Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/tobaccosubstatio1936ande s 43 Bulletin 386 . July, 1936 TOBACCO SUBSTATION AT WINDSOR REPORT FOR 1935 P. J. Anderson, T. R. Swanback and O. E. Street (HamxtrtituA JVgrttuiiural Experiment Jiiatttm 5tew Simian CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, Governor Wilbur L. Cross, ex-officio, President Elijah Rogers, Vice-President Southington William L. Slate, Director and Treasurer New Haven Edward C. Schneider, Secretary Middletown Joseph W. Alsop Avon Charles G . Morris Newtown Albert B. Plant Branford Olcott F. Kins: South Windsor Administration. STAFF William L. Slate, B.Sc, Director and Treasurer. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss Katherine M. Palmer, B.Litt., Editor. G. E. Graham, In Charge of Buildings and Grounds. Analytical Chemistry. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. C. E. Shepard \ Owen L. Nolan Harry J. Fisher, Ph.D. (-Assistant Chemists. W. T. Mathis David C. Walden, B.S. J Miss Janetha Shepapd, General Assistant. Chas. W. Soderberg, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Mrs. A. B. Vosrurgh, Secretary. Biochemistry. Botany. H. B. Vickery, Ph.D., Biochemist in Charge. George W. Pucher, Ph.D., Assistant Biochemist. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. A. A. Dunlap, Ph.D., Assistant Mycologist A. D. McDonnell, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. Entomology. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., D.Sc, Entomologist in Charge, Stale Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr. .. M. P. Zappe, B.S. Philip Garman, Ph.D. \Assistant Entomologists. Roger B. Friend, Ph.D. [ Neely Turner, M.A. ' John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gypsy Moth Control. R. C. Botsford, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Elimination. J. P. Johnson, B.S., Deputy in Charge of Japanese Beetle Control. Miss Helen A. Hulse 1 _ , . Miss Betty Scoville (-Secretaries. Forestry . Walter O. Filley, Forester in Charge. H. W. Hicock, M.F., Assistant Forester. J. E. Riley, Jr., M.F., In Charge of Blister Bust Control. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Secretary. Plant Breeding. Donald F. Jones, Sc.D., Geneticist in Charge. W. Ralph Singleton, Sc.D., Assistant Geneticist. Lawrence C. Curtis, B.S., Assistant. Soils. M. F. Morgan, Ph.D., Agronomist in Charge. H. G. M. Jacobson, M.S., Assistant Agronomist. Herbert A. Lunt, Ph.D., Assistant in Forest Soils. Dwight B. Downs, General Assistant. Miss Geraldine Everett, Secretary. Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Paul J. Anderson, Ph.D., Pathologist in Charge. T. R. Swanback, M.S., Agronomist. O. E. Street, Ph.D., Plant Physiologist. C. E. Swanson. Laboratory Technician. Miss Dorothy Lenard, Secretary. Printing by The Peiper Press, Inc., Wallingford, Conn. CONTENTS Fertilizer experiments with single sources of nitrogen 546 Nitrate nitrogen and soil acidity production by nitrogenous fertilizers on Measurements of the Production of Nitrate Nitrogen 553 Seasonal Characteristics of the Period 554 Residual Nitrogen and Early Availability 554 Maximum Levels 565 Relative Availability in Relation to Crop Needs 567 New Materials 568 Rainfall in Relation to Nitrates 569 Speed of Recovery After Rains 572 Soil Reaction as Influenced by Nitrogenous Fertilizers 573 Seasonal Fluctuation in Relation to Nitrates and Rainfall 573 Fluctuations Caused by the Fertilizer Material 574 Conclusions 574 Further fertilizer experiments with cottonhull ashes 574 Further investigations on the use of fertilizer magnesia 578 Color of Ash 578 Annual Applications of Magnesian Lime 580 Magnesia Application Based on Microchemical Soil Tests 581 Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate as a Source of Magnesia 583 Experiments to determine the best time to harvest havana seed tobacco 585 Tobacco insects in 1935 587 Prevalence of Insect Species in 1935 587 Insect Control Experiments 589 Tobacco Budworm 589 Potato Flea Beetle 590 Flea Beetle Resistant Tobacco 591 Tobacco Thrips 591 Wireworm Investigations 592 Tobacco diseases in 1935 593 Dead-blossom Leaf Spot 595 Pythium Stalk-rot of Transplants 597 Studies on Pole Rot. 1 600 Effect of shade cloth on atmospheric conditions 607 TOBACCO SUBSTATION AT WINDSOR REPORT FOR 1935 P. J. Anderson, T. R. Swanback and 0. E. Street JL his, the fourteenth annual report of the Tobacco Substation, describes the progress of experiments conducted at Windsor on fertilizers, cultural practices, diseases and insects of tobacco. It has never been our policy in these bulletins to review every line of work every year. Rather, we have taken up certain projects that have been under way for several years or that have yielded some reliable conclusions. The same system holds in the following pages. The character of the weather during the growing and curing season has an important bearing on results for any one year. This is particularly true in the case of fertilizer experiments, although it applies somewhat to all field experiments. The point was well illustrated in the season of 1935 at Windsor. Besides wind storms that blew the tobacco over, there were heavy leaching rains at critical growth periods when an abundant supply of nitrogen was most needed. Because most of our field experiments were nitrogen tests and the results would have been vitiated by the addition of mid-season nitrogen applications, no fertilizer was added after the rains. As a result, most of the tobacco, when cured, was found to contain a high percentage of starved, yellow, worthless leaves. Although this ruined the crop from a commercial standpoint, it was of immense value experimentally. It enabled us to compare the capacity of different fertilizer materials and of different quantities of fertilizer to hold up under such conditions. In Table 1, below, the rainfall by months and by 10-day periods is given. It will be noted that the June rainfall was about 2.5 inches above Table 1. Distribution of Rainfall in Inches at the Tobacco Substation, Windsob 1934-1935. By 10-day periods Year 1934 1935 May . June July Aug 1-10 11-20 21-31 1-10 11-20 21-30 1-10 11-20 21-31 1-10 | 2 . 35 1.23 .86 .15 1.61 .02 i.57 3.18 1.43 .29 ■2 :>:s 1.12 1.10 1 15 2.08 2.05 .51 .38 1 1.29 .16 By months Year May June July August (total) 1934 1935 Mean 4.82 1.40 3.59 3.47 5.53 3.12 3.20 4.30 4.35 3.45 1.80 4.24 normal and that the excess was during the last few days of the month (2.3 inches on June 29). This is near the beginning of the grand period 546 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 of growth of tobacco plants, and chemical tests showed that the soil was practically depleted of available nitrogen, a deficiency that was not made up throughout the remainder of the growing season. Such a con- dition called for immediate application of additional nitrogen as a side dressing. The Station advised growers of the situation and many made such applications with beneficial results. With the installation this year of instruments for measurement of maximum and minimum temperature and relative humidity, more com- plete weather records are now kept at this Station. A shelter of approved U. S. Weather Bureau type has been built to house these instruments and also a hygro thermograph, which gives a continuous record of tem- perature and relative humidity. The record of rainfall, which has been kept for several years, will be continued. Wind velocity, wind direction, and sunshine duration indicators, with their appropriate recorders, may be added later. The Station furnishes free service in testing soils as a guide to fertilizer practice and selection of fields for planting. Approximately 2,500 soil samples were submitted during 1935, indicating the increasing number of growers taking advantage of the service. Formerly the soils were tested only for acidity. Other tests were added as fast as their usefulness and reliability were fully demonstrated, until now the routine tests include potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrate and ammonia nitro- gen and, in special cases, aluminum, manganese and chlorine. These tests are also proving valuable in diagnosing malnutrition troubles in the grow- ing crops. During the year Mr. Lacroix, Station Entomologist, who has been studying the insects of tobacco for the last six years, has published a bulletin on "'Insects of Growing Tobacco in Connecticut," which has been distributed as Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 379 to all tobacco growers. It should be of considerable service in identi- fying and combating the imect enemies of tobacco. FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS WITH SINGLE SOURCES OF NITROGEN A great many materials are available to furnish the necessary nitrogen in the tobacco fertilizer mixture and new ones appear on the market every year. It is a common belief among tobacco growers that certain ones have specific effects on the crop. For example, some hold that castor pomace makes the crop darker; linseed meal gives it a higher "finish"; fish meal makes a red leaf, etc. For the most part, such ideas are based on personal observations or hearsay, or on claims of salesmen, and not on accurate experimental evidence. Also larger yields are claimed by the champions of each material. The scientific agronomist, on the contrary, believes little in specific effects. He points out that these materials are first decomposed in the soil and absorbed by the plant as nitrates, or, to a less extent, as ammoni- ates. The nitrate is the same whether it originates from cottonseed meal, dry ground fish, nitrate of soda, or other sources. Why then, should the individual materials produce different results on the plants? One can only surmise that if such specific effects do occur, they must be due to different rates at which the materials decompose and become available, or to subsidiary elements that enter the roots with the nitrogen. Fertilizer Experiments 547 As early as 1892, the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station began field experiments with the object of comparing the effects of different nitrogenous materials on the yield and grading of tobacco. Since that time there have been numerous similar experiments in this and other states with various old and new nitrogenous materials, but still there is no agreement as to the comparative merits of even the common ones. In 1926 this Station started a field experiment to compare four different nitrogenous materials with respect to their rate of nitrification, leaching and residual effect on the soil. From time to time since then, the project has been enlarged to include tests of additional materials and more replica- tions. During these years the yields and gradings have been carefully determined and observations made to see whether any of the claimed specific effects could be detected and whether they were constant. Progress on these experiments has been described in some of the previous publications, the latest of which was the report for 1931 (Conn. Sta. Bui. 335: 239-246), to which the reader is referred for more complete details. Here we shall discuss only the results obtained since that time and present some conclusions. The old plots have been continued in the same location : a leachy, sandy loam on Field V, and a new series on a more retentive, heavier soil on Field I. Havana Seed tobacco was used in these tests. In a third set of plots, the organic nitrogenous materials were compared on Broadleaf tobacco. Table 2 gives a summary of the yields and grade indexes of the plots of the old series on Field V for the last six years. Table 2A shows a similar summary for the new series on Field I, where the organic nitrogenous materials have been compared for four years. It will be noted that the yields are considerably higher on Field I than on Field V. Table 4 sum- marizes four years results on the Broadleaf field. Looking over the results of the three series of tests on three different soils over a series of years, the following general conclusions seem warranted : Cottonseed Meal. The fact that, in the old series, the yield for cotton- seed meal was on the average less than that of the other organics is due probably to the unfavorable location of these two plots on more sandy soil than the others. In 1935, another cottonseed meal plot was added on more favorable soil on Field V and it was noted that for this year the yield and grade index were in line with those for the other organics. Also in the four-year experiment on Field I, it will be seen from Table 2A that the average yield was about the same as for linseed meal and only a little below that for the other organics. On the Broadleaf test, the yield was next to the highest. The grade index also compared very favor- ably. The common use of cottonseed meal as the standard base for tobacco mixtures seems to be vindicated by these tests. Castor Pomace. In the six-year experiment on Field V, this material gave the highest yield of all, and in the four-year experiment on Field I, it was almost as high as any. The differences, however, are not large. Castor pomace has the reputation for producing a heavier yield of tobacco than cottonseed meal and the results of these experiments possibly furnish some support for such a claim. It is also a common belief that castor pomace produces darker tobacco. Such a difference in color has never 548 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 CI LO LO (N l-H "* CI CI SO * CO m t- eg © CI lO Os © SO 1—4 Tf4 o> CO r? T* CO CO -# CO CO ■"* CO ■>* ■* in t- ,_, © CI Os so © M CO CI Tjl CO t> © LO ■»* LO 1—4 OS CO CO T* CO CO t—i CO -* CO ■* 1 — 1 l-H LO r- © NO SO LO CI ~ rH rH so CN © CO SO l-H f- ON l-H «* ■>* ■* T? LO i-H CO ■* Tt I— 1 CO CI CO r> SO t> © CO Os. r- Os Cs CI SO ■^f i— 1 co CN SO CO ■< s£5 so co t> t- rf CO o t- b- rH rH 1-1 r-^. 1— 1 rH ■"* |-H i-H ^ CJ LO LO © ci rH ■^< CO i-H CO CO ON ON CO t- CO so OS CO LO T(< t- •** i-H CO co os ON CO o o co O co co © © © ON © a> rH rH C| CI t-^ CI r-i I-H M c. CJ 1—t CI CO CO ciso 1— 1 CO SO CI LO © ON a NO CI CO SO SO !—l t- o t> © OS so b- CO CO t~ co SO co co co co 1—1 1—4 r-i i—i rH 1— 1 ^ 1 — 1 l-H rH r—l l-H GO XI 1—4 ^4 SO CO co CI SO CO © I- 0 ^-< © o CO "*t4 SO CO l-H rH T? s OS CO ON o OS Os t- 1^ co © 1- o pH rH i— 1 CN 1— 1 i-H l-H l-H C| r-l CO ^ CO © ^ fM i-H Tf •*P i-H co t> o LO CO co CO CO Os ON - OS CC t- t> 1— r- SO l> r- SO r- S* OsCl SC Os SO co eo i-H so CO CI CO CO CI © CI t- SO "HH LO C LO LO b- so SO I- SO t- LO SO '— ' 1-HrH 1— i ^ i—i i-H r-< l-H rH ■*^j4 ci LO CI t- o 1— CO © CO rH OS CO CO «* ■«* LO co ■<* LO LO rt l-H 1—4 1-4 rH r-^ i-H l-H l-H v^^^ s ^^ rH O CO i-H d .2 03 CO 3 g 2 15 CD £ a CO 1? CO O d o £ £ 13 CD £ CD 2 "&E 13 CD £ 2 T3 03 CD CO c £ o <-> CD £ CD "CO CD o CD *-> CO o CD O i. +s '5 c CO +H O CO CO CD CO C r3 CO CO u CO ■— 3 cfl CD s- £ 13 C tH O rQ o u U r-1 E z C/2 hJ U U co 1 E O < Fertilizer Experiments 549 Table 2A. Single Sources of Nitrogen, New Series on Field 1. Summary of Four Years' Results Source of nitrogen Acre yield • Grade index 1932 1933 1934 1935 Av. 1932 1933 1934 1935 Av. Cottonseed meal (1) (2) 1928 2053 1928 1891 2090 2171 2281 2416 2086 .353 .411 .466 .457 .470 .475 .366 .364 .420 Castor pomace (1) (2) 1776 2014 1884 1855 2111 2362 2448 2591 2130 .383 .448 .453 .470 .424 .430 .363 .356 .416 Linseed meal (1) (2) 2072 1789 1918 1880 2145 2298 2265 2308 2084 .407 .409 .472 .486 .435 .490 .360 .387 .431 Dry ground fish (1) (2) 2043 1966 1941 1880 2359 2390 2380 2470 2179 .387 .389 .444 .447 .447 .484 .363 .423 Corn gluten meal (1) (2) 2005 1745 1978 1829 2307 2400 2339 2466 2134 .391 .363 .444 .459 .456 .468 .338 .333 .407 been apparent during the six years of the Field V experiments, nor on the Broadleaf. During 1934, however, the tobacco from the castor pomace was judged to be darker on the heavier Field I plots, which in this case seems to support the belief of some growers that too much castor pomace should not be used on heavy soils. However, it seems to be a very good source of nitrogen for use on more sandy soils. Table 3. Limed and Unlimed Sulfate of Ammonia Plots on Field I. Summary of Four Years Acre yield Grade index Fertilizer treatment 1932 1933 1934 1935 Av. 2013 1932 1933 1934 1935 Av. Sulfate of ammonia With lime 1845 1996 1912 1994 2201 2204 2017 2016 .379 .404 .435 .409 -.442 .402 .347 .339 .395 Sulfate of ammonia Without lime 1895 1861 1896 1659 1990 1746 1691 1505 1780 .436 .457 .413 .380 .374 .261 .335 .200 . 355 Neither sulfate of ammonia nor lime 2035 2051 2031 1940 2050 2036 1974 1898 2001 2133 2045 2017 .404 .420 .429 .476 .506 .495 .409 .391 .405 .351 .355 .422 Linseed Meal has given favorable results in all tests. The yield is no better than that from other sources, but it may be significant that the average grade index has been invariably higher for this than for any other material. This means that the tobacco from these plots has been judged each year to be of a little better quality than that from the other plots. At various times the leaves have been examined and compared 550 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 with those from adjacent plots to see whether the claimed "better finish" could be observed. When the same grades were compared, this superiority was not so apparent. It is true, however, that the linseed plots yielded a somewhat higher percentage of leaves in the best grades and this accounts for the higher grade index. Linseed meal appears thus to be an excellent source of nitrogen for tobacco. Unfortunately it is usually more expensive than some of the other organic materials. Dry Ground Fish gave very high yields in all tests and was like castor pomace in that respect. The grade index has been about the same as for cottonseed meal. Corn Gluten Meal has also given very high yields in all tests. The grade index, however, is on the average a little lower than that of the other organics. Soy Bean Oil Meal (a by-product of the soy bean oil industry) con- tains approximately the same plant food elements and in the same pro- portions as cottonseed meal. It has come on the market in ever increasing quantities in recent years, due to increase in domestic production of soy beans, and promises to be a permanent competitor of the cottonseed product. Also during the last year the price has been lower. The soy bean oil meal was tried on one plot on Field V adjacent to the others of the old series for the first time in 1935. It produced very excellent tobacco with a higher grade index than for any of the other organics, and did not show the starved condition which was so evident on most of the plots this year. A one-year test on a single plot, however, does not furnish sufficient data from which to draw any sweeping conclusions. Nitrate of Soda. This is the most available and most easily leached of all the materials tested. During the first six years of the experiment, all of the fertilizer was applied broadcast about ten days before the plants Table 4. Single Sources of Nitrogen. Broadleaf Plots. Summary of Four Years. Plot Source of nitrogen Acre yields Grade index No. 1932 1933 1934 2183 2123 2241 2206 2358 1935 1813 1866 1771 1871 1906 Av. 1932 1933 1934 1935 .231 .241 .303 .219 .248 Av. N49 N50 N51 N52 N53 Cottonseed meal Castor pomace Linseed meal Dry ground fish Corn gluten meal 1721 1430 1600 1460 1562 1872 1938 1946 1892 1982 1897 1839 1889 1857 1952 .465 .346 .448 .396 .390 .426 .462 .453 .474 .462 .474 .455 .515 .467 .437 .399 .376 .430 .389 .384 were set (at the same time as the other fertilizers). Since the land was quite sandy on this plot, most of the nitrogen was leached out each year when there were heavy rains during the first part of the season. As a result, the starved crop was almost worthless when cured. During the last four years however, in order to overcome this, the nitrate was applied fractionally in five applications at intervals of about ten days. Fertilizer Experiments 551 By this practice, very good tobacco has been grown on sandy land with nitrate of soda as the only source of nitrogen. The average yield on this plot for the first six years was 849 pounds. During the last four years (fractional application) it was 1,741 pounds, or more than double the average of the previous six years but not quite so good as the adjacent cottonseed meal plot at 1,811 pounds for these same four years. The average grade index for the first years was .185 (with cottonseed meal at .338) while for the last four years it was .415 (cottonseed .342). Particu- larly interesting is the grading record of the tobacco from this plot in 1935. Most of the tobacco on the other plots of this series (except the soy bean meal plot) was poor, yellow and starved, showing the results of leaching. But the nitrate of soda plot showed very little starvation and the grade index was highest of all on the plots of this series. Thus it might be possible to grow good tobacco on a nitrate alone as the source of nitrogen, if one distributed the applications properly through- out the growing season. Such a program would involve additional labor and would not be very practical for the average grower. The humus content of the soil could be kept up by turning under winter cover crops. It is probable that the principal use for nitrate of soda (or other nitrates) in tobacco culture will continue to be as a side dressing, applied between the rows of the growing crop for quick replenishment of the nitrogen after leaching rains. Sulfate of Ammonia. This material has been found to be the least desirable of all the nitrogenous substances tested. Results of all our experiments on sulfate of ammonia up to 1933 were published in full in our report for that year (Conn. Sta. Bui. 359: 355-360) to which the reader is referred for a full discussion. Continuous use of sulfate of ammonia (without lime) makes the soil more acid each year until it finally reaches a point where tobacco will hardly grow. Long before that, however, the leaves become very poor in quality. Use of sulfate of ammonia makes them darker, heavier and more prominently veined. The fire- holding capacity is reduced, the ash darker, and the taste and aroma inferior. Since some of these defects are obviously related to the acidifying effect of sulfate of ammonia in the soil, the possibility was suggested that they might be overcome by adding sufficient lime to neutralize this tendency. Accordingly, four plots were started on Field I in 1932 with sulfate of ammonia as the only source of nitrogen. To two of these plots, 1,000 pounds of high calcic limestone to the acre was added the first year, 1,200 pounds of magnesian lime the second year, and 2,000 pounds of magnesian lime the third year. In the spring of 1935, the reaction of the soil on the limed plots was pH 5.55, and on the unlimed plots was pH 4.25. Therefore no more lime was added. The results of four years' test, as seen in Table 3, show that the use of lime has kept the yield up to the level of other sources of nitrogen and that the decreased yields that have been observed in our other experi- ment may be prevented by liming. The grade index, however, has not been kept up and the tendency to produce dark, heavy tobacco has not been overcome. Urea. As may be seen in Table 2, the yield on the urea plot has been 552 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 maintained at a high level (second only to castor pomace) despite the fact that the soil is light and sandy. The use of urea alone, at the rate of 200 pounds of nitrogen to the acre, has had a tendency to produce somewhat darker, heavier tobacco, and as a result the average grade index- is not so high as for some of the other materials. It is probably best not to use this material as the one source of nitrogen, but more extensive tests recorded in our previous reports show very good results where urea is used to furnish a percentage (up to 50 per cent) of the nitrogen of the formula. Calnitro, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and calcium carbonate, has maintained both the yield and the grade index at a level almost as high as other sources. It is hardly suitable to use as the only source of nitrogen in the formula but might be substituted for a part of the more expensive materials. Discussion of Results. Averaging all the results of the experiments through a series of years, one is impressed by two facts: So far as yield is concerned, there is little choice among the different organic materials: also among the grade indexes the differences are not impressive. Possibly the better showing for linseed meal and somewhat lower grading for corn gluten meal may be of sufficient magnitude to be significant. A grower may reduce his fertilizer bill by watching the market and choosing any of the other materials tested that happen to be cheaper in a given season. A certain percentage of urea and calnitro may also be used to advantage in such substitution. Sulfate of ammonia cannot be recom- mended. If used at all, only a small percentage of nitrate of soda (and other nitrates) should be included in the original mixture for broadcasting, but the grower should keep a supply on hand for side dressing to be applied immediately after leaching rains. Soy bean oil meal is a promising new organic but has not been sufficiently tested to warrant recommendation at present. NITRATE NITROGEN AND SOIL ACIDITY PRODUCTION BY NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS O. E. Street Since the inception of the industry, nitrogenous fertilizers have occupied the foremost position in the nutrition of Connecticut Valley tobacco. The classic example of the Indian placing a fish in a hill of corn was soon imitated by the early settlers and can reasonably be interpreted as the earliest example of nitrogen fertilization. The use of farm manures for tobacco growing was an early and wide-spread practice and still persists, though on a much reduced scale. More than 50 years ago, cottonseed meal was tried as a tobacco fertilizer and soon rose to the dominant position it still occupies. Other vegetable organics such as castor pomace and linseed meal; animal organics such as dry ground fish, Peruvian guano, hoof and horn meal, tankage and blood; and nitrate of soda among the inorganics, were added to the list and peculiar virtues attributed to each. Sulfate of ammonia, a by-product of the gas and coke industry, also fomid Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 553 a limited use. Within the last 15 years, the development of nitrogen fixation processes to a position of economic, production brought such materials as urea, nitrate of potash, nitrate of lime, ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate and cyanamid on the market and led to their trial in tobacco fertilization. By-products of the manufacture of food products recently added to the list include corn gluten meal and soy bean oil meal, while the tobacco industry itself supplies stems and stalks which contain from 1 to 1.5 per cent nitrogen as well as a higher potash content. A comparison of some of these sources as the sole carrier of nitrogen has been in progress at this Station for 10 years and results have been reported in Tobacco Station Bulletin 10, Report of 1927; Conn. Exp. Sta. Bui. 299, Report of 1928; Conn. Exp. Sta. Bui. 335, Report of 1931. Originally planned as a study of leaching and soil reaction, the records now include yield and grading data for the entire period. Four plots on which cottonseed meal, nitrate of soda, urea and sulfate of ammonia were compared as single sources, comprised the entire experiment at first. Gradually others were added until, in 1935, 12 sources were being studied on 15 plots. The 4 materials first used have occupied their original plots during the entire 10 years. Castor pomace, linseed meal and dry ground fish have been undisturbed since 1929, cal-nitro since 1930, and corn gluten meal since 1932. Fertilization has been on an acre basis of 200 pounds of nitrogen since 1928, before which it was 164 pounds per acre. Measurements of the Production of Nitrate Nitrogen The large differences in yield, quality and soil reaction produced by the various classes of materials represented in the original experiment, as well as the smaller differences produced by the materials later added, led to the introduction in 1932 of measurements of the soil nitrate levels. The tobacco plant takes up most of its nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates. But, except for nitrate of soda and calnitro, the materials mentioned contain little if any nitrogen in the form of nitrates. The nitrogen in cottonseed meal and most of the other materials is called unavailable and cannot be used immediately by the plant. It is only by complicated decomposition processes carried on by soil organisms that it is broken down to nitrates and becomes available to the plant. The speed of the breaking-down process is different for each material. By measuring the quantity of nitrate nitrogen present in the soil at frequent intervals, it is possible to obtain a detailed picture of growing conditions throughout the season. Each measurement repre- sents the difference between the amount of nitrates produced from fertilizer and soil organic matter and the amount taken out by the growing plant and by heavy rains. As nitrate is also the form in which the nitrogen is most easily washed out of the soil by heavy rains, these same tests give an indirect measure of the amount of leaching. The need of these measurements as an indication of the differences between these materials in rate of availability, resistance to leaching, and recovery from heavy rains was apparent. The most frequent question asked by the growers of Connecticut Valley tobacco in reference to nitrogen fertilizers deals with the speed at which these materials nitrify and the probable effect of their behavior on the growth and quality of the tobacco. 554 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 Measurements of the soil nitrates and soil reaction were made from April through September, of the years 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935, at weekly intervals during June, July and August, and at wider intervals in the spring and fall. These data for nitrate nitrogen are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7, and 8, and for soil reaction in Tables 9, 10, 11 and 12. while the four-year averages are to be found in Tables 13 and 14. The average nitrate levels and soil reaction for all organic sources are graphically shown in Figure 129, while the corresponding results for the inorganic sources and the plot receiving no nitrogen are shown in Figure 130. The correlation between nitrate levels and rainfall distribution and amount for a year of low summer rainfall, 1932, and one of higher rainfall (as well as irrigation), 1934, is shown for tvpical materials in Figures 131 and 132. Seasonal characteristics of the period. The classification of summer seasons as dry or wet in relation to nitrification, may not furnish an accurate criterion of growing conditions, as such factors as distribution of rainfall and average temperatures are not taken into account. Depart- ures from the optimum in growing conditions may be due to low tempera- tures or poor distribution of rainfall as well as to excessively wet or dry conditions. Thus early availability may be low because of a cold, dry spring, under which conditions the decomposition of protein materials would be limited by both the shortage of water and unfavorable tempera- ture. Again, the total rainfall for a month may equal the exact mean, but if it all fell in one or two periods of two inches each, the result might be serious damage to the crop rather than uniform growth. An abrupt change in weather conditions from cool and moist to dry and hot will often find the plants with poorly developed and shallow root systems and the crop will almost cease growth. Wilting will be common, and the value of the crop will be greatly impaired. The four years during which the tests were made ranged from perhaps an average growing season in 1932 to an abnormally wet season in 1935, with 1933 rather dry throughout, and 1934 of adequate early rainfall but very dry during the greater part of the growing season. Cool and dry conditions were prevalent during the early part of the growing season of 1932, but a favorable rainfall distribution during most of the time the tobacco was in the field maintained nitrates at a rather high level. During 1933 the general level of nitrate production was low for the entire season because of inadequate rainfall. Irrigation failed to stimulate nitrification, in contrast to a natural rainfall in early July, which produced a moderate stimulation. The season of 1934 was one of moderate rainfall until June 20, followed by five weeks of drought, broken only by an inch of rain during the third week. Nitrates were never at high levels. After ab- normally dry conditions in April and May of 1935, June and July were months of high rainfall. Precipitation of more than two inches fell on June 29 and more than one inch on July 19, and nitrates were at a starva- tion level during a large part of the growing season. Residual nitrogen and early availability. Nitrate determinations in April of three years show definitely that the quantity of nitrates left after the winter and spring rains is very low, and that nitrification, either of unused fertilizer of the previous year, or of the natural organic matter Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers ODD - - O - - H H < H « as - O a o 3 - 3 K > a a> 0 O ZH a OS o £> CS £ "3 S3 og 3 fl 173 s *o"g z M a O) 52 a) .sa 03 j +a z 03 o U aj +j 03 Q t*O»»C0CMC0^N H«C5HhO\OCOW ON"OMHCO\OvO i— I r— I CO — < t> o i- . i— 'cneooomvooof- ON CO i— i o - t»3 m h "# N i-l if) 0"\ (M ^O l-H VD CO ~ t~~ r— 1 CO — CI (N >> >= , M K ■<* ir h M rt M t- t» N l« N K W t» N M H - O « <* N M N M CO © t~ ^ i— I t— i ^H > >-- >> >-■ bJO 6<5 6C 60 a* a a ™ — "- — — 'f-*^)(l> h-S H-5 ^ i! S%> *e u s «3 u-g d 05 p • 60 c CD tuo o e c — C.S 'S O 3 S 3 U'Sa * C I- co«Hoee«\ccoHcoHb NN^ONifiWN CO i— I CM W r- 1 lOt-HH^COLniO^^IOlOONCOCOWCC CM CO t* CO CO \D lO CM H •* « Ol WiMNWcOINcOoNHioceXCOClCivO H N N i* C ci « * M l_l >o LO CO O t— Oh « >s>v>^>^>^tlC53£ilCtlC c s c ^ — ,i_ S 3 3 3 3 3 3 -5 t-j H; ►— H-5 r-; I— 5 3 "3 3 3 3 3 u — 1-; -<■<;■<-< C/) CC Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 559 o an 1^1 a §73 S- *s 4) ^ Ml ■? 3 b Q g« v - 3E 2 « si US §73 II o r^ co t~ o t~ w w w io io w m in io w w w in w us io iflwifl'j'^^'j^Tj^^ioTf^TfLn 'i'WttW^rfT'^TfrtTfTtTfTfTJIt* ■'i'^^'ij^^MrtTfcijnTfccwn^ w w lo lo w w ui io m w w i.o w in io * iowwTf'*'*^^^.)(^in CO eo ^o ■*T?T*T}<-<*Tt^J.^.^^*T*-*'*T*^* lOlOr?T*-*^T*T?T}* ■># ■* T? T? minTfT«i*Tji^^^i^^i^,^^^Tji Tj'mmmm^mmin'^ininin'^inLO >0 ^H '■O CO © t— iflHcowrtoomN^a rH I— I T?'-<#Tjf'#-^0 N O CO © \0 0 lo w w w ^i •i1 ^i Tf <# ■* *# T* Tj< r* ^ LO* T* T* Tf^'J^Tf^TfTiiri1'* l.O"5'*^l"*'*T?'?'f*',#'*'*'? U5WCiWNO\\0M >i ^ 0) Si « 4! £££ >5>^>^>^>^tict>cic. S? * S c c c ^^^2?^ SF Si 5^333333333-;-; 1 — S ►— 3 I — S ' — S ^^. ^^> I — S 1 — S 3 3 3 ® ^ ■< < •< as m Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 561 3-2 £ 03 5 g-a SB >=a.c in CO ws w io m w 10 w in io ic Tf w w w io w io u) muOr}'in'rJ,-!*T*T}<'<*^TfiTj# lO cc C i— i o> < ^W^tji^C(5MmnM(i5CncB(OMMnff5 m m m in w in m m m m in in m in m m ^o m LOLOT*-«*T*-^>T*'^''#T*T*T*-<#-^r*T*T*|M«MtfL')COTfci5'*in m m o en o t> wmT!'in'J,'J'f^,i,ii^'f't'jTiiT)iinin ^o*,,*!— 4eoioc-j©\v©co©\oco©r-©"* i— i 5b o 3 § •-, s °E LO LO LO IO LO LO LO IO LO LO LO LO LO LO L0 LO LO Csl CI eo CO CO so CO o> LO so o CO o — CO t^ OS iM t? CO Os -1- o CO o in lo LO LO — ^ ■># T* "tf "* T* T* ■«* -e ■>* •* r* Cs CO (M CO CO o o t> LO 0> CO LO CO — s sC 2 OS Os o 00 CO in io •& Tf ■^ r? ■^1 -* ■* "* "* T* •^ ■* ■* LO LO co so "* CI o> ~4- 10 LO CI CO Csl T* CO O IM co o\ p. t> Os LO T? T* LO LO ■<# ■«? -* t? CO ■* ^< -* ■^ T? ■<* T* •*r i—i o T-H CO LO — CO o cc o CO CO 0> co CO o [ - LO s — sO 0S LO T* T* -t CO CO CO CO eo CO CO CO CO CO CO eo fY^ T? IN SO IO rH CO CO o CI CI so CO 0" CO CI — — eo OS eo eo t> CO SO LO IO CO o **l eo sO SC IO LO — LO IO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO CO CO r-* CO LO CO o> CO LO o O CO SO — CO o to CO LO CO c eo co O l-H 00 l> so o o LO IO LO so so LO SO SC SO SO so LO sO LO eo t- i-h m CO CO O ~ LO 10 so CI co CI o OS. — CO co co O OS 5 CO LO s SO o so LO LO so so SO >o SO sC so O LO so IO LO | O LO © o — o> c: LO O LO CO CO 0> — t> o> Os Os IO CI 0> o j; i LO LO T? LO ^ — ■* ^ ■* "* ■^ •*? "* "«* -*■ ■«* T? CO CO Os Os CO CO CO CO O co CO CO CO 0" CO LO — IO eo eo lo T* Csj CI CI SO o sC 1 -* r* -J- ■«t ■* '■* ■^ ^* ■^ ->* ^< •* r? t? ■* ■* - CO CO Os Os IO CO o1 CO CO CO CI CO CO CO CI CO Csl C-J CO CO o CO LO "* t* ■«* Tf ■■* T? -" T* •«? — ■* T* T* ■ Os CI ■::- co SO C-l LO CO CO Os LO *# r* ->* '* ■*? •* -# ■■* ■>* -* T? Tj" Tf T* ^" ■<* "* CO t- CO r- < co N CI CO CI CO LO so O O CO so ^f CO CO r- r- t> eo (~- t— LO LO LO T* >* ■»? ■* ■«? T? ■<# ■# ^ ■* lO ■^, LO LO CO — T— 1 — ; > 5 _^- >~ - tc si be a r. +i c c IT. Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 56:5 1 a 85 I o — u B — u'S to a) Cm p C8 v a -=°s a p 11 0 U 03 till a v t> t; o * >a < WftHOJOMflMOiW ft ir> 10 o t> t- t- T? T* CC IM O CO -H TT" O f II-- N M H w o N ^ IM O CO ■— I TT1 TT O CI O r- CO i— i LO O (T-l CCOO\HO\LOt-»NXHXLONN eo ft o t- n B'vo i- i-h (M LO LO W ^ U! (- H CO "* O ft t* O » t- O m e>. w cc ft « w lo wm(Cmo\h\oh ci i— i t? lo cc e-i o c-i cs >; o> n \c « rf » ■*? cc © CaOOCCT*^niNOflNK«MT*'<*l> "31 ■<* ■** -C1 LO LO T? LO T* Tj< © -** f- \o t- co co co T? \£ VO 0s. 0s. VC 11 LO LO LO LO tO LO LO LO LO LO ^ T* T? ■<* TT t? t* r? ""? "* T* T* T* -* T?--^-T?Tr-5e-r'-<*-r*-r' LO *^* LO -# ■* T* vc o cc rt C t* r? t* rj> T* "* "*' T? ■# "* "*• ■e o vc © •<* >c CO CO CO Tj> LO •* -*•*?-*}■■'#■<-<-*■'*■**■'*■<*■<* o ■* a o ^■r!'-r'T*-*Tj.T*T*-*T*T?"'*lr: t* i— i cc lo m c>, vccoo^ccoor-r-^-i ■< i< ^ ^ *-; >^ — — -^-^^-5<-<<G Q: O >^^ ^^\^*.r / \ ._**/ _ \^ ,. ■'-^_ jS "■'••-.. .No N ^ / ... , u \,-""\ x-"\\ /<-" . — - - \ v. ./■ V \ N' ---^ / *■' SA '"-•-. "~--"' '"—''"' Jl, '" — "' '^-^^_ \ ^*' ""—.—" ^~*"*"~' "^ K-~''''^\ S'~~ X- N^^'' "~\ ' a y -'-■< ; \ s ■~~.~. / \ *s \ / V..--?.^-" Z. EG E ND NS NITRATE OF SODA SA SULFATE OF AMMONIA U UHEA NITRO rnoGEi, APR/5 MAY 15 29 JU.4 II 18 25 JY2 9 16 23 30 AU6 13 20 27 SEP7 21 DATES OF SAMPLING Figure 130. Graph showing average nitrate nitrogen and soil reaction levels of inorganic sources and no nitrogen for the period 1932-1935. exceeded with any consistency, as steadily dry conditions and the increas- ing demands of the crop prevented any accumulation. A sharp drop occurred soon after the June maximum in 1934, with nitrates maintained Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 567 at a lower level until July 16, when a still more severe reduction followed an irrigation equivalent to nearly two inches of rainfall. In 1935 the heavy rain of June 29 reduced the supply of soil nitrates sharply, while the suc- cession of July rains allowed only occasional recovery. Thus in three of the four years, the early peak was not surpassed, a condition which can hardly be considered normal for our climate. It should be empha- sized, however, that all weather is unusual under our climatic conditions. The record for the month of July, with an average rainfall of 4.35 inches for 64 years at the Hartford Station, shows extremes of 15.35 inches in 1897 and 0.54 inches in 1924. In only 13 years of this entire period was the rainfall within one-half inch, plus or minus, of the mean. Thus it is idle to expect ideal rainfall distribution in any given period more often than once in five years. Relative availability in relation to crop needs. The question of supply and demand in the nutrition of the tobacco plant is the ultimate measurement of the value of any material. Studies of the rate of growth and nitrogen assimilation1 of tobacco indicate that the plants take in an average of only 7 pounds of nitrogen to the acre during the first 30 days in the field. Subsequent assimilation is much more rapid with con- sequently heavier demands on the materials furnishing nitrogen. At the end of 50 days, 66 pounds have been used by the plant, and at 72 days, the average date of harvest, 114 pounds of nitrogen are present in the crop. The first conclusion from these data is that early availability is not a prime requisite. Materials such as the nitrates, if used in a single appli- cation before setting, are in a precarious position due to danger of leach- ing. The plant is not able to use any considerable quantity until about July 1, and it is to be noted that heavy rains almost always occur some- time during late June. Fractional application of these materials may be practiced, and has been followed with the nitrate of soda treatment be- ginning in 1933. In the ordinary growth cycle of the tobacco plant, assimilation by the plant will usually exceed the available supply in the latter stages of the growing period. This is a desirable condition, as undiminished nitrogen intake delays ripening and tends to produce dark tobacco. Some materials, if used as sole sources, either produce nitrates too abundantly during the latter part of the growing season or have accumulated so much that the plant cannot use it all. Under unusual circumstances, nitrates are sub- ject to this criticism. More frequently, however, this type of behavior is characteristic of sulfate of ammonia and to a lesser degree of urea. Vege- table organics are not apt to cause this trouble, but fish, as indicated by its average nitrate level on August 6 (Table 13 and Figure 129) is on the border line. Among the organics, differences in maxima and general levels are not great. Slightly more favorable location of the linseed meal plot and one plot of castor pomace have been noted in previous reports. Fish and cal- nitro are also located in this tier (see diagram page 241, Bui. 335). Corn gluten meal has been moved since 1931 from this tier to a position on the upper part of the field, adjoining the nitrate of soda plot on the south. 1 Rates of growth and Nitrogen Assimilation of Havana Seed Tobacco. M. F. Morgan and O.E. Street Jour. Agr. Res. 51: 163-172, 1935. 568 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 Replications of the cottonseed meal and castor pomace plot, in that order, adjoin the sulfate of ammonia plot to the south. The cottonseed meal plot on the lowest tier, was moved in 1932 but returned in 1935 to its original position. Thus at the present time there is a cottonseed meal plot on each tier and a castor pomace plot on each of the two lower tiers. Over the four years under discussion in the present paper, a slight differ- ence in soil type and topography operated to the disadvantage of cotton- seed meal and perhaps corn gluten meal. Taking into account these differences, the lowest level of nitrate nitro- gen during the period the plant was in the field was maintained by cotton- seed meal (Figure 129). Corn gluten meal started slowly, being the lowest until June 25, but thereafter the decomposition was as rapid as any other source. Post-harvest nitrification was rather high, but the drop at harvest was normal. Contrary to popular belief that linseed meal nitrifies slowly, it made a rather rapid start, maintained a good growing level, and dropped to a satisfactory point before harvest. Castor pomace behaved in a fashion closely paralleling that of linseed meal during the entire growing season, but resembled cottonseed meal in remaining at a lower level after the crop was removed. Dry ground fish had the highest average of the organic materials but was not appreciably ahead of linseed meal and corn gluten meal. As mentioned previously, it did not drop so sharply before harvest, and maintained the highest late level. Among the inorganics only urea is worthy of note. The nitrate production of this material was greater than any of the organics, yet in the same order, and at a rate to produce a curve of the same type, (Figure 130). Furthermore, the ready decomposition of urea, as indicated by its rapid recovery after rains, per- haps justifies the use of less total nitrogen in the formula where this material is employed. The low post-harvest level of urea would indicate that the greater part of this material becomes available during the grow- ing season. New Materials. Three materials have been added to the test in the past two years, cyanamid in 1934, and soybean oil meal and Peruvian guano in 1935. Cyanamid was used to replace one-fifth of the fertilizer nitrogen on a cottonseed meal plot located on the southeast corner of the field. Peruvian guano and soy bean oil meal were located in that order in a tier north of the old plots. This latter area was occupied by an Adco manure plot from 1926 through 1931. It was used as a forest nursery in 1932 and 1933 with no fertilizer, and returned to tobacco in 1934 receiving a standard fertilizer furnishing 200 pounds nitrogen, three-fifths from cottonseed meal, one-fifth from castor pomace and one-fifth from nitrate of soda. No lime was added to the soil at any time since 1931. A comparison of nitrate levels for the cyanamid-cottonseed mixture compared with cottonseed meal during the past two years indicates practically no difference. The behavior of Peruvian guano and soy bean oil mealduring a single high rainfall year is not a good measure of their ultimate value. Both maintained nitrates at a distinctly higher level than cottonseed meal until after the heavy rain at the end of June. The subsequent production of nitrates by Peruvian guano was consistently lower than that of the cotton- seed meal plot correspondingly located, while soy bean oil meal was con- Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 569 sistently higher. The soy bean oil meal produced superior tobacco and seems to be a promising material. Rainfall in Relation to Nitrates The previous discussion of nitrate production has introduced most of the information necessary to an understanding of the importance of rainfall in nitrogen fertilization. The presence of reasonable amounts of soil moisture is indispensable for the decomposition of organic fertilizers as well as urea or sulfate of ammonia. If the supply of soil water is so limited as to inhibit plant growth, it will also limit the production of nitrates through interference with biological activity in the soil. Such a condition prevailed during parts of 1934. A review of the processes which organic fertilizers undergo before they become available to the plant is not amiss because of its fundamental importance in an understanding of the problem of nitrogen fertilization of tobacco. There are three major steps in the process of nitrification, the nitrogen being changed from the organic forms, first into ammonia salts, second into nitrites and third into nitrates. In each of these steps a specific class of bacteria performs a distinct function. The final product in the case of any material is a nitrate of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium or even ammonium. Urea and sulfate of ammonia are already intermediate compounds and hence should be more readily available. It is only in the form of nitrates that the plant is able to assimilate any appreciable amount of nitrogen. Therefore, unless the proper conditions of temperature and moisture prevail, the plant will suffer from lack of nitrogen. Nitrate salts, either produced by nitrification or applied directly, are at once the most available to the plant and the most readily removed from the soil by heavy rains. An examination of Figure 131, which shows the nitrate levels for nitrate of soda, urea, dry ground fish and cottonseed meal in 1932, and the rainfall during the season, amply illustrates this point. The fertilizer application was made between the determinations of May 16 and May 31, and in that year the nitrate of soda was all applied at one time. Nitrification occurred at a reduced rate until a rain of three- cjuarters of an inch on June 12 stimulated activity. Up to this date, there was insufficient moisture even to dissolve the nitrate of soda and diffuse it in the soil evenly enough to secure a true sample. The other three materials doubled their production of nitrates within a week. Heavy rains, 1.61 inches, on June 16 and 17, promptly reduced the nitrate supply in the surface soil and until the middle of July the accumulation was very gradual. Rainfall was sub-normal in this period, only 1.30 inches until July 17. A total of 1.13 inches in three rains within the next 8 days caused renewed activity of all materials, and the peak for the season was reached on July 25. During the following two weeks, rains of 1.78, .45, .70 and .24 inches produced leaching on all treatments and the nitrates practi- cally all moved out of the surface soil. Harvesting the crop about August 10 ended the drain on the nitrates from that source, but only dry ground fish showed an immediate response, the others remaining low at this .70 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 point. A temporary revival in early September found the fertilizers with only a limited supply of readily nitrifiable material, and heavy rains soon brought about the almost entire disappearance of soil nitrates. 300 L EGEND CSM COTTONSEED MEAL DBF Ot)V GROUND FISH NS NITRATE OF SODA U UREA APR 16 MAY 16 3IJU6 13 20 27JY5 II 18 2SAU.I 8 15 22 SEP.6 19 DATES OF SAMPLING Figure 131. Graph showing nitrate nitrogen production in relation to rainfall in 1932. Nitrate of soda applied all at one time in late May. A similar study of the same materials in 1934 is shown in Figure 132. Nitrate of soda was applied in five equal lots on May 21, June 2. 12, 20 Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizers 571 cc CO * T* T? ■* T* T* •>* TT" £ >> X V CO LO © CO ^) r-l ©■* ■* l-H t- t— T* < o vO^HM CO ■■* CM © - © © © ,— ! © © © © Cs| * l> © CO © CO CO t- LO 0) CO © CM CM CM ■** Tjl r— CO >H 9 © I— 1 I— 1 F— 1 ©© © © >> 1-1 CM CM CM (M i— i CS| csi , 1934 1935 Lbs. MgO per acre %MgO Av. of treat- ments %MgO Av. of treat- ments % MgO Av. of treat- ments None1 D1 1.05 1.09 1.10 S3 1.35 1.19 1.07 D .99 1.19 1.08 1.12 1.11 1.06 S 1.38 1.14 .95 50 D 1.45 1.48 1.42 S 2.01 1.99 1.51 D 1.28 1.68 1.56 1.79 1.58 1.60 S 1.99 2.14 1.89 75 D 1.59 1.55 1.53 S 1.76 2.20 2.04 D 1.61 1.77 1.82 1.99 1.67 1.97 S 2.17 2.38 2.62 100 D 1.92 2.17 1.88 S 2.46 2.53 2.45 D 2.10 2.31 2.22 2.39 1.76 2.16 S 2.76 2.63 2.54 125 D 2.30 2.42 1.73 S 3.15 3.07 2.65 D 2.45 2.85 2.63 2.83 1.53 2. 12 S 3.55 3.22 2.56 Here it is evident that with an annual application of 75 to 100 pounds of MgO per acre, producing a satisfactory ash, the leaf will contain about 2 per cent MgO, which is in agreement with our previous findings. Magnesia Application Based on Microchemical Soil Tests On 10 plots which in 1930 received varying quantities of magnesian lime per acre (equivalent to 0, 100, 200, 400 and 600 pounds MgO), the 1 These plots were limed in 1930 at the following rates, respectively: 0, 100, 200, 400 and 600 pounds MgO per acre. 3 "D" and "S" — "darks" and "seconds" from duplicate plots. 582 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 residual effects of these treatments were observed on the 1933 crop of tobacco. In the spring of 1934, it was decided to make microchemical tests* of the soil on each individual plot of this series for estimation of available (replaceable) magnesia. With these figures in mind, we planned to add sufficient magnesian lime to make the total available MgO in all instances 100 pounds to the acre, including the amounts derived from the cotton- seed meal and other fertilizer materials. In 1935 the tests were repeated. The quantities of MgO in pounds per acre applied in each of the two-year periods are given below: A, Aj control plots No magnesia (other than in organics) B 100 45 100 Bx 100 65 300 C 200 5 100 Q 200 45 200 D 400 0 100 100 A 400 5 E 600 0 0 Ex 600 5 0 To all plots the same general fertilizer was applied as reported above for the annual applications. The three-year summary (Table 20) of results on the residual and equali- zation tests give further evidence that moderate quantities of magnesian lime affect neither yield nor grading. Table 20. Yield and Grading Records of Magnesia Plots. Summary of Three Years' Results, 1933-1935 (Residual Series. MgO Equalized in 1934-35) Pounc acr« s MgO per per year 1934 1935 Plot No. Yields per acre Grade Index 1933 1933 1934 1935 Av. 1933 1934 1935 Av. 0 0 0 A ** A, 1698 1895 1959 1851 .536 . 405 . 390 .444 0 45 65 100 300 B Bx 1748 1825 1998 1857 .538 .419 .378 .445 0 5 45 100 200 C Cx 1658 1748 1848 1751 .543 .422 .358 .441 0 0 5 100 100 D 1626 1798 1870 1765 .562 .424 .379 .455 0 0 0 0 E Ex 1850 1789 2070 1903 .538 .451 .380 .456 Chemical Analyses. In the same manner as reported above, samples of tobacco were analyzed for their content of magnesia. Results from these analyses are given in Table 21. * Morgan, M. F. Microchemical Soil Tests. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 333. 1932. ** Listed in Station records as L9, L9-1, Liu, L10-1, Lll, Lll-1, L12, L12-1, L13, L13-1. The Use of Fertilizer Magnesia 583 Since it is desirable to obtain about 2 per cent MgO in the ash, the results indicate that the microchemical soil tests can safely be relied on when there is already a relatively high content of soil magnesia. In attempting to estimate the need of magnesia application through the use of the microchemical soil test (more recently called Universal Soil Testing System for Connecticut Valley), proportionately more magnesia should be applied, the less magnesia the soil contains, in order to attain desirable results. In other words, if it is decided to raise the magnesia content of a soil containing about 25 pounds per acre, more than 75 pounds should be added to form some 100 pounds available (replaceable) magnesia. A lower content of magnesia in the soil is often accompanied by a higher acidity (lower pH value) and it is possible that when magnesia is applied in the form of magnesian lime, a part of it in the neutralizing action of the lime becomes fixed and unavailable for plants. Further investigations are needed to warrant recommendations on magnesia applications based on soil tests. Table 21. Content of MgO in Tobacco fbom "Residual" and "Equalization" Plots. Crops of 1933, 1934 and 1935. Air Dry Basis Grade of tobacco 1933 1934 l 193E %MgO Av. of treat- ments % MgO Av. of treat- ments %MgO Av. of treat- ments Control D 1.13 1.06 .94 AAj S 1.37 1.18 1.17 D 1.14 1.26 1.03 1.14 .71 .93 S 1.41 1.29 .88 BBj D 1.31 1.37 1.33 S 1.53 1.65 1.55 D 1.38 1.51 1.79 1.76 1.91 1.87 S 1.83 2.23 2.70 CQ D 1.61 1.57 1.27 S 2.04 1.86 1.76 D 1.46 1.84 1.69 1.88 1.89 1.82 S 2.24 2.42 2.37 D Bl D 1.66 1.82 1.96 S 2.04 2.27 2.03 D 1.64 1.96 1 64 2.01 1.77 1.96 S 2.50 2.30 2.08 EE, D 2.15 2.19 1.30 S 3.29 2.68 2.08 D 1.77 2.41 1.72 2.19 1.58 1.73 S 2.44 2.19 1.94 Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate (Kieserite, EMJEO) as a Source of Magnesia Anhydrous (without water) magnesium sulfate under the commercial names of Kieserite and EMJEO recently have been put on the market and are offered as substitutes for, or a supplement to, magnesian lime. The materials contain about 30 per cent MgO and being soluble salts might be expected to be more readily available. 584 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 With the purpose of testing the availability of this magnesium salt in comparison with magnesian lime, an experiment was made in 1934 with one plot receiving the magnesium sulfate, another the magnesian lime (hydrated) and a control plot with no special carrier of magnesia. The magnesia was applied at a rate of 100 pounds MgO to the acre together with a complete fertilizer mixture which was identical for all three plots. The yield and grading is found in the summary below : Treatment Yield, lbs. per acre Grade index Control 1810 .367 Magnesian lime 1753 . 314 Kieserite 1863 .353 There seems to be a slight falling off in yield and grading for the magnesian lime, an unexpected development in consideration of our previous experience with this source of magnesia. The result with Kieserite was about equal to that with the control; thus with respect to yield and grading the use of Kieserite should prove satisfactory. Chemical analysis. Samples of "darks" and "seconds" from the three plots mentioned above were analyzed with respect to their content of magnesia. The results computed on the basis of air-dried leaf are given in Table 22. Table 22. Content OF MgO in Toba Aib Dry ceo Le Basis aves from Kieserite Test. Treatment Per cent MgO Darks Seconds Av. Control Magnesian lime Kieserite 1.026 1.427 1.645 1.023 1.717 1.943 1.02 1.58 1.80 Results from these analyses indicate that magnesia supplied in the form of sulfate is somewhat more readily absorbed by the plants than magnesia in the form of magnesian lime. In this test the sulfate proved to be about 10 to 14 per cent more efficient than the lime; hence in using this material one should be guided by this apparent difference in availability of the magnesia in these two materials. This magnesium sulfate (Kieserite, EMJEO), being a nearly neutral salt, should not affect the soil reaction either Avay, and may be recom- mended for tobacco on soils having a desirable soil reaction (pH) and a satisfactory calcium content, but in need of considerable magnesia. Summary and Conclusion The amount of magnesia in the fertilizer did not greatly affect yield or grading of the crop but had a decided influence on the combustion of the leaf. The color of the ash of a cigar is an index of its chemical composition. Thus a relative excess of potassium may produce a dark ash, while increasing amounts of magnesium will brighten the ash pro- portionately. An excess of manganese in the ash has been found to give it an undesirable color known to the tobacco trade as "muddy" or '"brick color." At a minimum of less than .04 of 1 per cent manganese (Mn3OJ in the leaf, the discoloration does not appear. Harvest Time for Havana Seed Tobacco 585 In order to produce a proper combustion of the leaf, an annual applica- tion of 75 to 100 pounds magnesia in the form of magnesian lime has been found preferable to larger applications at intervals of several years. Chemical analyses have revealed the presence of about 2 per cent MgO in the leaf at the above rate of application. Smoke tests have corroborated these findings. An attempt was made to determine the need of magnesia applications through the use of microchemical soil tests. The results are not conclusive, but indicate the possibilities of the method, which, however, requires further investigation. An anhydrous magnesium sulfate (about 30 per cent MgO), sold under the commercial name of Kieserite or EMJEO has been tested as a source of magnesia. It was found that this material is 10 to 14 per cent more efficient than magnesian lime. It may be used on land in greater need of magnesia where the soil reaction might be adversely disturbed when larger quantities of magnesia were to be applied. EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE THE BEST TIME TO HARVEST HAVANA SEED TOBACCO When the first blossoms open, it is time to break the tops off the tobacco plants. Most growers agree on this point but there is considerable diver- sity of opinion and practice as to how many days should elapse between topping and harvesting. Naturally the period varies with the character of the .weather. All growers recognize the signs of leaf ripening, such as yellow mottling, down curving of the margins, and the thickening of the blades, and they try to harvest when they think the tobacco is ripe. But the ripening process extends over a considerable period of time. It begins with the lower leaves and progresses upward for a week or longer before the top leaves show the proper symptoms. Some growers cut the tobacco when the center leaves have reached this stage; others prefer to have the top leaves quite ripe. In the latter case, the lower leaves become overripe and are spoiled, or at least of inferior quality. If the tobacco is harvested too soon after topping, the leaves are green and thin and it is a common belief that they do not burn so well and are inferior in taste and aroma. There are no recorded experiments in which an attempt has been made to determine the time at which Havana Seed or Broadleaf tobacco should be harvested in order to secure the best quality and the maximum yield. Therefore, such an investigation was planned, beginning in 1935, to be carried out through a series of years in order to minimize the effects of seasonal variation. Some interesting results of the first year's experiment are presented at this time. From a field that was quite uniform in appearance and growth, three plots, each of three rows and containing 400 plants, were used. All plants were topped on July 22. After removing the border rows, the first plot was harvested one week after topping, the second plot two weeks after topping, and the third plot three weeks after topping. All plants were hung on the same tier in the curing shed. The excessive rains of June and July caused a shortage of nitrates in the soil and many yellow, starved 586 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 leaves were found at sorting time. This starvation complicated the data and must be kept in mind in interpreting the year's results. The tobacco harvested the first week after topping was obviously too green, according to our standards, while that harvested three weeks after topping was completely ripe, even to the top leaves, possibly overripe. It was observed in the curing shed that the plants harvested last cured in the shortest time, while those harvested one week after topping cured very slowly and there were still green leaves long after the others had cured. Thus it was demonstrated strikingly that the maturity of the leaves at harvest has considerable influence on the speed of the cure. On the sorting bench, a distinct difference was also evident. Tobacco harvested one week after topping was thinner, somewhat shorter, and all grades had an olive green cast. It appeared silky and of excellent quality otherwise. From the later harvestings the leaves were distinctly heavier, coarser with more prominent veins, longer, and the green cast was gone. There was a higher proportion of starved yellow leaves, classed as "brokes", especially among those harvested three weeks after topping. Thus the grade index was considerably reduced. Presumably this fault would not be so damaging during a season of less rainfall. S" \ / y '~"~V- v' \ \ 4- i / / \ \ \ \ \ 1 of' \ \ \ /■- \ \ LENGTH OF LEAVES IN INCHES Figure 133. Leaf length as affected by time of harvesting. The yield and grading records taken at the time of sorting are presented in Table 23. The figures show that there was a steady increase in weight after topping up to at least three weeks. In order to see how much of this might be due to increase in the actual size of leaves, they were sized (intervals of 2 inches) and the percentage of the crop in each length was computed. The results, presented graphically in Figure 133, show that the actual leaf area increases continuously after topping. Harvest Time for Havana Seed Tobacco 587 In order to see whether there was an increase in the absorption of salts from the soil, and whether a part of the increase in weight was due to accumulation of mineral salts, analyses were made of samples from two grades of each of the lots harvested at different periods after topping. Table 23. Experiments on Time of Harvesting. Sorting and Yield Records for 1935 Time of harvesting Yield in pounds per acre Percentage of Grades Grade L M 1 1 LS 24 30 19 ss 9 4 1 LD 39 43 45 DS 13 6 4 F 10 8 8 B 4 8 index One week after topping (July 29) 1518 .334 Two weeks after topping (Aug. 5) 1856 .355 Three weeks after topping (Aug. 12) 2003 23 .291 The results presented in Table 24 show that there has been no actual increase or accumulation of salts as expressed in percentage of the dry weight of the leaves. In other words, the salt intake has merely kept pace with the increase in size and weight of the leaves so that the more mature leaves do not contain proportionately any more mineral elements than the green leaves. Table 24. Analyses of Leaves Harvested at Different Intervals After Topping Interval after Grade Percentage of topping Total ash Potash (K2O) Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO) 1 week D S 18.24 20.53 5.70 5.92 5.46 5.68 1.37 1.54 2 weeks D S 16.67 19.54 5.16 5.20 4.23 6.42 1.09 1.41 3 weeks D S 15.98 19.65 4.65 5.21 4.93 6.06 1.22 1.47 TOBACCO INSECTS IN 1935 Donald S. Lacroix Prevalence of Insect Species 1935 The spring of 1935 was cold, and both plant and insect life were from ten days to two weeks later in development than in seasons past. This was quite noticeable in the case of the potato flea beetle1, the overwinter- ing adults of which did not appear in tobacco seedbeds until after the 1 Epilrijc cueumeris Harris. 588 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 middle of May. There was a moderate to heavy infestation of this insect throughout the Valley on young tobacco plants in the field in early June. During the last week in July and the first week in August, a heavy infestation of the potato flea beetle developed on Broadleaf tobacco in East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington and caused serious injury. Only by thorough and constant dusting was the pest held in check on Shade-grown tobacco. Wireworms1 were as injurious as usual, taking the tobacco-growing area as a whole. In some isolated instances they worked later than they did last season. Cutworms of various species were very persistent in 1935. The black cutworm2 injured Broadleaf plantations around Windsorville during the last part of June, and on plantations not treated with poisoned bran bait, infested about one-third of the plants. Figure 134. Larva of dark-sided cut\Vbrm. (One and one-half times enlarged.) Another species, the dark-sided cutworm3, discovered in seedbeds in Windsor the third week in May. was also taken in late June and early July in the field. The spotted cutworm4 was observed the third week in July on the outside rows of Broadleaf tobacco at Warehouse Point. A field of alfalfa, adjoining the tobacco, had just been cut, and the cutworms were migrating into the tobacco in large numbers. The well-marked cutworm5 was not seen on tobacco this year. A few specimens of the common stalk borer6 were brought in from East Hartford on Shade-grown tobacco in mid-July. The tobacco budworim was far more injurious to tobacco on the Experi- ment Station farm at Windsor than it had been in the past. Unlike some of the other pests in 1935, there was no delay in its seasonal appearance as the first brood of larvae was active from early to late July and the moths emerged early in August. Injury from this pest was found in East Granby, West Suffield, East Windsor, South Windsor and Manchester. The tobacco thrips8 caused more injury to Shade-grown tobacco during 1935 than it did in 1934, but was not so serious as it was during the dry 1 Pheletes eetypus Say. 2 Agrolis ypsilon Roll. 3 Euxoa messoria Harris. 4 Agrolis c-nigrum Linn. 5 Agroils unicolor Walker. 6 Papaipema nitela Guen. 7 Heliolhis virescens Fabr. 8 FranklinielUi fusca Hinds. Insect Pests in 1935 589 season of 1933. This species was taken in small numbers on Havana Seed tobacco and Broadleaf tobacco throughout the Valley. Grasshoppers were normally abundant. Several cases of injury by the redlegged grasshopper1 to Shade-grown tobacco came to our attention. In each case the land had been idle for a year or two before tobacco was planted or had been in hay. In West Suffield the Carolina grasshopper2, was more abundant on Havana Seed tobacco than any other species. Hornworms of both species3 were normally abundant in and around Windsor and about a week later than usual in first appearing. Through- out the Broadleaf plantations of East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington, they were not so numerous. Figure 135. Dark-sided cutworm injury to plants in seedbed. There was practically no injury to tobacco from the tarnished plant bug4. The spined stink bug5 caused little trouble this season. Insect Control Experiments Tobacco bud worm.6 The increase in population of the Tobacco budworm on the Experiment Station farm at Windsor necessitated prompt control measures. The recommended poisoned corn meal bait used in the South was applied. This bait was prepared by mixing 25 pounds of corn meal with one pound of arsenate of lead. A "pinch" (about half 1 Melanoplus femur-rubrum De G. 2 Dissosteira Carolina Linn. 3 Phlegelhontius quinquemaculata Haw., and P. sexia Johan. 4 Lygus praiensis Linn. r> Enschislus variolarius Beauv. 6 Heliolhis virescens Fabr. 590 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 a teaspoonful) of the mixture was dropped in the bud of each of 25 infested plants (July 18, 1935). Twenty-four hours later these were examined and compared with 25 untreated plants. Dead worms were found on 23 poisoned plants and none on two. Of those untreated, 21 had live worms and 4 had none. This insect is not gregarious; only one worm is found on a plant in most cases. Potato flea beetle.' Recent events have led agriculturalists away from the use of insecticides poisonous to man. This is particularly true in the case of plants grown for human consumption. Barium fluosilicate has proven most satisfactory as a poison for the potato flea beetle on tobacco but there appears to be some question as to its effect upon human beings. Comparatively large quantities must be ingested by a person to cause any trouble, and the amounts used in dusting tobaco are very small. Figure 136. Dark-sided cutworm injury to young plant in field. However, tests have been made with pyrethrum and derris compounds during the last few years, and in every case their toxicity to flea beetles has been pronounced. Unfortunately their insecticidal quality is not lasting and repeated dusting is necessary. In 1933 and 1934 "Cubor" (.5 per cent rotenone) and pyrethrum dusts were used successfully. In 1935 "Cubor" (.75 per cent rotenone) dust was used on several plantations with satisfac- tory results. Another dust containing rotenone and known as "Ku-Ba-Tox" was tried on Shade and Havana Seed tobaccos during 1935. At full strength this material killed flea beetles rapidly and retained its toxicity for three or four days. When diluted with equal parts of tobacco dust, it gave equally good control. When mixed with equal parts of "Dutox,"? immediate control of the flea beetle resulted and the "Dutox" retained its killing action, keeping the beetle population down for more than a week. Table 25 indicates in actual figures just how the materials worked out. No injury to the tobacco foliage was apparent on any of the treated plots. The figures below indicate that the materials used were equally effective in control of the beetle, but the tests ended prematurely as the insects 1 Epitrix cucumeris Harris. 2 Barium Jiuosilicate Insect Pests in 1935 591 disappeared from the whole Station plantation (even from untreated plots) while these experiments were in progress. Flea beetle resistant tobacco. Several different types of Havana Seed tobacco are grown at the Experiment Station in the strain studies. It was observed late in July that certain strains were much more seriously Table 25. Insecticide Tests on the Potato Flea Beetle (Havana Seed and Broadleaf Tobacco) Number of Flea Beetles per 25 plants Material used At time of 24 hours after 48 hours after treatment treatment treatment "Ku-Ba-Tox" and tobacco dust, 178 31 26 equal parts "Ku-Ba-Tox" and "Dutox", equal 257 30 18 parts "Dutox" and tobacco dust, 1:3 204 32 21 Check 193 236 283 infested with the potato flea beetle than others. A series of population counts showed that the Brown strain (No. 8) was much more seriously injured than the No. 211 strain. The following table (Table 26) contains the figures resulting from these counts. Table 26. Prefebence of the Potato Flea Beetle fob Cebtain Tobacco Strains Strain Number of beetles per 25 plants Adjacent rows „ 1 ^"l .,. . 211 257 Adjacent rows „ i 491 (10 rows from nearest ^^ Ar. No. 8 strain) iLL . 4U Another observation made in connection with these studies indicated that the whole plantation was not so seriously infested this year as in the past. All the Havana Seed tobacco at the Experiment Station (with the exception of the strain test plots) was No. 211 in 1935, and in previous years was the Brown strain. Then, too, the Broadleaf and Shade tobacco plots were well infested with flea beetles this year while the No. 211 strain was not. All these facts naturally bring up the question, "Is No. 211 Havana Seed tobacco distasteful to flea beetles?" Tobacco thrips.1 Many attempts have been made during the last few years to find a dust which would control the tobacco thrips, and in every 1 Frankliniella fusca Hinds. 592 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 case the material used has been most unsatisfactory. Various pyrethrum and derris dusts have been compounded with carriers of all types and given thorough trials. On the other hand, sprays containing pyrethrum or derris have consistently given fair to good control. During 1935 investigations were continued on control measures for thrips and the same results were obtained. Dusts proved of no value while sprays gave good results. "Ku-Ba-Tox" liquid spray and "Cubor"' spray were promising in preliminary tests and were tried again on a larger scale. The following table shows how these materials worked under field conditions. Table 27. Insecticide Tests on Tobacco Thbips Control (Shade Tobacco) Number of thrips on 25 leaves Material applied 24 ho irs later 48 hours later July 29, 1935 Dead Alive Dead Alive "Ku-Ba-Tox" and 57 0 51 1 water, 1:400 "Cubor" and water. 2 lbs. to 50 gals. 64 2 47 1 "Loro" and water, 1:600 with soap 47 11 39 15 Check 0 34 0 41 "Ku-Ba-Tox" and "Cubor" sprays gave a very good kill but "Loro"' was only fair. "Cubor," when used at the strength indicated, must be very carefully mixed and used in an absolutely clean sprayer or it will not all dissolve. This, of course, leaves an undesirable residue. None of the materials injured the leaf. In view of these encouraging results, it seems most advisable to carry on further spray trials on a large scale to determine how often and at what times to apply them. In any case, it would be advisable to start spraying in late June when the plants are comparatively small and when the thrips first appear. Wireworm investigations. Studies on the life history of the Eastern Field Wireworm1 have been continued in an effort to get all information possible on this pest. Particular attention has been devoted to the earlier stages in the life of this insect. Also a study of the development of infesta- tions on a number of fields is being continued over a period of years to accumulate desirable ecological data. 1 Pheletes ectypus Say. Tobacco Diseases in 1935 593 TOBACCO DISEASES IN 1935 P. J. Anderson Diseases in general were somewhat more prevalent in 1935 than in the two previous years, probably due to the greater rainfall. Some of them were of sufficient importance to warrant special investigations described below. The occurrence and degree of severity of the rest are also recorded here. Most of our tobacco diseases are of minor importance, but some of the major ones should be more thoroughly investigated. Black rootrot (Thielavia basicola) was found causing considerable damage in some of the seedbeds that had not been steamed. All the symptoms of yellow, stunted plants and rotted black roots were evident. If our beds were not sterilized so regularly, this disease would cause a great deal of trouble in Connecticut. Only once in 11 years has the writer found a serious case of black rootrot in steamed beds. As a rule, this disease does not often seriously affect Broadleaf in the field. In 1935, however, a two-acre area in a field in South Windsor produced such small stunted plants that the crop was hardly worth harvesting, while the rest of the field had tobacco of normal size. The roots of the dwarfed' tobacco were seriously affected with rot. This part of the field was nearest the barn and heavy applications of manure had been applied, a treatment that is known to favor black rootrot. Wildfire {Bacterium tabacum). After the serious epidemics of wild- fire in the early "twenties", the disease became less and less prevalent here with each succeeding year. By 1934 it had practically disappeared from the Valley and there was hope that we would not be troubled with it again. No cases were found in the seedbeds in 1935, but in the late summer it appeared again in two or three localities and in some cases the fields were seriously affected at the time of harvesting. Beports from other sections of the United States suggest that after years of limited occurrence, wildfire may again be spreading. This year was marked by an unusually severe epidemic in Western Tennessee and Kentucky. It warns of the necessity of continuing the precautionary control methods that were developed and practiced by most of the growers when the disease was more prevalent. Blackfire (Bacterium angulatum), a bacterial disease that is destruc- tive in the more southern tobacco growing areas, was observed in Con- necticut both on Broadleaf and Havana Seed this year in small amount. It is not a conspicuous or a serious disease here and does not seem to be spreading, although it can always be found somewhere. On one large field of Broadleaf this year, 10 per cent of the plants were affected. The spots are usually larger, less numerous and more definite in outline on Broadleaf than on Havana Seed. Usually only a part of the leaves on a plant are affected; in the field under consideration most of these were the bottom leaves. The dead spots vary in size from an eighth to a half inch or more in diameter. Sometimes the spots run together and kill large areas of the leaf. The most characteristic feature, as distinguished from other types of spots on tobacco, is the irregular, angular or jagged outlines. They also show wide variation in color, ranging from almost 594 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 white through various shades of gray and brown to almost black. Figure 137 is a photograph of light-colored spots. On heavier leaves the spots may be more circular and less irregular in outline and the surface marked by somewhat concentric ridges. Leaves severely affected when young often become distorted. After curing, the spots remain white, conspicuous and rigid and do not soften easily during "casing." A severely affected leaf is worthless. Microscopic examination of young spots showed no fungous mycelium in the tissues but great numbers of rod-shaped motile bacteria. These were isolated and the cultural characters found to agree with those recorded for Bacterium angulatum. Inoculation experiments in the greenhouse did not give conclusive results but probably the conditions here were not favorable to infection. 1 Hk ■MSBE £.• *' *"'ll^ Figure 137. Angular spots on Broadleaf caused by the bacterial disease, Blackfire. Mosaic (Calico) in the seedbeds. The method by which the virus of calico passes the winter and starts new infection each year is still a matter of considerable uncertainty. It is not improbable that there are several sources of the spring infection. There is pretty good evidence, however, that the seedbed is the principal avenue by which it arrives in the field. Yet one rarely sees a calico plant in the beds. This year, however, one Broadleaf grower brought to the Station some plants from his beds that showed plainly the symptoms of the disease. Examination of the beds revealed that plants were affected in a few small areas in some, and it was hoped that in the field the infection would be only local and could be removed. Although the plants were free from symptoms when they were set out, more and more of them developed the disease as they started to grow, until about 90 per cent were affected. All were removed in early July; the field was harrowed and set again with plants from a disease-free bed, and a good crop with only a small percentage Tobacco Diseases in J 935 595 of mosaic was harvested. It is obvious from this experience that it is not safe to set plants from a bed where there is any calico. It has been demonstrated in Kentucky that a large percentage of the infection may be traced to the use of infected chewing and smoking tobacco by workmen. The virus gets on the hands and then is passed on to the plants that they touch in weeding, pulling, setting, etc. We have found many indications that at least a part of our bad infestations may start from the same source. Some other diseases have been observ ed this year but were not sufficiently prevalent to warrant special investigation or note. Pythium Damping- off and rootrot (P. debaryanum) and the later bedrot (Rhizoctonia) were found in a few beds. Non-parasitic leafspots were present in the usual number. Figure 138. Dead-blossom leaf spot. Note the adherent, partly decayed blossom and the dead leaf area about it. Dead- blossom Leaf Spot During the latter part of August and in September, this spot became prevalent on Shade tobacco and was brought to our attention by several growers. It occurred particularly on the later primings and was undoubt- edly favored by the wet weather that prevailed in most of the Valley during that period. The trouble is not new but has been known to Shade growers for many years. It is primarily a disease of this variety of 596 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 tobacco — although occasionally seen on other kinds — because blossoms in great numbers are allowed to develop on Shade, while the tops and suckers are removed from the Sun-grown types. When the flowers are mature, the corollas, or pink-colored parts, drop, and many of them, especially in wet weather, adhere to the gummy leaves and decay. As shown in Figure 3 38, the dead spot spreads in all directions from the decaying blossom as a center. The higher humidity under the tent also favors the development of the spots on this type of tobacco. Symptoms. Spots are irregular and wavy — not angular — in outline, up to an inch or more in diameter, with a quite definite margin. In color they vary from light tan to reddish brown, while some are faded to ashen gray. Spots are usually bordered more or less by an indefinite, narrow, light yellow halo that fuses outward gradually into the normal green of the leaf. The dead tissue is brittle and breaks out easily. The dead blossom remains tightly adherent to the center of the dead spot and usually becomes more or less blackened by masses of Alternaria spores. There may be one to a half-dozen spots on a leaf, thus rendering it worth- less for wrapper or binder. In the curing shed, where the leaf is in close contact with others on the same lath, the rot frequently spreads from one to the next until a dozen may be rotted. In the shed, under these conditions, the trouble has all the symptoms of pole rot. Fungi associated Math the spots. Examination of the dead blossoms shows the presence of spores of a considerable number of fungi. Alternaria tenuis is universally present and is the predominating fungus. Botrytis cinerea and Cladosporium herbarum are also very common. Sometimes there are also spores of Fusarium, Macrosporium, Monilia, Phoma, and other genera. Examination of the tissue beneath and adjacent to the dead blossoms shows spores and sporophores of Alternaria tenuis on the surface and Alternaria mycelium inside the tissues of the leaf. Other species are found more rarely on the adjacent leaf tissues. Frequently bacteria also are present in abundance inside the dead leaf. Isolations from the margins of the spots where no spores were found on the surface yielded almost invariably pure cultures of Alternaria tenuis. In view of the considerable number of species of fungi and bacteria that are found in the decaying blossoms, it is difficult to decide which one, if any, is the primary parasite. Alternaria is the most universally present and its mycelium is constantly found inside the leaf tissue. As indicated by previous experiments of the writer, however, (Conn. Sta. Bui 367, p. 134), the spores of this fungus sprayed on the leaves did not produce spots on the tobacco except very slightly on overripe, injured leaves. This indicates at the best a very weak degree of parasitism. It is possible, however, that in moist, warm weather, beneath a wet rotting corolla, the conditions might be such as to permit infection and a limited spread of Alternaria in the tissues. Or perhaps the virulence of Alternaria is "stepped up" by previous growth on the tobacco blossom to such a degree that it becomes truly parasitic on the green leaf. Possibly the combined influence of all the rot-producing organisms, in direct contact with a somewhat etiolated part of the leaf, might produce infection where Tobacco Diseases in 1935 597 any single one of them would fail. The presence of the dead blossom on the leaf is absolutely essential to the parasitism of whatever organism or organisms produce this type of spot. In the absence of blossoms the spots do not occur. The spread of the rot in the curing shed from one leaf to adjacent leaves is readily understood in view of the known capacity of Alternaria to infect curing leaves under these conditions. This is no different from the usual pole rot except that the presence of the rotten corolla and adjacent dead tissue provides a very favorable nursery to serve as a starting point for spreading to the adjacent leaves under the moist con- ditions of a packed shed. Previous observations. Leafspots caused by decaying blossoms have been noted aud described b> other observers both on other types of tobacco and on different species of plants. Thus in Germany, Gleisberg, (Gleisberg, W. Botrytis-Erkrankungen. Gartenflora 70: 13-18. 1921) found that similar dead brown spots were produced on Primula leaves and on about 25 other species of plants when blossoms of the locust tree (Robinia) fell on the leaves and rotted there during wet weather. He found that the blossoms become covered with a growth of the fungus, Botrytis cineria, which also spread to the leaf tissue. Although pure culture inoculations were not made, he considered the evidence sufficient to warrant the conclusion that this fungus was the direct agent in the disease. During the same year, 1921, Pape (Pape, H. Beobachtungen bei Erkran- kungen durch Botrytis. Gartenflora 70: 48-51. 1921) observed the same type of spot about blossoms which had fallen on tobacco leaves. His description and photographs which accompany his article show that he had under observation spots very similar to those which we find in Connecticut. He also found the spores of Botrytis cinerea on the surface and cultured this same fungus out of the affected leaf tissue. Therefore he concludes that it is the causal agent. A more complete description of the trouble as it occurs on tobacco in Germany was later published by Boening1, who alludes to a popular belief of growers that the tobacco blossom contains a poison that has a corroding effect when in contact with the leaf. He finds the spots mostly on the middle and lower leaves of the plant, explaining this on the theory of better moisture relations for fungus growth on these leaves than on the upper leaves. Like the two writers just mentioned, he considers Botrytis cinerea the causal agent which is able to pass from the dead blossoms into the leaf tissues under the moist conditions which prevail under the adhering blossoms. He also noted that when hung up to cure, the infected leaves serve as foci from which the rot passes into the other curing leaves which are in contact, and thus many leaves may be ruined. Control. No practical method of preventing the spots in the field under the usual cultural practices for Shade tobacco has been found. In the shed, the same methods must be used as for the control of pole rot. The surfaces of the leaves must be dried as soon as possible by proper 'Boening, Karl. Kranliheiten des Tabaks. Eine durch herabgefallenen Blueten hervorgemfene Botrytisblattfaule. Arbeiten aus der Bayer. Landesanstalt fur Pflanzenbau u. Pflanzenschutz, Heft 4: 18. 1928. 598 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 firing and ventilation. (See Conn. Sta. Bui. 364 for more detailed description of firing) . Pythium Stalk-rot of Transplants This disease was first brought to our attention about the first of June, when a Shade grower brought to the Station a basket full of plants which had died in the field a few days after transplanting. There had been frequent soaking rains during the transplanting season, and the constantly wet soil undoubtedly influenced the prevalence of the trouble. The Figure 139. Pythium stalk-rot. Note the dead black stem and bases of leaves. disease is probably not new here but no published description of it in America has come to our notice. In Sumatra, however, it has been known since about 19171 under the name of "Stengelverbranding" (Stemburn). 1 Meurs, A. Parasitic Stemburn of Deli Tobacco. Phytopath. Zeitschr. 7:169-185. 1931. Tobacco Diseases in 1935 599 Meurs found that it occurs both in the seedbeds (rare however) and in the fields shortly after transplanting. Although the trouble here has been observed only in the field, it is quite possible that it may be present also in the beds and has been confused with ordinary bed rot which it resembles. Examination of a number of fields showed that the disease was general throughout the Valley during 1935 and occasioned much extra labor in restocking. Symptoms. This is a soft, watery, black (or at least very dark), mushy rot that completely disintegrates all the tissues of the stalk. It starts just at, or below, the ground level, but under favorable conditions quickly works upward even into the bases of the leaves (Figure 139) and causes the plant to fall over and completely collapse. The stalk is so rotted that it no longer holds together when the plant is pulled up. If the plants are kept over night in a moist chamber, they become covered with a thick white felt of mold. Causal organism. Microscopic examination shows the tissues com- pletely permeated with the mycelium and spores of a fungus, Pythium debaryanum. This fungus was easily isolated and grown in pure culture. In every respect it was identical with the fungus which was described and illustrated in our report for 1933 (Conn. Sta. Bui. 359: 336-354) as the cause of the early damping-off of tobacco seedlings in the beds. This fungus is present in most soils and it was not possible to determine whether it was carried on affected plants from the beds to the field or whether primary infection came from the field soil. Possibly both methods of infection play a part. In Sumatra, four different species of Pythium have been found in the diseased plants and each, on re-inoculation, proved to be capable of producing the rot. One of these species was doubtfully called P. debary- anum* The other three were studied by Meur (citation above) and found to be P. aphanidermatum (Eds) Fitz., P. myriotylum Dreschsler and P. deliense Meur. None of these last three species has been found in Connecticut but as far as symptoms are concerned, our disease appears to be identical with the Sumatra "stemburn." Control. Prevalence of the disease is undoubtedly influenced by environmental conditions, being worse where moisture is greatest. We may therefore expect to find more or less of it any year when there are frequent rains during the setting season. Since the fungus is not new, there is no reason to fear that the disease will increase and become epidemic any more than it has in the past. Since there is a possibility that at least some of the infection starts in the beds, one obvious control measure would be to keep the bed as free as possible from disease by sterilizing the soil, by aeration and keeping the stand thin, and by avoiding too moist conditions. Succulent, tender, fast growing plants appear to be more subject to attack than those which are hardened. Meurs finds that the plants of the first pulling from the beds are more susceptible to attack than the later pullings. The use of well hardened and disease- free plants should do much to keep this stalk-rot under control. It might *Jochems, S. G. J. Stengelverbranding bij Deli-Tabak. Med. Deli Proefstation te Medan- Sumatra. Ser. 2, No. 49. pp. 35, 1927. 600 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 386 prove profitable to discard the first pulling and use only plants from the later pullings. Studies on Pole Rot. I Of all the diseases that plague Connecticut Valley tobacco, pole rot probably presents the most baffling problem for the plant pathologist and for the grower and packer. Our knowledge of the causal agencies, influence of environmental and other factors,and of control is inadequate and confusing. Half of the farmers make no effort to use the recommended measures of control and many who use them are only partially successful. Some even believe that heating with charcoal — the commonly recom- mended measure— frequently aggravates rather than remedies the trouble. In view of the meagerness and uncertainties of our knowledge of pole rot, there is need of a thorough re-investigation of every phase of the trouble with the ultimate object of perfecting a method of control that will be easier to apply and more certain of success than any that we now have. This is not an easy task ; perhaps we shall never be entirely success- ful. The chances of finding a better control method, however, will be more favorable after we have more fundamental information about the causal organisms, their mode of attack, response to environmental factors, etc. It was with the object of acquiring such fundamental information that the investigation here reported was started. The present discussion is a preliminary statement and will be followed by others as the work progresses. Name. The rotting of tobacco during the time that it is hanging on the poles in the curing shed has been designated by a variety of names in different sections of this and foreign countries. Sweat, pole sweat, shed burn, house burn, pole burn, stem rot and pole rot are the most common names. ("Stem rot" is the name applied only to the decay of the midribs.) The use of the term "burn" probably comes from the German name "Dachbrand" (literally "roof-burn"). Although the dark- ened dead appearance of the leaf produced by one of the types of this disease might by a stretch of the imagination be compared to the effect of burning, the term "burn" is certainly not descriptive of the various other symptoms. There is also an objection to the use of the term "sweat" because, in the trade, this term is used to designate the fermentation process, which has no relation to pole "sweat". The fact that sometimes drops of water collect on the leaf surfaces during damp weather, and may favor rot, probably explains the use of this term. The disease in all its various manifestations is nothing more than a "rot" of vegetable matter as this word is used and understood by English speaking people. This term is, therefore, used here to avoid hazy misconceptions on the part of the reader which the other names frequently connote. The term "pole rot", then, designates all forms of rot that affect the curing tobacco while hanging on the poles, and distinguishes it from other rots that may occur in the bundle, the case, or in the field. Symptoms. Pole rot as a rule does not occur during the first stages of curing — that is, while the leaves are still green. Only occasionally and under very moist conditions, where the leaves have remained green for a long time in the shed, has the writer ever seen pole rot on a green Tobacco Diseases in 1935 601 leaf. In general the symptoms may be expected to appear on leaves which are in the yellow stage and just turning brown. The rot may appear on any of the leaves of the plant which are just passing through this critical stage, if continued moist weather conditions prevail at just that time. When the leaves wilt down around the stalk, the middle and lower ones form an overlapping sheath around the top of the stalk. As a result, the inner leaves remain under more moist conditions because of lack of air circulation and the greater quantity of water that is transpired from the green stalk and the crowded leaves. Such conditions are very favor- able nests for pole rot to start and it is here, rather than on the outside leaves, that one usually finds the trouble first. Even where charcoal firing is resorted to, it is difficult to dry out the leaves in such places, and an insufficient firing is apt to make conditions more favorable to rot because the temperature is raised but the surfaces are not dried. Rarely, if ever, is a shed of stalk tobacco cured without an occasional such pocket where rot has started. The primed leaves of Shade tobacco are better distributed and there are no green stalks to furnish a continuous supply of moisture. Therefore pole rot is not so common in Shade tobacco as in stalk-cut tobacco. As a rule also, Shade tobacco is more carefully fired during the cure. ■ %