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Deuster and Christian Ott, who wrote most of the editorials for the i See-Bote, into his office, trying to intimidate them and threatening ! arrest.“‘ The Union general commanding the Army of South-east ; Missouri, through his provost marshal (Major Gustavus Heinrichs) | forbade the circulation of the See-Bote in his sector and among his : soldiers. He claimed that Deuster’s newspaper rendered “aid and ; comfort to the enemy’’ and issued a boycott. “Public journals using I as mean and disgraceful language as this paper,” concluded the ! military edict, “is [szc] injurious to military discipline, and is not 1 the literature to be tolerated in the army.”-® I The edict suppressing the See-Bote in one military sector stirred | up a controversy, and the issues of treasonable conduct and free ! press received a public airing. Republicans generally endorsed the j army edict and Democrats claimed that a constitutional guarantee i had been violated. The issue received a hearing in the State Assem- ; bly, where Deuster sat as a member. Andrew J. Turner, of Portage, ; introduced a resolution which gave “hearty approval” to Major , Heinrichs’ action in expelling the See-Bote from his department. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations, j The majority report, dated March 31, 1863, endorsed Major Hein- j richs’ edict. “We are of the opinion,” the report read, “that all ' such newspapers should be suppressed in and out of the army | lines.” The report concluded : ; In times like these there is no neutral ground. We are either for the j government or against it — either patriots or traitors. We cannot be loyal ^ to the government and disloyal to the administration, ... We, therefore, 'j regard the sentiments promulgated by the See-Bote ... as of the most jj dangerous character; and that Major Heinrichs was fully warranted in ' prohibiting its circulation in the army under his command.^® | Democratic members of the Committee on Federal Relations, : quite naturally, disagreed with the majority report. Alden S. San- i born, of Madison, presented a dissenting report which defended ; Deuster and freedom of the press. Sanborn’s minority report de- ■! - I See-Bote, November 19, December 10, 17, 31, 1862, January 7, 14, 21, 1863. ; ^ Ibid., January 21, 1863. j 28 The edict, dated January 12, 1863, and signed by Major Gustavus Heinrichs as “Provost Marshal General, Army of Southeast Missouri,’’ was published in the Mil¬ waukee Sentinel, January 27, 1863. For some unknown reason, the document does not appear in Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (128 vols., 1880- 1901). 20 State of Wisconsin, Journal of the Assembly . . . 1863 (Madison, 1863), pp. 106, , 123-124, 895, 956-957. 1966] Klement — Deuster as a Democratic Dissenter 33 scribed the See-Bote as ''the uncompromising friend of the people, firmly attached to the principles of liberty, an unwavering advocate of the restoration of the United States into the same fraternal relations that existed before sectional parties menaced their disruption/’^^ Democratic and Republican legislators, wearing par¬ tisan spectacles, saw the same act assuming different shapes. Neither the Sentinel’s fulminations, the threats of a federal marshal, nor a general’s edict checked the See-Bote's criticism of the Lincoln administration. When Congress discussed the need for federal conscription during February, 1863, Deuster printed his anti-draft views. He claimed that federal conscription would de¬ stroy civil liberties of individuals as well as the sovereignty of the states. It would keep the Republican party “permanently in power,” wiping out the opposition party. The presidency would evolve into a dictatorship and the republic turn into a despotism. Negro troops, Deuster warned his wary readers, might even be employed to enforce the draft and drag white men off to war, in¬ sulting them in the process. Yes, “compulsory conscription” and “the excesses of the Administration” might even force the liberty- loving people of the North “to the edge of the chasm,” bringing civil war to them,^^ After the Conscription Act of March 3, 1863, became law, Deus¬ ter continued to play critic. He compared the federal measure to “the Polish forcing act,” reminiscent of the drafting of the Poles by the Russian government. German Americans, Deuster asserted, would be sacrificed at the whim of New England Yankees. Deuster also criticized “the $300. commutation clause,” a provision which absolved a man of military service upon the payment of $300. Rich Republicans, the See-Bote supposed, had incorporated that “iniqui¬ tous section” into the Conscription Act so that they might stay at home while the poor immigrant Americans would then die upon the battlefields.^^ Other issues besides federal conscription drew the wrath of Peter V. Deuster and the See-Bote. When the Lincoln administra¬ tion carved West Virginia from the northwestern section of “the Old Dominion,” in violation of a constitutional clause guaranteeing the integrity of each state, Deuster printed his protest, labeling such action unwarranted and unconstitutional. When successive issues of greenbacks or legal tender notes were authorized by a Republican-dominated Congress, Deuster cried “Foul !” and claimed that property rights were sacrificed and inflation sanctified. When Congress raised the tax on distilled spirits and considered doubling 30 Ibid., pp. 958-959. See-Bote, February 11, 1863. ^^Ibid., March 25, April 20, July 29, 1863. 34 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 the levy on fermented liquors, the See-Bote again raised its voice. Deuster believed beer “the healthiest and most innocent alcoholic drink.” The proposed beer tax would fall heaviest upon the labor¬ ing classes and those immigrant Americans whose cultural pat¬ terns made them beer-drinkers. Deuster also criticized the removal of General George B. McClellan from command of the Army of the Potomac and decried the arrest of Clement L. Vallandigham, prom¬ inent Copperhead and critic of the Lincoln administration, early in May of 1863. He called the trial of Vallandigham of Ohio by a military commission in an area where the civil courts were open “an outrage,” arguing that force and arbitrary measures had been substituted for wisdom and justice. He applauded when Ohio Dem¬ ocrats retaliated by nominating Vallandigham as their party’s gubernatorial nominee. Such bold action, Deuster argued, was a proper protest against “usurpation and tyranny.” As far as Deus¬ ter was concerned, the wheel of revolution turned too fast and too far. The “more radical measures of the Lincoln Administration” could be compared with “the excessive measures of the French Revolution.” Carl Schurz, a onetime Milwaukeean, seemed to be one of Deuster’s favorite targets. The See-Bote seldom missed a chance to throw mud at Schurz, who vainly sought military glory upon Civil War battlefields. Deuster considered General Schurz “incompetent” and “egotistical,” qualified only to carry a gun in “Wide-Awake parades. A peace movement gathered momentum during the first six months of 1863 and Deuster jumped with alacrity upon that band¬ wagon. Continued war might crush out the last vestiges of civil rights, for it continued to centralize the government. The weary boatman at the river Styx ferried heavy loads, and the people on the home front tired of the bloodshed and shuddered at the long, long casualty lists. Defeatism became more and more widespread as some became convinced that the South could not be conquered. Then, too, ruinous taxes sapped the nation’s economy and robbed men of their hard-earned dollars. Many Democrats were convinced that the original objective of the war had been perverted. New England capital seemed to have moved into the driver’s seat, using Lincoln as a pawn in its game to make western interests servile to eastern interests. Conciliation and compromise could stop the bloodshed and the centralization of the government, giving mid- westerners a chance to regain the balance of power they had held politically before the war. “When will the hideous moloch who holds the press and sword of this nation,” asked one of Deuster’s ^Ihid., December 24. 1862. May 7, 13, June 10, 17, July 2, October 14, 1863. 1966] Klement — Deuster as a Democratic Dissenter 35 friends, ‘‘call off his dogs of war, and suffer peace once more to bless our bleeding country Just when war weariness and defeatism seemed to be taking over the northern heart, the fortunes of war changed. The tide turned at Gettysburg and Vicksburg early in July, 1863. The peace move¬ ment then retreated, for it vacillated with the vicissitudes of war, advancing with Union defeats and ebbing with Union victories. Deuster, evidently convinced that a draft was necessary, quit criti¬ cizing the Conscription Act and turned, instead, to promoting “a social plan” to help needy draftees. Deuster’s devastating criticism of the administration also seemed to soften, giving way to mildness. Early in November, 1863, the See-Bote even printed an advertise¬ ment from the general government. The editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel, somewhat chagrined, protested, asserting that the Herold was more deserving than the See-Bote, ‘‘Such being the case,” con¬ cluded the editor of the Sentinel, “We hope no further official pa¬ tronage will be bestowed upon a paper which is doing all it can to embarrass the government. Let the proper authorities look to the matter.”^^ Early in 1864, Republicans and Democrats began to talk of presi¬ dential candidates and to weigh the possibility of Lincoln’s re- election. Union military victories, like those at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, combined with Republican political victories at the polls in October and November, 1863, gave Lincoln a claim to renomina¬ tion and re-election. Although some dissident Republicans favored John C. Fremont as a candidate, the party’s national convention put Lincoln’s name at the head of the ticket. From the first, it was almost a foregone conclusion that Deuster’s party would name George B. McClellan as its choice in the presidential contest of 1864. The presidential race stirred party ism and Deuster joined other Democrats in denouncing Lincoln and praising McClellan. The See-Bote seemed to delight in reporting critical comments made by Deuster’s fellow Democrats. Edward G. Ryan, prominent party mogul, had described Lincoln as “a weak, vain, amiable man” characterized by “his utter imbecility and . . , moral incapacity” — “a mere doll, worked by strings.”^® Mayor Abner Kirby, another Milwaukee Democrat, labeled Lincoln “a weak and vacillating president” and “a tool of fanatics” — “the weakest man on the whole list of presidents.”^' Deuster, who had earlier judged President Lincoln “the most incapable of statesmen and the most irresponsible of butchers of men,” predicted that history would deal harshly with the president. He claimed that Lincoln’s nomination was made at Sheboygan Journal, April 9, 1863. ^See-Bote, November 5, 1863; Milwaukee Sentinel, November 6, 1862. Quoted in the Milwaukee News, July 2, 1863; See-Bote, October 14, 1863. See-Bote, April 24, 1864. 36 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 a convention dominated by rascals — “griffins, hypocrites, pharisees, shoddy contractors, and hwo-legged cattle’/’ There was not “an honest man in the whole convention.” These “hell-on-earth men” nominated Lincoln, Deuster wrote, despite “the sighing of the widows, the complaining of the children, and the moaning of the wounded upon the battlefield.” Lincoln had no “conscience;” he was guilty of telling smutty stories while soldiers were dying. The See-Bote associated “Godlessness,” “perjury,” “irresponsibility” and “dirty ditties” with Lincoln and radicalism. Evidently God was punishing the nation for the sins of the Lincoln administration, imposing suffering, taxes, and hardship upon the people because radicals and fanatics directed affairs in Washington.'"^^ The See-Bote, of course, endorsed McClellan’s candidacy and placed his picture on the front page. It reviewed McClellan’s qualifi¬ cations most favorably, praising the man and the soldier. McClellan could lead the nation out of “the desert of troubles” and into the promised land. Lincoln’s policy was failure; it was time for a change. Lincoln’s re-election would mean more “troublous times”, more drafts and more bloodshed.'^** Party loyalties and the heat of political campaigns sometimes prompts men to make irrational statements. Such was the case when “Brick” Pomeroy of the LaCrosse Democrat hoped that “some bold hand” would pierce Lincoln’s heart “with dagger point for the public good.” Such was the case when the editor of the Beaver Dam Argus wrote, “History shows several instances where the people have only been saved by assassination of their rulers, and history may repeat itself in this country. The time may come when it is absolutely necessary that the people do away with their rulers in the quickest way possible.” And such was the case when Deuster wished Lincoln were dead. Upon hearing the story that a soldier standing next to Lincoln (while the President was visiting the front lines) was wounded by a bullet, Deuster wrote, “Oh, if a fortunate coincident had caused that bullet to pierce the black, inhuman heart of this great butcher of men, rather than lodge in the leg of the poor soldier/’-^^ Despite the heat generated by newspaper editors and excited orators, the election passed off with few incidents in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. Although Deuster’s ward and the city of Milwaukee gave McClellan a two-to-one margin (4,908 votes for McClellan, ^ Ibid., December 18, 1862, June 15, July 27, 1864. Ibid., September 14, October 25, 1864. ^0 La Crosse Democrat , August 23, 1864 ; Beaver Dam Argus^ September 14, 1864 : See-Bote, August 3, 1864. An account of the election of 1864 in Wisconsin can be found in Frank L. Klement, “Wisconsin and the Re-election of Lincoln in 1864 : A Chapter of Civil War History,” in Wisconsin in Three Wars [Historical Messenger, XXII (March, 1966)] pp. 20-42. 1966] Klement — Deuster as a Democratic Dissenter 37 2,535 for Lincoln), Lincoln carried Wisconsin by 17,000 votes and won re-election by a comfortable margin'd^ Deuster was not surprised by the election returns, but he ex¬ pressed his disappointment nevertheless. His editorials seemed to say, “The Republicans started this war ; let them finish it/' “Every¬ one," he wrote, “views the future Avith apprehension and anxiety." He seemed depressed and disgusted, and he tossed another taunt in Lincoln's direction: “His watchword is war- — that's what the vote meant. Disintegration of the country, with the end of civil order and collapse of the government, will come. Then the people, de¬ ceived by Lincoln, will wake up and realize their plight/'^'^ In the closing months of the war Deuster remained a caustic critic and an unredeemed Democrat. He referred to the country's president as “a usurper,” and he moaned each time the president called for more troops.^'^ Yet Deuster and most Democrats sym¬ pathized with President Lincoln when he feuded with the radicals in his own party over Reconstruction policy. Lincoln favored a rather mild Reconstruction policy, whereas the radicals wanted vindictive measures and civil rights for the newly freed Negroes. Democrats like Deuster and Edward G. Ryan openly supported the president against most leaders of his party. Lincoln's death at the hands of an assassin shocked Peter V. Deuster. He feared that the president's death might give the radical Republicans control of Reconstruction and that “retribution and revenge” might become official policy. Deuster even claimed that Democrats could mourn with a “pure conscience,” He rationalized for his readers: “We have voted against Lincoln's election; written against it; spoken against it. What we have said and written was done with a clear conscience. We may say with an equally clear conscience that there are no more sincere mourners today- — none who deplore the death of President Lincoln more than the Democ¬ racy of the Northern States,”^^ Deuster's role as a Copperhead and critic of Lincolnian policy did not adversely affect his business or political success. The See- Bote became a prosperous business enterprise in the postwar years. For two yeans, until the “Great Chicago Fire” of 1871, he also published the Chicago Daily Union, another German-language neAvspaper. During the postwar years he again sought public office, serving one term in the state senate and three in Congress. In the The soldier vote padded the rather scant majority Lincoln received of the home vote in Wisconsin. The canvassers counted 68,906 Lincoln votes and 62,494 McClellan votes cast in Wisconsin — they set aside the Kewanee County votes (157 for Lincoln, 753 for McClellan) because “no seal was attached.” Lincoln received 13,805 of the 16,789 votes cast by soldiers in the field, See-Bote, November 23, December 14, 1864. ^ Ibid., February 11, 25, 1865; Milwaukee Sentinel, February 27, 1865. ^Milwaukee Sentinel, April 26, 1865. 38 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 postwar era he gained recognition as the most forthright and re¬ spected champion of the wants and rights of the German Catholics of the Milwaukee area. Peter V. Deuster can be classified as a conservative. He opposed the changes which the Civil War imposed upon his adopted country. He opposed the centralization of the government, for the war helped to transform a federal union into a truly national state. He opposed the triumph of industrialization and its ascendancy over agriculture, objecting to the trend which caused the upper Midwest to bow to the economic domination of the Northeast. He opposed the extension of democratic rights to the former slaves ; he opposed emancipation and the granting of civil rights to the newly free. Yet he was a leader and spokesman for many German Americans because he could put into words the hopes and the fears of his countrymen, immigrant Americans adjusting to their American environment. GEORGE MADISON HINKLEY SAWMILL ENGINEER FOR E. P. ALLIS Walter F. Peterson Lawrence University In 1905 the Americcm Lumberman at the death of George M. Hinkley, honored him with a special article. He was “among the men who had done much to elaborate and perfect saw mill ma¬ chinery.’’ His contribution to sawmilling was widened when “for¬ tune cast his lot with one of the largest machinery manufacturing houses in the country or the world/’ Edward P. Allis and Com¬ pany. The career of G. M. Hinkley, master sawmill designer and builder, cannot be separated from that of E. P. Allis, whose Re¬ liance Works in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, manufactured the ma¬ chinery that made Hinkley famous among lumbermen.^ Edward Phelps Allis (1824-1889) was a New Yorker who turned from the study of law to go West to seek his fortune as a business¬ man. By 1873 Allis had established himself as a leader in the Wisconsin business community, had purchased and expanded the Reliance Works founded in Milwaukee in 1847 by Decker and Seville, and employed more than 300 men and apprentices. Mill¬ stones and mill supplies, along with castings and engines, were the principal products. Although sawmill equipment had been listed in the catalog for some years, it was no more than a minor line.^ Allis developed a technique of management that made him the largest manufacturer in Wisconsin in the late nineteenth century. “It has been Mr. Allis’ policy to secure the assistance of the best specialists in the different lines of machinery manufacture, and thus turn out the best machinery made, to which is due in a large measure his great success,” reported an observer.^ Allis brought together the engineering talent for the production of goods and the financial support to secure the constant expansion of his works. It was up to his engineers to provide the excellence of product and efficiency in production that would yield profits. In 1873 Allis invited George Madison Hinkley to become head of the Reliance Works’ sawmill department. Hinkley was one of the men who made up an engineering triumvirate which would lead ^American Lumberman, December 23, 1905, p. 1. ^Dictionary of American Biography (New York, 1928), pp. 219-220, Milwaukee Sentinel, April 2, 1889. ^Sentinel, January 2, 1889. 39 40 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Allis and the Reliance Works to international fame and financial success. The second major appointment was that of William Dixon Gray to head the flour milling department. E. P, Allis rounded out his staff of brilliant engineers by securing in 1877 the services of Edwin Reynolds, who became the great steam engine builder of the late nineteenth century. The American Society of Civil Engineers, which had invited Allis to become a Fellow in 1883, published this appraisal of his successful business technique : “Mr. Allis was not an engineer, not an inventor, not a mechanic, but he had in full measure that rare talent for bringing together the work of the engineer, the inventor, the mechanic, that it might come to full fruition, and the world at large be the gainer thereby.”^ The achievement of Edward P. Allis was based on the success of Hink- ley's sawmill equipment, Gray’s flour milling inventions, and Rey¬ nolds’ steam engines, which powered the sawmills and flour mills. As it turned out, E. P. Allis could not have picked better men than Hinkley, Gray and Reynolds.^ Allis and his engineers could hardly have lived at a better time. After the wreckage of the depression of 1873 had been cleared away, the United States very rapidly developed to maturity as an industrial nation. From an economic point of view the period 1873 to 1893 was in some respects a golden age of American history. During this period the public debt was rapidly reduced, even though taxes were low. The federal government was usually more concerned with a surplus than a deficit. Gradually, after the violent shock of civil war, the spiritual unity of the nation was restored. Manpower resources were unlimited as young and ambitious Euro¬ peans settled in cities and on farms. Inventions of all kinds added greater comfort and convenience to daily life. But most of all, there was a consciousness of progress, development and growth which made possible an optimism in American life that has per¬ haps never been so great. E. P, Allis was always alert to business possibilities. The lumber industry, found in his own back yard, presented a remarkable op¬ portunity. Given the enormous stands of accessible timber, Allis might almost have anticipated that between the Civil War and 1890 the principal center of the lumber industry would be the Great Lakes region. In fact during that period Michigan and Wisconsin accounted for nearly 30 per cent of the national production. During the decade following Hinkley’s appointment as manager of the sawmill department, the quantity of white pine sawed annually in the Great Lakes area was to double, increasing from roughly four ^Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers, 1889. Louis Allis Scrapbook, VoL 1. Courtesy of Mrs. Louis Allis, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ® Walter P. Peterson. “E. P. Allis : A Study in Nineteenth Century Business Tech¬ nique,’"’ Marquette Business Review, Fall, 1962. pp. 44-48. 1966] Peterson — George Madison Hinkley 41 billion to eight billion feet. Moreover, the industry was soon to de¬ velop in the West and in the South. During the decade of the eighties the total value of the product was to increase from $210 million to $404 million. Supplying the rapidly expanding lumber industry with equipment represented an enormous opportunity.® The change that Allis must have noted was that sawmill methods during the previous decade had been undergoing a rapid develop¬ ment. Introduction of the circular saw increased cutting capacity more than ten times, although early circular saws were exceedingly wasteful, sawing out at each cut a half inch of kerf. The movements of the log carriage had been accelerated and the double edger and later the gang edger had been introduced. At the close of the sixties steam replaced manual labor in handling logs. These and many other lesser improvements were accompanied by the increasing efficiency and power of the driving engines. In short, the better sawmill of 1870 bore little resemblance to the mill of 1860, and was still improving.'^ Hinkley, born in Seneca, New York, May 24, 1830, was appointed head of Allis' sawmill department in October, 1873. As a young man he had recognized the great future in the lumber industry and in¬ creasingly aware of his growing taste for mechanical work, decided to learn the millwright trade. His first effort in this new occupation was in 1851 on a mill at Zilwaukee, Michigan. He then worked on mills at East Saginaw and Thetford, Michigan, and one on the Flint River.® The Civil War broke out while Hinkley was operating a shingle mill in Tuscola county. On September 11, 1862, he enlisted as a corporal in Company 1, Sixth Michigan Calvary, and was mustered into service on October 11, 1862. On May 6, 1864, Hinkley, now a sergeant, crossed the Rapidan with General Grant and on June 11 he was captured by the Confederate forces during the battle of Trevellian Station, when his horse was shot from under him. As a prisoner he was confined in Confederate prison camps, including Anderson ville, until he was paroled in late November, 1864.® After the war Hinkley was kept busy building mills; first the Farr mill at Muskegon; then a mill at Manistee; and in 1866 a shingle mill in Milwaukee. After its completion, John Eldred, the owner, engaged Hinkley as the operator. In 1870 Hinkley decided 6 Victor S. Clark. History of Manufactures in the United States (New York, 1929), 11, pp. 482-3. "^Frederick Merk. Economic History of Wisconsin During the Civil War Decade (Madison, 1916), pp. 69-71. ^Dictionary of Wisconsin Biography (Madison, 1960), p. 171. American Lumher- man, December 23, 1905, p. 1. ^History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Chicag'o, 1881), p. 1288. AlKs-Chalniers Sales B'lilletin, December, 1905, p. 1. Hinkley kept a diary during the Civil War. Although the original has been lost by the family, portions of the diary in typescript are in the files of the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 42 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 to develop his ideas for improving sawmill machinery and to estab¬ lish his own business. He invented and sold a saw swage, a mill lathe and other devices which Filer and Stowell, sawmill manufac¬ turers in Milwaukee, produced for him. His worth and his potential as inventor and engineer moved E. P. Allis to hire him for the Reliance Works. Upon joining the Allis company, Hinkley contributed his sense of organization, his drive, his inventiveness and his engineering abilities. Actually his productivity in new sawmill devices had just begun, for during the 32 years that he was head of the sawmill department he patented 35 inventions. So that Allis might secure not only the services of such inventive minds as Hinkley, and later Gray and Reynolds, but also keep them in his organization, he allowed departmental managers to hold all or part of their patents, as well as those of their departmental co-workers. The company then paid the managers for the use of their patented devices. More¬ over, the name plates on machines and company catalogs frequently featured the name of the department head, thus giving him inter¬ national recognition.^- When George Madison Hinkley came to the Reliance Works, the annual sales of sawmilling equipment had not reached $1,000. Hinkley poured all of his talent and energy into his job. At the outset he did all the drafting, traveled, and carried on the corre¬ spondence. Most of the machinery turned out was under Hinkley’s patents and his genius was such that some of the mill appliances invented by him were manufactured and used in mills without marked change for two to three decades afterward. As the reputa¬ tion of the Reliance Works and of Hinkley ’s inventions grew, so did the sales of sawmill equipment.^^ Logging was a rough, tough business in the late nineteenth century and the sawmill owners were a hard-bitten lot. It took a particular type of person, besides the quality of the product, to sell effectively to them. Hinkley was known for his commanding bear¬ ing, hiis forceful manner and pungent speech. A fine beard added to his impressive appearance. His outbursts were considered classic. One sawmill man vividly remembered his ‘‘highly scientific and gifted knowledge of picturesque language.” Once when something American Lumberman, December 23, 1905, p. 1. ^iW. H. Whiteside, President of Allis-Chalmers Company, Circular Letter No. 62, December 20, 1905. ^ The Sentinel, February 29, 1888, notes that a patent was granted on a sawmill carriage, one-half to George M. Hinkley and one-half to E. P. Allis and Company. The contract, in Allis-Chalmers flies, between William W. Allis, President of Edward P. Allis Company, and Edwin Reynolds, April 9, 1890, reaffirmed his previous con¬ tract, which gave him full right to his patents. Ernest C. Shaw, who knew G. M. Hinkley well, understood that Hinkley held the same rights to his patents as did Reynolds and also some patents of departmental co-workers. Edward P. Allis and Company Catalog, 1885. American Lximberman, December 23, 1905, pp. 1, 37. 1966] Peterson — George Madison Hinkley 43 had gone wrong, Charles Allis, the third oldest of the Allis boys, rushed out of his office to suggest less profanity, only to give up when G. M. Hinkley furiously expanded on his original statement with even greater force and added that he would “kow-tow to nobody But he understood the loggers and sawmill owners and could speak their language. Here was a man who knew what he wanted and had the courage and ability to go after it. Hinkley employed no tricks of salesmanship but sold the products of the Reliance Works solely on their merits, “recommending them for the value that was in them, and of that value and its most minute de¬ tails no man ever had more intimate and thorough knowledge.”^'"^ When George M. Hinkley assumed management of the sawmill department, the company produced only a circular saw which was described as a fast-running disc “with teeth on its periphery.’' Only two years after Hinkley joined the Reliance Works, the catalog of the sawmill department was increased to a fat 70 pages. Hink- ley’s patents, together with his ingenuity and energy, had made the difference.^^ In 1876, three years after joining the Allis Company, Hinkley sent his first complete sawmill to Japan, and filled many larger domestic orders as the reputation of the department continued to grow. In the spring of 1878 ten carloads of sawmilling equipment were sent to Texas, including two large double sawmills, setworks, engines, boilers, and everything necessary for a complete outfit. Later the same year the Sentinel reported that “in the matter of sawmills the reputation of Messrs. Allis & Co. stands alone. In the hard-fisted and free-wheeling sawmilling business a less energetic man than Hinkley and a smaller concern than the Edward P. Allis Company would have had difficulty maintaining the iden¬ tity and integrity of its patents. The mechanical “dog,” the device to hold the log in place on the log carriage, was of critical impor¬ tance. In 1880 the Allis Company brought suit against Filer, Stowell and Company for infringement of a patent dog used in sawmills. Allis and Hinkley sought to recover royalties from all firms that had manufactured or were using their patented device to the extent of $600 to $800 for the use of the dog during past years and recognition of rights in the future. When the Allis posi¬ tion was sustained by the courts, the lumbermen of Oshkosh, Wis¬ consin, formed the Northwestern Sawmill Protective Association to defend themselves against an additional Allis claim of 25^ per ■•^Ernest C. Shaw to Alberta J. Price, August 23, 1954, Axel Soderling- to Alberta J. Price, August 3, 1954. Interviews in Allis— Chalmers historical files. American Lumberman, December 23, 1905, p. 37. Edward P. Allis and Company Catalogs, 1871, 1875. ^'’Sentinel, October 9, 1876 ; March 19, 1878; May 15, 1878. 44 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 1000 feet of lumber cut by mills using its devices if not manufac¬ tured by the Reliance Works. The decision on this claim was in favor of the Allis company and a referee was appointed to deter¬ mine the extent of the damages. Allis and Hinkley continued to press their claims against a growing list of firms and lumbermen. The first case, against Filer, Stowell and Company of Milwaukee, was settled in 1883 when that company agreed to pay for past in¬ fringement and take out a license from E. P. Allis and Company covering future use of the patent. This action provided the prin¬ ciple for settlement of the remaining cases.’ ^ At the fairs and exhibitions popular after the Civil War manu¬ facturers of all types entered their products in competition for prizes and to widen their markets through the education of the public. Hinkley supervised elaborate displays of Allis sawmill equipment all over the country during the seventies and eighties. The progress made by Hinkley in developing a first class sawmill department can be seen in the impressive collection of prizes awarded his sawmill equipment at the New Orleans World’s Fair of 1885. For a circular sawmill in practical operation he was awarded a medal of second class; headblocks in operation with circular sawmill, medal of second class; collective display of saw¬ mill machinery, medal of second class; gang edger, medal of first class; automatic lumber trimmer, medal of first class; two-saw lumber trimmer, honorable mention; flooring machine, medal of first class; for the Reliance mill dogs, operated with circular saw mills, medal of first class. This record becomes more impressive when it is compared with those of two other Milwaukee manufac¬ turers who also entered their equipment at the New Orleans fair. Filer, Stowell and Company received honorable mention for its dis¬ play of mill machinery, and the T. H. Wilkin Company a medal of first class for its saw stretcher. G. M. Hinkley’s sawmill depart¬ ment was obviously helping to establish the national and inter¬ national reputation of the Allis company.’^ Although Hinkley did not invent the band saw, he is given credit for perfecting it.^’’ This was a machine carrying a saw made from an endless steel band with teeth on one edge running over two flat-faced wheels, one above and one below the level at which the log was sawed. The great advantage was that the steel band was one-half the thickness of the old circular saw and reduced the waste from sawdust proportionately at every cut. When Hinkley Sentinel, August 16, September 27, 1880; January 29, 1881; October 4, 1882; March 22, September 2 1883. Sentinel, May 23, 1885. '■^American L^imber7nan, December 23, 1905, p. 1. 1966] Peterson — George Madison Hinkley 45 was convinced that the band saw could work a great advantage, he proceeded to perfect it,^^ With his characteristic skill and energy Hinkley pushed the de¬ velopment of the band mill. His first band mill was announced on December 6, 1885, in a notice entitled ‘TO THE ATTENTION OF LUMBERMEN.^^ We have just completed our new band saw mill, which is without ques¬ tion, the best machine of its kind ever offered to the market. One of these mills is now set up at our works, corner of Florida and Clinton Streets where it will remain on exhibition until December 15. It will then be re¬ moved to Dorchester, Wisconsin, and placed in active operation about January 1 in the mill of the Jump River Lumber Company. We make this announcement in order that parties interested in band saw mills may have an opportunity to inspect our machines.^^ This was a nine-foot mill designed for saws ten inches wide. The lower wheel had a cast-iron rim on the outside of which was bolted a hardwood rim. The weight of this lower wheel was about 3,000 pounds. The top wheel was constructed almost entirely of the best seasoned hardwood to make it as light as possible and at the same time perfectly rigid:^^ Soon after the new band mill was placed in operation at the Jump River Lumber Company, Prentice, Wisconsin, the E. P. Allis Company received the following letter : Your combined Band and Rotary Mill put in for us was started up about the first of February last. It started off perfectly and our satisfac¬ tion has been constantly increasing. We are cutting from mixed logs, knotty, frozen, shaky and sound, at the rate of 3,000 feet per hour, of measured lumber, requiring no more care than a circular mill. We expect with a little more familiarity with operating the mill, to saw 35,000 feet per day. We have examined other mills in operation and unhesitatingly say we have seen none that compare favorably with this one. We cordially recommend anyone desiring a mill to examine this one in operation. Jump River Lumber Company"* Although the later development of the Hinkley Automatic Power Swage and the Hinkley Power Guide, along with his other numer¬ ous inventions, rounded out his contributions to the sawmill indus¬ try, it was the perfected band saw that the American Lumberman regarded as “the monument of his rare genius and mechanical ability.^’^^ 21 Ernest C. Shaw to Alberta J. Price, August 23, 1954. Allis-Chalmers historical files. It was characteristic of all the sawmill developments of the sixties and seventies that they were calculated to secure increased output or a saving- of labor. Little effort was made toward achieving- a saving of timber which was both cheap and abundant. ^-Sentinel, December 6, 1885. 23 In the Southern huniherman, December 15, 1931, p. 82, E. A. Hall, then manager of the milling machinery department of Allis-Chalmers, provided details on construc¬ tion of the mill. 2i Jump River Lumber Company, undated letter in Allis-Chalmers historical files. American Lumberman^ December 23, 1905, p. 1. 46 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 It is significant that Hinkley lived and produced his equipment during the period of greatest lumber expansion, when every manu¬ facturer of sawmilling equipment was pushed to the utmost to meet both the great demand and the intense competition. At his death in 1905 the American Lumberman paid him tribute: Mr. Hinkley was as great a man in his line of business as Carnegie in his. He has been as useful in his day and generation, in view of the cir¬ cumstances which surround him, as any great inventor whose name could be mentioned. His relation to the improvement of saw mill machinery was almost akin to that of Edison to electrical development or of Ericson to the evolution of naval construction. Had he so elected his name would have been as eligible to enrollment in a national hall of fame as any of those cited. But he chose — if he gave that matter a thought — that his works should be his monument.^® Hinkley distinguished himself within the company well beyond his ingenuity as an inventor and machinist. It was the business ability of George Madison Hinkley that E. P. Allis prized equally highly. With the management and the sales of the department wholly in his charge, he raised the status of his department to the first rank in the field and annual sales to nearly $400,000 by 1889 when Allis died. Hinkley had vindicated the business technique by which E. P. Allis operated and whose fortunes, in part, were cre¬ ated by him.^^ ^Ibid., p. 37. After more than 32 years of service to the company as manager of the sawmill department, G. M. Hinkley died on December 14, 1905. WISCONSIN TERRITORIAL AND STATE CENSUSES Walter H. Ebling Department of Agricultural Economics University of Wisconsin State census work can be best understood against the background of the important and excellent United States censuses. Although the national census organization in the U.S. has become perhaps the world’s best, the development from a simple beginning in 1790 to the present was slow, at least in the early decades. Art. A, sec. 2 of the U.S. Constitution provided for the U.S. census : Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this Union according to their respec¬ tive numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States and within every subsequent term of ten years in such manner as they shall by law direct. Although this was a landmark in census development, it limited the work to an enumeration of the inhabitants of the country. Very early there were demands for other information, such as data on agriculture and industry. In the rapidly developing states and terri¬ tories the ten-year interval was sometimes longer than convenient for state and local government, especially in frontier areas. As demands came for more frequent or more detailed data on population, manufacturing, industry or agriculture, the national census organization was lacking in both experience and skills. For nearly fifty years the question of the constitutionality of such addi¬ tional census work was a deterrent to progress. When people needed more data on population or in new fields, they turned to the states for them. Actually State census work goes back into colonial times, census enumerations being reported in Massachusetts as early as 1643; Rhode Island, 1708; and New Hampshire, 1767.^ In 1854 the Superintendent of the United States Census reported that 20 of the 31 states then in the Union had some kind of state census.^ Al¬ though the earliest work was concerned largely with population, some later state enumerations included agriculture, manufacturing and mining. These state censuses have now disappeared, except for the mid-decade one in Massachusetts^ and a somewhat different one which provides population data annually in Kansas.^ 47 48 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Territorial Census Work by Wisconsin Like other states, Wisconsin engaged in census-taking during territorial days. Eleven state censuses were taken between 1836 and 1905. The first five came between 1836 and 1847. These terri¬ torial censuses were concerned only with population, first for the organization of the territorial government and then for statehood. A provision for state censuses at ten-year intervals was also writ¬ ten into the Wisconsin State Constitution in 1848. The first territorial census of 1836 was described in a report of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in 1892.^ The editor pointed out that the Act of Congress, April 20, 1836, establishing the territorial government of Wisconsin provided that previous to WISCONSIN TERRITORIAL CENSUS ■ 1836 SEX RATIO OF POPULATION THREE COUNTIES- BROWN, IOWA, MILWAUKEE AND OVER POPULATION UNDER 21 In the census of 1836 the population was shown by age groups. The inhabitants age 21 years and over were 77 per cent men and 23 per cent women for Brown, Iowa, and Milwaukee Counties. Crawford County is not included in this chart because the data were influenced by the military personnel stationed at Fort Crawford. 1966] Ehling — Wisconsin Territorial and State Censuses 49 the first election the governor should order a census or enumeration of inhabitants of the several counties to be made by the sheriffs and reported to him.^ Upon the basis of this census the governor was to apportion in the ratio of population the council members and representatives, Indians excepted. The first territorial census for Wisconsin was taken in July of 1836, No printed blanks were furnished for the enumeration. Sheriffs were instructed simply to report in writing the names of white families, with the number of persons in each family, divided into four groups: I. Males under 21 years II. Females under 21 years III. Males 21 years and over IV, Females 21 years and over In 1836 Wisconsin Territory was much larger than present Wis¬ consin because it included most of Iowa, Minnesota, and other land west of the Mississippi River to about the present site of Bismark, N. D. The enumeration, however, covered only the populated parts of Wisconsin and some of the counties of Iowa west of the Missis¬ sippi River, an area temporarily attached to Wisconsin Territory iN MID i9f^ CENTURY MOST STATES HAD THEIR OWN CENSUS • SOURCE : 1850 US. CENSUS COMPENDIUM In 1854 of the thirty states in the U.S., twenty-one had their own census. Wis¬ consin took censuses from 1836 to 1905. 50 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 pending further organization. Governor Dodge provided for repre¬ sentation in the Territorial Council (13 members) and House of Representatives (26 members) on the basis of population, which for the four counties — Brown, Crawford, Iowa, and Milwaukee — amounted to 11,683 persons. In 1838 the Territory took another census of population, again by the county sheriffs, with the data recorded by towns and cities."^ No age divisions were required. The sheriffs recorded the names of the master, mistress, steward, or overseer of each household, and the township in which the family lived. They recorded the number of white males, white females, free males of color, and free females of color, with a column for totals and one for remarks. Each sheriff was required to summarize the reports and submit them to the Secretary of the Territory. In 1842 another territorial census was authorized and taken. The headings were the same as those in 1838, with the addition of a column for errata. As statehood approached, a further census enumeration was nec¬ essary. An Act in Relation to the Formation of the State Govern¬ ment, January 31, 1846, provided in sec. 1 that every white male inhabitant above the age of 21 who resided in the territory six months previous to the census and who was a citizen of the U. S, or had filed his declaration of intention, according to U. S. natural¬ ization laws, was authorized to vote for or against the formation of a state government in Wisconsin.® Sec. 3 provided for the gov¬ ernor to appoint in each of the counties some suitable person to enumerate the number of inhabitants, omitting non-citizen Indians and officers and soldiers of the U. S. Army. The census-takers were empowered to choose as many assistants as necessary, assigning to each one a portion of his county accurately defined either by Congressional Township lines, the boundaries of towns organized for town government, or distinctly bounded by water courses or public roads. The appointment of special persons to take the 1846 census was a major departure from previous census work by the sheriffs or their deputies in each county. The appointed persons were required to take an oath that they would obtain an exact enumeration of all residents within their county or division and make duplicate reports for the Secretary of the Territory and the Register of Deeds. A penalty was provided in sec. 6 of the Act for failure to perform assignments properly. The enumeration was to begin on June 1, 1846, and be completed within 30 days. Upon the basis of the population determined in this census the governor was to issue a proclamation and appoint delegates appor¬ tioned to each county and territory according to population for the 1966] Ebling- — Wisconsin Territorial and State Censuses 51 first state constitutional convention. Thus this census differed from previous ones, the details being carefully prescribed for the pur¬ pose of Statehood. The first Constitution for Wisconsin, produced by a constitutional convention in 1846, was rejected by the voters in a referendum in April, 1847. To provide a basis in the territory for the apportion¬ ment of members for a second constitutional convention, a special legislative session in October 1847, passed a new act for the forma¬ tion of a state government. Secs. 13-19 provided for another census in December 1847, only 18 months after the previous one. This census recorded 210,546 people, an almost unbelievable increase of 36 per cent in a year and a half. State Census Continued Under the Wisconsin Constitution The five censuses of population during territorial days in Wis¬ consin were largely for the apportionment of representatives to the territorial legislature and the constitutional conventions, but of course they also showed the rapid growth in population and the advancement of the frontier. After Wisconsin became a state, the Constitution provided for the continuing of the state census enumerations at ten-year inter¬ vals for the mid-decade years ending in five.^ Six isuch censuses were conducted for the mid-decade years from 1855 to 1905. WISCONSIN POPULATION 1820-1960 52 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 55 ^ m O Q _J OT 3 3 Q. O O X a. H o 1820 1966] Ebling- — Wisconsin Territorial and State Censuses 53 Obviously during a period of rapid settlement, population change, and the frequent addition of new counties, apportionment of the members of the legislature according to population needed to be made frequently. The state Constitution provided that the mem¬ bership of the legislature be reapportioned after each census enumeration, both federal and state, every five years. As the state became more mature and population more stable, however, the need for isuch frequent reapportionment was less pressing than during the days of most rapid growth and geographic advance of the population. In November, 1910, a constitutional amendment relating to re¬ apportionment was adopted. It provided that apportionment of members of the legislature according to population should be done only at ten-year intervals in accordance with the U.S. census, thus eliminating the need for a state census of population. The 1905 census, therefore, the sixth one under statehood, was the last of the Wisconsin state censuses as provided under the Constitution. Agricultural, Manufacturing and Mineral Data in the Wisconsin State Census The territorial and state census as in Wisconsin was developed originally for the enumeration of the inhabitants. An explosive increase in the work began with the 1885 census. The Revised Statutes of 1878 had made substantial additions to state census work. These included a long list of questions on agriculture (ani¬ mals, crop acreage, land tenure, equipment, product values), man¬ ufactured products and minerals produced in the state. The new material was so extensive that much larger reports for the censuses for 1885, 1895 and 1905 were required, with major portions de¬ voted to the new subjects. The responsibility for carrying out this enlarged work was as¬ signed to the Secretary of State, who prepared the schedules and sent them to county clerks for enumeration by town, city, and village clerks. The county clerks filed the original reports with the Registers of Deeds and sent copies to the Secretary of State, who was responsible for tabulation and publication. Filing original reports in the counties and making hand-written copies for the Secretary of State had serious faults. There is no evidence that counties had much use for the original documents, many of which were lost, and the making of copies by cheap labor in the counties resulted in errors and omissions which reduced the accuracy of the tabulations. Although the reasons that triggered the spectacular enlargement of the Wisconsin state censuses beginning with 1885 are not en- 54 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 tirely clear, several are apparent. To begin with, the state economy was largely agricultural and with the post-Civil War depression of the 1870’s and 80’s, data on agricultural trends and changes were of great interest. Another and perhaps major reason was that the U.S. Congress in the census legislation for 1880 authorized the Secretary of the Interior to pay states and territories half the cost of a mid-decade census in 1885 if they met certain require¬ ments. Apparently Congress hoped that if all states could perform a mid-decade census patterned after the U.S. census, mid-decade data for the nation might be produced. As a result more elaborate state censuses, including many of the U.S. census inquiries of 1880, were taken in various states and territories, but the U.S. census of 1880 had been so enlarged that states could not duplicate it en¬ tirely. A few received federal payments but most of them, like Wisconsin, did not. Although this federal legislation applied only to 1885 and was not re-enacted,^® Wisconsin continued the enlarged program through the 1905 census. Another subject included in the state census of Wisconsin be¬ ginning in 1885 and continuing for the following two censuses — 1895 and 1905 — was the “enrollment of militia.” Wisconsin fur¬ nished 91,327 men in the Civil War. The 1885 state census recorded NUMBER OF FARMS IN WISCONSIN , 1850-1960 U.S. Decennial Census Wisconsin State Census ^^U.S. Mid-decade Census of Agriculture Table 1. Some Characteristics of Wisconsin State Censuses. 1966] Ehling — Wisconsin Territorial and State Censuses X. 7 ^ ^ c/5 0^ (X) bx vD Its O' \r\ eC , H 00 f4^ tx. rx 'T Ws fXl fx5 ?— « W 7 Z sO — fX! Ijx rx rx. O' cQ ja < 2 s- . — ^ 00 ^ Ux O 00 00 Cl, l/N ITN sO rx (Xl i--* Cu V 0 < —1 (X) Kr\ (X5 rJi fXl z (X) D S 31 1 bC oT OT o I 3 ^ ±i C Cd bX) GO ^ - z u s| c/5 <. Z uj S 5 Q p ■- t- cd ■u D t_ O !» CO O 4_» Cd CO "o >4 i-. cd D s_ O 15 CO D « CO o Cd 15 o 15 CO 15 Cd 4-1 CO "o >> w. Cd 15 }_ 15 15 CO (T) CO -ca acc T5 "0 Jp a3 a3 cd o Cd o 1 3 CO £ W CJ w CJ 3 "0 3 T) 3^§ S C ? C (3° c32 T3 C 15 C/5 c/) c/) ^ .s g wow -C-cjc a— CO CO CO Cd .2 § § § ? ’E O O O w w uuuaH _h ^ t/5 c/5 C/) C/) Q ^ ^ W >- C -2 C -2 C -2 ■g^cdocdocdwcdo •sO‘/5>-cfl>,G0>,c40>- p _ _ wacuOwC5tuD CCJ .S’otd’otj'o’O’otD ^ ^ ^ C 2 Cd cd O ■ r a c ^ c -4_I Cd^ycd^cd 2’a§c§c§c§c QmHU 2u 2u 2u 2 Ux W-N 00 00 00 ' — ' ^ 00 (X) .£5 tx. l4X l4X 3? irv lx 3 xr sD tx. O' o 00 00 00 a 00 O' •— ■ 3^ — ' 1 w w [ 0) w w w w w 1 3 c a d c a a a a a 1 3 ^ D 3 a a a a a 1 ' — U 1 ' — ^ “5 ' — 5 - - 5 - - 5 ' — t 56 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 the names and addresses of 29,686 veterans living in Wisconsin. By 1895 the number of Civil War veterans in the state declined to 26,367 and by 1905 to 9,521. Clearly by another decade few Civil War veterans would remain and the need for this information would disappear. It is not surprising, therefore, that with the greater stability of the state's population, thus reducing the need for frequent legisla¬ tive reapportionment, with agriculture more prosperous and be¬ coming a smaller segment of the state’s growing economy, and with the number of Civil War veterans greatly reduced, the move developed to amend the state constitution to eliminate the state census. The amendment was passed by referendum in 1910, thus closing seven decades of state census work. These censuses, in addition to serving important purposes in their time, provide a rich mine of historic information. Because they were published by various divisions of the state, by counties, towns, cities, and villages, they provide useful detail for historic studies. Partly because a mid-decade census of population is useful and because some present problems require more frequent censuses than at ten-year intervals, administrators of new projects dealing with apportionment of federal funds are now demanding a federal mid-decade census. In recent years hearings have been held, with many agencies urging Congress to provide a mid-decade census of population. The latest of these hearings was in Washington on May 4 and 5, 1965 ; a fifty million dollar appropriation was being sought for this purpose. Summary State census taking developed in early American history when population and frontiers were changing rapidly. The U.S. Census at ten-year intervals was not frequent enough to provide informa¬ tion necessary under those conditions. State censuses, undertaking to fill a part of the need, for a time served an important purpose. However, they could not provide for the needs of an increasingly complex society over the longer period and they have largely dis¬ appeared. Continuing needs for data at shorter intervals caused the U.S. Census in 1925 to undertake a Census of Agriculture at five-year intervals. A Census of Manufacturing is also taken at shorter intervals. Because of other needs for population data at five-year intervals one may expect that the U.S. Census will take action within the next decade. References 1, Ebling, Walter H. Evolution of Agricultural Data Systems, Agricultural Estimates Division, U. S. Dept, of Agriculture and Dept, of Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin, i960. 1966] Ebling — Wisconsin Territorial and State Censuses 57 2. U. S. Census Compendium 1850, by J. D. B. DeBow, Superintendent, 3. Statement by Raymond D. Lavalle, Census Director, State of Massachu¬ setts, May 4, 1962, before congressional subcommittee on census and gov¬ ernment statistics of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Hon. Harley O, Staggers, Chairman, pp. 653-660. Part 4, Mid-decade census hearings. 4. Statement by Dr. Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director, U, S, Census Bureau. 5. Wisconsin Historical Collections, Vol. XIII, 1892, pp. 247-270. 6. Organic Act establishing the Territorial Government of Wisconsin of April 20, 1836, Sec. 4. 7. The legal basis for the 1838 Census is found on pages 239-244 Territorial Laws of Wisconsin 1837, Act No. 53, providing for the taking of a sec¬ ond census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the Territory of Wis¬ consin, approved December 30, 1837. 8. Laws of Territory of Wisconsin, 1846, Act approved January 31, 1846. 9. Section 3 of Article 4 of the Wisconsin Constitution read as follows: ‘‘Sec¬ tion 3. The legislature shall provide by law for an enumeration of the inhabitants of the state in the year 1855 and at the end of every ten years thereafter: and at their first session after such an enumeration and also after enumerations made by the authority of the United States the legislature shall apportion and district anew the members of the Senate and Assembly according to the number of inhabitants exclud¬ ing Indians not taxed and soldiers and officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. 10. Wright and Hunt,, History and Growth of the U, S. Census 1790-1890, U. S. Government Printing Office 1900, page 67 and footnote. In addition to the above mentioned sources, the various laws and published reports relating to this work in Wisconsin have been examined. Credit must also be given to J. E. Boell, the state archivist, for encouraging a study of which this paper is a part and to the staff of the State Histori¬ cal Society, especially Librarian Ruth Davis, who has been most helpful. The Secretary of State’s office, especially Miss Kay Thompson, assisted in making records available. DETOURING CALAMITY IN WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT A CASE IN POINT: SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN Spenser W. Havlick* Water pollution control, inadequate water^based recreation facil¬ ities, and flood control loom as a trio of critical issues which the American urban dweller must face with new urgency. The approach in this discussion is first to present difficulties in water-resource planning in general terms and second to analyze the southeastern Wisconsin situation, using the Milwaukee River basin as an example of a potential and relatively untapped water resource. Implicit in the discussion is the assumption that the Milwaukee River Valley could qualify as an experiment and model demonstra¬ tion of water planning and development in an urbanizing basin — a matter of local as well as state and national concern. The use of untreated surface and/or well water for metropolitan centers began to be questioned in Milwaukee and across the nation at the turn of the century, when surface water deteriorated. Sani¬ tary engineers had followed the European practice of combining storm and sanitary wastes in a sewer network whose effluent was discharged into the available water course. In arid regions where stream flow was undependable and meagre, the population density was at first both scattered and transient. Rotation of privies re¬ solved the waste problem until density became high. Technologies in transportation opened new opportunities to expanding popula¬ tions and industries. In most areas, however, it appears that natu¬ rally available water resources for supply and waste assimilation became inadequate. By the 1920’s, the need for better waste treat¬ ment and water purification was recognized in all of the large American cities. The shortage was particularly critical in western water supplies and in the eastern industrial centers with water pollution. Curiously, metropolitan cities on sizable lakes or rivers were usually the last to be forced to take action in water development schemes. By the 1950's and early 1960’s state and federal agencies were authorized to take stronger measures in guiding water re- * The author is afRliated with the Department of Conservation, School of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan. Manuscript received June, 1965. 59 60 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 sources, especially in flood control, pollution abatement, and in water supply. The Water Quality Act of 1965 is a preview of more comprehensive efforts by the Johnson administration to strengthen the federal role in water quality management in 1966 and 1967. With new and more leisure hours, increased income, interstate highways, and the congestion of urban areas, water availability has taken on values previously assumed to be costless (see Fig. 1). Water-based recreation demand has increased sharply. Forty-four percent of the United States’ population prefers water-based rec¬ reation activities over all others ( Outdoor Recreation for America, 1962). New premiums are attached to water resources because of increased demand from waste disposal operations, water supply, real estate developers, irrigation, power, and fish and game inter¬ ests. According to the Kerr Committee Report of 1960 the rate of increase will be dependent upon the level of the population growth. The improvement and application of technology to keep pace with this increase, and the more intensive use of our land and water will require more research and acceleration of programs for con¬ servation, development, and management of these resources (Water Resources Activities in the United States, 1960). Gilbert White, University of Chicago geographer, suggests that there is a tremendous gap between what exists and what is tech¬ nically feasible. There seems little doubt that in every basin of more than 2000 square miles drainage area and in many smaller ones, there is the physical possibility of evening out flow by further storage, of decreasing the pollution of waters, and of readjusting upstream land use so as to reduce unnecessary soil loss and make wise use of water. Of course the social feasibility of such water and land management is a separate problem, according to White (1957), Without a crisis in a river basin, rational long-term planning struggles along with the most modest budget. A severe drought or flood catalyzes activity — often misdirected because of the urgency of a recent catastrophe (Hart 1957). If protective legislation or policy is not soon established, however, the justification for the law fades with the memory of the crisis. With sustained public interest and support, ultimate decisions about present and future degrees of regulation and basin development are eventually cast into the political arena — as they should be. Through the political and institutional processes, objectives can be clarified and refined, countervailing forces can be organized and operated, public infor¬ mation can be dispersed and the goals of the public can be brought to fruition. As in so many other matters of rational land and water planning for metropolitan growth, there is a general apathy on the part of the uninformed and already overburdened taxpayer as 1966] Ravlick — -Water Resource Development 61 well as a reluctance on the part of the politician to lead the way for fear of controversy that might cost him a vote (Higbee 1960), The engineer is able to anticipate the quality conditions of any river passing through a basin. For example, assume that a stream receives domestic or industrial wastes from a community. After a period of recovery or '‘self-purification” under certain conditions, the stream is restored to specific levels of quality in terms of dis¬ solved oxygen, bacteria, sludge deposition, biochemical oxygen de¬ mand (B.O.D.), or even temperature. As other communities load the stream with effluents regardless of the level of recovery, the conditions of the river at any point can be calculated with surpris¬ ing accuracy. Yet the growing pool of knowledge is still incomplete, with several glaring examples such as the effect of algal photo¬ synthetic activity on oxygen levels in flowing water or the effect of agricultural fertilizers accumulating by runoff in the river or lake. Conceivably a better understanding of the human ecology in a river basin is an avenue which must be explored for better water- resource planning in the future. Once the human interdependencies, better deciphered, are superimposed upon the matrix of biophysi¬ cal interactions, the calamity of irrational planning may well be avoided. The calamity, disaster, or sometimes merely the misfor¬ tune of the basin plan or design has been a national misallocation of resources and perhaps more important — an undermining of self- help by the region and population directly affected because of crisis decisions which force federal jurisdictions upon the disaster area. Hart (1957) emphasizes that a premium is placed on the unanimity engendered by crisis, and a hindrance placed on mobilization of a general interest of people in an interstate region in planning. Numerous crises in basin development stem from an order of events which should be reversed. Many times projections for popu¬ lation growth and economic development have been used as a fun¬ damental premise for water-resource development without the con¬ cept of a carrying capacity at present technology and prices. Would it not seem advisable first to establish clearly the carrying capacity of the basin in question and the array of alternatives available under various costs and intensities of development? With these data at hand, the political, economic, and administrative machinery at local (basin) and national levels would function with the realization that water resources are a major determining factor in economic activity, population growth, and the stabilization of a basin. The benefit-cost analysis of public water resources projects assumes that prices in private markets generally register social values. But relief measures are not initiated by most polluters un¬ less they are forced. Seldom can an inarticulate public (often unin- 62 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 formed) prevail against either the organized lobby of the heavily- endowed polluter or the small unknown polluter. Too many departures from the narrow scope of ideal market conditions can occur for us to place great faith in benefit-cost anal¬ ysis when it is subjected to the pragmatic test. Often dumping wastes into a river or a lake appears costless, on the assumption that natural processes will do the job. When the self-purification capacity is overloaded, however, the necessary job cannot be done. Thus a fuller cost should be assessed, although perhaps no cost whatever is calculated. The serious drawback is that distorted re¬ source allocations and social costs are frequently applied because market or engineering plans create inefficient mixes of dilution, water supply treatment and waste treatment. The polluter wonders why he should incur a cost whose benefits are diffused downstream, often unclaimed but available to all. My contention is that when the data are more comprehensive, a fee and bounty system could be arranged and subsidized through public-private cost-sharing. Costs have been assessed and accepted by users and nonusers of the national and state highways. The ‘Truckers” of our streams should certainly be charged, once the data gap is closed. Once the computers can be fed the pertinent information, the terms and costs can be assessed with considerable certainty. When computing the costs of alternative quality control devices, we should consider competitive and complementary relationships between water values and uses. For example, dilution through flow augmentation would have to be evaluated in light of the fact that this alternative is usually competitive to prime power production and complementary perhaps to flood control, navigation, and irri¬ gation (depending on the season for the latter) . Visualize a private basin with many manufacturing activities of a single owner operating where the only allowable pollution would be that for which he would be willing to bear the full costs of sew¬ age disposal and water treatment. Water treatment, to deal with higher pollution levels from effluent and flow augmentation, theo¬ retically would substitute partially for sewage treatment. Let us assume that the sales and purchases of goods and services in a model basin-wide firm provide an adequate yardstick. With this “market device”, pollution abatement can be measured in eco¬ nomic terms as the ratio of inputs/outputs. Public decisions about pollution can be inferred from the actions of a firm which bears the total costs. Two problems confront public policy when it recog¬ nizes an area (our basin) as an interdependent system that would produce results varying in different beneficient ways from those yielded by the operation of free markets in a basin with independ- 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development 63 ent pollution-producing and water-using units. One is the problem of devising an optimum system for waste control and treatment of water. The other is provision for an appropriate distribution of costs among economic units and activities. One shortcoming of the hypothetical firm is an inability to show peoples' preferences in significant social values in the market of goods and services. Although not a new problem, it is one which demands a more thorough investigation. Another flaw is that the ^^economic efficiency" is much too narrow, coupled with a gross lack of information on pollution interrelationships. If this sort of wel¬ fare maximization (or cost minimization) were to become national policy, great care would have to be taken to prevent industries and municipalities or districts from passing on excess costs. Public regu¬ lation could experience difficulty keeping in step with these cost movements. No effort could be made until the necessary data is available, political valuations filling the vacancy for the time being. Overall, however, market criteria in a basin can establish guide- posts and indicators of social value for the majority of goods and services. Some of the unique organizational and engineering constraints which can be avoided only at very high cost are evident in the ina¬ bility to internalize many pollution-created externalities. Sometimes a lake receiving 90% treated effluent over time shows an irrevers¬ ible eutrophication. Indeed, no one can fix a cost on lake-aging in terms of littoral sludge buildup, a diminished hypolimnion (less depth and more toxicity), or increased turbidity. It is equally difficult to ^'charge" for high levels of electrolytes, alkyl-benzene- sulphonates, and assorted inorganics which resist breakdown be¬ cause of infrequent detection and inadequate treatment. Inorganic concentrations may increase as water use increases and even as treatment continues. Political constraints have less rigorous con¬ ditions but add in with technical constraints to represent the extra cost limitation put upon achieving an ultimate goal. Attention is called to southeastern Wisconsin, which will illus¬ trate the merits and objections about the basin-wide firm. My case in point is the Milwaukee River, which begins 80 miles northwest of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and meanders among morainal landscape into a heavily industrialized urban area of more than one million people. Dairy farms, heavy industry, tanneries, breweries and food processing represent key economic activities in the 845-square-mile drainage basin. As the stream approaches and parallels Lake Michi¬ gan, cities of progressively larger population pour untreated and treated wastes into the Milwaukee River, The river enters Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, spewing industrial and municipal wastes into the lake, which is after considerable dilution the source of 64 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 drinking water for numerous cities, including Milwaukee, along the Wiscbnsin-Illinois shore. Before 1900 and the subsequent indus¬ trial and population growths, the river was used for swimming, boating, water supply, fishing, power, and navigation. Today pollu¬ tion curtails the first four uses; the last two have been halted for other; reasons. Three abbreviated models tailored from Kneese (1962) suggest solutions for the pollution problem in southeastern Wisconsin. Since the vast industrial and manufacturing complex at Milwaukee rep¬ resents the key economic growth and the greatest user of the basin, benefits should be based mainly on industrial expansion and in¬ creased waterfront use envisioned after pollution abatement. Please assurne that the present economic growth will continue, and that factors of production (labor and capital) will be mobile. Also as- sumejthat governmental agencies and political structures will main¬ tain present constraints in addition to the physical or technical constraints of today’s pollution level, which has drawn the limit on industrial growth and municipal use of the river. Let us now con¬ sider models X, Y, and Z. Model X proposes specialization of the river. Certain tributaries are zoned as clean-water streams, others and the main trunk as legal carriers of waste. Regrettably, time and information avail¬ able do not permit a thorough presentation of pertinent data about benefits to industry and to recreation, value added, least alternative costs, and the benefit-cost ratio. For all alternatives, the data must be complete and specific if courses of actions are to be qualified, compared, and evaluated. The physical layout of Milwaukee sug¬ gests that specialization under Model X might be ideal : when the river becomes loaded with pollution beyond the point of marginal costs of treatment, industries and users turn to the clean streams left in the basin, to ground water, or to Lake Michigan. But ground waters are sinking out of economic sight and clean streams have found competitive uses in recreation as well as in the complemen¬ tary use of diluting the main polluted stream. The lake is logically next. Biologically and chemically, however, something is happening to the quality of the lake water, making it progressively more ex¬ pensive to treat and use. With the relaxation in Model X of waste treatment to substitute for greater water treatment, a problem has been created far beyond the basin model. Lake Michigan, despite its size, has begun to show significant signs of eutrophication primarily from excessive siltation, agricul¬ tural runoff, and wastes from the eight million people along its shores. Hard to calculate in the workings of the model is the water quality level which Chicago would like to maintain for dilution 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development 65 purposes as it takes Lake Michigan water to augment flow in the Chicago Sanitary Canal — Illinois River flowing to the Mississippi. Model Y presents an alternative of flow augmentation which strangely enough in one situation means recirculation. Again necessary volumes of data, benefits, and costs are needed. Three types of flow augmentation should be applicable. The first is a system of storage reservoirs which would flood a highly developed flood plain at very high social costs for translocation, etc. A second possibility is flushing the river with Lake Michigan’s water, an action which presupposes the need for river water qual¬ ity maintained by cold, oxygen-abundant lake water. However, the intake for the flushing tunnels would include increasing amounts of water polluted by the river, whose mouth is nearby. A combina¬ tion of the first two techniques could be a third type of augmenta¬ tion. Would this water quality permit the reopening of city beaches now closed? It might be of interest here to note that a proposal from the mayor’s special water pollution committee suggested that the lake pollution be abated by chlorinating the harbor basin (where the river empties into Lake Michigan). Inadequate information is con¬ spicuous when investigators with or without cost analyses come up with such a suggestion. Model Z offers the possibility of widespread secondary treatment (activated sludge, trickling filters, etc.) by users^ — individuals, in¬ dustries, and municipalities. Refined secondary treatment, stabili¬ zation ponds, tertiary treatment, separate storm and sanitary sys¬ tem, and better-than-nothing primary treatment could and should be evaluated singly or as a composite activity for the basin plan. In addition, as in the other methods and models, the downstream and downlake effects (in an interdependent system) must somehow be ascertained and the cost functions of alternatives including the pol¬ lution damages of models X and Y must be known. Only when these are available can the over-all comparable costs of alternative systems be explored. These three models could serve as frameworks on which to hang various data. A present normal is provided in the assumptions. A budget analysis of opportunity costs, comparable values, and benefit-cost ratios is implied before and after a particular model is applied. A new allocation of resources should follow if suggested by economic efficiency. In short, the goal is the most efficient com¬ bination of factors to minimize cost and maximize social welfare in the basin. Sometimes, as on the Miami River, Ohio, a power plant is forced out of an area because of demands of economic efficiency. Loss of the tax base and the farther distance of power transmis¬ sion pass along a higher cost to the consumer. Yet the total ‘'eco- 66 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences^ Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 nomic ecosystem'’ must be taken into account before a final judgment. By drawing up comparable budgets of anticipated returns and costs of certain alternatives, we can make significant strides to¬ ward water allocation in a water-dependent economy which may make the fullest use of available resources. Alternative choices need not, however, be judged totally on economic efficiency. Suc¬ cess is apparently forthcoming in Germany’s Ruhr Valley. The Milwaukee situation illustrates, however, that a system has a con¬ straint in the dependence on larger watersheds and basins. Time, distance, and natural processes make cost assessment difficult and highly complex. As well as quantity, water quality must be treated as a variable. Pollution abatement facilities must be judged on more than just technical-engineering estimates. When alternate economic terms are combined with engineering solutions, the prospective benefi¬ ciaries are still confronted by institutional and administrative problems. Even an economically and technically sound proposal can be crushed in the institutional meshwork, whether it be in the val¬ ley of the Milwaukee or the Missouri or the Huron. The marginal approach is not perfect because marginal data are often unavail¬ able and ideal market conditions do not exist in a river basin, even if the economic service area is identical with the basin boundaries. Nevertheless, these alternatives help to bring out the real problems, which is a step toward finding answers for their solution. Upon close scrutiny, even “non-consumptive” uses can, in fact, be costly. Hirshleifer et aL (1960) lists the very significant values of water that can be lost when the “non-consumptive use” is for cooling, navigation (streamflow conflicts with values accruing to pollution dilution and/or irrigation and/or hydropower peaking pools), and water percolating underground, which is lost because of extraction costs or minerals added. To avoid a calamity in water- resource planning stemming from a crisis in the basin, economic analysis alone will not suffice. In sectors of the western states, water has become more scarce than the dollars needed to recapture it. Folz (1957) warns that if additional water supplies are not made available, water may become a limiting factor to economic expansion — and such situations are increasing. Certain parts of California are already facing an arrest of growth owing to water shortage ; and the future growth of the populous industrial areas in the East will largely depend on their ability to restrict those uses of water the marginal utility of which is lower than that of urban development uses. It would appear unwise, therefore, in spite of temptations that will be presented in the future, to base the expansion of the econ- 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development 67 omy on temporary increases in the supply of investment capital and similar increases in the supply of water, since almost certainly the future will bring renewed periods of drought. The wiser course would seem to recognize the carrying capacity or minimum supplies available in the long run — permitting adjustments from innovations in technology — and development of the economy on those criteria. The idea should not be conveyed that every basin crisis brings a calamity because of irrational planning or even that every basin is destined to experience a catastrophe. Commentators on the Dela- ware River Basin insist that “there is time to plan and build to provide for all the uses of as much water as engineering and eco¬ nomic techniques are capable of providing. There is no overpower¬ ing crisis (flood, famine, depression) today that is compelling precipitate action toward ill-considered, unbalanced, and unwise construction along the Delaware, Water development clearly is not the key to economic growth in this humid eastern area, hence other broad social and economic considerations will need to be taken into account if the maximum economic potential of the basin is to be realized. Serious shortages of good water may appear by around 1980, for the supply is becoming progressively less generous. Undoubtedly, development will be planned and construction begun before any crisis appears” (Martin et al., 1960) . Aside from some work being done by the Wisconsin Southeastern Regional Planning Commission, other commendable efforts toward basin-resource planning in the absence of critical crises are those in the Huron River Basin in southeastern Michigan. After more than seven years of citizen participation in organizational planning, including a Huron River Watershed Intergovernmental Committee, the 1964 Michigan legislature provided the basin and the state with an enabling act (Act. No. 253, Approved May 28, 1964) which authorizes units of local government to cooperate in planning and carrying out a coordinated water management program in the watershed which they share. If the planning process enables the citizenry to foresee and prevent a crisis in the basin, the manage¬ ment and planning effort should serve the best public interests over the long run as well as the short run. The recently formed Huron River Watershed Council is a positive step. For comparison of a less envious record of achievement in a river basin development for the public good, attention is directed to an¬ other small watershed in southeastern Wisconsin, the Milwaukee River Basin. During the early part of the twentieth century, exemplary efforts were made by the Milwaukee County Park Com¬ mission in river parkway recreational development (See Fig. 2). In recent decades, however, Milwaukee and its environs have grown in a typical urban sprawl without concern for the river or the basin 68 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 FIG. 1 MILWAUKEE RIVER BASIN 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development 69 Figure 2. View from Gordon Park across Milwaukee River one block down¬ stream from Locust Street bridge circa 1920. (Milwaukee Public Museum photo.) beyond the political boundary of the county (Fig*. 1). Perhaps the most calamitous assumption in the minds of local planners was that because the Milwaukee metropolis adjoined one of the largest and deepest fresh-water lakes in the world, the city would never face a water resource problem. Lake Michigan may not always be the water planner's Elysium. Nevertheless, this visual and mental association with “limitless” Lake Michigan has prevented the intensification of public interest even in light of minor crises. Only recently has some effort been made to call upon the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to suggest a plan for the Milwaukee Valley, as was done in another smaller basin whose representatives expressed concern. In summary, it is felt that cer¬ tain modest proposals should be offered in the form of hypothetical recommendations which if implemented through proper and as yet unestablished administrative and political channels might prevent a calamity in the event of a crisis in basin resource allocation and planning. The five recommendations which follow offer the most feasible possibilities for basin water development from the author's obser¬ vations of the predicted growth in the basin and his analysis of 70 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 the physical features of the basin landscape. It is suggested that the proper authorities (still to be determined) propose a schedule of priorities for these or other suggested projects in the hope that one politically and economically practical may emerge. It is absurd to contend that all the developments must begin at once, and it is equally absurd that all must wait — especially in the light of present demand for recreational facilities and even the most modest population projections for the region. (1) Fifteen existing reservoirs should be brought into greater use. A number of new small reservoirs in the upper regions of the Middle and North Branches of the Milwaukee River would provide excellent pools for swimming, boating and fishing. Some should be designed particularly as wildlife refuge. Long Lake, Kettle Moraine Lake, Mauthe Lake, Lake Ellen, Wallace Lake, Silver Lake, and Little Cedar Lake all typify the use and the congestion in Milwaukee River Basin lakes. The topography southeast of Eden in southern Fond du Lac County has abutments for artificial lake impoundment. Much of the land along the North Branch of the Milwaukee River is marginal pasture or sub-marginal cropland. Most of the land suggested for the small catch basins on both branches is presently marsh. With reforestation to improve the terrain bordering the artificial lakes, attractive recreation areas can be created now at low social costs. Proposed recreation sites are about 45 minutes by auto from Milwaukee. (2) Four and one-half miles north of the interchange of U.S. Highway 141 and Wisconsin 100, the Milwaukee River loops within about 5,400 feet of Lake Michigan. A recommendation is made that a two-way channel or tube be constructed which would carry in times of flood almost 10,000 c.f.s. from a small auxiliary reservoir on the Milwaukee River to Lake Michigan. Perhaps a pump-siphon arrangement is feasible (the river channel downstream has been improved to carry 6,000 c.f.s. and the maximum flow on record is 15,100 c.f.s.) . In dry weather, pumps reversed from flood conditions could lift Lake Michigan water to the ‘‘aqueduct” to augment flow according to the needs of industry and waste assimilation. Lake water would have to be lifted about 104 feet before gravity would carry it down to the river channel ( See Fig. 1 ) . (3) It appears that at least four stretches of “blue-green corri¬ dors” are or will be urgently needed to prevent flood plain buildup as well as to provide critical recreation area along the Milwaukee Waterway. The Milwaukee County Park Commission has success¬ fully used the parkway-river bank idea. Estabrook, Lincoln, and Kletzch Parks are excellently-designed examples of what needs to be done basin-wide. 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development 71 Taking into consideration present residential and commercial development, the author urges the establishment of at least these four blue-green corridors, which offer scenic river beauty and rec¬ reation besides a safeguard against future severe property loss from flood inundation (all four corridors are shown shaded in Fig. 3). (a) A four-mile river parkway just north of Kewaskum, Wis¬ consin, with easy access from U.S. Highway 45. It is assumed that land would be obtained 0.5 mile in both directions from the river bank, usually by easement, donation (as in most of Detroit’s metropolitan parks) , or outright purchase. (b) Another four-mile scenic corridor from Kewaskum south along the river to almost the Barton-West Bend area. A small corner of the Kettle Moraine State Forest reserves an additional mile near the northern portion of this corridor (See Fig, 3). (c) East of West Bend a scenic six-mile waterway meandering toward Newburg. Easy entry to the sparsely settled river bank would be possible from roads paralleling the corridor on the north and south. Before the heavy picnicking and camping season, high water canoeing should be popular in this and in the other corridors. (d) Probably the first blue-green corridor which should be estab¬ lished, a five-mile stretch from the Waubeka-Fredonia vicinity south to Saukville. Fortunately the Ozaukee County Parks of Wau- bedonia and Ehler’s begin and end this proposed blue-green corri¬ dor. Again highways parallel the corridor conveniently on the east and west. Parenthetically, the greatest expected flood plain resi¬ dential and commercial development will be from Waubeka- Fredonia south along the river through Saukville, Grafton, and Mequon to Milwaukee. (4) Several Lake Michigan bathing beaches in Milwaukee are closed 25-30% of the swimming season because of increased coli- form counts after at least 0,1 of an inch of rain and excessive aquatic plant growth from eutrophication caused by nutrients from basin runoff and normal “efficient” sewage treatment. Even with cool lake water most of the summer and deteriorating water qual¬ ity, excessive crowding on the beaches is a critical problem. In providing recreation facilities for the 1970’s, the suggestion is made that a new Milwaukee Metro-Basin Lake Michigan Beach Park be created 36 miles north of Milwaukee, east of Lake Church. Approximately 640 acres with 6,000 feet of sandy beach frontage, in no danger of water pollution, appear to offer excellent potential as a recreation area. The high bluffs of the Lake Michigan shore¬ line near Milwaukee are absent here. Land back from the lake in the proposed park (held by private out-of-state owners) is wooded 72 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences^ Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 KETTLE MORAINE Proposed River Corridor FIG. 3 MILWAUKEE RIVER BASIN WITH PRESENT AND PROPOSED RECREATIONAL AREAS 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development 73 and contains a small bedrock lake. See the triple circle along Lake Michigan shore in Fig. 1 or Fig. 3. (5) The final recommendation focuses on the revitalization of mid-metropolitan boating. An extensive small craft marina is under construction and a boat launch ramp is in operation in the outer harbor area. With this development it would seem economically rewarding to attract marine craft into the downtown area via the lower river. Riverside docks, shops and promenades would be possi¬ ble if storm-sanitary sewer separation continues, along with in¬ creased waste treatment and reduced ground water infiltration into the sanitary system. Above North Avenue dam abandoned property already owned by the Milwaukee County Park Commission and private firms should be converted to river bank-parkland similar to upstream Estabrook and Lincoln Parks. Kern, Riverside, Hubbard, and Gor¬ don Parks are fine beginnings along the two-mile double bank po¬ tential. Forty years ago, when pollution was probably an equally or more severe problem (before separate sanitary sewers), great activity occurred along the mid-city waterway (See Figures 4 and 5). If boating facilities were provided, following this recom¬ mendation, and riverside landscape improved, recreation of the past could be restored, offering additional use and enhancement of the present green corridor. Augmentations of stream flow sug¬ gested in (2) would be provided and balanced in a volume benefi¬ cial to industry, civic amenities, and river recreation but not to jeopardize presently useful Lake Michigan beaches and water intakes. Conclusions (1) Lake Michigan offers unlimited water supply for industrial and population growth but at increasing cost of water treatment as pumping increases and as intakes are extended. Part of the added cost is caused by deteriorating lake water quality. No use of Mil¬ waukee River water is for potable supplies. (2) Lake Michigan offers limited recreational facilities in the Milwaukee vicinity. As an alternative, several possibilities are spelled out in the form of upriver recreation corridors and small artificial lakes zoned for specific uses. These reservoirs should not be justified primarily by flood-control benefits as has been at¬ tempted previously. The dual purpose diversion and flow augmenta¬ tion facility east of Thiensville would provide both flood and low flow protection. Minimum monthly average flows could most prob¬ ably be maintained in excess of 300 to 500 c.f.s., using the new facility in combination with present reservoirs. 74 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figure 4. Excursion boat on Milwaukee River at Wisconsin Avenue bridge. Milwaukee City Hall in background. Marine National Exchange Bank has re¬ placed buildings on the right. Circa 1920. (Milwaukee Public Museum photo.) (3) Instead of major waste lagooning, flow augmentation, or both to furnish drastic pollution abatement, the proposal is made to provide increased and alternative recreation areas within easy driving distance of a growing metropolis, and hold the line on river and lake water quality deterioration through treatment, separation of sanitary and storm sewers, and elimination of ground water in¬ filtration into the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission facilities. (4) A basic assumption is that a dilatory program in recrea¬ tional water development and enhancement of the basin environ¬ ment can act as the greatest constraint on growth in the basin, which has ample water, transportation facilities, and other factors to expedite growth and social welfare. We can be certain that the demand and need for recreation facili¬ ties along the Milwaukee River Waterway will continue. It is hoped that these wants can be met through appropriate water-resource development and management. Crisis should be avoided in plan¬ ning to satisfy the multiplicity of wants of any basin. The water potentials which move states, cities, and the nation to act hastily are fleeting and capricious and incapable of being harnessed eco¬ nomically, save by measures which assume long-term human enter¬ prise. One alternative before us, therefore, is to continue to try to 1966] Havlick — Water Resource Development Figure 5. Mid-city Milwaukee River recreation activity at Riverside and Gor¬ don Parks about 1918. Revived river use is proposed in conjunction with vig¬ orous water pollution abatement. (Milwaukee Public Museum photo.) rationalize our national government and to make uniform devolu¬ tions to the states — although consent born of crisis will continue to thwart and misdirect those efforts (Hart 1957). Organizational interrelationships of a basin are a fascinating phenomenon in hu¬ man ecology. When considered together with the basin carrying capacity and with the physical and economic features which deter¬ mine substantive policies and practices, they should help maxi¬ mize present opportunities and permit prudent, rational future alternatives in basin planning. References Cited Folz, William E. “The Economic Dynamics of River Basin Development,” Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. XXII, No. 2, Duke University School of Law, 1957, p. 207. Hart, Henry. “Crisis, Community, and Consent in Water Politics,” Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 22, No. 3, Duke University School of Law, 1957, p. 537. Higbee, Edward. The Squeeze — Cities Without Space, William Morrow & Co., New York, 1960, p. 270. Hirshleifer, Jack, James C. DeHaven, and Jerome W. Milliman. Water Supply: Economics, Technology and Policy, University of Chicago Press, 1960, p. 68. Kneese, Allen V. Water Pollution: Economic Aspects and Research Needs, Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, D. C., 1962. 76 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Martin, Roscoe C., Guthrie S. Birkhead, Jesse Burkhead, and Frank J. Hunger. River Basin Administration and the Delaware, Syracuse Uni¬ versity Press, 1960, p. 228. Outdoor Recreation for America. A Report to the President and to the Con¬ gress by the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission, Washing¬ ton, D. C., 1962, pp. 173-182. Water Resources Activities in the United States, Senate Select Committee on National Water Resources, Committee print No. 12, S. Res. 48, 86th Con¬ gress, 2nd Session, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1960, p. 3. White, Gilbert F. “A Perspective of River Basin Development,” Laiv and Contemporary Problems, Vol, XXII, No. 2, Duke University School of Law, 1957, p. 159. THE TRENTON METEORITES W. F. Read and H. O. Stockwell Although meteorites are commonly named for the town large enough to have a post office nearest to their discovery location, the Trenton meteorites are an exception. Trenton is not a town but a 36-square-mile township in Washington County, Wisconsin. The center of the township is about four miles east of West Bend, or roughly 30 miles north of Milwaukee, First published notice concerning the discovery of iron meteor¬ ites in this township was a short article by J. Lawrence Smith^ in the American Journal of Science for 1869, Smith reported that four specimens had been found, weighing 62, 16, 10, and 8 lbs,, and that all had been acquired by the German Natural History Society of Wisconsin. F, Brenndecke reported to the Natural History So¬ ciety in 18692 that the 62 lb. mass was found in 1858 and pur¬ chased by I. A. Lapham. The three smaller specimens turned up “in the years immediately following’’ and went into the Society’s collection. A fifth piece was said to have been found but could not be located. The 62, 16, 10, and 8 lb. specimens will be referred to as Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. In 1872, Lapham reported® the finding of two additional speci¬ mens: one of 16l^ lbs, in 1869 and another of 33 lbs. in 1871. He purchased the first for his own collection. The second was sent to M. Von Baumbach “to be taken to Europe.” The 16% and 33 lb. specimens will be referred to as Nos. 5 and 6. Mr. Carl Gauger has advised the authors that about 1880 a speci¬ men weighing approximately 10 lbs. was found on his property and taken to the Milwaukee Public Museum. This specimen will be re¬ ferred to as No. 7, H. 0. Stockwell of Hutchinson, Kansas, visited the area in Sep¬ tember, 1952, and went over considerable ground with a metal de¬ tector. Results were spectacular. On the second day he found one mass of 413 lbs. a few feet away from another of 527 lbs. Later he found a small specimen weighing 11/2 lbs., and purchased two more specimens from local residents. One was a 6V2 lb. mass report¬ edly found before 1890. The other, weighing 3 lbs., was said to have been found about 1933. The 61/2 lb. mass will be referred to as No. 8; the 3 lb. mass as No. 9; and the 413, 527, and II/2 lb. masses as Nos. 10, 11, and 12. 77 78 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Some notes concerning- the disposition of Stockwell’s five speci¬ mens are in order. About 80 lbs. were removed from the 527 lb. mass and sold to Ward’s Natural Science Establishment. The re¬ mainder of this and the entire 413 lb. mass have been purchased by the U. S. National Museum. The 6I/2 lt>. mass and half of the 11/2 lb, mass were sold to R. A. E. Morley of Salem, Oregon. In August 1964, W. F. Read and his son discovered another specimen of 9I/2 lbs. while working with a metal detector similar to the one used by StockwelL^ This will be referred to as No. 13. A summary of the finds to date is as follows : Found Weight 1 1858 62 2 1858-68 16 3 10 4 8 5 1869 I6I/4 6 1871 33 7 c. 1880 10? 8 c. 1885 61/2 9 1933 3 10 1952 413 11 yy 527 12 yy 11/2 13 1964 91/2 Location of Finds The only finds whose locations have been recorded with any pre¬ cision are those made by Stockwell and Read. Smith reported that the first four specimens were found “within a space of ten or twelve yards very near the north line of the 40 acre lot of Louis Korb”. Lapham’s manuscript notes^ include a map which shows that the Korb property was the SWi/4 of the NEl^, Sect. 33, T 11 N, R 20 E, and that the meteorites were found near the center of the north line. Lapham’s 1872 report on the finding of Nos. 5 and 6 states only that they were found “in the same field”. His manu¬ script notes, however, say that No. 5, at least, came from “very near” the place where Nos. 1-4 were found. The approximate dis¬ covery sites of Nos. 7 and 9 were pointed out to W. F. Read by Mr. Carl Gauger, who now owns the property. According to infor¬ mation obtained locally by H. 0. Stockwell, No. 8 was discovered on an old stone pile formerly about 500 ft. northwest of the Gaedke barn. Figure 1 shows with varying degrees of accuracy the discovery sites of all specimens except No. 8. Coordinates of the main site 1966] Read and Stockwell—The Trenton Meteorites 79 Figure 1. Northeast quarter of Sect. 33, T 11 N, R 20 E. Meteorite discovery sites: cross indicates precise location; circle, fairly precise location; dot, approximate location. Dashed line shows limits of detector coverage by W. F. Read; dotted line, approximate limits of detector coverage by H. O. StockwelL (Nos. 10--13) are Lat, 43" 22^ 44"; Long. 88° 6" 30", (Smith gives the latitude as 43° 22^ and the longitude as 88° 8^) The nearest town is West Bend, about 4 miles to the northwest, for which according to modern usage the meteorites should have been named. No, 5. External Form The Greene collection at Milwaukee-Downer College included a 161/4 lb, uncut iron meteorite identified in the catalog as from Washington County, Wisconsin, Presumably this is specimen No. 80 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 5, found in 1869 and acquired originally by Lapham. When and how it came into the Greene collection is unknown. When Milwaukee-Downer merged with Lawrence College in 1964, the bulk of the Greene collection was purchased by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This specimen was loaned to W. F. Read for study. Its external form is shown in Fig. 2. The original shape has doubtless been somewhat modified by oxidation. The bottom side in the upper photograph (same as upper two thirds of lower photograph) shows low knobs separated by shallow depressions and may be an ablation surface from the exterior of the parent mass. The other three surfaces are evidently the result of rupture, with no apparent subsequent modification by ablation. The one to the left of the label in the upper photograph is jagged and suggests rupture by pulling apart. The bottom surface in the lower photo¬ graph is smoothly curved, as if by shearing. The (poorly shown) top surface in the upper photograph is about two thirds smooth and one third jagged, suggesting a combination of shearing and pulling apart. Whether rupture took place on or before impact (or both) is not clear. No. 5. Structure and Composition Fig. 3 shows the appearance of an etched section. Kamacite bands are about .7 mm. wide, making this a medium octahedrite, as noted in the Prior-Hey Catalogue.^ Since the Widmanstatten pattern is continuous across the entire section, this is evidently a fragment from a single large Ni-Fe crystal. An interesting feature of the kamacite bands is their tendency to show a certain amount of curvature. This can be seen by using a straight edge on Fig. 3. Presumably the bending is from stress encountered either (1) during the meteorite’s pre-terrestrial his¬ tory, (2) while passing through the earth’s atmosphere, or (3) on impact. These alternatives are certainly not mutually exclusive. Along the upper right edge of the section as shown in Fig. 3, the Widmanstatten figure disappears in a jumble of irregular kamacite grains. These are transected by a small “fault”, clearly traceable for a distance of about 6 mm. The fault is quite tight, certainly not an open fracture, and suggests shearing under high pressure, presumably pre-terrestrial. The reason for the granular structure and its genetic relation, if any, to the fault, remains a question. The oxide-filled fracture visible along the lower edge of the section in Fig. 3 clearly differs in origin from the fault. It appears to be the result of incipient rupture under low confining pressure. Another indication of stress (Uhlig’s interpretation”^) is seen in the occurrence of Neumann lines in many of the kamacite bands. 1966] Read and Stockwell — The Trenton Meteorites 81 Figure 2. Two views of Trenton No. 5. The side shown in the lower photo¬ graph is at the bottom in the upper photograph. Short lines indicate the posi¬ tion of the sawcut for the etched surface shown in Fig. 3. Perry® has called attention to the prevalence of ‘‘hatching” (re¬ garded by him as a gamma-alpha transformation structure) in the kamacite of Trenton specimens at the U.S. National Museum. This is conspicuous also in the kamacite of Trenton No. 5. 82 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figure 3. Etched face of end piece cut from Trenton No. 5. The black “vein” at the bottom is oxidized material following a fracture. Plessite fields are numerous and of variable structure. Some — usually the smaller ones — consist of “dense’', apparently homogene¬ ous material etching dark grey. Some contain abundant small gran¬ ules of kamacite in a dark grey matrix. And some show fine kama- cite bands instead of the granules, the bands running in one or more directions conforming to the surrounding Widmanstatten pattern. When bands and granules occur in the same field, the bands tend to be disposed around the borders with granules toward the center. Troilite occurs in Trenton No. 5 as nodules, thin plates, and small, irregular grains (See Fig. 4). The nodules (Fig. 4 shows two) lack a continuous envelope of swathing kamacite, but are surrounded by irregular kamacite grains that stand out clearly from the adjacent Widmanstatten pattern. It is well known that troilite undergoes a considerable volume increase by inversion at 130° C. This may explain the fact that some of the oxide-blackened fractures visible in Fig. 3 seem to be roughly radial to the troilite nodules. Note especially how the large fracture along the bottom edge turns upward at its right-hand extremity and terminates against the nodule in this vicinity. The thin plates of troilite may be straight or distinctly curved. They grade into more or less lenticular bodies. Some of the plates and small grains may have failed to show up 1966] Read and Stockwell — The Trenton Meteorites 83 Figure 4. Distribution of troilite in the etched face shown in Fig. 3. The smaller particles were located by means of a sulfur print. on the sulfur print from which Fig. 4 was taken. For example, the straight, black line extending toward the upper left from the left- hand nodule in Fig. 3 appears to be a completely oxidized thin plate of troilite. Trenton No. 13 As noted above, Trenton No, 13 was discovered by W. F. Read and his son in August 1964. It lay at a depth of about 1^ ft., where the oxide crust was undisturbed by cultivation. The surface which appears at the top of the upper photograph in Fig. 5 is smoothly convex and was probably shaped by ablation. The opposite surface, shown in the lower photograph, is extremely irregular. It is heavily encrusted with limonite, locally forming short, finger-like protuber¬ ances, The surface of the metal underneath is apparently quite jagged, probably indicating a rupture surface formed by pulling apart. Trenton No. 13, which has not yet been sectioned, remains for the present at Lawrence University. Acknowledgment The West Bend News was most helpful in paving the way for StockwelFs collecting work. Reuben Gauger, who then occupied the Gaedke farm, and Carl Gauger kindly permitted Stockwell to work parts of their farms with his metal locator. Subsequently Robert Gaedke and Carl Gauger extended similar hospitality to Read. For 84 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figurf] 5. Two views of Trenton No. 13. The side shown in the lower photo- g]'aph is the bottom of the specimen as shown in the upper photograph. the loan of Trenton No. 5, described in this paper, Read is indebted to Prof, R. A. Pauli of the Geology Department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Mr. R. A. E. Morley of Salem, Oregon, furnished valuable information on the history of Trenton finds. For data derived from Lapham’s manuscript notes, the writers are indebted to Mr. Walter E. Scott of Madison. 1966] Read and Stockwell — The Trenton Meteorites 85 References 1, Smith, J. L. A nev/ meteoric iron — “the Wisconsin meteorites” — with some remarks on the Widmanstatten figures, Amer, Jour. Sci., 2nd ser., Vol. 47, p. 271-272, 1869. 2, Brenndecke, F. On meteorites: extract from a discourse, February 7, 1869, before the Society of Natural History of Wisconsin. An, Rept. Smiths. Inst 1869, p. 417-419. 3, Lapham, I. A. The Wisconsin meteorite. Amer. Jour. Sci,, 3rd ser., Vol. 3, p. 69, 1872. 3, Read, W. F. The Hedden-Stockwell meteorite detector. Meteoritics, Vol. 2, No. 4, p, 369-370, 1965. 5, Lapham, I. A. Manuscript notes in possession of the Wisconsin State His¬ torical Society. 6, Prior, G. T. Catalogue of meteorites, 2nd ed. revised by M, H. Hey. London, The British Museum, 1953. 7. Uhlig, H. H. Contribution of metallurgy to the study of meteorites, Part II— -the significance of Neumann bands in meteorites. Geochim. et Cos- mochim. Acta, Vol. 7, p. 34-42, 1955, 8. Perry, S. H. The metallography of meteoric iron. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 184, 1955. FISHES OF SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN George C. Becker Department of Biology Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point The last extensive sampling of the fish fauna of southwestern Wisconsin was made by C. Willard Greene during the late 1920’s. In 1935 he published The Distribution of Wisconsin Fishes. Al¬ though many studies on game fish have been made in southwestern Wisconsin since Greene’s time, no inventory of fish species has ap¬ peared since. The present study includes inland and boundary wa¬ ters of the counties of Richland, Crawford, Grant, Iowa, and La¬ fayette. The stations sampled appear on Map 1. From June 27 to June 30, 1960, eleven stations (L6-16) were sampled on the Pecatonica River and its tributaries in the eastern half of Lafayette County and one station (112) in Iowa County. From June 20 to August 18, 1962, 135 stations were sampled along the lower Wisconsin River, the inland waters of the counties of Richland, Crawford, Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties, and one station on the Mississippi River (M4). From July 15 to 18, 1963, four samples (M2, M3, M5, M6) were taken from Pools 10 and 11 of the Mississippi River. On June 27, 1964, a sample (Ml) was taken from Pool 9, One hundred species and more than 90,000 individuals were seen or handled. Readily identified species were returned to the water. Those whose identification was questionable were preserved in 5% formalin, sorted, and identified later. Examples of all species have been transferred to 40% isopropanol and are stored at the Biology Museum, Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point. In medium-sized streams to large rivers the most useful collect¬ ing device was a nylon seine 25 feet long, 6 feet deep, with 3/16- inch bar measurement. It was used almost exclusively on the Wis¬ consin and Mississippi Rivers along sand and mud bottoms in water 4 feet deep or less. Because over shallow rocky bottom the seine was less effective in capturing darters, at stations W12 and W15 (see Map 1) we used an alternating current shocker with 100 feet of cable. The darters were extracted from between the rocks with scape nets. A boom shocker, powered by a direct current generator, was used to capture the deep-water fish from the Wisconsin River. The direct current drew fish momentarily to the electrodes, from which they were removed with scape nets. We found the boom shocker ineffective against fish less than 4 inches long. 87 88 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 t One to two hours were devoted to collecting* fishes at each collec¬ tion site. An attempt was made to sample from all possible habitats. On the Wisconsin River, for instance, we collected from sloughs, riffs over sand flats, island pools, isolated overflow pools, swift water, slow-moving water, and seepage bayous. A 12-foot boat powered by a 5-horsepower outboard motor carried us to a wide variety of habitats at each station. Geology of the Region The counties of Richland, Crawford, Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette (except for a small area in the southeastern corner) fall within the unglaciated portion of Wisconsin. This region, spared the level- 1966] Becker— Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 89 ing effect of glaciation, is uniquely beautiful, with craggy bluffs, pillars, and natural bridges carved out by wind, rain, and other forces. The high relief of the terrain has deep valleys or coulees alternating with high knolls. Loose rocks, irregular and sharp- edged, are of the same material as the bedrock of the region. Caves and sink holes are common and frequently quite large. Streams, largely devoid of falls or rapids, follow regular courses and show a dendritic pattern. Marshes and lakes are scarce and are found only in the valley bottoms. The region is well known for its flash floods, particularly the Kickapoo River, Most of the soil of the region is derived from the underlying bed¬ rock and is referred to as residual soil (Martin 1916). The residual material in the limestone belts is chiefly a fine brown or reddish clay, representing the more or less insoluble residue from the decay of the limestone. Much of this fine soil is carried down the steep slopes and into streams, frequently raising turbidity. On the higher and more level areas of this section there is a layer of light or buff-colored silt soil called loess, which was brought there by the wind (Whitson 1927), Part of it came from the far western plains, although some of it was probably derived from rock flour exposed around the borders of the glacial area where streams flowed out from under the ice. The loess forms a blanket varying from a few inches to several feet thick. Although most of this portion of the state was originally wooded and the soils are of a comparatively light color, some portions, es¬ pecially belts along the tops of the ridges, were prairies and had darker soil. The soils of this character were formed largely from the loess. Recent Changes in Distribution Southwestern Wisconsin is a strategic crossroads in fish distribu¬ tion. With the Mississippi River as a distribution route, this part of the state is frequently the first to show the movement north¬ ward of southern species and the movement eastward of the west¬ ern plains fishes. Some species which have come into Wisconsin in the recent past are the Ozark minnow, the pirateperch and the warmouth. Thus far these species appear to be common nowhere, but there is evi¬ dence that they are spreading gradually into state waters from which they had not previously been taken, Greene (1935) captured the Ozark minnow in Iowa and Lafayette counties. Our survey has disclosed several colonies in the Platte River and its tributaries in Grant County. Our four collections of the pirateperch from three stations on the lower Wisconsin and one station on Bear Creek, one of its 90 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 tributaries, indicate a firm establishment of this species in the in¬ land waters of the state. Greene took this species at only five sta¬ tions in Wisconsin. One was Mill Creek, 6 miles southwest of Ste¬ vens Point, indicating” that at an early date it had migrated up the Wisconsin River to the middle of the state. The warmouth had been reported by Greene from southwestern Wisconsin only from the Mississippi River. My collection from Mill Creek, a tributary of the lower Wisconsin in Richland County, in¬ dicates the presence of this species in the Wisconsin River drain¬ age. Wisconsin Conservation Department personnel report the warmouth as common in the region. Since it is a desirable pan¬ fish, a considerable amount of minnow pail stocking may have taken place. Hence the problem of evaluating natural distribution of this species is the same as for yellow bass, which in recent years has been captured in many new waters (Helm 1958). In comparing our findings with Greene’s we observe that the following species at least have increased in numbers and have extended their ranges during recent years in southwestern Wis¬ consin: silver redhorse, golden redhorse, longnose dace, brassy minnow, Ozark minnow, grass pickerel, western sand darter, orange-spotted sunfish, pumpkinseed, and rockbass. The intrusion of the rockbass, considered a glacial lake species, into the driftless area is an example of adaptation. Although the slimy sculpin was expected in southwestern Wis¬ consin, this glacial relict was not until recently found in Citron Creek, Crawford County. The starheaded topminnow, previously collected infrequently from southeastern Wisconsin, has appeared in a recent collection from an Iowa County lagoon of the Wiscon¬ sin River. The skipjack and blue catfish seem to have become exceedingly rare or may even be absent. Greene examined collections of these species from the upper Mississippi River, but we have no recent reports from there. A 1963 survey showed both species far down¬ stream in the vicinity of the Kentucky-Tennessee line (pers. comm. — Nord, Jan. 10, 1964.) The ghost shiner, formerly common in the Wisconsin and Minnesota portions of the Mississippi River, has not been collected there since 1944. Species with drastic reduction in numbers are the paddlefish and the channel catfish, probably because of the rapidly deteriorat¬ ing conditions on the Mississippi. Many commercial fishermen re¬ port the catfish industry in jeopardy. On the same river the chan¬ nel mimic shiner appears to be decreasing and is rarely found today. Brook trout, even in the smaller colder streams, find little suit¬ able habitat. If the brown trout were not stocked on a put-and- 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 91 take basis, trout fishing- in southwestern Wisconsin would be an activity of the past. What is the opportunity of adding new species to our Wisconsin hsh fauna? Over 30 species of fish known from Illinois have not been found in Wisconsin (Forbes and Richardson 1920). Some of these may find conditions suitable here. The recent shift northward of some of our Wisconsin species indicates a trend that may apply to Illinois species. I anticipate that the red shiner, Notropis lutrensis (Baird & Girard), will soon be listed from Wisconsin. It has been reported from a small stream in Dubuque County, Iowa, opposite Grant County, Wisconsin (Harlan and Speaker 1956), and again from the Mississippi River a few miles below the Wisconsin line (pers. comm. — Nord Jan. 10, 1964). Species of Fishes Southwestern Wisconsin, because of the Mississippi and Wis¬ consin Rivers, is rich in species number. Our collections contained 82 species from the Wisconsin River; 60 species from the Mis- sippi River; 64 from the inland waters of Richland County; 53 from Iowa County; 49 from Grant County; 44 from Crawford County; and 36 from Lafayette County. A report from Nord (Sep¬ tember 24, 1962) lists 74 species of fish collected from or seen in Pool 10 of the Mississippi River during Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee surveys. Pool 10 extends from Gutenberg (Grant County) lock and dam to Lynxville (Crawford County) lock and dam (U.S. Army Engineer Division, 1963). The present survey captured 29 species of minnows (Cyprini- dae) ; 15 species of suckers (Catostomidae) ; 15 species of perch¬ like fishes and darters (Percidae) and 10 species of sunfishes and allies (Centrarchidae) . These four families of fishes were the best represented in these waters, and in numbers of individuals cap¬ tured. In addition to my collections and observations I have in¬ cluded in the following list reliable reports from the literature and from informants. Map 1 indicates those waters in which collections were made. The sampling stations are designated by a letter followed by a number. The letters have the following values : W — Wisconsin River M — Mississippi River R — Richland County C^ — Crawford County G — Grant County I — Iowa County L — Lafayette County 92 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 The Mississippi River, Wisconsin River and the counties have separate numbering systems, each beginning with the number 1. Station numbers are assigned from west to east in the county; i.e., in Crawford County the westernmost stream sampled was Gran Grae Creek, which received a station designation of Cl, fol¬ lowed by the Little Kickapoo with C2. On a stream with a system of tributaries, such as the Kickapoo River, numbers were as¬ signed as follows: first the stations on the tributaries of the west side of the Kickapoo; then the Kickapoo itself with upstream sta¬ tions being followed by downstream stations; and then the tribu¬ taries on the east side of the Kickapoo River. After the species names which follow, I have indicated by key letters and station numbers all of the stations where those species were captured. If one species appeared at several consecutive sta¬ tions, the first and last station number are separated by a hyphen ; e.g., M2-5 (after the longnose gar) means that it was captured at stations 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the Mississippi River. Numbers within parentheses, such as W (2-8), refer to a capture or captures some¬ where between station 2 and station 8 on the Wisconsin River. This was a boom shocking float trip in which no attempt was made to pinpoint the site of capture of a particular species. Other boom shocking collections are represented by the following designations : W(12-13), W(18-19), W(20-22). Silver lamprey — Ichthyomyzon unicuspis Hubbs and Trautman. W16. A single adult was collected from the Wisconsin River at Boscobel by Mr. Larry Bolchen on June 28, 1962. It has been pre¬ served and placed in the State University collections. Several rec¬ ords from the Iowa side of the Mississippi River are reported by Harlan and Speaker (1956). This species of lamprey as well as those that follow are probably more abundant than the collections records seem to indicate. Electric currents drive them out of the mud and sand. The ammocetes seldom are taken with the seine because of their burrowing habits. Chestnut iRmprey— -Ichthyomyzon castaneus Girard. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) lists this species as uncommon on the Mississippi. Greene (1935) believes that this species may be com¬ mon in the larger rivers of the Mississippi system. Harlan and Speaker (1956) report it from the Mississippi River opposite Allamakee County, Iowa. American brook lamprey — Lampreta lamottei (LeSueur). R4, Rll, R14-16, R18, R20, R23, G12, G34, G36, 12, 15 (13 collections; 157 + individuals). This species seems to be distributed commonly in the smaller, dear-water streams in the region. 1966] Becker- — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 93 Bsiddlefish—Polyodon spathula (Walbaum). The paddle fish is reported from the Wisconsin River upstream to the Prairie du Sac dam. John Truog, Wisconsin Conservation Department, reports that in recent years schools of paddlefish have been observed in spring below the dam. The Wisconsin Conservation Bulletin of March 1937, carries the following item: “Prairie du Sac— A 80 pound ispoonbill catfish was imprisoned by the swift current at the power dam here. The fish was four feet long.’’ Troug examined a 57-inch paddle fish found dead in the Wisconsin River at the mouth of Blue River (Grant County) on Oct. 28, 1962. Robert Searles, Biology Department, Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point, found a partially decomposed paddlefish under the bridge crossing the Wisconsin River at Muscoda (Grant County) in August 1960. The paddlefish is today greatly reduced in the Mississippi River, from which it was taken in great numbers during the early 1900’s (Coker 1930). Nord (pers. comm. — Feb. 27, 1964) reports that 44,857 pounds of this species were taken commercially in 1961. Only 801 pounds came from Pool 10 and none from Pool 11. Harlan and Speaker (1956) write that the paddlefish in the boundary waters of Iowa is not considered an important angling fish. Only occasional specimens are caught, whereas most of them are illegally hooked by snagging, largely below dams or obstructions on the Mississippi River. Lake sturgeon — Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque. This species is rare to uncommon on the lower Wisconsin River and the Mississippi River opposite Crawford and Grant Counties. Greene (1935) re¬ cords a report from the Wisconsin River at Prairie du Sac. Nord (pers. comm, — ^Sept. 24, 1962) reports it as rare in the Mississippi River in Pool 10. Harlan and Speaker (1956) list several collections from the Mississippi River opposite Crawford and Grant Counties, and report that it is rarely, if ever, caught on hook and line, Shovelnose sturgeon — Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafines¬ que). W(2-8), W(12-13), W16, W19 (4 collections; 5 individuals). The shovelnose sturgeon is commonly taken on hook and line in the lower Wisconsin and the upper Mississippi Rivers. I have ex¬ amined several specimens between two and three feet long. A specimen caught at Boscobel (W16) weighed just two pounds and was 27% inches in total length (part of caudal filament was missing for which no allowance was made in measurement) . The specimens captured during the summer of 1962 were taken in deep water either by hook and line or with boom shocker. Longnose gar — Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus). W4, W8, W16, W17, W19, W(20-22), W21, M3-6, C8 (13 collections; 35 individ¬ uals) . The longnose gar is common in the Wisconsin and Mississippi 94 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Rivers and the lower reaches of their larger tributaries. With the seine we took these frequently in very shallow, sand-bottomed bays on downstream sides of islands in both the Wisconsin and Missis¬ sippi Rivers. A longnose gar captured at W17 with total length of 26% inches weighed 22.1 ounces. Shortnose gar — Lepisosteus platostomus Rafinasque. W14, W (20-22), W21, R9, Cll (5 collections; 8 individuals). In south¬ ern Wisconsin the shortnose gar is found in the same habitat as the longnose gar. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) reports the shortnose gar as abundant in the Mississippi River at the conflu¬ ence of the Wisconsin River and the longnose as common. The short¬ nose is heavier-bodied than the longnose gar. A shortnose captured at W14 with a total length of 22% inches weighed 23.7 ounces. Bowfin — Amia calva Linnaeus. W19, M3 (2 collections; 3 indi¬ viduals). The bowfin is present in both the Wisconsin and Missis¬ sippi Rivers. Greene (1935) examined specimens from Knapp Creek, Richland County, and Pine River, one mile west of Gotham, Richland County. My specimens were taken from sloughs. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) reports this species as abundant from the Mississippi at the mouth of the Wisconsin River. Mooneye — Hiodon tergisus LeSuer. W(2-8), W(12-13), W18, W (20-22), M5, C9, CIO (7 collections; 11+ individuals). The mooneye appears to be common in the Wisconsin River and occa¬ sionally found in the lower reaches of its larger tributaries. Nord (pers. comm.- — Sept. 24, 1962) reports this species as common in the Mississippi River. Goldeneye — Hiodon alosoides (Rafinesque). Greene (1935) ex¬ amined collections from Lake Pepin of the Mississippi River, some¬ what north of the area under consideration. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) reports the goldeneye as uncommon in Pool 10 of the Mississippi River. Gizzard shad — Dorosoma cepedianum (LeSueur). W16, W19, W20-23, Ml-6, R9 (13 collections; 521+ individuals). This species is abundant on the Wisconsin River from Boscobel down to its juncture with the Mississippi River. Large numbers of young were taken in the quiet and shallow waters of both the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. We found a number of shad in a landlocked pool (25 feet wide, 30 feet long and 4 feet in greatest depth) on an island on the Mississippi River about % mile below the Lynx- ville Dam, Crawford County. Skipjack herring — Alosa chrysochloris (Rafinesque) Greene (1935) writes: “Since the construction of the Keokuk Dam, the skipjack is said by fishermen to have become very much less com- 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 95 mon if not extinct in Wisconsin waters.” Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) writes that the skipjack herring has not been seen or collected from the Mississippi River in recent years by survey parties. His knowledge of this species in Wisconsin is confined to citations in the literature. Coker (1929) gives evidence that the construction of the hydroelectric dam across the Mississippi River at Keokuk, Iowa, may have been responsible for the marked reduc¬ tion of the river herring in the Upper Mississippi River. Of the Mississippi River opposite Iowa, Harlan and Speaker (1956) write: “The fish has not been taken in the last twenty years and is now thought to be rare or absent.” Brown tmut—Salmo trutta Linnaeus. Rl, R6, Rll, R18, R20, C3, C5, C13, G2~4, G6, G8, G9, G27, G34, G36, 14, LI (19 collec¬ tions; 95+ individuals). The head- waters of the many streams in this region are frequently suited to hold this species. Reproduc¬ tion is to a large degree limited. The trout fishery in southwestern Wisconsin is largely dependent on a continued stocking program. Truog (in conversation) reported that early in the spring trout have been taken from the Wisconsin River at Spring Green. Rainbow trout—Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Rl, R20, C3 (3 collections ; 3+ individuals) . The rainbow has been stocked in these waters on a put-and-take basis. Because of its migratory habit, this species, unless caught during the season when stocked, may be altogether lost to the trout fisherman. Natural reproduction is limited. Brook trout — Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). C5 (1 collection; 7 individuals). Truog has records of small wild populations of brook trout from the headwaters of the following streams : Fancy Creek (6/5/58), Malancthon Creek (6/19/58), and Hawkins Creek (7/22/60) . All three streams are tributary to the Pine River in Richland County. He also found small wild populations of brook trout in Crooked Creek, Grant County (4/13/61) . The trout ranged from 3.9 to 10.3 inches. The brook trout does poorly in southwestern Wisconsin. Water from springs cold enough to support brook trout quickly warms up, precipitating conditions unfit for this species. Although south¬ western Wisconsin was originally brook trout range (Brasch, et ah, 1958), today trout species tolerant of higher temperatures must fill the niche vacated by them. Quillback — Carpiodes cyprinus (LeSueur). W(2-8), W2-5, W7-10, W12-13, W15-23, Ml-3, M5, G14, 110 (28 collections; 512+ individuals). The quillback is common on both the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. It may also be taken in their larger, heavily 96 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 silted tributaries. Reproduction is especially high in the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers, where the young were taken in dense schools from quiet water, often no more than six inches deep, over silty bottom. River carpsucker — Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque) . W(2-8), W2, W8, W9, W (12-13), W15-18, W (20-22), Ml, R3, R17, G7, 12, 15 (17 collections; 69+ individuals). The range and habitat of this species appear to be similar to those of the quillback. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) lists it as abundant in the Mississippi River. Although adults are often mistaken for the quillback, the river carpsucker has a distinct tubercle in the middle of the lower lip which is absent in the quillback. Adult river carpsuckers reach large size. One specimen from the Wisconsin River weighed four pounds 151+ ounces and was 201+ inches in total length. Highfin carpsucker — Carpiodes velifer (Rafinesque). W(2-8), W (12-13), W16, W17, M5 (6 collections; 57+ individuals). The highfin carpsucker is confined to the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers and usually in moderate to swift currents. Its distribution along these waterways is probably more extensive than the col¬ lections indicate. Many carpsucker young were taken which are impossible to distinguish between C. velifer and C. carpio. Not until they reach a length of 75 to 100 mm. can these species be told apart. Bigmouth buffalo — Ictiobus cyprinellus (Valenciennes), W18, W20, W21, W22, M4, R9, G14, 17, 110, L8 (10 collections; 18 + individuals). This species is common locally in medium to large¬ sized rivers in large holes where the current is sluggish. Smallmouth buffalo — Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque). W(2-8), W8, Wll, W16, W( 20-22), M3, M5, C14 (8 collections; 20 individ¬ uals). The smallmouth buffalo is a large-water species, although occasionally taken from the mouths of small streams. A single specimen, 44 mm. long, was captured near the mouth of Richland Creek (C14) where it was only 10 to 15 feet wide. Most of this species captured during the summer of 1962 were young-of-the- year. Black buffalo — Ictiobus niger (Rafinesque). W(2-8). The single specimen Truog and I captured with boom shocker from the Wis¬ consin River was 22 inches in total length and weighed six pounds, 1/2 ounce. Nord (pers. comm. Sept. 24, 1962) reports this species as uncommon in the Mississippi River. Blue sucker — Cycleptus elongatus (LeSueur), W(2-8), W13, W (20-22). A limited population of this interesting sucker is present in the lower Wisconsin River. On a boom shocking trip 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 97 W(2-8) between Spring Green (W2) and Lone Rock (W8), six individuals were brought to net and, three more were seen at the electrodes. The smallest fish captured measured 22.8 inches in total length and the largest 29.0 inches. The latter weighed just eight pounds. These fish were all taken from deep water adjacent to islands where the banks were badly eroded and a great number of trees had toppled into the water. At W13 with seine I captured a single young-of-the-year 34 mm. long. Harlan and Speaker (1956) report it as uncommon to rare in the Mississippi. Northern redhorse—Moxostoma macrolepidotom (LeSueur). W(2-8), W2, W3, W6, W8, WIO, W ( 12-13 ), W14-16, W18, W(20- 22), W21, M3, R9, R16, R17, R20, R21, C7-10, C14, G13, G14, G16, G28, G30, G31, G41, G43, 11-3, 17-11, LI, L2, L4, L8, L14, LI 6 (49 collections; 323+ individuals). Harlan and Speaker (1956) write that the northern redhorse is the most common spe¬ cies of sucker in the Mississippi River. It is abundant in the Wiscon¬ sin River and in medium to large-sized tributaries to -the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. Occasionally this species is taken in the lower reaches of small streams opening into these rivers. A speci¬ men from the Wisconsin River, 17% inches in total length, weighed two pounds five ounces. Golden redhorse — Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque) , W(2-8), W2, W7, Wll, W(12-13), W14-18, Ml-2, M6, R9, C7, G16, 12, 17-12, L2, L7, L16 (26 collections; 184 individuals). The golden redhorse is frequently taken with the northern redhorse, although its distribution is more spotty. Where encountered on the Wisconsin and Pecatonica Rivers, it appears abundant. Silver redhorse — Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque). Wl, WIO, W14, W16, W18, W (20-22), W23, R9, R13, R16, C8, 18-12, L3, L4, L6, L16 (20 collections; 66+ individuals). The silver redhorse was encountered less frequently on the Wisconsin River than the northern and golden redhorses. Where found, only one or two specimens were captured per station. On the Mississippi River it is considered uncommon (pens. comm. — Nord, Sept. 24, 1962). It is common on the Pecatonica River and its medium-sized tributaries. Greater redhorse — Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan. W(2-8). A single specimen 51 mm. long was captured from the Wisconsin River somewhere between Spring Green (W2) and Lone Rock (W8). This species is rare in southwestern Wisconsin. There is no record of it from the Mississippi River opposite Crawford and Grant Counties. Black redhorse— Moxostoma duquesnei (LeSueur). Although ascribed to southern Wisconsin (Hubbs and Lagler 1958), this 98 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 ispecies has never been recorded from counties in the present study. Greene (1935) captured a single specimen from Black Earth Creek, Dane County, close to the Iowa County line (Black Earth Creek flows through the extreme northeastern corner of Iowa County, where it joins the Wisconsin River). This sucker is extremely rare on the western edge of its range, which includes southern Minne¬ sota and northeastern Iowa. Its presence in southwestern Wiscon¬ sin is probable. Spotted sucker — Minytrema melanops (Rafinesque). Wll, W18, W19, M4, R17 (6 collections; 20 individuals). Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) lists this species as common for the Mississippi River in Pool 10. We encountered the spotted sucker in sloughs and backwaters of the Wisconsin River. It prefers little or no current. Ten individuals were collected from station R17 on the lower Pine River (Richland County), by far the largest collection made. Lake chubsucker — Erimyzon sucetta (Lacepede). W19, RIO. This species was taken only from the Wisconsin River (one individ¬ ual) and the lower extremity of Indian Creek (one individual). Greene (1935) captured it from the Wisconsin River at Boscobel and at Blue River. A young-of-the-year captured from a slough at station W19 was 33 mm. long. Northern hog sucker — Hypentelium nigricans (LeSueur). W(2-8), W(12-13), W14, W(20-22), Rll, R14, R16, R18, R20, Cl, C3, C4, C6-10, C14, Gl, G5, G15, G31, II, 12, 17-11, L2, L4, L8 (32 collections; 201+ individuals). This species is abundant locally in medium to large streams, especially in swift water. It is uncommon on the Mississippi River (pers. comm. — Nord, Sept. 24, 1962). White sucker — Catostomus commersoni (LacepMe). W13, W16, W19, W20, M4, Rl-23, Cl, C3-8, C12-14, Gl-9, Gll-12, G14-47, Il_5, I7_i2, Ll-2, L4, L6, L8-15 (107 collections; 4,679 individ¬ uals) . The white sucker is the most ubiquitous sucker in Wisconsin. In southwestern Wisconsin its distribution is general. Although abundant in small to medium-sized streams, it is less common in a large river like the Wisconsin and extremely rare in the Mississippi. Carp — Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus. W (2-8), W8, W (12-13), W18, W (20-22), W21-22, M2, M5-6, R7-9, Rll, R16, R20, R23, C9, Cll, G14-15, G28, G31, G41, 12, 17, L2-4, L16 (31 collections; 170 individuals). The carp is commonly taken in most medium¬ sized streams or large rivers. It is abundant in the Mississippi River (pers. comm. — Nord, Sept. 24, 1962). Central stoneroller — Campostoma anomalum pullum (Agassiz). W19, M3, Rl-2, R4-14, R16, R18-19, Cl, C3-8, CIO, C12-14, Gl-4, 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 99 G6-7, G9, Gll-26, G28-30, G32-38, G40-42, G44-47, II, 14, 17-12, LI, L4, L6-16 (90 collections; 8,198+ individuals). The central stoneroller was the most abundant fish found in smaller streams : several hundred individuals were taken at many stations. It is generally found in large schools in riffle areas, although in a few instances I have encountered considerable numbers in quiet pools. Largescale stoneroller— Campos^oma anomalum oligolepis Hubbs and Greene. M5-6, 19, Ill, L2, L6, L13 (7 collections; 16+ indi¬ viduals). The largescale stoneroller, although extremely common in central and northern Wisconsin, is seldom taken in southern Wisconsin, where it is supplanted by the central stoneroller. I have noted both Campo stoma a. pullum and Campos toma a. oligolepis from the collections at stations 19 and Ill, with single specimens from each station showing intergrade characters. Nybakken (1961) has found intergrades from my collections at 112, L6 and L13. He has recently found both forms of Campostoma and intergrades in the Dodge Branch of the W. Pecatonica River from southeastern Iowa County. Campostoma prefers swift waters in medium to small-sized streams. In southern Wisconsin the greatest numbers were taken in streams only a few feet wide. Longnose dace — Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes). R19, R20, Cl, C3, C5, C7, C8, C13, Gl-5, G7, G12, G13, G15, G16, G20, G29, G30, G32, G33, G35, G37, G44, G45, II (28 collections; 274 individuals). The longnose dace is common in the small and medium-sized streams of Crawford, Richland and Grant Counties. Greene (1935), although sampling heavily in the same counties during the late 1920’s, failed at that time to find this species. This suggests that an expansion of the range may have occurred in the interim. The longnose dace from the northeastern corner of Iowa may have assisted in this extension of range. Our record from Menominee Creek (G45) is so close to Illinois that we may expect to find this species in the northwestern corner of that state. Forbes and Richardson (1920) report this minnow as rare in Illinois, with a single individual captured near Waukegan and three individuals from Big Creek in the extreme southern part of the state. Blacknose dsice—Rhinichthys atratulus (Hermann). Rl, R4, R6-8, RlO-14, R18-20, Cl, C3, C5, C7, CIO, C13, G2-8, Gll, G12, G29, G33, G41, G42, II (33 collections; 1,365+ individuals). The blacknose dace is a common inhabitant of small, spring-fed streams throughout the region. It is frequently taken with the preceding species, although it is less tolerant of high water temperatures. Hornyhead chub — Hyhopsis biguttata (Kirtland). W15, C14, G12, G15-47, II, 17-12, LI, L2, L4, L6-9, L16 (50 collections; 100 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 55 997+ individuals). For some peculiar reason this species, which appears to adapt itself to a variety of conditions, is rare to occa¬ sional in the streams tributary to the Wisconsin River, but it is abundant and widely distributed in the streams of Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties, which flow southward into the Mississippi River. Greene (1935) speculates that the hornyhead chub finds unsuitable this large central portion of the driftless area because it is underlain with potsdam sandstone. The absence of pebbles, required for spawning, may be the limiting factor. Silver chub — Hybopsis st07-eriana (Kirtland). W(2-8), W(12- 13), W16, W (20-22), W23, Ml-3, M5-6, R16, 12, 13, 15 (15 col¬ lections; 50+ individuals). The silver chub is a large-water form. We captured it only from the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers and the lower extremities of their large tributaries. The large adults of the silver chub are taken generally in deep water, can effectively be collected with boom shocker, and will readily take earthworms on a hook. Speckled chub — Hybopsis aestivalis (Girard). Wl-6, W(2-8), W( 12-13), W22, M5, R17, 12 (12 collections; 574+ individuals). The speckled chub is locally abundant in large rivers. We cap¬ tured it in considerable numbers from shallow riffs over sand on the Wisconsin River between Arena (Wl) and the mouth of Sneed Creek (W6). Elsewhere on the river it was uncommon. Creek chub — Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill). W14-16, W19, Ml, Rl-16, R18-20, R22, R23, Cl, C3-8, CIO, C12-14, Gl-27, G29, G32-47, 11-4, 17, 18, 112, LI, L2, L4, L8-9, Lll-16 (98 collections; 3,190+ individuals). The creek chub is abundant in small to medium-sized streams but uncommon in the large rivers. It is a minnow adapted to a wide variety of habitats and a wide range in water temperatures. Next to the bluntnose minnow it is the most widely distributed minnow in the region. Southern redbelly dace — Chrosomus erythrogaster (Rafinesque) . RIO, G4, Gll, G12, G15-18, G21-27, G29-30, G32, G33, G35-36, G42, G45-46, II, 14, 112, LI, L7, L9, Lll, L13, L15 (33 collections; 1,542+ individuals). The southern redbelly dace is abundant in small clear streams up to ten feet wide and common in some medium-sized streams. We failed to capture this species in many likely-looking streams of Crawford and Richland counties. Redside dSiCe—rClinostomiis elongatus (Kirtland). Rll, R12, R14, R18 (5 collections; 117+ individuals). The redside dace is abun¬ dant locally in the tributaries of the Pine River (Richland County), in small streams, most of which have trout populations. We en¬ countered it nowhere else in the region. Some hybridization with the northern common shiner was noted. 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 101 Golden shiner — Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill). Wll, W14, W16, W19-20, W22, Ml-5, R9, R17, G14 (15 collections; 467 -f individuals). The golden shiner was taken primarily in the sloughs and backwaters of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers and in the lower extremities of the larger tributaries of the Wisconsin River, Seldom was it taken from water with current. Several collections came from landlocked pools adjacent to the large rivers. Bullhead minnow — Pimephales vigilax (Baird and Girard). Wi¬ ll, W13-17, W19-23, Ml-3, M5~6, R9, R17, R23, G14, 12, 13 (37 collections; 4,2894- individuals). The bullhead minnow is found commonly in the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers, in large tribu¬ taries to these rivers, and in the lower extremities of small streams flowing into them. It is more abundant than any other fish, with the exception of the spotfin shiner, in the larger river. It has been taken from sloughs and from water with moderate current. Bluntnose minnow — Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque). Wl-2, W6, W9-22, R2-3, R5-21, R23, Cl, C4-8, CIO, C14, Gl, G3, G5, G7, G9, Gll-47, 11-9, Ill, 112, L2, L6-16 (113 collections; 6,770+ individuals) . The bluntnose minnow is probably the most successful fish in its distribution. It is adapted to great variations in water size, temperature and quality. Although most abundant in small streams, large numbers were taken from several stations on the Wisconsin River, where it occurred with the bullhead minnow. Although I did not find the bluntnose in the Mississippi River, Harlan and Speaker (1956) report several records from the river opposite Crawford and Grant counties. Fathead minnow—Pimephales promelas Rafinesque. W4, W6, W16, W19, M5, R2, R6-9, R13, R15, R17, C4-6, C8, C12-14, G3-4, G12, G16-17, G23-26, G33, G36, G40, 12, L15 (35 collections; 245 individuals). The fathead is most commonly taken in moderate¬ sized streams which are silty. It seems to be generally distributed in the region, occurring in small streams to large rivers but seldom abundant. The largest collection (114 individuals) was taken from Rattlesnake Creek (G17). In numbers this species is far less suc¬ cessful than the other species in this genus. Pugnose minnow — Opsopoeodus emiliae Hay. Wll, W18-21, M3-4, R9 (9 collections; 120 individuals). This small minnow was taken from sloughs of the lower Wisconsin River where the bottoms were covered with dead leaves and other organic debris. Seventy- two young-of-the-year were captured near the west end of Newton Island (W20). A more intensive survey of quiet waters in the lower reaches of large tributaries to the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers would undoubtedly disclose a greater distribution than the 102 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 present survey indicates. In another paper I have reported the presence of this species on the western end of Lake Poygan in eastcentral Wisconsin (Becker 1964). The pugnose minnow, a southwestern form, appears to have extended its range in Wiscon¬ sin since Greene made his survey. Suckermouth minnow — Phenacohius mirabilis (Girard). M5-6, R3, RlO-12, R16-17, R19-20, C7, G12, G14~16, G18-20, G21, G23, G26, G28-35, G37, G39-42, G44-45, G47, 11-2, 17, 110, 112, L2, L6, L8 (45 collections; 389 individuals). The suckermouth minnow, a southern form, has established itself well in the driftless area of the state. It is a common minnow in rivers of all sizes, but the largest collections were made in medium-sized streams. It prefers swift-running water over a gravel bottom, although we have taken it from a wide variety of habitats. Brassy minnow — Hyhognathus hankinsoni Hubbs. W2-3, W6-9, R2-4, R7-11, R15, R17, R19-22, Cl, C4, C7~8, 12, 14 (28 collec¬ tions; 334 individuals). The distribution of the brassy minnow in these counties is spotty. It is generally taken in moderate-sized streams or small rivers. The collections of this species in the upper section of the Wisconsin River were unexpected. Where it ,was taken, we generally did not find the silvery minnow (Hyhognathus nuchalis). Greene (1935) has pointed out that these closely-related species are complementary; i.e., their ranges are separate and adjacent. Fair numbers were found in Knapp Creek, Mill Creek, Willow Creek (Richland County streams), in the Kickapoo River (Crawford County) and in Otter Creek (Iowa County). Greene (1935) has only two records of this species in the area covered by this survey. It appears that in recent years this minnow has become more successful in the driftless area. Silvery minnow — Hyhognathus nuchalis Agassiz. W(2-8), W2, WIO, W13-17, W19-22, Ml, R5, RIO, R16, R20, Cl, C6, C9, C14, G3, G5, G7, G9, G12-14 (31 collections; 626 individuals). The sil¬ very minnow inhabits medium to large rivers and the lower extrem¬ ities of small streams opening into such waters. In the last, many adults were captured. The smaller waters may serve as spawning areas for this minnow. Young-of-the-year numbering 230 were cap¬ tured from the Blue River near its mouth. (G14). Ozark minnow — Dionda nuhila (Forbes). G32, G34, G37 (3 col¬ lections; 37 individuals). The Ozark minnow has been reported from streams in Iowa and Lafayette counties (Greene, 1935). The present survey adds the upper end of the Platte River and its tribu¬ taries, Grant County. The Ozark minnow was taken in clear small to medium-sized streams where it travels in fairly dense schools 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 103 near the surface of the water. Because of the schooling habit, this species would be easy to miss. Common ishiner — Notropis cornutus (Mitchill) . W7, W16, W(18- 19), W19, W23, M6, R6-9, Rll, R12, R14, R18, Cl, Gl, G5, G7, G12-47, II, 12, 17-10, 112, Ll-4, L6-10, L12, L14-16 (76 collec¬ tions; 4,621 -f individuals). The common shiner prefers streams of small to medium size. It is captured over a wide variety of bottom types and found in greatest numbers in clear water, al¬ though it can tolerate considerable turbidity. Recently it has become extremely rare in the Mississippi River. Emerald shiner- — Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque. Wl-10, W12-23, Ml-3, M5-6, R3, R9, R17, R20, R21, R23, C9~10, C14, G5, G14, G16, G31, G43, 12, 15 (50 collections; 1,636-|- individuals). The emerald shiner occurs commonly in large streams and rivers and at the lower extremities of small streams opening into rivers. Although abundant on the Wisconsin River, it is outstripped in numbers by the spotfin ishiner, another member of the same genus. Our records indicate that on the Mississippi River the situation is just reversed, with the emerald shiner more abundant than the spotfin shiner. Rosyface shiner- — Notropis rubellus (Agassiz). G19-22, G25, G27-30, G36-40, G43-44, G47, II, 17, 19-10, 112, L2-3, L5-8, L14, L16 (30 collections; 658+ individuals). The rosyface shiner gen¬ erally inhabits medium-sized streams, although several populations were located in small streams. This shiner travels in schools near the surface of the water. Its apparent absence from the streams of Crawford and Richland Counties is difficult to explain. Spotfin ^hmev—N otropis spilopterus (Cope), Wl-23, Ml-6, R3, R5, R7-9, R13, R16-17, R19-21, R23, Cl, C4, C7-10, C14, G5, G14-15, G43, 12-3, 15, 112, L2, L5~8, LIO, L12, L14, L16 (74 col¬ lections; 27,238+ individuals). The spotfin shiner is encountered in moderate-sized streams and rapidly increases in abundance with the increase in stream size. It was by far the most abundant fish captured from the Wisconsin River and one of the most common in the Mississippi. The spotfin prefers a moderate current and is generally taken in shallow water over sand bottom. It is far less common in the quiet waters of sloughs. Spottail shiner— Notropis hudsonius (Clinton). W(2-8), W2, Wll, W14-16, W19~23, Ml-6 (19 collections; 2,103+ individuals). We collected the spottail only from the main channel and back¬ waters of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. It is uncommon to common in the Wisconsin River. For most stations it was re¬ corded with the collection of a single specimen. At Boscobel (W16) 104 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 we collected 95 individuals in a single collection. It is one of the most abundant fish species in the Mississippi River, where hundreds were seined at each station. It was common in sloughs and abun¬ dant in moderate currents. Weed shiner— Wo tropis texanus (Girard). W2, Wll, W16, W19, W (20-22), W21-22, M4, Cl, Gl, 16 (14 collections; 87 individuals). The weed shiner is an inhabitant of the quiet or sluggish sections of medium-sized streams to large rivers. Occasionally it may be taken from the lower reaches of small streams emptying into a large river. The distribution of this southern minnow is spotty. It appears to be rare to uncommon on the Wisconsin River, where collections were small; i.e., from one to seven individuals per col¬ lection. Fifty-six individuals were taken in a single collection (Cl) from near the mouth of Gran Grae Creek. River shiner — Notropis hlennius (Girard). Wl-4, W6-7, W9-10, W(12-13), W14, W16-23, Ml-3, M4-5, G5 (27 collections; 1,606 + individuals). The river shiner is found commonly in the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers and occasionally in the lower extremities of their tributaries. It occurs in fair numbers on the Wisconsin River and is abundant on the Mississippi, where it comprises a large percentage of the catch. Our records show hundreds taken from the Mississippi River where the waters sampled had a moder¬ ate to fast current. Next to the spottail shiner, it was the fish most commonly captured from the Mississippi. Blacknose shiner — Notropis heterolepis Eigenmann and Eigen- mann. This minnow was not collected during the survey, although Greene (1935) reports it from Bear Creek in the southeastern corner of Richland County. Sand shiner — Notropis stramineus (Cope), Wl, W5-10, W(12~ 13), W13-19, W21, W23, M3, M5-6, G14~16, G22, G28, G37-41, G43-45, G47, 17-9, 112, L2, L6-8, L12, L14, L16 (46 collections; 1,631+ individuals). The sand shiner is rare in small streams, fairly common in medium-sized streams and small rivers, and ap¬ pears to diminish in numbers in large rivers except locally where large concentrations may be found. This species prefers running water and is most frequently taken over a sand bottom. Northern mimic shiner — Notropis volucellus volucellus (Cope). Harlan and Speaker (1956) record several collections of this sub¬ species from the Iowa County side of the Mississippi River opposite Allamakee and Clayton counties. Its occurrence on the Wisconsin side opposite Grant County is probable. Christenson and Smith (1965) report this form from a backwater of the Mississippi River west of Fountain City, Buffalo County, Wisconsin. 1966] Becker— Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 105 Channel mimic shiner — Notropis volucellus wickliffi Trautman, M2-3 (2 collections; 4 individuals). Three collections of the chan¬ nel mimic shiner taken July 1944, by John D. Black, from the Mississippi River in Pool 9 opposite Crawford County are in the Museum of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. This sub¬ species is present only in the Mississippi River, where it is uncommon. Ghost shiner — JSlotropis huchanani Meek. Three collections of this species taken in July 1944, from Crawford County and Alla¬ makee County (Iowa) by John Greenbank and Melvin Monson are in the Museum of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Nord (pers. comm.— -Jan. 10, 1964) reports that during the 1963 Missis¬ sippi River small fishes survey this species was not encountered in the Mississippi River opposite Wisconsin, but it appeared down¬ river in the collections between Pools 13 (Bellvue, Iowa) and 26 (Beechridge, Alexander County, Illinois). Bigmouth shiner — Notropis dorsalis (Agassiz). Wl-3, W6, W9, W13, W17, W19, W22-23, Ml-3, R2-4, R6-8, RlO-14, R16, R19- 21, Cl, C3-8, C14, G4-5, G7-9, Gll-15, G17-20, G22~23, G25-27, G29~30, G32-35, G39~42, G45-46, 11-2, L6 (71 collections; 1,330 + individuals) . The bigmouth shiner occurs commonly over sand bottoms in streams of small to medium size. In large rivers this species is rare to uncommon. On the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers its presence was based on the capture of single individuals at stations where found. Pallid shiner— Notropis amnis Hubbs and Greene. M3, W21. I captured a single specimen from the Mississippi River at Wyalusing and another from the Wisconsin River between the mouths of Gran Grae Creek and Little Kickapoo Creek. Three speci¬ mens were collected by John Kennedy from the mouth of Big Green River at its juncture with the Wisconsin River (Grant Co.) on Aug. 15, 1960. Seven collections from the Mississippi River opposite Crawford County were made by Greenbank, Monson and Black in July to August 1944. These and additional collections from the Upper Mississippi River are in the Museum of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Nord (pers. comm. — Jan. 10, 1964) reports that this species was captured from Pools 9 and 13 during the 1963 Mississippi River small fishes survey. Flathead catfish — Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque) , James Kin- cannon of Blue River, Wisconsin, caught 12 flathead catfish from the Wisconsin River between the Blue River bridge and a point about a mile upstream (vicinity of W15). These fish were caught on set lines using bullheads and catfish as bait. The average size 106 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 of the fish caught was 14.6 pounds, the smallest weighing five pounds and the largest 35 pounds. He writes: They were all taken along- steep, grassy banks which displayed a pre¬ dominance of hard clay or dirt rather than sand. Old tree roots and logs were also in evidence at each site. A large majority of the fish contained spawn. Although I made sets at areas of unstable (sand) banks no fish were taken in this type of place. Once again I noticed that unseasonably cool weather has an adverse effect on the number of fish taken. Also as in the past the catch tapered off near the middle of June. Two flathead catfish were seen by Truog on August 18, 1962, on a boom shocking run near Bridgeport (W22). According to com¬ mercial fishermen on the Mississippi River, this species in the vicin¬ ity of Prairie du Chien has been on the decline in recent years. Blue catfish — Ictalurus fnrcatus (LaSueur). Greene (1935) ex¬ amined a collection from the Mississippi River near Lansing, Iowa, opposite Crawford County. Eddy and Surber (1947) write that it formerly occurred in the Mississippi River and larger tributaries from Minneapolis southward but that it is now very rare in Minne¬ sota waters with no specimens taken in recent years. Nord (pers. comm.^Sept. 24, 1962) does not list this species from Pool 10 of the Mississippi River. Channel catfish — Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). Wl, W(2- 8), W15-16, W18-19, W (20-22), W22, R9, R17, CIO, 13, L14 (12 collections; 18 individuals). This species is common in medium to large-sized rivers and is occasionally taken in smaller tributaries to such streams. The channel cat is perhaps the most important game fish on the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. From the Mississippi River Nord (pers. comm. — Feb. 27, 1964) reports that in the commercial catch this species ranked third in numbers after bluegills and crappies in 1962-63, although it has dropped in recent years. The channel catfish recently has been the object of consider¬ able research on the lower Wisconsin and the Mississippi Rivers. Yellow bullhead — Ictalurus natalis (LeSueur). W12, G15-16 (3 collections ; 4 individuals) . The yellow bullhead is uncommon in this region. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) reports this species from the Mississippi River in Pool 10. Greene (1935) captured it from several stations on the Mississippi opposite Crawford County. Harlan and Speaker (1956) report that this species is taken occa¬ sionally in the Mississippi River. Brown bullhead — Ictalurus nehulosus (LeSueur). M3. Greene (1935) captured this species from the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Lynxville (Crawford County). Several collections in the University of Wisconsin Museum of Zoology were made by Green- bank and Monson from the Mississippi River opposite Allamakee 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 107 County, Iowa, in July and August 1944. Other records in the same vicinity are recorded by Harlan and Speaker (1956), who write that it inhabits the sloughs and river lakes. Black bullhead — Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque) . W14, W16, W19- 20, R17, G26 (6 collections; 139 individuals). This species is found principally in the backwaters and sloughs of the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers, and in large quiet pools in their tributaries. In a sand-bottomed pool about 100 feet from the Wisconsin River we captured hundreds of black bullheads ( W20) . The pool was approx¬ imately 60 feet long, 15 feet wide and had a maximum depth of two and one-half feet. These fish must have been trapped in this pool during high water. Stonecat — No turns flavus Rafinesque. W12, W15, W18, G14, G18--21, G30, G32, G34, G36-37, G40, G47, 13, 17-11 (21 collections; 68 4- individuals). This species is locally abundant in swift waters over stony bottoms. It has been taken from the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers and their tributaries. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) considers it uncommon in Pool 10 of the Mississippi River. I have frequently captured the stonecat while electrofishing among the boulders and rocks under highway bridges. Tadpole madtom — Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill). M2-5, G31 (5 collections; 9 individuals). Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) lists the tadpole madtom as common on the Mississippi River. Else¬ where this species appears rare. Greene (1935) captured this species from the Wisconsin River in the vicinity of Boscobel (W16). American eel — Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur). Greene (1935) ex¬ amined collections of the American eel from the Mississippi River at Lynxville, Crawford County, and near Lansing, Iowa, opposite Crawford County. Harlan and Speaker (1956) report only a single collection since 1945 in the vicinity of Lansing. Nord (pers. comm. , — Sept. 24, 1962) lists the eel as uncommon. Greene (1935) ascribes the decrease of the eel from Wisconsin waters to dam construction on the Mississippi River. Central mudminnow — Umbra limi (Kirtland). Wll, W16, W19, R4, R17, R22, Cl-2, C6, G6, GIO, 12-3, 15-6, 112 (16 collections; 64 individuals) . I have found the mudminnow under a wide variety of conditions : small streams to large rivers, clear to turbid water, cold, spring-fed to warm waters. Grass pickerel — Esox americanus vermiculatus LeSueur. Wll, W14, W16, W18-19, W (20-22), W21, M4, RIO, R17, Cl, C13, 15-6 (16 collections; 43 individuals). The grass pickerel is found in the quiet backwaters of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers, where 108 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 it is frequently taken with the northern pike. It is also found in the lower reaches of tributaries of the Wisconsin River. Nord (pens, comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) considers it uncommon in Pool 10 of the Mississippi River. Contrary to its name, in many of the backwaters from which we have taken the grass pickerel, there was practically no vegetation. Several specimens were captured from sand- bottomed pools which were entirely devoid of vegetation. It is my opinion that this species has extended its range considerably in southwestern Wisconsin since Greene made his survey in the late 1920’s, when he reports a single collection from the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Ferryville. Northern pike — Esox Indus Linnaeus. W8, Wll, W16, W18-22, M3-4, R9-10, Cl, C14, G9 (18 collections; 59 individuals). The northern pike is found in the sloughs and backwaters of the Wis¬ consin and Mississippi Rivers and in the lower reaches of their tributaries. Nord considers it common in the Mississippi River and writes (pers. comm. — Feb. 27, 1964) that a 1956 to 1958 study showed lamprey scars on 68 fish, 25 of which were northern pike. Muskellunge — Esox masquinongy Mitchill. Harlan and Speaker (1956) consider the muskellunge as rare in the Mississippi. Nord (pers. comm. — Feb. 27, 1964) reports that he knows of none taken from the Mississippi below Minneapolis-St. Paul in recent years. I have no authentic records of this species from the lower Wisconsin River, although fishermen I have spoken to maintain that there are a few large muskellunge in the vicinity of Blue River (Grant County). Possibly a few may escape from Lake Wisconsin (Sauk County), which gets an annual fingerling stocking program (Poff and Threinen 1965). Blackstripe topminnow — Fundulus notatus (Rafinesque) . W19. The three specimens which I took from a debris-filled lagoon were the first of this species reported from the unglaciated portion of Wisconsin and point up the possibility that this species did cross over into the Great Lakes watershed of Wisconsin via the Fox- Wisconsin waterway at Portage, Wisconsin. Greene (1935) be¬ lieved this species found the unglaciated area ecologically unsuit¬ able and was unable to explain its presence on the upper Fox River. Starhead topminnow — Fundulus notti (Agassiz). About 18 speci¬ mens were collected by Marlin Johnson, University of Wisconsin- Madison, from a lagoon of the Wisconsin River, T8N R5E Sec. 9 N%, Iowa County, on June 31, 1965. Five specimens from this collection have been placed in the Museum at Wisconsin State Uni¬ versity, Stevens Point. Burbot — Lota lota (Linnaeus). Gl, G9. Three small specimens were taken at station Gl and one at station G9. Truog records this 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 109 species from Rush Creek, Crawford County, TllN R6W Sec. 27, April 27, 1963, and also from Blue River, Grant County, T7N RIW Sec. 4, July 12, 1963. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) considers the burbot as rare in the Mississippi. Trout-perch — Fercopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum). W21, Ml (2 collections; 2 individuals). Nord (pers. comm. — -Feb. 27, 1964) lists this species as uncommon for the Mississippi River but says that ‘‘fairly large numbers” have been captured in the vicinity of La Crosse. I would consider it rare on the lower Wisconsin River. Pirate perch — Aphredoderus sayanus (Gilliams). W16, W19, R23 (4 collections; 5 individuals). The pirate perch is rare to un¬ common in the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers and the lower extremities of some of their tributaries. The specimens from the Wisconsin River were taken from quiet backwaters. Two individ¬ uals, 83 mm. and 88 mm, long, were taken from Bear Creek (Rich¬ land County) in water with moderate current. White bass— chrysops (Rafinesque) . W(2-8), W2, W4~5, W8-11, W16-23, Ml-6, R9 (25 collections; 557 -f individuals). The white bass is common to abundant on the lower Wisconsin and on the Mississippi Rivers, occasionally taken in the lower extremities of their larger tributaries. Yellow bass— mississippiensis (Jordan and Eigenmann). W2, W6, M2-5 (6 collections; 40 -|- individuals). The yellow bass is uncommon on the lower Wisconsin River and uncommon to com¬ mon on the Mississippi River opposite Crawford and Grant Coun¬ ties. We encountered this species in small numbers at five of the six stations which we sampled on the Mississippi River. Greene (1935) took this species only twice on the Mississippi River oppo¬ site Crawford County and listed it as rare in Wisconsin. Today the yellow bass is found in many lakes and larger rivers of southern and eastcentral Wisconsin (Helm 1964). Although this extension of range may result from the Fox-Wisconsin canal at Portage, it is more likely that stocking programs are responsible for the rapid range extension. Yellow perch — Berea flavescens (Mitchill). W(2-8), W2, W6, W8, WlO-11, W13-16, W19-21, W23, Ml-4, R23 (22 collections; 302 -f individuals). The yellow perch is common locally in the Mississippi and common along the lower Wisconsin River. Two specimens were captured from the lower end of Bear Creek (R23) . Sauger — Stizostedion canadense (Smith). W(2-8), W(12-13), W18, W(20-22), M2--3, C9, Cll, 12, 16 (9 collections; 34 individ¬ uals). The sauger was readily taken with the boom shocker from the Wisconsin River, where it appears to be common. It is also 110 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 found in the lower extremities of its larger tributaries. Nord (pers. comm. — Feb. 27, 1964) reports it as abundant in the Mississippi and more frequently taken than the walleye. He reports that in a recent creel census 4,299 saugers were observed as compared to 1,406 walleyes. With the seine we failed to pick up any young-of- the-year. By contrast walleye fry were captured in numbers from both the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. Walleye — Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill). W(2-8), W6, W9~ll, W (12-13), W13-17, W19, W21-22, M2-4, R17, Cl, C9, C14, 13, L14 (25 collections; 219+ individuals). Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) lists the walleye as common in the upper Missis¬ sippi. The present survey captured many young-of-the-year on the Wisconsin River; e.g., 76 at W15, 27 at W16, 19 at W13. Walleyes are also found in the large, deep tributaries to the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. Western sand darter — Ammocrypta clara Jordan and Meek. Wl-5, W7, W9~10, W13-14, W16-17, W19, W20-23, Ml-3, M5-6 (25 collections; 246+ individuals). This darter is common to abun¬ dant on the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. It is captured in moderate to swift currents over fine sand where water depth is from a few inches to 18 inches. It prefers extensive sand flats where frequently it is the only fish taken. Crystal darter — Ammocrypta asprella (Jordan). W(12-13). Six specimens of this rare darter were collected from a rock shelf bot¬ tom in water depth of a foot or less. The collecting site was 2.5 miles east of Orion on the Richland County side of the river. This is the first time this species has been collected within state waters. Length of these specimens ranged between 4%" and 6+2". Greene (1935) captured the crystal darter from the Mississippi River at Cassville, the only other record of this species from the region. River darter — Percina shumardi (Girard). W(2-8), W (12-13), W12, W15, W (20-22), M2-3, M5-6 (9 collections; 95 individuals). This is a common darter of large rivers such as the Wisconsin and Mississippi. It is generally captured over gravel and rock bottoms. The river darter is probably more common on the Wisconsin River than our collections indicate. Twenty-three specimens were cap¬ tured at station W12 and 43 at station M6. Gilt darter — Percina evides (Jordan and Copeland). Although this species has not been recorded from the waters within or bor¬ dering the area studied, the area lies within the range for this i species (Trautman 1956). The gilt darter has been taken from | the Rock River of Illinois (Forbes and Richardson 1920) and from 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 111 the Black and St. Croix Rivers of Wisconsin (Greene 1935). Gerking (1945) suggested that in recent years this darter has de¬ creased greatly in Indiana, Blackside darter — Percina maculata (Girard). W2, W12, W14- 16, M6, R5, R13, R16, R20-21, R23, C4, C7, 17-9, Ill, L16 (20 collections; 53 individuals). The blackside darter occurs within streams and rivers of all sizes in clear to turbid water. Although it appears frequently, it is nowhere abundant. I have taken this darter over soft bottoms covered with organic debris, but it favors a gravel bottom. Slenderhead dsLYter—Percina phoxocephala (Nelson), Wl, W(2~ 8), W(12-13), W12, W15, C8, 12, L7-8, L16 (11 collections; 58 individuals). On the Wisconsin River this darter ,was generally taken in company with the river darter. They appear to be equally common. On the Mississippi River the slenderhead is rarely taken. This species is occasionally found in moderate to large-sized streams but because it selects rubble and large gravel for habitat, capture with seine is difficult. In such habitats it is easily collected with electrofishing equipment. Logperch — Percina caprodes (Rafinesque) . Wl, W(2-8), W2, W4, W6, WIO, W (12-13), W12, W14-18, W20-23, Ml-6, R20, G15, G31, G41, G43 (33 collections; 209 individuals). The logperch in¬ habits moderate to large-sized streams and rivers. It is adapted to a wide variety of bottom types, although it prefers a hard bottom of gravel. I have captured it most frequently in moderate currents, although I have taken it from swift currents and from quiet sloughs. Bluntnose darter — Etheostoma chlorosomum (Hay). This south¬ ern darter has been collected as far north as the Root River, Houston County, Minnesota (Eddy and Surber, 1947). Records from the Mississippi River come from small isolated ponds between New Albin and Minnesota slough on the lowa-Minnesota border just across from Victory, Vernon County (Harlan & Speaker, 1956). In the University of Wisconsin-Madison Museum of Zoo- ology are two specimens from this locale collected on August 21 and 23, 1944, Johnny darter— nigrum Rafinesque. Wl-6, W8-17, W19-23, Ml-6, Rl-4, R6-14, R16-20, R22-23, Cl, C3-8, CIO, C14, G2-3, G5, G7, G9, Gll, G27, G29-47, 11-12, Ll-2, L6-16 (126 col¬ lections; 2,833 -f individuals). The Johnny darter is the most suc¬ cessful member of the family Percidae. It is found in the smallest stream and in the largest river over a wide variety of bottom types. In a few stations where it was not captured, it would undoubtedly have been found with more intensive sampling. 112 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Banded darter — Etheostoma zonale (Cope). W12, W15, W(20- 22), R20, G13-14, 12, 15, 17, L2 (10 collections; 64 individuals). The banded darter is a common darter in some waters where the bottom is strewn with light gravel. It is generally found in dear- water streams of medium to large size. Over a rock shelf in the Wisconsin River 22 were captured at W15 and 14 at W12, the largest collections made of this species during the survey. Harlan and Speaker (1956) record this darter from the Mississippi River north of Dubuque, Iowa. Iowa darter — Etheostoma exile (Girard). R15. The Iowa darter is uncommon in southwestern Wisconsin. We captured a single individual from the Pine River at station R15. Greene (1935) re¬ cords two collections from the Wisconsin River (Richland County), one collection from the Mississippi River at Lynxville and several collections from the Pecatonica River in the vicinity of Argyle. Rainbow darter — Etheostoma caeruleum Storer. W12, W14~16, RIO, 16 (8 collections; 16 individuals). The rainbow darter, nor¬ mally an inhabitant of moderate-sized streams, is like the banded darter, generally taken over gravel. It appears in several small populations in the Wisconsin River, but it is rare to uncommon in this part of the state. Mud darter — Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes). W15, M4, Cl, 13. Only one specimen was captured at each of the four stations. This small species must be considered rare in the sloughs of the Wis¬ consin and Mississippi Rivers and in the lower extremities of their tributaries. It prefers turbid water over a soft bottom. Least darter — Etheostoma microperca Jordan and Gilbert. Greene (1935) captured the least darter from the Pine River at Richland Center (Richland Co.). It was not encountered in the present survey. Fantail darter — Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque. W12, W15, Rl, Rll-12, R14, R16, R18, G13-14, 12, 15, 17, L2 (47 collections; 1,016 individuals). The fantail darter is generally taken over rock or gravel. It occurs in small to moderate-sized streams and is especially abundant in the streams of the Pine River watershed in Richland County. On the Wisconsin River it is common locally over rock shelves in shallow water, where it is easily collected by electro¬ fishing. Greene (1935) has reported it from several stations on the Mississippi below the mouth of the Wisconsin River in Grant County. Smallmouth bass — Micropterus dolomieui Lacepede. Wl, W (2- 8), W2, W4-6, W8-10, W12-16, W18-22, M2-3, G16, G25~26, G35, 12, 15, 17-11, LI, L4, L6, L8, L16 (52 collections; 314+ individ- 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 113 uals). Fair numbers of smallmouth bass, ten inches and larger, are found in moderate to swift current along the rocky banks of the lower Wisconsin River. Many young-of-the-year were captured from eddies along sand banks. On the Mississippi River the small¬ mouth is uncommon (Nord, pers. comm. — Feb. 27, 1964). Nord writes : ‘'Much of the favored habitat . . . has been altered or destroyed since the inception of the 9-foot navigational channel. The distribution of this species now appears to be quite spotty.” An interesting phenomenon was called to my attention by Truog. Grant County is traversed from east to west by a ridge. North of this ridge, the streams draining into the Wisconsin River contain no ismallmouth bass, although there appears to be ample stream gradient, rubble bottom and clear water. South of the ridge, the streams, even small ones less than ten feet wide, contain good popu¬ lations of smallmouth bass. Largemouth hs^^^—Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede). W4-7, WlO-11, W13-14, W16, W18-23, Ml-6. R9, R17, R20, R23, C14, Gl, G16, G25-26, G35, 12, 15, LIO L14, L16 (40 collections; 694 + individuals). The largemouth bass is common in the sloughs, back¬ waters, and occasionally is trapped in the landlocked pools of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. Hundreds of- young-of-the-year were taken at some stations. This species occurs in moderate to large tributaries of the large rivers and is occasionally found in the lower extremities of small streams opening into them. Warmouth — Chaenohryttus gulosus (Cuvier). Cl, R9. I cap¬ tured a single young-of-the-year from Gran Grae Creek on Septem¬ ber 23, 1966, The only specimen captured in the survey came from a quiet widespread of Mill Creek below the millpond. According to Harlan and Speaker (1956) and Nord (pers. comm. — ^Sept. 24, 1962) it is rare to uncommon in the Mississippi River. Because of its preference for weed-filled ponds or lakes with mud bottom, the warmouth in southwestern Wisconsin should occur more frequently in artificial lakes and their backwaters than in streams. Truog reports the warmouth as common. Green sunfish — Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque. W7, R2-3, R9, Rll, R17, R20, R23, C2-3, C6, C8, G16-17, G20, G25-26, G31, G37~38, G40, G43„ 12, 15, 17, 112, L14 (26 collections; 129+ indi¬ viduals). The green sunfish is a common species in moderate-sized waters with soft bottom and sluggish current, rare to uncommon in the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. Pumpkinseed — Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus). W4, Wll, W14, W16, W20~21, W(20-22), M2-3, R9, R16-17, 16 (13 collections; 51+ individuals). The pumpkinseed is nowhere abundant in the 114 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 unglaciated region. It occurs occasionally in the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers and their tributaries. Bluegill — Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque. Wl-6, W8, Wll, W14-16, W18-20, W (20-22), W22-23, Ml-6, R17, R23, CIO, G36- 38, 15-6, L9-10, L12, L14, L16 (40 collections; 790+ individuals). The bluegill is abundant in the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers and is occasional in their medium and large-sized tributaries. Large numbers were captured from the Pecatonica River and its tribu¬ taries in Lafayette County. Orange-spotted sunfish-+^cpom2s humilis (Girard). W16, W19, Ml-3, M5, R9, R16, 17-8, L6-8 (15 collections; 56+ individuals). This small sunfish is found in quiet waters of moderate-sized streams to large rivers. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) re¬ ports this species as uncommon in the Mississippi River. It appears to be extending its range into the inland waters of these counties. Thirty years ago Greene (1935) captured this species only from the Mississippi River and the Galena River (Lafayette Co.) near the Illinois line. Rock bass — Amhloplites rupestris (Rafinesque). M3, 17, 19-11, L6 (6 collections; 10+ individuals). The rock bass is seldom en¬ countered in the driftless region. Nord (pers. comm. — Sept. 24, 1962) considers it as uncommon in the Upper Mississippi River. Truog reports this species as quite numerous in Pool 9 of the Mississippi and frequently captured around old tree roots and stumps. Interestingly enough Greene (1935), although sampling heavily, had no capture from these counties. The records of the present study indicate a recent adaptation to streams in the un¬ glaciated area. Black crappie — Pomoxls nigromaculatus (LeSueur). W(2-8), W4-5, W8, WlO-12, W14, W16-23, M2-6, R9, R17 (27 collections; 1,272+ individuals). The black crappie is abundant in the sloughs and backwaters of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers. It is occasionally captured in the lower extremities of the larger tribu¬ taries of the Wisconsin River. White crappie — Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque. W14, W16, W18- 22, M2-4, R9, C8, G38 (17 collections; 63+ individuals). This species is common in the lowermost parts of the Wisconsin River and in the Mississippi River. It is occasionally captured in their larger tributaries. The white crappie is now found in the larger rivers and lakes of eastcentral Wisconsin, which are parts of the Great Lakes drainage basin (Becker, 1964). Since Greene (1935) encountered this species only in the Mississippi drainage, it is possible that the Fox-Wisconsin canal at Portage may in part be responsible for this extension in range. 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 115 Brook silverside — Labidesthes sicculus (Cope), Wl-6, Wll, W14-16, W19-21, W23, M2~6. R9 (21 collections; 361+ individ¬ uals). The brook silverside is common in the Wisconsin and Missis¬ sippi Rivers. A single specimen .was captured from Mill Creek (R9). This species is found primarily in quiet water and over a variety of bottoms. Freshwater drum — Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque. Wl, W(2-8), W12, W16, W18--23, M2-3, M4-5, R9 (16 collections; 89+ individuals). The freshwater drum or sheepshead is abundant in the lower Wisconsin and in the Mississippi Rivers. It is fre¬ quently caught on hook and line. Mottled sculpin- — Cottus hairdi Girard. R6, R18, R20, R22, C3, Gll, 14, L13, L15 (10 collections; 154+ individuals). The mottled sculpin is common in the headwaters of many small streams of the region, frequently the most common fish in the sample. It prefers cool waters over heavy gravel with vegetation, often in the same locale as trout. Slimy sculpin — Cottus cognatus Richardson. C5. Marlin Johnson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, collected this species from Citron Creek at the Hwy E bridge (T9N R5W Sec. 36 NE14, Crawford County) on October 24, 1964. Specimens were sent to Dr. Reeve Bailey at the University of Michigan Museum to verify identification. Although this species is common in springs and spring runs of northeastern Iowa, this is the first record of this species from southwestern Wisconsin. I sampled the same station ; on Sept. 24, 1966, and captured over 40 specimens. The sculpin was the most common fish, followed by the brook trout. Brook stickleback — Culaea inconstans (Kirtland). R2, R13, R15, R22, C5-7, G42, 14, 112, Lll-16 (15 collections; 68+ individuals). The brook stickleback is uncommon to common in small to ! moderate-sized streams. I have taken it from clear water but more i frequently from turbid water that had been roiled by cattle. : Acknowledgment I I wish to thank Kenneth Derr, John R. Truog, James Kincannon i and C. W. Threinen, all of the Wisconsin Conservation Department, i who provided me with working space and materials, and fish collec- f tions and records. Two species were recorded from the collections : of Marlin Johnson, University of Wisconsin-Madison. My gratitude also to Robert C. Nord, Survey Director of the Upper Mississippi I River Conservation Committee, Bureau of Sport Eisheries and ^ Wildlife, who supplied me with recent unpublished records from the Mississippi River. I am indebted to my sons Kenneth and Dale, 116 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 55 who provided yeoman service behind electrodes and seine for many hours beyond the normal work day. The paper was read critically by Threinen, Truog and Nord. I have used their suggestions when feasible. If I have not followed their suggestions and the paper suffers error, I assume full responsibility. Dr. Reeve M. Bailey, Curator, University Museums, University of Michigan, was kind enough to help me unravel some of the knottier problems in identifi¬ cation. Funds for carrying on the survey were supplied in part through a research grant from the Board of Regents, Wisconsin State Universities. (Corrections and additions to be made in Becker, George C. 1959. Distribu¬ tion of Central Wisconsin Fishes. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters 48: 65-102. p. 84, 1. 2 — Insert ^‘Campostoma anom. oligolepis’* in lieu of “Campostoma anom. pull.” p. 89, 1. 18 & 19— Crss out ‘‘T 12; P 13, 14” p. 90, 1. 20 — Insert “Largescale Stoneroller — Campostoma anomalum oligolepis Hubbs & Greene” in lieu of “Central Stoneroller — Campostoma anomalum pullum (Agassiz)” p. 96, 1. 14 — Add “T 7” at end of line p. 96, 1. 20— Cross out “7” in “T 6, 7” p. 102 — Add to the list of species: ‘'Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque) T12; P 13, 14. Chrosomus neogaeus (Cope) T 1; LW 1; Eske Creek outlet (T24N RlOE Sec. 19) Portage Co., IV:23:60. Notropis heterodon (Cope) Eske Creek outlet (T24N RlOE Sec. 19) Portage Co., IV:23:60.”) References Becker, George C. 1964. The fishes of Lakes Poygan and Winnebago. Trans. Wis, Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters. 53:29-52. Brasch, John, James McFadden and Stanley Kmiotek. 1958. The eastern brook trout, its life history, ecology and management. Wisconsin Conser¬ vation Dept. Publ. 226:11pp. Christenson, Lyle M. and Lloyd L. Smith. 1965. Characteristics of fish populations in upper Mississippi River backwater areas. U.S. Dept. In¬ terior. Fish & Wildlife Service. Circular 212. 53pp. Coker, Robert E. 1929. Studies of common fishes of the Mississippi River at Keokuk, Bull, Bureau of Fisheries, Document 1072:141-224. Eddy, Samuel and Thaddeus Surber, 1947, Northern fishes, Univ. of Minne¬ sota Press, 276pp. Forbes, Stephen A., and Robert E. Richardson, 1920. The fishes of Illinois. Illinois Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 3:357pp, Gerking, Shelby D. 1945. The distribution of the fishes of Indiana. Invest. Ind. Lakes and Streams 3(1) :137pp, Greene, C. Willard. 1935. The distribution of Wisconsin fishes. Wisconsin Conservation Commission. 235pp. Harlan, James R., and Everett B. Speaker. 1956. Iowa fish and fishing. State Conservation Commission, Des Moines, Iowa, 377pp. Helm, Wm. T. Yellow bass in Wisconsin. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts & Let¬ ters. 53:109-125. 1966] Becker — Fishes of Southwestern Wisconsin 117 Martin, Lawrence, 1916. The physical geography of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Geological and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 36:549pp, Nybakken, James W, 1961, Analysis of the sympatric occurrence of two subspecies of the cyprinid fish Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque) in Wisconsin. M.S. Thesis. Univ, of Wisconsin, Madison. 35pp. PoFF, Ronald J., and C. W. Threinen. 1965. Surface water resources of Columbia County. Lake & Stream Classification Project. Wisconsin Con¬ servation Dept, 55pp, TrautMan, Milton B. 1957. The fishes of Ohio. Ohio State Univ. Press. 683pp. U.S. Army Engineer Division. 1963. Navigation charts middle and upper Mississippi River. North Central Corps of Engineers, Chicago, Ill. 61 charts. Whitson, A. R. 1927. Soils of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Geological and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull, 68:270pp. ■r . X t f 1 THE SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF FISHES IN VERMILION BAY, LOUISIANA Carroll R. Norden Department of Zoology University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Vermilion Bay is one of several shallow estuaries along the north shore of the Gulf of Mexico. The fish fauna of a number of these bays, from Texas to Florida, have been investigated by other workers (Gunter 1938a, 1938b, 1945; Suttkus et al 1953-54; Reid 1955a, 1955b; Simmons and Hoese 1959; Arnold et al. 1960). Except for a study of nearby White and Grand Lakes by Gunter and Shell (1958), Vermilion Bay has received little attention from ichthyologists and fishery biologists. For a three-year period, monthly trips were made to Vermilion Bay in order to assess the fish fauna inhabiting the area. A primary objective of the study was to obtain an inventory of the fishes in the bay and to determine their seasonal movements. A second objective was to interpret the seasonal changes of the fish fauna in relation to hydrological conditions. Materials and Methods Fish collections were made each month from October, 1960, to August, 1963, Samples were collected during 32 of the 35 months and all months were sampled at least twice during the study period. A variety of collecting gear was used in order to sample as wide a size range as possible of the fish population. The gear consisted of three 125-foot gill nets with II/2- and 2-inch mesh, a 300-foot trammel net with 3-inch mesh, a 16-foot shrimp otter trawl, 10-, 25-, and 50-foot nylon minnow seines, plankton nets with number 6 and 12 meshes, a 6-foot beam trawl, developed by the Galveston Laboratory of the U. S, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries to sample post-larval shrimp, dip nets, trot lines, and hook and line. Most of the collecting was done in three general areas, around Southwest Point, Redfish Point, and Cypremort Point. On Redfish Point the University of Southwestern Louisiana has a small labo¬ ratory which was used as a base for operations, and the greatest amount of sampling was done in that area. 119 120 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Generally, the fishes were collected over a two-day period, with one or more water samples taken and salinity determined by silver nitrate titration (Marvin et at. 1960), reported as parts per thousand of salinity. From the same water samples, values for pH were obtained by using a Beckman Model G pH meter. Tem¬ peratures of air and water were procured by standard centigrade thermometer. The Secchi disc was used as an index of turbidity. The large specimens taken with gill and trammel nets were weighed, measured, sexed, and discarded. Total length measure¬ ments were made with a measuring board for the larger specimens, dividers and a millimeter ruler for the smaller specimens. Total length is to the nearest millimeter. The common names given follow Bailey cf (x/. (1960). In some instances, particularly in collections made with the trawl or seines, certain species were so abundant that not all specimens could be preserved and returned to the laboratory. In such cases, random samples of the abundant species were taken along with the rare specimens specifically selected from the catch, A large number of the fishes were preserved in ten percent formalin and are stored at the University of Southwestern Louisiana or at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Certain limitations are inherent in the study, primarily because of weather conditions and a shortage of personnel. It was not always possible to sample all areas of Vermilion Bay with equal frequency. Over the three-year period, however, each month was sampled quite consistently with gear that was selective for the different size-age groups. Acknowledgments Special thanks are extended to Dr. Lewis T. Graham, head of the Department of Biology at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, and to the following students who assisted in making the collections: Donald Burney, Lewis T. Graham, Jr., William Mason, Anthony Romano, Samuel Riche, David Williams, and especially to Semmes Lynch, who made available some of the most recent data. Mr. Kenneth Lantz of the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission also contributed data and assistance. Dr. Reeve M. Bailey, Curator of Fishes, University of Michigan, veri¬ fied the identification of several species, Drs. Rezneat M, Darnell, Marquette University, and Gordon Gunter, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, read the manuscript and offered many helpful sug¬ gestions. The help of all these people is greatly appreciated. The work during the 1963 season was subsidized in part by Contract No. 14-17-0002-48 from the U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. 1966] Norden — Seasonal Distribution of Fishes 121 Description of Vermilion Bay Vermilion Bay (Fig. 1) is located at about 92 °W., 29° 40' N. It is a shallow body of water with a surface area of approximately 208 square miles and an average depth of about five feet. Except for Southwest Pass, its greatest depth is ten feet. It is surrounded by marshland on three sides, to the north, east and west. The marsh consists of extensive areas of typical salt- marsh vegetation, such as white cord grass, Spartina patens, big cord grass, S, cynosuroides, black rush, Juncus roemerianus, and three-cornered grass, Scirpus olneyi. Remiains of this marsh vege¬ tation have resulted in the deposition of humic materials along the shores and at the bottom of Vermilion Bay. Numerous small bayous empty into the bay. The largest is the Vermilion River, entering in the northwest corner. The Intracoastal Waterway borders the north and eastern margins of the bay. To the south. Vermilion Bay is connected to the Gulf of Mexico at two points. The western channel is narrow, over 90 feet deep, and lies between Southwest Point and Marsh Island. During tidal ex¬ change, a strong current of water flows through Southwest Pass. The eastern channel. East and West Cote Blanche Bay, is wider and shallower and lies between Marsh Island and Cypremort Point. Thus Marsh Island, with an area of approximately 125 square miles (Orton 1959), partially isolates Vermilion Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. Hydrography The water temperatures of Vermilion Bay tend to fluctuate rather closely with atmospheric temperatures. The monthly range of temperatures at the time fish collections were made is indicated in Fig, 2. It will be noted (Fig. 2) that for five months (May through September) the waters of Vermilion Bay were always above 20 °C. and that the cold months, when water temperatures were less than 10 °C., were December, January, and February. The minimum temperature recorded was 6°C. on December 17, 1960; the maximum was 35° on August 6, 1963. At Redfish Point (Table 1) the monthly averages of surface water temperatures for the three-year period varied between a low of 9°C, in January to a high of 32.7 °C. in August. These water temperatures are similar to those reported for Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana (Darnell 1958) , and East Lagoon, Galveston, Texas (Arnold et al, 1960). Vermilion Bay waters generally exhibit lower salinities than those reported from the Texas estuaries (Gunter 1945; Reid 1955a; Simmons and Hoese 1959) or from Tampa Bay, Florida (Springer and Woodburn 1960). This is in part because of the heavy annual 122 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figure 1. Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. 1966] Norden — Seasonal Distribution of Fishes 123 35 30 d 25 o Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 2. Monthly maximum-minimum range of temperatures at which fishes were collected in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. rainfall of this section of Louisiana, the greater amounts of fresh water draining into Vermilion Bay, and the influence of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya waters moving from east to west along the Louisiana coast and blocking out the more saline waters from the Gulf of Mexico. The monthly averages measured at Redfiish Point ranged from a low of 2. in June to a high of 9.%° in July (Table 1). This is not much different from Lake Ponchartrain, in which Darnell (1962a) reports salinity varying from 3, to 8.%°, The range of salinities recorded at the time fish collections were made is shown in Fig. 3. The minimum salinity was 0.8%° on April 30, 1963, whereas the maximum during the entire study was 32.8%° on July 13, 1962. This high salinity occurred during a pro¬ longed period of isouthwest wind from July 10, to July 23, 1962, which blew the more saline waters from the Gulf of Mexico into Vermilion Bay. Little variation occurs in the pH of Vermilion Bay waters. The monthly average at Redfish Point (Table 1) varied between a pH of 7.2 in December to 8.2 in October. The pH probably exerts little influence on the seasonal movements of fishes. 124 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 3. Monthly maximum-minimum range of salinities at which fishes were collected in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. The bottom deposits of Vermilion Bay consist mostly of fine silt and humic materials, with some sand and an occasional shell reef. Like those of Lake Pontchartrain (Darnell 1958, 1961), these bot¬ tom deposits are continually being disturbed by wind action. The waters of Vermilion Bay are highly turbid and the average monthly Secchi disc readings at Redfish Point (Table 1) ranged from a low of 19 centimeters in October to a high of 89 centimeters in September. The Fishes of Vermilion Bay Eighty species of fish with representatives in 41 families (Table 2) were collected during this investigation. In addition. Megalops atlantica was seen in the bay but not collected. Later, in the fall of 1963, Eleotris pisonis and Porichthys porosissimus were collected by Mr, Semmes Lynch. Ictiohus bubalus was collected by Mr. Ken¬ neth Lantz (Lantz 1963) in 1962. Thus 84 species are reported from Vermilion Bay. As has been pointed out by Gunter (1945, 1956a, 1956b) and others, the fish fauna of an estuary is essentially a marine fauna. Vermilion Bay is typical, because few freshwater fishes invade wa¬ ters which are even moderately saline. Eight species of freshwater fishes (Lepisosteus oculatus, L. platostomous, Ictiobus bubalus, Ictalurus furcatus, Roccus mississippiensis, Lepomis macrochirus, L. punctatus, and Aplodinotus grunniens) were collected. Seven of the eight species would be considered rare in the bay. The single important exception is Ictalurus furcatus, which is particularly abundant during the winter months. This is not surprising as it has been reported repeatedly from estuarine waters (Gunter 1945; Darnell 1958; Gunter and Shell 1958), and Darnell (1962b) has classified this species as a facultative invader of brackish waters. 1966] Norden — Seasonal Distribution of Fishes 125 Table 1. Monthly Averages of Hydrologic Data at Redfish Point, Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. (Oct. 1960-Aug. 1963) Month Water Temperature °C Salinity PPT Secchi Disc Centimeters pH January . 9.0 6.47 26.2 7.3 February . 17.3 6.73 57.8 7.7 March . 18. 1 5.51 44.5 7.8 April . 22.0 3.73 24.0 7.9 May . 24.9 3.71 25.9 7.9 June . 29.1 2.22 57.6 7.6 July . 30. 1 9. 15 64.9 7.3 August . 32.7 7.25 75.0 7.4 September . 25.2 6.55 89.0 7.6 October . 19.5 6.74 19.0 8.2 November . 19. 1 7.42 37.0 7.4 December . 11.4 4.84 26.5 7.2 Salinity may influence the age groups of a species which enter an estuary (Gunter 1945, 1956a), and low salinity gradients may keep out certain species altogether. Thus the threadfin, Polydac- tylus octonemus, reported as being very abundant by Gunter (1938b, 1945) in Barataria Bay, Louisiana and Aransas Bay, Texas, was not collected within Vermilion Bay. The same may be said for the butterfish, Poronotus triacanthus, the moonfish. Vomer setapinnis, and the star drum, Stellifer lanceolatus. Gunter and Shell (1958) reported that they collected three specimens of Poly- dactylus octonemus in Little Bay, which is an extension of Ver¬ milion Bay. Therefore, it probably should be added to the check¬ list (Table 2) as an occasional straggler in Vermilion Bay, Only six species, Prishls pectinatus, Synodus foetens, Chloro- scombrus chrysurus, Selene vomer, Trichiurus lepturus, and Pepri- lus paru (Table 3), gave evidence of preferring highly saline wa¬ ters. All six species were collected during the period of highest salinities (26.9 to 32.8%°) from July 10 to July 23, 1962, As Table 3 indicates, a greater variety of marine and brackish water species is present during the summer than during the winter months. The fish fauna of Vermilion Bay was most diversified dur¬ ing July, when 60 species were collected, whereas only 13 species were collected during January and 18 species in February. Adults of several marine species are common in Vermilion Bay in the summer (Table 3). Among the more conspicuous of the summer fish fauna are Carcharhinus leucas, Dasyatis sahina, Bagre marinus, and Galeichthys fells. These species are less com- Table 2. Relative Abundance of Fishes Collected in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. (Oct. 1960-Aug. 1963) 126 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 2 ^ DJ O U ^ cC S UJ O acj — O — ' o o — < o o o o o o o o OO'OOOOvDOOr^OOt^o— 'r^O — OOOO — Or^OOOOr^OOOOOOOOOOOf^OOO <1 o e 00 OO O' — ■ -O 'T 00 — 00’—'^ sO „ M — : cfl o ^ u C ^ 4-J 4-> c o T> .b C » Oh’S ^ n ^ >,X1 CO -2 4_i OT -2 M’tj w CO _D w bC CO C A A o C bD CO — ■ 3 P' C"? 'C "3 _ ^ ^ O -Cl, C 'oo- TS CU CO .3 ^33 ^ (U TD 2 i:2 2 to CO CO 'C ^ uaG 0) CO CO CO CO A.2 ‘ a CO CO T3 a o CO CO rs 'S a 3 T3T) £ bJD C O "O O <50 - s ^ to ® O ^ CO A ■? -ri O ■^==a::2 c _5 A .2 c CO LL (AU< bT-C^ a C Cl, w X!coO-Q>^ ^>CO>g O — fTi O ' — ! cc cr S cu s> C o T3 cd 0) CO uo; d) cO TDiS-^ a3 2 CO o E o o r UJ « j_ VJ *-i cdo 'U'^cd'^^ _ O go kio cd ao g G-c-Sdd! S QnCO'-i-icocococoXicoco^^t-co D."^ C O .3 o u •" o CO -2 "S -c ■a d> cj O CO 3 .o -3 a CO Q o o ^ •;:i -2 c- -o s-s P 3 CO o b ^ 3-f - s A 3 c 3 *3 3 I 3 c s - ■o. 3 3 _ ■2 CO I ■Sg O 33 3 3 -J O C G 355 §1^351 O ^ -C O - tiO 3 cj tio 3 O O b 3 -C G QZ <>2 < -J O d V Cd o V £ V Cd O Z O C d ? r n ^ Occi V Cd T5 C 'Z Cd o t Z V O Cd CO o ■s '= (U w X CO X CO 3 bD C C CO £ a X CO 'X 5 to X . bJD CIX E c-TL= ^ ^ ^ r_!^ s- yV r- ??’ •-X 2ot::oV'^ooxi:5D-;d XLlL; Cto EXX ^XXX io bJD< 2 X ^ 2 .2^^ Shoo QLUOOO ^ 5 3 >- cl's d-O ‘O L. ‘o Pli| 'll r| i dcS^io 2 o c c -die gald Co 2 « S 3 ^ S| o rs -o X 3 2 s I 3 'u 3 sT; ^ 1&£ ^ o c X a '1 oa,d ~ 'o ‘o to X •2 |Sl x§ c 3 ^-1-^ ^ 3 d 5 -«' :S § ^ ix d-X Q o X C -O -X 2 L. O XX, o 5 ■2 o si. tL> O Od 4) X C« r X ■*-* X o X A o UJ O CC X ^ x| £ bC C o CO cd X C X .„ o o 'CQ xA< CQ xUUHCQ d *Observed but not collected. Seasonal Distribution of Fishes in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. (Oct. 1960-Aug. 1963) 1966] Norden — Seasonal Distribution of Fishes 129 I II I I I I I I 2: I I I £ r r--. O ' — ^ C'l tTN t\ U-. June — 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 " 1 OO j — (-Or— 1 — 00 i 1 ~ OC 1 1 ^ [ 821 4 4,24b 1 1 32 1 May . 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ! ! 1 1 1 1 148 1 1 1 12 1,155 2 (1) 8 Apr. 22 4 1 1 1 1 1 £ — 12 2,278 4 (1) 3 Mar. 1 ! ! !“!! 1 11^ 55 1 ,587 2 1 4 I ^ a CO li .s-§ '■a ft ta ■2 ^ -i: o =0 ^ C -2 J J ■? 2 S CO -S S c ^ Q a CO si c 2 ^ -Ci to bfl Q Q -Spec CO a c p 3 CO I ■g S ^ a^g-s as CO CO O “SS ^ ^ - § =2 to p C-O ;3 s 3 „ Q 0-5 c Pi -c CO 3 i- -5 2 3^ a c O -iri C ‘t ■2 o •- .»i CO o ap-p’-^cccc 3 -Q- Q p ^'^QQOCJO-J O CO 3 CO J3 3 ^ O CO o 3 =t) 3 O • d, 3 S & d (/) " 2 o 3 3 E 3.3 :§ o5 Oh’S -S ^ ^ 3 CO 2 ?5 9 •<5.5 3dt^ Total lengths in millimeters. X Males carrying eggs and young. 134 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 (1962). The appearance of larvae in November and December (Table 4) may indicate two spawning peaks, as suggested by Gunter (1945). Only a few larvae corresponding to the descriptions of Gobio- nellus and Microgobius (Hildebrand and Cable 1938) were col¬ lected; larvae with characteristics of Gobiosoma bosci, however, were abundant during May, June and July. Many of the young, metamorphosed Myrophis punctatus were captured with a dip-net and nightlight as they swam near the surface. Springer and Woodburn (1960) captured young worm eels in a similar manner in Tampa Bay during April. As pointed out by Gehringer (1959), the leptocephalus of Flops saurus shorten before they metamorphose. Thus, the specimen collected in July was more advanced than the earlier specimens. Except for this single exception, however, their seasonal appearance agrees with that of Arnold et al. (1960) for Galveston, Texas. Males of Galeichthys felis and Syngnathus scovelli were collected carrying eggs and young, the former in July and the latter in both July and August. During both June and July pregnant Dasyatis sabina were caught in trawl hauls and the young born alive in the boat. Evidence from this work as well as from work of others (Hilde¬ brand and Cable 1930, 1934, 1938; Gunter 1938b, 1945) indicates that few species actually spend their entire life cycles within an estuary. Examination of sexually mature adults, observations of breeding colors and behavior, and the fact that larvae, young and adults were collected at all seasons of the year suggest that five species (Cyprinodon variegatus, Fundulus grandis, Gobiosoma bosci, Menidia beryllina, and Gobiesox strumosus) remain to spawn and complete their life cycles within the confines of Vermilion Bay. In addition, small populations of Adinia xenica, Lucania parva, Gambusia affinis, Mollienesia latipinna, and Gobionellus shufeldti may be self-sustaining in scattered areas along the edge of the bay. In comparing the total number of individuals collected, it was found that three species (Table 2) contributed over 75 percent of the total. A large portion of these consisted of small individuals, less than 100 millimeters in total length, and therefore this is an estimate of numbers, not of weight. Gunter (1945) in his work in Capano Bay and Aransas Bay, estimated that Micropogon undulatus, Anchoa mitchilli, and Menidia beryllina comprised the largest species mass in that area and Suttkus et al. (1953-54) in his work on Lake Ponchartrain, reported that Micropogon undulatus and Anchoa mitchilli com¬ prised 80 percent of the trawl catches and that Micropogon un¬ dulatus and Brevoortia patronus accounted for 47 percent of the 1966] Norden — Seasonal Distribution of Fishes 135 seine catches. Further estimates from Louisiana waters, Barataria Bay, Grand Lake, and White Lake (Gunter 1938b, Gunter and Shell 1958), indicate that the Atlantic croaker, bay anchovy, and largescale menhaden were the most abundant species in those areas. These three, plus an additional eight species (Table 2), Fundulus grandis, Cynoscion arenarius, Leiostomus xanthurus, Gobiosoma bosci, Mugil cephalus, Membras martinica, Menidia beryllina and Trinectes maculatus, made up more than one percent of the total catch by number. Four of these eight species, Cynoscion arenarius, Leiostomus xanthurus, Menidia beryllina, and Trinectes maculatus, comprised between one and ten percent of the catch in Lake Ponchartrain (Suttkus et al. 1953-54). The eleven species named contributed nearly 95 percent of the total individuals collected from Vermilion Bay during the three-year period. The remaining 73 species taken made up only five percent of the total catch. Summary Some 70,000 specimens of fishes were collected during the inves¬ tigation. Eighty-four species with representatives in forty-one families comprised the fish fauna of Vermilion Bay, Louisiana. Three species, Anchoa mitchilli, Micropogon undulatus, and Brevoortia patronus, comprised over 75 percent of the total indi¬ viduals collected. These three, plus an additional eight species, account for nearly 95 percent of the total number collected. The remaining 73 species contributed about five percent of the total. Vermilion Bay is a nursery ground for marine fishes, with the larvae of 22 (Table 4) and the young of 16 other species (Table 3) appearing at various seasons of the year. Only eight species of freshwater fishes were taken in Vermilion Bay and of these eight only Ictalurus furcatus appeared in any numbers. Salinity in Vermilion Bay is rather low, less than 10%° during most of the year, which may tend to reduce the numbers of some species and keep others out of the bay altogether. Six species indi¬ cated a preference for the highly saline waters recorded in July 1962, although subsequently (in October, 1963) the harvest fish and the lizardfish were collected by Mr. Semmes Lynch in waters of 7.1%° salinity. Water temperature, rather than salinity, appears to exert a greater influence on the seasonal movements of fishes in and out of Vermilion Bay. Twenty-six species were present at all seasons of the year, but only eight were collected every month of the year. The adults of three species were common at cold temperatures, whereas the adults of 16 species were common at high tempera¬ tures. 136 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 This study and evidence from other investigations, indicates that five and probably not more than ten species complete their entire life cycles within the confines of Vermilion Bay. Literature Cited Arnold, E. L., Jr., R. S. Wheeler, and K. N. Baxter. 1960. Observations on fishes and other biota of East Lagoon, Galveston Island. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Kept., 344:1-30. Bailey, R. M., E. A. Lachner, C. C. Lindsey, C. R. Robins, P. M. Rodel, W. B, Scott, and L. P. Woods. 1960. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc., Spec. Pub. No. 2:1-102. Christmas, J. Y., and G. Gunter. 1960. Distribution of menhaden, genus Bre- voortia, in the Gulf of Mexico. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 89(4) :338-343. Darnell, R. M, 1958. Food habits of fishes and larger invertebrates of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, an estuarine community. Pub. Inst. Mar. Sci., 5:353-416. - . 1981. Trophic spectrum of an estuarine community, based on studies of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. FcoL, 42(3) :553-568. - . 1962a. Ecological history of Lake Pontchartrain, an estuarine commu¬ nity. Am. Mid. Nat., 68(2) : 434-444. - . 1962b. Fishes of the Rio Tamesi and related coastal lagoons in east- central Mexico. Pub. Inst. Mar. Sci., 8:299-365. Gehringer, J. W. 1959. Early development and metamorphosis of the ten- pounder Flops saurus Linnaeus. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Fish Bull. 155., 59:619-647. Gunter, Gordon. 1938a. The relative numbers of species of marine fish on the Louisiana coast. Am. Nat., 72:77-83. - . 1938b. Seasonal variations in abundance of certain estuarine and marine fishes in Louisiana, with particular reference to life histories. Ecol. Monographs, 8 (3) : 313-346. - . 1945. Studies on marine fishes of Texas. Pub. Inst. Mar. Sci., 1(1) :1- 190. - , 1956a. A revised list of euryhalin fishes of North and Middle America. Am. Mid. Nat., 56(2) :345-354. - . 1956b. Some relations of faunal distributions to salinity in estuarine waters. EcoL, 37(3) :616-619. - . 1957. Predominance of the young among marine fishes found in fresh water. Copeia, 1:13-16. - . 1961. Some relations of estuarine organisms to salinity. Limnol. Oceanog., 6(2) : 182-190. - and W. E. Shell, Jr. 1958, A study of an estuarine area with water- level control in the Louisiana marsh Proc. La. Acad, Sci., 21:5-34. Hildebrand, S. F, and L. E. Cable. 1930, Development and life history of fourteen teleostean fishes at Beaufort, N. C. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., Fish. Doc. No. 1093. 46:383-488. - and - . 1934. Reproduction and development of whitings or king- fishes, drums, spot, croaker, and weakfishes or sea trouts, family Sciaeni- dae, of the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., Bull. No. 16. 48:41-117. - and - . 1938. Further notes on the development and life history of some teleosts at Beaufort, N. C. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., Bull. No. 24. 48:505-642. 1966] Nor den — Seasonal Distribution of Fishes 137 Lantz, K. E. 1963. Cypremort Cove, Iberia Parish. La. Wild Life and Fish. Comm., 10th Biennial Kept., 1962-1963:127-128. Marvin, K. T., Z. P. Zein-Eldin, B. Z. May, and L. M. Lansford. 1960. Chem¬ ical analyses of marine and estuarine waters used by the Galveston Bio¬ logical Laboratory. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Kept., 349:1-14. Orton, E. W. 1959. A geological study of Marsh Island, Iberia Parish, Louisi¬ ana. La. Wild Life and Fish Comm., Tech, Bull., 1-28. Reid, G. K., Jr. 1955a. A summer study of the biology and ecology of East Bay, Texas. Pt. I. Texas J. Sci., 7(3) :316-343. - . 1955b. A summer study of the biology and ecology of East Bay, Texas. Pt. II. Texas J. Sci., 7(4) :430-453. Simmons, E. G.- and H. D. Hoese. 1959. Studies on the hydrography and fish migrations of Cedar Bayou, a natural tidal inlet on the central Texas Coast. Pub. Inst. Mar. Sci., 6:56-80. Springer, V. G. and K. D. Woodburn. 1960. An ecological study of the fishes of the Tampa Bay area. Fla. State Board Conserv., Prof, Pap,, Series No, 1:1-104. SuNDARARAJ, B. I. and R. D. Suttkus, 1962. Fecundity of the spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier), from Lake Borgne area, Louisiana. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 91(1) :84-88. Suttkus, R. D. 1954, Seasonal movements and growth of the Atlantic croaker (Micropogon undulatus) along the east Louisiana Coast. Proc. Gulf and Carib. Fish. Inst., 7th Ann. Sess., 1-7. - . 1958. Distribution of menhaden in the Gulf of Mexico. Trans. 23rd No. Am. Wildl. Conf., 401-410. - , R, M. Darnell, and J. H. Darnell, 1953-1954. Biological study of Lake Pontchartrain. Zool. Dept., Tulane Univ., Ann. Rept., 1953-1954, 1-59. - and B. I. Sundararaj. 1961. Fecundity and reproduction in the large- scale menhaden, Brevoortia pair onus Goode. Tulane Stud. ZooL, 8(6) :177- 182. / EVOLUTIONARY TRENDS OF THE MUCROSPIRIFER LeRoy R. Peters'^ Abstract The Brachiopods Mucrospirifer mucronatus and Mucrospirifer thedfordensiis from the Silica formation of the Devonian of Ohio were studied and were shown to be in the process of evolving from a compact form to a long narrow form and to two flattened vari¬ eties of the original form. Through this study of the Mucrospirifer of the Devonian of Ohio, the Devonian of Wisconsin may be more closely correlated with the Devonian of Ohio after a similar study is made of the Devonian of Wisconsin. In 1964 John R. Tilman of Ohio Wesleyan University studied the Mucrospirifer of Ohio and on the basis of considerable overlap in variation, reclassified the Mucrospirifer into two species and de¬ scribed a third new species. Over 500 specimens were studied, all of them collected from the North Quarry of the Medusa Portland Cement Company near Sylvania in Lucas County, Ohio, SE Sec. 7, T. 9 S., R. 6 E. The graphs in this paper were plotted with only a few points in order to show trends more clearly. The present study is based on the external features because . . the shape and the general proportions of the whole shell seem to be characters of the greatest value in distinguishing between species” (Tillman 1964). The characteristics studied here are the width of the fold, length, thickness, and the width of the shell. In the past, ratios based on the width of the shell have been of doubtful value since both cardinal extremities are rarely preserved. In this study an effort was made to collect specimens that had re¬ tained at least one cardinal extremity. Because Brachiopods are bilaterally symmetrical, on specimens that had only one cardinal extremity the measurement was taken from the center of the pedi~ cal opening to the end of the existing cardinal extremity and doubled without loss of accuracy. * The author at the time this paper was written was a senior majoring- in geology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. At the present time he is a second lieu¬ tenant in the United States Army. 139 140 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figure 1. Features of the Mucrospirifer used in this study. Since the size of each specimen varied, it was necessary to find a way to compare them. This was accomplished by setting the shell width equal to one and comparing it with the other features in a simple ratio similar to the method used in crystallography to com¬ pare lengths of crystal axes. Example : Length X Width ~ 1 X = Ratio of Length to Width li _ A 55 ~ 1 X = 0.25 In figures 2 and 3, three main divisions are present, each extend¬ ing from a central area. This area represents the ancestral form Mucrospirifer mucronatus variety I found in the lower portions this formation. Extending from this area are Mucrospirifer mucro¬ natus variety II, Mucrospirifer thedfordensis variety I, and Mucro- 1966] Peters — Trends of the Mucrospirifer 141 Figure 2. spirifer thedfordensis variety II, which are found in the upper portions of the formation. The farther a specimen lies from the central area the higher in the formation it is found, Mucrospirifer mucronatus variety I is a compact form which widens while retaining its thickness/length ratio to form M. muro- natus variety II, M, mucronatus variety I reduces the thickness/ length ratio by about one half , while retaining approximately the width/length ratio to form M. thedfordensis variety I, M. mucro¬ natus variety I reduces the thickness/length ratio by about one half while increasing the width/length ratio to form M, thedfordensis variety II, These evolutionary trends continue until the thickness/width ratio reaches about 20% in the three advanced forms. This appears to be the most effective shape for this environment. A later study will be made of the relationship of lithology to the evolutionary trends, because there was a change of environment. After these studies are finished, similar studies will be made on the Mucrospirifer of Wisconsin with the hope of more closely correlat¬ ing the Devonian of Ohio with that of Wisconsin, 142 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figure 3. 1966] Peters — Trends of the Mucrospirifer 143 Figuee 4. The changes in the shape of the Mucrospirifer as indicated by this study. References Cited Tillman, John R. “Variation in Species of Mucrospirifer from Middle Devo¬ nian Rocks of Michigan, Ontario, and Ohio,’’ Journal of Paleontology, V, 38, No. 5, (1964) pps. 952-964. 7. INTERACTION OF PHAGE T1 WITH STRAINS OF ESCHERICHIA COLI Marvin D. Whitehead and J , Roger Christensen^ In an effort to find strains of Escherichia coli for which page T1 exhibits the phenomenon of host-controlled variation, we treated for susceptibility to the phage 290 cultures of this organism iso¬ lated by the Bacteriological Laboratories of Strong Memorial Hos¬ pital, Rochester, N. Y. Each culture was streaked on a nutrient agar plate and the streak spotted with a loopful of T1 lysate having a titer of 10^^ per mb The lysate designated as Tl-B had been made on E. coli B. Three of the cultures designated as Wh24, Wh57 and Wh96 showed lysis, and when further tested, each of these strains showed different responses to Tl. Phage Tl had a plating efficiency of 10“^ to 10“^ on strain Wh2Ji. Phage was isolated from these plaques, plated again on Wh24 and reisolated. This reisolated phage, designated as Tl-24, gave about one-tenth as many plaques on Wh24 on E. coli B. The phage isolated from the plaques of T1--24 when plated on B had reverted to possess prop¬ erties of Tl-B. This is considered to be a typical case of host-con¬ trolled variation. Phage Tl produced only tiny, dim plaques on strain Wh24 by the two-layer technique. More distinct plaques were obtained by spreading the phage and bacteria on the surface of nutient agar plates, but the plaques formed were still smaller than those obtained by the same technique on strain B. Strain Wh24 fails to absorb sufficient amounts of Tl from a liquid suspension. Judging from the size of the plaques, conditions in soft agar are probably less conducive for attachment than those on the surface of a solid medium. Variations in the ionic compo¬ sition of the medium, age of the cells, or the presence of nutrient broth were all without effect on phage absorption. * This research was supported in part by the Woodward Fund for Medical Research and the Georgia Southern College Research Fund. The Senior author was the recipient of an N.S.F. Summer Research Participation Fellowship at the Dept, of Microbiology, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester. Dr. Whitehead is Pro¬ fessor of Mycology, Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Georgia, and Dr. Christensen is Professor of Microbiology, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. 145 146 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Strain Wh24, because of failure of efficient attachment, was con¬ sidered of little value on the investigation of host-controlled vari¬ ation. Because strain Wh57 showed a plating efficiency approximately equal to that of B with phage Tl-B, phage Tl-24, and Tl-57, it was not investigated further. A loopful of Tl-B at 10^*^ per ml. gave a clear spot on strain Wh96, but a loopful of Tl-B at 10® had no visible effect. With inter¬ mediate concentrations, there was a gradual transition in the clar¬ ity of the infection spot, but distinct plaques were never observed. Phage Tl-B attached well to Wh96, but the infected cells failed to produce plaques, either on B or on Wh96. A plot of the surviv¬ ing cells versus the multiplicity of phage irreversibly attached, shows that up to a multiplicity of approximately 10 phage per cell, about one page in five is effective as a cell killer. At higher multi¬ plicities, the apparent killing efficiency decreases, but by using high multiplicities more than 99.9% of the cells are killed. It is apparent that some cells are killed even by a single infection, some resist moderate multiplicities, nearly all are killed by high multiplicities, but none make recognizable phage. The fact that phage susceptibility is of frequent occurrence in E, coil populations of varying sources makes it probable that in a continued search a strain having desired properties for studying host-controlled variation can be obtained. Summary Lysing strains of Escherichia coli showed differing responses to phage Tl. Typical host-controlled variation was demonstrated. Phage Tl lysate of E. coli B plated on isolated strain Wh24 and the phage reisolated from developing plaques showed reactions dif¬ fering from that originally obtained on E. coli B. NOTES ON WISCONSIN PARASITIC FUNGI. XXXII. Ho C. Greene Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison The season of 1965 in southern Wisconsin was not very favorable for the development of parasitic fungi, owing to the continuation of drought conditions up to midsummer. Unless otherwise speci¬ fied, all collections referred to in the following notes were made in 1965. General Observations Venturia sp. on Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench., col¬ lected in small amount near Trout Lake, Vilas Co., July 17, by J. Medler, does not seem identical with any of the members of this genus reported on Ericaceae in Wisconsin. The perithecia are hypophyllous on dead diistal areas, gregarious but not crowded, developing well within the host tissue, but still erumpent, black, globose, thick-walled, up to about 125 p diam., with stiff black setae approx. 50-60 x 4. fx. The asci are 50-55 x 15-16 p. broadly clavate or subova te, the ascospores about 20 x 7.5-8 p, greenish hyaline with septum almost median, but with one cell slightly larger than the other. Phyllachora sp., collected on Phalaris arundinacea L. at Madi¬ son, October 30, 1964, unfortunately does not have mature asco¬ spores. Orton, in his monographic treatment of North American graminicolous species of Phyllachora (Mycologia 36: 39. 1944), described Phyllachora phalaridis as a new species, known to him at that time only from the type locality in Massachusetts. The U. S. D. A. Index mentions no other species of Phyllachora on this host. Mycosphaerella sp. occurs on spots primarily due to Ramularia plantaginis on a leaf of Plantago rugelii Dene, collected August 10 near Leland, Sauk Co., and does not correspond to other species of Mycosphaerella reported on Plantago. Possibly it is connected with the Ramularia. The inconspicuous perithecia are grayish- brown, subglobose, about 75-85 p diam., the slender-clavate asci 36--38 X 6.5-7. 5 p, the hyaline, subfusoid ascospores ca. 8 x 3 p. 147 148 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 55 Mycosphaerella sp. is associated with Ascochyta compositarum J. J. Davis on dead areas of leaves of Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet collected at Madison, September 3. The black, thick-walled subglobose perithecia are about 125-150 y diam., the asci clavate, short-pedicellate, approx. 35-40 x 6-7 y, the hyaline ascospores isubfusoid, about 12 x 3 ju, with median septum. PucciNiA sp. (or Uromyces?), represented only by an amphi- sporic stage, has been noted on a specimen of Carex comosa Boott collected by H. H. litis near Hope Lake, Jefferson Co., July 28, 1956. The amphiispores range from oblong, subellipsoid or subfusoid to more or less broadly ovate, tend to be truncate at base and taper more or less above to a subacuminate apex, are ca. (30-) 40-55 x (13-) 14-16 (-18.5) /A, the wall golden-yellow, .8-1.2 y thick at base and sides, 3-5 (-7) /x above, finely verruculose, the pores 2-3 (-4), equatorial or superequatorial. A few of the spores have fragments of pedicels istill attached, but in most they have fallen away. Fig. 1 showts some of the amphispores and was provided by G. B. Cum¬ mins of the Arthur Herbarium at Purdue University, to whom the specimen was submitted for examination. It seems possible this may be connected with one of the varieties of Puccinia caricina DC. Aleurodiscus oakesii (B. & C.) Cooke is the name usually applied to the thelephoraceous fungus associated with, and pre¬ sumably causing, “patchy bark” of white oak, Quercus alba L., and less commonly bur oak, Q. macrocarpa Michx., in Wisconsin. This condition is very prominent on the large, open-grown white oaks in the woods on the University of Wisconsin Observatory Figure 1. Amphispores on Carex comosa. X800 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 149 property near Pine Bluff, Dane Co, Some of the trees have lost all, or practically all, the original bark from ground level to 20 feet or more up the trunk. Such trees are noticeably whiter and smoother than uninfected specimens and usually show many of the tiny, cup-like fruiting structures of the organism on the surface of the trunk. Large trees do not appear to be seriously damaged by the fungus, but it gives evidence of being at least mildly parasitic on struggling small oaks in the partial shade of the bigger trees. Some of these small trees are completely covered with the fungus and have died. It seems likely, from examination of cuts made into the trunks, that the cambium layer of the smaller trees has been invaded, thus in effect girdling them. Phyllosticta nebulosa Sacc. was reported in my Notes 31 as occurring on Lychnis viscaria L. in Wisconsin. Reliance was placed on named plants in a botanical garden, but examination of authentic specimens of L. viscaria indicates that though the plants so named are some species of Lychnis, they cannot be L. viscaria. Phyllosticta minima Ell. & Ev. has subglobose conidia about 7-8 X 5-6 /X. In a collection of this species on Acer ruhrum L., made near Denzer, Sauk Co., July 31, a few of the pycnidia have conidia which are cylindric and biguttulate, about (4-) 5-6 (-6.5) X 1.7-2 /X, The spots are very sharply defined and the infection does not appear to be a mixture of species. Phyllosticta minutis- sima Ell. & Ev., which occurs commonly on maple, has much smaller conidia of a micro-type. Phyllosticta diervillae J. J. Davis on Diervilla lonicera Mill, was found in the Madison School Forest near Verona, Dane Co., July 25, All previous collections were made by Davis in extreme northern Wisconsin, the latest in 1923. Phyllosticta wisconsinensis H. C. Greene described occurring on Helianthus occidentalis Ridd. (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 53: 211. 1964) has long-cylindric conidia (8.5-) 10-13 (-16) x 2. 5-3. 5 /X and large pycnidia, often 200 /x or more in diam. An additional specimen on the same host, collected at Madison in 1965, is practically identical in type of lesion and in microscopic char¬ acters. Two specimens on the closely related Helianthus rigidus (Cass.) Desf., one collected in 1961 near Cassville, Grant Co., and the other in 1965 near Albany, Green Co., have very similar rounded to fusoid lesions and large pycnidia like those of Ph. wis¬ consinensis, but the conidia are shorter, not more than 8 /x, and somewhat wider, similar to the conidia of Phyllosticta favillensis Greene (Amer. Midi. Nat. 48: 50. 1952), described from a speci¬ men on Silphium integrifolium Michx. and currently represented 150 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 in the Wisconsin Herbarium by four specimens on this host. The Albany and Cassville specimens on H. rigidus are being filed temporarily with the Phyllostictae indet. They appear, however, to be related to Ph. wisconsinensis rather than to Ph. favillensis. Phyllostictae, appearing parasitic, but so far undetermined as to species, continue to be found on diverse hosts, as indicated in the following descriptive notes: 1) On Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. collected near Leland, Sauk Co., August 31, 1964. On indeterminate, dull reddish-brown areas; pycnidia epiphyllous, black, subglobose, widely ostiolate, pseudoparenchymatous, small, about 60-75 /x diam., tending to be in lines following the venation ; conidia hyaline of the micro-type, about 4. 5-6. 5 x .7-1 /x. 2) On Quercus ellipsoidalis. Collected at Madison September 14. Spots very sharply defined, rounded, with rather wide reddish-brown borders and very light brown centers, 4-6 mm. diam. ; pycnidia epiphyllous, loosely to closely gregarious, shiny black, deeply seated in tissue, globose or subglobose, approx. 100-150 fx diam. ; conidia subglobose to ovoid, 6.5-8 x 9.5- 10.5 (-12) /X. Phyllosticta globulosa Thum., which also occurs on oak, is described as having subglobose or ovate-globose conidia 6-9 /X diam., but plainly differs in other characters. 3) On Oxyhaphus nyctagineus (Michx.) Sweet collected in Dane Co., near Arena, July 8, 1964. Spots dull brown, small and marginal, usually bearing only one or two pycnidia, but occasionally more; pycnidia amphi- genous, mostly epiphyllous, black, subglobose, about 125-175 /x diam., the ostiole delimited by a dense ring of black cells; conidia hyaline, narrow-f usoid, approx. 8-11 x 2. 4-2. 7 (-3) /x. The conidial shape and the rather large black pycnidia suggest that this may prove to be a species of Phomopsis, but no scolecospores were seen in the mounts studied. 4) On three specimens of Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx., the first collected July 6 at Gov. Dodge State Park, Iowa Co. The conspicuous spots are ashen with a very narrow yellowish-brown border, orbicular to oblong, .3-7 cm. in short diam. ; pycnidia epiphyllous, scattered, from somewhat flattened to subglobose, thin-walled, pallid yellowish-brown, small, about 50-75 /x diam.; conidia hyaline, sub- cylindric to subfusoid or broadly subfusoid, straight or slightly curved, about 4.5-8 (-10) x 2. 4-3. 2 /x. The second specimen was taken a few days later, July 14, at the same station. Here the lesions are large, effuse, sordid greenish-brown areas involving the distal portions of leaflets; pycnidia many, flesh-colored, about 100-150 /X diam.; conidia similar in shape to, but slightly larger than, the July 6 specimen. The third specimen was gathered August 28 at Wildcat Mt. State Park, Vernon Co. Here the con¬ spicuous lesions are wedgeshaped, distal in situation, up to 5 cm. 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 151 long by 3 cm. at widest point, subzonate, tan, with narrow darker margin ; pycnidia loosely gregarious, epiphyllous, rather dark brown and thick-walled, subglobose, about 125-200 p. diam. ; conidia similar to those in the other two specimens. Perhaps all represent progressive stages in the development of the same thing. I have found no report on any Phyllosticta on Caulophyllum. 5) On Potentilla recta L. collected at Tower Hill State Park, Iowa Co., October 13. Very much like a Phyllosticta which occurred on Fragaria virginiana Dene., as reported in my Notes 26 (Trans. Wis. Acad, Sci. Arts Lett. 49: 89. 1960). In both specimens the zonate banding of the spots is similar, the conidiophores well- developed, the conidia correspond in size and shape, and the pycnidia are erumpent, but lighter in color and less markedly rostrate on Potentilla. 6) On Staphylea trifolia L. collected at Nelson Dewey State Park, Grant Co., September 19, 1961. The spots are ashen-brown, immarginate, irregular, approx. 1 cm. diam., pycnidia hypophyllous, gregarious, dark brown, subglobose, appar¬ ently without ostioles, about 75-90 p diam.; conidia hyaline, short rod-shaped, 3-3.5 x .8-1 ix. 7) On Menyanthes trifoliata L. col¬ lected June 12 in Hope Lake Bog near Cambridge, Jefferson Co. The spots are tan with narrow darker border, rounded, about 4-6 mm. diam.; pycnidia epiphyllous, gregarious, light brown, pseudoparenchymatous, subglobose with prominent ostiole, about 80-110 jtt diam.; conidia hyaline, rod-shaped, about 2.5-3 x .7-1 fji, very numerous. 8) On Scrophularia marilandica L., two speci¬ mens, from Gov. Dodge State Park, Iowa Co., August 23, and from near Leland, Sauk Co., August 24. Spots sordid brown, sometimes purple-bordered, ranging from rounded and only 2-3 mm. diam. to large irregular blotches; pycnidia epiphyllous, scattered to gre¬ garious, pallid brownish, thin-walled, subglobose, ca. 90-140 p diam. ; conidia hyaline, ellipsoid to short-cylindric, quite variable in size, seeming to run somewhat smaller in the Sauk Co. specimen, but intergrading, approx. (3.5-) 5-7 (-8.5) x 1.5-2 p. Similar to but better developed than specimens on this host reported on in my Notes 30. European species are described on Scrophularia, but none correspond in conidial size with the Wisconsin specimens. 9) On Pentstemon gracilis Nutt. var. wisconsinensis (Penn.) Fassett collected near Lodi, Columbia Co., June 7, 1960. Spots narrow, elongate, subtramslucent, ashen with brownish borders; pycnidia seriately arranged, black, subglobose, approx. 135-175 p diam., the ostiole delimited by a very thick ring of black, heavy- walled cells; conidia very numerous, hyaline, straight or slightly curved, narrowly cylindric, 4-6 x 1-1.3 p. 10) On Aureolaria (Gerardia) pedicularia (L.) Raf. collected near Leland, Sauk Co., August 14. Spots small, about 2-3 mm. diam., rounded, subzonate. 152 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 dark brown but often with a paler center; pycnidia epiphyllous, mostly closely crowded in the central portion of the spot, pallid sooty=brown, isubglobose, approx. 125-150 p. diam. ; conidia hyaline, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, short-cylindric or occasionally sub- fusoid, biguttulate in some pycnidia, variable in size, (3.5-) 5- 7 (-11) X 2-3 (-4) IX, 11) On Triosteum perfoliatum L. Two specimens, the first from near Pine Bluff, Dane Co., September 5, 1964. Spots ranging from tiny, angled and ashen, about 1 mm, diam. to larger, indefinite, light reddish-brown areas; conidia hyaline, very small, 2.5-3 x .5-.7 p,. Similar material has been collected in August or later in several localities and twice leaves have been held out-of-doors over winter without any further de¬ velopment. The second specimen was taken September 12, 1964, at Gov. Dodge State Park, Iowa Co. Here the lesions are large, about 2-2.5 cm. diam., ovate and brownish, with a cinereous center; pycnidia epiphyllous, blackish, subglobose, approx. 125-150 p diam.; conidia hyaline, ellipsoid, small, 3-3,5 (-4.5) x 1-1.3 p. 12) On Viburnum cassinoides L. (cult.) collected at Madison, October 5. Spots small, rounded, dark, elevated; pycnidia epiphyl¬ lous, black, subglobose, about 125-150 p diam.; conidia hyaline, subcylindric or subfusoid, approx. 5-8 x 2.5-3 p. 13) On Solidago canadensis L. from the Flambeau State Forest near Oxbow, Sawyer Co., July 23, 1964. Spots rounded and dark-bordered, with cinere¬ ous centers, small, about 1-2 mm. diam. ; pycnidia epiphyllous, one or two per spot, pallid sooty-brown, thin-walled, globose, about 150-175 p diam., the ostiole delimited by a ring of dark, thick- walled cells ; conidia hyaline, narrow-cylindric, straight or slightly curved, often guttulate, approx. 6-10 x 1.8-2. 3 p. 14) A Phyllos- ticta very similar microscopically to the preceding occurs on Aster prenanthoides Muhl. collected near Leland, Sauk Co., August 19, 1964. The fungus is hypophyllous on orbicular lesions 1-2 cm. diam., which are purplish above and dull yellowish below. 15) On Silphium perfoliatum L. collected near Leland, Sauk Co., September 19, 1964. Spots rather indefinite, mostly small and somewhat rounded, but becoming confluent over considerable areas, mottled dark gray and ashen; pycnidia epiphyllous, mostly rather closely clustered on, but not confined to, the lighter portions of the spots, small, black, globose, about 50-90 p diam., without true ostioles, although some pycnidia have rounded, thin areas in the walls; conidiahyaline, short rod-shaped, 3-5 x .6-8 p. 16) On Helian- thus giganteus L. collected near Leland, Sauk Co., August 12, 1964. Spots small, angled and ashen on larger indefinite brown areas; pycnidia epiphyllous, usually only one to a spot, black, subglobose, about 150-175 p diam, ; conidia hyaline, cylindric, 6-7 x 1.5-2 p. 17) On Arctium minus Bernh. from Gov. Dodge State Park, Iowa 1966] Greene— Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 153 Co., October 1. Spots mottled, cinereous through blackish-brown, irregular in shape and size; pycnidia epiphyllous, scattered, dark brown, subglobose, about 150-175 /x diam. ; conidia hyaline, cylin- dric, 4-5.5 x 1.5-1. 8 /x, sometimes biguttulate. CONIOTHYRIUM spp. indet, and possibly parasitic have been noted. 1) On Salix discolor MuhL collected near Leland, Sauk Co., August 4, 1964. Spots small, fuscous, marginal ; pycnidia epiphyl- lous, scattered, black, erumpent, subglobose, approx. 115-125 diam, ; conidia greenish-gray, oblong or broadly ellipsoid, 5-6.5 x 2.5-3 2) On Ulmus americana from near Leland, Sauk Co., June 18. Spots sharply defined, usually only one or two to a leaf, pallid- to reddish-brown, with narrow darker borders, rounded, about 2-4 mm. diam. ; pycnidia epiphyllous, more or less closely gregarious, black, rather thick-walled, subglobose, mostly about 100-150 fi diam. ; conidia smooth, clear olivaceous-gray, broadly elliptic, 4-7 x 2. 7-3. 5 ,/x. Because many of the leaves in this large collection bear, on rather similar spots, the Phyllosticta which has in Wisconsin lists been doubtfully referred to P. ulmicola Sacc., it seems possible that the Phyllosticta was primary, especially since a few spots show a mixture of Coniothyrium and Phyllosticta. The form in hand does not in any way correspond to Tharp's Coniothyrium ulmi (Mycologia 9: 116. 1917). 3) On Cotoneaster “melanocarpa'' (cult.) collected at Madison, September 11, 1964. The spots are rounded or angular, about 2-5 mm. diam., essentially sordid- or rufous-brown, but the centers often appear cinereous, due primarily to a loosened and somewhat uplifted cuticle ; pycnidia epiphyllous, erumpent and gregarious, appearing intraepidermal in origin, black, thick-walled, subglobose, approx. 100-160 diam.; conidia light grayish-olivaceous, oblong to broadly ellipsoid, or sometimes almost globoid, about 2.7-3. 8 x 5-5.5 ,/x. 4) On Acer negundo L. from near Leland, Sauk Co., August 10. Spots orbicu¬ lar, ashen and translucent, with narrow yellow-brown border, about .3-1 cm. diam, ; pycnidia mostly epiphyllous, scattered, globose or subglobose, approx. 100-150 diam. ; conidia very numerous, smooth, clear light gray, 4-5.5 x 2.3-3. 5 ./x. Evidently not Coniothyr¬ ium negundinis Tehon & Daniels, which occurred at the bases of twigs, had pycnidia twice as large, and smaller, olivaceous, spheri¬ cal to ovoid conidia, Phomopsis sp, was present in profusion on still attached over¬ wintered fruit of a cultivated species of Rosa collected June 22 at Madison. The large, crowded, black, globose pycnidia are approx. 175-250 .p. diam,, the hyaline scolecospores ca, 18-22 x 1.2-1. 6 /x, 154 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 from almost straight to sinuously curved, enlarged at one end, the other conidia subfusoid, 6-9 x 2-2.5 y. Both types of spores are abundant. Parasitic in origin? Phomopsis sp. ? occurs on cinereous areas of leaflets of Caragana arhorescens Lam. (cult.) collected at Madison, July 20. Pycnidia black, thick-walled, prominently ostiolate, gregarious to crowded, mostly epiphyllous, subglobose, variable in size, about 100-250 /x diam. Deflnite scolecospores were not seen, but conidia range from rather broadly fusoid to moderately slender in one group which run 7-10.5 x 3-3.8 /x, to a second group where they are about 12-13 X 2 /X at one end and tapering to 1 /x at the other, thus verging on a scolecosporous condition, with an aspect strongly sug¬ gestive of Phomopsis. Phomopsis caraganae Bond, on stems has fusoid conidia of similar size, Ascochyta spp., ranging from well-developed to more or less presumptive, have been found on 1) Apios tuberosa Moench. col¬ lected at Gov. Dodge State Park, Iowa Co., July 6. Well character¬ ized and appearing mature. Spots conspicuous, greenish to pallid brownish with narrow dark brown margin, translucent, orbicular, about .5-1.5 cm. diam. ; pycnidia carneous, thin-walled, gregarious to crowded, subglobose, approx. (90-) 125-175 /x diam.; conidia hyaline, subcylindric or subfusoid, 7-10 (-11) x (2.6-) 3-3.5 (-4) /X, regularly uniseptate, occasionally slightly constricted at septum. In essentials this seems very similar to an undetermined Ascochyta reported in my Notes 29 (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 52: 236. 1963) and it seems likely that other specimens on both Apios and Amphicarpa with this type of lesion and pycnidia, referred doubtfully to Phyllosticta phaseolina Sacc., in reality belong here. More collections on both hosts would be desirable. 2) on Convolvu¬ lus sepium L., Madison, July 9, 1964. The blackish subglobose pycnidia are about 125 /x diam., the hyaline, guttulate, uniseptate conidia about 10-12 x 2.5 /x. The pycnidia are on the same type of reddish-brown, zonate spots characteristic of Stagonospora con¬ volvuli Dearn. & House, so it seems possible thisi is merely a some¬ what depauperate development of that species. 3) On Polemonium reptans L. collected near Leland, Sauk Co., July 15. Spots diapha¬ nous, ashen-brown, orbicular to ovate, about 1 cm. diam. ; pycnidia scattered to gregarious or even crowded, pallid brownish and thin- walled, with a well-defined ostiole delimited by a narrow ring of dark cells, subglobose, mostly 125-200 /x diam., even more in a few cases; conidia hyaline, short-cylindric, broadly ellipsoid, or sub¬ fusoid, a small number with a median septum, about 5-7.5 x 2.4-3 ,/x. The specimen appears well-matured, but perhaps more conidia would have developed septa in time. There seem to be no 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 155 reports of Ascochyta or Phyllosticta on Polemonium in North America. Ascochyta polemonii Cav. on cultivated P. caeruleum L. in Europe has conidia 12-14 x 3 /x. 4) On Glecoma (Nepeta) hederacea L. collected near Albany, Green Co., October 1, 1964. Spots rounded, sordid brownish with darker border, about 5 mm. diam. ; pycnidia epiphyllous, gregarious, thin-walled, subglobose, about 100-125 ,/x diam.; conidia hyaline, cylindric, uniformly and markedly biguttulate, 5-7 x 1.8-2. 2 /x. The conidia are much smaller than those of Ascochyta nepetae Davis which occurs on Nepeta cataria L. 5) On a leaf of V eronicastrum virginicum (L). Farw. collected July 15 near Leland, Sauk Co. Spot blackened, strongly zonate, about 4 mm. diam. ; pycnidia flesh-colored, sub- globose, about 100-125 ^ diam. ; conidia uniformly uniseptate, hya¬ line with granular contents, cylindric and obtuse, about 7.5-10 x 3-3.5 /X. Directly centered on the reverse of the spot is a sorus of the microcyclic rust Puccinia veronicarum DC. In the same gen¬ eral area on September 11, on the same host, a possible Ascochyta was found on orbicular, blackish, zonate areas, about 1-2.5 cm. diam. ; pycnidia sooty-brownish, thin-walled, subglobose, approx. 100-125 /X diam., scattered and very inconspicuous ; conidia hyaline, cylindric, sparingly uniseptate, about 9-10 x 2-2.3 /x, mostly non- septate and smaller, about 4. 5-7. 5 x 1.3-1. 7 /x. 6) On Antennaria parlinii Fern, collected August 31, 1964, near Leland, Sauk Co. Spots sordid brown with narrow darker margin, irregular in shape and involving the distal portions of the leaves; pycnidia epiphyl¬ lous, gregarious, black, subglobose, thick-walled, erumpent, approx. 125-150 /X diam. ; conidia hyaline, cylindric, uniformly uniseptate, not constricted at septum, (11-) 12-13 (-14) x 2. 5-2. 8 /x. The ra¬ tio of length to width of the conidia suggests that this might ulti¬ mately prove to be a Stagonospora. Aster prenanthoides Muhl., collected near Leland, Sauk Co., August 12, 1964, bears on the living leaves a possibly parasitic and peculiar sphaeropsidaceous fungus which seems to fall between Diplodina West, and Chaetodiplodina Speg. There are no spots. The pycnidia are sooty brown, relatively thin-walled and pseudo- parenchymatous, globose, about 110-225 /x diam., the ostiole small but sharply outlined by a ring of dark cells, hypophyllous, scat¬ tered and superficial on a small, loosely organized subiculoid net¬ work, the component hyphae of which are brownish and appear to originate as strands from wall cells at various points on the pyc- nidium. Conidia are hyaline, straight or slightly curved, cylindric, long-cylindric, or subfusoid, many appearing continuous, but many uniseptate and a few obscurely 3-septate, approx. (15-) 17-30 (-33) X 3.5 — 5 ,/x. 156 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Septoria sp. is strictly confined to the spermogonial surface of aecial sori of Puccinia dioicae P. Magn. on leaves of Solidago patula Muhl. collected July 1 near Leland, Sauk Co. The sori have a conspicuous blackish-purple margin, quite unlike sori on adjacent leaves which bore the rust alone. The tiny black pycnidia are only about 35-50 /x diam., the hyaline acicular spores approx. 15-20 X 1 jit. Hendersonia sp. — a very large-spored form — occurs on conspic¬ uous spots on leaves of Spartina pectinata Link collected at Madi¬ son, September 3, 1965. This spotting of Spartina has been noted over the years at various stations, and specimens have been pre¬ served. In my Notes 20 (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 43: 173. 1954) I described the spots of a specimen collected in 1952 near Mazomanie, Dane Co., as “remarkably conspicuous, large, orbicular . . . with grayish centers and wide, purplish-brown borders on the upper surface of the leaves. On the lower surface and coinciding with the spots are wefts of sordid-whitish, largely superficial, yet closely appressed mycelium. Microscopically this mycelium is thin-walled, septate, and somewhat verrucose. . . At that time I overlooked the very scanty and inconspicuous devel¬ opment of the Hendersonia, as I did in subsequent specimens, until the 1965 Madison collection, where there is a relatively profuse de¬ velopment of pycnidia. Taking all the specimens into account, one finds that the pycnidia are from scattered and very few in some to gregarious and fairly numerous in others. They are subglobose, about 160-200 /x diam., sooty-olivaceous, with a small ostiole de¬ limited by a ring of dark, thick-walled cells. The large conidia are from almost straight to variously curved, widest at or near the middle, ends obtuse, clear yellowish-olivaceous, 6-9, but mostly 7-septate, approx. (60-) 75-100 (-120) x (11-) 12-13 (-15) /x. The relation of the superficial hypophyllous mycelium to the Hen¬ dersonia is not clear, although it occurs in greater or less develop¬ ment on the reverse of all the spots and is confined to them. Cylindrosporella ( ?) sp. occurs on mottled green and brownish areas of leaves of Podophyllum peltatum L. collected May 29 near Albany, Green Co. The subcuticular acervuli are most inconspicu¬ ous and even in section discernible with difficulty. They are very slightly concave to almost plane and the conidiophores on them very short, almost obsolete. The conidia, which are produced in con¬ siderable numbers, are hyaline, cylindric or subcylindric, straight or slightly curved, (6-) 8-10 (-12) x 1.2-2. 6 /x. This plainly has no connection with Septotinia podophyllina (Ell. & Ev.) Whetzel, which has much larger septate conidia and lesions of a different aspect. 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 157 COLLETOTRICHUM spp. indet, have been noted on several hosts as possible parasites. 1) On leaf midribs of Corylus americana Walt, collected near Pine Bluff, Dane Co., September 5, 1964. The leaf adjacent to the midrib is brownish and discolored, suggesting parasitism. The fructifications are elongate and deep-seated in the tissue, the stiff setae black below, somewhat paler toward the tip, 1-2 septate, approx. 65-150 x 5-6 p. (somewhat wider at the very base) , a few shorter and narrower, mostly in pairs or small groups. The conidia hyaline, falcate, 20-23 x 2. 5-3. 2 p. 2) On Asarum canadense L. collected in Wyalusing State Park, Grant Go., June 24. Spots blackened, orbicular, about .5-1 cm. diam. ; acervuli epiphyllous, scattered to gregarious; setae rather coarse, fascicled and prominent, clear purplish-brown below to slightly paler above, tapering gradually to the subacuminate tips, slightly to moderately curved, approx. 90-140 x 5-7 p, 2-5 septate; conidia hyaline, falcate to almost lunate, about 17-23 x 2.5-3 p. The affected leaves were growing among and surrounded by healthy leaves on a high, deeply shaded bluff where frost damage could scarcely have been a factor. Possibly parasitic, but Asarum canadense is notable for lack of parasites, with the only so far determined fungus reported on it from Wisconsin or elsewhere being Synchytrium asari Arth. & Holw. 3) On dead upper portions of stems of Desmodium brac- teosum (Michx.) DC, var. longifolium (T. & G.) Rob. from the New Glarus Woods Roadside Park, Green Co., October 1, 1964. The plants were, in the main, still living and it seems probable that the fungus caused the death of the stem tips. No setae were ob¬ served, but the organism is perhaps referable to Colletotrichum in the usage of von Arx. The acervuli occur in profusion, are dark, subepidermal, small, mostly only about .2 x .1 mm. ; conidiophores closely compacted and olivaceous below, but paler above in the free measurable portion where they are from about 8-10 x 2,5-3 p. ap¬ pearing to be confined mostly to the margin of the acervulus; conidia subhyaline, cylindric, about 11-15 x 3. 5-4. 5 p. 4) On Asclepias exaltata (L.) Muhl. collected at Madison, September 11, 1964, Lesions elongate, pallid greenish with wavy black borders, approx. .5 cm. wide by 2-4 cm. long; acervuli epiphyllous and gre¬ garious; setae peripheral, slender, flexuous, uniform clear dark brown, little if any paler at the subacuminate tips, sparingly sep¬ tate, approx. 60-85 x 3. 5-4. 5 p; conidia hyaline, straight, cylindric I and obtuse, occasionally subfusoid, about 14-17 x 3. 5-5. 5 p. I Marssonina (?) sp. occurs on Quercus velutina Lam. collected j at Madison, October 3, 1964. The flesh-colored acervuli are hy- I pophyllus on elongate brownish areas along the principal veins, j In my Notes 26 (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 49: 95. 1960) I 158 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts- and Letters [Vol. 55 mentioned a very similar fungus on Quercus alha L., where the conidia “vary from rarely obclavate to cylindric, broadly cylindric or ellipsoid, or curved Marssonina-like, continuous so far as ob¬ served, 18-36 X 6.5-9 fx.” One would suspect that the great irregu¬ larity in conidial size may be the result of late season development, with accompanying wide temperature extremes, but even so this organism does not seem close to any fungus currently reported from this area on either white or black oak. Botrytis (B. vulgaris Fr.?) appears strongly parasitic on elon¬ gate brownish lesions which encircle the stems of greenhouse- grown tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum L., at Madison in September 1965. The fungus is fruiting profusely, with whorls of subhyaline, short-clavate branches produced near the tips of comparatively long, septate, brownish-olivaceous conidiophores. The conidia are grayish, smooth, broadly elliptic, oval or oblong, 8-10 (-13) x 6-9 ju. Cladosporium sp., appearing parasitic, is epiphyllous on Andro¬ meda glaucophylla Link collected in Hope Lake Bog near Cam¬ bridge, Jefferson Co., June 12. The spots are rounded, reddish- purple, small, 1-2 mm. diam., or confluent and larger, mostly mar¬ ginal on the narrow leaves ; conidiophores loosely clustered from a isubstromatic base to fascicled from a well-developed stroma, multi- septate, from almost straight to slightly curved or sinuous, a few subgeniculate, simple, subdenticulate, clear brown below, becoming pallid above, 35-60 x 3-4 jx ; conidia ellipsoid to subfusoid, continu¬ ous or 1-septate, catenulate, roughened, grayish-olivaceous, about 10-12 (-15) X 3-4 jx, I have not found any reports of Cladosporium on Andromeda or related plants. Cercospora sp. in small amount, has been observed on Gaultheria procumbens L. collected by J. A, Curtis in the Bittersweet Lake Scientific Area near Eagle River, Vilas Co., July 25, 1963. This bears no resemblance to Cercospora gaultheriae Ell. & Ev. nor to other species listed on Ericaceae in Chupp’s monograph. The fun¬ gus is hypophyllous and quite diffuse, the conidiophores clear brown, markedly geniculate and tortuous, often rather intricately branched and intermingled, but not compacted into a stroma, about 4.5-6 fx diam. at the base, several-septate and up to 150 /x long. The conidia are dilute olivaceous, narrowly obclavate to almost acicular, straight to moderately curved, 5-11 or more septate, base subtrun¬ cate, 55-105 X 3.5-4.5 /x. Alternaria sp. in an apparently parasitic condition on Euphor¬ bia esula L. was first noted at Madison in 1949 and commented upon briefly in my Notes 14. The material was rather old, however, and not suitable for close study. In 1965, in the same general location. 1966] Greene- — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 159 much fresher and quite plainly parasitic Alternaria was collected and studied on this host. The spots are sordid brown with a narrow darker border, rounded or angular in basic outline, usually extend¬ ing from about the midrib up to, and involving, the margins of the narrow leaves, subzonate and approx. 2-5 mm. diam. The conidi- ophores are amphigenous, but most prominent on the upper leaf surface, and appear to be produced from stomates in a few cases, in broadly diverging groups of half a dozen or more. They are clear olivaceous-brown, 3-4 septate, up to 60 x 4 ju and from almost straight to curved and mildly tortuous-geniculate. The main spore bodies are olivaceous-gray or olivaceous, broadly ovate to clavate, about 28-50 x 12.5-14 (-15) /x, the narrow beaks subhyaline to dilute olivaceous, approx. 15-30 (-35) x 2-3 /x. The spores with beaks mostly run about (50-) 60-70 (-80) x 12-15 /x with 3-9 transverse septa and about 2-5 vertical septa. Alternaria brassicae (B.) Sacc, is reported in Seymour's Index as occurring on Euphorbia esula, but according to Neergaard in his authoritative “Danish Species of Alternaria and StemphyliuriF’ , A. brassicae is a much coarser spe¬ cies, The Wisconsin specimen likewise does not correspond with Macrosporium (Alternaria) euphorbiae BarthoL, which has wider spores and much longer beaks. Graphiothecium vinosum J. J. Davis was described (Trans, Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 18(1) : 90. 1915) as occurring on Ribes americanum Mill, at Madison, with the observation that the fungus reached full maturity only after overwintering. The last previous collection on this host was made nearly 50 years ago, but in Sep¬ tember 1964 at Tower Hill State Park, Iowa Co., leaves of Ribes americanum, infected with what appeared to be possibly an imma¬ ture Ascomycete, were gathered and overwintered out-of-doors at Madison, In May 1965 these were found to bear numerous vinous- purplish synemmata characteristic of Graphiothecium vinosum. Graphiothecium sp. developed on leaves of Lonicera tatarica L. collected at Madison, October 6, 1964, with the fungus in immature condition, and held out-of-doors until May 1965. The closely gre¬ garious synemmata are amphigenous and deeply seated in the leaf tissue, with a black, bulbous base about 125-150 /x diam. The synem¬ mata proper are approx. 175-200 /x long by 25 /x or more thick, black and compact below, but becoming hyaline and more loosely organ¬ ized above. The conidia are hyaline, fusoid to subcylindric, about 10-17 X 2,5-4 /X, often produced at right angles to the stalk. Although a late season collection, the fungus appeared to have ini¬ tiated its development as a parasite. So long as unblighted by frost, Tatarian honeysuckle and similar exotics remain green and active much later in the fall than most native species. At the time of col- 160 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 lection the fruiting structures resembled immature pycnidia or perithecia, with no indication of the ultimate synemmatal develop¬ ment which evidently occurred in the spring of 1965. Lonicera morrowi Gray observed near Ridgeway, Iowa Co., August 5, 1964, bore on the under surface of the leaves a curious, possibly parasitic, presumed fungus which is snowy white and had developed in narrow lines in the form of closed rings, partial rings, and other less regular serpentine patterns. All leaves on any one branch consistently bore the fungus and, except for it, were very clean-appearing with no evidence whatsoever of the debris one would ordinarily expect had the growth accompanied insect infes¬ tation. Although superficial in aspect, the organism is very closely appressed and not readily removed. Microscopically it consists of masses of closely interwoven, non-fruiting, hyaline, very slender, hyphae-like threads, about 1 jx wide, which are only obscurely sep¬ tate, or perhaps even non-septate. These threads quite regularly ascend the trichomes but appear to be superficial on them. Additional Hosts The following hosts have not been previously recorded as bearing the fungi mentioned in Wisconsin. Plasmopara viburni Peck on Viburnum opulus L. (cult.). Mil¬ waukee Co., Fox Point, September 24, 1962. Coll. & det. J. W. Baxter. Syzygites megalocarpus Ehr. ex Fr. on Entoloma (grayanum Peck?). Dane Co., Madison, September 27. Coll. & det. R. J. Boles. Microsphaera alni (Wallr.) Wint. on Lonicera morrowi Gray. Iowa Co., near Ridgeway, August 5, 1964. Phyllachora gram inis (Pers.) Fckl. on Elymus iviegandii Fern. Grant Co., Wyalusing State Park, August 28, 1957. Coll. H. H. litis. Ophiodothis haydeni (B. & C.) Sacc. on Aster sagittif olius Willd. Sauk Co., near Leland, September 11. Metasphaeria leersiae (Pass.) Sacc. on Leersia virginica Willd. Jackson Co., Gullickson’s Glen near Disco, August 21, 1963. Leptosphaeria elymi Atk. on Elymus canadensis L. Sauk Co., near Leland, July 15. Ceratostomella ulmi Buisman on slippery elm, TJlmus rubra Muhl. E. B. Smalley, Dutch elm disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin, informs me that the disease is now general upon slip- 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 161 pery as well as upon American elm in southern Wisconsin, and that he has noted its natural occurrence on Ulmus pumila L. in the state, although this species is comparatively resistant. Cronartium ribicola Filsch. II, II on Ribes diacantha Pall, (cult.). Dane Co., Madison, September 22. Melampsora abieti-caprearum Tub. II, III on Salix adeno- phylla Hook. (cult.). Dane Co., Madison, October 5. PucciNiA CARICINA DC. II on Carex comosa Boott. Oneida Co., near Woodruff, July 5, 1958. Coll. H. H. litis. PucciNiA DIOICAE P. Magn. I on Solidago uliginosa Nutt. Sawyer Co., Flambeau State Forest near Oxbow, July 24, 1964. PUCCINIA DIOICAE P. Magn, II, III on Carex annectens Bickn. var. xanthocarpa (Bickn.) Wieg. LaCrosse Co., Town of Farming- ton, June 29, 1959. Coll. A. M. Peterson. This is the punctate form, Puccinia vulpinoidis Diet. & Holw., now regarded as a synonym. PUCCINIA KARELICA Tranz. II, III on Carex crinita Lam. Florence Co., Lost Lake, July 14, 1939. Coll, A. L. Throne. Det. J. W. Baxter. Puccinia asteris Duby on Aster puniceus L, Iowa Co., Gov. Dodge State Park, July 14. Uromyces SILPHII (Burr.) Arth. I on Helianthus tuherosus L. Sauk Co., near Leland, June 16. Uromyces sporoboli Ell. & Ev, III on Sporobolus heterolepis Gray. Kenosha Co., near Woodworth, August 10, 1954. Coll. P. B. Whitford. Det. J. W. Baxter. CiNTRACTiA CARicis (Pers.) Magn. on Carex meadii Dewey. Iowa Co,, near Ridgeway, June 14. Phyllosticta hispida Ell. & Dearn. on Smilax ecirrhata (Engelm.) Wats. Green Co., New Glarus Woods Roadside Park, September 8, 1951. Although an adequate specimen was placed in the herbarium at the time of collection, it was overlooked and not recorded in these notes. Phyllosticta monardae Ell. & Barth, on Monarda punctata L. Sauk Co., near Leland, September 11. P. monardae is said to be syn¬ onymous with Phyllosticta decidua Ell. & Kell., but because the description does not fit P. decidua as I understand it, on an interim basis I have applied the name P. monardae to a species of Phyllos¬ ticta with non- translucent spots which occurs on Monarda, Ble- philia, Lycopus, Mentha and Py cnanthemum in Wisconsin and which corresponds well with the description. 162 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Phoma polygramma (Fr.) Sacc. var. plantaginis Sacc. on Plantago rugelii Dene. Racine Co., Racine, October 30, 1894. Coll. J. J. Davis. This is labeled Phyllachora plantaginis Ell. & Ev. and is presumably a portion of the specimen from which Ellis and Ever¬ hart described that species. Except for the fact that the fusoid conidia are slightly longer than in specimens on Plantago lance- olata L., discussed by me in my Notes 27 (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. 50: 159. 1961), the overall aspect is very similar indeed, although in P. rugelii the fungus is on the leaves, whereas in P. lonceolata it is normally confined to the flowering scapes. Rhizosphaeara kalkhoffi Bub. on Picea pungens Engelm. (cult.). Grant Co., Wauzeka, October 1964. Coll. G. L. Worf. Neottiospora arenaria Syd. on Carex lanuginosa Michx. Adams Co., Springville Twp., September 13, 1958. Coll. T. G. Hartley (6273). CONIOTHYRIUM FUCKELii Sacc. on Rubus strigosus Michx. Sauk Co., near Leland, August 31, 1964. Ascochyta violae Sacc. & Speg. on Viola sororia Willd. Sauk Co., near Leland, August 31, 1964. Ascochyta compositarum J. J. Davis on Ambrosia trifida L. Iowa Co,, Gov. Dodge State Park, July 6. The smaller-spored variety. Stagonospora albescens j. j. Davis on Carex hystricina Muhl. Florence Co., near Lost Lake, June 14, 1959. Coll. H. H. litis. On C. rostrata Stokes. Sawyer Co., Flambeau State Forest, June 24, 1959. Coll. E. Beals. Septoria nematospora j. j. Davis on Carex intumescens Rudge. Sawyer Co., near Loretta, June 12, 1959. Coll. L. Hathaway. Septoria caricinella Sacc. & Roum. on Carex lactust7is Willd. Price Co., Chequamegon National Forest near Park Falls, June 20, 1959. Coll. E. Beals. Septoria caricina Brun. on Carex pedunculata Muhl. Sauk Co., Parfrey's Glen, June 8, 1964. Septoria glycines Hemmi on Amphicarpa bracteata (L.) Fern. Dane Co., Madison, August 6, 1964. Hemmi gives the pycnidial diameter as 44-100 jx and the length of spores at 21-52 y. On Amphi¬ carpa they are about 50-65 fx and 20-40 y, respectively and the lesions are dull brownish, cuneate, about .5-3 cm. long by not more 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 163 than 1 cm. wide, usually involving the tips of leaflets. The pycnidia are epiphyllous and gregarious, mostly concentrated along the prin¬ cipal veins, Septoria lobeliae Peck on Lobelia kalmii L, Door Co., Egg Har¬ bor, August 27, 1945. Coll. R. A. McCabe. On basal leaves of a pha¬ nerogamic specimen, Septoria matricariae Hollos on Anthemis cotula L. Dane Co., Madison, June 3. Sphaceloma rosarum (Pass.) Jenkins on Rosa rugosa Thunb. (cult.). Dane Co., Madison, October 5. Hainesia lythri (Desm.) Hoehn. on Ruhus deliciosus Torr. (cult.). Dane Co., Madison, September 22. COLLETOTRICHUM MADISONENSIS H. C. Greene on Carex comosa Boott. Jefferson Co., Hope Lake Bog near Cambridge, July 28, 1956, Coll. H. H. litis. On C. rostrata Stokes. Sawyer Co., Flambeau State Forest, June 24, 1959. Coll. E. Beals. On C. vulpinoidea Michx. Waupaca Co., Clintonville, July 28, 1959. Coll. K. D. Rill. Colletotrichum helianthi J. J. Davis on Helianthus tuberosus L. Sauk Co., near Leland, June 16. Cylindrosporium rubi Ell. & Morg. on Ruhus odoratus L. (cult.). Dane Co., Madison, October 5. Monochaetia discosioides (Ell. & Ev.) Sacc. on Rosa rugosa Thunb. (cult.). Dane Co., Madison, October 5. Considerable uncer¬ tainty attaches to the nomenclature of these forms, but this is the same entity reported as M. discosioides on native roses in Wis¬ consin. Myrioconium comitatum j. j, Davis var. salicarium Davis on Salix petiolaris Smith. Ozaukee Co., Cedarburg and Waukesha Co., Big Bend. Both specimens collected by Davis in June 1930, but not reported and overlooked until recently. Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey. Monilia stage on fruit of Prunus nigra Ait. Sauk Co., near Leland, August 24. Ramularia canadensis Ell. and Ev. on Carex normalis Mack, Sauk Co., near Denzer, July 31. Cercospora caricis Oud. on Carex alopecoidea Tuckerm. Port- i age Co., near Junction City, August 21, 1953. Coll. G. Ware. Cercospora oxalidiphila Chupp & Muller on Oxalis europea i Jord. Sauk Co., near Leland, August 12, 1964. 164 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Cercospora umbrata Ell. & Holw. on Bidens coronata (L.) Britt. Columbia Co., Gibraltar Rock County Park, August 13, 1964. In small amount, associated with Cercospora hidentis Tharp. Tuberculina persicina (Ditm.) Sacc. on Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Schw. Ill on Juniperus virginiana L, Dane Co., Madison, Picnic Point, May 21. Coll. & det. J. L. Cunningham. The spore horns have been aborted and replaced by the sporodochia of Tuberculina, The first Wisconsin record on telia of a heteroecius rust. Additional Species The fungi mentioned have not been previously reported as occur¬ ring in Wisconsin. Gibberidea abundans (Dobr.) Shear on Prunella vulgaris L. Sauk Co., near Leland, August 18, 1962. In my Notes 29 this was erroneously reported as Linospora brunellae Ell. & Ev., a species which, so far as I am now aware, has not yet been found in Wis¬ consin or elsewhere in the Midwest. USTILAGO TREBOUXii H. & P. Sydow on Panicum virgatum L. Dane Co., Madison, July 7. A large clump of this grass in a garden on the University of Wisconsin Campus was heavily infected. The plant was moved several years ago from a spot in Sauk Co., near Lone Rock, Wis. According to Fischer, U. trebouxii is fairly wide¬ spread on various grasses in the western United States, but he does not list P. virgatum as a host. The U. S. D. A. Index of Plant Dis¬ eases does mention it (as U. underwoodii Zundel) as occurring on P. virgatum in New York State. Phyllosticta cystopteridis sp. nov. Maculis obscuro-brunnei'S, immarginatis, plerumque in pinnulis totis; pycnidiis sparsis, pallido-brunneis, muris tenuibus translu- cidisque, subglobosis, indistincte ostiolatis, mensuriis variis, ca, (100-) 125-150 (-225) y, diam. ; conidiis hyalinis, angusto-cylindra- ceis vel subfusoideis, plerumque biguttulatis, (6-) 8-10 (-12) x (1.5-)1.7-2.5(-3) y. Lesions dull brown, immarginate, usually involving entire pin¬ nules ; pycnidia scattered, pallid brownish, thin- walled and translu¬ cent, subglobose, obscurely ostiolate, variable in size, approx. (100-) 125-150 (-225) y diam.; conidia hyaline, narrowly cylindric or subfusoid, mostly biguttulate, (6-) 8-10 (-12) x (1.5) 1.7-2. 5 (-3) y. 1966] Greene — Wisconsin Parasitic Fungi 165 On living leaves of Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Gov, Dodge State Park near Dodgeville, Iowa County, Wisconsin, U. S. A., July 14, 1965. A very sizable type specimen was obtained and in a number of mounts made from it no conidia with septa were seen, despite the ratio on length to width. Although few sphaeropsidaceous fungi have been reported on ferns, the writer’s experience would indicate that they are not so very uncommon on these hosts. Phyllosticta argillacea Bres. on Ruhus strigosus Michx. Sauk Co., “Hemlock Draw” near Leland, August 14. Since 1958 nineteen specimens of this fungus have been collected .Twelve are on R. alle~ gheniensis Porter, all collected in the Madison School Forest near Verona, Dane Co., and 4 on R. occidentalis L., one from Madison, one from Abraham’s Woods near Albany, Green Co., and two from Gov. Dodge State Park, Iowa Co. An interesting example of a fungus, first described in 1894 on the cultivated European rasp¬ berry, R. idaeus L. and of which a number of European exsiccati have been distributed, now apparently reported for the first time from North America, yet widespread in southern Wisconsin for almost a decade on native Ruhus, {R. strigosus, it should be noted, is closely related to R. idaeus and by some is considered to be but a variety of it) . J. J. Davis in his long collecting career seems not to have found this fungus, nor did the writer prior to 1958. Although the pycnidia are flesh-colored and difficult to discern ex¬ cept by transmitted light, the host lesions are very noticeable and it seems unlikely that the organism could have escaped attention over the years had it been present in any considerable amount. Macrophoma farlowiana (Viala & Sauv.) Tassi on Vitis aes¬ tivalis Michx. Dane Co., near Verona, September 14, 1964. Ascochyta leonuri EIL & Dearn. on Leonurus cardiaca L. It appears that various Wisconsin collections on this host which were referred to Ascochyta nepetae J. J. Davis are better placed in A, leonuri because the conidial dimensions at their upper limit corre¬ spond to those of the latter species and are out of the range of A. nepetae. Stagonospora trifidae sp. nov. Maculis nigris, irregularibus et indefinitis, saepe magnis; pyc- nidiis hypophylliis, spar sis vel gregariis, vel confertis in venis primis; flavido-brunneis, muris tenuibus, subglobosis, ca. (125-) 150-175 fx diam., conidiis hyalinis, obtusis, cylindaceis vel subcy- lindraceis. 3-4-septatis, saepe guttulatis, (20) 23-33 (-37) x 7-8 (-10) IX. 166 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Spots black, irregular and indefinite, often large; pycnidia hypophyllous, scattered to gregarious, or crowded on the principal veins, yellowish-brown, thin- walled, subglobose, approx. (125~)150 -175 ft diam. ; conidia hyaline, obtuse, cylindric or subcylindric, 3-4- septate, often guttulate, (20-) 23-33 (-37) x 7-8 (-10) ft. On living leaves of Ambrosia triflda L. collected in the East Marsh of the University of Wisconsin Arboretum at Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, U. S. A., September 3, 1965. Stagonospora ambrosiae Savile (Mycologia 38: 453. 1946) was on lesions primarily produced by Entyloma compositarum and has narrow conidia 10-33 x 2. 5-3. 5 ft. Septoria liquidambaris Cooke & Ell. on Hamamelis virginiana L. Sauk Co., “Hemlock Draw” near Leland, August 31, 1964. On Liquidambar in the specimens that I examined, including N. Amer. Fungi 530, the fungus is hypophyllous, contrary to the statement by Cooke and Ellis that it is epiphyllous. On Hamamelis, however, the fruiting structures are definitely epiphyllous and most, but not all, are Cylindrosporium-like and compressed by the cells of the palisade layer. In Liquidambar the more loosely organized meso- phyll tissue allows better pycnidial development. The spores are quite characteristic and very similar on both hosts. Instead of scolecospores, a few of the rather imperfect pycnidia on Hamemelis contain microconidia, about 3 x 1 ft. On Hamamelis the lesions are very striking, with the dark brown spots surrounded by a brilliant salmon-colored halo. Botrytis byssoidea J. C. Walker on Allium cepa (cult.). Racine Co., Racine, 1918. Coll. Walker. This should have been included in the earlier Wisconsin lists since, as described by Walker (Phyto¬ path, 15: 708-713. 1925), it is definitely parasitic on onion bulbs. THE PRESETTLEMENT VEGETATION OF IOWA COUNTY, WISCONSIN Wayne J. Stroessner and James R. Haheck^' Introduction A istudy of the presettlement vegetation of Iowa County, Wis¬ consin (Fig, 1), was initiated for the purpose of determining the variety and distribution of vegetation types at the time of .white settlement in the 1830’s, The original land survey records were employed in this study in the same manner as other workers have in other investigations of presettlement Wisconsin vegetation (Ellarson 1949, Coder 1956, Neuensch wander 1956, and Finley 1951), Iowa County (Fig, 1) lies in the unglaciated, southwestern corner of Wisconsin (90°00" W, 43°00' N). The county is bordered on the north by the Wisconsin River, which flows westward and joins with the Mississippi River. One of the most conspicuous physiographic features of the county is the occurrence of the Mili¬ tary Ridge, which is an elevated ridge of Galena limestone extend¬ ing across Iowa County in an east-west direction. The Military Ridge dissects the county into two nearly equal halves, a north and south section, which are markedly differentiated from one an¬ other in climate, geology, soils, and vegetation. Detailed descrip¬ tions of this interesting feature will be discussed in a later section of this paper. Early settlers were first attracted to the Iowa County area by the presence of lead and zinc deposits occurring throughout much of southwestern Wisconsin. Miners and other white settlers were well established in this region by the late 1820’s. Mining remained the major occupation of the first settlers for many years, although in the later decades, during the 1840’s and 1850’s and up to the present time, agriculture became increasingly more important in the county’s economy. The vegetation in Iowa County, as well as elsewhere in Wiscon¬ sin, has no doubt been markedly influenced by man’s activities for many hundreds of years, beginning with the first primitive Indian tribes in southern Wisconsin. Indians are known to have exerted * The senior author is currently a biolog'y instructor at Monroe Senior High School, Monroe, Wisconsin ; the junior author is Associate Professor of Botany at Montana State University. 167 168 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 a significant influence on the native vegetation through their regu- lar use of fire. Through the purposeful and accidental use of fire, | the Indian is thought to have been an effective tool in the establish- f ment and maintenance of grassland and oak opening vegetation in - many areas in southern Wisconsin. Curtis (1959) discusses the f role of early Indians in Wisconsin in affecting the vegetation of ffi this region. S 1966] Stroessner and Habeck — Vegetation of loiva County 169 Miners and early agriculturalists in Iowa County also initiated their own influence on the vegetation as soon as they arrived. Min¬ ing activities no doubt created a need for timber for mine shaft construction and other uses. Oak forests in southwestern Wiscon¬ sin supplied timber for the mining industry. The prairies and oak openings prevalent in the southern half of Iowa County were the first attraction to farmers settling in this area, since these areas did not require clearing the land. Since the mid-nineteenth century, when the area was well settled, Iowa County vegetation has been subjected to a wide variety of uses and misuses. Some forests have been cut to various degrees, some of the most select hardwoods have been used for construction of railroads, some have been burned, and others have been used as pastures. Very few areas of vegetation have remained undisturbed since the time of settlement. An analysis of changes in the Iowa County vegetation during the past 130 years will be the subject of future investigation. This present report will confine itself to a detailed description of the vegetation before its severe alteration by white man. The Original Land Survey Records One of the most reliable sources for determination of the type of vegetation present during the presettlement period is the invalu¬ able records written by the surveyors during the original land survey of the Northwest Territory made during the 1830’s. Most of the surveying was done between 1831 and 1834. It is assumed that most of this work was not very enjoyable, since the survey crew had to walk approximately 100 miles through un¬ inhabited country for each township surveyed. Not only did they have to contend with the natural elements, but they also had to be on the lookout for Indians, In May and June of 1832, there were several fierce encounters with several of the Indian tribes during which many people were killed, scalped, and sometimes decapitated. Even though the surveyors’ records were not intended to describe the vegetation in great detail, much quantitative and qualitative material can be extrapolated from these field notes. The data which have been most valuable for determining the type of vegetation present during the presettlement period include not only the de¬ scription of the vegetation, but also the information given for the witness trees. From these data one is able to establish fairly accur¬ ately the type, distribution, density, and the basal area of a stand of trees ; and, in turn, one can determine the relative frequency, the relative density, and the relative dominance of either a single forest, a township, or the entire county. Importan'ce values can easily be obtained from these known quantities. 170 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 The relative frequency is described as the number of occurrences at section and quarter section corners of one species as a percentage of the total number of occurrences of all species at the corners. The relative density is the number of individuals of the species tab¬ ulated as a percentage of the number of individuals of all species tabulated within a prescribed area. The relative dominance is the basal area of the species in comparison to the total basal area of all species expressed in per cent. The importance value is only relative and is determined by summing the relative frequency, the relative density, and the relative dominance of each species. This technique is described by Ward (1956) . Discussion of Field Notes A summary of the data derived from the field notes is provided in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 includes only those trees that were used as witness trees, either at quarter section or corner section posts. Table 2 is a tabulation of trees that were found directly on the survey line. Since the trees were directly on the line, it was not pos¬ sible to obtain any absolute values. Absolute values as well as some relative values of these trees could serve no significant function, but their presence was of value in determining whether an area was or was not heavily populated with trees. From these two tables it is easy to note that most of the trees in Iowa County are species of oak (Qiiercus). White and bur oak (“Burr Oak” as recorded in the original field notes) are by far the most dominant trees, comprising approximately three-quarters of all trees listed. All of the oaks combined occupy 95.8% of all trees used as witness trees. The common names of the trees are listed here as found in the field notes, along with their probable current scientific names. Because most of the surveying was done during the winter months, the exact identification of some of the trees may be ques¬ tioned. Six different oaks were listed in the surveyors’ records. It is possible that yellow oak and black oak are the same species, Quercus velutina (Ellarson 1949), although there are several in¬ stances in which the surveyors used both common names even at the same site, indicating that the surveyors recognized differences between the two. The following entry is one of many by Sylvester Sibley, implying that yellow oak and black oak are two different species : North between sect 22 and 23 SO'.OO ' Y. oak 8 S 87 W 49 B. oak 7 S 37X E 31 1966] Stroessner and Haheck — Vegetation of Iowa County 171 Table 1. Trees Used as Witness Trees in Iowa County During the 1830's No. of Trees Tot. No. of Quart. Rel. Freq. % Rel. Dens. % Rel. Dom. % Imp. Value White Oak Quercus alba L . 1, 524 1, 004 37.7 39.8 52.2 129.7 Burr Oak Quercus macrocarpa Michx . 1 253 820 30.8 32.9 23.5 87. 1 Yellow Oak Quercus muhlenbergii Engelm . 576 427 16.0 15.1 13.5 44.6 24.3 .4 Blaek Oak Quercus velutina Lam . 305 245 9.2 8.0 7.1 . 1 Finn Oak Quercus ellipsoidalis E. J. Hill . 5 4 .2 . 1 Red Oak Quercus borealis Michx. f . 2 2 . 1 . 1 . 1 .3 Hickory Cary a spp . 39 39 1.5 1 .0 .5 3.0 Elm Ulmus spp . 18 18 .7 . 5 .8 2.0 Aspen Populus spp . 25 25 .9 .7 .3 1 .9 Sugar (Maple) Acer saccharum Marsh . 13 13 .5 .3 .7 1.5 Lynn (Basswood) Tilia americana L . 10 10 .4 .3 .2 .9 Willow Salix spp . 8 7 .3 .2 . 1 .6 Cherry Prunus spp . 3 3 . 1 . 1 . 1 .3 Yellow Pine Pinus resinosa Ait . 9 9 .3 .2 .2 .7 White Birch Betula papyri/era Marsh . 7 7 .3 .2 . 1 .6 Yellow Birch Betula lutea Michx. / . 10 10 .4 .3 .2 .9 I ronwood Ostrya spp. Scop . 2 2 . 1 . 1 .0 .2 White Ash Fraxinus americana L . 11 11 .4 .3 .2 .9 Black Ash Fraxinus nigra Marsh . 3 3 . 1 . 1 .1 .3 Plum Prunus spp . 1 1 .0 .0 .0 .0 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis L . 1 1 .0 .0 .0 .0 Totals . 3, 825 2, 661 100.0 100.2 100.0 300.2 172 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Table 2. Species Trees Found Directly on Survey Lines IN Iowa County During the 1830's No. of Trees Total Basal Area Rel. Dens. % Rel. Dom. % White Oak Quercus alba L . 234 30, 050 52.9 54.2 Burr Oak (Quercus macrocar (ya Michx . 5 3 5, 231 12.0 9.4 Yellow Oak (Quercus muhlenbergii Engelm . 108 14,365 24.4 25.9 Black Oak Quercus velutina Lam . 26 3, 327 5.9 6.0 Pinn Oak Quercus ellipsoidalis E. J . Hill . 1 64 .2 . 1 Red Oak Quercus borealis Michx. f . 1 201 .2 .4 Hickory 6 283 1 .4 .5 Elm Ulmus spp . 4 917 .9 1 .7 Aspen Populus spp . 3 208 .7 .4 Sugar (Maple) Acer saccharum Marsh . 2 355 . 5 .6 Lynn (Basswood) 'TiJin nmprirnnn I . — Willow Salix spp . — — Cherry PrunuM ^pp — Yellow Pine Pinus resinosa Ait . 2 100 .5 .2 White Birch Pell tin papyri fern Marsh — Yellow Birch Betula lutea Michx. f . 1 254 .2 .1 I ronwood O.’itr'Da spp Sr.ap — White Ash Fraxinus americana L . 1 79 .2 . 1 Black Ash nl(frn A/fnrxh — — Plum Prunus spp . — — Hackberry C'.pJtidi nrriripntnl ix f — — Totals . 442 55, 443 100.0 100.0 1966] Stroessner and Habeck — Vegetation of Iowa County 173 The ‘‘B. oak” is a black oak, even though it may be misinterpreted by some to be a bur oak. Sibley was consistent in his entries and used the '‘B,” abbreviation only to represent black oak; if the “B.” had referred to bur oak, he would not have used the method of recording shown below: North bet sect 4 and 5 4.00 Stream 19.20 Stream 40.00 B oak 7 Burr oak 8 S A'jA W 56 N 82 E 2.95 also : West bet sect 16 and 21 39.92 Burr oak 4 S B. oak 6 N 3 11 W .9 W 62 In the first example the B. oak is listed first. If it had been a bur oak, he would not have written the entries in two different ways and he probably would have used ‘‘Do” (ditto) to represent the other witness tree. In the second example he again would have used “Do” to represent the second witness tree. In this study “Yellow Oak” is considered to be Quercus muhlen- bergii, since this species is commonly called either Chinquapin Oak or Yellow Oak (Grimm 1957). A few of these trees can still be found in Iowa County, generally along the edges of bottomland forests. Scrub oak was not listed as a witness tree even though it was often recorded as the main type of vegetation in the undergrowth. In a few areas pine trees were found. These relict pine stands are still found today and have been described by McIntosh (1950). At the edges of some clearings and near some mine diggings and along some of the streams, a few aspens were recorded. Hickory trees were sparsely scattered throughout the entire county. Along the bottoms of the Wisconsin River the composition of the wooded areas changed somewhat; yellow oak became more abundant, and white oak became less prominent. A greater variety of species was found in the wooded areas along the river bottoms; namely elm, lynn (Tilia), and maple occurred frequently, with white ash, black ash, yellow birch, plum, and hackberry also present. North of the center of the county in Township 7 North, Range 3 East (Fig. 2), some stands were quite dense in contrast to those in most of the other townships ; however, this township did not have as large a number of trees used as witness trees or as great a total basal area as did several other townships. 174 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Of approximately 2,400 points that were used as quarter section or corner section markers in the entire Iowa County 367 points were in the open prairie. No trees were listed, but mounds were built to mark the locations of the posts; 104 points had only one tree listed, usually because the crew was in a prairie, and as a result no other trees were available; or because the trees were at the north boundary of the county along the Wisconsin River, in which case only one tree’s diameter was usually given; 31 points were not listed properly or were not listed at all. On some occasions only the diameters were given without the distances, or the distances and not the diameters ; 15 points had trees located exactly at the spot where the stake was to be driven ; hence only one tree was listed, giving the name and diameter; and 3 points were in streams or in a lake, and again no trees were listed. This indicates that the remaining 1,880 of the 2,400 points were used to determine the types of forest cover present in Iowa County. Method for Construction of a Map from Survey Records To determine the nature of the vegetation present in Iowa County at the time of settlement, it was believed useful to construct an accurate map for that period. It seemed evident after preliminary investigation that the most suitable and accurate source of infor¬ mation is the record of the original land survey. Since the original surveyors’ field notebooks could not be removed from the Public Land Office, it was necessary to transcribe all needed information directly from the field notes. Descriptions of vegetation vary con¬ siderably from one surveyor to the next. It became apparent that there were very few '‘dense” stands of trees anywhere in the entire county, and it was difficult to determine precisely the density of these wooded areas. All surveyors apparently agreed on the descrip¬ tions of the prairies, since no trees were available as witness trees within a grassland area, as shown in the following entry : North bet sections 1 1 and 12 40.00 when raised a mound for X section corner 56.50 Stream 9 S.E. 57.40 Spring brook 4 S.W. 80.00 Where raised a mound for cor sections 1,2, 11, 12 Land 1st rate rolling prairie It is considerably more difficult to determine the density of cer¬ tain forests, since the descriptive terminology is general and vari¬ able. For example: “Very thinly timbered with . . “very thinly scattered with . . and “broken prairie with some timber . . 1966] Stroessner and Habeck — Vegetation of loiva County 175 usually meant that this area was prairie or opening. When the terminology is ‘'thinly timbered . . “tolerably well timbered with . . or “barrens'", it is very difficult to ascertain exactly what was meant by the description; hence it seemed that some method was necessary to convert the available data in the records to quan¬ titative values to determine the densities of various stands in the county. In order to accomplish this, the diameters and basal areas, as recorded by the surveyors, were transferred to specially designed tally sheets with a color code for identifying the density for the various stands of trees. Usually two trees were selected as witness trees at each site. Occasionally a surveyor would list four trees at a section corner. Two of the four trees were insufficiently described for use in this study, since only their diameters and the sections in which they were located are listed. Because of minor discrepancies in comparisons of surveyor de¬ scriptions and quantitative values determined from the spacing of the witness trees as recorded on the tally sheets, a differentiation was made concerning terminology used by the surveyors in describ¬ ing “prairie”, “oak opening” and “oak forest”. To distinguish be¬ tween these three classifications, it was necessary to convert the quantitative values from the field notes to some usable values. The arbitrary values ,were established in order to have consistency. The basic values were derived from descriptions of communities already used by other authorities in the field. In the study made by Curtis and others (Curtis 1959), a minimum of one tree per acre separates savanna from prairie. Brown (1950) considered areas with 2 to 8 trees per acre with an average distance of about 100 feet between pine trees to be pine savannas. The “oak openings” used in this project are equivalent to the “savannas” mentioned above. Habeck (1961) differentiates between “oak opening” with trees 50 feet or more apart and “oak forest” with trees less than 50 feet apart. The problems associated with the definition and recognition of savanna vegetation are discussed in detail by Dyksterhuis (1957). To establish values similar to those used in other forest community studies, and for the convenience of converting the survey data into usable form on the tally sheets for the construction of the vegeta¬ tion map, the following vegetational divisions were established to differentiate between various tree densities. Prairie: Prairies are defined as having less than one tree per acre. It is necessary to have trees separated by a minimum distance of 209 feet in order to have less than one tree per acre. This value can easily be obtained from the field notes by determining the distance from the point to the two witness trees. It has been found that the average link distance from post to tree gives a reasonably 176 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 close value for the average distance in feet between the survey trees (Cottam 1953) . Therefore an average distance that is greater than or equal to 209 links from the point to the witness tree indi¬ cates that the area is prairie. In this study, if either witness tree is more than 300 links from the point, the area is also considered to be prairie. This serves as a correction factor for any situation in which, by chance, one of the trees happens to be very near to the post and the other one extremely far away. Oak Opening: The oak opening is characterized by having from 50 to 209 feet between trees or an average of from 50 to 209 links from the point to the two witness trees. These values were selected to correspond with those selected by other authorities. Simple mathematics shows that such an area has from one tree per acre to 17.4 trees per acre. If any of the witness trees are located at a distance greater than 80 links from the point, then this area might also be considered as oak opening. Oak Forest: An oak forest has a density of 17.4 or more trees per acre. This means that there are fewer than 50 feet between trees or an average distance of less than 50 links from the point to the two witness trees. Bottomland Forest: Bottomland forests are found along river bottoms and near marshy areas. The trees found in this area are the same as those mentioned earlier in this paper. On the map (Fig. 2), differentiation is made between '‘upland prairie’’ and “wet prairie and marsh”. This division of the two types of prairies is necessary in order to distinguish between the various types of plant communities generally associated with each habitat. In the preparation of the map, three preliminary maps were constructed by various methods. One map was made from the quan¬ titative data which was organized on the survey record tally sheets. A second map was made by using the surveyors’ qualitative descrip¬ tions of the vegetation. At the end of each mile covered by the sur¬ vey team, the surveyor entered a brief written description of the topography and vegetation of the land similar to the following notation : North bet sect 33 & 34 7.50 Stream 8 east 8.30 Road E &z W about 8 chs. E from this line is a recently evacuated log house 40.00 set mile post B. Oak 12 S 59 E 4.16 Do 12 Marked XS S 3 W 3.46 44.00 enter prairie 80.00 Where raised a mound in prairie cor to sect 27, 28, 33, 34 Land 1st mile 2nd rate hilly & thinly timbered. Oak and 2nd mile 1st rate rolling prairie 1966] Stroessner and Habeck — Vegetation of loiva County 177 (^UPLAND PRAIRIE ^ WET PRAIRIE a MARSH Figure 2. Map of presettlement vegetation in Iowa County, Wisconsin. The dis¬ tribution of the five major vegetation types in the county as well as the loca¬ tion of the Military Ridge are illustrated. The Range and Township lines en¬ close areas which are each 36 square miles. For the construction of this latter map, a color key similar to the one used for the first map was used. The divisions for the vegeta¬ tion types were grouped according to the descriptions used by the surveyors : Prairie — Described as “prairie”. Oak Opening — Described as “scattered”, “thinly timbered”, “barren”, “well timbered”, “reasonably well timbered”, and “forest” (only when witness trees were distantly located). Oak Forest — Described as “forest” (providing witness trees were quite close together), “heavy” or “dense forest”, and “dense thicket”. 178 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Other terms which are descriptive of the areas surveyed are: “bottoms'’ — referring to the lowland regions along a river or stream bed, and “marsh” — which is self-explanatory. According to Mr, Tester Bakken of the Public Land Office, Madi¬ son, Wisconsin, governmental personnel in Washington, D. C., drew up maps of each township after the surveyors’ notebooks were completed and sent to Washington. Each map was constructed from the original field notes, which usually included a page containing a very brief and simplified sketch of the township made by the sur¬ veyor while he was collecting data in the field. On some occasions the map was quite different from the surveyor’s sketch, but in the final analysis, the resulting maps corresponded quite closely to present maps of the same area. A third map showing the results of their findings was prepared by photographing and reproducing their maps so that a clearer outline for this study could be made. By combining the observable features of the above three maps, a fourth and final map was constructed, which contains a compila¬ tion of all of the material and original information available con¬ cerning the presettlement period. Discussion and Conclusions The northern half of Iowa County is by far the most heavily forested portion. It is separated from the southern half by stretches of true prairie where the old “Military Ridge” road was once located. Military Ridge is the trail which army troops and supplies once traversed in the late 1800’s when traveling between Madison and various military points in the western part of the state, Iowa, and Minnesota. The terrain is quite level, the land is high, and streams are not numerous ; therefore east-west traveling was not difficult across this stretch of land. All sizable streams and rivers recorded by the surveyors are shown on the map. The location and size of these streams compare quite favorably with present maps of the same areas. Therefore it can be assumed that not only the listings of the rivers and streams were accurate, but the data concerning witness trees and the de¬ scriptions of the land may be assumed to be accurate also. Most forested areas are near a river or stream. The trellis drain¬ age system, characteristic of both the northern and southern halves of the county, apparently does not permit a suitably moist environ¬ ment for forest development in the central portion. The southern half of the county has more acreage in marsh than does the north¬ ern half. Some oak forests are found in the southern half, but the stands are few and small in comparison to the forests of the north¬ ern half. The surveyors generally described the southern portion as rolling prairie with only a few hilly areas, whereas the northern 1966] Stroessner and Habeck — Vegetation of lotva County 179 portion was generally described as rather uneven or rolling and hilly. Some rather deep ravines were found along some of the rivers and streams in the northern part of the county, but most of the river banks in the southern portion apparently were not as prominent. In the extreme northern portions of the county the lowlands or river bottoms were generally described as flat, with ‘‘first rate soil” where there was prairie, or “second rate soil” where trees were thinly scattered. Throughout the county, oaks are by far the most prevalent spe¬ cies except in the lowland regions along the Wisconsin River on the northern border. In these lowland areas a larger variety of other hardwood species appear, as has been described earlier. Up¬ land prairies, which occupy a major portion of the southern half of the county, are nearly absent from the northern half. Some of the first settlers to inhabit Iowa County were miners, the first mine operations being located in the southern part. Shortly after the miners moved into the county in the latter part of the 1820’s, some of the first homesteads became established. Because of the occurrence of upland prairie, farming in this southern por¬ tion of the county was perhaps much easier to initiate than in the northern half, since much of the land did not necessitate forest clearing before crops could be planted. It is concluded that Iowa County during the 1830’s consisted of large areas of prairie, oak opening, and oak forests. Very few other species of trees or types of vegetation were present in the county during the presettlement period. What has happened to these areas since presettlement will be a subject of future investigation. References Cited Anon. 1881. History of Iowa County, Wisconsin. Western Historical Company — Chicago 970 pp. Bourdo, E. a., Jr. 1956. A Review of the General Land Office Survey and of its use in Quantitative Studies of Former Forests. Ecology. 37:754-768. Brown, R. T. 1950. Forests of the Central Wisconsin Sand Plains. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 31:56. CoTTAM, G. and J. T. Curtis. 1956. The Use of Distance Measures in Phytoso- ciological Sampling. Ecology. 37(3) :451-460. - , - , and B. W. Hale. 1953. Some Sampling Characteristics of a Population of Randomly Dispersed Individuals. Ecology. 34:741-757. Curtis, J. T, 1950. Original Forest Structure. Paper at AAAS Symposium on structure on Plant Communities. Cleveland. 30 Dec. - , 1959. The Vegetation of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press. 657 pp. Dyksterhuis, E. J, 1957. The Savannah Concept and Its Use. Ecology. 38:435- 442. Ellarson, R. S. 1949. The Vegetation of Dane County, Wisconsin in 1835. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters. 39:21-45. 180 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 55 Finley, R. W. 1951. The Original Vegetation Cover of Wisconsin, An unpub¬ lished doctoral dissertation. Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of Vascular Plants of North¬ eastern United States and Adjacent Canada. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Princeton, New Jersey, Gorder, H. a. 1956. Pre-settlement Vegetation of Racine County. Trans. Wis. Acad. ScL, Arts and Letters. 45:169-176. Grimm, W. C. 1957, The Book of Trees. The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Habeck, J. R. 1959. A Phytosociological Study of the Upland Forest Commu¬ nities in the Central Wisconsin Sand Plain Area. Trans. Wis. Acad, of Sci., Arts and Letters. 48:31-48. - . 1961. The Original Vegetation of the Mid- Willamette Valley, Oregon. Northwest Science. 35(2) :65-77. - . 1962. Forest Succession in Monmouth Township, Polk County, Oregon Since 1850. Proceedings of the Montana Academy of Sciences. 21:7-17. McIntosh, R. P. 1950. Pine Stands in Southwestern Wisconsin. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters. 40:243-257. Neuenschwander, H. E. 1956. The Vegetation of Dodge County, Wisconsin 1833-1837. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters. 46:233-254. POTZGER, J. E., M. E. POTZGER, and J. McCormick. 1956. The Forest Primeval of Indiana as Recorded in the Original U. S, Land Surveys and an Evalu¬ ation of Previous Interpretations of Indiana Vegetation. Butler Univer¬ sity Botanical Studies. Butler University, Indianapolis 7, Ind. 13(1) :95- 111. Ward, R. T. 1956. The Beech Forests of Wisconsin — Changes in Forest Com¬ position and the Nature of the Beech Border. Ecology. 37:407-419. REAPPRAISAL OF THE GROWTH POTENTIAL OF JACK PINE AND RED PINES ON DIFFERENT SOILS OF WISCONSIN* S. A, Wilde, R. R. Maeglin, and Ch. Tanzer' Under the influence of MayUs monograph (1890) and other re¬ ports dealing with natural forest distribution, foresters of the Lake States adopted a credo that jack pine is better suited for re¬ forestation of coarse sandy soils than is red pine. The advanced growth of Wisconsin plantations of the two tree species provides a constantly increasing evidence that this thesis has notable excep¬ tions, a disregard of which leads to large losses in the volume of produced timber. As revealed by soil and mensuration analyses, the relative performance of jack and red pine does not depend on soil texture alone, but is strongly influenced by the mineralogical composition and root permeability of soils. Years ago, Mr. F, G. Wilson, a member of the Wisconsin Con¬ servation Department, had shown the senior writer windbreaks established simultaneously on coarse sandy soils in which red pine produced a much faster growth than did jack pine. A study by Voigt (1951) explained this ''deviation from the assumed norms of behavior’' by a higher capacity of the roots of red pine to penetrate previously farmed soils in which the root channels have undergone a deterioration. Similar observations were later reported by Wilde (1961). The recent survey of Wisconsin plantations has indicated another digression in the soil-growth relationship of jack and red pine. On coarse-textured soils enriched in silicate minerals, such as feld¬ spar, mica, and hornblende, red pine shows an appreciably better performance than does jack pine (Fig. 1). The survey encountered five pairs of adjacent or closely-located plantations of the two tree species, supported by feldspathic sandy soils of nearly identical state of fertility (Plainfield and Omega sands). The results of the growing stock analyses show that red pine attained a significantly higher increment than did jack pine, in some instances yielding nearly a 40% higher volume of wood (Table 1). Information of broader significance on the growth potential of the two species is provided by the average data derived from ran- 1 Contribution from Soil Science Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin, and the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, in cooperation and supported in part by the Wisconsin Con¬ servation Department. Publication approved by the director of the Wis. Agric. Expt. Station. “ Professor of Forestry, Wood Technologist, and Pi'oject Assistant in Soil Science. 181 182 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Figure 1. Trees of average height and DBH illustrating the relative performance of 17-year-old plantations of jack pine and red pine established the same day on Plainfield sand (Nepco Industrial Forest, Adams County, Wisconsin). domly surveyed jack pine and red pine plantations (Wilde et al, 1964a and 1964b). The results, given in Table 2, show that red pine plantations of all three site classes delivered a significantly higher volume than did jack pine plantations; according to the weighted average of all plantations, red pine produced 23 per cent more wood per year in comparison with jack pine. An examination of the average fertility levels of soils supporting plantations of different site quality, given in Table 3, permits addi¬ tional inferences. Table 1. The Growth of Simultaneously Established Jack Pine and Red Pine Plantations on Non-podzolic Sandy Soils Enriched in Silicate Minerals (Results on Per Acre Basis). 1966] Wilde, Mmglin and Tanzer — Growth Potential 183 Red Pine Vol. Cu. Ft. 351 1,365 734 463 2,960 Basal Area Sq. Ft. O oJ 00 o t\ r-1 00 t\ No. of Stems 1,580 1,060 800 1,600 940 DBH Ins. 2.9 4.7 4.5 3.0 5.9 Ht. Ft. 16.9 32.0 27.0 19.8 44.7 Jack Pine Vol. Cu. Ft. 307 1,270 461 294 1,909 Basal Area Sq. Ft. CO O O xD ^ sD ^ No. of Stems 1 ,600 990 830 1,600 960 DBH Ins. 2.6 4.5 3.6 2.6 5.2 Ht. Ft. 16.5 33.0 24.0 17.5 38.5 Age Yrs. 16 21 20 17 34 Plantation No.* 12, 13 . 173, 172 . 177, 176 . 181, 189 . 314, 315 . 184 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 55 Table 2. Relative Performance of Jack Pine and Red Pine Plantations ON Non-podzolic and Mildly Podzolized Coarse Sandy Soils Not Influenced By Ground Water (Results on Per Acre Basis). Tree Species Age Yrs. Height Ft. D3H In. No. OF Trees Basal Area Sq. Ft. Volume Cu. Ft. Ave. Annual Growth Cu. Ft. Low Site Quality Jack pine . Red pine . 22 23 22.0 21.3 3.4 4.0 1,241 1,282 70 101 473 688 21.5 29.9 Med lUM SiTF 1 Quality Jack pine . Red pine . 24 21 30.5 27.5 4. 1 4.8 1,177 978 107 117 1,106 1,300 46. 1 61.9 Hic :h Site Quality Jack pine . Red pine . 23 20 38.6 32.9 4.6 5.1 1 ,029 1,054 117 136 1,514 1 ,960 65.9 98.0 Weighted Averag E OF All Sites Jack pine . Red pine . 23.3 21.7 31.6 27.8 3.9 4.6 1,113 1,052 100 112 1,133 1,377 48.6 63.5 The fertility of soils supporting red pine plantations of low site quality is definitely higher than that of jack pine plantations. This is undoubtedly because of the prevailing tendency to plant jack pine on soils depleted by wind erosion and previous farming. There¬ fore, the increase of the annual increment by 8 cu. feet per acre, shown by red pine, cannot be attributed to its inherent growth potential. On the other hand, the fertility levels of soils supporting planta¬ tions of medium site quality reveal information of practical im¬ portance. The production of extra 16 cu. feet per acre per year, constituting nearly 35 per cent increase in the annual increment, was achieved by red pine on soils of a nearly similar average level of fertility in comparison with soils supporting jack pine planta¬ tions. These results indicate that misoriented tree planting may deprive the landowner of one-third of the volume of young timber; and it may inflict a still greater loss at the end of rotation. Examination of the fertility of soils supporting plantations of high site quality further emphasizes the critical importance of the soil productive capacity in reforestation aiming at maximum re- 1966] Wilde, Maeglin and Tanzer — Growth Potential 185 w Q Ph Oi Q tH < a ^ ^ H "I g g 5 ^ a ■< O 'W^ Ph Ph m P a w 2 M a o !=> w O' a a o H a w a a > a < D a DJ H U) Exch. Mg S\ l\ vD r-< O " — J > < w o CO \ ^ X) vtn xO tx. ^ — t\ rvi j CO ■ J O' 00 tx r-i — H IN. rN < Total KT H -u CL .037 .048 .074 .059 O sD O' o O O O Z £ H < hU o o 00 (Nl O 00 ^ s: — O' o < . 62“^ d — ro :lt Plus Clay P. Ct. 6.9 7.3 9.4 8.8 ZTI 001 OQ u X < < H \ z ou. Z Di . 8-69 (Racine, 1868), 61, 62. Figure 8. The Chadwick house c. 1912 (photograph from the Racine County Historical Museum). 18 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 because of the obvious and striking similarities between the two structures. So close are they in proportions and details that one is tempted to suppose that the same hand drew both plans or that, at the very least, a single source — to be discovered, perhaps, in a 19th century builders’ guide — inspired them. The Hunt-Jensen house has been moved several times during its long history, but despite the transfers, it survives in good condition and preserves a substantial portion of its original design. It re¬ mains an excellent example of the Greek Revival temple-house, with the characteristic front portico of columns, here of the decorative Ionic order. Typical, too, are the near symmetry of plan and facade, the wood construction and siding, the uniformly white, smoothly surfaced exterior, and the air of tranquility, dignity, and comfort:^^ The house presents many noteworthy details — among them the pedimental ornament on the facade. Architectural historian Talbot Hamlin has stated that pierced grilles of this type, executed in wood (as in this case) or in cast iron, were one of several distinctly American contributions to the Greek Revival decorative vocabulary and were “common in frieze and attic windows all over the coun¬ try.”®^ The Hunt-Jensen grille, the sole surviving instance in Ra¬ cine, is not unlike the window grilles in Johnathan Goldsmith’s cot¬ tage at Painesville, Ohio (1841), which, Hamlin found, had been borrowed from a plate in Minard Lafever’s The Modern Builders' GuideP As we know, Lafever’s books were quite as popular among 19th century craftsmen as those of Asher Benjamin, Called “perhaps the best remaining example of the Greek Revival in Wisconsin” by the writers of the Historic American Buildings Survey,-^ the William F. Kuehneman house (Figs. 9, 10) was built for Eli R. Cooley, hardware merchant and third Mayor of Racine. It can be dated between 1851, when Cooley acquired the property, and 1854 when he sold it to Elias Jennings at a marked increase in price.'^® The simple, beautifully proportioned home consists of a two-story central block with a projecting porch of four slender Doric columns and symmetrically disposed one-and-one-half-story 21 For the Hunt-Jensen house see also : Alexander C, Guth, “Historic American Building’S Survey,’’ Wisconsin Magazine of History, XXII (September, 1938), 31-32; Newcomb, 130 ; Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Wisconsin, Wisconsin: A Guide to the Badger State (revised ed. ; New York, 1954), 280. Pagel, 5-6; “Racine,’’ Wisconsin Architect, XXXIV (April, 1966), 16; and an unpublished report in the author’s collection prepared in 1964 by Frank Chud and Thomas Fuhrer, UW-Racine Center. 23 Hamlin, 354. 23/?>id. and Plate XCIII. 31 Wisconsin Architecture, 69. =®Lucy Colbert, “Century-old Home Cited for Its Beauty, History,’’ Racine Journal- Times Sunday Bulletin, October 14, 1956, sec. 2, 1 and an unpublished report in the author’s collection written in 1964 by Lynn Meier and Marilyn Francis, UW-Racine Center. 1967-68] Pagel — The Greek Revival in Racine 19 Figure 9. 1135 South Main Street (photograph by Todd Dahlen and Peter Val- lone) . wings. Both exterior and interior have been carefully restored and maintained by the present owner.'^^' The gifted designer has not been identified with certainty, but critics have suggested that Lucas Bradley (1809-89), Racine's first architect, drew the plans. Born and educated in Cayuga County, New York, Bradley worked as carpenter-architect for a brief period in St. Louis, visited Racine in 1843, and settled there permanently the following year. His two documented buildings in the Greek Revival style— Second Presbyterian Church in St. Louis (1839-40; razed and First Presbyterian Church of 1851-52 in Racine (Fig. 13) give evidence that he was a master of the first rank and, fur- Much has been written about the Cooley— Kuehneman house. Additional sources include: Newcomb, 130; Perrin, Historic Wisconsin Buildings^ 28-29; Pagel, 3-4; TVis- consin Architect, XXXIV, 15. Perrin also discusses the home in his Historic Wisconsin Architecture (Milwaukee, 1960), 11 and his “Greek Revival Moves Westward: The Classical Mold, in Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, XLV (Spring, 1962), 201. 2T John A. Bryan, Missouri’s Contribution to American Architecture (St. Louis, 1928), 11, 27 ; by the same author, “Outstanding Architects in St. Louis between 1804 and 1904,” Missotiri Historical Review, XXVIII (1933-34), 85 ; Hamlin, 252 ; Newcomb, 135. 20 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 10. 1135 South Main Street, detail, entrance (photograph by Todd Dahlen and Peter Vallone. 1967-68] Pagel — The Greek Revival in Racine 21 ther, offer stylistic parallels with the Cooley-Kuehneman houser*^ This home, in turn, resembles a second residence in the area, as Perrin has pointed out: “A few miles northwest of Racine on the Nicholson Road, in the Town of Caledonia, Racine County, is another Temple house which might be called a country cousin of the Kuehneman house. The central Doric tetra- prostyle portion resembles the Kuehneman house so very much that it could be concluded that either the same architect or the same architec¬ tural handbook played a part in its design. This house is believed to have been built by John Collins of New York State in about 1853.’’®® Less appealing to church architects than was the contemporary Gothic Revival style, the Greek Revival was, nonetheless, employed for religious buildings. And Racine’s Neo-classical churches, like its Grecian homes, range from the modest to the majestic. Repre¬ senting the former extreme is the tiny building at 806 Superior Street (Fig. 11), Erected for the First Scandanavian Baptist Church c. 1859, the structure is remotely Grecian in the pediments and pilasters of its facade and in its boxy, compact shape. The now- anonymous designer apparently felt constrained to modify the pagan implications of the Greek Revival style and punctuated the side elevations with Gothic lancet windows. One finds this curious combination of classical and Gothic motifs in several other early Wisconsin churches, including St. Peter’s Church (1839), formerly in Milwaukee and now on the grounds of St. Francis Seminary, St. Augustine Church at New Diggings (1844), and the Moravian Church at Green Bay (1851).'^^ Even closer in form and spirit to the little Racine church, though lacking Gothic aisle v^indows, are the Painesville Chapel in Franklin (1832)'^^ and the Congrega¬ tional Meetinghouse at Cato (1857).'^- Racine’s Scandinavian Baptists occupied their church until 1903. In 1887 they had built a For Lucas Bradley see also: Racine city directories 1850-88; The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin, 375, 568 ; obituaries in the Racine Daily Times, January 10, 1889 and in the Racine Journal, January 16, 1889 ; Stone, I, 401 ; Alexander C. Guth, “Early Day Architects in Wisconsin,” Wisconshi Magazine of History, XVIII (December, 1934 ), 143; Henry Steketee, “Architect Given Praise for Planning Racine Church,” Racine Journal-Times Sunday Bulletin, February 19, 1939, 5 ; the Rev. Sydney H. Croft, “A Hundred Years of Racine College and DeKoven Foundation,” Wisconsin Magazine of History , KJCKV (Summer, 1952), 251, 253; Henry F. Withey and Elsie R. Withey, Dictionary of American Architects (Deceased) (Los Angeles, 1956), 73; Dictionary of Wisconsin Biography (Madison, Wisconsin, 1960), 45—46 ; George Miller, “Cite Architecture of Six County Buildings,” Racine Journal- Times Sunday Bulletin, October 23, 1960, sec, 1, 3 ; Pagel, 2, 12 ; sources cited for First Presbyterian Church (below). There also exist a number of unpublished papers dealing with Bradley and his work in the collections of Beloit College, the Racine County Historical Museum, the Racine Public Library, and the author. ^Historic Wisconsin Buildings, 29. These three churches are discussed and illustrated in Wisconsin Architecture, 71, 62, and 46, respectively. ^^lUd., 44. 33 Perrin, Historic Wisconsin Buildings, 34, 40. 22 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 11. 806 Superior Street ( photog-raph from the Racine County Histori¬ cal Museum). parsonage nearby, and during this century the two small buildings were joined and put to residential use.‘^'^ More architecturally pretentious was the city’s First Methodist Church of 1844-45 (Fig. 12), Pilasters defined and divided its fagade and acted as visual supports for the heavy pediment above. The rectangular forms of the centralized entry echoed the building’s shape, its geometrical ornamentation, and its squat, squared belfry.^"^^ In several of these features First Methodist calls to mind the church at Streetsboro, Ohio, illustrated by Hamlin, and, among Wisconsin specimens, the First Baptist Church at Merton (1845)'"^® and the Muskego Meetinghouse (formerly the Free-Will Baptist Church) at Prospect (1859). Mid-19th century Racine boasted at least two more houses of worship of this type— First Baptist Church completed in 1848 (Fig. 2)^® and the Universalist Pagel, 9 and an unpublished report in the author’s collection written in 1964 by William Adams, Don LaFave, and Dennis Zwaga, UW-Racine Center. The history of First Methodist is discussed in The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin, 382-383 and in Leach, 82-83, 35 Plate DXXXII. Wisconsin Architecture, 55. Perrin, Historic Wisconsin Buildings, 34, 40. 38 The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin, 384-386 ; Leach, 8 ; Stone, I, 359-360. 1967-68] Pagel — -The Greek Revival in Racine 23 Figure 12. First Methodist Church (photograph from the Racine County His¬ torical Museum). Church of 1851-52.^^ Regrettably, neither these buildings nor First Methodist come down to us. Greek Revival church design in Racine culminated in the greatly- admired First Presbyterian Church at Seventh Street and College Avenue (Fig. 13), praised by Rexford Newcomb for its “sincere and highly refined design”^® and described by Perrin as “perhaps the finest example of brick church architecture in the Greek Re¬ vival Style. First Presbyterian’s members had built their first church in 1842 and, to accommodate a growing congregation, en¬ larged this simple wood-framed structure the following year. Five years later they passed a resolution calling for a new church and appointed church member and architect Lucas Bradley to the build¬ ing committee. Fund-raising continued through 1850, with the lot purchased in December of that year. In 1851 church historian Stephen Peet wrote : “Measures have been taken and a subscription ^ The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin, 387-388, 391 ; Leach, 20, 30 ; Stone, I, 376. ^0 Newcomb, 135. Historic Wisconsin Buildings, 55-56. 24 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 13. First Presbyterian Church (photograph by Todd Dahlen and Peter Vallone) . raised, amounting to near $8000, towards a more commodious house, to be erected the coming season.’'^'^ By March Bradley had been awarded the contract, and on May 6 the cornerstone was laid. ^ History of the Preshyterian and Congregatioival Ministers in Wisconsin (Milwau¬ kee, 1851), 152. 1967-68] Pagel — The Greek Revival in Racine 25 Specifications called for a building of the Grecian-Doric style, and this Bradley provided in a design stongly reminiscent of his earlier Presbyterian church in St. Louis. Once again Doric columns dom¬ inated the monumental facade and were surmounted by an entabla¬ ture of the same order. Crowning both compositions were spires with engaged columns of the Ionic order — spires less indebted to Greek precedent, of course, than to those of British architects Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) and James Gibbs (1682-1754).^*^ That Bradley's design is both derivative and eclectic detracts in no way from its success.^^ First Presbyterian was dedicated on June 10, 1852, and within a few months, work on the closely related First Congregational Church (now St. George Serbian Orthodox Church) at 826 State Street was underway (Figs. 14, 15). Two years earlier a dissident portion of First Presbyterian’s membership had broken away to found First Congregational, and in February, 1851 they had dedi¬ cated their original church — ^^according to Peet, an example of “the Swiss Cottage and Gothic Style . . . with 5 pointed arch windows on each side and one in front between two large porches, which terminate in 4 pointed buttresses. This church perished in a fire later the same year. Completion of the Congregationalists’ second church was signalled by dedication services on November 17, 1854. The building clearly owed a great deal to Bradley’s design for the pilasters adorning the fagade and dividing the side elevations the pilasters adorning the facade and dividing the side elevations into bays, the Ionic order decorating the octagonal spire — all looked back to the older church. Good fortune has marked First Presbyterian’s subsequent his¬ tory : the church has seen few major alterations, and, by and large, modifications have been carried out in the spirit of the original fabric. First Congregational has been less fortunate: lightning destroyed the spire in 1912; fire forced abandonment and sale of the building in 1948; and for the next nine years it served as a For the combination of Wren-Gibbs and Greek Revival elements in American church design see Hamlin, 344-345. Like the Cooley-Kuehneman house and architect Bradley, First Presbyterian Church has received considerable attention from writers. Sources, in addition to those already cited, include: The History of Racine and Kenosha bounties, Wisco7isin, 384; Stone, I, 375-376; “Church to Observe 75th Year; Presbyterians Here to Hold Anni¬ versary Week,” Racine Journal-News, October 12, 1927, 1, 11 ; Guth, Wisconsin Maga¬ zine of History, XXII, 21-22. Henry Steketee, “Church to Mark Its 100th Year,” Racine Journal-Times Sunday Bulletin, January 29, 1939, 1, 5 ; “To Dedicate Presbyterian Parish Hall,” Racine Journal— Times , June 1, 1942, 9 ; Perrin, Historic Wisconsin Architecture, 11 ; Perrin, Wisconsin Magazine of History, XLV, 201 ; Pagel, 1-2 ; Wis¬ consin Architecture, 67 ; Wisconsin Architect, XXXIV, 17. ^Peet, 153. 26 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 14. First Congregational Church (now St. George Serbian Orthodox Church) before 1912 (photograph from the Racine County Historical Museum). 1967-68] Pagel — The Greek Revival in Racine 27 Figure 15. St, George Serbian Orthodox Church in 1964 (photograph by Todd Dahlen and Peter Vallone). dance hall. In 1957 it was acquired by the present owners and has since undergone extensive remodelling and restoration.^® The Greek Revival chapter in Racine’s architectural history came to a close within a decade after First Presbyterian and First Con¬ gregational were dedicated. Here, as elsewhere in the United States during the 1860’s, long-prevailing classical tastes surrendered to the rising picturesque current — expressed in the rich, complex, decorative forms of the Italian Villa, Gothic Revival, and Second Empire styles. A sequel to the ante-bellum Greek Revival story was written by the Academic Reaction in architecture of the late 19th and 20th centuries, when Grecian forms and details once again found favor among American designers and their patrons. In Racine this re¬ surgent classicism was heralded by the home at 820 Lake Avenue (Fig. 16), designed c. 1885-87 by James Gilbert Chandler of Ra¬ cine for the McClurg family (and, since 1938, home of the local 4G For First Cong-regational-St. George Serbian Orthodox see also : The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin, 394-396 ; First Congregational Church, Ra¬ cine, Wisconsin, 1851-1911, Celehratmg Sixty Years of Church Life (Racine, 1911), 1-6 : Stone, I, 365-366 ; Lucy Colbert, “Historic Landmark Becomes New St. George Serbian Church,” Racine Journal-Times Sunday Bulletin, October 5, 1958, sec. 2, 1, 18; Pagel, 2-3; and an unpublished report in the author’s collection prepared in 196 1 by Peter Charnon and James Gilmore, UW-Racine Center. 28 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 56 Figure 16. 820 Lake Avenue (photograph by the author). chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars).^" Its decorative details remind one of Minard Lafever’s conceptions,^® but its grand scale reflects the tastes of this new classical era. Popularized by the structures at the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, the Academic Reaction enjoyed a long lifespan in this country, flourishing for some forty years. Typically, Racine’s last prominent buildings in the classical vein — City Hall and the Main Post Office — were erected in 1930-31. In chronology, in many aspects of design and technology, in the amateur-craftsman status of most of its designers, the Greek Re¬ vival in pre-Civil War Racine had also conformed to typical mid- western patterns. At the same time, Racine’s case takes on more than ordinary interest, for alongside the city’s characteristic Neo¬ classical structures had been built a number of the outstanding Greek Revival buildings in the Old Northwest. Fortunately, several important examples have survived the years in estimable states of preservation: the Hunt- Jensen house, the Cooley-Kuehneman house, and First Presbyterian Church are cases in point and rank among the great treasures of Wisconsin’s architectural past. stone, I, 391-392; “V. F. W. Opens Veterans Club for 25th Anniversary,” Racine Journal-T imes Sunday Bulletin, October 18, 1950, 4 ; and unpublished papers in the authoT-’s collection written by Marilyn Francis in 1964 and by Daniel J. iMoriarity in 1966. 48 Compare Hamlin, Plates XCII-XCIV. RATTLESNAKES IN EARLY WISCONSIN A. W. Schorger The first mention of rattlesnakes (serpens sonnettes) in Wis^ consin was by Hennepin (1903:222) during his voyage on the upper Mississippi in 1680. Le Sueur (1902:184) in 1700 reported it was dangerous to enter the caverns near Lake Pepin because of rattlesnakes. He saw some which were six feet long, but generally they did not exceed four feet.* According to Owen (1852:57) they inhabited the bluffs below Lake Pepin. While descending the lower Wisconsin River in 1814, Anderson (1882:192) allowed his men to stop at sand banks to collect turtle eggs and kill rattlesnakes. These he thought beautiful with their bright golden color crossed with black markings. In descending the same stream, Marryat (1839:105) considered it dangerous to wan¬ der far from the bank because of the rattlesnakes. He believed that there was probably no place in America where the two species of rattlesnakes were larger and more numerous than in Wisconsin. Brunson (1872, 11:172) in 1843 made an overland trip from Prairie du Chien to La Pointe, his route running to Cashton, Tomah, Black River Falls, and Chippewa Falls (McManus, 1919). Before reach¬ ing the Black River his party saw both species of rattlesnakes, and between the Black and Chippewa Rivers, a few ''massasaugers'’ only. They saw none beyond the Chippewa. Species Wisconsin has only two species of rattlesnakes, the timber rattle¬ snake (Crotalus horridus horridus) and the massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) , The timber rattlesnake, also known as the banded, yellow, mountain, and rock rattlesnake, is rarely found far from rock outcrops, and in Wisconsin rock rather than timber would be a more appropriate name. Although Pope (1930:282) reports western diamondbacks (Crotalus atrox atrox) in Vernon County in 1928, these were probably timber rattlesnakes with aber¬ rant markings, or the progeny of an escape. * Evidently the lengths are estimates. The French foot was 12.789 inches. 29 30 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 The massasauga* was also known as the prairie, and spotted rattlesnake. Its habitat is marsh, low prairie, and the low banks of streams. Bunnell (1897 :323) records that in the region of the upper Mississippi the massasauga was quite local in distribution, being found in the swampy meadows along creeks ; it occupied the bottoms of the Mississippi River only above flood level. Less resistant to the ecological changes produced by man than the tim¬ ber rattlesnake, it is now the rarer of the two species. The Sistrurus catenatus kirtlandi Holb., a dark form said to have occurred in Walworth County (Higley, 1889:161), is a synonym. Size The maximum length of the timber rattlesnake is six feet two inches (Klauber, 1956 :149) . George Knudsen has informed me that he captured a specimen near Gotham in the spring of 1965 which was four feet five inches. Breckenridge (1944:159) mentions a “very large rattler,” taken in southeastern Pierce County in 1929, which was four and one-half feet long, with fifteen rattles and a button. A supposed diamondback, killed near Viroqua in 1928, was four feet, ten and one-half inches (Pope, 1930:282). The largest rattler ever captured by Elmer Keitel in Sauk County was close to five feet. Even a snake four feet long is considered large (Mac- Quarrie, 1941:83). The longest rattler found by Messeling (1953: 23) was four feet three inches, and the greatest number of rattles 23. A rattler five feet long with 26 rattles was once reported from Alma (Alma, 1878.2). The number of rattles is indicative only of age. A new rattle is grown each time that the skin is shed, which may be two or three times a year. The massasauga is much smaller, the maximum length being 37.5 inches (Klauber, 1956:144). The usual length is about 24 inches. A female captured near Nelson, Buffalo County, was 23 inches (Breckenridge, 1944:152). Two specimens from Portage were 22 and 26.5 inches (Pope, 1926). Abundance The data available give only a faint idea of the abundance of rattlesnakes in the last century. At 'Dodgeville, 48 timber rattle¬ snakes, all but one being young, were once found under a large rock and killed (Dodgeville, 1878). Two parties killed 42 at Devil’s Lake (Reedsburg, 1872). On the ridge near Ash Creek, town of Orion, Crawford County, 38 were killed at a den (Richland, 1869). * Derived from a branch of the Chippewa living- on a stream of this name on the north shore of Lake Huron. There are many variants in the spelling-. According- to P. W. Hodge (Handbook of Indians north of Mexico) the proper spelling is missas- sauga. 1967-68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 31 Three men killed 66 rattlesnakes in a meadow in the town of Har¬ mony, Vernon County (Viroqua, 1882). During a rattlesnake and spermophile hunt at Gilmanton, 99 snakes were killed (Alma, 1962). The Cooke family, which settled near Gilmanton in 1856, kept a careful record of the number: 150 rattlesnakes killed during the first year (Cooke, 1940:286). Messeling (1953:23) stated that he collects annually for the bounty about 1000 rattlesnakes, count¬ ing old, young, and unborn. Massasaugas, in 1835, were abundant in the marshes which then existed on the site of the city of Milwaukee. Of that time Olin (1930 :214) wrote : “The first day we mowed we killed any quantity of rattlesnakes. I will not say a thousand for fear some one will think it a snake story.” In 1845, they “swarmed” on the prairie of northeastern Walworth County (Burlington, 1882). When Rodolph (1900 :354) settled in the town of Gratiot, Lafayette County, snakes were more abundant than he had ever seen them elsewhere. He killed hundreds of rattlesnakes. Conrad Colipp when he came to Portage in 1849 killed “thousands in the spring and summer, often averaging a few hundred a day” (West. Hist. Co., 1880:885), in which case he must have done little else than kill snakes. While breaking prairie near River Falls, two men killed 39 rattlesnakes in one day (River Falls, 1873). The following data on the number of snakes bountied in Craw¬ ford County, furnished by Milo C. Cooper, County Clerk, show that the timber rattlesnake is still by no means rare : Year 1964: 4,382 mature snakes 6,086 young or unborn Year 1965: 4,086 mature snakes 7,952 young or unborn. Young The young are born in early fall from eggs held within the fe¬ male. A timber rattlesnake, four feet in length, killed on the lower Wisconsin River on August 14, 1820, was opened by the Indians, who removed eleven young (Schoolcraft, 1821 :363). A massasauga found at Portage on July 12, 1926, contained ten embryonic eggs (Pope, 1926). A female taken near Nelson, Wisconsin, gave birth on August 6, 1933, to eight young which were slightly under eight inches in length. A second female taken in the same locality on July 22 contained five young about 6.75 inches long (Beckenridge, 1944:152). The young when born have a button on the end of the tail. Rattles develop later. For September 9, 1875, there is a report of nine young massasaugas on display in Watertown (Watertown, 1875). Four young were said to have entered the mother’s mouth 32 WiscoTisin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 when closely pursued, and to have been killed simultaneously with the mother. Carver (1838:297). who was in Wisconsin in 1766, affirms that he once killed a female containing seventy fully formed young which entered her mouth when pursued. That the female swallows her young when in danger is an old and persistent myth. Habits In denning, the timber rattler is not exclusive in its associations. It is recorded for Licking County, Ohio: “Dens were found con¬ taining very discordant materials, twenty or thirty rattle-snakes, black-snakes and copper-heads, all coiled up together” (Howe, 1847:297). At the mouth of a den in Richland County in May, 1874, rattlesnakes and bull snakes (Pituophis) were living together (Richland Center, 1874). Messeling (1953) found in southwestern Wisconsin the same den occupied by seven or more species of snakes, along with skunks and raccoons. In a den in Sauk County, opened by blasting, Elmer Keitel found 35 snakes, rattlers, bull snakes, garter snakes, and other species, well intermingled (Mac- Quarrie, 1941:83). George Knudsen has informed me that in Wisconsin the massa- sauga winters in decayed stumps, foundations of deserted buildings, mammal burrows, and piles of old slabs. In Pennsylvania it is said to hibernate in fissures in the earth, burrows of mammals, beneath heavy moss, and under overturned trees (Miller, 1938:17). Rattlesnakes disperse in summer. According to Klauber (1956: 402), they sometimes wander two miles from the den, but usually less than a mile. Experts in Wisconsin think that the timber rattle¬ snake usually travels less than 1000 feet from the winter den. Neither species always gives warning by rattling, nor is it neces¬ sary to be within two or three feet of the reptile to produce it. Messeling (1953:22) reports that about half the time the rattle¬ snake gives no warning before striking, and he has known them to rattle when distant twenty feet. The rattle of the massasauga is weak. When McKenney (1868:181) was at Portage, he likened the sound to the ticking of a watch. The rattle is more like the buzz of an insect. Rattlesnakes are excellent swimmers. When Pond (1908:335) descended the Wisconsin in September, 1740, he wrote: “As we Descended it we saw Maney Rattel Snakes Swimming across it and Kild them.” At the large den on Mount Trempealeau, the yellow rattlesnakes swam from it in spring and returned by the same method in fall (Brunson, 1855:114). Rattlesnakes can climb well. They have frequently entered build¬ ings in Wisconsin, even reaching the second floor. Audubon started considerable controversy when he painted a rattlesnake in a tree 1967-68] Schorger— Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 33 containing the nest of a mockingbird. Examples of these snakes in trees and shrubs are not rare. Many times Keitel has found timber rattlesnakes in trees where presumably they had gone for birds (MacQuarrie^ 1941). George Knudsen, who has caught many hun¬ dreds of timber rattlesnakes, has never found one in a tree. A peculiar habit which does not appear in the scientific litera¬ ture is the rattlesnake's tendency to go over an obstruction rather than around it. Pope (1923:25) kept some timber rattlesnakes in a cage two feet high. When the lid was removed and a snake could place its head over the edge, it could draw up its body. Garland (1917:33), lived on a farm near Onalaska, La Crosse County, where timber rattlesnakes were plentiful. One of the largest ever seen on the farm was killed in the act of climbing over a barrel in the farmyard. He wrote : “I cannot now understand why it tried to cross the barrel, but I distinctly visualize the brown and yellow band made as it lay an instant just before the bludgeon fell upon it, crushing it and the barrel together.” Thomas Harry, who came to Racine County in 1849, saw massasaugas crawl over his men resting on the ground while breaking the prairie (Lake City Publ. Co., 1892:264). Two Germans hired to dig and curb a well on the old Frost farm near the outlet of Lake Monona, at Madison, re¬ ported a rattlesnake approaching from behind, had crawled up the back and over the shoulder of one of the men, presumably reclining, to disappear in the tall grass (Brown, 1934:8). There are several instances of rattlers crawling to the tops of beds in log cabins. Food Rattlesnakes feed principally on small mammals and birds. Little specific information exists on the food in Wisconsin. A large timber rattler captured in Pierce County had swallowed a fully grown gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) (Breckenridge, 1944:159). The white-footed mouse ( Per omy sens ) , cottontail (Sylvilagus) , and young woodchuck (Marmota) (obtained by entering the burrow) ? are mentioned by Jackson (1961:117, 129, 219). Messling (1953: 21) lists gophers (Citellus), mice, small birds, frogs, and blackber¬ ries. The inclusion of blackberries is inexplicable unless present in the prey. The very young feed on flies. According to Hoy (1883) the massasauga subsisted .almost exclusively on meadow voles (Microtm) . Other writers think frogs the common food. George Knudsen has known them to eat frogs, voles, short-tailed shrews (Blarina), and small snakes. Enemies Rattlesnakes have few natural enemies. There is an old tradition of enmity between the white-tailed deer and the rattlesnake, al- 34 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 56 though few encounters have been observed. This may be because of the largely nocturnal feeding habit of the rattlesnake, especially in hot weather. Seton (1929:288) mentions a hunter seeing in Coahuila, Mexico, a deer cut a rattlesnake to ribbons by jumping upon it several times with all four feet. A doe attacked a rattle¬ snake in Pennsylvania in the same way (Aldous, 1938). McDowell (1950:46) would not commit himself on the question of whether or not deer would kill snakes, but he did affirm that deer in pens showed the greatest terror towards snakes of all kinds. A piece of rope manipulated to simulate a snake would prevent a buck from charging when a club would not. Bunnell (1887 :329) mentions that a deer would leap high into the air and, with its four feet bunched, come down on the rattlesnake. Keitel (MacQuarrie, 1941:83) felt certain that deer attack rattlers, although he never witnessed the act. He had, however, found many snakes with gouges in the backs which could have resulted only from the hoofs of a deer. Badgers in South Dakota, according to Jackley (1938), will attack and eat rattlesnakes, especially during hibernation. A simi¬ lar observation has not been made in Wisconsin, where badgers were once plentiful and are still not rare. It is probable that birds are minor enemies. Bunnell (1897 :326, 329) states that while rattlesnakes of all sizes were being killed at a den at Homer, Minnesota, ‘‘falcons or swift hawks of the Mississippi bluffs” would swoop down and bear off writhing snakes. The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is not known to capture snakes. Raptors, however, are greatly attracted to sick or injured animals. Bunnell also mentions eagles and hawks as enemies. In 1873, a man hauling stone from a bluff at Trempealeau ob¬ served a domestic turkey gobbler battling four rattlesnakes, two old and two young ones. He killed the young snakes, but the old ones escaped. The turkey was completely exhausted (Trempealeau, 1873). Several accounts in the literature report wild turkeys at¬ tacking, if not killing, rattlesnakes. Man has been the greatest enemy of the rattlesnake since the first European set foot in Wisconsin. He also imported an able assistant, the hog. Keitel has said that although he has never seen a pig killed by a rattler, he has often seen a hog kill and eat one (MacQuarrie, 1941:83). James Allen Reed, when he settled at Trempealeau in 1840, found the place so infested with rattlesnakes that it was called “The Rattle Snake Hills.” The Winnebago called it Wa-kon-ne-shan-ah-ga, meaning “the place of the sacred snakes on the river.” Bunnell (1897:184, 327) informed Reed of a breed of hogs noted for their skill in hunting snakes, some of which Reed brought from Prairie du Chien. In a short time the number of rattlesnakes was greatly reduced. Bunnell mentions that a hog, lean 1967-68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 35 from a scanty winter diet, rushed among the numerous snakes at a den. After killing several, the hog instead of eating them stag¬ gered away and took refuge in a mud hole. On recovery, she showed no further interest in rattlesnakes. The hog’s lack of fat had en¬ abled the snakes to inject their venom into the blood vessels, al¬ though it is generally assumed that hogs are immune to the venom since the normal layer of fat prevents the fangs from reaching the circulatory system. It was not uncommon in Grant County at one time to find a rattler under an unbound bundle of wheat, or for a man loading the wheat to find that a snake had been pitched to him along with the bundle. When hogs became numerous, the snakes were largely destroyed (Holford, 1900:49). Green River, in northern Grant County, was once a good trout stream where the timid were warned not to frequent its banks until the hogs had exterminated the snakes ( Platte ville, 1854). The Norwegian settlements in Dane, Jefferson, and Waukesha counties were visited by Lovenskjold (1924:88) in 1847. He wrote: 'Tn some places, especially where there are large sloughs, there are poisonous snakes, but they are reduced in number year by year, as the land is being cultivated. Their worst enemy is the hog, and as the settlers keep large numbers of hogs because it costs but little to feed them in the summer, they devour the snakes wherever found.” Killing and eating rattlesnakes is not confined to the semi-feral animals which comprised the stock of the first settlers. Lethal Effects of the Venom Many writers on Wisconsin have expressed surprise, in view of the abundance of rattlesnakes, that so few people have been bitten and that only a very small number have died. Of 70 Wisconsin cases which I have found in the literature before 1880, only 12 people were reported to have died. Nearly all the deaths occurred in areas occupied by the timber rattlesnake. The massasauga is so small that the amount of venom injected was rarely fatal. Some of the fatal cases are mentioned under the counties. Of the people bitten 30 were men, 29 children, and 11 women. The fatal cases comprised 5 men, 4 children, and 3 women. Six people were hospitalized for snake bites in Wisconsin in 1958 and 1959, with no deaths (Parrish, 1965). No fatalities occurred in Wisconsin during the ten-year period 1950-59, although the estimated number of snakebites was 15 annually. Probably few large domestic animals fall victim to rattlesnakes. If the venom rarely kills a human being, the chances of horses and cattle dying are slender. Fonda (1868:281) relates that during the 36 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 removal of the Winnebago, just before making camp on the main Baraboo ridge on May 15, 1848, his horse was bitten on the nose by a rattlesnake. He thought that the horse, its head swelled to twice normal size, would certainly die. An old Frenchman offered to cure it. The next morning the horse was well, but he learned that all the Frenchman had done was to look at the horse and talk to it. Information on the circumstances under which an animal died is meager, no mention being made of a snake having been seen or killed. In four cases where cattle were found dead, the deaths were attributed to snake bite. A colt 18 months old was found dead in the road soon after being bitten by a snake (Alma, 1877.2). A mule recovered from a bite, supposedly as a result of treatment with snakeroot (Augusta, 1878.1). One horse nearly died from a bite (Baraboo, 1871), and another succumbed twelve hours after being bitten (Prescott, 1866). A horse, bitten beside the Platte River in Grant County, swelled to an enormous size, but was cured with sage tea and milk (West. Hist. Co., 1881). Cooke (1940:286) says that when a fine horse was bitten on the nose, his father made it drink a quart of whiskey and it recovered. Antidotes The early remedies were based on folklore. Most of the physicians of the period were on the same medical level as the country people, their treatments doubtfully efficacious. Often it is surprising that the patient survived the treatment rather than the snake’s venom. By far the most popular treatment was the internal use of alcohol. Its general use must have been intensified by the report of Dr. Burnett (1854) , who declared that because the venom was a depres¬ sant, the best antidote was alcohol, a powerful stimulant. His find¬ ings were widely copied. Many statements testify to the fact that regardless of the amount of alcohol taken, intoxication did not follow. Some of the numerous external antidotes used in Wisconsin were: salt and onions; a mixture of gunpowder, salt and egg yolk; gall of any species of snake; black mud and tobacco; clay; tobacco applied to the wound and also eaten ; freshly killed chicken ; tincture of iodine; ammonia; whiskey, saleratus (sodium bicarbon¬ ate), and cornmeal; and alum taken internally. Dr. Ward’s treat¬ ment for a child bitten at Madison was a poultice of wood ashes and copious draughts of whiskey punch. Since the child recovered, the treatment was recommended highly (Madison, 1855). The vari¬ ous snakeroots, of which Polygala senega was so popular elsewhere, were rarely used. Sometimes a slit was made in the wound, or a large piece of flesh cut from it, and suction applied by mouth. While at Portage, MoKenney (1868:188) was told that the Indians ob- 1967”68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 37 tained immunity by rubbing over their bodies the dried, powdered flesh from the neck of the turkey vulture. A man at Fennimore, bitten by a massasauga while binding grain, underwent heroic treatment. When questioned by Bishop Kemper, he replied that after reaching the house he drank half a pint of alcohol and camphor, then a quart of whiskey, followed by a quart of pure alcohol, and all this with no symptoms of intoxica¬ tion, The following morning he drank a pint of alcohol and swal¬ lowed a quarter pound of finely cut tobacco boiled in milk (Lan¬ caster, 1866) . In a way, it is disappointing that he did not die. The use of a tourniquet is of no value. If incision and suction are employed immediately, about 40 percent of the venom can be re¬ moved, but they are useless if more than one-half hour has passed since the snake bite. The only really effective treatment is with antivenin (Hyde, 1964). Range The formal papers on the reptiles of Wisconsin give only occa¬ sional places where rattlesnakes have been found. Most of my data on distribution has come from newspapers. Unfortunately the in¬ formation is often insufficient to determine the species. Usually it is possible to determine species from the dimensions given for the snake, or from the habitat. Because the timber rattlesnake never occurred east of the longitude of Madison, any rattlesnake men¬ tioned east of this line was the massasauga. Approximately 275 references to rattlesnakes, mostly before 1880, have been accumu¬ lated by the author. To cite all the references to the several coun¬ ties would be superfluous. Only a few locations are spotted on the map (Fig. 1), but every reference is included for the border of the range. Maps showing the recent distribution occur in Knudsen (1954.1) and Spaulding (1965). Adams, — -A timber rattlesnake with eight rattles was killed on the west side of Hixson Bluff (Friendship, 1869), now known as Rattlesnake Mound, about five miles south of the village of Adams. Buffalo.- — Ira Nelson came to the tovm of Nelson in 1855. Among the first deaths was that of his daughter, who died from the bite of a rattlesnake (Curtiss-Wedge, 1919 : 98) . Records of the timber rat¬ tlesnake exist for the towns of Alma, -Dover, Gilmanton, Glencoe, and Mondovi. One killed in a field in Little Bear Creek Valley was reported to be six feet in length and four inches in diameter. The species was considered “quite scarce in this county” (Alma, 1874). A rattlesnake five feet long was killed in a vacant lot in the village of Alma (Alma, 1878,1), and one in a woodshed (Alma, 1878.4). 38 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 000«4lt-x0 Figure 1. Range of the Timber Rattlesnake and Massasauga. Seventeen rattlesnakes were killed in an oatfield, in a space of 10 acres, near Mondovi (Mondovi, 1877.1). Two specimens of the massasauga were taken at Nelson, town of Nelson (Breckenridge, 1944:152). Chippewa, — Records for the town of Eagle Point show several persons to have been bitten, probably by massasaugas (Chippewa Falls, 1872, 1876). Clark. — Only one reference was found. On September 17, 1880, an “enormous” rattlesnake, 44 inches in length, was killed in Neills- 1967-68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 39 ville (Neillsville, 1880), the only one ever seen in the vicinity. The length shows that it was a timber rattlesnake. A road-killed massasauga was found in the town of Dewhurst by George Knudsen. It is quite common in the southwestern part of the county. Columbia. — Massasaugas were numerous, with many accounts of them by travelers who crossed at Portage. In 1926, Pope (1926) obtained two specimens which had been captured near by. One, killed on October 9 along the canal in Portage (Portage, 1869), gives some indication of the lateness of hibernation. Another was killed in a barn in Portage (Portage, 1870). The timber rattlesnake occurred along the Wisconsin River. On September 26, 1886, a woman thrust her hand into a rock cavity in the town of Westpoint, expecting to find nuts stored by squirrels, and was bitten on a finger by a rattlesnake four feet long but with only one rattle (Prairie du Sac, 1886). Another killed in the same town had ten rattles (Prairie du Sac, 1877). A man was bitten in the Baraboo Bluffs in the town of Caledonia (Portage, 1878). During a period of high water, while men were working on an improvement of the Wisconsin River at the mouth of the Baraboo River, town of Caledonia, they killed 14 rattlesnakes. Other people killed 12 in the same locality (Prairie du Sac, 1880). Crawford. — Timber rattlesnakes have been found near Steuben (Pope and Dickinson, 1928:71), and in the towns of Utica and Wauzeka (Messeling, 1953). Dane. — The timber rattlesnake occurred from Madison west¬ ward. James A. Jackson (1944:27). who came to Madison in 1853, encountered while walking in the woods, locality not stated, a coiled rattlesnake, sounding its rattle. Alvin R. Cahn, a student in zoology in the University in 1914-1917, told me that while canoeing along Maple Bluff, he found about a ‘'peck’' of rattlesnake bones in a cavity exposed by a fall of rock. Apparently a slippage of rock at some time had closed the cavity in which the snakes were hibernat¬ ing. In the western part of Section 3 town of Dane, is Rattlesnake Bluff, so called from the former abundance of rattlesnakes (Cassidy, 1947 :200) . Following the battle of Wisconsin Heights in 1832, a wounded soldier was laid on the ground at night at East Blue Mounds, where the rattlesnakes gave warning (Parkinson, 1856: 361). In 1879, six large “yellow” rattlesnakes were killed at Black Hawk Bluff (Lookout), town of Roxbury. There are other records for the towns of Black Earth and Vermont. The marsh which formerly covered most of the area between the Yahara River and the capitol at Madison, contained massasaugas. 40 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 56 Several adults and children were bitten, but none died. On May 24, 1881, a large massasauga was killed in front of the post office in the village of Black Earth (Black Earth, 1881), This species occurred also in the towns of Burke, Cottage Grove, Dunkirk, Mazomanie, Oregon, Rutland, Springfield, Sun Prairie, and West- port. They were killed in the county at least as late as 1892 (Madi¬ son, 1892, 1892,1). Dunn. — With one exception, the records are for the southeastern part of the county, and must pertain to the massasauga, Davis (1911:170) making a preliminary railroad survey in 1857, at Elk Creek found abundant a “variety of prairie rattlers.” Near Falls City, town of Spring Brook, 35 rattlesnakes were once killed, the heavy rains having driven them from the swamps (Menomonie, 1879). When Eugene Wiggins arrived at Falls City in 1855, these snakes abounded (Curtiss^-Wedge, 1925:238). A man from Menomonie, hunting prairie chickens, shot a rattlesnake which was pointed by his dog (Menomonie, 1877). Eau Claire. — A rattlesnake was killed in Augusta in 1870 (Augusta, 1870) and later two people were bitten near this village (Augusta, 1878, 1880). A child and a woman were bitten at Eau Claire (Eau Claire, 1859, 1872). There were no fatalities. Fond du Lac. — Haas (1943:38), after he purchased a farm in the town of Marshland in 1847, wrote that he had not met anyone who had seen a rattlesnake. A large one, however, was killed a mile east of Fond du Lac in June, 1875, undoubtedly a massasauga. There was the comment: “This is a rare occurrence, as a rattle¬ snake is seldom found in this section of the state” (Fond du Lac, 1875), Grant.— LAmher rattlesnakes, especially, were abundant. On August 24, 1845, on an island at Potosi, when a member of Moore^s (1946:39) party killed a rattlesnake he was informed that the woods were full of them. There are several place names. Snake Diggings took its name from a cave at Potosi which contained rattlesnakes. A creek and a mound in the town of Hazel Green bear the name Sinsinawa,* meaning rattlesnake. Rattlesnake Creek rises in the northern part of the town of Bloomington and enters Grant River 2.5 miles south of Beetown. An early account reports * The origin of the name is uncertain. The word does not occur in the languages of the Sioux, Chippewa, Winnebago, Fox, Sauk, or related Kickapoo. The Fox occu¬ pied the area prior to commercial lead mining. Very probably it is a corruption of the Menomini name for the rattlesnake, sinawata. Schoolcraft (iL c. p. 346) used the spelling Sissinaway for the mound. Mr. Buford Morrison of the Horton Agency, Hor¬ ton, Kansas, obtained the name Shen-weh-ah-gat from the resident Kickapoo. Mr. Bernhard Richert of the Shawnee Agency, Shawnee, Oklahoma, has informed me that the Sauk and Fox word for rattlesnake is Na’-to-we’-wuh, and Kickapoo, Na-to’— we’-a. 1967“68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 41 going from Beetown to Cassville, down Rattlesnake Valley and across the Massasauga (Lancaster, 1844). The timber rattlesnake has been reported from the towns of Cassville, Hazel Green, Potosi, Waterloo, and Wyalusing. The massasauga was found in the towns of Cassville, and Fenni- more, and must have occurred in others. Doubtless it was a snake of this species which bit a farmer on Balke’s Prairie, town of Bloomington (Lancaster, 1848). Undetermined species are men¬ tioned for the towns of Marion, South Lancaster, Wingville, and Woodman. Grce?i.— Massasaugas, in 1836, raised their heads through the puncheon floor of the cabin of David Bridge, town of Jefferson. A Mr. Chadwick plowed a furrow 20 inches wide from his cabin to the schoolhouse so that his children would not become lost in the prairie, and : “On this furrow the children walked until the snakes, pleased with the soft ground, took up their abode there, and then they walked in the high grass by its side” (Bingham, 1877:167, 171). In 1875 A. W. Goddard, in Monroe, advertised for sale mens’ heavy brogans which were proof against rattlesnakes (Monroe, 1875). Green Lake. — ^When Richard Dart came to Green Lake in 1840, rattlesnakes were plentiful (Dart, 1910:255). Iowa. — Timber rattlesnakes have been found in the towns of Arena, Dodgeville, Highland, and Wyoming, where they are still common locally. Specimens of the massasauga have been collected at Mineral Point (Pope and Dickinson, 1928:70), Jackson. — Three people, two of them children, were bitten near Black River Falls (Black River Falls, 1867, 1871). Robert Ellarson has informed me that the massasauga is still common along Hall Creek, northwest of Merrillan. Jefferson. — The massasauga has been recorded for the towns of Lake Mills, Milford, Sumner, and Watertown. One was found under a bed in Thure Kumlien’s cabin near Bussyville (Main, 1943:38). S. W. Faville informed Hawkins (1940) that about 70 massasaugas were killed about 1850 at a rocky den within a mile or two of Faville Grove as they were coming out of hibernation. (Except for the southwestern corner, the remainder of the county was distinctly habitat of the massasauga. It occurred in the towns of Lemon wier, Lisbon, Orange, and Necedah. Bertha Thomson (1933:418) wrote of the vicinity of Necedah when a child: “The rattlers were usually in the leaves, or old stumps and logs, where the blueberries grew,” Robert Ellarson found a dead 42 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 massasauga in the road in the town of Finley, near the county line. It is common along the Yellow River. Rattlesnakes, species undetermined, occurred in the towns of Lindina and Plymouth. Kenosha. — A boy, about 20 months of age, living south of Kenosha, was bitten on the foot by a “prairie” rattlesnake and re¬ covered (Southport, 1842). A. M. Jonsson wrote on December 9, 1843, from the town of Wheatland that the rattlesnakes were by no means as large and venomous as they were thought to be in Sweden (Stephenson, 1937:119). La Crosse. — Both species occurred, but little is recorded of their distribution. Haines (1848) in September, 1848, killed an “enor¬ mous” rattlesnake on a bluff of the Wisconsin shore opposite the mouth of Root River, Iowa. In 1852, Ethan Roberts was told of the attractiveness of the county, including “the large yellow rattle¬ snakes in the rocks and of massasaugas on the marshes” (Western Hist. Co., 1881.1:465). Although the timber rattlesnake was com¬ mon, the only localities mentioned are La Crosse and Green’s Coulee near Onalaska (Garland, 1917:32, 33, 49). Larson (1942:25), liv¬ ing on a farm in Jostad Coulee in the northern part of the town of Hamilton, never saw more than three rattlesnakes. Lafayette. — Rodolph (1900:354) settled in the town of Gratiot in 1834. He wrote: “Another annoyance was the great abundance of snakes, particularly rattlesnakes. I have never before or since even in Florida or Louisiana seen anything like it.” Brunson (1900 : 290) mentions that in winter a rattlesnake in a cave in West Platte Mound, near the county line in the town of Belmont, was crawling about as in summer. A rattlesnake three feet long with six rattles was killed near Darlington (Darlington, 1873). Smith (1838:25) traveled south from Mineral Point to the Pecatonica, where, prob¬ ably in the town of Willow Springs, he found on the banks of the river a “brown and yellow” rattlesnake “(Crotalus horridus)” be¬ tween four and five feet long, killed an hour or so previously. Marquette. — On August 14, 1817, on ascending the Fox River and arriving at Buffalo Lake, Keyes (1920:351) was informed that rattlesnakes abounded in the country. Muir (1913 : 110) came to the county in 1849, and while living on the farm at Fountain Lake (now Ennis) in the town of Moundville, saw only one rattlesnake. He mentions seeing a copperhead, a species never known to occur in Wisconsin. Milwaukee. — In the early days hundreds of massasaugas were killed on what was then a marsh at the foot of Mason Street in 1967-68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 43 Milwaukee (Olin, 1930:214). According to Haas (1943:38), they were common in the Milwaukee region. Mrs. Carpenter (n.d.) arrived in 1845. In going to school at Brookfield in the warm days in spring it was common to see massasaugas on the ends of the logs forming the corduroy road across a long swamp. Monroe. — Cases of snakebite were reported from the towns of Glendale, Lafayette, Le Grange, and Oakdale. A woman in the town of Leon killed at her doorstep a rattlesnake with nine rattles (Sparta, 1881). Pepin, — In the town of Frankfort, timber rattlesnakes occurred in the bluffs, while massasaugas abounded in the bottoms between Dead Lake, at the northeastern corner of the town, and the Chip¬ pewa River (Curtiss-Wedge, 1919:1031). Pierce. — There are sixteen references to rattlesnakes in the county. The timber rattlesnake occurred in the towns of Clifton, Hartland, Isabelle, Oak Grove, Trenton, and Union. The locality and species of rattlesnake found along Rush River in a cabin be¬ longing to Harvey Seely are uncertain (River Falls, 1859.1). At that time, a Harvey G. Seeley lived in the town of Salem, the only clue to the locality. Racine. — The massasauga was formerly numerous. Two speci¬ mens collected by Dr. Hoy at Racine, about 1858, are in the U.S. National Museum (Pope and Dickinson, 1928:70). There are rec¬ ords for the towns of Burlington, Dover, and Mount Pleasant. Richland. — Timber rattlesnakes were numerous in the northern part of the town of Orion and in the town of Buena Vista. In 1889 they were plentiful in the Pine River Valley (Dodgeville, 1889). Jackson (1961:117) killed one near Gotham, where it still occurs. One said to have been five feet in length was killed in the town of Westford (Reedsburg, 1874). Rock. — The massasauga must have been more numerous than the single record indicates. When Sayre (1920:424) came to Ful¬ ton in 1849, his fear of rattlesnakes vanished after killing one at the bridge at Stebbinsville, a discontinued post office in the north¬ ern part of the town of Porter. St. Croix. — The northern limit of rattlesnakes was in this county. Breckenridge (1944:154) in 1939 examined two sets of rattles of the timber rattlesnake in the possession of a farmer in the town of Troy, and taken years before. A man in Emerald captured a rattle¬ snake which refused food of any kind during its captivity of eleven weeks (Hudson, 1880). 44 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [VoL 56 Sauk. — -Both the timber rattlesnake and massasauga were com¬ mon at the time of settlement (Biihler, 1923:326; Canfield, 1870: 40). The timber rattlesnake was especially numerous at Devil's Lake and along Honey Creek, town of Honey Creek. The first year that the Philip P. Grubb family lived in the town of Freedom, they killed over 60 rattlesnakes (Cole, 1918:583). J. B. Fowler, on August 3, 1877, shot a rattlesnake five feet three inches long. His attention had been called to the snake by his cattle circling the place where the snake was coiled (Baraboo, 1877.1). The massasauga occurred on the prairies, and especially along Otter Creek. In the town of Sumpter Knapp (1947 :14) was taught how to tear down an old rail fence and kill rattlesnakes. Trempealeau. — There are 18 early references to rattlesnakes in the county. The timber rattlesnake was particularly abundant at Mount Trempealeau. It is recorded for the towns of Caledonia, Gale, Pigeon, and Preston. The snake mentioned for Tamarac (Trempealeau, 1873.3) may have been the massasauga. The latter occurred in the Trempealeau Valley, but there were no timber rattlesnakes (Heuston, 1890:52-54), Vernon. — In 1859, both species occurred in the town of Harmony (Button, 1955:112). The timber rattlesnake was recorded for the towns of Forest, Liberty, and Sterling, but most frequently from the town of Kickapoo. Wahvorth. — -The massasauga was abundant in the town of East Troy (Burlington, 1882). Dwinell (1874), who settled on Spring Prairie, town of Spring Prairie, in 1836 killed seven rattlesnakes the first summer. They disappeared about 1850. During the harvest season, 18 were killed on a farm in the town of Bloomfield (Lake Geneva, 1876) . It is mentioned also for the towns of Delavan and Lafayette. Specimens have been taken in the town of Richmond (Pope, 1930:277). Waukesha. — Unonius (1950:297) killed two rattlesnakes while cutting wild hay at Pine Lake, town of Merton, He remarked that the warning was feeble; people and stock, however, were seldom bitten. Wood. — On July 30, 1874, six rattlesnakes of the “black species," with four to seven rattles, were killed in the large marsh west of Wisconsin Rapids (Grand Rapids, 1874). A few days afterwards one entered the house of Silas Paine, although previously they were unknown except along the Yellow River, 1967-68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 45 References Aldous, C, M. 1938. Deer kills rattlesnake. Jour. Mam. 19:111. Alma Buffalo Co. Jour. 1862. June 5. Alma Express. 1864. Aug. 6. - . 1877. 2. Aug. 23. - . 1878.1. May 30, - . 1878.2. June 6. - . 1878.4. Aug. 8. Anderson, T. G. 1882. Narrative. Wis. Hist. Colls. 9:147, 192. Augusta Herald and Madison State Jour. 1870. Aug. 10. Augusta Eagle. 1878. June 1. - . 1878.1. July 18. - . 1880. July 10. Baraboo Republic. 1871. July 19. - . 1877.1. Aug. 8. Bingham, Helen M. 1877. History of Green County. Milwaukee. 310 p. Black Earth Advertiser. 1881. May 26. Black River Falls Jackson Co. Banner and Madison State Jour. 1867. Aug. 6, Black River Falls Badger State Banner. 1871. July 17 and 22. Breckenridge, W. J. 1944. Reptiles and amphibians of Minnesota. Minneapolis. 202 p. Brown, C. E. 1934. Prairie stories. Madison. 12 p. Brunson, A, 1855. Wisconsin geographical names. Wis. Hist. Colls. 1:110-115. - . 1872. A western pioneer. Cincinnati. 11:418 p. - . 1900. A methodist circuit rider’s horseback tour from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin. Wis. Hist. Colls. 15:264-291. Buhler, Jacob. 1923. A Swiss family in the new world. Wis. Mag. Hist. 6: 317-333. Bunnell, L. H. 1897. Winona and its environs. Winona, 694 p. Burlington Free Press. 1882. Sept. 26. Burnett, Dr. W. I. 1854. Notes on the rattle snake. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1851-54. 4:311-315, 323-324. Button, G, W, 1955. A Vermonter in the west, 1859. La Crosse Co. Hist. Soc. Ser. 8:104-112, Canfield, W. H. 1870. Outline sketches of Sauk County. Third sketch. Baraboo. 40 p. Carpenter, Mrs. H. C. n.d. Recollections of early days. Wis. Hist. Soc. MS. 15 p. Carver, J. 1838. Carver’s travels in Wisconsin. N. Y. 376 p. Cassidy, F. G. 1947. The place-names of Dane County. Greensboro. 255 p. Chippewa Falls Democrat. 1872. Aug. 8. Chippewa Falls Herald. 1876. Aug. 25. Cole, H, E. 1918. A standard history of Sauk County. Wisconsin. Chicago. 1128 p. Cooke, W. W. 1940. A frontiersman in northwestern Wisconsin. Wis. Mag. Hist. 23:281-303. Curtiss-Wedge, F. 1919. History of Buffalo and Pepin counties, Wisconsin. Winona. 1047 p. - •. 1925. History of Dunn County, Wisconsin. Minneapolis. 966 p. Darlington Democrat. 1873. Aug. 29, Dart, R, 1910. Settlement of Green Lake County, Proc. Wis. Hist. Soc. for 1909. p. 252-272. Davis, A. M. 1911. A preliminary railroad survey in Wisconsin, 1857. Proc. Wis. Hist, Soc. for 1910. p. 165-170. 46 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and, Letters [Vol. 56 Dodgeville Chronicle. 1878. Aug. 16. - . 1889. Aug. 30. Dwinnell, S. a. 1874. Wisconsin as it was. Reedsburg Free Press Sept. 17. Eau Claire Free Press and Fond du Lac Commonwealth. 1859. Aug. 24. - . 1872. Aug. 1. Fonda, J. H. 1868. Early Wisconsin. Wis. Hist. Colls. 5:205-284. Fond du Lac Journal. 1875. July 1. Friendship Press. 1869. May 26. Garland, Hamlin. 1917. A son of the middle border. N. Y. 467 p. Grand (Wisconsin) Rapids Reporter. 1874. Aug. 6. Haas, Carl de. 1943. North America: Wisconsin hints for emigrants, [Fond du Lac?]. 72 p. Haines, R. B. 1848. Letter September 13. Copy Wis. Hist. Soc. Hawkins, A. S. 1940. A wildlife history of Faville Grove, Wisconsin. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters 32:63. Hennepin, L. 1903. A new discovery of a vast country in America. Chicago. 711 p. Heuston, B. F. 1890. Original conditions and early history of Trempealeau County. Wis. Hist, Soc. MS. 329 p. Higley, W. K. 1889. Reptilia and batrachia of Wisconsin. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 7:155-176. Holford, C. N. 1900. History of Grant County, 'Wisconsin. Lancaster. 782 p. Howe, H, 1847. Historical collections of Ohio. Cincinnati. 581 p. Hoy, P. R. 1883. Catalogue of the cold-blooded vertebrates of Wisconsin. Geol. of Wis. 1:424-425. Hudson Republican. 1880. July 21. Hyde, H. 1964. Treatment of poisonous snakebites. Wis. Med. Jour. 63: 340- 344. Jackley, a. M. 1938. Badgers feed on rattlesnakes. Jour. Mam. 19:374-375. Jackson, H. H. T. 1961. Mammals of Wisconsin. Madison. 504 p. Jackson, J. A. 1944. Autobiography of James Albert Jackson, Sr., M.D. Wis. Mag. Hist. 28:20-36. Keyes, W. 1920. A journal of life in Wisconsin one hundred years ago. Wis. Mag. Hist. 3:339-363. Klauber, L. M. 1956. Rattlesnakes. Berkeley. 1476 p, Knapp, G. N. 1947. Autobiop-aphy. Wis. Hist. Soc. MS. 220 p. Knudsen, George. 1954. Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus horridus). Wis. Consv. Bull. 19(9) :33-34. - . 1954.1. Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus). Wis. Consv. Bull. 19(10) : 35-36. Lake City Publ. Co. 1892. Portrait and biographical album of Racine and Kenosha counties, Wisconsin. Chicago. 1035 p. Lake Geneva Herald. 1876. Aug. 12. Lancaster Herald. 1844. July 20. - . 1848. July 29. - . 1866, Sept. 11. Larson, Louis. 1942. Pioneering in Wisconsin and Minnesota. La Crosse Co. Hist. Soc. Ser. 6:18-32. Le Sueur, J. J. 1902. "Yoyage up the Mississippi. Wis. Hist. Colls. 16:177-200. L0VENSKJOLD, Adam. 1924. An account of the Norwegian settlers in America. Wis. Mag. Hist. 8:77-78. MacQuarrie, G. 1941. King of the snake country. Outdoor Life 88(1) :22-23, 82-83. Madison State Jour. 1855. July 2. - . 1892. Sept. 3, Oct. 1 1967-68] Schorger — Rattlesnakes in Early Wisconsin 47 Main, Angie K. 1943. Thure Kumlien, Koshkonong naturalist, Wis. Mag, Hist. 27:17-39. Marryat, F. 1839, A diary in America, N. Y. 263 p. McDowell, R. D. 1950. Do you know? The facts about white-tailed deer. Pa. Game News, Special Issue. Sept., No. 1:41-48. McKenney, T. L. 1868. The Winnebago war. Wis. Hist. Colls. 5:178-204. McManus, J. H. 1919. A forgotten trail, Wis. Mag. Hist, 3:140-152. Map op. p. 141. Menomonie News. 1879. Aug. 30, Messeling, E. 1953. Rattlesnakes in southwestern Wisconsin. Wis. Consv. Bull, 18(10) :21-23. Miller, H. E. 1938. The dangerous serpents of Pennsylvania. Pa. Farmer 119(5) :5, 17-18. Mondovi Herald. 1877.1. Aug. 10. Monroe Sentinel. 1875. May 19. Moore, N. F. 1946. A trip from New York to the Falls of St. Anthony in 1845. Chicago. 101 p. Muir, John. 1913, The story of my boyhood and youth. Boston. 294 p, Neillsville Republican and Press. 1880. Sept. 24, Olin, N. 1930. Reminiscences of Milwaukee in 1835-36. Wis, Mag. Hist. 13: 201-223. Owen, D. D. 1852. Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Philadelphia. 638 p. Parkinson, D. M. 1856. Pioneer life in Wisconsin. Wis. Hist. Colls. 2:326-364 Parrish, H. M. 1965. Frequency of snakebites in Wisconsin. Wis. Med. Jour. 64(6) :216-220. Platteville American. 1854. May 26. Pond, P. 1908. Journal, Wis. Hist. Colls. 18:314-354, Pope, T. E. B. 1923. Hunting Wisconsin rattlesnakes. Yearbook Mil. Pub. Mus, 3:13-26. - . 1926. The massasauga in Wisconsin. Yearbook Mil. Pub. Mus. 6: 171-180. - . 1930. Wisconsin herpetological notes. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 25:275- 284. - and W. E. Dickinson. 1928. The amphibians and reptiles of Wisconsin, Bull. Pub. Mus. Mil. 8(1):138 p. Portage, Register. 1869. Oct. 16. - , 1870. Aug. 20. - . 1878. Aug. 31. Prairie du Sac News. 1877. July 7. - . 1880. Oct. 2. - , 1886. Oct. 1. Prescott Journal. 1866. July 1. R&edsburg Free Press. 1872. Aug. 23, - . 1874. Sept. 3. Richland Center Republican. 1869. Aug.l2. - . 1874. May 28. River Falls Journal. 1859.1. Aug. 24. - . 1873. Aug. 26. Rodolph, T. 1900. Pioneering in the Wisconsin lead region. Wis. Hist. Colls. 15:338-389. Sayre, D. F. 1920. Early life in southern Wisconsin. Wis. Mag. Hist. 3:420- 427. Schoolcraft, H. R. 1821. Narrative journal of travels. Albany. 428 p. Seton, E. T, 1929. Lives of game animals. N. Y. 3(1) :412 p. 48 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Smith, W. R. 1838. Observations on Wisconsin territory. Philadelphia. 134 p. Southport (Kenosha) Telegraph. 1842. June 7. Sparta Herald. 1881. Aug. 16. Spaulding, J. C. 1965. State’s poisonous snakes cause few fatalities. Milwaukee Journal, July 17. Stephenson, G. M. 1937. Letters relating to Gustaf Unonius . . . Rock Island. 151 p. Thomson, Bertha V. 1933. Necedah in early days. Wis. Mag. Hist. 16: 412- 422. Trempealeau Republican. 1873. June 6. - . 1873.3. Sept. 12. Unonious, G. 1950. A pioneer in northwest America, 1841-1858. Minneapolis. 1:419 p. Viroqua Censor. 1882. Aug. 2. Watertown Democrat. 1875. Sept. 9. Western Hist. Co. 1880. The history of Columbia County, Wisconsin. Chicago. 1095 p. - . 1881. History of Grant County, Wisconsin. Chicago. 1046 p, - . 1881.1. History of La Crosse County, Wisconsin. Chicago. 862 p. THE WILD HONEYBEE IN EARLY WISCONSIN A. W. Schorger It is not known exactly when the honeybee (Apis mellifica) was brought to North America. The literature indicates that it was in¬ troduced first into Massachusetts, but the earliest records are for Virginia. Williams (1844) listed honey and beeswax among the commodities produced and available in Virginia, and gave their prices as of 1621. Evidently bees had been brought in some time previously. A letter of December 5, 1621, from the Virginia Com¬ pany of London reported that beehives, peacocks and pigeons were being sent to the colony for preservation and increase (Kingsbury, 1933) . Swarms escaped to use hollow trees as hives, and by the end of the 18th century honeybees were well established beyond the Mississippi. Unfortunately we do not know the rate at which bees spread westward. Bradbury (1817) wrote that in 1810 they were found in eastern Nebraska, and that they had moved 600 miles westward in 14 years, approximately 40 miles a year. At this rate of progress bees would have advanced from the coast of Virginia to the Missis¬ sippi in 20 years, which is improbable. In 1754 there were swarms of bees at the forks of the Ohio (Pittsburg) (J.C.B., 1941), and in 1782 bees were kept by the Moravian Indians at Gnadenhutten on the Muskingum (Zeisberger, 1885, 1:80). Although in 1776 wild bees were reported to be abundant at Detroit (Hamilton, 1908), Zeisberger (1885, 11:316) wrote in 1793 that no bees were found in the woods at Fairfield on the Thames (near Detroit) and bees brought there by an Indian from the Huron River, Ohio, swarmed twice. The dates available show poor coincidence with longitude. In 1804, two men from the Moravian Mission near Anderson, Indiana, went with a Cherokee squaw to fell some bee trees which she had found (Gipson, 1938). The U.S. Factory at Chicago paid to the Indians thirty nine cents per pound for beeswax in 1805 (Peake, 1954). Flagg (1912) wrote from Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois (a prairie state), September 12, 1818, that more wild honey was available in the territory than elsewhere in the world. Bees progressed slowly in the virgin forest, but rapidly at the margins of grasslands. The date of the appearance of the honeybee in Wisconsin is un¬ certain. The U.S. Factory at Prairie du Chien purchased ''wax. 49 50 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 tallow, etc/’ to the amount of $70.88 during the first half of 1818 (J. W. Johnson, 1911). An 1825 inventory of the trading post at Fond du Lac (Superior) appraised 10 pounds of wax at $2.00 (Anon., 1911). Although neither record indicated the source of the beeswax, it probably came from near the Mississippi. The first mention of wild bees in Wisconsin was in 1828. In January of this year Fonda (1859) and a Frenchman, carrying mail from Chicago to Green Bay, discovered in southeastern Wisconsin a bee tree, re¬ vealed by the claw marks of a bear and cut it down. Fonda ate so much of the honey that he became ill. Subsequently he could not eat honey without a feeling of nausea. In the same year honey was so abundant in Grant County (Hollman, 1922) that bees must have colonized the region before 1800. V Collection of Honey by Indians The Indians had collected honey long before the first white settlers came to southern Wisconsin as shown by their ladders and bee trees which had been cut. Except in the Lead Region, the tide of immigration was unimportant until about 1840. The Indians were on hand to exchange honey for pork and flour. The Potawatomies in Walworth County used crude ladders to reach the cavity containing the honey and opened it with hatchets ('Dwinnell, 1874). The earliest settlers in Waukesha County found a great number of Indian ladders made from tall young trees, their branches cut off to leave prongs eight to ten inches long which served as rungs (Western Hist. Co. 1880.3:626). At times the Indians sought assistance from the whites. Joseph H. Stickney came to Waukesha County in 1839. His daughter described the procedure (Martin, 1925) : “My father said when an Indian came of an errand, he never failed to make his want known; he would continue to act it out in pantomime until you caught his meaning. Sometimes it was a bee-tree he had found, and he wanted the white man to go with him with an axe and chop the tree down. First he made the white man understand what he had found; he attracts his attention, then bends over and imitates the bee as he flies from flower to flower, buzz, buzz, buzz ; then he points, as away the bee flies with his load to his home in the distant tree, then he says, ‘armo sispoquet’* ; ‘sispoquet’ meant bee sugar or honey. Then fa¬ ther gets his axe, the Indian shows him the way to the honey the Indian divides with him ; then taking his half, vanishes among the trees of the forest.” * The Potawatomi were closely related to the Chippewa, in whose language honey was amo sisihakwat. 1967-68] Schorger- — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 51 Collection of Honey by Whites Cane sugar was an expensive item for the early settlers, and maple sugar could be made only in particular areas. The cheapest and most available sweetening was honey. In fact the only readily marketable products were deer skins, furs, ginseng, honey, and beeswax. Many of the settlers from the east were experienced bee hunters and some became professional collectors of honey. Greening (1942:213) wrote at Mazomanie in 1847: '‘Parties go bee hunting for months together in Summer, they take wagons and a pair of oxen, an ax and coffeepot, and that’s all except barrels for the honey. When they come to a prairie they turn out the cattle, and watch the flowers till they see a honey bee, catch it, put it into a box, for its humming to attract other bees, then they let it go and watch in what direction they fly, and then search all the hollow trees on that side. And the tree, chop it down, smother the bees and take the honey, barrel it up, then ditto, several times a day perhaps. They shoot for meat, roast corn in a frying pan for coffee, barter honey for flour from settlers, bake it in a pan, and sleep in their wagons at night.” The use of the box as described above is incorrect. The box con¬ tained honey which the bee consumed to the limit of its capacity. When released, it flew directly to the bee tree. The standard pro¬ cedure in Sauk County for locating a bee tree is given by Brown (1946) : “In the spring when the plum and apple trees were in bloom he [Uncle Isaih] took a small box, put some honey in it and caught a dozen bees or so and put them in the box, leaving a small crack that would allow one bee to escape at a time. When ready to ‘hunt,’ he would open a small slide and let out one bee. It came out laden with honey to be carried to the tree. When it first escaped, it flew around in spirals until it reached a height of twenty or thirty feet. Then it darted away in a straight line for the bee tree . . . After Uncle Isaih had followed the direction taken by the bee, until he was no longer sure of the direction, he opened the slot and let out another bee which repeated the operation.” Bees were released until the tree was found. Occasionally an entire day was consumed in locating the tree, but the reward might be as much as 100 pounds of honey. The finder of a bee tree carved his initials on the tree. Under unwritten pioneer law, this was a claim to ownership usually re¬ spected. Unonius (1950), writing of Waukesha County where he arrived in 1841, said that the finder could not cut the tree without the consent of the owner; but if the owner cut the tree, he had no right to the honey. With the influx of Europeans, the traditional 52 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [VoL 56 custom broke down and honey was taken without regard to ownership. Abundance It has been said that “Wisconsin was one extensive apiary’’ (Cole, 1930). This was true only of the southern two-thirds of the state. An early observation in the middle west was that bee trees were most numerous in the woods bordering the prairies. The reason for this lay in the profusion of flowers which existed on the prairies from early spring until autumn. Honey could be obtained from forest trees such as basswood and maples only during spring. Sufficient honey usually could not be collected to more than last the bees until the next flowering season. When clearings were made in the woods and crops such as buckwheat and white clover were raised, bees appeared. About 70 percent of the bloom in the forests occurs before June 15, while on the prairie at least 25 percent of the bloom occurs after August 15 (Curtis, 1959). The finding of bee trees by the early settlers is accordingly of ecological significance since it shows the presence of prairie or oak opening. Evidence for this is found in the title of the book by James Fenni- more Cooper, The oak openings; or, the bee-hunter (1848). In October 1834, E. Johnson (n.d.) and companions cut 31 bee trees in four days near the “Big Spring” between Dodgeville and Helena. After the honey was divided among the participants, he kept of his share a sufficient amount to supply his family for a year, and sold the remainder in Dodgeville for $75.00. A man in Grant County found 75 bee trees between Lancaster and Beetown (Western Hist. Co. 1881). Perkins (1842), living at Burlington, stated that thousands of swarms were destroyed annually by the Indians and whites and advised how the bees could be housed and saved. In 1841 the inhabitants of Milwaukee County petitioned the legislature to pass a law relating to wild bees. This petition could not be found. It evidently sought to protect the bees from destruction when a tree was cut ; however, “the committee had not deemed it necessary to take any action upon the subject, and asked to be discharged from its further consideration” (House Journ. 1841). The census of 1840 recorded 1,474 pounds of beeswax produced in the state. Grant County led with 399 pounds. Probably nearly all of this wax was obtained from wild bees. The census of 1850 gave a combined production of 131,005 pounds of honey and bees¬ wax, indicating that bee culture was then well under way. (The data are for the year prior to that in which the census was taken). 1967-68] Schorger — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 53 Bee Culture An apiary in pioneer times usually began by the capture of a swarm of wild bees. The simplest hive was a section of hollow tree boarded at the top and bottom. As late as 1863, mention is made of the transfer of a colony of bees from a hive of this kind to a “patent’' one (Madison, 1863). The wild bee was the so-called German, or black bee. Perkins (1842) wrote: “I wished to pur¬ chase some swarms and made considerable inquiry but notwith¬ standing the vast number of swarms which have been taken, yet from the reckless manner [in which] they have been destroyed, and the bad management of those kept, there is scarcely a swarm to be bought in the country.” Adam Grimm (1927), settling near Jefferson in the spring of 1849, found the country full of wild bees and soon formed an apiary. These bees were black and vicious. L. Teetshorn (Watertown, 1875) was convinced that the “native or black bees” were superior to the Italian and was limiting his apiary to them. In 1847, Raeder (1929) found that bee keeping was thriving in southeastern Wisconsin. A year later Ficker (1942) was in Mequon, Ozaukee County, where bees were kept. They were con¬ siderably more productive than in Germany. Many kinds of patented beehives were offered at Watertown in 1849 (Watertown, 1849) . A year earlier Mellberg recorded in his diary at Lake Kosh- konong, “Hived a swarm of bees for Mrs. Devoe” (Barton, 1946). A beehive was robbed at Kenosha in 1851 and thrown into the river (Kenosha, 1851). There was considerable early discussion of the relative values of the German and Italian bees. The opinion prevailed that the latter were the more docile and superior in the production of honey. I. S. Crowfoot began an apiary in the town of Hartford, Washington County, in 1856, and is said to have been the first to introduce the Italian bee. He had as many as 900 hives at one time (Western Hist. Co., 1881.1). The earliest specific date that has been found for the Italian bee is 1864, when J. W. Sharp, Door Creek, Dane County, offered Italian queens at $5.00 each (Madison, 1864). The leading bee keeper was Adam Grimm (1927) of Jefferson. He died in 1876, and on his tombstone is carved a straw beehive. He had gone to Italy in the fall of 1867, returning in the spring of 1868 with hundreds of Italian queens. Some were sold subsequently at $20.00 each. In January, 1871, he shipped 365 swarms to Utah (Grimm, 1871) . Only a few people were keeping Italian bees at the time. Grimm began the season of 1870 with 600 swarms which in¬ creased to 903 during the summer. His production of honey during the year was 22,725 pounds, which was about one-tenth of the total production in the state (Anon., 1871). Dr. Maxson of Whitewater 54 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 had 100 hives of imported Italian bees in 1874. Thirty hives were taken to the Bark River woods, where, in three days, they produced 700 pounds of honey (Whitewater, 1874) . This would be at the rate of 7.8 pounds of honey per hive per day. Distribution The places where bee trees were found are shown on the map (Fig. 1). Below, by counties, is the information that has been found. 1967-68] Schorger — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 55 Adams. — Two men cut down a tree in the town of Springville from which 250 pounds of honey were obtained (Friendship, 1870). Bee trees must have been found previously for the above amount of honey was viewed as a record. Another tree, found by James Needham, yielded 125 pounds of honey (Friendship, 1876). Barron. — Apiaries were started in the towns of Vance Creek and Arland, at unrecorded dates, by the capture of swarms of wild bees. J. P. Carlson began raising bees in the town of Prairie Farm about 1884 (Gordon, 1922). Clark. — Although wild bees were undoubtedly present, no record has been found. John R. Sturdevant, Neillsville, is credited with having introduced the first swarm of bees into the county (Lewis Publ. Co., 1891). Columbia. — An early settler, staying at the cabin of William Rowan at Poynette in 1837, reported “We had good coffee and plenty of honey’’ (Butterfield, 1880). Beyond a doubt, only wild honey was available at that time and place. A tree found in the town of Fountain Prairie contained 65 pounds of honey (Portage, 1878). Craivford. — In November 1830, Johnson (n.d.) found a colony of bees in the root of a tree on the west side of the Kickapoo River, town of Wauzeka. Dane. — The fall of 1829, Johnson (n.d.) hunted for bee trees at Blue Mounds. He took the honey, along with onions and potatoes which he had raised, by ox team to Fort Winnebago for sale. Rose Schuster Taylor (1945), born in 1863, daughter of Peter Schuster who settled near Middleton in 1855, wrote: “Wild bees deposited their delicious honey in hollow trees. We gathered it on cold days when the bees could not fly and could not sting us since such bees were truly wild. Many pounds of wild honey were added to our supply which was used as a sugar substitute in sweetening as well as for corn bread and griddle cakes. White sugar cost 15 cents a pound, and brown sugar was only a little less.” The early hunting for bee trees at Mazomanie has been mentioned. Dodge. — In the town of Herman, in the fall of 1848, Reuben Judd “took over thirty swarms of wild bees” (Western Hist. Co., 1880). Dunn. — Two men, after an absence of eight days, returned to Durand with over 500 pounds of strained honey obtained along Wilson Creek in the center of the county (Durand, 1863). In 1864 Mrs. Thomas Huey came to the home of 0. Cockeram, town of Lucas. Mrs. Cockeram “had some honey for supper which they told 56 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 us had been gotten out of a tree in the woods ^ which we thought very wonderful then'’ (Curtiss-Wedge, 1925). That year wild honey was reported to be very abundant and bee hunters were prospering. Honey cost 30 cents a pound (Menomonie, 1864). In 1879, in the town of Dunn, many swarms of wild bees were found in the woods (Menomonie, 1879) . A year later bee trees were found in the town of Weston, the woods along Knights Creek being men¬ tioned (Menomonie, 1880). Fond du Lac. — Government surveyors in the town of Calumet in 1834 noted that numerous trees had been cut by the Indians to ob¬ tain honey. Reuben Simmons, who settled in the town of Empire in 1840, took butter, eggs, and honey, presumably wild, to Green Bay (McKenna, 1912). At this time the Indians brought honey for sale or exchange (Western Hist. Co., 1880.1). Titus (1936) adds that the settlers obtained maple sugar and honey from the woods. Grant. — Beetown, nine miles southwest of Lancaster, is said to have obtained its name in 1827 when a large bee tree blew down, exposing lead ore, one piece of which weighed 425 pounds (West¬ ern Hist, Co., 1881). Another version derives the name from local mining activity (Lancaster, 1845). Hollman (1922) brought his family to his cabin near Platteville April 9, 1828). Some men sud¬ denly left the cabin which was in a filthy condition : “in the other corners were troughs full of honey in the comb, and kettles and pans full of strained honey, which had been procured by the miners from Tee trees’ found in the vicinity.” James Grushong came to the Hurricane district, town of South Lancaster, in 1836 when bees were so numerous that a bee tree could be found almost anywhere (Western Hist. Co., 1881). About two gallons of honey were obtained from a cave in the bluffs bor¬ dering the Mississippi, just below the entrance of the Wisconsin (Platteville, 1841). Holford (1900) wrote: “Little sugar did they have to buy; the wild bees of the woods had laid up in many a hollow oak an abundant store of sweets gathered from the in¬ credible profusion of prairie flowers,” Green. — The county seems to have been well supplied with wild honey, John Dougherty established a trading post at the “diggings” near Exeter in 1831, After the Black Hawk War was over he re¬ turned to the mines and “found his merchandise, which had been left buried in the ground much injured by moisture; but a barrel of metheglin which had been made early in the spring To keep’ was found so much improved that all present drank immoderately, forgetting, until intoxication came, the unusual strength of its in¬ gredients.” There were enough bee trees around Monroe to furnish 1967-68] Schorger — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 57 sufficient honey for the inhabitants. In 1843 John Adams, while looking for a bee tree in the town of Adams, discovered the Badger Diggings. Honey Creek, which rises near Monroe and flows into the Pecatonica, got its name from the felling of a bee tree to form a bridge (Bingham, 1877). Sylvester Hills came to the town of Albany in 1838. The sweets required for the family were provided by maple sugar and wild honey. T. B. Sutherland, who came with his family to the town of Sylvester in 1843, mentioned the cutting of an oak to get the honey in it (Union Publ. Co., 1884). According to Hiram Brown, town of Albany, wild honey bees were quite plentiful between 1842 and 1850. He wrote that in 1838, a “swarm of my bees’’ settled in the hollow limb of an oak which was later cut to obtain both bees and honey (Butterfield, 1884). Green Lake. — In 1840 the family of Richard Dart (1910) settled near the Twin Lakes, town of Green Lake. He wrote: “We also had splendid wild honey from the bee-trees.” Iowa. — The large number of bee trees found in 1834 has been mentioned (Johnson, n.d.). Foster (c. 1840) wrote from Helena: “Some make a business of hunting for honey, furs and deer.” The Jones family came in 1857 to the town of Arena, where “bee trees were eagerly sought by the younger generation and bee keeping was carried on as a side line by some of the more enterprising farmers” (Jones, 1938). Jackson. — Robert Douglas settled near Melrose in 1839. An In¬ dian brought him honey in the comb, obtained from a bee tree (Polleys, 1948). Jefferson. — Much attention was given in this county to hunting for wild honey and bee keeping. William Ball was a noted bee hunter at Jefferson in pioneer days. Buck (1876) reported that he would find from one to three swarms a day, and that “fifty-two swarms were taken up by us, upon the town site alone.” Cartwright (1875), in the early I850’s, lived in the town of Sullivan in the Bark River woods. Here, “Bees thronged in multitudes of swarms, and their honey was very abundant. I commenced with my neigh¬ bor, Mr. Thomas, to hunt bees and we were very successful.’' A bee tree was found in which a bear had made an unsuccessful attempt at gnawing an opening. The tree when cut yielded over 160 pounds of excellent honey. The Coes settled in 1839 in the town of Ixonia where a man named Smith was a very successful bee hunter (Coe, 1908). Hart (1925-26) was born at Ft. Atkinson in 1840. Expert bee hunters could find honey in the Bark River woods. The wife of Charles 58 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Rockwell, one of the pioneers of Ft. Atkinson, in the spring of 1838 traded pork and flour for the honey brought by two Pota- watomies (Western Hist. Co., 1879). Juneau. — In the early days, according to Kingston (1879), wild honey could be obtained in any desired quantity. He wrote: “As an instance of the abundance ... it may not be out of place to state that Zach. Sheldon came up from Portage City in the fall of 1851, and at the end of a four weeks’ bee hunt, took home eight barrels of strained honey.” Kenosha. — In the fall of 1836, Kellogg (1924) came to the farm of relatives near Kenosha. He was served biscuits and honey as his uncle had found a bee tree. Quarles (1932) wrote from South Port (Kenosha) on February 14, 1839, that 60 to 70 pounds of strained honey were obtained from a tree. La Crosse. — Manly (1927) and a trapping companion went down the Black River into the Mississippi, then down to Prairie du Chien (his chronology is awry and instead of May, 1847, it must have been 1844). On the way they found two bee trees. About 1865, when Hamlin Garland (1917) was a small boy, he was taken on a visit to his grandparents in West Salem. Hot biscuits and honey were served. “I am quite certain about the honey,” he wrote, “for I found a bee in one of the cells of my piece of comb and when I pushed my plate away in dismay grandmother laughed and said, ‘That is only a little baby bee. You see this is wild honey. William got it out of a tree and didn’t have time to pick all the bees out of it’.” In 1889 he visited the farm, at adjacent Neshonoc, of his uncle, William McClintock, who was an expert in tracking wild bees. Marquette. — In the fall of 1865, James L. Jones of Packwaukee, took 103 pounds of honey from a tree (Montello, 1865). John Muir (1913), who came to Marquette County in 1849, wrote that honey¬ bees were not seen until several years later. They were probably overlooked. In 1860 his parents moved to the Hickory Hill farm, town of Buffalo. After hearing men on the farm talk of “lining” bees with a box containing honey, he tried it, and traced bees to a hollow, bottom log in a fence. Someone had chopped a hole in the log and removed the honey. In May, 1879, Christopher Kellogg of Buckhorn found a bee tree, hived the bees, and took 25 pounds of honey (Westfield, 1879). Milwaukee. — Honey Creek rises in Sec. 26, town of Greenfield, and flows north into the Menomonee. As early as 1841 the legisla¬ ture was petitioned to protect the wild bees in the county. 1967-68] Schorger — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 59 Outagamie. — Mrs. Ellen Van Tassel came to Hortonville with her parents in 1852. They easily found bee trees, so that honey was available in quantity (Ware, 1917). Ozaukee. — Cigrand (1916) wrote: “The Indians gathered honey which was plentiful in the hollow trees of this part [Sauk Creek] of Ozaukee County. They strained the honey and then poured it into large hollow gourds, corked it and then in canoes paddled into Lake Michigan.” The honey was taken to Milwaukee and sold. Pierce. — The dates found for bee trees are so late that the swarms could have been escapes from apiaries as well as original wild bees. A bee tree found September 4, 1877, at Lost Creek, town of El Paso, yielded about 60 pounds of honey. At the same time a man was reported hunting bees (Ellsworth, 1877). A number of bee trees were found in August 1880, in the town of Maiden Rock (Ellsworth, 1880). Racine. — Henry Trowbridge came to Racine in 1836. Wild honey was obtainable in the woods (Lake City Publ. Co., 1892). The winter of 1837-38, a man living in the town of Caledonia traded an ox for a barrel of flour. Having found a bee tree he invited his neighbors to partake of biscuits and honey (Kellogg, 1924). The abundance of bee trees at Burlington has been mentioned (Perkins, 1842). Richland. — Johnson (n.d.) in 1840 was living in the town of Richwood, nine miles below Muscoda. At Christmas he cut down what he thought was a coon tree but it contained a swarm of bees. He sawed off a section containing the bees and placed it in the root- house where he had his bees. It seems probable that many people had swarms of wild bees at an early date. In November 1843, Samuel Swinehart and Thomas Parrish explored Pine River and feasted on the honey found in a tree. According to Israel Janney, wild bees ,were plentiful in 1846, and hunting them for the honey was profitable. James M. Cass came to the town of Richland in 1851. Some honey spilled in one of the wagons attracted the wild bees. The bees were followed and two swarms which were found yielded 150 pounds of honey. Honey was also plentiful in 1845 in the town of Rockbridge (Union Publ. Co., 1884.1). Rock.— IjQvi St. John, who came to Janesville in 1836, wrote: “I have frequently visited their [Indian] camps, gone into their wigwams and bought honey and maple sugar of them” (Guernsey, 1856). Ogden (1838) recorded in his diary finding several bee trees, at Milton in the fall of 1838 and in the spring of 1839. 60 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Sank, — Honey Creek rises in the northwest corner of the town of Honey Creek and flows southeast into the Wisconsin River. It is conjectured that the name was derived from the abundant amount of honey collected by professional bee hunters (Western Hist. Co., 1880.2). Opinion differs as to the amount of honey to be found along the creek. F. J. Finn thought the supply was limitless. An early settler, under urgent pressure to pay for his land, col¬ lected, with the aid of his wife, so much honey that it brought him over $100 in sales to neighboring settlements. Mrs. Henry Keifer, who arrived in 1846 after Honey Creek had already been named, reported bee trees here and there, but not in profusion. A Mr. Jassop of Ironton is also credited with payment for 40 acres of government land with the proceeds of the sales of wild honey ( Cole, 1918). Bee trees were so common in the town of Lavalle that honey could be obtained with little difliculty. A bee hunter in the town of Iron- ton is reputed to have taken to market 1500 pounds of honey in a single load (Western Hist. Co., 1880.2). Edmond Rendtorff (1861) came to Sauk City in 1840. Although he found wild honey he did not know the procedure for securing it. A bee tree found on Web¬ ster’s Prairie, town of Delton, contained 135 pounds of honey in the comb (Baraboo, 1869). In the fall of 1886, four bee trees were found near Cassel Prairie, town of Troy (Prairie du Sac, 1886). Sheboygan. — In the town of Lima, in 1839, A. G. Dye frequently accompanied Indians to fell bee trees which they had found. Honey was also obtained in quantity in the towns of Russell and Lyndon (Zillier, 1912). Joseph Benedict wrote on November 25, 1845, that there was plenty of wild honey (Buchen, 1944). Trempealeau. — A farmer near Trempealeau reported honey stolen from a tree near his home (Arcadia, 1878) . Bee keeping must have been established at this time because F. A. Goodhue of Arcadia had 25 swarms for sale at $5.00 each (Arcadia, 1879). At Inde¬ pendence two young men found a bee tree after a search of several days (Independence, 1878). Vernon. — In the early days at Kickapoo Center, according to Mrs. Cyrus D. Turner, the best fare was “pancakes with pumpkin butter or wild honey” (Union Publ. Co., 1884.2). Walworth. — Honey Creek rises in the town of Troy and flows east-southeast into the Fox River. Its name was bestowed in the fall of 1835 when Jessie Weacham and Adolphus Spoor found honey which the bees had collected from the prairie flowers (Western Hist. Co., 1882). Dwinell (1874), settling in the town of Spring Prairie in 1836, found that the Indians were accustomed to collect- 1967-68] Schorger — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 61 ing wild honey. In 1845, the hollow oaks in the town of East Troy contained swarms of bees which collected honey from the woods and prairies (W.H.M., 1882). Joseph Nichols was a celebrated bee hunter at Whitewater in 1837. Having accumulated about 200 pounds of honey, he drew it to Milwaukee on a hand sled and ex¬ changed it for provisions. That year an Indian, as a reward for being fed, brought Mrs. Norman Pratt a pail of honey (Cravath, 1906), Waukesha, — Almon Welch settled in the town of Vernon in 1837. In the fall of 1839, he and N. K. Smith found 40 swarms of bees. The honey was sold in Milwaukee for $60.00. His share went far towards paying for his claim (Western Hist. Co., 1880.3). In 1840 Charles D. Parker attended a school in the town of Muskego. As usual the teacher boarded around he reported, ‘‘but there was no butter or milk in most places. Honey was substituted for both’’ (Showerman, 1926). Unonius (1950) has described the method of locating bee trees by the settlers near Pine Lake. When a proper tree was found, it was left until winter. A section containing the swarm was cut off and taken home. Barker (1913) arrived in Milwaukee June 14, 1845, and the family settled in the town of Brookfield. His brother was a good hunter and supplied venison and wild honey. The first swarm of bees owned by William Addenbrooke, town of Mukwonago, was captured in the woods about 1860. For a time he was in partnership with George Grimm, son of Adam Grimm of Jefferson. In 1879 Addenbrooke had 150 swarms of pure and hybrid Italian bees (Western Hist. Co. 1880.3). Waupaca, — Honey Creek is a small stream emptying into the Pigeon River at Clintonville. The creek was named by N. C. Clin¬ ton, who came to the site of the town in 1855. An enthusiastic bee hunter, he found many bee trees on the banks of this stream (Wake¬ field, 1890). In the fall of 1883, Jim Turney found three bee trees near New London (New London, 1883). Waushara, — The first land claim in the town of Leon was made in 1849 by a bee hunter named Worden. Evidently he was a member of the exploring party which in the fall of that year hunted game and bees near a lake which they called Lone Pine, possibly Pearl Lake. Isaac and William Warwick settled in the town of Marion in September 1848, and in the following spring they obtained a large amount of honey from a bee tree (Acme Publ. Co., 1890) . Winnebago, — Lockwood (1847) recorded in his diary on October 1, 1847, that he went with a local resident into the oak timber south of Oshkosh in search of bee trees. 62 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 References Acme Publ. Co. 1890. p. 307, 311, 312. Anon. 1871. Bee-culture. Trans. Wis. State Agr. Soc. for 1870. 9:49-50. - . 1911. Invoice of the Fond du Lac, 1825. Wis. Hist. Colls., 20:393. Arcadia Republican and Leader. 1878. Oct. 3. - . 1879. Sept. 11. B., J. C. 1941. Travels in France. Harrisburg, p. 95. Baraboo Republic. 1869. Sept. 22. Barker, L. 1913. A pioneer Badger’s story. Milwaukee Sentinel, Dec. 26. Barton, A. O. 1946. Carl Gustaf Mellberg, Koshkonong pioneer. Wis. Mag. Hist., 29:421. Bingham, H. 1877. History of Green County, Wisconsin. Milwaukee, p. 71, 96 144, 162. Bradbury, John. 1817. Travels in the interior of America . . . Liverpool, p. 33. Brown, M. 1946. The Jabez Brown twins. Wis. Mag. Hist., 30:54, Buchen, G. W. 1944. Historic Sheboygan County, n.p. p. 33, 110. Buck, J. S. 1876. Pioneer history of Milwaukee. Milwaukee. 1:168-69. Butterfield, C. W. 1880. History of Dane County, Wisconsin. Chicago, p. 384. - . 1884. Histoiy of Green County, Wisconsin. Springfield, p. 671, 675. Cartwright, D. W. 1875. A natural history of western wild animals. 2nd ed. Toledo, p. 158, 161. CiGRAND, B. J. 1916. Parental stories of pioneer times. Port Washington Star, Oct. 7. Coe, E. D. 1908. Reminiscences of a pioneer in the Rock River country. Proc. Wis. Hist. Soc. for 1907. p. 199. Cole, H. E. 1918. A standard history of Sauk County, Wisconsin. Chicago. 1:84, 411, 561, 564. - . 1930. Stagecoach and tavern tales of the old northwest. Cleveland. p. 213. Cravath, P, 1906. Early annals of Whitewater. 1837-1857, Whitewater, p. 18 177, 190. Curtis, J. T. 1959. The vegetation of Wisconsin. Madison, p. 270. Curtiss- Wedge, F. 1925. History of Dunn County, Wisconsin. Minneapolis, p. 235. Dart, R. 1910. Settlement of Green Lake County. Proc. Wis, Hist. Soc. for 1909. p. 261. Durand Times. 1863. Sept. 22. Dwinnell, S. a. 1874, Wisconsin as it was. Reedsburg Free Press, July 23. Ellsworth Herald. 1877, Sept. 12. - . 1880. Sept. 8. Ficker, C. T, 1942. Christian Traugott’s advice to emigrants. Wis. Mag. Hist., 25:347. Flagg, G. 1912. Pioneer letters. Trans. Ill. State Hist. Soc. for 1910. p. 158. Fonda, J. H. 1859. Early Wisconsin. Wis. Hist. Soc. Colls., 5:233. Foster, J. E. [c, 1840]. Letter from Helena, Wis. Hist. Soc. Library. Friendship Press. 1870. Sept. 17. - . 1876. Oct. 7. Garland, H. 1917. A son of the middle border. New York. p. 16, 397. Gipson, L. H. 1938. The Moravian Indian mission on White River (Indiana). Indianapolis, p. 288. Gordon, N. S. and F. Curtiss-Wedge. 1922. History of Barron County, Wis¬ consin. Minneapolis, p. 515, 620, 910. Greening, J. 1942. A Mazomanie pioneer of 1847. Wis. Mag. Hist., 26:213. Grimm, A. 1871. Adam Grimm’s apiary. Trans. Wis. State Agr, Soc. for 1870. 9:363. 1967-68] Schorger — Wild Honeybee in Early Wisconsin 63 - . 1927. Adam Grimm and his millions of slaves, Milwaukee Journal, June 26. Guernsey, 0. 1856. History of Rock County. Janesville, p. 173. Hamilton, H. 1908. Lieut Gov. Hamilton to the Earl of Dartmouth, Aug. 29, 1776. Detroit Mich. Hist. Colls. 2nd ed. 13:68. Hart, A. C, 1925-26. Autobiography. MS Wis. Hist Soc., 30 p, Holford, C, N. 1900. History of Grant County, Wisconsin, Lancaster, p. 47. Hollman, F. G. 1922. Auto-biography. Platteville. p, 24. Hous B V *7 .2^ „ CO c a > CO (U S C/^-0^ > D C := 7 ^ 8 ° cci T! CO ■-■§ CO (U C r 8 o Is CO O 00 ■c:c > Q^iX gs™ -T5 O C (o CO !-. br cu- ^ CO ^ kJ o C o o .2 o5 CO CO CO . V . o Si "P 4^ ^ I CQ> pC'o OsO 7 c cd n H -2 o o o r^i o O o O O E\ 00 00 00 ? ? o o o o p Cl CO Z ^ ^ ^ 2 -, .s ’u 2 p £ P CO CQ cd 2 o U 0 U > 2 S 2 > vD LO ^ ^ u Pi O CO O >00 o CL C -H CO 3 cr UJ N T3 •C c o _ _ CO > 3 cr 3 cr LD 2 « o CO ITS o o w o g a CO w bJD CO u, < ^ C d) o JD .N o 2 o £ £ o 3 <0 o u Wh T) (/) c 3 8 bC o Oh 0 ^ ^ ^ d» o 3 a 00 a . T5 oj T3'^ >§ >c2 c o w <0 f> 2 ? z z O' O' O' z z z 3 O' O' c c c CO CO CO 2 2 2 o o o o o o ^ ^ ^ o o o 3 3 3 CO CO CO 2 2 2 sD sD r 1'^ utuj .s-§ W 03 4-1 Ss o -H (T) ^ (/) ZH o ^ -2 ^ x; o' (/) — . O X ° Jt5 <0 w c^>- a a 00 00 '4-4 0 "o "c -a c < > < jd T5 -2 -0 C c d d cd Cd 0 0 ’ — ; N N 'Z^ 2 _c u o 3 a 00 3 cr UJ n ^ <4-4 r 4^ > O -oS ^ -2 03 CC C C C C C 5 § £ CO bC ca 3 O £ 03 bJD 03 4-1 3 O £ 03 bJD cd 4-> 3 O £ 03 bD 03 4-1 3 O £ 03 bD 03 3 O £ cd bD cd ■3 o cQ m CQ Q CQ < 00 00 00 0 O' O' O' X X X hJ X 00 o r-i -4 00 ^ & c2 O C -H cd o 4-4 000 -4^ o ^ 00 O' -4 o o ^ 00 O' f p CO lo a £ o S_i H 3 CO •- o c CO V 8 c/) CO C £ a: O r> T3 C C o T) C CO . ^ c o ^ •S to t/) .H c/1 r- J| o £ . o o s '-*-1 tj o-c CO , 2x D o„- -9 w 'C ^ 2 U bB C CO . t) 3 o 9,’^ % £ 00 o _Q CO bB C -o C a c > S S 3: S ^ ? s ^ ^ 00 — z z z z z z z O VD mv; CO ;=: o ^ S 13 GO lx c3 . - . tx. 3 > o bD < < ^ ^ ^ ^ ZuJ o o o o o 0 0 0-^0 O' O t\ sO o ■H -fl -H il ii Co CO O ^ o |S ^ - 4) *-1 A On a 105 *Excludes younger archeologic dates, those samples well above the bottom of lake deposits, and some solid carbon dates of doubtful validity Letter prefix denotes laboratory where sample was run: W = U. S. Geological Survey; Y = Yale U. ; M = U. of Michigan; C = U. of Chicago; L = Lamont; WIS = U of Wisconsin; UCLA = U. of Cal. at L. A.; Gro and GrN = Groningen ; A = Arizona; Tx = U. ot lexas; and SM = Socony Mobil. See various issues of “Radiocarbon” for futher details on individual samples. 106 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 consin and the approximate boundaries between drifts of Valderan, Wood- fordian and Rockian age. attempt is made here to review in detail the entire Wisconsinan chronology for the state nor the events that are not recorded by radiocarbon dates. Discussion Pre-Rockian Four dates are indefinite but are more than 33,000 radiocarbon years old (table 2). Two samples (W-1370 and Nuclear Science and Engineering Laboratory) from the vicinity of Marshfield, Wood County, are of finely disseminated organic matter in silty- 1967-68] Black and Rubin — Radiocarbon Dates 107 clay pond deposits (interpretation by Black of samples from power aug:ering by T. E. Berg) on bedrock and beneath a single drift sheet that surely is Wisconsinan in age (Hole, 1948), The date of more than 45,000 radiocarbon years may be interpreted to mean that the fluctuations of the Altonian ice in Illinois (table 1) (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965) were not represented in central Wis¬ consin from the time of existence of the pond to the advance of the ice that left the overlying till The same interpretation is possible for the situation in St, Croix County. There basal till with erratic spruce dated at 29,000 (W-747) and 30,650 (Y-572) radiocarbon years also seems to have incorporated peat (W-1758) from former ponds that is dated at greater than 45,000 radiocarbon years. The wood (W-747 and Y-572) is thought to date the time the ice ad¬ vance destroyed the spruce forest on a residual soil rich in chert; the older peat (W-1758) now overlies the younger wood (Y-572) in the till and is thought to represent a pond deposit overrun and picked up by the ice. If the different kinds of organic matter were transported by the ice only once, they would imply that central and west-central Wis¬ consin were ice-free from more than 45,000 radiocarbon years ago until about 31,000 radiocarbon years ago. Such a situation existed in Ontario (Dreimanis, Terasmae, and McKenzie, 1966) , but appar¬ ently not in northern Illinois (Kempton, 1963 and 1966). Obviously other interpretations are possible, and data are not now sufficient to reconcile them. Similarly, the spruce and willow fragments (W-1598) from Polk County are more than 38,000 radiocarbon years old, but they tell us little about the chronology of the area. The 175-180 feet of drift overlying the sample is so poorly recorded in the well records that almost any interpretation is possible. Rockian The three dates of 29,000 to 31,800 radiocarbon years from spruce (W-903, W-901, and W-638) in drift of Walworth and Wau¬ kesha Counties, the two comparable dates of spruce (W-747 and Y-572) from St. Croix County, and the comparable date of spruce (GrN-2907) of the paleosol from the base of the loess in Grant County are believed to represent the time of a brief ice advance, called Rockian by Black (1960b and 1962), that occurred simul¬ taneously from the Des Moines Lobe on the west and from the Lake Michigan Lobe on the east (Black, 1964b), This time is latest Altonian (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965) (table 1) and is recorded also outside Wisconsin (White and Totten, 1965). The wood in St. Croix County is in the basal till which is rich in disseminated organic matter, clay, and residual chert (Black, 108 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 1959a; Black, Hole, Maher, and Freeman, 1965) ; the wood in Wal¬ worth and Waukesha Counties is in oxidized sandy till and in overridden gravelly outwash. All the wood is erratic and conceiv¬ ably could have been picked up and transported more than once by ice or water. Hence, other interpretations are possible, but the deposits can only be younger than the included wood — not older as had been proposed decades ago (Alden, 1918) . The dated paleosol (GrN-2907 and Gro-2114) from Grant County occurs only in a few isolated thin patches which are disrupted and moved. Spruce (GrN-2907) occurs as small angular fragments of charcoal (Hogan and Beatty, 1963) and provides a more realistic date than does the bulk sample (Gro-2114). Clays in the paleosol are similar mineralogically to those in the residuum from the dolo¬ mite below (Akers, 1961), and general alteration of the mineral fragments (Hogan and Beatty, 1963) is not severe. The paucity of paleosol below the loess in southwest Wisconsin, if the area had never been glaciated, is difficult to explain. That it was glaciated now seems accepted (Black, 1960a; Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965; Trowbridge, 1966) and disagreement now is concerned more with timing — Frye and Willman and Trowbridge suggest a Ne¬ braskan time ; Black concludes that Rockian ice from east and west joined in the center of the state, with relatively thin inactive ice formed in large part by local accumulation covering the Driftless Area. Earlier glaciation is also recognized as a strong likelihood. Positive evidence of glaciation of the Wisconsin Driftless Area (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965) comes from some fragments of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks and particularly Paleozoic chert and sandstone that rest on younger formations. Erratics of sedimentary rocks are especially abundant in the cen¬ tral and northern parts of the area (Akers, 1964). Sparse igneous erratics occur in isolated kame-like deposits south of Taylor in the northern part of the area and in fresh gravel on the upland beneath thick loess at Hazel Green, Richland County. Igneous erratics are also found in terraces tens of feet above the Wiscon¬ sin River. One deposit north of Muscoda contains 10-foot angular clasts in foreset beds that demonstrate a northeastward flow of water and a probable ice front. Large sand bodies in the Kickapoo River valley have come off dolomite uplands and contain glauconite above any known source. Anomalous rubbles on the upland (Akers, 1964) also have anomalous clay minerals (Akers, 1961). Thus, in an area of 10,000 square miles in southwest Wisconsin we see an absence or paucity of chert and clay residuum on bedrock, an ab¬ sence of loess older than 30,000 years, and an almost complete absence of older paleosols. Moreover, shale with thin seams of un¬ weathered dolomite (Maquoketa Formation) caps East Blue Mound, 1967-68] Black and Rubin — Radiocarbon Dates 109 with only small fragments of the silicified Niagaran dolomite scat¬ tered on the broad flat upland (Black, Hole, Maher, and Freeman, 1965, p. 75-76). This is also an incongruous situation. No grada¬ tional processes other than glaciation seem competent to strip the Niagaran from so broad an area of shale and remove it and the chert residuum of the Paleozoic formations from all surrounding stream valleys. A pre-Wisconsinan age for some of the peculiar features or deposits in the area can neither be confirmed nor denied (Akers, 1964; Black, Hole, Maher, and Freeman, 1965; Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965) but it is suggested (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965; Palmquist, 1965; Trowbridge, 1966). The supposed front at Muscoda, relatively thick cherty residuum on the dolomite uplands near LaValle, Sauk County, red-brown stony drift mostly in Green and western Rock Counties, and some Windrow deposits (Black, 1964c; Andrews, 1958) still offer the most promise of being early Altonian or pre-Wisconsinan. No way yet has been found to date these isolated deposits adequately. Farmdalian The time of the Farmdalian deglaciation, which is recorded so well in Illinois (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965), is represented in Wisconsin by one date only (24,800 ± 1,100 years B.P.) at the base of loess in the Driftless Area. This date is from a bulk or¬ ganic soil sample which differs significantly from the date (29,300 it 700 years B.P.) of fragmented spruce contained in it. No sig¬ nificant breaks in loess deposition from the dated paleosol at the base to the present surface have been found (Glenn, Jackson, Hole, and Lee, 1960; Hogan and Beatty, 1963). Farmdalian time in Wisconsin was at least partly a time of very cold climates and accompanying permafrost and periglacial phe¬ nomena (Black, 1964a and 1965). However, dating of events is difficult as no trace of woody material has been found. Presumably, the thick outwash gravel in southeastern and southern Wisconsin was formed at this time while ice remained in the northern part of the state (Black, 1960b). The Farmdalian was a time of ice ad¬ vance in Ontario (Dreimanis, Terasmae, and McKenzie, 1966). Woodfordian Woodfordian time is represented in Wisconsin by two dates in the Driftless Area. One, of caribou bone, is 17,250 radiocarbon years; the other, a bulk sample of loess (GrN-3624), is 19,250 radiocarbon years. Their significance and relationship to the promi¬ nent Cary (late-Woodfordian) front or the chronology of glacial events are not known. 110 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Drift of middle and later Woodfordian age makes up the surface of more of the state than any other, yet it has no known organic remains. Early Woodfordian deposits are thought to be present (Black, 1959a) but have not been dated for lack of organic matter. Isochronous boundaries (Alden, 1918) at the front or within the Woodfordian drift sheet are exceedingly tenuous. Woodfordian time in Illinois is represented by tens of moraines and numerous radiocarbon dates (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965). Clearly the Woodfordian in Illinois and Wisconsin is multiple and is composed of many pulsations of the ice front, some having only limited move¬ ment, but others consisting of retreats or advances up to 100 miles. The outermost Cary of presumed late-Woodfordian age is not rep¬ resented everywhere in either Wisconsin or Illinois by the same pulse. Although its border from the Plains to the Atlantic Ocean has been described and mapped for decades as the break between deposits of the First and Second Glacial Epochs (Chamberlin, 1878 and 1883), we still have much to learn about it. Without a single radiocarbon date related to the advances of the Woodfordian ice in Wisconsin, and few to record its destruction, we have been dependent on morphology of forms and direction indicators to sep¬ arate pulsations. These are applied with difficulty in many places but generally seem better than lithology or texture of the material involved in any one sublobe (Oakes, 1960). Lithology helps to dis¬ tinguish major lobes (Anderson, 1957). Post-Cary or late Woodfordian events which are pre-Twocreekan are much less well known in Wisconsin than elsewhere. Moraines assigned to Mankato and Port Huron in Minnesota and Michigan, for example, are presumed to be present in Wisconsin, behind the Cary front. However, the correlation of moraines in Wisconsin with type localities has not been done, and deployment of such ice in the state is conjectural. Deglaciation of the Woodfordian ice in Wisconsin may be time transgressive, being earlier in the south than in the north. Re¬ vegetation presumably took little time after deglaciation, forest trees coming in last but perhaps even growing on stagnant buried glacial ice. A peat mound on Cary drift in Jefferson County has spruce (WIS-48) at the base dated at 12,800 radiocarbon years (Ciolkosz, 1965). In Waushara County, a date of 12,800 radio¬ carbon years was obtained on organic matter (UCLA-632) in marly gyttja four feet above the base of undisturbed marsh de¬ posits (Park, 1964, p. 8), but spruce (UCLA-631) at the base of the same deposit and higher on the flank of the kettle was dated at 11,600 radiocarbon years. Three other dates on peat (W-820, W-641, and W-762) in basal pond deposits in Waushara County are 10,420, 12,000 and 12,220 radiocarbon years respectively. One 1967-68] Black and Rubin — Radiocarbon Dates 111 (W-1183) in Winnebago County is 12,060 years. The dates of or¬ ganic matter are suggestive of transgression, but the main evidence for the time transgressive deglaciation is morphologic— that is, the widespread evidence of ice stagnation and the youthful lakes and other features in the north. The time difference may be several thousand years for all buried ice to melt out. Twocreekan The Twocreekan interval is named from Two Creeks, Wiscon¬ sin, where a buried soil and organic remains were recognized in lacustrine deposits along the exposed bluff of Lake Michigan (Goldthwait, 1907 ; Black, Hole, Maher, and Freeman, 1965) . This is the most dated interval in Wisconsin, the latest dates yielding an average of 11,850 radiocarbon years (Broecker and Farrand, 1963). A number of dates (Thwaites and Bertrand, 1957) de¬ rived by the original solid-carbon method were as much as several thousands of years in error, according to re-runs by better methods. Many samples (e.g., C-308, C-365, and C-366) dated years ago have not been re-run. The general range of Twocreekan time from 11,000 to 12,500 years proposed by Frye and Willman (1960) is distinctly longer than the interval represented at Two Creeks. There, only an in¬ cipient soil profile was formed under trees of which the oldest by tree-ring count was only 142 years (Wilson, 1932 and 1936). Sev¬ eral other localities in east-central Wisconsin contain the Two Creeks horizon in situ, and logs from it are incorporated in the overlying Valderan till. These also tend to cluster close to 11,850 years ago so the span of Twocreekan time in central and northern Wisconsin likely is less than in southern Wisconsin. This is to be expected, because deglaciation through several hundred miles of latitude of an ice lobe the size of that which occupied the Lake Michigan area during late Woodfordian time cannot be accom¬ plished overnight. The sample (WIS-48) dated 12,800 radiocarbon years from Jef¬ ferson County attests to the early development of the spruce forest in the southern part of the state. Similar dates (samples W-641, W-762, and UCLA-632) from Waushara County confirm that de¬ glaciation of the Woodfordian ice from those areas, and, hence, the beginning of Twocreekan time, must have taken place about 12,000 to 13,000 radiocarbon years ago. The carbonate date (UCLA-632) of 13,700 radiocarbon years is likely too old, according to associated organic matter that has an age of 12,800 radiocarbon years. Destruction of the Twocreekan forests by rising lake waters and by Valderan ice at about 11,850 radiocarbon years ago should mark the close of Twocreekan time rather than the 11,000 years 112 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and. Letters [Vol. 56 proposed. Probably the entire area of Wisconsin was free of sur¬ face ice during Twocreekan time, and only the northeastern part was again covered by glaciers. Consequently over most of the state, the effects of Twocreekan soil formation and geomorphic processes were merged and obliterated by the same processes that continued down to the present day in all but rare situations where quick burial took place. Aggrading stream valleys retain Twocreekan material (W-1391) (Andrews, 1966), as does the rock shelter un¬ der the Natural Bridge in Sauk County (M-812) (Black, 1959b; Wittry, 1959). Man was associated with the shelter, leaving re¬ mains of his wood fires (Black and Wittry, 1959; Wittry, 1964). The climate in northeastern Wisconsin at the time was perhaps similar to that of today in northern Minnesota (Roy, 1964). Pollen analysis of Twocreekan material shows spruce forests dominated (Black, Hole, Maher, and Freeman, 1965; West, 1961). Valderan Distribution of the Valderan ice in Wisconsin seems limited to the northeastern part of the state bordering Lake Michigan (Black, 1966). Whereas the ice was formerly thought to extend across northern Wisconsin (Leverett, 1929) and to correlate with red clayey till in eastern Minnesota, this is clearly incorrect (Wright and Ruhe, 1965). Unfortunately we have no radiocarbon dates in Wisconsin directly reflecting either the rate of advance or retreat of the ice. Although the trees at the dated Twocreekan localities apparently were living when drowned by rising lake waters or were knocked over by the advancing glacier, the sites are too close together and the dates are too imprecise to record the date of advance; we do not yet have any dates in Wisconsin that record its retreat. Valderan ice at one time occupied the eastern part of Lake Supe¬ rior and the northern part of Lake Michigan, radiating from a cap on the peninsula between them (Black, 1966) . Parts of both those lakes must have had only seasonal ice and open water from the latter part of Woodfordian time to the present. Other very local caps on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, as in the Huron and Porcu¬ pine Mountains, may have formed at the same time and survived after Lake Michigan was entirely freed of ice. That ice seems to have stopped short of Wisconsin. Buried ice from earlier glacial advances into northern Wisconsin survived through the Valderan. Post-Valderan No radiocarbon dates from Wisconsin record the withdrawal of the Valderan ice, and we can only infer from evidence elsewhere that it likely left the state about 10,000 radiocarbon years ago. Only 1967-68] Black and Rubin— Radiocarbon Dates 113 one date (SM“16) (7,650 radiocarbon years B,P.) from the bottom of a kettle lake in northern Wisconsin is older than 5,000 radio¬ carbon years. It is a minimal date for organic accumulation, but time must also be allowed for the thaw of the buried ice to produce the kettle. Drumlins made by Valderan ice have been dropped into some lakes by post- Valderan thaw of buried ice of Woodfordian and Rockian age. The ice blocks of different sizes and depth of burial presumably melted out during a relatively long period of time-many hundreds to several thousand years. Hence, radio¬ carbon dating of pond sediments can provide minimal dates only for withdrawal of the Valderan ice. The Columbia County dates (W-1138 and W-1139) of about 6,000 radiocarbon years record the rapid alluviation of the Wisconsin River valley south of Portage and are of comparable age to a paleosol (W-1017) exposed beneath dunes along the shore of Lake Michigan in Kenosha County, Although that was a time of increas¬ ing temperature and dryness, the altithermal, actual significance of the dates is not yet known. References Cited Akers, Ronald H., 1961, Clay minerals of glacial deposits of west-central Wisconsin: M.S. thesis, Univ. Wis., 82 p, Akers, Ronald H., 1964, Unusual surficial deposits in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin: Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Wis., 169 p, Alden, W, C., 1918, The Quaternary geology of southeastern Wisconsin: U.S. Geol, Survey Prof. Paper 106, 356 p, Anderson, R. C., 1957, Pebble and sand lithology of the major Wisconsin glacial lobes of the central lowland: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. v. 68, p, 1415- 1450. Andrews, George W., 1958, Windrow formation of upper Mississippi Valley region — a sedimentary and stratigraphic study: Jour. Geol. v. 66, p. 597- 624. Andrews, George W., 1966, Late Pleistocene diatoms from the Trempealeau Valley, Wisconsin: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 523-A, 27 p. Black, Robert F., 1958, Glacial geology Lake Geneva area, southeast Wis¬ consin: Geol, Soc. Amer. Bull. v. 69, p. 1536. Black, Robert F., 1959a, Friends of the Pleistocene: Sci., v. 130, p. 172-173. Black, Robert F., 1959b, Geology of Raddatz rockshelter, Sk5, Wisconsin: Wis. Archeologist, v. 40, p, 69-82. Black, Robert F., 1960a, ^‘Driftless Area’^ of Wisconsin was glaciated: Geol. Soc. Amer, Bulk, v. 71, pt, 2, p. 1827. Black, Robert F., 1960b, Pleistocene history of Wisconsin: Lake Superior Inst, of Geology, Abstracts, p. 13. Black, Robert F., 1962, Pleistocene chronology of Wisconsin: Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Paper 68, p. 137. Black, Robert F., 1964a, Periglacial phenomena of Wisconsin, northcentral United States: Vlth Intern. Congress on Quaternary, Report v. 4, Peri¬ glacial sect., p. 21-28. Black, Robert F., 1964b, The physical geography of Wisconsin: Wis. Blue Book, p. 171-177. 114 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Black, Robert F., 1964c, Potholes and associated gravel of Devils Lake State Park; Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, Trans., v. 53, p, 165-175. Black, Robert F., 1965, Ice-wedge casts of Wisconsin: Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Trans., v. 54, p. 187-222. Black, Robert F., 1966, Valders glaciation in Wisconsin and upper Michigan A progress report: Mich. Univ., Great Lakes Research Div., Pub. No. 15, p. 169-175. Black, Robert F., Francis D. Hole, Louis J. Maher and Joan E. Freeman, 1965, Guidebook for Field Conf. C., Wisconsin: Internal. Assoc. Quater¬ nary Res., 7th Congress, p. 56-81. Black, Robert F., and Warren L. Wittry, 1959, Pleistocene man in south- central Wisconsin: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 70, p. 1570-1571. Broecker, Wallace S., and William R. Farrand, 1963, Radiocarbon age of the Two Creeks Forest Bed, Wisconsin: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 74, p. 795-802. Chamberlain, T. C., 1878, On the extent and significance of the Wisconsin kettle moraine: Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Trans., v. 4, p. 210-234. Chamberlin, T. C., 1883, Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch: U. S. Geol. Survey Third Ann. Rep., p. 291-402. CiOLKOSZ, Edward J., 1965, Peat mounds of southeastern Wisconsin: Soil Survey Horizons, v. 6, no. 2, p. 15-17. Dreimanis, a., j. Terasmae, and G. D. McKenzie, 1966, The Port Talbot Interstade of the Wisconsin glaciation: Canadian Jour. Earth Sciences, V. 3, p. 305-325. Frye, John C., and H. B. Willman, 1960, Classification of the Wisconsinan Stage in the Lake Michigan glacial lobe: Ill. Geol. Survey Circ. 285, 16 p. Frye, John C., H. B. Willman, and Robert F. Black, 1965, Glacial geology of Illinois and Wisconsin: in Quaternary of the United States, Princeton Univ. Press, p. 43-61. Glenn, R. C., M. L. Jackson, F. D. Hole, and G. B. Lee, 1960, Chemical weathering of layer silicate clays in loess-derived Tama silt loam of southwestern Wisconsin: Eighth Nat. Conf. Clays and Clay Minerals, Pergamon Press, p. 63-83. Goldthwait, James W., 1907, The abandoned shore lines of eastern Wiscon¬ sin: Wis. Geol. Survey Bull. 17, 134 p. Hogan, J. D., and M. T. Beatty, 1963, Age and properties of Peorian loes.3 and buried paleosols in southwestern Wisconsin: Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Proc., V. 27, p. 345-350. Hole, Francis D., 1943, Correlation of the glacial border drift of north- central Wisconsin: Amer. Jour. Sci., v. 241, p. 498-516. Kempton, John P., 1963, Subsurface stratigraphy of the Pleistocene deposits of central northern Illinois: Ill. Geol. Survey Circ. 356, 43 p. Kempton, John P., 1966, Radiocarbon dates from Altonian and Twocreekan deposits at Sycamore, Illinois: Ill. Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 59, no. 1, p. 39-42. Leighton, Morris M., 1965, The stratigraphic succession of Wisconsin loesses in the upper Mississippi River valley: Jour. Geol. v. 73, p. 323-345. Leverett, Frank, 1929, Moraines and shore lines of the Lake Superior region: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 154-A, 72 p. Libby, W. F., 1961, Radiocarbon dating: Sci., v. 133, p. 621-629. Oakes, Edward L., 1960, The Woodfordian moraines of Rock County, Wis¬ consin: M.S, thesis, Univ. Wis., 61 p. Palmquist, Robert C., 1965, Geomorphic development of part of the Driftless Area, southwest Wisconsin: Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Wis., 182 p. 1967-68] Black and Rubin — Radiocarbon Dates 115 Park, Richard A., 1964, Paleoecology of the late-glacial and post-glacial Luedtke marsh deposit, Waushara County, Wisconsin: M.S. thesis, Univ. Wis., 46 p. Roy, Edward C., Jr., 1964, Pleistocene non-marine Mollusca of northeastern Wisconsin: Sterkiana, no. 15, p. 5-75. Thwaites, F. T., and Kenneth Bertrand, 1957, Pleistocene geology of the Door Peninsula, Wisconsin: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 68, p. 831-880. Trowbridge, A. C., 1966, Glacial drift in the “Driftless Area” of northeast Iowa: Iowa Geol. Survey Rep. Investigations 2, 28 p. West, R, G., 1961, Late- and postglacial vegetational history in Wisconsin, particularly changes associated with the Valders readvance: Amer. Jour. Sci., V. 259, p. 766-783. White, George W., and Stanley M. Totten, 1965, Wisconsin age of the Titus¬ ville till (formerly called “Inner Illinoian”), northwestern Pennsylvania; Sci. V. 148, p. 234-235. Wilson, L. R., 1932, The Two Creeks Forest Bed. Manitowoc County, Wis¬ consin: Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Trans., v. 27, p. 31-46. Wilson, L. R., 1936, Further fossil studies of the Two Creeks Forest Bed, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Torrey Bot. Club Bulk, v. 66, p. 317-325. WiTTRY, Warren L., 1959, The Raddatz rockshelter, Sk5, Wisconsin: Wis. Archeologist, v. 40, p. 33-69. WiTTRY, Warren L., 1964, Earliest man in the upper Great Lakes area: Cranbrook Inst. Sci. News Letter, v. 34, no. 3, p. 34-40. Wright, H. E., Jr., and R. V. Ruhe, 1965, Glaciation of Minnesota and Iowa: in Quaternary of the United States, Princeton Univ. Press, p. 29-41. k;:’ ■■tr''-. ■■i: <■'' ; I-''-;, i:i-Cv::v {^^v ;;v s> ii:;' lit;: GEOMORPHOLOGY OF DEVILS LAKE AREA, WISCONSIN Robert F. Black^ Professor of Geology University of Wisconsin — Madison Introduction Devils Lake Park in the Baraboo Range, Sauk County, presently contains about five square miles of scenic cliffs, wooded hills and Devils Lake itself (Fig. 1). Topographically the Devils Lake area is mostly a rolling upland near 1400 feet above sea level, cut by a steep walled L-shaped gorge whose floor is generally 500 feet be¬ low the summit. The north-trending part of the gorge is occupied by Devils Lake, held in on the north and on the southeast by end moraines. Within, but especially adjacent to, the Park many glacial phenomena are beautifully preserved. Ancient rocks of Cambrian and Precambrian age crop out locally in bizarre forms. The record in the rocks and in glacial and periglacial features of the Devils Lake area is especially rich. The geomorphic development of the area, resulting in the present landscape, covers many hundreds of millions of years of geologic time and is truly an intriguing story. As a field laboratory in earth history, this area has been one of the most valuable and fascinating in the upper Mississippi Valley region. Besides being one of the most popular parks in Wisconsin, the Devils Lake area has been the locus of field trips for many hundreds of geology students each year. In spite of the great amount of study given the area by scientists over the decades, new information continues to appear. The last major summaries of the surhcial geology of the Devils Lake area are those of Salisbury and Atwood (1900), Weidman (1904), Trowbridge (1917), and Alden (1918). They are now out of print and found only in the larger libraries. However, Smith (1931), Martin (1932), Thwaites (1935; 1958), and Powers (I960), have discussed some of the prominent land forms in the ’ The field work leading- to this paper was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant GP-2820, in part by the Research Committee of the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin from funds supplied by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, in part by the Wisconsin State Hig-hway Commission, in part by the National Park Service, Department of Interior, and in part by the Wisconsin State Geological and Natural History Survey. 117 118 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 1. Topographic map of the Devils Lake area, showing border of the late-Woodfordian (Cary) drift and some proglacial drained lakes. Portions of the U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps Baraboo and North Freedom. Scale one mile to the inch. geomorphic evolution of the Baraboo Range. For the benefit of the many Park visitors this paper outlines the geology of the area, and then describes in more detail some of the specific features to be i seen. Devils Lake, the moraines, periglacial features, drained lakes, stagnant ice features, pot holes, and erratics are singled out. Many facets of the geologic history are still missing, thus making differ- ' ent interpretations equally viable. Hopefully this summary will accelerate the search for additional clues. It is urged that the many striking features illustrated in the Devils Lake area be seen and appreciated, but not destroyed, by i the thousands of visitors each year who come to Devils Lake Park. Pressure of man’s use continues to increase each year, now to the i point where even the durable rocks need protection. In their zeal, geology students particularly have contributed disastrously to the i natural attrition of certain exposures of the bedrock. Every geolo¬ gist who has written extensively on the Devils Lake area has em- i 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 119 phasized the uniqueness of the glacial, periglacial and bedrock phenomena present. No other location in the midwest has such a rich variety of unique features in so small an area near major centers of population. As a tourist area and as the scientist’s field laboratory, it is certainly unrivaled for hundreds of miles around. Hence, every effort must be made to preserve, not just the features in the Park, but the many glacial and bedrock features adjoining it as well for future use of all mankind. Once destroyed, they can not be replaced. Outline of Geology The story of Devils Lake Park must begin about a billion years ago, in middle Precambrian time, with the deposition in shallow seas of many hundreds of feet of very clean, welLwinnowed quartz sand of medium-grain size. Subsequent burial in the earth’s outer¬ most crust and accompanying alteration during late Precambrian time lithified the rounded to subangular sand grains into the brittle Baraboo Quartzite in which the gap containing Devils Lake has been cut. The lithification involved little or no crushing of the sand grains — only deposition of secondary silica cement in interstices. This makes the total rock very hard yet brittle so it breaks across grains. The individual grains of sand and some pebbly and bouldery zones are still easily distinguished today. Large joint blocks are commonplace and lead to the formation of extensive talus and jagged cliffs (Fig. 2). The characteristic pink, red, and lavender hues are attributed to finely disseminated iron oxides in very small amounts. Oscillation and current ripple marks, mud cracks, and cross-cutting stratification typical of the former marine environment are widespread in the Park. Perhaps in part during metamorphism of the sand to quartzite and certainly afterwards the area was folded into a large basin or syncline by a mechanism not fully understood. Perhaps more than one episode of regional stress produced the minor structures now visible in the Baraboo Range. The basin is 25 miles long, 10 miles wide, and trends east-northeast. Devils Lake lies in the center of the south limb of the basin where the gentle north dips and local gentle undulations of the quartzite are readily discerned in the cliffs of the West and East Bluffs overlooking the Lake (Fig. 3). Local very gentle south dips of the quartzite are found in the cliffs two to three miles east of Devils Lake. Fracture cleavage — a parallel splitting of the quartzite easily confused with bedding — dips northward at Devils Lake at angles greater than the bedding planes of the quartzite (Weidman, 1904; Hendrix and Schaiowitz, 1964). It too aids in the formation of joint blocks, talus, and jagged cliffs. Such fractures are considered 120 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 2. Talus surmounted by castellated cliffs of Baraboo Quartzite on the south face of East Bluff of Devils Lake. ‘‘normar’ in their orientation with respect to the stresses that are inferred to have produced the syncline (Hendrix and Schaiowitz, 1964). So are minor drag folds in thin argillites (clayey zones) at Devils Lake, but other minor structures including small folds, slip cleavage, and shears are considered ‘"reverse” by Hendrix and Schaiowitz (1964). The normal minor features are confined to thin silty argillite layers interbedded with quartzite, whereas the reverse minor features are in thick argillite beds. Extensive ex¬ posures of the reverse structures are in Skillet Creek, about one mile northwest of Devils Lake; a small outcrop is just inside the present northwest entrance to the Park (Hendrix and Schaiowitz, 1964). (Both exposures are rapidly being destroyed by the promis¬ cuous hammering of geology students who do not realize that more 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 121 Figure 3. View westward of West Bluff of Devils Lake, showing talus and jointed beds of the Baraboo Quartzite dipping 10° northward. can be seen on the weathered surface than on a fresh one. This must cease if we are to preserve these structures. ) The details of the folding mechanism of the quartzite are inter¬ esting but not especially germaine to the problem of the present day surface features in the Devils Lake area even though the re¬ sulting structures are. As pointed out, the fracturing of the rock has made frost work especially effective in the formation of pin¬ nacles, talus slopes, and bizarre forms (Figs. 2 to 5). The younger Seeley Slate Formation and the overlying Freedom Formation of iron-bearing slate, chert and dolomite of Precambrian age are on the Baraboo Quartzite southwest of North Freedom but have not been recognized in the Park. They were the object of a flourishing subsurface iron ore exploration program in the late 122 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 1800’s (Weidman, 1904), but no mines are operating today. They do not contribute to any notable or striking surface features. Some time after the folding and uplift of the Baraboo Range, sub-aerial erosion (Trowbridge, 1917) and probably marine shore erosion also (Thwaites, 1958) developed relief of a thousand feet between the top of the Range and the surrounding beveled Pre- cambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks. Such relief was due almost entirely to the great resistance to weathering and erosion of the quartzite. Igneous rocks crop out in Baxter Hollow (quartz diorite) ; in three isolated bodies northeast, north and northwest of Denzer (rhyolite and diorite) ; at the Caledonia Church on Highway 78, southwest of the east nose (rhyolite) ; and in a larger body at the Figure 4. Devils Doorway on the south-facing slope of East Blulf of Devils Lake, formed by periglacial frost action from well- jointed Baraboo Quartzite. 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 123 Figure 5. Balanced Rock, a joint block of Baraboo Quartzite, isolated by peri- glacial frost action and rock falls of adjacent material. On the west-facing slope of East Bluff of Devils Lake. Lower Narrows of the Baraboo River, on the north side of the Range (rhyolite) (Weidman, 1904). However, in most of the area surrounding the Range, the igneous rocks are buried beneath thick accumulations of sand of Upper Cambrian age (500 to 550 million years old). During the development of the relief, beveling of the upland quartzite obliquely across the bedding produced surfaces which look smooth to the eye and have long been called peneplains (Trow¬ bridge, 1917). The interpretation that the region was in the end- stage of one or more cycles of erosion is now discredited (Thwaites, 1958 and 1960). Nonetheless the mode of beveling of the resistant quartzite at such marked elevations above the surrounding plains is not truly understood. Certainly toward the close of the erosion cycle marine waters again inundated the quartzite. Thick accumulations of sand were piled around the Range which for a time stood as islands in the shallow seas, shedding their char¬ acteristic pinkish rocks into the surf zone to be transported down- 124 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 wind and along shore to inevitable burial (Raasch, 1958). Thus we find pebbles and boulders of rounded quartzite scattered thickly and widely through the sands lapping onto the quartzite to the south but only a short distance to the north. Quartzite pebbles are found locally from the Cambrian basal conglomerate up to the Platteville Formation of Ordovician age. The Cambrian sands not only lapped onto the flanks and filled the center of the syncline, but they also filled channels cut into the quartzite by ancient streams. The angular unconformity of the sands with respect to the beveled quartzite is striking in many places as is also the abrupt textural and compositional change in the basal conglomerate. A possible wave cut terrace lies on the northeast part of Happy Hill, six miles west of Devils Lake (Thwaites, 1958). Gaps cut entirely through the Range are common in the narrow steeply dipping north flank. Only one is known, that with Devils Lake, in the broad south flank (Trowbridge, 1917 and Alden, 1918, p. 105-107). Some, such as at least part of Devils Lake Gap, are definitely pre-late Cambrian in age for they contain Cambrian sand¬ stone; others likely are post-Paleozoic and still others were modi¬ fied by streams as young as Pleistocene to the Recent age. Hanging valleys in the quartzite of the south flank are anomalous also. They are broad and gently dipping in their upper reaches and plunge precipitously to the buried Precambrian surface hundreds of feet below. Some are filled partly with Cambrian sandstone so date from the Precambrian erosion cycle; some also have narrow notches cut into them that may postdate the Paleozoic. The dis¬ tribution of the hanging valleys in the Baraboo Range is not known nor is their origin. Pine Hollow in the southwest corner of the Park, southwest of Devils Lake, is typical (Thwaites, 1958). Cambrian sandstone crops out near the northeast and northwest corners of Devils Lake, in the gorge east of Devils Lake and con¬ tinuing eastward to Parfreys Glen, near Koshawago Springs and along Messenger Creek southwest of the Lake to the headwaters of Pine Hollow, and in a considerable area in Skillet Creek. It has not been found in the deep valley under Devils Lake itself which is filled with glacial sediments. Cambrian sandstone also is common along Highway 12 where it crosses the south limb, and continues westward to Baxter Hollow where it produces striking cliffs. Paleozoic sediments continued to be deposited around and over the Baraboo Range probably until Silurian or possibly Devonian time (Wanenmacher, Twenhofel, and Raasch, 1934) with erosional intervals such as that below the St. Peter Formation (Thwaites, 1961). However, in the Park only the Upper Cambrian sandstone lies on the quartzite. The oldest units exposed is the Galesville For mation of the Dresbach Group (Ostrem, 1967). It is thickbedded 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 125 and mostly white or very pale yellow. It is the unit that develops striking cliffs and steep slopes in Baxter Hollow west of the Park. The next younger formation is the dolomitic, fine-grained Franconia Sandstone that forms local benches, cliffs, and crags that are green¬ ish grey in contrast to the Dresbach. Still younger rocks are more distant from the Park today although they may have been present in the geologic past (Ostrem, 1966). Chert nodules and clay on top of the quartzite west of Devils Lake are thought to have been “let down’' during weathering of the dolomitic formations of Ordovician age (Thwaites, 1958). Peneplaination of the upper quartzite surface also has been attributed to the erosion cycles that removed the Paleozoic strata from the top of the Range. Thwaites (1958 and 1960) discards those hypotheses in the same way as he discards that for the Precambrian. Between the time of deposition of the post-Cambrian strata and the Pleistocene, or Great Ice Age, geologic events in Devils Lake Park are obscured. The latter part of that interval, encompassing at least 300 million years, must have been largely a time for erosion as no rocks are left behind. If the interpretation is correct that the upland surface of quartzite is only the recently exhumed Precam¬ brian surface protected during much of the time by a cover of Paleozoic sediments, then the topography of Devils Lake Park has changed considerably during the last 550 million years even though present day topography in the Park may be essentially the same as it was 550 million years ago. The small amount of Cambrian sandstone in the present Park does not make striking erosional features as it does farther west, especially in Baxter Hollow, or eastward in Parfreys Glen. It seems clear that at least part of the Devils Lake gorge was cut by an ancient stream in Precambrian times, otherwise Cambrian sandstone would not infill it, but perhaps not all was cut then. Some writers attribute the north part of the gorge to the Paleozoic cycles of erosion (Thwaites, 1958), and the writer does not believe that an early Pleistocene time for cutting part of the gorge can yet be ruled out. Potholes on the East Bluff are attributed by different people to the stream work associated with the cutting of the gorge during the Precambrian, the Paleozoic, the Cretaceous, or the Tertiary yet they too may only be Pleistocene (Black, 1964), However, at the east end of the Baraboo Range one pothole in a group of about 25 in the quartzite has Cambrian sandstone firmly adhering to the inside walls so it was cut indisputedly in late Precambrian or early Cambrian time. (These were called to my attention by A. C. Trow¬ bridge.) Different kinds of potholes are present at that site, and 126 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 all may not be of the same age nor are they necessarily the same age as those at Devils Lake. Several are altered by glacial ice of late-Woodfordian (Cary) age, but if all were, the evidence is obscured by post-glacial weathering. The pebbly loam with much expandable clay on top of East Bluff must be the source for the Windrow gravel which Andrews (1958) considers Cretaceous, but again a Pleistocene age for the deposit cannot yet be ruled out (Black, 1964). The gravel has been found in and around the potholes. No way has yet been found to date the deposits or cutting of potholes satisfactorily. Their place in the history of events must await new evidence. Regardless of their age, however, loose blocks with potholes have been moved about on the upland, and angular quartzite blocks lie on top of the pebbly clay. Glacial ice must have accomplished this for blocks up to 85 tons seem to have moved upslope (Black, 1964). The area lies imme¬ diately west of the prominent Cary end moraine on the upland. This is correlative with the moraines that plug the southeast and north parts of the Devils Lake gorge. These features are perhaps only 13,000-16,000 years old (Black, Hole, Maher, Freeman, 1965). They themselves do not prove that earlier ice went no farther into the Driftless area, and much evidence has now been amassed to indi¬ cate ice did go further west (Black, 1960; Black, Hole, Maher, and Freeman, 1965; Frye, Willman and Black, 1965). Much of the talus and the pinnacled cliffs around Devils Lake (Figs 2 to 5) are associated with the late Wisconsinan Stage of glaciation (Smith, 1949; Black, 1964; and Black, Hole, Maher, and , Freeman, 1965). Whether the area was glaciated more than once is not proved but is suggested by distribution of erratics and bur- ■ ied organic matter (Weidman, 1904; Alden, 1918, p. 177-178; I Thwaites, 1958; Black, 1964; and Black, Hole, Maher and Free- I man, 1965). For example, organic matter from a depth of 130 feet | in glacial deposits at Baraboo was submitted by F. T. Thwaites to ' Wilson (1936, p. 43) for identification; he found leaves of several ] dicotyledonous plants, some probably Vaccinium, and one species | of moss, identified as Campylium stellatum. Thus the story of the | geomorphic development of Devils Lake Park jumps quickly from the Paleozoic to the Pleistocene or even late Pleistocene. | Since glaciation, gravity and frost have moved many large blocks i of quartzite down slope although the present rate is very slow, i Man's unsightly activities are now most important. Railroad and j other construction, and abortive attempts at farming in the last ,, century have left their mark. Large pits for aggregates have been opened in glacial materials and in bedrock, and increasing pressure i from tourists and students is showing. The need for judicious con- 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 127 trols is painfully obvious and cannot long be withheld if we are to preserve many of the striking features. Description of Specific Features Devils Lake Probably most tourists are interested in Devils Lake itself (Fig. 6) and spend most of their time in and around it. It is well known for its trout fishing. The lake is about 1.3 miles long, 0.4 to 0.6 miles wide, and generally 30 to 40 feet deep. A shallow shelf extends southward from the north shore a distance of about 500 feet; a narrower shelf surrounds the south end. The east and west sides drop abruptly into deep water. The water is soft and clear — on the border between eu trophic and oligo trophic (Twenhofel and McKelvey, 1939). The lake has only two small streams entering it — Messenger Creek on the southwest and the smaller creek from Hells Canyon on the northeast. The total drainage basin is only about 5.5 square miles. No streams flow out of Devils Lake. Evaporation and seep¬ age control the losses. The water table is perched at the general Figure 6. Air view looking southward of Devils Lake, its morainal plug in the foreground, the quartzite bluffs, and the distant broad flat of the Wisconsin River at the Sumpter Badger Ordnance Works. 128 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 lake level presumably by the fine sediments and organic matter in the lake basin. The sediments around the north and south shores are mostly clean, light-yellow, medium-grain sand with some pebbles of gla¬ cial origin. These become finer and darker as water depth increases. The bottom of the lake, below about 25 feet of water, is covered with fine black muds (Twenhofel and McKelvey, 1939) . Near shore a black soupy liquid or sludge is present up to about three feet in thickness. It is very rich in aerobic and facultative bacteria. The sediments below the sludge are black, porous silts and clays with 15 to 20 percent organic matter. Bacteria are not abundant below the sludge. Little or no carbonate is present. Most inorganic matter is silica. Few macroscopic animal remains are present; microscopic tests and skeletal materials are diatoms and sponge spicules, and these are not abundant. The thickness of organic-rich sediment is not known, but is more than 10 feet. Glacial out wash sand and gravel near the south end of the lake was penetrated in a well to a depth of 383 feet without reaching bedrock (Thwaites, 1958). Moraines The most important glacial feature in the Devils Lake area is the end moraine of Cary age (late Woodfordian) depicted on Fig¬ ure 1. This end moraine can be traced with only minor breaks through the area, in an irregular looping course. It is an extension of the Johnstown moraine to the south and others traceable along the entire front of the Green Bay lobe and farther (Alden, 1918). The description of the moraine in the Park, initially given in detail by Salisbury and Atwood (1900, p. 93, 94, and 105-111), has stood the test of time. Because of its length, it will not be quoted here. The moraine marks the still stand of the outer edge of the ice sheet. It is only in part synchronous with the more massive till-covered | outwash and deltaic deposits plugging the valley and enclosing ; Devils Lake on the north and on the southeast (Thwaites, 1958). j Terminal moraine plugs, such as occupy the gorge north and j southeast of Devils Lake, are unusual individually but together com- j prise a unique situation. Having such a prominent well-defined end moraine extending for so many miles from those plugs makes the ; situation even more astounding. The moraine outlined in Figure 1 j is certainly one of the best to be found anywhere in the world. Having it so readily accessible to centers of population with so j many other features nearby makes it especially attractive. As rec- ' ognized by Salisbury and Atwood (1900), the striking loops show ^ clearly the inability of the ice to surmount topographic obstacles of negligible relief because of restricted flow over and around but- j 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 129 tresses up ice. Nowhere are similar features so well displayed amongst so many other phenomena of intriguing historical conno¬ tation. The uniformity of height (15 to 50 feet) and width (100 to 200 feet) of the moraine on flat surfaces and the asymmetry of the moraine on hill sides (only 10 to 15 foot abrupt faces on the uphill side and 50 to 100 foot faces on the downslope side) are in them¬ selves very unusual over such broad distances. Furthermore the position of the moraine from its high point on Devils Nose south- westward to the level of the plain records precisely the distal slope of the ice front during at least the latter part of the deposition of the moraine. Recording of such gradients is a rare occurrence almost anywhere because of concurrent or post-glacial destruction by flowing water and mass movements. Thus, in the area of Devils Lake are numerous textbook examples of glacial features. The moraine is but a small part of the end moraine of essentially similar age that has been traced throughout Wisconsin, from the Minnesota border near Hudson to the Illinois border south of Lake Geneva, and also from the Great Plains to the Atlantic Ocean (Chamberlin, 1883). This moraine was designated the terminal moraine of the Second Glacial Epoch (Chamberlin, 1878; 1883). He considered it to be the boundary between older and younger drift and, as such, to be the most important time break in the Pleistocene in the state. Field work in Illinois has not supported this viewpoint (Frye, Willman, and Black, 1965). Unfortunately we do not have a single radiocarbon date recording the advance of ice to this end moraine in Wisconsin. From evidence in Minnesota and Illinois, it likely was formed 13,000 to 16,000 years ago. In many places outside the Park, the moraine appears more massive than it is within the Park. Yet its massiveness commonly may be attributed to bedrock elevations on which it is found or to the over¬ riding and pushing up of material from below (Alden, 1918). Outside of the two plugs containing Devils Lake, the end moraine in the Park is generally only 15 to 50 feet high. Locally the front is fully 80 feet high as at the easternmost loop at Sauk Point (Fig. 1 ) , It is accentuated there because of the high level of the Baraboo Quartzite on which it is built and the low plain stretching to the west which was occupied by outwash and a former glacial lake (Ott Lake, Fig. 1). The more massive moraines containing Devils Lake rise 90-130 feet above Devils Lake and even higher above the valley floors north and east. Their massiveness is due mostly to out¬ wash and deltaic deposits (Thwaites, 1958, p. 150) deposited in front of the advancing ice. Only a thin local veneer of till was de¬ posited directly on these deposits by the ice. The deepest well in the gorge, 383 feet, did not reach bedrock. 130 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 From a car, views of the end moraine are particularly good along County Highway DL northeast of Devils Lake and at the extreme northwest corner of the park where Highway 159 crosses the moraine (Fig. 7). There the abrupt steep slope to the northeast was formerly occupied by ice which built the small moraine ridge with its smooth outwash plain to the west or front of the moraine. These provide a classic example of the relationship of the ice sheet to its proglacial fluvial and lacustrine deposits. At the easternmost loop, by Sauk Point, the moraine and its relationship to the quartz¬ ite and proglacial lakes are accessible and readily discernible. Stratiflcation and texture of outwash dipping westward, unassorted sandy till, and shear planes inclined steeply up ice to the east are especially well displayed in the gravel pit shown in Figure 8. Imme¬ diately below the pit is Ott Lake Basin, a former proglacial lake, and weathered outcrops of the Baraboo Quartzite. Retreatal mo¬ raines are also common behind the outer moraine south of the gravel pit. The abrupt interlobate junction of ice from the north Figure 7, Outwash plain in front of the late-Woodfordian (Cary) terminal moraine as viewed northeastward from Highway 159, about one-half mile east of Highway 12. 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 131 and south sides of the Range is clearly portrayed in the moraines northeast of the pit. The gravel pit (Fig. 8) at the easternmost loop of the moraine contains a wide variety of material typical of much of the moraine and associated outwash. A count of the 6- to 18-inch boulders shows : Percent dolomite 30 gabbro 26 Baraboo Quartzite 16 Cambrian sandstone 12 granite 6 diabase 5 dense intermediate mafic rock 4 rhyolite porphyry 1 100 The till zones are sandy, brown, yellow-brown, to dark red-brown. Sandy, bouldery outwash has been overridden locally. Native cop¬ per has been found in the pit and presumably had its source from Keweenaw Peninsula in Upper Michigan. Ordovician and Silurian dolomite and oolitic chert of the Ordovician Prairie du Chien Group are readily identifiable. For hikers the views of the moraine are particularly good near the Devils Nose on the South Bluff southeast of Devils Lake, on the southern part of East Bluff (Fig. 9) extending eastward to the extreme eastern loop of the moraine at Sauk Point, and also at the north tip of the north loop. From the north loop one has a striking view of the Baraboo Valley, the city of Baraboo, and the Lower Narrows gap of the Baraboo River through the North Range. Views to the Wisconsin River Valley are superb from the south rim of the East Bluff at Devils Lake to the vicinity of Parfreys Glen. Excellent views of the plugs containing Devils Lake may be had from all of the bluffs rising above them. Concentric moraines arc around the extreme north end of the north loop of the Cary end moraine, in section 9, north of Hanson Marsh (Fig. 1). These show beautifully the building of ridges at the edge of the ice as it struggled to maintain its position around that high point. Probably during the initial advance the ice went over the inside of the loop for erratics are to be found in it. How¬ ever, their presence can also be attributed to water transportation and even gravity movement from the steep face of the ice that must have developed there. As the terrain inside the loop is precipitous, 132 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 8. Gravel pit at the east loop of the late-Woodfordian (Cary) end moraine at Sauk Point, looking northeastward. Stratified outwash dips gently i to the left; till and drift partly bedded is inclined steeply to the right, reflecting I ice push and possible shear and flowage as the ice attempted to override its moraine. i I boulders could have bounced and rolled practically across the loop i on a vegetation-free surface or on an ice-covered surface. At any | rate the successive arcs are each slightly lower than their prede- ! cessor. The first two are separated by a gap only 60 to 100 feet i across and 10 to 20 feet deep. The later ones are lower and less ; regular. The features at the nose of the arc are among the best ! developed anywhere. When coupled with the beautiful views of the = Baraboo Valley to north and west and of the drained lakes and other features to the south, this can be considered truly one of the grand overlooks of the Devils Lake area. j 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 133 Figure 9. Top of the late-Woodfordian (Cary) end moraine on the East Bluff of Devils Lake, about one-quarter mile southwest of Hig-hway 113, looking- northeastward. For additional details on the moraine, the reader is referred to the original works of Salisbury and Atwood (1900), Trowbridge (1917), and of Alden (1918). All emphasize its uniqueness. Periglacial Features Periglacial processes are those particularly involving frost action (especially frost riving in the Baraboo area) and gravity move¬ ments. Within the Baraboo area Smith (1949) lists three groups of features attributable to periglacial processes: 1) stabilized talus, 2) block concentrations and block-strewn slopes, and 3) choked valleys and block cascades. Talus occurs in the vicinity of Devils Lake, and block concentrations, choked valleys, and talus slopes are west and northwest of Devils Lake and also on the south flank of the Baraboo Range south of the lake. Pinnacles and monuments on the cliffs of Devils Lake and wind-polished surfaces north of the lake are also considered periglacial in origin. 134 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 The talus accumulations around Devils Lake are among the most striking features of the Park (Figs. 2 and 3). They are better dis¬ played there than anywhere else in the Baraboo Range. Other good locations are in the gorge north of North Freedom (Salisbury and Atwood, 1900, p. 67), and also along the bluffs of the Lower Nar¬ rows northeast of Baraboo. Talus is best developed on the East, West and South Bluffs of the lake. Where the Cary ice stood in the southeast gap it presumably removed much of the talus that appar¬ ently was there before. On the bluffs above the lake the talus is almost continuous laterally, being interrupted locally by dipping ledges of the quartzite. It is partly covered by irregular patches of forest. The talus on the south-facing slope of East Bluff attains maximum height and continuity of exposure. On the north-facing slope of the South Bluff the talus is covered largely by trees, and the slope is slightly less steep. The talus is composed of heterogenous angular irregular blocks of quartzite more or less firmly wedged together. The blocks com¬ monly are more than six feet on a side. No marked vertical zoning of large blocks is apparent. Occasional erratic boulders up to 90 feet above the lake level (Salisbury and Atwood, 1900, p. 133) may be found in the talus. During the 1930’s the Civilian Conservation Corps brought in foreign material to surface trails, and the prac¬ tice continues. Erratics of foreign debris should be found in the talus up to the level of the divide between Messenger and Skillet Creeks, if the interpretation of that divide as the outlet of glacial Devils Lake is correct (Trowbridge, 1917). The maximum height of talus is about 300 feet; the maximum inclination of the slope is about 36°. The hydrographic map of Devils Lake (Juday, 1914, map 8) suggests that the talus extends 30 feet out from shore below water level. According to unpublished data of F. T. Thwaites, the talus may extend to depths of as much as 285 feet below lake level. However, its subsurface distribution is not known. Surmounting the talus at many places around the lake are nearly vertical rock bluffs, some tens of feet high and present¬ ing a jagged appearance. Many of the talus blocks as well as the rock surfaces and ledges above them are partly covered with lichens and show some weather¬ ing stains. No clear indications of movement are available. The vegetation seems stabilized on the slopes. Few blocks are seen on snow surfaces in winter, and isolated loose blocks in the forest at the foot of the bluffs are also relatively uncommon. The frost-rived bluffs and ledges above the talus show many loose blocks and pin¬ nacles (Figs. 3 and 4) apparently in unstable situations, yet few seem to have collapsed in historical time. The angularity and weight of the blocks permit them to stand as relatively permanent features. 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 135 Other signs of inactivity recorded by Smith (1949) indicate that the formation of talus blocks now is an exceedingly slow process. How much of the talus originated prior to the advance of the Cary ice into the north and southeast gorges is not known. If the talus does extend many tens of feet below the surface of the lake, it seems likely it has been covered by outwash from the Cary front. In an abandoned quarry on the northeast side of Devils Lake a thin veneer of talus is separated from the bedrock by about five feet of stony soil containing small blacks and rock fragments scat- tered through an earthy matrix (Smith 1949, p, 202), The contrast between the talus and underlying material is striking and points, according to Smith, to a marked change in conditions of weather¬ ing when talus accumulation began. Smith (1949) did not discuss the effects that high glacial lake levels might have had on the formation of talus in the gorge. If Trowbridge (1917) is correct that Devils Lake was up to the level of the divide between Messenger and Skillet Creeks, then the bulk of the talus in the area would have been covered by the glacial lake waters, and the lake level would have been near the base of the present cliff in many places. Would frost action which is com¬ monly more severe at the water level of a lake have been instru¬ mental in the formation of some of the talus? This is a question that we cannot yet answer. The lack of erratics of obvious foreign sources among the talus blocks where they surely were covered by lake waters is difficult to explain unless the talus has come down on top of such material to hide it. However, small particles could have been flushed through the coarse openings of the large talus blocks. Around Devils Lake talus is more abundant outside the area covered by the Cary ice than inside. However, pinnacled slopes and jagged angular cliffs are just as common along the Baraboo bluffs to the east of Devils Lake and also in the Lower Narrows of the Baraboo River to the northeast of Baraboo where the Cary ice definitely overrode the surface as they are in the cliffs around Devils Lake. Talus also is abundant in the Lower Narrows. In the St. Croix Dalles area of western Wisconsin Cary ice clearly went through the gorge and the pinnacles in cliffs of basalt have de¬ veloped subsequently. Pinnacles may form rapidly. As a conse¬ quence, we can not say specifically when some of the talus or the pinnacled cliffs of the Devils Lake area were produced. Some of the material must have been derived in pre-Cary times; some of the monuments such as Devils Doorway (Fig. 4), Elephant Rock and Balanced Rock (Fig, 5) possibly were produced during or im¬ mediately after Cary glaciation. The narrow depressions (Fig. 10) along the bases of many talus 136 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 slopes are peculiar. They are elongate, discontinuous channels 15 to 20 feet wide and 5 to 15 feet deep. Thwaites (1935, p. 404; 1958, j p. 153) attributed them to settling of the finer sediment into inter¬ stices of the talus, but their origin is conjectural. On the hottest days cold air drains down through the talus into some depressions, and at times running water may be heard in the talus above them. The smaller block concentrations and block strewn slopes on the j south-facing fiank of the Baraboo Range south of Devils Lake and j the choked valley in the depression southwest of the Lake contain angular blocks similar to those in the talus slopes of Devils Lake. The blocks are distributed in elongate bodies. Locally many are covered with forests, and interstices of the large blocks are filled with soil. The locality less than a mile northwest of Devils Lake presents a problem (NE l^, sec. 14) (Smith, 1949, p. 204). Smith records shattered blocks and boulders of quartzite, sandstone and conglom¬ erates occurring along a shallow valley and adjoining gentle slopes. Some of the blocks are almost buried in the soil, but others appear Figure 10. Elongate depression in drift at the base of talus along the south¬ facing slope of East Bluff, Devils Lake. 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 137 to be largely above the ground surface. Locally the blocks are jumbled together. This area is very close to the Cary ice front where it butted against the northeast corner of West Bluff. Some glacial drainage went around the end of the bluff and may have affected this particular area. Smith concluded that this material was produced in the same way as that of the talus on the south flank of the Baraboo Range south of Devils Lake. However, the materials and history of these localities are different. Concentra¬ tion of blocks by running water could not have been important or the angular blocks would have been more rounded. A small ridge of Baraboo Quartzite juts above the level of the south fork of Messenger Creek in the extreme southeast corner of section 23, southwest of Devils Lake. The relatively flat top of the ridge reaches an elevation of about 1100 feet, but a large isolated pinnacle rises fully 20 to 30 feet above the level of the ridge, and isolated rocks and smaller pinnacles are also present to the north. The origin of these features is conjectural. They may have been formed in glacial Devils Lake, assuming it had reached this gen¬ eral level. Wind work is not common in the Park. A thin accumulation of loess has been brought in by wind and deposited over the upland surface. This loess probably is latest Wisconsinan to Recent in age according to the immaturity of weathering. Such deposition is common on uplands adjacent to abandoned lake areas or glacial outwash valleys like those around the Baraboo area. The sources of the loess could well have been Glacial Lake Baraboo to the north¬ west and the outwash apron in the Wisconsin River Valley to the south. Wind-polished and fluted surfaces may be seen outside the Park on quartzite knobs that rise above the early Paleozoic formations south of Baraboo. There ventifacted, furrowed surfaces suggest strong winds blew from the west-northwest. Polishing of the cor¬ ners and faces of some of the upland cliffs of the Baraboo area have been attributed to wind work, but we cannot exclude water work and chemical action from such alteration. Drained Lakes Proglacial lakes were formed immediately in front of the moraine in several places in the Park area (Fig, 1). All of these former lakes (except Devils Lake discussed earlier) have been drained, but the sediments remain behind as mute testimony of their former existence. One unnamed lake formerly existed 1,3 miles southeast of Devils Lake on the north side of Devils Nose. Cary ice butted against the ridge leaving its end moraine which 138 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 may be traced around and across the nose (Fig. 1). Where the moraine crosses the gully in the east half of section 30, it is a sym¬ metrical ridge about 45 feet high and 100 feet wide. It is breached at the gully, and a smooth plain extends to the southwest. That plain is underlain with 10 to 30 feet of silty sands and some clay and gravel. From the moraine down the gully to the north one sees numerous very large foreign erratics, but from the moraine up the gully to the west and southwest only the Baraboo quartzite blocks and small amounts of fine pea-sized foreign gravel are seen. Similar but larger lakes were present in sections 16, 17 and 18 northeast of Devils Lake (Fig. 1). Peck and Steinke glacial lakes were named early (Salisbury and Atwood, 1900; Trowbridge, 1917). Glacial Ott Lake is the name given here for convenience to the easternmost and smallest basin in the Sauk Point Loop. At one time those basins probably were merged into one lake which would have drained into glacial Devils Lake via Hells Canyon. As the ice border retreated somewhat from the end moraine shown on Figure 1, the water level would have dropped and the lakes would have become separated from each other. Ott Lake in the southeastern part of section 16 would have been the first to be drained or filled with outwash. Peck and Steinke Lakes, farther west at lower levels, remained longer. Just how long the lakes were able to survive is not known. How¬ ever, in sections 9 and 16, northeast of Devils Lake is the low swampy area known today as Hanson Marsh. It was a lake that survived for many centuries (Bachhuber, 1966). Ice at its furthest extent, at the position shown in Figure 1, covered the area of the marsh but withdrew almost immediately thereafter to build an end moraine on the ridge to the west and another to the north, sur¬ rounding Hanson Marsh and forming a lake. Rhythmically-banded lacustrine sediments at least 25 feet thick were laid down in the lake along the ice margin. Bachhuber (1966) has counted repre¬ sentative samples of the supposed varves which represent at least 600 years of time. These are only part of that lacustrine sequence. Similar studies have not been attempted for Steinke, Peck, or Ott Lakes. While the ice stood around the old lake at Hanson Marsh, spruce forests to the west of the area were contributing pollen to the lake sediments. The pollen sequence throughout the deposits shows clearly the post-glacial climatic changes as reflected in the local vegetation. In brief they record a transition from spruce to pine to mixed hardwoods and other deciduous trees (Bachhuber, 1966). At its maximum, expanded Devils Lake may have reached an elevation of 1155 feet, enough to drain the lake to the northwest down Skillet Creek (Trowbridge, 1917), (Elevations cited by 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 139 Trowbridge differ from those cited here because of availability of more accurate maps today.) Thwaites (1960) does not accept any available evidence that the lake actually overflowed through Skillet Creek even though Trowbridge (1917) found erratics in Messenger Creek on the lake side within 16 feet of the Skillet Creek divide. The Cary moraine at the north end of West Bluff has left its mark up to 1050 feet in elevation only. How much higher the Cary ice went is not known, although the writer has found large igneous and dolomite boulders up to 1160 feet on the northwest side of that nose (SW 1/4, SE l^, NE l^, sec. 14, T 11 N, R 6 E). Farther south along Highway 123, cobbles of igneous erratics are found to elevations of 1210 feet. Thus, this writer would agree with Trow¬ bridge (1917) that Devils Lake overflowed into Skillet Creek. Furthermore, the cutting of lower Skillet Creek valley in quartzite must have been accomplished by far more discharge than is avail¬ able from the present drainage area. The monuments and jagged spurs now present in the gorge are considered to reflect frost processes like those in the bluffs around Devils Lake itself. At its maximum advance, over 11 miles of the Cary ice front was contributing water to the lakes in the Devils Lake area (Trow¬ bridge, 1917, p. 364). His argument is that ice was brought to the terminous at a rate of 6 inches a week or 26 feet a year. Assuming ice was melted along the entire front in a zone 100 feet wide by 26 feet deep, we get a measure of the minimum amount of water that could reach the lakes. Surely some melt water farther back from the front would also reach the area. Trowbridge concludes that the annual discharge to the lakes would be at least on the order of 1.5 billion cubic feet. The Devils Lake basin itself has a capacity to the discharge level at Skillet Creek of about 7.5 billion cubic feet. Thus the main lake basin should have been filled to overflowing in only five years. The upper lakes would have held a relatively small amount before draining into Devils Lake. With the ice standing in the area more than 600 years surely Devils Lake overflowed for considerable time through Skillet Creek and later possibly past the north end of West Bluff, at the margin of the ice, even though no features or deposits there prove this unequivocably. Trowbridge has supported these rough estimates of water volume by a check on the amount of material deposited from the glacial waters. Trowbridge calculated that six miles of the ice front drained into Steinke Lake, depositing over 2.5 billion cubic feet of debris. In Peck Basin its 0.5 miles of ice front contributed at least 142 million cubic feet of debris. The Devils Lake gap between the two morainal dams contains over 2 billion cubic feet of debris. Thus, it would seem clear that these lakes must have had more than 140 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 enough water to drain through the headwaters of Skillet Creek, the lowest divide available if the Cary ice stood higher than 1155 feet against the north end of West Bluff. Unfortunately it is not yet possible to date deposition of the large foreign boulders deep in the soil up to at least 1160 feet ele¬ vation on the northwest side of West Bluff. The dolomite erratics are very little etched; gabbro and other coarse textured boulders are not disaggregated so it is assumed they were left by ice im¬ mediately preceding the building of the prominent end moraine. A large fresh gravel kame (SE SEi/4, sec. 25, T 12 N, R 5 E) is 3.5 miles west of the same front at Baraboo, and a deep kettle hole (SW %, NE sec. 15, T 10 N, R 6 E) is one mile beyond the front. They attest to an advance of the ice beyond the promi¬ nent end moraine. Thwaites (1958) and earlier writers, except Weidman (1904), do not accept these features as resulting from direct glacial action. However, about 40,000 cubic yards of foreign erratics from gravel to boulders have been removed from the kame which shows typical cross stratification and irregular sorting — ^far too much material to be ice rafted and deposited with such internal fabric. Till is present below the kettle which is as perfectly de¬ veloped as any. In the Steinke Lake sediments Salisbury and Atwood (1900, p. 120 and plate 28, p. 108) noticed laminated silts and clays in which marked deformation of certain horizons were present. Lo¬ cally more than 60 feet of these deposits were excavated, but the exposures are now covered. Salisbury and Atwood (1900, p. 134) outline the history of that lake briefly. Because the basin is en¬ closed to the south, east, and west by quartzite, it was in a logical position to receive and hold water. The first lake formed against the ice to the north had no outlet until the water rose to the level of the lowest divide on the southwest side where the water over¬ flowed to the west and northwest into Devils Lake via Hells Can¬ yon. Sediments borne into the basin by the glacial drainage were deposited as deltas and outwash in the lake. The coarser particles were left near the ice; the finer ones were carried farther away. Continued melt water from the ice front brought more and more sediment into the lake until its delta front extended completely across the lake, filling it to the level of the outlet. Later drainage followed the retreating edge of the ice directly westward into Devils Lake. Other drainage modifications in the area accompanied and fol¬ lowed the lakes. An example is that of Skillet Creek, the small tributary to the Baraboo River, which flows northwesterly from the southwest divide of Devils Lake, Before glaciation of the dis¬ trict, Skillet Creek probably flowed in a general northeasterly di- 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 141 rection to the Baraboo River (Salisbury and Atwood, 1900, p. 138). The Cary ice blocked the stream forcing it to seek a new course. The only course open was to the north and west in front of the advancing ice. Drainage from the ice, depositing glacial-fluvial and then glacial-lacustrine materials, forced the stream farther westward until finally it reached its position across the Cambrian sandstone plain well to the north and west of its former route. In that position ancestral Skillet Creek began to downcut after deglaciation and drainage of glacial lake Baraboo that inundated up to 980 feet elevation the lowland where Baraboo is now located. It superimposed itself on the bedrock and cut a new gorge. Such superposition could have occurred only after the cessation of over¬ flow of water into Skillet Creek from the glacial lake occupying the gorge of Devils Lake. To drain Lake Baraboo it was necessary to clear the ice from the east nose of the Baraboo Range proper, near Portage (Bretz, 1950). The position of the lower part of Skil¬ let Creek well on the westward flank of the outwash apron of Cary age can be attributed to the initial topography left during the draining of Lake Baraboo. Stagnant Ice Features The retreat of the ice from Sauk Point at the crest of the Bara¬ boo Range was by melting in situ for it left behind typical ice stagnation features with knob and swale topography. Many knobs are small kames of poorly sorted but water worked sand and gravel; the depressions are almost invariably kettles produced by the melting out of buried ice blocks in the debris. The stagnant buried ice area formed at the junction of an advancing lobe from the north and another from the south — a kettle interlobate moraine of very small size when compared to the Kettle Interlobate Moraine of eastern Wisconsin. Yet, its origin would have been similar. Sec¬ tion 15 at Sauk Point (Fig, 1) contains the better features of this ice stagnation interlobate area. Relief is generally only 10 to 30 feet between the knobs and adjacent kettles. It is readily viewed from the east-west highway extension of County Highway DL. Behind the end moraine as mapped through the area of Figure 1, numerous ice stagnation features may be seen. These are par¬ ticularly well-developed on the flanks of the Baraboo Range to the north toward the city of Baraboo and also to the south and east toward the Wisconsin River. Many knobs are kames ; many swales are kettles. Such ice stagnation features on the steeper slopes of the Baraboo Range are generally nowhere as well developed or as large as those of the lowlands. It is in the lowlands that the larger ice blocks were buried more readily. 142 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Potholes Black (1964) has described potholes on the East Bluff of Devils Lake overlooking- the late-Woodfordian (Cary) moraine which plugs the southeast gorge. The potholes are carved in bedding plane surfaces of the Baraboo Quartzite in situ and also in loose blocks of the quartzite that are scattered irregularly on the beveled upland surface. Polished chert-rich gravel of the Windrow Forma¬ tion is associated with some potholes and has been found in them (Salisbury, 1895, p. 657). On July 29, 1964, after the pothole paper was submitted for publication. Black used a power auger to drill 12 holes through the quartzite rubble scattered over the higher part of East Bluff. Most holes were less than five feet deep; the deeper holes pene¬ trated only six to eight feet. All encountered a silty clay zone with 5 to 10 percent well-rounded and polished pebbles of the Windrow type scattered uniformly throughout. The zone is reported to be 16 feet thick in a dug well (Salisbury, 1895) near the junction of the trails at the apex of the bluff. The clay is mostly of the ex¬ pandable type — swelling greatly with a sodium-rich water soften¬ ing agent. Such clay is not common in Tertiary or Mesozoic de¬ posits in the upper Mississippi River area which have kaolin — a non expanding clay. Through the years most writers have attributed the potholes and associated gravels to streams of Paleozoic, Cretaceous, or Tertiary age that flowed across a continuous upland surface at and above the level of the rim. The writer thought no one seriously had con¬ sidered them to be glacial prior to publication of his paper (Black, 1964), but subsequently he found that Powers (1960) raised the question without attempting to answer it. We know now that at least one of the potholes at the extreme east nose of the Baraboo Range, which contains Cambrian sandstone firmly adhering to its walls, must have been produced in late Precambrian or earliest Cambrian times. Not all of the other potholes of that locality can be ascribed necessarily to the same time of formation even though it would be most logical. By analogy it would be logical also to suspect that the potholes on the East Bluff of Devils Lake were produced at the same time, but this does not prove it. Regardless of when the potholes were formed, it is clear that the loose blocks in which we find potholes have been moved subse¬ quent to grinding of the potholes. Some blocks have been split, and one side or bottom of its pothole is now gone. Others are turned on their sides or are upside down. These are scattered along with other loose blocks of the Baraboo Quartzite over the chert-rich, gravelly clay (Windrow Formation) on the upland. The splitting off of the blocks from bedrock and movement of the loose blocks 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 143 to their present location can most easily be explained on the basis of movement by glacial ice or possibly by melt waters associated with ice. The hundreds of blocks of Baraboo Quartzite on top of the Windrow Formation cannot be explained by simple down weathering in place, and no quartzite nearby is higher. Such blocks of the quartzite on top of the Windrow Formation must be consid¬ ered true glacial erratics. The large erratic to the north of the pothole area is so described by Black (1964). It weighs 85 tons and must have been moved upslope to its present resting place. This surely could only be ac¬ complished by ice. Other smaller but impressive quartzite erratics may be seen on the South and West Bluffs of Devils Lake as well (Fig. 11). No mechanism of erosion of the smoothly beveled up- Figure 11, “Erratic” of Baraboo Quartzite on the highest part of the South Bluff of Devils Lake. 144 Wisconsin Academy of Science^ Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 land surface, known to the writer, can leave behind such large loose blocks to rise above the general level. These various phenomena would imply that glaciation of the Devils Lake area had occurred some time prior to the late- Woodfordian (Cary) advance. This seems certain from a variety of evidence that cannot be detailed here. However, for example, dolo¬ mite and igneous rock erratics are found 100 feet above the Cary moraine at the north end of West Bluff. Moreover, a kame deposit 3.5 miles west of the front near Baraboo has more than 40,000 cubic yards of gravel, and a deep kettle with till lies one mile west of the front at the Badger Ordinance Works south of the Park. They attest to nearby extensions of glacier ice beyond the end moraine of the Cary as recorded on Figure 1. The freshness of dolomite and igneous erratics, the lack of erosion and filling of the kettle, the amazing freshness of the igneous outcrops near Denzer, the youthfulness of the loess on the upland, and other criteria would suggest that the time of such glaciation did not long pre¬ cede that of the Cary. Unfortunately, this is a very perplexing problem for which we have relatively little information to go on, and it cannot be discussed further here. Erratics For convenience, erratics within the area of Devils Lake Park may be classified into two groups. One contains those rocks, such as igneous and highly metamorphosed materials, that could have originated only from a point far to the north. The other contains those rocks of local derivation which are in anomalous situations. This section is concerned largely with the second group — the large mass of debris brought in by the Cary ice and dumped inside the end moraine is clearly of glacial origin. At Devils Lake erratics have been washed out from the terminal area of the ice that blocked the north and southeast gaps. Erratics have been carried by drifting ice at least 90 feet above the present lake level (Salis¬ bury and Atwood, 1900, pp. 133). Trowbridge (1917, p. 366) in one hour found 103 erratic boulders in the valley of the north fork of Messenger Creek and one diabase cobble on the west slope of the divide in the drainage of Skillet Creek. He found igneous rock erratics 164 feet (202 feet in his paper reflects use of now out¬ dated topographic maps) above the present level of Devils Lake and only 28 feet below the divide. Other glacial cobbles occurred within 16 vertical feet of the divide. Thus the origin of erratics behind the end moraine and those carried out from the terminous by outwash waters and floating icebergs in the proglacial lakes are readily explained. These are recognized easily because of their obvious foreign source. 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 145 In the second group of rocks, however, we find various local materials which are distributed in the area in such a way that it is far more difficult to prove that they obtained their present loca¬ tions on the basis of glacial ice directly. In this group are placed the large Baraboo Quartzite erratic blocks and fragments which occur on East Bluff on top of the Windrow Formation and also those which occur on the South and West Bluffs and on Sauk Hill on the Baraboo Quartzite itself. To this group is added also the Paleozoic cherts which lie outside the end moraine. These categories require additional comment. It is difficult not to accept as glacial erratics the angular quart¬ zite rubble on top of the Windrow Formation on East Bluff. If one accepts the 85-ton Baraboo Quartzite block near the block fields north of the pothole area on the East Bluff as a glacial erratic, then it would seem to the writer that we must also accept similar large angular blocks of the Baraboo Quartzite on the South (Figure 11) and West Bluffs and on Sauk Hill as well. They lie on rounded rela¬ tively smooth upland surfaces, protruding through the loess cap which is a few inches to two or three feet thick. These blocks are loose and rest directly on the quartzite. Hence, they have not attracted attention by previous workers in the area. However, no process of planation by sea or streams could leave such large angular fresh blocks behind to rise above the smoothly planed surfaces. At least it seems unusual to this writer to see such large angular blocks rising above the general level of a truncated sur¬ face that is supposed to be exhumed from beneath hundreds of feet of Paleozoic sandstones and dolomites. These are the highest surfaces in the area. The blocks can not have been let down from a higher cover or plucked out of the upland by any means other than glacial ice. To the writer it is far easier to explain such loose blocks as having been brought in some time after the exhumation of the upper surfaces. The logical time to do this is during the Pleistocene, by glacial action. Many blocks are angular with very sharp corners; relatively little pitting has taken place, and frost riving is minimal. A Wisconsinan age for them would seem most logical, yet an earlier Pleistocene age is possible. Associated with the erratic blocks of Baraboo Quartzite on the South Bluff are distinct channels in the upland surface which are also peculiar. One due south of the lake crosses through the crest of the range and has steep overhanging banks 10 to 15 feet high (Fig. 12). Corners of the blocks are very sharp, A few blocks pre¬ sumably derived by frost action lie at the foot of the bank, but hundreds of cubic yards of material have been removed from the largest channel. No accumulation of such debris is seen either to the north or to the south. Where has it gone? Are such features 146 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 12. Overhanging wall of Baraboo Quartzite on top of the South Bluff of Devils Lake, looking northward. Part of a channel possibly cut during the Pleistocene. related to the Paleozoic or Mesozoic erosion cycles that have affected the area, or is this again something that may be attributable to a pre-Cary glacial event? Did glacial water flow across the upland which is higher than the divide at the head of Pine Hollow? Pine Hollow has some rare foreign rocks such as schist and rounded Windrow-type pebbles among the angular quartzite, sandstone, sandy dolomite, and chert. Glacial water may have aided in cutting it. However, we have really no basis for saying one way or the other except for the relative freshness of the edges and faces of the Baraboo Quartzite exposed in these peculiar features. We have inserited at least one late-preCambrian or early Cambrian pothole, but it is a very small feature obviously protected by the Cambrian 1967-68] Black — Geomorphology of Devils Lake Area 147 sandstone» No sandstone was seen anywhere in association with the loose angular blocks of the Baraboo quartzite on the upland or with the sharp channels. Hopefully, more detailed subsurface study will provide additional clues to the perplexing origin of these features. The chert erratics present another puzzling situation. Chert be¬ hind the end moraine of Cary age clearly can be explained as having been brought in by ice. It has been customary to explain chert, locally identifiable as Ordovician— Silurian in age to the west of the Cary terminous, as having been “let down’^ during the weather¬ ing and removal of the Paleozoic formations that once overlay the Baraboo Quartzite (Thwaites, 1958 and 1960). However, the abun¬ dance of chert of Silurian age is puzzling. One would expect that the younger formations which would be removed first in the Paleozoic-Mesozoic-Tertiary weathering cycles would be essentially absent from the upland in contrast with chert of the underlying older formations. Detailed statistical sampling has not been done, but yet we find considerable Silurian chert. This seems incongruous because there is no difference in size nor in weatherability of the Ordovician-Silurian chert. Is it possible that the chert has not been simply let down but has actually been brought in by ice of an earlier glaciation that did not have abundant igneous materials in the ice? Again we have no basis for discussion, of such a problem, because the evidence is still too meager to constrain our thinking, Eeferences Cited Alden, William C., 1918, The Quaternary geology of southeastern Wisconsin: U. S. GeoL Survey Prof, Paper 106, 356 p. Andrews, George W., 1958, Windrow formation of upper Mississippi Valley region — a sedimentary and stratigraphic study: Jour. GeoL, v, 66, p, 597- 624. Bachhuber, Frederick W., 1966, Pollen analysis from Hansen Marsh — An upland 'site, southcentral Wisconsin: M. S. thesis, Univ. Wis., 30 p. Black, Robert F., 1960, ‘‘Driftless area^’ of Wisconsin was glaciated: GeoL Soc. Amer. Bull. v. 71, pt. 2, p, 1827. Black, Robert F., 1964, Potholes and associated gravel of Devils Lake State Park: Wis, Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters Trans., v, 53, p. 165-175. Black, Robert F., Francis D, Hole, Louis J. Maher, and Joan E. Freeman, 1965, Guidebook for Field Conference C, Wisconsin: Intern. Assoc. Qua¬ ternary Res., 7th Congress, p. 56-81. Bretz, J. Harlen, 1950, Glacial Lake Merrimac: Ill. Acad. Sci. Trans, v. 43, p. 132-136. Chamberlin, T. C., 1878, On the extent and significance of the Wisconsin kettle moraine: Wis, Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters Trans., v. 4, p. 201-234. Chamberlin, T. C., 1883, Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch: U. S. GeoL Survey Third Ann. Rept., p, 291-402. Frye, John C., H. B, Willman, and Robert F. Black, 1965, Glacial geology of Illinois and Wisconsin: in Quaternary of the United States, Princeton Univ. Press, p. 43-61, 148 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Hendrix, T. E., and M. Schaiowitz, 1964, Gravitational structures in the Baraboo Quartzite near Baraboo, Wisconsin: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., V. 76, p. 1045-1050. JUDAY, Chancey, 1914. The inland lakes of Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 27, 137 p. Martin, Lawrence, 1932, The physical geography of Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 36, 608 p. Reprinted, 1965, Univ. of Wis. Press. Ostrem, M. E., 1966, Cambrian stratigraphy in western Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Information Circ., No. 7, Guidebook for Ann. Field Conf. of Mich. Basin Geol. Soc., 79 p. Ostrem, M. E., 1967, Paleozoic stratigraphic nomenclature for Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Information Circ., No. 8. Powers, William E., 1960, Physiography of northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin: Ill. Geog. Soc., Bull. (Dec.), p. 8-32. Raasch, G. 0., 1958, Baraboo monadnock and palaeo-wind direction: Jour. Alberta Soc. Petroleum Geologists, v. 6, p. 183-187. Salisbury, R. D., 1895, Pre-glacial gravels on the quartzite range near Bara¬ boo, Wisconsin: Jour. Geol., v. 3, p. 655-667. Salisbury, R. D., and W. W. Atwood, 1900, The geography of the region about Devil’s Lake and Dalles of the Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur¬ vey Bull. 5, 151. p. Smith, Guy-Harold, 1931, Physiography of Baraboo Range of Wisconsin: Pan-Amer. Geologist, v. 56, p. 123-140. Smith, H. T. U., 1949, Periglacial features in the Driftless Area of sourthern Wisconsin: Jour. Geol., v. 57, p. 196-215. Thwaites, F. T., 1935, Physiography of the Baraboo district, Wisconsin: Kansas Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 9th Ann. Field Conf., p. 395-404. Thwaites, F. T., 1958, Land forms of the Baraboo district, Wisconsin: Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters Trans., v. 47, p. 137-159. Thwaites, F. T., 1960, Evidences of dissected erosion surfaces in the Driftless Area: Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters Trans., v. 49, p. 17-49. Thwaites, F. T., 1961, the base of the St. Peter sandstone in southwestern Wisonsin: Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters Trans., v. 50, p. 203-219. Trowbridge, Arthur C., 1917, The history of Devils Lake, Wisconsin: Jour. Geol., V. 25, p. 344-372. Twenhofel, William H., and Vincent E. McKelvey, 1939, The sediments of Devils Lake, a eutrophic-oligo trophic lake of southern Wisconsin: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 9, p. 105-121. Wanenmacher, J. M., W. H. Twenhofel and G. 0. Raasch, 1934, The Paleozoic strata of the Baraboo area, Wisconsin: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 228, p. 1-30. Weidman, Samuel, 1904, The Baraboo iron-bearing district of Wisconsin: Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey Bull. 13, 190 p. Wilson, L. R., 1936, Further Fossil Studies of the Two Creeks Forest Bed, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Torrey Bot. Club Bull., v. 66, p. 317-325. EVIDENCE FOR FAULT ZONES IN THE BEDROCK OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY Carl A. R. Distelhorst and A. G. Milnes Because of the irregular cover of Pleistocene deposits, little is known about the overall geologic structure of the bedrock in Mil¬ waukee County, Recently, however, a compilation has been made of the geologic information obtained from the innumerable bore¬ holes located in the county (Distelhorst 1967) and on this basis a more detailed picture of the bedrock structure can be constructed. Those boreholes which penetrated sufficiently deeply intersected a prominent and unmistakable contact, that between the Niagran Dolomite (Silurian) and the underlying Maquoketa Shale (Ordo¬ vician) . This contact has been logged and recorded in many holes throughout the county and thus provides a convenient horizon for determining the bedrock structure. At each borehole, the height above sea level of this contact was calculated from the information compiled from the well log records of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. These heights were placed in height groups each spanning 100 feet (see Fig. 1) . The symbols represent¬ ing the various height groups form definite broad bands across the county map, and enable rough stratum contours at 100 foot inter¬ vals to be constructed. The most striking feature of the distribution of height group symbols on Fig. 1 is a line of discontinuity which runs southwest- wards from the mouth of Milwaukee River. South of this line the stratum contours seem to have been displaced towards the east. Closer inspection reveals that in a number of the boreholes situated close to this line, the Silurian-Ordovician boundary shows an anomalous position, either much higher or much lower than that to be expected from neighboring wells (Fig. 1). This line probably represents a fault zone in which the strata have become much dis¬ turbed. The downthrown block is to the northeast, but on the present data the true direction of movement and hence the amount of movement this zone represents cannot be determined. The same procedure has been carried out for the Devonian- Silurian boundary, another easily logged contact but one only found in the northeast corner of the county (Fig. 2). Again there is sug¬ gestion of displacement of stratum contours (though the evidence 149 150 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 1967-68] Distilhorst and Milnes — Fault Zones in Bedrock 151 Figure 2. Structure contour map of the Devonian-Silurian boundary in north¬ ern Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Ornament as in Fig, 1. Height group sym¬ bols: the Devonian-Silurian boundary lies between 300 and 400 feet (symbol A), 400 and 500 feet (symbol B), 500 and 600 feet (symbol C), or above 600 feet (symbol D), above mean sea level. is much more tenuous) and a succession of anomalous readings, along a narrow zone running eastnortheast-westsouthwest. Anom¬ alous heights are also obtained for the Silurian-Ordovician bound¬ aries in other wells along the same line (two of the three most northerly wells shown on Fig. 1 are lower than the stratum contours to the south would indicate). Another fault zone is thus postulated in the extreme north of the county, in this case with the down- thrown block to the south. The northernmost of these two fault zones is probably a con¬ tinuation of the north-east striking fault known to exist under the town of Waukesha to the west (Foley et al., 1953). The south¬ ern fault zone was previously thought of as a fold structure (Foley, op. cit.) but this was on the basis of structure contours drawn on the top of the St. Peter Sandstone, a much less well defined horizon 152 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 than the one used here. There is, however, good indication of a slight monoclinal warping in both the Devonian-Silurian and Silurian-Ordovician contacts. In both Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, two of the stratum contours lie closer together than the others. References Distelhorst, C. a. R., (1967) : Bedrock Formations of Milwaukee County. M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Foley, F. C., W. C. Walton and W. J. Drescher (1953) : Ground-Water conditions in the Milwaukee-Waukesha Area, Wisconsin. U.S. GeoL Surv. Water Supply Paper 1229, 96 pp. THE DISTRIBUTION OF IRON IN LAKE SEDIMENTS Jerome O, Nriagu* Dept of Geology, University of Wisconsin, Madison Abstract In Lake Mendota sediments, iron is present as the sulfides (hydrotroilite and/or greigite), in organic material^ detrital ma¬ terial, magnetic spherules and as 'acid-soluble’ iron which has been shown to be coprecipitated with calcite (the predominant mineral phase in the lake muds) by adsorption. A small fraction of the acid-soluble iron may also be tied up as the polyphosphates. Introduction The cycling of iron within and through the aquatic ecosystems has been extensively investigated because the amounts and kinds of ions or molecules containing iron in the ferrous or ferric states are directly relatable to the pH and Eh of the water in which they occur (Mortimer, 1941-42; Hutchinson, 1957; Gorham, 1958; Hem, 1959). None of these investigations however has reported on the influence of mineralogy on the partitioning of iron between the lake water and the solid phases in the bottom sediments with which the water is in contact. This important variable which would greatly influence the amount and rate of iron leaching from the lake muds has been neglected because of the complete lack of infor¬ mation on the nature of iron in lake sediments (Hutchinson, 1957) . The present investigation is aimed at providing some information on the various forms of iron in the bottom muds of Lake Mendota, Sampling and Field Observations - The grab samples used in the analyses were obtained with an Eckman dredge along a traverse from Picnic Point to Maple Bluff (Fig. 1). The core samples were obtained near University Bay (Fig, 1) with a three-inch diameter piston corer mounted on the Water Chemistry Research Vessel, Kekule. Water depths were de¬ termined with a fathometer. Detailed information is available on Present address : Dept, of Geoiog-y, University of Toronto, Toronto 5, Canada. 153 154 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 the physical properties of Lake Mendota sediments (see for exam¬ ple, Twenhofel, 1933 ; Hanson, 1952 ; Murray, 1956) ; no attempt will be made to describe these properties in this report. The often reported knife-sharp nature of the contact between the sludge and the marl was not observed in any of the cores used in this study. In all the core sections examined, the sludge passed gradationally into the lake waters at the top and at the bottom graded into marl over a zone ranging from five to ten centimeters marked by a gradual lightening of color. Apparently the false im¬ pression of a knife-sharp contact (as reported by Hanson, 1952, and Murray, 1956) was created by compression of the core section during sampling. Emery and Dietz (1941) reported that gravity corers gave shortenings of up to 60 percent in some marine sedi¬ ments off the coast of California. Core shortening of comparable magnitude is quite possible in these sediments considering the high fluidity of the sludge (water content up to 85 percent). Murray (1956) describes the core : — “when the core and liner were removed from the steel tube, the water above the sediments in the liner 1967-68] Nriagu — Distribution of Iron in Lake Sediments 155 remained clear despite the agitation of the water and sediments in the sampling process”. This may be considered a measure of the degree of compression of his core samples. Furthermore, the thick¬ ness of the sludge measured directly along the core column or de¬ termined on the basis of sulfur content of the sediments, is gen¬ erally much greater than that reported by Murray and may be regarded as another evidence that the cores studied by him were compressed. The core section obtained for this study almost com¬ pletely filled the core barrel showing that the shortening of the column was very small. Laboratory Investigations All the samples were stored frozen until required for analysis. To minimize the air oxidation of the ferrous iron, the interval between the collection of the samples and the determination of the ferrous iron was kept at less than a week. The analysis for ferrous iron was made on wet samples; the total iron content was deter¬ mined on oven-dried samples. Ferrous Ironb The analysis for acid-soluble (ferrous) iron con¬ sists of boiling the sediment sample with IN. HCl, filtering off the iron in the solution and reducing the filtrate with a 10 percent solu¬ tion of hydroxylammonium hydrochloride. The iron in the extract is then determined by the o-phenanthroline method using a Beck¬ man Model B spectrophotometer with a wavelength setting of 519 m/x (a make up from a filtrate was used as the standard in the reference cell) . The details of the procedure used in the analyses are given in Standard Methods (Am. Publ. Health Assoc. 1960). Total Iron, To obtain the total iron, a weighed portion of the oven-dried sediment is digested with a mixture of HNO3, HCIO4 and HF and the iron in the acid extract determined by the 0- phenanthroline method. The experimental details involved in the analysis are given in Black (1965). Sulfide Sulfur, Sulfide sulfur was analysed by the evolution method of Kolthoff and Sandell (1952). An excess of dilute HCl is added to a weighed amount of the sediment sample in a distillation 1 Bailing in dilute acid will also dissolve a considerable quantity of ferric iron, if any happens to be present. It is how'ever unlikely that ferric iron is present consider¬ ing the fact that these samples were drawn in the late stages of stratification when the bottom sediments are known to be highly reducing. Ferric iron precipitated in bottom muds during the seasonal overturns has been shown (see Hutchinson, 1957 ; Mortimer, 1942/43) to be almost completely reduced to the ferrous state early, fol¬ lowing the development of anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion. In addition, any ferric iron settling through the oxygenated epilimnion should in fact be reduced in the anaerobic hypolimnion before it can get to the bottom muds — ferrous and ferric ions in aquatic ecosystems are very sensitive to Eh-pH changes (J. D. Hem, 1959). It is simply unlikely that ferric iron should exist as a stable phase (except as pyrite, which however was not isolated in any of the samples) in the presence of relatively large concentrations of dissolved sulfide associated with these bottom muds. 156 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 flask. The acidified suspension is boiled gently for one hour on a hot plate and the liberated H2S absorbed in a zinc acetate-sodium acetate mixture and subsequently determined volumetrically using a standard iodine solution as the titrant and starch solution as the end point indicator. Total Sulfur, Analysis for total sulfur was by dry combustion to the sulfate followed by reduction and subsequent conversion of the sulfuric acid to H2S. The precautions and experimental details for the determination of SO4 as hydrogen sulfide (using a reducing mixture of hydriodic acid, hypophosphorus acid and formic acid) are given in Black (1965). Results and Discussion The analytic data for the dredge samples are given in Table 1 ; the data for the core samples are presented in Table 2. All depths are apparent depths, no corrections for core shortening have been made. In all the samples examined, (see Tables 1 and 2) , the iron occurs predominantly in the acid-soluble (ferrous) state. The difference between the total and acid-soluble iron at any given location can be accounted for as iron in organic matter, in detrital sediments and in the magnetic spherules (for a discussion of these spherules, see Nriagu, 1967). It was not possible to differentiate between these forms of iron owing to the diflSculties involved in removing organic material from these sediments. Since these forms may be regarded as the “inactive” iron in the sediments (and because not much is known about their form anyway), no further discussion will be made about them. Table 1. Sulfide-S, Total-S, Acid-soluble Fe and Total Fe Content OF Dredge Samples of Lake Mendota Sludge* Sample No. Depth of Water (Ft.) Sulfide SuLFURf Total SuLFURf Acid- soluble iRONf Total iRONf 901/7 . 35 0.3 0.5 5.5 901/6 . 50 1.0 1.9 13.7 17.0 901/1 . 50 1.3 1 .9 16.5 22.5 901/5 . 60 1.6 2.2 16.3 21.0 901/2 . . . . . 75 3.5 4.2 21.6 24.0 901/4 . 77 3.3 4.0 19.4 23.6 901/3 . 83 3.6 4.3 22. 1 25.0 tExpressed as mg/gm dry weight. *Samples were drawn on 9/1 /66. 1967-68] Nriagu — Distribution of Iron in Lake Sediments 157 Table 2. Sulfur and Iron Contents of Core Samples. Depths of Water = 33 ft. Sample Number Depth Beneath Mud Surface ‘“Acid- Volatile Sulfur *Total Sulfur “Acid- Soluble Iron “Total Iron 1 . 5-5cm 0.6 1.3 15.6 20.4 2 . 5-10 1.4 1.5 15.1 20.0 3 . 10-15 1.7 1.8 16.8 20.6 4 . 15-20 1.9 2.0 15.9 — 5 . 20-25 1.4 1 .9 15.7 22. 1 6 . 25-30 1.3 1.8 16.4 22.2 7 . 30-35 0.9 1 . 1 15.2 21.9 8 . 35-40 0.5 0.9 14.6 20.4 9 . 40-45 0.5 0.7 14. 1 19.4 10 . 45-50 0.4 0.6 11.7 16.0 12 . 55-60 0.2 0.5 9. 1 12.5 14 . 65-70 0. 1 0.4 4.3 7.9 16 . 75-80 0. 1 0.3 3.2 7.0 18 . 85-90 0. 1 0.2 3.1 7.2 *Concentration expressed as mg/gm of the dry sediment. The iron sulfide in these sediments is a black amorphous, acid- soluble substance believed to be hydrotroilte, FeS.nHoO (and/or greigite, Fe3S4) and is responsible for the color of the sludge. No pyrite or marcasite was isolated from these lake muds. A feature shared by the sludge and marl is that the iron content is very much greater than should be required to hold all the sulfur present as FeS (for instance, the molar ratio of sulfide sulfur to acid soluble iron varies from 1:8 to 1 :4) ; only a small part of the total iron in the sediments can be present as FeS even though a significant proportion of the sulfur in the sediment may be so contained. It is not clear however in what form this excess iron^ exists in the lake sediments. The question of mineralogy is im¬ portant because it affects the aqueous chemistry of the solid (min¬ eral) phase and would influence to a great extent the amount and rate of iron leaching from the sediments. The problem in dealing with the excess iron in the sediments is that the iron mineral phase (s) present cannot be detected by X-ray diffractometry or microscopic techniques. Ferrous carbonate has been suggested as the solid form in which the excess iron exists in Lake Mendota sediments (Murray, 1956; Lee, 1962; Gardner and Lee, 1965). With the available chemical * Excess iron is used here as an operational term referring- to the acid soluble iron in these sediments not accounted for as the sulfides. It g-ives an indication of the ‘reactive’ iron in the sediments other than the sulfides. 158 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Table 3. Average Analysis of Water from Lake Mendota (ppm) Molarity Alkalinity . 142 0.0014* Ca . 30 0.00075 Mg . 24 0.0001 Fe . 0.1 0.000002 Mn . 0.05 — Chlorides . 5.0 0.00014 Sulfates . . . 17.0 0.00018 Ammonia Nitrogen . 0.08 — Organic Nitrogen . 0.6 — Silica (Si0 2) . 1.0 — pH . 8.0 *RecalcuIated to HCO 3“. analyses of the lake water it is possible to calculate whether or not the waters of the lake are in equilibrium with respect to siderite. An average analysis of Lake Mendota water (courtesy of the Water Chemistry Laboratory, Univ. of Wise.) is shown in Table 3. Recalculation of these, assuming that at pH 8, the titration alka¬ linity equals the bicarbonate alkalinity and ignoring ammonia, or¬ ganic nitrogen, Mn, and Si02, shows that the ionic strength is about 0.005 ; mpe+ + = 10-^-^ ; mHco“ = lO-^-^L The activity coefficient 7, for HCO it and Fe^+ can be computed from the Debye-Huckel equation: — log yi = A • V I ^ 1 + ai • B • V I where A and B are constants relating to the solvent (in this case water) ; z is the ionic charge; I is the ionic strength of the solution; and ai represents the effective diameter of the Jon in solution. Sub¬ stituting I = 0.005 and the empirical values for the constants at 25 °C (Carrels and Christ, 1965, p. 61-62) into the above equation, we obtain: yFe2+ = 0.72 = 10-0-12 yHCOg- = 0.93 = 10-0-03 Precipitation of siderite is generally believed to be controlled by the reaction : FeC03(s) + H+ = Fe2+ -f HCO3- (2) .‘. K = aFe2+ * anco « - p — (^7 ^FeCO g ■ -F where a represents the activity of the ion. 1967-68] Nriagu — Distribution of Iron in Lake Sediments 159 Assuming apecog = 1, the equilibrium may be stated in terms of molarities m, and the activity coefficient y : K mFe2+ • mnco “ = — ^ yre"'^ • yHOOs The equlibrium constant, K for this reaction calculated from free- energy data is 0.46 (Latimer, 1952). ForyFe2+ = 10-012 ;yHC03- = 10-0 03 aH+ = 8.0 ; mnco 3 “ = 10-®-^ ; and K = lO-o-^^^ then mpe2+ = 10-5-4 The iron content of the lake (Table 3) is 10“ ^ therefore accord¬ ing to these calculations, the lake appears to be in equilibrium (just saturated with respect to FeCOs. Thus within the limits of the assumptions used in these calculations, there is a likelihood of sider- ite being precipitated in the lake. The preceding calculations represent the conditions during the overturn when a homogeneous chemical system is established in the lake and the pH is 8.0. During the periods of thermal strati¬ fication however, the pH of the hypolimnion near the mud-water interface commonly falls to 6. 5-7.0 (Open File Report, Water Chemistry Dept). Substituting this pH range in equation 4, ,we find : mFe2+ = 10-^-no 10-4-4 But the iron content of the lake water (Table 4) is lO-^-'^ indicat¬ ing that during the periods of bottom anoxia the interstitial water in contact with the sludge is undersaturated with respect to fer¬ rous carbonate. The large difference in value between the observed and the calculated mFe2+ suggests a high degree of instability and a strong possibility of solution of the ferrous carbonate. If the excess iron exists as the ferrous carbonate, its stability must therefore be due to its inability to equilibrate with the dy¬ namic variables of the interstitial water. Experiments on the solu¬ tion kinetics of carbonates in dilute carbonic acid solutions indi¬ cated that the rates of the solution were dependent only on the rate of diffusion of the ions in the aqueous phase (Weyl, 1958). Possible factors (all of which are manifestations of surface phe¬ nomena) in the lake that may inhibit simultaneous solution of FeCOs, thereby engendering non-equilibrium behavior, include ad¬ sorbed protective coating on the grains, isolation of the siderite grains as mechanical inclusions within the flocculent particles, and low temperature (which retards the rate of solid diffusion). There is however no evidence from these sediments to suggest that any 160 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 of the processes is keeping either the calcite grains or the other chemical precipitates (e.g. the sulfides) out of reaction. It is reasonable to suppose that if the excess iron is precipitated as the carbonate, the grains have the same size range as the calcite crystals. The grain size of the calcite crystals was determined by the method discussed in Henry, Lipson & Wooster (1951, p. 212- 213). Diffraction photographs were taken of marl samples which were mounted on glass fiber with the maximum care to avoid crush¬ ing the calcite grains. Each sample gave well defined powder lines without spots showing that the crystals have a size range of 0.001 tot 0.0001 mm diameter. If therefore ferrous carbonate is present in these sediments, it would be as very fine particles with high spe¬ cific surface area, a condition that would favor rapid decomposi¬ tion in air. The decomposition of FeCO.s in air is controlled by grain size and temperature (Seguin, 1966). Aeration of Lake Mendota sediments would thus be expected to cause a notable reduction in the excess iron, if present as the ferrous carbonate. Table 4 how¬ ever shows that this is not the case. Furthermore, it has been shown by Gardner (1964) that after the initial rapid uptake of oxygen (probably due to the reaction of oxygen with the sulfides), the oxy¬ genation of the iron compounds in the lake sediments becomes a linear function of time. This clearly should not be expected if the iron were precipitated as the easily oxidizable ferrous carbonate. These two observations thus cast considerable doubt on the sugges¬ tion that the excess iron has been precipitated as FeCOs (siderite). Table 4. Comparison of Rates of Oxidation of Iron Sulfides AND Excess Iron of the Sludge in Air* Sample No. SULFIDE-S Acid-Soluble Iron Initial (ppm) After Aeration Initial (ppm) After Aeration (ppm) 901/1 . 1,300 70 16,500 11,200 901/3 . 3,600 204 22,100 14,700 901/4 . 3,300 150 19,400 12,300 901/5 . 1 ,600 190 16,300 12,900 *To obtain the data, the sludge samples were aerated until the dark color had changed to grey-brown. The sulfide sulfur and acid-soluble iron were determined again. The aeration procedure consisted of exposing the periodically stirred, wet sludge to the laboratory air. Distilled^water was added to keep the samples continuously moist. 1967-68] Nriagu — Distribution of Iron in Lake Sediments 161 If therefore the excess iron is not precipitating as FeCOa, the alternative phenomena which may account for it include: 1. Formation of organic complexes and chelates 2. Formation of solid phases other than siderite 3. Coprecipitation of the iron with the calcite. To estimate the amount of iron in the sludge associated with organic compounds and chelates, the sludge samples were leached with acetone, the extract carefully evaporated to dryness and the residue analysed for iron by the o-phenanthroline method. The results are given in Table 5 below. Table 5. Iron Content of Acetone Extracts from Sludge Samples Sample No. Depth of Water (Ft.) Fe in Acetone Extract (ppm) Initial Acid- Soluble Fe (ppm) 901/5 . 60 13 16,300 901/2 . 75 26 21,600 901/4 . 77 21 19,400 901/3 . 83 19 22,100 The data above show that acetone-soluble organic compounds and chelates not bound up as solid and particulate organic matter ac¬ count for only a very small fraction of the iron in the sludge. Ap¬ parently, not much of the excess iron is associated with the yellow coloring matter observed when organic muds are treated with ace¬ tone as has been suggested by J. D. Hem (1959). In addition to the carbonates, other iron minerals (possible in these sediments) that may exist metastably in aqueous environ¬ ments are silicates and phosphates (see Weyl, 1966). Iron silicates may be ruled out because most of them are insoluble in dilute acids. The occurrence of phosphorus not associated with organic matter or clay minerals has been reported in Lake Mendota sediments (Wentz, 1967). It seems reasonable to suggest that a part of this phosphorus is combined as acid-soluble polyphosphates, the meta¬ stability of which may be due to biologic and/or chemical factors. The presence of ferric phosphate should not be affected by aeration which is in accordance with the data presented in Table 5. The mean phosphate content of the lake sediments is in the range 1 to 2 mg/gm on a dry weight basis (Sawyer et ah, 1944; Kaneshige, 1952; DeMno, 1967, Pers. Comm,). Clearly this quantity is insuffi¬ cient to account for all the excess iron in the samples examined. 162 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 The final possibility is that the greater part of the excess iron is coprecipitated with calcite by adsorption. Coprecipitation of iron with calcite would mean that the activity of the solid carbonate phase is not one as has been assumed in the calculation but less than one. From Equation 3 one finds that the effect of lowering aFeco ^ is to increase the value of the calculated mFe2 + . This effect would of course decrease the difference between the calculated and observed mFe2+ and hence should be particularly significant during periods of stratification when the pH falls to 6. 5-7.0. The smaller this dif¬ ference is, the less undersaturated the water is relative to FeCOs and the less likelihood of the solid FeCOs going into solution. It is thus possible to account, at least partially, for the stability of the excess iron during periods of bottom anoxia by coprecipitation which has decreased the activity of the solid carbonate phases in the aqueous system. Such a coprecipitation would also reasonably explain the data of Table 6 ; the apparent stability being due to the very slow diffu¬ sion of iron through the calcite grains which thereby controls its rate of oxidation. Furthermore, the chemical reaction rates of a constituent in solid solution has been shown to approximate a zero’ th order process (Crocket et ah, 1966) . This may be the expla¬ nation for the linear rate of oxygen uptake observed during the manometric oxygenation of these lake sediments (Gardner & Lee, 1965). In conclusion, the available evidence suggests that the greater fraction of the excess iron in Lake Mendota sediments has been coprecipitated with calcite (the predominant single mineral in the sediments) rather than precipitated as the pure compound, FeCOs, as has been suggested by Murray (1956), and Lee (1962). A small part of the excess iron may also be tied up as polyphosphates. Fur¬ ther experiments are necessary to evaluate the exact mechanism of coprecipitation, particularly the influence of organic complexing and biochemical processes. The influence of the nature of solid phase (with which the lake water is in contact) on the cycling of iron in the lake is obvious. Iron structurally incorporated into calcite is of course not a read¬ ily exchangeable iron. Most of the iron released from the sediments during thermal stratification must therefore come mainly from sources of 'available’ iron other than the excess iron, notably the sulfides, (the phosphates) , and perhaps, in the early stages of strat¬ ification, the oxides also. Evidence that part of the iron leached from the sediments has resulted from the dissolution of iron sul¬ fides comes from the observed coexistence of free H2S and Fe^+ in the hypolimnion during the latter stages of bottom anoxia. Since iron sulfides can only dissociate under certain restricted conditions 1967-68] Nriagu — Distribution of Iron in Lake Sediments 163 (low Eh, and pH less than 7.0; see Garrels and Christ, 1965) it follows that dislocation of iron in the lake 'by dismutation must be very small. Consequently, the lake sediments must be acting as a large sump for iron, a suggestion which has already been confirmed by Rohlich (1963) who reported an iron retention in the lake of over 80 percent. Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. C. J. Bowser of the Geology Department for his help and guidance throughout this study and the preparation of the manuscript. Ap¬ preciation is also expressed to Professor G. F. Lee of the Water Chemistry Laboratory for his help in obtaining the samples used in the analysis. The work was done with the financial assistance from African-American Institute (New York) and the Nigerian Government. Bibliography Black, C. S., (1965) (Editor), Methods of Soil Analysis: Univ. of Wise. Press; Amer. Soc. of Agronomy Inc. Emery, K. 0. and R. S. Dietz, (1941) Gravity coring instrument and mechan¬ ics of sediment coring: Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 52, p. 1685-1714. Gardner, W. S., (1964) The oxygenation of lake sediments: M.S. thesis. Wa¬ ter Chem. Dept., Univ. of Wise. - and G. F. Lee, (1965) Oxygenation of lake sediments: Int. Jour. Air and Water Poll, 9, p. 533-564. Garrels, R. M. and C. L. Christ, (1965) Solutions, Minerals and equilibria: New York, Harper and Row, 450 pp. Hanson, G. F., (1952) Some observations on the sediments of University Bay, Lake Mendota, Wisconsin: Univ, Wise. Comm, on Lake and Stream Investig. Rept. (mimeo), 22 pp. Hem, J. D., (1959) Chemistry of iron in natural waters: U. S. Geol. Survey, Water Supply Papers, 1459A-1459I. Henry, N. F., H. Lipson and W. A, Wooster, (1961) An interpretation of X-ray diffraction photographs: London, McMillan & Co. Ltd. 282 pp. Hutchinson, G. E., (1957) A treatise on Limnology: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Vols. 1 and 2. Kaneshige, H. M., (1952) Chemical analysis of bottom muds of Lake Men¬ dota: (Unpubl.) M.S. Thesis, Civil Engr. Dept. Univ. of Wise. Latimer, W. M., (1952) Oxidation Potentials: 2nd Edition, New York, Pren¬ tice-Hill, p. 234-241. Lee, G. F., (1962) Studies on iron, manganese, sulfate and silica balances and distribution for Lake Mendota, Wisconsin: Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letts. 51, p. 141-155. Mortimer, C. H., (1941-42) The exchange of dissolved substances between mud and water in lakes: Journ. Ecology, 29, p. 280-329. Murray, R. C., (1956) Recent sediments of three Wisconsin lakes: Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 67, p. 884-911. Nriagu, J. 0., (1967) The distribution of sulfur and iron in Lake Mendota sediments: M.S. Thesis, Dept, of Geology, Univ. of Wise, 164 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Rohlich, G. a., (1963) Origin and quantities of plant nutrients in Lake Men- dota; in D. G. Frey (Ed.), Limnology in North America, Madison, Univ. of Wise. Pi’ess, p. 75-88. Sawyer, C. N., J. B, Lackey and T. A. Lena, (1944) Investigations of odor nuisance occurring in Madison lakes: (mimeo) Kept, of Governors Com¬ mittee on Lakes, Madison, Wise. Seguin, M., (1966) Instability of ferrous carbonate in air: Amer. Journ. Sci. 26J,, p. 562-568. Vogel, I. I., (1961) Quantitative Inorganic Analysis: London, Longman Green & Co., 1216 pp. Wentz, D. A., (1967) Available phosphorus in lake sediments: (unpubl.) M.S. Thesis, Water Chem. Dept., Univ. of Wise. Weyl, P. K., (1958) The solution kinetics of calcite: Journ. Geol. 66, p. 163- 176. - (1966) Environmental stability of the earth’s surface. Chemical con¬ siderations: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 30, p. 663-679. EFFECT OF FLOODING, DRAINAGE AND pH ON TRANSFORMATIONS OF Mn AND Fe IN 19 WISCONSIN SOILS' H. Graven and O. J. At toe' The results of a previous study (2) indicated that limited pe¬ riods of flooding or waterlogging can greatly increase the amount of exchangeable Mn in soils and cause acute Mn toxicity in alfalfa. Owing to its dependence on the redox potential of the soil, Mn availability is conditioned by the amount of easily decomposable organic matter present and by seasonal variations in temperature, moisture and microbial activity. Flooding of soils is generally fol¬ lowed by a rapid rise in water soluble and exchangeable Mn and a somewhat slower rise in these forms of Fe (1, 7, 10). Harter and McLean (3) found that a moisture content intermediate between field moisture capacity and complete saturation was sufficient to fill all except the largest pores of a clay loam soil and cause nearly as large an increase in exchangeable Mn as complete flooding. Although some disagreement exists concerning the relation between soil pH and the content of exchangeable Mn (5, 12, 14), liming acid soils is generally known to lower the amount of this constitu¬ ent. Oxidation of Mn in soils may be due largely to microbial activ¬ ity (9, 11, 13), but greater difficulty has been encountered in dem¬ onstrating microbial oxidation of Fe (4) because this process also proceeds in sterilized soils. The present study was initiated to obtain information on the effects of flooding and drainage on the transformations of Mn and Fe in a number of important Wisconsin soil types representing a wide range in pH, texture and other properties. Methods and Materials Twenty-gram samples of the air-dry soils were flooded in weighed 100-ml glass bottles by the addition of 40 mis of distilled 1 Contribution from the Department of Soils, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Pub¬ lished with the approval of the Director, Wisconsin Agr. Exp. Sta. Part of a disserta¬ tion submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. University of Wisconsin. 2 Research Assistant and Professor of Soils, respectively. 165 166 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 water. Exchangeable Mn and Fe were determined after 0, 5, 15, 35 and 75 days of flooding. For reference purposes, similarly treated samples were flooded in 800-ml beakers at the same time. After 75 days of flooding, the latter samples were thoroughly stirred, transferred to Buchner funnels and the excess water re¬ moved by suction. Suction was maintained for 45 minutes after the surface water had disappeared. Twenty-five grams of this moist soil was subsampled into weighed glass bottles. The moisture con¬ tent was determined from separate samples. The bottles were stored open to the atmosphere at room temperature and the soils were maintained near field moisture capacity (FMC) by watering to the initial weight every third day. Exchangeable Mn and Fe were determined after 0, 5, 15, 35 and 75 days at FMC. Exchangeable Mn and Fe were extracted with N Mg(N03)2; easily reducible Mn was extracted with N NH4OAC (pH 7.0) con¬ taining 0.2% hydroquinone ; and total Mn was brought into solu¬ tion by use of HF-HCIO4. Mn and Fe were determined colori- metrically (6) using NasH^IOe oxidation and orthophenanthroline methods, respectively. Organic matter was determined by the Walkley-Black method (15). Cation exchange capacity was determined flame-photometrically following saturation with N Ca(0Ac)2 at pH 7.0 and displacement with N Mg(OAc)2. Ex¬ changeable cations were displaced with N NH4OAC adjusted to pH 7.0 and determined flame-photometrically. The clay content was de¬ termined by the pipette method (8). Soil pH was determined on a thin soil paste. Results and Discussion | The values for the chemical properties of the individual soils are | given in Table 1, and the range and average values for these j properties by pH groups are given in Table 2. The relatively high | values for exchangeable Mn in many of the soils prior to flooding j were no doubt due to the well-known effect of drying on increasing j the content of this constituent. The linear correlation coefficients I obtained for pairs of these properties, as indicated in Table 3, show a close relation among the three forms of Mn. A close relation was also found between the clay content and the properties of exchange¬ able Mn, cation exchange capacity and total cations. Similarly, there was a close relation between cation exchange capacity and the contents of organic matter and total cations. The data presented in Fig. 1 shows that flooding for as little as 5 ; days caused a marked increase in the values for exchangeable Mn in all three soil pH-groups and in exchangeable Fe in the pH ; 5.3-group. The Mn values reached a maximum after 15 to 35 days i and declined somewhat with further flooding. The reason for the i Table 1. Certain Chemical Properties of the 19 Wisconsin Soils 1967-68] Graven and Attoe — Transformations of Mn and Fe 167 2 0 hD 0 1 0 H < u 0 £ — ^oOOOr^r^O^r^ ^rr-(^vr\>j^irNO^D\OvDvOsDt\ £ CO p r 03 CO CO lo u- a-2 a ' CO ^ "o ^ >v £ £ — cO CO >.^PP ^ 2 'co 2 f r— ' CO CO S ^ >- O w CO 2 ^ £2 CO C ,. £ I iSjl ;§ 4-) C ■‘-' Tz; CO 2 c Tz: ' CO v: c CO c/) o >> £"c c 7 g CO O ^ „ ._2~ i_ ^ s-Jh’wo P*- — acocaS^-SSSSs cOnScoPiP*-i0O — £ p£ c0Jii.2'C coa® H CO ll h- a ^ [L u CO CL .j Q Q O Q Z 2 ■o c CO £ ^ § I CO 2 c CO o II w x. CO 00 m — r-)f^'^ioNsDt\oOOO — rj-N O' — — I I I I rs •— O' .... o o o o I I O' O i/^ Wn ^ ^ I I I I I t\ sO O 00 D Z CO. O r-i c\ sD r^) ^ O' 00 O' I I I I I 0,1 O O ^ lo VO Z .4^ I o V ^ N z c. < U1 oo^Q I O I VO O C ^ „ T5 C CO 'I' vr^ O + 0 •rDS CJ i § 2- 11 o " T5 ^ iz xiTz; o S-. (Z) cQ c"? 8 i Of;: o — X ' n2 CO -n 4_) ■55 g o w u!t3 x| bC^ O C 03 2 I g cd 4-1 DO '55 c-n js t £ o XZ O o| X D) 2 I I I I III + + + + + + + 4- + + + + I i I I 1 I I I I I I I I ++++ ++++ INI ++++ + I I 1 ++++ +S++ i:+ + + +++ + + + I 1 I + + + I 1 I I ++-+ 1 I ++++ +++ (- (-■ CO - _co U (U C £ u iS CJ u 195 *Mt = ]Vlontmorillonite; Vt = Vermiculite; Chi = Chlorite; Int = Interstratified; Fids = Feldspars; Carb = Carbonates. - = Undetected ; tr= Trace; +=Low; + + =Moderate; + + -b = Abundant ; + -h + += Dominant. 196 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 peaks and the Oshkosh samples more intense carbonate peaks, which is likely indicative of the effect of local drift and bedrock. Because calcite is dissolved during- the citrate-dithionite pre¬ treatment of clay samples to remove free iron oxides (Petersen et al., 1966), water smears of untreated clay fractions were ana¬ lyzed by X-ray diffraction. Insufficient carbonates were present in the fine and medium clays to show characteristic diffraction peaks of either dolomite or calcite. However, water smears of the coarse clay fractions showed characteristic peaks of both minerals, being more intense in the Oshkosh samples. This corresponds to the in¬ tensities of carbonate peaks in the various silt fractions and sup¬ plies further evidence for the local addition of carbonates. References Cited Ableiter, J. E. and F. D. Hole. 1961. Soil survey of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. 77 p. Aguilera, N. A. and M. L. Jackson. 1953. Iron oxide removal from soils and clays. Soil Sci. Soc. America Proc., v. 17, p. 359-364. Alden, W. C. 1918. Quaternary geology of southeastern Wisconsin. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 106, 356 p. Broecker, W. S. and W. R. Farrand. 1963. Radiocarbon age of the Two Creeks Forest Bed, Wisconsin. Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 74, p. 795-802. Chamberlin, T. C. 1873-77. Geology of eastern Wisconsin: Geology of Wis¬ consin. v. 2, p. 219-228. Day, P. R. 1956. Report of the Committee on Physical Analyses, 1954-55. Soil Sci. Soc. America Proc., v. 20, p. 167-169. Frye, J. C. and H. B. Willman. 1960. Classification of the Wisconsin Stage in the Lake Michigan glacial lobe. Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 285, p. 1-16. Jackson, M. L. 1956. Soil chemical analysis — advanced course. Published by the author. Dept, of Soils, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wisconsin, 991 p. - . 1958. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 498 p. Kittrick, j. a. and E. W. Hope, 1963. A procedure for the particle-size separation of soils for x-ray diffraction analysis. Soil Sci., v. 96, no. 5, p. 319-325. Lee, G. B., W. E. Janke and A. J. Beaver. 1962. Particle-size analysis of Valders drift in eastern Wisconsin. Science, v. 138, no. 3537, p. 154-155. Leverett, E. 1929. Moraines and shore lines of the Lake Superior basin. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 154, p. 1-72. Murray, R, C. 1953. The petrology of the Cary and Valders tills of north¬ eastern Wisconsin. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 251, p. 140-155. Petersen, G. W., G. Chesters and G. B. Lee. 1966. Quantitative determina¬ tion of calcite and dolomite in soils. Jour. Soil Sci., v. 17, no. 2, p. 328-338. Soil Survey Staff, USDA. 1951. Soil Survey Manual. USDA Handbook 18. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 503 p. Thwaites, F. T. 1943. Pleistocene of part of northeastern Wisconsin. Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 54, p. 87-144. U.S.D.A. 1952. Field and laboratory data on some Podzol, Brown Podzolic, Brown Forest, and Gray-Wooded Soils in northern U.S. and southern Canada. Soil Survey Laboratory Memo. No. 1, Beltsville, Md. LIGHT PENETRATION STUDIES IN THE MILWAUKEE HARBOR AREA OF LAKE MICHIGAN' Carroll R. Norden Department of Zoology University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee Introduction Biologists have long recognized the importance of light in natural waters and its relationship to biological productivity. A number of papers have been published bearing on light penetration, such as that of Birge and Juday (1929) which concerned submarine illu¬ mination in a number of Wisconsin lakes, the work of Sauberer (1939) on several Alpine lakes, and Strickland’s (1958) review of solar radiation in the oceans. Of particular interest in this study was the work of Chandler (1942) on light penetration and its rela¬ tion to turbidity in Lake Erie, as well as the studies by Beeton (1958, 1962) on light transmission in the Great Lakes, Five stations were visited in this investigation which were located in Lake Michigan, near the Milwaukee harbor (Fig. 1). It is at this point that the Milwaukee River empties into Lake Michi¬ gan. Just before the river enters the lake, its waters are joined by the Kinnickinnic and Menomonee Rivers. All three flow through the highly industrialized section of southeastern Wisconsin. By the time their waters reach Lake Michigan, they have been subjected to a wide variety of influences from farms, cities and industries. The purpose of this study was to discover the extent to which the highly turbid waters of the Milwaukee River influences light pentration in nearby Lake Michigan and to interpret the relation¬ ship of the Secchi disc determinations to photometer measurements. Equipment and Methods Light penetration measurements were made with a submarine photometer, number 268 WA, from the G. M. Manufacturing and Instrument Corporation. Light intensity was recorded in micro¬ amperes as registered on the microameter in the boat and the micro- ameter readings were converted to footcandles. The photometer was calibrated by the Electrical Engineering Department of the Univ- 1 Contribution No. 2, Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee. 197 198 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 1. Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, Wisconsin showing the location of the principal stations. ersity of Wisconsin using an incandescent tungsten filament lamp. Paired surface and subsurface light intensity measurements were made at one meter depth increments at each station and the data presented are of total visible light. A standard Secchi disc, with a diameter of 20 centimeters divided 1967-68] Nor den — Light Penetration Studies 199 into black and white quadrants was used to measure transparency. The greatest depth in feet at which the Secchi disc was visible was determined and then the photometer was lowered to that depth and light intensity measured. Five stations were established near the mouth of the Milwaukee River. An attempt was made to visit them at weekly intervals be¬ tween June and November, 1965. Station 1 was located inside the seawall at the mouth of the Milwaukee River (Fig, 1), where the depth of the water was 6 meters. Stations 2 and 3 were located one and one-half and three miles from shore, east of the mouth of the Milwaukee River. The maxi¬ mum depth at station 2 was 15 meters; at station 3, 24 meters. Most of the comparative data was obtained at these three stations. Station 4 was located north of the harbor entrance, about two miles from shore and in water 17 meters deep. Station 5 was located south of the harbor entrance, two miles from shore and in water 11 meters deep. Light penetration meas¬ urements made at stations 4 and 5 showed no significant differences from those taken at stations 2 and 3. Except for some special studies on diurnal changes in light in¬ tensity, the data presented in this study were taken on fairly clear, calm days between the hours of 0800 and 1600. Weather conditions made it impossible to obtain measurements as often as desired and prevented all stations from being visited at weekly intervals. Certain segments of the data were omitted which were incomplete or of questionable value. Effect of River Water on Light Penetration The amount of incident light penetrating to various depths is greatly reduced in the harbor as compared to that in Lake Michi¬ gan, one and one-half miles from shore (Fig. 2). In the harbor, penetration of one percent of the incident light to a depth greater than one meter occurred only in summer. Light penetration in the fall was drastically reduced. This is believed to be due in part to the angle of incident light falling on the surface of the water and in part to the greater turbidity of the water caused by wave action and heavy rainfall. Light penetration to the 5 meter depth in the harbor is negligible (Table 1), whereas about 10 percent of the total visible light pene¬ trates to that depth at station 2 (one and one-half miles from shore) and nearly 15 percent at station 3 (three miles from shore) . The transmission of incident light to a depth of 5 meters com¬ pares favorably with measurements reported by Beeton (1962) 200 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 for another area of open Lake Michigan. He wrote that the percent transmission of various wave-lengths of light to the five meter depth fell approximately between 3.5 percent for the red and 25. percent for the green. In the present study, the penetration of total surface illumination ranged from about 7 to 19 percent (Table 1). Light transmission was 10 to 14 percent greater at station 2 in Lake Michigan during July and August than in western Lake Erie at the five meter depth during a comparable period (Chandler, 1942). The curves at station 2 (Fig. 2) tend to be somewhat irregular, particularly in the fall of the year. This indicates that the column of water is not optically homogeneous throughtout and may be caused by concentrations of plankton at certain depths or to tur¬ bidity differences resulting from water movements. The optical properties of waters can be described by vertical extinction coefficients (K), K = 2.30 (log /, h — log / (h + 1) ) I, h and 7 (h + 1) = light intensity at depths h meters and (h + 1) meters. The 2.30 compensates for the use of base — 10 logarithms. % of Incident Light .01 .1 1 10 100 Figure 2. Relation between depth and total visible light expressed as a per¬ centage of the light falling upon the surface of the water. 1967-68] Norden — Light Penetration Studies 201 The coefficient indicates the rate of decrease of light as the depth increases. It is based on Lambert’s Law and represents the percent¬ age of original light held back at each depth. The average vertical extinction coefficients for the curves in Figure 2 are given in Table 1. The extinction coefficients for the turbid waters of the Milwaukee harbor are particularly high, most of them surpassing those of western Lake Erie (Beeton, 1962), although not as high as Little Star Lake, Wisconsin (Whitney, 1938). Light penetration in the waters of Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, Wisconsin (stations 2 and 3), as indicated from the vertical ex¬ tinction coefficients, was less than those reported by Beeton (1962) for another area of Lake Michigan. These data (Table 1) suggest that the turbid waters from the Milwaukee River are influencing light transmission at one and one-half, and as far as three miles from shore. Transparency Forty-nine Secchi disc measurements were compared with the photometer readings made at the same depths and are expressed as the percentage of surface light present at the depth of Secchi disc extinction. The 22 Secchi disc readings made in the harbor were consistently shallower than the 27 readings obtained from Lake Michigan proper (Fig. 3). However, the average percentage of surface light intensity at Secchi disc depth was 28.1 percent, in the harbor and 16.5 percent in Lake Michigan. Beeton (1958) re¬ ported 14.7 percent from Lake Huron, whereas Poole and Atkins (1929) reported 15.8 percent from the English Channel, and Clarke (1941) gave a value of 15.2 percent for the Atlantic Ocean. This disparity between percentage of surface light intensity in the harbor and in Lake Michigan at Secchi disc extinction is un- doubtably due to the highly turbid waters which are concentrated at the mouth of the Milwaukee River. Sauberer (1939) reported similar results from turbid waters. He obtained a greater percent¬ age of surface light at the Secchi disc depth which he attributed to the suspended materials which caused diffusion and scattering of light. Chandler (1942) showed that in Lake Erie, Secchi disc meas¬ urements were inversely related to turbidity. Several investigators (Riley, 1941; Halicki, 1958) have at¬ tempted to derive a value at which Secchi disc reading could be converted into the depth at which one percent of the surface light, as determined by photometer measurements, was present. This is termed the euphotic depth and Strickland (1958) reported that this should be about 2.5 times the Secchi disc depth. Riley (1941) used 202 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 % Surface Light Figure 3, Relationships of Secchi disc readings to percentage transmission of surface light at that depth. a conversion factor of 3 for the Atlantic Ocean and Halicki (1958) obtained 4.3 for western Lake Erie. In this study, factors of 3.1 were obtained for Lake Michigan at stations 2 and 3 (Table 1) . However, a value of 2.1 was obtained at station 1, in the harbor. Several authors (Jones and Wills, 1956; Halicki, 1958; Vollen- weider, 1960; Graham, 1966) have indicated that conversion factors and values derived from Secchi disc readings are applicable only within the specific body of water. These data suggest that the Table 1. Vertical Extinction Coefficients, Percentage of Incident Light at the 5 Meter Depth, Secchi Disc Readings, and the Euphotic Depth for Stations 1, 2 and 3 in Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1967-68] Norden — Light Penetration Studies z o - Q ^ 00 X X Xi w-sOOvDO— 'OrOOO^Ou-\r^ | ^ t\O^t^r^ir\^O00r^ |t\ Station 2 - 'OO^ror^ioObxO Q r^t\OND'^0'w-\c^'— '.O OvDOt\^00'— ''-'OsO O'OOOOOO^'^O^OOtxO t\0Or^^^— 'O' — Station 1 - r^sDOOOi^Or^r.4^ Q c^ — f^^OsOxO— 'TOOOOO 0'0'Ot\'Tt\sDr^r^sD' — ' — — 00vrst\ — r ,^C/) .X ^ O C CO (iJ 4) Sc CJ 4J (jj > 4) C o a X C 1.2 4) W CO 4) O , , ^ -C c 4) bD c 4J .2^-5 '7 o .S CTD 0.3. xL! c ^ 0.2 cO c .— ^ Z! o o -5 > t- u o D. C ^ S 8 ^ I I I I I CO 203 204 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 harbor water and Lake Michigan water should be treated as distinct entities in so far as Secchi disc measurements are concerned. Summary The higher percentage transmission of surface light intensity at Secchi disc depth (16.5 percent) as compared with previous reports for other bodies of water (Poole and Atkins, 1929; Clarke, 1941) and particularly with Lake Huron (Beeton, 1958) indicates that Milwaukee River water had some effect on light penetration in Lake Michigan, at least to a distance of one and one-half miles from shore. Vertical extinction coefficients substantiate this conclusion. The percentage of surface light held back at each depth gradually in¬ creased, from .37, three miles from shore to .44, one and one-half miles from shore at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The increase is even greater in the Milwaukee harbor where the average vertical ex¬ tinction coefficient was 2.29. All three values are higher than that reported from another area of Lake Michigan (Beeton, 1962). The percentage transmission of surface light intensity at Secchi disc depth is greater in turbid water. Further studies are necessary in order to determine more pre¬ cisely the integration of Milwaukee River water into the waters of Lake Michigan. Acknowledgements The author is indebted to Dr. Arthur T. Tiedemann of the Uni¬ versity of Wisconsin for calibrating the photometer and to Mr. Donald Martinson and Mr. Gerald Ludwig for assistance in gather¬ ing the data. I should also like to thank Drs. Alfred Beeton and John Blum of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for their | comments on the manuscript. The work was partially supported by the Wisconsin Alumni Re¬ search Foundation. Literature Cited Beeton, A. M. 1958. Relationship between Secchi disc readings and light penetration in Lake Huron. Trans. Am, Fish. Soc., 87 (1957) : 73-79. ; - . 1962. Light penetration in the Great Lakes, Great Lakes Res. Div., Inst. Sci. and Tech., Univ. Mich., Pub. No. 9, pp. 68-76. Birge, E. A. and C. Juday. 1929. Transmission of solar radiation by the wa¬ ters of inland lakes. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci,, Arts and Lett., 24: 509-580. If Chandler, D. C. 1942. Limnological studies of western Lake Erie, IL Light j penetration and its relation to turbidity. EcoL, 23 (1) : 41-52. |; Clarke, G. L. 1941. Observations on transparency in the southwestern section of the North Atlantic Ocean. J. Mar. Res., 4: 221-230. 1967-68] Norden — Light Penetration Studies 205 Graham, J. J. 1966. Secchi disc observations and extinction coefficients in the central and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Limnol. and Oceanogr., 11(2): 184-190. Halicki, P. j. 1958. A comparison of two methods of determining transpar¬ ency in natural waters. Trans. Am. Microscop. Soc., 77 (4) : 428-434. Jones, D. and M. S. Wills. 1956. The attenuation of light in sea and estuarine waters in relation to the concentration of suspended solid matter. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K., 35: 431-444. Poole, H. H. and W. R. G. Atkins. 1929-30. Photo-electric measurements of submarine illumination throughout the year. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., U. K., 16: 297-324. Riley, G. A. 1941. Plankton studies. IV. Georges Bank. Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coll., 7 : 1-73. Sauberer, F. 1939. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Lichtklimas einiger Alpenseen. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. und Hydrographie., 39: 20-55. Strickland, J. D. H. 1958. Solar radiation penetrating the ocean. A review of requirements, data and methods of measurement, with particular refer¬ ence to photosynthetic productivity. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 15(3): 453-493. Vollenweider, R. a. 1960. Beitrage zur Kenntnis optischer Eigenschaften der Gewasser und Primarproducktion. Mem. Int. Ital. Idrobiol. Pallanza., 12: 201-244. Whitney, L. V. 1938. Transmission of solar energy and the scattering pro¬ duced by suspensoids in lake waters. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts, and Lett., 31: 201-221. THE MOVEMENT, RATE OF EXPLOITATION AND HOMING BEHAVIOR OF WALLEYES IN LAKE WINNEBAGO AND CONNECTING WATERS, WISCONSIN, AS DETERMINED BY TAGGING Gordon R, Priegel Fishery Biologist Wisconsin Conservation Division Oshkosh. Wisconsin Introduction The walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill) in Lake Winnebago and connecting waters is the most sought-for sport fish especially during the spawning run in the rivers and during the ice fishing season on Lake Winnebago. Various studies concerning the walleye in these waters have been initiated to further contribute knowledge that will lead to improved management practices and provide for a sustained annual yield in the future. The tagging study is one phase of this comprehensive program. The water areas involved in the study include Lake Winnebago and Big Lake Butte des Morts on the 107-mile-long Fox River and lakes Poygan and Winneconne on the 216-mile-long Wolf River. The Wolf River joins the Fox River in Big Lake Butte des Morts, 10 river miles above Lake Winnebago and then enters the lake as the Fox River at Oshkosh (Figure 1). The Fox River also flows out of Lake Winnebago at Neenah and Menasha and flows 39 river miles north to Green Bay, Lake Michigan. The runoff water from 6,000 square miles enters Lake Winnebago. Lake Winnebago has an area of 137,708 acres with a maximum depth of 21 feet and average depth of 15.5 feet. The lake is roughly rectangular in shape : 28 miles long and 10.5 miles wide at its wid¬ est point. The smaller upriver lakes (Poygan, Winneconne and Big Lake Butte des Morts) have areas of 14,102; 4,507 and 8,857 acres, respectively. The depths of these smaller lakes are similar with maximum depths not exceeding 11 feet which are located in the river channels. All four lakes have many characteristics common to shallow eutrophic lakes. Spawning walleyes from Lake Winnebago must migrate through one or more of the smaller upriver lakes to enter either the Wolf or Fox rivers to spawn. Walleyes from Lake Winnebago travel as far as 90 miles up the Wolf River and when water levels permit 207 208 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Figure 1. Lake Winnebago and connecting water areas involved in the tagging study. passage over the Eureka dam some 40 miles up the Fox River to spawn in adjacent grass and sedge marshes. Objectives ! Objectives of the tagging program which was initiated in Sep- : tember, 1960, were to obtain information on angler exploitation, angler exploitation in relation to migration, extent of migration, times of migration, homing tendencies of spawning fish, effects of dams, effect of tagging on growth, suitability of various type tags and effect of entrapment gear on tag recoveries. 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago 209 The original plan was to tag as many walleyes as possible during the fall, 1960, in Lake Winnebago and to tag 1,000 walleyes in Lake Poygan during the winter, 1960-61. The tagging program, however, was continued through the spring of 1964 and includes additional tagging areas. Methods Capture Methods On Lake Winnebago during the fall, 1960-62 walleyes were ob¬ tained from commercially fished Lake Erie type trap nets and 45- foot trawls. During this period, an A.C. shocker unit was also used during daylight hours to obtain walleyes in areas inaccessible to commercial fishermen. Trap nets were also set at the mouth of the Fox River off Oshkosh from January through April, 1964. All walleyes tagged on marshes adjacent to the Wolf and Fox rivers were captured with an A.C. shocker unit during the spawn¬ ing period, 1962-63. On lakes Poygan and Winneconne, walleyes were captured in commercially fished hoop and trap nets set under the ice from January-March, 1961 and 1963. Tagging Methods The normal procedure for tagging fish was to remove them from source of entrapment, place in a holding tank, measure them (total length in inches to the nearest tenth), tag them and release them in the same approximate area of entrapment. All of the fish except 994 fish tagged with plastic dart tags (Yamashita and Waldron, 1958) were marked on the upper jaw with either monel-metal or aluminum strap tags passing around the maxillary and premaxillary (Shetter, 1936). Eschmeyer and Crowe (1955) demonstrated no statistically significant difference in the rate of recovery among walleyes tagged in the upper and lower jaws with No. 3 strap tags. The plastic dart tags were 0.0625 inch in diameter and 2.5 inches long. Five colors were used — orange, white, red, green and yellow. The tags were stamped with a serial number near the distal end of the shaft. The dart tags were inserted into the epaxial musculature immediately below the spiney dorsal fin where the %-inch barb pierced through the interspinous bones so when the tag was tugged the barb contacted the interspinous bones. Recapture Methods Recaptures of tagged walleyes were reported voluntarily by anglers and commercial fishermen ; no rewards were offered. Fish¬ ermen were alerted to the presence of tagged walleyes by the local 210 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 press, radio, television and posters at boat liveries, resorts and public access points. To stimulate combined cooperation, all reports of recapture were acknowledged with a form letter giving locality, date and length of fish at tagging. In addition to the recaptures reported by fishermen, tagged walleyes were recaptured by project personnel during field operations which included electrofishing on the spawning marshes. Results The number of walleyes tagged and the number recovered each succeeding year after tagging are shown in Table 1. Of 14,885 tagged in the five years, 3,237 or 21.8% have been reported caught by anglers during a six-year span, 1961-66. Recoveries the first year after each tagging period were consistently the highest. April was the peak month for tag returns from anglers every year, 1961 through 1966, except in 1962, when May was the peak month. January and February were also high tag return months in 1961 and 1964 (Figure 2). In addition to angler returns 372 tagged fish were recaptured by private and state commercial fishing crews in nets and trawls and by project personnel with electro gear. All of these fish were returned to the water after the length, tag number, date and local¬ ity of capture were recorded. Anglers eventually reported catching 90 (24.2%) of these 372 fish. The size of the tagged walleyes ranged from 10.2 to 28.6 inches in total length with 49.2% falling in the 15- to 19-inch groups (Table 2). Smaller-sized walleyes were available, but the intent was to tag only walleyes over 10 inches which were assumed more vulnerable to the angler. For example, only 2.5% of the 10-inch group and 6.5% of the 11-inch group were recaptured while for lengths 12 through 26 inches the return ranged from 17.3 to 30.0% for each one-inch group. In Lake Winnebago, 102 recaptured walleyes were measured by project personnel after they had carried monel jaw tags over one growing season. Their growth during this period is compared with the average annual increment of untagged fish in the population (Priegel, in press) in Table 3. Although the percentage of the normal increment attained by the tagged fish varied vddely, the average of 53.7 for the group suggests a marked retardation of growth as a result of the presence of monel jaw tags. Several in¬ vestigators (Rose, 1949; Smith, Krefting and Butler, 1962; Patter¬ son, 1953; and Eschmeyer and Crowe, 1955) have shown that the presence of jaw tags tends to retard the growth rate of walleyes. Retardation of growth was also noted in the Lake Winnebago walleye, Table 1. Number and Percentage (in parentheses) of Tagged Walleyes Reported by Anglers in Lake Winnebago AND Connecting Waters, 1960-66 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago . O sD — — ro O — (Nr w Si I a X in 211 *Months are numbered consecutively from January (1) to November (11). '’*Less than 0.05 percent. fFall tagging (9, 10, II): First year extends from date of tagging through December 31 of the following year. FREQUENCY OF CAPTURES (PERCENT) 212 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 TIME (MONTHS) Figure 2. Walleye returns by months for the years 1961-66. Anglers returned 418 (35.3%) of the 1,183 No. 4 Monel tags used which was superior to the return of No. 3 monel tags (19.4%)., aluminum strap tags (21.5%) and plastic dart tags (23.0,%). The serial numbers on the monel tags were easily distinguished while on the aluminum strap tags serial numbers were difficult to distin- 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago 213 Table 2. Length Frequency of Tagged and Angler Recaptured Walleyes IN Lake Winnebago and Connecting Waters Length Groups in Inches (T.L.) Tagged Fish Recaptured Fish Percentage Captured FOR Length Groups Number Percent Number Percent 10.0-10.9 . 239 1.6 6 0.2 2.5 11.0-11.9 . 1,117 7.5 73 2.3 6.5 12.0-12.9 . 1,180 7.9 204 6.3 17.3 13.0-13.9 . 1,200 8.1 265 8.2 22.1 14.0-14.9 . 1 ,222 8.2 279 8.6 22.9 15.0-15.9 . 1,469 9.9 357 11.0 24.3 16.0-16.9 . 1,663 11.2 390 12.0 23.4 17.0-17.9 . 1,378 9.3 266 8.2 19.3 18.0-18.9 . 1,406 9.4 345 10.7 24.5 19.0-19.9 . 1,395 9.4 372 11.5 26.2 20.0-20.9 . 1,154 7.7 325 10.0 28. 1 21.0-21.9 . 705 4.7 184 5.7 26. 1 22.0-22.9 . 421 8.9 105 3.2 24.9 23.0-23.9 . 204 1.4 42 1.3 20.6 24.0-24.9. . . 84 0.6 15 0.5 17.9 25.0-25.9 . 33 0.2 6 0.2 18.2 26.0-26.9 . 10 0. 1 3 0.1 30.0 27.0-27.9 . 4 * 28.0-28.9 . 1 * Total . 14,885 3,237 21.8 *Less than 0.05 percent. guish because the digits were embossed and wore down within one year. Many of the aluminum strap tags were paper-thin when re¬ turned to us so it was conceivable that after one year considerable tag loss could occur. There was no evidence of tag loss for plastic dart tags and all fish examined showed that the plastic dart tags were solidly em¬ bedded. Some infection around the tag was reported by the anglers but never observed by project personnel. Plastic dart tags are easy to apply, but the legend became difficult to distinguish after one summer season. The tags used had a serial number near the end of the shaft; however, it would have been more beneficial to have a serial number at the end of the shaft near the barb to enhance distinguishing the legend. The lighter colors (orange, white and yellow) are preferred (as against green and red) as it is easier to distinguish the legend. Tagging during the fall of 1960 and 1962 on Lake Winnebago provided sufficient data to evaluate the use of trap nets, trawls and an A.C. shocker unit as means of capturing walleyes for tagging studies. Of the 10,691 walleyes tagged during this period, trawling 214 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Table 3. Growth of Tagged Walleyes Recovered After One Growing Season LeNGI'H Groups in Inches Number OF Fish Average Total Length (Inches) AT Time of Averagi MENTS ( i Incre- Inches) Increment of Tagged Fish (Percentage OF Increment OF Untagged Fish) Tagged Fish Un¬ tagged Fish Release Recovery 12.0-12.9. . . . 5 12.6 13.4 0.8 1.8 44.4 13.0-13.9. . . . 1 13.3 14.4 1 . 1 1.8 - 61.1 14.0-14.9. . . . 4 14.3 15.4 1.1 1.3 84.6 15.0-15.9. . . . 6 15.6 16. 1 0.5 1.2 41.6 16.0-16.9. . . . 6 16.7 16.9 0.2 1.2 16.6 17.0-17.9. . . . 14 17.6 17.9 0.3 1.0 30.0 18.0-18.9. . . . 14 18.6 19. 1 0.5 1.0 50.0 19.0-19.9. . . . 20 19.5 20.2 0.7 0.8 87.5 20.0-20.9. . . . 11 20.4 20.8 0.4 0.8 50.0 21.0-21.9.... 9 21.5 21.7 0.2 0.6 33.3 22.0-22.9. . . . 6 22.5 23.0 0.5 0.4 125.0 23.0-23.9. . . . 6 23.5 23.8 0.3 0.4 75.0 Total or weighed av¬ erage . 102 53.7 accounted for 1,555 (14.6%), trap netting for 4,087 (38.2%) and electrofishing for 5,049 (47.2%). The angler return of walleyes tagged while electrofishing was 25.5% and it was 23.5% for walleyes captured in trap nets. Only 6.4% of the walleyes taken by trawling gear were returned by anglers. The pressure on a few walleyes exerted by 200-800 pounds of commercial species when the trawl is lifted, the expansion of the swim bladder and the handling of the fish during tagging opera¬ tions most likely resulted in a substantial mortality of trawl-caught walleyes used for tagging. 1 Hopp’s Marsh and marshes near the city of Berlin on the Fox ' River and Spoehr’s Marsh, Hortonville Marsh and Colic Slough on the Wolf River were electrofished to recover tagged walleyes during the spring, 1961-66. Fifty-six tagged walleyes were recovered on , these spawning marshes, 16 on Fox River marshes, and 40 on Wolf ' River marshes. Of the 16 recovered on Fox River marshes, nine had originally been tagged on Hopp’s Marsh while the other seven , were tagged on Lake Winnebago, Four of the 40 recaptured on Wolf River marshes were originally tagged on Spoehr’s Marsh, i while 8, 5 and 23 were tagged on lakes Poygan, Winneconne and Winnebago, respectively. Angler returns indicate that same pat¬ terns with fish originally tagged in Lake Winnebago being recap¬ tured in both the Wolf and Fox rivers (Table 4) ; however, angler i Table 4. The Number and Percent (in Parentheses) of Angler Returns By Recapture Location 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago 215 o s S-S s o- w-g QJ 3 i-J C mo^.s 00 ^ — ' — < O o’ -H — > O' ^00 trs — ' • O' • • • Vx o o'^ ITS • ro Ex fX f<) sf (X» o ^ Q\ ,—4 ^ - sD v-s sD i4x Vx vrs rx < I , ' — ' — ^ "o O O' rO ^ sD (VS O' — 1 (VS V^jv rd O' b«s vGi .cxi 00 00 — O' x£) vx O r<^ O' • --O tx O — < • • • 00 Vx 00 ^ sD ro vs r>4 ^ O ' — ^ X - -N - - - ^ o (VS O' (VS O' O' vD vx O ^ J fX -v Cvl —1 (X) (X C CO WD ro O' O' vrs (VS O' — ' sO rA S' — < O vt* O ^ ^ (X — 1 ■vD v^ Vs Lrs ^ vr\ u a. V - ^V - ^ V - vv - ^ ' - - tx. (N v-V O' O O' o J (XI (VS ^ (XI o bD O^^O^c^O^ (VS X. 3'd'd' CO • tX (X) O' M - - jO — e2 --f2 §> M 0) C C G CG bD :>> (X 216 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 returns from the Wolf River were 13.1% as compared to 5.6% from the Fox River. Only three (0.9%) of the 315 angler returns from fish originally tagged in lakes Poygan and Winneconne, were re¬ captured in the Fox River, as compared to 182 (59.1%) from the Wolf River. Of the 12,822 walleyes tagged and released in Lake Winnebago, anglers reported capturing 2,828 of which 2,061 (73.9%) were reported taken in Lake Winnebago (Table 4.) The remaining 767 recaptured walleyes were taken in Lake Poygan (1.1%), Lake Winneconne (4.2%), Big Lake Butte des Morts (1.2%), the Wolf River (13.1%) and Fox River (5.6%) and below the outlet dams at Neenah and Menasha (1.9%). Walleyes were recaptured throughout the year in these water areas connecting into Lake Winnebago. Anglers reported capturing 141 walleyes of 725 originally tagged and released in Lake Poygan, of which 89 (62.4%) were taken in the Wolf River during the spawning migration. Only 20 (14.9%) were recaptured in Lake Poygan. Of the 781 walleyes tagged and released in Lake Winneconne, anglers reported capturing 174 of which 94 (54.0%) were reported taken in the Wolf River during the spawning migration. The num¬ ber recaptured in Lake Winneconne was 24 (13.8%) with 36 (20.7%) being recaptured in Lake Winnebago. On the Fox River marshes, 322 walleyes were tagged. Anglers reported recapture of 76, with 44 (58.0%) being caught in the Fox River and 21 (27.6%) being caught in Lake Winnebago. Nine (11.8%) were recaptured in Big Lake Butte des Morts and one each in Lake Poygan and below the Neenah-Menasha dams. On the Wolf River marshes, 235 walleyes were tagged, with anglers reporting recapture of 18 of which 13 (70.5%) were taken on the Wolf River. Two were recaptured in Lake Winneconne and one each in lakes Winnebago, Poygan and Big Lake Butte des Morts^ Migration of walleyes out of Lake Winnebago into the upriver lakes and rivers during the late fall and winter was expected but the extent was unknown. During tagging operations in January and February, 1961 on lakes Poygan and Winneconne, 12 walleyes, previously tagged in Lake Winnebago during the fall, 1960, were taken while in January and February, 1963, nine walleyes previ¬ ously tagged in Lake Winnebago during the fall, 1962, were taken in commercially fished nets. Angler returns of walleyes tagged in ' Lake Winnebago during the fall of 1960, 1961 and 1962 and taken through the ice in the upriver lakes during the following winter were 19.9, 3.3 and 4.7% respectively of the total annual returns from the upriver lakes. Angler returns also indicate that of the | 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago 217 walleyes tagged in lakes Poygan and Winneconne, only 14.9% and 13.8%, respectively, are caught in these lakes. Angler returns of Lake Poygan tagged walleyes were from the Wolf River (62.5%) and Lake Winnebago (9.2%) and for Lake Winneconne 54.0% were from the Wolf River and 20.7% from Lake Winnebago. Net and angler returns would indicate a sufficient migration of wall¬ eyes out of Lake Winnebago during the late fall and winter into the upriver lakes. Following the first year after tagging, 28 walleyes that were tagged and released in Lake Winnebago were caught by anglers below the outlet dams of Neenah and Menasha. Water levels were unusually high during the spring of 1961, and may account for this migration over the dams the first year after tagging. For the entire six-year period 57 tagged ymlleyes were reported taken by anglers below the outlet dams. The average distance traveled for 2,559 walleyes that were originally tagged in Lake Winnebago and for which exact locations of recaptures were known was 18.8 miles. The maximum distance traveled was 97 miles from Oshkosh, Lake Winnebago to Leeman, Wolf River. Of 2,559 recaptures, 340 (13.3%) were taken within the same area as tagged, 226 (8.8%) were within two miles of the tagging site, 298 (11.6%) were within 2 to 5 miles, 607 (23.7%) 5 to 10 miles, 550 (21.5%) from 10 to 25 miles and 538 (21.0,%) from 25 to 97 miles. The average distance traveled for 115 wall¬ eyes from Lake Poygan, 143 from Lake Winneconne, 70 from Fox River marshes and 17 from Wolf River marshes, was 28.9, 28.2, 22.1 and 33.2 miles, respectively. Eschmeyer (1942) recovered four walleyes tagged in the Norris Reservoir at an average distance of 4.8 miles. Most of these tagged in Houghton Lake, Michigan, by Carbine and Applegate (1946) were recovered at an average distance of 3 miles, but three had gone 130 miles downstream. Doan (1942) recovered 22 specimens in western Lake Erie, most of them about 20 miles away but one had gone 200 miles to the east end of the lake. The average distance of travel at Lac la Rouge, Saskatchewan (Rawson, 1957) was 3.5 miles for 281 recaptures with one specimen going upstream 65 miles. The general pattern of rather limited movement in walleye populations with a few long-distance wanderers does not apply to the Lake Winnebago walleye population because of the distance traveled during spawning migrations. During the course of the study, nine fish originally tagged in Lake Winnebago were recaptured in Lake Puckaway, a distance of 68 river miles from Lake Winnebago. These fish had to pass over four low-head dams in the Fox River : Eureka, Berlin, White River and Princeton. One walleye tagged during April, 1963, in Hopp's 218 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 Marsh, Fox River was also recaptured in Lake Puckaway during June, 1963. Discussion and Significance The return of 3,237 or 21.8% of the 14,885 tagged walleyes by anglers over a six-year period definitely demonstrates the effective¬ ness of angler exploitation in this large and extensive water area especially when one considers the voluntary return. There were no closed seasons nor minimum size limits in effect for walleyes during the study period. Herman (1947) reported a recovery of 9.3% of 3,694 walleyes tagged from 1944-46 in the Wolf River, Wisconsin, after three years ; however, at that time, the season was closed from February 1 until after the peak of spawning in April and a 13-inch minimum size limit was in effect during this period. Patterson (1953) after one year reported a recovery of 20.5% for 984 wall¬ eyes tagged in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin, where there was a 100% creel census, no closed seasons, no minimum size limit and no bag limits during this period. Hubley and Jergens (1959) recovered 5.7% of the 1,784 walleyes tagged in the spring of 1958 within seven months after tagging in a 40-mile stretch of the Upper Mississippi River. Eschmeyer and Crowe (1955) reported that from the grand total of 11,354 walleyes that had been jaw-tagged in Michigan during the period 1939-52, 12.2% were recovered. In Blackduck River, Minnesota, sport and commercial fishermen re¬ turned 25.1% of 4,697 walleyes tagged in 1949 after three years (Smith, Krefting, and Butler, 1952). Angler returns were consistently higher the first year after tagging for each tagging period and location (Table 1). Lack of returns two or more years later is probably due to tag loss and fish mortality because of high first-year returns in different years. The length frequency of walleyes when tagged and at the time of angler recapture is based on the size at tagging, as the error in using lengths provided by the anglers when the fish was captured is too great or in many cases the length was not provided by the angler. Walleyes over 12 inches were more vulnerable to the anglers (Figure 3). The fact that 44% of the angler returns occurred in April and May during the spawning migration accounts in part for the greater vulnerability of larger size walleyes. .The average size of male walleyes at maturity is 12.7 inches for females it is 17.3 inches (Priegel, in press). Frequently the question regarding the taking of female walleyes during the spawning migration before they had a chance to spawn comes up for discussion. Tag returns from anglers which provided date of capture during the spawning period on the Wolf River in 1961, 1962 and 1963, were tabulated from ice-out to May 1 to de- 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago 219 TOTAL LENGTH CINCHES) Figure 3, Length frequency of tagged (solid line) and angler recapture (broken line) walleyes in Lake Winnebago and connecting waters. termine when the majority of female walleyes were caught— -before or after spawning. All fish over 19 inches are considered females as determined from age and growth studies (Priegel, in press). The percent of tagged female walleyes taken after the peak spawning period was 68.5, 84.2 and 80.7 for the years 1961, 1962 and 1963, 220 Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters [Vol. 56 respectively (Table 5). Based on these tag returns it is reasonable to conclude that proportionately more untagged females are taken also after the peak spawning period. The same situation was noted for male walleyes as the percent of tagged male walleyes taken after the peak spawning period was 62.6, 89.2 and 87.1 for the years 1961, 1962 and 1963 respectively. Angler exploitation of tagged walleyes was consistently higher during the spawning migration period than during the non- migratory season. April and May in 1961 through 1965 were the months during the spawning migration while in 1966, March and April were used because of the early spring breakup (Table 6). Angler returns of tagged walleyes during the spawning migration ranged from 33.3% of the total in 1961, to 63.9% of the total in 1966. January and February were also high tag return months in 1961 and 1964, due to intensive winter angling pressure on Lake Winne¬ bago, and the availability of walleyes tagged during the fall. The periods of highest tag returns coincide with the best fishing months and periods of heaviest fishing pressure. There is currently no closed season on walleyes in Lake Winne¬ bago and connecting waters; however, in the future, if a closed season would be essential to preserve the walleye fishery, a closed season during April and May would be most beneficial. April and May were consistently the high tag return months during the study period, 1961-66. The tendency of the walleye to return to specific spawning areas in lakes and streams has been noted by several investigators: Stoudt, 1939; Stoudt and Eddy, 1939; Eschmeyer, 1950; Smith, Krefting and Butler, 1952; Eschmeyer and Crowe, 1955; Rawson, 1957 ; Olson and Scidmore, 1962 ; and Crowe, Karvelis and Joeris, 1963. All observed that stream-spawning walleyes tagged on specific spawning grounds tended to return to them. The tendency for spawning walleyes to return to the spawning area where they had been marked in previous years, or at least utilize the same major river was also noted in the Lake Winnebago area. On Hopp’s Marsh, Fox River, 9 of 13 recaptures taken while electro-fishing during the spawning period were originally tagged and released on Hopp’s Marsh. On Spoehr’s Marsh, Wolf River, 4 of 27 recaptures taken while electrofishing during the spawning period were originally tagged and released on Spoehr’s Marsh. None of the 322 walleyes tagged during the spawning period in 1962 and 1963 on Fox River marshes were ever recaptured by anglers or project personnel in the Wolf River or adjacent marshes although 24% were returned by anglers from Lake Winnebago and the Fox River. A single fish was returned from Lake Poygan. None of the 235 walleyes tagged Table 5. Tagged Walleyes Taken During the Spawning Season in the Wolf River 1961-63. Fish Over 19 Inches are Considered Females. Peak Spawning is in Parenthesis 1967-68] Priegel — Walleyes in Lake Winnebago 221 sO ' < O Before ^ r vD S-H ltn o O' »— ( r— 1 1— t ' — ' O ■ - - - - CQ , — 1 ( _ , — ( O vO — ' ^J-^ O U Ir^ 00 ^ sD O -.D 00 < t^Lrs0C-^X)'sO'=^t^l>^ ^ ro 1/-N t\ ^ ^ 5 ' — 1 £L < ' — • 3 O' ^ — 1 O 00 O' ' — ^ ^ ' — 1 sO O' o'o'o^ ^ 3 o^o^o'o^o o' • • • ^ O . r0'iJ^^00Or^t\('~Nr nO sD O ror^i . — -Hror^— 'OOO^ r^-^'^Oc^sOOOrO-^^'— 'C^ O ro 963 O' O O' • • • r^ o 00 O 00 . 00r^'^r^rrNr