Transactions Bose Institute. Vols. Ill and IV ; 1920. 192 i LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS BY SIR JAGADIS CHUNDER BOSE LONGMANS. GREEN AND CO. CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, MADRAS LONDON AND NEW YORK LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS BY THE SAME AUTHOR RESPONSE IN THE LIVrNfi AND XOX-LIVING. With 117 illustrations, 8vo. Ws. 6d. .. ... VM2 PLANT RESPONSE: AS A MEANS OF PHYSTOLOfJl- GAL INVESTIGATION. With 278 illustrations, «vo. 2l8. ... ... ... ... ... 1906 COMPARATIVE ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY: A PHYSICO- PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY. With 40H illustrations, 8vo 15«. ... ... ... ... 1907 RESEARCHES ON IRRITABILITY OF PLANTS. With 190 illustrations, 8vo. lO.s. Hrf. net. ... ... 191.'^ LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS. Vol. I. With 92 illus- trations, 8vo. lO.v. 6d. ... ... .. 1918 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS. Vol. II. With 128 illus- trations, 8vo. 15.S. ... ... ... ... 1919 THE ASCENT OF SAP. With 93 illustrations, Ifis. ... 1922 BY PROF. P. GEDDES THE LIFE AND WORK OF SIR JAGADIS CHUNDER BOSE. With portraits and illustrations, 8vo. 16s. 1920 V tj^^^^is Bosc Instilutc. Vols. Ill and IV; 1920, 1921 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS Vol.--. BY SIR JAGADIS CHUNDER BOSE KT., M.A., D.SC, LL.D., F.R.S., C.S.I., CLE. PROFESSOR EMERITUS, PRESIDENCY COLLEGE DIRECTOR, BOSE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, CALCUTTA WITH 107 ILLUSTRATIONS LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. HORNBY ROAD, BOMBAY 6 OLD COURT HOUSE STREET, CALCUTTA 167 MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS LONDON AND NE^V YORK 1923 PRINTED AT CALCUTTA BY CANOES PRINTING COMPANY, LIMITED PREFACE The })iiblicatioii of the third and fourth volumes of Transactions for 1920 and 1921 had l)eeii greatly delayed oii account of my prolonged absence in Euro[)e, and of post-war difficulties in publication. The fifth volume of the series for 1922, " On the Ascent of Sap " is expected to be published at about the same time as these. The present two volumes will be found to contain accounts •of investigations on geotropism, on dia-heliotropic attitude of leaves as regulated by transmitted nervous impulse, on assi- milatory and dissimilatorv changes under light, on new methods of recording the effects of protoplasmic changes under stimulus; and also of various methods and a])p]iances for detection of the two fundamental reactions to which all ]>lant movements are due. In regard to geotro])ism of higher plants, electric investi- gations have been described which lend strong support to the theory of statoliths, indeed practically confirm it. Investiga- tion by means of the Electric Probe has made it possible to explore the interior of the ])lant, and nu^p init the excitatory jiervrais tissue which conducts excitation has been localised in the |)li'oem of the lihro-vascular hundle. As regards the pulvinus of Miuiona it is found to be a highly com|)lex organ, each of its four quadrants responding in a definite way by a down- or ui)-move- nuMit, or by a right- or left-handi'd torsion. The method of resistivity- variation has been further per- fected and the responses of the vegetable tissue to various modes of stimulation — mechanical, electric, and photic — have been recorded. Tlu' characteristic responses have been shown to correspond to the mechanical and electromotive responses. The new (Quadrant method has l>een rendered extremely sensitive, i>nabling us to record the response to light emitted by a single spark. The response of the plant is modified by the changing intensity of light during the course of the day; but no sensitive a])pliances had hitherto been available for the continuous record oi the variation of light. This diriieulty has been overccme by the invention of the Automatic Kadiograpli. The movement of plants is affected by the ascent of sa]> which causes an increase of turgor in the tissue. Prolonged investigations on the " Physiology of the Ascent of Sap lia\(' sliown that the propulsion of sap is brought about by the pulsating and ))umping action of the cells of tliL inner layer of the cortex; it is also shown that the state of turgor of the plant at any hour of the day is determined by PREFACE Vll the gain or loss of liquid by the plant, the relative variations of which are definitely traceable to external agencies. In the general review it has been shown that the innumer- able variations in response are produced by the different com- binations of numerous factors, some concordant and othei's antagonistic. This is the secret of the great complexity of the plant movements, which are by no means capricious. By the isolation of individual factors and separate investigations on them, it is })Ossible to unravel the complexity and discover a generalisation for the life-movements in plants. BosE Institute, Calcutta, J. C. Bosb. October, 1921. CONTENTS VOLUME TIT. CHAPTER LIT ox ELECTRIC LOCALISATION Ol THE GEO-PERCEPTI VE LAYER. PACE The metliod of Electric Probe— Theory of statoliths — Geo-electric distribution at upper and lower sides — Effect of seasonal variation and of temperature — Maximum excit- ability of the geo-perceiDtive layer — Decline of geo-electiic excitation at increasing distance from the perceptive layer — Geo-electric response at the under side — Duplica- tion of the geo-perceptive layer — Effect of age. ... 599 CHAI'TER LITl. the relation between the angle ok i nci. i nation and the geo-elp:ctric excitation. The excitatory reaction at 45° and 9()°— Excitatory reaction at 45°, 55°, 65°, 75°, and 90° — Tncrease of excita- tion at larger angles, relatively to sines of angles of inclination — Excitation at 135° greater than at 45° — Reactions at upper and lower sides of the horizontally laid organ. ... ... ... ' ... ... 619 CHAPTER LIV. THE critical ANGLE FOR GEO-ELECTRIC EXCITATION. Critical sliding angle for displacement of particles — Effect of repetition on critical angle — Relation of excita- tions to the ratio of sines of angles of inclination — Deter- mination of the critical angle for geo-electric excitation — Effect of repetition on lowering the critical angle — Con- firmation of theory of statoliths from discovery of the critical angle ... .. ... . . ... 631 CONTENTS CTTAPTER LV. RESEARCHES ON THE EI FECT OF AXAESTHETICS ON GROWTH. I'AGE. The method of lecoid — Apph'catioii of aiiaosthotics — Effect of dose — Three stages of action — Effect of ether vapour— Effect of chloroform — Death-spasm undei' conti- nued action of chloi-ofoi-m. .. ... ... (541 CHAPTER LVI. THE EFFECTS OF ANAESTHETICS ON GEOTROPIC Rt&PONPE. Induction of geotropic curvature by differential growth — Difference of reaction in spring and winter specimens — Effect of ether on geotropic response of Mimosa leaf and Desitiodiiirn .eaflet — Effect of ether on geotropic response of growing oigans — Effect of chlorofo'-m on geotropic response of pulvinated organs — E^ect of chloroform on geotropic res])ojise of growing organs ... 650 CHAPTKR LVll. THE EFFECT OF CARBON DIOXIDE ON (JEOTROPIC ACTION. Immediate enhancement of gcotro])ic icsponse under carbon dioxide — Arrest and revcisal of response luuler continued action of carbon dioxide — Effect of CO. on geotropic response of penduiu-Ie of Tube rose — Effect of carbonic acid gas on geotropic response of pulvinated organs — Exjilanation of the geotropic reversal — Effect of carbon dioxide on giowth — Effect of organs con- tracted under stimulus — Variation of geo-electric response under carbonic acid— Isolated response of the ujiper and lower sides of the organ and its variation under carbon dioxide ... ... ... . ... 659 CONTENTS XI CHAPTER LVIII. ox I'HY •BIOLOGICAL AXISOTROPY IXDUCED BY ORAVITATIOXAL STIMULUS. PAGE. Arbitrary distinction between sensitive and ordinary plants — Antagonistic contractions neutralise lateral move- raent in radial organs — Anisotropy induced by unilateral stimulus — Response of curled tendrils — Anisotropy induced by geotropic stimulus — Relative inexcitability of concave side — Response to stimulus by straightening of geotropic- ally ciu'ved organ — Physiological anisotropy reversed in inverted position of the organ — Changing intei'nal differen- tiation detected by transformation of response — Abnormal positive response of geotropically curved organ under condition of sub-tonicity — Modifying action of anaesthetics on response — Effects of ether, carbonic acid and chloro- form— Identical effect of anaesthetics on external and internal stinuilation ... ... . ... 676 CHAPTER LTX. THE DEATH SPASM IX GEOTROPICALLY' CURVED ORG.^XS. Death-spasm of plant organs at critical temperature ■of 60°C. — Critical point of death in the pulsating leaf of Desmodium — Excitatory character of the death-spasm — Electrical spasm at death-temperature — Identical critical point of death exhibited by geotropically curved organ ... 68" CHAPTER LX. THE COMPLEX RESPOXSE OF PULVIXUS OF MIMOSA TO TRAXSMITTED EX CI TAT I OX. Four " effectors " in M uikjsh pulvinus — Torsional response under lateral stimulus — Response to electric stimulation of sub-petioles 1 and 4 and of 2 and 3 — Method of localisation of nervous tissue in Mimosa petiole — Electrical variation in different lajers due to transmitted •excitation — The path of transmission of nervous impulse — Definite innervation ... ... 695 XII CONTKNTS CHAI'TKh' LXT. IN VKSTl CATION ON T)IA CIU* IKOI' 1 SM OF DORS 1 -VENTRAL ORGANS. PMiF No specific sensibility in dia geot ropir oigans — Dia- ueot roi)ic response of pulvinus ot" M imosii coiuevted into negative response after inxcrsion of tlie organ — Dia- gcoti'opie response due to different iai action of stimulus of gravity on anisoti'o])ic oi-gans — liesjionse to geotrojjic stimulation of u])per and lowei- (juadrants of puKinus of iV////o.sY/ — Rpsj^onse of riglit and left flanks of the oigan to stimulus of gravity — The statolithic appai-atus in |)ul\inus and in stem — Stimulation of th(> nerve by pressuic of ))articles — Contraction of u|)i)ei' side of geo- tropically curved oi-gan e\i)lained by direct stimulation of nerve — Expansion of lower side due to indirect stimula tion — Differential geotrojiic stimulation in dorsi-ventral organs— (ieo-clectric response of radial organs — Geo- electric resi)onse of dorsi-veutral pulvinus — Explanation of dia geoti-opic attitude of leaves ... ... 70f^ VOLUME IV. Ml-.CII WICAI. .\M) l''.LKCTKI) ItESPONSK (JF I'L.XNTS CHAITI'IR LXIT. THi: lilA Hi;i,|0ri!01MC ATTITTDE Ol- LEAVES. The helif)tioi)ic fixed position of leaves — Description of dia heliotroi)ic phenomenon in motile and in ordinary leaves- — Characteristics of the motor organ — Mechanical response due to differential excitability of pulvinus and of petiole — Itesjionse to stimulation of ada.xial .wm] abaxial halves of the organ — The diurnal movement of tlir leaves of M iinosa and Ifclid iitJi iis — Torsional response' to lateral stimulus — Directive action of projiagated nervous impulse in heliotropic leaf adjustment — Detection of trans- mitted imjiulse by electrical and mechanical responses- - Co ordinated action of transmitted impulses. ... CONTENTS CHAPTEPv LXIII. THE ELECTRIC RESPONSE OF MIMOSA PUDICA. PAGE. Transmitted excitation in petiole of Mlt/iosa — Stimula- tion by equi-alternating shocks — Error (hu- to leakage of shock current eliminated by choking coil — Electric resi)onse to transmitted excitation — Effect of excessive absorption of water -Effect of feeble stimulus — Positive response of sub-tonic tissues — Conducting path fashioned bv stimulus. ... ... ... ... ... 751 CHAPTER LXIV. SIMULTAXEOUS DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY OF EXCITATION BY MECHANICAL AND ELECTRIC METHODS. The Mechanical aiul Electric Recorders — The Electro- metric Method^ — Simultaneous Mechanical and Electric records — Identical results b> diffei'cnt methods. ... 759' CHAPTER LXV. THE MULTIPLE RESPONSE IN MIMOSA. Response under feeble and I'^ioderate stimulus — Multi- ple mechanical response iv BiG2)hytum under strong- stimulus — Multipif electric response in Mimoxn under strong stimulus — Discovery of multiple mechanical response in Mimosa under intense stimulation — Conti- nuity between ordinary and multiple response ... 766 CHAPTER LXV I. THE EFFECT OF CAJIBON DIOXIDE ON AUTONOMOUS PULSATIONS OF DESMODIUM GYR.ANS. Effect of car'oon dioxide on autonomous growth — Continuity between multiple and autonomous response — The effect of CO, on mechanical pulsation of Desmodh/m — Flffect of carbon dioxide on electric pulsatioris ... 771 XIV CONTENTS CHAPTER LXVII. IHK TRANSMISSION OF DKATH-F.XC^TATION. PAGE. Critical temperature for transmission of death-excita- tion in J/////O.SV/ — Transmitted death-excitation in Avtrrhoa causing multiple response — Transmitted death-excitation caused by local poisoning. ... ... ... 770 CHAPTER LXVIII. THE SPREAD OF THE WATER-HYACINTH. Possible methods of destructions of the plant — Danger of introduction of fungal parasites — Ineffectiveness of the application of steam — Vegetative proi)agation of the plant burnt to the water-edge^Discovei-y of the cause of lailure — Proi)agatioii by submerged root and stolon — In- effectiveness of the poisonous spray — Poison carried by ascent upwaids not downwards — Contrasted effects of application of poison to root and shoot — Application of poison to the shoot causes local death but not destroy the whole i)lant ... ... ... .. ... 786 CHAPTER LXIX. RESPONSE TO MECHANICAL STIMULUS BY VARIATIOX OF ELECTRIC RESISTANCE. Method of 1-esponse by resisti\ity \ariation — Device for mechanical stimulation of graduated intensity — Additive effect of stimulus — Uniform response by diminu- tion of electric resistance, under constant stimulus — The positive after-effect — Effect of chlorofoim in depression of response — Preliminary enhancement of response under ■i-hloiofoim ... ... ... ... ... 796 CHAPTER LXX. RESISTIVITY VARIATION OF PLANTS UNDER ELECTRIC STIMULUS. The method of aj^plication of electric stimulus — Xoimal negative response by diminution of electric resist- ance— Resjjonse by increase of resistance under sub- minimal stimulus — Multiple response by resistivity varia- tion, under strong stimulus — Effect of carlton dioxide on response by resistivity vaiiation — Effects of ether and chloroform ... .. ... 805 CONTENTS XV CHAPTER LXXI. THE QUADRANT METHOD FOR RESPONSE OF LEAVES TO STIMULUS OF LIGHT. PAGE. The principle of the Quadrant Method — Its extreme sensibility — Response to light from a single spark — Effect of increasing intensity of light. — Effect of carbon dioxide on response — Effect of vapour of chloroform — Variation of permeability under stimulus ... ... 814 CHAPTER LXXII. THE SELF-REC'ORDIXC RADIOGRAPH. Problem of continuous registration of variation of light throughout the day — The Selenium Cell— Balaiice of resistance by Wheatstone Bridge^ — Automatic exposure and record of intensity of light at different hours of the day — The Galvanograph — The curves of rise and fall of intensity of light — The light-noon and the thermal-noon — Asymmetry of light curves in the fore-noon and in the after-noon — Diurnal record of light intensity on a clear day^Record of variations in stormy weather — Diurnal curves for light and temperature. ... ... ... 825 CHAPTER LXXIII. ox A VEGETABLE PHOTO-ELECTRIC CELL. Normal response to light — The electric response of leaf to light— The vegetable photo-electric cell — Similar response under mechanical stimulus — Response of very young and very old leaves— Effect of increasing duration of exposure — Effect of continued action of light and its after-effect ... ... ... ... 835 CHAPTER LXXIV. GENERAL REVIEW ... ... ... ... 842^ ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE. PA<"-E. 221. Diagrammatic rei)i('seiitatioii of geo-perceptive layer ... ... ... ... ••■. 600 222. The Electric Probe ... ... ... ... 601 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 .234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 -243 Curve of geo-electr'ic excitation in different layers (Xymphaea) ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ••• 603 ,, ,, (Bryophyllum) 603 Intensity of geo-elcctric response at different depths (Tropaeohwi) ... ... ... ... 607 Curve showing geo-electric distribution ... ... 610 Intensity of geo-electric excitation at different depths of lower side (Tropaeohim) ... ... Oil Geo-electric response at different deiiths of stem {Troj)aeoJum) ... ... ... ... H12 Curve showing du|)liration of geo-electric maximuni liliS Diagrammatic lepresentation of the geo-e'ectric response of the shoot ... ... ... 620 Alternate geo-electric responses at 45° and 90° 622 Eecords of geo-electric responses at various angles 624 Geo-electric responses at 45°, 135°, and 45° ... 627 Curves of sines and geo-electric excitations ... 634 AV)rupt geo-electric response at 31° ... ... 636 The High Magnification Crescograph ... ... 642 The chamber for application of anaesthetics . . 643 Effect of ethei' vai;)our in enhancing growth ... 645 Effect of chloi-ofoini on gi-owth ... ... 646 Geotropic cui-vcs of spving and winter siMH-imcns ... 652 Effect of ethei- on geotropic resjionse (M imnsa) ... 653 ,, ., ,, ,, {DcsuKxli mil ;/l/i /)/!■■<) (553 ,, ,, ,, ,, (T ro/Ku-olum) ... 655 ILLUSTRATIONS Wll flGURK. PAGE. 244. Effect of ether viii^our on geotropism . . ... 655 245. Effect of chloioform on geotropic response {M i iiioxa) G56 246. ,, ,, ,, {/)('s/i)0(/iin/i) ... 656 247. ,, ,, ,, ( h'cli'/)f(i, T roitdcoluiii) 657 248. ,, CO,. ,, {Tropaeolum) ... 660 249. ]\Ietho(l of record of geotropic response of Mimosa in inverted position ... . . ... 663 250. Effect of CO. on geotropic response of Mimosa ... 664 251. Effect of COj on geotropic response of Eryihriva indica ... ... ... ... ... 664 252. Effect of CO., on growth ... ... ... 669 253. Effect of CO:.on stimulated organ ... ... 669 254. Electric connections for geo-electric response ... 672 255. Effect of CO;; on geo-e'cctric response of lower side 673 256. Effect of CO:, on geo-electric response of upper side 673 257. Diagrammatic representation of lesponsive move- ments in geotropically curved organs ... ... 679 258. Response of geotropically curved organ to external stimulus ... ... ... ... 680 259. Effect of ether vapour on response of geotropically curved organ ... ... ... ... 684 260. Death-spasm at the critical temperature ... 688 261. Death-spasm in the pulsating leaflet of Besmofliiim ail vans ... ... ... ... ... 689 262. Electromotive and resist- vity variation at death temperature ... ... ... ... 692 263. Death-spasm in the geotropically curved BaseUa aJha 693 264. Method of obtaining torsional response ... ... 696 265. Record of responses due to stimulation of the different sub-petioles of Mimosa ... ... 698 266. The Electric Probe for localisation of the Nervous tissue ... ... ... ... ... 701 267. Micro-photograph of a quadrant of petiole of Mimosa ... ... ... ... 702 268. Galvanometric record of transmitted excitation in different layers of Mimosa petiole ... ... 704 269. Curve showing intensities of transmitted excitation in different layers of Mimosa petiole ... ... 705 xviii ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURK. fAGE. 270. The course of nervous strands to the different effectors in pulvinus of Mimofia ... ... 706 271. Diagrammatic representation of the posture of leaves of Mimosa m normal and inverted position 711 272. Diagrammatic representation of the responses of the four quadrants subjected to gravity ... ... 713 273. Records of responses of the right and left (luadrants to stimulus of gravity ... ... ... 714 271. Photo-micrograi)h of transverse section of pulvinus of X('j>fiiin(i phowing four quadrants. ... ... 716 275. Enlai'ged phot^-mici-ogi'aj)h of the lower quadrant of .]fi)i)0';a ... ... ... 716 270. Photo-micrograph of transverse section of upper side of geotropically curved / nijxif /'(».'< ... 718 277. Vertical and longituidinal section of upper and lower sides of geotropically curved stem of ErJiptu ... 71& 278. Effect of feeble stiniiihis in enhaiuMng the rate of growth ... ... ... ... ... 720 279. Effects of indirect and dii-ect stimulus on growth ... 721 280. Diagrammatic representation of a geotropic organ in vertical and inclined jjositions ... ... 725 281. Diu hcliotropic adjustments of leaves in M/z/io-sa ... 734 282. Toisional response of petiole of Ileliauthvx in response to photic and electric stimulus ... 740 ■JsS. Diagi-am of stimulation of nerve-ending of Helidfifhus ... ... .. 'j-^3 284. Galvanometric record of tiansmitted excitation in nerve of JliliantJiiix ... ^^4^ 285. Torsional response due to transmitted excitation in Ileli'fnithiis ... ... ... 745 286. Method of obtaining electric response of the pulvinus in Minioso ... ... ... 752 287. Uniform response of galvanometric negativity ... 755 288. Positive electric response in Miiiios^a, under feeble stimulus ... ... ... 755 28!i. Resonant i-ecordcr for ueterniination of velocity of transmission of excitation ... ... ... 759 290. Simultaneous mechanical and electrical iccords for velocity of transmission ... 7g3 ILLUSTRATIONS XIX FIGURE. PAGE. 291. Multiple electric responses undei; a single strong stimulus (}f i/)io.s.i) ... ... ... 768 292. Multiple mechanical response in Mimosa under strong stimulus ... ... ... ... 768 293. Effect of CO^, on autonomous mechanical pulsation of Dtsinodiuvi ... .. ... ... 772 294. Effect of CO., on electric pulsations of Dcsmodmm 774 295. Transmitted death excitation giving rise to multiple response in Averrlioa ... ... ... 780 296. Multiple response of leaflets of Biophytvm under transmitted death-excitation due to poisoning ... 784 297. A stretch of Water-Hyacinth near Sijbaria on the Ganges ... ... ... ... ... 787 298. Determination of the death-point of the Water- Hyacinth ... ... ... ... 789 299. Photograph of the root of Water-Hyacinth ... 790 300. Effect of poison applied to the root of Hyacinth ... 792 301. Photographs of Chnjaavtheminn, in water and in a solution poison ... ... ... ... 793 302. Effect of poison applied to the upper parts of the shoot in Hijariiith and Chrysanthemum ... 794 .303. Diagram of experimentn,! arrangement for obtaining resistivity response to mechanical stimulus ... 798 304. Uniform responses of the mechanically stimulated stem by resistivity variation ... ... ... 799 305. Effect of chloroform in inducing depression of response ... .. ... ... 802 306. The spark record of response ... ... ... 803 307. Method of resistivity variation for respons3 to electric stimulus ... ... ... 806 308. Effect of stimulus of moderate intensity ... ... 809 309. Effect of sub-minimal stimulus ... ... 809 310. Multiple responses due to strong electric and thermal shocks ... ... ... ... 810 311. Effect of CO. 2 in depressing response by resistivity variation ... ... ... ... 811 312. Effect of dilute ether vapour ... ... ... 812 313. The Quadrant Method for determination of resisti- vity variation ... ... ... ... 815 X\ ILLrSTRATlONS FlGURi:. PAGE. S14. Equal responses in opposite direetions by alternate illuminations of the two pairs of quadrants ... 816 31.0. Response to light from a single spark ... ... 817 316. Effects of stimulus of light increasing in the ratio of 1 : 3: 5 : 7 ... ... ... ... 817 317. I'^ffect of carbonic acid gas on response to ligtit ... 818 318. Effect of chloroform ... ... ... 819 319. Diagram of the Self-Recording Radiograph ... 828 320. Radiographs of variation of intensity of light of a bright and a cloudy day ... ... ... 831 321. Record of diurnal variacion of light and temperature 832 322. Diagrammatic representation of a vegetable photo- electric cell ... ... ... ... 837 323. Normal electromotive response in a vigorous specimen ... ... ... ... 839 324. Abnormal positive response in a very young specimen ... ... ... ... 839 325. Abnormal positive response in a very old specimen 839 326. Effects of increasing durations of exposures of light 840 327. After-effects of light ... ... ... 841 L]I.— ON ELECTRIC LOCALISATION OF THE GEO-PERCEPTIVE LAYER. By Sir J. C. Bose, Assisted by Satyendra Chandra Guha, Ill the second volume of tiie Transactions of the Institute (1919), a very sensitive electric method is described for the determination of the exact position of the sensitive layer in the interior by which the plant is enabled to perceive the vertical direction, so that the shoot or the petiole places its length parallel to the. direction of the lines of force of gravity, with the apex upwards. This directive movement is accomplished by a responsive curvature, the upper side becoming concave and the lower convex. The concavity of the upper side is brought about by an excitatory contraction, which I have shown .takes place under all forms of stimulation, mechanical, electrical, chemical and photic. It has also been shown that the characteristic signs of excitation — diminution of turgor, contraction, and diminution of the rate of growth — may be detected electric- ally by an induced change of galvanometric negativitj^ If suitable electric connections are made so that one contact is on one side of the stem, and the other on a distant indifferent point, then on laying the plant horizontal, the upper side of the stem is found to exhibit an electric change of galvano- metric negativity indicative of excitation. The geotropic irritation and the electric sign of excitation disappears as soon as the plant is restored to the normal vertical position. ('.(»(• LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTC The seat of geotropic iti-itation is at ilie iHTceplive layer itself: lieiice tlie electi'ic fcsponsc <>[ the perceptive layer is the iiiaxiniiiiii p()ssil)li'. 1 have thus heen able to localise the geo-perceptive layer by means of the I'.lcctiic I'lohc. fully deserihed in the previous volnme ; the piiiiciplc of the nicthod will he understood from the folhnving description : — As every side of a radial oi'gan is geotropically cxcitahle, the geo-pei'ceptive cells must i)e disposed in a cviindrical l-'l(.. --\ I )i:ii;'i';tii]iij:it ic i'c|(n's(.'Ul ;il inn nf i he l:i'ii-|ici-c('|i| i\ c la\i-r ill llic mu'Xfitt'd viTt ii-;il, siiul in cxcilcd liiiri/.(j|it;il |pii>il ion, layer at some nnknown depth from the sm-face. whicli in a longitudinal section of the shoot anoiiM appear as two straight lines (I and (1, ('Fig. '221). In a vertical position, the geo-perceptive layer will remain unaffected, but rotation through 00° would initiate the excitatory reaction. Tjet us first centre our attention to the geo-perceptive layer G, which occii[)ies the upper position. This sensitive layer perceives the stimulus, and is, therefore, the focus of in-ita- tion : the state of excitation is. as we have seen, detected by induced galvanometric negativity, and the electric change would be most intense at the percejitive layer itself. The excitation of the perceptive layer will iiradiate iido the neighbouring cells in radial directions with dinu'nishin'j hOCAIJSATION OF GEO-PKl{(i;i"rJ VE LAYER (101 intensity. Hence tlie intensity of the responsive electric change will decline in both diiections, ontwards and inwards. The distribution of the excitatory change, initiated at the perceptive layer and irradiated in radial directions, is represented by the depth of the shading, the darkest shadow being on the perceptive la3-er. Had excitation been attended with ^he change of light into shade, we would have witnessed the spectacle of a deep shadow (vanishing towards tlie edge) ki»»»» 'T Fid. 222 Tlic KU'c7ric Prohe. Fiuuri' to tin- lott rc'inofiit s mw clcctiic contact made with sepal of yijin i>liy means of the prolic : tin- iiicliulerl ir.ilvaiiometer is represented In- a circle. Figure to tljc liglit is an cnlarg-ed view of the jirobe. spreading over different layers of cells during displacement of the organ from the vertical to the horizontal ; the shadow would have disappeared on the restoration of the organ to the vertical position. Different shades of excitation in different layers are, however, capable of discrimination by means of the Electric Probe, insulated except at the tip, which is gradually pushed into the stem from outside (Fig. 2-22). It will at first encounter increasing excitatory change during its approach to the perceptive layer, where the irritation would be at its maximum. The indicating galvanometer in connection with the Probe will thus indicate increasing galvanometric ()02 IJFi; MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS negativity, wliich will reach a niaxiimim value when the probe reaches the })erceptive layer. After this, as the Probe passes beyond the perceptive layer, the electric indication of excitation would undergo decline and final abolition. The characteristic effects described above are to be found only under the action of gravitational stimulus ; they will be absent when the organ is held in a vertical position and thus freed from geotropic excitation. The electric investigations with the Probe on the lines indicated above enabled me to map out the induced electric variation inside an organ under the stimulus of gravity. The induced galvaiiometric negativity of the upper side of the stem (indicative of excitation) is found to undergo variation at different depths, and attains a maximuui value at a definite layer, bejond which there is a decline. The geo- perce])tive layer is thus experimentalh' localised by measuring the depth of the intrusion of the Probe for the maximum galvanometric negativity. The electric response of the lower side of the organ to gravitational stiunilus is, however, of an opposite sign to that of tlie upper side, a (j alv an o metric positivity indicative of expansion and increase of turgor. The electric indication on the lower side also exhibits variations in different layers, the maximum positivity occurring at the perceptive layer. These responsive electric variations indicate that the layers of tissue contiguous to the upper perceptive layer undergo a contraction, while those contiguous to the lower perceptive layer show an expansion. In certain lower animals it has been found that the weight of the heavy particles acting on a sensitive layer causes the perception of the direction of gravity. From histolo- gical considerations Haberlandt and Nemec came to the conclusion that the heavy particles, such as starch grains, performed a similar function in many plants. The electro- physiological investigation which I undertook was for the LOCALISATION OF GEO-PERCEPTIVK LAYER 60H exact localisation of the sensory, cells i)i situ, and in a condition of uonnal living activity. I also wished to record the entire cycle of reaction, from the onset of geotropic stimulus to its cessation in the living plant. j\Iy physiolo- gical investigations fully confirm the conclusion that it is the starch sheath " containing a number of large-sized starch grains which is the geo-perceptive organ. The experiments were first carried out with two P=200o(?COOOoa300C©0=^^ FIG 225 ^IG. 224 Fig. 223 Curve of geo-electric excitation in different layers of Nt/uqihaea. Ordinate represents geo-electric excitation ; abscissa, distance from upper surface of flower stalk. Diagrammatic section underneatli shows the position of the geo-perceptive layer (starch-sheath) cori'esponding to maximum induced galvanometric negativity ami positivity on the two sides. Fig. 224- The curve of creo-electric excitation ii\ different layers of Bvijophythnii . different species of plant, the flower stalk of NyinpJiaea and the stem of BryophyUum. The curves obtained from results of numerous experiments show that the maximum electric reaction takes place in the particular layer which contains the starch grains (Figs. 223, 224). As regards the (')04 I.iri: MOVKMENTS JN J'LANTS ,i:e(^-t'lcctiic ic.ict ions it was loiiiul that tlie I'esponse is strong at tlic particular season, wlien tlic pli\ siolo^^ical vij^oiif of the plant is at its height : later in th(^ season, the response nndtM'goes a rapid ff(^ct of tempiM-atnre on geotro})ic res})onse, 1 found once more that while the gi^o-electric response was ver\ pKiiked in the colder months of Ftdiruary * Life Moxcniciits of Plants — Vols. T and If. T.OCALISATJON OF GKO-PKRCKPTIX F. LAYER M't (teiiij)eratiire -lO^i'.), it disappeared by the middle of A|)ril wlieii the avera^;e temperature was about 30°('. With TropacoliDu niajm I could get no response even in March. 1 afterwards renewed my experiments with this plant three mouths later at the Mayapuri ]\esearch Station at Darjee- Wu'j:. I was considerably surprised to find that the geo- electrie resj)onse of the plant which had disaj)peared in Calcutta in ^Nfarch was fully vigorous in May and June at the hill station ; the temueratui'e at Darjeeling was lower than •2()°('. This shows that geo-electric response is accentuated, within limits, b}' a fall of temperature and .inLANTS the induced electromotive variation is cojisiderahle and attains the maximum vahie within a short time; tlie recovery is practically complete after restoration to the vertical. Tlie mode of experimental procedure is as follows; the Probe is thrust into the petiole by successive steps of 0.05 mm. and the electric response observed on displacement of the petiole from the vertical to the horizontal position, in which latter case the organ is subjected to geotropic irrita- tion. The induced electric variation, as already stated, is of considerable intensity. The irritation caused by the prick of the Probe is slight, since the fine Probe insinuates itself into the tissue, rather than makes an\' marked ru})ture. The immediate effect of the insertion of the Probe is a negative deflection of the galvanometer, which declines and practically disappears in the course of about 5 minutes. The geotropic irritability moreover is fully restored in the course of less than lo minutes, after which records of geotropic response are obtained by photographic method. LOCALISATION OF .GEO-1'EKCEPTIVE LAYKi; IN THF PETIOLE Ob TROPAEOLLM. Geo-electric excitation at different iayers. — I give below the photographic records of responses to the stimulus of of gravity at various lavers as the Probe was Kxpcrimeiit 2;?0 . " • , ■ • p thrust in irom outsule by successive steps oi 0.0-5 mm. ('Fig. •225). It will be seen that the geo-electric underwent a continuous increase till the maximum excitation occurred at a dei)th of 0.20 mni. A rapid decline occurred beyond this ])oint and the response disappeared at a depth of 0.50 mm. The following table gives the quantitative results of the experiment. LOCALISATION OF GEO-PERCEPTIVE LAYER 007 Fig. 225 Intensity of Geo-electric response at different depths in tlie petiole of Tropaeoluni. Xote the maximum excitation at a depth of 0.20 mm. T.ABLE XLVII. — .SHOWIXG GEO-TROPIC REACTION AT DIFFERENT LAYERS IN THE PETIOLE OF Tropaeolum. Distance from i Geo-electric response of ! surface in mm. galvanometric negativ^ity 0.00 5 divisions 0.05 9 0.1 LS „ 1 0.15 29 . ! 0.20 42 „ i 0.25 20 0.30 11 0.35 7 0.40 5 „ : 0.4-5 2 0.50 0 Position of the .starch sheath at 1 a depth of 0.20 mm. Subsequent microscopic section showed the maximally excited la.ver at a depth of 0.20 mm. was the sheath which '"••'<'*> i.ii-'i'', .M»)\ i:mi:ni's in plan'J'S i'>mI;mii('(I lilt' starch uiniiis. Tlic j^eo-percejitive laver is thus loiind lo coincide with th(> stai'ch sheatli. Maximum excitability of the geo-perceptive layer. — 'I'hc iiiaxiiiiiiiii excitation iiiihiced at th(> ))eicej)ti\(' la\er appears to l)c (hie to two factors; we have first tlie direct -^limiilation caused hy the fall of the starcli j2,rains ; secondly Die (jcncrdl (■.rcif(iJ)ilil n of th«^ geo-perceptive layer is greater tliaii that of tli(^ iicighhoufing ones. As regards the relatively greatec excitahility ol' tlie })ei'ceplive layer, this h(>caiiie e\i(leiit Iroiii the elTects ohserved diu'ing thi> |)assage of the Prohe with the speciiiuMi ludd vertical. The inser- tion of the I'rohe then acts as a iiiecliam'cal stiintdus, and tlie res|)()nse hy gal\ anoinetric negativity is lomid to he niaxiniuin at tlie starcli sheath, proving that this is relatively the most excital)l(\ 'This jtaiticular response takes place duriiui tlit^ thrust of the Trohe ; the resulting irritation disa|)j)ears. liowever, when the Probe is left in a stationary condition. The normal excitahility of the cells is restored, after a period of rest of about Id iiiinutes. The geo-electric response is ()l)served after restoration of \\\o normal (Excit- ability. A lew words may he said about the relative position of the maximally excited laxcr. as found from the readings of the Probe and siil)se(|uent determination of the position of the starch sheath by microscopic examination of the trans- verse s(M-tion. in \\\c example given above, th(> two are found to be identical. There is, however, the possibility of a sliuhl \ariatioii: the I'robe. as already stated, is inserted by steps of 0.05 mm., and may, therefore, in the successive steps of its passage He slightl\" on on(> or the otluM- side of the sensitive laver. The error introduced from this is, however, slight. .\s i-egai'ds the inicroiiietric deterini iiat ions, tbr" section at the line of the ])assage of the I'robe should be slightK moistened lor microsco|)ic examination: h)r too LOCALISATION OF GEO-PKRCEPTIVK I^AYEn (109 loii^ Mil iiiiiiu'i'sioii ill wiitor is linhle, to cjmse a swelling of the cells, and thus vitiate tiie ineiisiirements. The following table gives the resuUs obtained with twelve different spec-iinens of tlie petiole of Tropaeoliu)i. The specimens were unequally thick"; hence the sensitive litvei" was found at ;i depth of 0.1.") mm. in thin, and at 0.20 mm. in tliick specimens; the maximum electric excita- tion was in all cases found to occur at the starch sheath. TAELE XLVIII. — GEO-ELKCTRIC RESPONSE AT VARIOUS DEPTHS IN DIfFEREXT SPECIMENS (PETIOLE OF T ropaeohrm) . Re> poiisive galvMuoineti i\' ii \uaiiviT_\ at depths of: Xo. of Position of starc'li S]>eci- ineii. _• =■ = c 5 5 £ slipatli from r _ 12 o IC o CO o -* surface c ^ - d c d d 1. T'lns. IHiliis. SOfliis. 35 (Ins. 2odiis. 0. fins. 0. dns. 016nnn. •> 10 „ L'4 ,. -IT „ 84 „ H.J ,. •"»7 „ 7 „ 0-20 „ 8. 0 .. ♦ > .. 10 ., 25., s ,, 2 0 „ 0-20 .. 4. 5 ,, 3.") „ 57., :w ., Ht .. lo !,' 0 „ 015 ,. 5. H ,. lo ., '2.'2 ., 30., •24 .. I-"> „ 0 „ 018 ,. H. o „ N ,. 15.. H ., 4 .. 1 „ 0 „ 015 .. 7. 3 „ ■J .. 14,. •") ., •i .. 0 .. 0 ., 01 o .. s. 0 „ ]fi ,. ■\\ .. 48.. 14 .. 12 „ .s .. 0-22 „ 9. 3 „ 12 „ 15 .. 11 „ N ., H ., 0 ,. 015 ,. 10. 2 „ 10 .. 22,. 7 ., ;-i .. 1 „ 0 .. 015 „ IL 3 „ IS .. •.VI .. 43 .. •Ar> .. •SA .. 7 „ 0-21 ., VI. 0 „ '1 •> ,, 26 ,, 1 •• 3 ,, 0 „ 0-20 ., DECLINE OF GEO-ELECTRIC EXCITATIOX OX TWO SIDES OF THE PERCEPTIVE LAYER The experimental localisation of the perceptive layer is greatly facilitated by the abrupt enhancement of excitation at the layer. This will be fully realised from the resultant curve obtained from data derived from twelve different specimens. We take the ])erceptive layer it.self as the point of reference, and measure successive distances .say of 0.05 mm. to the left and to the right of The point of reference. 010 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS The abscissa to tli3 left is towards the centre, that to the right, towards the surface. Tlie mean vahies of the excita- tory action at the different points are the ordinates for the const riK-tion of the curve. It will be seen how abruptly it Fig 22(> Curve t>li(>«iiii;' i/io-i'li'ct ric (listrihiitioii. Maximum cxcitatidii (k-ciu's at <;o()-perceptiv(> layer (). Excitatdrv ri-actioii ia|ii(lly decliiiesi iii\vard.< and outwards (See Text). rises to tlie uiaxiinmn at the perceptixe layer' and falls beyond it inwards .ind outwai'ds (Fiy. •2-16). GEO-ELE{.'TKIC EXCITATION AT THI-: UNDER SIDE. The experiments with NyniplirKd and llniopliyJluni* brought out the striking fact that under the stimulus of gravity the excitatory electric reaction at the lower side is of opposite sign <^o that at the upper side, a positive, instead of a negative electric variation, the maxinunn positivity occuring at the starch sheath. Since the galvanometric negativity is associated with contraction and galvanometric positivity with expansion, the geotropic ciuvalnre of the * Life Movements of Plants— Vol. II. LOCALISATION OF GKO-PERCEPTIVE LAYER (511 Stem or the petiole is thus due to the joint effect of contrac- tion of the upper and exiiansion of the lower side. GEO-ELECTRIC RESPONSE AT THE LOWER SIDE OF PETIOLE OF TROPAEOLUM. The account of an experiment on the electric response induced at the lower side under the action of gravity is given helow. The galvanometric response of the Kxperiifieiit 2;32 . -, , , „ ,. . . ., epidermal layer was +6 divisions. At a depth of 0.05 mm. it increased to +15, at 0.1 to Fig 227 Iiitciisiry of geo-electric excitation at different depths at tlie underside of petiole of Tropaeolum. Maxinmm excitation attained at a depth of 0.15 mm. which is the starch-containing layer. Note electro-positivity of response indicated by down-curve. + 26 divisions. At a depth of 0.15 mm. the response attained its maximum value of +40 divisions. It declined beyond that layer to +11 divisions at a depth of 0.20 mm., and to + 2 at 0.25 mm. The geo-electric response disappeared at a depth of 0.30 mm. The geo-electric distribution is thus similar to that at the upper side, the characteristic difference being in the change of the sign of the response from negativv^ to positive (Fig. 227). ()12 lAl'E MOVii.MllN'l S IN I'l.ANTS OEO-Pi:i5CEl'TIVE LAVKI; IX I HI': SIEM OK Ti;()l'AEO].U]\r. Tlie next investigation was underlaken with the stem of 'I'ropaeohi))! , which is also sensitive to geotropic action. 'J'hree specimens \V(Me chosei-: of ;.pproximntely the same Ku; 22S < tc"o-i'lcct n'c l-csponst' ;il (litVciciit (leiJtli.s ill the stem of 'rropiHMiluin. Mnxi- iiiuin ivsiioiisc !it :i id diminntion and abolition as the Probe passed further into the stem (Fig. 228). Microscopic section showed that the layer at a depth of 0.10 mm., which gave the maximum geo-electric response, was Ihe one which contained the stanch grains. LOCALISATION OF GKO-rERCKPTIVK LAYEP. c.j;; Siiiiilar results were ()l)taiiu'(l with- two other specuneiis. The results are given in cK'tail in the lollowing tahle. TABLE XLIX. — LOCALISATION 01 GEO-I'EIICEPTI VE LAYEK IX STEM 01 Tropaeolnm. z lU'.sp()iiise of yjil\aii()iiu>trii- iic,i;;H i\ it y ;il (lc|illis uf: Distance of stiircli .shciitli from siu-fac(.' 0 1 0"05 uini. 01 null. O'lomni. 1 1 0'2 mm. 0'2o mm. 1 li til 1 o (Ins. .0 ;; 10 diis. IH „ 22 37 (Ins. 35 ,. 58 ,. 19 diis. l-i „ 7 dnh:. 2 9 ',! 0 dns. 0 » ti „ OH) Mini. on ,. 010 „ . Localisation of Geo-perceptive layer in other plants. — 1'he geo-perceptive layer of a large number of other plants was similarh* localised, by the Probe, a short account of which is given below. Cditniichjna. — The geotropic sensibility uf the stem of this plant is shown by its erectile movement from a Jiori- zontal to a vertical position. The geo-electric response at the surface was 0. At 0.1 nmi. it was G, which increased to a maximum of 18 at a depth of 0.-2. After this the response underwent a rapid decline. The maximally excited layer was subsequently found to contain the starch grains. Myosotis. — The stem of Forget-me-not also gave strong geo-electric response, the maximum excitation occuring at a depth of 0.20 mm. In the microscoj)ic section the starch containing layer was also found at the depth of 0.20 nun. Ccntaurea. — The flower stalk of corn-fiower was found tii exhibit electric response of moderate intensity under the stimulus of gravity. It is sensitive before the opening the flower buds, but this disappears later after the opening of the flower. The maximally excited layer was at a depth of 0.3 mm., which also contained the starch grains. Tifjer Lily. — The flower bud of this plant is strongly geotropic. It gave the maximum geo-electric response at t'l 1 4 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS a depth oi 0.3 mm. The starch grains occurred very near this layer. Convolvulus. — This gave the iiiaxiinuni geo-electric lespoiise at a distance of 0.3 mm. from the surface, and the starch layer was found at a depth of 0.28 mm. The table given below embodies the above results, and also those previously obtained with BnjophyUu))t and in Nyiupliaea. Though the maximal excitation occurs at unequal depths in different species of plants, the maximally excited layer is always found to coincide with the starch- sheath. TABLE L. — GKO-ELECTRIC RESPONSE AT VARIOUS DEITHS IX DIFFERENT PLANTS. Galvaiioiiietrii negativity at depths in mm. Position of S])('ciiii('ii starch sheath at depth of : 0. 1 1 2 3 1 ■4, 5 1 •6 -7 1 ■« ]-4 IH Coimiielvna 0 6 J 2 0 0-21 mm. Myosotis 15 27 so' 31 7 o 0 0-3 ., Centaurea 0 10 22 40 8 7 0 0-3 „ Tiger Lilv 7 11 2.5 54 7 o 3 0-3 „ Convolvulus 0 3 13 33 20 .5 0 0-2S .. Brvo]tlivllum 0 24 4.5[ 63 21 3 0 OH .. Nymphaea 10 26 40 50 H2 1G8 72 1-4 .. Tropaeolum (stem) 37 7 0 1 010 .. ,, (})etiole) 0 « 25 2 0 ' 0-20 .. The numerous experiments carried out with different plants thus show, that the maximum excitation occurs at a definite layer, and that this particular layer contains the falling starch grains. DUPLICATION OF GEO-PEHCEPTIVE LAYER. The experiments described above brought out the definite fact that during the passage of the Probe from the surface to the central pith it encounters a particular starch layer, at which the geo-electric response is at its maximum. LOCAI.ISXTION OK (IHO-J'ERCKl'I'l VK I.AYKR «■.!') I'roni this it iiii^lit at lirst af)peur. that the geo-perceptive layer must always be sinj^le. There is liowever, an interest- inp variation which is described below. While experinientinji" with a specimen of plant wliich was supplied from a nursery as the Cape Marigold (Calendula stellataV), 1 was at first grcatlv ])n/zled bv the tact that tins plant exhibited two dehnite electric maxima during the j)assage of tlie Probe from the siH'face to the pith. Thus in a given specimen, while geo- electric response of galvanometric negativity at a depth of 0.1 mm. \\as 6() divisions, it increased abruptl}' to 115 divisions at 0.2 mm., and declined to 15, at the greater depth of 0.30 mm. The response continued to decline till a depth of 0.60 was reached, w^hen tlie response exhibited a second maximum, this time of 10.") divisions. Below this the excitatory reaction underwent a decline and abolition. Detailed results are given in the following table. TAKLK LI. — SHOWIXG DTJPLICATIOX OF GEO-PERCEPTI VE LAYER. Distami" from surface. ( !<'o-flectri<' response Siirf:ici- 0 nnti. 0 10 irini. 0-20 ,. 0-30 ., 0-40 .. ()•.■)() .. OHO .. 0-70 .. 10 divisions HO 115 1.-. 14 14 105 12 The two starch-sheatbs oecurred at depths of 017 and 0-58 mm. Similar duplication of geo-electric maximum was also obtained in a second specimen of the same plant. After cutting section of the plant it was a matter of agreeable surprise to find that there were two definite starch layers separated from each other by a distance of about 0.4 mm ; 616 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS it was at these starch-sheaths that the maximum excitations were ohserved. In the first specimen, the maximum excitation occurred, as we liave seen, at a depth of 0/2 mm. The microscopic section sliowed the first starch-sheath to be at a depth of 0.17 mm. Corresponding to the second electric maximum at 0.60 mm. there w^as the second starch- sheath at a depth of O.o8 mm. In the second specimen, the positions of the electric maxirna and the starch-slieaths Fig. 229 Curve showiiii;: (liijilicatioii of treo- f'lcctrk- maximum (.«ec Text). exactly coincided, the first at a depth of 0.30 mm. and the second at 0.70 mm. The curve given above (Fig. 2-29) illustrates the geo-electric distribution at different layers and the occurrence of the two electric maxima. The above results afford another striking demonstration of the fact that the layer which contains the starch grains becomes the focus of inil;ition when the organ is displaced from the vertical to the horizontal position, and that in cases of two distinct starch layers, there are two foci of irritation which coiiicid*- with the two lavers. LOCALISATION OF GEO-PERCEPTIVB LAYER T)!? Another significant fact was noticed in regard to the geo-electric response of Calendula (?) that the geo-electric excitability was very marked at the beginning of its proper season, the sensitiveness disappearing later. Microscopic section showed that this insensitive condition was associated with the disappearance of the starch grains in the two layers. Of these the starch grains in the layer near the centre were the first to become reabsorbed. THE EFFECT OF AGE ON GEO-ELECTRIC RESPONSE. In connection with this, several interesting results were obtained. While working with the peduncles of several flowers it was noticed that a very strong geo-electric response occurred before the opening of the flower, but the response declined after the opening. Again, in the petiole of Tro- ■paeoJiDii, while moderately young specimens exhibited a marked response, very young and very old specimens exhibited little or none. The following investigation was undertaken to obtain more definite results in regard to the effect of age on geo-electric excitability. The uncertainty arising from the employment of different plants was elimi- nated by determining the excitatory action in different members of an identical plant ; variation of age was secured by choosing different leaves of the same Tropaeohim, the leaf near the apex being the youngest, while those lower down were of increasing age. I chose for my experiments the second, the fourth, and the seventh leaves, counting from the apex. The Probe was thrust in till the petiole gave the maximum geo-electric response at an inclination of 90° to the vertical. In a particular series of experiments the second leaf gave the maximum response of 4 mm ; the response of the fourth leaf showed a great enhancement, of 26 mm. ; the response of the 7th was found ill 8 LIFE MOVKMRNTS IN PLANTS to liave declined to 7 nun. In the table given below I give the results obtained in three other series of experiments. TABLE Lll. — EFFECT OF AGE ON GEO-ELECTRIC RESPONSE. SeijiK'iii'c of loaves .Ma.Tininni Negative electric response Series I Series TI .Series 11] Mean Secoiii] pet inic Fourth „ S«>veiit)i .. 4 IllTll. H \2 irini. ■.y.i „ 17 iiiiri. ■■M ., 5 .. 1 1 intii. ■.i2 .. It is thus seen that the geo-electric sensibility is but feeble in very y<-)iing and old s[)eciniens. SUMMARY. The ge()-|)erce|)tivc hiyer, in the iiiinicious speciincns examined, was found to coincide with the starch-sheath. The geo-electric; response is diminished at high tem- p('ratui-('s. The I'esponse wliich was found abolished in -^Miiiiiici- ill tlir plains was loinid to juTsisi in the colder cliiiiatt' of t lie hill station. Ill cprtain plants, tlip geo-electric distribution exhibits two maxima. 'J'he focus of irritation is not single but double. Microscopic section showed that the starch-sheath in these is not single but double, and that the positions of the two »'lectiic maxima coiiicicU^ with those of the two starch-sheaths. (reotropic irritability is modified by age; it is strong in the middle-aged, and feeble in very young and old specimens. TJII. THE EELATION BETWEEN THE ANGLE OF INCLINATION AND THE GEO-ELECTKIC EXCITATION. By Sir J. C. Bose, Assisted by Satyendra Chandra Guha, If the pressiiie of lieavv particles on the sensitive eetoj)l;ismic layer of tlie cell he tiie efficient cause of stinnila- tioii under "ravity, it would follow that the irritation caused by them will increase with the angle of inclination. In the vertical position there would be no effective stimulus ; it would be most intense at an inclination of 90°. The effective pressure and the residting stimulation will evidently vary as the sine of the angle of inclination to the vertical. The theory of the pressure of the particles being the efficient ■cause of geotropic action w'ill thus find strong support if it could be shown that the induced irritation varies as the sine •of the angle of inclination. As regards the measurement of the induced irritation, it is theoretically possible to determine it from the mechani- ■cal or the electric response at various inclinations. But the practical difficulties in the measurement of the mechanical response are so numerous that it is impossible to obtain w^th it any accurate result. No such difficulty is encountered in the electric determination, the relative advantages of which are as follows : in tlie mechanical response the induced curvature is brought about by the modification of the normal rate of growth, which takes place a considerable time after the perception of the stimulus; the latent period of the meclianical response may thus be as long as an hour ; the rate of res{)onsive curvature is moreover indefinite, being slucjgish at the beginning, rapid in the middle, and slow »>20 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS towards the end, when the organ becomes nearly vertical. Again the method of reversal, by which many som'ces of error are eliminated, cannot conveniently be applied with mechanical response. With the electric response, on the other hand, the above difficulties are practically absent. The latent period is very short and the maximum excitatory reaction is attained in tlie course of a minute or so. The excitatory reaction of galvanometric negativity disappears on the return of the specimen to a vertical position. Again,, the errors caused by the inaccurate reading of the angular scale and the physiological asymmetry of the organ may be eliminated by the Method of Reversal. When the plant is inclined to the right through +90°, the current of P(- ' a 1 i f7\ Fig. 2;}0 Diagraimnatic representation oF the . ^^^^ entire cycle of inclination from the vertical to + 45° (as read bv the movement of the index") , back to zero, (i'22 \.\VK .MC»\'K.MF,.\ l.s IN |'I,ANT.S and then to -45*^, and back once more to zero. The same procednre was followed in the case of inclination to 90° ; the records are given in Fig. 231. The response to +45° is seen in an np-ciirxf. with siil)sc(|iieiit cccover}' on retnrn to the vertical. IncUnation to - 45° gave a reverse response of down-ciHve with siihse(|U('nt i-ecover\ . The amplitnde of two responses are 10 and 17 (li\isi()ns respectively, the mean being 18 divisions, hulinations to -90° and -00° Kk;. 2'M Alti'rir.itc ircd-i'loctrir res[i<.ii:^t> :it + -i't" mid +r,», also at 4 W"! W. g;i\(' rise respectivelx to the two responses of 21 divisions ;,,i,| ;;(! divisions, tli.- ni.'an being 27 dixision-. The ratio of the excitations at 00 and 15 is therefore 27 : Is or 1 : 1.5. 'V\w relation of sin 00° : Mti i:.° is 1 : I. 11. The ratio ..t excitatorv actions at the two angles may thus he ?-egarded as ai)|)ro\iniately the >anie as between the >ine-, of llu' angles of inehnat ion. The follow nig end.odies the r.-^ults (.f the observed actions at 15° and 00° in six dilTerenl specimens of the pel iole of '\'Ti>\i(tr<>l\nn . ANGLF OF INCLINATION AND GEO-ELECTRIC EXCITATION 62li TABr.K I.Iir. — EXCITATORY ACTIONS FOR INCLIiTATIONS OK 45'> AND 90". (I'KTIOLK OK T roimeolinn). No. Klectric respon.«p h Kiitio — (a) f(.r 4.->" i (h) for W" 1. 4. ;{" divisinns 2S 1!'- :5T n.") (livisjioris 40 274 ;^2 44 1-488 1 -428 1 -42tS 1 ■4."i4 1-420 1-4:^2 .Mean i-:itiiic)t' cxciliil ioii . . ... 1 '44 Ratio of siiieti ... ... .. 141 The mean ratio of excitatory actions at the two angles i.'; 1.44 while the ratio of the sines is 1.41. It will be noted that there is a persistent .small difference between the two ratios, the ex(-itation at the larger angle being greater than the value deduced from the ratio of the sines. The relatively greater excitation at the larger angle may have a physiolo- gical significance of which reference will be made later. Excitatory Reactions at 45°, 60°, and 90°.— The relative excitatorv actions with a different batch of petioles of Tropaeolum, was next obtained for the three angles of inclination of 45°, 60°, and 90°. TABF.K LIV. — EXCITATORY ACTION AT ANGLES OF INCLINATION OF 45'^. AND 90" (Petiole of Tropaeolum). Klectric response at No. I 1 (:.) 4.-,° (b) 60» (r) 90'-' 1. ; :{M (In.-. 49 (Ins. 54 fins. j :{2 40 40 47 4t> 4. .,., 29 34 .-,. 14 .. 19 25 K. 1 iv« 22 2.5 Mean 2H :« 38 Ratio of excitations 1 : 1-26 : 1-47 „ sines 1 : 1-22 : 1-41 ♦ ".24 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS The determinations given above show once more that the excitation is but approximately proportional to the sines of the" angles of inclination, the ratio of excitations at larger angles being relatively greater. The next series of observa- tions were with angles of inclination whicli increased bv steps of 10° degrees. I took ])hotographic records of the responses at the successive angles of inclination of 45°, 55°, Experiinont 237 ()5°, 75° and 90°, which are re})r()duc-ed in Fi(i. '2'.i2 KiH-ords of trcD-electn'c res]K>iis('s at various aiifrles. Figure 232. The table gives the detailed results. TABLE LV. — GEO-ELECTRIC RESPONSES AT INCLINATIONS OF 4.0,° F)r,° er..* 75° A\n ;t(i^ Angles 45" 5.5" H5'' 75" j HO" Responses 44 (Ins. 52 fins. 57 ^ and the mean excitatory action at the different angles are given in the following table : TABLE LVI. — GEO-ELECTRIC EXCITATIONS AT VARIOUS ANGLES. Angles 45" 55" 65" 75" 90" Responses 40'8 dns. 47 dns. 55 dns. 605 dns. 633 dns. Ratio of excitations sines 1 : VIH 1 : 115 : r34 : 1-48 : 155 r2S : \-M] : 141 The ratio of excitations, compared with the ratio of sines is thus seen to undergo a gradual increase with increasing angles of inclination. Thus to take the two extreme cases, the divergence between the two at 55° is 2.6 per cent, whereas at 90°, it is 9 per cent. This definite divergence which is persistent in all the determinations points to certain physiological difference. In attempting to find an explanation of the relatively greater excitation at larger angles of inclination we have to take account of two different factors, first of the pressure exerted by the particles, and second the irritability of the ectoplasmic layer pressed by the particles. As regards the first, the effective pressure exerted by the particles is pro- portional to the sine of the angle of inclination. As regards the irritability of the ectoplasmic layer, this may not be the same throughout the length of the cell but greater towards the apical end. At the smaller angle of inclination, say to the right, the statoliths, originally at the base of the cell, accumulate to the right hand corner of the cell; a portion of the basal side of the cell is thus subjected to pressure. When the angle of inclination is increased, the •'-'• I.II'I'. MoVl'.MKNI S IN I'l.ANTS Statoliths pass alon^ the whole l»Mi<,^th of the cell, iiiclmliri': the apical end. 'I'he relatively «,^reater excitation with iii- creasinar to lend support to thi^ view. I'.XCII \ rolIY \("I'loNS AT 4-")° AM) \:\')°. A controversy has arisen in regard to the fpiestion as to wheth(M- the intensity of geotropic excitation is the same or dilTcrcnt at tli(> angles of inclination of 4o° and l.').")°. The effectixe pressure exerted by the particles are the same at tlie two angles ; the •only difference in the two cases is in the collectioti of tlie particles at the basal end at 1-')° and at the apical end at 185°. Czapek has found that the effective stimuhis of gravitation is greater wIumi the organ is held at l.'i.")^ tlian wlien held at 45°. though his results have not been ac-cepted by others. In mv woik' on I 'lout HcspoHsc dDOGi experiments have been described on geotropic response at 45° and 1.'i5°. 'The specimen employed was the unopened flower of Crhiuni lily, the response being mechanical. The results showed that the response to geotro[)ic stinndus at 185° is greater than at 45°. 1 have recent l\ carried out further (experiments on this sid)ject employing the independent method of electric response which is more reliar>le and accni'ate than the method of mechanical res{)onse. Allowance was made for anv possible change in the excit- ability brought on b\ fatigue. This was secured by carrying out the expeiiments in the following sequence of obserxation (1» of response for 15°. cit of response for l.")5° and '8* of response once more at 15°. The com- parison of the first and the third responses would show ANGLE OF INCLINATION AND GEO-Bm.CTRIC EXCITATION (127 whether any change in the excitabihty had occurred on account of t'atigiie ; allowance for this is made by taking the mean of the two responses for 4o° at the beginning and at the end of the series. Geo-electric response at 45° and 135°. — Observations with the petiole of Tropaeolnm were made as follows ; the tirst and the third responses for 450 -^ere found to be 47 and 4o nun. respectively, tlie mean of the two being 46 nun. The second or intermediate response, taken for ^'^■^>° gave 55 mm. The excitatory Experinient ■J4', Specimen Electric response at 1 45" 1 35" 45" Tropiieoluni C(>iiv(>lviilu> 47 dns. 25 ,. 2() ,. 16 .. 55 dns. 31 ., 31 ,. 20 ., 45 dns. 1 25 ., ! 25 .. 16 .. Ratio of excitations at 1 ;-{5" and 4.5" Tropaeolum 1 : li' ,, ,, ,, ,. Convolvulus 1 ; 1 27 We found from \\\v indications of the experiments already described m regard to the effect. =; of the angle increas- ing from 45° to 90°, that excitation is relatively enhanced with the increase of the angle. The relative effects at 45° and 135° may therefore be taken as extension of that generahsation. It would thus appear that the ectoplasmic ANGLE OF INCLINATION AND GEO-ELECTRIC EXCITATION 629 layer is not uniforinly irritable at all points, but that it undergoes a variation, the apical being more excitable than the basal end. (lEOTROPIC ACTIONS AT THE UPPER AND LOWER SIDES OF THE HORIZONTALLY LAID ORGAN. We shall next consider the very difficult problem relating to the geotropic curvature of a shoot or a petiole. The upward curvature could only be due to the differential actions at the upper and the lower sides of the organ, otherwise the antagonistic effects at the opposite sides would neutralise each other. The responsive up-curvature is only possible (1) if the contractile effect at the upper side is greater than at the lower side, or (2) if the effects on the two sides are of opposite signs, namely, a contraction at the upper and an expansion at the lower side ; in this latter case the two effects would be concordant. The investigations with the Electric Probe already described, indicate that the physiological effects induced at the upper and lower sides are of opposite signs, a galvanometric negativity indicative of contraction at the upper, and a galvanometric positivity indicative of expansion, at the lower side. The physiologi- cal actions are thus concordant in bringing about the up- ward geotropic curvature of the stem or the petiole. These opposite actions at the upper and lower sides being thus established, we are confronted with the further difficulty of finding an explanation for this characteristic difference. The solution of this problem will be given in a subsequent chapter. SUMMARY. The geotropic excitation is found to vary approximately with the sine of the angle of inclination. CM) LIFE movkmf-:nts in plants The results of niunerons expeiiinents tend to show that the excitatory reaction ;it increased angle of inchnation is relatively greater than t})e value deduced from the law of sines. This enlunicenient may he explained on the supposition that the excitability of tlie ectoplasmic layer at the apical end of tlie geo-jierc-eptive cells is greater than at the basal end. Tliis consideration linds supj)ort from the fact tliat the geo-electric excitation at 135° is about l.'i times greater than at 45°. In the first case, the starch giains acctmiulate at the basal, and in tlie latter case, at the apical end. The geotropic up-curvature is only possible by a differential reaction at the upper and the lower sides of a horizontally laid stem or petiole. Electric investigations show that the tissue contiguous to the upper perceptive layer undergoes contraction, while that contiguous to the lower perceptive layer undergoes expansion. LIV. THE ClilTICAL ANGLE EOE GEO-ELECTlilO EXCITATION. By Sin J. C. BosE, 4 Assisted by Satyendka Chandra Guha, A new line of investigation will be described in the present chapter which will afford an independent, and crucial test as regards the falling" starch grains being the- effective factor in geotropic excitation. The results, to be present]}' described, will be better understood if we visualise the process of the fall of the starch grains in consequence of the inclination of the organ to the vertical. Let us take a mechanical model in which a layer of sand particles are resting on a fiat surface. On gradually increasing the inclination of the surface to the horizon, there will at first be no displacement of the particles ; for on account of friction and cohesion they will remain sticking against the surface. During the continuous increase of the angle, a point will be reached when there will be an abrupt sliding" dow^n of the particles. This angle of sliding we shall designate as the critical' angle ; it will be relatively high if the surface be rough, and low when the surface is smooth. Again a rough surface may be smoothed down by the repeated sliding down of the particles. The critical point may thus be lowered by repetition of the sliding process. 1)."^2 UFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS Tjct US further imagine the flat surface to be bounded b}; vertical walls. The lateral pressure of the particles will be slight and constant at the two sides. P)nt after inclina- tion above the critical angle, the fiill of tli(> jiarticles and tlie resulting incrcas(> of j)ressui'e on one side will be ver^' abrupt. The mechanical model d(>sciihed ai)o\c may be taken as rej)resenting the statolithic cell. If the geotropic stinuihis be brought about by the falling stai'cb grains we should ex]HH-t that : (1) Tlie i)articles will not be displaced at small angles of inclination and there would thus be no excitation. {'2) On gi'adually increasing the angle of inclination, the particlt^s will slide down and press against the side of tlie cell, as soon as tht^ critical angle is exceeded. This abrupt fall of j)articles and the resulting increase of pressure will constitute a stinmlus and give rise to an excitatory response. (M) Repetition of the process is liktdy lo lower the critical angle to a certain extent. Ml }lad th(^ weight of the fluid coiitents of the <-ell in higliei' plants been the only means of stinndation by gravity, the excitator\ reactions would have been proportional to the sines of the angles of inclination above zei'o. But there would i)e a hiatus in this relation, if the hdl of the solid Darticles be the efficient cause. There will be no excitatorv response at angles lower than the critical. ]\ven at a slightlv greater angle than the critical, some of the jiarticles mav remain sticking at the base, and the excitation wouh' be (lispro|)ortionately lower than what is demanded by the law of sines. It is onlv after the critical angle has been con-^iderablv exceeded llial the ri'lation of sines will be found to hold good, at least ap))roximately. We shall now subject tlie above theor(>tical consideratioTis lo the test of experiment. We shall lirst attempt to CRITICAL ANGLE FOR GEO-ELECfRIC EXCITATION iV.VA discover if there he any (Hscoiuiiuiity in the responsive reactions at angles helow 4-")^, aI)ove which they have been found approximately proportional to the sines of the angles of inclination. After discovering this break of con- tinuity we shall attempt to discover the critical angle and its exact value in (litrei-(MiT species of plants. EXCITATORY ACTIONS AT 35°, 45°, AND 60°. From the results of experiments detailed in the previous chapter it is found that the geo-electric excitation is approx- imately pro])ortional to the sines of the angle of inclination. In order to observe whether the relation holds good at lower angles, a series of observation were made with six different specimens of the petiole of Tropaeoluui at 35°, 45°, and 60°. The results are given in the following i"able. T.\BLE LVIII. — GEO-ELECTRIC EXCITATIONS AT 35°, 45° AND 60°. Si)ecinien Electric Response 35" 4.0" 60^' 1 1 HI diis. 39 dns. 49 (Ins. 2 I'.t 32 ., 40 3 7 31 .. 40 .. 4 7 22 29 ,. .") 6 14 .. 19 .. r, 5 19 .. 22 Mean 103 20 1 33 1 From tlie above we find that by increasing the angle above 45° the ratio of excitations at 60° to 45° is as 1.34 : 1, ■while the ratio of sines of 60° to 45° is as 1.22 : 1. )),'U 1.1KI'. :movf,mf.x'is in plants liy dwn (isniij the an^ile on the otlu-r liund we obtnin the following : — Eatio of excitation at 45° ami 85° is as 1 : 0.39. ,, ,, sines of 45° ,, 35° ,, ,, 1 : 0.81. Ill order to ;i\()i(l (leciiiiuls we limit i|tly tlu^ ii!)ove ratios by 1(10 iind ol)l;iin tlic I'ollowing results. 35° 15° r,o° Excitations 39 100 134 Sines 81 100 122 The dotted tlnii curve given in Figure 234 represents the sines of the various angles of inclination ; the 23 30 ZS 40 4S SO SS 60 V\i...'l'.S\ Climes sli(i\\ iliL;- \;iliu> nf sines (iIhIIimI) ;iIi(I (if e.\citati(iii.s (thick Jiiie). Tlio lalter iirodiirod cut.'s al».sc-i!S.s:i at yi'.j", indicating al)sciicc of oxcilatioii at a critii-aj aufflc. Oi-di- natc i\'|>rcsi'iits i-xcitat imi, aliscissa tlu' aiiL;lc nl' inclinai inn . continuous line represents the excitations at the correspond- ing angles. It will he noticed that while the divergence between the sines and the excitations is slight above 45°, it is ver} jn-onounced at the lower angle of 35°: CRI'l'ICAI, AXCLK FOIJ ( ; KlVI-'J.I'X'Ti; IC I'.XCIT ATION u'M'f it indicates the approach of sonic liiatus or di-^- -continiiily. By producing tlic cuivc hiukwards we find it to cnt the abscissa at 81..-)° at wln'cli angle the excitation ■would be reduced to zero. This is the critical point ; aboxe this angle the excitatory reaction will be abrupt. We shall next investigate whether such a critical ]><)int actually exists as foreshadowed by the curve and by the theoretical considerations detailed at the beginning of the chapter. DETERMINATION OF THE CRITICAL ANGLE. The discovery of the critical angle was the out- come of my investigations on the geo-electric response of NympJiaca (1919). The electric response was being recorded by inclining the sjiecimen from th'3 vertical to the horizontal. This was done very graduallv in order to avoid any mechanical disturbance likeh' to dis- arrange the electric contacts. There was at first no indica- tion of geo-electric excitation as the angle was gradually increased from zero upwards, and it was a matter of great surprise to note the sudden excitation which occurred as the inclination reached the approximate value of 33°. The excitatory action was detected by the sudden deflection of the hitherto quiescent galvanometer s^x^t of light. (^n return to the vertical position the excitatoiy deflection dis- appeared. A repetition of the experiment gave the same result. As the excitatory action was due to the fall of the starch grains, it was clear that these particles had remained sticking at the base of the cell till they were precipitated above the critical angle. Further experiments A\itli \ ijiiiplnica had to be abandoned for the year, as tlie [iroper season of the plant was over. I have since been engaged in finding out whether a critical point for geo-electric excitation could be detected in (u\G LiFF. ;movkmknts in plants other plants as was suniiised from the trend of the curve given in Figure 'IM, i'roni wliicli critical point for the petiole of TroiKicolii))! aj)pearc(l to he about 'M.-)°. It is very remark- able that the critical point of \ !i)iij)li(i((i should be so near the ai)ove value. The critical point of 'A-)'-' found for Kipiijiliaca was very apjjroximate. The following experi- ments were carried out for the determination of the critical angle of ditTerent i)laiits, every precantioR being taken for securin;^ tlu" highest accuracy. Determination of the Critical point for the petiole of Tropaeolum. — I shall tir^t give a continuous Kxi>i'riiini]i 211 ^' . photographic rec-oi'd of tlu- electric response of the ptetiole of Tro})(ic()]u})i as it \\as gradually inclined front l'"iG. 2'3o. .Minipt Lri'o-olcctric- response at an iiielination of 31" (Trojiaortluin ), '2-")° to .'U°. by successive steps of '2°. There was no response at -2)°, 27° and 20°. When the angle was increased to 31° the response occurnMl al)ruj»tly. (Fig. 235). The restoration to the vertical was attended by a recovery. 1 may dwell once more on the special advantages offered bv the electric method in investigations on the excitatory CRITKAI. ANCLK FOR CKO-KI.F.tTiMt' i:XCH ATION 637 action uiuler the stiinulus of j^ravity. The electric response is ahnost instantaneous; as the angle is j^radualiy increased! we ohtain an immediate effect at the critical point, indicat- ing the moment when the particles begin to slide down. In contrast with this are the difficulties inseparable from the mei-hanical methotl which render any accurate determina- tion a matter of im[)ossil)ility. For mechanical response, which is at all a[)preciable, takes place after a considerable length of time. The autonomous movement of the plant whic-h must take [ihue during this interval, will obviously produce a slow dis[)lacement of the particles downwards,, even at an angle lower than the critical. These drawbacks are absent in the electric determination, where the critical angle at which tlie particles are abruptly precipitated be- comes innuediately detected. The possible error in the exact setting of tlie index at zero of the scale is eliminated by the alternate inclination to the right and to the left. The mean of tlie two effective inclinations thus gives the true value of the critical angle. Derailed accounts will now be given of determination of the critical angle of the petiole of Tropaeohwi. Experiment '242 i p • i • • • i The angle of inclination to tlie right was gra- dually increased and the hitherto quiescent spot of light exhibited a .sudden deflection to the right at 30°. On return to the vertical the excitatory action disappeared. Inclination to the left gave a sudden deflection at -35°, the deflection being now to the left. And nothing could be more striking than the unerring certainty with which an invisible force was evolved at definite points of alternate inclinations, which gave a sudden push to the galvanometric indicator, now to the right, then to the left. The mean of the two angles in this experiment gives the true value of 3-2.5° for the critical angle. The results of five observations are given iir Table LIX. The mean of these determinations with six €38 i.iFi', :\I()Vk:\ikn IS ix tlwis tlifforent petioles of I'ropucohnit is rouml lo he 81.7°, wliicli is in r(Mniirkal)le agi'et'iiiciit with the \\\\\\c of tlu^ critical poiiit of Ml.r)0 as dednccMl IVom lli(> point where th(^ excita- tion cnrve ci'osses th(> ahseissa (see Fii^". "284). Determination of the Critical point for the stem of Tropaeolum. — 'I'he ci-itical jiomt lor the stem was ju'xt (letuniined, the proccnhire adopted bein.i; the same as in the last ease. The niiniinnni angle at which lh(> res))()nse occiirrtMl hy the right-handed rotation was -1-33° : rotation in the left direction gave the response at -30°. Hence the Irne critical angle for the specimen was Rx])i'riiiuMii :]].: Ywe othei' detei'niinat ions were made with other lv\|)criiiu'iM L' I I specimens, and the i:i(-an critical angle ohtained was 3"2.7°, wliich is ver\ iiearh the same as tli(> critical angl(^ Tor the petiole. Critical angle for the stem of Commelyna bengalensis. With this plant an inchnatioii of 4-80° gave the excitatoiy I'esponse ; inclination in tlie opposite direction gave the response at -33°. TIk^ trne <'i-itical angl{> is thus 31.')°. in a s(>cond specimen tlu^ mean ^•ahle of th(> critical angle was found to he 31°. T.ABLK I, IX. — THE CRITICAL ANGLE FOR VARIOUS PLANTS. SiiociliK'ii No. Petiole of Tropaeoliuii Stem <.r T'i'oi);ieo!inii Stem of Conimelvna r TI Tir IV \' VI T II ill IV \' VI ir Inclii right ation to or left Ciitical iinirlc ]\rean -!-;')a . — ii;") 3-JT) + ;;(i . — ;U-5 \vi-i:> + :;.T . -:',o 3-iT, :;i-7 + 'j".i -:52 :'.()•.'. + •_'.'. —37 3 to + ;ii . -;r2 .31 :> -t-;53 . —30 3f.-) J- 1) -, —30 ;!2T) -■:')(; . —30 ;;:') ?,TCy "^ .'■> . -3-2 :;3-.-) + :'.! . —33 ;i;'.") + ;•',:; . —30 31 o 4 .'iO . — ."»;') 31 T. •:,V2L + :')"2 — :'.i 1 .•".1 CRITICAL ANnLE FOR GHO-ELECTIJIC EXCITATION i'>'.')9 The mean critical value for various plants examined is thus 31.8, the maxiuumi variation from this is less than 1° It is very i-emai-kal)le that the critical angle for different plants observed should exhil)it so close an aoreement. THE EFFECT OF REPETITION. 1 stated at the i)eginning that repetition of the experi- mejit is likely to reduce the friction and Exi>erim(_'iil 'J4."i , .i i- t i ^ -^i • ji lower the slidmg" angle, and with it the •critical point. It is very interesting to find that this was found to be the case as regards critical angle for geo-electric response. T took three different specimens of the petiole of I'rdjKicdliiiii , the experiments being carried out three times in succession. In every case it was found that the effect of repetition was to produce a considerable lowering of the critical point. In the first specimen the critical point was lowered from 8i2.-')° to 28.5°, in the second from 31° to ■2-2.5°, and in the third from 30° to 22.5°. In Commehjna, however, the diminution was slight, namely from 31.5° to v50°. at the second rtMietition. TAPLE LX. — THE EFFECT OF REPETITION ON THE CRITICAL ANGLE. Specimen i Direction of inclination 1 Mean Critical Anple P.iL'ht Left 1 Petiole of 1 . Troi);ieoliim ' 2. r :;. 2 ( .' ! . ) • ..; ?,'2-r> ?>] 2S-.', ! ' 1. 3. ■ ) r^ 2'l 2^ :;i 2(;t, 2 -J-.", 1. Ill -2. 2 It 24 2;, 27 22-:, ()-iO LIFK MOVKMKNTS IN I'LANTS The experiments that have heen described offer the- stron^e'-t eoiifirination of the statohthic theoi'v. It has been siiown that the ^eo-eleetric excitation is procUiced when the or^ian is held in a horizontal position. lUil when the or^an is gradtiahy inclined from the vertical there- is no excitation till the critical angU' is reached. The- abrupt excitatory reaction must therefore \)(' due to the siuUlen fall of heavy j)articles from the base to the side of the cells. SUMMARY. The excitatory reaction imdcr stimulus of ,t;'ravity, isi- reiluced disproportionately with diminution of anjiroach of some hiatns or discontinuity. l>y j)ro(bicinji the cur\e of excitation back- wards, it cuts the abscissa at about •"U.-'i^ at \\liicli angle- tlie immediate excitatory reaction would be I'educed to y.cvo. The critical an.uie for ^eo-elect rie excitation has been found in a large nund)er of ])lants to be atiout '■VI'^ . The effect of repetition of inclination is found to lower tlie critical angle. The al)rupt excitation abo\e +he critical angle can only be due to the sudden fall of the particles from the ])ase to tlie side of the sensitive cells. The exj)eriments therefore- offer the strongest support to the theory of statoliths. LV.— EESEAECHES ON THE EFFECT OF ANAESTHETICS ON GEOWTH. BY Sir J.C. Bose, Assisted by (Uruprasanna Das, l.m.s. The effect of various anaestlietics on yeotropic curvature- will be given in detail in the next chapter. Since the- fundaniental mechanism of geotropic curvature is the differential growth at the u})[)er an.d lower sides of the organ, we shall in this chapter investigate the effect of various pnaesthetics on growth itself. The difficulty in investigations on longitudinal growth arises from its excessive slow rate, on account of which a long perioii elapses before any perceptible elongation can be detected. But the prolongation of the period of observation introduces other complicating factors such as the variation of temperature and of light, which modify the growth. These difficulties are overcome by the device of the High ^Magnification Crescograph* in which a system of compound levers produces a magnification which may be raised to ten thousand times. Any change in tiie rate of growth is thus immediately detected, the experiment being completed in tlie course of a few minutes during which external conditions could be maintained constant. METHOD OF RECORD. The specimen of plant, suitably mounted, is attached to the first lever at a short distance from the fulcrum; the * Life Movements in Plants, Vol. I., p. 152. 641 (J42 I.1FK :\iovK:^rF.\is tx plants second or recordiiig lever produces a further magnification. 'Tlie totnl lunLinificatioii omployed in tlie following experi- Fi(, L';it>. Ill,- lliiili .M:ii4Miiic;iti()n Crcsco,<>mph. Plant I\ iittaclunl to lc\er : second U'vci' romnls .successive dots of lii-owtli-oloncjatioti on smoked jrlass (J, kept oscillating- by clockwork C. Adjustment of lecordini^ point is made l>y makinjf |)lani move up oi' down by rack and in'nion H. ( Onc-foui'tli normal size.) iiiciits is 1 (»(•(» tiiiios. (Fig. -286). The recording plate i.s kept oscillating at intervals of 1o .-seconds, so that successive dots give the tiine-record. The plate is also moved ir< a EFFECT OF ANAKSTIIKTICS ()\ CRoW'llI {\-i'A horizontal direction and tlu' nornial rate o[' j^fowtli and its induced variation is lound from ilie recorded eurve. Enhancement of growth causes an erection of the ciirNe and also wider spacings between the successixe dots. Diniinn- tion of the rate is shown l)y the flattening of the cnr\e and the closeness of the dots : arrest of growth is indieated by a horizontal record, and an actual contraction l)v the reversal oi the curve downwards. APPLICATION OF .\N.\ESTHETICS. Mnch difficulty was at first ex[)erienced in tlevising an effective method for subjecting the specimen of plant to the- FiG 237 Chamber for a]i])lic;iti(iii of aiuic-i liotics i see Text". action of anaesthetic acting" uniformly on all sides of the organ. This was overcome by ihe following device in whicb <">44 J.IFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS a detachable cylinder acts as a cover ; it has a layer of thick absorbant cloth lining the inside. The pill box cover which closes the cylinder (with a hole tor the protrusion of the specimen for attachment with the Crescograph) has a circular tube soldered underneath, with a series of small holes ; one end of the tube is provide^l \\ itli a liimicl into \\ liicli ]s poured :i given dose of ether or chloi'ofonu. The anaesthetic drips down into the absorbing cloth and the specimen soon becomes uniformly surrounded by vapour of the anaesthetic (Fig. -237). As the plant slowly absorbs the vapour, the immediate effect is due to a small dose; at the second stage, the effect of a ' moderate ' dose makes its appearance. And linally, the effect of an excessive dose is found from the rec(jr I uiirxe (•). rnder the continued action of chlorofonii the revived gi'owth which had persisted for 2 minutes am' 1 •') seconds was arrestetl : this was followed hy a \ iolent spasmodic contraction. Pistil of Ddtnid. — Having descrihed the effect of the anaesthetic on peduncles and on flovver-huds I shah next descrihe the response of the pistil. The K.xiK'riiiifiit 2.')- IV /• 1 I • eilect ol chlorotorni on normal growth w;is a great enhancement which occurred iii the course of '.M> seconds {curve d). This persisted for nearly 2 minutes after which there was an arrest and subsequeiit spasmodic contraction. The growing organ undej" chloroform, tluis exhibits a preliminary expansion followed hy contractioji. The con- traction by itself should not be regarded as the sign of death,, for we shall find later, that there are agents which induce a temporary contraction from which a revival is possible. The test of death-spasm is an irreversible change, from which the plant cannot be revived by substituting fresh air for the anaesthetic. This contraction under the prolonged action of chloroform, (by which even the interior of the tissue becomes affected) ma}' be taken as tlie death-s})asm.. since a renewal of fresh air in the plant chamber does not bring about the revival of the plant. Another interesting phenomenon observed after chloroforming the plant is the profuse deposit of minute drops of liquids on the surface. This is due to the forcing out of the sap during death- contraction, the escape being facilitated by the increased \\4X \AVK MOVKMHNTS IN PLANTS permeability of the cells at death. Dark spots of dis- coloration soon begin to appear, and spread rapidly over the surface of the organ, which soon becomes wilted from the loss of turgor. As regards death-spasm under an anaesthetic, it is instructive to compare with it the parallel effects of strong ■stinmlus of an electric shock. When this is very strong, the response is i)y marked contraction of l)oth pulvinated and growing organs. The plant is killed by the strong" stimulus and there is no subsequent recovery. But if a moderate stimulus be applied to a fresh specimen, the plant will 1)0 fomid to recover from its excitatory contraction, and respond once more to stimulus. The excitatory contraction may thus pass from a reversible to an irreversible condition of death. We shall find later that this is equally true of the action of anaesthetics, a strong dose of which causes a contraction and death ; but a mild dose of anaesthetic induces, after a time, a contraction from which there is a recoverv brought about bv substitution of fresh air. SUMMAItY. The various growing organs, the stem, the j^etiole, the peduncle, the tiov;er-bud, and the pistil exhibit similar reaction under a given anaesthetic. A small dose of ether induces a great enhancement of the rate of growth; arrested growth is revived by it. The effect of a large dose, or of prolonged action, is to paralyse growth ; timely substitution of fresh air is attended by a revival. The effect of continued action of chloroform vapour is as follows : — At the first stage there is produced a great acceleration of growth, or a renewal of arrested growth; at the second EFFECT OF ANAESTHETICS ON CROWTH <)49 stage the growth becomes arrested ; at the third, or final stage there is a violent contraction. As chloroform in large doses is toxic, its prolonged application gives rise to the spasm of death. After this the surface of the plant is found to be covered with minute drops of liquid forced out from the plant during its death-contraction, the escape being facilitated by the in- creased permeability of the cells at death. After this, death discoloration spreads out rapidly and the specimen becomes wilted from loss of turgor. LYi.— I'Hi: j-:ffi;('ts of anaesthetics on (J EOT J ;op I ( ' 1 ; E sroN SI-:. BY Sii: J. (!. Bosk. x\ssisted l)y TjALTt Mohan IMukkimj. An iipvvaicl ^leotropic curvature takers place when the growing stem, tlie peduncle, the petiole or the flower-hnd is placed in a horizontal position. T^his is due to the con- cordant effects of induced retardation of growth or contrac- tion of the upper, and enhancement of the rate of growth and expansion of the lower side of the organ. The co-ordinated effects on the upper and the lower sides were independently demonstrated by the results of electric investigations. The upper side exhibits increasing galvanometric negativity, characteristic of excitatory contraction ; the lower side exhibits, on the other hand, an increasing galvanometric positivity indicative of expansion and enhancement of the rate of growth. In pulvinated organs, the upward geotropic curvature is dije to diminution of turgor a?id contraction of the upper, and enhanced turgor and expansion of the lower side. Besults of investigations by the electric method also show that the geo-electric response occurs a short time after the onset of the geotropic stimulus. But on account of the sluggishness of growth and its induced variation, tlie initiation of geotropic curvature becomes greatly delayed This is accentuated bv another complicating factor, namely. 650 ANAESTHETICS ON (;iA»TU« )PIC HKSP0NSI5 OT* I that of the weiglit, which causes a bending down of tlic organ. The upper side of the organ is thus subjected to a, tension and the lower siile to a compression. Tliis differential action causes, at the beginning, a downward curvature, which has to be reversed by the true geotiooic action. The geotropic curvature is thus delayed, often i'or more tlian an hour. The conipHcations described above are serious obstacles for accurate determination of the geot topic response and its induced variation. These difficulties have been overcome (li In the choice of a specimen which is quick in its response, and (-2) by reducing the weight of the specimen h.y cutting off portions which are non-est^ntial. These conditions are fidtilled hy the petiole of TropacoluDi. The lamina is cut off, the weight of tiie short length of the petiole being thus greatly leduced. The cut ends are wrapped in moist cotton, and after a rest of half an hour the irritability of the specimen is found to be fully restored. Pinally, (3) the beginning of geotropic response can be easily ■detected l)y the employment of a magnifying lever. The sensitiveness of the petiole of Tropaeolimi is, hoAvever, so great that a magnification of five times is quite sufficient for the purpose of record, which is taken on a plate oscillating •once in three minutes, the successive dots representing that interval of time. This i^lant Tropacolmn grows in Calcutta during the winter months froin November to January and during the months of February and March which are the spring season ; the plant begins to die off' hy the beginning of April. The experiments described below were commenced in February 1920, and continued till March, 19*21. The experiments were thus carried on during two springs and one winter ; the records given by the spring and the winter specimens exhibit certain differences whicli are characteristic. In the spring epecimen, the latent period, or the period which elapses 652 I. IKK MOVEMKNTS IN PLANTS i between the a[)i'lioati()ii of tlic stinmliis of ;^ra\ity and tJie commencenieiit of the geotropic up-moveiiient is six minutes or less, after which the rate of movement hecomes uniform for about half an hour. The slope of the curve, and the distance between the successive dots indicate tlie geotropic activity ; any induced enhancement of the normal rate is, as> already explained, exhibited by the erection of the curve- Fig. "2 jo. Geolropii' furve : (a) of a siiriiii,'', and (//) of a w inter .specimen. The latent period of the former is si.\ minute.'^, of the latter forty-eij^ht miTiutes. Xote the relatively erect curve of the spriny specimen inditat- inij a more intense u:ec)tropie action. and greater separation of the successive dots; depression^ on the other hand, is indicated by the opposite change. In the winter specimens, owing to the general depressed rate of growth, the geotropic response is very sluggish, as seen in the prolonged latent period, which in the particular experiment is seen to be 4S minutes ; the sluggish character of the response is also in>. ANAKSTHI"riCS ON (iKOTHOPIC RESPONSE Gf):? The iiiiitoniiity of the erectile response cannot be maintained tor an indefinitely lonj^' period, since any further response is inipossil)le after tlie full erection of the specimen. J I should therefore bo held a few degrees below the horizon,, and record continued till it rises through the same angle- above the horizontal position. The slope of the curve is- tlien found to remain practically uniform for about half an hour, which is more than sufficient for the completion of the experiment on the action of the anaesthetic. Having described the experimental method, we shall next study the effect of ether on geotropic curvature of (A) pulvinated and (B) of growing organs. The effect of chloroform will also be studied in these two dilTerent types. EFFECT OF ETHER (»N GEOTHOPIC CURV.ATURE OF PULVINATED- ORGANS. Mhiiosa. — The leaf of Mi))iofia, normally speaking. FlfJ. 241 FIG. 242 Fig. 2-il. Effect of ether on geotropic respon.«e of the leaf of -Vimosa. Fig. 242. The geotropic response of tlie terminal leaflet of Deamncliiim (itjrans under the action of ether. assumes the so-called dia-geotropic position, which is approximatelv horizontal. Enhancement of E.xperinient 2o.S geotropic action would cause an erection of the leaf. Tn the experiment described below, the leaf on <'.54 LIFK MOVrMKNItS IN IM.ANTS aocoiint of its (liunuil inovcmcMl. was exliihitiii^ a Tall ; application of ether \apoiir at tlie point marked with the arrow arrested this fall ; afterwai'ds an erectile inoNciiK^nt \\as iiiitiateen in fi-ure •J4-2. EKI-'KCT OF KTHEF? ON OEOTROPIC CUHVATURE OF CROWINf, ORGANS. petiole of Tropaeolum. — After the attainment of iniiform ^cotropic; uj)-uiovement, a specimen Kx(i<'riin('iii ■_'."i"> ,. ,,. 1 • 1 I ol / roiKieoluiii \\as sul)jecte(i to the action of ether vajjour ; this induced a very fjreat enhancement of ^eotropic movement in the course of 'A minutes, as seen in the erection of the ciu've and in wider spacinjjfs of the succes.sive dots (Fig. '243). Having thus ohtained a definite proof of the enhance- aneiit of the geotropic action under ether, two batches of six similar petioles of 'iropapoluin were taken Kxpi'rimciii L'oH i i ■ n ,• i \ n and placed li(in/( »nta 1 1\ : ol these the ni'st iKitch was placed in a cliauil)er containing air, the second batch hein^ placed in a cliamhe'- which contained a smaM ii cxunuuing the two hatches aftei' an lioiu'. it was found that while a slight curxattire was produced in specimens undci' iioinial condition, those ^uhjectcd to the vapoiu' of ether had htjcome highly eret-te'' the tips being bent even backwards. The striking difl'erence hetw«'en the two v\ill be xmui in the r<'productions from a ANAI-SlHi: I us ON t.KOl H(ti'k' HI.SI'oNSK ♦).'").> photograpli of the normal and the etherised specimen Fk;. 243 F^ffeot ot'etlicr in eiihaiicfiiiciit ')f ;:eoti-i)j)ic response (Petiole of TiO[i(irfl n m .) (Fig. 244). The experiments on piilvinated and on growing organs thus exhibit similar results, namely, an enhancement Fig 244. The effect of ether vapour on jjjeotropisni N, the normal action in air; E, the effect in an atmosphere of ether vapour. of geotropic action under moderate application of ether vapour. 65() r-IFK MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS EFFECT OF CHLOROFORM ON GEOTRvOPIC RESPONSE OF PULVINATED OUGANS. Mimosa. — The preliminary effect of chloroform vapour is seen to induce, in the course of 80 seconds, a great enhance- Ex])CM'iimMit 2.")7 nient of the geotropic action, as seen in the rapid erectile movement ; this was arrested in the course of three minutes after which tliere occurred a very rapid contractile movement (Fig. 245). Desmo(liu))i leaflet. — The leaflet was executing a slow Fig. '245 ?;ffect of clilordforiii \a|i()iii- en iif()trc>i)ic res- ponse of Miiiiiisd. Note enhancement at the fiivst staye, arrest at the second, and reversal at the third stage. Fig. 24H Similar effect of chloroform on L;eotro])ic res- ))onse of the terminal leaflet of Dt'^unidiu m . up-movement. Apphcation of chloi'ofoini iiuluccd jiicliini- nary enhancement of ge()ti'Oj)ic action in tlie coui-se of 40 seconds. This persisted for two minutes and a half, after which tlu^ movemont undorwont a reversal (Fig. 246). Experiment 25S EFFECT OF CHLOROFORM ON GFOTIioRIc i;KSPONSF OF GltoWING ORGANS. The following expcriinciits on tlic action of chloroform were carried out with two ditTerent species of plants, the- seedlings of Eclijifa rrrrta. ;ind the petiole of Tropaeohan^' ANAESTHETICS ON GROTROPIC RESPONSE 057 with the object of brin^in^^ out certain characteristic differences. Seedling of EcHpta. — Tlie skhi of KcUpta is somewhat impervious to vapour : hence a relatively small quantity of chloroform vapour is absorbed by the Experiment 25M m, , . «. • plant. The characteristic effect is seen to be a great enhancement of geotropic action which persisted for a considerable length of time (Fig. 247a). Petiole of Tropaeolum. — In the last experiment, Fii;. 24" Effect of chloroform on geotropic response : (a) enhancement of geotropic action in Acliptn, (b) preliminary enhancement followed by arrest in Tropaeolum [See text]. absorption of small quantity of chloroform gave rise to acceleration which is characteristic of the first stage. In Tropaeolum, the petiole absorbs the vapour more readily, and we observe an enhance- ment of geotropic action at the first stage, and an arrest at the second stage (Fig. 2476). i'tbi^ l>IFIi MOVKMKNTS IN PLANTS In reviewing the effect of inmestlietics on "eotropism in growing" organs, we :iiv able to trace it to tlu> induced modification ol' j^i'owtli itself. l'\)r ether has been shown to enha.nce the rate ol growtli ; it also enhances the rate of geotropic movement. ('hloroforni induces a preHminary enhancement of ^lowth followi-d hy an anest. In geotropic response under chlorofoitn we also obtain a preliminary increase followed l)y arrest of geotropic movement. Effects parallel to these are also obtain(Ml with jailvinated organs. SUMMARY. The geotropic action in growing organs is dependent ■on its growth-activity. In spring, the latent period is relatively short aiul the rate of elect ilc nio\ement rapid. In winter, the latent |)erio(l is |)rolonged and the geotropic movement is sluggish. J'jther induces an crdianix-nicnt of geotropic action both in pulvinated and in giowing organs. The effect of chloroform in a moderate dose, is an ■enhancement of geotropic action followed by an arrest. Excessive application may, however, give rise to the reverst'd ^■on tractile movement. LVII.— THE EFFECT OF CARBON DIOXIDI-: ON GEOTROPIC ACTION. BY SiK J. ('. Bosk. Assisted by SuRENDRA Chandra Das, m.a. In considering" the action of different anaesthetic agents we found that the effect of chloroform is very intense and ultimately fatal; ether is less toxic and does not, under normal conditions, produce the death of the plant. The effect at the first stage in both is the same, namely, an enhancement of growth and of geotropic curvature. At the second stage, we obtain a paralysis of sensibility, the geotropic response being thereby arrested. Substitution of fresh air often brings about a restoration and the renewal of geotropic action. The effect of ether, generally speaking, stops at the second stage : but with chloroform in excessive dose, the- effect of the third stage makes its appearance — a spasmodic contraction followed by the death of the organ. Carbonic acid gas may be regarded as a mild narcotic, its effect being comparable to that of ether. One wotild there- fore expect, that its effect on geotropic response would be similar to that of ether, that is to say, an enhancement of response at the commencement followed by an arrest under its continued action. The normal geotropic action might also be expected to be restored on substitution of fresh air 659 ■<)60 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS EFFECT OF CARBONIC ACID GAS ON GEOTROPIC RESPONSE OF (iUOWING ORGANS. Effect on winter specimens of Tropaeolum. — The ■results anticipated were liiUy xcriHed in all tlie experi- ments carried out during tht winter season of 1920, of which ih record is given in Figure 248a ; Kx])(>riiiuMit 2til ■ , xi i • i e • i.i owing to the sluggislmess ot response m the ■cold season, the latent period (tlie fir-^.t part of the record Fii;. 24s KlTt't't i)i'{'() on Lrcotr()|)ii' ri'8]ii)nse of ^'/-i^iac'/'n/i : ((() Kffect on winter specimen ; CO. aijplied at arrow induced i)relijninary enhancement followed by arrest. (/») Plffect on sprinjf specimen ; CO, apjilied at arrow and fresh air substituted at circle. The effect induced is a preliminary enhancement followed by a reversal. Substitution of fresh air renewed normal geotropic action. ('•) Enhancement of ireotropic )'es]ionse followed l)y ]>crsistent reversal under continued action of the.iras. not shown) was found to be 40 minutes. The geotropic curvature was tlien initiated at a slow rate, as seen in the CARBON DJOXIDE ON GEOTROPIC ACTION ("•tJl slightly inclined curve of ascent. Carbonic acid gas was next passed into the plant-chamber ; this caused a great -enhancement of the geotropic action in the course of about 3 minutes. The induced enhancement is clearly seen in the very erect curve, and in the separation of the successive dots ; the acceleration persisted for 20 minutes, after which the geotropic movement became arrested. This arrest was not permanent, for introduction of fresh air was found to bring about the subsequent renewal of geotropic up-movement. Response of Spring Specimens. — The experiment with the winter specimen is described at the beginning since its res])onsive characteristics are easily explained. Experiment 2H2 t, , „ . . " -, J3Ut the response ot specmiens ui the earlier months of the year, in the spring" of 1920, presented peculiarities which appeared at first to be quite inexplicable. This will be understood from the records (Fig. 248'>>, in which the latent period is as short as six minutes and the erect curve shows the con- siderable geotropic sensibility of the spring specimen. After the attainment of uniform erectile movement, carbonic acid gas was made to fill up the plant-chamber ; this induced a great enhancement of geotropic movement in the course of 3 minutes, a result characteristic of the first stage. The erectile movement was temporarily arrested in the course of 21 minutes. There next followed the astonishing, and at first inexplicable, result of the reversal of normal geotropic movement which carried the tip of the specimen heJow the horizontal position. It thus appeared as if carbonic acid gas caused a reversal of the normal geotropic response. Fresh air was next introduced into the chamber, with the result that the normal geotropic up-movement was renewed after an interval of five minutes. In another experiment, a stream of carbonic acid gas was maintained throughout the experiment lasting for more *'i(>2 I.llK. M()\ KMKN'IS IN l'i,\MS than an hour. It gave the same sequence of eHet-ts as before, namely, an enhancement at the first stage, a temporary arrest at the second, and :i reversal at tlie third stage. The tip of the specimen imdei- the continued action of gas persisted in its reversed {)osition hiHow the horizon. The results given above were so nne\|)ecte(l that 1 was at first inchned to attribute it to some unknown and abnormal condition. But repetition of the cxpei-iincnt a year later, in the spring of 19-21, fully corrol)<)rated the j)revioiis ohseixalions. The results described above relate to the action of car- bonic acid gas on the geotropic response of Tropaeolum. For determination of the universality of the phenomenon, further investigations were undertaken with a large numlier of growing and pulvinated organs of different plants. Response of the peduncle of Tube-rose. — Thi.« specimen gave tlic normal geotropic ivsjjonse, though the effects were relatively sluggish. The latent period was 4-") mimites. Contimied action of carbonic Kxpcn'mciit 2H;! gas induced a reversal of normal geotropic response in the course of six minutes. On the substitution of fresh air in the plant-chand)er, the normal up-movement was once more initiated. Continued action of carbon dioxide is thus seen to produce in the Tube-rose a reversal of geotropic action similar to that in Tropdeoliou . EFFECT OF CARIiONJC AC'ID C.VS ON (;E0TI!( UMC KKSPONSK OF PUIA'IXATI'O ORC.ANS. The geotropic excitability of the upper half of the pulvinus of Mi)n<).'ia is very nnich less than that of the lower half. Tt thus happens that the leaf of Mimosa is in a state of equilibrium in a horizontal or the so-called dia-geotropic position. But if the plant be inverted so that the relatively more excitable lower half is above, the geotropic excitation and the resulting curvature are greatly CARBON DIOXIDE ON OKOTIiOPIC ACTION ('(GH enhanced, the leaf bc'coinnij^' continuously erected in this inverted position. Tlie experiment may be carried out with a small piece of cut stem of Mimosa bearing the lateral leaf; the sub-petioles may also be cut off, thus reducing the weight of the petiole. In order to prevent drying, the cut; ends of the stem and of the petiole are covered with small pieces of moist cloth. The sensibility of the pulvinus is fully restored in the course of an hour, when mechanical stimulation is found to cause the normal fall of the petiole.* The cut specimen may now be easily manipulated and held "rfT Fig. 249 Method of record of geotropic response of Miinoga, held in an inverted position with the more excitable half of pulvinus B facing upwards. in the inverted position (Fig. 249) for obtaining the normal- record of geotropic up-movement, which is brought about by the joint effects of contraction of the more excitable half B, and the expansion of the less excitable half A. Effect of CO 2 on G-eotropic Response of Mimosa. — The first part of the record in Figure 250 shows the uniform geotropic response in the inverted position. The plant- chamber was next filled with carbon dioxide. This caused an arrest, and a subsequent reversal of geotropic response, which occurred 2 minutes after the application of the gas. By this reversal, the leaf was * Life Movements in Plants. — Vol. I., p. 81. Experiment 264 <">♦'■! I IFK MOVKMKNIS IN ri.ANI S broii^lit below its orij^iiiiil j)<)siti()ii and iiiaintain»>(l there. Siibstitiition of IVesli air broii;^ht ;il)()iit a restoration, and the normal ^eotroj)i(' response was renewed in the course of four ininutes. Kr\ithri)tn indicd.- -'V\\t' puKinns of l^njlliriiid is less sensitive llian that of Miiiiosa : tlie cliaraoteristie effects are, in other i'es))ects, the same in the two cases. ilie cut specimen was held in an inverted position, and after the nttaimnent of unih)rni iip-niovement. FIG- 250 FIG. 251 Fk;, ■-")() Kff X/ynn* has also sliown that a reversal of geotropic curvature ot'curs wlien the hypocotyls of H rliantJiUS annuus are fixed horizontally in an atmosphere containing from 9 to 30 per cent, of carbon dioxide. On tlu> removal of the carbonic acid, the seedlings showed a noniiai upward curvature l)y next morning. Lynn did not notice any preliminary ■enhancement of geotropic curvature, the method of eye ■observation employed being not adequate for the purpose. For an explanation of the phenomenon he suggests the theory •of hydrion concentration ; an assumption is made that the stem is a relatively alkaline structure, because the carbon ■dioxide of respiration does not accumulate (most of it being used up by the plant during photosynthesis) ; it is further supposed that as a result of the relative alkalinity of the <^ontiuuous phase of the protoplasm in the perceptive cells, a horizontally placed stem under normal conditions turns upwards in response to stimulus of gravity. In an atmos- phere of carbon dioxide, on the other hand, the stem is Tendered less alkaline with the result of reversal of normal response. This explanation is not satisfactory since there is no ! evidence in support of the Hydrion Differentiation Theory ■of Geotropism propounded by Prof. Small; on the contrary, accumulation of carbonic acid in the plant in the I absence of photosynthesis has practically little effect towards reversal of normal geotrojnc response. Most of the records given in this chapter were obtained with petioles of leaves, the photosynthetic lamina being cut off; moreover the ■specimens were kept in a dark box. In spite of these con- ditions the geotropic response produced was a normal u]i- €urvature. Finally, the immediate effect of carbon dioxide is an enhancement of normal geotropic action — a result which contradicts the hydrion theory. * M. J. Lynn. . " The Reversal of Geotropic Responfie in the stem.'" The New Phytologist— August, 19, 1921. • ^66 hlFV. MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS EXPLANATION OF TIIK REVERSAL. In regard to the reversal of the normal response it might be thouglit that the geotropic perception might in some way undergo change in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. In reference to this, investigations with the Electric Probe, previously described, have fully confirmed the theory that in higher plants, it is the falling starch grains that cause geo-perception ; since the weight of these particles remains constant, there could be no possibility in the variation of this factor. It niiglit be argued tliat the starch grains become absorbed in an atmosphere of carbonic acid gas, the particular factor of stimulation being thus eliminated. This argument is, however, untenable, since the reversal under carbonic acid and restoration of normal response on removal of the gas take place in the course of a few minutes r the disappearance and reappearance of the starch grains could not possibly have taken place within such a short time. Eeturning to the question of normal geotropic curvature in growing organs I have shown* that this is brought about by differential growth, that the upper side of the horizon- tally laid organ undergoes a retardation of growth, while an acceleration of growth and expansion takes place on the lower side. A satisfactory explanation of the effects of various narcotics — an acceleration, an arrest, or a reversal — may therefore be found from the determination of the effects of various narcotics on growth itself. Let us first consider the enhancement of geotropic up-curvature under moderate application of ether vapour. This increased up-curvature may be brought about : (1) by the increased contraction of the upper side due to ■diminished rate of growth under the anaesthetic, or (2) by the induced expansion and enhanced growth of the lower side of the organ. • Lifo Movpnionts in Plants— Vol. II. p. 50f. CARBON DIOXIDE ON GEOTROPIC ACTION 667 We are in a position to decide between the two alter- natives, by finding whether ether induces a retardation or an enhancement of growtli. If it induces a retardation, tlie •enhanced geotropic curvature would be due to the contrac- tion of the upper side ; an acceleration of growth under ether •would, on the other hand, show that the enhancement of geotropic curvature was brought about by the increased rate -of growth at the lower side of the organ. The results of investigation on the effect of ether already described show definitely that it induces an enhancement of the rate of growth. Hence the modification of geotropic curvature under tlie anaesthetic is due to the induced cliange of growth of tlie lower side. This deduction also follows from the general consideration that the upper side of the organ is contracted under the geotropic stimulus, whereas the lower side is in a state of active growth. ]^Iodification in the rate of growth is likely to occur in the growing portion •of the tissue rather than in the portion where it has become ■arrested under the action of stimulus. A crucial experiment will be described which will show that carbonic acid gas •exerts little or no effect on the contracted side of the organ. Our attempt to discover the cause of reversal of the geotropic response under carbon dioxide must, therefore, be -concentrated on the determination of the effect of the gas on growth. In regard to this, the only information that has been available is that the presence of oxygen is necessary for normal growth, and that growth comes to a stop in an atmosphere of carbonic acid gas. This does not however -explain the increased geotropic curvature at the beginning, nor the reversal under its continued action. Certain results which were obtained with the High Magnification Cresco- graph showed that the preliminary effect of carbonic acid is an enhancement, while continuous action causes a retardation of growth.* This would fully explain the * Life Movements in Plants.— Vol. II, p. 265. •^68 LII'l': .M(>\I'.\II',N I > IN PLANTS iiiitiul increase of the ^eotropic ciirvj't-ure under carlxjnic acid and the subsequent arrest. I'^urther in\ estimations are however necessary to determine the etVeci of continued action of catl)()nic acid in indiicin;^ a re\ct>al, and the after- effect on the removal of the ^as. I'he follow inm investiga- tions were th(M'clore carried out on the ctfcct of carhonic acid on ^cowth as regards: (1> the immediate elVect . ci' the persistent effect, (^}> the al'tcr-eifect on the removal of the- ^as, and (4> the effect of carhonic acid ^as on an or^^an conti'acted under continuous stimulation. INVKSllOATloX ON \1( lOI flCATION OF (IROWTH XJNDER CMU'.oNlC ACID GAS. The Hi^ii MaiiJiifK alion ( rescograph was employed for record of the normal gi'owth and its induced variation. The tiower-bud of Criiniin lily was found suitanle for tliis research, as its normal rate of growth is very nniform. The magni- fication employed was a thonsand times, and the successive dots in the record indicate intervals of 20 seconds. The specimen was enclosed in a chandler which could he filled with pin-e carbon dioxide for a definite length of time, air being afterwards substituted for the gas. The rate of normal urowth of the Crininii lily was taken on a mo\ing plate, and th(> slope of the curve and the closeness of the successive dots indicated the tuHuial rate. ( arbomc acid gas was intro- duced into the chand>er: this is seen to iiave induced an almost immediate enhancement of the rate of growth as seen in the erection of the curve and the wider spacings between the dots (I'^ig. 'i-Vi*. This induced enhance- ment of growth lasted for \ mimUcs. ti took J>l(ic( (»i (icrount of irhirh tJic apcriun't] hccuDn shortir flnni (it tin' txijinmnij . thin <-ontrn<-tio}i }>}>licntion of CAKIidN l»l(»XII)|'. ON (,l,(i'['i;(i|'l( \('II()\ f)6f) the ijas. On snbstitution of trc-'i ion occiirreil in the course t)! about 4 minutes. This ivnuirkal)le result of contraction wliicli persists during tlie application ot" gas. and the restoration of growili on removal ot" the gas. ott'er full explanation of the rever-al FIG. 252 FIG. 253 Fig. 252 Eft'ocr of CO, on jrrowth. Note preliminary enhancement followed liy ;tctive eoiit raetion. under vvliieli the orsfan became shorter than at the l)ejrinnina'. Substitution fif fresh air at arrow (within a circle) caused a renewal of growth. Fig. 253 Organ contracted under stimulus S; application of C'O.^ ai arrow produces no effect. Renewal of irrowtli on cessation of stimulus ami removal of aras. of geotropic res|)onse and the subsequent restoration of the normal response on introduction of fresh air. The ]>relinii- narv enhancement of growth under (<> .. also ex[)lains the immediate enhancement of the geotropic curvature. The np-curvatnre has been explained to be due to the differential growth of the upjier and lower sides of the organ. Consi- derations have also been adchiced to show that the modifica- tion of geotropic curvature under anaesthetics is brought about bv the induced change of growth at the lower side of the organ, the effect on the contracted upper side being (ITO LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS negligible. Tt ^v()ul(^, liowever, be interesting to obtain a (lirocl proof of this by observing tbe effect of carbon dioxide on llic growth of an organ contracted under constant stimulus. Effect of CO , on an Organ Contracted under Stimulus. — The record was taken of the normal rate of growth of Cri)n(}n hl\ , \vliich was next subjected to Expi-riiiicnt 2(i7 '. , . , . . , constant stnnulation under tetamsmg elec- tric shocks of moderate intensity. This is seen to induce a maximum contraction. Carbonic acid was next introduced into the chambei- : the organ remained contracted in spite of the introduction of the gas. \ transient disturbance sometimes occurred on the introchiction of the gas, which <|nickly disappeared, and the organ remained practically in the same contracted conihtion ;is before. The stimulus was next (hseontiiuied. and fresh ail" intrcxhiced into the ehiiniher : th(> iionn;il growth was now found renewed with the same specimen and it was invai'iahly IoiiikI th;it the lico-clectric response was reversed and restored hy .•ihernatc npphcation of the ^as and its removal. Mlie residt of the electi'ic res[)onse is thus pnrnllel to that of the mechanical responstv ISOI.A'J'ION Ol'' UlsSt'oNSi-; ()!•' ONK SIDI'. ol' THF. oIlGAN. In the ahove experiments the electric resj)onse \\as due to the joint effects on upjier and lower sides of the orpan. Fk;. 2.')4 Klcctrif i-Dniicct ions for Lfeo-i'iectric ri'spoiisi-. 'riic (irst illust ra- tion siiows cliM'tric contacts witii upjxT and lower sides of oru'an, riic j-on- tracted upper, e.Tliit)itiii is made with an indifferent point, i.e. the landna of a lateral leaf. The res|)onsive variation would in this ease he Awt' to the chaiiL^e induced on the lower side of the orj^an. h'or ohser'vat ion ol the induced chanf(e on the upper side, the electric contacts are made with A, and the indifferent poitit, O (Fij^iire •2-")4). CARBON DIOXIDK ON OKOTHOI'lC ACTION 673 Effect of COoOn the Lower Side.— Tlie two contacts thus made svitli O and Ji, gave no detleetion when the organ was held vertical. The specimen was next Kxpei-iiiuMit 2HH • i- nu'lined so as to make it hori/oii^il ; a large galvanometric detleetion was now induced by the geotro|)ic stimulus, the lower side B becoming galvaiiometrically positive (up-curveK indicating" an expansion, enhancement of turgor, and inc-reased rate of growth. On introchiction of carbonic acid into the plant-chandler, titcrc occiirnd a sltort- Jivcd increase of response: after tills the positirr dcflcctidn iras suddenlij reversed into neiiatire, indicatiiuj thai tJie FIG. 255 Fl .. 256 Fig. 2'i') Effect of CO., on sreo-ek'ctric of lower side. Incli- nation to horizontal jiosition induced sralvanometrie positivity of lowe side (iip-curve). Application of C0„ at arrow induced a reversal. Removal of s^as at arrow (within circle) renewed the normal resjionse. Fig. 2r)H Effect of CO.^ on upper side. Normal electric resjionse is negative (down-curve). Ap]>licati(>n of CO., or its removal iniluccd little change. loirer side had n)ider(jo)te a emitraetion. On the introduc- tion of fresh air, the normal expansion of the lower side was- once more restored, as indicated by the restoration of positive electric response (Fig. •25-")). Effect of CO,, on the Upper Side. — The isolated electric contact was next made with tlie upper side A. On placing the specimen in a horizontal position the- Experiment 270 . pi ■ ^ geotropu- ot the upper side was ('(74 LIFK MOVK.MKNTS IN PLANTS negative (dow ii-ciirxct. 1 iiti-odiictioii or removal of carbonic ;ici(l uas |)f()(liict'(l littl(> oc no cliange (Fig. '256). The results described above prove once more that the efl'(M't induced on the upper side is neghgible compared witli that inchiccd (Mi the lower side of the organ. The strict concomitance of the nicchariical and electric responses, and their induced variations will be seen in the following tabular staT(Mnont of the resuhs. TAHl.i: 1,.\I. — EFFECT OF CO o ON GEOTROPIC ACTION OF THE MORE EFFECTIVE LOWER SIDE OF THE ORGAN. Effect of Carbonic acid : Median ical response. Electric response. Resultant geo- tropic response. ( )i] iiil rodnctioii. Increased expan- Increased galvano- Enhanced geo- sion. inetric positivity. trojiic response. Persistent effecl . (Joiit Taction. (lal van o metric- 11 e V e r s a 1 of negativity. resi)()nse. Kftuct of i-eiiiDval Normal expan- Nonnal positive N o r rn a 1 g c o- of j^as. sion. response. trojiic response. SUMMARY The immediate effect of carbonic acid gas on geotropic response of growing and pnhinatcd organs is an enliance- ment above the normal. Continued action of carbonic acid gi\es rise to a reversal of the normal geotropic rcs])onse. This reversal })ersists during continued action of the carbonic acid. The nr)nnal response is restored after removal of the gas. Investigation with the mechaiucal method of response shows that it is the lower side of the organ whicli is relatively more alfected by the anaesthetic than tlu^ ujiper side. The I CARBON DIOXIDE ON GEOTROPIC ACTION 675- lower side thus exhibits an initial expansion and increased rate of growth under carbonic acid fjas, with the resuhing enhancement of geotropic response. Continuous apphca- tion of the gas induces a contraction of the lower side causing a down movement or reversal of the normal response. Growth of the lower side is renewed on the removal of the gas with consequent restoration of the normal response. Electric response under the stimulus of gravity exhibits effects parallel to those of mechanical response. The effect of carbonic acid gas is a jireliminary enhancement of geo- electric response followed by reversal. The reversal persists during the continued application of the gas; the normal geo-electric response becomes renewed on the removal of the gas. Investigation on the isolated response of the lower side of the organ offers an independent corroboration of the above. Introduction of the carbonic acid induces a preliminary enhancement of galvanometric positivity of the lower side ; this is subsequently reversed to galvanometric negativity. Removal of the gas is followed by the restora- tion of the normal positive response. The electric response of the upper side exhibits little or no change by the introduc- tion or removal of the gas. The reversal of the geotropic response under carbon ■ dioxide is thus due to the contractile action of the gas, . which is more effective on the lower side of the organ. LVin.— ox I'HiSlOLOCiUAL AMSOTKOrY INDUCED BY GRAVITATIONAL STIMULUS. By Sir ,I. ('. Bose, Assisted hv St'rfa'dra Chandra Das. m.\. Plants have been iisikiIIv da^sitied as ' sensitive ' and ordinary; the loi'mer is exampliHcd hy Minidsn pudica Avhich responds to stimnliis l)y a conspicuous movement of the fall of the leaf. Oidinary plants, on the other hand, appear to be insensitive under shocks of every kind. I have, ho^vever, shown that every plant, and c\iMy or^an of every ])lant. responds to stiundus, the niduced excitation being detected by the electric response of galvanometric negativity.* It is, moreover, not true that tlie organs of ordinary plants do not t^xhibit any niccbaMJcal r(>sponse under stimulus. In Mi}}tosa the lower half of the pulvinus is relatively the more excitable; hence under stinndus, the greater contraction of the lower lialf pulls tlie leaf down; the actnal contraction in the lower lialf is. however, not verv great, but the slight uioxcuient is magnified by the petiolar index. Had tlic upp(M- half of the pulvinus been as ■excitable as the lower half, it is ob\ ious tliat the two anta- gonistic contractions would have niMni'alised each other. In such a case excitatory conti'aclions woidd havi^ occinTed, without any external manifestation of responsive movement. * Response in the Living and Non Living. 076 I PHYS10LOO]('AIi ANISOTROPY (W? In radial organs of ordinary plants the excitability is the •same all round ; hence the orj^an is unable to exliibit any lateral movement on account of tlie antagonistic conti'actions •of opposite sides. For exhibition of any conspicuous lateral move- ment the organ should be anisotropic, its opposite sides being unequally excitable. This anisotropy is normally found in dorsi-ventral organs like the pulvinus of Mimosa. It may, however, be induced by the one-sided action of stimulus, on account of which the stimulated side of certain organs becomes permanently contracted. An example of this is found in various tendrils, where the stimulus of contact causes them to coil round the support. It is evident that the tissue already contracted under stimulus, can under- go little or no further contraction ; whereas, the expanded and unstinmlated length would exhibit a responsive con- traction. It thus follows that the contracted and concave side of the tendril would prove to be less excitable and contractile, than the expanded convex side. A physiological anisotropy may thus be induced by the unequal action of the stimulus on two opposite sides of an organ, and in the case of the coiled tendril, the anisotropy is permanent The fact of the coiled tendril being physiologically aniso- tropic may be tested by subjecting it to the diffuse stimulus of tetanising electric shocks. The response of the tendril is then found to be a movement of uncoiling due to the greater contraction of the hitherto unstimulated convex side. These considerations lead us to expect that under -suitable conditions, a temporary anisotropy could be con- ferred on radial organs by the unilateral action of stimulus When a radial stem is laid in a horizontal position, a geo- tropic curvature is induced, a particular side A, which happens to be above, becomes contracted while the opposite side B becomes expanded. One would, therefore, expect CIS TJFR MOVKMKNTS TN PLANTS that under tliese coiulitions an induction of anisotropy l)y which the upper side A is rendered less excitable than the- opposite side B. The anisotrojjv would, however, be not permanent ; for by turning' round the stem through 180°, the- above relations woidd be reversed. 15 would now become con- tracted and A exjnindcd ; A Avould now be rendered more ex('itai)ie than J3. From theoretical considerations detailed above, we see the possibility of an ordinary radial organ being rendered ' sensitive ' after being subjected to tlie stimulus of gravity. For a geotropically curved organ is no longer radial but anisotropic, and the more excitable convex side would thus function like the more excitable lower half of the pulvinus of Mimosa. The response to diffuse stimulation would be similar in the two cases, namely, a down-response due to the greater contraction of the lower side. The only difference between the two would lie in the fact that in the geotropically curved stem, the induced differen- tiation is temporary, whereas, in the dorsi-ventral pulvinus it is permanent. We shall next inquire whether the above- inference is found verified by experimental results. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. We take various radial organs of plants, and subject them to electric shocks. No lateral response is produced, since their different sides are equally excitable ; the anta- gonistic reactions thus neutralise each other. This absence of effect under diffuse stimulation is obtain- ed immediately after laying the radial organ in a horizontal position. For, a certain length of time is required for in- duction of physiological anisotropy under the action of the- stimulus of gravity. After the attainment of geotropic up- curvature the lower or convex side is rendered the more excitable, and diffuse stimulation by electric shock induces- a down-movemenl by the greater contraction of the PHYSIOLOGICAL ANISOTROPY 679 lower side. If next a geotropic.illy curved specimen be held inverted with the convex side above, diffuse shock would cause a contraction of the upper convex side with a resulting ui)-)it('V()}}C}it. The intermediate case is the one in which sufficient time had not been allowed for physiological differentiation when there is no response. Diagrammatic representation of the three cases are given in Fig. 257 ; the following experiments are in verification of the above. The Fig. 257 Diagrammatic representation of responsive movements under diffuse stimulus in geotropicallj curved organs : a) Organ curved upwards. Responsive movement downwards seen in dotted outline, {h • No response in specimen before induction of anisotropy, c) Geotropically curved specimen held inverted. Response by up- movement. results described below^ may be obtained with different curved organs. As a typical case we may take the seedling of Eclipta erecta which is very sensitive to geotropic action. RESPONSE OF GEOTROPICALLY CURVED ORGAN. Response before induction of physiological anisotropy . — The responsive movement of the specimen is obtained by means of an Oscillating Eecorder, the successive dots being produced at intervals of 40 seconds, the recording lever producing a magnification of 20 times. The radial stem of Eclipta is laid horizontal,, and tetanising electric shocks passed through it before the induction of geotropic curvature. The applied stimulus induced no responsive movement, either up or down (Fig. 2.58&). 680 LIFK MOVEMKNTS IN IM-ANTS Response of up-curved organ. — The stem was next allowed to curve upwards under geotropic action, and record of response obtained under electric stinnilus. Kxporiinoiit 272 . It was tlius tound that responsive down- movement occurred under a niiniinal stinndus which w^as just effective in iiuhiciug the responsive movement of Mimosa. Thus as regards minimally effective stimulus the sensitiveness of ordinary j)lants is found to be of the same order as that of the much lauded Mimosa. As regards the apex time and the ptMJod of rin-overy the responsive characteristics of the ordinarx stcni arc int(M-iiie(liate botW('sa PHYSIOLOGICAL ANISOTROPY 681 but quicker than in Neptunia. The period of recovery feeble stimulation is ;"> minutes and after strong stimuhis 15 minutes (Fig. 258a). The period of recovery is about same as in Mimosa but quicker than in Neptunia. Response of an inverted organ. — The geotropically curved organ is next placed in an inverted position, the convex side being up. Response to electric Experuiient 273 ... . stnnulation is now upirards due to the greater contraction of the expanded upper side. Two successive responses were obtained with (1) feeble and (2) strong electric stimulus (Fig. 258c). HKVERSAL OF AN1S(JTI^)PY WITH CORRESPONDING REVERSAL OF RESPONSE. After obtaining the response in the inverted position the specimen was allowed to remain in that position. The geotropic stimulus now tended to reverse the Experiment 274 i n ■ i • curvature of tlie organ })laceti m trie inverted position. The convexity of the upper side gradually dis- appeared and with it, the induced anisotropy; the stem became straight and radial; electrical stimulus now induced no responsive movement. After a further interval of time the original curvature became reversed, the lower concave side now became convex and relatively the more excitable. Electric stimulation was now found to induce a responsive movement downwards. Thus experimenting with an identical specimen, held with the convex side up, the response was at first upwards; under geotropic action the organ became straight, when there was no responsive move- ment. The organ then became concave, and gave the downward response. The changing internal differentiation in an identical specimen is thus detected by a definite trans- formation from an up-response to zero, and finally to a down-response. ("82 Lll'R MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS The response oT a geotropically cnrvetl organ has thus been shown to be similar to tliat of the piilvinus of the- Mi)inisa; in botJi we obtain a responsive down-movement under external stimulus such as that of tetanising electric shocks. We shall presently find that this resemblance extends even in ail essential details. Thus the response of Mi)ii(>sa is moditied in a definite way by the condition of sub- tonicity. It is also affected by the action of anaesthetics, the efl'ect being modified by the dose and duration of application. ABNORMAL POSITIVE RESPONSE UNDER CONDITION OF SUB- TONICITY. Positive respojise in — .\n experiment has- already l)een described (Kxpt. 50, ^'ol. Expcriinoiit 27-'' -, "„ 111 i i, p. 14/) which showed that when the Mimosa plant is kept in unfavourable condition such as darkness, its tonic condition falls below par. In this sub- tonic condition the response to stinudus is not by the normal fall of the leaf (negative response) but by the abnormal positive or erectile movement. Under the action of successive stimulations, the tonic condition of the tissue is improved and the response becomes gradually converted from the abnormal positive to the normal negative. The experiment is varied in the following way ; a cut specimen of Mimosa is taken in a vigorous condition ; the response of the leaf to moderate electric stimulus is found to be normal negative. Tlie sj)ecimen is next kept in a darlc cupl)o;ii(l for about 1 '2 hoiu's, wlicn the response is found to be converted into the abnormal ]iositive. After exposure to day light outside, response of tlie specimen is found to be restored to the normal negative. PHYSIOl.OC.lCAT. ANISOTHOPY 6H.S Abnormal positive response of geotropically curved stem. — We shall next observe the most striking parallelism in tlie response of Mimosa and of geotropic- ally turved organ under condition ot siib- tonicity. We found that the normal response of a geotro- pically curved organ is always by a down-movement in a specimen held with the concave side upwards. Half a dozen curved specimens were next placed in a dark room for 5 or 6 liours, and all of them exhibited a reversal of resjionse, which was now by an tip-movement. The specimens were next exposed to diffuse light of the sky or of sunlight for 111 hour. After this the response of all the specimens was haind to be normal, i.e., bv a down-movement. .AlODIFYIXO ACTION OF ANAESTHETICS ON RESPONSE TO EXTERNAL ST^rULUS. Account of detailed investigation on the effect of anaesthetics has already been given in the previous chapters. It was shown that the effect of an anaesthetic like ether is to cause an enhancement of response ; continued applica- tion however causes a depression or abolition of irritability. Effect of ether on geotropically curved organ. — The normal response of the geotropically curved organ is first ol)tained, after which dilute vapour of ether ..\peiiiiien t, .^ introduced into the plant-chamber. Successive responses to equal stimulus are next obtained after etherisation lasting for 1 minute, for 15 minutes, and for 30 minutes. From the record of responses thus obtained Ave find that the amplitude of the normal response is -4 mm. ; after one minute's application of ether the amplitude is -■nhanced to 14 mm., or more than three times the normal : ?fter 15 minutes there is a further enhancement, the amplitude being 24 mm. or six times the normal. But €84 LIKK MOVKMKNTS IN ]>LANTS after thirty minutes all responsive nioviMuent is f()iin({ paralysed (Fi^. -J-V.)). Effect of Carbonic acid and ol Chloroform. — The effects: of tliese inild and titron;^ anaesthetics arc found essentially similar to that of ether, the only difi'erence Exporinioiil 27>> , . , . .,.' ,. , heni^ n\ the relative rapidity oi the characteristic chanj^es, which is very (|uir carhonic acid. Tfir innnrdidic effect of (ill hinds ai umiistlieties is (in euJidiieenieiit of response of the (jrol rojn'enll ij eiirred orijun Vn.. •_'.">:( litl'cct ol tiliir vaj)i)ur on n'>-])i)nsc of trcot ropically ciirvt'd or>jfaii. Tiie fii'st is tlic iiorriiiti, ttic second, lliini niid the foiii-tli lire iH^siioiist's under fontiriiied aelioii ol" etlicr. Note tlie iiicruiiMe of resjirms)^ tollowtMl hy ;iii ;irresl. to c.iicrnal fttiniiilus ; eoHfinned netion of (nidestlicties causes an abolition of response. Hie effect of (nidestliefies on response to c.rfcrndl stitnuhis is precisely flic s" to tiO". The deal h-spasiM of suildcn fall of the leaf occurred at KO"C. (M Dcalti-spastM of i-cc(llili-- of llrli,n,lln,s ,1,11111',:^ -Ai (U"C. preliminary expansion nor the final spasmodic contraction- In plants with thick stems, tiie attaiiunent i>i the interior of the plant of outside fatal temperat\u'<', nnist be a slow- process; hence such |)lants have to Uo subjected for a long time to the critical temperature to ensure death. But fleedlings quickly succumb to the action of death-tempera- ture. Thus similar seedlings of Mimosd were divided in- to two batches and placed in the same bath, the rate of rise- of temperature being 1°C. j)er minute. The first batch* DEATH-SPASM IN GEOTROPICAfLY CURVED ORGANS QS'}' were taken off from the bath at the temperature of 58°C.,- which was two degrees sliort of the fatal temperature, and replaced in water. The second hatch, placed in the thermal bath, exhibited the spasmodic fall of the leaves at 60°C. ; these were also taken out and placed in water at ordinary temperature. The tirst batch exhibited after two hours,, renewed signs of life and excitability, whereas, the second half never revived. Hence the spasmodic movement of the fall of the leaf may be regarded as the death-spasm, corres- ponding to the death-throe in animals. The occurrence of death-spasm I have shown to be very general, not merely in sensitive, but also in ordinary plants, and in all their organs. Thus ordinarv growing shoots and also- « ^Bm ^ ^^^B '•'•..... . . . •■:',','. "j / V \ ,• .•Vy-.C ^HM^^l 3g"C- . ~K 62°C. Fig. 2^1 Death-hipasni in rhf luilMUin;;- leaflet of Desmodium gyraiis Note spasmodic contraction at 82"C. the roots are found to exhibit a similar spasmodic death- contraction at temperatures betw^een 60° and 62°C. (Fig. 260). This death-spasm also takes place in the actively rhythmic leaflets of Desmodium gijrans. In Fig. 261 is tJ90 Lll'K .MOVK.MKNTS ]N PLANTS seen a eoiitimious record of pulsations of this leaflet as the temperature of tlie i)lant-chamber was continuously increased from 30° to 63°C. The frequency of pulsation was found at first to be enhanced; this was followed l>v ;m arrest and subsequently a contractile spasm occurred at 62°C'. The characteristic spasmodic death-contraction is thus exhibited by all vegetable tissues, ordinary, sensitive, and rhythmic. The fact that a temperature of about 60°C. is generally fatal to plants, is supported by independent results of electric investigations. The electric response of galvanometric negativity which characterises the living condition of the plant, is found abolished when the specimen is raised above fiO^C. This may therefore be regarded as the fatal temperature for most ])lants. <»iie ))lausible explanation of the sudden contraction at the critical temperature is, that it is not an excitatory reaction, but due to the coagulation of the protoplasm. The following evidence, however, strongly su})ports the view that the plienomenon is one of excitation. 1. Were the phenomenon one of mere coagulation, we should expect a steady and continuous contraction with the rise of temjierature, the contraction remaining persis- tent with the coni]iletion of coagulatioii. But instead of this, we find at first a growing ex])ansion at a moderate rate, on account of which the leaf of Miuiosa becomes erected. On the attaimnent of the critical temperature, however, there is a)) al)ru))t inversion of the erectile movement shown by the sudden fall of the leaf. ^Moreover, after this spasmodic contraction, there is often a gradual disappearance of the rigor, parallel to the post-mortem relaxation of the animal tissue. These three phasic reactions, the prelimi- nary ex])ansion, the death-contraction, and the post-mortem relaxation, are exhibited by a specimen which had iieen DEATH-SPASM IN GKoTKoPlt'AI.I.Y CURVKD ORGANS 691 alive. But once it had passed througli tlie temperature at which the spasm takes place, there is an abolition of all response ; repetition of the experiment shows neither the preliminary expansion, nor the spasm which had been previously exhibited at the fatal temperature. 2. In the case of coagulation, the shrinkage would be non-discriminative and general, in contrast to the excitatory responsive movement, the direction of which is determined l»y the differential excitability of the two halves of the motile organ. The spasmodic movement exhibited by different plants at the critical temperature is directive, there being induced a greater contraction of the more excitable half. In Mimosa, it is the lower half which is the more excitable, hence the spasmodic fall is downwards. In a spirally cut peduncle of Allium, the inner half of the spiral is the more excitable, hence the response at the critical temperature is a sudden curling movement. But the spiral tendril of Passiflora, in which the outer half is the more excitable, exhibits the death-spasm by an uncurling movement. 8. If the phenomenon were one of physiological excitation, it would be appropriately modified by physiolo- gical change in the tissue : this is actually found to be the- case. Thus fatigue lowers the temperature at which death- spasm takes place, proportionately to the extent of fatigue ; in a particular experiment the death-point was thus lowered from the normal 60°C. to 37°C. Poisonous solutions are also found to lower the death-point. 4. The question whether the spasmodic movement is due to coagulation or to excitation may be decided by a definite test. Excitation may not only be detected by a visible movement, but also by an electrical manifestation, totally independent of the mechanical movement ; a tissue thus becomes galvanometrically negative under excitation. Employing this test I found that, at the fatal temperature, an abrupt negative electric variation takes place in the tissue.- *(i92 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS 5. Excitation also gives rise to a concomitant diininu- tion of the resistance of the tissue. A sudden diminution -of resistance is found to take place at the critical death- temperature. The two records given in Figure 262 exhibit 4he sudden inversion of the (•urvo^; at the critical temperature Pig. 262 Dct(>riiiin;it inn (if t lie ili';il li-poiiit liy (n) electroiiiolivo, mid (?i) resistivity viU'i;itic)ii. In i he tnriiicT llu' clpctro- motivc variiit idii at tlic <'ritical point is a cliaii',''!" finm clcctni-positivity to t'li'ctro-nega- tivity ; in I lie latter, from an iiii-reasing to a suddenly decreasing electric resistance. The deatl)-i)oint is about ti ,"C. 'by the ('leciroiiioti\(' change of galvanometric negativity :and by the sudden diminution of the electric resistance. The con.siderations adduced above would appear to l)e Klecisive in support of the conclusion that there is an -excitatory reaction in the tissue at tiic mnincnt of death. A conclusive proc^f of this will be found in a later chapter, •where an independent method will be found described in DEATH-SPASM IN GEOTROPICALLY CURVED ORGANS G93 TJFE MOVKMKNTS IN PLANTS the long anil is at right angles to the petiole. The end of the arm is attached by a silk thread to the short arm of a recording lever; there is thus a compound magnification of the torsional movement, a left-handed torsion producing an np-ciirve, and a I'ight-handed torsion a, down-curve. The record is obtained by the Oscillating Recorder, the successive Fij^. 2H4 Mothoil of ohlaininj^f torsional ros))<)iiso. Stiiiinlation of tlic tirst siib-))L'tiole to the left induces left-liandcd, and of the fourth sub- petiole, a ri|;ht-haiide(l torsion. Stimulation of the second sub-petiole induce a raiiid down-movement, that of tlie third sub-petiole, a slow uj)-move- iiM lit. For record of rectilinear niovement, the hooked support is removed. ■dots being at definite intervals of time, which may be varied, according to requirements, from 20 to 60 seconds. The same apparatus may he used lor obtaining the up and down records. For this, the hooked support is removed and the short arm of the lever diroftly attached by a thread to the petiole ^Fig. 264). COMl'I.K.X IJKSJ'ONSK OK PII.VIMS 6!>7 "VVe shall now si inly liie effect ol" tniiisniitted excitation ■caused bv successive stinuilation of the 4 sub-petioles. The characteristic responses are found to be the same whatever be the mode of stimulation, uiecliaJiical, electric, or photic. <'are. howevei-, lias to he taken so tliat the stimulus is not "too strong, for excessive stiundation becomes diffused and "thus causes a fall of the leaf bv the predominant contraction of the lower half of the ]iulvinus. Electric stimulation by letanising electric shocks has the advantage that the inten- sity may be reduced to any extent desirable; again, strong light from an arc lamp may be thrown down on a particular •sub-petiole, and the intensity of stimulation suitably increased by prolonging the duration of application. The stimulation {produced by light, generally spepking, is less intense than that caused by electric shocks, and the reaction under light is, therefore, relatively sluggish. The different -sub-petioles will be distinguished by definite numbers, ■counting from the left, the observer being supposed to face the central stem. The sub-petioles 1 and 4 are the tw^o pti\ c layer in plants. The princi[)le of the method will be understood if we take the .somewhat analo;^()ns case of a cable alon^' which electric messages are being transmitted. The conducting strand is here embedded in a non-conducting sheath. We can localise the embedded conductor, and pick up the tians- mitted message by gradually thrusting in the b'dectric I'robe, which is insulated except at the extreme tij>. A galvano- meter included in the circmt of the Probe w^ill begin to pick u[) messages that are being transmitted from the iTioment of contact of the tij) of the probe with the conducting strand. The dei)th of insertion lor contact can be read on a suitable scale, and the position of the conductor may thus be determined. We may similarly localise the exact position of the- conducting nerve end)ed(ie(l in the petiole of Mimosa (Fig. 2(\i')K J^xcitation of the snb-petiole will give rise to an exci- tatory impulse ^\hich travels in a centrifugal direction along the nei've. This excitatoi'v im|»ulse in the nerve is tletected h\ an induced change of galvanometric negativity. The conducting nerve will be most intensely excited by the transmitted impuise, and the induced electrical change of this |)articidar tissue will b^' maxiimnn. Excitation will no doubt be irradiated to the adjoining tissue, but this will undergo a rapid dinnmilion in ladial direc-tions outward^. If the stitnulns be moderate or feeble the irradiation will be slight. The experimental procedure is as follows : — The Probe is thrust perpendicularly to the diameter of the [)etiole (Fig. coMPr.Kx rU':spoNSE of i-llvinls 701 266). The intrusion of the probe is by steps, say of 0.05 mm. at a time. Tlie sh^ht wound j)rothic('(l by the insertion of tlie tip of the probe causes an excitation, whicli subsides eom- pletely in the course of about fifteen minutes. A sul)- petiole is now stinudated by suitable stinudi. which may be chemical, thermal, mechanical, or electric. The excita- tory impulse is propagated [u-efeientiall\ along certaiii conducting channel in tlu^ petiol(\ The results to be Fi,Iant.'< P, the probe in eireuir wirfi rlie <;'aivanonietex', tr ; S, tlie screw head, bv the rotation of whieli the ])rf)he enters the petiole in successive steps : I, index l)y which the (h']ith of intrusion may he fleterniined. described were obtained with all the different modes of stimulation. The electric method of stimulation has the advantage that it can be maintained constant or varied in a graduated manner. Special precautions are taken that there should be no disturbance caused by leakage of the stimulating current ; this is verified by the fact that reversal of the primary current which actuates the secondary coil causes no change in the electric response ; the excitatory 702 LIFK MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS electric change in the different layers is, moreover, definitely related to the character of the tissue. I shall anticipate results by describing the characteristic effects. The excitatory electric change, detectable in different layers as the probe passes from the epidermis to the central ])ith, is found to rise suddenly to ;i maximum in the pjiloem jjortion of the fibro-vascular himdle; llie xyleiii shows little or no transmitted excitation. Hence we arrive at the conclusion, that it is tlie |>ldoem wliieh functions as Fi;.'. 2ti7 M icri)-iiii(ito^'-r;i|ili sliowiim' a (|iia(l)'aiit of tlic jx'tiolo and the ■fibro-vascular biiiidle. 'J'lu' tissues seen in tlie section are : tlie ejiidcriiiis; C, the cortex; B, the bundle sheath; J*, the tirst pliloeni; X, the xvlem; P, tlic second phloem; and ji. the central pith. The dotted vertical line shows tian(l outsid(> the xylem. 1 was, therefore, con.sidciiihlv pu/./lcd hv the fact, that in ti'a\ei'sing the bundle two electric maxima aii' obtained, one l)efore COMPLEX RESPONSE OF PULVINUS 70:i reaching the xyleni, and the second, after passing it. In order to determine the cause of this anomaly, a transverse section of the petiole of Mimosa was made, and differential staining clearly brought out the fact that the phloem strand is not single but double, one above, and the other, below the xylem (Fig. '267) The second electric maximum coincided with the inner phloem. It may be stated here that in petioles provided with four sub-petioles, there are Four distinct bundles with four nerve trunks. The micro-photograph (Fig. 267) shows one -of the bundles. Electrical excitation in different layers. — I shall now give detailed results of localisation of the conducting tissue. The probe enters the epidermis and is pushed Experiment 28.^ . £ a a- -^ m by steps or, O.Oo mm. ; it passes m succession the cortex, C, the outer phloem, P, the xylem, X, the inner i)hloem, P', and the central i)ith, p. The thickness of the different layers is modified by age of the rspecimen. In the records given below (Fig 268) the electric response of the epidermis was + 12 divisions of the oalvanometer. I have shown elsewhere, that the epidermic, which protoplasmically is more or less dead, gives either a zero or a positive, in contradistinction to the normal negative response of living tissues. The probe at a depth of 0.1 mm. encountered the cortex and the response there was - 17 divisions. We next arrive at the region of the phloem which extends through 0.15 mm., the average depth being 0.2 mm. The response in this region underwent a sudden enhancement, as seen in the three responses - 61, - 65 and - 40 divisions. The xylem, which was at a depth of 0.3 mm., showed no response, proving that it was a non- conductor. When the probe reached a depth of 0.35 mm. it encountered the second phloem, where the response under- went a second enhancement of - 56 divisions. The probe reached the border of the pith at a depth of 0.4 mm. and the response underwent a diminution to - 26 divisions. In 704 [.Iir: M(t\ I.MKNTS IN I'l.ANTS cases where the incident stinnihis on the sub-petiole is; feeble, the irradiation effects are greatly dinnnislied : tiie- excitatory transmission is then found otdy in the pidoeni. Fiii'- -'i^ (JaKiiiiDiiietric record of t rausiiiitteci exoitatioii Iti (littVrcnt. layers of the petiole: the Hrst is the positive resi)onse of the cpiilerinis, the second is the feeble negative response of the cortex, the third, fourth, and the fifth are the enhanced responses in the first phloem, the sixth shows absence of excitation in the xylem, the seventh is the enhanced res]ionse in the second phloem, the eighth is the diminished response in the pith. I give below a sininriarv of ivsnlts obtained with ten different sj)ecimens : — TABLK LXII. — SHOWIXC INTKXSITY OF TRAXSMITTKI) EXCITATION' IN DIFFERENT LAYERS IN TEX DIFFERENT SPECIMENS. I'ransmitted e.'vcitation. Itittercnt la vers. 1 1 1 . I. IF. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VFII. IX X . Mean. Kpidermis .. -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 4 II 0 +it-.-, tJortex 2 •.i no 0 0 0 0 0 {) 0 .-,.-, Phloem ... :iO :J0 -100 m :m 44 :v.\ 18 20 —24 W ■) .Xvlem 8 9 0 0 0 10 (1 ^4 -8 - 8 4 7 Phloem 80 ;^o 84 10 .m 20 12 18 —2 W 2H 8 Pith 0 H -•-'9 0 0 7 0 1 0 U <• , 42 COMPLEX RESPONSE OF PULVINUS 705 It will be seen that in all cases the phloem is invariably found to be the best channel for conduction of excitation. Tiie following curve (Fig. "iGOt, plotted from tlie mean values given in the Table TjXTI illusti'ates this in a striking manner. Tlic trcnisinittcd nervous iiiiindse. — The hhr(>va>ciilar bundles, as stated before, are four in number, of which two are vertical, one above the other, and the other two lateral. ^ Fig. 2H9 Curve showing the different intensities of transmitted exeitation- in different hirers: E, epidermis : C, cortex : P, tir.'-t jihloem : X, xyleni ; P', second |ihlocm : f>, pith. In certain experiments the probe was passed vertically through the petiole, when it encountered the upper and lower bundles. I thus obtained maximum transmitted excitations in the phloems of the upper fibro-vascular bundle, and a similar maximum in the phloems of the lower bundle, the intervening layers of tissue being practic- ally non-conducting. From this it follows, tJiat excitatory impulse is propagated alo}ig definite channels through the length of the petiole. '06 LIFE :\]OVEMENTS IN PLANTS DI'.FINI IK INNEHVATION. We sliiill now follow the nervous strands I'roni llie snh- petioles to the motor organ. The excitation is conducted along the phloem strand of tlio sub-petiole, and thence through the connected phloem in the petiole. There are four main hundU^s which vdtimatelv reach the motile organ, the j)ulvinns. 'l'h(M(> the fihro-vascnlar hinidU^s a|)[)arently fuse, hill \('r\ tine section of the ])ulviiius shows lines of separation. (rW Fig. "274). The nerves thus terminate in Fij.C. '270 J lie CDiii'sc ot lour uoi'voiis .-iii-aiKis t'rdin I lie tour .suh-jn'tioles to tlie pulviiuis. 'J'lie lower tiffuro is a (liaj,'raiiiiiiatio section of tlie pulvinus witli its four effectors. Effectors 1 and 4, whicli give rise to left- and right- )ianded torsions are rcisjicctively in nervous connection witli sub-j)etioles 1 and 4. The lower effector 2 is connected with sulj-))ctiole 2, the response ))eing a ra])id down-movement. 1'1h> uppi'r (piadrant '.\ is in connection with sub-petiole .3. tiie response licinu' a slow n |i-iiiM\cnuMit . {M iiiiii.--(i .) the four effectors, of Axhich two arc lateral, the right and the left; the other two, are upper and lower efl'ectors. (Fig. -270). The four (jiiadrants of tln' j)ulviinis are thii^ the four effectors; eacli of A\Iiicli consists of a nerv(^ with the con- tractile cortex. 'J'la^ nerve in effector ], is in conducting communication with the siih-petiole 1 ; stimulation of that sub-petiole causes excitation of the nerve in the effector ], giving rise to the response characteristic of that effector, COMPLEX RESrONSK OF ITLVINUS 707" namely a left-handed torsion ; nervous stimulation of the quadrant '2, causes a rapid down-movement; that of 4, a right-handed torsion; finally, stinuiiation of the nerve in 3 causes a slow up-movement. The reason of the more energetic down-movement of 2, relatively to the up-move- ment of 8, is due to the fact that the cortex of the lower quadrant is more excitable than that of 8. The four quadrants have been numbered in the parti- cular way to bring out their nervous connections with the sub-petioles numbered from left to right. It might some- times be more convenient to describe the quadrant 1, as the left quadrant, the quadrant 4 as the right, quadrant 3 as the upper, and quadrant 2 as the lower. The fundamental reactions underlying the four types of response are now fully understood ; these excitations may be regarded as internal as far as the pulvinus is concerned ; for in the cases described above, the pulvinus was not directly stimulated; the excitation came from a distance and it is the four stimulated nerves within the pulvinus, that caused the four definite responses. SUMMARY. The pulvinus is a highly complex organ consisting of four distinct effectors, each giving rise to a definite and characteristic response. The four quadrants of the pulvinus serve as different effectors, each consisting of a nerve and a contractile tissue. The four nerves in the four quadrants lead separately to the four sub-petioles. These nerves have been localised by the Electric Probe in the phloem of the four fibro- vascular bundles in the petiole. 708 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS The I'our nerves in the four quadrants may, thus, be separately stimulated by nervous excitation transmitted from the four siib-))etioles, the resultirio- response beinfj detenniiuMl by tlic (■li;if;ici(M-istic reaction of tlie pnrticnlar •effcctoi". Stiiuiilatioii of the iuM've in ibf upper (|iias\ i;m|.;nis IN I'l.ANTS Avas (ilitaiited wiih ilic petiole ol' 1' raiidcol ton , in wliich tlie jiiiddle-a^ed liNives wvc loimd to he the most sensitive, while the too yonnu and too old, the least sensitive to f^eotropic stiuiiihis. Anotliei' iiiterestini^ fesidt is the cUfNin^ upwards of the Toiin;:;' shoot at the upper end ol the stem. \\'e thus have in tlie same Miitiosd plant : (Da dia-;^eotropic response^ of "the leaf in the normal position, (-I) a negative ^■eoti'o|)ic res[)onse of the leaf in an inverted position, and (3) a negative ^eotropic response of the radial shoot. In the shoot it.self we obtain, however, a transition from negative to dia-geotropic response. Thus in a pro('iiml)ent stem, a ditlVMcntial excit- al)ilitv is inihiced hy contimied action of sunlight on the ■t-X})osed uppei' side in eonsecpienee of which its excitahility becomes reduced. The stem is no longer radial hut aniso- ■tropic. the shaded sid(» of the stem heing comparahle witl\ the lower half of the pulvinns ; siicli an anisotropic stem ■exhibits a dia-geotropic reaction. The important characteristics of a dia-geotropic organ Sive :(1^ that it cxliihits (litferential excitahility, the loirer Jialf being rclatirclij the more excitable, and (2) tJuit tlie 4ia-geotr(ipic rrftponsc takes place whe7i the Uss excitable half of the urtjan is struck by the vertical lines of the force of yravitij. The dia-geotropic response is thus due to the t the upper a)i(1 the lower quddnnits. — AYe hold the leaf in the normal position sliglitlv inclined below the horizon, so that the upper quadrant faces the Inies ot force ;' and the response is a slow- up-movement. The leaf is next held inverted so that the more excitable lower quadrant faces the lines of force : the rectilinear response is now found to be more energetic than in the last case. 714 l.ll'K .MOVEMI-'.NTS IN IM.ANTS E.\i)eiimeiit 28ti l!(si)0)isc to (icotrdjiic stiiiiiildtion of tJic left (uid the ri(jltt qiKiditintft. — WluMi I lie pLiiit is so held that the left quadrant is sid)]('ct to [\\c \eftical hues ol' force, the response is by a left-handed torsion, followed by recovery on restoration of tlie plant to the normal position. Similar torsional response, this time in a right- handed direction, takes place when the right cpiadraiit is subjected to tlu' \ertical lines of force. l\ecords of torsional Fiji'. 27;{ Kc'c-ords (if responses of the rijiht and k'fl (|uadr:iiiis to tli(' stiimiliis of jrravity. The are hy riiilit-liaiidi'd (dow ii-ciirve) and left-liaiidt'd (ii|)-ciirve) tor.sioiis. [Mimosa.) responses, right-handed and left-handed, induced hy gravi- tational stinndns, are .seen in l''igni-e ■2'i'-\. By subjecting the four (Hiadrants to the action of the vertical lines of force we thus obtain tlie responses which are characteristic of excitation ol the iierAc j)resiMi» in each (|ii,i(iia nt . W'lial. llieii, is tlu' nieclianisni 1)\ which gra\ita- tional force causes the irritation of the neixc in eacli effector '? In higher plants, it is the [)ressure of the heavy particles which causes geo-perception and ihf suhsiMpient response. I INVRSTIGATIONS ON Dl A-OEOTIJi^PlS^r 715 The nieclianics of tliis is not yet fully iiiulerstood, but the characteristic response of the pulvinus of Mi))iosa will be found to elucidate the obscurity which surrounds the subject. In regard to a satisfactory explanation of the characteristic geotropic responses of the four effectors, it is thus necessary : (1) to discover the statolithic apparatus in the pulvinus ; <'2) to determine the precise manner in which the weii;ht of the heavy particles excite the nerve in each of the four quadrants and thus cause the response cliaiac- teristic of the particular efl'ector, (3) to discover the cause of the difference in the ^eolropic reaction in the upper and the lower halves of the organ, the upper undergoing a contraction and lower an expansion. And finally, we have, <4) to discover an explanation of the response peculiar to the dia-geotropic organ. A radial organ is in equilibrium when its length is vertical, but a verti- cally placed dia-geotropic organ moves downwards towards the horizon ; whereas, when placed inclined below^ the horizon, it moves upwards, i.e., towards the horizontal jiosition of e(|uilibi"ium. THE STATOLITHIC APPARATUS. In examining a section of the j)ulvinus, it was a matter of great surprise and disappointment not to find any starch grains, the pressure of which is the effective means of geotropic stimulation. ^'et the geotropic response of the pulvinus is more iironomuetl than in radial stems, in which the presence of statoliths is such a -tiiking feature The failure of detection of starch grains by iodine was afterwards found to be due to the jiresence of chlorophyll bodies ; previous treatment with chloral hydrate is, howevei", effective in hringing out the starch grains in the cleaivst manner, lite .starch-sheath is icnuuJ to abut direethj (»i the phloem of the 7 Hi LIIK. MOVEMENTS IN J'l.ANTS four humllcs jinsriil in the jnilri h ii-s- . I'lj^iii-es "274. •27."), and 'i7() arc ic'|)r()(turtMl lioni plioto-niicio^i'aplis of transverse •sot-tions ()(' (liiriMt'iit [iiihini and siciii. 'riu- first gives a clear idea of tlu' arrani^eineiit ol' tour (|iiadrants in the puKinns of water ?\Iiniosa ( Xcjiliinid (ilcrdccip , in Avhich the cli>i»()sili(in (»r the. Four separate bundles and the starch- sheath is similar tu that in Minuisa piKlicd. The section of A^ ^ t^ FIG. 27; Fili'. 'J74 l^li()t(i-iiiicr(»ui-;i|)li nf t niiisv crx- M'ctioii of tlic iiul\inii> dt Keptnido sliowiiiii' fdiii- distiiicl (|iui(lriiiils ; I juul 4 are lateral, 8 and ^ :iix' ni)j)er and lower i-esiiect i\ely. Starch-sheath eoiitaiiiins;- starch gx-aius aVait aji'ainst the i>h]()eiii. Fig. 27o Enlarijcd iihoto-niicrouraiiii of the lowi'i- (luadraiit of Minmsd ■pudicci. K, ci)idiiiiis: C, sensitive cortex; S, starch-layer two cells thick with miiiierous stareli-graius, which i)ress auainst the phloem, I': .\, the xyloJii : (). pith. (The top represents the lower side). the pnlviniis was taken near tlie p(>tiol(> and 'he loui- hinulles are distinctly se[iarale(| Ifoni eacli other ([''ii:. "-I"!'. .\s \ve approach inward--, the \{nw lunidle-- approach each other and appear to form an almost coiitimH)n> rin;^ : each hmulle is, however, physiologically distinct from its ncighhoins. lOach (juadrant, //vw;/ oui to inirnrds. i> seen to consist: (li of the .st'n>itive coi1e\. cJ' of the starch- T\vi;sii(;.\r[()NS on i)i.\-(iK<)Ti;oi'i.sM 717 sheath ol' two layers of rells ^itudded with iiuuhmouk stai'ch ii'rains. which imder orchiiaiy coiuhtioii,- Ave dispersed chtlusely, hut tall on the lower sidr wIkmi subjected to long continued ac-tioii of tlie i'orce of gravity. The statocysts, as already stated, ahut directly against tlie phloem of the bundle which functions as the nei've. We have next the phloem, the xyleiii, and the central j)itli. Iiv a very young pulvinus the starch grains are not lornuMU which probably explains its insensitiveness to the stiniiiliis; of gravity. A transverse section of the lower quadrant of the pulvinus of Mimosa pudica is reproduced, much enlarged, in Figure 27.5. The characteristic distribution of the different elements will be found to be similar to that in Nc[)tinii((. Figure '276 shows the transverse section of the iijiper side of the stem of hitpatiens, as representative of ordinai-y dicotyledonous plants. The section was made after the commencement of the upward geotropic curvature. ^^'e observe the cortex, and a starch layer which abuts against the phloem. The starrJi (jrains Jtave fdllen on tJtc lower side and are practically pressing against the nerve. The physiological machinary in an ordinary stem is, thus, essentially the same as in the pulvinus ; the minor diffeience is in the greater contractility of the sensitive cortex in the pulvinus. But this is merely a question of degree and not of kind: for we have seen that the cortical tissue in an ordinary plant undergoes contraction under stimulation. The real difference between a radial stem and the pulvinus is this, that in the former, the excitability is the same alt round, whereas, in the dorsi- ventral organ, the lower side is relatively more excitable than the upper side. We shall presently find, that it is this differentiation which causes the <-haracteristic difference in the responses of dia-geotropic. and negatively geotropic organs. 7 IS LIFK MOVEMENTS TN I'l.ANTS The ^ootiopic t-iirvature lias been ex|)laiiie(l to be due to -\oi'sc .section of ii])iK'r side of sjeotropi- eally curved Impafieits. Note ttie starch grains fallen on t he inner taniientijil wall of statocysts, S, prcssiiifr a^ tlie phloem P. C, c<)rte.\ ; X, xvleni ; (), pitli. Fig. 277 Vertical longitudinal sections of upper and lower sides of gcotro])ically curved stem of h'rl'pta. Xote contraction of the u])per, and expansion of lower cortex, 'I'iie starch grains are ))ressing against the )>]iloeni of the u))i)er side and inducing contraction. The starch grains in t he lower statoeysts are jiressing against the outer tant;itch---lii';il li of the lower (|il;uil"aiit . This, jiloiii: willi the ,L;rc;it(M- cxcit.-iltilil y of tlic cortex expl;iiiD the more intense ;ieot fo|)ic response of the lower (|n;i(li";int . When the left (|ua(h';int is e.\[)()se(l to the xertieal line-> ot force, the nerve in that (piadrant i)econies stimulated hy the pressure of the particles, and the response is l)y a lel't-iiande(] torsion, chai-acterist ic of the left elfector. Simihirl\_ exposure of the ri,iilit (|iiadrant to ^;ra \ ital lonal viiinulii^- fjives rise to a ri^ht-handed torsion. NMCA'i'ix'i': AM) posniNi'. i;i'. ACTIONS ON on'osrrr: sii»i:s oi' A 1;A!)IAI. OI.'OAN. The most perplexing problem in the geotropic action is the difference in the sigr.s of I'eaction on the opposite side-^ l''i<<. 21S KttVcl of ftH'lili' stiinnlus in fiiliMiicinu- tin- nilr d' 'ji-Mwtii Tlio curve nr tlie bt-siimiiii;- exliiliir.s tlic n(iriii;ii nilr : t'(H'l)lc ^t imulu.- appliod for n sliort time eiiliiniccil t lie ikhiihiI imIc (h^ -cin in i lie oroct curvf) followctl liy recovery. of the or^an. \\'e have seen that the upper -^ide e\liil>ils an excitatory contraction with diminution of tiiri:or. and retardation of the rate of growth. This we ■-hall de>i;^nale as the negative ivsponse. The I'eacti' n on the lower >ide is, however, diametrically opposite, namely a positive response, an increa-e of tnrgor. expansion, and (Mdiancemeiiti INVESTK.ATKtNS OX l)IA-( ; IK tTKOITSM 721 ol tile r;it(' ol' growth. Al tiist sitilil tln'sc (([ipositf efVects iiiuItT tlic idejiticid stiiiiiiliis of t^i'avity seem to \h- in- explicable. I shall, however, be ai)le to adduce facts and considerations which will fully ex{)lain the phenoiuen.-t, which appear to be so anomalous. Before entering into the detailetl study of this subject, I would draw attention to the very important results obtain- ed on the effect of intensity, and of point of application of stinudus on ^To\\th (Expts. 8fi and 80, pp. '215-2-24, Vol. 1>. It is there show^n, that while normal intensity of stimulus causes a retardation, ^;ub-minimal stinuilus induces the opposite effect of acceleration of growth (Fig. 278). Again. Fiu. L'TVl Effect uf iuilircL-t and direc-t stiimihis on growth. Indirect stinuilus at dotted arrow is seen to aceelei"ate. while direct stimulus at the second arrow, to stop growtli. Direct stimulus in the present case has in- duced an actual conti-action. while indirect stimulus accelerates growth, direct stimulus is found to hihibit it (Fig. 270). These fundamental effects are demonstrated by application of different modes of stimu- lation, and also by the employment of methods of record as diverse as nie-'-anica! and electrical (cf. Expts. 85, 103). Let us next consider the excitation caused by geotropic stimulus on the upper and the lower sides of the organ. We saw that the responsive movement is caused by stimulation of the nerve by the ])ressure of the lieavy particles. Xow. there is a characteristic difference as regards stiunilatiou of 722 JAW. MOVKMI-'.NTS IN PLANTS the nerves in the upper and the lower sides. As already stated, tlie particles exeit on tlic upper nei've a ))ressnre, which is intense and direct, hence the upp(M- elTector under- goes contraction. J-)Ut the case is (Utt'erent as regards stinni- lation of the lower nerve. The starch grains in the statocvst are seen to ])ress against tlie outer tangential wall rui-lhcst Ironi the nerve (cT. l^'ig. -211). The stimulation is thus indii'ect and minimal. Hence the I'esponse is ]>ositi\i', i.e.. an acceleration of growth. The lower effector thus undergoes an expansion ; a change of growth thus ocenrs which is of opposite sign to that in tlie upper effector. The conjoint effect of c-ontraction at the uj)))er, and expan- sion at the lower side hrings ahout tlie upward geotrojMc ^novenient. DIA-OEOTROPIC T^RSPONSK OF THE PULVTNUS. Tlie only question, which still remains to be explained, is the dia-geotropic attitude of the leaf of Miinofid: in radial -organs the position of geotropical equilibrium is vertical, whereas, in the ])ulvinus it is aj^proximately horizontal. A radial organ held \(M-tical remains in that position, the length of the organ being parallel to tlie lines of force of gravity. l>ut if the MiiiKisd plant be so placed that tue leaf is vcM'tical. it does not rcMiiain in that position, but moves (lownwai'ds till the uppei' half of the puUinus is approximately ])erpendicular to the liiu^s of force. What, tlien. is the un(l(M-|ying |)hysi()logical cause which would jiccoimt loi' the characteristic dilfereiices of response in i-adial and dorsi-ventral organs? The physiological difference which we b)un.l in the two cases is, that in ladial organs the excitabilitx of two opposite sides is the same; so that similar stiimdation of the two sides producers similar contrac- tions which connteract each other. liiit in the its iiiuler- the same stiiiinlatioii a more proiioiiiued cuiitruction than the less excitable nj>per half. ELECTRIC INVESTIGATION. I have already explained how the physiological c-han^e associated with expansion or excitatory contraction of any portion of the tissue may be detected by the concomitant electrical change. We introduce the Electric Probe into the- tissue in connection with a galvanometer. A positive electric variation indicates an expansion, while a negative- variation, the opposite reaction of contraction. Geo-electric respoise uf radial organs. — We take the radial stem of Tropaeolum, and introduce two probes on opposite sides of the organ, a galvanometer' Experiment 287 ... .... .^^^ . , . being interposed m the circuit. vVe incline the specimen at increasing angles, and observe the geo- electric deflection : centering our attention to the electric- change induced at the lower side we find, that the electric variation thus induced is one of galvanometric positivity. indicative of expansion of that side. (It is understood that the electric variation of the upper side is negative, indicat- ing" contraction of that side.) The inclination may be continuously increased, and the electric change of the lower side is found to remain persistently positive, though the- intensity of reaction may undergo some variation. Inclina- tion of a radial organ, thus, gives rise to an expansive response of the lower, and a contractile response of the upper side, and this throughout various angles of inclination. Geo-electric response of the dorsi -ventral pulviuus. — Electric connections similar to the above are made with the- pulvinus of Mimosa. A necessary condition Experiment 28S • ^ ■ / i j.i for success of the experiment is to place the specimen outside, exposed to diffuse light; the two connecting ^-' I.IKJ': MOVKMKNTS IN IM.ANTS Wires are led to ilie galvanometer inside the hihoratorv. It is iieeessary to take this precaution since lon;^ maintenance of the ))lant in a dark room is apt to hrin^ ahoiii a condition ot snl)-tonicity with conse(|ncnl disapj)earance, or even a reversal, of the normnl response. After the electric connec- tions are made in the niamuM- descrihed, the specimen is adjusted so as to place the pnKinus and the nttached leaf vertical. \\'ith a radial or;^an there i^ no cK^ctric ivsponse in this vertical ])osition : hut the |>nl\ miis of M iiiidsn cxhihits in this position a strong ^eo-electric response, the more excitable (lower) half becoming- (lalvdnoinctricdllij iuujutivc. in a tyj)ical t>xi)erimcnt the deflection was -45 divisions. This ne{4'ative deflection of the mon- excitable side of the (jr<.>an shows that a contraction of that side is induced in the vertical position; the corresponding^ ;^eotropic resj^onse tliiis tends to hrin^ (hjwn the leaf towards the hoi'i/ontal. This, in I'eality, is what actually takes place. The leaf is next inclined at an anj.>le of about .'i")° below "the horizon. The geo-electric response is now found to undergo a reversal, the moi'e excitable Hxpci'imeiit 2K'.( , i ,. i • -71 half bemfi' now (idlnnioDictncdlhi pofntire with a deflection of +•")<). Tlie specimen was next bi'ou^ht back once more to the vertical position, with tlie restoration of the original ^alvanometric negativity of the more excitable side. The })ositivity of the lower side when in- clined to -'1')° below the hori/.on indicates th;ii there is a responsive reaction of expansion of the lower half by which the leaf is raised towards the horizontal. There is thus a transition tlirough zero, between the negative response in the vertical. ;md the positive response at 35° below the horizon : at this point of ti-;insi(ion. wIkmi the re.sponse di.s- ap})ears, the leaf is in a state of ^eotropic e(juilil)riinn. This is the dia-geotropic po.sition of the leaf which may be regarded as apj)roximately horizontal. investkkMions on l)lA-Gl•:oT^o^IS^r 725 We >liall next attempt to iliscover the reason I'or tlie cliaiaLteristic ilifferences of response in radial and dorsi- ventral organs. A diajiramniatic ivpresentation of a ;neo- tr(jpic organ is given in Figure •i-s(), first in a vertical position, then inchned at about ■\')° l)elow the hoiizon ; N and N' are the two nerves at the opposite sides, the stimulations of which, by the pressure of starch grains, cause the excitatory contraction of the cortex of directly stimulated side, and the- C SN ONS C Fijr. 2S0 Diaf^rammatic representatiou uf a gootropic organ in a vertical aiul in an inclined position. The shaded is to be the underside. It also represents the more excitable half of a dia-geotropic orgran. C, C, cortei ; S, S', statocysts. X, N nerves; O, pith. In vertical position of a radial organ excitation induced by lateral pressure of starch grains is same on the two sides in dia-gcotropic organs the excitation on the right side is greater (see text). ■expansion of the indirectly stimulated opposite side. The side which is to be the under-side after inclination is repre- sented as shaded. Response uf radial organs. — As the starch grains become piled tip at the base of the cell, they exert not only a vertical but also a lateral pressure. Now in a radial organ held vertical, the stimttlations of the two nerves are the same; moreover, the excitability of the cortex at the two sides are nho the same ; hence the two antagonistic reactions balance each other. But when the organ is inclined, say, 35° below the horizon, it is the upper nerve, as already explained, that becomes directly and inteitsely stimulated ; whereas, the lower nerve undergoes an indirect and feeble stimulation. 72tJ LIKK MOVKMl'lNTS IN I'LANTS The result is a coiitractiun of the upper and an expansion ()(■ the lower side, this explains the upward or negative geotropic curvature of radial organs. Response of dorsi-ventral organs. — In tlie above dia- gram, let us regard the right and shaded side to be also tlie more excitable, in a vertical position of the leaf the lateral pressure, exerted by the particles on the two sides, may be- tlie same but the excitatory contraction of the more excit- able cortex of the low'er half of the pulviinis will be relatively greater. The greater excitation of the more excitable half of the pulvinus in a vertical position is also demonstrated by the induced galvanometric negativity of that side- There can. tJierefore. I)e no balance, and the organ moves dow'nwards. But at ;5r>° below the horizon, the upper nerve N, becomes directly stinuilated by the pressure of the particles, w-hereas, the lower nerve N' becomes feebly and indirectly stinuilalcd. Tlu^ response is thus upwards,. i.e., towards the iiorizontal position. The po.sition of geotropic balance tlnis lies between the above tw^o extreme cases. This position of balance will evidently depend on the differential excitability between the two halves of the aniso- tropic organ. If the difference in the excitability is very great, the dia-geotropic position will appioxiinate to the horizontal. If the difference is slight, tlie balancing position will be nearer the vertical, which is the normal position of geotroj)ic e(iuilibiiuni in radial organs. The above consi- deration will explain the different dia-geotropic attitudes of various dorsi-ventral organs, in which the inclination to the vertical is found to vary widely from an almost erect to ai horizontal po.sition. SUMMARY. It has been shown that the stimulus of gravity causes definite responsive movements depending on the particular quadrant which faces the lines of force. IWF.SIICATIONS OX DIA-GEOTROi'IS^^ 727 Geotropic stiiiiiilatioii is effected by tlu' j)ressufe ol starcli grains in the statocvsts which (Urectly abut on the nerve. When tlie upper (piach'aiu of tlie [xilvimis ol' Mimosa faces the vertical hnes of force, the resnU is a moderate up-move- ment ; exposure of tlie lower quadrant gives rise to a more intense rectilinear-movement. Again, stimulations of nerves of left and right quadrants by the pressure of particles, give rise respectively to left- and right-handed geotropic torsions. The opj)osite reactions at the upper and lower sides of a radial organ are due to the fact that the stimulation of nerve at the upper side is intense and direct, whereas at the lower side, it is feeble and indirect. The response induced by moderately strong stimulus being a retardation of growth and conti"action, the up{)er side becomes concave. The effect of sub-minimvil stimulus at the lower side is an accele- ration of growth and expansion, which induce the' convexity of the lower side. The geotropic curvature of the organ is thus due to the concordant effects induced at the upper and lower sides. A dorsi-ventral organ placed in a vertical position has its opposite sides stimulated by the lateral pressure exerted by the starch gi*ains ; the responsive contraction is greater at the more excitable lower side of the organ. Hence the organ moves downwards. At an angle of 35° below the horizon, the upper half is subjected to direct and the lower to indirect stimulation. The response is thus upwards, towards a horizontal position. The balancing" position between these extreme cases is determined by the differential excitability of the two halves of the anisotropic organ. This balancing position approxi- mates to the horizontal wdien the difference of excitability is great ; it becomes nearly vertical when the difference is slight. These considerations explain the different dia- geotropic attitudes of various dorsi-ventral organs. VOLUME IV MECHANICAL AND ELECTKIC RESPONSE (^F PLANTS I LXII.— THE ])1A-HKLI0TK0P1C ATTITUDE OF EEAVES. By Sin J. ('. BosE, Assisted 1)Y Satyendha Chandtja Guha, M.Sc. In the preYious chapter we ohtauied an explanation of the dia-geotropism of Yarions dorsi- ventral organs, and found that the effect was due to internal stinudation of the nerve hy the pressure of starch grains. The diverse responses of the pulviiuis, — by up or down movement, by left-handed or right-handed torsion — were shown to be brought about by definite reactions of the four distinct effectors in the main pulvinus. We shall in the present chapter describe investigations on the phenomenon of dia-heliotropism.* In geotropic response, the stimulus, as already stated, is internal; but in heliotropic action, the stimulus is external. The heliotropic movement takes place, not only when light acts directly on the motor organ, but also when it acts indirectly at some distance from the motor organ. As a result of the effects of the direct and in,direct light, the leaves adjust tliemselves in various ways in relation to the incident light. The heliotropic fixed position is assumed by means of curvatures and torsions of the motor organ, which may be the pulvinus, or the petiole acting as a diffuse pulvinoid. In some cases the motor organ alone is botli ""' cf. Rose and (Juha— Pvoc. Eov. 8oc. B-vol. 9.3. p. 153. 731 782 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS perceptive and responsive ; in others, the leaf blade' exerts a directive action, the perceptive lamina and the motor organ being separated by an - intervening distance. This directive action of tlie lamina has been found by Vochting in Malva verticilhttn . and by Haberlandt in Begonia discolor, and in several other plants. In connec- tion with this, it should be borne in mind that this charac- teristic does not preclude the possibility of the motor organ being directly affected by tlie stinniliis. In a nerve-and- muscle [)reparation. the niuscK' is fxciti'd. not merely by indirect but also by direct stinndus. As regards tlie Iielio- tropic adjustment of lea\es. ilie stinudus of light acts, in the cases just mentioned, botli directly and indirectly, t'lie indirect -t inndation being due to some transnntted effect from the peiceptive lamina. AA'e may legard tlie adjustment to be bi-on;ilit about by dicect. and tbe finer adjustment by indiivct stiimdation. Certain leaves thus assimie a iieliotropic fixed |)o>ition so that the blades are [)laced at right angles to tlie direction of hght, the directive action being due to certain transmitted reaction, hitherto unknown. No explanation has, however,, been forthcoming as regards the physiological reaction to which this movement nmst be due. Suggestions have been made that the dia-heliotropic position of leaves is of obvious advantage, since this position assures for the plant the maximum illumination. But such ideological considera- tions ofl'er no explanation of the definite physiological reaction. It is, moreover, not true, as 1 shall show in the course of this paper, that there is something inherent in the plant-irritability by which the surface of the leaf is cons- trained to place itself ])erpendicnlar to the iticident light. T have for many years been engaged in pursuing investi- gation on the subject, and have recently .succeeded in discovering the fundamental reaction to which the directive THE DIA-HELIOTROI'IC ATTITUDE OF T.RAVKS 733 movement is due. I shall be able to show that the particular attitude assumed by the leaves is brought about by trans- mitted ■■ nervous impulse," which reaches the motor organ, which is not simple but highly complex ; that there are several distinct impulses which react on the corresponding effectors grouped in the motor organ. The dia-heliotropic phenomena, will be studied not only in ' sensitive ' but also in ordinary plants. It will be shown that the responsive reactions in both these cases are essentially similar. As a type of the former I shall take Mimosa piulica. and for the l.-itic^r. II iHiotilm^ aunnu.s. GENEPvAr. DKSCiUPTlOX ol- THK l)IA-HELlOTR( )PIC rHENOMENA. Before entering into the experimental investigation o^ the subject, it is desirable to describe the dia-heliotropifr phenomena, as ty})ically exemplified by and HeUa)ithus. A photogi'aph of the former is reproduced in Figure •281 <;. in which the plant placed in a box had been exposed to the northern sky and not to direct sunlight. Ir will be seen that the leaves ^\•lli(•ll directly front the light have been raised, and so placed that the sub-petioles, with their leaflets, are at right rngles to the strongest illumina- tion. The side or lateral leaves have, on the other hand, undergone appropriate torsions — the plane of the leaflets being adjusted perj)endic'ular to the light. It will be noticed that in executing this, the petioles to the right and the left have undergone opposite torsions. After the assump- tion of this position, the pot containing the plant was ttirned round througli ls()°. This brough^^ about a new adjustment in the course of twenty minutes, the plane of all the leaflets being once more at right angles to the light. The new adjustment necessitated a complete reversal of the former movements and torsions. Such perfect adjustment is brought aliout l)y bright light from tlie sky. and not so 734 LIFK MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS we\] by direct sinili-ilit . loi- ivasoiis which will be given later. Jii Figure 'i'Sl ''. is sccmi tlie heliotropic adjustment of the 9- Jeave.s of sunllower, gruwi) near a wall, ihe [ilani beinjj' Tni', iiiA-iii'.i.ioi iKti'ic AiTi riDi'; oi' i.ivw i;s I'M) expo.setl 1.0 liglit Iroin the wi'stfi'ii sky. TUc ,i(ljiistiii('iit is essentially similar to that sihmi in Miiiiosa. The lateral leaves, 1 and ."K haxc iiiuii'i'^^oiu* a|)|)i"o|)riate torsions — j'ijiiit- huiuled or left-handed — so tliat the leal'-hlades placed themselves at ri^Iit angles to the light. The leal' nmnhered li has l)een raisc^l. j)laeing its lamina perpendicidar to the light. A e()ntril)nting factor in this is the l)ending over of the stem, due to positive heliotro})ic curvatnre. \\hich accentuated the I'ise of the leaf nnmher -2. The same beudiug ol'len causes an apparent fall oi' the leaf marked 4. When the stem is tied to a stake, the bending over of the stem is prevented : the leaf mnnhered "2 is then found raised by heliotro|)ie action : hut there is little or no lall of the opposite leaf. Another photogra|)h is reproduced (Fig. -ISlc) of the heliotropic curvature and adjustment of a different species of sunflower, which was grown in the open. In the morning the plant bent over to the east and all the leaves exhibited appropriate movements and torsions. In the afternoon the plant bent over to the west, all the j)revions adjnstments and torsions being completely reversed. The plant contiiuied to exhibit these alternate swings day after day till the. move- ment ceased with age. CH.AlJACTP^niSriCS OF THE MoToH OJKiAN. I have shown elsewhere that there is no essential' difference between tlie response of " sensitive " and " ordinarv " })lants. 1 shall now show that all the charac- teristics of the response of the leaf of Mi)n<)Saf is thus erected an• which the stem of IJ cliinifhu^ l)en(fs to^\•ards light. All forms of stimidi. iiu-ludiiig that of light, induce a diminutit)u of turgoi- and conseciuent con- traction, and retardation of the rate of growth of the directly excited side. But this is not the onl\ factor in bringing about the positive ctu'vature. 1 have sIkavu that wliile the effect of direct stimulus at the proximal side of the stem induces diminution of turgor and contraction, its effect on the distal side, where it acts indirectly, is the very opposite, namely, an increase of tiu-gor and expansion. The positive curvature is thus due to joint effects of direct and indirect, stimulus at the two opposite sides. 1 have been able to demonstrate the induced increase of turgor at the distal side bv experimenting with tlie stem of Miniosa. The stimidns of light is applied at a ])oint directly oj)posite to the motile leaf, which by its movement indicates the change of turgor, the induced increase of turgor brMUg indicated bv an erection, and diminution of tia-gor bv a fall of the leaf. Aj)plicatien of light at a point on one side of the stem was thus found to induce an increase of turgor at its diametrical I v opposite pcMut, as evidenced by the erectile movement of the leaf. Parallel experiments which 1 have recently carried out with Hc'Uantltus gave identical results. Arc light was continuously applied at a point opposite the indicating leaf; 788 LiFK M()Vi;.mi:nis ix i'i.antr 1iiis imlnccd ;ni iiici-easc of iiirgoi', as exliibitcd l)\ a con- tinnoiis erection of tlie leaf. We thus find that wliile direct stimulation induces a diniiniition of turj^oi- at the proximal side, indirtMt stimulation causes an increase of tui'^or at tlu' (Ustal side. The positive hehoti-opic curNaturc is thus Ain' to the joint ett'ects o\' contraction of the proximal and •expansion of the distal side. 1 Ml-; DIlKNAl. .\1()\ I.MI'A'r. The daily pei'iodic movements of the leaf Minto.'ia and of Ilrliaitthits exhibit a further similarity which is remark- able. 1 have shown i^lscw here* that in ])lants sensitive to li<:ht the operati\(' factors in the diui'nal movement are : — . 'lOT. THH ItlA-Hi;i,l()i KoI'lC \ITHriiK ()V T.KAVKS 739 (H) Alter *.) r.^\. the U-af lie^iiis to t-ret-t itself with the fall of teinpenituiv. the iiiiixiimiin erection heitig attained at thermal dawn, which is at (l a.m.. appi-oxiniatelv. (4) In the forenoon the leaf is acted on by two anta- gonistic reactions, the effects of risinj^" teniperatttre and of increasing' light, the effect of rise of temperature being pre- dominant. The leaf thus contiinies to fall till thermal noon,, which is ahoiit 2 P.M. TORSIONAL RESPONSK To I.ATI'LRAL STniULUS. When the nerves of the left and right tiaidvs or quadrants of the pnlvinns of Miiiiosd aiv stiniitlated by excitations transmitted from the left and right sub-petioles, there are produced left-handed and right-handed torsions (see Fig. -265). We also obtain similar results through direct stimulation of the left and right flanks of the pulvinus by light. Direct stimulation of tlie left flank induces a left-handed torsion ; that of the right flank, a right-handed torsion . The response just described above takes place when the pulvinus is exposed to lateral light, the leaflets carried by the sub-petioles being completely shielded from it. The differentially excitable organ thus undergoes a twist, in con- sequence of which the less excitable upper half of the pulvinus is made to face the stimulus. The leaflets attached to the sub-petiole are thus carried passive!}', like so many flags, to face the hypothetical source of light. It is obvious that the response is brought about by a definite physiological reaction and not for the utilitarian purpose of securing maximum illumination of the leaflets or the lamina. Teleological considerations, often adduced, offer no real ex}>lanation of the jilienomena : sucli arguments are, moreover, highly misleading, for similar responsive torsion is induced, not merely by light, but by modes of stimulation: so diverse as electrical, thermal, geotropic, and chemical. 740 \A\'\: .\U)\ i:mivN'is in i'lants 'lorsiottal rc.sitoHftc of petiole of Heliantlins. — The above results are also exliibitcd l)y the ixMiolc of H rlifnilliiis iiodor various stimuli applied l;Hci;dl\. Two fine pins are thrust about 1 cui. a[>art on the ri^ht Hank of the petiole of II (li(uitliu.'<. to s(n've as electrodes for application ol' indnction shocks IVoin a ExperiiiRMit -J'.*--' . • ,• i , secondarv coil ; a siuuiai' pair ol clcdrodes are attaclied to the left flank. On application of a leeble l'"i^'. i;si; ■rorsioiiiii r('s))()iisc ol' petiole of Heliaiithus in ri'sponse to (n), electric stiimilus, and {b), to stiiiuiiiis of lif^ht. R and \j are the opposite responses, due to stimulation of the rij^ht and left flanks. Successive dots are at intervals of 20 seconds. The ))roloTi<;ed latent jieriod under liortion of record exhitiitinv recovery is also omitted. The two thick dots in (b), rejiresent thi' moments of cessation n( liirht. tetanising shock to the ri<:lit Hank, the petiole (Exhibited a ri:N'l' ()!•' 'I'tll'. I.IvVI' ()]■ MIMOSA. I lia\e already shown ( l'',\periments -JSO, •2(Sl ) that stinndation of the ri^lit suh-petiolc hy induction sJiock or bv li^'ht induces a rij^ht-handed, that of the left sub-petiole. a left-handed torsion. We shall considt-r in detail tlu- effects induced hy vertical li;:lit on leatiets of Mi)ii(>s(t. When the leaflets of the ri^ht petiole were acted on b\- vertical li<:'ht. the distant puUimis nndcrwciit a toi'sion. and the amount of ii.Liht ah^orhfd hy the E.xi)eriiiiciit 'J'.'."" , ,, , , ,1 • ■ •, ■ leaflets thus hccamc rfdnecd. Ilcnce it is obvious that it is not the advanla;^e of the plant, hut the inevitable physioloj^ic-al I'eaction, that detenuines the move- ment. Stimulation of the leaflets of tlu^ left suh-petiole induced a left-handed torsion. If the leaflets of the two intermediate sid)-j)etioles are kept shaded, and the leaflets of the right and left sub-petioles arc illuminated hy xcrtical light, the two resultin<4" torsions arc loimd to balance each otlier. While in this state of dynamic balance, if the intensitv of li^hi on one of the sub-petioles, say the left, he diminished by interposition of a piece of paper, the balance is at once upset, and we find a ri^uht-handed torsion. The movements caused by transmitted excitations from the inter- mediate sub-petioles nundier -2 and number 3, similarly balance each other. It is thus seen that equilibrium is only possible when the entire leaf-surface is equally illuminated; and that would be the case when the surface is ])erpendicular to the incident li^lit. The ('ia-heliotropic attitudes of leaves THE DIA-HELIOTROPIC ATTITUDE OF LEAVES 743 is thus brought about by distinct nervous impulses, initiated! at the perceptive region actuating the different effectors. TRANSMITTED EXCITATION IN HELIANTHUS. In HeUanilms we can distinguish three main veins or nerves, which gather excitation from different regions of the Fig. 283 The upper figure is a diagram of stimulation of nerre-ending of Helianthus. The record below shows that stimulation beyond the cut gives (rt), no response; while stimulation at (6), induces right-liandcd torsion. lamina. The nervous function of these are demonstrated by two different methods of investigation, electrical and mechanical. In Helianthus we notice three main nerve- endings in the larnina in continuation of the nerves in the petiole (Fig. 283) the petiole itself serves, as we have seen, as an extended motor organ. 714 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS ■Method of electric response. — One electrode wag pricked in so as to make contact with the phloem of the ri^lit buiulle embedded in the petiole; the fc^xperinient 294 , ^ , ■ ■ ,• , second coiitact was riKidc \\itn a distant indifferent point. ]^^lectric stimulation of the right nerve- termination in the lamina gave rise to an electric response of galvanometric negativity, the response being monophasic Application of thermal and chemical stimulations produced siitiilar residts. In tlu^ \\\n last cases, the intense stimulus gave rise to multiple responses. ]n the next experiment Fi)^. 384 (talvanomeiric record oF transmitted excitation in the nerve of HelianthuK. The first is in resi)onse to electric stimulus, the second and the third to thermal and chemical stimulus. The fourth is a diphasic response. Note the multiple response due to strong stimulation. [See text]. both tlie electrodes leading to the galvanomet-er were •connected witli the nerve in the petiole, 1 cm. behind the other. The response was now diphasic, since excitation reached the two points in succession. (Fig. 284). Method of MecJianienl Response. — The effect of trans- mitted excitation was now oliserved by characteristic responsive movement ot the petiole, which i< tiie motile organ. The stimulation employed is electrical and photic. The electrodes for induction shock are inserted in the manner .seen in Fig. 283. THE DIA-HELIOTROPIC ATTITUDE OF LEAVES 745 Electric stimulation; effect of discontinuity. — A cut is made between a and h, thus interrupting the continuity of the ncive to tlie right. Electric stimula- tion at a induced no responsive movement ; Btimulation at h. however, induced the normal response by right-handed torsion (see lower record, Fig. '283). Altrrnate Electric Stimulation. — The right and lett Experiment 295 Fig. 2S."j T()r.sional rcsjionsc due to transmitted excitation in Helianthus ; (a), right-handed torsion due to electric stimulation of the nerve-ending in the right half of the lamina ; (b), right-handed and left-handed torsions due to transmitted excitations caused by alternate illumination of the right and loft half of the lamina. Light was stopped after the thick dot. nerve endings in the lamina were stimulated alternately. This gave rise to right-handed and left- Experiment 296 1 -, J . • , . , T ^ lianaed torsions respectively. in tigure l285a, is given the record of right-handed torsion. The following experiments will show that photic f^timulus induces a reaction whicli is similar to that of electric stimulus : — Stimulus of LigJit. — Hunlight was thrown first on the right half and then on the left half of the lamina. The transmitted excitations induced correspond- Expeiiment 2'.t7 . . nnrL\ a ing torsional responses (.rig. 2o5o). A balance was produced when the two halves of the lamina 74(j LIKE .MOVEMF^NTS IX IM.ANTS were simultaneously exposed to equal illuiiniiation. Here also, as in Mijiiosa, the heliotropic adjustment is hrouj^ht about by balanced reactions of the different cftectors. ; The movement of a dia-heliotropic lamina has heert figuratively, compared with the movement of the human eye by which it points itself to a luminous object. It is strange that there is more truth in this comi)arison than was suspected. In describing the rolling of the eyeball Bayliss. says : " When there are two sets of muscles acting on a movable organ, such as the eye or a part of a limb, in such a way that they antagonise one another, it is clear that for effective performance of a particular retiex movement, any contraction of the muscles opposing this movement must be inhibited. Further, the inhibition of one group must proceed pari passu with the excitation of the other group to ensure a well-controlled and steady motion."* Now, in the torsional adjustment of the leaf due to unequal stimulation of the two receptors — the right and left halves of the lamina — let us take the extreme case where one half, say the right, is alone stimulated, either by light or by electric shock. The two effectors for torsional move- ment, the right and the left, are the responding tissues in the right and left flanks of the petiole. These are actuated by the nervous impulses transmitted along the two conduct- ing strands. When the right half of the lamina is stimu- lated the transmission of excitation along the conducting rstrand on the right is detected (Experiment 294) by an electric change of galvanometric negativity, and the corres- ponding mechanical response of the right effector is, as shown before, by a right-handed torsion. We may next inquire into tlie nature of the transmitted impulse along the left flank of the {)etiole concomitant with the excitation of the right half of the lamina. It is obvious that a similar * Bayliss— Principles of General Physiology— 1915, p. 494. THK DiA-HlilJOTIJOPJC ATTITUDE OF I.KA\ ES 747 ■excitatory impulse on the Jeft tiaiilv (the electric indication of which is galvanonieti-ic negativity) would oppose and thus neutralise the particuiai- directive movement. Hence lor •ensuring" a^ steady directivi> motion, in response to stimula- .tion of the right half of the lamina, all excitatory impulse to the left llaidc of the petiole sliould he inhihited. Further, the directive movement induced hy the stimulation of the right half of the lamina would he actively helped if the motor reaction of the left tlaid< of the jjctiole he of an opposite character to that in the right tlank. We found that the right-handed torsion is induced by a differential contraction of the right flank and for concordant effect the reaction of the left tiank should he opposite, i.e., a differential expan- sion. The nervous impulse which actuates the right •effector when the right hall' of tlie lamina is alone stimidat- ed, is indicated by galT(nt excitable. Local .stimulation of the abaxial half of the organ induces an^ erectile movement, that of adaxial half a more raj)id dow'n- ward movement. Heliotropic curvature of a stem is (lu{> to the joint effects of contractile reaction of the proximal a7i(l expansion of t}u> distal side. The daily periodic uioxements of the leaves of Mi)ii()f;a and oC H eliantlivs are essentially similar. The diurnal movement is brought about by the variation of the geolropic action with changing temperatme, and by the varying in- tensity of light. The leaves erect themselves diu'ing the fall of temperatuie from tli maximum erection is attained at 6 a.m., which is the thermal dawn. The movement of the leaves is then reversed and there is a continuous fall till the thermal noon at 2 p.m. A very important motile reaction in the adjustment of leaves is the torsional response to lateral stimulus. The following is the law which determines the directive move- ment : An anisotropic organ when laterally stinmlated hy any stimulus undergoes torsion by which the less excitable side is made to face the stimulus. In a dorsi-ventral organ the upper side is, generally speaking, the less excitable side, and the response of such an organ to lateral stimulus may be expressed in the following simple terms. Lateral stimulation of a dorsi-ventral organ induces a torsioji which is right-handed, when the right flank is stinmlated. T.eft- handed torsion is induced by the stimulation of the left flank. The effects described above take place by direct stimu- lation of Hght. They also take place under transtnitted excitation. The pulvinus of Mimosa may be regarded as consisting of four effectors ; the response of the right effector is by a right-handed torsion, and of the left effector by a left-handed torsion. The upper and lower effectors respond by rectili- near up-and-down movements. Excitation at the receptive region is propagated along a definite conducting channel, which is traced from the receptive area in the lamina to the corresponding effector in the motor region. In a petiole of Mucosa, provided with sub-petioles carrying rows of leaflets, stimulation of the right row of leaflets by light gives rise to an excitatory impulse which reaches the right effector and induces a right-handed torsion. Stimulation of the left row of leaflets induces the opposite,. or left-hanced torsion. The illumination of the second 750 LIFE IMOVEMENTS IN PI>ANTS sub-petiole intliices an up-iiioveineiit ; that of llie tliird siih- petiole a tlowii-movenuMit. Tlio leal' is thus adjusted in ^pace by the co-ordinated action of four reflexes, equilibrium jein^ attained when the leaf-surfaces is perpendicular to the incident light. Tlie dia-heliotropic attitude of leaves is thus brought about by distinct nervous impulses initiated at the perceptive region actuating the different effectors. Eesults similar to the above were also obtained with HeJianthus. For the movement of the eye the contraction of the ..'Uiscle opposing the movement has to be inhil)ite(l. In the torsional movement of the leaf, it is found that the stimulation of one nerve causes in a contiguous nerve an opposite reaction. The nervous impulses of opposite signs reaching different flanks of the inotile organ is thus of importance in the co-ordination of the resulting movement. LXIII.— THE ELECTEIC EESPONSE OF MIMOSA PUDICA. By Sie J. C. BosE, Assisted by SuRENDRA Chandra Das, M.A. All plants and their various organs have been shown to exhibit an electric response under stimulation, the stimu- lated tissue being rendered galvanometrically negative. In Mi))i()fi(i we have a conspicuous response by mechanical movement. The effect of changes of environment on the plant may thus be detected by induced variations in the mechanical response, which may be automatically recorded by the Kesonant and Oscillating Eecorders. A study of the electric response of Mimosa is of interest, because it enables us to find out whether the two independent methods of record correctly indicate the fundamental physiological change which is induced in the organism by external variations. The pulvinus of Mimosa is a dorsi-ventral organ, the excitability of the lower half being very much greater than that of the upper. Hence an identical stimulus induces a relatively greater excitatory reaction at the lower side. It has been shown, that the induced change of galvanometric negativity depends on the intensity of excitation ; hence, on making electric connections with the upper and lower sides of the pulvinus, a diffuse stimulation w^ould be expected to exhibit a resulting galvanometric negativity of the lower 751 752 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS half of the organ. Having explained the general principle, we have next to devise practical methods for obtaining the electric response. THE EXPERIMENTAL METHOD. The electric connections with the upper and lower halves are made with gold or platinum wires. In order to secure good contact, two separate pieces of cork are held P^ig. Ii8() Alc'llioil fur obuiiiiiriji- fleet ric ri'spi/ii.v,^- of tlio pulviiiiis of Mimosa. Stimulus of electric shock obtained from the secoiKlary S, of an induction coils. Tlu; chokinj^ coil C, prevents leakaufo of shock-current into the galvanometer circuit. The upper illustration shows the electric connections with the two halves of tlic pulviiiua. together by four short lengths of elastic. The connecting gold wires, above and below, liave their torminni (MuIs flattened, so as not to cause any wound to the pnlvimis; a drop of kaolin paste in normal saline makes a perfect electric contact ; a small (piantity of glycerin is added to the sjiline solution to prevent rapid drying of the kaolin paste. The slightly stretched elastic keeps the pressure of contact constant. The small pieces of cork are light and, therefore, do not exert any appreciable weight on ELFXTRTC RESPONSE OF MBfOSA PUDICA 753" the leaf (Fig. '29,6). Tlie complicated metlicxi of electrolytic contact by means of iion-polarisable electrodes is not only unnecessary, but often harmful ; for unless great precautions are taken the zinc sulphate solution may leak and come in contact with the plant abolishing its excitability. The amalgamated zinc rods, moreover, are not absolutely iso-electric. These drawbacks are not present in the platinum or gold contacts, for pure specimens of these metals could be made iso-electric after annealing. The direct method of contact reduces the resistance to a minimum. The object of non-polarisable contacts is to diminish the counter-electromotive force due to the passage of the ('urrent. This comiter E. M. F. depends on the strength of the current ; since the responsive current of the plant is very feeble, it does not in practice give rise to any appreciable polarisation. The problem which offered the greatest difficultx in this investigation is in securing uniform stimulations in succes- sion, or in increasing the stimulus in a perfectly graduated manner. The only means by which this can be secured is by tetanising electric shocks of definite intensity and duration. The intensity may be continuously increased by pushing the secondary coil nearer the primary. The duration of application may be kept the same in successive experiments by completing the primary circuit of the coil (provided with the usual vibrating hannner* for a definite length of time by means of a metronome. The two termi- nals of the secondary coil are applied to the petiole at certain distance from the pulvimis, and the electric responses to successive transmitted excitations are recorded on a umving photographic plate by the excursion of the spot of light reflected from the galvanometer. The oscillatory induction shock introduces, however, a comphcation by the Ir^akage of the shock-current into the- 754 LJFK ]\I()VEMF,NTS IN PLANTS galvanometer. This difficully has, however, been com- pletelv removed by tlie interposition of a maj:jnetic choking coil, which prevents the rapidly alternating current to enter the galvanometer circuit. All iin|)ortant condition for obtaining the normal electric response is the maintenance ot the plant in a favourable tonic conchtion. It is thus necessary to expose the })]ant to diffuse light of the sky. As tlie ])]iotographic records require a dark I'ooni, the leading \\'ires tVoni the j)lant are carried to the galvanonietei- in the photograi)hic room. Electric response to Transmitted Excitation. — Klectric stinmlus of uniform intensity is applied at intervals of 10 minutes or so, and the resulting response Expoiiiuent 'Jit'.i , , „,, , , . , , recorded. Lhe ])liot()g)'apnic plate was moving at a slow i-ate, hence the record of response and lecoveiN are almost superposed; it will be noted that the auiphtude of successive responses under uniform stimulus is the same (Fig. "287). The res|)onse is by galvanoinetric negativity of the more excitable lower half of the pulvinus. This eoiiesponds with the responsive fall of the leaf by the relatively greater contraction of the lower half. EFFECT OF EXCESSIVE ABSORPTION OF WATER P.Y THE PULVINUS. A muscle nmnersed in distilled water loses its ])ower of contraction. Application of water to the ])ulvinus also renders it irresponsive. This is seen on rainy days, when the sensibility of the pulvimis is found to be practically abolished. A more definite result was obtained in the following experiments. After obtaining the normal mechanical response, a droj) of water was a])plied to the l-ulvimis, an.d the I'esulting" absorption of water in excess caused a com|)]ete abolition of motile excitability. In con- nection with this it sluMdd be i-eniembeied that excitatory ELECTRIC RESPONSE OF JIIMOSA PUDICA 1 '>5 contraction is brought about by the expulsion of the sap from the puivinus ; its over-inflated condition may, therefore, oppose the excitatory contraction with resulting aboHtion of the mechanical response. A question now arises, whether this absence of mecha- nical response is due to the abolition of irritability, or merely to physical restraint imposed by the over-turgid tissue. This subject may be experimentally tested by means of electric response, which is independent of mechanical movement. FIG. 287 FIG. 288 Fig. 287 Uniform response of galvanometric negativity under uniform stimulations of moderate intensity {Mimosa). Fig. 288 Positive electric response in Mimosa, under feeble stimulus. For, the leaf of Mimosa may be held fixed without interfer- ing with its electric response. This fact explains th'^ occurrence of electric response in ordinary plants, in which there is no conspicuous movement in response to stimulus. The puivinus of Mitnosa was made mechanically irresponsive by application of water. In this condition, mechanical or electrical stimulation did not Esperiment .SUO 1 j- 11 ^ ^i 1 £ \ cause the normal tall or the lear. An electric record was next obtained, and it was found that the 75(1 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS mechaiiKally insensitive leaf gave the normal electric response of galvanometeric negativity, proving that the tissue was still irritable though unable to manifest it outwardly by mechanical movement. EFFECT OF FEEBLE STIMULUS. The transmitted excitation due to sliuiulus of moderate intensity causes, as we have seen, a response of galvano- metric negativity of ih(> more excitable E.\|)ei'iment HHl i .,■ i. , " i ■ mi lower Jiali ot the pulvmus. ihc mtensity of stimidus in the following experiments is reduced by removing the secondary coil away from th<^ })rimary. Feeble stimulus is now found to induce a response which is of opposite siijn to that of the normal, namely by galvano- }urtric positivity, indieatii'c of expansion instead of normal contrdctid}! (Fig. '288'. The opposite responses observed tinder feeble and stri)ng stinuilus appears to be of general occurrence. We have already found that while strong stimulus induces a contraction and retardation of growth, a feeble stimidus induces the opposite effect of expansion and acceleration, (see Fig. '278>. Similar effects are also found in geotropic response where the upper side, subjected to moderate stimulus, exhibits contraction, and the lower ■side, under enfeebled stimulation, shows expansion (p. 629). If the stimulus be gradually increased, the response changes from positive to normal negative, sometimes through a diphasic res|X)nse, positive followed by negative. The particular intensity above which th<', response is trans- formed from positive to negative, may be termed the critical intensity. This critical value is found to depend on the tonic condition of the tissue. Tn a highly excitable specimen, the critical point is low, and the normal negative response takes place even under moderately feeble stimulus. The critical point is. however, raised when the tissue falls ELECTRIC RESPONSE OF MIMOSA PUDICA l')7 into a 8ub-tonic condition ; the positive response under feeble stimulus may tlien be obtained without difficulty. Positive response of Sub-tonic tissues.— The plant is kept in diffuse light, and the {)arlicular intensity of stimulus which invariably gives negative response is Experiment 302 . , ■ ^ i . , i t determined. A cover is next placed over the plant so as to maintain it in darkness for about an hour, thus inducing a condition of sub-tonicity. Application of the stimulus wliich previously induced a negative response is now found to bring about a positive response. The plant is next exposed to light, for improving its tonic condition. Ttie response is now found once more to be a normal negative. We found the occurrence of a similar positive mecha- nical response in Mimosa in a sub-tonic condition (Vol. I, Experiment 50); the characteristic effects of stimulus on growth are also similar, that is to say, while in the normal condition of the plant stimulus causes a retardation of growth, in a sub-tonic condition, it gives rise to an enhance- ment of growth (Experiment 88). CONDUCTING PATH FASHIONED BY STIMULUS. It has been shown that the phloem of the fibro-vascular bundle functions as the nerve by which the excitation is transmitted. Tn voung leaves the phloem Experiment 303 . ^ i ^ -^ e IS anatomically ])resent, but its power ot physiological conduction has not yet been developed. It is of extreme interest to follow the manner in which the con- ducting power in young tissues is functionally developed by the action of stimulus. We take a young leaf of Mimosa, and apply stimulus of moderate intensity to the petiole at «ome distance from the responding pulvinus, the distance of the secondary coil from the primary being noted at the same time. The tissue is found to be non-conducting to the stimulus, as indicated bv the absence of normal response of 758 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS galvanometric negativity. The stimulus is next increased by bringing the secondary nearer the primary coil; the block to conduction is now found to be suddenly removed, and the conducted excitation ,i;ives rise to the normal negative response. We next remove the secondary away from the primary to the first ineffective position. But the formerly ineffective stimulus is now found to be effectively transmitted, the response being the normal negative. Stinudus is thus found to fashion its own conductiii';" Dath. SUMMARY. The normal electric response of the pulvinus of Mimosa to transmitted excitation is by an induced galvanometric negativity of the more excitable lower half of the pulvinus. Excessive absorption of water abolishes the mechanical response of the pulvinus. The electric response is, however,, found to persist, proving that the tissue is still irritable though unable to manifest it outwardly by mechanical movement. Feeble stimulus gives rise to a response wliich is of opposite sign to that of strong stimulus. The critical intensity of stimulus for normal negative response depends on the tonic condition ; it is low when the tissue is highly excitable, and liigh when the tonic condition falls below par. In young plants, the nervous elements are present though not functionally developed for conduction of excita- tion. In such a condition, stimulus is found to fashion itn own conducting path. LXIY.— SIMULTANEOUS DETEEMINATION OF VELOCITY OF EXCITATION BY MECHANICAL AND ELECTRIC METHODS. By Sir J. C. Bose, Assisted by Basiswar Sen, B.Sc. It has been shown in the last chapter that the more excitable lower half of the pulvinus exhibits, under trans- mitted excitation, a galvanometric negativity in reference to the upper side. This differential effect is parallel to the greater contraction of the lower side by which the leaf undergoes the normal fall. The excitatory impulse generated at a distance has been shown to be of nervous character. A certain time elapses between the application of stimulus and the response given by the pulvinus. The period of transmission, and our know- ledge of the intervening distance between the point of application of stimulus and the responding pulvinus, enable us to determine the velocity of transmission of excitation. Allowance must be made for the physiological inertia of the pulvinus, the latent period of which has been found to be about a tenth of a second. DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY BY THE MECHANICAL TIIETHOD. The determination of the velocity of transmission by mechanical response is made by the Eesonant Recorder, fully described elsewhere.* The writer AV, made of fine * Irritability of Plants, p. 140. L 760 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS steel wire with a bent tip, is at right angles to the lever and is maintained hy electromagnetic means in a state of to-and-fro vibration, say ten times in a second. The writing index is previously tuned so as to vibrate at this rate. The steel wire is supported at the centre of the pole of an electro- Fi(i. 289 Resonant Rec-order for (loti-niiination of velocity of trans- mission of excitation. The falling plate during descent made electric contact of R with R' for indnction shock by the secondary coil S. magnet which is periodically excited by a current inter- rupted by a reed ; when the reed is exactly tuned to vibrate ten times in a second, the writer is thrown into sympathetic vibration. The successive dots of records thus indicate intervals of a tenth of a second (Fig. 289). Employing SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY 761 this method, the velocity of transmission in the petiole of Mimosa was found to be about 30 mm. per second in an excitable specimen of the plant. The velocity depends on the physiological condition; under depressed condition in winter, the velocity is found lowered to about 4 mm. per second. We have hitherto employed the Eesonant Recorder for the mechanical, and the galvanometer, for the electric response of Mimosa. The problem that now confronts us is the determination of the mutual relation of these two different modes of response, whether they indicate the same fundamental physiological reaction which underlies excita- tion. For this, it is necessary to devise some means of obtaining simultaneous records of the two responses given by an identical specimen. We may carry out this idea further and determine the velocity by the two independent methods of mechanical, and electrical responses. The identity of the two results thus obtained will afford conclusive proof that the mechanical and electric responses are but different expressions of the excitatory change induced by stimulus. In connection with this it should be borne in mind that the inertia of the mechanical and the electric recorders are not the same ; but the difference may be so slight as to be negligible in practice. The electric response is, in general, obtained by a galvanometer, with its high sensitivity, a moderately delicate apparatus giving a deflection of 1 mm. for a current of 10 10 ampere. This great sensitiveness is, to a certain extent, nullified by the high electrical resistance of the plant, on account of which the current in the circuit is greatly diminished. There is another drawback in the use of the galvanometer in certain experiments on the absolute deter- mination of the electromotive variation induced by stimulus, for it also gives rise to a diminution of electrical resistance of the tissue. The increased deflection mav 762 LIFE ^MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS therefore, be not solely due to an increase in the induced electromotive force. For certain special investigation it is, therefore, of advantage to employ an electrometer, instead of a galvanometer. In the electrometer, the circuit is open, and its indications are, therefore, independent of resistance. THE ELECTROMETRIC ^METHOD. It (loos not appear that the Quadrant Electrometer has been used for physiological work. The prevailing impres- sion is (1) that it is not sufficiently sensitive, (2) that it is difficult to keep the needle charged for days to the same potential so that its sensitiveness and zero position remain constant, and finally, (3) there is a misgiving that its deflec- tions are affected by external disturbances. As regards the sensitiveness, it has been possii)le to raise it sufficiently high by employing a long suspension of fine quartz thread rendered conducting by the usual method. The sensitiveness may, with care, be thus raised so as to give a deflection of 1 mm. for a thousandth of a volt. The dry cells are unsatisfactory for charging the needle; Cu-Zn elements in water are, on the other hand, fully satisfactory. The cells are made by scooping out a series of large sized holes in a thick block of solid paraffin. A sufficient number of Zn-Cu elements are placed in series so as to give a terminal difference of potential of 110 volts. The zero position of the reflected spot of light is then found to remain constant for many days in succession. The insulated pair of quadrants is suitably connected with the lower half of the pulvinus. The pot containing the plant is connected with the second pair of quadrants, which is earthed. SIMULTANEOUS MECHANICAL AND ELECTRIC RECORDS. For obtaining simultaneous records, the recording glass plate for mechanical, and the photographic plate for SIMULTANEOUS DETER1\[INATI0N OF VELOCITY 7tiS the electric record, are allowed to fall at the same rate by means of a clockwork. The spot of light reflected from the mirror of the electrometer falls on the photographic plate and records the electric response. We have next to employ some device for obtaining the time-relations of the two curves. As regards the mechanical record given by the Eesonant Recorder, the successive dots re]n-esent intervals of tenths Fig. 2fO Simultaneous records for velocity of transmission. The upper is the mechanical, and the lower, the electric record. The time- ^ interval for initiation of response is found in both cases to be 0.7 second. ot a second. Hence the curve of response is its own chrono- gram. For obtaining the time-relations of the electric curve, the reed which actuates the Eesonant Recorder, is interposed in the path of light reflected from the mirror of the electrometer. The reed has a piece of ahmiinium, 764 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS which interrupts the lif^lit ten times in a second. The photo orajihic record thus consists of Hnes of lioht alternating with darkness ; the successive dots in the mechanical record thus correspond Avith these lines of lifiht. After makinj^- the arrangements described above the two plates are allowed to fall at the same rate. Stimulus of electric shock was now ai)])lied to Experiment 3(14 , . , _ „ ^ ^ the petiole at a distance of 20 mm. from the pulvinus. There was no immediate response either mechanical or electrical ; but after an interval of 7 dots, the leaf began to fall, causing a mechanical record upwards. The interval between the application of stimulus and the initiation of response is thus 0.7 seconds. ^Making an allowance of 0.1 second for the latent pei'iod of the pulvimis, the time required for transmission of excitation through 20 mm. is thus 0.6 seconds. The velocity is thus 33 mm. per second. The electric record gave an identical result ; the response was initiated at the 7th strip of light, that is to say at the same time as the mechanical response (Fig. 200). It is thus seen that the transmitted excitation, which induces a fall of the leaf by relatively greater contraction of the more excitable half of the ])ulvinus, also induces a simultaneous electromotive cliange of galvanometric negativity of the lower half of the organ. The velocity of transmission obtained by the two methods are thus prac- ticallv the same. su:mmary. A Quadrant l\lectr()meter may be om|iloyed for obtain- ing electric response of plants. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that the observed response is due to SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY 765 induced electromotive variation, unaffected by the resist- ance of the circuit. A simultaneous determination of the mechanical and electric responses is made by the employment of the Eesonant and Electric Eecorders connected with the same leaf. The records thus obtained show, that the mechanical response of the leaf has an electric concomitant in a negative electromotive variation. LXV.— THE MULTIPLE EE8P0NSE IN MIMOSA. By Sir J. C. Bose, Assisted by SuRENDRA Chandra Das, m.a. The character of different modes of response — by electric variation, by the movement of the leaf, and by variation of the rate of growth — has been shown to be determined in a definite way by the intensity of stimulus. Under sub- minimal stimulus the response is positive, — a positive electric variation, an expansion and erectile movement of the leaf, and an acceleration of the rate of growth. Stimulus of moderate intensity induces, on the other hand, a negative electric variation, a contraction and fall of the leaf, and a retardation of the rate of growth. The critical intensity of stimulus for transformation of the positive into negative response is modified by the tonic condition of the tissue ; under sub-tonic condition the critical point is high, so that even a moderate intensity of stimulus induces a positive response. The tonicity of the tissue is, however, improved by the action of the stimulus, and in consequence of previous stimulation the positive response is transformed into the normal negative. Having observed the effects of sub-minimal and of moderate stimulus, we shall next study the effect of intense stimulation. For this purpose we may take a leaf of Biopltytum or of Averrhoa in which there are numerous pairs of sensitive leaflets. We attach one of these leaflets 766 THK MULTIl'LE MliSPONSH IX MIMUSA 7()7 to an Oscillating Eecorder, and observe the response induced by stimulus applied at the petiole at some distance from the leaflet. The effects of feeble and moderate stimulus are similar to what we have already observed, namely, a positive and negative response respectively. We next apply a stronger stiiiinhis and find that the response is not single but multiple (see Fig. 295). For obtaining records of these multiple responses it is necessary to prevent the complete closure of the leaflets by w^hich further response is rendered impossible. This is secured bv applying a light counterpoise in the second arm of the lever, which, exerting a tension, opposes the complete closure of the leaflet. These multiple responses are found to occur under any form of strong stimulation, the stimulus being as diverse as induction shocks, strong light, thermal shock, and chemical excitation. ilULTIPLE ELECTRIC EESPONSE IN MIMOSA. Having seen that a recurrent series of responses occur under a single strong stimulus in multiply responding plants like Biophytiim and Averrlioa, we shall next try to find out whether similar responses may be obtained from Mimosa which, generally speaking, gives but a single response to a single stimulus. For this we shall first employ the electric method of investigation. Electric connections are made in the usual manner with the upper and lower halves of the pulvinus, and the galvanometric response recorded on the photographic plate. The petiole, at a dis-' tance of 3 cm. from the pulvinus, was strongly stimulated by application of a hot wire. This gave rise to a very large response of galvanometric negativity, so large as to take the spot of light away from the plate ; after the spot of light came back to the plate during recovery, there occurred 768 LIFK MOVEMENTS IN PI.ANTS a second response followed by a recurrent series of other responses. In order to keep the spot of lifiht within the plate, a less excitable specimen was next employed, and strong- stimulus applied as before. This is seen to have ^iven rise to a series of six recurrent responses. (Fig. 291). MUI.TIPLK :\lKt'TIANICAL KESrONSR. Though the multiple electric response may be obtained with Mi)))<)sa without much difticultv, vet I failed for a long FIG. 2vl FIG. ^92 Fi.s,'. 291 Multiple elertric iv!S])onsi>s under a siiif^'le i^troii^' siiiiiulus (Mimofa). Fiir. 2^*2 .Multi))lc iiiccli!niic;il resjioii.'je in Mimasn under stronj; stimulus. time to obtain corresponding mechanical responses which were multiple. This failure I have since been able to trace to the following; (1) the heavy leaf is unable to follow the relatively ()uick ivcurrent responses, ("2) strong stinndus gives rise to a Tall wliieli is maximum and in this state of complete fall, further resj)onses camiot be detected, (3) the subsequent res}) are rcdatively small compared to the THE MULTIPLE RESPONSE IN MIMOSA 769 amplitude of the first response ; hence a higher magnifica- tion is necessary. A high magnification, however, makes the first record go completely out of the plate. The practical difficulties in obtaining multiple mechanical responses are thus seen to be very numerous. They have been to a certain extent removed by the following devices. The weight of the leaf is reduced to a minimum by cutting off the sub-petioles, leaving a short length of the petiole for attachment to the recording lever. The shock of operation makes the plant temporarily insensitive; but after a period of rest of one or two hours the excitability is found to be restored. For preventing the complete fall of the leaf a suitable counterpoise is placed on the opposite arm of the lever to exert a tension. Finally a moderate magnification is employed so as to keep the record within the smoked glass plate. After taking these precautions record was taken of the effect of strong stimulus caused by application of a heated wire to the stem below the leaf. This gave rise first, to a large response of the fall of the leaf, followed by a partial recovery ; there then occurred a second response (Fig. 292) ; in other cases there were three recurrent responses of the Mimosa leaf under a single strong stimulus. A continuity is thus established between the multiple responding plants like Biophytum and ordinarily responding plant like. Mimosa. Feeble stimulus induces in these plants a positive response and a moderate stimulus causes a single negative response. Strong stimulus, however, gives rise in all these cases, to a multiple series of responses. "We shall, in the next chapter, find that this continuity is extended to the autonomous response which is c?aused by some internal stimulation. 770 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS SUMMARY. The response of plants exhibits three different character- istics, depending on the intensity of stiinuhis apphed. Under suh-niinimal stiniukis, both the mechanical and the electric responses are single and positive ; under moderate stimulus, it is negative. But under strong intensity, a single stimulus gives rise to a recurrent series of responses. This is true of all plants, ordinary and sensitive. Multiple response under strong stimulus is typically exemplified by the leaflets of BiopJiytnm and Avcrrhoa. In these, strong stimulus of all kinds, — electric, thermal, pliotic, and chemical — gives rise to nuiltiple responses. In the ordinarily responding plant like Mimosa, which gives a single response under a single moderate stimulus, multiple electric and mechanical responses occur under the action of a ningle strong stimulus. A contiruiity of response is thus estabhshed in all types of plants. LXVI.— THE EFFECT OF CAEBON DIOXIDE ON THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRIC PULSATIONS OF DESM ODIUM GYRANS. By Sir J. C. Bosb, Assisted by Basiswar Sen, B.Sc. We found in a previous chapter that the autonomous activity of growth is arrested by the action of carbonic acid, and that a renewal of the activity takes place on substitution of fresh air. The pulsating movements of the lateral leaflets of Desmodiiun gyrans is a striking example of autonomous or internal activity, and we shall in the present chapter study the effect of carbon dioxide on the ' spontane- ous ' movements of the leaflet. It may be stated here that strictly speaking, there is no such thing as spontaneous movement. The energy which expresses itself in pulsatory movements is derived by the plant either directly from the immediate external sources, or from excess of such energy already accumulated and held latent in the tissue. When the storage is exhausted, as when the plant is kept in a dark room, the rhythmic pulsa- tions are found to come to a stop. The pulsation of the leaflet can, however, be renewed by the application of fresh stimulus, the persistence of the pulsatory movements being dependent on the quantity of incident stimulus. The responsive characteristic of the Desmodiiun leaflet in a state of standstill is similar to that of the leaflet of 771 7 72 LIKK MOVKMKNTS IN PLANTS Biopltytinn. It ^ives rise to a single response to a single moderate stimulus, and to multiple responses to a strong stimulus. A continuity is thus seen to exist between the multiple responding leaflet of Biophytum, and the auto- matically pulsating leaflet of Dcsmodin))i. EFFECT OF CARBONIC ACID GAS ON MECHANICAL PULSATION. A cut stem with the petiole bearing the lateral leaflets is suitably mounted in a test-tube filled with water ; the shock of operation passes away in the course of about an hour when the pulsations become renewed. One of the leaflets is now attached to an Fiu'. '2\^'.i KtY(M-t sfi|iu'iit revival on iiit roduct ion of fresli air. Oscillating Kecorder for obtaining tracings of its normal pulsations. A stream of carbonic acid gas is next passed into the plant chamber ; this is seen to induce a complete arrest of the pulsations (Fig. 293). Fresh air is next substituted in the plant-chamber; this renews the arrested pulsation. In fact, the pulsations are now found to be more vigorous than at the beginning. It seems as if the THE EFFECT OF CARBONIC ACID GAS 773 energy of pulsation, hitlun-to held in restraint, now found an enhanced expression. EFFECT OF CARBONIC ACID GAS ON ELECTRIC PULSATIONS. Each pulsation of the Desmodium leaflet consists of a rapid down-movement followed by a slow up-movement. The maximum rate of down-movement is about 1.5 mm. per second, while the corresponding rate of up-movement is only 0.5 mm. per second. It would appear that the down- and up-movements are brought rbout principally by the alternate contractions of the lower and upper sides of the pulvinule. Thus the lower half contracts rapidly, followed by a recovery ; during this recovery the upper half contracts. The pulsations are thus due to alternate variations of turgor on the opposite sides of the organ. A parallel instance is found in circumnutation of certain growing organs, in which alternations of growth at the two opposite sides of the organ give rise to lateral oscillations. I have succeeded in obtaining records of the electric pulsations of the Desmodium leaflets in the following manner. We make two electric contacts, one with the more effective lower half of the pulvinule, and the other, with a distant indifferent point. The electric pulsations, to be presently described, take place independently of the mechanical movement, hence the leaflet may be held fixed without interfering with the electric pulsations. During the phase of contraction of the lower half, that half becomes galvanometrically negative, and we obtain a large electric pulsation. This pulsation is often attended by a small subsidiary pulsation, probably due to comparatively feeble excitation of the upper half of the pulvinule. The records given in Figure 294, exhibit uniform electric pulsations. On introduction of carbonic acid gas 7 74 LIFE MOVEMENTS JN FEANTS into tlie planl-chaiiihcr, the pulsations det'liiied rai)i(lly and ultimately came to a stop, as in the case of the mechanical pulsation. Carhonic arid pas was next romoxcd hv l)l()winfi Fig. 294 Effect of C()2 <>n electric piilsatioti.s of iJcsinodium gyrans. Note the two nornml electric ])ul-ation and suhsei|ii(Mit under COj. Last record shows enlianccd pulsiitioii on I'ciiewal of frcsli air. in fresh air, when the electric pulsations were renew^ed even with additional vigour. SUMMARY. There i;, a continuity of response in multiple responding pbint lil\-(" Biopliyiniii and the automatically responding THE EFFECT OF CARBONIC ACID GAS 775 plant lik^ Dcsmodium. On depletion of absorbed energy, Desmodium leaflet comes to a state of standstill. It gives then, like Biophytum leaflet, a single response to a single moderate stimulus, and multiple responses to a stron^; stimulus. The mechanical pulsation of Desmodium leaflet is arrested by carbonic acid gas. Introduction of fresh air renews the pulsations. The leaflet of Desmodium exhibits electric pulsations in response to internal activity which maintains the mechani- cal pulsation. The electric pulsation is, however, independent; of mechanical movement ; it persists even after the leaflet is fixed so as to prevent its mechanical pulsation. The effect of carbonic acid gas on electric pulsation is similar to that on mechanical pulsation. It arrests the pulsations during the continued action of the gas. Substi- tution of fresh air is followed by the renewal of electric pulsation. M LXVII.— THE TRANSMISSION OF DEATH EXCITATION. By Sir J. C. Bose, Assisted by Basiswar Sen, B.Sc. Experiments have been described in a previous chapter which showed that plants exhibit a death-spasm at a critical temperature, which is at or about 60°C. Considera- tions were adduced to prove that this was not a phenomenon of coagulation, but an excitatory reaction which occurs at the moment of death. This will find an independent support, if we succeed in demonstrating the occurrence of an excitatory impulse at a point distant from the indicator. Thus, on the exposure of a portion of the stem of Mimosa to rising temperature, it may be expected that an intense excitatory impulse would be initiated at the critical temperature and transmitted to the distant leaves causing their fall. The faot of this transmitted excitation would undoubtedly afford crucial proof of the excitatory reaction at death. The experiments described below were carried out not with Mimosa alone, but with other sensitive plants such as Biophytum and Averriwa. EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT. It may be stated that the leaves and leaflets of cut specimens of Mimosa, of Averrhoa and of Biophytum can 770 THE TRANSMISSION OF DEATH EXCITATION 777 be made to exhibit all the irritable reactions of the intact plant. After section of the stem or the petiole the shock of operation causes a temporary abolition of excitability ; but after a period of rest, the sensibility is found restored. The stem or the petiole is then so supported that its cut end is immersed in a water-bath to a depth of 2 cm. The bath consists of a thin-walled water vessel with arrangements for electric heating by means of a coil of wire. It is easy to regulate the rise of temperature, to a standard rate of 1°C. per minute, by means of the rheostat included in the circuit. CRITICAL TEMPERATURE FOR TRANSMISSION OF DEATH-EXCITATION IN MIMOSA. Transmitted excitation at death-point in cut speci- mens.— In carrying out the experiment in the manner described above, it was found that the Experiment 309 -, . „ . , -,111 steady rise 01 temperature m the bath did not at first produce any effect on the distant leaves ; but on the attainment of a certain critical temperature, an intense excitatory impulse was generated in the immersed portion of the stem, which, travelling upwards, caused an abrupt fall of the leaves in a serial succession. This could only be due to the transmitted effect of excitation occurring at the local death of the immersed portion of the stem; for the leaves re-erected themselves, and recovered their normal excitability after a period of about 20 minutes. That the excitation was due to the death of the immersed portion was proved by repeating the experiment. This time there was total absence of any responsive fall of the leaves, showing that the immersed portion had permanently lost its power of initiating any further excitatory impulse on account of its death. But the result was quite different, when the experiment was repeated for the third time after 778 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS lowering the same stem through further 2 cm. in the heating bath. A new excitatory impulse was found to be initiated at the critical temperature by the death of the freshly immersed portion of the stem, the impulse causing the usual fall of the leaves. The experiment, just described, demonstrates conclu sively the occurrence of an intense excitatory reaction in the tissue at the moment of its death. It was shown in a previous experiment that the death- point of the pulvinus is at or near 60°C. An interesting question now arises : Is the death-point of an ordinary non- motile tissue of the stem the same as that of the contractile tissue of the pulvinus, or is it dilferent? In carrying out experiments with fresh j)reparations of cut specimens, the temperatures at which transmitted death-excitations occurred w^ere found in four typical cases to be at 64°C., 64PG., 65°C., and 65°C. respectively. The distance of the nearest leaf was, in all cases, 20 mm. from the iimnersed portion of the stem. A slight error is introduced in the determination of the death-point from the fall of the leaf, since there is a short time-interval between the initiation of exH;iitation in the immersed stem and its detection by the leaf at a distance of 20 mm. Taking the average value of the velocity of transmission in the stem under normal con- ditions to be about 5 mm. per second, the fall should occur 4 seconds after the initiation of the excitation. The rate of rise of temperature in the bath is 1°C. per 60 seconds; hence the error introduced in the determination of the death- point by the adoption of the indirect method of excitation would amount to a fraction of a degree, which may be regarded as quite negligible. The velocity of transmission in intact specimens has been taken as of the order of 5 mm. per second. This may not, however, be the actual value in a cut specimen ; for I THE TRANSMISSION OF DEATH EXCITATION 779 find that the injury caused by the operation causes a depression in the conducting power. Hence in a cut speci- men there may be induced a great delay in the passage of the excitatory impulse, on account of which an error of several degrees may be introduced in the determination of the death-point. The conducting power in an isolated preparation is, in general, more or less completely restored after a prolonged period of rest. In the next batch of preparations, the experimental determination of the death point was under- taken six hours after isolation from the parent plant ; the different values of the death-point were now found to be : 6-20C., 620C., 630C., and 63°C. respectively. Experiynent with intact specimens. — From the fact that the disappearance of the effect of injury tended to bring the death-point nearer the normal 60°C., I was next led to experiment with intact plants. For this, I took a batch of young seedlings of Mimosa and carefully removed them from the ground without injuring the roots. The lower part of the plant was placed in the bath in the usual manner and the death-points observed in four typical cases were : 60OC., 60°C., 59.60C., and 60OC. respectively. It will thus be seen that an excitatory impulse is generated at the critical death-temperature, and that the death-point in an ordinary tissue is the same as that in sensitive pulvinated organs. CRITICAL POINT FOR TRANSMITTED DEATH-EXCITATION IN AVERRHOA. Similar experiments were next carried out with cut petioles of Averrlioa, and one of the sensitive leaflets was chosen for detection of transmitted excita- Experiment 310 ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^ attached to a delicate Oscillating Recorder for obtaining record of transmitted 780 LTFK MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS excitation. As regards the character of this excitation in Averrhoa and Biophytum, I have shown elsewhere that under intense stimulation, the response instead of being^ single becomes multiple. The death-excitation, if intense, is thus expected to give rise to a multiple series of responses. The cut end of the long petiole was gradually raised in temperature at the standard rate of one degree per minute. The indicating leaflet was at a distance of 50 mm. from the cut end. The velocity of transmission of excitation is relatively slow, less than 1 mm. per second ; hence by the time the excitation reaches the distant leaflet the observed Fi0 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS three weeks new leaves sprang up from the detached portion of the plant. The failure of the various methods hitherto employed has arisen from ignoring the important part played by the submerged portion of the plant in its propagation. The seeds no doubt germinate under favourable conditions ; but Fifr. 299 Photograj)}! of R, root and S, stolon of Water-Hyacinth. this is practically negligible compared with the vegetative mode cf propagation. The photograi)h reproduced in Figure 299 shows the subm.erged portion of the plant which is as large as the part above water. The number of roots in each plant is as many as 150 or more. In a vertical section of the plant numerous buds are seen to occur at the THE SPREAD OF THE W Al ER-HYACTNTH 79 1 axils of tlie leaves; these grow out into horizontal runners, each of which gives rise to a new plant. Numerous lunners spring out Iroui a single phint and the vegetative unilti[)lica- tion is thus extraordinarily rapitl. It is thus seen that no Dietltod for cradicat\o)\ of the <oW(M-ful machinery would be required to send the .sprayed solution to a distance. But there is little chance of the jioisonous solution effectively reaching an individual plant in the interior, sheltered by the dense mass outside. A single plant which escapes the poisoning would become a new focus for the s^tread of the pest. Assuniing, however, that the poison did reach the plant, its application would be found ineffective in causing tlie destruction of the plant as a whole. Local death of the upper part of the plant by steam did not, as we saw. kill the submerged portion. In the case of poison, the sprayed solution cannot directly reach the plant under water ; the only possibility for this lies in the conduction of the poison by the plant downwards, from the leaves to the roots. Bm my recent investigations on the physiological machinery for the ascent of sap* have shown that while a * Bose — Physiology of the Ascent of Sap (In the iircss). Longmans k Green. X 7l jHiisdii to ih( iijijii'r cud of flic ■shoot. — .V pai'allel ex|)erinie)it was cai'ried out with the shoot of the ('linjsdHtlicniiini, {\\c up[)er end of I]\Iiciiiii('iil '.\'2\ 11 I ■ 1 ■ II which was placed ni a glass tube fdletl with the jioison. The {)o;son did not woi-k dcwvnwards as was shown h.y the leaves helow remaiiung green and expanded in a li\ :ng condition. The definite results of in\ (»st igations (h^scrihed above tJMis clear up the obscurity that li;id sui'rounded the sui)ject. and thi'rebx narrow down the problem to the essenti;il element, n.imib. the de-truction of tlu' sutiner|_ed portion THF, SPRKAI) OK I UK WAIKIMI V VCINTFT 7i';> of the plant wliicli is the most eftVc-ti\c niraiis oT propaj^a- tion. This t'annot be done with steam or hy spiayiiiKCTRTC RESISTANCE. By Sir J. ('. Bosk, Assisted by N\i!KM)i{\ Xatii Ni:()(i[. ^r.Sc. Two independent nieans have been described for the determination of ])hysiological chanj^es induced in tlie plant, naniely, the meihods of mechanical and of electromotive response. In addition to these a third method liad already been employed in my previous work on Comparative l^lectro- physiolo^y (1007). This method of response by variation of resistance is considerably extended in the followinpf series of papers. T have already shown that all modes of stimulation, mccliaiiical . clcctJ'ic, or photic, induce an identical excitatory effect, as recorded by the mechanical and the electromotive response. Tlie above will be found fully sup]iorted by the ^letliod of Tvesistivity variation wlucli will he sc|)arately einploNcd for iii\t'sti;4ations on r'cspoiisc' (!• to mccliaiiical stimulus, (2) to electric stimulus and ('■]) to the stiundus of light. Of these the mechanical stimulus has certain advant- ages, since n the first stage of the inquiry it is preferable to employ a non-electrical mode of stimulation h)r obtaining response by variation of electric resistance. The drawback in the employment of mechanical stimulus is the difficulty in obtaining stinndi of equal intensity in succession or in increasing it in a graduated manner. The above difficulties 70<> Ki;si'()NS|-. UY VAHIA'IION OK HESISTANCE 797 liMve. liowever, becii completely removed by the invention of certain devices for nnit'orm stimidation. The necessity for the maintenance ot successive uniform stimuli is sufficiently obvious. For it is only by such means that it is possible to secure uniform responses under normal conditions; the effect of an external a^ent may then be found from the induced variation in the amplitude of the normal response. The advantage of electric stimulation is that the inten- sity may be maintained constant, or varied from sub-minimal value. This is a matter of importance, since it enables us to determine whether the responsive reaction is of the same sign throughout the whole range of stimulation from the subminimal to the maximal. The drawback in the appli- cation of induction shocks as stimulus is the liability of the leakage of high tension current into the galvanometer circuit, which would vitiate the result. It is to be borne m mind, that in obtaining record of electric response we have to employ a very sensitive galvanometer. It is therefore of utmost importance to remove all elements likely to disturb the normal deflection. We shall, however, find that it is possible, by taking sufificient precautions, to eliminate all sources of error. Finally, as regards the photic stimulus, it offers no difficulty in application. Particular care has, however, to be taken to keep the metallic contacts made with the ])lant shaded from light, as this might give rise to photo- electric effect. The stimulus caused by light is obviously less intense than that induced by tetanising electric shocks. EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGE^MENTS. We take stems of various plants and mount them as in the diagram (Fig. 303). The plant is clamped in the middle, and its two lengths P and Q form the two arms of the Wheatstone Bridge ; the electric contacts with the plant are 798 r.IFE M<»VKMENTS IN PLANTS made l>y HKNiris of two plutiiiiiin pins which are thrust into the plant. The two otlier aiiiis of the hridge are made by a rlieostat with a sHdinj^ contact. 'Inhere is a balance when PS = QH ; successive completions of the battery and galvano- meter circuits by means of a double contact key (not shown in the figure^ now cause no galvanometer deflection. But jf the portion of the ])litnt V undergoes a (hminiition of resistance, the fact is demonstrated bv the rcsidting deflec- ViiS. ifll-! Kxiicriiru'iiljii iiictliiHl for ()l)t;iiiiilij^ rcsjioiisc to iiiccli;iiii(;i 1 stimulus liv resistivity vjiriatioii. P and (^ are leiigtlis of |>i;iiit wliic-ii t'oriii two anus of tlio Uriiliri', of wliicli P alone i.s suhjei-ted to torsional vihratiou lt_v nie:ius of the revolving' eceentric E, worked bv clockwiu'k. C. 'I'lie two other arms of the Hrulu'e, U and S, are formed bv the rheostat with sliding eontaet, seen below tion, say to the i-ight ; a detlection to the Iclt indicates, on the other hand, an increase of resistanc(> of T. The balance is easily secured in tlic follow iu^ maiuier; the sliding contact of the rheostat is at lir-t phKcd in the middle, and the resistance of Q graduall.\ dmujiished l).\ moving the platinum contact inwards from the extreme right. After obtaining an a{)proximate balance the plant is allowed ;i period of rest for about 1") miinM(>s. after which RESPONSE BY VARIATTCN OF RHSIS'IAXCE 7'.»'.> the irritation caused by the pin-prick would be found to dis- api^ear. A very perfect balance is next oi^tained by the careful adjustment of the sliding contact of the rheostat. The electric contacts with the plants are made, as previously stated, by means of platinum pins: this method of contact is m practice far preferable to that of the non-i)olarisable electrode. The next question which demands our attention is tlie polarisation caused by the brief passage of the battery Fi-. .304 Records showing uniformly diminished resistance (up-curvi) on uniform mechanical stimulation. (Calotropis giganfiaj . current required for the measurement of the electric resis- tance. This difficulty was at first overcome by the use of a rotating cummutator by which equi-alternating current was sent through the circuit, the polarisation being thus neutralised. This necessitated the reversal of the galvano- meter connections at the same time, which was secured by the employment of a second connnutator mounted on the SOO I. IKK M()vi-;mknts in im.ants axis of the first. 1 found later, that tlie use of an ahcriiatinjx ciiri'eiit was an iiimecessarv refinement, since the polarisa- tion under the actual condition of the experiment is practic- ally zero. The storage cell used for the experiment has nu E. M. F. of two volts; the electrical resistance of the plant is however more than a million ohms. Hence the intensity of the current is about '2 x 10 '^ ampere. The fi'alvanometer attains its maximum deflection in the course of about thi'ee seconds and the circuit is completed, by tlu> double tappin;^ key, for less than 5 seconds. The polarisation produced by tiie brief passage of such a feeble current is quite negligible. It does not in any way affect the uniformity of responses under successive ecpial stinudations as will be found demonstrated in the record of responses given in Figure 304. METHOD OF MI5CHANICAL STIMULATION, The greatest difficulty which confronts us is in securing successive stimulations of equal intensity and in increasing this intensity in a definite manner. The tissue could i)e stinnilated by a spring tapper but the excitation in such .« case would have remained localised at the point struck, the adjoining tissue exhibiting the effect of indirect stimulation ; it has been shown that the effect of the indirect is of opposite sign to tliat of ilirect stimulation. Hence the result would iiave been complicated by the algebraical suimnation of tlx- two opposite reactions. For avoiding this, it is necessary to stimulate the wdiole length of the tissinv This has Iteen secured by the method of torsional vibration. If after securing the halaiice the arm of the plant V he slowly twisted, say to the right thiough ')° , the physical distortion is found to cause no measurai)le '''"'""""'"" variation in the resistance. But a rapid torsion is found to give rise to a responsive deflection of the galvanometer, say to the right, indicating a (lintiiii(ti(ni i>j resistance. It is the siKhlnntcss of the disturbance which RESPONSE l?V VAIilATIoN OF KKSIS TANn-: 801 constitutes a stiimilus. If now we produce a sudden twist of 0° to tlie left, we obtain the same excitatory deflection to tlie ri>{' ii'spoiiso. trated by the apj)lication of chloroform vapour. We found that the cxcitahilitv of a vegetable tissue is depressed imder the contnuied action ol tins -anaesthetic The first record (Fig. 305) shows the normal RESPONSE HY \ MM ATION OF RESISTANCE bO'.')- response ; chloroform was a|)pl!e(l at tlie point mai'ked with an arrow, the suhsequent responses being obtained at intervals of 10 minutes. Tlie lesponse by variation of resist- ance is tlius seen to undergo a decline under the coutintied action of the ajiaestlu^ic. PHELTMINARY I'.FFKCT oi- ItlllTK VAPOT^H OF rHr.OliOFOim. llic sptirk record. — The galvanometric recoids given above were ()l)tained 1)\ |)liotographic means witli the inconvenience inse})aral)le froiu working in a dark room. A Fig. ;W(i Till' sjinrk rccunl er and lower halves of which were connected with the galvanometer. The interposition of a chocking coil was then h)und effective in preventing the leakage of the shock-current into the galvanometer circi^it. In the present case, the electric stimulation is direct and the prevention of the leakage of the shock-current presents RESISTIVITY VARIATION IN PLANTS 807 certain difficulties. These are, however, completely removed by cutting off the galvanometer connections with the plant during the passage of the induction shock. The shock- circuit S had, moreover, to be cut off from the plant during the determination of the resistance and its induced variation ; otherwise the coil S would have acted as a shunt. The method of procedure is therefore as follows : The key K is closed and K j and K 2 opened. The exact balance is obtained by the sliding contact by which the ratio of P and Q is varied. The balancing condition is found from the galvanometer deflection being reduced to zero. The plant is now cut off from the galvanometer and put on in the shock circuit; this is done by opening the key K, and closing Kj ; Kj is simultaneously closed so as to short-circuit the galvano- meter. The electric shock is thus allowed to pass through the plant for half a second after which K j and K g are opened and K closed. The variation of resistance induced by stimulus, causes an upset of the previous balance of resistance with the resulting deflection of the galvanometer spot of light. In practice, the successive manipulations of making, breaking and remaking of the connections are performed almost automatically by a momentary pressure on the tilting key T, and the release of that pressure. The relative position of the three keys and the sequence of their action will be understood from the illustration at the upper corner of Figure 307. In the following investigations, intact or cut specimens of various plants have been successfully employed ; among these may be mentioned the seedling of Helianthus amiuus and of Impatiens, also the climbing stem of Ipomea pulchella, and Porana paniculata. The sensibility depends on age, season, and the previous history of the plant. Under favourable circumstances very pronounced response is 0 808 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS obtained under an electric shock so feeble as to be beyond human perception. After making suitable electric connections by means of platinum electrodes, the specimen is allowed a period of rest for complete subsidence of irritation caused by manipula- tion. The characteristic responses by variation of electric resistance are then obtained under sub-minimal, moderate and strong stimulations.* EFFECT OF STIMULUS OF MODERATE INTENSITY. The intensity of stimulus is continuously increased by the approach of the secondary coil to the primary till a particular distance is found at which the Expcriincut 327 ^■ -, p • 1 , ,i amplitude or response is about three centi- metres. The duration of electric stimulation is only half a second, and successive stimuli of equal intensity are applied at intervals of eight to ten minutes. Figure 308 shows : (1) that the response is by a di7ninution of resistance as indicated by the up-curve, (2) that the recovery is complete on the cessation of stimulus, and (3) that the amplitudes of successive responses are iequal under uniform stimulation. If successive stimulations are at shorter intervals than 5 minutes, the protoplasmic recovery is incomplete, and we observe signs of fatigue. This is shown by a diminution in the amplitude of successive responses. Another interesting phenomenon, sometimes observed, is the occurrence of alternating fatigue, that is to say, a large response is followed by a small one, and this, in a recurrent series, * An autonomous pulsation is sometimes observed, due to the pulsatory activity of certain cells which maintain the ascent of sap. The electric pulsation may, however, be made to dis- appear by separating the points of contact on the stem, till the pulsatory activities at the two points are in the same phase. A detailed account of the phenomenon will be found described in the Physiology of the Ascent of Sap to be shortly published by Messrs. Longmans. In all experiments, the isoelectric condition of the two contacts is assured by observing the quiescent condition of the galvanometer spot of light. RESISTIVITY VAHIATION IN PLANTS 809 For the study of the effect of external agents, it is important that the normal responses should be uniform, and the conditions for securing such uniform responses have been fully described. The stimulating or depressing character of an agent may now be discovered from the induced modification in the normal response ; an enhance- ment of excitability thus will be detected by a concomitant FIG. 308 FIG. 309 Fig. 308 Effect of stimulus of moderate intensity. Response by diminution of resistance seen in the up-curve. Fig. 309 Effect of sub-minimal stimulus. Response by increase of resistance exhibited by the down-curve (HelianthusJ . increase in the amplitude of response; a lowering of excita- ability will, on the other hand, be indicated by the amplitude of response undergoing a depression. EFFECT OF SUB- MINIMAL STIMULI.1S. We have seen that the sign of response under sub- minimal stimulus is opposite to that of the normal. Thus, while moderate stimulus induces a retardation of growth, sub-minimal stimulus induces an enhancement of the rate, (p. 224). In the electromotive 810 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS method, the response under feeble stimuhis is galvanometric positivity, instead of the normal negative. In Mimosa feeble stimulus indiK-es an expansive erectile response in- stead of the coiitractih' fall of tli(> leaf, (p. 147). This positive response is more easily observed when the critical point of transition from positive to negative becomes raised by the subtonic condition of the tissue. It is very remarkable that in the method of resistivity variation we also obtain, under feeble stimulation, a response of oj^osite sign to that of the normal ; that is to say, the Fig. 310 Multi])le rcsj)onse to strong electric and thermal shocks. resistance of the tissue exhibits an increase, instead of the normal diminution. Figure 309 shows such positive res- ponses under feeble stimulus, by an increase of resistance (down-curve) followed by recovery. EFFECT OF STRONG STIMULUS. If the intensity of stiffnulus be gradually increased, the amplitude of normal negative response by diminution of resistance becomes enhanced till a limiting Experimciif .T29 ^ value is reached. Further increase of intensity is then found to give rise to the very interesting RESISTIVITY VARIATION IN PLANTS 811 phenomenon of multiple response, the resistance of the tissue undergoing' a recurrent variations, analogous to the multiple mechanical and electromotive responses under strong stimulus. As the strong stimulus gives rise first to a very large response which is followed by a multiple series, it is difl&cult to obtain a complete record since the first response goes off the photographic plate. It is, however, easy to observe them by watching the alternate movements of the galvano- meter spot of light which persist for a considerable length Fig. 311 Effect of Co, in depressing response by resistivity variation. of time. It has sometimes been possible to obtain the multiple response within the plate, by employing a stimulus which is not excessively strong. The record seen to the left of Figure 310 shows five multiple responses, under moder- ately strong electric stimulus ; the record to the right of the figure shows multiple response under thermal stimulus. I have also obtained similar multiple responses under the stimulus of strong light. Having studied the responses under feeble, moderate and strong stimiili we shall next observe the characteristic 812 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS effects of physiological change induced by the action of anaesthetics. EFFECT OF CARBON DIOXIDE. We found that prolonged application of carbon dioxide induces a depression of all modes of response. The method of resistivity variation also Experiment 330 ii-,-it • p -r exhibits similar depression ot response. In Figure 311 the first two responses are normal ; the introduc- tion of carbon dioxide into the plant-chamber is seen to have induced a marked depression. EFFECT OF ETHER AND CHLOROFORM VAPOUR. Dilute vapour of ether has already been found to induce Fig. 312 Effect of dilute ether vapour in enliancing the response by- resistivity variation. a marked enhancement in the mechanical and the electro^ motive response. The response by resistivity Experiment 331 ..,,.,. . , variation also exhibits a great increase under the action of this anaesthetic (Fig. 312). The enhanced excitability under dihite chloroform vapour is so great that^ RESISTIVITY VARIATION IN PLANTS 813" a single stimulus often gives rise to a multiple series of responses. SUMMARY. The response of normal tissues to electric stimulus is by a diminution of electrical resistance, followed by a recovery. The response to sub-minimal stimulus is of an opposite sign to that of the normal, i.e., an increase of resistance instead of a diminution. Strong stimulus gives rise to a multiple series of responses by resistivity variation. Prolonged action of carbon dioxide induces a diminu- tion in the amplitude of response. The various characteristics of response by resistivity variation are parallel to those of mechanical response of sensitive plants, the responsive variation of growth in growing organs, and the response of electromotive variation in all vegetable tissues. Dilute ether vapour causes a great enhancement in the response. The excitability of the tissue is also increased by dilute vapour of chloroform, on account of which a single stimulus is often found to give rise to repeated responses. LXXI.— THE QUADEANT METHOD OF RESPONSE TO STIMULUS OF LIGHT. By Sir J. C. Bose, Assisted by Apurba Chandra Nag, M.Sc. We have found in the two previous chapters that modes of stimulation, as diverse as mechanical and electrical, induce an excitatory reaction exhibited by an induced diminution of resistance. We shall now study the effect of the stimulus of light on the resistance of the tissue ; a new method of very great sensitiveness has been devised for this investiga- tion, so sensitive indeed as to detect the effect of light of so brief a duration as a hundred thousandth part of a second. This is due to the fact that the galvanometer deflection by this method is not simply proportional to the induced variation of resistance of one arm, but to the product of variations in two arms. The principle of the method will be understood from the diagram given at the lower end of Figure 313, which represents a leaf blade of Tropaeolum in which its four quadrants P, Q, E, S, serve as the four arms of a Wheat- stone Bridge. The diagonal connections are made with the battery and the galvanometer respectively. The three contacts with the leaf may be fixed, and the fourth moved slightly to the right or to the left till an exact balance is obtained in darkness, when PQ=RS. One of the pairs of opposite quadrants P and Q is shaded by a double 814 THE QUADRANT METHOD OF RESPONSE 815 Y-shaped screen. Exposure of the leaf to Ught produces a variation of resistance not of one, but of two opposite arms of the bridge K and S ; the upsetting of the balance is thus due to the product of the variations of resistance in the two opposite quadrants. The responsive galvanometer deflec- Fig. 313 The Quadrant Method for determination of variation of electric resistance. Two opposite quadrants of the leaf are shaded. Electric connections are made at the junctions of the quadrants (see text). tion in a particular direction is found to be very large and indicates a diminution of resistance in the quadrants stimulated by light. The double V-shaped screen is next turned through 90°; the quadrants P and Q are now exposed to light, and K and S shaded from it. The resulting upset 816 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS of the balance and the galvanometer deflection is now in ar> opposite direction. The reliability and the sensitiveness of the Quadrant Method may thus be tested by obtaining equal and opposite responses under alternate illumination of the two pairs of Fig. 314 Equal responses in opposite directions by alternate illumination of the two pairs of quadrant, quadrants ; the test in confirmation of the above will be found in records given in Figure 314. After securing such perfect adjustments, the double V- shaped screen is kept fixed, and the leaf mounted in a rectangular dark chamber closed except at the front, which carries a photographic shutter by which one pair of quadrants is exposed to light for a definite duration. The electric connections with the leaf are led to four binding screws ; the petiole protruding from the box is dipped in an U-tube filled with water, (cf. right-hand illustration of Fig. 313). THE QUADRANT METHOD OF RESPONSE 81T The source of light is in an arc or an incandescent lamp, placed inside a lantern, the condenser of which sends a parallel beam of light. A rectangular glass trough filled with alum solution is interposed in the path of light to- absorb the heat rays. The duration of exposure is varied according to the sensitiveness of the specimen; the usual period of exposure is about 20 seconds. RESPONSE TO LIGHT FROM A SINGLE SPARK. The extreme sensitiveness of the quadrant n-fcethod will FIG. 315 FIG. 316 Fig. 315 Response to light from a single spark. Fig. 316 Effects of stimulus of light increasing in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 5 : 7.^ be found fully demonstrated in the record given in Figure 315. The duration of a spark at the dis- Experiment 332 , „ ^ ^ ^ , , , charge of a Leyden Jar may be regarded as ©f the order of hundred thousandth part of a second. The discharge took place at a distance of 15 cm. from the leaf 818 LIFR MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS and the response is seen to consist of a priliminary positive twitch followed by a lar^e negative response, indicative of normal diminution of resistance. The leaf exhibited a complete recovery. EFFECT OF INCHEASING INTENSITY OF LIGHT. The arc lamp is taken out of the lantern, and the diverging beam employed for the following experiment. As the intensitv of light varies as the square of Experiment 333 , ,. • i i i ^ tiie distance, suitable marks were made on the scale fixed on the tab'e, so that the intensitv of light Fig. 317 Effect of carbonic acid gas on response to light. Note preliminarj- enhancement followed bj' decline. incident on the leaf was increased in the proportion of 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 by bringing the arc nearer the leaf at the particular distances marked on the scale. The duration of exposure was kept the same. The responses under increasing intensities of light in the ratio given above are seen in Figure 316. The resistance is seen to undergo a diminution with the increasing intensity of stimulus. THE QUADRANT METHOD OF RESPONSE 819 We shall next study the eifects of anaesthetics on response to the stimulus of light. EFFECT OF CARBON DIOXIDE After taking a series of normal responses, carbon dioxide was passed into the plant-chamber. This is seen to give rise to a preliminary enhancement of Experiment 334 p n i i • • j responses followed by increasmg depression. (Figure 317). The effect of. carbon dioxide is thus the same on all responses under diverse modes of stimulation. EFFECT OF DILUTE VAPOUR OF CHLOROFORM. Dilute chloroform has been shown to induce a prelimi- nary enhancement of response followed by a decline. This anaesthetic is seen to induce a similar effect on response to light ; after the introduction of the chloroform vapour, the three successive responses are Fig. 318 Effect of chloroform. The preliminary enhancement was followed by a depression. found to be increased by about 50 per cent ; the subsequent responses exhibit a great depression (Fig. 3i8). -820 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS VARIATION OF PERMEABILITY UNDER STIMULUS. The excitatory fall of the leaf of Mimosa is due to the •expulsion of the sap from the excited cells in the pulvinus. This may be due to an active contraction or to an increase of permeability of the protoplasmic lining of the cell. Our present state of knowledge in regard to the mechanism of con- traction of vegetable tissue is as incomplete as that of the phenomenon of muscular contraction. According to Schafer, the contraction of a muscle is brought about by a transfer and redistribution of fluid material ; the contraction of the pulvinus of Mimosa is also due to the transfer of fluids. All movements of living organism whether animal or plant may be said to be effected by essentially the same means, i.e., by the contractile protoplasm, of which the highly special- ised form is seen in the muscular tissue of the animal. It has been supposed that the mechanical response of the pulvinus is not due to active contraction, but to the escape of water from the distended cells by an induced increase of permeability. The observed diminution of the •electric resistance of vegetable tissues under stimulus may be regarded as offering some support to the theory of increase of permeability under stimulus. The high resistance of a tissue has been imagined to be due to the impermeability of the cell membranes to salts, the salt solution being conductors of electric current. The diminution of resistance after stimulation is regarded as due to increase of permeability and resulting escape of fluid containing salts, which confers increased electric conduc- tivity or diminished resistance of the tissue. But this theory does not explain all the facts ; (1) for the escape of sap in one direction would produce an increase of conduc- tivity, more or less persistent. But the normal resistance is found restored in the course of as short a time as 2 THE QUADRANT METHOD OF RESPONSE 821 minutes ; (2) it does not explain a temporary increase of resistance, which is often found to be the al^er-effect of a stimulus (see Fig. 308) ; (3' it offers no explanation of the multiple response under strong stimulus, where we observe a recurrent diminution and increase of resistance ; (4) and finally, the increase of resistance induced by feeble stimulus is a further and insuperable difficulty in the way of the above theory. The permeability variation, according to the above theory, is regarded as selective or one-directioned, by which the fluid is expelled outicards from the cell. But this is not a correct interpretation of fact, for there is an alternat- ing phasic change on account of which the sap is not merely expelled outicards, but also absorbed inwards; instead of selective permeability in one direction, there are, as it were, alternate directioned changes by which the fluid is period- ■ ically expelled and taken in across the boundary of the cell. This is clearly seen in rhythmic cells of the lateral leaflets of Desmodium gijrans, where the recurrent down and up movements of the leaflets are associated with periodic expulsion and absorption. This is also the case in the pro- pulsion of sap in plants, which I have shown to be caused by periodic expulsion and absorption of fluid by the active layer of cells in the cortex. This periodic expulsion and absorption is the common characteristic of all modes of response ; I have shown that a continuity exists between the autonomous, the multiple, and ordinary response. In multiple responses under strong stimulus, {e.g., in Biopytum leaflet) there is produced a recurrent contraction and expansion concomitant with the periodic expulsion and absorption. The single response under stimulus in ordinary cases also exhibits this periodic change of expulsion with subsequent absorption during recovery . 822 LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS The facts described above indicate that a simple theory of permeabihty-variation is not sufficient for a full explanation of the observed phenomena. These and other results point rather to the existance^ of two definite protoplasmic reactions, which may be described as the A- and the D-effects. The A-cffect, usually induced by sub-minimal stimulus, finds outward expression, by induced expansion, increase of turgor, enhancement of the rate of growth, galvanometric positivity and increase of electrical resistance. The D-eifect (predominantly induced under stimulus of moderate intensity) is outwardly manifested, on the other hand, by contraction, diminution of turgor, diminished rate of growth, galvanometric negativity and diminution of electric resistance. The following table shows the parallel effects exhibited by diverse modes of response. TABLE LXV. — SHOWING PARALLELISM IN DIFFERENT MODES OF RESPONSE. External chansj)onse of a xt-ry young' leaf. Figure 3'25 shows similar positive response given by a very old leaf. There is an additional element which tends Experiment Hr^S FK;. jzj fig j24 KIG. 325 Fig. 323. Normal oleotromotive response in a vigorous specimen. Note the transient positive after-effect. Figs. 324 and 325. Abnormal positive responi-e in a very young and in a very old specimen. to produce a positive res])onse of which reference will be presently made. It has been shown that the reaction under light, is within limits, proportional to the quantity of light, that is to say, on the intensity multiplied by Experiment 339 , . ,.,-,/ ..,-x t- • ^i. duration of light (p. 34o). Keeping the intensity coni^tant, we obtain responses to increasing" dura- SU) LIFF. MOVK:\rF\TS IN PLANTS tions of liglit; of 5 seconds. Id seconds, and lo seconds. T}ie responses are seen to nnder^^o an iiicii^ase with the increased duration of exposure (Figure 32G). But this increase does not go on indefinitely, for the conliiuious action of hght causes a maximum negative response beyond which a dechne sets in. There must, therefore, be ?n opj)osing element which tends to neutralise the normal excitatory D-effect. Fiii'. Hiirt. Kffects (if iiicrciisi!ij( durations of oxposure of ."), 10, and 15 seconds. The existance of this opposing A-reaction has already been seen in the transient after effect in Figure 323. We have already seen that stimulus in general, induces both the I )- and A-effects ; in excitable sptnimens the D-effect is predo- minant and therefore, masks the A-effect ; this positive A- eft'ect is, however, exhibited under feeble stin \dus or e^en as an after-effect of strong stimulation. VKGETAIil-K PHoTO-KLKCTlilC CKF.L ,S4 There are aj^aiii certain conditions which are specially favourable for the exhibition of the A-effect. When the ^reen leaf has an abundant sujij)ly of chlorophjdl, the photo- synthetic process of building up becomes specially marked. 1 have tlius obtained under tlu> action of lipid, a positive Fiir. '•^2'l. Aftei'-efl'ect of liylit. I'lio iiia.xiuiuni iioirativc is i-c\erso(l sinii attains a balance iti the liorizontal portion of tlie curve Sroppafi'e of liylit causes the uniiiiiskiiiff of the iievative followed bv recovcrv. response with the green leaf of Luctuca sativa in wliicli chlorophyll is presenr, in such a j^reat abundance. The fact that positive response is associated with assimilation is proved by my recent experiments on photo- electric response of water plants. The photosynthesis under hght is liere independently demonstrated by ])r()fuse evolution of oxvjaen. These water plants exhibit marked positive electric response during strong illumination, the response disappearing on the cessation of light. NI2 LIFE MOVEMKNTS IN I'l.ANTS EFFECT OF CONTINUED ACTION OF LIGHT. The positive element in the response may be indirectly ilomonstrated even in the normal Mnsa leaf. In Figure 327 is seen the elTeot of continnoiis action of light wliitJi at first exhibits the predominant negative response attaininp' a maxinnnn ; the positive element now begins to increase with the duration of light ; at a certain stage, the two elements, D and A, balance each other ilie residting response being boiizontal. On stoppage of light, the antagonistic A element ceases to be active, while D appears to be persistent. The result is a sudden unmasking of the negative, held in balance during exposure to light. A negative response with subsequent recoverv thus occurs on the cessation of light (Fig. 237). SUMMARY. A photo-electric cell is constructed of two half-leaves of Musa, supported parallel, in a trough filled with normal saline. The two halves act as two metallic i)lates of a voltaic cell. The resistance of the circuit is thus greatly reduced. An electromotive force is generated by exposure to light, the stimulated leaf becoming galvanometrically negative; there is a recovery on the cessation of light. In vigorous leaves, increasing duration of light gives rise to increasing negative response which tends to reach a limit. The excitability of a very young or a very old leaf is below par; the response in such cases is by galvanometric positivity. VEGETABLK PHOTO-KLFX'TRIC CELL 843 On ac-couiit of pliotosyntliesis there is a positive element in the response which is often masked by the predominant negative. The positive is often found as an after-effect in the normal negative response. Under continued action of light the negative is opposed by the increasing positive, bringing about a condition of balance. On the stoppage of light the masked D-effect exhibits itself as a short-lived negative response. ]jXXi\'.— (ii>:.\i:K.\i. iM-:\ii-:w OF VOI.UMKS I I'O I\'. '!'li(> iiioveiiuMits of plant of.^ans iiiulci- the manifold and (■Iiaii,L:iii<^' forces of tlic cm iromnciit are exti"(Mneh' varied and coni[)licate(l. Tlic most important of these are tlie effects of variation of tempei'ature, of the stimuli of contact, of ^'i-avity and of li^lit. Tlu^ effcM-ts of tliese diverse agencies ai'e not aK\ays concoi-danl . but often contradictory. The same stinudus is found. moi'eoNcr. to prcxhice sometimes one i^lfect, and at other times iirecisely the opj)osite. It has thus appeared almost hopeless to discover an underlying unity in phenomena so extremely diverse. A tendency has thus arisen towai'ds the hcdief that it was not any definite pliysiolo^ical reaction, hut the in(n\ iduahty of the plant that determined the choice oi' mo\euient for its ultimate advantage. Teleological argmnent of this character con- fuses the real issue, and diverts attention from the discovery of tile fundamental physiological mechanism. Terms and phrases have been employed for difl'erent mo\ements, sncli as positive heliotropism when the organ turns towards, negative heliotropism when it moves away, and dia-helio- tropism w hen it places itself at right angles to the direction of light. Sinnlarly the terms j)ositive and negative geotropism have been used to denote the mov<'ment towards or away from the earth. These terms olfei' no real e\j)lanation of M I GENKHAL lU^lEW 845 the phenomena, and their use, as pointed by Bayliss, have proved to be "" mischievous, leading to the behef that new knowledge has been obtained when a phenomenon is des- c-ribed b}- a name deilNt'd Irom the classical tongue instead of in English."" The advance of physiology of plant-movements has been delayed, mainly from the lack of definite knowledge in regard to (1) tlie fundamental reaction induced by different forms of stimuU, CJt the modification of tlie effect brought about by changes in the tonic condition of the tissue, (3) the different effects of feeble, moderate, and strong stimuli, and (4) the variation of effect which arises from tlie direct and indirect applications of stimulus. As regarils the first, it has been thought that the effects of different stimuli are specificallv different. In reality there is no such difference, for the investigations described in these volmnes show that all stinmli induce similar exci- tatory reaction by contraction. Perception of stimulus and the consequent reaction arises from the disturbance of the sensitive protoi)lasm. Though certain anatomical struc- tures, such as tactile hairs and others facilitate the percep- tion of a particular form of stimulus by causing deformation of the sensitive protoplasm in an affective manner, yet all forms of stimuli are found to induce similar reactions, as exhibited by contraction or by the concomitant response of galvanometric negativity. The second i)oint relates to the modifying influence of tonic condition ; it has been shown that while in the normal condition of the tissue, the response is by contraction, in a sub-tonic condition it undergoes a reversal of sign, the response bemg by expansion. In regard to the effects induced by varying intensities of stimulus, it has been found that a feeble stimulus induces an expansive reaction, in contrast with the contractile effect 84t) LIFE MOVEMKNTS IN PLANTS of a moderate stimulus. Strong' stimulus, a^ain has been shown to give rise to a multi{)le series of responses. And finally, the existence of a very important factor liad not previously been suspected, namely, the differing effects induced by change in the point of application of stimulus. It has been shown that while direct stimulus induces a diminution of turgor and contrac- tion, indirect stimulus causes the opposite effect of increase of turgor and expansion (p. 130). The explanation of this is found in the fact that owing to the semi-conducting nature of the vegetable tissue, the excitatory impulse from a distance undergoes rapid diminution, and becomes minimal when it reaches the responding organ ; but minimal stimulus is shown to induce an effect which is of opposite sign to that of normal intensity (p. 80U). In the second place, the local coiiti'action caused by stinudus causes an expulsion of fluid giving rise to a hydraulic wave wdiich forces water into the res{)onding organ at a distance and causes an expansion. The following generalisations have been experimentally established : — I. Under normal conditions , (dl forms of stimuli of viodcrate intensity (jive rise to negative responses, seen exliibited by contraction, diminution of turijor, fall of leaf, electromotive change of galvanometric negativity and a diminution of electric resistance. II. Feeble stimuli give rise to responses ichich arc positive, i.e., of opposite sign to the normal negative. III. In the sub-tonic condition of a tissue the response under moderate sti}nulus is positive. JV. Strong stimuli give rise to multiple responses. \'. All forms of Direct Stimuli i)iducc contraction: hidircct Stitnuli, o)t the other hand, (-(nise expansion. Tlie diverse movements of y)lants are explained on the principle broadlv stated above. Some of the more import- GENERAL Kl'VIKW 847 ant investigations ik'sciilxHl in the lour voltnnes may now be classified as follows. 1. Similarity of iTspons" in pulvinatrd, ,i,'r(nvin^\ and non- growing organs. (a) Response of Mimosd. (h) Diurnal variation of moto-excitability. (r) Response of ordinary plants. {(l) Response of growing organs. 2. Different methods of detection of negative and positive responses. (a) Mechanical response. (6) Electromotive response. (c) Response by variation of electric resistance. (f/) Permeability variation under stimulus. 3. Identical excitatory reaction under different modes of stimulation. 4. Positive response under feeble stimulus. 5. Modification of response in sub-tonic tissues. G. Opposite effects of direct and indirect stimulation. 7. Multiple response under strong stimulus, and the con- tinuity of multiple and autonomous responses. 8. Autonomous and tbe movement of growth. 9. Effect of anaesthetics on various responses. {'i) Carbon dioxide on electric response, on growth, and on geotropic response. (h) Ether vapour on electric response, on growth, and on geotropic r.sponse. (c) Chloroform vapour on Desmoclmm pulsation, on growth, on geotropic response, and on electric response. 10. Death-spasm in plarts and the transmission of death- excitation. 11. Nervous impulse in plants. 12. The Nervous and the Hydraulic reflex. 13. Tropic movements under unilateral stimulus. 1 f. Mechanotropism. ''^-l''^ I. IKK MOVKMKNTS IN IM.ANTS 1 •">. I'liot'itropisiii. (o) Quantitative relation. (fi) Negative phototropism. (r) Effects of different rays of the spectrum. («■/) The complete phototiopic curve. (t) Phototropic torsion. 1(). Dia-hcliotropic adjustiiu'iit of leaves under trans- mitted excitation. 17. JMiotonastie curvatures. IS. Xiglit and day movements of plants. (r and lower sides. {(I) (ieotrojjic excitations at vaiious angles. {<) Effect of narcotics. (/) Effect of variation of temperatui'e. (ij) Localisation of geo pei'ceptive layer. {h) Dia-geoti'oi)ism of doisi-ventral oi-gans. (/) Geoti-opism of roots. The iiiaiii resulls of these ciKpiiiies may now he hriefly untliiicd under the ahoNe JK^adinjus. i!i-:si'()Nsi': IN n i.\ IN ATI' I). (,i;()\vin(;, and N()N-(;i;()\VIN(i OKO.VNS. }f((h(nii<(iJ of Miniosd. — Both ihe upper and the lower halves of the ()ulvinu.s are sensitive, hut the lower lialf is ahoiit 80 times more excital)le tlian the ujij^er. stimulation Induces responsiv(^ htli hy the f^reater contraction of the lower half. Foi" a Ion;.! tim(> it has heen as-.ume(l that the expansive hiree of upper half of the CHNKIJAL KKVIKW 84{> pulviiuis and the weij^lit of the leaf are important factors in the resiH)iisive fall of the leaf. Experiments carried out after ciittinii" off the siih-petioles, and the amputation of the upper or the lower half of the [)ul\iiuis show that tlie responsive movement is maiidy i\ue to the active force of contraction exerted by the lower half of the pulvimis (]). 85). l)iitr)uil i'0 ]AVh] MOVKMKNTS IN ]'[,ANTS Rcspo)isc of (iroiciiKj oiyidtts. — By iiiciiiis of the High Magnification Crescograpii the normal rate of growth and its iiuluced variation are (let(M mined in the course of a few seconds. The magnificiition thus obtained may be as much ten thousand times. \\liiU> the Magnetic Crescograph can give an amphfication up to ten. milHon times, tluis enabhng us to observe and measure the rate of growth, and its slightest variation. The effect of stimulus is found to induce an incipient contraction, exhibited by a diminution of the rate of growth: this I'ctardation increases \\ith tlie increasing intensity of stimuhis, ciihninating even in an actual shorten- ing of the organ (p. 1 ()(')•. The sensitiveness of these methods for detection of induced variation of growth can l)e yet further increased by the use of the Balanced Crescograph. In this the move- ment of growth upwartls is exactly compensated by an equal movement of the plant downwards, with the result that the record remains horizontal. The effect of an external agent is inmiediately detected by the upsetting of the balance; up- record representing acceleration above normal, and down record, the opposite effect of depression. The sensitiveness of the method of Balance is so great as to enable us to detect the retardation of growth induced b}^ a single flash of light lasting for about- a hundred thousandth of a second (pp. 263, 3-2o). DIFFERENT METHODS OF DETECTION OF NEGATIVE AND POSITFVK RESPONSES. It is convenient, and often necessary, to have at our ■disposal independent methods of detection of excitatory reaction in plant tissues. I have shown elsewhere* that every plant, and every oruan of every plant exhibits exci- tatory response by an induced change of galvanometric * Responses in the Living and Non-I^iving, (1902). C.KNRUAL KFVIKW 851 negativity. That the electromotive response is but a (hffereiit ex[)iession of protoplasmic excitation has been xliown by obtaining" a simultaneous record of niechanical and electric-al res[H)nse of Miniosd ([). Hh]). AnotluM- method has also been described by which the excitatory reaction is detected and recorded by the iiiduc-ed diminution of the electric resistance of the tissue (pp. 7".)6, bOo). The Quadrant Method devised for obtaining" response by change of electric resistance is found to be extremely sensitive. NEGATIVE ANT) POSITIVE RESPONSES. There are two fundamental reactions distinguished as ncijatire and positive which underlie all physiological varia- tion. The outward manifestations of the excitatory negative are, (a) diminution of turgor, (b) contraction, (c) fall of motile leaf, (d) diminution of the rate of growth, (e) electromotive change of gaivanometric negativity, and (f) diminution of the electric resistance. While the positive reaction is associated with, (a) increase of turgor, (b) expan- sion, (c) erectile movement of the motile leaf, (d) increase of the rate of growth, (e) electromotive change of gaivanometric positivity, and if> increase cf electrical resistance. The excitatory effect is seen in response to moderate stimulus of all tissues in normal vigorous condition. The positive effect is demonstrated by irrigation of the plant, with the resulting" ascent of sap by which the turgor of tissue is in- creased. The same effect may also be produced by applica- tion of hydrostatic pressure. In another aspect, th? negative and the positive responses are associated respectively with the breakdown, D-change, and the building" up, A-change. Stimulus induces both D- and A-changes, the separate existence of which has been demonstrated. The closest parallelism has been established between the results obtained with mechanical and electrical responses 8o2 I,1FK MOVI'IMKNTS IN PLANTS of non-iii'owin;^" or^^aiis iiiuUm- stiiiiiilus. and tlie responsive variation ol' growth . ( 'iiciimstanccs which give rise to negative mechanical and eledrical responses also give rise to negative Nariation oi- retardation of th(^ rate of growtli. Other circumstances which cause j)ositi\'e mechanical and electric responses hring aho'it positive \ariation or enhanct'- nient of the rate of growth. The physiological machinery is alike in ])mI\ inaliMl , non-[iid\ inated, in growing, and in non-growing oi'gans. Tiise of t(Mnp(Mat nre. within hunts, induces an ex])ansion, and an acceleration of the I'ate of growth. The reaction induced hy a rise of tempei'atui'e is often antagonistic to that induced hy stinudus. M (■(■liiiiilcal response. — The lU'gative response is seen in the fall of the MlnidSd leaf ind in the retardation oi the rate of growth (p. ]'.)7t. That the positive response due to the enhancement of turgoi" is shown hy the erectile movement of the leaf of Miiiiosd (j). .■{'.)>. and hy the eidiancement of the rate of growth (j). IDO). FAeciroiiiofire resjxinse. — The normal excitatory response of galvanometric negativity has heen sh.own to occur under mechanical stimulus (p. 88G), under electric stimulus (p. 744) and imder stinndus of light (p. 838). 1 have in my later experiments found that an enhance- ment of turgor gives rise to an electromotive change of galvanometric positivity. Both the D- and A-changes occur under the action of stinndus; since the excitatory D-reaction is, imder normal conditions, relatively predominant the negative' electric variations masks the positive. Tlie ])()sitive A-change may, however, he munasked on the cessation of stinndus, when ii is exhihited as a short-lived positive after-effect (p. 838). Under continuous stinmlaticn by light the increasing A- eflfect neutralises the negative; on the stoppage of Hght the balanced D-effect \>: unmasked (p. 84-2) wit>h re.sulting GENERAL REVIEW 858 negative response. 1 have recently succeeded in ()l)tainin^' the pure assiniilatory response of galvanonietric positivitv under the action of hght in actively jihotosynthetic water plants like Ihjdrilld rcrticilldtd. Here active assimilation is simultaneously exhibited in two different ways : (1) by evolution of oxygen, and (-2) by the positive electric variation. Response by z'ariation of cleetric resistanee. — The excitatory negative reaction has been demonstrated l)y the induced diminution of electric resistance under mechanical stinndus (p. 801), under electric stimulus (p. 808), and under the stinudus of light (p. 816). In the Quadrant Method the two opposite quadrants are shaded, and illumination of the unshaded quadrants upsets the previously balanced resistance. The sensitiveness of the method is so great that it detects and records the diminution of resistance induced by the almost instantaneous flash of light given by a single electric spark (p. 817 1. Contraction and pcrmeahUity variation. — The excita- tory fall of the leaf of Mimosa is due to the expulsion of the sap from the excited cells in the pulvinus. This may be due to an active contraction or to an increase of permeability of the protoplasmic lining of :he cell. According to Schafer, the contraction of a muscle is brought about by a transfer and redistribution of fluid material ; the contraction of the pulvinus of Mi))wsa is also due to the transfer of fluids. All movements of living organism, whether animal or plant, may be said to be effected by essentially the same means, i.e., by the contractile protoplasm, of which the highly specialised form is seen in the muscular tissue of the animal. It has been shown that a simple theory of permeability variation is not sufficient for a full explanation of the observed phenomena (p. 820). These rather point to the existence of two definite protoplasmic reactions, which may be des- cribed as the A- and the D-effects. 854 LIKK MOVK.M'A'TS IN I'l-A'NTS IDENTICAI. HXCI I'A roHY IJKACTION INDl'.K DIFFKHENT ]\10DES OK STIMI'LATION. Among tlu> dilVci-'Mit tonus of stiimili are; contiu-t and friction, [)rick and wound, induction ch^'tric shock or sliock of condenser discharge, the ' make ' of an electric current at the kathode, tlie action of certain chemical agents, the action of the rays of hght from the more refrangible portions of the spectrum, the infra-red thermal radiation, tlie electric radiation, and the action of gravity. Mechanical and electrical stiimdi alike cause a fall of the leaf of Mimosa, a diminution of the rate of growth (p. •I'-V.)), an electromotive change of galvanometric negati- vity (p. 744), and a dimimition of electrical resistance of the tissue (p. 808). Stimulus of light causes the fall of Mimosa leaf (j). '245), reta.-dation of the rat(^ of gnnvth p. •206) ; positive troi)ic curvature in growing organs (p. 318), electric variation of galvanometric negativity (p. 838), and diminution of electric resistance fp. 816). Thermal radiation by dinnnishing the rate o." growth induces a positive tropic curvature in growing organs. Electric radiation of wireless stimulation of moderate intensity induces a retardation of growth (p. 4*2-2) and an electric variation of galvanometric negativity. POSITIVE RESPONSE UNDER FEEBLE STIMULUS. This is seen in the erectile response of Mimosa, in the enhancement of the rate of growth (p. 224), in the response of galvanometric positivity, and in the response of the increase of electric resistance of the tissue (p. 809) MODIFICATION OF RESPONSE IN SUR-TONIC TISSUES. The normal negative response undergoes a reversal in sub-tonic sj)ecin)ens seen in positiw meclianical response, in OENERAL KEVIKW g55 an acceleration of the rate of nrowth (p. 221). Continuous stimulation converts the abnormal positive into normal negative response. The abnormal response fin dr. expla- nation in the fact that stimulus give rise simul- taneously to two reactions, the positive associated with an 'up' or A-change and the excitatory negative, associated with the 'down" or D-chanc^e In excitable condition of the tissue, the negative D-change is predominant ; conversely, the positive A-change is very pronounced in a tissue whose tonic condition is belo''^ par. The A-change enhances the potential energy of the system. Hence successive stimulations, by enhancing the functional activity of a sub-tonic tissue, convert the abnormal positive into normal negative response. OPPOSITE EFFECTS OF DIRECT AND INDIRECT STIMULATION. Every stimulus is shown to give rise to two separate and distinct impulses :-the positive, which is independent of the conductivity of the tissue for its transmission, and the excitatory negative which is dependent on the conducting power. The former is transmitted quickly ; the latter, being a phenomenon of conduction of protoplasmic change, is conducted slowly. The positive impulse gives rise to expansion, positive electric response, and an acceleration of the rate of growth. The excitatory negative gives rise to contraction, negative electric response, and to retardation of the rate of growth. The negative reaction, is more mtense than the positive. When the intervening distance between the point of application of stimulus and the respond- ing organ is sufficiently great, the negative impulse lags behind the positive ; the response is then diphasic, positive followed by negative. Reduction of the intervening distance causes a masking of the positive by the predomt inant negative. R 856 l.ll-l', MOVKMKNTS IN PLANTS A negative res[)oiise lias Ixhmi shown to take place under ;i difect stiiiiiilatioii of the responding organ. When the stiitiiiliition is applied at a sufficient distance, the exci- tatory inii)ulse hecouies weakened to the point of extinction ; the response is then positive as seen in the erectile response of various motile U>aves and leaflets (p. 188), and in tlic enhanced rate of growth in growing organs (p. '214). MUl/nriiK RKSPONSE UNDER STRONG STIMULUS, AND THE CONTINl ITY BETWEEN MnUTIPLE AND AUTONOMOUS RESPONSE. When a plant organ is subjected to a strong stimulus, it exhibits a series of multiple responses. This is seen in the multiple mechanical response (p. 784), in multiple electromotive response (p. 744) and in nniltiple response of resistivity variation (p. 811). These undtiple responses are induced by various modes of strong stinnilation, such as induction shock, constant electric current, strong light, thermal shock, and mechanical excitation. In such cases the excess of stimulus is, as it were, held latent as may be observed in the subsequent multiple responses. These recurrent responses under strong stimulus are strikingly demonstrated by the leaflets of Biophytinn^ the characteristics of which are like those of the cardiac tissue of the animal. Both are characterised by a long refractory period and response on " all or none " principle. In both, a single moderate stinudus gives rise to a single response; and a strong stimulus causes a multiple series of responses. There is no strict line of demarcation between the phenomenon of multiple response as examplified by the leaflets of lliopliytnw and that of autonomous response as exhibited by the leaflets of Dcsmodium. Under very favourable conditions of absorption of energy from without, an ordinarily responding plant like Biophtjtvm becomes con- verted into an " automatically " ])ulsating plant like GKNMKAL KI'A IF.W 857 DesmoditoH. Conversely, under unfavourable conditions, — i.e., when the sum total of its energj' is below par — the auto- matically responding Dcsmodiiini becomes reduced to an ordinarily responding plant like Biophytum. Its leaflets then come to a standstill. Their pulsations may then be renewed by external stimulus, the persistence of which is found to depend on the intensity and duration of the stimulus absorbed.* AUTONOMOUS JJESPONSP: AND THE MOVEMENT OF GROWTH. The pulsating movement of the lateral leaflet of Desmodium is a striking example of the spontaneous activity of plant tissues. The general characteristics of a pulsating tissue are : (1) the periodic increase and diminution of turgor, ('2) the dependence of activity on internal hydrostatic pressure, — a diminution causing an arrest, and an increase bringing about a renewal of pulsation, (3) the storage of external stimulus in the maintenance of rhythmic activity, — a run-k.wn of absorbed energy being followed by an arrest and a renewal of arrested activity after the application of fresh stinudus ; and finally, (4) the modifying influence of temperature, seen in the arrest of pulsations at a critical temperature, and in the maximum activity at an optimum temperature.! All the above characteristics are found in the auton- omous activity of growth, wdiich is also found to exhibit pulsations (p. 169). Grow^th is arrested under diminished internal hydrostatic pressure produced artificially or under drought ; it is enhanced by increased internal pressure after irrigation (p. 189). Growth arrested under condition of sub-tonicity becomes revived by the action of stimulus. The * Bose— Irritability of Plants, p. 289. jlhid, p. 291. ^58 LIFK MOVKMKNTS IN PLANTS t-1-itical teni|)ci;itur(' \\)V llic aiTcst of Lirowlli in many tro- pical plants is about -I-I^C. i|>. ITTi, the opliimini tempera- ture for niaxinnun rate hi'iii;^ about 34°C. In my lortiu-omin^' work on tlie " Ascent of Sap " it is shown that the ascent is i)rou;^ht about by the ])nlsaTory activity of the cells of the internal cortex which extends throughont the length of the ])lant, the movement of the sap being essentially due to the pumping action. Furthermore, that the rate of ascent is (hnnnished by the (bminution of the int(M-nal hydrostatic |>ressure ; that the arrested ascent ill a plant in a condition of sub-tonicity is revived by the action of external stimidus; that the ascent in many tropical plants is arrested at a similar critical temperature ; and that the transpiration from leaves exhibits a maximnm at the similar optimum tem[)erature, of 33° or thereabouts. THK EFFECT OI' ANAESTHETICS. Carbon (Hoxide may l)e taken as a mild anaesthetic, ether vapoiu- l)eing stronger in its action. The effect of chloroform vapour is nuMe ii>tense and liable to produce fatal results. The action of anaesthetics is modified by the strength of the dose and the dtu'ation of application. Under the continued action of an anaesthetic different reactions are generally found to occur at three different stages. C'drhoii (li(i.ri(lc.— T\\c prchminary effect of tliis gas is an increase of acti\ ity follow ( d by a decline. This is seen in the preliminary enhanced response by resistivitv variation under the stimulus of light; continued action of the gas causes a depression in the response (p. slO). Similar results are seen in response under electric stinndatioii (p. Sl-2). In growing organs the preliminary effect of this gas is an enhancement of the rale followed by a retardation (p. 305). Continued action of this gas may ev(Mi cause an (.KNKi;\i, i;i:viF.\v {559 active tontnutioii which peisists ihiiing the api)lication of the jjHs, tlie norma! growth being restored after renewal of fresh air (p. fiHS*. Geotropic- response is brought about by ditlerential growth induced at the upper and lower sides of the organ. The acceleration of growth t-aused by COo at the first stage gives rise to an enhancement of geotropic response. But [()VHMFATS ]\ TT.ANTS Jii:\ril-Si'ASM l\ PLANTS AND TRANSMISSION oF DKA'I |[-KX('lTATION. \\ lieii it |)laiit ()r;^aii is gradually laiscd in toiiiperatiire, ;i (leatli-spasni occurs, at a certain critical temperature, at or near ()(l°('. A puKinated leaf, or an anisotropic (^)rj^an I'xluhits a spasmodic dow n-mo\ement : a radial or;^an shows sudden contraction. The plant is killed after the attain- ment of the fatal temperature. 'I'he intense deatli-excita- tion is also exhibited hy an al)riij)t electric response of ^alvanometric iiej^ativity, and l)y a sudden diminution of electric resistance (p. 6*.)-i>. The occurrence of the death-excitation is also d(Mnons- Irated hy the transmitted effect ; when the lower end of the plant is suhjected to the deat li-t(Mnj)erature, an excitatory impulse is generated at or aiiout (iO^C. which canses the successive fall of the motile leaf or leaflets higher nji the plant. The onset of local death caused h\ application of poison gives ris(> to a similar excitatory impulse, which is trans- mitt(Ml to a distance (p. 7s| ,. NKRVors IMITI-SI'; IN I'l.ANTS. Ordinary tis'^ues ai"e senu-conduct in;^ and tli(> contrac- tile effect of stimulus remains localised. There are. how- ever, certain tissues characterised hy a more or less pi'otoplasmic continuity: excitation initiated at an\ point of such a tissue is transnntted to a distance w it li a detinite \elo- ( ity. I)y means of the l''dectiic I'rohe this conducting; tissue has heeii localised in the [ihloeni of the fil)i'o-\ ascular hundle. The xylem is a non-conductor: and this is more or less true of the mass of the cortex and of the pith ip-. 708). The conduction of excitation is ari'ested hy the application of \arioiis plivsiolo;^ica I hlocks : thus an eleeti'olonie l^lock C.ENERAl, rtr.VTE'W 861 arrests the coiulnction diirinji the apphcatioii of the current, the conduction beinf> restored on its cessation of the current. Rise of temperature enhances, and fall of temperature lowers the rate of conduction. Excitation is transmitted in. both directions: the centrifuj^al velocity is greater than the cen- tripetal. Local application of cold depresses or arrests conduction, while application of poison permanently abolishes the conthiction. The power of conduction is modified by season. l)eing higher in summer than in winter; it is also modified by age. The conducting" power is low in young specimens, and maximum in fully grown organs ; a decline of conductivity sets in with age. The tonic condition of the tissue has an influence on the conductivity. In an optimum condition the velocity of transmission of excitation is the same for feeble or strong stimulus. Excessive stimulation induces a temporary depression of the conducting power. The effects are different in a sub-tonic specimen ; in such a case, velocity of transmission increases with the intensity of stinudus, and the after-effect is an enhancement of the conducting power. In non-conducting young organs a conducting path is canalised by the action of stimulus (pp. 106, 757). There is a particular aspect of the action of stinnilus which is of fundamental importance in the life of the plant. The continuance of its normal functions depends on external .stimulus to maintain the tissue in an optimum tonic con- dition; for denrivation of stimulus I'educes the plant to an atonic condition, in which all life-activities are brought to a standstill. The internal activity of the plant is also dependent on external stimulation. Turning our attention to particular instances, we find that growth and movement in plants depend on the turg-d condition of the tissue, which is determined by the cellula.' activity which maintains the ascent of sap. When the -plant is cut off from the stimulus 862 LU'-E MOvraiF.NTS in plants of its eiivironnieiit, tlie ascent of sa]) undergoes a decline which ciihninates in an arrest. It is thus clear that for the maintenance of the ascent of sap in a tree the internal cortex should he excited through- out its length either hy direct or hy transmitted stimulation. As for the great lengtii of the cortex in the trunk of the tree, covered as it is by the thick bark, direct stimulation of the active iTiternal cells by external stimulus is impossible; it can only be etfetted by transmitted stimulation. There thus arise two questions : the first relates to the external stinudus which by its transmitted excitation maintains the cellular activity of the internal cortex ; the second relates to the nervous ])ath l)y which the excitation reaches that active layer. Among the external stimuli, none is so wdely available as that of light. Its stimulating effect can be transmitted to a distance by the nervous channel, which is the phloem in the vascular tissue. The vascular bundles again are spread out in fine remifications as veins in the leaves. The expanded lamina is thus not merely a specialised structure for photosynthesis, but also a catchment-basin for the stinudus of light, the excitatory effect of which is gathered into larger and larger nerve trunks for transmission to the interior of the plant. It is very significant that the internal cortex in which pulsatory activity is to be maintained abuts against the phloem through which excitation from outside is being conducted.* It is thus seen how all parts of the plant are, by means of nerve-conduction, become not merely energised but also put in the most intimate comnumication with each other. It is then in virtue of the existence of such nerves, that the plant constitutes a single organised whole, each of whose parts is affected by every influence that falls upon any other. * cf. Physiology of the Ascent of Sap. GENERAL REVIEW 8G'i\ THE HYDKArLTC AXD THE XERVoTS REFLEX. In a plant subjected to drouglit, irrigation at the root causes a movement of water upwards with a definite velo- city: this hydraulic impulse causes an increase of turgor from below u[)wards, and the drooping leaves become erected. An example of this was given where irrigation of I\[i))iosa gave rise to the erectile response of the distant leaf p. 80). If instead of irrigation we apply a strong" stinndus to the root, say a prick with a pin or an electric shock from an induction coil, the transmitted nervous impulse induces a fall of the leaf, llic liydrauJic impulse is tlius antagonisti • to the nervous impulse. Even in ordinary response and recovery we observe these opposite actions. The erectile movement of the leaf is due to the ascent of sap to the pulvinus along" a definite channel. Stimulation of the leaf induces a contraction and expulsion of water from the pulvinus which escapes by the same channel through which the ascent took place, but this time in a reverse direction. The two phases of the normal response, viz., the excitatory down movement followed by erectile recovery are thus brought about by the excitatory and hydraulic actions respectively. The fact that the hydraulic expansion opposes and may even neutralise the excitatory action is seen in the response of MiDiosa. The apparent insensitiveness of the plant early in the morning is partly due to the excessive turgor of the pulvinus at that time of the day. Again, application of water to the pulvinus induces an expansion and inhibition of response which may be restored by the withdrawal of the excess of water by glycerin.* The term " reflex ' has been defined as the reaction in which there follows on an ir.itiating reaction, an end-effect reached through the mediation of a conductor itself in- capable of the end-effect. * Irritability of Plants, p. 88. ^••4 LTFE :^10VKMKNT.S IN PLANTS NTow tli(> iii\isihlt' liydniiilic iinpiilsc initiated 1)\- ilu' irri<4ati()n of tho root causes an ciKl-cd'cct , nainely the erectile response of tlie leaf at a distance; we mav therefore rejjiard tlie particular elVect produced at a distance^ as tlie hiidraiilic rcfti.r. Tliei-e is a diU'erent end-eU'ect. due to transmission of excitation tlu'taiuli the i^Iant-nerve ^^■llich causes the fall of \o\\\ : this is the ttcrvoiin rcftc.r \ the h\draulic reflex in(luc(>s. as alreadv stated, an (^xpansive and tli" nerv;-,- retlex a contractile end-etfec t A conijilexitv thus arises in the motile response of ^ro\\ni^' and of pulvinated or<,'ans due to the two reflexes anta^on!sin existence of these two distinct reflexes makes it possihle to offer a full explanation of \arious effects wliicln have liith(M'to appeared to he anomalous. THonc MOM'.MKXT l"Xl)I':ii rNTT;.\TI';FiAT, STniULUS. All tropic ciM'vatiU'es undei" diverse modes of stimidation in puhinated and ^^rowiuf^' organs are dui^ to : (a') the action of stinnilus cansin<>" a diminution of turgor and contraction at the directly stinnilated proximal side of the orjian, and (/»i increast^ of tni'^or and ex[)ansion at the in- directly stinnilated distal side. In p'owin^" organs an induced diminution of turgor is attended by a retardation, and an increase of tiM-wards the stinndus ai'e thus caused by the joiut effects of the contraction of the proximal and expansion of the distal side. 'i'he fact that the stimulus applied at one side causes an increase of tui-^ior at the dia- metrically o[)posite side has l>een demonstiated. by stiimda- tion of one side of the stem, which caused the erectile movement of the motile leaf at the opposite side (p. 281). Tlie following laws of etl'ects of Direct and Indirect stimulus detertnine the varied moxcments of plants. (iHNKRAL KKVIKW H6!'> 1. All loi-iiis of Direct stimuli iiuliict' contraction or retardation of ;L;i"o\vtli, iiul Indirect stiiindi expansion or acceleration of growth. 2. Unilateral stinuihis induces a positive curvature by the contraction of the jM"oxinial, and ex])ansion of the distal side. ;}. Transverse conduction of excitation neutralises, or reverses the positive curvature. This effect is accentuated hy the differential excitabilities of the upper and the under halves of the anisotropic organ. Excitation internally diffused induces effect similar to diffuse external stimulus. 4. The effect of rise of temperature is opposite to that of the stimulus of light. MECHANOTROPIS^r : TWINING OF TP^NDRILLS. It has been repeatedly :hown that direct stimulations of all kinds induce contraction, and retardation of growth, while indirect stimulations cause an acceleration of the rate of growth (p. -21)1). Under unilateral mechanical stimulus of short duration, the directly stimulated proximal side of a tendril undergoes contraction, and the indirectly stimulated distal side show^s the opposite effect of expansion ; a positive curvature is thus produced, w-ith a movement towards the stimulus. The after-effect of direct stimulus is an accelera- tion of growth al)ove the normal, hence after brief unilateral stimulation, the stimulated side undergoes an acceleration of growth and expansion, by which the recovery is hastened (p. 300). This positive after-effect of stimulus on growth is seen in the balanced record o^ growth (p. 82o). Btimulation of one side of the tendril induces an expansion of the opposite side (effect of indirect stimulus), even in cases where the contractility of the stimulated side is feeble. Hence response to direct stimulation of the more excitable side of . 415). The effects of rise of temperature and of direct radiation are, however, antagonistic to each other (p. 415). Beyond the infra-red we enter the vast range of electric radiation and to this also the ])lant is shown to be sensitive. Like light, feeble electric radiation gives rise to an accelera- tion, and strong radiation to a retardation of grow^th. Parallel effects are obtained in the electric response of plants to wireless stimulation (p. 424). TJic co})ipJete pJwtotropic curve. — This consists of four parts : (1) the stage of sub-minimal stimulation, (2) the stage of increasing positive curvature reaching a maximum, (3) the stage of neutralisation, and (4) the stage of reversal into negative. Confining our attention to the second stage, the susceptibility for excitation is found to be feeble at the beginning ; it increases very rapidly with increasing inten- sity or duration of stumulus ; the reaction then reaches a limit. As regards the complete phototropic curve, the first part is negative due to the physiological expansion induced by sub-minimal stimulus. The curve then crosses the abscissa upwards, and the positive curvature re-aches a maximum. Owing to transverse conduction of excitation^ there is a subsequent neutralisation and reversal into negative. Weber's law is not applicable for the entire range of stimulation. His quantitative relation fails in the region of sul)-minimal stimulus, where the physiological reaction becomes qualitatively different, (p. 361). Pliototropic torsion. — Lateral stimuli of all kinds induce a torsional response in a dorsi-ventral organ, the direction of torsion being such that the less excitable half of the organ is made to face the stimulus. The torsional movements of leaves ?.nd leaflets of many plants are explained by the above definite reaction. The excitatory efficiencies of two different stimuli may be compared by the .SOS LIFE ]\rOVEMENTS IN PLANTS Torsional Balance l)y allowing tliem to act on the two flanks of the organ (p. 409). Ill A-ni'll.loTnol'TC Ali.irSTMl'.NT OF TJvWFS rXDRii li; WSM! •'■|i;i) I'.XCITATION. T)ia-heliotro|)isin is clia''acteristically exlii])ite(l hy dorsi- Aentral organs such as leaves. Heliotropic adjustment is shown to take placi' under ti'ansinitted excitation in Mi)ii<)Ss|)onse to the excitations trans- mitted, by the two middle sub-petioles ('2) and (3). It is thus seen that equilibrium h only possible when the entire leaf-surface (consisting of the rows of leaflets carried by the four sub-petiole^i) is equallv illuminated ; and this can only GENERAL REVIEW 8('if> occur wlien the leal' surface as a wliole is perpenilieular to the incident hj^ht. The leal" is adjusted in space by the co-ordinated action of the four reflexes. The dia-heiiotropic attitude of the leaves is thus brought about by distinct nervous impulses, initiated a* the perceptive region actuating th<^ different effectors at a distance (p. 746). 1' BOTOX A sr J C C U R V ATURE S . There is no line of dcinarcation between tropic and nastic movements. In an organ exhibiting difference of excitability at the opposite sides, strong unilateral stimulus becomes internally diffused, and causes greater contraction of the more excitable side of the organ. Two different effects are produced which are deter- mined by the transverse conductivity of the organ. In the absence of transverse conduction, the positive curvature reaches a maximum without neutralisation or reversal. The leaflets of Enithri}m indica and of CUtoria ternata thus fold upwards, the apices of their leaflets pointing towards the sun. But in organs in which the power of transverse con- duction is considerable, the excitation under strong light becomes internally diffused, and gives rise to the greater contraction of the more excitable half of the organ. This explains the so-called " midday sleep " by the upward folding of the Mimosa leaflet and downward folding of the leaflet of Biophytinu and of Averrlwa, under the action of the rays of the sun (p. 548\ NIGHT AND DAY MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS. The diurnal movements of plants are complicated by several phenomena, the most important of which are, (1) ther- mionastic movement caused by the differential growth of the two sides of the organ under diurnal variation of tempera- ture, (2) thermo-geotropism, due to variation of temperature ^"t^^ LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS affecting geotiopic action, and {'-i) the recurrent responses to light and darkness. TlicrDKnidstij. — Tiicrnioiiastic movements are well illustrated in the water-lily \ ijmphdcti. In India the perianth leaves begin to o[)en in the evening with the falling temperature; the flower is lound to become full,y expanded by 10 P.>r. The movement of closure sets in wdth rising temperature in the morning, the liower becoming closed by 10 A.M. (p. o'rl). T]icr))io-(jCotropis)ii. — Of the number of diurnal move- ments in plants the largest are due to a cause hitherto unsuspected, viz., the effect of moderate variation of tem- perature on geotropic action which is accentuated during fall of temperature and depressed diu'ing rise of temperature. This particular effect was first discovered in the Praying Pahit of Faridpur which grew at an inclination of about 00° to the vertical, and was thus effectively std)jected to the stimulus of gravity. This tree daily exliibited a continuous fall, till the maxinnnn was reached between "2 to 3 p.m. when the day's temperature was at its highest; the move- ment was then reversed with the fall of temperatiu'e, till the tree attained its highest erection at about <> A.:\r. next nioi-ning, when the temperatiu'e was at its lowest (p. 7t. The particular diurnal iiioxcnuMit was next found in (jther j)alm trees, and also in all j)lant-organs which respond to the stiimdus of gravity (p. VjS). This thermo-geotropic response is experimentally shown t(j occur in rigid trees, in stems, and in leaves of [)lants. The diiu-nal record in all these exhibits an erectile movement from thermal noon to thermal dawn, and a jnovement of fall from thermal dawn to thermal noon. In contrast with the ordinaiy thermonastic movement which is confined to growing organs, the thermo-geotropic movement is found to take place not only in iht^ growing CrNi-:!; \I. I'FVIKW Hll l)nt iilsi) ill riilly ^i(-\\ii (irgaiis, iiu'liiding rigid trees. Again, ic iiioviMuciit is not affected by gravity, but thenno-geotro[)ic response is determined by the directive action of gravity and, therefore, becomes reversed in an inverti^d plant. The factor of stiniuhis of gravity in therino-geotropic phenomena thus hecomes estabhshed. As regards the influence of temperatuii', it is demonstrated in two chfferent ways. First, by iiuhicing a change of the daily rhythm by experinicnrally reversing the iiatnial perioils of maximum and minimum temperature, and secondly, by the aboHtion of periodic movement altogether, by keeping" the plant at a constant temperature (pp. 519, .•")68). I'lic Sclt-Hcc' rdnri lliuhaurapli . — .\mong the important factors in causing movements in j)lants are the variation of temperature and of the intensity of light. The variation of temperature is automatically rec( rded by the compound .'trip of two metals whose expansions are unequal. There IS, however, no apparatus for detection and record of varia- tion in the intensity of ligJit from hour to horn* This difficulty has been overcome by the invention of the Self- recording Radiograph, in which a selenium cell is put in the fourth arm of a Wheatstone Bridge and balance secured in darkness. On exposure of the selenium cell to the light of the sky, the balance is up-^^et, the galvanometric deflection being proportional to the intensity of light. By automatic mechanism the selenium cell is exposed to light for a definite length of time, '^nd the galvanometer deflection recorded on a moving piece of paper. This is done every quarter of an hour, or every hour according to the requirements. Tt is thus found that the intencity of day light increases rapidly till the maximiun is attained at noon. The maximum rise of Temperature is, however, attained much later, the thermal noon being about 2-30 p.i^j. The S ^7:^ LIFE MOVEMENTS IN PLANTS intensity of light gradually declines till about 5, after which the diminution of light is very abrupt. Diurnal movement due to alternation of light and darkness. — In the leaflets of Cassia alata the effect of light is predominant, compared with that of temperature. The leaflets begin to close when the light is undergoing a rapid diminution after 5 p.m., the closure being completed by 9 P.M. The leaflets remain closed till 5 a.m. next morning, after which the}^ begin to open wth the light, and become fully expanded by 9 a.m. (p. 544). The large terminal leaflet of Desmodium exhibits diurnal movement similar to that of Cassia (p. 542). Diurnal niovement of the leaf of Mimosa. — The leaf is responsive both to the acticn of gravity and of light. The operative factors in tlie diurnal movement are : (a) the variation of geotropic action Vv'ith changing temperature, and (6) the response to the action of light which, generally speaking, is antagonistic to that of rise of temperature. Under thermo-geotropic action the maximum fall of the leaf takes place at thermal noon, which is about '2 p.m. the maximum rise being at thermal dawn, about 6 a.m. Tn the forenoon, rise of temperature causes a fall of leaf, but continuous light acting from above tends to raise it. The rnpid (liiiiiiiiition of light towards evening acts virtually as a stimulus, causing an abrupt fall of the leaf. The diurnal movement of Mimosa thus exhibits four phases, (1) The leaf owing to fall of temperature erects itself from 2 to 5-30 P.M. or thereabouts, (2) About G v.isi. there is a rapid diminution of light and the leaf undergoes a sudden fall, which continues till about 9 p.m. (3) After 9 p.m. the leaf begins to erect itself during the fall of temperature, the maximum erection being attained at thermal dawn which is at or about 6 a.m. (4) Tn the forenoon the leaf is acted on by two antagonisMr react irns, the effect of rising GENERAL RT'VIEW S/"^ tein[)ei;Hin\' ;iiul of iiU'iVii.'^iiip liylit, tlic ellect of tem- perature l»eing pre(lomi)i;iiit. The leaf thus continues to fall till tlispous(> (p. HiU)) This must evidently be due to the sudden fall of tlic lieavy parti- cles from the base to the side of the geo-perceptive cells. (icotropir torsion .— l\\ dorsi-ventral organs lateral application of any form of stinmlus gives I'ise to a torsional response by which the less excitable half of the organ is made to face the stimulus. A geotropic torsion is produced when [\\c j)lant is [)laced on one side, so that the vertical lines of force of gravity strike at one of the two flanks of the organ, (leotropic stimulation of the right flank give.- rise to a right-handed, that of the left (lank, to a left-handed torsion (p. oO'l). Torsions induced by two different modes of stimulatioii, say of graxity and of light, may thus be compared by making them act simultaneously at the two opposite llaidvs of the organ (p. oOo). Effect of narcotics. — The general effects of narcotics 'lave already been explained in connection with their action on all modes of stimulation. Carbon dioxide induces a preli- minary enhancement of geotro[)ic response followed hy a decline and even a reversal. Tlie effect of dilute vapour of ether is to cause a great increase in geotropic curvature. Ohloroform vapour causes an enhancement followed by an a 1 rest of geotropic action. Kfjcct of raridtioii of t(nij>( ratitrc. — The thermo- geotrojiie action lia^ been shown to cause a dimimition in GENRHAL UK VIEW Hi i't ^t'ittiojiic (iiivatnrc lUirinj^" rise, aiul ;ui increase during fall oi' temperature. 'Ihe geotropic torsion is similarly decreased during the rise and increased during the fall of temperature. X'ariation of tem])erature also modifies tlie position of dia-geotropic equilibrium (p. 519). Ldcalisatio}} of (jco-perccpiirc layer. — Electric investi- gations su|)i)ort the theory that it is the weight of the heavy particle^ which causes geotropic stinudation in tlic higher plants. The geo-perceptive layer has been localised by the Electric Probe and found to coincide with the endodcrmal starch-sheath. In certain plants the geo-electric distribu- tion exhibits two maxima. Microscopic section showed that the starch-sheath in these is not single but double, and that the positions of the two electric maxima coincidv^ with those of the two starch-she;itiis (p. 618). Dia-(ic(itroi)is)n of (hn-si-rciitral organs. — This parti- cular adjustment under geotropic stimulation is shown to be due to the irritation caused by pressure of heavy particles on <-ells which are unequally excitable at the ujiper and lower sides of the organ (p. 726). Geotropism of rootfs. — On subjection of the tip of the root to the stimulus of gravity, its upper side exhibits excitatory reaction of the galvanometric negativity. This shows that the root-tip undergoes direct stimulation. The electric response in the growing region above the stimulated point of the root-tip is positive, indicative of inci-ease of turgor and expansion. This is due to the effect of indirect stimulus. The stimulus of gravity is perceived at the root-tij) and the responsive movement takes place at the distant growing region. Geotropic stimtdaiion of the root is thus indirect (p. 473). In contrast with the above is the fact that the growing region of the shoot is both sensitive and responsive to geo- tropic stimulus. 876 LIFE MOVEMENTS IH I'l.ANiS As the effects of direct and indirect stiiniilation on growth are antithetic, the responses of shoot and root to the direct and indirect stimulus must be of ()i)posite signs. There is thus no necessity for postulating two different irri- tabilities for the shoot jind the root, since tissues in general exhibit positive and negative curvatiu-es according as the stimulus is direct or indirect (p. 476) . A plant is acted on by gravity, by hght and its diurnal variation, by changing temperature, by drought and rain, not to mention many other stimuli of its environment. For obtaining some idea of the great com])lexity whicli arises from the varied reactions we may watcli a Miiiiosa plant watered at intervals and observe specially the effects of two out of many stimuli of its environment, namely those of light and of gravity. In the movement of Mimosa leaf there are then the following variable factors: (1) the hydraulic reflex due to the ascent of saj) which causes an erectile movement antagonistic to the excitatory fall of the leaf; ^2) the different effects of direct and indirect stinnda- tion, examplified by the fall of the leaf under stimulu.« directly applied to the pulvinus in contrast with the erectile movement caused by a similar stiniuhis indirectly applied, i.e., at the point of the stem opposite to the pul- vinus (p. 281) ; (3) the reflex caused by tlic stinndus of light acting on the four sub-petioles beariuii tlic Icailcts, in this there are foui- modiiying snl)-factors wliicli dcpcMul on the relative intensities of excitation transmitted from the four distinct receptors of light-stimulus; (4t the geotropic stimulus which acts on the four quadrants of the pulvinus, tlie res|)ousive peculiarity of each of these quadrants is different from that of the others; and (5) the effect of thermal variation in modification of geotroj)ic action. The above example illustrates the extremely numerous GENERAL REVIEW S77 variations in the responst' which must arise from the rom- hinatiou of etl'ects of a larj^e miniber of factors, some of which are concordant and others antagonistic. The problem of plant-movement which confronts ns though bewildering at first sight, is, however, not insoluble. By the isolation of individual factors and separate investigations on them, it is possible to unravel the complexity and discover a }.y?neralisation for the life-movement in plants. LITERATURE Bayliss. W. M. — " Principles ol (jieneial Physiology " — (1915). Blackmax, V. H. AND Paine.- ' Annals of Botany "" — vol. xxxiii, No. cxxxv— (191S). BOSE J. C. — " Response in ihi; J.i\ ing and Xon-Living " — (1902). ,, •• Plant Response "—1906. ,, " Comparative Electro Physiology " — 1907. ,, ■■ An Automatic Method for Investigation of Velo- citj' of Transmission of Excitation in Mimosa " —Phil., Trans., B, vol. 204, 1913. ,, " Researches on Irritability of Plants "—1913. ,, " On Diurnal Variation of Moto-Excitability of Plants " — Annals of Hotany, vol. xxvii. No. CA-iii,— 1913. ,, " The Influence of Homodromous and Heterodroni- ous Electric Cui'rent on Transmission of Excita- tion in Plant and Animal " — Roy. Soc. Proc. B, vol. 88—1915. AND S. C. Das — " Physiological Investigation with Petiole Pulvinus Preparation of Mimosa 2)udira.'" Roy. Soc. Proc. B, vol. 89, 1916. ., AND G. Das — " Researches on Growth and Movement in Plants by Means of the High Magnification Crescograph " — Roy. Soc. Proc. B, vol. 90, — 1919. .4ND S. C. GuH.A— " The Dia-Heliotropic Attitude of Leaves as determined by Transmitted Nervous Excitation," — Roy. Soc. Proc. B, vol. 93, 1922. Haberl.andt, G.— " Physiological Plant Anatomy," (English translation)— (1914). JOST, L. — " Lectures on Plant Physiology," (English ti-ansla- tion)— (1907). Lynn, M. J. — " The Reversal of (ieotropic Response in the Stem," The New Puytologist— (1921). Pfeffer, W. — " Plant Physiology," (English Translation) — (1903). Vines, S. H.— " Lectures on Physiology of Plant,"— (1886) INDKX VOJ.ITMES I— IV. A- and D- effects, 143, 223, 323, 354, 822. Acid, action of, on pulsations of /)> yi/nx/iuni Icuflpt, DO. Additive effect of stimulus, 8(il. After-effect of homodromous aiul heterodroinous current, 123, 131. of light, 509, of maximum, 572, of p)-(> maximum, 570, of post-maximum, 572. ,, of stimulus on conductivity, 103. Age, effect of, on geo-electric response, 454, 617. ,. on power of conduction, 100. ,, ,, ,, on thermo-geotropism, 562. Alkali, action of, on pulsations of Desinodi ii m leaflet, 90 Allium, death-spasm of peduncle of, 691. Ammonia, effect of, on growth, 184. Ampelopsis, phototropic response o*^ tendril of, 391. Anabolism, 143. Anaesthetic, chamber foi' application of, 043 ,, Death-spasm under, 648. Different stages of action of, 644. Effect of, on balanced growth, 266. ,, ., ,, on geotropic response, 650. ,, ., ,, on growth, 185, 641. ,, on resistivity variation, 812. Method of application of, 643. ,, Modifying influence of, on response, 683. Angle, critical, for geo electric excitation, 456, 631. ,, of incident light and tropic curvature, 343. ,, of inclination and geo-electric excitation, 620. Anisotropic organ, phototropic response of, 379. ,, ,, response of, 34. Anisotropy, Dia-geotropism and, 712. Electric method of investigation of. 678. Induction of, by gravitational stimulus, 076 I INDEX H81 i Anisotropy, Reversal of, usl. Anode, effect of, on growth, 303. Apo-geotropic curvature, variation of uniler thermal change, 516 Arenya sacchariftro, 18. ,, ,, Diurnal movement of, 20. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, in absence of tran spiration, 22. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, in continued dark- ness, 18. ,, „ ,, ,, ,, in inverted position, 23. ,, Effect of drought on, 19. ,, ,, ,, ,, poison on, 19. Averrhoa hilimhi, control of transmitted excitation in, 109. ^Averrhon rarrmihohi, periods of positive and negative impulses in, f 136. ,, preferential direction of conduction in, 99. ., ,, Velocity of conduction of excitation in, 99. Autonomous pul.sations, continuity between multiple and, 772. modification of. 228, 243. ,, ,, ,, . under diffuse light, 233. ,, ,. ., under temperature, 237. of M/)/i(js(i i)ulvinus, 583. ,, ,, Record of, in Desmodium leaflet, 234. Revival of, in Deamnr/ium leaflet, 228. Axial rotation, method of, 449. Balanced Crescograph, 258. ,, ,, calibration of, 260. ,, ,, principle of the method of, 256 ,, ,, sensitiveness of, 262. Balance of phototropic and geotropic torsion, 505 Barium chloride, effect on ^f{mo'ffecl of, on balanced gi'owth, 267. ,, ,, ,. geoti'0))ic curvature, 656. ,, ,, ,. gi'owing organs, 646. ,, ,, ,, resisti\it> variation, S12. ,, ,, ,, response of geotropically curved organs, 684. •Clitorln ternatea, ]iara-heliotropic lesponse of, 381. Coagulation, inadecpiacy of, in explaining death-spasm, 690. Coal gas. effect of. on response undei- balanced torsion, 507. ., growth, ISG. (U))irn\(hiiiii hf lu/dlinsif!, critical angle for geo electric excitation of, 638. ,, ,, localisation of geo-percejitive layer in, 613. Compound lever. l.")7. Conducting jialh in plants, 706. fashioned V)v stinuilus, 757. 'Conduction of excitation, diiective action of current on. 113. T^ffect of age on, 100. ,, ,, ., season on, 100. ■ ,, ,, ))refer(>ntial direction of, 90. INDI \ 8b."i ,, prort'ss of, Ub. Conductivity Kalaiu'c, iiu-thod of, loT. Continuity between abnormal antl normal responses, 223. actual and incipient contraction, 19S. ordinary and multiple responses, 769. multiple and autonomous responses, 772. i'linrol riiluiis, localisation of geo-pciceiitive layer in, 614. Cortex, electric excitation in, 7(i3. Crescograph, Balanced, -Ibb. ,, Demonstration, 17U. ,, High Magnification. 157, iSVl. Magnetic, 169. C rill It HI, complete geotropic curve of, 435. Effect of ether on growtli of, 645. ,, chloroform on giowth of, 647. time-relations of responsive growth variations in, 166. ,, tropic curvature of, 276. Critical angle for geo-electric excitation, 631. ., ,, ,, ,, and statolith theory, 640. ,, ,, ,, determination of, 635. ,, ,, ,, lowering of, by repeti- tion, 639. Critical temperature for transmission of death-excitation, 777. Groton, diurnal record of leaf of, 558. Cvcurhita Pepo, tendril of, 290. ,, ,, ,, effect of light on hyponastic move- ment of, 529. ,, ,, effect of stimulus on growth of, 292. Current, directive action on conduction, 113. effect of, on latent period, 120. ,, ,, ,, velocity of transmission, 119. influence of direction of, in animal, 125. ,, ,, ,, ,, in plant, 115. ,, ,, ,, on direct and indirect stimu- lation, 130. polar effect of, on excitability. 111. up-hill and down-hill, 122. Curvature, positive and negative, 272. Dahlia, diurnal record of leaf of, 558. Darkness, response of Mimosa in, 593. sudden, effect on Mimosa response, 53. Bniiira (ilha, effect of chloroform on growth of, 647. 884 INDEX Datura altia, revivul of growth in mature style, 230. D-eft'eet, 143, 223, 354, 822. Death-excitation, transmission of, 776. I>i.-ath-spasm, excitatory character of, 690. in geotropically curved organs, 687. ,, ,, under chloroform, 647. Death temperature, determination of, 688. ,, ,, electric spasm at, 692. Desniodium gyrans, antagonistic effect of acid and alkali in pulsa tions of, 90. ,, ,, complete phototropic curve of terminal leaf 358. ,, ,, day and night position of terminal leaf, 541 ,, ,, death-spasm in pulsating leaflet, 689. ,, ,, effect of carbon dioxide on mechanical anc electric pulsation of, 771. ,, ,, „ chloroform on geotropic response of, 656. ,, ,, ,, diffuse light on pulsation of, 235. ,, ,, ,, ether on geotropic response of, 654 ,, ,, ,, increasing intensity of light, 339. ,, ,, record of pulsations of, 234. ,, ,, ,, diurnal movement of terminal leal of, 542. ,, ,, revival of pulsation of, 228. ,, ,, tropic response of pulvinus of, 342. Dessication, effect of, on nervous conduction in plants, 101. iJia-geuLrupic equlibrium, determining conditions of, 724. ,, ,, effect of variation of temperature on, 517. ,, ,, electiic investigations on, 723. Dia-geotropism, causes of, 713. ,, changed to negative on inverting the organ, 710, ,, characteristics of, 712. ,, of dorsi- ventral organs, 710. Dia-heliotropic attitude of leaves, 731. ,, explanation of, 746. Dia hcliotropism, 733. Diaphot'tropism, 328. Dia-radic -thermotropism, 413. Differefiuial excitability, determination of, 405. ,, ,, J'^ffect of, on geo-electric response, 455. Geotropic, 439. INDEX 885 Dissimilation, theory of, 11-2. Diurmil movement, 523. Alternation of light and, 531. l^ffeot of variation of light on, 539. ,, temperature, 539. in inverted position, 23, 566. modification of, 561. of curved stems, 557. of 3Iiiiiosa and Ilelianthiis, 738. predominant effect of light, 531. reversal of, 27. Thermo-geotropic, 554. Thermonastic, 546. Turning points of, 561. variables in, 527. Diurnal variation of light and temperature, 532. ,, ,, moto-excitability of Mimosa, 16, 43. Dorsi-ventral organs, dia-geotropism of, 713. ,, ,, explanation of difference of geotropic response of, 726. ,, ., geo-electric response of, 723. ,, ,, response to lateral stimulus, 704. Dregea vohcbilis, response of, 413. Dual, impulses, 136, 273. Duplication of geo-perceptive layer, 614, 616. Eclipta crecta, changes at upper and lower sides on geotropic curvature, 718. ,, ,, effect of chloroform on geotropic curvature of, 656. Effectors, in Mimosa pulvinus, 70S. ! Ir.liii- excitation in different layers of Mimosa petiole, 703. ,, localisation of geo-perceptive layer, 484, 599. Electric Probe, 483, 601. ,, ,, exploration of geo-perceptive layer by, 484, 479, 599. ,, ,, localisation of nervous tissue in Mimosa by, 701. Electric resistance, diminution of, by mechanical stimulus, 801. increase of by sub-minimal stimulus, 810. response bv variation of, 796, 805. Electric response, effect of sub-minimal stimulus on, 809. by Method of electromotive variation, 762. ,, ., ,, resistivitj^ variation, 796, 805. of leaf under light, 838. of Miirinxn pulvinus, 751. SSC) INDi.X Klcc'lric ri'spoiisc, Tlu' Quiulianl ^Mi'IIhmI ot, si 1. to clii-('ct miilattM'al sliinulus, I I-"!. ,, ,, ,, iiidireft unilateral stimulus, 444, 4t)5. ,, ,, under electric stimulus, K05. .- Iif;lil, ^11 nu'chuuical slimulus, 7!)(). j'llectric slux-k. cllect of duiation of, on growth, 197. ,, ., ,, intensity of on growth, KKi. ,, ,, tinu" relations of giowtli variation under. 168. Electrodes, uou i)oIaiisable, 445. Electrometer for determining velocity of Liunsniission, 762. Erythriti'i iiiflica, 141. Characteristic phototi'opic cui've of, 351. ,, ,, effect of cai'hou dio.xidc on geotropie response of, 664. ,, ,, latent period of phototropic response of, 324. ,, ,, positive para-heliotropism of, 381. pulvinus of, 326. Ether, effect of, on geotrojiic curvature- of growing organs, 654. ,, ,, ,, ,. pulvinated ,, 653. ,, ,, growing organs, (ill. ,, ,, response of geot ro|)icall\ cui'ved oi'gans, 683 Excitability, change of, after inmiersion in water, 79. ,, Diurnal variation of, 61. ,, Effect of excessive turgoi' on, 55. ,, ,, high temperature on, 58 ,, ,, low ,, ,, 56. ., ,, physiological iiH>rtia on, 68. ,, ,, season on, 69. ,, „ sudden darkness aiul its continuation on, .53, 94. ,, Variation of, after section, 80. in different hours of the day, 66 Excitation, conduction and convection of, 98. ,, transmission of, effect of age on, KKi. ,, ,, ,, ,, dessication on, 102. ,, ,, ,, ,, season on, 100. ,, ,, ,, ,, tonic condition on, 103. ,, ,, ,, electric control of, 109. ,, ,, ,, physiological block on, 9" ,, ,, ,, preferential direction of, 99. ,, ,, ,, temperature variation on, 100. Excitatory effects of stimidi on ])ulvinated ami growing organ.i 244. INDEX Fatigue, Effect of, on response, 91. 887 Galvanograph, 829. Galvanotropism, 301. Geo-electric distribution, 497. 603, 616. excitation, at angles above 45°, 624. below 45°, 634. 45° and 135°, 627. different layers, 606. under side, 610. characteristic sign of, at under side of organ, 609, 610. critical angle for, 631, 636. curves for at various angles, 634. curve of, 496, 603. decline of, on two sides, 609. effect of age on, 617. relation between angle of inclination and, 619. Geo-electric response, angle of inclination and, 459. ,, ,, ,, vertical rotation and, 459. ,, ,, at different angles, 621. ,, ,, depths, 614. ,, ,, characteristics of, 451. ,, ,, effect of age on, 617. ,, ,, carbon dioxide on, 671. ,, ,, ,, differential excitability on, 455. ,, ,, .. high temperature, 490. ,, ,, ,, season and normal variation of temperature, 604. ,, ,, entire cycle of, 458. ,, ,, experimental arrangement for, 445 ,. ,. isolation of, on one side, 672 ,, ,, of different layers, under side, 493, 610. ,, ,, ,, dorsi-ventral organs, 723. ,, ,, ,, growing region, 472. ,, ,, ,, lower side, 447, 629. ,, ,, ,, radial organs, 723. ,, ,, ,, root-tip, 468. „ ,, ,, shoot, 442, 612. ,, ,, ,, upper side, 447, 611. ,, ,, physiological character of, 454. ,, ,, to direct stimulation, 443. T 888 INDEX Geo-eltH'tiic rospoiise to indirect stimulation, 441. ,, ,, variation of, at opposite sides, of geo- ,, ,, perceptive layers, 610. vHi-iation of, temperature oJi, 605. Geo-perceptioii at the root-tip, 474. Geo-perceptive layer, electric excitation on two sides of, 609, 612. „ ,, duplication of, 614, 615, 616. „ ,, localisation of, 488, 599, 606, 613. ,, ,, maximum excitability of, 608. ,, ,, position of starch-sheath and, 489. ,, ,, transverse exploration of, 496. Geotropically curved oigans, abnormal response of, 683. ,, ,, death-s])asm in, 693. ,, ,, ,, effect of ether on response of, 683. Geotropic curvature, effect of carbon dioxide on, 659. ,, ,, M '> chloroform on, 656. ,, ,, ,, ,, ether on, 683. ,, ,, explanation of reversal of, 666. Geotropic curve. Complete, 434. ,, ,, of spring and winter specimens, 652. Geotropic excitability, 439. Geotropic movement, and electric response, 462. (>ffcct of cold on, 430. ,, ,, latent period of, 432. ,, ,, summation with })hototropic, 504. ,, ,, reversal of, under carbon dioxide, 664. Geotropic leaction, and directive angle, 438. ,, ,, at lower side, 492, 494, 629. ,, ,, at upper side, 499, 629, 719. ,, ,, character of, 428. ,, ,, explanation of opposite signs of, 719. tests of, 491. Geotropic Recorder, 427. Geotropic response, variation of temperature on, 604. Geotropic stimulation, characteristic effects on 4 quadrants of jmlvinus of Miinoxn, 714. ,, ,. mechanics of, in shoot and root, 475. Geotropic stimulus, effective direction of, 435. ,, ,, Summation of, and of light, 436. Geotropism, 425. positive and negative, 43S. (Jrowth. abnormal accelei-ation of, in subtonic sjiecimens, 219. ,, absolute rate of, 160, 261. INDF.X 889 Growth, ae'tion of light on, 205. ,, cardinal points of, 177. ,, effect of ammonia, 186. ,, ,, anaesthetics, -26(5, 641. carbon dioxide, 185, 265, 668. ,, ,, coal gas, 186. ., ,, continuous electric cuirent, 302. light, 209. ,, ,. ,, stimulation, 197. different rays, 209. ,, ,, ether, 185, 644. ,, ,, hydrogen peroxide, 184. ,, ,, increased hydrostatic pressure, 190. ,, ,, Indirect stimulus, 21.3. ,, ,, intensity of stimulus, 196, 207. ,, ,, irrigation, 190. ,, ,, mechanical stimulus, 203. ,, .. single spark, 325. sulphuretted hydrogen, 186. tempei'ature, 173. ., ,, variation of tension, 189. „ ,, .. turgor, 193. ,, ,, wound, 203. ,, ,, wireless stimulation, 421. ,, Positive response of, under sub-minimal stimulus, 224. Growth-pulse, 167. Growth-rates for different temperatures, 181. Growth Recorder, 157, 642. Gi'owth movement, arrangements for compensations of, 257. Growing organs, contractile response of, 241. ,, ,, effect of intensity of light on tropic curvatures of, 341. ,, ,, ., chloroform, 646, on geotropic curvatures of, 656. „ ,, ,, ether on geotropic curvature of, 654. ,, ,, latent period and time relations of response of, 165, 201. Helianfhus annuus, death spasm of, 688. ,, ,, Diurnal movement of, 738. ,, ,, effect of ether, 645. ,, ,, resistivity variation of, 807. „ ,, torsional response of petiole, 740'. S90 INDEX HelianthiDi oiunius, transmitted excitation in, 743. Heliotropic adjustment of leaves Explanation of, 742. ,, curvature, mechanism of, 737. Heterodromous current, effect of in animal, 1-28. ,, ,, „ plant, 124. Ilihiscus, rate of growth of pistil, 159. High Magnification Crescograph, 157. method of, 152. Homodroraous current, after-effect of in animal, 128, 131. plant, 124. Hydrogen peroxide, effect of, on growth, 184. ,, ,, ,, on Mimo!in pulvinus, 88. Hydraulic reflex, in plants, 863. Hyponasty, 529. ,, effect of unilateral light on, 529. Impatiens, resistivity variation of, 807. ,, transverse section of, 718. Impulses, positive and negative, periods of transmission, 139. Incipient contraction, 198. Indirect stimulus, 135, 214. ,, ,, accelerating effect on growth, 216. „ ,, effect of, on growth of tendril, 219. ,, ,, ,, on tropic curvature, 277. „ „ effect on, Avtrrhoa, 136. ,, ,, unilateral application of, on tropic curvature, 277. Infra-red light, effect on growth, 211. ,, ,, ,, Mimosa pulvinus, 247. Inhibitory action of stimulus, 295. Injury action of, on normal tissue, 104. ,, ,, on sub-tonic tissue, 105. Jpomea reptans, 22. ,, pulchella, resistivity variation of, 807. Irrigation, effect of, on growth, 190. Lactic acid, effect of, on Mimosa response, 90. Lactuca sativa, 841. Latent period, effect of age on, 652. ,, ,, ,, current on, 120. ,, ,, of growth response, 165. to light, 207. ,, ,, of phototropic reaction, 323. INDEX 891 Lateral stimulation, effect of different modes of, 401. Laws of Variation of Nervous Conduction under the action of current, 133. Effect of Direct and Indirect stimulus, 139, 217, -231. Thermonastic reaction, 311. Torsional response, 403. Tropic cui'vature, 286. Light, acceleration of growth under, 219. ,, action of, 315. ,, action on phototropic torsion, 400. ,, after-effect of, 569. ,, arrangement for local stimulation by, 367. ,, Critical intensity of, 320. ,, diffuse, effect on Des>noc/ii(vi pulsation, 235. ,, diurnal movement in absence of, 18. ,, Diurnal record of intensity of, 831. ,, effect of a single spark, on growth, 325. ,, ,, angle of inclination on phototropic curvature, 342. ,, ,, different rays on growth, 209, 210, 211. ,, ,, duration of exposure on phototropic curvatures, 344. ,, ,, on diurnal movement, 539. ,, ,, intensity of light, 207. ,, ,, on M 171108(1, 52, 94. ,, ircmediate and after-effect of, on growth, 319. ,, effect of, on pulvinated organ, 244. ,, ,, on torsional response, 405. ,, mechanical response of pulvinated and growing organs under, 386. „ normal effect of on growth, 206. ,, response to single spark of, 817. ,, stimulus of, and leaf adjustment, 739. ,, transmitted effect of, 362. Localisation of, geo-perceptive layer, 478, 599, 606, 613. ,, ,, nervous tissue, 699. Luff a aciitangula, 553. Magnification, method of, 152. Maximum temperature for growth, 178. excitation for geotropic response, 608. Mechanical response, of pulvinated and growing organs under light, 242. ,, ,, of root to various stimuli, 461. 892 INDEX Mechanical stimulus, effect of direct and indirect, on growth of tendril, 293. ,, ,, effect of on ui-owth, 200. Mechanotropism, 288. Method of axial rotation. MU. ,, irrigation, 188. ,, vertical rotation, 458. ,, transverse exploration of geo-perceptlve layer, 496. Midday sleep, 543. Mimosa p«<^//rfl, autonomous j)ulsation of, 583. ,, ,, characteristic responses of different quadrants of pulvinus of, 714. ,, ,, ,, ,, to transmitted excita- tions from sub- petioles, 697. ,, ,, complex res]K)nse of, to transmitted excitation, 695. ,, ,, death-spasm of, 688. „ ,, definite innervation in petiole of, 706. ,, ,, dia-geotropic response of, 722. ,, ,, diuiiial movement of leaf of, 576. ,, ,, ,, variation of geotropic torsion, 581. ,, ,, ,, ,, moto-excitability in, 43, 61. ,, ,, effect of amputation of upper half of pulvinus of, 84. ,, ,, effect of amputation of lower half of pulvinus of, Sf). ,. ,, ,, carbon dioxide on geotropic curvature of, 663. ,, ,, ,, Ijarium chloride on response of, 89. ,, ,, ,, ether on geotropic curvature of, 653. ,, ,, ,, excessive turgor on response of, 54. ,, ,, ,, fatigue on response of, 91. ,, ,, ,, hydrogen peroxide, 8S. ,, ,, ,, lactic acid and sodium hydroxide, 90. ,, ,, ,, light and ilarkness on response of, 52, 93. ,, ,, ,, physiological inertia on response of, 68. ,, ,, ,, season on response of, 69. ,, ,, .. weight on rapidity of fall of leaf of, 87. ,, ,, effectors in pulvinus of, 70(i. ,, ,, electric detection of nervous imjjulse in, 703. ,, ,, ,. response of, 751. ,, evening record of, 63. INDKX 893 Mimosa piuUca, heliDtiopii- culjuslnu'iit of leaf of. (i{)i». ,, ,, localisation of nervous tissue in, 703. ,, ,. influence of constant electric current on response of, 92. ,, ,, ,, temperature on response of, 55. ,, ,, Micro-photograph showing nervous tissue in, 702. ,, ,, midday record of, 63. ,, ,, multi[)le response in, 766. ,, ,, petiole-pulvinus preparation of, 75. ,, ,, positive response of. under sub minimal stinudus, 766, 809. ,, ,, positive response of, under sub-tonicity, 682. ,, ,, relative excitabilities of two halves of pulvinus of, 85. ,, ,, response of abaxial arnl adaxial halves of pul- vinus of, 736. ,, ,, response of pulvinus of. 36. „ ,, ,, on stimulation of sub-petioles, 697. „ ,, ,, to variation of turgor, 39. ,, ,, ,, wireless stimulation. 420. ,, ,, statolithic apparatus in pidvinus of, 715. ,, ,, Recorders for response of, 28. ,, ,, torsional response of, 400, 697. ,, ,, transverse section of pulvinus of. 716. ,, ,, uniform periodic stimulation of. 46. ,, ,, variation of excitability of, after section, 46. Multiple response, electromotive, 744. ,, ,, mechanical, 766, 780. 784. ,, ,, resistivity, 811. Mitsa sapienftnn, photo-electric cell of. 837. Myosotis, localisation of geo-perceptive layer in, 613. Xadirotropism, 438. Xastic movements, 547. Negative curvature, 272. of tendril. 298. Negative geotropism, 438. ,, ,, neutralisation and reversal of, 334, 355. ,. ,, of roots. 476. phototropism. 334. ,, and positive thermonasty, 530. Neptiniia ohracea, transverse section of pulvinus. 716. Nerve-and-muscle preparation. 113. S!)J INDEX Nerve, direct stimulation in jilant, by pressure of starch grains, 717. ,, indirect ,, ,, ,, ,, 718. Nervous conduction, laws of variation under electric current, 113 Nervous impulse, contiol of, in animal, 112. in plant, 109. ,, ,, (It^fmite channel for, 706. ,, ,, reflex in plants, 863. Nervous tissue, localisation of, 699. Non-polarisable electrode, 445. Noon, Light and Thermal, 533. Nyctitropic Recorder, 537. Nyctitropism, 523. ,, complexity of, 526. Xymphni'ii. dim-nal movements of, 549. ,, effect of light on thermonastic movement of, 551. ,, ,, temperature, on thermonastic movement cf, 55 1 . ,, geo-electric response of different layers in lower side, 495. ,, localisation of geo-perceptive layer, 486. ,, negative thermonastic response of, 309, 310. ,, geo-electric distribution across flower stalk, 496. Oscillating Recorder, 234, 340. Oscillator. 50. J\iiiicrnf, charnctoiistic response of. to fi-ansmitted phototropic excitation, 374. I'd linijd, diurnal record of leaf, 558. Para-heli 3tropism, positive and negative, 381. I'lixslHorn, death-spasm of tendril, 691. ,, rcsjionse of tendril, 33. ,, periods of contraction and recovery, 37. Periodic movements, causes of, 13. ,, ,, ,, in trees, 15. Periods of transmission of positive and negative impulses, 139. ,, nuiximum contraction and recovery, 37. Permeability, variation of, under stimulus, 820. Petiole-pulvinus-preparation of ^fin>osa, 74. Pith, electric excitation in, 704. Phloem, electric excitation in. 703. /'/iff nix f/arflflff'ifi, 5. I'hotometiic Recorder, 586. INDEX 895 '^hotonastic curvatuie, 378. Phototropic response, after-effect of rise of temperature on, 394. ,, ,, leversal of, under rise of temperature, 393. ,, ,, seasonal change of, 388, 392. See also Dia-phototropisni, Phototropic torsion, 398. ,, action of light on, 378. ,, diagrammatic representation of, 399. ,, ,, experimental arrangements for recording, 398. Photo-geotropic torsional balance, 505. ,, effect of white and red lights on, 506. ,, .. coal gas, 507. Photic stimulation, effect of unilateral, 280. ,, ,, transmitted effect of, 362. Phototropism, 313. ,, operative factors in, 314. Phototropic curve, characteristic of simple, 351. ,, ,, ,, complete, 356. Phototropic curvature, characteristics of, 347. ,, effect of inci-easing intensity of light, 336. ,, ,, subminimal stimulus, 353. ,, dia- and negative, 314. ,, latent period of, 323. ,, of growing organ, 317, 359. ,, of pulvinated organ, 316, 358. ,, a positive, 314. Physiological inertia, responsive variation of, on excitability, 68. Porana paniculata, resistivity variation of, 807. Positive curvature, 272. ,, impulse, 137, 148. period of transmission of, 139. Positive effect, unmasking of, 144. Positive phototropic curvature, in pulvinated organs, 316. ,, ,, in growing organs, 317. para-heliotropism of, Eryfhri/ia, 3S2. radio thermotropism, 412. geotropism, 438. thermonasty, 530. Positive electric responses in subtonic tissues, 810. to light, 839. Pulvinus, (Mimoso), ,, action of hydrogen peroxide, on, S8. 896 INDKX Pulvinus action of l)aiiuin chloride on, 89. ,, ,, characteristic response to geotropic stimulus, 712. ,, ,, copper suh>hate on, 91. ,, ,, tlia-geotropic response of, 722. effect of amputation of upper half, 82. ,, ,, ,, of lower half, 84. ,, Effectors in, 695. ,, relative sensitiveness of upper and lower halves, 85. unequal excitability of upper and lower halves to photic^ stimulu!=!, n^O. Pulvinated organs, effect of ether on, geotropic curvature of, G53. ,, ,, ,, chloroform on, geotropic curvature of, 656. „ „ ,, carbon dioxide on, 662. Poison, contrasted effect of application to root and shoot, 792. ,, effect on growth, 186. ,, Excitatory impulse at death V)y, 781. Poisonous spray, ineffectiveness of, 791. Praying Palm, 3. Quadrant Method of electric i-es|)onse, 814. ,, ,, ,, effect of iiu-reasing inten- sity of light on, 818. ,, ,, „ ,, carbon dioxide, 819. ,, ;, ,, chloroform, 819. Radial organ, geo-electric response of, 725. Radiograph, Self -Recording, 825. Radio thermotropism, 410. Dia- 413. ,, Positive, 412. Ttaria fiyrina, 125. Rate of growth, automatic record of, 155. Ratio of geo-electric excitation and sines of angle of inclination. 456, 634. Recorder, Geotropic, 427. for movement of trees, 8. Oscillating, 33, 340. ,, Nictitropic, 537. Photometric. 586. INDRX SU7 Recorder, Resonant. 3-2. 77. Theimonastic, 309. Recoverj', effect of constant current on, 9-2. Red light, effect of, on Mimosa pulvinus. 246. ,, ,, on growth, 210. Response, comparison of, in growing and non-growin