ 32 4. Net; Variation in Tidal)Range) in5 jess -iserouen ite) en nein 32 5. nShallow: Water Tides, 4 sone. shihs 4 oucl avcee 8 Me ae 33 6. Classical Harmonic Constituents of the Tide ............ 34 7. MidevAnalyses; <.jde. ssn aye syechpen hey eile emis ts eae coca aie ae 35 TIDAL: DATUMS! ti) 2290 POMS SMR SAIS COLE Severn eet ae SO 1. The National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) .......... 38 2. Tidal Datum) Bench, Marks) (3047.0 Wa) is a ee 40 SPECIAL DATUMS FOR THE GREAT LAKES ............. 46 I! Barly Great Lakes Datums 3 )) 5 sities one eee ooo eee 46 2!) The! Definitionyof Elevation). career ce cae 50 3. The International Great Lakes Datum (1955) ............ 52 LONG—TERM VARIATION IN MEAN SEA LEVEL .......... 53 1, Explanation) of Sea\Level Trendsiity -a5 eet eie- me enen ne 58 2. Conclusions and Recommendations ................-- 59 3. Data Sources for Detailed Studies .................-.- 59 STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREDICTED TIDE ...... 61 1... Introduction}. ow a eke cen USNs fa Sorel es eae erences 61 on hide Hy Grograpisy js. 07) 2) /. ‘sseyatiusce evs; Alan isuncl tense noua cae 61 3. Graphs Displaying Other Tide Characteristics ............ 62 4. Tide Probability Graphs ......... sitet Goth ll ela eames 66 5. Probability Tables for Astronomical Tides ............. 70 CONTENTS—Continued Vill APPLICATION OF THE TIDE PROBABILITY TABLES ........ Example/Problems)vay...0 “yop chara orc igor hoe ere eee IX SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................ Recommendations for Revision of the Probability Tables ...... LITERATURE CERED® secrecy (of cristiee mee deen carey he arbitrary cumulative probability functions SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS—Continued index of tide type; R > 1.50 corresponds to a diurnal tide, 0.25 < R < 1.50 corresponds to a mixed tide, and R < 0.25 corresponds to a semidiurnal tide equation radius of the Earth distance between an arbitrary point, P, in or on the surface of the Earth and the center of the Moon or Sun cos Z, in deviation of equation (9) distance between the center of the Earth and the center of the Moon or Sun average value of d d-d node factor needed to adjust the standard value of Ans to the proper value for a specified year acceleration of gravity geometric height above datum tide elevation at time t a tidal height whose probability is wanted mean water level referred to any identified datum tidal height at station s, year y, and time t lowest tabulated value of h > he highest tabulated value of h < he are at integers 1, 2, 3,... or a sequence of them masses of two attracting bodies in the universal law of gravitation summation index SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS—Continued p(y) probability that ¥ = y + Ay Pi» Poo P3 arbitrary probability density functions s subscript indicating station t time X,Y, Z arbitrary variables y subscript indicating year y(t) tidal height at time t ae tidal height in an estuary Yo tidal height in the ocean zZ angle between the lines connecting the center of the Earth to an arbitrary point, P, in the Earth or the Earth’s surface, and the center of the Moon or Sun a ratio a/d in deriving equation (9); running index in equation (25) On phase of the n@h tide constituent at t = 0 Kns phase of the nth tide constituent at station s, when t = 0 My equilibrium argument of the né constituent of the tide for the year, y p density of matter 0 standard deviation on frequency of the nth tide constituent ) arbitrary frequency (Sec. III); latitude (Sec. V) én phase of the nth constituent of the tide (Sec. III) w arbitrary frequency (Sec. III); frequency of the Earth’s rotation (Sec. V) TIDES AND TIDAL DATUMS IN THE UNITED STATES by D.L. Harris I. INTRODUCTION The coastal engineer must often measure the depth of the water or the height of the land near the shore. A reference point which can be used as the zero in making these measurements is essential. If the sea surface were level, and its position relative to the land were constant in time, the choice of a reference point would be simple—depths would be measured below and heights above the waterline. The sea surface, however, is not level and its elevation is not constant in time. The sea surface rises and falls once or twice daily in response to the varying gravitational attraction by the Sun and Moon. Irregular changes due to the action of the wind and atmospheric pressure are generally continuous. Violent changes occasionally occur in response to seismic disturbances; very slow changes occur in response to subsidence or emergence of the land, changes in the volume of the ocean or the shape of the Earth, and other unidentified causes. Thus, if the zero of the vertical scale is based on the elevation of the sea surface, it is necessary to use some statistical value such as the mean water level. Moreover, the mean must be referred to a fixed interval of time. The expression “tidal datum plane” has been widely used as a reference for the vertical scale based on tide records. This practice appears to have encouraged many engineers to use reference datums as planes in many situations where this was not justified. Therefore, this expression is now looked on with disfavor (Mitchell, 1969, p. 21). The preferred term is tidal datum or tidal datums. Several tidal datums are in common use. Others have been used in the past or proposed for use in the future. Each datum has been introduced for a specific purpose and has often been used for other purposes without a full understanding of how well it might satisfy this secondary use. A limited use of several of these datums will be necessary before an adequate base has been established for a rigorous definition. The variability of sea level must be considered in a variety of problems. In international law, national sovereignty is determined from the mean low water (MLW) line. In many States, the seaward limit of private property is determined by the mean high water (MHW) line. The elevation of the extremely low water levels is often critical for navigation. The elevation of extremely high water levels is critical for the design of coastal powerplants and flood protection procedures. The theory of sea level changes is not so highly developed that satisfactory predictions can be obtained without observations. The density of observations is not great enough in either space or time to permit satisfactory interpretation without the use of theory. Thus, an awareness of many of the physical processes which produce changes in sea level is 13 necessary to make full use of the available information about sea level variability or the elevation of land surfaces referenced to a tidal datum. This report examines astronomical tides from an engineering standpoint, defines widely used tidal datums based on tide records, and presents tide statistics. Many features of water level records must be identified in the coastal zone that are not due to astronomical tides. The causes of these other phenomena are not examined in detail, but a few references are given for additional study. Other reports in the Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM) series will discuss the two major nonastronomical causes for sea level variability—storm surges and tsunamis. Tsunamis are discussed in Camfield (1980). A description of astronomical tide phenomena and water level records which illustrate astronomical tides and nontidal phenomena that affect the water level near the coast are presented in Section II. An introduction to the classical basis for tide prediction, used by the National Ocean Survey (NOS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and tide prediction services of other nations is presented in Section III. The newer concepts of tide analysis, based on the application of an admittance function (Munk and Cartwright, 1966; Zetler, Cartwright, and Munk, 1970; Godin, 1976), are not discussed in this report because these concepts are not yet used in the United States for official tide predictions. | Tidal datums are described in Section IV, with particular attention given to the distinction between the often confused datums of mean sea level (MSL) and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, formerly called the Sea Level Datum of 1929. Sources of information about tidal datums and sample bench-mark indexes and descriptions are also identified. The establishment of datums near large inland water bodies at a significant elevation above MSL presents special problems. As a result of the increasing strength of the gravitational vector from the Equator to the poles, the distance between two level surfaces (defined as normal to the gravitational vector) decreases from the Equator to the poles. This factor must be accounted for in assigning a single elevation value to the equilibrium surface of a lake with a large extent in the north-south direction. Two systems of elevation adjustments are widely used; both systems and their application to the establishment of datums in the Great Lakes region are discussed in Section V. Variations in sea level relative to the land over periods longer than a year are discussed in Section VI. Although these changes are small within a year, their cumulative effects during the lifetime of many engineering structures can be significant. Long-term changes in mean water level can result from the withdrawal of subsurface water or minerals from the ground, increased loading of the ground by dams, deposition of sediment, or from long-term changes in the shape of the Earth. Even when the proximate cause of past changes in sea level relative to land is known, predictions of future changes cannot be made with great confidence. Several statistical characteristics of astronomical tides, such as the diurnal, monthly, annual, and predictable long-term variations in tidal heights are presented in Section VII. Some applications of these statistical data are discussed in Section VIII. Section IX provides a few recommendations for improving the statistical data in any revision of this work. Many technical terms used in the study of tides and tidal datums are defined in Appendix A. Statistical data described in Sections VII and VIII for all NOS reference stations and a few other locations are presented in Appendix B. Auxiliary tables needed for the full use of the tables included in Appendix B are given in Appendix C. Il. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECORDS 1. Astronomical Tides. Several important features of the astronomical tide are shown by the record in Figure 1. This record appears as a series of nearly sinusoidal oscillations with an average period near 12 hours and 25 minutes. Note that the amplitude of these oscillations varies from one to the next and that the average range of any two successive tide waves rises and falls with a cycle of about 2 weeks. If a much longer period of record were shown, a cycle with a period near 29 days would also be discernible. The largest amplitudes coincide approximately with the time of a new Moon and a full Moon. The lowest amplitudes occur when the Moon is in first or third quarter. There is an approximate reproduction of the curve after periods of 14.5 and 29 days; i.e., periods of % and 1 full lunar month. Letters and symbols (in Fig. 1) indicating significant events (discussed in Sec. III) in the lunar orbit have been placed on the eraph (record). Lines connecting alternate highs and alternate lows have been drawn in the figure to show that the semidiurnal wave of greatest amplitude near N has become the wave of least amplitude near S. Both waves have nearly the same amplitude near E. The tidal curve in Figure 1 shows a classical semidiurnal tide. This tide behavior is the most common type along the U.S. Atlantic coast, and much American tide lore seems to have been derived with this type of tide phenomena in mind. Tidal curves, however, may have many other shapes. Astronomical tides for January 1963 at five locations are shown in Figure 2. These curves have been normalized with respect to maximum range for each sta- tion to show the shape of the various curves rather than the relative range of the tide at each location. Curve A for New York, New York, is another example of a semidiurnal tide. The two highs and two lows of each tidal day, approximately 24 hours and 50 minutes, are more nearly equal than in curves B, C, and D. Curve E for Pensacola, Florida, is a typical example of a diurnal tide. Only one high and one low are clearly discernible for each lunar day. The other curves illustrate intermediate types of tide. 5 MHW AA AANA) SN i MSL te 17 2 25 Days Figure 1. Tide predictions for Boston, Massachusetts, January 1963; predicted mean range 2.92 meters (9.58 feet). Note that the envelope of alternate high and alternate low tides, which shows the greatest range in the first part of the month, indicates the lesser range during the latter part of the month. Letters and symbols above the curves are: K= Moon above Equator; P= Moon in perigee; A= Moon in apogee; N = Moon farthest north of Equator; S = Moon farthest south of Equator; © = Moon in first quarter; ® = Moon in third quarter; O = full Moon; @ = new Moon. AAMAWAAAAAVATLMAEAAAAAAAAM A EU a 13 \7 B. Key Westf, Fla. MLW Tre jerry 2i (C. Port Townsend Wash. Hoh AAAI AAAN A A A AANA al ee 13 17 2! D. St. Petersburg, Fla. So URINE ee eee aU ION ON eas VATA ATV ATA AVA TVV UV VV V Ve 13 17 E. Pensacola, Fla. MHW MSL MLW Figure 2. Predicted tidal curves at five locations for January 1963, showing various astronomical tides. Two highs and two lows during each tidal day can be recognized in curves B and C for Key West, Florida, and Point Townsend, Washington, respectively. The amplitude of consecutive tide waves are very unequal, except for short periods near 15 and 30 January in curve B. Tidal curves of this type are called mixed tides. Curve D for St. Petersburg, Florida, is intermediate between the mixed and diurnal types. Two distinct, unequal lows and highs are recognizable on most days, but there are several days when one tide wave vanishes, however, the tide appears to stand for a time at an intermediate value between the daily high and low, although only one distinct high and low can be identified. This phenomenon is often called a vanishing tide. The tidal range is generally low where these tides occur in the eastern United States, and there has been some confusion about a proper method for treating tidal datums where a vanishing tide occurs (discussed in Sec. IV). The prediction procedure discussed in Section III will predict the variety of tidal curves shown in Figure 2. The theoretical discussion provides an explanation for this behavior. Discussions of tidal theory have shown that both water level observations and theoretical considerations are essential for satisfactory tide predictions. Water level records, even in the ocean, are affected by phenomena other than the astronomical tide. These other effects must be identified in the records (which also show astronomical tides) and removed from the water level record to define the astronomical tide. Often these other phenomena alone are of significant engineering interest. 2. Water Level Records. Tracings from several U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) (now NOS) standard tide gage records are shown in Figure 3. The Portsmouth, Virginia, trace, obtained from a harbor well inland from the open sea, is relatively smooth, but a nontidal perturbation, presumably due to the wind, is indicated by an arrow above the curve near 0000, 13 August 1955. The trace from Atlantic City, New Jersey, was obtained as a tropical storm passed to the east of the station. The predicted tide has been added for comparison. The tide gage at Atlantic City is located near the end of the Steel Pier in the open ocean. Thus, with an exceptionally open exposure, and in spite of the use of a stilling well, wind waves make a significant contribution to the record. Several small oscillations with periods of 5 to 30 minutes are also clearly apparent. These short-period oscillations, but not the wind waves, are prominent in the trace obtained at Little Creek, Virginia. Figure 4 presents a different type of tide disturbance. All three of these records include water level disturbances, commonly called tsunamis, which are produced by undersea earthquakes. Note that the large amplitude tsunamis have periods of less than 1 hour, but the larger storm surges have periods of several hours. Disturbances with periods of 10 to 60 minutes and ranges of less than 1 foot may be produced by either tsunamis or meteorological phenomena. Figures 3 and 4 were taken from analog records of the tides to show examples of perturbations which actually occur in tide records. Tides, tsunamis, and storm surges cover 18 18 20 22 2 4 6 Ce lOi2n mI4eouGeuleh 20) 122 2 1 E4 68 ON 2 4 6 <— || Aug. 12 Aug. LINN) § ae Portsmouth , Va. 12-13 Aug. 1955 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ; SS 4 Sept. 18 8e98 —<$— $e Atlantic City, N.J. 14-15 Sept. 1944 Scale 18 20 22 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 <— || Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Me), << Little Creek , Va. [2-3 Aug. (955 Figure 3. Tracings from tide gage records. 19 Tide Gage Record Showing Tsunami LOS ANGELES (BERTH 60), CALIFORNIA 23-24 May 1960 Approx. Hours G.MT. 10 11 212 13 14 #15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 O Tide Gage Record Showing Tsunami ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA Approx. Hours G.M.T. 23-24 May 1960 1418 16 «17: «18 «19 2 2 22 2 +O 1 +—— Gage Limit Tide Gage Record Showing Tsunami HILO, HAWAII 23-24 May 1960 Approx. Hours G.M.T. EN. RL AC e 9 10 1 Figure 4. Sample tide records showing tsunamis (after Symons and Zetler, 1960). 20 similar ranges in amplitude. The periods of tsunamis are always much shorter than tidal periods. The periods of storm effects overlap the periods of both tsunamis and astronomical tides but are less regular. Most of the instruments which record analog records have since been replaced as standard instruments by digital gages which record the tide on a punched paper tape at 6-minute intervals. 3. Tide Observations and Tide Record Analysis. Standard tide records are routinely analyzed by tabulating the time and height of each high and low astronomical tide and each hourly value. Most tide records compiled by the NOS are used for defining tidal datums and the harmonic constants used for tide prediction. Thus, a systematic analysis procedure is required for all records. Detailed instructions for tide gage operation and data analysis are given in a manual published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (1965). According to this manual “... the general trend of the curve, rather than the individual peaks ....” are to be considered in tabulating highs, lows, and hourly values. Thus, perturbations with periods of 2 hours or less should be smoothed in determining the high and low waters and hourly values. Perturbations with periods of several hours, such as that shown in the record for Atlantic City (Fig. 3), are included in the tabulations. It is necessary to filter short-period oscillations with periods less than 2 hours from the hourly records because they cannot be properly represented, and including them in the record would lead to errors in determining the harmonic constants used for tide prediction. To include the effects of storm surges with durations exceeding 2 hours in the records would facilitate the determination of the extreme high and low water level, and because large storm surges are not common or very regular, it would introduce no more than a trivial error in the determination of harmonic constants. Barbee (1965) presents an additional discussion of the more recent types of tide gages adopted by the NOS. An average of all hourly tidal heights in a given month is taken as the average sea level for that month. A 12-month average is taken as the average sea level of the year. 4, Perturbations in Tide Records with Periods Much Longer Than the Tidal Period. Tide records include many perturbations with small amplitudes and periods much longer than those of the astronomical tide. These perturbations are more easily recognized if the astronomical tides are removed from the record by some type of numerical filter. The most effective filtering process is to subtract the predicted astronomical tide from the observed tide. The difference between the observed average daily sea level (average of the 24 hourly values) and the predicted daily mean at five tide stations is plotted in Figure 5. The differences between the observed and predicted tides along the Atlantic and gulf coasts tend to be less variable from May to September than during the remainder of the year. The positive difference between observed and predicted mean daily sea level for the year results from a slow rise in mean water level relative to the land, that is neglected in tide predictions. Figure 6 illustrates the annual cycle of sea level and the yearly variability in this cycle. Each plotted point represents the average tide departure from the established local sea level 2| (6S6T ‘steH) LS6T Ut suoHes opp SOROSN p2}09]9s 1OJ onjea poyorpoid oy} woI TSW ATep paasesqo sy} yo aimjredaq -c am3ryq ‘930 ‘gad “NV testi - Agel inl We? NO1S313VHD = ar, ale Pa I- a HO 43389 31L1N 4 \ AW QO Agave =] <= | M_. [| A ca i) 0 INIOd $1374 pe (2 ii BLE Titans eh ae A il | Eastport re Portland Boston Newport eee Cedar Keys ==3] Pensacola Galveston # Port Isabel Figure 6. Observed monthly MSL at USC&GS Atlantic coast tide stations, 1930-40 (Harris, 1963). datum (in use in 1963) for a period of 1 month. The local sea level has been established for some earlier time periods as discussed in Section IV, and the sea is rising, relative to the land, in this area. Thus, the mean of the observed record lies slightly above the established local MSL. The vertical bars plotted above the curves indicate months in which hurricanes passed near the tide gage. In general, the official local sea level datum differs from the NGVD (discussed later) and the observed MSL of the period shown in the figure. Perturbations in sea level with periods longer than 1 year are shown in Figure 7. A general trend for rising sea leveis, relative to the land, is clearly evident at Honolulu, Hawaii, and Cristobal, Canal Zone; a trend toward falling sea levels, relative to the land, is shown for Yakutat, Alaska. The means for individual years meander above and below the trend line in an erratic fashion. The accepted explanations for the secular trends in sea level at these and other tide stations are discussed in Section VI. The sample tide graphs presented in this section show a variety of phenomena that were not well known to the scientists who developed the tidal theory (Sec. III) or the engineering definitions (Sec. IV). These examples, however, give useful background information concerning the phenomena which must be considered later in this report. 23 TIME ( yr ) 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Yoakutat , Alaska 20 15 HEIGHT (em) SCALE (cm) Honolulu, Hawaii Cristobol , Canal Zone Figure 7. Change in sea level with respect to adjacent land for Yakutat, Alaska, Honolulu, Hawaii, and Cristobal, Canal Zone (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1974). Ill. THE TIDE PREDICTION EQUATION The astronomical tide results primarily from the interaction of the gravitational fields of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. The gravitational tide-generating force can be expressed, with any desired accuracy, as the sum of a number of periodic terms, determined from the astronomical parameters pertaining to the orbit of the Moon around the Earth, and the 24 orbits of Earth and Moon around the Sun. The response of the sea to this force cannot be determined solely from first principles. Good predictions, however, can generally be obtained from equations of the form h(t) = hg + 2 Ancos (ont - On) (1) where h(t) = tidal height at time, t On = frequencies determined from theory An = amplitudes = phases determined partly from theory and partly from measurements = height of the local MSL datum above the datum of reference os nd The rotation of the Earth about the Sun and the Moon about the Earth gives rise to primary variations in the tide-generating force with periods near | day and near 12 hours. The amplitude of these oscillations is modulated by the variation in direction and distance of the selected point on the Earth’s surface from the center of the Moon and the center of the Sun. The most prominent periods in the modulating terms are near 1 lunar month and 1 solar year. Interaction between these oscillations leads to other prominent periods near 2 weeks and near 19 years. Several of the more prominent astronomical periods, important for tide prediction, are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Astronomical periods affecting the tides (Schureman, 1941; Doodson and Warburg, 1941). Phenomenon Astronomical period @ Sidereal day (with respect to fixed stars) 0.997270 Lunar day (with respect to the Moon) 1.035050 Nodical month (north-south cycle) 27.212220 Tropical month (vernal equinox) 27.321582 Anomalistic month (perigee to perigee, distance) |} 27.554550 Synodical month (phases of the Moon) 29.530588 Eclipse year (with respect to the lunar orbit) 346.620 Tropical year (vernal equinox) 365.242 Anomalistic year (distance) 365.259 Revolution of lunar perigee Revolution of Moon’s node (ecliptic) Saros cycle (recurrence of eclipses) Metonic cycle (recurrence of lunar phases) Revolution of solar perigee 209 centuries 25 The effect of astronomical periods longer than 1 year can be accounted for by regarding An and ©, as the sum of a mean value and a perturbation with a period on the order of 9 to 19 years. Thus, the practical prediction equation may be expressed in the form hys(t) = ho + = fny Ans cos (ont - Pny - Kns) (2) where hys(t) is the tide at station, s, during year, y, at time, t; Ans and Kngs are standardized amplitudes and phases for a particular location; and fny and vpy modify the amplitudes and phases for the particular year. The parameters fny, called the “node factor” and Pry, called the “equilibrium argument,” are determined from astronomical theory. Derivations and tabulations of yearly values for the period 1900 to 2000 are given by Schureman (1941). The subscript y indicates that the parameter may change yearly but is independent of location. The combined parameters fnyAns and (Yny + Kns) are determined from the analysis of tide records. A period of 369 days is generally chosen for analysis. The theoretically determined fny and vyny are then eliminated from the empirically derived factors to obtain Ans and Kns. The subscript s indicates that these parameters depend on the location of the tide station. The subscript n is a summation index. After the parameters fny, Ans» On; bry and Kns have been determined, equation (2) can be used for tide prediction without additional consideration of the theory of tides. The following discussion of the tide generation forces is not essential in understanding the remainder of this report; however, it provides an understanding of tide phenomena, useful in the interpretation of tide records, when no tide predictions are available. Derivations are given only to the extent that they provide insight for physical processes or mathematical techniques. Several references are cited to provide greater detail in the study of tidal theory. Most derivations are based on Schureman (1941). The discussion of shallow-water tides is based on Doodson and Wareburg (1941). 1. The Tide Generation Force. Every particle of the Earth is subject to the gravitational fields of the Sun and Moon as well as the gravitational field of the Earth. This attractive force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the particle and the center of the distant attracting body. The universal law of gravitational attraction between any two bodies may be stated as Gm,m = iVeamn2, Fg = ‘waza (3) The gravitational force of the Earth for mass m;, may be obtained from equation (3) by letting Fg equal gm), d equal the radius of the Earth, a, where g is the gravitational acceleration of the Earth at the surface, and mg equals the mass of the Earth, E. Solving the resulting expression for G_ yields: Ca (4) By substitution from equation (4) for G into equation (3), letting M equal M2 be the mass of the Moon or Sun, and d the distance between their centers, the law which governs the gravitational force between them may be stated as 0D : where F is the tide-generating force per unit mass. The forces responsible for tide generation can be visualized in Figure 8: let C be the center of the attracting body, Sun or Moon, O the center of the Earth, and P an arbitrary point at a distance r from the center of the Earth, and z the angle COP. The force along line OC attracting a unit mass at the center of the Earth to the other body is given by 2M Foc = Pg (4) E (6) The force along line PC attracting a unit mass at P to the other body is given by fre = v6 (#) ¥ (2) Figure 8. Force diagram for the generation of astronomical tides (after Schureman, 1941). The vector difference between the forces described by equations (6) and (7) is the tide-generating force. To compute this difference, it is necessary to resolve the forces into components along a common set of axes. The most useful axes are defined by line OP, directed toward the center of the Earth, a line directed north-south and a line directed east-west in the plane, orthogonal to OP which passes through point P. The component of the tide-generating force, directed along a line normal to the surface of the Earth, acts only to cause a slight change in the effective value of g by about +0.0002 of the mean value. This perturbation in the effective gravitational attraction is too small to have any practical effect. The component of the tide-generating force normal to the Earth’s 27 radius is almost unopposed by other forces and produces an acceleration toward the sublunar point or the subsolar point; i.e., toward the point on the surface of the Earth at which the Moon or Sun is directly overhead. A similar analysis, carried out for a point on the opposite side of the Earth from the Moon or Sun would reveal a force which causes an acceleration toward the nadir of the Moon or Sun. Schureman (1941) shows that this horizontal component of the tide-generating force per unit mass, Fn, is given by Maz. sin Z E 2 2 13/2 d h- 2 (3) cosz+ (3) | Equation (8) applies to particles of the solid Earth and the atmosphere as well as to the waters of the sea. The magnitude of the Earth tides, as the tides in the solid Earth are called, are several orders of magnitude smaller than the sea tides, but they can be measured in Ena) &; - sinz (8) subterranean observatories (Melchior, 1966). Atmospheric tides are more readily measured ‘than Earth tides, but are about an order of magnitude smaller than the periodic changes in pressure due to solar heating and very much smaller than the changes due to traveling storm systems. Earth tides and atmospheric tides rarely, if ever, have any importance to coastal engineers and are not discussed here in any greater detail. In equation (8), r is replaced by a, the mean radius of the Earth, in all subsequent developments. The binomial theorem can be used to convert the fraction in equation (8) into a power series in a/d. Since a/d is approximately 1.67 X 10°? for the Earth-Moon system, and 4.26 X 10°° for the Earth-Sun system, only the first few terms of the series are needed. Thus, h a) 2 @) cosz + alee = Ilse} (3) COS Z * (3) (i) (Scost 2-1) +... (9) Substitution from equation (9) into equation (8) yields: 3 Fn = eae) E cos 2+ 34 (5 cos? 2 - 1)| sin Z (10) Equation (9) is derived from equation (8) by: (a) rewriting equation (8) in the form 2 Fn = ome [a- 2ca + oz) ma? = i sin z (11) where a = a/dandc=cosz. 28 (b) expanding (1 - ca + a? ) 3/2 by the binomial theorem to obtain wel. 2] 13) © 2]? 1 3 |. 2cata + BO [-2ca+a BP plon ion Oui. (e 213 B} “ay op [-2ca+ o?| ate (12) (c) collecting powers of a to obtain 3 5 1 + 3ca + 3 [502-1] G2 abo [703 - 3c | 03 ee (13) Since a = a/d < 1.67 X 10°”, terms in a® may be neglected in comparison with a. Substituting the above expression into (a) and neglecting terms in a? yield: Dp = = fe {3(4) COS Z +3 (3) [5 cos? z - i} sin Z (14) Collecting terms in a/d yields equation (9). Trignometric identities may be used to convert the products of trignometric functions into sums of trignometric functions, with arguments which are sums and differences of the original arguments, to obtain Fn = eo al [sin 27eF 75 cos? z Sainz (15) Note that the tide-generating force is the horizontal component of the difference between the gravitational force of the Moon or Sun at the center of the Earth and the gravitational force of the same body at the surface of the Earth. Equations (10) and (15) show that this force is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance between the Earth and the other heavenly body. This explains why the Earth is affected more by the gravitational force of the Sun than the gravitational force of the Moon, but is affected by the tide-generating force of the Moon more than by the tide-generating force of the Sun. No other astronomical body exerts a significant tide-generating force on the Earth. The distances between the Earth and Sun and Moon are periodic variables. By expressing these in the form dla (=) (16) 29 where d is the mean distance, and d’ the deviation from the mean, the binomial theorem can be used to convert the variable part of the denominator in equation (15) into a power series in d’/d. Thus, a3 = 43 fi-s ee 6 (¥) BN d d a ' \2 a4 = a4 fp-4($)+ 10 (4) ae d d The term d/d is a quasi-periodic function, whose amplitude for the Earth-Moon system (17) varies from approximately 0.04 to 0.07 with an average value of 0.055. For the Earth-Moon system, the amplitude of this term is about 0.017. Thus, only the first two terms of equation (17) need to be considered. The period of the variation in distance is the anomalistic year of 365.259 solar days for the Sun and the anomalistic month of 27.554550 solar days for the Moon. The slightly higher tidal ranges when the Moon is nearest the Earth are called perigean tides. The slightly lower tidal ranges when the Moon is farthest from the Earth are called apogean tides. The effect of the variable distance from Earth to Sun is much smaller and does not often receive any special recognition. Trignometric identities can be used to combine the trignometric expressions arising from the variability of distance with the trignometric functions which depend on the angle z. The angle z is obviously a function of the latitude of P, and the hour angle which results from the Earth’s rotation beneath the Sun and Moon. It is also a function of the declination of the Sun and Moon. The importance of these latter factors is further explained below. 2. The Declination of the Sun and Moon. It is well known that the equatorial plane of Earth is inclined to the plane of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun by an angle of 23°27’. Asa result, the Sun appears to be directly above the Equator at the vernal equinox, 23°27’ north of the Equator at the summer solstice, above the Equator again at the autumnal equinox, and 23°27’ south of the Equator at the winter solstice. Figure 9 shows that the high point of the tidal bulge due to the Sun will be north of the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere by day and south of the Equator by night near the summer solstice. The tidal bulge due to the Sun is centered over the Equator at the equinoxes. Thus, the contribution of the Sun to the two daily tidal bulges will be nearly equal in both hemispheres near the times of the equinoxes when the Sun is above the Equator. When the Sun is near the northern or southern limits of its orbit as seen from the Earth, a fixed point on the tidal bulges which it produces in each hemisphere will be unequal. 30 Figure 9. Tide-producing forces. The arrows represent the magnitude and direction of the horizontal component of the tide-producing force on the Earth’s surface: A—when the Moon is in the plane of the Equator, the forces are equal in magnitude at the two points on the same parallel of latitude and 180° apart in longitude; B—when the Moon is at north (or south) declination, the forces are unequal at such points and tend to cause an inequality in the two high waters and the two low waters of a day (Bowditch, 1958). It is not so widely known that the plane of the lunar orbit is inclined to the plane of the terrestrial orbit by an angle of 5°8’. Thus, the Moon may appear to be as much as 5°8’ north or south of the Sun. If the Moon appears to be 5°8' north of the Sun near the summer solstice when the Sun appears to be 23°27’ north of the Equator, the Moon will appear to be 23°27' + 5°8' or 28°35’ north of the Equator. This would correspond to a time of maximum inequality between the two daily semidiurnal tides. If the Moon appears to be 5°8' south of the Sun when the Sun is 23°27’ north of the Equator, the Moon will be only 18°19’ north of the Equator. Although this corresponds to the maximum diurnal equality of the fortnight, the inequality will be less than for the case when both Sun and Moon are near the most northern part of their orbits. The Moon, like the Sun, appears to be over the Equator twice within each north-south cycle, which for the Moon consists of 27.212220 solar days. This period is called an anomalistic month. When the Moon is above the Equator, the two tidal bulges each day due to the Moon are nearly equal in each hemisphere. The maximum inequalities in the tides occur on or near the days on which the Moon is at the northern or southern extremes of its orbit. The complete lunar orbit of the Earth, measured with respect to the vernal equinox requires the slightly longer tropical month of 27.321582 solar days. The two nearly equal tidal bulges which occur when the Sun is over the Equator are called equatorial tides. The unequal bulges which coincide with the northern and southern limits of the lunar orbit are called tropical tides. The functions of z, required by equation (15), can be expanded as a polynomial of trignometric functions depending on the periods discussed above. These polynomials can be converted into simple sums of trignometric functions by the repetitive use of trignometric identities or the binomial theorem. These expansions yield two sets of trignometric functions, one depending on the Moon and the other on the Sun. A few terms are common to both series. 3| 3. Interaction of Solar and Lunar Tides. The most prominent modulation of the tidal range is that associated with the phase of the Moon as shown in Figure 10. When the Sun and Moon are generally in line as at new Moon or full Moon, the tide-generating forces of the Sun and Moon are in phase. The two results are additive and the resulting tides are called spring tides. When the Sun and Moon are separated by about 90° with respect to the Earth, as at the first and third quarters of the Moon, the tide-generating force of the Sun is in opposition to that of the Moon. The resulting smaller tides are.called neap tides. Spring and neap tides are sometimes referred to as syzygy tides and quadrature tides, respectively. al Spring or Syzygy Tides Spring or Syzygy Tides Earth Earth San Full Moon Neap or Quadrature Tides First Quarter ‘e Moon in Quadrature Last Quarter © Moon in Quadrature Figure 10. Spring and neap tides during a lunar month (after Schalowitz, 1964). 4. Net Variation in Tidal Range. The amplitudes of diurnal or semidiurnal tides are modulated by several factors: (a) Distance between Earth and Moon (apogee) (perigean or apogean tides). (b) Declination of Moon (equatorial or tropical tides). (c) Declination of the Sun (equinoctial or solstitial tides). (d) Phase of the Moon (spring (syzygy) or neap (quadrature) tides). The astronomical tides are higher than normal when perigean and spring tides are approximately in phase. The highest astronomical tides at many locations occur when there is a near coincidence of spring, perigean, and tropical tides. Wood (1978) discusses the coincidence of coastal flooding with perigean-spring tides and presents an extensive collection of data to show that flooding and coastal erosion tend to be more than normally severe when spring and perigean tides are in near coincidence. Wood suggests that the tide prediction equations should be expanded to a higher order of accuracy for those dates in which there is a near coincidence of spring and perigean tides. a2 5. Shallow-Water Tides. The astronomical tides generated in the deep ocean act (in general) like progressive waves as they travel across shallow parts of the continental shelves and into estuaries, where the tides are most important to man. Whenever the amplitude of the tide wave is of the same order of magnitude as the water depth, the crest of the wave travels more rapidly than the trough. As a result, the time interval from low water to high water in the upper reaches of an estuary is generally shorter than the time interval from high water to low water. The complete cycle from low water to high water to low water, however, remains unchanged. The asymmetry in wave speed results in a nonsymmetric wave shape which can be described in terms of trignometric functions by adding harmonics of the fundamental waves. If the original wave shape were sinusoidal with frequency w, the additional terms due to shallow water would have the form nw, where n= 2,3,4,... . The tide wave, however, is a composite of several trignometric terms of nearly the same frequency, and as a result, the structure of the shallow-water terms is complex. The principle can be illustrated, but not rigorously established, by considering the estuarine tide to be expressed as a power series of trignometric functions. Thus, if the open-sea tide could be expressed as Yo = Acos wt + B cos ¢t (18) where w and ¢ are arbitrary frequencies, the estuarine tide might be expressed in the form Yor a Ona Tava anyon tee (19) evaluated at a slightly later value of t. Note that y? has the form ye = A2 cos? wt + B? cos? gt + 2AB cos wt cos ot (20) Introduction of suitable trignometric identities yields: yz = me + B2) + uw cos 2wt + B? cos 2¢t) + AB [cos (w- ¢) t + cos(w+¢) t] (21) and y3 can be expanded in a similar way. This procedure can be extended to consider more irignometric terms in y,. The important principles to note are that the tide wave is distorted as the tide is propagated in shallow water. The resulting hydrograph can be described by introducing new trignometric functions whose frequencies are sums and differences of the frequencies used to describe the tide in the open sea. The fundamental frequencies to be considered in this expansion are those that correspond approximately to one or two cycles per day. 33 The number of trignometric terms needed to describe the astronomical tide varies with the location. More terms are needed where the tide must travel a great distance over shallow water than when the tide station is near the open sea. Additional terms may be needed to obtain an adequate representation when the tidal range is large rather than small. In the United States, 37 standard constituents are found to be adequate for most tide stations (Schureman, 1941). 6. Classical Harmonic Constituents of the Tide. Tidal constituents regularly used by the NOS, with their frequencies expressed as degrees per hour and the symbols normally associated with each, are given in Table 2. The symbols may be used to identify the frequency, amplitude, or phase of the constituent. Symbols with subscripts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 indicate the approximate number of cycles per tidal day; symbols without subscripts indicate periods much longer than 24 hours. Table 2. Tidal constituents commonly T Soar the National Ocean aa (NOS). 115.936 58.984 A quantitative definition of the type of tide (diurnal, semidiurnal, or mixed) may be expressed by A(K,) + A(O,) = K(M,) + AG) cou 34 where A(K;), A(O;), etc., represent the amplitude of constituents, such as Kj , O,. The type of tide is specified as semidiurnal, if R < 0.25, mixed, if 0.25 < R < 1.50 , and diurnal, if 1.50 < R The constituents identified by K, and Oj, in equation (22) are generally the dominant components of the diurnal tide; constituents identified by Mg and Sg generally indicate the largest components of the semidiurnal tide. Although the 37 terms listed in Table 2 are adequate for most tide stations in the United States, Zetler and Cummings (1967) have shown that 114 constituents are needed for Anchorage, Alaska. A similar number of constituents are needed to describe the tides at several European ports. 7. Tide Analyses. The harmonic constants of the tide, the amplitudes Ans, and the phases kns, of equation (2) must be determined empirically from the analysis of tide records. Until the early 1960’s, the constants had to be derived by combining the hourly tidal heights in special ways for each constituent or series of constituents as described by Schureman (1941). Harmonic constants, based on 369 days of tide observations and corrected for the influence of astronomical phenomena with longer periods, are generally used by tide prediction agencies of other nations for practical tide predictions. The probability that a significant error might result from the actual pattern of storms during the period of data analyzed does not appear very great (it apparently has not been given much attention). It is unlikely that a standard analysis would ever be based on a period which contains a major storm surge. Harris, Pore, and Cummings (1965) reported that a full set of coefficients could be obtained at one pass by a least squares analysis of the tide records for a period of 369 days in terms of the frequencies indicated by the theoretical analysis. At many locations, the water level variations near the coast frequently show a diurnal cycle due to land-sea breezes and annual and semiannual cycles due to seasonal changes in temperature and prevailing winds. It would be difficult, in the empirical analysis, to separate the average value of these meteorological cycles from the gravitational cycles with the same periods and there is little practical reason for doing so. Both the meteorological and gravitational cycles with periods of 1 day and 1 civil year (approximately an anomalistic year) may be properly called astronomical cycles as both are controlled by astronomical factors. The meteorological component of the annual cycle is generally much larger than the gravitational component. The harmonic constants for a tide station may be altered when the character of the channel between the tide station and the open sea is changed by dredging, silting, or 35 construction which modifies the free travel of waves from the open sea. Zetler and Cummings (1967) list the harmonic constants for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as determined from observations in 1946, 1952, and 1957. The amplitude of major constituents vary by about 4 to 8 percent of the minimum value, and phases vary by about 5° to 40°. Philadelphia has one of the longest, most constricted channels from the open sea of any U.S. port. The variability of the harmonic constants at Philadelphia is believed to be near an upper limit for the United States. Derivations by the tide prediction equation, in greater detail, are given by Schureman (1941), Doodson and Warburg (1941), Pillsbury (1956), Defant (1961), Dronkers (1964), Ippen (1966), and Godin (1972). IV. TIDAL DATUMS Mean sea level (MSL) was widely adopted as a primary datum many years ago on the assumption that it could be determined accurately and simply from the records of any reasonably well-exposed tide gage. The mean elevation of the sea surface is an equipotential surface by the definition of equipotential. In principle, it might be considered that MSL should be established by integrating the tide record over a long period. In practice, this is not only difficult but may be undesirable because tide records frequently contain irregularities of a local and nonperiodic nature due to meteorological effects and tsunamis (see Figs. 3 and 4). In addition, MSL determinations are based on the average of the hourly determinations of tide level. Disturbances of the type shown in Figures 3 and 4 have often been smoothed before tabulating the tide record. The ideal length of record to be considered is generally taken as about 19 years, partly to account for the cycles of 18 to 19 years in tidal amplitude and phase, but mostly to average out the more important meteorological effects. The existence of trends in the elevation of the sea relative to the land for periods longer than 19 years is not explicitly recognized in selecting a period of 19 years. The existence of long-period trends, however, is a major factor in requiring revisions of the official datums at intervals of about 25 years. The MSL must often be estimated when less than 19 years of data are available. An integral number of years should be used, if possible. If less than 1 year of data must be used, the preferred period is 29 days or a multiple of 29 days. Methods for minimizing the errors in short-period determinations of sea level are provided by Marmer (1951) and Swanson (1974). Briefly, their technique compares the available record for MSL or mean tide level with the same period of record at nearby stations with similar tide forms with a record duration of 19 years or longer, to identify any long period anomaly and to assume that any anomaly in the short record is the same as that at a station with long records. Marmer advocates transferring the mean tide level and the mean tide range; Swanson recommends separate comparisons for each datum of interest. If it is impractical to consider hourly values, a good approximation is provided by the half-tide level, sometimes called mean tide level (MTL). 36 The half-tide level is a tidal datum midway between MHW and MLW. The MTL may be above or below MSL by an amount which depends on the relative importance of the diurnal components of the tide. Several other datums are defined with respect to the tides (Fig. 11). Formal definitions are presented in Appendix A. Each datum is more suitable than MSL for a restricted class of problems, and all depend on the tidal range and the characteristic shape of the tidal curve. Corrections may be necessary to the observed data when these datums are determined from less than 19 years of record. 9 (d) Figure 11. Illustration of tidal datums (Los Angeles, California (Outer Harbor), Janurary 1973; mean range = 3.78 feet or 1.15 meters). The most important of these datums for most navigation-related activities are MLW for the Atlantic coast and mean lower low water (MLLW) for the Pacific coast, defined as the average height of the tide at low water or lower low water when all tides for a 19-year period are considered. MLLW is being adopted as the standard datum for all locations as NOS charts are revised (Swanson and Thurlow, 1979). When planning the development of land above MSL, the datums MHW and mean higher high water (MHHW) may be more useful than the low water datums. They are defined in a manner analogous to that used for MLW and MLLW and require similar corrections when based on short series of observations. The MHW or MHHW datums are often used to define the seaward limit of private property. The difference between MHW and MLW is called the mean range of the tide where the tides are semidiurnal. The difference between MHHW and MLLW is called the diurnal range or the great diurnal range of the tide. This is identical with the mean range for diurnal tides. The range of the tide may change drastically within short distances as shown in Figure 12. This is not an extreme example. Because the range of tide, and, consequently, the high and low water datums may vary greatly with short distances, measurements referred to these datums are not suitable for comparing elevations at different locations unless both comparisons are based on the same bench mark. 37 NOTE: THE CURVE BETWEEN POINTS 1S AN APPROXIMATION OF ACTUAL VALUES AND SHOULD BE USED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. ‘ : —— d MEAN TIDE LEVEL Fo} ts mt 3 a POINT Soe ne ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ral t wt wt 1 eas x z a * 2 st oh 2 et 4, -! . a z= a o 2 ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ¢ ' ' Figure 12. Relationship between NGVD and several tidal datums between Montauk and The Battery (Swanson, 1974). 1. The National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). A reference for comparing land elevations is often needed for locations near the coast where no tide observations are available and at interior locations where tide observations are impossible. By the mid-1920’s, several first-order leveling lines connecting the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and many tide gages on both coasts, had been surveyed. In first-order leveling, each line is surveyed at least twice, once in each direction, and the maximum allowable height difference in surveys is 4 millimeters per Vk or 0.017 feet per Vk, where k is distance measured in kilometers or statute miles (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1974; 1977b). These surveys consistently show sea level to be higher on the Pacific coast than on the Atlantic coast and higher in the north than in the south on both coasts. It seemed desirable to have the zero of the geodetic leveling net coincide with local MSL wherever both quantities were known. Thus, a general adjustment was made in 1929 in which it was assumed that the geodetic and local sea levels were equal to zero at 26 selected tide gages in the United States and Canada (Rappleye, 1932). The differences previously computed were treated as errors and were distributed over the network of observation points. The locations of the tide gages used are shown in Figure 13. The period of the observations from U.S. tide stations used in defining the reference datum and the height of 38 (ZE6T ‘eAatddey s013e) 6Z6T FO (CAON) wy [PoHI9A OMepoay [euoHEN oy SuTYystqeyso Ur posn suotyeys opt} Jo uoBoOT “ET omnstq 0012 a WW INIISNNY ‘1S AI YY0I9 YNIONYNYIS ene YIOIYSNId —IXOTI4 05310 NYS O40Id NYS $93038§ OISIINYYY NYS paziun XvdIIVH ae d TULYIS SILYOIYNY INIOd YFHLV4 YIANOINYA pponung 1u3dny JONIUd 39 MSL at all stations relative to Galveston, Texas, is given in Table 3. The reference datum defined in this manner was originally called the “Sea Level Datum of 1929.” The term “National Geodetic Vertical Datum” (NGVD) of 1929 was adopted in 1963, and is identified as MSL on many U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) charts and Corps of Engineers documents. It has been well established since 1929 that the elevation of the mean water level with respect to the land varies with time as a consequence of land subsidence and emergence and a slow redistribution of the waters of the Earth. Braaten and McCombs (1963) published a new determination of a geodetic datum of national scope based only on stations for which a series of 19 years of tide data was available. The variations in sea level revealed by this survey are shown in Figure 14. Some leveling lines in regions of known subsidence and suspected subsidence have been resurveyed many times since 1929. An example of a study of this type is given in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1973). New surveys of this type are based on elevations assigned to the more stable parts of the continent by the 1929 adjustment, and they lead to new determination of the elevations of bench marks in the subsiding or emerging areas. Thus, the elevation assigned to a specified bench mark may vary over a period of many years because of changes in the elevation of the solid surface of the Earth or changes in the mean elevation of the nearby surface of the sea. Shalowitz (1964), Dracup (1974), Berry (1976), and Plasker (1976) present histories of the development of geodetic networks in the United States. Dracup and Plasker describe plans for a new readjustment of the National Vertical Control Network scheduled for completion about 1982 or 1983. 2. Tidal Datum Bench Marks. Index maps of tidal datum bench marks and lists of the established references between the NGVD of 1929 and the local MSL are available for each State from NOS. Several maps are required for States with long coastlines. A sample index map and related index map numbers are shown in Figure 15 (a and b). Individual bench-mark sheets, describing two or more bench marks established near each tide observation point and the relation between the various tidal datums, are reported for each tide observation station. A sample of an NOS tidal bench-mark sheet is shown in Figure 16. A general trend toward rising sea levels, relative to the land (see Fig. 7), is evident along all of the U.S. coastline south of Alaska and in southern Alaska. As a result of this trend, the MSL datum changes with each new epoch used for defining tidal datums. The NGVD, however, is a fixed surface whose elevation does not vary with time, although elevations of fixed points (as referred to NGVD) may change. It is well established that the elevation of the Earth’s surface may rise or fall as a result of earthquakes or volcanic activity. The land surface in many areas has been sinking during this century as a result of the removal of petroleum, water, or other underground resources. Slow rises of the land surface also occur. The extent of these changes are measured by new determinations of the elevation of the land surface relative to the NGVD. This is accomplished through new surveys from regions which are believed to be more stable. 40 Table 3. Tide data used in establishing the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 (from Harris and Lindsay, 1957; Rappleye, 1932). Station Galveston, Tex. Biloxi, Miss. Pensacola, Fla. Cedar Key, Fla. St. Augustine, Fla. Fernandina, Fla. Brunswick, Ga. Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Annapolis, Md. Baltimore, Md. Atlantic City, N.J. Perth Amboy? Boston, Mass. Portland, Maine Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Halifax, Nova Scotia Father Point, Quebec* San Diego, Calif. San Pedro, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Fort Stevens, Oreg. Seattle, Wash. Anacortes, Wash. Vancouver, British Columbia Prince Rupert, British Columbia 1 Relative to Galveston, Texas. Period of record used 1 Dec. 1903 to 29 Nov. 1906 1882; 1884; 1896-98 1924-26 (compared with Key West) 1892-93 1892-93 1898-1923 (25 mo) 1904-05, 1908-09 1908-1915 1853-1878 Two 1l-month series 1875, 1888 1903-1921 1912-26 Aug. 1921 to July 1923 1915-25 1906-08 1924-25; 1927-28 1898-1913 1925-26 1899-1917 1 June 1921 to 31 May 1924 ee levation of local MSL! (m) (ft) 0.00 -0.30 -0.16 - 0.26 - 0.89 - 0.66 -0.52 - 0.46 -0.92 - 0.56 -0.59 +0.10 +0.03 +0.23 +0.39 +0.16 +0.26 +0.66 +1.08 +1.02 +1.12 +1.94 +1.57 +1.48 +1.64 +1.90 2No tide gage located on Perth Amboy; a bench-mark elevation was held as determined by leveling from the tide gage at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. 3Dates for the Canadian tide gage are unavailable. 4Pointe Au Pere. 4| | "| \ 3 " i \ \ i: LN ce 2 Ss oe Qe ose eC ea Se ee TREK : SS = E \ af \ } yer SS , \e : \ UE Lo eo ° mie Gee che Be v as OQ Be ee i ne el oe = oh > \ Neer | (i \ Q H M LIN ike AO SAY (KE hss vee cp ae \ \ i ¢2 a Y ee) ay SSE OTe EMS | e os i ii \ CHE ES REA AIA TR nee : eX ibs oY ca A Nes Pan a pee cle ee) « \A 4 a LF hie 42 observations is higher than the geoid surface determined by leveling, assuming equality at Portland, Maine Figure 14. First-order level net (1963) showing MSL variations. A plus variation shows that the local MSL plane from tide (from Braaten and McCombs, 1963). 0 | | | | \ Figure 15a. Sample NOS index map of tidal bench-mark locations. 43 IVA: Atblage oe Beats INDEX MAP NUMBER (See reverse side) Pineg Povelk 254 OCOVONAWVPwNY Crandall, St. Marys River Chester, Bell River Fernandina Beach, Amelia River Fort Clinch, Amelia Island Fernandina Beach, Atlantic Ocean Kingsley Creek (S.A.L. R.R. BR.) Amelia, South Amelia River Nassauville, Nassau River Mink Creek Entr., Nassau River Half Moon Istand, Nassau River Boggy Creek, Upper Nassau River Sawpit Creek Entr., Nassau Sd. Sawpit Creek Simpson Creek Entr., Nassau Sd. Fort George Silene River” a Yd Mayport, St. Johns River Pablo Creek Fulton, St. Johns River Mill Cove, St. Johns River Dame Point, St. Johns River Chaseville, St. Johns River Trout River, St. Johns River Jacksonville (Corp of Engineers Dredge Depot) Little Pottsburg Creek, Arlington R., St. Johns R. Jacksonville (MeGrttrr-ternnnpe-de.), St. Johns R. s ACes tr Gn we Ortega River Entrance Orange Park, St. Johns River Mandarin, St. Johns River Green Cove Springs, St. Johns River East Tocoi, St. Johns River Palmetto Bluff, St. Johns River Palatka, St. Johns River Shell Bluff, Crescent Lake Crescent City, Crescent Lake Buffalo Bluff, St. Johns River: Welaka, St. Johns River Georgetown, St. Johns River g-4 Bal 0's k SIB Sebastian Sk | INDEX MAP NUMBER e7- SSSLRRESSLSSELSRESSES aa wi 2S Juniper Club, Lake George, St. Johns River Astor and Volusia, St. Johns River De Land Landing. St. Johns River Sanford, Lake Monroe, St. Johns R. Lake Jessup, St. Johns R. Lake Harney Outlet, St. Johns River St. Augustine Summer Haven, Mantanzas Inlet Daytona Beach Allenhurst, Indian River Titusville, Indian River Gepe Canaveral Har be r EC atance Cocoa, Indian River Ft. Pierce Breakwater Binney Dock, Ft. Pierce Iniet Ft. Pierce (Municipal Docks) North Jetty, St. Lucie Inlet Sewall Point, St. Lucie River Great Pocket, St. Lucie Inlet Canal Pt., West Palm Beach Canal Belle Glade, Hillsboro Canal Entr. Locks, L. Okeechobee South Bay, North New River Canal Entr. Locks Lake Harbor, Miam: Canal Entr. Locks, L. Okeechobee Moore Haven, Old Locks in Caloosahatchee Canal Taylors Creek, L. Okeechobee Jupiter Inlet Port of Palm Beach Palm Beach (Ronee Pier) C9 Fort Lauderdale, Bahia ar Yacht Club lh 7B Jiort Lit dertele, Mitdle BRiiyen Fort Weuderdsie® New River Port Everglades, Lake Mabel Intracoastal Canal, L. Mabel Indian Creek Golf Club, Biscayne Bay Miami (79th Street Causeway) Miami Beach (City Bie!) ame, Biscoyne Bay NOTE: Unnumbered red dots on the index map on the reverse side indicate nearest tidal bench mark locations in the State of Florida, Part || (Florida Keys) and in the State of Georgia. Tidal bench mark locations in the State of Florida are shown on three index maps as follows: East Coast Florida Keys West Coast Part |. Part Il. Part III. Tiaal bench mark data are available for the above locations and may be obtained by writing to the Director, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington 25, D.C. In requesting these data, please refer to botn the index map numbers and the names of the particular localities in which you are interested Figure 15b. Sample of related NOS index map numbers (see Fig. 15a). 44 CVE Port Laude Kip SER Coastal (Ja terway FLORIDA - I - 74 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL OCEAN SURVEY TIDAL BENCH MARKS Miami Beach (City Pier) Lat. 25° 46'.1; Long. 80° 07'.9 BENCH MARK 4 (1928) is a standard disk, stamped "NO 4 1928", set vertically in the south face of the south post in the north-south fence line around a large city water tank. It is about 66 feet north of the extended centerline of Commerce Strect, 36 feet west of the centerline of Jefferson Avenue, and 1/2 foot above ground level. Elevation: 5.62 feet above mean low water. BENCH MARK 6 (1931) is a standard Corps of Engineers disk, stamped "BM NO 6," set in top of a 2-inch pipe surrounded at top with a 12-inch by 18-inch manhole frame with a removable cast iron cover, directly in centerline of a blacktop driveway which parallels Government Cut. It is at the U.S. Government Reser- wation on the north side of Government Cut, about 186 feet east of U.S. Engineers flagpole and 13 1/2 feet west of the center of a road junction. Elevation: 7.13 feet above mean low water. BENCH MARK 7 (1937) is a standard disk, stamped "7 1937," set in the top of the northwest side of the concrete base to the east post of entrance gate to drive to the Corps of Engineers Office Building. It is about 100 yards south of intersection of Washington Avcnue and Biscayne Street, 8 feet east of the extended eenterline of the Avenue and 1/2 foot above ground level. Elevation: 5.03 feet above mean low water. \ BENCH MARK 9 (1955) is a standard disk, stamped "9 1955," set in top of con- erete deck along northedge of City Pier near the east end of Biscayne Street. It is about 122 yards east of the west end of pier, 39 feet northwest of the mortheast corner of the ladies rest room and 1/2 foot south of south face of Borth guardrail. Elevation: 11.29 feet above mean low water. BENCH MARK 10 (1956) is a standard disk, stamped "NO 10 1956," set on top of the northwest corner of the concrete base of light pole No. 166D6 about 68 yards west of the junction of Biscayne Street and Alton Road. It is near the morthwest corner of the South Shore Recreation Park about 62 feet east of the west edge of the bulkhead on the water front and 9 1/2 feet northeast of the east edge of the north entrance to the Recreation Building. Elevation: 5.23 feet above mean low water. BENCH MARK 11 (1956) is a standard disk, stamped "NO 11 1956," set in top ef north corner of a concrete base which supports a 6 inch metal post near the City of Miami Beach Warehouse. It is near the intersection of Alton Road and First Street about 21 1/2 feet southwest of the southwest curb of Alton Road and 9 feet northwest of the northwest corner of the warehouse building. Ele- wation: 4.92 feet above mean low water. Mean low water at Miami Beach is based on 19 years of records, 1941-1959. Elevations of other tide planes referred to this datum are as follows: Highest tide (observed) September 8, 1965 6 Mean high water 2 Mean tide level 1 NGVD, 1929 0 Mean low water 0 Lowest tide observed (March 24, 1936) -1 Figure 16. Sample NOS sheet of description of tidal bench marks. 45 The NGVD of 1929 is defined or definable everywhere by first-order leveling. The other tidal datums are defined with respect to a specific tide gage location. Thus, when a low water datum, half-tide level datum, or any tidal datum other than the NGVD of 1929 is used, the location at which the datum applies should be specified. In areas where subsidence or emergence is' known to be in progress, the date of the survey used should also be given. Reference datums have also been established by many States and local jurisdictions. The relation between the various datums discussed in this section at the reference tide stations (where NOS publishes daily tide predictions) are presented in Table 4. Note that older low water datums, below the MLW or MLLW, continue to be used at a few locations. The locations of these tide stations are shown in Figure 17. In 1977, a new regional datum called the Gulf Coast Low Water Datum (GCLWD) was adopted by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1977b; 1977c). This datum is defined as the MLLW where the tide is mixed and MLW in regions with diurnal tides. This new datum, which will become the chart datum for the Gulf of Mexico, is desirable because of the frequent shifts in the type of tide along the gulf coast (Fig. 18). This will end numerous discontinuities in the chart datum along the gulf coast. Because of the generally small tidal ranges in the Gulf of Mexico, and the sparcity of data, the importance of these discontinuities was not fully recognized until the past decade. The adoption of MLLW and the mean diurnal tidal range as the standard everywhere will simplify the definition of tidal datums but would require numerous associated changes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently asked the Corps of Engineers (through court action) to propose an extension of its jurisdiction limits beyond MHW to include entire salt marshes. Provost (1976) argues that this will require the introduction of a new datum defined as the average of the highest predicted tide for each year of the 19-year cycle. V. SPECIAL DATUMS FOR THE GREAT LAKES 1. Early Great Lakes Datums. Special datums for the Great Lakes region, based on the assumption that the mean water level in each lake defines a level surface, have been in use for more than a century. Moore (1939a; 1939b) presents a history of the various datums used by the U.S. Lake Survey before 1939. The earliest datum widely used was based on the high water of 1838. Other widely used datums based on low water levels were established for the years 1877 and 1903. A system of datums for the Great Lakes adopted in 1935 was defined as elevations above sea level at New York, New York. Moore (1939a) reported that the level lines cannot be traced back to specific sets of observations in the coastal region, that the site may not have been New York as often stated, and that the datum used may have been half-tide level and not MSL. Moore (1939a; 1939b) also recognized the importance of crustal motion in changing the relative height of bench marks in the Great Lakes region. The entire region is rising with respect to sea level. The rate of rise is greatest north of Lake Superior and 46 Station Eastport, Maine Portland, Maine Boston, Mass. Newport, R.I. New London, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Willets Point, N.Y. New York, N.Y. (The Battery) Albany, N.Y. Sandy Hook, N.J. Breakwater Harbor, Del. Reedy Point, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D.C. Ilampton Roads, Va. (Sewells Point) Wilmington, N.C. Charleston, S.C. Savannah River Entrance, Ga. (Ft. Palaski) Savannah, Ga. Mayport, Fla. Miaini Harbor Entrance, Fla. Key West, Fla. St. Petersburg, Fla. St. Marks River Entrance, Fla. Pensacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala. Galveston, Tex. (Ship channel) San Juan, P.R. San Diego, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. (Outer Harbor) San Francisco, Calif. (Golden Gate) Humboldt Bay, Calif Astoria, Oreg. (Tongue Point)? Aberdeen, Wash. Port Townsend, Wash. Seattle, Wash. Ketchikan, Alaska Juneau, Alaska Sitka, Alaska Cordova, Alaska Seldovia, Alaska Anchorage, Alaska Kodiak, Alaska Dutch Harbor, Alaska Swecper Cove, Alaska (Adak Island) Massacre Bay, Alaska (Attu Island) Nashagak Bay, Alaska (Clarks Pt) St. Michael, Alaska Honolulu, Hawaii D D D D D D D D D Db D D D D D D D D D D D ‘Except as footnoted, chart datum is MLW for the Atlantic and gulf coasts and MLLW for the Pacific coast. 21) = diurnal; M= mean. Table 4. Datums for reference tide stations.! MTL | NGVD | MLLW | MLW 0.00 0.00 0.201! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Extremes of record Interval for establishment of datum 1941-61 1941-59 194159 1941-59 1941-59 1967 (1 yr) 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1953-61 1957-61 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 Jan. 1969 to Nov. 1973 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1948-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1941-59 1962 1941-59 1955, 1956 1972-74 1941-59 1941-59 1966-72 1941-59 1965-74 1971-74 1964-68 1935-36 1935-38 1958-60; 1944, 1949 1950, 1952, 1960 1958 1941-59 3\ILLW and MHHW were not routinely derived for Atlantic and gulf coast stations for the 1941-59 epoch used for establishing most of the datums. 4Boston Low Water Datun (adopted about 1927). 5Estimated value. ®Data unavailable at the time of compilation. 71atums and the mean range for Philadelphia were revised in July 1979 based on observations for the period 1969-77. 8 ultimore Low Water Datum (adopted 1922 by NOS and COE based on observations 1903-1921). Mean River Level. 10Charleston Low Water Datum (used since 1905 by NOS, and by COE in May 1929). My ow Water Datum at the Presidio, Golden Gate, San Francisco, is based on miscellaneous observations before 1907. 47 Apr. 1962 to Dec. 1963 -s]se09 oILoeg pure ‘jnd ‘onuEpY ‘suorjeys apy oayeredurod pue souadajor Jo UOBIOT “LT gins y yam Aay ® Q. nrROUDH —@ 19 “AH We * (Gs2e= \ ‘ b Ss o8aig Les — 4 \ (am 0) 17 ‘. -/ Baer 48 Apalachicola - Pensacola Sabine Pass Calcasieu Pass DIURNAL MIXED DIURNAL Tampa Bay Rio Grand DIURNAL Charlotte Hbr. % PN 3 f O f Mexico vA Key West Figure 18. Areal extent of tidal types and locations of stations with illustrated tidal curves. decreases in a southerly direction (Walcott, 1975). Thus, for a constant water volume in Lake Michigan, the water level would be rising relative to the land in Chicago and falling relative to the land in the Straits of Mackinac. Moore (1939a) concluded that the elevation of the Great Lakes above sea level were not known with any precision, and that sea level as a datum for precise elevations in the Great Lakes region was of doubtful value. Ramey (1952) discussed the changes in levels of the Great Lakes, identifying changes due to the construction of various navigation facilities and changes due to variable winds and variable rainfall. Although not discussed by Ramey, the construction of storm sewers, clearing of forests, and other actions which affect the speed with which rainfall reaches the lakes, change the natural hydrologic cycles of the lakes and may also change the lake levels. An international coordination committee, representing the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers and the Departments of Transport, Mines, and Technical Surveys and Resources and Development, Canada, was established to develop an identical set of hydraulic and hydrologic data for the Great Lakes basin for use. by both countries. This committee adopted a Great Lakes datum called the International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD) of 1955 (Coordinating Committee on Great Lakes Basin Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data, 1961). This committee is composed of representatives from the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Department of the Environment in Canada. It is the first datum for the Great Lakes region to gain wide acceptance in both the United States and Canada. 49 The IGLD is based on slightly different principles than the NG VD, with small differences in the elevations assigned by each system to the same point. The differences will rarely have any practical importance in engineering calculations when only one system of elevations is used. Recognizing that there is a difference between the systems and that both have a logical basis will reduce the possibility of error. The different systems are discussed below; detailed explanations are in Feldscher and Berry (1968), Bomford (1971), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1974; 1977b). 2. The Definition of Elevation. When two points at approximately the same latitude and longitude are displaced from one another in the vertical, the elevation of the higher point above the lower is adequately defined as the component of the distance between them along a line normal to a level surface passing through one of the points. This definition is not adequate when the two points are separated by a considerable distance in the north-south direction. Difficulty arises because the apparent gravity at the surface of the Earth is the resultant of two distinct forces—a force toward the center of the Earth described by equation (3) and the centrifugal force due to the Earth’s rotation. The centrifugal force, Fe, acts outward along a line parallel to the equational plane. Its magnitude is expressed with good approximation by Fe = -w? acos@ (23) where w is the angular frequency of the Earth’s rotation, a the radius of the Earth, and ¢ the geographic latitude. As illustrated in Figure 19, the resultant force, i.e., the apparent gravitational force, is directed toward the center of the Earth only at the poles where the force, Fc, vanishes and at the Equator where F¢ and Fg are parallel; the apparent gravitational force is generally implied in engineering discussions unless it is clear that this is not the case. Since the universal gravitational force is directed toward the center of the Earth, and the centrifugal force is directed outward from the polar axis, the apparent gravity has its maximum value at the poles and its minimum value at the Equator. A level surface is defined as a surface normal to the local gravitational vector. Since the gravitational vector is not, in general, directed toward the center of the Earth, sea level cannot be a spherical surface. Newton showed in 1687 that the figure of the Earth must be given approximately by an ellipsoid of revolution (Feldscher and Berry, 1968). The exact shape of this ellipsoid is determined by the requirements that the MSL be a surface which is everywhere normal to the apparent force of gravity. The resulting surface has a radius which is larger at the Equator, where the apparent gravitational force is a minimum, than at the poles where the gravitational force is a maximum (as shown in Fig. 20). The difference between the polar and equatorial radii of the level surfaces increases with elevation above MSL. As a result, the differences between two specified level surfaces increase from pole to 50 Figure 19. Schematic illustration of apparent gravity. The force Fg, is everywhere directed toward the center of the Earth, and is nearly constant in magnitude; F¢ is parallel to the equatorial plane and decreases from a maximum at the Equator to zero at the poles. The resultant, Fag, illustrated for only near the middle of the first quadrant, is directed toward a point in the equatorial plane removed from the center of the Earth. Figure 20. Equipotential or “‘ievel” surfaces (from Feldscher and Berry, 1968). 5 | Equator. The surface of a large water body which is not influenced by wind or currents will be level, whether at sea level or at a plateau several hundred meters above sea level. The vertical distance between the surface of an elevated body of water and sea level, however, will be less when measured at the northern extremity than when measured at the southern extremity. It would be awkward to quote different elevations for a single level surface as a function of the path used by surveyors in measuring the elevation. Therefore, corrections have been developed to account for the divergence of level surfaces from pole to Equator. These corrections, called orthometric corrections, lead to the assignment of the same value to the height of a level surface regardless of the latitudes at which it is measured. The correction is a function of the mean latitude, the difference in latitude, and the mean elevation of the line of levels used in the measurement. Orthometric corrections are used in the definition of the NGVD to reduce the uncertainties of surveying the network of geodetic lines. Orthometric corrections do not provide all of the information needed for hydraulic calculations, since the gravitational force active on any level surface is higher at the poles than at the Equator. Thus, the energy required to lift a given mass between two level surfaces increases from Equator to pole. It is convenient in hydraulic calculations to define the difference in elevation of two points in such a way that the energy required to lift a unit mass from the lower elevation to the higher one is independent of the path followed in the elevation changes. Heights computed in this manner are called dynamic heights. The dynamic height difference, H, between two level surfaces is given by h 1 H = —-| ¢(¢) dh (24) aad et é where g,. is the value g at a latitude of 45°, g(¢) the actual gravity at latitude ¢, and h the orthometric height. When the concept of dynamic heights was first introduced and when running the levels used to define the IGLD, values of gravity computed according to standard formulas for g as a function of latitude were used in computing dynamic heights. With recent improvements in gravimeters, it would be possible to use observed values of gravity in computing dynamic heights. Note from the above explanation that if the orthometric and dynamic elevations of a point at the Equator are equal and both are 1,000 meters above sea level, a point with the same dynamic elevation over the pole will be beneath the point with the same orthometric level, which will be only 995 meters as measured above sea level as measured at the pole. 3. The International Great Lakes Datum (1955). The Great Lakes Basin and St. Lawrence River were treated as an integral system in defining the IGLD. The zero of the system was established as the average of all hourly water 52 level readings at Father Point (Pointe Au Pere) Quebec, for 11 years of available records between 1941 to 1956. Although additional records were available, this period was selected as representing the most reliable data. First-order level lines were run from Father Point to Kinston to establish the elevation of Lake Ontario. It was assumed that the mean water level of Lake Ontario from June to September (1952-58) defined a level surface. First-order leveling was run from western Lake Ontario to eastern Lake Erie to define the elevation of Lake Erie. The mean water level of Lake Erie from June to September (1952-58) was assumed to define a level surface. First-order levels were run from western Lake Erie to southern Lake Huron to establish the level of Lakes Michigan and Huron. Lakes Michigan and Huron are assumed to have the same level because of the wide and deep connection of both lakes at the Straits of Mackinac. First-order leveling was run from northern Lake Huron to eastern Lake Superior to establish the level of Lake Superior. As with Lakes Ontario and Erie, the mean water level from June to September (1952-58) was used to establish the datum for the entire shoreline of each lake. All calculations were made to a resolution of 0.001 foot. Elevations assigned in the IGLD (1955) do not, in general, agree exactly with elevations assigned to the same bench marks in the NGVD system based on orthometric leveling. The differences, however, have never exceeded 2 feet. VI. LONG-TERM VARIATION IN MEAN SEA LEVEL Although MSL with respect to the land is a relatively stable reference surface, it varies wregularly with time (see Fig. 7) and location. In general, the sea level is either rising with respect to the land or shows no discernible trend at low latitudes, and is falling with respect to the land at northern latitudes. The variability in sea level during this century, as revealed by many tide gage records in the United States, is clearly shown in Figures 21 to 25 and Table 5. In Figure 21, the data points for New York are connected by straight lines to facilitate recognition of both the general trend and the variation about this trend. Records for other stations in the figure are shown as point values only to demonstrate that, although the general trend and longer perturbations are similar at all locations, there is also a great deal of scatter with the shorter perturbations. The southernmost station (Charleston) is repeated in Figure 22 and three additional stations are added. Again, a general trend toward rising sea levels is clearly apparent. All records are highly correlated with respect to some perturbations, particularly the high sea level of the late 1940’s, but not with all perturbations. The message is repeated for the four stations in the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 23). Records for three stations on the west coast of the conterminous United States and for Honolulu are shown in Figure 24. The same upward trend and general similarity of the perturbations about the trend are revealed. A change in this general trend is seen in Figure 25 for Alaska. The record from the northernmost station (Skagway) shows a clear trend toward declining sea levels relative to the land; the record from the southernmost station (Ketchikan) shows a great deal of scatter but no clear trend. <8) Table 5. Trends and variability of yearly MSL through 1972 (from National Oceanic and o— Administration, 1974). Location Eastport, Maine Portland, Maine Portsmouth, N.H. Boston, Mass, Woods Hole, Mass. Buzzards Bay, Mass. Newport, R.I. Providence, R.I. Montauk, N.Y. New London, Conn. Port Jefferson, N.Y. New Rochelle, N.Y. Willets Pt., N.Y. New York, n.Y.* Sandy Hook, N.J. Atlantic City, NJ. Lewes, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Annapolis, Md. Washington, D.C. Solomons, Md. Hampton Roads, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Charleston, S.C. Fort Pulaski, Ga. Fernandina, Fla. Mayport, Fla. Miami Beach, Fla. Key West, Fla. Cedar Key, Fla. Pensacola, Fla. Eugene Island, La. Galveston, Tex. (Pier 21) San Diego, Calif. La Jolla, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Alameda, Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Crescent City, Calif. Astoria, Oreg. Seattle, Wash. Neah Bay, Wash. Friday Harbor, Wash. Ketchikan, Alaska Sitka, Alaska Juneau, Alaska Yakutat, Alaska Honolulu, Hawaii So Canal Zone 1957-58 1935-39 1965, 1967-69 1959 1947-56, 1967 1959, 1972 1921-22, 1970-71 1923-36, 1940-47, 1950-52 } 1921-22, 1959-60 1969 } 1970 1926-38 1971-72 1954-55 gee of a least squares line of regression: Exy - (2x) (Ef, Ex? - (2x)"/, where x = date y = height of yearly MSL = number of yearly MSL values 2 Standard error of estimate (standard deviation from line of regression); ; : By - GY, - (xy - FEN.) n-2 Entire series Standard error of trend? ariability? standard error of slope: S, = = b= Vv Ix? - Ce where Sy. x = standard error of estimate. 41893-1920, Ft. Hamilton; 1921-72, The Battery. 54 dard error | Variability —+— New York, N.Y. Portland, Maine Baltimore, Md & Chorleston, SC 0 1830 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Yeor Figure 21. Variation in annual MSL at New York, New York (The Battery); Portland, Maine; Baltimore, Maryland; and Charleston, South Carolina. —— Chorleston, S.C. + Mayport, Fla e Miomi Beach, Fla ™ Cedor Key, Fla. Feet {e) 1890 1900 :910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Year Figure 22. Variation in annual MSL at Charleston, South Carolina; Mayport, Miami Beach, and Cedar Key, Florida. 55 All Stations Other than Galveston (ft) 0.2 0.9 0.8 x Cedor Key, Flo. & Pensacola, Flo + Eugene Islond, La. 0.7 — > Golveston, Tex. fo) an to} uo ° e-) ° w 0.1 f) 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Yeor Figure 23. Variation in annual MSL at Cedar Key and Pensacola, Florida; Eugene Island, Louisiana; and Galveston, Texas. 09 0.8 0.7 06 05 Bs uw 03 + Seottle, Wash —x— Son Francisco, Colif © San Diego, Calif. 46 Honolulu, Hawaii 02 fe) 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Yeor Figure 24. Variation in annual MSL at Seattle, Washington; San Francisco and San Diego, California; and Honolulu, Hawaii. 56 Galveston (ft) -~- Ketchikon, Alaska —+— Skogwoy, Alaska Ketchikan (ft) Skagwoy (ft) 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Yeor Figure 25. Variation in annual MSL at Ketchikan and Skagway, Alaska. Figures 21 to 25 and some additional tide data are summarized in Table 5. Trends and variability of the annual MSL are shown for 50 NOS tide stations for the period of record through 1972 and for the common period 1940 to 1972. All but two stations south of Alaska show a rising trend when the full period of record is considered. The Alaska stations in this table, other than Ketchikan, show a trend toward falling sea level over the same period. Tide gage records from many other stations show much the same pattern of changes as shown by the NOS records. Hicks (1978) summarizes data for the conterminous States for an additional five generally homogenous regions. The overall national trend is 1.5 dynamic millimeters per year with generally higher values along the mid-Atlantic coast and lower values along the Pacific coast. During the past 6,000 years, worldwide sea level has changed much more slowly. There is considerable controversy as to whether sea level peaked one or more times during this interval, or whether it gradually approached its present high elevation. Resolution of this highly contested question may be of little practical concern to coastal engineers. It is more important to note that proponents on both sides of the controversy would agree that sea level has not been more than 3 or 4 meters above present elevations during the last 6,000 years. Higher stands, up to 100 meters above present sea level, occurred much earlier in geologic time. During the present period of a worldwide trend of rising sea level at midlatitudes, tide gage records show that the coasts of Scandinavia, the British Isles, Canada, and Alaska have experienced falling sea levels. 57 1. Explanation of Sea Level Trends. The worldwide increase in sea level, occuring between 16,000 and 6,000 years ago, is generally attributed to the increase in the volume of water in the oceans as a result of melting of the ice sheet from the last glacial stage. Much of the evidence for this explanation is summarized by Walcott (1975). The concept of worldwide changes in sea level due to melting ice is generally referred to as the glacioeustatic rise. The trend toward falling sea levels, relative to high latitude landmasses, is generally explained as a regional glacioeustatic adjustment of the Earth’s crust to the removal of the ice overburden. As the ice sheet accumulated, its increased weight caused a downward deformation of the Earth’s crust in the glaciated area and a compensatory rise in peripheral zones. With the removal of the excess weight, the glaciated areas gradually rebounded toward their former shape, leading to emergence of these land surfaces relative to the water. Walcott (1972) summarizes much of the evidence of the glacioeustatic adjustment. The downwarping was a maximum near the centers of the ice sheets and decreased toward the edges. Because of upwarping beyond the edge of the ice sheet, the rebounding of the Earth’s crust in some regions may be associated with subsidence in areas not covered by the ice. The glacioeuostatic adjustment during and after the period of glaciation, was therefore nonuniform and this factor may explain much of the nonuniformity of recent sea level changes. Other factors, however, must also be considered. Rather dramatic vertical movements of the Earth’s surface may result from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These changes are called tectonic adjustments. Continued slow increase in sea level during the last few thousand years may be partially attributable to delayed isostatic response to the loading by higher sea levels on continental shelves (Wellman, 1964; Bloom, 1967). Some of this rise in sea level may also be due to retreat of coastal glaciers. According to Donn, Farrand, and Ewing (1962) an additional increase of about 60 meters (200 feet) could still occur if the Greenland and Antartica ice sheets were to melt. A more subtle and, in certain cases, a more important factor affecting modern sea level relative to the land, is subsidence of the Earth’s surface, often as a result of the withdrawal of subsurface water, petroleum, gas, minerals, or the imposition of excessively heavy loads, such as buildings, dams, and occasionally water. Swanson and Thurlow (1973) discuss the evidence of subsidence along the Gulf of Mexico coast as determined from tide measurements. Poland and Davis (1969) present examples of subsidence due to the withdrawal of fluids in many parts of the world, and provide an extensive bibliography of case studies where coastal land fringes are flat. Small changes in relative sea level can inundate broad expanses of low-lying coasts. Even where steeper backshore gradients limit inundation, measurements have indicated that small changes in relative water level can accelerate erosion of coastal dunes, and over a period of years be responsible for a major 58 shift in shoreline position (Hands, 1976). Lofgren (1969) discusses many examples of land subsidence due to the application of water. Although subsidence due to this cause can be troublesome in many continental locations, it is not likely to affect the relative elevation of land and sea in the coastal zone. Worldwide changes of sea level during the past few thousand years have been summarized by Chappell (1974), Morner (1976), Pirazzoli (1976), and Pouchet (1976). Each of these references provides improved comprehension of the subject and supplies perspective for modern measurements. 2. Conclusions and Recommendations. This brief examination of the records for sea level variability in this century and over the past few thousand years demonstrates that the sea level has been changing for as long as any type of records exists. The general trend toward rising sea level at midlatitudes and falling sea level at northern latitudes has been continuing for many centuries. Many factors contribute.to the changes and, except for subsidence due to the removal of subsurface fluids and other minerals, there appears to be little reason for believing that future predictions can be made with great confidence. The optimum procedure to use for any essential extrapolation depends on the reason for extrapolation. For structure design, extrapolation of observed trends for the next 100 years is perhaps the most conservative policy. Extrapo- lation, however, should always be based on the best available data. 3. Data Sources for Detailed Studies. The NOS maintains a running summary of the monthly MSL, the mean and extreme high and low waters of the month, and many other tidal statistics. Photocopies of these records may be obtained from NOS upon request. A sample NOS summary of tide level and sea level is provided in Figure 26. This particular sample was selected because it shows several realistic characteristics of the records. For example, few observations may be missing in a month where enough data are collected to provide a meaningful estimate of the tabulated quantity. In these cases the estimate is shown in parentheses. Erroneous data may be entered in the record and not immediately detected; e.g., repairs to a gage may cause a small shift in gage zero that is not measured until the next visit of a survey party. In these cases, the incorrect data are ruled out and corrected values entered. Because tide level and sea level are entered on the same sheet in this sample, it is readily seen that although MSL and MTL are highly correlated, they are different. Even where annual means are considered, MTL may be above MSL in some years and below MSL in others. The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) (part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) continually relevels various survey lines throughout the United States. Elevation changes between surveys may be used to map the extent of vertical crustal movement. If the engineer needs information on vertical changes for a particular problem area, the request to NGS should specify uncorrected data to compute vertical change. For many geodetic purposes, it is necessary to combine a mixture of time-scrambled data; 59 eee ‘siojowesed apt] JO uOe[NqGe} SON ue jo a[dures W ‘QZ ounsI] | 98h 17951 lash ttoas KL:A [9225S CAD bSh IITA len 16 94d barn [sros [psp | arp sins pip lor p icp ip 26! 5-0-1 Dew fly OY ~e terale Ne: aN Mle rh 6 9A [195A [IC | os-gs ap BA 4 th ash as | 5%) y ASA | ob oh Io of BbipSigSniLon en ~Al29f 109 wTI4/ PSPITE IE L 19 |\CeSS|b9'p [Con | 597 Pes [sep [trp | Pep | Cop 1997 | 198) FESA IC TE ISSA lar ASI AID! 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Lt |bth Z) nop | piyp 77778 Alh | 2EA U ded | a | br | dew | 963 i : Joh i oon sea ES “Oud aoe anoe AVIV “Ly “vy “aay "NV f Uva : Se AVALON UVAA_UOA | | Tt: Fey Bia til cp SURO TS a i ay ee SSE SE [ES ee ES VeRO 0 2 SB Om Kee Be UP AOe Aes a xt EET IEEE ETE CCE oP EEE EEE WYO SYY CL fo me gs joaf ur sayujuvnd snoury] i OLE T N0199 oof Tp BURYDUYONS Hag age nee ae ee eae ag ee eee ae aE 82 wnIDT See a RE a ES SE. a Ca Le a pus 8U01jD14989Q See Seay LE YR PSL 3 ns pen ear urboq 8102} D249BQ—) eS Ss Sa apnyBuory orn apnpywy orp en “ganeaguy higy Sex Teo] !UorDIS eae ga Se gs 1S eID AO SNVAW ATHLNOW ‘SACIL VSLS WO nn tyne @ | (62) i (82) (22) : (92) : (G2) (#3) i} (£2) : (22) i (12) ' | (02) (G1) (81) (41) : 1) 7S BOWBWWOD AO ANSWLYVvdIO 60 adjustments desirable to maximize coverage and regional consistency may be undesirable for calculating local elevation changes (Holdahl, 1975). Adjusted level surveys should, therefore, be compared only if the nature of the adjustments is fully understood. VII. STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PREDICTED TIDE 1. Introduction. A computer program which uses equation (2) for the prediction of hourly tidal heights and the times and heights of high and low waters, was developed by Harris, Pore, and Cummings (1965). Pore and Cummings (1967) published a Fortran version of the program. In their program the hourly tides for 1 month are predicted first, then the time and height of high and low tides are determined by refining the calculations near the extreme hourly values to obtain the required accuracy in time and height. Stored tables are used for the trignometric functions. A version of this program used by NOS for preparing the published tide tables uses 2,048 angular steps in one quadrant of 90°. Times of high and low water are calculated to the nearest minute. The choice of mean water level used by NOS in the program is arbitrary. In their preparation of tide tables, MLW or MLLW is used as the datum of tabulation and tidal heights are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a foot. When predictions are made for comparison with gage records it is convenient to use the gage zero. For the theoretical study in this report the local MSL is used; thus, ‘the mean value of the predicted tide is zero. Calculations are made for each of the 50 NOS reference stations listed in Table 4. Since NOS publishes tide predictions only for the reference stations, predictions for other loca- tions are obtained by modifying the tide predictions for the reference stations (the proce- dure is explained in the NOS Tide Tables). The information needed to compute the tides by equation (2) is available for only a few nonreference stations. To provide insight for the probable accuracy of the inferred tide predictions and the inferred tide statistics, this report includes calculations for a few nonreference stations where the necessary harmonic constants are available. These stations are listed in Table 6. The accuracy of predictions for these stations is likely to be a little better than the average accuracy for all stations, because at many locations the parameters used to adjust the reference station values to the specific locations have been based on a series of observations of 29 days. Even shorter periods of record have been used for a few locations. Two versions of the tide prediction program are used; both involve changes in the NOS version to provide additional output not wanted for the published predictions, and to delete unneeded output. 2. Tide Hydrographs. One version of the program is used to tabulate and plot the predicted tides for a 1-month period for each NOS reference tide station to display characteristics of the daily and monthly cycles at each location. Plots for a few nonreference stations for which harmonic constituents are available are included to provide perspective for the accuracy of the tide 6| Table 6. Comparative tide stations, Station Reference station | Normalizing] MTL | NGVD| MLLW| MLW | MHW | Record __| Interval for establishing factor! Highest datums Allantic City, N.J. Sandy Hook N 2. si y 4. i 1941 to 1959 Naples, Fla. St. Marks H rs ; 2.2 1966 to 1968 Crescent City, Calif. Humboldt Bay U i i y 4 1934 to 1941 Southbeach, Oreg. Humboldt Bay 7 Kl a df b 1968 to 1973 Friday Harbor, Wash. Port Townsend Ci : z b 4 5 it 1941 to 1959 1\ = mean tidal range; D = diurnal tidal range. 2 Missing data. 3Local datum is MLW. Estimated record. 5Local datum is MLLW. predictions inferred from the reference stations. Figures 1 and 2 are based on the output obtained with this program. Hydrographs for all reference tide stations and a few others are provided in Appendix B. The scale for each plot is adjusted to allow the extreme range of the 19-year epoch to occupy the full vertical expanse of the graph. The reason is to show the variable waveforms of the astronomical tide, not to provide quantitative data in graphical form. The position of the datum planes MLLW, MLW, MSL, MHW, and MHHW is shown on each graph as a measure of scale. The mean range, as indicated on the graph and as tabulated in Appendix C, provides the vertical scale. In general, the changes in tide hydrographs with distance along the shore are slow and continuous from Eastport, Maine, to Galveston, Texas, and from San Diego, California, to Alaska. One notable exception is Baltimore, Maryland, where the hydrograph resembles those for the Gulf of Mexico coast more than those for nearby Atlantic coast locations. All predictions for the Atlantic and gulf coasts in this set are for January 1963. All hydrographs in Appendix B for the Pacific coast are for January 1973. 3. Graphs Displaying Other Tide Characteristics. A second version of the tide prediction program is used to prepare tide predictions for 19 successive calendar years to cover all periods up to and including 19 years (see Table 1). The detailed output is suppressed in this version of the program, but the results are summarized in statistical form. One form of the summary is shown in Figure 27 which gives the annual and the 19-year (metonic) cycles for Sandy Hook, New Jersey.-Plots A to H in Figure 27 are defined below. (a) Plot A shows the predicted annual cycle of mean water levels in feet as defined by the monthly mean of the predicted tides as averaged over the 19-year period. (b) Plot B shows the predicted MSL for each year in the metonic cycle. The variability in annual MSL cannot be predicted by any established procedure; therefore, the annual MSL has been held at zero in these calculations. This constant plot is included only to emphasize that long-term changes in sea level have not been considered in these calculations. 62 SANDY HOOK, NEW JERSEY 0.5 0.0 PEG eR ERS BESSY Xx«KK MM KK KKK KKK KKK XX =5.5) 123456786910 1t2 6 69 7 79 A. MONTH OF THE YEAR B. YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL “12385676910 12 Bu 69 7 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR D. YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © o& DIURNAL TIDE © @ MEAN TIDE X= STD DEVIATION 123W¥5678910 12 6H 69 7 79 : MONTH OF THE YEAR F. YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER ® «=nean ® = MEAN Loven X= MINZMUM 00900000 XxKXxXxXxXKXxXX 79 12345678910 12 64 69 74 G. MONTH OF THE YEAR H. YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER = MAXIMUM @ © WEAN HIGHER =X = WERN Figure 27. Annual and 19-year cyclical distribution of tide parameters. See text for discussion. 63 (c) Plot C is the annual cycle in tidal range. Three measures of the range have been used: the standard deviation of all computed hourly values, the mean tidal range, and the mean diurnal tidal range. These data are normalized with respect to the computed mean range for the Atlantic coast and the computed diurnal range for the gulf and Pacific coasts. In general, the standard deviation shows the least variability with season and the diurnal range shows the most. Calculations were first made for each month, and the monthly values were averaged for 19 years. (d) Plot D shows the variability of each measure of range for the metonic cycle. The anticipated 19-year cycle is apparent for each measure. These data also are normalized with respect to the computed mean daily range. (e) Plot E gives the annual cycle of calculated low water parameters. The lowest point for each month represents the lowest predicted tide for that month in any year of the metonic cycle. The upper point, indicated by an x, represents the mean predicted low water for that month, when all predicted low waters of the 19-year period are considered. The intermediate points represent the means of the lower low water for each calendar day averaged for each month. All data in this graph are normalized as indicated in (c) above. Note that the MLW and MLLW plots represent a combination of the annual cycle in MSL and the annual cycles in the tidal range. In nearly all cases, the annual cycle in MSL is dominant. (f) Plot F is similar to plot E and normalized in the same manner, but presents data for the metonic cycle. The MLW and MLLW graphs show the expected 19-year cycle. The predicted extreme low tides for each year show an unexpected periodicity of about 6 years. No effort has been made to determine the reason for this periodicity. (g) Plots G and H are similar to plots E and F but are normalized as indicated in (c) above. The annual cycles follow approximately the same patterns as the mean sea levels. The 19-year cycle is apparent in the MHW and MHHW data. The period of approximately 6 years appears in the extreme predicted high waters as well as in the predicted low waters. Plots for each of the NOS reference stations and for a few nonreference stations are presented in Appendix B. The data appearing on these plots for all locations discussed in this report are summarized in tables shown in Appendix B. Values of MHHW, MHW, MLW, MLLW, standard deviation, mean range, and the mean diurnal range based on these calculations are given in Table 7. Observed values of the mean and diurnal ranges obtained from NOS bench-mark sheets are also shown in the table. All of the calculations in this report are based on the period 1963 to 1981; no storm effects are included. The NOS values are based on observations, generally for the period 1941 to 1959, and include minor storm effects. Thus, exact agreement is not to be expected and the NOS values for range are expected to be slightly larger than those based on astronomical calculations. The definitions used in the computer program to derive the high and low water datums differ slightly from those used by NOS for dealing with observations. In the computer 64 Table 7. Computed datums, ranges, and standard ean referred to oe Station Eastport Portland Boston Newport New London Bridgeport Willets Point New York (The Battery) Albany Sandy Hook Atlantic City Break water Harbor Reedy Point Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Hampton Roads Wilmington Charleston Savannah River Entrance Savannah Mayport Miami Harbor Entrance Key West Naples St. Petersburg St. Marks River Entrance Pensacola Mobile Galveston (ship channel) San Juan San Diego Los Angeles (Outer Harbor) San Francisco (Golden Gate) Humboldt Crescent City South Beach Astoria Aberdeen Pt. Townsend Seattle Friday Harbor Ketchikan Juneau Sitka Cordova Seldovia Anchorage Kodiak Dutch Harbor Sweeper Cove Massacre Bay Nushagak St. Michael Honolulu | Mean range’ | range! Diurnal range! 18.73 9.68 10.35 3.93 2.93 7.13 7.65 4.94, 9.40 5.13 4.59 4.60 5.92 6.33 1.38 2.96 2.67 4.59 5.69 7.48 8.19 4.87 2.74 1.80 2.99 2.19 3.37 1.30 1.44 1,42 1.66 5.96 5.45 5.73 6.40 6.97 8.36 8.37 9.89 8.20 11.31 7.78 15.38 16.54 10.01 12.31 18.04 28.90 8.83 3.69 3.89 3.41 19.68 3.58 1.89 1 Observed values for both mean and diurnal range are not available for all stations. 65 program, the definitions used for HHW, HW, LW, LLW, and the mean and diurnal ranges are identical on all stations. Each identifiable high or low water used in defining MHW and MLW provided the difference between adjacent high and low waters is 0.1 foot or greater. The difference between MHHW and MLLW is defined as the diurnal range. The definition of MHW and MLW and mean range agrees with NOS practice at locations with semidiurnal- or mixed-type tides. In 1981, NOS will phase in a classification change: MLLW will be used as the primary datum for all nautical charts; the diurnal range will be used as the principal measure of tidal range. A complete changeover will require several years. The author believes this change will be an improvement over past practice. The classification in the 1979 NOS Tide Tables (NOAA, 1979a; 1979b) is used in this report. Where the type of tide is classified as diurnal, NOS neglects all secondary high and low waters, and the highest and lowest values are considered high and low water. Thus, for stations with diurnal tides, the MHW and MLW given by NOS correspond to the MHHW and MLLW in this report; the mean range given by NOS for diurnal-type tides corresponds to the diurnal range in this report. When determining the HHW or LLW for days with a single high or low water, NOS accepts the single tide as a HHW only if it is larger than the preceding or following high tides, and as a LLW only if it is lower than the preceding or low tides. Table 7 shows that the net differences are generally much less than 0.1 foot for mean ranges and slightly less than 0.1 foot for diurnal ranges. Differences up to 0.4 foot which occur at a few locations result from the necessity of basing the tide calculations on a shorter or earlier period of record than that currently used by NOS in defining the tidal datums on bench-mark sheets. The differences between the working definition of HHW and LLW used in this report (discribed only in this section) and the definition used by NOS account for a part of this difference. It is recommended that range determinations based on the latest bench-mark sheets be used in obtaining dimensional values from the tabulated data. 4, Tide Probability Graphs. Probability density distribution tables have been developed for seven tide parameters: (a) The highest predicted tide for each calendar month. (b) The predicted HHW of each solar day. (c) All predicted high waters of the 19-year period. (d) Predicted hourly tidal heights. . (e) All predicted low waters of the 19-year period. (f) The predicted LLW of each solar day. (g) The lowest predicted tide level of each calendar month. The predicted astronomical tide is a bounded function. The maximum range cannot exceed double the sum of the amplitudes of all constituents as multiplied by the node factors. The actual range will always be less than the maximum just cited because the larger values of some node factors occur in the same years as the smaller value of other node factors. 66 Figures 1 and 2 show that at many locations the tide level remains near the high or low water values longer than it remains near MSL. Thus, the distribution of tide levels cannot be adequately described by the Gaussian distribution function which is unbounded and uninodal. Wherever the amplitude of each tide wave is a large fraction of the mean range, the distribution of hourly tidal heights will be distinctly binodal (Fig. 28). A Gaussian distribution function with the same total area is plotted in the figure for comparison. This is the most prominent form of the distribution function for hourly tides along the U.S. Atlantic coast. At some locations, such as Pensacola, Florida, and Mobile, Alabama, the range of spring tides is several times as large as the range at neap tides. This variability in the amplitude of the tide wave yields a distribution function that is nearly uninodal with a peak near MSL (Fig. 29). Galveston, Texas, and San Francisco, California, show another common type of tide where the water level remains above MSL much longer than below MSL. The lowest predicted tide levels for these locations are farther below MSL than the maximum tide levels are above MSL. In these cases, the distribution function for hourly tidal heights is definitely skewed as shown in Figure 30. The comparison of empirical distribution functions with theoretical models is often facilitated by plotting the cumulative form of the empirical distribution function on a graph where one axis has been stretched so that the theoretical distribution, appears as a straight line. Although the distribution of astronomical tides cannot be Gaussian, graph paper designed so that the cumulative form of Gaussian distribution will appear as a straight line has many advantages for displaying distribution functions for astronomical tides. This is the standard form for showing distribution functions in this report. A sample display of this type is shown in Figure 31. Each curve is of the form y Py >y) = J p(y) dy (25) Yo where p(y)dy is the probability that ee) Ve ot) PS \Y oe (26) as Ay > 0, and y, is the lowest value of y . For a Gaussian distribution, y -y2 PO deb Ov 20 “ll the (=) Oy 2) oo where o is the standard deviation of y and the mean value of y is zero. . 67 0.4 ~ Gaussian / 0.3 Predicted Q5 -3 -2 -! 0 \ 2 3 Tidal Heights (standard deviation units ) Figure 28. Probability density graph for predicted hourly tidal heights at Atlantic City, New Jersey. A graph of the Gaussian proba- bility density function (symmetric curve) is superimposed. 0.4 ~ 4 Gaussian 0.3 Predicted 0.1 -4 -3 =2 -I 0 | 2 3 Tidal Heights (stondord deviation units ) Figure 29. Probability density graph for predicted hourly tidal heights at Pensacola, Florida. A graph of the Gaussian probability density function (symmetric curve) is superimposed. 68 0.5 0.4 Predicted Se / / / / Tidal Heights (standard deviation units ) Figure 30. Probability density graph for predicted hourly tidal heights at San Francisco, California. A graph of the Gaussian probability density function (symmetric curve) is superimposed. Extreme Monthly HW MSL Equivalent Goussian Distribution -0 MLW MLLW -20 Extreme Monthly LW 0.0! 0.1-30 -20 10-0 50 0 90 20 3099.9 99.99 Meon Range = 6.67 ft Figure 31. Cumulative frequency density curve for tide parameters, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1963-81. 69 The seven curves shown in Figure 31 and similar graphs in Appendix B correspond to the seven tide parameters. The abscissa of these graphs give the probability that each parameter will exceed the value indicated by the ordinate. All data have been scaled so that 98 percent of the ordinate scale corresponds to the height difference between the maximum and minimum predicted tidal heights within the metonic period of 19 years. The positions of MSL, MHW, MHHW, MLW, and MLLW have been indicated on the ordinate scale. The cumulative form of a Gaussian distribution function with the same standard deviation as the completed hourly tides, has been superimposed as a straight line in all graphs. The graphs in Appendix B show that, for some locations, the Gaussian curve provides a good approximation to the computed values within one or two standard deviations from the’ mean. This is particularly true for Baltimore, Maryland, and several situations in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gaussian distribution function, however, is a very poor approximation to the real distribution function for the highest and lowest astronomical tides. At many locations, the astronomical tides are symmetrically distributed about the MSL. It is not uncommon, however, to find that the distribution function is skewed with the astronomical tide remaining above MSL longer than below, with greater departures below the mean than above the mean. At Honolulu, Hawaii, the astronomical tide is below MSL more than half the time, and the positive departures from the mean are larger than negative departures. Although the actual distribution function is nearly identical to the Gaussian over the central 90 to 95 percent of the actual distribution at a few locations, the most common distribution is flatter than the Gaussian, with values on the order of one standard deviation above or below the mean being more common, and values near the mean or more than two standard deviation units above or below the mean being less common than in the Gaussian distribution. Many stations have bimodal distribution functions. At a few locations, the annual range in MSL may be greater than the range of neap tides, and it is not uncommon for the predicted tide level to remain on one side of MSL for longer than a lunar day. The graphs of the distribution of computed tide parameters are presented to show the character of the distribution function. The computer-controlled plotter does not always place the various curves precisely. Therefore, numerical values for further work should be taken from the tables in Appendix B, not from graphs. 5. Probability Tables for Astronomical Tides. The curves in Figure 31 are based on similar data as presented in Tables 8 and 9. The maximum and minimum values of each parameter were used to determine the range of 70 Oosret prooe 9S66° yvonne 9S66° 0000° 9566° nn0o® 2166? cono® Z2leo® pnoo0® 89G6° prone S2n6° earoe Lfi6° onone 4€16° wRi0® once? reno? G006? nenoe? 1956° 0ov0® Tac6° nroo® §1S6° nreoo® Pino? nroo?® Ofne® nnoo® 98¢6° pnoo® ergo® 600° nS26° eg1o® f2to° #900° Ss06° Szto® 099R8° 8800? 24ie° nnooe B2,A° 6t20° 60ge° nroo® Sona? nno0® Tene? o120° 2cer® ecroe 01098° Gitos Seal? 8900° 40ec° #e00° olil® g200e esau? 0n00° esol® Szto® 9GnL° 6120° 422° onone 422° Sz1oe t907° geno? 1L69° esto? 2nga? nhoo® 86.9° e510° 4999° €920° n0n9® 6t20° naro® 9200° 9009° 6120° 419s° etz0° @s9s°* £920° Soss® £920° e£1s° 6t20° elon? §920° “Daly un) = “bay AT Atuour 792} BEZTZ sue UvoUT ay} JfEY-2U0 0} JoadsaI YIM poztfeuLoU ore s}YySt9Y [Te SUMOYS [BAIO}UT SSB[D JO JTWUT] IIMOT--9}0NJ nigl?le vaotd*t= 901L% le lood°le Le69% te Tnoatte= yeagetea n¢eoe?te= Oaseele Velma 1299%Te L199% le 999° le 8059 T= nona?te 00nd t= Gngar tle lo2o°te cgeo°te= 2atoet= g21g*te nL09°* te 0209%te= S96S° te bt6S?t= 4SeS°te= 20eS°te= 8ndS*le nogs*te oFGs*te Gass* te IgsSo*t= LinStte 22nS*te= g9¢G% Teo hleSete 6S2S* le so2S*le IotS*te 96US* le 2n0S’°te gAen? t= tronete elen’t= S2een*t= luantte GIinete= 2agn®le goon’ te rosn*t= boenn t= aun MOT auoDX| *yi0X MONT DUM [h mnd0® 2566° 0900° 9566° 9000° 9566° 0000° 2"S60° 0v00° 2606° 000u° 9666" 0000° 9566° o000° Usbo° 000° 9466° abu? Yoa6° mndo® Sero® d000° sero? mndo° Tale? mnuu® LEL6° 0000° 4¢16° 0000° 4¢lo° ge00° 626° nn0o0°® S096° 0000° S096° nndoo® T9S6° 0000° 19S56° 0000" 19S6° nnoc® @1Se° nn00® nino? 0000° mine? 0000° nino? Re00° 98f6° eteo® L91T6° eg00° 106° frou? S£06° 2cto° nodov® ee@co® 9198° pnoo® 2L2e° 0000° 2219° pn0o°® 92i8° e800° Nnag? Rede £SSu° nn00°® 6cse° 0000° 6uSu® 9900° lene? nnoo® 4.se° nn00°® ° BREAKWATER HBR. \ \ ~~ HAMPTON ROAOS (ft) : wd fey & Q gee & Siaus ave Qa w t | tt t | t , predicted tide, and storm surge for selected stations, 5 to 8 March 1962 (Harris, 1966). Figure 32. Observed tide 15 Variations in mean water depth, as a result of a storm, may alter the speed of the tide wave as it advances inland from the open sea. An increase in river discharge may lead to a decrease in tidal range at inland tide gages. An example of this effect is provided by Zeile (1979). These interactions are complex and poorly documented. Interactions between gravitational tides and meteorological effects on sea level are not considered in this report. Example Problems. Applications of tide probability tables are demonstrated by two problems centered on Atlantic City, New Jersey, which was selected for the following reasons: (a) Atlantic City is treated as a secondary station by NOS. Tide predictions for Atlantic City are normally based on the reference station at Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Thus, probability calculations may be derived from the Sandy Hook probability tables and verified by referring to the calculations based on the harmonic constants derived from Atlantic City observations. (b) Myers (1970) has provided frequency estimates for extreme storm surge magnitudes at Atlantic City, thus permitting an illustration of the calculation of the probabilities of the combined astronomical and meteorological effects on the water level. The two problems considered are (a) to estimate the fraction of high tides and of hourly tide levels above 2.0 feet MSL, and of the low tides and hourly levels 2.0 feet below MSL, and (b) to estimate the highest water level which has a probability of 0.01 of occurring in any century; i.e., a probability of 10~* in any year. Secular changes in sea level (variations in the annual mean sea levels) are neglected in developing these estimates. a. First Problem. Since the meteorological and astronomical events which control the water level near the shore are nearly independent, it is assumed that meteorological events can be neglected in estimating the frequencies of water levels between MLW and MHW. The mean tidal range at Atlantic City Steel Pier (station 1703 in the tables as determined from Appendix C or from the NOS tide tables) is 4.08 (4.1) feet. Thus, the scaling factor of one- half the mean tidal range is 2.04 feet. Two feet, therefore, corresponds to 2.00/2.04 = 0.9804 units in the probability table. The part of the probability table for hourly tides nearest this value for Sandy Hook, the appropriate reference tide station, is shown in Table 10. The probability that the water level will be above 2.0 feet (0.9804 normalization units) can be estimated by linear interpolation according to the equation: he -h hy - h_ P(h>he) = P_ + (P, - P_) (28) Table 10. Part of cumulative distribution table for Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Lower limit of height | Cumulative frequency zo (10561 an | RO Oda (0.9804) 78 0.9618 0.1004 76 where he is the desired value, 2.0 feet (0.9804 units), h+ and h_ the tabulated values immediately above and below he, and P+ and P_ the cumulative probabilities corresponding to h+ and h_. Substitution from Table 10 into equation (28) yields: h, - h P(th > he) = P_ + ics (i (ee) Il ro 0.9804 - 0.9618 a = (0.0883 - 0.1004 0.1004 + o.9961 - 0.9618 ‘ ) 0.0186 0.0343 0.1004 + (-0.0121) 0.1004 - 0.0066 P(h > he) = 0.0938 Thus, the probability that the tide will be above 2.0 feet at Atlantic City is 0.0938; i.e., the tide level will be above 2.0 feet an average of about 822 hours per year [0.0938 (365)(24)]. Applying the same calculation to the values for Atlantic City, tabulated in Appendix B, yields a probability of 0.1025 that the hourly value will exceed 2.0 feet. Thus, in this case, the error committed in basing the estimate for Atlantic City on tabulated probabilities for the reference station, Sandy Hook, would be 0.0087; i.e., about 9 percent of the value com- puted from the reference station tables or about 76 hours per year. A similar calculation of the fraction of all high waters above 2.0 yields a value of 0.5055 when the Sandy Hook tables are used, and 0.4886 when the Atlantic City tables are used. Both results indicate that about one-half of all high waters are above 2.0 feet. The error resulting from basing the calculation on the reference station is 0.0169 or about 3 percent of the value computed from reference station tables. The above calculations and similar calculations for the remaining parts of this first problem are summarized in Table 11. Tidal heights are tabulated by NOS in units of tenths of feet; i.e., with somewhat less resolution than is provided by the probability tables in Appendix B. The interpolation formula (eq. 28) can be used for estimating the probability that any tide parameter will fall into any one-tenth of a foot increment. Interpolation should be based on the cumulative form of the distribution function. The probability that the actual water level will fall within any increment is then determined by subtracting the cumulative probability for the next lower interval from the cumulative probability for the interval of interest. The probability that the high tide at the Atlantic City Steel Pier will fall within specified one-tenth of a foot increments above MSL is shown in Table 12 as a further illustration of these calculations. Calculations based on primary tide calculations for Atlantic City as well as calculations 7 Table 11. Sample probability calculations, Sandy Hook data | Atlantic City data | Absolute difference: ‘(esi.) Above 2.0 feet MSL Hourly values High water (MySyLy) Higher high water Below 2.0 feet MSL Hourly values Low water Lower low water Table 12. Comparison of probability for Atlantic City, using Sandy Hook as reference station and Atlantic City as primary station. Sandy Hook! | Atlantic City! Cumulative Probability Probability probability for interval for interval 0.0005 0.0028 0.0049 0.0083 0.0103 0.0144 0.0151 0.0168 0.9237 0.0273 0.0317 0.0338 0.0426 0.0487 0.0512 0.0497 0.0499 0.0569 0.0601 0.0508 0.0552 0.0577 0.0524 0.0508 0.0468 0.0417, 0.0324 0.0246 0.0148 0.0103 Note-—Lower limit is shown for each class interval. 78 based on the reference station, Sandy Hook, are shown to provide additional insight for the errors involved in basing the tide probability estimates on reference stations rather than on analyses of local tide records. At most stations, there is no alternative to basing tide probability estimates on primary calculations at reference stations. At Atlantic City the highest predicted high tides are a little higher and the lowest predicted high tides a little lower when the estimates are based on observations at Atlantic City than when based on observations at Sandy Hook. For the table as a whole, however, the differences are not large. Probability comparisons for other locations are presented in Appendix C by showing the calculated distributions for reference stations as dashlines on the graphs for the comparative stations. The comparisons shown are likely to be more reliable than the average obtained from applying the ranges in Appendix C to the probability calculations in Appendix B, since all estimates of tidal range at these comparative stations were based on at least 29 days and generally a full year of record. The selection of reference station and the estimation of tidal range for many of the stations in Appendix C were generally based on less than | year of record and sometimes on records shorter than 29 days. (1) Combined Probabilities of Astronomical Tide and Storm Effects on Sea Level. No reasons are apparent for the assumption that the occurrence of storms is related to the phase of the tide or the phase of the Moon. Although a given wind field will produce a steeper slope on water surface in shallow water at low tide than at high tide, the effect varies with the locality and depends on the speed and direction of the wind over a large area and the duration of the wind. The effect of tide stage on the contribution of the wind to the total water level cannot generally be expressed as a function of tide stage alone. Therefore, it is disregarded in the following discussion, since the astronomical tide and the storm surge are considered independent variables. When the probability distribution functions are determined empirically (in Sec. VII for astronomical tides and by Myers (1970) for storm surges), the permissible values of the variables may be the integers, 1, 2, 3, ... indicating the class numbers of the distribution table. Computation of the probability function for the sum of two independent variables is simple. Let p_(k) be the probability that one variable is assigned to class k and P,(k) be the cumulative probability that the variable is not greater than k. Thus k Pk) = 2) p&) (29) Let p (m) and P (m) be defined in a similar manner for a second variable. Let p (n) and P (n) have similar definitions for the sum of the first and second variables. The prob- 3 ability a given k will combine with a given m is given by v9 p,(k +m) = p(k) p, (m) (30) The probability of obtaining a specific value of n is the sum of the probabilities of all sums of k and m which yield n. Thus, > 1 31 = -m+ p(n) = 2 p (n-m+1)p, (m) (31) Substitution from equation (31) into equation (29) as applied to Fe yields: ped a8 nw IE (0a) = 21 x P.M) = wah) jo ay) (32) n Nye ; Pm) = 2, P62, Py(n) = 2) p,m) Py(n +1 m) (33) Cramer (1946; Ch. 15) derives a similar theorem for continuous distribution function in the form P3(x) = _f Pi(x- z) p,(z) dz (34) where P, is cumulative distribution function for one variable, y, Py the distribution function for a second independent variable z, and x = y +z. The integral on the right is often called a convolution of P, and Py: When P, and p, are given as analytic functions, and the integral on the right in equation (34) can be solved easily, this formula can greatly simplify the computations. When either function is available only in tabular form, and the calculations are made on a computer, equation (34) does not appear to offer any computational advantage over equations (29) and (30) which seem to provide more insight for the processes involved. (2) A Demonstration Calculation. The concept may be clarified by considering a familiar example. Consider the sum of the numbers displayed by two unbiased dice. The probability that any of the six faces will be uppermost is 1/6, and the sum of spots may be 80 any number from 2 to 12. The probability of each of these possibilities can be easily displayed by means of the array whose elements are the sums of the row and column of the array element as shown in Table 13. Table 13. Probability distribution for the sum of two numbers from 1 to 6. Anon Pwh = NA NN & w bh eo ent an The probability of occurrence of each element in the array is 1/36. It is seen that the numbers 2 and 12 can be obtained by only one combination. Numbers 3 and 11 can be obtained in two ways; 4 and 10 can be obtained in three ways; etc. The frequency of occurrence of each number from 2 to 12 can be obtained by counting the number of combinations yielding that number and dividing by 36. The results are shown in Table 14. The cumulative frequency (i.e., the frequency that the number of spots will equal or exceed a given number) can be obtained by forming a running sum of the frequencies (last column of Table 14). Table 14. Probability density function for z=x + y. Probability Frequency | Cumulative frequency p(n) P(n) 1/36 1/36 (1 + 1)/36 (1+ 1+ 1)/36 (1+1+1+1)/36 (1+1+1+1+1)/36 (1+1+1+1+1+1)/36 (1+1+1+1+1)/36 (1+1+1+ 1)/36 (1+ 1+ 1)/36 (1 + 1)/36 1/367 eomOnrN nA Sw ee wo — © In most practical cases of importance, the probabilities of the individual elements of the array are not uniform and the underlying principle is not easily seen. 8 | If the calculation is based on equation (33), it should be noted that n| p(k) = p,m) = for lv <= ki< 6) and) 1s mS i6 mls) = pays o fork > 6 and m> 6. p(k) 7 A) = 0 for k <1 and m 1.82 x 1075 0.429 x 1075 2.25 x10 | 4.053 x 10% 2.95 x 10° 1.07 x10 0.105 x 1075 13 x10 | 8.183 x 10% 4.53 x 1075 2.15 x 105° 0.693 x 107% 37 x 1075 | 1.5553 =x 10+ 1 Based on Tables 12 and 16; all heights are in feet. 2 Referred to MSL. A sample calculation of the combined frequency of astronomical tides and storm surges is shown in Table 17. Note that a combined height of 9.9 feet can be obtained only by 84 adding the highest tide to the highest surge. The probability of this combination, assuming that the probability of each is independent of the other, is the product of the separate probabilities. Thus, p(10.1 ft) = p(6.4 + 3.7) p(6.4) = p(3.7) (surge) (tide) = 0.0011 = 0.0005 = 5.50 x 1077 p(10.0 ft) = p(6.4+3.6) = p(6.4) = p(3.6) (surge) (tide) = 0.0011 < 0.0033 =" 3163) 0 x Ome p(9.9 ft) = p(6.4+3.5) + p(6.2 + 3.7) p(6.4) p(3.5) + p(6.2) p(3.7) (surge) (tide) (surge) (tide) 0.0011 x 0.0082 + 0.0013 = 0.0005 9.02 x 107 + 0.650 x 107° 9.67 x 10° iT} Further hand calculations are tedious, but a few should be made to be certain that the principle is fully understood. IX. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report has presented a compilation of material from various sources designed to provide the engineer with an understanding of the problems involved in the establishment of reference datums for the measurement of elevations and of the various phenomena that should be considered in estimating the extreme high or low water that might reasonably be expected at any given location during a period measured in decades. A study of the statistical properties of astronomical tides has also been presented (Secs. VII and VIII), which, so far as the author is aware, has not been previously reported. Experience in using the tables, acquired during preparation of the report, has indicated that some changes may be necessary in the original calculations. However, the principal purpose of the work has been to provide the practicing engineer with the tools needed to estimate the contribution of astronomical tides to hydraulic or hydrologic phenomena when the estimate should be considered in a probability sense. Recommendations for Revision of the Probability Tables. A more rational statistical study of daily high and low water and daily ranges apparently would have been obtained if the lunar day rather than the solar day had been chosen for summarizing diurnal characteristics of the tide. 85 The tide hydrographs in Appendix B show a significant variation in the range of the tide throughout the lunar month. Compilation of the distribution function for daily ranges, and perhaps for semidiurnal ranges, would have provided a significant improvement to the statistical description of the tide. This compilation should be based on lunar not solar days. At locations where the tide is strongly semidiurnal or strongly diurnal, a good approximation to the complete tidal curve can be proved by connecting highs and lows with a sine curve. This is not true for stations with a large diurnal inequality of the tides, and where the lower high water and the higher low water are sometimes approximately equal. This phenomenon is illustrated in the hydrograph for St. Petersburg, Florida (see Fig. 2). The compilation of a mean shape for the diurnal tide hydrograph or a distribution function for hourly tides, as normalized by the diurnal range, would have been a useful addition. The compilation of this normalized diurnal tide, together with distribution function for diurnal range, would permit greater precision in the calculation of the probability of combined tide and surge. The graphs of the seasonal cycle in tide parameters in Appendix B show that most of the variation is associated with seasonal cycle in monthly MSL. An independent examination of the variability in monthly MSL (see Fig. 6) indicates that the monthly MSL varies significantly from year to year. These factors suggest that it would have been useful to have omitted the terms Sg and Ssq which describe the annual cycle of the sea level from this calculation, and to have used the theorem for combined probabilities (see Sec. VIII) to combine the distribution function for astronomical tides calculated without regard to the annual cycle with an empirically derived distribution function for monthly mean sea levels. This approach appears to be especially useful in predicting the probable extreme water levels expected to result from hurricanes. Hurricanes are most likely to occur in those months in which the MSL is expected to be near the peak of its annual value, even in the absence of hurricanes. Along the Washington-Oregon coast, the storm surges are most likely to occur in winter near the peak of the annual cycle of MSL in that region. 86 LITERATURE CITED BARBEE, W.D., “Tide Gages in the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Tidal Instrumentation and Predictions of Tides, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1965, pp. 39-49. BERRY, R.M., “History of Geodetic Leveling in the United States,” Surveying and Mapping, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, June 1976, pp. 137-153. BLOOM, A.L., “Pleistocene Shorelines: A New Test of Isostasy,” Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1967. BOMFORD, G., Geodesy, 3d ed., Oxford University Press, London, 1971. BOWDITCH, N., “Oceanography,” Part Six, American Practical Navigator, U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Washington, D:C., 1958, pp. 691-792. 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MARMER, H.A., “Tidal Datum Planes,” Special Publication No. 135, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., revised ed., 1951. MELCHIOR, P., The Earth Tides, Oxford: Pergamon Press, Elmsford, New York, 1966. MITCHELL, H.C., “Definition of Terms Used in Geodetic and Other Surveys,” Special Publication No. 242, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (1948), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1969. MOORE, S., “Elevations of The Great Lakes,” U.S. Lake Survey, Detroit, Mich., unpublished, Aug. 1939a. MOORE, S., “Datum Planes on The Great Lakes,” U.S. Lake Survey, Detroit, Mich., unpublished, Oct. 1939b. MORNER, N., “Eustasy and Geoid Changes,” Journal of Geology, Vol. 84, No. 2, Mar. 1976, pp. 123-151. MUNK, W.H., and CARTWRIGHT, D.E., “Tidal Spectroscopy and Prediction,” Philosophi- cal Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Vol. 259, 1966, pp. 533-581. 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ZETLER, B.D., CARTWRIGHT, D.E., and MUNK, W.H., ‘Tidal Constants Derived from Response Admittances,” Proceedings of the 1969 International Symposium on Earth Tides, Rene Djaiffe, ed., Observatory Royal de Belgique, Brussels, 1970, pp. 175-178. ZETLER, B.D., and CUMMINGS, R.A., “A Harmonic Method for Predicting Shallow-Water Tides,” Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 25, No. 1, Jan. 1967, pp. 103-114. 92 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF SELECTED TECHNICAL TERMS This Appendix defines the technical terms used in this report; a few related terms are also included. The definitions generally agree with those given by Schureman (1975) or Mitchell (1969). Some new definitions have been added. anomalistic—Pertaining to the periodic return of the Moon to its perigee, or of the Earth to its perihelion. The anomalistic month is the average period of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth in respect to the lunar perigee, and is approximately 27.554550 days in length. The anomalistic year is the average period of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun in respect to its perihelion, and is approximately 365.2596 days in length. aphelion—The point in the Earth’s orbit farthest from the Sun. apogean tides or tidal currents—Tides of decreased range or currents of decreased speed occurring monthly as the result of the Moon in apogee (farthest from the Earth). The apogean range (An) of the tide is the average semidiurnal range occurring at the time of apogean tides and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. It is smaller than the mean range, where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed, and is of no practical significance where the type of tide is diurnal. apogee—The point in the Moon’s orbit farthest from the Earth. bench mark (BM)—A fixed physical object used as reference for a vertical datum. A tidal bench mark is one near a tide station to which the tide staff and tidal datums are referred. A primary tidal bench mark is the principal (or only) mark of a group of tidal bench marks to which the tide staff and tidal datums are referred. The NOS standard tidal bench mark is a copper or aluminum alloy disk 3.5 inches in diameter, containing the inscription “NATIONAL OCEAN SURVEY,” together with other individual identifying information. A geodetic bench mark identifies a surveyed point in the National Geodetic Vertical Network. Geodetic bench-mark disks contain the inscription “VERTICAL CONTROL MARK NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY” with other individual identifying information. Bench-mark disks of either type may, on occasion, serve simultaneously to reference both tidal and geodetic datums. Numerous bench marks, both tidal and geodetic, still bear the inscription “U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.” chart datum—The tidal datum to which soundings on a chart are referred. It is usually taken to correspond to a low water stage of the tide, and its depression below mean sea level is represented by the symbol Zo. See also datum. coastal boundary—A general term for a boundary defined as the line (or measured from the line or points thereon) used to depict the intersection of the ocean surface and the land at an elevation of a particular datum. 93 constituent—One of the harmonic elements in a mathematical expression for the tide-producing force and in co-responding formulas for the tide or tidal current. Each constituent represents a periodic change or variation in the relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. A single constituent is usually written in the form y = A cos (at + ~), in which y is a function of time as expressed by the symbol t and is reckoned from a specified origin. The coefficient A is called the amplitude of the constituent and is a measure of its relative importance. The angle (at + <) changes uniformly and its value at any time is called the phase of the constituent. The speed of the constituent is the rate of change in its phase and is represented by the symbol a in the formula. The quantity © is the phase of the constituent at the initial instant from which the time is reckoned. The period of the constituent is the time required for the phase to change through 360° and is the cycle of the astronomical condition represented by the constituent. Further information on the harmonic constituents of the tide or tidal current is provided in the Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides (Schureman, 1941). control tide stations—Tide stations presently being operated by NOS and scheduled for continuous operation indefinitely as part of the National Tide Observation Network. correction—A quantity which is applied to an observation or function thereof, to diminish or eliminate the effects of errors and obtain an improved value of the observation or function. It is also applied to reduce an observation to some arbitrary standard. The correction corresponding to a given error is of the same magnitude but of opposite sign. The signs are given by the equation: improved value = observed value + correction. correction, adjustment (leveling)—A correction applied to an orthometric elevation to produce an adjusted elevation, for eliminating the effects of circuit closures. correction, index (leveling)—A correction which must be applied to an observed difference of elevation to eliminate the error introduced into the observations when the zero of the graduations on one or both leveling rods does not coincide exactly with the actual physical foot or bottom surface of the rod. correction, level (leveling)—A correction applied to an observed difference of elevation to correct for the error introduced when the line-of-sight through the leveling instrument is not absolutely horizontal when the bubble is centered in its vial. correction, orthometric—A correction applied to a preliminary elevation to correct for the exror introduced when level surfaces at different elevations are not exactly parallel. correction, rod (leveling)—A correction applied to an observed difference of elevation to correct for the error introduced when the leveling rods are not actually of the length indicated by the graduations. correction, temperature (leveling)—A correction applied to an observed difference of elevation to correct for the error introduced when the temperature at which the leveling rods are used in the field is different from the temperature at which they were standardized. 94 datum (vertical) or datums—For marine applications, a base elevation used as a reference to reckon heights or depths. It is called a tidal datum when defined by a certain phase of the tide. Tidal datums are local datums and should not be extended into areas which have differing topographic features without substantiating measurements. In order that they may be recovered when needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known as bench marks. See chart datum. declination—Angular distance north or south of the celestial Equator, taken as positive (+) when north and negative (—) when south of the Equator. The Sun passes through its declinational cycle once a year, reaching its maximum north declination of approximately 2342 about June 21 and its maximum south declination of approximately —23'/2° about December 21. The Moon has an average declinational cycle of 273 days which is called a tropical month. Tides or tidal currents occurring near the times of maximum north or south declination of the Moon are called tropic tides or tropic currents and those occurring when the Moon is over the equator are called equatorial tides or equatorial currents. The maximum declination reached by the Moon in successive months depends upon 'the longitude of the Moon’s node, and varies from 28/2 when the longitude of the ascending node is zero to 182° when the longitude of the,node is 180°. The node cycle or time required for the node to complete a circuit of 360° of longitude is approximately 18.6 years. See epoch (2). diurnal—Having a period or cycle of approximately 1 tidal day. Thus, the tide is considered diurnal when only one high water and one low water occur during a tidal day, and the tidal current is considered diurnal when there is a single flood and single ebb period in the tidal day. A rotary current is diurnal if it changes direction through all points of the compass once each tidal day. A diurnal constituent is one which has a single period in the constituent day. The symbol for such a constituent is usually distinguished by the subscript 1. diurnal range of the tide—See great diurnal range. dynamic elevation or dynamic height—The difference in geopotential between fee level surfaces. The dynamic height difference between two points A and B is JP e dh. If g is measured in kilogals (one kilogal = an acceleration of 10? centimeters per square second) and h in meters, the dynamic elevation is given as geopotential units (GPU). The numerical values of the dynamic heights are about 98 percent of the geometric height value. elevation—The vertical distance of a point above or below a reference surface or datum. In the fundamental horizontal control survey of this country, the datum for elevations is the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, formally called the Sea Level Datum of 1929. elevation, adjusted—The elevation resulting from the application of an adjustment correction to an orthometric elevation. Also the elevation resulting from the application of both an orthometric correction and an adjustment correction to a preliminary elevation. 95 elevation, field—An elevation taken from the field computation of a line of levels. elevation, fixed—An elevation which has been adopted, either as a result of tide observations or previous adjustment of spirit leveling, and held at its accepted value in any subsequent adjustment. elevation, orthometric—A: preliminary elevation to which the orthometric correction has been applied. elevation, preliminary—An elevation arrived at after the index, level, rod, and temperature corrections have been applied to the observed differences of elevation and new elevations have been computed. elevation, standard—An adjusted elevation based on the NGVD or. the Sea Level Datum of 1929. Ellipse, eccentricity of—See eccentricity of ellipse. epoch—(1) Also known as phase lag. Angular retardation of the maximum of a constituent of the observed tide (or tidal current) behind the corresponding maximum of the same constituent of the theoretical equilibrium tide. It may also be defined as the plhiase— difference between a tidal constituent and its equilibrium argument. When referred to the local equilibrium argument its symbol is the Greek letter k (kappa); when referred to the corresponding Greenwich equilibrium argument it is called the Greenwich epoch and is represented by the capital letter G. A Greenwich epoch that has been modified to adjust to a particular time meridian for convenience in the prediction of tides is represented by the small letter g or by x’. The relations between these epochs may be expressed by G =k + pL g=Kk =G- = where L is the longitude of the place, and S the longitude of the time meridian, these being taken as positive for west longitude and negative for east longitude; p is the number of constituent periods in the constituent day and is equal to 0 for all long-period constituents, 1 for diurnal constituents, 2 for semidiurnal constituents, etc.; and a is the hourly speed of the constituent, all angular measurements being expressed in degrees. (2) Used in tidal datum determinations is a 19-year metonic cycle over which tidal height observations are meaned to establish the various datums. Since periodic and apparent secular trends occur in sea level, a specific 19-year cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch) is selected so that all tidal datum determinations throughout the United States and its possessions will have a common reference. The National Tidal Datum Epoch officially adopted by the NOS is 1941 through 1959. The National Tidal Datum Epoch is scheduled for review and possible revision at 25-year intervals. 96 equatorial tides—Tides occurring semimonthly as the result of the Moon being over the Equator. At these times the tendency of the Moon to produce a diurnal inequality in the tide is at a minimum. equilibrium argument—The theoretical phase of a constituent of the equilibrium tide. It is usually represented by the expression (V+u), in which V is a uniformly changing angular quantity involving multiples of the hour angle of the mean Sun, the mean longitudes of the Moon and Sun, and the mean longitude of the lunar or solar perigee; the u is a slowly changing angle depending on the longitude of the Moon’s node. When pertaining to an initial instant of time, such as the beginning of a series of observations, it is expressed by (V, + u). equinoxes—The two points in the celestial sphere where the celestial Equator intersects the ecliptic; also, the times when the Sun crosses the Equator at these points. The vernal equinox is the point where the Sun crosses the Equator from south to north, about March 21. Celestial longitude is reckoned eastward from the vernal equinox. The autumnal equinox is the point where the Sun crosses the Equator from north to south, about September 23. equipotential surface (geodesy)—A surface having the same potential of gravity at every point (no work is done when a body is moved about in such a surface). When bodies of the same mass are moved from one equipotential surface to another, the same amount of energy is developed or expended, accordingly, as the bodies are lowered or raised, and regardless of the route followed. In lifting a unit mass from sea level to any other specified equipotential surface, the amount of work required is the same at the Equator as at the poles: at the Equator the height of any equipotential surface above sea level is greater and the force of gravity at the surface is less than for the same equipotential surface at the poles. An equipotential surface is a level surface. A particular equipotential surface is identified by its dynamic number. error of closure—See misclosure. error of closure, angles—The amount by which the actual sum of a series of angles fails to equal the theoretically exact value of that sum. See error of closure of horizon and error of closure of triangle. error of closure in azimuth—The amount by which two values of the azimuth of a line, derived by different surveys or along different routes, fail to be exactly equal to each other. Generally, one value is derived by computations carried through the survey (triangulation or traverse); the other is an adjusted or fixed value determined by an earlier or a more precise survey, or by independent astronomical observations. error of closure in leveling—The amount by which two values of the elevation of the same bench mark, derived by different surveys or through different survey routes or by independent observations, fail to be exactly equal to each other. The closure may be developed in a line of leveling which starts and ends on different bench marks whose elevations are held fixed; or it may start and close on the same bench mark. De error of closure of horizon—The amount by which the sum of a series of horizontal angles measured between adjacent lines in a complete circuit of the horizon fails to equal exactly 360° error of closure of triangle—The amount by which the sum of the three observed angles of a triangle fails to equal exactly 180° plus the spherical excess of the triangle. error of closure, traverse—The amount by which a value of the position of a traverse station as obtained by computation through a traverse fails to agree with another value of the same station as determined by a different set of observations or route of survey. The traverse may run between two stations whose positions are held fixed, or it may start from and end on the same station. In either case there are two values for the position of the final station: one known before the traverse was computed, the other obtained by computations carried through the traverse. The difference between these is the error of closure. It may be resolved into closure in latitude, and closure in longitude (or departure). The total closure is also referred to as closure in position. extreme high water—The highest elevation reached by the sea as recorded by a tide gage during a given period. NOS routinely documents monthly and yearly extreme high waters for its control stations. extreme low water—The lowest elevation reached by the sea as recorded by a tide gage during a given period. NOS routinely documents monthly and yearly extreme low water for its control stations. eustatic adjustment—The worldwide increase in sea level due to the increase in the volume of the oceans resulting from the melting of glaciers. first-order leveling—Precise leveling in which the elevation differences obtained in two runnings of a section do not differ by more than 4 millimeters per Vk where k is distance measured in kilometers or by more than 0.017 foot per Vk where k is measured in miles. geoid, compensated—A theoretical geoid derived from the actual geoid by the application of computed values of the deflection of the vertical which depend on the topography and isostatic compensation. The data upon which to base the effect of topography and isostatic compensation are obtained from readings of topographic maps; the effect is then computed in accordance with the assumptions made with respect to isostasy, i.e., the depth and distribution of isostatic compensation. A method for accomplishing this was developed by Hayford, who accepted the Pratt theory of isostasy. If the theory and assumptions with respect to isostasy were exact and there were no anomalies, the compensated geoid would agree with the spheroid of reference. 98 geoid, isostatic—An ideal geoid derived from the spheroid of reference by the application of computed values of the deflection of the vertical which depend upon the topography and isostatic compensation. The computed values of the deflection of the vertical used in obtaining the isostatic geoid are similar to those for the compensated geoid, but of opposite signs. If the theory and assumptions with regard to isostasy were exact and there were no anomalies, the isostatic geoid would agree with the actual geoid. geoid contour—A line on the surface of the geoid of constant elevation with reference to the surface of the spheroid of reference. Geoid contours represent differences in elevation between the geoid and the spheroid. Geoid contours depend on the surface of reference. The same geoid referred to different surfaces of reference will give different sets of geoid contours. glacioisostatic adjustment—The surface of the Earth was depressed due to the weight of the ice during the ice ages. A slow recovery is still in progress, leading to increasing land levels in the areas formally covered by ice. This slow recovery is called a glacioisostatic adjustment. great diurnal range (Gt)—The difference in height between mean higher high water and mean lower low water. The expression may also be used in its contracted form, diurnal range. gulf coast low water datum—A reference datum, defined as being equal to the low water datum for diurnal tides, and to the lower low water datum for mixed or semidiurnal tides; used only for the Gulf of Mexico and southern Florida, southwest of Key Largo. half-tide level—Also called mean tide level (MTL). A tidal datum midway between mean high water and mean low water. harmonic analysis—The process by which the observed tide or tidal current at any place is separated into basic harmonic constituents. The process is described in detail in Manual of Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1941). harmonic constants—The amplitudes and epochs of the harmonic constituents of the tide or tidal current at any place. harmonic constituent—See constituent. high water (HW)—The maximum height reached by a rising tide. The height may be due solely to the periodic tidal forces or it may have superimposed upon it the effects of prevailing meteorological conditions. Use of the synonymous term, high tide, is discouraged. high water mark—A line or mark left on tidal flats, beach, or alongshore objects indicating the elevation of the intrusion of high water. The mark may be a line of oil or scum on alongshore objects, or a generally continuous deposit of fine shell or debris on the foreshore or berm. This mark is physical evidence of the general height reached by wave runup at recent high waters. It should not be confused with the mean high water line or mean higher high water line. 99 higher high water (HHW)—The higher of the two high waters of any tidal day. higher low water (HLW)—The higher of the two low waters of any tidal day. hydrographic datum—A datum used for referencing depths of water or the heights of predicted tides. See also datum. International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD) (1955)—Mean water level at Pointe-au-Pere, Quebec, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence over the period 1941-56, from which dynamic elevations throughout the Great Lakes region are measured. The term is often used to mean the entire system of dynamic elevations rather than just the referenced water level. isostatic adjustment—Vertical motion of the Earth’s surface in response to changing in loading: downward when increased weight is added; upward when weight is removed. Kappa (k)—Name of Greek letter used as the symbol for a constituent epoch when referred to the local equilibrium argument and frequently taken to mean the same as local epoch. See epoch (1). K; (lunisolar diurnal constituent)—This constituent, with O1, expresses the effect of the Moon’s declination. Both account for diurnal inequality and, at extremes, diurnal tides. With P), it expresses the effect of the Sun’s declination. Ky (lunisolar semidiurnal constituent)—This constituent modulates the amplitude and frequency of My, and Sp for the declinational effect of the Moon and Sun, respectively. long period constituent—A tidal or tidal current constituent with a period that is independent of the rotation of the Earth but which depends on the orbital movement of the Moon or of the Earth. The principal lunar long-period constituents have periods approximating the month and half-month, and the principal solar long-period constit- uents have periods approximating the year and half-year. low water (LW)—The minimum height reached by a falling tide. The height may be due solely to the periodic tidal forces or it may have superimposed upon it the effects of meteorological conditions. Use of the synonymous term, low tide, is discouraged. low water datum (LWD)—(1) the dynamic elevation for each of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair and the corresponding sloping surfaces of the St. Marys, St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara, and St. Lawrence Rivers to which are referred the depths shown on the navigation charts and the authorized depths for navigation improvement projects. Elevations of these planes are referred to IGLD (1955) and are Lake Superior (600.0 feet), Lakes Michigan and Huron (576.8 feet), Lake St. Clair (571.7 feet), Lake Erie (568.6 feet), and Lake Ontario (242.8 feet). (2) An approximation of mean low water that has been adopted as a standard reference for a limited area and is retained for an indefinite period although it may differ slightly from a better determination of mean low water from a subsequent series of observations. Used primarily for river and harbor engineering. Boston Harbor low water datum is an example. 100 low water line—The intersection of the land with the water surface at an elevation of low water. lower high water (LHW)—The lower of the two high waters of any tidal day. lower low water (LLW)—The lower of the two low waters of any tidal day. lower low water datum (LLWD)—An approximation of mean lower low water that has been adopted as a standard reference for a limited area, and is retained for an indefinite period although it may differ slightly from a better determination of mean lower low water from a subsequent series of observations. Used primarily for river and harbor engineering. Columbia River lower low water datum is an example. lunar cycle—An ambiguous expression which has been applied to various cycles associated with the Moon’s rotation. See lunation, metonic cycle, node cycle, and synodical month. lunar day—The time of the rotation of the Earth with respect to the Moon, or the interval between two successive upper transits of the Moon over the meridian of a place. The mean lunar day is approximately 24.84 solar hours in length, or 1.035 times as great as the mean solar day. lunar month—Same as synodical month. lunar nodes—The points where the plane of the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic. The point where the Moon crosses in going from south to north is called the ascending node and the point where the crossing is from north to south is called the descending node. References are usually made to the ascending node, which for brevity may be called the node. lunar tide—That part of the tide on the Earth due solely to the Moon as distinguished from that part due to the Sun. lunar time—Time based upon the rotation of the Earth relative to the Moon. See lunar day. lunation—Same as synodical month L2—Smaller lunar elliptic semidiurnal constituent. This constituent, with Nj, modulates the amplitude and frequency of Mg for the effect of variation in the Moon’s orbital speed due to its elliptical orbit. mean high water (MHW)-—A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of the high water heights observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch). See epoch (2). For stations with shorter series, simultaneous observational comparisons are made with a primary control tide station in order to derive the equivalent of a 19-year 10] value. Use of the synonymous term, mean high tide, is discouraged. For a semidiurnal or mixed tide, the two high waters of each tidal day are included in the mean. When any lower high water is indistinct, it is determined by record examination. For a diurnal tide, the one high water of each tidal day is used in the mean. In the event a second high water occurs, only the diurnal high water is included (see diurnal). So determined, this mean high water, based on the diurnal tide, is the equivalent of mean higher nist water of a mixed tide. See datum and type of tide. mean high water line (MHWL)-—The intersection of the land with the water surface at the elevation of mean high water. See shoreline. mean higher high water (MHHW)—A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of the higher high water heights of a mixed tide observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch). See epoch (2). Only the higher high water of each pair of high waters of a tidal day is included in the mean. For stations with shorter series, simultaneous observational comparisons are made with a primary control tide station to derive the equivalent of a 19-year value. See datum and type of tide. mean higher high water line (MHHWL)—The intersection of the land with the water surface at the elevation of mean higher high water. mean low water (MLW)—A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of the low water heights observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch). See epoch (2). For stations with shorter series, simultaneous observational comparisons are made with a primary control tide station to derive the equivalent of a 19-year value. Use of the synonymous term, mean low tide, is discouraged. For a semidiurnal or mixed tide, the two low waters of each tidal day are included in the mean. When any higher low water is indistinct, it is determined by record examination. For a diurnal tide, the one low water of each tidal day is used in the mean. In the event a second low water occurs, only the diurnal low water is included (see diurnal). So determined, this mean low water, based on the diurnal tide, is the equivalent of mean lower low water of a mixed tide. See datum and type of tide. mean low water line (MLWL)—The intersection of the land with the water surface at the elevation of mean low water. mean low water springs (MLWS)—A tidal datum. See datum. Frequently abbreviated spring low water. The arithmetic mean of the low water heights occurring at the time of the spring tides observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch). It is usually derived by taking an elevation depressed below the half-tide level by an amount equal to one-half of the spring range of tide, with necessary corrections applied to reduce the result to a mean value. This datum is used, to a considerable extent, for hydrographic work outside of the United States and is the level of reference for the Pacific approaches to the Panama Canal. 102 mean lower low water (MLLW)-—A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of the lower low water heights of a mixed tide observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch). See epoch (2). Only the lower low water of each pair of low waters of a tidal day is included in the mean. For stations with shorter series, simultaneous observational comparisons are made with a primary control tide station to derive the equivalent of a 19-year value. See datum and type of tide. mean lower low water line (MLLWL)—The intersection of the land with the water surface at the elevation of mean lower low water. mean range of tide (Mn)—The difference in height between mean high water and mean low water. mean river level—A tidal datum. See datum. The average height of the surface of a tidal river at any point for all stages of the tide observed over a 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch), usually determined from hourly height readings. In rivers subject to occasional freshets, the river level may undergo wide variations, and for practical purposes certain months of the year may be excluded in the determination of tidal datums. For charting purposes, tidal datums for rivers are usually based on observations during selected periods when the river is at or near low water stage. mean sea level (MSL)—A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of hourly water elevations observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle (the National Tidal Datum Epoch). See epoch (2). Shorter series are specified in the name; e.g., monthly mean sea level and yearly mean sea level. See datum. mean tide level (MTL)—Same as half-tide level. mean water level (MWL)—The mean surface elevation as determined by averaging the heights of the water at equal intervals of time, usually hourly. mean water level line (MWLL)—The line formed by the intersection of the land with the water surface at an elevation of mean water level. meteorological tides—Tidal constituents having their origin in the daily or seasonal variations in weather conditions which may occur with some degree of periodicity. The principal meteorological constituents recognized in the tides are Sa, Ssa, and S; . See storm surge. metonic cycle—A period of 19 years or 235 lunations. Devised by Meton, an Athenian astronomer who lived in the fifth centrury (B.C.), for the purpose of obtaining a period in which new and full Moon would recur on the same day of year. Taking the Julian year of 365.25 days and the synodic month as 29.530588 days, gives the 19-year period of 6,939.75 days as compared with the 235 lunations of 6,939.69 days, a difference of only 0.06 day. 103 Mf (lunar fortnightly constituent)—This constituent expresses the effect of departure from a sinusoidal declinational motion. misclosure—The amount by which a value of a quantity obtained by surveying operations fails to agree with another value of the same quantity held fixed from earlier determi- nations or with a theoretical value of the quantity. See error of closure, traverse; error of closure, triangle; error of closure, levels; and error of closure, horizon. mixed (tide)—Type of tide with a large inequality in either the high or low water heights, with two high waters and two low waters usually occurring each tidal day. In strictness, all tides are mixed but the name is usually applied to the tides intermediate to those predominantly semidiurnal and those predominantly diurnal. See type of tide. Mm (lunar monthly constituent)—This constituent expresses the effect of irregularities in the Moon’s rate of change of distance and speed in orbit. MSf—Lunisolar synodic fortnightly constituent. M, (smaller lunar elliptic diurnal constituent)—This constituent, with J,, modulates the amplitude of the declinational K; for the effect of the Moon’s elliptical orbit. A slightly slower constituent, designated (M,), with Q ;, modulates the amplitude and frequency of the declinational O, for the same effect. Mg (principal lunar semidiurnal constituent)—This constituent represents the rotation of the Earth with respect to the Moon. M3 (lunar terdiurnal constituent)—A shallow-water compound constituent. See shallow- water constituent. nadir—The point of the celestrial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer. National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD)—A fixed reference adopted as a standard geodetic datum for heights. The datum was derived for land surveys from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada. In the adjustment, 21 tide stations in the United States and 5 in Canada were held as fixed. The geodetic datum now in use in the United States is the NGVD of 1929. The year indicates the time of the last general adjustment. The geodetic datum is fixed and does not take into account the changing stands of sea level. Because there are many variables affecting sea level, and because the geodetic datum represents a best fit over a broad area, the relationship between the geodetic datum and local mean sea level is not consistent from one location to another in either time or space. For this reason the NGVD should not be, confused with mean sea level. 104 National Tidal Datum Control Network—A network composed of the primary control tide stations of the NOS. Distributed along the coasts of the United States, this network provides the basic tidal datums for coastal boundaries and chart datums of the United States. Tidal datums obtained at secondary control tide stations and tertiary tide stations are referenced to the network. Terrestrial leveling between stations is not a requirement of the network. National Tidal Datum Epoch—The specific 19-year cycle adopted by the NOS as the official time segment over which tide observations are taken and reduced to obtain mean values (e.g., mean lower low water, etc.) for tidal datums. It is necessary for standardization because of apparent periodic and apparent secular trends in sea level. The present epoch is 1941 through 1959. It will be reviewed for possible revision every 25 years. neap rise—The height of neap high water above the elevation of reference or datum of chart. neap tides or tidal currents—Tides of decreased range or tidal currents of decreased speed occurring semimonthly as the result of the Moon being in quadrature. The neap range (Np) of the tide is the average semidiurnal range occurring at the time of neap tides and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. It is smaller than the mean range where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed and is of no practical significance where the type of tide is diurnal. The average height of the high waters of the neap tides is called neap high water or high water neaps (MHWN) and the average height of the corresponding low waters is called neap low water or low water neaps (MLWN). node cycle—Period of approximately 18.61 Julian years required for the regression of the Moon’s nodes to complete a circuit of 360° of longitude. It is accompanied by a corresponding cycle of changing inclination of the Moon’s orbit relative to the plane of the Earth’s Equator, with resulting inequalities in the rise and fall of the tide and speed of the tidal current. node factor (f)—A factor depending on the longitude of the Moon’s node which, when applied to the mean coefficient of a tidal constituent, will adapt the same to a particular year for which predictions are to be made. nodical month—Average period of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth in respect to the Moon’s ascending node. It is approximately 27.212220 days in length. No—Larger lunar elliptic semidiurnal constituent. See L2. 2N—Lunar elliptic semidiurnal, second order, constituent. orthometric corrections—Corrections to the measured difference in elevation to account for the nonparallelism of level surfaces. Orthometric corrections to the measured differences in elevation are needed to make the measured differences in elevations independent of the route followed in making the geodetic survey. See Section V of this report. 105 overtide—A harmonic tidal (or tidal current) constituent with a speed that is an exact multiple of the speed of one of the fundamental constituents derived from the development of the tide-producing force. The presence of overtides is usually attributed to shallow-water conditions. The overtides usually considered in tidal work and the harmonics of the principal lunar and solar semidiurnal constituents My and So are designated by the symbols M4, Me, Mg, Sa, Se, ete. The magnitudes of these harmonics relative to those of the fundamental constituents are usually greater in the tidal current than in the tide. perigean tides or tidal currents—Tides of increased range or tidal currents of increased speed occurring monthly as the result of the Moon being in perigee or nearest the Earth. The perigean range (Pn) of tide is the average semidiurnal range occurring at the time of perigean tides and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. It is larger than the mean range where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed, and is of no practical significance where the type of tide is diurnal. perigee—The point in the orbit of the Moon at which it is nearest the Earth. When used in connection with the solar tides it is qualified as solar perigee and refers to the position of the Sun when nearest the Earth. perihelion—The point in the orbit of the Earth (or other planet) nearest the Sun. period—Interval required for the completion of a recurring event, such as the revolution of a celestial body, or the time between two consecutive-like phases of the tide or tidal current. A period may be expressed in angular measure and is then taken as 360°. The term is also used to express any specified duration of time. phase—(1) Any recurring aspect of a periodic phenomenon, as new Moon, high water, strength of flood, etc. (2) A particular instant of a periodic function expressed in angular measure and reckoned from the time of its maximum value, the entire period of the function being taken as 360°. The maximum and minimum of a harmonic constituent have phase values of 0° and 180°, respectively. primary control tide station—A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum of a 19-year metonic cycle. It provides data for computing accepted values of the harmonic and nonharmonic constants essential to tide predictions and to the determination of tidal datums for charting and coastal boundaries. The data series from this station serves as a primary control for the reduction of relatively short series from subordinate tide stations through the method of comparison of simultaneous observations, and for monitoring long-period sea level trends and variations. See tide stations, subordinate tide stations (1), secondary control tide station, and tertiary tide station. primary tidal bench mark— See bench mark. 106 quadrature of moon—Position of the Moon when its longitude differs by 90° from the longitude of the Sun. The corresponding phases are known as first quarter and last quarter. quadrature tide—Same as neap tide. range of tide—The difference in height between consecutive high and low waters. The mean range is the difference in height between mean high water and mean low water. The great diurnal range or diurnal range is the difference in height between mean higher high water and mean lower low water. Where the type of tide is diurnal the mean range is the same as the diurnal range. For other ranges see spring, neap, perigean, apogean, and tropic tides. reference station—A tide or current station for which independent daily predictions are given in the NOS tide tables, and from which corresponding predictions are obtained for subordinate stations by means of differences and ratios. Sa (solar annual constituent)—This constituent, with Ssa, accounts for the nonuniform changes in the Sun’s declination and distance. In actuality, the changes mostly reflect yearly meteorological variations influencing sea level. See Ssa. saros—A period of 223 synodic months corresponding approximately to 19 eclipse years or 18.03 Julian years, and is a cycle in which solar and lunar eclipses repeat themselves under approximately the same conditions. sea level datum (SLD)—Use of this term is discouraged. See National Geodetic Vertical Datum. secondary control tide station—A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum period of 1 year but less than a 19-year metonic cycle. The series is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a primary control tide station. This station provides for a 365-day harmonic analysis including the seasonal fluctuation of sea level. See tide station, primary control tide station, subordinate tide station (1), and tertiary tide station. semidiurnal—Having a period or cycle of approximately one-half of a tidal day. The predominating type of tide throughout the world is semidiummal, with two high waters and two low waters each tidal day. The tidal current is said to be semidiurnal when there are two flood and two ebb periods each day. A semidiurnal constituent has two maximums and.two minimums each constituent day, and its symbol is usually distinguished by the subscript 2. See type of tide. shallow-water constituent—A short-period harmonic term introduced into the formula of tidal (or tidal current) constituents to take account of the change in the form of a tide wave resulting from shallow-water conditions. Shallow-water constituents include the overtides and compound tides. 107 shoreline—The intersection of the land with the water surface. The shoreline shown on charts represents the line of contact between the land and a selected water elevation. In areas affected by tidal fluctuations, this line of contact is usually the mean high water line. In confined coastal waters of diminished tidal influence, the mean water level line may be used. sidereal day—The time of the rotation of the Earth with respect to the vernal equinox. It equals approximately 0.99727 of a mean solar day. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the sidereal day thus defined is slightly less than the period of rotation with respect to the fixed stars, but the difference is less than the hundredth part of a second. sidereal month—Average period of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth with respect to a fixed star, equal to 27.321661 mean solar days. sidereal time—This is usually defined by astronomers as the hour angle of the vernal equinox. The sidereal day is the interval between two successive upper transits of the vernal equinox. Note that when applied to the month and year, the term “sidereal”’ has reference to motion with respect to the fixed stars; the term “tropical” is used for motion with respect to the vernal equinox. Because of the precession of the equinox there is a slight difference. sidereal year—Average period of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun with respect to a fixed star. Its length is approximately 365.2564 mean solar days. slack water—The state of a tidal current when its speed is near zero, especially the moment when a reversing current changes direction and its speed is zero. The term is also applied to the entire period of low speed near the time of turning of the current when it is too weak to be of any practical importance in navigation. The relation of the time of slack water to the tidal phases varies in different localities. For standing tide waves, slack water occurs near the times of high and low water; for progressive tide waves, slack water occurs midway between high and low water. solar day—The period of the rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun. The mean solar day is the time of the rotation with respect to the mean Sun. The solar day commencing at midnight is called a civil or calendar day, but if the day is reckoned from noon it is known as an astronomical day because of its former use in astronomical calculations. solar tide—(1) The part of the tide that is due to the tide-producing force of the Sun. (2) The observed tide in areas where the solar tide is dominant. This condition provides for phase repetition at about the same time each solar day. solar time—Time measured by the hour angle of the Sun. It is called apparent time when referred to the actual Sun and mean time when referred to the mean Sun. It is also classified as local, standard, or Greenwich according to whether it is reckoned from the local, standard, or Greenwich meridian. 108 solstices—The two points in the ecliptic where the Sun reaches its maximum and minimum declinations; also the times when the Sun reaches these points. The maximum north declination occurs on or near June 21, marking the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The maximum south declination occurs on or near December 22, marking the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere. solstitial tides—Tides occurring near the times of the solstices. The tropic range may be expected to be especially large at these times. species of constituent—A classification depending on the period of a constituent. The principal species are semidiurnal, diurnal, and long period. speed (of constituent)—The rate of change in the phase of a constituent, usually expressed in degrees per hour. The speed is equal to 360° divided by the constituent period expressed in hours. spring high water—Same as mean high water springs (MHWS). See spring tides or tidal currents. spring low water—Same as mean low water springs (MLWS). See spring tides or tidal currents. spring range (Sg)—See spring tides. spring tides or tidal currents—Tides of increased range or tidal currents of increased speed occurring semimonthly as the result of the Moon being new or full. The spring range (Sg) of tide is the average semidiurnal range occurring at the time of spring tides and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. It is larger than the mean range where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed, and is of no practical significance where the type of tide is diurnal. The average height of the high waters of the spring tides is called spring high water or mean high water springs (MHWS); the average height of the corresponding low waters is called spring low water or mean low water springs (MLWS). Ssa—Solar semiannual constituent. See Sa. stand of tide—Sometimes called a platform tide. An interval at high or low water when there is no sensible change in the height of the tide. The water level is stationary at high and low water for only an instant, but the change in level near these times is so slow that it is not usually perceptible. In general, the duration of the apparent stand will depend on the range of tide, being longer for a small range than for a large range, but where there is a tendency for a double tide the stand may last for several hours even with a large range of tide. 109 standard station—Same as reference station. Use of this term is discouraged. standard time—A kind of time based on the transit of the Sun over a certain specified meridian, called the time meridian, and adopted for use over a considerable area. With a few exceptions, standard time is based on some meridian which differs by a multiple of 15° from the meridian of Greenwich. The United States first adopted standard time in 1883 on the initiative of the American Railway Association, and at noon on November 18 of that year the telegraphic time signals from the Naval Observatory at Washington were changed to this system. storm surge—A departure from a normal elevation of the sea due to the piling up of water against (or withdrawal from) a coast by strong winds such as those accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm. Reduced atmospheric pressure often contributes to the departure in height during hurricanes. It is potentially catastrophic, especially in deltaic regions with onshore winds at the time of high water and extreme wind wave heights. subordinate current station—(1) A current station from which a relatively short series of observations is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a control current station. (2) A station listed in tidal current tables for which predictions are obtained by means of differences and ratios applied to the full predictions at a reference station. subordinate tide station—(1) A tide station from which a relatively short series of observations is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a tide station with a relatively long series of observations. (2) A station listed in tide tables for which predictions are obtained by means of differences and ratios applied to the full. predictions at a reference station. See primary control tide station, secondary control tide station, tertiary tide station, and reference station. summer time—British term for daylight saving time. synodical month—The average period of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth with respect to the Sun, or the average interval between corresponding phases of the Moon. The synodical month is approximately 29.530588 days in length. syzygy—Position of the Moon when it is new or full. S;—Solar diurnal constituent. S2—Principal solar semidiurnal constituent. This constituent represents the rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun. S4, S6—Shallow-water overtides of the principal solar constituent. 110 tertiary tide station—A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum period of 30 days but less than 1 year. The series is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations from a secondary control tide station. This station provides for a 29-day harmonic analysis. See tide station, primary control tide station, subordinate tide station (1), and secondary control tide station. tidal bench mark—See bench mark. tidal bench-mark description—A published, concise description of the location, stamped number or designation, date established, and elevation (referred to a tidal datum) of a specific bench mark. tidal bench-mark State index map—A State map which indicates the locations for which tidal datums and tidal bench-mark descriptions are available. tidal bore—A tidal wave that propagates up a relatively shallow and sloping estuary or river in a solitary waveform. The leading edge presents an abrupt rise in level, frequently with continuous breaking and often immediately followed by several large undulations. An uncommon phenomenon, the tidal bore is usually associated with very large ranges in tide as well as wedge-shaped and rapidly shoaling entrances. Also called eagre, eager (for Tsientang, China, bore), mascaret (French), pororoca (Brazilian), and bore. tidal constants—Tidal relations that remain practically constant for any particular locality. Tidal constants are classified as harmonic and nonharmonic. The harmonic constants consist of the amplitudes and epochs of the harmonic constituents; the nonharmonic constants include the ranges and intervals derived directly from the high and low water observations. tidal datum—See datum. tidal day—Same as lunar day. tidal difference—Difference in time or height of a high or low water as a subordinate station and at a reference station for which predictions are given in tide tables. The difference, positive or negative when applied to the prediction at the reference station, gives the corresponding time or height for the subordinate station. tide—The periodic rise and fall of the water resulting from gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The vertical component of the particulate motion of a tide wave. Although the accompanying horizontal movement of the water is part of the same phenomenon, it is preferable to designate this motion as tidal current. tide curve—A graphic representation of the rise and fall of the tide in which time is usually represented by the abscissa and height by the ordinate of the graph. For a normal tide the graphic representation approximates a cosine curve. 111 tide datum—See datum. tide gage—An instrument for measuring the rise and fall of the tide. tide-producing force—That part of the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun which is effective in producing the tides on the Earth. The force varies approximately as the mass of the attracting body and inversely as the cube of its distance. The tide-producing force exerted by the Sun is a little less than one-half as great as that of the Moon. A mathematical development of the vertical and horizontal components of the tide-producing forces of the Moon and Sun is given in Schureman (1941). tide staff—A tide gage consisting of a vertical graduated staff from which the height of the tide can be read directly. It is called a fixed staff when secured in place so that it cannot be easily removed. A portable staff is one that is designed for removal from the water when not in use. For such a staff a fixed support is provided, and the staff itself has a metal stop secured to the back to maintain the same elevation when installed for use. tide station—The geographic location at which tide observations are conducted. Also, the facilities used to make tide observations. These may include a tide house, tide gage, tide staff, and tidal bench marks. See primary control tide station, subordinate tide station, secondary control tide station, and tertiary tide station. tide tables—Tables which give daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters. These predictions are usually supplemented by tide differences and constants through which additional predictions can be obtained for numerous other places. tropic tides—Tides occurring semimonthly when the effect of the Moon’s maximum declination is greatest. At these times there is a tendency for an increase in the diurnal range. The tidal datums pertaining to the tropic tides are designated as tropic higher high water (TcHHW), tropic lower high water (TcLHW), tropic higher low water (TcHLW), and tropic lower low water (TcLLW). tropical month—The average period of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth with respect to the vernal equinox. Its length is approximately 27.321582 days. tropical year—The average period of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun with respect to the vernal equinox. Its length is approximately 365.2422 days. The tropical year determines the cycle of changes in the seasons, and is the unit to which the calendar year is adjusted through the occasional introduction of the extra day of leap years. tsunami—A shallow-water progressive wave, potentially catastrophic, caused by an under- water earthquake or volcano. Also called seismic sea wave. 112 Tsushima Current—A North Pacific Ocean current setting northeastward in the East China Sea (in summer) and the Sea of Japan. type of tide—A classification based on characteristic forms of a tide curve. Qualitatively, when the two high waters and two low waters of each tidal day are approximately equal in height, the tide is considered semidiurnal; when there is a relatively large diurnal inequality in the high or low waters or both, it is considered mixed; and when there is only one high water and one low water in each tidal day, it is considered diurnal. Quantitatively (after Marmer, 1951) where the ratio of Ky + O, to Mg + So is less than 0.25, the tide is classified as semidiurnal; where the ratio is from 0.25 to 1.5, the tide is mixed; and where greater than 1.5, diurnal. The NOS classifies tides quantitatively. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS)—A former name of the National Ocean Survey (NOS). The organization was known as: The Survey of the Coast from its founding in 1807 to 1836; Coast Survey from 1836 to 1878; and U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey from 1878 to 1970 (from 1965 to 1970, the USC&GS was a component of the Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA)). In 1970, the USC&GS became NOS, a component of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA became the successor to ESSA in 1970. V,. + u—See equilibrium argument. 113 APPENDIX B CHARACTERISTICS OF ASTRONOMICAL TIDES AT REFERENCE TIDE STATIONS This appendix contains three figures and two tables for each tide station considered in the statistical study. The data are arranged in sequence as the tide stations appear (proceeding in a clockwise direction) along the U.S. coastline from Maine to Alaska. The tide stations also appear in the same order as listed in Appendix C by number assigned in the NOS tide tables. All figures and tables for the same tide station are presented together to facilitate comparison of data of that station and of nearby stations. In general, the characteristics of the astronomical tides change smoothly along the coast. The most notable exception is that the annual cycle of mean water levels in estuaries may follow the annual cycle in riverflow more closely than the annual cycle in MSL. Practical problems will generally involve areas at considerable distances from reference tide stations and will have characteristics intermediate to two reference tide stations. For plotting — purposes, all data have been normalized as follows: (a) Hydrographs. Full scale corresponds to extreme range of the predicted tide from the 19-year metonic cycle. The mean range and mean diurnal range are indicated by plotting the positions of MHHW, MHW, MSL, MLW, and MLLW. Curves for reference tide stations have been added to a few hydrographs to show the agreement or disagreement between primary and secondary calculations. (b) Cyclical Distribution of Tide Parameters. High water parameters are normalized with respect to MHHW, and low water parameters with respect to MLLW. Range parameters are normalized with respect to the diurnal range. The MSL curves are plotted in units of feet. In each of the probability curve figures, the low end of the HHW curve and the higher end of the LLW: curve have been contaminated by some lower low waters because the solar day rather than the lunar day was used to define these parameters. 114 Index to tide station figures and tables, |__ Distribution functions | functions sas Hydrographs | Probability Tide Monthly |HHW, HW, ee curves Tira HW ie a LW LW and LLW AE A EE eeurenosty ip 1a Nome pe coast Eastport, Maine Portland, Maine Boston, Mass. Newport, R.I. New London, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Willets Point, N.Y. New York, N.Y. (The Battery) Albany, N.Y. Sandy Hook, NJ. Atlantic City, NJ.* Breakwater Harbor, Del. Reedy Point, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D.C. Hampton Roads, Va. (Sewells Point) Wilmington, N.C. Charleston, S.C. Savannah River Entrance, Ga. (Ft. Palaski) 21 Savannah, Ga. 22 Mayport, Fla. 23 Miami Harbor Entrance, Fla. Son an fF wh = Lodi lll aol alll alll od oo od Noa b&b wn fF © 06 oOOeY Ee ow @& 24 Key West, Fla. 0.632 M 25 Naples, Fla.* 1.495 D 26 St. Petersburg, Fla. 1.093 D 27 St. Marks River Entrance, Fla. 1.683 D 28 Pensacola, Fla. 0.651 D 29 Mobile, Ala. 0.719 D 30 Galveston, Tex. 0.716 D 31 San Juan, P.R. 0.575 M 115 32 San Diego, Calif. 33 Los Angeles, Calif. (Outer Harbor) 34 San Francisco, Calif. (Golden Gate) 35 Humboldt Bay, Calif. 36 Crescent City, Calif.* 37 Southbeach, Oreg.* 38 Astoria, Oreg. (Tongue Point) 39 Aberdeen, Wash. 40 Port Townsend, Wash. 41 Seattle, Wash. 42 Friday Harbor, Wash.” 43 Ketchikan, Alaska 44 Juneau, Alaska 45 Sitka, Alaska 46 Cordova, Alaska 47 Seldovia, Alaska 48 Anchorage, Alaska 49 Kodiak, Alaska 50 Dutch Harbor, Alaska 51 Sweeper Cove, Alaska (Adak Island) 52 Massacre Bay, Alaska (Attu Island) 53 Nushagak Bay, Alaska (Clarks Point) 54 St. Michael, Alaska 55 Honolulu, Hawaii Index to tide station figures and tables.—Continued [permite Normalizing Hydrographs | Probability HHW, HW, hourly, factor? curves | parameters || HW and LW | LW, and LLW es oo 1 Sequence number as the tide stations appear along the U.S. coastline in a clockwise direction from Maine to Alaska. 2Number assigned to tide station in the NOS tide tables (see App. C). 3Used for normalization, M = mean ranges; D = diurnal range. “Reference station; tide predictions for: (a) Atlantic City are normally based on Sandy Hook, New Jersey. (b) Naples are normally based on St. Marks, Florida. (c) Crescent City and Southbeach are normally based on Humboldt Bay, California. (d) Friday Harbor are normally based on Port Townsend, Washington. 116 = TUAUUAMAMMAMHAALAAIAAAAAAAutu MN WNT nininni “HAA ATI Im sl i sera JANUARY 1963 Figure B-lb i Pe TORT MAINE HO®A2qgq_qgo 780 O%m,qo%o 12345678910 12 6Y 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1961) id HIGH WATER o = waximun © © NEAN HIGHER X = MERN oO PUCTISGHSSS BEES Sse SS SRR eg aa RBs =e XK xx XXXXKyY x K -1.6 123W¥5678910 12 6 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER) o «ween © = WEAN Lenen X= MINIMUN 2.3 u mS BREESSRRBERRBS BBBs sO Rees uC U, Oo & 1.4 0.6 123456768910 12 6H 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -@ DIURNAL TIDE @ = NEAN TICE Xe STO DEVIATION 0.5 O xxxKKKXKKKXX XR MK MK KK KK KKK KKK KK (0) 55) 12345676910 12 6H 69 7H 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-lc 118 0000°S nnoo® angn®t= 20000°t nn0o? 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XK KX KKK KKK HEX KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KX -0.5 12345676910 12 64 69 7M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-2c 122 0000°t nnoo0® n26S*le 20000°S Amn00° inee*t e o 9566° mno00® OanS*t= 29566° 0000° dae2et a e224? noo? nogi*te age2o* ectoe meoget 21 66° gA00° LgnS*te 29Gh6° 0000° theert e eg2at? Sitoe VLLE° Te 29609° egtoe q00n"s S296° g@00° L2nS*t= 29566" nn0o° Sngect e efSS0° a900° 9f4E°TS 2596S° 8u00® 2ndnet 4€16° 0000° 6aLS°te s2t6o° 0000° ocfert e 259nte @900° 20ce°te e229s° gene 920net 4€26° 0000° SSES°T= e2160° nn00° Ltneet a eLLEt? mno00® o99f°Te w6elS° mm00° Ortnet 4£16° hoo? 22ES°t= 29996° 0000° dnneet Py effE0? €920° SfOL° Te sanec? nno0? potnet £696° no0® Ge2zS°t= ef9K6° nn0o0® Sanect 2 2040f¢ moo? TO9E*T= w204G° ecto° Actnet ong96° moo? nS2S*°t= »#S20h° 0000° stsees s 2920¢° ectoe @9ST°t= whLgc® £920° Thenet S096° Sito® 022S5°t= 2S280° 9n00° @nsact s 25602° ego? nESt°te vlogs? Sitoe Sn2net Ofne® noo? 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S.toe £99n?h Of6L® e25t0® z2ain*te enc2z6* agto® d662°h * 29tgte 0000° Se0k*te agonge 20% Le%net 409° ot20° Qnan®te ef2to® 9¥u00° n2oget * 29tete 900° 2o0g°te agacee eqtoe tadnet gesi® 6t20° Mten?t= eSe06® nndo° esoget 2 eae2ete 2gtoe w20g°t= a202e¢° Seroe sodpet e9gL° nno0® Teon®t= »teee® nn00° ze0get a 2960b8 noo? Mood’ te a0g2° 2gtue eudnet Secc® 0000° dngn*t= ainoe® nn0o® S2tcct * whSOte moo? O96e°t= egu92° £920° 22Aanet Sega? S_toe £ton*t= encea® 0000° ostgst 2 e6n0te mode b2o2°te a2tne® ectoe 9gAnet onte® egtoe 0asn*t= enooy® nn0o0® rotcet * 259608 0000% fog2ete atgae2® geno? Ooenct eto? egto° 9nsn*t= 20999° £92v° Leec*t * #5960° e@00° 6Su2°te sfotea® ecto? n2on?t 9999° ecto ztgn*t= 696Se° etev® to2cet * #4L90° 0000° S2g2*t= atg02* 2gtoe eson?t 549° tog0° einn®te eiisa® nn0o0° Se2cct a e11490° nnoo? Zoc2e°te s0fol? ecto? Z2oon’t Ono egto° Snnn*t= efsre° nnoo* o2cret s #f£90° egtoe BSde°le eget? eeco° 920g°4 2429° ete2o° Tinn*t* seaze° Suto® corges rY 22040° nmnoo® n2ce°te eafiise 6120° 0906°t £S509° 0000° 4iin’t= entity? 620° dorect a 295908 ge@00° Ve92°te atont® Satoe nooset £s09° 400° fnen*t= eG6eL° 2gto° Teneet 296 2 20450° 9800° 4992°te sotste 6420° e2tget 9nus® S.toe Otgn?t= efoLL° nn00° songet wtf ry #29n08 nn00® {292°le eo601° 0000° 29otset O4ss* Sito® 9Len°t= sete e@g0u° bonc°l eet s 26En0° nnoo® oase’te wo60t? 0000° 9otaet secs? 9900° 2nen*te e294" 0000° qasc’t eof s 9S6£0° 0000° 9SS2°le wa60t° egtoe oreset 40¢s° otzo° goen*t= s2oL° mn00° 49S95°t) 20n 6 256f0° 2qroe 2252°te 26960° satoe ng2ecg*t @80S° @900° SLin*t= s99SL° 2ato° To9oget stn ® #£920° nn0o® @an2*te seas0® noo0® 962593 000S° nnoo® Inin?t= 29Gn° 2cto® Seog*l aah 2 26t20° noo? nGn2*te wong? 0000° Tesset 9Sen° 2900° Lotn*te esecc° 9900° a99c°h afn * aSLtoe moo ben2%*te #onz08 ot2o° s9iset a9gn° £920° nLon*te sigec® gv00° 20ca*t ann * 22et0* nn0d® 4ere°te 29250° Satoe 66£S°t SO09n° nn00® Onon*t= sonti® nnou® 9CLE°t 8S 2 29900° nnoo® tsre2°te ats¢go® 2ctoe finset bocné ot20¢ 900n*T= eSotc® Sscto* OLea*t 89h * ann0o® 0000° otgerte eet20® 9en0e conget engn® 2ctoe Zlos* t= #9¢49° ecto® moee’t etn 2 2nn00? 0000° 9922°le e2gto® nnno® Toss*t ttane @900° esor*t= 09619° ecto°® 9g9aF°b san 2 enno0o® 0n00° eSee*le 299008 mnoo0e S¢S6°h fL2tn* 9900° S0et*tl= 214999° ecto® 2495°s aon e enhooe v0u0® ate2’te annnoe 0000° 69SS°4 ston° eA00° That? te #S¢S59° 9n00° 9068°s 20S * qnn00e 0000° nete?te snn00® 0000° €096°t ines? 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LOwgR PHEO, CuM,® LOWER REO, NO, © LIMIT FREQ,® LIMIT FREG LIMyT LIegT . 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MASS = JANUARY 1963 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER 0 « waxinun © = HEAN HIGHER X » MERN 12345678910 12 6&4 69 7 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER e@e wean © MEAN Lenen Xe MINEMUN 2.3 o9°90R 80 ® oad @ oO on oo ong nomooooaogag 09 ©o ® Oo 4 5 . 5 eoe00090000 12345678910 12 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -j} owrnac roe @ = NEAN TIOE Xe STD DEVIATION Oy35 0. 0 xxxXxxXKXKXKX xX KKK KK KM KK KK KK KKK KK Was 12345676910 12 6W 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-3c 126 0000°t nrnoo® 4ogS°t= 20000° nn00® doar el et ® e 956° neno?e z25¢S5° te 29666" 0000° Ogetes v2 * woR2e? ge00° NI9E*te wo9gge 8e00° o9SE*t wes 2166° roo LTES*T= 29566° 0000° T9OtTel of * 220282 egioe OLSE°Te #24299 7gtoe 209¢°t £5 8996° 2¢roe TP2S°* T= 29566" 0000° 9o61°t an * 20L0F° c920° Pmse*te wdnto® 2stoe SE°C*t ans 416° Be00° areS*t® #9666" 0000° o202°t «Ss ® «092° e900? 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NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND 3 1.4 or®%On, o.9 Bien et er obs 12345678910 ie 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER o « waxinun © © NEAN HIGHER X = MEAN 123W¥5678910 12 464 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER) meweean © © WEAN LONER X= MINZMUN 1234567686910 12 6N 69 74 mt) MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -|owanar tie © = NEAN TOE Xe STO DEVIATION OF Denise ede § tes Fol L326) XKMXKX KKK KKK KKK KKK KX 12345676910 12 6 69 7N 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-4c 130 0000°t nroo® T229°te 20000°F nn00° 4oze*s et a 2te6° 9000° S9t9% Te 29G66° 0000° o942°h 22 s etee° nooe 90T9%Te 29666° 0000° ogag2?t of a 2996° fnno® 4n09°t= 29966" 9000° tee2°h eon 8 S296° 0000° oR6S°T2 29566° 0000° 2se2°t eS Py S296° noo? 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CONNECTICUT 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER 0 -~ waxinun @ © NEAN HIGHER X = MERN ee S8ssF8g, peeesS Seek eg ggaegs x x x x x = xX x X x =a 12345678910 12 6H 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1965-1981) LOW WATER © = MEAN = MEAN LOWER X= MININUN 268 pooosjecedoo agnoaOOaaggada ooo TOD OOOGEOBG SO00g © 12345676910 12 6u 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE @ DIURNAL TIDE @ = NEAW TIDE Xe STO OEVIATI ON 5) ° ex KXKXKXXXXKK x XMM KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK AN) 5 5) 12345676910 12 6U 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-6c 138 Q000°% 9566° 2te6° B9g6° 8996° 8996° w9u6° 8996° bezo° bei6° 4£16° 446° 696° nine? 9uE6° enge® @626° tt26° bheee 49t6° f2te® £2to° Stoe° p06e° 706e° 9tee° 999° 60se° 60s5e° S9ne° este* 040e° d0g2° otsc® egod* 2fol* vogz® a9ga° e9E4° tee2a° 0f69° @619° 40n9° 91¢9° oetg° 4i9s° 9n4S° 204S° 2@ns* bogs otese see & °O3ja3 @ Wht & wiles °4424 68° rngo® rhoo® f00° v200° €200° v0g0® 2900° zau0* vd00° po0® 600° &700° Sito® »200° 7™n00° mno0® Bau0® c000° mno0° proo® 0000° wv00° eg1o* voo00° we00® esto* Sato° 9000° nngo® 40¢g0°* we00® £920° #900° g900° 9900° esto® egto® 9900° wg00° isgo* eqio* Ise0° egioe ecto® 49£0° ecio® pn00° ot20° e@stoe ecio® ecio® Saetesesresessserss “oaud 201 Om 34394409 &@ BILV* YI & VINVS NVGS Jed 419H OL 14934834 iI 6Sn9*t= #0000%I Otn9® l= 29G66° 19g9° l= 29G66° 2TE9*% le 29G66° n9e9° l= w2toe® St29° b= 22166° 9919°T= s2loo® LUI9° Le 82166° 6909% t= e2t6o° 0zZ209° l= a99Ro* bloS*te= elele° 226S* t= alydo® nLeS*l= slalo* S29S°l= eLglb° 9LLS* 1] eLElo° L2LS° Te! sf690° OL9S* T= 8£690° OF9S* b= 26696" Tass* le «£690° 2gsS*l= e6n96° nenS*tl= e8@1Se° SEnS*t= wH1So6° 9agS*t= enino® 4gcS*be enuno® 6eeS*l= anine® OneS® tle aneno® letS*t= enine® entS*te e99f6* nedS* b= e2nfo® Sn0S°te «9620° 966" T= sli2o° dnon®te ef(26* ooun’te stizo° Osen*t= ef91b° logn®t= «6106° 2san*t= «506° noLn*t= s098u° SS97°%Te= s09R8° 9097° t= e9law® issn°te engoe® 605N° t= ebuSu® Ognn® l= sby2e* stnn?te s202u° 29En* l= e920u° mten®te= elsgz® S92n*t= eGySs* 9ten*t= elg2c* 4otn®tl= sfelc® otintte st9%° UL07°l= en6¥° seun’t= angi9°® 1 oP a) e °S3a4 43407 os “whid s b2-£961 7n00° ouvo® du0u* nn0u® yudu® Qu00° ducu® Qudu® mnoy® Byuu® cgou® cuou® mou? dudu® nnCu® Ouvuu® ouvo® duvu® nngu® 2ato* Qvdv° nndu® 0000° u0G0° ou0u° Qu0uU" By00° nnoo° nndu® auou® 00u0° 0u00° nndy® aauv0® fnuu® Sato* Nuvu® nnou® 2ttu* Selo* 6teu® gA0o° Sato® Satu® fveu° tSfu° nou? 2etu® Qyuu® 6teu® euny® “ujed oodi*t Toaiet nuetet 956h%h ouoest to0e%h moebect 99glers ereest bzeert nete*t 94te"%h bene®t Tenees neseel 9uSserl eggert to9e*s mndect 9oie*t ongert booect ngoe*t gouge esorel Trtget notget 9tecet e9ecet Tereet masaet 92ng°h bing’t Teseet masaet 9g9a%s 6a9net 4ndi°h nece*t dnaact 6o9t°h 250e"h nodn*s 4gonel butnet 2ginet Aten?t 49eneh oiints eainet nenn?s ATi 43-07 “On IndgiXd « GIZA aae Jav Su49tdmn 119 NAGD *.andals2 e9-4 PTIeL nw OHS IwAsdinT §S¥19 gu ital) «39°01 at ® ® #2 * eaH0S? £9e0° eLoicte 62425° aen0e 4anreb 22S ef * eSeun® ofno® n2or°le engl9? 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20057 = .6Rb62 0066 2 .697K 2005u 2.7093 2061 o.22n9 PU 2.7525 40088 2,74uu0 21086 =.7556 20097 2,7072 29106 °,77a7 oMl2e 2, 7T9Nh 09128 2 .f018 00136 = Alta eO1es 2.7250 =, 0140 | .A3saS 09146 =, AUAY ide 2.4597 = 401A -.8712 0149 © AKOk 20179 e.hous 20188 = ,9089 oOlou 2.9175 29186 = 29290 20174 ©. 9UNb 20204 2.957} oA 2.9657 20203 2.9753 20194 ©. 9R6A e167 -.99Ru 20204 “1.9100 00198 "1.9215 Pau ea | oy,o3sy oO1us =1,04u6 0174 =1,05h2 Aus ea | -1,06078 00197 1.9798 = on tSu -1,0909 00157 e1,102u 00164 e1,t140 09189 e1eleSa 00165 1,157) oO17a 1 I4A7 09198 —1.16n3 09182 1.1716 00108 -1,1Asu 0165 =1,1949 00164 =1,7065 001968 e1,erAt oM140 "1.7296 oN1Su =1,Pble2 00130 "1.2578 00146 =1,76U3 2125 24,7759 niet e1,c87u 00140 23,2990 Ole? 1.31% 00137 -1,52A1 eN10S 1.3357 00119 1.3452 09107 =1.3568 00097 et, SeAu 00101 =1,$799 20082 “1.3915 09088 71.4031 20092 "11,4346 29085 "1.4Phe 00067 -1,4577 00055 -1,4494 29055 "1.4609 09051 *1.472u 09046 =1,4AUN 20028 -1,4955 09040 =1,5071 09036 -1,5187 onned =1,53502 00027 -1,5414 20915 -1,553u 20015 -1,5009 20015 *1.5765 20012 =1.58A0 00016 =1,59% 20009 “1.6112 20000 "1,6e27 200001 -1,03403 20000 °1,64S9 29003 “He UALAANAALANANN AANA iver =F matstat NQitittUUAAAINA enn HOURLY TIOE HEIGHTS JANUARY 1963 Figure B-7a Figure B-7b é WILLETS POINT, NEW YORK 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER = MAXIMUM @ = WEAN HIGHER X = MERN Bee e SR SOR RR ER RRR BS 123N5678910 12 6H 69 7M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER oenem © = MEAN LOWER <= MINIMUM 2.3 une u U m © oO BESCSSERRSS ELSeseeagssseeRE RSs LS 0.6 1234567686910 12 6H 69 7N 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE o -] owrnat tive O = MEAN TIDE Xe STD DEVIATION O45 0. KK XKKXKXXXX XY XKKXXKXX KKK KKK KKK KKK =8} 123456786910 12 6N 69 7N 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-7c 142 0000°t nrprnoe ppeS*t= #£0000° nmnvo® Doeeret wf a 9566° mn00° 60fS°T= «9G66° 0000" O¢etel 2 2 2t66° 0000° mLeS*t= *9566° 0000° Softek af * Zt66° 0000° 6f2S°b= £9G66° 0000° 6oLt st en * etee° 0n00° n02S°t= 29966° 0000° ment*s aS e Zho6° 0on0° 691S°T= 29666" o00c® eont?t 9 * Zto6° 0000° MmetS*t= 29566" ov0u® Tostet wl * 216° Sito° 660S°T* 29566° nndo° 2cSi°t #e x 4£46° 2e10¢ n90S°T= e2166° 0009° 2uSt*t #6 e $096° nnoo® 620S°T2 w2t6o° 0000° Lo9y?h wot ry 1956? 0000° neon’ l= #2166° egdu® In9tet elt a }9c6° 8800° 6Sor*t= eS2n6® nnuu® 9.9tes eet * nino? 8900° n2en°tle elelo® mno0c?® Orestes wet 2 9856° 0000° eeen*le #iglo® 0000° Sndict ant « 98f6° 0000° ngen’t= eLslo° 000c° OLLi°b aGt ® 9ec6° sito? etan’t= «igle? nndu® mtateh «ot ® Ih26° SL10° nain®° l= #f696° 2zto* onetres eit * Sf£06° @900° onin®te el9g6° Ae0u® Teat°t eel * 4noe° zero? ntan*te anino® nn00* Brebeh wot * 9tee° gA00° oLon*t= s0Fne° nnoo* Zsotet «202 * g2.9° SLIO° mnon*te w9gg6° 0000° deotetl ate ® £Sse° 2e10° 609n* t= 299f6° 0v00° tzoe*h 22 * tene® ts¢0° PLSM® t= #9yfo* 0000° 9soe*t #42 * 040e° 8900° ecsn*t= *99¢6° nndu Ooo2*t «xn2 * 286L° 2¢t0° nosn*te «2ngo6° nnoo® Sete*t es2 * tSeL° ecto? 6onM’ l= 8626° 0000° o9gt2*h 492 a otic? nnoo® nenn?t* sgozo® pnoo® pote*sh eL2 a §49L° 40¢0° born t= ancgzo® nnoo® oz2c*) «92 ® Q9cL° SLt0° mogn*te ati2o° e900° c922°t eo62 2 foets® 8R00° ozin®tl= «f2lo® e800" Be22°l 80 « S0tL° ecto® noen*te sS¢06° mn 0o* egre*t elf * 7L69° 9200° 6sen®t= atesg® 9e00° coce°l «ee * 9999° ecro® naen*t= endoy® 2cto° 2one*t wf * 1S49° 40¢0° oain®t= s2iie° nnuo® 9gnect ang * inng? 2¢1o° mgtn*t@= sp2le° 0v000° Van2°h aS a 9tg9° 6t20° otin®t» se2cg° mmo0o® Sose*t «9f « 9609° mroo® neon*t= engoe° S.to° Ons2e*b ef * £s09° 210° onon®t= 260Se° 9g0u*% nis2°tb «ee * b26s° nnoo® mton*t# slang 2uto° e092°t s6f * 44es° £920° olof°t= s6928° aw0o° gn92°b 20n * tgs? 6120° pnoi’t= e2028° g920° e492e*t oath s Sogs® Sito® 606f°t* sesed® 2cto° CiLeel s2n * etes® 4ogoe mLeg*t= eLcaL° o12zo° dnd2*h «gn s Z2ten® SLt0° ofer®t= afes.® £920° 2el2°s) enn a 4fin° ot20° moei°t= eSecd* sito¢ 9te2°) ash * O@tgne 2rtoe COLE l= ebntc?® eB0ue tog2*t 297 * 9agne 8900° medcete #f90L° 6120° Seee2*t win ry B862n° 2eto° 669f°T* s2na9° Sofu® O262"t ean s L9tn® 2gto° no9i* lt ednngo® 2gto® Ss62e°b son * sion? togo° e29c*te «91¢9° F920" owoe’s 69S * neags® erto° rost®t= *£509° wy00* m20E°b e1S e « °oqud 1TWIT og Omang LIWI7 « °ON ¢ @°WO2 °994s 49NOT 6 HN) «= dud = gHOT =a SS 19% s a s @ y4alvm #94 °1334 99S5°f "Ow 3w94lK2 o HILV™ HOTH BINVS NVGW FHL 479M OL 199GS9H HLTM GAZI VVAHON Jay Teec9et OW AW9HlX « ® efSst° elengce s69er? ec0ef? eeste? 29208° #ihce2° ¥SL92° #00S2° w9Sne? «99F2° elfec® *#1902° enol? aftate enont? e09Ct? 209ct® e9tgte s9tgte enalte ersote 2#5960° #6AL0° #959028 an t90® ant90e? ent90° #9250° e2gn0° eoen0® 26ond® atGf0? eLugo® #L0£0° aLNG0? #L020° #L0%0° eL9C0° #2920? af920® eot2o° #Slt0° e25t0° w2Tto? e2eto® enn00® ennvo® annoo® annoo® e °OF4d erio® 2cro° ga00° nno0® ecioe satoe S4sc? 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CLNgel and ectoe go0seet #99 2qtoe 2nsget #99 ectoe Z4S¢°0 249 2ctoe Tr9¢et #99 dogo? 9n9E2t 869 geno® Og9get #02 o00G® Stdéget até eg00? ondg*t wed 6120° pedget ef2 6in0? olugetl end ecto? csecet #94 #g00° eeecel agd 4ogoe e26gesk wed 4o0g0° LSoge*t wed nnoo® Toocet aod OK 92 net 2029 mroo® fo0nes ete egtoe Sotret 228 Re00° O¢tnet wee 9@00° ngtnet ang dg00° botnet eo 8800° cienet #92 Ren0e a92nel ele @g00° eurnet ee nnao® LEinet 26a 00900° 2dinet #06 mao? 90Mnet «to @p00° Topnet 226 gen0° Sennett ai6 0000° OtSne*t #6 Sz.to° pnSn°t #6 0000° 64Sn°b #96 0000° M19n®*t 946 2cto° a@nInet seo nnno? CAIne tb 266 000° diene #005 nn0o? 2géneh wf Ot SHHese sett aeeseeeteeatettesegeesteceateentaseeretesaeeke neste eheeeatgestaeKteeKeeat sheen neeeesaeHaeensateenrseseseey AInI7T @ °ON °oqud 43407 #§Sv49 s # BILITY 407 POW SH9NLXD @ BIL HOTH POW Jwdalxd ¢ 6vmO4S TWAXFIINT SS¥12 4O LIwIT 43607 AN LNIOQd SL4171I4% e/-d 29TIeL Six9194 114 NOTLINN 4 “oTindlsisto 143 Table B-7b LOWER LIMIT OF CLASS INTERVAL SHON» ALL HEIGRTS ARE NORMALIZED WITH RESPECT TO HALF THE MEAN RANGE 3.586 FEET, . HIGHER NIGH WATER s MIGH WATER * HOURLY VALUES . LOW WATER s LOWER LOW WATER ° e s 9 CLASSe LUNER FREQ, | CUM,® LOmER FREQ, CUM.*® LOWER FREQ, CUM,® LOWER FREU, Lower FREQ, CUM, NO, © LIMIT FREG.® LIMIT FREQ,® UIMIT FREQ,® LIMIT LIMIT FREQ, FORTE TSO TE SHSSESSSERTETORF ESE HTH THO SHE SOFT HATHRER SEES RS EEE TOE RESORTS ORSEEE SEOTFO ROSH OKS Eo RES SeeosesFegageseoesscesy foie 124752 20002 200028 13,4752 00001 e00U1% 4,u7S2 ©0000 2000 @o4S77 e001 1008 1.4675 20003 e0V0S* 43,4655 29004 00005 1,445) 00001 e0001% e,4684 20000 998 1.4599 20006 e0011® 34,4557 20003 00008 4,4150 00002 c00US® e,u4792 20001 98s 124523 20008 00018 1.4460 20005 e0013% 14,3649 00003 2000068 ©,4900 00001 978 124uue 20012 eV0S0F 41,4303 20008 00018% 41,3548 20008 00014 ©,5007 00004 9oe 124370 00006 e0GS0% 1.4205 00031 20029* 41,3247 00012 00026% 065135 00002 959 104293 20017 200538 1.4108 20008 00038" 14,2946 00017 00043% e,5223 20006 Ques 14217 e0Us2 eU005* 4,407] 0012 20050 14,2005 00023 20067% 0.5330 00007 93s Leuyuo 00014 e007KS 43,3973 20008 00058" 4,2344 00034 00100% @,5u38 00007 928 jedyou 20023 eOL0LS 1 ,347H 00019 eOU7TT® 41,2043 ©0U39 001598 2.5546 00009 9ie 1.3946 20008 200108 41,3779 00033 0110 41,1742 00052 00191% 2.5653 evils 908 105911 20035 e014Se 1,382 00020 e01S0® pet uuy 00064 00255" e571 00009 898 125835 20029 0172s 43,3564 20027 eO157® 4.1340 ©0077 003328 2,569 00017 688 123756 20057 e022ve 14,3467 200055 0©0192% 1,9839 ©0099 004318 265976 00020 B7e Letodse 00030 00259%@ 443390 00034 20P2o* 14,0538 00119 00550 2,684 0023 Boe 1203605 20045 e03048 41,3292 20035 eue2oi* 41,0257 ©013e 00681% 06192 00029 aSe 155529 20044 e0O3UbR 443195 20045 003068 29936 00150 208318 20300 20035 B4e 1e$u53 200059 004008 14,3098 00045 003518 09056 00167 009988 2,647 00044 B3e 103370 00U50 e0450® 1.3001 00048 003994 09335 ©0180 o1176% ©0515 00041 622 16530u 0005) 005078 162903 00049 004ube oF0SU: 00187 6623 0005u Ble jes225 20uU08 e0579%® 1.2h0e 00001 005u9% 08733 00192 07430 000A B08 1095147 20062 e003T® 1.2709 00064 0057358 04432 ©0203 01759% 22,0838 20009 798 163070 00063 007008 4,261) 200008 e0ou1e 08151 00198 019578 0946 00069 788 162994 e0uUTYy oN7748 1.2514 00009 007508 07630 00191 7093 00076 778 102918 ©0074 008488 442417 20080 ©0810% 07529 00187 Tio! ov0B! Toe Lees4y 20U69 00917% 142520 000%2 009084 7228 0017S 025088 247269 00095 75e@ 102765 eCu92e elu09*® 14,2222 00075 009058 06927 00167 oP 676% 2.7376 e099 Tue te2oks 00084 elu9se 3.2128 ©0085 o100be 26020 00147 7uea 00103 738 te2ole 20u90 o118Se 14,2028 ©0068 eliso# oh 32d 00147 7892 00112 72e 102535 00119 el302® 141930 200088 ol2uue 06024 ©0135 031028 247699 00129 718 102459 00102 ol4Nue 4 ,3835 2012! 2) 560% 05723 ©0127 7a07 00122 70® 102383 00119 eles 101736 00118 oj4hus 5422 e0125 7915 00145 098 102306 oO! olo3ss 4,41659 00130 0160) 3% 0512) 00145 8022 00133 o8e 1e223u 00093 el72se 161544 00147 017008 24820 20100 o3575* ©, 50 0¥155 oe 102155 20098 olS20% Yetuua 00197 o1 910% 04519 001086 03682% |,5258 00151 669 1ea@077 o0117 o19GSe Yop su7 00157 e2u7ue 04218 00095 oS7T70% 28,6345 00157 oS@ 122000 evlu? 02050 151249 eO14u 022168 eo S97 ©0100 o3S670% 2,6453 e01Ay o4e 1061924 00095 e2l4be 41,1152 00169 023078 os6lo ©0097 03973% @,4S61 00175 ose 101648 00149 022978 =141055 00174 025018 03315 ©0089 o4062% %,6608 oUlb7 ©, 5081 20002 = =,0002 20005 00005 20002 00000 20006 00012 20005 00017 e0Ule 10029 20020 00046 20ued 2007) 20009 00060 00018 00098 20030 00154 00032 00165 20048 00215 20029 00242 20053 00294 00054 0050 00045 0039 20063 00456 20056 00512 20075 00567 200087 00074 20065 00738 0009S 008S5 00085 00915 2008u 00999 00060 01079 0008) 01100 00095 0125s e0)04 01557 20105 01462 0115 o1S7u 20leo 01700 00126 01626 20120 21940 00122 02008 00146 eects 00152 02305 oOlTS 02536 20149 02086 o2) 1601771 00}3u e2431e8 31,0957 00191 027528 Sula ©0094 e4{57*® 2.6776 00190 e2heee 5) 20176 e282 61% 1616095 00155 e29Ao® 1.0800 00199 029518 o27i3 0009) o4247% 22,8884 00189 050119" 00192 05054 600% lelolb 00157 e274$e 14,0763 00192 o314te 02413 00083 04351 ©5991 00160 031918 00170 o3223 598 1601542 e0lbo 024068 1.40666 o02le 055550 eelle o00A8 e4416% 06,9099 00215 ° 2049S 03418 568 1ol4os 00176 oS0R4e® = 1,0568 00242 055978 e161) 00ue8 o45060% e,9207 00224 $0298 00207 o3o25 578 101389 e073 032568 4.0474 00206 0 38y 35% e1510 0008) 045878 o,9414 00201 2036500 20259 o3bou Sos 1el3i3 enlet e3419e 1,0 57uU 00238 e4041e 01209 200R2 246098 2.9422 00208 o40$88 o0S07 0403) 558 tel2so 00179 03598% 1.0276 00210 042518 09908 20080 047558 ©,9530 0V230 o42obe 0025) 04262 546 jeljou 06194 037928 1,0)79 00236 oUun7e 00607 00083 e4B3K% 0,96357 00194 e4dose 20206 04467 S3e LelveS 20206 39988 34,0782 40203 obovue 00306 0008S o4921% 2.9745 40202 yuooue 52e lelou? 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LLue te agutue 000° 2455°) #96 9tac° hb wan a e2gto° wAu0® b200°t= agaiu® ayo al9g°h #46 2gcc°h ayn s annode voo0o* 0L66°2 #29H00° mnvo? 799G°|l #96 yung*tl son a annod? uvuud® dhoo°? eannco?® 000° O14S°) 266 ngnge*tb 20S ® anndd® o0u0® 9996°? enn00® vuao® 9g4g*1 8001 Ouse*t 2S 4 anno? nnud® nlq6°s wnnn0® mnov® 208%) abOt Hot oureeas eee aeatHRsegaaeegrekasateaeeeeeeeentaaehoaeeeeKeeeeeeooeteceeeeetere LInI1 8 °ON #8 a °O444 AtTwid)o# °o4aH4 LIWIT) ® °ON 44°07 eSSvijs 2 ND *oja4 d4mod e wd "dud 4a"ot #SSv1) 8 s s a e * @ baILY® 407 On JwaStX9 w@ HILvM HOTH °OW JWsHLXd # °On F494LK9 @ HILVM HOTH °OM IWIHLAF & Bel 4VVH OL 199gS94 wal O9Z2T VV nHUN Joy SiHOT AN B6-2 eTIeL 34 719 ANIA 6NMOHS IWANILNI $SV¥12 JO LIwI7 439¥07 NOLLINNG NOTING albsta to | Table B-9b LOWER LIMIT OF CLASS INTERVAL SHORN, ALL HEIGHTS ARE NORMALIZED WITH RESPECT TO HALP THE MEAN RANGE 2o41¥ FEFT, 8 CLasss LUnER ° HIGHER HIGH HATER . HIGH WATER 7 FREQ, CUM,® LOWER FREQ, LIMIT #REQ,® LIMIT SSSSCHSSSTTOS SSS AESESS HOH OTE ETT SESEESEESEE 105802 20001 200018 41,5802 00001 1e5716 20000 00018 1.65679 40001 1eSo31 20004 200008 13,5556 2000U 105546 20006 000128 1,5433 20008 {e561 20010 090228 1.45310 20008 105375 00012 000348 14,5187 20006 105290 20012 00046 4.506u 00007 125205 2006 000528 4 ,uGuy 20020 1eS,19 e013 00066 4,4A19 e012 105034 200055 00081 1.46% 00015 124949 20028 eOLO¥e 1 ,uST74 20014 1e4ROu 29015 e0lAue 14,4450 20020 1ed77B 00001 eNiuse 13,4327 00015 104693 00019 eOlL64e 4,ue0u 20028 1.4608 20018 eO1A2® jy,u0K) 20033 104523 20030 02128 1,395R 20n40 1e4u37 ©0022 eU234e 14,3835 00043 104352 0002) 092558 163713 00049 1e42o07 20033 e02AKe 14,3590 00001 1e4, Ay 20042 eOS3C8 143407 20081 12409 20049 e037V08 1.3 duu 20077 Yeo 20049 0. 1268 163224 0008) 103926 20052 eO4Bu® {.309R 00087 1o3AU0 20966 005468 14,2975 20100 165755 20067 e0OtSe 14,2852 00133 1e3670 00072 e00A5® 3442729 e0leu 1o354a 200AR7 e97718 1.2607 00118 105499 oO113 e06ASe® 1 ,2u8u 00119 fesuig 20093 099778 1.23) 00127 125329 09109 =o 10 AO® 81,2238 00147 103243 oNl2} ef2o7® 4.2115 00140 103158 200968 el3noe 1.1992 00158 1o3u73 00124 014298 34,1869 200170 102987 00136 01505 1.1746 e0170 1e2gn2 2173 e1736e 1,1625 00179 102817 00170 el9nbe 161500 00164 102732 20169 020778 444378 00153 1oPodo 00194 22318 1.1255 00185 102561 20167 023968 141152 00157 Le2u7o o0lds 025418 1,1009 00152 102391 20170 ee7178 1.0886 e017 102305 00164 e2BRJe 14,0763 00173 1e222u 0021 05085 1.0640 00104 1e2)35 e01AS 32068 3.0517 o01ot 102049 00184 e3451% 4.0394 00187 101964 00213 050659 1.0272 00175 161679 00210 o347S@ 14,0149 00155 101794 20200 e488 1.0026 00160 Lo 708 00224 043058 09903 00168 $0623 00239 45450 09780 20180 101538 20192 247309 209657 00178 101452 29225 049618 0953u 00185 1ol3o7 09182 oSuse e944 o016u 101282 00233 053708 09288 0O19t 101197 20209 255ASe 291b6 eoilt Yottitt 00175 057598 09043 =o 0144 1oln26 2020 059598 28920 e010u 109941 00179 o613ho oh797 00149 120ASS 20206 eoSuds 2667u 00143 109770 0018) 265258 28551 00105 120685 00167 200928 eA4PR e0lo7 160600 00198 266908 oh 505 00125 100514 eOln7 270778 208182 00195 1e0ue9 20216 012938 26059 00153 10934u 00155 oT 4u%e 07937 00195 109259 20189 076380 o7ALu 00151 1o9573 0915) oTTAGS 0769 00152 100088 00157 oT9u5e 2750A 00129 169093 00134 080778 207445 00146 e997 e014 o825he 27322 00144 09632 00175 eBuiee 07199 e011? 09747 00152 245658 «7076 00143 9662 200134 066998 06953 00155 09576 00139 oAB3ho eo OAM e01es 09494 00119 oA9579 26708 00135 29406 00119 090708 206585 00119 0932u 00139 09218 26402 e01l2 29235 20082 292978 06339 00113 09350 200607 09 50u8 26216 20099 09065 00072 sI4soe 26093 00114 08979 20057 294950 05970 20097 ohB94 20063 095558 09847 ©0086 2A809 200057 96128 09125 00nb4 oA72u 20073 090858 25602 00073 24638 eN04y 397 Poe 05479 00079 oAS5S 00050 oI7Tb4ue 05356 2©0N64 2AuoB 20045 oFFo4e 25233 20049 28382 00034 oIhuse 05110 20049 ob297 00u21 oIboue 49K7 20043 sH2le 00050 296948 o4Hou 00057 eAy27 20030 099 2U8 e444 00S obo41 09018 09942" Pr al 00n2R 27956 00022 299hue 2496 00025 07871 20009 099738 043573 20019 07785 e0Ul2 eI9ASS 24250 20007 07700 20003 oI9RBe 4127 00015 27015 00090 eo IIABS 2404 20009 07530 00096 099948 o SABI 20004 o7uuy 20004 eI4979 oe S75A 00008 07359 000M 299999 05655 00004 s7274 09004 1.nnnce 25512 00003 s 8 Cum,® FRE eeege 000018 000018 e000608 ooolue 200228 000268 00035¢ 000558 00Ne7e 000828 000968 oOll7e 0013ee 20160° o0193% 002358 0020778 0032e5% ©0366e 004668 2y5use 0062e4e 007119 00811% e094ue 019684 01166e 01305 014328 015798 017188 018778 e2047% 022168 02596% 025998 027134 o289be 030558 e526" 033798 035529 37208 0 3881% 040688 042459 043988 045588 04726% 049078 050648 0526098 05435e 050259 057348 o587A8 eO04S% 061928 e635u8 064998 066607°% 067920 06946% eT100% 072558 074068 075588 076678 078324 oT97TTS ob094% 062578 083724 084958 066298 067488 08Bo0e ob9T5% 09072% 091 60% 092858 093698 094538 095258 096058 oIO6AE 97178 097058 098098 0F846% o9A798 099074 0o99S1% 099508 099578 69972% o99b1F eo IFDKSS 099948 099978 1.00008 HOURLY VALUES e LOm wATER ® LOWER LOM WATER s e Lower FREQ. CUM,® LOWER enrer CUM,® LOWER FREQ, cum, LIMIT FREQ,® LIMIT FRE LIMIT FREQ, SHOSSSHOS TSE RO aeH RE SasEses Beeesevovosese 1.5802 20000 000008 ©,592u 20001 000018 6324 20004 00004 1.9494 ©0000 201008 6015 2000! 00001 e,641} 20003 00004 105186 on00! 000028 ©,6105 20001 000038 2,6U97 20003 20007 1,4878 00003 000048 256196 00007 000108 =,6584 20008 20009 1.4570 00004 20008% ©,6287 20009 20019% 2,667} 2000) 20010 1,4262 0006 000138 wm .6377 20010 20030 ©,6757 20006 §8=4 0016 1.3954 20008 00022% @,6U68 20035 20045% e,68uy4 29004 20018 1.3646 00012 00034 2.6559 00018 00063 ©6934 200010 00028 153338 00019 2090538 ©,6649 40014 20077 7017 20012 20040 13031 00027 o90R0% e,6740 00020 000478 ©, 7104 20021 29061 1.2723 ©0036 ,0115% o,6A31 20020 eON17#® ©7194 20013 2007S 1.2415 eooud 001598 2,691 20030 e01478 = ©,7277 20016 00094 1.2197 09053 002128 e,7H12 oongu o01AS% e,7$6u 20016 §=40108 101799 20064 00270 2.7103 00935 002108 oe, 745] 002) 00128 1,149) 20064 ,0345® o,7193 o0Nut 00757 ay 7537 0002) 00149 151183 e00A4 004298 2,72K4 20057 00295% w,7024u 2024 20173 1.9875 200A 09510 047375 00U1 20336% a, 7714 20036 20209 1.9907 00100 2006108 ©,7465 00NL6 003619 02,7797 0003) 002u4 1.9259 00100 eO71)% ©,7556 00065 e0O4Ube 29,7664 20030 200270 29951 colle 008228 ©, 7Hu7 0005K 205040 ©,7974 00037 20308 09643 ©0115 009378 ©,7737 e00b4 0056048 o,8057 20049 00357 09536 ©0120 010578 @,7A28 000638 e0031% @,6144 20046 20403 29028 eO1e2 =o (179% ©,7919 40072 —407038% e230 20042 004U5 04720 nia? 013068 ©6009 ,0041 07649 @,8317 00049 = ,04u95 oAul2 00132. ,143R® o,bI10N 20092 206768 Bunny 20095 00550 A104 00137 01575 ©8191 20093 209698 ©,Au90 20039 20589 077% =o 0145 017208 e,82A1 200KA 210578 ©,8577 20058 20647 07488 0014s of AOS e,8372 o012eu oll619 ©,666u 200862 00729 27180 00148 20118 2,6462 20nbu 212659 ©4750 20060 00789 ehb72 00146 021578 ©,8553 oUll4 o13769 ©, AK37 20084 20873 0 h504 00156 023138 oe, bhud 200126 015958 ©8924 20U93 200965 26256 00151 oP4b6uUe e,A734 00138 o1643% 99,9010 00302 e106? 05949 00148 22612% ©,8R25 00119 01762 0,9097 O80) ollT7 05641 00152 2276049 o,8916 20146 019088 29184 00105 01282 05543 eo1ad e290R® = ©,9006 20953 e2nole 29058 ol 370 05025 00146 039578 29097 00171 o22see oO11d 01484 4717 e017 031948 ©,9168 20137 023098 e031 elote 04409 00135 033308 00,9278 00136 025058 09106 017138 24101 00129 234599 2,9369 00173 226778 20150 21848 03793 00130 03589 ©,9460 oulsu o2k32ee oO1Ol 02010 0 3465 00124 e313" ©9550 00177 2 30098 0131 e2tay o3i77 00119 03832 Yul 00171 oSIH08 09160 02501 02609 00119 039518 2,49732 00191, ,3371¢ 00126 =, 2u29 02561 00116 040678 ©,9A22 00183 oB5Sue 00103 =42592 27294 oli? 043 AGF 2©,9913 00187 oS 7UIe 20175 02767 01946 00116 o4302% ef ,0004 001k2 039238 21,0224 0142 22909 21636 00109 044118 21,0094 00206 041299 &1,0510 09205 oSitG 01330 00114 045258 ©} ,u1 45 oO1K 043108 ©4,9397 00196 03309 21022 e013 24638% 01,0276 20?27 e4S37® e1,0uRu 20214 03523 00714 00145 047539 01,0366 00204 e7U1% ©1,9S70 0093 3716 0946 00113 046668 ©] ,0US7 00239 049798 01,0057 09208 05924 29096 001)! 049778 01,0548 00225 052058 @1,0743 20215 94139 20210 00115 050928 ©1,0438 00215 o54198 ©1,0K30 0211 243u9 205918 00120 oF212F 140729 00206 056298. 81,0017 eOdel 24570 09826 =o 0116 =p S3PRF O1,0R20 40204 4SA29® =1,1003 40267 y4b3B 01133 o0111 054398 01,0910 00215 060448 ©} ,1090 0247 0508u 01444 eniie 05551% ef ,100l 00235 002799 e1,1177 09266 25350 01749 ©0116 05666% ©1194 00227 205058 21,1263 eoeua 05594 22057 00119 057A85% ©1,1182 0226 o6731% 01,1350 20247, 45640 P5605 00120 059058 21,3273 00209 069408 ©f 1457 00258 26099 22073 00117 26022% o1,1363 2012 07152% 01,1523 2025u 26355 2798) ©0123) 96145 @1,1454 00?ed 073708 ef ,!610 20162 06535 23289 ©0120 262658 01,1545 200179 = 75548 01,1097 20230 26765 03597 = 0118 065808 elotns5 00108 077238 C1,17AS 20260 07025 23905 00123 065029 21,1726 eVIk9 079128 eL,1H7K 00162 07208 4213 00123 066258 a1 ,1AI7 09192 oh104% of 1957 e212 = FU2O 0452) e013 o674A% 21,1907 00138 oAPU2® e1,2uus 00172 07592 24826 00129 ,6A7K% 01,1998 0152 oh394R ef ,2130 20209 ,7A0L 25136 eniad 070928 e1420K9 016A 8561% 01,2217 20185 279R6 05444 00129 071318 102179 00129 066908 e1,2303 00143 06129 05752 00127 0725H8 21,2270 00114 e4AOU® #1 ,2390 0015) oA2A0 26060 00135 o7$9S$® of ,23o) 00110 ehO14® of ,2u77 00487 bu? 26368 00136 075248 ©} ,2u5} e012 09035 ©} ,256$ 00153 25600 06676 =o 0135 07663® e142542 40107 o9S42% &1,26050 00145 08745 206984 00147 078098 @{,2h53 20098 eF92408 P1,2737 00120 24870 07292 00143) = 79529 of ,2725 09049 093298 01,2823 eO1l2 ,A9AS 07600 eo1us eAU96® ef ,cAL4 20nNn o94I9F ef ,P910 00154 eMlt? 07908 e015! o8246% ©1,2905 0007h 094959 #1 ,2997 00121 09238 = Aelo 00156 eAUN2® 21,2995 04065 295KN8 of, 3088 20075 29513 2.AS25 00154 06556% 01,3086 oV0UA 096288 01,5)70 09100 0941S ABS) 00148 oA 704% 1 S177 oV%el 290H98 1.3256 20085 09498 09139 00151 206855% ©1,3267 0 0NUA 97378 1 ,33U3 200069 09507 29447 °01u5 090908 21,3358 20Nud 097798 |}, 34350 20055 09622 209755 01d) 09141% wl oSuuA 09050 098098 21,3516 00043 29665 240900$ 601335 o9A77% 153539 QN2AR o9HS$7@ o1,$60$ ,0U4S 49709 210057) 00128 o94N4F ©1,3650 0 N2A 2¥4O5% 01,5690 20055 09704 21.9679 e012) 095258 01,5720 0oNes 298908 01,3776 20048 29812 21,987 °0105 096309 ef ,SAL1 00N29 099198 ef, 5863 20043 09655 21.4295 00094 097218 0163902 20017 299508 &1, $950 sone 0 9KRS 21,1605 00077 097979 ©1,3992 40050 09940% &1,UUS6 20dee 49907 #101910 ©0061 eFASB® &1,UnRD oUNia 099600% e1,41e$ 20022 29930 21.2218 00047 099058 ef 4174 20008 099698 01,4210 20013 299U3 °1.252h ©0033 0993K8 ©] UP ou 20009 099788 ©1,U29 002) 29904 21,2854 00024 2099638 ef ,4355 0009 49VHT® ©}, USA 0009 9975 e1,3142 00016 09979% ef dub 20001 e99ATE ef UuT0 20004 09976 155450 00010 eF9A9® 01,4536 00003 099908 ©1,4556 20008 9 9984 °1,3/56 00006 099958 |) ube? eunnt 699919 ef pWouy 2U04 09982 71,4066 00003 ,999R% 01,4718 20002 099938 oF 4750 20007 29990 o1,437u ©0001 099998 =] ,4UA0R 2UN02 099908 ©) ,4b16 20005 099935 21 ,Uok2 00000 1.00008 ©f ,4Agd 20003 9499998 a1 490s 20008 =, 9997 01,4990 oNuNO 1,9000% #1 ,4990 29001 1,00008 &1,4990 2000S 1.0060 152 SCeovessdocoeresssegsens TLAMANNAARAANAALWAALAMAAAANANAL ST Tannin i a Tn HOURLY TIDE HEIGHTS JANUARY 1963 Figure B-10a SANDY HOOK, NEW JERSEY 209000009 XKXXxXXKXxX XX 12345678910 i2 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER a = maximum @ « NEAN HIGHER X = MEAN BESBCBURRR eR gaeRaB 12345678910 il2 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER meneaw @ = MEAN LOWEN Xe MINIMUM noounoonaooaeg ©e200029°9 O86 LBS SEV OtG te ah 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -& DIURNAL TIDE © @ MEAN TIDE Xe STD DEVIATION 5S ISBELL POE BOON KKK KxXKKKKKKXKKXKKXKXXX 12345676910 12 6H 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-10c 154 Q000°S roo? 9Fe9°T= s0000°S prnco® CTn02°t of e ® 9Sa6° 0000° O9L9° Te 29G60° 000° ved2*l. 2 s atasn® 40£0° feaf°te angeo® 40go° 9gen°t e225 9506° 0000° m2e9°%te 29G66° ao0a0® este*t ef * ensene arco? 62af?te «1999° egtoe tee@nes ofS 9S66° 0000* 9999°T= 29566" 0000° 4oz2°t) ap e elotne r920° Tept°t= esggoe Satoe Snmon?t ens 9S66° moo? 2199" t= 29566° 00008 2922°t 8G 2 ennes® estoe SIGE*Te enggoe egtue 0006*} #$S 2tee? 0000° 9559° l= 29G66° 0000° Wool ocuOS8e) .c77AGR ALOOUS/y NEON USS IuTGeese NT soc aSM mea MiseNme atin Meureelemiagorce mecastre we rcTuN tect: ares Fool COIS. (Conan ere OES Tey soe : oot eo41tt 00006 00015% @e4514 20007 00016 107055 20023 00608 14,7455 0016 20080" 4.6100 oRAG *0 ee ee4249 40009 = 002UR = ay4ouS 40000 0022 107518 40027 00938 1.7280 ool? .o0e7* 4.s74d 0011 reais AUD ico a Ae WOO UT GOT OED Nous COMA AONTeO 1.5204 200358 #1,5320 20024 21,5435 00015 °$,5551 00017 71.5666 0012 °1,5782 20008 #1,5898 ,0011 -1,6013 20008 26129 0008 -1,6244 20008 16360 20002 Cum, FREO, sooege 00002 20005 00000 00009 00017 00038 00032 00044 00066 00078 00096 00118 00136 00164 00492 00220 00257 00299 20352 00410 004668 00519 00576 00650 0076) 00854 20960 0107) 01186 ols22 01465 ol606 01745 0113 02079 of2e7u 247s 02048 02911 o3115 o 33u7 03585 03803 04009 e422 04456 04700 04912 oSi2d 05343 0557S 05778 05965 06173 96568 26550 0729 96920 67095 07257 07435 07587 27749 07904 0037 08459 26299 28453 08547 25683 08779 08876 08965 09067 09161 09227 09294 09375 09454 09488 09545 09584 09635 29668 09724 09763 09798 99826 99845 09857 09894 09919 09934 09950 29962 09970 29980 59988 29995 29998 1.0000 THAONAVANMAMALALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL arin “tiutatealul! mim ta PVT TTCTTEUT HOURLY TIDE HEIGHTS JANUARY 1963 Figure B-13b REEDY POINT. DELAWARE 2009000000098999 XXX KK KK KK XH 79 12345678910 le 64 69 74 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER @e-naxinuy Oe WEAN HIGHER =X @ HEARN 123456786910 iji2 6 69 7N 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER mewnean = EAN LOWER Xe MINIMUM 12345676910 i2 64 69 7u 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE ©® -|} owrnar tie @ = EAN TI08 Xe STD DEVIATION 0.5 ge MMM 3 YS KKK KKK KKK KK WK KKK KX 12345676910 i2 6N 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-13c 166 0000°t fmnron® Tren?te 20000°t fhn0u® 2990°T ot e 9S66° C008 BoLnN® Te 29G66° 0000° CoLoel #2 * 9566° 0nG0® Ssan°t= #9566° 0000° Lnc0°b ef * 9566° pnou® Er2n® l= 29G66° 0000° fe.0°t wn ® 216° 0n00° OL9N° Te 49566" 0000° g2eo°t aS * 2t66° fone e29n*Te #9666° 9000° Togo 29 8 8906" onno® Sas7*te 29S66° mn00° £060°t wf a 8906° Goon® 2ncn*t= #2166° nn0o° {no0°t se PY 89G6° pno0® 00S7* t= eh9R6° nnoo® £e60°T 26 * S2a6° 6120° 4gnn*te eS2n6° e800° m2oret wot s S096° reno? Stnn*te eiglo’ mn00°® mg0teh wit 8 19S6° On00® 24an°le #f696° 0000° Mmorseh set 8 1956° @Aoo® o2gn°le= 2f696° 9000° mnttet «fT * nino? wad? ceen*te »£696° e@00° meli?t went 2 9856° nno00o® nmnen®t= *5096° 0000° peetet «st 8 2ngo°® pnoo0® boen*t= 2#5096° nn00° ng2t°t «ot a B626° 000° oSsin®te #19S6° agoo° mogiet alt * 8626° egio° 91In? t= enino® nn00° Snfiel we#9t * L916° mnoo® mion®t> s0gne® nnoo° Sect?t eet ry i2te° erro® lgon*t= #9@f6° 9e00° Sent*t #02 * teee? pno0® BR6L° T= wG@626° nndv® sontetl w#t2 * 4noe® #e00° 9ror° t= ens26° 9e00° Sost*t e222 * 09ge° #e00° LOoL* T= 2L9to°® nn00° Snst°t vege * 2428° 2gtoe logg*te sf2lo® nndu® Sest°t wane * Onge° S.toe Bter° t= #6206" nnoo® S291et «Se * S9ne? 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hu 20150 yee 29KUD 00172 bl due 2038 00155 378 09770 00172 ebsice oASue 00155 yoo 09693 eON7u ohutoe eAuu? e014a Se eFolo e01d0 eHonoe oh351 00147 34s 09540 20160 ho2oe 06255 00142 350 e9uo$ oO11B ob4uue 06159 e01ud 320 29 5A6 00124 e90boe 080603 00129 sie 09310 20130 091908 01967 00142 yoe ©9255 eOUA7 oIcASe 27872 e01es 29s 09457 00075 09556 07776 00123 2ue 09080 00ST oFulue 07680 00145 27e 09008 o0U6o$ oV4778 27584 20108 2be 08927 2005S 095550 o TUKAR eOlol 258 08850 ©0054 095910 oT S93 eOlul 2ue e877 20U42 eIo5se 07297 00099 ete 04097 20049 290858 e720 00098 226 e420 20U4n 097238 07105 00077 2is 06545 2025 eI7Tide 07009 00083 ane obuo7 e0uS7 e47Ho8 00913 00987 198 «A390 29022 e9b0He 00618 =o y0T7S 1Ae oA31S 00037 o9hdne 00722 00902 176 06237 00U26 e9H7u8 06626 00Mo4 168 25) 60 e00eu oIO9K8 06530 00049 158 e6obu s0Ulo 099156 eo4su ©0042 jue 0407 e0ul0 0 I4250 00539 20036 136 ©7950 e0U1K oI%use e024y 00057 129 07654 ©0U10 099548 00147 00053 tle 07777 OU ey e99hT8 2605) ©0051 106 «7700 20003 0 IITUR 05955 00022 4s e7oeu 20007 oF47be 20SA59 20016 Ae 07547 e000" o99Re® 05704 00013 Ts 27470 20005 e99KSe 25608 20012 oe 07394 ©0001 o94A7e 05572 20010 Se 07317 ©0004 oI9918 05476 ©0010 us 7240 e0u0u 299908 oS SHO 20006 ye o7jou 20003 099998 052KS 00005 en «787 edu0U 699990 205189 ©0005 1s Tut eO00L) Sevuuus e095 e000! 0269 0 S0TUS o5250% 054198 055918 057594 oe SISKe o41i7e 043578 o45iae 047U9% o49loe 051258 e53e28 055922% oST32° 059228 001054 20245? 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Limit Oeeetegesseosgose 1,46075 ©0000 1,4560 00003 1.4088 00003 1.3789 °0U07 1.3494 00010 1.3199 Outs 1,evu4 N02) 1.2609 20028 1.2514 20036 122019 ev0d7 1.1723 20050 $e1deb 20069 1osi155 007d 1,0H3e 20086 1.9943 20100 1.9246 00110 209982 ©0125 09657 00133 29502 eulag 09067 o0)46 08772 eul4s 28477 00150 0818) 00159 o7dHo 00156 07591 00156 272% ©0159 0700) o01S$7 06706 001535 06414 00146 06115 00137 05620) 00159 05525 20125 05250 0012) 04955 ©0120 o4o4o e0116 o45uu eOls0 24049 00115 03794 eolol 23459 eolou 03164 ©0103 02609 °0104 oPoTu 0010) o2e7b 001035 01985 00103 01688 20100 01593 00097 01098 ©0099 00803 00097 29507 20100 202le e010) 2.0083 00100 2.0578 00105 2.0075 20100 ©0968 20099 e,icb3s ©0100 261599 ©0105 e,185u °0105 2.7149 ©0107 e,2buy e0104 2.2759 e106 e,susu 00105 9.3356 00113 =.t025 e011! 2.5920 e011 7.4215 e01st 2.4510 e0120 @,4805 e011? 2510) *012e = 05596 0129 2,509) 91268 © 25986 ©0127 20625) 00139 =,0576 eulad 2,647) 00155 2.7167 00155 2.7462 00163 267757 e017) ©8052 00175 28547 20172 2 Aod2 00178 28958 00169 2.9253 ©0155 23,9524 20155 =,9b25 e0141 Pa i) 0125 e1,nuis e0lts 21,0700 20091 21,1004 ©0082 ©1,1299 e0uTs 21.1594 20056 e1,1849 ©0046 elecisu 00039 21.2479 00029 21.7775 ©002) 21.3070 ©0015 21,3505 00010 =}.4060 ©0007 21.3955 eNv05S #1,425u ©0u0e e1,d5uo euv01 1 ,4buy 20000 168 ° 8 CuM,® e00108 200208 000554 200508 000bue 001218 00/098 002258 e0e9us oN soue 204568 095568 26608 007918 0992ue 210088 el2lo® ol tore 015118 016668 elkeus 019608 021 3H8 02295e o24uge 025958 oeT32e e2kT1% oP 9908 o5S116¢ 032578 035558 2 3465% oS47Ke oS07Tb® 037852 0 5AB6® 0 39908 40918 04} 9ue 042978 o4397e e4udue 045958 o4690% eh TQI8 e4h9 8 049918 050968 091968 052958 053948 055008 0Souus eS5712% oK168 059228 000278 oo1408 2625e8 06362° ebU758 065958 067108 obh32e eO9618 070908 072178 073558 074998 o 70548 e7ange 797I8 eAjuce oF31 08% oAubBe 0 8bo6% oBhS58 2eA99U8 FL doe 292878 o9410e 095238 090148 296958 097068 09b2be 098728 e991 Ue 099598 099018 0997 OF o99Koe 099938 099978 099998 1,900U8% 1,00008 2,754 FEET, LOW PATER s LOWER (On WATER ¢ LORER FREU, CUM,® LOUnRER FREQ, Cum, 1S ad PREQ,® LIMIT PREQ, FOOSE ROOT O ODEO EOE SOOO TOOL OOD OREROONEEOSEDRERS 2.5910 00nol 00001% ©, 7082 20002 00002 5999 00002 0000S® @,7160 00002 00003 0069 2000G 00007 @,7238 20014 00014 2.6178 00008 000168 @,7515% 20004 0000S @,6267 04005 eV0d1® ©,7593 20vel 20044 e009 eN05U8 ru70 20u2u 20008 00018 evU4S® 0, 75un 20048 e0llo 2.0535 e004 000018 @,7625 e0Ud4K e015 226625 20020 eU0KI® ee, 7703 20046 200207 20022 2010S® ©, 77R4 20059 20266 200e4 00127 ©,7055! 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PA. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 123456789810 ile 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER a @ waxinon @ = HEAN HIGHER X = MERN 123WU5678910 12 6H 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1965-1981) LOW WATER @ «nea @ = WEAN Leven Xe HINIMUN ie S| BUSecroak RSs eons moos eesees eB 1234567686910 12 6i 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -} owrnat tie © = NEAN TIOE X= STD OEVIATION 0 BS PRS AES SES SB KRM KMKKKKKRKKKKKXK KK ; 123456786910 12 6 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-14c 170 0000°S mhoo® noen?t= 20000° mn00® 9go0°t sf e e 9S66° 0000° 2sen*t= 29566° nndo0® agorel #2 e einnoe moo? 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TMG MG aN Rance 4,380. 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Anode vVitO° be arndu® nnoue qsluee2 POPU CECTCCTOCOCCOCCOCCCOOCCCCC CEU SE COCR EERE EU UER ECE REECE ORE RESTO CREST EE TF | a *UN @ # “Oud Oo ep al e °M3H4 Lint aSSv ide a °WOd °oaud gamut e °Wn) °o qed 439”01 * a * 2 * & S3LYM ~O7 °Om JWIMLKT @ BILV~ HOT POW Andnind * NOLLINNd NOTANETHLsra 183 LORER LIMIT OF CLASS INTERVAL SHOWN, ALL HEIGHTS ARE NORMALIZED WITH RESPECT Table B-17b ® HIGHER MIGH WATER s HIGH WATER 8 HOURLY VALUES e se se e 8 Classe LuxER FREQ, CUM,® LOWER FREQ, CUM.® LOWER FREQ. cus,¢ NOS SNe bREQ,® LIMIT FREQ.® LIMIT FREQ,¢ se POTTOSSSSSSSHSSSTSSSSTSESSSS SEES HESHS SESS TSS HH SOHTSSOR SHE SEET OHSS ESE ESSOS SEES tole 2e9053 e0u04 e0001% 2.0093 20005 000018 22,0053 ©0000 000008 1008 1»99R95 29000 e0001% 1 ,9A5A 20000 20001% 41,9684 20000 290008 99e 129758 20003 eN0N4® 1.9662 ©0002 00003% 14,9316 e00n) of001e Re 1295A0 20003 090078 14,9407 20004 00007* 14,8947 0000) 000028 Q7e 129423 20007 e001S% 1,977 20006 00015 14,8578 ©0002 090038 Qhe 12092605 29010 29025% 1.9076 20002 00015* 14,8210 00002 20058 QS5e 129108 eoonu eN0308 1, ABBY 00012 00027% 4,784, 00003 0000R8 Ode 10895U 2001S =e M0US® 1 ,RHAS 60010 = 0057% 14,7472 of004 00138 Q3e 1.793 2001S 210608 1.8490 20009 00046" 41,7104 20006 200198 92e 108635 20018 e0078® 4.8294 00013 200588 14,6735 00007 200268 918 108u78 00013 000918 41,8099 29009 00067* 14,6566 00011 200378 9ne 1eA320 09025 eO1toe® 41,7904 20012 00079* 41,5998 00015 200528 A9e 1eAjo3 2010 o}e7*® 1.7708 00017 20096" 34,5629 00057 2000698 BRe 124y05 00015 eOLde® 167513 e022 eO118" 14,5261 ©0022 090908 A7e 1e7A4u8 20u24 eO1noe 1.7317 20027 20145® 14,4892 00025 201158 Boe te7n90 00025 20191 147122 0st eO176® 41,4523 00029 201 44ue 656 107582 2N0uo 002318 1.0927 00029 00205* 14,4155 e0usd 001788 Rus 1207575 20030 e02h1e 1.6731 20040 ©0245 4,378 00037 002158 83s 167217 200408 095098 140536 00043 = e02A7% 14,3417 00040 oN2o1e R2e 1e7u60 00u39 e0SGK® 1 ,0340 20049 00357 9,3049 2050 03118 Bie 106902 20052 004008 1.6145 ©0053 00390% 14,2640 00058 003698 ROe® 100745 20055 094558 14,5950 20059 00449 4,251) 20066 oOusue 798 100547 20061 005178 1.5754 00003 00512 1,4943 00073 005078 7B8e tenusn 29076 005958 1.5559 00958 00570 191574 00079 05868 77@ 106272 000A4 000758 4.53608 00970 00639 141205 © 00A8 006758 Toe too415 000A e0757® 16516R 00087 00726% 1,0837 00103 007788 75 109957 29090 oOb478 4 ,u97y 20072 007988 41,9468 e0it) eNBAGS T4e 165AR00 00U75 099218 Lou777 eQ0bu e0ho2® 34,0100 00119 010088 T3e 105642 00096 10178 1.4582 00097 009798 09731 00126 011558 720 {eSukS e90AS o1192e 41,4386 00090 01 069% 09362 00130 ol264% 71@ 105327 0094 11949 14,4194 00112 o1161% 0 A99U oO135 013998 79e 105170 00118 o1312% 3.3996 00099 012808 2Ao25 olde 015428 698 1eSnl2 09192 el41ue 1,3A00 o0N17 01 397% A256 0014s ol 6Rue b¥e 1045S 00116 0f95U8 14,3605 00110 015078 27888 00150 018358 67% jedn¥7 00133 016638 43,3409 00129 01656% 07519 00157 019928 bee 164540 200100 ol7ote 1.5214 00155 017728 07150 00159 e2tSie 65¢ 124382 oNlAu eH SA7T® 43,3019 00132 019048 206782 00156 oe sn7e 64a 104224 00145 e2C3e® 1.2823 00152 020568 6413 00153 024598 b3e te4067 00133 021659 1,262A oO14A e220ue 26044 001635 o2o228 26 1.5999 20136 02501 1.2432 20156 023598 05676 00167 e2Th9e ole 1063752 eO148 o2Udde 142237 00166 025258 05307 e016) e29uge 608 163590 oO da 025A$e 1,2042 eO1l? 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eO1Al o Ay Hoe 2ue 07925 e9115 oAbTVe 25007 20095 095578 0175 eAso2e ate 07766 oOltu eAGAne o4A2 00098 09454e 0170 085358 26 07604 e100 eFOALS e461 20N09 095008 00164 eAo9T® 216 oFu5h eMitlo 091978 e4uPy 20007 295068 e01H0 eARSoe ene 07293 20126 095256 o4?26 2058 096198 cols 090058 196 07130 20075 29unue 24050 20009 0 VHKRe o91u5 0 I1S5U8 1 fe 00978 00070 eIU7K8 0 SARS 00037 0972be 00130 292808 176 onkel 200R2 0955e8 23639 0004) 097079 ef NI 00120 oI4008 lee 26603 09075 090278 0 3444 00025 e9791% ef ,1282 oO1ty 95108 156 26596 2005) 046 7be 23249 00025 298169 ©1,1650 20099 096098 146 06348 2005u 47318 23953 00net 096S$7% 01,7019 2o00R6 096958 136 06494 0003u 297608 22h5P 09025 09BO2% of, SAK 20068 09TH28 12° 20055 20026 097948 soho? 00022 098648 01,2756 09057 096208 lle 05AT6 e045 IO S4o e2h4b? 20019 099039 01,3129 00046 Pl 196 05718 00014 296578 22?72 20029 09932% 01,3494 20040 099068 98 =o 5561 20036 «= PB9S@ = PNTH =o O12 =o VAGUH 04,3862 60027 499339 Re ©5405 200? 99 Se 21 AAY 29015 09959% e1,425) 0022 299558 76 05245 onued 99576 21645 20906 0996S® 01,1599 e007 299729 66 05086 20034 oI9KGe 21490 00010 09975% ©) ,u96AR 00084 0 ISR SP Se 04930 oN0N0 oI97T4H 01295 00007 099618 01,5557 00007 099958 us e4773 Pr | oI49%e 21099 20010 099919 91,5705 o00NS 2999HF je o4615 oNu01 0 II9NO e904 00002 099959 @y Hi 7U en00s 099998 Qe 24454 o0u0s ot497e on TAR 20008 099999 wt ehudy e900) 1.99008 1s Pre at} eOD04 Pelvoue eUS13 e0Nu) 1009U0% 01 AAI] 00000 1.n0N0e 184 TO HALF THE MEAN RANGE 1e219 FEET, LOW waTER . LOWER LOw WATER e LOweR FREQ, CUM,® LOWER FREG, Cum, LIMIT FREQ o® LIMIT PREQ, SOOHHHSSOKHOHEEHST HHH EO HERSKA ET ESSHEH ROTORS 0001 20001 #, 3553 20001 00001 00001 200028 =,3685 00003 00003 20006 200088 -,3818 20000 20000 20905 000138 29,3950 00007 00016 000A .0022% @,408¥ ,0001 0018 e0Mit e00358% 2, 4216 00010 00028 00013 000468 e,4$48 20025 00053 200019 000668 ©,448) 2024 00074 00031 000968 o,4613 200018 20092 00929 =0126% w,d474o 40016 40108 20025 00151% ©,4678 20027 00134 00033 00164% ©5014 00028 e062 20039 002238 a,5144 0040 20202 20nuy 200206% 8.5276 2003) 00233 20939 2093058 ©5409 20027 20260 090S2 00357% 9,5544 00044 00304 00Nud 094028 ©,507u 20050 00355 2004U5 e044 @,5807 20046 00400 00055 20502 =,5939 20058 00439 0052 00555% ©,6072 20041 00480 20055 200609% ©6204 20002 20542 206A 00677% 2563537 200059 00597 0 0NBAR 007059 2,6470 20040 00637 e0N7AR 00AU3e 200065 00702 20N7U 90917 ©,6735 0077 0776 oONAT e1004% 946867 20089 20867 00103 o1107% ©, 7000 20052 00919 00102 012086% 29,7132 20095 1013 00107 01315 2.7265 00093 1106 o0s14 214298 02,7398 09095 ol204 00126 01555% _0©,7530 201060 1307 oOttt 016605% 29,7663 20106 oldia 00125 017909 ©,7795 00106 01520 00131 o1921% 92,7928 00123 01643 20151 02072% 9,606} oo13s 01775 00141 o2215% 29,8195 o0}eu 01900 00155 e2%o7% ©,8526 00195 02055 00173 ee540% © ,AU5H 09139 02194 20100 02706% 2,859} 09189 02585 o0tol e2Ro7% 20,8728 00149 02532 00174 oS041% @,8856 00188 o2Ti9 00177 o3P?18% ©,89A9 eOlbe 02682 00168 o33H0% 0,921 016) 03045 00199 03576% ©,9254 90149 03192 00176 057528 29,9386 00207 03599 o01A8 239558 09519 20168 03586 00P24 041588 ©,9052 onela 0 S804 00192 o43519 ©, 978u 20216 o40l6 00199 045498 ©, 9917 20168 04185 00187 047508 01,9009 20222 04406 e},0014 20194 249508 ©1,0182 20220 04626 o1.0150 00200 o5150% 01,0315 00186 e4B12 1.0246 00192 e5522% 91,9447 20343 04996 1.042 60190 9551 2% ©1,0580 210 45205 21.0558 00A04 057108 H1,0712 20219 oS4eu 21.0694 00206 059228 ©1,06845 00186 05010 °1.0830 e01Ht 06)03% 91,0977 20227 05838 7100965 00206 63088 91,1110 202)3 06050 eloiio) 00701 065098 e1eleus 09255 06285 e1.1237 00210 067208 =1,1375 o0el) 06496 o101373 00191 eO911% 91,1504 00195 20091 e1.1509 oO1A7 07098 91,1040 0207 06896 21,1645 o01KA eTeho® o1,1/73 00219 e717 e1.1781 00P 11 eTH9T® 91,1906 nei? o7 530 21.1917 00184 076619 91,203A 00175 07507 21.2053 20157 o7BSRO 91,2171 00188 o7o9u 21,2189 o015A o7990% 91,2503 00145 07439 21.2325 00159 oh14o% e1,2436 20170 0f015 el ,cuol e013t 08277% 21,2509 00148 ofloe 21.2597 00155 oAUl2e e1,2704 00146 06309 0273s 00149 06552% 91,7834 00149 0f458 21 .2A69 00126 oBO7TN# ©1 42966 0012) 08579 21.3905 00120 2879R® #3 ,3099 20120 28705 e1o5141 200105 oh90S8 91,3231 e011S 28620 e1.sr? 200KR = 469918 ©] 45364 00095 = 8914 e1,5443 00107 0909S H1,3K97 00105 09019 21,3549 2049 09192 21,3029 eolle 09131 e1,360u 20090 o92Al® 91,3762 oN08u 09216 =1.3A20 20072 295559 91,3094 20093 09509 21.3956 20070 e9U23e ey ,4ue7 2060 09575 21,4092 eunAn 294RS® =1,4160 20075 09451 21,422A 200Tt 095548 & 1 4292 20074 09524 e1.4304 00052 oe 96078 ©1442 20058 09562 21.4500 20N52 29O5A% ©} 4557 29056 09058 21.4656 20044 0970P% ©1,4690 20055 09091 e1,4772 20956 eOTIN® 1 Ub2y 29030 09724 °1,490A 20Nu2 e9TRO® ©1,4955 20049 09770 e1,50uu 000u4 098219 ©1,5084 20034 09804 21.5180 20928 2 9B49% 1.5220 00041 09645 21.9316 e0Meu o9K7TS® 91,5355 20028 o9B7$ 21,5452 20019 e9h928 =) ,54A5 20015 298A6 @1,55AAR 00925 099108 =1,5018 209019 09905 165724 = 0021 099578 @1,5751 20030 2995S 21,5A00 000A1 299588 =1,5KA3 20019 0995u 71.5996 200A 099668 =1,6016 e00le 29966 ef,o13? ONS 699bN8 =1,h14H e002 09978 ©1076" eON07 o99KT® ©1,628) 00010 0 9FAB 21,6u03 20005 299958 ©) 0414 29004 09993 21,0539 20903 2999 |1,65460 29003 09996 1.6675 29004 299948 =1,6079 000s 09999 #1,0A1) e0nnt 1.00008 ©1,661) 20001 1.0000 “TANAMANKALANARAAMAhAhahahanani ; TTT ii ~FuuudatillalileQittdt trun JANUARY 1963 Figure B-18a 185 WILMINGTON, NORTH CARGLINA G8®O0OQHa09 XXX XxX Kx XX xo xB xO 12345678910 le 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER SM x = EAN 123W¥5678910 l2 64 69 7M 19 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER oequneen ® © HAN Loven Xe MINE HUN 123W¥5678910 12 6Y 69 7M 19 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE « DIURNAL TIDE @ = MEAN TIOE Xe STO DEVIATION 0.5 ° KK MK ey JEK HK HK EK 12345676910 12 64 69 7 719 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-18c 186 0000°S nroye O4SM®t= eoodues Prnue® el e 9966° veco® trgn®te *9460° covu® e2 e w9go° @eu0° Z20gM°te *@9500° Juvu® et 8 eze® 0000° pann®t= e%400° nnvdu® en 8 b@a0° vn00° 9enn® t= s2ieo° vovo® eS ry b@L0° vooo® 4eain°?le e2iso® Hu0u" 29 8 Ies0° nnoo® opin?’ t= a2,60° uuu? eL s 4940° voo0® Ihan°t= s2ioo° 2atue ey 2 440° mnoo? 2cen°te stwio® pnuv® to a £690° 9g00° pgen?te eLtlo® mv? edt 6 S$096° pnod® 9oin®le ef690° unve® anoyeb abt * $9g6° 0000° LSIP°T® ef04%0° prvu® 2ouvieh eet e 19S96° weud® olin’ t= sorce® nnve® agbbeb eft e nino? 0000° baun*t= 9S09%e° Ouvu® Solb?h ent 8 Dine? nnoo° Znun*te eSuy%0° nnvu® g22iet ast e Ufine® wwoo° noon b= 819S0° nndu® ta2s°h 9t e enge® @r00° 990r° b= syiso® Vuvu® SIGs?’ wht * 1S26° wwu0® B20f° t= 28156° duvu® 0981°s out s 496° @Hv0® oauf° l= svlSoe° Guvu® Sunmt*t sol Py 0406° nno0® Wouf° le evlso® Quuo® onnmietb 02 a Sf{ve° eeco® Atel’ b= sviso® npuv® Portes at2 ® 4neg° weaou* MLii® le engno® ruCyu® ofsl*t e22 s 0990° egso® PELE b= e9yf0° ouvdue. FySttb ee * g2.e° 2gto° WoIk° l= 296f6° nnuu® we9t*s en2 ry 96590° £920° oS9E° T= e2nto® sdtu® f29tes aS2 s afge’ mnuo® b29t°T* sL9lo® vuve® dbaresb 292 e oveu® nnoo® feser°’t> el9le° Rw0U" 294t°b ete s 9n2e° ecio° pnsi®t= s6.06° dudu* doul*l eve 8 otre® sito® 90S5° = 26406" nncy® 2s9t*t sod s efod° pno0® w9nie te sSf0o° nnov® Foul®l «20f 8 Segc® 2gto° o2nt*l= sissy’ vuuo*® Inol?h olf 8 {944° ectoe boat°?te stoou® Sate? 965 T+ s ego? mud? GSit°leo s9iuw’ Ouvu® Ogdd* bh afE Py @esc° SLT0° PIE? be eau" avd? S.02°s ang Py 2tna? wau0® 9Lef° le avece® 2chu® o2ters’ Sf 6 sece° siio° eLel* t= e¥oSu° Ouuy® mgle*t ef 2 enya? 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SOUTH CAROLINA FOTABHOHHFOHL290090 XXXKXKXKKKKXKKKKKM 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1961) HIGH WATER 0 « waxinun © » NEAN HIGHER X = MERN uu u BHBESE ; ogu u BB noB u u BG 123U5678910 12 64 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER o «ween = MEAN LeweR X= MINIMUM 12345678910 12 6H 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE = DIURNAL TIDE = NEANW TICE X= STD DEVIATION x x x a x Xy XMM KK KKK KKK KK KKK KX 123456769310 12 6y 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR . YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-19c 190 0000°f nnoo® SFZ9°T=e 20000°S nndo® @n2teh af r 266° 0000° S929°t= «9566° OC0uU® nogieh #2 s 2te6° moo? 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PALASKI) GA. SAVANNAH RIVER ENTRANCE, GA. 12345678910 jie 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1961) HIGH WATER og maximus @ «© NEAN HIGHER X = MERN 12345678910 12 6N 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER © = WEAN = MEAN LOKER X= MINIMUM 1238456786910 ie 64 69 74M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR ; YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE o -j} owrnar tie @ = NEAW TIOE Xe STO DEVIATION 0.5 . KX KKK KEK y XKXXKXKKKKXKK KKK KK KX “32345676910 12 6 69 7H 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-20c 194 0000°t 9S66° 9S66° Z166° 2Tto6° Zte6° VeLe° Tez6® 1e2.6° Te16° 4$16° 6796° S096° @1s6° nino? 98¢6° \i26° 4916° o406° 6106° n0ee° 91ee° 24.e° 2110° Onge° 96S8° £sse° 60se° d4is9° 2028° niie® Tsel° otic @Es.® 9Snl° 4g22° foil? Btoz® nsz9° 6459° mong? 9609° £fes° oe.s° nitgs® 92cs° Sogs® otes® 000s* e9an® ongn? 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0f,53582 ©0002 099998 ©1,5800 00004 09997 91,5628 20004 09994 26 00294 20009 99970 25977 0.60000 0999B® 05,571) eoN001 1,0000% #1,5925 20002 099998 01,5934 20004 09999 le 00192 00U0S IeDuDUe e3hu7 00002 $00000% &4,6040 20000 1,0000% #1,0040 20001 126000% =1,0040 200001 $0000 196 TTANAAAANNAANANVAAAAAAAMAANMAAANL tn nT Fauna tattlsQOMAAUNL sit JANUARY 1963 Figure B-2la : SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER @ewnnaxinun © © WEAN HIGHER X = MEAN 123W¥5678910 12 6 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1965-1981) LOW WATER omeween © = WEAN Leen Xm NENINUN 12345678910 12 6 69 7U 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -} owr;nat te @ = NeAN 1108 Xe STD DEVIATION 0.5 ° XK KKM MK ye HEX KK KK KH 12345676910 12: 6 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-21c 198 0000°t fnhoo® onnS?te »0000°t nto? Gnotet et 8 e 9S66° 00008 LonS®te «9¢66° 0000° 9q0tes e2 « #Lfane @900° 925f°te sq229° 6120° egeg?t 2S 9566° 00008 S9ES° T= 29566" 0000° o2ttel ef 8 eongne 14n0° mq2c°te= 26009° 2etoe sceget fs 9566° 0000° nagS?t= 29466° 9000° 24tret en e 2@62n? 620° fnerete #lcac® eqtoe @bfget sans 9906° 0000° 292S°te #9466° mnogo? st2tet as ® 26L9ne 6t20° boer*t= sonic? £920° OofEet 86S 9S66° 0000° Tn2Stte #21h6° nno0n° aset*h «29 e 20995? 2gtoe OStE*te weqng? 2gtoe gonget 295 9566° 0000° 661S°S= 29996° 9000° Togtet e4 s e9ect? eteo° atligete elses? Satoe Onnget 24S 9S66° moo? 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CuM,@ LIMIT FREG,S LIMIT ‘i FPREQ,? SRCCeaeeeseoseesssasg Seeeeeeone seaoee 105334 0001 00001% 14,5334 00000 00008 te52a9 000! 00002% 44,5027 00000 00008 15124 00002 00003 14,4719 0001 .0001% 105018 0005 ec0000® 11,4411 00003 00048 1e4913 60008 0014 34,4103 00003 00088 104807 00006 00020 43,3795 00008 0U1e% 1.47v2 20004 ovdoed 4,348? e00se 000288 1.4597 60008 c0032% 14,3180 c0014 00438 1.4494 00012 00044 34,2872 10019 00008 1od3b6 00033 00056% 41,2504 00026 00808 1042860 «60034 e0071% 34,2256 0003) 201168 Ye417S 60019 e004 34,1946 00035 01539 1.4009 eoue2 e019 441040 Qua? 002008 1o3%ou 20023 001S5® 151535 00056 002558 103859 60085 =o 0109 141025 00070 205258 LeS753 0 0053 =o DAVE «440717 00085 ,0u108 105648 00039 e0242% 14,0409 eosos 005148 1.3542 00035 00277* 4,030) 00413 00625% 103437 20059 o0310% ,9793 cO0S21 207408 1.5332 20048 005598 09486 00135 006818 103226 00040 00396 ,9178 ec0146 p1ua7e odie) 0004) 004598 208870 00355 011628 105015 00046 004bS% 208562 00162 015458 102910 60050 005$0% 48254 c0S%6 15218 1.2804 0062 005974 ,7947 cOL77? 169868 1.2099 200001 000569 070359 00187 016858 12594 0009 07279 47551 00186 ©=6, 20728 1,2468 oou7ra 00 74BO 7023 00168 022598 1.2363 00060 008788 06715 00184 o24due 1oe277 00078 00950o 06407 00170 o@olue 102172 00006 of021% 46100 0167 27818 102066 00009 eL091e 05792 00160 29438 101961 00087 «01178 =, 8484 =o 0153 g S948 101656 60083 =o 201%. 45170 o0139 232558 101750 c0113 «S748 44808 00126 435618 1.1045 00lud 0 4eye o450U 0126 054848 1.1539 00105 01589¢ 042535 00124 o 30138 Lot4SG 14S =o H7S2% = 394HH = 01 131329 60116 «01848% 43637 00117 101223 60391 01999 = ,3529 00118 101118 00159 o2156% 302} 00114 101912 00138 c224%6* 2715 00508 1,0907 0017) 0e4o7e e246 00109 1.0601 00185 e2652% ,2098 00106 1.06% 00176 028289 01790 00109 1.0591 00169 050179 1482 00107 100485 c0176 o3193% 41174 c0lo2 .u7229 1.0380 00163 o3576% ,0466 c0102 p,4b2ue 1.0274 c0183 35598 49559 00195 1.0160 00186 037458 2025) 00100 03026 1.0004 0019S 039408 @,0057 e0l0u 51298 09958 = 0206 =o W140 ©0305 00100 52298 09653 00176 o4321% @,0075 00103 055308 oO7U? oOl7h 04492 9,098) 00103 oSus2e 09642 «60210 =o LPV2® 41288 =o 0104 =o SS S68 09536 =o 0212 =o HPL KF = 4159 = 0104 = » SS. 09431 00218 051$2% 0,1904 e01ne 057418 09326 = 0209 =o BSUS 00099 =, 58408 09220 90208 o55uue 00304 ,594uSe 09115 901860 8=n S749 00104 0498 09009 00212 059509 2010S .615ue 06904 =0V)95 =o 1 $19 00106 8462608 04798 =o 0197 =p 0 BHF 00100 8465668 26695 00170 00498e 00105 064708 05650B =o 0176 §=— HOT USF 00107 965768 oh4B2 §=20197 =o 0B 708 e012 966908 06377 0206 o7077® o,4942 00510 68008 2027! 00105 e7a4ae 2 00119 = 09198 08106 «eVI97 «0 74388 e012 070408 28001 20201 076598 e0lal o7101¢ 07955) =o 19H =o FUST® 0122 =, 7285 07650 = 0185 = p HON ¥* 00128 = 74114 07744 = L189) =o BRUT 00143 475558 07659 00173 063014 00139 076948 07533 =o 0193 =o HSS 3% 00151 078458 27428 =40103 = 80978 00157 ,80028 07323 00146 obbuse 00165 o6167e 07217 ovlel 0900Ue 00170 985378 o7112 0111 oV110% eOlbe « AUDBS 07006 00199 e¥2oue oo17d 280708 00901 00106 e93o1% o017G obhuue 20796 00105 09405e 0016) 09008 20090 20080 095454 00155 091608 200565 00070 09015% ef,n216 00143 093028 06479 o0v0S 0967K® 01,0523 00130 o6S74 20006 097459 of ,085) 20109 20208 00060 09BUUF of ,4459 2009) eolo3 00044 o9649% 01,1447 60080 90058 o0ve? 09670% 01,4795 20060 05952 = 0026 =o HUI wf ,200$ 00053 05847 20026 0699268 01,2570 c00u5 oO74) 20048 09946% 01,2078 00038 099158 05646 00081 09950% 01,2966 00028 099458 05551 0006 099729 01,3290 °0U2e 099669 05425 60010 =o 9B 01,4602 00015 499808 25$20 =o 0005 =o W¥HT4H 04,3910 =o 009 05214 =6 0004 = on 991% 01,4217 00006 05109 000ua 09993% 01,4525 ©0002 099988 05008 20002 099959 o1,UHss 0000) 099998 e4AYR = 0005 = F9YYF 01 5444 20001 1%,00008 04793 eVOUL JeV0U0% 01,5449 ©0000 4.00009 200 TO HALF THE MBEAN RANGE LOW WATER e,54ul 205842 @,9042 eo9742 @,98u2 2.5942 ©0042 eobiue ero2u2 eobs42 @ 0442 26542 @,b642 @,o%u2 ©0842 @,09U5 ©,704u3 wo7143 eo7243 oo73us @o7uud 207543 @o76u3 ©o7743 o,7Auy 207943 2 ,40uy eob14s e,b2us e,b3uu @,buuu ©6544 2.6644 o,674u 2 ,6844u 25944 e,904u4 ©4,0045 o1,0148 00245 ©) ,05u5 e},0uus 24.0945 2400645 100745 21,0845 21,0945 e},1046 PlLolide el lade el.1su6 elolbuo e101546 eleleoue e1,1746 ©1.1846 1.01946 °1.2046 elo.eiuo 1.2246 eleesuo e1,c44u7 elecdu7 eo) ecou7 el .e747 °1,c84u7 elecIu? 21.5047 e1o3147 el .seur o1ossu7 ©) ,544u7 ©1.59547 el ,sou7 oLosI4uT 21,3848 ©1,5948 1 .404A 1.4148 21.4248 ol ,45u8 e1e.44u8 21.4548 el .4ou4 e1,474u8 21.4846 02048 e1.5148 e1.9249 21,5349 21,9449 SCOOCOCEO ECOL TEESOG 3,605 FEET. ® LOwER LOm water s PREOQ, Cun,s PREG, PRE Seoogsseees 20001 20001% e,6773 40002 00003 00002 e,646y 20002 00004 00005% e,0947 20008 00002 00007 e,7034 20000 00001 20008 «7120 e0uld 00003 000118 ©7207 00015 00008 000359 e,7294 00015 00007 000228 e,73b} 20024 00008 00020 o,7467 e00le 0009 000358 0,755u 00ues 00034 000498 e,7ou4 20015 00007 009568 04,7726 00044 ovoid 2000708 200046 ovoid 2008ue 20029 00022 = =660100% e,798b 2005S 00024 001508 00G44 00035 001668 20044 20035 02009 20075 00055 u2sse 20000 00039 = =,02748 opus e004) ousiue 20067 00059 003758 20094 00062 204558 2009S 00079 205148 00098 0076 20590 00119 00075 0066058 00310 00093 ey Isbe o0M17 00093 o045ie 00125 00112 0090se oO147 00103 ol0o78 00188 00134 011608 00129 00137 013178 0015S? 00155 0} 4528 00164 0149 016018 20e05 00172 ol 774e 20386 O17? of 951% 20204 0016s ei sue 2oee? 00182 023308 20185 00196 o251ee 001d oVl9S 0 709% o0est 00206 oe9iie 20222 00217 oSsieve 00019 00254 eddoee 20256 o02ut 230058 025) 00259 oSboe8 00197 00237 040988 0021S 20242 = ,usuoe 00194 00235 = 45758 20259 00258 o4bSS% ©1,0957 20216 00253 05086% e1,1024 40196 00253 035399 91,4311 20215 00262 050038 ef ,1196 00194 00213 58140 1 ,1ehy 20150 22) 06055% =f 1571 00197 ol2i7 e025e% 94,1458 20146 00209 o4ol® 91,1545 20162 20212 9007S @4,J032 20198 00192 soboS® e1,1718 eOl7s oO17t 270$0% 91,1805 20152 00166 o72u2® =1,1892 20193 ou183 07S$65¢ -1,1979 e007 00155 = 979408 #342005 00120 00155 9 7695% =J$ 42152 00152 oVlol o7656% =4,2259 0145 00149 08005% e3,2520 200105 0U145 =o BISI® P14eh12 0114 00128 oh2798 ©1,2499 ,0U95 ,85h4 2015) oF410% =1,2586 0012S 08509 outa eh551% 91,2075 20099 ,8008 00109 066608 =3,2759 00107 o8liu 00102 eb7o2e% =1,2b40 20096 28610 00110 08b72% 12933 oOLld Oh | 00106 69788 ©3,$02y 200087 09008 00099 09073% =1,3106 2009S 09105 20067 e%100% 94,5195 00089 =, 91914 269 292u9% ©1,3280 200009 09260 00075 «= 95248 91,3457 40009 69529 00084 oV4Qb% -1,5u5s 00084 0941 20072 09400% e1,S54y 200080 09493 00074 095538 =}, 5027 00009 %56e 00098 oVOK1% OF 65714 2009S PC) 00008 96799 ©1,46u0 00042 49656 ovndst o97$0% ©, StK7 20050 09/06 00056 o¥7o0® 14,5974 00U48 09754 0056 098US% $1,400) 20U4e 09796 2¥040 oVAus® ©) 4347 00055 09629 0028 eVB70% =) ,4254 20u3S35 o%bbe e0ned e9B9S0 91,4504 s0ueu 09686 00022 o991O% ee, ,uuun e0Uls 09904 20018 o99SUO © 1 4udu 20018 = 992A ev0ll 09940 #1 ,4S6) e00le 09934 00014 099008 =1,406b6 20006 e994) 20008 09905% ef ,4755 00017 09956 00081 oV99TS9 Of ,4b4) oe i | 09908 00008 099b6S® ©) 4928 0014 0 IIB? 00009 e9992® ©1,5015 20000 09988 e000 099908 =1,5102 20008 29995 20002 299988 ©) ,5188 200028 29997 20000 099988 @1,5275 20000 09997 00001 099998 =1,5$b2 20002 29998 20V001 30000% ©1,54u9 20002 14,0000 “TAAANAAMAAAAMWAAARAMLATAAWAAAAAL UN “Lal : AANA HOURLY TIOE HEIGHTS JANUARY 1963 Figure B-22a MAYPORT, FLORIDA 12345678910 ie 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER a « maxinun © © NEAN HIGHER X = MERN -Q. 6 -1.2g,58 7588 -1.8 123W¥5678910 12 6H 69 7M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (19635-1981) LOW WATER oa@-=neaw © = WEAN LoKen X= NININUN 2 5 S| oOoaq tu} fu) . nono oCAaD 3 o ©0000 oo . cu) (u) = 3 4 3 5 ne Fs = oOO00RT0 CQ 12345678910 12 6u 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © «= DIURNAL TIDE = MEAN TIDE X= STD DEVIATIEN OS x 0.0 % nae XKRK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKM x xxxXxX “a 12345676910 1l2 6 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-22c 202 0000°t Ztee° @996° 9996° @986° s2eo° tece® 4£26° £696° S096° nlne® Ofne® ofne® @626° 4916° 490° f£216° teen? 9tge° 9tea° g229° o0se° oeze° vsog* ofo.° otc? 9Sn2° 2tna® begc* onta® 0£69° 549° Tono* 09g9° Onte® 4de@S° 2ens* tsqs° etes® eeos® oos° voos® S2go° enegn® Onn? 9egn° odon® anes? Yat oeot® ben? nno0o° ppoo® 0000° 0000° pno0® foo? mno0® mmoo® @@00° eqro° nn00° 0000° eros ecroe Goo0°® nnoo® egro* Sito° vo00° @e00° ot¢o° et2o° 6t2o° ecro° et2o° {920° frngo® ¥go0° satoe 6t20° Sito® £920° ertoe et20° £920° Sefo® egioe egro* egro® nno0® fnoo® Szto® Sztoe Saztoe g900° 40¢0° ec1o® Sito® #eur® f920° prone eagndcte ttindcte mega? te Sled*te aned*te ecbdete e9ud* t= toud*te 2fo9°te G9B9° Te nodo° te 92L9° le 4£599°% le geasco*te 0259°te Igp9° fe agigs? @900° Thoget 20¢ eens? g900° 626S°l= wfold® q9eu° 29o¢e°b alt a «9@S90° 00u0° esal ote apeet® nnou0® 2t0get siv $6ES° Sito° 9nasrtl= #0969° 4uiv® T90R°s wee * #9590° geud® wIDI le anati® 0000° gtilecl «see otes® 6t20° Z29LS° T= #6299" 6tevo® notgeh fF * #04502 nnvd?® nast*tle anytt? mn00? ni2dwet #68 000s° Seco°® O@L9S° T= shong® egtu® s92g°l ant * 292508 nyo? bost*t= wont? 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LOWER FREO, CUM,® LOWER FREQ, Cum, NO, © LIMIT Re LIMIT FREQ,*® LIMIT LITT FREG,® LIMIT SSOeSeessF ee eeosesesesessses COSS ee eTe Eee ESEESES SOS eeePeessPeegees Seeeeeesesoesseegesg 1o1® a@00052 00001 200018 2,003%2 00001 00001% 2,0032 0000 200008 e,04u0 0000! 200018 100 12@s7o 00005 000048 14,9858 20001 20002% 14,9047 ©0000 000008 e,,v620 00001 200018 99e 129708 00001 e000 1,968u 20001 0000S 41,9262 20001 090018 ©,0800 20000 200018 98e 109547 2000t 20007% 1.9510 20001 ©0004 14,8878 20001 290028 @,098N 20001 200038 OTe 129385 20010 e001B 1.9336 20000 e0010% 14,8493 eoune 200048 e,1160 00006 200098 Soe 109725 = 20Lu09 00027 1.9162 20004 2000148 41,8108 ©0002 .0000% e,1 340 2v004 000) 58 958 1e%062 edule 200398 14,8967 20008 ©0022 41,7724 200003 ,0010% ©1520 2un0y 200218 Que 108900 20010 eOudve 3 ,6413 20003 00025* 34,7339 20005 20014 e,1700 20007 200288 Ode LeATIS e015 20062 34,4639 20012 e0037* 14,6954 20006 00020% %,1A80 00010 200588 928 104577 20012 200TKe 1 .hUes 00011 000498 41,6570 o0009 010508 wee2000 euNi4 200528 Sie 108415 20027 eOLOLe 4 ,R294 20007 20095 34,6185 ©0009 20039% 2.2240 00013 200068 908 124253 20015 eOli4e 14,8117 00013 e00HAB 4.5809 coos) 20050% e,2u2n eOni2 e00TAF B9e 14091 20015 01298 14,7945 29010 00079" 14,5416 20014 20064% &,2600 20017 200958 RBe 1.7950 o0ul9 e0L44e 447709 20013 00091" 4,505) 00018 200R2% 242780 00021 oUl1oe R7e 127708 00012 e010 14,7595 00017 00108 {4,646 00021 001948 2.2960 00016 001520 Boe 107606 00025 e01BO8 147424 20020 00129 14,4262 e©0u27 oO131% 065140 00023 201568 QSe fe7uds 00028 202148 43,7247 20018 eOL47#® 443877 onusd 29105 255320 00035 8 =0lvie Bue 107283 0002) 002338 447075 20024 eO170% 14,3492 00038 00203 |, 5500 00054 002258 Ase 1e%121 e0U02u 002598 4 ,0A99 00026 00197" 14,5108 00044 e92N7® 245679 eunun 202098 B20 14209600 202s e0PRue {,o725 000287 e224 14,2725 00058 oN305F 2, 5A59 00042 e007 B18 100798 ue | eOS158 1.0551 00025 e0249® 4423538 00065 o0S09® 24059 00053 005608 80% jebos6 00US3 00$488 1 ,60377 20035 eu2b4e® 14,4954 20070 00439% e,4P19 ol047? 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00056 eGAY9® 01 ,U589 29028 29907T% H1e0H46 20046 eVA5S0% ©), 664) 2042 09782 108 05318 2u037 oIhuee 24193 2002S 099248 wf ,u97u 20022 09929% ©} ,0A16 2002s e9B7He =} ,0999 20076 09058 cry 05350 20US4 29h soe 04039 20014 099424 ©1,5358 20020 099499 =] ,0996 00046 0992U8 @4,7159 00054 09095 Ke 04995 20030 29Boos o SKUs eonla 09954® 01,5745 20015 0996048 91,7176 20M? 099UG% @ 14,7519 2003) 09924 Ts o4K33 20025 eIN91e 0367) 20013 0990B% ©f,6128 00012 09977% ©1,7356 00015 099019 Hf ,747b 00UlY 09943 6s 04671 o0U36 099278 o 3497 Cd 09962 64,6512 20040 099b6*% =157536 20084 09975® $1, 7656 20025 09909 Se 64510 022 P4498 = 3323 ONS =o VHT 04,6897 =o UN? = F99S% MH 14/710 6 0NFA =. FHHT@ @Y,7797 = OUI Sn DBA ue ed gun efuel e478 03149 20007 09994% 01,7282 20U04 099968 @=1,7A9H 00007 099948 94,7957 20010 09995 te o41Po D015 eIASe 0975 20002 099969 21,7666 ©0l0e 699998 o1,407h 20003 o999T® HY HIIT 20005 29990 eo 0425 eOU07 44950 Ln 20002 099998 of KIS] eOCOK FeOuto® =1eb)eso GMa 299498 @ 1 KeT6 20005 09999 1s estes e0U0T LeNvoue eebe7 e0001 LevHU0F 24,436 20U00 1,0000% #1,tuso eLOC1 be00008 #1 ,5430 00001 120000 208 o “Taal alll atana ill yvyy a / [ [' i i i eae = Mall lalallala lah hal ch Di wala en i hh |’ /' |’ AVA 25 HOURLY TIDE HEIGHTS JANUARY 1963 Figure B-24a KEY WEST. FLA- Extreme Monthly HW Equivalent Te Distribution Extreme Monthly LW ave: = O01 Ol -ser —ee = 10 So 50 G90 20) 30 99.9 99.99 Mean Range = 1.26 ft Figure B-24b 209 KEY WEST, FLORIDA DOCOGBADOABADAAHDBADA XKKXXMXKKKKKKXKKXKKXKXX x-o 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER o = waxinun @ = NEAN HIGHER X = MEAN uonoooOMDHaaADaA DA M000 GCHOBooHHOLZOO00O099009D 123456789810 12 6H 69 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER © = MEAN © = MEAN LOWER X= MINIMUM PHOF[HFZ MAG aAAgAmnanad 2OTO0OHHHOTG9298900 12345678910 le 6 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE ® -] owr;nat tive © = MEAN TIDE X= STD DEVIATION XKKKKKKKKKKXKKXKXKXXKX 12345676910 12 6N 69 7 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-24c 210 egtue 2qtoe 40¢0° eeio £02 )°¢ oande Sate® Gence proce dogu? f920° mnac® obec® £920° egtce Satoe perce Saioe 2egtoe Satoe egtce gerce egtue pero? egtoe egtoe gguce® ovo00? 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CuR,® LOnER FREG, CUMS® -LORER PREG, Cue, @ LiayT PREO,S LIRIT FREQ,® LymrT FREQ,8 LIMIT PREG, Q eoeseese esessgs fole 2.8439 00002 200028 28,8139 20001 00001 2,8159 ©0000 200008 25027 0¥00) louse 28.7902 00005 000009 28,7798 00003 00004 22,7600 ©0000 2000008 04725 ovo0e 0V0ges 999 2e7oo4 40002 200048 24,7457 40002 00005% 2.7072 0001 2000018 04422 20004 00008 980 207427 60003 =o DUILF «2e7116 60004 60009" 2.6539 0001 000028 04420 00006 8=,u0iee 978 207190 60000 =o 0017 «266775 40004 00013® 246005 0001 e0U03® 4$818 ,0009 ,voele 908 260952 00006 00023" 22,6434 00008 00020% 22,5472 ©0002 000058 05519 00057 000588 958 200715 20008 000508 246093 20008 00028* 2,4u95e 00003 000088 S213 ev0ll 000498 940 2.0477 00009 000398 22,5752 00013 00041*% 32,4405 ©0004 00012e% ef) 00023 000728 9$e 2eo2esu 00008 eO0d7® 245414 00011 00051 22,3871 ©0005 000178 026u8 20028 200990 920 200002 60014 .0060® 255070 .0017? 00068 2,3334 00005 00228 07306 ©=6,v022) = gO 218 919 205765 v0eo 000808 2,47a9 0013 c0051% 22,2604 .0V07 00298 02003 60035 401508 908 205527 eOvla 000938 2.4388 00038 00090 2,227) 00009 000588 e170! ev032 001688 A9e 26529) 00u24 eOlL4S® e2,unu7 e00en eo1L4® = 2,1737 eQule 000518 03399 0V040 e02ebs 688 20SyS2 Ove) 00335 263706 00920 00153" A,i2u4 eou14 00065e 01096 00040 002068 67?e 2,4815 e0U24 091504 2.33605 200as 00157* 2,0070 00022 000878 00794 00058 003078 Bee 2.4576 0017 0017S 2.3024 0002) 0u178® = 2,0137 00023 oO} 1ue oe | ovuus ousuve 858 204340 00v20 00192 2.2688 0yoed eu2u7® 1,9008 00029 001508 00169 00053 00402 e,6302 20050 00509 Bue 204403 e0ued 002198 2a23u2 00042 00249 14,9070 ©0033 001728 260313 00050 004528 ©,6527 00064 00576 63s 203865 00033 002468 2.2001 200038 00207 41,8536 00039 00211% eobdlo 00055 00509% ©,675¢2 0007) 00049 Be 2e3628 40030 =o 02788 2,166 20046 00555% 1.8003 00045 40250% 050718 40055 ,usoue 2,0977 0099 40748 B18 20539) 20030 00308 2,1319 ©0096 ey369® 3, 7469 ©0049 003048 e@,19e0 20062, eUo22® e,7c05 2006) 00629 B0e 263,53 00039 003478 2.0978 00078 00407 31,6936 ©0056 003602% eaei323 00004 006608 ‘,7428 00095 00422 799 202915 20u26 0037S 2,06037 00982 00549* 41,6402 ©0u56 004208 e1625 00004 00750% ©,7053 00105 olue? 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JANUARY 1963 EFERENCE STATION: ST. MARKS RIVER ENTRANCE, FLA. Figure B-25a MSL Equivalent Gaussian Distribution -0 MLW MLLW -20 Extreme Monthly LW Noples, Fla } -30 | ———— Reference Station: St.Marks River Entrance 0.01 0.1-30 -20 10 -o 50 090 eo 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = 2.99 ft Figure B-25b 213 NAPLES, FLORIOA oo fu] a 98g00 "p729%p,o 000 C®oaoTPGaKROODAVOABDAADO XMM KM KM KKK KK KX 12345678910 1e 6Y 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER @ © WAXIHUN @ o EAN HIGHER X @ MEAN 1235678910 12 6 69 7 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER owenen © @ HeAN Loxen Xo MINIMUM 2. BMA 9 9g, g® COOF®FHO8GOH HAA Anaad L.JFoc®e gogo Heg SHH HA HHHLHHOLHCHCE 1239W¥S5678910 i2 64 69 74 19 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE = DIURNAL TIDE © = mead T10€ Xe STO OEVIATION 0.5 x x 0.0 xxx™ i HEX KM KK KK KKK KKK KOK -0.5 EX %4 12345678910 le 6 69 7M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR. YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-25c 214 0000°t e¢t0® 69g0°22 20000°! 2gto® 9e2e8° et s e 9566° 0000° 9540°2e 29906" 0000° sste° 22 ® aSL92° eg00° OOTS° te agtgg? #g00° Lodses 9S506° moo £790°2 29986° nn0o0° fene° ef r egese® mnoo® seon’te age2ge @800° 9901s 206° 00008 0¢S0°2e eS286° nn0o° Zone® en e annse? noo? S4an°te a0nto® @900° SEOTeS @to6° @900° £tn0°2® efelo° 0000° $9Se° «S a a0082° 9g00° O9gn°te «€509° ee00° co0e*s S2e6° foo? {0L0°2* eleco® 00° 0¢9e° 09 e a2tne® erto° 4ngn*te 4696S° e900° 2402°s b@46° noo? Oot0°2Z* wiglo° 2gto° 6699° eh a etee2? @a00° nfgn°te edias® 9@00° Tnbees 4£46° nno0® 4400°22 25096° 0000° e94e8° 28 a efate? 9@00° bann®te woes? 8900° ote2*s £696° 0000° 1966°S® 05096° nn0o0° 94e8° 66 * a50t2° 0000° wOgn*te e2045° noo® 6422°s $096° mnoo® tge@6°t® ef9S6° nnoo® soee° 20% r as0tee mn00? Soln?te sagas? zgtoe entact onge® Sito® ec4o°t® 2a1S6° mnoo® ne6e° att a a}902° 0000° 2g0n°ts s92gg? 6h20° dtnaet nine? pro? 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00226 057089 e,3210 00154 05930 00229 059379 ©,3570 00153 05752 00201 06159 09,3931 00139 05574 0221 06359 o,u2% 00134 05397 00209 065089 6,463} 00126 05219 00208 00776% o,5012 00325 05041 00215 06991 02,5372 00122 o4Aou 00208 07199" 02,5732 00819 04686 00205 07405% 02,6093 00119 04508 20222 07626 06453 00109 04330 00200 078208 0,6814 00109 04453 00194 080209 o,7174 00100 03975 00196 08210% o,75354 00095 03797 «=o 0177) «=o B393%® 2, 7H95 00094 23620 00166 085008 ©,8255 00090 o344R 00147 087068 aAblo 00087 o320u 0147 08853% e,A976 00083 03087 c01a4 089778 0,9330 00079 02909 00098 090759 0,96097 00076 o2731 00085 09159% 01,0057 00073 22593 =o 0091 092508 ©f,0418 0072 02376 «= 0079 «=o PEABY 01,0778 0067 02198 90070 093999 01,1138 00065 02020 00001 09400% 01,1499 00062 21643 0047 499079 01,1859 0058 01665 60949 995579 ot,2220 00054 01487 «60039 0954%6% 01,2580 0005) 01309 0041 09037 01,2940 0040 o1132 00044 09601% of, 3501 00044 009Su 00050 o9711% 01,300) 0004) 00776 ©=— 0 0031 09742 of ,4022 00038 00599 0003S 097789 of use 00033 00424 00028 «66 9806% e1,4742 00028 00243 00027 098359 01,5103 00025 20006 00028 09662% 01,5463 002) eo0112 00024 09665% 01,5624 00019 2 ,029n 00016 099019 ef 96184 00016 2.0408 00018 099199 04,6544 00013 © 50648 00022 099419 01,6905 00041 2.0823 00030 099519 01,7205 00010 2,100! 00011 09963 @1,7620 09007 eol17B 8.0011 099749 01,7986 00006 2.1356 20010 099848 01 A346 00005 oo1534 00003 099679 01,8707 00003 eolTi1 20005 09993% 01,9067 0001 2.1489 00003 099969 01,9427 00002 ee2007 0001 099978 29786 0001 2.2245 20001 099988 02,0148 00003 2.2422 0004 099999 02,0509 0000 222600 60901 100000% 2,869 +0000 Table B-25b LOWER LIMIT OF CLABS INTERVAL SHOWN, ALL HEIGHTO® ARE NORMALIZED BY HALF THE DIURNAL RANGE WIGHER HIGH HATER e 216 8 CuM,¢ PREG,® SoeeHesoogeseosoesgs LOW WATER LOWER LIMIT 04409 04156 03908 03051 03398 03145 02892 02040 02387 eeisu oS A81 01629 ol S76 oli2s 00870 00017 00365 o01t2 e014) ©,0394 ©,00u7 ©0899 e,l1se @01405 ©1658 @,l9s0 2.2163 @o2416 @02669 @,2922 eoS174 © .3u27 ©,5080 o,3933 2.4185 04438 204091 e,49uu ©5197 eo54u9 2.5702 2.5955 2.0208 © 046) 2.0713 206906 ©.7ai9 ©,7472 eo7veu 007977 2.8230 ©,duey ©6756 22,8988 ©,924) ©,9494 ©,9747 2.9999 ©} ,0252 ©1,0505 01.0758 101516 2101709 e1,2n22 e1.2r74 o1o2527 ©10e760 e1oS033 2105286 o1.353A 1.3791 e1.4044 21,4297 21.4550 21.4802 21,5055 e1253048 e1.55o1 e1,5A13 @106066 2100319 e1.0572 ©1,0825 e1e7077 o1o73350 °1,7583 e1e7A3So ©1,6086 e1,83u1 ©) ,6594 o1,6A4u7 21.9100 ele3s2 21.9605 1.9858 e2.0ist e2,0304 ©2.0616 ©2,0869 PREO, SESS HoSESESSERee 00001 00005 00007 00010 00014 00017 00040 00032 00030 00033 000408 00044 00051 00048 0007S 00070 00056 00084 00099 00118 o01ead 00166 00162 00186 00176 00177 00208 00216 00190 00187 00196 00170 00105 00154 00156 00135 00145 oOtad 00150 00151 00140 00150 oblol o014u 00158 00141 eOlol 015d 00144 00119 00143 00136 00139 00142 00951 00135 oOlel 00119 00120 00127 e014! ola 00128 00153 001S7 00145 00123 00114 00113 00154 0011? 00116 00107 00120 00125 001148 Ou 00075 00062 00071 00083 00007 00058 00056 00055 00046 00044 00033 00032 00039 00025 00021 00014 00010 00015 00006 00007 00002 00004 00001 00001 10495 Peer, s LOWER LOW WATER LOFER LIMIT weeese 00001% e,335}) 2000008 e,3520 000338 a,370) 00023 a,3b70 2000378 0,405} 200558 4227 00095® e,44u02 001278 @,4577 201S7® ©4752 001908 «,4927 2002388 ©5103 20282 02,5276 003538 ©,5453 0057609 e©,5028 204Sle 25805 00521 ©,5978 00579 o,6154 20663 ©,6329 200702% ©,6504 200808 @,6079 01904 ©,6654 27030 2,7205 01538 06,7580 o1714@ @,7555 oh 8918 ©,7730 020998 02,7906 o2315e 06084 025088 o,8250 02095 0,843) 028948 22,8000 030039 0,878) 032298 0,6957 033839 20,9132 035398 09307 30749 0, 94R2 oSAL9S 0, 9057 03905 © ,9033 o4113e ©1,0008 o42648 01,0183 o4404S 01,0558 045538 01,0533 047148 01,0708 248S8% 1,084 049908 01,1059 051379 ef ,hesu 052988 01,1409 054528 o1,356u 05590% 01,1760 057159 01,1955 05858% 01,2110 05990% 01,2285 001309 ef ,2400 062738 ef ,2035 064249 01,281) 00558% 01,2960 060798 01,316) 067988 01,5536 069368 of ,3511 27045® ©, 3087 o7180% 01,3662 073279 01,4057 07725% ©1,4562 07670% of 4736 079938 01,4913 061078 01,5088 ©1,5263 25458 e8471% ef Solu 065679 01,5789 9609U8 ef ,5¥6u 06615% @1,6139 08959 ef ,6314 ©1,0489 06665 ©1,06u0 093098 e1,7015 093608 01,7190 094039 ©1,7565 095508 ef, 7544 095688 ©1,7716 eVOUU® 01,7091 090998 01,8066 e97U4® 01,8244 09760® 01,6417 098219 23,8592 098538 01,8707 098929 01 8942 299588 1,917 099598 01,9292 299538 ©, 9408 099038 ef ,90U3 099788 of ,9818 099648 01,9995 099908 ©2,0168 099938 ©2,05uu 099978 02,0519 099998 02,0694 1,0000% 02,0669 FREQ, Cum, FREQ, sooeceegnncees 00004 00005 20003 = +,0004 20006 000 00003 00013 00004 00018 00013 0003) 0002) 00052 00024 0007e o00Sk 00308 20039 00147 00000 00206 20000 00274 00082 003535 00097 00450 200868 00536 e00T79 00018 000% 0707 00335 00844 00120 00900 oles 01063 00127 i210 00139 01549 20156 01467 20458 elo2u 60459 of 73 00148 ol 9th wo 0S18 02030 00150 02360 00142 02302 00145 o24u7 00193 02599 00129 02728 00150 02664q 00160 o3oug 0938) 3225 20353 o 3377 00127 03504 00441 03045 20342 03787 00159 03920 005) o4077 0147 o4e2u 0017S 94599 00158 04553 oONTd o47e3y 00103 §=—, 4886 00178 =, 5004 00168 09255 00370 05429 00375 205604 00187 S794 0087) 09462 00147 00308 00170 06285 0035) 06430 00166 e6003 20187 20790 20153 06945 o01es 07100 00157 o%2o3 00133 07390 00175 07570 00188 07758 0170 07934 20150 04090 0014) e625) 00116 06349 29090 08445 00124 08509 200099 208007 00117 08784 00311 06095 20105 28998 00URe 09060 00079 09159 00076 09237 00075 09512 00079 =. 9594, 00072 99463 0006) 09524 00004 09589 20037 9026 2005) 09077 00045 09720 20049 49770 20040 09010 00037 0 90U7 00027 09874 00024 29898 20015 §=,9912 00033 09925 2002) oIV4e 20038 09904 200007 09972 00U0T 09979 90004 09984 00001 09985 20009 29994 2000S 49997 90004 09999 0000) $20000 MHHW MHW MSL NSL MLW MLLW HGURLY TIDE HEIGHTS ST- PETERSBURG. FLA- JANUARY 1963 Figure B-26a Extreme Monthly HW Equivalent Gaussian Distribution Extreme Monthly LW 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -o 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = 2.19 ft Figure B-26b 217 Slo PEVEHSAVNG. PLO o BPO, BAO o,o2oO0m8 lasso vee) vel de . Bt 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1965-1981) HIGH WATER oa « waxieun @ « NEAN HIGHER X = MERN (A395 HSS 7) lel ada Bl 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER oe=ween © = MEAN LOWER X= MINIMUN 123085678910 je 6yY 69 74M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE oo -~ owr;nat Tie © = MEAN TIDE Xe STO DEVIATION XK KKK KK KK KKK KKK KKK 12345678910 12 6u 69 7U 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA REVEL Figure B-26c 218 0000°S g@900° 9Se0° nao? 9@00° 0000° 9900° pno0® 9900° 0000° 0000° 9900° Sato® @900° 9900° 9900° 00° on00® 0000° ecroe froo® Sato® otezo° e900° ecro® et20° sgto® on00® 9@00° 0000° Suto? ot20° ee00° s.to° 400° SLto® sito® 9e00° Sato° SLt0° 6t20° @e00° s.to® Sito® 6fn0® £ez0° et2o° onoo® ecto® fhoo® zcro® pn00® 400° Stteteesrseseesssecess @ °ojud 3 e°wNd “asad {poole S2g0°te 6040° Se aso°te ban6?te {sfo°te srzo°te atto°te 6609° Se teee°te £940°te sn9e°te 4259°ta e0ne°’te Taze°te fitete $50@°te Afod°te otgiete toca°tea fesd*te sond*te dngL*te o22.°he Brtcte £669° fe $109°Se 4S19°t@ 6£99°% Se tzs9°te f£on9*te s929°te 4959°%Se on0e*te tres*te ptes*te 909S°te @1SS*te ConS* fe 2ngs°te p22S°te 901S*te @eonete OLen®te 2s.n°te ncon*te 9tce°te gorn*te Ogen*te 2otn*teo pnon*te OT) a! y3n01 @ w3LvmM "OF °OW 3w39HLx9 °1334 f60°r 0000°S 9@00° 266° 0000° 92366° nn00° 20990° 2fto0° 4gdo0° 000° 1¢26° 0000° Lg4o° 2gto° $096° 0000° S096° 0000° $090° 900° @tSe° 2Et0° 99f6° 0000° 99f6° 0000° 99%6° Sato° tt20° ag0o0° {2to° 0000° f2toe° egto° Teee° 900° 068° 0000° 700e° mn00° 09ee° 2tto® @210° 700° ne9e° @sto° rsse° 9900° sone* 6t2o° 9nz2a° @g0o0° este’ 900° 040e° 9900° 2904° @900° See. 0000° See4° 900° Loec® 0000° 4004° 900° e6tlL® 9900° 2 Test9et 2c9L° ecto® 00SL° 9a00° 2tms® ot20° fot.® on00® ents® 900° t902° noo? etoL® S.to® 2ne9° nn00° 8619° nnoo® MS.9° GSLto° 64s9° egto® Anno? 2cto° eco" 6t20° 9609° sito® t26s° 900° a£9S° @@00° zito® °o3u4 °wnd = “Oud 4s0e° et e ry 9stee e2 e 20not? 9a00° 92of°be sptag® @gtoe o90¢*, 2S neze° ot a: efSsf? ote20° @0af° se szgns? otea0° eole*t efS fescue? en a efeee® e2eso° 069k°Te efoase {920° 492G° snS ecne? chy 2 g20er? 2cso° @4sf°te 20005° otgo® S9tGes 265 ogse° 29 s e040c° ot2o° mSnt°ste elesn® {920° monget 29S 6298° od td] etSee2° 0000° 9EEL°Se satcn® Satoe C9Sg°t 4S ezae° 20 PY abSe2° 2f10° @52E°te eanen® Saroe To9g*s 29S 92ee° 26 8 eotle¢ @e00° OOSE° Te e19tn® 9@00° 094E°s woS S2ea° 208 r e2t92° g@00e 2eo2°be secon? n00° oseges 209 206° e enns2¢ @@00° M9g@2°te eGfon® 520° 2seg°h 259 22to° ry 29Sn2° z@ctoe 9nae2°te edtac® mn00® Qg0n*t 229 teze° a eS2E2° 2ft0° g292°he e2sic® mpo0® Gsteet £9 02fo° 2 efot2e 0000° Otse°te egzuc? £920° €sen*t en9 atne? a efotee Satoe 2oL2°te ssong? pnoo® e2Gfivet 269 LtSe° * 2gto2® geg0d0® ns22°te efeng® ag00° tsmnes 299 9190° 2 20fet? noo? 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01662 00126 01446 200109 01229 00090 01013 e0lla 00796 = 0 0098 00579 §= 0004 00363 00093 00146 00102 2.0070 00086 ©.0267 00084 ©0503 000358 2.0720 00056 200936 00040 ©o1153 00040 ©1370 000353 ©1586 00022 ©1803 00023 2.2019 00081 2.2236 00021 ©2452 00018 © 02669 00019 ©.2A86 840011 ©3108 00008 o.5319 00007 2.3535 00006 eo575a 00003 Table B-26b LOWER LIMIT OF CLABS INTERVAL BHOWN, ALL HEIGHT® ARE NORMALIZED BY ALP THE DSURNAL RANGE HIGHER HIGH WATER 9 ri 1.00) PERT, 6 oe WOURLY VALUEO 8 LOw WATER — LOWER LOm WATER 8 8 CUM,® Lower FREQ, Cum,@ LOWER FREQ, CUM.® LOWER PREG, Cum, BR ® LyMiy PR LIMIT FREQ,® ‘LIMIT PREQ, SOSOSSHSEOSSOOSOHOOSSSSHE OHO SOOHSCOT SS SOO OH EOSOTH HOO TSO OSESOOSEDOSOOOOR OODLES 000088 1,790 00000 00008 485% 40001 0001 a,ib6S 0002 0002 000019 $7520 00000 900008 oH611 20002 900028 e,1848 0002 40003 00002 43,7147 00001 200019 c4303 20004 »0007% o,2030 20002 0005 00009 41,6709 060003 e0002® 04115 40000 900128 e,2213 0005 0000 e0085% 140390 00002 00048 43867 40008 90021 e259 0000 0015 00018 4,0032 00003 00078 3019 40008 40029 ,2579 0008 0023 00023 41,5033 00005 00128 oS371 c0022 900820 a,270) 40020 0043 00030 1,5255 00000 00108 5123 00039 400918 0,204 0017 0059 00048 44477 200009 000278 02075 000UA 001398 o,3327 00020 00085 00004 $,4498 60013 ,00408 2627 ,0077 40217 ©3310 ,0032 O17 00083 43,4120 00016 400868 2379 40093 90330 ©,3493 0027 0145 e003 1,374) 00021 oO077® o2131 o012t eO4319 ,3075 40032 00177 0013S 143303 00025 901028 918863 00152 905638 ©,3858 0033 v0eho 00108 442984 00030 032% o1035 O13? 20720 ©,404) 004i 40254 001998 4426000 00034 201608 of387 .0153 2086548 o,4224 0050 030) e0245® 442227 00039 .0205® S159 o01U9 010038 ©,4406 40059 0304 00R98® 4,4849 060046 002519 40893 c0147 01149 ©,4589 40004 0425 e0344S 451470 00054 0305 0043 10156 043058 o,4772 10085 0510 00408 441092 00058 03638 40395 40120 o14258 ©,4955 ,008) 40594 0474s 41,0713 000d cO1U7 §=90448 915738 @,5538 20082 0073 005448 440335 00076 005008 o,010! 00149 o17228 e,53520 00075 00747 006F0% ,9956 0077 077% 60349 60130 918528 25503 40100 ,0b4u8 eOTII® =, 957H 00087 906048 220597 20146 919908 0,5086 0317 »0965 00790% §=649399 00091 07558 02,0845 2.0135 oa133 0©,5669 40099 41004 e0e7ue 08624 00100 1093 40133 e22008 2,605) eOSI7F =o h 884 00%O7% ,8443 0107 1341 00120 ©= gp 2BGO8 = e,o234 01 = KAA 01005 8064 00407 1969 00135 25219 o,6417 ,0s'4 y1400 o3155% 47086 §=—o 0494 00150 926718 ef6600 ,0114 3524 03209 §=,7307 0125 00126 «=o@7970 0.0783 =, 0348 = 4008 of Soye 06929 00134 00124 e29218 0,698 00155 0625 015308 46550 0138 cO117? §«oS037S o,7,GH 90142 41965 eloee? 06172 00a? o01ed oSiole 00035 02128 o1741% 45793 00149 00134 932908 e0120 92254 o1877% 45415 00150 00130 odu2ee 00825 =o 2579 o20e79 05030 00168 021968 @,3574 00107 eS5550 00487 02560 e2165% 4658 001480 00120 «= » 30550 00101 =n 2728 e2302* 4279 40198 0122 9 ST748 20345 =, 2072 e2462® 4390) 0205 00130 439048 00325 =o 2997 020199 43522 cde22e 20122 940208 00357 =o S354 e2747e® =, 3344 =o AU? 00130 «6g UI S08 00390 = SSUG 02909% = 42705 004887 00112 «= 2008 00375 = S549 030668 ,2387 .0a7e 00125 «=, 4d 0Re 00355 = 9 3074 oS201% 42008 00276 00143 ,4SS08 00390 «=, 3805 03558% = =,1030 0 0479 00132 »4ooee 00180 40a 034976 = 1252 0260 o0l2@1 47898 o0S72 G21 030476 = §=40675 0 0489 00130 00545 = gh S04 058278 0049S =o 0US 00833 c 00363 4520 059728 e01l0 c0aue 00148 ©1,0255 0210 4734 o4id0e 00235 00137 21,0438 .0198 4932 0420se 00218 00104 1,002) 00398 = 54.29 o4u7ye 00219 .60118 ©7542 40435 @4,08604 40346 5277 edosae 00200 00139 01,0987 0174 o5uS4 o4y7ue 00197 e01ua ©1,1169 00218 5008 o4035e 00183 00127 2101552 0180 5848 oSII1% 2.2535 00170 00119 963519 ©1,1555 0185 46030 052815 «2932 c01?2 00137 101718 40189 46219 05441 ©,3290 0162 20140 21,1901 ,02)0 6435 05590% o,3069 00152 00135 1.2083 .0187 6623 eod7448 64047 ocOlus 073938 0©,9526 oulue 81,2260 §8=—6019S = gs OBIT oS917E w,4U20 00140 479398 o,9774 yOLN7 1.2449 ,0383 47000 000798 00144 476838 ef,0022 0129 e1,2o32 0183 7183 062508 00335 o7B17% e1,0270 40445 Pyo2b1d ,0192 _T3TU oous7e 00128 =o F9US® 01,0518 0142 P2570 01,2997 40583 47557 00004e eO127 «=. BO72® O1,0766 00128 673809 94,5180 20348 47705 007798 00123 = B19S® ofo1014 00139 275259 ef,3403 0140 47645 000618 00316 «=oB313% eloei2o2 0191 1.5540 20400 28015 07100% 00118 064319 01510 00930 e1,3728 0045¢ 0F163 073508 00400 .85379 0151758 0157 P1391) 20542 8308 o7Su98 00108 086U5® 01,2006 00342 081099 01,4094 00326 05429 o7Ysae 00104 ,8749% efo2254 20447 82500 01,4277 044s 8572 079508 00403 988529 efo2502 ,01U2 ,85988 04,4459 40519 , 8094 081588 00108 069538 of 02750 2013S ,8533% ef, 40u2 0123 6814 083008 00088 =—6 9041 01,2998 0137 480098 o1,4825 40520 8935 obubue 00080 © §=—6 op NAT OLoSBUG 40107 oUTT7® 01,5008 0147 9052 o8o3ue 00084 = 92118 $3094 40110 .8891% 01,519) 40008 9120 087008 0008S «492948 of,5742 40117 190089 01,5373 0104 p922u 06870° 00079 «=, 9STE% 453990 60101 091098 01,5556 ,0087 o9315 289008 00076 994498 01,4238 10106 9215% 01,5739 .0058 9508 09071% of, 617 00068 oFS17® ofp UUbb 00086 «493009 04,5922 00088 09454 091699 04,4995 00070 095878 wf U7SU 00108 2106104 00082 09555 09253% wf ,2373 00089 096468 of 4982 00002 00207 00064 09594 093409 01,2752 00050 697018 efoS251 00055 2100470 »005¢ 9045 09448 01,3150 00008 97508 01.5479 0079 ®1,0033 ,0029 907K 095348 04,3509 0042 997928 of,5%27 00U2 ®1,0836 ,0047 972) 09618% 01,3887 0037 498299 01.5975 0002 1.7038 ,0027 9749 096765 ©f$,4266 00035 098048 of ,0223 00053 ©1,7201 20044 09793 09732% e{,4044 00030 »98958 00035 e1,7384 ,0032 9829 09772 0f,5023 00023 99179 of50719 0024 o7507 ,0017 9642 09812% 01,540) 00019 99308 o1,6907 002d ®1.7780 .0038 9880 09844 01,5780 00014 499508 wf.7a15 0033 21,79$2 .0038 9698 09806 0146158 00014 999658 ef.7463 0021 1.8415 ,0032 9910 09868% 01,6537 00009 o997US wh e7TI1 00019 099308 01,8298 00017 09927 09909% 01,6915 00008 199828 04.7959 0015 199450 01,8485 ,0012 9939 099309 of, 7294 00006 2099878 of,8207 20008 099538 0f 6063 00014 09953 09907 147072 00004 999919 0158455 0012 499658 01,8646 0015 49960 099678 01,8054 00003 099948 01,8703 00082 099788 01,9020 20000 09970 09977% o1,8429 00002 699978 01,8951 0007 599858 01,9212 0006 49960 099859 01,8607 00002 499988 01.9199 0004 499698 01,9395 ,0000 49986 099925 01,9186 00008 099998 01 .94u7 20005 099908 at ,9577 00000 09992 099979 01,9564 00003 150000% ©1,9695 10004 .9998% 01,9760 0006 9996 $00000% 01,9943} 00000 1.0000% ©1,9943 40002 420000% 01,9943 ,0002 14,0000 220 ai AVIWIViViWs¥/ xv AN ALA Aa AANA AA ake a a es 21 26 HOURLY TIDE HEIGHTS 6T. MARKS RIVER ENTRANCE. FLA- JANUARY 1963 Figure B-27a MSL Equivalent Gaussian Le Distribution MLW MLLW -20 0.01 01-30 -20 10 -o 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = 3.37 ft Figure B-27b 22\ ST. MARKS RIVER ENTAANCE. BEA 0 eF%9,0 Jaa egnoanougnovogaau OOD x Ves Si 7 Ghee) We at 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER o « waxinun @ © WEAN HIGHER X = MERN Bo0aTTAGgaHonoaoTM Of AMA a2TD ®ODTHGAHOHOHHoHF9P999 CH 12345678910 ile 6 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER o@ = ween © = WEAN LOWER X= NINIMUN 2 2 Ono OF Ogg eo” PHOTeTe Fee eeeooeo 1.3 P92 GMO g MOUS HHM FHHOFHHHHHHHHTH0O9R 008 12345678910 ie 64 69 7u 79 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © -@ owrnat toe = MEAN TIDE X= STD DEVIATION s 5 x Mie KKK KKKKKKKKKKKK KKK 123456786910 te 6 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-27c (4 (22 0000°t nmnoo® 95£0°22 20000°S n00° fots? at ry P . 9566° prod? 6n20°2= 29¢466° 0000° 9424° a2 a 29ter? 9900° bogn°’te= 22999° 0000° dnntet 22s Zto6* mn00® Tnt0%2e 29G66° 0000° 654° of a ee24r° 2eto° {San°te 24999° ecto? OgSt*s gS 9996° @e@00° ££00°2* 29966° nnd0o° fnne° en a 296Sf* SLlt0e 9nan®*te #6fG69° nn0o® Ct9tes ans beL6° Hoo? S266°t® 22166° 0000° 9254° aS e ebent? ze1o° @lgn°t= along? 2ctoe 4o9t°t 26S 4fL6° 0000° Btao°te #2166" 0000° 0194° “9 a eoecr? e@sto° Ofnn?te s09¢9° 6120° Ogdtet 29S 446° 0000° Ofdo® te e2}66° mn00° {694° ad e egstr® ge00° 22in°t= sdntg?® noo? n9etet #45 4€16° 8900° 2096°T® 29996° nn00® CORRS Pt) ® e0406° nud? 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FLA- JANUARY 1963 Figure B-28a Extreme Monthly HW MSL = | MLW quivalent Gaussian MLLW SO -30 O00 OL =3er =2e7 110 =e 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = |.30 ft Figure B-28b 229 PENSACUEA GEeGinn ne n®O nog 15 Uh 1) i r so ° oo oo” 5 nO QA2kRQ Oh. 123-45678910 ie 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER 0 = waximun ® « HEAN HIGHER X = MEAN BSS8RR BBggungegeee xxx XX xy x ly rs SeGie708n 8) Lope eel 69 7U 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1961) LOW WATER o «=ueen © = MEAN LOWER Xe MINIMUM 1235678910 ile 64 69 74 719 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE ©® -] ovwrnatc Tie © - MEAN TIDE Xe STO DEVIATION 5 x 0 XXX KKKKKKKKKKKK KX SN) SiGe r7mel 9) LON Stee Gu 69 7U 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-28c 226 0000°t nnvo® SLSS°2= 20000°F nnvu® Te2v® ah 9S66° G000° (@fS°2= #9S66° vudu® viny® ad 9566° Oou0® 991S°2= 29566° ovde® OgSe® ef 9S566° nno0® 266n*2= 29566° nndy® oedlu® on 266° #9U0° BoLN°c= a2tbo° nnoo® 6480° aS S2g6° nnoo® Co9gn®e= sHGG0° q920° vedo° 29 ba46° moo? 60n*2= 2S5U90° ovdu* GLlo® od 4f16° mnoo® Sten*2= «S5096° Ovdu® Leto® eo 1696° noo? 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MIGRER MIGH mates e HIGH WATER s HOURLY VALUFS s LOw wATER od s . s CLassSs LOneR FREQ, Cum,@ LekR FREQ, CUM,® LOmER FREQ. 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ALA. JANUARY 1963 Figure B-29a Extreme Monthly HW OF Equivalent Gaussian MLW Distribution MLLW pes Extreme Monthly LW -30 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -oO 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = |. 44 ft Figure B-29b 229 MOBILE. 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TEX- JANUARY 1963 Figure B-30a 20 Extreme Monthly HW MHHW o MHW MSL MLW Equivalent Gaussian -0 Distribution MLLW -20 Extreme Monthly LW SOF 0.01 0.1-30 -20 10 -o 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = |.42 ft Figure B-30b 233 GALVESTON, TEXAS 12345678910 le 6Y 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER a « naxinox @ © HEAN HIGHER % = MERN 123W5678910 j2 6N 69 74 719 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER o@ «nea @ © HeAN Laven Xo MINI NUM KKM KK KK KK se 123WU5678910 jie e6y 69 TY 19 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE o -@ owarnat tive @ = NEA TI0e Me STO DEVIATION x * x KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KK KK 345676910 12 6i 69 70 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-30c 234 0000°% 9566° 9S66° Cy 8996° 9996° 9996° S2e6° 4€46° {696° t966° @tse° o.n6o® enge® 9626° @6260° 49t6° 6406° teee? e °e3ud e °wnd moo? 0000° noo? pn00® 0000° 00008 nn00® e900? poo? 2¢10° moo? mno0® aero° nnoo® 0000° ecto? 9900° g900° S.to° Pn00° e@00° 2eroe roo? 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JANUARY 1963 Figure B-31a Extreme Monthly HW Equivalent Gaussian o Distribution J 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -o 50 0690 2 30 99.9 99.99 Mean Range =: 1.15 ft Figure B-31b 237 SAN JUAN, PUERTG RICO POTAGFHHHAHHHHDHDDOOD XKXXKXXKXKXXKXKK KKK XX 12345678910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER © = HAXIHUK @ « WEAN HIGHER X © MERN DOUMAAADFAAR0DAMAAAaD SOGoBZHHDOOTHHOSOCAUOD x Xx x Xx 123uWU56789810 jl2 6 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER) oeqwean © = MEAN Lowen X= MINIMUM Sie: DOGORnpeamo8 ap OMT) TG) rg eo 1.9 G®HpaoaTD9SGQ OQ BHOBOHHBRTHOOOHHHH OAD 1234567686910 12 6h 69 74M 19 MONTH GF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE = DIURNAL TIDE @ MEAN TIOE X= STD DEVIATION ORS x x KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKXK KX 345678910 12 64 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-3lc 238 0000°t pnnroo? 2995°2= 20000°t nn00® 22ec°t af a e 9S566° 0o00° TISS°2= #9¢66° 0000° miocetl v2 * #agtce nnod? 29ed°te w2gtc® egtoe toSt*e@ 82s 9S66° esto® TogsS®*2= 295966° 0y00° S2etnet w«f a antle? 0000° bred°te #0092 6129° eoete2 #€S S296° moo? O12S°2= #9G66° nn0o® dien*t en * anttge 7gto® Taol?te atyin® Satce mgkt?2 «nS Te.6° 00008 090S°2= #2166° 0000° bennet 4S s w2R62° mnoo? O¢gd®te agnan® weno? 9y0e*2 «96S te.6° 0000° 606n*°2= #21b6° 000u° Ogsnet 9 a 26f62° gAvd® V9EL T= ealgn? 900° est2°2 295 te.6® nmn00® 6SL7°2= #2166" 9000° 2cin*t of * etse2° mnud® ogel*te eifen® f92u° ovieee #45 L<16° 00008 g09n*2= e2166° 2cto° ceanet «29 * «L092° nnoo® OL0L°te eLgtn® 6120° ton2°2 24S L£oL6° noo? Lgonn*2z= atgle® 0000° SE0S*t 26 * ef9L2e° ge00° v2o9°t= alneg® 7etce eugesie “86S £696° 8R00° Logn®2= wtelo® nndo° 9gtceh ef a 251922 mnod? LLL9°te salgge 2gtoe nmol2¢2 #09 S096° nno0® 951n?2= wlglo® 9800° @ersetl wlt t w2Faee nnoo® £299% le anyog? nnnoe Sthet2 919 $956° 8a00° 900n°2* 26n96° Sdto® eens*t weet * #AAG29 0000° 9Ln9°Te atnage praoe 499¢°2 229 Pine? e900° SSef°e= anino® nnoo® bnog*th eft ® #89S2° nod? 92¢9% le sooG5? Pree elege2 £9 99G6° fn00® MOLE°2= w0En6® nndo® 2od5°t ant * annsee mmno® S4i9°Te s6occ? ectoe O4£E°e end enge® esto® nSSt*2= 299t6° 0000° mnostt ect * #00G2° Co r20e°te eleng® 2en0° 2esg°2 469 Tte26° ea00° fOnk*2= s9gf6° 2cto* 9609°T at * w2tn2? mmo? ML9S°T® af EEg® mace €49G°2 999 f2to° gand® €S2ei°e= 2nG26° 2eto® dn29°) oft * #99ge? nnvo0® £2.S°l= wager? vHoue S2yf*2 449 Sf06° Szt0® Z20Tk°2= ef2to® mnoo® ooro°t eat * ris a mnooe LLGS°T= gAvece Situs 9L60°S 269 0999° Sito® bGo62°2= #6106° 0000° 09gs9°t wot * eteee? v000® e2nS*te gs92ng? £920° A2tre2 269 nega? 920° bog2°2= 26/06° nnago® 2049°s 202 « alae? gztoe 2les*tle afaz2° prnoe 64enre2 «02 tana? @R900° 0992°2= #5506° aH00° Tseq°t «l2 Y «Sotee mn00? b2ets*t= aate2? 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JANUARY 1973 MLL Figure B-32a Equivalent Gaussian Distribution Hourly Extreme Monthly LW SH 0.0! 0.1 -30 =2G, 10 <@ 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range =: 5.96 ft Figure B-32b 241 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 12345678910 1e 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER 0 = maximum @ © HEAN HIGHER X = MERN H2o0uwgoOanO7DFCMOfFwFAa PATO 8 12345678910 12 6N 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR TEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER © = MEAN = HEAN LOWER X= MINIMUM poOMU09S2FPFFH FA Amanoea GC®ovTHQHTHHOROODCGNGO KX KF KK KK KKK KK KK K 12345678910 il2 64 69 74M 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © =|} owrnac tHe © = MEAN TIDE X= STD DEVIATION 55) ° Kx KKK MK KK HEX KK KKK KKK KK KX KK KX ' 12345676910 i2 64 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) ean) Sielg) Lie Wall Figure B-32c 242 Q000°S nmryoe Oged* b= e000U°b nnvu® Wanucb «wt * * €loo® 0000° L9iL* t= 29566° 000u° Oonueh #2 * e20es? geuo? ngun°te aloo? Gunue 2nngesb 82S CAyy-) vo00° NOLL° T= #9566° Ou0u® onSueb sf s enthee waud? 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CuM,® LOWER FREQ, CUM,® LOWER FREQ, Cum, LIMIT FREQ,® LIMIT FREG LIMIT FREO,® LIMIT FREQ,® LIMIT FREQ, SSCS OTSSSOS OSLO TESS SOSH SE HERE E THEE TH THESE ROSE Seeeseseneocespsseves SRSCCoe EERE Ree eseEoETS 1o633o 21001 000018 1.6356 00001 ©0001 4.6336 20000 200008 22646 20001 000018 ©,2573 20002 00002 106209 0003 e0004S 41,6155 e0N04 00005 41,4090 00000 00008 e24uT 00nd 20905% =,2720 20000 00002 1e60%2 20006 000108 41,5975 20909 000108 3.5664 00002 000028 027uB 20002 00907 e,2866 20003 00095 105955 e0ul2 oN022% 34,5794 eoolt 00n2n® 34,5529 00003 20005% 02049 20005 eoN{1e® = 3013 29000 20005 10528 00013 oN030e 11,5614 e916 000368 34,4998 200095 290108 o1AS1 00919 000218 ©3159 +» ,0002 000M 105791 20025 o00618 145450 00018 00054 14,4057 00007 00178 0165? 00011 200328 0,3306 200002 09008 105574 2002u e008S® 14,5253 20nd 000788 34,4322 20010 290208 ef 453 20014 200046 a, tu5§ 20014 09021 1eSuu7 20022 eO10Te® 145078 e0nes e0101% 1,3986 20012 000598 015d 00019 200005e ©,3599 20011 00032 103320 e903 001408 1 ,4A90 20ned eO1S1*® 41,4050 e001e 000518 01NS6 00019 00N63% @ tuo 2001) 00042 109193 00030 eOl?oe y,u712 00030 00103% 43,3815 eN0(6 21668 00A57 00024 e007 #,3892 00014 20056 125066 0033 enende 14,4534 e0ns} e019 91,2979 00020 o00R68 20 0h5A e0O3A 00146S %,4039 09055 00071 104939 eons? 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JANUARY 1973 Figure B-33a Equivalent Gaussian Distribution Extreme Monthly LW 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -o 50 o 90 20 Diurnal Range = 5.45 ft 30 99.9 99.99 Figure B-33b 245 LOS ANGELES. 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CuM,& LOWeR PREQ, LIMIT PREG,® LIMIT Shoe HSS oesseeooessoses SSCHCHORSESOSH EH DE Oe OES 1.5139 0000 200008 21495 0001 1.4809 N00 200008 01299 0008 1.4480 00002 00029 01106 00910 104150 20002 200Nue 00918 =, 0N2N 1.3820 onu03 200088 20720 00031 1.3494 00004 90128 00527 00M 1.3161 20007 200198 20434 20nu9 1.2832 00010 200288 00140 20N64 1.2502 of0id 090428 2,0053 20076 1.2172 00015 290578 2,046 20081 $1843 00049 09075% 2.0439 20103 1oI913 00028 = M1N3% 8 ,0h32 20996 101183 0051 00135% @,0A26 20123 1.9854 00087 oA1TH® 61919 00132 1.9524 20046 00218 2.1212 20126 1.9194 00056 e02748 24405 00140 29865 00060 003348 241598 0164 09535 enn7d 004088 ©1791 o0N4t 29205 00076 e0URUS ©,19AS 2016d eAB76 =o N09 005758 e,2t7A 00159 eAS4O. 00103 206788 ©2371 2015" A217 =o O11S = 17998 ©2504 20149 27887 e024 oI915® © o2757 00159 27557 e012 =p 10418 9472951 2015A 07228 e014) o1142e $144 00149 26898 eA150 o1332% o,3357 00126 26568 0016) o149ue = =,45530 00135 oh2d9 oOlal 016558 ©3723 0014d 05909 20175 o1A30% e5916 00126 25579 00176 020068 = 4110 001)! 05250 00188 2194S @,44O3 00136 04920 oo1Ad 023788 | ,4U9H 20118 24590 00188 02565% 9.4689 00120 0264 00198 2?764u8 e©,UAAP 40144 0393) 00196 229598 @,5075 00123 otone2 00207 031668 245769 00143 24272 00206 «= 4 33872% = e5U62 840143 0PAe 09200 035728 965655 20099 22613 0200 o3772¢% ©, 5AUR 20099 22263 00194 039678 e,60u1 001d 01953 00197 04163 2,6235 00116 21624 o0199 94$63% =,042R 0117 01294 00199 ,4562% ©,662! oOS17 20964 00191 047528 =,6A14 20096 00635 00197 049498 =,7007 20125 00305 00197 05146 ©7200 00827 2.0025 0196 oS 343% ©7594 00122 2.0354 00194 055378 #7587 00127 2 oA 00192 057298 ©,7760 e018? ©1013 eO1AS =, 5914% ©,7973 201357 o.1343 00190 e6194% ©,8166 0136 eoto7s 001A0 062848 @,8360 20439 2.7002 00176 26461 ©8553 40151 2.2332 00169 06630% 248746 40138 22662 =o 163 067938 ©,8939 20142 2.2994 00156 =, 6949% ©,9132? 0129 2.33) 00146 8 ,7095% @#,9325 00160 2.365! o0lul o7230% ©,9519 00953 23980 00134 07370% 2.9712 40139 2.4310 00134 0750U® ©,9905 014A 0.4640 00128 07632% ©1,009A 20150 20969 =o 1729 =o 77608 01,0791 2015A 225299 00120 278818 ©1,0uau 20156 2.5628 00120 oAN01% 1,078 00161 = 25958 00115 081158 ef .0A7! 00130 206288 00145 oA2308 el o1nod o013t 266017 0013) 083418 0151757 00123 2ohO47 00110 eAUS1® ef ,1u50 00134 2.7277 «=o M110 =o F561% @1,164U 00130 ©7606 00107 oAO6R® of ,1A37 00123 oo7936 0108 oA775* ©1,20930 oOftt e2R266 8060098 =, ABTU® HL ,2723 00131 2 A595 001035 08977% m1 .2416 09110 2.9925 0093 = 90 70% © 142609 20.116 2.9255 00090 091608 ©) ,2803 20102 26 95AY ©0084 092448 ©142996 20100 2.9914 o00A3 =, 9327% —1,3189 0086 e1.9243 c00AL o9UNBY ©1,3382 20089 o{.9573 00069 e9UTT® ©f,3575 20N9N o1,n9n3 ©0067 095438 of, 5769 00074 e1.t2%2 00059 = 9603% #143962 20N6A 21,1562 00058 096618 ©$,4155 0070 01,1692 00048 097108 1, 4548 200N65 ©j.722} 00047 09756% &1 4541 20044 21.2551 00040 09796% o1 4754 ona? ©1,?BAY 00036 09A832% ©1,492—A 2036 24.3210 o003L 209B63% @=1,5101 2005A e1,3540 00029 oFA92® 91,5314 00945 21,3870 00023 099138 ©1,5507 20029 ©1.4199 00049 09932% ©1.5700 00N29 ©1 4529 000415 o99U7% 1 ,5A9¥ 00026 #1.4858 00044 09961% =$.6087 00033 425188 00081 099728 |#1 6280 20026 21.5518 9008 ,9980% =1,6474% 0016 1.5847 00006 = 99BB® 146666 2002? @4o6177 20006 »9992% =}$,6A859 .0N0A ©{.6507 00004 099968 91,7053 20910 21.6836 00002 299988 ©1,7746 0996 #107166 °000t 099998 01,7089 29004 21.7496 =‘ eAONt 1eh0P0® eleIhS2 a} 01,7825 09000 169090 ©1,7A25 00n0d 260 3.4au Feey, e ° CUM,® FRFQG,® o0001e e0Ayne 000198 o0nune 000718 eolsee eOlols 002258 20018 003828 204858 005818 007038 208350 009609 piiooe 01265¢ 014068 o1570¢ 017308 0) A688 oens7e 221878 o23use o2uUIue oebele 027568 029008 o30268e o3137e 032738 033918 0 S518 oS624e oS TUAG e381 239738 oun72e oht719 24rgte o4u08e 045258 o4bu2e o47378 04828 o49B98 051118 092580 053758 055128 eDhUAe 057679 059388 260768 062168 2o3u7e 265068 41,0000 LOWER LOW WATER LOWER LIMIT 2.3765 22,3905 eo404o 2.4186 ©4327 ©, 4468 er) 2474 ©, 48A9 2.5030 2e.5174 2.5311 25452 2,95993 2.9733 © ,5874 ©6014 206155 26296 26436 2.6577 e,o717 6858 26999 907139 2, 7280 o74?0 e7S61 e,77n2 ©, 78u2 27983 2813 2.9264 2 ,A4N5 285u5 2fbAo 28626 = 4967 09108 09248 2 93AQ 2.9529 09670 9811 9951 °1,9092 21,0233 21,9373 e1,05tu °1,9654 21.0795 21,0936 *1,1076 ey,12i7 Pi,1357 °1,1494 21,1639 e1,1779 21,1920 21.2060 ey ,c2nt Plecsue 22482 1,7623 1.0763 =1,2904 21,3045 1.3185 , 24535526 ©1,3460 2-1, 3007 @1,3748 °1,38A8 ©1,4029 =1.4170 =1,4310 1,445) °1,4591 e1,4732 =1,4873 =1,5013 =1,5154 21,5294 -1,5435 =1.5976 “1.5716 24,5657 °1.5997 -1,6136 21,6779 1.6419 =1 6560 °1,6700 21,6844 21 ,69A2 -1.7122 “j,7263 =1, 7403 21,7544 1.7085 21,7825 SCeseogs ogo assesses PREG, Cur, FRE 20005 00001 20008 200003 20005 90006 20003 §=,0009 00004 00013 00004 00018 200006 00024 20009 20033 20016 = 40049 20019 »0069 20012 §«.0081 20021 20102 20028 «40130 20022 = 0152 20022 «9 0175 200045 00220 00037 00257 00049 = 40306 0043 09350 00067 = 0417 00072 00488 20046 00535 20066 8 ,0601 20072 00672 20088 «40760 20091 20852 20099 40950 ole 01062 20127 01149 a0136 = 41325 00142 =o NMO7 00136 = 1603 29175 01776 09155 =o 1938 09190 2h 23 e057 02280 00167 e2uu7 00175 02622 201594 02776 20200 8= 2976 201% 03171 00197 03369 09199 03567 00394 03762 09205 03966 20214 44380 0019 04371 209238 =, 4009 09229 = 4837 00216 05055 00205 05260 20185 54u5 00387 = 5032 00181 05813 20187 = 5999 20206 «96206 09184 = 6589 20188 46578 09152 06730 O17 06903 09194 07097 00157 7254 06172 47426 00178 07004 0015) 07755 200145 47900 00152 06052 00105 = 9 8177 00133 08310 20125 ,8U36 00125 =, 8564 20109 A670 00108 8778 20082 208860 0112 A972 -e0103 9075 29072 «= 9147 0006) 09208 09073 09281 20046 = 9528 09087 =, 9414 29073 «=, 9488 20063 49550 20048 49598 00042 09640 29040 = 9680 20037 09718 20054 8= 9774 00042 oFB13 20034 09848 20027 49875 20025 09900 00024 = 992.4 000135 09937 20015 09952 20015 09967 200010 09976 20004 09982 00009 «49994 2004 09996 20094 4,000 Humboldt Bay ~~ Wy 25 HOURLY TIDE HEIGHTS SOUTHBEACH, OREG. JANUARY 1973 REFERENCE STATION: HUMBOLDT BAY, CALIF. Figure B-37a MSL Equivalent Gaussian Distribution On MLW MLLW =->__"_ Hourly -20 Southbeach, Oreg. —-—— Reference Station: Humboldt Bay, Calif. 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -o 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range =: 8.36 ft Figure B-37b 261 SOUTHBEACH, OREGON POTHFHOHOCOTCAHHOXAOHOD XKEMKKKKKKXXKKKXKKXKXX 12345678910 ile 6y 69 74 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) mite HIGH WATER @emaxinuy ©@ @ WEAN HIGHER X © MEAN 79 i) u = PHOFF0DOFABHAOfOoD (u) : ai 2 roth. Lote meee CPOHDHBHHOHOHHHHX9T0000 © 123W¥56768810 l2 6N 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1961) LOW WATER owenea © = WEAN LOWER Xe MINIMUM 2.2 Soa Bi ee DoTAF0FD0OFHAAGoDHeD 1,.3@°°82 9020000080 PHOHHGPHHHHFB299999O8 12345676910 12 64 69 74 19 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (19638-1981) RANGE = DIURNAL TIDE © = MEAN T10€ Xe STD DEVIATION O75 0.0 KKK KM KKK KKK KK KKK KX x XX xxx xxx x * 5a 12345676910 12 6H 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-37c 262 6000°% 9$00° 96606° 24o0° 8996° S296° teso° onge° 39g6° Otge° Offe® OSeeeasatsacsetssesetervesena e “ajug @ wh e © BOLVM MO4 OW 3W9dLXI 8 HOLY HOTH °OW JWwaHLNd SONVY TWNSNTG 341 41VH AG GIZLIIWWHON Juv @e00° 0000° opod® ono0® 7n00° noo? @ey0° 9600° noo? #900° noo? Mp00° ecto° g4to® nod? 0000° 99o00° @qyo® zet0° nno0® noo? 9900° onoo® ecto? c9z0° SLto° noo? 9900° ecroe otz0° S.t0° ecroe etzo° weroe @900° zcro° t5c0° 9900° ot2o° 40¢0° 900° 0000° et20° @900° ot20° £920° ecto° 9600° Pn00® ge00° fRoo® "oaud *13a9 083% tese*te 20000°3 6608°te 22366" 4eod°t® eS206° Stod*t= ateie° tned*te atale® TLLd? he wlglo® 6694°b" alflo° 4294°S2® 2f£096° SSSé°te 96096° fend°te s@tse° Timd2te w0gne® orcd’Se e2nfo° L9zk°Se 28626° Soth®t® eLato® C2tL°te wlgto® tsod*te eczte® 6469°%S esf0e° 4069°%® einoe® sse9°te ap2de° £949°S® 20n99° 0699°t® afcce® 9199°Te atzne® 9nso°te eon2e° mLn9*te 204098° ZOn9* te s2ged° Ogc9°ts stcec® es2z9°te ef9lL° 9919°T= a2594° Mtt9°te e2tns® 2n09°t@ eigzc® 046S°t® ebntd? goes*t® esots® 92eS*te andes? NSLS°te® e2n99° 299S°t@ 261469° OT9S*te 92429° ecss*te atzea° 99na°*t= 92045° notS*t=® 20145S° 22ES°te@ wSefs® OszS*t® aguts® QLIS°S= aszen° 90SS°T® wonon® neoS*te aninn® Z9en*te angen eeen’ts wines? 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LIMIT Coeeslegsesesess 00000 00003 00008 00003 00005 00000 20009 00010 00018 00022 00029 00039 1.0026 00046 1.0299 00055 09972 00063 09046 00074 09319 00u86 089% =o 0400 24065 00415 08336 ©0120 eS0l2 001430 07085 00199 07358 001ue 07038 00155 06704 20108 06378 00167 06053 0017S S724 00172 03397 00382 05073 00183 04744 70187 24417? «0 0480 04090 00385 o 3703 00166 3437 00189 e310 00182 oa763 00190 02456 © 0 0188 e229 00380 01603 00374 21470 0016) 01149 00174 00822 00177 004% oOlv7 00109 00185 20158 00164 @,0465 0018) @,00i2 00170 o,1138 00100 e105 =o OTT 001792 00173 ©2119 00174 eo244o =o 0172 @,2772 00164 20,3099 00166 ©, 3426 0035) 0.3753 oOsu? 0 ,4079 00180 ©4406 00135 o,4733 00431 @,5060 00132 o,5387 00129 o,5713 o0sal ©,6040 0012s ©0307 00183 ©6694 00114 ©o7081 00115 o,7347 o0h13 eo7074 «00409 29004 00100 02,8328 0099 ©8654 00097 @,498} 00096 0/9508 00087 20,9035 00089 0,992 00079 01,0268 00076 01,0015 00073 ©1,0942 00067 ©1,1200 00058 21,159 0005S 01,1922 00046 21,2249 00ua ©1,2576 00039 01,2903 00034 o1,3229 00030 01,3556 00026 e1, 3883 0002! 1.4210 00019 01,4537 00015 ©1,4663 00014 105190 0011 01,5517 00009 21,5644 00007 10617) 00000 ©1,6497 00003 1,620 60003 1.7151 00002 °1.7478 0005 o1,7805 00008 1.8131 00000 264 1,0000¢ 4.00008 Low waver 02,9908 100162 01,0336 @3,055) oli? eLoiit 02100 24,2300 01,2495 @102089 o1,a68) 405078 e1oda72 21,3466 el odool ©1,3855 404050 e1,4244 03,4438 o1.4633 °3,4027 23,5021 *1,5a10 e1,3410 21,5604 01,5799 21,5993 @1,6168 1.6382 21,0576 o1,0077) ©1.0965 407159 o1,7354 23.7548 o1,7743 07937 10131 Seoeeseaes 00008 00008 00008 00049 00036 00028 00038 00009 90058 00088 00080 00088 00093 00105 00108 oO1tt 001a6 00138. 014d 00156 00190 00188 0014 00157 00159 00144 00153 00156 00142 00140 00135 00143 00140 “00136 001d! 00120 00130 00128 00120 00135 00108 0124 0132 00128 0013S 00149 00140 00148 00158 00187 00132 00158 0014S 00152 00159 00136 00178 o01u2 00180 00132 00174 00150 0174 oO1d7 o01o2a 00134 0014s 00135. 012d 00106 00102 00415 00102 00088 00090 00096 00004 00073 00075 00074 00058 00085 00040 0004S 00048 00044 00004 00031 00032 0003) 00025 00022 00013 00016 00017 00007 00007 00007 00006 00002 00008 4o1080 Lo CUM ® FREO 0000) 000048 000528 000a7s 000ase 066208 o7102e LOWER LOW WATER Lower FAGQ, Cun, LIMIT FREQ, oeveeccosbsten 20005 00004 200000 00003 20000 00008 00004 00000 00000 0002 20006 00018 00007 00025 0000 «40034 200009 00040 00007 20040 00055 00003 00018 00078 00018 00096 00038 00313 0008) o0tda 00022 00457 00022 00179 00080 00207 00034 00242 00037 00279 20030 00309 20055 00304 200037 o04ay 00055 g047@ 00049 00525 00072 00897 00003 00078 00090 00707 20093 = 0860 00122 00982 00130 01092 00148 ofado 20128 91308 00457 01525 00175 03700 2010 01605 20592 02018 00172 = 2389 o0lTo 02565 00593 02558 00104 o2722 0020) 02923 00194 oS11a 20224 3338 20258 «=» 3598 00156 3755 2022) 93976 0020) 04377 20227 440d 00252 04656 00¢07 04863 00254 oS1i7 022) 05538 20245 45583 00254 S817 00897 06014 1.1460 ,0224 0238 e1oioid 20230 90468 B1o1764 ,039F »6065 e1,1915 00486 90855 20109 070d) 00109 07190 00875 07305 00160 07524 00198 07062 00439 =, 7824 00355 07972 ©1,3126 00160 e843 32 03280 00342 06273 o343y 00489 =, BU 2 21,3563 0118 8530 23735 =, 0109 6639 21,3886 20322 08764 21,4038 Olle 06873 4 ,4309 000040 8957 e1 4344 00408 49004 24,4493 20088 09445 4044 20052 09197 104790 ,0009 9266 ©1,0907 0008) 09546 #1,5099 00070 09422 01,5925) 20006 09488 1.5402 20004 49552 00038 09005 0004S 09649 24,5857 ,004% 9699 #1,0009 0054 09749 21,0160 00036 09784 e1,03i12 00038 09815 21,0464 20030 29649 1.0015 0010 9807 ©) ,0707 00019 09687 21,0918 0002? 09915 21,7070 00018 0995) ®1,7e22 00019 0995) o1,7373 00030 0990) °1,7925 00010 09975 00019 09990 20008 9994 20008 ,9999 00005 $0000 TM AWWIAWLL IRAIGIT i 2k TET iver | i! ; a il i dul itd HOURLY TIDE HEIGHTS Figure B-38a Figure B-38b ASTORIA, OREGON S8oOoaoocaogondoaOOdaOoBaOO XKXKXNKXKKKKXKKKKKKR 12345678910 ile 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) HIGH WATER 0 = maximum © «= NEAN HIGHER X = MEAN 2ODO70OFF90OFAMaAMoooD CowemomaHnHHOBTHHOOC OGD XXxxx XX 12345678910 12 6N 69 7u 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER © = MEAN = MEAN LOWER X= MINIMUM 2.2 i ee ee ee eee 1. 3E2T°S8S08FHHGD FPHMHAHDH009FFFF9SD OS 123456768910 12 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © |} owrnar tie © = MEAN TIDE Xe STD DEVIATION 0.5 : XX XXX yy x XM HEX KKK HK KK HK KX KKK KX -0.5 12345676910 12 6H 69 7N 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-19811 MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-38c 266 0000°t nnoo® S2gS°te e0Qvues nnvU® nbuo° el 9S566° nud? @Les*t= 29S66° aa00° 9186° 22 etoo® mn00° Us2S° t= 29996° nnuu® ol66° af @996° mnogo? 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Yot702 00016 oN0o2e 101623 00022 oNQRds 1e1Sdu 0025S eNitoe 1etuss 20018 e278 101586 20018 eO1USe Loel3n7 00033 eNO 7Ke 101229 e0037 o0eidse 101150 09034 oN2uve 101071 e00P7 e0e7o¢ 100992 00046 oA3228 109913 29050 005728 109A34 090%2 oN4Pue 100755 0062 oN GRoe 100676 20070 205508 100597 e0uTk 200278 109516 09068 069%e 1e0u39 oud 007Ru8 109360 20099 of BBSe 1024 20099 209ASe 1enene oA1N2 ef 0ASe 1e0123 09099 ol tAue 1eduda 09153 elS57e 09965 ontdy olurhe o9ART 00157 olosse 09A08 0176 of Ai1e 09729 00148 019598 09650 09178 o2137e 09574 oNloT 02558 09492 oniAug e2uARVe 9415 onenn oP 659s o93tu e0715 oP9nde 09255 oNels oS1178 09176 onens oe 33200 09097 00218 oS the 09018 0f2us o37Reo 0A939 e256 o4Nt%e eAR6O 00219 o425HKe oATAY e210 dune oF Ine ones o4 7246 oAeeu 00190 44} be 08545 0225 051390 oAubo 09196 oSStue oASAT N22 2SS4oe 25308 291488 oS73ue 04229 2206 059408 08150 20210 ob61S518 efoT) 09206 063578 07992 00199 065508 o7913 oNens 067596 o7AVG 0212 o69718 07755 e160 o7131¢ o7oTo 29203 o 75340 07997 00215 oTSu0e 07518 00160 077098 07439 e0162 o 76708 27560 09565 080558 07282 oO173 oPenks 27293 o0107 eAt7oe 07124 00150 eAS5258 27045 eA145 oFo71e 26966 09155 ohK228 eOBAT e010g oA9Pbe eos oOlti o9037e oh729 oN093 091408 06650 oN0T7T. 092078 oASTh 09074 oF2Rle 06492 20074 095558 e6uls 29071 2 I4PoO8 06354 20059 0 94Roe 26255 29058 e95Ube 26176 20055 095978 06097 00034 eFO418 060186 09044 2907S6 03940 Net 096908 eS AO enGun 097308 e5TRO eNuhe oI7Ine 25703 oUee e279b8 e5neu e027 29tASe 265545 9027 e%nSce 25460 200A) ob $e oS 3A7 00019 098928 05308 000138 0990S 05229 20022 099278 05150 2006 099456 oS071 20010 0994s 04992 20009 299556 04915 onus 299608 24A5u 20006 299728 04755 2N0%0 099K 04677 eNlNd oIGATS 204598 29094 299918 04519 oNNNg 099968 e4udy onnn 099978 Pa a | Iu 999068 o4PR2 NUM 1,90n0% MIGH WATER * ® LOrER FREQ, CUM, LIMIT FRE Seeeeeesereseseseesy 102176 00001 000018 1.2959 00004 00004 101942 20nd 000098 11426 00909 000188 151709 00013 00nsie 1,1592 00019 000508 161476 00019 000bUe 1,1359 00017 000618 1,12de 20025 004068 1.1125 20026 001328 141909 2026 001588 1,092 20N4n 001998 1.0775 20042 002418 1.0659 00047 e020A8 1,0542 20NS4 003428 1,0425 0060 004018 1,030A 20076 o0U7he 1,0192 o0nl? 005558 1.0975 20NBA 006438 2995K 00109 00752¢ 2 9RU2 e01eu 00768 29725 00sen 009968 296048 o0t3ss 011298 2949) 0014 012729 09375 00155 014279 29258 00173 eo 16018 29144 00170 017718 29925 00193 019648 28908 20206 e2t7ne 28795 00180 o2tone A674 =o 0215 =e 25058 2655R 00199 o270u% eAuay 00179 02948 ph3o4 00205 031478 2hor 00194 033428 aby e0eul 035436 a7974 e019R oS7T41e 2 7ASA 00203 oS9UNe alTuy 20198 o41uie 27624 00207 o4349e 27507 00196 o45u4ue 73% 200200 o4745e Tera 00204 049U9e 0715? 00203 051518 07044 00193 053448 20924 °0P°00 055458 26407 00179 057238 26690 0948u 059078 26574 2015A 060605¢ 20497 00182 062478 26340 e017 064138 ohP2u 0018! 0659u8 + polo? 00170 067654 05990 e014? 0691 2% 25874 00149 o7001% eo757 00167 072278 eobun e01st 07 35Re 05523 00144 075028 29407 00126 276280 25290 00155 07763* 05178 o01t) o7A74U8 2995h 00107 079818 24940 =60109 »8nV04% p4R2y 00093 061638 24706 20089 082728 24590 20096 083698 TRAY 00098 obUo7e 24356 = 0092 =n B55 98 24239 00nt2 0B6508 e423 20069 066998 r4N06 00976 087764 2 SAKD e0N7d oAASNe 23773 20080 289508 23656 00N7h 0INV2% 23539 20957 290598 a 3423 00065 0912Ue 23306 00074 o919Re 03189 20N65 092038 0372 20966 093298 22956 00055 095848 oP ASO 00057 eIU4i® 22722 00053 o949Ue 22606 20nsu oe 95UA® acth® 00955 09OUS4 2h? 2004uAR 096519 22755 0NN46 09b9be ott 20956 097328 222? 00044 097764 21905 003A 09A158 21749 2005A e9AS38 alo72 20S! o9Bbte 41555 20023 09907# e143A 00N2S 099528 2132? 20016 0994R® 21205 20916 699648 2108R 20014 0997K8 20972 20010 099088 200755 20004 099958 073A 00004 099478 2nht 20908 099998 20505 eON0T BeHdHOy Table B-41b Lower LIMyT 10P176 1.4863 101551 1.1238 10926 1.06013 1.0300 29988 09675 09363 29050 ATSB eAueS ALIS 27800 07487 o7175 06862 06550 06237 725925 25612 25299 oi GA? 04674 e432 04049 03737 03424 etite 02799 22UAe e174 01664 01549 01236 oN924 Puls | 20299 eon0su 0 005?7 20639 2.0952 201764 eoN577 ».1849 ere 2.2515 ©7627 203140 2.3452 2.3765 eo4077 2.43% 2.4792 225015 225326 225640 265953 2.4765 2.6578 206490 2.7203 2.7515 2.7828 2. Al41 © AUSY 2,766 #9078 2,939) 209793 e1.nnto 01.329 ey .no4t 21.0954 e1,)2ho 2101579 27,189) 21,0204 21.2516 24.2829 e1esise o1.345u ey e367 #1,4079 21.4392 e1,4704 #105017 °4.5350 21.5642 #125955 106267 =1.6540 #1 .h892 2127295 -1.7517 ©},78%40 o1.A143 =} ,A4u55 ©), A76R SHOwNe ALL WEIGHTS ARE NORMALIZED BY HALF THE HOURLY VALUES OLURNAL RANGE 5.655 FEET. 8 LOW WATER 8 LOWER LOW WATER e ° FREQ. CuM,® LOWER FREQ, CUM,® LOWER FREQ, CuM, FREG,® LIMIT u FREQ, (UJRIT FREQ, THRE TO KTS SOLE SESE LE HEHHSO ROTO SHES HELE HOTOFOTO ET SOEROLESE EOE DOSEHEROENS 00000 200008 e434 00001 000018 e,4275 20003 00003 20001 200018 04090 00002 00003 24423 20000 20003 ©0003 en0nue 0 3AS6 e0n0d 200078 ©4571 00005 00006 00006 200098 0362? 20007 e00148 6,719 20004 20010 00010 090598 03388 oUN1 000278 eo, 4bo7 00004 00015 00045 o%03ue 03154 o0NA 000U5® ©5015 20003 00018 00022 290578 02920 0003! 000769 00,5165 29012 000390 00034 091% 42685 20nud 201208 o,5344 00015 00048 e0048 001398 0245) e050 e0I71® ©, 5459 20012 00097 eb0b2 092008 02217 009TH 002478 56007 20027 200AyK 000R2 o02ARe 21983 eONnt 203578 ©5755 9027 0110 eCing oN gRue 01749 oONt! 004698 2.5904 00035 00143 oOitt 294958 01515 o0lee 095918 ©6052 20007 00170 e013) 0062 6% ol Pht 001A 00729 6,6200 00055 00225 enye 007658 o1nu? 00139 20AO8® ©,6548 09048 00273 09153 099188 o0AL3 00159 01027 2,649 00045 00318 00169 10A7% 00579 = M164 = 11918 2.6644 40045 40363 oni73 212608 2035 2010? 013578 ©,6792 20073 20436 001A8 o1uuae 20'Nt 20160 o1517% ©6940 20063 00499 eO1Au ol632% 2.0123 0017G 016919 ©,70A8 29066 00564 00194 218209 2.0357 00105 214568 ©7236 20061 20625 oend e2030% e,059} 0017) o20PAG a, 73AY 20099 oNteg 00199 0P279% = @,0A25 00165 022128 ©7532 00093 00817 00206 e2h35® e,1A59 00146 e235AG ©, 76A0 eOllo 09933 00204 026398 0.1799 00122 o2hb0G 02,7828 00107 01040 00207 »2846% oo1S2? otal 026019 ©7976 o0315 91155 e0ens 036498 eo1%61 20129 o27318 = @,A1 24 200% 0125) e02ny 032519 @,1995 00114 e2AUS@ «©,8272 20118 01369 on2i2 034638 062229 00917 029628 w@,Au20 00342 o1Sit neta 036758 0.2463 o0tat 2304S ©, ASB 29158 01669 ©0210 o3A9VG 22697 oOtnt 03195@ ©8717 00128 01793 en2y7 o410A8 ©4293) o01nt 03296% @,AR6S 09452 01945 eh2ad 043328 2.3166 00114 oS4108 02,9013 00176 o2)At en2Al 04553% @,3400 00107 o3517% ©9164 oO1S2 2273 oneia 047688 ee 3h3u 00101 036148 2,9309 09170 o2uug 09208 e4976% @,3AGA 20n80 2 369R8 ©9057 00175 02618 ©0205 05180% ©4102 001AN 638198 = 2,9005 Pu a | 02809 00195 053758 e.h336 29090 o390R0 ©9753 09167 o2977 001R6 055618 ©4570 00103 o4012@ 0,994 29199 oS175 00174 057358 e©,4A0U 20104 044168 —1,0009 00163 03338 00170 05905 a,503A 00101 042178 01,0197 0178 oSSK1 20160 96065 ©,5772 10105 .432!% §},0345 ,0173 »3oRu 00152 62178 ©5506 00094 e4U16% © ,NU93: 00199 o SHAM 00138 06355" ©,5740 20N9¥ 450K af Nou} 29200 o4ORY ond) e6496% 22,5974 20996 24b058 01,0709 09176 04259 00132 06626% ©,670A 00112 eUT{7S 01,9937 e216 e447S 00127 067548 wou? 00107 e4R24U@ ©3,1085 oNLO7 o4ou2 001a5 06A79% ©6676 o0NBy eH9VN8 O1,1233 0179 04822 00120 269998 2.6910 00102 050128 ef SAL 291% 05017 00115 o7113% ©,7144 2 0NGb 05108% e1,1530 00207 09225 00108 o72?2% e,737AR 00105 052138 01,1678 09170 05395 ont o7532% egTh12 oONN1 053249 01,1426 ofele 05007 00110 o74Uee © ,7Aub 00120 eS4UUe 01,1974 09170 e577? o01N9 07551% ©,ANBN 00410 055548 01,2122 00173 05950 00106 076574 e,b314 00102 056568 e1,2270 e179 06129 eNind 07758 ©2548 00139. 057958 01,2418 29169 06298 00098 o7AS6% 2.8782 20119 059148 ©1,2566 20169 00467 00096 079538 o,9M7 00153 eOOU7E ef ,P71u 0164 06628 00094 oA046% #925) 20138 e61K5% ©f ,2bb2 202 06829 00094 oA140% «2,945 00133 o6S1A% ef, 3010 00182 e701) 00094 oA231® 9.9749 002 26460 of 3158 0917S 07186 00097 0A3PB8 © ,9953 00150 066119 01,3306 of 166 07552 00090 oAu{B® ©} ,O1A7 00135 06745 of ,3u5u 00148 07500 e00AT oA5N5% ©1042) o014t 068B7% ©} ,3on2 00139 076038 e00R6 085919 #©1,0655 00163 07959% 01,3750 0915) 07769 20R8 eAOAN® ©1,0RA9 20150 272008 ©f,3H9A 29148 07937 oNURT 08767% efe11ed 00151 073319 01,4046 A160 28097 200A o6853% ©$,1357 20159 eTHBN® ef 44194 20142 28239 eN0A3 oAQDSU® 01,1591 001th 07633% o1,4suy ue eo | 08370 oN0Re 09016" ©1,1A25 00160 077938 wi, 4uoy 00190 o8uT7 00078 09093% 01,2059 oVleb 079198 ©1,46039 oO? 26007 onn7u o9JH7% O1,2799 20154 eAN738 of U7RT 09135 oA7UN ©0075 092428 01,0527 00132 oH2U48 01,4935 ud oA856 0907S 09316% e1.27o! A eB 35AE a1, 50AS 29093 AOS] 00067 oFFRU® 01.2995 200150 eS4BKO ©} ,523) 2072 09022 00061 oWGue of, 3729 e0laut ehne9e% 01,5579 29090 e912 e0Ub1 295958 ef, 346d oONtt eATUI® ©1,5527 09063 oF1TS 00056 095619 91 65H97 00120 ,8869% ©1,5675 ,0058 09233 09055 29O1U® 1,393! e0td oh975® 01,573 090603 09295 09051 096605% 91,4165 00A3 09097 01,597] 29079 09375 00045 oITI1F Of ,4399 00102 092008 ©1,6119 00060 09434 00042 097538 Of USS 20096 29P9h® 156267 20067 09501 0047 097908 ef ,4AoR 2 0N9R e939NR 01,6415 20075 09576 eN0%e oFB228 01.5102 20N79 e9U7T3® 01,6563 20046 09622 00034 oFKS3% OH 165356 20N66 095598 @1,6711 2000638 09085 eonad oIRTH® ©1,5579 oO NUh 295K6e 01,6659 00027? 09712 00025 099038 ©) ,5R0N 06955 0 96U1% C1, FOND 0037 09749 onuys 099218 m1 ebn3A 20056 29H47 e1,7150 00053 o9TA2 00015 =o 993H% 9106772 60053 29750 ©1,75N4 4028 49810 on014 299508 ©] 60506 20n4a 29ANN® 01, 7US2 29030 29840 oN012 09962% @1,6740 20fun 2 9AS9® 01,7600 20049 09890 29010 299738 01,0974 ONS 98718 01,778 29018 09907 20007 099798 ©1,720A 20N22 oPAVS® 01,7896 2027 0998G 2006 o99AG® of 7442 20925 o991R® 01 ,ANKG 20018 09952 29005 2099918 el .7h76 20051 2099098 ©1,A192 29009 2996) ef0nd 099958 of ,7910 00019 099698 1 ,AsUN 09010 09972 003 099978 ef ALU 20010 299790 ©1 ,AUAK 29010 299R2 enone 099998 ef ATA 00009 2V9RA® @1,AbS6 29009 0999 onnnd 1,90908 @1 Haj? o0N0? 0999H8 ef), ATAU 09006 09997 eN0NN 1,ANNNe @©} KAU Aan | 299998 21, A992 29000 09997 2e00N0 1,90NNF #1 ,9NKN eunnt 1.90NN8 #1, 9080 2909S 120000 =1,90A0 280 Port Townsend HOURLY TIOE HEJGHTS FRIDAY HARBOR, WASH. JANUARY 1973 REFERENCE STATION: PORT TOWNSEND, WASH. Figure B-42a MSL Equivalent Gaussian MLW Distribution -0O MLLW -20 Extreme Monthly LW —— Friday Harbor, Wash. -30 |} -~——~— Reference Station: Port Townsend, Wash. 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -o 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range =: 7.78 ft Figure B-42b 28! FRIDAY HARBOR. WASHINGTON D,_,O2°%,mO0 12345678910 le 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER = MAXIMUM @ © WEAN HIGHER X = MEAN: 12345678910 12 6H 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER © = MEAN @ MEAN LOWER X= MINIMUN Be eee Oe miata ait D POTP®FVOHQ gH _QHDDOHO® xX Xx 123456786910 12 64 69 74 719 HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE ©@ -] owrnar tie © = MEAN TIDE X= STO DEVIATION 0.5 0.0 Xxxxxxxuxx%% XKXXKK KKK XX KK KKK KK os 12345676910 12 6H 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA EEVEE Figure B-42c 282 vooo's etoe° 2toe° eteo° 266° too" etoo” 2tee° S2u6° 4f£10° 0796" S096° b956° pine? 9e56° 09¢6° o1406° drow? 09ue° 2419° we.e° 60b9° s9ne° bene? arce° “esie° SSTASATSTSS ee ee ss Heel se ares aes CAs arse SK SsesasteseassHe ess VH oH ges esHsHHasslHeSsSHglteesssshuatseestacassesentesasstatass 040e° ofo° bse2° 2i9° onge® etna° oota? 7469° eng9o? 4999° 6159° 00n9° weeo° 6009° 4f9s° 204s° eens? bsgse ¥@oS° 99Qgn° S2yn° 4fan° S09n° b9gn? ninn® °oaud aNd nnood® v000° vou0® 0000° 0000° voud® ¥000° #900° wau0° vgo0° mnoo® ono? waud? @900° ef 10° Siso° ecro® w900® #eu0° nud? ote2o° pnod® nno0° weu0® sato® #900° egto® ¥g00° et2o° #900° ectoe £920° S4to° egso° Sayo° ¥e00° Sito° S.toe ote2o° ecso° Satoe et20° ecto° 4920° ote2o° on00° veuo® egto° onuo® waud® Szio® °oau4 Soli d= evoous nOLb“2= #9566° ebul°2= *9S60° 0269°2= 89560" o2v0°c= s2ibo° 4£240°2"-s2166° $n90°2= eScvo® £5S90°2= sSeto’® 29n0°2- elydo°® UL4n0°2= 2f690° Q420°2= 2f690° Lab0°2* sf690° Sov0°d= 25096° £900°2=* eneno® bhoo° l= smino® Veu6°l= s99%0° e2Lo°l= whidco® 9£90°T= 26400° SnSo° be sinbyu® £5n6°b= enuog® $946°l= ety9u® VL26° b= anyday” wLlo° l= s96Su° 98U6°T= s6uSu° Noou’l= sbueu® LOou°te e9n2u”® btyo°t= e020u° olse t= s920u° g299°t= #S6aL° 9£5u% b= elune® onne°t= s9gSl° £6fU°be ecina® loeu°l= sfole® o9le°t= «f90z° LLuect= #769? 99od° t= a7L69° need? tbe e9u¥9° 20gd*t= elisy® btad*t= *#1299° olod* t= »5959° “Lesd*te einn9® 9End*t= sge29° onad*t= sf£S09° es2d*t= #428S° V9OLL° T= s859S° o90d°T= s6gns® 4409°T= e612s° See9°t= ennds® Ne.9° be a2son® 2049° b= eS2en® OT99°% b= alysn® iInl] » °O444 Ere e Paid s nove? Ouvu® Ouvdu® pnuu® Oud" wuuu® Ou0u® mnvu® aulo® Quuu® 000u° gu0u® Zibu® QuUu® au0u® Satu® 2abeu® 2atbu® nnuv® bieu® Ou? peuvu® @u0u® obe2u® nnvu® Gatu® nnuo® 2gbu° 9@0u° olev® Silue 6beu® 2abu® auuu® Qudu? Buu? Satu® av0u® gyvu® Buu? oleu® Sztue Sitvu® oleu® obeu® otdeu® Sely® 2r2tu° Ausu® mnss® Quus® °ojsa4 9nte? 4vec° agee° o¢cic® Oois® esne* £isa° masc® Si9c° 909L° wS2a° olwe® Oguc® bnoa® 200u° n90u° Selu® 9utue indu® duty? O.tu? 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CuM,® LIStT FREQ,® LMT PRE SSTKEC HSH ST HOOK SS HSTS SHH SS HH R ees OER FEoeeEsseggs 1,499R ©0901 e0001% 14,4998 20000 20008 1.UA6§ 20003 00004 4,468u 20001 200018 1,4729 20003 00007% 14,4370 0002 200028 1.4595 20009 00016 4 ,u057 000ne 090058 1.4400 00014 00030" 14,3743 00005 290108 144324 200907 00037* 14,3430 ©0008 210188 1,419? 2001S 00052 41,3116 001) 200298 1.4957 20016 +6008 14,7803 00015 200U38 1.3923 20019 20088 4.2489 20020 000638 1.3789 eon2d eON11% 1.2170 ©0023 899M Bae 1.3654 20925 oO137® 4,1862 ©0029 oN 168 1.3520 e0ndn 00177 4,4549 00033 eN1 uae 1.3346 20046 e02e3*® 1.1235 e042 001918 12525) 00055 002588 41,0922 20045 =, 02468 1o3117 20053 eOS11% 4.9608 00056 = 292% 1.2983 00N49 2030N® 1,294 20067 093598 1,249 ond 204o4e 0998) 00078 eNus7e 1e27h44 20074 004768 29067 ©0093 2005308 122580 20958 2053ue 2935u 20099 MH 298 1,2446 2095S 0 05A98 29040 e019 on7sBe Yeetit 00973 006038 oAT27 eO1id 20 0B52° 1.2177 20070 007338 AUIS 00122 209758 1,2nuy 2009 onhare 2A100 e01%6 oltl1e 1,190R 20082 209098 07786 =o OL ut 212528 1.1774 00083 009938 T4738 e045 of 3978 1gihun 20089 010628 07159 0©0t50 of S4Ae 161505 20100 o11b2e 2ohB46 eO15A 017958 1e1374 20096 012784 046532 20162 of B6Re 191?37 00102 01 561% 04218 00160 ec0eTe Veilo? e0Nlt o14gre 25905 =o O17 0? 195% 1.090A 20126 016168 25991 20170 22365° 1evR sa 00129 017478 05278 20166 25518 1.9699 e0lo7 019148 24964 0167 oP OTRAS 120505 e01od 02nT78e 24651 e016) 0 2865% 1,043) 200154 o22sre oI337 09169 030348 1,0297 20155 o2367% 2402u 00160 031948 1,uto? 00192 025798 23710 00163 0 33578 1,002AR 40181 02700% 43397 0160 435178 o9A9U 0019 e2951% 23088 00159 o VO7be 29759 6 0192 oSiute 27770 00158 2 SA33e 29625 20702 o33u5e 02456 =o N1U9 = g SAB 29494 2004 035498 02142 00146 041298 29356 00182 oS 7318 01829 oNiue o42718 29222 = 0188 039208 21515 oO1sT 4408s 2 IOKR 00108 o41 088 2f202 oNiue 045508 28953 00215 eusQue oN BAB 00338 e4OAT® 2 8R19 eOl177 045008 0A575 oOLt7 o4B24e 2868S 00192 4693s on2bt 00133 249578 28550 00182 e474 6.0052 00135 250928 ©8416 = =.0212 e5NK6F oe ,N3ho 00137 252798 28282 840207 052938 ©0679 8 138 255078 eA14AR e019d 054B7% 29,1993 00136 055058 ehOLy 20162 256609*% 09,1306 00137 056428 »7A79 00191 05A59® 02,1620 eni4s 257878 o7745 20183 eoOUS® 0,193u oflu9 059308 aT610 00175 06218 2,2247 00152 e60RT7® 27476 2017? 263908 2,256] 09155 262458 a73ua 0016) 26555% 9.2874 0152 063958 27707 20189 eO7TUUF ©, 31 AB 00155 265508 07973 20the 069278 =, 3504 00163 e67128 90959 20179 =o 7105% @,3815 20156 66K poAuu e014 072U7® @,Uj2B 00158 070268 96670 00173 074208 a ,4uue 00156 71 Ree 20536 = 00152 T5718 | 4755 00160 073428 26404 00t4o e7711% ©,50609 0157 2 7U998 20?67 200150 07861% ©5382 00154 070528 06153 20150 08010% 6,569) e057 278098 SOIR 20147 81579 6.6010 e015! 279608 25Rbou 20126 08283% 90,6323 00150 oAlt1® e5730 00994 0o8377% 29.6657 oOluud oAPS5e 25596 00123 = =58500% #6950 oOL37 283928 2546] 00107 066078 «2.7264 00134 oAhS258 95327 00112 .6729% ©,7577 001?7 286522 05193 00098 oBB13® «6,789 o01A1 7738 2505R 00105 eB91A® A204 OU i) oAAA7e 2492u 20096 090148 2,A518 00107 2A99u48 24790 20079 290938 «,AB34 00098 = 9928 24655 2009R 091998 2.9445 00098 =, 91908 24524 20087 09277% «49458 e00R6 8492758 pUsh7 20080 09358% 69772 200AR0 093558 24252 0063 09420% 01 ,N0f6 00076 F458 e4tIA 20956 6 9476% 01,9399 6 0044 294998 a 39H4 20064 09539% of ,n7I13 2066 oA9Shus 2 3A49 2005? 29591% 01.1006 20065 096788 25715 20056 09647*® ©3,1340 20055 0 FHAS® 03541 200nS2 09699% 01,1653 ennse 097358 23447 20nd 097U0% 01,1967 ©0047 o97A28 o3312 20939 09779% 01 ,22A0 00046 oFK198 o3t7A 200040 e9ASA® 04,2594 ©0033 e9h528 23o4uu 00031 eDK50% 01,2907 ©0028 eDKRUS 22909 20%2R oF9ATA® 03,3221 00024 299048 2777S 20922 09901% 0f,3534 00022 299708 eebu 20927 09927% of, 3H4A 00018 0990ue 22504 20019 s99U7% 01 ,u164 20016 299608 0237? 00014 09961% of Uu75 en0ie 299728 225A 00018 oF99TU® 1 47AY 00009 e99AL® 22103 20908 09962% 01,5102 20008 2 99R98 23909 20005 e99K7T® 61,5416 006 299958 21735 60n0d 099929 91,5729 0003 2 I99R® ol 700 20005 099978 o1 OHS PO | 1,c00n9 21566 20905 2e0NUNF 01,6356 20000 1,000n8 288 SOCSHSESHOTHE HSH eETHE Eee ESOoEREsEsED LOW RATER LOwER FREQ, LIMTT 2.0799 00005 2.0955 20N04 eolll0 20902 ©.1?66 00007 eoldat 0006 eo1577 2001A 201733 00011 eo1AB8 20016 © .2nud 20N2A e@.2et199 09032 20028 2.2530 20049 2 e2hb6 2051 2 .2h22 20051 ©2977 20057 eo3133 00070 2.52HA 20055 weesuuu 20NT6 2.3599 20096 203755 20093 wo 591! 20N8u 2.4066 20099 204222 20989 24377 20095 2.4533 00104 ©4688 00116 e,4Auu 20105 2.5000 oO1u2 2.5155 0117 2.5¥it eo 013A © 05466 200140 2.5622 200158 25777 20147 2.5933 20164 = 26089 00156 2.674 00164 2 ,640N 00173 @,0555 00175 eo6711 00176 2 0RbA o01AS 2.7022 00170 o.7178 00193 @,7333 e01A2 ©. 7489 20183 eo 7644 00173 2.7A00 e176 #27955 20176 2.6111 00179 2.6707 20174 2. 8u22 20170 2.8578 00177 2.8733 00173 =. 4AA9 20160 e.9N4u 20107 2.9700 00162 2.9356 00167 2.9511 0 015A © o9hb7? 00149 © .9A22 001u9 2.9978 o01UA 21,0133 2013A 01.0789 20126 21,0445 200149 21.0600 00119 01,0754 20127 e1.,0911 oONt! 2101967 o0fut e1.1222 0012A e1e137A 00151 e1,1534 00134 21.1689 20155 e1.1Aus 00129 e1.2en0n 20118 21.2156 20424 e1eesit 00103 1.2467 OORT e1.2bAd 200A7 °1.2778 20NBA 21.2934 20985 21.3989 2072 21.3745 0007b 21.5400 20067 21.5556 20061 1.5712 2 ON5A e1.3Ao7 20057 e1.4%23 200908 ChOOM A aie. el e43su PY e1.4und 20N44 ©) .4645 00NS4 1 o4A0t 00953 ©1.4956 20039 e1.5112 00034 21,5267 29935 e1.5023 20929 21.557" 00025 e1,5734 00016 21.5890 00023 e1.00u5 20007 21,6705 2004 #166556 20N0t Teoot FEET, s s CUM,® FRE Pn 200048 o00078 200138 200198 200378 20nuge 200648 200928 eOteus 0015$e 202028 0075te e0304e oO Sune 204108 204658 e0Suie 206378 207308 AOA ae noise 19028 e19Te el2ole ol 3}oe eldelse 015038 216808 elALAe 019568 o2t1oe 022028 o2ugne 025878 o275ne e292ue 039998 037758 0 S45Ae a t62Ae 0 SR218 2400s 041 Boe eK tSAe o4S5u8 47198 o4RAI8 050038 052558 o5d10e 055438 eS 7TUSR 059108 260728 eb2u0e eOt9ARe 065468 966958 obAuse 069618 o7OBT8 072568 073540 eo THB1e 075928 077339 eo TROle ohOi2¢ ob145e 262808 284098 045278 08650 oh7538 HAULS eA92T8 29015 e908 e978 2 9PUR® ONS o945770 094358 094928 05008 29h1ee 296558 o969RE 097308 o9TKS8 eG9ACue 29A598 29AQue 299238 o99URO 0 99HUe 299878 2999Ue8 oI9998 1,09008 LOWER LOW WATER LOWER LIMIT 20,4097 @ 4180 2,43n3 ©4426 24549 e, 4672 2.4795 e 4918 e504) e,5164 e.S52A7 2.5410 2.9533 2.5056 a 5779 2.5902 206025 2.6148 2,627) 26394 © ,0517 2.6640 © 06763 2 ,64R6 2,7009 ee7it2 e.7255 o,7378 e,7501 e,762u eo, 77u7 o,7470 2.7993 2.8116 24239 ©8362 © AUAS 2.80046 e AT ©, AKSu 2, 4977 2.9100 2.922s 2.9346 2.9469 29592 2.9715 2, 9A3A 2,996) ©1,90AU e1,0207 01,9330 e1,0453 21,0576 21,0699 e1,9h?2 21,0945 ©1,1066 e1,119) e1,isia er ,1avr ©1,1560 e1,16A3 21,1896 21,1929 21,2052 e1,2175 21,7298 e1,2urt e1,2544 ©1,2067 °1,2790 e1,2913 21,30%6 21,3159 21, 37A2 21,3405 21,3526 21,3650 e1,377 21,34% 21,4019 erode 21,4265 °1,43A8 e1e45it er ,4otu e1,4757 °1,U8RO 1.5003 ©1,5126 °1,52u9 21,5372 71,5495 ©1,5014 e1,5741 21,5664 #1, S9AT 21,6110 e1 6735 21,6556 FREQ, 1.0000 ollie etme Lahall ryeyey verano my “lity Naf afl afl nl tl VL rip JANUARY 1973 Figure B-44a Als eid ALASKA CHoTHQHAOHHOHOGCHO9OO092 COB 12345678910 jie 64 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (19639-1981) HIGH WATER 0 = maximum © © NEAN HIGHER X = MEAN -Q. om ooeooo89” gomOF8F8BeooAaManaeoo 1.2 209 —9,00°°%2 BHHROCOTHHOOHHHDOOHHAO0DN oo Soh ria | 123U5678910 l2 6H 69 7U vk) HONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER oe -=nean © = HEAN Loven X= MINIMUN ee Ome ®®oqgg mM 2® CooHopeMHoTF5F00800 ®DHBHMOHAZAOOG COHBHg DH HHFH99F°AKD 123056768910 12 6H 69 7 79 MONTH GF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © oe DIURNAL TIDE @ = MEAW TIOE X= STD DEVIATION 0: XKXXXXKXKXXKKXX KKK KKK KKK KKK K KKK XK Sanaa oestoe GH 69 7 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-44c 290 0000°S mpo0® noes9?s= 20000°S mn00° Sprites af 9So6° 700 Sse9°te 29G66° 0000° Serres a2 Btoo® 0000 L8e9°be s9G66° 0000° gs2tes of Bteo° 0000" g229%t= 29566° 0000° ss2tet an 2ta6° =fR00® ef29°te s9S566° 0000° te2tetl ag 9996° sitoe 0029°%® 29S66° 0000° e2ctes 29 fe90° §«astoe 2919°T@ 29566° 0000° notses wh b9s6° noe €239°S® 29566° 2gto® tons?s ae Ofso® 230° ne09't= egzao° nn00® Lemt*s 26 99f6° fn00® Sh09°t@ sfgie® 0000° nantes wot 2pge® eero® 4009°t® wtgle® 0000° TEGEeS ott btze® 2¢t0® g96S°te stedo® 0000° dnst*s eat 6406° S.toe 626S°t® ateio® 0000° nestet eff 009° otzo° OegS*te afece® nnoo® O29res ant 999° ot20° tSeS*te eigdo® noo? 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VF 08779 =, 0244 = ps USM 08687 00209 045538 0659S =60238 86 ¥ae ofS0R 00206 049988 084106 002uS 0S203% 08319 =o 19H =o SVT 28225 §=60206 §=— 0 $0039 06132 00191 OAL oANbO 00188 05962% 07947 =o 0176 = 0 1 9 BF 07855 =o 0157 =o © SF 07762 0015! 064009 07670 00108 066348 07578 =o 0146 = 0 781 F 07485 = §=40148 169289 07393 00135 070048 07300 =o 0132 =o TOF 720A 0141 o7337% 07135 00130 o7407% 07023 =o 0110 =o FS77% 00930 00139 077108 ob ASR 20109 07825% 00748 00133 079969 206053 c0110 80749 00561 001e7 082019 06408 00125 0 89208 00376 00102 084289 00284 00136 065439 0019 00098 boars 2609R 008% .6728% 06906 «009 068198 oSMN13 00070 088898 o5Aat 00072 «=o 8908 05729 0007! 090518 05636 00070 091018 05546 o0072 091734 05451 00070 «= o MAUS 05359 00070 0931 3% 05206 00009 093029 05174 00001 094208 05081 20049 o9uris 04989 00054 095259 24896 460039 95048 04804 00048 oF611% ose 00037 096U9R 04619 00042 09691% 04527 =o 0007 «=o 9 F.BB 04434 = 00GR =o PT HOP 04340 00031 094118 o4Ru9 008A 0 GAS9G 415% 20032 o9A718% 0464 «60028 98989 03972 00031 099308 03460 00018 099488 03787 20080 099088 03695 00016 0998u8 03608 00003 099878 03510 00008 099998 e347 00004 099998 332% ~60000 099998 03237 «60001 1000008 Table B-48b LOMER LIMIT OF CLASB SNTERVAL BHOWN, ALL HEJUMTS ARE NORMALIZED BY HALP THE DIURNAL HANGE MSGHER HIGH WATER 8 HOURLY VALUES ® s LOWER FREQ. CuM,® LIMIT FREQ Seecoetonessevgnassoons 1.2477 00000 000008 1.2199 0000) 000018 1o1¥2) 20003 00048 10104} 20007 000108 foijou 00le 000228 101086 c001 00409 1.0808 e0u2as 0006ue 1.0529 003) 20094ue 1.0251 00043 oO{ 378 09973 = 0 0051 201888 20969H 60065 02538 09416 00079 003328 09136 00103 o0U3ue 08459 =o 0114 = OU 0A584 00134 006828 0A303 0142 008248 oA025 00109 09738 oV74e 00154 olte7e 27468 00158 012858 07190 =o 0166 =o 1S 2691) 00165 = 1615* 26033 00468 o17A3e 06355 00176 019608 26076 00172 o21328 05798 001975 023058 205520 00169 024748 05e4) 00170 26u4e 04963 00164 = 26048 04685 ©0166 e297Kue e407 00160 o Si 348 04426 00159 o32938 03850 00160 034530 03972 00140 035998 03293 onde oS7H1e 03015 00138 0 38798 e273? 00135 o4014e 02458 e013) 04, uS5e 02180 00126 42728 01902 00126 043988 01023 00123 045218 01345 00120 o4o4u7e 01067 00320 047078 00788 00120 o4 BATE 09510 «00115 50028 00232 «600117 =o S208 200046 00319 052398 20,0325 e0110 053558 ©,0003 00116 Sue 2,088) 00310 055878 @o1160 00116 oS7038 @o/436 00110 058199 eo17l6 00}17 059368 2.1995 01th ob0U7e 2.?273 c0l17 61638 2.255) 00119 062839 @,283y 0118 64018 2.3108 0012) 06522¢ 2.3586 o01A1 066458 eo3064 00124 67679 oe, 3943 00123 068908 e422) 00124 o7014e @,4499 00127 071418 oo4778 ented 07265% 2.5056 e0ise 073978 0.3334 oO13t 075298 2.5013 00327 076568 25894 00128 077638 © 96109 e013!) 079158 2 6448 00429 of043e @e67d6 800130 081738 257004 00132 83058 ©,7282 00130 084358 2.7564 00326 85598 7839 00123 08682% 6117 00115 087978 2,839 o0ifo 89138 ©, A674 00110 090238 © ,A952 00400 091258 0.9231 00096 092198 2.9509 00090 093098 9787 000B4 093938 21.9066 00076 094728 e1,9344 00073 095458 21.0022 00066 o9611% 21,090 00062 196738 11179 00087 097298 o1,1457 00083 o97A% e1.1735 00044 098258 21,2014 00040 0 FH648 21,2292 00031 e1.2570 0024 01,2849 0002) o1,3127 00054 099558 21,3405 00013 099688 a1,3o84 00011 099798 3962 ©0008 o99R78 21.4240 0005 21.4519 0005 21,4797 00002 21.5075 00001 21.9353 ©0000 308 14.050 PRET, LOW WATER 8 Lower PREQ, CUM,S LIMIT PRE Seoeeocgesccevvsscens ©2192 00008 o00018 e,232a 00001 000028 202455 200003 000058 20258? 0000! 200008 eo2718 0V004 000108 =.aAS0 00007 000168 202962 00008 000258 eodii3 00007 o0031e 23245 00010 000426 oo5377 00004 000468 2o35UR 00015 200018 2. 5h40 00019 ,vdbue 25771 00033 000930 2.3903 00022 001198 224035 00026 =n ON 418 204166 00024 00105% ©, 4P98 00028 = 01948 ©,4u29 000248 02228 2.4561 00034 202578 2.4693 20038 ,ve9s¢ eo4Aed 00036 ooSdie 24956 00046 03708 269968 0003A o04i4e 205219 00051 004058 20535) 00046 005128 © oS4b2 00003 005758 209614 00060 200348 2 .57u6 00049 o0ebue eoSA77 00061 2074uSe ©,6009 00061 008068 2.6140 00082 206880 e.ca72 00061 009098 e,ou0u 00078 o10u7e 250535 00996 ol1use 20667 00109 os252e4 2.6799 60110 eiso2e 200950 00120 014830 oo7062 00134 16178 27193 00108 ol Veue eo7ses 00133 018578 @o7US7 90156 o2013e 2.7588 00149 21022 2.7720 014g o230oe 27451 00165 ,2471e ©7983 00156 oeb2eb? 2/8115 0017! 027989 200246 00194 o299le 26378 00168 031008 2.6510 00165 033458 ©6641 00198 035438 2.6773 90197 037408 ©,6904 00171 039108 209036 00164 040748 209168 eut73 42478 209299 0176 o44ese 209431 00195 046168 209562 00187 048058 2 o.969U 00197 050018 2.9A26 00162 51638 209957 00163 053078 21,0089 00208 055008 21,0220 00207 21,0352 00163 059378 24,0484 0010p 000978 2100615 10192 62889 2100747 00168 264508 23,0879 00176 006328 101010 00174 068078 2101142 00179 009058 o1o1273 00186 071726 2101405 00194 073050 2101537 00176 075418 ©1016648 00192 o77330 21.1800 00578 o791e e1o1931 00192 o81use @1020603 00203 2083008 ©102e195 00159 o84o5e 21.2326 00150 20 8615% 21,2454 00132 087468 2102590 o01ed 088708 el,evei 00104 ob974KG 23,2853 00114 090898 21.2964 20089 091788 erosil6 00085 092029 21,5248 00006 093288 21.3379 90078 094068 1.3511 00076 8=— , 9UB2e ©1,3642 00076 095578 103774 20061 496188 21.5906 00065 oVoRse e1 4037 00055 097508 2104169 60053 097918 o1o4301 00048 098369 214432 00043 098798 2104564 00029 099088 21.4695 00034 299429 21,4A27 00022 099038 2104959 oON1A 299818 21.5090 20009 = 99908 ©1.5222 00007 099986 1.5353 ©0002 1.00004 LOWER LOW WATER LOWER FREQ, LIMIT Sooesessogeseces 206504 0004 ©,6052 00008 2.0740 00008 2.0826 40000 6910 .000) e,700u 00012 2.7092 ,0009 2.7180 ould e.7eo? 00018 2.7555 0002eu e.74us 0031 07531 00037 e,7019 024 eoTT07 00037 207795 00046 ©, 7bAS 20058 2.797) 00040 2.6058 ,0069 oeS1uo 20043 2.8230 20070 ©8322 20076 2.8410 0006 2.8498 2007 2e85A6 00100 28674 20092 2.5762 00095 28849 20072 © ,8937 20095 2.9025 00084 2,915 40100 2/9201 00094 2.9289 40089 o,9377 e0ste 2.9465 0107 209553 0125 2,904} 00128 2.9728 00134 eo9810 §= 0125 2.9904 00100 2.9992 0164 °1,9080 20130 ©1,0368 200140 ©1,0250 00149 1.0344 20326 21,0432 40119 ®1,0519 0354 ©1,0607 0164 21,0095 0035) ©1,0783 0010) 1,087) 00363 21,0959 00157 21,1047 00185 o1.1135 00389 e1.le23s 20222 Pioisiv 00195 ©1,1398 20e19 ©1,1486 00186 21,1574 0022) ®1,1o62 0215 ©1,1750 00219 21,1638 09198 101926 00234 ©1,2014 00228 e1,2id) 0028 °1.2189 20189 2102277 40164 21.2365 0163 21,2453 00152 21,2541 00155 21,2629 00116 e127 00340 ©1.2605 00143 21,2692 00097 ©1,2980 20122 °1,3068 00407 e1.3150 20088 e1,seuy 20086 21,5532 90096 ©1,3420 00098 21.3508 0094 21,3596 00094 21,3684 200095 1,377) o0uT!a ©1,3659 00084 21,3947 0064 21,4035 00073 2104125 20075 e1,4ei) 00060 21,4299 00067 21,4387 0058 e1,4475 0048 ©1,4562 0034 21,4650 00039 #1,4736 00045 21,4626 0033 21.4914 0025 21,5002 200013 ©1,5090 0015 ©1.5178 ,0010 21,5266 0000 2155553 0004 CUM, FREQ, eeece 00003 00003 00008 00010 00012 00024 00033 0005) 00069 00092 e0lau 00}6) 00385 00222 00268 00327 00367 00435 e047e 00549 00625 20090 00765 00674 09963 01059 oli3o ol22o 03509 01409 01500 01590 0170) 01809 of 93a 02062 02197 oes22 02428 02592 e727 02668 03017 0314S o326u 03418 03582 03732 03894 04056 e42is 045% 04565 04808 04999 05218 05404 o5025 05840 06059 06257 0649] 06719 06937 o7l2o 07290 o7474 07626 07784 07899 06039 08382 06279 08405 08509 06597 Oe} 08777 08870 18970 09064 09159 9231 09314 09398 09474 09545 09605 09072 09730 09778 09812 09651 09896 09926 09954 09967 09982 29993 09999 1.0000 “ThalallallahaANAMANAn all a lal Mi =e ST] 4 MANA ba LAA Aadall : i} Ne ree JANUARY 1973 = = Zs z= z= 2 2 Figure B-49a KODIAK, ALASKA {u) 0. [oq nnOFnnp7 29090” F8oTROCHOHOTOHOACTZOODG HOD Kx«KKXKX XK XX 79 12345678910 ie 64 69 74 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) aie HIGH WATER o-naxinum © © MEAN HIGHER =X = MERN mooooaoono0o00 Dogo 008F7FOMDAMaAMoOOOAD DOOD, 09 FH gm FFT HOCOFHHHTFHDOOO8O® 12345678910 12 6H 69 74 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) D D LOW WATER © = NEAN © = MEAN LOWER Ke MINIMUN Dn ee oo aunBneaoVOfDF2HF OO000 1.3G°CT 292990008 PHOBHHAHHLOHHAXLSOSSUOD 0. 12345678910 12 6H 69 ee 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE o -} owrwac tie © = NEAN TIDE Xe STD DEVIATION 0. xKKXKKKKKKXKX KKK KKM KK KKK KKK KKK KK ll) 5.5 : 123456786910 le 6 69 7u 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-49c 310 0000° fnoo® 9900° 0900° 700° 900° 210° ecyo® 0000° eqcroe gito® toe0° 2cto® 9900° 2e10° Szt0° 00008 wcroe otez0° 620° 9900° 2¢toe 9900° ot20° G.40° otzo° et2o° roo? 6t20° £920° £920° nnoo® zeto° noo? 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001d 04384 00399 04300 00198 04978 00205 04783 20179 04902 00190 05152 20184 «© S330 20205 05544 00190 05739 00109 05908 00207 0618S 00387 06302 20184 6486 c017TS =» 6064 00372 00633 2020) 07033 00345 07170 00106 =n FUG 00360 07510 00170 07080 00340 07624 00170 07994 00140 08337 00136 08273 00842 08415 00142 06557 001So 06092 00424 08836 0032) 08937 00107 09044 90084 «9428 00067 o921o 00083 09299 00hto 09415 00078 09493 00050 09549 00060 200059 09000 200044 09782 00060 09772 00032 09804 50033 9637 70029 «= 9866 000284 09890 0002) = 9914 002) 09932 00038 09943 00008 09950 00015 09905 00037 09962 00003 09989 40005 «©9980 90003 09992 10002 9994 00000 00000 MHHW MHW i ANAND na AAMAS eT N TRA MSL MLW MLLW MHHW MHW MS ce MLW MLLW HOURLY TIDE “HEIGHTS SWEEPER COVE (ADAK ISLAND) ALASKA JANUARY 1973 Figure B-5la Equivalent Gaussion Distribution x Hourly cS 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -o 50 a 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = 3.89 ft Figure B-51b Extreme Monthly LW 3) 1 SN EER ERS COVES ALASINA 12345678910 jie 64 69 74 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1969-1981) HIGH WATER 0 = maxinun @ = NEAN HIGHER X = MEAN -0 e 3 ; Stain aioe ae ia aie Powe cenee ceo (coe x x~*xxx~ X x x x x x 12345678910 je 6 69 7M 79 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) LOW WATER em =wnean © = MEAN LOWER X= MINIMUM 123456786910 12 64 69 74M 19 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) RANGE © =} owrnat tive © = MEAN TIDE Xe STD DEVIATION x 0.0 x be Sage XKKKKKXKKKKKKKKKK KX Xxx xXx X ' 12345676910 i2 6H 69 7N 719 MONTH OF THE YEAR YEAR (1963-1981) MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure B-5lc 318 0000°! nnoo® @s62°ze 20000°S nnoo® 6tn9° 9S806° 0000® afe2°2= 29566" noo? 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NICHAEL. ALASKA JANUARY 1973 Figure B-54a Extreme Monthly HW 20 MHHW MHW - Equivalent Gaussian OF Distribution MSL -O MLW MLLW Extreme Monthly LW Cer 0.01 0.1 -30 -20 10 -O 50 o 90 20 30 99.9 99.99 Diurnal Range = 3.58 ft Figure B-54b 329 ST. MICHAEL. 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BV10-— 0 0104 = 009% 0,093) 00197 ,4A32*® ©,7882 0231 20209 46000 379 =o Mou =o 0B 07390 = §=66 3459 = 0098 = 0 1 O7® 1255 00213 .5045% ©,6019 203 00230 =, 6230 368 869002 =40138 «6.478848 =, 3208 §=— g 0114 = B21 % =,1580 o0212 652579 20156 0208 20209 6439 33s 08840 =o 0157 =o F091% = 29S Ss oO eO4U1® 251905 00217? .3474® ©6293 40205 20222 666) 3S4e 68678 =o 0153 =o FUUGS = g 2706 = 0 0088 =«_ oo ©U90F =o,2230 =o 017 «=o SHV =o H430 = OZOA 00380 ,obu4 338 08516 =o 0159 =o BO0AF = g 2U5U =o 0116 = 0 0606 092554 00230 »5920% ©,8906 40197 002@3) o70Te Jae 06354 00128 081308 2203 00099 06703% 0,28679 00220 0614609 @,87035 00108 00160 o7ese 3is 08492 00142 082728 01952 00106 00809 o0,3204 00229 063759 2,8040 00175 002028 07453 3os 08030 00129 084018 01701 00095 969048 ©3529 0232 066007% ©8977 00181 20203 07050 296 07868 00138 063508 01450 00116 07020% a,3654 00224 oOBS1F a, 91N4 00161 o78K3e 01,0044 002) 07 B07 266 07706 0010) ofo378 01199 00127 071479 o,4178 00224 e.9251 00176 20148 001385 06052 27s 07544 eOllo oS7476 00948 oOlat 072088 o,4S03 00226 209988 00159 ©1,025} 00350 04208 265 67382 =o OF 11 066589 8 8=49697 60189 o7397*% o,4826 c02{o 2.9525 0136 21,0355 0180 ,6586 ese 07220 00095 089538 00445 00115 07912% 0©,5153 00209 ©0962 00103 21,0459 00128 06510 que 07058 20087 2904ue 2019u 00139 07051 0,9478 20208 0.9799 00142 2860599 of ,0562 00390 28obo 23% 06895 «60086 §8=60 91278 ©0057 00547 07798% ©,5802 0202 2.9936 0139 .8798 @1,0066 Oise 0785 aes 00734 oO117 292448 ©,0308 00149 079079 o,6127 e020) ©4,0073 00145 e8942® 01,0770 00102 06684 216 06572 60085 93288 ©,0539 .0193 08101% e,6452 00189 21.0809 o012! 00119 59003 206 20410 OURS 094138 @,08610 00156 082579 ©,6777 00176 21,0846 00108 00102 09105 1% 262456 = ==2005$ 694608 o,1001 00156 cB414% o,7405 00175 100483 40096 00090 8=— 4 9 95 18s 20080 00068 95548 weit? 00101 06575% 0, 7420 00160 ©1,0620 00088 00088 09277 179 63925-60080 =o PON4® «41564 =o 0143 «=o B718% 06,7751 00151 21,0757 0073 20004 4 9S04 166 05703 e0ude 090568 041815 00150 06873 02,8070 e01%e 21,0094 00074 20074 09455 1S¢ oS601 ©0055 097118 ee2066 20130 09029 ©,6401 00124 elolosi 00067 2007) 09505 149 63439 =o 6047 «=n FPTSB8 80423197 60153 09102% «,8725 00109 1.1108 0058 000d 49567 13s 03277 20052 098108 6.2568 00146 09308% ©,9)50 00094 2101305 00054 00094 oped jee 05415 00033 oFBUS® 0, 2A19 00123 09431% 0,9375 00083 e)oiuu2 00049 00008 09bBS iis 04953 20039 o9BBi8 © ,3070 00118 695498 0,9700 00069 101579 00041 00060, 49734 10% 0479} 00033 294148 o,3324 00115 069664% a{,0026 0058 ePLo715 00039 9811 e1,2034 ,00%) 49707 9% 04629 00U28 099488 «3573 00076 09759% 01,0349 00046 o1,1852 00037 998498 01,2118 20usd 09840 Be 69467 = 0016 =o FISH 86,3824 «= 0077 =n PBA 7% |i,0074 00033 101989 90033 986828 ©1,2222 0035 09870 To 04305 00010 099698 «4075 00052 09868" 01,0999 ©00a5 @)o@126 90039 099218 03,2325 00040 09940 oe o4yuy 00010 099798 ©4326 00037 09905 w{,14324 ©0018 eloe263 00020 099418 ef 2429 60020 09938 Ss 03981 20006 099858) w 4577 00056 09943 01,1048 e©0U14 e102400 00024 099658 02533 0001S 09953 ds 03819 00907 099958 ©, 4R28 00024 099078 01,1973 00040 o1.2557 00012 099779 a1 2037 00019 09972 3e 03057 00004 099948 9.5079 090ad2 099099 of ,2296 00006 eLoeoru 00010 099878 ef ,27h0 0008) 09985 ao 03495 00004 099968 0.5330 20007 09996 «1,225 00008 esedbit 00008 099900 ef ,2buu 20007 09995 le od535 20004 120000 ©,5562 00004 $00000% 01,2946 20004 01 6e9u8 00004 4500008 e1,2948 00007 490000 336 APPENDIX C TIDAL RANGES FOR REFERENCE AND SECONDARY STATIONS This appendix presents tidal ranges for secondary tide stations (from the NOS Tide Tables, East and West Coasts of North America) to be used in converting the tide probability tables in Appendix B to dimensional form. Tidal ranges for Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean coastal locations are given in Table C-1; Pacific coastal locations are given in Table C-2. JOT Table C-1. Tidal ranges for Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean coastal locations (from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1979a). No. PLACE MEAN Lot. Long. |Meon Spring | TIDE LEVEL TSH Wet) fest ooteg atest MAINE 627 EASTPORT- cece ttc treet ee eteee 44 54 66 59 18.2 20.7 9.1 629 | Gleason Cove, Western Possage:’:'::: 44 58 67 03 | 10.4 20.9 9.2 St. Croix River 63) Robbinston:-**'°°:: Kyao000000000 . 45 05 67 06 19.2 21.8 9.6 633 St. Croin Island: :::*+ss+eeee's 9 45 08 67 08 | 19.6 22.3 9.8 637 (er-1 1-1) Soe ecoeceve 45 11 67 17 20.0 22.8 10.0 Cobscook Bay 639 Deep Cove, Moose loland::*>-+°:° 44 54 67 Ol | 18.7 21.3 9.3 64) Eost Boy so vlslejlel ol» ocleleleercleie e@ eceve 44 56 67 07 19.1 21.8 9.5 643 Coffins Point: :s*sss+serre 00000 44 52 67 07 | 18.3 20.8 9.0 645 Birch Islands:::ssssssssseereere 44 52 67 OP | 17.6 20.0 6.8 647 Horan Head, South Bay::::°:*"°" 44 52 67 04 | 19.2 21.9 9.6 649 Lubec rcs s steers teeter eeecescce eoccce 44 52 66 59 17.5 20.0 8.7 651 | West Queddy Head-----:---:°: SOR0BG0 4449 6659] 15.7 17.9 7.8 653 Moose Covers sss eer reseteeee eocce 44 44 67 06 14.8 16.9 7.4 655 | Cutler, Little River----°:°°°° GOO000 44 39 67 13 | 13.6 15.5 68 657 | Stene Islond, Mechias Bay:°-°°°° cece 44% 67 22 | 12.4 14,1 6.2 659 | Mechiesport, Mochios River::ssss°°°° 44 42 67 24] 126 14.4 6.3 661 | Shoppee Point, Englishman Bay::**°°° 44 37 67 *@] 12.1 19.8 6.1 663 | Roque |. Harber, Englishman Bay:::°: 44% 67 31 | 12.3 14.0 6.) 665 | Stecle Harbor lolamd:+s+ss+ssssses* | 4490 6733] 11.6 13.3 5.8 667 | Jonesport, Moosabec Reach::+s++**+** | 4432 6736) 115 13.2 5.8 669 | Gibbs Island, Pleasant River:::::°*: 44 33 67 46) 11.3 13.0 56 671 | Addison, Pleasant River:::::**sere": 44 37 67 45 | 11.8 13.6 59 673 | Trefton Island, Nerraguague Bey::::: 44 29 67 50 | 00.1 12.8 55 675 | Milbridge, Nerraguogue River:*:°°*°: 44 32 67 53} 11.3 13.0 56 677 Pigeon Hill Bay eeoesceeccccvcce eccce 44 27 67 52 Vt 12.8 56 678 | Green leland, Petit Manen Bar----::- 4422 6752} 106 122 53 679 | Pinkham Boy, Dyer Bay:--*-°:°*°*"°° 4428 6755] 109 12.5 54 681 | Garden Point, Gouldsboro Bay:------ ° 44260 6759} Io08 12.4 54 683 | Corea Harbor :sscseeeeeree oecceccee ° 44 24 67 58 | 105 12.1 $2 685 | Prospect Harbor-::->--- seccesesee--- | 4426 6801] 105 121 52 Frenchmen Bay 701 Winter Horbor--*°***"° sooccccoes | 4423 6805] 10.1 16] 5.0 703 Eastern Point Harbor-----°*-°: 90 44 28 68 10 | 10.5 12.0 5.2 705 Sullivan:--coccrcessceeceee ere ejeie 44 3) 68 12} 10.5 12.0 5.2 707 Mount Desert Narrows--*-°°°°°°*° 44 26 68 22} 10.5 12.1 5.3 Mount Desert Island 709 Salsbury Cove::*:+-°*: 50000000 00 44 26 68 17 | 10.6 12.2 5.3 71 Bar Harbor----+--see'e ce scccces 44 23 68 12 | 10.5 12.1 5.2 713 Southwest Harbor: :***+*++"° cooee | 4416 ©6819} 10.2 = 11.7 5.1 715 Mount Desert:::°*****""° ceecceee 4422 6820] 10.6 12.2 5.3 TN7 Bass Horbor-:::ssseetsr ee seeeees 4414 68 21 9.9 V0.3 5.0 719 Pretty Marsh Harbor::--: SODOOROD 4420 6825} 10.2 W7 5.1 Blue Hill Bay 72) Union Rivers sees erste eceeece 44% 68 26 | 10.4 11.9 5.2 723 Blue Hill Harbor:-+-+--+****> oe 44 24 68 34 | 10.1 11.6 5.0 725 Allen Covessssssctsserssteees see 44 18 68 33 | 10.3 11.8 5.1 727 Mackerel Cove ssssssssssctsseeeee 44 10 68 26 | 10.0 11.5 5.0 729 | Burnt Coat Harbor, Swans Island:-::- 44 09 68 27 9.5 10.8 | 47 Stations 627 to 663: Use reference station Eastport (627). Stations 665 to 729: Use reference station Portland (877). 338 621 623 825 827 Stations 731 to 827: MAINE, Penobscot Bay Eggemoggin Reach Naskeag Horbor:--**::++227 77" Center Harbor---sssett strstr Sedgwick secre ere reese rece seseeee Isle Au Haut: *--ccrte tert tet eters Head Harbor, Isle Au Haut----:::*"*: (Kimball Island scr rrr eter tee reteeee Or'yanville, Deor Isle-sss sete trees Stgnington, Deer Isle:-*sccc teeters Northwest Harbor, Deer Isle---::--*: Matinicus Harbor::sssssceteetcsteeee Vinalhaven, Vinalhaven Island:------- Iron Point, North Hauwen Island:-:-:: Pulpit Harbor, North Haven Island::- (et-T 1) a eeeee Pumpkin Island, South Bay--:--:**:°: Penobscot River Fort Point-scccrsrrrsreeeee eeeee Bucksportsssssserss seer sere eeces South Orrington:::++++++:: ecccce Hompden:sssssss rere eseees 550000 Bongor::-:::: seavolets seal Jogdnes0o Bolbast: settee terete etc ene rceveeee Rocklandelicleisiciciielerisiciclalrsels s0000000 Owls Head:::---:::: god0d000000 o0d000 Dyer Point, Weskoag River-*-*-+-++°> MAINE, Outer Coos? Tenants Harbors :::sscerecercccrcsce Monhegan Rehan weccee ec cccce eccccee Burnt Island, Georges lolonds-+++++> St. George River apts Clydorssrssesseecceverevene Otis Coverssscrcrcccesccvccecces Thomaston:sscccrccccccccsccrccce New Harbor, Muscongus Bay::***°:°°"* Muscongus Horbor, Muscongus Seund::: Friendship Harberssssssseeerccereres Medomak River Jones Necks sscccccccccvccccccvce Waldobore:::scscccsscccscvcccese Pemaquid Herber, Johne Qay::::::*°": Demeriecette River East Boothboy::--::+--++:: 200000 Newcastle sss: ettereee eoevcece ee Oomeariscove Harbor, Damariscove |-*° Boothboy Harbor: sss tess tseeeeee eee Southport, Townsend Gut:-:--- ceceeee Sheepscot River Isle of Springs codacD0dG occvccce Croce River entrance:::°°:: coves Wiscasset: sscsseees ecccccecsoe Sheepscot (below rapids):--°::°- Beck River cscs cecceccccee deo Robinhood, Sasenocea River----:-°: Mill Point, Sasanoa River::-:::- Upper Hell Gate, Sesance River:: 339 R°2Paae EESSSERELE ELKKESELESELSEE SSESSESSES ASSSSRES SSSSSSs SSSssesss oo 370 So N“N Use reference station 6.8 7.0 11.6 11.5 11.7 10.7 10.4 10.9 W.5 11.0 V5 10.4 10.7 10.8 V0 Wt 11.7 11.6 12.5 14.0 14.6 14.9 11.5 10.9 19.2 10.7 10.9 10.6 10.1 10.2 10.2 10.5 10.8 10.1 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.9 10.1 10.2 10.7 10.1 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.5 10.6 11.0 10.5 10.1 10.1 8.0 Portland (877). MAINE, Kennebec River 629 Fort Popham::::::: eecccre seeeccccoes ‘| 49 45 69 47 6.4 9.7 4.2 63) Phippoburg:'''* beer ceereererevoves 43 49 69 49 6.0 9.2 4.0 633 | Both::::: HODDDODOOOGCUUDGOOOOUNDODOO 43 55 69 49 6.4 74 3.2 635 | Sturgeon Island, Merrymeeting Bey: 4359 6950] 5.9 6.1 2.6 637 | Androscoggin River ontrence::**:::": 43 57 69 53 | 47 $.4 2.3 639 | Brunowick, Androscoggin River::::::: 43 55 69 58 3.0 44 1.9 641 | Bowdoinham, Cathance River:s:::::°:: 44 00 69 54 5.7 6.6 2.6 843 | Richmond-+-+++++++++ seseae seveeveces 1 4405 6948 | 5.9 6.0 2.6 845 | Nehumkeag loland:::++++++++++ seseee 14410 6945 | 5.9 6.0 2.6 B47 | Gordiners: sss e etc ec ec scsccecveccece 4414 69 46 5.0 5.7 2.5 B49 | Hallowell: > - cece ee ee cece ee ccesccnee 4417 69 47 43 49 2.1 B51 | Augusta::: sss scree eee cece cece eees 44 19 69 46 | 4.1 46 2.0 MAINE, Cesco Boy 653 | Smell Point Harber::::: peeves pence 43 44 69 51 68.6 10.1 44 A355 | Cundy Harber, New Meadows River's: 43 47 69 $4 69 10.2 44 857 | Howard Point, New Meadows River::::: 43 33 69 33 9.0 10.3 4.5 859 | Lowell Cove, Orco loland:++s++ssee%% 43 45 69 59 6.6 10.1 44 861 | Horpowell Harbor: sssssssssseeeeeee on 43 46 70 90 9.0 10.4 4.5 863 | South Horpswell, Potts Harbor::--::: 43 44 70 01 6.9 10.2 44 865 | Wilson Cove, Middle Bay--:-:++++++°> 43 49 69 59 9.1 10.5 4.5 867 | Little Flying Point, Maquoit Bay---: | 4350 7003] 90 10.3 4.5 869 | South Freeport: :-s2secsss teeter eccee 43 49 70 06 9.0 10.3 4.5 871 | Chebeague Point, Groat Chebeague I:° 43 46 70 06 9.0 10.4 45 873 | Prince Point::--sscreecseseeseccccce 43 46 70 10 9.0 10.4 4.5 675 | Peake Island:::+++:: slolelaleterersiers 60600 43 39 70 12 | 9.0 10.4 as 077, | PORTLAND: <--:-eeseeee 90000000 o60000 43 40 70 15 | 9.0 10.4 as MAINE, Outer Ceest = Centinved 679 | Richmond loland::--::: SROOOROO UG eee 43 33 70 14 6.9 10.0 44 881 | Old Orchard Beach:*s:ss2sseseseeeee ° 43 31 70 22 8.8 10.1 44 683 | Wood leland Herbor:::*sssesesececsee 43 27 70 21 8.7 9.9 43 685 Cepe Porpolse eecccce eeccccoe ecoceeoe 43 22 70 26 6.7 99 4.3 887 | Kennebunkport:::::°> se eccccecccccece 43 21 70 28 6.6 9.9 4.3 089 | Verk Horbor-::::--+> s000008 Saoc00006 43 08 70 38 | 86 99 43 MAINE ond NEW HAMPSHIRE Pertemouth Herber 69) Jattreay Polmt:sccrssseccccevces ° 43 03 70 43 | 67 10.0 4.4 893 Gerrish teland--:sssseesseeeeeee 14308 7042 | 87 100| 44 095 Fert Point-:s:sscesesseeececooee 14308 7043106 99] 49 897 Kittery Polnt:sscccsscccosccccce 43 05 70 42 | 87 10.0 44 B99 Seevey Volandecccccccccccccaccce 43 05S 70 45 6.1 9.3 60 901 Portomouth:>ssccececccccccccccce 43 05 70 45 | 7.8 9.0 3.9 Piseataqva River 903 Atlantic Heights--:--++s-s+eee - 14305 7046 | 7.5 8.6 3.7 905 Dover Polntcticeciieielcleiesclor- eceee 43 07 70 50 | 6.4 7.4 3.2 907 Salmon Falls River entrance:::-: 43 11 70 50 | 6.8 7.8 3.4 909 Squamscot? River RR Bridge------ ‘| 4303 7055 | 68 7.8 3.4 911 | Gosport Harbor, Isles of Shools----- 4259 7037 | 85 9.8 42 913 | Hampton Harbor-------------+-+> sore 142540 ©6070 49 | : 8.3 9.5 4.0 MASSACHUSETTS, Outer Coast 915 | Merrimack River entrance:*:**-°~ tees 42 49 70 49 | 83 9.5 4.1 917 | Newburyport, Merrimack River-::°---- 42 49 70 52 7.8 9.0 3.9 919 | Plum Island Sound (south end)------- 4243 7047 | 86 99 43 921 | Annisquam:-s-ssecerete tree c ec eeceees 42 39 70 4) 6.7 10.1 4.4 923 | Rockport: ss sere e rt ttt t tet e tee ceee 42 40 70 37 | 86 10.0 43 Stations 829 to 923: Use reference station Portland (877). 340 925 | Gloucester:::::: DODSOOD CODD OOOOOOOOD 42 3% 70 40 6.7 10.1 43 927 | Manchester Harbors ssssssssseeeeeees 42 4%4 70 47 6.8 10.2 4.4 929 | Bovorly:ssssssseser sees seveecceeeees | 4232 7053 | 90 104] 45 PBI | Salom:ssssssrsereees Stee eee neeses 42 3) 70 53 6.8 10.2 4.4 933 | Marblehead::::: DODD OOO OOO n se eeeeeeee 42 30 70 5) 9.1 10.6 4.$ Broad Sound 935 Nahant:sssrrreeseeecees SOOUOODOE 42 25 70 55 90 10.4 4.5 937 Lynn Harbor:::++sssseee2 00000000 42 27 70 58 9.2 10.7 4.6 Boston Harbor 939 | Boston Light:::-::ssssseeee teeceeee 42 20 70 53 9.0 10.4 4.5 941 | Lovell laland, The Narrows:::**+*+:> 42 20 70 56 9.1 10.6 4.5 943 | Deer Island (south end)::--::-: GO00D 42 21 70 58 9.3 10.8 4.6 945 | Belle Isle Inlet entrance:::+:::++::: 42 23 71 00 9.5 11.0 47 947 | Castle laland:+----+--+++++++: 200000 42 20 71 01 9.4 10.9 47 949 | BOSTON ss ser re cece ccc ccccncecsevecee 42 21 71 03 9.5 11.0 47 951 | Dover St. Bridge, Fort Point Channel 42 2) 71 04 9.6 11.0 4.8 Charles River 953 Charlestown Bridge----:------ isis 42 22 71 04 9.5 11.0 4.7 955 Charles River = -« s+ ++ eee%> sees 42 22 71 04 9.5 11.0 4.7 957 Chorlestown::+*+-++-++> SDO80000c 42 22 71 03 9.5 11.0 47 959 | Chelsea St. Bridge, Chelsea River--- 42 23 71 01 9.6 10.8 48 965 | Neponset, Neponset River-:+-*+++-+s> 42 17 71 02 9.5 11.0 4.7 967 | Moon Head::---+++-+ssee-ereee covcece 42 19 70 59 9.4 10.9 47 969 | Rainsford Island, Nantasket Roads::: 42:19 70 57 9.1 10.6 4.5 Hingham Bay 971) | Nut loland::+--++-+-++--see. covcccoe- | 42 17 70 57 9.2 10.7 4.6 973 | Sheep Island--+-+++++++-s+0- eoreccce 42 17 70 55 9.5 $1.0 47 975 | Weymouth Fore River Bridge:---++--- 4215 70 58 95 1.0 4.7 977 | Weymouth Back River Bridge-:---- tees 4215 70 56 95 0.0 47 979 | Crow Point, Hingham Harbor entrance: 4216 70 54 94 10.9 47. 9B) | Hingham:::::++++seeeeeeeeeee 500000000 42 15 70 53 9.5 11.0 47 9863 | Nantasket Beach, Weir River-s:sseee> 42 16 70 52 9.4 10.9 47 985 | Strawberry Hill---:> tees eeeeeceeeoes 42 17 70 53 9.5 1.0 4.7 907 | Hull------eeeeeee o000000 dd005g000000 42 18 70 55 93 108 47 Cohosset Harber to Devis Bonk 989 | Cohasset Harbor (White Head):-:-:-> . 42 15 70 47 68 10.2 44 991 | Seituate::--- DODDDODDA00NDG000000000 42 12 70 43 6.8 10.2 44 992 | Demons Point, Nerth River: s:s:seeee- 4210 70 44 6s 9.9 4.2 Cape Cod Bay 993 Gurnot PolAtersserrrrerrreeveres 42 00 70 36 9.2 10,7 46 998 Plymouth: sssrrrevccesccsessecree 4) 56 70 40 9.5 11.0 47 997 Cepe Cod Cenel, eect ontrance:’ | 4146 7030 67 = 10.9 4.3 999 Bernoteble Herber, Beech Point: 414 70 17 9.5 11.0 47 1001 Wellileetsssrssserecsesssccveveee | QI 8S 7002] 100 I1.6 80 1003 Provincetown: :ssssrseserscceceee 4203 701) 9.1 10.6 4.$ 1005 Roce Point: ss:ssrerseecrececeeee 4204 7015 90 10.4 4.5 Cape Cod 1007 Cape Cod Lighthouse, SE. of:---> 4200 700) 76 6.8 3.8 1009 Neovoot Harbors +ssssseeseeeseeeee 4| 48 69 56 6.0 7.0 3.0 Von) Chotham (outer coast): sss: 4140 69 56 6.7 7.6 3.3 1013 Chatham (Inside): sss eeesscreee 41 4) 69 57 3.6 42 1.6 1015 Ploasant Bay-----s-eeeeeereeeees | gy 4g 69 59 3.2 3.7 1.6 1017 Monomoy Points ccecccccccccccccce 4) 33 70 00 3.7 43 1.8 1019 Georges Shool::-°:- eoccccone eecvcvece 4) 42 67 4 4.2 48 21° 1021 | Davie Bank, Nantucket Shoale----:-:- | 4) 08 69 39 1.3 1.5 0.6 Stations 925 to 1021: Use reference station Boston (949). 341 Nantucket Seund, North Side 1023 | Stage Horbor:s:-sceeecseess ee reeeeee 4\ 40 69 58 3.9 47 1.9 1025 | Wychmere Herhert a weet tere eeceenee . 41 40 7004] 3.7 43 1.6 1027 Dennis Port: see eeccceeee ec cccccece 41 39 70 07 3.4 4.1 1.7 1029 | South Varmouth, Base River::::*:*°°: 4\ 40 70 11 2.8 3.4 1.4 103) Hyonnis Port-*ssseeseeeeeeees eecccee 41 38 70 18 3.1 3.7 1.5 1033 | Cotuit Highlands::-----++++++seeerrs 4) 36 70 26| 2.5 3.0 1.2 1035 | Poponesset Island, Poponesset Boy-:: 41 35 70 28] 2.3 2.8 1 1037 | Succonnesset Polmt:::-°esceeeeesceee 41 33 70 29 9 2.3 0.9 1039 | Falmouth Heights-->----> DOOOCOOCOOGG 41 33 70 36 1.3 1.6 0.6 Nentucket Island 1041 | Tom Nevers Head::::sseesecesecccere 41 14 70 O1 1.2 1.4 0.6 1043 | Slesconset:s sce eeercrercccccccceece 4116 69 58 1.2 1.4 0.6 1045 | Weuwinet (outer shore): sss sseeseee: 4120 7000; 3.3 40 1.6 1047 Great Points: sssercccccccccsccccccee 4) 23 70 03 3.1 3.7 1.5 1049 | Nantucket: ::e:scccecceceee seccccceee | 4117 7006) 3.0 3.6 1.5 1051 Eel Point:ssecceercccecccccce eccccce 4117 70 12 2.3 27 1.0 1053 | Tuckernuck Island, Eost Pond:::°:::: 41 18 70 15 2.6 3.1 1.3 1055 | Muskeget Island, north side::**+°+- 41 20 70 18 2.0 2.4 1.0 1057 | Smith Point, north side:sss°ssseeree 4) 17 70 14 1.5 1.9 0.6 1059 | Miacomet Rips sssesressesecsscvonnes 4114 7006 1.7 2.0 0.8 Marthe’s Vineyerd 1061 | Wasque Point, Cheppaequiddick f+:+::- 4) 22 70 27 1.0 1.4 0.6 1063 | OFf Jobs Neck Pond::ssereeeeeeeeeees | ah 21 7035] 27 32] 13 1068 | Of Chilmerk Pond-sss+esseeeeseveees | 4120 7043/ 29 35] 14 1066 | Squibnocket Point: :: 4119 7046] 29 3.7 1.5 1067 | Nomans Land:::ccessscccccccccsconce 4l 16 70 49 3.0 9.6 0.5 1069 | Gay Hood: ::sssssserevcevccersevceres 4) 2) 70 50| 290 3.5 1.4 1071 | Menemsha Bight:ssrrrrrercecceccccece 41 21 70 46 2.7 3.4 3 1073 | Cedar Tree Noch: sssssssecceeecsenene 4) 26 70 42 2.2 2.0 v0 VO75 | Off Leke Tanhmoe:sssssesseeeeessevce 41 26 70 38 2.1 2.5 1.0 1077 | West Chopsscrrsscrecrsceeccecererees | 4129 7036] 14 171 O7 1079 | Vineyard Haven:sssssssesereesereeees | 4127 7036| 1.7 201 O08 VOB | East Chops ssssscresccecccercccccees 4) 28 70 34 7 2.0 0.8 10863 | Ook Bluffs--------- te eecrceercccovece 4127 7033 1.7 2.0 0.8 1065 | Edgartown::-----+-- Eoodg000000000000 4123 703) 19 23 09 1067 | Cope Poge, Choppeaquiddick Island:::: 4\ 25 70 27 2.2 2.6 0 Vineyard Sound 10869 | Noboke Point-::ccccesscscccccsccccee | Qf Ql 70 39 15 1.9 0.7 Weods Hole 1091 Little Harboresscccssscccercccce 41 3) 70 40 1.4 1.8 0.7 1093 , Ocoanogrephic Inotitution-----> | 4131 7040] 1.8 2.2 09 1095 Uncetene Island (seuth side):--> 41 3) 70 42 2.6 45 1.8 1097 Terpevlin Covercssccccccccccsccccoce 4) 28 70 46 0. 24 09 Quicks Hole 1099 South side-----:- cece esses seeeee 4) 26 70 51 2.5 3.1 1.2 1101 Middle-----: DOOD OOO OOOO OOOO OIG 4\ 27 70 51 3.0 3.7 1.5 1103 North side-ssscrseesseeeeeeeee oe 4\ 27 70 5) 3.5 44 1.7 Buzzords Bay 1105 | Cuttyhunk Pond entrance:-:::-+:::::: 4) 25 70 55 3.4 4.2 1.7 1107 | Penikese Island:-------++sssseeeeeee 4) 27 70 55 3.4 42 7 W109 | Kettle Covers ssssseeeseeeeeevene seee 4) 29 70 47 3.8 47 9 Stations 1023 to 1057 and 1077 to 1087: Use reference station Boston (949). Stations 1059 to 1075 and 1089 to 1109: Use reference station Newport (1153). 342 Busrzerds Bay W111 | West Felmouth Harbor--------- seeeeee 41% 70 39 40 5.0 2.0 1113 | Barlows Landing, Pocasset Harbor:--- 4) 4) 70 38 40 5.0 2.0 VWWIS | Abiels Ledge--:*s--ssscsesererrrees 4\ 42 70 40 3.9 49 2.0 W117, | Monument Beach:-:+-+++sseteeseeeeeee 4) 43 70 37 4.0 5.0 2.0 119 | Cape Cod Canal, RR. bridge -°-:: o- 41 44 70 37 3.5 4/1 1.8 112) | Great Hill: +s: sss rere eerste eeee eee 4) 43 70 43 4.1 5.1 2.0 1123 | Wareham, Wareham River-:::: ‘seeeeeeee 4) 45 70 43 4.1 5.1 2.0 0125 | Bird Island-:--+--++2+sses eer ecereee 41 40 70 43 4.2 5.2 2.1 1127 | Marlon; ss sc sc rete reece cece eeeeeeee 41 42 70 46 40 5.0 2.0 1129 | Mattapoisett: ---s OOG000000 41 25 7\ 27 3.2 40 1.6 RHODE ISLAND, Outer Coast? 1179 | Point Judith Harbor of Refuge-::::-- 4122 7129 3.1 3.9 1.5 116) | Block Island (Great Salt Pond)--°:°: 41 71 35 2.6 3.2 1.3 1163 | Block Island (Old gacbor)) 00000 eoece 41 10 71 33 2.9 3.6 1.4 W185 | Watch Hill Point: :++++seeceeseceees 4118 71 52 2.6 3.2 1.3 1.3 1186 | Westerly, Pawcatuck Piag oerccevove 4) 23 ?\ $0 2.7 3.2 CONNECTICUT, Long Islond Sound 1187 | Stonington, Fishers Island Sound---- 4120 7154] 2.7 3.2 1.3 1189 | Noank, Mystic River entrance----°--: 41 19 71 59 2.3 2.7 1.2 11910 | West Herbor, Fishers Island, N. Y-°: 41 16 72 00 2.5 3.0 1.2 1192 | Silver Eel Pond, Fishers I., N. Y°°° 41 15 72 02 2.3 2.7 Vt Themes River 1193 NEW LONDON, State Pier:--::-:- 4\ 22 72 06 2.6 3.1 1.3 1195 Smith Cove entrance::*:****s°°"° 4) 24 72 06 2.5 3.0 1.2 1197 Noerwich::-+°+°°-°> DOD CUCUDOOOOOS 4.31 7205 3.0 3.6 V5 1199 | Millstene Point-:-::-:: ce eccccsccecs 41 18 72 10 2.7 3.2 1.3 Connecticut River 1200 Saybrook Jotty:--sssccsssereeees 41 16 72 21 3.5 42 1.7 1201 Soybrook Point---:°-+ssss°s-eee> 41 17 72 21 3.2 3.8 1.6 1202 Lyme, highway bridge----------- 4119 72 21 3.1 3.7 1.5 1203 (BnqOp00ed0 00000 boDD000d0S000000 4) 2) 72 23 3.0 3.6 1.5 1204 Hadlyme (7) --srsssesccesceees oecee 4) 25 72 26 2.7 3.2 1.3 1205 East Haddam::**s7+2Fseceeserees 4\ 27 72 28 2.9 3.5 1.4 1206 Haddem(7)-:::+::°> seeceee weeceee 4\ 29 72 30 2.5 3.0 1.2 ( 7) Tidal information applies only during low river stages. Stations 1111 to 1185: Use reference station Newport (1153). Stations 1186 to 1206: Use reference station New London (1193). 343 Connecticut? River Higganum Creeks: ssssesseeeee cove Portland( 7) sccecceecteeeee eevee Rocky HiN(7)- soe ese eee eeeeee Harthord (7) crt t ccs t sets eecees Westbrook, Duck Island Roads:::::":> Duck Island-::::secsssee"° 9000000000 Modison: soos et ster 50000000 o0000 Falkner Island:::::*:: were cece e cece Sachem Head: ::::se*s:":> eeletclevetsteleletele Money Island:::ssssseeee a9000000000 Brantord Harbor::::**:*:*° SOOGOOODOD New Haven Harbor ontrance:::***:*""* New Heaven (city dock) eecee ecocecccce Milford Harbor:::s*sese2"s ecccccccn Stratford, Housatonic Rivers:::°°ee* Shelton, Housatonic River::::: ecccee BRIDGEPORT: ++ sete reer ees od00000000 Black Rock Harbor entrance:ss*ssse"2 Saugatuck River entrance'ssssrrr%0e0 Sout Norwalk: ssseescrrrcrscccvcv0002 Greens Leodgerrsssrssrerererceecccene Stemlord:::::::°:: ececcoecce eccecvcve Cos Cob Harbor::::****** ececcvecccce Greenwich: ::s*sere* eccecccccceecees Greet Ceptein faland::ssccccccccccece NEW YORK Long lslend Sound, Nerth Side Rye Beach:: Momeoroneck:: New Rochella:ssssssereerecececccccce Devids Poland sscrceseecccccvccccccece City tsland::---+:--: ec ccccccscesce coe Threge Neck wee e ccc cc cece eee csccece eoe Eest River Whitestonessssccessesreccerece eoccee Old Ferry Polnleccrccrrcrsssscecces College Point, Flushing Bay----- Boo Northern Blvd. Bridge, Flushing Cr:: Westchester, Westchester Crook::::°° Hunts Polat cccrsccsrerserecce eoccece Westchester Ave. Bridge, pices LJoooo North Brother leland--:-°****se-e> oo Pert Morels (Stony Polnt):::::: eccee Lawrence Point::sccs sss tteeeeeccccee Woleot? Avenue ss sss tec c ttt eeccene Pot Cove, Astoria: sess steer reees Hell Gate, Hallets Point---:-:-+:::- Horns Hook, E. 90th Street-:--:*-°-:°: Welfare Island, north end:--------:: 37th Avenue, Long Island City::::::: Eost 41st Street, New York City::--: Hunters Point, Newtown Creek--:--:>: ‘English Kills ent., Newtown Creek::: East 27th Street, Bellevue Hospital: - East 19th Street, New York City::::: North 3d Street, Brooklyn:-:-+--°--- Williomsburg Bridge SOIOOIOIOICOOOOOIcIG Wellabout Bay::*::-:ss esses eeer eee Brooklyn Bridge slolehsjalsielelojelelejia\aie)siclejsiele $855 8S85S5 SESS ESERESE 40 47 72 33 2.6 3.1 \ 72 38 2.2 2.6 ' 72 38 2.0 2.4 I 72 40 19 2.3 V. 72 28 ul 47 2 72 29 4.5 5.2 2.2 72 36 49 5.6 2.4 72 39 5.4 6.2 2.7 72 42 5.4 6.2 2.7 72 45 5.6 6.4 2.8 72 49 5.9 6.8 2.9 72 55 6.2 7A 3.1 72 55 6.0 69 3.0 73 03 6.6 7.6 3.3 73 07 5.5 6.3 2.7 73 05 5.0 $.8 2.5 73 1 6.7 7.7 3.4 7213] 69 79 3.4 73 22 7.0 6.0 3.5 73 23 7A 6.2 3.5 73 27 7.2 6.3 3.6 73 33 7.2 6.3 3.6 73 36 7.2 8.3 3.6 73 37 7.4 6.5 3.7 73 37 7.3 64 3.6 73 40 7.2 6.5 4.6 73 40 7.2 6.4 3.6 73 44 7.3 8.6 3.6 73 47 7.2 8.6 3.6 7346) 72 65| 36 7347| 72 85| 36 7348| 70 82] 35 7349} 7.1 6.3 3.5 73 50} 7.1 6.3 3.5 73 S\ 6.5 7.6 3.2 73 50} 6.8 6.0 3.4 73 50 7.0 6.3 3.5 73 $2 6.9 6.) 3.4 7353) 69 6.1 3.6 73 54 6.6 7.8 3.3 73 54 6.3 7.4 3.1 73 55 6.4 7.6 3.2 73 55 6.1 7.2 3.0 7356] 53 63] 26 7356] 5.1 61] 25 7357) 48 56! 26 7356] 48 58] 24 7357| 45 $55] 22 7358] 43 52] 21 7357] 41 49] 20 7355| 42 50] 21 7358] 42 50] 21 7358] 41 49] 20 7358] 41 49] 20 7358] 41 49] 20 7359] 41 49] 20 7400] 43 52] 21 { 7) Tidal information applies only during low river stages. Stations Stations Stations Stations 1207 to 1213: Use reference 1214 to 1251: Use reference 1253 to 1285: Use reference 1287 to 1313: Use reference 344 station New London (1193). station Bridgeport (1235). station Willets Pt. (1331). station New York (1511). 1315 1317 1319 1321 1323 1325 1327 1329 1331 1333 1335 1337 1339 1341 1343 1345 1347 1349 1351 1353 1355 1357 1359 1361 1363 1365 1367 1969 1970 1371 1373 1374 1375 1377 1379 1361 1383 1385 1387 1389 1391 1393 1395 1397 1399 140) 1403 1403 1407 1409 1411 1413 1415 1417 1419 1421 Harlem River E. 110th Street, New York City:- Willis Avenue Bridge--*-****:"** Modison Avenue Bridge:-------*°* Central Bridge ce ccneecccccceccs Washington Bridge dddooancca eccee 207th Street Bridge----- teeeeee . Broadway Bridge celccecenccceccece Spuyten Duyvil Bridge--------: oe Long Islond Sound, South Side WILLETS POINT---+--°-++e- AdOGHOONONO Hewlett Point-::ccscsssseeeeeee ecese Port Washington, Manhasset Bay-:--:- Execution Rocks:-:----: veeeee eeeeces Glen Cove, Hempstead Harbor--::--:-: Oyster Boy Oyster Boy Harbor::++-+++++%ee- 5 Bayville Bridge cece cen ninceese eee Cold Spring Harbor----:- cpdan000 Eatons Neck Point:::*::- eececccccee . Lloyd Harbor ent., Huntington Bey::: Northport, Northport Bay:::--: oqacK0 Nissequogue River entrance:::::*: eee Stony Brook, Smithtown Bay:--:::°:-: Strattord Shoal--::::-+csereerccecees Port Jetlerson Harbor entrance:::::: Port Jefferson::**°*: ec eeeeerccccens Setauket Harbor:-:::: sev eerevceeeees Conscience Bay ent, (Nerrews)::*""'* Meunl Sinel Harber tts ecerceccrcene Hered Points rssercerecccecsecccccecs Nerthvillers:sseccccesccvecevececcccs Mattlituek tmnletessssscsererreccvseee Horton Points ssseccceerccccccccccces Heshamomuck Beeches ssseesssssccccces Teumen Beach: s:ssscccecsecrecccvccce Plum Gut Herbor, Plum lsland:::-:::: Little Gull teland::--:: bod00oe0b6 ae Shelter Island Sound Orlent---:°° eovceee sorcerer eeccree Greenport: ss ssssrcesrresesssces Southhold::cccsecereorevcccreveee Noyack Bay::*:+::: ° Sag Herbor::s:-s:+:> sisiciclotelsvelelete Ceder Point::-:*::-::: SOOO OOOD Peconic Bays New Suffolk: :sccccrsssccccccscee South Jamesport:::s+ssseseeeeeee Shinnecock Canol:-::-::seeeereee Threemilje Hbr. ont., Gardiners Bey:: Promised Land, Napeague Bay'':::''': Montauk Herbeor entronce:s::sssssreee Montauk, Fort Pond Bay: sssssesssesee Montauk Point, north slde:ss:ssseece eeeeeveccces Long Islond, South Side Shinnecock Inlet (ocoan):+sssss+seee Ponquogue Bridge, Shinnececk Bay:::- Potunk Point, Moriches Bay-----°--*: Moriches Inlet? -s::eceeececeeeccce od Mastic Beach, Moriches Bay--*----::> Fire Island Breakwater::----:-+-++: . Democrat Point, Fire Island Inlet:-: 40 47 73 56 0 48 73 56 40 49 73 56 40 50 73 56 40 51 73 56 40 52 73 55 40 52 73 55 40 53 73 56 40 48 73 47 40 50 73 45 40 50 73 42 40 53 73 44 40 52 73 39 40 53 73 32 40 54 73:33 40 52 73 28 40 57 73 24 40 55 73 26 40 54 73 21 40 54 73:14 40 55 73 09 41 04 73 06 40 58 73 05 40 57 73 05 40 57 73 06 40 58 73 07 40 58 73 02 40 58 72 30 40 59 72:39 41 01 72% 4\ 05 72 37 41 06 72 24 41 08 72 19 41 10 72 12 4) 12 72 06 41 08 72 18 4) 06 72 22 4) 04 72 25 41 00 72 20 41 00 72 18 41 02 72 16 41 00 72 28 4056 72 35 40 54 72 W 41 02 72:11 4) 00 72 05 41 04 7\ 36 4) 03 7\ 58 4\ 04 7\ $2 40 50 72 28 40 SI 72 30 40 48 72 39 40 46 72 45 40 45 72 50 40 37 73 18 40 38 73 18 Stations 1315 to 1329: Use reference station Stations 1331 to 1339: Use reference station Stations 1341 to 1375: Use reference station Stations 1377 to 1407: Use reference station Stations 1409 to 1421: Use reference station 345 o “ ™“ N *) Cm) 8.9 6.8 2.9 $.4 6.2 2.7 $.2 60 26 4.0 46 2.0 4.2 48 2.1 3.6 3.9 1.7 2.6 3.1 1.3 2.2 2.6 Vt 2.5 3.0 1.2 2.4 2.9 1.2 2.3 2.7 BU 2.3 2.7 BU 2.5 3.0 1.2 2.5 3.0 1.2 2.6 3.1 1.3 2.7 3.2 V3 2.4 2.9 1.2 2.4 2.9 1.2 2.3 2.7 (BU 19 2.3 09 2.1 2.5 10 2.0 2.4 1.0 New York (1511). Waliikeres Wes (Css) Bridgeport (1235). New London (1193). Sandy Hook (1625). Long Islond, South Side Great South Boy 1422 Fire Island Coast Guard Station: 40 38 73 16 9 2.3 0.9 1423 Fire Island Radiobeacon::::*:°°° 40 38 73:13 0.7 0.8 0.3 1425 West Fire Island:--+:-+++seeeee% 40 39 73 \2 0.6 0.7 0.3 1427 Point o’ Woode::::**"::: eceepes 40 39 73 08 0.7 0.8 0.3 1429 Bellport, Bellport Bay-::-*-°::: 40 45 72 56 0.8 1.0 0.4 1431 Patchogue----*s--crrttese ce eeeee 40 45 73 Ol 0.7 0.8 0.3 1433 Sayville (Brown Creek)---°e°*e-> 40 44 7304] 06 0.7 0.3 1435 Greot River, Connetquot River: 40 43 73 09 0.7 0.8 0.3 1437 Bay Shore::s--sseeteeerececee eee 40 43 7314) 06 0.7 0.3 1439 Oakbeach------s-seeeceseeeens eee 40 38 7317) 0.7 0.8 0.3 144) Babylon: sess seeeeecee cece ee cee 40 41 7319 | 06 0.7 0.3 1443 Gilgo Heading:--+*-*++++*°> wisieieie 4037) 7324) 1.1 1.3 0.5 1445 | Amityville:: ss sess s reese eeeeee see 40 39 73 25 1.2 1.4 0.6 1447 | Biltmore Shores, South Oyster Bay::: 40 40 73 28 1.4 1.7 0.7 1449 | Jones Inlet (Point Leokout)::*:se°: 40 35 73 35 3.6 43 1.8 Hempstead Bay 1451 Deep Crook Meadow:::*sssseeere 40 36 73 32 2.4 2.9 1.2 1453 Green Island::::++++°+:: seeeee oe 40 37 73 30 1.9 2.3 0.9 1455 Cuba Island-::+:++s+s+e> eoeeees 40 37 73 3) 2.3 2.8 0.0 1457 Bellmore, Bellmore Creoek:::°*°°> 40 40 73 3) 2.0 2.4 1.0 1459 Neds Creok::-:-:+-:: SOODOOD eeccee 40 37 73 33 2.7 3.3 1.3 1461 Freeport Crook:::+%s+seeeeeeee 40 38 73 34 3.1 3.8 1.5 1463 Freeport, Baldwin Bay:-::::: cece 40 38 73:35 3.0 3.6 1.5 1465 Long Beach---+-+++-sssecrereee ee 40 36 73 39 3.9 47 1.9 1467 | Long Beach (outer coast)::-:*°:**:°° 40 35 73:39 | 4.5 5.4 2.2 Hempsiead Bay — Continued 1469 East Rockaway::::s:sssesesereeee 40 38 73 40 3.9 47 1.9 147) Weodmere, Brosewere Bay:-::-: see 40 37 73 42 3.9 47 1.9 1473 | East Rockaway Inlet---++--+-s-+--ee> 40 3% 73 44 4.1 5.0 2.0 Jamaica Bay 1475 Plumb Beach Chonnol-:-::----+°°° 40 35 7355) 49 5.9 2.4 1477 Borren Island, Rockaway Inlet:: 40 35 73 53 5.0 6.0 2.5 1479 Beach Chanhel (bridge)----°--°°: 40 35 73 49 5.1 6.2 2.5 148) Motts Basin:-°:°-:°: te cecccccce : 40 37 73 46 5.4 6.5 2.7 1483 Nerton Point, Head of Bay:-:::°: 40 38 73 45 5.4 6.5 2.7 1485 - J. 6. K. International Alrport:: @ 37 73 47 5.3 6.4 2.6 1487 Grassy Boy (bridge):------:**°": 40 39 73 50) 5.2 0.3 2.6 1489 Canarsie sss +s ss teste tet eteee 40 38 73 53 5.2 6.3 2.6 1491 Mill Basin: :+ssscs street eee e eens 40 37 73 55| 5.2 63 2.6 NEW YORK ond NEW JERSEY New York Harbor 1493 | Comey Island:-::-+s estes e crete eens 40 34 73 59) 47 5.7 2.3 1495 | Norton Point, Gravesend Boy::-::-::: 40 35 7400}] 4.7 5.7 2.3 ‘1497 | Fort Wadsworth, The Norrows:-------: 40 36 7403 | 4.3 5.2 2.1 1499 | Fort Hamilton, The Narrows-----:---- 40 37 7402) 4.7 5.7 2.3 1501 | Bay Ridge--ccss sett ttt ttt tees 40 38 74 02 4.6 5.5 2.3 1503 | St. George, Staten Island-----+-+--- 4039 7404) 45 5.4 2.2 1505 | Bayonne, New Jorsey::::-*-**-7-***** 40 41 74 06 45 5.4 2.2 1507 | Gowonus Boy-:--+- eset eee 40 40 74 01 44 5.3 22 1509 | Governors Island-----:-:------- D9 0000 40 42 7401 | 44 5.3 2.2 151) | NEW YORK (The Bottery)---:--::-°°-: 40 42 74 01 45 5.4 2.2 Hudson River(8) 1513 | Jersey City, Pa. RR. Ferry, N. J--:: 40 43 74 02 44 5.3 2.2 1515 | New York, Desbrosses Street::::::::: 40 43 74 01 44 5.3 22 1517 | New York, Chelsea Docks::+:::*::°-:: 40 45 74 01 43 5.2 2.1 1519 | Hoboken, Castle Point, N. J:-:++:-:: 40 45 74 01 43 5.2 2.1 1521 | Weehawken, Days Point, N. J::+---::- 40 46 7401 42 50 2.1 1523 | New York, Union Stock Yords----:- 29900 40 47 7400} 42 5.0 2.1 1525 | New York, 130th Street::--:-*::++:°:: 40 49 73 58 4.0 48 2.0 1527 | George Washington Bridge:------+-::: 40 51 73 57 | 39 46 1.9 1529 | Spuyten Duyvil, West of RR. bridge-- 40 53 73 56 3.8 45 1.9 1531 | Yonkers: ores etceicc rence cvccorciccs 40°56 73 54 37 4a 18 { 8) Values for the Hudson River above the George Washington Bridge are based upon averages for the six months May to October, when the fresh—water discharge is af a minimum. Stations 1422 to 1499: Use reference station Sandy Hook (1625). Stations 1501 to 1531: Use reference station New York (1511). 346 1533 1535 1537 1539 1541 1543 1545 1547 1549 1551 1553 1555 1557 1559 1561 1563 1565 1567 1569 1$71 1573 1575 1577 1$79 1581 1583 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1591 1593 1595 1597 1599 1601 1603 1605 1607 1609 160 1613 1615 1617 1619 1621 1623 1625 ( 8) Values for Hudson River(8) Dobbs Ferryss soso eeleciee Torrytown seeescccce eoeeece eoccesee oe Ossining: :- seco eercre deeeeeeeoccvre Hoverstraw'******"°° Ce a ae evecede Peokskill:-sccrr cress te secscecceeeee West Point:***s*°°°°: ee eerecccseccrs Newburgh:::"°:: dodD00000000 aiefalololalelele New Homburg: sssssceeeereseeees 60000 Poughkeepsio:ss-ssses rest eees 900000 Hyde Park: :++++s+00"* 65000000 9000000 Kingston 2 | eee Tivoliccc ccc ccc r eres eeeeercece ecco Cotskill-+:ss+** ee ee ee . Hudson sss sc ects setts seeeeee eee Consackio::*scsces tsetse eevee New Baltimore: ss os sss eettee eeccece Castleton—on—Hudson:->:*°-°: ecccccee ALBANY ccccctccccscereeseeeee eecccee Troysccccrrees ste eeeseeees 900000¢ O00 The Kills ond Nework Bey Kill Van Kull Constable Hook:-:-:--:: eeseee eee New Brighton wee ccc cesc cece cecceces Port Richmond:::::°°"*°": ecocsece Bergen Polmt-ssesese: ec ceccvcece Shooters foland::ssecrseee> ecccccece Port Nework Terminal::-*°°°°: eeecece Newark, Passaic Rivet-:*:*-*****""° Passaic, Gregory Ave. bridge:-::-::- eck River Kearny Pointsscrrrees eee cece eeee Secaucus ss*s*eossssseeee eececeee Little Ferry::ssssseeeeees cO0000 Heckensack::::* sete eeeres ec ccce Arthur Kill Elizabethport::::secscetceees bod ({Wihnoedosocndssd00pb000000600 Cartoret::s::ss::- cece cee vecces Rossville:::::::: elolelecveisiels os 00e Tottenville:::scs essere seceveres Perth Amboy eevee eee cr cco eves Lower New York Bay, Reriten Bay, ete. Now Dorp Beach:-*::-:++++--> erecccee Great Kills Harbor:::::::: Fecccecece Princes Boy:::::: cece er er eece eevevece Reriton River South Amboy rss sserreer see ceeee Washington Conal:-:---- DOOOOOOon South River highway bridge:::::: Now Brunawiek: score ssercccccece . Keyport-::seeseees dobadd000000000 doo Keansburg:: ss sess ser eeec ce eeees 0000 Port Monmouth: ::ssesererecee eovcvece Atlentie Highlands eee ccceene eee ceeee GANDY HOOK: :cccccceccscrcccceccceves 4101 7353] 34 40 4105 7352] 32 37 aiio 67352] 3.1 836 aii2. 7358] 29 34 4117 7356] 29 34 4i26 067357] 27 3.) 4130 7400] 28 32 4135 7357] 29 33 av4a2. 7357] 3.1 9 35 447 7357] 32 36 4156 7358) 37 42 4208 «©7356| 39 44 4219 7351| 41 46 4215 7348| 40 46 4221 7348] 39 43 4227 7347] 41 45 4232 7346] 43 «47 4239 «-7345| 46 #8650 4244 7342| 47 5.1 GUNVe—euvyuseeunuoeveauan NNN @— 2mm Mm Me me Mm Mm MM KKK 7405) 45 5.4 2.2 7405) 4.5 5.4 2.2 74086 | 45 5.4 2.2 7408 | 46 $.5 2.3 7410) 4.6 $.5 2.3 7408) 5.l 6.1 2.5 7410 | $1 6.1 2.$ 7407) 5.1 6.1 2.5 2§2Ssssess 7406] 5.0 60 2.5 7404] 5.1 6.1 2.6 7402) 5.3 6.4 2.7 7402) 5.3 6.4 2.6 rbot 7a} 49 5.9 2.4 7412| 5.0 6.0 2.5 7413} 5.1 6.2 2.6 7413} 5.3 6.4 2.6 7415 | 5.3 6.4 2.6 7416 | 5.2 6.3 2.6 3888885 8SSE FESSESSES SSSaes 40 34 7406) 49 5.9 2.4 40 33 7408 | 47 5.7 2.4 40 31 7412) 49 5.9 2.4 40 29 7417} 5.0 6.0 2.5 40 28 74 22 | 5.6 6.8 2.8 40 27 74 22 | 5.5 6.7 2.8 40 29 7426 | 5.8 7.0 2.9 40 26 7412} 5.0 6.0 2.5 40 27 7409 | 49 5.9 2.4 40 26 7405 | 486 5.8 2.4 40 25 74 02 | 4.7 5.7 2.3 40 26 7401 | 4.6 5.6 2.3 ; the Hudson River above the George Washington Bridge are based upon averages for the six months May to October, when the fresh—water discharge is af a minimum. Stations 1533 to 1559 and 1571 to 1589: Stations 1561 to 1569: Stations 1591 to 1625: 347 Use reference station New York (1511). Use reference station Albany (1567). Use reference station Sandy Hook (1625). Sendy Hook Bay Shrewsbury River 1627 Highlands:--:- DOOR OOUOOUOOOO vee 40 24 7359) 38 46 9 1629 Red Bonk, Nevesink River--:-°:°: 40 21 74 04 3.0 3.6 1.5 1631 Normandie::::ssssssssseree ceeeee 40 23 73 59 2.9 3.5 1.4 1633 Sea Bright------ perececceccce cee 40 21 73 59 1.7 2.) 0.8 1635 Branchport, Pleasure Bay-:::° eee 40 19 74 00 1.7 2.1 0.8 NEW JERSEY, Outer Coost 1637 | Sea Bright-----sssc ester esereees 900 40 22 73 58 4.4 §.3 2.2 1639 | Long Branch-----++++s+ss+>- DOCOOOOO 40 18 7359 | 4.4 $.3 2.2 1641 | Asbury Pork---:+°++++:> DODD OCOOOOOOD 40 13 7400} 43 §.2 2.1 1643 | Sherk River Inlet (entrance):-:°°°°°° 40 11 74 01 4.0 48 2.0 1645 | Municipal Boat Basin, Shark River--: 40 Il 74 02 3.7 44 1.8 1647 Sea Girtssssesrercceeee eeeccccevccee 4 06 74 02 4.3 5.2 2.1 1649 | Menosquen Inlet:::: pe ecercvccccccce 40 06 7402} 40 48 2.0 Manasquan River 1651 Railroad bridgo:::sssseersseccee 40 06 7403} 3.5 42 17 1653 Riviere Beach::--- ce teeececceece 40 06 7405} 3.1 32.8 5 1655 | Seaside Park (ecean)::**°2s27sereeee 39 55 7405) 42 $.1 2.1 Bernegat Bay 1657 Mantoloking:---++sssseeeee covcce 40 02 74 03 0.$ 0.6 0.2 1659 Coates Point, highwey bridge-:-> | 3957 7407) OS 0.6 0.2 166) Teme River (fown):*seesecerrreees 39 57 7412) 06 0.7 0.3 16463 Waretown:---:- odd0b0000000600000 39 47 74 11 0.6 0.7 03 1668 Oyoter Cr. Chen. (eff Sedge t)°> 39 47 7400) 06 0.7 0.3 1667 Barnegat Inlotsssssecrrccccccece WD 46 7406} 3.) 3.6 1S 1669 Hervey Codars:sssscsereescvcccne 9 42 7408 | 08 1.0 0.4 Little Egg Horbor 1671 Manchowkin Bridgess*sss*s*sest* 39 39 74 11 1.5 1.8 0.7 1673 Long Polnt::-*:ssstescrseeeee 000 39360 74 16 | 2.2 2.7 A 1675 Tuckerton Creek entrance:--*-*>: 3935 7420] 24 2.9 1.2 1677 Beach Haven-:-ssssseseese 09000 3934 «= 7415] 2.2 2.7 Vt 1679 (lollmoees25e050R000000000000000 39 32 74 16 2.6 3.1 1.3 Great Bay 168) Little Egg Inlote---sssrseeerees 3930 7418| 37 45] 1.8 1683 Seven Islands-:ss+ss-sc st ettsees 39 31 74 20 3.4 41 1.7 1685 Graveling Point:::+sss+ssssteeee P 39 32 74 24 3.4 4) 1.7 1687 Mullica River, highway bridge:-- 39 33 7428 | 3.3 40 1.6 1689 Main Marsh Thorotare:::+-++****: 39 29, 7423] 3.3 40 1.6 1691 | Brigantine Channol-s::::secsercree: 39 27. 74 2) 3.5 4.2 1.7 1693 | Grossy Boy:ss- sss ttc crete 39 26 74 246 3.4 4.1 1.7 1695 | Absecon Creek ent., Absecon Bay---:- 39 25 7429} 3.6 44 1.8 1697 | Broad Creek, Middle Thorofare::-:::- 39 24 74 26 3.4 4. 1.7 1699 | Absecon Inlet (Gardner Basin)::--*-: 39 23 74 25 3.6 44 1.8 1701 | Beach Thorotore (railroad bridges)-- 39 22 74 27 3.8 46 1.9 1703 | Atlantic City, Steel Pier:--+-+-++-: 39 21 7425} 4.1 5.0 2.0 1705 | Chelseo (highwoy bridge)----:+**:*:: 39 2) 74 28 4.0 48 2.0 1707 | Beach Thorofore (Shelter Islomd):--- 39 2) 74 30 3.9 47 1.9 1709 | Dock Thorofore (bridge)::*:--****""° 39 21 7432] 3.8 46 1.9 1711 | Longport (inside)-+--sssssererser ees 39 18 897432) 39 47 2.0 1713 | Great Egg Harbor Inleot---------<°-: ie 39 18 7434} 38 46 1.9 1715 | Oceon City (9th Street bridge)------ 39 17 74 35 3.7 45 1.8 1717 | Great Egg Horbor Boy-:--+-:--*-***"* 39 18 7438 | 3.6 44 1.8 Great Egg Harbor River 1719 Scull Landing:--:ss+erscsstesees 39 22 74 43 3.7 45 1.8 1721 Moys Landing::-**:ssrstr ttre 39 27 7444} 40. 48 2.0 1723 | Peck Boy (34th Street bridge)-----:: 39 15 74 38 3.7 4.5 1.8 1725 | Devils Island, Crook Horn Creek:-:-- 39 14 74 39 3.6 44 1.8 1727 | Corson Inlet (bridges)-------**---°: 39 13 74 39 3.9 47 9 1729 | Ben Hands Thorofare--:::*::**-*-+": -| 39 12 74 40 3.7 45 1.8 1731 | Seo Isle City (Ludlom Thore. bridge) 39 09 74 42 3.8 46 9 1733 | Sea Isle City (beach)-**-s+-sssseees 39 09 74 4) 4.1 5.0 2.0 1735 | Townsend. Inlet::**:*-°++"* Vee reeeane 39 07 74 43 3.8 46 1.9 1737 | Long Reach-------errerrr sree se cecee 39 06 74 45 3.8 46 1.9 1739 | Great Sound (ent. to Crease Thoro.): 39 05 74 47 4.1 5.0 2.0 1741 | Stone Harbor (Great Chan. bridge):-- 39 03 74 46 4.) 5.0 2.0 1743 | Hereford Inlet (North Wildwood)----: 39 01 74 48 4.1 5.0 2.0 Stations 1627 to 1743: Use reference station Sandy Hook (1625). 348 1745 1747 1749 175) 1753 1755 1757 1759 W761 1762 1763 1765 1767 1769 W771 1773 1775 1777 1779 1781 1783 1785 1787 17869 1791 1793 1795 1797 1799 1803 ‘1805 1807 1609 Vell 1813 1615 1817 1619 1621 1823 1625 1827 1631 18633 NEW JERSEY, Outer Coast Wildwood (beach):ss-ssssss src teete 38 59 74 48 2.0 Grassy Sound Channel (hwy. bridge):- 39 02 74 49 2.0 W. Wildwood (Grassy Sound bridge)-:: 3900 74 50 2.1 Swoin Chonnel:--::*s2s eset ences 38 59 74 52 22 Cape Moy Horbor--+--++ssssss essere 38 57 74 53 ah Cope Moy, Municipal Pier------***:°: 38 56 74 55 NEW JERSEY ond DELAWARE Delawore Bay, Eastern Shore Five Fathom Bank::---:--- BOCOOOONDOD 38 5) 74 38 McCrie Shoal-::::secrereecccceccccee 38 51 74 5\ Cope May Point::++++++: eteleolelayeler= 500 3856 436-74. 58 Cape May, ferry terminal: +:***:**"" 38 58 74 58 Boy Shore Channolssssssssessercerees 38. 58 74 58 Miami Beach: ssssssereceeeneeseceneee 99 02 74 56 Dennis Crook ontrancesssssssssserers 39 10 74 54 East Point, Meurice River Cevess:'*: 39 12 75 02 Maurice River Port Norriscssscsescesererccvece 39 14 75 02 Mouricetowns*seceeccseesccccoes 39 17 75 00 NW VNUYNNNNN @e Seu ev—-Oo MUMvillec cc cercceresecccrcvcres 39 24 7502 3.0 Eee Islend Pelmterrccrrcrecerccsvoes 39 11 75 06 2.8 Fortescue: soccer teeter eres 39 14 75 10 2.9 Ben Davis Point-------ssssseeseeeee 39170075 17 3.0 Cohansey River Gintrenn Ce iletolele oie oleilel=soie!~)=I-lo1s1+)-1« 39 21 75 22 3.0 Laning Wharf-+---++++se+eree- - | 3923 7520 3.0 Fairton soc este eee ceeeeee 39 23 75 \4 3.1 Bridgeton: :-:+- see sseteeceeeees 39 25 75 14 3.2 Boy Side-----::--: prckehetepetereleisvererevereverers 3923 7524 3.0 DEL., N.J., and PA. Delawore Bay, Central Lighthouses Brandywine Shoal Light-:----*---*::- 38 59 75 07 2.4 Fourteen Foot Bank Light-------++:: 39 03 75 11 2.6 Miah Maull Shoal Light----:--->-+--> 39 08 75 13 2.7 Elbow of Cross Lodge Light---------: 39 11 75 16 2.8 Ship John Shool Light----------+---- 39 18 875 23 2:8 Delaware Bay, Western Shore Cape Henlopen-::-----ser terete eee eees 38 48 75 05 2.0 BREAKWATER HARBOR:::-- BoD00G0G0000 38 47 75 06 2.1 Roosevelt Inlet------:° srecceceesses | 36 49 75 12 2.2 Mispillion River entrance::*:***°--> 38 57 75 19 2.3 Mucderkill River ontrance::*:*°°°-+> 39 04 75 24 2.4 St. Jones River entrance>:-****----- 39 04 75 24 2.4 Mehen River entrance:------ 099900000 39 11 75 24 2.7 Loipsle River entrance:::*:°--°: coos | 39 15 75 24 2.7 Leipsic, Leipsic River---ss+seseeee- 39 15 75 3\ | V7 Woodland Beach:-::------ trccccoecees | 39 20 75 28 2.9 Oclawore River Listen Point:-::°++::- coccccccccccce | 39 25 75 32 28 Taylers Bridge, Blackbird Creek-::-> | 3924 75 36 1.4 Roedy Island: -----+---+ eee evccccees | 39 9] 75 34 28 Salem, Salem River---:°--: seeccecoe | 99 95 75 28 | 2.8 REEDY POINT:--------e slelsieleieleisieicleieie’ |) 99) 94 75 34 |. 27 Stations 1745 to 1755: Use reference station Sandy Hook (1625). Stations 1757 to 1777; 1793 to 1799; and 1803 to 1819: Use reference station Breakwater Harbor (1805). Stations 1779 to 1791; 1801; and 1821 to 1833: Use reference station Reedy Point (1833). 349 Chesapeoke and Delaware Canal | 1835 Biddle Point, Delaware::s*se+% 39 33 75 37 $.1 5.5 1837 Summit Bridge, Delaware:::s++e 39 33 75 44 3.5 3.9 1639 Chesapeake City, Marylend:::se: 39 32 75 49 2.7 3.0 1841 | Pea Patch loland, Delaware: ::ssss++e 39 35 7534] 5.5 6.0 1643 | New Casctle, Delaware:::s2ssseecrece 39 39 75% | 5.6 6.0 1845 | Deepwoter Point, Ni Jesseeccececvece 39 42 7531) 5.6 6.0 1847 | Christine River entrance, Delsss*°s> 39 43 75 3) | 5.6 5.9 1849 | Wilmington, Christina River, Dol::: 39 44 75 33 5.7 6.0 1851 | Edgemoor, Del-sssssssecroescreccveee 39 45 75 %@ 5.6 5.9 1853 | Oldmens Point, N. Josercesseccecccee 39 46 75 26 5.6 5.9 V85S_ | Marcus Hook, Parss+sssssesseeeeeeees 39 490-7525 | 5.6 5.9 VOS7 | Chooter, Par--sssersereeecccecevcees 39 SI 7§ 2) $.7 6.0 1659 | Billingoport, N. Jeveseee> 9900000000 39 51 75 14 $.7 6.0 1661 FT Fert Mittlin, Parccressrcerereerenee 39 52 7$ \3 5.7 6.0 VNNN RNINNNNN——~ @@e@@ee @@Se@eeseawu hl YW Delaware River. Schuylkill River 1863 Girard Point, Pavss+:++sssess see 39 54 75 \2 5.7 6.0 2.8 1865 Point Breoze, Pavss*ssssseeeeee . 39 55 75 12 5.7 6.0 2.6 1867 Grays Ferry Bridge, Pa::::: seeee 39 57 75 \2 5.8 6.1 2.9 1869 Fairmount Bridge, Pa:::+--++: 090 39 58 75 5.8 6.1 2.9 1871 | Philodelphio, South Brood St., Pa::: 39 53 75 VN 5.8 6.1 2.9 1873 | Gloucester City, N. Jrcccersteeeeee . 39 54 75 08 5.8 6.1 2.9 1875 | Philadelphia, Washington Avo., Pa-:: 39 56 75 08 5.9 6.2 3.0 1677 | PHILADELPHIA, Pier 11 North, Pe-:::: 39 57 75 08 59 $.2 3.0 1879 | Camden, Cooper Point, N. J::-::'> oe 39 57 75 08 5.9 6.2 3.0 1681 | Philadelphia, Pier 80 North, Pa-:::> 39 58 75 07 5.9 6.2 3.0 1883 | Philadelphia, Bridesburg, Pa::::+*°> 40 00 75 04 6.0 6.3 3.0 1885 | Torresdale, Pavs:s+sssssssseeeee eee 40 03 74 59 6.2 6.5 3.1 1887 | Burlington, N. Jovcsrstrccesseeceeee 40 05 74 52 6.4 6.7 3.2 1889 | Bristol, Passssss seer rere erenee ceeee 40 06 74 5) 6.5 6.8 3.3 1891 | Florence, N. Jeccsc reese eeeee soeee 40 07 74 48 6.6 6.9 3.3 1893 | Bordentown, N. Jovseresereeees seecee 40 09 74 43 6.7 7.0 3.3 1895 | Trenton, N. Jceeres ceeeee sevens 40 11 74 45 6.8 7A 3.4 DLLAWARE, Outer Coaot 1897 | Rehoboth Beach: :s+eereerrreeees 38 43 7505} 39 47 19 Indien River 1899 Inlet (bridgo):-ss+++++> 90099000 38 37 75 04 7 3.2 1.3 1900 Inlet (C. G. Station): :sssseeee 38 37 7504] 2.1 2.5 V0 190) Ook Orchard::++:+++++ee DOOODOOD 38360 75 10 | ~—0.9 Vt 0.5 1903 Possum Points sss sseereeeeee eens 3835 = 75 16 1.0 1.2 0.5 1905 | Rehoboth Bay:+:--++++-++e-e: SOOCOODG -- --| 05 0.6 0.2 1907 | Fenwick Islond Light-----:-++++es: oe 38 27 7503} 3.7 45 1.6 MARYLAND, Outer Coast 1909 | Ocean City (outer coast):---++s+e++> 38 20 75 05 3.4 41 1.7 1910 | Ocean City (Isle of Wight Bay)------ 38 20 75 05 2.2 2.7 0.0 1911 | North Beach Coast Guard Station::-:: 38 12 7509 | 3.4 4) 1.7 MARYLAND ond VIRGINIA Chincoteague Bay 1913 | Assateague Beach, Toms Cove::::::::: 37 $2 75 22} 3.6 44 1.8 1915 | Chincoteague Point:-::---:- teececces 3754 867525] 2.6 3.1 1.3 1917 | Bogues Boy, Chincoteague Inlet:>>:°: 37 53 753} 3.0 3.6 1.5 1918 | Wishart Point, Bogues Bay::::: seceee 37 53 75 #0 2.6 3.1 1.3 1919 | Chincoteague, Chincoteague Chennel:: 37 56 75 23 1.7 2.1 0.9 1921 | Piney tsland, Assoteague Chennel:::> 37 56 75 2) 2.1 2.5 1.0 1923 | Groonbackvillo::ssssssseseeeseevenes 3800 87523} 06 0.7 0.3 1925 | George Island Landing:::++++++s+ees 36 02 75 22] 0.6 0.7 0.3 1927 | Assacorkin Inland:---: oucooo0 0900000 38 04 75 19 0.4 0.5 0.2 1928 | Public Landing::-:::::- 9o00000000000 3809 «675: 17] 04 0.5 0.2 Stations 1835 to 1853: Use reference station Reedy Point (1833) Stations 1855 to 1895: Use reference station Philadelphia (1877). Stations 1897 to 1928: Use reference station Sandy Hook (1625). 350 VIRGINIA, Outer Coast 1929 | Wollops Island::*:-ss+ssssssssseceee 37 50 75 29 3.6 44 1.8 1930 | Gargathy Neck--*-*ssssssrssssceeee ee 37 47 7534 3.0 3.6 1.5 193) | Metomkin Inlet: ss sssssssseesr teeters 37 40 75 36 3.6 44 1.8 1932 | Folly Creek, Metomkin Inlet:--+s++:> 37 42 735 38 3.3 40 7 1933 | Wochopreague Inlet (inside):++****"* 37350 7537 | 9 47 1.9 1935 | Quinby Inlet entrance:::******* cece 37 28 7540) 40 48 2.0 1937 | The Swash, south end--+-------: seeee 37 30 75 40 3.9 47 19 1939 | Great Machipongo Inlet (inside)----° 37 24 75 43 3.9 47 1.9 194) | Upshur Neck, south ond----------"s+se"e** 37280 0«=675 48 | 4.4 5.3 2.2 1942 | Sand Shoal Inlet (C. G. Station):--- 37 18 75 47 4) 49 2.0 1945 | Ship Shoal Intet---*+++-+ssssereeeee 37 13 75 48 4.0 48 2.0 1947 | Smith Island (C. G. Station)-------- 37 07 75 55 3.5 42 1.7 Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore 1949 | Fishermans Island:--::-:**ss+ereeees 37 06 75 59 3.0 3.6 1.5 1951 | Kiptopeke Beach (ferry)::*::::::*::- 37 10 75 59 2.7 3.2 1.4 1953 | Old Plantation Flate::::*s+s+sssrees 37 14 76 03 2.4 2.9 1.2 1955 | Cope Charles Harbor:::::sssssseerees 37 16 76 Ol 2.4 2.9 1.2 1957 | Nassawadon Creok::s::ssssssteeeeeres 37 28 75 58 1.6 2.2 0.9 1959 | Gaskins Point, Occohannock Creek:::: 37 33 75 55 1.7 2.0 0.9 1961 | Pungoteague Croek:------+sssssseeee 37 40 75 50 1.7 2.0 0.8 1963 | Onancock, Onancock Creek-:-*:*+++**: 37 43 75 45 1.8 2.2 0.9 1965 | Watts Island-::---++essse cette eeeee 37 48 75 54 1.6 1.9 0.8 1967 | Tangier Sound Light-------------++-> 37 47 75 58 1.6 1.9 0.8 1969 | Muddy Creek Entrance:-***:*:*-**++*: 37 51 75 40 2.2 2.6 1.1 1970 | Guard Shore-:----secc et tee e et eeees 37 5) 75 42 2.3 2.7 1.2 MARYLAND Chesopecke Bay, Eastern Shore 1971 | Ape Hole Creek, Pocomoke Sound::-::: 37 58 75 49 2.3 2.8 Vi Pocomoke River 1973 Shelltown-:-sesesct reece reece 37 59 75 38, 2.4 2.9 1.2 1975 Pocomoke City-:-*+++++ss esses ees 38 05 75 34 1.6 2.0 0.8 1976 Snowhill, city pork::*+s:s 38 63 76 Ol 1.7 2.0 0.8 1989 | Holland Island Bor Light--::----:::: 38 04 76 06 1.4 1.7 0.7 Ira Kel See cucula ob odode Sodsoncdcuncoas 38 10 75 57 22 26 i) 1991 Sharkfin Shoal Light----:--:+---+--- 38 12 75 59 2.2 2.6 | 1993 | Great Shoals Light, Monie Bay------- 38 13 75 53 2.3 2.8 1.2 Wicomico River 1995 Whitehaven:-::-s++e-e> ceeceeeee 38 16 75 47 2.4 2.9 1.2 1997 Salisbury: :+scccssee cee seeceeeee 38 22 75 36 3.0 3.6 1.5 Nanticoke River : 1999 Roaring Point---:++++s-+ee ejelelele 38 16 7555} 2.3 2.8 1.2 2001 Vienna:::ssssccere ccc ees cer eeeee 38 29 75 49 2.2 2.6 V4 2003 Sharptown::+--+sseeceeee cree eeee 38 32 75 43 2.5 3.0 1.3 2005 | Fishing Point, Fishing Bay--:--+:--- 38 18 76 Ol 2.5 3.0 1.2 2007 | Hooper Strait Light--+-:-++eseees see 38 14 76 05 1.7 2.0 0.8 2009 | Hooper Island Light--:-:----++-+-+-- 38 15 76 15 1.5 1.8 0.7 2010 | Hooper Island: ----+-sseeseeeseeeeeee 38 18 76 12 1.5 1.7 0.8 2011 | Barren Island: ---+--2eeeeeeeeeeeoeee 38 20 76 16 1.3 1.5 0.6 Little Choptenk River 2013 Taylors Island, Slaughter Creek: 38 28 76 18 1.2 1.4 0.6 2015 Woolford, Church Creek----:----> 38 30 76 10 1.4 1.6 0.7 2017 Cherry Island, Beckwiths Creek:- 38 34 76 13 1.3 5 0.6 2019 Hudson Croek::::++++++++-eseseee 38 35 76 15 1.4 1.6 0.7 2021 | Shorps Island Light:---------+-:> cee 38 38 76 23 1.3 1.5 0.6 Stations 1929 to 1947: Use reference station Sandy Hook (1625). Stations 1949 to 2007: Use reference station Hampton Roads (2353). Stations 2009 to 2021: Use reference station Baltimore (2117) . 351 2051 2053 2055 2057 2058 2059 2061 2063 2065 2067 2069 2070 2071 2073 2075 2077 2079 2081 2083 2085 2087 2089 2091 2093 2095 2097 2099 2101 2103 2105 2107 2109 2uu 2113 2115 2117 2119 212) 2123 2125 2127 Stations 2023 to 2127: Choptonk River Choptank River Light-::::-- goD0d Cambridge Riolaictelciniclsleialeleinielatolefeiels ee Choptank--++:ssseeeeee: eerccccce Dover Bridge eee cc cccce eecvcccccce Denfon:ss crt eetcretece eocecece Greensboro::::::-:: BOOCODDOOOU0O Weoymen Whert, Tuckahoe Creek-:: Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore Easton Point:::sssseseeeeeee oo008 Deep Neck Point, Broad Creek:::---:- St. Michoels, San Domingo Creek:--:: Avalon, Dogwood Horbor--ssseseseeees Poplar Island: sssccetteeteee 95090000 Ferry Cove, Eastern Bay-::-:::--°::: Cleiborne, Eastern Boy:---**°****°° St. Michoels, Miles River-:::-:-::-: Wye Landing, Wye Eost River--------- Kent Island Narrows:::::sss-eesesee> Meotopeoke, Kent Island-----°--+----> > Bloody Point Bor Light ejalicksishelelelataisialeie Chester River Love Point::cccsccseccetececceee Queenstown: sses ett tests ees Shipyord Landing, Longford Creek Centreville Landing, Corsica R-- Cliff's Points sss sere sere eee rece Cliffs Wharf-:---cctcececccecece Chestertown sss ss ttt settee Crumpton eielolohefetelelelelohetelelchchehel fetetelele Millington eHoleRoielelisNevolelelslaleielielekeyerenalie Deep Landing, Swan (Canctiseccuccdsone Tolchester:: sss ttt ttt ttt teens Worton Creek entrance::::**°**ssee"* Seossafras River Botterton- ssc tt ttt ett teeees Georgetown SOOOOOOIOOOIOIOOO OOOO IOI Ek River Town Point Neck-:°*::scseeeeeees Courthouse Point::::*+s:eeseeee* C & D Canal (See Delaware River) Old Frenchtown Whart---:-----::: Charlestown, Northeast River:--°-:-: Chesopecke Boy, Western Shore Susquehanna River Hovre deo Groces::*ssseeseeeccees Port Deposit: :-:*-eesseee-cceee Fishing Battory Light Rfelofehelelictel stelexeyeiel sl Pond Point-:::cc ttre t etter cece cece OCICS Talon docosecoddobsonsab00600 Bottery Point, Gunpowder River-:*-:> Bowley Bar, Middle River-:--:--+-:-- Rocky Point, Back River---:-:--- cee Sevenfoot Knoll Light opodcCOmMaOKdD0N Potapsco River North Polnt::+ssssese tee cceccee Fort? GCorrollcss sess cesscieiseecice.s BALTIMORE, Fort McHenry-:::::- Fells Point, Baltimore Harbor:-: Middle Branch, Baltimore Harbor: Mountain Point, Magothy River----:-- Sondy Point::*s::sssssseeseececccone Greenbury Point Shoal Light-::::-:: OZ SSseees SES&EEsS 76 VN 76 04 75 57 76 00 75 50 75 49 75 $7 76 10 76 06 76 14 76 14 76 20 76 23 76 20 76 17 76 13 76 06 76 15 76 21 76 24 76 18 76 10 76 VN 76 04 76 08 76 08 76 04 75 56 75 50 76 16 76 15 76 10 76 04 75 53 75 55 75 53 75 51 75 58 76 05 76 07 76 05 76 15 76 16 76 20 76 23 76 24 76 25 76 27 76 3) 76 35 76 35 76 38 76 26 76 23 76 27 Use reference station 1.4 1.6 0.7 1.6 1.6 0.8 1.6 1.6 0.8 V7 9 0.9 2.2 2.5 vt 2.5 2.9 1.2 2.4 2.8 V2. 1.4 1.6 0.7 1.6 1.8 0.8 1.4 1.6 0.7 1.4 1.6 0.7 1.3 1.5 0.6 1.2 1.3 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.5 Vi 4.3 0.5 1.2 1.4 0.6 1.3 1.5 0.6 1.2 1.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.5 Vd 1.3 0.5 Vt 1.3 0.6 1.3 1.5 0.6 1.5 1.7 0.7 1.6 1.6 0.8 1.5 1.7 0.7 1.5 1.7 0.8 1.6 2.1 0.9 2.4 2.6 1.2 2.0 2.3 1.0 BL 1.3 0.5 1.2 1.4 0.6 1.3 1.5 0.6 1.6 1.6 0.8 2.0 2.3 1.0 2.1 2.4 1.0 2.2 2.5 0 2.3 2.6 A 1.9 2.2 0.9 1.8 2.0 0.9 2.) 2.4 1.0 2.1 2.4 1.0 1.4 1.6 07 1.2 1.4 0.6 1.2 1.4 0.6 1.2 1.4 0.6 Vt 1.2 0.5 0.9 Vt 0.4 1.0 1.2 0.5 Vt 1.3 0.6 Vt 1.3 0.6 1.2 1.3 0.6 1.0 V2 0.5 0.8 1.0 a4 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.4 Baltimore (2117). Severn River 2128 Cedar Point:::--*++*++sere% pees 39 04 7634} 0.7 0.8 0.4 2129 Brewer Point---***-*s+esesee SOD 39 02 7632} 08 0.9 0.4 2130 Annapolis ee ee ee eoee 38 59 76 29 0.9 1.0 0.4 213) Bay Ridge-*-:*::****"": peccce ‘eoeccee 38 56 76 27 0.8 1.0 0.4 2133 | Thomas Point Shool Light:--:---*++:: 38 54 7626) 09 1.0 0.4 2135 | Edgewoter, South River::+:*++-see+es 38 57 76 33 0.9 1.0 0.46 21% Oingerville Creek, South Riverss**:: 38 58 76 33 1.0 1.0 0s 2137 | Rhode River (County Wharf)-:-+:-*:- 38 53-76 32 1.0 Vt 0.5 2139 | Shady Side, West River---:***s+**""> 38 5) 76 31 0.9 1.0 0.4 2141) | Galesville, West River-***s*ssss**": 38 50 76 32 0.9 1.0 0.4 2143 | Fairhaven, Herring Bay'**:-***"***:: 38 45 76 33 0.9 1.0 0.4 2144 Rose Haven:::*::****"* eee ecesccese 38 43 76 32 0.9 1.0 0.4 2145 | Chesapeake Beach-:-**::": see eeceeees 38 4) 76 32 1.0 UAL 0.5 2147 | Plum Point----*+*-+e++* soe eeecccece 38 37 76 31 0.9 1.0 0.4 2149 | Long Beach----+++-s*ssrereeeeeeees OL 38 28 76 28 1.0 1.2 0.5 2151 | Cove Point-:--:+++**:: sere ceeccceecs 38 23 76 23 1.3 5 0.6 Patuzent River 2153 Drum Point-:+:+++***""> cone ccere 38 19 76 25 1.2 1.4 0.6 2155 Solomons Island::::- sereereccece 38 19 76 27 1.2 1.4 0.6 2157 Broomes Inland:::::**::: eoeeece 38 25 76 33 V3 1.5 0.7 2159 Beneodict:----+:-** fee eeeecceeeeee 38 3) 76 40 1.6 1.9 0.8 2160 Lower Marlboro: :***s*sseseres tee 38 39 76 4) 1.8 2.0 0.9 216) Nottingham----+s+sssessesseee eee 38 43 76 42 2.5 2.9 1.2 2163 Hills Bridge::-:+++ssss+s> seeee 38 48 76 43 2.4 2.8 1.2 2165 | Cedar Point:::-:: sects sersteseeecse 38 18 76 22 1.2 1.4 0.6 2167 | Point No Point:*ss+ssrrscterreeeeces 38 08 76 18 1.3 1.5 0.6 2169 | Point Lookout::::*sssscsttscteees : 38 02 76 19 1.2 1.4 0.6 MARYLAND ond VIRGINIA Potomac River 2170 | Cornfield Harbor, Md-:::ssssssssss'* 38 04 76 22 ! 1 0.7 2171 | Lewisetta, Vass ssc testes eesees 38 00 76 28 1 1 0.6 2172 | Travis Point, Coan River, Va-:::*::: 38 00 76 28 ] i} 0.6 Yeocomico River 2173 Lynch Point, Vavcc sss sctterees 38 03 76 31 ! 1 0.6 2175 Kinsale, Varr- seen sesso see 38 02 7635 | | 0.6 St. Marys River 2177 Kitts Point, Md:::-ssseessrereee 38 06 76 25 0.7 2179 St. Marys City, Md--:*-::e%::> a 38 11 76 26 0.7 2181 | Piney Point, Md--:+scssseerrrseceeee 38 08 76 32 0.7 2182 | Ragged Point, Coles Neck, Va--:-:---> 38 08 76 37 0.8 2183 | Coles Point, Var-ssssssrteetteeerece 38 09 76 38 0.9 2185 | Leonardtown, Breton Boy, Manse 38 17 76 38 2187 | Shipping Pt., St. Clemente Bay, Md:: 38 16 76 42 2186 | Mount Holly, Nomini Crook, Varcerss: 386 06 76 44 2189 | Colton’s Point, Mdssssssteseeccserce 36 13 76 45 Wicomico River SC@GSO2RY—O—-YNUNUOYB®CPCLTS SH@VFNURWUN NYO NWY 2191 Cobb Point Bar Light, Md:--:--°°: 36 15 76 50 0.9 2193 Rock Point, Md--:-::°: seveccecoe 36 16 76 50 0.9 2195 Bushwood Wharl, Md:ssreseerrees | 38 17 76 48 i 2196 Wicomico Beach, Md: +** = = 38 20 76 52 0.9 2197 | Colonial Beach, Varrsssssssererceees 38 15 76 58 2199 | Dahlgren, Upper Machedoe Croek, Ve 38 19 77 02 em mmr ER RI KN NNN NEKENNNK KKK : 5 —~SC@@ONWUONRVYEY@CONNN OW—-OONOYUN AWN BUY o b -) i} 1 1 ' i] | 2201 | Lower Cedar Point, Mdsssssssesrereee 38 20 76 59 i} 0.7 2203 | Mathias Point, Vars+++:+:: teeeresens 38 24 77 03 ' 0.6 2205 | Goose Boy, Port Tobaecce River, Md::: 38 27 77 03 1 0.7 2207 | Upper Cedar Point Light, Md----::> : 38 24 77 05 i} 0.6 2209 | Riverside, Md---:+ssscsesseceeeee eee 38 23 77 09 1 0.6 2211 | Maryland Point Light, Md----::--- eee 38 2) 77 \2 i} 0.6 2213 | Aquia Creek, Var--+s+-e+e> GOOD OG 38 25 77 2\ 1 0.6 2215 | Clifton Beach, Md--+<*°*°°--e: coeeee 38 25 77 16 i} 0.5 2217 | Liverpool Point, Md-:°-°::> sderccece 38 28 77 16 q 0.6 2219 | Quantico Creek, Varsssooseeceeseeeee 38 31 77 \7 ! 0.7 2221 | Deep Point, Mattawoman Creek, md ° 38 34 77 13 ! 0.8 2223 | High Point, Occequan Bay, Va-- ‘> | 3837 7712) | 0.8 2225 | Indian: Head, Md:::°::°: ses eccepececes 38 3% 77 VN I 0.9 2227 | Glymont, Md-+---+eseeee> p0a000gb0006 38 37 77 08 1 09 2229 " Gunston Cove, Va:-:::: 900005000 ieiejeis 3840 0=— 77 08 | ‘2.0 2.3 1.0 Stations 2128 to 2169: Use reference station Baltimore (2117). Stations 2170 to 2229: Use reference station Washington (2245). 353 MAD., VA., ond DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Potomac River — Continued Marshall Hall, Md-sccssssesseeeseees Mount Vernon, 7: Ce SO Fort Washington, Md-ccccsccecceccece Riverview, Md--oe sete creer eee eeee Alexandria, Var sss ttt tte ttteseee Bellevue, D. Corrsrresttereeeeenees 6 Weohington National Alrport::::++:** WASHINGTON, Washington Chon., D C::: Anecostia River Anacostio Bridge, D. C--+++++" Benning Bridge, DO. C----+--:: 000 Key Bridge, D. Corre eter eset teers Chain Bridge, one mile below, D.C:- Chain Bridgo, D. Crrsrsrreeeerereees VIRGINIA — Continued Chesapecke Bay, Western Shore—Con. Smith Point Light Mielokehelakelaleyefeleteleleletelove Sunnybonk, Little Wicomice River::-- Great Wicomico River Light:::----::: Fleet Point? s--ccc cree settee cece eceee Glebe Pt., Great Wicomico River--::: Dividing Creek: ---:+sereeerecceeees Windmill Point Lighthouse----------- Stingray Points ccs crs eee creeseceeee Rappahannock River Wind mnillMParntecoccociilecicterca. MAT) (eondyessogoovoDdooudasdoo‘e Orchard Point::::sseseecceeceeee Millenbeck, Corrotomon River---- TA Sor poco nacosaccapspncossencen Bayport sec e were creo ecrceccces ecoce Romtincn. Rodueccodcs0c00d0c00a0K00 WiatoshWihactiecicieries Baistelsioieiersiete Tappohonnock slelslelele: erccccoe weccce Piankotonk River Cherry Point-ccscceccccccccce coos Jackson Creek: sssessssescccceece Wolf Trap Light ececcce o00000 ec cccces Mobjock Bay New Point Comfort-°---:-° ecceccce Mobjack, Eost River---:--*-+>:: . Bellevillo::scccccssscevce ecccee Browns Boy ee eesccccccc cece e@ceccece SW. Bronch, Severn River>::*::°- Vork Spit Light BOOUDDODOUOOUODD eoccce Leedstown--:sceecerecce ececcccce Sounders Wharf-:*seceseccccccoce Green Bay---+- +e" sddoqde0000 Port Royal eer cccccecce wecsccccse Hopyard Landing eecccccos eoeserce Corbins Neck: *s*scsecccee eeoovcce Massaponan-:-**°ssee°% eccccoccce Fredericksburg weet eee c ccc ccecees 38 41 38 42 38 43 38 43 38 48 38 50 36 5) 38 52 38 52 38 54 38 54 38 55 38 56 37 53 37 53 37 48 37 49 37 51 37 44 37 36 37 34 37 37 37 35 37 39 37 40 37 39 37 45 37 49 37 52 37 56 37 31 37 33 37 30 37 23 37 18 37 22 37 25 37 18 37 18 37 13 38 07 38 05 38 09 38 10 38 15 38 13 38 15 38 18 Stations 2231 to 2255 and 2283 Use reference station Washington (2245). 77 06 2.3 7705 | 2.2 77 02 2.4 77 02 2.5 7702| 2.8 7702 | 28 7702| 29 7701] 29 77 00 2.9 7658 | 2.9 7704| 2.8 77 06 2.6 7707] 28 7611 1.2 7616] 08 76 16 Vt 7616] .1.1 7622] 1.2 76 18} 1.9 7614} U1 76 18} 1.2 76 \7 1.2 7625] 1.3 7627] 1.4 7629} 1.3 7634) 1.4 7640] 1.6 76 44| 18 76 47| 18 76 5) 1.7 7618} 1.2 7620} 1.2 7625} 1.3 76 11 1.6 7617} 2.3 7621] 2.4 7626} 2.5 7624} 2.4 7627) 25 76 15 2.3 77 00 1.5 7702} 1.5 7705| 1.7 71 1.9 77 14) 2.1 77:17 | 2.6 7725) 2.5 7727) 28 to 2291: Stations 2257 to 2281 and 2293 to 2309: Use reference station Hampton Roads (2353). 354 e=—KWeNaNaH hAvovwawowWor =—NNemwonwa eles laslantastasias tom eeeuu BurRanw—— York River 2311 | Tue Marshes Light-::-+::+:--> teeeeee 3716 7623] 2.2 2.6 Vt 2313 | Perrin Rivgehton mec tee eeene seseee | 39716 7625] 2.3 2.8 Vt 2314 | Goodwin Neck:::::: s00000000 o00d00000 37 14 76 26 2.2 2.6 AL 2315 | Quarter Points sssssssesseereseeee see 37 15 76 27 2.3 2.8 Vt 2317 | Gloucester Point:::ss+sssrseeeeeees a ee ee = 09) 2319 | Vorktown:::+ssseeees cece eens teeeee . 37 14 76 30 2.4 2.9 1.2 2321 | Mumfort Islands::::s++ssesseseeeeee 3716 = 76:31} 2.5 3.0 1.2 2323 | Penniman Spit::----- 90B0000000000000 3717 76:35) 25 3.0 1.2 2324 | Cheatham Annen:s:*s::sseseseereeeres 37168 §=67635}) 2.5 3.0 1.2 2325 | Queen Creek (2 miles upstream):-:--- 37 18 = 76:39 | 2.4 2.9 1.2 2327 | Clay Bank-:--+0++eseeee eee ereeeeeees 3721 7637] 28 34] 14 2329 | Allmondsville::+++-+seereereeee 20000 37 23 7639] 28 3.3 1.4 2330 | Roane Points:-::esececsceccsessseces 37 27 76 42 2.8 3.4 1.4 233) | West Point--+-+-- we eeeee eee eeeecees 37 32 76 48 2.8 3.4 1.4 Mattaponi River 2333 Wakema---->-+++ee+* a eeeeerers ee 37 39 76 54 3.4 3.9 1.7 2335 Woalkertom:sss sree secre erscereee 37 43 77 02 3.9 45 1.9 Pamunkey River 2337 Sweet Holl Landing:----: eecccere 37:34 76 54 2.7 3.1 1.3 2339 Lester Manor:-:---*-*:°: -eeccece 37 35 76 59 2.8 3.2 1.4 234) White House:s:ssssseree ree eeeeee 37 35 77 01 3.0 3.4 1.5 2343 Northbury:::s+s sees reece eee eees 37 37 77 07 3.3 3.8 1.6 Chesapeoke Bay, Western Shore—Con. 2345 | York Point, Poquoson River::::: sone 37:10 76 24 2.4 2.9 1.2 2347 | Messick Point, Back River:::::: teens 37 06 76 19 2.3 2.6 1.2 Hampton Roads 2349 Old Point Comlort:::++::: peneee D 37 00 7619 2.5 3.0 1.3 235) Hampton River sss ssssersecneas tee 37 01 76 20 2.6 3.1 1.3 2353 HAMPTON ROADS (Sewells uP? 36 57 76 20 2.5 3.0 1.2 2355 Lafayette River:s:++-ssssseeeee 36 54 76 18 2.6 3.1 1.3 2357 Lofayette River, Granby st. Br-- 36 53 76 17 2.7 3.2 1.3 Elizabeth River 2359 Craney Island::---:+-s+eers ceeee 36 54 76 20 2.6 3.1 13 2361 Port Norfolk, Western Branch:--: 36 51 76 20 2.6 3) 1.3 2363 Norfolk:++*s+++: ereeee eleeevecce oe 36 51 76 18 2.8 3.4 1.4 2365 Portsmouth, Southern Branch::°-> 3 49 76 18 2.8 3.4 1.4 Neansemond River 2347 Pig UCSD Doge eeriae Galatia 36 55 76 26 28 3.4 1.4 2369 Town Point sss:sscscccccccccccces. | 96 53 76 390 3.0 3.6 1.5 2371 Hollidays Point SAL oegenecs 36 50 7633} 30 3.6 1.5 2373 Subfolker +s sss eececsceccvecccvsece 3% 44 76 35 3.8 46 1.9 James River 2375 | Chuckatuck Creek ontrance:***:ee-e*> 36 55 76 W 2.8 3.4 1.4 2377 | Newport News--++ss+eee secccccccccce 36 58 7626] 2.6 3.1 1.3 2378 | Huntington Park--------> DOOD OOGOOO OG 37 O1 76 28 2.6 3.1 1.3 2379 | Menchville-:-+->> fe eeeerceecccccceoe 37 05 7632] 2.6 3.1 1.3 2381 | Smithfield, Pagan River::*++ss+seeee % 59 76 38 2.8 3.4 1.4 2383 Burwell Bay:-sseereee ecccccecscccccece 37 03 76 40 24 2.9 1.2 2385 | Mulberry Polnt-+:++++:> scececccaccee | 937 08 76 38 2.4 2.9 1.2 2387 | Hog Point:-::-- tee eceee seeecccceoes 37 12 76 4) 2.1 2.5 1.0 2388 Seetland:::::cesccees eeeeccvessccvce 37 «1 76 47 1.9 2.1) 1.0 2389 | Jamestown Island:+::+-++s: ceeccccce 37 12 76 47 2.0 2.4 1.0 - 2391 | Dillord Whart---+--++-seee. seeccccce 37 12 76 $2 V9 2.3 0.9 Chickahominy River 2393 Ferry Point (bridge):-::+s2cceee 37 16 76 53 1.9 2.3 1.0 2395 Wright Island Lending:-°:-:°°:-- 37 21 76 52) 2.2 2.6 0 2397 Movant Airy:::-- see eeeee tecvvce 37 2) 76 55 2.2 2.6 0 2399 icnoniciecodocdasoccadabes 00000000 37 24 76 54 2.6 3.1 1.9 2401 | Cloremont:----::: ceeceree seeccoccone 37 14 76 57 1.6 2.0 0.9 2403 | Sturgoon Points -+s:ssseeeeeevccsoves 37 18 7700} 2.) 2.5 1.0 2405 | Windmill Points: :+sseseceesereeceee 37 18 77 06 2.3 2.7 0.0 Stations 2311 to 2405: Use reference station Hampton Roads (2353). S19)0) James River 2406 | Willeox Wherf, Charles City:>:+:::>- 2407 Westover ss scsseteeeccccee eecee 2409 Jordon Point-*-----++-+s Cele eclccecee cies 2411 | City Point (Hopewell)--+:+-sse+esee> 2413 | Petersburg, Appomatton River:::+::::- 2415 | Bermudo Hundred:::*:++++++": eeeeee 0 2417 Honoll COO OOTEO.OD eeeccevcece eeecececevece 2419 | Curles, | mile north obrsrrseseseres 2420 | Chester:::: sess seeeeees ocod00000000 2421 | Meadowvillorssssssrrceeeees 900000000 2423 Kingsland Roach: ssssseeeeeeseeseees 2425 | Felling Crook entrancorsssssrsserere 2427 | Richmond Deepwater Torminel:sesesees 2429 | Lower Rockette:s*s+**::: 243) | Richmond (river locks) Chesopecke Bay, Southern Shere 2433 | Little Creek (RR. Terminal)---°:°°°: Lynnhaven Inlet 2435 Highway bridge, east of------+:- lynnhoven Bay 2436 Bayvillosss:scret eee e eee eeceeee 2437 Buchanan Creek entrance:::::-: 2438 Long Crook--+-ssereee reeset eeeee 2439 Brown Coverssccceetscetccrcscces 2440 | Cope Henry: -----s-se eee t ett VIRGINIA, Outer Coast 244) Virginio Beach: ssc etter secret ecee oe 2442 | False Cape:-::-osc settee sts ee ee eeees NORTH CAROLINA, Outer Coes? 2443 | Currituck Beach Light-:::ce-ssccccee 2445 | Albemarle and Pemlico Sounds(9)::°°° 2447 | Kitty Hawk (Ocean):°:+°-° ecccsvccce 2449 | Oregon Inlot:-----+-+ssseeeeseeceres 2451 Cape Hatteoras::++-+++*++eee% ecccccce 2453 Hotteras (ocean) GOOD OUUGOOODOOODOU00> 2455 Hotteraos Inlet--*:*+eesee0% eoecccoce 2457 | Ocracoke Inlot:::ssesssseeee 06000000 2459 | Ocracoke, Ocracoke Inlet ssseesess 2461 Cape Lookout: s:+ssseeeee eccceee 2463 | Shell Point, Horkers Island--°°: 5000 2465 | Beaufort (Pivers lslend)---°-: cocccee 2467 | Morehead Clity-:::sesseereee oo0000000 2469 Atlantic Beach: *ccssseeeeeroes weccee 2471 | Bogue Inlot-----+ss+sseceteeceeeee 000 2473 New River Inlet-osssseceeee ec cececce 2475 | Now Topsail Inlet:::screcsecceceee a0 2477 Masonboro Inlet::ssssserceccccece 000 2479 Wilmington Beach--+:-----> G0000G0000 548 liCopalRearaeceree see rae wawisteieie Cape Fear River 2483 Bald Head-:escccecsesccccccccece 2485 Fort Caswell:sccccscsccccccsvcece 2487 Southport: :sccscscccccceccccveee 2489 Reaves Polntessssccceccccccccsce « 9) In Albermarle and Pamlico Sounds, except near less than one—half foot. 37 (19 77 06 2.2 2.4 0 37:19 77 09 2.4 2.8 1.2 37 (19 77:13 2.5 2.9 1.2 37 19 77 ‘16 2.6 3.0 1.3 37 14 77 24 2.9 3.3 1.4 37 20 77 \6 2.6 3.0 1.3 37 22 77 15 27 3.1 1.4 37 24 77 \6 2.8 3.2 1.4 37 23 77 23 2.9 3.2 1.5 37 23 77:19 2.9 3.3 1.4 37 24 77 29 3.0 3.5 5 37 26 77 26 3.2 3.7 1.6 37 27 77 25 3.3 3.6 1.6 37 3 77 25 3.2 3.6 1.6 37 32 77 25 3.2 3.6 1.6 36. 23 75 50}| 3.6 43 1.6 36 06 75 43| 3.2 3.8 1.6 35 46 75 32| 2.0 2.4 1.0 35 14 75 31 3.6 43 1.8 35 12 75 42] 3.4 4.) 1.7 35.12 75 44} 2.0 2.4 1.0 35 04 76 Ol 1.9 2.3 0.9 35 07 75 59 1.0 1.2 0.5 4 397 76 32 | 3.7 44 1.9 M4) 76 32 1.3 1.6 0.6 %4 43 7640} 3.0 3.6 1.5 %4 43 7642| 29 3.5 1.4 %4 42 7643 |] 3.6 4.3 1.6 %4 39 77 06} 2.2 2.6 0 4 32 77 20} 3.0 3.6 S 34 22 773% | 3.0 3.5 Ss 34 11 7749) 3.8 45 1.9 34 02 77 54) 40 47 2.0 33 51 77 58) 4.5 $.1 2.2 33 52 7800} 4.3 49 2.2 33 54 76 01 4.2 48 2.1 33 55 76 01 4.1 46 2.0 % 00 77 57 | 39 43 2.0 the inlets, the periodic tide has a mean range Stations 2406 to 2409 and 2433 to 2475: Use reference station Hampton Roads (2353). Use reference station Washington (2245). Use reference station Charleston (2577). Stations 2411 to 2431: Stations 2477 to 2489: 356 NORTH CAROLINA, Outer Coast 2491 Campbell Islond:---- teeeeee seeee 34 07 77 56 3.8 40 1.9 2493 WILMINGTON: -<--se scree eeeeeee 3414 7757) 42 4.5 2.1 2495 Castle Hayne, Northeast River-:- %4 21 77 56 1.7 1.9 0.8 2497 Bannermans Br., Northeast River: 4 35 77 46 1.3 1.4 0.6 2500 Yaupon (01-14, eo 33 54 78 05 49 5.8 24 2501 | Lockwoods Folly Inlet:--*::***:****° 33 55 7814) 42 48 2.1 2503 | Shallotte Inlet (Bowen Point):+--°°- 3355 7822) 4.6 5.4 2.3 2505 | Tubbs Inlet--"ssssc secs t esse ereces 33 53 78 29 45 5.1 2.2 SOUTH CAROLINA, Ovter Coost 2507 | Little River, 1 mile above mouth:-:- 33 51 78 34 5.0 5.9 2.5 2509 | Little River (town), Little River---- 33 52 78 37 5.2 6.1 2.6 2511 | Myrtle Beach-------°°- OOOO OOOO oon 33 41 78 53 5.1 6.0 2.5 2513 | Murrells Inlet--:-ssssssr settee 33 32 79 02 45 5.3 2.2 2514 | Pawleys Island:-:*-*ssssssssts ese 33 26 79 07 4.8 5.6 2.4 2515 | North Inlets: sss ssc s cts t tte tes 33 20 79 10 4.5 5.3 2.2 Winyoh Bay 2517 | Entrance (south jetty):**:**sssss*%° 33°11 79 09 4.6 5.4 2.3 2519 | Georgetown Lighthouse--+:s-++-"+-" : 3313 79 ‘IN 3.8 44 1.9 2521 | Estherville—Minim Cr. Canal (ferry): 33 15 79 \6 3.3 3.9 1.6 2523 | Frazier Point::*:*s sets sss ster t tees 33 19 79 17 3.5 4.1 1.7 2525 | Georgetown, Sampit River----+-*+*+*> 33 22 79 17 3.3 3.9 1.6 2527 | Georgetown, Pee Dee River bridge:::- 33 22 79 16 3.3 3.9 1.6 Weccamow River 2529 Schooner Creek entrance::::**:": 33 27 79 10 3.2 38 1.6 2531 Wachesaw Ldg., | mile south of-- 33 33 79 06 2.9 3.4 1.4 2533 Bull Creek entrance::::***:+**° D 33 36 79 06 2.3 2.7 1.1 2535 Enterprise Landing::::*:++++**"* 33 40 7904] 2.0 2.4 1.0 2537 Toddville:::sscttsctec ttre eeeees 33 45 79 04 1.35 1.5 0.6 2539 Conway sss ct sce rrr e tte ceeeeces 33 50 79 02 1.2 1.4 0.6 SOUTH CAROLINA, Outer Coost—Con. 2541 | North Santee River Inlet------- seeee 33 08 79 15 4.5 5.3 2.2 2543 | Minim Creek ent., North Santee River 33 12 79 16 3.9 46 1.9 2544 | Cedar Island Pt., South Santee River 33 07 79 16 4.1 48 2.0 2545 | Brown Island, South Santee River::°° 33 09 79 20 41 48 2.0 2547 Cape Romain---+-sssseeeee ecccccccee 33 01 79 21 47 5.5 2.3 2549 | Cape Romain, 46 miles east of:s>**°< 33 05 76 26 4.1 48 2.0 Bull Bay 255) Five Fathom Creek entrance:°°°°° 33 00 79 30 49 5.8 2.4 2553 McClellanville, Jeremy Creek: 33 05 79 28 5.1 6.0 2.5 2555 Harbor River entrance:ss*s***"°° 33 02 7932} 49 5.8 2.4 2557 Jack Creek entrance:::°°: cecccee 32 56 79 35 5.0 5.9 2.5 2559 Wharf Creek entrance::**s:e**%2°° 32 55 79 37 5.1 6.0 2.5 2561 | Sewee Bays rerceeccccececcceee ccccee 32 56 79 39 5.0 5.9 2.5 2563 Capers Inlet:::::eree: bielefelolelslejelcleletere 32 5\ 79 42 5.2 6.1 2.6 2565 | Dewees Inlot-:-*-+-es steer eceesowees 3250 679 44) 5.0 5.9 2.5 2567 | Isle of Palme (outer coast):-+++++°> 3247 79 47 | = 5.2 6.1 2.6 2869 | Sullivens Island (outer coest):::°*: 32 46 79 50 5.2 6.1 2.6 Cherlesten Herber 2571 | Entrance (north jotty):::ssssesceres 32 44 79 48 5.2 6.1 2.6 2573 | Fort Sumter: cr sce cece seccscccecnce 32 45 79 52 5.0 5.9 2.5 CLERKS | SO leop0 00000000 0000000000000000000 32 46 79 52 5.1 6.0 2.6 2577 | CHARLESTON (Customhouse Wherl):::-- | 9247 7955] 52 6.) 2.6 2579 | Shipyerd Crook, 0.8 mile above ont:: | 3250 7957) 539 63] 26 Stations 2491 to 2497: Use reference station Wilmington (2493). Stations 2500 to 2579: Use reference station Charleston (2577). 8) [/ Chorleston Harbor Cooper River 2581 North Charloston-::+:-trsecseees 3252 7958] 5.2 6.1 2.6 2583 Goose Creek entrance:::*****ss"": 32 54 79 57 5.2 6.1 2.6 2585 Yeamans Hall, Goose Creok--:--:: 3256 679 59 | 5.0 5.9 2.5 2587 Snow Point, north! of-+-2+++++ “++ | 3257 7956] 49 5.8 2.4 2589 Deon Halles cscrcceseercneves eco 33 03 79 56 4.1 48 2.0 2591 Quimby Creek, East Branch::::::: 33 06 79 49 43 5.1 2.1 2593 RR. bridge, West Branch::----+> + | 3306 7957] 42 5.0 2.1. Wendo River 2597 Coinhoyssstsec teste eee e ee eenes 32 55 79 50.| 6.0 71 3.0 2599 Wied cil lacie clercisteverccerereveveretereteversroneyel 32 55 79 44 6.3 7.4 3.2 Ashley River 2601 Wappoo Creek (highway bridge)--- 32460 0«=— 79 Sa | 5.2 6.1 2.6 2603 Highwoy bridge: Socovgano000 32 47 79 58 $.2 6.1 2.6 2605 Highway bridge (2 miles above): | 3250 7958] 5.5 6.5 2.6 2607 Bees Ferry bridge---+:--++++++*> 32 51 80 03 5.5 6.4 2.8 2609 Mognolie Gordens::+-+++++s++5+"> 3253 8005] 5.6 6.6 2.8 2611 Greggs Landing:---:**++sss7s7'* 32 56 80 09 6.1 7.2 3.0 SOUTH CAROLINA, Outer Coast—Cen. 2613 | Folly Island (outor coast):::*:+*::: 32 39 79 56 | 5.2 6.1 2.6 2615 | Folly River (below bridge)--:+-+:-°: 32 39 79 58] 5.4 6.4 2.7 2617 | Legareville, 1 mile above, Steno R::: 32 41 80 00 5.2 6.1 2.6 2619 | Elliott Cut, Stono River-:-++-+:-+°: 3246 8000] 5.2 6.1 2.6 2621 | Church Flots, RR. bridge, Steno R-:: 32 45 80 08 5.7 6.7 2.8 North Edisto River 2623 Rockville, Bohicke?t Creek:-:-::: 32 36 80 12 5.8 6.8 2.9 2625 Dowho River entrance:::::: 900000 32 38 80 16 6.1 7.2 3.0 2627 Dawho Ferry, Dawho River--::-::: 32 38 80 20 6.5 7.7 3.2 2629 Toogoodoo Cr., 2 miles above ent: 32 40 80 18 6.4 7.6 3.2 2631 Yonges Island, Wadmalow River: 32 41 80 14 6.6 7.8 3.3 2633 Ravens Point, Church Creok:----:: 32 42 860 O9 7.0 8.3 3.5 2635 | Edisto Beach, Edisto Island:--°-+:--- 32 30 60 18 5.9 6.9 2.9 South Edisto River 2637 Big Bay Creek entrance::::-°-:: 32 30 80 20] 6.1 7.2 3.0 2639 Peters Point, St. Pierre Creek-: 32 32 80 21 6.2 7.3 3.1 2641 Wotts Cut ent. 0.8 mile S$. of:-- | 3236 8023} 6.3 7.4 3.1 2643 Dawho River ontrance:::***°": see 32 39 80 23 6.3 74 3.1 2645 Jacksonboro-:s:s+ssssecrceece ee 32 46 80 27 1.9 2.2 0.9 St. Helene Sound 2647 | Harbor River ontrance:-::--:: eeeceee 32 24 60 27 6.1 7.1 3.0 2649 | Combahee Bank::-::--+>--: sere verceee 32 29 60 26 6.2 7.3 3,1 2651 | Seabrook, Ashepoo River: :s+eerrree 32 31 60 25 6,2 7,3 3.1 2653 | Hutchinson loland, Ashepoe River:::: 32 33 60 29 63 7.4 3.1 2655 | Fields Point, Combahoe Rivers sss+s+: 32 34 60 33 6,4 7.5 3.2 2657 | Highwoy Bridge, Combeheo River::+++> 32:39 = 80 4) 44 $.1 2.2 2659 | Lucy Point Crook ont., Morgen River: 32 27 60 37 6.8 8.0 3.4 2661 | Summerhouse Point, Bull River ssssce: 32 32 60 34 6.6 7.8 3.3 2663 | Brickyard Point, Coosow Riverss++*:: 32 30 80 40 7.3 6.5 3.6 2665 | Coosaw Rivers:++++++-+++- te eerecoveces 32 32 60 4) 7.2 8.4 3.6 2667 | Fripp Inlet, Hunting loland::::----- 32 21 60 28 6.2 7.3 3.1 Port Royal Sound 2669 | Martine Industry: :+:+2+++++esseceeee 32 07 60 35 6.4 7.6 3.2 2671 | Hiltom Hoad--sssssssressscesccvvccee 32 14 60 40 6.6 7.0 3.3 2673 | Club Bridge Creek ontrance-:*-*+-0°- 9220 «8033 | 68 6.0 3.4 2675 | Station Croek----- sees eesecce eeecere 32 19 80 36 69 6.1 3.4 2677 | Chowen Creek, Distant tsland:---+---- 32 23 60 38 7.1 6.3 3.5 2679 | Parris Island, Beaufort River----+:- 32 21 8040} 7.1 6.3 3.5 Stations 2581 to 2633: Use reference station Charleston (2577). Stations 2635 to 2679: Use reference station Savannah R. Entr.. (2709). 358 Port Royat Sound 2681 | Port Royol, Battery Creek----*"°*: ee 32 22 60 4) 7.2 8.5 3.6 2683 | Beaulort, Beaufort River:--**:*"*°: . 32 26 60 40 7.4 6.7 3.7 2684 | Colleton River Mouth---*--"**-**°""° 32 19 60 48 7.3 6.5 3.7 2685 | Victoria Bluft, Colleton River::--:: 32 18 60 48 7.5 8.8 3.7 2687 | Baileys Landing, Okatee River---*-:- 32 21 80 54} 8.1 9.5 40 2689 | Lemon Island, Chechessee River:-**:: 32 22 80 50 7.6 69 3.8 2691 | Archers Creek ont., Broad River:---: 32 21 60 44 7.1 6.3 3.5 2693 | Corning Landing, Whale Branch-:-:-:- 32 30 8047] 7.9 9.2 3.9 2695 | Skull Creek, north entrance:******** 32 16 60 44 7.0 6.3 3.5 Calibogue Sound 2697 | Skull Creek, south entrance:s***::** 32 13 60 47 7.6 9.0 3.8 2699 | Haig Point, Doutuskio lslond:::++-*: 3209 00.50] 7.2 8.4 3.6 2701 | Blultton, May River:+::::- seveceeres 32 14 60 52 6.1 9.5 4.0 2703 | Doufuskie Landing, New River:::::+:: 32 06 60 54] 7.2 6.5 3.6 2705 | Walle Cut, Turtle lsland:---°::-::°> 32 05 60 55 7.1 6.3 3.6 GEORGIA Savennah River 2707 | Tybee Light-:--::ssstsseer ee eeees oe 32 02 60 SI 6.8 8.0 3.4 2709 | SAVANNAH RIVER ENTRANCE: to eeeee 32 02 60 54 69 6.1 3.5 2711) | Fort Jackson:::::+*: tee eeeeereecenes 32 05 61 02 7.5 6.7 3.6 2713 | SAVANNAH:::-++-++> eee eeene teenene 32 05 61 05 7.4 6.6 3.7 2715 | Port Wantworth:::+:: pace eeeeees teense 32 09 61 08 7.0 6.) 3.5 2717 | A. C. Lb. RR. bridge::::- pees eeeeeees 32 14 61 09 6.2 7.2 3.1 Tybee Creek and Wessaw Sound 2719 | Tybee Creek entrance::::::::: teeeeee 31 59 60 51 6.8 6.0 3.4 2721 | Beach Hammock:::::°*:+++++2°° seeeces 31 57 80 56 69 6.1 3.4 2723 | Romerly Marsh Croek---:-°-> seeceeeee 31 56 81 00 7.1 8.3 3.5 Wilmington River } : 2725 Savannoh—Oglethorpe Hotel:----:: 32 00 8100] 7.8 9.1 3.9 2727 Thunderbolt:---+++-++sseee2> see 32 02 61 03 7.9 9.2 3.9 2729 North entrance::**:****°: YOOOOODD 32 04 81 00 7.6 6.9 3.8 2731 | tele of Hope, Skidaway River:--::::: 3) 59 61 03 7.8 9.1 3.9 Ossabew Sound 2733 | Egg lolands----:-+secrrs eee eeceree . 31 50 81 05 7.2 6.4 3.6 2735 | Vernon View, Burnside River-::°°°°°: 31 56 61 06 7.5 6.8 3.8 2737 | Coffee Bluff, Forest River::::*°:°°° 3) 56 81 OF 7.5 6.8 3.7 2739 | Fort McAllister, Ogeechee River---- | 3153 Bli3| 69 et] 34 2741 | Highwoy bridge, Ogeechee River-::::° 31 59 61 17 1.0 1.2 0.5 2743 | Cane Patch Creek entrance::::*:*:*"° 31 49 81 OF 7.2 6.4 3.6 St. Catherines ond Sepelo Sounds 2745 | Walburg Creek entrance::--::: seecees 1 9142 8109] 7.1 6.3 3.6 2747 | Kilkenny Club, Kilkenny Creek--->°°° 31 47 6) 12 7.9 9.2 3.9 2749 | Sunbury, Medway River::-°°+°°2°°°°% 31 46 81 17 7.5 8.8 3.8 2751) | Belfast, Belfast River s+*sseseeecee 31 49 6) 18 7.8 9.1 3.9 2753 | North Newport River--:-°°°°*> cececee 31 40 61 16 7.6 6.9 3.8 2755 | South Newport River-::°°°°°> seccvece 31 38 6) 16 7.4 6.7 3.7 2756 | Delles Bluff, Julienton River>>:*:°> 31 35 61 19 7.6 6.9 3.8 2757 | Blackbeard lsland:-:::-:-->> eoccccee 31 32 61 12 69 8.1 3.4 2758 | Dog Hammock, Sapelo River:--+-++°e° 31 32 61 16 7.1 6.3 3.6 2759 | Pine Herbor, Sapelo River:--:°° coves 3) 33 61 22 7.2 6.4 3.6 2760 | Eagle Creek, Mud River:-------> coove | 3030 OF I7] 7.2 0.4 3.6 2761 | Mud River, of Old Teokettle Creck--> | 3129 oti9} 74 871 37 Stations 2681 to 2709 and 2719 to 2761: Use reference station Savannah R. Entr. (2709). Stations 2711 to 2717: Use reference station Savannah (2713). 359 Doboy ond Altamaha Sounds 762 | Blackbeard Creek, Blockbuard I---+:: 31.29 «=a 13 | 6.5 7.6 3.3 an Sapelo Island--:--+sssstt rete teens 31 23 61 17 6.8 6.0 3.4 2765 | Hudson Creek entrance:::+++++-++ sieye 31.27 812i] 7.2 8.4 3.6 2767 | Threemile Cut ent., Darien River:-:: 31 2) 6123] 7.1 8.3 3.5 2769 | Derien, Dorion River-+---*: seeeeeeee 1 3122 8126] 7.3 8.5 3.6 2771 | Wolf leland:::-*+:°:+": slsieleieleferes7e ve 3120 «Bl Ip | 6.6 77 3.3 2773 | Champney |., South Altomahe River:» | 3120 8128] 5.2 6.1 2.6 2775 | Hompton River entrance:'***ss***'": : 31°13 81 19 6.6 7.8 3.3 2777 | Jones Croek ent., Hampton River::::: 31 18 120] 7.2 8.5 3.6 St. Simons Sound 2779 | St. Simona Sound Bor----::+++-+++++: 31 06 81 19 6.5 7.6 3.2 2761 | St. Simons Light------+++s++-eeeeees 31.08 8) 24 6.6 77 3.3 2783 | Frederica Rivers:**:sssss steer eens : 31°13 8124] 7.2 6.4 3.6 2785 | Troup Creek entrance, Mackay River:: 31 13 61 26 7.2 6.4 3.6 2767 | Brunswick, East River: :::+s+s+:: sees 31 09 6! 30 7.3 6.5 3.6 Turtle River 2789 Allied Chemical Corp. docke::::: 31 tl 6) 3) 7.6 6.9 3.6 2791 Dillard Crook: ::ssssseeeees sone 31 14 6134] 80 9.4 40 2793 Bulfalo River entrance::ss*e:': 31 13 61 35 8.0 9.4 40 2795 | Highwoy bridge, $. Brunswick River: 3109 61934] 7.6 0.9 3.8 $. Andrew Sound 2797 | Jokyll Point: scree reeeeeeeraee sees 31 01 81 26 6.6 77 3.3 2799 | Jeinter Island, Joinior Creok::::*:: 31 06 81 30 7.2 6.4 3.6 ttle Sotilla River 280) 2.5 miles above mouth::::: teense 31 04 8130] 686 8.0 3.3 2803 8 miles above mouth::::+:°:++: ve 31 *6 61 34 7.3 6.5 3.6 2805 Below Spring Bluff---+++++eee: oD 31 6137] 7.5 8.8 3.7 2807 | Dower Bluft, Dover Creek--:ss:sseee> 31 01 81 32 7.0 6.2 3.5 Setilla River 2809 Tadd Creek entrance:::*:::°:°: ee 30 58 6) 3) 6.7 7.8 3.3 2811 Bailey Cut (0.8 mile west CU)es . 30 59 81 36 6.9 6.1 3.4 2813 Coylon:-:--sseeeee- teeesccceecee 30 58 81 39 6.6 7.7 3.3 2815 Burnt Fort--+-ssseseseeceeee D006 57 61 54) 3.2 3.7 1.6 6127] 68 6.0 3.4 30 2817 | Cumberland Wharf, Cumberland River:: 56 3 56 61 30] 7.1 6.3 3.5 2819 | Floyd Creek, 2.8 miles above ent:::: GEORGIA ond FLORIDA Cumberland Sound 2621 | St. Moryo Entrance, north jotty::::: 30 43 6) 26 5.6 6.8 2.9 2623 | Creokod River entranco'ss:sssssesoee 30 SI 61 29 6.8 6.0 3.4 2825 | Herrietts Biull, Crooked River::+::: 30 52 6135] 6.4 7.5 3.2 2827 | St. Marys, St. Marys River::::+sse%: W 43 6) 33 6.0 7.0 3.0 2829 | Crendoall, St. Moryo River::::+::: ee 3 43 8) 37 5.1 6.0 2.5 2831 | Fernandina Beach (outer coast)::::: . wd 38 81 26 5.7 6.7 2.8 2833 | Fernandina Beach, Amella River:-::: D 30 40 8! 28 6.0 7.0 3.0 2835 | Chester, Bells River::--++eseeseeee . 30 4) 61 32 6.4 7.5 3.2 2837 | S.A.L. RR. bridge, Kingsley Creok--- 30 38 8129 | 60 7.0 3.0 FLORIDA Nazsou Sound ond Fort George River 2839 | Nossau Sound-:+--+---++--+++s0- seece 30 3) 8) 27 5.4 6.3 2.7 2841 | Amelia City, South Amelia River----- 30 35 8) 28 5.6 6.6 28 2843 ,| Nassauville, Nassau River------- cree Kode” | 6) 3) 4.8 5.6 2.4 2845 ‘| Mink Creek entrance, Nassau River--- 8 32 6) 34 3.9 46 19 2847 | Helfmoon Island, highwey bridge----- 03% 8136] 35 4) V.7 249 | Saewpit Creek entrance-------+---+++> 30 31 61 27 5.0 5.8 2.5 Stations 2762 to 2829: Use reference station Savannah R. Entr. (2709). Stations 2831 to 2849: Use reference station Mayport (2855). 360 265) 2929 2930 293) 2933 2935 Stations 2851 to 2889: Stations 2891 to 2935: Nassau Sound and Fort George River Fort George Island, Fort George R-:: S. Johns River South Jetty errr reser e rece ene ecenves PATAYIPO Riletiolelelestelcisteleielotatelsictelniovstotolelercls Pablo Creek bascule bridge tee Fullome sss serene revere esceessecese Dame Points: sss tt sseeessecsecsevene Phoenix Park (Cummers Mill):---°°*-> Jacksonville (Dredge Depot):-------> Jacksonville (RR. bridge)-------+--> Ortega River entrance::***+++++++++> Orange | hd aa Green Cove Springs Rlalolele/sisielelsiclclalefstalars East Tocols sss ss eeceeccsncsvcene Bridgeport i i ea Palatka: sss tseeeeesnce eee eeee eeecee Welakassssssssss tenes sTols)s\aVelele}sjojavalays FLORIDA, East Coast Atlantic Beach: settee ete een ececeee St. Augustine Inlet::++++sssseeeeee- St. Augustine DOU OOOO OOO OOCOMCIOCIC we Daytona Beach (ocean)::+-*+-++++"++: Ponce de Leon Inlet:::::: eee rccccee Cape Canaveral--::::::: SOIC CII) . Sebastian Inlet :ssssssseeence seccce Fort Pierce Inlet (breakwater):-*°-* Fort Pierce (City Dock)----- noc00000 St. Lucie Inlet (jetty)------- coewee Sewall Point, St. Lucie River->:-*-+> Jupiter Inlet (near lighthouse)-:--- Anchorage Point, Lonahatchee River-- Tequesta, Loxohatchee Riverssssereee North Fork, Loxahotchee River:--°::: Port of Palm Beach, Loke WAOTLROG 829 Polm Beach (ocean): eeeccccecccscce coe Hillsbore Inlet-- c0D0000000D00000 Fort Bahie Mor Yacht Club:-------- . Andrews Ave. bridge, New River: Port Everglades Entrance (jgtties):-------- eecee South entrance (canal)--°-°> cece Sunny Isles, Biscayne Crees seccccce Indian Creek: : ses ssecescccccee eeccce Miami Beach---+:-eeeee2cccccce ecccce MIAMI HARBOR ENTRANCE::--------- Miami, 79th St. Cavseway::->°-°> Miami, City Yacht Basin--«-----> Miami, Causeway (east end)--°:°° Dinner Key Marina----+++-= 000000 Floride Keys Cape Florida (W. side), Key Biscayne Cutler, Biscayne Bay eeccecee eeccecce Soldior Key: -:--ececrcecesenes o00000 Fowey Rocke:-::- o900000d 00000000 S000 Ragged Keys, Biscayne Bay-:---:-:::-: Use reference Use reference 361 30 26 NNNNY—NAD NVO—QOO 0S & BSVSSSSSSSEESS o a28 26 46 a& SS a RARR RARREK RS RK FESS FSESTLS RRaRs Saass Station Mayport (2855). 26 80 OF S8SS SSSSSS FS SSSSSSEE ROSS ASBSkBSs5 28Ssso se oeo =& 2.4 O—-9—-=—-=—--NNNN MBOlO—@hN O—NO@ 1.0 o= station Miami Harbor Entr. (2921). 3061 3062 3063 Florida Keys Turkey Point, Biscayne Bay-:-*::-:-> Adams Key, Biscovne Bay-s-sseeeeeee Garden Cove, Key Largo::::::::: Mosquito Bank: :-sse+eereeee wosceceee Molasses Reefer ss scere sete eeeces Pumpkin Key, Cord Sound:::::::: Bornes Sound:::ssssettseteceee Tovernior, Hawk Channel::-+-----°°'> Alligator Reef Light aialciefoletelotel falctekctelie Florida Bay (10) Lignumvitoe Keoy-----:*°°: ce cvcce Flamingo SSC ICICIOIO) ee eeecrcce Boot Key Harbor, Vaco Key:s*s**s**"> Bohia Honda (bridge):++++++°: veoeeve No Name Key (east side): :sssssseeees Big Spanish Key:ssss str teeees Cudjoe Key, west side (bridge):::::: Bird Key (highwoy bridge):::-+*+*"': Sand Key Light-::ssssrrereee KEY WEST: cts cc cscs nee seeree ees Garden Key, Dry Tortugas.............. Chonnol Koy: ss settee ttt t cece teens Gulf Coest Cape Soble, Eost Cape-:-:-:+++222°'> Shork River entrances::*:***sseeses: Whitewoler Boy eee ercccccccce yee ceee Lostmans River entrance:::::: Onion Key, Lostmens River:::+-°°: Chathem River entrance::::* eccccccce Pavilion Koy:***seseeeee- eccece Everglades City, Barron River-:--°:: Indian Keyssssttssstcceecees o0000000 Round Koysc sess scree eee eeeee ejeie oiele), Pumpkin Bay rrr r reece eter ere ceeoee ° Coon Keys ssssssscteeceeee ogc0000000 6 Cope Romano: sss: seeee erste eee eceeee Marco, Big Marco Rivers:*:*seeseee> Neoples (outer coast)--:+++++++++s- O10 Estero Boy Little Hickory Island:---:-- sees Coconut Point---ss sss e test ceeee Carlos Point-:*s-sseessseesecrce Motonzoas Pass (swing br.) Estero I-- Point Ybel, San Carlos Bay ent---::: Punta Rossa, Son Carlos Bay-:-°---°: Colooschatchee River (Onn Ciarcnecoeesdo000000000000 : Cape Ceral Bridge eee r ere ecesccces Fort Myers- scot tee cc cceee St. Jomes City, Pine Island------::- Golt Islend, Pine Island Sound:-:--: . Coptivo Island (outside)----------°> Captiva |., Pine Island Sound:--::- ooee Redfish Poss, Cdptive |. (N. end)-°- Tropical Homesites Landing, Pine I-- Matlacha Pose (bascule bridge)------ eoocecce 25 51 RRERKRKKKKKK KRKRKKK KRRARKK SSSS3SSSES BSRNRRe SSlreass 80 20 1.6 19 0.8 80 14 1.3 1.6 0.7 80 22 | 2.2 2.6 A] 80 24] 2.2 2.6 1 80 23 2.2 2.6 A] e018} OF == 0.4 6024}; 02 r-]}]--— 80 31 2toex- 1.2 80 37 9 2.3 1.2 60 42 03 ff =- 80 56 2.0 2.5 1.0 81 06 1.5 1.9 1.0 - 61 17 2 fee 0.7 8119} OF == 0.6 81 25 27 2. 1.6 61 31 10 2e-= 0.7 6) 38 086 =-=- 0.5 6) 53 1.2 5 0.6 61 48 1.3 1.6 0.8 62 52 lloe- 0.8 8144] 09 = = 0.6 Meen Diurnal 61 05 2.9 3.8 2.0 81 08 3.6 45 2.4 81 02 0.5 0.8 0.4 8) 13 3.0 3.9 2.1 8108} 06 0.9 0.4 81 17 3.3 42 2.0 81 2) 3.5 44 2.2 81 23 2.0 2.6 1.3 81 28 3.4 43 2.3 81 32 3.4 43 2.3 61 33 2.1 2.7 1.3 8) 38 2.6 3.5 9 61 4) 2.6 3.5 9 61 44 1.7 2.6 1.2 81 48 2.1 2.8 1.6 BIsij—— 2.5 1.3 81 SOj—-— 2.7 1.3 8153 }—-— 2.7 1.4 8157) —=- 2.8 1.4 6201 j;-—-— 2.6 1.4 6201 |;—= 2.4 1.2 81 58} —— 1.0 0.5 81 56,—— 1.0 0.5 8152} -— 1.2 0.6 8205 |—- —- 2.4 1.2 82 06 | —- — 2.1 1.0 a2 1 i- 2.6 1.3 62 I! |} —=— 2.1 0 62 12}—-— 21 1.0 6205 |—= 2.0 1.0 6204 | —-— V9 1.0 (10) In the eastern part of Florida Bay the periodic tide has a mean range less than one—half foot. Stations 2936 to 2963: Use reference Stations 2964 to 3037: Use reference Stations 3039 to 3047: Use reference Stations 3048 to 3063: Use reference 362 station station station station Miami Harbor Entr. (2921). Key West (2993). St. Marks R. Entr. (3135). St. Petersburg (3087). Gulf Coast 3064 | Pineland, Pine Island:---:: te eeeeees 26 40 82 09 |= = 9 0.9 3065 | Port Boca Grande, Charlotte Harbor:- 26 43 62 15 |—-— 1.7 0.9 3066 | Punta Gorda, Charlotte Harbor::::::- 26 56 62 04 | = — 1.9 1.0 3067 | Shell Point, Peace River::::+++++:: 26 59 82 00 |= = 2.1 | 3068 | El Jobean, Myakka River:+-::+++++::: 26 58 62 13 j= = 19 1.0 3069 | Placido, Gasparilla Sound::::*-**::: 26 50 62 16 j—- = 1.6 0.8 3070 | Englewood, Lemon Bay:::::-*:+++++++ 26 56 62 21 |= — 1.6 0.8 3071 | Venice Inlet (Inside) sss sssecreeees 27 07 62 28 |= = 2.1 V1 3072 | Sarasota, Sarasota Bay:-*:::::: 27 20 6233 |= = 2.1 1.1 3073 | Cortez, Sarasota Bay::-:-:::: tenons 27 28 62 41 |—- - 2.2 10 FLORIDA—Tamea Bay 3074 | Egmont Key, Egmont Channel--:-:----- 27 36 82 46 | — = 2.1 1.0 Cr | GRO Dijocsan00da000000RD0000000 27 32 62 44 |/—- - 23 1.2 3077 | Bradenton, Manatee River-:::: seeceee 27 3% 6234 | - - 2.3 1.2 3079 | Redfish Point, Manatee River-*::°::: 27 32. 82 29 |= = 2.2 1.4. 308) | Mullet Key Channel (Skyway)::::-*°:: 27 37 82 40|/- - 2.1 1 3083 | Shell Point----s eres eee e seers eeeeee 27 43 82 29 |= — 2.3 1.2 3085 | Point Pinellas:::-*+-ses seers eeeees 27 42 82 38 |} — - 2.0 1.0 O87 | ST. PETERSBURG::----++--se reer eeeeee 27 46 82 37 |} — = 2.3 1.2 3089 | Tampa, Hillsborough Boy:::::::: 27 56 62 27 |= = 2.8 1.4 3091 | Safety Harbor, Old Tampa Bay:::-:::: 27 59 62 41 |/— — 2.8 1.4 Boca Ciega Bay 3093 Poss—a—Grille Beach:::::*:*:°-:: 27 41 82 44|/— - 2.1 1.0 3095 Gulfport: ---- eee e recente eee eee 27 44 62 42 |— - 23 1.2 3097 St. Petersburg Beach Causeway::- 27 45 62 45 |— - 2.2 UAL 3099 Johns Pass :s-ss ss sr tere eeeeee 27 47 82 47 }- - 2.3 1.2 3101 Medeira Beach Causeway:--------: 27 48 82 48 |} — - 2.3 1.2 FLORIDA, Gulf Coast —Continued 3103 | Indian Rocks Beach (inside):-----°:> 27 52 82 51 1.8 2.6 1.3 3105 | Clearwater:::---+s seer sete eeeeens ve 27 57 82 48 1.6 2.6 1.3 3107 | Dunedin, St. Joseph Sound::--:-- seeee 28 Ol 62 48 9 2.8 1.4 3109 | Anclote Keys, south end-----++-++->- 28 10 82 51 2.1 3.0 1.5 3111 | Tarpon Springs, Anclote River::::: ore 28 10 82 46 9 2.7 1.3 3113 | Indian Bay--:-:-----::- seeeeee eoeeee 28 27 82 40}] 24 3.4 1.8 BN1S | Bayport: -:-- see eee e rece eee eeee 500 28 32 82 39 24 3.4 1.8 3117 | Withlacoochee River entrance:*---°:- 29 00 82 46 2.5 3.5 1.8 3119 | Cedar Keys: --::s eee c eee eeeee o0605000 29 08 83 02 26 3.5 1.8 3121 | Suwannee River entrance:*-**+s*e2e%% 29 17 83 OF 2.4 3.4 1.6 3123 | Pepperfish Keys:::---++++s+> pe eceece 29 30 83 22 2.4 3.6 1.8 3125: | Steinhatchee R. ent., Deadman Bay-:- 29 40 83 24 2.4 3.4 1.8 3127 | Fishermans Rest----:s:+++sseeee> sees 29 44 63 32 2.4 3.4 1.8 3129 | Spring Worrior Creek---+:+++-+: OD000 29 55 83 41 2.4 3.4 1.8 BIB) | Rock Islands:::+++s+ssee esse e ence oe 29 58 63 50 2.4 3.3 1.8 Apolachee Bay 3133 Aucilla River entrance::::s*2+°° 30 05 84 00 2.4 3.3 1.8 3135 ST. MARKS RIVER ENTRANCE---:> 30 04 64 11 2.4 3.3 1.6 3137 St. Marks, St. Marks River:->--:: w 09 64 12 2.4 3.3 1.8 3139 Bold Point, Ochlockonee Bay::::: 29 57 64 20 2.0 2.7 1.5 S?. George Sound 3141 Dog Island, west end::°::::>> oe 29 47 6440 | — — 2.6 1.3 3143 Cerrabelle, Cerrabelle River::: 29 51 04 40 | — = 2.6 1.3 Apolechicola Bay 3145 Cat Polntsssscrccssecccscecsvoce 29 43 6453-2 = 2.2 0 3147 Apolachicolarsssssssrsereeseecee 29 43 459 |— = 1.7 0.9 3149 Lewer Ancherage:::::+++ssseeeees 29% 65 03)- - 5 0.8 315) West Pass: secccrcccccceccccces 29 38 0506 )— — 1.4 07 Stations 3064 to 3101 and 3141 to 3151: Use reference station St Stations 3103 to 3139: . Petersburg (3087). Use reference station St. 363 Marks R. Entr. Gilss)r FLORIDA, Gull Coast — Continued 3153 | Pert Saint Joe, St. Joseph Boy?t:-::- wae 858} -- 6a] oO? St. Andrew Bay 3155 Channel entrancet--::+--->> eee 30 07 65 44) — . 1.9 06 3157 Ponama Cityf--ss+seeees 000000500 30 09 65 40} —- 1.3 06 3159 Paorkerf sss ett t tere evens eecccee wd 06 65 37 | — = 5 07 3161 Laird Bayou, East Baey?::::++:++> 30 07 65 32 )/— — 1.6 0.8 3163 Farmdale, East Bay?::--: te eeecoes 30 01 65 286) — — 1.6 08 3165 Wetappo Crook, Eaot Bay? +::++5 30 02 05 24) — = 1.4 07 3167 Lynn Hoven, North Beytersssereee 30 15 65 39 |} —- = 1.6 08 3169 West Boy Croeh, Weat Bay?f:s:+::: 30 17 655i jee S 07 Chectawhatchee Bay(! 1) 317) East Paos (Destin):-+-+s++ses0> . 30 24 663) J —- — 0.6 0.3 3173 | Herris, The Narrowst:-++----+s+++0> 30 24 86 44] — — 1.4 07 3175 | Fishing Bend, Sante Rose Soundt:--:: 3020 8708 |— — 14 07 Pensacola Bay 3177 EAtHCHargeosvac006 0000000000000 30 20 er ig9|—— lw 0S 3179 Werrington, 2 miles south off--- 3 2) 87 16 | — = 1.3 0.6 3181 PENSACOLAT- <2 --- +00 ee eee eee eee 3024 «8713/-- 13] O86 3183 Lora Point, Escambia Bay?---:--- 30 31 67 lO} — — 1.5 0.7 3185 East Bayt - 2 eee reece eee es 30 27 6655 |/— — 16 08 3187 Bay Point, Blackwater Rivert--:- 30 314 87 00 | — — 1.6 0.8 3169 Milton, Blockwoter Rivert------> 3037. «6702 |— — 1.6 0.8 ALABAMA 3191 Perdido Bay(V Id se rece terete eeeeee -- mirew hE ltgee tes ae ann eas 3193 | Mobile Point (Fort Morgan)f::+::++:> 30 14 68 Ol |= = 1.2 0.6 3194 | Fort Gaines, Mobile Bay Entrance?::- 30 15 86 04 | — = 1.3 0.6 3195 | Bon Secour, Bon Secour Riverf-:::::: 30 18 67 44} —- = 1.6 0.8 3196 | Fowl River, Mobile Boy Entrencef:::-- Ww 26 6807 |= = 5 0.8 3197 | Great Point Clear, Mobile Bay?f::---- 30 29 67 56 |= = 1.4 0.7 3198 | MOBILE, Mobile Riverf-----+--+++++-: 30 4) 88 02 | = = 1.5 0.8 3199 | Lower Holl Landing, Tensow Rivert-:- 30 49 67 55|/—-= 1.3 0.6 3200 | Boyou Lo Botre, Mississippi Soundt:- 30 22 68 16; —— 1.5 0.8 MISSISSIPPI 3201 | Horn Island Posst------ OOOO O OOOO OOD % 13 68 29 |} — = 1.7 0.8 3202 | Pascagoula, Mississippi Soundt----- ° 30 20 68 32 |= = 1.5 0.8 3203 | Pascagoula River entrancet::*-:°+e- 3 21 88 44} — = 1.6 0.8 3205 | Biloni, Bilont Bayf-+-+--sceseserees 30 24 868 SI | — = 1.8 0.9 3207 | Ship Island Passt------+s+sesereceee 30 13 88 59 | — = 1.7 0.8 3209 | Cat Island (West Point)f-:°:ss°:: cy 30 14 89 l0j—- = 1.7 0.8 3211 | Bay St. Loulst----+-+eesscceerees ee 30 19 89 18 | — = 1.6 0.8 LOUISIANA 3213 | Long Point, Loke Borgne?----- 9000000 30 OF 89 36 | — — 1.0 0.5 3215 | Shell Beach, Lake Borgnet------+°°:: 2952 «a9 41 | — 1.3 0.6 3217 | Chondelour Light?--------- sreccccece 30 03 88 52 |— —- 1.2 0.6 3218 | Gardner Island, Breton Soundt::-:--: 29 41 89 23 |= — Ss 0.8 3219 Breton Islandsf:--::+ssseececerce eco 29 30 89 10 j—_—_ 1.3 0.7 3221 Jock Bay?----:-:ssserereeee eecocccce | 29 22 69 2Vj—— 1.2 0.6 3222 | Lonesome Bayou (Thomasin)f--°°°°°: ee 29 14 69 OJ j— = t. 0.5 3223 Pass o Loutre entrancet->---° coe 29 12 89 02 |= = 1.2 0.6 3224 Southeast Passt-----+-+:-> OOO00G 29 07 89 03 |= = 1.2 0.6 3225 Port Eads, South Passt::-:*:°*:- 29 O18 89 10 |— = 1.0 0.5 3226 Joseph Bayout----------°+> 2704 89 16)/— = 1.4 0.7 3227 Southwest Paset 28560 08=— 89 26 | — = 1.3 0.6 3229 Head of Passosf--+++-++esseeecee 29009 89 IS|— = 09 0.46 3230 New Orleans(12)---+-°+-- eeccccce 29 55 0 3231 Ports Rood Bridget eo ceccccce ecceccce 3 00 69 $6 Je oe 0.0 0.6 T The tide at this place is chiefly diurnal. (11) In Choctawhatchee and Perdido Bays the periodic tide has a mean range less than one—half foot. (12) At New Orleans the diurnal range of the tide during low river stages averages 0.8 foot. There is no periodic tide at high river stages. Stations 3153 to 3189 and 3200 to 3231: Use reference station Pensacola (3181). Stations 3191 to 3199: Use reference station Mobile (3198). 364 LOUISIANA 3232 | Empire Jettyt- sss cr tsetse seer eeeee 29 15 69 36 | — — 1.3 0.7 3233 | Basthan Islandt::+sssssstteeeseeeeee 29 17 69 40] — — 1.2 0.6 3235 | Quatre Bayous Passf::++-sssssssseee: 29 18 69 SI j—--— 1.3 0.6 3237 | Barataria Passt:-sss sss sttrseteeees 29 16 89 S57); — = 1.2 0.6 Boratoria Boy 3239 Bayou Rigaud, Grand Islet-:-:::- 29 16 69 58] — = 1.0 0.5 324) independence Islandt:::: 29 19 69 56) —- = 09 0.4 9243 Meni oovvanc0du0 Nd 00050000000C 29 26 a9 59 | — 10 05 3245 | Caminado Pass (bridge)?----:*+-+-*:: 29 12 90 03 | — — 09 0.4 3247 | Timbolier Island, Timbalier Bay?::-: 29 05 90 32) - - 1.2 0.6 3249 | Pelican Islands, Timbalier Bayf:-::- 29 08 90 25} —- = 1.2 0.6 3251 | Wine Island, Terrebonne Bayf:::-:-- 29 05 90 37 | —- — 1.3 0.6 9253 | Caillou Bocat::::: ss ese ester settee 29 04 90 48 | — — 14 07 3255 | Raccoon Point, Caillou Boyf:::::-::: 29 04 90 58) — — 1.7 0.8 3257 | Ship Shoal Light?------++++rssseeees 28 55 9104] — — 1.6 0.8 Atchofolaya Bay 3258 Eugene Island?--------+-++-+-+°: 29 22 91 2)—-—- 1.9 1.0 3259 Point Au Fert:-:--*-t-ssrr teres 29 20 91 21j—--— 2.0 1.0 3260 Shell Islandt--++--sse reese 29 28 91 18} — — 15 0.7 3261 Point Chevrevilf:------+-ss+sss> 29 31 9133 |} — = 1.5 0.8 3262 Rabbit Island, 5 miles S. off--- 29 25 9136) — = 2.0 1.0 3263 South Point, Marsh Islandt----:- 29 29 9146) —-— 1.8 0.9 3264 Lighthouse Point?------:---*-*": 29 31 92 03 | - —- 2.0 1.0 3265 | Cote Blanche, W. Cote Blanche Bayf-- 29 44 94g} —-— 1.4 0.7 3266 | Southwest Pass, Vermilion Bay?:::-:- 29 35 92 02 | — = 1.6 0.8 3267 | Weeks Bay, Vermilion Bay?t-----:-*:: 29 48 91 50} — = 5 0.7 3269 | Mermentayu River entrancet--:*---**"° 29 45 93 06} — = 2.5 1.2 3270 | Calcasieu Pass, Lighthouse wharff-:- 29 47 9321) -—- 2.0 1.0 TEXAS 3271 | Sabine Bank Lighthouset-:-::++*+*°°: 29 28 93 43) — = 2.8 1.4 3272 | Sabine Pass (jetty)f::-:°sss°°'* eee 29 39 93 50) —— 2.5 1.2 3273 | Sabine Passt:------++-+s steer eee ee 29 42 93 51 j—— 9 1.0 3274 | Mesquite Point, Sabine Passf:--::- oe 29 46 93 54, —- = 1.3 0.6 3275 | Gelveston Bay ent., south jettyt--:- 29 20 9442) —-—- 2.0 1.0 3276 | Port Bolivart::-:ss essere teeter eens 29 22 94 47) —- = 14 0.7 3277 | GALVESTON, Galveston Channelf:---- oe 29 19 9448 | —- = 1.4 0.7 Gelveston Bay 3279 Texas City, Turning Basinf----:> 29 23 94 53} —- = 1.4 0.7 3280 Eagle Point Pecrecceee seccece 29 30 94 55) —-— 1.0 0.5 3281 Clear Lake Perc ecesece eeeceee 29 34 95 6 |/—=— 0.9 0.4 3282 Morgans Point Yoo000000 OO0000 29 4) 94 59 |—- = 1.0 0.5 3283 Round Point, Trinity Bay (jo00 29 44 9442} —- = 1.0 0.5 3284 Point Barrow, Trinity Bay?:::°°° 29 44 94 50|=--— 1.0 0.5 3285 Giichriot, East Bayf--++s+see9%> 29 31 9429 |=- = 1.2 0.6 3287 Jamaica Beach, West Bayf-::**°": 29 12 9459 | = = 1.0 0.5 3288 | Alligator Point, Wost Bayf--+*:-+°"> 29 10 95 08 |—-= 0.9 0.4 3289 | Christmas Point, Christmas Bayf-+°°: 29 05 95 l0|—= 0.9 0.4 3290 | Galveston Pleasure Piorf:-::> ceveece 29 17 9447 | = = 2.1 0 3291 | Sen Lule Poosf-::--::: 0000000 oeroeee 29 05 98 OF |—-=— 1.2 0.6 3293 | Freeport Harborf:::*:+*+:°": ceeecoce 28 57 9 19|—- = 1.8 0.9 3295 | Pass Cavallet::-::::: seeeece secceree 28 22 96 2 | —- = 14 0.7 3297 | Port O’Connor, Matagorda Boyf-::**** | 2827 96 24|— = 0S 0.2 3299 | Port Levoca, Metegorda Bayf-:>:*°°:: 28 37 96 IF | — = 0.7 0.3 330) | Avensas Pass Channel(14)%---seeee% 7 97 03 |—-= 14 0.7 3302 | Riviera Boach, Ballin Bayf-:°:°°°"* 2D \7 97 Mile 0.3 0.1 3303 | Pedre Island (south end)(I4)--°°°e: 26 04 7 OO }=-= 14 0.7 3305 | Pert lsebelf--:--:°-:: 9000000 DOGOD00 26 04 97 13 1—-=— 1.3 0.7 t The tide at this place is chiefly diurnal. (14) Inside, in the various bays, except near the inlets, the periodic tide has a mean range less than one—half foot. Stations 3232 to 3257: Stations 3258 to 3305: Use reference station Pensacola (3181). Use reference station Galveston (3277). 365 Puerto Rico 3483 | Mogueyes Islandt-------------+++++5- 17 58 67 03 |- - 0.7 04 CYC | emcniiac occa codon D00go00000000000000 17 58 66 55) — — 07 0.3 3487 | Playa de Poncet---::+-- sss seeeeeeee 17 58 66 37 |= = 0.8 0.4 3489 | Playo Cortadat--:--+++:sssssseseeees 17 59 66 27 |= = 0.8 0.4 3491 Arroyot ss street tec e eect eeecees 17 58 66 04 | — — 0.8 04 3493 | Puerto Maunabot-:----sseese seer eeeee 18 00 65 53} = — 0.7 0.4 3495 | Culebrita, Islaf:----+-:--- soteeees 18 19 65 l4f—-— 1.1 0.5 3497 | Puerto Ferro, Isle de Viequest::-::: 18 06 65 26 |= = 0.8 0.4 3499 | Punto Mulas, Isle de Vieques::::-::: 18 O9 65 26 0.8 0.9 0.4 3500 | Roosevelt Roads:::-::*ss:ssseseeees 18 14 65 37 0.7 0.8 0.3 3501 | Ensenada Hondo, Culebra Island:----- 18 18 6517] 07 0.9 0.4 3503 | Playa de Fajardo:::::'-::::sssseee'> 18 20 65 38 11 1.3 0.5 3505 | SAN JUAN: crc e sete secre reece rece eens 18 28 66 07 1. 1.3 0.5: 3507 | Mayoguer:s: ss rset etter 18 13 67 09 tt 1.4 0.5 3509 Puerto Roal-ss- este ttt tect eset eeee 18 05 67 IN 0.8 1.0 0.4 t The tide at this place is chiefly diurnal. Stations 3483 to 3497: Use reference station Galveston (3277). Stations 3499 to 3509: Use reference station San Juan (3505). 366 Table C-2. Tidal ranges for Pacific coastal locations (from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1979b). POSITION Lot. Long. RANGES CALIFORNIA AZSmPointelom Gr tem isl clr 3240 #117 14 3.7 $.3 28 427 | San Diego, Quarantine Station’ :------> 32 42 117 14 3.9 56 2.9 429 | SAN DIEGO (Broadway):*----*"""*""" 32 43 117 10 41 57 3.0 43) | Notional City, San Diego Bay--:------: 32 40 «64117 07 43 5.9 3.0 433 | Quivira Basin, Mission Bay------*--"": 32 46 «64117 14 3.8 5.4 2.8 435 | Crown Point, Mission Bay-------***"-- 32 47 «117 14 39 5.5 2.8 437 | La Jolla (Scripps Institution Whort)---- 32 52 «4117 :'15 3.6 5.2 2.7 439 1San) (Clemente: 1-23 eel ee nine cin 3325 «4117 37 37 $.3 2.7 Son Pedro Channel 441 | Corona del Mar, Newport Bay---------- 33 3% 17 53 37 5.3 2.8 443 | Balboa (Ocean Pier)----*-:---*+-*-7 33360 «17 «54 3.7 $.3 27 445 | Santa Ana River entrance (inside)----- 33.38 «4117 57 2.4 3.3 1.4 447 | Los Patos (highway bridge)---*------- 33.43 «411803 3.4 47 2.3 449 | Long Beach, Outer Harbor, Pier A----- 33 46 118 12 3.7 $3 2.7 451 | Long Beach, Inner Harbor:----------- 33 46 «6118 13 37 $.3 27 453 | LOS ANGELES (Outer Horbor)-:-------- 3343 «4118 16 3.8 5.4 28 455 | Los Angeles Harbor, Mormon Island: -:- 33 45 118 16 3.8 5.4 28 457 | El Segundo, Santa Monica Bay:----::-- 33 55 «4118 26 3.7 5.3 2.7 459 | Santa Monicas:-*s ssc s ttt ttre 3400 118 30 37 5.4 2.8 Senta Barbora Channel 461 | Mugu Lagoon (ocean pier)::***-"*-""° 3406 «+119 06 3.7 5.3 2.7 463 | Port Hueneme:----: sc te rt 4 09 119 12 3.7 5.4 2.8 465 | Ventura: : s+ 2c rs ete rene ine 3416 «119 17 3.7 54 2.8 467 | Santo Barbara:::---- setts 3425 «119 41 3.6 $.3 28 469 | Gaviota:: 2: teeter tree ene 3426 «#412013)-36 « 53 28 Senta Borbora Islands 471 | Wilson Cove, San Clemente Island:---:: 3300 118 33 $.2 2.7 473 | Cotolino Horbor, Santa Cofolino Island: 33 26 118 30 5.2 2.7 475 | Avolon, Sonto Catalina Island:::----:: 33 21 118 19 5.3 27 477 | Santa Barbara: Island:--------*"°°"" 33.29 =4119 02 5.1 2.6 479 | San Nicolas Island: -::**--**7*ss 7: 33 16 =6119 30 49 2.5 48) | Prisoners Harbor, Santo Cruz Island: -- 34 01 119 41 5.0 2.6 483 | Bechers Boy, Santa Roso Island:------ 3400 12003 $.3 28 485 | Cuyler Harbor, San Miguel Island: ----- 3403 «120 21 5.2 2.7 Outer Coast 487 | Point Arguello--------::s cscs t ctr 3435 «120 39 5.2 2.7 489 | Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo Bay::-::- 35 10 120 44 $.3 28 491 | Morro Beach, Estero Bay::-::: odoo0G 35 24 120 52 5.2 2.8 493 | San Simeon----- sorts chet). Uc UD 5.2 27 495 | Carmel Cove, Carmel Bay--------°--:: 36 31 121 56 52 2.8 497 | Monterey, Monterey Boy:---*--"*-""*° 36 360121 54 | 5.3 2.8 499 | Santo Cruz, Monterey Boy---------:": 36 58 1220) $.3 2.8 501 | Ano Nuevo Island------ss7s scr ttt 37 06 122 20 $.2 2.7 503 | Princeton, Halfmoon Boy:-:--:-****°- 37 30 =: 122 29 5.5 3.0 505 | Southeast Farallon Island------------ 37 42 123 00 5.6 3.0 507 | San Francisco Bar---------**7*°77 7 37 46 «=: 122: 38 |, 5.6 3.0 509 | Ocean Beach, outer coost':--*"-*---"* 37 46 122 31 6.0 3.2 Sen Francisco Bay 511 | Bonita Cove, Golden Gote-----------: 37 49 §=122 32 58 3.1. 513 | SAN FRANCISCO (Golden Gote)-------:- 37 48 122 28 5.7 3.1 515 | Alcatraz Island-------:--*--- 0.9: 37 50 «122 25 5.8 3.1 517 1 Son Francisco, North Poirt:---------- 37 49 122 25 58 3.1 519 |] Rincon Point---o: ccc cc ttt ttt 37 47 122 23 6.1 3.3 Stations 425 to 439: Use reference station San Diego (429). Stations 441 to 495: Use reference station Los Angeles (453). Stations 497 to 519: Use reference station San Francisco (513). 367 | Son Francisco Bay | $21 | Yerba Bueno Island: ----------------- 37 49 S237 tO akland | Pierce ster intel tical 37 48 BB I A modbascanscsoso2nnpobsbasooondcd 37 46 527 | Ookland Harbor, Grove Street--------- 37 48 529 | Oakland Horbor, Pork Street Bridge---- 37 46 531 | Bay Farm tsland Bridge-------------- 37 45 533 | Ookland Airport------s- sss eres cre 37 44 S35 mlibotrenouPointiig etre. litt 37 46 537 | Point Avisadero, Hunters Point-------- 37 44 539 | Roberts Landing, 1.3 miles west of---- 37 40 541 | Point San Bruno--------------+--+--> 37:39 543 | Coyote Point--------------+-----+-2: 37% 545 | Son Mateo Bridge:----------*------ 37 35 $47 | Coyote Hill Slough entrance----------- 37 34 549 | Redwood Creek entrance (inside)------ 37 31 551 | Smith Slough-----++----+++ seers eee 37 30 553 | Dumbarton Highway Bridge------------ 37 #0 555 | Polo Alto Yacht Harbor--------------- 37 27 557 | Caloveros Point, west of-------------- 37 28 559 | Mud Slough railroad bridge----------- 37 28 561 | Alviso (bridge), Alviso Slough---------- 37 26 563 | Guadalupe Slough::--------+--+- 77-7 37 26 P7B. | Bararyijned0 obeaod 00 ceuogcaccadobaes 37 5) 567 | Angel Istond (we 37 $2 569 | Angel Island (east side)-------------:- 37 52 571 | Point Chouncey--:-----c ccc t etree ee 37 53 573 | Berkeley-:--- +: -- tects 37 52 E7S5ulPointhlsateleoeeo- Cee eee 37 54 S77MlRichmondieetcee ee ee ee tra 37 55 579 | Point Richmond:-------+--7+ rere 37 56 581 | Point Orient-------:2-esece esse eee 37 57 $83 | Point Son Quentin: :----+--+s7- ++ --- 37 57 Sen Pablo Bay POR Tap pnpee cones copobonacdsaccdoagdnos 37.59 ENF) I CRRCIO Gotopooconosodcosnoocdoadcnen 38 01 589 | Hercules::::: Bette e eee ee eee eee ee 38 01 591 | Petaluma River entrance::*-------°:- 38 07 ~ $93 | Lokeville, Petaluma River-----------:> 38 12 $95 | Upper drawbridge, Petaluma River----- 38 14 $97 | Sonoma Creek entrance------------:> 38 09 Corquinez Strait 599 | Selby----2 222 tere eee e eee ees 38 03 601 | Mare Island Strait entrance:--------- 38 04 603 | Vallejo, Mare Island Strait------------ 38 06 605 | Napa, Nopa River:---°=--20- 22220 -e 38 18 COMBNiGrochettsecce cers elelleeltsrerrecerrr 38 03 609 | Benicia, Army Point--------------+--: 38 03 COO (Sere GaigisesocenssceGessocnn|5000 38 02 Suisun Bay 615 | Pittsburg, New York Slough:---------- 38 02 617 | Point Buckler:--------- +22 erect cree 38 06 619 } Suisun Slough entrance-------------- 38 07 621 Suisun, Suisun Slough---------------- 38 14 623 | Meins Landing, Montezuma Slough----- 38 08 San Joaquin River (YBN Aamonies2descconocotccce aos son0Ke 38 O1 627 | Threemile Slough entrance--------:-- 38 05 629 Prisoners mRoN Nie elie til acer le 38 04 631 | Wards Island: :------+ss-sse reer eee 38 03 633 | Blackslough Landing: :-------:------: 38 00 CEE) | SCOCOCGIee PES Po Been Shean Seno o a6 37 57 637 | Mossdale Bridge(4)::-- +--+ 7-1 eee 37 47 Mokelumne River 639 Georgiana Slough entrance’------- 38 08 641 Terminous, South Fork----------- . 38 07 643 New Hope Bridge(4)-------------+- 38 14 645 | Bishop Cut, Disappointment Slough: --- 38 03 647 Webb Ferry, False River------------:- 38 03 649 | Irish Landing, Sand Mound Slough----- 38 02 651 Orwood, Old River::------*------+:: 37 56 653 | Holt, Whiskey Slough----------------- 37 56 655 | Borden Highway Bridge, Middle River:-- 37 53 657 | Grant Line Canal (drawbridge):-------: 37 49 ( 4) These data apply only during low river stages. 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 V22 122 122 21 121 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 22 43 6.0 20 43 6.0 18 47 64 7 4s 6.2 14 46 63 14 48 6.5 12 48 6.5 23 46 63 2) 49 66 12 $.4 7.2 23 $.1 69 \9 $.5 7.2 1§ 5.8 746 08 60 78 2 6.1 7.9 14 62 7.9 07 66 64 06 68 86 04 6.8 6.5 58 74 9.1 59 7.2 9.0 02 7.4 9.1 29 3.8 $.5 27 3.9 5.6 25 40 $.7 27 4.0 $.7 18 4.2 s9 19 42 5.9 2! 4) 5.8 24 42 5.9 26 4.) 5.8 29 40 5.7 PR RVYYWULWY NVH—DBNDMAUW 122 27 4) 5.7 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 12) 122 122 122 12) 121 121 12) 12) 12) 12) 121 V2) 2) 2) 421 12) 121 12) V2) 12) V2) Stations 521 to 657: Use reference station 368 3.1 22 44 6.0 3.3 18 44 6.0 3.3 30 45 6.1 3.3 33 49 6.4 3.4 37 $.1 6.6 3.5 24 46 6.0 3.2 15 47 6.3 3.4 1S 43 5.8 3.1 16 45 6.0 3.2 17 $.5 7A 3.8 13 43 5.8 3.1 08 43 5.9 3.2 07 43 5.6 3.2 53 3.3 44 2.3 Ol 4) 5.5 2.8 04 40 $.3 2.8 02 5.0 6.4 3.5 54 43 5.6 29 49 3.1 42 4) 2.6 3.6 33 2.6 3.5 30 2.7 3.6 SSS sss =-o~7°eeen 25 29 3.6 17 3.1 40 18 18 2.4 35 2.6 3.5 18 Ke) 3.0 3.9 2.0 29 27 3.6 1.6 25 3.2 4) 2.1 39 2.7 3.6 16 35 2.7 3.6 1.6 34 2.8 3.7 19 26 3.0 39 2.0 29 2.6 3.5 16 27 2.8 3.7 19 San Francisco (513). 659 | Collinsville: ---*+s- tet e treet 3804 121 5) 3.2 43 2.2 661 | Threemile Slough entrance(4)------*-- 3806 12142} 35 46 2.3 663 | Rio Vistala)--- 7-2-2 s otter ere 38.09 12142) 36 47 | 24 665 | Walnut Grovel4):-- ------ 32-28 + - 4342 124 06 5.1 67 36 Siuslaw River 743 Entrance So Ger inn CnC 44 ol 124 08 §2 69 37 745 Florence: soo cc cc tt 43 58 124 06 5.0 6.6 3.5 747 | Woldport, Alsea Bay---------*"***---- 4426 124 04 $.8 77 4 Yaquina Bay ond River 749 Bor of ontrance::-*--* cscs 4437 124 05 5.9 79 42 751 ’ Newport 4438 12403 6.0 8.0 43 752 Southbeach 4438 12403 6.3 83 45 753 Vaquinoe 443% 124 01 62 82 44 755 Winant: 22 oec eters 44 35 124 00 63 62 43 757 Toledo: :s cots certs 44 37 123 56 63 8! 42 759 | Toft, Siletz Bay--**-77-s ccc 4456 12401 5.0 64 34 761 Kernville, Siletz River-----*"77-cr ee 44 54 124 00 46 6.1 3.1 763 | Nestucco Bay entrance:-*--*""***"*": 4510 123 58 58 7.6 40 Tillamook Bay 765 Lopeiicmies vopvooncndoennsqnn0000 4534 123 57 57 75 39 766 Goribolditcte sees cee: linen 4534 123 55 59 7.8 42 767 Miomi Cove::-::---207o ste 4533 123 54 54 7.4 39 769 Bey City eeccvesacecnco ses eeessees 45 3) 123 54 54 7A 3.7 77\ Tillamook, Hoquorten Slough:-::-- 45 28 1235) 5.2 6.6 3.3 ( 4) These data apply only during low river stages. Stations 657 to 701: Use reference station San Francisco (513). Stations 703 to 771: Use reference station Humboldt (707). 369 Neholem River 773 Brighton ee ery 775 Nehalem ee ee ee ed Columbia River(5) 777 | Columbia River entrance (N. Jetty)--:: 779 | \lwaco, Boker Bay, Wash 781 | Chinook, Baker Bay, Wash------------ 783 | Hungry Harbor, Wash 785 | Point Adams, Oreg 787 | Warrenton, Skipanon River, Oreg::-::-- 789 | Astoria (Youngs Bay), Oreg 791 | Astoria (Port Docks), Oreg 793 | ASTORIA (Tongue Point), Oreg:--------- 795 | Settlers Point, Oreg 797 | Harrington Point, Wash 799 | Skemokawa, Steamboat Slough, Wosh--- 80! | Cothlamet, Wash 803 | Wauna, Oreg 805 | Eagle Cliff, Was 807 | Stella, Wash 80? | Longview, Wash 811 | Kalama, Wash 813 | Saint Helens, Oreg 515 | Knapp Lending, Wash 317 | Kelley Point, Oreg 319 | St. Johns, Willamette River, Oreg:--:-- 821 Portland, Willamette River, Oreg:---::- 823 | Vancouver, Wash B25 | Ellsworth, 827 | Washougal, 829 | Warrendale, Oreg 831 | Long Beach WASHINGTON Willapa Bay and River 633 Willapa Bay entrance:-::-----:::: 835 Nohcotta, Willapa Bay::--------:: 837 Tarlatt Slough, Willopa Bay------:: 839 Bay Center, Polix River----------- 841 Toke Point, Willopa Boy----------- 843 South Bend, Willapa River:-------- 645 Raymond, Willapa River:---------- 847 | Groyland 849 | Westport (ocean) Grays Herbor 851 Point Chehalis----------+-+-++--+ 853 Bay Citys: 2 steer eee cece ees 855 Markhamedcrrci tee eercrnicrs 857 North Channel 859 ABERDEEN --:------ 66) Montesano, Chehalis River--------- 863 | Pacific Beach 865 | Point Grenville 867 | Destruction Island 869 | La Push, Quillayute River 871 | Cape Alava (Flattery Rocks):---------- 875 | Neah Bay 877 | Clallam Bay 678 | Twin Rivers B79 | Crescent Bay 68! Port Angeles 883 | Dungonoss 885 | Sequim Boy entronce 687 | Gerdiner, Discovery Boy 689 | Smith Island 891 | Point Partridge Strait of Juan de Fuca 4540 123 56 5.9 7.8 4) 45 43 123 53 5.6 7.2 3.7 4616 12404 5.6 7.5 40 4618 124 02 6.0 7.6 40 4616 123 57 6.2 79 4.2 4616 123 5) 6.4 6.2 44 4612 123 57 6.4 6.3 44 4610 123 55 6.5 8.3 44 4610 123 50 6.7 6.6 45 4611 123 52 6.2 8.0 42 4613 123 46 6.5 8.2 43 4610 123 41 6.3 8.0 4.1 4616 123.39 6.1 7.7 39 4616 123 27 5.6 69 4612 123 23 $.2 6.4 4610 123 24 $.2 6.3 4610 123 14 45 $.5 46 11 123 07 40 49 4606 122 57 3.3 40 4600 122 5) 2.6 3.2 4552 122 48 2.0 2.5 i) c=) Greeecrrverroroeeonene 45 44 122 45 Ss . 4539 122 46 1.46 2.0 4535 122 46 V7 2.2 4531 122 40 1.8 2.4 45.37 122 40 1.3 1.6 4536 122 33 1.0 1.4 4535 122 23 0.5 09 4537 122 00 04 0.6 4621 124 03 6.2 6.1 44 4643 «124 04 6.2 6.) 44 46 WN 12401 6.0 10,2 5.4 46 22 12400 7.9 9.4 46. 38 «123: 57 6.8 69 47 42 123 58 6.5 6.5 45 40 «123 48 7.8 9.8 $.2 41 123 45 7.8 99 5.3 49 «124 06 6.2 6.1 44 53 124 07 6.4 6.5 46 4655 124607] 69 90] 48 4652 12404| 7.1 92| 49 4654 12600] 72 92] 49 4658 12357] 76 O7| 52 4658 12351) 79 loll 54 4658 12336] 67 ol] 4) 4713 12412] 65 66 4718 12416] 65 66 4740 12429] 66 @7] 47 4755 12638] 65 a5 4810 12444| 60 062 4623 12644| 58 60] 43 4822 12437) 55 79] 43 4816 12418| $0 77] 43 4810 12357] 44 70] 4.1 4810 125 44 41 6.7 @.! 4807 12326| 42 72] 446 4810 12307| 44 76] 47 48 05 123 03 26 79 48 4804 12255] 48 79] 48 4819 12250} 42 70] 45 4814 122461 45 77| 47 ( 5) The Columbia River is subject to annual freshets. Short ronge predictions are available at local river forecast centers. The data for stations above Harrington Point apply only during low river stages. 115 CO VSS Stations Stations Stations Stations VT TO 831 to 879 to 829: 878: 891: Use Use Use Use reference reference reference reference 370 station Humboldt (707). station Astoria (793). station Aberdeen (859). station Port Townsend (895). Admiralty Inlet 693 | Admiralty Head: :*-sssststtrrrsestees 48'10 122 40 | $.2 64 5.1 895 | PORT TOWNSEND:------- essere eres 4808 122 46 5.2 64 5.1 897 | Port Townsend (Point Hudson):----::- 4807 122 45 $.3 8.6 5.2 899 | Merrowstone Point: -----+-+ssse srr eee 4806 122 41 5.6 8.8 $.3 900 | Mystery Bay, Marrowstone Island---:---: 4803 122 41 5:0 8.2 5.0 901 | Bush Point::----sc rte teeter eee 4802 12236) 56 68 5.3 POZO Gk aD ayia tise telatbelielieiicl cs leleho is 4801 122 43 6.0 9.4 5.6 903 | Port Ludlow::-*-sc strstr ttt 4755 122 41 64 99 5.9 905 | Port Gamble------ sess sts reer eee 4752 122 35 67 10.3 61 907 | Bongor Whart-------s seer rete eee ee 4745 122 44 7.3 10.9 6.4 908 | Zelatched Point, Dabob Boy::---:----: 47 43 122 49 7.6 11.5 67 909 Seabeck Pe ee 47 38 122 50 7.8 11.6 68 910 | Pleasant Haorbor-------*+-+---+-+----- 4740) 122 55 7.7 11.6 68 Cin] WC Deoooduaeoeooccobononeesodonoor 47°21 123 06 79 18 69 Puget Sound Ce? | ICRI Gone as. 20 OS AOR DORR arO CDGR ono. 4755 12233 6.7 10.3 6.1 913 | Point No Point-:-------++sssssceeeee 4755 122 32 67 10.4 61 914 | Edrmonds:-*-- ss sete rte tee 47 49 =6122 23 7.2 10.9 64 915 | Port Madison: ---°-*-s ss eec reer eres 47 42 «(122 32 7.7 11.46 6.6 917 | Poulsbo, Liberty Boy--------------->- 4744 122 39 6.1 Wg 69 919 Brownsville, Port Orchard------------- 47 39 122 37 6.0 11.7 6.8 921 | SEATTLE (Madison St.), Elliott Bay------ 4736 122 20 7.6 1.3 6.6 923 | Eighth Ave. S., Duwamish Waterway: --- 47 32 122 19 7.5 Wl 65 925 | Port Blakely--°---:s-cccctt reece 47:36 ©6122 30 7.8 WS 67 927 | Pleasant Beoch, Rich Postage:-------- 47 36 122 32 7.8 11.5 6.7 929 | Bremerton, Port Orchard--:----------- 4733. +122 38 6.0 11.7 68 931 Tracyton, Dyes Inlet----------------> 47 37 122 40 846 12.3 7.1 933 | South Colby, Yukon Harbor----------- 47,31) 122/32 79 116 67 935 Des Moines i ee ray 47 24 122 20 6.0 W7 68 937 | Burton, Quortermaster Harbor-------:- 47 23 122 28 8.2 We 69 939 | Gig Horbor-------- +--+ es eee eee 4720 122 35 82 11.6 69 941 | Tacoma, Commencement Bay---------- 47\7 +122 25 6.1 Hie 68 943 | Arletta, Hole Possoge----------------: 4717 122 39 9.3 13.0 7.4 945 | Home, Von Geldern Cove, Corr inlet---- 47 16 122 45 9.7 13.6 7.8 947 | Weuna, Cerr Inlet-------*-----*7°-°°> 4723 «122 38 9.4 13.1 7.5 949 | Stellacoom::------- str ttre 4710 122 36 9.4 13.1 7.5 951 | Hyde Point, McNoil Island------------- 4712 122 39 9.5 13.4 7.7 953 | Sequelitchew Creek, Nisqually Reach---- 47 07 122 40 9.6 13.4 7.7 955 | Longbranch, Filucy Bay------------+"- 4713 122 45 97 13.5 7.7 957 | Henderson Inlet-------+++--s sete eses 4709 #122 50] 10.0 14.0 6.0 959 | Vaughn, Case Inlet----------------+-- 4720 122 46} 10.2 14.1 8.1 961 | Allyn, Case Inlet-----------ssreeee °47 23° (122 49 | 10.2 14.1 6. 963 | Walkers Londing, Pickering Passage---- 4717 122 56] 10.3 143 6.1 965 | Arcadia, Pickering Possoge------------ 4712 122 56) 104 14.4 62 967 | Shelton, Ooklond Boy----------------- 4713 12305] 106 14.2 79 969 | Burns Point, Totten Inlet-------------: 4707 12303] 11.0 15.0 6.5 971 | Rocky Point, Eld Inlet------------+-+:- 4704 12301 | 10.6 14.7 8.4 973 | Dofttlemyer Point, Budd Inleot----------- 47 08 122 54] 10.5 14.4 8.2 975 | Olympia, Budd Inlet-:----:-+-:--++++> 4703 122 54| 105 144 6.2 Possession Sound ond Port Suson 977 | Mukilteo: +: +2 oot tee eee eee eee 47 57 +122 18 7.4 11.0 64 O79 | Everett: ooo i icc 47 59 12213 7.4 Wd 6.5 981 | Tulolip:: ss ete terete eee es 4804 12217 74 11.2 66 9B2 | Kayak Point----- esses etree 4808 122 22 7.3 10.9 6.3 983 | Stanwood, Stillaguamish River(7)------- 4814 122 22 57, 7.4 3.6 Seratoga Passage ond Skagit Bay 984 | Greenbank, Whidbey Island------------ 4806 122 34 | 7.6 3 6.6 985 | Coupeville, Penn Cove:---::---:-°--:: 4813 122 4) | 78 W.5 6.7 987 | La Conner, Swinomish Channel(8)------ 48 23. «122 30 6.5 10.0 5.9 989 | Ala Spit::-:- sett eset tte eee 4824 122 35 69 10.5 6.1 991 | Yokeko Point, Deception Pass:-------- 48 25 122 37 7.3 1.2 6.4 993 | Cornet Bay, Deception Pass----------- 48 24 122 37 66 10.2 6.0 (7) The low water seldom falls below the chart datum. ( 8) The doto for lo Conner apply only during low levels of the channel which usually occur in midsummer. Low water seldom falls below the chart datum. Stations 893 to 902: Use reference station Port Townsend (895). Stations 903 to 993: Use reference station Seattle (921). Siva Rosario Strait, ete. 995 | Reservation Bay, Fidalgo Island:------- 48 25 122 40 45 7.6 47 997 | Aleck Bay, Lopez Island::------------- 4826 122 51 42 7.4 46 999 | Burrows Bay (Allan Island)------------ 48 28 122 42 5.0 6.1 46 TOO) | Anacortes, Guemes Channel:---------- 48 31 122 37 48 6.2 5.0 1003 | Swinomish Channel ent., Padilla Bay--: 48 28 = 12231 $.1 6.4 5.1 1005 | Thatcher Pass-:----------ssees crs eee 48 32 122 48 5.0 6.2 49 1006 | Strawberry Bay, Cypress Island-------- 48 34 122 43 48 8.0 49 1007 | Peavine Pass:---------s:: sss sc eee: 48 36 «6122 48 5.0 8.2 49 1009 | Eagle Horbor, Cypress Island:--:------ 4835 122 42 5.0 6.2 49 Bellingham Bay 1olr Chuckanut Bay----*---s5ss5sss se 48 40 122 30 $.2 8.4 5.1 1013 Bellingham: ------+-+ss-+5-5-s 4845 12238 $.2 8.6 5.2 Hale Passage 1015 Point Miglev-:----:: sss r steer ee 48 45 122 43 $2 6.6 5.2 1017 | Rosario, East Sound, Orcas Island----: 4839 122 52 49 61 a9 1019 | Upright Head, Lopez Island----------- 48 34 122 53 46 78 48 1020 | Orcas, Orcas Island:------:------+--- 48 36 122 57 45 76 47 San Juan Channel 1021 Richardson, Lopez Island:-:------- 48 27 122 54 42 7.3 45 1023 Friday Harbor, San Juan Island::-- 48 33 123 00 45 7.7 48 Strait of Georgia 1025 Echo Bay, Sucia Islands:---------- 48 45 122 54 $.2 86 $.2 1026 Fernndole wtih ce cca ial: 4850 122 43 5.6 9.0 5.4 1027 Blaine, Semiahmoo Bay:--------:- 49 00 122 46 5.9 9.5 5.6 Haro Strait 1029 Kanaka Bay, San Juan Island:----- 48 29 123 05 42 7.3 45 1031 Roche Horbor, San Juan Island: --- 48 37 123 09 44 75 47 1033 Turn Point, Stuart Island--------- 48 4) 123 14 44 7.5 47 1035 Patos Island Wharf--------------- 48 47 122 58 5.3 86 5.2 ALASKA 1181 | Cape Muzon, Dall Island, Alaska:------- 5440 132 40 99 12.1 6.4 1183 | Nichols Bay, Alaska:---------s++-+++> $443 13208] 11.1 13.4 69 1185 |-Cape Chacon, Alaska----------------- 5442 13201] I) 13.6 7.0 1187 | Kelp Island Passage, Duke Island------ $453 131 18} 12.2 14.6 7.6 1189 | Barren Island, Alasko--:----------::- 5445 131 2) 11.6 13.9 7.3 W191 | Cape Fox, Alaska-::-------++-+-+---s 5446 1305) 12.4 14.6 7.5 1193 | Port Tongass, Tongass Island, Alaska: :- 5446 13044] 12.4 14.6 7.5 1195 | Nokat Harbor, Alaska-:----::-:---:-- 54 49 130 42 12.4 14.7 7.6 1197 ] Haystack Island, B.C(9)----------5-: H $443 13037} 126 15.0 | 78 Portland Canal, otc. | 1201 | Wates Island (Cannery), Pearse Canal(9) 5447 13033] 12.9 15.3 7.9 1203 | Kumeon Bay, B.C(9):--- +s sss sree eee $443 13014] 13.2 15.6 6.1 1205 | Mill Bay, Noss River, B.C{(9)----------- $500 129 54] 13.2 15.5 6.0 1207 | Holibut Boy, Alaska(9)---+-----++:--- 5514 13006] 13.4 16.0 64 1209 | Fords Cove, B.C(9)--- +--+ +s sree e ee $537 13006] 13.7 16.2 04 1211 | Davis River entrance, Alaska(9)------- 5546 1301) 14.2 16.6 8.6 1213 | Stewart, B.C(9)- +--+ errr eee $555 12948] 143 16.8 87 | ! Revillagigedo Channel 1215 | Merse Cove, Duke Island------------- 5455 13115] 12.4 14.6 7.7 1217 | Kah Shakes Cove:::-------++++-+-ee: $503 13059] 126 15.0 7.8 1219 | Boca de Quodra-----------++--++++s- $507 13048] 12.7 15.0 77 1221) | Mary Island Anchorage----:----:----- $506 3112] 130 15.4 8.0 1222 | Mop Point, Thorne Arm:-:-:-+++++-+- 5523 13) 14] 12.6 15.2 7.9 1223 | Hassler Harbor, Annette Island::------ 5°13 131 26] 13.1 15.5 8.0 1224 | Coon Island, George Inlet--------- $5 26 13130] 129 15.3 7.9 1225 | Gnot Cove, Carroll Inlet---------- oD 55 23 131 20] 13.0 15.4 6.0 1226 | Nigeliue Point, Carroll inlot:---------- $534 131 22] 13.0 15.4 8.0 Tongass Norrows 1227 | KETCHIKAN: =: + +e cere rete reece eee $521 13139] 13:0 15.4 8.0 W229 liWiordliGovedeeecrreercccclnylitierr 55 24 13144] 13.3 15.7 al Behm Conal W231 | Alava Bay-------- crete treet ree eeee $5 14 13108] 128 15.2 79 ( nde Heights are referred to mean lower low water, the datum of soundings on National Ocean Survey charts. Stations 995 to 1035: Use reference station Port Townsend (895). Stations 1181 to 1231: Use reference station Ketchikan (1227). QV Behm Conal 1233 | Smeaton Boy (Wilson Arm)-*--*sss77** $522 130 38 1235 | Shoalwoter Pass $526 130 55 1236 | Vollenar Point----------- $526 131 SI 1237 Rudyerd Bay SOCIO i i iin) 55 38 130 39 1239 | Fitzgibbon Cove---:-*:*-ssss est reee $559 131 10 1241 | Burroughs Boy:::::---7s sss 5602 131 06 1243 | Bell Arm, Bell lsland--------:s7*7*°": 55 58 131 31 1245 | Convenient Cove, Hassler Island:-::::: §5 52. 13) 4) 1247 | Yes, Veo Boy $555 31 47 1249 Shrimp Boy we cc cece cee sence sess eseees $5 S| 131 28 125) | Traitors Cove (lower section)::-"**-*** 5543 131 40 1253 | Troitors Cove (inside narrows):---***-- $5 44 131 37 1255 | Loring, Noho Boy---*--*-**" 7s" 7" 553% 131 38 Clorence Strait 1257 | Tamgos Horbor, Annette Island:------: 55 04 131 33 1259 | Ingrahom Bay, Prince of Woles Island:- 5459 132 00 1261 | Menefee Anch., Prince of Wales Island: - 5502 13201 1263 | Niblack Anchorage, Moira Sound::::--- $504 132 07 1265 | Metlokatlo, Port Chester:::::**----**- 55 08 131 34 1267 | Nehento Boy, Grovino Island:------ Pies 55 10 131 48 1269 | Lancaster Cove, Cholmondeley Sound:- 55 13. 132 06 1270 | Divide Head, Cholmondeley Sound:-:-- 55 15 132 18 Kascaon Bay 1271 Entronc ents iileheleleictsl hicks 55 24 132 10 1273 Saltery Cove, Skowl Arm:--:--°-"°> 5524 132 19 1274 Polk Inlet (south end)----------° 7° 55 22 132 29 1275 Menacnepsoachbobadocanooopsnpooc 55 32 132 24 1277 Karta (Bayete isle inicio 5534 132 35 1279 Hollis Anchorage **-""*** "77" 77" $529 132 39 1281 | Hodley, Lymon Anchorage:-**°***-"--* 55 32 132 17 1283 | Union Boy, Ernest Sound------->-*"-" $545 132 12 1285 | Dewey Anchorage, Etolin Islond:------- 5555 132 22 1287 | Ratz Harbor, Prince of Wales Islond---- $553 132% USO PLSCIICPEL C178 F032 GO ORES CEO AL $601 132 55 1290 | Tkorne Islond, Whole Possoge 56 04 132 58 1291 | Exchange Cove-----***s sect t trent 5612 133 04 1293 | Steamer Boy, Etolin Island:---------- 5609 132 41 1295 | Olive Cove, Zimovio Strait---------"--- 56 11 132 19 1297 | Bloke Island, Bradfield Canal---------- $613 131 55 1299 | Wrongell, Wrangell Island-------------- 56 28 132 23 1301 | Stikine River entr., Point Rothsay------ $635 132 22 ' 13903 | Minnie Boy-:--: s+ sees tet eeeee $443 132 18 1905 | Tah Bay: -ccreec ccc etter eee 8450 132 20 1307 | Hunter Boy: ses sett 5452 132 19 1309 | Kasso Inlet entrance $456 1323) Wt Elbow Bay See cy 54 54 132 39 1313 | Mobel Island------<*- ss sree reer $500 132 36 1315 | Keete Island, Nutkwo Inlets------------ §5 03 132 35 1317 | Keete Inlet: :- +s ee teeter eee 6505 132 29 Herta Inlet 1319 Mud Boy ence cee ee eee ete eee 55 05 132 38 1321 Copper Horbor------+-+--+ +++ $513 132 37 1323 Sulzer Pe 65 17 132 37 Keigani Strat 1325 Kalgoni Horbor:::-----:- +7 +--+ $445 132 43 1327 American Boy::::::- cts c tte $451. 132 50 Tlevok Strom 4 1329 Rose Inlot---- oot ts 5457 132 59 1331 Kasook Inlet, Sukkwan Island::---- §5 Ol 132 47 1333 McFarland lslonds--------:-°7+ 7° $504 132 56 1335 View Cove Ce ee §5 05 133 (o}] 1337 South Poss, Sukkwon Strait-:----- $5 10 132 52 Cordova Bay 1339 Saltery Point--:---ss strc ee 8511 132 48 1340 North Pass, West End-----------:- $512 132 56 1341 Natalia Point:-:: sess ser eters 6514 13303 1343 Soda Bay::: +: strter terse eters 6516 132 58 1345 Tlevok Narrows: -::cssctt testes 55 16 133 07 Stations 1233 to 1301: Stations 1303 to 1345: Use reference station Use reference station 373 13.2 15.6 6.1 13.2 156] 6.1 129 15.3 79 13.3 15.7 61 134 615.8 8.2 134 15.8 83 136 15.9 6.3 134 15.7 6.2 13.3 15.7 6! 135 1591 62 135 158 6.1 130129 63 134 «15.7 6.2 128 15.0 7.8 12.0 144 75 122 144 75 122 146 76 123 147 76 123 147 77 127 15) 79 127 15.1 79 130 15.2 79 129 153 80 13.2 15.6 81 130 15.4 80 136 158 62 13.1 156 6! 136 15.8 82 at 165 86 137 159 82 137 160] 82 136 159 82 13.2 15.6 a! 1127 15.0 77 140 ‘163 04 142 166 86 14.2 16.5 65 133 15.7 82 We 139 73 ' 10.3 12.7 66 10.2 125 66 10.3 12.7 66 102 125 66 102 126 66 104 128 67 104 128 67 105 129 67 104 128 67 104 128 67 105 = 12.9 67 98 19 64 10.2 124 65 10.5 12.6 6.6 105 126 66 10.3 12.4 66 105 12.7 66 105 129 68 105 129 68 10.6 13.0 68 105 129 68 106 13.0 68 93 «IN7 62 Ketchikan (1227). Sitka (1539). Dall Island, west coast Cape Muron (see No. 1181)---::----:- 1349 | Security Coves-::-s7:se terete tte 10.8 57 1351 | Forrester Island-::::::ssrtsssr sce eee 10.7 5.6 1353 | Gooseneck Harbor------s+-sssss sce eee 10.7 5.6 1355 | Sokie Bay-:::-:ssees sete eee e eens 10.3 5.4 1357 | Sea Otter Harbor--:-----ssr steers 97 $.1 Meares Passage to Davidson Inlet Meores Passage 1359 Diver Islands-----sssrs erste ttre 98 5.1 136) Eagle Point-:-::s2ses ss eeeeeee ees 10.3 52 1363 Meores Islond, south side---::--:: 10.6 5.5 Ullea Chonnel! 1365 Ulloa slam deci tistltetreler-lcrrei-r: 10.7 55 1367 Waterfall Cannery::---:---++ + 7° -- 10.2 5.3 1369 Cope Flores:::ss:ssser terete tees 97 5.1 Bucareli Bay 1371 Port Santo Cruz, Suemer Island: :-- 99 §.2 1373 Diamond Point::::*ssssss secs 99 $.2 1375 Craigs: sere ieee eee nena ees 10.0 $2 1377 Cruz Pass, San Fernando Island:--- 10.1 5.2 Gulf of Esquibel! 1379 Steamboat Bay, Noyes Island::-:--: 10.1 5.3 1381 Anguilla Island:-------- -- Sarees 10.3 54 1383 Worm Chuck Inlet, Tonowek Bay: :- 10.2 5.3 Davidson Inlet 1385 Port Alice, Heceta Island-:------:: 10.8 5.7 1387 Korheen, Sea Otter Sound::::--::: 10.6 5.5 1389 Tuxekan Passage (south end):---:: 10.8 5.6 1391 Tuzekan, 0.5 mile south of:------- 10.9 56 1393 Tuxekan Passage (north end):----- 10.8 5.6 1395 El Capitan Island:::---------ceee: 10.8 $.6 1397 Cyrus Cove, Sea Otter Sound:-:---- 10.9 5.8 1399 Marble Passage':--*-------" "7° °° 10.9 5.8 1401 Marble Island: -----------s7-+ se: 10.7 5.6 1403 Holbrook. Kosciusko Island-------- 10.8 5.6 1405 Edno Boy-:: sos tt teeter ete 10.8 $7 Sumner Strait 1407 Coronation Island: --sccsc crt 10.7 54 1409 | Pole Anchorage, Kosciusko Island----:- 1.46 5.9 1411 | Port McArthur, Kuiu Island::----:--": 10.6 $$ 1413 | Kell Boy, Affleck Canol, Kuiv lsland:-:: 1.2 5.9 1414 | Point St. Albono-::---s street Ue} $9 1415 | Shakon Boy Entrance::*7:775 187" WwW? 62 1417 | Shobtan, Kosciusko Island-:--'""***"": W7 6.2 1419 | El Capitan Passage::-:--°"*** 7°" ** 10.8 $.6 1421 | Port Beauclerc, Kuiv leland:-**--"--* We 62 1422 | Port Protection, Prince of Wales Island: 12.4 6.4 1423 Reid Bay seer ree tree ewer eres ereeeee 12.4 6.5 1424 | Sumner Island-: oe 12.6 66 1425 | Red Bay, Prince of Wales loland:::-::: 14.6 76 1426 | Level Islands: sett ttt 15.0 7.8 1427 | Butterworth Island. Duncan Canal:-::: 18.3 8.0 1428 | Duncan Canal, Kupreanot Island::::::: 15.2 78 1429 | Grief Inland, Duncon Conol::::-:::::: 15.4 8.0 1430 | Castle Islands, Duncan Canal:::::::::: 15.5 8.0 1431 | St.John Harbor, Zarembo Island::::::: 14.6 7.6 1432 Greys A 15.6 6.1 Wrangell Narrows 1433 | Point Lockwood, Woewodski Islond:-::- $633 132 58] 13.1 15.7 6.1 1435 | Finger Point, Lindenberg Peninsula: :- 56 41 132 57] 14.2 16.7 8.6 1436 Anchor Point:'s cess tt ttt ttt 56 38 132 56| 13.6 16.0 6.3 1437 Petersburg: - ooo oot 56 49 132 57| 13.4 15.7 6.1 Stations 1349 to 1424: Use reference station Sitka (1539). Stations 1425 to 1437: Use reference station Ketchikan (1227). 374 Keku Stroit 1439 | Monte Carlo Islond:-------:s-ssse07> $632 133 46 | 103 12.5 66 1441 | Seclusion Harbor, Kuiu Island---:----- 5633 133 52] 102 12.3 64 0%) 1) Cogs fii kooosooo cpap casos oaonaoun 5639 133 43] 11.5 13.8 7A 1445 | The Summit---*-- ss osc ccc 564) 133 44} 13.2 15.7 82 1447 | Entrance Island----*-*-*ss scott 5649 133 47] 12.3 14.7 7.6 1449 | Port Camden, Kuiu Islond-:----*---°- 56 44 133 55} 11.5 13.9 7.2 1450 | Hamilton Boy, Kupreonot Island:--->-- 56 55 133 50] 11.4 13.8 72 VEDA CSLOSodcOm GORI no COBB Oras 5658 133 56| 11.7 140 7.3 VAS 2D yiS trait m stmt initia ol 5637 132 34] 135 16.1 63 1453 | Cosmos Point-------- scott $640 13237] 131 15.6 68.1 1454 | Ideal Cove, Mitkof Island:-------:-°: $640 13238] 135 16.1 83 1455) Brown Covel iil oll iii abies leer $653 132 48 | 135 15.8 6.2 1457. | aVhomas) Boy ently ti =)=)=122=1> 5700 132 47] 13.0 154 8.0 1459 | Portage Bay, Kupreanot Island:---:--- 5700 133 19} 13.0 15.5 6.1 1461 | Cleveland Passage, Whitney Island:::-- 5713. 133 30] 126 15.0 78 1463 | Pybus Boy, Admiralty Island:--------- 57 18 134 06 | 119 143 74 1465 | Eliza Horbor, Liesno: Island----------- 5710 13417] 119 143 74 1467 | Saginaw Boy, Kuw Island:------------ 56 54 134 18 | 116 140 7.3 Stephens Passage 1469 | Port Houghton, Robert Islands-------- 57 18 133 28} 13.0 15.4 8.0 1471 Hobart Boy)-st: ot Nieia = ink hsp ones rcter 57 24 133 25 | 12.7 15.1 78 1473 | Good Island, Gambier Boy:----------- 57 29 133 $4] 124 14.8 7.7 1475 | Windham Bay:-----*cc tcc 5733 133 3| 127 15.1 7.8 1477 | Rasp Ledge, Seymour Coanol----------- 57 41 134 02] 12.9 15.6 62 1479 | Windtoll Horbor, Seymour Canal:----:- 57 52 134 16] 13.5 16.0 6.3 1481 | Holkham Boy, Wood Spit----::-:-----: 57 43. 133.35 | 13.0 15.4 8.0 1483 | Port Snettisham, Point Styleman:---- 57 58 133 53 | 13.4 15.8 6.2 1485 | Voku Harbor----- 2-227" e eee $804 13401] 13.1 15.5 60 1486: | Greely Point, Tokyu Inlet--------------- 58 13 134 04 | 13.2 1$.7 8.1 1487 | Taku Point, Toku Inlet----------*°-*: 58 24 13401] 141 16.7 6.6 1489 | JUNEAU:+--- eee eee 58 18 13425| 138 16.4 85 1491 | Fritz Cove, Douglos Island::--:------:- 58 19 134 36] 13.5 15.9 8.2 VA928 WAU ken Bo yore techs thin cision ec: $823. 13439] 13.3 15.9 82 Lynn Canal 1493 | Funter, Funter Boy------ scoot $815 134 54] 12.6 15.1 7.9 1495 | Barlow Cove, Manstield Peninsula’:::-- 5820 13453] 129 15.0 7.8 1497 | William Henry Bay--**s sss 5843 135 14] 13.2 15.7 82 1499 | Pyramid Harbor, Chilkot inlet--------- 59 11 135 28} 13.9 16.3 8.3 1501 | Haines, Chilkoot Imlet::*------s-77"°> 59 14 135 26] 142 16.8 87 1503 | Skogwoy, Taiyo Inlet(10)------- +--+": 59 27. 135 19 |} 16.) 16.7 8.7 Chathom Strait 1505 | Port Alexander, Baranof Island:-----:- 5615 134 39 9.0 4 6.0 1507 | Port Conclusion, Baranof Island:------ 56 15 134 40 9.0 11.4 60 1509 | Port Walter, Baranof Island:------*-:: 56 23 134 40 9.1 11.5 6.0 1511 | Table Bay, Kuiu Island:--:-+-:------: $610 134 15 6.8 aL 5.8 1513 | Port Malmesbury, Kuiu Island-:----:-: 56 18 134 14 88 11.2 59 1515 | Tebenkof Bay, Kuiu Island-+-:-----::- $625 134 08 9.4 11.8 62 US50G |) Goch Gia Bayyeceosceccusonoou0ceGKS $651 13443] 10.2 12.7 67 1517 | Security Bay, Kuiu Island--++------::- 56 5) 134 21 Wl 13.6 7. Goochatid? Somme) BORD Se | | 1518 | Baranof, Warm Spring Boy:::-*----- °° 5705 134 50} 11.0 13.4 7.0 1519 | Whitewater Bay, Admiralty Island------ 57 14 134 36 | 11.4 13.9 7.6 DSP || Recon: Cpe canoe sac0nos0s99900R0nD00 ‘| $713 13452] Ile 13.8 7.2 1523 | Point Thatcher::---- occ e ete t eee eeeee $725 13451| 116 142] 7.6 Peril Strait (see below)------*---*7*"- So Selo o See] es DE¥2) || Celhanag= ooo 500 co oonaDoGDDQDGGHDONS 57 28 134 34) 11.6 14.1 7.4 Kootsnahoo Inlet 1527 Favorite Bay-*:--s-s otto 57 29 13433} 106 13.0 7.2 1529 Mitchell Bay------essess cert 57 32 134 24 9.2 11.0 5.6 1531 | Freshwoter Bay, Chichagof Island:----- 5751 13501 | 119 14.4 78 ey Scio | asboooasocae SSeS a FSS ik So a SS 1532 | Tenakee Springs, Tenakee Inlet------- 57 47 135 13 | 12.3 14.7 7.7 (10) For 135th meridian time subtract one hour from the differences for Skagway. Stations 1439 to 1451: Use reference station Ketchikan (1227). Stations 1452 to 1503 and 1518 to 1532: Use reference station Juneau (1489). Stations 1505 to 1517: Use reference station Sitka (1539). SID Baranof Island, west coast 1533 | Cape Ommaney:-::---+------eee sees 1535 | Port Banks, Whale Bay:----------+-:> Sitka Sound 1537 Symonds Bay, Biorka Island:--::-- 1539 CHhils(\eesanotronnpootboossoonbo0dcd. 1541 Dog Point, Lisionski Peninsula--:-:- 1543 Olga Point, Olga Strait:---+---+---> Kruzof Island 1545 Shoals Point--------+-++---5+e0e: 1547 GilmenliBoyerre cece rere cece Neva Strait 1549 Whitestone Narrows: ------+---+--- 155) Zeal Poin triste eelreiteciiaeren ier Salisbury Sound and Peril Strait 1553 | Klokachef Island:--:----+-:-+++-++-:- 1555 | Scraggy Point--------+-++-seeee seers 1557 | Kakul Narrows:::::----:-*:> Sndscooos 1559 | Haley Anchorage, Fish Bay--::-+------ 1561 | Serguis Norrows:-----+-stsseseeceeee 1563 Bear Boy: se er reer rete teens 1565 | Povorotni Island, Pogibshi Point------- 1567 Nismeni Cove::::: ss tects steer ce eee 1569 lFPointhelivabethaeneecriccereiaanerie 1471 Lindenburg Head: --- 2s sees esc ee ence 1573 | Fairway Island::-+--sssees se eee eee eee Chichagof Island, west coast 1875 | Falcon Arm, Slocum Arm:-----+-----+> 1577 | Elbow Passage, Klag Bay-------------- 1579 | Kimshan Cove, Ogden Passage::--:----- 158) | Dey Pass. Hill Island---+----++-eeeeeee Lisionski Strait? ond Inlet 1$83 Canoe Cove, North Poss 1585 Stag Boy-ssstrss este eee ee 000 1587 IMineritslandecerieciritecccieicisisteieiesie Yokobi Islond, outer coast 1589 Tokonis Bay: ss: sss te err e eee eeee 1591 Surge Baysssss sss street eee e eens Cross Sound 1893 | Cape Binghom:::--+--0sssseeee ee eeee WS9SHilhGapemSpence recbeieiccieeiecir citer ISPAeliGranifenGove tect ciierrien iri 1599 | Port Althorp:- +: ss este ete cece ees ° 160) | Inian Cove, North Inian Pass-+::-+---: 1603 | Point Lavinia, South Inian Pass:--::::- Icy Strait 1605 ildohow Inlet iiiireieilrletctstelerstercielel-tete es 1607 | Lemesurier I. Light, North Passoge:---- 1609 | Mud Bay, Goose Island::::----++++-++: 1611 | Point Adolphus-:-- ++: secretes seeees 1613 | Flynn Coves::: 2:2: etc e cece cece c ees 161S5e We xcursionninletctecsccieciccceir nee 1617 | Hoonah Horbor, Port Frederick::+--:-- TelORNESwonsanktarborcucurten Glacier Bay 1621 BartlettiCoveeirecece cern: 1622 Willoughby Island: sss setter eee eaee 1623 Mie (po0s0800 oboccocos0b000000 1624 Composite Island::-----+++-++-+++ Gulf of Alaska 1625 Graves Harbor:-:-- +++ esse tere eens 1627 Dixon Horbor ss)s)\a)s\e\s\e\e/e/¢i9s( eel ue see sie 1629 | Lituyo Bay, 1631 | Dry Boy:-- 2 miles inside entrance:::- 1633 | Vokutat, Yokutot Bay::::-+-+:---+++-- 1635 | ley Boys sss sere etree eee eee ee ee 1637 | Wingham Island, Controller Boy-------- Stations 1533 Use reference Stations 1565 Use reference to 1563; 1575 to 1609; and station Sitka (1539). 58 16 58 23 58 37 59 10 59 33 $9 53 60 03 134 40 134 59 135 31 | 135 20 135 25 | 135 32 135 38 135 50 135 34 135 36 135 53 135 43 135 41 435 37 135 38 135 35 135 33 135 25 135 17 135 02 134 53 135 56 136 05 136 06 136 17 136 25 136 18 136 20 136 31 136 32 136 34 136 40 136 24 136 21 136 20 136 21 136 O9 136 02 136 02 135 47 135 35 135 29 135 28 135 08 135 53 136 07 136 07 136 34 136 41 136 52 137 37 138 37 139 44 141 28 144 24 FO RLS /S Vand al6iile Eon M6240 station Juneau (1489). 376 7.6 99 5.3 7.7 99 5.3 7.6 9.8 5.2 7.7 99 $.3 7.8 10.0 5.3 7.7 99 5.3 7.6 9.8 5.2 8.0 10.5 $.5 7.8 99 5.3 8.0 10.1 5.4 7.5 99 $.2 7.5 9.8 $.2 7.8 10.0 $.3 7.8 10.1 5.4 10.9 13.3 69 W.2 13.6 7.2 12.5 14.9 7.7 12.5 15.0 77 12.1 14.7 7.6 U2 14.5 7.5 11.6 14.2 7.4 6.1 10.2 $.6 8.4 10.7 $.7 7.8 10.1 $.4 7.9 10.2 |- 3.3 7.9 10.1 $.2 79 10.2 $.3 8.) 10.4 5.5 7.6 10.1 5.3 7.5 99 5.1 8.1 10.3 5.4 6.1 10.3 5.5 67 Iho 5.8 86 10.9 5.8 9.2 Ue) 6.0 9.5 V9 6.) 96 12.0 6.2 10.2 12.6 66 10.6 12.9 67 12.0 14.5 7.5 UGAS; je@) IL(3}7/ ¢ Copper River Delta 1639 Kokinhenik Island(11)------------- O18 4595) -— —— | -—— 1641 Pete Dahl Slough:--------+---++-- 6023 145 24 7.7 10.0 53 1643 | Eyaok River entrance---**-*+-+-7- tee: 60 28 145 40 8.6 10.8 5.7 1645 | Middleton Islond (north end)---------- 59 28 146 19 8.0 10.3 5.4 Prince William Sound Orca Inlet 1646 Shog Rock---++-2+0e0reeeeeee eens 6028 14559] 9.1 114] 60 1647 Gravel Point---*-++tt terete rte eeee 60 28 145 58 10.0 123 65 1649 CORDOVA +++ 222s eee ee ee eee eee eeee 6034 14545] 101 124] 64 1651 Orca sec e cc cteerectessceecieess 6035 145 43 99 12.4 64 1653 | Windy Boy, Howkins Islond----------- 6034 «145 58 9.6 12.1 6.3 1654 | Comfort Cove, Port Gravina:-:::--:--- 6043 146 05 9.5 11.8 6.2 Hinchinbrook Island 1655 Johnstone Point-:-+-+--+--ssess: 60 29 «146 37 9.4 11.8 6.1 1657 Port Etches=- <0 j0- si ---)-- 2 *2° 60 20 146 33 9.0 11.2 5.8 Montague Isolnd 1659 Patton) Bays emi ciieinsininiainsinie s+) 59 54 147 26 79 10.2 5.3 1661 Macleod Harbor:---*-***-*sss7 7 5953 147 46 68 11.0 5.8 1663 Hanning Bay'-s-*s sts ttt 59 57 147 41 9.2 15 6.0 1665 Port Chalmers-------***-***ctct': 60 14 147 14 9.3 V1.7 6.1 1666 | Gibbon Anchorage, Green Island-:::-:- 6016 147 26 9.5 1.5 6.1 1667 | Latouche, Latouche Island-:-------::- 60 03 147 54 9.1 11.5 6.0 1669 | Sawmill Bay, Evans Island:-:---::---- 6003 148 04 69 11.3 5.9 1671 | Snug Harbor, Knight Island----------- 6014 147 43 94 V7 6.1 1672 | Port Audrey, Knight Island:----------- 60 20 147 46 9.6 12.1 6.4 1673 | Smith Island::--:-+sscssscrc sss 6032 147 19 9.4 11.8 6.1 1675 | Sung Corner Cove, Port Fidalgo-------- 6044 146 39 9.5 12.0 6.2 1676 | Landlocked Bay, Port Fidalgo:------:- 60 51 146 32 9.5 Wg 6.1 Valdez Arm 1677 Ellamar, Tatitlek Narrows 60 54 146 42 9.5 1g 62 1678 Ly) LATS SS DG SOCO SS OC OCOOOD 60 57 146 46 9.6 12.1 63 1679 WackwB ay sricsil-nialcniel-icielaiel-iniiiaiots 6102 146 38 9.6 12.1 63 1681 VALDEZ, Port Valdez------+-----:- 6108 146 21 97 12.0 63 1683 | Jackson Cove, Glacier Island----- 6053 +147 14 9.5 119 0.2 1685 | Naked Island, McPherson Passage- 60 40 147 24 9.5 11.8 61 1686 | Kings Bay, Port Nellie Juan------- a 6032 148 28 9.5 1g 6.2 1687 | Culross Bay, Wells Passage-------:---: 60 44 148 11 97 12.1 63 1688 | Long Bay Entrance, Culross Passage:--- 60 42 148 16 9.3 11.6 6.1 1689 | Whittier, Passage Canal--------------- 60 47 148 40 9.8 12.3 64 1690 | Applegate Island------+---::-++++-++ 6038 148 10 9.5 1g 6.2 1691 | Eshamy Boy, Knight Island Passage--:- 60 27 147 59 97 12.1 64 1693 | Chenega Island, Dangerous Passage:--- 60 20 148 O09 9.2 11.6 6.1 1695 | Hogg Bay, Port Bainbridge------------ 60 04 148 12 8.3 10.6 5.5 Kenai Peninsula, outer coast 1697 | Day Harbor-:--------ss ests eres 60 Ol 149 03 8.2 10.5 5.5 1699 | Seward, Resurrection Bay------------: 6006 149 27 8.3 10.5 5.4 1701 | Camp Cove, Aialik Boy---------------- 59 42 149 45 8.4 10.7 5.5 1703 | Two Arm Bay:-----:- 772222722 eee 59 40 150 06 87 11.0 57 1705 | Chance Cove (Lagoon)::------:-----:- $9 29 150 19 87 11.0 5.7 1707 .| Beauty Bay, Nuka Bay----:::------::: 59 31 150.38 9.1 4 5.9 1709 | Nuka Passage:------7--7ssere sees: 5924 15040] 9.2 115 6.0 W711 | Takoma Cove, Port Dick--:-----:--:-- 5915 15059} 98 12.1 6.3 1713 | Picnic Harbor, Rocky Bay------------- 59 15 151 26 | 105 12.7 6.6 Cook Inlet 1715 | Ushaga? Island, Barren Islands:-------- 58 57 152 16 1.4 13.7 7.2 1717 | Port Chathom:::--------ss--s esse ee 5913 151 44] 12.0 14.3 7.5 W719 | Port Graham---------- +--+ se eres 59 21 151 50 | 144 16.5 8.6 1721 | SELDOVIA, Kachemak Bay-----------:-: 59 26 151 43 15.4 17.6 9.3 1722 | Homer, Kachemak Bay------:-:------:- 59 38 151 27 15.7 18.1 9.5 1723 | Cape Ninmilchik:-------:+--e2se sree eee 60 Ol 151 43 | 16.5. 19.1 10.1 1724 | Ninilchik-:::+s- 7s tsetse ttre eee eee 6003 151 40] 16.7 19.1 10.0 1725 | Kenai River entrance----*---------::: 6033 «151 17 | 17.7 20.7 11.0 1726 | Kenai City Pier---:--------+--:---::- 6033 151 14|{ 17.5 19.8 10.4 1727 | NIKISHKA:------22220se sere cere e eens } 4041 15124] 17.7 204] 109 (11) Because of shoals, low water at this place is restricted from falling below half tide love! outside the river entrance. Stations 1639 to 1713: Use reference station Cordova (1649). Stations 1715 to 1727: Use reference station Seldovia (1721). 377 Cook Inlet 1728 | East Foreland--++---:sssses reer reese 60 43 151 25 | 18.0 21.0 1.2 Ores |) lato Thor bo soocbsp dino ps o7Goso005 6110 150 12 | 24.4 27.0 14.2 1731 | Sunrise, Turnagain Arm(12)-:--------- 6054 14926) 33 333 17.1 1733 | ANCHORAGE, Knik Arm--+:-+*--:+s--5° 61 14 149 54 | 26.1 29.0 15.3 1735 | Eklutmo, Knik Arm(13)---- sss esos 6128 #14922 }/-- rf 1737 | North Forelond-------ss sects ttt: 6103 15110} 183 21.0 1.3 1738 | Dritt River Terminal-*----*+-+-+++-°- 60 34 152 08 | 15.4 18.1 9.7 1739 | Tuxedni Chonnel--------ssss str t tte 6009 152 38} 14.0 16.6 89 1740 | Snug Horbor:-----ss sss: 6006 152 34} 13.2 15.7 8.3 1741 | MWiomne Boy-ss: sss ct tts 59 37. 153 35 | 12.3 14.5 7.5 1742 | Nordyke Islond, Kamishak Boy:------- 59 11 154 05 | 12.9 15.2 8.0 Kodiok and Afognak Islands 1743 | Andreon Bay, Shuyok Islond:--------- 58 31 152 25 | 9.0 1.3 59 1745 | Perenoso Bay::*--*ssc test t tte: BY} 2) WEY? ¢2/ 9.0 11.3 59 NY || Soc) Lappecasceadoc capone co ceboeconce §8)22) 15215 89 11.2 5.8 D2 1) vont Loess sscobasodcccnacannnGoo00 58 19 152 04 89 11.2 5.8 1751 | Marmot Island, Marmot Strait--------- 58 14 151 52 7.7 9.8 49 02) | Deen Bopeceseodesocccagescsopogconn 58 13 152 19 69 8.9 45 1755 | Kazakot Bay, Marmot Bay----:-------- 58 08 152 34 7.2 9.4 49 1757 | Fox Boy, Whale Island---------------- 57 59 152 45 7.8 10.0 5.2 1759 | Kizhuyok Boy------------ reser reese 57 49 86152 54 76 9.6 49 1761 | Kizhuyak Point------:--++++-+2+-++--> 57 54 152 39 7.3 9.4 48 1763 | Ouzinkie, Spruce Island--------------- $7 55 152 30 7.0 9.1 46 1765 | Spruce Island (north side)------------ 57 56 152 26 7.1 9.2 47 1767 | KODIAK, Kodiok Harbor--------------- 57 47 152 24 6.6 85 43 1769 | St. Poul Harbor-------++---+-+-+---- 57 44 152 29 67 87 44 1771 | Womens Bay-:-:-s ccc 57 43 152 31 68 88 45 1773 | Ugok Bay (Saltery Cove)-------------- 57 29 152 44 66 8.4 43 1775 | Port Hobron, Sitkalidak Island-------- 57 10 153 09 6.4 8.3 44 1777 | Three Saints Bay:-::---*- esse eet ee 57 07 153 3) 6.5 8.3 44 (AD 1 dcp Goyecseososc° canoe poscocedoonen 96 58 «153 42] 64 8.2 44 1780 | Sitkinak Lagoon: :-**ss sess strstr eee 56 30 154 08 5.6 7.5 4.1 1781 | Lazy Boy, Alitok Bay-::**--:-+---+--- 56 54 15415 9.3 VW7 6.2 1783 | Moser Boy (Trap Point)-------------- 5700 15409] 93 11.6 6.2 1785 | Olga Bay (A. P. A. Cannery):---------: 57 10 154 14 1.0 14 0.6 Uyok Bay 1787 ()7-| JODO DOO OOD OC OOO GOOG Orn 57 38 15400) 11.3 13.8 7.3 1789 Loco Dicyeene2coeconc05 00000000 57 32. 154 00} 11.2 13.7 7.2 1791 Mining Camp:---:-- 7777s secret: 57 28 153 49] 115 13.9 7.3 1793 Bodnar Croyponeesus000cc0ocaD0p00 5733 153 44] 11.3 13.8 7.3 Ugonik Bay 1795 Villagentsland sci ecr ie ioe 57 47 153 33 | 11.7 14.4 7.5 1797 Northeast Arm------- sc csc ttre 57 44 153 20 | 11.4 13.9 7.3 1799 Ugonik Passage-----°------------ $7 48 153 18] 119 146 7.6 1BOl | Viekoda Bay:---*---- scr ttc r cs 57 54 153 10 | 11.8 14.4 7.6 Kupreonof Strait 1803 Onioni Ba yee tires er 58 03 153 14] 11.8 14.4 7.6 1805 Dry Spruce Island---------------> 57 57 153 02 | 11.4 13.9 7.4 1807 Noachains Island: ----- +--+ seer tcc 57 59 152 56 | 11.2 13.6 7.2 1809 Uzkostin Poin teicher erin tiki te 57 56 152 49 8.8 11.6 6.2 1811 | Dolphin Foint, Raspberry Stroit------- 58 07 153 09 | 11.5 14.0 7.3 1813 | Malina Bay, Shelikof Strait-----------: 58 II 152 57 | 12.0 14.5 77 1815 | Redfox Bay, Shuyak Strait------------ 58 27 152 36 | 11.3 13.7 7.2 i) i) iy Kodiak and Afognak Islunds Shuyak Island 1817 Ley Doggone ooo oncngscanogabaoupRGe $833 15237] 11.5 13.9 7.3 1819 Carry Inlet: 0st ete e teens 5835 15231 | 10.7 13.1 69 Alaska Peniniwla 1821 | Kukak, Kukak Bay:*::-*:ss ssc es eres $820 15407] I1I.I 13.3 69 1823 | Katmai Bay, Shelikof Strait--:-----+-- 58 00 154 59 10.5 12.8 6.6 US3, || sco Doesesoconsnagoocnog0oadoceod 57 42 155 23 9.8 12.1 6.4 (12) A bore frequently occurs in Turnagain Arm just after low water. Under favorable conditions it is said to reach a height of 6 feet. (13) Because of the shoal condition of the upper part of Knik Arm, the channel off Ekluina becomes practically a nontidal stream during the period when the height of the tide at Anchorage is less thon 15 feet above mean lower low water. Stations) 1/28) 3/3) sto) by 42 sand 1/ 8i/ eo) 82.5): Use reference station Seldovia (1721). Stations 1729 to 1735: Use reference station Anchorage (1733). Stations 1743 to 1785: Use reference station Kodiak (1767). 378 Alosko Penniwle 1827 | Kanatak Lagoon, Portage Boy::----::: 1829 | Lees Cabins, Wide Boy:::::::---:--::> 1831 | Anchorage Bay-- 1833 | Three Star Point: 1835 | Chiachi Island (east side)::*-:-:::::: 1837 | Kupreanof Harbor, Paul Island-:--:-::- 1839 | Fox Bay, Kupreanol Peninsula:--:----: 1841 Dent Point, Stepovak Bay:----------:: Shumagin Islands 1843 Korovin Island (east side)-----**:- 1845 Sanborn Harbor, Nagai Island::---- 1847 Mist Harbor, Nagai Island:--:::--- 1649 Pirate Cove, Popot Island:-------- 1851 Sand Point, Popof Island:--:-- 90 1853 Zachary Bay, Unga Island:--------- 1855 | Albatross Anchorage, Balboa Bay 1857 | Beaver Bay---:-- 1859 | Seal Cape, Coal 1861 | Ukolnoi Island:-- 1863 | Dolgoi Harbor, Do 1865 | Settlement Point, Bay Igoi Island Paviof Bay 1867 | Canoe Bay, Paviof Bay::-:-----------: 1869 | King Cove------- 1871 | Lenard Harbor, Cold Bay-:--:--+-:--:: 1873 | Cold Bay-------- 1875 || Morzhovoi Bay-------20- +: seers Sonak Islands 1877 Peterson Bay-------:-:90- 7+ sees 1879 Sonak Harbor:------------------- Aleution Islands Unimak Islond 1881 Dora Harbor----cr sete t ttt eeeee 1aa2 (ano. Licpposbocso0cssec006005000 1885 False Pass, Isanotski Strait-------- 1887 St. Catherine Cove:::--:+-++++:-:- 1889 Cope Mordvinol-:::+::ssseeeeeeee 1891 Cape Sarichef:::+:::++2e+-ee cree 1893 Scotch Cap-s::osc steers eee cees 1895 | Tigalda Bay, Tigol daulslandseeccces 1897 | Trident Bay, Akun Island:----------:- 1899 | Akun Bay, Akun | sland idea cileriecisis: 1901 | Akutan Harbor, Akutan Island-:-::+--- 1903 | Malga Bay, Unalg Unolaska Island o Island::::-+--+++--- 1905 English Bay::---ssr seer reece 1907 OUTCH HARBOR, Amaknak Island:--- 1909 Unoloskaseriss: emiicciinm cits leis « oil Anderson Boy: -' sss sss ester eee 1913 Bian Qoyyeos s0oo0nc0cnscc00n0000 1915 Kashegon@ay sess ek rice 1917 Chernolski Horbor::-++-sseeeeeees 1919 Kulillek Bays erect cette 1921 GocfniCeieecasosovbnocbbcosebeoo 1923 RoveniBoy-caccacet nce 1925 UsetiBarsecer eee ieee 1927 Udamot Boy, Sedanke Island------- 1929 Udegok Straits ss sete ete e eee eens 1931 Kisselen Bay, Beover inlet--------- 1933 | Bogoslof Island: :--c + sss seeeee eee e es Umnak Island 1935 Otter Point: ::: 2s: eset eee eeneee 1937 Inonudok Bay:::-:::s-seeeee teens 1939 GCG: Lepeeadgovedco000cdHaeenada 1941 Adugok Islands: -:-: eect eeccceees 1943 CopeiSagoketece eee 1945 Driftwood Boys eee etter eee eee 1947 Kigul Islond-----:--see esse esse eee 1949 | Applegate Cove, Chuginadak Islond--:-- 1951 | Herbert Island, west side:---::::----- Yuneska Island 1953 East Cover: 2 ect t cece cecenes 1955 North side: : sss sss eee eee e cence 1957 | Amukta Island, no Stations 1827 to 1883: Stations 1885 to 1957: rth Bide ss steers Use reference station Use reference station 379 SESELELLAE Le SBESQIREFl[s BS 156 04 156 18 158 24 159 10 159 06 159 21 159 37 159 53 160 09 159 59 159 51 160 22 160 30 160 37 160 37 160 50 161 20 161 32 161 48 161 28 161 16 162 19 162 23 162 42 162 58 162 38 162 49 163 16 163 19 163 24 163 30 164 28 164 55 164 44 164 59 165 32 165 32 165 48 166 10 166 15 166 32 166 32 166 50 167 03 167 05 167 32 167 O1 166 56 166 52 166 48 166 13 166 18 166 34 168 02 167 51 168 2! 168 50 169 10 169 03 | 168 43 168 26 169 52 | 170 09 | 170 34 170 42 71 14 3.2 $.0 3.1 3.3 $.4 3.1 1.8 3.3 19 2.5 4) 2.1 1.6 3.0 V9 2.4 3.9 2.5 1.8 3.3 2.0 1.8 3.0 1.8 2.2 3.7 2.3 2.2 3.7 2.3 2.4 40 2.5 2.3 4.0 2.4 7 3.9 6.1 3.3 3.3 $.1 2.9 3.5 5.5 29 3.5 $.2 3.0 2.4 3.9 2.5 Kodiak (1767). Dutch Harbor (1907). Aleution Islands 1959 | Finch Cove, Seguom Islandt:------"--° $223 172 24) - — 3.2 1.6 Atko Island 1960 Martin Harbor, Korovin Bayt::-::-: $214 17418} —- — 3.2 1.6 1981 Nozan Boyt:::- soos c cc $212 IW} - - 3.3 1.6 1962 Cope Utalug (4 miles west of)t----- $207 174 12}]- - 44 2.2 1963 Atka Poss, east end?-------7ss7 7: 52 00 WW - 46 2.3 1964 Sagchudok Islandt:-------++ss 50°: §202 17429 |—- — 46 2.3 1965 Explorer Bayt------sc ccc tt ttt 52 04 74Mi- 46 2.3 1966 Bechevin Bayt------ssott ttt $202 17507 |- - 3.5 7 1967 | Fenimore Paosst----" oss t ccc $158 178 35} - — 3.3 1.6 1969 | Bugle Point, Great Sitkin Islandt------ $202 17559 }- - 3.3 16 1971 | Sand Bay. Great Sitkin Island?-------- 5158 17605/—- — 3.6 1.8 1973 | Tonager Point. Chugul Island?--------- $157 175 S2}- - 37 9 1975 | Chisak Bay, Little Tonago lelandt- . 5148 17608 }—- — 3.3 V7 1977 | Cemetery Point, Kagolosko Islondt:---- 5149 176 16}—- — 3.4 7 1979 | Laska Cove, Kegalaske Islond?--------- $150 176 24}- - 3.6 1.8 Adak Island 1981 Clom Legoon. Kuluk Boy?-------"-- $156 176 36}- — 2.9 14 1983 SWEEPER COVE, Kuluk Boy?-------- $151 17639} —- — 3.7 1.8 1985 Finger Boy. Kuluk Bay?--------"-- 5150 17637 }- - 3.7 1.8 1987 Adak Bight?------:-:-""- O900 5146 176 26}- — 3.7 1.6 1989 Boot Boyt---ssssetcrrt 6143 17632)—- — 36 18 1991 Bay of Woterfallst------*--7"7°7"* $139 176 S0},- —- 3.5 7 1993, Three Arm Bayf----s-ssc ct $145 17651 }- - 3.7 1.8 1995 Unalga Bight?------sssserrrr re $147 176 48) - - 3.6 18 1997 Andrew Boy? ----- sot 5159 17638} - — 3.6 18 Konaga Island 1999 Shoal Pointf---s:s sss $152 177 04} - — 3.2 1.6 2001 Cape Chlanok?--------sssts rrr $143 17709} — - 3.4 V7 2003 Konogo Boy? cee cree eee cece eres $1 43 W7A2t-- 3.9 19 2005 Cope Chunutt:--:sssssrrrrrcrrests 5140 17738)- - 4. 20 Tanogo Island 2007 Gusty Boyf---- sot $152 177 S4)- - 3.3 1.6 2009 Hot Springs Boyt: -----s-s7s7 7 $147 177 48)- - 3.1 S$ 2011 Tonago Boyt: ** sss 5143 178 00|/- — 40 2.0 2013 Losh Bavf----7 oss 5140 17803 |- - 42 2.1 Delorof Islonds 2015 Ogliuge Island (east coost)t:-----:- $136 17837 |- - 3.5 7 2017 Gareloi Islandt--------ssssctt $145 178 48|- = 3.7 1.8 2019 Ulak Islandt::-:+sscrccc sc $122 17859|- - 3.8 19 Rot tslonds 2021 South Bight. Amchitka Island?::::- $123 18037 }- - 3.5 1.7 2023 Constantine Harbor. Amchitka If: -- $125 10043 |- - 2.8 1.4 2025 Gertrude Cove. Kiska Island?:----- $156 18233 |- - 3.2 1.6 2027 Kisko Harbor. Kiska Islandt:-:---- $159 162 27|- - 3.6 1.6 2029 | Alcan Harbor. Shemyo Islandt::::::::- $244 1865 S6|—- — 3.4 1.7 2031 | Otkriti Boy. Agoattu Island?:--------°> $223 1866 22|—- — 3.4 1.7 Attu Islond 2033 MASSACRE BAYT: ss sess $250 186 48|— — 3.3 1.6 2035 Chichagof Horbort------°--"°* on $256 186 46|]—- — 3.6 1.6 2037 Holtz Boyf------ sts 5256 186 50|—- — 3.7 1.6 2039 Steller Covet::::sssss oct §259 187 06|—- — 37 1.8 2041 Etienne Bay? sso sect $256 1867 23|—- — 3.7 1.6 Bristol Bay 2043 | Amak Island-::-*--77s strc 5525 16307} 5.2 77 47 2045 | Geant Point. Izembek Lagoon'::''::': $516 16254} 3.2 45 2.6 2047 | Port Moller (Entrance Point):----°*--"- 5559 16034] 7.6 10.8 6.2 2048 | Port Heiden---*--sss sss t tt 5656 158 44 65 12.3 69 Egegik River 2049 Entrance:::-ssoostts rr 5814 15730] 13.8 18.2 9.4 2051 BOOGfIzo 0° spb onan otocnHaoOaGoD0RO 5813 157 22] 10.8 13.3 6.2 2053 | Middle Bluff. Kvichak Boy'----"-"-""*: 58 27 157 30] 15.2 19.6 10.1 Naknek River 2055 Entrance(14)-:--esss secret 58 43 15703] 185 22.6 11.4 2057 Morokas Points:-:scrc crt t 58 44 156 56} 15.1 17.8 6.4 2059 Omakstalia Point::---- 7777s ttt 58 42 156 45 6.3 6.1 3.4 2061 Naknek Air Bases: 7 soot t rt ts 5840 156 39 2.1 3.2 1.2 t The tide at this place is chiefly diurnal. (14) No low water falls below —2 feet. Stations 1959 to 2027: Use reference station Sweeper Cove (1983). Stations 2029 to 2041: Use reference station Massacre Bay (2033). Stations 2043 to 2045: Use reference station Dutch Harbor (1907). Stations 2047 to 2061: Use reference station Nushagak Bay (2071). 380 Kvichak River 2063 Nokeen: 2-22-0202 e sec eere eee eeees 5856 15702| 154 179] 84 2065 Kvichak----- 20202 ree reece eee 5858 15657] 139 165] 7.8 2067 Levelock=- = 2-205 r steerer eee 5907 15650] a2 103] 46 Nushagok Bay 2069 Protection Point::-*--*ste tc rrcree 58 30 158 42 12.7 16.9 88 2071 NUSHAGAK BAY (Clarks Point):-:-- 58 51 158 33 | 15.3 19.5 10.1 2073 Sror) Gaivieo.sos0 298 ocpcpnaasnoda 59 02 158 27) 15.9 19.8 10.0 2075 Black Rock. Walrus Islands(15)----- 58 42 160 11 5.9 9.5 47 Bering Sea 2093 | Village Cove, St. Paul Island 5707 170 16 2.0 3.2 2.0 2095 | St. Matthew Island: -----:sssssssssee 60 22 +172 43 1.3 2.1 1.2 St. Lawrence Island 2097 Northeast Capes sssss ttc 6317 168 44 19 2.4 it 2099 Fossil River entrance:*:---*"* ne 63 28 170 02 1.3 17 0.8 2101 Niyrakpak Lagoon entrance:- see 63 37 171 23 0.9 1.2 0.6 2103 Moghoweyik River entrance:- oD 63 28 171 50 1.3 1.7 0.8 2105 Poweoiliak Point::-*-*****"": fe 63 21 171 16 1.8 2.4 1.2 2107 Moknik Lagoon entrance::*:-* 6307 169 25 15 9 09 2109 | Tochikuga Boy, Nunivok Island:+--+--- 6004 167 14 3.1 43 2.3 2110 | Kokechik Bay---:--**c ccs s BO9000 61 42 166 00 48 65 3.4 2113 [ Cape Romonrof::::-s-- sss t ttt 6149 166 05 5.2 6.8 3.3 2115 | Block, Block River:::--*ssssttrr tree 6220 165 19 3.8 $.0 2.5 Norton Sound 2117 Kwikluak Pass, Yukon River:::*:::- 62 37 164 51 1.4 2.3 08 2119 Kowoanok Poss entrance, Yukon R--- 6302 164 28 5 2.7 09 212) | Apoon Mouth, Yukon Riverf:-----°> 6303 16323 |—- — 40 2.0 2123 Pikmiktolik River entroncet:-:*--> 6316 162 36)- — 42 2.1 2125 Oy WKen VN s(Wfoos ossaacqocnoegonone 63 29 16210251 —s— 3.9 2.0 2127 North Boy, Stvort Island? 63 37 162 30|- — 2.8 1.4 2129 Carolyn Island. Golovnin Bayt-:::::- 64527 er 62i5 20) ba 18 09 2131 (MISC PASOS I s00GHoNoSSOODDOD OOO 6430 165 24 1.0 1.6 0.9 JISIeortauCclarence sect iii clicks 6513 166 28 1.2 1.4 0.7 Arctic Ocean! 6) 2135 | Kiwolik, Kotzebue Sound:-:----*--""-> 66 08 161 52 2.1 2.7 1.3 2137 |/Point Barrow:-:--:-s 7s tc octet 7122 «156 22 | 0.3 0.4 0.2 2139 | Floxman Island----:--***c sc ccc ttt 70 11 145 50 0.5 0.7 03 2141 | Herschel Island, Mackenzie Bay:-----"- 69 34 138 55 0.6 0.7 5 2143 | Tuktoyaktuk, Mackenzie Bay-------"-- 69 27 133 00 | it 1.2 13 t The tide at this ploce is chiefly diurnal. (15) When the difference in height between lower high wurer ang higher low water at Nushagok Bay is less than 8 feet the corresponding tides at Black Rock should not be used os the tide ot Block Rock is then likely to be diurnal. (16) Along the Arctic coast of Alaska eost of Cape Lisburne the mean range is about % foot. Stations 2063 to 2075: Use reference station Nushagak Bay (2071). Stations 2093 to 2095 and 2131 to 2133: Use reference station Dutch Harbor (1907). Stations 2097 to 2101: Use reference station Nushagak Bay (2071). SEaAinions Zils c@ ZS) ema 23S eo DivAs)s Use reference station Kodiak (1767). Stations 2121 to 2129: Use reference station St. Michael (2125). 381 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 2145 | Midway Islands:---:++-+-ss sree eee eee 2813 «4177 22 0.8 1.2 0.6 2147 | Lisionski Island--++--+stse eee eeeeee 2604 173 58 0.5 0.8 0.3 2149 | Laysan Island-----+se-seee seers ee eee 2546 8171 45 0.7 lo 0.4 2151 | East Island, French Frigate Shoals:-:-- 2347 «166 13 09 14 0.6 2153 | Nonopapa, Niihau Island:--------+-:- 21 52 160 14 1.0 1.6 0.7 Kavai Island 2155 Waimea Bay:-----sss errr r seers 21 57 159 40 1.0 1.6 0.7 2157 Port Allen, Hanapepe Bay--::::--- 2154 159 35 tl 7 0.7 2159 Nowiliwili Baoysss- sess teeter eee 21 58 159 21 Vt 1.8 08 2161 Hanamoulu Boy-:+--sssssss sees 2200 159 20 1.2 1.8 0.8 2163 Hanolei Boy: -++-+----+--++-++e: 22:13 159 30 1.3 18 0.8 Oohu Island 2165 Holeiwo, Waialua Boyf-------::--::- 2136 15807} —- - 1.6 0.7 2167 Woianae sss sss e ttre eee e eres 2127 «158 12 1.2 1.8 0.8 2169 HONOLULU:-+------ essere eee e eee 21 18 157 52 1.2 9 0.8 2171 Honaumoa Bay::++---- eres cress 2117 157 42 1.3 19 08 2173 Waimanalo: rset eee 2120 157 42 Vt 1.8 0.8 2174 Moku © Loe:-::22s 22s teste e reece 2126 157 48 1.2 2.0 1.0 2175 Waikane, Kaneohe Bay:--:-:--:::- 2130 157 5) 1.4 2.2 LAL 2177 Lore Bays esse ete eee 21 39 157 56 1.3 2.2 0.9 Motakai Islond 2179 ({ljuudesopodoboababobecoodeuunD 2106 15712 13 2.0 08 2181 Kaunakakais:++ss-s ss eeee sees eee 21 05 157 02 1.4 2.1 09 2183 Kamalo Harbor-----++-+ +++ eee 2103 156 53 14 2.1 09 2185 Pukoo Harbor:-:-:---sseeee eee eee 2104 156 48 la 2.1 09 2187 | Kaumolapou, Lanai Island::::::-::-:- 20 47 +=157 00 5 2.2 09 Maui Island 2189 Mohuluiss sss see cree eee e ee eee ee 2054 156 28 1.5 2.3 Vt 2191 (Pageecshnubpoopsbidodposoonbope 2046 «155 59 1.8 25 ml 2193 Makenaeiionatintcrcrerocne eee 2039 156 27 12 1.8 08 2195 Kihei, Maolaea Bay-----+++-++++::- 20 47 156 28 1.6 2.3 1.0 2197 Lahaina:--+++------2ss sere e ee eee 2053 (156 4) 1.4 2.2 1.0 Kahoolowe Island 2199 Kuheia Boy: sss sess eee eee eee 20 36 86156 36 5 2.1 0.9 2201 Smuggler Cove::-:-:::ssreeeeeees 2031 156 4) 5 2.2 0.9 Hawaii Island 2203 Mahukona:- sss sees sete rete eee ee 20 11 155 54 1.4 2.1 0.9 2205 Kawaihae::+-:- ss sees reese eee eee 2002 155 50 1.3 2.0 0.8 2207 Kailua Kona:-:+-+-sss sees eee eeee 19 39 156 00 1.4 2.1 0.9 2209 Napoopoo, Kealakekua Bay:-:----- 19 28 8155 55 1.4 2.1 09 2211 Honuapo ss sss street eee eee 1905 155 33 7 2.5 UA 2213 (‘‘Fiffecdacaconodoousosobsaneneese 19 44 15504 1.6 24 ml 2215 | Johnston Atoll:------ ses secre eee eens 1645 169 3) 1.8 2.1 1.0 1 The tide of this place is chiefly diurnal. See caution note on page 166. Stations 2145 to 2215: Use reference station Honolulu (2169). #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 725-629 1-3 3 8 2 “4