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Green, Governor TRANSACTIONS OP THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 34 September, 1941 Number 1 Special Papers Presented at the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting Evanston, Illinois, May, 1941 Memoirs Edited by Grace Needham Oliver Department of Registration and Education Illinois State Museum Division, Centennial Building SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois] PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Entered as second-class matter December 6, 1930, at the post office at Springfield, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912, STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Prank M. Thompson, Director ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM DIVISION Thorne Deuel, Chief ILLINOIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Affiliated with the Illinois State Museum Officers for 1941-1942 President: T. H. Frison Natural History Survey, Urbana Fist Vice President: F. M. Fryxell Augustanai College, Rock Island Second Vice President : George E. Ekblaw Geological Survey, Urbana Secretary: R. F. Paton University of Illinois, Urbana Treasurer: John Voss Manual Training High School, Peoria Librarian: Thorne Deuel Illinois State Museum, Springfield • Junior Academy Representative: Mary Creager Township High School, Vienna Editor: Grace Needham Oliver Geological Survey, Urbana In addition to current officers, the Academy Council for 1941-42 includes the two most recent past presidents: Evelvn I. Fernald, Rockford College, Rockford, and V. O. Graham, 4028 Grace St., Chicago. Printed SeDtember, 1941 [2] TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 34 September, 1941 Number 1 ■ UCQ (L I XL CONTENTS Page Announcements . . . . . . . . 4 Graham, Verne 0. Fungi and Man. Presidential Address, 1941 Meeting . . . . . . . _ . . . 5 Fernald, Evelyn I. Michael S. Bebb, Illinois Naturalist and Letter Writer. Presidential Address, 1940 Meeting . 12 Turner, C. L. Hormone Control of Reproduction and Secondary Sexual Characters in Fishes . . 17 Herskovits, Melville J. Patterns of Negro Music . 19 Brown, Frank A., Jr. A Summary of Our Knowledge of Endocrine Mechanisms in Crustaceans . . 24 Turner, C. Donnell. The Endocrine Functions of the Mammalian Ovary . 29 Memoirs Charles Zeleny . 35 Eugene Richard Dougherty . 36 Rose M. Cassidy . 37 [3] ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention is directed to the fact that the Committee on Research Grants of the Illinois State Academy of Science has at its disposal a small sum of money to be disbursed in support of worthy research projects. Applications for grants will be accepted up to and including March 31, 1942. It is customary to give preference to scientists connected with the smaller institutions of the state. Requests for grants should be accompanied by a brief statement of the training and experience of the applicant, the purpose of the investigation, and the estimated cost. Previous publications should be listed. At least two letters of recommendation should be transmitted directly by their authors. Correspondence may be addressed to William C. Rose, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. SECTION CHAIRMEN 1941-42 Agriculture : C. H. Oathout, Macomb, Ill. Anthropology : Donald E. Wray, 604 Caroline St., Peoria, Ill. Botany: Paul D. Voth, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Chemistry : N. D. Cheronis, 5556 Ardmore Ave., Chicago, Ill. Geography : Joseph Van Riper, Southern Illinois State Normal University, Carbondale, Ill. Geology: A. H. Sutton, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Physics: F. L. Verwiebe, Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charleston, Ill. Psychology and Education: J. M. Hughes, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Social Science: C. W. Schroeder, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill. Zoology: Orlando Park, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 1942 MEETING — URBANA — MAY 8-9 [4] Illinois Academy of Science Transactions FUNGI AND MAN* Verne O. Graham A few years ago the speaker was deeply concerned over a number of eco¬ logical problems such as why more fungi occur during autumn than in the spring¬ time, when an observer ventured the chance remark, — “Why spend so much time on these peculiar forms of life? Are they of any value to man?” Two answers to these questions may be pro¬ posed. The first is supported by all true scientists and includes the idea that all pnre science is, across the centuries, of far greater value than the form which for personal reasons goes forth to find evidence in support of a proposition or conclusion arrived at from inadequate data. The second is based on our knowl¬ edge of the harm done by this great group of plants in causing decay of eco¬ nomic products. We know much more about their destruction than their con¬ trol; we see the collapse of a structure weakened by the inroads of wood-inhabit¬ ing fungi; we are made aware of the constant expense incurred by replace¬ ment of decayed ties and timbers along our railroads; we note the dead and dying trees in our forests, and some¬ times try to salvage some of the lumber before decay has completely destroyed its value. We look at fungi as food and hope that here we may find sufficient defense for their existence, and are dis¬ mayed to discover food value but little in excess of that found in cabbage. All these are superficial, and yield but little toward our understanding of this great group of plants and wherein they fit in the economy of life. The greatest contribution of fungi to the balance of life is related to the decay of organic material. We need but imag¬ ine the effect of removal of all decay activities from our forests. Trees broken by wind or lightning crash to the earth year after year and lie until the forces of decay or fire change their nature from debris to soil. Unaffected by these forces the forest eventually would accomplish its own suffocation, mounting fallen tim¬ bers would heap higher and ever higher to mingle, first, with the lower branches, kill them by suffocation, and finally, bring death to the entire forest. Fungi increase in number with food supply, the debris of the forest furnishing food for countless numbers of them; with more debris more fungi appear; with decrease in this food supply occurs a correspond¬ ing decrease in fungi. In a complicated relationship these agencies continue to exist interdependent in their life needs. A dead branch lies on the ground but a short time before the scavengers of the plant world begin their work upon it. Sometimes the reduction process is ac¬ complished by a single visible species, sometimes by many causing several forms of decay. Each autumn, leaves carpet the earth, but in a few weeks all have disappeared except for a few kinds. Maple leaves color and make beautiful the autumn forest but on the ground they soon de¬ cay. Poplar leaves are more persistent as part of ^ the forest carpet; not until spring has 'decay completely decomposed them. The dominant in any such carpet in this region is a mixture of leaves from some of the nine species of oak. The thick, leathery leaves and the presence of tannic acid make possible their per¬ sistence for more than a year. As rain¬ fall slowly leaches preservatives from them, decay gradually softens the tough protective covering to produce a leafy substratum for the growth of many species of Marasmius, Collybia, and other small pileate fungi. What are some of the environmental results of the carpet of leaves? The first important one accrues from the blanket¬ like covering of the soil tending to re¬ tain heat within the soil when the out¬ side air is cold, and the prevention of warming processes from the outside dur¬ ing the time when the air is much warmer than the soil. Consequently the soil retains sufficient heat during the autumn months for the growth of ter¬ restrial fungi long after the normal ex¬ pectancy. During November it is not ♦Address of the Retiring President before the general Academy membership met in convention at Evanston, Illinois, May 1-2-3, 1941. 0 6 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions unusual to find such species as Hygro- phorus Russula and Tricholoma person- atum among others pushing the leafy covering upward, tent-like, to gain posi¬ tion for spore dissemination. During this time humus is abundant and moisture has been retained sufficient for the wide spread development of mycelium. These conditions are ideally favorable for fruc¬ tifications, providing the precipitation is at least average, and if no unusually long periods with freezing temperatures have occurred to penetrate the leafy- blanket and halt the development of the vegetative structure from which carpo¬ phores arise. With average autumnal conditions prevailing, the beneath-the- leaves habitat is populated by a flora unusually rich in species of fungi. It is natural to question the applica¬ tion of the above facts especially when we account for the abundance of mycelial growth and fructifications for autumn only. Do not the same conditions have a vernal application? Do the results ex¬ actly correspond? The answer to the first question is yes, to the second, no. The leafy carpet retards the change of soil temperature both during autumn and in spring, but the retardation in one case while soil temperature is becoming warmer is disadvantageous and in the other when the change is from warm to cold is advantageous. In other words, the autumnal retardation of tempera¬ ture change makes possible a continued production of fungi, while the vernal retardation delays the production. Con¬ sequently we find the first terrestrial fungi appearing at least a month after the vernal equinox, likewise abundant production continues for a month beyond the autumnal equinox. Many people are disappointed by the absence of fungi during the months April until August, inclusive. The weather is warm and rainfall, especially during spring and early summer, is often suf¬ ficient for the growth of these elusive plants. Why are they not everywhere conspicuous, especially in the forests? A few reasons may be proposed, each ex¬ plaining a different phenomenon. From the paucity of terrestrial vernal fungi a few facts may be gleaned by direct observation. Fungi which are to be found are in pastures, open woods, and other habitats where sunshine may exert its warming influence. The genera Morchella, Peziza (see fig. 1), Coprinus, Panaeolus, Naucoria, and various field puffballs, although widely separated, make up the collections found during April and May. The warm sunshine has a drying effect in addition to its heat, consequently the arid months arrive al¬ most simultaneously with the proper soil temperature within the forest. Add to these factors the time element required for vegetative growth of a fungus and the presence or absence of fungi during the various seasons becomes reasonable. Yes, but what is this time element? We have always supposed “mushroom growth” to be very rapid, requiring but a few hours, and that any time during the year when a high moisture content and warm temperature prevail, even for a very short time,, mushrooms should be everywhere ready for collecting. The answer is: “mushroom growth” refers only to the production of carpophores and takes no account of the two weeks required, under most favorable condi¬ tions, for the mycelial growth necessary before our smaller fungi will appear in fruit, or the several weeks required for larger fungi. As evidence of the time element requirement, new data accumu¬ lates each year during August and Sep¬ tember when, after several weeks of dry weather, rainfall again becomes normal or above normal, yet at least two weeks intervene before some of the smaller terrestrial forms appear, to be followed by medium sized and finally after sev¬ eral weeks by the very large ones. What interpretation may we consider applic¬ able to such evidence? Certainly the accumulation of nutrition within the mycelial network and a widespread growth of the structure in order to con¬ tact and contain the supply of nutrition must occur before the dicaryophase con¬ dition and its stimulus brings forth rapid production of fructifications. The wide¬ spread growth and the large accumula¬ tion of nutrition required for larger species is relatively comparable to the extended time required for these plants to come to fruition. It is also true in general that large mycelial structures accompany and produce large fructifica¬ tions, and comparatively small vegeta¬ tive structures produce small carpo¬ phores. Hence, with the recurrence of rainfall regularly and abundantly follow¬ ing the deadening affect of several arid Graham — 1941 Meeting 7 weeks, events follow in normal sequence; one or two weeks of rainfall in which no fructifications appear, a week in which small fungi, such as species of Mycena, Collybia, Marasmius, and Coprinus are dominant, followed by succeeding days with new and larger forms gradually coming into and adding to the total num¬ ber composing the fungal flora. The continued growth of the vegeta¬ tive structures of these saprophytes greatly reduces the leafy covering of the soil. Here again a balance is maintained between the amount of moist decaying leaves and the numerosity of fungi. The annual budget of fallen leaves is rapidly becoming an integral part of soil when the time arrives for the new autumnal carpet. The normal human questions during spring invariably deal with why fungi are so few and far between. Recollec¬ tions of the autumnal forest densely be¬ set with hundreds of terrestrial fungi has led the usual observer to expect sim¬ ilar growth during the vernal season. The somewhat detailed discussion of eco¬ logical factors bearing on these ques¬ tions serves to make reasonable the con¬ trasting paucity and abundance. Mosses, lichens and liverworts consti¬ tute a living substratum, nestled among and beneath the leaves to invite other entirely different types of fungal com¬ munities. Usually somewhat removed from the leafy floor and from the living mosses, liverworts and lichens, grasses grow, their roots and dead leaves giving sustenance for fairy rings of Marasmius oreades (see fig. 2) and Agaricus cam- pestris on pastures and fairways. An analysis of the interrelationship of the various! parts of the substrata brings forth the tremendous importance of fungi. On a single stump, somewhat de¬ cayed, one may find six or seven species of fungi, each with its own peculiarities of action, but all functioning to eventu¬ ally return the wood to the soil. In the growth of fungi chemicals are ecologic¬ ally more important than for seed plants where physical factors are largely re¬ sponsible for associational differences. Diversity of saprophytism and para¬ sitism is illustrated by the presence of Polyporus Schweinitzii always on pine, Mycena vulgaris on pine needles, Maras¬ mius oreades attached to grass roots, Polyporus conchifer (see fig. 3) on elm twigs, Tricholoma transmutans on black oak roots, Polyporus tsugae on living hemlock and Nyctalis asterophora on an¬ other fungus, Russula nigricans. The economic importance of fungi as related to the decay of structural timbers has by some been recognized for three- quarters of a century. In a letter of De¬ cember 9, 1889, P. H. Dudley wrote to Charles H. Peck, state botanist of New York, calling attention to the loss due to decay of bridge timbers, ties, and the lumber used in building freight cars. He mentioned the prevalence of Lentinus lepideus on the ties of yellow pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) He stated that these were so numerous in main line tracks and so conspicuous during September 1889 as to be noticeable from the trains. “Pilei six to eight inches in diameter were frequent, while four in a cluster of small diameter springing from the same mycelium seemed to be a common mode of growth, this unusually wet sea¬ son. The resinous matter in yellow pine in its natural state does not seem to check the growth of the fungus.” This same fungus reaches ten inches across on the timbers used for construction at the parking area near Tower Falls in Yellowstone National Park. Construction here is mainly of Lodgepole Pine. Dudley further writes that Omphalia campanella Batsch (see fig. 4) was found fruiting on white cedar (Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea Spach) from May until October. White oak timbers frequently showed Fomes applanatus Fr. in fruit while Polyporus versicolor Fr. was very abundant. The absence of fungi in fruit upon ties of chestnut (Castanea) was as striking as its frequency on other woods. “It is a well known fact” he writes, “that chest¬ nut ties last longer where the ground is damp, than where it is dry.” Concerning the presence of Omphalia campanella on the white cedar, one ex¬ planation seems sufficient. This fungus may have occupied the timbers for months, spreading vegetatively and caus- irig decay without producing a single fruit; then with the stimulus of decay- chemicals in the substratum added to the presence of a moisture supply came to abundant fruition. The same, to a lesser degree, may be said of Fomes applanatus and Polyporus versicolor. They too are prolific in the growth of mycelium, and show but little tendency 8 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions to fruit until the supply of nutrition undergoes a marked chemical change, then, as though signaled by the code of race preservation, the pile! appear. The procedure varies in degree with different fungi, but the story is much the same. Some produce several successive crops for several years while the decaying wood becomes softer and softer in its reduction to soil. Another interesting observation by Mr. Dudley concerns the abundance and de¬ structiveness of Lenzites sepiaria Fr. Under the station platforms and the planking of the walks, he found its my¬ celium abundant, generally without fruit¬ ing, and follows with the observation: “This has not set men to thinking of better methods for replanking for they carry on the replanking exactly as of old, that is, in the best manner to pro¬ mote the growth of a new crop of fungi. Consequently in a few years replace¬ ment is again necessary. Unseasoned timbers are especially susceptible and during a damp season will show traces of mycelium in two or three weeks. Well seasoned timbers contain inert mycelium if any at all and this remains inactive until moisture reaches it. This again starts decay. Some have suggested paint¬ ing the timbers to protect them from the mycelium of decay but this proves of no value if moisture and the mycelium are present within, for in the same short period of time decay has weakened the wood and replacement must follow. Users of wood have long considered the fungi as merely accompanying the decay and not its cause, consequently they have done little to preserve the wood or to elimin¬ ate the fungi. So small are the spores and so readily disseminated that every crevice in the timber contains many which await the presence of moisture to begin the growth of mycelium and with it the decay of the wood.” During a plate I Explanation of Plate la. — Morchella esculenta. The morel, some¬ times called honeycomb mushroom occurs during spring. lb. — Peziza coccinea (Scarlet. Peziza) occurs during April. The inside of the cup is a brilliant scarlet color. 2. — Marasmius oreades. Fairy rings of this species and of Agaricus campestris are found on golf courses and pastures. 3. — Polyporus conchifer prefers to grow on dead and fallen elm branches. 4. — Omphalia campanella. Golden trumpets; with golden yellow caps; a multitude of these period of fifteen years the old railroad bridge over the north branch of the Chi¬ cago River in Harm’s woods, west of Evanston, proved a most interesting il¬ lustration of these processes. The most prevalent of all was Lenzites sepiaria (see fig. 5) and ninety percent of the decay was attributable to this species alone. Remembering that these timbers were solid twenty years ago and that the trolley cars were then in use, one could with a minimum of time repeatedly visit these timbers and evaluate the destruc¬ tion caused by the growth of mycelium within the wood. The final paragraph of Mr. Dudley’s letter is interesting: “As an illustration of simple and effective measures, I will give an example: When I was chief engineer of the Valley Railway of Ohio, I built some extensive trestles. This was in 1873. Before doing so I examined a number of trestles near Cleveland, Ohio, built of 10 by 12 or 12 by 12 timber, the life of which did not exceed seven or eight years. In examining them, I found that while the large timbers were sound upon the outside, internally they were all decayed. The small timbers, 6 by 8 used for braces and of the same kind of wood, were sound. The small size enabled them to season in the structure. This was an important fact, so I made all my timbers small, using more of them to give the proper factor of safety. One of these trestles is in use now, 16 years later. In this case, one of the three essential requisites for the growth of fungi was eliminated, namely, moisture in the interior.” Much of the discussion in the letter of Mr. Dudley refers to the decay of timbers but this may not apply to the decay in¬ ternally of trees by parasitic fungi. Some fungi do perform the double function of saprophytism and parasitism exhibiting ability to thrive on a living or on a dead substratum. It is not unusual to find rapidly decay a log or stump. Caps y2 inch across. 5. — Lenzites sepiaria lower surface is gilled, but in some specimens is somewhat daedaloid; yellow and brown colors make the plant very attractive; on railroad ties. 6. — Fomes applanatus. Species of the genus Fomes are perennial adding a new layer of pores each year. Many of them are obligate parasites. 7. — Hydnum erinaceum. Hydnums are in¬ cluded among our edible fungi. 8. — Amanita phalloides (Deathcup). This is the most deadly of all to those who look for mushrooms for the table. Graham — 1941 Meeting 9 10 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions Polyporus Schweinitzii on the dead trunk of Pinus strobus or on the living trunks or roots of the same species, or to find Polyporus tsugae on either living or dead hemlocks. Because of such latitude of toleration, it is sometimes difficult to formulate laws for determination and prediction as is indicated by the follow¬ ing illustration: On the high point of land bounded by the two streams at the confluence of Turkey Run into Sugar Creek stands a hemlock afflicted for at least twenty years with Polyporus tsugae. The *ormal expectancy for such a disease includes mycelial growth within the tree until decay has changed greatly the chemical nature of the wood, the store¬ house of food for the mycelium, then in the final stage of the life of the tree, the appearance of fructifications. This remarkable tree has all these years been host of a disease, and for at least eighteen years produced on its branches and trunk four or five pilei of Polyporus tsugae, yet the health of the tree has not greatly changed for several years. A few of its branches exhibit internal decay, but always such branches produce pilei of the disease-producing fungus. It is evident in this case that the disease is local in character, that the tree is parasitized in one sector only, the decay- producing mycelial strands follow the grain of the wood upward from its point of entrance, until the tissues of wood divide, some to a branch and some within the tree trunk. Strands then multiply within the branch until decay renders this member an unfit host. When such a condition arises fructifications appear, to scatter the spores on the winds to other hosts. The destruction of trees in our forest preserves, especially in local areas, fur¬ nishes a splendid opportunity for ob¬ servation and study. A survey of a single forest such as Harm’s woods will reveal more than one hundred epixylous species. A few of these are obligate para¬ sites, others fit into a varied classifica¬ tion. Some like Polyporus gilvus show preferment for dead trees and where present on living trees are attached to and deriving nourishment from dead wood. Others exemplified by Pomes con- natus derive nourishment from the liv¬ ing wood of the tree trunk. Direct evi¬ dence of their presence is withheld from us until a considerable part of the tree is dead when fructifications appear. A third type may be said to live on either dead or living wood. Within this classifi¬ cation may be such as Fomes applanatus, (see fig. 6), usually found on stumps or logs in various stages of decay, but some¬ times on the living trunk of Quercus alba. Such obligate parasites as Fomes connatus of maples, Fomes rimosus of Piobinia pseudoacacia (black locust), Fomes Everhartii of Quercus, Fomes pinicola of conifers, Fomes pini of pines, Fomes juniperinus of Juniperus Virgin- iana (red cedar), Fomes fraxineus and Fomes fraxinophilus of Fraxinus (ash), sometimes surprise us by their presence after death has changed the living tissue of the host into decaying wood. These same parasites also sometimes surprise us by their presence on other than the usual host. Fomes pinicola, easily recog¬ nized by the presence of red color on younger tissues, is ordinarily expected on pine or other living conifers but sometimes occurs on beech logs. Fomes fraxineus, notoriously a parasite on ash, produces splendid fruits on cottonwood trees along the Des Plaines River near River Forest, west of Chicago. Fomes fulvus does not divide its host genus into species. It grows on any kind of cherry but is not adverse to the other half of the genus made up of wild plums. Fomes fomentarius is found on living deciduous trees but avoids conifers. Fomes ribes prefers bushes to trees, growing on Ribes (gooseberry) or Sym- phoriocarpus (relatives of the snow- berry). On such very large bushes as witch hazel and alder may be found Fomes scutellatus. In Harm’s woods where maple is abundant Fomes connatus is prevalent on that tree, and, were you to look no farther, your conclusion would be that this fungus is an obligate parasite. Somewhat rarely in other localities this disease also affects elm and beech. In the forest preserves of Cook County liv¬ ing elms are exceptionally free from parasitism by fungi, but on the dead twigs will almost invariably be found the attractive cup and saucer shaped fructifi¬ cations of Polyporus conchifer. Had Mr. Dudley who spoke of the absence of fungi on wet chestnut timbers known of later findings, he would have been much sur¬ prised to learn that more than 150 dif¬ ferent, easily observed fungi could be found on the dead and dying remnant of Graham — 1941 Meeting 11 that tree. That these are not minute species hidden from the average observer is indicated by the facts that — 29 are of the genus Polyporus 24 are Agarics (gilled mushrooms) 19 are Porias 18 are of the genus Stereum 9 are of the genus Fomes The remainder are largely resupinate forms of the family Thelephoraceae. Another contrast with the statements of Mr. Dudley are the observations about the reconstructed village, Lincoln’s Salem, Illinois. The timbers used in this village are infiltrated under high pres¬ sure with zinc chloride. The effect of this salt on the protoplasmic content of the mycelium is immediate and powerful, causing plasmolysis and sudden death. It seems probable that timbers so treated may endure for several centuries. In more recent time, an ever increas¬ ing use of preservatives adds years to the endurance of structural timbers. The conditions prevalent a century past, when lumber and labor were cheap, occur less frequently in modern times for the best economy encourages building for the years. We cannot but wonder concerning the details of adjustment for the balance of life. What biotic changes occur within the host and how are these adjustments accomplished? The softer plants which furnish food for man have been carefully observed and studied in order that strains resistant to disease may be selected. Nature carries forward a selective pro¬ cess producing on the one hand a host sufficiently resistant for endurance of the numerous parasites, and on the other hand, parasites strong, but not too strong, in order that their life and their food supply may continue. A parasite attain¬ ing its ecological factors in one part of the world, suddenly released in another region may destroy its host before re¬ sistance adaptations occur. A single para¬ site nearly eliminated the American chestnut from our forests. Such life processes can in the medical field be many times exemplified by such exam¬ ples as susceptibility to tuberculosis, of people who come from south of our bor¬ der. The parasitic germs in this case find a virgin field for development where growth may be rapid and without host resistance. Application of these prin¬ ciples to our forests helps to establish understandings of why trees may in various stages of decay live on for many years, finally to be killed by secondary parasites which find entrance through wounds made by the original fungal growth. Speaking of fungi and man invariably causes many people to see but one side of the subject and they properly ask, “How can we know without learning to recognize all the fungi which ones are edible?” Without knowing them as individuals your diet must be consider¬ ably restricted. Analysis of the fungal flora of Illinois and the region within one hundred and fifty miles of Chicago shows the following rules applicable. Our most poisonous mushrooms are gilled. All fungi are non-poisonous which grow on wood, except the beautiful Clitocybe illud- ens, which is a large, bright pumpkin- yellow gilled-mushroom. Among other edible fungi are all puffballs if used be¬ fore the changes for spore production, that is while white throughout the cross section, all coral mushrooms (Clavaria and Tremellodendron), morels and pe- zizas, and finally the black fungi of the genus Xylaria, as well as the peculiar ones which appear shaggy with white hair-like aeulei, belonging to Hydnaceae (see fig. 7). The very poisonous mush¬ rooms grow on the ground and belong to the genus Amanita (see fig. 8). Other mildly poisonous mushrooms of other genera of the Agaricaceae are terrestrial. In conclusion, I wish to express the hope that some of these scattered ideas may make future visits of yours to for¬ ests, fields and mossy bogs more inter¬ esting, and that you will try to recognize some of the numerous plants which you formerly passed by with the remark: “Just another toadstool”. It is much more than a toadstool and its very pres¬ ence in a particular place must arouse a whole chain of ideas. Your conclusions may then arouse other new associations out of which may grow your ecology. Fungi whether epixylous or terrestrial fit closely into the scheme of human exist¬ ence and each has an important place to fill in the total organization of relation¬ ships between fungi and man. 12 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions MICHAEL S. BEBB, ILLINOIS BOTANIST AND LETTER-WRITER* Evelyx I. Feknald Rockford College, Rockford, 111. The letters of Michael Schuck Bebb (1833-1895) are of interest not only to the botanists but to the historians of Illinois. In them are recorded the observations of a man with a keen critical mind and with accurate power of observation combined with a deep love for his fellow men and the world about him. Scraps of wit and humor scattered throughout make them easy to read. Early in life, in 1861, he corresponded and exchanged plants with the Rev. Joseph Blake, a Maine botanist. In one letter, he gives the following description of himself: “I herewith hand you my photograph — and here just for a dash at something that may help you to guess what manner of man I am — Hoefland says if a man knows not at thirty his purpose in life it is probably because he has none — Alas Poor Yorick, I have but six months left wherein to find my purpose — and ‘still it is a fleeting.’ But I must not spin out so — western man — born and bred — Mas¬ sachusetts wife — two children — mix-up (strange as the mixture is) farmer- naturalist-musician — like tough reading — radical republican (turned insurrection¬ ist) never made a noise in the world— never tried — don’t think I should have succeeded if I had — Father a lawyer and politician — here is the end of my sheet, so I must stop.” In another letter to Blake written De¬ cember 9, 1864 from Washington, he writes in a more serious vein, as fol¬ lows: “I will never be much of a botanist but I can enjoy the dear flowers — and the fellowship of true plant-lovers as keenly as the biggest Dr. Hooker of them all — and I question if even he found more satisfaction in working up Welicitchia than have I over my micro¬ scope and seeds of Juncus — After all perhaps we lose in sentiment and en¬ thusiasm to gain in knowledge and fame without enhancing our enjoyment. It is not best to be such a topping Scientist as to lose one’s interest in the common things of the nearest meadow — I mean of course for humble botanists who seek recreation — and the cultivation of mind and heart — rather than to study and scramble to augment their reputa¬ tions as Naturalists.” He corresponded with practically all of the prominent botanists of his time and in the library of the Gray Herbarium at Cambridge, Massachusetts, letters to Bebb from eighty-seven contemporaries are deposited. Copies of thirty-two of his letters to the Rev. Joseph Blake were obtained from the University of Maine through the courtesy of Professor E. H. Steinmetz after they had been brought to the author’s attention by the generous interest of Professor Neil E. Stevens of the University of Illinois and copies of over two hundred letters to Walter Deane and others from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University through the courtesy of Professor M. L. Fernald. By reading these letters you can understand how he was able to accom¬ plish so much work of real value at considerable distance from any other botanists. In the following letter to Walter Deane (February 8, 1888 from Rockford, Illinois), he gives us an ex¬ planation of his “technique”. “My tailor has always made two pock¬ ets on the hips of my pantaloons. I am too old perhaps to acquire new habits making them useful. I carry no revolver and have a time honored place for my handkerchief. But I have just learned what to do with them and I find they are mighty convenient. I pity people that don’t know how to use hip pockets. In one I keep a whole bunch of blank tickets. No matter what I am doing, if if pops into my mind to ask some friend a thousand miles off a question, I out with a ticket, make a memorandum of the question and slip it in the other pocket. So now when I sit down to write to you I go over the accumulation and find two which read as follows ‘Deane ask to refer to Salix Cutleri Tuck Sillim * Address presented by the then-retiring president of the Academy before the membership at its annual meeting held in Galesburg, Illinois, May 2-3-4, 1940. Fernald — 1940 Meeting 13 Journal 45; 36 what reasons there given for discarding the old name S. Uva Ursi Pursh — please copy anything likely to be useful’.” While in Washington during the Civil War, he became acquainted with Wil¬ liam M. Canby and some of the pleasure and stimulus he obtained from that rela¬ tionship is passed on to Blake, December 9, 1863: ‘‘Yes, Mr. Canby has been very suc¬ cessful — I presume he has told you about our trip to New Jersey — and the East shore of Maryland — We got a fine lot of plants — and thanks to many favoring circumstances made satisfactory speci¬ mens. To what new plant do you allude — The Rynchospora heretofore confound¬ ed with R. alba? — Your remarks about finding new species are very just — but I try to keep my mind as free from this whole matter as possible — Envious strife and ambition to possess large herbaria — or to add a species or so to the 100,000 already known tends to embitter the life of a naturalist — and to smother the high¬ er enjoyments he might otherwise derive from his studies— Darwin’s observations on the dimorphism in Linum are worth a whole batch of new species.” In another letter of February 18, 1863 he mentions another significant contact. “Dr. Torrey is here lecturing at the Smithsonian on ‘Flame’ gas light &c.— I was talking with him about our Oaks and was glad to hear him say that all the Chestnut group must be put back as Micheaux left it — Certainly no Western botanist with a clear idea of species would separate Q. castanea and Q. mon- tana — for I have often gathered both from the same tree — the former at the top and the latter from the lower branches! ” His time in Washington was not spent entirely in a botanical way, as is indi¬ cated in this account sent to Blake, July 16, 1864: “The capitol is safe. The ‘Pension Office Guards’ were regularly mustered into the service of the U. S. for thirty days. The Rebs got wind of the move¬ ment and retreated precipitately! Per¬ haps the advance of the 6th Army Corps may have contributed to the discomfiture of the enemy, but still the Moral effect (?) of 60 valiant quill drivers ordered to Fort Baker to do garrison duty must have been stunning! Well! now that the emergency is past and I have retired from active military life — the mails re¬ opened etc. I have taken to the pen — answered all the letters I had lately received, and getting in the way of it I believe I will keep on and stir up some of my delinquent correspondents begin¬ ning with your esteemed self.” A very fine account of Bebb was writ¬ ten by Walter Deane of Milton Academy, Milton, Massachusetts, and published in 1896 in the Botanical Gazette. (This also includes a complete list of his pub¬ lications.) They exchanged letters and specimens and were very close friends. It is singular that they never saw each other. They had arranged to meet each other at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago but missed each other by a few days — a great sorrow to both of them. When the father of Michael, William Bebb, former governor of Illinois, pur¬ chased five thousand acres of land in Winnebago County and in 1850 most of the family and belongings were sent via the Miami canal to Sandusky and thence by the Great Lakes to Chicago and over¬ land to Fountaindale near Seward in Winnebago County, Michael and a brother drove a herd of cattle the four hundred miles. A glimpse of that trip is thus pictured for us: “How beautiful the rolling prairies were before man’s incoming! You nevef saw an old fashioned prairie “breaking plow” — It was drawn by ten huge oxen and cut a furrow 30 inches across — The soil was cut only about two inches thick and was laid over as smooth and even as the boards of a floor. On the ‘land side’ stood in all the purity and fresh¬ ness of its pasture beauty the native vegetation — on the other was a black field with not a vestige of living plant to be seen — such an outfit — and there were thousands of them at work all over the country — would destroy in one hour more beautiful plants than have been collected by all the botanists of the state since the Indians were driven out — A few choice things were left on stony knolls where the stones would dull the sharp edge of the breaking plow — or in nooks too irregular in shape to pay for cultivation but even they gave way a few years later to blue grass and cow pasturage — Troximon which grew out in the open and upon the richest and sun¬ niest slopes was about the first choice Illinois Academy of Science Transactions thing — botanically considered — to be ut¬ terly exterminated. I have not seen a plant of it growing in years.” in the prime of early manhood. On the county line road northwest of Rockford and northwest of Byron, the father built a new home, designed by Downing. How spacious the house and grounds were for those early pioneer days is shown in Figures 3 and 4. Bebb’s interest in plants began when he was very young and persisted throughout his life. When Emerson’s Trees ancl Shimbs of Massachusetts was added to the family library in Ohio, it was his first real contact with formal botanical science. At this time, he be¬ gan to collect plants, and the splendid herbarium of 50,000 sheets now in the Field Museum was built from such a simple foundation. Since he did so much of the work in those days without in¬ struction of trained and experienced botanists, the records on many of the earlier sheets are incomplete. However, by the time (1873) he became interested in Salix, he had had sufficient oppor¬ tunity to know more of the established practices in systematic botany. From 1857 to 1861 he lived in Odin and Salem and the vicinity of Spring- field and at these places made extensive collections. From this locality he went to Washington, D.C., where he remained until 1867. At that time he purchased the old homestead at Fountaindale and made his home there or in Rockford until his death in December 1895. Fig. 1 (above). Michael Schuck Bebb as a boy, copied from an old daguerrotype loaned by A. S. Rubl of Rockford, Illinois. Fig. 2 (below). Fountaindale, Illinois, home of M. S. Bebb. An old daguerrotype given to Mr. Antes Ruhl of Rockford, Illinois, by mem¬ bers of the Bebb family, represents Bebb as he looked at that time (Fig. 1), and a later photograph (Fig. 2) when he was His studies of the difficult genus Salix are more valuable because he made observations of living specimens as well as pressed specimens. In a Salicetum located near a stream at Fountaindale, he planted willows from all over the world. Dr. Hooker sent 1100 cuttings of 175 species from the willows cultivated at Kew and they all lived. When Charles Sprague Sargent was planting willows at the Arnold Arboretum, Bebb sent cut¬ tings and detailed directions for their arrangement and culture. The following is an extract from a letter to Walter Deane written on February 5, 1892: “I have been fussing over Willows, my usual winter occupation, and have really become quite enthusiastic. It began with work done in a perfunctory way to dis¬ charge obligations to others, but in the prosecution of this, certain fresh lines of investigation had to be followed up Fernald — 1940 Meeting 15 Fig. 3. Michael Schuck Bebb, from a pic¬ ture loaned by A. S. Ruhl of Rockford, Illi- 1 nois. and these in the end led to a better understanding of some old questions laid aside as unanswerable. Finding my way Clear I was in fine mood to go on and block out three or four batches of Willow notes for the Gazette. It is only in this way, now, that I can keep up the pleas¬ ant illusion that I still belong to the fra¬ ternity of working botanists. I envy you your industry and vim, but after all this is only relative. Young Macoun writes that ‘hia hours are from 8 A. M. till mid¬ night with an hour off for luncheon and dinner’ (presumably half an hour for each.) I wrote him that he might work that way in Germany but he had better stop right off or he would get a rap on the head to remind him that the thing 1 couldn’t be done in this climate.” Bebb became the world authority on Salix. In his early days he devoted some time to Carex and corresponded with “that young man Bailey” (Liberty Hyde Bailey). Among his most important contribu¬ tions to science are the publication of the Willows of the Peary Auxiliary Ex¬ pedition in Bulletin V of the Geograph¬ ical Club of Philadelphia , of notes and articles in the Botanical Gazette and Garden and Forest. He selected material Fig. 4. Fountaindale, Illinois. Home “rounds of M. S. Bebb. f*from which Mr. Charles E. Faxon drew the willow plates in Sargent’s Silva of North America and later criticized the sketches. His death in 1895 prevented the completion of the revision of the willows for the Flora of North America. In his lifetime the appearance of north¬ ern Illinois underwent many changes and botanizing became more difficult. On January 28, 1891, he wrote to Walter Deane: “The electric car lines have been, ex¬ tended in several directions one or two miles beyond the city limits (mainly to boom suburban lots) and will afford me facilities in reaching some very desirable botanizing grounds which last summer were beyond my walking ability. One is the hills above the city on the bank of Rock River which last summer I could only visit twice. Now I can go to within a mile by the cars. The other is one upon which I am counting greatly, viz., the right-of-way of the Chicago & North¬ western R. W. which was fenced in thirty years ago and has of course never been cultivated or pastured since. “All I have the dread is that Blue- grass will have spread in from the farms alongside and smothered out most of the indigenous vegetation.” 16 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions On May 22, 1894 he wrote to Walter Deane: “The boys wanted me to join them in an excursion to a favorite collecting ground of theirs on the lake shore near Whitings, Indiana. I was quite as eager as the rest so one morning we took an early train and did not get back to the city till after dark. We had a walk of a mile and a half along the lake shore, after leaving the R.R. station and then turned off into what was expected to be a region of alternate sand dunes and bogs — heavily wooded in some places, — open and sunny in others — aquatics in the water and the plants of hot sand banks a few rods away. Trees for shade — underbrush for seclusion — where we could cook and eat our dinner with a feeling that we were far removed from man’s intermeddling — To the very great disgust of my entertainers we discovered that the whole district for miles had been taken hold of by a land improve¬ ment company. The bogs had all been drained by deep ditches — discharging in¬ to the lake — the trees cut down or pulled up by the roots with some powerful machine — and the whole surface burned over.” His whole family was actively inter¬ ested in his botanical work. An inten¬ sive study of the plants of Cook County, Illinois was made by his son Robert, and his son William was a well known nat¬ uralist in Illinois and Indiana. In this study of the life of Michael Schuck Bebb we realize more clearly than ever that in the youthful scientists and in the amateur scientists there is much of immeasurable value which should be conserved. Illinois Academy of Science Transactions 17 HORMONE CONTROL OF REPRODUCTION AND SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS IN FISHES C. L. Turner Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois AN ABSTRACT There is great diversity in the repro¬ duction, reproductive habits and in the secondary sexual character of fishes. The various peculiarities in structure and function furnish a rich background for a study of endocrine factors control¬ ling reproduction and the sex accessories. Sex and sex reversal. Functional pro- tandric hermaphroditism occurs in some fishes (Spams) and many groups furnish instances of non-functional hermaphrodi¬ tism. In Xiphophorus helleri it is re¬ ported that males develop from young females by sex reversal. In other cases experiments involving removal of ovaries have sometimes resulted in regeneration of a testis. It is indicated that in some fishes sex is indeterminate, lightly held and easily reversible. It is not surpris¬ ing, therefore, that gonads are easily modified. Testosterone propionate ad¬ ministered in appropriate doses has caused degeneration of the ovary in Phoxinus and several poeciliid fishes and estrogenic hormones have produced a breakdown of the testis or the formation of an ovotestis. Relation of pituitary hormones to germ cell stimulation and to ovulation. Pre¬ cocious maturity has been produced in young fishes by implanting the pituitaries of mature fishes in the eye and in other locations. A similar effect has been ob¬ tained by grinding pituitaries and inject¬ ing them into the peritoneal cavity. Gonadotropic hormones from mammalian sources have also been found to be ef¬ fective in producing early maturity in fishes. In general, a low degree of group specificity is indicated in the gonado¬ tropic response. Ovulation occurs in numerous species of fishes when pituitary extracts, ground pituitaries or whole glands are injected or placed in the peritoneal cavities of fishes of the same species. The pituitary hormone of one species is often found to be effective in other species of the same general group but ineffective when administered to a species of a widely separated group. For example, the pitu¬ itaries of teleost fishes have been found to be ineffective in cyclostomes. Hypophysectomy when performed upon a fish undergoing ovulation inhibits com¬ pletion of the process but ovulation is resumed when pituitary substance is in¬ jected into the hypophysectomised fish. Secondary sex characters. It is con¬ venient to divide secondary sex char¬ acters of fishes into two groups. The first includes temporary characters or structures which appear normally only during the breeding season. Pearl organs, nuptial coloration, the mucous glands of the kidneys of the Stickleback and the elongated ovipositor of the Bitterling be¬ long to this group. The second group consists of permanent organs developed at the onset of sexual maturity and in¬ clude the gonopodia of various fishes in which internal fertilization occurs. The appearance of temporary sec¬ ondary sexual characters is inhibited by castration and it is assumed that the characters are controlled at least in part by hormones secreted by the gonads. A better demonstration of the control of secondary sexual characters by estro- genis and androgenic hormones has been furnished by experimentation on the gonopodium of poeciliid fishes. It has been shown that castration inhibits gono- podial development but development is resumed if there is testicular regenera¬ tion. A piece of regenerated testis about one fiftieth the size of a normal mature testis furnishes sufficient hormone for the complete development of the gono¬ podium. Smaller amounts of testicular tissue furnish hormone enough only for the earlier stages of development. When 18 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions completely castrated males are treated with an androgenic hormone (ethinyl testosterone) gonopodial development is resumed. When females are treated with ethinyl testosterone the anal fin under¬ goes a metamorphosis and produces a gonopodium which is atypical but con¬ tains the specific characters of the male gonopodium. It has been found that a very dilute solution of the hormone, I mg of the hormone to 110000 cc of water, will produce the earliest stages of meta¬ morphosis but that increasingly greater concentrations are required for the de¬ velopment of each succeeding stage. Re¬ action to the hormone takes place more rapidly in younger specimens and at higher temperatures. When development has ceased because the temperature level is too low or the concentration of hormone is below that which is required further development may be induced either by raising the temperature or by increasing the concentration of the hor¬ mone. It is inferred that in the normal development of the male gonopodium very small quantities of hormone are required to initiate development but that increasing amounts are required for each succeeding stage. Illinois Acndemif of Science Transactions 19 PATTERNS OF NEGRO MUSIC Melville J. Herskovits Northwestern University. Evanston. III. The study of musical forms can make an important contribution to an under¬ standing of the nature of human civiliza¬ tion, its processes of change, and the historical relationships between various bodies of custom. That the value of this contribution has been thus far but little recognized either by students of human civilization or by musicologists is not strange, since each field is sufficiently broad to demand the entire attention of specialists. The student of comparative culture must be prepared to deal with the habits of peoples whose modes of behavior differ as widely as do those of Eskimos and South Sea Islanders, of Zulus and aboriginal Australians. The musicologist, also, even though he may restrict his research to problems in the field of western European and American music, must utilize techniques so spe¬ cialized that little time remains to him for the consideration of materials out¬ side his specialty. We may thus ask at the outset how the comparative study of music can con¬ tribute to an understanding of the pro¬ cesses of human civilization; or, con¬ versely, how a knowledge of these pro¬ cesses helps the investigator concerned with understanding the derivation and significance of a particular musical style. To answer the first question, it must be recognized that music, as a part of any given body of tradition, can be studied like any other aspect of custom. But the peculiar value of studying music for this purpose is that, even more than other aspects of culture, its patterns tend to lodge on the unconscious level. Especially as regards the processes of change, it seems to manifest that phe¬ nomenon which, in the field of linguists has been termed “drift.” This implies an almost imperceptible, but consistent and steady change as a result of the continuous introduction of many small elements, all of which are in accord with the underlying structure of the accepted musical style. The cumulative result is that this process eventuates in some¬ thing which, though differing from the earlier form, is still recognizably related to it. This process is to be seen, for instance, in the changes that, over the genera¬ tions, have taken place in style of Eur¬ opean folk music and, in more recent times, in that of our more sophisticated musical forms. Each generation, we find, has had its “modern” music, to be pro¬ tested against by those devoted to an earlier convention. Yet each new step toward “modernism” has been shown to consist of nothing more than the utiliza¬ tion of intervals which represent the next series of overtones to the combinations already accepted. The point is that this process has gone on within the frame¬ work of our polyphonic patterns of music which emphasize harmony, patterns that were established when unison singing gave way to two-part melodies, and later, in the Middle Ages, much against the edicts of the Church, the major triad was completed by the addition of a third element. For the musicologist, an understand¬ ing of the wider significance of changes of this sort in our own culture, and the variations in tonal and rhythmic pat¬ terns that exist outside our own civili¬ zation, afford a perspective that is not only useful to any investigator of human behavior, but in this particular field materially broadens the basis of his ap¬ proach to his specific concerns. The very techniques that are employed in analyzing foreign musical idioms are, from this point of view, revealing. It was not until a generation ago that the musical significance was realized of the fact that in our society, music is more intimately related to the playing of in¬ struments of fixed pitch than in any other. Today the importance of the piano, with its rigid tonal system, in conditioning our musical reactions is recognized as paramount, not only in 20 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions shaping tile way in which we express ourselves musically, but the way in which we hear music. It is recognized, of course, that the particular scale we employ is a convention arbitrarily se¬ lected from subtly differing tonal values that have an infinite range; that, for example, whole tone scales, or penta¬ tonic scales can give material quite as adequate for the making of musical style as the chromatic system prevailing in our music. Yet the fact that within the limits set by our scale system we regard true pitch as so important, sets us off from folk who do not base their music on mechanically tuned instruments; among such people, for example, a reac¬ tion of distaste such as the trained mu¬ sician in our culture feels when a singer the left hand, and a 9/4 in the right — with a rhythmic consonance every 36 beats, is well-nigh impossible. For the musician, then, to understand that the idiom of his own culture is merely one of an almost infinite variety is of considerable value; a further under¬ standing of the significance of this fact in terms of the techniques employed in recording and analyzing foreign idioms is equally important. As in all scholarly research, to attain the greatest precision and accuracy is essential, and in the study of a strange music, this can be achieved only by the use of recording apparatus. Because of early condition¬ ings, the ear of a person in any culture is so trained that one who attempts to study differing styles soon learns that he Fig. 1. Drummers and dancers in the market-place of Kano, Nigeria (British West Africa). flats a note is, for example, unknown. A given tone has only a more or less constant value, and even a quarter-tone deviation causes no discomfort, if, in¬ deed, it does not go unrecognized. The comparative musicologist, how¬ ever, will realize that with casual regard for true pitch may go a far greater sensi¬ tiveness to rhythm than is the case among ourselves, where in all but the most sophisticated “modern” composi¬ tions, and in certain forms of dance music, rhythm is subsidiary, and rarely falls outside the limits of the 4/4 or 3/4 patterns, or some variant on these. The difficulties which many persons in our culture experience in beating out a 5/4 measure is an example of this. For such persons, to master a simple South Af¬ rican piece on the marimba which re¬ quires the player to follow a 4/4 beat in Fig. 2. Members of a cooperative society singing to give rhythm to the hoe-strckes of those working. Dahomey, French West Africa. cannot trust himself to write down the music he hears, however facile he may be. Having collected his data on cyl¬ inders or disks, he can, however, later in his laboratory, with the aid of tuning fork and metronome, transcribe what has been brought from the field. Here, without distraction, he can analyze preva¬ lent scale systems, record the complex¬ ities of rhythm, indicate the extent of individual variation in singing and. should he have sound films to work with, attempt to assess such intangibles as singing style and motor behavior while singing. No body of music can better document the advantage to be gained, both by the social scientist and the musicologist, from research in the field of compara¬ tive musicology, than that of the Negro peoples of Africa and the New World. TLerskovits — 1941 Meeting 21 For here are to be found patterns which, because of the historical relationships involved, have certain broad similarities that reflect the contacts between peoples of Africa and the Negro New World, and at the same time reflect the local devel¬ opments that have occurred in the vari¬ ous areas involved. Negro Africa, south of the Sahara, comprehends thousands of tribes, among all of whom music plays an important r61e in the daily life and the ceremonial round. The Negro slaves who were brought to the New World, deriving principally from West Africa and the Congo, brought their music with them, not only to the United States, but to the Caribbean Islands, Central America and the northern tier of South American countries, the Guianas, and Brazil. And in all these areas Negro music to some extent reflects this Af¬ rican background. In essence, this forms the fundamental basis for the overlay of European characteristics which, dif¬ fering in terms of the contacts of these people with Spanish or Brazilian or French or Dutch or English musical styles, and the intensity of these con¬ tacts, gives to the musical expression of each local group its special flavor. The principal characteristics which mark off the underlying pattern of Negro music may be broadly described. The convention whereby the statement of a theme by a leader is repeated by a chorus, or a choral phrase is balanced as a refrain against a longer melodic line sung by the soloist, is universal. This has been commented on by all who have heard Negroes sing in Africa or else¬ where, and is to be found in spirituals and work songs in the United States as well as in various kinds of melodies heard in the West Indies and South America. An intimate and often intricate relationship between the melody and its accompanying rhythm — carried on by drums, rattles, sticks beaten one against the other, hand-clapping or short non¬ musical cries — is also ubiquitous. So prominent is the element of rhythm in Negro music that this music is ordinarily conceived as relegating its melodic line to second place, though this concept has only partial validity. For as is demon¬ strated by the songs sung by choruses of chiefs' wives in Dahomey, West Africa, on the occasion of rites for the royal ancestral cult, or by some of the Shango cult songs from Trinidad, British West Indies, or by some of the Brazilian Negro melodies, a long and complex melodic line is by no means unknown in Negro songs. Yet the need to ornament an underlying rhythmic structure is funda¬ mental, and when Negro music as a whole is considered, this trait must re¬ ceive close attention. The phonograph records played in con¬ nection with this discussion in illustrat¬ ing the characteristics of Negro men¬ tioned above, and documenting the unity of Negro musical style, bear out the theoretical and methodological points with which this discussion opened. It is evident, when these melodies and rhythms from South Africa, from the Congo and West Africa, from Brazil, Trinidad, and Haiti, are heard, that the derivation of the music sung and played by the Negroes of this country will be¬ come apparent. At the same time, when the differences between the musical style of these various areas are noted, it will be remarked how these various musical conventions, regarded as cultural pat- ternings, throw light on what has hap¬ pened to aboriginal Negro musical en¬ dowment in contact with various Eur¬ opean cultures. The Brazilian songs, it will be noticed, show a strong Iberian overlay, through which African stylistic values manifest themselves in terms of the complex rhythms of the percussion instruments, and in the prevalence of the leader-and-chorus convention. It will be noticed in the Trinidad recording of “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” how, using a “Sankey” — a Sankey and Moody hymn — the thematic material has been so re¬ worked in terms of African conventions that they finally take a form far re¬ moved from the slow stately measures of the original — a form, indeed, that is essentially the form of the “swing” rhythms that United States Negroes have introduced into the secular dance melodies popular today among all groups in this country. These records are the following; un¬ fortunately, here only tribe or area rep¬ resented, type of song, title, and in the case of commercial discs, the company manufacturing the record, and its num¬ ber, can be given: 99 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions Africa South Africa 1. Zulu: Nkonto Ka Tshaka ( Gallo (Pty.) Ltd., Johannesburg. 2. Zulu: Malombo { South Africa, No. G. E. 86 Congo 3. Bahutu: Chant and Dance 4. Babira: Songs 5. Manbetu: Songs 6. Congo Dialect Song: Iduba Denis-Roosevelt Expedition, No. 10. Reeves Studios, Inc., New York City Same, No. 2 Same, No. 1 British Zonophone Co., London. No. E. Z. 439 West Africa 7. Yoruba: Igi Da Pa Ele Po 8. Yoruba: Oyibo Sewun Ti Oto 9. Yoruba: Tani Nawa Oni Baba 10. Fanti: Kwesi Kadagyi 11. Fanti: Nsamo Pom Zonophone No. E. Z. 305 Zonophone No. E. Z. 549 Zonophone No. E. Z. 426 Zonophone No. E. Z. 560 Zonophone No. E. Z. 475 New World Brazil 12. Macumba: No Fundo Do Mar | 13. Macumba: Caboclo do Matto ) 14. Batuque: Babao Miloque 15. Jongo: Sao Benedicto e Oro S6 Victor (Brazil) No. 34158 Victor (Brazil) No. 33253-A Victor (Brazil) No. 33380-A Haiti 16. 17. 18. 19. Vodun song: Vodun song: Vodun song: Vodun song: Ibo Lele Joue Kanga Joue Moundongue ye ye Ciye Ciye ’ti Bobine Carre ( General Records, New York, | No. 5001 General Records, No. 5002 B General Records, No. 5003 B T rinidad (Note: All Trinidad recordings were made in the field by M. J. Herskovits, during the Northwestern University Expedition of 1939.) 20. Bele song: Me no well-o No. 65 b 21. Bele song: Chamber po’, Chamber po’ Lady No. 31 a 22. Bongo song: Killin’ Peter Agent No. 70 a 23. Bongo song: Dolaido No. 79 a 24. Bongo song: I wan’ a Pretty Woman No. 47 b 25. Spiritual: Our Father | No. 31 26. Spiritual: ’Rasslin’ Jacob \ 27. Baptist Shout: Jesus, Lover of My Soul No. 58 b 28. Shango cult song: Yemanja No. 96 b 29. Shango cult song for Osho: Menia, Menia No. 97 a 30. Shango cult song: Adjadja-e No. 98 a Herskovits - — 1941 Meeting 23 This music has considerable point for the current controversy as to the deriva¬ tions of American Negro songs, particu¬ larly the spirituals. The discussion of this matter goes back to about thirty years ago, when H. E. Krebhiel pub¬ lished his volume “Afro-American Folk Songs,” in which he attempted to show that the spirituals were essentially Af¬ rican. His hypothesis was generally ac¬ cepted, until a re-examination by various students some ten or fifteen years ago noted striking similarities between the spirituals, and hymns — in some cases what may be called folk hymns — of the white people of this country, in both melodies and words. Since then, scholars have tended to align themselves on one side or the other, though, curiously enough, in no case has anyone who has written on the matter had any large acquaintance with African music, even, indeed, as large an acquaintance as would be gained by hearing the series of records played in connection with the presentation of this paper. To a person acquainted with the range of local style included in such a collec¬ tion as is represented in the records listed above, this discussion must seem pointless, and somewhat unrealistic. For one thing, the problem of origins goes beyond the spirituals, involving also the roots from which such other forms of Negro music as work-songs, songs of recrimination, “blues” and other dance forms have been derived. As far as the spirituals are concerned, a realistic ap¬ proach would seem to indicate a con¬ clusion that their present form repre¬ sents responses on the part of Negroes both to the music of the Whites heard by them in this country, and a rework¬ ing of this material in terms of the aboriginal stylistic patterns of their an¬ cestral African forms. In stating this, the renderings of the spirituals written for concert presentation are not meant, for though they may be beautiful, they are nonetheless artificial versions, trans¬ lated into current majority patterns of music. The living spirituals, sung by devotees affiliated with groups whose worship is outside the commonly ac¬ cepted conventions of American relig¬ ious behavior, sung in lowly Negro churches, in places of worship such as are colloquially known as store-front churches, and the like, are quite differ¬ ent. For in these humbler gatherings, the “swing” element, so important in secular Negro song, also predominates in the sacred songs, and the synthesis of both African and European elements is plainly to be discerned. Jazz and swing are rarely taken into account in discussions of the derivations of Negro music. Yet it is not an accident that the exponents of these musical styles who are most effective in their presenta¬ tions are Negroes. The importance of rhythm in this dance music, the im¬ provisation that characterizes its play¬ ing, the repetition of thematic material are all distinctly African. It is more than chance that this music is so closely associated with the dance, for the rela¬ tionship of song and rhythm to dance in Africa and Negro America is funda¬ mental. In considering some of the problems present in the study of Negro music, therefore, it has been indicated how ad¬ vantageously certain controversial issues can be approached through the use of these materials. In the case of a ques¬ tion which is of great importance for this country at the present time, that of the derivations of Negro custom in gen¬ eral and the carry-over of Africanisms in all aspects of Negro behavior, it has been shown how an approach of this kind affords definite data that throw light on the mechanisms which can then be considered in terms of their applic¬ ability to the change in other aspects of custom resulting from the contact of Whites and Negroes. From the larger point of view, also, it is to be seen how the study of comparative musicology makes for an understanding of the fact that the musical style of our own cul¬ ture is but one of an infinite number of possible varieties of musical expression, and that the student who approaches our music with this fact in mind will find new values in it which arise from a deeper realization of its significance as a part of the musical resources of hu¬ manity as a whole. Finally, as concerns the student of society, it is apparent that music, objectively recorded and com¬ petently analyzed, can offer effective guides to an understanding of the mech¬ anisms of cultural change, and of the historic relationship between cultures as they exist over the earth at the present day. 24 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions A SUMMARY OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF ENDOCRINE MECHANISMS IN CRUSTACEANS* Frank A. Brown, Jr. Northwestern University , Evanston, Illinois Definite demonstration of the presence of an endocrine mechanism in inverte¬ brates is of quite recent origin, extend¬ ing back not more than about fifteen years. Biologists have, nevertheless, sus¬ pected for several decades that such mechanisms existed among these lower animals. When one considered the fact that almost every basic physiological mechanism found in the Vertebrata ap¬ peared to have its counterpart some¬ where among the Invertebrata it was not unreasonable to presume that hor¬ monal coordinatory mechanisms were operative there just as in the Vertebrata. Many problems in invertebrate physi¬ ology which remained quite refractory to solution solely in terms of nervous coordination recently have yielded much ground in terms of endocrine coordina¬ tion. A number of general reviews of the subject have been prepared, namely Roller, 1929, Hanstrom, 1937a, von der Wense, 1937, Roller, 1938, Lelu, 1938. Hanstrom, 1939, and others are in prepar¬ ation. The first invertebrate group to pro¬ vide unequivocal evidence for the pos¬ session of an endocrine mechanism was the Crustacea (Perkins, 1928). And to¬ day we probably have as large a body of information concerning crustacean endocrine physiology as we have for any other invertebrate group, with the possible exception of the Insecta. Even in these best known groups, however, our knowledge is still very rudimentary and sketchy. One who is primarily fa¬ miliar with the relatively refined and detailed state of the field of mammalian endocrinology must look with patience and understanding upon this new field which is only now concerned with the rough determination of hormonally con¬ trolled processes, and the sources of the hormones, involved. Furthermore, the in¬ vestigation of invertebrate endocrinol¬ ogy is rendered somewhat difficult by the small size of most of the animals which must be investigated and also due to the general phylogenetic tendency to¬ ward decrease in structural differentia¬ tion and segregation of organs or parts of organs concerned with specific func¬ tions. This last tendency, of couse, cul¬ minates in the Protozoa whose total structural bases of functions are confined within the limits of a single cell mem¬ brane. It is obviously impossible within the twenty minutes allotted for this report to cover even in outline the whole of our knowledge of invertebrate hormonal mechanisms. The literature includes more than 1000 articles. Nor is there even time to discuss adequately the ex¬ perimental evidence upon which our knowledge of a single endocrine gland (i. e. the insect corpora allata or crus¬ tacean sinus gland) is based. Instead, a middle pathway has been selected in which there will be an attempt to pre¬ sent a brief and summary account of our present picture of crustacean endo- crines, their sources, and the functions which have been assigned to them. It is hoped that too much has not been at¬ tempted. The Eyestalks and the Sinus Glands. — For many years it has been known that many higher crustaceans macroscopically blanch or darken their integument to correspond with the shade of the back¬ ground upon which they come to lie. These color changes are principally the result of migrations of differently col¬ ored pigments within the bodies of highly branched integumentary cells called chromatophores. Any pigment which is dispersed into the branches and ultimate twigs of a chromatophore im¬ parts its color to the general appear¬ ance of the animal; conversely, any pig¬ ment which is concentrated into a min¬ ute knot in the chromatophore center has little or no influence upon the gross ♦Contributed by the author, on invitation, to the Symposium on Endocrinology held in the Zoology section meetings of the Academy at Evanston, Ill., May 3, 1941. Brown — 1941 Meeting 25 coloration. By appropriate differential migrations of pigments of several colors a number of crustaceans may simulate more or less perfectly the tints of vari¬ ously colored backgrounds. Many oper¬ ative techniques involving cutting of nerves and consequent denervation of areas of the body of crustaceans have failed to interfere with the normal re¬ sponses of the chromatophores con¬ cerned. Thus there is evidently no direct nervous control of these cells. Roller (1925, 1927) gave us evidence from blood transfusions that a blood-borne agent was responsible for certain of these chromatophore responses in the shrimp, Crago. Shortly thereafter, Perkins (1928) discovered that water extracts of the eyestalks of the shrimp, Palaemonetes, possessed the ability to concentrate dis¬ persed red pigment strongly, thus blanch¬ ing this animal. Extract of no other part of the body appeared to do this. Roller (1928) confirmed the presence in the eye- stalks of Crago and of Leander of such a chromatophorotropic substance which produced strong concentration of their dark pigments. Roller further demon¬ strated that the eyestalk substance was not species-specific, but that eyestalk extract of Leander was effective upon Crago chromatophores and Crago eye¬ stalk extract was effective upon Leander chromatophores. During the following few years Rropp and Perkins (1933) tested many stalk¬ eyed crustaceans and discovered that all possessed such a substance in their eye- stalks. Therefore this eyetalk substance which effected blanching of dark shrimp was of quite general occurrence. In 1935 Carlson, and later in the same year Abramowitz, showed us that, con¬ trary to the condition obtaining in shrimp, eyestalk extract of crustaceans produced dispersion of concentrated black pigment in the crabs, Uca and Portunus. Meanwhile, Brown (1935b) had been examining in much detail the structure and responses of the chromatophore sys¬ tem of the shrimp, Palaemonetes. After learning that this animal possessed four pigmentary types (red, yellow, white and blue), all of which were able to react relatively independently of one another (even in a denervated area) when the animal was placed upon back¬ grounds, he concluded that the existence of at least four hormones was indicated to account for this complex behavior. This conclusion was unnecessary, as has been pointed out by Parker (1940), since three hormones, A, B and C, can be seen to yield seven combinations which could conceivably have as many quali¬ tatively different actions on the chrom¬ atophore system. As a matter of fact, the absence of all three would provide an eighth possibility. Abramowitz (1937a) believed that all of the responses of the chromatophore systems which had been described might be explained in terms of one principle which he called ESH (eyestalk hormone). He believed that differences in the ef¬ fectors together with differing threshold responses would account for the com¬ plicated responses of the chromatophore systems. This theory he called the “unitary theory” in contrast to the “mul¬ tiple theory” proposed by Brown. How¬ ever, even on the basis of his own theory, Abramowitz failed to explain sat¬ isfactorily the complex behavior found in Palaemonetes (Brown, 1934-1935a) or Portunus (Abramowitz, 1935). Despite this, Abramowitz continued to uphold the theory that a single hormone was present in the eyestalk, and subsequently set about assaying and attempting to purify it (Abramowitz, 1937b). Hanstrom (1933, 1934) had earlier de¬ scribed two gland-like bodies in the eye¬ stalk of crustaceans, the blood gland and the X-organ (Dohrn, 1906). In 1935, by dividing eyestalks of various crus¬ taceans transversely into thirds, he found a correlation between that third possessing the blood gland (later called the sinus gland) and that possessing the chromatophorotropic activity. He con¬ cluded upon this circumstantial evidence that the sinus gland was the source of the principle. This conclusion was con¬ firmed by Brown (1940) who made ex¬ tracts of isolated sinus glands and com¬ pared their activity both quantitatively and qualitatively with extracts of both whole and sinus glandless stalks. The sinus gland appeared to be the only eyestalk gland concerned in the reac¬ tions examined. A year following the discovery of the chromatophorotropic activity of the eye¬ stalk, Roller (1930) brought forth evi¬ dence that the eyestalk hormone was concerned with calcium metabolism in Crago, since eyestalkless animals pos- 26 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions sessed less calcium in their molted exo¬ skeletons than did normal ones. Another function ascribed to an endo¬ crine originating in the eyestalks is the control of retinal pigment migration. The retinal pigments are located within the ommatidial complex and are typic¬ ally classifiable into three groups: (1) the proximal retinal pigment, (2) the distal retinal pigment, which are light-absorb¬ ing melanins, and (3) the white reflecting pigment, guanin. These three pigments assume different positions in the com¬ pound eye in light and in darkness. In many crustaceans these pigments con¬ tinue to show rhythmical diurnal move¬ ments even when maintained under con¬ stant conditions of light. Kleinholz (1936) brought forth clear evidence for endocrine control of certain of these pig¬ ments. Injection of eyestalk extract into a dark-adapted Palaeomonetes caused the distal retinal absorbing pigment and the white-reflecting pigment to assume the condition for light adaptation. The prox¬ imal retinal pigment, curiously enough, was unaffected. In 1938 Kleinholz con¬ cluded as did Hanstrom (1937b) that the hormone involved in this capacity must be different from those involved in in¬ tegumentary pigment control since the retinal pigment activity was apparently quite independent of that of the integu¬ mentary chromatophores. Welsh (1937) believed he had evidence that a principle originating in the eye- stalk produced acceleration of heart rate in Cambarus, but during the following year performed other experiments which suggested that the effect was due to acetylcholine which could be extracted from crustacean nerve tissue quite gen¬ erally. Scudamore (1941) however, pre¬ sents evidence to prove that the sinus gland produces a principle which accel¬ erates heart rate in the normal animal. Another line of research has led to the conclusion that a hormone arising in the eyestalk is concerned with the control of molt and consequently is a factor influencing growth. Brown and Cunningham (1939) were able to accel¬ erate molting rate by eyestalk extirpa¬ tion and conversely were able to com¬ pensate partially for the effect of eye¬ stalk removal by implanting sinus glands into the abdomens of the eyestalkless animals. Confirmation of molt accelera¬ tion following eyestalkeetomy was ob¬ tained by Smith (1940), Abramowitz and Abramowitz (1940), and by Kleinholz (1940). Abramowitz and Abramowitz also showed a growth rate greater than nor¬ mal. Unfortunately none of these later workers attempted implantation of eye¬ stalk tissue, or extract injections, to de¬ termine whether the effects were actu¬ ally the result of a hormone deficiency. Brown (1938), Brown and Cunningham (1939) and Smith (1940) reported greatly decreased viability of Cambarus follow¬ ing eyestalk removal. The reason for this effect is still far from clear. Finally, of the many functions ascribed to an eyestalk hormone, we might men¬ tion the control of blood sugar concen¬ tration (Welsh, 1941). Injection of eye¬ stalk extract results in a sudden modi¬ fication in blood sugar. With all of the more or less well dem¬ onstrated functions of hormones arising in the eyestalks of crustaceans it appears highly improbable that we are dealing here with a simple gland secreting a single principle. This is particularly evident when we recall, for instance, the demonstrated relative independence of the four pigments of Palaemonetes in normal color change, and the independent behavior of the retinal pigments with respect to the integumentary pigments. It appears far more likely that a number of hormones are present. The first successful attempt to demon¬ strate more than one active fraction from sinus gland was made by Brown and Scudamore (1940). They found that when dried sinus glands were extracted with 100 per cent ethyl alcohol a frac¬ tion entered the alcohol which showed qualitatively different chromatophoro- tropic properties from the fraction which was alcohol insoluble. Whereas extract of whole sinus gland strongly concen¬ trated red pigment of Palaemonetes and strongly dispersed black pigment of Uca, the alcohol soluble fraction had almost no effect upon Uca black pigment while it had a strong effect upon Palaemonetes red. On the other hand, the alcohol in¬ soluble fraction had a very strong dis¬ persing action on Uca black but had a relatively weaker effect upon Palaemon¬ etes red. Thus these results obviously could not be explained in terms of dif¬ ferent concentrations of a single sub¬ stance in the two fractions. A number of crabs and shrimp were examined and all Brown — 1941 Meeting 27 showed the presence of these two prin¬ ciples in varying proportions. Central Nervous Organs. — It gradually became evident to certain of those work¬ ing with crustacean chromatophores that the eyestalk was not the sole source of chromatophorotropic hormones. Eye- stalkless animals showed chromatophore fluctuations and responses which could not be explained in other terms than variations in the concentrations of con¬ trolling hormones in the blood of these eyestalkless forms. Heterologous stimu¬ lation of the eyestubs of eyestalkless forms resulted in definite though transi¬ tory chromatophore responses by way of blood-borne agents. Brown (1933, 1935b) and Hosoi (1934) discovered that extracts of the nervous system of cer¬ tain shrimp possessed chromatophoro¬ tropic activities. Kleinholz (1936) and Abramowitz (1937a) believed these ef¬ fects were probably due to storage of an eyestalk principle in the central nervous organs. This explanation is quite un¬ tenable especially since the properties of this principle or complex of prin- ciles has been shown to be unlike eye¬ stalk extract, even affecting certain chromatophores, the guanophores, in quite the reverse manner. It appears highly likely that certain diurnal chromatophore changes which are known to occur in eyestalkless Uca and Cambarus result from a periodic liberation of such a principle from the nervous system. The Rostral Organ (Schwarz-Organ). — Roller (1928), after confirming the discovery of Perkins that the eyestalks yielded an extract which would produce rapid blanching of the shrimp, reported that an antagonistic substance originated in the rostral region of Crago. Injection of extract of this region resulted in a darkening of the shrimps. The source of this hormone Roller named the “Schwarz-organ”. With the exception of Beauvallet and Veil (1934) no one has been able to confirm the presence of such a rostral organ in shrimp, even in Crago. The matter appeared conclusive¬ ly settled by the work of Kleinholz (1938) who carefully reinvestigated Crago obtained at the same place as Roller’s animals. Kleinholz found no evidence for a schwarz-organ. Commissural Ganglia. — The shrimp, Crago, possesses a very complex pig¬ mentary system containing at least eight physiologically or morphologically dif¬ ferent pigmentary types (Brown and Wulff, 1941). Despite the fact that this shrimp had been one of those most fre¬ quently investigated, yet there seemed to exist a very inadequate picture of the mechanism of pigmentary control. Dur¬ ing the summer of 1939, Brown and Ederstrom (1940) reinvestigated this species. The investigation was com¬ menced since the apparent final elimina¬ tion of the “schwarz-organ” by Kleinholz left certain responses of eyestalkless ani¬ mals (Brown, 1939) quite without ex¬ planation. If the “schwarz-organ” of Roller was non-existent then another source of a pigment dispersing agent seemed essential to explaining certain observations. Brown and Ederstrom noticed that within an hour after the removal of the eyestalks of Crago the telson and uropods become completely blanched and normally remain so. Stim¬ ulation of the eyestubs or other harsh stimulation resulted in a rapid darken¬ ing of the “tail”; this darkening per¬ sisted for one half to one hour and then disappeared. This was demonstrated to result from the activity of a blood-borne agent. A thorough siurvey of body tis¬ sues finally resulted in localizing the source of the hormone involved in the ganglia upon the circumoesophageal com¬ missures. This principle was shown to be present in greater quantity in the commissures of white adapted animals than of black adapted ones. Thus it was demonstrated to be concerned with nor¬ mal color changes in this animal. Further investigation of the control of Crago chromatophores by Brown and Wulff (1941) led to the clear conclusion that in Crago the commissural ganglia are apparently as important in the hor¬ monally controlled color changes of this form as are the much more publicized sinus glands. A number of pigments within the integumentary chromato¬ phores are affected in opposite directions by extracts from the two sources. Other pigments are affected in the same direc¬ tion by the two, but to differing degrees. Evidence has been obtained demon¬ strating that the commissural ganglia contain more than a single chromato¬ phorotropic principle. Ethyl alcohol ex¬ tracts of the ganglia yield a fraction which is very active in blanching the 28 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions trunk of Crago. The “tail-darkening’’ principle of the ganglia is alcohol in¬ soluble and remains in the residue after brief alcohol extraction. The alcohol soluble fraction appears at the present time to be similar to the principle which is found in all of the central nervous organs of Crustacea. It is interesting, from the comparative standpoint, that the “Crago-tail-darkening principle” has been found in the commis¬ sural ganglia of the other shrimp hut not of the crabs examined. Furthermore, a sinus gland principle which antagon¬ izes the action of the commissural gan¬ glia in tail darkening is found in the sinus glands of the shrimps but not of the crabs examined. This appears to be one of the first bits of evidence (see also Kleinholz, 1936) that the endocrine complex is not uniform throughout even the decapod crustaceans. The Gonads. — Despite the fact that the earliest suspected endocrine activity within crustaceans was probably respect¬ ing a hormone influencing the develop¬ ment and maintenance of certain sec¬ ondary sexual characteristics, yet this is still today not adequately established. The early suspicions were based upon many observations that when a male crab was castrated through parasitiza- tion by a rhizocephalan such as Saccu- lina there was a strong tendency for the animal to take on the external charac¬ teristics of the female sex. One of the more popular of the interpretations of this phenomenon was that the animal, as a result of the castration, was deprived of the source of a male sex hormone. These results may, however, be equally well interpreted in terms of modification of the general metabolism, or of specific metabolic processes by the activities of the parasite. These modifications might secondarily influence the secondary sex¬ ual characteristics. Somewhat better evidence for the hormonal activities of crustacean gonads has come from such experiments as those of Haemmerli-Boveri (1926) work¬ ing with Asellus and Callan (1940) work¬ ing with Leander. These authors report that destruction of the ovaries by X- radiation results in failure of develop¬ ment in the case of certain female ex¬ ternal characteristics concerned with incubation of the developing eggs. The sum of all the innumerable re¬ ports on the subject of determination of the secondary sex characteristics in Crustacea leaves one with the general impression that sex hormones are actu¬ ally operative, but with little further- idea, as to the exact site of their forma¬ tion or the extent of their action. Definite demonstration of the presence of hormones concerned with the develop¬ ment of secondary and accessory sexual characteristics in crustaceans must be dependent upon the results of surgical removal of the hormone source and upon the results of effects of extracts or im¬ plants of this tissue source. LITERATURE CITED Abramowitz, A. A., 1935, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 21 :667-681 ; 1937a, Jour. EXp. Zool., 76 : 407-422 ; 1937b, Biol. Bull., 72 : 344-365. Abramowitz, R. K., and A. A. Abramowitz, 1940, Biol. Bull., 78 :179-188. Beauvallet, M., and C. Veil, 1934, C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 128 :635-636. Brown, P. A., Jr., 1933, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 19 :327-329 ; 1934 ; Biol. Bull., 67 . 365-380 ; 1935a, Jour. Morph., 57 :317-333 : 1935b, Jour. Elxp. Zool., 71:1-15: 1938, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 24 :551-555 ; 1939, Amer. Nat., 73 :247-255 ; 1940, Physiol. Zool.. 13 :343-355. Brown, P. A., Jr., and O. Cunningham, 1939, Biol. Bull., 77:104-114. Brown, F. A., Jr., and H. E. Ederstrom, 1940, Jour. Exp. Zool., 85 :53-69. Brown, F. A., Jr., and H. H. Scudamore, 1940, Jour. Cell, and Comp. Physiol., 15 :103-119. Brown, F. A., Jr., and V. J. Wulff, 1941, Bull. Mt. Desert. Isl. Biol. Lab., January : 27-29. Callan, H. G., 1940, Jour. Exp. Biol., 17 :168- 179. Carlson, S. Ph., 1935, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 21 :549-551. Dohrn, R., 1906, Zool. Anz., 29 :347-352. Haemmerli-Boveri, V., 1926, Zeitschr. vergl. Physiol., 4:668-698. Hanstrom, B., 1933, Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat. u. Ontog. Tiere, 56 :387-529 ; 1934a, Zool. Jahrb.. Abt. Anat. u. Ontog. Tiere, 58 :101-144 ; 1934b, Psych. Neurol. Blad. (1934) ;1-14 : 1935, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 21 :584-585 ; 1937a, Ergeb. Biol., 14 :143-224 ; 1937b, Kungl. Svenska Vetenskap. Handl., 16(3) : 99 pp. ; 1939, Oxford University Press. Hosoi, T., 1934, Jour. Fac. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, 3:265-270. Kleinholz, L. H., 1936, Biol. Bull., 70 :159-184 ; 1938, Biol. Bull., 75 :510-532 ; 1940, Anat. Rec., 78 :Suppl. 70-71. Koller, G., 1925, Verh. deutsch, zool. Gesell., 30 :128-132 ; 1927, Zietschr. vergl. Physiol., 5 : 191-246 : 1928, Zeitschr. vergl. Physiol., 8 :601- 612 : 1929, Biol. Rev., 4 :269-306 ; 1930, Zeitschr. vergl. Physiol., 12 :632-667 ; 1938, Akad. Verlags., Leipzig. Kropp, B., and E. B. Perkins, 1933, Biol. Bull., 64 :28-32. Lelu, P., 1938, Gauthier-Villars, Paris. Parker, G. H., 1940, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., 73 :165-195. Perkins, B. B., 1928, Jour. Exp. Zool., 50 : 71-103. Scudamore, II. II., 1941, In press. Smith, R. I., 1940, Biol. Bull., 79 :145-152. Welsh, J. H., 1937, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, 23 :458-460 ; 1941, Jour. Exp. Zool.. 86 :35-49. Wense, T. von der, 1938, Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig. Illinois Academy of Science Transactions 29 THE ENDOCRINE FUNCTIONS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY* C. Donnell Turner Northiuestern University, Evanston, Illinois The complete expression of sexuality in the female involves the secretion of female sex hormones, ovulation, copula¬ tion and the birth of young. The internal secretions of the ovary regulate the sex accessories, the secondary sex char¬ acters and the mating reactions. Numer¬ ous factors in the external environment are known to influence the cyclicity of the female tract and it is probable that most of these effects are mediated by means of neuro-endocrine mechanisms. Not all of the genetic, endocrine, neural and nutritional phenomena involved in the control of ovarian functions have been elucidated, though substantial prog¬ ress has been made in this direction dur¬ ing the last few decades. In natural environments there is a basic tendency for females to permit copulations only during recurrent periods when the best opportunities prevail in the female tract for the union of spermatozoa and eggs and for the differentiation of the zygotes. In newborn mammals a large number of primary follicles are identifiable in the ovaries and, in certain species at least, there is evidence that this number is augmented by proliferations from the germinal epithelium during postnatal life. Only a small proportion of the original follicles ever complete their dif¬ ferentiation, the majority of them under¬ going atresia without ovulating. As the individual approaches pubescence, cer¬ tain of the ovarian follicles increase greatly in size and rupture in order to free their ova. The periodic release of eggs from the ovary is termed ovulation. After ovulation the collapsed wall of the follicle undergoes rapid structural changes. The cells of the granulosa and, in most species, the cells of the theca interna enlarge, become fat-laden and highly vascularized, thus forming a com¬ pact body called the corpus luteum. If impregnation ensues, the corpus grows and persists functionally until near the end of gestation. In the absence of fer¬ tilization it persists for a shorter period which varies according to the species. The primary function of the graafian fol¬ licle is the nourishment and discharge of the ovum, but it is also associated with an incretory function. The corpus luteum seems to be entirely incretory and its secretion is distinct from that of the graafian follicle. I. OVULATION Ovulation is a complicated process in¬ volving both hormonic and nervous mechanisms. Only within recent years has experimental evidence made pos¬ sible a satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon. Morphological studies in¬ dicate that the graafian follicle enlarges appreciably during proestrus and early estrus. Extensive mitoses occur in the follicular walls and the secretion of liquor folliculi distends the antrum. The cumulus oophorus loosens and frees the ovum and its surrounding corona radiata. The tissue between the graafian follicle and the surface of the ovary thins out somewhat and an avascular area, the stigma, appears on the surface of the follicle. As the pressure within the antrum increases, the whole avascu¬ lar area is caused to bulge. The weakest point on the avascular area bulges still further, producing a nipple or cone which finally ruptures. Slight hemorrhage into the antrum may precede rupture of the follicle. Direct observations indicate that rupture of the follicle is a non-explosive process somewhat similar to the break¬ ing of an abscess. A small jet of thin liquor folliculi first spurts from the burst follicle but the remainder of the fluid is more viscous and leaves the follicle more slowly. Ovulation in the mammal requires less than a minute, whereas in the frog the release of an egg from the ovary occupies a period of from four to ten minutes. ♦Contributed by the author, on invitation, to the Symposium on Endocrinology in the Zoology section of the Academy meetings May 3, 1941, at Evanston, Illinois. 30 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions In the past there have been many un¬ successful attempts to explain ovulation on the basis of local changes in the graafian follicle and the adjacent wall of the ovary. Most of the earlier views held that ovulation resulted from in¬ creased intra-folliciulafr pressure, sup¬ posedly brought about in various ways, or from the enzymatic dissolution of the follicular wall. While both of these may be important auxiliary factors, they are for the most part incidental. The mod¬ ern view is that ovulation is a differ- entiational phenomenon which is initi¬ ated by the gonadotropic hormones of ilie anterior lobe of the hypophysis cere¬ bri. During the past few years the fol¬ lowing pertinent points have been estab¬ lished: 1. The administration of purified FSH produces huge cystic follicles which do not ovulate. Thus ovulation cannot be explained on the basis of increased secre¬ tion of liquor folliculi and a consequent elevation of pressure within the antrum. 2. Hypophysectomy prevents pre-ovu¬ latory swelling and rupture of the graafian follicle. 3. Ovulation can be induced in a variety of vertebrates by the administra¬ tion of a proper mixture of FSH and LH. A correct ratio between FSH and LH seems to be absolutely essential for the full expression of the ovarian follicle. While ovulation in the rabbit is condi¬ tioned normally by cervical stimulation, it may be induced in normal or hypo- physectomized subjects in the absence of sexual excitement by the administra¬ tion of both FSH and LH. This seems to justify the assumption that ovulation is a growth phenomenon which occurs only in the presence of the proper an¬ terior lobe principles. 4. Ovulation is not dependent upon the nerve supply to the ovaries. Normal ovulation may occur in ovarian grafts and in intact ovaries deprived of all nervous connections when the proper hypophyseal hormones are present. 5. The release of the ovulatory hor¬ mones from the anterior pituitary is al¬ most certainly regulated by means of nervous pathways. Rabbits continue to copulate after surgical section of the infundibular stalk but ovulation does not occur in these animals. Under these conditions ovulations can be induced by the administration of FSH and LH. In normal estrous rabbits ovulation may be induced by electrical stimulation of a certain area in the pre-optic region of the brain, but this becomes impossible after section of the infundibular stalk. An increasing amount of evidence jus¬ tifies the assumption that the secretion and/or release of ovulatory principles from the anterior hypophysis is con¬ trolled by nerve fibers which extend to it from the hypothalamic region of the brain stem. The continued removal of eggs from the nests of certain birds may prolong the period of egg-laying very appreciably. In the light of what is known about ovu¬ lation in other vertebrates, one might suppose that this response is affected by means of a neural mechanism which pro¬ longs the release of gonadotropins by the hypophysis rather than by a direct nervous stimulation of the ovaries. Endo¬ crinologists are just beginning to ap¬ preciate the possibility that stimuli orig¬ inating in the central nervous system may profoundly modify the functional states of endocrine glands. II. THE OVARIAN HORMONES A. The estrogenic hormone of the graafian follicle. — The first experiments leading to the identification of the ovar¬ ian hormones were attempts to prevent castration atrophy in the female by means of transplanting ovarian tissue. Near the turn of the present century, several investigators demonstrated that castrate atrophy of the uterus could be prevented by incorporated ovarian grafts. These first experiments demonstrated clearly that the atrophic changes follow¬ ing castration resulted from the with¬ drawal of an ovarian secretion rather than from nervous disturbances. During the next few years there were attempts to develop desiccated prepara¬ tions and ovarian concentrates which would be as effective as subcutaneous ovarian grafts in correcting the syn¬ drome resulting from castration. At this period, the ovary was regarded as per¬ forming an incretory function but the ovarian secretion was conceived of as a single substance. While Adler’s work was unconvincing, he claimed in 1912 that he was able to prepare aqueous ex¬ tracts of ovarian tissue which had the property of restoring some degree of sexual activity in spayed females. C. D. Turner — 1941 Meeting 31 The next observations of importance were detailed histological studies of the ovary and the female accessories during the course of the normal cycle. It be¬ came possible to correlate ovarian changes with differences in the sex ac¬ cessories and secondary sex characters. The estrous cycle of the guinea pig was described in minute detail in 1917 by Stockard and Papanicolaou (1). Similar studies were made on the rat by Long and Evans (2) and on the mouse by E. Allen (3). These observations were ex¬ tremely significant since they suggested that the graafian follicle is the source of the estrogenic hormone, and since they indicated sensitive physiological in¬ dicators for the assay of estrogens. In these laboratory rodents, it was de¬ termined that a rhythmic sequence of changes occurred in the vagina and that these changes, followed by the vaginal smear technique, corresponded to rhyth¬ mic modifications of the ovary. Follow¬ ing oophorectomy the vaginal rhythm ceases and the diestrous condition pre¬ vails. The final physiological identification of an ovarian hormone awaited the epochal experiments of Allen and Doisy (4). These workers aspirated liquor folliculi from the vesicular follicles of fresh sow’s ovaries and injected it into oophorectomized mice and rats. Within fifty hours subsequent to the injection of fresh liquor folliculi, or alcoholic ex¬ tracts of the fluid, to spayed animals the vaginal smear contained cornified epithelial cells typical of normal estrus. Histological examination of the sex ac¬ cessories indicated that the vaginal wall had attained maximal growth, the super¬ ficial layers being cornified as during estrus. The uteri were hyperaemic and distended with fluid. Following with¬ drawal of the injections, the castrate condition supervened. When admin¬ istered to immature rats and mice these extracts produced premature canaliza¬ tion of the vagina. The property of estrogenic substances to produce corni- fication of the vagina of the spayed rat or mouse was adopted as a simple and accurate method of bioassay. Frank (5), using castrate mice as test animals, demonstrated that an estrogenic substance having the same properties as follicular fluid was present in menstrual and circulating blood of the human fe¬ male. During pregnancy the amount in the blood was increased. In 1928 Zon¬ dek (6) reported that large amounts of estrogen were present in the urine of pregnancy. This was a timely discovery inasmuch as the urine from pregnant women and mares provided a cheap source of tremendous amounts of estro¬ gen for chemical studies. This substan¬ tial background of animal experimenta¬ tion culminated quickly in the chemical isolation and purification of the follicu¬ lar hormone and chemically related es¬ trogens. During the 1920s many investigators believed that the ovary secreted only one hormone, i. e., estrogen. Here was a substance which fulfilled many of the functions ordinarily attributed to the ovary. Since it appeared likely that estrogen, when properly purified and physiologically tested, would substitute completely for the ovaries in castrate rodents, there seemed to be little in¬ centive to look further for additional ovarian hormones. Other workers, how¬ ever, remained skeptical and insisted that it was necessary to account for certain observations which had been made during the first decade of the pres¬ ent century. B. The Hormone of the Corpus Lu- teum. — Long before any experimental evidence became available, there were many speculations regarding the func¬ tion of the corpora lutea. Beard in 1897 suggested that the corpora lutea consti¬ tuted an “organ of pregnancy” and spec¬ ulated that this organ exerted an inhibi¬ tory influence upon ovulation and that it prolonged the cycle. Born (1900) was aware that the corpora lutea attained maximal differentiation during the period when blastocysts were ready to implant in the uterine mucosa and when the placental connections were being estab¬ lished. He indicated to his student, Lud¬ wig Fraenkel, that he believed that the corpora lutea produced a substance which prepared the uterus for the reception and inplantation of the developing em¬ bryos. Born died before having oppor¬ tunity to test experimentally his hypo¬ thesis and Fraenkel (7) proceeded to do so. Fraenkel bilaterally oophorecto¬ mized rabbits immediately after mating, or removed the corpora lutea from mated individuals, and found that under these conditions implantation and pla- 32 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions centation did not ensue. He found that the removal of the corpora lutea previous to the twentieth day of pregnancy re¬ sulted either in absorption or abortion of the young. Additional evidence that the corpora lutea are important in conditioning uter¬ ine reactions was provided by the clas¬ sical experiments of Leo Loeb (8). He allowed estrous guinea pigs to mate with vasectomized males and, several days later, laparotomized the females and traumatized the uteri. He found that a tumor of decidual cells differentiated at the sites where the uteri were in¬ jured. This indicated that the corpora lutea produce the hormone which makes it possible for the endometrium to undergo decidual changes in response to the irritating effect of the blastocysts. Loeb (9) demonstrated also that extirpa¬ tion of the corpora lutea hastened the next estrus and that removal of other parts of the ovary did not give this effect. Later it was found that ablation of the corpora during pregnancy might be followed by ovulations. On the basis of these early experiments, many be¬ lieved that the corpora lutea secreted the ovarian hormone and that this was the only hormone concerned in the repro¬ ductive cycle. Ancel and Bouin (10) extended Loeb’s work to include the pseudo-pregnant rabbit. Since ovulation in this species occurs ten hours subsequent to copula¬ tion or cervical stimulation, luteinization can be induced in the absence of preg¬ nancy by artificially stimulating the cervices or by mating with a vasecto¬ mized male. These two French investi¬ gators found that during pseudopreg¬ nancy the uterus underwent a type of proliferation which simulated that nor¬ mally occurring during pregnancy. They found that this type of uterine growth, now designated as progestational pro¬ liferation, did not occur after the abla¬ tion of the corpora. Herrmann (11) prepared lipoid extracts of corpora lutea and placental tissue and showed that they produced uterine growth and congestion. In 1921, it was reported that corpora lutea could be shelled out of the ovaries of the non-pregnant cow by means of rectal palpation. This procedure was followed within two days by ovulation and estrus. The chain of evidence establishing the incretory function of the corpus luteum was completed by Corner (12) and his collaborators. These workers prepared lipoid extracts of corpora lutea obtained from the ovaries of pregnant swine and found that such extracts produced pro¬ gestational proliferation in the uteri of castrate adult rabbits, a reaction which cannot be elicited by estrogen alone. The recognition of this physiological end¬ point in the rabbit was as instrumental in the isolation of the luteal hormone as was the vaginal response of the mouse and rat in the physiological identification of estrogen. These extracts, adminis¬ tered to rabbits which had been cas¬ trated eighteen hours after fertile mat¬ ings, maintained pregnancy to term. They sensitized the uterus so that de¬ cidual reactions resulted from uterine trauma and, in short, produced all of the effects which earlier experiments indicated as attributable to the corpus luteum. The active extract of the cor¬ pus luteum was named “progestin”. By 1933 several groups of investigators had announced the isolation of the hormone in crystalline form. Shortly thereafter, it became possible to synthesize the hor¬ mone of the corpus luteum, progesterone, from stigmasteral and from pregnanediol. C. Androgenicity of the Mammalian Ovary. — There is substantial evidence indicating that the ovary may become capable of liberating appreciable amounts of androgen during unusual or abnormal circumstances. Steinach and Kun (13) reported that the luteinized ovaries of the guinea pig may exert masculinizing effects. Lipschxitz (14) found that an ovarian graft persisting for three years in a castrate male guinea pig had re¬ stored fully the seminal vesicles and prostatic glands of the host. The experi¬ ments of Hill and collaborators (15, 16) indicate that ovarian homotransplants into the ears of castrate mice frequently become capable of maintaining secretion in both the seminal vesicles and pros¬ tate. A similar androgenic action of ovarian grafts persisting in the ears of rats has been reported by Deanesly (17). She did not find that the androgenicity of the ovarian grafts was conditioned by temperature as Hill maintains for mice. Several workers have shown that crys¬ talline progesterone produces masculin¬ izing effects. It has not been proved, C. D. Turner — 1941 Meeting however, that the chemical configuration of the progesterone molecule is not altered by the organism before andro¬ genic effects are elicited. Nelson (18) found that progesterone resembled an¬ drogens inasmuch as it was capable of maintaining spermatogenesis in the go¬ nads of hypophysectomized rats. Tur¬ ner (19) described a spontaneous lesion of the rat’s ovary which rendered it hyper-estrogenic and definitely andro¬ genic. The absence of corpora lutea pro¬ vided presumptive evidence that the mas¬ culinizing action of these ovaries was not due to progesterone. The identity of the androgenic sub¬ stances which derive from ovaries has not been ascertained. While the ad¬ ministration of large amounts of pro¬ gesterone elicits masculinizing effects in certain laboratory rodents, the evi¬ dence seems to indicate that the ovaries may librate another androgenic com¬ pound which is similar to but not iden¬ tical with that secreted by the testis. Deanesly found that gonadotropins caus¬ ing extensive luteinization of the granu¬ losa did not alter appreciably the andro- genicity of the ovarian ear grafts in the rat. From studies upon the growth curves of male accessory glands, Hill and Strong concluded that the physio¬ logical response induced by ovarian grafts in the ears is not nearly dupli¬ cated by the experimental administra¬ tion of testosterone propionate plus es¬ trogens. On the basis of studies undertaken in this laboratory, we believe that the an- drogenicity of the ovary is correlated with hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the theca interna of follicles which are forced experimentally to become atretic. In the case of ovaries persisting in the ears of castrate males, the hypophysis stimulates the differentiation of many vesicular follicles. These cannot ovulate because of an improper endocrine bal¬ ance in the male and because of the complete encapsulation of the graft by dense tissue. When the cords of epithe¬ lioid cells derived from the theca interna persist and become abundant the ovary is made capable of secreting enough androgen to maintain secretion in the male sex accessories. A permanent impairment of the rat’s hypophysis and ovary results from the 33 daily administration of 100 IU of estro¬ gen during the first ten days of post¬ natal life.' The follicles become atretic before reaching full maturity. The the¬ cal cells become epithelioid and persist after other elements of the follicles have deteriorated. Some of the ovaries from adult animals of this type induce secre¬ tion in the seminal vesicles and pros¬ tate when such gonads are transplanted to the kidneys of long-time castrate male hosts. Since both kidney and ear grafts sometimes possess androgenic potencies, it appears that the temperature of the transplantation site is not the principal factor determining the androgenicity of the ovary. In conclusion, an attempt has been made to present evidence upon which a modern theory of ovulation is based, and to outline the major events which led to the physiological identification of the ovarian hormones. Evidence has been presented which indicates that the ovary, under certain conditions at least, may secrete a male-sex-hormone-like com¬ pound which seems not to be progester¬ one. LITERATURE CITED 1. Stockard, C. R., and Papanicolaou, G. N 1917. Amer. J. Anat., 22:225. 2. Long-, J. A., and Evans, IT. M. 1922. Mem. Univ. Calif., 6 :1. 3. Allen, PI. 1922. Amer. J. Anat., 30 :297. 4. Allen, E„ and Doisy, Ei. A. 1923. J A M. A., 81-819. 5. Frank1 et alii. 1925. .T. A. M. A., 85 :510. 6. Zondek, B. 1928. Klin. Wchnschr., 7 :1404. 7. Fraenkel, L. 1903. Arch. f. Gynak., 6S : u38. 8. Loeb, L. 1908. ,T. A. M. A., 50, 1897. 9- - 1911. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. 37 :17. 10. Ancel, P., and Bouin, P. 1910. J. de physiol, et de path, gen., 12 :1. 11. Herrmann, E. 1915. Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynak., 41 :1. 12. Corner, G. W. 1928. Amer. J. Physiol.. 86 :74. 13. Steinach, E., and Kun, II. 1931. Pflug. Arch. ges. Physiol., 227 :266. 14. Lipschutz, IT. 1932. Virchow's Arch.. 285 :35. 15. Ilill, R. T. 1937. Endocrinology, 21 :495. 16. Hill, R. T., and Strong, M. T. 1938. Endo¬ crinology, 22 :663. 17. Deanesly, R. 1938. J. Physiol., 92 :34I’. 18. Nelson, W. O. 1936. Anat. Rec. Suppl., 67 :110. 19. Turner, C. Donnell, 1941. Endocrinology. 28:729. In press. Illinois Academy of Science Memoirs 35 CHARLES ZELENY 1878-1939 CHARLES ZELENY died in December 1939 after an illness of four years. He was born of Czech parents at Hutchinson, Minnesota, and was one of five brothers, three of whom have had distinguished careers in science. He studied at the Uni¬ versity of Minnesota and Columbia Uni¬ versity, and took the doctorate in zoology at the University of Chicago in 1904. After five years at Indiana University he came to the University of Illinois in 1909 where he taught zoology and was active in research until his death. He was head of the department of zoology and chair¬ man of the division of biological sciences from 1933 to 1937. He was a professor in the strict sense of the word because to him, science was a faith and a way of life rather than a profession or an occupation. A keen stu¬ dent of experimental biology, he was ex¬ tremely cautious and careful in analyzing data and drawing conclusions and had a passion for seeking out alternative expla¬ nations. He believed that the mechanistic viewpoint was the most productive ap¬ proach to biological problems and that quantitative research would establish biology as an exact science comparable to the physical sciences. Perhaps his greatest delight was in simple, clear-cut experiments which gave definite answers to questions concerning the internal mechanisms of living things. As a young man his principal research was an analysis of the factors involved in regeneration and he became known for his establishment of the principle of compensatory regulation in the organ¬ ism. He maintained his interest in re¬ generation and the localization of devel¬ opmental factors in the fertilized egg and spent many summers in later years ex¬ perimenting with serpulids and other marine invertebrates at the Naples and Woods Hole biological stations. In 1914 he received a stock of the bar mutant of Drosophila which occupied his atten¬ tion and that of many of his research students for twenty-five years. He learned that selection had its effect by sorting out and accumulating definite germinal differences. He made the first measurements of the rates of mutation within a single series of multiple allelo¬ morphs and, with his research students, analyzed in detail the effect of tempera¬ ture and other environmental factors on the somatic manifestation of this bar series of multiple allelomorphs. Mild-mannered and kindly, he had an unusually wide circle of friends. He was greatly interested in international affairs and was saddened by the ap¬ proach of the present war. He was an ardent and skilled outdoorsman and made many trips into the north woods with his family or a crony or two. David H. Thompson. 36 Illinois Academy of Science Memoirs EUGENE RICHARD DOUGHERTY 1902-1940 ON NOVEMBER 4th, 1940, the Acad¬ emy lost an esteemed member. Though his affiliation with our society was of relatively short duration his whole¬ hearted efforts as Vice-President and Chairman of the Local Committee, at the time of the Springfield meeting, as well as his contribution to the scientific papers in the section of Zoology, entitle him to special recognition at this time. Mr. Dougherty was born in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, June 22, 1902. After graduating from Beaver Falls High School he attended Geneva College, in Beaver Falls. He was graduated from St. Louis University in 1928 with a bachelor’s degree. Graduate studies were pursued at St. Louis University and the University of Buffalo. In 1934 Mr. Dougherty became asso¬ ciated with Springfield Junior College, Springfield, llinois, in the capacity of instructor in Biology. In 1939 he was promoted to the position of Dean. It was in connection with the Spring- field Meeting (1938) of the Academy that Mr. Dougherty first took an active part in the organization. His generous serv¬ ices in making arrangements for that meeting are gratefully remembered by officers and members alike. Mr. Dougherty’s untimely death oc¬ curred suddenly following a brief illness. He is survived by his wife, Flora Pul- linger Dougherty. Gilbert Wright, Illinois Academy of Science Memoirs 37 A TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF ROSE M. CASSIDY In the passing of Miss Rose M. Cassidy on January 8, 1941, the Illinois State Academy of Science has lost one of its most loyal members. Miss Cassidy was a graduate of the University of Michigan, and later took advanced work at the Universities of Chi¬ cago, Utah, Wisconsin and Notre Dame. For the past twenty-three years she has been a member of the Science Depart¬ ment of the Maine Township High School. Miss Cassidy became a member of the Illinois State Academy of Science organi¬ zation in 1930, in the same year that the Maine Chemistry Club, which had recent¬ ly been organized under her sponsorship, became affiliated with the Junior Acade¬ my of Science. In the very early phase of the existence of the Junior Academy, she was among the first to recognize its possibilities and was ready to assume re¬ sponsibilities and to give a vast amount of time and energy to constructive work in its development. Through the Maine Chemistry Club Miss Cassidy was able to demonstrate the foundation principles and ideals upon which the Junior Academy movement was based. In this club under her faithful guidance were fostered scientific imagi¬ nation, originality, and invention, togeth¬ er with accuracy in learning and skill in technical procedures. Here, also, the pleas¬ ure of scientific creative activity was en¬ hanced by the healthy competition with other clubs in the annual exhibit of the Junior Academy. The success of Miss Cassidy as a sponsor and leader is shown in the record that the club received high¬ est honors in the Chemistry Division of the annual exhibits for seven of the past ten years. Miss Cassidy was made chairman of the Chemistry section in the Junior Academy for 1932-1933 and again in 1933- 1934. She was then appointed to serve as co-chairman of the Annual Competi¬ tion 1934-1935 and in the following year, 1935-1936, she served as co-chairman of the Junior Academy. In 1936 she was chosen the Illinois editor for Science Aid Service, the official organ of the cooper¬ ating Junior Academies of Science, in which capacity she served with distinc¬ tion during the past four years. At the annual meetings of the Junior Academy she displayed unusual talent as an executive. Her plans were well formu¬ lated and the staff of helpers well chosen while she in person directed the work, giving the timely word or active help wherever it was needed. Miss Cassidy never ceased to be a stu¬ dent. She read widely in fields of science, world affairs, poetry and art, — sources from which she derived inspiration for daily work. She transmitted to her pupils appreciation of the beauties of nature which she had learned from her father, a great nature-lover, with whom in her earlier years there was a great compan¬ ionship. From her mother, gifted in mu¬ sic, she learned beauty in rhythm and in exquisite techniques. Although gifted in many lines, Miss Cassidy found her greatest joy in work with young people, where she watched youthful minds develop methods of scien¬ tific thinking with a measure of creative genius appearing under the guidance of this gifted sponsor. In her home, open evenings to club members, programs were planned and projects organized by com¬ mittees from the Maine Chemistry Club. With a humility of spirit often found in the truly great she devoted time and energy to the development of cultural ideals in the lives of her pupils. Honesty and integrity were incorporated into her teaching along with methods for trans¬ muting scientific dreams into forms of reality. She had assumed responsibilities from her early youth and worked with all her great fund of energy to put order into the lives of those about her. She loved the world and she loved people and was never without deep interests in science and in humanity. These interests which might have been only a pleasant pastime to be put aside and forgotten as the years passed, grew with her and en¬ riched her life. Miss Cassidy belonged to several scien- 38 Illinois Academy of Science Memoirs tific organizations. For many years she was a member of the Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers. While in the West she was a member of the Sierra Club. The beauty of the Western canyons inspired her to a study of the plant life of those regions and for a number of years she helped to organize this mate¬ rial and to make collections for the Smithsonian Institute. At one time in her college dramatics, she was asked to select a drama suitable for presentation by the club. She un¬ earthed an Elizabethan treasure full of rich humor and appealing traits of char¬ acter. Her interest led her to continue this search until she had the nucleus of a volume which was shared and pub¬ lished by an English teacher. This study was a contributing factor in her love and admiration for the British people. In the memorial address for Miss Cas¬ sidy, Rev. Dr. Walter D. Spangler quoted from several of her favorite poems. A quotation from a poem by Henry Wads¬ worth Longfellow aptly describes the life of Miss Cassidy as her friends and co¬ workers in the Junior Academy have known her. ‘‘‘‘Among the many lives that I have known, None I remember • more serene and sweet. More rounded in itself and more complete, Than hers, who lies beneath this funeral stone. These pines that murmur in low monotone, These walks frequented by scholastic feet, Were all her world; but in this calm retreat For her the teacher's chair became a throne. With fond affection memory loves to dwell On the old days, when her example made A pastime of the toil of tongue and pen; And now amid the groves she loved so well That naught could lure her from their grateful shade, She sleeps, but wakes elsewhere, for God hath said, Amen.” Always she used her mind, was a cheerful companion, high spirited and fearless, reaching out for what was fine and beautiful, and scorning what was base. The sympathy of members of The State Academy of Science is extended to the bereaved family. To Miss Minnie C. Cassidy I am grate¬ ful for collaboration in the preparation of this paper. Rosalie M. Parr. STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 34 December, 1941 number 2 Papers Presented in the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting, Evanston, Illinois May, 1941 Edited by Grace Needham Oliver Department of Registration and Education Illinois State Museum Division, Centennial Building SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS [Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois] PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Entered as second-class matter December 6, 1930, at the post office at Springfield, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. [39] STATE OP ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OP REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank M. Thompson, Director ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM DIVISION Thorne Deuel, Chief ILLINOIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Affiliated with the ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM OFFICERS FOR 1941-1942 President: T, H. Frison Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana First Vice President: F. M. Fryxell Augustana College, Rock Island Second Vice President: George E. Ekblaw Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana Secretary: R. F. Paton University of Illinois, Urbana Treasurer : John Voss Manual Training High School, Peoria Librarian: Thorne Deuel Illinois State Museum, Springfield Junior Academy Representative : Mary Creager Township High School, Vienna Editor: Grace Needham Oliver Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana In addition to current officers, the Academy Council for 1941-42 includes the two most recent past presidents: Evelyn I. Fernald, Rockford College, Rockford, and V. O. Graham, 4028 Grace St., Chicago. Printed December, 1941 (11703) [40] TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 34 December, 1941 Number 2 CONTENTS AGRICULTURE PAGE Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 45 Dungan, George H. and Wilbur C. Brokaw, Relation between moisture content of the soil and the optimum depth of planting corn . 46 Cassell, Robert C., Preliminary report on corn and pasture fertilization in southern Illinois . 48 Graham, Burdette, Adapting the teaching of agriculture to the needs of the v Community . 50 Fuelleman, R. F. and W. L. Burlison, Palatability of pasture plants . 51 Sullivan, J. L ., Certain factors affecting the growth of azotobacter in the soil . . 55 Woodworth, C. M., The role of hybridization in the improvement of the soybean . . 57 ANTHROPOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 61 Bascom, William R., Possible application of kite photography to archaeology and ethnology . 62 Ruyle, John B., The Chicago portage . 63 Schoenbeck, E., Cultural objects of Clear Lake village site... . 65 Wray, Donald E., Middle Mississippian grit tempered ware . 66 BOTANY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 69 Hopper, William Edward Reid, Seed formation, germination, and post-germina¬ tions development in certain Cichorieae . 70 Rummer, Anna Pedersen, Germination and seedling growth-form of two hun¬ dred weeds . 73 Oexemann, Stanley William, Relation of the effects of seed weight to roots and tops of two varieties of soybeans . 75 Skok, John, Effect of length of day and temperature on the opening of buds of dormant twigs . 76 Skok, John, Some mineral deficiency symptoms in plants . 78 Naylor, Aubrey W., The use of fluorescent light in experimental work . 82 Noggle, Glenn Ray, Trace elements in oats and sudan grass . 84 Fuller, Harry J. and Adelard W. Thuente, Some quantitative aspects of phototropism . 86 Stephenson, Richard B. and Kathryn Johns, The tissue culture technique as a means of studying correlation . 88 Wood, Richard D., An evaluation of general methods of “deoxygenation” of water 90 Wynd, F. Lyle, Physiological disturbances in tobacco plants accompanying mosaic infection . 92 Hudson, J. W., A device for visualizing the solution of genetics problems . 93 Stover, E. L., A collection of Myxomycetes from eastern Illinois . 95 Vaughan, R. Harold, Bryophytes of Rocky Branch region of Clark County, Illinois 96 Evers, Robert A., The trees of Adams County, Illinois . 98 Buchiiolz, J. T., Multi-seeded acorns . 99 Barkley, E. Elizabeth, Gemmae of Funaria hygrometrica . 102 Tippo, Oswald, A list of diagnostic characteristics for descriptions of dicotyle¬ donous woods . 105 [41] PAGE Hoskins, J. Hobart, and Aureal T. Cross, Techniques useful in the study of fossil plants . 107 Tehon, L. R., Composition of the genus Carex in Illinois . 108 CHEMISTRY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . Ill Archer, Sydney, Hydrogen fluoride as a condensing agent . 112 Dole, Malcolm, The surface tension of strong electrolytes . 112 Dunker, Melvin F. W. and Byron Riegel, Investigations on 3-hydroxy-5-cholenic acid . 115 Gold, Marvin H. and Byron Riegel, The synthesis of cancerogenic hydrocarbons closely related to the steroids . 116 Green, Frank O., Acylals . 118 Martinette, Sister Mary, B. V. M. and L. F. Yntema, A study of the oxidation of trivalent molybdenum . 119 Liggett, R. W., K. M. Gordon and Charles D. Hurd, Separation and identification of sugars from mixtures . 121 Morris, Humbert, The structure of mixed hydrogenation catalysts . 122 Sammis, J. H., The history of chemistry as applied to photography . 123 Walton, Harold Frederic, Cation exchange in a carbonaceous ion exchanger.... 124 GEOGRAPHY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 127 Barton, Erselia M. and Thomas F. Barton, United States Airway Weather Station, Carbondale, Illinois . 128 Barton, Thomas F., Agricultural landscapes of the Sudbury Area, Ontario . 130 Booth, Alfred W., The soil factor and land use in Barbour County, Alabama. . . . 137 Brown, Clarence L., The factor of position in hemisphere defense . 139 Cozzens, Arthur B., Gopher-hole barite mining in Washington County, Missouri. . 143 Cutshall, Alden, Growth of Robinson, Illinois . 145 Icke, Paul W., Original forest vegetation in a glaciated area . 147 Krause, Annemarie, Water in southern Illinois . 149 Van Riper, Joseph E., The urbanization of southern Illinois and its relation to national defense . 153 GEOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 159 Smith, Maurice H., Structure contour map of the pre-Pennsylvanian surface in Illinois . 160 Stevenson, Frank V., Devonian formations in New Mexico . 163 Gutschick, R. C., Niagaran ostracods from Burlington, Wisconsin . . 164 Garrels, Robert, The chemistry of lead-zinc deposition and the problem of zoning 165 Branson, C. C., A new edrioaster from the upper Ordovician of northern Illinois 166 Huff, Lyman, The sedimentology and physiography of Wisconsin glacial outwash along the Chippewa River . 167 DuBois, Ernest Paul, Additional evidence on the origin of conodonts . 168 Lundahl, A. C., A shape-roundness study of beach sands from Cedar Point, Ohio. . 168 Johnson, Charles G., Use of stereoscope with aerial photos in elementary geology 169 Plumley, William J., The application of probability theory to sediment sampling 171 Holden, Fred T., Mississippian stratigraphy of Ohio . 172 i Hinrichs, F. W., The occurrence of commercial muscovite in pegmatites . 173 j Bell, Alfred H., Status of the carbon-ratio theory in Illinois . 175 PHYSICS Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 179 Beutler, H., Progress in theory and use of concave gratings . 180 [42] PAGE Countryman, M. Auden, Two simple pieces of apparatus for lecture demonstration in general physics . 181 Harris, Roscoe E., The metering of projection printing. . . 182 Johnson, A. Frances, Differences of electric potential in the leaves of plants . 183 Knipp, Chas. T., Radioactive tips for the lecture table . . . 185 Jones, Richard W. and Walter S. Huxford, Forms of discharge in micro-gaps. . . 186 Therese, Sister Mary, B. V. M., Observing and measuring sway in a tall building 188 Phillips, Theodore G., The use of the periodogram in establishing the reality of hidden or suspected periodicities . 189 Page, Thornton, The emission spectra of planetary nebulae . 191 Swaim, V. F., A satisfactory method for measuring the coefficient of friction be¬ tween rubber tires and road materials . 192 Shonka, Francis R., The production of Geiger-Muller tubes . 193 Verwiebe, Frank D., The analysis of an A. C. circuit containing R, L, and C . 195 SOCIAL SCIENCE Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 197 Todd, Arthur J., The sociologist in a time of crisis . 198 Lindstrom, D. E.t Report on research projects “in process” in sociology and rural sociology at the University of Illinois, 1941 . 200 Cooke, Robert L., Workers’ education and its implications for vocational guidance 202 EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 205 Hughes, J. M., Attitudes in school administration . 206 Jacobsen, O. Irving, Guidance testing . 208 Lake, George B., A vocational philosophy of life . . 210 Yum, K. S., Student preferences in divisional studies and their preferential activities . 213 ZOOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 215 Bonnell, Clarence, The introduction of wild life into southern Illinois . 216 Brown, Clarence L., Unique flight formation of blackbirds . 217 Ederstrom, H. E., The effects of carbon dioxide on Daphnia . 218 Gloyd, H. K., Amphibians and reptiles of Illinois . 220 Hill, Henry C., Jr., and True W. Robinson, Induced ovulation in Rana Pipiens II 221 Hinshaw, Margaret Bernice, The effects of formalin upon development in the bar-eyed race of Drosophila Melanogaster . 223 Kendeigh, S. Charles, Distribution of upland birds in Illinois . 225 Koestner, E. J., Noteworthy records of occurrence of mammals in central Illinois 227 Mohr, Carl O., Distribution of Illinois mammals . 229 Owen, Seward E., Bacterial response to growth stimulants . . 232 Riegel, Garland T., Relative abundance of Cyclocephala immaculata and C. borealis at Urbana . 234 Ross, Herbert H., Distribution of Illinois insects . 236 Wherry, Robert J. and James M. Sanders, Modification of a tropism in Lumbricus terrestris . 237 Scudamore, Harold H., A correlation between the rate of heart beat and the state of certain chromatophores in the shrimp, Palaemonetes . 238 Thomson, Stewart C., Observations from a study of the comparative anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary tract . 241 [43] ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention is directed to the fact that the Committee on Research Grants of the Illinois State Academy of Science has at its disposal a small sum of money to be disbursed in support of worthy research projects. Applications for grants will be accepted up to and including March 31, 1942. It is custom¬ ary to give preference to scientists connected with the smaller institutions of the state. Requests for grants should be accompanied by a brief statement of the training and experience of the applicant, the purpose of the investigation, and the estimated cost. Previous publications should be listed. At least two letters of recommendation should be transmitted directly by their authors. Correspondence may be addressed to William C. Rose, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 1942 MEETING URBANA— MAY 8-9 GENERAL CHAIRMAN: George E. Ekblaw, 216 Natural Resources Building, Urbana, Illinois SECTION CHAIRMEN 1941-42 Agriculture : C. H. Oathout, Macomb, Ill. Anthropology : Donald E. Wray, 604 Caroline St., Peoria, Ill. Botany: Paul D. Voth, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Chemistry : N. D. Cheronis, 5556 Ardmore Ave., Chicago, Ill. Geography : Joseph Van Riper, Southern Illinois State Normal University, Carbondale, Ill. Geology: A. H. Sutton, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Physics: F. L. Verwiebe, Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charleston, Ill. Psychology and Education: J. M. Hughes, Northwestern University, Evans¬ ton, Ill. Social Science: C. W. Schroeder, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill. Zoology: Orlando Park, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. [44] Papers in Agriculture Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman Eight papers were presented at the Evanston meeting, six of which are herewith published. The others were : Burlison, W. L. and Fuelleman, R. F. University of Illinois, Urbana, — Pasture Studies of Brome Grass, Bromons inermis Leyss. (Being published in enlarged form in the Journal of American Society of Agronomy, Vol. 33, No. 10, October, 1941.) Douglass, T. J., Illinois State Normal University, Normal, — Mulching of Strawberries. Nine people attended the meeting and re-elected Mr. Oathout chairman for 1941-42. (Signed) C. H. Oathout, Chairman Macomb, Illinois [45] RELATION BETWEEN MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE SOIL AND THE OPTIMUM DEPTH OP PLANTING CORN George H. Dungan University of Illinois, Ur~bana, Illinois and Wilbur C. Brokaw Bradford High School, Bradford, Illinois In 1934 the corn seedlings in one par¬ ticular series of hand-planted plots of the Illinois Corn Performance Tests1 were markedly more vigorous and uniform than those in the other series. The question naturally arose as to the cause of this difference. Since all the series were planted with the same kind of corn, the difference could not have been due to a difference in quality of seed The cause of the variation had to be due to some difference in the manner of plant¬ ing. Since the soil to a depth of three inches was unusually dry there was the possibility that depth of planting was the factor. Growth of Corn Seedlings in Dry Soil. — In order to determine the influence that moisture content of the soil has on the growth of corn seedlings, six samples of soil were prepared from a field being summer fallowed on the Agronomy South Farm at Urbana. Some soil was dried on a bench in the greenhouse. It was mixed with moist soil in such proportions as to make samples of two different mois¬ ture contents. One contained 3.3 and the other 4.6 percent moisture. Four other samples were taken from different levels in the field so as to get soil carrying diverse amounts of moisture. The mois¬ ture content of the various samples thus collected was as follows: 5.2, 5.5, 6.8, and 8.1 percent. One hundred kernels of corn were planted in each lot of soil in the green¬ house. At the end of seven days the seedlings were dug up and shoot and root measurements were made. The results are shown graphically in Figure 1. No growth occurred in the soil contain¬ ing 3.3 percent of moisture. Growth was apparently normal in the soil containing 8.1 percent of moisture. Seedling growth in the other lots of soil was roughly in proportion to the amount of moisture present. The development of roots in soils lacking in moisture was strikingly greater than the development of plumules in the same soils. This shows that the minimum amount of moisture for plu¬ mule growth is at a higher level than it is for root growth. It also indicates that relative dryness of soil is a factor in the germination and seedling development of corn. Depth of Planting Corn in Dry and Moist Soils. — In order to determine what influence depth of planting has on the growth of corn plants and the yield of grain a field experiment was conducted in 1939 and in 1940. Seed of good quality was planted by hand at depths ranging by one-inch intervals from one to six inches. To attain the desired depth ctf planting the soil in each hill was opened with a spade to approximately the depth wanted. Three kernels of corn were dropped into the opening, and with the end of a ruler resting on top of the ker¬ nels, the soil was filled in to exactly the A _ \ / / / / / / / / / t 9' | °3.3 52 55 68 8.1 MOISTURE CONTENT OF SOIL IN PERCENT Fig 1. — Average length of plumules and radicles produced by corn seedlings during seven days’ growth in soil containing dif¬ ferent percentages of moisture. 1 Dungan, G. H., Holbert, J. R., Mumm, W. J., Bigger, J. H., and Lang, A. L. Illinois com perform¬ ance tests — results for 1934. Ill. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 411:58, 59. 1939. [46] Agriculture — 1941 Meeting 47 Table 1. — Influence of Depth of Planting Corn in a Dry Soil and in a Moist Soil on Percentage Field Stand, Height of Plants, and Yield of Grain Per Acre. Urbana, Illinois. Depth of planting Proportion of a perfect stand Average height of plants 36 days after planting Yield of shelled corn per acre inches percent inches bushels Dry Soil — 1939 1 . 83 23.8 78.0 2 . 98 29.3 110.5 3 . 95 32.1 113.2 4 . 92 29.6 111.3 5 . 88 28.8 100.6 6 . 70 24.4 78.4 Moist Soil — 1940 1 . 95 28.0 105.3 2 . 83 27.5 94.7 3 . 88 26.2 103.0 4 . 64 25.5 72.8 5 . 67 24.1 81.1 6 . 67 23.0 73.2 one-inch level, two-inch level, etc. Each hill was considered as a separate plot or unit. Twenty-two separate hills were planted at each depth. The amount of rainfall prior to and immediately following planting was very different in the two years. Soil condi¬ tions at planting time in 1939 were dry, but in 1940 they were moist and favor¬ able. In 1939, a total of .92 inch of rain fell during the three weeks just ahead of corn planting and only .03 inch fell during the ten days after planting. This difference in the moisture conditions at planting time and following planting is reflected in the germination, plant height, and yield records which are shown in Table 1. In the dry soil the highest percentage field stand was obtained from the two- inch planting depth. In the moist soil the best stand was from the one-inch depth. In the dry soil the greatest aver¬ age plant height 36 days after planting came from the three-inch planting. One- inch planting produced the tallest plants in the moist soil, whereas the one-inch planting in the dry soil produced the shortest plants. The yields also show wide differences attributable to depth of planting in dry and moist soil. The lowest yield in 1939 was from one-inch planting whereas in 1940 the highest yield was from the one- inch depth. Good yields in dry soil were obtained from the two-, three-, and four- inch planting depths. In the moist soil the yields dropped off sharply for plant¬ ings deeper than three inches. Apparently the optimum depth of plant¬ ing corn depends upon soil conditions. If the soil is amply supplied with mois¬ ture, corn can be planted as shallow as one inch with the expectation of maxi¬ mum yields. If, on the other hand, the surface soil is dry, corn should be planted deeper than one inch to get maximum yields. The exhaustion of the seedling as a consequence of deep planting is seemingly less harmful than the stunting influence of insufficient moisture near the surface. 48 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions PRELIMINARY REPORT ON CORN AND PASTURE FERTILIZATION IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Robert C. Cassell Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale, Illinois Corn Fertilization In 1940 an opportunity was afforded at the College Farm to study the effects of complete commercial fertilization of corn by the hill drop method. In the follow¬ ing described corn experiments as well as the pasture experiment it should be borne in mind that the data takes into account only the one year’s results. Prac¬ tical implications must necessarily await confirmation in subsequent experiments. The first experiment was on a three acre plot of ground where a three year stand of alfalfa had just been plowed. The field was on rolling upland of Ava Silt Loam which, before the experiment was started, tested slightly acid, between 6.5 and 7.0 pH. The test for phosphorus showed only a moderate amount present, but enough to grow alfalfa. The soil, however, proved to be low in potassium. The field was planted two kernels to the hill with Funk’s G-Hybrid 135. The fertilizers were applied at a rate of 200 pounds per acre. The yields from the fertilized plots were calculated from two replications of four 96 hill rows. The unfertilized yield was obtained from 42 rows rather than eight as unfertilized checks were left at regular intervals across the field. The only adjustments made in yield were for moisture percent¬ age of the corn at harvest time and for missing hills. From the data presented in Table 1, it would be difficult to select any one fertilizer mixture for recommendation. Practically any fertilizer except the straight superphosphate (0-20-0) pro¬ duced a sufficient increase in yield to justify its use and any fertilizer listed in the table above the 4-16-4 would be well justified under the conditons of this ex¬ periment. It would seem that any mix¬ ture with a little nitrogen, a medium quantity of phosphate and a high per- Table 1. — Fertilizers Hill Dropped at a Rate of 200 Pounds Per Acre, 1940. Fertilizer Acre yield bushels Moisture in grain at harvest ; percent Approxi¬ mate cost of fertilizer per acre 2-12-6. . 81.62 17.4 $3.14 0-8-24. . 79.18 18.5 3.96 0-10-20. 75.14 21.0 3.70 3-12-12. 74.53 20.6 3.85 3-18-9. . 74.33 14.8 4.22 0-12-12. 72.05 18.0 3.26 0-20-20. 70.08 18.7 5.06 4-16-4. . 68.64 14.1 3.84 0-20-10. Unfertil¬ 68.36 16.9 4.00 ized. . . 62.24 18.4 0 0-20-0 . . 61.58 20.1 2.66 centage of potash would be adequate. The two high yield producing fertilizers (2-12-6 and 0-8-24) gave yield increases over the unfertilized corn of 19.38 and 16.94 bushels per acre respectively. It may also be worthy to note that the plots with the four fertilizers containing nitro¬ gen in the mixture averaged 8.29% miss¬ ing hills, the unfertilized corn 10.21% and the six fertilizers with no nitrogen 12.48%. In another 10 acre fertilizer experi¬ ment, 13 Funk hybrids and two replica¬ tions of open pollinated corn were fer¬ tilized at a rate of 65 pounds per acre in comparison with check plots of each not fertilized. Six other Funk hybrids and two replications of the same open pollinated corn were fertilized at a rate of 120 pounds per acre in comparison with check plots of each not fertilized. The corn was all check planted, two kernels to the hill, and hill fertilized The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Irvin Peithman, Superintendent of the College Farm, and Mr. Leo Sharp, student employee, in carrying on the routine work of the fertilizer trials. Funk Bros. Seed Co., and the Armour Fertilizer Works furnished the hybrid seed com and fertilizer respectively. Agriculture — 1941 Meeting 49 Table 2. — 3-12-12 Commercial Fertilizer Hill Dropped at Rates of 65 and 120 Pounds Per Acre, 1940. Corn Treatment Average acre yield bushels Average increase per acre bushels 13 hybrids . . Unfertilized . 59.25 65.96 43.49 44.31 57.20 69.71 42.67 51.95 Same 13 hybrids . Open Pollinated Fertilized (65 lbs. per A) . Unfertilized . 6.71 Same Open Pollinated . 6 hybrids Fertilized (65 lbs. per A) . Unfertilized . 0.82 Same 6 hybrids . Open Pollinated . Fertilized (120 lbs. per A) . Unfertilized . 12.51 Same Open Pollinated . Fertilized (120 lbs. per A) . • 9.28 with a 3-12-12 commercial fertilizer. Ad¬ justments in yield were made for mois¬ ture percentage and missing hills. Where the 3-12-12 fertilizer was applied at a rate of 65 pounds per acre an aver¬ age increase of 6.71 bushels per acre was obtained over the yield of the same hy¬ brids not fertilized. When the rate of application was almost doubled (120 lbs. per acre), the average increase in yield was almost doubled (12.51 bushels per acre). In the case of the open pollinated corn 65 pounds of fertilizer per acre in¬ creased the yield only 0.82 bushels per acre, but an application of 120 pounds per acre increased the yield 9.28 bushels per acre. The greatest single hybrid in¬ crease due to fertilization at the rate of 65 pounds per acre was 17.94 bushels per acre and in only one case among the 13 hybrids did the unfertilized plot out- yield the fertilized plot and that was by 7.32 bushels per acre. The greatest single hybrid increase due to fertilization at the rate of 120 pounds per acre was 17.25 bushels per acre and the least single increase was 6.19 bushels per acre. Pasture Fertilization At the college farm there is an old blue grass pasture. The pasture has been over grazed and the stand of blue grass is poor. The only improvement the pas¬ ture has received is an application of limestone made a few years ago. The soil at present tests sweet, but there is a deficiency of both phosphorus and po¬ tassium. In 1940, one-fourth acre plots were laid out and given treatments as shown in Table 3. The nitrogen fertilizer was made up of approximately equal por¬ tions of 16% nitrate of soda and 20% sulfate of ammonia. The fertilizers were applied by means of the fertilizer attach¬ ment of a disc grain drill. The 1940 season was unusually dry and only four cuttings were obtained; the last one August 14. There were no fall rains to produce a late pasture; this and the fact that the pasture was thin to begin with accounts for the small amount of green material pro¬ duced even on the fertilized plots. In all of the treatments the greatest in- Table 3. — Pasture Fertilization, 1940. Treatment Date of treatment Yield of green material per acre (season) pounds Increase per acre pounds Cost of ferti¬ lizer per acre 1. Check . 1,573 2. 4-12-4 (250 lbs. per A) . April 1 4,840 3,267 $ 4.31 3. Nitrogen (300 lbs. per A) . May 7 4,114 2,541 5.80 4. (2 and 3) . (2 and 3) 5,292 3,719 10.11 50 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions crease in yields over the check was ob- tained with the first and second cuttings. Prom the data presented in Table 3, it is to be noted that the 4-12-4 fertilizer pro¬ duced the most efficient increase of green material. Where only 1,573 pounds of green material were obtained from the untreated plot, 4,840 pounds (over three times as much) were obtained from the application of 250 pounds per acre of the 4-12-4 fertilizer at a cost of $4.31 for the fertilizer. ADAPTING THE TEACHING OF AGRICULTURE TO THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY Burdette Graham Prairie City, Illinois ABSTRACT One of the primary needs of the com¬ munity is to secure and apply informa¬ tion as soon as possible after it is known. I feel that in too many cases the gap between the time a thing is proven to be good and the time when it is put into practice is too great. All of the agencies which are experimenting and carrying on research for new and better practices are doing a fine job. They are also doing a fine job in placing the information they have in the hands of schools and exten¬ sion agencies in the local communities. A way must be found, however, to short¬ en the gap between the time a thing is known and the time it is applied. I am reminded of the boy who in school was taught many phases of soil conservation. When he returned home to the farm after having been away for several years he found that the gully he had learned how to control when he was in school, had taken the school house and much of the surrounding land with it. While he was studying about soil conservation control the gully went right on taking its toll. He thought what he was learn¬ ing was for some one else to apply. When he realized it was for him to apply much damage had been done which could never be repaired. The gap was too great be¬ tween the time a thing was learned and the time it was applied. In this article four suggestions are made to help over¬ come this gap. Find the Need by Community Surveys. — The first suggestion is to find the real needs of the community. This can best be done by means of surveys of the vari¬ ous areas of activity. Surveys of various kinds can be used, such as: question¬ naires, conferences, tours, and personal observation. From these surveys one with training should be able to arrive at the needs with accuracy. Create Interest in Doing Something About the Needs. — One of the best means of creating enough interest to secure ac¬ tion in working toward the goal of meet¬ ing a need is to direct the attention of adults, school boys, and the youth toward the goal. Showing the results of the sur¬ veys of the community to all groups, and getting them all to work toward a cer¬ tain goal is the first step. They may he made fully conscious of the needs by tours, discussion, pictures, and many other means. Once the people of a com¬ munity see a need they will do something about it if they know what to do. Some means must be used which is effective, interesting and accurate to show them what and how to do. Community Demonstrations Get Ac¬ tion. — Community demonstration is the third suggestion which I have to make to help get ideas into action and takes many forms. The boy’s supervised prac¬ tice programs are good examples. They do not touch enough of the problems of the farm however, so something more is needed. The community demonstration is a practice set up in the community so that people can see it often, and under home conditions. It is local so that it is talked about many times, and so its good and bad points brought up and discussed by all. If the demonstration is good, and it should be, people are in favor of the practice demonstrated, and that is just what we hope they will be. As an illustration of the effectiveness of a community demonstration, let us consider one which we used effectively in 51 Agriculture— ■ this community. It was one showing contour farming of corn, a practice which, in everyone’s mind, was one which could never be used and would not be effective, would be a nuisance, would be laughed at. We established a small demonstration field on two sides of the community, along the road where people could see them. We visited them on tours and discussed them at meetings. The following year the same farmers in¬ creased their own contour acreage by 30 percent and several other farmers for the first time tried a field on the contour, proof enough of the effectiveness of the demonstration in getting action. Other demonstrations which are being used are: terraces, windbreak planting, grove planting of hedge trees, forest plantings, sod flumes, diversion ditches, swine sanitation, grass waterways, and terrace outlets. Show the Demonstration to People. — Good demonstrations should be visited by many people, and at times when they are interested, and when there is something ■1941 Meeting of interest to see. Visit terraces during a big rain, or visit a swine sanitation demonstration when the pigs are showing the results of clean raising. Tours are always good, as people see things and discuss them better when in a group. What one does not see another will. A picture record of the construction and results of the practice will be good to show to future groups. Once people see a thing they are much more in a mood to attempt it, if it is something they can use profitably. By following the steps outlined above, a program in agricultural education can be made to result in action, which is the desired end of such education. The four steps outlined above followed out with any practice will do much to shorten the gap between the time it is known and the time it is applied on the farms. Over¬ coming this lag is the greatest need our communities have. We must adapt our teaching to meet this need, or our com¬ munities will find some other way to ac¬ complish it. PALATABILITY OF PASTURE PLANTS R. F. Fuelleman and W. L. Buklison University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Palatability is a relative term. When applied to vegetation with respect to animals, the cataloging of palatability of plant species is extremely difficult. If it were possible to isolate certain variables and subject each factor to analysis with relation to palatibility, the problem would be greatly simplified. Methods of analysis are contingent upon animals, vegetation, environment !and climate. During no period in the grazing season, whether it be a month, a week, or day, do any of the above fac¬ tors function in the same manner. The most static, if they can be termed as such with respect to palatability, are the animals. Vegetation changes from day to day at a surprising rate of speed, ani¬ mals more slowly. A large group of ani¬ mals on a given area tend to balance among themselves small changes due to environment. The converse is true with vegetation. Different species have dis¬ similar requirements of moisture, light, and temperature; their maturity differs. An ideal environment for one species may not be best for another. Pasturing a single species of forage as Kentucky bluegrass ( Poa pratensis ) would obvi¬ ously provide a measure of palatability as related to maturity of this plant, but would not be a criterion of the palatabil¬ ity of this grass as compared to some other species. Animals with no alterna¬ tive or choice must necessarily derive their nourishment from what is at hand, whereas a mixture or series of mixtures would provide a choice which would, be conditioned by species, maturity, and a number of factors so closely linked as to be inseparable. This paper presents briefly some re¬ sults of palatability studies inaugurated in 1938. Methods of Approach. — In attempting to place palatability value on a plant species, the best approach is through the use of grazing animals and parallel botan¬ ical analyses of vegetation. Yield data will also indicate the relationship be¬ tween palatability and available vegeta- tion; however, the values assigned to a i IHMwr w r (i* U.IIN0IS 52 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions particular species or mixture of species do not distinguish definitely between qualitative and quantitative results. In attempting to assess the palatability value of pasture plants, they should all he offered to the animals at a stage of growth where the majority of species are at a stage of maturity most acceptable to the animal. Undoubtedly, this stage is during the early part of the grazing season. It is difficult, if not impossible, to project an experiment in which all species would be pastured at the same stage of maturity. If this were possible the variable of animal changes is in¬ troduced. A second factor indicates that the ani¬ mals should be of similar age and breed. Obviously, different aged animals may well have different tastes with respect to vegetation. For example, aged animals (sheep) may have greater requirements for body maintenance, particularly dur¬ ing gestation periods, and therefore might easily be less selective than an im¬ mature animal. Certain breeds c*f sheep are larger or smaller than others and introduce a variable into the picture dif¬ ficult to analyze. Acclimatization has not been mentioned. However, a band of sheep just arrived from a western range and placed on a palatability test would probably be less selective than the same band following an acclimatization period. Botanical analyses are considered as an essential adjunct in palatability studies. The method of analysis is of course ar¬ bitrary; but when a large number of species plots are used, the matter of time becomes most important. Hence, that method affording the most rapid analysis is used. The results obtained are quali¬ tative, but the application is remotely quantitative. Grazing animals, particularly sheep, are selective and it can be assumed that they will consume the more palatable species whether it be weed, grass, or clover. This is unquestionably one of the fundamental bases for assessing pal¬ atability values to plant species. That sheep are fairly constant in their grazing habits can be seen by close ob¬ servation. When forage is plentiful — no long period of time is necessary to sat¬ isfy their appetites — the daily grazing periods are short. Usually this does not exceed an hour’s time. If the experi¬ mental plots are large, they need not graze all plots before obtaining their fill. Under the above conditions, periods of grazing seem to follow a time schedule; i.e., beginning at 4 a. m. to 5 a. m.; 7 a. m. to 8 a. m.; 10 a. m. to 11 a. m.; 1 p. m. to 2 p. m.; etc., until dusk. Cer¬ tain external conditions may change the direction of grazing — a strong wind tends to cause them to rest on the lee side of the field or plot, and when grazing, to travel into the wind. When available forage is short (literally), a much longer period of time is required for the animals to obtain sufficient to satisfy their needs. Methods of Determining Palatability. — Seventy-two plots in duplicate, each 1x2 rods in area, were seeded in the fall of 1936 and the spring of 1937 with pure seedings and mixtures. Some 20 species were seeded in various combinations and in most cases alone. The position of an individual plot in the series was prede¬ termined, and a comparison between cer¬ tain species and mixture plots was ex¬ pedited by using a single species on one plot and mixtures of this species in com¬ bination with other species on adjacent plots. An example of this was a mixture containing red clover, Kentucky blue- grass and redtop on one plot, and three adjacent plots containing the same grasses, but with alfalfa, alsike clover and white clover as the legumes. If the entire series of plots were used in this paper the mass of data would be unwieldy and confusing; therefore, the writers have deemed if best to use a group of six plots to illustrate the pro¬ cedure and results. Botanical analyses by means of a point quadrat were made in the fall of 1937 and in the summers of 1938, 1939, and 1940. Results were expressed in terms of percentages for purposes of compari¬ son. The point quadrat method in prac¬ tice does not provide a measure of actual weight of the component vegetation on a plot, but does indicate the relative in¬ cidence of a particular species. The rela¬ tionship between point quadrat analyses, occurrence, and actual quantity of any species in a plot becomes more directly comparable as the season advances and as the vegetation is consumed by animals. Yields of dry matter were obtained in the spring of 1938 and again in the fall from each plot for purposes of compari¬ son. Agriculture — 1941 Meeting 53 In May of 1938, seventy even-aged sheep were turned on the plots. From a platform or tower located in the center of the series of plots, observations were made of the number of sheep on each plot at intervals of 15 to 30 minutes over a period of three days and the data re¬ corded. These observations coupled with the botanical analyses, forage weights, and observations form the basis for the determination of palatability as recorded in the results. TABLE 1— RELATIVE PERCENTAGES OF SPECIES IN PLOTS ON SEPTEMBER 29, 1937, MAY 3, 1938, AND JUNE 13, 1940. Plots Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 9/37 5/38 6/40 9/37 5/38 6/40 9/37 5/38 6/40 9/37 5/38 6/40 9/37 5/38 6/40 9/37 5/38 6/40 Lad inn p.lnver 86 68 14 Bromegrass 21 13 36 1 6 5 Orchard grass 1 2 Tall nat grass 6 4 5 Timothy 4 16 52 76 29 47 54 4 6 Redtop . ”3 4 2 9 4 4 "" i 5 87 83 67 Kentucky bluegrass 1 11 43 6 9 3 2 35 2 10 89 "~77 87 7 6 18 Alfalfa 40 49 14 Reed canary grass 86 98 47 6 White clover 6 2 Weeds... . ... _ 9 5 34 21 5 51 9 .... 14 20 .... 18 4 2 8 6 .... 15 Results and Discussion.— The six plots included in this discussion were seeded with the following species: 1. Ladino clover; 2. Timothy; 3. Reed canary grass; 4. Alfalfa, timothy, redtop; 5. Kentucky bluegrass; 6. Redtop. Preliminary point quadrat readings were made on September 29, 1937. The results, as well as readings made on May 3, 1938 and June 13, 1940, are shown in table 1. Percentages are not an ex¬ pression of dry weight, but indicate the relative percentage of each species. The absence of grazing animals on the plots in 1937 and a single clipping of the plots in June allowed the taller grow¬ ing species to recover by September 29, and in some cases suppressed the inci¬ dence of white clover, Trifolium repens. Another factor which may result in the presence or absence of white clover is that of root interaction with the subse¬ quent elimination or entrance of certain species from plots. Table 1 illustrates the changes in botanical composition over the period of four years. A measure of relative pal¬ atability is found in the percentage of a species remaining on the last analysis date, June 13, 1940. In Plot 1, Ladino clover decreased from 86 percent in 1937 to 14 percent in 1940. On the same plot Kentucky bluegrass constituted 41 per¬ cent of the cover in the latter year. These percentages at once illustrate the high palatability of the clover and the aggres¬ siveness of the bluegrass. Plot 2 con¬ tained 76 percent timothy in 1938 and none in 1940. Plot 3 was seeded to reed canary grass. This grass has been con¬ sidered unpalatable. The figures in the table bear out this statement, for in 1940 47 percent of the vegetation was reed canary grass and Kentucky bluegrass oc¬ cupied 35 percent of the remaining space. Similar relationships are illustrated in Plots 4, 5, and 6. Tables 2 and 4 are particularly inter¬ esting in that they provide a direct measure of comparative palatability. Yields of dry matter were obtained on May 3, 1938, previous to turning in sheep, and again on June 9 at the end of the grazing period. Similar data are shown for the period May 15 to June 29, 1939. The amount of forage remaining or re¬ sidual yield, expressed in percentages, in¬ dicates the relative palatability of the various species and mixtures. The factor of growth occurring during the grazing period is applicable to all species; i.e., the grand period of growth for all of the species considered is encompassed by the dates May 3-June 29. It is also a period when these plants are most succulent and therefore if a difference in palatability occurs it is borne out in the differences in consumed forage. 54 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table 2. — Yields of Dry Matter in Pounds Per Acre. May 3 and June 9, 1938. Plot Seedings Yield pounds per acre May 3 Yield pounds per acre June 9 Forage remain¬ ing % 1... Ladino 2,424 684 28.0 2... clover. . . Timothy. . . 1,332 324 24.3 3... Reed cana¬ ry grass . 5,280 2,832 56.4 4. . . Alfalfa, Timothy, Redtop. . 2,136 372 17.4 5... Kentucky 852 1,020 119.7 6... bluegrass Redtop. . . . 1,548 1,200 77.5 Table 3. — Total Number of Sheep Re¬ corded as Grazing on Each Plot Over a Period of Four Days. May 4 to May 7, 1938, A Total of 70 Sheep was on the Plots, and the Observa¬ tions Made at Regular In¬ tervals were 70. Plot Number of sheep on plots 1 44 2 26 3 0 4 30 5 5 6 5 Plot 5 gave a larger yield at the end of the period than on the first sampling date. Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis, was the dominant species. Redtop, Agrostis alba, and reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea, can be placed in a second group of palatability. Alfalfa, Medicago sativa, Ladino clover, trifolium repens Latum, and timothy, Phleum pra- tense, can all be placed in a group as species of relatively high palatability. Some species of the latter groups are Table 4. — Yield Data for 1939. Plots Grazed in Interim by Sheep Plot Yield pounds per acre May 15, 1939 Yield pounds per acre June 29, 1939 Forage remain¬ ing % 1 . 564 Trace 0.0 2 . 756 372 49.2 3 . 864 916 106.0 4 . 1,836 240 13.0 5 . 432 360 83.3 6 . 480 132 27.5 distinguished as being more palatable than others. Sheep Data. — The number of sheep grazing a plot at a single specified time is not an indication of palatability of the species, but when a number of observa¬ tions are made and the number of ani¬ mals totaled it is safe to assume that the figure obtained is an indication of palata¬ bility. Certain factors other than pal¬ atability may prevent the animals from grazing some plots and must be consid¬ ered. The location of a plot is an ex¬ ample. If located near a farm road, the traffic may cause sheep to avoid it. Table 3 shows the total number of sheep on each plot — the total of 70 observations. Palatability of Kentucky Bluegrass and Redtop. — In 1939 two plots — one seeded to Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis, the other to redtop, Agrostis alba — were used to test the palatability of these species. The palatability of both species is con¬ sidered as low during their mature stage of growth. An enclosure was placed on the plots, encompassing one-half of each species. Two sheep were placed within the enclosure for a period of eight days. Yields were obtained at the beginning and at the end of the period. The re¬ sults are shown in table 5. It is inter¬ esting to note that the apparent palata¬ bility of Kentucky bluegrass, as indi¬ cated by the percent of forage remaining, was much higher than that of redtop. The effect of maturity on palatability is illustrated in this table. Agriculture — 1941 Meeting 55 Table 5. — Comparison of Redtop (Agros- tis alba) and Kentucky Blue- grass (Poa pratensis) in Ma¬ ture Stages of Growth. Period July 1 to July 8, 1939. Plot Yield pounds per acre July 1 Yield pounds per acre July 8 Number of sheep Forage remain¬ ing % Ken¬ tucky blue- grass 1,608 432 2 26.8 Red- top. . 1,464 1,152 2 78.7 Summary Data are presented to support state¬ ments regarding the palatability of pas¬ ture plants. The increase or decrease of species in a sward is dependent upon competition, environment, and maturity; these in turn condition palatability and therefore the relationship of this latter factor to the animals themselves. Com¬ petition eliminates some species, but this is speeded if one species is more palatable than another. Maturity connotes more fiber in a plant and therefore makes for lowered palatability. Environment in general was similar for all species and hence the effect was considered equal. certain factors affecting the growth of azotobacter in the soil J. L. Sullivan Western Illinois State Teachers College , Macomb, Illinois During the many years which have elapsed since the discovery of the nitro¬ gen-fixing organisms of the genus Azoto¬ bacter, much experimental work has been done dealing with their nutritional re¬ quirements and their probable economic importance in the maintenance of soil fertility. It is generally agreed that Azotobacter may, under favorable condi¬ tions, be an important factor in the main¬ tenance of soil fertility. It is not definite¬ ly known how much nitrogen will be fixed by these organisms under field conditions, but the evidence available indicates that these bacteria may be important in add¬ ing to the nitrogen content of the soil and therefore in furnishing growing crops with the nitrogen they need. The experiments reported here were undertaken to study the influence of vari¬ ous factors on nitrogen fixation by Azoto¬ bacter, and to determine if possible whether any of these factors can be con¬ trolled by artificial means. In order that one might determine what influence soil treatment had on the occurrence and activity of Azotobacter, soil samples were collected from twenty- five experimental fields located in the five major soil divisions of Iowa and repre¬ senting eleven soil types. These fields had been under observation for many years. Manure had been applied to these soils at the rate of eight tons an acre every four or five years. Lime had been added as needed according to the Truog lime requirement test, while twenty per¬ cent superphosphate had been applied at the rate of 160 pounds an acre a year. Composite samples were collected from three plots in each field. One sample was collected from the check plot, a sec¬ ond sample from the plot which had been treated with lime and manure, and an¬ other from the plot which had received manure, lime, and superphosphate. These soil samples were tested according to the following methods: by Winogradsky’s spontaneous culture test, by nitrogen fixation in solution and on silica gel, by the soluble phosphorous test, by pH determination, and by the Truog lime requirement test. The results secured indicate that soil reaction is probably the most important factor affecting the distribution of Azoto¬ bacter in these soils. Different results were secured, however, with the two methods employed for establishing the presence of these organisms. Many of 56 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions the soils which gave positive results with the silica gel method failed to show the presence of these bacteria when tested by the Winogradsky spontaneous culture method. The results obtained indicate that the silica gel method is more reliable for testing the presence of Azotobacter in soils than the spontaneous method, which is more widely employed. It is our belief that the silica gel exerts some beneficial effect on the growth of these bacteria. On the basis of the Winograd¬ sky test many investigators have con¬ cluded that Azotobacter do not occur in soils more acid than pH 6.00. In the work reported here, however, these bac¬ teria were detected in soil as acid as pH 5.6. Many investigators have reported that Azotobacter can live in culture media far more acid than pH 6.00 if combined nitro¬ gen is present. Since many of the soils used in this investigation had been ma¬ nured, there may have been sufficient nitrogen present to support these organ¬ isms even though the soils were quite acid. Rather recently some research workers have been able to demonstrate the presence of Azotobacter in soils as acid as pH 4.00. From their results it appears that these organisms will live in extremely acid soils if other soil fac¬ tors are favorable for their growth. In fact, it has been reported that the addi¬ tion of calcium carbonate to soil may, under certain conditions, inhibit the growth of these organisms. It has been observed that the addition of hydro¬ chloric acid, sulphuric acid, or phosphoric acid to soils which had been limed in¬ creased the activity of Azotobacter in these soils. Furthermore, some of these research workers have concluded that there is no close correlation between soil reaction and the occurrence of Azoto¬ bacter, but that the carbonate phosphate ratio is more important than the soil re¬ action. Other investigators, however, have concluded that the soil complex is the most important factor affecting the occurrence of the non-symbiotic nitrogen¬ fixing organisms in soils. It is interest¬ ing to note that many of the extremely acid soils which contained Azotobacter were soils with a relatively high organic matter content. One might assume from the results that soil organic matter con¬ tains some factor or factors which stimu¬ late these organisms. In fact, it has been observed that humus and soil extracts from high humus soils will stimulate these bacteria. It seems that there is no general agree¬ ment among research workers concerning the influence of soil reaction on the oc¬ currence of Azotobacter. I believe, how¬ ever, it is safe to say that the majority of evidence available supports the belief that Azotobacter are more likely to occur in soils more alkaline than pH 6.00, than in soils more acid than pH 6.00. It has already been pointed out that in the work reported here many of the soils more acid than pH 6.00 contained Azotobacter. In the majority of cases, however, the organisms isolated from these acid soils grew rather feebly on culture media and had a low nitrogen¬ fixing power. These results seem to in¬ dicate that if these bacteria occur in soils more acid than pH 6.00, they are likely to be rather inactive and probably do not fix as much nitrogen as those organisms living in soils with a more favorable reaction. There is much evidence, therefore, that if enough lime is added to an acid soil to bring the reaction to near the neutral point, and if other soil conditions are favorable, an Azotobacter flora can be established without artificial inoculation. These organisms appear to be rather widely distributed, and if soil conditions are made favorable they will probably find their way into the soil by natural means. In addition to soil reaction there are apparently many other factors which in¬ fluence the occurrence and activity of Azotobacter in soils. Many research workers have found that the soil minerals are necessary for nitrogen fixation by the aerobic non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixers. The bacteria of this group are said to be particularly sensitive to a deficiency of phosphates. There is, however, some difference of opinion relative to the type and quantity of phosphate needed. Many investigators have reported that the ad¬ dition of phosphate fertilizers to soil had no influence on Azotobacter, while others have observed a marked stimulation fol¬ lowing the application of such materials. In the work reported here the addition of superphosphate, in addition to lime and manure, did not apparently increase the nitrogen-fixing power of the soil. None of the soils were, however, very low in Agriculture — 1941 Meeting 57 available phosphorus. If smaller amounts of soluble phosphorus had been present in these soils, different results might have been secured. The soils which con¬ tained Azotobacter had a higher average quantity of soluble phosphorus than the soils in which the presence of these or¬ ganisms was not established. From these data and from many other reports it ap¬ pears that if farmers followed the soil management methods recommended by their experiment stations, they would, in the majority of cases, provide soil condi¬ tions favorable for the aerobic non-sym- biotic nitrogen-fixing organisms. In the work reported here sixteen percent of the untreated soils contained Azotobacter, while sixty-four percent of the fertilized soils showed the presence of these bac¬ teria. Furthermore, the untreated soils fixed much less nitrogen on silica gel and in solution than did the fertilized soils. It should be pointed out, however, that many of the soils which had a high crop-producing power and possessed con¬ ditions which are generally considered favorable for these bacteria, either failed to show the presence of these organisms, or had a low nitrogen-fixing power. We must admit, therefore, that our knowledge of the conditions necessary for maximum growth of Azotobacter is far from complete. Quite recently, many substances have been found which stimu¬ late these bacteria. In addition to ordi¬ nary soil minerals, many of the rare minerals, such as molybdenum and van¬ adium, have been found to stimulate this group of bacteria. In addition to the minerals many organic compounds seem to have a beneficial effect. There is also some evidence that some materials con¬ tain accessory growth factors which in¬ fluence this group of organisms. It is not known just how these materials influence the growth of Azotobacter and the nitro¬ gen fixation by this group of organisms, nor is it known what quantities are needed for best results. The answers to many of these questions will have to await further investigation. THE ROLE OF HYBRIDIZATION IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOYBEAN C. M. Woodworth University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Most of the varieties of soybeans grown in the corn belt states at the present time have been introduced from the Orient or are selections from such intro¬ ductions. In the early days of the soy¬ bean in this country, thousands of varie¬ ties were brought over from Japan, China, and Korea, and subjected to tests in various states to determine their adaptability. The varieties were so nu¬ merous and variations so abundant that there was no lack of material for these adaptation trials. Manchu, Dunfield, Morse, Mansoy, Mukden, and many other varieties were thus discovered and in¬ creased for commercial planting. This represents the first phase of soybean im¬ provement in this country. When the introductions and selections had been tested and it appeared that little further improvement could be expected from that procedure, the breeder turned his attention to crossing varieties. In order for any further improvement to be effected, there must be genetic variation for selection to work upon. This is not available in varieties that have come from other varieties by pure line selec¬ tion. Hence; crossing must be resorted to provide genetic variation. Technique of Hybridization. — The soy¬ bean plant is rather difficult to hybridize due mainly to the small size of the flower. It is advantageous to use a binocular magnifier which magnifies the flower about three times. With the aid of this instrument the anthers can be easily seen and then they can be removed by means of a pair of sharp pointed forceps. Then pollen is brought, from the male parent and applied to the stigma of the emascu¬ lated flower. From each flower thus fertilized one may expect any number of seeds from none to four provided a pod 58 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions develops. One is fortunate if 25 percent of the flowers pollinated develop into pods. Recently changes have been made in the technique of crossing which speed up the process considerably. The flowers are not emasculated at all but are polli¬ nated without first removing the anthers. When plants are grown from seeds grown in this way it may be found that some of the plants are the result of self-fer¬ tilization and therefore not hybrids, but in our experience most of them are hy¬ brids. This technique requires that the parents differ in certain obvious char¬ acters, the mode of inheritance of which is known, with the dominant member carried by the male parent so that the hybrids can be identified. Examples of such characters are flower color and pubescence color. Methods of Handling F2 Plants. — When the Fi hybrid plants are allowed to self- pollinate and an F2 population grown, there are two methods of handling the material from this point on. One is the pedigree system whereby each individual Fo plant is harvested and threshed sep¬ arately, F3 progenies grown separately, and selections made both within and be¬ tween these and progenies of later gen¬ erations. If yield of seed is one of the characters in which improvement is sought perhaps early yield tests are jus¬ tified for the purpose of eliminating many lines as early in the selection program as possible. This idea is based on a study of the combining value of inbred lines of corn by Dr. M. T. Jenkins (1). Using the top-cross method, Doctor Jen¬ kins compared the yields of lines self- fertilized from one to many times and found that the combining value did not appreciably change as the line ap¬ proached constancy. Applied to soybeans, a self-fertilized crop, the implication is that yield tests of F3 progenies would be useful in eliminating many strains before much time and effort were spent on them. Such yield tests, however, necessarily in¬ volve large numbers of strains. Certain of the newer field plot designs have been worked out by statisticians for the ex¬ press purpose of increasing the accuracy of tests containing more than the usual number of strains. As an example we have the 15x15 lattice design which ac¬ commodates 225 strains. Another method of handling F2 mate¬ rial is known as the bulked hybrid method. This is based on the principle that a population of plants derived from a hybrid and continually propagated by self-fertilization tends to become a mix¬ ture of pure types with heterozygous types reduced to a negligible proportion. The number of such pure types is given by the expression, 2m, where m is the number ctf factors for which the was heterozygous. Thus with 10 heterozyg¬ ous factors, we would expect 1024 pure types representing all possible combina¬ tions of dominant and recessive members of these factor pairs. The procedure is to thresh all F2 plants together, plant the seed the next year, or as much of it as is practicable, harvest and thresh all plants together as before, and continue the process for 6 to 10 generations. At the end of that time selections can be made in the population with fair assur¬ ance that each plant selected will breed true. During this period natural selec¬ tion will either eliminate many unadap¬ ted types or reduce them to low propor¬ tions. Also, at the start the seed can be divided into separate lots and sent to different sections of the state to be sub¬ jected to varying climatic and soil condi¬ tions. After several generations, it would be expected that the best adapted types would remain in the population in the respective sections, and these could then be isolated, grown in plant rows, and tested further for yield and other char¬ acteristics. Many hybrid populations can be carried on in this manner at low cost. In fact, many hybrids can be put to¬ gether and carried on as one population. Improvement Through Backcrossing. — I Experiments are under way at present to test out the value of backcrossing as a method of improvement. The objec- jj tives of this method are (1) to retain the desirable characters of the recurrent parent, and (2) to add other desirable characters from the non-recurrent parent. For example, Illini possesses several de¬ sirable characters, as good yield, seed quality, and resistance to shattering; but it has a tendency to lodge. Illini as re¬ current parent is crossed to T117 as non¬ recurrent parent which stands well. The hybrid is then crossed to Illini to make the first backcross. When the progeny is grown the most erect plants are se- Agriculture — 1941 Meeting 59 lected and these should be again crossed to Illini to make the second backcross. At this point the recurrent parent makes up 87.5 percent of the gene content, and if the third backcross is made the per¬ centage of Illini germplasm would in¬ crease to 93.75 percent. Selection for Illini characters is unnecessary because continual backcrossing to Illini leads to the production of a population that ap¬ proaches that variety in homozygous condition very rapidly. Illini characters cannot be lost even under non-selection. Selection then is important only in hold¬ ing the desirable character or characters from the non-recurrent parent. Success by the method of backcrossing is conditioned somewhat by the mode of inheritance of the characters brought in by the non-recurrent parent. If the in¬ heritance is simple and the character is dominant then selection is easy and suc¬ cess is assured. If, however, the char¬ acter is quantitative in nature and deter¬ mined by a large number of genes the problem is difficult. Furthermore, if the character desired is recessive, complica¬ tions arise. Under such conditions, there are two procedures that might be fol¬ lowed : (1) Alternate crossing to the recur¬ rent parent with selling so that by segre¬ gation the recessive character will be brought out for selection to lay hold of. After the first backcross, half the pro¬ geny will be homozygous for the domi¬ nant and half will be heterozygous. These cannot be distinguished. If allowed to self-fertilize, they can be distinguished by the behavior of their progeny, as half will breed true and half will segregate. Those that segregate are the plants de¬ sired. The recessive segregates could then be selected and crossed the next year to the recurrent parent, making the second backcross. This procedure could then be repeated. (2) Continuing the backcrossing with¬ out interruption as many times as de¬ sired, delaying until the period of back- crossing is completed the isolation of the desired type. As in (1) after the first backcross, half the progeny will be hom¬ ozygous for the dominant and half will be heterozygous. These of course cannot be distinguished, but a number of them can be crossed back to the recurrent parent again. Theoretically, half of such crosses would be with the homozygous dominant and half with the heterozygous dominant. Hence, the recessive gene can¬ not be lost even though it is impossible for selection to operate. When the sec¬ ond backcross plants are grown they can again be crossed if desired with the re¬ current parent with the expectation how¬ ever that three-fourths of the crosses will be with homozygous and one-fourth with heterozygous parents. If three back- crosses are considered sufficient the plants can be allowed to self-pollinate, and the next year tested out, plant-to-row, to determine which are breeding true and which are segregating. From the segre¬ gating rows, the recessive can be selected with good assurance that they possess most of the contribution from the re¬ current parent as well as the desired character from the non-recurrent parent. Taking Advantage of Hybrid Vigor. — Certain soybean varieties when crossed exhibit hybrid vigor though not nearly to the same extent as corn hybrids. It is generally considered that a hybrid ex¬ hibits hybrid vigor if it exceeds both parents in some particular character as yield of seed or height or total weight of dry matter. Corn hybrids made by cross¬ ing inbred lines furnish sensational ex¬ amples of plants that exceed the parent lines in most characters having to do with growth or size. Soybean hybrids do not ordinarily exceed the better par¬ ent very much, though there are a few ex¬ ceptions. A few years ago one of our students, Dr. Collins Veatch, made a care¬ ful study of 16 soybean hybrids. (2) Of these, 10 were above the higher parent variety in yield of seed to an extent rang¬ ing from 1.58 to 71.53 percent. More recently in a group of 49 hybrids studied by Dr. L. F. Williams, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S.D.A., at the U. S. Regional Soybean Industrial Products Laboratory, in cooperation with the Illinois Station, there were 32 which were above the higher parent in yield of seed to an ex¬ tent ranging from 0.1 — 97.4 percent. These soybean hybrids thus exhibited hybrid vigor just as corn hybrids do, but the difference is in the extent of its mani¬ festation. Compared with the inbred parents many corn hybrids yield from three to five times as much as even the higher yielding inbred. On a percentage basis this would represent an increase of 200 to 400 percent. 60 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions There is another very important differ¬ ence between corn hybrids and soybean hybrids, and that consists in the way they can be utilized for increased produc¬ tion. Because of the flowering habits of the corn plant, corn hybrids can be easily and cheaply produced on a field scale by interpianting the two parents and detas- seling the ear parent so that it can be pollinated only by the pollen parent. Thus the commercial crop can be grown from hybrid seed and complete advan¬ tage can be taken of any hybrid vigor that may be exhibited. Soybean hybrids, on the other hand, have to be tediously and painstakingly produced by first re¬ moving the anthers of the flower borne on the female parent, and then pollinat¬ ing with pollen collected from the flowers born on the male parent. An expert hy¬ bridizer working every day during the pollinating season would do well to pro¬ duce a few hundred hybrid seeds in this way. It is obviously impossible, there¬ fore, to utilize in the same way as with corn any hybrid vigor soybean hybrids may exhibit. Consequently, the soybean breeder has to try another method. He must try to hold the increased vigor exhibited by the hybrid while at the same time he carrries the hybrid down through the F2, F3, F4 and later generations allowing self-fertili¬ zation to take place each time. The only way in which he can hope to hold the vigor is by selection. But in this he is opposed by the principle of segregation which distributes the favorable factors into different lines. Hence, a compromise results, and the breeder has to be satis¬ fied with whatever vigor he can hold and still have a true-breeding variety. Convergent Improvement. — The method of convergent improvement which has been suggested (for corn also has a place in soybean breeding. This differs from the strict backcross method in that back- crosses are made to each parent instead of but one. Thus two recovered lines are developed which are more nearly alike to the extent that one or more genes have been brought in from the respective non¬ recurrent parent, held by selection, and made homozygous by selfing. The hybrid between the two recovered lines should then be homozygous for the new genes which are common to the recovered par¬ ents. The hybrid would be expected, theoretically, to exhibit as much hybrid vigor as the original lines when crossed. Hence, when selfing occurs there would be less reduction in vigor because of the increased homozygosity of the hybrid. This method should result in holding at least some of the hybrid vigor which is unavoidably lost under the regular pro¬ gram of crossing following by selection. A New Variety the Result of Cross¬ ing. — Last year a new variety named Chief was introduced to a few growers for further increase. This variety was selected from a cross between Illini and a strain of Manchu. The pedigree system of handling F2 and later generation plants was used in producing the new variety. Chief is not a hybrid soybean, but a variety which has been selected from a hybrid and which breeds true for its char¬ acters. It combines certain of the desir¬ able characters of both parents, but it has lost most of the hybrid vigor exhibited by the Fj. With this as an example of apply¬ ing the method of hybridization to soy¬ bean improvement, it can be anticipated that further work applying the principles and methods above described will lead to still further improvement. LITERATURE CITED 1. Jenkins, M. T. The effect of inbreeding and selection within inbred lines of maize upon the hybrids made after successive generations of selfing. Iowa State College Jour, of Sci., 9:215-236. 1935. 2. Veatch, Collins. Vigor in soybeans as affected bv hybridity. Jour. Amer. Soc. Argon. 22(4) : 289-310. 1930. Papers in Anthropology Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman The program at Evanston carried six papers and one panel discussion. Four papers are being published herewith. The titles and authors of the other two and the discussion were as follows : Walker, Winslow M., St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis, Mis¬ souri — Two Hopewellian Mounds Near Peoria, Illinois. (This is being published by the Illinois State Museum.) Deuel, Thorne, Illinois State Museum, Springfield — Archaeological exploration sponsored by the Museum, 1940-41. The meeting was attended by a maximum of 26 people, and elected as chairman for the Urbana meeting in 1942 Donald E. Wray, 604 Caroline St., Peoria. (Signed) F. T. Barloga, Chairman [61] 62 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions POSSIBLE APPLICATION OF KITE PHOTOGRAPHY TO ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY William R. Bascom Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois The application of aerial photography to archaeology is no new discovery, but it has thus far been limited to larger sites such as those in the Near East, those of the Maya in Central America, and Zimbabwe in Africa. The fact that this technique has not been extended does not mean that it is not equally use¬ ful in the investigation of the less spec¬ tacular remains. In the case of village sites, cultivated fields, and even Indian mounds, indeed, the outlines as seen from the vertical axis are often the most inter¬ esting and important. The reason is rather that the expense of hiring an airplane and trained photographer or, alternative¬ ly, of owning and operating the bulky equipment for balloon photography is al¬ most prohibitive. It is quite possible, however, that aerial photographs may be made from kites with equipment costing only fifty or seventy-five dollars, which is well within the reach of the institutions engaged in archaeological investigations in the Midwest, and with the cost of operation limited to the price of film and development. If such photographs should prove satisfactory, there is no reason why aerial records — both before and during excavation — should not be made of every site. The applicability of kite photography is not limited to archeology; it may be of considerable importance to ethnology as well in providing an easy method of map¬ ping dwelling sites both among nomadic and settled village peoples, and in record¬ ing the layout of farms and garden plots. Aerial photographs have already been used in the latter instance in ethnological work in Africa, but kite photography would make it possible for each institu¬ tion to have equipment for aerial photo¬ graphs available for the ethnologists it sends into the field. In both archaeology and ethnology, fur¬ thermore, the kite has a considerable ad¬ vantage over the airplane in that it can operate at much lower altitudes. By mounting the camera at a considerable distance below the kite, it would be pos¬ sible to photograph from altitudes low enough to give great detail, and even to use the camera to cover ceremonial ac¬ tivities from the air. Nor is the idea of taking aerial photo¬ graphs from kites original either. I believe that it has a rather long history in connection with army observation work. My own acknowledgments, how¬ ever, must be made to W. Sellers of the Health Department of Nigeria, British West Africa, who described to me the type of equipment used by his depart¬ ment in connection with fever control. Mosquito breeding swamps are photo¬ graphed from kites before sprinkling them with chemicals. The camera employed is a light inex¬ pensive folding instrument to which are attached small dry-cell batteries and a solenoid which releases the shutter when the circuit is closed. Actually, since the distances involved are large, a fixed- focus camera of the box type would probably be satisfactory and would be better adapted to the mounting of the necessary accessories. The camera itself is mounted on the cord, some distance below the kite so that it can be rewound and reset after each exposure without having to ground the kite. The switch for the solenoid circuit is mounted on the cord somewhat below the camera in such a way that it can be closed by the pressure of a parachute which is carried | up the sting by the wind in the way children send “messages” up to a flying kite. Provision is made so that the para¬ chute is disengaged after closing the cir¬ cuit, with the result that the circuit is then broken and the strength of the bat- j teries is preserved. For this work, a folding box kite of the | type which can be launched easily in very little wind should be employed. If a small kite of this type is not sufficient to carry the camera equipment, it could be used to aid in launching a larger kite designed to carry most of the burden. Anthropology — 1941 Meeting 63 Aside from the advisability of experi¬ menting with different types of kites, there are two main problems to be solved. First, will a simple suspension of the camera be stable enough in the wind, or can another type of mounting be devised so that clear photographs can be ob¬ tained? This problem could be partially solved by using a more expensive camera with a high speed shutter. Second, how may the camera be accurately aimed at a desired objective? This will have to be done by flying the kite (from a position from which the wind will carry it over the site to be photographed, and perhaps considerable experience will be necessary before this can be done successfully. It was my original intention to pre¬ sent this paper only after these problems had been solved, and to illustrate it with examples of kite photographs of Indian mounds. But since academic obligations have already postponed this project for three years, I have decided rather to throw the idea open at these meetings and to call for cooperation on it. I am still hoping, however, to do some experi¬ mentation in the near future. The fact that kite photography has proved practi¬ cable in Nigeria and elsewhere gives me confidence that these problems can be solved. THE CHICAGO PORTAGE John B. Rtjyle Champaign , Illinois In the spring of 1609 near the present town of Ticonderoga, New York, Samuel des Champlain and his allies the Hurons and Algonquin Indians engaged in battle with a group of Iroquois warriors. This battle, the reverberations of which, espe¬ cially in the Mississippi Valley, were to be felt for decades, changed the course of history. Champlain with his arquebus was the deciding (factor in the battle. It was the first experience of the Iroquois with Eu¬ ropean firearms and the Indians fled in disorder. As a result of this defeat, how¬ ever, they became implacable foes of the French at every opportunity. Maps of the early seventeenth century show the English along the eastern seaboard, the Spanish in Florida and on the western coast, and the French occupying territory extending in a line from the Great Lakes eastward along the St. Lawrence. Due to the geographical location of the French possessions, and the extent of the country controlled by the Iroquois, who were fierce fighters, the French could travel from the Mississippi Valley north¬ ward only by the Lake Superior and Lake Michigan routes. Hence the French often used the Chicago Portage whose history came to be closely associated with the exploits of two gallant men, Pere Marquette and Rene Robert LaSalle. In May, 1673, Louis Joliet, the son of a Quebec wagon maker, and Pere Jacques Marquette, a Jesuit priest, left St. Ignace, in what is now Michigan, to explore for Frontenac, the Governor of New France, and to claim new lands for Louis XIV. They (followed the west side of Lake Michigan southward, entered Green Bay, ultimately reaching the Mississippi River. Marquette named this river “Immaculate Conception,” a name later to be changed to “The Colbert” in honor of a French minister. The explorers continued south on the Mississippi to the mouth of the Arkansas River; then, fearing to proceed farther lest they be seized by Spaniards, they retraced their route as far north as the mouth of the Illinois River, where upon the advice of friendly Indians, they headed up this tributary, as far as Kas- kaskia, the Indian’s principal town lo¬ cated near the present town of Utica. After a brief visit here with members of the Illini Confederacy, they returned home after entering Lake Michigan by way of the Chicago Portage. *The next year (1674) Marquette, in company with two other Frenchmen and ten canoes of Illinois and Pottawatomie Indians landed at Grosse Point (near what is now Evan¬ ston), (followed the shore line south to the mouth of the Chicago River, where Marquette became ill, and was detained at the Chicago Portage from December till March 30th. On the return trip to 64 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Green Bay, he crossed the Kankakee-St. Joseph Portage but never reached his destination. He died en route and his body was interred at the mouth of a small river near Ludington, Michigan. At this time, the fur trade was the most important commercial activity of the new country, and LaSalle dreamed of a chain of forts that could be erected on the principal rivers to control this trade. With this object in view, he hurried to Prance, succeeded in obtaining a knight¬ hood there and returned with power to colonize the vast unknown empire in America. The first efforts in accomplish¬ ing this were the erection of two forts on the Illinois River: Fort Crevecoeur across from the present town of Peoria, and Fort St. Louis at what is now named “Starved Rock”. He made three trips across the Chicago Portage, and, contrary to the belief of Joliet, felt that a canal connecting the Des Plaines and Chicago Rivers would not be a success. All of his expeditions, however, were attended with ill luck and finally, due to a miscalcula¬ tion of longitude, he failed in his quest for the mouth of the Mississippi. He was assassinated on the Trinity River in Texas, but seven of his followers returned to France, again passing over the Chicago Portage. From 1700 to 1795, the portage was virtually closed to white men due to the danger of attack by Indians. Then, gradu¬ ally, travel increased and, from the es¬ tablishment of Fort Dearborn in 1803 until its extinction in 1812, the portage was once more an important north-south avenue of travel. From the fall of the fort until the close of the Blackhawk War of 1832, the route was little used but after the conclusion of hostilities im¬ migrants from the east began to utilize the Portage. This traffic continued until the completion of a canal in 1848 afforded an easier route, and the Chicago Portage ; was abandoned. Glacial Lake Chicago which occupied the present site of Chicago had three stages. In the first, the Glenwood, the water was 55 feet higher, and in the Tol- leston (the last stage) 20 feet above the present water level. The Des Plaines River extended then only to Riverside, flowing directly into Glacial Lake Chi¬ cago. The outlet of this lake was down the present Des Plaines Valley. When the water receded and a barrier develop¬ ed near what is now Kedzie Avenue, the Des Plaines reversed its direction and flowed through old Glacial Lake Outlet, leaving a slough a few miles in length between the Des Plaines and Chicago rivers, called Mud Lake. This connected with the Des Plaines by a small stream called Portage Creek. Travellers coming north up the Illinois descended the Des Plaines to Portage Creek, followed this a mile and a half to Mud Lake which was five miles long and one or two miles wide, then skirted its shore for three-quarters of a mile to the Chicago River, which, in turn, lead them into Lake Michigan. At the western extremity of Mud Lake was a small island, one mile in length and half a mile wide which divided it into two channels. The northern channel, the shallower and straighter of the two, was generally used except in dry weather when the deeper, less direct southern channel was followed. On “Tolleston” Beach which fringed the lake on the northern, western and southern sides, ran four Indian trails. The Green Bay trail followed the northern shore, and intercepted two western traces, one of which led to Fullersburg, Downers Grove and Naperville, and the other, south¬ westerly down the Des Plaines Valley. Along the south side was the Eastern trail which extended eastward and south. Anthropology — 1941 Meeting 65 CULTURAL OBJECTS OF CLEAR LAKE VILLAGE SITE E. SCHOENBECK Peoria Academy of Science , Peoria, Illinois Clear Lake village site, excavated by the university of Chicago in 1932 and reported by Drs. Cole and Deuel1, has been further excavated by A. Simpson and G. and E. Schoenbeck, members of the Peoria Academy of Science. Collec¬ tions have been considerable, mostly from 3- to 7-foot depths. Findings suggest oc¬ cupation over a length of time by Wood¬ land peoples of changing culture as seems indicated by representative material of five cultural divisions: Red Ocher, Black Sand, Central Basin, Hopewell, and Maples Mills. Cultural continuity might be suggested. The finds support a classi¬ fication of the Hopewell as an elemental variant, lacking in some of the higher, specialized traits. Most numerous of the cultural objects unearthed are pottery sherds, which in¬ clude over 1100 rims, all Woodland, Hope- wellian, or grit-tempered wares. Vessel fragments sufficient for projection may number 30 or more, and include Cole and Deuel’s types 2, 2a, 3, 3a and 5, as well as a 214-inch miniature. Finer Hopewell pottery discovered at the site shows similarities with Wisconsin Trempea¬ leau and Louisiana types. Inferior variations of the delicate cross-hatched rim and simulated effects in heavier ware o cur. Resemblances between types 1 and 2a and southern wares are suggested. Type 3a is most abundant and occurs throughout. Additional specimens, in part Hopewellian, are reported, including Village Cultural Objects. 1. Shell crescent. 2. Grooved net Denrtant P bJ?td"may object, purpose problematical. 4. Shale pendant. 5. Bone o6 ?>nd 7‘ T7° PO/tions clay pipes. 8. Broken shell spoon, hinge removed ?2dFlkg1np?™? canine- .10- Bear canine, split and perforated. 11. Elk eye tooth. ItUrLk ^cisor, grooved for suspension. 13. Bead of cut, hollowed bone. 14. ' shed bead. 15. River snailshell bead. 16. Cut animal jaw. 17. Shaped, purpose problematical. 18. Copper pin. Marine snail- notched bone object. 1 Oole, F. C., and Deuel, Thome, Rediscovering Illinois, University of Chicago Press, 1937. 66 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions a thickened-lip, red-painted ware and a concentric trail type. Bone objects, well preserved, include 111 awls, 23 2-pointed implements of split cannon bone of deer, beamer, bodkin, spatula, 2 types of beads, game bones, a pendant, a chisel-ended tool, a beveled-end tool, and others. Worked horn items are: a socketed handle and tips, cut, hollowed or grooved. Other animal remains are an elk eye tooth, elk incisors, bear canines, cut animal jaws, sheepshead otoliths, a turtle carapace bowl, fish spines (some polished from use), and drumfish toothplates. Refuse bones are abundant. Burials include 2 children, 1 dog, and a bundle burial. Shell items are: hoes, spoons, marine and river snailshell beads, a crescent, a cache of 400 snailshells, hundreds of opened clamshells, and others. Stone tools include 5 celts, grooved sharpening stones, a grooved net weigh- ter, anchor (?), sandstone knife, 1 pendant and fragments, rubbing-, hammer-, pitted- and peckingstones. Limonite tools are: 2 spades, celt, knife, and fragments. Flint articles found at the Clear Lake site consist of 42 points, mostly notched; 12 knives (flake, spawl, triangular, and asymmetric); 53 scrapers (end, spawl and flake) ; drill fragments, and sphe¬ roidal nodules. Vegetable material is comprised of a carbonized corncob fragment, carbonized hickorynuts arid acorn kernels, with some charcoal and ash. Other items are: bits of muscovite, a copper pin, portions of clay pipes, Y- shaped baked-clay object of problematical character, volcanic tuff, red ocher, and broken slabs of saucer-shaped ground- basins (?) made of a hardened clay and sand mixture, smoothed above and merged with sand below; occasional ac¬ cumulations of stones, one containing more than 50 stones. MIDDLE MISSISSIPPIAN TEMPERED WARE Donald E. Wray Peoria, Illinois I wish to draw attention to a peculiar type ctf pottery which occurs in certain Middle Mississippian sites in central and southern Illinois. This type differs from the ordinary Mississippi ware in a num¬ ber of significant traits. The vessels are grit, tempered, intensely fired and have rough undecorated or cord marked sur¬ faces. They occur in the forms of shal¬ low conical vases with two straight legs at the base, elongated cylinders and ped¬ estal or boot shapes with flaring lips, mushroom bases and with narrow in¬ teriors and heavy walls. These vessels are quite rare but seem to have a wide distribution. The conical form is known to the writer by two specimens from the Kingston Lake site and one from the Crable site. The cylinder is represented at Kingston by the sherds of two vessels. The pedestal has been described by Tit- terington in his monograph on the Ca- hokia site. The conical vessel from Kingston Lake is 6 V2 inches in diameter, 3 y2 inches tall and has walls % of an inch thick. It is brick red and apparently cracked and sagged before baking. The temper is of about medium coarseness compared to other grit tempered pottery in this area. Since the vessel has only two projections or legs it can not be stood up by itself. (Fig. A.) This type is not to be confused Plate I. — Diagram of Unusual Middle Mississippian Grit Tempered Ware. A Conical vessel from Kingston Lake. B Cylinder from Kingston Lake. C. “Boot from Cahokia site, vertical perforation, after Titterington. D. “Boot” from Cahokia site, transverse perforation, after Titterington. Anthropology — 1941 Meeting 67 with the three-or four-legged pots which are fairly common in the Middle Missis¬ sippi culture and have shell tempering and generally are polished or smoke fin¬ ished. The cylinder from Kingston, as projected from the sherds, is seven inches in diameter and at least 14 inches in length, (fig. B). The rim is square in cross section but no trace of the base is present. The surface has been carelessly finished and tempering is either absent or very fine grit. Titterington has described the boot or “pedestal” in his monograph on the Ca- hokia Mound Group. Thirteen fragment¬ ary pieces are known from the Cahokia site, all a well fired crumbly ware, with coarse grit temper. Seven show coarse cord marking, and two a rather fine cord marking. There are two types, both with a flaring top and two foot-like projections placed almost at right angles to each other so that about three-fourths of the base is roughly circular. Both types have a deep inverted conical cavity, the base of the cone being at the top and the apex extending one-half to two-thirds of the way down through the object. The difference in the types is in a hole in the base of the pieces. In the first type the hole is an extension of the conical cavity downward to emerge on the bottom of the object (fig. C). In the second type the hole goes through the base horizon¬ tally and has no connection with the cavity above (fig. D). This specimen is five and one-fourth inches high, and the rim diameter is three and three-fourths inches. The rim varies from five-eighths to three-fourths of an inch in thickness, and the hole is three-eighths of an inch in diameter. In a letter Titterington adds that simi¬ lar vessels were described in an old jour¬ nal of a society in Kansas City. He says that all the specimens that he has found have been on village sites where a very high percentage of all other materials was Mississippian rather than Woodland. However he is not certain that the boots should be called Mississippian. Griffin also hesitates about assigning this type to the Mississippian because of the presence of cord wrapped paddling on the boots and the fact that the type has not been found on many of the sites re¬ lated to Cahokia. He is also not con¬ vinced that the pottery from Kingston Lake and Crable is the same as Titter- ington’s boots from Cahokia. I feel, how¬ ever, that the basic pattern of the boots and the Kingston conical vessel is the same. Both have a conical interior or cup with two projections or legs at the base. The Kingston form might very well be a simplification of the Cahokia type. The case for these objects may be sum¬ marized as follows: They are products of the Middle Mississippi culture because they are found only on Middle Mississippi sites and their form and decoration bear no resemblance to the pottery of other cultures so that they can not be explained as intrusions from a Woodland group; in tempering, shape, surface treatment and firing they are widely differentiated from the typical utilitarian pottery of the Middle Mississippi; their occurrence is too rare for them to have had any com¬ mon function (it has been suggested that the cone might have been a cover for a pot) ; the unusual quality of the pottery argues against any common use; the care¬ less execution of the vessels indicates that they were not intended for continuous use but for a temporary or occasional use. It is unlikely that it represents funerary pottery since all recorded specimens have come from village deposits and not from burials. All these considerations would seem to indicate that this peculiar pot¬ tery type may represent a ceremonial ware of the Middle Mississippian culture. No such ware has yet been recognized but we might suspect its existence from the presence of the “Pyramid complex” which indicates an elaborate ritual life. LITERATURE Titterington, P. F. — “For Identification”, American Antiquity Vol. 3, April, 1939, page 354. The Cahokia Mound and Village Site, p. 13. Papers in Botany Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman The Botany Section carried 25 papers, 20 of which are herewith pub¬ lished. The others were : King, Lawrence J., University of Chicago, Chicago — Preliminary studies of the effects of growth substances and light intensities on Anacharis densa. Olmsted, Charles E., University of Chicago, Chicago — Some aspects of plant interrelationships in an oak-maple forest. Romig, John R. and F. Lyle Wynd, University of Illinois, Urbana — The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on the vitamin C content of cereal grass leaves. Scully, Norbert J., University of Chicago, Chicago — Preliminary in¬ vestigation of root distribution in an oak-maple forest. Voth, Paul D., University of Chicago, Chicago — Growing Marchantia polymorpha on glass cloth with controlled inorganic nutrients. The chairman was re-elected for the Urbana meeting in 1942. (Signed) Paul D. Voth, Chairman Dept, of Botany, University of Chicago [69] 70 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions SEED FORMATION, GERMINATION, AND POST-GERMINA¬ TION DEVELOPMENT IN CERTAIN CICHORIEAE William Edward Reid Hopper East Alton — Wood River Community High School , Wood River, Illinois Part I. Fruit Development — Partheno¬ genesis. Hundreds of flower heads of Taraxacum officinale Weber, Chichorium intybus L. and Lactuca ludoviciana (Nutt.) Riddell were" castrated by means of a razor blade so as to remove the anthers and stigmas. Castrations were made between 6 and 7 A. M. before the o n e - d a y flowers opened. Removing stamens and stigmas of Chichorium in¬ tybus with the fingers was the best method of castration. Seeds of castrated and normal flowers were germinated at 26.66°-32.22°C. and 9°C. At 9°C. 25% of the Taraxacum seeds germinated while 45% germinated at room temperature. Seeds of castrated Chichorium intybus and Lactuca ludo¬ viciana did not germinate at room tem¬ perature but normal fertile seeds gave from 4-18% and 16-56% germination re¬ spectively. Conclusions: — 1. The results o*f Stork, Raunkiear, Sears, Ikeno, Osawa, and others in producing parthenogenesis in Taraxacum has been confirmed. Partheno¬ genesis is the normal manner of seed development in many species of Taraxa¬ cum. 2. Parthenogensis apparently does not exist in Lactuca ludoviciana or Chichorium intybus. Part II. Seed Germination. — It has been found by a number of investigators that the seeds of different species of cul¬ tivated lettuce are affected in different ways by light, oxygen, moisture, temper¬ ature, and chemical factors before and during germination. It was the object of these experiments to determine the fac¬ tors influencing seed germination and dormancy in Lactuca scariola L. and Lac¬ tuca ludoviciana (Nutt.) Riddell seeds. Seeds of various ages were treated by germinating at various temperatures, germinating under different moisture conditions, exposing to Artificial light and sunlight, mutilating seeds, and soaking in chemical solutions. Treated seedy were placed on clay germination blocks made for this purpose by the Ceramics Department of the University of Illinois or between filter paper in Petri dishes. Air-dry seeds used in these experiments were 12 months, 10 months, 8 months, and 2 to 24 days old. Controls were used for seeds germinated at tempera¬ tures of 7°-8°C., 8°-20°C., 23°-25°C., 26°- 30°C., and 36°-50.5°C. Eight months-old seeds of L. ludoviciana in water and air- dry were placed at -7°C. for 2, 5*4, 8, and 24 hours. They were germinated at 15 °- 24°C. The same age seeds were soaked in the dark for 5, 22, 48, and 77 hours at 3°-7°C. then germinated at 18°-24.5°C. The same age seed were soaked in the dark for 5, 15, 24, and 30 hours at tem¬ peratures of 8°-23°C., 15°-20.5°C., 18°- 22 °C., and 42°-51.5°C. then germinated at 18°-24.5°C. The longer the seeds were soaked at -7°C. the lower the percentage of germination. The longer the seeds were soaked at 3°-7°C. the higher the percentage of germination, increasing from 30%-65% for the 5 and 77 hours soaked. Seeds soaked at 8°-23°C. and germinated at 18°-24.5°C. averaged 66% for all hours soaked. Eight month old seeds of L. scariola were soaked 24 hours at 8°-20°C., 15°-22°C., 23°-24.5°C., and 40.5°-48°C. then germinated at the same temperature. With the exception of those germinating at 15°-22°C. all were exposed to diffused light during soaking and ger¬ mination. The same age seeds were placed in an oven at a temperature of 36°-50.5°C. for 1, 2, 3, and 5 days, then germinated at 15°-22°C. The percentage of germination was inversely propor¬ tional to the temperature. Both dry and soaked seeds germinated 70% at the low¬ est temperature. Exposure to sunlight for five minutes increased the percentage of germination of 24 day old L. ludoviciana seeds that had been soaked 2 hours. Botany — 1941 Meeting 71 Eight months-old seeds of both species of wild lettuce were exposed in water and dry to a 75 watt Mazda bulb at a distance of 3 feet for 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 minutes. An aluminum reflector was used above the bulb and an electric fan was directed upward on the bulb to dispense with as much heat as possible. The seeds were placed on clay blocks for germination at a temperature of 24°-32°C. The in¬ crease in exposure to light did not seem to increase the percentage of germination but germination was increased from 0-30% for L. ludoviciana seeds in water. L. scariola were not definitely affected by this treatment. Ten month-old seeds of L. scariola were soaked for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours. Forty seeds were placed on a clay block in the germinator each hour and half of these were covered with a strip of filter paper dipping into the water. The germ¬ ination temperature was 23°-25°C. The same age seeds were soaked 3, 6, 9, and 18 hours, then germinated at the same temperature. It is evident that the seeds imbibe enough water for germination within an hour and additional soaking decreases the percentage of germination from 7-3% over a period of 6 hours. Thirteen day-old, 10 month-old and 12 month-old seeds were soaked a half hour and the rounded ends cut off. After 12 hours the seed coats were removed from other seeds and all were placed on sand depths of 2, 3, 4, and 4% inches in an apparatus designed by Prof. C. F. Hottes for maintaining a constant amount of water in each depth of sand. The per¬ centage of water varied from 7.85-14.05 and was inversely proportional to the depth of sand as was the percentage of germination. On two-inch sand sub¬ stratum 85% of the seeds with rounded ends cut off germinated while 35% of the seeds with testas removed germinated. A hundred 10 month-old air-dry seeds of L. scariola were placed on a clay block at 23°-25°C. for germination. Only 3% germinated in 13 days. The seed coats of 20 of these seeds were removed at the end of 13 days and returned to the clay block. At the end of 29 days the Seed coats of 20 more seeds were removed and returned to the clay block. None of the remaining seeds germinated but 80% of the naked embryos germinated. Fresh seeds of L. scariola were placed on a clay block at 23°-25°C. The seed coats of 20 seeds were removed on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 9th days. The same treatment was given 12 month-old seeds of L. scariola and L. ludoviciana. 90% of the 12 month- old L. scariola seeds germinated when the testas were removed at the end of 2 days on a clay block but only 50% ger¬ minated when the testas were removed on the 7th day. Only 5% of the control germinated in the two species. Fresh L. scariola seeds were soaked in water for 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 hours. 40 seeds were removed at the end of each period. Testas were removed from 20 seeds and all were placed at 23°-25°C. Seeds imbibed enough water for maxi¬ mum germination, 30%, after soaking 4 hours and removing testas. An after¬ ripening period seems necessary before complete germination occurs. The aver¬ age tfor the controls of this age seed was 11.6%. The rounded ends of 8 month-old air-dry seeds of both species were cut off and placed on a clay block at 15°-24°C. 30% of the L. scariola germinated while 10 month-old seeds treated in the same manner gave a 95% germination at 23 °- 25 °C. 45% of the L. ludoviciana germin¬ ated as compared with 5% for 10 month- old seeds at the same temperature. Fif¬ teen day-old seeds of L. scariola germi¬ nated 5% and L. ludoviciana 2% at 23 °- 25 °C. after the ends were cut off. It is evident that 10 month-old L. scariola seeds are not dormant but that the testas inhibit germination. It is evident that the 15 day-old seeds are dormant. Ten month-old seeds of L. scariola were soaked from 91/£-18 hours in solutions of Hormodin varying from .25cc. of Hor- modin per 100 cc. of water to .046875 cc. per 100 cc. of water. They were germi¬ nated at 23°-25°C. on clay blocks. Seeds soaked for 9% hours in .09375 cc. of Hor¬ modin per 100 cc. of water gave the high¬ est percentage of germination, 25%. In general the percentage of germination was inversely proportional to the hours soaked. Fourteen tests resulted in no germination in 18 days. Five month-old seeds of L. scariola and 7 month-old seeds of L. ludoviciana were shaken in a vial with Rootone then placed on a clay block at 19.5 °C. The average germination for L. scariola was 11% while the controls averaged 22%. Treated seeds of L. ludoviciana gave a 10% germination while the control showed a 5% germination. Hormodin 72 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions and Rootone decrease germination of wild lettuce seed rather than increasing it as some investigators have found for vari¬ ous seeds. Conclusions. — 1. Freshly harvested seeds of Lactuca scariola are dormant. The removal of seed coats does not alter their dormancy. The embryos evidently must experience a period of after-ripen¬ ing before they can germinate. 2. The embryos of L. scariola seeds lose their dormancy within 8 to 12 months after the seeds are produced and are then capable of germination. 3. Eight month-old L. scariola seeds give a higher percentage of germination than older or freshly har¬ vested seeds at the same temperature. 4. Prechilling at 3°-10°C. causes an in¬ crease in the rate and percentage of ger¬ mination of L. ludoviciana and L. scari¬ ola seeds at higher temperatures, 20 °- 30 °C. Freezing temperatures caused a decrease in the percentage of germina¬ tion of L. ludoviciana seeds. 5. Temper¬ atures between 10°-20°C. are more favor¬ able for germination of air-dry L. scari¬ ola and L. ludoviciana seeds of various ages. 6. Probably moist fresh L. ludo¬ viciana seeds are affected more by ex¬ posure to light than older seeds. 7. Moist and dry seeds of L. scariola are evidently not influenced by exposure to light. 8. The growth promoting substances, Hormodin and Rootone, did not show evidence of increasing the rate or percentage of ger¬ mination of seeds of L. ludoviciana and L. scariola. Part III. Photoperiodism. — On Febru¬ ary 25, seeds of L. scariola with the ends opposite the radicle cut off were placed in each of 12 pots of earth. Four c»f these pots were placed on a clinostat under electric lights of 3000 watts, providing continuous light. The second group of four pots were allowed only 7 hours of daylight. The other four pots were used as a control under the same conditions but allowed normal daylight. The tem¬ perature averaged 20 °C. during the win¬ ter and never went above 35 °C. during the spring and summer. Two months after the seeds were plant¬ ed the continuous-light plants ranged in height from 8-26% inches and had 4-10 well developed leaves. Short-day plants did not have stems but merely a rosette of leaves that varied from l%-3 inches in length. The normal-day plants had larger rosettes with leaves 3%-5 inches long but no stems. All of the short-day plants died within 4% months. The con¬ tinuous-light plants grew to a height of 34-50 inches, flowering 3 months after planting, with seeds maturing 15 days later. Normal-day plants ranged from 8-20 inches in height in 5 months, with flowers 10 days later and seeds matured in 15 days. The internodes of the con¬ tinuous-light plants averaged 2 y2 inches while those of the normal-day plants av¬ eraged % inch in length. The continu¬ ous-light plants did not form a rosette as was the case in short and normal-day plants. Conclusions: — 1. Lactuca scariola ma¬ tures and produces seeds in a shorter time under continuous light than under normal daylight in a greenhouse. 2. Un¬ der normal light L. scariola remains in a vegetative condition longer than under continuous light. 3. L. scariola is a long-day plant. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Crocker, W. Mechanics of Dormancy in Seeds. Am. Jour. Bot. 3 : 99-120. 1916. 2. Flint, L. H. and McAlister, E. D. Wave Lengths of Radiation in the Visible Spectrum Inhibiting the Germination of Light-Sensitive Lettuce Seed. Smithsonian Misc, Colls. 94 (5) : 1-11. 1935. 3. Goodspeed, T. H. Parthenogenesis, Parthen- ocrapy, and Phenospermy in Nicotiana. Calif. Univ., Pub. in Bot. 5(8) : 249-272. 1915. 4. Mumeek, A. E. Biochemical Studies of Photo¬ periodism in Plants. Univ. Mo. Res. Bull. 268. 1937. Botany — 1941 Meeting 73 GERMINATION AND SEEDLING GROWTH-FORM OF TWO HUNDRED WEEDS Anna Pedersen Kummer University of Chicago and Waller High School, Chicago The selection of plants in this study is based wholly upon the 683 dicotyledon¬ ous herbaceous weeds listed by the follow¬ ing authors: Georgia3, Muenscher4, Clark and Fletcher2, Runnels and Schaffner6 Beal1, and Pammel5. Seeds of 233 species were gathered in the field to insure their freshness and maturity. Seeds were planted in flats out-of-doors during the winter. Replants were made in summer either after the seeds had had a week of refrigeration or with no previous treatment. Of the 233 species planted, the following 11 failed to ger¬ minate: Teucrium canadense, Ellisia Nyctelea, Heracleum lanatum, Prenanthes racemosa, Stachys sp., Triosteum sp., Eupatorium purpureum, and Solidago graminifolia. Lithospermum canescens failed to sprout even after refrigeration and treatment with concentrated acid. Germination percentage in Convolvulus sepium was negligible. Galium asprellum and G. aparine repeatedly tfailed of ger¬ mination in winter plantings although a late summer planting of the latter (after a week of refrigeration) sprouted. Two species of the genus Urtica ger¬ minated feebly and the seedlings were so delicate that, although tended carefully, the tops were only 1.5 centimeters high in September. Salsola Kali var. tenui- folia, Mollugo verticillata, and Portulaca oleracea germinate tardily. There is apparently no one seedling character that distinguishes an entire family; in fact, there is often lack of constancy within a genus. However, in 8 genera of Labiates investigated, all cotyledonary leaves have narrow basal lobes directed toward the petiole. The characteristic obreniform cotyledons of the genus Brassica are not duplicated in 10 other genera of Crucifers. Of the Legumes studied only Vicia and Lathyrus have hypogeal cotyledons. The petiolar portions of the cotyledons of many seedlings are connate to a de¬ gree that results in a structure that ranges from a shallow rim to a 2.5 centi¬ meter tube. This character may be prev¬ alent in a family or genus but not con¬ stant. Twelve out of thirteen species of Polygonaceae have this feature. It is scattered through various families having its greatest frequency and size in the Tribe Heliantheae of the Compositae. Commonly the cotyledons wither and cling to the seedling until its growth dislodges them. In some species abscis¬ sion is sharply defined. In five Solanace- ous species the cotyledons absciss leaving a neat, somewhat elevated semilunar scar. In 11 species of Legumes with epigeal cotyledons, only Amorpha and Melilotus abscissed with a clean-cut scar. Or the blade may absciss leaving a per¬ sistent petiolar stub. Of the seven species with this characteristic, 3 were in the Figwort family. The above ground cotyledons of Lu- pinus, Amorpha , Tephrosia, Desmodium, and Galium maintain their fleshy condi¬ tion and become foliaceous. Gaura parvi- flora has a large and fleshy peg in ger¬ mination. Doubtlessly this structure is present in at least one other related species but has been overlooked. Leaf folding in vernation may be loose and indefinite. In the Polygonaceae the halves of the leaf are tightly revolute, the two rolls in close apposition on the abaxial face of the leaf. Leaves of Soli¬ dago, Aster, and Silphium are strongly convolute in vernation. When the juve¬ nile leaves are simple or lobed as pre¬ cursors of the mature divided or com¬ pound leaves, the earliest leaves antici¬ pate the later ones in their habits of folding. The principal veins are most distant from the axis, the intervening parenchyma, lobe, or leaflet edges proxi¬ mal to the axial line. The seedling leaves presage the nature of the adult leaves. In Trifolium, Meli¬ lotus, and Medicago the first lea»f is uni- foliate, the succeeding leaves trifoliate. In Amorpha, Tephrosia, and Desmodium at least the first five leaves are unifoliate. In these Legumes the unifoliate leaf blade 74 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions is articulated upon the petiole. The first leaf of Oxalis has three leaflets. In ten Ranunculaceous and Rosaceous species of five genera the first leaves are crenate or scarcely lobed. In succession the pro¬ gressively deepening divisions lead to the adult form. In three genera of Um- bellifers the first leaf is compound, in three others merely lobed or parted. There is a common pattern of develop¬ ment in Achillea, 3 species of Anthemis, Matricaria, and two species of Artemisia that progresses from tridentate to pin- nately divided leaves. Seedling leaves are often interpreted as paired when later leaves are alternate. In five genera c»f Cruciferae there are species in which the first and second internodes are so shortened as to appear non-existent. In five genera of Chenopo- diaceae the second, fourth, and sixth in¬ ternodes are more or less obsolete. The resulting two members of such a “pair” of leaves are not connected by a nodal line or rim and ridges or striations of the stem are continuous between the leaf in¬ sertions. By the same criterion, the lower leaves of Portulaca, Polanisia, Desmodium, Xanthium, and some species of Helianthus are not paired. In three species of the genus Euphorbia the lower pairs of leaves are united by nodal rims although later leaves are alternate. The first two leaves of Matricaria suaveolans diverge from a common node and the petioles are connate for an appreciable distance. All later leaves are alternate. The seedling growth-habit may be ex¬ pected to foreshadow the adult form. The lifetform of a caulescent plant with a basal rosette of leaves is often deter¬ mined independently of environmental conditions as in Verbascum, Ranunculus , and the Umbelliferae in general. Veron¬ ica peregrina, Lappula echinata, Lactuca scariola, silene antirrhina, and 8. nocti- flora are rosette-form in late summer germinations and caulescent in spring. This plasticity in growth-form is excelled by certain Cruciferae. Thlaspi arvense and two species of Lepidium germinating in spring manifest reduced or lengthened internodes depending upon whether or not they are growing in competition. If the tap-root of the mature plant is not dominant, its dwindling significance may be observed in the seedling. Of the 19 rosette-form seedlings in which ad¬ ventitious roots emerge from the stem and soon outstrip the tap-root, 17 were plants of damp habitats. In contrast, Galium Aparine with a vigorous four- centimeter tap-root at the time ctf the appearance of the cotyledons, has a frail and tenuous root at maturity. Contraction of the hypocotyl is usual in rosette plants with strong tap-roots. Similar telescoping takes place in caules¬ cent Phytolacca decandra and Oxybaphus nyctagineus. Summary The time and manner of germination of 222 species of weed seeds was observed. Another 11 species failed to germinate. Growth-forms of the developing seedlings were recorded. LITERATURE CITED 1. Beal, W. J. Michigan Weeds. Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 267. 1915. 2. Clark, G. H., and J. Fletcher. Farm Weeds of Canada. Ottawa. 1906. 3. Georgia, A. A. Manual of Weeds. Macmillan, New York. 1914. 4. Muenscher, W. C. Weeds. Macmillan, New York. 1936. 5. Pammel, L. H., and C. M. King. The Weed Flora of Iowa. Bull. 4. 1913. 6. Runnels, H. A., and J. H. Schaffner. Manual of Ohio Weeds. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 475. 1931. Botany — 1941 Meeting 75 RELATION- OF THE EFFECTS OF SEED WEIGHT TO ROOTS AND TOPS OF TWO VARIETIES OF SOYBEANS Stanley William Oexemann University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois A survey of the literature gives evi¬ dence that considerable work has been done on the relation of seed weight to various phases of vegetative and repro¬ ductive plant growth. Little or nothing, however, has been done concerning the effects of seed weight on the relation between tops and roots. Also the effects of variation in seed weights to dry weight of tops and dry weight of roots has not been studied in detail. The object of the present experiment was to investigate the relation between: 1. Seed weight, and dry weight of tops and dry weight of roots when varia¬ tion in seed weight is small. 2. Seed weight, and dry weight of tops and dry weights of roots when varia¬ tion in seed weight is greater. 3. The dry weight of tops and the dry weight of roots of plants, when the plants are grown from seeds of different weight groups. Seeds of each of the two varieties of soybeans, Soja max. Piper var. Biloxi and Mandarin, were separated into three groups designated by the letters A, B, and C. The seed coats were removed in all cases because they are not available as a source of food for plant growth and play no part in photosynthetic activity. In the seeds designated by the letter A none of the food storage tissue was re¬ moved; in those seeds designated by the letter B approximately half of one cotyle¬ don was severed; and in those seeds des¬ ignated by the letter C one whole cotyle¬ don was cut off. The seeds were then weighed accurately to one-tenth of a milligram. The seeds were planted in sterilized, well mixed loam soil in 4^ inch pots. The pots containing the seeds were wa¬ tered daily with sterile tap water until the epicotyls had appeared above the sur¬ face of the soil, after which time they were watered with unsterilized tap water. Watering of all plants was controlled and equalized as far as possible. Fifty plants were used for each of the three sets, making one hundred fifty plants for each variety. The plants were taken down at the time the first flowers appeared; they were then cut at the col¬ lar and the tops and the root systems were individually reduced to oven dry weight and weighed to one-tenth of a milligram. Table 1. — Weights and Correlation Coefficients Av. Dry Wt. Biloxi Soybeans Mandarin Soybeans Grams A B C ABC A B C ABC Seed Weight . . . (Standard 0.2466 0.1859 0.1247 0.1835 0 . 1472 0.1246 0.0956 0.1296 Deviations) . . + 0.0262 + 0.0211 + 0.0185 + 0.0546 ±0.0127 + 0.0108 + 0.0100 + 0.0259 Top Weight. . . . 1.8901 2.0001 1.5499 1.7980 0.7286 0.5519 0.3160 0 . 5322 Root Weight. . . Growth Period 0.1732 0.1962 0 . 1422 0.1710 0.1240 0.0945 0.0587 0.0924 (Days) . Correlation Coefficients Seed Wt. with Dry Wt. of 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 Tops . Seed Wt. with Dry Wt. of 0 . 2466 —0.0156 —0.0676 0.3337 0.0687 —0 . 2482 —0.1186 0.6578 Roots . Dry Wt. of Tops with Dry Wt. —0.0757 —0.1686 0.0401 0.1287 —0.0301 —0.0013 —0.2950 0.4709 k of Roots . 0.2583 0.4732 0.3125 0 . 4879 0.4157 0.7713 0 . 6944 0.8082 76 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Correlation coefficients were deter¬ mined from the formula: Sxy C= - VTs^) (Sy*) ' in which C represents the correlation co¬ efficient, x the deviations of the seed weights from the average, and y the deviations c*f the plant (top and root) weights from the average. A coefficient between 0 and plus 1 indicates a positive correlation; a value between 0 and minus 1 indicates a negative correlation. In this paper a negative correlation is in¬ dicated by a minus sign, a positive corre¬ lation by no sign. Table I gives the re¬ sults. The results of this experiment may be summarized as follows: 1. There is generally a higher corre¬ lation value between seed weight and dry weight of tops than between seed weight and dry weight of roots. 2. The value of the correlation co¬ efficients between seed weight and the dry weight of tops or between seed weight and the dry weight of roots ap¬ pears to be greater with a larger varia¬ tion in weights among the seeds of a group. (Standard deviations from the mean seed weight and correlation co¬ efficients of groups ABC as compared to standard deviations and correlation co¬ efficients of groups A, B, and C. See table I). 3. The correlation value between the dry weight of tops and the dry weight of roots is higher when the plants are grown from lighter weight seeds (C or B as compared to A). The highest corre¬ lation values, however, exist when the plants from groups A, B, and C are con¬ sidered as one group, i.e., group ABC. EFFECT OF LENGTH OF DAY AND TEMPERATURE ON THE OPENING OF BUDS OF DORMANT TWIGS John Skok University of Chicago , Chicago . Illinois There have been a number of theories advanced as to the causes c€ dormancy in perennial plants. It was at one time supposed that dormancy in winter and growth in spring and summer were regu¬ lated by an inherent rhythm in the plant, but it is now well established that the expression of this cycle is subject to environmental factors as well as to in¬ herited ones. Length of day (6, 9) has been found to be an important factor both in the initiation and in the break¬ ing of dormancy, in which cases a short photoperiod hastens the initiation of dor¬ mancy and a long photoperiod hastens the breaking of dormancy. In some cases (7) high temperatures are sufficient to break dormancy in woody species. Many woody plants will remain dormant long after favorable growing conditions have begun unless they have been subjected to a cold treatment during their dormant period (2, 5, 8). Several chemicals (as ethylene chlorhydrin, ethylene dichloride, chloroform, ether, ethyl bromide, and ethyl iodide) have been successfully em¬ ployed in breaking dormancy in advance of the usual time (1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10). In these experiments a study was made of the effect of day-length and tempera¬ ture on the opening of buds of dormant woody stems. Uniform cuttings of Lilac, ( Syringa hybrida) ; Red-Osier Dogwood, (Cornus stolonifera) ; Snowball, (Vibur¬ num opulus) ; and Hawthorn, (Crataegus sp .) were collected February 3 and brought into the greenhouse. They were placed in sand which was kept moist by adding tap water and were subjected to four different conditions of tempera¬ tures and length of daily illumination: (1) long-day, high temperature, (2) short-day, high temperature, (3) long- day, low temperature, and (4) short-day, low temperature. The short-day period was that of the normal day length of February which was about 8 y2 hours. The long-day plants received 16 hours of daily illumination. They were given ad¬ ditional light by means of. 2000 watt electric flood-lamps. The high tempera¬ ture plants were placed in rooms regu¬ lated at about 21° C and the low temper¬ ature rooms were regulated at about 10° C. The temperatures varied somewhat depending on the amount of sunshine, but not more than about 3° C. Daily ob¬ servations were made and the data on the opening of the buds and the unfolding and growth of the leaves are given in Table 1. Botany — 1941 Meeting 77 Both day-length and temperature had an effect in breaking dormancy and on growth of cuttings of Lilac, Dogwood and Snowball. Hawthorn responded only to temperature and not to length of day. Temperature in all cases had a greater effect than did day-length. At the same temperature the buds under long-day conditions opened from 1 to 4 days sooner than those under short-day conditions. Under the same day-length conditions however, those at high temperatures opened from 5 to 9 days earlier than those at low temperatures. Lilac and Snowball at high temperatures opened their buds 1 day earlier under long-day conditions than under short-day condi¬ tions, and Lilac started to unsold leaves 3 days earlier under long-day conditions. Lilac, Dogwood, and Snowball all had larger leaves under long-day conditions. At low temperatures Lilac, Dogwood, and Snowball opened their buds from 2 to 4 days earlier under long-day conditions than under short-day conditions. Under long-day low temperature conditions all three species unfolded their leaves after 12 to 17 days, but under short day low temperature conditions none of the twigs put out leaves. LITERATURE CITED 1. Bramble, W. C. Breaking the dormancy of tree seedlings bv chemical treatment. Science 75:193-194. 1932. 2. Coville, F. V. The influence of cold in stimulating the growth of plants. Jour. Agr. Res. 20:151-160. 1920. 3. Denny, F. E. and Stanton, E. N. Chemical treatments for shortening the rest period of pot-grown woody plants. Am. Jour. Bot. 15:- 327-336. 1928. 4. Deuber, C. G. and Bowen, P. R. Chemical treatment to shorten the rest period of sugar maple trees. Science 70 :102. 1929. 5. Gardner, F. E., Composition and growth initia¬ tion of dormant pear shoots as influenced by temperatures. Plant Physiol. 4 :405-434. 1929. 6. Garner, W. W. and Allard, H. A. Further studies in photoperiodism, the responce of the plant to relative length of day and night. Jour. Agr. Res. 23:871-921. 1923. 7. Howard, W. L. An experimental study of the rest period in plants. The winter rest. Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bull. 1, 1910. 8. Kramer, Paul, J. Methods of breaking dor¬ mancy in certain forest trees. Jour. Forestry 32:734-741. 1934. 9 . , Effect of variation in length of day on growth and dormancy of trees. Plant Physiol. 11:127-137. 1936. 10. Stuart, W. The role of anesthetics and other agents in plant forcing. Vt. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 150, 1910. Table 1. Condition Plant Number of days required for buds to open Number of days when leaves first emerged Number of days when leaves were fully emerged Length of leaves 22 days after experiment was started (cm.) Long-Day Lilac . 3 5 8 2.0-2. 5 High Dogwood . . 8 9 11 1. 5-2.0 Temperature Snowball. . 5 8 10 2. 5-3.0 Hawthorn . 10 14 17 0. 5-1.0 Short-Day Lilac . 4 8 9 1.0-1. 3 High Dogwood. . 8 10 13 1.0-1. 5 Temperature Snowball. . 6 8 11 1. 5-2.0 Hawthorn . 10 15 17 0. 5-1.0 Lilac . 8 12 17 0 . 7-1 . 0 Long-Day Dogwood. . 14 17 18 0.5-0. 9 Low Snowball. . 10 16 19 0.5-0. 7 Temperature Hawthorn . No Leaves not Leaves not response emerged emerged Lilac . 10 Leaves not Leaves not Short-Day emerged emerged Low Dogwood. . 17 )) n Temperature Snowball . . 14 J) )) Hawthorn . No response 78 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions SOME MINERAL DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS IN PLANTS John Skok University of Chicago , Chicago, Illinois In addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, plants need a number of mineral elements for normal growth and develop¬ ment. If any of these essential elements are not available to the plant, certain disturbances and usually characteristic deficiency symptoms result (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19). These essential elements are applied in the form of nutrient solutions made up of various salts (3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 18). By choosing various combinations of salts any one of the elements may be absent in these solutions and such solutions are used to study deficiency symptoms. In these experiments some mineral de¬ ficiency symptoms of three flowering plants were studied. The following plants were used: Petunia hyhridia, var. Rosy Morn; Salvia splendens, var. Scarlet Dragoon; and Phlox drummondii. The plants were grown in clean quartz sand in two-gallon glazed earthenware pots. Nine series of each of the ifour plants were grown, consisting of one series which received a complete nutrient and eight series each lacking a different ele¬ ment. The eight deficiencies were: nitro¬ gen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulphur, boron, and iron. The nutrient solutions were made up with distilled water and Merck’s reagent quality chemicals as indicated in Table 1. Deficiency Symptoms The Complete Nutrient Plants. — The plants in this series were green, vigorous, and made good growth in general. All produced many flowers. Nitrogen Deficiency. — The minus nitro gen plants were all stunted, spindling, pale in color, and very hard rather than succulent. The lower leaves particularly were yellow and finally dried and fell off. All the leaves were much reduced in both size and number. One Petunia plant in the nitrogen deficient series produced a flower and it bloomed eight days earlier than did the plants of the complete nu¬ trient series. The top-root ratio of the minus nitrogen plants was much smaller than that of the complete nutrient plants. Calcium Deficiency. — The calcium de¬ ficiency symptoms were the most severe of all the deficiency symptoms. Petunia Table 1. — Composition of Nutrient Solutions Constituents of Solutions Complete Nutrient Ca(N03)2 . 0.006 molar KH2P04 . 0.0045 molar MgS04 . 0.045 molar B . 0.5 p.p.m. added as H3B03 Fe . 0.5 p.p.m. added as ferric citrate Mn . 0.5 p.p.m. added as MnCl2 Minus Nitrogen . OaCl2 Substituted for Ca(N03)2 NaNOs Substituted for Ca(N03)2 NaH.PCb Substituted for KH„P04 KC1 Substituted for KH2P04 Na2S04 Substituted for MgS04 MgCl2 Substituted for MgS04 H3B03 Omitted Ferric Citrate Omitted Minus Calcium . Minus Potassium . Minus Phosphorus . Minus Magnesium . Minus Sulphur . Minus Boron . Minus Iron . Botany — 1941 Meeting 79 and Phlox showed definite symptoms five days after calcium was withheld and Salvia a few days later. The plants were stunted and pale and made no addi¬ tional growth after the symptoms became evident. The top portions of the plants were affected first. The upper leaves be¬ came grayish-yellow in color and the veins turned brown. Later the veins and portions of the stems at the leaf axes became dark brown and black, and the growing tips died. Finally the entire plant including the lower leaves turned grayish-yellow and unless small amounts of calcium were added the plants died very soon. None of the minus calcium plants produced flowers unless calcium was finally added. The roots of the minus calcium plants were very dark brown in color and poorly developed. Potassium Deficiency. — The potassium deficiency symptoms appeared about ten to twelve days after potassium was with¬ held. The plants were stunted and pale. The lower leaves of Petunia were wilted and some had cream colored spots which became dry giving the leaves a mottled appearance. Later all the leaves became very chlorotic and wilted. The dry leaves were light brown in color. The leaves of Salvia did not become extremely chlo¬ rotic but they were wrinkled and curled and severely scorched. The lower leaves were affected first and finally most of them fell off. The dry leaves of Salvia were also light brown in color. The leaves of Phlox were rather chlorotic and the tips of particularly the lower leaves were yellow and brown. Phosphorus Deficiency. — All the phos¬ phorus deficient plants were spindling, stiff, and had a very characteristic dull bluish-green color. As the deficiency symptoms progressed the leaves turned to a dull yellowish-green color. In Pe¬ tunia only the first or second lower leaves became dry and fell, but in Salvia all the leaves were burned at the tips and all the lower leaves up to the fourth or fifth nodes from the bottom had dried and fallen off. The leaves were not wrinkled as they were in potassium deficient plants. The dry leaves of both Petunia and Salvia deficient in phosphorus were very dark brown in color. Magnesium Deficiency. — Magnesium deficiency symptoms were evident within ten days after magnesium was withheld. At first the plants were only slightly stunted but the leaves were very chlo¬ rotic. The leaf discolorations varied from pale green to almost white. The veins and the areas just next to the veins usually retained a light green color. The Petunias were the most chlorotic ctf the magnesium deficient plants. The leaves of Salvia became dry rather than ex¬ tremely chlorotic and finally all but the very uppermost leaves dropped. Sulphur Deficiency. — The sulphur de¬ ficiency symptoms, although apparent, were not as pronounced as the others described. The sulphur deficient plants were less vigorous and bushy than the control plants and were lighter in color. The leaves were pale in general but no pronounced chlorosis or drying took place. In Petunia the lower leaves were Table 2. — Petunia Average for one plant, Grams % Dry Wet Dry top- root ratio Wet top weight Wet root weight Dry top weight Dry root weight weight entire plant % Dry weight tops % Dry weight roots top- root ratio c 233.00 3.54 21.56 0.53 9.33 9.25 14.97 65.81 40.67 — N — Ca 0.47 0.23 0.12 0.61 0.06 0.12 25.71 25.53 26.08 2.04 2.00 5 08 — K 3.15 0.39 0.71 0.06 21.75 22.54 15.38 8.07 11.83 — P -Mg — S 2.77 0.58 0.50 0.38 0.10 0.07 17.91 18.01 17.24 4.77 5.00 5 43 124.00 17.75 10.63 3.05 9.65 8.57 17.18 6.98 3.48 — B 4.60 0.57 0.44 0.07 9.86 9.56 12.28 8.07 6.28 -Fe 232.00 7.98 22.83 1.31 10.05 9.83 16.41 29.07 17.42 80 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table 3. — Salvia Average for one plant, Grams % Dry weight entire plant % Dry weight tops % Dry weight roots Wet top- root ratio Dry top- root ratio Wet top weight Wet root weight Dry top weight Dry root weight c 176.00 61.00 28.81 6.47 14.04 15.23 10.60 2.88 4.14 — N 0.64 0.39 0.06 0.07 12.62 9.37 17.94 1.64 0.85 — Ca 6.79 4.95 1.07 0.60 14.22 15.75 12.12 1.37 1.78 — K 3.08 2.75 0.31 0.26 9.77 10.06 9.45 1.12 1.19 — P 1.02 1.90 0.17 0.16 11.30 16.66 8.42 0.53 1.06 -Mg 0.78 1.17 0.12 0.14 13.33 15.38 11.96 0.66 0.85 — S 67.00 30.00 9.47 2.66 12.50 14.13 8.86 2.25 3.56 — B 21.80 8.35 3.06 0.97 13.36 14.03 11.61 2.61 3.15 — Fe 105.00 47.00 6.94 5.60 8.25 6.60 11.91 2.23 1.23 affected more than the upper ones. Sev¬ eral flowers were produced by all plants. The total dry weight of the top portion of the sulphur deficient Petunia plants was about half that of the control plants, but the total root weight was almost six times greater than that of the control plants. The root weight of the sulphur deficient Salvia plants was less than half that of the control plants. Boron Deficiency. — The symptoms caused by boron deficiency were very striking in all the plants. They were evi¬ dent from eight to ten days after boron was withheld. Petunia and Phlox grew only 3 to 8 cm. in height, and produced no flower buds. In a very short time the central leaves and the growing tip be¬ came yellowish-brown to bronze in color and terminal growth stopped. Several lateral buds appeared, but before long they were similarly affected and also stopped growing. This resulted in a short greatly fasciated plant. Several boron deficient Petunia and Phlox plants died before the experiment was finished. A. Fig. 1. — Photograph showing mineral deficiences in phlox series. Botany — 1941 Meeting 81 The leaves of the Petunia plants were small but thick and very brittle. They were very deformed often being curled, rolled, and stubby, and had an oily or greasy appearance. The leaves of Phlox and Salvia did not have this oily ap¬ pearance. The Salvia plants had small discolored leaves but did not develop the fasciated condition as was found in Pe¬ tunia and Phlox. The growing tips in all Salvia plants died, but the lateral shoots usually made considerable growth before they stopped growing. Several flower buds were produced by these lat¬ eral shoots, but the flowers were very small and poorly developed. The roots of both Petunia and Salvia were very poorly developed, coarse, and dark in color. The extremities of the roots were blunt or bulbous rather than fibrous. Iron Deficiency. — Petunia and Salvia showed only very slight iron deficiency symptoms. Petunia was not affected in growth or general vigorousness but had a few chlorotic leaves. Salvia made less total growth when deficient in iron but the plants were not chlorotic. The sand used in these experiments contained im¬ purities of iron which apparently was available to the plants. The iron de¬ ficient Phlox plants were grown in sand from which the iron had been removed by several treatments with hydrochloric and nitric acid. The acid treated sand was carefully leached with distilled water to remove all traces of soluble iron and acid. Phlox grown in this iron free sand were stunted and very chlorotic. The chlorotic leaves were in some cases mot¬ tled and in others very light in general. The newer leaves were particularly light. The veins of even the more chlorotic leaves usually retained their green color. No drying or leaf destruction took place in these plants. Fresh and dry weights of the top- and root-portions of Petunia and Salvia were taken at the time of harvest. These with other data are shown in tables 2 and 3. A photograph of the Phlox series is shown in fig. 1. LITERATURE CITED 1. Brenchley, Winifred, E. The essential nature of certain minor elements for plant nutrition. Bot. Rev. 2 :173-196. 1936. 2. Gregory, F. G., Mineral nutrition of plants. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 6:557-578. 1937. 3. Hoagland, D. R. and Arnon, D. I., The water- culture method for growing plants without soil. Cal. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circular 347. 1939. 4. Jacks, G. V. and Scherbatoff, H., Soil deficien¬ cies and plant diseases. Imperial Bureau of Soil Sci. Tech. Com. No. 31. 1934. 5. Laurie, Alex, and Wagner, Arnold., Deficiency symptoms of greenhouse flowering crops. Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 611. 1940. 6. Livingston, B. E. and Tottingham, W. E., A new three salt nutrient solution for plant cul¬ ture.^ Am. Jour. Bot. 5:337-346. 1918. 7. Maze, P., The role of special elements (boron, copper, zinc, mangonese, etc.) in plant nutri¬ tion. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 5 :525-538. 1936. 8. McCall, A. G., Physiological balance of nutrient solutions for plants in sand cultures. Soil Sci. 2 :205-253. 1916. 9. McMurtrey, J. E. Jr., Distinctive effects of deficiency of certain essential elements on the growth of tobacco plants in solution cultures. U. S. D. A. Tech. Bull. 340. 1933. 10 . , Distinctive plant symptoms caused by any one of the chemical elements essential for normal development. Bot. Rev. 4 :183-203. 1938. 11. Post, Kenneth, Effects of mineral-nutrient de¬ ficiencies and excesses upon the vegetative growth and flowering of sweet peas. Cornell Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 745. 1940. 12. Shive, J. W., A study of pnysiological balance in nutrient media. Physiol. Res. 1 :327-399. 1915. 13 . , and Robbins, W. R., Methods of growing plants in solution and sand cultures. N. J. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 636. 1938. 14 . , and Robbins, W. R. Mineral nutrition of plants. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 8 :- 503-520. 1939. 15. Stewart, F. C., Mineral nutrition in plants. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 4 :519-544. 1935. 16. Tottingham, W. E., A quantitative chemical and physiological study of nutrient solutions for plant cultures. Physiol. Res. 1 :133-245. 1914. 17. Willis, L. G., Bibliography of references to the literature on the minor elements and their rela¬ tion to plant and animal nutrition. 3rd ed. Chilean Nitrate Education Bureau, New York. 1939. 18. Withrow, R. B. and Biebel, J. P., Nutrient solution methods of greenhouse crop produc¬ tion. Purdue Agr. Expt. Sta. Circular 232. 1938. 19. Young, R. S., Certain rarer elements in soils and fertilizers, and their role in plant growth. Cornell Agr. Expt. Sta. Mem. 174. 1935. 82 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE USE OF FLUORESCENT LIGHT IN EXPERIMENTAL WORK Aubrey W. Naylor University of Chicago , Chicago, Illinois Light is one of the most important en¬ vironmental factors. One of the most difficult problems confronting the plant physiologist in his effort to control the environment has been the finding of a suitable artificial light source. Obviously the ideal light source for physiological work depends entirely upon the type of experiment being performed. If light, however, is not a variable the best type of light would be one approaching day¬ light in both visible and invisible radia¬ tions. Therefore, the most important criterion which might be used in select¬ ing an efficient light source is concerned with the nature of the spectral distribu¬ tion. Of primary importance also is the determination of whether the spectral distribution follows the photosynthetic curve. In addition it should be remem¬ bered, that radiations other than those efficiently involved in photosynthesis may exert considerable effect upon the forma¬ tion of hormones and other substances which influence the general growth form of the plant. There have been many objections to the light sources used in the past; some of these were on the basis of quality or intensity or both, and others were on the basis of cost of installation and mainte¬ nance of equipment. Until recently the best source of artificial light from the standpoint of quality was carbon-arc light. Light from this source approximates that of sunlight except that its radiations are higher in ultra-violet and the blue. Other than that it is of excellent quality. One of the more important objections to its use, however, is that the units are heavy and relatively non-portable; thereby prac¬ tically forcing one to use them in the rooms where they are installed. Also such units are both costly to install and to maintain. Comparatively recently lamps emitting fluorescent light have become available. Some experimentation has been done with arrangement, spacing, color and wattage of tubes, and with various reflecting sur¬ faces in order to ascertain the usefulness of fluorescent light in various types of experimental work. As a further test the lamps have been used as the sole source of illumination in light tight com¬ partments and supplemental to the nor¬ mal daylight period. Good results have been obtained from reflectors built to hold six 36-inch tubes, the reflecting surface being painted with a water soluble white casein paint (fig. 1A). These reflectors have been used successfully as a source of supplementary illumination when suspended over the greenhouse benches, where during the day they can be raised by means of pul- Plate I. — A. Reflectors arranged on scaffold¬ ing in light-tight basement with double thick¬ ness black sateen cloth curtains around flanges to exclude light from adjacent sources. B. Flat type reflector mounted over a greenhouse bench for use as a supplementary light source. One side can be tilted to prevent shading dur¬ ing the day either by using a chain suspended from the ceiling or by props. Botany — 1941 Meeting 83 leys to such a height that their shadows will not be cast over the plants. Such a suspension system may also be conveni¬ ently used to adjust intensities to the de¬ sired level. Best results, however, have been obtained with flat reflecting surfaces to which were attached twelve 48-inch tubes spaced 1 % inches apart at the center of the electrodes. The suspension system has been satisfactorily used with this type of reflector; and another way in which it may he used to advantage is to provide it with legs which may be readily replaced as the plants grow (fig. IB). Such a reflector may he used for supplementary illumination during the night. During the daylight hours it may be tilted at such an angle that shadows are not produced either on the bench which it covers or the adjacent one. In terms of foot-candles of light obtain¬ able, it is found, within limits, that the higher the wattage and the closer the tubes are spaced the higher the obtain¬ able intensity. Because of the difference in surface illumination of the different colored tubes the height at which a given intensity may be obtained by a given bank of lights is variable. The highest intensity obtained with the 36-inch (30- watt) white fluorescent tubes has been 1200 foot-candles; while a bank of twelve 48-inch (40-watt) tubes will give 2000 foot- candles at a distance of from 4-5 inches below their surface. But a similar num¬ ber of daylight type tubes of the same wattage give lower intensity readings. The quality of light obtainable from fluorescent tubes varies with the kind of phosphore which is used to coat the in¬ ner surface of the tube. Inasmuch as these phosphores may be mixed, a variety of colors can be obtained. The spectral distribution curves for the different colored tubes, when compared with the photosynthetic curve given by Hoover(l) indicate that the daylight type would be the most efficient because the two maxima for both curves occur in the same regions. It should be noted, however, that the highest maximum reached in the two curves is exactly reversed, the highest peak being in the red end of the photo¬ synthetic curve while the highest energy level obtained from the fluorescent tube is in the blue region. Distribution curves for all the other tubes, with the excep¬ tion of the white tube seemingly indicate that they would be comparatively in¬ efficient in plant growth. When used as the sole source of illumi¬ nation both the white and daylight tubes have proved to be exceptionally efficient in the growth of a number of plants. Those most successfully grown under them include cabbage, corn, a variety of annual beet, red kidney bean, Biloxi, soy¬ bean, dill, tobacco and tomato (2, 3). All of these have been grown in soil, while tomato and bean have also been grown in sand culture. Those plants tried — dill, annual beet, red kidney bean, and to¬ mato — have flowered as rapidly or almost as rapidly when the intensity was suf¬ ficiently high as those grown under the best greenhouse conditions at Chicago. Tubes of the 30-watt type emitting gold, green, and blue light hav.e been used for growing beans and tomatoes. Although these lamps are far from supplying monochromatic light their radiations are confined to certain regions of the spec¬ trum and because they do cover a fairly large spectral range can be successfully used in a variety of preliminary experi¬ ments designed to determine the effects on growth of variables such as mineral nutrition and temperature within certain portions of the spectrum. More refined techniques can then be used to determine effects produced by spectral lines within any given band. An illustration of this point may be found in one of the bean experiments. Two series of beans were given similar environmental conditions under different reflectors supplying gold, green, blue, day¬ light, white, and a mixture of all these plus red. Half the plants received am¬ monium sulphate as a source of nitrogen while the other was supplied with cal¬ cium nitrate. Those plants supplied with nitrate as a source of nitrogen have in¬ variably grown more vigorously than those supplied with ammonium. Yet with ammonium there were distinc¬ tive differences in the growth rate depending upon the color of light used. The plants which first showed ad¬ verse effects of ammonium were those grown under blue light while retardation in growth appeared last in those grown under gold light. Within the nitrate series there have also been striking dif¬ ferences. One outstanding difference 84 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions which might not be expected on the basis of the efficiency curve for photosynthesis was that the size of leaves and height of plants growing under the blue lamps was much greater than under the gold lamps. This obviously indicates that factors of a photochemical nature other than photo¬ synthesis are involved. An effect which was noted in both series was that under gold light leaves of bean assumed the position of “sleep movement,” while normal leaf position was evident under all the others. Blue light seemingly induces the leaves to stand out more rigidly. This same re¬ sponse has also been noted in Oxalis violacea. Evidently then light quality as well as intensity is related to sleep move¬ ment. More exact experiments could be designed to determine the effects of nar¬ row bands of yellow, orange, and red. In conclusion it may be said that with the aid of fluorescent lamps it is possible to control satisfactorily the quality and quantity of light in experimental work, whether the lamps are used as the sole source of illumination or for supple¬ mentary illumination. LITERATURE CITED 1. Hoover, W. H., The dependence of carbon dioxide assimilation in a higher plant on waVe length of radiation. Smithsonian Misc. Coll Vol. 95, No. 21. 1937. 2. Naylor, A. W., Effects of some environmental factors on photoperiodic induction of beet and dill. Bot. Gaz. 102:557-575. 1941. 3. Naylor, A. W., and Gerner, G., Fluorescent lamps as a source of light for growing plants. Bot. Gaz. 101 :717-718. 1940. TRACE ELEMENTS IN OATS AND SUDAN GRASS Glenn Ray Noggle University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois There has been a considerable interest in the last several years among agronom¬ ists and plant physiologists as to the role of the trace elements in plant metabolism. These elements have been called by vari¬ ous workers “rare”, “secondary”, or “minor” elements. Such terms are used because the elements in question are found in small amounts in the plant tis¬ sue and appear to be necessary to the plant in very low concentrations. As an indication of the interest in this phase of physiological research, Willis in 1935 pub¬ lished a bibliography of 1805 abstracts and references to the trace elements. In 1937 a second edition appeared contain¬ ing 2766 abstracts and a third edition ap¬ peared in 1939 containing 4628 references. Since 1939 several thousand additional papers have been published. Between 1860 and 1890 such plant phys¬ iologists as Sachs, Knop, Nobbe and Pfeffer had developed the almost classi¬ cal precept that carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur and iron were the only elements essential for the existence of the green plant. With the develop¬ ment of chemical methods of analysis it became apparent that the experimental methods of the early workers did not justify the exclusion of other chemical elements from the list of essential ele¬ ments. Maze between 1914-1919 and more re¬ cently others have shown that normal plant metabolism requires a number of other elements. Careful research with especially purified reagents has suggested that boron, manganese, zinc, and copper are essential for green plants. McHargue considered that plants obtain such factors as are necessary for their growth from the soil, taking up small amounts of iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, nickel and others. With the aid of these ele¬ ments the plant synthesizes complex organic compounds. He further consid¬ ered that these organic compounds func¬ tion as enzymes, catalysts and vitamins and that when they are consumed by animals they are resynthesized into catalase, oxidase, hormones, and animal vitamins. During the course of some vitamin re¬ search on cereal grass a number of samples of oats and Sudan grass were received from the vicinity of Browns¬ ville, Texas. One of these grass samples was definitely green in color and another definitely yellow while a third appeared to be somewhat intermediate in color. It was decided to run a series of analyses on the grass tissue to determine whether the cause of the chlorosis was due to a nutritional difficulty. From the outward appearance of the plants it could not be determined whether the chlorotic condi- Botany — 1941 Meeting 85 tion was due to a lack of certain elements or whether due to excess amounts of cer¬ tain elements resulting in a toxicity con¬ dition. There are numerous colored photographs in the literature to show that chlorosis can result from either a deficiency or toxicity of chemical ele¬ ments. Because of the small amount of tissue available for study spectrographic methods of analyses were utilized* The grass was ashed and concentrated and a 5 mgm. sample used in the determina¬ tion. The spectrum of the grass was recorded on a photographic plate for study. The absolute amounts of the different elements present were not determined. The first determination consisted simply of photographing the arc-produced spec¬ trum of the grass sample and then iden¬ tifying the principal lines present. This gave an idea of the elements present. A second determination was made by photo¬ graphing the spectrum of the three sam¬ ples on the same plate. By the use of a densitometer it was possible to obtain some idea of the relative amounts of the various elements present in the three samples studied. In addition to the major elements cal¬ cium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus, the trace elements manga¬ nese, copper, iron, aluminum, boron, and silicon were identified. Zinc was not found on all of the plates and it was not certain whether it was present at all. Many workers believe that zinc, like cop¬ per, will prove to be an essential element for the higher plants. In this preliminary study no attempt was made to determine quantitatively the amounts of the elements present. The purpose of the study was to find whether or not any of the trace elements were absent, or whether any elements were present in excessive amounts. An evalua¬ tion of the relative amounts present was attempted by comparing densitometer readings of the various elements. These relative amounts are shown in the ac¬ companying table: Sample Ca Mg K P Fe Na Mn Cu B Si Al Zn Definitely green . X X X X 1 X 1 1 X X X X Intermediate . X X X X 3 X 3 3 X X X X? Definitely chlorotic . X X X X 2 X 2 2 X X X ? x — element present 1 — highest amount of element as shown by densitometer values 2 — intermediate amount of element 3 — lowest amount of elements as shown by densitometer values The comparison of densitometer read¬ ings showed that there was a gradation in the relative amounts of iron, manga¬ nese and copper present in the samples. One of the interesting features of this preliminary study was the fact that the grass sample intermediate in color be¬ tween the normal and chlorotic samples was not intermediate in mineral content as determined by comparing the line density values with a densitometer. In most cases the relative amounts of the trace elements in this intermediate sam¬ ple were less than those amounts indi- _ _ „ _ * 1 am indebted to K. R. Majors, formerly of the the spectrographic work. cated to be present in the chlorotic sample. The results do not indicate whether the yellowing of the grass leaves was due to a deficiency of some essential element or due to a toxicity reaction caused by ex¬ cessive amounts of some element being present. Soil studies made did not offer much help in explaining the chlorosis. It is known that the soil in the vicinity where the grass was sampled is decidedly alkaline in reaction. This suggests the possibility of iron being immobilized by the alkaline soil reaction and thus be¬ coming unavailable to the plant. U. S. Soybean Lab. for his advice and assistance on 86 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions SOME QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF PHOTOTPOPISM Harry J. Puller and Adelard W. Thuente University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois The Bunsen-Roscoe law, which states that a given magnitude of stimulus al¬ ways calls forth the same response, re¬ gardless of its distribution in time, and the Weber-Fechner law, which states that the increase in intensity of stimulus necessary to produce an appreciable re¬ sponse is always a constant fraction of the intensity of stimulus to which a sen¬ sitive organ is already exposed, have been shown to apply to the responses of certain species of plants. Investigations upon the applicability of these laws to plant reactions have been infrequent, however, and the present work was un¬ dertaken to determine whether or not intensity and the average phototropic presentation time was determined for each intensity by observations upon 10 to 18 plants. The light intensity in foot-candles was then multiplied by the phototropdc presentation time for the seedlings exposed to that intensity. If the Bunsen-Roscoe law is valid for photo¬ tropic responses, then the values of the various intensities used, multiplied by their respective presentation times, should be approximately constant. The results of typical experiments are pre¬ sented in table I. B. Weber-Fechner Law. — In these ex¬ periments, the experimental set-up pic- these laws hold in the phototropic re¬ sponses of seedlings of corn (Reid’s Yel¬ low Dent), perennial rye grass ( Lolium perenne L.). Alaska peas, radish (Scarlet Globe), and sunflower. The experiments were carried out in a constant-temperature room completely darkened, except for a spectrally-tested, phototropically-inactive, red lamp, which was turned on only during readings. The light stimulus was obtained by the use of standard 7% watt, 60 watt, and 100 watt frosted-glass electric lamps. A se¬ ries of intensities was obtained by expos¬ ing the experimental plants at varying distances from the light source. All in¬ tensities were determined at the plants by a Macbeth Illuminometer. A. Bunsen-Roscoe Law. — In the ex¬ periments involving this law, the plants were exposed to light sources of varying tured in fig. 1 was used. The box, which was 10 feet long by 1 foot high by 1 foot wide was left open on one side and at the ends, and was painted black. The plane mirrors employed were 4 by 6 inches and were supported opposite the open ends of the box, as indicated. The source of light was placed approximately 2 feet above the center of the box and the seedlings, grown in darkness, were placed at measured points as indicated in the figure— one pot at the midpoint (0) of the box, then a series to the left of the midpoint at 3 inches, 9 inches, 15 inches, and 21 inches respectively from the midpoint. In each experiment, the plants were exposed for three hours to the light reflected to them by the mirrors. By varying the distance of the mirrors from the light source and point 0 it was possible to obtain different light inten- Botany — 1941 Meeting 87 TABLE I Peas Corn Radish Rye Grass Sunflower Intensities PT I x PT PT I x PT PT lx PT PT I x PT i lx PT 2. 70 FC _ X 1.35 1/25 .108 1 2.70 1/5 .540 IX 4. 05 . 635 _ 1 .635 1/5 .123 3 1.91 1 .635 6 3.81 .203 _ 2H .508 x .107 10 2. 03 2 .406 15 3. 03 .166 . . 3 .498 1 .166 11 1.72 3 .498 22 2. 65 .056 _ 10 .560 3 .168 40 2.24 8 .448 52 2.91 .039 _ 12 .468 4 .156 50 1.95 10 .390 59 3. 30 . 014 _ 35 .490 10 .140 150 2. 10 40 .560 189 2. 64 .0035 _ 140 .490 Av. . 502FCS 36 .126 Av. . 137FCS 600 2. 10 Av. 2.18FCS 140 .490 Av. . 499FCS 895 2.98 Av. 3.78FCS I = intensity in foot-candles PT = presentation time (in seconds) I x PT = product of intensity and presentation time FCS = foot-candle-seconds TABLE II. (100 WATT LAMP).— CORN a feet b inches i' 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 26 _ _ X X X X X 1. 166 19.5 _ _ X X X X X X 1. 166 13 _ X X X X X X X 1.166 Intensity at 0 when LM + MO is 13 feet = .254 FC TABLE III. (60 WATT LAMP).— CORN a feet b inches l ' 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 X 1.361 10 _ _ X X X 1. 361 X X X X X 1.361 Intensity at 0 when LM + MO is 13 feet — .142 FC sities on the plants; the distances used (from light source to mirror to mid¬ point) were 13, 19.5, and 26 feet. The sources of light were standard, frosted 60-watt and 100-watt light electric lamps. Intensity measurements were made with the Macbeth Illuminometer. In each of the experiments, the seed¬ ling closest to the midpoint 0 showing the slightest phototropic bending was determined, and calculations were made according to the law of inverse squares. Since the intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square of the dis¬ tance, it is easy to calculate how much more one side of a seedling must be illuminated than the other in order to produce a phototropic bending. Calcu¬ lations were made according to the formula i' (a + b)2 i (a — b)2 where a is the distance LM-fMO (and also L1M1-f-M10), 6 is the distance from 0 to the first curved seedling from the midpoint i1 is the intensity of the light to the left, and i is the intensity of light to the right. If i is arbitrarily designated as I, then Tables II and III indicate the results (a + b)2 i' = - (a — b)2 obtained from experiments on corn seed- 88 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions TABLE IV. (100 WATT LAMP) —RYE GRASS a feet b inches i' 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 26 - - - _ X X X X 1. 21 19.5 ------- _ X X X X X 1. 22 13 _ X X X X X X 1.25 Intensity same as in Table II lings with coleoptiles approximately 3 y2- 4 cm. tall. In the tables x indicates a definite curvature, absence of an x indi¬ cates no curvature. In a similar experi¬ ment upon rye grass seedlings, the re¬ sults presented in table IV were obtained. The constancy of i' within these experi¬ ments indicates that the Weber-Fechner law is applicable, at least roughly within the limits of the light intensities used, to phototropic curvatures in coleoptiles of corn and perennial rye grass seedlings. Within the limits of each experiment, a definite fairly constant proportionality between the light intensities received on opposite sides of the seedlings must ob¬ tain before the seedlings is able to curve in the direction of the more intense light. C. Summary. — 1. The phototropic curvatures of young stems of peas, sun¬ flower, and radish, and of coleoptiles otf corn and perennial rye grass, show ap¬ proximate correspondence with the Bun- sen-Roscoe law, within the limits of the experiments. 2. The phototropic curvatures of cole¬ optiles of corn and of perennial rye grass show approximate correspondence with the Weber-Fechner law, within the limits of the experiments. The authors express their appreciation to the Graduate Research Board of the University of Illinois for use of the Mac¬ beth Illuminometer. THE TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUE AS A MEANS OF STUDYING CORRELATION Richard B. Stephenson and Kathryn Johns University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois For many years the tissue culture tech¬ nique has been utilized as a means of studying the growth requirements of isolated parts of the plant body, especial¬ ly those of roots (1, 2). In recent years its scope has been extended by many workers to study the role which vitamins and hormones, and related substances, may play in root growth. We have been interested more especially in adapting the technique to the observation of the effects which different organs of the plant exert upon one another during the growth of the plant. The technique in¬ volves growing excised parts ctf the plant body together in the same flask and also in separate flasks. This permits the ob¬ servation of any effects which may be due to the cutting of the living tissue, and the separation of the excised parts from one another, which may he com¬ plete, as when they are isolated, or in¬ complete, as when they remain in the same flask and the diffusion of sub¬ stances from one part to the other may still occur. The plant most extensively studied has been lettuce, ctf the Grand Rapids tip-burn resistant variety. The seeds are ster¬ ilized and then germinated on water- soaked filter paper in previously autp- claved Petri dishes. When the seedlings are two days old, the parts are excised and transferred to the culture flasks. The medium is usually a modification of White’s formula. The most widely stud¬ ied group of cultures contained four ser¬ ies, (1) excised roots alone, (2) excised shoots alone, (3) excised roots and shoots in the same flask, and (4) the whole seedling. By the shoot is meant the entire young stem, including the cotyle¬ dons and part of the hypocotyl. Figure 1 is the histogram which results when Botany — 1941 Meeting 89 the total root growth on each of the parts of this series is compared. It shows clearly that while attached intact to the seedling, the root and its branches receive growth promoting materials from the shoot which are not available to it immediately from the medium, but that the root when present on the seedling greatly inhibits the growth ctf lateral and adventitious roots. This same grouping of cultures has been used to study many growth-regulat¬ ing substances, and when the root growths are diagrammed in the same way as are those in Figure 1, the fact is evident immediately that the different series of cultures differ widely in their response to the same substance. Thus, an over all increase or decrease in the magnitude of this type-figure does not take place, but rather a change in the shape occurs. The conclusion from this is obvious: that deductions which may be drawn from observations of the ac¬ tivity of any substance on excised roots alone must be seriously limited in their scope. Other plants which we have cultured in this way are peas, canteloupe, and grass. The heterogeneity of response which peas show makes it difficult to use the technique to advantage. The import¬ ance of aeration in the development of some plants is shown by the canteloupe. The young stems, when cultured as de¬ scribed above for lettuce, elongate and the cotyledons grow to considerable size, but no differentiation takes place. The shoots and adventitious roots do not develop, but when a mat of glass wool is placed in the flask to support the young stem in the medium, growth is normal and very rapid. This suggests the results of White (3) with callus tissue. That the problem Fig 1. — Total root growth in correlation groups. is at least partly one of aeration is fur¬ ther substantiated by the fact than when only a small portion of the stem is sup¬ ported above the liquid surface, numerous adventitious roots make their appearance on that portion. On the other hand, young grass plants develop as well when sub¬ merged in the liquid medium as when on agar, and moreover, this growth com¬ pares favorably over periods of three or four weeks with that taking place in sand culture. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Robbins, W. J. 1922. Cultivation of excised root tips and stem tips under sterile conditions. Bot. Gaz. 73:376-390. 2. White, P. R. 1936. Plant Tissue Cultures. Bot. Gaz. 73:376-390. 3 . . 1938. Potentially unlimited growth of excised plant callus in an artificial nutrient. Amer. Jour. Bot. 25:18s. 90 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions AN EVALUATION OF GENERAL METHODS OF “DEOXYGENATION” OF WATER Richard D. Wood Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois The recent interest in the physiology of aquatic plants and animals has stimu¬ lated the application of a technique em¬ ploying “oxygen deficient” water (Kosty- chev and Soldatenkow, 1926; Gessner, 1938). One phase which has not received adequate attention is the methods of prep¬ aration of this medium. Three mechanical methods for reduc¬ tion of the gaseous content of water are in general use: (1) heating, (2) displace¬ ment by another gas, and (3) application of partial vacuum. Perhaps to date heat¬ ing has been the most popular, but is found to disturb chemical and organic factors of natural water. Data are given which indicate the effectiveness of each method. Heating. — One liter quantities of dis¬ tilled water were heated in a 2 liter Erlen- meyer flask over a Fisher burner which increased the temperature of the water at the rate of about 7°C. per minute. Samples were siphoned off before and after treatment of each quantity into 200ml. flasks. Determinations of dissolved oxygen content were made by the Winkler method. Data are given in table I. Nitrogen Substitution. — One liter quanti¬ ties of distilled water were placed in a one liter Buchner flask, and nitrogen was bubbled through the water from the bot¬ tom. The rate of 0.1 cubic feet per min¬ ute was chosen, because preliminary tests indicated that at this rate nearly maxi¬ mum deoxygenation seemed to be affected per unit time. Samples of water were drawn, and the dissolved oxygen concen¬ tration determined as outlined above. Partial Vacuum. — One liter quantities of distilled water were added to a 1 liter Buchner filtering flask which was at¬ tached to a mercury manometer by one lateral tube and to an aspirator by a second. Maximum water flow through the pump was used in all experiments, and reduced the air pressure in the flask from 756.1 mm. Hg. to 16.1 mm. Hg. Samples of water were drawn and the dissolved oxygen concentration deter¬ mined as outlined above. TABLE I.— DEOXYGENATION OF WATER WITH HEAT Length of treatment min. Temperature °C. Oxygen concentration mg./L. Percent of original oxygen concentration 0 29.0 6.8 100.0 2 38.5 6.8 100.0 4 55.0 6.0 88.2 6 75.0 5.4 79.4 8 91.0 3.8 55.8 10 100.0 0.8 11.8 TABLE II.— DEOXYGENATION OF WATER WITH NITROGEN GAS BUBBLED THROUGH AT THE RATE OF 0.1 CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE Length of treatment min. Total nitrogen bubbled through cu. ft. Oxygen concentration mg./L. Percent of original oxygen concentration 0 0.0 9.2 100.0 1 0. 1 7.4 80.5 2 0.2 5.0 54.5 4 0.4 2.8 30.5 6 0.6 1.7 18.6 8 0.8 1.2 13.1 10 1.0 0.9 9.3 TABLE III.— DEOXYGENATION OF WATER UNDER REDUCED PRESSURE (16.1 mm. Hg.) Length of treatment min. Oxygen concentration mg./L. Percent of original oxygen concentration 0.0 9.8 100.0 5.0 7.8 79.6 10.0 7.6 77.6 TABLE IV.— DEOXYGENATION OF WATER UNDER REDUCED PRESSURE (16.1 mm. Hg.) WITH VIGOROUS SHAKING BY HAND DURING TREATMENT Length of treatment min. Oxygen concentration mg./L. Percent of original oxygen concentration 0. 00 9.8 100.0 0. 75 1.8 23.7 1.00 1.2 12.2 2.00 0.6 7.9 2.50 0.4 4.1 5. 00 0.4 4.1 Botany — 1941 Meeting 91 To accelerate oxygen reduction, the preceding experiment was repeated with the one exception that the flask was shaken vigorously by hand in absence of an automatic oscillator. The accompanying graph (Fig. 1) sum¬ marizes the data above in terms of rela¬ tive rate of deoxygenation of water per unit time. Discussion. — The aspiration technique for the deaeration of water has proved of such interest to men in the field of chemistry and zoology at Northwestern University that I have attempted to make these data of a general nature. The ap- Fig. 1. — Graph of reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration of distilled water by (A) partial vacuum, (B) heating, (C) dis¬ placement by nitrogen, and (D) partial vacuum with oscillation. paratus and techniques are not elaborated beyond mere duplication of the proced¬ ures in general use, for the purpose was to evaluate the methods as actually em¬ ployed. Each method, however, has pe¬ culiar advantages which should be recog¬ nized. By merely heating a given quan¬ tity of water to a particular temperature one can approximate a desired oxygen saturation, whereas without an automatic oscillator the aspiration method is diffi¬ cult to standardize. The nitrogen meth¬ od, by displacing the oxygen with nitro¬ gen, has the advantage of more closely approximating true oxygen deficient rather than deaerated water. Aspiration has the advantage of rapidity of action and simplicity of method in accomplish¬ ing the same effect as boiling, hut with¬ out disturbing the physio-chemical fac¬ tors. I am indebted to Dr. B. S. Meyer under whom this work was begun, to Dr. R. 0. Freeland for many valuable suggestions, and to Dr. P. Haensel for the excellent facilities of the High Pressure and Cata¬ lytic Laboratories at Northwestern Uni¬ versity. REFERENCES Gessner, F. 1937. Untersuchungen iiber Assimila¬ tion und Atmung submerser Wasserpflanzen. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 85:267-328. . . . . 1938. Die Beziehung zwischen Lich- tintensitat und Assimilation bei submersen Wasserpflanzen. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 86:491-526. Kostychev, S. und S. Soldatenkow. 1926. Der tagliche Verlauf und die Specifische Intensity t der Photosynthese bei Wasserpflanzen. Planta. 2:1-9. Meyer, B. S. 1939. The daily cycle of apparent photosynthesis in a submerged aquatic. Amer. Jour. Bot. 26:755-760. American Public Health Association. 1933. Stand¬ ard methods of water analysis. 92 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions PHYSIOLOGICAL DISTURBANCES IN TOBACCO PLANTS ACCOMPANYING MOSAIC INFECTION P. Lyle Wynd University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Seeds of Burley tobacco plants were germinated in the greenhouse and the seedlings transplanted into two-inch pots as soon as they were large enough to handle. As growth proceeded, the plants were repotted successively into four and eight inch pots. When the plants had five well developed leaves, the lower two were removed, and the lowest remaining leaf was designated as number one and the higher leaves numbered consecutively. Several new leaves appeared during the course of the study and they were desig¬ nated by consecutively higher numbers as soon as they were large enough to be included in the experimental material. Leaf number one was inoculated with the mosaic virus by rubbing a small area with a piece of cheesecloth soaked with press juice of plants in an advanced stage of the disease. At intervals of two or three days, the leaves of similar age (from normal and inoculated plants were studied in the laboratory to observe changes in respira¬ tory rate, and in the activities of peroxid¬ ase, oxygenase, catalase and invertase. The purpose of making the above ob¬ servations was to discover if there was a significant difference in the time required for the plant to show a physiological dis¬ turbance and that required to attain an infectious concentration of newly formed virus. The rate of oxygen used by the leaves of mosaic infected plants was greatly in¬ creased by the fourth day after the lower leaf was inoculated. This period of stimulated metabolism preceded by ap¬ proximately ten days the general appear¬ ance of the virus in infectious concentra¬ tions. The enzymes also showed a dis¬ turbed activity very soon after infection. These data show that the appearance of newly formed virus in infectious concen¬ tration occurs approximately ten days after the tobacco plant has undergone profound physiological changes. This TABLE 1. — The Physiological Activities op Leaves From Mosaic Infected Tobacco Plants Expressed as Percentages of the Activities of Leaves of Similar Age From Normal Plants. Oxygen use Oxygenase Peroxidase Leaf Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Value Day Value Day Value Day Value Day Value Day Value Day Leaf 1 _ 137.0 4 83.7 18 200 14 49 6 143 11 74 4 Leaf 2 _ 119.8 2 82.3 . 18 250 14 66 4j 108 14 95 . 8 Leaf 3 _ 111.3 4 94.9 6 165 6 81 4 100 14 94 4 Leaf 4 _ 125 11 80 4 120 14 98 4 Leaf 5. . . ..... 200 14 72 g 100 16 87 14 Leaf 6 _ 99.7 18 77.7 21 125 16 100 14 131 16 91 14 Catalase Invertase Leaf Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Value Day Value Day Value Day Value Day Leaf 1 _ 210 11 69 2 273 16 78 6 Leaf 2 _ 315 8 92 2 143 18 72 8 Leaf 3 _ 223 8 86 2 110 11 77 8 Leaf 4 _ 169 18 67 8 106 11 85 6 Leaf 5 _ 354 18 76 6 103 11 74 18 Leaf 6 . _ 146 18 47 8 117 11 65 16 Botany — 1941 Meeting 93 indicates that it is not impossible for the virus substance to be a product of this abnormal metabolism. If the observed physiological changes were due to a di¬ rect effect of the virus itself, one would expect the disturbances to parallel or fol¬ low the appearance of the virus, but ac¬ tual observations show that the amount of virus present at any time has no re¬ lation whatever to the magnitude ctf the disturbed metabolism of the plant. A detailed discussion of the data will be published at a later date. A DEVICE FOR VISUALIZING THE SOLUTION OF GENETICS PROBLEMS J. W. Hudson Loyola University, Last year a paper was presented to the Academy in which the project method developed in the Biology Department at Loyola University was outlined. This year one of these projects will be pre¬ sented in detail. This particular project involved the building of a device for visualizing the solution of genetics prob¬ lems. The construction of this device is sim¬ ple, as the accompanying diagrams indi¬ cate. It consists essentially of a box 15 % "square. (See fig. 1.) This is made of one inch white pine fastened together with screws. The box is 6" deep. It has a solid back of one inch pine, recessed y2". This half inch space contains the wiring. There is a second, removable back of three-ply wood which con¬ ceals the wiring. Attached to the solid back on the front side are sixteen sockets Chicago, Illinois containing sixteen watt bulbs. Partitions of 14" ply wood separate these bulbs and form square inclosures, the dimensions ctf which are given in the diagram. This size was chosen because we use a 31/i"x4i4" camera to make the trans¬ parencies. The open front of these compartments is covered with a piece of ground glass 14%" square. This slides in grooves cut into the sides of the box as shown. A piece of clear glass 13 y2" square fits into four brass guides bent into shape to re¬ ceive it. There is a space of about 3/16" between the two glasses into which the transparencies about to be described fit. A smaller box is hinged to the top of the larger one. Dimensions of this are given in fig. 1. It contains the sixteen switches used to control each individual light. The wiring is somewhat tedious, ! C7= \ — < £>r — 6r ■3 —6 !> J !> !> 1 \ _ ^ _ Y_ \ j— r-^ b j— e 1 1 ^=3 \ pi 1) r~€ ' LJ ' - 1 1 rrM N Ilr€)l 11^)1 0/- Fig 2. 94 Illinois State Academy of Science -Transactions but not very complicated. As the dia¬ gram (fig. 2) shows, four switches across the top of the box control one side of the lamps in groups of four. When these switches are closed, the sixteen switches in the upper box each control one side of a single lamp. The four switches on the left side of the box are four pole switches. Considerable difficulty was ex¬ perienced in obtaining this type of switch, so they were constructed in the laboratory. They consist of a brass cy¬ linder attached to a wooden knob. This cylinder slides in and out of a hole in the box. A wire from the line is soldered to the cylinder. Brass strips are soldered to each of four wires coming from a row of four lights. These strips are bent and screwed into place so that the cylinder, when pushed in, makes contact with all four at once. This type of switch is necessary to prevent current feeding back through the lamps, thus throwing several into series. The transparencies are made of two pieces of x-ray film from which the emul¬ sion has been removed by soaking in a dilute warm solution of sodium hydrox¬ ide. Such films may be obtained gratis from any hospital. They are cut into 13V2" squares. On one, letters represent¬ ing genes are printed as indicated in the example. We found that India ink has a tendency to crack off, so the type of opaque used by photographers in retouch¬ ing was used. Appropriate drawings are made with India ink and copied on process film. From the negatives the de¬ sired number of positives are made on process film. These are colored with East¬ man water colors. They are then lined up on the x-ray film and held in place by small bits of scotch tape. Finally, eight strips of scotch tape (the opaque type used to bind lantern slides) are arranged as shown in the diagram. The squares so formed correspond to those formed in¬ side the box by the plywood partitions. The second x-ray film is placed over the positives, and the whole bound together with scotch tape. A door covers the open front of the box. This was not shown in the drawing, in order to save space. It is hinged on the right, and fastens to the left side with a snap catch. The top also folds down and fastens to the door by another snap catch. A handle attached to the top permits easy carrying. The electric cord for power supply comes in near the bottom on the right side. This project as such was very success¬ ful. It required the combining of in¬ formation of very diverse kinds. A knowledge of genetics, physics, photog¬ raphy, and some practical carpentry were required. Not only were those ac¬ tively working on it interested, but many others displayed a keen interest. Besides the routine solution of prob¬ lems, it is possible to demonstrate vari¬ ous other points. For instance, students often are unable to understand why a double recessive is used in test crossing. If a transparency is put into place, and the four egg switches closed, it is pos¬ sible to demonstrate the utility of the recessive. If the switch controlling the sperm carrying both recessives is closed, four phenotypes appear. If any egg switch is opened, the ratios are changed, proving that only one possible female can give such results. If any other sperm switch is closed, then two, or even three egg switches may be opened with¬ out changing the ratio. This dem¬ onstrates that only the double recessive will reveal an unknown genotype. We have not had an opportunity to use the machine sufficiently to determine its use¬ fulness. It is hoped, however, that it will arouse the curiosity of the students and thus lead them to an interest in a subject which is ordinarily considered abstruse. It is planned to demonstrate in lecture, and then allow the students to work out problems during laboratory periods or at other times. One of the projects for several years to come will be the addition of various transparencies to those we already have. Botany — 1941 Meeting 95 A COLLECTION OF MYXOMYCETES FROM EASTERN ILLINOIS E. L. Stover Eastern Illinois State Teachers College , Charleston, Illinois This collection of the saprophytic Myxomycetes was started by a student, the late Miss Helen Ruck. It has been added to by the writer, Mr. H. F. Thut and students. This collection is main¬ tained as a unit for use in a course of study of the non-green plants. It is pre¬ sented to the botany section of the Acade¬ my as an interesting and useful collec¬ tion demonstrating this group of plants and as a group useful in teaching the use of keys for the identification of plants. The collection contains nineteen or twenty genera and from forty to fifty species. The following list is a record of these species collected in Coles and Clark Counties in Illinois. Specimens are available to anyone who wants to ex¬ amine them in the botany laboratories of the Eastern Illinois State Teachers College. The identifications were made from the keys in the book by Macbride and Martin, The Myxomycetes. A part ctf the identifi¬ cations have been checked by Professor Martin. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Muell.) Macbr. Fuligo septica (L.) Weber Badhamia Versicolor Lister Badhamia foliicola Lister Physarum compressum Alb. and Schw. Physarum notabile Macbr. Physarum polycephalum Schw. Physarum viride (Bull.) Pers. Physarum spp. Diderma crustaceum Peck. Diachea leucopodia (Bull.) Rost. Stemonitis fusca Roth. Stemonitis virginiensis Rex. Stemonitis fenestrata Macbr. Stemonitis splendens Rost. Stemonitis axifera (Bull.) Macbr. Comatricha longa Peck Comatricha irregularis Rex Comatricha typhoides (Bull.) Rost. Comatricha pulchella (Bab.) Rost Comatricha sp. Lamproderma arcyrionema Rost. Cribaria dictydiodes Cook and Ball. Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch) Macbr. Licea tenera John Licea fimicola Dearness and Bisby. Tubifera casparyi (Rost) Macbr. Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch) Gmel. Reticularia lycoperdon Bull. Lycogola epidendrum (L) Fr. Perichaena quadrata Macbride Arcyria cinerea (Bull) Pers. Arcyria digitata (Schw.) Rost. Arcyria denudata (L) Wettstein Oligonema nitens (Lib.) Rost. Hemitrichia serpula (Schop.) Rost. Hemitrichia stipata (Schw.) Macbr. Hemitrichia vesparium (Batsch) Macbr. Hemitrichia clavata (Pers.) Rost. 96 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions BRYOPHYTES OF ROCKY BRANCH REGION OF CLARK COUNTY, ILLINOIS R. Harold Vaughan Sullivan Township High School, Sullivan, Illinois In the northern part of Clark County there is a small creek called Rocky Branch which joins Big Creek about two miles northeast of the village of Dolson (Clarksville). This stream runs for al¬ most a mile in its lower course through a gorge cut in sandstone. Botanists and zoologists of east central Illinois have long known Rocky Branch to be an inter¬ esting place. The author believes, how¬ ever, that no one has ever made extensive collections of Bryophytes there. The area explored for this study in¬ cludes Rocky Branch gorge, some ravines which enter the gorge, and the rocky cliffs on Big Creek near the junction of the two streams. All together the region includes less than one square mile of land. Woods, streams, and moist rocky banks and cliffs furnish a wide variety of habitats where Bryophytes flourish. Col¬ lections were made during the late sum¬ mer and autumn of 1940 and the spring of 1941. Time did not permit a thorough exploration of all the promising parts of this region and it is quite probable that several other species of Bryophytes may be collected there later. Duplicate samples of this collection have been sent to Dr. Stella M. Hague for the Illinois Collection at the Uni¬ versity of Illinois and to Dr. W. C. Steere for the Herbarium of the University of Michigan. Samples of the Hepaticae have been sent to Dr. Margaret Fulford for the Hepatic Herbarium of the Sulli- vant Moss Society at the University of Cincinnati. The author is greatly in¬ debted to Dr. Steere, Dr. Hague, Dr. Ful¬ ford and Dr. A. J. Grout for the assist¬ ance given in the identification of the Bryophytes collected. HEPATICAE Calypogeiaceae Calypogeia Trichomanis (L.) Corda Cepahloziaceae Cephalozia media Lindb* Harpanthaceae LOPHOCOLEA HETEROPHYLLA ( SCHRAD. ) Dumort. Jungermanniaceae Plectocolea crenuliformis (Aust.) Mitt.* Plectocolea hyalina (Lyell) Mitt. Plagiochilaceae Plagiochila asplenioides (L.) Dumort. Scapaniaceae Scapania nemorosa (L.) Dumort. Porellaceae Porella platyphylloidea( Schwein.jLindb* Frullaniaceae Frullania eboracensis Gottsche Blasiaceae Blasia pusilla L. Marchantiaceae Marchantia polymorpha L. Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dumort. Rebouliaceae Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi Anthocerotaceae Anthoceros laevis L. MUSCI Sphagnaceae Sphagnum sp. T etraphidaceae TETR APHIS PELLUCID A HedW. Fissidentaceae Fissidens cristatus Wils. Fissidens osmundioides Hedw. Fissidens subbasilaris Hedw. Fissidens taxifolius Hedw. Fissidens viridulus (Web. & Mohr) Wahlenb. Botany— 1941 Meeting 97 Ditrichaceae Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. Ditrichum pallidum (Schreb., Hedw.) Hampe. Dicranaceae Dicranella Heteromalla va. ortho- carpa (Hedw.) Dicranella varia (Hedw.) Schimp. Dicranum scoparium (L.) Hedw. Leucobryaceae Leucobryum glaucum (Hedw.) Schimp. Polytrichaceae Atrichum angustatum (Brid.) Bry. Eur. Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) Beauv. POGONATUM PENSILVANICUM (Hedw.) POLYTRICHUM COMMUNE Hedw. POLYTRICHUM JUNIPERINUM Hedw. Polytrichum ohioense Ren. & Card. Buxbaumiaceae Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) Mohr Pottiaceae Barbula fallax Hedw. Desmatodon obtusifolius (Schwaegr.) Gymnostomum calcareum Nees. & Hornsch. Weisia viridula Hedw. Grimmiaceae Grimmia apocarpa (L. ) Hedw. Hedwigia ciliata (Ehrh) Hedw. Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica (L.) Hedw. Physcomitrium turbinatum (Mx.) Brid. Orthotrichaceae Drummondia prorepens (Hedw.) Jennings Orthotrichum pumilum Dicks. Aulacomniaceae Aulacomnium heterostichum (Hedw.) Bry. Eur. Bartramiaceae Bartramia pomiformis (L.) Hedw. Bryaceae Bryum argentum L. Pohlia nutans (Schreb.) Lindb. Pohlia Wahlenbergii (Web. & Mohr.) Rhodobryum roseum (Weis.) Limpr. Mniaceae Mnium affine Bland. Mnium cuspidatum Hedw. Mnium punctatum (L.) Hedw. Mnium spinulosum (Br. & Sch.)Bry. Eur. Hypnaceae Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb. Brachythecium acutum (Mitt.) Sull. Braciiythecium oxycladon va. dentatum (Lesq. & James) Grout Brachythecium plumosum (Sw.) Br. & Sch.* Brachythecium rivulare Bry. Eur. Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm.) Br. & Sch. Bryhnia gramnicolor (Brid.) Grout Calliergonella Schreberi (Willd., Br. & Sch.) Grout Campylium chrysophyllum (Brid.) Bryhn Campylium hispidulum (Brid.) Mitt. Cirriphyllum Boscn (Schwaegr.) Grout. Climacium americanum Brid. Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw.)C. Muell. Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) C. Muell. Eurinchium serrulatum (Hedw.) Kindb. Homomallium adnatum (Hedw.) Broth. Hygroamblystegium fluviatile (Hedw.) Loeske Hypnum curvifolium Hedw. Plagiothecium denticulatum (L. Hedw.) Bry. Eur. Plagiothecium geophilum (Aust.) Grout Plagiothecium Roseanum (Hampe) Bry. Eur.* Platygyrium repens (Brid.) Bry. Eur. Sematophyllum carolinianum (C. Muell) E. G. Britton* Leskeaceae Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Huben Anomodon minor (P. B.) Lindb. Anomodon rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp. Lesicea polycarpa (Hedw.) Thelia asprella Sull. Thuidium delicatulum (L. Hedw.) Mitt. Thuidium pygmaeum Bry. Eur. Hookeriaceae Hookeria acutifolia (Hook.) Schwaegr.* Leucodontaceae Leucodon julaceus (Hedw.) Sull. NOTE: The author believes that this is the first time the italicized species have been reported from Illinois. P. platyphylloidea has been collected of¬ ten, but, according to Dr. Steere, has been called P. platyphylla. Dr. Hague states that S. carolinianum has been collected but not reported. Dr. Steere states that this report on H. acutifolia marks a con¬ siderable extension of the range of this moss as it has not previously been re¬ ported west of Ohio. 98 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE TREES OF ADAMS COUNTY, ILLINOIS Robert A. Evers Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Illinois Since there are a number of people in the state who are interested in the dis¬ tribution of plants in Illinois, perhaps it would be well to publish a list of trees found in Adams County in order to bring the distribution record up to date. This list of arborescent plants was compiled from herbarium specimens in the University of Illinois, the Natural History Survey Herbarium; and from the card index in the Natural History Survey which lists Illinois plants found in the herbaria of Field Museum, North¬ western University, and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Only seven different species were found in these herbaria, the remainder of the species in this list re¬ sulted from the author’s collection made in Adams County since the autumn of 1939. The nomenclature used is chiefly that of Rehder’s “Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs”, second edition, 1940. No initial after the name of the plant in the following list indicates that the specimens are in the author’s collection now in the herbarium of the University of Illinois and in other herbaria. An ini¬ tial in parentheses indicates an herba¬ rium specimen other than the author’s in some herbarium: (F), Field Museum; (NHS), Natural History Survey; (UI), University of Illinois. The collector’s name follows the herbarium abbreviation. If the initial is preceded by the amper¬ sand (&), the author also collected this species. Pinaceae Juniperus virginiana L. Salicaceae Populus alba L. Escaped cultivation. Populus deltoides Marsh. Salix alba L (An escape) Salix amygdaloides Anders. Salix nigra Marsh. Salix interior Rowlee & '(F). Beckwith, 1916. Juglandaceae Juglans nigra L. Juglans cinerea L. Carya Pecan Engl. & Graebn. Carya cordiformis (Wangh.) K. Koch & (UI). Seymour Carya glabra (Mill.) Sweet Carya laciniosa (Michx. f.) Loud Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch Carya tomentosa Nutt. Betulaceae Betula nigra L. & (NHS). Pepoon & Barrett, 1932. Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch Fagaceae Quercus imbricaria Michx. Quercus marilandica Muenchh. Quercus velutina Lam. Quercus palustris Muenchh. Quercus borealis var. maxima Ashe Quercus alba L. Quercus stellata Wangh. Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Quercus muhlenbergii Engelm. Ulmaceae Ulmus americana L. Ulmus fulva Michx. Celtis laevigata Willd. Celtis occidentalis L. Celtis occidentalis var. crassifolia (Lam.) Gray Moraceae Morus alba L. Escaped cultivation. Morus rubra L. Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider Anonaceae Asimina triloba Dunal & (UI). Gates, 1916. Lauraceae Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees Platanapeae Platanus occidentalis L. & (NHS). Pepoon & Barrett, 1932. Rosaceae Crataegus mollis Scheele Crataegus viridis L. & (UI). Davis, 1912. Crataegus Crus-galli L. Crataegus punctata Jacq. (UI). Sey¬ mour, 1878. Botany — 1941 Meeting 99 Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. Malus ioensis (Wood) Bailey- Promts hortulana Bailey Prunus serotina Ehrh. Prunus lanata (Sudw.) Mack & Bush Leguminosae Cercis canadensis L. Gleditsia triacanthos L. Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch Robinia pseudoacacia L. Rutaceae Ptelea trifoliata L. Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Aquifoliaceae Ilex decidua Walt. Celastraceae Euonymus atropurpurea Jacq. Aceraceae Acer saccharinum L. Acer saccharum Marsh. Acer Negundo L. Hippocastanaceae Aesculus glabra Willd. Tiliaceae Tilia americana L. Cornaceae Cornus alternifolia L. f. (NHS). Pepoon & Barrett, 1932. Ebenaceae Diospyros virginiana L. Oleaceae Fraxinus americana L. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. lanceolata (Borkh.) Sarg. Fraxinus quadrangulata Michx. Forestiera acuminata (Michx.) Poir. Bignoniaceae Catalpa speciosa Warder. Escaped cultivation. Caprifoliaceae Viburnum prunifolium L. MULTI-SEEDED ACORNS J. T. Buchholz, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois At Conway, Arkansas is a large native tree of Southern red oak Quercus falcata Michx* which is very unusual in that it bears acorns that contain several seeds each. This tree stands on a corner lot bordered by Bruce Street on the north and by Davis Street on the east. It was originally located in the fall of 1917 as a result of a survey of the acorns falling from hundreds of trees in this section of Conway. Only very rarely was an acorn found elsewhere with more than a single seed. Under this tree and one other, a great majority of the fruits were multi- seeded. The other tree, a much smaller one, was located in a grove about a block or more north and a similar distance west not far from the east bank of a brook, and may have been cut down in the development of this area as a Residen¬ tial section. The tree at Bruce and Davis streets differs in no obvious particulars from hundreds of other native trees of this variable species. It differs only in the structure of its fruit. The acorns are abnormal in containing several seeds that are crowded into the space usually occupied by a single seed. When these acorns are planted several seedlings emerge from the nut instead of the usual single seedling. I suspect that there are other differences that no one has ob¬ served. One may be in its physiological vigor of growth, especially of the acorns. However no claim is advanced that this tree is another species or even a variety. Like several of the synonyms given for the species*, this tree may be a sub- variety or form, and is very likely to represent a mutation, but before the term mutation may be applied, the inheritance (1 itlGpe^i Soa\CUS KUbra L- I? tlie writer’s pocket manual of the Common Forest Trees op Arkansas NomenclS?.2 S' °f „chan?es and clarification of the International Rules of Botanical a^C- atUre (1930* 1&35) the name Q. rubra L. does not remain as the legitimate name of anv North nnT11 nipeciesii iTce ™ v?e S' falc?ta, Michx. remains the legitimate botanical name of the Southern n Spanish oak, and the following are synonyms: Q. rubra L. not DuRoi., Q. triloba J; a ' 2; digitata Sudw., Q. cuneata Rehd. and Q. pagodaefolia Ashe. At least the last named is recognized as a variety . Q . falcata var pagodaefolia Elliott and it is likely that other varieties should be recognized ihe names of other oaks given by Buchholz and Mattoon (1) remain unchanged by the rules. 100 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions 1 2 3 4 5 Diagrams Showing Cross Sections of Normal and Multi-seeded Acorns x2 1. Normal acorn with single seed. 2. A 3-seeded acorn. 3. A 4-seeded acorn. 4 and 5. 2-seeded acorns. Pairs of cotyledons belonging to same embryo are connected by a “z”. of this multi-seeded condition would have to be demonstrated. The structure of flowers in the oak and the development of the fruit was de¬ scribed nearly a century ago by the Ger¬ man botanist Theodor Hartig (5). The subject is treated more briefly by M. Marshall Ward (7) in The Oak, one of the Modern Science Series edited by Sir John Lubbock (Lord Avebury). Every female oak flower contains 6 ovules with¬ in its compound tricarpellate pistil. Though the ovary has a single cavity these ovules are attached to 3 marginal placentae in pairs, and become, for a time, so crowded and pushed together that it gives the impression of a 3-celled ovary. At the time of pollination the ovules are still very rudimentary and un¬ developed, but they become well organ¬ ized during the first season. In the summer of the second year (for it re¬ quires 2 seasons to mature the acorns of oaks belonging to the red oak group) the pistil enlarges very greatly to form the acorn. Usually only one of the six ovules enlarges and matures to form a seed; the embryo which it contains stretches its seed coat out thin as it fills the entire space within the pericarp. The other five ovules become aborted and are carried upward by the intercalary growth of the shell of the nut so that they may be observed only under magnification inside of the shell at the tip of the ma¬ ture acorn or they may be seen clinging to the apex of the enlarged seed when this is removed from the shell. For some reason this Conway tree matures seeds from more than one of its ovules — as many as five out of a possible six seeds have been found. The conditions shown by the acorns may be illustrated by the accompany¬ ing diagrams of the cross sections. Fig. 1 shows the cross section of the normal acorn in which only two coty¬ ledons belonging to a single embryo may be seen. The heavy outer layer is the woody pericarp or shell of the acorn. This contains a seed which consists of a dicotyledonous embryo without endo¬ sperm, surrounded by a very thin papery seed coat. In fig. 2 there are three em¬ bryos, each of which is surrounded by a similar thin seed coat and the embryo of each seed has two cotyledons. Fig. 3 shows the section of an acorn with four seeds. Figs. 4 and 5 each show acorns having two seeds with embryos, with the lines of separation between the pair of cotyledons placed in various positions, indicating that there is no regularity in the radial orientation of the embryos. Sometimes the cotyledons are very un¬ equally developed so that only one of a pair shows in a section cut through the base of the acorn. Several instances j were found in which a cross section cut j below the middle of the nut showed only two cotyledons, which upon further dissection proved to have additional seeds with embryos, very much smaller and crowded up toward the apex of the nut. j All embryos are oriented with the radicle j brought close to the apex of the acorn. When the shell of the acorn is completely ! removed the individual seeds usually fall ! apart and show how each embryo is sur¬ rounded by an individual seed coat. 77 acorns of the 1940 seed crop col¬ lected from beneath this tree were care¬ fully examined during the past winter. 40 of these were normal while 37 con¬ tained two or more seeds each. As I recall, in 1917 there were more acorns with abnormal seeds. However if only the larger nuts were sampled in 1917, the proportion of abnormal seeds would have been higher, as I shall show presently. Among the 37 acorns with more than one seed, 14 had 2, 10 had 3, 11 Botany — 1941 Meeting 101 had 4 and 2 had 5 seeds. The 37 ab¬ normal acorns in the 1940 sample con¬ tained an average of 3 seeds. In the summer of 1918, after leaving Conway, the writer received at intervals of 2 weeks during June and July, collec¬ tions of twigs hearing developing acorns from this tree along with collections made from another red oak tree of simi¬ lar size nearby and known to bear only normal fruit. These were dissected and compared in similar stages of develop¬ ment. It was obvious from these investi¬ gations that in the tree with abnormal acorns more than one of the ovules en¬ larges and develops to maturity. In the tree with normal fruits the develop¬ ment of five of the six ovules was checked very early in the second season. Another difference was noted: the fruits of the abnormal tree were usually larger at any of these mid-season dates than in the tree that had been chosen as a control. However the mature acorns were not noticeably larger than those of other trees of Quercus falcata. Possibly this more precocious growth of the (fruit has something to do with the development of several seeds per acorn, in furnishing more room at a critical stage for the en¬ largement of several ovules to form seeds. Mr. J. H. Gist who collected the sam¬ ples of seeds of the 1940 crop informed me that the tree, now nearly 3 feet in diameter, had been pollarded in recent years. All of the 1940 crop of fruits was produced on a dense new growth of slender branches arising from the stubs of large limbs. The acorns were on the whole smaller than the average size for acorns ctf Quercus falcata, as I remember them, and were quite variable in size. Their diameters ranged from 8.5 mm to 12.5 mm; their mean diameter was 10.5 mm. Among 33-acorns which measured more than 10.5 mm indiameter there were 24 (77%) with 2 or more seeds; among 44 acorns 10.5 mm in diameter or less, only 13 (30%) had 2 or more seeds. In the larger group of acorns the mean number of seeds per fruit was 2.5; in the smaller group of. 44 the mean was 1.5 seeds per fruit. It is possible, therefore, that the impression gained in 1917 of a greater prevalence of the multi-seeded condition was correct, but was based on seed samples which included larger seeds. There are some records in the litera¬ ture of this condition, based upon ob¬ servations of the germination of more than a single seedling from an acorn. Harvey (6) mentioned an example in the white oak ( Quercus alba L.), which he appears to have misinterpreted as an in¬ stance of polyembryony. Similar ob¬ servations have been reported for other species and described as polyembryony; even Coulter (4) appears to have ac¬ cepted this interpretation. However, polyembryony, which involves several embryos which are formed within the same seed, would be very difficult to prove tfor the oak. It could certainly not be proved in the later stages represented by germinating acorns. Many years ago Coker (2, 3) recognized and described this condition on the basis of germinat¬ ing acorns. He mentioned a tree of basket oak, Q. prinus L., near Baltimore, and a tree of white oak, Q. alba L., at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in both of which many acorns give rise to several seed¬ lings each. He also found a single in¬ stance of a multi-seeded acorn in the black oak, Q. velutina Lam. The condition found in the tree at Con¬ way might occur sporadically in any spe¬ cies of oak, for they all have six ovules in the pistil. The explanation that ab¬ normalities similar to the one reported by Harvey are due to multi-seeded acorns is more logical and more natural. The in¬ teresting feature which concerns the tree at Conway is the fact that this con¬ dition has persisted over a period of 23 years, even after severe pruning of the upper branches. 1. Buchholz, J. T. and W. R. Mattoon. Common Forest Trees of Arkansas. Little Rock. 1924. 2. Coker, W. C. Multi-seeded acorns. Bot. Gaz. 37:61-62. 1904. 3. Coker, W. C. The seedling's of the live oak and the white oak. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 28:34-41. 1912. 4. Coulter, J. M. Polyembryony. Bot. Gaz. 64:184. 191S. Hartig, stlichen 1851. Harvey, alba. (1917.) Ward, II. Marshall. Theodor. Naturgeschichte der for- Kultur-Pflanzen Deutschlands. Berlin. LeRoy H. Polyembryony in Quercus Mich. Acad. Sci. Rept. 19:329-331. The Oak. New York. 1900. 102 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions GEMMAE OF FUN ARIA HYGROMETRICA E. Elizabeth Barkley J. Sterling Morton High School, Cicero, Illinois Although the gametophyte and the sporophyte of Funaria hygrometrica have been studied as much, or more, than any other moss, little attention has been given to the development, structure and regeneration of the gemmae. Janzen (5), Correns (2), Goebel (3), and Schim- per (6) have observed, mentioned and/or illustrated what they termed “Brut- korper” or “Brutknollen.” “Brutknollen” of Funaria, illustrated by Schimper, do not resemble those observed in this study. (1) “Brutkorper,” similar to those of Funaria, have been observed in other mosses (2, 3, 6, 7). Capsules of Funaria hygrometrica were collected one-half mile west of Burn’s Ditch Bridge on route U. S. 12 on the south side of the highway during June, 1937. The spores of these capsules were sown on damp, sterilized soil in 5 inch deep, 9-inch flower pots, and covered with specially made celluloid lids which per¬ mitted adequate ventilation. All cultures were watered from below with a weak potassium permanganate solution. The average size of a protonemal cell from a soil culture is 18 microns in width by 73 microns in length. On or near the 28th day after the spores were sown many of the terminal cells of the protonema had developed gemmae. While the cells of the protonema vary greatly in length, it is apparent that from one to several of these cells may have par¬ ticipated in the development of gemmae (figs. 1-2). Cross walls were laid down at rather regular intervals cutting the original cell, or cells, into short ones which, when elongated, were about 51 microns. These short cells grew in width to 44 microns. Thus those newly formed were nearly isodiametric. Frequently, very short ones occurred separating sev¬ eral short cells in the branch from others. These shorter cells were sometimes well supplied with chloroplasts and at other times hyaline. When hyaline the branch easily broke away from the remaining cells. Within a few hours after walls had been formed at right angles to the axis, other walls parallel to the axis were laid down. Often a single short cell divided twice longitudinally. Other cells divided diagonally. Eventually, many of these newly formed cells became almost spherical or hemi-spherical. Cells remaining rectangular in outline were thicker through the center than on the edge. Division continued until a column or a grape-like cluster was developed (figs. 3-5). These columns and clusters varied greatly in length, but some of the long¬ est were not more than 250 microns to 300 microns. When young the cells were thin-walled and contained many chloro¬ plasts. These columns and clusters were often branched and eventually were cut from the plant by a hyaline cell which, being brittle, separated the cluster from the plant at the slightest touch. Gurlitt (4) observed short hyaline cells in Funaria hygrometrica, which she called Trennzellen, since they separated a short living portion (from another living por¬ tion of the protonema. When transplanted to agar each thin walled cell of a gemmae regenerated a protonema within 28 days during the short cloudy days of winter. In the sum¬ mer such cells taken from the apex of a leafy plant were mounted in water on a slide and kept in a moist chamber. With¬ in 20 hours after mounting, the terminal cell of many of these groups had regen¬ erated a protonema. By the time leafy plants were well established these struc¬ tures and the remainder of the protonema had disappeared. During an interval when the work was discontinued, ten 9-inch flower pots con¬ taining soil cultures of Funaria were stacked in a column in a corner of a room in the University of Chicago green¬ houses. In May all but one of these appeared dead and were discarded. The one showing some life was watered and placed in the room exposed to the sun¬ light. This culture soon appeared to be dead and the pot was pushed under a low greenhouse table and left unattended until July 21, when it was again watered and placed in a cool room of the green- Botany — 1941 Meeting 103 house under diffused light. Four days later signs of life were evident. Micro¬ scopic examination disclosed gemmae similar to those described above. They differed in several respects from those previously observed (figs. 1-4). They were dark brown in color, without chloro- plasts, and possessed thick cell walls in contrast to the thin walls of the cells well supplied with chlorophyll which ap¬ peared early in the life history of the plant (Figs. 6-8). The apparent rejuvena¬ tion of this culture was the result of the germination of these structures (fig. 10). A few chloroplasts had by this time ap¬ peared in the old cells of the germinating gemmae. In the summer of 1940 plants bearing mature gemmae were placed on agar and covered with the Petri dish cover. A day later young leafy plants had developed directly from these gemmae. Observa¬ tions indicate that protonemata develop from either young or mature gemmae of few cells, but leafy plants develop direct¬ ly from the more complex mature gem- 104 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions mae, that is, from those clusters com¬ posed of a number of thick walled, brown cells, (fig. 11). Such gemmae have been known to be viable for as long as eight months. Gemmae play an important role in the life of Funaria. Examination of moss tufts preserved during late winter re¬ vealed a dense thicket of young gemmae growing from the main axis of each plant. The culture from which this ma¬ terial was taken had been unattended for more than a month. In the fall of the same year a healthy, covered culture was left unwatered. A month later gem¬ mae were again established on the axis of the plants. This same culture was left in a school laboratory during the year and watered occasionally. The culture grew brown and in June the plants ap¬ peared dead. In June this pot was again placed under favorable conditions in the University of Chicago greenhouses. The brown, dried apices of the much branched plants turned green and grew a new crown of leaves. In cases where most of the old apex had been destroyed a multitude of gemmae developed (fig. 9). Thus in a favorable environment Funaria hygrometrica may continue to thrive indefinitely even without the aid of spores. LITERATURE CITED Barkley, E. E., The influence of environmental factors on the growth, development, and struc¬ ture of the gametophyte of Funaria hygrome¬ trica. Unpublished. S. M. thesis, Univ. of Chi¬ cago. 1940. 2. Correns, O., Untersuchungen liber die Vermeh- rung der Laubmoose durch Brutorgane und Stecklinge. 1899. 3. Goebel, K., Organographie der Pflanzen. Zweiter Teil, pp. 983-984. 1929. 4. Gurlitt, L., Uber den Einfluss der Konzentra- tion der Nahrlosung auf einige Pflanzen. Beih, Bot. Centbl. 35:279-341. 1918. 5. Janzen, P., Ein Mooseleben in Wort und Bild. Schr. der Naturforsch. Gesell, in Danzig 12:1-44. 1909. 6. Schimper, W. P., Recherches anatomiques et morphologiques sur les mousses. 1848. 7. Wamstorf, C., Uber die vegetative Vermehrung des Pterygynandrum filiforme (Timm) Hedw. Hedwigia. 55:378-380. 1914. Botany — 1941 Meeting 105 A LIST OF DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF DICOTYLEDONOUS WOODS Oswald Tippo, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois During the course of investigations of the wood anatomy of a number of di¬ cotyledonous families (23, 24), the writer has had occasion to compile an extensive list of the important diagnostic features of wood. In the belief that this compila¬ tion may be of use to beginners, and perhaps of some interest to professional wood anatomists, the writer has prepared it for publication. This catalogue in¬ cludes the important phylogenetic fea¬ tures (5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23) as well as those whose phyletic value is not yet established, but yet which have proven to be of taxonomic import. As far as the writer knows, but two other lists of this character have been published. Clarke (11) has designed a short list for a card sorting device and Record and Chattaway (19) have pub¬ lished a more extensive list for the same purpose. Frequent citations of the more impor¬ tant, especially the more recent, papers have been made throughout the present list. Particular attention should be drawn to the important “Glossary of terms used in describing woods” (12) prepared by the Committee on Nomen¬ clature of the International Association of Wood Anatomists and to the books by Record (18) and Brown and Panshin (3). LIST OF DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES. Name of plant (indicate if young or mature by Y or M). Number of wood. Geographical distribution. Growth rings — present or absent. Width in n (measure 10 or more). Range ^ Example: 30-40 n Most frequent range 35-38 /x Mean 37 ^ Tracheids and fibers. Tracheids — (See 2). Ordinary type. Vasicentric tracheids. Vascular tracheids. Fiber-tracheids. Septate fiber-tracheids. Libriform wood fibers. Septate wood fibers. Gelatinous fibers. — (See 20). Wall thickness (radial wall) — (See 9). Very thin — lumen much greater than thickness of walls. Thin — lumen greater than thickness of walls. Thick — lumen less than thickness of walls. Very thick — lumen almost completely closed. Size of pits — measure at least 10. Minute. Small. Large. Length — measure 100 from macerations (Record No. of measurements) (See 13, 21, 22). Range. Most frequent range. Mean, with standard error. Standard deviation, with standard error. Spiral thickenings, present or absent. Vessels Number per sq. mm. (in X-section) — count 10 or more fields. Range. Most frequent range. Mean. Pore distribution. Solitary pores, 'i Record % in each category Pore multiples. I and no. of pores in the group- Pore clusters. (ings. (Ex. clusters 90%2-4). Pore chains. / Sample 10 or more fields. Diffuse-porous. Semi-ring-porous. Ring-porous. Angular or circular in X-section. Thin or thick wall — measure a few walls. Diameters — measure 100 in X-section (tangential diameter) . Record no. of measurements. (See 9, 13, 21, (22). If ring-porous, take 50 in the early wood and 50 in the late wood. Range. Most frequent range. Mean, with standard error. Standard deviation, with standard error. Tyloses, present or absent. Few or many in sections. Few or many in individual vessels. Thin or thick walls (sclerotic). Contents. Pits. Perforation plates — (See 14). Exclusively scalariform. Scalariform and simple. Simple and vestiges of scalariform. Simple. Reticulate — (See 4). Foraminate Number of bars (in scalariform perforation plates). Range. Most frequent range. Width of perforations (if scalariform). Range. Mostly. Perforations bordered or not (if scalariform) — (See 15). Complete border. Border to middle. Border at ends. Non-bordered. End walls. Oblique — express as angle. (Ex. 50° -80°). Transverse. Intervascular pitting — (See 16). Scalariform. Transitional. Opposite. Alternate. Sparse or crowded. Size of pits — (See 19). Minute — less than 4 fi Small — less than 7 /l Medium — 7-10 fi Large — over 10 it Very large — over 15 /t Shape of pits. Circular. Square. Pentagonal, etc. Gum deposits in vessels. Color, abundance, location. Striations on vessels. 106 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Vessel-parenchyma pitting. Scalariform. Transitional. Opposite. Alternate. Size — (See 19). Fine — not more than 7 /a Medium — 7 to 10 /a Coarse — more than 10 /a Shape. Circular, oval, elongated. Unilaterally compound. Length of vessel elements (total body length) — (Measure 100 from macerations). Record No. of measurements. (See 7, 13, 21, 22). Range. Most frequent range. Mean, with standard error. Standard deviation, with standard error. Spiral thickenings. Vascular rays. Abundance — No. per mm. (tangential section). Type— (See 17). Heterogeneous I. Heterogeneous 1 1 A. Heterogeneous IIB. Heterogeneous III. Homogeneous I. Homogeneous II. Homogeneous III. Width (No. of cells wide). Range. Most frequent range. Height. Uniseriate rays. Range. Most frequent range. Multiseriate rays. Range. Most frequent range. Pitting (between ray cells and other parenchyma cells). Size. Number — few, many, clustered. Lignified, or not. Perforated ray cells — (See 6). Intercellular canals. Latex tubes. Oil cells. Crystals-type, etc. Aggregate rays. Sheath cells. Tile cells. Sclerotic ray cells. Xylem parenchyma Abundance. Sparse, abundant, or absent. Distribution — -(See 12). Diffuse. Terminal. Initial — (See 10). Metatracheal — record No. of cells wide. Vasicentric. Aliform. Confluent. Pitting (between xylem parenchyma cells.). Size. Number — few, many, or clustered. Fusiform parenchyma cells. Septate parenchyma cells. Chambered parenchyma cells. Crystals — type, etc. Lignified. Sclerotic parenchyma cells. Other Features. Storied structure — state which elements. Crystals present. Location, type, etc. Pith flecks. Intercellular canals (gum, resin, or oil). Vertical or horizontal, or both. Normal or traumatic. Included phloem — (See 8). Vestured pits (in vessel elements, tracheids, or fiber tracheids) — (See 1). Fibriform vessel members — (See 25). Disjunctive tracheids. Disjunctive parenchyma cells. Photographs. Indicate slide and location on slide. LITERATURE CITED 1. 3. 5. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bailey, I. W., The cambium and its derivative tissues. VIII. Structure, distribution, and diag¬ nostic significance of vestured pits in dicotyle¬ dons. Journ. Arnold Arb. 14:259-273. 1933. . , The problem of differentiating and classifying tracheids, fiber-tracheids, and libri- form wood fibers. Tropical Woods, 45:18-23. 1936. Brown, H. P., and A. J. Panshin, Commercial timbers of the United States. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. 1940. Chalk, L., Multiperforate plates in vessels, with special reference to the Bignoniaceae. Forestry (Jour. Soc. of Foresters of Gr. Br.) 7:16-25. 1933. . . . . . , The phylogenetic value of certain anatomical features of dicotyledonous woods. Annals Bot. N. S. 1:409-428. 1937. . , and M. M. Chattaway, Perforated ray cells. Proc. Royal Soc. London B 113 :82-92. 1933. . and . , Measuring the length of vessel members. Tropical Woods 40:19-26. 1934. . and . . Identification of woods with included phloem. Tropical Woods 50 :1-31. 1937. Chattaway, M. M., Proposed standards for nu¬ merical values used in describing woods. Tropi¬ cal Woods 29:20-29. 1932. Chowdhury, K. A., Terminal and initial paren¬ chyma cells in the wood of Terminalia tomen- tosa W. and A. New Phytol. 35:351-358. 1936. Clarke, S. H., A multiple-entry perforated-card key with special reference to the indentification of hardwoods. New Phytol. 37 :369-374. 1938. Committee on Nomenclature. International As¬ sociation of Wood Anatomists., Glossary of terms used in describing woods. Tropical Woods 36:1-12. 1933. Desch, H. E., Significance of numerical values for cell dimensions. Tropical Woods 29:14-20. 1932. 14. Frost, F. H., Specialization in secondary xylem of dicotyledons. I. Origin of vessel. Bot. Gaz. 89 :67-94. 1930. 15 . , Specialization in secondary xylem of dicotyledons. II. Evolution of end wall of vessel segment. Bot. Gaz. 90:198-212. 1930. 16 . , Specialization in secondary xylem of dicotyledons. III. Specialization of lateral wall of vessel segment. Bot. Gaz. 91 :88-96. 1931. 17. Kribs, D. A., Salient lines of structural speciali¬ zation in the wood rays of dicotyledons. Bot. Gaz. 96:547-557. 1935. 18. Record, S. J., Identification of the timbers of temperate North America. Wiley & Sons, New York. 1934. 19 . , and M. M. Chattaway, List of anatomical features used in classifying dicotyle¬ donous woods. Tropical Woods 57 :11-16. 1939. 20. Rendle, B. J., Gelatinous wood fibers. Tropical Woods 52 :11-19. 1937. 21 . , and S. H. Clarke, The problem of variation in the structure of wood. Tropical Woods 38:1-8. 1934. 22 . . and . , The diagnostic value of measurements in wood anatomy. Tropi¬ cal Woods 40:27-37. 1934. 23. Tippo, O., Comparative anatomy of the Mora- cease and their presumed allies. Bot. Gaz. 100:1-99. 1938. 24 . , The comparative anatomy of the secondary xylem and the phylogeny of the Eucommiaceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27:832-838. 1940. 25. Woodworth, R. H., Fibriform vessel members in the Passifloraceae. Tropical Woods 41 :8-16. 1935. Botany — 1941 Meeting 107 TECHNIQUES USEFUL IN THE STUDY OF FOSSIL PLANTS J. Hobart Hoskins and Aureal T. Cross University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio ABSTRACT Many techniques have been worked out after long hours of experimentation in the various paleobotanical laboratories throughout the world. Oftentimes the new methods are never published nor passed on to other workers. It is our purpose here to bring to light or revive some of those techniques which we have found most valuable in recent years in our laboratories. A few of the old tech¬ niques have been greatly modified, later ones have been elaborated upon and new ones have been discovered. It is often advisable to prepare casts and molds to preserve a record of the original condition of the material if it is found necessary to section the specimens for proper study. Air drying liquid rub¬ ber has recently been developed which may be applied to the specimen as a paint. After the desired thickness has been attained, a backing of cheesecloth is imbedded in an additional coat of rub¬ ber to make the mold hold its shape per¬ manently. The rubber mold may then be removed by lifting a corner and stripping it off. This mold preserves even the most minute details of the surface configura¬ tion including overhangs, and will never lose its shape. It is often advisable to make a plaster cast of the back of the rubber mold in which it may be placed to facilitate making positive casts later. The rubber mold should be dampened just before pouring the plaster into it in order that the plaster will not be with¬ held from minute surface markings by air bubbles. (Dip the mold in water and then remove all fr6e water with a gentle stream of air.) A fine grade of plaster should be used. The rate of setting of the plaster may be slowed by using ice cold water. A strong solution of salt water will slow it even more. Gum arabic or glue may be added to the solution to make the cast stronger. Water soluble paints of the desired color, i.e. the one most nearly simulating the matrix, may be suspended in the water before mixing it with the plaster. The plaster, when poured, should have the consistency otf molasses, i.e. thick but not stiff. A method of enlarging casts of speci¬ mens bearing definite surface configura¬ tions or of definite shape has been worked out. The rubber molds are made of the original specimen in the same way as those already described except that the cheesecloth backing must be omitted. The molds are then placed in kerosene and allowed to remain until they have expanded to about one and one-half times their original size. The mold is then carefully lifted out, the excess kerosene is taken up with a blotter and it is placed in a sand mold. This sand backing is almost necessary, for the rubber has lost much of its tensile strength and would break down under the weight of the plaster if unsupported. A plaster cast is then made of the rubber mold. From this enlargement another rubber mold may be made and the step repeated a number of times. Expansion is quite uniform throughout the rubber so that distortion in the enlargements is almost non-existent. If the first mold is taken from a plaster cast which has been col¬ ored as described above, part of the color will be transferred accurately to succeed¬ ing enlargements for about three or four steps. Photographing original specimens is sometimes difficult due to surface mark¬ ings or mineral coloration. If the rubber mold of the original specimen is colored uniformly white by the precipitate of the fumes given off when ammonium chloride is heated in an ammonium chlor¬ ide tube, a picture may be made of the mold and these difficulties are overcome. It is best to overexpose and underdevelop both the negative and the prints. This increases the shadow and the contrast. Friable or wet impressions or casts of fossils may be preserved in the field in several ways. Rubber molds may be made of large casts or material which may not be moved either because of size or condition. Smaller specimens may be completely imbedded in Duco Cement to hold them together. This may be dis¬ solved off later with amyl acetate when preparing the material for study. Collo¬ dion and nitro-cellulose may be used to great advantage in imbedding dry ma¬ terial which is very friable. Nitro-cellu- 108 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions lose may be cheaply made by substituting movie film for parlodian or guncotton. The gelatin must be removed from the film with hot water before dissolving it in amyl acetate. Nitro-cellulose so made is equally as good as any other. A super¬ saturated solution of gum sandarac in water may be used to preserve material either wet or dry. This is the best pre¬ servative we have found for all around use and it is simple to make as well as inexpensive. It dries on the specimen into a clear, shiny film that is impervious to most acid fumes, water and dust. It does not shrink when put on a wet speci¬ men as does nitro-cellulose. Cutting and grinding specimens may be done in a number of ways. One re¬ cently improved upon in our laboratories is the use of fine wire with Aloxite or Carborundum powder as the abrasive. A board has been fitted to a vise in the fol¬ lowing manner. Holes were bored into it to correlate with the position of the shaft of an ordinary commercial vise. The vise is then taken apart and the board inserted over the shaft which is then reassembled. At each end of the board, which extends about six inches on either side of the vise, a pulley is mount¬ ed rigidly upside down. The base of the pulley frame is cut out exposing the base of the pulley. The specimen to be cut is partially imbedded in sealing wax which may be clamped in the vise or fastened to the board. The wire is then drawn over one pulley, across the specimen and over the other pulley. These pulleys act as guides to insure a straight cut. Num¬ ber 36 gauge steel or tinned wire is found to be quite suitable along with number 400 grade of grinding powder. With this simple device perfectly straight, al¬ most polished cuts may be made with the loss of only about 175 microns of the material. COMPOSITION OF THE GENUS CAREX IN ILLINOIS L. R. Tehon, Illinois Natural By specimens deposited in permanent herbaria and by reports in botanical liter¬ ature, no fewer than 162 species of Carex have been credited to Illinois. A portion of these species, as is to be expected, have been erroneously recorded for the state, partly because of wrong determinations in a notoriously difficult genus and partly because, earlier, the species conceptions within the genus were highly imperfect. Nevertheless, there still are recorded for Illinois, quite reliably, a total of 130 species. This number is approximately 24.4 per cent of all species recognized by Mackenzie1 for the entire North American Continent and exceeds by 23 species the number attributed by Deam2 to the neigh¬ boring state of Indiana. With its more than 2000 species the world over, Carex has been divided into a large number of subgenera. On the North American Continent 71 of its sub¬ genera are represented, and in Illinois 40 are represented. In Illinois no single subgenus predominates: the best repre¬ sented subgenus is the Ovales , with 14 species; next is the Bracteosae, with 13 species; and third is the Laxiflorae, with 10 species. There are 4 subgenera repre- History Survey, TJrbana, Illinois sented by 6 species each, 2 by 5 species each, 3 by 4 species each, 6 by 3 species each, 7 by 2 species each, and 15 by 1 species each. Of species and varieties at present rec¬ ognized as valid, Carex gravida Bailey, C. Bebbii Olney, C. tribuloides var. sanga- monensis Clokey, C. Meadii Dewey, C. rectior Mack., and C. subimpressa Clokey were originally named and described from specimens collected in Illinois. C. Ty- phina Michx., the name and description of which dates back to 1803, is recorded as having been found “in regione Illi- noensi.” No single species of Carex is confined in range to the state of Illinois. How¬ ever, one species, C. subimpressa Clokey, is at present known only *from Illinois and Indiana. The majority of species are of wide range and reach into or pass through Illinois from other regions which can be deemed their principal ranges. Of 109 such species, Fig. 1, 35 extend into or through Illinois from the north, 25 from the northeast, 24 from the east, 5 from the southeast, 9 from the south, 2 from the southwest, 6 from the west, and 3 19311 ^Kfk1935e’ Kennetk Kent- Oyperaceae. In North American Flora, vol. 18, parts 1-7, pp. 1-478. 2 Deam, Charles C. Flora of Indiana. Indiana State Department of Conservation, Indianapolis. 1940. Botany — 1941 Meeting 109 from the northwest. The obvious pre¬ ponderance of northern, northeastern and eastern species in Illinois could be ex¬ plained as being due to the situation of the state near the western edge of the deciduous forest formation. Fig. 1. — General ranges of 109 of the species of Carex composing the genus in Illinois. Papers in Chemistry Extract From the Report op the Section Chairman The Evanston meeting carried 13 papers, 10 of which are herewith pub¬ lished. The others were : Egloff, Gustav, and P. M. Arsdell, Universal Oil Products Co., Chicago — Some modern products of the oil industry. Seiler, Frank J., Galesburg High School, Galesburg — Dehydration of hydrated CdBr2 • 4H20. Schmeing, G. M., Loyola University and Mundelein College, Chicago — The connotation of the word “Chance” as employed in elementary physical chemistry and precautions urged to prevent misconceptions. Maximum attendance was 71. Chairman elected for the Urbana meeting in 1942 was N. D. Cheronis, 5556 Ardmore Ave., Chicago. (Signed) George H. Reed, Chairman 112 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions HYDROGEN FLUORIDE AS A CONDENSING AGENT Sydney Archer Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois The structures, H2F2 H6F6 and HF. which have at various times been as¬ signed to gaseous hydrogen fluoride have been shown by recent electron diffraction measurements to be incorrect and incom¬ plete. The new data indicate that the gas consists of polymers of indefinite length arranged in zig-zag fashion. The use of hydrogen fluoride has been exploited mainly in connection with cata¬ lysis. It has been found that the cata¬ lytic alkylation of benzene can be effected in its presence. A great variety of alkyl¬ ating agents can be used including olefins, alcohols, halides, ethers and esters. With the latter, acylation can also be accom¬ plished simultaneously. As a rule ter¬ tiary and secondary halides, acohols and ethers will react at room temperature, whereas with the compounds of the pri¬ mary type elevated temperatures are necessary. It has also been observed that acyla¬ tions occur in the presence of this cata¬ lyst. For example, acetophenone was produced from the interaction of acetic anhydride with benzene at 100° in the presence of hydrogen fluoride. Some acy¬ lations may proceed at ordinary tempera¬ tures. Generally polycyclic rings must be present before reaction will take place under the milder procedure. The simpler aromatic rings are acylated at 100°. Acid chlorides, anhydrides or carboxylic acids themselves are all equally capable of undergoing this reaction. The mechanism of the alkylation re¬ action is as yet unknown. On the basis of present evidence it is fairly certain that neither olefins nor fluorides may act as the active intermediates in the con¬ densation. It is proposed that a carbon- ium ion resulting from the ionization of the alkylating agent is the one that so far most satisfactorily accounts for all the observations. The ionization may proceed in the following manner; RX+HF R — X-» H — F«=±R+ + X-» H — F- R+ + CbH6 — > R — C6H5 + H+ Existing evidence seems to indicate that to a large extent the stability of the X->H — F- ion determines the ease with which the reaction proceeds. THE SURFACE TENSION OF STRONG ELECTROLYTES Malcolm Dole Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois The surface tension of any interface must be interpreted first with respect to the Gibbs absorption equation which, in the general case, is = —2, r, d^, (1) For a simple binary system containing water and one solute, (1) can be written dy = — T dfi (2) where r is the adsorption of the solute at the interface, and ^ is the chemical potential of the solute. The adsorption is defined by the equation r = (Cs — C.) t - > (3) 1000 C8 and Ct being the concentrations in moles per liter in the surface layer and the interior of the solution, respectively, and t the thickness of the surface layer. The adsorption is expressed, therefore, in units of moles per sq. cm. of surface. The chemical potential of the solute, fi, is defined by the equation ^/to + RTlnCo-f, (4) f being the activity coefficient and ^ a constant. Equation (2) follows from (1) by measuring the surface layer from a point such that r =0 H20 (5) In more familiar terms (2) can be writ¬ ten as d7 RT - = — r - (6) d (Ci f) C,f Equation (6) tells us that if the solute Chemistry — 1941 Meeting 113 accumulates at the surface, r positive, the surface tension will fall with rising concentration, as is the case with solu¬ tions of the fatty acids such as acetic, propionic, etc. On the other hand if r is negative as it will be when the solute is repelled from the surface toward the interior of the solution, equation (6) predicts that the surface tension will rise with rising concentration. When equilibrium has been attained, we may write the law of mass action equation, letting A represent the solute A (solution) A (interfacial layer), (7) or A C. — = K (8) A C, where K is the equilibrium constant of (7). From the principles of thermody¬ namics it also follows that A — AG° C8 - - = e RT (9) A C, where A G° is the free energy increase of (7) for the reactants and products in their standard states. (The surface standard state is thus seen to be different from the standard state in the interior of the liquid). Omitting the unnecessary superscript A, and combining (9) and (3) we see that — AG° - t T = C, (e RT — 1) - (10) 1000 If the work required to bring the solute to the surface is large, A G° positive and large, r will be negative and the surface tension will rise with rising concentra¬ tion as it does in the case of sucrose solutions; conversely a negative value for a G means free energy evolved on adsorption, r will be positive and the sur¬ face tension should fall with rising con¬ centration, as it does for most solutions of organic substances. What may we expect the surface ten¬ sion of ionic solutions to be? Consider an ion suspended in the vapor phase over a flat surface of water. It will be strongly attracted to the water because of the ion- dipole forces; in fact estimates show that the energy evolved when one mole of an ion passes from a vacuum to the interior of water is relatively enormous, from 50 to 100 kilocalories per gram ion. Most of the energy has probably been liberated by the time the ion has reached the sur¬ face layer, but there is still enough ion- dipole attraction to pull the ion toward the interior of the solution. For a point size ion, the attractive force is readily shown to be given by the equation where q is the charge on the ion and x is the distance from the interface. Equa¬ tion (11) tells us that only when x be¬ comes infinite, does the force on the ion pulling it toward the interior become equal to zero; however, this can be shown to he an absurd conclusion because it means that all the ions in a solution would be repelled an infinite distance from the interface with a consequent in¬ finite value to the slope of the surface tension concentration curve. Actually, ions are not repelled an infinite distance from the interface and the surface ten¬ sion does not rise infinitely greatly as the concentration increases. It is interesting to note that the Debye- Huckel theory of solutions provides us with the explanation of this apparent anomaly. As the solution becomes more concentrated, an ionic atmosphere is set up about each ion which in effect tends to screen the ion from the dipole attrac¬ tions. The dipole attraction can be con¬ sidered as a repulsion from the interface; the repulsion being between the ion in question and its “mirror image” in the vacuum at an equal distance above the water surface. The ionic atmosphere about the ion limits the thickness of the surface layer, the layer in which the ion concentration is depleted, to a distance of the same order of magnitude of the thick¬ ness of the ionic atmosphere, 1/K) where K is the well known parameter of the Debye equation. Making use of the Boltzmann distribu¬ tion law, of Equations (11) and (10) and of the general equations of the Debye theory, Onsager and Samaras1 have been able to compute the course of the surface tension concentration curve for sym¬ metrical strong electrolytes. For uni¬ univalent electrolytes the equation is 7 79.517 1.143 x 10-13 (DT)» — = 1 + - C log - To D7o C (12) As the logarithm term of Equation (12) is positive in the concentration range of 114 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions validity of the equation, the Onsager theory means a rise in the surface ten¬ sion as the concentration increases. The first experimental measurements of sur¬ face tension in very dilute solutions were those of Jones and Ray2 who found, most surprisingly, a decrease in surface ten¬ sion as a function of the concentration up to a concentration of 0.001 N; above this concentration the surface tension rose in a manner suggestive of Equation (12). The significance of Jones and Ray’s data in the light of the fundamental Gibbs equation was discussed at length by Dole3 who developed a statistical theory of surface tension leading to the equation 7 RT t • C RT — = 1 H - — — a - In 7o 7o 1000 7o C • t /1000 1 + - W /RT ae where a is the number of surface loca¬ tions per sq. cm. available for adsorp¬ tion, and W is the adsorption potential. If the adsorption potential is high and positive, Equation (13) reduces to 7 RT t • C — = 1 + - • - , (14) 7o 7o 1000 an equation which satisfactorily repro¬ duces Jones and Ray’s data for sucrose solutions. If W is negative, the logarithm term (at low concentrations) may far outweigh the second term of Equation (13) yielding the equation 7 aRT — = - In 7o 7o |- C • t /1000-, L1 + J (15) W/RT ae valid for solutions of fatty acids. By proper choice of the parameters a and W, Equation (13) can be fitted nicely to Jones and Ray’s data, but the treat¬ ment seems unreasonable for the follow¬ ing reasons: First, the value for a, the number of adsorption positions per sq. cm., is only 1/100,000 the number of water molecules on the surface. There is no good reason to believe that the water surface would become saturated with ions with so few adsorbed on the surface. Second, there is no known me¬ chanism to account for any attractive force. Langmuir4 has attempted to explain Jones and Ray’s data on the basis of a water film held to the quartz surface of the capillarimeter by ^-potential forces, the thickness of the film as a function of height being given by the equation % (16) When salts are added to the pure water, the film disappears producing an effective increase in the radius of the capillary tube with a corresponding drop in the height of rise and an apparent fall in the surface tension. Langmuir’s explana¬ tion was held to be doubtful by Dole and Swartout5 who confirmed Jones and Ray’s results using a differential twin¬ ring surface tensiometer. In this case there is, apparently, no vertical film of the type postulated by Langmuir. However, we cannot yet assume that Jones and Ray’s observations and the observations of Dole and Swartout rep¬ resent true surface tension values. This is particularly true in as much as Long and coworkers6 at Cornell University find that the surface tension of potassium chloride solutions as measured by a dif¬ ferential maximum-bubble pressure meth¬ od follows along the Onsager and Samaras curve without the minimum of the Jones- Ray effect. REFERENCES 1. Onsager and Samaras, J. Chem. Phys., 2, 528 (1934). * ’ ' 2. Grinnell Jones and W. A. Ray, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 59, 187 (1937). 3. M. Dole, ibid., 60, 904 (1938). 4. Langmuir, Science, 88, 430 (1938). 5. Dole and Swartout, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 3039 (1940). 6. Private communication of F. A. Long. Chemistry — 1941 Meeting 115 INVESTIGATIONS ON 3-HYDROXY-5-CHOLENIC ACID Melvin F. W. Dunker and Byron Riegel Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois The ready availability of the bile acids makes them convenient starting materials for numerous conversions and syntheses. In the work reported in this paper, 3- hydroxy-5-cholenic acid resulting from the oxidation of cholesterol has been used. It is our purpose to study various means of building up natural compounds and of improving methods for the degrada¬ tion of hydroxy bile acids to substances having possible androgenic, progestational and cortical hormone activity. 3-hydroxy- 5-cholenic acid has a nuclear double bond and a secondary alcohol group that must be protected during the course of de- gradative or synthetic reactions on the aliphatic chain. It was thought that labile ethers, that, is, ethers which could readily be removed when desired, would be the ideal means of protecting the hy¬ droxyl group on C atom No. 3. One of the first ethers chosen for this purpose was the trityl (triphenylmethyl) ether. The compounds were reported to be stable to alkaline reagents but easily hydrolyzed by mineral acids. This study has shown that the trityl group is re¬ placed by the acetoxy group when the compounds are refluxed in glacial acetic acid or removed upon treatment with a Grignard reagent under even the mildest conditions. In this work, it was found convenient to use the methyl ester since the free bile acid is highly insoluble. The methyl ester was prepared in nearly quantitative yields (averaging above 90%) upon re¬ fluxing a solution of the acid in anhy¬ drous methanol containing 3% HC1. The trityl ether was prepared in 85-88% yields when perfectly dry methyl 3-hy- droxy-5-cholenate was heated on a steam cone for 8 hours with trityl chloride in absolutely anhydrous pyridine. The direct benzylation of hydroxylated steriods has proven difficult. When methyl 3-hydroxy-5-cholenate was treated with benzyl chloride and pyridine under the rigorous anhydrous conditions employed in the tritylation, no benzyl ether was obtained. Likewise, the preparation of the benzyl ether by variations of William¬ son’s synthesis did not prove successful. The method employed by Stoll for the preparation of the benzyl ether of choles¬ terol was applied to methyl 3-hydroxy-5- cholenate. Attempts to prepare the p- toluene-sulfonate of 3-hydroxy-5-cholenic acid were unsuccessful. Therefore, the methyl ester was employed. When the methyl 3-p-toluenesulfonoxy-5-cholenate, prepared from the methyl ester, p-toluene sulfonyl chloride and pyridine at room temperature in 90-93% yields, was heated with benzyl alcohol on a steam cone for 5 hours, there were obtained 55-61% yields of CH3 I H2 Ha ,0 HC-C-C-C-0 - CH2C*H5 This compound exists in dimorphic forms melting 87-88° and 108.5-109.5°. The lower form can be converted to the higher melting form. This ether is stable to treatment with Grignard reagent and stable to 2 hours refluxing with glacial acetic acid. In recent years the elucidation of the structure of the dextro or i-ethers by Stoll makes it seem that these compounds may prove useful in this work. CH3 1 JP HC - CHa - CHa - C - 0CH3 I I J och3 The 3-hydroxyl and the double bond are blocked eliminating the necessity of bromination and later debromination. The i-linkage can be broken up by refluxing with acetic acid, yielding the normal acetate which can then be saponified to liberate the hydroxyl group. 116 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE SYNTHESIS OF CANCEROGENIC HYDROCARBONS CLOSELY RELATED TO THE STEROIDS Marvin H. Gold and Byron Riegel Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Studies of the carcinogenic activity of methylcholanthrene and cholanthrene have shown that they surpass in potency all other hydrocarbons previously investi¬ gated. From these results it might be inferred that cancerogenic hydrocarbons may arise in the living organism by the abnormal metabolism of steroids. To further elucidate this hypothesis, investi¬ gations have been planned to extend the studies of aromatic hydrocarbons related to the sterol nucleus. At the present we are chiefly concerned in the synthesis of a number of deriva¬ tives of S^substituted-l^-cyclopenteno- phenanthrenes (I), 3-substituted (II), and 3,3'-disubstituted-l,2-cyclopenteno- phenanthrenes (III). propionyl-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene or its ether derivatives lead to decomposition and polymerization, probably due to re¬ activity of /3-substitution. Such an at¬ tack was, of necessity, finally abandoned. At the present time two other methods of synthesis are being explored; which appear to be of a more promising nature. By the nitration of 9, 10-dihydrophenan- threne a good yield of the 2-nitro deriva¬ tive can be obtained.4 This is readily reduced to the amine either catalytically or with stannous chloride and hydro¬ chloric acid. The resulting amine has been dehydrogenated with sulfur at 250- 300° in good yield to give 2-amino-phe- nanthrene. An alternative method of preparation of this amine is thru the Previous syntheses of other molecules of this type have not been found practical, mainly because it is difficult to obtain the final product in sufficient quantity for complete biological assay. Therefore, it was necessary to find a good, general method which could be used for a whole series of compounds. An important in¬ termediate for such a process is SMieto- 1, 2-cyclopentenophenanthrene. Catalytic reduction of phenanthrene, using copper-chromium oxide catalyst gives practically pure 9,10-dihydrophen- anthrene.1 This is readily acylated in the 2-position by means of an acid chloride with aluminum chloride.2 In this way a /3-bromopropionyl group was introduced into the 2-position. However, cyclyzation has been shown to go almost completely to the 3-position,3 whereas the unhydro¬ genated phenanthrene nucleus, directs cyclyzation to the desired 1-position. All attempts to dehydrogenate the 2 (w-bromo) Beckmann rearrangement of the oxime of 2-acetylphenanthrene, which has been prepared in good yield by sulfur dehy¬ drogenation of the 9, 10-dihydro deriva¬ tive. The amine was then converted to the 2-bromophenanthrene by Bachman’s5 procedure. At the present time experi¬ ments are under way to prepare the 2 ( w-bromo ) -propionyl phenanthrene b y condensation of /3-bromo-propionyl chlo¬ ride with either the magnesium or cad¬ mium derivative of 2-bromophenanthrene. This product, when obtained, will be cy- clysized with sulfuric acid to prepare the desired 31-keto-l, 2-cyclopentenophenan¬ threne. The keto compound can then be condensed with various Grignard re¬ agents to give compounds of type I, above. The second series of reactions now being studied lends itself to the prepara¬ tion of compounds of type II and III. Here the starting material is a-naphthyl- nitrile, which is caused to condense with Chemistry — 1941 Meeting 117 COCH^R JST COCHBrR - p. R Cft-CMCQH CO 00 [HJ YL ' R A (\cOu£t V C//2 COj £t err UU aliphatic Grignard reagents to give com¬ pounds like IV. These are then treated with bromine to give a-bromo ketones (V), which are then condensed with sodio-malonic ester to give j3-(l-naph- thoyl ) -/3-alkyl propionic acids (VI). Sub¬ sequent Clemmensen reduction and ring closure gives l-keto-3-alkyl-l,2,3,4-tetrahy- drophenanthrenes6 (VII). Condensation of VII with oxalic ester places a carbe- thoxy group in the 2 position and this is then followed by condensation of the ketone group with /3-bromopropionic ester to give, after dehydration, the compound VIII. A Dieckmann ring closure, fol¬ lowed by decarboxylation should give a compound which could be readily dehy¬ drogenated to the desired S-alkyl^-keto- 1,2-cyclopentenephenanthrene. REFERENCES 1. Burger and Mossetig, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 57, 2731 (1935) Fieser and Johnson, ibid., 61, 168 (1939). 2. Burger and Mossetig, ibid., 58, 1857 (1936). 3. Burger and Mossetig, ibid., 59, 1302 (1937). 4. Kreuger and Mossetig, J. Org. Chem., 3, 340 (1938-39). 5. Bachman and Boatner, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58, 857, 2097 (1936). 6. Haworth and Mavin, J. Chem. Soc., 1932, 2720. Haworth and Mavin and Musgrave, ibid., 193k, 454. 118 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions ACYLALS1 2 Frank O. Green, Greenville, Illinois Hurd and Cantors have suggested the name ‘Acylal’ for the product formed when the hydroxyls in the aldehydrol form of an aldehyde are replaced by ester groups. Therefore when one hydroxyl is replaced by an ester group and one by an alcohol group, the product may be called a mixed acetal-acylal. When a sodium salt of an organic acid is shaken with a hemiacetal chloride, an exothermic reaction takes place whereby the acetal-acylal and sodium chloride are produced.3 It is necessary to use an excess of the salt or rapid decomposition sets in, with the resultant production of a red tar-like material. The reaction appears to be general. H 0 // R - C - 0 - CHaR* + Na - 0 - C - R" l Cl H R - C - 0 - CHaR1 + NaCl+heat ‘ *0 0 -C - R» The hemiacetal chloride may be produced by the action of dry HC1 gas on a cold, equimolecular mixture of alcohol and aldehyde. The procedure is a modification, similar to that due to Shoemaker and Boord,4 of the Henry method. H H I R - C = 0 + R' CHaOH + HC1 - > R - C-0 - CHaR* + Ha0 Cl The yields of acetal-acylal based upon crude hemiacetal chloride vary from forty to sixty percent of the theoretical, with an indication of better yields as based upon pure chloride. The densities of the compounds prepared vary from ninety-seven hundredths to eighty-nine hundredths, with increasing molecular weight. The molecular refractivities agree with theory. At twenty-five millimeters pressure the boiling points increase approximately ten degrees for each CH2 unit added, regardless of its relative position in the molecule. If, pure, dry, and free from acid, the com¬ pounds are stable for some months. /O- The R — C linkage in the compounds is apparently more of the acetal than \o the ester type. The compounds are somewhat resistant to alkali hydrolysis and are very responsive to acid hydrolysis. At the present it seems quite likely that Grignard’s reagent reacts with the com¬ pounds just as would be predicted, to produce a primary, a secondary, and a tertiary alcohol. r_C - 0 - CHaR* t I . I . \ ^0 + 3 d) Mgx H^Q R - C - 4 + R« CHaOH + R" - C -

MoIV-^ Mov -> Movl In this work, the oxidation of molybde¬ num was followed very closely by means of potentiometric titrations, with bime¬ tallic electrode pairs and an electron tube used in the circuit. Various oxidizing agents, addition agents, and acid concen¬ trations were employed. The resulting data were plotted to give the titration curves for the oxidation of molybdenum. The results, while not so complete and satisfactory as we had hoped they would be, have opened a field for further re¬ search. The work is being continued at Saint Louis University, where this project was begun. In the past, several articles on the oxidation of trivalent molybdenum have appeared. In most cases there was question of the oxidation MoIV -» Mov. However, Jakob and Michalewicz1 con¬ cluded from their experiments that the potential of a Mov solution was not nearly so great as that of a MoIV solution and consequently when the MoIn-»MoIV oxida¬ tion appeared the MoIV -* Mov oxidation would not appear, and when the MoIV-* Mov oxidation appeared the Mo111 -> MoIV oxidation would not. These investigations led us to carry out oxidation experiments on reduced potassium molybdate solutions and on potassium chloromolybdate solutions un¬ der varying conditions, in an effort to explain further the oxidation steps. The measurement of amplified potential dif¬ ferences between bimetallic electrodes ap¬ peared to offer good results so we as¬ sembled the apparatus shown in fig. 1. This set-up was a modification of that of Goode2 3. Since it is not possible to obtain accurate results by means of potentio¬ metric measurements when an extremely small amount of current is being drawn from the cell under investigation or when the cell resistance is abnormally high, a five-electrode tube was introduced into the ordinary potentiometric circuit. Our particular tube was an RCA 6K7. Among the electrode pairs used were: Platinum-Chromel Platinum-Nickel Platinum-Polarized platinum Nickel-Chromel The platinum-chromel pair gave by far the best results in the preliminary titra¬ tions and consequently was used through¬ out. Both the oxidizing and the reduced solutions were approximately N /10 but the strength of the acid mediums was much greater. The K2Mo04 solution was standardized by the accepted method4. This same technique was used through¬ out to reduce the molybdenum, but the Mo111 was run from the Jones reductor into a reaction vessel filled with C02. The C02 atmosphere was necessary to prevent oxidation by the air. The oxidizing agents used were: 1. Ceric sulfate, 2. Potassium permanganate, 3. Ferric salts, 4. Potassium dichromate. The various reaction mediums were: 1. H2S04 (N, 0.4N, 0.6N) 2. HC1 (2N, N, 0.4N) 3. Zimmermann-Reinhardt solution (20-25°C. and 60-70°C.) 4. H3P04 (1.5 N.) The addition reagents were: 1. MnS04 2. NH4F 3. MnS04 and NH4F 4. Ce (S04)2 1.Takob and Michalewicz, Rozeniki Chcm., 12, 576-588 (1932). 2 Goode, .T. Am. Chem. Soc., J,lh 26 (1922). 3 Willard and Fenwick, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2516-2529 (1922). 120 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Ceric sulfate has advantages over potas¬ sium permanganate as an oxidizing agent because it may be used in chloride solu¬ tions, is stable over long periods of time and has a potential close to that of the permanganate. The curve shown in fig. 2 is that of Mo111 in H2S04, titrated with Ce (S04)2. The theoretical and actual end-points do not coincide, and there is no evidence of the oxidation MoIV — * Mov. Using Mo111 in HC1, we obtained a curve in which the end-points again fell short of the theoretical end-point, and there was a break which corresponded to the Moiy — * Mov end-point, fig. 3. Addition agents did not improve these results. In gen¬ eral, the ceric sulfate titrations proved unsatisfactory. If a Mo111 — >MoIV oxida¬ tion occurred, there was no evidence of a MoIV — »Mov oxidation, and vice versa. An important contributing factor might be the inability to regulate the pH of the molybdenum solution when the oxidizing agent was added. The ceric sulfate itself is strongly acid, and the potentials of oxidants will vary with pH. Titrating the Mo111 with KMn04 in H2S04 solution did not produce the de¬ sired curve, so the potassium chloro- molybdate solution was used in a Zim- mermann-Reinhardt solution, fig. 4. While this titration proceeded rather smoothly, the MoIV — »Mov reaction was not indi¬ cated. When the titration of K3MoC16 was repeated, this time in a sulfuric acid solution, a curve, fig. 5, was obtained, in which the break MoIV — >Mov was evident but not the Mo111 — >MoIV end-point. The titration of Mo111 in H2S04 with KMn04 in the presence of Ce(S04)2 gave a very strange curve, fig. 6. The drop in poten¬ tial difference might indicate that the potential for MoIV — »Mov is lower than that for Mo111 — >MoIV, as suggested by Jakob and Michalewicz. The titration of reduced K2Mo04 in Zimmermann-Rein- hardt solution with KMn04 gave a very nice break in the curve for the oxidation MoIV — ^Mo7, fig. 7. Since at no time did we obtain a curve in which three steps in the oxidation were clearly indicated, it seemed advis¬ able at this point to try oxidizing agents which would carry the oxidation only from Mo111 to Mov, as there was no ques¬ tion of the possibility of oxidation to MoTI. Ferric salts were chosen for this purpose. In the case of Mo111 in H2S04 titrated with ferric sulfate, the oxidation proceeded nicely, giving us both the Mo111 — »MoIV and the MoIV — * Mov breaks in 2 6 3 4 8 4 Hillebrand and Lundell, Applied Inorganic Analysis, p. 250-252. Chemistry — 1941 Meeting 121 the curve, fig. 8, though, again, the theo¬ retical and actual end-points were not the same. In conclusion, it is evident from these data that the oxidation of molybdenum is not so simple as one might expect. It presents several complications which are not readily explainable. Why the oxida¬ tion from Mom to MoIV takes place in H3PO4 and not in HC1 and H2S04 solu¬ tions when titrated with KMn04, in the absence of addition reagents, is a matter for further investigation. One possible explanation is based on the assumption of the formation of stable complexes which are not readily attacked by KMn04. Careful experiments have shown that the possibility of air oxidation in these titrations did not exist. However, in any one of the titrations when the total time of titration was longer than two hours, the amount of oxidizing agent required fell far below the theoretical amount. The appearance of the MoIV — >Mov end¬ point too early in the oxidation and the subsequent oxidation of MoVI, giving a complete oxidation long before it is to be expected, is not to be explained by any ordinary chemical means. There appears to be an oxidant other than KMn04 pres¬ ent, yet what it might be is not known. Spectrographic examination of the solu¬ tion as the oxidation is being carried out might lead to a solution of the problem. Such analysis might show the presence of the complex ions which we feel may be present in the solutions. REFERENCES 1. Jakob and Michalewicz, Roczniki, Chemj. 12, 576-588 (1932). 2. Goode, K. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc., U, 26-29 ( 1922) . ' 3. Willard, H. H. and Fenwick, F., J. Am. Chem. Soc., U, 2516-2529 (1922). 4. Hillebrand, W. F. and Lundell, G. E. F., Applied Inorganic Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, N. Y., (1929). SEPARATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SUGARS FROM MIXTURES R. W. Liggett, K. M. Gordon and Charles D. Hurd Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois In the attempt to develop methods for the separation and identification of sugars in mixtures several derivatives have been studied. The indirect methylation pro¬ cedure (1938) is suitable for analytical separation by vacuum distillation of mix¬ tures of mono-, di-, and trisaccharides but has not been found capable of develop¬ ment for further separation within these groups. Study of procedures involving crystallization of osazones, triphenyl- methyl ethers, acetyl derivatives, and others has not proven satisfactory. Crys¬ tallization of the derivatives made from carbohydrate mixtures does not result in a smooth separation of the components. Trixenylmethyl ethers of xylose, glucose, galactose, maltose, lactose, trehalose were prepared. All are crystalline solids but these derivatives also were ineffective in helping to separate mixtures. Satisfactory separations have been achieved by means of completely pro- pionylated derivatives of sugars, prepared by action of propionic anhydride and pyridine on the sugar. Several of these propionates (maltose, gentiobiose, tre¬ halose, sucrose, xylose, arabinose) are readily crystalline. All are distillable at low pressures (0.01 to 0.0001 mm.) in a special apparatus, even raffinose hende- capropionate. Since the propionyl group can be cleaved, after distillation, into ap¬ propriate fractions without rupture of the glycoside linkages, it is possible to con¬ vert non-crystalline propionates into other crystalline derivatives. Investigations of such mixtures as acid-hydrolysed corn sirup, hydrol, malt extract, etc., have al¬ ready given fruitful results with this method. Gentiobiose has been isolated in ten percent yields as crystalline gentio¬ biose octapropionate from the disaccharide portion of hydrol. Maltose has been iso¬ lated similarly as crystalline maltose octapropionate from both non-diastatic malt extract and acid-hydrolyzed corn sirup. In addition, a convenient analysis of sugar mixtures has been developed, the essential features of which are pro- pionylation and subsequent distillation of the sugar propionates at low pressures. 122 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE STRUCTURE OF MIXED HYDROGENATION CATALYSTS Humbert Morris 'Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Benzene can be reduced to cyclohexane by hydrogen only in the presence of a catalyst. Ipatieff, Corson and Kurbatov1 have shown that pure copper is ineffec¬ tive as a catalyst, producing measurable reduction only at high temperatures and pressures. They have also shown that small amounts of nickel in the copper make it active as a catalyst. Where there is as little as 50 parts per million of nickel, in 90 seconds contact time at 225° C., they obtain 4% hydrogenation. Ipatieff, Corson and Kurbatov also found that these nickel-activated copper catal¬ ysts experienced an irreversible deactiva¬ tion when they underwent prolonged heating at 400° C. Nickel is ferromagnetic, but it is readily soluble in copper, and dilute solutions of nickel in copper are not ferromagnetic.2 Thus, magnetic measurements can show whether a copper-nickel system consists of mixed crystals or of a solid solution of nickel in copper, or of both a solution and mixed crystals. Dr. P. W. Selwood and the writer have therefore made par¬ allel measurements of ferromagnetism and catalytic activity in an effort to de¬ termine the nature of the change that reduced the activity of the catalyst. The first samples of purified copper tested were strongly ferromagnetic owing to ten parts per million of iron. It was necessary further to purify this copper because the ferromagnetic effects due to any activating nickel would have been obscured by the iron. Copper containing less than one part per million of iron was finally obtained by electrolysis. This cop¬ per was made by electrolysis from c.p. copper sulfate. The deposit was dissolved in redistilled nitric acid and again elec¬ trolyzed. Copper purified in this way was found to be inactive in the hydro¬ genation of benzene, confirming the re¬ sults of Ipatieff and Corson, and contra¬ dicting those of Pease and Purdum3, who claimed that copper prepared from c.p. copper oxide was an active hydrogenation catalyst. This purified copper was activ¬ ated with 1% of nickel. Nickel nitrate solution was stirred into a slurry of cop¬ per hydroxide. It was dried, decomposed by heating, and reduced by hydrogen at 200° C. This catalyst effected 60% re¬ duction of benzene in 30 seconds at 175°. This active catalyst was strongly ferro¬ magnetic. The ferromagnetism of the catalyst shows that the nickel is not in solution in the copper. The catalyst must consist of mixed crystals of copper and nickel. The catalyst was then heated at 350° for two hours, and again tested for ca¬ talytic activity and ferromagnetism. It was found to be only one third catalyti- cally effective as before, and only one third as ferromagnetic. It may be concluded from these results that the catalyst loses its activity because it forms a solid solution of nickel and copper. That is, that thermal deactiva¬ tion consists of a process of diffusion of the nickel into the copper. The catalytic activity was measured by an apparatus designed and built by Ipa¬ tieff and Corson. Hydrogen gas was puri¬ fied by passing it successively over (1) copper gauze at 550 °C. in a quartz tube; (2) through lead acetate solution; (3) potassium hydroxide; and (4) drying tubes. It was then passed into benzene at 25°C. in a thermostat, and finally over the catalyst. The gas was then passed through traps cooled in dry ice to catch the benzene and cyclohexane. The magnetic susceptibility was meas¬ ured by the Gouy method.4 The sample tube was hung from one pan of a micro balance above an electromagnet, so sus¬ pended that the middle partition was in the center of the magnetic field. One end of the tube was evacuated and the cata¬ lyst packed into the other end. The tube was weighed with no magnetic field. Then the magnet was turned on and the tube weighed again. The apparent change in weight was proportional to the magnetic susceptibility. REFERENCES 1. Ipatieff, Corson and Kurbatov, J. Phys. Chem., Jf3, 589 (1939). 2. W. H. Ross, Phys. Rev., 1,6, 46 (1934). 3. Pease and Purdum, J. Am. Chem. Soc., lft, 1435 (1925). 4. Selwood, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 3168 (1939). Chemistry — 1941 Meeting 123 THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY AS APPLIED TO PHOTOGRAPHY J. H. Sammis Peoria, Illinois The history of photography and the history of chemistry are, naturally, close¬ ly parallel. The relationship is much closer than between physics and photo¬ graphy. With the exception of the inven¬ tion of a new glass or two, the devising of a few new lens combinations, and more recently, the introduction of new polariz¬ ing screens and a glass-coating, reflec¬ tion-reducing technique (in themselves, partly chemical), most of the advances in the art-science of photography have been made as almost direct offshoots of the discoveries of the chemists. In fact, the alacrity with which these discoveries have been incorporated into the body of photographic theory and usage has been little short of amazing. Iodine, isolated in 1811 was used by Daguerre some time before 1835 and bromine discovered in 1828 was put to photographic use in 1840 by Goddard to increase the sensitivity of Daguerreotype plates. In 1819 Herschel pointed out the action of sodium thiosulfate upon silver salts and in 1839 he urged Talbot to use the same salt for fixing photographic images. That salt is still by far the most commonly used fixing agent today. For this contribution it would seem that Herschel deserves a much more promi¬ nent place in the annals of photography than he is usually allotted. To fully appreciate the importance of chemical discoveries in the history of photography, let us list what would seem the major advances made in the latter field and note how many of them are an outgrowth of chemical advances. First, there was the noting of the effect of light and the differential effect of light of different colors upon silver compounds by the Swedish chemist, Scheele. Schulte, Wedgewood, Davy and others made use of these facts in securing printed silhouettes. These they did not know how to fix. This major contribu¬ tion (though it was on entirely different chemicals) was made by Niepce. Her- schel’s contribution, already mentioned, made fixation possible on silver salts which were and have always, been the most commonly used metallic constitu¬ ents of the light sensitive materials used in photography. Then came the profound and revoluntionary contribution of Da¬ guerre; namely, the concept of a latent image capable of later intensification or development as it is now called. Prior to that idea, the notion of obtaining a posi¬ tive image directly in the camera had obsessed the minds of investigators to the point where no other solution of the difficulties encountered seemed possible. Thus the most fundamental discoveries were made; a light sensitive medium, de¬ velopment, and fixation. Later came many contributions. Important among these were the negative-positive tech¬ nique of Talbot’s calotype process making possible images that were not mirror-im¬ ages and also the possibility of many positive prints from one negative; a long series of improvements in the sensitivity of photographic emulsions, both as to speed and to orthochromatics, outstand¬ ing of which were the contributions of Schonbein (discovery of collodion) and Scott- Archer (use of collodion in the form in which it is still used photo¬ graphically), Vogel’s work on sensitizing films to green light (as a natural after- math to the discoveries of Hofmann and Perkin), Rev. Goodwin’s perfection of the gelatino-bromide film base (more com¬ monly credited to Eastman), and the publication of the work of the Lumiere’s on the chemical properties which make organic substances photographic develop¬ ers. Kekule’s prior contributions con¬ cerning the benzene ring structure (the basis for nearly all the photographic re¬ ducing agents) must not be overlooked. The whole story of reduction, intensifi¬ cation, sensitization, toning, color pro¬ cesses (exception must be made here to the pioneering work of the physicist Clerk Maxwell), image reversal, and the use of magnesium for lighting is the story of chemical progress, out of phase with photographic history by only a few years. To paraphrase a political adage, one might say “As chemistry goes, so goes photography.” 124 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions CATION EXCHANGE IN A CARBONACEOUS ION EXCHANGER Harold Frederic Walton* Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Introduction. — The distribution of a pair of cations between a solution and a solid ion exchanging body such as a zeolite has been studied by many inves¬ tigators and for different materials. Gen¬ erally speaking, true equilibrium has not been reached in these studies, for the distribution has been different according to the direction from which it was ap¬ proached, but the rather definite pseudo¬ equilibrium can be represented empiri¬ cally by the equation C, \p — ) . (1) C2 / solution where K and p are constants, p being less than one (Rothmund and Kornfeld, Z. Anorg., 103, 129, 1918). In one or two cases (e.g., Moller, Roll. Beih., 46, 1, 1937), true equilibrium was reached, and, at the same time, the mass action law was obeyed, p in the above equation being one. This raises the ques¬ tion whether p will not always be unity for a true equilibrium. To answer this question was one of the aims of the pres¬ ent investigation. A new type of exchanger made from bituminous coal by treatment with sul¬ furic acid or sulfur trioxide has come into use in recent years. Such a material is “Zeo-Karb”, manufactured by the Per- mutit Company. This was chosen for investigation because the great speed of its ion exchange reactions would favor approach to equilibrium and also because of its technical importance and the fact that exchanges involving the hydrogen ion can be performed with it. The ex¬ changes first studied were calcium-sodium and sodium-hydrogen. Experimental Method. — The Zeo-Karb was first ground to 40-80 mesh. Portions were saturated with calcium, sodium, and hydrogen ions by passing solutions of calcium and sodium chlorides and of hy¬ drochloric acid, and were then washed and air-dried. Weighed samples were shaken with 50-200 cc portions of solu¬ tions containing the chloride of the other cation which was to participate in the exchange. Control experiments showed that no observable change occurred be¬ tween 6 and 72 hours of shaking, so that after 12 hours the supernatant solution was withdrawn and analyzed. It was necessary to know the satura¬ tion capacity or “ultimate exchange” of the Zeo-Karb. This was found for the calcium Zeo-Karb by digestion with con¬ centrated sulfuric acid and analysis of the resulting solution, also by leaching out the calcium by dilute acid. The sodium Zeo-Karb was first saturated with hydrogen ions, and these displaced by potassium ions and titrated. It was also desirable to know whether the extent of swelling of the material in water would change with ionic exchange, since Graf (Koll. Beih., 46, 229, 1937) showed that the swelling of casein had a marked effect on the ion exchange. Tests showed that the volume of the Zeo-Karb varied by one to two per cent at the most during the ion exchanges studied. Results (a) The Calcium- Sodium Exchange. — The data obtained by agitating pure sodi¬ um Zeo-Karb with calcium chloride solu¬ tion, and pure calcium Zeo-Karb with sodium chloride solution, are given in fig.l. The data are plotted according to the equation /A / Ca++ = K I - Solid 1 A2 ' Na+ A being the activity calculated by the simple Debye-Hiickel theory. The index p for exchanges in the N/25 solution was 0.82-0.84. The distance apart of the two curves, however, shows that true equilibrium was not attained. / (Ca++) \ \ (Na yf ) P . (2) solution. * Former Research Chemist, The Permutit Company. Chemistry — 1941 Meeting 125 Fig. 1. — Units : Activities in solution mil- liequivalents per liter. Concentrations in Zeo-Karb, milliequivalents per gram air dried weight. even though ample time had been allowed in the experiments for the exchange to reach a steady state. To allow a better chance for equilibrium to be approached, some tests were made where samples of Zeo-Karb which had been used in the main series of tests, and so already con¬ tained some of the second cation, were shaken with fresh quantities of salt solutions. The points so obtained are shown by crosses in fig. 2. The data obtained starting with sodium Zeo-Karb showed some inclination to approach the mean of the two curves, but the data for calcium Zeo-Karb stuck closely to the original Ca-Zeo-Karb and NaCl curve. The calcium and sodium Zeo-Karb stocks had been prepared a year previous to making these tests, and might have acquired a permanent set so that they were in reality two different exchange materials. Therefore, a quantity of sodium Zeo-Karb stock was saturated with calcium ions and three tests were immediately made by shaking samples of this material with N/25 sodium chlor¬ ide solution. The points obtained are shown as circles in fig. 2 and lie very close to the regular Ca-Zeo-Karb+NaCl curve. The conclusion is that the exchange characteristics of Zeo-Karb are condition¬ ed by the ion with which the material was last saturated and do not change un¬ til the material is saturated or nearly saturated with another ion. A similar conclusion was reached by Renold (Koll. Beih., Jf3, 1, 1935) from his work on syn¬ thetic aluminosilicates. Fig. 1. — Units : Activities \n solution mil¬ liequivalents per liter. Concentrations in Zeo-Karb, milliequivalents per gram air dried weight. The effect of concentration of the solu¬ tion is seen from fig. 1, the circles refer¬ ring to N/10 NaCl + Ca-Zeo-Karb. For a given ratio Ca:Na in the exchanger, the simple Ca:Na ratio in the solution is greater in the more concentrated solu¬ tion, but by plotting activities according to the equation given, a relation is ob¬ tained which is independent of the total salt concentration. (b) The Sodium-Hydrogen Exchange. — These results are given in fig. 3. The simple ionic concentration ratios were plotted, these being assumed equal to the acitvity ratios in solution. The curves for Na-Zeo-Karb -f HC1 and H-Zeo-Karb + NaCl almost coincide, showing a close approach to equilibrium. The index p in Equation 1 is about 0.6, which shows that the mass action law (p = l) is not necessarily obeyed for a true equilibrium. 126 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions These graphs are, however, definitely not linear. It may easily be that Equa¬ tion 1 is not valid for exchanges involv¬ ing the hydrogen ion; this will be seen more clearly when data for the sodium- potassium exchange in Zeo-Karb are available for comparison. The effect of total concentration is seen from fig. 3; the crosses refer to N/25 solution, the circles to N/10. As was expected for a pair of ions of the same valency, concentration has no effect on the distribution. Acknowledgments The work described developed out of researches carried on in the laboratories of The Permutit Company, Birmingham, New Jersey. The writer is indebted to The Permutit Company for the gift of Zeo-Karb and also for permission to pub¬ lish these results. Papers in Geography Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman The Evanston program carried 11 papers, all of which are herewith pub¬ lished. The chairman for the Urbana meeting in 1942 as elected by the 28 attend¬ ing was: Joseph Van Riper, Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale. (Signed) Arthur B. Cozzens, Chairman [127] 128 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions U. S. AIRWAY WEATHER STATION, CARBONDALE, ILLINOIS Erselia M. and Thomas F. Barton Southern Illinois Normal University , Carbondale, Illinois More than ever before does the present World War show the importance and need for a thorough knowledge and un¬ derstanding of weather and climatic con¬ ditions. For a people to prosper and defend itself adequately today such a knowledge is essential. Although weather data are commonly used when planting crops; buying and selling goods; plan¬ ning road itineraries; or properly heat¬ ing a house, it took the present war to make all men really weather conscious. During the last decade through com¬ mercial and military aviation the “weath¬ er eye” public has increased with an ac¬ celerated tempo. Wishing to help with this movement to understand weather, the writers will describe the operation of an Airway Weather Station, and show how such a station can contribute to the educational curriculum. In April, 1940, a second class Airway Weather Station was established on the Southern Illinois Normal University campus at Carbondale under the super¬ vision of the Geography Department. The Federal Government provided all the technical equipment and supplies while the Geography Department provided of¬ fice facilities and personnel. The station contains the following tech¬ nical equipment: Mercurial barometer, barograph, anemometer and wind vane, wind velocity and direction indicator, maximum and minimum thermometers and holder, whirling apparatus for wet and dry bulb psychrometer, rain and snow gauge, weather shelter. Before being permitted to take authori¬ tative readings, the three observers se¬ lected to take readings had to pass a Civil Service examination and secure Certificates of Authority to take Airway Weather Observations. Two of these ob¬ servers, Harry Chester and James Chand¬ ler are college geography majors, and the third, Thomas F. Barton, Chairman of the Geography and Geology Department, is sponsor of the station. Every day, between 6:10 and 6:30 A. M. and P. M. and between 12:10 and 12:30 A. M. and P. M., weather observations are taken. Weather recordings are made, computed, coded, and telegraphed to Chi¬ cago in twenty minutes. From Chicago this information is made available by teletype for commercial and military air¬ ports throughout the United States. For example at 12:29 P. M. on April 19, 1941 the following message was wired to Chicago in code: 43387 19403 08172 65502 66065 69217 67 The first three digits of the first group of numbers describes the location of the station as to latitude and longitude. The fourth number of the primary group shows that the sky was completely cov¬ ered with clouds and the last number indicates that at the time of reading visibility was between six and twelve miles. In the same way the numbers in each of the following groups give a quan¬ titative description of weather. The following weather phenomena are observed, computed, and recorded at each six-hour reading: 1. Total amount of cloud 2. Visibility in miles or feet 3. Wind direction and velocity 4. Present weather (of which there are ninety-nine kinds) 5. Station and sea level pressure 6. Dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures 7. Dew point 8. Three hour station pressure change j and pressure characteristic 9. Kinds of low, middle and high clouds 10. Cloud height and direction of | cloud movement 11. Character, time and amount of ; precipitation or character and time of thunderstorm 12. Maximum and minimum tempera- j tures. At the end of each month four copies of the monthly weather summary are | made. Of these, three are sent to Kansas City where one is filed, one is sent to the Geography — 1941 Meeting 129 Weather Bureau at Springfield, Illinois, and the other goes to the Weather Bu¬ reau in Washington, D. C. The fourth copy is filed for reference work in the Geography Department. Use of Weather Data. — One of the most important elements of Physical Geogra¬ phy is weather. Almost everybody is in¬ terested in local weather conditions but most people believe with Mark Twain that nothing is ever done about the weather. However, at Southern the Geog¬ raphy staff members who use Finch and Trewartha’s Elements of Geography as a text in the introductory course, are at¬ tempting to teach students how to de¬ scribe, interpret and predict weather conditions. Consequently, by having weather readings every six hours, the Geography instructors have accurate local data to use in classroom presenta¬ tions. This information is also used in the college geography laboratory classes hav¬ ing as their objective the understanding of weather and weather instruments. Most students are interested in timely and local statistics that explain the weather drama as it is enacted. From local description and interpretation one can go on to broader generalizations on the subject. From the standpoint of weather instruments, in the laboratory or workshop there are various weather r, ., T". “Why Not Build an Inexpensive Ibxd. Establishing an Inexpensive Weather Station: instruments similar to those used in the station but differing somewhat in that they may be demonstrated from time to time. Although not completely equipped at present the workshop contains the follow¬ ing instruments: mercurial and aneroid barometers, barograph, thermograph, hy- grograph, humidaguide, hand sling psy- chrometer, maximum and minimum thermometers, an indoor-outdoor ther¬ mometer, and a rain and snow gauge. Students are taught the mechanism and uses of each instrument as well as how to read it. After an understanding of the instruments is achieved practical functional problems connected with weather elements are studied. The use of these daily reports not only stimulates interest in weather, but actual observation of the station itself also awakens in pupils a keen interest in weather problems in general. The sta¬ tion has been shown to rural, intermedi¬ ate grade, junior and senior high school pupils, to college students and to “in- service” teachers. From past experience, one can safely say that most of these students, regardless of grade level, were impressed and stimulated by these trips. In fact, many have set up their own in¬ expensive weather stations, either at home or at school.1 Weather Station at Your School?” Illinois Education, An Abstract,” Journal of Geography. 130 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPES OF THE SUDBURY AREA, ONTARIO1 Thomas F. Barton Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale, Illinois Two distinct agricultural landscapes are developing within a few miles of each other in the Sudbury Area of Ontario, Canada, namely the “Agricultural Land¬ scape of the Sudbury Pocket”2 and the “Disseminated Agricultural Landscape Among the Ice-scoured Hills.” These landscapes represent the two types of agriculture most prevalent on the Lauren- tian Highlands. As it is true elsewhere in the Canadian Shield the best agricultural land of the Sudbury Area is confined to pockets. The Sudbury pocket is the middle one of “five areas more or less fit for settlement”3 which are located in the portion of the Shield contiguous to the north shore of Lake Huron and Lake Superior. These pocket areas, as briefly described by Lower,4 are from east to west: North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, and Fort Williams and Port Ar¬ thur. The Disseminated Agricultural Land¬ scape Among the Ice-scoured Hills re¬ sulted from the scattered and often per¬ sistent attempts of pioneers to hew farms among the glaciated hills of the Canadian Shield. Although both of these agricultural landscapes developed under the same climate and produce crops for the saxi- cultural markets, differences in land- forms, soil, and stage of development re¬ sult in a different cultural landscape. Because of physical and cultural dissim¬ ilarities these two landscapes will be treated separately, although they do have many characteristics in common. Agricultural, Landscape of the Sudbury Pocket By driving seven miles northwest of Sudbury through a cut-over forest land¬ scape, one enters an agricultural pocket by means of a water gap at Azilda (fig. 1). Here agricultural features, patterns and associations are superimposed upon a lacustrine plain of an abandoned glacial lake. This pocket, about twenty-three miles long and eight wide, is roughly boat-shaped with a prow at the west end of Vermilion Lake and the stern about five miles southwest of Wanopetei Lake. This area represents roughly an old glacial lake bed in the central portion of the Sudbury basin. All of the land in the Sudbury pocket is not in farms, and rather large tracts have never been cultivated. Near the center of the lake bed are several sand¬ stone ridges, remnants of former anti¬ clines. Parts of these ridges have never been cultivated and account for much of the wooded land in the pocket. Most of the few farms located on the sandstone ridges have been abandoned. The islands of cultivated land in the northern part of this boat-shaped area are separated from the larger area of farm land to the south by cut-over for¬ ests. Clearing and settling have not been rapid in the northern part of the plain because the soil is too sandy, gravelly, and often too wet for agriculture. More¬ over, in spite of a long period of develop¬ ment, there still exists near the center of the pocket islands of timber surrounded by cultivated land. These timber islands occupy the gravelly, rocky, poorly drained or most inaccessible parts. The reader should keep in mind, however, that this agricultural pocket contains more cultivated land and more farms than all the rest of the Sudbury Area. On this plain the roads, although fol¬ lowing a rectangular pattern, are not laid out in perfect square mile intervals. 1 For practical purposes at present the writer uses the term “The Sudbury Area” when writing1 of that portion of Ontario included on the Sudbury Topogaphical Sheet which is published by the Department of Interior. The area is forty-eight miles long from east to west; thirty-four miles wide, and is named after its largest city, Sudbury. Information in this paper is based upon six weeks’ field work in the summer of 1939 and library research. 2 The term pocket is used to designate small areas of arable land located in depressions in the Laurentian Upland. 3 Lower, A. R., “Settlement and the Forest Frontier in Eastern Canada,” Canadian Frontiers of Settle¬ ment , Vol. IX, p. 12. 4 Ibid. Geography — 1941 Meeting 131 Often two parallel east-west roads one mile apart will only be connected by north-south roads at intervals of two miles. The dispersed rural dwellings are usually found along the principal east-west roads but seldom on the north- south connecting roads (fig. 2). The rural homes are concentrated along the main gravel roads with usually six to twelve houses to a mile. There are about five hundred families with an av¬ erage of four or five to a family in the pocket.5 The farms have the elongated strip shape of typical French Canadian land holdings. Often there are two houses in the same farmyard — the older dwelling may be occupied by the parents and the newer one by a son. The farms are small, usually compris¬ ing sixty to eighty acres with many small fields devoted to potatoes, barley, truck crops, and hay. For example Rodolphe Paquette owns an eighty-acre farm on the southeast corner of the crossroads at Boninville. During the summer of 1939 he had thirty acres of potatoes, ten acres of hay, eight acres of oats, four and a half of truck garden, and the rest of the farm was in yards and pasture. Instead of having each cultivated crop in one field, the crops were planted in several small fields giving a patchwork field pat¬ tern. However, on most farms mixed hay occupies more of the land than any other crop, and on many farms it occu¬ pies more land than all the other crops combined. Farms, pastures and farm¬ yards are usually enclosed with wire, rails, or poles, but cultivated fields with¬ in a farm are often not enclosed. 8 Data given by Romeo Leroux, agricultural representative of the Sudbury District, in an interview on A.ugust 8, 1939. 132 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Fig. 2. — Agglomerated Agricultural Settlement in Sudbury Pocket, Sudbury Area, Ontario. A representative farmyard contains a house, garage, combined barn and crib, potato cellar, and woodpile (fig. 3). Houses are usually c 6UB-0WQS J WOODS ;- ■ RIVERS AND LAKES L MARSH, BOO OR OPEN MUSKEG WELL TRAVELED ROAD SLIGHTLY TRAVELED ROAD iaaMMMi scale of miles Fig. 5. — Dispersed Agricultural Settlement, Kelley Lake-Long Lake District, Sudbury Area, Ontario. 136 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions and the population density is not as great as that in the Sudbury pocket. There are only three or four houses to the square mile. There are many evidences of pioneer farming in these districts, such as patches of cultivated crops interspersed in the second growth forest. A predom¬ inance of hay fields in which rock piles and stumps may still be seen. Whereas many of the farms in the Sudbury basin have been four-fifths or completely cleared, here the amount of cleared land is very small. These clearings appear like small islands in a sea of cut-over forest land. The cultivated fields of one farm often do not join the fields of the adjacent one. Sometimes a second growth forest of jack pine, birch and yellow poplar may completely hide one farm from another. Buildings are small and crude, and are constructed from poles, logs, and rough lumber obtained in clear¬ ing the land. In these districts much of the land and forests pass through three stages of de¬ velopment. Between 1900-1920 the large lumber companies removed the red and white pine. Then followed the French Canadian “wood chopper” or “bush farmer” who was more interested in cut¬ ting the jack pines for mine timbers and ties, the yellow poplar for pulp wood, and the birch tfor fuel, than he was in clearing the land for cultivation. The bush-farmer stage is followed by the Fin¬ nish farmer whose persistent efforts and frugal living made cultivation of the land possible (in these two districts the Finnish farmers outnumber the French Canadians).17 In contrast with the commercial agri¬ culture of the Sudbury pocket, farming in these districts is chiefly one of sub¬ sistence agriculture with few cash prod¬ ucts. Some milk and vegetables are mar¬ keted in Sudbury and the mining towns. Dairying is becoming more important as shown by an increase in the number of Ayrshire cows. In 1939 a carload of Fig. 6. — Dispersed Agricultural Settlement, Beaver Lakes-Vermilion River District, Sudbury Area, Ontario. 17 Interview with Tom Thorpe, assistant forester in Sudbury, on August 14, 1939. Geography — 1941 Meeting 137 Ayrshire cows were shipped from lower Ontario to Worthington for the Beaver Lake-Vermilion River district.18 Money is also secured by the sale of baled hay, and both pulp and fuel wood. The money from these small sales is used to pur¬ chase meager necessities that cannot be produced on the farm. Settlement gradually goes on in these two districts. New roads are cut through the forest and old roads improved. The number of families and farms increase and the areas of farm land become larger and more continuous. Rapid agricultural expansion is not likely, however, and boom periods only occur in the mining industry of the Sudbury Area. Although the climate is the same and about the same kind of crops are grown in both agricultural landscapes, farming 18 Sudbury Star, August 18, 1939, p. 6. in the Disseminated Agricultural Land¬ scape among the Ice-scoured Hills is a battle against rougher land, poorer soil, and poorer drainage than in the Agri¬ cultural Landscape of the Sudbury Pocket. Summary Two distinct agricultural landscapes are found in the Sudbury Area primarily because of a difference in landforms and soil. Associated with the differences in physical features are the differences in cultural forms such as road types and patterns, distribution and density of pop¬ ulation, acreage of cleared and cultivated land per farm, crop production, and stage of economic development. Both of the agricultural lanscapes are primarily de¬ pendent for their existence upon the saxi- cultural development of the Sudbury Area. THE SOIL FACTOR AND LAND USE IN BARBOUR COUNTY, ALABAMA Alfred W. Booth University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Barbour County in east-central Ala¬ bama lies within two regions of the Upper Coastal Plain of Southeastern United States, the Clay Hills and the Southern Red Hills. In the Clay Hills or northern portion of Barbour County are found soils belonging to the Susque¬ hanna series. In the Southern Red Hills portion, are found soils belonging to the Ruston and related series. Numerous cultural contrasts exist between the northern and southern portions of the county, many of which can be explained in terms of this soils difference. The highest summit level of the cuesta produced by the Clayton formation which almost bisects the county is generally considered to be the line of demarcation between the Clay Hills and Southern Red Hills. The Clay Hills section is under¬ lain by the Ripley formation which con¬ sists of gray to greenish-gray sands and clays. The southern portion is underlain by the Naheola formation which consists mainly of reddish sands, and which rests upon the white limestone of the Clayton formation.1 Northern Barbour County lies on the lower portion of the dip slope of the cuesta produced by the Ripley formation, and as a result, is maturely dissected. Its surface configuration is featured by broad, open valleys and some rather con¬ spicuous narrow, steep-sided ridges. On the other hand, Southern Barbour County lies mainly on the upper portion of the dip slope of the cuesta produced by the Clayton formation. Hence its dissection has just begun and its surface configura¬ tion is featured by rather broad, open ridges and shallow, rather narrow val¬ leys. Despite these contrasts in surface con¬ figuration, the topographic factor is not the significant one in explaining differ¬ ences in land use. For both areas have approximately the same amount of land in which, topographically speaking, agri¬ culture is possible, even though in one case it is in valley bottoms and in the other on ridge tops. The original vegetation o*f the two areas was similar, consisting of mixed deciduous and coniferous trees, including 1 Lithic descriptions from “6eological Map of Alabama”, Geological Survey of Alabama, 1926. 138 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions among others long-leaf and Short-leaf pines and various species of oak, hickory, and gum. In both areas hardwoods were most common either on the ridges or poorly-drained lowlands, while pine was most common on slopes and on sandy areas. Coniferous trees were slightly more numerous in the southern area, comprising about 47 per cent of the total stand as compared to 38 per cent of the total stand in the northern area.2 More important than any other single physical elements in explaining contrasts in land use within the county is the soil factor. The Susquehanna soils of the northern portion have developed from the clayey Ripley formation and hence are rich in clays. The Susquehanna soils, which belong to the Red Podzolic group of soils, usually have a thin, yel¬ lowish A-horizon, lack a B-horizon, and are underlain by tough, compact clay subsoils. These clay soils, although richer in minerals than most sandy soils, have the disadvantage of being cold, wet, and difficult to fertilize. If they lose their A-horizon, and this has happened in this area because of careless culti¬ vation and continuous cropping in clean- tilled crops, they become almost too stiff to cultivate by ordinary methods. The soils of the southern portion of the coun¬ ty belong mainly to the Ruston series, though the Norfolk and Orangeburg are also represented. The Ruston soils, de¬ veloped in the sandy Naheola formation, are light gray to grayish-brown sands, loamy sands, and sandy clays with fri¬ able sandy clay or sand subsoils. They are slightly acid and rather low in min¬ eral content, but have the advantage of being well-drained, easy to cultivate, and very responsive to fertilization.3 Not only present land use, but also past land use in Barbour County is closely related to the character of these contrasted soils series. When the coun¬ ty was first settled (between 1830 and 1840) the Susquehanna areas attracted the large-scale cotton producers, since its richer soils encouraged the large capital investment necessary to buy land and slaves. The Ruston areas were thus left to the small-scale pioneering farmers. 2 Harper, R. M., “Economic Botany of Alabama, No. 8, p. 92 and p. 102. “Soil descriptions from: “Soils and Men”, U.S.D. States”, Atlas of American Agriculture, Part III. 4 Sturkie, D. G., “Peanuts”, Alabama Experiment This contrast between the plantation economy of the north and the self-suf¬ ficient pioneering economy of the south continued even after the Civil War. It was not until commercial fertilizers came into common use that the yeoman farmers were able to compete with the white-owned, negro-operated plantations in cotton production. With this shift from a self-sufficient economy to a cotton economy, the amount of land in cultiva¬ tion in the southern area increased rapidly, and accompanying this was a great increase in population. The present status of the southern area in these re¬ spects was reached about 1910. The coming of the boll weevil in 1914- 1915 had more serious repercussions in the northern than in the southern area. The best method of overcoming the rav¬ ages of the weevil is to plant early-ma¬ turing varieties of cotton. However, such varieties of cotton require light, well-drained soils, fertilization to pro¬ mote growth, and thorough tillage before and after planting. It can be seen that the heavy clay soils of the northern area prevented all these measures from being carried on effectively. Also, by this time the farmers of the northern area were faced with a new problem. Because of continuous cropping in clean-tilled crops, the thin top soils of the area had been removed, leaving the tough clay subsoils exposed at the surface. In contrast, the economy of the south¬ ern area was not seriously shaken by the boll weevil, although some efforts were made to diversify. Chief amongst the crops which were added was the peanut. Peanuts are utilized both as a cash crop and as a forage crop in hog production. They do best in sandy soils, since dark-colored soils discolor the hulls and thereby reduce their commer¬ cial value.4 It is also true that when peanuts mature, they are apt to sprout and become rancid in wet, clayey soils. For these reasons, peanuts, which have proved so beneficial in bolstering the economy of the southern area, have never become a significant crop in the north¬ ern. Other crops which proved success¬ ful in the southern, but not in the Part I”, Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph V Yearbook, 1938; Marbut, C. F., “Soils of United Station, Leaflet No. 5. Geography — 1941 Meeting 139 ; northern area, are cowpeas, soy beans, velvet beans and pecans. The one bright spot in the future of the northern area lay in the fact that several types of good native and im¬ ported pasture and forage grasses do well on its clayey soils, a condition not common in sandy areas. So about 1920, encouraged by this fact, white planta¬ tion owners began consolidating their farm units and turning cultivated land into pasture land. As can be realized, this process was a painful one, since it resulted in the dispossession of many al¬ ready very poor tenant farmers. De¬ spite numerous mistakes and handicaps, a farm economy based on cattle-raising as well as cotton production is now fairly well established in the northern area. Thus, at the present time, mainly be¬ cause of soil differences, numerous cul¬ tural contrasts exist between the north¬ ern portion and the southern portion of Barbour County. The northern portion is an area of decreasing population, of land abandonment, of large, white-owned farms operated by negro tenants, an area where pasture land is supplanting culti¬ vated land, and where an economy based upon cattle and cotton is being substi¬ tuted for one based on cotton alone. The southern portion is an area of static population, of small farms usually oper¬ ated by their white owners, an area where rather intensive cultivation of cotton, corn, peanuts and other crops is supporting a cotton, peanuts, and hogs agricultural economy. Some of the pres¬ ent contrasts between the two areas are shown statistically in Table I, in which Spring Hill Township represents the northern portion of the county, and Reeders Mill Township, the southern portion. TABLE I. COMPARATIVE STATISTICS* Item Spring Hill Twp. Reeders Mill Twp. Population per sq. mile-.. Per cent population de¬ 18.0 36.4 crease 1920-30 _ Per cent population negro 21 4 (est.) _ 90 35 Per cent total area in farms Per cent total area in crops 33 76 harvested. _ Average size of farms 15 41 (acres) Per cent farm land culti¬ 96 63 vated - _ - Per cent farm land in pas¬ 39 55 ture — 44 15 * Bureau of Census: 1930. THE FACTOR OF POSITION IN HEMISPHERE DEFENSE Clarence L. Brown Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinois A study of the geography of western hemisphere defense must, by the very nature of the subject, include the con¬ sideration of a multitude of factors. Many statements have been offered re¬ garding our national needs for materials — strategic, critical, and essential — for defense.1 Other statements deal largely with such topics as naval bases2, the merchant marine3, conservation of fuel resources4 the Pan-American policy5, the extension of the Monroe Doctrine6, the foreign policy in relation to the establish¬ ment of a favorable exchange of goods7, the possibility of invasion8, and the Rus- sian-Japanese-American Far Eastern policy0. Some, but by no means many, of these publications concern themselves to a degree with the factors of position. None, however, analyze the problem of United States defense entirely from the positional factor point of view. It is the purpose of this paper to present a dis¬ cussion on this subject — the factor of position in hemisphere defense. REFERENCES 1 Roush, G. A., Strategic Mineral Supplies, Mc¬ Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1939. Wallace, B. B., and Edminster, L. R., International Control of Minerals, Brookings Institution, 1930. Voskuil, W. H., Minerals in Modern Industry, Wiley, New York, 1930. Requa, H. L., The Relation of Government to In¬ dustry, Macmillan, New York, 1925. Leith, C. K., World Minerals and World Politics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1931. Smith, G. O., The Strategy of Minerals, Appleton and Company, New York, 1919. Emeny, B., The Strategy of Raw Materials, Mac¬ millan, New York, 1934. Holland, T. H., The Mineral Sanction as an Aid to International Security. Van Nostrand, 1935. Furness, J. W., Jones, M. L., and Blumenthal, F. H., “Mineral Raw Materials,” U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Trade Promo¬ tion Series 76, 1929. 140 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Leith, C. K., “International Control of Minerals,” Mineral Resources of the United States, Part 1, 1917, U. S. G. S., Washington, D. C., 1917. Leith, C. K., and Liddell, D. M., “The Mineral Reserves of the United States, and Its Capacity for Production,” Planning Committee for Min¬ eral Policy, National Resources Committee, Wash¬ ington, D. C., 1936. Leith, C. K., “Political Control of Mineral Re¬ sources,” Foreign Affairs, 3, 541-555, 1925. Hobley, A. H., “Strategic Minerals”, Mining Con¬ gress Journal, October, 1928. Staley, E., Raw Materials in Peace and War, Coun¬ cil on Foreign Relations, Washington, D. C., 1937. Leith, C. K., Strategic Minerals in War and Peace, The Geological Society of America, Washington, D. C., 1940. 2 Burpee, L. J., “A Road to Alaska,” Canadian Geographical Journal, November, 1940, pp. 257- 267. Mills, E. W., “Newfoundland,” Canadian Geographi¬ cal Journal, February, 1941, pp. 59-69. Nichols, D. A., “Greenland, Our Northeastern Neigh¬ bor,” Canadian Geographical Journal, January, 1941, pp. 41-52. Shaw, E. B., “Our New Atlantic Defenses,” The Journal of Geography, Yol. XL, Feb. 1941, No. 2, pp. 41-56. Jones, S. B., and Mehnert, K., “Hawaii and the Pacific,” Geographical Review, July 1940, pp. 358-375. 3 Warton, D., “Our New Merchant Navy,” The Readers Digest, Jan. 1941. Bidwell, P. W., Tariff Policy of the United States, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 1933. Dewey, R. L., “Merchant Marine Act of 1936,” American Economic Review, June, 1937. Upgren, A. R., “Triangular Trade,” Journal of Political Economy, October, 1935. Wright, P. G., The American Tariff and Oriental Trade, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1931. 4 Strain, W., “The Aluminum Industry,” Journal of Geography, Oct., 1940, pp. 257-268. Bartle, Ehblau, Hilken, “Conservation of our Fuel Resources,” Journal of Geography, Oct., 1940, pp. 274-280. Culbertson, W. S., “Raw Materials and Foodstuffs in the Commercial Policies of Nations,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, March, 1924. Roush, G. A., Op. cit. Emeny, B., op. cit. Hobley, A. H., op. cit. Staley, E., op. cit. Leith, C. K., and Liddell, D. M., op. cit. 5 Sanders, W., “Pan-Americanism or the New World’s ‘New Order’,” Pan American Union, Feb., 1941, pp. 117-124. Macgowan, H. P., “Latin America as a Source of Strategic Materials,” Pan American Union Feb 1941, pp. 94-108. Gillin, John, “Emergent Races and Cultures in South America,” Scientific Monthly, March, 1941 pp. 268-273. Winkler, M., and Cumberland, W. W., “Investments and National Policy of the United States in Latin America,” American Economic Review, Sup¬ plement, March, 1932. Fetter, F. W., The New Deal and Tariff Policy, Uni¬ versity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1933. Wright, P. G., “Bearing of Recent Tariff Legis¬ lation on International Relations,” American Economic Review, March, 1933. 8 Martin, L., “The Geography of the Monroe Doc¬ trine and the Limits of the Western Hemisphere,” Geographical Review, July, 1940, pp. 525-528. Miller, G. F., “Some Problems in Western Hemis¬ phere Solidarity,” Journal of Geography, March, 1941, pp. 109-115. Madden, J. T., and Nadler, M., and Souvain, H. 0., America’s Experience as a Creditor Nation, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1937. Zier, J. G., “United States Trade with Latin America in 1938,” Pan American Union, Washington, D. C., April, 1939, pp. 225-236. Tercero, J., “Practical Pan Americanism,” Pan American Union, Washington, D. C., March, 1939, pp. 137-150. “American Solidarity,” Pan American Union, Wash¬ ington, D. C., March 1939, pp. 129-134. Leddy, J. M., “Commercial Relations between Latin America and the United States,” Pan American Union, Washington, D. C., Sept., 1939, pp. 510- 518. “Nicaragua,” Foreign Trade Series No. 172, Pan American Union, Washington, D. C., 1939. “Costa Rica,” Foreign Trade Series No. 174, Pan American Union, Washington, D. C., 1939. 7 Angell, J. W., Financial Foreign Policy of the United States, Council on F'oreign Relations, New York, 1933. Commission of Inquiry into National Policy in Inter¬ national Relations, International Economic Rela¬ tions, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1934. Williams, B. H., The Economic Foreign Policy of the United States, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1929. Howland, C. P., Survey of American Foreign Rela¬ tions, Oxford Press, London, 1930. “Foreign Policy of the United States,” Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, May, 1937. Lippmann, Walter, and Scrogge, W. O., The United States in World Affairs, annual, Harper & Brothers, New York. Sajrre, F. B., “The Question of Self-Sufficiency,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, July, 1936. 8 Cole, D. H., Imperial Military Geography, London, 1926. Flynn, J. T., “Can Hitler Invade America,” The Readers’ Digest, April, 1941. 9 Janewaj', E., “Pacific Showdown Approaches,” Asm, April, 1941, p. 156. Lattimore, O., “America Has No Time to Lose,” Asia, April, 1941, pp. 157-162. Kiralfy, A., “Japan Creeping Southward,” Asia, April, 1941, pp. 163-165. Utley, F., “Will Russia Betray China,” Asia, April, 1941, pp. 170-173. Walsh, J. R., “Japan Talks Much of Peace,” Asia, April, 1941, pp. 154-155. Sternberg, F., “Japan Alone is No Threat,” Asia, May, 1941, pp. 233-235. Helden, P. F., “Hitler’s Game in the Pacific,” Asia, May, 1941, pp. 247-251. Dennis, A. L. P., The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New York, 1924. Haensel, P., The Economic Policy of Soviet Russia, P. S. King & Son, LTD., London, 1930. Orchard, J. E., Japan’s Economic Position, The Progress of Industrialization, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1930. Clyde, P. H., Japan’s Pacific Mandate, Macmillan Company, New York, 1935. Orchard, J. E., “Economic Cohsequences of Japan’s Asiatic Policy,” Foreign Affairs, October, 1933. Geography — 1941 Meeting 141 Current events of a world-wide scope make this program of hemisphere defense as necessary as any other governmental function. In order to fully realize this critical international situation, we as ! geographers cannot over-emphasize geo¬ graphic positions. Napoleon once said, “War is a business of positions,” it is a question directly in terms of areas de- fendable and indirectly in terms of areas to be defended. The question of areas may also be considered directly in terms of items now produced and indirectly in terms of items that could be produced if the source of supply were lost. The problem of areas and their posi¬ tional relationships is a reality. Armies and navies do not move around ideas or concepts of ideology. Nor do naval and air bases rest on immaterial concepts of political theory. They exist and move in place. An area, plus other features, has position and time. Position and time constitute a reality. Therefore, a con¬ sideration of areas and their positional relationships constitutes a study in geo¬ graphic reality. There seems to be virtual agreement that our defense is concerned primarily with the Three Power Pact of Germany, Italy, and Japan with perhaps more than passing consideration to Russia. Defense is largely in terms of possible attack from the position of military, economic, and political aggression. In discussing the positional factor of defense, only at¬ tack of a military nature is considered here. Two points are significant at this junc¬ ture. In the first place, in what form will attack come? Obviously the initial form would be by sea or by air. The nature of our defense must, therefore, base itself upon that point. In the sec¬ ond place, what are we as a nation de¬ fending? There are several points of view current, but the position taken here is that our first concern is the defense c*f the United States and her possessions. With these points in mind, let us look to the vital areas that require special attention. These areas are: (1) the Panama Canal and the Central Lowlands of the United States, (2) the eastern seaboard, (3) the St. Lawrence Lowland, (4) Alaska, (5) the Pacific possessions, and (6) the western seaboard. Unquestionably our first interest to the south is security of the Panama Canal and the Central Lowlands. With our bases in the Caribbean region, we should be able to prevent the establishment of enemy bases on the Caribbean coast of South America, Central America, and on the islands of the Caribbean. Our second interest in southern defense is the pre¬ vention of enemy operating bases on the east coast of South America, particularly the sector south of the Brazilian bulge. It is 3600 miles from our base at Norfolk, Virginia, to Pernambuco at the tip of South America’s eastern bulge. It is 3100 miles from Lisbon, the nearest European port, to Pernambuco. Europe is closer than the United States to this eastern coast of South America by ap¬ proximately 500 miles. The cruising radius of our flee? is 2500 miles. Our bombers can cover 1500 miles. (To these figures the navy adds 10% and the air corps 20% to account for adverse weather conditions.) With our base at Puerto Rico, which will bring our influence 500 miles nearer Pernambuco than Lisbon, our fleet’s effective cruising radius will cover the eastern bulge. Shifting our point of view to Africa we notice that Dakar is 1700 miles from the eastern bulge of Brazil. The Ger¬ mans have been very active in Dakar, whereas the rest of the French possession has been left relatively alone. Holding Dakar brings Pernambuco within range of active German influence. Rio de Janeiro is 2500 miles from Dakar. The Nazis in Dakar are closer to the whole eastern coast of South America below the bulge than are our bases in the Car¬ ibbean. The possibility of the establish¬ ment of enemy bases south of the bulge is apparent. Firmly based in this south¬ ern area, northward advance could fol¬ low. Our third interest in southern defense focuses on the west coast of South Amer¬ ica. Here the United States has a clear advantage, for the east coast of the United States lies vertically above the west coast otf South America. This means that the whole of the United States is nearer to the west coast of South Amer¬ ica than is Europe. The Panama Canal is 2600 miles from Valparaiso, Chile. (Practically within the 2500 mile cruis¬ ing radius of our fleet.) The nearest European port is 8000 miles from Val¬ paraiso. The nearest port in South Af¬ rica, Capetown, is 4000 miles away. There 142 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions are many islands in the Pacific, like Galapagos and Easter Island, that lie but a few hundred miles off the west coast and could be used as enemy bases. The United States, however, has naval and air outposts in the Pacific between these islands and Japanese island outposts. Let us now consider our eastern sea¬ board and the St. Lawrence Lowland. Here is the financial, commercial and in¬ dustrial heart of Canada and the United States. The St. Lawrence Lowland leads into the Great Lakes region, and the Lake Champlain-Hudson River trough. Here is produced 75% of our “heavy” indus¬ tries — armaments, automobiles, iron, steel, and coal. Here is produced 75% of our wheat, 65% of our corn, 40% of our copper, 74% of our zinc, 46% of our lead, and 100% of our flax. In this heart area are found our largest cities, the center of population, and the focus of railroad transportation and hydro-electric power. To guard this area we depend upon the bases of Iceland, Newfoundland, and the Azores. German military bases in Norway and Africa are only 2000 miles from Newfoundland, 1600 miles from Iceland, and 1500 miles from the Azores. The Azores are situated 2100 miles from New York, Iceland 1300 miles northeast of Newfoundland, and Newfoundland only 1000 miles from New York. The best defense for both Canada and the United States is control of the Atlantic. The situation in relation to the defense of the western seaboard, at once, de¬ mands the discussion of the defense of Alaska and our Pacific possessions. The question also must include Japanese and Russian far eastern military activity. Our island in Bering Straits, Little Dio¬ mede, is only two miles from Russian owned Big Diomede. Here the Russians are building air bases. The difficulty of maintaining Big Diomede is impossible for it is 2500 miles to the nearest point on the Trans-Siberian Railroad ,and there are no other roads. Alaska is rapidly becoming a powerful military base, both coastal and internal. The real value of Alaska lies in the southern extension — the Aleutian Islands. This string of islands extend from Alaska toward Japan. Dutch Harbor, in the Aleutians, is 2500 miles from Yokahama and Tokyo, the heart of the Japanese Empire, while it is 4300 miles from Yokahamo to Seattle. Japan, then, is within the 2500 mile range of our bases — the southernmost tip of the Aleutian Islands, and not the west coasts of continental United States. If we reverse the situation we find the very heart of Japan within striking distance of Uncle Sam. Japan has also the Pacific possessions to contend with. Chief of these posses¬ sions is Hawaii. It is 2000 miles from the Hawaiian Islands to the west coasts of the United States — too far for an air force attack. With the fortification of Galapagos, no fleet could operate between Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, Galapagos, and the Panama Canal. Japanese fleets are built to operate in Japanese waters with frequent supply bases. The Jap¬ anese navy cannot carry fuel enough to attack the west coasts of continental United States. The factor of position in hemisphere defense is truly a study in geographic reality. Geography — 1941 Meeting 143 GOPHER-HOLE BARITE MINING IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, MISSOURI A Arthur B. Cozzens University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois One of the most critical problems of human readjustment in the Ozark Prov¬ ince is that associated with gopher-hole barite mining in Washington County, Missouri. Barite, or “tiff,” as the natives call it, is a soft, heavy, white mineral used principally in the manufacture of paint and as a “heavy mud” in the drill¬ ing of oil wells. In Washington County the tiff occurs in a thick layer of mantle rock from which it is easily extracted. Most of the mines are small hand oper¬ ated workings, but stripping operations have expanded considerably since their introduction in 1924. The hand mines, which belong to a type known as gopher- holes because of their small size, con¬ sist of shafts approximately five feet in diameter and usually 20 feet or less in depth. As the work proceeds, the lower part of the shaft is enlarged in the shape of a jug, the extent of the excavation being limited by the danger of collapse of the loose mantle rock. Equipment con¬ sists of a log windlass, a bucket made from half an oil barrel and a “rattle box,” or shaker for separating the barite from clay and other surficial impurities. For more thorough cleaning, a small handmade pick-hatchet called a “picka- wee” is used to chip off incrustations of iron oxide. The mine crew consists of two men each of whom may earn, under favorable circumstances, $2.00 or more per day. However, if the price of barite is low, the worker lazy or the deposit poor, earnings may be as little as $2.00 per week. Most of the hand-operated mines are located on old Spanish grants about 60 miles south of St. Louis between the towns of Desoto, Jefferson County, and Potosi, Washington County. From Span¬ ish times is inherited the paternalistic system under which operations are con¬ ducted. Land owners build on their prop¬ erty small cabins which are offered, rent free, to miners as an inducement to settle and produce barite. Barite dug on the land is sold either to the owner or to buyers who pay the miners for the min¬ eral and credit the owner with a royalty based on tonnage. Despite increasing competition of lower cost areas using machinery, hand mining proved satisfac¬ tory to both miner and land owner until the Depression. At this time, when busi¬ ness began to slacken, large numbers of men thrown out of other employment in neighboring areas went to Washington County, because barite digging offered an easy means of making a bare living. As a result of this influx of migrant work¬ ers, a great increase in barite production occurred. The owners felt morally obli¬ gated to buy from the miners on their land, but, in absence of a favorable mar¬ ket, could not also receive tiff from out¬ siders. Hence, they discontinued pur¬ chases of the mineral from land other than their own and labor troubles follow¬ ed. These disagreements have largely been settled, but the problems of the native barite miner are still unsolved. The indigenous hand miner is com¬ peting with machinery, and the demand for his product has decreased due to ex¬ panding production of high grade, low cost barite in Tennessee and elsewhere. Furthermore, because of the practice of mining the richest material available, the deposits are becoming progressively leaner and the output per man lower. At present, much of the land has been worked several times in a rather hap¬ hazard manner; hence, it is now difficult to find virgin ground. Ultimately, this condition, together with increased local mechanical mining, will eliminate many of the native hand miners. This consti¬ tutes a serious problem, for most of the miners are unable to adapt themselves to new tasks. Unfortunately, these peo¬ ple of the tiff district are almost com¬ pletely uneducated, and those who are more than 20 or 30 years c»f age are, as a rule, too fixed in their ways to learn new methods of making a living. A consid- 144 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Fig. 1. — Higher type native miners, shaft head, windlass, and rattle box. erable part of the group, therefore, is too old to learn, but too young to receive government pensions. Inbreeding through many generations and diet deficiencies have seriously re¬ duced the ability and aptitude of the tiff- miners. Most of them are members of French families who settled in what is now Washington County in the eighteenth century and who have remained in the same neighborhood, rarely marrying out¬ side the group. Diet inadequacies are due partly to poverty, partly to the miners’ aversion to agriculture. Only a few barite diggers raise gardens, and, be¬ cause of steep hills and stony soil, farms are few. As a result, fresh vegetables must be shipped from other areas at prices which place them beyond the reach of the miners. Fresh meat, likewise, is not available in sufficient quantities. Some miners raise a few chickens or perhaps one or two pigs; however, the dangers presented by gopher-holes ex¬ clude cows from the area. Consequently, subsistence depends almost entirely upon bacon, dried beans, potatoes, flour and canned goods. Diet deficiency is aggra¬ vated also by the ownership of one or more old cars by each family. Money needed for food is spent for transporta¬ tion, which, although convenient, is usu¬ ally not necessary. For the future, it is essential that plans be made to prevent increasing num¬ bers of unemployed tiff miners from be¬ coming public charges. Improved em¬ ployment conditions elsewhere will at¬ tract most of the migrant tiff diggers, but the native miners will remain to consti¬ tute a major local problem. Probably the best solution lies in the education of the young people for new occupations. A few may engage in crop raising, despite unfavorable soil and land slopes, and some may learn stock raising, although this occupation requires considerable capital and employs only a few workers. Larger numbers may learn various hand¬ crafts, and, if electric power were made available, small local factories could be established to utilize the cheap labor. With proper forest management, it is probable also that a few will find employ¬ ment in lumbering. Older miners who are incapable c*f learning new skills can continue hand mining at a fair profit by working small rich deposits in the pits made by me¬ chanical mining. This employment will be available until the barite deposits be¬ come exhausted possibly fifty years hence. Geography — 1941 Meeting 145 GROWTH OF ROBINSON, ILLINOIS Alden Cut shall University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Robinson is only one of the many small cities of southern Illinois that has ex¬ perienced a somewhat uniform growth over a period of years. Although located on the undulating terrain of the Illinois till plain and only a few miles from the fertile alluvial lands of the Wabash River, it is not essentially an agricultural community. More so, it is a community whose economy has resulted from a com¬ bination of manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and human initiative. Early Development. — Palestine, six miles east of Robinson, was the first settlement in this section of the state and became the county seat of Crawford County when the latter was organized in 1818. As new communities developed in the western portions of the county the necessity of removing the county seat to a more central and convenient location became more and more apparent. In 1843 the present site was chosen by popular vote, although Hebron and Hutsonville were also contestants for the honor and offers of land were received from many other points. Early growth was slow, the estimated population in 1865 being placed at 400 persons. Prior to the Civil War, there was little money in circulation. Many of the merchants sold goods on a year’s credit and were paid in crops or livestock during the summer and fall. In some cases they fattened this livestock on their own farms, owned packing houses on the Wabash River, the principal commercial artery, and shipped pork, beef, and grain to New Orleans. These conditions re¬ mained relatively unchanged until the Paris and Danville Narrow-gage Railroad was extended to Robinson in 1875. The railroad gave Robinson a decided advant¬ age over its competitors on the Wabash, namely, Palestine and Hutsonville, these two having more-or-less overshadowed their upland neighbor prior to that date. Five years later an east-west line (Springfield, Effingham, and Southwest¬ ern) gave the village added commercial advantages and helped to place the trade on a firmer basis. Manufacturing came gradually: saw mills and grist mills first, then an ice plant, and finally a glass factory. Development as an oil Center. — The discovery of petroleum in southeastern Illinois caused Robinson to experience a rapid growth in population and all lines of activity, the development in Crawford county reaching a peak about 1907. By this time the two railroads had become a part of the Big Four and Illinois Central Systems respectively and machine shops, tank factories and a small refinery were attracted by 1908. Fig. 1. — Robinson’s industries are located along the railroads and the principal ones are on the urban periphery. (R indicates Robinson Casket Company.) Since that time the growth cl the com¬ munity has been closely associated with the petroleum industry. The population increased 100 per cent between 1900 and 1910, then declined slightly, but has in¬ creased again within the last fifteen years. This can be attributed in part to the growth of the refinery. The locally owned refinery was pur¬ chased by the Ohio Oil company in 1924 and the plant capacity was increased more than 500 per cent within a period of about two years, and subsequently en¬ larged on two other occasions. This plant is handicapped by the absence of a near¬ by metropolitan market, so most of the 146 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions products are marketed within the local area. Only lubricating oils, road oils, and fuel oils offering competition in Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati markets. More Recent Industrial Growth. — The second important manufacturing plant is W. I. Case and Company locally called the “pottery”, which manufactures a complete line of bathroom fixtures. It had its origin about 20 years ago and in 1924 was manufacturing only three items. Other products have been added to meet competition and the company now serves a national mar¬ ket, and has a small export business to South America. This plant, employing 300 persons during the peak season, has not grown because of any natural ad¬ vantages of the region, although adequate labor and transportation facilities have permitted it to develop unhampered. Forty per cent of the clay is imported from England and the rest comes from Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, while other materials arrive from Illinois and the Dakotas. Local oil products are used, but their price is based upon Tulsa freight rates so this results in no loca¬ tional advantage. A combination dairy-candy-beverage plant, has also added to the industrial diversity within the last quarter of a century. It began in a small way and supplementary items were added and the plant capacity increased at intervals as the need arose. It, however, is more de¬ pendent upon local materials and local markets, as only the candy is sold beyond a limited area in southeastern Illinois and adjacent Indiana. Other types of manufacturing are a casket factory and two oil well supply concerns. The origin of the latter dates to the previous oil development, but their present status is indicative of the recent growth of the industry in southern Illi¬ nois. The Recent Oil Boom in Southern Illinois. — In February, 1937 Pure Oil’s test well at Clay City, about 50 miles southwest of Robinson, ushered in a new era of oil speculation and development in southern Illinois. Although this new ac¬ tivity has been almost entirely outside the limits of the earlier oil field, the older cities to the east, Robinson and Lawrenceville especially, have been the indirect recipients of renewed growth and increased prosperity. The refineries have expanded their capacity and are connected by both rail and pipe line with many of the new fields. The drilling and oil well supply companies, as already mentioned, have experienced a suddenly increased demand for their products and services. In fact, the Bradford Supply Company moved its main offices from West Virginia to Robinson early in 1938. Conclusion. — In conclusion, Robinson’s development has undergone many changes. Settlement was retarded until the present century because the village was only one of several small market centers that served the agricultural popu¬ lation of the nearby countryside. Then the discovery of oil caused an im¬ mediate increase in population, which was accentuated by the construction of the Wabash Refinery in 1915. The refin¬ ery has remained the major supporting industry, but other manufacturing estab¬ lishments were built by local men or were attracted by the cheap land, low taxes, convenient transportation facilities, or the abundance of labor. The labor sup¬ ply can be attributed to at least two factors. (1) Many families moved to Robinson during the oil boom and then remained after peak production had been reached. (2) The greater mechanization of agricultural practices produced a sur¬ plus of farm labor that was eager to ac¬ cept other types of employment. Residential expansion has progressed consistantly, but not rapidly. At present there is a shortage of housing facilities and rents are abnormally high. This can be attributed to the greater demands of the last few years which have paralleled the current industrial expansion. In brief, Robinson no longer has the charac¬ ter of a one industry town. Manufactur¬ ing is sufficiently diversified that the community life and prosperity are only partially dependent upon the petroleum industry. Geography — 1941 Meeting 147 ORIGINAL FOREST VEGETATION IN A GLACIATED AREA Paul W. Icke, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The Northern Lakes Region of Wiscon¬ sin may be considered as an area repre¬ sentative of the glaciated portions of the Upper Lakes States Region. Approxi¬ mately sixty percent of the surface of this sub-region is composed of outwash materials, parts of which are extremely level while other portions are broken or choppy. These latter irregular sur¬ faces are due to the presence of numer¬ ous kettle holes or post-glacially eroded channels. The remaining forty percent of the region, primarily found in the peripheral sections, has a surface of till material. The surface configuration of the ice deposited debris ranges from rolling through choppy to rough. In all portions of the region lakes, marshes and swamps are to be found located in kettle holes, post glacial channels or blocked pre-glacial valleys. The natural dynamics of forest ecology in this region of youthful landforms was abruptly terminated with the advent of lumbering activity during the late 39th and early 20th centuries. Since the last ice retreat many adjustments of vegeta¬ tion to the numerous environmental con¬ ditions had been made, while others were in progress when the disruption by man occurred. One of the chief adjustments of vegetation to habitat was found to be between forest species and glacial mate¬ rial, for as can be seen from a compari¬ son of the two accompanying maps, vege- tational types in the core of the area, which is composed of glacio-fluvial mate¬ rial, contrast with those in the peripheral sections where till materials are found. In general, the exclusively softwood, pre¬ dominantly softwood and the mixed for¬ est associations prevailed on the more sandy and droughty outwash while the predominantly and exclusively hardwood (including hemlock) associations were limited to the heavier morainic materials. The close correlation between glacial surfaces and vegetation can readily be shown by representative survey sections in the contrasting glacial types and noting the forest species which were found there by the surveyors of the original land survey. On the section lines bounding section 33 in T. 42 N., R. 10 E., an area of Plainfield Sand soil developed on a flat, sandy outwash sur¬ face, softwoods were found exclusively. Red pine ( Pinus resinosa) , white spruce (Picea glauca), black spruce (Picea mari- ana), tamarack (Larix laricina) and bal¬ sam fir (Abies balsmea) were the soft¬ wood species supported. In contrast, a survey section (Sec. 32, T. 42 N., R. 12 E.) in rolling morainic material (Ken- man Silt Loam) revealed yellow birch (Betula lutea), sugar maple (Acer sac- charum) and hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) on the well drained sites with some white cedar (Thuya occidentalis ) and tamarack in the swamps. Many portions of the outwash plain contain varying amounts of reworked till of earlier origin, allow¬ ing for the presence of a greater com¬ ponent of fine soil particles in such areas. (Example: Sec. 9, T. 41 N., R. 8 E.; Vilas Sandy Loam). Likewise, sections of ground moraine in the eastern marginal areas contain a fair percentage of sand particles in the glacial till. (Example: Sec. 30, T. 41 N., R. 11 E.; Kennan Fine Sandy Loam). In both instances the vegetational cover consisted of mixed forest species.1 The representative, contrasting, forest associations were found almost exclusive- 1 See Wilde, S. A. The Relation of Soils and Forest Vegetation of the Lake States Region, Ecology Vol. 14, No. 2, 1933, pp. 94-105 for a detailed treatment of relation of forest vegetation to soil texture, structure, moisture content and parent material. 148 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions — REGIONAL BOUNDARY ly on sites where root perietration was entirely above the ground water level. Surfaces intermediate in height between swamp and upland levels where roots were periodically influenced by the ground water level had different admix¬ tures of soft and hardwood trees. Swamp lands supported still other forest asso¬ ciations, the particular type dependent upon the variety of peat present and the percentage of mineral matter contained in the “soil”. The distribution of original forests in this geographical area was of great signi¬ ficance in determining the present cul¬ tural patterns. The highly coveted pine timber of the outwash plains was respon¬ sible for the extension of railroads into and through those sections. A few of these routes remain as rail lines while others have been converted for use as automobile roads or fire lanes. Likewise, many of the settlements of the pineries, originally functioning as lumber towns, are now flourishing recreational settle¬ ments. The hardwood lands, on the other hand, having been lumbered later, contain fewer cultural phenomena, as portable sawing equipment in use later and the trucking of logs to previously es¬ tablished settlements lessened the neces¬ sity of town and railway construction in the morainic sections. The apparent anomoly of greater concentration of agri¬ cultural development on the light, drough¬ ty outwash instead of on the heavier more fertile till material is primarily due to the fact that the latter areas are often excessively bouldery or extremely irregu¬ lar in surface. Furthermore, by the time most of the hardwood lands were logged over few additional acres were being cleared owing to the occurence of the nation-wide agricultural depression. Geography — 1941 Meeting 149 WATER IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Annemarie Krause Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois The portion of the State of Illinois south of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail¬ road, or south of a line drawn eastward across the State from St. Louis, will be called Southern Illinois in this paper. As a cultural feature this boundary line exerts no influence on Southern Illinois, but as a physical feature, it marks the southern limit ctf thick glacial drift. In two-thirds of the state, ground water is tapped for 80% of the public water supplies. In the southern third 75% of the public water supplies are of surface origin. (Fig. 1). The problem of this paper is two-fold: (A) to analyze the factors responsible for the large number of surface supplies, (B) to understand the problems of rural dwellers and communities dependent on these supplies. A study of environmental factors is of primary importance. 1. The character of the bedrock. — Most of the bedrock of Southern Illinois (fig. 2) is Pennsylvanian. About four- fifths of this series consists of impervious shale, with alternating seams of coal, dense limestones and sandstones. The thicker sandstone formations occurring in the lower portion of the series contain salt water. Other sandstones yield small supplies of fresh water to shallow wells, Fig. 1. — Seventy-five per cent of the public water supplies of Southern Illinois are of surface origin. (Drift is used in welldrillers’ sense: unconsolidated material.) but even here the degree of mineraliza¬ tion is considerable. The compact Devonian (fig. 2) lime¬ stone in Union and Alexander counties are unimportant as aquifers. In the Mis- sissippian series, (fig. 2) limestones with solution cavities and sink holes are the best water bearers. Farm wells in it are only relatively successful, since a sharply defined water channel must be tapped for a supply. The Tertiary gravels on the southern border of the state are good aquifers. 2. The character of the mantle rock and soil. — Pleistocene glaciation has left its indirect mark in the water laid sand, silt, and gravel on the large floodplains. On the upland, the thickness of the drift varies from thirty feet to ten feet near the southern limit of glaciation. The sand and gravel lenses of the drift con¬ tain sufficient water for small consumers. The northeastern quarter however, is un¬ derlain by considerable areas of imper¬ meable drift. The loess or loess like material originating from the floodplains of the larger streams decreases in thick¬ ness with distance from the source. The proportion of clay, however, seems to in¬ crease, resulting in heavier and less por¬ ous soils in the eastern than in the west¬ ern part of the state. Fig. 2. — The Pennsylvanian, consisting of impervious shale, seams of coal, and dense limestones and sandstones, dominates South¬ ern Illinois. 150 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions The upland soils, derived from these parent materials are modified Gray Brown Podzolic soils without normal pro¬ files. Characterized by claypan, they are acidic, low in organic matter and in all elements of plant ifood. Thus, their water absorbing capacity is low, yet their water holding capacity for surface sup¬ plies is great. 3. The relief and drainage. — The greater relief of Southern Illinois is evi¬ dent on the map of the State showing major contours. The unglaciated Ozark ridge, classified as rough plain, is at an average altitude of 600-700 feet and above the adjacent area by 200-300 feet. The glaciated zone, only thinly mantled with drift, shows preglacial lines only slightly changed. In contrast to the rest of the State in which glaciation was rela¬ tively recent, the normal cycle of erosion has advanced farther. Bounded by the Wabash, Ohio and Mis¬ sissippi systems; the Kaskaskia, Big Muddy, Little Wabash, Embarrass, Saline and Cache are well developed systems within the State. Distinctly flat inter¬ fluves are limited, and runoff and seep¬ age to the drainage channels is rapid, limiting ground water storage but facili¬ tating surface collection in the dammed valleys of small streams and creeks. 4. The character and distribution of precipitation. — Located in the transition zone between the humid continental and humid subtropical climates, Southern Illinois has a slight tendency toward a spring and early summer maximum of precipitation. The average precipitation of 42.38 inches (50 year period) is well distributed with 3 y2 inches or more re¬ corded for each ctf seven months. Two months have over four inches and only one month less than three inches. Aver¬ ages, however can be very misleading; this past year the average was about 32 inches, and the distribution unsatisfac¬ tory from the standpoint of surface water supply. The rainfall is largely of thunderstorm origin. Thus variability from season to season is pronounced and within a short distance there is a wide range. The run¬ off resulting from the summer downpours is rapid, much of it is evaporated or used by vegetation, and only the cyclonic storms of winter bring the maximum opportunity for the replenishment of ground water resources. 5. Cultural factors affecting ground water. — In the coal mining district, water which enters the mines must be pumped out to facilitate mining opera¬ tions. This under-pumping lowers the water table. Clean cultivation, the removal of forest and sod, and the drainage of wet lands hasten runoff. Again, subsequent re¬ charge of ground waters is restricted. Thus the environmental factors of rough plains, impermeable soil, well developed drainage systems, and character and dis¬ tribution of rainfall which are hamper¬ ing ground water storage, favor man in surface water storage. Three traverses were made to sample water supplies of rural areas. The floodplains. — The Mississippi flood- plain in the vicinity of Fountain Bluff demonstrates the ease with which ground water is obtained. A pipe with a screen¬ ed point is driven down from 20-50 feet. A pump is attached to the upper end of the pipe. This locally is not a “well”, but a “pump”. In Gorham, most water is hard. It has to be “broken” for washing and drinking. Cistern facilities seem to be limited to the wealthier class, for there are but ten cisterns in a population of 600. The Missouri Pacific Railroad has a ten-inch well bored to a 90-foot depth. The water must be treated with lime and soda-ash for locomotive use. Sand Ridge, nearer the Big Muddy than the Mississippi, taps soft water at about 33 feet. Fortunately, for the sand pre¬ cludes the construction of cisterns, this water is adaptable to all household uses. The ease with which water is obtained is duplicated on the Wabash, Ohio, and the larger tributary floodplains of South¬ ern Illinois. The Uplands. — The upland traverses were in two genetically different regions. The unglaciated Ozark ridge of consider¬ able local relief contrasts markedly with the flat interfluve of impermeable drift overlain by thin loess or loess-like mate¬ rial. In the seven mile traverse of the Ozark Ridge on U. S. 51 between Cobden and Carbondale on 31 farms there are only 8 wells, dug to 35-40 foot depth. The yield is undependable, the water hard. Cisterns are used almost exclusively for household and stock purposes, sup¬ plemented by ponds for stock and spray Geography — 1941 Meeting 151 mixtures. The ponds are in part dammed up draws, in part excavations ctf five or six-foot depth located strategically to catch runoff. With normal rainfall many ponds last through the summer, while in years of rainfall deficiency as 1935 and 1939, wells, cisterns and ponds were dry and water was purchased from Carbon- dale. On a number of farms additional water could have been collected in cis¬ terns but either man takes a chance or the cost of putting in an emergency cis¬ tern is too great. Assuming that this sample is typical, one concludes that the unglaciated Ozark Ridge depends on sur¬ face water supplies almost exclusively. The ten mile upland traverse south ward from Pyramid (Junction Illinois 15 on U. S. 51) lies on the interfluve between tributaries of the Big Muddy and the Kaskaskia system. The data are from a smaller number of cases (18), as the farms are of the general farming type in contrast with the fruit farms of the Ozark Ridge. The dependability of the wells fluctuates with precipitation. Dur¬ ing a period of cumulative rainfall de¬ ficiency in 1934 and 1935, some of these wells went dry. A few farmers bored two-inch holes from 5-18 feet into the bed¬ rock to tap lower aquifers, but their water has not been as palatable since that time. Since the hardness of the water varies, cisterns are supplemental for general household use or laundrying. Noteworthy exceptions were the two rural schools which had cisterns only. As wells and cisterns on one-half the farms were of the “old oaken bucket” type, stock ponds were considered essen¬ tial labor saving devices. The uplands wells thus far discussed have been relatively shallow. Their yield, however, suffices the village household or average farm demand. Stock or dairy farmers have of necessity sunk their wells to one of the water bearing rock strata which assures them of a perma¬ nent supply. Thus one may conclude that the relatively shallow upland wells vary with topography and soils, and on the basis of these traverses the Ozark Ridge is poor in ground water and the northeastern quarter underlain by im¬ permeable drift depends on wells supple¬ mented by surface waters. Municipal Water Supplies. — In the northern third of the State, wells of vary¬ ing depth tap the copious sandstone aquifers. In the Central and Northern thirds drift wells also yield abundant water of good quality. Good and abund¬ ant water is available at low cost to municipalities. At Champaign-Urbana, the minimum domestic rate is $1.67 per quarter for 4500 gallons or 36c per 1000 gal. per quarter. In the Southern third of the State there is neither adequate glacial drift nor bed rock to yield good water in large quantities (the drift wells on map use “drift” in well-drillers sense as unconsolidated material.) The Coal Measures (fig. 2) which are meager in ground water have in places sufficient supplies for towns ctf 900-1200 population (as New Baden, Steeleville, Trenton, Red Bud, etc.) Cities over 7,000 however, such as Marion, Williamson County, and Carbondale, Jackson County, had wells at depths varying from 400-960 feet. The water contained considerable mineral matter of which sodium chloride was the most objectionable, and since the maximum pumpage was not enough to furnish the domestic users with an ade¬ quate supply, surface supplies were pro¬ vided. The karst limestones furnish water to several towns, the largest Anna (3500). During the 1934 drought the Anna city wells supplied the domestic needs of the town, the State Hospital for the Insane (2210-2400 population) and the industrial needs of the Illinois Central Railroad. The total capacity of all wells was needed for this emergency. Whether the wells could supply this amount indefinitely is not known. Residential consumers pay 62.5c per 1000 gallons per quarter. (These rates includes the new filtering plant costs installed 1937.) As indicated in fig. 1 surface waters from rivers, and impounding reservoirs supply 63 communities. (The map omits municipalities who buy treated water from neighboring communities, [East St. Louis alone serves 11 municipalities] nor is any attempt made to show the dis¬ tribution of railway, mine or industrial reservoirs). The Mississippi, Ohio, Wabash, Kaskas¬ kia, Big Muddy and some of their tribu¬ taries provide municipal supplies. But neither the cost ctf developing a source nor the provision of an adequate supply in drought years is a pressing problem. Communities without an adequate sup¬ ply from streams must impound water. 152 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Their problems include: selection of a reservoir site, buying land for the reser¬ voir, constructing a dam, and in common with river supplies there is the cost of laying supply pipes, and erecting a filter plant. It is self-evident that the financial obligations of such an undertaking are considerable, not to mention the continu¬ ous cost of treating water. Usually little more than the actual reservoir site is owned by the water company. Since City A Drainage basin 2560 A, Storage full 145 A. City B Drainage’ basin 2816 A, Storage full 85 A. City C Drainage basin 5862 A, Storage full 128 A. City A seems to be at a disadvantage in reservoir surface as regards evaporation, and shallowness may cause the water to be excessively warm in summer. Domestic water rates vary. Some municipalities which tap the almost un¬ limited river resources pay as little as 33 l/3c per 1000 gallons quarterly, most other surface water users have much higher rates, varying from 33 l/3c to $1.16 + per 1000 gallons per month. This high cost of water, in part a result of the large investment necessary for im¬ pounding reservoirs, practically bars water systems in communities of less than 2000. Under W.P.A. aid one system was installed in a town of 1,100, but a previously existing lake was utilized, thus not charged against the cost of the system. A unified water plan would do much to reduce water costs for munici¬ palities, mines and industries. So far we have assumed an unfailing there is no control over the use of the watershed cultivation may at times cause the “solids” content of water to be high and sedimentation of reservoirs necessi¬ tates some dredging. Relatively small watersheds may furnish an abundance of water provided adequate storage is pos¬ sible. Reservoir surface must be in pro¬ portion to storage capacity to reduce evaporation. Data for the following cities illustrates the point. 392 million gallons, Lake surface when 225 million gallons, Lake surface when 760 million gallons, Lake surface when supply of water. However, variability in annual and seasonal precipitation causes much concern to the Southern part of the state. Cumulative rainfall defici¬ ency the past year caused the cyclonic drizzles of winter to be absorbed by the parched ground. The early spring rains, the most important source of reservoir replenishment, have beqn below normal in amount. Although several million gallons of runoff were added to reservoirs in early April the cumulative precipita¬ tion deficiency January 1 to April 30 is 5.11 inches (Carbondale data). The dependence of surface water sup¬ plies on rainfall, especially on rainfall that furnishes runoff is clear. Of course, an actual shortage of water need never occur if sufficient storage is available, however the cost of providing that addi¬ tional storage is, at present, too high for most communities. Geography — 1941 Meeting 153 THE URBANIZATION OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS AND ITS RELATION TO NATIONAL DEFENSE Joseph E. Van Riper Southern Illinois Normal University , Carbondale, Illinois The growing crescendo of national de¬ fense is being felt more and more in the everyday life of the people of Southern Illinois, but probably to an even greater degree than in most other portions of the United States. There have been whisper¬ ings in the wind that new defense indus¬ tries may enter the area. These may be only whisperings, but they are producing new hopes for thousands of Southern Illinois residents. These people need a new source of regional income, and need it desperately. This portion of the state is due for some kind of pronounced change in its general welfare. Whether or not this change will be to the good, remains to be seen, but to geographers, any change in the economy of an area should be of special interest, and there¬ fore a brief summary of present condi¬ tions is presented here. A glance at a map showing the dis¬ tribution of urban agglomerations in Illi¬ nois reveals a compact cluster of urban aggregates in the southern part of the state exceeded only in the Chicago and East St. Louis metropolitan areas. (See Fig. 1.) ‘The population center of this “scattered big city” is located a short distance northeast of Herrin, and approx¬ imately 200,000 people live within a radius of 25 miles of this center.1 An unusual (feature of this area is the small size of its cities. West Frankfort is the largest of them, and has a population only slightly more than 12,000. Most of the towns have between 1,000 and 5,000 residents. A closer view of this area shows that the pattern of these towns and cities has an even texture, only the small agglomerations showing a tendency toward grouping. (See Fig. 2.) Mining is the basic economy of this urbanized area, and most of the agglomer¬ ations are, or were, mining towns. The saxicultural function however, is most dominant in the smaller centers. They have a much lower percentage of com- THE URBAN ZONE OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Fig. 2. mercial establishments to total popula¬ tion than the larger towns, and this per¬ centage has steadily declined with the advent of paved roads and the auto¬ mobile. To a stranger, these small towns seem much smaller than they actually are because their business districts are so undeveloped. West Frankfort, Herrin, Marion, and others are important region¬ al marketing and residential centers, and many of them have large coal mines near their borders. The most remarkable fact concerning these urban centers is their lack of manufacturing, other than the lo¬ cal type such as bakeries and ice plants. The regional service function is closely linked with mining, since it serves the small mining towns and the rural popu¬ lation, a large proportion of whom are part-time miners when employment is possible. The inter-urban areas show a density of population much higher than in most other portions of the state. Many of the farms are part-time in character, and are small in size. In a survey made of three townships in the center of the area under discussion, it was found that 40 1 Parrish, John ; “ Labor Supply in the Southern Illinois Industrial Area” ; Report prepared for the Construction Division of the National Defense Commission; 1941. 154 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions *] • M • * • • • ^ _ * • • • ■ S — ) .• k •• ri • y — • — 1 # I • “k- . • / # « • .» • . • • • r * • • • y • y — i z — • n — y • 1 • •- • • ♦ \ • • — - %T • / • . I • 100 000 to 200 000 • 50 000 to 100 000 • 25 000 to 50 000 • 10 000 to 25 000 • 5 000 to 10 000 • 1 000 to 5 000 • 500 to 1 000 • Fig. 1. Geography — 1941 Meeting 155 RURAL SETTLEMENT SIX MILE TWR to 60 acres is approximately the average size of farms. Fig. 3 shows the rural settlement pattern of one of these town¬ ships. In this example, a fairly dense pattern is observed, particularly along the paved roads, although this township is the one having the least number of rural residences of the three. Most of the urban agglomerations have well de¬ veloped urban-rural ecotones spread along the paved roads near their borders. Any area so wholly dominated by one type of occupation must exhibit uniform qualities in its entire social and economic position. This fact is strikingly illus¬ trated in this mining district. Unfor¬ tunately this uniformity conforms to a very low economic level. One of the best indicators of this regional poverty at the present time is the incidence of welfare relief. Williamson and Franklin coun¬ ties are the two most important coal mining counties in Illinois. According to the January, 1941 report of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, 44.4% of the people in Williamson County, and 35% of those in Franklin County were dependent upon welfare relief of some kind. The figure for Williamson County was the highest in the state. In order to determine more precisely the distribution of low income families, and to make certain that this distribu¬ tion was not concentrated in either the urban agglomerations or the rural dis¬ tricts, the writer undertook a quality rating survey of the rural districts in three townships and one of the smaller urban communities. Each rural resi¬ dence was plotted on a base map, and was given a quality rating of 1 to 5; 1 representing highly superior farms and residences, and 5 the lowest quality. The ratings were not based upon regional averages, but upon experience in such rating surveys made in widely separated areas in the United States. The average rating No. 3 therefore, is more of a na¬ tional norm than a regional norm. It is not merely a housing survey, since many additional factors besides quality of houses are taken into consideration. Figs. 4 and 5 show the distribution of the quality ratings in Six Mile Township, Franklin County. The maps are self explanatory, and indicate the low stand¬ ard of living in the rural areas. Fig. 6 shows a series of patterns in one of the smaller urban agglomerations. Note the correlation between welfare relief and the low quality ratings; also the extreme¬ ly high incidence of relief, despite the fact that this small population center has an operating mine near its border. Most of these smaller centers today are not so fortunate. They are in pitiful economic condition for many reasons, among which are the following: (1) These centers had fewer mines, hence when many of the mines ceas¬ ed operations, such towns were left with little or no income. 156 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions (2) Economic opportunities are less varied than in the larger centers. (3) Welfare relief has tended to prevent migration. (4) While the labor supply in this area is highly mobile, the residence of labor is extremely stable. In other words, while the miner is willing to drive as much as 20 to 30 miles to work he is hesitant to move his family from the home community. (This may be the result of mixed blood lines, or a characteristic com¬ munal feeling.) The low standard of living over the area is almost entirely the result of economic conditions in the coal mining industry. The increased use of machin¬ ery in mining operations, the competition of other producing areas, the bad reputa¬ tion of local labor organizations (in turn the result of prejudiced newspaper propa¬ ganda), and strip mine operations are among many factors contributing to the local industrial depression. Scattered throughout the area are the skeletons of mining enterprises: giant smokestacks rising solemnly from the rubble of crumbled surface buildings, or merely the insidious march of weeds up the flanks of an old rockpile. The mines that are operating are either very large, or very small, and few of the larger mines are still in operation. It is a significant fact that each evening, local radio broadcasting stations in a half minute or so between commercial programs announce the 10 or 12 Franklin County mines that will be operating the following day. The small ‘scavenger” mines are newcomers to this area, as in other large coal mining regions. They cater mostly to local consumption, and represent the pitifully futile attempts of the region to pull itself out of a hole by its own bootstraps. This is only a brief summary of the needs of the area for a new regional in¬ come; the evidence is conclusive. Now let us examine the possibilities for such new income. While agricultural prac¬ tices and marketing in the area can be greatly improved, the region will never become another Corn Belt, and the urban clusters will still remain. Manufactur¬ ing seems to be the principal hope. What then can the area offer in the way of manufacturing advantages? Most assured¬ ly, they are many and varied, and most of them can be sumarized as follows: (1) A large supply of semi-skilled labor. (2) Cheap power — cheap enough to compete with any industrial area in the Middle West. (3) A central location with respect to Mid-West markets. (4) A wholly adequate network of transportation lines. (5) An adequate water supply, now Geography — 1941 Meeting 157 that the Federal Government Crab Or¬ chard project is nearing completion. The industries best suited for the area probably belong to the chemical group, such as coal distillates, and cellulose de¬ rivatives. Powder plants for the national defense program fall under this category, and in recognition of this fact, the U. S. Army has placed the area in a first priority grouping in the program for future plant establishment. In peacetime these munitions plants could be fairly easily altered to produce such products as plastics or synthetic fibers. The reputation received as the result of the Herrin strikes has been one of the most insidious factors preventing the in¬ flux of industry. The labor groups in Southern Illinois only want the chance to correct that reputation, and since that opportunity has not been offered by pri¬ vate industry, they are clamouring for Federal intervention. Geographic factors of site and situation indicate that the abject poverty of the region is entirely unwarranted. The people of the area are praying that per¬ haps in a new type of service for their country, they may find a better and a happier future. Papers in Geology Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman The Evanston program in Geology carried 25 papers, 13 of which are herewith published. The others were : Behre, C. H., Jr., Northwestern University, Evanston. — Analagous struc¬ ture in lead-zinc deposits of the Upper Mississippi Valley type. Cohee, G. V., State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Trenton production in Illinois. (Being published by the Survey as Illinois Petroleum No. 39.) Ekblaw, George E., State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Stages of Lake Chicago and development of the Great Lakes region. Fisher, D. J., University of Chicago, Chicago. — Stereoscopic pairs pro¬ jected in polarized light. Fisher, R. F., State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Preglacial drainage of the Great Lakes region. Bushman, E. F., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Insoluble residue studies of Middle and Upper Devonian limestone of southwestern Illinois. Kesling, R. V., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Foraminiferal zoning of the Upper Cretaceous in western Alabama. Osment, F. C., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Heavy mineral studies of the Selma, Ripley, and Prairie Bluff formations of western Alabama. Parks, C. B. and G. W. Land, State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Fusain determination in coal by chemical analysis and microscopic count. (Being published in Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.) Schopf, State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Constituent plant particles in coal and their significance in the study of coal type variation. Spotti, A. E. and J. N. Payne, State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Roof irregularities of Coal No. 6 in the Staunton-Gillespie region. Sutton, A. H., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Age of the dolomite ex¬ posed at Momence, Illinois. Maximum attendance was about 80. A. II. Sutton, University of Illinois, Urbana, was elected chairman of the Urbana meeting in 1942. (Signed) Marvin Weller, Chairman [159] 160 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF THE PRE-PENNSYL¬ VANIAN SURFACE IN ILLINOIS* Maurice H. Smith State Geological Survey, ZJrbana, Illinois Uplift, warping, and peneplanation of the surface previous to the deposition of Pennsylvanian sediments in Illinois caused truncation of the Mississippian, Devonian, Silurian, and upper and middle Ordovician systems on the margins of the basin and truncation of local struc¬ tures. The pre-Pennsylvanian surface was not reduced to a flat peneplain. In places features of local erosional relief are evident. In the Beardstown area, western Illinois, a pre-Pennsylvanian hill stands about 50 feet high with four Pennsylvanian cyclothems wedging out on its flanks on or against the Salem and St. Louis formations of the Mississip¬ pian system. It is difficult to locate these erosional features merely from subsur¬ face information, but geologic conditions in the outcrop areas indicate that isolated shallow basins were first filled with Penn¬ sylvanian sediments which later accumu¬ lated to such a depth that they covered the hills leaving a flattish surface. The LaSalle anticline (Fig. 1) extends in a northwest-southeast direction for more than 250 miles, from northern Illi¬ nois north of the Pennsylvanian bound¬ ary to the Indiana border of northern Wabash County in southeastern Illinois. This structure in northern Illinois is a very asymmetrical anticline with a west flank dipping more than 25° in pre- Pennsylvanian rocks and an east flank dipping less than 1°. South of LaSalle County, the structure is imperfectly out¬ lined in Livingston and McLean counties due to lack of drill data. It is better known in Champaign, Douglas, Coles, Clark, Crawford, Lawrence, and Wabash counties where it has been extensively tested by drilling for oil and gas. In this southern portion it is asymmetrical, as in northern Illinois, but generally has a somewhat less steep western flank. Along the Illinois River near LaSalle, the minimum differential uplift along the anticline was 900 feet, near Tuscola in Douglas County it is about 1400 feet, in Lawrence County about 400 feet and in Wabash County only 250 feet. This suggests a maximum movement near Tuscola with a gradual dying out of the structure in each direction. The area of maximum deformation moved pro¬ gressively southward tfrom the LaSalle area, with the maximum differential eleva¬ tion in pre-Pennsylvanian times occur¬ ring in Douglas County, and, after Penn¬ sylvanian deposition had begun, in Law¬ rence and Wabash counties. The most notable structure in the area east of the LaSalle anticline is the Oak¬ land anticline1 which trends nearly north and south through Champaign, Vermil¬ ion, Douglas, Coles and Clark counties and a synclinal basin between this anti¬ cline and the Indiana line, also with a north-south trend. The east flank of the Oakland anticline appears to be some¬ what steeper than the west. The struc¬ tural relief is between 600 and 700 feet in southwestern Edgar County. Two eastward-pitching noses extend from the Oakland anticline toward the syncline in Edgar County. A narrow anticlinal fold trending northeast-southwest is shown in northeastern Clark County terminating the syncline at its southern end. The Oakland anticline intersects the trend of the LaSalle anticline near Casey, Clark ; County. The western portion of the Illinois basin is characterized by a gentle east¬ ward dip toward the basin amounting to 5 to 20 feet per mile. Just west of the Pennsylvanian margin are situated the Media, Warsaw, Colmar-Plymouth, Pitts- field-Hadley, Cap Au Gres, Valmeyer, and Dupo-Waterloo structures which influence the trend of the Pennsylvanian boundary I but are not well shown by the structure contour map. A weak anticlinal zone extends from central Henry County southeast across northeast Knox, Stark and Peoria counties, dying out in central i Published with permission of the Chief, State Geological Survey. „ Mylius, L. A., Oil and Gas Development and Possibilities in East-Central Illinois, Maps and Tables of Well Data: Ill. State Geol. Survey, Bull. 54, plate 21, 1927. Geology — 1941 Meeting 161 FIG. 1 162 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Tazewell County. An eastward-pitching anticlinal zone extends from Mason County eastward across Cass, Menard, Logan and northern Sangamon counties dying out in DeWitt and Macon counties. A shorter southeast-pitching anticline extends from northern Macoupin County across southeast Montgomery, and north¬ ern Bond County, dying out in south¬ western Fayette County corresponding with the Sorento structure.* 2 A little far¬ ther south another parallel structure ex¬ tends from western Bond County south¬ east to Centralia. An eastward pitching anticline extends across southern Clinton County including the Bartelso and Hoff¬ man oil structures. An anticline pitch¬ ing slightly north of east extends from northern Randolph County across south¬ ern Washington County including the Nashville oil pool. The Ava-Campbell Hill anticline3 pitches a little north of east across northern Jackson and south¬ ern Perry counties. The deeper part of the basin is sepa¬ rated from the structurally flatter area .of western Illinois just described, by a markedly asymmetrical anticline with a nearly north-south trend extending from southern Fayette or northern Marion County southward across Marion County through the Patoka, Sandoval, and Cen¬ tralia oil fields and western Jefferson and eastern Perry counties. It has been named the DuQuoin anticline from a town of that name in southeastern Perry County. It has been considered a mono- clinal flexure by some geologists because of the very slight westward dip from its crest. Although somewhat interrupted by eastward pitching anticlines and syn¬ clines, the east flank of the fold has structural relief of 500 or 600 feet with a general eastward dip amounting to as much as 100 feet per mile. The DuQuoin anticline also has a marked effect on the westward thinning of the Pennsylvania system,4 especially in Perry and Washington counties. This indicates that movement along the fold occurred during Pennsylvanian sedimen¬ tation. The Illinois basin extends east¬ ward from the edge of the DuQuoin anti¬ cline with the lower portion filled with Caseyville and Tradewater sediments. The pre-Pennsylvanian surface originally consisted of an upland area in the west half and a basin in the east half of the region and the DuQuoin anticline repre¬ sents the western margin of the basin. After the filling of this basin by Casey¬ ville and lower Tradewater sediments, the strand line moved westward with general extension of the basin, the upper Tradewater and Carbondale formations were deposited in the broader basin to the west. The most complicated structures in the Eastern Interior basin occur along its southern border. These include the Alto Pass fault zone trending northwest-south¬ east in Jackson and Union counties, which determines the southwest boundary of the Pennsylvanian area, and the Rough Creek-Shawneetown zone which enters Illinois at Shawneetown, Gallatin County, and extends directly west about 15 miles in Gold, Wildcat, and Cave hills, then turns sharply southwestward through Saline and Pope counties extending be¬ yond the border of the Pennsylvania about 20 miles before disappearing be¬ neath the Cretaceous sediments of the embayment area. South of the east-west segment of this fault is the deep east¬ ward pitching Eagle Valley syncline in southern Gallatin County which extends eastward into Kentucky to form a basin nearly as deep as that in Edward and adjacent counties, Illinois. South of this basin is the Hicks Dome uplift with nearly 4000 feet of structural relief. The map accompanying this paper shows only the broader general features of this complex area. There are no im¬ portant differences in thickness or com¬ position of the Pennsylvanian section in several fault blocks of this region, indi¬ cating that the structures are largely post-Pennsylvanian in age. The deeper part of the basin in Shelby, Effingham, Cumberland, Jasper, Craw¬ ford, Lawrence, Wabash, Richland, Clay, Marion, Jefferson, Wayne, Edwards, White, Hamilton, and Franklin counties is bounded on the south by a monoclinal slope with dip of as much as 200 feet per mile associated with the Rough Creek- Shawneetown fault zone and other struc¬ tures. On the west it is bounded by the ^ Bell, Alfred H., The Sorento Dome: Ill. State Geol. Survey, Ill. Pet. No. 6, Fig. 2, sec. 4, 1926. Root, T. V., The Oil and Gas Resources of the Ava-Campbell Hill Area, Ill. State Geol. Survey: Rept Inv. No. 16, Fig. 2, 1928. 4 Henbest, L. G., Pre-Pennsylvanian Surface West of the DuQuoin Anticline. Trans. Ill. Acad, of Sci., 90 nn 1 Q9'7 ’ Geology — 1941 Meeting 163 steep east flank of the DuQuoin anticline, and on the north, from Cumberland Coun¬ ty to Wabash County, by the steep west flank of the LaSalle anticline. Between Wabash and Gallatin counties, the deeper part of the basin extends beyond Illinois into southwest Indiana and western Ken¬ tucky. The structural relief of the basin from the base of the various surrounding slopes to its deepest part is 1000 feet to 1100 feet. The average dip is 10 to 50 feet per mile toward the deepest part of the basin, which consists of a narrow trough trending south across central Richland and western Edwards counties curving southwest across eastern Wayne County to northern Hamilton and White counties. Recent intensive drilling in this region has disclosed several anti¬ clinal or domal structures within the deeper part of the basin or as pitching anticlines extending out into the basin from its flanks. Among these are the Loudon structure in Fayette County near the northwest margin of the basin;5 the Salem structure, in Marion County6; a southeast-dipping monocline extending northeast in Jefferson County to south¬ western Wayne County; an anticline trending northeast across southern Ham¬ ilton County and including the Hoodville oil field; an anticline extending north¬ east from northwest Gallatin County across central White County, including the Omaha oil structure; an anticline trending north in eastern White County, including the New Haven, Stroms, and Calvin oil structures; two westward pitching anticlines in Wabash County including the Keensburg and Mt. Carmel oil structures; an anticline pitching south in west-central Cumberland and north¬ west Jasper counties; and a southwest pitching anticline in southwest Coles and eastern Shelby counties. Within the deeper part of the basin a prominent domal structure in southeast Clay and northern Wayne counties includes the Clay City oil structure. The anticlines around the borders of the deeper part of the basin tend to pitch toward the basin from all margins. The total relief from the center of the basin in Richland, Wayne, and Edwards counties to the margin of the Pennsylvanian sediments in western Illinois is near 2000 feet. The writer is grateful to Dr. H. R. Wanless, of the University of Illinois, and Mr. L. E. Workman of the State Geological Survey for helpful suggestions and criticisms in the preparation of the manuscript. 5 Randall, D. C., Geology and Development of the Loudon Pool, Fayette County, Illinois: 25th Annual Meeting of the A.A.P.G., p. 16, 1940. 6 Arnold, H. H., Jr., Salem Oil Field Marion County, Illinois: Bull., A.A.P.G., Vol. 23, p. 1352-73, Figs. 4, 5, and 6, 1939. DEVONIAN FORMATIONS IN NEW MEXICO Frank V. Stevenson* University of Chicago , Chicago, Illinois Until 1941 it has generally been con¬ sidered that only one Devonian formation was present in the state of New Mexico. The writer during the past five years has definitely established the occurrence of three Devonian formations, one of middle and two of upper Devonian age. There is a possibility of an existing fourth Devonian formation, but sufficient evidence for establishing this conclusion has not yet been obtained. The Canutillo formation, limited to the Franklin Moun¬ tains, Texas, does not extend into New Mexico. This formation has been desig¬ nated by other workers as being middle Devonian in age and shows no relation¬ ship to middle Devonian sediments in New Mexico. The Sly Gap formation crops out in the Sierra Caballo, San * Now with the Ark. Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. Andres, and Sacramento mountains. The Sly Gap is tentatively correlated with the Hackberry of Iowa, with some affinities with the Snyder Creek formation of Mis¬ souri, and bears definite relationship to the Martin limestone of Arizona, and the Devils Gate formation of Nevada. Over- lying the Sly Gap formation is the Percha shale, which has long been established as being correlative with the Ouray lime¬ stone in Colorado and in Arizona. This formation crops out only in the south¬ western portion of New Mexico, west of the Rio Grande, whereas the Canutillo formation and the Sly Gap are found only east of the Rio Grande. There is no known section in which the actual strati¬ graphic relationship of the Sly Gap and the Percha shale is shown. 164 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions NIAGARAN OSTRACODS FROM BURLINGTON, WISCONSIN R. C. Gutschick University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Introduction. — The Niagaran ostracods reported were discovered in the insoluble residues in connection with a sedimentary- study of the rock succession exposed in the quarry at Burlington, Wisconsin. At the Illinois State Academy of Science Annual Meeting held at Galesburg, May, 1940, Dr. J. R. Ball presented a paper on the Burlington quarry.1 In his article he describes the location of the quarry, lithology, fauna, and other characteristics of the strata. In brief, the quarry is located one mile west of Burlington along state highway 11; the rocks are extremely well-bedded, argillaceous dolo¬ mites which are mottled greenish gray and deep red. Mr. L. E. Workman refers this section to the lower part of the Joliet formation which he considers to be equiv¬ alent to the Osgood. Several years ago when the quarry workings were at a level now covered by water, the rocks of this lower part consisted of fairly thick- bedded dolomite of solid deep maroon color containing concretion-like masses of spongy, maroon rock. Method of Obtaining Residue. — A solu¬ tion of hydrochloric acid diluted 9 parts of water to 1 part of concentrated acid was used to obtain the residues. It was found that this strong concentration gave more satisfactory results with regard to the extraction of the ostracods than the use of a very dilute acid solution applied over a relatively long period of time. With the latter method the specimens came out with frayed margins despite the precautions taken in handling. Further¬ more, the formation of fine particles which coated the other grains caused a retardation in the activity of the process due to the lack of penetration of the weak acid. Character of Residue. — The percentage of residue ranges from about 10% to 45% of which only a fraction of one per cent is greater than 200 mesh. The very high amount of material less than 200 mesh consisting chiefly of clay and silt suggests the argillaceous character of the rock. The staining technique of adding potassium ferrocyanide [K4FE(CN)6] to an acid solution (HC1) in which the rock sample is immersed, yields a solid, deep, blue stain except for the calcitic vugs. This indicates the dolomitic char¬ acter of the rock. The material greater than 200 mesh is mainly secondary silica. A graphical analysis of the quantity of insoluble material indicates a very irreg¬ ular vertical distribution. This is typical of the lower part of the Joliet formation thus confirming Mr. Workman’s correla¬ tion.2 The fauna of the residues includes the following: arenaceous foraminifera which seem to be abundant throughout most of the section, internal molds of small brachiopods, fragments of small gastro¬ pods, abundant bryozoa remains, a few hexaxial sponge spicules, and an abund¬ ant ostracod fauna. The ostracod fauna is an interesting one. The specimens ob¬ tained are preserved as internal molds of siliceous filling, hence their presence in the residues. Of course, these speci¬ mens exhibit the internal characters of the animal’s shell. An attempt was made to determine whether the external char¬ acters are preserved anywhere in the rock. Samples of rock were crushed and sieved. Each grade size was separated, washed, and examined. Surprisingly enough there was very little or prac¬ tically no suggestion of a microfauna. It seems very doubtful whether the ex¬ ternal characters exist in the present rocks. Along certain zones of fine mot¬ tling, there is an abundance of ostracod material. Ostracod Fauna. — There is quite a di¬ versity of forms represented by approx¬ imately 15 species which includes 9 or 10 genera. Most of the internal charac¬ teristics are clear except in a few cases where overlap is difficult to determine. Although the complete identification of the fauna has not yet been made due to i , * k., Typical Lower Mississippi Valley Silurian Lithology in Southeastern Wisconsin, Trans, of the Ill. Acad. Sci., Vol. 33, No. 2, Dec., 1940, pp. 152-154. 2 Workman, L. E., Contributions to Correlations of Silurian Systems in Northeastern Illinois through Study of Insoluble Residues: Bull. G. S. A., Vol. 50, No. 12, Part 2, p. 2015, 1939. (Abstract.) Geology — 1941 Meeting 165 the fact that many of these are new forms, a few of the genera represented are: Kloedenella, Tubulibairdia, Leper- ditia, and Bairdia. Some of the forms are highly orna¬ mented. One of them is a clear example of dimorphism. The female has two large, bulbous, brood pouches postero- ventral. There are perforations along the line of juncture between the brood pouch and the main part of the shell. These brood pouches become detached from the animal and are found separate. It is common to find that the brood pouches are much more abundant in the residues than entire individual speci¬ mens. Where perhaps 5 or 6 entire speci¬ mens could be found, it is possible to find 50 to 100 l>rood pouches. The male has the general shape and characters sim¬ ilar to the female without the swellings. Among the other types are those that contain smooth surface shells. Conclusions. — Many of the workers on the Silurian rocks of the Middle West such as Workman, Ball, Dunn, Edwards, Priddy, and others have pursued different lines of attack in order to get a better understanding of the correlation of the rocks of this system. Lithological stud¬ ies, insoluble residues, mineralogical studies, foraminifera3 and other fossil forms have been used in the attempt. Dr. P. H. Dunn has completed a study of the arenaceous foraminifera of the Silurian rocks of several of the mid- western states. This is in the process of publication.4 He has indicated that os- tracods are abundant in many of the samples he has used for the extraction of foraminifera. The study of the ostra- cods, their diversity and distribution might supplement other methods. Ulrich and Bassler have done a classical piece of work in using ostracods to correlate the Silurian rocks of Maryland5 and ad¬ jacent states. Perhaps that same ap¬ proach can be used in the Middle West. The foraminiferal zones will be estab¬ lished by Dunn; the ostracods might lend themselves to the same analysis. Finally the fossil forms and the high content of argillaceous material suggest proximity to shore line conditions of sedimentation. Cumings and Shrock have indicated this in their paleogeographic map.8 3 Dunn, P. H., Microfaunal Technique in the Study of Older Paleozoic, Trans, of the Ill. Acad. Sci., Vol. 25, No. 4, June, 1933, pp. 140-141. 4 Dunn, P. H., personal communication. 5 Ulrich, E. O. and Bassler, R., Paleozoic Ostracoda: Their Morphology, Classification, and Occurrence, Maryland Geol. Survey, Silurian, 1923. 6 Cumings, E. R. and Shrock, R. R., The Geology of the Silurian Rocks of Northern Indiana, The Dept, of Conservation State of Indiana, Publication No. 75, 1928, p. 165. THE CHEMISTRY OF LEAD-ZINC DEPOSITION AND THE PROBLEM OF ZONING Robert Garrels Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois ABSTRACT The problem of the relative positions of galena and sphalerite (Pbs and ZnS) in the “Mississippi Valley” and other types of lead-zinc deposits is attacked from the point of view of a magmatic origin. Evidence has been generally cited to show that, on the basis of solubility determinations, sphalerite should occur nearer the surface and later parageneti- cally than galena. The reverse order holds in nature. Arguments based upon available data show that this unexplained order of de¬ position is probably due to (1) super¬ saturation phenomena, or (2) the forma¬ tion of complexes. Detailed experimental work, subjected to careful chemical control, shows that neutral chlorides are effective in (forming complexes with lead; thus increasing its solubility. At the conditions of deposi¬ tion of the Mississippi Valley deposits (ca. 100° C. and 60 at.) 2.0 normal CaCl2 would be effective in producing the observed mineral relations. This con¬ centration is in accord with that found by Newhouse in fluid inclusions in the galena. It appears probable that the so¬ lutions were relatively concentrated yet generally neutral in composition. 166 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions A NEW EDRIOASTER FROM THE UPPER ORDOVICIAN OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS C. C. Branson Northwestern University , Evanston, Illinois An excellently preserved specimen of an edrioaster was collected by the writer from a shale seam in a small limestone quarry one and one-half miles east of Garden Prairie, McHenry County, Illi¬ nois. A considerable brachiopod and bryozoan faunule is associated with the specimen, but the bryozoan specimens lack internal structure. M. E. Chappars of Walker Museum, University of Chi¬ cago, has been kind enough to examine the associated fauna and he has estab¬ lished the age as Middle Richmond ( Liberty-Whitewater ) . The edrioaster belongs to that rare group of Edrioasteroidea in which all the ambulacra curve in the same direction. In the genera Lebetodiscus and Ulrichi- discus all ambulacra curve to the left, in Cooperidiscus and Foerstediscus all curve to the right. The ambulacra of the pres¬ ent specimen curve to the right and the interambulacral plates are arranged in mosaic as in Foerstediscus , rather than in imbricate pattern as in Cooperidiscus. The genus Foerstediscus was estab¬ lished by Bassler in 1935 upon the species F. grandis Bassler from the Trenton of Woodford County, Kentucky. Two addi¬ tional species were described by Bassler in 1936, F. splendens from the Decorah at St. Paul, Minnesota, and F. parvus from the Hull formation (Trenton) of Kirkfield, Ontario. The present specimen is distinguished from these species by its wider and less prominent ambulacra and by its narrower disc of attachment. The particular value of the McHenry County specimen lies in the fact that the aboral surface and part of the interior of the theca are preserved. The aboral side of Foerstediscus has not been de¬ scribed. The frame consists of an outer row of small plates and an inner row of much larger plates which form an even border to the large tegmental area. The mouth is surrounded on the interior of the theca by five prominent plates, simi¬ lar in appearance to the perignathic girdle of some echinoids. This circumoral ring is here recognized for the first time. Bather figured edrioaster specimens which exhibit five lobes on the inner part of the tegmen, but this is an entirely different structure. R. E. Bassler has seen the specimen and has advised the writer concerning its structure and affinities. The specimen will be deposited in the United States National Museum. Geology — 1941 Meeting 167 THE SEDIMENTOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN GLACIAL OUTWASH ALONG THE CHIPPEWA RIVER Lyman Huff University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois* The Chippewa River flows across Wis¬ consin in a southwesterly direction to empty into the Mississippi at Lake Pepin. During the Wisconsin glacial epoch the Chippewa ice lobe occupied the upper part of the Chippewa valley. Meltwater from the ice built a large outwash plain in front of the terminal moraine. Down¬ stream, this outwash grades into a valley train along the Chippewa River and ex¬ tends all the way to the Mississippi River. The melt water carried so much glacial till to the aqueous sediments of the outwash plain and the valley train, they were deemed worthy of a sedimen¬ tary study. Channel samples were taken at approximately five mile intervals for the sixty mile distance along the valley. Most of the samples were taken at road cuts because they offered the best ex¬ posures. The results of the size analysis of these samples are given in the table below. The average size shows a marked in- Outwash Sample Till 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Geometric mean size in mm . .21 3.11 1.54 1.05 1.04 .44 .95 .65 .37 .44 .43 Standard deviation in Wentworth grade units . 4.18 2.66 2.57 2.42 2.24 1.09 1.81 1.67 .71 .74 .67 sediment that a deltaic fan was built in the Mississippi Valley, damming the river to form the predecessor of Lake Pepin. The Chippewa River at that time was overloaded, depositing sediments instead of eroding them as it is doing today. Like present day aggrading streams, it occupied a number of small, anastomos¬ ing channels, traces of which still per¬ sist. Aerial photographs of a large rem¬ nant of the glacial flood plain southwest of Durand show a network of dark bands that mark the position of the former stream channels. They are not shown by the topographic map and even field examination failed to disclose them. After the recession of the glacial mar¬ gin the overloading of the Chippewa River ceased. Deposition gave way to erosion. The river became one single meandering stream which cut its modern valley to a depth of from eighty to one hundred feet below the level of the gla¬ cial flood plain, and formed a complicated series of lower terraces. Since the glacial deposits along this valley offer a complete gradation from crease with the change from till to out¬ wash and from there on it decreases with fluctuations. The initial increase is best explained by the selective action of run¬ ning water; the tendency to deposit the coarser portions of the load and carry the finer ones on. The successive de¬ crease in size of the particles may be explained by continued selective trans¬ portation. The lack of marked rounding of the fragments indicates that abrasion was not important. The standard devia¬ tion, or “spread” of the size range, shows a continual decrease downstream. Evi¬ dently the longer the water worked on the sediments, the better sorted they be¬ came. Other properties of these sediments, such as shape, orientation, and composi¬ tion, will be studied quantitatively in the future. At present it is safe to say that the sediments and their environment of deposition have had a marked effect upon each other. The properties of the sedi¬ ments change progressively downstream; the physiography was altered wherever they were deposited. At the time of presentation of this paper. Present address: Geological Survey, Portland, Oregon. 168 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE ON THE ORIGIN OF CONODONTS Ernest Paul Du Bois University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Samples collected near LaSalle, Illinois, from black shales of Pennsylvanian Mc- Leansboro age have yielded, in addition to an associated fauna of Lingula, Or- Iticuloidea, and fragmentary vertebrate remains, a number of excellent conodont assemblages. Study shows that without doubt a typi¬ cal assemblage consists of an anterior pair of Polygnathids, a pair of Bryan- todids, and a posterior group of several pairs of Hindeodellids, arranged in a linear series. In addition to this rela¬ tively common type, one specimen shows the presence of three Polygnathids, and two others, the presence of individuals belonging to the “genera” Distacodus, Lonchodina, and Hiblar della or Euprion- iodina. The evidence afforded by the assem¬ blages regarding the zoological affinities of the conodonts is not wholly positive. From their general aspect it seems un¬ likely that they are representatives of any known group of vertebrates, and equally improbable that they represent the radular teeth of gastropods or cephal- opods. Rather they seem to be a part of the pharyngeal aparatus of some Paleo¬ zoic annelid. The group is apparently not homogen¬ eous. This is attested to by the fact that one of the many assemblages pos¬ sesses three Polygnathids, and two other assemblages posess teeth of a radically different nature. The taxonomic problem raised is one of no mean dimensions. Inasmuch as a system of taxonomy should be so con¬ structed as to represent the evolutionary relationships of the animals involved, and because the evidence presented in this material shows that structures which have been referred to different families may in reality belong to the same indi¬ vidual, considerable revision of the tax¬ onomic treatment of the group seems nec¬ essary. To correct the present termin¬ ology by orthodox means would be ex¬ tremely difficult and would require years to execute. The solution which seems most feasi¬ ble is the complete transfer of the present nomenclature to the “Ordo militaris” ad¬ vocated by Carey Croneis for use in just such cases. This scheme would remove the necessity of a complete revision of the present classification, would allow the further study of conodonts as tools for the stratigrapher, and, at the same time, would permit the separate development of another classification based upon bio¬ logical relationships. A SHAPE-ROUNDNESS STUDY OF BEACH SANDS FROM CEDAR POINT, OHIO A. C. Lundahl University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois ABSTRACT Seven samples of beach sand, collected at one mile intervals from Cedar Point spit built across Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie, were treated with acid, sieved, and split into “lights” and “heavies” by means of acetylene tetrabromide. The “lights”, mainly quartz, from each sieve separate, were mounted and pro¬ jected, and shape (sphericity) and round¬ ness determinations were made. It was statistically observed that the roundness showed a definite decrease in the direc¬ tion of transport. Sphericity values of the grains decreased also, but much less markedly. The decreases in roundness and spher¬ icity do not appear to be due to abrasion but either to a selective sorting by the littoral currents or to some cracking or splitting of grains during transport. Many of the finer grade separates do show evidence of fracturing. Geology — 1941 Meeting 169 USE OF STEREOSCOPE WITH AERIAL PHOTOS IN ELEMENTARY GEOLOGY Charles G. Johnson University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Recently the Department of Geology at the University of Chicago has adopted the study of aerial photographs by means otf the stereoscope as an aid to the study of topographic maps in beginning geol¬ ogy classes. Aerial photographs are being employed more and more by the govern¬ mental surveys and private companies, and it is well that future geologists be¬ come familiar with them early in their careers. The photos are taken looking vertically downward, with a single lens camera. Contact prints made from the negatives are 7x9 inches or 9x9 inches, and have a scale of approximately 1:20,000 or about three inches to the mile. Consecutive photos overlap about sixty percent, mak¬ ing them well adapted for use under the stereoscope. The great advantage of viewing the photographs through a stereoscope lies in the fact that the features on the photo are made to appear as a three-dimen¬ sional or spacial model. This is helpful to students who are using topographic maps for the first time. By using topo¬ graphic maps and aerial photos together, he can soon learn the meaning of con¬ tours and be able to read them critically. A method of teaching the significance of contour lines is to introduce an exer¬ cise whereby the student makes a contour map from a stereoscopic pair of aerial photographs. Select a pair of photos that show well developed valleys and rounded hillsides with relief not over two hundred feet. Using drafting tape, fasten a clear piece of celluloid on one of the photos over the area that is to be mapped. Mark elevations of various points in ink on the celluloid, not over a half mile apart. Place the two photographs under the stereoscope and adjust them in fusion to suit the eyes. While viewing the photos through the stereoscope, draw in the con¬ tours with a wax pencil on the celluloid at their adjudged elevations along the hillsides. Physiographic forms are well shown on aerial photos, but are much more im¬ pressive when viewed through a stereo¬ scope. Such forms as dunes, drumlins, moraines, sinkholes, etc. are illustrated on topographic maps, but the beginning student can gain little or no idea as to how they actually appear in the field from the map alone. This difficulty is easily solved by stereoscopic observation of aerial photographs. Relative sizes of the different features are conveyed to the student through comparison to houses, trees, or other familiar objects present in nearly every photograph. By the use of topographic maps and aerial photos together many problems in structural geology can be worked out in the laboratory. Where conditions are favorable, outcrops can be seen on the photos and the direction of dip of the beds detected. However, it must be re¬ membered that slopes of hills and beds are in general, greatly exaggerated. Faults are often visible where none would be suspected from a study of the topographic sheet. Through the use of both topographic maps and aerial photos the student becomes aware of the under¬ lying structural control which is respon¬ sible for many physiographic features. No list of selected aerial photographs suitable for stereoscopic study of geologic features has been compiled. An attempt is now being made at the University of Chicago to make such a list, and it is hoped that a preliminary report may be ready soon. The cost of supplying a laboratory with an adequate number of stereoscopes and aerial photographs need not be great. Photographs can be purchased from the Department of Agriculture for twenty cents per print when ordered in lots of one hundred or more, or twenty-five cents per print when ordered in smaller quan¬ tities. The Department of Agriculture is the only national governmental agency authorized to sell aerial photographs. It 170 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions publishes and distributes, free of charge, a monthly index map of the United States which shows the extent of aerial photog¬ raphy completed or in the process of completion. This map does not include areas photographed by agencies other than the Department of Agriculture. Commercial stereoscopes suitable for study of aerial photographs sell for thirty-three dollars and more. However, a simple stereoscope constructed from four small mirrors and other readily available material, costing about a dollar, can be made as follows: The frame is made of y2 inch lumber screwed together, and mounted on legs of 1/2X1/i xy8 inch channel iron. Each leg is held by two studs screwed into a %x% inch strap-iron strip fastened to the end surfaces of the frame. (See fig. A) Extra holes may be drilled in the legs to make the height adjustable. The top of the frame is covered with sheet tin in which are cut eye holes 1 y2 inches in diameter on 2 y2 inch centers, and a tri¬ angular hole for the nose. (See fig. A.) All of the mirrors are inclined 45 de¬ grees as shown in fig. C. The two inner mirrors measure 2x2 inches and are plac¬ ed with the centers of their reflecting sur¬ faces 2 y2 inches apart (E-E', fig. C). To allow room for the nose, a corner is cut from each of the inner mirrors as in fig. D, and from the inside edges of the wooden *frame holding them. The two outer mirrors are 4x5 inches and placed with the long dimension horizontal. Their reflecting surfaces are 3 y2 inches, measured horizontally, from the reflect¬ ing surfaces of the inner pair. The tops of the outer mirrors are % of an inch vertically above the tops of the inner mirrors. Each mirror is held in place by small copper cleats. Light is provided by two 110 volt bulbs with C-7 candelabra bases. Each is in a bakelite combination plug having a switch and a shade. The plugs are held in a double wall socket mounted under the two inner mirrors. To shut out extraneous light, tin flaps 7x2% inches are hung by small hinges at each end of the stereoscope (fig. C). Dull black enamel is used for the finish. STEREOSCOPE TOR VIEWING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Geology — 1941 Meeting 171 THE APPLICATION OF PROBABILITY THEORY TO SEDIMENT SAMPLING William J. Plumley University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois ABSTRACT The question of how large a sample should be collected to determine the aver¬ age sphericity or roundness of a sedi¬ mentary deposit has long been unan¬ swered. Tentative answers to this ques¬ tion have ranged from 50 pebbles or sand grains to 150. An attempt is made in this paper to develop a method of samp¬ ling which will answer this question from a rigorous mathematical standpoint. The theory of sampling which is ap¬ plied in this paper is based on the equa¬ tion of the standard error of the mean. This equation states that the standard error of the mean of a sample is directly proportional to the standard error of any one observation and inversely propor¬ tional to the square root of the number of observations in the sample. From this fundamental expression, it is shown that the number of sedimentary particles re¬ quired to obtain a tolerated per cent error of the mean of a sample is dependent on two quantities, (a) the true average or mean of the sampled population, and (b) the spread or standard deviation of the population’s frequency distribution. The foregoing relations are only true if the sphericity and roundness distribu¬ tions of the population follow the bell¬ shaped distribution of a normal curve. To test this prime requisite, 500 pebbles were collected at random from a glacial outwash deposit. The resulting frequency distributions of roundness and sphericity were found to be essentially normal. The Fig. 1.— Graph illustrating the inverse re¬ lationship between sample size and per cent error of the mean. choice of glacial outwash assured a large spread of the frequency distributions. This is desirable because results obtained from this type of deposit may now be applied to most other types of sediments. Fig. 1 is based on the equation for the standard error of the mean. It illus¬ trates the inverse relationship between sample size and per cent error of the mean. A method of approximation, based on graphs similar to Fig. 1, has been de¬ vised by which the true mean of the sampled population is estimated. From this value the sample size is then deter¬ mined for any tolerated error of the mean. In general, a sample of 50 particles is more than adequate for roundness and sphericity determinations. 172 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions MISSISSIPPIAN STRATIGRAPHY OF OHIO Fred T. Holden University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois The Mississippian rocks of Ohio con¬ sist of six formations: Maxville lime¬ stone, Logan formation, Cuyahoga forma¬ tion, Sunbury shale, Berea sandstone, Bedford shale. The Bedford shale is a chocolate-brown, red and blue-black, argillaceous shale. It crops out along the western and north¬ ern margins of the Mississippian outcrop zone in Ohio. Its thickness varies from 40 to 110 tfeet. Only in the basal few feet are there fossil remains. A slight disconformity exists at the base of the Bedford. Nearly everywhere there is a sharp contact between it and the under¬ lying Ohio shale, but rarely is there evi¬ dence of the existence of erosional con¬ ditions between the deposition of the Ohio shale and of the Bedford shale. The Berea sandstone consists essen¬ tially of a light tan or light gray, well sorted, fine-grained sandstone or silt- stone. In southern Ohio it is composed of several thin layers of siltstone, each layer from 8 to 15 inches thick. In cen¬ tral Ohio thin, argillaceous and arenace¬ ous shale layers to a total thickness of about 7 feet occur near the base of the Berea. Above are fine-grained, rather massive sandstone layers, each 2 to 8 feet thick. In northern Ohio the maximum thickness of the Berea exceeds 200 feet. The contact between the Berea and the underlying Bedford shale is marked by a well-defined erosional surface. Overlying the Berea along the western margin of the Mississippian outcrop in Ohio is the Sunbury shale. This is a black, fissile, carbonaceous shale litho¬ logically very similar to the Ohio shale In northern Ohio the Sunbury shale is indistinguishable from the black shales of the Orangeville member of the Cuya¬ hoga formation. Hence the Sunbury is not recognized as a distinct formation in this area, all of the black shales immedi¬ ately overlying the Berea sandstone being included in the Orangeville member. Seven lithologic facies, each subdivided into a varying number of members and submembers are recognized in the Cuya¬ hoga formation: Tinkers Creek shale facies Meadville shale member Sharpsville sandstone member Orangeville shale member Aurora sandstone submember River Styx conglomerate facies Black Hand conglomerate member Armstrong sandstone member Rittman conglomerate submember Killbuck shale facies Black Hand shale member Armstrong sandstone member Burbank member Toboso conglomerate facies Black Hand conglomerate member Pleasant Valley member Granville shale facies Black Hand siltstone member Raccoon shale member Hocking Valley conglomerate facies Black Hand conglomerate member Fairfield sandstone member Lithopolis siltstone member Henley shale facies Henley shale member These facies have been named in pro¬ gressive order from northeastern Ohio to south-central Ohio. The axes of the conglomerate facies trend northwest-southeast. It is probable that the conglomerate facies represent deltas formed by deposition of coarse materials derived from lands to the southeast. Intervening shale facies are areas where fine sands, silts and clays accumulated. The Logan formation directly overlies the Cuyahoga formation. From south central Ohio the Logan outcrops extend northward with varying thickness to Holmes and Wayne counties, where it thins rapidly due to erosional beveling. Three lithologic facies are distin¬ guished in the Logan formation: Pretty Run sandstone facies Rushville shale member Vinton sandstone member Geology — 1941 Meeting 173 Allensville conglomerate member Byer sandstone member Berne conglomerate member Scioto Valley shale 'facies Vinton sandstone member Portsmouth shale member Buena Vista sandstone member Vanceburg siltstone facies Vinton sandstone member Churn Creek member Vanceburg siltstone member Rarden shale member Buena Vista sandstone member The material composing these deposits was probably derived from the southeast. The Maxville limestone overlies the Logan formation in southeastern Ohio. It is rarely exposed, being nearly every¬ where covered by Pennsylvanian deposits which overlap on to the Logan formation. THE OCCURRENCE OF COMMERCIAL MUSCOVITE IN PEGMATITES F. W. Hinrichs Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Descriptions of most mica-pegmatite districts are available, but due to a gen¬ eral lack of attention to precise descrip¬ tion of mineral relationships, much of the earlier literature is of little signifi¬ cance. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize certain general truths which appear to govern the formation of large muscovite crystals of commercial value. Discussion will be limited to occurrences of the greatest economic importance; ap¬ parently most of the world’s production of sheet mica has come from the Madras Presidency and the Province of Bihar and Orissa, India, and the states of North Carolina, New Hampshire, and South Dakota. The development of the concept of re¬ placement in metallic ore-bodies was fol¬ lowed by the concept of the replacement origin of many pegmatites. The prin¬ ciples of ore-body zoning around an in¬ trusion is likewise paralleled by the zonal distribution of pegmatites, best es¬ tablished by Maurice1 in the Spruce Pine district, North Carolina, on the basis of the composition of the plagioclase c*f the pegmatites. Close study of other pegma¬ tite areas should reveal more instances of such zoning. As a basis, the writer proposes to ac¬ cept a modified two-stage, aqueo-igneous theory for the formation of pegmatites containing commercial sheet mica. It appears reasonable, as Landes2 suggests, that the two stages, the first of primary introduction and the second of open sys¬ tem replacement by hydrothermal solu¬ tions, may be merely one long-continued stage, in which the components which modify the original mineralogy were de¬ rived directly from portions of the same pegmatite closer to the source. Replace¬ ment relations in pegmatites are often difficult to interpret, and without strict definition of terms the boundary between the minerals of the magmatic stage and those of the hydrothermal stage is in¬ distinct. Field relations and the literature show that commercial muscovite is apparently of late magmatic and early hydrothermal origin. Much of the evidence for late formation lies in the continuity of dis¬ tribution of the mica books along coun¬ try-rock contacts, along interior struc¬ tural features, along seams, and in shoots wandering irregularly about in the peg¬ matite. The definite continuity for sev¬ eral hundred feet of commercial musco¬ vite shoots in large pegmatites has been often observed. Two or more such mica shoots, of different colors and with dis¬ tinct differences in perfection of crystal¬ lization, are occasionally met in the same pegmatite, indicating different times of formation. Plagioclase feldspar and quartz are the two most persistent mineral associates of muscovite. From a compositional 1 Maurice, C. S., The pegmatitiea of the Spruce Pine district, North Carolina: Econ. Geology, Vol. 35, pp. 49-78, 158- 185, 1940. . 2 Landes, K. K., The origin and classification of pegmatites: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 18, pp. 33-56, 95-103, 1933. 174 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions viewpoint, the three largest mica districts of the world yield the best and most mica from pegmatites containing plagio- clase considerably more calcic than albite, with microcline absent or present only in small amount. Of the Kodarma dis¬ trict, the largest in India, Roy3 writes, “Workable quantities of mica occur only in those pegmatites in which albite-oligo- clase is the dominant or the only feld¬ spar present.” Of the Spruce Pine mica pegmatites, Maurice4 says, “The predom¬ inating mineral is plagioclase, generally calcic-oligoclase.” In the Nellore district, the second largest in India, Biswas5 em¬ phasizes the abundance of plagioclase ranging from albite to andesine. Oligo- clase is present in the mica pegmatites of New Hampshire and South Dakota, but no correlations similar to the above have been drawn. Perfection of crystallization in the muscovite crystals is of first importance commercially; much mica is inclined to crystallographic irregularities due either to post-pegmatite earth movement or to the influence of unfavorable conditions during formation. The principal crystal¬ lographic variety is the type known as “A” or “wedge” mica, in which the mica books are shaped much like an arrow¬ head, and commonly taper toward the point, sometimes as much as 30°. The literature contains references to this variety in every mica district in the country, and foreign references further show its frequent presence. Hess8 attributed the formation of A mica to “cooling and stoppage of solu¬ tions,” and suggests that, with continued flow of solutions the A mica may re¬ crystallize into clear, smooth books. From the large size, over three feet, reached by some A mica crystals, and from defi¬ nite differences in occurrence between A and flat mica, the writer believes that continued flow of solutions merely makes the A books larger, and that, at lower temperature, coupled with other less defi¬ nite factors, A mica is formed rather than flat. Of the spatial relationships of musco¬ vite shoots and pockets to the country rock contacts and internal structures no strong generalizations can be made, ex¬ cept that in many pegmatites the mica- rich portions lie along the country rock contacts and along the margins of barren quartz masses, if present. It is not unusual for the mica shoot to occur along the hanging wall alone, or to leave the contact and wander through the main pegmatite mass. In some bodies the mica occurs in segregation pockets of almost solid mica, but this type is rare. Of the continuity of mica shoots, Roy7 describes an Indian mine which has been worked for 1000 feet along the strike and for 400 feet down dip; 700 to 800 feet is probably about the length of the longest shoots worked in North Carolina. The source of the muscovite of pegma¬ tites has been held in question. The frequent occurrences of mica pegmatites in the muscovite schists and gneisses of the pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic, coupled with the rarity of commercial mica in pegmatites in the source batholiths and in mica-free rocks, led several observers, such as Holland3 and Smith9 in India, to attribute the muscovite to recrystalliza¬ tion of material assimilated from the country rock by pegmatitic action. Even when the pegmatites occur in mica-poor country rock, they may at reasonable depth traverse micaceous formations. If the concept of the pegmatite as an open system is accepted, it should be possible for the pegmatitic liquor to assimilate any constituents of mica which might be lacking, later to precipitate the mica where conditions were favorable, no mat¬ ter what the wall rock might be. To oppose this view, several estimates of muscovite content of pegmatites by Mohr10 show that the average mica mine yields only from 2.5 to 4% of mica by weight; block mica contents of 4 to 7% are not uncommon, but they characterize shoots especially rich in mica. Bearing in mind the nature of the pegmatite dif¬ ferentiation process, there appears to be Geoh MTg.,SVolK‘ 76h ppmai4f-i64‘’ 1^39 °hattapodh3rah» G- The mica-pegmatites of Kodarma, India: 4 op. cit., p. 68.’ ’ vol. 7? ppM13ll47, vMn 01 the mica P<*matitcs ot Nellore: Quart. Jour. Geol. Min. Met. Soc. India, volumeKSppP-526.5JrAm'XfSin0tMrte °" °' ^ (Lind^ 7 op. cit., p. 151. 8*’ »ShndiTMHM?Iica deposits of India: Mem. India Geol. Survey, vol. 34, pp. 11-121, 1902. 10 Mnhr ’w * nT Ml+a mining in Bengal, India: Mineral Industry, vol. 7, pp. 512-513 1899 Mohr, H., Der nutzglimmer, pp. 151-153, Berlin, Gebruder Bomtraeger, 1930. Geology — 1941 Meeting 175 little need to go beyond the original granitic source for most of the muscovite of pegmatites. Although pegmatites yielding commercial sheet mica are only rarely found in the original batholithic source, several of the New Hampshire mica mines are in members of the New Hampshire magma series, which is appar¬ ently their source, and scattered refer¬ ences to similar occurrences may be found. According to Bowen,11 the pegmatitic liquor is by the very nature of its origin essentially saturated, and its reaction with the wall rock will be chiefly in the nature of the formation of what may be termed addition compounds. Of over two hundred mica pegmatites visited by the writer, there were many in which field evidence showed no such possible amount of assimilation as could possibly produce the tonnage of mica which had been ex¬ tracted, and the conclusion supporting that of previous investigators is that, while limited assimilation of muscovite or alumina necessary for its formation may take place, the source of the large muscovite books of commercial value is in the magmatic intrustion. Bowen, N. L., The broader story of magmatic differentiation, briefly told: Ore deposits of the western states, (Lindgren volume), pp. 106-128, Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., 1933. STATUS OF THE CARBON-RATIO THEORY IN ILLINOIS By Alfred H. Bell, State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois In a paper entitled “Some Relations in Origin between Coal and Petroleum” pub¬ lished in 1915, David White made some generalizations that have been called col¬ lectively the “carbon-ratio theory.” Dur¬ ing the ensuing 20 years many authors have discussed the carbon-ratio theory and some have questioned its validity with respect to specific areas. The pur¬ pose of the present paper is to review the pertinent data on coal and petroleum for the State of Illinois and to consider their bearing on the various parts of the car¬ bon-ratio theory. The fundamental concept of the carbon- ratio theory is that dynamic metamor¬ phism, acting upon rock strata through past geologic ages, has caused progressive increase in the fixed carbon content of coal and in the Baume gravity of petro¬ leum. From proximate analyses of coal, giving the percentages of four constitu¬ ents, namely, moisture, volatile combust¬ ible matter, fixed carbon and ash, the “carbon-ratio” or per cent fixed carbon in moisture and ash free coal can be calculated. The carbon-ratio of a coal in any locality according to the theory, is an index to the degree of dynamic meta¬ morphism to which the coal and its asso¬ ciated strata have been subjected in that locality. Commercial oil fields, it was found, are confined to areas in which carbon-ratios are not over about 65 (pure coal basis). Some gas fields are located in areas of somewhat higher carbon-ratios but not over 70. No commercial gas or oil are found in areas of carbon-ratio above 70. In some regions a progressive in¬ crease in the Baume gravity of oil (de¬ crease in specific gravity) was noted in going from areas of low carbon-ratio to areas of high carbon-ratio, or from areas of little structural disturbance to those highly disturbed. From these observa¬ tions it is inferred that dynamic meta¬ morphism acts on oil to change it chem¬ ically, making it lighter in gravity until a point is reached at which it is no longer liquid at ordinary temperature and pres¬ sure. The boundary between an area in which oil pools occur and an area of higher carbon-ratios in which there are no oil pools is called the “extinction zone.” In a recent paper by David White, the extinction zone is placed between carbon-ratios of 61 and 63 (pure coal basis). If all coals were formed in the same manner from the same original material, and if all determinations of carbon-ratio were made by the same procedure, the variations in carbon-ratio found might be ascribed entirely to varying degrees of subsequent metamorphism. However, it is well known that coals differ greatly in respect to the original material from which they were formed. Methods of sampling coal and of making proximate analyses of coal have differed at different •Here published in full for the first time; abstract appeared in Transaction , Ill. Acad. Sci., 1936. Published with permission of the Chief, State Geological Survey. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions 176 times and in different laboratories. A number of different methods have been used to calculate “carbon-ratios.” Con¬ sequently much caution must be used in any attempt to use carbon-ratios as an index to the degree of dynamic meta¬ morphism. A discussion by W. T. Thom of sources of error and of limitations to the use of carbon-ratios has been published. After considering the probable maximum varia¬ tion of carbon-ratios from the “true norm for the metamorphism which such coal samples have suffered,” due to initial dif¬ ferences in coal-forming vegetation at time of burial and to errors in sampling, analysis and computation, Thom says “Carbon-ratios appear to provide a fair qualitative index of local metamorphic intensity, but do not give quantitative measures which can be relied on in draw¬ ing isocarb contours of less than 5 per cent (average) differences, even when derived with all possible care.” The relative merits of the various methods of computing “carbon-ratio” were also discussed by Thom in the same paper. According to the usage of David White and of most writers on the subject, carbon-ratio is the percentage of fixed carbon in dry ash-free coal computed from the proximate analysis. Thom, on the other hand, advocates the definition of carbon-ratio as the percentage of fixed carbon in moist or “as received” ash-free or mineral-matter-free coal because “the moisture reported in the ordinary proxi¬ mate analysis must be regarded as an actual constituent of the coal, particularly if the fixed carbon content is to be used broadly as a rough index to the intensity of metamorphic action.” An additional but minor point in favor of using the carbon-ratio of the moist coal is that one less experimental determination is involved and hence there is one less chance for error. Table 1 shows four methods of defin¬ ing and calculating carbon-ratio. An actual coal analysis is taken for an ex¬ ample and carbon-ratio calculated by each of the four methods. It may be noted TABLE I.— CALCULATION OF CARBON-RATIO FROM PROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF “AS-RECEIVED" SAMPLE GIVEN THE FOLLOWING ANALYSIS Moisture . Mr Volatile Combustible Matter . VCr Fixed Carbon . FQr Ash . Ar As received" Basis 15.9 per cent Moisture Free Basis 32.6 per cent 42.5 per cent 9.0 per cent VCf = VC, = 38.8 100-Mi FCr FCf = - == 50.5 Af = 100-Mr Ar Sulfur . g, 100.0 3.05 per cent Sf = 100-M, St = 10.7 Carbon -Ratio I = Per cent fixed carbon in "pure coal" or dry ash free coal FCr X 100 42.5 X 100 100-M, = 3.62 = 56.6 100 — (Mr + Ar) 100 — (15.9 + 9.0) Carbon- Ratio II m Per cent fixed carbon in “unit coal" or dry mineral matter free coal 100 (FCf — .15 Sf) 100 (50.5 — .15 X 3.62) = 57. 100 — (1.08 Af + .55 Sf) 100 — (1.08 X 10.7 + .55 X 3.62) Carbon-ratio III = Per cent fixed carbon in “as-received, ash-free, or moist, ash free” coal FCr X 100 42.5 X 100 100 — Ar 100 — 9.0 = 46.7 carbon. Ratio IV - «raf ^-received, mineral matter free, or moist 100 (FCr — .15 Sr) 100 (42.5 — .15 X 3.05) 100 (1.08 Ar + .55 Sr) 100 (1.08 X 9.0 + .55 X 3.05) = 47.5 Geology — 1941 Meeting 177 that carbon-ratios on the dry coal basis are considerably higher numerically than those on the moist coal basis but the numerical differences resulting from the use of mineral-matter-free instead of ash¬ free coal are comparatively small and of the order of 1 per cent. Hence in mak¬ ing use of carbon-ratios from different sources, those for moist coal must not be compared directly with those on dry coal although it is permissible when studying large regions to use mineral-matter-free and ash-free carbon-ratios on the same map. In the present study of Illinois carbon- ratios isocarb maps were made for both dry and moist carbon-ratios. Although both maps showed the same broad fea¬ tures, the map of moist carbon-ratios was more consistent and the variations in carbon-ratio were less abrupt in some areas than in the map of dry carbon- ratios. Figure 1 includes two maps, one show¬ ing structure and the other showing car¬ bon-ratios. The structural key horizon in all but eastern Illinois is the top of coal No. 6, and the contour interval 100 feet. In the area of the LaSalle anticline in eastern Illinois, the key horizon is the base of the Sweetland Creek and top of the Devonian limestone. The principal structural features shown are the large basin which includes all of the Pennsyl¬ vanian area in Illinois and extends be¬ yond the state border into Indiana and Kentucky, the LaSalle anticline and the Duquoin “anticline” or, more appropri¬ ately, monocline. Areas of abundant faults in the southern part of the State are outlined by dotted lines. The carbon-ratios shown are the per¬ centages of fixed carbon in moist mineral- matter-free coal (No. IV, Table 1). Datum points are not shown. Each datum point represents one mine and in most cases is an average of the analyses of several face samples. The great majority of the anal¬ yses were of coal No. 6. Those in the northern part of the area were of coal No. 5, No. 2 and No. 1. According to Hilt’s law, carbon-ratios increase with depth of burial and with geologic age for different coals at the same loca¬ tion. Therefore, if carbon-ratios of different coals are to be used in draw¬ ing isocarbs, they should all be referred to a single horizon by adding or subtract¬ ing an amount which is the average dif¬ ference in carbon-ratio of the given coal and the coal at the reference horizon over an area in which both coals occur. This is difficult, however, because in most districts only one coal is mined, and data are insufficient to obtain a reliable value for the average difference in carbon-ratio between any two coals in the same area. Moreover, there are some instances where an upper coal has a higher carbon-ratio than a lower coal at the same locality. In such cases it is evident that other factors such as original constitution of the coal-forming material had more in¬ fluence in determining carbon-ratio than did depth of burial. Available data show that average differences in carbon-ratio of the various coals used in this study are considerably less than the isocarb contour interval of 5 per cent. Accord¬ ingly it was decided not to use a correc¬ tion to a single reference horizon. The isocarb map shows progressive in¬ crease in carbon-ratio in going from north to south toward the faulted area in southern Illinois. Data are lacking in the central part of the basin and in most of the LaSalle anticline area but the isocarbs have been tentatively drawn to show a high in this area, and a low in the basin area to the west. A pro¬ nounced carbon-ratio high extends north¬ ward from the southern part of William¬ son County a few miles east of the Duquoin anticline. This coincides in lo¬ cation with a belt of faulting which ex¬ tends northward into Franklin County. Some of the smaller carbon-ratio highs, however, are not connected with known structural features. Attention is here called to the fact that a majority of the oil and gas pools of the State are located on or near carbon-ratio highs. Those that are not so located as shown by the present map are nearly all in areas where carbon-ratio data are scarce or lacking, as for example the Jacksonville gas field, the Colman-Plymouth oil field, the Water¬ loo and Dupo oil fields. There is a sug¬ gestion that the carbon-ratio highs were caused by forces of structural deforma¬ tion which at the same time favored the accumulation of oil and gas. Figure 2 is a carbon-ratio and structure map of the southern part of Illinois. It is on a larger scale and is more detailed than Fig. 1. Instead of the boundaries of faulted areas, the location of the faults themselves is shown. In addition to the 178 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions oil and gas fields which are named, the location of important oil shows are in¬ dicated. One of these, which was a 2-bar¬ rel show in the Ste. Genevieve lime¬ stone (Lower Mississippian) is located on a carbon-ratio high. Variations in oil gravity in Illinois are greater in different stratigraphic horizons in one locality than they are for oil from one stratigraphic horizon in different lo¬ cations. There is no recognizable rela¬ tionship between areal variations in oil gravity in Illinois and areal variations in either carbon-ratios or degree of struc¬ tural disturbance. This lack of correla¬ tion may be due largely to the fact that the known oil and gas fields of the State are confined to areas in which the range of carbon-ratio variation and in degree of structural disturbance is considerably less than the total range for the whole State. The data presented above on carbon- ratios and structure in Illinois definitely indicate a relationship between regional variations in carbon-ratio and degree of structural disturbance. However, the greatest degree of structural disturbance in the coal basin of Illinois, which occurs in the Illinois Ozarks, falls far short of that in the intensely folded anthracite region of Pennsylvania, and therefore conditions in Illinois are not suited for a complete investigation of the carbon- ratio theory. Carbon-ratio data may be of some as¬ sistance in future prospecting for new oil and gas fields in Illinois by suggesting territory in which probabilities appear greater than in neighboring territory. They cannot be expected to provide as good a basis for recommending definite locations for drilling as detailed struc¬ tural data. Nor can any part of Illinois be eliminated from consideration as pros¬ pective oil territory on the basis of car¬ bon-ratio data. Fig. 2. To accompany “Status of Carbon-Ratio Theory in Illinois by A. H. Bell. Papers in Physics Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman The Evanston program carried 20 papers, 12 of which are herewith pub¬ lished. The others were : Eaton, D. H., Northern Illinois State Teachers College , DeKalb. — In¬ ternal resistance of polarized cells. Hinch, W. H., Central Scientific Co., Chicago.— The lift and drag forces in a model airplane wing. Krans, D. H., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Experimental investiga¬ tion of the flow-energy equation. Long, V. A., Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria. — Fluctuational effects in cosmic-ray ionization. Peck, E. R., University of Chicago, Chicago.— High dispersion pho¬ tometry of ultra violet absorption spectra using Geiger counters. Smith, Roland, Jr., Northwestern University, Evanston. — The electro- magnetically driven tuning fork. Spence, B. G., Northwestern University, Evanston. — General plan and equipment of the new Northwestern University physics laboratory. Steinhaus, David, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest. — Some experiments with a flicker photometer. Frank L. Verwiebe, Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charleston, was elected chairman for the Urbana meeting. (Signed) Ph. A. Constantinides, Chairman [ 179 J 180 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions PROGRESS IN THEORY AND USE OF CONCAVE GRATINGS H. Beutler University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois In 1882, Rowland invented the concave grating and thus created a simple and very powerful instrument for obtaining spectra of high resolution and dispersion. Since then, some changes in the mount¬ ing of the grating have been introduced, and grazing incidence has been used for exploring short wave-lengths in vacuum spectroscopy. The investigation of the spectra of polyatomic molecules necessitates the ap¬ plication of the highest possible resolving power over extended regions of the spec¬ trum, excluding thereby interferometers and requiring the extension of the limits in resolution that can be obtained by gratings. A more general treatment of the theory of image formation by the concave grating was therefore started, ex¬ tending the calculations into three dimen¬ sions. A grating is defined by its radius of curvature, R, and by the spacing of the grooves, d; in addition, by the area on which grooves of length, 1, are ruled over a width, w. We can describe then every point P on the grating’s surface by Carte¬ sian coordinates 1, w and £, with origin at the center 0 of the grating. In front of the grating lies a point light source A, with the cylindrical coordinates (origin at 0) r, a and z, and an image point B with r>, p and z-. The coordinates 1, z and z- are then parallel. For the paths of the light diffracted on the grooves the following function holds: F = AP + BP + m . \ , . d where \ is the wavelength and m the spectral order of the light appearing at B. The function F is a complicated power series in R, 1, R-1, R-2 . . containing as factors a,p, w and 1 in ascending powers. To have the light from A focused at B, the function F has to fulfill Fermat’s conditions: 3 F 0 F - = 0 ; - = 0. 3 w 01 Mercury line 2537A, showing the five hyper- finestructure components. The separation of tne middle components requires a resolving power of 300,000. The first condition yields in first ap¬ proximation the formula for the plane grating, \ as function of « and p, that holds also for the Rowland circle. Fur¬ ther, it defines in higher approximation the Rowland circle as the locus for slit and image. The second condition does not hold for the Rowland circle, but gives rise to astigmatism by drawing each point light source out to a line. But this elongation occurs strictly in the direction of the slit and does not impair the defini¬ tion of the spectral lines, only their in¬ tensity. This astigmatism for all angles a and p is graphically represented in three diagrams, one showing the length Z’ to which the image of a point is elon¬ gated; the second gives the length of the luminous slit necessary to obtain a spec¬ tral line that has the maximum intensity over 5 mm along its center; the third graph shows the position in front of the slit that a light source should have in order to be focused on the Rowland circle. The focusing conditions for Wads¬ worth’s mounting are to be found by setting r= oo (parallel light). The as¬ tigmatism for points outside of the normal has been calculated. Physics — 1941 Meeting 181 3F But the partial differential - can- d w not be kept exactly equal to zero. The X maximum value allowed is — , lest extinc- 4 tion of the image occur by spherical aber¬ ration. The latter limits the allowed length 1 and width w of the grating simultaneously, and thus limits the maxi¬ mum resolving power. A graph repre¬ sents the allowed areas for all angles a and p. There are some cross terms contained in the series development of F, involving w. I2 . f (a, p, R). They indicate the pres¬ ence of coma in the image formation. The magnitude is represented in a graph. In practice it is necessary to limit its amount by restricting the length of the grooves. The same cross term causes the curva¬ ture of the spectral lines, the calculation of which has been carried through. This information is often necessary to insure the highest accuracy in the measurement of the plates, or to utilize the grating as a monochromator with a straight or curved exit slit. These derivations of the imperfections in the image formation enable one to distinguish between the defects in the ad¬ justment and the errors in the grating itself. They allow a safe quantitative judgment about the maximum resolving power obtainable by a given grating. In addition they allow one to compen¬ sate for errors in the grating by slight changes in the mounting. Thus, the sperical aberration can be utilized to com¬ pensate for the error run of the ruling of the grating, by setting not the geometri¬ cal center but another point of the grat¬ ing (along its “equator”) tangent to the Rowland circle. Thereby, the exact circle is retained as focal curve. By this means, three big gratings have been adjusted on the same Rowland circle of 30 feet diam¬ eter. Each of these gratings yields a resolving power up to 300,000 and 400,000. The advantage of having multiple grat¬ ings is that a high intensity can be pro¬ cured over a wide wavelength range, since each grating has a maximum re¬ flectivity over a small angular range only. Some reproductions of spectral lines of mercury are shown in the figure, which indicate in the resolved hyperfine struct¬ ure a resolution of more than 300,000 ob¬ tained with our gratings. I take pleasure in acknowledging the cooperation of Dr. Mark Fred, N. Me¬ tropolis, and A. T. Wager in the work leading to these results. TWO SIMPLE PIECES OF APPARATUS FOR LECTURE DEMONSTRATION IN GENERAL PHYSICS M. Alden Countryman Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois Two simple pieces of lecture demon¬ stration apparatus are presented : one an electromagnet made from the field structure from an old ‘Edison’ type D. C. generator with suitable accessory parts to conveniently demonstrate the Faraday disc or Homopolar Generator, Barlow’s wheel, the action of a D’Arsonval gal¬ vanometer, electromagnetic damping, and the moving element oscillograph, and the other a modification of the usual device for demonstrating the addition of colored lights. This latter device consists of three small lamp houses each equipped with one of the three color-separation filters supplied by the Eastman Kodak Company, and so mounted as to swing in a vertical arc about a central white circular plane having at its center an equilateral triangular pyramid also white. When the lights and pyramid are adjust¬ ed so that each light shines on a sep¬ arate face of the pyramid each primary color is separately visible. As the pyramid is rotated, any pair of colored lights are additively combined in variable propor¬ tions on a single face of the pyramid, and when the three lights are swung down they all three combine on a single face of the pyramid and thus demonstrate rather strikingly that if the three colors are the three primary colors, their addi¬ tive combination must necessarily — and does actually — produce the sensation of white. 182 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE METERING OF PROJECTION PRINTING Roscoe E. Harris Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois A simple photometer for accurately metering the intensity of various parts of the negative image is a very useful dark room adjunct in making projection prints from miniature negatives. The one shown in the orthographic projection has proved to be accurate to .01 candle meter. This drawing (fig. 1) shows the eleva¬ tions with front and side removed and the top view with the top partially cut away. There is a small room containing a 5-watt lamp and switch, light shielded from the rest of the case except for a small window in the side wall (shown shaded in the drawing). This window is covered with white paper as a diffusing matt, and is shuttered by a variable disc (A) turned by a knob graduated in candle meters on the right hand side of the case. The light may be varied from zero to the upper limit, which may be varied by changing the size of the win¬ dow or by changing the baffling on the sides of the case (not shown in the fig¬ ure). These baffles are simply pieces of black, white, and blue paper on the inner walls to change the amount and color value of the light that illuminates the plate B that covers half of the field of view. Ususally 1 candle meter is suffi¬ cient range for amateur photographic enlargement. The intensity of B may thus be varied from zero to 1 candle meter without changing the color of the light. A rheostat control is not practicable be¬ cause of color change and lack of con¬ stancy of the rheostat with temperature changes. The sight tube directs the vision thru an aperture stop C, which is adjustable as indicated, onto a field of view one-half of which is covered by the plate B, and the other half covers a por¬ tion of the negative image being metered. This limitation of the field of view is essential in visual comparisons of bright¬ ness. A blue filter placed over this aperture makes its possible to work with a bright red light on all the time, and completely corrects any color differences. In use, it is necessary to have a fair notion of the sensitometry of the paper. Fig. 1. For example, a contrast grade of bromide paper has a lower threshold at about 0.5 candle meter second (c.m.s.), a middle grey exposure of 1 V2 to 2 c.m.s., and an upper threshold of 7 c.m.s. Suppose that the negative is projected and a portion selected in the middle grey, that in the artist’s judgment requires 1.5 c.m.s. ex¬ posure. The photometer may be set at .10 candle meter and the projector dia¬ phragm adjusted until this portion matches in the photometer field. Then 15 seconds exposure should be correct for the entire negative. Differently exposed negatives will re¬ quire other photometer settings. It is interesting to meter other spots in the shadows and highlights and calculate the exposure these portions will receive. Thus a grade of paper may be selected that would bring out the full merits of the negative. The photometer has been used for measuring brightness of dimly lighted rooms, absorption of wall papers, etc. Sufficient detail is included in the fig¬ ure so that any one may construct the apparatus for his own dark room. Physics — 1941 Meeting 183 DIFFERENCES OF ELECTRIC POTENTIAL IN THE LEAVES OF PLANTS A. Frances Johnson Rockford College. Rockford, Illinois Differences of electric potential appear to exist in all living organisms. Physiolo¬ gists and biophysicists are studying these differences of potential in an attempt to discover their origin, and to determine whether they are, as some investigators think, mere indicators of processes going on in the organism or whether they exert some control over these processes. Knowl¬ edge of the factors which influence these differences of potential, not only assists in arriving at a solution of the problem of their origin1’ 2- 3 but also makes it pos¬ sible in some cases to use them to indi¬ cate changes going on within an organ¬ ism without probing within that organ¬ ism or injuring it in any way. Since these differences in electric potential in plants and animals are affected by num¬ erous physical conditions, many of which undoubtedly are yet unknown, experi¬ ments are difficult to control and it is well to have similar experiments repeated by several investigators. One of the fac¬ tors most studied has been the influence of light on the potential differences be¬ tween two points on the leaves of plants.4- 5 I am presenting data which I have obtained on changes in potential difference produced between a point near the basal end of a leaf and another point near the apical end when an area between these points is irradiated by visible light. Poinsettia leaves growing on the plant have been used throughout these experi¬ ments. The differences of potential are measured by a Compton quadrant electro¬ meter. The electrometer is housed in an earthed electrostatic shield near which is placed another earthed metallic box containing the plant whose leaf is to be used in the experiment. The pot in which the plant is growing is insulated on a paraffined wooden block. The leaf is encased in a transparent plastic box in such a manner that the leaf is sup¬ ported in a horizontal position on the bot¬ tom of the box. L-shaped electrodes of silver wire pass through slots in the sides of the box. One end of each electrode has been chloridinized and dips into a drop of tap water placed upon the leaf. The electrode near the basal end is con¬ nected by means of a switch to the in¬ sulated quadrants of the electrometer. The metal box which contains the plant is painted black inside. An adjustable opening on top admits light from an in¬ candescent lamp directly above it. A water filter is used to absorb much of the infra-red radiation from the lamp. A 184 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions piece of heavy black paper with a rec¬ tangular opening placed on top of the plastic box is used to admit the light to the desired area between the electrodes. The intensity of the light which falls on the leaf is determined by removing the leaf and putting in its place a thermopile. The type of response obtained is shown in figs. 1 and 2. The curve gives in each case the variation with time of the poten¬ tial of the basal electrode with respect to the apical electrode which in turn is earthed. The arrows indicate the in¬ tensity of the light used and the duration of the exposure. Curve a of fig. 1 repre¬ sents the condition in which the plant had been kept in a dimly lighted room for several hours before the application of the electrodes. Readings of the poten¬ tial were started as soon as the electrodes were applied. The initial variations can be ascribed to the disturbance caused by mechanical manipulation in setting the plant up for the experiment. In this case an appreciable change in potential was produced by the illumination. Curve b (fig. 1) shows the response of the same leaf on the following morning. The plant had been left over night entirely undis¬ turbed in the light tight box. In both of these sets of determinations the light was allowed to fall over the whole of the plant. Curves c and d show the response of a leaf irradiated on two different occasions with light of the same intensity, for the same length of time, and over the same area between the electrodes. An interval of an hour’s time during which the plant was left undisturbed in the dark, elapsed between the two series of observations. The two responses were nearly indentical. Pig. 2 shows the effect on the potential difference of successive irradiations of the same area of a leaf by light of in¬ creasing intensity. It will be noted that the magnitude of the response in general decreases with the increase in intensity of light, but the response takes place more rapidly. The plants represented by curves c and d of fig. 1 and by those of fig. 2 were kept over night in the light tight box before observations were started. The variation in potential difference observed in Poinsettia leaves with ir¬ radiation by visible light is similar to that obtained by other observers for the same6 and for different leaves7 using somewhat different procedures. The re¬ sults under the conditions represented by fig. 2 are not inconsistent with those of Marsh8 working with Valonia, but many more observations must be made before a definite conclusion can be reached. It should be remarked that the mangni- tude of the response to irradiation varies greatly. Many times it is so small as to make the change indecisive. Keeping the plant in the dark for several hours will often increase the response, but some¬ times two days in the dark will not be sufficient to make the response appre¬ ciable. Small responses seem to be found more often in summer than in winter. Whether the season, the condition of the plant, its environment, or the conditions under which it was grown are responsible for this lack of change is still to be de¬ termined. I should like to express my apprecia¬ tion of the interest and assistance given to this work by Dr. Charles Sheard of the Mayo Foundation, and to the Illinois State Academy of Science for a grant of money which has made it possible to con¬ tinue the work at Rockford College. REFERENCES 1. Lund, E. J. Relation between continuous bio¬ electric currents and cell respiration. II. Jour Exp. Zool., vol. 51, pp. 265-290, 1928. . . 7 t wie oux equiuDrium rela¬ tion. Plant Physiol., vol. 12, pp. 861-867, 1937. 3. Blinks, L. R., Darsie, M. L., Jr., and Skow, K'« Bloelectric potentials in Halicystis, VII: The effects of low oxygen tension. Jour. Gen Physiol., vol. 22, pp. 255-279, 1938. 4. Waller, J. 0. Plant Electricity. II: Towards an interpretation of the photoelectric currents of leaves. New Phytol., vol. 28, pp. 291-302, 1929. 5. Sheard, O. and Johnson, A. F. The effects of infra-red, visible, and ultra-violet irradiation on changes in electric potentials and currents in plants Science, n.s., vol. 71, pp. 246-248, 1930. 6. Sheard, G. Unpublished data, 1929. 7. Brown, S. O. Relation between light and the electric polarity of Ohara. Plant Physiol., vol. 13 pp. 713-736, 1938. ’ ’ P' The effect of light on the inherent E.M.F. of Valonia ventricosa. I : Intensity and time relations. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No 517 Papers from Tortugas Lab., vol. 32, paper 4 pp! R.A.R4 1QQO > v v 9 w Physics — 1941 Meeting 185 RADIOACTIVE TIPS FOR THE LECTURE TABLE Chas. T. Knipp University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois A number of years ago the author1 de¬ scribed a radioactive tip consisting of a solid cane of Pyrex glass about 2 mm in diameter and 5 cm long carrying on one end a minute quantity of a radioactive salt of high activity for furnishing the source of positive rays (alpha particles) in a simple Wilson cloud chamber. To prevent the radioactive material from flooding the chamber with emana¬ tion, and also to guard against the active salt being washed off by coming in con¬ tact with the water within the apparatus when in use, the tip carrying the salt was (and still is) covered with a very thin film of glass (Pyrex) to keep back the emanation but which allows the alpha particles to pass freely. The tip while being fabricated is tested by placing it temporarily in a cloud chamber. If less than 5 alpha ray tracks result on each expansion it is rejected. An occasional one may give 10 to 15 tracks. For purposes however of showing the phenomenon to a class the number of resulting tracks should be between 5 and 10. More than 10 is like watching a four ring circus. These tips are being used at the present time for other purposes in the physical sciences, notably for showing the dis¬ charge of electroscopes on the lecture table. For this purpose stronger tips are desired. The stronger the tip, i.e., the more radioactive material that it carries, the more rapid the discharging effect, and also the farther away this effect may be noticed. Tips that are used in the open should be handled with care. The active end with its covering of thin mocroscopic glass is easily injured by touching with the finger or by rough handling. Tips for lecture table demonstrations should each produce from 25 to 50 alpha ray tracks on expansion. It is impracticable to make each larger or stronger because of constructional difficulties. Hence if sources of radioactivity of greater strength than 50 alpha ray tracks (on the scale cited above) are desired, as in the case of discharging an electroscope at a distance, two or more tips may be assembled in bundles as shown in fig.l. In the figure, a represents a single finished unmounted tip. It is in this form that they have their greatest use. To prevent the active ends from being touched in handling, or injury in use, it is recommended that these bundles be mounted in glass envelopes the open end of each to project about 2 mm beyond the ends of the tips encased. The mount¬ ing of a single cane is shown at b in fig. 1; and for a bundle of 3 canes, at c. The corresponding end views are also shown. The mount is entirely of glass a o 1 Fig.l and with handle is about 15 cm long. To prevent it from rolling off the table each envelope has 3 equally spaced glass nibs fused on it (only two are shown) as indicated at b and c. The end views of these larger bundles containing 7, 12, and 19 tips respectively, mounted within glass envelopes, are shown at d, e, and /. Obviously, for a given distance from an electroscope, the rate of discharging it is directly proportional to the number of tips, providing of course that all emit approximately the same number of alpha particles. This condition is approached as nearly as possible in their manufac¬ ture. A strong radioactive deposit will fail to produce tracks (when tested as above indicated) if a thick film of glass is used for a cover. Hence great care must be exercised in their fabrication, and, further, radioactive salt of suitable in¬ tensity is expensive. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions FORMS OF DISCHARGE IN MICRO-GAPS Richard W. Jones and Walter S. Huxford Central Y. M. C. A. College , Northwestern University , Evanston, III. The potential required to produce a dis¬ ruptive discharge between two electrodes immersed in a gas has been studied by a large number of workers. At gas pres¬ sures of 150 cm and less the breakdown potential follows Paschen’s Law, that is Vs = f (p x d). The curve of breakdown potential versus electrode separation in this pressure range is characterized by a pronounced minimum potential, below which it is impossible to obtain a spark breakdown. Hobbs1 and others have shown that at atmospheric pressure there is a signifi¬ cant departure from Paschen’s Law, in that the breakdown characteristic does not exhibit a minimum value. Instead, the potential at very small gaps decreases linearly to zero, which suggests a field dependent discharge. All the fields re¬ ported in the literature are of the order of 106 volts per cm. Although this is the order of field strength within which field currents have been obtained in vacuum, it was not until a recent paper by Pear¬ son2 that any measurements of field cur¬ rents at atmospheric pressure were re¬ ported. The discharge or breakdown at gaps of the order of 10-4 cm takes several dif¬ ferent forms. At gaps somewhat smaller than this value, it has been generally ob¬ served that the breakdown results in co¬ hesion or short circuit of the contacts. This cohesion has been shown to consist of a bridge of electrode metal. At gaps somewhat greater than 10~4 cm, it is found that breakdown results in a more or less stable discharge of the nature of an arc. It should be pointed out that the break¬ down described above may occur at po¬ tentials less than the minimum sparking potential as given by the Paschen curve. Eskin3 previously suggested that this type of breakdown might well explain the reignition of AC arcs. The authors, working with polished silver electrodes, have observed that the breakdown potential for these micro-gaps is dependent upon their history. This is perhaps best seen by reference to table I, which shows the manner in which the breakdown voltage changes with the magnitude of the initial applied potential. In the case of electrodes 1 to 4 the ini¬ tially applied potential of 10 volts was increased in steps of 10 volts, each step being held for 5 seconds, until breakdown occurred at the voltage indicated. For electrodes 5 to 12, in all except one case. Table I. Effect of Initial Voltage on Breakdown Electrode number Initial voltage Breakdown voltage Gap (Cm) 1 . 10 320 .000052 2 . 10 320 )) 3 . 10 290 ” 4 . 10 260 )> 5 . 120 120 » 6 . 120 )) 7 . 120 120 » 8 . 120 120 )) 9 . 130 130 10 . 130 130 yy 11 . 130 130 yy 12 . 130 130 yy breakdown was observed at the initial potential. Previous observations of the break¬ down of these micro-gaps were made with the use of a voltmeter connected across the electrodes. Series resistance was used with the contacts, and the decrease in potential across the electrodes was taken as indication of a discharge. In the present study it has been found that transient discharges occur between polished silver electrodes before a break¬ down (either cohesion or a stable dis¬ charge) takes place. These discharges are faintly audible, and luminous when observed in a darkened room, although it was found impossible to detect them on a voltmeter connected across the con¬ tacts. These discharges were character¬ ized, however, by a variety of markings left upon the electrode surfaces. These markings are entirely different from those observed following a complete breakdown. The markings observed were of two 4G. M. Hobbs, Phil. Mag-. (6) 10, 617, 1905. , G. L. Pearson, Phys. Rev. 56, 471, 1939. S. G. Eskin, J. App. Phys. 10, 631, 1939. Physics — 1941 Meeting 187 distinct varieties. In fig. 1 is shown a so- called “bird shot” pattern. The markings were somewhat less than 1 mm in diam¬ eter, and the cathode marking was al¬ ways found to be more extensive than the one on the anode. In general, this type of marking occurred with a low series resistance (76 ohms) and at a voltage of less than about 250 volts. Fig. 2 shows a ring pattern, which consists of a number of concentric col¬ ored rings. This type of marking was observed in general with relatively high series resistance (1000 ohms) and at po¬ tentials above 270 volts. In some in¬ stances the rings completely filled the area, leaving no clear central region as shown in fig. 2. In other cases, a bird shot pattern has been observed within CATHODE Plate I. — Electrode surface markings “bird-shot” 2. the central area of a ring pattern. Using an extremely high series resist¬ ance (1010 ohms) and a galvanometer in series with the electrodes, current pulses were observed within this range of gaps and voltages. At a given gap setting, these current pulses appear quite at random for voltages below 320 volts, but above this value, however, the pulses appear at more or less regular intervals until at 350 volts or so, the pulses are quite regu¬ larly spaced, having frequencies of the order of 30 per minute. A further in¬ crease in voltage greatly increases the frequency, until finally cohesion results. Each pulse is accompanied by a luminous discharge in the gap, but no markings such as described above have been ob¬ served on the elctrodes. 2 ANODE following a transient discharge. 1. Shows Shows ring pattern. 188 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions OBSERVING AND MEASURING SWAY IN A TALL BUILDING Sister Mary Therese, B.V.M. Mundelein College , Chicago, Illinois A very comprehensive study of wind forces extending over a five year period of observation on the Empire State Build¬ ing is reported in the Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, September, 1938. It seemed of interest to compare the results of a similar study on a fifteen story building with those on one hundred and two stories. Although our study was begun only two months ago the data collected lead to several inter¬ esting and confirming results. The building in which the observations reported were made is Mundelein College for Women, located on Sheridan Road at Devon Avenue in Chicago. The total height above the street level is 208 feet. Above the fourth floor there is symmetry along one axis extending north and south. Structurally this building consists of re¬ inforced concrete construction, the outer walls of which are covered with lime¬ stone. The partitions are of tile and plaster and the floors of concrete, pan construction. Much of this material is not elastic and does not follow Hooke’s law. As a result when it is subjected to loads, the building shows a slight amount of plastic action; that is, when it is de¬ flected by a horizontal force it will not return exactly to a definite fixed position. The story height, the length of the re¬ sisting walls, the number of windows, the type of masonry, the sequence in which the different stories were built and the temperature— all affect the damping re¬ sistance, and these variables make it im¬ possible to predict what the ratios of re¬ sistance will be in any given building. After many high winds the wall resist¬ ance probably diminishes. For these reasons engineers design for elastic resistance only. Even there the variables are so many, and so many ap¬ proximate assumptions are necessary that their best design figures are plus or minus ten per-cent. Their -aim is to so frame the building that under the maxi¬ mum “twenty-year-wind” in the most ef¬ fective direction the yield point of the elastic materials will not be exceeded. The buildings in the vicinity of the structure are of varying heights ranging from low two story residences to seven¬ teen story apartment buildings. A study of the character of the obstructions which, it was easily seen, were of the type that would disturb the air currents, was undertaken for a radius of four blocks. North and northwest, south and southwest are the directions of greatest obstruction. The entire east side is ex¬ posed to the Lake and the west side has but one building as tall as seven stories. Two methods of taking observations were used. In one the dial on the four-cup anemometer and the direction of the wind were read just before and just after the deflection readings. The average velocity was taken and not the maximum. In the other half hour deflection readings were automatically recorded on a single record¬ ing sheet for a period of eight hours each day. These cluster points were inter¬ preted on the basis of average deflection and average anemometer readings which were taken hourly during the correspond¬ ing day. A pendulum hanging from a point be¬ tween the eighth and ninth floors with a 110 lb. bob poised over a recording table was adjusted to a chosen zero point at the centre of a graduated circle directed to¬ ward the compass points. A sheet of polar coordinate paper was placed between the tungsten point on the lower surface of the bob and a copper plate on the re¬ cording table. For one type of observa¬ tion the automatic timing device closed the circuit every half hour, and a perfora¬ tion was made in the polar coordinate paper. For the other, a new sheet of polar co-ordinate paper was slipped into the gap and properly orientated, the switch manipulated manually, and the reading taken. By either method the deflection for wind velocity up to 20 miles per hour did not exceed 0.15 inches with the lower limit at 0.08 inches. At no time did the deflection reading return to the chosen zero point. The data reported herein are those of the movement of the ninth floor relative to a point 120 feet below, the Physics — 1941 Meeting 189 lateral movement of which is doubtless small and may be neglected. In effect, the building has two distinct movements. It deflects from the vertical and it vibrates with a definite period, similar to the prongs of a tuning fork when struck. A steady wind causes de¬ flections only, whereas a gusty wind will set up vibrations with amplitudes that vary with the strength and character of the storm. To study the vibration of the building a transit instrument was set up in the pendulum shaft and sighted on a target on the top of the shaft. Up to the present the amplitude of vibration has been too small to be detected. As the pendulum did not record movements of its support that are not of greater duration than the period of its swing, which is 11.92 sec¬ onds, the building vibrations are not re¬ corded by the bob, but their mean posi¬ tion is determined by it. Observation of the air currents around the structure were made on April 25, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon during a seven mile per hour wind blowing from the east. A rubber balloon was tied to a long thread and sent out from several pre¬ determined points near corners on the 4th, 8th, and 14th stories. These data show that the flow of air is greatly dis¬ turbed by the building in a manner far from simple. The following conclusions directly con¬ firm those of the study made on the Em¬ pire State Building: (1) The distribution of the wind pres¬ sure on a tall building is very compli¬ cated and irregular; the air currents having broken up by the surrounding structures and by the building itself. (2) The action of the building under horizontal loads is plastic as well as elas¬ tic, with the result that strains and de¬ flections are not proportional to the forces that produce them. THE USE OF THE PERIODOGRAM IN ESTABLISHING THE REALITY OF HIDDEN OR SUSPECTED PERIODICITIES Theodore G. Phillips, Wright Junior College, Chicago, Illinois The investigation for the evidence as to the realtity of a periodic change in the intensity of cosmic rays with respect to sidereal time is rendered unusually diffi¬ cult for three reasons: 1. The sidereal diurnal period is only four minutes shorter than the solar diurnal period, or about 1/365 of a solar day. 2. In addition to this very minute dif¬ ference in the periods, the sidereal variation is much smaller than the solar variation. 3. The amount of data available is lim¬ ited and does not extend in most projects beyond three or four years. The appearance of a sidereal variation upon mathematical analysis by no means establishes the reality of the sidereal variation, for with a seasonal change there is introduced by formal analysis a variation which is spurious at a fre¬ quency corresponding to the sidereal day. The appearance of such a spurious fre¬ quency further complicates the problem. If a function f(t) be periodic with two periods Tx and Ta, and if 2 a = - J0T f.(t) cos kt dt Tn 2 b = - Jo Tf(t) sin kt dt Tn c3 = a2 + b3 then c2 which depends upon T, the period, n, the number of observations, and the amplitudes of the variations will have values other than zero at points corres¬ ponding to the two periods. The values between the points corresponding to the periods and T2 may not be zero if the amplitudes are large and the observations few in number. The curve obtained by plotting c2 against T is called the periodo- gram. Beyond the abscissae Tx and T2 the value of c2 falls off to zero very rapidly. The ordinates of the two peaks (at Tt and T2) will depend upon the amplitudes of the two variations. Here again, be- 190 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions of the finite limits of the Fourier Inte¬ grals spurious periodicities are intro¬ duced giving secondary maxima on either side of the principal maximum, but these spurious maxima may be distinguished from the real (fig.la), since with increas¬ ing data these secondary peaks move to¬ ward their respective principal maxima (fig.lb and lc). The calculation of amplitudes corre¬ sponding to different periods may be per¬ formed by Fourier analysis; however, this involves a great deal of work, and since in the present problem the periods are close, this work can be greatly simpli¬ fied as outlined in the following para¬ graphs. The Fourier analysis was made for the period of one solar day with groups of days averaging about fifteen. Amplitudes corresponding to periods slightly smaller and larger than one solar day and extend¬ ing beyond the period equal to the side¬ real day may be obtained by reference to the harmonic dial. If the maximum value of the function 2nt 2nt f(t) = a cos - -}■ b sin - T T 2 n t = c sin - (- $ T where T is one solar day is represented on a twenty-four hour clock dial by a vector, its length will in¬ dicate the amplitude, and its direction, the time of maximum. On the other hand, if this be done for a cloud of days, then the vector will indicate the mean ampli¬ tude and the mean time of maximum. If the function f(t) is to be investi¬ gated for a period other than that repre¬ sented on the face of the harmonic dial, then the vector for each partial cloud must be rotated through an angle depend¬ ing upon the trial period. The amplitude c corresponding to the trial period T' is given by the following set of equations: Is n “ a' = — 2 (nm— nml) am cos «m — n8 m=l bm sin am b' 1 s — 2 (nm — nm J n„ m=l ( Om-i -j- nm) am sin «m + bm COS am n T — T ' T ' where ns is the total number of days analyzed (nm — n^) is the weighing factor and is the number of days in the mth group, and s is the number of groups. After a suitable number of trial periods have been calculated the amplitudes may be plotted against the corresponding pe¬ riods and this resultant curve is the periodogram. If peaks appear at the sus¬ pected periods these may be investigated as regards their reality by statistical tests of significance. Since the seasonal variation introduced a spurious sidereal period, this variation may be subtracted from the periodogram and the remaining portion may be investigated for a true sidereal variation. One advantage of this method of anal¬ ysis is that it is possible to obtain the Physics — 1941 Meeting 191 background of amplitudes. If the back¬ ground of amplitudes about the periods investigated is of the same magnitude as that of the sidereal periodicity, no valid conclusion can very well be drawn concerning the realtiy of the suspected period. In the investigation which is be¬ ing carried on in connection with the variation in intensity of cosmic rays, it is hoped that this method will give some positive evidence about the sidereal period. THE EMISSION SPECTRA OF PLANETARY NEBULAE Thornton Page, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Abstract Photometrically standardized and cali¬ brated wide slit spectra of 48 planetary nebulae have been obtained with the quartz Cassegrain spectrograph attached to the 82-inch reflecting telescope at the McDonald Observatory in Texas. The spectra on panchromatic emulsions are in good definition from X 6563 to \3133. Accurate intensities of the emis¬ sion lines of H, He I, He II, [0 III], 10 II], 0 III, [Ne III], [He V], and of the con¬ tinuous emission will be reduced from the spectra. From a preliminary examin¬ ation of the material it has been possible to classify the nebulae of normal surface brightness (about 7 mag. per square min¬ ute of arc) according to the excitation shown by their spectra. High-excitation spectra show strong He II, stronger [0 III] than [0 II], and relatively strong continuous emission. There is a continu¬ ous sequence down to the low excitation spectra showing no He II, no con¬ tinuous emission, and stronger [Oil] than [0 III], This is a temperature se¬ quence involving both the temperature of the nuclear star and the electron tempera¬ ture in the nebula. The low-surface- brightness nebulae (about 11 mag. per square minute of arc) have strong [0 II] as well as strong He II and do not fit into the sequence. Fig. 1 shows this effect on a 20-fold enlargement of one hour’s exposure of the spectrum of NGC 6853 (the “Dumbell Nebulae”, 12.7 mag. per square minute of arc) compared with a 4 minute exposure of the spectrum of NGC 6818 (7.3 mag. per square minute of arc). Pecularities are noted in the mono¬ chromatic images of several nebulae: in particular the \3727 image of [0 II] often shows quite a different structure of the nebula from the other line images. NGC6818 NGC6853 >6563 m- m ■ m ' . • ... , ■■ ' xsooi tom] A Wf* [oHlJ A */$&Z Hp H'TT '"w" fi ' ' X*3fe3 [Onf] \Hi¥t a 3069 [Mw] n \2%6>3[A/eW] W \3727 [oir] \3W$ onr 192 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions A SATISFACTORY METHOD FOR MEASURING THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION BETWEEN RUBBER TIRES AND ROAD MATERIALS V. F. Swaim, Bradley Polytechnic Institute , Peoria, Illinois A short time ago Professor R. F. Paton of the University of Illinois presented a paper before the Illinois State Physics Teachers Association on a proposed “Fric¬ tion Spool Experiment”. It was sug¬ gested in that discussion that the friction spool could be used to determine the co¬ efficient of friction between the spool and any material placed under the spool. It occurred to the writer immediately that the friction spool could be so constructed that one could determine the coefficient of friction between rubber tires and road materials. Two rubber tires, eight inches in diameter, were purchased and a wood¬ en cylinder was turned to such a diam¬ eter that the tires would fit securely over the ends. One end of a strip of canvas was tacked to the cylinder, while the other end was attached to a wire hook so that a cord could pass from the hook under a pulley and be attached to a pair of spring scales hanging in a vertical position, as shown in fig. la. It was shown in Professor Paton’s paper that there was an angle e at which the ten¬ sion T in the canvas could be applied so that the spool would slide on the surface under it instead of rolling. It was shown further that the condition of equilibrium when the spool was sliding required that the force of friction between the spool W e 1740 61.3° 2793 61.4° 3837 61.1° 4906 61.1° 5945 61.2° 6998 61.3° 1740 61.3° 2793 61.3° 3837 61.1° 4906 61.3° 5945 61.5° 6998 61.4° 1740 61.3° 2793 61.6° 3837 61.6° 4906 61.2° 5945 61.5° 6998 61.0° and the surface under it, the weight of the spool W, and the tension T in the canvas must intersect in a point when represented by vectors, as shown in fig. lb. It is easily seen from the diagram that the force of friction f is given by T cos e, while the pressure of the spool on the road is given by W — T sin e. Therefore, the coefficient of friction ^ is given by T Cos e (* — w Since it was — T Sin e desirable in this u; experi- ment to apply different weights to the road surface, a l round hole was made along the axis of the wooden cylinder so that cylindrical weights of approximately T T Cos i 0 T Sin e 1350 648 1183 1.163 2150 1029 1888 1.138 3100 1508 2717 1.343 3900 1895 3420 1.277 4900 2369 4295 1.435 5750 2780 5041 1.420 1350 648 1183 1.163 2150 1033 1889 1.142 3000 1448 2627 1.195 3800 1827 3330 1.159 4600 2190 4040 1.151 5400 2586 4742 1.148 1250 601 1097 .934 2000* 950 1757 .916 2750 1308 2416 .920 3500 1684 3067 .915 4250 2027 3734 .915 5000 2423 4373 .923 Glass Wood Concrete Physics — 1941 Meeting 193 1000 grams each could be placed along the axis of the spool. It was also found desirable to place the road materials on a small truck provided with rollers so the road could be moved in a horizontal direction under the spool, as shown in fig. la. Since the tires may flatten as the load is increased, the angle e may not be quite the same for all loads and should therefore be measured in each case. The readings and calculations for a few road materials are shown in the following table. THE PRODUCTION OF GEIGER-MULLER TUBES Francis R. Shonka Be Paul University and W. M. Welch Manufacturing Co., Chicago, Illinois Geiger-Muller counting tubes are used so extensively today that everyone is more or less familiar with them. How¬ ever, there have been so many differing points of view on the actual operation of a counter, that we will discuss the dis¬ charge mechanism with a view to deter¬ mine what comprises a good counting tube. The bibliography for the various ideas presented here would be too lengthy and hence no reference will be given. Although the counting and recording circuits and even scaling circuits, where high speed counting is employed, have been developed to an entirely satisfactory degree, there still remains much to be de¬ sired in improving the technique for the production of tubes with good character¬ istics, and it is just this very difficulty that has limited their use. The things that are definitely known about the action of a Geiger-Muller tube are that when a ray produces at least one pair of ions inside of the tube, a dis¬ charge will take place, and this discharge must in turn be stopped. The time of this discharge, together with the time required for the tube to recover suffi¬ ciently to register the next ray should be as short as possible. Let us try to analyze the action taking place while a count is being recorded. It is only necessary for the ray traversing the tube to produce a single ion pair. The electron from this first ionization comes into the region of the central wire, which is at a high potential with respect to the cylinder. When the electron reaches this strong field it produces both positive and negative ions by collision with the atoms of the gas. The electrons are quite cer¬ tainly the chief ionizing agent since the field in the neighborhood of the central wire is sufficient for the electrons to ion¬ ize by collision. Due to the fact that the mobility of the positive ions is much less than that of the electrons, the positive ions do not play an important part in this process. Each new electron will in turn create new ion pairs, so that the region of the central wire will become heavily ionized. If this heavy ionization actually takes place, it must be accompanied by the pro¬ duction of photons. This can be visually confirmed by the fact that if one observes the tube in a darkened room while it is operating, a flash of light covering the central wire will be seen every time a dis¬ charge takes place. These photons at the center of the counter may again eject photoelectrons by absorption in the gas or the cathode of the tube. Many have considered these ejected electrons to play a most important part in the character¬ istics of a counter, and so they have at¬ tempted to reduce the effect of these ejected electrons by increasing the work function of the cathode or by coating the cathode with a high resistance material. It seems reasonable that since the posi¬ tive ions are less mobile than the elec¬ trons, there will be an accumulation of positive charges around the central wire. This will reduce the potential gradient until no further ionization even by the electrons can take place. The positive cloud then moves outwardly and reaches the cathode in about 10-6 seconds. On reaching the cathode these positive ions may or may not produce new electrons. It seems that the so-called “self quench¬ ing” counters are those in which no new electrons are produced. Tubes in this class are those containing vapors, and tubes that have special coatings on the cathode. If, on the other hand, new elec¬ trons were produced at the surface of the 194 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions cylinder, the entire action might be re¬ peated if the potential difference across the electrodes was at least equal to the threshhold voltage. The voltage across the tube will have been reduced by the migration of these ions by an amount de¬ pending on the quantity of charge trans¬ ferred; the constants of the circuit; and on the amount of charge that leaked back to the electrode through the external high resistance. If the initial surge of ions reduces the voltage across the tube suffi¬ ciently then the discharge will be stopped even though new electrons be formed at the cathode. On the other hand, if this surge does not reduce the potential difference sufficiently a new surge of ions takes place, and each surge would reduce the potential difference and the action finally ceases when the difference of potential is reduced to a value below threshold voltage. There have been many other ideas put forth concerning the discharge mech¬ anism of a counter, but the ones which have been presented above seem to be the most reasonable ones. They also have been verified by experience to a large ex¬ tent. Thus to build a fast counter it is ob¬ vious that the whole discharge process should be completed with a single surge of the charges inside of the tube. This will be the case provided no electrons will be produced at the cathode when the positive ions strike the wall, as is the case in the “self quenching” type of counter. In this type of tube the vapor filled ones seem to be the most successful. The methods of filling these tubes are not critical, and it is possible to obtain practically one hundred per cent produc¬ tion efficiency. A good technique consists of evacuating the tubes with a force pump; filling them to a pressure of about a centimeter of mercury with some or* ganic vapor, such as ethyl alcohol; add ing about nine centimeters of mercury pressure of argon; and finally sealing them off. The way in which these vapor tubes are generally used is by connecting them to the source of potential difference through a resistance of the order of 105 ohms. Another type of fast counter is one in which the potential difference would be reduced to a value below threshold volt¬ age by a single surge of the ions. The technique that we have employed for a tube of this kind involves a thorough cleansing before assembling the parts of the tube. After the parts are assembled the tube is filled with cleaning solution for several hours, and then washed with distilled water. The tube is then pumped on a high vacuum system from ten to twenty hours at a temperature of over 500 °C. This removes impurities especi¬ ally from the surface of the glass. The copper cylinder is then oxidized and the oxide coat is removed with a dilute solu¬ tion of nitric acid, in order to get the copper cylinder in as clean a condition as possible. After a thorough flushing with distilled water, the tubes are again put on the pumping system and baked for sever¬ al hours. Commercial hydrogen is then admitted while the tube remains at the high temperature. This reduction is con¬ tinued for about two hours, after which time they are evacuated and refilled with hydrogen through a palladium valve to about ten centimeters of mercury pres¬ sure. With this technique we have ob¬ tained tubes with plateaus of over a thousand volts having very good all- around performance. Due to the long plateau no stabilized source of high volt¬ age is necessary. These tubes can be used at a very high over voltage, thus increas¬ ing the speed with which the ions multiply. The tube is generally used with a Neher-Harper or a Neher-Pickering am¬ plifying circuit which reduces the time required for recovery. We have found these hydrogen tubes to stay constant over indefinitely long periods of time. Some of our tubes, which were built five years ago, still function as well as when they were made. I do not know of any vapor tubes than can quite measure up to this performance. The chief drawback to this tedious technique for the hydrogen tubes is that the production mortality is very high. There are other techniques used by in¬ vestigators for building Geiger-Mulier tubes, but in many cases these magic formulae seem to work only for the per¬ sons who devised them. The two tech¬ niques which have been considered in this paper are probably the most widely used. Physics — 1941 Meeting 195 THE ANALYSIS OF AN A. C. CIRCUIT CONTAINING R, L, and C Frank L. Verwiebe Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charleston, Illinois The usage of the term, power factor, referring to alternating currents, is be¬ coming increasingly common. Not only are motors recommended in terms of their power factor, hut now the advertise¬ ments of certain brands of the newly popularized fluorescent lamps also refer to their high power factor. It was this latter fact that suggested a demonstra¬ tion experiment in the beginning course of physics to make the analysis of an A. C. circuit as simple and clear as pos¬ sible. Fig. 1 shows the circuit used. The values of R, L, and C are so chosen that the current may be made exactly 1 am¬ pere by adjusting R, a slide wire rheo¬ stat. This greatly reduces the later com¬ putations. The voltage leads of the watt¬ meter and the voltmeter leads are left free to be placed across the different parts of the circuit, as well as across the circuit as a whole. By joining these leads in pairs the manipulation of the experi¬ ment is facilitated. Typical data are indicated below the figure. They include the power in watts, the voltage, and the current for R, L, C, and the entire circuit. Fig. 2 shows the computations per¬ formed on the data. From the relation W = VI cos 0 — VI x power factor, cos e, the power factor, is first calculated, then sin e is found from trigonometric tables. The values of V cos 0 and Vsin 0 are next computed. The vector diagram shown in the lower half of the figure is drawn to scale. A check of the work is provided by summing the appropriate vectors to find the resultant voltage. Its magnitude and phase angle in respect of the current should match within the limits of experimental error the values observed and computed for the circuit taken as a whole. WATTS VOLTS AMPERES RESISTOR 102 102 1 COIL 7 53 1 CONDENSER 5 39 1 WHOLE CIRCUIT 114 • 115 1 COMPUTATIONS W V z cos 6 w/vi sinO 1/cosO R /sinO X RESISTOR 102 102 102 1.000 0 102 O COIL 7 53 53 .132 .991 7 52 CONPENSER 5 39 39 .154 .988 6 38 whole CIRCUIT 114 115 115 .991 .133 114 15 If desired these data can also be used to analyze the impedence of L and C into reactance and resistance, so that the in¬ ductance and capacitance and power factors can be computed. This experiment is followed by an in¬ dividual experiment performed by each student, in which he measures the D. C. resistance and the A. C. impedance of an inductance coil. From these he computes the reactance, inductance and power fac¬ tor of the coil. Papers in Social Science Extract From the Report of the Section Chairman The first meeting of this new section in the Illinois Academy of Science was attended by about 20 and had four papers on this initial program. Two of these are herewith published. The others were : Lathrop, H. 0., Illinois State Normal University, Normal — The end of our public domain. Wirth, Louis, University of Chicago, Chicago — Sociological research in Illinois. It was decided to continue this section in future, and C. W. Schroeder, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, consented to act as chairman for the 1942 meeting. (Signed) D. E. Lindstrom, Chairman [197] 198 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE SOCIOLOGIST IN A TIME OF CRISIS Arthur J. Todd Northwestern University, Evanston , Illinois My feelings in undertaking a discus¬ sion of this topic are, to say the least, highly mixed. On the one hand I feel like the traditional fool venturing to rush in where angels fear to tread. On the other hand I feel like the pedestrian starting on a supposed voyage of dis¬ covery along a dusty highway, beaten down by centuries of earlier travelers. However, as good soldiers and good mem¬ bers of our craft, I am glad to join with my fellow social scientists in this dis¬ cussion. In the first place let us state that we are not unaware that other social scien¬ tists are studying this same problem. Only a week ago on this campus repre¬ sentatives of the National Social Science Research Council and of local councils from Massachusetts to California spent two whole days threshing out this very question. You will all remember Profes¬ sor Maclver’s presidential address to the American Sociological Society last De¬ cember. The whole tenor of his talk was on this very subject of what the sociologist should do at such a critical period in our history. He referred to a committee of the American Sociologi¬ cal Society which was studying the problems of the nation in process of arming itself against crisis. You will recall also the report of the Sub-commit¬ tee of the Executive Committee on Par¬ ticipation of Sociologists in the National Emergency Program, dated December 29, 1940. As a result of that report appar¬ ently a policy was adopted by the Ex¬ ecutive Committee establishing a regular standing committee of the Society to work with the United States Civil Serv¬ ice Commission. Also, undoubtedly as a result of these same considerations, a committee drafted a very intensive ques¬ tionnaire which was sent to all members of the Sociological Society asking them to list their qualifications and specific technical abilities which might be avail¬ able to government in this particular emergency. Many of us filled out those questionnaires and returned them. The American Economic Association followed suit with somewhat similar question¬ naires. Partly as a measure of self defense the universities and colleges have be¬ come interested almost to the point of alarm over this attempt to mobolize ac¬ tively sociological and other scientific talent for governmental service. And with good reason, because while, of course, it is understood that many soci¬ ologists have administrative and other abilities which could serve governmental purposes extremely well, nevertheless there are certain other functions of the sociologist which must be maintained on the college and university level if we are not to be caught in the swirl of emotional disturbance and forget the duty right at hand in the thrill of a con¬ tingent heroism on a distant horizon. That brings me specifically to the point that I think the first duty of the sociologist. That is to maintain, right where he is, the spirit of sociological science above the clamant pressure of propaganda and prejudiced testimony. He must sustain the claims of disci- , plined intelligence in the field of social ! problems as against emotionalism. He must continue to nurture and to teach the necessity and power of convictions based on evidence. It is essential that the teaching func¬ tion be maintained during this period of crisis as an insurance against heat with¬ out light and the destructive passions which would engulf education and the nation itself unless properly safeguarded. Youth at our colleges and universities is a very tangible reality and demand, not a contingent but a very present realistic claim for public service. It is essential that students be taught now more than ever before the basic ideas of how to live with their fellow men. Remember Pro¬ fessor Maclver’s challenge in his ad¬ dress last December — “Men seem to learn every other lesson more quickly than how to deal intelli¬ gently, on the larger political scale, with 199 Social Science- their fellowmen. I am not dreaming of any utopia in which conflict will cease. I am merely suggesting that much of the actual conflict is misguided and ruinous, because of a lack of foresight, a lack of understanding, such as men do not display in the conduct of their other af¬ fairs. And the understanding that is most lacking is the understanding that sociology should and can provide. For it is the understanding of social rela¬ tionships, of the social values men cher¬ ish, of their tribal gods and idols, of their responses to controls, of their long- run reactions to indoctrinations, of the tides of opinion, of the constancy and fickleness of mass emotions, of the con¬ sequences to the ingroup of treating the outgroup thus and thus.” As a part of our academic responsi¬ bility and our citizen’s duty it is essential that sociologists work for the mainte¬ nance of freedom of the mind, freedom of speech, academic freedom, and all other civic and constitutional rights. But in this struggle for maintaining these rights we must be intelligent, tolerant, discreet, and not provocative. We must be realistic as sociologists in recognizing the presence of the mores, of mental sets and traditional attitudes. We must avoid gratuitous offense and opinionated self righteousness if we are going to serve these rights and exemplify the spirit of tolerance. We have to remember both in our teaching and in our practice that rights are not absolutes, but relative privileges sanctified by experience. I have known intolerant defenders of toler¬ ance just as I have known extremely militant pacificists. There is a big dif¬ ference between the sincere and effective defender of constitutional rights and liberties and the mere fuss-budget. Most departments of sociology are being urged to emphasize the training of students in practical administration, whether directly themselves or through cooperation with departments of political science and economics. These courses may be coordinated even in the absence of a definite social service or social work division. Short courses also may be organized particularly in recreation. Dur¬ ing the first World War I operated two successive summers what we called Social Service Plattsburgs which included a series of two week intensive units of work in certain fields of social welfare ■1941 Meeting effort. I also conducted special courses in Red Cross home service administra¬ tion. To a certain extent the multiplica¬ tion of social workers and the profession¬ alization of social work in the last twen¬ ty years has perhaps rendered obsolete some of this type of educational work; but undoubtedly if the war crisis is actually precipitated and continues for several years as some observers predict, the strain on our various professional services will be greater than the present ranks of professional workers can sus¬ tain. It will be necessary to give inten¬ sive training of a sort to people who do not expect to be professionals, but who would, with the return of normal times, return to their voluntary status capacity. From the standpoint of research, soci¬ ologists should be in a position to derive much worthwhile data to carry forward the practical significance of their science. For instance it should be possible to study more effectively than ever the ties that bind, the factors that make for social solidarity on the one hand, and on the other, to grade and rate more accurately the forces that produce tension and breakdown; to study the sources and workings of conflict as projected into army and navy, defense production, and the thought processes in local communi¬ ties. There has been an occasional study of the effects of war upon the family, but not to the same degree that we have ob¬ served in the case of the depression. This is only one simple example of a field of research which, so to speak, is hot and will continue hot for the dura¬ tion of this emergency. But I should also urge continuation of what might be called normal or non-emergency-inspired research, on condition of course that it is really significant and knows where it is going. This is no time for academic ‘‘busy work.” It goes without saying that sociologists, like other scientists and good citizens, stand ready to put their talents at the service of their communities as they have done in preceding emergencies. In order to offset the centrifugal tendencies o*f the national questionnaire to which I have already referred, local community au¬ thorities and the local colleges and uni¬ versities need not only to mobilize the technical abilities of their faculties, but also see to it that defense and preventive projects right in their own areas are de- Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions veloped and made available for the sociologists of their faculties. There is much to be done in the field of recreation, in visitation of the families of draftees, in supplying the places of technical ex¬ perts called away, in combating juvenile delinquency, in vocational guidance, in public health work, in the campaign against venereal diseases. Finally, this is the time of all times when sociologists ought to be consider¬ ing realistically the terms and conditions of a rational peace adjustment and the repairing of breaches in the social text¬ ure caused by war. Last week one night after going to bed I was suddenly stricken almost with panic over what I should do if by some chance called upon to work out a new pattern of living to¬ gether in Europe and Africa or Asia. And I suspect that many of my socio¬ logical brethren would be in no less of a cold sweat than I was at the possible prospect. Yet they should prepare to figure at the council tables along with historians, politicians, economists, and military leaders. Their understanding of population problems, ethnic issues, social psychology and techniques of social con¬ trol, the objective measurements and conditions for social progress, and the whole historical cycle of efforts at social improvement should entitle them to a hearing not only during the progress of hostilities but after overt hostilities are ended. In short, the sociologists have the op¬ portunity and the obligation to continue on an improved scale their teaching, their research, their participation in communi¬ ty betterment, and to make their science an effective element in what I may ven¬ ture to hope will be a somewhat more rational arrangement of the world’s con¬ tours and organization after this night¬ mare of world chaos and depression has become a thing of the past. REPORT ON RESEARCH PROJECTS “IN PROCESS” IN SOCIOLOGY AND RURAL SOCIOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1941 D. E. Lindstrom University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Ahrens, E. A.: Study on Social Categories (The problem is to work out the basic social categories for the whole realm of human nature. The pur¬ pose is to achieve integration of parts now completely severed from one an¬ other and to lay the ground in terms of which social phenomena may be made intelligible.) Albig, William: The Content of Radio Programs, 1925-1940 (A comparative study of various American and English stations. 1925-35 published. 1935-40 ready to publish.) — A Study of the Trends in Cartoon Symbols, 1900-35. —Trends in Content and Symbols of the Newspaper Comic Strips, 1900- 35. — Science as Reported in the News¬ papers, 1910-35. Fox, Sherwood D.: Charisma and the Social Structure Hiller, E. T. : — Mid-Western Regional Organization as Disclosed by the Patterning of the Population (The manuscript is in process and is nearing comple¬ tion.) — Community Studies: 1. Process of Moving a Small Town (This study is in abeyance for the present. It is to be resumed at a later date.) 2. Value Orientation of a Rural Cul¬ ture-Community (The manuscript is being prepared.) 3. Social Organization of a Pietistic Group (The manuscript is being prepared.) 4. Reorganization of a Community After the Closing of the Mining Industry (The research is a thesis subject of a graduate student.) 5. The Value Orientation in an Agri¬ cultural Village (The research is being performed by a graduate student.) Social Science — 1941 Meeting 201 Hulett, J. E., Jr.: The Comparison of Widely Separated Rural Groups by Means of an Atti¬ tude Scale Constructed by the Crite¬ rion of Internal Consistency. Janes, Robt. W.: A Study of the Moving of Shawnee- town, Illinois: An analysis of the sociological as¬ pects of an attempt to move a town to a new site to escape dangers of flood. Klein, E. E.: — Community Resources for Social Wel¬ fare in Champaign County (A hand¬ book especially for Social Adminis¬ tration students) — Objective Examinations in Public Welfare Mulvaney, Rev. B. G.: Correlation Between “Catholicity” and Birth Rates in Germany and the United States (Doctoral Dissertation) Powell, Martha: The School as an Organization of Social Roles (Master’s Thesis) Price, Maurice T.: Cultural Hybridism and Revolutionary Attitudes in the Modern Chinese Student Prior to 1925 Timmons, B. F.: — Laws of the 48 States Directed to¬ ward Definite Economic Encourage¬ ment of Family Life (conducted by NYA students) — Comparative Cost of Living for Young People Before Marriage and After Marriage (NYA students) — Intra-family Relationships in Fami¬ lies of Step-parents (Conducted as a project among regular students of Sociology 5) Tylor, W. Russell: A thorough study of the nature and content of courses in Sociology, as being offered by the high school throughout the state, as these are developing in juxtaposition to other social science courses, exclusive of history, and as they may evidence certain social adjustments in the curricula and personnel of the insti¬ tutions in question. Williams, Helen: Introvert Autobiographies in Different Cultures (Graduate student, Sociology) Yeatman, T. P.: The Youth Group of the Southeast Region of the United States: An Analysis of Population Trends in Relation to the Youth Problem. Znaniecki, Florian: The Social Role ctf the University Student (Collective project: a. Graduate Students: Brenton Brewer, Sherwood D. Fox, Bar¬ bara Klose, Ellen Nudd, Irene Pierson, Martha J. Powell, Lore U. Rasmussen, b. 34 undergraduate students — (Juniors and seniors.) In Rural Sociology Lindstrom, D. E. : — Indices of Human Welfare — Human Element in Land Use — Inventory of Rural Organizations — How Rural Organizations Function — Participation of Farm People in Rural Organizations — Opportunities for Rural Youth — Community and Neighboring Map¬ ping 202 IUinois State Academy of Science Transactions WORKERS’ EDUCATION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Robert L. Cooke Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois Not all of those engaged in public- school education are well informed as to a very significant movement in recent educational history, that known as Workers’ Education. By this we do not mean vocational or industrial education as such; rather it is an attempt on the part of the labor group in this country, particularly the labor unions, to develop a program whereby the workers them¬ selves and their children may be educated in a way planned by, dominated by, and sympathetic to labor, and distinctly apart from the public-school educational pro¬ gram. As a brief historical sketch, we may say that the movement began in this country soon after the turn of the cen¬ tury. In 1911, the National Women’s Trade Union League initiated a labor school in Chicago, and in 1915 the Inter¬ national Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union launched the first of their Unity Centers, of which there are now about fifteen in as many cities, with upwards of six hun¬ dred study groups and with about 30,000 attending. In the early 1920’s the American Feder¬ ation of Labor adopted the movement, and brought it into their own organiza¬ tion by means of a “Workers’ Education Bureau.” Under this impetus, a develop¬ ment took place which has now resulted in more than fifty city labor colleges, many summer schools, as well as some elementary and high schools. Some of the newer labor unions are also seeing the possibilities in Workers’ Education, and have established further schools on their own account. A recent large in¬ crease has taken place under the unify¬ ing program of the Affiliated Schools for Workers, which group has at least eighty local committees conducting schools throughout the country. It should he noted that though the curriculum and the offerings in the workers’ classes are frequently similar in title to those in our public schools, they are usually vastly different in teaching method and in point of view. It is true that public education has made some efforts at rapport with the workers, with a considerable measure of success in some instances. Witness the School for Workers in Industry at the University of Wisconsin and their Sum¬ mer School for office workers, the Bryn Mawr Summer School, and the Pacific Coast School for Workers in connection with the University of California. Also i the Federal Government through its | Emergency Education Program, and us¬ ing unemployed teachers, has at times had as many as 40,000 office, store and factory workers in classes. But the workers themselves claim not I to be satisfied with this help, nor to feel j that these programs, good as they may I be, meet the basic need. As one of their leaders said: “Labor is undertaking to educate itself, thus refusing to have edu¬ cation handed out to it by those who neither understand nor sympathize with its problems and points of view.” Although the labor forces, at the time of the agitation which resulted in the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act and the development of the vocational program in our secondary schools, took a promi¬ nent part in that effort which resulted in the establishment of industrial educa¬ tion in high schools, they have since be¬ come cold and in many cases antagonistic to it. The reason for this antagonism j and in fact for their insistence upon the maintenance of a separate and complete workers’ educational program has been i explained by one of themselves thus: “It is unreasonable . to expect the ! teachers in the lower and higher schools I to understand or admit the special edu¬ cational needs of the workers as a class. The nearest approach to such an under¬ standing has occurred in vocational edu¬ cation with well recognized results. Here the recognition of the special edu¬ cational needs of the workers as an eco¬ nomic class is so complete that the curri¬ culum fails to consider the possibility of a removal from that class.... The public schools fail to grasp the idea that true Social Science — 1941 Meeting 203 education means, first, training to earn a living; second, preparation for promo¬ tion; finally, and more important, in¬ struction in the possibilities and methods of participation of all workers in the management and forming of financial policies of the industries in which they work.” In brief, the worker, in his own words wants “not education for culture, but education for control”. A very significant development of re¬ cent years has been the rather general introduction of communistic elements into the management and the curriculum of a large number of the schools. Many of these schools have recently been dis¬ owned by the more conservative labor leaders, which has tended rather to ex¬ aggerate than to reduce this trend, in the thinking of many concerned. Now what are we to say of the signifi¬ cance c 1?32. Quantitative aspects of’ the change of phototropic sign in Daphnia. Jour Exp. Biol., 9:180-211. Frisch, Karl von and Hans Kupelwieser. 1913. Uber den Einfluss der Lichtfarbe auf die Phototak- oo Reaktlonen niederer Krebse. Biol. Zent., oo 1517-552. Loeb, J, 1904. The control of heliotropic reactions in fresh-water crustaceans by chemicals, especially carbon dioxide. Univ. Calif. Pub. Physiol. 2:1-3. Philip, C. B. 1927. Diurnal fluctuations in the q -Jono«actmty of a Minnesota lake. Ecology, o l7o-o9. AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF ILLINOIS H. K. Gloyd Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago, Illinois Knowledge of the amphibians and rep¬ tiles of Illinois is inadequate for a satis¬ factory discussion of the status of these groups in the state at the present time. According to available data, about one hundred species and subspecies are known to occur within the boundaries of the state. The number of forms repre¬ senting the orders of Amphibia and Rep- tilia are as follows: Caudata 19; Salien- tia 14; Squamata 46 (lizards 6, snakes 40) ; Testudinata 21. Some of these must be regarded as doubtful until their pres¬ ence is verified by carefully determined specimens. There are no endemic forms. The portions of the state best known herpetologically are the southern and northeastern. The central and northwest¬ ern areas are poorly represented by speci¬ mens in collections and published reports. As would be expected from the geo¬ graphic position of Illinois and the nature of its natural vegetation (chiefly grassland-deciduous forest transition) there is a mingling of prairie and wood¬ land species, the former with affinities toward the west and the latter toward the east and south. Of special interest are a few western species (of which Heterodon nasicus is a notable example) which are regarded as relicts of a population formerly more widely distributed, and associated with a probable postglacial eastward extension of the steppe in North America (Schmidt, 1938, Ecology, 19:396-407). A cooperative study of the herpeto- fauna of Illinois is being initiated by the State Natural History Survey Division and the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Anyone interested in giving assistance in the form of specimens or records is in¬ vited to correspond with one or the other of these organizations. Zoology — 1941 Meeting 221 INDUCED OVULATION IN RAN A PIPIENS II. Henry C. Hill, Jr., and True W. Robinson University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The relation of pituitary injection to ovulation in amphibia has been investi¬ gated for several years. Rugh (1937) showed that there is a quantitative re¬ lationship between the anterior pituitary hormone and the number of eggs ovu¬ lated. He expressed the percentage ovulation in terms of the ratio of the weight of eggs found in body cavity and uteri to the weight of the eggs remaining in the ovary plus the weight of the eggs released. The writers (1940) were able to determine directly the number of eggs ovulated by removing the ovary to frog Ringer’s solution before ovulation com¬ menced. When the ovaries were removed as early as 22 minutes after injection with a standard dose of pituitary hor¬ mone, some ovulation occurred in the Ringer’s solution. As the time between injection of the frog and removal of the ovaries was increased the number of eggs subsequently released also increased. These experiments suggested that if the time during which the ovaries remained in the body were held constant and if the amount of hormone injected were varied, a quantitative relation between the hor¬ mone and ovulation would be obtained. That this quantitative relationship exists is shown by the following experiments. Method. — Frogs received during the winter from Vermont and in the spring from Wisconsin: were soaked in cold water and then placed in a refrigerator at 5°C. until used. Host females were selected and weighed in order to obtain some index of their ability to ovulate, since Rugh has found a correlation be¬ tween body size and potency of the fe¬ male. Pituitary glands for injection were removed from females, placed in distilled water, and broken up into a fine suspen¬ sion. The various concentrations of the hormone for each experiment were pre¬ pared from such a pituitary suspension. Hypodermic injection was made into the mid-coelomic cavity with a No. 20 needle. After injection the host females were placed in a bell jar in *4 inch of chlorine- free tap water and kept in the darkroom at 24°C. Six hours after injection the host females were single-pithed down the spinal cord and the ventral surface of the body cavity opened. The ovaries were removed and suspended below the surface of frog Ringer’s solution. Ovula¬ tion occurred in this solution and by periodic counts until ovulation ceased the rate and total amount of ovulation was determined. Experiments. — On December 22, 1940 a volume of the pituitary hormone suspen¬ sion was prepared with a concentration of ten pituitaries per ml. In different volumes, doses of 0.3, 0.9, 1.8, 3.8 pitui¬ taries per female were injected. The maximum amount of ovulation occurred with 0.9 pituitary. An increase of the volume by four times (3.8 pituitaries) did not induce a greater amount of ovula¬ tion. (See fig. 1 open circles.) In subsequent experiments the volume of the injection was kept at one ml and the concentration varied from 0.1 to 8.0 pituitaries per ml of suspension. The total amount of ovulation induced by these concentrations is shown in fig. 1. On February 2, we obtained a typical ovulation curve with pituitary gland equivalent doses of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 3.5 pituitaries per ml. (See fig. 1 solid circles.) In the concentration range between 0.4 and 0.8 pituitaries per ml the points fell along a straight line in¬ dicating that a direct proportionality ex¬ isted between the concentration of the hormone and the total number of eggs ovulated. Such a proportionality sug¬ gests that the method followed in these experiments may be of use as a biological assay for the amount of pituitary ovula¬ tion hormone in various tissues and solu¬ tions. On March 22 this relationship was confirmed within this same concentration range. (See fig. 1 inverted triangles.) That the curve had a different slope was probably due to the variability between different shipments of frogs. Ovulation reached a maximum at about 1.0 pitu¬ itary. This was shown to hold in the previous experiment and was also borne 222 Illinois State Academy of Science Tvansactions Fig. 1. out in later ones. It is significant that further increases in the dose even to eight pituitaries induced no greater ovulation. In the lower concentrations, i.e., from 0.1 to 0.4 pituitaries per ml, the points from five experiments all fell close to the typical curve indicating that the response is reproducible in this range. During March and April frogs showed increased variability in their response to hormone stimulation. Ovulation at this time did not follow closely the curve which was found to be typical in Febru¬ ary, the month considered by Rugh best for induced ovulation. Variation of re¬ sponse is caused at least in part by the following factors, more or less difficult to control : The maturity and size of the host female and of the ovary itse’f (Rugh found larger ovaries more suscep¬ tible to hormone stimulation); the amount of available moisture; the storage temperature; the approach of the normal breeding season at which time frogs are less responsive to artificial hormone stimulation. We attempted to control the second and third factors, i.e., the amount of moisture and temperature, by periodically soaking the frogs and by maintaining them at 5°C. Conclusions. — Using the method of ovulation in Ringer’s solution, the effect of pituitary concentrations on ovulation were studied. The results were as fol¬ lows: 1. In the lower concentrations from 0.1 to 0.4 pituitaries per ml the ovulation response was consistent and increased rapidly with concen¬ tration. 2. In the concentration range from 0.4 to 0.8 pituitaries per ml, the total ovulation was directly pro¬ portional to the concentration of the hormone. This proportionality suggests that, within this concen¬ tration range, a direct biological assay of the pituitary hormone can be made. 3. The maximum amount of ovulation occurred at about 1.0 pituitaries per ml concentration of hormone. Increased concentrations did not induce significantly greater ovula¬ tion. REFERENCES Robinson, T. W. and H. C. Hill, Jr. 1940. Induced ovulation in Rana pipiens. Trans. Ill State Acad. Sc. Vol. 33, No. 2, 223-224. Rugh, R. 1937. A quantitative analysis of the pituitary-ovulation relation in the frog (Rana pipiens). Physiol. Zool., 10, 84-100 Zoology — 1941 Meeting 223 THE EFFECTS OF FORMALIN UPON DEVELOPMENT IN THE BAR-EYED RACE OF DROSOPHILA MEL AN OG ASTER Margaret Bernice Hinshaw Carrollton , Illinois On June 18, 1936, fresh banana-agar- yeast food to which 5 c.c. of sorghum had been added was made and placed in 8 dram homeopathic vials. Fleishman’s yeast was used. On the following day flies from Dr. Zeleny’s stock H357B of the bar-eyed race of Drosophila melanogaster at the University of Illinois were trans¬ ferred to it for egg-laying. On June 25 twelve virgins were secured from these vials. They were mated, one pair being placed in each of twelve vials. They were examined to see that they did not vary in somatic characteristics to any great extent from normal for this species. When imagoes emerged from these mat¬ ings on July 6, 7, and 8, they were re¬ moved every 24 hours, those of the same age being put together in a vial. When the flies were five days old, they were put in one-half pint urinalysis bot¬ tles covered with milk bottle caps on which food had been placed 48 hours be¬ fore. Fifteen pairs were placed in each bottle. One teaspoonful of powdered lamp black was added to the food for the purpose of facilitating egg transfer. A few drops of acetic acid were added also to stimulate egg laying. The flies were placed in an incubator of type 2 made by the Chicago Surgical and Electric Com¬ pany in a room in which the temperature is kept constant by steam coils and brine coils. The room temperature maintained was 25°C., varying not more than .5°C. at any time. The incubator temperature was 27 °C. The flies were kept in the in¬ cubator two hours for egg laying. Two more egg laying periods of two hours length were conducted similarly. Preliminary experiments indicated that the lethal amount of formalin for eggs is in the vicinity of 1.5 c.c. of formalin to 100 c.c. of water, in the food. It was decided to determine the effects of form¬ alin in the food 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% below the lethal amount for eggs on the somatic characteristics of the adults. Dur¬ ing the periods of egg laying food was prepared containing the following propor¬ tions of formalin: 1.2 c.c. of formalin to 100 c.c. of water .9 c.c. of formalin to 100 c.c. of water .6 c.c. of formalin to 100 c.c. of water .3 c.c. of formalin to 100 c.c. of water A control set was also prepared Shell vials of 20 dram capacity were used. One set of 5 vials was used for each concentra¬ tion of formalin. Twenty eggs were transferred to each vial by means of a dissecting needle, care being taken that the eggs being transferred to one set of vials came from one egg laying period. One hundred eggs were thus transferred to each set of vials having the same amount of formalin. These were kept in the temperature control room at a tem¬ perature of 25°C. The temperature did not vary more than a degree at any time. The adults that emerged were preserv¬ ed in 85% alcohol. The mean facet counts of the flies raised on food containing these different percentages of formalin and of those raised in the control set are given in table I. The eye facets were counted with a Leitz microscope with a number 4 ocular and a number 3 ob¬ jective. The facet count of the flies rais¬ ed in 80% of the lethal amount of forma¬ lin for eggs shows a definite drop in the number of eye facets. The number of flies that reached the adult stage, twelve, was too small to give conclusive evidence, however. The larvae, pupae, and adults appeared to be increasingly smaller as the amount of formalin was increased in the food. Later the experiment was repeated for the purpose of determining the effects of the various amounts of formalin upon the length of the different stages of the life cycle. Observations were made hourly after the eggs were transferred until they had hatched, and also at the time of change from larva to pupa, and from pupa to adult. There seems to be little correlation between the amount of forma¬ lin in the food and the length of the egg stage. The lower concentrations of forma¬ lin seem to have more effect on the length of the egg stage than the higher concen¬ trations. The controls hatched before 224 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table I. Percent of lethal amount of formalin used Amount of formalin used (C. C.’s) Sex Number of flies Mean facet Probable count error Standard deviation 80 . 60 . 40 . 20 . Controls 1.2 Males. . . Females. .9 Males. . . Females. .6 Males. . . Females. .3 Males. . . Females. None Males. . . Females. 4 8 28 40 22 28 26 45 24 22 60.25 52.00 65.78 62.62 71.95 60.89 68.50 66.00 70.50 65.18 .20 8.28 .13 7.85 .35 11.70 .25 10.59 .26 10.20 .11 7.38 .63 22.36 .21 6.90 any of those in food containing formalin. The mean length of the larval period of flies in the control set was 84.82 hours, while the mean length of the larval pe¬ riod of those in food containing .3 cc. of formalin was 11.64 hours shorter. The mean length of the larva period of those in food containing .6 cc., .9 cc., and 1.2 cc. of formalin had larval periods 40.54 hours, 169.2 hours, and 192.45 hours longer than that of the control set, re¬ spectively. The mean number of hours in the pupal stage was increased 2.47 hours in food containing .6 cc. of formalin, and 1.99 hours in food containing .9 cc. of formalin. Higher amounts of formalin killed the pupae. The length of ten pupae which develop¬ ed in each percent of the lethal amount of formalin was measured by means of an ocular micrometer, and the average length was computed. Table II shows the average length of the pupae measur¬ ed. There was a definite decrease in the length of the pupae with a corresponding increase in the amount of formalin in the food. Table II. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. Percent of lethal amount of formalin in food Amount of formalin in food (C. C.’s) Average length of pupa cases in millimeters Controls None q 3.42 . U a 3 . 05 . o Q 2.68 o on . y 1 9 2 . o9 O OA 1.5 1 2.50 2.24 The conclusions drawn from these ex¬ periments are summarized as follows: 1. The lethal amount of formalin for eggs of this race of Drosophila is in the vicinity of 1.5 cc. to 100 cc. of water in the food. 2. The eye facet number is increased slightly by 20% of the lethal amount of formalin, and definitely decreased by 60% or more of the lethal amount of formalin. 3. The length of the egg stage is in¬ creased by 20% and by 40% of the lethal amount of formalin in the food. 4. The lengths of the larval and pupal periods are increased by 40% or more of the lethal amount of formalin in the food on account of retarded development. 5. The size of larvae, pupae, and adults is reduced in direct proportion to the percent of the lethal amount of forma¬ lin in the food. Zoology — 1941 Meeting 225 DISTRIBUTION OF UPLAND BIRDS IN ILLINOIS S. Charles Kendeigh University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois According to the life-zone concept of Merriam and others, distribution of birds falls into natural units consisting of great trans-continental belts. Seven of these zones have been described for North America, each bounded on the north and south by isotherms of tem¬ perature. With the recognition that dif¬ ferent species occurred in the west as compared with the east, certain zones were subdivided at about the 100° merid¬ ian on the basis of differences in humid¬ ity and rainfall. If one follows this con¬ cept the state of Illinois falls mostly in the eastern Carolinian Faunal Area of the Upper Austral Zone. The Transition Zone enters the state on the north and the Lower Austral Zone on the south, but the extent of penetration appears to be a matter of personal judgment. Such a concept is unsatisfactory for analyzing the distribution of the three hundred or so species of birds that occur, as it pre¬ supposes a uniform occurrence of a dif¬ ferent group of species in each section of the state with their distributional bound¬ aries determined only by temperature. Doubtlessly temperature does affect the distribution of birds. For instance the chuck-wills-widow, Carolina chickadee, Bewick wren, mockingbird, sycamore warbler, Kentucky warbler, hooded war¬ bler, summer tanager, Bachman’s spar¬ row and others are found more commonly during the breeding season in the south¬ ern portions of the state, and the black- capped chickadee, swamp sparrow, bobo¬ link, clay-colored sparrow, and savannah sparrow are mostly confined to the north¬ ern portion. Very likely all species have limits of tolerance to extreme tempera¬ tures, but these limits vary widely be¬ tween species. When temperature con¬ trols distribution there is little agree¬ ment between different species in exact limits of distribution. Likewise correla¬ tion between distributional boundaries and isotherms does not prove that tem¬ perature is the controlling factor without supporting experimental evidence. For instance, the northward dispersal of the Bewick wren appears limited by competi¬ tion with the house wren, rather than by the direct influence of any physical en¬ vironmental factor. In seeking units of significance for the analysis of distributional phenomena, it is best to utilize the organisms them¬ selves rather than any combination of environmental factors. Unless distribu¬ tion limits show some harmony and cor¬ relation, then distributional units, as such, do not exist in nature. Actually, plants and animals do exhibit fundamen¬ tal distributional interrelations in the form of biotic communities. These com¬ munities give the most substantial basis for interpreting distribution. Exclusive of aquatic areas, two major communities or biomes are represented in Illinois: the forest and the prairie. Their occur¬ rence in the state is shown in fig. 1 which was prepared originally by the Illinois State Natural History Survey1. The limits of the constituent avian species are controlled by a complex of environmental conditions, in which moisture, light, and vegetation are especially important. In addition to these climax communi¬ ties, there are numerous disturbed areas and subclimax or developmental com¬ munities. Most of the prairie has been destroyed for purposes of agriculture or has been greatly modified. Forests have been lumbered or grazing has been per¬ mitted so that they no longer repre¬ sent original conditions. Marshes, lakes, and rivers are subclimax, but if left alone, the smaller lakes and ponds will gradu¬ ally become choked with vegetation and transformed into communities similar to those now on the upland. Meanwhile they have a varied and characteristic bird fauna of ducks, grebes, coots, rails, gallinules, bitterns, herons, and several species of song birds. From studies carried out in Trelease Woods at the University of Illinois, a typical list of species occurring in an up¬ land forest in approximate order of their abundance is as follows: indigo bunting, starling, red-eyed vireo, crested flycatch- 1 Telford, O. J., Bull. Ill. Sta. Nat. Hist. Surv., 16, 1926: I- VI, 1-102. 226 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions er, downy woodpecker, tufted titmouse, wood pewee, red-headed woodpecker, wood thrush, cardinal, yellow-throat, yellow¬ billed cuckoo, white-breasted nuthatch, barred owl, and Carolina wren. In addi¬ tion other species occur in irregular num¬ bers. Total abundance of all species averages between two and three birds per acre (Twomey, Hyde, MS). Extensive tracts of original prairie are difficult to find. Abandoned fields and railroad rights-of-way sometime resemble prairie both in appearance and composi¬ tion. Representative prairie species that both feed and nest in grassy habitats in¬ clude marsh hawk, ring-necked pheasant, prairie chicken, upland plover, horned lark, meadowlark, bobolink, dickcissel, and grasshopper sparrow. These are not listed in the order of their abundance. Total abundance of all species may lie between one and one and a half birds per acre2 which is considerably less than in the forest. In disturbed farmland, pas¬ tures, plowed ground, and crops, abund¬ ance may drop to one bird per two acres. Greatest numbers of birds may be found in the forest-edge, or ecotone where forest and open field meet and interdigi- tate, for here there is a greater variety of habitats, and birds may take advan¬ tage of favorable features in more than one. Many of our towns and villages, or¬ chards, cemeteries, shrubby fields, and woodlots are essentially forest-edge habi¬ tats. Abundance commonly averages three or more birds per acre and includes, in addition to some species listed for the forest and prairie, the sparrow hawk, bob- white, mourning-dove, flicker, red-headed woodpecker, kingbird, blue jay, house j wren, catbird, brown thrasher, robin, j bluebird, English sparrow, bronzed grackle, Baltimore and orchard orioles, goldfinch, and field sparrow. The presence of extensive forest-edges was characteristic of early Illinois. Birds I were probably always numerous as a con- l sequence, and except for the starling, English sparrow, and ring-necked pheas- |i ant, were probably of the species above enumerated. The present paper is in¬ tended merely to introduce the ecological approach to the study of bird distribu¬ tion in the state. There are needed many more intensive studies in all habitats to i determine the occurrence of species, their actual abundance, fluctuations from year to year, interrelations for territory and food, nesting habits, rates of reproduc¬ tion and mortality, migration phenomena, and relations to man. 2 Forbes and Gross, Bull., Ill. Sta. Nat. Hist. Surv., 14, 1922, 187-218. Zoology — 1941 Meeting 227 NOTEWORTHY RECORDS OF OCCURRENCE OF MAMMALS IN CENTRAL ILLINOIS* E. J. Koestner University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois A revived interest, on the part of sev¬ eral zoologists, in the mammals of Illi¬ nois prompts me to place on published record the following selected information. This information comprises mainly rec¬ ords of occurrence which better indicate the geographic ranges of several species. The catalogue numbers given refer to those of the writer’s private collection. I am grateful to M. J. Soran and James Francis for assistance in the trapping which yielded some of the information given below, and to E. Raymond Hall, University of California, Berkeley, for suggestions and advice. Myotis lucifugus lucifugus (Le Conte), Little brown bat. — One was taken on July 21, 1939 flying on the east edge of Brownfield Woods (R. 9 E., T. 20 N., Sec. 34) in Champaign County (No. 250). The species has hitherto not been recorded for this county although Wood (1910) men¬ tions specimens in the State Natural His¬ tory Survey Collections with data want¬ ing. The identification has been verified by C. C. Sanborn of the Field Museum. Lasionycteris noctivagans (Le Conte), Silver-haired bat. — One was received from M. J. Soran, who obtained it in a tree in the day time in Piper City (R. 9 E., T. 27 N., Sec. 4). This provides the first record for Ford County (No. 258). The writer shot others at Brownfield Woods in Champaign County on Septem¬ ber 18, 1940, and later. Collections of bats were made there at other times during the summer, but September 18 was the first date on which the species was found. Probably these individuals were migrating (Nos. 353, 354, 358, 359). Pipistrellus subflavus (F. Cuvier), Georgian bat. — Of this species, Wood (1910:596) writes, “If it occurs in the northern part of Illinois it must usually be rare. Either the species is often over¬ looked or its distribution is very uneven over most of its range.” Only one speci¬ men of the Georgian bat was taken in a summer’s collecting at Brownfield Woods, Champaign County. This one was shot fly¬ ing on September 16, 1940. It is the first record for the county and is the northern¬ most for Illinois, although it has been taken in more northern states (No. 349). Lasiurus borealis (Muller), Red bat. — The red bat is the species most often seen flying in towns in residential dis¬ tricts where there are a considerable number of trees. It is one of the first to appear in the evening. Often it emerges when there is still enough light for a person to see its color easily. I took one specimen in Piper City, Ford County, flying and feeding at 3 A. M., and many others were seen flying about street lights at this time. This is the most common species in Champaign-Ur- bana, while in Brownfield Woods, a red oak-maple virgin forest, it is much less abundant (No. 256). M. J. Soran and I collected fifteen of these bats which were trapped in the fresh oil on a road in Piper City, Ford County (Nos. 338-348). The bats, to¬ gether with birds of several species, were picked up in midafternoon from the heavily oiled road which was well shaded by trees. Most of the bats were taken within a distance of 500 feet and when washed with gasoline all proved to be this species. Probably the bats mistook the oil for water and were flying to dip into it. The majority of the bats were alive although they were completely cov¬ ered with oil, which coated also the lin¬ ing of the mouth. Those exposed to the direct rays of the sun were dead. Lasiurus cinereus (Beauvois), Hoary bat. — Wood (1910) assumed this species was present in Champaign County, but mentions no specimens. The writer shot one along the edge of Brownfield Woods, Champaign County (No. 335). Nycticeius humeralis (Rafinesque), Rafinesque’s bat. — This species was in¬ cluded in Wood’s list although he made no mention of specimens, and Sanborn (1930) Records the first one from Cham- Oontribution from the Zoological Laboratories of the University of Illinois, No. 593. 228 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions paign County. The writer collected speci¬ mens in Brownfield Woods. There, it was the most abundant species and was found throughout the summer. The presence of large numbers of both adults and young indicates that the species breeds there (Nos. 251-253, 322, 327, 329-331, 333, 335, 357). Procyon lotor lotor (Linnaeus), Rac¬ coon. — Three skulls of young females were obtained for me by M. H. Goodrich about six miles north of Piper City in Ford County (R. 9 E., T. 27 N., Sec. 2) near a brush pile along a stream. In Ford County suitable cover for raccoons is scarce (Nos. 393-395). Mustela rixosa allegheniensis(Rhoads), Least weasel. — The least weasel is not often taken in Illinois although it is probably more generally distributed than records indicate. Fur-trappers frequently tell of taking small or young weasels which they rarely, if ever, save because of the slight fur value. The writer was privileged to examine the skull of a male least weasel taken in a sunken basement window in La Grange, Cook County, Illinois in the autumn of 1939. The skull and the mounted skin are in the possession of Glenn Ulrich of Western Springs, Illinois. The identifica¬ tion was verified by E. Raymond Hall. Synaptomys cooperi gossii (Coues), Goss lemming mouse. — Howell (1927:1) writes: “Synaptomys is not common in collections, but it is by no means certain that it is not more numerous in nature than is generally supposed. Except in a very few places, or in years of unusual abundance, lemming mice have proved exceedingly difficult to obtain in num¬ bers.” Wood (1910:559) says “this species seems to be the rarest of the small mammals— or, at least, the one most seldom trapped.” He further states that the only specimens he had were two (one without head) found dead near Urbana. He was unable to get additional individuals by trapping in the same area. The writer collected four specimens of this species in December two miles west of Seymour, Champaign County (R. 7 E., T. 19 N., Sec. 18) within a few hundred feet of the Champaign-Piatt county line. The exact place was in a quadrat that had been trapped over in the previous year by the same method, without indica¬ tion of the presence of this species. The same general area had been trapped yearly for short periods by ecology classes from the University for ten or more years and no other specimens were ever reported. The first specimen, a half grown male, was taken on December 10, 1940, on the fifth day of trapping in a quantitative plot. It was dead when found although, it was caught in a live trap. Large num¬ bers of Microtus ochrogaster (Wagner), Peromyscus leucopus novel) oracensis (Fischer), Cryptotis parva (Say), Mus musculus (Linnaeus), and a few indi¬ viduals of some other species of small mammals were taken here in the four days preceding. A female was taken on December 15 on the second day of trap¬ ping in a second plot, located about 100 feet west of the first. A lactating female was taken on December 20, and an adult male on the following day. The food in the stomachs and intestines of this spe¬ cies was uniformly green-colored, indicat¬ ing that the animals feed largely on green vegetation even at this time of the year. The green vegetation present was mostly blue grass ( Poa pratensis L.). The specimens were identified by Donald M. Hatfield of the Chicago Academy of Sciences (Nos. 364, 371, 374, 375). The trapping which provided the rec¬ ords mentioned above for Ford County has naturally yielded species of com¬ moner occurrence and more general dis¬ tribution. Those of which the writer has specimens (*), or has handled fresh specimens are as follows: ♦Didelphis virginiana Kerr ♦Scalopus aquaticus machrinus (Raf- inesque) ♦Blarina brevicauda (Say) ♦Lasionycteris noctivagans (Le Conte) ♦Lasiurus borealis (Muller) ♦Procyon lotor lotor (Linnaeus) ♦Mustela frenata noveboracensis (Em¬ mons) ♦Mustela vison mink (Peale and Beau- vois) Mephitis mephitis avia Bangs ♦Vulpes fulva (Desmarest) ♦Citellus tridecemlineatus tridecemli- neatus (Mitchill) ♦Citellus franklinii (Sabine) Sciurus niger rufiventer (Geoffroy) ♦Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii (Hoy and Kennicott) ♦Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis (Fischer) y Zoology — 1941 Meetmg 229 Ondatra zibethica (Linnaeus) Rattus norvegicus (Erxleben) *Mus musculus (Linnaeus) ♦Sylvilagus floridanus mearnsii( Allen) BIBLIOGRAPHY Howell, A. Brazier. 1927. Revision of the Ameri¬ can lemming mice. North American Fauna, 50 :l-37. DISTRIBUTION OF ILLINOIS MAMMALS Carl O. Mohr Illinois natural History Survey , JJrbana, Illinois At least 53, and possibly 55, species of be found in most counties (table 2), al- mammals are know to occur wild in Illi- though several bats occur there only nois, and at least two dozen can be found during part of a year when migrating, in any community. Thirty-two species Most mammals, including the furbearers, are either known to be present in every occur within sight of the limits of every county (table 1) or are very likely to city, even of Chicago. Koestner, E. J. 1941. Some recent records of central Illinois mammals. Jour. Tenn. Acad. Sci., 16:46-47, and Report of the Reelfoot Lake Biol. Sta., 5:46-47. Sanborn, G. C. 1930. Notes from northern and central Illinois. Jour. Mamm., 11 :222-223. Wood, Frank Elmer. 1910. A study of the mam¬ mals of Champaign County, Illinois. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 8:501-613. Table I. — Mammals Known Possum, Didelphis virginiana Kerr Coon, Procyon lotor (Linn.) Long-tailed weasel, Mustela frenata Licht. Mink, Mustela vison Schr. Skunk, Mephitis mephitis Schr. Red fox, Vulpes fulva Desm. Fox squirrel, Sciurus niger Linn. Table II. — Mammals Known to Occur ! Prairie mole, Scalopus aquations (Linn.) Old-field shrew, Gryptotis parva (Say) Mole-shrew, Blarina brevicauda (Say) Little long-eared bat, Myotis heenii (Merr.) Twilight bat, Nycticeius humeralis (Raf.) Gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus (Schr.) Woodchuck or groundhog, Marmota monax (Linn.) Chipmumk, Tamias striatus (Linn.) Gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis Gmel. Flying, squirrel, Glaucomys volans (Linn.) Prairie deermouse, Peromyscus mani- culatus (Wagn.) to Occur in Every County Muskrat, Ondatra zibethica Linn. House rat, Rattus norvegicus Erx. House mouse, Mus musculus Linn. Cottontail rabbit, Sylvilagus floridanus Allen Little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus (LeC.) All But a Few Scattered Counties Silver-haired bat, Lasionycteris noctiva- gans (LeC.) Deep-cave bat, Pipistrellus subflavus (Cuv.) Big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus (Beauv.) Red bat, Nycteris borealis (Mull.) Hoary bat, Nycteris cinerea (Beauv.) Woodland deermouse, Peromyscus leu- copus (Raf.) Lemming mouse, Synaptomys cooperi Baird. Mole mouse or pine mouse, Pitymys pinetorum (LeC.) Prairie meadowmouse, Microtus ochro- gaster (Wagn.) Jumping mouse or kangaroo mouse, Zapus hudsonius (Zimm.) I 230 Illinois State Academy Generally speaking, our mammals are confined either to woodlands and their associated brushy margins, or to prairies and fields, and are accordingly most abundant where there are extensive habi¬ tats suitable to them. Squirrels, for ex¬ ample, are most common in our extensive¬ ly wooded southern, western and south¬ western counties while muskrats are most common in prairie areas (fig. 1, muskrat). Each species, however, is a law unto itself in the matter of distribu¬ te/ Science Transactions tion because no two select exactly the same type of habitat. This is illustrated by the bag and distribution of squirrels. In the extensively wooded southern coun¬ ties, squirrel hunters average from ten to twenty times more each year than those in the lightly wooded prairie counties according to hunter’s reports (Fig. 1, squirrels).* Fox squirrels, which prefer thin stands of woods, outnumber gray squir¬ rels in the northern half of Illinois where Table III.-Mammals Which Occur Widely Only in Counties in the Nobthebn Two-thirds of Illinois Coyote, Canis latrans Say Striped ground squirrel, Citellus tredecimlineatus (Mitch.) Franklin’s ground squirrel, Citellus franklinii (Sabine) Pennsylvania meadowmouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord) to Occur Only in a Few Tiers op Counties in Southern Illinois Table IV. — Mammals Known Bachman’s shrew, Sorex longirostris Bach. Gray bat, Myotis grisescens Howell Pink bat, Myotis sodalis M. & A. Otter, Lutra canadensis Schr. Bobcat, Lynx rufus (Schr.) Beaver, Castor canadensis Kuhl. Cotton mouse, Peromyscus gossypinus (LeC.) Golden mouse, Peromyscus nuttalli (Harl.) Rice rat, Oryzomys palustris (Harl.) Woodrat, Neotoma floridana (Ord) Swamp rabbit, Sylvilagus aquaticus Linn. Big-eared bat, Corynorhinus rafinesquii (Less) Table V. — Mammals of Pecular Masked shrew, Sorex cinereus Kerr. Chicago region. and Restricted Distribution south and east of the Illinois-Kankakee rivers. Least weasel, Mustela rixosa Bangs, so far found only in northeastern counties. Badger, Taxidea taxus Schr., common in coun¬ ties in the northern third of Illinois. Pocket gopher, Ceomys illinoensis K. & S. Present in a few counties in the heart of Illinois, Jack rabbit, Lepus townsendii Bach. Present in half a dozen counties in the northwest corner of Illinois. White-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Bodd.). Chiefly in extreme northern and extreme south¬ ern Illinois. of the T Ltenartmen Livingston Osborne, Mr. Lewis G. Martin and Mr. J. V. Maloney based the mans amt o-ArSafiV^^1011 t°r i°.?n .°* both biinters’ and trappers’ reports upon which are these reports P the average about distribution of the bag- of game mammals and furbearers. From sueche —Is b^ed was calculated and transferred to maps as dots in such a way that counties having the largest bag would also have the greatest concentration of dots. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions extensive cutting and heavy pasturing have spoiled the woods for the latter. During the writer’s extensive travels on biological surveys of Illinois, for ex¬ ample, he has observed fox squirrels at 157 localities, (fig. 1, fox squirrel), 73 per cent of them in the northern half of the state while observing gray squirrels at 48 localities (fig. 1, gray squirrel) only 54 per cent of which were in the north¬ ern half of Illinois. The bulk of the fox squirrel popula¬ tion lies north of a relatively sharp line of demarcation running east and west, just south of the middle of the state and approximately separating the best black soil area from the poorer yellowish soils. Only 40 per cent of the squirrels observed south of this line were fox squirrels while 60 per cent were gray squirrels which require heavy stands of timber. Conversely only 30 per cent of the squir¬ rels observed north of this line were gray squirrels while 70 per cent were fox squirrels. Each of the predatory furbearing spe¬ cies also shows similar striking prefer¬ ence for some special area, no two species having exactly the same distribution pat¬ tern although all occur in greatest abund¬ ance in wooded or brushy counties. The margins of the ranges of less widely distributed species are very poor¬ ly known at present, but it is possible to give a rough idea of the general distribu¬ tion of each. Future collecting and ob¬ servation, particularly in marginal coun¬ ties, will contribute much toward more exact knowledge about the exact pattern. Star-nosed moles have not been collect¬ ed in many years and may now be ex¬ tinct. BACTERIAL RESPONSE TO GROWTH STIMULANTS Seward E. Owen Cancer Research Unit, Veterans' This report presents the results of a study on growth rates and fermentative power of bacteria as influenced by car- cinogenics and by tissue growth promot¬ ing substances. The effects of the carcinogenics on bac¬ terial growth has been little studied, al¬ though Goldstein (1) suggested accelera¬ tion of bacterial reproduction as a pos¬ sible microbiological test for the carcin¬ ogenic hydrocarbons. The intermediate life forms as yeast, Cook et al (2), ma¬ rine hydroids, Hammett and Reimann (3), the planarians and plant rootlets, Owen et al (4) have been utilized and growth was enhanced by the carcino¬ genics in all instances. Growth and regeneration stimulation are not specific properties of the carcino¬ genics. The mechanisms of tissue growth are altered by the carcinogenics. Cook et al (5) noted a reversal of the respira¬ tion effect on yeast, from that of stimula¬ tion to inhibition in the carcinogenic con¬ centration range most effective for growth promotion. Wright Rnd Ander¬ son (3) found a soluble oxidation product of 1:2: 5: 6 dibenzanthracene to stimulate growth of Fusarium lini and also to cause Administration , Hines, Illinois. a more rapid utilization of glucose. The same carcinogen has been noted as de¬ pressing the respiration rate of brain, spleen and liver by Pourbaix (6). Allantoin is mentioned by Macalister (7) as effective in the promotion of heal¬ ing with rapid granulation in chronic ulcers. Urea was employed in treating wounds by Syrners and Kirk (8). Pre¬ viously urea had been shown to be a bactericide, Ramsden (9) and Peju and Rajat (10). Various explanations for the apparent growth stimulating effects of urea and allantoin have been offered. Aside from the bacteriostatic action as shown here a most plausible explanation exists in the fact that urea releases free sulphydryl from tissue proteins, Owen (11). Allantoin through its slow re¬ lease of urea apparently acts similarly as Greenstein (12) has shown guanidine and its derivatives to do. With reference to larval preparations of the blow fly (Lucilia sericata) Rob¬ inson (13) believes the wound healing action to be due to the allantoin content. The urea content of larval preparations is not the sole bacteriostatic agent as removal of this agent by hot alcoholic Published under R & P. 6727, Veterans’ Administration. 233 Zoology — 1941 Meeting extraction does not eliminate all of the bacteriostatic action of the larval resi¬ due. It seems that simple organisms as bac¬ teria might provide suitable life forms on which to study and possibly standard¬ ize growth stimulating agents and the carcinogenics. Experimental. — For the study a culture of Bacillus coli communior was utilized as this organism displays fermentative powers on the mono and disaccharides. The basic media consisted of three grams of beef extract, five grams of peptone and eight grams of sodium chloride per liter. The sugar medias were made by adding one per cent of the wanted sugar to the above media before final sterilization. Ten tubes of each media comprised each test and the tests were run in duplicate. The concentrations of the substances tested were as follows: urea .5%, allan- toin .25%, larval filtrates 1%, ether and alcohol extracts of dessicated larvae— the extractive from two grams placed in thirty c. c. of water, well shaken and filtered. Cysteine hydrochloride, gluta¬ thione, indole acetic acid stock solutions were 1:100,000. From .1 to 1 c. c. of the above solutions were added to five c. c. of media. The carcinogenics were added directly to the media in solid form so as to give saturated solutions. Steriliza¬ tion was done by filtration and by auto¬ clave, each method giving similar re¬ sults. The test inoculations consisted of .01 c. c. of a twenty-four hour culture in nutrient broth. To determine the amount of bacteria in the resulting twenty-four hour cultures resort was had to Hopkins tubes. These were centrifuged for thirty minutes at 2030 revolutions per minute. The results obtained (table A) are given as the quotient of experimental test volume of bacteria over the bacterial volume in the control tubes. Average bacterial volumes from ten tubes for each substance were used in constructing the table. By the use of the ordinary fermenta¬ tion tubes the carbohydrate usage ap¬ peared not significantly altered by the presence of the carcinogens or growth stimulating agents when these were cor¬ related with final volumes or amounts of bacteria. The ether and alcohol extracts as well as the residues of dessicated larvae gave positive tests for free sulphydryl by the phosphotungstate procedure. Discussion. — A bacteriostatic action is displayed by urea, allantoin and by lar¬ val preparations. This action is suffi¬ cient to overshadow any bacterial growth stimulating properties inherent in these substances. Urea and possibly also al¬ lantoin and larval preparations release free sulphydryl on contact with suitable proteins. The carcinogenics do not do this. These growth stimulants and car¬ cinogens do give lowered potentials in Table A. — Showing the effects of growth stimulants and of carcinogenics on bac¬ terial growth rates. Figures represent quotient obtained from test bacterial volume over control bacterial volume. 24 hour cultures and Hopkins tube volumes. Media used Substance tested in the culture Nutr. Broth. Dextr. Broth. Sacchr. Broth. Urea . .645 .710 .690 Allantoin . .614 .661 .620 Larva dessicated, autoclaved . .560 .580 .630 Larva dessicated extract . .700 .755 .610 Larva dessicated ether ext. of . 1.07 .925 .950 Larva hot alcohol extract of . .632 .685 .730 Cysteine HCl . 1.16 1.12 1.00 Glutathione S-S . 1.00 .98 1.05 Benzpyrene . .975 1.00 1.23 Pibenzanthrp fpnp . .994 1.26 1.32 Tri phenyl henz M- J-> and Joly, R. A., The Growth °flnV 2: S dibenzanthracene on the rwii oSd respiration of yeast. Am. Jour. Cancer.^35. 543, 1939. See also Science 87: Hammett, F. S., and Reimann, S. P. The proliferation stimulating* action of 1 : 2 : 5 • 6 dibenzanthracene on Obelia geniculata. Am (Zcer^TslV: Ills19*5- ^ 8,80 Am' J°Ur- Owen, S. E., Weiss, H. A., and Prince, L. H„ Carcinogens and planarian tissue regeneration. Am. Jour. Cancer 35: 424, 1939. See also Science 87: 261, 1938, Wright, L D. and Anderson, A. K., Effect of : o5 : 6 dibenzanthracene on Fusarium lini. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol and Med. 38: 370, 1938 Pourbaix, Y Influence du 1-2 benzene pyrene matabolisme cellulaire des hydrates de carbone. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 115: 1738, Macalister, C. J., A new cell proliferant. Its aPPThcatlon in the treatment of ulcers. Brit. Med. Jour. 1: 10, 1912 Symmers, W. St. C., and Kirk, T. S Urea as a bactencide and its applications in the treat¬ ment of wounds. Lancet 2 : 1237, 1915. Tm^Sd£2’ Some new properties ' of urea. Jour. Physiol. 28: 23, 1902. Peju, G., and Rajat, H., Note sur le poly- morphisme des bacteries dans 1’ uree. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 61 : 477, 1906. p Owen, S. E., The action of growth stimulants on proteins. In press. Greenstein, J. P Sulphydryl groups in pro¬ teins. Proc. Soc. Biol. Ohem. 33 : 25, 1939 Robinson, W Stimulations of healing in 'non- healing wounds by allantoin, occurring in mag¬ got secretions and of wide biological distribu- 1935 dour’ Bone and Joint Surg., 17: 267, Owen, S. E., Unpublished data. relative /bundance of cyclocephala immacu- LATA AND C. BOREALIS AT URBANA Garland T. Riegel State Natural History Survey, TJrlana, Illinois Damage to crops and lawns by “annual white grubs” or “false June beetles” of the genus Cyclocephala has been reported at various times from North and South America and the West Indies. Injury is similar to that of ordinary June beetles of the genus Phyllophaga and other re¬ lated Scarabaeids. Valuable plants at¬ tacked by the grubs are corn, wheat, oats, barley, sugar cane, sunflowers, straw¬ berries, and the grasses of pastures, lawns and golf courses. As early as 1887 these beetles had been studied under Illi¬ nois conditions by Dr. S. A. Forbes. At Urbana during the summers of 1937 and 1938, while engaged on a light trap project under the direction of Mr. W. P. Flint of the Natural History Survey, I became interested in the genus Cyclo¬ cephala and saved some of the specimens obtained the first year for a morphologi¬ cal study. It soon became apparent that two species were involved. Consequently in 1938 all specimens taken in the traps were preserved in order that something might be learned of the relative abund¬ ance of the two species. This informa¬ tion is desirable since there has been some confusion of the species in the economic literature. 235 Zoology — 1941 Meeting The paper by the latter author is of especial interest to us in Illinois because of the species discussed. Hayes (1918), in Kansas, reporting on the life history of Cyclocephala immaculata (Oliv.) (misidentified as C. villosa Burm.), re¬ viewed the economic literature up to that time. More recently Neiswander (1938) has discussed villosa (now called bore* alis Arrow) as it occurs in Ohio. Be¬ tween 1918 and 1938 scattered notices have appeared on the economic status of the grubs in various regions. Forbes (1891) stated that our only species of Cyclocephala in Illinois is im¬ maculata, and this idea seems to have persisted until quite recently. It is true that immaculata is the more abundant species in the region of Urbana, but borealis is also present in considerable numbers. During the season of 1938, 4,124 adult Cyclocephala were taken in 10 light traps located in the University of Illi¬ nois orchards not far from blue grass areas. Since the traps were of the elec¬ trocuting type, a few specimens were burned so that they could not be deter¬ mined even as to sex, but they were counted in the daily totals, fig. 1. Neis¬ wander in his Ohio light trap studies in 1937 found that these insects were at¬ tracted to the traps in the ratio of 7 males to 1 female. Yet at Urbana in 1938 the ratio was 10.3 females to 1 male. This difference has no apparent explana¬ tion. The curve of seasonal abundance for both species of female Cyclocephala is shown in fig. 1. The two species, immaculata and bo¬ realis, are evidently very closely related and the females, especially specimens from electrocuting light traps, are often difficult to tell apart. So, for the sake of accuracy, our figures on relative abund¬ ance are based entirely on the males, fig. 2. . , v . Errors involved in light trap work have been competently discussed by Williams (1939, 1940) and others. While these are freely admitted, I do not believe they seriously affect a study of this type, be¬ cause these two species are so closely related and each has a one year life cycle. The same factors would appar¬ ently affect equally the light trap catch of both. Although a comparison based upon the catch of several years would undoubtedly be better, some idea of the relative abundance of the two species can be obtained from one year’s catch. However, it should be pointed out that these beetles have cycles of extreme abundance alternating with years when the population is relatively low as in 1938, and the ratio between immaculata and borealis probably varies slightly from year to year. Of the male Cyclocephala taken in 10 light traps at Urbana in 1938 immaculata outnumbered borealis in the ratio of 9.3 to 1. It is interesting to note that the first male immaculata was taken on May 23, and the last on August 21, while all the borealis appeared between June 21 and July 10. LITERATURE CITED Forbes, S. A. 1891. Rept. Ill. Sta. Ent. 17:30-53. Hayes, W. P. 1918. Jour. Econ. Ent. 11(1) :136- 44. Neiswander, C. R. 1938. Jour. Econ. Ent. 31 (3) : 340-44. Sanderson, M. W. 1940. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 33 (2) :377-84. Saylor, L. W. 1937. Jour. Ent. Zool. 29 (3) : Williams, C. B. 1939. Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 89 (6) :79-131. , . 1940. Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 90 ”(8) :227-306. 236 UUnois State Academy of Science Transactions DISTRIBUTION OF ILLINOIS INSECTS Hekbekt H. Ross 8tate Natural History Survey, Urbana, Illinois The insect fauna of Illinois, estimated at approximately 20,000 species, brings out interesting generalities regarding the place of Illinois in the continental dis¬ tribution of species, the types of abode of insects within the State, seasonal suc¬ cession of species and their horizontal stratification. Within the State itself insect distribu¬ tion is influenced primarily by differ¬ ences in vegetation. This is a result of the close dependence upon specific host plants of a large number of insect species. Many species occur principally in open prairie; these same ones often frequent weed patches around cultivated land. An¬ other large set of species inhabits the forest, many of them actually feeding on various kinds of trees. Still a third large set prefers the forest edge region which occurs between the prairie and forest areas wherever these two are side by side, and which contains a wide variety of trees and shrubs, each harboring differ¬ ent insect species. A wide variety of insects range over the entire State in whichever general category they frequent. This includes many in which Illinois is in the heart of the species range, as in the case of the housefly and periodical cicada. Other species are more restricted and occupy small areas which are of a more special type. A few areas of unusual interest are (1) White Pines Forest State Park and Starved Rock State Park, unique in Illinois in having insects re¬ stricted to white pine; (2) glacial lakes, swales and marshes in extreme north¬ eastern Illinois, including many north¬ ern species which intrude into the Illi¬ nois fauna only in this area, fig. 1; (3) tamarack bogs in this same section with insect species restricted to this small area by either host preference or other limiting factors; (4) cypress swamps found in extreme southern Illinois, con¬ taining many insects intruding from the south, fig. l, including species of crickets, plant bugs, and others which feed only upon cypress; and (5) the most diverse faunal feature of extreme southern Illi¬ nois, the Ozarkian Uplift. This has a wide variety of rock, hill, and meadow Fig. 1. Zoology — 1941 Meeting 237 situations, in addition to unique streams in which are many species of insects found nowhere else in the State. Many of these species are eastern or typically Ozarkian in general distribution. An ex¬ ample is the alder fly, Sialis joppa , whose known range is shown in fig. 1. In vari¬ ous parts of Illinois occur extensive tracts of blow sand and dunes; most not¬ able are those at Zion, along the shores of Lake Michigan, others near St. Anne, Savanna, Rock Island, Amboy and Ha¬ vana. These areas sustain a typical sand flora and fauna and account for the pres¬ ence in this State of many unique in¬ sect species. Most of these have a range centering in the western prairie, fig. 1. The place of Illinois in the continental range of its insect species is varied. In the case of a large proportion of its spe¬ cies Illinois is in the central part of the range, which may be wide or limited. In many other cases the species intrude into the State from ranges which center to the east, south, west or north. Ex¬ amples are given in fig. 1. So many in¬ trusive species of many diverse groups have been taken in the State that it is apparent that Illinois has an axial posi¬ tion in regard to many faunal regions of North America. Seasonal distribution of the insects within the State is tremendously com¬ plicated. Since Illinois has severe win¬ ters and hot summers, there is a very marked seasonal succession of species throughout the year. Hordes of insects are active during spring, summer, and fall. Others including springtails, stone- flies, and a few other aquatic insects, are active also during the winter months. Due to the difference in climate between northern and southern Illinois, this sea¬ sonal succession is very different in the two ends of the State. Equally complex is the distribution of Illinois insects among the various strata. Certain forms are adapted to spend their entire life cycle in the soil, others in the herbs, others in the shrubs and trees. Most insects, however, may be found in more than one stratum, frequently spending the larval stage in one, the pupal stage in another, and the adult stage in several. MODIFICATION OF A TROPISM IN LUMBRICUS TERRESTRIS Robert J. Wherry, University of North Carolina, AND James M. Sanders, Chicago Teachers College, Chicago, Illinois The present experiment deals with an attempt to produce modification of re¬ sponse in the night crawler. It is well established that earthworms react nega¬ tively to intense illumination and to gal¬ vanic shock. An earthworm introduced into a T maze of which one side is lighted and one side darkened might be ex¬ pected to enter the darker compartment. If, however, the worm received a shock while in the dark and the shock were re¬ peated as the worm progressed further or remained quiescent it might eventually leave the dark. This was found to be the case. The subjects were large sized Lumhri- cus terrestris (10-12 inches). The maze was a T shaped box, each arm of which was 15 inches long. The bottom was covered with thick blotting paper which was soaked with water before each trial run. The source of light was a 40 watt frosted bulb with a white reflector. The lamp was suspended 3 inches from the floor. A partition extended down to within three-eighths inches of the floor between the illuminated arm and the darkened arm. The starting arm was open. Each worm was kept in a sepa¬ rate container, was taken out, washed, placed in the starting arm, given a light shock and the time recorded. The shocks were administered by electrodes on the floor. A worm was shocked further only if it advanced nine inches into the dark¬ ened chamber. Trial runs were made at the same time daily. Records were kept of elapsed time, number of shocks, and directions of movement both initially and 238 Illinois State Academy throughout the trip. Near the conclusion of the experiments the maze was reversed in an attempt to determine whether there had been learning or merely lateral muscle training. The earthworms learned to avoid the dark and seek the light. This was indi¬ cated by the decrease in time required for the trial, decrease in number of shocks, an increase in the number of initial turns to the light, and finally by the behaviour in the maze. There were 17 worms used in the experiments at the start but some were killed by overshock¬ ing, and other accidents, before the trials were finished. After 15 trips on successive days the average trip time was 2.5 minutes as compared with 5.2 minutes the first day. There are 98 chances out of a hundred that this difference was due to learning. The average number of shocks required to force the worms to the light decreased from 9 to 4 during 15 days. There are 99 chances out of a hundred that this is not fortuitous. On the first day no worm made an initial turn to the light without the compulsion of shock and the per¬ centage of initial turns to the light for the first 6 days was 5.6 while from 15-19 days inclusive the initial turns to light averaged 44.3%. After the fifth day the worms were more likely to leave the dark upon re¬ ceiving a shock but as they drew near to the light they turned and re-entered of Science Transactions the dark where another shock was ad¬ ministered. This process was repeated until the worm went under the light. On the seventh day oscillating move¬ ments sometimes referred to as “selec¬ tion by random movement" were noticed. Light and dark were equally repellent. The individual record of worm No. 10 seems to substantiate the value of our criteria. The first trip required 20 min¬ utes and 15 shocks while the 15th trip required 1 minute and 1 shock. For the first five trips the initial choice was dark and for the following 18 trips the initial choice of dark occurred only 4 times. To avoid the criticism that the worms learned a direction or followed a slime trail the experimental set was reversed on the 20th day. The record of number 10 after the reversal showed an increased trip time. Trips had been consuming from one-half to one minute but the first day after reversal 3.5 minutes were needed and 8 shocks. On the 21st day the same trip was made in one-half minute and no shock was given. The initial turn to the light was voluntary. Conclusions 1. Negative phototropism of Lum- bricus is subject to modification and possible elimination under experimental conditions. 2. This would indicate that tropisms may be partially acquired rather than entirely inherent. A C??t^E™^I0N between the rate of heart beat AND THE STATE OF CERTAIN CHROMATOPHORES IN THE SHRIMP, PALAEMONETES Harold H. Scudamore Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinois and the Marine Biological Laboratory , Woods Hole , Massachusetts An Abstract The first suggestion of a relationship between the state of the chromatophores and the rate of heart beat was made by Gamble and Keeble (1900). These in¬ vestigators found that the nocturnal phase (pigment concentrated) of the shrimp, Hippolyte varians, was accom¬ panied by a higher rate of heart beat than the day phase (pigment dispersed). It is now well established that the mi¬ gration of the pigment in certain chro¬ matophores of crustaceans, which re¬ sults in color changes, is controlled by hormones produced in the eye-stalks. 239 Zoology — 1941 Meeting TIME IN MINUTES Pig. i. — The rate of red pigment migration and the changes in the rate of heart beat in Palaemonetes when placed on black and white backgrounds. Recently, Welsh (1937) presented evi¬ dence to suggest that the rate of heart beat, at least in the crayfish, is also controlled by substances present in the eye-stalk. However, in later experiments (1939) he pointed out that the accelera¬ tion of the heart rate was due to acetyl¬ choline, present in the eye-stalk and other nervous tissue, rather than to the eye- stalk hormones which controlled the pig¬ ment migration. Brown (1940) demon¬ strated that the source of the chromato- phore-activating substance was actually the sinus gland, located within the eye- stalks. The purpose of the experiments re¬ ported here was to ascertain whether the sinus gland has an effect on the heart rate, by determining whether or not there is a correlation between the rate of heart beat and the state of certain chromatophores in the marine shrimp, Palaemonetes vulgaris. The animals were placed in small dishes containing sea water, which was kept at a constant temperature (20° ± .5°C.), and observed with a dissecting microscope. The rate of heart beat was determined with the aid of a stop watch. The state of the chromatophores was measured by the Chromatophore Index method, which consisted of assigning values ranging from 1 (pigment fully concentrated within the chromatophore) to 5 (pig¬ ment fully dispersed) (Brown and Scud¬ amore, 1940). Only the red chromato¬ phores showed a definite correlation with the rate of heart beat. This is an inter¬ esting observation since only the concen¬ tration of the red pigment seems to be entirely controlled by the sinus gland (Brown, 1940). Experimental Results.— To correlate the rate of heart beat and the state of the red chromatophores, observations were made with the animals placed on different colored backgrounds. In one group of experiments, animals were “black-adapted” by placing them in black dishes for four hours; these “black- adapted” animals were then transferred to white dishes and observed periodi¬ cally. The results of experiments on ten animals are illustrated in fig. 1. In the “black-adapted” animals, at the begin¬ ning of the experiment, the red pigment was fully dispersed (average Index 4.8) and the rate of heart beat low (209 beats per minute). On the white background, the pigment (curve A) gradually con¬ centrated into the center of the chroma¬ tophore (average Index 1.1), while the rate of heart beat (curve B) increased to 295 beats per minute. The slopes of the two curves for the rates of change are similar. In another group of experiments, ten animals that had been “white-adapted” for four hours were transferred to black dishes and observed periodically. In this case the red pigment (curve C, fig. D, which was concentrated at the beginning of the experiment (average Index 1.2), gradually dispersed to average Index 4.8; and the heart rate (curve D), which was high at first (291 beats per minute), gradually decreased to 206 beats per minute over a period of four hours. Here again parallel curves were found for the average rates of change. The rate of pigment migration in each case agrees with that reported by Brown (1935). In explaining these color changes, it has been suggested, that on a white background the red-pigment¬ concentrating hormone is liberated into the blood stream; this causes a concen¬ tration of the red pigment, and, as shown here, an increase in the rate of heart beat. On a black background this hor¬ mone is absent from the blood stream; the red pigment then disperses, and is accompanied by a decrease in the rate of heart beat. The relationship of the sinus gland to these parallel changes was further established by the results of extirpation and injection experiments. Following bi¬ lateral extirpation of the eye-stalks of eight “white-adapted” animals (average Index 1.2; heart rate, 289 beats per min- 240 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table I.- -Analysis of the Relationship Between the Chromatophore Index and the Rate of Heart Beat Red Chromatophore index Rate of Heart Beat Average beats per minute Standard deviation Standard error Number of observations 1. 293 265 249 225 203 i 1 A 70 + 2.36 ±2.97 40 2 . ± . /Z , I *7 or 3 . ± 1 / . OO _l 1 A AK 35 4 . ± ID . DO i IQ opr ± 2 . 60 42 5 . i lo . Zo . IQ A7 ±1.84 ±1.78 53 ± 1Z . U/ 47 ute), the red pigment dispersed to aver¬ age Index 5.0 and the heart rate de¬ creased to 201 beats per minute. Graphs of the rate of change in each case closely followed curves C and D (fig. 1.) This low rate of heart beat and dispersion of red pigment in blinded animals persisted for several days. In one series of experiments .02 cc. of a sinus gland extract (of a concen¬ tration corresponding to 20 sinus glands to 1 cc. of filtered sea water) was in¬ jected into each of five blinded animals. In the blinded animals the average In¬ dex was 4.8 and heart rate was 206 beats per minute; fifteen minutes after injec¬ tion, the red pigment had concentrated to average Index 1.0 and the heart rate increased to 292 beats per minute. This was followed by a dispersion of the pig¬ ment and a decrease in the heart rate similar to that indicated in curves C and D (fig. 1). An alcohol extract of Car- cinus sinus glands showed a similar con¬ centration of pigment and at the same time an acceleration of heart rate. Sea water extracts of muscle tissue had no appreciable effect on the heart rate or chromatophores. Acetylcholine and a sea water extract of nervous tissue acceler¬ ated the heart rate but did not affect the chromatophores. The results of an analysis of the rate of heart beat associated with each chro¬ matophore index in the four to seven readings made on each of the 33 animals reported here are shown in table I. The average rate of heart beat is high when the pigment is concentrated; low when the pigment is dispersed. The coefficient of correlation of these results is —0.91, which indicates a definite nega¬ tive correlation. Thus as the red pig¬ ment concentrates, the heart rate in¬ creases; and as the pigment disperses, the heart rate decreases. The main sig¬ nificance of such statistical analysis is to emphasize the parallel changes. Summary A definite correlation was shown to exist between the rate of heart beat and the state of dispersion of the red chro¬ matophores in Palaemonetes. The evi¬ dence suggests that this is influenced by the red-pigment-concentrating hormone of the sinus gland. Thus, in addition to causing a concentration of red pigment when present in the blood stream, the hormone also appears to cause an accel¬ eration of the rate of heart beat. literature cited crown. Palaemonetes. Color changes in J. Morph., 57:317-333. ............. 1940. The crustacean sinus gland and . chromatophore activation. Physiol. Zool., 13 :343-355. A*’ dr. a°d H. H. Scudamore. 1940. Uinerentiation of two principles from the crusta- ?!^aoS1AUS ffland J- C^1- and Comp. Physiol., lo :103-119. Gamble, F. W. and F. W. Keeble, 1900. Hippolvte vanans : a study in color-change. Quart. J. Micr Sci., 43:589-698. Welsh, J. H. 1937. The eye-stalk hormone and rate of heart beat in crustaceans. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., 23:458-460. . » 1939. Chemical mediation in crusta¬ ceans: I. The occurence of acetylcholine in nerv¬ ous tissues and its action on the decapod heart J. Exp. Biol., 16:198-219. Zoology — 1941 Meeting 241 OBSERVATIONS FROM A STUDY OF THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE EXTRAHEPATIC BILIARY TRACT Stewart C. Thomson Loyola University School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois Abstract For the student in zoology who is looking forward to a medical career, a study of the comparative anatomy of the biliary tract should prove an aid to the fuller comprehension of anomalies he will later observe in the dissection laboratory, in the operating room and at the autopsy table. Historical Survey— & brief survey of some of the contributions to the knowl¬ edge of the comparative anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary tract, although very incomplete, shows that interest in the extrahepatic biliary tract has been evi¬ denced since earliest times. Some of these contributions are considered in the full length manuscript. Summary of Observations. — In the studies which are summarized in this paper, observations were made as com¬ pletely as the condition of the specimen or the amount of the material allowed. Almost all of the specimens were ob¬ tained through the courtesy of the staff of the Field Museum of Natural History and the many kindnesses of the staff are gratefully acknowledged. A full report which includes most of these dissections has been published by the Field Museum of Natural History (1). Altogether, 111 animals were studied. These represented twelve orders and fifty-two species. The data obtained are summarized under seven distinct but re¬ lated topics. 1. The presence or absence of the gall bladder. — In fifty-two species of Mamma¬ lia, a gall bladder was absent in only eight — the whale ( Balaenoptera physa- lus), the zebra ( Equus burchelli), the horse ( Equus caballus), the dassie ( Pro - cavia sp.), the white-tailed deer ( Odocoil - eus virginianus) , the brown rat ( Rattus norvegicus), the pocket-gopher ( Geomys bursarius ) and the rice-rat ( Oryzomys meridensis) . In Hyracoidea, Perissodactyla and Ce¬ tacea the gall bladder was absent. In Rodentia, as in Artiodactyla, there was variability among the species. In Mar- supialia, Primates, Edentata, Carnivora, Insectivora and Chiroptera, a gall blad¬ der was present in all specimens studied. In the one specimen of Sirenia ( Triche - chus latirostris) , there was a gall blad¬ der. The variability among the Rodentia was of particular interest. 2. The character of the wall of the gall bladder was determined only by its opacity and by palpation of the structure. It showed much variability. In Chirop¬ tera and in Insectivora the wall was thin; it was firm in Marsupialia and Artio¬ dactyla; it was strong and thick in Car¬ nivora and the Primates. In Rodentia it was variable, e.g., thin in the guinea- pig ( Cavia porcellus) and the house mouse ( Mus musculus), but firm and thick in the African porcupine ( Hystrix cristata). 3. The relationship of the gall bladder to the liver varied between and within orders. In Marsupialia, with the excep¬ tion of the opossum ( didelphis mesameri- cana) it was loosely adherent to the liver. In the flying phalanger ( Petaurus nor- folcensis), the viscus was loosely lodged in its fossa; in the Tasmanian devil ( Sarcophilus harrisii ) the gall bladder was loosely attached to the liver by a peritoneal fold for two-thirds of its length. A short peritoneal fold which connected the gall bladder to the liver was seen in the Chiroptera studied. The loose attachment to the liver was ob¬ served in Primates. In the Carnivora, particularly deep fossae were seen in the binturong ( Arctitis binturong ) and the dog ( Canis familiaris). In the black bear ( Ursus americanus), the gall blad¬ der was loosely attached to the liver. In Rodentia, the variability was again marked. 4. The duodenal papilla showed varia¬ bility, not only as to its presence or ab- scence, but also as to its size. It was 242 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table I. Relation of Pancreatic and Bile Ducts* Species Tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) . . Wallaby (Macropus sp.) . Flying phalanger ( Petaurus norfolcensis) . . . . . . . . . Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrissii) . Mexican opossum ( Didelphis mesamericana ) . Orangutan ( Pongo pygmaeus) . Chimpanzee (Pan satyrus ) . ’ ‘ [ * ’ . Macaque (Macaca mulatta ) . . Marmoset (Tamarin ursulus) . Red Uakari (Cacajao rubicundus) . . . Dog ( Canis familiaris ) . ...!.* Cat (Felis domestica) . Little panda ( Ailurus fulgens ) . Binturong (Arctitis binturong) . **]**’’’’“' Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus ) . Sheep ( Ovis aries ) . Cow (Bos taurus) . . Pig (Sws scrofa domestica) . Florida Manatee (Trichechus latirostris) . . . . . . . . . . Dassie (Procavia sp.) . . . Zebra (Equus burchelli) . Horse ( Equus caballus ) . !!'.!!!!!! African porcupine (Hystrix cristata) _ .... . . Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus ) . Striped ground squirrel (Citellus tridecemiineatus) House mouse (Mus musculus) . Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) . Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) . Rice-rat ( Oryzomys meridensis ) . Type A ■ + • + • + • + • + • + • + • + • + • + • + ■ + + Type B Type C + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gall¬ bladder + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4* o o 0 + + + + 0 + 0 prominent in the black bear ( Ursus americanus ) in which a gall bladder was present. It was equally prominent in the zebra ( Equus burchelli) in which there was no gall bladder. It was not present in the binturong ( Arctitis binturong) which had a gall bladder, nor in the das¬ sie ( Procavia sp.) in which there was no gall bladder. The duodenal papilla varied within an order as to its presence and size, e.g., in the bear ( Ursus amer¬ icanus) and the dog ( Canis familiaris)', it was absent in the binturong ( Arctitis binturong) . 5. The distance of the opening of the bile duct from the pylorus was markedly variable. In two species of Rodentia, the African porcupine ( Hystrix cristata) and the guinea pig ( Cavia porcellus) it was nearest to the pylorus. Both of these spe¬ cies possessed gall bladders. In two species of Artiodactyla in which the gall bladder was present, a marked difference was observed. In the domestic cow ( Bos taurus) the opening was 62 cm. caudad to the pylorus, but in the pig (Sus scrofa domestica) it was 3.4 cm. Natur¬ ally the question arises as to the com¬ parative length of the small intestine in these species. The ratio of the length of the small intestine of the former to that of the latter is approximately 3 to 1. 6. The relationship of the common bile duct or the common hepatic duct (when there is no gall bladder) with the pancreatic duct was of great interest to Mann and his co-workers (2) and they made studies of this relationship in lab¬ oratory and common domestic animals. These relationships in the specimens ex¬ amined in the series here reported are summarized in table 1. It was observed that the type of re¬ lationship did not correspond with the presence or absence of the gall bladder. Again there was particular variability among the Rodentia, e.g., the guinea pig ( Cavia porcellus) was in type B; the brown rat ( Rattus norvegicus) was in Type C. It should be noted that in the seven species in which the ducts entered the duodenum separately at variable dis¬ tances from each other (type B), a gall bladder was present in each species. 243 Zoology — 1941 Meeting 7. Other observations. Hepato - cystic ducts which drain from the liver into the side of the gall bladder or into the cystic duct along its course have been observed in various vertebrates. In this series they were particularly observed in the cow ( Bos taurus). They were injected with gelatin and dissected carefully in order definitely to establish their exist¬ ence. The surgical importance of hepato¬ cystic ducts, when present in man, lends added significance to these structures when encountered in zoological studies. One of the interesting observations which were made in this study concerned the dassie or hyrax. The author has pre¬ viously reviewed several reports of in¬ vestigations on the viscera of hyrax and reported his findings (3). REFERENCES 1. Thomson, S. C. 1940. Studies of the anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary tract in mammalia. Zool. Ser., Field Mus. Nat Hist., vol. 22. pp. 415-430. 2. Mann, F. O., J. P. Foster and S. D. Brimhall. 1920. The relation of the common bile duct to the pancreatic duct in common domestic and laboratory animals. J. Lab. and Clin. Med., vol. 5, pp. 203-206. 3. Thomson, S. C. 1938. The extrahepatic biliary tract of the hyrax. Anat. Rec., vol. 72, pp. 445-449. ’ ■ vo niinii i ■numnr STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE VOLUME 34 MARCH, 1942 NUMBER 3 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting Friday and Saturday, May 8 and 9, 1942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA Published by the Academy Affiliated With the Illinois State Museum Division Department of Registration and Education Centennial Building, Springfield, Illinois. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Entered as second-class matter December 6, 1930, at the post office at Springfield, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. ►xiiniimum unmiiu u ANNOUNCEMENTS Authors submitting manuscripts for consideration by the publications com¬ mittee of the 1942 Transactions must leave them with Section Chairmen on or before May 8th. These scripts must be in final form. They must be typed (double spaced) in dark ribbon, and should not exceed 1200 words in length (including tables and not more than one illustration) unless special arrangements are made. (This amount makes 2 printed pages, and holds down for author the cost of reprints and extra pages.) Beneath title should appear author s name and in a separate line his school and /or town. At the end of article should appear address io which proof is lo be sent next November. Inas¬ much as the Academy does not have funds for preparing illustrations, all drawings, charts, and special formulae must be sub¬ mitted by the author in India ink, and all photographs in gloss print (no photostats can be used), with each figure mounted on a separate sheet with title typed below. Any author whose paper is published must be a member of the Senior Academy ($1.00 annual dues) and must pay an edi¬ torial fee of $1.00 to help defray expenses of publication. lately 01 their Nicies, ™med- 31st and recipients announced aT th^MaybrneeUM^/the^Acad^ each .year UP t0 March current year is William C. Rose, Dept of Chemls ty UnWersItv of Ihinn for the the ensuing year will be announced in the June issue of ^the TrtLacitom'. "m3n £or ^ptfe R'cun'college groups* hat^been » seedppe25n5 6e hUSlaStlC 3 Pr°gr3m °f 36 papers * being^en at its firsTmeettog =sSS-rS£l!ESS€=>"= P„ „ . A'ecture-demonsiraiion by Dr. Phillips Thomas, Westinghouse Electric and Mfe Student* Branch^. i! E.1'E.0(A(ROUTE ILL. 10): □UUDM I 1 1 UF M F n I in [| | =5PRlNGFl'ELD-:HH-=:iU5 ROUTE 150 - ILL.; ' lo _ J I _ □[ HEALEY r / [DQ ffloor j i spGREEN i== H cm- UNIVERSITY-, bj i rj -SPRINGFIELD; hi, :healey: — [ZZT CZ3- BE-3B HBODL CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COUNTRY CLUB r— □L poa: n&l " n X.n Ml j. II g I ij f “Hi I a 1 — * LJUiJLiLj ; loiiai o Yob^O 300 g 400 £ ana igregorybB she STADIUM I DRIVE J! UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS lN> 34 ADMINISTRATION G-U 56 AGRICULTURE, NEW 1-13 30 AGRICULTURE, OLD G-12 64 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING J-I2I 40 AGRONOMY GREENHOU5E H-12 61 ANIMAL PATHOLOGY LAB. l-lli 54 ARCHITECTURE Ml 45 ARMORY H-IO 42 AUDITORIUM H-12 46 BAND H-ll B BOTANY GREENHOUSES E-1Z 16 CERAMICS E -13 35 CHEMISTRY G-12 37 CHEMISTRY ANNEX G-12 55 COMMERCE HI 65 DAIRY MANUFACTURES J-12 4 EDUCATION E-12 20 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY F - 12 21 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ANNEX F - 12 24 ENGINEERING HALL F-12 29 ENTOMOLOGY G-12 9 EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY LABORATORY E-U 7 FILTRATION PLANT E-12 58 FLORICULTURE GREENHOUSES M3 10 GARAGE AND SHOPS F- 13 57 GENETICS 1-12 70 GREGORY U ALL H-H 3 GYMNASIUM ANNEX E-12 52 GYMNASIUM. GEORGE HUFF I -10 2 GYMNASIUM, MEN'S OLO EMI 50 GYMNASIUM. WOMAN'S HM3 23 HEALTH SERVICE STATION F-ll 68 HORTICULTURE FIELD LAB. L-15 44JCE SKATING RINK H-IO 32 ILLINI UNION P-12 28 LAW E " 47 LIBRARV H-ll 39 LINCOLN HALL H-ll 14 LOCOMOTIVE TESTING LAB. E- 13 11 MACHINE LABORATORY E- 31 MATHEMATICS G- 60 MCKINLEY HOSPITAL 1-4 12 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY E-12 62 MILITARY BARNS J-IO 15 MINING AND METALLURGICAL LAB. E-12 50 NATURAL HISTORY f 69 NATURAL RESOURCES 19 NORTH GREENHOUSE I 43 OBSERVATORY I 25 PHYSICS LABORATORY I 17 PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY LAB. I 12 POWER PLANT I 67 PRESIDENT’S HOUSE I I RADIO STATION (WILL) I RESIDENCE HALLS 51 MARY E. BU5EY HALL H-13 33 DAVENPORT HOUSE G-H 49 LAURA D. EVANS HALL H-13 43 SMITH MEMORIAL MUSIC HALL 66 STADIUM 41 STATE ENTOMOLOGIST'S LABORATORY H-12 22 STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LAB. 63 5T0CK PAVILION 27 STUDENT CENTER S3 SURVEYING IO TALBOT LABORATORY 26 THEATRE GUILD STUDIO 13 TRANSPORTATION E-12 59 VEGETABLE GREENHOUSES I- 13 36 WOMAN’S BUILDIUG G-ll 6 WOOD SHOP AND FOUNDRY E- \o. ^04 ROSE LAWN i CEMETERY! GOLT COURSE R L OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE ILLINOIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1941-1942 President: T. H. Frison, Natural History Survey, Urbana. First Vice President: F. M. Fryxell, Augustana College, Rock Island. Second Vice President: George E. Ekblaw, Geological Survey, Urbana. Wretarv R F. Paton, Physics Department, University of Illinois. Treasurer: John Voss, Manual Training High School, Peoria. Librarian: Thorne Deuel, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Fditor • Grace Needham Oliver, Geological Survey, Urbana. Junior Academy Representative: Mrs. Mary Creager, Chester High School, Chester. iu™or Academy Assistant Representative: Allen R. Moore, Cicero. Committee on Conservation: H. J. van Cleave, Chairman, University of Illinois. M M. Leighton, Ill. Geological Survey. W. H. Haas, Northwestern University, w! M. Gersbacher, Carbondale. David D. Lansden, Cairo. Paul Houdek, Robinson. Geo. Bennett, Natural History Survey. R. S. Smith, University of Illinois. W. C. Allee, University of Chicago. E. L. Stover, Charleston. Rev. Geo. M. Link, Grafton. Committee on Legislation and Finance : H. B. Ward, Chairman, Univ. of Illinois. Fay-Cooper Cole, Univ. of Chicago. F W Aldrich, 1506 E. Washington St., Blooming- tun. . E. S. Bastin, Univ. of Chicago. B. S. Hopkins, Univ. of Illinois. Committee on Conservation of Archeological and Historic Sites: Fay-Cooper Cole, Chairman, Univ. of Chicago. F. W. Aldrich, Bloomington. M J. Herskovits, Northwestern Univ. M. M. Leighton, Ill. Geological Survey. Bruce W. Merwin, Carbondale. J. B. Ruyle, Champaign. H. B. Ward, Univ. of Illinois. Committee on Research Grants From A.A.A.S.: W. C. Rose, University of Illinois. L. Hanford Tiffany, Northwestern Univ. H. J. Van Cleave, Univ. of Illinois. H. E. Way, Knox College. R. S. Smith, Univ. of Illinois. Committee on Budget: C. L. Furrow, Knox College, Galesburg. John Voss, Manual Training High School, Peoria. W. H. Voskuil, State Geological Survey, Urbana. Committee on Affiliations: Ildrem Daniel, Chair¬ man, Chicago Schools. Paul E. Klopsteg, Cent. Scientific Co., Chicago. V. F. Swaim, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Pe- una. Clarence Bonnell, Harrisburg. Glenn Warner, Wilson Jr. College, Chicago. H. K. Gloyd, Chicago Acad, of Science, Chicago. Committee on Publications : T. H. Frison, ex-officio. R. F. Paton, ex-officio. Neil E. Stevens, Univ. of Illinois. H. J. Van Cleave, Univ. of Illinois. Committee on Ecological Bibliography : A. G. Vestal, Univ. of Illinois. Committee on Membership: J. E. Coe, Chairman, Chicago. . J. H. Reedy, Univ. of Illinois. . L J. Bockstahler, Northwestern Univ. N D. Cheronis, 5556 Ardmore Ave., Chicago. J F Stanfield, Chicago Normal School, Chicago. George E. Ekblaw, Natural Resources Bldg., Urbana. Floyd Barloga, Peoria. G. N. Hufford, Joliet. W. B. Welsh, Carbondale. ]). L. Eaton, DeKalb. , K. G. Larson, Augustana College, Rock Island. Delegate to A.A.A.S. : R. F. Paton, University of Illinois Physics Dept., Urbana. Delegate to Conservation Council: V. O. Graham, 4028 Grace Street, Chicago. Publicity Director: J. S. Ayars, Natural History Survey, Urbana. General Chairman Local Arrangements for 1942 meeting at University of Illinois : George E. Ekblaw, Geological Survey, Urbana. Junior Academy Arrangements Chairman, 1942 Meeting: Louis A. Astell, University H. S., Urbana. Committee on High School Science and Clubs: Chairman: Mrs. Mary Creager, Chester. Assistant Chairman : Allen R. Moore, Cicero Chairman of Exhibits: John C. Ayres, Chem. Dept., Univ. of Ill. _ _ Assistant Chairman of Exhibits: Dwight L. Barr, Co-Chairmen of Judging: John Chiddix, Normal, and Harry Givens, Joliet. . . , ,, Editor, “Science Club Service —Louis A. Astell, University High School, Urbana. Correspondent: Blanche McEvoy, Normal. Contributing Editor: Audry Hill, Carbondale. Rodin Chairman : Rosalie M. Parr, Urbana. Advisory Committee: Lyell J. Thomas, Univ. of Illinois. S. Aleta McAvoy, Rockford. C. W. Whitten, Chicago. Ji. W\ Neckers, Carbondale. L. W. Miller, Normal. Mrs. Dorothy Phipps, Chicago. O. L. Railsback, Charleston. II. Waldo Horrabin, Macomb. C.' E. Montgomery, DeKalb. —247— 8:00 8:45 ALL ADDRESSES AND SEOTON^EETINGS^PEN TO THE PUBLIC University of Illinois Campus, Urbana May 7-8-9, 1942 THURSDAY, MAY 7 6 :00 p. m. Council Meeting and Dinner. Colonial Room Illini Union Bldg., Green St. FRIDAY, MAY 8 %,VW ' T StraUon a11 members and guests. Securing of Final Programs 1 ^obby°r annUa banquet> registration for Saturday Visits. Lincoln Hall u. m. Preliminary business meeting of the Academy for all members. Appoint- Theatre n°minatIOns’ resolutions and auditing committees. Lincoln Hall 9 :30 a. m. General Session. Lincoln Hall Theatre. Welcome by Arthur Cults Willard, President of the University of Illinois Academy Presidential Address and Motion Picture in Color : “Conservation Research Program of the Illinois Natural History Survey ” Theodore H Frison, Chief of the Natural History Survey, Urbina Y’ Illustrated Lecture : “The Design, Construction and Operation of a Cyclo- 10 no r P- Geraid Kruger, Professor of Physics, University of Illinois Urbana 12 :00 Luncheon, Third Floor, Illini Union Bldg., Green St 65 cents ’ Mail reservations to George E. Ekblaw, Geological Survey, Urbana by 1 :00-4 :30 Junior Academy Science Club Exhibits on display for judging, and open i an a J°r.pub ic mspection. Lower Gym, Woman’s Bldg., Wright St :.-W-4:dO Section meetings : Senior, Collegiate, and Junior. University of Illinois classrooms and lecture rooms. All papers, to be considered for publication must be given to Section Chairmen by the end of this session. See An- nouncements page for specifications. 5 :00-5 :30 Business Meeting for all members Senior Academy. Will be streamlined Please come. Lincoln Hall Theatre. 6:0° p. m. Annual Banquet for Senior Academy, Collegiate Section, and guests. Illini Union Bldg. $1.00 Informal. Announcements of A.A.A.S. re¬ search awards. Mail reseruatitons to George E. Ekblaw, Geological Survey Urbana, III., by May 1 si. Call for tickets by 10:30 on Friday May 8th at registration desk. 7 5 8:15/i. m. Annual Lecture for everyone attending Academy sessions, and for the general public. “A Naturalist in the South Seas,” illustrated, by Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Curator, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. University of Illinois Auditorium. Special section will be reserved for those attending Academy banquets. SATURDAY, MAY 9 8 :45 a. m. Meeting of the Council for 1942-43. Dr. Frison’s office, 135 Natural Re- sources Bldg., South Campus. 9 :30 a. m. Annual Trips. Important museums and the Junior Academy exhibits will be visited, and trips conducted to inspect research facilities of the University and of the scientific surveys located on the campus. Details will be given in the Final Program. —248— SECTION MEETINGS FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1942 a. 1 :30-4 :30 AGRICULTURE, C. H. Oatliout, Chairman, Macomb, Ill. 103 New Agriculture Bldg. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1. Germination studies of brome grass. R. F. Fuelleman, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. What are we doing with castor beans? W. L. Burlison and R. I. Fuellema , Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. „ , , , , f Linj« Relative photosynthetic capacity of stalks, leaf sheaths, and leaf blades in maize as measured by the contribution each makes to the development of the grain. Geo. H. Dungan, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. Using slope of land as a basis for farm planning. Burdette Graham, Prairie City Community H. S. The chemical composition of farm crops as affected by soil type and treat- ment. 2. 3. 4. H. J. Snider, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 5. The practical side of the nitrogen cycle. E. R. Spencer, McKendree College, Lebanon. 6. Results of experiments in improvement of pastures for dairy cattle. W. B. Nevens, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 7. War production and soil conservation in Illinois. Oren L. Whalin, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 8. The out-of-school education for rural youth. D. E. Lindstrom, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 9. The use of genetics in solving the variety problem for peach growers. M. J. Dorsey, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 10. Cross-breeding in swine. E. Roberts, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. Leave manuscripts with Chairman by end of meeting ANTHROPOLOGY, Donald E. Wray, Chairman, 604 Caroline St., Peoria 120 Architecture Bldg. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1 . Indian trail markers. Floyd L. Barloga, Peoria. 2. Report on the Archaeology of Pcre Marquette state Park. George M. Link, Grafton. 3. Additional Clear Lake Village materials. Mrs. E. Schoenbeck, Peoria. 4. Tree ring dating in the middle west. John W. Griffin, Daytona Beach, Fla. 5. Analysis of archaeological sites. Donald E. Wray, Peoria. 6. Archaeological horizons in southern Illinois. Moreau Maxwell & John Bennett, Univ. of Chicago. 7. Panel discussion : Middle Mississippian Culture. Turn papers in to Chairman before leaving. —249— 3. 4. 5. 6. /. BOTANY, J. Fislier Stanfield, Chairman, Chicago Teachers College. . 217 Noyes Chemistry Lab. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1. Leaves in ontogeny and phylogeny. Sister Mary Ellen O’Hanlon, Rosary College, River Forest. 4. A pemcillium “disease” of ink. Robert A. Conover & Neil E. Stevens, Univ. of Ill. The white-bracted Hymenopappus still grows in Illinois. Leo R. Tehon, Natural History Survey, Urbana. Nitrogen content of oat chloroplasts. Arthur W. Galston, University of Illinois. Plant sanctuaria. Jens Jensen, Ellison Bay, Wisconsin. Ratl]evelstranSPlratl0n ^ tW° °at Varieties grown under varying soil moisture Glenn Ray Noggle, University of Illinois. Notes on the distribution of some rarely reported species of Oedogonium. Max E. Britton, Northwestern University, Evanston. Preliminary studies on the riboflavin (vitamin B2) content of plant materials. Stanley A. Watson, University of Illinois. A study of the phytoplankton of Crab Orchard Lake. Walter B. Welch, Carbondale. A checklist of the vascular plants in the University of Illinois woodlands. Neville Jones, University of Illinois. Naphthalene acetic acid and the growth and composition of cereal grasses. K. E. Stephenson, University of Illinois. A revision of the Illinois species of Rumex. Sidney Glassman, University of Illinois. Island groves in Illinois prairies. A. G. Vestal, University of Illinois. The Illinois species of Solidago. Dorothy Croker, University of Illinois. Trees and shrubs of Champaign County, Illinois. Albert Feldman, University of Illinois. Some growth responses of Soja and Vinca to vitamins. J. Stanfield Fisher, Chicago Teachers College. New interpretations of Sphenophyllostachys based on a petrified specimen from an Iowa coal ball, A. T. Cross, Univ. of Cincinnati. Turn manuscripts in before leaving. CHEMISTRY, N. D. Cheronis, Chairman, 5556 Ardmore Ave., Chicago. _. r . 112 Chemistry Annex Election of Chairman for 1942-43. The role of the chemistry teacher in national defense. C. E. Ronneberg, Herzl Junior College, Chicago. What the colleges are doing for national defense. H. W. Gould, Northern Ill. State Tchrs. College, DeKalb. Review of 1940-41 movies useful in the teaching of physical science. L. V. Peterson, Supervisor Vis. Aids, Univ. of Ill. Review of 1940-41 chemistry texts for use in the teaching of chemistry at the high school level. S. A. Chester, Bloomington H. S. Review of 1940-41 texts for teaching of chemistry in first two years of college, M. H. McLain, Wilson Junior College, Chicago. — 250— 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. Chemistry (continued) 6. Suitable curricula for courses in high school chemistry. Sister M. Joan, College of St. Francis, Joliet. 7. Introducing new acid base terminology. C. W. Bennett, Western Ill. State Tchrs. College, Macomb. 8. Demonstration of unstable anionic complex formation by the method of elec¬ trometric titration with specific reference to indium salt solutions. T. Moeller, University of Illinois. 9. New sources of mineral elements in animal nutrition. W. P. Elmslie, Quincy. 10. Semi-micro methods in the teaching of chemistry : a review. N. D. Cheronis & P. G. Arvan, Wright Junior College, Chicago. Turn manuscripts in before leaving GEOGRAPHY, Joseph Van Riper, Chairman, Southern Ill. Normal U., Carbondale. 161 Noyes Chemistry Lab. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1 . The Black Sea and its borderlands. ( Illustrated ) W. O. Blanchard, University of Illinois. 2. Regional reality from the concept of space-time. Clarence L. Brown. 3. The colonial question. Flemin Cox, Southern Ill. Normal Univ., Carbondale. 4. Soils and rural population trends in Decatur County, Georgia. Alfred Booth, Univ. of Illinois. 5. The Murngin : an example of human geography. Edna M. Gueffroy, Bloomington. 6. Clay Products manufacture in the lower Wabash Valley. Alden Cutshall, Univ. of Illinois. 7. The uses and production of tung oil. Geo. C. DeLong. 8. The saxicultural landscape of the Sudbury area. (By title.) Thomas C. Barton, Southern Ill. Normal Univ., Carbondale. 9. The relations of geographic factors to some diseases. Geo. R. Wells, Senior High School, Decatur. Give manuscripts to Chairman before leaving GEOLOGY, A. H. Sutton, Chairman, University of Illinois, Urbana. 202 Entomology Bldg. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1. Bituminous matter in Warsaw geodes. Percival Robertson, Principia College, Elsah. 2. Chester index ostracodes. C. L. Cooper, Illinois Geol. Survey, Urbana. 3. Devonian stromatoporoids. Allen F. Agnew, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 4. The morphology and distribution of Tasmanites (“Sporangites”) ; problematic fossils of the Devonian-Mississippian. J. M. Schopf, Illinois Geol. Survey, Urbana. 5. Niagara cherts from northern Illinois and southeastern Indiana. H. A. Lowenstam, Illinois State Museum, Springfield. 6. Rhythms in Upper Pennsylvanian cyclothems. J. M. Weller, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. —251— Geology (contained) 7. The “Trenton” near Morris, Illinois. C. L. Bieber, North Central College, Naperville. * Subsurface cross-sections near type Chester localities in western Illinois. E. Tippie, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 9. Use of the Glen Dean limestone as a structural key horizon in the Illinois basin. 'J* V. Cohee, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 10. Upper Pennsylvanian fossiliferous zones of Vermilion and Edgar counties. George M. Wilson, University of Illinois, Urbana. 11. Thickness of the glacial drift in DuPage County. A. C. Mason, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 12. Incompetent sediments in the Illinois basin. W. H. Easton, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 13. Future importance of strip mining in Illinois. G. H. Cady, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 14. Small spores from Illinois No. 5 coal. ^ A. L. Brokaw, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana 15. Shape variation of some Lake Superior beach pebbles. R. M. Grogan, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 16. Thermal analysis of pyritic clays. R. A. Rowland, Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana. 17. Redwall limestone of north-central Arizona. R. C. Gutschick, University of Illinois, Urbana. 18. The Pleistocene geology of Garrison quadrangle, North Dakota. Edward Simpson, University of Illinois, Urbana. Turn papers in to Chairman by end of meeting. PHYSICS, F. . L. ^ VerWiebe, Chairman, Univ. of Chicago, (On leave from E. Ill. St. Tchrs. Coll., Charleston.) T,1 119 Physics Bldg. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 The inverted pendulum. C. N. Wall, North Central College, Naperville. Meteorology. A new method of long range weather forecasting. W. E. Ewert, Chicago. Normal daily temperatures for Aurora by comparison with Chicago. Clarence R. Smith, Aurora College, Aurora. A demonstration power supply. O. L. Railsback, Eastern Ill. State Tchrs Coll., Charleston. Color vision. V. Kibort, University of Chicago. A demonstration radio set. A. F. Inglis, University of Chicago. An outline of a physics course related to the C. A. A. program. Theodore Phillips, Wright Junior College, Chicago. Falling bodies and the cause of gravity. W. C. Ewert, Chicago. Why not express the horsepower in foot-poundals? C. E. Ronneberg, Herzl Junior College, Chicago. X-Ray diffraction studies on physiological changes in bone. C. I. Reed and B. P. Reed, Univ. of Ill. Coll, of Medicine, Chicago. The betatron, by D. W. Kerst, Univ. of Illinois. Leave manuscripts with Chairman before going. —252— [ PSYCHOLOGY and EDUCATION, J. M. Hughes, Chairman, North¬ western University, Evanston, Ill. 319 Gregory Hall Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1 The problem of college student morale during war. Frances W. Hibler, Ill. State Normal Univ., Normal. 2. The war between human nature factions. Coleman R. Griffith, Univ. of Illinois. 3. Mental hygiene effects of war upon children. Paul A. Witty, Northwestern Univ., Evanston. 4. Financing public education in Illinois with specific reference to the war period. C. A. DeYoung, Ill. State Normal Univ., Normal. 5. Hand writing as a factor in credit rating. William R. Laughlin, Loyola Univ., Chicago. 6. What can the elementary school do to prepare for winning the peace . Edwin H. Reeder, Univ. of Illinois. Hand manuscripts before leaving. SOCIAL SCIENCE, C. W. Schroeder, Chairman, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill. 1. Luncheon meeting. University Y.M.C.A., Wright St. . . Paper by Florian Znaniecki; The Social Scientist in Time of Crisis. 2. Afternoon meeting. 214 New Agriculture Bldg. Election of Chairman for 1942-43. Federal regulation of business enterprise. V. Dake Jolley, Wheaton College. The village population of Illinois. Samuel C. Ratcliff e, Illinois Wesleyan. Chicago and the down state. William B. Philip, Bradley College. (Thirty-minute discussion of above led by Albert Lepawsky, Univ. of Chicago.) Symposium on “The Fate of the Family.” Ernest R. Mowrer, Northwestern. B. F. Timmons, Univ. of Illinois. Clarence W. Schroeder, Bradley College. Ruth Shonle Cavan, Rockford. Ernest W. Burgess, Univ. of Chicago. (Discussion of points brought out in above symposium, by Evelyn Millis Duvall, Assoc, for Family Living, Chicago.) Hand manuscripts to Chairman by end of meeting. ZOOLOGY, Orlando Park, Chairman, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. . „ “Interrelations of Insects with Other Organisms. Section A. Symposium 228 Natural History Bldg, Election of Chairman for 1942-43. 1. Insects in relation to plants. a. Vectors of pathogenic organisms. L. R. Tehon, Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey. b. Other relations with plants. Harry Hoogstraal, Univ. of Ill. 2. Insects in relation with other insects. a. Entomophagy of solitary forms. W. V. Baldul, Univ. of Ill. b. Social life. A. E. Emerson, Univ. of Chicago. 3. Insect relations with animals other than insects. a. Parasites and vectors of pathogens, C. L. Metcalf, Univ. of Ill. b. Insects as food of vertebrates. H. H. Ross. Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey. —253— Zoology (continued) Section B. General 229 Natural History Bldg. F. A. Brown, Jr., Chairman, Northwestern University 1. Zoological courses in the early days of the University of Illinois. H. J. Van Cleave, Univ. of Illinois. 2. Stimulating an interest in the history of natural science. S. C. Thomson, Chicago. 3. Wildlife conservation as a part of soil conservation. H. E. Gearhart, Edwardsville. 4. Work and endeavors of the Hoogstraal Mexican biological expeditions. Harry Hoogstraal, Univ. of Illinois. J. Pre-caval anomalies of the cat. J. M. Sanders, Chicago. h. Comparative pharmacology of myogenic and neurogenic hearts. C. L. Prosser, Univ. of Illinois. 7. Induced ovulation in Rana Pipiens, III. T. W. Robinson, Univ. of Illinois. 8. Pseudo-cleavage of the frog’s egg. H. C. Hill, Jr. and T. W. Robinson, Univ. of Illinois. J. Effect of testosterone propionate on territoriality in flocks of ring doves Mary A. Bennett, Macomb. 10. Color discrimination in canaries. H. H. Shoemaker, Univ. of Illinois. 11. Distribution pattern of pheasants and quails in Illinois. C. O. Mohr and R. E. Yeatter, Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey. 12. A southern Illinois heronry. Collan Hill, Southern Ill. Normal Univ., Carbondale. 13. A preliminary report on a herpetological survey of Illinois. H. K. Gloyd, Chicago Acad, of Sciences. 14. Bass and bluegill feeding experiments. D. H. Thompson and Bruno von Limbach, Ill. Nat. Hist. Survey, la. Results of a creel census at Chautauqua Lake. FF F . Hansen, Illinois Natural History Survey. 16. Cyclocephala Abrupta in Illinois. 9* T* RieSeI> Illinois Natural History Survey. 17. Distribution of two Illinoian Orthoptera. W. V. Balduf, University of Illinois. 18. Locality records of some Hydracarina from Illinois. C. C. Hoff, Quincy College. 19. Distribution of Spiders in the Indiana dunes associes. D. C. Lowrie, Chicago Academy of Sciences. Hand manuscripts to Chairman before leaving. — 254— COLLEGIATE SECTION Papers and demonstrations by undergraduate college and university students. For information about this Section, write Harold R. Wanless, Dept, of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1942 Morning Session coincides with Senior Academy program on page 248. 1 : 00 p. m. Preliminary General Meeting. 100 Gregory Hall. 1 :30 p. m. Presentation of papers in Sections A, B, and C. 4:30 p. m. Business meeting for delegates of science clubs or groups in the colleges and universities of Illinois. 100 Gregory Flail. Banquet and evening program same as Senior Academy. Sec p. 248. SATURDAY, MAY 9 Collegiate Section A, BOTANY, ZOOLOGY, ENTOMOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY and HYGIENE 100 Gregory Hall 1. Flowering plants collected in Wauconda county. Mary Jane Poranski, Northwestern University, Evanston. 2. Some extremes in the algae. Marian E. Westgate, Rosary College, River Forest. 3. The taxonomic significance of leaf epidermal hairs. Patricia Borgstrom, Rosary College, River Forest. 4. The herpetological distribution of a southern Mexican mountain and valley transect. Fred Shannon, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 5. Tundra bird studies. Oscar Hawkesly, Principia College, Elsah. 6. A preliminary ecological study of Slim Island. H. Merritt Paulson, Principia College, Elsah. 7. Collecting insects in winter. Chas. L. Remington, Principia College, Elsah. 8. The distribution of butterflies in a southern Mexican mountain-valley transect. Ralph Haag, University of Illinois, Urbana. 9. The ethnography of the Ibo, Nigeria, West Africa, with special reference to problems of primitive education. Julius Okala, Northwestern Univ., Evanston. 10. Scientific observations on flavors. Lee Froetscher, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst. 11. Identification of visual patterns protracted in time. Henry Pachowicz, Ill. Inst, of Technology, Chicago. 12. Students as school nurses. Thelma Newgard, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst. 1 3. The Effect of the descaling of winter buds on their growth in cast central Illinois. John Voigt, E. Ill. State Tchrs. Coll., Charleston. —255— Collegiate Section B. PHYSIOLOGY, ANATOMY and BACTERIOLOGY 213 Gregory Hall 1. Studies of cardiac frequency in the embryonic chick. Orlando A. Ponzio, Loyola Univ., Chicago. 2. Adventures with a new tissue illuminator. Alex Lutzow, Elmhurst College. 3. The microscopic anatomy of lebistes reticulatus. Warren Clohisy, Loyola Univ., Chicago. 4. Bleaching and mounting pig skeletons. Arthur Borucki, Loyola Univ., Chicago. 5. Effects of anterior pituitary extracts on certain organs in the white rat. PART I. Lorraine Pawlan; PART II, Dorothy Rodwell, Rockford College, Rockford. 6. The influence of forced exercise upon the guinea pig. Howard Raiser, Illinois Inst, of Technology, Chicago. 7. A study of placental extracts. C. M. Fordis, University of Illinois, Urbana. 8. Chlorophyll in treatment of athlete’s foot. Frances Foster, University of Illinois, Urbana. 9. Zapatera spoilage of olives. V. Del Giudice, University of Illinois, Urbana. 10. Methods of preserving cultures. A. R. English, University of Illinois, Urbana. 11. Anatomy of His-Tawara. Larry Sanford, Wheaton College, Wheaton. Collegiate Section C PHYSICAL SCIENCE (Chemistry and Geology) 223 Gregory Hall 1. Electric well logs. James Pearson, University of Illinois, Urbana. 2. Chemical analysis of petroleum found in geodes. Albert Gruenewald, Kohn Kneeland, and Dan Lynch, Principia College, Elsah. 3. Ecological evidences of fluctuations in Alaskan glaciers. George P. Brown, University of Illinois, Urbana. 4. Fauna and probable correlation of the Arrowhead member of the Monte Cristo limestone; Nevada. Betty Teetor, University of Illinois, Urbana. 5. Structural control of ore deposition in the Arkansas cinnabar area. P. H. Dodd, Northwestern University, Evanston. 6. Festooned facies of the casper sandstone. Mary Tullgren, Northwestern University, Evanston. 7. A study of hydrogen ion concentration. Edith Godar, Rosary College, River Forest. 8. Radio activity with reference to the periodic table. Florence Schmisseur, College of St. Francis, Joliet. 9. Certain pH Determinations. Edna May Lewis, Rosary College, River Forest. 10. and 11. Papers in chemistry from Wright Junior College, Chicago. 12. Building a geology museum. Joseph Hoare, Augustana College, Rock Island. —256— JUNIOR ACADEMY MEETINGS. Louis A. Astell, Local Arrangements Chairman, University H. S., Urbana MAY 8-9,1942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CAMPUS, URBANA FRIDAY, MAY 8 8 :00 a. m. Registration, Lower (East) Parlors, Woman’s Bldg., Wright Street. Setting up of exhibits. Lower Gym, Woman’s Bldg. Junior Academy members noi otherwise occupied are cordially invited to attend the general morning session of the Academy in Lincoln Hall Theatre beginning at 9:30. There will be two main talks, one on Natural History in Illinois and the other on the Cyclotron. 12:00 Luncheon. University Place Christian Church, Wright Street. 45 cents. 1 :00-4:30 Inspection and judging of exhibits. Lower Gym, Woman’s Bldg. 2 :00 General Session. 1 12 Gregory Hall. Remarks by President Jack Frenzen, J. Sterling Morton High School, Cicero. Presentation of Junior Academy officers. Roll call of clubs and presentation of membership certificates. Report of A.A.A.S. honorary members Mary Catherine Rowley, Canton H. S., and Bill Hahn, East Rockford H. S. Illustrated talk, “Geologic history of the Grand Canyon,” by Kenneth Gutschick, J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero. Kenneth has a first hand knowledge of the Grand Canyon. He spends his summers there with his brother who is an instructor in Geology at University of Illinois. Movie : “High speed motion pictures.” Allen R. Moore, J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero. Annual Afternoon Lecture: “Phosphorescence and Fluorescence” L. W. Phillips, Physics Dept., University of Illinois 6 :00 Annual Banquet. University Place Christian Church. 60 cents. 8:15 Annual Lecture for Junior, Collegiate, and Senior Academies. A Naturalist in the South Seas (illustrated), by Karl P. Schmidt, Chiet Curator, Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. University of Illinois Auditorium. Special section will be reserved for those attending Academy banquets. Junior Academy Awards will be announced immediately after lecture. SATURDAY, MAY 9 9-30 Visits to museums and Junior Academy exhibits, and inspection of research facilities of the University of Illinois and the scientific surveys located on the campus. Details will be given in the Final Program. N. B. Exhibits may remain in place for general public inspection Saturday, but must be removed by 6:00 p. m. Saturday. —257— -258- GENERAL INFORMATION Headquarters Messages sent to be received in Urbana prior to registration may be ad- lressed in care of George E. Ekblaw, 216 Natural Resources Bldg., Urbana. On Tiday and Saturday, May 8 and 9, they should be addressed in care of Mr. Ekblaw, llini Union Bldg. Headquarters for the Academy Friday forenoon will be in Lincoln Hall "oyer. Junior Academy headquarters will be in Lower (East) Parlors, Womans 31dg‘ * u ! Long distance telephone messages on Friday may be placed through Champaign 7-4044, except Junior Academy registrants may be reached through Champaign 7-2115. Room Accommodations Those who desire hotel accommodations should communicate directly vith the hotels, which are as follows : URBANA: Urbana-Lincoln. With bath, single $2.75 and $3.30; double 54 00 and $4.50; twin beds $5.50. With lavatory and toilet, single $1.90; double 53*00. Without bath, single $1.65; double $2.75. Suites and large rooms with ,ath, for 3 or more, $2.00 to $2.75 per person. Plaza. With bath, single $2.00 and $2.25 ; double $3.00 and $3.25. With- >ut bath, single $1.25 and $1.50; double $2.00 and $2.25. CHAMPAIGN: Inman. With bath, single $2.50, $2.75, and $3.30; louble $3.50, $5.00, and $5.50; twin beds $5.00, $5.50, and $6.60 With lavatory md toilet, single $2.00; double $3.00. Without bath, single $165 and $2.00; double $3.00; twin beds $3.30. Connecting rooms with bath, $5 00 for 2 persons j>6.00 for 3 or 4 persons. Rooms with 2 double beds, with bath, $6./ 5 for 3, $o.UU for 4 persons ; without bath, $4.00 for 4 persons. Tilden-Hall. With bath, single $2.20 and $2.75; double $3.85 and $4.40. Without bath, single $1.65 ; double $2.75. Hamilton. With bath, single $2.00 and $2.50 ; double $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Without bath, single $1.50; double $2.50 and $3.00. Accommodations for those who prefer not to stay at hotels will be pro¬ vided in private rooming-houses in the University district, at rates ranging from 50 cents to $1.00 per person per night. These accommodations will be arranged in cooperation with the University Housing Division. Reservations should be made by May 1, on the enclosed form. Meals Luncheon and banquet tickets for the Academy and for the Junior Sec¬ tion will be obtained at their respective registration desks Friday forenoon May 8. However, reservations should be made on the enclosed form by May . Inspection Trips Inspection trips Saturday forenoon will start from the Illini Union Bldg, promptly at 9 :30. Those who plan to go on these trips should so indicate at time of registration. —259— THE LIBRARY UE IHk JUN 13 1942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor Transactions of the ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 34 June, 1942 Number 4 Reports Concerning the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, Urbana, Illinois May, 1942 Memoirs Printed by the Illinois State Academy of Science Affiliated with the Illinois State Museum Division, Centennial Building SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Vols. 23 and following are free to members, except for mailing costs. Non-members may obtain copies if proper arrangements can be made with the Librarian, Illinois State Museum, Spring- field, Illinois. Note: Each member is entitled to only one copy of each issue. Extra separates if desired should be ordered by author at the time proof is returned; if extra copies of the entire volume are desired, special arrangements must be made with the Librarian before the issue goes to press. SECTION CHAIRMEN FOR 1942-1943 Agriculture O. L. Whai.in, 1 1 1 New Agr., Urbana. Anthropology Ben Nussbaum, Fairbury. Botany K. Richard Johnson, National College of Educa¬ tion, Evanston. Chemistry H. W. Gould, Northern Illinois State Teachers College, De Kalb. Geography L. A. Holmes, State Normal University, Normal. Geology W. E. Powers, Dept, of Geology, Northwestern University, Evanston. Physics F. W. Cooke, Illinois College, Jacksonville. Psychology and Education L. A. Pennington, Physiological Psych. Lab., U. of I., Urbana. Social Science V. Dake Jolley, Wheaton College. Zoology H. H. Ross, Illinois State National History Survey, Urbana. 1943 MEETING: JACKSONVILLE, MAY 7-8 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 34 June, 1942 Number 4 CONTENTS Minutes of the Meetings of the 1941-1942 Council . Reports of 1941-1942 officers: Secretary. Minutes of the thirty-fifth annual business meeting, Urbana . Local Arrangements Chairman . Publicity Chairman . Collegiate Section . Editor . Librarian . Treasurer . Auditing Committee’s Report . Reports of committees and delegates for 1941-1942: Conservation . . A. A. A. S. Conference Delegate . Chicago Conservation Council Nominations Committee . Publications . . Research Grants . Resolutions . Junior Academy Reports: Southern Division . Science Aids Service . High School Science Clubs Committee Reports . List of High School Science Clubs . Results of Science Exhibits . The index to Volume 34 will accompany the September number of Volume 35 259 262 262 263 264 265 266 266 267 267 267 268 268 269 270 270 271 271 271 273 274 257 STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank M. Thompson, Director ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM DIVISION Thorne Deuel, Chief ILLINOIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Affiliated with the ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM OFFICERS FOR 1942-1943 President: F. M. Fryxell Augustana College, Rock Island First Vice President: L. J. Thomas University of Illinois, Urbana Second Vice-President: Willis DeRyke Illinois College, Jacksonville Secretary: R. F. Paton University of Illinois, Urbana Treasurer: John Voss Manual Training High School, Peoria Librarian: Gilbert Wright Illinois State Museum, Springfield Junior Academy Representative: Allen R. Moore, Cicero Junior Academy Representative ( Southern Division ): Mary Creager, Chester Editor: Grace Needham Oliver Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana In addition to current officers, the Academy Council for 1942-3 includes the two most recent past presidents: V. O. Graham, 4028 Grace St., Chicago, and T. H. Frison, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana. 1943 MEETING AT JACKSONVILLE MAY 7-8 Publicity Chairman: Grace Tickle, MacMurray College, Jacksonville Chairman Local Arrangements: Willis DeRyke, Illinois College, Jacksonville Collegiate Section Local Arrangements: W. F. Bailey, MacMurray College, Jacksonville Junior Section Local Arrangements: Helen Kamm, Jacksonville H. S. Printed June, 1942 REPORTS of COUNCIL MEET¬ INGS, 1941-1942 The first meeting was called to order by President Frison in the lobby of Cahn Audi¬ torium, Northwestern University, Evanston, at 8:00 a.m. May 2, 1941. Eight members of the council were present. Business for the new year was outlined briefly. The committee on Budget (Furrow, Voskuil, Voss) was reappointed. The possibility of forming a committee to promote the form¬ ation of a collegiate division in the State Academy was discussed. President Frison asked for suggestions as to personnel for this committee and the names of Wanless, Fern- aid, Ditman, Gersbacher, Welch, McEvoy at Normal, Carlson at Northwestern, Richard¬ son at Rockford, Walter at Knox, Nelson at Wilson, Gilmore at Wright, Andrews at Herzl were suggested among others. President Frison said he would study the situation and appoint a committee later. The Secretary was instructed to furnish him with a report from the A.A.A.S. on the same subject. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. after agree¬ ing that the next council meeting would be held in Urbana in the fall at the time of the High School Conference. (Signed) R. F. Paton, Secretary. The second council meeting was held at Urbana, Illinois, November 8, 1941 and was called to order at 10:00 a.m. President Frison presided and the others in attendance were Mrs. M. D. Creager, A. R. Moore, F. M. Fryx- ell, G. E. Ekblaw, Mrs. G. N. Oliver, T. Deuel, R.’F. Paton, J. Voss, Miss E. Fernald, J. S. Ayars, and H. R. Wanless. The minutes were read by the Secretary and approved. Two bills were presented by the Secretary for approval, one in connection with new membership blanks and the other in regard to secretarial expenses. The council approved payment of both bills. The Secretary was instructed to urge section chairmen to be sure that all those presenting papers at the annual meeting should be members or intro¬ duced by members of the Academy and that publication in the Transactions is available only to Academy members. The Council approved of using one page of each Academy publication for announcements of scientific meetings of affiliated societies. It was agreed that the secretary should draft a letter to all sustaining members urging them to maintain their membership in the Academy. The report of the activities of the Junior Academy was read by Mrs. Creager. Mr. Astell is to act as chairman of Local Arrangements and the possibility of making use of WPA assistance in putting up exhibits, etc., was considered. President Frison was empowered to appoint a committee to design an official seal for the State Academy to be designed to fit the needs of the Junior Academy also. He named Miss Meredith Calkins, Carl Mohr, and Miss Audry Hill. It was also reported that “Science Clubs of America’’ was being supported by Science News Service and the American I'nstitute of the City of New York but that the Western Electric Company has withdrawn its support from the movement. It was decided that the Junior Academy will not affiliate with “Science Clubs of America” without further investi¬ gation. The Council instructed Mrs. Creager to investigate and contact delegate to A.A. A.S. and report back to the Senior Academy. It was voted that President should appoint one (or two) delegates to the annual A.A.A.S. meeting at Dallas in December. The date of the next annual meeting of the Academy was officially approved and set for May 7-8-9, 1942. Dr. George Ekblaw, general chairman in charge of arrangements for the 1942 annual meeting, presented a letter from President Willard inviting the Academy to make use of the Union Building and its facili¬ ties at that time. Dr. Thorne Deuel offered to put a notice of the Junior Academy meeting in the forthcom¬ ing issue of the Living Museum which goes to 5600 individuals interested in science each month. Mr. Astell pointed out that the Uni¬ versity Extension Service might be able to help in publicizing the activities for the next meeting of the Junior Academy also. Mr. Allen R. Moore was appointed to visit the State Principals’ Meeting at Springfield to be held during the holidays, with the purpose of in¬ forming them about the activities of the Junior Academy. A recess of the Council meeting was called at 11:50 and at the luncheon which followed the possibilities of a meeting place for 194J were discussed. It was also suggested that the medical section of the Academy might meet again in May if a suitable sponsor could be found. Professor Wanless discussed the possibility of organizing a collegiate section of the : St; ate Academy as several other academies had done and President Frison appointed a committee to work out plans. Members named for the committee were H. R. Wanless F. M. Fryx- ell A. R. Moore, J. W. Neckers, Miss D. Richardson. L. W. Miller and R. W. Lefler. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. 259 260 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science The third council meeting was held at Urbana, Illinois, February 21. The meeting was called to order at 10:1 5 a.m. with President Frison presiding. The others in attendance were Mrs. M. D. Creager, A. R. Moore, F. M. Fryxell, G. E. Ekblaw, Mrs. G. N. Oliver, R. F. Paton, J. Voss, J. S. Ayars, H. R. Wanless, J. E. Coe, L. J. Thomas, and L. Astell. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and approved. The Treasurer reported that finances were in unusually good shape for this time of the year. There seemed to be every indication that the usefulness of the Academy could be ex¬ tended. The Editor reported that the No. 3, Vol. 34, of Transactions, which is about to come out, was in the hands of the printer. Mrs. Creager and Mr. Moore reported on the affairs of the Junior Academy. Plans for this work are progressing very favorably and both expressed gratification for the support from the High School Principals’ Organization and the various groups who are maintaining their sustaining memberships. In connection with the affairs of the Junior Academy, Dr. Thomas reported on the meeting held at Dal¬ las, Texas, as part of the program of the A.A. A.S. Considerable discussion had gone on at this meeting concerning possible cooperation between “Science Clubs of America” and the junior clubs of the Illinois Academy. A more detailed report on this situation was promised for the annual meeting. The council decided that the Illinois Academy would be glad to cooperate in any manner possible, subject to the approval of the committee set up to study such cooperation by the A.A.A.S. Mrs. Creager reported that the Southern Division of the Illinois Academy of Science expected to hold a sectional meeting on the 11th of April at Carbondale. It was hoped that groups winning special recognition at this sectional meeting would attend the state-wide meeting to be held at Urbana May 8 and 9. Mrs. Creager was instructed to write the “Science Clubs of America” in Illinois, invit¬ ing them to join with the Junior Academy at our annual meeting. The committee to design a seal to be used by all branches of the Academy including the Junior Academy, consisting of Miss Meredith Calkins of Illinois Geological Survey, Miss Audry Hill of Carbondale, and Mr. Carl Mohr of Natural History Survey suggested a design which was submitted and discussed. The Council felt that the design was appropriate in idea but could well be simplified in detail, and a plain seal with ribbons to be put on the Junior Academy certificates of Award could be used for this year’s meeting. Mr. Ayars and Mrs. Oliver were instructed to attend to this. Dr. Wanless reported on his work in form¬ ing the collegiate section. Many favorable re¬ plies had already been received from the col¬ leges of the State and the Council was pleased to note that the collegiate division would un¬ doubtedly be a success. Thirty-three papers had already been reported as available and these fitted logically into three divisions; one on biological sciences, one on earth sciences, and one on physical sciences. Dr. Ekblaw’ moved and it was seconded that the council authorize the formation of a collegiate section which should be open to all undergraduates interested in science in all of the colleges of the State. The motion after careful discussion was carried unanimously. The plan for the current year was to invite evtry undergraduate organization to take part in this meeting and send one voting delegate for the purpose of setting up the organization for future years. It was agreed that the number of persons from any college or group attending the spring meeting should not be limited, and any college where no organized science club existed could send a representative to this meeting. It was not felt that membership in the Academy was essential to take part in this meeting, but that science clubs should be en¬ couraged to affiliate and it was pointed out by the secretary that it would be possible for them to receive the publications of the Academy if interested groups paid the minimum fee of $1.00. The Council adjourned at 11:55 a.m. and reconvened at a luncheon at 12:15 at the Illini Union. At the luncheon meeting there was some further discussion on the organization of the collegiate division. Subjects also discussed were possible meeting places for next year, and details of the spring meeting and publicity for it. Arrangements seemed to be well under way. President Frison reported that plans for the general program and evening lectures were being made and that he hoped to arrange for a separate lecture for the Junior and Senior Academies on Friday evening. The banquets for the Junior and Senior Academies were also approved for Friday evening. Due to the difficulty of obtaining satisfactory transpor¬ tation and the expense connected with such plans, it was agreed that the Saturday morn¬ ing program might well be given over to open- house programs and inspection trips of various laboratories and museums on the local cam¬ pus. President Frison was instructed to in¬ vestigate the possibility of getting cooperation from the University departments. In discussing the possibility of a place of meeting for 1943, the secretary was advised to get in touch with interested people at Harris¬ burg, Jacksonville and Carbondale. The secre¬ tary reported that due to the present national emergency, plans for reorganization of the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 261 medical section which had been considered for this year were postponed. A. request for support of publication expense from the research funds of the Academy sub¬ mitted by Malcolm Reid was denied, as the funds available are supplied entirely by the A.A.A.S. and the local academies are not per¬ mitted to grant them for such projects. Proper time for the annual business meeting was discussed but no final decision was made. The Secretary was instructed to investigate the possibility ' of getting reduced rates for railroad fares by people attending this meet¬ ing, although it was not thought that such would be possible. The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. The fourth council meeting convened at dinner at 6:30 p.m., May 7, 1942, at the Ilhm Union Building, Urbana, and present were Ur. E. Fernald, H. R. Wanless, George E. Ekblaw, G. Wright, F. M. Fryxell, T. H. Frison, L. J. Thomas, Mrs. Mary Creager, John Voss, E. L. Stover. Mrs. G. N. Oliver, J. Ayars, and R. F. Paton. The business of the council was transacted in the private dining room immediately after dinner. Minutes of the third council meeting were read and approved. The report on the arrangements tor the annual meeting which was scheduled to begin Friday was given by Dr. George Ekblaw, chairman of the com¬ mittee on local arrangements, who stated that all the arrangements seemed to be in excellent order and expressed great appreciation for the cooperation rendered by C. W . Lyon, assistant director of the Physical Plant, University of Illinois. The resignation of our Academy librarian, Dr. Thorne Deuel, was received and accepted with regret. Dr. Deuel stated that he had re¬ ceived orders to report for duty in the Army. A previous communication from Dr. Deuel on the importance of keeping the publications of the Academy prompt on account of the possibility of losing our mailing permit was read. The editor was instructed to do every¬ thing necessary to insure this promptness. Mr. Gilbert Wright was elected as successor to Dr. Deuel. The Treasurer gave a brief report which indicated that the Academy affairs were on a very sound financial basis and acceptance and approval of the report was very enthus¬ iastic. The Editor gave a brief report seconding the need for prompt publication of the various numbers of the Academy Transactions. Mrs. Creager reported briefly on the plans and activities of the Junior Academy during the current year and nature of the program which seemed to be indicated for next year. Dr. L. J. Thomas, Chairman on the A.A.A. S. special committee on relations with Science Clubs of America, gave a brief report on a meeting of this committee held on March 28, at Indianapolis. Several invitations to hold the 1943 meeting were read and discussed. It was finally voted to accept the invitation from Jacksonville as being the most appropriate, although several of the council felt it would be nice if the Academy could meet in all of the places since the invitations from other towns were very cordial. The time of the 1943 meeting was voted upon and is to be May 7 and 8, 1943. It is felt that every effort should be made to go ahead with the meeting as a portion of the activities the Academy could carry out helping to fill the present need for people trained in science. Dr. Wanless reported on the successful plans for the new Collegiate Section. Following this report it was moved and seconded that the relationship between the Collegiate Section and the Academy be administered by an ad¬ visory committee, consisting of one repre¬ sentative from the faculty of each college co¬ operating with the group. To be eligible for membership on this council the representative must be a member of the Academy. After a brief discussion the motion was carried. There was also some discussion of the possibility of inviting members of the Collegiate Section to submit papers for publication in the Trans¬ actions and it was felt that this would be highly desirable if the research reported was original. It was pointed out, however that anyone who wished to avail himself of this privilege, would have to be a member of the Academy. A letter from the former chairman of the membership committee, Major L. C. McCabe, was read. Major McCabe called the attention of the council to the fact that it was difficult for members of the Academy in the national service to maintain a suitable address to which copies of Transactions could be mailed, and suggested that these people be relieved of the responsibility of paying membership dues. The council felt that in view of the practice of keeping all members on the roll until they were delinquent at least three years, the waiving of dues was unnecessary. It was also felt that some of the members might want to maintain their files of Transactions but that the Acad¬ emy could not well afford to furnish these to non-paying members. After some further dis¬ cussion, it was moved that no one in the nat¬ ional service should be dropped from the Acad¬ emy rolls for non-payment of dues, but that Transactions be mailed only to those who kept the Academy informed of their address. I his 262 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science motion was seconded and during the discussion the fact was also brought out that any member could always complete bis files of Transactions by notifying the secretary of his address but that the Academy could furnish these only after the past dues had been paid; also, follow¬ ing the usual custom, a member could always re-instate himself simply by renewing his payments. It was felt that continuing this custom would work out satisfactorily to all concerned in the present case. There being no further discussion, the motion was voted. A letter from former president V. O. Gra¬ ham with a very interesting map which he had prepared showing the distribution of member¬ ship of the Academy in the State, was sub¬ mitted. This map showed that th: Academy members were located largely in a few areas of the State. The Council agreed that every effort should be made by the Academy to ex¬ tend its services more broadly to the people of the State. The discussion of the possibility of this was referred to the secretary to pass on to the committee on membership. There being no further business, the Academy adjourned at 9:30 p.m. (Signed) R. F. Paton, Secretary. REPORTS of the 35TH ANNUAL MEETING University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois BUSINESS MEETINGS, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1942 The preliminary business meeting of the Illinois State Academy of Science was called to order by President Frison at 9:00 a.m. in Lincoln Hall Theatre. Business of the meeting consisted in the appointment of three of the committees for the day. These were: Com¬ mittee on Resolutions, Committee on Nomi¬ nations, and Auditing Committee. The per¬ sonnel of these committees was instructed to report of the general business meeting in the afternoon. The following committees and mem¬ bers were appointed: Nominating Committee: E. L. Stover, Dr. E. Fernald, Dr. V. O. Graham, Dr. H. R. Wan- less, Dr. J. Neckers, Dr. Clarence Bonnell. Committee on resolutions: H. J. Van Cleve, F. M. Fryxell, C. A. Bonnell. Auditing Committee: Walter W. Thomas, John Q. Sapp, Gray Adamson. There being no further business for this ses¬ sion, the meeting adjourned until 5:00 p.m. The final business meeting was called to order by President Frison at 5:00 p.m. in Lincoln Hall Theatre. The minutes of the preliminary meeting were read and approved and the remaining business consisted of reports of officers and committees. The Treasurer’s report was read and ap¬ proved. The report of the Auditing Com¬ mittee submitted by W. W. Thomas was also read to the Council and approved. Dr. Stover reported for the nominating committee. Following a short discussion in which further nominations were called for the committee’s selections were elected. Dr. H. J. Van Cleve reported for the Reso¬ lutions Committee and the committee’s work was read and approved. The Secretary pointed out that reports of all the other committees will be published in the next number of Transactions and that reading of them could be omitted to save time. This suggestion was approved. Outgoing Preident Frison then turned over the seals of office, so to speak, to incoming President Fryxell, who responded with brevity, concision, and sincerity to the request for a speech. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. (Signed) R. F. Paton, Secretary. LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Most of the work and duties of a committee on local arrangements for a convention are so obvious that they merit no special report, but certain features of the 35th annual meeting of the Illinois Academy of Science seem to merit special mention for record. First, the various sessions of the Academy required four large meeting halls — one for the Friday morning general session and the Friday afternoon business session of the Academy, one for the general meetings of the newly or¬ ganized Collegiate Section, one for the regular meeting of the Junior Academy, and one for the public lecture Friday evening — all equip¬ ped with projection facilities; a large hall for the Junior Academy exhibits; rooms for regis¬ tration; three rooms for special meetings Fri¬ day afternoon; and fourteen rooms, with pro¬ jection facilities, for the Friday afternoon sectional meetings. The University of Illinois made all these necessary accomodations avail¬ able, they provided projection equipment and operators to the limit of their availability, they provided furniture and other equipment, and they provided all the necessary labor to Thirty -fifth Annual Meeting 263 transport the furniture back and forth and to put it in place— all without any expense to the Academy. Second, five group meals were required the regular Academy luncheon, with tables special¬ ly reserved for the physicists and for the geog¬ raphers; the regular Academy banquet the Junior Academy luncheon; the Junior Academy banquet; and the Social Science luncheon. Ihe first two were provided by the I Him Union on the University campus; the Junior Academy meals were provided by the University Place Christian Church, adjacent to the campus; and the Social Science luncheon was provided by the University Y.M.C.A., also adjacent to the campus. Thus ultra-convenience was served. Third, local representatives were delegated to be prepared to render each of the sectional chairmen any assistance necessary during the sectional meetings, to assure satisfactory and efficient conduct of the meetings. These repre¬ sentatives also assumed the responsibility or providing projection equipment and operators at such sectional meetings as the University could not provide. Fourth, the idea of having Saturday in¬ spections of University and State Survey laboratories, museums, etc., instead of field trips was an innovation, but it was received enthusiastically by the Deans of the various colleges, the Heads of the various depart¬ ments, and the Curators of the various mu¬ seums of the University and the Chiefs of the State Surveys, all of whom made the necessary arrangements and provided the necessary guides for the 22 trips that they scheduled. Fifth, concerning attendance, about 250 people registered at the regular Academy ses¬ sion- many more attended without registering; a total of about 300 attended the afternoon sectional meetings; 138 were served at the regular Academy luncheon; 173 were served at the Academy banquet; about 1000 people attended the public lecture Friday evening; and almost 500 people attended the inspection trips Saturday forenoon, composing groups ranging in number from 3 to more than 60. It should be evident from the above listings what a host of people contributed to the suc¬ cess of the 35th annual meeting of the State Academy of Science. They are too numerous to mention individually, but their assistance and willing cooperation is nevertheless greatly ap¬ preciated. However, individual credit must be given to Mr. C. W. Lyon of the University of Illinois Physical Plant, whose cordial co¬ operation in making arrangements immeasur¬ ably lightened the task of the committee; to Mr. S. E. Griffith, also of the University Physical Plant, who superintended the ar¬ rangements; and to Mr. Louis A. Astell, who assumed responsibility for the arrangements for the Junior Academy. The special assistance of the State Natural History Survey and State Geological Survey in providing stenographic and clerical help for registration and other services and that of the Champaign Chamber of Commerce in providing badges for regis¬ trants of the Academy is also gratefully acknowledged. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) George E. Ekblaw, Chairman. PUBLICITY Following is a brief report on the publicity prepared and issued by the Publicity Director for the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Illinois State Academy of Science held at the University of Illinois, May 7, 8, and 9, 1942, Urbana, Illinois. Little effort was made to acquaint the pub¬ lic with the 1942 meeting until the February Council Meeting had been held. A local news¬ paper strike in February somewhat curtailed the publicity efforts at that time. Formation of a new collegiate section gave opportunity for the first general release, February 23. A chronological listing of the releases fol¬ lows: 1. Mimeographed release— “Formation of a collegiate section”— 250 words, to 95 Illinois dailies, 9 out-of-state dailies, 39 collegiate papers, 3 press associations, Science News Letter, 113 Illinois weeklies. 2 Typed release— “War will mingle con¬ spicuously”- April 12, 1942, 492 words to 5 press services, Science Service, 5 radio stations or systems, 14 Illinois and out-of-state dailies. (Programs sent to most of these.) 3 Typed release— Karl P. Schmidt story and mat — April 16, 1942, 294 words, to 4 press services, 23 Illinois and out-of-state dailies. 4. Typed releases to specific cities dealing with their local residents taking part in meet¬ ing— 37 cities, 5 publicity directors of uni¬ versities, 77 newspapers, including college publications, 3 individuals— April 23, 1942. Also mats of President of Academy, 24 mats and 12 photos with this story or previously. A different lead in each of 26 stories, approxi¬ mately 450 words in each story. 5 Mimeographed release— “Over 700 high school students”- May 2, 1942, 336 words, to 6 press services, 104 Illinois and out-of-state dailies, 21 radio stations, 33 Illinois college papers, 109 county seat weeklies, 219 weeklies other than county seat, 16 individuals, 3 magazines. 6. Mimeographed release— “Leading scient¬ ists of the state” — May 3, 1942, 378 words, to 104 Illinois and out-of-state dailies, 6 press 264 Transactions of. the Illinois State Academy of Science services, 21 radio stations, 33 Illinois college papers, 109 county seat weeklies, 219 weeklies other than county seat, 16 individuals, 3 magazines. 7. Typed release — “University of Illinois scientists”— May 6, 1942, 980 words, to 4 Illinois dailies. 8. Collegiate supplement to program story above— May 7, 1942, to local dailies— Courier, News Gazette, and Illini. 9. Typed release— “Dr. T. H. Frison, Chief” —May 6, 1942, 298 words, to 3 local dailies. 10. Typed release “Scientists from all parts of the state” — May 7, 1942, 455 words, to 3 press associations, 9 Illinois and out-of- state dailies. Abstracts or copies of 40 of the papers were supplied upon request to Science Service and 44 to the University of Illinois publicity office for ready reference by reporters. The numbers represent all the papers of possible news value received in time to make copies for distribu¬ tion before the meeting. About a dozen of the more important papers or abstracts were sent upon request to the Associated Press in Chicago and the United Press in Springfield. Copies of the President’s speech and ex¬ cerpts from Mr. Schmidt’s speech were supplied to three press associations, to the three local papers, and to the University’s publicity office. Material was furnished to a reporter sent by the Chicago Daily News to cover the meeting. At the time of the meeting, information on attendance, awards, and election of officers was furnished to local representatives of both the Associated Press and the United Press for transmission by wire, as well as to the three local papers. No mail releases were prepared on these subjects, as they would have reached papers too late to be of use. Although no clipping service was employed, clippings collected informally indicate that the releases, particularly the release of April 23, were widely used. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) James S. Ayars, Publicity Director. REPORT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COL- GIATE SECTION After authorization by President Frison at the Council Meeting in November, 1941, preliminary conferences were held with mem¬ bers of the faculties of science departments and representatives of the organized student science clubs and fraternities at the University of Illinois. The projected Collegiate Section was intended to fill the gap between the junior and senior divisions of the Academy and to provide an outlet for reporting the results of researches by undergraduate students of the Colleges and Universities of the state. A circular letter was sent early in January to one representative of the science faculty at each of 50 colleges or universities in Illinois to inquire into the feasibility of establishing such an organization, to gather information about organized science clubs or societies, and to learn the names of students carrying on re¬ searches which might be reported at an in¬ augural meeting. About 30 replies were received to this letter, manifesting considerable interest in the organi¬ zation. Some wrote that the Academy could serve the interest of the smaller colleges of the state better through a Collegiate Section than through any of its existing divisions. Some suggested that although no student science organization existed in the colleges this inquiry had provided impetus toward the establish¬ ment of a science club. On February 21, 1942, these preliminary findings were reported to’ President Frison and the Council, and positive authorization was given at that time for the inauguration of a Collegiate Section at the Urbana meeting May 8 and 9, 1942. A second circular letter was sent reporting the interest manifested in replies to the first letter and re¬ questing definite information about papers or projects which were to be presented at the Urbana meeting. Eventually there were re¬ ceived 37 titles of papers by students from 15 colleges or universities on such widely diverse subjects as I he New Chicago Subway and Chicago Soil,” “Mounting Pig Skeletons,” Building a Geological Museum,” “Ibo Eth¬ nography and Primitive West African Edu¬ cation,” “Electric Well Logs,” and “A Work¬ ing Model Demonstrating the Cyclotron Principle.” The program was divided into three sections in order that each speaker might have as much as 10 minutes for presenting his or her paper. Papers in related fields were com¬ bined into the same section. The inaugural meeting was held Friday, May 8 in Rooms 100, 213, and 223 Gregory Hall at the University of Illinois. Prof. B. S. Hop¬ kins, a former president of the State Academy delivered an introductory talk on “Research Opportunities tor the Undergraduate Student in Science.” Prof. Hopkins suggested the pos¬ sibility of a competitive study of the same problem by students at different colleges as an incentive toward the achievement of greater excellence in research results. The three section meetings were run under the chairmanship of the following representatives of science clubs or groups at the University of Illinois: Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 265 Mrs. Martha Leavenworth, Botany De¬ partment. Mr. Frank Hasbrouck, Hexapoecia Club, Entomology Department. Mr. Roy Barber, Physiology Department. Miss Jenny Bonnett, Bacteriology Club. Mr. William Oesterling, Cyclothem Club, Geology. Miss Eleanor Hutchison, Iota Sigma Pi, Chemistry. All but three of the 37 papers were presented. The attendance at the individual section meet¬ ings ranged from about 20 to 40. There would have been a larger attendance except that the meetings were held at the same time as the sectional meetings of the Senior Section of the Academy. Following the sectional program an organi¬ zation business meeting was held attended by about 30 students representing 10 colleges or universities. There was much discussion of the program of the Collegiate Section and the methods of selecting student officers and an executive committee. A committee of 10 con¬ sisting of one student from each of the colleges or universities represented was selected to draft a constitution and report this at the next annual business meeting, and to serve as an executive committee for the coming year. The following were selected: Ida Wright, Morton Junior College, Cicero. Anna Mae Jordan, St. Francis College, Joliet. Patricia Borgstrom, Rosary College, River Forest. Virginia MacWethy, Rockford College, Rockford. Amy Jones, Southern Illinois State Normal, Carbondale. Mr. Stringer, Illinois State Normal, Normal. Mrs. Martha Leavenworth, University of Illinois, Urbana. Carter Christie, Illinois Wesleyan, Bloom¬ ington. Orland A. Ponzio, Loyola University, Loyola. Eugene Grassel, Blackburn College, Carlin- ville. This committee chose Mrs. Martha Leaven¬ worth, Department of Botany, University of Illinois, as chairman. The committee met at once and drafted a considerable part of the constitution, modeling it in part after the con¬ stitution of the Collegiate Section of the Texas Academy of Science, which has been in oper¬ ation for about five years. The Council of the Academy at its meeting May 7 authorized the selection of an advisory committee of the Col¬ legiate Section to consist of one representative of the science faculty of each college or uni¬ versity in the State of Illinois. Many of those attending the Collegiate Sections participated in the annual dinner of the Academy Friday evening and attended the evening public lecture and some of the con¬ ducted trips through the scientific laboratories at the University Saturday morning. REPORT OF THE EDITOR Quarterly issues of the Transactions were published during the past year as follows: Vol. 33, No. 4, June, 1941, 24 pages. Con- tains a record of minutes of the four Council meetings held during the year; business trans¬ acted at the annual meeting at Evanston in May 1941; reports of committees and dele¬ gates; and results of Junior Academy com¬ petition of exhibits at Evanston. Cost of pub¬ lication: $144.80. Vol. 34, No. 1, September, 1941, 38 pages. Contains the address of the outgoing presi¬ dent, that of a past president, and special papers presented at the May meeting. Is ac¬ companied by the Index for Volume 33. Cost of publication: $236.59. Vol. 34, No. 2, December, 1941. 200 pages. Contains 96 papers ,in full or in abstract form, which were given at the May meeting at Evanston, and lists 46 by title. 56 illustrations. Cost of publication: $1129.96. Vol. 34, No. 3, March, 1942, 15 pages. Com¬ prises the preliminary and final forms of the program for the annual meeting held this year in Urbana on May 8 and 9. Cost of publi¬ cation: $114.55. State funds, which are available to the Academy through the budget allotted to the Illinois State Museum for publication, paid for the September and December issues, Academy funds for the other two Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Grace Needham Oliver, Editor. 266 Transactions of the Illinois REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN During the year the Librarian has attended to the distribution of Transactions Volumes 33 number 4 to Volume 34 number 3 inclusive. Of these numbers, the following surplus copies are now on hand : Volume 33 number 4 . 248 Volume 34 number 1 . 248 Volume 34 number 2 . 249 Volume 34 number 3 . 125 A total of 181 copies of the Transactions were sent out in response to special requests. Many of these requests came from new mem¬ bers and from institutions on the exchange list. The mailing list has been kept up-to-date with many additions and corrections during the year. Names of members whose Trans¬ State Academy of Science actions were returned to the Librarian have been temporarily dropped from the mailing list. Members are urged to send prompt notice to the Librarian of any change of address. The status of out-of-print issues and of publications received in exchange remains essentially the same as indicated in the 1941 report of the Librarian, hence a listing of these publications is not included at this time. Due to the fact that I am soon to be enrolled in the Army, my resignation as Librarian of the Academy was submitted to the council on April 1 1 th of this year. Needless to say, I much regret that I must sever my connections with the Academy at this time. It is my hope that I may sometime renew what has always been a pleasant association with this organization. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Thorne Deuel, Librarian . REPORT OF TREASURER For the fiscal year May 1, 1941 to April 30, 1942 Receipts Balance on hand April 30, 1941 . Dues and initiation fees: Annual members . Life member . Affiliated societies . Sale of Transactions . Editorial and excess pages fees . Research grants by the A.A.A.S. ...... Luncheon tickets — Evanston . Junior Academy: Dues and initiation fees . Sustaining memberships . $805.90 25.00 17.00 59.60 233.00 $ 815.62 847.90 3.00 138.50 200.00 206.00 292.40 $2,503.42 Expenditures Expenses of the Annual Meeting — Evanston , 1941: Banquet, buses, motion pictures, etc . Officers’ expenses . Section Chairmen, expenses . Expenses of Treasurer . Postage and Transportation of Transactions . Printing of Transactions . Expenses of Secretary . Printing of Membership Blanks . . ’ Secretary, honorarium . Editor, honorarium . Conservation Council . Returned checks and bank charges . ’ 329.29 98.49 33.85 461.63 27.82 22.30 144.80 27.13 14.75 150.00 150.00 2.00 6.47 Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 267 Research grants: P. H. Kinsell . C. L. Furrow . C. Clayton Hoff . . J. Fisher Stanfield 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Junior Academy: Officers’ expenses . Trophies . . . Exhibit expenses . Printing . . Science Aids . . • • ■ • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ ■ • ■ . . c Balacne in Commercial Merchants National Bank and Trust Company of Peoria . 61.26 46.56 36.52 58.64 25.00 Statement of Resources, April 30, 1942 Balance in Commercial Merchants National Bank and Trust Company, Peons . * . ** . Certificate of Deposit No. 760 for Meyer Block Bonds (Chicago) . Certificate of Interest No. 13 for Forbes Building (Chicago) . 200.00 227.98 1,068.54 $2,503.42 1,068.54 150.00 150.00 $1,368.54 The membership of the Academy consists of 64 life members, 107 new members, 12 sus¬ taining members, 523 members paid up to and including the year 1942, 118 members one year in arrears, 78 members two years in arrears, and 46 members three years in arrears. The total membership not including the members who are three years in arrears is 992. During the year 15 members have resigned, 7 have died, and 45 have removed leaving no forwarding address. The Academy has added 7 new Junior Academies, 24 are fully paid up, 15 are one year in arrears, 8 two years in arrears, and 7 three years in arrears. The present financial status is the best in the history of the Academy. The sustaining mem- REPORTS of Your Committee on Conservation has attempted to bring before the Senators of Illinois a realization of what the reduced budget passed by the House of Representatives for the work of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service would mean as an obstacle to the program in national conservation. Particular attention has been called to the complete elimination of the program on the food of birds and mammals and the Senators have been respectfully requested to use their influence in seeing that the bill, when it comes before the Senate, should not include provisions that would seriously cripple the program of conservation as a continuing aspect of the work of the Fish and Wildlife Service. (Signed) H. J. Van Cleave, Chairman. berships and especially the one from the Illinois High School Association have greatly benefited the Junior Section. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) John Voss, Treasurer. This is to certify that we have examined the accounts of John Voss, Treasurer of the Illinois State Academy of Science, for the year May 1, 1941 to April 30, 1942 and find them correct. The balance of $1068.54 is on deposit with the Commercial Merchants National Bank and Trust Company of Peoria, Illinois. (Signed) Walter W. Thomas Chairman , Auditing Committee A. G. Adamson John Q. Sapp COMMITTEES The A.cademy Conference of the A. A. A.S. held its fifteenth annual session in the Baker Hotel in Dallas, Texas, on the afternoon of December 29, 1941. The formal program consisted of two papers, one by Dr. E. C. Faust, (New Orleans Acade¬ my) on “A Resume of A.A.A.S. Research -Grants,” and the other by Dr. J. C. Godbey, (Texas Academy) on ‘‘The Organization of a Collegiate Division of the Texas Academy of Science.” Dr. Faust’s paper presented the following recommendations: 1. Serious consideration should be given to allotment of rewards with reference to re¬ sponsibility of grantees to provide annual (or semi-annual) progress reports to Research 268 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Grant Committee or Secretary of Academy. (This in respect to very little evidence that research projects reach the publication stage except as abstracts in Academy Transactions.; the Secretaries have great difficulty in obtain¬ ing such reports from Grants Committees or directly from grantees; in some instances utter disregard on the part of grantees for requested information.) 2. Closer cooperation is needed between Research Grant Committee and Secretary of Academy. The Committee and Secretary should have readily available up-to-date dupli¬ cate files of status of each grant from 1935. 3. In the future Mr. Woodley’s office of the A.A.A.S. should be the clearing office for all such reports to the Academy Conference. A Committee to study the Junior Academy situation was selected as follows: Lyell J. Thomas, Chairman (Illinois Academy); G. W. Prescott (Michigan Academy); William G. Camp (Maryland Academy); G. L. Cross (Oklahoma Academy); R. C. Smith (Kansas Academy); Mrs. E. Barry Walker (Commerce, Texas); H. E. Enders (Indiana Academy); E. C. L. Miller (Virginia Academy); D. B. Law¬ rence (Minnesota Academy); and Anna A. Achneib (Kentucky Academy). A preliminary meeting of this committee was held in Indian¬ apolis. (Signed) Lyell J. Thomas, Delegate. Chicago Conservation Council. The past year has encountered changing ideas for work in conservation, one type of observer takes the position that all must be set aside, that all our progress across the years must be forgotten for the duration of the war, another observer looks far beyond to a time when wars are over, when people must have preserved for character building enjoyment, for vacation life, the surroundings which are most needed. We sincerely hope that the majority of the people of Illinois have this latter viewpoint for much can be done even in war time to im¬ prove conservation areas. Illinois must indeed have the Waukegan dunes, an increased area of Apple River, additions to Starved Rock, strip-mine areas, and an increasingly large National Forest area to afford recreational area for the people. May the thinking people of Illinois never forget to project their thinking beyond the time of war that we may never fail to have ready large production area of National forest. (Signed) Verne O. Graham, Chairman. The nominating committee begs to submit the following names* for officers and committee members of the Academy for 1942-1943: President: F. M. Fryxell, Augustana College, Rock Island. First Vice-President: L. J. Thomas, Uni¬ versity of Ill., Urbana. Second Vice-President: Willis DeRyke, Illi¬ nois College, Jacksonville. Secretary: R. F. Paton, University of Ill., Urbana. Treasurer: John Voss, Manual Training H. S., Peoria. Librarian: Gilbert Wright, Ill. State Mu¬ seum, Springfield. Editor: Grace Needham Oliver, State Geological Survey, Urbana. Delegate to A.A.A.S.: L. J. Thomas, Uni¬ versity of Ill., Urbana. Delegate to Conservation Council: V. O. Graham, 4028 Grace St., Chicago. Junior Academy Representatives; General Chairman: Allen R. Moore, Cicero. Southern Division: Mrs. Mary Creager, Chester. 1943 Meeting at Jacksonville Publicity Director: Grace Tickle, Mac- Murray College. General Chairman , Local Arrangements: Willis DeRyke, Illinois College. Collegiate Section Local Arrangements: W. F. Bailey, MacMurray College. Junior Section Local Arrangements: Helen Kamm, Jacksonville, H. S. Committees Conservation: M. M. Leighton, State Geological Survey, Urbana, Chairman. W. H. Haas, Northwestern University, Evanston. N. M. Gersbacher, Carbondale. D. D. Lansden, Cairo. Paul Houdek, Robinson. George Bennett, State Natural History Survey, Urbana. R. S. Smith, University of Ill., Urbana. W. C. Allee, University of Chicago. E. L. Stover, Charleston. Rev. Geo. M. Link, Grafton. Legislation & Finance: Fay-Cooper Cole, University of Chicago, Chairman. H. B. Ward, University of Ill., Urbana. F. W. Aldrich, 1506 E. Washington St., Bloomington. E. S. Bastin, University of Chicago. Affiliations: H. R. Wanless, University of Ill., Chairman. ! Report adopted as read , and slate considered elected without change. Thirty -fifth Annual Meeting 269 Ildrem Daniel, Chicago Schools. V. F. Swaim, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria. Glen Warner. H. K. Gloyd. Mrs. Geraldine Nilson. Percival Robertson, Principia College, El- sah. Membership: J. E. Coe, 2024 Sunnyside, Chicago, Chair¬ man. J. H. Reedy, University of Ill., Urbana. N. D. Cheronis, 5556 Ardmore Ave., Chi¬ cago. J. F. Stanfield, Chicago Normal. George E. Ekblaw, State Geological Survey, Urbana. Floyd Barloga, Peoria. G. W. Hufford. Joliet. W. B. Welsh, Carbondale. D. L. Eaton, De Kalb. K. G. Larson, Augustana College, Rock Island. Orlando Park, Northwestern University, Evanston. G. N. Jones, University of Ill., Urbana. Fred R. Cagle, Carbondale. Carl Ekblad, Moline. Conservation of Archaeological and Historic Sites: Fay-Cooper Cole, University of Chicago, Chairman. F. W. Aldrich, Bloomington. M. J. Herskovits, Northwestern University, Evanston. M. M. Leighton, State Geological Survey, Urbana. J. B. Ruyle, Champaign. H. B.Ward, University of Ill., Urbana. Bruce W. Merwin, Carbondale. Research Grants from A.A.A.S.: L. H. Tiffany, Northwestern University, Evanston, Chairman. Carl G. Hartman, University of 1 11., Urbana. H. E. Way, Knox College, Galesburg. O. L. Railsback, Charleston. B. S. Hopkins, University of Ill., Urbana. R. L. Beyer, Carbondale. Budget: C. L. Furrow, Knox College, Galesburg. John Voss, Peoria. W. H. Voskuil, State Geological Survey, Urbana. Publications: The President. The Secretary. Neil E. Stevens, University of Ill., Urbana. H. J. Van Cleave, University of Ill., Urbana. Ecological Bibliography: A. G. Vestal, University of Ill., Urbana. High School Science and Clubs (Junior Academy): General Chairman: Allen R. Moore, Cicero. Assistant: Miss Aleta S. McEvoy, Rock¬ ford H. S. Chairman of Exhibits: Dwight L. Barr, Chi¬ cago. Assistant: Miss Nellie Bates, Champaign H. S. Chairman of Judging: Robt. L. Smith, Herron Twp. H. S. Assistant: Dale McNeal, Normal Com¬ munity H. S. Radio Service: Rosalie M. Parr, University of Ill., Urbana. Correspondent: Audry Hill, University H. S., Carbondale. Southern Division, Junior Academy: General Chairman: Mary Creager, Chester. General Science Chairman: Audry Hill, University H. S., Carbondale. Biology Chairman: Elizabeth Buell, Anna- Jonesboro, H. S. Physics Chairman: Eldon Walter, Galatia H S Respectfully submitted, (Signed) E. L. Stover, Chairman. Committee on Publications: It is thought best to continue the editorial fee in connection with publication of papers, and a careful checkup of authors should be made each year to be sure they are members in good standing before their papers are sent to the editor. There has been very fine cooperation on the part of the authors in reading their proof promptly— better than in previous years. Also, more authors ordered reprints this year. /2 of the total number publishing, as against /3 last year. Blanks were sent all authors who might wish to publish abstracts in Biological 270 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Abstracts. Fifteen such abstracts came through the editor’s hands, and probably some more were sent directly to Philadelphia. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) T. H. Frison R. F. Paton Neil E. Stevens H. J. Van Cleave The Committee on Research Grants of the Illinois State Academy of Science recommend¬ ed that grants-in-aid be provided for the follow¬ ing individuals in the amounts indicated: To Dr. W. M. Reid of Monmouth College for the purchase of a centri¬ fuge, and of certain additional items of equipment, to be used in investi¬ gating the Glycogen Content of In¬ testinal Parasites, with particular ref¬ erence to the influence of the nutritive status of the host . $ 75.00 To Dr. W. W. Crawford of Black¬ burn College to cover the cost of trans¬ portation, and of materials required in a study of the life history of tre- rqatodes . 50.00 To Dr. C. C. Hoff of Quincy College to purchase supplies necessary to en¬ able him to extend his researches on ostracods . 50.00 To Dr. M. E. Britton of Northwest¬ ern University for supplies required in an investigation of environmental con¬ ditions which permit the persistence of bog communities . 51.50 Total . $226.50 Attention should be called to the fact that the number of applications received during the current year was not so large as one might have anticipated. Although the grants are always small, one would expect them to be sought by a considerable number of individuals. Possibly the fact that a research fund exists is not appreciated by many of the members of the scientific faculties in the smaller institu¬ tions of the state. It is hoped that each member of the Academy will give as much publicity to this matter as possible, so that greater in¬ terest may be manifested in the future. (Signed) W. C. Rose, Chairman. The Committee on Resolutions begs leave to submit the following report: Whereas: Our nation now finds itself con¬ fronted with an unprecedented emergency, the outcome of which threatens as never before the democratic principles which this country holds dear Be it resolved: that the Illinois State Academy of Science pledge its whole-hearted endeavors, collectively and individually, to make itself useful in whatsoever manner it may be called upon to act. Whereas: The success and the future de¬ velopment of this Academy depends upon its influence upon the citizens and the scientific programs in this State, The Academy ex¬ presses its gratification on the successful organization of a new group in its midst — the Collegiate Section. The Academy looks for¬ ward to this section for the support of its ideals and objectives. Whereas: the modern scientific develop¬ ments in the field of health conservation have assumed great importance in society and the material conservation of human health and welfare represents one of the crowning aims of society, and Whereas: both students and teachers of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy have come to question the suitability of certain phases of pre-professional training for these fields, Be it resolved: that the proper authorities be instructed to take appropriate steps for the incorporation into the program for the annual meeting of the Academy in 1943, of a Sym¬ posium on pre-professional education leading to the fields of medicine, dentistry, and phar¬ macy, with representation from the teaching faculties at both levels of training. Whereas: The following have contributed toward making these meetings an outstanding success: The officers of the Academy The Administration of the University of Illinois The various Departments of the University The Physical Plant of the University The Lectures Committee of the University The Housing Division of the University The Illini Union Management The State Scientific Surveys The Champaign Chamber of Commerce, and Whereas: the following individuals have aided much in the success of the meetings: President A. C. Willard Dr. George E. Ekblaw Mr. C. W. Lyon Mr. S. E. Griffith Mr. James Ayars Mr. Louis Astell Be it resolved: that the Academy express its appreciation to these and to all others who by their efforts have helped in arrangements for these meetings. Whereas: In the times of National stress and emergency there is often a tendency to curtail the support of scientific research and activity Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 271 Be it resolved: That the Academy go on record as favoring the maintenance of these activities at as high a level as feasible with existing conditions. Whereas: The Illinois State Academy of Science has lost, by death, the following es¬ teemed members during theipast year: Dr. M. J. Andrade, Chicago. Mr. Frank C. Baker, Urbana. Dr. Eugene Davenport, Woodland, Michi¬ gan. Dr. L. F. Gruber, Maywood. Mr. A. Malinovszky, South Gate, Cali¬ fornia. Dr. James A. Melrose, Decatur. Dr. Herman S. Pepoon, Chicago. Dr. Frank Smith, Hillsdale, Michigan. Be it resolved that the Academy spread on its records a note of appreciation of the services of these members to science and to society and that the Secretary be instructed to express the sentiments of the Academy to the families of the deceased. (Signed) H. J. Van Cleave Clarence Bonnell, F. M. Fryxell, Committee on Resolutions. JUNIOR ACADEMY REPORTS JUNIOR ACADEMY of SCIENCE SOUTHERN DIVISION, APRIL 11, 1942 On April 11, the various science depart¬ ments of Southern Illinois Normal University were hosts to the Southern Illinois Junior Academy of Science which is now a division of the State Junior Academy of Science. 200 students from 12 schools of Southern Illinois registered and brought with them 100 different science exhibits. cooperation in overcoming whatever difficulties that we may be faced with at the time. I am enclosing the programs for the day , a list of the winners in the high school exhibits division, a list of the exhibits, and the judge’s scoring sheet.* Sincerely, (Signed) Audry Hill, General Chairman , Southern Division. SCIENCE AIDS SERVICE, 1CUL1 A.1 The features of the day’s program were: 1. Exhibits by the high school students. 2. Exhibits and demonstrations by the college science majors. 3. A General Morning program which had as its theme “Science and National Defense. 4. Sectional Meetings in biology and general science, and chemistry. 5. A meeting of high school science teachers in which suggestions to improve next year s meeting were made. Ribbon awards on which the Junior Acad¬ emy of Science Seal was mounted were pre¬ sented to the winners in the various divisions of the high school exhibits. The exhibits were judged on their scientific value, accuracy of information, difficulty, originality, neatness, and effective presentation. The 1943 meeting will be held on the second Saturday of April. It is hoped that next year even more students will be able to overcome the transportation dfficulties that we are now facing and be able to participate in the 1943 meeting. The science teachers attending this year unanimously declared their wish that the meeting be held next year and pledged their During the current academic year Science Aids Service , published under the auspices of the Division of University Extension in the University of Illinois and with aid of the Illinois and Indiana Academies of Science for the benefit of science clubs affiliated with the Junior Academy of Science wherever located, has been published in the three issues, repre¬ senting a total of approximately 14,000 words of information specifically related to the needs of science clubs, science club sponsors, as well as officials who are concerned with the possible values and general welfare of the Junior Academy of Science movement. The following facts are of interest in con¬ nection with the publication: (1) The Indiana Junior Academy of Science has voluntarily maintained its “Sustaining Membership” for the eighth consecutive year. (2) The Illinois State Academy of Science with the aid of other state Academies of Science as indicated in the minutes of the Transactions published heretofore has made possible the issuance of Science Aids Service and its pre¬ decessor for the past nine years. In that time approximately 130,000 words of information designed to aid in the development of the ' Not printed here to save space 272 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Scienc science clubs and the Junior Academy move¬ ment have been released in printed form. As a further aid to science clubs affiliated with the Illinois Junior Academy of Science, the following new duties have been assumed by Science Aids Service as a unit of University Extension: (1) The loan of any and all nine Science Aids Service kits to affiliated clubs with dues paid for the current academic year. This repre¬ sents a total retail value of $4.50 per club. (2) The development of statistical inform¬ ation specifically concerned with the Illinois Junior Academy of Science. (3) Preparation of radio scripts and articles for periodicals. One article has been prepared for The Illinois Interscholastic and another has been accepted for publication in School Science and Mathematics. Other services which have been maintained include: (1) Correspondence The inclusion of Junior Academy inform¬ ation in letters concerned with Science Aids Service as a unit of the Division of University Extension. Approximately 4000 such letters have been mailed during the academic year. (2) Administrative Needs Supplies of various needs such as exhibit entry forms, annual programs, special postes for the registration, exhibition and other aspects of local needs. (3) News-Letter Exchange — as outlined in the Annual Report of 1940-41. By way of a concluding statement it will be noted that the Illinois Junior Academy, its sponsors and related organizations have had the benefit of three issues of Science Aids Service for less than the cost of a single issue of the leaflet. Further that the postage on the 4,000 items mailed for the benefit of the Junior Academy is in excess of the total charge made by Science Aids Service. (Signed) Louis A. Astell, Supervisor. COMMITTEE ON HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE AND CLUBS The committee met in Urbana November 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Natural History Building at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Present: Allen R. Moore, John C. Ayres, Mary Creager, John C. Chiddix, Rosalie M. Parr, Louis A. Astell, Blanche McAvov, Lyell J. Thomas, S. Aleta McEvoy, J. W. Neckers, L. W. Miller, O. L. Railsback, H. Waldo Horrabin, C. E. Montgomery. Absent: Dwight L. Barr, Audry Hill, C. W. Whitten, and Dorothy Phipps. The Chairman reported that Louis Astell had accepted the office of Local Chairman for the meeting of May 8. A discussion of plans for the annual meeting followed. Allen R. Moore suggested that, inasmuch as cups will not be awarded this year, the cer¬ tificates of award be “dressed up” with seals and ribbons. On motion of Dr. Montgomery the suggestion was adopted. The Chairman asked for expressions of opinion regarding cooperation between the Illinois Junior Academy of Science and Science Clubs of America. Members of the committee seemed to be in favor of cooperating with a national organization when a suitable and approved organization is set up. Official action was postponed pending the December meeting of A.A.A.S., which Dr. Thomas planned to attend. The Chairman expressed the hope that every member present would make a special effort to increase the enrollment of schools in the Junior Academy. Mr. Astell promised to cir¬ cularize the larger high schools of the state. (During the year articles on the Junior Acad¬ emy by Allen R. Moore, Louis A. Astell, L. J. Thomas and Mary Creager have appeared in Interscholastic and The Living Museum .) The participation of college students in a college section received favorable comment, but no action was taken by the group. Mr. Chiddix, Chairman of Judging, was appointed to investigate some type of rating scheme for making awards, perhaps plan on the order of that used in music contests. The committee adjourned at 10:30 p.m. (Signed) Mary Creager, General Chairman Allen R. Moore Ass’t. General Chairman The annual meeting of the Junior Academy held in conjunction with that of the Senior Academy at Urbana, May 8-9, was attended by 350 high school students from twenty-one schools. One hundred thirty-seven exhibits were on display and were judged during the meeting. The student president of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science, Jack Frenzen, and students winning outstanding awards in each division were invited to broadcast over Station WILL on May 9, the program being under the direction of Dr. Parr. At the annual business meeting, the follow¬ ing officers were elected for 1942-43: President: Robert Rost, Bloomington High School. First Vice-President: Grover Stevens, J. Sterling Morton H. S. Thirty -fifth Annual Meeting 273 Second Vice-President: Clifford Hall, J. Ster'ing Morton H. S. Secretary: Frederick Wood, Mt. Carmel H. S. The A.A.A.S. Honorary Members are: Mary Cecil Craig, Chester High School Robert Kling, Mt. Carmel H. S. (Signed) Mary Creager, General Chairman Allen R. Moore, Ass't. General Chairman HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE CLUBS AFFILIATED WITH THE ILLINOIS JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Audubon Club Bloom High School Chicago Heights, Illinois Miss Altha Haviland, Sponsor Biology Club Galesburg Senior High School Galesburg, Illinois Mrs. Velma L. Whipple, Sponsor Normal Community H. S. Biology Club Normal Community High School Normal, Illinois Dale DeNeal, Sponsor Blue Island Biology Club CommunityHigh School Blue Island, Illinois Elizabeth White, Sponsor Chem Club Taylorville, Illinois Forest L. DeWeese, Sponsor Chemistry Club Galesburg High School Galesburg, Illinois Marvin Humke, Sponsor. Chtm-Mystery Club Normal Community High School Normal, Illinois Mr. J. C. Chiddix, Sponsor Danville Science Club High School Danville, Illinois C. O. Johnson, Sponsor East Side Science Club Senior High School of East St. Louis East St. Louis, Illinois J. W. Galbreath, Sponsor Fenger Science Club Fenger High School 11220 Wallace Street Chicago, Illinois Emil C. Bennett, Sponsor. The Ferreters Biology Club High School Chester, Illinois Mary Creager, Sponsor General Science Club Hitchcock Junior High School Galesburg, Illinois Charlotte Wilcox, Sponsor General Science Club Ottawa Township High School Ottawa, Illinois Mildred Morgan, Sponsor Lake View Biology Club 4015 N. Ashland Avenue Chicago, Illinois J. E. Coe. Sponsor Lansdowne Science Club Lansdowne Junior High School 39th Caseyville Avenue East St. Louis, Illinois Elsie A. Hoenig, Sponsor Major Powell Science Club Normal University High School Normal, Illinois Miss Blanche McAvoy, Sponsor McLeansboro Township High School Science Club McLeansboro, Illinois Miss Edna Woodruff, Sponsor Morton Biology Club Morton High School Cicero, Illinois Mildred Parizek, Sponsor Morton Chemistry Club J. Sterling Morton High School 5910 W. 26th Street Cicero, Illinois G. S. Porter, Sponsor Morton Physics Club Morton High School Cicero, Illinois A. E. Smith, Sponsor Morton IV eat her Club Morton High School Cicero, Illinois Allen R. Moore, Sponsor Mt. Carmel Science Club Mt. Carmel High School Mt. Carmel, Illinois B. D. Arrick, Sponsor Normal Science Club Illinois State Normal University Normal, Illinois George A. Soper, Secy.-Treas. St. Xavier Science Club 4900 Cottage Grove Chicago, Illinois Fita Marie Johnson, Treas. Vocational Science Club . Granite City Community High School Granite City, Illinois Miss Mable Spencer, Sponsor. 274 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Ready Kilowatt Galesburg High School Galesburg, Illinois John Aitchison, Sponsor. Bloomington H. S. Geology Club Bloomington High School Bloomington, Illinois H. L. Adams, Sponsor. Ferreters General Science Club Chester High School Chester, Illinois Mary Creager, Sponsor. Galatia Science Club Galatia Community High School Galatia, Illinois Eldon Walter, Sponsor. Geomites Joliet Township High School Joliet, Illinois M. E. Leatsler. Sponsor. Herrin Biology Club Herrin High School Herrin, Illinois Robert L. Smith, Sponsor. Maine Science Club Maine Township High School Park Ridge , Illinois Audrey Mount, Secy. Physicon Club Champaign Senior High School Champaign, Illinois Nellie Bates, Sponsor. Robinson Science Club Robinson Township High School Robinson, Illinois P. K. Houdek, Sponsor. Science Club Rantoul Township High School Rantoul, Illinois H. P. Leighly, Sponsor. Shelby ville Science Club Shelbyville High School Shelbyville, Illinois William Schwab, Jr., Sponsor. University High School Science Club Southern Illinois Normal University Carbondale, Illinois Audry Hill, Sponsor. Woodruff Science Club Woodruff High School Peoria, Illinois V. C. Shepard, Sponsor. Zoo Club E. Rockford High School Rockford, Illinois. RESULTS OF SCIENCE EXHIBITS BIOLOGY: Individual Posters — 1st — Nutrition, Naomi Kuhner, Herrin. 2nd — Imitations, Hazel Denny, Chester. 3rd— Spatter Prints of Leaves, Hazel Denny Chester. Group Posters — 1st— Immunization Record of Our School, Jean Ervin, Jean Jany, Chester. 2nd — Chemical Analysis of Man, Betty Godair, Gene Shelton, Jim Wright, Grand Tower. Individual Notebooks — 1st— Photomicrographs, Gilbert Church, Anna-J onesboro. 2nd— Dorris Stupplefield, Herrin. 3rd — Marjorie Rolando, Herrin. Group Projects — 1st— Insect Collection, Carl McVoy, Wilma Rogers, Dorothy Rendloman, Herrin. 2nd — Models of Developmeut of Frog Egg, Gene Shelton, Mellio Todd, Betty Godair’ Grand Tower. 3rd Process of photomicrography, Vtrn Echols, Philip Ervin, Galatia. Individual Projects — 1st Skull collection, Evis Ramsey, Herrin. 2nd— Embryological Development of Chick’ Joe Hauser, Grand Tower. 3rd— Heredity Rat Project, Naomi Kuhner, Herrin. 3rd— Clay Model of Head, Gail Willbrand, Chester. GENERAL SCIENCE: Individual Posters — 1st — State Preservations, Freddie Vaughn, Chester. 2nd — Optical Illusions, Tommy Williams, Galatia. Group Posters — 1st — Malaria, Chester. Notebooks — 1st — Mildred Easterly, Cheser Individual Projects — 1st— Military Models, Richard Vegler, Uni¬ versity High. 2nd — Medicines and Chemicals that come from Plants, Walter Michaelis, Chester. 3rd Model of Coalmine, Micky Jackson, Chesrer. Group Projects — 1st— Rope Making Machine, Eugene Tato, Joe Massey, James Gollier, Clarence Choate, Galatia. 2nd— Collection of Rocks and Minerals, Jack McGuire, Bob Earlenbough, Chester.’ 3rd — Model Garden, Galatia. PHYSICS: 1st— Electric Motor, Herbert Odle, Galatia. Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 275 2nd— Model of Telephone, Herbert Odle, Bryce Tato, Galatia. . 3rd — Conductivity of Solutions, Wright Cotter, Galatia. JUNIOR ACADEMY WINNERS of AWARDS OUTSTANDING EXHIBITS These won special recognition by receiving Senior Academy Certificates of Awards: Biology — Climatic Life Zones of N. Central Arizona. Kenneth Gutschick, Morton High School, Cicero. Chemistry — Some of the Important Products of Corn. William Woura and Arthur Skarda, Morton High School, Cicero. Geology — Grand Canyon Cross-section and Rocks. Kenneth Gutschick, Morton High School, Cicero. Junior High School— Model Town. Marvin Fuller, Lynn Wiese, Edward Wicher- sham, Marcia Franklin, Bob Crawford, Lee Overdorf, Jim Craig, Jack Wilds, Tom Bullis, Bob Sandburg, and George Shirek Hitchcock, Jr. H. S., Galesburg. Newsletter — The Zoo. Chris Garmenger, Editor — East Rockford High School, Rockford. Photography — Kodachrome Slides. Mary Cecil Craig, Chester High School, Chester. Physics — The Transmission of Sound Over a Light Beam. J. Frederick Wood, Mt. Carmel High School, Mt. Carmel. EXHIBIT WINNERS The Chemistry Club Galesburg High School, Galesburg Mr. Marvin Jumke, Sponsor. Chemistry Group Commercial Product, The Making of Rayon 1st — Alan McClelland and Gordon Robert¬ son. Individual Project, A Dry Cell 2nd — Edgar Luttnell Chemistry Club J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero W. L. Muehl, Sponsor. Chemistry— Individual Notebook, Fabrics and Their Properties 1st — Alberta Luebbe. Group Vitamins, Vitamins 1st — Elinore Zusman and Dorothy Vodak. Group Model, Still — Sulphuric Acid by Contact Method 1st — Ray Novy, Russell and Richard Nesladek. Individual Notebook, Removing Stains 1st — Lois Voss. Individual Model, Moving, Brush, Electro¬ plates 1st — Robert Feltgen. Group Project, H N Os Arc Process 1st — Robert Gaynar and Leo Temsovick. Newsletter, Phe Chem Ray 1st — Barbara Hopp, Editor. Individual Poster, Sulphur 2nd — William Seeman. Individual Commercial Product, Distillation of Gasoline 2nd — Dick Kacena. Individual Project, Soil Analysis of Cook County 1st — Otto Turnovsky, Jr. Individual Project, Chemical Warfare 2nd — Jean Kahoun. Major Powell Science Club — University H. S., Normal Blanche McAvoy, Sponsor. Chemistry — Individual Poster, Anti-Freezes 1st — John Douglas. Biology — . Individual Project, Mounted Animals (Taxi¬ dermy) 1st — Wilma Amacher. Chem-My stery Club Normal Community H. S., Normal J. C. Chiddix, Sponsor. Chemistry— Individual Project, Testing Vitamins 1st — Elmer Smith. Group Poster, Vitamins 1st — Lillian Morgan and Frank Netter- ville. Science Newsletter, Chemistry Helps De- fense _ T , 1st— Marian Gates, Charlotte Norris and Doris Collins. Individual Notebook, Paper 1st— Janet Taylor. Individual Notebook, Rubber, a Vital Ne¬ cessity 2nd — Margaret Hinshaw. Individual Poster, Synthetic Rubber 2nd — Frank Netterville. Individual Project, Testing Oil. 2nd — Roy Barclay. Science Club Rantoul Township High School H. P. Leighly, Sponsor. Science Club Group Project, Migration of Ions 2nd — Margaret Francisco and Jeanne hit- ten. Individual Project, Equillibrum of N02 276 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 3rd — Henry Croutti. Individual Project, Charles Laws’ Appar¬ atus 3rd — C. Ayres. Zoo Club East Rockford H. S., Rockford S. Elata McEvoy, Sponsor. Photography — Individual Collection, Photographs of Yo- semite 1st — Kenneth Anderson. Biology — Newsletter, The Zoo 1st — Chris Garmenger, Editor W oodruff Science Club Peoria Woodruff H. S., Peoria V. C. Sheppard, Sponsor. Geology — Individuals Project, Flurescent Minerals 2nd— Edward Zeller. Bloomington H. S. Geology Club Bloomington H. S., Bloomington A. L. Adams, Sponsor. Geology — Individual Project, Results of Coal Re¬ covery 1st — William Baumgart. Individual Project, General Notes on Geol¬ ogy 2nd — Bob Solomon. Individual Project, Electric Weather Vein 2nd — Happy Holton. Individual Project, Crystal Structure of Mineral. 1st — Dick Rost. Group Project. Minerals for National De¬ fense 2nd — Bloomington H. S. Geology Club. Blue Mound Biology Club Community H. S., Blue Island Elizabeth White, Sponsor. Biology — Individual Project, Automobile Theft Alarm 2nd — Irvin Tolle. Group Project, Code Practice Oscillator 3rd Richard Hausel and Hendrik Van Vliet. Individual Project, Steam Engine 3rd — Ray D. Camexan. Group Project, Transmission by Modulated Light Beam 2nd— Hendrik Van Valiet and Richard Housel. The Ferreters Chester High School, Chester Mary Creager, Sponsor. Biology — Individual Model, Model of Head 1st— Gail Willbrand. Individual Collection, Bird Eggs 1st— Joan Siegfried Individual Poster, Inheritance of Finger Lengths 3rd — Constance Parrish. Group Project, Animal Blood Slides „ 2nd— Glodinc Welge, Dorothy De Rousse, Dons Hall, Dick Davis and Willard Davidson. Science Notebook, Snakes of Randolph County. 3rd — Sybil Coffey. Group Poster, Blood Typing 2nd Lloyd Gibson, Jean Ervin and Jeanne Jany. Group Model, Poisonous Snake’s Head 2nd — Opal Choate and Dick Davis. Chemistry — Individual Project, Chemicals in Removing Stains 2nd — Sybil Coffey. Photography — Individual Project, Photomicrographs 2nd — Mary Cecil Craig. Photomicrographs, Kodachrome Micropho¬ tographs 1st — Mary Cecil Craig. Geology — Group Project, Mounts of Prehistoric Men 2nd— Leo Ehlers and Elinor Auld. Individual Project, Temperature Graph 2nd — Vernice Brelig. Group Project, Rocks and Minerals. 2nd— Margaret Welton and Beaulah Grah. General Science — Individual Project, Plant Products 2nd — Walter Michaelis. Group Project, Malaria 2nd — Mildred Easterly, Jene Best and Fred¬ die Vaughn. Group Poster, Germs, Our Treacherous Foes 2nd— Norma Hamilton and Ruth Wright. Individual Collection, Shells 2nd — Kenneth Huffmaster. Physics Club J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero A. E. Smith, Sponsor. Physics — Individual Project, Grinding Reflecting Telescope. 1st — Joseph Holly. Group Project, Resonance Transformer 1st — Cliff Hall Jack Frenzen. Group Project, Fluorescence and Phos¬ phorescence 1st — Robert Lebdjcka and Robert James Havlik. Group Project, Tube Demonstrator. 1st— Steve Erst and Richard Schimpf. Individua Project, Vibrograph 1st — Frank Holecek. Individual Project, Talking Over a Beam of Light 2nd — Dan Swartwant. Individual Project, Cottrell Precipitation 2nd — Owen Sladek. Group Project, Newton’s Law of Gravity 2nd— Grover Stephens and Robert Boerke Individual Commercial Product, P. A. System and Record Player 2nd — Anton Horn. Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting 277 Modern Physics, The Principle Behind the Electron Microscope 2nd — Harold Murry. The Biology Club J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero M. Parzek, Sponsor. fndmdual Project, Victory Garden Poster 1st— Dorothy Long. Group Project, Plaque of a Flower 3rd — June Jorm and Shirley Klasek. Group Project, Nutrition Experiment lst — Nellie Birkjoff, Gladys Kawczynski, June Keine, Helen Coran and Elaine Voculik. Individual Notebook, Soils and Gardening 1st— Camillie Placzek. Group Collection, Spatter Prints . 2nd— Elaine Qila, Dorthea and Muriel Matson. . _ „ c cr. Individual Collection, Collection ot Slides of Molds and Bacteria 1st— Coral Kudrna. Individual Project, Climatic Zones of N. Central Arizona. 1st — Kenneth Gutschick. General Science Club Hitchcock Jr H. S., Galesburg Charlotte Wilcox, Sponsor. Biology — . , „ . n Individual Commercial Project, bum 2nd — Bob Simmons. Individual Collection, Leaves 2nd — Helei Bringlesar. Group Radio Notebook, Radio lst — Bill Cheesman and Bill Barnes. Individual Notebook, Food lst — Gayle Bristol. Group Poster, Have You a Record? 2nd— Dan Lersh, Betty Hanson, Lee bur¬ row, Kenneth Roberson, and Barbara Laner- m Individual Radio Notebook, Amateur Radio lst — Ted Beauchamp. Group Notebook, This Is War 1st — Edward Wickersham and Marian Fuller. Group Project, White Rat Experiment 1st — Lee Furrow, Dick Walton and Don Rodenhansen. Photography — „ • , Group Commercial Project, Commercial Photography T , T d lst -Jim Hoopes, Jack Zeldes and LeRoy Grabill. Individual Project, Enlarger 2nd — Jan Bengstan. Geology — Individual Model, Oil Refining lst— Edward Wickersham. Individual Poster, Explosive Volcano 2nd — Francis Alice Firth. Group Collection, Rocks lst — Dean Anderson, Jack Zeldes and Le¬ Roy Grabill. Weather and Geology Club J. Sterling Morton H. S., Cicero A. R. Moore, Sponsor. Individual Notebook, Grand Canyon Note¬ book lst — Kenneth Gutschick. Group Project, Grand Canyon M[odel 1st— Kenneth Gutschick and Oris Holt. Individual Project, Rat Feeding Experi¬ ment lst — Jeanne Pahlke. Individual Project, Wood Poster 2nd — Barbra Searle. Individual Notebook, Notebook on Garden¬ ing lst — Thelma Parenti. Individual Collection, Wildflowers lst — Eugene Westfall. General Science Club Ottawa High School, Ottawa Mildred Morgan, Sponsor. Physics — Individual Project, Heat and Light Arc Furnace 2nd— Bill Knoll. Geology — Individual Model, Side View Oil Well 2nd — Barbra Dunavan. Individual Model, Model Coal Mine, lst — Roberta Gurney. Individual Project, Umbrella Planatarium 2nd — Marcia Crawford Normal Community Biology Club Normal Community H. S., Normal Dale DeNeal, Sponsor. Biology— . ..... Individual Poster, Vitamins for Victory 3rd— Marietta McArthy. Individual Project, Structures of the Hu¬ man Body 3rd — Mary Caldwell. Group Project, Shells lst — Eileen Garvey and Ruth Baker. Individual Project, The Human Body 2nd — Helei Booziotes. Individual Collection, Shells and Indian Relics. lst — Bob Halbert. The Biology Club Herrin High School, Herrin. Robert L. Smith, Sponsor. Individual Project, Biology Laboratory Notebook lst— Margie Rolands. Individual Notebook, Biology Laboratory Notebook 1st — Doris Stubbefield. Individual Collection, Shells 1st— Margie Rolands. Individual Project, Skulls lst — Elves Ramsey. and Group Collection, Insects 2nd— Carl McVey, Wilma Rogers, Dorothy Rendleman. Individual Poster, Effects of Diet on Health as Shown by Hooded Rat Experiments. 278 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 2nd — Naomi Kuchner. Galatia Science Club Galatia Community H. S., Galatia Eldon Walter, Sponsor. Biology — Individual Model, Adaptation of Birds’ Beaks 1st — Emil Sul ton. Individual Poster, Snake Superstitions 1st — Louie Kent. Individual Project, Fish Questionnaire 2nd — Louie Kent. Individual Poster, Optical Illusions 3rd — Thomas Williams. General Science — Group Project, Rope Making Machine 2nd — Eugene Tata, Joe Massey and Thomas Williams. Physics — Individual Model, Electric Motor Showing Amperage. 3rd — Joe Massey. Group Model, Telephone 2nd — Eugene Tate, Joe Massey, Thomas Williams. Individual Project, Conductivity of Liquids 3rd — Eugene Tata. Group Project, Modern Physics, Opaque Projection 2nd — Emil Sutton and Louie Kent. Photography — Individual Project, Chemical Stages in the making of Photographs 2nd — Emil Sutton. Group Project, Process of Making Micro¬ photographs 2nd — Emil Sutton and Louie Kent. Biology Club Galesburg High School, Galesburg Mrs. Velma Whipple, Sponsor. Biology — Individual Project, Lantern Slides 1st— Wayne Swallows. Individual Project, Experiments with Fer¬ tilizers 3rd — Farrey B. Clary. Group Project, Victory Garden 2nd— Helen Borrow and Bettie Johnson. Group Project, Experiments with Plants 2nd— Betty Harler and Edna Mergen thaler. Geology — Individual Project, Artificial Formation of Stalagmites. 3rd — Clark Highlander. Individual Poster, Processing of Oil 3rd— Bill Graham. The Biology Club Park Ridge H. S., Des Plaines— Park Ridge Mrs. Leila H. Baas, Sponsor. Biology — Individual Project, Wood Carving 2nd — Laverne Thomas. Individual Model, Mitosis and Meosis 1st— Thomas Cunningham, Jr. Individual Project, Effect of Solar Spectrum on Plants 3rd — Fred Everhard. Individual Collection, Shells 2nd — Elinor Banka. Group Project, Chemical Man. 1st — Fred Everhard, Marilyn Ellinger Audry Mount, Laverne Thomas and Thomas Cunningham, Jr. Newsletter, Biology 2nd — Marge Grieve and Perky Gates. Ready Kilowatt Galesburg H. S., Galesburg John A. Aitchison, Sponsor. Physics — Individual Project, 2nd — Richard Pierson. Individual Project, Reflection of Light 3rd — Edgar Luttrell. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE INDEX TO VOLUME 34 1941-42 (29880) ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OP SCIENCE INDEX TO VOLUME 34 1941-1942 Note— Listings are by author and key words in subject. The number preceding colon^and P^nuW ft fssue'is not indexed as’it represents only titles of papers to be given at the annual meeting and other notices pertaining thereto. A Academy Business: A.A.A.S. Research grants for 1942-43. 4-270. Annual meeting (35th) at Urbana, May, 1942- Council meeting minutes; sec¬ retary’s reports; local arrangements; publicity; formation of collegiate sec¬ tion; reports of other officers, com¬ mittees and delegates. 4:259-270. Junior Academy: Southern Division meeting at Carbondale, April 1942; general meeting at Urbana, May 1942- Science Aids Service ; list ot clubs; list of exhibit winners. 4:271-8. Memoirs Eugene Richard Dougherty. 1:36. Rose M. Cassidy. 1:37-8. Charles Zeleny. 1:35. Section chairmen’s reports (34th meet¬ ing, Evanston 1941): Agriculture (C. H. Oathout) 2:45. Anthropology (F. T. Barloga) 2:61. Botany (Paul D. Yoth) 2:69. Chemistry (Geo. H. Reed) 2:111. Geography (Arthur B. Cozzens) 2:127. Geology (Marvin Weller) 2:159. Physics (P. Constantinides) 2:179. Social Science (D. E. Lindstrom) 2:197- ~T U Education & Psychology (I. Jacob¬ sen) 2:205. Zoology (W. V. Balduf) 2:215. A. C. circuit containing R, L, and C, Analysis of. Verwiebe. 2:195. Acid ( 3 - hydroxy - 5 - cholenic) , Investiga¬ tions on. Dunker & Riegel. 2:115. Acorns, Multi-seeded. Buchholz. 2:99-101. Acylals. Green. 2:118. Administration (school), Attitudes m. Hughes. 2:206-8. Aerial photos in elementary geology, Use of stereoscope with. Johnson. 2:169-70. Agriculture (teaching of) adapted to needs of the community. Graham. 2:50-1. Agricultural landscapes of the Sudbury Area, Ontario. Barton. 2:130-7. Airway weather station (U. S.) at Car¬ bondale, Illinois. Barton & Barton. 2:128-9. Alabama, The soil factor and land use m Barbour County. Booth. 2:137-9. Amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Gloyd. 2:220. . Anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary tract, Study of the comparative. Thom¬ son. 2:241-3. Archaeology and ethnology, Possible ap- lication of kite photography to. Bas- com. 2 : 62-3. Archer (Sydney)— Hydrogen fluoride as a condensing agent. 2:11-12. Azotobacter in the soil, Certain factors affecting the growth of. Sullivan. 2:55-7. B Bacterial response to growth stimulants. Owen. 2:232-4. Barite mining (gopher-hole) in Washing¬ ton County, Missouri. Cozzens. 2:143-4. Barkley (E. Elizabeth) — Gemmae of Funaria hygrometrica. 2 : 102-4. Barton (Erselia M. & Thomas F.) — United States Airway weather station, Carbondale, Illinois. 2:128-9. Barton (Thomas F.)— Agricultural land¬ scapes of the Sudbury Area, Ontario. 2:130-7. Bascom (William R.)— Possible applica¬ tion of kite photography to archaeology and ethnology. 2:62-3. Bell (Alfred H.)— Status of the carbon- ratio theory in Illinois. 2:175-9. Beutler (Hans)— Progress in theory and use of concave gratings. 2:180-1. Biliary tract (extrahepatic), Study, of comparative anatomy of. Thomson. 2:241-3. Birds (Upland) in Illinois, Distribution of. Kendeigh. 2:225-6. Blackbirds, Unique flight formations of. Brown. 2:217-8. Bonnell (Clarence) — Introduction of wild life into southern Illinois. 2:216-7. Booth (Alfred W.)— The soil factor and land use in Barbour County, Alabama. 2:137-9. 245 246 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Branson (C. C.) — A new edrioaster from the upper Ordovician of northern Illi¬ nois. 2:166. Brokaw (Wilbur C.) & Dungan (George H.) — Relation between moisture con¬ tent of the soil and the optimum depth of planting corn. 2:46-7. Brown (Clarence L.)— 1 The factor of posi¬ tion in hemisphere defense. 2:193-42. Brown (Clarence L.)— Unique flight for¬ mation of blackbirds. 2:217-8. Brown (Frank A., Jr.) — A summary of our knowledge of endocrine mecha¬ nisms in crustaceans. 1:24-8. Bryophytes of Rocky Branch region of Clark County, Illinois. Vaughan. 2:96-7. Buchholz (J. T.) — Multi-seeded acorns. 2:99-101. Burlison (W. L.) & Fuellemann (R. F.) — Palatability of pasture plants. 2:51-5. C Carbon dioxide on Daphnia, Effects of. Ederstrom. 2:218-20. Carbonaceous ion exchanger, Cation ex¬ change in a. Walton. 2:124-6. Carbon-ratio theory in Illinois. Bell. 2:175-9. Carex in Illinois, Composition of the genus. Tehon. 2:108-9. Cassell (Robert C.) — Preliminary report on corn and pasture fertilization in southern Illinois. 2:48-50. Cation exchange in a carbonaceous ion exchanger. Walton. 2:124-6. Chemistry as applied to photography, The history of. Sammis. 2:123. Chemistry of lead-zinc deposition and the problem of zoning. Garrels. 2:165. Chicago portage. Ruyle. 2:63-4. Cichorieae, Seed formation, germination, and post-germination development in certain. Hopper. 2:70-2. Concave gratings, Progress in theory and use of. Beutler. 2:180-1. Condensing agent, Hydrogen fluoride as a. Archer. 2:112. Conodonts, Additional evidence on the origin of. DuBois. 2:168. Cooke (Robert L.) — Workers’ education and its implications for vocational guidance. 2:202-3. Corn, Relation between moisture content of the soil and the optimum depth of planting. Dungan and Brokaw. 2:46-7. Countryman (M. Alden) — Two simple pieces of apparatus for lecture demon¬ stration in general physics. 2:181. Cozzens (Arthur B.)— Gopher-hole barite mining in Washington County, Mis¬ souri. 2:143-4. Cross (Aureal T.) & Hoskins (J. Hobart) — Techniques useful in the study of fossil plants. 2:107-8. Cultural objects of Clear Lake village site, Peoria, Illinois. Schoenbeck. 2:65-6. Cutshall (Alden) — Growth of Robinson, Illinois. 2:145-6. Cyclocephala immaculata and C. borealis at Urbana, Illinois, Relative abundance of. Riegel. 2:234-5. D Daphnia, The effects of carbon dioxide on Ederstrom. 2:218-20. Defense (hemisphere), The factor of po¬ sition in. Brown. 2:139-42. Defense (national), The urbanization of southern Illinois and its relation to. Van Riper. 2:153-7. “Deoxygenation” of water, An evaluation of general methods of. Wood. 2:90-1. Devonian formations in New Mexico. Stevenson. 2:163. Dicotyledonous woods, A list of diagnostic characteristics for descriptions of. Tippo. 105-6. Dole (Malcolm) — Surface tension of strong electrolytes. 2:112-14. Drosophila Melanogaster, Effects of for¬ malin upon development in the bar¬ eyed race of. Hinshaw. 2:223-4. DuBois (Ernest Paul) —Additional evi¬ dence on the origin of conodonts. 2 : 168. Dungan (George H.) & Brokaw (Wilbur w — Relation between moisture content of the soil and the optimum depth of planting corn. 2:46-7. Dunker (Melvin F. W.) & Riegel (Byron) —Investigations on 3-hydroxy-5-cholenic acid. 2:115. E-F Ederstrom (H. E.) — Effects of carbon dioxide on Daphnia. 2:218-20. Edrioaster (A new) from the upper Ordovician of northern Illinois. Bran¬ son. 2:166. Electric potential in the leaves of plants. Differences of. Johnson. '2:183-4 Electrolytes (strong), Surface tension of. Dole. 2:112-14. Emission spectra of planetary nebulae. Page. 2:191. Ethnology and archaeology. Possible ap¬ plication of kite photography to. Bas- com. 2 : 62-3. Evers (Robert A.) — Trees of Adams County, Illinois. 2:98-9. Extrahepatic biliary tract, Observations from a study of the comparative anat¬ omy of the. Thomson. 2:241-3. Fernald (Evelyn I.) — Michael S. Bebb, Illinois naturalist and letter writer 1 : 12-16. Fertilization (corn and pasture) in south¬ ern Illinois. Cassell. 2:48-50. Index to Vol 24 7 Fluorescent light in botanical experi¬ mental work. Naylor. 2:82-4. Forest vegetation (original) in a glaci¬ ated area— Northern Wisconsin. Icke. 2:147-8. Formalin, its effects upon development m the bar-eyed race of Drosophila Melano- gaster. Hinshaw. 2:223-4. Fossil plants, Techniques useful in the study of. Hoskins & Cross. 2:107-8. Friction between rubber tires and road materials, A satisfactory method for measuring the coefficient of. Swaim. 2 ‘ 192-3 Fuellemann (R. F.) & Burlison (W. L.) — Palatability of pasture plants. 2:51-5. Fuller (Harry J.) & Thuente (Adelard W.) — Some quantitative aspects of phototropism. 2:86-8. Funaria hygrometrica, Gemmae of. Bark¬ ley. 2:102-4. G Garrels (Robert)— Chemistry of lead-zinc deposition and the problem of zoning. 2:165. Geiger - Muller tubes, Production of. Shonka. 2:193-4. Gemmae of Funaria hygrometrica. Bark¬ ley. 2:102-4. . Genetics problems, A device for visualiz¬ ing the solution of. Hudson. 2:93-4. Geology (elementary), Use of stereoscope with aerial photos in. Johnson. 2:!69-70. Glacial outwash (Wisconsin), The Sedi- mentology and physiography of. Huff. 2:167. . x Glaciated area (northern Wisconsin), Original forest vegetation in a. Icke. 2:147-8. Gloyd (H. K.) — Amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. 2:220. Gold (Marvin H.) & Riegel (Byron)— The synthesis of cancerogenic hydrocar¬ bons closely related to the steroids. 2:116-7. Gordon (K. M.), Liggett (R. W.) & Hurd (C. D.) — Separation and identifi¬ cation of sugars from mixtures. 2:121. Graham (Burdette)— Adapting the teach¬ ing of agriculture to the needs of the community. 2 : 50-1. Graham (Verne O.) — Fungi and man. 1:5-11. Green (Frank O.)— Acylals. 2:118. Growth stimulants, Bacterial response to. Owen. 2:232-4. Guidance testing. Jacobsen. 2:208-10. Gutschick (R. C.) — Niagaran ostracods from Burlington, Wisconsin. 2:164-5. H Harris (Roscoe E.) — The metering of projection printing. 2 : 182. Hemisphere defense, The factor of posi¬ tion in. Brown. 2:139-42. Herskovits ( Melville J. ) — Patterns of negro music. 1:19-23. Hill (Henry C„ Jr.) & Robinson (True W.) — Induced ovulation in Rana Pipiens II. 2:221-2. Hinrichs (F. W.) — Occurrence of com¬ mercial muscovite in pegmatites. 2 ' 173-5. Hinshaw (Margaret Bernice) — Effects of formalin upon development in the bar¬ eyed race of Drosophila Melanogaster. 2 ' 223-4 Holden (Fred T.)— Mississippi strati¬ graphy of Ohio. 2:172-3. Hopper (William Edward Reid) — Seed formation, germination, and post¬ germination development in certain Cichorieae. 2:70-2. Hoskins (J. Hobart) & Cross (Aureal T.) _ Techniques useful in the study of fossil plants. 2:107-8. . Hudson (J. W.)— A device for visualizing the solution of genetics problems. 2 ; 93-4. Hughes (J. M.)— Attitudes in school ad¬ ministration. 2:206-8. Huff (Lyman) — Sedimentology and physi¬ ography of Wisconsin glacial outwash along the Chippewa River. 2:167. Hurd (Charles D.), Liggett (R. W.) & Gordon (K. M.)— Separation and iden¬ tification of sugars from mixtures. 2:121. , , Huxford (Walter S.) & Jones (Richard W.) — Forms of discharge in micro¬ gaps. 2:186-7. Hybridization, its role in the improve¬ ment of the soybean. Woodworth. 2:57-60. Hydrocarbons (cancerogenic, closely re¬ lated to the steroids), The synthesis of. Gold & Riegel. 2:116-7. Hydrogen fluoride as a condensing agent. Archer. 2:112. Hydrogenation catalysts, The structure of mixed. Morris. 2:122. I-J Icke (Paul W.)— Original forest vegeta¬ tion in a glaciated area (northern Wis¬ consin). 2:147-8. Illinois: Amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Gloyd. 2:220. Birds (upland) in Illinois, Distribution of. Kendeigh. 2:225-6. Bryophytes of Rocky Branch region of Clark County. Vaughan. 2:96-7. Carbon-ratio theory in Illinois, Status of. Bell. 2:175-9. Carex in Illinois, Composition of the genus. Tehon. 2:108-9. Corn and pasture fertilization in south¬ ern Illinois. Cassell. 2:48-50. 248 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Cultural objects of Clear Lake village site, Peoria. Schoenbeck. 2:65-6. Cyclocephala immaculata and G. bore¬ alis at Urbana, Relative abundance of. Riegel. 2:234-5. Insects in Illinois, Distribution of. Ross. 2:236-7. Mammals in central Illinois, Note¬ worthy records of occurrence of. Koestner. 2:227-9. Mammals of Illinois, Distribution of. Mohr. 2:229-32. Middle Mississippian grit tempered ware in central and southern Illinois. Wray. 2:66-7. Myxomycetes, A collection from eastern Illinois. Stover. 2:95. Ordovician (upper) of northern Illi¬ nois, A new edrioaster from the. Branson. 2:166. Robinson, Illinois, Growth of. Cutshall. 2:145-6. Trees of Adams County. Evers. 2:98-9. Urbanization of southern Illinois and its relation to national defense. Van Riper 2:153-7. Water in southern Illinois. Krause. 2:149-52. Weather station (U. S. Airway), at Car- bondale. Barton & Barton. 2:128-9. Wild life, its introduction into southern Illinois. Bonnell. 2:216-7. Ion exchanger (carbonaceous), Cation exchange in. Walton. 2:124-6. Jacobsen (0. Irving) — Guidance testing. 2:208-10. Johns (Kathryn) & Stephenson (Richard B.) — Tissue culture technique as a means of studying correlation. 2:88-9. Johnson (A. Frances) — Differences of electric potential in the leaves of plants. 2:183-4. Johnson (Charles G.) — Use of stereoscope with aerial photos in elementary geol¬ ogy. 2:169-70. Jones (Richard W.) & Huxford (Walter S.) — Forms of discharge in micro-gaps. 2:186-7. K-L Kendeigh (S. Charles) — Distribution of upland birds in Illinois. 2:225-6. Knipp (Charles T.) Radioactive tips for the lecture table. 2:185. Koestner (E. J.) — Noteworthy records of occurrence of mammals in central Illi¬ nois. 2:227-9. Krause (Annemarie) — Water in southern Illinois. 2:149-52. Kummer (Anna Pedersen) — Germination and seedling growth-form of two hun¬ dred weeds. 2:73-4. Lake (George B.) — A vocational philoso¬ phy of life. 2:210-13. Land use and the soil factor in Barbour County, Alabama. Booth. 2:137-9. Lead-zinc deposition and the problems of zoning, The chemistry of. Garrels. 2:165. Liggett (R. W.), Gordon (K. M.) & Hurd (Charles D.) — Separation and identifi¬ cation of sugars from mixtures. 2:121. Lindstrom (D. E.) — Research projects “in process” in sociology and rural so¬ ciology at the University of Illinois, 1941. 2:200-1. Lumbricus terrestris, Modification of a tropism in. Wherry & Sanders. 2:237-8. Lundahl (A. C.) — A shape-roundness study of beach sands from Cedar Point, Ohio. 2:168. ‘ M Mammals in central Illinois, Noteworthy records of occurrence of. Koestner. 2:227-9. Mammals (Illinois), Distribution of. Mohr. 2:229-32. Martinette (Sister Mary, B. V. M.) & Yntema (L. F.) — Oxidation of trivalent molybdenum. 2:119-21. Memoirs (see Academy business.) Micro-gaps, Forms of discharge in. Jones & Huxford. 2:186-7. Mineral deficiency symptoms in plants. Skok. 2:78-81. Mississippian stratigraphy of Ohio. Holden. 2:172-3. Mississippian (Middle) grit tempered ware in central and southern Illinois. Wray. 2:66-7. Missouri, Gopher-hole barite mining in Washington County. Cozzens. 2:143-4. Mohr (Carl O.) — Distribution of Illinois mammals. 2:229-32. Moisture content of the soil and the opti¬ mum depth of planting corn. Relation between. Dungan & Brokaw. 2:46-7. Molybdenum (trivalent), A study of the oxidation of. Martinette & Yntema. 2:119-21. Morris (Humbert) — Structure of mixed hydrogenation catalysts. 2:122. Mosaic infection. Physiological disturb¬ ances in tobacco plants accompanying. Wynd. 2:92-3. Muscovite (commercial), its occurrence in pegmatites. Hinrichs. 2:173-5. Myxomycetes, a collection from eastern Illinois. Stover. 2:95. N-0 Naylor (Aubrey W.) — Use of fluorescent light in experimental work in botany. 2:82-4. Nebulae (planetary), Emission spectra of. Page. 2:191. New Mexico, Devonian formations in. Stevenson. 2 : 163. Niagaran ostracods from Burlington, Wis¬ consin. Gutschick. 2:164-5. Index to Vol. 84—1U1-19J& 249 Noggle (Glenn Ray)— Trace elements m oats and sudan grass. 2:84-5. Oats and sudan grass. Trace elements m. Noggle. 2:84-5. Oexemann (Stanley William) Relation of effects of seed weight to roots and tops of two varieties of soybeans. 2:75-6. Ohio (Cedar Point), Shape-roundness study of beach sands from. Lundahl. 2:168. Ohio, Mississippian stratigraphy ot. Holden. 2:172-3. . Ordovician (upper) of northern Illinois, A new edrioaster from the. Branson. 2:166. Ostracods (Niagaran) from Burlington, Wisconsin. Gutschick. 2:164-5. Ovulation (induced) in Rana Pipiens II. Hill & Robinson. 2:221-2. Owen (Seward) — Bacterial response to growth stimulants. 2:232-4. Oxidation of trivalent molybdenum. Mar- tinette & Yntema. 2:119-21. P Page (Thornton) —Emission spectra of planetary nebulae. 2:191. Palatability of pasture plants. Fuelle- mann & Burlison. 2:51-5. Palaemonetes (the shrimp), Correlation between rate of heart beat and state of certain chromatophores in the. Scuda¬ more. 2:238-40. . Pegmatites, Occurrence of commercial muscovite in. Hinrichs. 2:173-5. Periodogram, its use in establishing the reality of hidden or suspected periodi¬ cities. Phillips. 2:189-91. Phillips (Theodore G.) — Use of the periodogram in establishing the reality of hidden or suspected periodicities. 2*189-91. Photography (kite), its possible applica¬ tion to archaeology and ethnology. Bascom. 2:62-3. Photography, History of chemistry as ap¬ plied to. Sammis. 2:123. Phototropism, Some quantitative aspects of. Fuller & Thuente. 2:86-8. Physics (general), Two simple pieces ot apparatus for lecture demonstration. Countryman. 2:181. „ Plumley (William J.) — Application of probability theory to sediment sam¬ pling. 2:171. . Pre-Pennsylvanian surface m Illinois, Structure contour map of the. Smith. 2:160-3. Projection printing, Metering of. Harris. 2:182. R Radioactive tips for the lecture table. Knipp. 2:185. Rana Pipiens II, Induced ovulation in. Hill & Robinson. 2:221-2. . Reptiles and amphibians of Illinois. Gloyd. 2:220. Riegel (Byron) & Dunker (Melvin F. W.) — Investigations on 3-hydroxy-5- cholenic acid. 2:115. Riegel (Byron) & Gold (Marvin H.) Synthesis of cancerogenic hydrocarbons closely related to the steroids. 2:116-7. Riegel (Garland T.)— Relative abundance of Cyclocephala immaculata and C. borealis at Urbana, Illinois. 2:234-5. Robinson (True W.) & Hill (Henry C., Jr.)— Induced ovulation m Rana Pir piens II. 2:221-2. ...... . Tlli Ross (Herbert H.)— Distribution of Illi¬ nois insects. 2:236-7. Ruyle (John B.)— The Chicago portage. 2:63-4. Sammis (J. H.)— History of chemistry as applied to photography. 2:123. Sanders (James M.) & Wherry (Robert j. ) — Modification of a tropism m Lum- bricus terrestris. 2:237-8. Sands (beach) from Cedar Point, Ohio, A shape-roundness study of. Lundahl. 2:168. , .. , » Schoenbeck (E.)— Cultural objects of nippr T.flke village site, Peoria, Illinois. 2:65-6. , + . Scudamore (Harold H.) — A correlation between rate of heart beat and state ot certain chromatophores in the shrimp, Palaemonetes. 2:238-40. Sediment sampling, Application of the probability theory to. Plumley. 2:171. Shonka (Francis R.) — Production of Geiger-Muller tubes. 2:193-4. Shrimp ( Palaemonetes ), A correlation between heart beat and the state of cer¬ tain chromatophores in the. Scuda¬ more. 2:238-40. Skok (John)— Effect of length of day and temperature on the opening of buds of dormant twigs. 2:76-7. Skok (John)— Some mineral deficiency symptoms in plants. 2:78-81. Smith (Maurice H. ) —Contour map of the pre-Pennsylvanian in Illinois. 2:160-3. Sociologist in a time of crisis. Todd. 2:198-200. . Sociology and rural sociology at the Uni¬ versity of Illinois, 1941, Research projects “in process” in. Lindstrom. 2:200-1. . . .. Soybean, The role of hybridization in its improvement. Woodworth. 2:57-60. Soybeans, Relation of the effects of seed weight to roots and tops of two varie¬ ties of. Oexemann. 2:75-6. Stephenson (Richard B.) & Johns (Kath¬ ryn) — Tissue culture technique as a means of studying correlation. 2:88-9. 250 Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Stereoscope, its use with aerial photos in elementary geology. Johnson. 2:169-70. Steroids, The synthesis of cancerogenic hydrocarbons closely related to the Gold & Riegel. 2:116-7. Stevenson (Frank V.)— Devonian forma¬ tions in New Mexico. 2:163. Stover (E. L.)— A collection of Myxomy- cetes from eastern Illinois. 2:95. Student preferences in divisional studies and their preferential activities. Yum. 2:213-14. Sudan grass and oats, Trace elements in Noggle. 2:84-5. Sudbury Area, Ontario, Agricultural land¬ scapes of the. Barton. 2:130-7. Sugars, their separation and identifica¬ tion from mixtures. Liggett, Gordon & Hurd. 2:121. Sullivan (J. L.)— Certain factors affect¬ ing the growth of azotobacter in the soil. 2:55-7. Surface tension of strong electolytes Dole. 2:112-14. Swaim (Y. F.) — A satisfactory method for measuring coefficient of friction be¬ tween rubber tires and road materials. 2:192-3. Sway in a tall building, Observing and measuring. Therese. 2:188-9. T Teaching of agriculture, its adaptation to the needs of the community. Graham. 2:50-1. Technique (tissue culture) as a means of studying correlation. Stephenson & Johns. 2:88-9. Techniques useful in study of fossil plants. Hoskins & Cross. 2-107-8. Tehon (L. R.) — Composition of the genus Carex in Illinois. 2:108-9. Therese (Sister Mary, B. V. M.)— Observ¬ ing and measuring sway in a tall build¬ ing. 2:188-9. Thomson (Stewart C. )— Observations from a study of the comparative anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary tract. 2:241-3. Thuente (Adelard W.) & Fuller (Harry J.) — Some quantitative aspects of pho- totropism. 2:86-8. Tippo (Oswald) — A list of diagnostic characteristics for descriptions of dico¬ tyledonous woods. 2:105-6. Tissue culture technique as a means of studying correlation. Stephenson & Johns. 2:88-9. Tobacco plants, Physiological disturb¬ ances accompanying mosaic infection in. Wynd. 2:92-3. Todd (Arthur J.)— The sociologist in a time of crisis. 2:198-200. Trace elements in oats and sudan grass. Noggle. 2:84-5. Trees of Adams County, Illinois. Evers 2:98-9. Tropism in Lumbricus terrestris, Modifi¬ cation of a. Wherry & Sanders. 2 : 237-8. Turner (C. Donnell) — Endocrine func¬ tions of the mammalian ovary. 1:29-33. Turner (C. L.) — Hormone control of re¬ production and secondary sexual char¬ acters in fishes. 1:17-18. Twigs (dormant), Effect of length of day and temperature on the opening of buds of. Skok. 2:76-7. V Van Riper (Joseph E.) — Urbanization of southern Illinois and its relation to na¬ tional defense. 2:153-7. Vaughan (R. Harold) — Bryophytes of Rocky Branch region of Clark County, Illinois. 2:96-7. Verwiebe (Frank L.) —Analysis of an A. C. circuit containing R, L, and C 2:195. Vocational guidance, Workers’ education and its implications for. Cooke. 2 : 202-3. Vocational philosophy of life. Lake. 2:210-13. W and Y Walton (Harold Frederic)— Cation ex¬ change in a carbonaceous ion ex¬ changer. 2:124-6. Water, An evaluation of general methods of “deoxygenation” of. Wood. 2:90-1. Water in southern Illinois. Krause. 2:149-52. Weather station (U. S. Airway) at Car- bondale, Illinois. Barton & Barton. 2:128-9. Weeds, Germination and seedling growth- form of two hundred. Kummer. 2:73-4. Wherry (Robert J.) & Sanders (James M.) — Modification of a tropism in Lnm - brieus terrestris. 2 : 237-8. Wild life, its introduction into southern Illinois. Bonnell. 2:216-7. Wisconsin (northern), a glaciated area. Original forest vegetation in. Icke. 2:147-8. Wisconsin (Burlington), Niagaran ostra- cods from. Gutschick. 2:164-5. Wisconsin glacial outwash along the Chippewa River, Sedimentology and physiography of. Huff. 2:167. Wood (Richard D.) — An evaluation of general methods of “deoxygenation” of water. 2:90-1. Woods (dicotyledonous), A list' of diag¬ nostic characteristics for descriptions of. Tippo. 2:105-6. Woodworth (C. M.)— The role of hybrid¬ ization in the improvement of the soy¬ bean. 2:57-60. Index to Vol Sk-lW-im 251 Wray (Donald E.)— Middle Mississippian grit tempered ware in central and southern Illinois. 2:66-7. Wynd (F. Lyle) — Physiological disturb¬ ances accompanying mosaic infection in tobacco plants. 2:92-3. Yntema (L. F.) & Martinette (Sister Mary, B. V. M.)— A study of the oxida¬ tion of trivalent molybdenum. 2:119-21. Yum (K. S.)— Student preferences in di¬ visional studies and their preferential activities. 2:213-14. STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 35 September, 1942 Number 1 Special Papers Presented at the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting Urbana, Illinois, May, 1942 Memoirs Edited by Grace Needham Oliver Department of Registration and Education Illinois State Museum Division, Centennial Building SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS [Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois] PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Entered as second-class matter December 6, 1930, at the post office at Springfield, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM DIVISION John C. McGregor, Acting Chief ILLINOIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Affiliated with the ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM OFFICERS FOR 1942-1943 President: F. M. Fryxell Augustana College, Rock Island First Vice President: L. J. Thomas University of Illinois, Urbana Second Vice President: Willis DeRyke Illinois College, Jacksonville Secretary: R. F. Paton University of Illinois, Urbana Treasurer : John Voss Manual Training High School, Peoria Librarian: Gilbert Wright Illinois State Museum, Springfield Collegiate Section Chairman: Martha Leavenworth University of Illinois, Urbana Junior Academy Representative: Allen R. Moore, Cicero Junior Academy Representative (Southern Division): Mary Creager, Chester Editor: Grace Needham Oliver Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana In addition to current officers, the Academy Council for 1942-3 includes the two most recent past presidents: V. 0. Graham, 4028 Grace St., Chicago, and T. H. Frison, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana. 1943 MEETING AT JACKSONVILLE MAY 7-8 Publicity Chairman: Grace Tickle, MacMurray College, Jacksonville Chairman Local Arrangements : Willis DeRyke, Illinois College, Jacksonville Collegiate Section Local Arrangements : W. F. Bailey, MacMurray College, Jacksonville Junior Section Local Arrangement : Helen Kamm, Jacksonville H. S. Printed September, 1942 (29880) 7 [2] TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 35 September, 1942 Number 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Announcements, Section Chairmen for 1942-1943, and List of Sustaining Members . 4 Frison, Theodore H., Conservation Research Program of the Illinois Natural History Survey. Presidential Address . 5 Kerst, D. W., The Betatron . 13 Schmidt, Karl P., Excerpts from Lecture, “A Naturalist in the South Seas” . 17 Memoirs Frank Collins Baker . 20 Eugene Davenport . 22 Frank Smith . 24 [3] ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention is directed to the fact that the Committee on Research Grants of the Illinois State Academy of Science has at its disposal a small sum of money to be disbursed in support of worthy research projects. Applications for grants will be accepted up to -and including March 31, 1943. It is cus¬ tomary to give preference to scientists connected with the smaller institutions of the state. Requests for grants should be accompanied by a brief statement of the training and experience of the applicant, the purpose of the investigation, and the estimated cost. Previous publications should be listed. At least two letters of recommendation should be transmitted directly by their authors. Correspondence may be addressed to L. H. Tiffany, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. SECTION CHAIRMEN FOR 1942-1943 Agriculture O. L. Whalin, 111 New Agr., U. of I., Urbana. Anthropology Ben Nussbaum, Fairbury Botany K. Richard Johnson, National College of Education, Evans¬ ton. Chemistry H. W. Gould, Northern Illinois State Teachers College, De Kalb. Geography Geology Physics Psychology and Education Social Science Zoology L. A. Holmes, State Normal University, Normal. W. E. Powers, Dept, of Geology, Northwestern University, Evanston. F. W. Cooke, Illinois College, Jacksonville. L. A. Pennington, Physiological Psych. Lab., U. of I., Urbana. V. Dake Jolley, Wheaton College. H. H. Ross, Illinois State Natural History Survey, Urbana. SUSTAINING MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY Atlas Electric Devices Co., 361 Superior St., Chicago. Central Scientific Co., 1700 Irving Park Rd., Chicago. Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Chicago Biological Round Table, Lake View H. S., Chicago. Kenneth R. Coe Biological Co., 2024 Sunnyside, Chicago. Gaertner Scientific Corp., 1201 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. General Biological Supply House, 761 East 69th St., Chicago. Sigma Xi, University of Illinois Chapter, Urbana. Morton Geological Club, Cicero. W. M. Welch, Welch Mfg. Co., 1515 Sedgwick, Chicago. Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers, S. A. Chester, Treas., Chicago. Illinois Mining Institute, B. F. Schonthal, Sec’y., 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Rockford Senior High School Zoology Club, Rockford. 1943 MEETING: JACKSONVILLE, MAY 7-8 [4] THE CONSERVATION RESEARCH PROGRAM OF THE ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY T. H. Frison* APPLIED programs in the field of biological science are seldom, if ever, developed without the aid of years of patient, so-called unapplied, re¬ searches. If we assume that the present applied renewable natural resources pro¬ gram of the Illinois Natural History Survey is a feature of its work during the past decade, then we must acknowl¬ edge as the foundation of this newer program a previous half-century of basic, varied and monumental biological re¬ search by S. A. Forbes, former Chief of the Survey and past president of this Academy of Science, and his associates. The early program of the Natural His¬ tory Survey and its predecessors tends to separate into two phases of activity. One of these may best be characterized as a faunistic and floristic survey of Illinois, and resulted in such comprehensive re¬ ports as The Ornithology of Illinois by Robert Ridgway, and The Fishes of Illinois by S. A. Forbes and R. E. Richardson. The less inclusive reports are too numer¬ ous to mention specifically. They are varied in content, ranging in scope from broad biological surveys of certain local areas, both land and water, to detailed studies of species. This basic survey of the flora and fauna of the state is still in process of completion, but' the emphasis rests today on groups of smaller organ¬ isms about which less is known. Another phase of this earlier program of the Natural History Survey may be truly considered as economic biology, and the threshold of what now is referred to as wildlife resources management. I refer here primarily to a series of papers on the food of birds and fishes, and on the numbers and distribution of birds in various sections of the state. This early work on the food of birds, by S. A. Forbes, has been referred to by Weed and Dearborn (1903) in their book entitled Birds in Their Relations to Man as furnishing “the basis for the modern de¬ * Chief, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, Illinois, Retiring President of the Academy. velopment of economic ornithology,” and by McAtee (1917) who states in a more recent publication that this work, to¬ gether with the work of another early ornithologist, is the foundation “of the scientific method of studying the eco¬ nomic value of birds.” The Survey bul¬ letins of Forbes and Gross (1921-1923) are representative of the present census technique of today’s game management studies. A series of reports on forestry in Illinois from 1910 to 1926 certainly paved the way to a great extent for the introduction of public ownership and management of forested lands in Illinois and state forestry agencies now in existence. Beginning in about 1934, in addition to a continuation of efforts to complete basic surveys of the flora and fauna, special emphasis began to be placed, in the sec¬ tions of the Survey dealing with fish, game and forests, upon the management of these resources. Management, whether of fish, game, fur bearers, or forests, is the act of making such resources produce sustained crops. These crops may be for recreational uses, a combination of recrea¬ tional and utilitarian uses, or complete utilitarian uses. When we arrive at the point of complete utilitarian uses of our wildlife resources, we have entered the field of animal husbandry. Although certain aspects of wildlife management have been practiced in Eurasia for a long time, the altering in America of environments or ranges ac¬ cording to biological principles, for greater productivity of desired renewable natural resources, is comparatively recent. This is understandable on the basis that our culture is young and we* are close to * generations whose almost total existence was taken from the woods, waters and soils of our domain. Even today, in the midst of a great industrial development, as individuals we cling to a heritage of public rights in renewable natural re¬ sources, particularly forests, fish and game, and through intimate personal con- [5] 6 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions tact with these resources preserve a cul¬ ture which is peculiarly American. In a paper presented in the General Session of this Academy in 1934, I gave a six-point summary of my ideas held at that time for a land utilization program in Illinois for forestry, wildlife and recreation. It is cheering to note that there have been worthwhile accomplish¬ ments under each of these points, includ¬ ing the establishment of a National Forest in southern Illinois, additional state and county forests, expansion of the state park system, establishment of up¬ land game and migratory waterfowl sanctuaries, and the ending of large- scale promotional and exploitational schemes detrimental to renewable natural resources. These developments during the past decade have been the result of the activities of many agencies and in¬ dividuals, but I am happy to state that, within the state, the Natural History Survey has played an important, often pivotal, part in each of them. As previously mentioned, special em¬ phasis upon the management of the state’s renewable natural resources by the Natural History Survey dates from about 1934, the year in which the first game technician was appointed to the staff. Although an aquatic biology sec¬ tion was functioning long prior to this date, its program, too, became subject to reorientation along management prin¬ ciples about this same time. In 1935 a Mid-Western Wildlife Conference was or¬ ganized- at Urbana, sponsored by the Survey, to serve as a clinic and clearing house for the views and conclusions re¬ garding wildlife resources investigations in the central states region. The next big step in organization for renewable natural resources research came in 1937, when appropriations were obtained to increase the staff, construct field laboratories, and establish experi¬ mental areas. This program was again augmented in 1938, in cooperation with the Illinois * State Department of Con¬ servation and the U. S. Fish and Wild¬ life Service under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act. The preceding statements about past accomplishments and more recent ad¬ vancements in the organization of the Natural History Survey for researches in the field of the renewable natural re¬ sources of Illinois have, perhaps, brought to mind questions regarding the general objectives of such a revised program and also regarding recent results from these investigations. One of the phases of any investigation of valuable renewable natural resources is the establishment of accurate and im¬ partial data regarding each resource as a guide to insure its preservation or its management on a maximum or sustained yield basis. Seldom do we find the simplest of the required basic data avail¬ able or in such form that they can be utilized without reworking. When deal¬ ing with wildlife management problems, we must have reliable information con¬ cerning a large number of matters. For instance, in the case of each wildlife species involved, we need a close approxi¬ mation of its numerical abundance, its distributional pattern within the state, what constitutes its most favorable natural breeding territory; and we need to know if there are measurable swings over a period of years from low to high populations and back again. We need to know about the breeding seasons of the species involved; and much other biological information. It must be un¬ derstood that for best management re¬ sults each species of fish, fur bearer, migratory waterfowl, upland game bird, or other renewable natural resource unit, must be studied separately in respect to such matters, and then again from the standpoint of its relation to its total environment. Although the sum total of these investi¬ gations is a big and long-time order for any agency, many of the techniques necessary to secure the data, as well as much of the desired information and needed basic generalizations, are being obtained at a comparatively rapid rate. Thus it happens that even in the midst of a youthful program and the establish¬ ment of necessary preliminary basic data, the Survey is now actively pursuing some phases of the ultimate objectives of a state-supported renewable resources study; namely, the development of practical methods and information for resources preservation and utilization for the bene¬ fit of the general public. In support of this statement, it is possible to cite many examples where the results obtained to date are accomplishing their purposes. I have time to mention only a few such instances, selected to show the variety of 7 Fig. 1. — Male of the prairie chicken, once an abundant and valuable bird in Illinois, now in need of protection and further study. ways in which scientifically acquired renewable natural resources information can be utilized to attain desirable goals. Studies of the prairie chicken reveal that efforts directed toward the manage¬ ment of this splendid bird, so familiar to the early settlers in Illinois, must of necessity _ focus almost entirely around the preservation of a small number of remnant flocks, and any proposals for the removal of this game bird from the list of protected birds under present agricul¬ tural conditions should be opposed. Furthermore, favorable nesting territory is such that any grandiose schemes for the propagation and release of the prairie chicken in numbers throughout the state, with the hope of permanently supple¬ menting game birds for hunting purposes, is foredoomed to dismal failure. Our studies of prairie chickens, therefore, may already be confidently used to prevent undesirable game law legislation and un¬ wise expenditures of conservation monies. Information in hand concerning rabbits, which, by the way, are an important item in the meat diet of many families in cer¬ tain parts of this state, gives us an alto¬ gether different type of conclusion. In the management of this resource we can recommend a limited amount of utiliza¬ tion along with preservation. We now know that great fluctuations exist in the abundance of this animal from year to year, and that this rise and fall in num¬ bers, over a period of years, is a normal expectation. It is sound management, therefore, to recognize that the cropping of this resource — an estimated 3,000,000 pounds went to market annually preced¬ ing 1937 — could be considerably increased, at least in certain peak years, without permanent impairment of our necessary basic breeding stock. For some years there has been a lively controversy in this state regarding the soundness of the time of the open season for the hunting of squirrels; another re¬ source which, without attracting much public attention, makes a considerable contribution to the meat diet of many families, particularly in the central and southern parts of this state. The settle¬ ment of this argument depends upon the definite establishment of information per¬ taining to the time and duration of the breeding season in different game zones. It would seem to most people, because of the commonness of squirrels, that trust¬ worthy information about breeding sea¬ sons would be already available, but this was not so when Natural History Survey studies, made in cooperation with the State Department of Conservation and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, were begun. Investigations are now in course 8 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions Fig. 2. — Through the banding of waterfowl, Illinois Natural History Survey wildlife technicians gather data on migration habits, travel lanes, kill and survival ratio, and other data that will lead to recommendations designed to prevent depletion of these valuable birds that suffered following the first World War. of completion which will give authorita¬ tive answers to the questions involved, and thus serve to influence game law legislation which will insure proper hunting seasons, and thereby the intelli¬ gent cropping of this resource. At this time, a detailed report on the fur resources of Illinois is in preparation. The fur bearers are now known to con¬ tribute about $1,000,000 annually to the income of Illinois families, chiefly in the low income group where it is most Fig 3. — The place of native waterfowl food plants in relation to the millions of water- fowl that use the Mississippi-Illinois flyway is being studied by the Illinois Natural History Survey. Shown here is a bed of rice cut-grass, one of the best of the native plants. 9 Fig. 4. — For effective management of Bmali artifidal heW* if oSe of ^he^iii^trum^nt^^y6 which °niinofs Natural History Survey technicians study the influence of temperature on fish production. needed. If anything is ever to be done toward a managed increase of this impor¬ tant resource, this report will be basic to that undertaking. The data obtained in the course of the Survey’s fisheries investigations have been quite revolutionary and counter to many generally held ideas concerning ways to improve fishing. This phase of research management investigations is gradually approaching the techniques of a more mature animal husbandry pro¬ gram. Time will not permit me to go into further detail concerning the many and varied projects in the renewable natural resources field now under investigation by the Natural History Survey. The re- — . k Twr» technicians at work in the new Illinois Natural History lead to recommendations for improved growth rates of fish in small aiunciai Illinois Academy of Science Transactions suits from this work are rapidly accumu¬ lating, and I am certain that they are destined to influence profoundly the preservation and utilization of the state’s renewable resources; in fact, this scien¬ tific basis for state action is already taking place. In an earlier part of this paper, while broadly reviewing the general objectives of the Survey’s present applied pro¬ gram, I called attention to the youthful¬ ness of these investigations. This is an admission that in many instances we are involved in a long-time program, and that from many problems now under in¬ vestigation no conclusions can be drawn for some years to come. Cyclic fluctua¬ tions cannot be determined by a year or two of observations, nor can game man¬ agement policies for our most intensively farmed areas be promulgated on the basis of study areas two or three years old, with plantings which require some years for mature growth. Determinations of balanced fish combinations to be used in stocking new reservoirs and the best methods of cropping must be tried in many localities and under varying condi¬ tions. All such programs demand a reasonable amount of continuity and time. Now, just when we are virtually getting started on a new program of practical management studies of resources, the greatest war of all time is thrust upon us. If it took a major depression to awaken Americans to the realization that renew¬ able natural resources are important to our well-being, and that we must initiate scientifically planned researches to insure their continued existence and use, I feel safe in asserting that this war will drive home to all the absolute necessity of our varied resources to our standards and ways of living. Some resources, to be sure, are more important, at least for the moment, than others, but it is all of them Fig. 6.— Properly managed artificial lakes in Illinois can pro- auce good catches of bass and other desirable fish, as shown by tins scene at Lake Glendale, in the Shawnee National Forest. 11 together, each in its place, which have made the United States the envy of the rest of the world, and the nation which we cherish today. Concessions to the war effort must, and will, be made by all individuals and every normal program. Already, the Sur¬ vey is reorienting its program to aid the war effort as best it can. The renewable resources of both state and nation will contribute their share in the support of our cause in the form of food, clothing, and in many other forms. As an example of this support, let me cite the case of one renewable natural re¬ source scarcely mentioned heretofore in this address; namely, forest products. It has been stated by Ovid Butler, of the American Forestry Association, that each of our forests must give at least five trees to equip and maintain each man in our armed forces. These trees are used to give him his living quarters and training camp, the wooden crating necessary to ship him food, clothing, tanks and guns, for the making of high explosives, bomb¬ ers and battleships; in fact, virtually every piece of equipment necessary to wage modern war. While we must open our resources to the nation in its time of greatest need, we must be on guard, also, to prevent Fig. 7. — Stand of white oak timber in the Shawnee National Forest southern Illinois. Publicly and privately owned forestry resources of the state can contribute materially to the war effort, but exploitation that is unnecessary and permanently injurious should be studiously avoided. 12 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions exploitation that is unnecessary and permanently injurious. Many proposals are apt to be put forward under the guise of the national war effort which are valueless, and they must be rigorously opposed by technical agencies. Although I will not have time to elaborate upon this subject, the recrea¬ tional uses of wildlife resources will con¬ tribute greatly during the coming months to make our war efforts successful. The benefits from outdoor recreation are ex¬ ceedingly difficult to evaluate in dollars and cents, but, nevertheless, we know that mental and physical health is expensive to rebuild and that some recreation is essential. I cannot resist closing' this address with a prophecy; to wit, that after the war renewable natural resources pro¬ grams will be sponsored by the state and nation more than ever before. These pro¬ grams to be worth anything should have the guidance of experienced scientific or¬ ganizations. Such agencies cannot be assembled over night. So, let us hope that while giving everything necessary to win the war, we will have the vision to preserve the essentials in scientific en¬ deavors as the spring board for our coun¬ try’s rejuvenescence after the war. (This talk was followed by a colored motion picture showing activities of the Illinois Natural History Survey relating to research on wildlife resources.) 13 THE BETATRON D. W. Kerst, University FROM THE experiments of the past eleven years and from still earlier experiments we have learned a great deal about the phenomena of nuclear dis¬ integration, especially about artificially produced disintegration, which follows as a result of nuclear particles being forced together so that some degree of inter¬ penetration occurs. Since the nuclei of atoms are positively charged, the great repulsive forces arising from a very close approach must be overcome before there will be penetration. One cannot take a hold of nuclear particles or push directly on individual particles; so the method which has been used with such great suc¬ cess is that of impact. Charged nuclei, or positive ions, of one variety are ac¬ celerated in a high voltage vacuum tube in which the electrodes are arranged to force them toward a target of a substance containing the other nuclear particles to be bombarded. It is common in these artificial disintegration experiments to reach forces as great as 20 pounds weight between individual nuclei during the im¬ pact process. This force is far out of the range of those which occur in the most intense compression that can be produced by other means. It is only in the case of the neutron, the uncharged nuclear particle, having approximately the same mass as the proton, that penetration into other nuclei occurs easily, and this is because the lack of charge on the neutron makes electrical repulsion impossible. One other reason for giving one of the nuclear particles a high energy is that when the two nuclei collide certain re¬ actions will not occur unless the energy brought to the collision by the high speed particle is sufficient to supply the energy required for this reaction. It is mainly for this reason that if disintegrations are to be produced by electrons or by the x-rays which they produce, the electrons must have very high energy. * Invited paper presented before the Physics Section meeting at Urbana, Ill., May 8, 1942. of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The nuclear physicists who have be¬ come high voltage experts in order to do these disintegration experiments make use of several varieties of high voltage apparatus to impart large energies to small particles. Except for disintegra¬ tions produced by particles from naturally radioactive substances, the equipment usually used for producing high speed particles has been either a linear ac¬ celerator or a cyclotron. In the linear accelerator the charged particles are pushed from electrode to electrode down the axis of a long vacuum tube. The electrodes are generally hollow cylinders connected to successively higher voltages. The voltage is supplied either by a large transformer-rectifier combination or by the Van de Graaff type of electrostatic generator which charges a high voltage electrode by means of long moving belts. One end of the accelerating tube is con¬ nected to this high voltage electrode, and the other end is usually at ground po¬ tential. This accelerator has been de¬ veloped to the extent where it produces about 4.5 million volts when confined in a tank no larger than 5.5 feet in diameter and 22 feet long, provided the high air pressure of about 100 pounds per square inch is used for insulation of the high voltage terminal. This type of accelerator has been used to some extent for the study of nuclear reactions produced by electrons and x-rays having energies up to three million electron volts, but most of the work of the electrostatic acceler¬ ator has been with positive ions. There is a large number of nuclear reactions called photodisintegrations which can occur by electron or x-ray bombardment, but these require on an average six to eight million electron volts of energy be¬ fore the reaction can proceed. For these experiments energies greater than those obtained by the electrostatic generator are necessary. In the cyclotron the positive ions do not follow a linear path. Rather they are bent by a magnetic field into a spiral path, and they are accelerated back and 14 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions forth between two dee shaped hollow metal electrodes. The reason this can be done is that when a group of positive ions are well shielded within one of the dees this electrode reverses potential with the other electrode; and by the time the positive ions are in position to pass to the other dee, the potential is such that they are forced forward to a greater speed. This requires that the dees be connected to a high voltage high fre¬ quency oscillating circuit. The final energy which the positive ions achieve is the product of the number of transits from dee to dee and the voltage between dees. With this apparatus deuterons have been accelerated to 16.5 million elec¬ tron volts, far more than the voltage which can at present be produced on a single insulated electrode such as that used on the electrostatic machine. However, the cyclotron cannot apply its great voltage to electrons. The reason for this lies in the onset of relativistic behavior of the electron at very low energies. Particles behave in a distinctly relativistic manner when their kinetic energy approaches or exceeds the energy equivalent of their rest mass. For ex¬ ample, the rest mass of a proton is equivalent to about one billion electron volts. Protons of this energy would show pronounced relativistic behavior; how¬ ever, the electron with a rest mass equivalent to only .5 of a million electron volts will behave relativistically at this low voltage. At .5 of a million electron volts the electron is traveling at approxi¬ mately .9 of its speed limit, the velocity of light. Since one of the requirements in the operation of a cyclotron is that the accelerated particle increases its speed in proportion to the square root of the num¬ ber of revolutions, it is impossible for an electron near its speed limit to fulfill this condition. Consequently, a cyclotron could only be used for electrons at volt¬ ages well below half a million volts. Fortunately the betatron operates equally well at classical or relativistic energies. The energy which the new betatron gives to electrons is 20 million electron volts. With this source of high energy electrons one can create extremely energetic x-rays, and the nuclear-photo effects requiring on an average 6 to 8 million volts can be produced. Generally in the photo effect an x-ray or gamma ray photon of energy greater than the binding energy of a neutron within the target nucleus reacts with that nucleus and ejects the neutron somewhat like the electrons are ejected from the cathode in an ordinary photo-electric cell. The re¬ sulting nucleus is frequently radioactive, and the binding energy of the nucleus to be disintegrated can then be easily de¬ termined by finding the energy of the betatron at which production of radio¬ active material commences. The elec¬ trons themselves can be used to eject the neutron for the nucleus responds to the passage of an electron with its associated electric field in the same way but to a lesser extent than it responds to high energy photons. Since we now have available a source of highly penetrating x-rays and a source of electrons of an energy so great that they can penetrate approximately half way through the human body, the uses to which the betatron can be put are not only experimental but very practical. X-rays are widely used in numerous prac¬ tical ways industrially, and the radiations from the betatron are more penetrating than any others which have been pro¬ duced. The high energy electrons which escape from the accelerator by scattering off of the x-ray target form a very intense but somewhat divergent beam of electrons. Such high energy electrons when sent into the human body would produce a trail of ionization having the same de¬ structive effect as x-rays which are at present used for therapy of deep tissue. One of the disadvantages of x-rays is that they do not stop somewhere within the body, but they penetrate completely through it and produce a biological effect, not only at the entrance surface and at the tissue being treated, but also at the exit side of the body. Various techniques are used in an attempt to create an optimum of ionization at the deep malig¬ nant tissue; but the advantage which penetrating electron rays have is that their range is finite and proportional to the energy of the electrons. The 20 mil¬ lion volt electrons from the betatron would penetrate 10 centimeters into the body and no more. Dr. Phillip Morrison estimates that the maximum ionization produced by these rays would be at about 7 or 8 centimeters below the entrance surface of the body. This means that the damage produced by an electron beam 15 pifl 1 _ Thp vacuum doughnut in which the electrons are accelerated. Electrons going f;rtioinr^ are injected at A, and the orbit is expanded at B in every eye . can probably be localized fairly well on the tissue which is irradiated, a smaller amount of damage being done on the en¬ trance side of the body and no damage being done beyond the tissue irradiated. When the beam of electrons in the betatron can be brought out without being scattered from a target, it will be more homogenous and less divergent, which will make the betatron more applicable to this very practical problem. OPERATION OF THE BETATRON The betatron looks in some respects like a miniature cyclotron since it is a magnetic device; but it operates with an alternating magnetic field instead of a uni-directional field. The theory of the betatron shows that relativistic effects encountered when the speed of light is approached do not hinder the operation in any way.1 Electrons from an electron 1T>. W. Kerst, Phys. Rev. 60, 47 (1941). D. W. Kerst and R. Serber, Phys. Rev. 60, 53 (1941). gun, called the injector, are shot into a circular path in a low intensity magnetic field. As these electrons circulate be¬ tween the poles of the magnet, the mag¬ netic field increases, and the time rate of change of flux linking the orbit produces a voltage gain per revolution equal to the voltage which would be read on a volt¬ meter connected to a one-turn coil placed at the orbit and reading instantaneous voltage. Fig. 1 shows a sketch of the circular vacuum tube or doughnut in which the electrons leave the injector, circulate the magnetic field many times picking up energy at every revolution, and strike the back end of the injector, after they have been accelerated, where they produce x-rays. The orbit expanding coils are energized after the electrons have been accelerated, and they disturb the flux dis¬ tribution near the electron path causing the electrons to spiral out to the target. The electrons are injected at the time in¬ dicated by A on the graph of magnetic 16 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions field, and the orbit is expanded to the target at the time indicated by B when the energy is at its maximum. These processes are repeated in each cycle. The increase in flux linkage supplies momentum to the electron, and were not the magnetic field at the orbit of the electron increasing simultaneously, the orbit would become larger and larger and soon strike the outer wall of the acceler¬ ation chamber. To hold the electron in a fixed orbit it is necessary to make the magnetic field at the orbit increase in proportion to the momentum produced by the increasing flux linkage. The radius of curvature, r, of the orbit is related to the momentum of the electron and the size of the magnetic field, H, as follows: mv (e/c) Hr. This calls for a special distribution of magnetic flux density, as we shall see. By Newton’s second law the time rate of change of momentum is equal to the force on the electron; or d(mv)/dt — f, and the force, f, is the energy gained per centimeter of path, which assuming that the electron orbit has a fixed radius, r, is (e/c) 0/2*rr where cf> is the flux linking the orbit, e the charge of the electron, and c the velocity of light. Integrating the time rate equations, we get mv= ( e/c ) ( - 0 ) /2'rrr, showing that the momentum is propor¬ tional to the change of flux within the circular orbit. Equating this momentum to (e/c) Hr we get - 0 = 2!<7rr2H ; which shows that if 0O is zero when H is zero, the flux linking the orbit is proportional to the field at the orbit and must at all times have the value twice that which would exist if the field H were uniform within the orbit. This result was obtained by making the assumption or r constant. Naturally the converse must be established and was established before the accelerator was built, that is, given this flux distribution, then the orbit has a fixed radius. No mention has been made of the time dependence of the flux and field. It is merely necessary that the flux increase with time and that the field increase pro¬ portionately. This is easily accomplished by having both H and produced in an air gap by the same magnetic circuit. In practice the magnet and its coils cor¬ respond to an inductance in a resonant circuit. A great number of condensers are used to produce resonance at the de¬ sired frequency. On the original betatron made at the University of Illinois a fre¬ quency of 600 cycles per second was used, and 180 cycles per second is used on the 20 million volt betatron which was made while on leave of absence at the General Electric Company. The requirement for the production of a beam of electrons in the accelerator is that stray or scattered particles deviated from the desired orbit by encounters with the residual gas molecules in the vacuum chamber be brought back to the orbit by focusing forces. The stray electrbn must oscillate about this orbit, called the equilibrium orbit, with a decreasing amplitude of oscillation, or the damping must be so great that it never crosses the equilibrium orbit. By shaping the magnetic field properly the conditions for oscillation can be ful¬ filled. For axial oscillation the lines of force must bulge outwardly between the poles. The electron finds itself in a mag¬ netic field with a slight radial component if it deviates from the median plane. This radial component has opposite direc¬ tions on opposite sides of the median plane, and it forces the electron back toward this plane no matter which way the displacement occurs. To make the field bulge outwardly between the poles it is merely necessary to have the air gap increase with increasing radius. In practice this is done with approximately conical pole faces except for a slight lip at the rim of the pole face to correct for the rapid drop in field intensity which occurs at this point. The condition for radial oscillation is that the magnetic field must not decrease more rapidly than 1/r. This can be un¬ derstood from Fig. 2 which shows the curve of required centripetal force to hold the electron in the radius, r, as a function of r. This is a hyperbolic curve, since Fc = m vVr. The magnetic force Fm which is supplied by the magnetic field is Fm (e/c) H v. In the betatrons which have been made, v changes so slightly during several focusing oscillations that this change can be ignored for the present. Consequently, if the radial de¬ pendence of Fm, and hence of H, is as shown in Fig. 1, it will supply more than the required centripetal force when r is greater than rc and less when r is less than rD. Should an electron be outside the equilibrium orbit, it would be in a region where the magnetic field was stronger 17 pjg_ 3. — The new 20 million volt betatron, poles is from the injector. The light showing in the doughnut between than that necessary to cause a circular path. Its orbit would bend in toward the equilibrium orbit and, on crossing, the electron would find itself in a region where the magnetic field does not quite supply the required centripetal force; so the electron goes outwardly. This oscil¬ lation about the equilibrium orbit eventu¬ ally dies out. The decrease in the amplitude of oscillation is a result of the increase in the magnetic field during the period of oscillation. The amplitude is proportional to H-^. To a certain extent this is analogous to the stiffening of a spring which holds an oscillating mass. The damping properties of the increasing magnetic field make possible the whole process of injecting electrons so that they are trapped in a fixed orbit. These axial and radial focusing actions succeed in forming a minute electron beam which strikes the target at a small focal spot. The x-rays produced cast very sharp shadows because the rays come from practically a point source. _ _j - - - - n r Fig- 2— Fc = mv7r is the centripetal force required to hold the electron in a circle of radius, r. Fm = (e/c)Hv is the magnetic force which is actually supplied to the electron. The equilibrium orbit is at r„. 18 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions The target is not melted by this fine beam because very little current is used. Ap¬ proximately one microampere in the 20 Mev betatron suffices to produce 16 r per minute at one meter. The total number of watts in the beam is thus 20 and at this high energy the efficiency of x-ray production is so great that about 65 per cent of this beam energy is given off in x-rays and only the remainder heats the target. The photograph in Fig. '3 shows the new 20 million volt betatron with the light coming from the injector at the edge of the doughnut between the poles. This accelerator has a 19-inch pole face diameter and an equilibrium orbit of 7.5 inches radius. The magnetic structure is only three feet high and five feet long; but it weighs about 3.5 tons. It requires about 25 kilowatts to operate it at 20 million electron volts at an oscillating frequency of 180 cycles per second. The cooling of the magnetic circuit is provided by the blower in the base of the magnet. Not only is this accelerator capable of producing the usual x-ray effects with rays of greater penetration, but the radio¬ activities produced by photodisintegration in numerous substances have been ob¬ served, and the energy is sufficient for some small scale cosmic ray effects. A NATURALIST IN THE SOUTH SEAS Excerpts From Lecture By Karl P. Schmidt Chief Curator , Dept, of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago , Illinois THE ROMANTIC interest in museum expeditions to far-away and exotic regions in search of collections for study and display is still greater when such an expedition is foot-loose in a beautiful sailing yacht and one is able to visit out-of-the-way islands and cast anchor in little visited ports . Our glimpse of the islands of the Pacific will take us through the Polynesian Archipelagos, to the islands of Melanesia, inhabited by curly-headed black peoples, and to the great island of New Guinea, now so familiar and so vitally important to us in the “daily news. The Galapagos Islands have formed a focus of biological interest since the visit of Charles Darwin in 1835, and have be¬ come familiar to naturalists during the following century from the visits of suc¬ cessive expeditions and groups of scien¬ tists. It is noteworthy that the scientific interest of these extraordinary islands is not yet exhausted, and that they are now of the utmost political and military in¬ terest to us in the present war. Far-off islands and ports visited by the Crane Pacific Expedition have now fallen into the hands of the Japanese. It is in¬ teresting that one of the services natural¬ ists can offer to the war effort springs from their knowledge of the geography of such regions, now suddenly become of the most vital importance to us and to our sons. (This lecture was accompanied by colored slides.) MEMOIRS 19 FRANK COLLINS BAKER DECEMBER 14, 1867, TO MAY 7, 1942 THOUGH he never at any time held a teaching position, few scientists of the present day have had greater influence in directing and stimulating interests of students than had Frank Collins Baker. Through his genial personality, his gen¬ erous kindliness, his published researches, and his displays in museums, unnum¬ bered thousands are included within the sphere of his scientific influence. Several prominent younger scientists, in such diverse fields as geology, anthropology, entomology, and zoology have acknowl¬ edged Mr. Baker’s kindly and sympa¬ thetic interest as one of the important factors in their ultimate determination to devote their lives to scientific pursuits. But these careers, directly motivated by contacts with an understanding spirit are but one item in the evaluation of his broad influences. Under his guidance the system of loan exhibits for the Chicago schools was in¬ augurated by the Chicago Academy of Sciences. As an outgrowth of this pro¬ gram thousands of children were given their first contacts with and interest in the study of nature. His published works, especially those on the Mollusca and on the Life of the Pleistocene, have been and continue to be source books for all students of these subjects. Mr. Baker became, for a short time, curator in the newly established Field Columbian Museum in Chicago (1894) after having received professional back¬ ground and training in Brown University, in the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, and in Ward’s Natural Science Establish¬ ment of Rochester, New York. This was followed immediately by his appointment to the curatorship in the Chicago Acad¬ emy of Sciences (1894-1915) where he de¬ veloped techniques of museum display along with an absorbing interest in research. For two years (1915-1917) he carried out a most comprehensive evaluation of the relations of bottom faunas to fish life for the New York State College of For¬ estry, at Syracuse. Following this period, at the height of his professional career, he became curator of the Museum of Natural History in the University of Illinois where he devoted 21 years (1918-1939) to building one of the finest teaching museums on this conti¬ nent. All this while he was pushing forward a research program which 20 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions brought him eminence in the fields of the fresh water and land Mollusca and Pleistocene paleontology. Under his curatorship a third museum interest was expanded, namely, the building of study collections. The most widely recognized of these are in the fields of Mollusca, Paleontology, and Archaeology of Illinois. Some of the scientific societies in which Mr. Baker held membership are: Fellow of the Geological Society of America; Fellow of the Paleontological Society of America; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Corre¬ sponding member, Zoological Society of London; Life member, Illinois State Academy of Science (Sec’y. 1911, Vice- president 1931) ; Life member, Chicago Academy of Sciences (Sec’y. 1894-9; 1908); Museums Association of Great Britain; American Association of Mu¬ seums (Councilor 1914-6); Ecological So¬ ciety of America; Ottawa Field Natural¬ ists Club; Sigma Xi; American Mala- cological Union (President in 1942). Mr. Baker was a prolific writer. A complete list of his published books and articles totals close to 400 items. Of these, several stand out as distinguished contributions while the remainder com¬ prise short notes and numerous more ex¬ tensive articles. The best known of his books are The Mollusca of the Chicago Area (2 vols., 1892, 1902); The Lym- naeidae of North and Middle America (1911) ; The Productivity of Invertebrate Fish Food on the Bottom of Oneida Lake, with Special Reference to Mollusks (1918); Life of the Pleistocene or Glacial Period (1920); Mollusca of Wisconsin (2 vols., 1928) ; Fieldbook of Illinois Land Snails (1939). Since his retirement from active service in 1939, as Curator Emeritus, he has de¬ voted his full energies to research. Ill¬ ness interrupted his work on a two volume monograph upon the Planorbidae which had been his major interest for many years. This work was expected to be the magnum opus of his research career. Death wrote the word “Finis” at the close of the manuscript for the first volume. H. J. Van Cleave MEMOIRS 21 EUGENE DAVENPORT 1856-1941 EUGENE DAVENPORT, born of pio¬ neer parents near Woodland, Michigan, June 20, 1856, died on his old home farm, March 31, 1941, in his eighty-fourth year. He was graduated from the Michigan Agricultural College in 1878. After sev¬ eral years on his farm he returned to the Michigan Agricultural College for gradu¬ ate work, receiving the degree of Master of Science in 1884. He was president of the Collegio Agronomica, Brazil, during 1891-92, serving as its first president. He became Dean of the College of Agricul¬ ture, University of Illinois, in 1895, Direc¬ tor of the Agricultural Experiment Sta¬ tion and Professor of Thrommatology, January 1, 1896, Director of the Agricul¬ tural Extension Service in 1914, and Vice President of the University in 1920, which position he held until his retire¬ ment on September 1, 1922. After his re¬ tirement he was recalled to active service to assist the President for a period of several months in 1929. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Dean Davenport by Michigan State College in 1907, by the University of Kentucky in 1913, by the University of Illinois in 1931, and the de¬ gree of Doctor of Science by Iowa State College in 1920. He was the author of several books and many articles in various periodicals. During the nineteen years of his retire¬ ment he did a great deal of lecturing and writing. His deeply ingrained character¬ istic of always seeing ahead, planning ahead, anticipating events was expressed at the end of his work for a bi-weekly agricultural journal to which he con¬ tributed a column. At the time of his death he had prepared enough material to 22 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions carry the column on for ten issues. Another important contribution since his retirement was a special investigation for the National Research Council. To all of his work Dean Davenport brought clear thinking unhampered by petty details and prejudices which bias so many conclusions. His independence of thought and his far-reaching views of the problems of agriculture had their roots in the simpler pioneer life into which he was born and in which he lived through the most formative period of his life. His strength came not only from his love of people but from the great out-of- doors in which he found keen delight. In his book “Vacation on the Trail,” he says concerning the mountaineer: “Brother to the peaks and the snow fields and the vast amphitheaters of green and white and gray that have guarded the passes since the world was young; friend to the timber, the waters, and the wild flowers; companion to the clouds and the shadows and drifting mists, the lightnings and thunders and the storms; neighbor to the very stars at night that seem to beckon one to step off the edge and be with them!” A statesman in all his approaches to educational and agricultural policy, Dean Davenport always considered the ultimate welfare of all the people. Temporary dis¬ comfort or even distress could be weathered, a slow beginning in a new venture could be tolerated, if the ultimate goal was right and the principles by which it was to be achieved would stand the test of time. At this point there was no room for compromise or expediency. The core of his educational philosophy will be found in such statements as the following taken from an address which he gave in 1908. “The great mass of human happiness will always arise out of doing well the common things of life, and the happiness of the individual will lie in that creative genius which does today the same thing it did yesterday but does it better — the enduring things will always be the useful things. There will be no educated aristocracy, for education will have a higher purpose than to give one man an advantage over another. . . . There is no higher duty now resting upon all of us, and especially upon educators, than to unite education and activity by j the closest possible bonds, to prevent on the one hand the acquirement of knowl¬ edge to no purpose, and on the other the development of operative skill with little knowledge of the true relations of things; to see to it that no individual shall be compelled to choose between an education without a vocation, and a vocation with¬ out an education. . . . What we need as a nation and a people is not simply more knowledge, but higher ideals. More of humility in success and more of forti¬ tude in adversity. More of confidence in our fellows, and more of faith in the future.” Dean Davenport’s influence was felt in all parts of the world, not only through the students who came to the University of Illinois from other countries, but as a result of his vigorous leadership in scien¬ tific research and educational policies. The esteem in which he was held was ex¬ pressed in a message from Sir John Russell, of Rothamsted, England, which came to Dean Davenport on his eightieth birthday: “You have served not only | your own country but the whole civilized I world. May the rest of your days be in | peace and in the knowledge that you have j the affection of many friends in many countries.” In the passing of Dean Davenport we have lost a great leader, a man of high | professional record and personal accom¬ plishment, of rich service to mankind, a loyal friend — one with whom we are all proud to have been associated. Our con¬ solation is that the influence and inspira¬ tion of such a life will continue in ways beyond our power to measure. J. C. Blair W. L. Burlison H. E. Cunningham C. F. Hottes E. Roberts MEMOIRS 23 FRANK SMITH FEBRUARY 18, 1857, Frank Smith came to the Urbana campus in 1893. From the first, he held dual appointments on the staff of the Illi¬ nois State Laboratory of Natural History under Professor Forbes and on the Uni¬ versity faculty in the Department of Zoology. His earlier experiences had consisted of collegiate training in Hills¬ dale College, in Michigan, and graduate study in Harvard, under Professor E. L. Mark, ending in a Master’s degree in 1893. He had been Professor of Chem¬ istry and Biology in Hillsdale College (1886-1892) and had taught Biology in Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut (1892-3). The summers of 1886 and 1887 were spent in special study in the Anasquam, Massachusetts, marine station and that of 1891 found him under the in¬ fluence of Alexander Agassiz in the New¬ port, Rhode Island, Marine Laboratory. The summer of 1893 he was engaged by the Michigan Fish Commission as a mem¬ ber of a group studying the biology of Lake St. Clair. These early experiences in field labora¬ tories peculiarly fitted him for the work which he was about to undertake for the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural His- TO FEBRUARY 3, 1942 tory. He was made superintendent (1894) of the Biological Station on the Illinois River at Havana, under the joint sponsorship of the University and the State Laboratory. Here he helped to for¬ mulate and execute the early program of studies on the biology of the Illinois River. The interests there aroused were kept alive at a much later date in his teaching of courses in field zoology in the Univer¬ sity of Illinois and as a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan, teaching summers in the biological sta¬ tion on Douglas Lake. In the University and throughout the Middle-west his long period of continuous service and his broad personal contacts made him a continuing agency between the old and the new developments in the zoological sciences. Not content to watch the opening up of the new fields, he took an active part in their development. As early as 1901 he was offering a course in Statistical Zoology in the University. In this course, before any specific instruction in evolution and heredity was given in the Department of Zoology, he taught the applications of mathematical analysis to 24 Illinois Academy of Science Transactions problems of “variation, heredity, distribu¬ tion, and phylogeny.” His interests in teaching greatly in¬ fluenced the direction of development of zoological courses in the University of Illinois, where he was advanced to a professorship in 1913. In 1923, Hillsdale College, his alma mater, conferred on him an honorary D.Sc. degree. His earliest research was in marine zoology, but in the Middle-west, where he was to spend the remainder of his active career, he early undertook a program of studies on the earthworm fauna which led to his becoming recognized as the leading American authority on this group. Another field of interest for both teach¬ ing and research was that of ornithology. Long years of daily observations on spring bird migration furnished data on which he correlated migratory move¬ ments with changes in wind and weather. After retirement, he found time and op¬ portunity to carry on bird banding in his Michigan home during the summer months and in Florida during the winter. From 1900 to 1917 he was curator of the museum of Natural History of the University of Illinois, performing this as a service to the University in addition to a relatively full program of teaching and research. With his interest in the fauna of the state it was only natural that he was actively interested in the Illinois State Academy of Sciei|pe, in which he held life membership. His memberships in scien¬ tific organizations were chosen with the same discrimination with which he chose his personal friends. They included the American Association for the Advance¬ ment of Science, the American Society of Zoologists, American Society of Natural¬ ists, American Ornithologists’ Union, and Sigma Xi. For many years he served as consulting specialist to the U. S. National Museum and to the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The qualities of unassuming modesty and uncompromising honesty marked all of his relations with both students and associates. H. J. Van Cleave STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 35 December, 1942 Number 2 Papers Presented at the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting Urbana, Illinois, May, 1942 Edited by Grace Needham Oliver Department of Registration and Education Illinois State Museum Division, Centennial Building SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS [Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois] PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Entered as second-class matter December 6, 1930, at the post office at Springfield, Illinois, under the Act of Augrust 24, 1912. [25] STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwight H. Green, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson, Director ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM DIVISION John C. McGregor, Acting Chief ILLINOIS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Affiliated with the ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM OFFICERS FOR 1942-1943 President: F. M. Fryxell Augustana College, Rock Island First Vice President: L. J. Thomas University of Illinois, Urbana Second Vice President: Willis DeRyke Illinois College, Jacksonville Secretary: R. F. Paton University of Illinois, Urbana Treasurer: John Voss Manual Training High School, Peoria Librarian: Gilbert Wright Illinois State Museum, Springfield Collegiate Section Chairman: Martha Leavenworth University of Illinois, Urbana Junior Academy Representative : Allen R. Moore, Cicero Junior Academy Representative (Southern Division): Mary Creager, Chester Editor: Grace Needham Oliver Illinois Geological Survey, Urbana In addition to current officers, the Academy Council for 1942-3 includes the two most recent past presidents: V. O. Graham, 4028 Grace St., Chicago, and T. H. Frison, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana. 1943 MEETING AT JACKSONVILLE MAY 7-8 Publicity Chairman: Grace Tickle, MacMurray College, Jacksonville Chairman Local Arrangements : Willis DeRyke, Illinois College, Jacksonville Collegiate Section Local Arrangements: W. F. Bailey, MacMurray College, Jacksonville Junior Section Local Arrangements : Helen Kamm, Jacksonville H. S. Printed December, 1942 (34349) [26] TRANSACTIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume 35 December, 1942 Number 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAPERS IN AGRICULTURE Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman - • - - - • . . . • • • 31 Fuelleman, R. F., and W. L. Burlison, Germination studies of Bromegrass seed, ^ Nevens W. B., Results of experiments in improvements of pastures tor daily Snider? H. J., The chemical composition of farm crops as affected by soil type and Burijson nW. L., and R. F. Fuelleman, What are we doing with castor beans?. . . 39 Dungan, George H., Relative photosynthetic capacity of stalks, leaf sheaths, and leaf blades in maize as measured by the contribution each makes to the develop- ^ Whalin, Oren L ., War production and soil conservation m Illinois . * Graham, Burdette, Using the slope map as a basis for farm planning . Lindstrom, D. E., Education for out of school rural youth . ANTHROPOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . . . • • • • • 49 Bennett, John W., and Moreau Maxwell, Archaeological horizons m southern Illinois ••#••••••••••••••••••••* vU Okala, J. B. C. Etuka, The problem of primitive education with particular ref¬ erence to the Ibo of Nigeria . . . . . Y Schoenbeck, Ethel, Additional Clear Lake Village material . BOTANY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . . . •••••• ••••*,:: * nf 5‘ Britton, M. E., Notes on the distribution of some rarely reported species ot ^ Conover? Ro^rt a!,‘ and Neil E.’ Stevens, A Penicillium “disease" of ink . 59 Feldman, Albert W., Trees and shrubs of Champaign County, Illinois . bu Croker, Dorothy, A key to the Illinois species of Solidago . • • . bz Glassman, Sidney, A taxonomic study of the Illinois species of Rumex . bd Galston, Arthur, The nitrogen content of oat chloroplasts. . . . . . . • • '‘‘'''l'' Hoskins, J. H., and A. T. Cross, New interpretations of Sphenophyllostachys based on a petrified specimen from an Iowa coal ball. ••••••••••••••• - McMenamin, Joseph P., A microanalysis of the epidermal cell walls beneath the midrib of the holly leaf . . • • • • • • • *.••••;"• * * 'LV '. ‘ Jones, G. Neville, A checklist of the vascular plants of the University of Illinois ^ Noggli^Glenn Ray| The rate of transpiration in two oats varieties grown under varying soil moisture levels . : . Stanfield, J. Fisher, Some growth responses of Soja and Vinca to vitamins . 75 Tehon L. R., The White-bracted Hymenopappus still grows in Illinois . . Voigt, John W„ A preliminary investigation of the effect of the descaling of winter buds on their growth in east central Illinois . •••••••• • • . 1 9 Welch, Walter B., A study of the phytoplankton of Crab Orchard Lake . oi Stephenson, Richard B., A preliminary investigation of the effects of naphthalene acetic acid upon the growth and composition of oats . . . . 83 Watson, Stanley A., Preliminary studies on riboflavin (vitamin B;) content of plant materials . 84 CHEMISTRY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 87 Bennett, C. W., New acid-base terminology . 88 Cheronis, Nicholas D., and Peter G. Arvan, Semimicro methods in the teaching of chemistry . 90 Dewalt, C. W., Review of recent chemistry texts for use in the teaching of chem¬ istry at the high school level . 92 Elmslie, W. P., W. R. Bunting, R. A. Sturdy, and Paul R. Cutter, New sources Gould, H. W., What the colleges of Illinois are doing for national defense . 97 Moeller, Therald, Demonstration of unstable anionic complex formation by the method of electrometric titration . 100 Preising, Sister M. Joan, Suitable curricula for high school chemistry . 102 Ronneberg, C. E., The role of the chemistry teacher in national defense: . 104 GEOGRAPHY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 107 Barton, Thomas F., Saxicultural district of the Sudbury area . 108 Blanchard, W. O., The Black Sea and its borderlands . Ill Booth, Alfred W., Soils and population — Decatur County, Georgia . 113 Cox, Flemin, The colonial question . 116 Cutshall, Alden, The manufacture of clay products in the Lower Wabash Valley 118 De Long, George Cass, The uses and production of tung oil . 121 Gueffroy, Edna M., The Murngin: an example of human geography . 123 Lathrop, H. O., The drought of central United States, summer and autumn, 1940. 126 GEOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 129 Bieber, C. L., The “Trenton” near Morris, Illinois . 130 Cohee, George V., Use of the Glen Dean limestone as a structural key horizon in the Illinois Basin . 132 Cooper, Chalmer L., Chester index ostracodes . 135 Mason, A. C., Thickness of glacial drift in Du Page County, Illinois . 136 Robertson, Percival, Bituminous matter in Warsaw geodes . 138 Tippie, Frank E., Subsurface stratigraphic sections near type Chester localities in southwestern Illinois . 141 Weller, J. Marvin, Rhythms in Upper Pennsylvanian cyclothems . 145 Wilson, Geo. M., Fossiliferous zones of the Upper Pennsylvanian of Vermilion and Edgar counties, Illinois . 146 PHYSICS Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 149 Inglis, A. F., A demonstration radio set . 150 Railsback, O. L., A demonstration power supply . 151 Ronneberg, C. E., Why not express the horsepower in f oot-poundals ? . 152 Smith, Clarence R., Normal daily temperatures for Aurora by comparison with Chicago . 154 Tykociner, J. T., and L. R. Bloom, Wave forms of phase-shifted sine pulses and their applications . 156 PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 159 Griffith, Coleman R., Warfare between human nature fictions . 160 Laughun, W. R., Handwriting as a factor in credit analysis . 164 Reeder, Edwin H., What can the elementary school do to prepare for winning the peace? . 167 SOCIAL SCIENCE Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 171 Burgess, E. W., The fate of the family . 172 [28] Jolley, V. D., Federal regulation of business enterprise . 1' Philip, William Booth, Chicago and the down state . . Ratcliffe, S. C., Hamlet and village populations in Illinois . ^ Schroeder, Clarence W., The fate of the family . *** Timmons, B. F., Is the family passing? . ZOOLOGY Extract from the Report of the Section Chairman . 189 Balduf, W. V., New records for three Illinoisan orthoptera . . . . . ^ Bennett, Mary A., Effect of testosterone propionate on territoriality of ring doves 19J Del Giudice, Vincent J., Zapatera spoilage of olives . - ; * *: iy° Foster, Frances C., and William C. Grater, Chlorophyll in the treatment ot athlete’s foot . . . iyb Hansen, Donald F., The anglers’ catch at Lake Chautauqua near Havana, Illinois, with comparative data on hoopnet samples . . . . • • • • • . ly' Hoff, C. Clayton, Locality records of some Hydracarma from Illinois . Hill H. C., Jr., and T. W. Robinson, Pseudo-cleavage of the frog’s egg . ^ Hoogstraal, Harry, A contribution to the exploration of Mexico . . 209 Prosser, C. Ladd, Comparative pharmacology of myogenic and neurogenic hearts. 212 Robinson, True W., Induced ovulation in Rana pipiens III . Riegel, Garland T., Cyclocephala abrupta in Illinois (Coleop.: Scarab) . 2lt> Sanders, J. M., Precaval anomalies of the cat . Shoemaker, Hurst H., Color discrimination in canaries. . . Thomson, Stewart Craig, Stimulating an interest in the history of the biological sciences . , . V i: " ;; ' . . .;***; Van Cleave, Harley J., Zoological courses in the early days of the University ot Illinois . From the Zoology Symposium: Balduf, W. V., Interrelations of insect-eating insects . *** Hoogstraal, Harry, Insect relations with plants . Tehon, L. R., Insects as vectors of plant pathogens . |291 ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention is directed to the fact that the Committee on Research Grants of the Illinois State Academy of Science has at its disposal a small sum of money to be disbursed in support of worthy research projects. Applications for grants will be accepted up to and including March 31, 1943. It is cus¬ tomary to give preference to scientists connected with the smaller institutions of the state. Requests for grants should be accompanied by a brief statement of the training and experience of the applicant, the purpose of the investigation, and the estimated cost. Previous publications should be listed. At least two letters of recommendation should be transmitted directly by their authors. Correspondence may be addressed to L. H. Tiffany, Northwestern University. Evanston, Illinois. SECTION CHAIRMEN FOR 1942-1943 Agriculture Anthropology Botany Chemistry Geography Geology Physics Psychology and Education Social Science Zoology 0. L. Whalln, 111 New Agr., U. of I., Urbana. Ben Nussbaum, Fairbury K. Richard Johnson, National College of Education, Evans¬ ton. H. W. Gould, Northern Illinois State Teachers College, De Kalb. L. A. Holmes, State Normal University, Normal. W. E. Powers, Dept, of Geology, Northwestern University, Evanston. F. W. Cooke, Illinois College, Jacksonville. L. A. Pennington, Physiological Psych. Lab., U. of I., Urbana. V. Dake Jolley, Wheaton College. H. H. Ross, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana. SUSTAINING MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY Atlas Electric Devices Co., 361 Superior St., Chicago. Central Scientific Co., 1700 Irving Park Rd., Chicago. Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Chicago Biological Round Table, Lake View H. S., Chicago. Kenneth R. Coe Biological Co., 2024 Sunnyside, Chicago. Gaertner Scientific Corp., 1201 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. General Biological Supply House, 761 East 69th St., Chicago. Sigma Xi, University of Illinois Chapter, Urbana. Morton Geological Club, Cicero. W. M. Welch, Welch Mfg. Oo., 1515 Sedgwick, Chicago. Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers, S. A. Chester, Treas., Chicago. Illinois Mining Institute, B. F. Schonthal, Sec’y., 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Rockford Senior High School Zoology Club, Rockford. 1943 MEETING: JACKSONVILLE, MAY 7-8 [30] PAPERS IN AGRICULTURE From the Report oe the Section Chairman Eleven papers were presented at the Urbana meeting, 8 of which are herewith published. The others were : Spencer, E. R., McKendree College, Lebanon, Ill— The Practical Side of the Nitrogen Cycle. Dorsey, M. J., University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill —The use of genetics in solving the variety problem for peach growers. Roberts, E., University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. — Cross-breeding in swine. Thirty attended the meeting and elected 0. L. Whalin, University of Illinois, chairman for 1942-43 meeting at Jacksonville. (Signed) C. H. Oathout, Chairman GERMINATION STUDIES OF BROMEGRASS SEED, BROMUS INERMIS LEYSS R. F. Fuelleman and W. L. Burlison University of Illinois, Uriana, Illinois Difficulties attending the seeding of bromegrass have given impetus to investi¬ gations of methods of processing brome¬ grass seed to facilitate its seeding with ordinary farm machinery. The seed is relatively large and light in weight. Caryopses are rather loosely held within the lemma and palea. Both of the latter are nearly equal in size and the paleas are slightly ciliated. Caryopses are slightly curved, with the point of attach¬ ment to the rachilla rather abruptly turned in. This brief description is in¬ cluded in an attempt to better illustrate the reasons for difficulties encountered in seeding and processing the seed without damage. Farmers have been hesitant to use this excellent forage grass because it has necessitated the use of a vehicle to carry it through ordinary seed drills. Attempts to seed it alone with a drill usually results in “bridging,” and a nonuniform seeding results. Various agitator attach¬ ments have been recommended but most drills are not constructed to use these agitators. This has made hand seeding necessary. Here again, considerable diffi¬ culty is encountered in obtaining uniform seedings of bromegrass, particularly on windy days. This paper reports some results of germination studies in the greenhouse with untreated bromegrass seed, hulled seed, and seed from which the hulls were removed by abrasive action. Treatment was intended as a means of facilitating easy and effective seeding. The effect of depth of planting is also considered and reported. Source of Seed and Treatment _ The seed used in these experiments was pro¬ duced in southeastern Illinois, on the Agronomy South Farm at Urbana in 1941, and at the Soil Conservation Service regional nursery located at Elsberry, Missouri.* Three lots of seed were used in the so- called treatment tests: Lot 1, seed not subjected to special processing or selec-i tion — whole seeds taken from an ordinary lot of seed ; Lot 2, naked caryopses selected from seed after it had passed through the combine; and Lot 3, hulled seed from which lemmas and paleas were removed by using an abrasive. In pre¬ paring the hulled seed, sandpaper was first used, but it proved to be too severe. This method seriously damaged most of the caryopses. In the second method, the ! lemmas and paleas were removed by means of rubber buffers. No observable damage to caryopses occurred with this method. The third method utilized a hammer-mill, a machine first used ex¬ perimentally for commercial seed treat¬ ment. A fourth method consisted of rubbing seed gently between a wood block and a stone table top. Untreated seed from Lot 1 was used in depth of germination experiments. Whole seeds were planted on greenhouse benches at depths of %, %, %, 1, 1%, and 1 % ■ inches. Germination counts and measure¬ ments of seedling growth were made, i Temperature, moisture, and light condi- I ] tions were the same for all depths of planting. Results of Germination Tests Treatment Series — Germination percentages of the different lots of seed were closely related to the severity of treatment. Whole seed, or seed that retained the lemmas and paleas, gave normal germination under I greenhouse conditions. A slight drop in germination during the period from January 8 to 20 was due to slightly lower temperatures in the greenhouse, and coin¬ cided with low outdoor temperatures. This lot of seed was of high quality and good germinability (See Table 1) _ The second lot of seed, selected from the first lot, but with lemmas and paleas * Acknowledgment is made to Mr. Walter Newlin of Casey, Illinois, for seed and his deep interest in these investigations ; also to Mr. C. J. Coukos, Soil Conservation Service, Elsberry, Missouri. [33] Agriculture — 191$ Meeting absent, gave an average germination con¬ siderably lower than the first All condi¬ tions were similar to those of the first lot. The seed was accidently hulled in the process of combining. Examination of the caryopses showed no observable damage which might account for lowered germination. The third lot consisted of seed from which lemmas and paleas were removed either by (1) rubbing with sandpaper — obviously too severe, (2) the use of a rubber buffer, (3) the hammer-mill, or (4) rubbing with a board on a smooth concrete slab. Methods 1 and 3 proved most damaging (Table 1). The hammer- mill was previously considered as having the greatest potential use in seed process¬ ing but these results indicate that it is too severe, destroying the viability of a large percentage of seeds. From the practical point of view, the second method, i. e., using a rubber buffer, has more potentialities than any method of treatment by which the chaffy and light seed coverings are removed. Table 1. — Percentage Germination of Seedlings at the End of Each 12-Day Period Sample no. Period Replications1 Av6r3^G 1 2 3 4 5 Whole Seed Germinations 1 . . . . 11/8—11/21 . . pet. 96 pet. 80 pet. 96 pet. 96 pet. 86 pet. 90.8 2 _ _ 12/1 — 12/12. . 96 94 92 92 92 93.2 3 . . 1/8— 1/20. . 92 86 80 92 96 89.2 4 . . 2/2— 2/14 . 90 96 98 96 94 94.8 Hulled Seed Germinations 1 _ _ _ 11/8—11/21 _ _ 74 72 86 80 86 77.6 2 . . 12/1—12/12 . . . 80 86 86 76 74 80.4 3 1/8— 1/20 . . . 58 66 68 58 48 59.6 4 _ 2/2— 2/14. . 70 70 78 68 60 69.2 Damaged Seed Germinations 1 . ... 11/8—11/21 . . 6 2 6 8 12 6.82 2 . . . 12/1—12/12... . 46 40 60 68 68 56.43 3 _ _ 1/8— 1/20 . . 22 30 34 18 26 26. 04 4 _ 2/2— 2/14 . 70 70 78 68 60 69. 45 1 Each replication consists of 50 seeds. 2 Sandpaper. 3 Rubber buffer. 4 Hammer-mill. 5 Rubbed with board on concrete. Seedling Growth — Height of seedlings in centimeters is not a direct indication of seed treatment but apparently com¬ bines the effect of interactions of temper¬ ature, light, and moisture. Seedling heights of the three lots of seed are shown in Table 2. Germination and height of seedlings seem to be related although it is probable this relationship would diminish with time under green¬ house conditions. Under field conditions, the stronger initial growth of seedlings may well favor more rapid establishment, an important factor in economical pas¬ ture husbandry. Depth of Planting — Rates of seeding bromegrass as well as other species are usually heavy enough to care for varia¬ tions in soil, seedbed, and climatic factors. Much seed is planted too deeply and re¬ sults in uneven stands due to failure of the plants to emerge. Seed size obviously is important. Bromegrass seed is large and can be planted at greater depths than the smaller seeded species, such as red- top, Agrostis alba, or Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis. In this experiment, bromegrass was planted at depths of 1/4, V2, SA, 1, 1 %, and 1 y2 inches, respectively. Emergence of seedlings did not vary greatly with the first four depths; however, the emergence percentage was distinctly lower with the 1 % and 1 y2 inch depths. Conclusions — Within the scope of these experiments certain conclusions are ap¬ parent: (1) Untreated seed (unhulled) is definitely higher in germination than hulled seed (naked caryopses) regardless of how the hull was removed. (2) Seed planted at depths greater than one inch is lower in emergence than seed planted at shallower depths. 34 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table 2. — Seedling Growth in Centimeters as Measured During Germination Periods Table 3. — Germination of Bromegrass Seed When Planted at Varying Depths Depth of planting inches Replications1 Average S. D. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Perct. germination 90 96 98 96 94 94.8 2.71 Seedling height, cm.. . . 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.3 6.3 i _ _ Perct. germination 96 88 98 92 90 92.4 3.74 Seedling height, cm _ _ . 5.8 5.5 5.4 5.7 5.8 3 Perct. germination 96 98 98 90 94 94.2 2.98 _ _ _ _ Seedling height, cm _ _ 4.7 4.6 4.7 5.0 5.2 1 _ Perct. germination 98 88 90 90 82 89.6 5.12 Seedling height, cm _ 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.8 4.8 li _ _ Perct. germination. . . 82 82 88 84 86 84.8 2.35 Seedling height, cm _ 4.4 5.0 4.6 4.1 4.8 li . Perct. germination 86 74 78 82 72 78.4 3.96 Seedling height, cm _ 4.9 3.9 4.6 4.4 4.0 1 Each replication consists of 50 seeds. Agriculture — 19Jf2 Meeting 35 RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS IN IMPROVEMENT OF PASTURES FOR DAIRY CATTLE W. B. Nevens University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois Seven years’ trials at the Illinois Sta¬ tion with pasture crops for dairy cattle have shown possibilities for greatly in¬ creasing (a) the length of the pasture season; (b) the yield of pastures; and (c) the length of time fresh green pas¬ tures are available, as compared with ordinary bluegrass pastures. These re¬ sults have been accomplished through (a) selection of suitable, high-yielding pasture crops; (b) good grazing manage¬ ment; (c) adequate and regular fertiliza¬ tion; and (d) persistent weed control. High-producing pasture crops studied in the trials were alfalfa, bromegrass, a mixture of Sudan grass and soybeans, sweet clover, and winter rye. It has been found advantageous to grow a number of these crops simultaneously in separate fields and to pasture them in rotation or when the crops are at their best stages for pasturing. Application of a nitrogen fertilizer to bluegrass pastures increased (a) the nitrogen content and (b) the palatability of the grass. An explanation for the greater palatability of the fertilized grass is the higher moisture content of the fer¬ tilized crop. A study of thirty-seven comparisons of the dry matter of bluegrass taken from fertilized and from unfertilized pasture plots shows that in all but four cases the grass from the fertilized plots was lower in dry matter content (and thus higher in moisture content) than the grass on the unfertilized area. Of these four in¬ stances two occurred in August of 1940, an unusually dry season, when pastures were almost bare. An analysis of the data by the method of Student indicates a statistically significant difference in the dry matter contents of the fertilized and unfertilized grass. A summary of the DRY MATTER CONTENT OF FERTILIZED AND OF UNFERTILIZED SLUE GRASS Averages of 4 fertilized, S unfertilized plots 3/8 separate determinations of dry matter 0 Fertilized WUn fertilized £ L I SO 40 30 20 10 JJS JJ MJJA S JJA S JJA S MJJA S M JJA MJJA A MJJA S mO /74/ , 1^39 /94-Q" 194-/ 1939 /^fO 1*14-1 _ _ ' W SAMPLES B" SAMPLES 9C ' SAMPLES Fig. 1.— Over a 3-year period, fertilized bluegrass had a lower dry-matter content (remained greener) than unfertilized bluegrass. 36 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions data is presented in chart form in Figure 1. It is believed, therefore, that the main reason cattle select fertilized areas of pastures for grazing, in preference to un¬ fertilized areas, is the higher moisture content of the fertilized crop. Other factors also may be operative, but these are believed to be of less importance than the dry matter content. Further evidence that the dry matter content is the factor of principal impor¬ tance in determining palatability of pas¬ ture crops is found in a study of the dry matter content of a number of pasture crops used in our trials. Samples taken during the months of April to September, inclusive, over a five-year period, show that bluegrass contains more than 30 per cent dry matter thruout a large por¬ tion of the pasture season, while a Sudan grass-soybean pasture rarely reached 30 per cent dry matter. There is a close relation between dry matter content and palatability, the crops lowest in dry mat¬ ter, as a rule, being most palatable. (Table 1.) Table 1. — Dry Matter Content of Pas¬ ture Samples Crop No. of determi¬ Samples over 30 percent dry matter nations Number Per cent Alfalfa _ 71 17 24 Bluegrass _ _ 389 359 92 Brome grass _ _ 30 9 30 Sweet clover . . 16 6 38 Sudan grass— soybeans. 38 1 3 THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF FARM CROPS AS AFFECTED BY SOIL TYPE AND TREATMENT H. J. Snider University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Farm crops in Illinois are grown on soils representing a large variation in natural fertility. Little attention has been given the probable effect that these various levels of soil fertility might have on the quality of these crops. Soil treat¬ ment, such as adding limestone, phos¬ phates, potash, and legumes, has reached such proportions as to have a decided effect on the production of total crops in the state. Soil treatment is considered almost solely from the standpoint of in¬ creasing acre yields. The factor of quality which might be affected by the fertility of soils is as a rule not con¬ sidered. A recent publication, “Building Better Pastures/’* contains some statements which are highly pertinent to the con¬ servation of soil fertility and which sooner or later must be given considera¬ tion by all who are interested in farm production. Some of these statements follow: “Good livestock are seldom found in poor soil areas.” “Many soils are de¬ ficient in plant food elements, and as a result grass is poor and this deficiency is transferred to animals.” “The relation¬ ship between soil fertility and health of livestock has been well established by research.” “The object of this publica¬ tion is to supply information regarding pastures to horsemen and stockmen throughout the continent, and in this con¬ nection these statements are of great significance.” It is the object of this paper to present briefly chemical data which supply infor¬ mation along the lines of the above quo¬ tations and limited to Illinois soil condi¬ tions. It is not always possible in chemical work to select all of the con¬ stituents which may cause human beings or animals to flourish or not to flourish on certain foods or feeds. It is possible, however, by chemical methods to show deficiencies or abundance of certain con¬ stituents or elements which may have considerable nutritive value. Protein is one of the important constituents of foods and its presence often determines the value of the product. Phosphorus is one of the important mineral elements and its deficiency has frequently led to disastrous * By W. Li. Burlison and R. F. Fuelleman, published by the Horse and Mule Association of America. Agriculture— 19 Meeting results in animal nutrition. This discus¬ sion will be limited to these two con¬ stituents of foods and feeds. Experimental Results. — The results from three experimental fields are shown in Table 1; one field represents an inter¬ mediate while the other two fields repre¬ sent almost two extremes in soil fertility. The composition of Kentucky bluegrass grown on these soils is also included. The Elizabethtown field represents Ava silt loam with a total nitrogen content of 1,580 pounds an acre on untreated soil. This soil produced bluegrass which had a protein content of 136 pounds per ton and a phosphorus content of 1.6 pounds per ton of air-dry hay. The Clayton field which represents Harrison silt loam con¬ taining 3,600 pounds an acre of total nitrogen produced bluegrass which con¬ tained 150 pounds of protein and 3.2 pounds of phosphorus per ton of air-dry hay The Easton field representing the more fertile Harpster clay loam produced bluegrass which contained 162 pounds of protein and 3.6 pounds of phosphorus per ton of hay. The Kentucky bluegrass grown on the Harpster clay loam con¬ tained approximately 19 per cent more protein and 125 per cent more phosphorus than did the hay from the low fertility Ava silt loam which is typical of a large area of the southern Illinois hill lands. When differences of such high propor¬ tions as these are found it is not unlikely that animals fed too long on this phos¬ phorus-deficient grass may suffer from diseases peculiar to such a deficiency. The results for the bluegrass on the treated soils for the three fields were not exactly comparable because of variations in the amounts and kinds of fertilizers used. However, these results do indicate the enormous possibilities of these soils when well treated. The protein content was more than doubled by the use of nitrogen fertilizers while the phosphorus content on the Ava soil was doubled by the use of phosphate fertilization. Am¬ monium sulfate supplied the nitrogen fertilizer at Easton and Clayton while sodium nitrate was used at Elizabeth¬ town. Superphosphate supplied the phos¬ phorus at Elizabethtown and Clayton while at Easton the phosphorus was sup¬ plied by soybean meal. The Kentucky bluegrass from the three fields (Table 1) was harvested at approx¬ imately the same stage of growth— full maturity. It is not probable that any considerable part of the differences was due to variations in the stages of growth of the grass. The hay values in Table 1 are based alone on protein content at five cents per pound. This value is obtained from the market price of high-protein feeds such as tankage, soybean meal, alfalfa meal, etc. The results in Table 2 show that soils in a relatively low state of fertility do not always produce grain of a low feed¬ ing value. The Kewanee field represent¬ ing Muscatine silt loam with a total nitrogen content of 7,720 pounds an acre produced corn grain with 2.35 per cent less protein than that on the Enfield field. The last named field represented Bluford silt loam with a total nitrogen content of 3,100 pounds an acre. On the basis of the above protein content and valuation, the corn from the Enfield field was worth six and one-half cents per bushel more than the corn from the more fertile Kewanee soil. The Enfield grain had also a slightly better phosphorus content. In this experiment, hybrid corn was used with identical soil treatment (RLPK) consisting of residues, lime¬ stone, rock phosphate, and potash. Phosphorus and protein content of wheat grain, presented in Table 3, shows a decidedly lower content for grain grown on soils of relatively low levels of Table 1. —Composition of Kentucky Bluegrass From Three Distinct Fertility Levels Representing Both Treated and Untreated Soils Experiment field Soil Total N Hay — Untreated soil Hay — Treated soil Protein Ton value Phos. Protein Ton value Phos. Elizabethtown . Clayton . - . . Easton . . . - lbs./A. 1580 3600 4800 lbs./T. 136 150 162 $6.80 "7.50 8.10 lbs./T. 1.6 3.2 3.6 lbs./T. 151 226 355 $ 7.55 11.30 17.75 lbs./T. 3.2 5.8 5.0 38 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table 2. — Protein and Phosphorus Content of Corn Grain From Two Soils With Identical Treatment Experiment field Soil Soil Corn Protein Phosphorus Lbs./bu. treatment Total N grain Perct. Lbs./bu. Kewanee _ _ RLPK lbs. /A. 7720 3100 bu./A. 91 82 9.25 11.60 .14 .15 Enfield _ _ _ _ RLPK . 5.2 6.5 fertility. The Minonk field representing Drummer clay loam with a high nitrogen and phosphorus content on untreated land produced wheat grain which had 57 per cent more phosphorus and 13 per cent more protein than wheat grown on the Toledo field which represents Cisne silt loam with a relatively low nitrogen and phosphorus content. Soil treatment which included a phos¬ phate fertilizer gave an increase in phos¬ phorus content of the grain of 64.2 per cent on the less fertile Cisne silt loam, while on the more fertile Drummer clay loam there was no apparent effect of the treatment on the phosphorus con¬ tent of the wheat grain. These data, although somewhat limited in scope, indicate that a decidedly un¬ favorable nutritional condition may exist in both food material and animal feeds due to low levels of fertility elements in our soils. The above quotations regarding the effect of soils on the health and welfare of animals may appear to involve rather serious problems. We may be inclined to believe that these statements apply to some far-removed part of the country and dismiss them as problems which do not concern us directly. However, even a limited study of Illinois soil conditions indicates that the foregoing statements, serious as they may be, may at some time apply directly here in this state. Table 3. — Phosphorus and Protein Content of Wheat Grain From Two Soils Treated and Untreated Experiment field Untreated soil Phosphorus content of grain Protein content Total N Phos. Untreated Treated Increase Untreated Treated Minonk . . lbs./A. 6320 lbs./A. 130 18 lbs./bu. .22 .14 lbs./bu. .22 .23 perct. 0 aA O lbs./bu. •7 Q lbs./bu. Toledo _ 2480 4.0 a n 7.9 o.y 6.9 ' Agriculture— 19^2 Meeting 39 WHAT ARE WE DOING WITH CASTOR BEANS? W. L. Burlison and R. F. Fuelleman University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The castor bean, fruit of Ricinus com¬ munis, a species belonging to the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), has been culti¬ vated for various purposes since Biblical times. It is the Palma Christa of the Egyptians, sometimes referred to as Jacob's gourd, and was the source of oil used in making papyrus. Ricinus is a Latin term meaning dog-tick, which the seed was thought to resemble. Although the original habitat of this species was Africa, commercial produc¬ tion was and still is centered in Brazil and British India. Most North American supplies have been imported from Brazil. During the 19th century a number of at¬ tempts were made to introduce commer¬ cial production in the United States, par¬ ticularly in southern areas. Between 1860 and 1916 castor beans were grown as a farm crop in some sections of Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois. In 1879 Kansas produced a total of 750,000 bushels.1 In 1918 castor beans were grown in many southern and western states to provide oil for special purposes. Several thousand tons were produced, but following the war importations increased and domestic interest declined. Since then a few beans have been grown, chiefly for experimental purposes. Adaptation _ The crop is adapted to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. Commercial production, however, is con¬ fined within the territory south of the 38 parallel of latitude. Observations indicate that on rich soils castor bean plants grow vegetatively without a corresponding production of seed. On soils of average fertility, seed yields are more closely correlated with vegetative growth. Commercial varieties are for the most part annuals attaining an average height of approximately six feet in south central Illinois. Seeds are about the size of large beans and contain from 35 to 55 per cent oil. These beans are found in spiny pods with a ratio of 65 to 80 per cent bean to hull by weight. Composition of Castor Bean Plant and Oil. — The castor bean plant contains a substance, ricin, which is considered as having potential use in insecticides. In addition to oil, the seeds contain an alkaloid, ricinine, a poisonous substance belonging to the heterocyclic series of compounds of the pyridine group. The composition was determined by synthesis by Spath and Koller.2 Castor oil contains a considerable percentage of the esterols of palmitic acid and ricinoleic acid, the latter having a replaceable hydroxyl group. This is mentioned because this factor is important in the dehydration process and its subsequent use as a dry¬ ing oil. Castor oil is a viscous liquid of the fixed oil group having a specific gravity of 0.958 to 0.968 at 15° C. The iodine number is 82 to 90, and the saponification value is 177 to 187. It is soluble in alco¬ hol, ether, and petroleum ether.3 Imports of Castor Beans and Utilization of Oil _ Imports of castor beans increased very materially during 1940, reflecting a growing demand for castor oil for indus¬ trial use. See Table I. Small quantities of castor oil are used for medicinal purposes, but most of the oil is used in the manufacturing and processing of industrial products such as artificial leather, soap, ink, linoleum, lubricants, paints, varnishes, and for use in dyeing fabrics. During World War I, castor oil was used extensively as a lubri¬ cant for airplane motors. It still has a place as a special lubricant and as a recoil absorbing liquid in armaments. Investigations on Castor Beans and Oil. _ Research on the castor bean is divided into agricultural and industrial investi¬ gations. It is difficult to separate these phases along clear-cut lines for both are 1 Crooks and Sievers. Mimeo. pub. U.S.D. A. 2 DeAlbe, Heterocyclic Compounds, 2 Jamieson, Geo. S„ Vegetable Fats and Oils, rk. 1932. The Chemical Catalog Company, Inc., New Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table 1. — Imports of Castor Beans and Estimated Utilization of Castor Oil Year Imports of castor beans Consumption by drying industries 1935 . . 1000 lbs. 77,049 164,077 146,808 114,072 162,611 237,789 1000 lbs. 9 8*8 1936 . . o, ooo 4 7Q4 1937 . 7 799 1938 . a fi43 1939 . . O, Uio 1 1 844 1940 . 1 1 , Oli 24,858 interdependent. Agricultural research is concerned particularly with the produc¬ tion of the crop, including studies of en¬ vironment, varieties and their soil adaptation, oil production, composition, cultural methods, and the development of machinery for harvesting. This brief statement encompasses a far-reaching program of agricultural research which eventually purposes to care for the war¬ time needs of the nation. Research in industrial-chemurgical chemistry employs a utilization of prac¬ tically all raw materials making up any part of the castor bean plant. What Are We Doing With Castor Beans? — The Illinois Agricultural Experi¬ ment Station began preliminary work on this crop in 1938 with some large flower¬ ing varieties which were unsatisfactory in maturity and yield. In 1939, three varieties were obtained from the U. S. Department of Agriculture and one from Kansas. Small test plantings were made and the beans harvested. Increased plantings of these varieties were made in 1940. In 1941, a number of new varieties were obtained. These were included in the tests which were made at several loca¬ tions in south central and southern Illi¬ nois. Yield data from three locations are shown in Table 2. In addition to beans, in 1941 stalks were also harvested. Field observations have indicated these stems were strong and fibrous. Sample yields, following a period of field curing and drying, aver¬ aged approximately 5,000 pounds for all varieties. This material has considerable promise for use in the manufacture of paper boxes. Plant Breeders Work on Improvement. —A number of important factors con¬ tribute to the difficulties of economical production of castor beans. A few are included here: (1) Nonuniform ma¬ turity, making it difficult to harvest all beans in a single picking; (2) tendency to shatter; (3) nonuniform height; and (4) some promising varieties mature too late in northern areas. The time elapsed since the initiation of this work has been too short for workers to obtain little Table 2.— Castor Bean Yields for 1939, 1940, and 1941 at Urbana, Dixon Springs, and Alhambra, Illinois Yield Variety 1939 1940 1941 Average Urbana — Central Illinois Arlington . U. S. 4 . u. s. 7 . . . ;;;; Kansas Common _ San Benita _ lb/A 466 701 1149.6 1175.2 lb/A 1015.0 1081.9 1052.0 1137.0 Conner Type (Texas). Conner Type (Mo.)._. Doughty 11 (Texas).. MG Kentucky . . lb/A 1554 1376 1624 1570 1684 1544 1296 1738 1596 lb/A 1012 1053 1275 1294 1684 1544 1296 1738 1596 Dixon Springs — Southern Illinois Kansas Common . . . . Arlington . USD A 4 . . usd a 7 . ;;;;;;;;;;;; 495.0 525.0 490.0 332.0 548.0 615.0 595.0 672.0 521.5 570.0 542.5 502.0 Alhambra — Southwestern Illinois Kansas Common _ U. S. 7 . u. s. 4 . ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Arlington _ _ _ MG Kentucky . . . . . ’ Conner Type (Texas) . . . . Conner Type (Mo.) . . . . 824.0 824 1016.0 1016 746.0 746 904.0 904 952.0 952 840.0 840 820.0 820 41 Agriculture — 191$ Meeting more than an indication of definite favor¬ able trends which should lead to a solu¬ tion of these problems. Culture and Harvesting Castor Beans. — The planting and subsequent cultivation of castor beans are similar to corn, but the harvesting operations are more diffi¬ cult. Significant research on better methods and means of harvesting and threshing this crop is under way. In Illinois, castor beans are usually planted during May, depending upon soils and climatic conditions. Hand corn planters have been used, but it is pos¬ sible to utilize regular corn planting ma¬ chinery by substituting plates of correct sizes in the drill boxes. Rows are usually 40-42 inches wide, and plants are spaced either 36 or 40 inches in the row. Germination and emergence require ap¬ proximately two weeks. Weeds are con¬ trolled by two or three cultivations with the corn cultivator; however, little care is necessary until harvest time after the plants have attained a height of 18-24 inches. Combines have been used and show considerable promise that field harvesting will replace hand picking. A number of hulling machines have been built for re¬ moving beans from the capsules. The Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station evolved a small experimental huller which has been satisfactory. This prob¬ lem is well on the way to a solution. Agronomic research as proposed for 1942 is both intensive and extensive. A number of experiment stations are work¬ ing in cooperation with the U. S. Depart¬ ment of Agriculture in a series of studies including the following: (1) Variety studies in 22 states; (2) planting dates in five states; and (3) spacing tests in five states. These are in addition to genetic studies already initiated. Castor beans, as a crop, have shown the most promise in the large area be¬ tween the cotton belt on the south and the corn belt on the north, centered near the southern tip of Illinois. It is realized that competition with other crops for space and labor limits this crop to the designated area. 42 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions RELATIVE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CAPACITY OF STALKS, LEAF SHEATHS, AND LEAF BLADES IN MAIZE AS MEASURED BY THE CONTRIBUTION EACH MAKES TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GRAIN George H. Dungan University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois From the extreme reduction in grain yield associated with the removal of all blades (1, 2, 3) from maize plants one might conclude that no filling of the grain takes place after defoliation. In order to get data on this question a field trial was made using U. S. Hybrid 13 (WF9 x 38-11) (Hy x L317) in the sum¬ mer of 1941 at Urbana, Illinois. In a block of two-plant hills twenty were selected which contained plants of approximately equal size. On August 15, when the kernels were in the roasting-ear or milk stage, the ear from the north or west plant in each hill was harvested. The ear on the other stalk was allowed to mature before it was harvested. From another group of twenty twin-plant hills both the blade and the sheath were re¬ moved from the north or west stalk. (Fig. 1) The other plant in these hills was uninjured. Ears from both -were left on the stalks until normal time of harvest. From another group of twenty selected hills the north or west plant was treated by removal of the blades only. The neighbor plant in each hill of this group served as an untreated check. Each ear was harvested in mid-Novem¬ ber and tagged separately so that the yield of the treated plants could be com¬ pared with that of the untreated checks in the same hill. The results are pre¬ sented in Table 1. Fig. 1. — Stalks of corn illustrating- both blades and sheaths removed (left) ; blades removed but sheath intact (center) ; and both blades and sheath intact (right). (Drawing by Dr. Carl Mohr). Table 1. — Yields of Cork Plants Treated When the Kernels Were in the Milk Stage by (1) Harvesting Ears, (2) Removing Both Blades and Sheaths, and (3) Removing the Blades Only Compared With Normal Uninjured Plants. Urbana, 1941. Treatment applied when kernels on the ears were in the milk stage Yield per acre Test weight per bushel Weight of 1000 kernels Shelled corn Cobs Harvested ears . . bu. 19.7* 26.8 30.0 81.1 lbs. 690.8* 621.3 630.7 843.2 lbs. 38.7 45.8 47.9 58.9 gms. 88.2 104.0 126.1 295.4 All blades and sheaths removed. _ All blades removed.. ... _ _ None (normal, uninjured plants) _ . * Italicized data were accompanied by odds according to Student’s method high enough to indicate distinct significance as compared with the untreated check. Agriculture — 19J/£ Meeting Yield of shelled corn (Fig. 2) was lowest when the ears were harvested on the day the other plants were defoliated. This yield was about 7 bushels an acre lower than that obtained from plants having both blades and sheaths removed. The source of this greater yield may be in the photosynthesis by the chloroplasts in the green stalk, and in the transloca¬ tion of reserve materials from the stalk and cob after the leaves were removed. The yield of plants carrying leaf sheaths, but no blades, was a little over 3 bushels an acre more than that of plants from which both the sheaths and blades were cut away. This difference represents the photosynthetic activity of the sheaths. Taking off all blades at this stage of ear development lowered the yield 51 bushels an acre compared with plants on which the blades were allowed to remain. The weight of cobs was about 70 pounds an acre greater when the ears were harvested in the milk stage than when all the blades and sheaths were re¬ moved at that stage. This indicates that the cobs of early harvested ears may have contained some grain-forming materials which, because of being removed from the stalk, were not translocated to the kernels. Compared with ears harvested in the milk stage, ears left on stalks which were deprived of both blades and sheaths showed an increase in grain yield of 36 per cent, a decrease in cob weight of 10 per cent, an increase in bushel weight of 18 per cent, and an increase in weight of 1,000 kernels of 18 per cent. Leaving the ears on stalks from which the blades only were removed was associated with an in¬ crease in grain yield of 52 .per cent, a de¬ crease in cob weight of almost 9 per cent, and increase in weight per bushel and weight of 1,000 kernels of 24 and 43 per cent, respectively. Permitting the ears to remain on uninjured stalks until complete maturity increased the yield of shelled corn 312 per cent, the weight of cobs 22 per cent, the bushel weight 52 per cent, and the weight of 1,000 kernels 235 per cent. Thus, the yield of shelled corn was made up of contributions as follows: 36' per cent from the green stalk alone, 17 am jH wjjt 1KH9I hHKct * i IB WBk flD mk m iiik nn i L WSBA. ill Fig, 2. — Representative kernels of maize produced by plants treated when the grain was in the milk stage by (A) harvesting the ears, (B) removing both blades and sheaths, (C) removing the blades, in comparison with (D) normal mature kernels produced on non-defoliated plants. 44 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions per cent from the leaf sheaths alone, and 259 per cent from the leaf blades alone. Considering only the development made after treatment, the bare stalk was re¬ sponsible for 11.5 per cent, the leaf sheaths for 5.5 per cent, and the leaf blades for 83.0 per cent of the increase in yield of shelled corn. LITERATURE CITED 1. Dungan, George H. Losses to the corn crop caused by leaf injury. Plant Phy¬ siology 9:749-766, 1934. 2. Eldredge, J. C. Hail damage to corn. Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 348. pp. 3 OS- 322. 1936. 3. Hume, A. N. and Franzke, Clifford. The effect of certain injuries to leaves of corn plants upon weights of grain produced. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron. 21 :1156-1164, 1929. WAR PRODUCTION AND SOIL CONSERVATION IN ILLINOIS Oren L. Whalin University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois If “food will win the war and write the peace,” as the Secretary of Agriculture has said, Illinois farmers have a very im¬ portant part to play in accomplishing the desired result. Farmers are being asked to increase production, especially of ani¬ mal products — milk, eggs, pork, lard, beef; vegetable oils — soybeans, peanuts, flax; and vegetables. The increases are needed both for domestic consumption and for use of the allies. Not only is Illi¬ nois an important livestock state, but is very important in both corn, the leading feed grain, and in soybean production. Illinois crop acreage has been shifting from more erosion-causing crops to erosion-control or prevention crops since the AAA program came into existence. The accompanying table lists the impor¬ tant Illinois crop acreage for the 1930-32 period, 1941 and intended for 1942. Under the AAA program corn and small grain acreage decreased and hay and ro¬ tation pasture increased, up through 1941. Soybeans increased greatly during this period, partly because of the AAA pro¬ gram and partly as the natural develop¬ ment of this new crop. (See Table 1.) The shift in crop acreage was accom¬ panied by increased yields so that total production was maintained. This acre¬ age shift, accomplished through the emphasis of the AAA, the Soil Conserva¬ tion Service, and the teachings of the Agricultural Extension Service, was ac¬ companied by increased use of limestone, contour farming, terracing and deep rooted legumes. Limestone use averaged 405,000 tons for the state for the period 1930-32, compared with 2,650,000 tons in 1941. Alfalfa hay increased from an average of 253,000 acres for the period 1930-32 to 583,000 acres in 1941. The sweet clover acreage increased from an average of 835,000 acres for 1930-32 to 1,243,000 acres in 1941. Illinois farm ad¬ visers reported that 66,000 acres were contour farmed and 30,000 acres were Table 1. — Acreage of Important Crops in Illinois, 1930-32, 1941, and 1942 Intentions Crop 1930-32 1941 1942 Intentions Corn _ 9,603,000 1,932,000 4,337,000 343,000 810,000 2,554,000 7,645,000 1,776,000 3,584,000 135,000 2,743,000 2,698,000 8,027,000 1,226,000 3,571,000 200,000 3,703,000 2,750,000 Wheat _ - -- - _ _ _ - _ Oats _ _ Barley _ _ Soybeans alone _ _ Tame Hay _ _ Total _ _ _ 19,579,000 18,581,000 19,477,000 Corn and Soybeans _ 10,413,000 6,612,000 10,388,000 5,495,000 11,730,000 4,997,000 Small Grains _ - _ Agriculture — 191$ Meeting terraced in 1941. The use of phosphates increased greatly also. Erosion was def¬ initely being checked, fertility was being improved and crop yields were increasing as a result of the shifts being made in Illinois farming. Under the war production program goals have been set for 1942. Increases were asked for most crops and for all livestock and livestock products. Two important exceptions in 1942 were wheat and oats. The wheat supply was exces¬ sive and soybean increases were being asked for in place of part of the oat acreage. Farmers’ intentions in Illinois for 1942 (Table above) indicate that feed grains and wheat will be held pretty well in line with the goals set for them and the soy¬ bean acreage will exceed the goal. The combined acreage of corn and soybeans planned shows a 13 per cent increase above the 1941 harvested acreage while small grains indicate a 9% decrease due largely to the drastic decrease in wheat acreage. The wheat acreage decrease was partly due to weather conditions. The hay acreage is expected to be slightly larger than in 1941, but the rotation pas¬ ture is likely to decrease in favor of soy¬ beans. Legume seedings are not expected to in¬ crease in 1942 and it is very doubtful if limestone applications can be maintained at the level prevailing during 1940 and 1941. This shift in crop acreage for 1942 will undoubtedly increase production of the crops especially needed, as well as total production and will remove more soil fertility. Less soil conservation and improvement is likely to be practiced. The period of war production will ex¬ tend beyond 1942; in fact the period most often mentioned is five years. Thus pro¬ duction without seriously increasing soil erosion becomes a paramount problem. Both crop and livestock production must be and will be forthcoming. To the ex¬ tent that the livestock is produced on the same farms as the feed that they con¬ sume, the soil conservation problem will be minimized, both because of the rota¬ tions followed and because of minimum loss of fertility where the manure is prop¬ erly handled. The goal of production is the greatest total production over the five year period. To secure this maximum production it will be necessary to use the soil to the utmost, but it will also be necessary to grow enough legumes and to carry on sufficient soil building practices so that the soil will continue to produce approxi¬ mately as much as it has in the past. Conservation is the key to securing maximum production. Conservation is “use without waste.” To obtain this maximum production without serious waste the following suggestions are offered: 1. Farm the level, highly productive land harder rather than plow up the rougher, poorer land that would be sub¬ ject to severe erosion when planted to a cultivated crop. 2. Seed all small grains to a legume. 3. Make sufficient seeding of legumes and grasses each year to assure an ade¬ quate supply of hay and pasture in the following year. 4. Contour clean-tilled and small grain crops on sloping land to increase yields and save soil and water. 5. Apply limestone, phosphate, and other fertilizers, where needed, to the maximum of availability and feasibility. 6. Make special effort to get barnyard manure out on fields where greatest re¬ turn in production will result and refrain from wasteful burning of crop residues. 7. Leave wide grassed waterways in fields being broken out of sod, and estab¬ lish new grass waterways in the natural drainageways in other fields. 8. Use terraces and strip farming where it appears desirable to cultivate land too steep to be handled satisfactorily with just contouring. 9. Plant soybeans on level land as far as possible. Where planted on sloping land, plant on the contour and follow with winter cover crop. 10. Adjust rotations in line with goals, and the physical and fertility character¬ istics of the soil. Through maximum use of the above practices it should be possible to obtain the production being asked for without serious permanent depletion of the soil during the war period. 46 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions USING THE SLOPE MAP AS A BASIS FOB FARM PLANNING Burdette Graham Prairie City , Illinois The almost universal pattern for laying out farms into fields has been that of a number of equal sized fields of rectangu¬ lar or square shape. The fact that the topography of the field many times varied from level to slopes of as much as 15 per cent did not receive much considera¬ tion in planning for fence lines. Fields which were made up of various degrees of slope, usually could not be farmed so as to get a good profit from the soil and at the same time not lose the top soil by erosion. In making a good farm plan one should consider the capacity of the land to produce and still remain in place and maintain or improve in fertility. As a basis for a good farm plan the slope map provides information on field ar¬ rangement and selection of crops, as the greater the slope in length or per cent, or both, the greater the erosion hazard and the more crop protection necessary. The slope of the land gives a good indi¬ cation of the amount of surface soil re¬ maining or the amount that will be re¬ maining if ordinary farm arrangement is continued. The slope map of a farm is made by reading the slope of an area with a level such as the Abney Hand Level and sketching the area on a map of the farm. Usually 5 or 6 classes of slope are used, these being: Level (0 through 1 per cent), Gently rolling (2 through 4 per cent), Rolling (5 through 9 per cent), Rough (10 through 14 per cent) and Hilly (15 per cent or above). Each of the above classes is given a color and all of the like slopes are colored on the map in one color. Field arrangement is then made up to include like areas in the same system or rotation. The field ar¬ rangement can easily be determined by placing an outline map of the farm over the colored map and sketching in field lines. Fences will not always divide a farm into four equal and uniform shape and size fields, but they can be placed so that a series of uniform size fields with uniform topography can be included in one rotation. The level land will stand a rotation with more cultivated crops and less meadow than will the next class in steep¬ ness. Likewise the level land will need less protection from mechanical measures such as terraces, contour farming and grass waterways than will the next class with greater slope. Using Slope Map. — if such mechanical measures are used then a stronger rota¬ tion can be used on the areas with more slope. To illustrate, consider the field of 3% slope which without any protection would need to be served by a rotation such as, Corn, Small Grain, Meadow, Meadow. The same field, if contour farmed could stand to have a rotation with one more year of corn, or perhaps one year less of meadow. The shape of fields can be planned so that the rows of crops can be on the level and not up and down the slope. Many times this can be accomplished by only moving one fence to run at right angles to the old line. In other cases fences may be on a curve or diagonal. In many cases long slopes can be divided by fences or strips of crops so that accumu¬ lation of large volume of water is hindered as much as possible. Areas that are too steep can be ar¬ ranged for pasture while those which are not convenient for pasture or are too steep for grazing can be set aside for tree plantings. Using the slope map as a basis for planning and supplementing it with other points for consideration in plan¬ ning make possible a plan which will make fullest use of the capability of the land and protect it from erosion. With¬ out consideration of the slope of the land much needless waste of the top soil and surface water takes place. Certainly both the surface water and surface soil must be controlled if maximum produc¬ tion is to be secured. That slope map gives a sound basis for planning a farm so as to conserve soil and water. Agriculture — 19J/.2 Meeting 47 EDUCATION FOR OUT OF SCHOOL RURAL YOUTH D. E. Lindstrom University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois Do rural young people who are now out of school get much further education other than the training that comes from experience? To what extent do they drop out of school before finishing high school or college? Do they want to continue their education? If they had the chance for further education, what would they want? These are questions a recent Ran¬ dolph county rural youth study carried on by the Agricultural Experiment Sta¬ tion in cooperation with the U. S. De¬ partment of Agriculture, Division of Farm Population and Rural Welfare and the county farm adviser, the Randolph County Rural Youth Group, and AAA com¬ mitteemen in the county, sought to an¬ swer in January, 1941. The study in¬ cluded: years of school, extent of voca¬ tional education, and additional training desired. The data were secured from 1,040 farm and nonfarm rural youth, age 18 to 30 years. Extended Schooling — The first question naturally asked is, when do these rural youth drop out of school? In Randolph county almost two-thirds of the young men and over one-half of the young women dropped out after finishing the eighth grade. One in five of the young men and one in four of the young women finished high school, but only one in twelve of the young women and less than 2 per cent of the young men went on to college. Why do such a large number of rural youth drop out of school after finishing the eighth grade? There may be several reasons'. Young men feel that they need to get started in farming. Both young men and young women feel that high schools offer them little in the field in which they are interested. The parents of these rural youth may need them at home. They may feel they cannot afford to go on to school, or they may feel that they cannot keep up in dress, manner, or studies with those in high school. Farm young women, especially, may have been led to feel that an eighth grade education was enough for them. Doubtless, many of those who went on to high school wished to do something other than farming. This is especially true of the young women. Most of the rural youth who went on to college went for a period of only two years and ob¬ viously were preparing to become teach¬ ers or to get a business college training. Vocational Training — Opportunities in vocational training are limited in Ran¬ dolph county to agricultural departments in the high schools of Chester and Sparta; home economics is offered in Sparta, Chester, and Red Bud. Of a total of 615 rural young men only one in twelve had taken any vocational training. One in 25 had vocational agriculture and one in 50 had taken a business course. More than nine out of ten young men in the county depended upon experience and training other than in school to fit them for the vocation of farming. One out of six of 427 rural young women took some form of vocational training. About half of these took a busi¬ ness course; less than one in twenty took home economics. Of those going to high school, one in three had some business, home economics, or teacher training. Evidently most of them were looking to¬ ward nonfarm occupations. The majority of the girls who went on to farms had no public school vocational training, yet most of them went into the vocation of home making. Additional Training Desired. — More than half of the out-of-school rural young men in Randolph county wanted addi¬ tional vocational training. Over one- fourth wanted additional training in semi¬ skill vocations, one-sixth in agriculture, and one in twenty in the professions. Only one-third of the out-of-school rural young women wanted additional training; half of these wanted it in home econom¬ ics, about one in twenty wanted clerical training, and about one in twenty wanted professional training. 48 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Though half of the out-of-school rural young men in Randolph county expressed a desire for additional vocational train¬ ing only one in twelve was getting it. If a program of training work develops, it doubtless should include both agriculture and the semi-skilled trades. About half of the young women wanting additional vocational training seem to be getting it. Additional training opportunities should, therefore, include training in home eco¬ nomics and training for clerical and pro¬ fessional work. Expansion in classes and other oppor¬ tunities for additional training for out- of-school rural youth, should evidently come in the fields relating to agriculture, home economics, semi-skilled trades, cler¬ ical occupations and the professions. Ef¬ forts to expand the program should recog¬ nize the need for coordination of exten¬ sion work, vocational agriculture, home economics, and other efforts to offer out- of-school training for rural youth so that the program could be developed on a uni¬ fied basis in the county. This is espe¬ cially desirable in view of the war needs, and the movement of a large number of rural youth out of the country into the army and into war industries. It will be equally valuable when the war is over, and when the rural youth begin to come back into the county to find jobs. A uni¬ fied guidance and training program should, and can, be developed for rural youth in Illinois. It will require coor¬ dinating the effort of all of those who are now working in the field of training of youth for rural life. papers in Anthropology From the Report of the Section Chairman This section carried 6 papers, 2 of which, including one abstract, are here¬ with published, plus one from the Collegiate Section. Titles and authors of the four papers not published are as follows : Barloga, F. L., Peoria, Illinois, Indian trail markers. Griffin, J. W., Daytona Beach, Fla., Tree ring dating in the Middle West. Link, George M., Report on the Archaeology of Fere Marquette State Park. Wray, D. E., Peoria, Illinois, Analysis of archaeological sites. Fifty persons Illinois, chairman attended the meeting and elected Ben Nussbaum, Faiibuiy, for the 1942-43 meeting at Jacksonville. . (Signed) Donald E. Wray, Chairman 50 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions ARCHAEOLOGICAL HORIZONS IN SOUTHERN ILLINOIS John W. Bennett and Moreau Maxwell University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Abstract In the past 5 years excavations by the University of Chicago, in Massac County, the Carbondale State Normal in Jackson County, and of the St. Louis Academy of Science in the St. Louis region, have been centered upon the problem of north-south transitional cultures. This work has shown a number of interlocking culture sequences that has assisted in redefining the significance of the Fulton County se¬ quences, established by Cole and Deuel. The general periods into which this ma¬ terial falls will be discussed briefly: Non- Pottery Period — This horizon is represented by artifacts found in the lowest levels of the sites excavated by Moreau Maxwell for Southern Illinois Normal University. It is also represented at the Kincaid site in Massac County. In these two areas the material is re¬ lated to the shell-mound cultures of the Southeastern United States. Robert Adams, excavating for the St. Louis group, has also found a pre-pottery level, but it is probably unrelated to the others. Early Woodland Period — This period is represented by heavy, grit-tempered, cord- marked or plain pottery at Carbondale and St. Louis. The material occurs in the lowest levels of the sites with cul¬ tures typical of the Middle Woodland period. Artifacts seem to be crude Wood¬ land forms. Middle Woodland Period _ In this horizon a number of different cul¬ tures developed. At Kincaid two South¬ eastern cultures seemed to represent the northwestern end of a culture develop¬ ment in the Tennessee Valley. One of these (Baumer) featured fabric-im¬ pressed, limestone-tempered pottery; the other (Lewis) had clay-grit tempered, cordmarked pottery. At Carbondale a similar sequence occurred, only in this area the Baumer material received an in¬ trusive influence of Illinois Hopewellian from the north. In the St. Louis area some of the Early Woodland cultures con¬ tinued. These various cultures also had semi-permanent log-post houses, elaborate Woodland stone tools, and some bone artifacts. In Fulton County this period was rep¬ resented by Hopewellian and Central Basin. Black Sand and Red Ocher may belong to the preceding period, but also continued into Middle Woodland. Classic Middle Mississippi — All areas received strong overlays of this culture. At Kin¬ caid, the period was represented by a large Mississippi manifestation of a Southeastern type; at St. Louis the “Old Village” type of Cahokia culture flour¬ ished. “Trappist” or “Bean Pot” type of Cahokia material probably began develop¬ ing in this period. Late Middle Missis¬ sippi — Late Woodland Period _ Trappist cultures continued, and spread all over central and southern Illinois. In some areas, as at the Crable Site in Fulton, strong influences from Oneota cultures (Siouian) were noticeable. A Late Wood¬ land culture (Tampico) received Middle Mississippi influence. At Carbondale a local development of Late Woodland (Dil- linger) shows a continuity from the earlier Middle Woodland cultures. General Remarks — The Korando Site, in Jackson County, occupies a special place inasmuch as it is contemporaneous with the Middle Woodland period and probably extends through to Late Wood¬ land times. In this period its clay-tem¬ pered pottery appears in a Trappist cul¬ ture (Plattin) in the St. Louis area. Korando is the northern frontier of a clay-tempered pottery horizon in the cen¬ tral and lower Mississippi Valley. It pro¬ vides a link between the early and late horizons in Illinois. The basically Southeastern cultures are more or less “pure” at Kincaid; at Car* bondale they become mixed with northern facies; at St. Louis the Southeastern sequence can still be recognized, but if. has become heavily modified by indigenous northern cultures. Farther north, in Ful ton County, the typical central Illinois sequences appear. Anthropology — 191$ Meeting 51 THE PEOBLEM OF PRIMITIVE EDUCATION WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE IBO OF NIGERIA* J. B. C. Etuka Okala Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinois Many definitions have been given to the word “education” by deans of psy¬ chology and education. Underlying all these definitions, there is an admission that education is what remains after all the Geometry, Latin, or Biology that has been learned is taken away. In other words, education is the process of orient¬ ing the child to the full utilization of his culture. Whether it has led him up into the fullest, noblest and most fruitful re¬ lationship with the world in which he finds himself, and thus has fitted him for the struggle of life is the significant con¬ sideration for education. We are not, however, concerned with “education” in terms of schools, colleges and universities. Our chief interest in this paper is: How did the native Afri¬ can in general and the Ibo in particular get his education and what kind of edu¬ cation did he get? To answer this query we must first make sure of the psychology behind the primitive form of education. It was an attempt of the adults to guide the future generation into the behavior patterns and value systems into which they themselves had been led. In other words, primitive African education is a legacy handed down from one generation to the next so that the practices and items of knowledge that were current during the great ancestors’ life-time might continue in forms as near as possible to the ancient customs and usages. In strict parallel to the modern theory which states that education starts at birth, the education of the Ibo child starts at birth. In Iboland there is a ceremony immediately after the birth of a child. This ceremony known as Maa- Maa consists of a chant by a group of men, women and children: Child when you grow up be a good man — Maa maa When you are a man have sense, have tact — Maa maa When you are a man tell mother to buy you a hoe — Maa maa Then start to go to farm and work out yams — Maa maa Mother tells you word, hear [<= obey] Father tells you word, hear D= obey] And in modern times such lines as the following have been incorporated: When you grow up ask mother to buy you slate — Maa maa That you may learn book and work out money — Maa maa The native belief is that the foregoing makes an impression on the undeveloped mind of the new-born child. The modern educational psychologist would, however, be relieved of his anxiety on hearing of such a wasted lesson period by reflecting on the fact that the grown-up children who joined in the ceremony were enabled to hear for themselves what took place at their own Maa-maa ceremony. For a long time the child receives no direct instructions as to his behavior. But his presence in the family as a new¬ born child affords the material for the in¬ struction of others. For example, the grown-up girls, who expect to be mothers some day, are given object lessons in the nursing and care of their own babies when they have them. Later, when the child is eight days old, the naming ceremony furnishes the set¬ ting for a historical survey of the family. Every Ibo name has a meaning and the meaning either summarizes the historical background of the child’s family or the circumstances of his birth or the hope of what the child will be. The review of family history included in these rites has an obvious effect on the half-grown chil¬ dren who are present. As we can see, then, the social signifi¬ cance of Ibo names is of considerable im¬ portance in the process of education. Names of outstanding warriors are given to children in order to immortalize the Contribution from the Collegiate Section. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions achievements of great generals and fight¬ ers and also to provide suitable standards for the children to emulate. We say: “Agua onye afa chi ya analu” — If we give a name to a child, his god accepts it. This implies that the child will be expected to have supernatural aid in living up to the standards set by the great man whose name he bears. The child’s whole philosophy of life may be tempered by his knowledge of family feuds and injustices which are re¬ vealed in the names of the other children of the polygymous household to w'hich he belongs. I shall now consider the first step men¬ tioned: Nursing. The Ibo give no solid or nourishing food for the first three days. During this time the baby is given only water. Because the mother’s milk is unfit for the child’s use at this time, treatment is given to make the milk healthy and useable. The child is nursed at 6 a. m., again at 9 a. m. or 10 a. m., and at equal intervals throughout the day and when it cries. A young maiden who may be privileged to study infant nursing observes in minutest detail the whole pro¬ cedure of nursing. She is free to ask questions but is regarded as a “dunce” if she asks questions on points she should have observed herself. After an appren¬ ticeship of about three months the young girl takes over the bathing and care of the child. As soon as the child is able to go about and to play with other children, the mother’s duty is to find out the type of children the child plays with. Sometimes the child is commanded to keep away from a particular boy who may be known to be dishonest or disrespectful to elders. In the ubiquitous mud pie plays, children symbolically express what they have seen the older folks do in ordinary life. Until the child is about eight years old, his credulity is much exploited. It should be explained that, in Iboland, the water supply for drinking and domestic pur¬ poses is stored in earthen pots. These are usually placed in a cool corner of the house. On the cover of the pot in which drinking water has been stored are to be seen as many as three to five cups, all turned upside down. Should the child form a habit of leaving the cups unturned after drinking, the mother orders him to turn over the cup. Otherwise, he is told, he will expose himself to the ghost who drinks from any cup that is left un¬ turned. The child obeys, not knowing that the real purpose is to prevent dirt or ants from falling into the cup and ultimately into the pot. Proper meal-time manners are strictly inculcated. Washing of hands before meals is compulsory. The rule is: Wash your hands and eat, or do not wash your hands and do not eat. The child is told that if he sits down for a meal and leans to one side with one hand on the floor, the earth will eat all the food through the hand on which he leans and he will re¬ main hungry. He is also told that if he hurries over his meal he will be caught by a ghost in the latrine. The above methods do succeed in inculcating correct hygienic practices. As for personal hygiene, the child is helped to wash or bathe himself. This assistance is only meant to help the child to know to what parts of his body he should devote more time. A schedule of two baths a day is a pleasure to the child. The underlying reason is apparent when we take into consideration the climate of his homeland. From about the age of nine no child expects an elder to help him keep his body clean. In addition to the foregoing methods of education the child depends on his per¬ sonal observations. From the age of about nine, the male child accompanies his father to the farm, while the girl accompanies her mother to the market. The girl from this time on acquaints her¬ self with domestic duties and the boy learns farm-craft by observing what others do on his father’s farm. On the farm the boy’s father teaches him the rudiments of agriculture. In the market the girl is taught the intricacies of buying and selling. The child notices that her mother at the out¬ set of any bargain will quote a price al¬ most double what she has paid for her commodity she is about to sell to a cus¬ tomer. The customer in turn offers a price just a little below the cost price. The seller herself then makes a little re¬ duction from her first price. The cus¬ tomer is thus tempted to offer a new price, this time well above the cost price. Further inducements are tried in an at¬ tempt to persuade the customer to offer more, and sometimes these are effective. After the encounter has ended the girl will probably fire a barrage of questions Anthropology— concerning problems in trade. These questions are carefully answered and gradually the girl is allowed to attempt independent ventures. In addition to individual training given by parents, training in folklore and good citizenship is given by the different secret societies and age group organizations. Most of the boys clubs are organized on a basis similar to the Boy Scout organiza¬ tion. The “Mbekwe” club, for example, meets at regular intervals to enjoy com¬ munal meals and to limelight each mem¬ ber’s activities. This club prepares the boys for more advanced secret societies. “Respect of womanhood” is the motto of the club. One culture trait that has contributed much to Ibo education is the lavish use of folk-literature—- tales, proverbs, and riddles. Proverbs are used not only to point morals for young and old alike, but as signals or warnings against proposed actions. Children of about five to eight years of age who have been learning how to count by naming the constellations in rhymes and jingles will also be plied with brain teasers — riddles — before an old man tells a folk-tale to wind up an evening. Most of the tales are ornamented with folk-songs and dance-songs. At the end of the tale a free discussion generally fol¬ lows on what each hearer could have done if he had been placed in some of the situations encountered by the hero of the tale. I have defined education as that process which operates to bring the individual to ■191$ Meeting 56 the fullest, noblest and most fruitful re¬ lationship with the world in which he lives. In modern American culture eco¬ nomic and social specialization and com¬ plexity have necessitated an educational system which is equally specialized and complex. In order to implement this kind of educational system, unusually elaborate institutions have developed. Be¬ cause of pre-occupation with these spe¬ cialized educational institutions, Euro¬ pean and American educators have been forced to ignore or de-emphasize certain underlying educational processes which go on in all cultures, primitive or non¬ primitive. Ibo culture, which incidentally is far from the stereotype of so-called primitive simplicity, has felt no need until recently for the erection of an educational super¬ structure of grammar-schools, high-schools and colleges on the European pattern. These became necessary only when the Ibo found that he had to compete with the European on the European’s own terms. As I have indicated in this paper Ibo education has been focused primarily on the fundamental problem of orienting the child in his culture. In the main the Ibo (and to a certain extent the “primitive”) system of educa¬ tion emphasizes just those phases of child-rearing which are left in Western culture to more or less haphazard condi¬ tioning by parents and playmates. It is, despite this difference in emphasis, none the less an efficiently functioning system of education. 54 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions ADDITIONAL CLEAR LAKE VILLAGE MATERIAL E. SCHOENBECK Peoria Academy of Science, Peoria, Illinois Clear Lake village, in Tazewell and Mason counties, originally excavated and described by Drs. Faye-Cooper Cole and Thorne Deuel,1 has yielded through the later excavations of G. and E. Schoen- beck and A. Simpson, members of the • Peoria Academy of Science, a wealth of material and considerable data which contributes to a better understanding of both this site and the inclusive Hopewell in this area. Excavations of the year May 1941-May 1942 have greatly increased amounts of objects and widened the range. The rela¬ tive position and abundance of the Hope- wellian and the Maples Mills representa¬ tions continue with the Hopewellian, the lower and the richer. A meager Missis- sippian representation occurs in higher depth. Objects of interest are a skull of Bison bison;2 3 pipes (none platform) ; a copper pin; a clamshell carved to show a face in profile; new pottery types and type variations; additional shell hoes associated with Hopewellian material ; and a cache of three 12 to 17#, shaped, grooved, stone artifacts which are per¬ haps anchors, but suggested as possibly mullers used with a sweep. The highly developed pottery complex grows increasingly richer. Pottery totals are now: rims, 2,000; vessel portions suf¬ ficient for projection, 48; Woodland and Hopewellian shapes, 13, and Mississippian, 3. A ceramic analysis by Dr. James B. Griffin, Curator, Ceramic Repository, Uni¬ versity of Michigan, lists: Woodland _ Gooden Cord Impressed, Woodland Plain, Woodland Cordmarked, Sister Creeks Punctated, Various simple incised sherds, Black Sands Incised, Cord-Wrapped stick stamp, Naples Stamped, Havana Zoned Stamped or Incised, Hopewell Zoned Stamp, Hopewell Zoned Incised, Hopewell Rim Incised, Fabric Impressed, Check Stamp (the first record in Illinois). Foreign — l. typical of Missouri Wood¬ land; 2. suggesting importation from Florida coast area. Mississippi — St. Clair Plain. In much of the Cord Impressed ware is used a black angular tempering of basal¬ tic hornblende,3 possibly analogous to that described for Lake Michigan ware at Aztalan,4 and to that of Adena ware. Added shapes in Lake Michigan phase ware are a cord-decorated sloping-necked jar and a collared olla. Fig. 1. — Bison skull, jaw, scapula and other bone excavated at Clear Lake village, by E. Schoenbeck. Nov. 11, 1941. Jaw and other bone are behind skull ; beaver skull to one side. Scapula had lain on top of skull, between horns. 55 Anthropology — 191+2 Meeting The Bison skull, thought to be the first reported from archaeological sites east of the Mississippi river, lay in upper depth in discolored sand, in association with a Maples Mills sherd, a beaver skull, other bones of bison, deer and turtle. Horn cores appear as rotten particles held to¬ gether by sand. Other bone items are a 10-inch, grooved awl; a fishhook; skulls of infant and various animals; and un¬ identified artifacts. Clamshell objects in¬ clude a cache of 7 spoons, a cache of 7 shells showing use as diggers, and shells with perforations and cutouts. Stone items are a reel-shaped gorget, a symmetrical concretion polished by handling; a discoidal from upper depth; and 2 stone pipes, one stemmed, one stem¬ less, both associated with Hopewellian material, suggesting existence in some areas of various types for casual use. The third pipe is an incised clay elbow. 'Rediscovering Illinois, University^ of Chicago Publication, 1937. . f Bureau 'JnlV»eMentificiilonaby' Dr. F. R. Matson, University of Michigan < An?Snt A °talal, p. 303, Bulletin, Public Museum, Milwaukee, 1933. ' * PAPERS IN BOTANY From the Report of the Section Chairman The Botany program at Urbana carried 18 papers, 15 of which are herewith published. The others were : Jensen, Jens, Ellison Bay, Wisconsin, Plant sanctuaria. O’Hanlon, Sister Mary Ellen, Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois, Leaves in ontogeny and phytogeny. Vestal, A. G., University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Island groves in Illi¬ nois prairies. In addition to these, one of the papers submitted from the Collegiate Section was accepted for publication, and is herewith published. Seventy-five attended the meeting and K. Richard Johnson, National Col¬ lege of Education, Evanston, Illinois, was elected chairman for the Jacksonville meeting May 7-8, 1943. (Signed) J. Fisher Stanfield, Chairman L57J 58 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions NOTES ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOME RARELY REPORTED SPECIES OF OEDOGONIUM M. E. Britton Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Studies of Illinois waters by several in¬ vestigators have resulted in reports of between seven and eight hundred species of algae. Of these the single genus Oedogonium is represented by seventy- nine species, varieties, and forms (Tif¬ fany 1937, 1939) or roughly twenty-eight per cent of the two hundred and eighty- three species reported in the literature as occurring in North America. In the course of recent studies of Illi¬ nois and Indiana algae, the writer has collected seven additional records of species of Oedogonium, which by their rarity of occurrence merit mention at this time. Two of these were orginally de¬ scribed from North American material and have not been reported from locali¬ ties other than that of the type. The five remaining species were described from type localities in Africa, Estonia, Ger¬ many and Sweden, and only two have been previously recorded for North Amer¬ ica. The species to be reported are as follows: Oedogonium acmandrium var. st'ictosper- mum Skuja, Acta Horti Univ. Latv. 4: 30(1930); Tiffany, N. Am. FI. 11(1): 84(1937). Collected from a small swamp and in¬ termittent pond on Central Road about two miles west of Glenview, Cook County, Illinois, May 12, 1938. Author’s Herb. #56. Previously known only from the type station on the island of Saaremaa (Ezel), Estonia. Oedogonium concatenatum var, superorna- tum Tiffany, N. Am. FI. 11(1): 64 (1937). Collected from small swamps, ponds and intermittent streams on Glenview Road about two miles west of Glenview, on Lake Avenue just east of Pfingsten Road, on Landwehr Road one-half mile north of Lake Avenue, and on Pfingsten Road about one mile north of Lake Avenue, Glenview, Cook County, Illinois, May 12, 1938; on Techny Road just east and west of Landwehr Road southwest of Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois, May 12, 1938; small pond just east of Tele¬ graph Road about one mile south of Everett, Lake County, Illinois, May 15, 1938. Author’s Herb. #58-60, 62-64, 71. Previously known only from the type station at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Oedogonium Croasdaleae Jao, Rhodora 36: 202(1934); Tiffany, N. Am. FI. 11(1): 69. PI. 26. f. 416-419(1937). Collected from small swamps and in¬ termittent ponds on Central Road about two miles west of Glenview, Cook County, Illinois, May 12, 1938; swamp north of Rolling Prairie, La Porte County, and a small pond north of Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana, April 30, 1938. Author’s Herb. #31, 37, 53, 56. Previously known only from the type station at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Oedogonium decipiens var. africanum Tif¬ fany, Ohio Jour. Sci. 29: 74(1929); Oedog. Monog. p. 145. PI. 55. f. 523- 524(1930). Collected in swamp and intermittent pond in Somme Forest Preserve, North¬ brook, Cook County, Illinois, May 15, 1938. Author’s Herb. #66. Previously known only from the type station in Angola, Africa, and from In¬ diana. Oedogonium fragile var. a byssinicum Hirn, Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicae 27: 97(1900»); Tiffany, Oedog. Monog. p. 75. PI. 15. f. 147(1930). Collected in swamps and intermittent ponds on Techny Road just east of Land¬ wehr Road, Northbrook, and on Land¬ wehr Road about one-half mile north of Lake Avenue, Glenview, Cook County, Illi¬ nois, May 12, 1938; swamp and intermit¬ tent pond in Somme Forest Preserve, Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois, May 15, 1938; swamp north of Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana, April 30, 1938. Author’s Herb. #36, 60, 62, 66. Previously known only from the type station in Africa. Botany — 191^2 Meeting 59 Oedogonium Kirchneri Wittrock, Hed- wigia 21: 104(1882); Tiffany, Oedog. Monog. p. 116. PI. 38. f. 371(1930). Collected in a small pond on Techny Road just west of Landwehr Road and in a swamp and intermittent pond in the Somme Forest Preserve, Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois, May 12 and 15, 1938. Author’s Herb. #63, 66. Previously known only from the type station in Germany. Oedogonium nodulosum Wittrock, Bih. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 11: 22(1872); Tiffany, N. Am. FI. 11(1): 74. PI. 23. f. 370-371(1937). Collected in a swamp north of Rolling Prairie, La Porte County, Indiana, April 30, 1938. Author’s Herb. #32. Previously known only from the type station in Sweden and from Michigan. BIBLIOGRAPHY Tiffany, L. H. 1930. The Oedogoniaceae ; a monograph including all the known species of the genera Bulbochaete, Oedocladium, and Oedogonium. Pp. 1-188. PI. 1-64. Columbus, Ohio. - . 1937. Oedogoniales. North Amer¬ ican Flora. 11(1): 1-102. PI. 1-36. - . 1939. The Oedogoniales of Illi¬ nois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. 32(2): 90. A PENICILLIUM “DISEASE” OF INK Robert A. Conover and Neie E. Stevens University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The damaged soap wrappers on which the present study is based were sent to us by Mr. R. H. Griffith of the In-Tag Company who has given us permission to publish our findings. The blemishes consisted of pale red¬ dish-brown spots which had developed in storage on the blue portions of the wrap¬ pers of a well known white soap. The spots were regular in outline, of varying size, and occurred only on the blue por¬ tion of the wrappers. The reddish areas did not extend through the thickness of the paper but were restricted to the fibers covered by the ink. Cultures from the discolored fibers resulted uniformily in the isolation of a species of Penicillium not yet positively identified. The fungus was cultured on a wide variety of media on all of which growth was very slow. At the end of one month at room temperatures, colonies never ex¬ ceeded an inch and were usually one-half inch in diameter. Samples of the dye, ultra-marine blue, and ink used in printing the wrappers were supplied by Mr. Griffith. The dye dispersed in the various media was de¬ colorized by the growth of the fungus. This is in all probability due to the change in the pH of the medium result¬ ing from the growth of the fungus. The dye is sensitive to acids and loses its blue color as the pH is lowered. The fungus was cultured in a liquid medium which contained KH2PC>4 0.3g., MgS04 o.25g., KNOs 2.0g., dextrose 30.0g., and water to make a liter and determinations of the pH were made at various intervals. At the end of two weeks the pH was lowered from 5 to 3.8 and further lowered to 3.2 after four weeks growth. The ink, smeared over the surface of agar and on strips of filter paper laid over the agar, was changed to a pale red¬ dish-brown color closely matching that on the wrappers when the fungus was cul¬ tured beside it. Other fungi present as contaminants in some cultures failed to cause the color change. Attempts to pro¬ duce the reddish color found on the wrap¬ pers on plain filter paper were unsuccess¬ ful. That the reaction involved in caus¬ ing the reddish spots may be more complex than an acid-base reaction is in¬ dicated by the fact that the fungus when grown in contact with the dye alone will not produce the reddish color. Some con¬ stituent of the ink other than the dye apparently must be present in order to obtain the color found on the affected soap wrappers. 60 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions TREES AND SHRUBS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, ILLINOIS Albert W. Feldman University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The terms trees and shrubs as used here include those plants that are all or part woody. Size is the usual means of distinguishing a tree from a shrub; the line of demarcation is, however, arbitrary and often difficult to follow. In the fol¬ lowing list there are 130 native and naturalized species of woody piants; of these 64 are trees, 51 shrubs and woody climbers, 2 suffrutescent, and 13 classified as either trees or shrubs. * The sequence of families, and the nomenclature, are those of Rehder’s “Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs,” (ed. 2) 1940. Most of the common names have been adapted from Deam’s “Flora Pmaceae Juniperus virginiana L. Red cedar (S or T) Salicaceae Populus alba L. White poplar (T) P. canescens (Ait.) Sm. Gray poplar (T) P. deltoides Marsh. Cottonwood (T) P. grandidentata Michx. Largetooth as¬ pen (T) Salix alba L. European white willow (T) S. cordata Muhl. Hearthleaf willow (S) S. fragilis L. Brittle willow (T) S. interior Rowlee. Longleaf willow (S) S. nigra Marsh. Black willow (T) S. pentandra L. Bayleaf willow (T) S. prinoides Pursh. (S) S. vitellina L. Golden willow (T) Juglcmdaceae Juglans nigra L. Black walnut (T) Cary a cordiformis (Wang.) K.Kock Bitternut hickory (T) C. glabra (Mill.) Sweet Pignut hickory (T) C. laciniosa (Michx.f. ) Loud. Bigleaf shagbark hickory (T) C. ovalis (Wang.) Sarg. Small fruited hickory (T) C. ovata (Mill. ) K.Koch Shagbark hickory (T) Betulaceae Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Blue beech (T) Corylus americana Walt. American hazelnut (S) Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K.Koch Hop hornbeam (T) Fagaceae Quercus alba L. White oak (T) Q. bicolor Willd. Swamp white oak (T) Q. coccinea Muench. Scarlet oak (T) Q. imbricaria Michx. Shingle oak (T) Q. macrocarpa Michx. Bur oak (T) Q. maxima (Marsh.) Ashe Red oak (T) Q. muhlenbergii Engelm. Chinquapin oak (T) Q. palustris Muench. Pin oak (T) of Indiana.” The selection of a vernacu¬ lar name from the multitude of those in use is quite difficult, especially since the same name is often applied to several totally different plants. All specimens upon which this study is based are in the Herbarium of the University of Illi¬ nois. The name of each species is fol¬ lowed by a letter or combination of let¬ ters to indicate its habit of growth as, Shrub (S), Tree (T), Vine (V), and Suf¬ frutescent (Su). I should like to express my apprecia¬ tion to Dr. G. N. Jones for his assistance and criticism of this work. XQ. runcinata Engelm. (Q. imbricaria X maxima) (T) Q. velutina Lam. Black oak (T) Ulmaceae C'eltis occidentalis L. Hackberry (T) Ulmus americana L. American elm (T) U. fulva Michx. Slippery elm (T) Moraceae Morus alba L. White mulberry (T) M. rubra L. Red mulberry (T) M a c 1 u r a pomifera (Raf.) Schneider Osage orange (T) R anvmculace ae Clematis pitcheri T. & G. Pitcher leather flower (V) C. virginiana L. Virgins bower (V) M enis\p ermaceae Menispermum canadense L. Common moonseed (V) Anonaceae Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal. Pawpaw (T) Lauraceae Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees. Sassa¬ fras (T) Lindera benzoin (L.) Bl. Spicebush (S) Grossulariaceae Ribes americana Mill. American black current (S) R. missouriensis Nutt. Missouri goose¬ berry (S) Platcmaceae Platanus occidentalis L. American planetree (T) Rosaceae Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. Downy shadblow (T) Crataegus crus-galli L. Cockspur thorn (S. or T) C. macracantha Lodd. (S or T) C. mollis (T. & G.) Scheele (T) C. pedicellata Sarg. (T) C. pruinosa (Wendl.) K.Koch (S or T) Malus angustifolia (Ait.) Michx. (S or T) M. coronaria (L. ) Mill. Wild sweet crab (T) Botany — 19 Meeting 61 M. ioensis (Wood) Britt. Prairie crab (T) Prunus americana Marsh. American plum (T) P. angustifolia Marsh. Chickasaw plum (S or T) P. hortulana Bailey Hortulan plum (T) P. serotina Ehrh. Black cherry (T) P. virginiana L. Common chokecherry (S or T) Rosa Carolina L. Pasture rose (S) R. rubiginosa L. (S) R. setigera Michx. Prairie rose (S) R. suffulta Greene (S) Rubus allegheniensis Porter. Allegheny blackberry (S) , , , , R. argutus Link Highbush blackberry ( S) R.- flagellaris Willd. Northern dewberry ( S) R. occidental is L. Common blackcap raspberry (S) . Spiraea alba DuRoi Meadow spirea (S) Legumi/nosae Amorpha canescens Nutt. Lead plant A. fruticosa L. Indigobush (S) Cercis canadensis L. Redbud (T) Gleditsia triacanthos L. Honey locust (T) Gymnocladus dioica (L.) K.Koch Ken¬ tucky coffeetree (T) Robinia pseudo-acacia L. Black locust (T) Svmarubaceae ,, v „ . Ailanthus a 1 1 i s s i m a (Mill. ) Swingle Ailanthus (T) Rutaceae _ _ ., Zanthoxylum amencanum Mill. North¬ ern prickly ash (T) Ptelea trifoliata L. Common hoptree (T) Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica Ait. Fragrant sumac ( g) R. glabra L. Smooth sumac (S) R. radicans L. Poison ivy (V) Celastraceae Evonymus atropurpureus Jacq. Wahoo (S or T) E. obovata Nutt. Running evonymus ( g ) Celastrus scandens L. American bitter¬ sweet (V) Staphyleaceae Staphylea trifolia L. American blad- demut (S) Aceraceae Acer negundo L. Box elder (T) A. nigrum Michx. f. Black maple (T) A. rub rum L. Red maple (T) A. saccharinum L. Silver maple (T) A. saccharum Marsh. Sugar maple (T) Sapindaceae Aesculus glabra Willd. Ohio buckeye (T) Rhamnaceae Ceanothus americanus L. New Jersey tea ( S ) Rhamnus frangula L. Glossy buckthorn (S or T) , „ , , R. lanceolata Pursh. Lanceleaf buck¬ thorn (S) T^itCK/6 CIB Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L. ) Planch. Virginia creeper (V) P. vitacea (Knerr) Hitchc. (V) Vitis aestivalis Michx. Summer grape (V) . x V. cinerea Engelm. Sweet winter grape (V) V. labrusca L. Fox grape (V) V. palmata Vahl. Catbird grape (V) V. riparia Michx. Riverbank grape (V) V. vulpina L. Frost grape (V) Tiliaceae . , Tilia americana L. American linden (T) Hypericaceae Hypericum sphaerocarpum Michx. (Su) Thymeleaceae Dirca palustris L. Leatherwood (S) Gornaceae Cornus alternifolia L.f. Pogoda dog¬ wood (S or T) C. amomum Mill. Silky dogwood (S) C. asperifolia Michx. Roughleaf dog¬ wood (S) , C. florida L. Flowering dogwood (S or T) C. obliqua Raf. Pale dogwood (S) C. racemosa Lam. Gray dogwood (S) C. stolonifera Michx. Red osier dog- Nyssa^sylvatica Marsh. Black gum (T) Ebenaceae „ Diospyros virginiana L. Common per¬ simmon (T) Oleaceae Fraxinus americana L. White asn ( i ) F. lanceolata Borkh. Green ash (T) F. pennsylvanica Marsh. Red Ash (l) F. quadrangulata Michx. Blue ash (T) Bignoniaceae Campsis radicans (L.) Seemann Trum¬ pet creeper (V) Rubiaceae .... T ~ _ _ Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Common buttonbush (S or T) Gaprifoliaeceae Lonicera sempervirens L. Trumpet honeysuckle (V) L. prolifera (Kirchner) Rehder Grape honeysuckle (V) _ . Sambucus canadensis L. Elderberry (b) Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench. Coralberry (S) , Viburnum dentatum L. Arrow wood (S) V. lentago L. Nannyberry (S or T) V. prunifolium L. Blackhaw ( S or T ) V. trilobum Marsh. Cranberry bush (S) Liliaceae , , Smilax hispida Muhl. Hispid greenbner (V) REFERENCES Deam, C. C., Flora of Indiana. Dept-, of Conservation, Division of Forestry, Indian¬ apolis, Indiana. 1940. Jones, G. N„ Catalogue of Vascular Plants of Illinois. (Unpublished.) T . . # _ and S. F. Glassman, Check List of Vascular Plants of Champaign, Vermilion, and Piatt Counties. (Unpublished.) Rehder, A., Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, (ed. 2) Macmillan Co. 1940. 62 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions A KEY TO THE ILLINOIS SPECIES OF SOLIDAGO Dorothy M. Croker University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The object of this study is a taxonomic analysis of the Goldenrods of Illinois. The study was made on specimens from the herbarium of the University of Illi¬ nois. The nomenclature of the species was brought up to date and standardized ac¬ cording to Deam’s Flora of Indiana, Friesner’s The Genus Solidago , Rydberg’s Flora of the Prairies and Plains of Cen¬ tral North America, and Mackenzie’s treatment of Solidago in Small, Manual of the Southeastern Flora. I should like to express my apprecia¬ tion to Dr. G. N. Jones for his guidance and encouragement. I have followed the plan of separating this group of plants into three generic units each possessing distinguishing mor¬ phological characteristics as follows: Euthamia I. Heads sessile ; leaves punctate . I. Heads distinctly pedicellate ; leaves not punctate. A. Heads in a dense compound corymbiform cyme ; bracts obtuse, longitudinally striate ; achenes glabrous . A. Heads in a panicle or axillary racemes ; bracts acute or obtuse, not striate ; achenes glabrous or pubescent . Oligoneuron , . . .Solidago Solidago L. Goldenrod I. Stem glabrous up to the inflorescence. A. Inflorescence completely glabrous. a. Leaves elliptical-lanceolate with one principal vein . S. juncea Ait. a. Leaves linear-lanceolate, distinctly triple-veined . S. glaberrima Martens A. Inflorescence more or less pubescent or puberulent. a. Heads in axillary racemes. b. Stem angular ; ultimate branches of inflorescence pubescent ; leaves oval with sharply serrate margins . S. latifolia L. b. Stem terete ; pedicels pubescent ; leaves lanceolate with unevenly dentate and hispidulous margins . S. caesia L. a. Heads in a terminal panicle or raceme. b. Stem strongly angled . S. patula Muhl. b. Stem terete or nearly so. c. Leaves with one principal vein ; bracts obtuse or acute ; achenes pubescent or glabrous, d. Leaves glabrous except the margins ; achenes glabrous ; bracts obtuse. e. Heads secund . S. uniligulata T. & G. e. Heads not secund. f. Lower leaves oval or ovate-lanceolate, serrate : plants of rich woods . S. speciosa Nutt. f. Lower leaves lanceolate. g. Lower leaves sometimes crenate otherwise entire ; plants of dry woods and prairie . S. rigiduscula T. & G. g. Lower leaves serrate or serrulate, oblong-lanceolate ; plants of swamp or bogs . S. uliginosa Nutt. d. Leaves ciliate on margins, and veins beneath ; achenes pubescent; bracts acute . S. ulmifolia Muhl. c. Leaves triple-veined, i.e., one pair of lateral veins more prominent than the others ; heads secund. d. Leaves more or less puberulent or pubescent at least along the veins beneath. e. Involucre 2-2.8 (-3) mm. high . S. canadensis L. e. Involucre 3-4.3 mm. high . S. gigantea Ait. d. Leaves completely glabrous, except the I. Stem pubescent or puberulent throughout (rarely glabrous below). A. Heads not secund; rays white or yellow. a. Rays white; involucre 3-5 mm. high; achenes glabrous . S. bicolor L. a. Rays yellow ; involucre 4. 5-5. 5 mm. high ; achenes glabrous or slightly pubescent . S. hispida Muhl. A. Heads secund ; rays always yellow, a. Leaves with one principal vein. b. Blades elliptical ; bracts acute . S. rugosa Mill. b. Blades oblanceolate ; bracts obtuse. c. Plants with a green appearance . S. radula Nutt, c. Plants with a whitish or grayish appearance . S. nemoralis Ait. Botany — 191$ Meeting 63 Leaves triple-veined. _ , o rnHnia Nutt b Blades oblanceolate ; bracts obtuse . . ■ . raauia l^uit. b Blades lanceolate or elliptical ; bracts obtuse or acute. c. Leaves lanceolate ; bracts acute. canadensis L d. Involucre 2-2.8 (-3) mm. high . s- < altissima L c Leaves elliptical ; bracts obtuse . S. Drummondn T. & G. Euthamia Nutt. Bushy Goldenrod iteS ffiSsssi ss/i/yyi//its 3‘ Tub?fci?s ,usually occasionally oniy 1, or rarely absent. 4. Pedicels curved or flexuous, usually not more than twice the length of the valves ; leaves dark green. 5. Pedicels with a tumid joint, tubercles less than iy2 times as long as broad ; lateral veins of the leaf -blades forming acute angles with the midvein. 6. Valves 3-4 mm. long; leaves flat, linear to lanceolate, tapering toward the base . 4. R. tria/ngulivalvis 6. Valves usually much larger ; leaves more or less crisped. 7. Leaves rather narrow, strongly crisped, gradually narrowed towards the base ; valves 4-5 mm. long, tubercle usually 3 . 5. R. crispus 7. Leaves broader, often broadest below the middle, suddenly narrowed towards the base, truncate or cordate, less crisped ; valves larger, tubercles absent or 1, smaller in proportion to the size of the valves. . . 6. R. patientia 5. Pedicels without a joint or only obscurely jointed ; tubercles longer than broad, lateral veins of the leaf blades forming almost a right angle with the mid-vein . 7. R. britannica 4. Pedicels deflexed, not flexuius, 2-3 times the length of the valves ; leaves flat, pale green . 8. R. verticillatus 2. Valves with spinulose teeth. 3. Lower leaves broad, cordate at base, the upper narrower, lanceolate ; valves 5-6 mm. long, usually only 1 tubercle bearing ; pedicels slender, 2 % times the length of the valves; perennial . 9. R. obtusifolms 3. All leaves linear-lanceolate, more or less truncate at the base ; valves usually 2 mm. long, slightly broader1 than the tubercles, the teeth long fine and bristle-like, all bearing tubercles ; pedicels seldom more than twice the length of the valve; annual . 10. R. fueginus List of Species 1. R. acetosella L. (Sheep sorrel) Pig. 1. Fields and waste grounds; nat. from Eur. and Eurasia; May- July ; Roadside, Glenwood (O. E. Lansing, Jr. 1405). Sandy roadside, Waukegan (F. C. Gates 3063). I. C. Track, Havana (F. C. Gates 3606). Meadow, U. of I., Urbana (30849). Sand ridge, S. of oakwoods, Chicago (Agnes Chase 1350). Champaign Co. (17739). Sand, Hyde Pk., Chicago (Agnes Chase 1366). Sandy prairie, Ravenswood, Chicago (Agnes Chase). In sand, Chicago (A. Chase 1350, 1366). Botany — 191+2 Meeting 65 2. R. hastatulus Baldw. apud Elliott. Fig. 2. Sandy soil ; May-July. (R. hastulatus Baldw. apud Elliott), (R. englemannii Meisn.), (R. orbiculatus A. Gray), (R. hastatulus Muhl.). Sandy barrens, East Alton, Madison Co. (F. E. McDonald FM). Dry hill by French Village (H. Eggert FM). Dry sandy soil. East Alton Madison Co. (F. E. Mc¬ Donald FM). 17th and Jackson aves., North Chicago (O. C. Durham FM). Sandy bar¬ rens, near East Alton (F. E. McDonald). 3. R. altissimus Wood (Pale dock; Peach leaved dock). Fig. 3. Alluvial soil; June. (R. britannica L. ) . Barnyard near Wady Petra (Virginius H. Chase 1530). Vermillion Co. (Seymour and Butts 1438). Olney (Robert Ridgeway 1003). Along I and M canal near Western Ave. (W. S. Moffatt 384). Wet meadows, Rose Hill (L. N. John¬ son 14188). Olney (Robt. Ridgway 1004). Margin of Desplaines River, Riverside (O. E. Lansing, Jr. 1414). Bank of Desplaines River (Moffatt 1706). Greathouse Creephi Bridge, Mount Carmel (J. Schneck). Alluvial soil, banks of Thorn Creek, Thornton (O. E. Lansing, Jr. 1357). 4. R. triamgulivalvis (Danser) Rech. f. Sandy soil; June. (R. triangulivalvis Rech. f.), (R. salicifolius Weinm. subsp. triangulivalvis Danser), (R. mexicanus sensu Fernald, non Meisn.). Common along Great Western Railway, Forest Park (Frank R. Filck 13 FM). 5. R. crispus L. (Curley dock or yellow dock) Fig. 4. Fields and waste grounds; nat. from Eur. ; May- June. (R. elongatus Guss. in part). Waste grounds, Peoria (E. F. McDonald). Streets, Wheaton (W. S. Moffatt). Waste ground near Wady Petra (Vir- ginous H. Chase). Streets and waste grounds, DuPage Co. (W. S. Moffatt 644). In Carex assoc, at foot of bluff, Waukegan (Frank C. Gates 3095). Lake Matanzas, Mason Co. (F. C. Gates 3722). Hocheiger’s farm (J. Schneck). Wet grounds, Engle¬ wood (E. J. Hill), Athens (E. Hall FM). Bowmanville, Chicago (F. C. Gates 769). 6. R. patientia L. (Patience dock) Fig. 5. Rich open soil; nat. from Eurasia; May-June. Cold swamps, Spring Mills, Woodford Co. (F. E. McDonald). Dry roadside, N. W. of Wady Petra (V. H. Chase 70). Spontaneous from gardens, Augusta (S. B. Mead FM). 7. R. britannica, L. (Great water dock) Fig. 6. Wet ground, Aug.-Sept. (R. orbicularis Gray), (R. britannicus aquaticus Pursh.), (R. acutus Hook.), (R. sanguineus Hook.), Slough, Algonquin (Wm. A. Nason). Wet ground, Hegenisch (E. J. Hill 92). Wet soil, Skokie Marsh, w. of Ravinia (Earl E. Sherff FM). Fountaindale (Herb. M. S. Bebb FM), Ringwood (Dr. Geo. Vasey FM). Peoria Co. (Dr. J. T. Stewart FM). 8. R. verticillatus L. (Swamp dock) Fig. 7. Wet ground; June-July. Back water swamp of Spoon River near Wady Petra (Virginius H. Chase 618). Ditch, W. of Wheaton (W. S. Moffatt 643). Shallow water, W. of Lombard (Moffatt). “Greenswale,” DuPage Co. (Moffatt). Bernadotte, Fulton Co. (H. S. Pepoon). Muddy bank of Desplaines River, Riverside (Moffatt). Stagnant stream, Bowmanville, Chicago (Agnes Chase). Cypress Pond, Mt. Carmel (J. Schneck). 9. R. obtusifolius L. (Bitter dock or bluntleaf dock) Fig. 8. Fields and roadsides; nat. from Eur.; July- Aug. (R. crispatulus Michx.), (R. sanguineus L.), Waste places, Peoria (E. W. McDonald). Wet ground, Anna (A. B. Seymour 3136%), Chicago (17748). In road in front of my home (J. Schneck). My barn yard, Mt. Carmel (J. Schneck), Shady waste places, near Waldron (E. J. Hill 186). Waste places, Peoria (F. E. Mc¬ Donald). Carbondale (A. B. Seymour 31361). Moist soil, Union Co. (Geo. D. Fuller and Ralph Fisher 180 FM). Jackson Co. (G. H. French FM). 10. R. fueginus Philippi Fig. 9. Swamps, humid sand and shady places. (R. maritimus Meisn. apud), (R. maritimus L. var. fueginus Dusen.), (R. persicarioides Pursh. in part), Woodstock (Geo. Vasey). Woodstock (Frederick Brendel). Mascoutah (W. Welsch). Ringwood (Dr. Vasey FM). Cahokia (H. Eggert FM). 66 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE NITROGEN CONTENT OF OAT CHLOROPLASTS Arthur W. Galston University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois I. Background of the work. Many techniques have been utilized to separate chloroplast material from the remainder of the plant cell. Chibnall (1) found that the protoplasmic suspension obtained by grinding spinach leaves in water could be fractionated by filtration through paper pulp. Nuclear and chloroplastic ma¬ terials were retained on the filter, the cytoplasmic material passing through. Since nuclear material in leaves is very small in amount, the retained material was considered as essentially “chloroplas¬ tic material.” Channon and Chibnall (2) ground cabbage leaves in water and warmed the suspension to flocculate the dispersed protoplasm. The ether extract of the precipitate was considered to be mainly of chloroplast origin, since cyto¬ plasm contains little ether-soluble ma¬ terial. Menke (3) found that suspensions of spinach leaves ground in water would deposit chloroplastic material upon addi¬ tion of ammonium sulfate. All of these techniques may be criti¬ cized on the ground that they do not yield intact chloroplasts; hence some of the chloroplast material may remain un¬ extracted and some cytoplasm may be car¬ ried along as an impurity in the extract. These objections are, to a large extent, removed by the technique of Granick (4). This experimenter ground turgid leaves of tobacco and tomato in 0.5 molar glu¬ cose and succeeded in obtaining intact chloroplasts in suspension, along with the remainder of the protoplasmic material. Short, slow centrifugation removed most of the non-green protoplasm, whereas longer, more, rapid centrifugation de¬ posited the chloroplasts. The plastids could then be washed by resuspending in water and flocculated by recentrifugation. Microscopic examination of the centrifu¬ gate revealed intact plastids almost en¬ tirely devoid of cytoplasmic granules. Furthermore, by colorimetric comparison of acetone extracts of leaf and chloro¬ plasts, he was able to determine what per cent of total leaf chloroplasts he had in his suspension. This made possible the determination of total chloroplast ni¬ trogen per leaf. II. Object of this work. This work was undertaken: 1) To discover whether the technique of Granick is applicable to the leaves of cereal grasses, which con¬ tain much fibrous material. 2) To obtain information on the relative importance of chloroplasts and cytoplasm as synthe¬ sizers of protein in leaves of cereals. 3) To trace the course of protein synthesis in the chloroplasts and cytoplasm of a single leaf. III. The nitrogen content of green and chlorotic leaves and chloroplasts at vari¬ ous ages. Kherson oats were sown in composted Flanagan silt loam in the greenhouse, and were allowed to grow until the fifth leaf was 1-3 cm. long. Leaves of the same size and physiological condition were then harvested in groups of 40. Ten of the leaves were dried for two hours in a forced-draught oven at 80° C., were then weighed to get the average dry weight per leaf, and finally were ground to a fine powder in a Wiley mill. This powder was analyzed to get the nitrogen content per leaf. The re¬ maining thirty leaves were treated to ex¬ tract the chloroplasts, according to the procedure of Granick (4). The extracted chloroplasts were analyzed for nitrogen simultaneously with the dried leaf ma¬ terial. Nitrogen was determined by the mi- crokjeldahl method of Pregl (6), all analyses, as well as blanks, being run in duplicate. The extracted chloroplasts, usually as a 2 cc. suspension, were pipetted into the digestion flasks. 20-30 mg. samples of the dried leaves were placed in other flasks. To the samples were added 2 cc. of CuSCh-ILSCh diges¬ tion mixture and a pinch of K2S04. The mixture was then digested 15-30 minutes until clear. The digested mixture was then transferred into the still, made alka¬ line with excess NaOH, and steam-dis¬ tilled into a flask containing 20 cc. of boric acid (1 lb. per 10 L.). The am¬ monia was titrated with .01 N HC1 using Botany — 191$ Meeting Table 1. — The Nitrogen Content of Oat Chloroplasts 67 Average length per leaf Average dry wt. per leaf Physiological Condition Chloroplast N per leaf Total N per leaf N as % of dry wt. per leaf % of total leaf N in the chloroplasts 7.2 cm 9.3 14.6 11.7 17.6 4.6 mg 5.5 8.4 10.0 17.7 Green Chlorotic .084 mg .119 .137 .078 .168 .285 mg .287 .470 .261 .495 6.20% 5.26 5.60 2.61 2.79 30.1% 41.3 29.2 30.0 34.2 bromcresol green as an indicator. Re¬ sults were expressed as milligrams of nitrogen per leaf. The data are presented in Table I, all values being the means of two closely checking sets of results. It can be seen that in both green and chlorotic leaves, at all stages of growth studied, the chloroplasts contain about 30- 40% of the total leaf nitrogen. This checks well with the results of Granick (5), who considers further that about 80% of both leaf and chloroplast nitrogen is protein nitrogen. This would indicate that the chloroplasts synthesize large amounts of leaf protein. IV. The course of protein synthesis in a single leaf. It was decided to use the first leaf of oat for this experiment, since this would avoid complications due to the translocation of soluble nitrogenous ma¬ terials from other leaves. Oat plants grown in 2-gallon porcelain crocks were thinned until twelve uniform plants were left in each crock. The first leaf was harvested periodically at various stages of development, and analyzed for total and chloroplast nitrogen. The difference between these two values was called “cytoplasmic nitrogen.” The last group of leaves was harvested when the ligule was visible and the leaves had apparently attained their maximum length. The re¬ sults of the analyses are presented graph¬ ically in Figure 1. Again, it is found that the chloroplast nitrogen is about 30% of the* total leaf nitrogen at all stages of development studied. V. Summary and conclusions. A. The technique of Granick for extracting intact chloroplasts from leaves is applicable to oat leaves. B. The chloroplasts contain about 30-40% of the total leaf nitrogen in both green and chlorotic leaves at all ages studied. C. In any one leaf, chloro¬ plasts produce about 30% of the total pro¬ tein, the “cytoplasm” producing the re¬ mainder. Pig. i. — The nitrogen content of oat chloroplasts and entire leaf at various stages of development. LITERATURE CITED (1) Chibnall, A. C. Spinacin, a new pro¬ tein from spinach leaves. Jour. Biol. Chem. 61: 303-308. (1924) (2) Channon, H. J. and Chibnall, A. C. The ether-soluble substances of cab¬ bage leaf cytoplasm. IV. Further observations on diglyceridephosphoric acid. Biochem. Jour. 21: 1112-1117. (1927) #( 3 ) Menke, W. Untersuchungen der einzel- nen Zellorgan in Spinatblattern auf Grund preparativchemischer Meth- odik. Zeitschr. Bot. 52: 273-295. (1938) (4) Granick, S. Quantitative isolation of chloroplasts from higher plants. Am. Jour. Bot. 25: 558-561. (1938) (5) - Chloroplast nitrogen of some higher plants. Am. Jour. Bot. 25: 561-567. (1938) (6) Pregl, F. Quantitative organic micro¬ analysis. Philadelphia — Blakiston. (1937) 68 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions NEW INTERPRETATIONS OF SPHENOPHYLLOSTACHYS BASED ON A PETRIFIED SPECIMEN FROM AN IOWA COAL BALL J. H. Hoskins and A. T. Cross University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio A specimen of Sphenophyllostachys with structure preserved was collected by the writers in coal ball material from the Angus Coal Mine, Des Moines Series, in Iowa. This is, we believe, the first record of an American Sphenophyllostachys showing structure. The specimen consists of a portion of an isolated strobilus. Neither the base nor apex of the strobilus was preserved, so the total length of the fructification is uncertain. None of the vascular ele¬ ments of the stele remain, and the tips of the bracts are but indifferently pre¬ served. The excellent preservation of the remaining portion of the strobilus makes possible adequate and significant comparisons with previously known speci¬ mens. The strobilus has a maximum diameter of not less than one and one-half centi¬ meters, the axis occupying approximately four millimeters. Attached to this axis are whorls of bracts, the upturned tips of which form the free surface of the strobilus. The bracts of each whorl are inserted upon the axis at a slight upward angle and are adnate for a considerable distance from the axis, forming a cup. The free tips turn sharply upward. Each whorl, composed of approximately eighteen bracts, appears to be directly superimposed upon the bracts of the whorl below, rather than alternating with them. On the adaxial surface of each bract, are borne three sporangia, each attached to the surface by an unbranched sporangiophore. The sporangia are ar¬ ranged linearly. Thus in longitudinal section of the strobilus, three sporangia are seen on the adaxial surface of each bract. The sporangiophores become free from the bract near the axis but at slightly variable points. The sporangio¬ phores are slender, essentially cylindrical stalks, increasing slightly in size as they approach their respective sporangia, be¬ coming greatly thickened near and at the points of attachment to the sporangia, where the sporangiophore bends slightly toward the strobilus axis, and bears a single, pendulous sporangium. The sporangium is essentially spherical. Its wall is composed of an outer layer of radially elongated cells and two or three inner rows of much smaller cells with thin walls. Spores completely fill the sporangial cavity. They average ap¬ proximately ninety microns in diameter. The spore wall has a characteristic sculpturing of anastomosing ridges with a rather definite bipolar orientation. Thus in cross-section the spore appears to be spinose. The strobilus is homo- sporous. A single vascular bundle traverses the known length of the bract. Its connec¬ tion with the vascular tissues of the axis cannot be determined because of incom¬ plete preservation. Similarly, a single vascular bundle extends the length of the sporangiophore, ending at the point of attachment of the sporangiophore to the sporangium. The bifurcation of a single vascular bundle into the bundle of the bract and that of the sporangiophore takes place in the outer cortex of the axis slightly below the insertion of the bract. No further bifurcations of either of these bundles occur. This strobilus is to be compared with those described as Sphenophyllostachys Dawsoni, of which the forms alpha, beta, and gamma have been designated. The Iowa specimen agrees in general with S. Dawsoni with the important exception of the difference in the number and or¬ ganization of sporangiophores and sporangia. S. Dawsoni formae alpha and beta have been interpreted variously by Scott and Hirmer, the former ascribing to each bract two (occasionally fewer) sporangiophores, each of which becomes free near the axis and bears a single sporangium; the latter considers that a Botany — 191$ Meeting 69 single bundle branches in such a manner as to produce two short and one long sporangiophores alternating with two long and one short sporangiophores on adjacent bracts. Each sporangiophore bears a single sporangium. In either in¬ stance, a longitudinal section would give the picture of two sporangia on the adaxial surface of each bract. In 8. Dawsoni forma gamma, Hirmer de¬ scribes an elaboration of this branching system to produce six sporangiophores and sporangia for each bract, and these arranged in four cycles (a longitudinal section shows four adaxial sporangia per bract). The Iowa specimen shows none of these conditions. There is no branching of the sporangiophore after it emerges from the surface of the bract near the axis. Three unbranched sporangiophores arise at slightly different points near the axis, are of different lengths, and each bears a single sporangium placed linearly on the adaxial surface of the bract. A longitudinal section of the strobilus thus shows the correct number of sporangia per bract, namely, three. It would seem that for a complete un¬ derstanding of this form genus a revalu¬ ation of the known specimens is neces¬ sary. The evidence points toward a separation of the genus Sphenophyllos- tachys Dawsoni formae alpha, beta and gamma into distinct species. The neces¬ sity of this is emphasized especially when the correlation of the fructifications with the vegetative plants which bore them is also considered. Consequently, the writers believe that the Iowa specimen itself is best considered as a species heretofore undescribed. A MICROANALYSIS OF THE EPIDERMAL CELL WALLS BENEATH THE MIDRIB OF THE HOLLY LEAF Joseph P. McMenamin Springfield Junior College, Springfield, Illinois In stained sections of Ilex opaca leaves that had gone through the paraffin process two interesting features were observed. There were thick-walled guard cells that appeared to be “petrified” by lignification and dependent in functioning upon adja¬ cent non-lignified epidermal cells, and there were lower epidermal cells on the midrib exhibiting a distinct absence of lignin in the outer tangential walls. A microanalytical study of these latter cell walls with differentiated lignification was made. Sections of living, mature holly leaves collected in late January were cut through the midrib with a sliding micro¬ tome to thicknesses of 12 to 15 microns. Three types of tests were applied to these sections in determining cell wall con¬ stituents and their location. Different staining reactions were checked by dif¬ ferential solubility reactions and by the use of the polarized microscope. The deposition and the location of four wall constituents, cellulose, lignin, pectin, and cutin, were thus determined. Chlorozinc iodide and the hydrocellu¬ lose reaction were employed for cellulose staining tests. Cuprammonia was used to dissolve cellulose, and since cellulose is an anisotropic substance the use of polarized light and interference colors served in checking the other tests. Both staining and solubility tests brought negative results until lignin was removed from the walls, after which, these tests gave distinctly positive reactions. The resultant swelling of the walls in stain¬ ing tests made the pitting less evident. Cuprammonia dissolved the non-cutinized portions of the delignified walls. Sections left in cuprammonia to remove cellulose were of little value, there being no posi¬ tive test possible in the first place. As a result of cutin saponification there were disclosed lamellated structures located in the inner cutin layer over each cell. These gave the positive blue and violet colors for the cellulose staining tests. They dissolved when cuprammonia was added to a slide and gave further evi¬ dence of their plated organization in breaking down. They were doubly re¬ fractive between crossed Nicols, but only to the extent where it was barely notice¬ able, whereas anisotropy of the rather thick secondary walls was actually strong. It seemed that the outer tangential 70 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions secondary wall was not quite as bright as the other secondary walls. Two lignin staining tests were applied, the phloroglucin and the Maule reaction, revealing a high concentration of lignin in all walls except the outer tangential, the cutinized wall. This wall seemed to be more pitted than the other walls, the irregular pits extending out to the cutin layer. Sections were delignified by soak¬ ing in Chlorox for three hours. Staining tests were then repeated to make certain all lignin had been removed, and nega¬ tive reactions substantiated this treat¬ ment. Lignin staining tests applied to sections treated with cuprammonia showed no apparent differences, unless a more sharply defined reaction. Sections stained by chlorozinc iodide were ob¬ served to have a brownish color which is often indicative of cellulose “masked” by lignin. Optical properties were of little help here as lignin is amorphous and isotropic. Even in its intimate associa¬ tion with the cellulose micelles, it will not affect their anisotropy. Ruthenium red and methylene blue were used as pectin stains, the former known to be the more specific. Reactions revealed a high concentration of pectin in the immediate cutinized zone outside the secondary walls, as well as in the middle lamellae. In removing these com¬ pounds the sections were treated in hot 5% KOH and again washed. Staining was repeated for checks with negative re¬ actions in these pectin regions. Deligni¬ fied sections were tested with the same results. Pectic compounds are known to be colloidal and isotropic. They appeared dark between crossed Nicols where there was no cellulose present. To obtain an accurate determination of complete cutinization sections were left in Sudan III for an hour, which brought out the boundaries of the cutin more dis¬ tinctly. Sections treated with chlorozinc iodide were examined to note the effect on the cutin layer and clues as to heterogeneity of structure were evident. Slow saponification was accomplished by heating sections on slides under cover glasses and slowly adding 10% KOH. The slide was examined progressively under the microscope as the saponifica¬ tion increased. A thin outer strip of the cutin layer was the only part of this layer to disappear, the inner portion which was already found to contain cellu¬ lose lamellae and pectin remaining in¬ tact. Since cutin is insoluble in cupram¬ monia, 72% sulfuric acid, and hot dilute acids and alkalies, those sections having gone through such reagents for other tests were rechecked and found to have the cutin still in place. The outer stratum of “pure” cutin was optically isotropic in all paraffin sections, but showed up anisotropically in some fresh sections. Weak double refraction in the inner stratum coincided with the pectin zone containing the cellulose lamellae. Al¬ though cutin can be optically isotropic or anistropic when free from cellulose, its anisotropy can be considered, and was here, as indicative of cellulose deposition. It became evident, then, that these par¬ ticular epidermal cell walls are of a com¬ plex nature in the orientation of wall constituents. Different degrees of lignifi- cation in xerophytic leaf structure are not uncommon but, to the knowledge of the writer, pits extending into the cutin layer are most unusual. Botany— 191$ Meeting n A CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WOODLANDS G. Neville Jones University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois The University of Illinois woodlands, situated a few miles northeast of Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois, consist of approximately 100 acres of natural woods, fenced and maintained by the University of Illinois as a permanent preserve of wild life for scientific purposes. This property consists of two separate areas, the Brownfield Woods, and the University Woods. The following checklist is based almost entirely upon the collections of the writer during the years 1939, 1940, 1941, and 1942. The specimens are de¬ posited in the Herbarium of the Univer¬ sity of Illinois. Other species have been reported from time to time but since these reports are not based upon speci¬ mens they are not included in this list. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Diplazium pycnocarpon (Spreng. ) Broun. Botrychium virginianum (L. ) Sw. Bromus tectorum L. Cinna arundinacea L. Dactylis glomerata L. Diarrhena americana Beauv. Echinochloa crusgalli (L. ) Beauv. Elymus villosus Muhl. Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. Hystrix patula Moench. Leersia virginica Willd. . Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trm. Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. Phleum pratense L. Poa compressa L. P. pratensis L. P. sylvestris Gray Sporobolus heterolepis Gray S. vaginiflorus (Torr.) Wood Carex albursina Sheldon C. bromoides Schkuhr. C. gravida Bailey C. grayii Carey C. grisea Wahl C. hirtifolia Mack. C. rosea Schkuhr. Arisaema atrorubens (Ait.) Bl. A. dracontium (L. ) Schott Tradescantia subaspera Ker J uncus macer S. F. Gray Allium canadense L. A. tricoccum Ait. Asparagus officinalis Lv Erythronium albidum Nutt. Lilium michiganense Farw Polygonatum biflorum (Walt.) Ell. Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf. S. stellata (L.) Desf. Smilax ecirrhata (Engelm. ) Wats. S. hispida Muhl. S. lasioneuron Hook. Trillium gleasoni Fern. T. recurvatum Beck. TTvularia grandiflora J. E. Smith Iris shrevei Small. Aplectrum hyemale (Muhl.) Torr. Triphora trianthophora (Sw. ) Rydb. Populus deltoides Michx. Carpinus caroliniana Walt. Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K.Koch Corylus americana Walt. Juglans cinerea L. J. nigra L. Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K.Koch C. ovata (Mill.) K.Koch C. laciniosa (Michx. f. ) Loud Quercus bicolor Willd. Q. imbricaria Michx. Q. macrocarpa Michx. Q. maxima Michx. Q. muhlenbergii Engelm. Celtis occidentalis L. Ulmus americana L. U. fulva Michx. Maclura pomifera (Raf. ) Schneid. Morus alba L. M. rubra L. Humulus americanus Nutt. Cannabis sativa L. Urtica procera Muhl. Laportea canadensis (L. ) Gaud. Pilea pumila (L. ) Gray Parietaria pennsylvanica Muhl. Asarum reflexum Bickn. Polygonum pensylvanicum L. P. persicaria L. P. punctatum Ell. P. scandens L. P. virginianum L. Rumex acetosella L. R. crispus L. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Chenopodium album L. C. boscianum Moq. Phytolacca americana L. Claytonia virginica L. Cerastium vulgatum L. Silene antirrhina L. S. scabrella (Nieuwl.) n. comb. (S. stellata var. scabrella Palmer & Steyermark in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25:781. 1938). Stellaria media (L. ) Cyrill. Actaea pachypoda Ell. Anemone canadensis L. A. virginiana L. Hepatica acutiloba DC. Hydrastis canadensis L. Isopyrum biternatum (Raf.) T. & G. Ranunculus abortivus L. R. septentrionalis Poir. Thalictrum dioicum L. T. revolutum DC. , x . Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. Podophyllum peltatum L. Menispermum canadense L. Asimina triloba (L. ) Dunal Lindera benzoin (L.) Bl. Sanguinaria canadensis L. Dicentra 'canadensis (Goldie) Walp. D. cucullaria (L.) Bernh. Capsella bursa-pastons (L.) Medic. Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb. ) BSP. C. douglassii (Torr.) Britt. Dentaria laciniata Muhl Iodanthus pinnatifidus (Michx.) Steud. Lepidium virginicum L. Ribes americanum Mill. R. missouriense Nutt. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Platanus occidentals L. Agrimonia pubescens Wallr. Crataegus crusgalli L. C. mollis (T. & G.) Fragaria virginiana Duch. Geum canadense Jacq. G. vernum (Raf.) T. & G. Malus angustifolia (Ait.) Michx. M. ionensis (Wood) Britt. Prunus americana Marsh. P. serotina Ehrh. Rosa setigera Michx. Rubus occidentalis L. Cercis canadensis L. Desmodium acuminatum (Michx.) DC. D. canescens (L.) DC. Gleditsia triacanthos L. Gymnocladus dioica (L.) K.Koch Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. Robinia pseudoacacia L. Trifolium pratense L. T. repens L. Geranium maculatum L. Oxalis stricta L. O. cymosa Small Impatiens biflora Walt. I. pallida Nutt. Acalypha virginica L. Euphorbia maculata L. Floerkia proserpinacoides Willd. Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. Rhus radicans L. Celastrus scandens L. Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. Aesculus glabra Willd. Staphylea trifolia L. Acer negundo L. A. saccharum Marsh. A. saccharinum L. Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. Vitis vulpina D. Tilia americana L. Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Viola eriocarpa Schwein. V. papilionacea Pursh V. sororia Willd. Panax quinquefolium L. Circaea latifolia Hill Oenothera biennis L. Chaerophyllum procumbens (L.) Crantz Crypto taenia canadensis (D.) DC. Daucus carota L. Osmorhiza claytoni (Michx.) Clarke O. longistylis (Torr.) DC. Pastinaca sativa L. Sanicula canadensis L. Zizia aurea (L.) K.Koch Cornus racemosa Lam. Samolus pauciflorus Raf. Steironema ciliatum (L.) Raf. Fraxinus americana L. F. lanceolata Borkh. F. quadrangulata Michx. Asclepias syriaca L. Phlox divaricata L. Ellisia nyctelea L. Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Michx. H. canadense L. H. virginianum L. Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene Mertensia virginica (L.) Link Verbena urticaefolia L. Agastache nepetoides (L.) Kuntze Blephilia hirsuta (Pursh) Benth. Glecoma hederacea L. Leonurus cardiaca L. Marrubium vulgare L. Nepeta cataria L. Prunella lanceolata Bart. Scutellaria lateriflora L. Stachys tenuifolia Willd. Teucrium canadense L. Solanum carolinense L. S. nigrum L. Collinsia verna Nutt. Mimulus alatus Ait. Scrophularia marilandica L. Verbascuin blattaria L. V. thapsus L. Veronica arvensis L. V. peregrina L. Veronicastrum virginicum (L.) Farw. Campsis radicans (L.) Seemann Ruellia strepens L. Plantago lanceolata L. P. rugelii Dene. Phryma leptostachya L. Galium aparine L. G. concinnum T. & G. G. obtusum Bigel. Sambucus canadensis B . Viburnum lentago L. V. prunifolium L. Campanula americana L. Lobelia inflata L. L. siphilitica L. Achillea millefolium L. Actinomeris alternifolia (L.) DC. Ambrosia elatior B. A trifida L. Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. Aster ericoides L. A. sagittifolius Wedem. A. Shortii Lindl. Bidens vulgata Greene Cacalia muhlenbergii (Sch.-Bip.) Fern. Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Airy-Shaw C. arvense (L. ) Scop. Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. E. canadensis L. E. philadelphicus L. Eupatorium purpureum L. E. rugosum Houtt. Helianthus decapetalus L. Lactuca scariola L. L. floridana (L.) Gaertn. L. spicata (Lem.) Hitchc. Polymnia canadensis L. Rudbeckia laciniata L. R. triloba L. Solidago rugosa Mill. Taraxacum officinale Weber Vernonia missurica Raf. Botany — 191$ Meeting 73 THE EATE OF TRANSPIRATION IN TWO OATS VARIETIES GROWN UNDER VARYING SOIL MOISTURE LEVELS Glenn Ray Noggle University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Studies 'are being made in the labora¬ tory of plant physiology at the University of Illinois on the metabolism of cereal grasses. Considerable emphasis has been placed on the relationship of the nitrogen metabolism to the vitamin content dur¬ ing the growth period. It is obvious that if the plant is to be used commercially as a protein source, it will be advantage¬ ous to get maximum protein content and dry weight yield. A continuous chrono¬ logical study of the metabolic changes during the various growth stages of the plant from the vegetative to the repro¬ ductive phase through maturity is re¬ quired. There are several stages of plant de¬ velopment that may be distinguished by a detailed chemical analysis of the plant tissue. Burd (2) divided the growth of barley into three periods: a preliminary period of eight to nine weeks from plant¬ ing characterized by intense vegetative activity; a second period of about six weeks during which structural differentia¬ tion takes place and flowering occurs; a third period of about three weeks characterized by a loss in weight and by dessication of all parts of the plant. As an indication of these various stages of growth Burd noted that at the beginning of the second period there was a sharp decline in the moisture content of the leaves. At the beginning of the third period there was another decline in the moisture content of the leaves. Loehwing (3) and his associates studied mineral nutrition in relation to reproduction in higher plants. The re¬ sults showed that important metabolic, as well as structural, changes originated in the period between the origin of floral primordia and full bloom. With pot cul¬ ture studies under conditions of adequate mineral nutrition there occurred a sudden and thereafter continuous increase in the rate of transpiration at about the time of flower inception. Tissue analyses showed that the plants actually under¬ went a change in water balance toward the direction of lower water content. Frequently the increase in transpiration and change in water balance could be noted before the appearance of any visible floral structures. The experiment reported here was set up to study the varietal differences of oats in respect to the relation -between changes in their water balance and morphological differen¬ tiation. Two varieties of spring oats, Kherson and Illinois 30-2088, were seeded in glazed porcelain pots each containing 8 kilograms of composted Flanagan silt loam. The coleoptiles appeared three days after seeding. The plants were uni¬ formly watered until the first leaf was 5 cm. high. Water was then added or withheld from the soil so that 10 pots, each containing 10 plants, were main¬ tained at soil moisture levels of 15%, 22.5%, 30%, 37.5% and 45%. The water holding capacity of the soil was 66%. The pots were weighed three times a week and the desired moisture level maintained by adding water. Part of the water was added to the surface and part to the lower levels by means of inserted glass tubes. Twenty-eight days after seeding a sudden increase in transpiration was noted in both varieties grown at all soil moisture levels (Fig. 1). An examina¬ tion of the stem and growing point showed that the stem was starting to elongate and the growing point was be¬ ginning to differentiate. Bonnett (1) found that the oat stem passed through two stages of development. In the first stage the growing point remained short, the leaf initials differentiated, the leaves grew, and tiller buds developed in the axils of the leaves at the base of the stem. In the second stage the internodes of the stem elongated, and the branches, spikelets, and flower parts differentiated 74 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions and developed. The results of this ex¬ periment would indicate that the sudden increase in rate of transpiration took place at the beginning of the second stage. In both varieties grown at all soil moisture levels, the peak of transpiration was reached on the same day. After an initial fall the rate of transpiration again rose. It was at this period that the two varieties differed. The Illinois 30-2088 rapidly regained a high rate of transpira¬ tion which was maintained for the dura¬ tion of the experiment while the Kherson continued transpiration at a reduced level. The total amount of water lost by transpiration was greater at each soil moisture level in the Illinois 30-2088 variety than in the Kherson variety. If we assume that the higher level of transpiration is related to the morpho¬ logical differentiation accompanying the Fig. 1. Table 1. — Total Grams of Water Lost (100 Plants) 15% 22.5% 30% 37.5% 45% Illinois 30-2088... Kherson _ _ 17117 11428 34504 26182 35184 30922 41785 30004 43493 33661 reproductive phase, then the Illinois 30-2088 was developing through the re¬ productive at a more rapid rate than Kherson. This interpretation is further borne out by the fact that the inflores¬ cences of the Illinois 30-2088 immerged 4-5 days before those of the Kherson. REFERENCES ( 1 ) Bonnett, O. T. The development of the oat panicle. Jour. Agr. Res. 5h: 927-931. (1937) (2) Burd, J. S. Rate of absorption of soil constituents at successive stages of plant growth. Jour. Agr. Res. 18: 51-72. (1919) (3) Loehwing, W. F. Mineral nutrients in relation to flower development. Sci¬ ence 92: 517-520. (1940) Botany — 19Jf£ Meeting 75 SOME GROWTH RESPONSES OF 80JA AND VINCA TO VITAMINS1 J. Fisher Stanfield Chicago Teachers College, Chicago, Illinois Recent researches on the effects of the various vitamins on the growth of higher plants indicate that the degree of stimu¬ lation varies with the species of test plant employed as well as with concentration of the reagent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9). Scrutiny of the literature suggests that plant responses to vitamin-like stimulants may perhaps be correlated with the normal rate of over-all growth of plants. Plants known to grow rapidly under- normal conditions often respond differ¬ ently than those growing more slowly, especially when stature is taken as the growth criterion (4). In order to test this hypothesis, ex¬ periments were undertaken with two species of contrasting growth habit. The Manchu variety of Soja max was selected for its rapid growth, especially in the early stages, and compared with the slow-growing periwinkle, Vinca rosea, in response to three synthetic vitamins: thiamin chloride, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid. By study of the root system as well as the shoot, an attempt was made to de¬ termine if there was a differential re¬ sponse to the three stimulants employed. Methods. — One-week-old seedlings were transplanted from sand flats to washed gravel cultures in two-gallon jars. The gravel, free from organic matter and sterile at the beginning of the experi¬ ment, was supplied with Withrow’s nutrient solution, feeding being uniformly maintained by gravity (fig. 1). Plants were grown during July and August under ordinary greenhouse conditions. The two test species were arranged in five series of treatments with twenty plants in each series as follows: Series 1: nutrient plus 5.0 p.p.m. vita¬ min Bi (thiamin chloride). Series 2: nutrient plus 2.5 p.p.m. vita¬ min B2 (riboflavin). Series 3: nutrient plus 5.0 p.p.m. vita¬ min C (ascorbic acid). 1 This research was supported in part by a Advancement of Science. Series 4: nutrient plus combination of Bi, B2, and C in the above concentrations. Series 5: nutrient Control. Withrow’s solution only. Merck’s vitamins were used in all cases. The jars were completely drained at two-day intervals and 2 liters of fresh nutrient solution added; traces of minor nutrients (Mg, Zn, B, Cu, Fe) were added. Moisture was maintained at con¬ stant level by adding distilled water as needed between changes of the nutrient solution. The soybeans were in bud when har¬ vested four weeks after transplanting and were about three feet tall. Vinca plants were permitted to grow to flower and were harvested at seven weeks when about twelve inches tall. Measurements of height, root and shoot fresh weight, and total leaf area were made immediately at harvesting. Subse¬ quently, total tops and roots were dried in vacuum at 85° C. to determine re¬ spective dry weights and moisture of in¬ dividual plants. Leaf areas were meas¬ ured in a photo-electric areameter (7). The resulting data are given in tabular form in table I. Discussion — Inspection of the data for Vinca (table I) shows a statistically significant increase in total leaf area of the vitamin combination over the con¬ trols. No similar significant effect on leaf area is noticeable in any of the single vitamin treatments. In fact, 2.5 p.p.m. of riboflavin reduced leaf area and root dry weight but the effect is barely significant in the leaves. The difference in fresh and dry weight of roots in the riboflavin series of Vinca substantiates the hydra¬ tion effect of this reagent previously re¬ ported by Dennison (6) for egg plant tissues. Entire plants of Vinca supplied with riboflavin are somewhat less luxuri¬ ant then the controls if dry weight and grant from the American Association for the Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions leaf areas are taken as criteria. Other than the diminution of leaf area with riboflavin, the single vitamin treatments of Vinca are essentially neutral, responses which stand in contrast to the three- vitamin combination which induced in¬ crease in leaf area. Failure of slow- growing Vinca to respond is in contrast with the results of Bonner (4) who re¬ ported stimulation of several slow-grow¬ ing species with the application of vita¬ min Bij this reaction is in agreement, however, with the results obtained by several workers on a variety of genera (1, 8, 9). The only exception to the lack of favorable response of Vinca to single vitamins is found in the dry weight in¬ crease of tops supplied with 5 p.p.m. of thiamin. The results in terms of fresh and dry weight indicate that these are not stimulated by either riboflavin or ascorbic acid in Vinca, an example of a slow-growing species. Significantly different responses are ex¬ hibited by the soybean. Riboflavin exerts a distinctly inhibitory effect in concen¬ trations of 2.5 p.p.m., especially upon the root system (table I). The response suggests some injury from this concen¬ tration in the soybean. The contrast be¬ tween Vinca and Soja to identical con¬ centrations of riboflavin implies a lower tolerance of Soja to this reagent. Soja exhibits a significantly favorable response to thiamin chloride both on a fresh and dry weight basis and also the percentage of dry weight in the roots. Although growth of both root and top are Fig. 1.— Gravity feed system used in sup¬ plying nutrients. stimulated by 5 p.p.m. of thiamin chlo¬ ride, increased growth of soybeans occurs primarily in the tops. Studies of other investigators on excised roots in tissue culture have disclosed the favorable effects of vitamin Bi on root growth; Bonner (3) further states that Bx is a general root-growth factor in actively growing plants. Other workers have in¬ dicated the efficiency of the treatment of cuttings. In a recent publication, how¬ ever, Hitchcock and Zimmerman (10) do not recommend Bi for either cuttings or the growth of plants in soil. The above response of Soja , however, suggests that its influence is by no means limited to the root system. Table I.— Growth Responses of Soja and Vinca to Vitamin Treatments* Vitamin Fresh Weight Dry Weight Percentage Dry Weight Top Root Ratio b Total Leaf Area Root Top Root Top Root Top Bi... . gm. 3.9 3.2 3.6 3.4 gm. 9.2 6.9 8.1 9.1 gm. gm. .97 .73 .78 % % cm.2 o B2 . . /U .54 .70 .65 .77 18.0 10.6 1.39 206 gj C _ 16.9 10.5 1.35 180 > Combination.. 19.4 9.7 1.11 204 Control _ 3.4 8.6 .88 19.1 9.7 1.35 235 .86 22.6 10.0 1.12 196 Bi____ . 5.8 2.8 3.2 4.7 5.0 20.1 14.4 16.2 17.2 16.9 3.55 2.45 2.66 2.98 2.88 26.1 B2 _ 1 .01 oo 17.7 2.35 t-s c _ .00 23.2 17.0 4.30 W m Combination.. Control _ .88 1.09 1.10 27.5 23.4 16.5 17.3 3.6 4.3 22.2 17.0 4.5 a Average of 16 plants. b Based on dry weight. Botany — 191$ Meeting 77 Roots in the thiamin series of Soja were more fibrous, longer, and more highly branched than in controls. Root systems in controls and all other Soja series were smaller, woody, less fibrous, and generally less luxuriant. The low Top/Root Ratio in the thiamin chloride series of the soybean reflects the larger root system and improved balance be¬ tween root and shoot. A similar relation¬ ship was noted by Bonner and Bonner (2) in Cosmos. It is difficult to account for the elimin¬ ation of the beneficial effect of thiamin in the three-vitamin combination but it may possibly be attributable to the pres¬ ence of 2.5 p.p.m. riboflavin which singly in this concentration is especially repres¬ sive on root growth. Vitamin C was not significantly bene¬ ficial in any general fashion in the growth of either Soja or Vinca with the exception of the percentage dry weight in Soja. Plants receiving ascorbic acid were much higher than the controls or any other series in this test. A similar stimulative effect was reported by Den¬ nison (6) for tobacco by the use of ascorbic acid. These data suggest a variation in the metabolic index of the plants in question and any study of the connotations of this response will require further quantitative experimentation. In both Vinca and Soja the gross super¬ ficial appearance of the growing plants was not indicative of the compositional differences shown in table I; all series were similar in their general appearance. An examination of the percentage of dry weight in the series’ tests is further indicative of quantitative variations not apparent in gross dry and fresh weights. A similar observation was reported by Dennison for tobacco (6). This particu¬ lar aspect of the response of plants to vitamin treatments has received little at¬ tention in the literature; only compara¬ tive fresh and dry weights are usually reported. It is noteworthy, however, that Soja was consistent in its positive response to vitamin Bi in the entire series of tests with one exception found in the percent¬ age of dry weight in the tops. Summary 1. In view of the responses of the two test species and their known differences in normal rate of growth, the foregoing data suggest that the slower-growing form, Vinca, is less responsive than Soja to external sources of thiamin, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid in the concentrations used and under the growing conditions employed. Normally rapid-growing forms may thus prove to be more favorable test plants in vitamin studies because of their immediate and more distinctive responses to treatment. 2. Soja responded to vitamin Bi by a significant increase in dry and fresh weight of both tops and roots over the controls. 3. The relative increase in root growth in Soja was evident in a lower Top/Root Ratio than in either the con¬ trols or other vitamin treatments. 4. Vitamin B2 was not significantly beneficial in its effects on the growth of either Soja or Vinca. 5. Vitamin C was not significantly beneficial in its general effects on the growth of either Soja or Vinca. 10. LITERATURE CITED Arnon, D. I. Vitamin Bi in relation to the growth of green plants. Science n.s. 92: 264-266. 1940. Bonner, David M. and Bonner, James. On the influence of various growth fac¬ tors on the growth of green plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 27 : 38-42. 1940. Bonner, James. Experiments on photo¬ period in relation to the vegetative growth of plants. Plant Physiol. 15 : 319-325. 1940. „ . _ - and Greene, J. Vitamin Bi and the growth of green plants. Bot. Gaz. 100: 226-237. 1938. - and - - Further experi¬ ments on the relation of vitamin Bi to the growth of green plants. Bot. Gaz. 101 : 491-499. 1939. Dennison, Raymond. Growth response of plants to riboflavin and asorbic acid. Science n.s. 92: 17. 1940. Frear, D. E. H. Photoelectric apparatus for measuring leaf areas. Plant Physiol. 10: 569-574. 1935. , Gorham, P. R. Measurement of the response of Lemna to growth-promoting substances. Amer. Jour. Bot. 28 : 98- 101. 1941. „ . Hamner, Charles L. Effect of vitamin Bi upon the development of some flowering plants. Bot. Gaz. 102 : 156- 168. 1940. _ „r Hitchcock, A. E. and Zimmerman, P. W. Further tests with vitamin Bi on estab¬ lished plants and on cuttings. Contrib. Boyce Thompson Inst. 12 : 143-156. 1941. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions 78 THE WHITE-BRACTED HYMENOPAPPUS STILL GROWS IN ILLINOIS L. R. Tehon Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana , Illinois Just a century ago — in July, 1842 — Charles A. Geyer collected the White- bracted Hymenopappus, Hymenopappus scabiosaeus L’Her. (S. carolinensis of cur¬ rent botanical manuals) in sandy soil near Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois. In June, 1845, Dr. S. B. Mead collected the plant in Mason County, and eleven years later— on May 23, 1856— Elihu Hall collected it again in Cass County. These three records probably are the basis upon which the species was included in Lap- ham’s 1857 list of Illinois plants and upon which the range given for it in Gray’s New Manual of Botany (1908) and Brit¬ ton and Brown’s Illustrated Flora (1913) includes Illinois. During 85 years no fur¬ ther collections of the plant were made in the localities in which it was first dis¬ covered and no records of its occurrence In other parts of Illinois were made. In the summer of 1941 the writer col¬ lected the White-bracted Hymenopappus in the southeastern part of Kankakee County. This latest locality, approxi¬ mately 50 miles north and 130 miles east of the earlier recorded localities, lies about 145 miles from them. The site occupied by the plant is almost exactly one and one-half miles due east of the town of Wichert. It lies on the western section line of Section 25, Township 30 North, Range 12 West, about midway be¬ tween the northwestern and southwestern corners of the Section. The range of the White-bracted Hy¬ menopappus lies generally to the south of Illinois. It is defined in Rydberg’s Flora of the Prairies and Plains of Central North America (1932) as from “South Carolina westward to Kansas and south¬ ward to Texas and Florida,” in Britton and Brown’s Illustrated Flora as from “Illinois and Texas east to South Caro¬ lina and Florida,” and in Gray’s New Manual of Botany as Illinois to South Carolina and southwestward. In habitat, the plant is restricted to sandy barrens. Since the publication of these manuals, little additional evidence of the northern limit of the species has been published. Charles C. Deam, in his Flora of Indiana (1940) records the plant in two widely separated Indiana counties, Vigo and Stark. Collections were made in Vigo County, near Terre Haute, in 1890 by Blatchley and in 1925 by A. R. Bechtel. Four sites were found in Stark County, in northwestern Indiana, by Deam in 1930. The isolated occurrences of the plant in Illinois and Indiana, hundreds of miles north of its normal range, is not easily explained. Both the Illinois and the In¬ diana records are for sandy habitats close to rivers. The Illinois and Stark County, Indiana, sites form an interrupted chain along most of the length of the Illinois- Kankakee river valleys, and the Vigo County, Indiana, sites are close to the Wabash River. Such facts would sug¬ gest transportation by water fowl, except that what is known about migratory routes and food habits almost certainly precludes the possibility. However, smal¬ ler birds following overland migration routes might have served as chance car¬ riers. It is possible, also, that these northern occurrences of the plant represent surviv¬ ing outposts of a former general range and date back, perhaps, to a warmer age or the time when the Gulf of Mexico ex¬ tended northward to and beyond the pres¬ ent Ohio River valley. They might then be regarded as remnants of a retreating southern flora, persisting only where, in small localities, some factor of soil or climate continues to favor their existence. Botany — 191$ Meeting 79 4 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF THE DESCALING OF WINTER BUDS ON THEIR GROWTH IN EAST CENTRAL ILLINOIS* John W. Voigt Eastern Illinois State Teachers College , Charleston , Illinois This study arose from a preliminary investigation conducted by Dr. Priestly of Leeds University, England.1 Priestly's work consisted only of the effect of winter climate on the viability of de¬ scaled buds. Priestly's results are being checked with those of this experiment in determining whether buds live through the winter without bud scales. A study was made of buds after they had been three months in the descaled condition, to determine whether or not there were any structural modifications occurring in the exposed scales between the time the buds became dormant and the time they broke their dormancy in the spring. Thirty-five buds from specimens of each of these trees, Liriodendron tulipi- fera, Betula nigra, and Tilia europea were descaled the fifteenth of November, 1941. The buds were all tagged with linen cloth tags which were dated and duly marked with India ink, and then coated with paraffin before being tied to the twig bearing the descaled bud. These buds were carefully watched for the duration of the winter. After three months, twigs bearing descaled buds were brought into the laboratory and sections of the bud scales of the undissected buds made. These were the control groups. Sections were made of the second pair unexposed, and second pair exposed of the dissected buds. The sections were about twenty- five microns in thickness. In the buds of Liriodendron tulipifera it was observed that the exposed leaf turned brown and later dried up. There was no change in the scales except in the deposition of resin in each of the epi¬ dermal cells of the second scale which was exposed. Tilia (Dissected buds). In the second pair of scales exposed there was found cutin, pectin, suberin, and resinous de- * Contribution from the Collegiate Section. 1 Priestly. posits in the lower epidermis. These materials were identified by the conven¬ tional microchemical tests. There were also scattered areas of lamellated mate¬ rial for which we could find no positive test. This material was thought to be mucilage. (The deposits are assumed to be mucilages because of their transpar¬ ency in the fresh material and solubility in water. The material was thought to have coagulated as the sections were de¬ hydrated in the making of the slides. The unidentified material has resemblance in crystalin form to inulin crystals. Diagrams of cross sections of the second bud scales unexposed and exposed indi¬ cate that there is a difference in the number of the unidentified deposits and likewise in their distribution. In the un¬ exposed scales, the deposits are scattered irregularly. In the second exposed scale the deposits are in the center of the sec¬ tion and evenly distributed throughout the middle of the scale and there is an appreciable increase in the amount of this material. There was no increase in the thickness of the cuticle in the exposed scale. Betula (The first and second scales were sectioned in the same manner as were those in the preceding buds). Ex¬ amination of the sections showed that there were no appreciable modifications. Summary. Priestly's results indicate that a number of buds lived through the winter in the absence .of the scales and in Aesculus hippocastannm and Castanea sativa almost half of the buds lived. In this experiment seventeen of the River birch buds lived and thirteen of them died, thus giving a percentage of 56.7%. Twenty-nine out of thirty-two tulip tree buds survived for a percentage of 90.6%. It is not known just how many basswood buds would have survived, because this Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions part of the experiment was maliciously- destroyed by some unappreciative indi¬ vidual. In this experiment more buds survived than in the experiment recorded by Priestly. Some of the buds were small and it is highly probable that in the re¬ moval of the scales they were mutilated to the extent that they did not survive. Some of the buds of river birch in this experiment were victims of faulty tech¬ nique we are quite sure. Priestly found that, when dormant, the buds contain very little water and are relatively insensitive to the external con¬ ditions, while actively growing buds ab¬ sorb much water and are easily killed by frosts or sharp changes in tempera¬ ture. We had no spring frosts after the buds started to swell so we cannot draw any conclusion as to the importance of the amount of water contained in the parts which grew. Some naked buds such as those of the way-faring tree (Viburnam lantans) are resistant to winter conditions and the buds of Cornus sanguinea and Alnus ro - tundifolia, where the scales often do not completely enclose the leaves within, are also resistant to winter conditions. In this country attention is called to the pawpaw tree which has no scales, but yet is able to endure the winter climate. This as well as the results of the two experiments hint that bud scales, as pro¬ tective structures, are not so very im¬ portant. The problem probably needs more experimental data before being con¬ cluded definitely. Botany — 191$ Meeting v STUDY OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON OF CRAB ORCHARD LAKE Walter B. Welch Southern Illinois Normal University, Carhondale, Illinois Crab Orchard Lake is that body of water formed by a dam across Crab Orchard Creek at the Jackson-Williamson county line in Southern Illinois. (Fig. 1). The stream and its tributaries have a drainage basin of 200 miles. The lake at the spillway level covers about 7,000 acres. It is about four miles wide at the widest part and about 10 miles long. Its greatest depth, in the stream bed at the outlet tower, is 14 meters. The stream bed is three or four meters below the surrounding land. Thus the greatest depth out of the stream bed is 10 meters. The land which was flooded was badly eroded leaving many gullies in the bottom of the lake; consequently it was necessary to place buoys at the two sta¬ tions out in the lake to mark those depths used in our experiments. Four stations were established across the lake for a distance of one and one- fourth miles, beginning at the southern edge. See figure 1. Station CO-1 is in a cove on the south side of the lake well protected by headlands on the east and west. A small stream emptied into this cove during the wet seasons. Only surface samples were taken here, and these in the mouth of the stream where the water was not over two feet deep. Station CO-2 was taken in the old stream bed. When water is at the spill- Pig. i. — Outline Map of Crab Orchard Lake. way level this station is not over 13 meters. (The lowest the water was last summer was 10 meters deep.) Along the banks of the old stream were small trees and shrubs. These are now completely covered and are found only when they tangle the lines of the collecting tube. Small bits of wood are found in samples from this station. Station CO-3 is about three-fourths of the way from Station CO-2 to the north shore. Its greatest depth was five meters. At the low water stage it was about three meters. The soil here had been culti¬ vated and was most recently planted in corn. Station CO-4 is in a shallow cove on the north shore where the soil had been graded to make a smooth beach. This had grown over with weeds before the land was flooded. The water here was only about two feet deep. Surface samples were taken here. The dam was closed May 10th, 1940, and the water went over the spillway for P jg. 2. — Diagram of average net algae at Station CO-2. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions the first time during the night of Febru¬ ary 1st, 1942. Most of these data were taken before the water had reached spill¬ way level. The collections from the surface were taken in a dip pan and from water below with a collecting tube of one liter capacity. Samples were put through a collecting net of silk bolting cloth and washed into 100 c.c. of Transeau’s Fluid for storage. Counts of the numbers of organisms were made in a Sedgwich-Rafter cell of 1 c.c. capacity. At Stations CO-2 and CO-3 the samples from below the surface were taken at one meter intervals. Fig. 2 shows the average of six net algae that were abundant enough long enough to be charted. These were col¬ lected at Station CO-2. As was expected the number of individuals was small and the genera few early in the spring. The collections were made each week until the first week of October; then every two weeks until the second week of December. At this time a question of jurisdiction arose since the upper end of the lake be¬ came a defense area. Then the lake was covered with ice too thick for a row boat but not thick enough to support a col¬ lector and all the equipment. The first organisms to appear maintained little variation in a restricted range. Asterion- ella disappeared the last of May. Only one individual of this alga has been seen this spring. Ceratium varied the least of any while it was seen but was gone the second week in October, except those found the second week in February. The others continued in the collections from the time they were first seen until the last collection was made the first week in April. The most striking increase was made by Aphanizomenon when it reached 700,000,000 organisms per cubic meter the third week of July. The decrease was more rapid than the increase. At Station CO-1 Microcystis became so thick it could not be collected in the net, but was allowed to rise to the top of the col¬ lecting pan and 100 c.c. of this material was taken as a sample. Vertical distribution of these organisms at Station CO-2 is shown in Fig. 3. The greatest number of organisms was found at two meters in Asterionella and Coelo- sphaerium , at three meters in Dictyo¬ sphaerium and Aphanizomenon, at four meters in Ceratium, and at the bottom in Microcystis. These represent the average numbers taken during the middle of the season for each. Vertical distribution at the four sta¬ tions is shown in Fig. 4. The letters in¬ dicate the name of the organism and the distance between the short vertical lines shows the number of individuals of each alga. This gives a rough idea of the dis¬ tribution from top to bottom of the lake. Dictyosphaerium was not seen in the Fig. 4. — Vertical distribution of four algae at the four stations in Crab Orchard Lake. C — Coelosphaerium. D = Dictyosphaerium. A = Aphanizomenon. M = Microcvstis Sept. 12, 1941. upper two meters at any station and was also absent from the four and seven meter samples taken at Station CO-2. Here again the greatest number occurred at the three-meter depth at CO-2 and at the two meter depth at CO-3. The sur¬ face samples were very much the same at all stations, although when the wind was from the north Microcystis and Coelo¬ sphaerium collected in large quantities on the surface at Station CO-1. Among the other sufficient number to following: 1. Anabaena 2. Ankistrodesmus 3. Arthrospira 4. Chlamydomonas 5. Chlorella 6. Closteriopsis 7. Closterium 8. Coelastrum 9. Cosmarium 10. Crucigenia 11. Cylindrospermum 12. Diatoms 13. Dinobryon 14. Eudorina 15. Euglena 16. Gloeocapsa 17. Gonium 18. Gonyaulax net algae found in be recorded were the 19. Mougeotia 20. Netrium 21. Oedogonium 22. Oocystis 23. Oscillatoria 24. Pachycladon 25. Pediastrum 26. Pleurotaenium 27. Scenedesmus 28. Schroederia 29. Sphaerocystis 30. Spirogyra 31. Spondylosium 32. Staurastrum 33. Stigeoclonium 34. Tetraedron 35. Ulothrix 36. Zygnema Botany — 19Jf2 Meeting 83 A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF NAPHTHALENE ACETIC ACID UPON THE GROWTH AND COMPOSITION OF OATS Richard B. Stephenson University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois Previous experiments (1) have indi¬ cated that the substance naphthalene acetic acid may have an effect on the morphology and yield of some plants grown in pot culture when it is supplied in the nutrient medium. Other experi¬ ments have shown that this substance is active in growth correlation (2). The preliminary investigation described here is an attempt to observe in somewhat more detail the effects of naphthalene acetic acid on the growth and composi¬ tion of young oat plants, (Ill. variety 30- 2088). The plants were grown in crushed quartz gravel in 6^ inch glazed pots. They were supplied nutrient by a sub¬ irrigation system from three gallon bot¬ tles. Each bottle supplied two pots. By means of an automatic time clock, the system was irrigated and drained eight times daily. The nutrient solution was renewed every two weeks. There were eight groups of nutrient supply: the con¬ trol or plain salts medium, and seven dilutions of naphthalene acetic acid in this medium, 0.005, .01, .05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg. per liter. There were twelve pots Pin i. — The effect of various concentra¬ tions of naphthalene acetic acid on the per cent total nitrogen in the tops and roots of young oat plants. Note the inverse rela¬ tionship. with sixteen plants per pot of each dilu¬ tion and the control. These plants were harvested at the end of six weeks before the development of the first node. The pots were immersed in a large tub of water and the plants were gently ex¬ tricated from the gravel to preserve as much of the roots as possible. The roots and tops were separated and rapidly dried in a moving current of hot air (85° C.). They were then pulverized in a Wiley mill and the material analyzed for its total nitrogen content. The total nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl-Gunning method (with CuSCh catalyst) with micro-digestion and distillation equipment. The average sample weight was 50 milligrams. De¬ terminations were made in triplicate. Re¬ sults are shown in Fig. 1. The inverse relationship of the graph suggests that some influence of naphthalene acetic acid on transport might be involved. A difference in appearance of the plants was noted while they were growing. Those in concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid above .5 mg. per liter were much darker in color than any of the others and their leaves did not fall aside from the stems as in normal growth. The chlorophyll content of the dried tops was compared colorimetrically in acetone ex¬ tracts with the results shown in Fig. 2. Ascorbic acid determinations were made/ on 5 gram samples of fresh tissue at the time the plants were harvested. The amount found in all samples was un¬ usually constant, having extreme values of 25-29 mg. per cent ascorbic acid. 2-6 dichlorophenolindophenol was used to titrate the metaphosphoric-trichloroacetic acid extract of ascorbic acid. The dry weight yield of both tops and roots generally was lowered as the con¬ centration of naphthalene acetic acid in¬ creased, except that a slight increase over the control occurred in the lowest con¬ centration, 0.005 mg. per liter. 84 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Fig. 2. The effect of various concentra¬ te118 of naphthalene acetic acid on the chlorophyll content of the tops of young oat plants. The data obtained in this preliminary study show that naphthalene acetic acid supplied in nutrient solutions affects the total growth of oat plants and the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves. It also affects inversely the amount of nitrogen in tops and roots. It has no apparent effect on the ascorbic acid content of the tops. l. o REFERENCES Stephenson, Richard B. Effect of growth regulating substances on development of seedlings and excised parts in culture. M.S. thesis, University of Maryland, cuctio ui sextain growm regulating substances on growth cor¬ relation in lettuce seedlings. Plant Physiology, 1942 (in press). PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN B2) CONTENT OF PLANT MATERIALS Stanley A. Watson, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois It will probably be agreed that the last decade has brought forth much startling and important knowledge in regard to the chemistry and physiology of the vitamins and there is every indication that there is still much to be done. One of the most interesting and intensive phases of this work has been the isola¬ tion and identification of the vitamins of the “B-complex.” Aside from the com¬ mon feature of water solubility, each one seems to be universally distributed in liv¬ ing, growing organisms which probably indicates that most of them, at least, are indispensable to all forms of life. Sev¬ eral members of this group which have been most studied, thiamin, riboflavin and nicotinic acid, have been shown to exert their influence as prosthetic groups for enzymes or as co-enzymes in cellular respiration. The author of a recent re¬ view (1) has stated that over 700 papers were written on the water soluble vita¬ mins during 1941. However, even a cursory reading of the text reveals that the proportion of papers dealing with plant-vitamin relationships (excluding de¬ terminations on foods) is exceedingly small. Green plants are known to be the pri¬ mary seat of vitamin synthesis not only for themselves (wherein they are not vitamins according to definition) but for all animals dependent upon them directly or indirectly for food. The study of vita¬ min relationships in plants should be a rich field of physiological endeavor but has been slow getting started mainly be¬ cause of a lack of adequate methods for their determination. A recent publication by Williams and co-workers (2) presents microbiological assay methods which re¬ quire little outlay for equipment and appear to be reasonably accurate. The present investigator has applied the microbiological method for riboflavin to plant materials with a view of learn¬ ing something about the occurrence, synthesis and possible functions of the substance in plants. One phase of the problem which is considered to be im¬ portant is the relation of mineral nutri¬ tion to vitamin content of cereal grasses and is being studied at the present time in the laboratory at the University of Illinois. The study of riboflavin in plants seems to have been almost untouched up to the present time but experiments with other vitamins can serve as a guide. Riboflavin content of several plant materials is pre¬ sented and is used to illustrate possibili¬ ties for further research. Bonner (3) has studied the thiamin distribution and transport in tomato plants and reports that the thiamin content, on the basis of gammas per gram of dry weight, is high¬ est in the youngest leaves and falls off with each successive leaf to a low figure in the oldest. The accompanying data on tobacco and tomato show no difference between the riboflavin content of young Botany — 191$ Meeting 85 Table I Plant Part Riboflavin in gammas per gram dry tissue Tobacco - - - - - Growing point and youngest leaves . - . 10.88 ± 0.1 11.15 ± 0.1 8.00 =4= 0.8 “ , senescent - Tomato - - Growing point and youngest leaves - Leaves, growing rapidly - “ mature _ 23.90 ± 1.0 23.71 * 1.5 20.73 ± 1.0 14.37 ± 1.0 “ , senescent - Roots _ 9.73 ± 0.5 23.38 ± 2.0 4.35 =*= 0.4 14.90 ± 0.1 Oat (Flowering stage) - (includes leaf sheaths) Coleus _ _ _ Leaf margins (chlorophyl) - Leaf centers (no chlorophyl) - 21.63 ± 0.9 22.17 ± 1.3 15.76 ± 1.3 Magnolia - 11.58 0.3 16.49 ± 1.0 8.75 ± 1.0 10.48 ± 1.0 (Var: Old Dominion) “ , female _ Vegetative, male - - - “ , female _ and mature leaves but shows a low value for senescent leaves. This may be due to destruction or removal of riboflavin from necrotic cells. By means of girdling experiments, Bonner was able to conclude that thiamin is apparently synthesized in the mature leaves and transported up or down the stem to the growing leaves and to the roots. This technique might be profitably applied to the other B vitamins. The data on the oat plant indicates that the leaf is the place of synthesis of riboflavin. Its occurrence in the stem might be in part due to transport to the flowers and to the roots. The difference between the concentration in tobacco and tomatoes is interesting but should be confirmed because the tobacco samples were not analysed until several months after they were dried. They were stored at room temperature in light-tight con¬ tainers. As early as 1935, Kuhn and Kalt- schmitt (4) investigated the possible re¬ lationship between riboflavin and chloro- phyl in the green leaf but came to no definite conclusion. The results of analy¬ sis of variegated cloeus leaves and of magnolia petals would lead one to believe that there is no necessary relationship between chlorophyl and riboflavin con¬ tent. It is especially interesting if one assumes that the only difference between the cells of the margin and those of the center is presence or absence of chloro- phyi. Loehwing’s (5) investigation on the chemistry of sex expression in spinach suggested that there might be a differ¬ ence in vitamin content between male and female because of apparent differences in metabolic activity. The female plants, which seem to have a higher rate of nitrogen metabolism also show a higher riboflavin content. This conforms to the previously reported (6) relation between protein synthesis and riboflavin content in oats. The list of vitamins of the “B-complex” now includes 7 known chemical com¬ pounds and the list is probably not com¬ plete. The application of some of the above-mentioned methods to the study of each of these factors in plants offers a field of fundamental and productive re¬ search. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) [organ, Agnes Fay. Ann. Review of Biochem., 10, 337 (1941). Studies on the Vitamin Content or Tissue I.” Univ. of Texas Publica¬ tion No. 4137. (1941.) (1942). Kuhn and Kaltschmitt. Ber. Chem. Gesel. 68, 128 (1935). Loehwing, W. F. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 30, 1215 (1932). Watson and Wynd. Airier. J. Bot. 27, 20s (1940). PAPERS IN CHEMISTRY From the Report of the Section Chairman The Chemistry program carried 11 papers, 8 of which are herewith pub¬ lished. The others were : Garvey, N. F., Supervisor Visual Aids, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Review of 191+0-1+1 movies useful in the teaching of physical science. McLain, M. H., Wilson Junior College, Chicago, Illinois, Review of 191+0-1+1 texts for teaching of chemistry in first two years of college. Van Arsdell, Prudence, and Gustav Egloff, Universal Oil Products Co., Chicago, Illinois, Nomenclature of cyclic hydrocarbons. Forty-five attended the meeting and elected as chairman for the Jackson¬ ville meeting May 7-8, 1943, H. W. Gould, Northern Illinois State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illinois. . (Signed) N. D. Cheronis, Chairman [87] 88 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions NEW ACID-BASE TERMINOLOGY C. W. Bennett Western Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb, Illinois The last twenty years have seen a rather amazing change in the meaning of the terms acid and base for those who try to keep up with new developments. The following summary of the more important proposals will show that the meaning of the terms become more and more inclu¬ sive. a) Arrhenius 1887— H y d r o g e n ion donor in water. b) Bronsted 1923 — Proton (H+ ion) donor in general. c) Germann 1925 — Solvent-cation donor. d) Lewis 1923 and 1938— Electron- pair acceptor. e) Sidgwick 1927— “Acceptor” for same idea as Lewis. f) Usanovich 1939 — More inclusive — ■ electrophile. The Journal of Chemical Education has published many articles concerning the new ideas and has recently reprinted a very valuable selection of them in book form.1 To me the ideas of G. N. Lewis2 seem most reasonable. Usanovich’s acids include almost everything, Lewis’ acids, oxidizing agents and other substances while the Bronsted theory is forced to omit some real acids like S03 and SnCl4. Lewis defines an acid as “a molecule, ion, or radical capable of accepting a pair of electrons furnished by some other ele¬ ment or group. Conversely, a base is a structure which can furnish such an elec¬ tron pair.” Many felt at first that the new ideas were all right if only new names were applied. Sidgwick,8 for example, calls the Lewis acids “acceptors” and the bases “donors.” Lewis, however is rapidly gaining support and the logic of his posi¬ tion is asserting itself. When one considers the classical con¬ notation of the word “base,” it is hard to see how it could be the foundation of anything but the new usage makes it the base or foundation of an acid. The word “acid” means sour and that is generally true of Lewis’ “acids.” All the classical acid radicals as well as some other entities are called bases by the new sys¬ tem. Thus the acetate ion is the base of HC2H3O2. Acids or bases may be cations, neutral molecules, or anions as the following examples will show: ACIDS (Electron-pair Acceptors) Cations Molecules Anions H,0+ HC1 H2PO4- NH4+ HC2H3O2 HPO4-- Zn++ SnCL HC2O4- Ag+ H2O HSO4- Fe+++ Al+++ Mg++ Cr+++ BASES H3PO4 502 HAIO. 503 (Electron-pair Donors) Cations Molecules Anions Zn(OH) + H2O OH- A1 ( OH ) ++ NIL PO4--- A10+ Al(OH)3 HPO4-- Fe ( OH ) ++ NH2OH H2PO4- Fe(OH)2+ CN- FeO+ C2H3O2- SOr- HSOr 0-- Those which occur in both lists would be called amphiprotic (since the words amphoteric and ampholytic are now ob¬ solete). Perhaps the most striking con- strast is in the classical use of the word “bases” in Soil Chemistry and qualitative analysis for cations and “acids” for anions. The new theory makes most of these same cations “acids” and the anions “bases.” Thus Zn++, Al+++, Fe+++ have long been called bases but their solutions taste sour, turn litmus red and have other characteristics of acids, alum even being substituted for the acid in cheap baking powder. Modern ideas are there¬ fore more realistic. Again, solutions containing such ions as CN~, C2H3O2", Si nh4+ + cr Types of Lewis Salts Classical Salts “ Onium ” Salts Na+Cl" NH4+C1" k+no3- H30+C1" Ca++SOr " nh4+oh- Fe+++Cl"3 H30+HS04- Classical Bases Not Salts Na+OH" As2S3 K+OH" CdCl2 Li+OH- HgCl2 Mg++(OH")2 Hg(CN)2 The more we consider these points, the more reasonable the new ideas become but one could wish that more texts and teachers had the daring to use them con¬ sistently. I look forward to the time when some department somewhere will start a generation of students right and use the new ideas entirely. I am afraid, however, that they would still have to be somewhat familiar with the classical ideas in order to be able to converse with the “barbarians” elsewhere. REFERENCES 1. Acids and Bases, J. Chem. Ed. Contribu¬ tion of Chemical Education no. 1, 1941. 2. Lewis, G. N. “Valence and the structure of atoms and molecules," Chem. Catalog. Co. 1923. J. Franklin Inst. 226 , 293, 1938. 3. Sidgwick, “Electron theory of valency" Oxford Press, 1927. 90 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions SEMIMICRO METHODS IN THE TEACHING OF CHEMISTRY Nicholas D. Cheronis and Peter G. Arvan Wright Junior College , Chicago, Illinois The introduction of methods and technics permitting chemical experimen¬ tation with very small amounts was in¬ troduced about the first decade of the present century. The earliest uses of micro methods appears in biochemical and mineralogical investigations. In the detection of poisons it became necessary to develop tests using small amounts of .materials and having high sensitivity. Also, as early as 1894, micro methods had been developed for the identification of a large number of minerals using in many cases a single crystal or 1 mg. of a substance were described. (1903.) The first microbalances were developed between 1909-1911. The work of Emich and Pregl during the early part of the century in the development of micro¬ chemical methods in quantitative organic analysis may be regarded as the begin¬ ning of a systematic growth in micro and semi-micro methods in chemical experi¬ mentation. It was clearly recognized that the micro methods saved time and material, without sacrificing accuracy, provided the proper technics were used. Between 1925-1935, a few universities in this country introduced courses in micro¬ chemical quantitative organic analysis. One of the first introductions of the micro methods to undergraduate instruc¬ tion was by E. C. Gray of Cairo, Egypt, who in 1925 developed a course in gen¬ eral chemistry. Though a manual was published, these methods did not take root in the teaching of general college and high school chemistry. The main reason is probably that these early at¬ tempts introduced actually micro meth¬ ods, that is, the work involved a drop of the liquid, or a few milligrams of a solid. It was not until the micro methods were changed to semi-micro that they found a place in the college curriculum, in the teaching of Qualitative Analysis. En- gelder at the University of Pittsburgh introduced such a course at about 1930 and published his first results in 1932. This marks the beginning of a rapid growth in the introduction of the semi¬ micro methods to the teaching of Chem¬ istry. Today about 75 per cent of the colleges and universities use the semi¬ micro technic in the teaching of Qualitative Analysis. Although the semimicro technic has been introduced widely in the teaching of qualitative analysis only limited progress has been done in the introduction of these methods in the teaching of general chemistry both at the college and high school level. As shown by the bibliog¬ raphy there have been a few attempts but the method has not yet taken root. The introduction of the semi-micro methods to the teaching of elementary organic chemistry did not start until recently. The difficulties in this field are much greater. Special glass equipment such as condensers and distillation flasks for handling small amounts had to be de¬ veloped first before any of the traditional experiments can be adapted to the new technic. The war has brought great demands for economy not only of materials but also of time; it seems therefore impera¬ tive that teachers should reexamine their disinclination to stray away from the easy beaten path of the tried and true traditional methods. The semi-micro technic for teaching sacrifices none of the objectives of any laboratory course in chemistry — and in addition offers a num¬ ber of distinct advantages. On the basis of the experience of teachers who have worked with these methods the following advantages may be safely claimed: (1) The factual material of chemistry and the illustration of principals can be illus¬ trated as well with 0.5 g. as with 10 g.; (2) Technics, cleanliness and accuracy are better and more highly developed by the micro methods than by the traditional micro methods; (3) A smaller initial in¬ vestment for equipment and what is more important, less breakage and up¬ keep; (4) The student is enabled to do Chemistry — 191$ Meeting 91 a great deal more in the time available without sacrificing thoroughness; (5) The accident hazard is reduced; accidents become micro accidents; (6) The micro methods can be well adapted to develop the student’s curiosity for self-develop¬ ment. The hobby of the “home labora¬ tory” which is difficult or impossible with macro equipment not only can be en¬ couraged but it can be used to greater advantages. The space needed at home is very small, with little or no fumes or odors. The following is a partial bibliog¬ raphy of micro and semi-micro methods for the teaching of chemistry. 1. Micro Methods of Quantitative Organic Analysis , J. B. Neiderl and Victor Niederl, John Wiley and Sons, (1942). 2. Semi-Micro Methods in High School Chemistry , S. D. Law, Science Teacher, Vol. 9, No. 2, 16, (1942). 3. Semi-Micro Equipment for High School and College Chemistry , W. J. Schiller and Sister N. Lawrence, J. Chem. Educ., Vol. 18, 543, (1941). 4. Semi-Micro Chemistry for the Beginning Student, V. E. Wood and H. R. Walker, J. Chem. Educ., Vol. 18, 427, (1941). 5. Advances of Semi-Micro Technic in Teaching Qualitative Analysis, P. Ar¬ thur, J. A. Burrows, O. M. Smith and E. L. Adams, J. Chem. Educ., 18, 385, (1941). 6. Semi-Micro Qualitative Analysis for College Freshmen, J. L. Dalton, J. Chem. Educ., 17, 182, (1940). 7. The Use of Semi-Micro Technic in Ele¬ mentary Organic Chemistry I, N. D. Cheronis, J. Chem. Educ., 16, 28, (1939). Semimicro and Macro Organic Chem¬ istry. N. D. Cheronis. Crowell, (1942). 8. The Use of Semi-Micro Methods in Undergraduate Instruction , E. Deger- ing, J. Chem. Educ., 16, 276, (1939). 9. The Teaching of Qualitative Analysis by the Semi-Micro Methods, G. W. Smith, J. Chem. Educ., 7 5, 324, (1938). 10. A Laboratory Manual for High School Chemistry with Semi-Micro Methods, Schiller and Lawrence, Welch Mnfg. Co., (1938). 11. The Teaching of Micro Chemistry, J. B. Niederl, J. Chem. Educ., IS, 254, (1936). 12. Semi-Micro Methods in Qualitative Analysis, Engelder, Dunkelberger and Schiller, John Wiley and Sons, (1936). 13. The Teaching of Micro Chemistry, A. A. Benedetti-Pichler, J. Chem. Educ., IS, 253, (1936). 14. Microbumer, V. T. Jackson, J. Chem. Educ., 12, 216, (1935). 15. Semi-Micro Qualitative Analysis, Hogg- ness and Johnson, Henry Holt and Co., (1935). 16. Benedetti-Pichler and Spikes, Introduc¬ tion to the Micro-technique of Inorganic and Qualitative Analysis, Micro-chemi¬ cal Service, Danglaston, L. I., N. Y., (1935). 17. Cos Generator for Micro Chemistry, S. Susman, J. Chem. Educ., 11,375, (1934). 18. Microchemical Qualitative Analysis Without Sulfides, E. M. Gerstenzang, J. Chem. Educ., 11, 369, (1934). 19. The Role of Micro Chemistry in Chemi¬ cal Education, Paul E. Spoerri, J. Chem. Educ., 10, 491, (1933). 20. Laboratory Directions in Micro In¬ organic Chemistry, Hjort and Wood¬ ward, Edwards Bros., Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich., (1933). 21. Increasing the Sensitivity of Chemical Reactions, E. W. Blane, J. Chem. Educ., 10, 7 1,6, (1933). 22. Micro Methods in General Chemistry, Hjort and Woodward, J. Chem. Educ., 9, 1815, (1932). 23. Engelder and Schiller, A System of Qualitative Microanalysis, J. Chem. Educ., 9, 1636, (1932). 24. Microchemical Laboratory Manual, Emich-Schneider, John Wiley and Sons, (1932). 25. Practical Methods by Micro Methods, E. C. Grey, W. Heffer and Sons, Cam¬ bridge, England, (1925). 26. Quantitative Organic Micro Analysis, Fritz Pregl, P. Blakiston’s Son and Co., (1924). 27. A Manual of Microchemical Analysis, H. Behrens, MacMillan, (1894). Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions {J2 REVIEW OF RECENT CHEMISTRY TEXTS FOR USE IN THE TEACHING OF CHEMISTRY AT THE HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL C. W. Dew alt Decatur , Illinois In the consideration of recent text¬ books in chemistry, I am reminded of a statement by Dr. Samuel Ralph Powers, regarding educational practices in gen¬ eral. He states that “practices in educa¬ tion are influenced by the condition of the times in which they are current and seem to represent a fusion resulting from conflict between apparent demands of an immediate and on-going social milieu and traditional procedures based upon sup¬ posed needs of the past!”1 Examination of textbooks on the high school level re¬ veals on one hand an obvious tendency to comply with the suggestions of modern educational procedure; on the other, a reluctance to break sharply with tradi¬ tion. The observation is not intended as a criticism of publications in general, but as a statement of fact, as I see it. There is even a possibility of the condition per¬ sisting to the extent that the success of a textbook is measured in terms of volume of sale. If this is true, those attempting the production of a volume of material suitable to the needs of a course of in¬ struction cannot be criticized too severely for an adaptation to an established prac¬ tice — the manner in which work of this kind is approved, published, and accepted by the educational world. One might be inclined to question whether or not there is cause for a cer¬ tain devotion to the traditional methods of educational procedure; however, we do not have to search long to find evidence of it. Belting and Clevenger in The High School At Work remark . . . “though we live in a world of progress and change, tradition has spun its web around hun¬ dreds of our high schools so strongly that if one of the colonial schoolmasters could rise from his grave for a visit to them, he would feel quite at home.”2 Dr. Powers in the discussion mentioned above says, “There can be no doubt that science teachers in many schools have’ failed to keep adequately in touch with trends in education and with the social, economic, and political developments of the dynamic society of which they as in¬ dividuals and as teachers are a part. This is obvious to anyone who will take the trouble to observe it.”3 Regardless of the status of science in¬ struction, the tendency of many textbooks to follow the trends of modern educa¬ tional practice should do much to correct a condition that has long been ignored by those who are subject-matter minded. In the main, the modern approach seems to stress certain factors; namely, the education of numbers, regardless of individual differences; less formal presen¬ tation with greater adaptation to social needs; consideration of economic princi¬ ples, that is, the conservation and utiliza¬ tion of natural resources; care of health, physical and mental; a recognition of the educational value of activity; and the or¬ ganization of information into units of instruction that can be integrated with material of other courses.4 With these factors in mind, I should like to consider the following features: 1. Philosophy : What is the book expected to teach? How is the objective to be attained? 2. Mechanics : A. Basic organization. B. Outward appearance, dimensions, and construction. C. Size and clearness of print. Readableness of material. D. Number and quality of diagrams, photo¬ graphs, and other illustrative materials. 3. Content Materials : A. Chemical prin¬ ciples, theories and laws. B. Discussion materials. C. Descriptive materials. D. Contributions of chemistry to science. E. Glossary of terms, tabular material, and appendices. 4. Learning Materials : A. Research activ¬ ities and projects. B. Use of knowledge 1 Powers, Samuel Ralph: “Preparations of Science Teachers to Contribute to General Education ; School Science and Mathematics, April, 1942, p. 315. 3 Belting and Clevenger, “The High School at WorTc,,} Chapter II, p. 19. 3 Powers, op. cit., p. 317. 4 Adapted from Powers, op. cit., pp. 316-17. Chemistry — 19J+2 Meeting 93 gained. C. Development of ideas and principles. D. Topics for investigation. E. Unit recitation and tests. F. Supple¬ mentary exercises. 5. Teaching Aids : A. Films. B. Film strips. C. Slides. D. Posters. E. Dis¬ plays. F. Free teaching aids. 6. Evaluation : A. Methods for testing * ability to think reflectively. B. Methods for testing ability to use the scientific method. I should like to discuss, first, the texts of recent copyright still organized oh the topical plan. In this group I have se¬ lected the following: 1. New World of Chemistry, by Bernard Jaffe ; Silver Burdett Company, Chicago, 1941. 2. Chemistry and Its Wonders, by Oscar L. Brauer ; American Book Company, 1938. 3. First Principles of Chemistry , by Brown¬ lee. Fuller, Hancock, Sohon, and Whitsit ; Allyn and Bacon, Chicago, 1940. 4. Ceneral Elementary Chemistry, by John C. Hogg and Charles L. Bickel ; D. Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1941. New World Of Chemistry seeks to de¬ velop well informed, intelligent indi¬ viduals, capable of complete adjustment to life situations. Furthermore, it seeks to impress students with the importance of science, and to create a desire for use of the scientific method. The book is attractive in design. The type is of mod¬ erate size, and clear. Diagrams, photo¬ graphs, and murals are clear and abundant. They are well chosen and contribute much to a general theme, that is, the role of science in the development of civilization. Although there are a large number of chapters, the sequence is good. The language is simple and clear. Technical terms are made intelligible to the student. Chemical principles are carefully developed, and the illustrative materials are compact. At the close of chapters there is a brief list of selected readings; a summary of useful ideas de¬ veloped; two groups of review questions — the second brief, but sufficiently difficult to challenge the stronger students. Also, there are suggested activities, projects and investigations. In addition to a de¬ velopment of chemical principles, there is direct effort to impress students with the importance of learning, and the values of the scientific approach. The work is inclusive, in that it treats the earliest developments, and also modern contribu¬ tions. It suffers somewhat from tradi¬ tional organization. Chemistry And Its Wonders is intended to contribute to the general culture of the individual. An extreme effort is made to show the relation of chemistry to life. The book is attractive; however, it is slightly cumbersome for ordinary use. The type is large, clear, and the material is very easy to read. Photographs and diagrams are numerous and appropriate, the latter being particularly illustrative. The reading material is interspersed with simple experiments to be demon¬ strated by the instructor. At the close of chapters and at appropriate places within chapters there are numerous re¬ view questions. The questions are de¬ signed to review scientific facts and to aid in understanding principles developed. Additional exercises for superior stu¬ dents, and supplementary reading lists, compensate in part for a lack of formal data. Some of the later chapters — Chem¬ istry and Health, How Chemistry Helps the Doctor, The Chemistry of Cooking, Chemistry and Transportation, The Chem¬ istry of Common Things — indicate the general purpose of the work. The book is an excellent reference, but it is scarcely adequate as a textbook for ordinary high-school work. Elementary General Chemistry is strictly traditional chemistry. The book is plain in design, and organization. No particular philosophy is expressed by the authors. The numerous chapters close with a few questions on factual data. There is an occasional summary, and an occasional list of practice problems. At the close of the book there is an adequate list of supplementary readings; also, some review questions. Few of the questions provoke thought, nor do they test ability to use chemistry in a practical way. The book is designed to serve the needs of schools having one or two years of chem¬ istry. I doubt if it would serve either very well. First Principles Of Chemistry is a book that has enjoyed a wide usage. The au¬ thors were among the first to break sharply with tradition. Although the copyright lists three revisions since the 1931 edition was published, the book is sadly out of date. Compared with some recent publications, the book is not par¬ ticularly attractive. It is lacking in photographs and illustrative materials. There are numerous learning exercises within chapters and at the close of chap¬ ters. Also, there are four general tests, designed to cover certain sections of the book. The summaries at the close of chapters deal with facts only. There is no provision for individual differences, 94 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions no projects are suggested, and no sugges¬ tions are made for supplementary read¬ ings. A satisfactory revision of the book is long overdue. (I understand the work is in progress.) The second group of books considered are organized on the unit plan. I have selected the following for consideration: 1. Modern Life Chemistry , by Kruh, Carle- ton and Carpenter; J. B. Lippincott, Chi¬ cago, 1941. 2. Chemistry and You, by Hopkins, Davis, Smith, McGill, and Bradbury ; Lyons and Carnahan, Chicago, 1939. 3. Chemistry at Work, by McPherson, Hen¬ derson, and Fowler; Ginn and Company, Chicago, 1938. Modern Life Chemistry is based upon the philosophy that the individual is of prime importance. It is desired that the course of instruction will benefit the indi¬ vidual in a personal and social manner. The book is attractive, modern, and well organized. The diagrams and photo¬ graphs are numerous, but many are not clear. The careless design of many dia¬ grams constitutes a serious defect, in an otherwise very creditable publication. Numerous charts and tables have been used to good advantage. The book con¬ sists of eleven units; a number of discus¬ sions concerning contributions of modern chemistry; an appendix of useful mate¬ rials; and a long list of supplementary references. Five of the units in the earlier part of the book deal with the fundamentals of chemistry. Six units in the latter part of the book deal with chemistry as it is used in a practical way. Each unit is organized about a basic idea, or principle. The units are broken down into specific contributory problems. All units and all problems have a definite assignment. Following the problem as¬ signment is a presentation of subject matter and a list of summary exercises for all students. At the close of the units there are optional exercises, problems, and topics for investigation. Also, a unit recitation and test dealing with topics for oral or written recitation. The theory of the book is that knowledge alone is in¬ sufficient; the student must be trained to use the scientific method. The materials and organization of the book are well adapted to this end. Chemistry And You is based upon the theory that individuals are constantly confronted with new problems. For this reason the students should learn to solve problems as they appear. In order that they may be able to do so, they must learn to use the scientific method. The learning materials are adapted to this end. This is an attractive book. The print is small, however clear; the dia¬ grams are not numerous, but they are adequate, and clear in design; photo¬ graphs are few in number, but good. There are sixteen units in the book. The units are developed about fundamental principles and generalizations. Units open with a preliminary discussion. Major problems are suggested by means of spe¬ cific questions. At the close of the as¬ similative material bearing on the prob¬ lems, two or three appropriate readings are suggested. Also, there are sugges¬ tions for the application and use of chem¬ istry. Research activities are given to stimulate continued study. At the close of the unit a comprehensive summarizing test is provided. It is followed by a dis¬ cussion review. Attention is focused upon economic principles, through ex¬ tensive units dealing with health, natural resources, and metals. An extensive list of supplementary readings is provided in the preface of the text. The content ma¬ terials are well adjusted to the develop¬ ment of problem solving abilities. Chemistry At Work is intended to teach students that science is the result of careful observation and experimenta¬ tion; careful formulation of theories and laws; and that the body of knowledge is constantly growing. Furthermore, it is suggested that the material should be interesting, and as practical as possible. The book is attractive, and of good con¬ struction. While slightly larger than the average book, the dimensions are not ob¬ jectionable. The print is of moderate size, and clear. The material is easy to read. Diagrams and photographs are numerous and generally good. The four¬ teen units in Chemistry At Work are broken down into chapters. Chapters are headed by a preliminary discussion. At the close there is a summary in question form. Also, numerous thought questions and optional exercises are provided. At the close of units an extensive list of supplementary exercises is given. Appar¬ ently, the authors do not feel that the student is of first importance. Contents of the book reveal a considerable respect for science as an end in itself. Conclusions — Practically all of the books mentioned are written on a second¬ ary level and may be adjusted to the Chemistry — 19Jf£ Meeting 95 needs of the average student. In most cases there is an increasing tendency to stress individual and social needs as well as factual data. Three of the books: Modern Life Chemistry, New World Of Chemistry, and Chemistry And You, provide an abun¬ dance of learning materials, thus indi¬ cating a profound belief in the educational value of activity. None of the books make suggestions concerning visual aids in the form of films, film strips, slides, posters, and free teaching aids. No provision is made to evaluate prog¬ ress made in the effort to employ re¬ flective thinking, or to learn the use of the scientific method. There is urgent need for means and methods of measuring progress. Often the teacher is reminded that in¬ struction is of little value unless it be¬ comes functional. In reply, the instructor asks, “How can it be made functional?” It is my sincere belief that the authors of Modern Life Chemistry, New World Of Chemistry, and Chemistry And You have done much to answer the question. NEW SOURCES OF MINERAL ELEMENTS IN ANIMAL NUTRITION W. P. Elmslie, W. R. Bunting, R. A. Sturdy, and Paul R. Cutter Moorman Manufacturing Introduction. — In the national war effort, many scarce and necessary ma¬ terials have been designated as “strategic materials.” Among these are certain metals of nutritional importance which are called “trace elements” in nutrition and which are essential to animal life. They overcome some “hidden hungers,” and it is therefore important under many conditions of livestock feeding to supply available sources of these elements. Manganese, cobalt, and copper are among the most important of these ele¬ ments. Manganese in the form of a soluble salt is now included in the ma¬ jority of poultry feeds to prevent perosis or slipped tendons and to improve egg production and hatchability of the egg. It also prevents certain types of lameness in pigs according to recent work from the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station. The element cobalt is lacking in the soils and vegetation of many regions of the world. In this country, such cobalt deficient areas are found in Florida, Texas, Michigan, and other regions. Cobalt is necessary for the normal nutri¬ tion of domestic animals, particularly cattle and sheep, and a deficiency pro¬ duces a typical anemia which may be very severe and result in great economic loss. Copper is known to be necessary for the building of the hemoglobin of the blood and for the utilization of iron in Company, Quincy, Illinois the body. A copper deficiency has been demonstrated in the soils of Florida, and it has been shown that the administra¬ tion of copper compounds to livestock has given remarkable results. All of these elements are commonly supplied in livestock feeds in the form of soluble salts such as the sulphates. Since these salts have become “strategic ma¬ terials,” it has become important to in¬ vestigate non-strategic substitutes such as the crude ores and other unrefined forms of these metals. Experimental — The experimental pro¬ cedure has been as follows: First, to locate deposits of ores and other impure sources of the metal in question; second, to analyze for the ele¬ ments desired and also for any toxic materials; third, to determine the avail¬ ability to the animal of each source; and, fourth, when the form was found non- assimilable, to devise treatments to in¬ crease its assimilation by the animal. The investigations have covered manga¬ nese ores from Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri, cobalt ores and impure con¬ centrates from Missouri, Nevada, Ari¬ zona, and Oregon, and copper ores from Missouri, Nevada, and New Mexico. The analysis of these ores varied widely, and, in a few instances, ores have been found unsuitable for further study because of toxic impurities such as lead. Manganese — A typical experiment on the availability of manganese ore in- 96 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions volved the use of young chicks on a perosis-producing ration, which was high in phosphorus and low in manganese. Five lots of twenty chicks each were fed for six weeks on the experimental rations and the incidence of perosis observed. Supplying fifty parts per million of manganese in the form of a Tennessee ore or an Arkansas ore, or even one hundred parts per million as the Arkansas ore, failed to give protection against perosis. The results were no bet¬ ter than in the lot receiving no manga¬ nese. On the other hand, fifty parts per million of manganese in the form of manganese sulphate protected all but one bird. Sehaible and his co-workers at Michi¬ gan State College reported good utiliza¬ tion of numerous manganese ores, in¬ cluding oxide ores. Tennessee and Arkansas ores studied in our laboratory were stated by the producers to he oxide ores. The findings reported therefore do not agree with those of Sehaible. Laboratory investigations show that the manganese ores are made soluble and thus available by a simple treatment with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid. Cobalt — The availability of cobalt to the animal was determined with rats by the production of a polycythemia or in¬ crease above normal in the red cell count and hemoglobin content of the blood. Groups of rats on a mineralized milk ration and receiving cobalt at the rate of 0.6 of a milligram per rat per day showed a marked rise in hemoglobin with cobalt sulphate but only a slight response to the cobalt in a Missouri ore or crude cobalt oxide. The method used may be open to question, since cobalt in these ore forms might be utilized by an animal in need of it, where as it might not be effective in stimulating the hemoglobin to abnormally high levels. Nevertheless, it furnishes a basis of comparison of the relative avail¬ ability of cobalt sources. Preliminary laboratory treatments of cobalt ores have indicated that at least partial availability may be achieved by relatively simple acid treatments. Copper. — The availability of copper compounds was studied with young albino rats made anemic by the method of Elvehjem, using dried whole milk. Rapid hemoglobin regeneration was produced by 0.03 of a milligram per rat per day of copper in the form of copper sulphate or of a copper carbonate ore from Ari¬ zona; however, the copper in a copper sudfide ore from Nevada produced no greater recovery from the copper anemia than did iron alone in the negative con¬ trol group. Conclusion — Much more work needs to be done, but this progress report shows that it is entirely feasible, by the use of such methods as those described, to de¬ velop new sources of the trace elements suitable for animal feeding and thus con¬ serve the pure metallic salts. Chemistry — 19J$ Meetmg 97 WHAT THE COLLEGES OF ILLINOIS ARE DOING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE H. W. Gould Northern Illinois State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illinois The accompanying table furnishes a general picture of the ways in which the colleges and universities of Illinois are cooperating with the war program. The picture, however, is not complete. There is no report from some 14 other colleges where war-connected activities are likely in progress. Also most of the schools which have reported are carrying on a variety of activities hardly classifiable under the general heads chosen. As may be expected the three larger universities of the State, also the tech¬ nical and engineering schools, have been carrying on large war-connected pro¬ grams for some time. Also the universi¬ ties in particular have supplied many staff members for technical and confiden¬ tial governmental research. Research work for the branches of the military service is now being engaged in actively by teaching and research staff members. Both on and off campus the University of Chicago estimates that 80 per cent of all research now carried on is specifically directed toward some war end, 232 members being so engaged. Here at the University of Illinois the department of physics has granted leaves to Professor Loomis, the head of the department and to 6 of its principal men to carry on a highly technical program of research in the East, all of which has been in prog¬ ress for over a year. Also the depart¬ ment of chemistry at Illinois has a num¬ ber of men similarly engaged on very important research projects related to the war for various departments of the government. Professor Roger Adams is now serving as chairman of division B (chemistry and chemical engineering) of the National Defense Research Commit¬ tee. In addition to such service as this, the Universities have furnished a large number of staff members and students who have gone into military service, most of them as volunteers. Northwestern University reports 43 faculty men and 161 students plus an additional 42 men scheduled to leave with the hospital unit number 12, February 15. Most of the military units are in the universities only, such as R. O. T. C., Sig¬ nal Corps, Coast Guard, Meteorological Institute (at Chicago, one of five in U. S.) and Naval Aviation. However, it is to be noted that an R. 0. T. C. Unit has been functioning in Knox College for some time, also a volunteer unit using the R. O. T. C. manual has been working at Shurtleff College which is near Western Military Academy also in Alton, Illinois. Also training with sea planes is in prog¬ ress at Carthage College. Civilian pilot training is or has been carried on in many of our small colleges. The Brad¬ ley Polytechnic Institute, have had a ground school and flight training pro¬ gram in operation for some time. War time courses of one kind or an¬ other are to be found in practically all of the colleges. It should be pointed out in this connection that the elementary courses in physics, chemistry and mathe¬ matics which have long been a part of the regular curricula furnish very valu¬ able background training for all branches of the military service. ESMDT courses have been offered in profusion by the universities and many of the technical schools. These courses are offered either on the campus of the institution where they are organized or are given as exten¬ sion courses in surrounding areas, such extension courses being in charge of in¬ dustrial trained men or instructors in nearby colleges. At the University of Illinois, for example, there are now 24 such extension courses involving a total enrollment of 3,600 students. These courses are taught in centers distributed throughout the State. Other courses are in process of being organized. At North¬ western University there are 24 ESMDT courses with an enrollment of 1,500; at the University of Chicago there are 18 courses with an enrollment of 1,100. At Bradley Polytech there are 900 stu- 98 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions dents at present enrolled in ESMDT courses, also there are 1,500 students enrolled in a separate vocational in¬ dustrial program. It is expected that next year a 24-hr. round schedule will be in operation. At Illinois institute of tech¬ nology there are 60 courses now being taught with such typical enrollments as 30 or 40 per course. It is noteworthy to note that at this Institution courses are being organized for training women for the industrial plants in the Chicago area. At Shurtleff College there are 18 ESMDT courses with a total enrollment of 600. All courses of this kind are for the most part non-credit courses taught by instructors in many cases at night or out of class hours as overtime, and are taught to students outside the regular college or university enrollment. It would appear that this total program of courses, pointed towards training for specific war aims, represents the greatest single contribution that the colleges and universities are making toward the war¬ preparedness program. There are a number of courses that are either regularly taught in the curriculum or have been recently added which are of distinct service to the war program as, for example, radio, electronics, meteor¬ ology, and navigation. Of particular in¬ terest is a three-year radio course now organized in the physics department at Eastern Illinois Teachers College at Charleston. This course is being offered at the expense of certain other courses dropped temporarily from the physics major. There are many other ways in which the colleges are contributing to the war program, as for example, the Southern State Teachers College at Carbondale. The college has loaned to the community for half-time duty, a director of the Civilian Defense Council, also another for coordinator of War Activities in the area acting as liaison officer between the different civic and political organizations in the area and the local ordinance plant. Another member of the faculty is chair¬ man of the rationing board; still another a member of the local draft board. Simi¬ lar contacts have been reported in other colleges. In many cases where a college is near an industrial or war-production plant various mutually beneficial contacts have been established. Members of the college staff may serve in advisory capacities for plant operations or men in the plant may serve as instructors in vocational or in ESMDT courses at the college. Modified credit courses may be offered which are pointed directly towards the training of students for work in the local plant and many of the graduates and undergrad¬ uates go into the plant as civil service in¬ spectors, etc. A summary of activities on our local campus will serve as typical illustra¬ tion of what has gone on apparently in most of the colleges of the State. For the past year a college defense committee has been developing possibilities for war connected activities in which the College could function. A regular College repre¬ sentative has also been appointed to serve as general liaison officer between the Col¬ lege and surrounding areas. Under this set-up the following things have devel¬ oped or are in process of development. (1) A committee on Civilian Morale has administered a program of training dis cussion leaders. Up to now these leader¬ ship training programs have been set up in 25 centers serving about 900 persons. The materials used at these meetings have been endorsed by the U. S. Office of Education. Requests for them have come from Western Teachers College, University of Illinois, University of Kan¬ sas, and Columbia University. (2) The College was one of the first to be accepted for the V-l program. (3) A plan with the Great Lakes Naval Training Station under which groups of 300 men are to be sent to the campus for training periods is under consideration. (4) Several spe¬ cial courses are being carried on or are being arranged, (a) Visual Education materials (University of Illinois, super¬ vision) (b) First Aid (c) Public health and Sanitation (University of Illinois) (d) Fundamentals of Radio (ESMDT) (e) Foundations of Engineering (ESMDT) (f) Lathe Practice and Map reading. (5) The Social Science Depart¬ ment has conducted a winter series of lectures and forums for the past several years. This year this Department has brought in other members of the faculty for discussions of topics pertinent to the war emergency. (6) The college has co¬ operated with the local town officials in the promotion of trial blackouts, also in an air raid warden emergency course. Chemistry — 19 Meeting 99 Table I School Civilian Morale Program R.O.T.C. V-l C.P.T. Other Military Units E.S.M.D.T. Affiliation Vocational New or Modified Courses Phys. Ed. Program Increased Accelerated Schedule 1. University of Chicago.. yes 1000 V-l yes Signal Meteor. Coast G. 18q(1100) yes yes 4 quarters 2. University of Illinois... yes 4243 V-l yes Signal Exptl. 24 (3600) others yes 3 semesters 3. Northwestern Univ _ yes Naval V-l-7 yes Nurses Train. 24 (1500) yes 4 quarters 41 Augustana . . C.P.T. 10 sect. 5. Bradley Poly Tech... . V- 1-5-7 C.A.A. (900) (1500) 24-hr. Sch. year-round 6. Carthage — . . . yes V-l Sea Plane 3 sect. 7. Eureka.. . 2-yr. Sci. Schedule 6 8-wk. terms (single units) 8. Illinois Inst. Tech . . 60 Courses Courses for Women in Industry 9. Illinois Teachers _ Carbondale yes V-l C.P.T. 5 sect. 4 quarters 10. Illinois Teachers . . Charleston yes 7 sect. 3-yr. Radio Course 4 quarters 11. Illinois Teachers . DeKalb 15 centers V-l Navy Plan 2 (planned) 1 (planned) 8 wks. summer 12. Illinois Teachers . Normal V-l C.P.T. yes 13. Knox _ _ yes R.O.T.C. C.P.T. yes Calisthenics yes 14. Lake Forest . Pre Ind. Plan V-l yes 15. MacMurray . . 4 sect. 8 wks. summer 16. North Park . yes V-l 2 sect. yes 17. Quincy Jr. College _ _ yes C.A.A. First Aid 18. Shurtleff . . V-l C.A.A. Volunteer Unit 18 (600) 19. Springfield Jr. . . yes V-l Cadet Air Corps 3 sect. 12 wks. summer for premedics 20. St. Francis . . yes 7 (350) First Aid 21. St. Xavier . yes yes 22. Wright Jr... . yes V-l Army Plan 4 sect. Others Planned It has also carried on selective service registrations and sugar rationing. Accelerated schedules have been adopted in several schools. This has taken several forms as shown in the table. Some schools, the University of Chicago for example, have been offering eleven to twelve weeks of summer ses¬ sions made up of two terms and are con¬ tinuing to do so. Others which have offered no summer work before are doing so now, at least in some subjects. Others 100 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions are extending their summer session say from six to eight weeks (MacMurray College) or from eight to twelve weeks or an entire semester as the University of Illinois and some of the teachers col¬ leges are doing. Others, like Bradley Polytechnic Institute are putting on a continuous year-round schedule, elim¬ inating the usual holiday vacations. In this connection there is difference of opinion as to the efficiency of an un¬ broken teaching period of several months duration. It would appear from this brief survey that the institutions of Illinois, over and above their ordinary programs, are do¬ ing a fair share in helping to train per¬ sonnel for this highly mechanistic war. DEMONSTRATION OF UNSTABLE ANIONIC COMPLEX FORMATION BY THE METHOD OF ELECTROMETRIC TITRATION Therald Moeller University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Although the pH value at which the precipitation of a given hydrous oxide or hydroxide occurs is in general inde¬ pendent of the type of anion present, in those instances where the anion is capable of coordinating with the cation, the concentration of the latter may be reduced to such an extent that excessive quantities of alkali must be added to induce precipitation. In other words under these conditions the precipitation pH is appreciably raised, and in in¬ stances where the complex is either in¬ herently sufficiently stable or is stabilized by excessive quantities of the added anion, precipitation can be completely inhibited. Thus it has been demonstrated (1, 2) that not only can the precipitation of hydrous mercuric oxide be completely inhibited by added chloride, bromide, or iodide but also that the dry oxide can itself be dissolved in solutions of the potassium halides with the quantitative liberation of titratable potassium hydrox¬ ide. Similar phenomena are encountered with the corresponding cadmium ma¬ terials (3) although the lesser stabilities of the cadmium complexes necessitate the presence of excessively high quan¬ tities of the potassium halides to prevent the precipitation of the hydrous hydroxide. The effects of anionic complex forma¬ tion upon subsequent hydroxide precipi¬ tation can be readily followed by an electrometric titration technique which involves treatment of the salt solution in question with successive increments of standard alkali, the changes in pH being followed by means of a suitable glass, quinhydrone, or hydrogen electrode as¬ sembly. Displacement of the resultant titration curve toward higher pH values can then be taken as being indicative of complex formation, and the instability of the complex is shown not only by the magnitude of the pH displacement but by the similarity existing between the displaced curve and the normal curve for the uncomplexed cation. Procedures of this sort do not, however, give informa¬ tion as to the structures of any complexes which may arise. Thus when solutions of such strong electrolytes as lanthanum bromide and neodymium chloride are titrated with alkali in the presence of successively increasing quantities of alkali bromide and chloride respectively, the titration curves show no displacement from those obtained with the pure salts alone even at such high ratios of alkali halide to rare earth halide as one hundred twenty to one. These not unexpected results indicate the complete lack of coordination between the halide and rare earth ions by proving that the concentrations of the lanthanum and neodymium ions are un¬ affected by added halide. With the elements immediately follow¬ ing the transition elements in the periodic system, however, anionic com¬ plex formation is commonplace as is in¬ dicated by the poor conductivities of many of the salt solutions (particularly those of the soluble halides). Thus the inhibitions of oxide and hydroxide for¬ mation is mercuric and cadmium salt solutions containing added halides can be Chemistry — 19Jf2 Meeting 101 ascribed to the formation of complex anions of the form [MX4]= in accordance with the coordination number of four usually exhibited by these elements. The method of electrometric titration could readily be extended to studies upon the effects upon hydroxide precipitation exerted by similar complexes of many of the elements in this general region of the periodic arrangement. Such an element is indium, halo complexes of which have been indicated by various other methods. Alkali titrations of indium salt solu¬ tions containing added alkali salts indi¬ cate displacements of the precipitation regions of the titration curves to higher and higher pH values in the series iodide to bromide to chloride to fluoride, the fluoride thus giving the most stable com¬ plex. The weakly coordinating nitrate ion has no effect when added, but the sulfate raises the precipitation region somewhat farther than does the chloride. That the resultant indium complexes are sufficiently unstable (except with the fluoride) to effect only slight reductions in indium ion concentration is apparent from the fact that only at halide to indium ratios of around one hundred to one do curve displacements become ap¬ preciable. Precipitation of hydrous indium hydroxide is completely inhibited by none of these anions, probably because of the instabilities of the complexes and of the fact that the precipitation pH of the hydroxide is so low at 3.41 (4) that an extremely large pH shift would be necessary. Inasmuch as the coordination number of indium in its compounds is generally six, anionic complex formation can be regarded as resulting according to the equilibrium [In (H20)g]+++ + 6X"^±[InX,]5 + 6 H,0 That the equilibrium constants for the reactions in question are small is attested by the excessively large amounts of X" needed to bring about effective equili¬ brium displacements. The stabilities of halo anions in gen¬ eral are functions of both the cation and the anion. Thus the order of decreasing stability runs from iodide to fluoride with the members of the “B” families of Peri¬ odic Groups I and II but from the fluoride to the iodide in Groups III and IV. The smaller ionic radii of the mem¬ bers of the latter two groups apparently offset the tendency of the more covalent iodide to enter into such complex formation. REFERENCES 1. Britton and Wilson, J. Chem. Soc., 1982, 2550. 2. Britton and Wilson, ibid., 1938, ,9. 3. Moeller and Rhymer, J. Phys. Chem., 46, 477 (1942). 4. Moeller, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 63, 2625 (1941). 102 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions SUITABLE CURRICULA FOR HIGH SCHOOL CHEMISTRY Sister M. Joan Preising College of St. Francis , Joliet, Illinois ice hypothetical considerations on curricula for High School Chemistry have been discussed so frequently and so thoroughly, it mounts almost to the height of the ridiculous to break down and build up once more, with the hope of attaining anything like the ideal. High School Curricula as viewed in this paper cover the well known accepted line: First, General Chemistry; Second, College Entrance Equivalent; Third, Pop¬ ular Course; Fourth, General Science. These have their various advantages and disadvantages. Because of these apparent advantages and disadvantages a rapid summary will be sufficient to bring them to our atten¬ tion. First, General Chemistry is an en¬ cyclopedic description of practically the entire field. This is found successful with students who have carried two to three years of science or those who have the ability to do scientific thinking. On the other hand students who have had but one year of science or no previous training would perhaps lose all enthusi¬ asm or never develop an inclination to¬ wards chemical viewpoints. Second, the College Entrance Equivalent, is the course that should enable the stu¬ dent after entrance examination, to reg¬ ister in Analytical Chemistry or carry a condensed course in General Chemistry. It is recognized in many colleges that this course is sufficient preparation for Analytical Chemistry. However, many college freshmen find the following dif¬ ficulties: (A) they are not as yet orien¬ tated into college; (B) they do not think with adult scientific minds; (C) the ebulition of High School Chemistry has ceased. Third, the Popular Course in Chemistry and fourth, the General Science Course should develop a scientific attitude of mind, and the ability to do critical think¬ ing, and should serve as vocational guid¬ ance courses for the scientifically minded. Estimating these courses from the teacher’s platform, his adequacy and in¬ adequacy of preparation comes to the fore. The following appears in the Illi¬ nois Bulletin No. 8, 1940, concerning prep¬ aration of teachers in Physical Sciences, effective in Illinois High Schools: In the field of Physical Sciences sixteen hours are required, in the subject ten hours. Is this preparation adequate? Yes, if as a student, the teacher in question had developed the two concepts (critical thinking, and a scientific attitude of mind) and can stimulate a critical at¬ titude and an appreciation of science. Ad¬ versely many with stereotyped prepara¬ tion never get beyond a mechanical pre¬ sentation of the subject. The nucleus of this paper is to discuss the fact that the ideal course in High School Chemistry should be given pri¬ marily to incite stimulation. (This stimu¬ lating course would act as a sounding- board to test the student’s aptitude for Chemistry.) Also the General Inorganic Course taken in the college is practically indispensable for the Chemistry Major. The advantages of the above sugges¬ tions may be listed: — a) This would give all entrance students relative mental aptitudes — their orientation and tools with which to begin their major work would lie in the same plane; b) with this average requirement of knowledge, en¬ thusiasm would not suffer; c) presenta¬ tion of theory in High School Chemistry should be subservient to practical appli¬ cation. This inductive method, broadens instead of cramps the student’s ability to do creative thinking; d) an elaboration of theory if not accompanied by thorough understanding and sufficient practical ap¬ plication, stifles scientific interest and progress; e) an elaboration of theory accompanied by thorough understanding creates a superiority complex with regard to the student’s idea of his knowledge of Chemistry; this has a disintegrating effect which is practically irrevocable; f) it is almost impossible to introduce into High School a course that will be equiva¬ lent to a General Inorganic Course as Chemistry — 191$ Meeting 103 given in college; this means that the student with the General Inorganic Course that is supposed to be College equivalent, has inadequate background for major study in Chemistry. What would be the ideal course in High School Chemistry? These would no doubt amount to courses, and would dif¬ fer according to the type of high school. In an academy for girls where the ma¬ jority will be Home Economics majors or technicians the practical applications can be directed in those fields. In a boy’s high school industrial and special profes¬ sional fields may be considered, whereas in the co-ed high school, a varied course would be advisable, one having general application. Such a course would be one that would accompany the laboratory manual, “Test It Yourself” published by Scott Foresman. A great objection to the above sugges¬ tions is the well-worn fear that Chem¬ istry majors will be retarded if they are not able to step into courses in Analytical Chemistry as soon as entering college. There are other time saving devices which would not nip the scientific bud. Cannot the High School equip the student so well in fundamentals of rhetoric, his¬ tory, languages, that these can be elimin¬ ated in college by proficiency examina¬ tions? This would afford more hours in the major field. May I be pardoned for referring to per¬ sonal observations and experiences? In the teaching of High School Chemistry for nine years, I have noticed that: a) much of the truly theoretical material is beyond the grasp of the majority, there¬ fore presentation is cramped; b) the time element being limited, presentation of ex¬ tensive theoretical or practical applica¬ tions must suffer in assimilation; c) whether they be potential Chemistry majors or not emphasis on the practical will leave all students with a fair under¬ standing of everyday Chemistry; d) for potential Chemistry majors, practical Chemistry gives them a background which broadens their concepts to the fact that theory without application is like a soul without a body, rather ghostly. Carrying this knowledge into the teaching of six years of Freshmen College Chemistry, the following points have come to my attention through observation and interviewing of students who have had Chemistry before entering college: a) decided superiority complex: b) waning of interest; c) class morale disintegration; d) fallacy in theoretical knowledge. As a closing question: If these sug¬ gestions made in this paper are valuable to our future Chemists, can we do any¬ thing about them? 104 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE BOLE OF THE CHEMISTBY TEACHEB IN NATIONAL DEFENSE C. E. Ronneberg Herzl City Junior College, Chicago, Illinois Fear has been expressed in certain quarters that a sense of frustration might develop in the minds of chemistry teach¬ ers because of their inability to take an active part in the war effort. Before Pearl Harbor, we were always speaking of our defense effort. Slowly, since December 7th, there has been a distinct change from a spirit of defense to a spirit of offense. We are hearing less and less of the necessity of purchasing defense stamps and bonds, and more and more of the privilege of purchasing war stamps and bonds to sustain our offensive effort. Slowly the nation is beginning to gain a better conception of the magnitude of the war effort and to realize that we have a home front as well as the battle front. In this home front the chemistry teacher can perform a very important role. We are beginning to realize that this is “total war”. In 1937 it seemed incredible to all of us that it was a crime in Ger¬ many to discard an empty toothpaste tube. But now we find that we cannot purchase a tube of toothpaste unless we turn in an empty tube. This typifies the meaning of total war. Successful prose¬ cution of the war requires correlation of effort between the home front and the battle front. One of the important func¬ tions of the home front is the battle of production — munitions, tanks, planes, ships, fuel, and hundreds of other items needed in quantities never dreamed of before. We have become the principal arsenal of all the United Nations. The enemy can be expected to do everything in its power to disorganize our home front. This is not the place to discuss the possibility or probability of assaults by air with incendiaries, high explosive bombs and gas in the interior of this na¬ tion. The attack on Pearl Harbor was not thought possible, but it did occur. Before January 1st, no one would have thought it possible for Germany to sink one or two ships a day on our side of the Atlantic. But it has been done. Our army and navy authorities point out that a bombing of industrial centers in Illinois can be expected. The great circle route from Norway to Chicago is about the same distance as that from Germany to New York. However, the chances of de¬ tection of enemy bombers over this route would be very small because most of the route lies over uninhabited forest region in Canada. The objective of such a bomb¬ ing, of course, would be to demoralize the civilian population and to hamper production. Especially in densely popu¬ lated manufacturing areas, our govern¬ ment wishes that all citizens should have some instruction in the nature of high explosive and incendiary bombs, that they might know what to expect and what to do in case of bomb and gas attacks. A bombing with ten medium size bombers might start as many as 1500 fires in the congested area of a large city. The only way to combat this kind of an attack is with a trained citizenry. The training of citizens in proper blackout methods and the proper pro¬ cedure to follow in case of gas, fire and air attack involves problems in the selec¬ tion and training of personnel in which the chemist should play an important role. Chemistry teachers should prepare themselves now to take an active part in training gas, fire, and air defense per¬ sonnel, decontamination and gas detection squads. All teachers of chemistry should have the following handbooks put out by the U. S. Office of Civilian Defense: Training Courses -for Civilian Protection, First Aid and Treatment of Chemical Casualties, Gas Defense, Handbook for Decontamination Squads. Another excel¬ lent handbook procurable from The British Library of Information in New York City, R. C. A. Bldg., is Basic Train¬ ing in Air Raid Precautions. There is a second important way in which the teacher of chemistry can help Chemistry — 191$ Meeting 105 increase the effectiveness of the home front. Our war effort is on such a tre¬ mendous scale that there is an actual shortage of many essential materials. For example, our average annual produc¬ tion of aluminum for the five years pre¬ ceding 1939 was 256,000,000 pounds. Cur¬ rent production is at the rate of 700,- 000,000 pounds annually, and the supply is not equal to the demand. Hence, the absolute necessity to salvage every piece of scrap aluminum in the country to get it back into use. Aluminum is but one example of many materials of which there is an actual shortage. Recently the WPB published a report on the war status of many materials. In Group I are materials where the present supply is not equal to the demand. Citizens will have to do without consumer goods made of these materials or use available sub¬ stitutes. GROUP I. — “CRITICALLY ESSENTIAL FOR PROSECUTION OF WAR” Metals Alloy steels Iron alloys Wrought iron Aluminum Aluminum scrap Cadmium Calcium-silicon Chromium Cobalt Copper Copper scrap Iridium Lead Magnesium Nickel Tin Tin plate and tern plate Tungsten Tungsten high speed tools Vanadium Chemicals Alcohol, methyl Chlorinated hydrocarbon refrigerents Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents Chlorine Diphenylamine Formaldehyde Paraformaldehyde Hexamethelenetetramine Synthetic resins therefrom Phenols Polyvinyl chloride Sodium nitrate pure Toluene Miscellaneous Agar Asbestos — long fibre Burlap and burlap products Cashew nut shell oil Corundum Cotton linters Graphite — Madagascar Hempseed Jewel bearings Kapok Manilla fiber and cordage Pig and hog bristles Rubber, crude and latex Chlorinated Synthetic Shearlings Silk Silk waste Silk noils Garnetted Reclaimed silk fibre Sperm oil Tin cans Titanium pigments Tung oil The chemistry teacher, through his teaching and professional contacts can help acquaint the general public with this shortage of many critically needed materials and emphasize that it is the patriotic duty of each one to do without consumer goods made from these ma¬ terials, that they may be available for those of our nation who are at the front. Again, the chemistry teacher can help to get his community “scrap and waste material minded.” In every community there should be voluntary organizations to continually stress the necessity of sav¬ ing scrap and waste materials to get them back into use. The steel industry which is at an all time “production high” is actually being handicapped because of the difficulty of getting sufficient steel scrap. Chemistry teachers do not need to be reminded that the charge of an open hearth furnace consists of steel scrap and iron as well as molten pig iron. Almost every freight train which we now see contains gondola cars filled with iron scrap bound for the steel mills. But there are not enough of them. A short journey through the country will reveal many carloads of scrap iron and steel, which not only detract from the beauty of the countryside, but which are rusting away. There should be an effective voluntary organization in each community to push the cause of — “Save your scrap to beat the Jap.” Because of their knowledge of the prop¬ erties and uses of these vitally needed materials, teachers of chemistry are in a position to emphasize the necessity for saving all scrap and waste materials that can be reused. This includes: 1. All metal scrap, from an old baby carriage to a tooth paste tube. 2. All waste paper — newspapers, maga¬ zines and paper cartons. 3. All scrap rubber from an old cas¬ ing to discarded garden hose. 4. All fats and edible greases from the kitchen. 106 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions We have become a prodigal nation. Of our annual production of paper in excess of 10,000,000 tons, only 22% went to uses where it was permanently taken out of use and only 28% was recovered. The remainder, or 50% was destroyed mostly by burning. Our grandmothers carefully saved all fat renderings from the kitchen for re-use, but now most housewives dis¬ card them or burn them with the gar¬ bage. If a million housewives in the State of Illinois alone would save a half pound of fat a week, it would be enough to pro¬ duce 57,000 pounds of glycerol, not an inappreciable sum. Large hotels and restaurants have always saved their fats. We should do the same to help the family purse and to get added glycerine and fats for the war effort. The OCD has tried to set up machinery reaching into every community for this purpose, but whether or not the plant functions depends upon those who have the grease and fats to conserve. I am sure that the large number of people who are not turning in scrap and waste material do not wish to be un¬ patriotic. Their apparent apathy is due to lack of knowledge. The OCD has an enormous task in setting up voluntary or¬ ganizations in all communities to carry the message of civilian defense and the saving of scrap. The chemistry teacher should be functioning in this job. The question may be asked, “How is the chemist to find his place?” In the first place, he should inform himself of the nature of the many tasks confronting the OCD; then he should volunteer his services in his own community. There is no reason why he should not assume a position of leadership in this work. Many chemistry teachers are doing that very thing. The writer for example, re¬ cently gave a demonstration lecture to 600 fire wardens on magnesium fire bombs with a discussion of the proper method of fighting them. The chemistry teacher has another very important function to perform in this conflict. This is a war of machines, and men and women trained to operate those machines form largely a specialized per¬ sonnel. Under the impact of war, college and university enrollments have de¬ creased. No one knows how long this war will continue nor at what level col¬ lege and university enrollments will again stabilize. In England and Canada enrollments have stabilized at about 50% of pre-war enrollments. No one knows if this will be true in this country. But our government and our military leaders appreciate the necessity of continuing the training of young men and women along lines necessary for the war effort. The newly announced V-l program of the U. S. Navy provides for training up to 80,000 qualified young men with at least two years of college work. The newly announced plan for the U. S. Army En¬ listed Reserve envisions a pool of college students large enough to supply 50,000 young people annually for the next four years for the officer training schools of the U. S. Army Air Corps. Those ac¬ cepted for the army reserve will be allowed to finish their college courses. Then, too, women will have to be trained to fill many technical positions usually filled by men. In this vast training pro¬ gram, the chemistry teacher will play a very important part. He should encour¬ age young men with aptitudes in mathe¬ matics, science, medicine, and engineer¬ ing to get the viewpoint that it is patriotic to get as much training as pos¬ sible. We can prepare for the war of two or three years hence now. While col¬ lege enrollments will probably continue to decrease for some time, it is very probable that additional burdens will fall on mathematics and science departments. This may call for greater attention to duty and more working hours. In many cases this enhanced program will call for more effective use of physical plants. It certainly will call for a critical evalua¬ tion of course content in order to save time. All these chemistry teachers are ready to do to assist in training the in¬ creased quota of physicians, chemists, physicists, engineers, laboratory techni¬ cians, supervisors, and inspectors needed for war industries and the armed services. To paraphrase the words of a well-known news commentator at the close of each of his broadcasts — “Chemists are proud to assume the re¬ sponsibility of helping this nation to make an effective home front to make possible the successful conclusion of the war by those on the battle fronts.” papers in Geography From the Report of the Section Chairman The Geography program carried 10 papers. Seven of these are herewith published, and, in addition, one from the previous meeting, submitted too late for publication in volume 34, namely that by H. 0. Lathrop, but accepted by the Committee on Publications. Those given at the Urbana meeting but not pub¬ lished are as follows : Brown, Clarence L., University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Regional reality from the concept of space-time. Fryxell, F. M., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, Burias, a little- known island of the Philippines. Wells, George R., Senior High School, Decatur, Illinois, The relations of geographic factors to some diseases. Thirty attended the meeting and elected as chairman of the Jacksonville meeting May 7-8, 1943, L. A. Holmes, State Normal University, Normal, Illinois. (Signed) Joseph Van Riper, Chairman 108 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions SAXICULTURAL DISTRICT OF THE SUDBURY AREA Thomas F. Barton Southern Illinois State Normal The most important cultural features of the Sudbury Area are those associated with the mining industry. Mines, smel¬ ters, and mining towns leave an indelible impression with the traveler. Tall smoke stacks with clouds of smoke and fumes; long freight trains of ore or glowing slag; huge blocky shaftheads near deep open pits; and large smelting and refining plants with their associated mining towns are dominant cultural scenes. Miners in their characteristic dress, increased traffic after the shift whistle blows, old dil¬ apidated cars, unpainted unattractive houses on small lots along unpaved streets, these are the scenes which char¬ acterize this mining landscape and sets it distinctly apart from the others. The mining industry does not occupy a large compact continuous area; rather, it consists of islands of concentrated de¬ velopment linked together by communica¬ tion and transportation lines. This rough network of mining development is sur¬ rounded and enclosed on all sides by woods.2 The focal center of the mining devel¬ opment is Sudbury. Secondary railroads and highways connect the mining and smelting towns with Sudbury, the trans¬ portation and commercial “capital” of the area. Five miles west of Sudbury is Cop¬ per Cliff with its smelter and refinery. Eight miles east of Sudbury at Coniston is another smelter. Eleven miles to the northeast is the town and mine of Gar- son and four miles farther on is the mine and smelter at Falconbridge. Directly north is the Frood mine; and town; still farther north is the Stobie mine; north¬ west is the Levack mine and town and southwest is the Creighton mine and town. University, Carhondale, Illinois Consequently, within a radius of twenty-two miles of Sudbury are found the six active mines, three active smelters and a refinery. These mines and smelters produce over four-fifths of the world’s nickel, a large quantity of copper (Fig. 1). In addition to the six active mines, there are within this same area thirty- eight abandoned or inactive ones. (Fig. 2.) This localization of mines is related to the ore bodies which outcrop in an oval shaped belt surrounding a structural basin. This is responsible for the pat¬ tern of active and non-producing mines. The only exception to the oval pattern are the mines located along mineralized dikes which appear as off shoots from the ore belt and the old lead-silver mine in the basin. The greatest concentration of mines is in the south central part of the ore belt near Sudbury. Thirty-five mines are lo¬ cated here within an area thirty-six miles long and six miles wide. Two factors which aided in this mining concentration are: (1) this part of the area had the earliest and best transportation facilities and (2) smelters having been established in the southern part, it proved more efficient to use ores that were close at hand and needed only to be shipped a short distance. Types of Mines — Shaft and open pit are the two types found in the area. These may be further subdivided into classes according to their present devel¬ opment such as active, and non-produc¬ ing. (Fig. 2.) At the present time only six mines pro¬ duce all of the nickel. Two of the shaft mines have associated open pits, while at the Stobie all ore is removed by the 1 For practical purposes at present the writer uses the term “The Sudbury Area" when wriV-nf Portion of Ontario included on the Sudbury Topographical Sheet which is published by the Department of Interior. The area is forty-eight miles long from east to west ; thirty-four miles wide, and is named after its largest city Sudbury Information in this paper is based upon six weeks field work in the summer of 1939 and library research. The first article on the Sudbury Area, Ontario entitled “Agricultural Land- ScfePTOe,°vSumeU34“S> ATlf-m appears in the Transactions of the Illinois Academy of _ . 1 Fif^re I in article entitled "Agricultural Landscapes of the Sudbury Area Ontario,” Transaction of the Illinois Academy of Science, Volume 34, p. 131. y Geography — 19Jf£ Meeting 109 SAX I CULTURAL FEATURES SUDBURY AREA, ONTARIO Fig. 1. open pit method. The fact that thirty of the forty-three mines have open pits indicates that a high percentage went through the open pit stage. The small number of active mines is not because of a paucity of ore or to the limited extent of the ore body. There are many mines that contain ore rich enough and pure enough to be mined but in peace time the world demand for nickel is limited. Consequently, only those mines are active where the ore is richest; where it can be most cheaply mined; where the least amount of unde¬ sirable impurities is found; where haul¬ ing costs to the smelter are low and where the desired ores for mixing may be obtained. Stages of Development. — Six stages which may be recognized in the develop¬ ment of this mining industry are (Fig. 3). 1. Prospecting and Boom Period 1883- 1905; during this period most of the mines were located and established. 2. Consolidation Period 1905-1920. This period was characterized by con¬ solidation of small holdings until the International Nickel Company gained control of all the mines. 3. The Depression Period 1921-1922 fol¬ lowed the close of the First World War. 4. The peace time Production Period of 1923-1930. 5. The Depression Period of 1930-1933. 6. Second World War Boom Period which began in 1934 with an in¬ creased production of armaments throughout the world. Vigor of the District — When the entire mining district is considered, many fac¬ tors indicate that the nickel industry will be permanent for at least the next fifty years. Some of the leading indications are (1) a steady increase in production, except for the short depression periods of 192i-1922 and 1930-1933; (2) the dis¬ covery and development of new mines; (3) a continued expansion of the railroad net; (4) a steady increase in the amount of hydro-electric power being used, and the enlargement of the power system, (5) the growth of such towns as Sud¬ bury, Copper Cliff, Coniston, and others whose development is dependent upon the mining industry, and (6) the recent con¬ struction of larger and more substantial buildings as connected with the extrac¬ tion of the ore and its treatment. The vitality of the saxicultural district is expressed by the prosperous conditions of the cultural forms, such as new and well-constructed shaft-heads, processing plants, transmission lines and dams each of which has been built to last for decades to come. The district has reserves of nickel ores larger than those found in any other 110 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions place in the world. In New Caledonia, the district’s chief com¬ petitor, four hundred thousand tons of ore is considered to be a large reserve for a mine. In comparison it is estimated upon data obtained by dia¬ mond drilling that the Frood mine of the Sudbury district has a reserve of over one hundred and twenty million tons. Present Develop¬ ment. — in 1939 the Sudbury Area pro¬ duced 102,559 tons of nickel or approxi¬ mately 83 per cent of the world’s total. The second largest known nickel area is in New Caledonia with an estimated production of only 9,300 tons dur¬ ing the same year. Although the Sud¬ bury mines are now being expanded, pro¬ duction of nickel in the Surbury Area is limited by smelter facilities. Formerly inactive, the Stobie, an open pit mine, began operation in 1939 in order to meet wartime demands. Although production facilities are now being increased, the production of nickel is insufficient to meet present demands. Summary — The pulsating heart of the Sudbury Area is located in the active mines and in the plants connected with the treatment of ore. These give employ¬ ment to the miners who occupy the towns and cities. The roads and railroads are built to connect the mines, smelters, cities and the agricultural areas which help feed them. Thus the quality and quantity of the ore together with the type and distributions of the ore body have been the dominating factors in producing the type and amount of cultural forms in the Sudbury Area. NICKEL PRODUCTION OF CANADA Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Geography — 191$ Meeting 111 THE BLACK SEA AND ITS BORDERLANDS W. 0. Blanchard University of Illinois, Urhana Of the major coastal waters that fringe the Mediterranean Basin the Black Sea is perhaps the least well-known. For the most part this is due to the factor of location. It is too far off the main through-water route — Gibralter to Suez. Odessa is 1,000 miles north from this route. After all, the Black Sea is com¬ mercially a “blind alley”. The ships that use it are mostly tramp steamers carry¬ ing out grain, oil, lumber and manganese, not the trim passenger liners usually asso¬ ciated with the “Mediterranean Cruises”. The Sea is really a sizeable sheet of water, a little smaller than the Caspian, about the same size as the Baltic, over iy2 times the area of all of our Great Lakes combined. Into it debouch several of the largest rivers of central and east¬ ern Europe so that it is the catch-basin for about one-fourth of the whole conti¬ nent. Since it is almost isolated from the ocean, tides have little effect and the rivers empty through vast swampy deltas. Many of the more important ports are, as a consequence, located either on the stream above the delta or on the coast some distance from the delta mouths. Rostov on the Don is an exam¬ ple of the first; Odessa, between the Dnestr and Dnepr, illustrates the second. Some of the most interesting character¬ istics of the Basin are explained by its geologic history. Unlike the shallow North, Baltic and White Seas, formed by the gradual encroachment of ocean waters onto adjacent lowlands, the Black Sea, like the Mediterranean and Caspian, was formed by faulting and the foundering of large blocks of the earth’s crust. Fea¬ tures likely to be found as a consequence of this type of origin are: (1) Great depths. Extensive areas of the Black Sea bottom are over 6,000 feet deep. (2) High coasts. In the Black Sea littoral only for two short stretches do extensive plains meet the water. These are at the Gulf of Odessa and the Sea of Azov. (3) Regular coast lines. The Black Sea has very few islands and good natural har¬ bors are lacking. Breakwaters must be built and much of the loading and un¬ loading of steamers is done by lighters. Finally, an “accident” in geologic his¬ tory seems to be responsible for the peculiar condition of the deeper waters. These lower levels of the Black Sea are charged with hydrogen sulphide and there is there an absence of the higher forms of organic life. During the Glacial Period much sea water was withdrawn to form the great ice sheets, the sea level was lowered and the Black Sea became an inland fresh water lake whose outlet was through what is now the Bosporus- Dardanelles gap. With the return of warmer temperatures, the ice melted and the sea level rose so that salt water poured from the ocean into the Black Sea. This destroyed the fresh water fauna which had developed there and although that was thousands of years ago the lower stagnant waters remain poisoned by the decompositions products and fish are absent. The surface waters, however, are well populated and in some parts of the coast, eg. the Danube delta, fishing is an important item of the domestic economy. Climatically the Euxine, by which name the Black Sea was known to the Greeks, is in marked contrast with the Mediter¬ ranean. Entering by way of the Bos¬ porus one feels that the name given by the Turks— “Black Sea” is very appro¬ priate. You leave behind the blue waters, the clear air and bright skies for dark stormy waters, overcast'* heavens and dense fogs. Except along the southeast littoral, the borderlands receive rather light rain and their native vegetation is grass or steppe. Temperature ranges are greater than in the Mediterranean. The January isotherm of 32 °F. — the same which passes through St. Louis — crosses a little to the south of the main Russian coast so that all of the rivers from the Danube to the Don, as well as the har¬ bors, are ice bound part of the year. Odessa averages two or three weeks of ice; the Kerch Strait at the outlet of the Sea of Azov is closed for twice that 112 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions period. In this rather dark climatic set¬ ting there are two “bright” spots. In and about Batum, and on the southern tip of the Crimean peninsula, are outliers of the Mediterranean climate. Of the two the latter is far more interesting. Jutting far out from the mainland the commanding position of Crimea has long made it a bone of contention among rival commercial powers. Indeed, to the aver¬ age American, the peninsula is syno- nomous with the Crimean War, the “Charge of the Light Brigade” and the pioneering work of Florence Nightingale The incidents of the Peninsular War are now commemorated by a multitude of memorials and cemeteries near Sevastopol, the great Soviet naval base. However, Crimea has played a double role— that of a playground as well as a battle¬ ground. Russian travel literature refers to it as the “little paradise” and the “Russian Riviera”. For most of the peninsula these titles are decidedly inap¬ propriate. If one approaches from the mainland, for example, Crimea appears to be but a continuation of the dry, monotonous steppe of adjacent Russia. However, the Yaila Mountains an out- liner of the Caucasus, parallel the south¬ eastern coast and serve as a wind-break. Wedged in between these ranges and the sea is a climatic oasis — a land of moun¬ tains, sea, and flowers. To the north of these protecting ridges lies the windswept steppe, parched by drought in summer, and blanketed by cold and snow in winter. On the south, although in the latitude of Minneapolis, are found the mulberry, fig, olive and vine. Ice here is rare. The January mean is 20° warmer and the rainfall four to five inches greater than on the steppe. Little wonder that for cold Russia it should be regarded as a “paradise” and a popular resort for Czarish wealth and fashion. Today the royal residences, palaces and luxurious hotels have been transformed into rest houses for Russian workers. The most interesting of the Black Sea features is the slender bottleneck out¬ let — the Dardanelles - Marmara - Bosporus waterway. The opening totals 52 miles in length and in form suggests a north- south winding corridor with a vestibule in the middle. It narrows to one-half mile in the Bosphorus; the coasts are rugged and there are numerous islands. A strong outward surface current flows to the Aegean, averaging about three miles per hour, but at times having twice that rate in the narrows. This is too swift to row against and in the days of sailing vessels, if combined with a strong north wind, ships might be held up in the Straits for a week at a time. A submarine current of heavy salty water flows toward the Black Sea. At Istanbul this return movement is at a depth of 60 feet and moves about four-fifths miles per hour. In configuration the Bosporus is a strait, in flow, a river and in depth, a sea. Few important waterways are so easily defended for it allows control of all ship¬ ping by a nation without a single ship. Even the current can be used for floating mines among attacking vessels seeking to enter from the Aegean as was well-shown in the disastrous attempt of the British in World War I. Naturally this was a perfect stronghold for pirates and one of the world’s strongest bands of sea raid¬ ers infested the Straits in the 16th cen¬ tury. The strategic and commercial significance of the Straits all through history is evidenced by the rows of ruins of cities and forts which line the shores on either side. Except for a brief period of internationalization, 1920-1936, Turkey has ruled the waterway for the past 500 years. The Straits provide a water gateway for the Black Sea though in so doing they necessarily interrupt the land route from Europe to Asia. The intersection of these two provides a situation for a great commercial center. The drowning of a tributary of the Bosporus— the Golden Horn — provides the local site — a harbor protected from the currents of the main waterway. Given this magnificent set¬ ting, Constantinople for centuries during the Middle Ages was the world’s leading city, but the blight of Turkish control has never allowed the full utilization of the opportunities offered even though few cities have equalled it in dramatic in¬ terest. In a recent typical year only five percent of the shipping through the Dardanelles was Turkish. Geography — 19J{£ Meeting 113 SOILS AND POPULATION— DECATUR COUNTY, GEORGIA Alfred W. Booth1 University of Illinois, Urlxina, Illinois In Decatur County most rural dwelling abandonment has resulted either from the eviction of share croppers where land owners are shifting from intensive to ex¬ tensive agriculture in order to make more efficient use of soil, or from actual land abandonment where soil erosion and decreasing soil fertility have made such a step almost mandatory. To a certain extent the amount of house abandonment2 may be considered to be an indication of the amount of change which has been necessary in order to reach an adjust¬ ment between the carrying capacity of soils3 and farm population. The amount of and reason for abandon¬ ment differs in each one of the five soils regions into which the Southwestern Georgia county has been divided. Region I. This, the most homogenous of all the soils regions, is covered almost entirely by one soils type, the sterile Nor¬ folk sand. The low productivity of Nor¬ folk sand has long been recognized. Hence a fair compromise has long ago been effected between carrying capacity and population and the percentage of vacant houses is low (Table I). How¬ ever, this last statement applies only to the two larger subdivisions, la and lb. On subdivision Ic a land use system sim¬ ilar to the more favored adjoining Region V was imposed. This system has proved so successful that now one out of every nine dwellings has been abandoned. Region II. In addition to Norfolk loamy sand, a soil somewhat better than Norfolk sand, this region contains large patches of Norfolk sandy loam and Tifton sandy loam, both of which are highly de¬ sirable coastal plains soils types. Popu¬ lation density as measured by occupied Table I Total number dwellings Total number vacant dwellings Per cent total dwellings vacant Occupied dwellings density (per sq. mi.) Decatur County.. . . . . . “ — Rural _ . . . _ 5628 325 5.7 9.2 2465 161 6.5 3.76 Soils Reg'ons I. Norfolk Sand _ _ _ _ 1107 60 5.4 4.11 A _ 474 21 4.6 3.25 B _ _ _ 568 30 5.3 5.16 C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 9 13.8 5.05 II. N orfolk Loamy Sand . . . . 215 16 7.4 4.45 A 106 7 6.6 4.81 B _ _ 40 3 7.5 3.59 C . . . 73 6 8.2 4.86 III. Terrace Soils . . . . . . 130 23 17.7 1.27 IV. Escarpment Soils . . . . . . 53 6 11.3 1.22 V. Altamaha Upland Soils . . . . 960 56 5.8 4.81 1 Field work made possible by a grant from the Graduate Research Board of the Uni¬ versity of Illinois. _ . . . _ 2 Unoccupied dwellings from the Georgia State Highway Commission map of Decatur County, and field reconnaisance. 2 Soils ratings established with the help of : „ _ Hasty, A. H., et al. “Soil Survey of Decatur County, Georgia.” U.S.D.A. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Soil Survey Series 1933, No. 24, 1939. Mereness, E. H. “Farm Mortgage Loan Experiences in Southeastern Alabama. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bull. 242. Henderson, J. R. “The Soils of Florida.” V. of Fla. Ag. Exp. Sta., Bull. 334. 114 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions dwellings is greater here than in Region I, a direct result of the greater produc¬ tivity of its soils. However, the percent¬ age of abandonment is also greater here than in either Region I or the county as a whole. Most of this can be explained in terms of a shifting farm economy, al¬ though decreasing soil fertility is also a factor. Region III. A number of soils series, the Kalmia, Cahaba, Leaf, and Flint, are represented on the terraces along the Flint River. Also included within this soil region are contiguous areas of Blan¬ ton soils and the swamp lands of the first bottoms. Flint fine, sandy loam is by far the most extensive soil§ type. Most of the soils of the terrace have a profile in which sandy surface soils over- lie a layer of sticky clay. Unsuited to cotton or peanut production, these soils have been taken out of cultivation very rapidly in the last decade. Locally they are called “cowhide lands” since they are excellent pasture soils. The percentage of abandoned dwellings in this region is higher than any other soils region in the county as a result of the shift from in¬ tensive cropping to extensive grazing which is taking place. Region IV. Though largely in Guin soils, small areas of other soils abound. A broken and dissected area, it has never been extensively cultivated. Cleared lands are being eroded seriously as a re¬ sult of sheet wash and gully formation. As might be expected, abandoned dwel¬ lings form a high percentage of the total dwellings in this region. Region V. A great variety of soils types are represented here. Norfolk and Tifton soils are found on the flatter up¬ lands, such red podzolic soils series as the Greenville, Magnolia, and Faceville on the upper slopes, soils of the Blanton, Cuthbert, Plummer, and Susquehanna on the lower slopes, and swamp soils in the river bottoms. The red podzolic soils are the premium soils of the region as well as the county, although such soils as Norfolk sandy loam and Tifton sandy loam do not rank far behind them. The Geography — 191$ Meeting 115 concentration of population on these up¬ land soils can be noted in Figure 2. In¬ tensive cultivation, particularly of shade- grown tobacco, has given this region a rather stable economy which its soils apparently are able to support. Many of the abandoned dwellings found here (Fig. 1) should be associated with the declin¬ ing economy of the adjacent Norfolk sand area Ic and the Escarpment, rather than with the more or less stable economy of this region. Thus the actual amount of abandonment is negligible. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE COLONIAL QUESTION Flemin Cox Southern Illinois Normal The colonial question has been pushed into the background for the present, but it was a question of great significance at the close of the last war, and will again demand the most careful consideration of statesmen when the present war is over. If the Axis powers should win, there would be no use to discuss the colonial question. We know that their desire is to reduce the whole world to slavery. We shall then discuss the question with the assumption that the United Nations will win. In the first place, some would question the right of any nation to have political dominion over other people and other lands. The principle of “Self- Determination” advocated in the speeches of Woodrow Wilson aroused desire and expectation among people of many lands, and living under various forms of political domination. Some are inclined to say let all the different peoples govern themselves. All liberal thinkers will agree that each people fit to govern them¬ selves should be allowed to do so. Many will go farther and state that even “a second-rate government under native con¬ trol is better than a first rate government under foreign control.”1 There still re¬ main, however, many places in the world where even second-rate control may not be realized. Some islands and patches of land in other places are too small for responsible governments. Some people are too ignorant or too low in the scale of human development to govern them¬ selves. If left to themselves, they might on the one hand, be subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment by native rulers, and in the second place they would prob¬ ably impinge upon the more orderly por¬ tions of the world in such a way as to bring injury to the outside world. An example of such was the uncontrolled slave raids formerly made by Arabs of Northern Africa upon the negroes of the Sudan. Another, was the piracy prac¬ ticed, for a time, by the Barbary States against the nations of Western Europe and even the United States. Another ex¬ ample is the exportation of opium by Iran. As the world communications be- ZJniversity, Carbondale, Illinois come more closely knit, the spread of contagious diseases from low grade people, with no knowledge of sanitation, must be controlled. It is safe to conclude there¬ fore that there still must be colonial government. Germany and Italy have demanded colonies as outlets for their excess populations. In the first place, people from temperate lands do not wish to colonize tropical lands, but seek out new homes in independent countries in temperate lands. In the second place the rulers of Italy and Germany are not sincere, because they heap praise and even prizes upon mothers who bring forth large families. From an economic standpoint colonies do not pay. Libya costs the poverty stricken people of Italy four times as much as is received from it. Other colonial powers show deficits also. Even if an annual expense and receipt account shows that the expense is not larger, the long time expense of conquest, develop¬ ment and control makes the colony an expense upon the people of the governing power. Another reason for the desire for colonies is the prestige value. This of course is foolish and of no value and cannot be defended. It is, nevertheless, probably the most impelling reason be¬ hind the desire of Mussolini, Hitler, and of the Japanese. Against this foolish childish impulse we are today at war. The statement that colonies almost always do not return to the governing country as much as they cost is almost universally true. This does not neces¬ sarily imply that no one may receive benefit from the colony. In fact, in almost every colony some favored indi¬ vidual may receive a liberal profit. Here again, the British may serve as an ex¬ ample. In spite of being a democratic country, the government is controlled very largely by the aristocratic class and the wealthy element. The younger sons of the aristocratic class need well paying jobs that are not beneath their dignity. Appointment to administrative positions 1 Bowman, Isaiah — The New World, pp. 109-110. Geography — 19^2 Meeting 117 with good salaries and other advantages often solves the problem of what to do with the younger sons. More important advantages may be secured by wealthy men and great corporations, who may re¬ ceive valuable concessions to develop mineral deposits or other natural re¬ sources of the colony, at little cost to themselves, because of their preponderat¬ ing influence with the government of the ruling power. In fact some members of the government may also be members of the corporation receiving the concession. In this case some few people may receive great profit at the expense not only of colony, but at the expense of the more numerous poorer people of their own country. This is one of the chief roots of imperialism, and statesmen of the future should see that special favor for privileged groups should have no place in the governments of free people. The League of Nations, in spite of its faults and other weaknesses, advanced the idea upon which future colonial gov¬ ernment must be based, if the idealism advanced as the program of the United Nations prevails. This is that the para¬ mount purpose of colonial government is the welfare and well being of the colonial people. The Mandate System set up by the League of Nations, although admin¬ istered imperfectly, called not only for government for the benefit of the people, but also called for an accounting, at stated intervals, by the governing coun¬ try, to the League of Nations. These ad¬ vanced ideas, should not be allowed to perish. They are the fruits of the highest development of the colonial system. This system, under the Romans, was little re¬ moved from slavery, in the early develop¬ ment of the colonial empires of Western Europe, the colony existed solely to be exploited by the governing country, and only slowly did the idea develop in the world that the welfare of the people of the colony should have first considera¬ tion. Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” idea has long been considered a hypo¬ critical excuse for British imperialism, but at long last, after Kipling’s time has the new idea received the best considera¬ tion in the British colonies. After the British come the French who also have been working to a certain extent for the benefit of the natives. One of the demands of the Axis powers, before the start of the present war, was for colonies. They made much of the “Have nots” and the “Haves” and while we now know, they were only using this as a plausible excuse for their desire to dominate other lands, they led many to believe that there was some justification for their demands. Let us examine the reasons put forward in the demands or desires for colonies. To understand these demands, the location of the colonial ter¬ ritories should be indicated. They are all in the hot belt of the world. The group of greatest importance from the stand¬ point of area and population are inter- tropical Africa, Second, the islands and peninsulas of southeastern Asia, Third, the West Indies and the Guianas, Fourth, the desert and semi-arid lands of north¬ ern Africa and western Asia. The de¬ velopment of the colonial system of today came from an economic impulse, from a world whose great powers were strong nationalistic states. An important reason given for having colonies is the need for food and raw materials for industry, together with a market for manufactured articles. In order to help the metropolitan country, custom dues and other measures of pref¬ erence must be established in its favor, both in buying and in selling. This has been done by some of the colonizing powers, least of all by the British who have been most successful. The curtail¬ ment of trade thus brought about by tariff preferment does not help, but hinders the well being of the colony. There has been in recent years a surplus, not a deficiency, in colonial products. There were products for all who had the money or the goods with which to buy. It does not require political dominion to do business with colonies. Furthermore the sources of most of the food and raw materials as well as the markets for manufactured goods are in independent countries. A reason behind the commer¬ cial one is the desire to control the products in time of war. Even this is not a valid reason because an enemy can cut off the colony from the metropolitan country and secure its products. Striking examples are the Netherland Indies which cannot supply rubber and quinine to the Netherlands, and Malaya which cannot supply Britain with rubber and tin. With a world organized on a basis of peace, this excuse for colonies is not valid. J 18 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE MANUFACTURE OF CLAY PRODUCTS IN THE LOWER WABASH VALLEY Aldejnt Cutshall University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The clay industry of the Lower Wabash Valley includes the manufacture of the various kinds of bricks, drain and build¬ ing tile, sewer pipe, electrical conduits, pottery, sanitary ware, and a variety of other products. However, as far as sta¬ tistical measurement is concerned, the manufacture of brick and tile far sur¬ passes all other clay working industries. Brick yards have always operated in the vicinity of the major cities and many of the medium sized and smaller towns of the United States, but there has been a tendency to concentrate at favorable production centers. By the end of the century, this trend began to manifest it¬ self distinctly in the eastern states but was not noticeable in southern Illinois and Indiana until the World War era. Between 1910 and 1925 those plants which were unfavorably located with respect to raw materials, transportation facilities, and markets were gradually discontinued, leaving an area of four or five counties extending north and west from Brazil with most of the important clay plants of the region. Within the last decade about one-half the remaining plants have closed and Clay County (Indiana) re¬ mains as the only important producer of clay products within the area. An Early Period of Small Plants _ The clay industry of the Valley dates from about the middle of the last century,1 but it was about 1900 before a large clay plant was built in the Wabash Valley.2 Although brick making was almost as widely distributed as town-building, most of the plants were small and, in general, served only the immediate vicinity. (In 1880 there were thirteen brick and tile plants in Vigo County and six in Knox County.3 After 1900 the introduction of more modern brick-making machinery and the growing demand for specialized products (pressed brick, fire brick, and paving brick) encouraged a greater de¬ gree of specialization, which has con¬ tinued from that time to the present decade. By the end of the century Terre Haute had only six plants, three in 1930, and only one by 1940. Although a number of large plants fol¬ lowed in rapid succession after 1900, the trend away from small establishments was not yet apparent in 1913. The Clay Products Directory4 for that year lists more than 75 plants located in 44 cities and villages of the area. Every county except Wabash, Gibson, and Pike was rep¬ resented, and Clay County continued its early leadership with 15 concerns, some of which made several different ceramic products. Industrial Selection Within the Last Decade — The unusual demand for drain tile in the Corn Belt of Illinois and Indiana gave special impetus to that phase of the industry. This region was within the area of Wisconsin glaciation and the postglacial epoch has been so short, geologically speaking, that the drainage of large areas had not become organized by the time of white settlement. This, in part, accounted for the develop¬ ment of the National Drain Tile Com¬ pany of Terre Haute which was rated as the “strongest tile plant” in the state in 1931. It marketed about two-thirds of its products within Indiana and 80 per cent 1 °ne °f .oldest ceramic plants in the state is the Griffith Pottery -at Clay City which was established m 1848 and has been operated continuously since that date. (G. I. Whit- latch, I he Clay Resources of Indiana,” Indiana Department of Conservation, Division of Geology, Publication No. 123, 1933, p. 107). The first tile made in Indiana was made by a handpower machine in 1852. (W. DeRoy Perkins, “The Significance of Drain Tile in Indiana,” Economic Geography , Vol. 7, 1931, p. 382.) cqi wafrnun marly leader in this industry and the first large plant in that area was built in 1891. (The Terre Haute Tribune, Vol. 91, No. 62, Jan. 31, 1940, Sec. G. p. 15 ) 3 Tenth Census of the TJ. S., 1880, Manufactures. 4 Directory of Clay Products Manufacturers in the U. S., compiled by L. D. Longdon, 1913. Geography — 191$ Meeting 119 of the rest in Illinois, but the remaining sales were scattered over nine states.6 This industry has suffered severely in recent years. The business depression affected the farmer in numerous ways and thereby limited the sale of drain tile. When he experienced a recovery the pur¬ chase of new machinery and the upkeep of the farm buildings and fences, rather than further draining of the fields, have occupied his time and taken what money could be spared for improvements. The United States land policy of adding acre¬ age in the irrigated west and retiring from production a similar acreage in the eastern states has tended to retard the further reclamation of wet lands. The conservation program has limited the acreage of soil depleting crops which, in general, are the crops that require well drained soils. As a result, the drain tile plants have ceased operations or, at most, are working only a day or two per week. According to the 1930 census Illinois and Indiana ranked second and third in the manufacture of brick and tile, mak¬ ing about 18 per cent of the national total,6 however, the number of establish¬ ments has decreased consistently since 1900. The clay plants in the Illinois portion of the Valley had decreased from 27 in 1913 to four in 1929, and three of those have since been closed. The only addi¬ tion was the W. A. Case Company, a large concern manufacturing sanitary ware, which located in Robinson shortly after 1920. In Indiana the proximity of cheap fuel and a more suitable supply of raw clay were responsible for the sur¬ vival of a greater percentage of the original plants. Whitlatch7 shows 37 plants in the area, 13 of which were in Clay County, and 14 of the remainder in Vermillion, Parke, and Vigo Counties. The recent depression has reduced this number by more than 50 per cent. In 1940 only ten firms were operating in Clay County, three in Parke, and one each in Vigo and Vermillion Counties. (Fig. 1.) Within the last two years two plants (at Newport and Brazil) have dis¬ continued operations. It is true that eco¬ nomic conditions have contributed greatly to the decline of the industry, but the shift to other construction materials has also been a vital cause. Concrete and asphalt Fig. 1. — Although brick and tile plants were located in nearly every county of the area, most of the major clay products plants that remain in operation are localized in the Brazil (Indiana) district. preparations have replaced the use of brick in road construction and the first named has become an important material in the building of city structures. It is easier and cheaper to pour a building than to construct it of brick. Most major brick-making centers are located in the vicinity of the large cities, but the Brazil region has been able to develop a clay industry and remain an important producer despite the absence of nearby urban agglomerations. A number of factors have contributed to this success: (1) The operators have had easy access to an ample supply of raw materials. Most of the plants use underclays or shales associated with the local coal measures and in many cases their pits are located within a few hun¬ dred feet of the plant. (2) The proximity and cheapness of the fuel as well as the clay is another vital factor, and not infre¬ quently these two major raw materials have their source in a common mine or pit. (3) The area possesses an efficient transportation system, all major plants having switching facilities from one of 6 Perkins, op. cit., p. 380. « Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1929, Manufacturers. 7 Whitlatch, op. cit., p. 68. 120 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table I. Brick and Tile Plants of Illinois and Indiana" Date Number of establishments Value of products Value added by manufacture Thousands Illinois 1899 . _. S 5,081 $ 4,055 7,274 12,734 17,782 1909 . . . . ODD 1919 . . . . . . OrtU 9,765 1929 . . . . . 101 17, 564 1939 . . . Ivl 4fi 23,685 Indiana So 5,861 4,313 1899 _ _ 1 2,931 $ 2,379 3,413 6,444 11,841 1909.. . . .. . . OOo 31 1 1919 . . . . . . Oil 1 5i 4, 719 1929 . 101 77 9,881 1939 . . . 07 15,948 3,143 2,288 Data from the United States Census Reports. the principal railways. At present the rail connections are of less importance than in the past, because the bulk of the clay products now moves on the high¬ ways. A decade ago Perkins8 9 noted that most of the drain tile transported within Indiana and a large part of that sent to points outside the state was carried by motor truck. (4) Skilled labor is essen¬ tial for only a few positions, and the rise of the brick industry coincided with the decline of Terre Haute iron and steel production, so an adequate labor supply has always been available. (5) Efficient business connections and organizations have placed the industry on a firm basis, and some plants are units of major or¬ ganizations with headquarters in St. Louis or Cleveland. (6) Some plants have developed sidelines or secondary products, and (7) during normal periods, adequate and usually vigorous markets have been available. The products have their greatest market in Indiana or the adjacent portion of Illinois, but a limited quantity is trans¬ ported to more distant parts of the country. In general, the brick and drain tile are sold principally in Indiana and s Perkins, op. cit., p. 380. 9 Ibid. the adjacent states, while the more specialized products supply a market that extends over a wider area. The National Drain Tile Company (no longer operat¬ ing) sold its product in eleven states* The two plants of the Brazil Clay Com¬ pany, manufacturing face brick, serve a market extending over a radius of about 500 miles. Hollow building tile and silo blocks have been shipped to points in a half dozen nearby states. The principal market for sewer pipe is Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Fire brick and special shapes are sold in the Chicago market and fireplace bricks have an extensive sale in the southern states. The Clay Products Company, which once owned three plants near Brazil, was unique in that all of its output was shipped to points outside the state. How¬ ever, the one remaining plant was re¬ cently taken over by the Arketex Corpo¬ ration which now operates two plants. A decade ago floor tile was distributed throughout the United States with selling points at Chicago, New York, and Cali¬ fornian and Canadian cities, and the sani¬ tary ware of Robinson has a national market, the home offices of the Case Com¬ pany being located in Buffalo.10 10 Whitlatch, op. cit., passim, and personal interviews by the writer. Geography — 191$ Meeting 121 THE USES AND PRODUCTION OF TUNG OIL George Cass De Long Jacksonville High School, Jacksonville, Illinois Tung oil has been known and used in China for over sixty centuries for ship- ■ caulking and as an ingredient in Chinese lacquers, but it was not introduced into the United States until 1869.1 Its use was quite limited until during the World , War when its values were first recog¬ nized. Since then its versatility has brought it recognition as a valuable and useful natural product. Tung oil is the fastest drying oil known. A drying oil is one that makes substances with which it is mixed non¬ absorbent, completely repellent to water. Thus the addition of tung oil to certain organic and inorganic compounds and rosins gives quick-drying power to var¬ nish and the ability to absorb oxygen and form a hard protective film that is re- ‘ sistant to boiling water, freezing, and former whitening effects.2 3 The general availability of tung oil in quantities commensurate with our grow¬ ing needs served to heighten its value in spite of certain drawbacks, and in the opinion of a leading chemist its produc¬ tion has completely revolutionized paint and varnish manufacture.8 By 1939 Amer¬ ican manufacturers were relying upon it as their major drying oil. Despite the earlier use of tung for lacquer, it was not used in paints in this country until 1936. In that year a new kind of paint, whose basal mixture con¬ sisted of 45% soy and 55% tung oil, was introduced. Thus in discovering a new use for soy oil the paint industry also . broadened the use of tung oil. The addi- ' tion of soy oil keeps tung from solidfy- ( ing at a relatively low temperature and prevents destructive distillation that occurs when it is used alone.4 5 The modern auto is most grateful to tung. Cheaper but better paint and filler jobs, improved gaskets, high grade brake linings, enameled surfaces, shellac, and bakelite and plastic fittings often depend upon it. Linoleum and oilcloth makers likewise tip their hats to it, while num¬ erous other things, some of them vital to defense, have been improved with its addition. Raincoats, shower curtains, and balloon coverings now shed water because of tung treatment, and shot cartridges withstand wetting to a greater degree than before. Even a rubber substitute has been developed which is composed basically of tung. Timber-poor China has long employed whatever means possible to prolong the life of paper and wood. It is tung oil that the Chinese have used to water-proof their buildings and writing materials,6 to line their junks, as an important con¬ stituent in their varnishes, lacquers, paints, and japanning processes, and to give permanence to their masonry.6 Certainly the extensive use of tung has been a bonanza to American, European, and Chinese manufacturers and has im¬ proved the appearance of office, home, and barn. Whereas tung is indigenous to various parts of Malaysia, Africa, and certain Pacific islands, China has long been the chief producer and exporter. In com¬ mercial circles and in parlance common to those acquainted with the oil it has been called chinawood oil. This is a misnomer. It is not a product of the wood, but is the oil extracted or ex¬ pressed from the fruit of the tung tree. The word TUNG is Chinese for heart, and the leaf of the most important species of the family to which tung belongs is heart-shaped; hence the name. The tree is brittle and is usually covered with a maze of beautiful bell-shaped, generally 1 Phillips, M. O. : Florida’s Infant Industry, Economic Geography, vol. V., October, 1929, pp. 348-357. 2 Pulsifer, L. Valentine : The Romance of Valspar, Valentine & Co. 3 Gardner, H. A., and Butler, Paul H. : Tung Oil Culture, National Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Association, Inc., Washington, June, 1937, p. 8. 4 Anonymous : Tung Oil’s Marriage to Soybean, Review of Reviews, vol. XCIV, Septem¬ ber, 1936, p. 4. 5 Phillips: Op. Cit., p. 348. •Gardner and Butler: Op. Cit., p. 2. 122 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions pink or white, entomophilous blossoms, which precede the leaves. Inasmuch as tung is sensitive to cold weather, it thrives only in tropical and subtropical regions. In China, Aleurites fordii, the chief species, is important in four provinces, Szechwan, Hunan, Hupeh, and Chekiang, while montana species does best in tropical Kwangsi province, west of Canton. It seems that the first seeds to produce tung trees in America were imported from China in 1905. In that year the United States Department of Agriculture received nuts from Consul-General Wilcox of Hankow. The Experiment Station at Chico, California, presumably planted them at once.7 Concurrently Dr. David Fairchild, in charge of the Division of Plant Introduction of the United States Department of Agriculture, became ac¬ tively interested and through his efforts plantings were made in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas.8 By 1909 a govern¬ ment contingent was optimistically inves¬ tigating tung conditions in China. To the enthusiasm and experimental work of the late William H. Raynes, a well-known horticulturist of Tallahassee, Florida, is due much of the credit for the early developments of the tung oil trees in Florida, and that state leads in the promotion and interests of tung growth in the United States. From Raynes’ one successful tree the first grove of commer¬ cial importance in the United States originated.9 With the favorable reports of the gov¬ ernment “spies” who had investigated the growth of tung in China, expansion in the South appeared to far-sighted individuals a just and profitable venture. Both the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils and the Bureau of Plant Industry have assisted in the expansion of tung groves and pro¬ duction through many experiments, while state and local agencies have been de¬ voting much attention to the production of tung crops as an economic policy. The first extraction of American oil that was sufficient to attract commercial interests took place in January, 1929. As the extracting machine was installed near Gainesville, Florida, and the golden oil was pressed out, nationally known manu¬ facturers, representatives of internation¬ ally powerful financiers, chemists, agri¬ culturists, scientific workers, and many curious and interested laymen looked on. Since then extracting mills have been established at numerous places in the Tung Belt. The Belt extends along the Gulf from eastern Texas to central Florida, a strip of territory generally not exceeding 100 to 125 miles in width.10 Thus far tung production in the United States has been negligible compared to the huge amounts China has contributed. Our 11,000,000 pounds produced prior to 1941 were about 1.5% of the amount imported during those years. Yet the decade of the thirties showed a remark¬ able increase from practically nothing to 4,000,000 pounds produced in 1940. In 1939 there were over 12,500^000 trees in the United States, one-third of them bear¬ ing. This number is constantly increas¬ ing.* 11 Imports into the United States in¬ creased steadily from 1914 to 1937, amounting in that year to 175,000,000 pounds,12 valued at $25,000,000 (U. S.). But since then the Chinese Incident has greatly curtailed Chinese exports which have finally been entirely cut off. Mean¬ while, American production is far from sufficient to supply recent demands. But on the optimistic side there are three noteworthy facts: that American oil is of much higher quality than Chinese and hence goes farther; that the mixture of tung oil with certain other lesser-quality oils now produces very excellent drying results; and, that our production is in¬ creasing. Therefore, it appears logical that the United States will continue its efforts at becoming self-sufficient whether China rises again as a great exporter or not. 7 Newell, Wilmon, et al. : The Tung Oil Tree. University of Florida Experiment Station, Gainesville; Bull. no. 280, June, 1935, p. 26. 8 Concannon, C. C. : Tung Oil Blue Book, USDC Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com¬ merce, Washington, 1938, p. 3. 9 Gardner, H. A., and Butler, Paul H. : Op. Cit, p. 30. 10 Concannon, C. C. : Op. Cit., p. 5. 11 Dickey, R. D. : Personal communication. 12 Inspectorate General of Customs (China): Foreign Trade of China, Maritime Customs (export volumes only), volumes covering years 1913 to 1939 inclusive. Geography — 191$ Meeting 123 After cessation of the war China will have to try to undersell the United States and must produce better oil if she’s to compete with us. Tung has definitely had a setback because of the war, but it may emerge in a healthier, cheaper, and more stable condition if and when our South provides our needs, which accord¬ ing to some tung authorities may be as early as 1947.13 13 Anonymous : H. W. Bennett on Expansion of the Tung Industry, New York Times. June 26, 1932, part L.V, p. 10: 2. THE MURNGIN: AN EXAMPLE OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Edna M. Gueffroy Illinois State Normal University, Normal, Illinois Abstract The Murngin are only one of several small and scattered nomadic hunting and food gathering tribes of Australia. They wander over the low alkaline plain of northeast Arnhem Land, located between the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Timor Sea. This tropical location, which brings the region under the influence of the al¬ ternating rainy doldrums and dry trades, limits the number of people who may in¬ habit the land, and sets limits to the activities of the inhabitants. Fortified by mangrove jungle isolation along the better watered portions of the flat coastal region and tidal rivers the tribe has long been preserved from invasion in that di¬ rection. On the south the burning sands of the Great Australian Desert closed the door to destructive inroads on their civil¬ ization. Thus in this remote refuge the geographical factor of isolation made it possible for these primitive people to live happily within the resources of the re¬ gion, and to preserve intact the customs and beliefs which were common to the whole human race in its infancy. Influence of Water — Tribal life is fo¬ cused around one or more water holes which may be an ordinary small lake or pool, a river or a creek flowing through the domain of the clan, a spring, a native well or water hole; and in a few cases it may be the ocean itself.1 Small wonder that with food and drink of life depend¬ ent on the water holes, and possible death resulting from floods, the native has chosen water as the chief symbol of the clan’s spiritual life. The seasonal fluctuation of plenty or scarcity of rainfall regulates the member¬ ship and size of the economic groups. In the early part of the dry season when food is plentiful friendly clans may live together in groups containing as many as thirty or forty people. But what might have been a community relapses into family groups as the drought drags on for five or six months. Likewise in the rainy months when food is secured with dif¬ ficulty, the group is small. Vegetation and Animals. — The plants that flourish in this tropical region with alternating wet and dry seasons are limited in variety. Cycad palm nuts, Pandanus fruit, the glutinous substance from the trunks of small cabbage palms, spear grass, lily roots and yams make up the chief vegetable diet of the people. Every kind of tree found in the environ¬ ment is used for some purpose. Hunters they were and hunters they have remained. Roaming of course, is necessary, since the natives cannot de¬ pend on a regular food supply. The lack of domesticated animals cannot be fairly charged against the Murngin. With noth¬ ing higher than a marsupial to work with the scope was limited. One could hardly expect them to accomplish much with a kangaroo or a duck-billed platypus. Na¬ ture is prodigal as regards varieties of fish, birds and other animals which fur¬ nish the natives with food and material for adornment. Oysters and other varie¬ ties of bivalves are gathered by the women; and turtles, sharks and croco¬ diles are harpooned by the men. Snakes, iguana and grubs are also common ar¬ ticles of food. 1 Warner, W. L., A Black Civilization, p. 20. 124 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Soil and Mineral Influences — Except as the soil affects the natural vegetation and the vegetation in turn determines the food supply, it can be said that soils in¬ fluence the people very little. Rocks and minerals, on the other hand, play a significant part in the culture of the Murngin. Every native knows for what this or that stone is used. Smooth river stones are gathered for ax heads, and small stones are used to break mus¬ sel shells and to grind nuts or seeds. “Rock ledges forming caves are some¬ times utilized as shelter during the rainy season. Rock basins which catch rain water are used as types of primitive cis¬ terns to supply water in the absence of wells and fresh-water courses.”2 Deposits of red and yellow ochre are used in making body paints, in painting totemic emblems, and in working out de¬ signs on carrying baskets, forehead bands, etc. Shelter — People who must adjust their lives to a shifting food supply must con¬ struct a shelter that can readily be built with each new change of location. Fur¬ thermore, the dwellings must have a periodical alternation of type due to marked seasonal change of wind and precipitation. During a good part of the dry season, the only shelter is some tree underneath which a semi-circle of ground has been smoothed and outlined by a border of sand and perhaps a series of strips of paper bark. Another type of dry season shelter is a lean-to or windbreak three or four feet high, made by placing brush against sticks pushed into the ground. The wet season house calls for an ad¬ justment to fifty to sixty inches of rain during a three or four month period. It is a small, dome-shaped house made by placing layers of bark over a framework of sticks and pandanus leaves. The stone cave dwelling is used by some clans in the north during the wet season. It is interesting to note that clans living near mosquito infested swamps build their houses on poles about eight feet above the ground. Clothing — For the Murngin there are no changing fashions. If one excepts the carrying bags, hair belts, necklaces, and public-aprons made of opossum fur string as articles of ornamentation or for ritual purposes, it may be said that the Murngin have neither invented clothing nor bor¬ rowed it from others. Weapons and Utensils — Stones, shells, wood, bark, resin, grass, leaves, and bones of animals — all of these are formed into weapons and utensils by which the native adapts himself to his natural environ¬ ment. While the use of the bow and arrow does not seem to have occurred to him, the spear and ax are in general use. Clubs and boomerangs used for striking blows are commonly made of ironwood or the curved roots of the mangrove. Roots, yams, grubs and small lizards are dug with a digging stick made by sharpening both ends of an ironwood stick about four or five feet long. String, basic to most of the articles worn and carried, is made of the inner bark of certain trees (the hibiscus in particular), roots of trees, human hair and opossum fur. Fiber bags woven to transport lily bulbs, cycad nuts, yams, and other foods are important utensils of both the men and the women. Tools for catching sea food include turtle harpoons, harpoon rope, fish nets and fish traps. People in the interior do not possess boats of any description but use a specially constructed bark bundle as a raft to cross streams. Coastal peo¬ ple, on the other hand, make canoes from certain types of fig and eucalyptus trees whose centers have been eaten out by termites. Art — The art of the Murngin is con¬ ditioned by the natural environment, the most familiar objects occurring with greatest frequency. As one might expect, figures representing animals such as the snake, kangaroo, and fish bulk large in the art motifs of their crude rock draw¬ ings and eucalyptus bark paintings. Art also finds expression in the human hair belts decorated with parrot feathers, spear grass armlets, wristlets and anklets, totemic emblems of various kinds, feather headdresses, and forehead bands for men made of fiber string covered with white clay or red ochre. Myths and Rituals — Many of the myths and rituals symbolize the cycle of rainy and dry seasons with the accompanying phenomena of greater and less heat, changing winds and sky conditions, growth and decay of vegetation, and the 2 Warner, W. L»., A Black Civilization, p. 152. Geography — 19^2 Meeting 125 appearance of certain animals and the disappearance of others. This is not sur¬ prising when one considers the need of change in the adaptation of Murngin life to fit the changing seasons. Rhythmic dance movements interpret the rise and fall of flood waters, the flow and ebb of the tide, the wash of the waves covering the sand beaches, the stir of water when the waves break, and others equally meaningful. Although the natives do have a pro¬ found belief in magic, they have a fairly wide knowledge of both plant and animal remedies for curing illnesses. Infusion of broken-up leaves of paper-bark tree is the remedy for sore throat; the bark of the plum tree is heated and placed over the aching tooth or against the aching ear; infusions of the leaves of certain trees are used to treat headache; and the inner bark of a certain variety of eucalyp¬ tus tree is chewed and swallowed to re¬ lieve chest cold.3 Thus we have glimpsed the life of a simple people, a selfjcontained, a self- sustaining people; a people whose culture is crystallized by the geographical factor of isolation, and whose needs and tastes are satisfied by a physical environment which is both limiting and stimulating. It is to be hoped that the Australian gov¬ ernment, which has already reserved Arnhem Land for its natives, will give adequate patrol to this fast dying race, remnants worthy of sympathetic effort to save as a unique link with the past. 3 Warner, W. L., A Black Civilization, p. 221. 126 Illinois Slate Academy of Science Transactions THE DROUGHT OF CENTRAL UNITED STATES, SUMMER AND AUTUMN, 1940 H. O. Lathrop Illinois State Normal University, Normal, Illinois Droughts in the United States may be divided into two general classes. One of these is a transitory type affecting a relatively small area. The other type is the one which affects large areas over a number of years, in some cases a de¬ cade. Such a prolonged drought occurred in the United States during the decade 1930-1940, and another of the same type occurred in the later eighties and early nineties of the last century. The years 1934 and 1936 were the most serious drought years of the dry decade of 1930- 1940. Although the drought of the Central United States for the summer and autumn of 1940 came at the end of a decade of low precipitation, it belongs to the transi¬ tory type of drought because it affected a comparatively small area, and heavier rainfall prevailed .on all sides. However, in much of the area affected the precipi¬ tation was far below normal, and in some places lower than during the more serious general droughts of 1934 and 1936. The 1940 drought of central Illinois was ac¬ tually one of 19 months duration extend¬ ing from September, 1939, to April, 1941, and in some parts of the state it was not broken until the autumn of 1941. The average precipitation of central Illinois during this period was only 70% of nor¬ mal. The deficiency of precipitation at Peoria during this 19 months was five Geography — 19J+2 Meeting 127 per cent below that of any previous drought, thus setting a record for low precipitation for that station. The normal rainfall for Peoria for July is 3.58 inches, but July 1940, had only .82 of an inch. The normal rainfall for the same station for July and August is 6.70 inches, but the 1940 rainfall for l these months was only 2.21 inches or less than one-third of normal. Peoria may be taken as a type station since it lies near the center of the drought area. It will be noted that the heart of the drought area is elliptical with the long axis running from northern Missouri 1 through central Illinois, northern In¬ diana, and into northwestern Ohio, (Fig. 1). Perhaps the most striking fact em¬ phasized by the isohyetal map is the , increased precipitation which prevailed in all directions from the drought center, even toward the generally dryer west. The increase of rainfall outward from the center was rapid; so that within 100 miles in some directions the amount of rainfall trebled, and in some cases there was actually too much precipitation for optimum crop conditions. The region lying to the north of the drought area, including northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and parts of Iowa, had excep¬ tionally heavy rainfall. The explanation of this small but se¬ vere drought over a limited area appears to lie in the high pressure which per¬ sisted during the severe drought months of July and August, 1940 over much of eastern and southeastern United States. (Fig. 2). Undoubtedly it represents a westward extension of the Azores High Pressure Area over southeastern North America. The high pressure prevailing over that portion of the United States prevented rain bearing winds from com¬ ing into the central part of the country from the Gulf and South Atlantic. At the same time, cyclonic areas moved around the area of high pressure far north over the Lakes Region, thus leaving the drought area unaffected and without rain. Papers in Geology From the Report of the Section Chairman Seventeen papers were included in the Geology section of which 8 are here¬ with published. Those not published were as follows : Gutschick, R. C., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Redwall limestone of north-central Arizona. Schopf, J. M., Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana. — The morphology and distribution of Tasmanites (“ Sporangites” ) ; problematic fossils of the Devonian-Mississipian. Lowenstam, H. A., Illinois State Museum, Springfield, Illinois. — Niagaran cherts from northern Illinois and southeastern Indiana. Simpson, Edwin, University of Illinois, Urbana. — The Pleistocene geology of Garrison quadrangle , North Dakota. Brokaw, A. L., Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Small spores from Illinois No. 5 coal. Easton, W. H., Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Incompetent sediments in the Illinois basin. Rowland, R. A., Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Thermal analysis of pyritic clays. Grogan, R. M., Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana. — Shape variation of some Lake Superior beach pebbles. Agnew, Allen F., University of Illinois, Urbana. — Devonian stromatopo- roids. Sixty-five attended the session. Chairman for the Jacksonville meeting is W. E. Powers, Dept, of Geology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. (Signed) A. H. Sutton, Chairman [1291 130 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE “TRENTON” NEAR MORRIS, ILLINOIS C. L. Bieber North Central College, Naperville, Illinois Eight miles north of Morris, Illinois, in the north limits of the village of Cen¬ tral, SW. % Sec. 28, T. 35 N., R. 7 E., a quarry exposes rock of Trenton age. Culver1 has briefly described this location in his report on the Morris Quadrangle. The Galena rock in the quarry is of par¬ ticular interest because it is one of the few places in northeastern Illinois where relationship between the Kimmswick of Missouri and the Galena of Wisconsin and Illinois may be studied. The quarry is located on a gentle rise on a rather flat till plain. Three to five feet of till covers the rock, the upper surface of which has been polished and striated by glacial ac¬ tion. The striae strike S. 55° W. Apparently this area of Trenton rock represents an erosion remnant which has been planed off by glacial action. How¬ ever, the fact that the Maquoketa contact is five and one-half miles east, and Pennsylvanian rocks overlap beds of Trenton age one and one-half miles south and west indicates the possibility that the quarry is on a minor fold extending from the LaSalle anticline. Payne2 has studied the subsurface conditions west of Central and found evidence of faulting near Sandwich and Millbrook, Illinois. His studies disclose a number of minor structures associated with the LaSalle anticline, and one of these may be repre¬ sented near Central. Mottling — The middle and lower beds of the quarry have a peculiar and striking mottled appearance. The main mass of the rock is light gray, but the mottles stand out as darker grays and browns. The mottling is not a surface staining; darker areas penetrate the rock in an irregular pattern. The quarry walls in the mottled hori¬ zons were tested in many places with a 50% concentrated solution of hydro¬ chloric acid. The light colored portions of the rock effervesce as a relatively pure limestone, while the stained areas react more slowly. Samples of the light and dark colored rock analysis: show the following Si02 . % light % dark 3.16 CaO . 38.93 MgO . 14.23 R2 03(A1, Fe, Mn).. . 45 .97 co2 . 42.27 Alkalies -j- Ba . - 2.86 2.48 The analysis shows that the mottled areas are dolomitic, and that they con¬ tain more insoluble material. The ir¬ regular pattern of the markings, and thinning or fading of many of the mottles at their outer surfaces strongly suggest that the uneven dolomitization is caused either by the secondary infiltration of minerals, or, more probably, by the leach¬ ing out of those originally there. In attempting to explain the peculiar dolomitization, the writer has considered the following: Evidence of solution is prevalent in the quarry rock. Vugs of varying size, stylolites, large cavities along joint planes, slump of beds, and insolubles remaining in the rock in the form of blue clay and shaly clay-like films are common. The light colored areas are less dense and not as hard as the mottled portions. The porosity of the light-colored rock suggests that leaching accounts for the partial disintegration. The original rock was probably a slightly dolomitic limestone. Solution, either by sea water or ground water, leached the rock. Since descending ground waters are known to have a high calcium-magnesium ratio, the leaching probably took place after the sediments were uplifted. The percolating waters increased the relative amount of silica in the rock, and, by removing calcium, in¬ creased the relative percentage of mag¬ nesium. At the same time, the total volume of the rock was reduced. Thus, considerable calcium has been carried away, leaving the insolubles as clay-like films in irregular pattern throughout the rock, and dolomitic mottles as evidence of remaining partial dolomitization. It is realized that this view is the reverse 1 Culver, H. E., Geology and mineral resources of the Morris Quadrangle : Illinois Geol. Surv. Bull. 43, pp. 115, 116, 1923. 2 Payne, J. N., Subsurface geology of the Marseilles, Ottawa, and Streator quadrangles and vicinity; Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Chicago, 1938. Geology — 19 Meeting 131 of accepted theories of dolomitization, but the close association of solution and mottling lend support to this belief. The writer has observed rocks of simi¬ lar mottling at Dubuque, Iowa, Dixon and Belvidere, Illinois, Ft. Atkinson, Wiscon¬ sin, and Groos, Upper Michigan. The markings, however, are much less dis¬ tinct, and are commonly deeper buff than the surrounding rock. At the above loca¬ tions solution is not nearly so much in evidence, which fact may account for the less distinct marking of the rock. Lithology — The quarry may be divided roughly into two zones lithologically. (1) An upper, consisting of ten feet of platy, medium to coarsely crystalline limestone. Shales are not common. The color of the rock in this zone is light gray on a freshly fractured surface with a slight pinkish cast where the rock is more coarsely crystalline, but the weath¬ ered rock is buff. Red films often cover the fossil molds. Secondary calcite is plentiful in the strata and along the joints. Calcite vugs and pyrite are quite common. Small amounts of oil have been found at this horizon in the area south of Plainfield about 15 miles northeast of Central. The porosity of the rock in this zone makes it a possible reservoir for oil. (2) The lower 20 feet is a gray, dense, dolomitic limestone in which upper beds contain several well defined crystalline bands. The bands have an uneven sur¬ face at the base, are coarsely crystalline, and very fossiliferous. Many of the fossil fragments appear to have been macerated. The bands, ranging from two to four inches in thickness, grade into bands more finely crystalline above and change gradually upward to fine grained nearly lithographic limestone. Zone five of the measured section shows a one inch band of fine grained rock both above and below one of these bands. In the lower division, thin shaly part¬ ings separate the massive beds. Also thin shaly films, referred to above (see mottling) are found without any definite pattern throughout the rock. These films, when exposed on a fresh fracture are dark gray, dark brown, or black. The rock gives off a fetid odor under the blow of a hammer. 10. 9b. 9a. 8d. 8c. 8b. 8a. 7b. 7a. 6c. 6b. 6a. 5. 3b. 3a. 2. 1. CENTRAL QUARRY, SW. % SEC. 28, T. 35 N., R. 7 E., MORRIS QUADRANGLE, ILLINOIS Feet Inches Limestone, slabby, thin-bedded, gray, weathers buff ; bedding surfaces uneven ; iron stained in places, calcite vugs ; very fossiliferous with strophomena profuse, Illaenus and Isotelus . 7 3 Limestone, dark gray, pyritic, fossiliferous ; beds three inches thick ; more crystalline than No. 10 . 1 Limestone, gray, thin-bedded, slabby, pyritic ; calcite vugs . 1 10 Limestone, gray, dense, fossiliferous ; calcite vugs ; crystalline band through center which is more coarsely crystalline below than above .... 7 Limestone, gray, fossiliferous, in two thin beds . 7 Limestone, very fossiliferous, near coquina; weathers buff . 2 Limestone, dolomitic, gray to dark gray, beds three to four inches thick, bedding surfaces uneven with carbonaceous films between the beds ; prominent shaly parting at base ; mottling of dark and light gray colors noticeable, but not prominent ; dwarfed species of Receptaculites near the top . 1 3 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, mottled, brittle; more massive than 8a . 1 6 Shale, calcareous, dark gray, somewhat crystalline, carbonaceous ; wavy laminated bedding, persistent as a marker; Hormotoma noted . 2 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, mottled, fossiliferous . 7 Limestone, dolomitic, similar to 6c but contains a gray-brown crystal¬ line band which is coarse below grading to sublithographic limestone upward ; base of the crystalline band is uneven . 5 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, brittle, fossiliferous, in a massive bed . 1 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, brittle, mottled, carbonaceous, massive ; near lithographic at top and bottom of this unit . 1 6 Limestone, dolomitic, similar to No. 5 except that top for six inches is very crystalline; mottling pronounced . 1 7 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, dense, massive, mottled . 10 Limestone, dolomitic, similar to 3b ; carbonaceous films on uneven and pitted bedding planes . 3 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, dense, massive, somewhat mottled . 1 Limestone, dolomitic, similar to No. 2 ; sparingly fossiliferous. Hormotoma and Trochonema present . 7 6 Comparison with the Kimmswick limestone. The Kimmswick of Missouri and western Illinois is a medium to massively-bedded, gray, crystalline, fossiliferous limestone. It is characterized by its lithologic uniformity. The rock at Central exhibits the following characteristics, which shows transitional relationships : (1) A number of coarsely crystalline bands in the quarry section. (2) The calcareous and not wholly dolomitic nature of the rock. (3) Gray color with a pinkish tone in the upper beds. (4) A fauna which compares closely. 132 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions USE OF THE GLEN DEAN LIMESTONE AS A STRUCTURAL KEY HORIZON IN THE ILLINOIS BASIN1 George V. Cohee2 Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois The Glen Dean formation is one of the best known formations of the Chester series in Illinois. Since 1937 the basal limestone has been used widely as a structural key horizon and as a subsur¬ face “marker” in drilling. The producing formations in most of the new oil fields in Illinois lie below the Glen Dean lime¬ stone, so the formation is penetrated by a great majority of the oil tests drilled within its boundary. The formation was first described by Butts3 in 1917 as follows: “The Glen Dean limestone is named from Glen Dean in the southern part of Breckinridge County, Kentucky. This name is adopted because of the excellent exposure of the limestone along the railroad on both sides of Glen Dean. It is composed of varying proportions of limestone and shale and includes locally, at least, a little sand¬ stone. The bottom segment of the forma¬ tion, at several widely separated points in Breckinridge County, is about 10 feet of green and red shale lying upon the flaggy Hardinsburg sandstone.” Figure 1 shows the subsurface and out¬ crop boundaries of the Chester series and the Glen Dean formation in Illinois and the thickness of the Glen Dean through¬ out its areal extent. Considerable varia¬ tion in thickness is noted from north to south. Around the north end of the Illi¬ nois basin it is from 0 to 25 feet thick, and in Jackson County in southwestern Illinois it is more than 100 feet thick. A short distance to the east in Union County there is a pronounced thinning of the formation along the outcrop, but it thickens again to almost 100 feet in John¬ son County. In the deep basin area in White, Hamilton, and Wayne counties, it is generally from 50-75 feet thick. Thin¬ ning of the formation occurs in areas of major structural features in the State, in¬ dicating some structural movement dur¬ ing late or post-Glen Dean time. The Glen Dean formation in the Illi¬ nois basin is predominantly limestone with various amounts of shale. In many areas it consists of two limestone mem¬ bers, separated by calcareous shale, which are designated as upper and lower or “massive” Glen Dean. The upper lime¬ stone is very erratic in its distribution but the lower member is persistent and maintains a fairly uniform structural re¬ lationship with the underlying beds al¬ though there may be some local variation in its thickness. Both the top and base of this lower member are used as key horizons on which structure contour maps are based. The limestone is charac¬ teristically coarse-grained, c r i n o i d a 1 , oolitic, and brownish-gray. It contains a variable amount of chert and some dolo¬ mite. In most areas it is the highest limestone of the Chester series that con¬ tains well developed oolites. (Occasion¬ ally oolites occur in the higher Menard and Vienna formations.) In subsurface studies the top of the formation is placed at the top of the calcareous shale over- lying the uppermost limestone and the bottom of the formation is placed at the base of the calcareous shale below the basal limestone member. The Glen Dean is usually overlain by the Tar Springs formation, generally a massive sandstone which varies from 30 to 135 feet in thickness but in some areas it is principally shale or sandy shale. The Glen Dean formation is underlain by the Hardinsburg formation, which gen¬ erally consists of shale and sandy shale or siltstone and is usually from 20 to 60 feet thick. Locally a well developed sandstone may occur within the Hardins¬ burg. 1 Published with the permission of the Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey. 2 Now Assistant State Geologist, Dept, of Geology, Indianapolis, Ind. 8 Butts, Charles, Description and Correlation of the Mississippian Formations of Western Kentucky: Kentucky Geol. Survey, 1917, p. 97. Geology — 19Jf£ Meeting 133 Fig. 1. — Thickness map of Glen Dean formation, 134 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Fig. 2.— New Harmony Field. North-south electrical log- cross-section In various areas in the Illinois basin certain thin persistent limestone beds, such as the basal Golconda limestone, have proved more satisfactory than the Glen Dean for detailed structural in¬ formation. In the New Harmony field of eastern White County the thin basal Golconda limestone is present throughout the area and is a better structural key horizon than the basal Glen Dean lime¬ stone which is slightly variable in thick¬ ness. Figure 2, a north-south electrical log cross-section in the New Harmony field, shows the variation in thickness of the Glen Dean formation in that area. The wells represented in the cross-sec¬ tion are about one mile apart. In wells one, three, and five of the cross-section, the upper Glen Dean limestone is pres¬ ent; however, it is best developed in well one. Only the lower or “massive” lime¬ stone occurs in the other wells of the cross-section. The “massive” limestone is poorly developed in well six. In the few areas where production is limited to that part of the Chester series above the Glen Dean, the basal Menard or the lower Kin- kaid limestone, if present, are used for structural key horizons. The Glen Dean formation is an im¬ portant subsurface “marker” because it is usually recognized easily in electrical logs, in sample studies, and in drilling, and it is present over most of the area in southern Illinois where oil development and exploration is most active. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer is grateful to Dr. A. H. Bell and other members of the Survey staff for helpful suggestions and criticism of the manuscript. Geology — 19J/.2 Meeting 135 CHESTER INDEX OSTRACODES1 Chalmer L. Cooper Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois The ostracodes constitute one of the most persistent orders of microfossils. Although many genera are extremely long lived, careful study reveals many species of value as index fossils. These forms have been found in all types of marine sediments throughout most of the Paleozoic era. Freshwater forms ap¬ peared with the change of the sedi¬ mentary conditions that resulted in the deposition of alternating marine and freshwater beds in the Pennsylvanian and Permian systems. The non-marine forms become important only in post-Paleozoic formations. As shown by recent work2 the Chester series has furnished one of the most diversified ostracode faunas of the Paleozoic era. Nearly 360 species are known and all but 35 are found in Illi¬ nois. This is a very marked increase over the number of species found in the lower Mississippian formations. A few holdover genera from the De¬ vonian period are present, but in greatly decreased numbers, namely Beyrichia and Primitia. The Chester series is character¬ ized by a great increase in the number of species of Bairdia, Cavellina , Glypto- pleura, Healdia, and P araparcUites. Genera restricted to the series are Bair- diolites, Chesterella, Deloia, Geffenites, Glyptopleuroides, Lochriella, Paracavel- lina, Perprimitia, and Tetratylus. Genera which continue into the Pennsylvanian era with little- or no change in the num¬ ber of species represented, are Amphis- sites, Bythocypris, Ectodemites, Kirkbya, and Paraparchites. However, genera alone are of little value as stratigraphic indices. Only eight of the 67 genera known to occur in the Chester series are restricted to one forma¬ tion, and five of these are represented by only one species each. More diagnostic species are found in the New Design (lower Chester) group than in the Hom- berg (middle Chester) and Elvira (upper Chester) groups. In the New Design group about half of the known species are restricted to one formation, whereas, approximately only a third of the species in each of the two higher groups are so restricted. The greatest change in the ostracode faunas occurs at the Homberg- Elvira boundary, dividing the Chester series into an equal number of formations above and below. Some of the restricted species may not be good index fossils. Many of them are new and further work will no doubt in¬ crease their range. In some genera the species are so nearly alike that they are readily confused, and for this reason they are of little value for correlation. These include species of Bairdia , Healdia, Cavellina, and many species of the Am- phissitinae. 1 Published with permission of the Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey. 3 Cooper, Chalmer L.t Chester ostracodes of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey, Rept. Inv. 77, 101 pp., 14 pis., 1941. 136 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THICKNESS OF GLACIAL DRIFT IN DU PAGE COUNTY ILLINOIS1 A. C. Mason Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois A map showing the thickness of glacial drift in Du Page County has been pre¬ pared as an aid to the State Department of Public Health in their enforcement of water-supply and sewage-disposal regula¬ tions in those regions in which limestone and dolomite constitute the uppermost bedrock and the glacial drift is thin or absent. Water moving underground in limestone and dolomite may receive little or no filtration, and water from the sur¬ face recharging these formations is likely to be inadequately filtered unless it has passed through a sufficient thickness of glacial drift. Where less than 50 feet of glacial drift overlies limestone or dolo¬ mite from which municipal water sup¬ plies are obtained, the Department recom¬ mends continuous and adequate chlorina¬ tion, or, under certain conditions, puri¬ fication and chlorination. Where the drift is less than 30 feet thick, the De¬ partment recommends chlorination of private supplies. In addition, certain local sanitary units, such as township health boards, may permit no private septic-tank sewage disposal unless there is a minimum thickness of 30 feet of glacial drift to filter the effluent. Du Page County is located directly west of Cook County and its eastern boundary is less than 5 miles from the western city limits of Chicago. It is a suburban region where water-supply and sewage- disposal problems are common, and it is the only county in Illinois in which all the bedrock at the surface or directly underlying the glacial drift is limestone and dolomite. The thickness of the glacial drift is the resultant of the elevation of the bedrock surface, the amount of glacial deposition, and the extent of subsequent stream dis¬ section. A contour map of the bedrock surface of Du Page County, based on data obtained from the logs of more than 600 wells in the county, shows that the bed¬ rock surface in general slopes from an elevation of about 685 feet above sea-level in the northwest part of the county to an elevation of about 560 feet in the southeast corner where a trench in the bedrock has been cut by the Des Plaines River. The preglacial divide between east and southwest drainage appears to have crossed Du Page County from north¬ west to southeast, 10 to 15 miles west of the present drainage divide. Buried bed¬ rock hills lie along the former drainage divide. The present ground surface has a gen¬ eral slope towards the southeast, from an elevation of about 840 feet above sea- level near the northwest corner of the county to an elevation of about 590 feet in the southeast corner in the valley trench cut by the Des Plaines River. Standing about 50 to 90 feet above the general surface are a series of arcuate, somewhat discontinuous, morainic ridges trending north to south-southeast. The greater portion of the county is covered by the Valparaiso morainic system which on its west side includes the West Chi¬ cago moraine. Beginning near the west border of the county, the ground surface rises to the west towards Minooka Ridge. In the northeast corner of the county, the Tinley moraine forms a prominent ridge. The rest of the county is mostly covered by ground-moraine and outwash plains. The map showing the average thickness of glacial drift in Du Page County has isopachous intervals of 50 feet, with in¬ clusion of the 30-foot isopach because of its importance for sanitary engineering considerations. The relative accuracy of the map varies in accordance with the amount of data obtained, which in gen¬ eral is greater in the built-up areas. The thickness of the glacial drift varies from a maximum of about 175 feet in the north part of the county to nothing where bed¬ rock crops out in small areas in the south and east parts of the county. The thick- 1 Published with the permission of the Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey. Geology — 19J$ Meeting 137 est drift is found in the north part of the county beneath the highest portions of the West Chicago moraine and the un¬ differentiated Valparaiso moraine. The drift is less than 30 feet thick where streams have cut into thin , ground moraine overlying bedrock hills. These areas are in the vicinity of the West Branch Du Page River near Naperville, the East Branch Du Page River near Lisle, and Salt Creek near and south of Elm¬ hurst. Bedrock is exposed near Naper¬ ville and in a quarry at Elmhurst. The drift is also less than 30 feet thick in Des Plaines River valley, where bedrock is exposed in quarries and at points along the hillside. In approximately 90 per cent of the 345 square miles of area of Du Page County the drift is more than 50 feet thick, and in approximately half the county the drift is more than 100 feet thick. OCT 15 1941 DECREE OF ACCURACY VARIES IN DIFFERENT AREAS WITH THE AVAILABILITY OF WELL DATA AND DETAIL OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING OUTCROP ISOPACH INTERVAL 50 FEET LESS THAN 30 FT THICK CSS3 MILES 138 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions BITUMINOUS MATTER, IN WARSAW GEODES Percival Robertson The Principia College, Elsah, Illinois In 1922 Van Tuyle1 called attention to the geodes found in the Keokuk and lower Warsaw beds in this language: “Apart from Professor Brush’s prelim¬ inary examination and description of a few select specimens submitted to him in 1865 by A. H. Worthen, then director of the Geological Survey of Illinois, no study of these remarkable geodes has ever been made, in spite of the fact that they bear a variety of metallic sulphides and promise to throw some light upon the origin of more important deposits of these materials in sedimentary rocks which show no signs of igenous influ¬ ence.” In addition to the sulphides, Van Tuyl later called attention to another very interesting phenomena connected with the geodes, namely the occurrence of a black bituminous matter. He wrote, “The geodes from the lower part of the Lower Warsaw at several localities near Niota, Illinois, are strikingly contrasted to those in other occurrences in that many of them are partly or completely filled with a black viscous bitumen. The fact that such bituminous geodes occur in a non-bituminous shale and may be found in close proximity to ordinary geodes which show no trace of bitumen, lends to this feature still greater interest. As a general rule, however, the regular hollow geodes which occur in the same layers with bituminous types show at least a black stain in their chalcedonic shells.” A few years ago Mr. Thayer Gruner, then a graduate student at Washington University, called the author’s attention to the appearance of bituminous matter in what he described as “vugs” in the Alto formation a few miles south of Jones¬ boro, Illinois, specifically along the south line of the NW % sec. 1, T. 13 S., R. 2 W., in the eroded bank of a small tributary of Dutch Creek. The vugs that Mr. Gruner described are crystal lined cavi¬ ties found in the interior of siliceous con¬ cretions. These concretions could prob¬ ably be called geodes, although we were not able to ascertain if they actually weathered out of the limestone and formed the familiar rounded pebbles or cobbles that most people usually think of when we use the term geode. With these two occurrences of petro¬ leum-like masses in geodes it appeared that there might be value in examining more precisely some of the chemical and physical properties of the bituminous matter and determining if there was any marked similarity between the bitumin¬ ous matter found in these geodes and petroleum found elsewhere in the state. To this end about fifty petroleum-bearing geodes were collected from near Niota. The oil is usually a black tarry matter, so viscous that it will just about flow. We were able to collect enough of the material in this way for our determina¬ tions. However, we were able to collect only a few, eight or' ten, of the geodes from the Alto formation and found bitu¬ minous matter to be, in these instances, merely a black mass lining parts of the geode cavity. It may be interesting to note in passing that small crystals of sphalerite were found in several of these bituminous-bearing geodes. In an at¬ tempt to obtain the bituminous matter we first distilled small amounts directly from the broken fragments of the geodes but were able to collect a few drops of viscous matter resembling a very soft paraffine, neither quite liquid nor quite solid. The color was dark but not black. Not obtaining a sufficiently large sample in this way, the balance of the geodes were broken up into small pieces, placed in a Soxhlet apparatus and extracted with carbon tetrachloride. The latter be¬ ing distilled off, there remained a black, nearly solid mass of bituminous material which provided the samples for most but not all of the analyses performed. For the purpose of comparison we ob¬ tained samples of petroleum from the Colmar-Plymouth oil field through the 1 “The Stratigraphy of the Mississippian Formations of Iowa,” Iowa Geological Survey, Annual Reports 1921-22, Vol. XXX. Geology — 19^2 Meeting 139 Table I. — Properties of Bitumens Analyzed Crude oil from Colmar oil field Topped residue from Colmar oil field In geodes in Warsaw formation from near Niota, Ill. In geodes in Alto formation from near Jonesboro Carbon percent _ . _ 82.68 13.23 95.91 21.0 trace none 0.867 1.4105 85.58 11.93 97.51 21.0 trace none 0.902 1.4100 110°C. 10 mm. sol. 82.83 15.71 98.54 29.0 trace none 0.785 1.425 107°C. 7 mm. sol. 86.4 11.2 97.6 50.0 trace none 0.895 1.534 109°C. 20 mm. sol. Hydrogen percent _ _ - _ _ Iodine number . . . . Halogen content _ Sulfur content _ Specific gravity _ Refractive index _ Boiling point _ Solubility in carbon tetrachloride _ courtesy of Mr. 0. C. Ackman of the Ohio Oil Company. The oil here is found in the relatively shallow depth Hoing sand of Silurian age. This particular oil was selected because it was the nearest oil field to the Niota locality, being less than thirty miles away. We determined first the boiling point of the bitumen in the Warsaw geodes, and distilled the petroleum, rejecting all of the faction that boiled below the boiling point of the oil found in the geodes. The results shown in Table I were then obtained from the three bituminous residues. From these results it becomes evident that there is marked similarity between the bitumen in the geodes from both Niota and Jonesboro and the topped oil from Colmar. They were paraffins of relatively high molecular weight. There are only negligible amounts of unsatur¬ ated hydrocarbons in all three. The geode oils show practically no halogen. The original sample of crude oil from Colmar contained a small amount of salt water. No traces of sulfur were found. The specific gravity is slightly high in all cases except for very high boiling point paraffin, (Hexadecane has a specific gravity of 0.775), but the refractive index and boiling points, (the latter taken under reduced pressure to avoid cracking as much as possible) correspond closely to those reported for paraffin hydro¬ carbons of high molecular weight. In general the Alto geodes, appear to have lost more volatile material than the Warsaw ones. It seems reasonable to assume that the oils have at least similar sources and that they have been subjected to similar conditions affecting their for¬ mation, the Alto geodes having lost some¬ what more of their volatile fraction. The problem of migration of the oil into the geode is more difficult. Any as¬ sumption of original oil in the geode appears fantastic. We have found that the Warsaw formation where in contact with oil bearing geodes is quite saturated with petroleum in one locality, specifically along the south bank of Tyson creek about where it intersects the south edge of sec. 15, T. 7 N., R. 8 W., south of Niota, Illinois. The chalcedony geode shell, and more particularly the shale layer immediately in contact with it are very impervious. Dr. Norris Johnston of the General Pe¬ troleum Corporation of California reports in a private communication that the air permeability of the geode walls run from 0.03 to 0.37 millidarcies, while that of a characteristic sample of Warsaw shale from the same horizon as the geodes was 0.54 millidarcies. While the main part of the geode walls are highly impervious, in breaking some geodes there seem to be minute cracks or capillary tubes thru which the oil may have penetrated. There are sometimes seen fine black lines of oil extending from the center of some geodes to, or nearly to, the outer edge of the chalcedony shell. If oil was under considerable pressure in the rocks, it would probably find it easier to compress the gas contained within the geodes passing through the few capillary openings than to overcome the resistance of passage through the only very slightly pervious shale. We suspect the unusual imperviousness of the shale directly sur¬ rounding the geode is an important bit of evidence regarding the origin of the geodes themselves. Conclusion: The bituminous matter in geodes found in the Warsaw formation 140 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions in the vicinity of Niota, Illinois, and in geodes found in the Alto formation a few miles south of Jonesboro, Illinois, is similar in some of its chemical and physical properties to petroleum found in the Hoing sand at Colmar, Illinois, except that the materials in the geodes have less of the more volatile hydrocar¬ bons. The shale in contact with some bituminous bearing geodes is itself oil¬ bearing in at least one locality. The oil would find the shell of the geode in gen¬ eral difficult to penetrate, but there are capillary passages that would afford a passage to the interior of the geode. . Geology — 191^.2 Meeting 141 SUBSURFACE STRATIGRAPHIC SECTIONS NEAR TYPE CHESTER LOCALITIES IN SOUTHWESTERN ILLINOIS1 Frank E. Tippie Illinois State Geological Survey, TJrbana, Illinois Introduction — The correlation of the Chester formations in southwestern Illi¬ nois has been greatly aided by the study of cuttings from wells which are located near the type localities of these forma¬ tions. Descriptions of outcrops and well cuttings agree closely. Most outcrops do not expose a complete formation and its relationship to formations above and be¬ low it. Therefore, subsurface strati¬ graphic sections of seven Chester forma¬ tions having type localities in southwest¬ ern Illinois are presented to enable geol¬ ogists to observe these relations and make direct comparisons with other stratigraphic sections. Aux Vases Sandstone. — In 1892, C. R. Keyes (1, p. 298) 2 proposed the name Aux Vases for the “ferruginous sandstone” described' by Shumard, typically exposed at the mouth of Aux Vases Creek, Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri. The Aux Vases sandstone is now recognized as the basal formation of the Chester series. It overlies the Ste. Genevieve limestone unconformably and is in turn overlain by the Renault formation. In the type locality the Aux Vases (4, p. 229) formation consists of two zones, each 18 feet thick. The lower zone is made up of interbedded variegated shales and sandstones, and the upper is massive fine-grained sandstone. It is overlain by the Renault formation, consisting of 2 to 4 feet of sandstone and sandy green clay overlain by purple shales. The Anderson-Cassoutt No. 1 well (fig. IB) is located 7 miles east of the type locality of the Aux Vases sandstone. In this well the Aux Vases is represented by 56 feet of fine-grained to coarse-grained angular sandstone. The base is a sand¬ stone conglomerate containing pink and white chert and a few limestone frag¬ ments. This is indicative of the uncon¬ formity recognized at the base of the Aux Vases formation. The Aux Vases becomes increasingly finer-grained up¬ ward. It is here overlain by very fine¬ grained pink pyritic sandstone and inter¬ bedded variegated shales of the Renault formation. Renault Formation — Stuart Weller (2, pp. 122-124) proposed the name Renault for the series of limestones, sandstones, and variegated shales that lie above the Brewerville, now the Aux Vases sand¬ stone, and below the Yankeetown chert. The Renault formation is typically devel¬ oped along the tributary to Dry Fork of Horse Creek in sec. 23, T. 4 S., R. 9 W., Monroe County, Illinois, and consists of the following zones in ascending order (5): (4) 5 feet of limestone with some shale partings. (3) 15 feet of calcareous fossiliferous shale with numerous thin lime¬ stone layers. (2) 2 to 3 feet of arenaceous lime¬ stone. (1) 3 feet of massive sandstone. The Renault formation as represented in the Ames-Nicholson No. 1 well (fig. 2A) , located 4 miles south of the type locality, is, in part, almost identical. Zone 1 of the outcrop is represented in the well by 23tfeet of yellow and greenish partly spotted reddish-brown, very fine¬ grained compact sandstone with a few thin stringers of sandy limestone and greenish-gray and purple shales; Zone 2 by 5 feet of sandy limestone; Zone 3 by 24 feet of red, purple, and gray calcareous shale, interbedded with very calcareous siltstone; and Zone 4 by 7 feet of cherty coarsely crystalline green limestone and white lithographic limestone. Yankeetown Chert. — The Yankeetown formation (2, pp. 124-125) is a hard per- 1 Published with the permission of the Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey. 2 Numbers in parentheses refer to references at end of article. 142 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions WELL NO. I ANDERSON ET AL - CASSOUTT NO I LOT 2, SURVEY 4, KASKASKIA COMMONS, RANDOLPH CO RENAULT FORMATION id Sandstone, white, fine to medium, angular, in incoherent Sandstone, calcareous, white, medium to coarse; sandstone conglomerate, coarse, cherty; limestone fragments; green shale STE. GENEVIEVE LIMESTONE. sistent siliceous stratum, typically de¬ veloped as an arenaceous chert near Yankeetown School in southeastern Mon¬ roe County, Illinois. Only a few subsurface records show the Yankeetown chert in its typical out¬ crop form. In the Ames-Nicholson No. 1 well, 5 miles southeast of the type lo¬ cality, the Yankeetown formation is rep¬ resented by a sandy chert in the lower 16 feet and by a slightly calcareous chert in the upper 7 feet. A few miles to the east of the outcrop belt, the Yankeetown formation becomes a very fine-grained sandstone that continues into the Illinois basin. Paint Creek Formation. — The name Paint Creek (2, pp. 125-126) was proposed by Stuart Weller for the red shale and limestone above the Yankeetown chert and below the variegated shales and sandstone of the Ruma formation. The Paint Creek formation is typically de¬ veloped along the tributary to Paint Creek in sec. 2, T. 5 S., R. 9 W., Randolph County, Illinois. Weller recognized two zones of the Paint Creek: The lower zone consists of 20 to 25 feet of deep red clay with a few limestone nodules; the upper zone is more calcareous and shaly below, grades upward into more massive lime¬ stone beds, and totals 30 to 40 feet in thickness. In 1920, Weller (3, p. 298) extended the Paint Creek to include the variegated shales in the lower part of the Ruma formation and suggested that the name Ruma be discontinued as a formation name. This would establish a third zone in the Paint Creek. In the composite log of the Ames- Nicholson No. 1 and the Haverstick- Dashner wells, respectively one mile southeast and two miles northeast of the type locality, all three zones are present. The lower red shale zone with limestone nodules is 28 feet thick. The middle limestone zone consists of a lowermost sub-lithographic limestone 15 feet thick, a middle sandy limestone 15 feet thick, and an uppermost light brown and pink, partly oolitic and partly coarsely crystal¬ line limestone 12 feet thick. The third zone is 12 feet of variegated shale. An additional zone, not noted in out¬ crops but generally recorded in wells, is a thin very fine-grained sandstone or silt- Geology — 191+2 Meeting 143 WELL NO. 2* AMES OIL CO. - NICHOLSON NO. I SEC. 12, T.SS.R.9W., RANDOLPH CO. CYPRESS SILTSTONE Shale, yellow, greanish-gray, red, dark gr ay, Limestone, partly oolitic, light brown, pink, yellow, coarse, crinoidal 2C Limestone, becoming very sandy at base , ^ partly oolitic, buff, green, little pink, DC fine to coarse, crinoidal • O 2 Limestone, buff, green, light gray, *ub- ^ lithographic, crinoidal 0. Shale, calcareous, dark red; few red and greenish limestone nodules Chert, slightly calcareous, white, opague ; little green, silty shale at top Chert, sandy, white, opaque Limestone, partly cherty, greenish, coarse, crinoidal; limestone, white, lithographic Shale, calcareous, gray, purple, red; siltstone, very calcareous, gray, green, coarse 3 »7< bJ Limestone, sandy, light buff, fine CL Sandstone, slightly calcareous, light gray green, yellow at base, very fine, compact little limestone, sandy, brown; little shale, greenish -gray, purple AUX VASES SANDSTONE * Log above 103 ft. interpreted from nearby well ^3, Haverstick- Dashner, in Sec. 3 1, T. 1 S., R 8 W., Randolph County WELL NO. 4 C. L. LACHTRUP - SCHULZE NO. 3 SEC. 2, T. 7S., R. 6 W., RANDOLPH CO. DEGONIA SILTSTONE Limestone, argillaceous, dark gray, very fine, partly crystalline, crinoidal Siltetone, calcareous, argillaceous, dark greenisk 9raV Limestone, very argillaceous, greenish- gray, little red, dense Limestone, partly dolomitic, brown, gray, very fine, crystalline Limestone, argillaceous, dark brownish -gray, dense, infer bedded with shale , calcareous, dark gray; shale more prominent in lower part Limestone, brownish-gray. very fine, crystalline Sondstone, calcareous, light greenish-gray, very fine, compact, carbonaceous bJ Z H _l Sand stone, light gray, fine, carbonaceous, incoherent Limestone, argillaceous, brownish -gray, very fine, partly crystalline; shale, calcareous, gray Limestone, argillaceous, dark brownish -gray, very fine "to coarse, fossiliferouj; shale Limestone , buff to brown, very fine, partly mottled gray q Limestone, cherty, buff to brown, very fine, CL Some coarse, partly mottled gray < ^ Limestone, light buff to brown, lithographic ^ Dolomite, silty, green, very fine Limestone, more or less argillaceous, portly dolomific. brownish -gray, very fine partly mottled, crinoidal Limestone, oolitic, light buff, fine to medium Limestone, argillaceous, gray, brownish, greenish, dense; m+erbedded gray shale Shale, slightly calcareous, gray, flaky WALTERSBURG SILTSTONE A r ig 2 144 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions stone that occurs directly above the red nodular shale. However, this sandstone is not present in the Ames-Nicholson No. 1 well. Menard Formation — The name Menard (2, p. 128) was proposed for the mod¬ erately thick-bedded limestone with num¬ erous shale partings, typically exposed in the Mississippi River bluffs at Menard in Randolph County, Illinois. In the out¬ crop the limestones are generally bluish- gray, close-textured, and fine-grained and often have a small amount of chert. Coarsely crystalline limestones may be common locally, but they are usually rela¬ tively thin and occur in the upper part of the formation. The lower part of the Menard is usually marked by a dark gray shale with thin limestone streaks. The Lachtrup-Schulze No. 1 well (fig. 2B), 7 miles northeast of the type locality, exhibits a fairly typical Menard succes¬ sion. At the base is 16 feet of shale and argillaceous limestone. Above this is a 3-foot oolitic limestone followed by 17 feet of more or less argillaceous limestone. The next lithologic unit is 35 feet of light brown, very fine-grained partly crystalline limestone. The lower five feet of this unit is a silty green dolomite whose lateral extent is not known, and for this reason the dolomite is not con¬ sidered a separate unit. Chert is present at depths between 210 and 220 feet. The top of the Menard is 18 feet of fossilifer- ous shaly limestone and dark gray shale. The limestone is generally very fine¬ grained but some is coarsely crystalline. Palestine Sandstone — The Palestine sandstone (2, pp. 128-129) was so named because its type exposures are in Pales¬ tine Township, Randolph County, Illinois. It consists in part of heavy beds of sand¬ stone and in part of thinly bedded sand¬ stones or arenaceous shales. In well No. 4, located about six miles east of the type locality, the Palestine formation consists of two zones* a lower light gray fine-grained incoherent and carbonaceous sandstone 32 feet thick, and an upper light greenish-gray very fine¬ grained calcareous carbonaceous and com¬ pact sandstone 12 feet thick. Arenaceous shales are not shown in sample cuttings from this well. Clore Formation — The name Clore (2, p. 129) was applied to a series of inter- bedded limestones and shales that overlie the Palestine sandstone and crop out near Clore School in Randolph County, Illi¬ nois. In many places the Clore includes much more shale than limestone. The shales are generally calcareous and dark in color. The limestones are variable, grading from dense argillaceous lime¬ stone to crystalline limestone. In well No. 3, located about four miles northeast of the type locality, the Clore formation is represented by 5 feet of a very finely crystalline limestone at the base, overlain by 38 feet of dark gray calcareous shale interbedded with dark gray shaly limestone, the shale content decreasing upward. Above this shaly zone is 10 feet of brown very finely crystalline limestone overlain by 5 feet of very argillaceous greenish-gray limestone. A few fragments of -this limestone in the cuttings are red. The next unit consists of a dark greenish-gray calcareous and argillaceous siltstone, 8 feet thick. The top of the Clore is 7 feet of mottled gray, crinoidal limestone. REFERENCES Keyes, C. R., The principal Mississippian IImo"; utf Soc- Am- Bul1- vo1- 3’ **- Weller, Stuart, Stratigraphy of the Ches¬ ter group in southwestern Illinois : Trans. 19i3State Acad* ScL’ voL VI> pp- H8-129, Weller, Stuart, The Chester series in Illi¬ nois: Jour. Geol., vol. XXVIII, pp. 281- 303, 395-416, 1920. Weller, Stuart, Geology of the Ste. Gene¬ vieve County, Missouri : Mo. Bur. of Geology and Mines, vol. XXII, 2nd ser., 1928* Weller, Stuart, A report on the geology of parts of Monroe, St. Clair, and Ran¬ dolph counties, Illinois : Unpublished manuscript in the files of Ill. State Geol. Survey. Geology — 19 1$ Meeting 145 RHYTHMS IN UPPER PENNSYLVANIAN CYCLOTHEMS1 J. Marvin Weller Illinois State Geological Survey, TJrbana, Illinois The concept of cyclothems is familiar to most geologists who have been con¬ cerned with the stratigraphy of the Penn¬ sylvanian system in Illinois during recent years. The characteristic repetitions of different types of strata that make up a cyclothem are not, however, the only rhythms occurring in this system. In the McLeansboro group, particularly, com¬ plete cyclothems of different types suc¬ ceed one another in a definite order that is repeated at least three times. These major rhythms or cycles of cyclothems, because of their similarity to one another, have caused confusion in the field that has undoubtedly resulted in miscorrela- tions at some places where outcrops are not abundant or adequately connected. When they are properly understood and worked out, however, they may furnish the basis for a new classification of the Illinois Pennsylvanian in which the cyclothems are joined into groups and series that are of more significance stratigraphically and historically than the ones now recognized. It is also possible that these larger rhythms may be the long-sought key that will solve some of the perplexing problems of interbasin cor¬ relation. The succession of cyclothems that are now recognized in the McLeansboro is as shown in table I. These cyclothems are arranged in six groups. The lower two are incomplete and more or less doubtful, but above the base of the Trivoli cyclothem, which is the boundary between the Des Moines and Missouri series of the Midcontinent region, the repetition of four general types of cyclothems is conspicuous. The highest group is represented only by a single basal cyclothem. (a) The basal cyclothems of these groups are well developed. They possess prominent basal sandstones that appear to be separated from underlying beds by unconformities that at least locally are more than ordinarily well marked. Coal is generally present and may be locally workable on a small scale. Black sheety shale is conspicuously present at many places and is both underlain and overlain by lenticular, dark colored, and very im¬ pure marine limestone of similar lith¬ ology. The upper gray shale member of these cyclothems is generally thick. (b) Cyclothems of the second type are very imperfect or even rudimentary and their presence is generally indicated only by a more or less persistent horizon of marine fossils that may be limestone (Collinsville), sandstone (Collinsville, Upper Macoupin), or ironstone (Upper Newton). (c) Cyclothems of the third type are, like the first, well developed but their characteristics are quite different. Good basal sandstones are present. “Fresh¬ water” limestones are rare and coal seams are thin or absent. Black slaty shale occurs in the Shoal Creek cyclothem but is missing in the LaSalle and Omega cyclothems. The upper marine limestones of these cyclothems are light colored, TABLE I Name of Cyclothem 23 Shumway . 22 Woodbury . 21 Gila . 20 Omega or Greenup . 19 Upper Newton . 18 Newton . 17 Upper Bogota . 16 Lower Bogota . 1 5 Cohn . . 14 Upper Livingston “La Salle” 13 Lower Livingston “La Salle” 12 Upper Macoupin . 11 Macoupin . 10 Flannigan . 9 Shoal Creek . 8 Collinsville . 7 Trivoli . 6 Exline . 5 Gimlet . 4 Sparland . 3 Bankston Fork . 2 Jamestown . 1 Bre reton (part) . Type a d d c b a d d d c c b . d c . b d c a? d? c? c Published with permission of the Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey. 146 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions comparatively pure, and massive. They have been quarried at many places and are probably the most conspicuous beds in the upper part of the Pennsylvanian system in Illinois. The upper gray shale members are generally of only average thickness. (d) Cyclothems of the last type are thin and incomplete and their marine members commonly contain brackish- water rather than truly marine fossils. On the whole they are difficult to recog¬ nize because of their variability and lack of distinguishing characters. Some of these cyclothems include very prominent “fresh-water” limestones of various kinds. Some have well developed black slaty shale members that locally attain unusual thickness. Coals are generally thin or absent although in one area coal in the Flannigan is mined in a small way. Truly marine limestones are thin or absent, and the commonest fossils are Estheria and ostracodes in the black shales. Of the three recognized groups of cyclothems above the Trivoli, the first is the simplest with only one cyclothem of each type and the second is the most complex with two cyclothems of the third type and at least three of the fourth. Field work suggests that the Omega limestone of Marion County and the greenup limestone of Cumberland County are equivalent but the fusulines occur¬ ring in these beds are different, and those of the Greenup are believed by Dun¬ bar and Henbest to be much younger. If these limestones have been miscorrelated, a fourth group of cyclothems, including the Opiega, is probably present between the Upper Bogota and Newton cyclothems. FOSSILIFEROUS ZONES OF THE UPPER PENNSYLVANIAN OF VERMILION AND EDGAR COUNTIES, ILLINOIS Geo. M. Wilson University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The McLeansboro (Upper Pennsyl¬ vanian) in Vermilion and Edgar counties in eastern Illinois is exposed along Ver¬ milion River and Brouillet Creek and their tributaries. The McLeansboro has been sub-divided into the following cyclothems (ascending order) : Sparland, Gimlet, Trivoli, Shoal Creek, Flannigan, Macoupin, and Livingston. The com¬ posite section in Vermilion County in¬ cludes about 300 feet of strata and in Edgar County nearly 400 feet. The regional dip of the strata is to the south¬ west. The names of the various cyclothems have been previously assigned by other workers. Further detailed study of the fauna of these cyclothems may prove or disprove their correlation with their type sections in other parts of the state. In general the strata consists of shale, sandstone, limestone, underclay, coal, and conglomerate in about that order of abundance. Marine invertebrate fossils occur in strata above the coal zones of each cyclothem, and in calcareous sand¬ stones below the coal in a few instances. Plant remains have been found in a few places in shale, sandstone, and limestone. Land vertebrate fossils were collected many years ago from reddish shales in the lower part of the Shoal Creek cyclothem in Vermilion County, and erroneously referred to the Permian. Marine fossils occur in greatest abund¬ ance in the limestones, and in decreasing abundance in the calcareous shales, black fissile shales, limestone conglomerates, and sandstones. The megascopic fossils indicate a wide range of ecological conditions. They are very abundant in most of the marine members of the cyclothems. The most common genera are: Dictyoclostusr Neospirifer, Composita, Juresania, Lino - productus, Lophophyllum, Sphaerodoma , Meekospira, Naticopsis, Bellerophon, Phar- kodonotus, Euphemites, Myalina, Allor- isma, Schizodus, Astartella, Pinna, and many others. Several trilobites have been found in the Macoupin. The ostracods are the most common of the micro-fossils and will, when further study is made, be of considerable value in correlation of the Pennsylvanian in Illi¬ nois. For example, Geisina gregaria has been found only in the Trivoli in Ver¬ milion County. It is known to occur at Geology — 191$ Meeting 147 the same stratigraphic position in Peoria County. This form was originally de¬ scribed in 1906 from the Kansas City group of Kansas and called Beyrichiella gregaria. It is probable that other forms will be of equal value when their strati¬ graphic ranges have been determined. The dominant ostracod genera vary be¬ tween cyclothems. The most common genera listed in the order of abundance are: Bairdia, Gavellina, Hollinella, Am- phissites, KirTcbya, Bythocypris, Geisina, Jonesina, and Kelletina. Foraminifera occur throughout the Mc- Leansboro section. One of the important forms is Triticites irregularis, which has been found also in the Winterset beds of Iowa. This form occurs in a shale part¬ ing in the Livingston limestone. Other common foraminifera are: Ammodiscus, Tetrataxis, Ammovertella, Polytaxis, and Glyphostomella. Glyphostomella trilocu- lina thus far has been obtained from only the Macoupin. Conodonts have been found in several zones, even from the uppermost sand¬ stone in the Vermilion County section. In the Sparland, at the base of the thick marine shale, may be found an ir¬ regular black fissile shale that bears a pyritized, dwarfed fauna. Gastropods abound, with lesser numbers of brachio- pods, pelecypods, some cephalopods, and ostracods. The overlying shale contains varying amounts of megascopic fossils, especially pelecypods. The Gimlet in Vermilion County is represented by a thin basal sandstone and a limestone conglomerate, while in Edgar County there has been an addition of sev¬ eral members to the cycle and a thicken¬ ing of the strata to nearly 90 feet. The limestone conglomerate is found in Edgar County also. It is of marine origin ap¬ parently, for in it there are crinoid stems, shark teeth, brachiopods, and bryozoa. In some areas it contains microfossils in the shales. The Trivoli in Vermilion County yields largely micro-fossils, while in Edgar County it contains large numbers of megascopic, as well as microscopic fossils. The marine shale immediately overlying the coal zone in Vermilion County may be divided into two distinct zones on the basis of the micro-fauna. The Shoal Creek in Vermilion County contains fossils in the nodular lime. In Edgar County there is an expansion of this cycle and a corresponding increase in the number of forms. The Flannigan yields large numbers of microscopic as well as a large megascopic fauna. The members of the cyclothem are more completely developed in Edgar County. The Macoupin is ideally exposed along Salt Fork of Vermilion River in Ver¬ milion County. At the base there is a sandstone which grades upward into a siltstone. This is succeeded by a fresh water limestone at the base of the under¬ clay immediately below a coal. The coal is immediately overlain by a black fissile shale. The black fissile shale grades up¬ ward into a dark carbonaceous, fos- siliferous shale. The limestone varies from pure crystalline to argillaceous, and is very fossiliferous, containing large numbers of both megascopic and micro¬ scopic fossils. The overlying shale con¬ tains fossils also. The basal sandstone of the Livingston cyclothem in Vermilion County is exposed along the Salt Fork. The black shale, an overlying blue shale, and limestone have been exposed in the Fairmount quarry. In Edgar County there is a continuous section along Brouillet Creek. The basal sandstone contains Lingula and Aviculo- pecten. The black shale overlying the coal and the green shale at the base of the limestone bear conodonts. The lime¬ stone here is tentatively correlated with the one in Vermilion County. It is from the shale partings in this limestone that Triticties irregularis, has been collected. Although the general strategraphic succession has been studied, this is the first detailed study of the fauna that has been undertaken. . PAPERS IN PHYSICS From the Report of the Section Chairman Twelve papers were presented at the Urbana. meeting, one of which. The Betatron, by D. W. Kerst, was published in the September issue of the Trans¬ actions, and five of which are published herewith. The others were : Ewert, W. E., Chicago. — Meteorology. A new method of long range weather forecasting . Wall, C. N., North Central College, Naperville. — The inverted pendulum. Kibort, V., University of Chicago. — Color vision. Ewert, W. C., Chicago. — Falling bodies and the cause of gravity. Phillips, Theodore, Wright Junior College, Chicago. — An outline of a physics course related to the C. A. A. program. Reed, C. I., and B. P. Reed, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago. — X-ray diffraction studies on physiological changes in bone. Maximum attendance was 70. Chairman for the 1943 meeting at Jackson¬ ville, as elected, is F. W. Cooke, Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois. (Signed) Frank L. Verwiebe, Chairman 1 149 | 150 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions A DEMONSTRATION RADIO SET A. F. Inglis Chicago, Chicago, Illinois University of The demonstration radio set to be de¬ scribed here was built to make the tran¬ sition between the circuit diagram and the actual circuit easier for the beginning student, and to provide a working model with which the function of each stage of a radio set could be readily demonstrated. All the wiring and all the parts of the set are placed on the top side of the mount¬ ing board, and as far as possible the lay¬ out of the wires corresponds to that on a conventional circuit diagram. Thus the function of each connection is made im¬ mediately apparent to the student. See fig. 1. The radio employs a tuned radio fre¬ quency circuit since it was felt that the importance of the superheterodyne prin¬ ciple to the beginning student was not sufficient to warrant the added complica¬ tion in the construction of the set. The model has four stages: a tuned radio frequency amplifier stage using a type 26 tube; a combined tuned radio frequency amplifier and detector stage using a type 27 tube; an audio frequency amplifier stage employing a type 26 tube; the power amplifier stage employing a type 71A tube. There are two tuning con¬ densers which must be adjusted sepa¬ rately. Transformer coupling is used the audio frequency section. Sufficient power is developed to operate either a pair of headphones or a small magnetic speaker. The power supply employs a type 80 tube operating as a full wave rectifier sup¬ plying 250 volt plate potential. Each stage in the set is terminated in an ordinary wall socket, and the connec¬ tion to the next stage is ordinarily made by means of a short double wire running to another socket adjacent to it to which is connected the input leads of the next stage. However, by using a longer wire it is possible to skip any stage by bridg¬ ing over it. The set will operate with any stage except the detector missing, although its power is greatly decreased. Thus the purpose of each stage is impressed upon the student. On the top of the mounting board and running the entire length of the set is an oscillogram giving the wave form of a typical signal for the stage im¬ mediately below. Thus the progress of the sig¬ nal is graphically illus¬ trated from antenna to loudspeaker. It is also possible to connect an oscilloscope at any stage and obtain the wave form of an actual signal. In this manner the effects of de¬ tection and amplification are readily shown. The set was built at virtually no cost by Mr. John P. Karbler from discarded materials which inevitably collect in any laboratory. The mounting board is %" plywood, 6' x 3', painted white and permanently mounted to the wall. The set was built under the direction of Dr. Harvey B. Lemon. It is used both for the instruction of superior students in the Physical Science Survey course and for the students in the regular General Physics course. It has proved to be of invaluable assistance in demonstrating the basic principles of radio to beginning students. Physics — 19 J$ Meeting 151 A DEMONSTRATION POWER SUPPLY O. L. Railsback Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charleston, Illinois Rj 2,500 " R» 2,500 " R* 10,000 *• R6 ZS,000 » R7 2 25,000 " , 50 - - , IO " , 5- •' . I " L, , L^_ 8 Hrys. j /20 ma. C, 40 Mfd. , ISO Volts C2,Cj,CA 8 Mfd. ,600 Volts T 5Z3 or 83 In the teaching of an elementary- course in Radio it frequently is desirable to show the action of the various parts which go into a standard power supply. The apparatus here described has been planned to make this possible without the necessity of re-wiring circuits each time a new observation is to be made. The circuit diagram shows the arrangement of parts and switches. It is “fool-proof” in the sense that no damage can be done to the unit with any combination of open or closed switches. With this unit the following observations can be made merely with the opening or closing of switches: 1. Half-wave rectification 2. Full-wave rectification 3. The separate effects of each com¬ ponent in the filter section \ 4. The effect on voltage of condenser or choke in-put 5. The effect of varying load on volt¬ age out-put. Data for six or more points on a calibration curve for a given filter arrangement are avail¬ able by opening and closing switches. The effect of using a high vacuum or mercury tube can be shown by inter¬ changing a 5Z3 and 83 type tube. The unit can be used as a power supply in an amplifier or radio. “A”, “B”, and “C” voltages are available at binding posts, and the necessary auxiliary instru¬ ments are milliammeter, voltmeter, and oscillograph. 152 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions WHY NOT EXPRESS THE HORSEPOWER IN FOOT-POUNDALS? C. E. Ronneberg Herzl City Junior College, Chicago, Illinois The concepts of mass, acceleration, force, energy, and momentum are the very basis of mechanics, the foundation of all the physical sciences. In spite of the importance of these concepts, teachers in science and engineering must admit that we have a long way to go before we achieve uniformity in the handling of these concepts. The prejudices of work¬ ers in physical science in regard to the units used to measure mass, force, energy, and momentum are distressing to the be¬ ginning students who must decode the writings and usages of the many authors of physics and engineering texts. It is worthy of note that the students of physics in France, Germany and other European countries escape this confusion because they are familiar with only one system of units— the absolute c. g. s. sys¬ tem. In this country teachers and stu¬ dents must struggle along with both the gravitational and absolute system of units. Many teachers of physics feel that the best way to handle the second law equa¬ tion of Newton is to resort only to abso¬ lute units and the equation, F — ma. However, the concept of horsepower is so entrenched in the minds of the engineers and the public in general that they have despaired of entirely dispensing with gravitational units. Many teachers feel that it is necessary to teach the idea of pound of force because of its relation to the horsepower as 550 foot-pounds per second. They feel impelled to devise some system of handling F — ma which will permit solution of problems in either gravitational or absolute units. Many teaching devices have been invented to accomplish this dual purpose.1 One com¬ mon method is to make use of two differ¬ ent sets of equations for force, energy, etc., one for use with absolute units, and one for gravitational units. The concepts of force, mass, kinetic energy, and momentum in reality are not simple concepts. They are due to con¬ tributions by philosophical and mathe¬ matical thinkers of the caliber of New¬ ton, Galileo, Descartes, Johannes Ber¬ noulli, and Huygens. Ernest Mach2 in 1888 pointed out that Newton’s definitions of mass and force leave us in a logical circle: F(orce) t t . - / V. _ m(ass) a(cceleration) i _ i These three concepts are all inter¬ related and physicists have adopted two different procedures to build up a system of units around them. Procedure I. The relationship between two different masses is determined ex¬ perimentally by the measurement of the different accelerations produced by the same force acting on the two masses. ai a2 - > - > This led to the relationship, mi/m2 = a2/ai Equation 1 Eventually the followers of this pro¬ cedure arbitrarily selected a conveni¬ ent reference mass, the gram or pound to measure the magnitude of any other mass in terms of this reference mass by the determination of the different accel¬ erations imparted to the two masses by the same force, the masses and acceler¬ ations being inversely proportional to each other, i. e., m2 = mi(ai/a2) — ai/a2 when mi = unity Equation 2 ^Cf. Perkins Science, October 14th, 1938; Beardsley, Science 89, No. 2299, p. 58 (1939). Oampier, William, History of Science, Macmillan Co., New York, 1932, p. 170. Physics — 19It-2 Meeting 153 The accelerations of course are ex¬ pressed in terms of length and time, as cm/sec2 and ft/sec2. In this experimental procedure the acting force remains con¬ stant. This is implicitly stated in the expression given in Equation 2 since imai “ m2a2 = a constant. Equation 3 This led to the common statement of the second law of motion, Fc=ma. In this procedure, force must be a derived . unit dependent upon the units of mass, length and time. In this way our com- . mon absolute units of force, the dyne and poundal came into use. Procedure II. In this procedure the | relationship between different forces was determined experimentally by measuring the different accelerations imparted by different forces on the same mass. The accelerations are directly proportional to i the applied forces, or Fi ai a2 - ► - > force.”4 Unfortunately, the followers of Procedure II adopted the concept of pound of force. In order to get the notion of pound of force, it was necessary to use the pound of mass. To add to the confusion a new unit of mass was in¬ vented, the slug. In order to have the second law in the form F = ma mathe¬ matically, Equation 5 is slightly altered, F = Wt(a/g) = W/g(a) =Ma Equation 6 When F is expressed in pounds of force and a in ft/sec2, then the new unit of mass, the slug, is a derived unit and is defined as that mass in which a force of one pound will produce an' acceleration of 1 ft/sec2. In effect the followers of Procedure II in a round about manner go from our unit of mass, the pound, to the pound of force and back to the hypo¬ thetical unit of mass, the slug, in order to use the second law in the form, F = Ma = Wt/g(a). In practice this results in the use of two sets of equations in mechanics as illustrated below: Results of Procedure I P. E. = mgh K. E. ■= y<2 mv2 F = mv2/r m Fi/F2 = ai/a2 Equation 4 This method requires the use of a standard force and corresponding acceler¬ ation which is usually the weight and acceleration due to the attraction of the earth for the given mass at place where the experimental work is carried out. The last expression is changed to F/Wt = a/g Equation 5 This is sometimes called the ratio form of the second law. This method re¬ quires the use of the concept of weight and this naturally led to the gravitational units of force. It should be noted that the concept of mass is not involved in Equation 5. Many physicists contend that Equation 5 in that form is the most fundamental equation in mechanics.3 Both procedures have been used which is responsible for the great confusion that exists in regard to the units of mass, force, and energy. ‘‘Difficulties . arise from the fact that two systems of measurement of force are actually in use alongside one another, thus producing the appearance of two fundamentally different definitions of Procedure II P. E. = mgh/g = mh •K. E. = y2 mv2/g F = mv2/rg, etc. Often the followers of Procedure II do not actually stress the use of the term slug. As stated before the reluctance of many teachers to discard the gravitational units of force is due to the use of the foot-pound in the horsepower unit. But it is still possible to retain the horse¬ power unit and express in absolute units as foot-poundals per second. For some reason this is not done by writers of physics and engineering texts. The legal definition of the pound in this country as stated by the Bureau of Standards is a mass equal to 453.5920 grams. The aver¬ age value of g at sea level and 45 degrees latitude is 32.1740 ft/sec2. Hence, the horsepower in absolute units will be, P = w/t = F xS/t = mgS/t <= (550 lbs) (32.1740 ft/sec2) (1 ft) 1 sec = 17696 foot-poundals per second For ordinary calculations, the horse¬ power can be expressed as 17,700 foot- *Cf. Huntington, Science, 1,1, 207-209 (1915). 4 Bavink, The Natural Sciences, The Appleton-Century Co., New York, 1932. 154 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions poundals per second with an error of 0.02 per cent. For problems involving the conversion of mechanical energy into heat, the me¬ chanical equivalent of heat can likewise be expressed in foot-poundals per B. T. U. 1 Calorie = 4.184 joules 1 B. T. U. = 252 cal = 252 x 4.184 joules = 2.50 x 104 foot-poundals Expressing the horsepower and the me¬ chanical equivalent of heat in absolute English units means that only one set of equations is needed to measure force, work, potential and kinetic energy, etc. The parallelism between the absolute metric and English units is quickly grasped by the beginning student in physics. NORMAL DAILY TEMPERATURES FOR AURORA BY COMPARISON WITH CHICAGO Clarence R. Smith Aurora College , Aurora, Illinois The normal daily temperatures at Aurora have been much desired as a mat¬ ter of popular interest including use by the local newspaper which would like to report a comparison each day with the current mean. Since the use to be made of these normals is general rather than technical or scientific, it did not seem justifiable at this time to undertake the rather laborous Fourier series method or even one of the elaborate arithmetical smoothing methods which have some¬ times been used. The method here employed was sug¬ gested to the writer by Mr. C. F. Jesper- sen of the Chicago downtown station of the U. S. Weather Bureau. It consists of comparing the Aurora monthly normal temperatures with the Chicago monthly normals and applying this variation to the Chicago daily normals to obtain Aurora daily normals. The city of Aurora is located 36 miles from down¬ town Chicago, in a direction west and slightly south. The figures used for the Aurora monthly normals were those pub¬ lished in the 1940 year issue of Climato¬ logical Data and represent a record cover¬ ing 61 years ending with 1940. The Chicago figures, both monthly and daily, were those appearing in the Annual Meteorological Summary, 1940, for Chi¬ cago, published by the U. S. Weather Bureau at that city. This record repre¬ sents a period of 69 years. The twelve departures of the Aurora from the Chicago monthly normals were plotted on calendar coordinate paper and a smooth curve drawn among the points. From this curve a departure was read off for each day of the year. These depar¬ tures were then applied to the published Chicago daily normals to obtain Aurora daily normals’ as shown in the accom¬ panying table. Certain values were ad¬ justed slightly by interpolation to fit more consistently with the data just before and after. In no case was the adjustment more than 1 degree. In case of departure ending in .5 the choice of whether to use the next whole number higher or lower was determined by examining the ad¬ jacent data. The summer maximum at Aurora is higher than that at Chicago while the minimum in winter is lower. Yearly curves for the two localities are quite similar in shape but the Aurora curve is in general ahead in phase by about 5 days. These and other phenomena which developed in making the comparisons, deserve farther study but are considered aside from the main objective of this paper. It is believed that the Aurora Fig. 1\. — Departure of Aurora normal monthly mean temperatures from similar data for Chicago. Physics — 19Jf.2 Meeting 155 daily normals here formulated are of sufficient accuracy to be of practical value until such time as more elaborate meth¬ ods might become necessary. Acknowl¬ edgment is made to Mr. Jespersen not only for suggesting the method, but for his kindly interest and his offer of library facilities. Mr. F. J. Thomas of the Chi¬ cago station also made suggestions which proved to be of much value. AURORA DAILY NORMAL MEAN TEMPERATURES Day Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 . . 22 22 29 42 53 64 72 73 68 58 45 31 2 . 22 22 29 43 54 64 72 73 68 58 43 30 3 . . 22 22 30 43 54 65 72 73 68 58 43 30 4 . . . . . 21 22 30 44 55 65 72 73 67 57 42 29 5 . 21 22 30 44 55 65 72 73 67 57 42 29 6 . 21 22 31 44 55 66 72 73 67 56 41 29 7 . 21 22 31 45 55 66 72 73 67 56 41 28 8 . . . 21 22 32 45 56 66 72 73 66 56 40 28 9 . 21 23 32 46 56 67 72 72 66 55 40 28 10 . . 21 23 33 46 57 67 72 72 66 55 39 27 11 . 21 23 33 46 57 67 72 72 65 54 39 27 12 . 21 24 34 47 57 67 72 72 65 54 39 27 13 . 21 24 34 47 57 68 72 71 65 53 38 26 14 . . 20 24 34 47 58 68 73 71 64 53 38 26 15 . . 20 24 35 48 58 68 73 71 64 53 37 26 16 . 20 24 35 48 59 69 73 71 63 52 37 26 17 . . 20 25 36 49 59 69 73 71 63 52 36 25 18 . 20 25 36 49 59 69 73 71 63 51 36 25 19 . . 20 25 37 49 59 69 73 70 62 51 35 25 20 . 20 25 37 50 60 70 73 70 62 50 35 24 21 . . 20 26 38 50 60 70 73 70 62 50 35 24 22 . . 21 26 38 50 61 70 73 70 61 49 34 24 23 . . . 21 26 39 51 61 70 73 70 61 49 34 24 24 . . 21 27 39 51 61 71 73 70 61 48 33 23 25 . . 21 27 40 51 62 71 73 69 60 48 33 23 26 . . 21 28 40 52 62 71 73 69 60 48 33 23 27 . . . 21 28 41 52 62 71 73 69 60 47 32 23 28 . 22 29 41 52 63 71 73 69 59 47 32 23 29 . 22 29 41 53 63 72 73 69 59 46 31 23 30 . . . 22 42 53 63 72 73 69 59 46 31 22 31 . 22 42 64 73 68 45 22 156 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions WAVE FORMS OF PHASE-SHIFTED SINE PULSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS J. T. Tykociner and L. R. Bloom University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois In the course of development of an automatic recorder of spectral sensitivi¬ ties of photoelectric cells, means were re¬ quired for producing pairs of 60 cycle modulated light sources whose intensities could be sustained in definite phase re¬ lations. This led to a theoretical study of rectified phase-shifted sine waves. En¬ hanced by an urgent demand for a prac¬ tical method of precise determination of small phase shifts this work has been further developed experimentally. The main theoretical and experimental results are given in the following brief report. The task set for the theoretical in¬ vestigation consisted of finding new wave forms characterized by sharply marked critical points whose coordinates would determine the phase shifts. Such new wave forms were derived by the super¬ position of two rectified phase-shifted sine waves. Three distinct wave forms have thus been studied: (1) Those obtained by the subtraction of two rectified phase-shifted sine waves. Fig. 1. — Graphical subtraction of two rectified phase-shifted sine waves. (2) Those obtained by the addition of two rectified phase-shifted sine waves. (3) Those obtained by a rectified phase-shifted sine wave added to or subtracted from a full sine wave. Due to space limitation only the first type of wave form will be discussed here. Fig. 1 represents graphically the sub¬ traction of instantaneous values of two phase-shifted rectified waves, A and B, of equal amplitude and frequency. Each of the seven graphs shows the resultant wave shape D — A-B for a particular phase shift 0, namely, 0 = 0°, 15°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° respectively. The re¬ sultant curve D appears as an alternating wave of double the frequency of the original sine wave. The curve has sharp peaks marked a, c, and e. It crosses the X-axis at the points b and d. Interesting from the point of view of practical ap¬ plication is the property which makes the amplitude of the curve D proportional to the sine of the phase angle 0. A fur¬ ther property is that for D = O, «b,d — K tt/2 + 0/2, where 0, 1, 2, . . . and that the value of the abscissa for the maximum is Xc — K ‘rr + 0 and for the minimum, Xa,e — K^r. With increasing phase shifts the wave form develops gradually from an unsymmetrical shape with a small amplitude into a symmetri¬ cal triangular form of maximal amplitude at 0'=9O°. Similar studies of the two other types of wave forms mentioned under (2) and (3) reveal other charac¬ teristics also depending on the phase angle. In order to examine the possibility of producing such wave forms in electrical circuits, the oscillographic method was applied in connection with mixing cir¬ cuits for combining the two rectified phase-shifted sine waves. Fig. 2 is an example of a series of oscil¬ lograms thus obtained for 0 = 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90° respectively. The left column shows the component rectified Physics — 19Jf2 Meeting 157 Fig. 2. — Oscillograms showing subtraction of two rectified phase-shifted sine waves. sine waves each taken by a separate ex¬ posure while the second column of oscil¬ lograms shows the resultant forms chang¬ ing as the phase is varied step by step. These correspond closely to the curves theoretically predicted. In order to produce any required def¬ inite combination of currents it was necessary to develop accurate means for adjusting phase angles of the component currents. The oscillograms shown in Fig. 2 were obtained at 60 cycles per second by a known method of addition of electrical vectors in quadrature rela¬ tion. For audible frequencies from f = 500 cycles to f = 10,000 cycles per second a more accurate method of obtaining phase- shifted currents was developed. As shown in Fig. 3, in room I were placed the oscillator O, whose frequency could be varied from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. The oscillator was coupled to a transmitter T. For frequencies not exceeding 2,000 cycles this transmitter T, consisted of a high impedence earphone of the Baldwin type. For higher fre¬ quencies it was replaced by a high fidel¬ ity driving unit of a dynamic speaker whose voice coil impedance was 16 ohms and whose audio spectrum extended from 30 to 10,000 cycles. At a distance di and d2 of approximately two wave lengths were placed two high impedance head¬ phones Pi and P2, identical in their char¬ acteristics. One of the headphones, P2, was fixed in position. The other, Pi, was mounted on a stand and could be shifted between guides by means of a worm-gear G. By turning a crank K, the distance di could be varied and set to any desired position with an accuracy of ± 0.2 mm. For each given phase angle 0, the distance d = di-d2 = 0r/7Tf could be calculated from the sound velocity v and frequency f and then adjusted accord¬ ingly. In room II were placed two sets of measuring equipment. Each set consisted of a voltage amplifier (Ya or Vb), a matching transformer (Wa or Wb), a full- wave rectifier (Ya or Yb) and a coupling circuit (Za or Zb). The outputs, a and b, of the receiver headphones Pi and P2 were fed through shielded concentric cables into the re- 158 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions spective amplifiers Va and Yb. An oscil¬ lograph G was used as an indicating in¬ strument to observe the resultant wave forms. For frequencies from 10,000 to 100,000 cycles the method of adjusting circuit constants was used for producing phase shifts. Thus, the entire frequency spec¬ trum over the range from 30 to 100,000 cycles was found adaptable in connection with the described wave forms. The applications of the new wave forms are manifold. By direct use of an oscil¬ loscope which records the wave forms on a screen, it is possible to measure the coordinates of the critical points of the resultant wave forms and thereby de¬ termine phase differences. However, more refined methods of utilizing the characteristics of the new forms are be¬ ing developed. Of other applications which are in the course of development, the following may be mentioned as ex¬ amples: time axis sweep circuits for oscillograph and television tubes, square wave generators, and harmonic oscilla¬ tors. A complete report concerning the math¬ ematical and experimental investigation will be published in a Bulletin of the University of Illinois’ Engineering Ex¬ periment Station. Papers in psychology and education From the Report of the Section Chairman Six papers were contained in the program at the Urbana meeting, 3 of which are herewith printed. The others were : DeYoung, Chris A., Illinois State Normal University, Normal. — Financing public education in Illinois. Hibler, Frances W., Illinois State Normal University, Normal. — The problem of student morale during war. Witty, Paul A., Northwestern University, Evanston. — Mental hygiene effects of war upon children. Twenty attended the session. L. A. Pennington, Physiological Psychology Laboratory, University of Illi¬ nois, was elected chairman for the Jacksonville meeting in 1943. (Signed) J. H. Hughes, Chairman [159] 160 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions WARFARE BETWEEN HUMAN NATURE FICTIONS Coleman R. Griffith University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois It is obvious beyond all question that this war is being fought between armies, navies, flying forts, and radios which are owned by, and serve the interests of, the several nations. These nations, or the people who lead them, hate each other and are bent on the destruction of their enemies. It is not quite so obvious, but nonetheless true, that a struggle is being waged between patterns of belief, forms of government, systems of finance, claims to priority in access to raw materials, means of control over ocean lanes of traffic, and rights to sell goods in pre¬ ferred markets. As an integral part of these factors, there are the roots of evil intentions which are said to lie in balances of power, race hatreds, old debts to be paid, and the desire to remedy ancient wrongs. Still less obvious are the brutal qualities that are commonly at¬ tributed to man's original nature, — his lusts, instincts, and other echoes of the fact that he stems from the beasts of the field. This might be called, then, a war of machines, a financial war, a political war, a war of ideologies, a war of em¬ pires, and a struggle for survival, but in none of these manners of speech has the final and irreducible nature of the con¬ flict been indicated. In the last analysis, it is a psychological war. Stripped of all the trimmings of men and machines, or of policies and practices, this is a war of man against himself. It is civil war in the body psychologic. It is a war be¬ tween fictions about the nature of human nature, that is, a war between partial views of the traits of men and of what they need in order to live. Since all of us are men who normally pursue a double path toward self- knowledge, that is, a path among the im¬ mediacies of self-inspection, and a path among inter-behavioral contacts with our own kind, any appeal to the notion that we are the witnesses at a civil war among human nature fictions stands forth, at first sight, almost as a peculiar kind of nonsense. If there is anything in the whole universe that should be known with precision, and in the fullness of its being, it is man’s own nature. Moreover, it is said to be one of the most patent facts of history that human nature is the same the whole world over; and yet, instead of a view of himself in the wholeness of his character, one must still insist that death is the price being paid for a wild array of partial views and of absurd abstractions which are battling one another to the bitter end. Some of them have stood out to the exclusion of all of the others, and some of them have been united with others so as to form curious caricatures of the truth.1 There have been biological, rational, spiritual, economic, political, liberal, nomadic, western, oriental, romantic, pragmatic, mystical, humane and military or power¬ men, to say nothing of the man of the golden mean. These terms have not been used to name the several facets of the whole of the psychological creature. They have been taken as real names for views that have been held of man’s essen¬ tial constitution as displayed in what he has done, what he wants, what he will strive for, and for which he will give up his life. Some of them are names for the kinds of men who are now grasping each other’s throats or blasting out each other’s brains from the skies. There is, then, at the very center of man’s universe a strange paradox. He ought, since he is always his own sub¬ ject and object, fully to know himself in the completeness of his nature, and yet the actual record shows scarcely an in¬ stance when he has scored a notable suc¬ cess in synoptic comprehension. So grave a failure must be explained and, for¬ tunately, the answer is not far away, for man has at last become a problem to himself, and this is the beginning of wis¬ dom. It is first to be observed that men 1 Each of them, of course, will hold that it reveals the truth, all the others being- defec¬ tions from the obvious and the essential. See, for example, Maritain, J. Christian humanism. Fortune, 1942, 25, 106 ff. Psychology and Education — 19^2 Meeting 161 must, if the immense variety of partial views which crowd the record are to make any sense at all, be extremely versatile in their resources for adjust¬ ment to life situations. The plain fact is that they do have capacities for meet¬ ing their environments which can be channeled into action in an amazing variety of ways. In the second place, it is wholly clear that life situations vary over an immense area from deserts to lavish riches, from battle, mating and feeding to dialogue, friendship and aesthetic pleasure, from being ruled to the role of ruler, from working and pro¬ ducing to selling and saving, and from manual labor to deep concern about angles, sizes, words, verbal propositions and final principles. When pieced to¬ gether, these two kinds of facts point to a single conclusion. At a time and a place within a given culture, and for a given purpose, men are able to mobilize their rich resources for adjustment in precisely those patterns which appear’ to be adequate to the conditions which prevail. This conclusion, however, marks only the first step in the creation of human nature fictions. When a particular set of life situations is intensely demanding, the whole scope of human nature will appear to be expressed in exactly those habits, skills, attitudes, and thoughts that have been designed to meet the de¬ mands. But it is at this point that the next step in the creation of a fiction is normally taken. In proportion as the designs for action meet with success, they will be used to prescribe the rules for response to all kinds of situations, in all kinds of cultures, even though the initial conditions which gave rise to them have already passed away. But success alone is not enough. The traits aroused by one life situation in its own climate of opinion, when utterly demanded by that situation, are often abstracted from their functional dependency on time and place and converted into the intrinsic rights, duties, essences, or powers of the adjusting individual. In short, they appear to express the laws of the inner nature of man, and they are made pre¬ scriptive, therefore, not only for the same but for all other kinds of situations. They become definitions of what it means to be a human being. Moreover, — and this is the final step in the creation of fictions, — the adjustive habits required by local conditions of time and place are quickly transformed into rules, codes of law, customs, institutions and political or other social arrangements which appear to be right because they manifestly em¬ body the wants, the best thoughts, and the hereditary qualities of the men who have created them. A single example will suffice. With the advent of the machine at the outset of the Industrial Revolution, the ways of men with respect to machines, to raw materials, to goods produced, to sales, and to bank accounts passed through the mighty transformation that marked the end of feudalism. Moreover, their man¬ ners of dealing with one another in the market place and in the forum took on a flavor which set them off from the customs that had prevailed in feudal times. Men who owned land gave way to men who owned goods or banks, and in proportion as almost any one could share in the new kinds of ownership, men became individualists endowed with the kinds of rights that individuals ought to possess.2 From an earlier period, these new kinds of men drew upon the fiction of rational men as it had been perfected by those who had learned how they ought to behave if they were to deal adequately with geometry, mathematics, or with the meanings of words when they are used to compose a syllogism. The result was, first, an economic sort of man ruled by reason in behalf of enlightened self-interest, and, second, a whole array of political, commercial, international and military arrangements, intended to bring in a constant flow of raw materials and send out a constant flow of goods to be sold for a profit. This economic man was a liberal, an individualist, or a capitalist whose habits, emotions, and points of view, instead of being relative to the kind of world in which living had to be accomplished, appeared to stem from his genes and be expressive of his inalienable rights. His government, his treaties, his wars, his peace pacts, his schemes for a balance of power, and his attitudes toward natives in the far cor¬ ners of the earth, accordingly, were merely public and institutional expres¬ sions of what he conceived to be the 2Cf. Laski, H. The Rise of European Liberalism. London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1936. 162 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions intrinsic human nature granted to him by his Creator® This is, of course, an extremely sketchy view of a complex process. This is not the place, however, to fill in the details, whether for economic or any other kind of man, and neither is it the place to find out how various types of men fare when they go to war in order to protect what they manifestly feel to be the inner es¬ sence of their own natures. We must not even attempt to trace the way in which economic, religious, democratic, totalitarian, communistic and emotional men, with all their associated practices and arrangements, are caught in the present tangle of world-wide conflict.4 The existence of human nature fictions, however, raises one question which is pertinent to this program. Given the conditions which produce a varied assort¬ ment of human nature fictions and which place them in bitter conflict, what is it that preserves them and sheds an aura of finality over them? The answer is: Education. Education is one of the very first of the arrangements set up by groups of men in order to develop youth in accordance with the fundamental nature of human nature. In short, educa¬ tional systems also go to war. In fact, they are employed long before the advent of overt conflict in order to prepare men more heroically to defend or to die for the values and natures ascribed to them by the fictions they have created. More¬ over, it is education upon which is placed the burden of instruction regarding civilized habits, customs, institutions, practices and loyalties which, because they appear to be grounded in human nature, constitute exactly the substance of the various nations which spring at one another’s throats. Stated in another way, if wars are fought between human nature fictions at the level of the political, social and economic arrangements which embody these fictions, then education is the primary agent by which the truth and the authority, both of the fictions and of the arrangements, can be nurtured to the point of complete conviction and utter devotion. If, however, education can go to war in this fashion, it ought also to be sub¬ ject to mobilization in the interests of peace. What is needed is not an educa¬ tion which will change human nature or a mode of training which will eliminate brutal instincts, but an education which will strive toward, because it is based on, the whole of the psychological person in the full array of his adaptive talents.5 For some situations, and when to the manner trained, men should be rational, but they might also be romantically and economically as well as religiously and politically democratic, and scientific in method as well as emotional and wor¬ shipful in their rights and duties. In short, then, these several words could not be used as the names of kinds of men in a culture whose education was ex¬ pressly designed to develop the whole of the psychological person. Moreover, they could not be the names of the human nature forces, whether they are called instincts, innate ideas, or the first prin¬ ciples of being, which guarantee finality to political, economic and social arrange¬ ments. By contrast, they would name degrees of excellence, now in this facet and now in that facet, of races of men in accordance with the duties they must perform and the relations they must establish with respect to others of their own kind in the common business of re¬ moving occasions for civil war in the body psychologic. It should be obvious that the road away from revolution lies in this direction, for men who intend fully to realize the whole of their natures will not tolerate institu¬ tions, standards and practices which are a violation of what they need and must secure if they are to avoid ceaseless con¬ flict. They will, instead, create institu¬ tions which are compatible with the kinds of human nature their educative process has directed them to achieve. If, for example, it is affirmed that a form ; of government, or a system of banking, is finally and absolutely true because it is based on human nature, then schools ought to teach that form of government and its financial arrangements. On the j other hand, however, if the human na¬ ture which is said to underlie a form of government can be shown to be a fiction produced by the chances of time and j place, and wholly relative to a given cul¬ ture, then education, instead of becoming a form of propaganda in order to pre- «Cf. Browne, L. Something- Went Wrong. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1942. ■*Cf. Drucker, P. F. The End of Economic Man. New York: John Day Co., 1939. °Cf. Tolman, E. C. Psychological man. J. Soc. Psychol., 1941, 13, 205-218. Psychology and Education — 19J+2 Meeting 163 serve the fiction, ought to stand forth as an agent for the training of men who will gradually and thoughtfully amend their government and all other institutions so as to make them fully expressive of the whole of their psychological beings. The crucial test of this assertion is said to lie in the relations that obtain between human nature and democracy. Democracy, of course, has been defined in a great many ways, but none of them emphasizes so many facts as the argu¬ ment that plans for self-government name a direction of becoming rather than a state of being. Likewise, human nature can be defined in a great many different ways, but none strikes quite so close to the spread of man’s abilities as the state¬ ment that the scientific method, that is, the operating intellect which uses goals as means to further ends, demands more of the whole person than any other pos¬ sible statement about him. Human na¬ ture and democracy, then, became twin¬ like terms, for adjusting men who ex¬ emplify the scientific method are the premise of, and the necessary condition for, the coming-to-be of democracy. The alternative is to use the processes of edu¬ cation in the interests of conformity, that is, in the interests of maintaining an ex¬ isting fiction about human nature and about all the social arrangements con¬ tingent thereon. In this case, education becomes an extremely powerful agent for the promotion of wars without end, for its natural product is a multiple person¬ ality whose members are always in con¬ flict, either directly or by way of social structures. On the contrary, however, education can be used for a peculiarly human and democratic purpose, namely, to direct growth toward the actualization of all the powers of adjustment of the whole of the psychological person. In this case, educated men become, first, the necessary correctives of the formal agen¬ cies by which their lives will be regu¬ lated, and second, the natural mode of approach to a time when wars need no longer be waged because men no longer fashion themselves into their own worst enemies. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions 164 HANDWRITING AS A FACTOR IN CREDIT ANALYSIS W. R. Laughlin Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois Credit is the name given to that busi¬ ness operation by which delivery of money or merchandise or other consider¬ ation is made on the promise of future payment. Credit is based on confidence; confidence in a man’s resources and ability to pay, in his character and in¬ tegrity; confidence in the stability of the locality in which he conducts his busi¬ ness; confidence in the government un¬ der which he lives. Credit-making is an estimate or opinion of future commercial conditions and of the ability and inten¬ tion of men to carry out a contract. So important has this aspect of American business become, that up to the present emergency roughly one-third of American merchandising was done on credit. Credit extension has long been granted on what is largely a mechanical and sta¬ tistical approach, based chiefly upon eco¬ nomic factors. One widely used method seeks to determine the credit character of a customer from the information fur¬ nished by him. The applicant is asked to answer certain questions with respect to race, marital status, length and type of employment, age, income, other credit affiliations, references, etc. While tangible assets may be an im¬ portant basis for the extension of credit, yet it can be stated absolutely — and it is an agreeable evidence of the large part which the human element, man himself, plays in the more or less sordid opera¬ tions of business — that the rock-bottom foundation upon which the whole system of credit is based is character. Those characteristics of the applicant himself most significant to the credit man are rightfully identical with the most essen¬ tial elements of success in any man: honesty, good habits, ability, industry, economy, and care in the conduct of his business. Of these assets none can be levied upon by law, but just as a man cannot attain success without them, so a credit man cannot safely give credit to an applicant lacking them. In fact, if a credit man could be absolutely sure of an applicant’s honesty, most other consider¬ ations could safely be eliminated. Not that honest men never fail, for they often lack ability and other essentials, but between the man with large resources and doubtful honesty, and the honest but financially weak man, the latter is the better credit risk. Undoubtedly in credit extension there are at least two aspects: an economic one (the ability to pay) and one largely psychological (the intent to pay). It ap¬ pears most likely that our credit con¬ cerns are better equipped to deal with the economic aspect than with the psy¬ chological aspect. This paper will report the research which has convinced one Chicago concern, which does a large credit business, that handwriting can be an important factor to be considered in the extension of credit. The prevailing attitude toward hand¬ writing analysis among American psy¬ chologists is one of scepticism and dis¬ trust. Along with phrenology, palmistry, and astrology it is contemptuously dis¬ missed or deplored as charlatanism. The commercial abuses of graphology seem to have disqualified this type of analysis for impartial experimental study. Con¬ sequently very few American psycholo¬ gists have studied its methods or claims seriously; in their unfavorable criticisms they seldom refer to more than one or two inconclusive experiments. The typi¬ cal American attitude has been expressed by John B. Watson. Depending as many of the critics of graphology do, upon a single experiment of Hull and Montgom¬ ery, he concludes that all claims for graphology are “a tissue of exaggerations” which “will not bear critical experimental testing”. Since this famous experiment has only remote relation to most of the claims of graphologists and practically none to their methods of work, it is a meager and insecure foundation for such a sweeping opinion. Watson wrote twenty 165 Psychology and Education — 191+2 Meeting years ago, yet this attitude toward graphology still prevails. Briefly, it may be said that American psychology and science regard hand¬ writing as unrelated to the deep-lying central factors of personality, and as a product essentially of peripheral manual movement. In addition they consider it to be influenced greatly by external con¬ ditions of instruction and example. European psychologists on the other hand see in handwriting the essence of expres¬ sion, reflecting many, if not all, of the inner constituents of personality. In sharp contrast to the scepticism and neglect in this country we find an alert and sympathetic interest in Europe. Many reputable psychologists on the con¬ tinent are following the topic and experi¬ menting in the field of handwriting. It was one of these European psycholo¬ gists, Dr. Walter Marseille, who initiated the research reported in this paper. Dr. Marseille, in addition to completing his doctoral dissertation analyzing and criti¬ cising the methodology of the various European schools of graphology in 1926, had many years experience as a private consultant. He saw the possibilities of handwriting analysis as a factor in credit extension, and a large Chicago merchan¬ dising company, which we shall call the X-company, became interested. The X- company is a progressive company with special credit problems. Over the past ten years its research department has developed a rather extensive and compli¬ cated point system which it applied to individual applications for credit. Its management, however, anxious to cut down credit losses, have long been on the alert to improve their credit rating system and invited Dr. Marseille to con¬ duct research to demonstrate the validity of analyzing the handwriting of the ap¬ plicant before extending him credit. It took him two years to integrate the experience with the American handwrit¬ ing with its own national character and its peculiar conditioning. In the United States rather uniform conditions of in¬ struction and example, such as the Palmer Method, have resulted in a certain amount of what might be called “conventional¬ ized handwriting”. The European work was mainly with handwriting of indi¬ viduals on a much higher economic and cultural level than the Chicago firm’s customer. Dr. Marseille, together with Prof. Paul Zagersfeld, has done special research on this very question of educa¬ tional level. These results, based on Senatorial mail, were published in part in “Public Opinion Quarterly”, Fall 1941. But after acquainting himself with the handwriting level of the typical customer of company X, Dr. Marseille was given two tests devised by the company. The first test was taken in New York. Two hundred order blanks were sent to him. Half of these orders were from customers who have proved themselves to be good credit risks; experience had shown that the other half should not have been given credit. Dr. Marseille was asked to separate the good from the bad credit risks after analyzing the hand¬ writing on the order blanks. He did this with an accuracy decidedly better than their point system based on social and economic factors. The X-company was so impressed that they invited him to come to Chicago and carry out further research and take a second test. The second test included six hundred cases and the results were just as impressive. Dr. Marseille was able to demonstrate that credit losses were due not so much to dishonesty on the part of the applicant as to lack of adjustment, instability, and lack of integration. Furthermore, the characteristics were apparently revealed in the handwriting of the applicant. The X-company was convinced that here was a method of analyzing credit risks that had great potentialities. But was this ability subject to training? Could it be applied to mass production? This was very important, since the X- company had, depending on the season, from 2,000 to 6,000 applicants for credit daily. Dr. Marseille was given the task of selecting and training in his methods five young men and women. None of these trainees had any previous hand¬ writing training or made any claim to intuitive gifts in this field. After twenty- five training sessions of three hours each for subjects 1, 2, and 3, and fifteen ses¬ sions of three hours each for subjects 4 and 5, all were given a test. The test material consisted of 500 order blanks, half of which were those of good credit risks and half were those of bad credit risks. The testees were asked to select roughly twenty percent of the cases which were called the extremes. These 166 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table I Subject Cases Rated Cases Correct % Correct Extremes Rated Extremes Correct „ % Correct 1 356 250 70 106 87 83 2 _ _ _ _ 363 238 66 100 72 72 3 _ _ _ _ 373 220 59 100 71 71 4 _ 375 228 61 100 69 69 322 197 61 100 70 70 were the cases which the testee felt most sure of being good or bad. In addition the testee could select as many other cases which he felt sure were good or bad as he wished. The criterion of whether a case was good or bad was of course the X-company’s experience with it. If a cus¬ tomer had paid he was good, if he had not paid he was bad. The results of the test have been summarized in Table I. The X-company felt that subjects 1 and 2 had performed satisfactorily on the test and they were permitted to carry on some private research which was de¬ signed to acquaint them with the opera¬ tions and problems of the company and to see in what actual operational area their services could best be used. It was decided that subjects 4 and 5, who had had less training, should be given more training and a second test. Subject 3’s performance was deemed unsatisfactory and he was eliminated from further con¬ sideration. It is interesting to note, how¬ ever, that his results were on the positive side and definitely above chance. Subjects four and five and a new trainee, subject six, who had previous training in Europe, were given twenty additional training sessions by Dr. Mar¬ seille and a second test. The results of this second test are summarized in Table II. The X-company was satisfied with the performance of these three subjects and had them follow the same pattern of fur¬ ther training as subjects one and two. At the present time the handwriting analysis is definitely a part of the credit extension policy of the company. Credit applications are being examined by the handwriting analysis who accept certain applicants, reject others, and refer a third group of applicants to the regular credit extension programme. It is impossible to discuss the method of handwriting analysis in the short time at my disposal. However, it should be emphasized that the method does not con¬ sist of looking for certain definite signs of dishonesty in a handwriting. Rather it is an evaluation of an individual’s writing style as a whole. The Chicago firm is concerned primarily with nega¬ tive aspects which are: lack of integra¬ tion of the handwriting style, discrepan¬ cies in the handwriting style, and evasiveness of the style. Table II Subject Cases Rated Cases Correct % Correct Extremes Rated Extremes Correct „ % Correct 4 _ _ _ 329 221 67 92 72 78 311 206 66 95 69 73 6 . . . . 338 224 66 85 62 72 Psychology and Education — 191$ Meeting 167 WHAT CAN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DO TO PREPARE FOR WINNING THE PEACE? Edwin* H. Reeder University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois The last forty years have constituted a period of very rapid change in public school education. This statement is true of all features of the school system, in¬ cluding school buildings, professional training of teachers, compulsory attend¬ ance age and the like. In no department of education has it been more true than in the field of the curriculum. From a curriculum composed largely of dead, inert, static factual material, the schools have moved toward subject matter which is alive, changing and within the realm of children’s interests and comprehension. Dead wood has been cut away and rich and stimulating new material has been added. This change has been particularly note¬ worthy in the field of the social studies. In this section of the school curriculum there has been an increasing tendency to introduce problems of contemporary life and of national and international thought. Leading educational theorists have been largely responsible for this movement for they have insisted in their speaking and writing that the schools should introduce contemporary problems into their curri¬ cula. On the whole this tendency has been a thoroughly desirable and healthy one. There is one aspect of it, however, that has been unfortunate. Theorists have used the expression “the school” in an entirely undiscriminating manner, as though the children of our schools were homogeneous in their maturity and power to grasp ideas or to deal with data. The absurdity of this assumption is obvious as soon as it is stated, but it has ap¬ parently not been recognized by many leaders and teachers in the elementary school. Urged on by the unanalytic pleadings of educational theorists, these practitioners have often introduced into the curriculum of the elementary school problems of economic, social and political import, the solutions of which require a capacity to grasp abstruse ideas or to manipulate complicated data which is far beyond the abilities of common school children. One often suspects that such ability may even be far beyond that of the average teacher! At first thought, one might well con¬ clude that the problem of winning the peace after this war is over is one of those complicated problems, the intro¬ duction of no element of which into the elementary school can be defended. It is, of course, obvious that such a topic as economic international relations after the war would be far too difficult for a child in the elementary school. But it is the belief of the writer that in a democracy there are three elements in the solution of most problems, and that with respect to the question of winning the peace, two of these elements can be presented to elementary school children. The three elements are: first, the emotional background upon which a ma¬ jority of our citizens must agree if they are to accept the solutions offered by their experts and representatives at the peace table; second, the mass of factual data which will constitute the basis for de¬ veloping the peace terms; third, the actual solution of the world’s peace prob¬ lems as worked out in the final treaty. As an illustration of these three ele¬ ments consider the problem of how to satisfy the needs of all nations for the world’s basic raw materials. This prob¬ lem will have to be dealt with if a per¬ manent peace is to be hoped for; indeed it was recognized as of first importance when Roosevelt and Churchill included it in the Atlantic Charter. In this docu¬ ment, “to further the enjoyment of all states, great or small, victor or van¬ quished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and raw materials of the world” was stated as a war aim of the United Nations. It seems obvious that if this provision of the Charter is to be fulfilled it will mean that nations will have to give up, 168 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions in some measure at least, their sovereign control of the raw materials within their boundaries. This will be a difficult thing for many Americans to accept; it will constitute a radical change in that emo¬ tional background in the light of which they have considered all relationships with foreign countries. The first element in the solution of the raw materials question is, therefore, the emotional framework within which the details of the peace treaty will be enclosed. The second element is the factual one; where are raw materials found, how far have the different nations developed them, how far can they be developed, where are they located with respect to strategic transportation routes and pres¬ ent centers of industrial production. Many of these facts are very simple and can be easily understood and learned by children. The third element is enormously com¬ plicated; it consists of the actual treaty provisions by which the intent of the Atlantic Charter statement is to be im¬ plemented. To determine these provisions will require the best brains of the United Nations and the consideration of ex¬ tremely intricate data with reference to production, consumption, transportation, money values and the like. The above analysis clarifies the answer to the problem of this paper, namely, what can the elementary school do to pre¬ pare for winning the peace? It is our manifest first duty in this section of our school system to go to work on the emo¬ tional background of our children. In the opinion of the writer, the previous efforts in this field have been distinctly harmful rather than helpful. They have been calculated to produce in our chil¬ dren a strongly nationalistic, if not ac¬ tually jingoistic attitude. Our nation has been held up as the strongest in the world, with the best government and the highest standard of living existing any¬ where. There is no objection to this, provided there is associated with it not the smug self-satisfaction which has been too characteristic of our national point of view in the past, but rather a sense of the international responsibilities which our fortunate position inevitably lays upon us. It is the opinion of the writer that the provisions of the Atlantic Charter should be discussed frequently in ele¬ mentary school classrooms, both inci¬ dentally in connection with classes in the social studies, and definitely in current events periods. With a study of these provisions should be coupled frequent considerations of the necessity of a demo¬ cratic association of free peoples to put them into effect. Thus, children will grow up with certain emotional mind-sets which will make easy the acceptance of some points of view which are now diffi¬ cult for the American people but which are essential if we are to have an endur¬ ing peace. It may be argued that it is not neces¬ sary to expose little children to this sort of subject-matter. The answer to this contention is two-fold. First, if as it seems likely, it takes the world as long to win the peace after this war as it took it to lose the peace after the first world war, then children in our elementary schools will have become voters long be¬ fore the peace is won. Second, emotional attitudes are acquired easily by younger children, and such attitudes are sur¬ prisingly permanent, coloring their think¬ ing for many years to come. It is obvious that our elementary schools have for a long time dealt with some aspects of the second element in solving the problem of winning the peace, namely the factual element. But here, too, the instruction needs to be changed. Geography has been losing its place in our common schools in the last few years; this movement needs to be reversed and a greater emphasis than ever before should be given to geographic education. Too frequently in the past, however, the study of geography has consisted in the enforced memorization of a vast number of unrelated facts about the various coun¬ tries of the world. The geography of the future should have two main emphases. First, it should stress the pattern of interrelationships between man and his natural environment. This point of view has been expressed many times in the last forty years, but it is still too in¬ adequately followed in our schools which are still teaching locations, products and industries as unrelated data instead of as factors in understanding the varying ways in which man responds to his natural environment. Second, the geography of the future must place far more stress on world re¬ lationships. We need to emphasize such Psychology and Education — 19J/.2 Meeting 169 things as the world distribution of races; of such basic commodities as oil, rubber, coal, tin, iron and foodstuffs; and of transportation and supply routes. Only as we teach such types of subject matter can we hope for a group of future citizens who will understand what the terms of the peace treaty are all about. In a democracy, it is not the peace plenipotentiaries nor the President who make the peace; in the last analysis it is the people who do it. It is, moreover, the sentiments and will of the people, as expressed through their representatives, which modify and readjust the terms of peace as time goes on after the acceptance of the actual treaty. For the early stages of the development of an intelligent electorate who are capable of grappling with these problems the elementary teacher has a heavy and vital responsi¬ bility. PAPERS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE From the Report of the Section1 Chairman Eight papers were contained in the program at the Urbana meeting, in addition to one given at the luncheon meeting by Florian Znaniecki, The Social Scientist in Time of Crisis. Six are herewith printed. Two others, presented in the same symposium, The Fate of the Family , were given by Ernest R. Mowrer, Northwestern University, Evanston, and Ruth Shonle Cavan, Rockford. Y. Dake Jolley, Wheaton College, Wheaton, was elected chairman of the Jacksonville meeting in 1943. (Signed) C. W. Schroeder, Chairman [171] 172 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions THE FATE OF THE FAMILY E. W. Burgess University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois One way to forecast the fate of the family is to observe trends in the past and at present and to project them into the future. What are the chief changes affecting the American family in the perspective of time? First of all, if we contrast the colonial with the modern American family, it is apparent that the family has lost, or is still losing, its historic functions. The family as a unit of production for the market is gone except in rural districts. Many home activities of economic sig¬ nificance as canning vegetables and fruits, baking bread, laundering, making clothes and cleaning and dying them are vanish¬ ing from the family. Recreation has de¬ parted in large measure from the home, the only counter gain being the radio which paradoxically brings the entire outer world into the home. The educa¬ tion of the child is taken care of by the day nursery, the kindergarten and the school. Health and protective functions have been assumed in ever increasing degree by the state. Even religious prac¬ tices like family prayers and grace before meals are on the decline. There can be no doubt that the family has lost so many of its functions that some ask what is left of sufficient significance to justify its continued existence. The second great change is that young married couples are increasingly separated from the in-laws, in space and of more importance in spirit. Less and less each decade do husband and wife after mar¬ riage seek guidance from their parents. No longer is the larger kinship group an indispensable factor in regulating and guiding the small family unit. A third big change, in part related to the preceding two, is the growing emancipa¬ tion of the family from community con¬ trols and from the mores. Many observers see in the superficial manifestation of this shift such as the smaller family and the increasing divorce rate evidence of family instability and perhaps its eventual disintegration. Sorokin like Le Play before him bewails the decline of the stable family and the rise of the unstable family. Other sociologists and I count myself in that number welcome this change al¬ though granting the conflicts and losses incidental to a transition period because of its promise for a higher type of family in the future. This break of the family with tradition is all-important because it means that each family is now on its own to realize in its own way its potentialities for de¬ velopment. Family stability based on the mores was valuable in a static society but in a dynamic society it can prevent the family from making necessary adjustment to new conditions and so stifle the free¬ dom of family members for self-expres¬ sion. The modern family face-to-face with a changing situation finds adapt¬ ability to be a more important character¬ istic than integration which we have all tended to value higher perhaps than is warranted by the facts. This point, however, has recently been documented by a restudy of the original case-records upon which Robert Cooley Angell based his findings in his book, “The Family Encounters the Depression.” He had indeed found that the adaptability as well as the integration of the family was important for its success in meeting the impact of the depression. The re¬ study of cases by the use of a rating scale and statistical methods shows that the adaptability of the family is much more important than integration in meet¬ ing a crisis such as the depression. In fact, when the factor of adaptability is held constant integration shows only a zero correlation with success in meeting the depression. This finding does not mean that integration played no part in adjustment to the depression. But it does indicate that only those elements in in¬ tegration which made for adaptability aided the family in meeting this crisis. It follows, in all probability, that the adaptability of the family and its mem- Social Science — 191$ Meeting 173 bers in meeting changing situations pro¬ vides the key to the future of the family. That is why no tears should be shed over the loss of the historic functions of the family. They are a case of good rid¬ dance of old rubbish. Their disappear¬ ance allows the family to concentrate upon its essential functions, namely, affection-giving, the bearing and rearing of children and their informal education which can be and often is far superior to the education of the best schools. The emancipation of the family from the in-laws and the mores frees it to sub¬ stitute science for custom in the shaping of marriage and of family relations. Already in one large area of family behavior tradition is in the discard and science is supreme. Children are now being reared by intelligent parents not as they were brought up by their parents but according to the advice of the pediatrician, the psychologist and the psychiatrist. The more intelligent the parent, however, the more he takes the advice of the specialist with a grain or more of common sense. The significance of this change cannot be over-emphasized. It means a revolution in our thinking and our way of life. Signs are multiplying that this reliance on science first evidenced in child rearing is spreading rapidly to other areas of family behavior. Courses on education for marriage and family living are now being given in colleges and universities, in high schools and in programs of adult education. Most significant in its impli¬ cations for the future is the mounting demand of college students for courses in preparation for marriage. Marital counsel¬ ing services are being set up to give in¬ formation and advice to couples before and after marriage. Young people are eager to obtain the latest findings of scientific research which may be of as¬ sistance to them in marriage and family relations. Those who see the golden age of the family in the past and would seek to re¬ turn to the large patriarchal family or some substitute for it are fighting against the trend of the times. Le Play was wrong when he thought the old stable French family “famille souche” (the stem family) could be restored. Marshall Petain will fail in any similar attempt. Sorokin is mistaken when he believes that the contractual state of family rela¬ tionships can or will be revived. Hitler and Mussolini are engaged in a losing battle in their reactionary efforts to turn back the hands of time. The trends of family life can only temporarily and not permanently be thrown into reverse. Many at present are pessimistic about the effects of the war upon the family. Certainly marriage and the family will be subjected to great stress and strain. Without question every effort should be made to protect the family in this period of crisis. But the general effect of this War for Survival as of World War I will be to speed up the changes taking place. The greatest gain in my judgment will be in the increased status of woman brought about by her achievement of more of the substance of equality with man to square with the appearance of equality with which she has been all too satisfied. There is no evidence that family life of today is less happy than in the past. Even the increase in the divorce rate may in the total accounting represent a net gain of happiness since the dissolu¬ tion of an unhappy union may con¬ tribute its part to net gain in happiness. In fact, there is some evidence that the city family as representing future trends is on the whole happier than the rural family which retains more of the char¬ acteristics of the past. A White House Conference study of “The Adolescent in the Family” revealed that on the average the rural child was less well adjusted than the town or city child. Studies in marital adjustment seem to indicate a larger proportion of rural than urban families clustered around average hap¬ piness with smaller percentage at the very happy and very unhappy extremes of marital happiness. These findings taken together seem to show not only the present status but the future promise of greater family happiness in the emerging type of family united by the subtle in¬ tangible but binding ties of affection, congeniality, and mutuality of interest, adaptable to changing conditions, and utilizing scientific knowledge with intel¬ ligence in the solution of its problems. 174 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions FEDERAL REGULATION OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE V. D. Jolley Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois It is obviously beyond the scope of this paper to present an exhaustive exposition of the subject of federal regulation of business enterprise, or even to summarize the Constitutional, statutory, and admin¬ istrative provisions for such regulation. The purpose therefore will be to present a few observations which I have made during a recent study of a large number of federal regulatory measures. These observations will be presented under two following headings: (1) The Changing Concept of Federal Regulation, and (2) The Broadening Bases of Federal Regula¬ tion. I. The Changing Concept of Federal Regulation The word “regulate” is found in the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. This empowers Congress “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.”1 This clause has not been modified by amendment; but there is rea¬ son to believe that its connotation has been changed by construction, or usage, with the passage of time. The popular concept of the term within recent years has been that of restriction; but to one who is familiar with the history of our early years it is inconceivable that the members of the Constitutional Convention, meeting in the fall of 1787, should have contemplated the imposition of restric¬ tions upon the struggling infant indus¬ tries of their time. Nor is it likely that many, if any, of their number possessed sufficient vision to anticipate the prob¬ lems and difficulties which would emerge with the development of large-scale in¬ dustry, and the consequent need for restrictive measures. It is therefore reasonable to assume that they intended the word regulate to mean only promote. There is evidence to support the view that the purely promotive concept of regulation prevailed for many years. During the debates attending the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act, in 1887, such able lawyers as Senator Evarts, of New York, a former Attorney-General of the United States, contended that the regulatory provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act were un-Constitutional be¬ cause they were restrictive rather than promotive of the industries affected.2 But the restrictive provisions of the act were subsequently upheld by the Supreme Court in numerous decisions. Gradually the public adopted the restrictive concept. In 1912 the Supreme Court, in the Case of Mondou v. New York, N. H. & H. Ry. Co.,3 construed the term to mean “to foster, protect, control, and restrain, with appropriate regard for the welfare of those who are immediately concerned and of the public at large.” This definition recognizes both the promotive and restrictive concepts and suggests the type of regulation which seems to be evolving, namely, that of government participation. To all intents and purposes the federal government is a participant in the operation of the rail¬ roads. So close and continuous is the supervision of the Interstate Commerce Commission over the carriers subject to its jurisdiction that they have acquired a quasi-public character, even though they remain nominally as private enterprises. As the scope of federal authority over business enterprise increases, it is not unlikely that the term federal regulation will come to be synonymous with federal participation. In this connection it might be observed that the term participation is more apt than the term regulation if there is a sharing of responsibility be¬ tween the industries and the government. II. The Broadening Bases of Federal Regulation Strictly speaking, there are only two Constitutional bases for the federal regulation of business enterprise. These bases are found in the Commerce Clause, previously quoted, and in the final clause of Article I, Section 8, which empowers Congress to make all laws necessary for carrying out the powers expressly granted to Congress or to any other de¬ partment or officer of the federal govern¬ ment. 1 Article I, Section 8, Par. 3. 2Cullom, S. M., Fifty Years of Public Service, p. 230. 3 223 U. S. 1, 47 (1912). Social Science — 19J$ Meeting 175 It is of interest to note, in passing, that the Commerce Clause remained practically unused during the century following the adoption of the Constitu¬ tion, the Interstate Commerce Act being the first significant statute based upon it. The Interstate Commerce Commission in its first annual report to Congress dis¬ cussed the long delay in applying the provisions of the Commerce Clause, and gave as its explanation “the slow expan¬ sion of interstate trade.”4 * There could be little question as to the propriety of regulating interstate car¬ riers and communication systems on the basis of the Commerce Clause. But grad¬ ually the definition of interstate com¬ merce was expanded to include industries auxiliary to interstate carriers, and later to include firms whose products were in¬ tended to be sold outside the state in which they were produced. Statutes such as the Fair Labor Standards Act,6 popularly known as the Wages and Hours Law, are typical of this tendency to bring within the federal jurisdiction activities which can be called interstate only under the most liberal construction. The implied powers of Congress pro¬ vide a basis for the indirect regulation of business enterprise. The economic ac¬ tivities of the federal government have always had their impact upon private en¬ terprise. But recently advantage has been taken of this fact for the purpose of inducing private enterprisers to conform to certain standards of business conduct set up by Congress or some federal agency. The Walsh-Healey Act of 1936 is typical. It provides for the withhold¬ ing of all contracts exceeding in amount $10,000 from contractors who fail to ob¬ serve specified requirements relative to the wages, hours, and working conditions of their employees; and it provides severe penalties for violations. While such pro¬ cedures were certainly not contemplated by the framers of the Constitution, they are accepted by liberals as being in keep¬ ing with the spirit of the Constitution. National emergencies provide occasion for the extension of federal control on the basis of the implied powers, for un¬ der such circumstances governmental functions are expanded and redirected, thus increasing their potency as regu¬ latory factors. The present state of war has necessitated the rigid regulation of many industries by the federal govern¬ ment, not merely by means of positive and negative incentives, but through ex¬ ecutive orders. Such regulation is in many instances necessary for the success¬ ful prosecution of the war, and is there¬ fore justifiable. But experience has shown that powers exercised in an emergency are with difficulty relinquished by the government when the emergency has passed. In the exercise of some of the express or implied powers it has been discovered that regulation of business enterprise may be achieved where it might not be 'pur¬ posefully undertaken. For example, in the exercise of the taxing power it is possible to accomplish a regulatory end, even though a tax imposed for the obvi¬ ous purpose of regulation would not be allowed by the Supreme Court.6 Thus, a penalty, or regulatory tax, on oleomar¬ garine was upheld by the Court on the ground that a Constitutional function of government (taxation) must not be de¬ feated on the ground that its effect would be regulatory. But in a later case7 it was held that if the statute gave evidence on its face that its purpose was to achieve an un-Constitutional regulatory effect, the statute would not be enforceable. Again, the taxing power has been used to effect general economic changes which have a direct bearing upon business en¬ terprise. Through a proper use of this power in the establishment of rates and incidences of taxation it is possible to induce a redistribution of wealth or in¬ come which will materially affect private enterprises. This power was greatly im¬ plemented by the Sixteenth Amendment, on the basis of which progressive income taxes are possible. Tracing the development of federal con¬ trol one cannot but be amazed at the manner in which the Constitution may be made to apply where regulation is de¬ sired. This at once constitutes a basis for optimism and a basis for fear. It is the responsibility of political scientists, sociologists, and economists to use their influence to see to it that these enlarged Constitutional powers are not abused. 4 I. C. C., Annual Report, Vol. I, (1887) p. 2. 6 52 U. 8. Stat. 1060ft (1938). 6 McCray v. United States, 195 U. S. 27 (1904). 7 The Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U. S. 20 (1922). Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions 176 CHICAGO AND THE DOWN STATE William Booth Philip Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois Keep awake, Peoria. Chicago will not give up. They are only getting their fight started. Get a few shots more into Wash¬ ington before Chicago catches Peoria with its clothing disarranged so it cannot stand at parade with a presentable condition.1 ‘I have already learned,’ said Anthony (Cook County) ‘that when gentlemen wish a thing to be beaten, they only have to raise a hue and cry against Chicago, and down it goes. I have never seen such prejudice and malice exhibited against any region as has been exhibited by some gentlemen here against Cook County. The animus exhibited this morning seems to me unworthy of this convention.’2 ‘I am just as proud of that great city as any gentlemen upon the floor can be,' ex¬ plained McCoy (Whiteside County), ‘al¬ though I believe it has become a nice ques¬ tion, whether the city of Chicago is in the State of Illinois, or the State of Illinois is in the city of Chicago. I believe that depends on whether you live in Chicago or not.’ ( Laughter. ) 3 These selections, dated 1942 and 1869 bind together a series of intermittent struggles which have disturbed Illinois leaders for over seventy years. Much like they reputedly do about the weather, many people talk about the situation, but do nothing about it. This paper grows out a study recently completed at the University of Chicago which tried to answer three questions4 regarding Chicago — Down State relation¬ ships. Its chief sources were: Constitu¬ tional Debates and Proceedings; House and Senate Debates5 and Journals; Rec¬ ords of the City Council of Chicago, Sani¬ tary District of Chicago, and Board of Commissioners of Cook County; publica¬ tions of committees; newspapers; and personal interviews made over a period of sixteen years by the writer. A method of approach gave some trou¬ ble. The first task was, to define the term conflict — which finally meant a per¬ sonal, conscious, spasmodic, but rather recurring struggle for individual or sec¬ tional advantage which has appeared fre¬ quently between persons residing in the two areas here designated, Chicago and the Down State; next, evidences of such conflict, and the reasons for the same had to be found. Committee and or¬ ganization6 reports provided some proof. Constitutional Convention and legislative debates gave other clues. Newspaper ac¬ counts furnished useful information. The duty of verification followed. Votes by counties cast in legislative bodies by dele¬ gates and representatives were recorded on maps of Illinois and studied for evi¬ dence of conflict existing between Chicago and the rest of the State. Personal in¬ terviews were made as another means of possible testimony as to the findings. Before these are discussed, a little orientation may be necessary. Illinois entered the union in 1818. Much of the credit belongs to pioneers who migrated from Kentucky, North Carolina, Ten¬ nessee, Virginia, and entered the State from the South. Later, settlers came from Maryland, New England, New York, Pennsylvania, remaining for some time in the northern part of Illinois. These two cultures were enriched by a third contribution, made by emigrants from Ireland, Germany, and other foreign countries.7 According to students of our history, residents of northern and south¬ ern Illinois mingled little before the sec¬ tions were bound together (1856) by the Illinois Central Railroad. Meantime, Chicago was growing. Her population of 350 in 1833 increased to almost 300,000 by 1870. Other changes are worthy of note. Prior to the year 1900 Illinois was a rural state, but the Federal census of that year showed that 54.3 percent of the popula¬ tion lived in urban areas. Of these, 64.9 percent resided in Chicago. Thirty years later (1930) only 26.1 percent of the State’s inhabitants were classified as rural, while 59.9 percent of an urban population of 73.9 percent lived in the me¬ tropolis. These factors may explain: why certain rural-rurban attitudes have persisted in Illinois from the beginning; why these attitudes came more ag¬ gressively into conflict with urban- metropolitan ideas; and why certain Illinois cities tended to unite more closely since the year 1905, 8 when they began to Social Science — 19J+2 Meeting 177 recognize that they had common wants which might, if they united, be satisfied partially by legislative action. Thus the historical, cultural, and eco¬ logical threads were at hand with which to weave the fabric of sectionalism. The searcher, for two reasons, was early disappointed. First, before the Constitutional Convention convened ( 1869- 70), sectionalism was more a conflict waged between northern and southern Illinois than one carried on between Chi¬ cago and the Down State. Second, sec¬ tionalism between the latter, although emerging in over one hundred conflicts, was found to be of a more prosaic char¬ acter than that which had fascinated the student of sectionalism in America. For the sake of clarity, the writer in the study has followed each class of con¬ flict historically. But it must be ac¬ knowledged that this type of approach places the reader at a decided disadvan¬ tage, for one is apt to think of these usual biennial disturbances as rather sim¬ ple affairs. Thus it very often has oc¬ curred to the writer that the study might have been better understood if it had been entitled “An Intertwining of Con¬ flicts From the Year 1870,” for on several occasions various conflicts have clashed together in the same legislative session, pushing emotions to a high pitch. Dur¬ ing these periods much bad feeling was evident, threats were hurled from one side of the house to the other, legislation was slowed down, and often most of the session was one of conflict and uncer¬ tainty, with occasional compromises. A study of Convention journals, Chicago and Down State newspapers, and the re¬ port of votes set forth in legislative pub¬ lications serve as proof of this situation. The legislative session held in 1927 when Small was Governor of Illinois and Thompson became Mayor of Chicago is one example of the point made above. Before the session was six weeks old, Hunter (Winnebago County) introduced a gasoline tax bill, and six attempts, three intended to limit Chicago, were made to deal with the apportionment problem. Later two more gasoline bills, two income tax measures, and a bill by Kessinger (Kane County) designed to regulate the Chicago Board of Trade, were presented. Further, the senate received on May 17 from Chicago five transportation and eighty-seven finance measures. This situ¬ ation became more complex because three Chicago representatives wanted their fav¬ orite intoxicating liquor bills passed into law during the session. The occasion was so tense that Mayor Thompson ap¬ peared before the senate and Chicago newspapers not only accused the Small- Thompson machine, but also the farmer members of the Legislature of being “all set to trim” Chicago. Senator Denvir of Chicago protested against the treatment his city had received and introduced a motion that Illinois be formed into two states: one, named Northern Illinois, con¬ sisting of Cook, Will, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, DeKalb, and Boone Counties; another, called Southern Illinois, compris¬ ing the rest of the state.® The plan died in committee. The final report showed that the board of trade, income tax, representation, transportation and liquor bills had failed in the Legislature, while the gasoline tax bill and seventy-eight Chicago tax meas¬ ures were signed by the governor.10 Such is the history of a legislative session which gave ample opportunity for Chi¬ cago-Down State conflict. The Chicago Tribune saw “eighty-one perjurers” in the legislature. Since 1870, Chicago and the Down State areas have disagreed on the follow¬ ing major topics: representation; home rule for Chicago; the waterway and the Chicago Drainage Canal ; internal im¬ provements; the judiciary; the wet and dry issue; taxation; and the State’s de¬ sire to build certain State buildings in Chicago. Of these, representation, home rule for Chicago, and taxation remain live issues perplexing to law makers. The depression added new elements; poor re¬ lief and the method of raising funds to meet it, and Chicago’s depression needs as compared with the wants of other areas. Besides, Illinois has a Chicago Governor.11 Since this paper must be in condensed form, only one problem — representation — is discussed at length. On the surface this question seems to be a constitutional one, but at its foundation the issue ap¬ pears to be one of control; a struggle for power based on the section and having within it the elements often ascribed to “power politics.” In 1870 the State population was over two-and-one-half million with about 300,- 000 persons living in Chicago. Then Cook 178 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions County had seven representatives in the lower house at Springfield and conse¬ quently was allowed seven delegates in the Constitutional Convention (1869-70). There a conflict occurred over the prob¬ lem of representation. Down State wanted a county basis for apportionment while Chicago-Cook insisted on a popula¬ tion plan. Chicago won because she had excellent leadership. In the legislature which followed, despite sectionalism, Cook County was allowed seven senators and twenty-one representatives, a substan¬ tial increase over the previous allotment. The Constitutional provision, accepted 1870, calls for an apportionment every ten years based on the Federal census. The Illinois legislature is required to divide the population of the State by fifty-one, thus providing a quotient which will be used in determining senatorial districts. Each such district is assigned one senator and three representatives, latter to be chosen by minority represen¬ tation. The Constitution provides that “senatorial districts shall be formed of contiguous and compact territory, bounded by county lines.” This plan has two ob¬ vious weaknesses: first, apportionment is a legislative matter; second, with popula¬ tion moving elsewhere, many areas in the State lack direct representation.112 The last senatorial apportionment was made forty-one years ago (1901). Before that date Chicago was criticized, but Down State party leaders needed Chicago party votes in order to reapportion the State along party lines, so the metropolis received its quota of representatives in both houses.13 Since that date, apportion¬ ment has been the major issue in Chi¬ cago-Down State sectionalism, and the constitutional provisions have been ignored. Since 1903 Cook County has been able to control such legislation as requires a two-third vote of the membership of both houses before final passage, for that county sends nineteen senators to an upper house numbering fifty-one and fifty-seven representatives to a lower house consisting of one hundred fifty- three members. Down State leaders have been willing to give Chicago more home rule in purely local affairs on condition that the latter accept a limited membership in the leg¬ islature. Such limitation would restore the two-third voting strength in one or both houses to the Down State area. The record of the Constitution Convention held during the years 1920-22 prove this point. Two illustrations, one political, the other sectional, are given to substantiate the statements made above. The demo¬ crats had apportioned and gerrymandered the State (1893) making use of the gag rule and the sick and ignoring the dead in order to do it. Two bills were passed before the task was completed because Riverside (Cook County) had been omit¬ ted from the first measure. Down State democrats needed three Chicago votes in order to carry through the proposal which in turn increased Cook County’s strength in the legislature by 50 per cent.14 Illinois republicans were not sat¬ isfied, for since 185715 that party had car¬ ried the State. Two courses, however, were still open: perhaps the court would declare the law unconstitutional; if not, party success at the following state elec¬ tion would give republicans an oppor¬ tunity to pass a new reapportionment bill. The first plan was tried, but the judges (1895) held the act unconstitutional. Next year (1896) the republican party carried the state. Again in power, the latter was de¬ termined to pass a senatorial reapportion¬ ment bill even though Attorney General Akin advised against the procedure. The first attempt (1897) failed because the republicans did not vote unanimously. A party split in Chicago was given as the reason.16 Dismayed but resolute, repub¬ licans caucused at Springfield, heard Gov¬ ernor Tanner exhort them in a doleful message, and determined to try again. The Governor called a special session of the legislature and in his message showed the gravity of the situation from a party point of view. Republican representatives obeyed by passing a new apportionment bill,17 later the state Supreme Court de¬ clared the act unconstitutional.18 The sectional conflict over representation reached its zenith in the years 1925-26. Political leaders and newspaper writers made much of the issue. Slogans, a tax revolt, threats of secession, and a manda¬ mus of the legislature all entered into the picture. The issue became immeshed with such problems as daylight saving, public utilities, a gasoline tax, prohibi¬ tion, and the failure of the legislature to remove the county jail and criminal Social Science — 19 1$ Meeting 179 courts from Dearborn and Illinois Streets, Chicago. Chicago newspaper headlines read: “Tyrranizing over the City;” “Or¬ ganizing the State Against Chicago;” “A Sample of Oppression;” “Tax Action Without Representation.” Three stal¬ warts, two from Down State, former Gov¬ ernor Joseph W. Fifer and the Honorable Lewis A. Jarman, appeared before the legislature arguing for the Down State proposal that Chicago be limited; the third, John B. Fergus “the eighty-two year old fighting Chicagion” defended his city at Springfield. While the legislature failed to limit the metropolis at this ses¬ sion, the Schnackenberg (Chicago) mo¬ tion that the House proceed to a reap¬ portionment of the state along constitu¬ tional lines received only five votes from counties other than Cook.19 Chicago aldermen advocated that Chi¬ cago secede from the State of Illinois and instructed Corporation Counsel Busch to outline the legal steps in the process. Mayor Dever (Chicago) appointed a com¬ mittee whose business was “to secure con¬ stitutional apportionment for Cook County” so talk of secession subsided for a time. The Hamilton Club of Chicago selected a committee of seven, represent¬ ing both opposing sections of the state, whose duty it was to find a solution to the reapportionment problem on the basis of “sober and intelligent thought.” This committee favored a compromise between the sections. Fergus carried the fight to the Supreme Court of Illinois and finally to the United States Supreme Court. The courts refused to interfere in what the judges considered a legislative problem.20 Today the issue — representation — re¬ mains in the realm of conflict. As mentioned above, ecological changes have forced Illinois leaders, at times, to cooperate on certain issues. Representa¬ tion is one of these. A study of fourteen divisions on that subject made during a thirty year period (1901-1931) revealed that Chicago had some cooperation from legislators representing thirty-five Down State counties.21 Peoria voted eight times with Chicago. When one searches for causes which brought about conflict between these areas one must keep in mind that the real reasons may remain in obscurity, while lies, truths, and past statements may be effectively used by persons who seek ad¬ vantages for themselves. With these thoughts in mind, two lists of causes are given in explanation of these periodic dis¬ turbances. Since Down State representatives have been more aggressive in dealing with the problems at issue, their reasons are given first. Expediency — “the end sought justi¬ fies the means” — is the most subtle argu¬ ment given by them for their persistent nullification of the Constitution. This is followed by three arguments: other states limit metropolitan cities — New York and others; the present system of representa¬ tion is virtual, not direct; the population method of apportionment should give way to one based on electors or citizens. The statement is then made that Chicago will dominate the state which means the fol¬ lowing: control by a unit; a city of one interest; a city which sends undesirable Chicago interested legislators to Spring- field; a city with a population of a size, type, and attitudes which are considered undesirable; a city of crime. Then fol¬ lows a most interesting argument: Chi¬ cago needs protection. Since Chicago leaders were on the de¬ fensive, they were content to put forth four reasons in justification of their at¬ titudes toward the Down State First. “Chicagoans object to discrimination giv¬ ing their city less than its proportionate representation in the legislature.” Said one, “In my opinion it will make a Mason- Dixon line out of the Cook County line.” Second, the Down State position is one of fear. Third, limitation deprives in¬ dustrial centers of representation, and gives control to areas which are decreas¬ ing in population. Fourth, Chicago pays most of the state taxes. Leaders in both areas emphasize the idea of domination in speaking of the aims of the other party to the conflict. The following reasons seem to better answer the question as to why these areas have difficulty in cooperating. They are given as a result of the writer’s read¬ ing and questioning over a period of years: the ever-increasing size of Chi¬ cago; the parental attitude of Down State toward Chicago; fear of the growing city; desire for public office; methods em¬ ployed by politicians to secure votes and win elections; desire for control when in office; a busy press; lack of adequate knowledge; conflicting theories of govern¬ ment. Because Chicago lacks home rule she has easily been exposed to Down 180 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions State criticism; mere number of requests from the legislature, made necessary by constitutional procedure, have often pro¬ duced bad feeling through almost an en¬ tire legislative session; Chicago delega¬ tions failed to plan in advance for the work under consideration, thus giving Down State members a chance to say that they did not exactly know what the peo¬ ple of Chicago wanted; Chicago represen¬ tatives often disagreed among themselves and failed to act as a unit; they have been accused of lack of interest in the state as a whole. Other reasons have been given by Down State at different times, all of which were applied to Chicago: election frauds; fail¬ ure to collect taxes and pay school teach¬ ers; the large sums of tax money needed for relief purposes, despite the fact that the city was millions of dollars behind in tax collections; the crime wave; Chicago has sent many mediocre men to the leg¬ islature. Chicago has been poorly ad* vertised at Springfield on important occa¬ sions by some of her most public-minded citizens, who in their zeal to reform local conditions in the big city have spoken too publicly at critical moments. To these may be added differences growing out of the cultural heritage of these areas. In its wider aspects the conflict may be called sociological and political. Sociolog¬ ically, the problem concerns the attitudes, the social heritage, and the aspirations of people; while politically, the problem in¬ volves theories of representation — popula¬ tion, county, and virtual — a subject which is joined with the desire for home rule and at times is augmented with the de¬ mand for a new constitution to replace the inadequate one accepted in 1870. Speak *e°Ha Journal-Tr^script, January 13, 1942. Rex Post, “Diversion” in The People •* 2 Constitutional Convention Debates, 1869-70 p 1661 3 Ibid., p. 387. confli: Lake (2); LaSalle (2); Marion (2); Mercer (2); St. Clair ( 2 ) , Kane ( 2 ) . Twenty others voted once. Social Science — 191$ Meeting 181 HAMLET AND VILLAGE POPULATIONS IN ILLINOIS S. C. Ratcliffe Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois This paper is a report of four investiga¬ tions pertaining to Illinois hamlets and vil¬ lages. As measured by population, hamlets are communities with less than 250 inhabi¬ tants, while villages have at least that number but less than 2,500. I. — In 1912 an article in The Journal of Political Economy contained a predic¬ tion that many of the then existing ham¬ lets and villages in Illinois would decline in population and disappear. This was based on the assumption that improve¬ ments in the means of communication and transportation would eliminate the need for as many small communities with their local business establishments as ex¬ isted. The aforesaid prediction has not been fulfilled so far as incorporated ham¬ lets and villages are concerned. This is proved by Bureau of Census records which show 922 incorporated hamlets and villages in Illinois in 1910 and 934 in 1940. Incorporated hamlets and villages con¬ stituted only 44.4% of all hamlets and villages in 1930. From this fact it is clear that the validity of the prediction in question cannot be judged by data par- taining only to incorporated communities. Serious difficulty is encountered, however, when one undertakes a study of unincor¬ porated hamlets and villages for no pre¬ cise statistical data are available regard¬ ing them. In spite of this students have assembled such data as they could pro¬ cure. The most complete recent study of such communities in Illinois, so far as the author knows, was published in 1938. It reports that in 1930 the number of such places was 357 less than in 1910. This conclusion arouses curiosity about the source of information. When that is examined, one finds that what this recent study actually discovered was that in 1930 there were 357 less unincorporated communities in Illinois that contained one or more business establishments rated by a national financial agency than was the case in 1910. But the disappearance of business establishments does not neces¬ sarily indicate the extinction of the ham¬ lets and villages in which they were lo¬ cated. The author of the study in ques¬ tion recognized and acknowledged this fact. No available evidence known to the author demonstrates the validity of the prediction that Illinois hamlets and villages would disappear as the means of communication and transportation im¬ proved. II — The second investigation shows that a correlation, but not a direct causal relation, exists between the size of ham¬ lets and villages and the probability of their growth or decline. Larger percen¬ tages lose population each decade of ham¬ lets and small villages than of large vil¬ lages. Tests of this were confined to in¬ corporated hamlets and villages. These communities were classified under three categories, namely, places with populations of less than 500; of 500 to 999; and of 1000 to 2499. The percentages of each class of community which lost population beginning with the largest are: For the decade 1920-1930, 46.4; 62.2; and 73.9. For the decade 1930-1940, 22.9; 22.4; and 39.5. The correlation postulated above was found to exist in an analysis of incor¬ porated hamlet and village population changes in 75.6% of 36 states for the last intercensal decade and in 86.1% of these same states for the decade 1920-1930. Size is not in itself a direct cause of population changes but the causes of population changes are, with a high de¬ gree of consistency, related to size, so that the smaller the place the more liable it is to lose population and the larger the place the less this liability. III — The third investigation was con¬ ducted to test the hypothesis that prox¬ imity to urban centers lessens the liabil¬ ity of hamlets and villages to lose popu¬ lation while remoteness from such centers increases that liability. Only incorporated hamlets and villages were considered. The investigation consisted of a study of six cities in Illinois selected on the basis 182 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions of size and distance from other competi- itve communities. Around each of these cities three concentric ten mile ’ wide zones were marked and the number of hamlets and villages in each zone and the numbers of them which lost popula¬ tion during the last decade were counted. Communities were classified under four categories, instead of only three as in the last investigation, by making hamlets into one class and villages with popula¬ tions of from 250 to 499 inclusive, an¬ other. The assumption was that if the hypotheses were valid the percentages of communities which lost population would be greater in zone three, the most distant one, than in zone two, and greater in zone two than in zone one. Because communities were divided into four cate¬ gories this test could be applied to each category for each city and also to the totality of all communities for each city. This provided 30 opportunities to test the validity of the hypothesis. Four of these had to be discarded because of the lack of hamlets of certain categories in some of the zones. In only 7 instances out of 26 did the percentages of communities which lost population increase with the distance from the urban center. In 19 cases out of 26 no progression is ex¬ hibited. In other words, conformity to the criterion employed to test the validity of the hypothesis was found in only 27% of the tests, which means that in 73% of the tests the results were negative. Similar tests were applied to a study of 5 cities in Iowa and to an additional 6 metropolitan cities and with much the same results. In the tests for these 11 cities conformity to the criterion was found in only 22% of the cases, while 78% were negative. From these facts we are forced to con¬ clude that proximity to urban centers does not lessen the liability of incorpo¬ rated hamlets and villages to lose popu¬ lation nor remoteness from such centers to increase such liability. ,v — The fourth investigation was to ascertain whether any significant corre¬ lation exists between the percentage of people on relief in Illinois counties and the growth or decline of the hamlets and villages in those counties. The five coun¬ ties which had the smallest percentages of their population on public relief in 1940 were contrasted with the five coun¬ ties which had the largest percentages on public relief. In each of the five low relief counties a majority of the hamlets and villages gained population. However, in two of those counties the number that gained population was only one greater than the number that lost. In the other three counties the number that gained was a sufficiently large majority so that the per¬ centages of all hamlets and villages in the five Imv relief counties that gained population was 71.4%. In contrast, a ma¬ jority of the hamlets and villages in the High relief counties lost population, the percentage that gained being only 46.6% of the total. This seems to indicate that low relief is correlated with the village growth and high helief with village de¬ cline. When losses and gains are studied by counties, however, the correlation dis¬ appears. All of the hamlets and villages in one of the high relief counties lost population while in another all of them gained. In two of the remaining three counties a majority gained while in one the majority lost. From these facts we conclude that no significant correlation is established between the percentage of people on public relief and the tendency for hamlets and villages to increase or decrease in population. Social Science — 19 Meeting 183 THE FATE OF THE FAMILY Clarence W. Schroeder Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois The family, like any other institution or a living organism, leads a double ex¬ istence. It has an internal life. Its in¬ ternal structure and functions must serve its own constituent elements. These elements, in turn, or the organization itself, play a role in relation to other elements, organizations, and institutions. The family has a life of interaction with them, a life observed as external. If or when one dares to speak of the future of an institution, there is involved the entire social structure of which it is a part. Therefore, one’s task would seem to be the assessment of the entire cultural structure and functions, as well as the cultural patterns involved. The family is at once the creator, and is created by, the general cultural world of which it is a part. It has become common knowledge among sociologists that in the family are originated all of the essential elements of the personali¬ ties of its members, the basic elements of humanness. In Cooley’s phrase, the family is “essential to the genesis” of human nature. The truth of this basic conception has been amply demonstrated since it was first expressed in Social Organization in 1909. There is evidence of two varieties. First, personality disorganization cannot be explained or understood fully without realization of the inadequate functioning of the family group of which the dis¬ organized personality is or has been a member. Second, the prediction of fail¬ ure or success of a particular marriage, although the technique is still in its in¬ fancy, has gone far enough at the mo¬ ment to demonstrate that cultural back¬ ground factors of each of the persons marrying, form a cornerstone of predic¬ tion. The late Dr. Meroney demon¬ strated, for example, that there were three possible attitudes in the person coming from a home situation where ten¬ sion was predominant in the relations of the members. First, there was the pos¬ sibility that children growing up in such a condition would refuse to marry; sec¬ ond, they might accept the condition of tension as a pattern of behavior so that in marriage there would be a repetition of the conditions in the original home; third, there might be special effort to avoid tension. A former student con¬ fided to the writer that when she mar¬ ried there were going to be special pre¬ cautions taken against a repetition of the condition of tension which finally led to divorce in the family in which she had grown up. The principal constituent element fur¬ nished by the family in the production of personality is intimacy. The term in¬ timacy includes all relationships involv¬ ing the entire family group. It is not limited to the physical and psychosocial intimacies of the sex act. The response function is a basic one. The family is the organization, the world over, which satisfies this desire. The form of the marriage over most of the earth’s surface is monogamous. It seems to be the form of organization that is especially well adapted to produce the personalities which, in turn, are best adapted to func¬ tion in a complex world. Most of the peoples of the world, the assumption is, are partisans of monogamy, and being thus partisan, we must observe with many misgivings the temporary and arti¬ ficial arrangements made in some of the totalitarian countries. It may be, how¬ ever, that when a young woman is per¬ suaded that her function in life is to produce babies for Der Fuehrer and that this is “much nobler, much grander, than having a home and a husband,” that better soldiers will be produced than we could with our type of family organiza¬ tions. Our conclusion must be drawn condi¬ tionally, therefore. If someone like Adolph Hitler does not succeed in organ¬ izing the world of the future, something like our form of the family will persist. Human nature will continue to be born in some sort of intimacy of relationship. Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Indeed, one might go farther and ask if the family organization itself is not the principal reason why human beings will never find satisfaction in a totalitarian society. In intimate relationships there inevitably is an approach to equality. The universality of the demand for sat¬ isfaction of the wish for response leads one to wonder if there could be a long- range program based on totalitarianism. The experience which the Soviet Union has had in its experiment of complete freedom for members df the family would seem to be evidence on this point. This leads us directly to the question of the relation of the family with other institutions. It would seem that the types of personality we produce in our families will tend to determine the nature of other institutions, particularly political and economic organizations. But these, in turn, will tend to determine the type of family organization. What is the general outlook for the future, assuming that there is anywhere sufficient wisdom to make an intelligent guess? Pitirim Sorokin has spoken re¬ cently to the question in The Crisis of our Age. His argument has been re¬ viewed both favorably and adversely. It must not be assumed that Sorokin is entirely pessimistic with reference to the future of the family, for in one place he says, “Genuine contractual relation¬ ships — not fictitious ones — can and will eventually be restored.” In another place he expresses his faith that society will! enter upon a “new, integrated, stable, orderly, and creative phase of its ex¬ istence.” In spite of the dark picture which this author paints of the transition through which society is passing, he be¬ lieves that the conceptions set forth are among the most optimistic concerning “socio-cultural change.” Right or wrong in detail, we shall have to agree with Sorokin that there are forces operative over which even the dic¬ tators have little or no control. They themselves are to be explained as prod¬ ucts rather than as originators. If there should come about an idea¬ tional or idealistic culture as Sorokin in-; sists that he is optimistic enough to believe, then there will persist a family not greatly different from the type which we now have. It might even be that the evidences of family mal-functioning, such as our high divorce rate, would to some extent disappear. There will be predom¬ inant in such a culture values that i Sorokin calls “absolute.” One of these absolute values will be a recognition of the preponderant importance of human personality. If this is to be a value of the future and personalities find their genesis in the family, then the institu¬ tion which, more than any other satisfies the need for intimacy of relations will continue to be of predominant importance. Social Science — 191$ Meeting 185 IS THE FAMILY PASSING? B. F. Timmons University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Theoretically, two things can happen to the family: it can remain very much the same as it now is in our society, or it can change. If it changes, it can change in either of two directions: it can lose its importance as a social institution, even gradually disappearing and being replaced by other institutions, or it can grow stronger and socially more signifi¬ cant. An examination of our culture and its development indicates that the family can hardly be expected to remain as it is. In an age when practically everything is in flux, even the basic moral codes of our society, it is useless to think long of a far-flung institution like the family, which touches practically all phases of our lives, remaining isolated from the process of change. Then, again, if we use the experience of the past as a guide, the family may be expected to undergo changes inasmuch as changes have oc¬ curred in its nature and function in re¬ cent decades, these changes continuing even into our present time. The facts of changes themselves, as well as the direction of these changes in¬ dicating somewhat the future fate of the family, may well be reviewed briefly in support of the statement that changes have taken place in the family and are still in progress. The significance of these changes for the future of the family will also be of interest. One of the most evident changes in the last century is the transfer to other institutions of functions previously per¬ formed by the family. The industrial factory has largely taken over the making of cloth and of garments, the laundering and repair of clothing, the canning of foods and the baking of bread and pas¬ tries, and to some extent, the cooking and serving of meals, all of which were form¬ erly the almost exclusive function of the family in its own home environment. The family has changed industrially from a production to a consumption unit. What does this transfer of industrial production mean to the family? Some have feared that it means a definite step toward the ultimate dissolution of the family. An examination of the facts in¬ dicates that the transfer has meant that cloth, lint, looms and other materials with their noise and clatter have been taken out of the home to modern fac¬ tories built, for the most part, to perform the work of manufacture under better lighting, ventilating and sanitary condi¬ tions than the home affords. If the in¬ creased leisure time provided by this transfer can be filled with cultural and wholesome recreational activities in the home, the change is a definite gain for the family in this respect. There is one way, however, in which the bonds of the family are weakened by this shift. The members of the family in our grand¬ parents’ day worked together very much as an industrial unit and were in con¬ stant close communication because of this fact. Unity of belief and attitudes among the family members was a natural result of this close association. On the other hand, members of the family of today often scatter widely in attending to their various duties and activities and usually come in contact with beliefs and attitudes which are very different from those of the family. Adoption of different view¬ points in this natural course of associa¬ tion leads to greater disharmony in the family than was true in former decades. I may point out here also, that this ex¬ posure to different viewpoints has some beneficial effect when it breaks the bonds of narrow prejudices which so often thrive in the isolated soil of a close family unit. While industrialization has broken the unanimity of family attitudes and opinions, it has also paved the way for greater tolerance of new viewpoints and thus for cultural change and progress in general. It is evident that the rural family which still works as a single in¬ dustrial unit to some extent is less af¬ fected by the transfer to industry than is the urban family, although power farming, good roads, the auto and the radio are tending to close the gap of any 186 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions such difference between rural and urban families. In a somewhat similar manner the family has been affected by the transfer of religion from the home to the church, of formal education from the home to the school, and of recreation to commercial¬ ized recreation agencies. But insofar as these new social institutions perform their tasks more effectively than the family did, the family is merely relieved of these functions and is free to replace them with added family services and en¬ joyments. Actually, the school is prob¬ ably the only one of these three types of agencies which is doing better work with its assignment than was being done in the family. It does its work so well largely because it took over only the formal side of education to which it is adapted, leaving the informal part still chiefly in the hands of the family. Religion seems to have gotten lost to a considerable degree somewhere in the transfer from the family to the church, and commercial recreation, although im¬ proving in recent years, leaves much to be desired in comparison with the home and neighborhood recreation of the age just past. While public community rec¬ reation is assuming a new and increas¬ ing role that has definite family value, one wonders if there is not still lacking to a considerable extent in both public community and in commercialized recrea¬ tion the personalized element that made the family recreation of the past so satis¬ fying to the individual. Family days at church and family picnics in parks and playgrounds are illustrative of construc¬ tive family activities since the transfer referred to has taken place. The functions yet left to the family are the rearing of children and the emotional satisfactions of affection among its mem¬ bers. Because the family has so few of its earlier functions remaining, there are those who fear the family is passing to an unimportant and insignificant position among our social institutions. This view¬ point fails to take into account two very important facts. In the first place, the new conditions of society, especially the vast increase of anonymity and imperson¬ ality of relationship, have given greater emphasis to the need for affectional re¬ sponse of individuals on the personal basis of family life so that the remaining functions of the family, affection and child-rearing, have greatly increased in relative importance. In a desert world of anonymity and personal indifference, the family is the one remaining oasis of per¬ sonal relationship, solicitous attention, and affection. It is quite possible that this affectional function of the family has already assumed such major importance that it not only overshadows the other earlier services largely transferred to other social institutions, but that it gives such present significance to the family as to make it more important than before. The second fact to be remembered is that many of the functions, given up by the family have left more time and space for the family to concentrate its efforts on those peculiarly vital functions that remain to it. The increasing number of divorces and separations of married couples has wor¬ ried many people interested in family life. It seems likely that these separa¬ tions denote increased emphasis on the emotional element in marriage inasmuch as couples separate when they are emo¬ tionally disappointed in marriage. Form¬ erly, unhappy couples were generally bound to stay together because of the economic dependence of the wife and the expectation of the mores of society. But persons who separate today remarry. The proportion of the population married was never higher than today. The present status of the family seems then to be that family life is more de¬ sirable than ever before, but persons undertaking the establishing of family re¬ lationships must find these relationships emotionally satisfying or they will sever them in the hope of making other and more satisfying attempts. The transfer of certain functions has meant that the family has changed, but it has not be¬ come less important. The family has changed also with re¬ spect to authority. The patriarchal fam¬ ily rule has been giving place to equali- tarian practice. Whereas, a century ago in this country a wife was legally a de¬ pendent of her husband, was denied ad¬ mission to colleges, was not permitted to vote, and had very little voice in de¬ termining her own life much less that of her family, today all this has changed. Formerly husbands divorced wives but wives seldom divorced husbands, while wives today make the applications for Social Science — 191+ 2 Meeting 187 divorce against their husbands in about 70 per cent of the divorce cases.1 This increasing freedom of women no doubt contributes to the breakup of in¬ dividual families which are not satisfac¬ tory, particular to wives. As cited above, however, this does not mean a decline of pf the family as an institution so long as remarriage keeps the total per cent of married persons higher than it was be¬ fore the change took place. It must also be borne in mind that marriage and family life that is maintained on a free and voluntary basis because people care for each other is a higher type of family relationship than that which is enforced by economic necessity as was true in many cases of the period previous to the present day. Still another change in the family is the decrease in the number of children. The average number of children in the present day family is less than half that of a century ago, and the trend is for still further decrease. This is probably a greater hazard to society as a whole than it is to the family institution itself. Family life may go on even with an average of one child per family, but population rapidly decreases on such a propagation rate. It appears that family limitation at present is affecting most the middle class of American society. Here young couples anxious to maintain their standard of living forego children until they become established in business or in a profession.2 Then they settle with nature by having one child. It may be that Myrdal’s criticism of birth limitation in Sweden has some appropriate applica¬ tion in America when it is said Sweden’s radicalism, attempting “to adjust the size of the family to social malformations, did not materially readjust the malformations but led in the direction of extinguishing the human content of society.”3 The problem involved in the decrease of the size of the family concerns society prob¬ ably more than it does the family. It seems likely that society must eventually be willing to make family economic con¬ ditions easier if it wants the family to yield more children. Certainly America has reason to be concerned about the sur¬ vival of its sturdy middle class. The family is going on but it seems destined to be a smaller family unless some better provisions are made for it. 1 Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce, “Marriage and Divorce, 1931.” U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1932, page 20. 2 See Folsom, J. K., The Family, Wiley & Sons, 1934, pp. 255-257, 265, and 266. 3 Myrdal, Alva, Nation and Family: The Swedish Experiment in Democratic Family and Population Policy, Harpers, 1941, p. 4. PAPERS IN ZOOLOGY From the Report of the Section Chairman Twenty-five papers were contained in the program at the Urbana meeting, 16 of which are herewith published. One from the Collegiate Section is also printed. Titles of papers in the Senior section not printed are as follows: Gearhart, H. E., Edwardsville. — Wildlife conservation as a part of soil conservation. Mohr, C. 0. and Yeatter, R. E., Illinois Natural History Survey, TTrbana. — Distribution pattern of pheasants and quails in Illinois. Hill, Collan, Southern Illinois Normal University, Carbondale. — A southern Illinois heronry. Gloyd, H. K., Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago. — A preliminary report on a herpetological survey of Illinois. Thompson, D. H. and Bruno von Limbach, Illinois Natural History Sur¬ vey, Urbana. — Bass and bluegill feeding experiments. Lowrie, D. C., Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago. — Distribution of spiders in the Indiana dunes associes. In a separate section, a symposium was held on “Interrelation ships of Insests with Other Organisms.” Three of the six papers given are herewith printed ; the others were : Emerson, A. E., University of Chicago, Entomophagy of solitary forms. Metcalf, C. L., University of Illinois, Parasites and vectors of pathogens. Ross, H. H., Illinois Natural History Survey, Insects as food of vertebrates. Between 40 and 50 attended each of the two sections. H. H. Ross, Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, Illinois, was elected chairman for the Jacksonville meeting in 1943. (Signed) Orlando Park, Chairman [189] 190 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions NEW RECORDS FOR THREE ILLINOISAN ORTHOPTERA* W. Y. Balduf University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois My paper concerns the giant walking stick, Megaphasma dentricus ( Stal ) , Phasmidae, the slightly musical cone- head, Neoconocephalus exiliscanorus (Davis), Tettigoniidae, and the Carolina mantis, — our only native mantid, Stag- momantis Carolina (Joh.), Mantidae. The Giant Walking Stick. The wing¬ less adult female specimen at hand seems to be the first of this species recorded from Illinois. It came to me through Mr. Roy E. Dively, instructor in high school biology at Red Bud, Randolph County, Illinois. Measuring 139 mm. in length, this individual was obtained alive at Red Bud late in October, 1941, on a portable water tank in a little-used private lane about a mile from a main road and 2.5 to 3.0 miles from a railroad. The giant walking stick occurs largely in the southern states, being known from Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Louisville, Kentucky (Blatchley), and from the Ozark region of Missouri (Somes). The northermost points from which Somes recorded it were Hamburg and Clarinda, Iowa, near northern Mis¬ souri, between latitudes 40°, 30' and 41°. Inasmuch as Red Bud is situated consid¬ erably farther south, — or at latitude 38°, 14', and but slightly above Louisville, it may probably be supposed that southern Illinois falls fairly well within the natural distributional area of this phas- mid. But since it has been taken but infrequently in this and higher latitudes, Red Bud seems to represent approxi¬ mately the northernmost line at which the species may be expected to occur naturally without the aid of man-made agencies. The Slightly Musical Cone-Head. So named by Davis (Blatchley) because so large a meadow grasshopper produces so very faint a call, this green long horn “has been very rarely encountered except on the Atlantic coast from Long Island to Virginia” (Hebard). Records cited by Blatchley indicate it occurs also in Ten¬ nessee, as far west as Texas and as far north as New Harmony, Indiana. The first record for Illinois is credited by Hebard to Hunter who located “a con¬ siderable colony” of this species at Tower Hill, — latitude about 39°, 20'. This in¬ stance represented also the “northwestern limital record” within the United States. I am now able to extend this northern limit to latitude about 40°, 8' by virtue of an adult female specimen taken at a light by Ruth Agate (Mrs. Garland Riegel) in Champaign on August 8, 1940. The Carolina Mantis (see table I). Its front legs admirably fitted to seize living insects on which it feeds, this species of mantis occurs commonly in the southern states from Florida to Arizona (Rau and Rau), and northward in diminishing numbers to central Illinois. The princi¬ pal papers describing its bionomics are by Riley (1869), Rau and Rau (1913) and Roberts (1928). The latter two cite many references to other literature. Concerning its distribution in Illinois, Hebard (1934) expressed his belief “that the northern limits must be given as Quincy, Olney and Centralia.” This state¬ ment was made in part on the basis of 19 adults and several juveniles and egg masses in the collection of the State Natural History Survey. These communi¬ ties lie between 38°, 32' and 39°, 57' lati¬ tude. I am presuming Hebard’s state¬ ment is to be interpreted as signifying that those points form the northern limit at which the species occurs perennially. Perhaps a somewhat clearer picture of distribution will be obtained if we think of this, and any other insect species liv¬ ing under natural conditions, as varying its range from time to time within cer¬ tain geographical limits. The factor regu¬ lating the direction and extent of this variation in range in the case of our mantis is perhaps winter temperature in relation to the egg mass or ootheca, which forms the only stage that passes the cold season in latitude of Illinois. We Contribution No. 231 from the Entomological Laboratories of the University of Illinois. Zoology — 191+2 Meeting 191 may, therefore visualize a strip of terri¬ tory, extending east-west across the state, in which this mantis vacillates at irregu¬ lar periods in accordance with variations in degree of winter cold above and be¬ low critical points. What the critical temperatures are may possibly be de¬ termined by experiment. This strip is bounded on the south by a line of latitude beyond which the species never retreats, because the winter temperatures are con¬ tinuously tolerable to the eggs, and it is bounded on the north by another line be¬ yond which the species never advances because sooner or later there comes a winter with such low temperatures as de¬ stroy the eggs and thereby set the species back southward again. What the extreme boundaries of this area of vacillation are has, of course, not been learned. But that it involves Cham¬ paign county is suggested by the records of four living adult specimens taken in the city limits of Champaign in the early fall of 1940 and 1941. The individual secured in 1940 was brought to the De¬ partment of Entomology at the Univer¬ sity by an unidentified citizen, and three females were taken in 1941 by Charles Hirsh in a vacant lot near the campus. How much farther north the year-around temperature is sometimes favorable to the survival of the eggs, and therefore to the development of the cycle during the warmer seasons, can be determined only by securing additional records. However, the potential range of natural distribution may not be accepted as being coextensive with known records of occur¬ rence. Being large, and inspiring popu¬ lar hope of aid in the war against hostile insects, this mantis is subject to deliber¬ ate dissemination by man. Moreover, the egg masses, nymphs and adults that chance to occur on man’s vehicles that roll along highways and railroads, or are borne on nursery stock and manufactured articles of numerous kinds, obtain “lifts” that take them quickly far beyond their normal limits. The female taken at Chi¬ cago on a lumber car (Hebard), the Staley nymph which I discovered on weeds by a junction of two railroads whose southern terminal is Springfield, Illinois, and the two adults taken on box cars at a grain elevator at Peoria and made available to me by Frank Has- brouck, are probably instances of such artificial transportation. In the older literature we find further evidence of such cases. Walsh and Riley (1868) re¬ ported an egg mass was sent to Lacon in Marshall County from a southern point in the state, and the pair described by TABLE I.— ILLINOIS RECORDS OF STAGMOMANTIS CAROLINA Locality Specimens County Approximate Latitude Sources of Records Metropolis... _ . ... 2 Massac 37°, 8' 37°, 13' Hebard (1934) Pulaski . . . . 3 Pulaski Hebard Dongola.. _ _ 2 Union 37°, 22' LeBaron (1870) Carbondale _ _ _ _ _ 1 Jackson 37°, 45' Hebard Pinckneyville . . . . . 1 Perry 38°, 6' 38°, 12' Hebard Dubois _ _ 1 j. and egg mass 1 Washington Hebard Ashley . . . . . Washington 38°, 20' Hebard Keensburg _ _ _ 1 Wabash 38°, 20' Hebard Waterloo _ _ 1 Monroe 38°, 20' Hebard Fairfield _ _ _ 2 Wayne 38°, 20' Coll. Dept, of Entom. Browns . . . 1 Wabash 38°, 22' Hebard Centralia. . . . . . 1 Marion 38°, 22' Hebard Olney . . . 1 9 and egg mass Richland 38°, 42' Hebard Edwards ville . . . . 1 Madison 38°, 48' Hebard Vandalia . . . . 1 Fayette 38°, 58' Hebard Decatur _ _ _ _ 1 Macon 39°, 50' Coll. Dept, of Entom. Quincy _ _ _ 1 Adams 39°, 57' Hebard Staley _ _ _ 1 j. Champaign 40° , 6' Coll, of W. V. Balduf Champaign . . 1 Champaign 40°, 6' Coll. Dept, of Entom. Champaign _ 3 Champaign 40°, 6' Charles H. Hirsh Peoria _ _ _ _ 2 Peoria 40°, 44' Frank Hasbrouck Lacon _ _ _ Egg mass Marshall 41°, 4' Walsh and Riley (1868) Chicago _ 2 Cook 41°, 50' Hebard Egg mass Ogle 42° Riley (1867) 192 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions LeBaron (1870) was mailed to him, pre¬ sumably at Chicago, by a friend at Dongola in Union County. The possibility of de¬ liberate or accidental participation by man in the dissemination of the mantis therefore clearly renders it impossible to know with certainty whether specimens found in the central area of Illinois are normal residents or adventives. But if found considerably south of central Illi¬ nois they may usually be regarded as permanent residents, while if north, or in general decidedly beyond latitude 40°, they would seem to be artifically im¬ ported and therefore doomed to local ex¬ termination with the coming of the first critically cold winter. REFERENCES Blatchley, W. S. (1920), Orthoptera of Northwestern America, 784 pp., refs., keys, 246 figs. Hebard, Morgan (1934), The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois, Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin, Vol. 20, Art. 3, 125-279, refs., keys, 167 figs. LeBaron, Wm. (1870), Entomological, Prairie Farmer, 41, 314. Rau, Phil, and Rau, Nellie (1913), The bi¬ ology of Stagmomantis Carolina, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, 22, 1-58, pis., bibl. Riley, C. V. (1867), Queries answered. Prairie Farmer, 36, 69. Riley, C. V. (1869), The rear-horse, First Ann. Rept. State Ent. Mo., 169-171. Roberts, R. A. (1928), Notes on the biology of Stagmomantis Carolina, Can. Ent. 60, 209-212. Somes, M. P. (1916), The Phasmidae of Min¬ nesota, Iowa and Missouri, Entom. News, 27, 269-271. Walsh, B. D. and Riley, C. V. (1868), Rear- horses vs. Grasshoppers, Amer. Ent. 1, 184. Zoology — 19J/.2 Meeting 193 EFFECT OF TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE ON TERRITORIALITY IN FLOCKS OF RING DOVES Mary A. Bennett Western Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb, Illinois A characteristic of bird flocks receiving much attention is territoriality. In studies of the organization of flocks, a significant relationship between this characteristic and the development of social hierarchies has been pointed out by several investigators. Hierarchies of two types are recognized. These are the stable peck-order as reported in chickens (Masure and Allee, ’34) and the much more flexible peck-dominance as found in pigeons (Masure and Allee, ’34, and Diebschlag, ’41), of ring doves (Bennett, ’39), and of canaries (Shoemaker, ’39). Investigators of peck-dominance have suggested that the explanation of this condition is in some complexity in the form of territoriality developing in flocks. Shoemaker (’39) observed in canaries that a bird, which is dominant over another in neutral territory, normally becomes subordinate in the nesting terri¬ tory of the other bird. He says, “This factor alone would account for the peck- dominance type of social organization.” Diebschlag (’41), in an analysis of the social order in a heterosexual group of pigeons, concluded that the peck-domin¬ ance system is entirely a matter of terri¬ toriality. He states that each animal attempts to fix the limits of and to de¬ fend a certain amount of space against other members of the society. Since the distribution within a dovecote shifts somewhat easily and rather frequently, he concludes that this flexible “place- order” prevents a “linear dominance” such as that found in the chicken. Both Shoemaker and Diebschlag see in the instability of territorial relationships, in flocks of canaries and pigeons respect¬ ively, a probable explanation of peck- dominance. In ring dove flocks, experimentally treated with an androgen (Bennett, ’40), a tendency away from the characteristic peck-dominance type of social order toward a peck-right was observed. As this accompanied an increase in terri¬ toriality, the hypothesis was advanced that the possible “explanation of the in¬ creased stability observed may lie in the expression of territorialism rather than in any new development.” In most of the flocks of ring doves observed, previous to treatment with an androgen, certain in¬ dividuals had shown distinct territorial tendencies. They “adopted definite loca¬ tions in the cages and tended to defend these against all intruders.” If added to these in any flock, there were others in whom territoriality could be induced by experimental treatment, it is to be ex¬ pected that a greater degree of stability would appear in the social organization of the group. The present report follows an attempt to analyze more fully the data in the ring dove investigation from the standpoint of the relationship of in¬ creased territoriality and accompanying changes in social organization. The experimental birds, that is, those injected with an androgen, were selected because of low rank, a status character¬ ized either by passivity or by failure to win in pecking encounters. They seldom if ever attempted defense of a location. The general procedures used are fully de¬ scribed in previous reports (Bennett, ’39, ’40). Three homosexual caged flocks, one of females, two of males, were observed daily. Records of individual locations and activities were recorded in five- minute intervals, making the reconstruc¬ tion of a cage picture for any given time a possibility. Pre-injection (control) periods were followed by experimental periods. In the latter, one or two of the selected flock members in each cage re¬ ceived daily injections of testosterone propionate. Post-injection periods fol¬ lowed. Two series, one of 78 days, one of 50 days, included 48 days and 24 days, respectively, of injections. The treated birds in Series I were D and RH in the female flock, two birds in male flock A, and EB in male flock B. Three of these, one from each flock, were again experi¬ mental subjects in Series II. 194 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions In the pre-injection period of Series I both experimental female birds were passive, located much of the time on the front perch. In the injection period, D moved to the floor with occasional ag¬ gressive sallies upon the perches. RH first changed from the front perch to the back, then also located on the floor for the remainder of the period. In the post-injection period both birds soon retired to the front perch and became as passive as preceding treatment. In Series II, D again returned to the floor but alternated between it and the front perch. Again, upon cessation of injec¬ tions, D became passive on the back perch. The behavior of EB in the male flock B was characteristic for the treated males. In the pre-injection period of Series I, he was never definitely located. He engaged in frequent floor encounters, losing most of them. With injections, he began winning encounters. After three weeks, he located for a time on the front perch. With an increase in androgen dosage later in this series, he returned to the floor. Here the other birds exhibited a wariness with regard to him. In the post-injection period, he gradually became inactive on the back perch. With re¬ injection EB returned to the floor, be¬ coming an aggressor there. In the suc¬ ceeding post-injection period he once more settled passively on the back perch. The androgen induced aggressiveness in the experimental subjects. As this occurred, the same birds exhibited an increased tendency to occupy new loca¬ tions and to engage intruders in combat until these intruders would withdraw from the place. It was noticeable that the floor was the usual arena of defense activity. This is to be expected because of the space and freedom permitted dur¬ ing combats. With cessation of injections the resumption of the pre-injection status was accompanied by a decrease in the stability of the flock structure. The flocks observed by Diebschlag and Shoemaker were heterosexual and be¬ havior, directly associated with the breeding cycle, complicated the picture. Since homosexual flocks were used in the case of the ring doves, the influence of sex interrelations was, in part at least, removed. Whatever changes in flexi¬ bility of social order occurred were less obscured by mating and nesting activities. Increased aggressiveness occurred in all injected birds. This was followed by a development of territorial tendencies in the same individuals, accompanied by an increased development of a peck-right type of social organization. The conclu¬ sions of Shoemaker and Diebschlag, that in the shifting conditions of the birds flocks observed by them, lay the explana¬ tion of the flexible peck-dominance type, is supported by the evidence in this case. As more birds in a flock became definitely located and began aggressively to defend the regions occupied, the social structure became more fixed. It seems clear that the injection of testosterone propionate in low ranking members of ring dove flocks increased territorialism in the flocks and con¬ tributed to an increase in the develop¬ ment of a peck-right type of social hierarchy. LITERATURE CITED Bennett, Mary A. 1939. The social hierarchy in ring doves. Ecology 20:337-57. — ♦ - . 1940. The social hierarchy in ring doves. II. The effect of treatment with testosterone propionate. Ecology 21 : 148-65. Diebschlag, E. 1941. Psychologische Be- obachtungen fiber die Rangordnung bei der Haustaube. Zeitschr. F. Tierpsych. 4 : 173-188. Masure, R. H. and W. C. Alee. 1934. The social order in flocks of the common chicken and pigeon. The Auk 51 :306-27. Shoemaker, Hurst H. 1939. Social hierarchy in flocks of the canary. The Auk 56:381- 406. Zoology — 19 Meeting 195 ZAPATERA SPOILAGE OF OLIVES* Vincent J. Del Giudice University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois Zapatera, the name given to one type of spoilage, is a Spanish word meaning, “shoemaker’s wife,” but the literal trans¬ lation of the word is “stinkfoot.” Its only means of detection is by the offensive odor produced. In an attempt to discover the cause of Zapatera spoilage a study of types of organisms found in normal and spoiled olive brine was conducted. Microscopic examinations were made of all samples, which revealed the presence of yeasts, associated with rods and cocci. The first observation was on the number of or¬ ganisms in the brine. Plate counts were made on various agars in order to isolate as many different types of organisms as possible. In all tests the spoiled samples had higher counts than those considered normal. During the investigation determinations of pH were made electrometrically. All spoiled samples with the exception of three had a pH of 4.0 or above. Normal samples were below this figure. Expos¬ ing spoiled samples to air increased the spoilage. A rapid increase in pH also occurred, and the samples became dark¬ ened. Normal samples when exposed to the air increased somewhat in pH, but showed no darkening. These results in¬ dicate that exclusion of air, and control of pH are important factors in the pre¬ vention of the spoilage. Smyth reported a group of spore form¬ ing, aerobic, proteolytic organisms as the cause of Zapatera spoilage. Heat tests were conducted on all samples. Or¬ ganisms developed from spoiled samples which had approached a pH of 7.0 or higher. Since Zapatera begins at a pH of about 4.2 to 4.3 the possibility of spore forming organisms in the solution is very remote. Vaughn later reported that non spore forming organisms caused Zapatera spoilage. Some of the organisms isolated from the samples were inoculated into normal samples, but the spoilage was not repro¬ duced. Tracy and other workers reported a spoilage of olives due to organisms of the genera Escherichia and Aerobacter. This spoilage can easily be detected by the presence of gas in the samples. No gas was noticed in Zapatera spoilage, however, all samples were inoculated into lactose fermentation tubes, and observed for gas production. Gas was produced in only one sample. It has been exposed to the air for six months, and has a pH above 8.0. Therefore it may have been easily contaminated with gas producing organ¬ isms. A “butyric” spoilage in olives caused by the butyric acid anaerobes has been described by Vaughn. A study of ana¬ erobes that were isolated from the brine is being conducted. As yet they have not been definitely classified. There is a possibility that they are Lactobacilli. These organisms play an important role in the normal fermentation of olives. Therefore their presence is essential for a good, vigorous fermentation. Tests of abnormal fermentation of olives were made, by the addition of spoiled olive brine to good olives in a salt, sugar solution with the absence of lactic acid. The flora for two and one half months has consisted of large cigar shaped yeast cells, filamentous rod forms, large and short rods, and some cocci. An attempt is being made to classify the bacteria and yeasts isolated from sam¬ ples of Zapatera spoilages. In conclusion it can be said that the exclusion of air and control of pH would probably aid the manufacturer greatly in reducing Zapatera spoilage in olives. In¬ cidentally this type of spoilage is chiefly a concern and loss to the manufacturer for the consumer seldom finds it in packed olives. Packers would not dare risk their business by selling olives which had this spoilage because of the offensive odor. More work can and should be done on this type of spoilage. Contribution from the Collegiate Section. 196 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions CHLOROPHYLL IN THE TREATMENT OF ATHLETE’S FOOT* Frances C. Foster and William C. Grater University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois Recently, in the field of chemotherapy, chlorophyll has been used experimentally in the treatment of infections, particu¬ larly in acute or chronic local suppura¬ tive lesions. Dr. Benjamin Gruskin, Di¬ rector of Experimental Pathology at Tem¬ ple University, suggests the theoretical explanation that the action of chlorophyll consists for the most part of increasing the resistance of cells in some physico¬ chemical manner so that enzymatic diges¬ tion of the cell membrane by invading bacteria or their toxins is checked; and that the bacteria are inhibited from form¬ ing toxic compounds. Dr. Gruskins’ suc¬ cess in treating various dermatological in¬ fections, including one case of Actinomy¬ cosis, suggested the possibility of success¬ ful treatment of athlete’s foot caused by a fungus of the Genus Trichophyton. Oil soluble chlorophyll in a lanolin base, and also in a liquid solvent, was used in the treatment of cases in the present study. Volunteer patients were brought to the laboratory and their feet examined, particular attention being paid to scales, pustules, open lesions and breaks in the skin. Cultures of skin scrapings and pus were made on plain agar, Sabouraud’s maltose agar with and without tellurite, and a hanging drop preparation containing maltose, peptone and water. The medium containing tel¬ lurite was efficient in inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria found on the feet, so was satisfactory for the isolation * Contribution from the Collegiate Section. of the fungi, on which it had no appre¬ ciable effect. The cultures were incu¬ bated at room temperature and Trich¬ ophyton isolated when possible. Check cultures were made in 2-3 days, and final cultures were taken after treatment had been followed for at least two weeks. Treatment consisted of rubbing or swabbing the chlorophyll material thor¬ oughly into and around the lesions. Each person was instructed to apply treatment once daily, and regularity in treatment was emphasized. Thirty-one cases were treated, but only one case could be re¬ ported as cured. The chlorophyll treat¬ ment, however, had some beneficial effect. There was some evidence of better results when Trichophyton was not isolated as the cause of the infection, and little or no improvement was noted in acute cases where the fungi were definitely isolated. Neither the liquid nor the ointment showed any fungistatic power with tests carried out, a fact which seem to indicate, also, that chlorophyll has no fungicidal power. This is in line with Dr. Gruskin’s theory that chlorophyll increases the resistance of the cell. In conclusion, the present experiment indicated that chlorophyll is of value in preventing cracks and itching in the in¬ terdigital spaces, but that it seldom, if ever, cures athlete’s foot. Better results might be obtained if the treatment could be carefully controlled. Zoology — 19 Meeting 197 THE ANGLERS’ CATCH AT LAKE CHAUTAUQUA NEAR HAVANA, ILLINOIS, WITH COMPARATIVE DATA ON HOOPNET SAMPLES Donald F. Hansen Illinois Natural History Survey, TJrbana, Illinois The year 1942 was the third successive year in which a partial record was ob¬ tained of the hook-and-line catch at Lake Chautauqua, a wildlife refuge maintained by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service near Havana, Illinois. Lake Chautauqua is an abandoned drainage and levee dis¬ trict. The levees separate the refuge from the adjoining Illinois River except at flood stages. At ordinary levels the lake has an area of 3,200 acres and a maximum depth of about 5 feet. The lake is approximately 6 miles long and a mile wide. Lake Chautauqua attracts more hook- and-line fishermen than any other lake along the Illinois River; nevertheless, the fishing cannot be ranked high. Large- mouth bass, bluegills, both black and white crappies, yellow perch, and yellow bass (M or one interrupt a) are the prin¬ cipal kinds caught. The census was conducted by the Illi¬ nois Natural History Survey with the co¬ operation of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service through Mr. Homer L. Bradley, refuge manager, and Mr. Milfred Smith, refuge patrolman. The catch records were kept by the boat liverymen, that is, by men in the business of renting rowboats. The records kept by Mr. Frank Kuntz, care¬ taker at Bridgeman’s livery, were nearly 100 per cent complete for 1941 and 1942 and because of their completeness are especially valuable for a study of seasonal trends in fishing. Bridgeman’s record alone comprises the data for the present paper. The Bridgeman record for 1940 cov¬ ered only three months and no records were kept of people who failed to catch fish. Bridgeman's livery is located on Haven’s Slough at the northeast end of Lake Chautauqua. This part of the lake is protected from wind and supports rather dense growths of submerged aquatic plants. Above Bridgeman’s dock the slough widens out into an area of about 80 acres. Most of the fishermen renting boats at Bridgeman’s stay within this small area. A considerable amount of still-fishing is done around dense stands of button bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, which grows in water up to three feet in depth. A certain amount of still-fishing is also done in the shade of the partly submerged willows, as well as in open water. The proportion of all Chautauqua fishermen using this boat livery cannot easily be estimated. Be¬ sides the boat liveries on the lake proper, of which there were five in 1941 and two in 1942, there are two liveries at Liver¬ pool and others at Havana. Boats from the latter towns are hauled over the levees on wooden rollers, or pull-overs. Numbers of private boats are also on the lake, but no estimate of their numbers is at hand. The record cards were made out for parties rather than for individuals. The parties usually consisted of two persons each. The information entered on each card included number of fishermen in the party, number of hours spent, and num¬ ber of each kind of fish brought to the dock. The boat yard attendants were not asked to separate the species of crappies, bullheads, or sunfish except for bluegills. No observations were made on lengths or weights. The periods covered in this report in¬ clude all of the year 1941 and from Jan¬ uary 1 to September 6, 1942, except that no fishing was allowed during the 1941 duck shooting season, October 16-De- cember 14. Bass fishing was closed both years from April 1 to May 31. Winter fishing was prohibited under the ice but was permitted where holes naturally re¬ mained open. Kinds and Numbers Caught arid Differ¬ ences in the 1941 and 1942 Catch - The species totals for the same periods of 198 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions 1941 and 1942, i. e., January 1 to Septem¬ ber 6, are shown in table 1. Number caught refers to the fish taken away from the lake. No record was kept of the fish thrown back. The late 1941 data are omitted from this list because of absence of corresponding data for 1942. There are certain striking differences in the catch for the two years. In 1942 there were a great many more bluegills and yellow bass with fewer crappies and fewer miscellaneous sunfish. Table 1. — Comparison of the 1941 and 1942 Seasons With Respect to Kinds and Numbers of Fish Caught by Anglers at Bridgeman’s Boat Livery on Lake Chautauqua in the Period January 1-September 6 Kinds 1941 1942 Largemouth bass Smallmouth bass Bluegill . Other sunfish . . Crappie . Yellow perch . . . Yellow bass Sheepshead . Bullhead . . Channel cat . Buffalo . Dogfish . Eel . Kind not shown. . 426 450 1 0 2,043 3,622 400 306 681 357 1,002 1,110 9 1,236 55 4 56 75 13 0 0 1 3 2 0 1 30 0 Total fish . 4,719 Total fisherman-days . 1,695 Av. catch per fisherman per day . 2.8 Av. catch per fisherman per hour . 0.7 7,164 1,563 4.6 1.0 Whereas only 9 yellow bass were re¬ corded for 1941, 1,236 were recorded for 1942. Due to this increase the yellow bass ranked second in importance of all kinds caught in 1942. It is significant that the yellow bass was among the three most abundant kinds taken in hoopnet samples in 1940, 1941, and 1942, but had no importance in the hook-and-line catch until the last year. Lake Chautauqua may be considered unusual among Illinois waters for its large populations of both yellow bass and yellow perch. Number of Zero Catches. — For the periods mentioned above, the percentage of boats returning with no fish averaged 40 per cent in 1941 and 41 per cent in 1942. During some of the poorer weeks in the middle of the summer zero catches ran as high as 50 per cent. Since there were usually in each boat two fisher¬ men, only one of whom may have caught fish, the percentage of individuals failing to catch fish would be somewhat higher than the figures given for boats. The Average Catch Per Fisherman - Day and Average Catch Per Hour _ For cor¬ responding periods January 1 to Septem¬ ber 6, the average daily catch was 2.8 fish per day in 1941 and 4.6 fish per day in 1942. The length of day averaged 4.1 hours in 1941 and 4.5 hours in 1942. The average 1941 catch, however, was larger, 3.6 fish per day, when the period Septem¬ ber 17-December 31 is included. The average catch per hour for the period January 1 to September 6 was 0.7 fish per hour in 1941 and 1.0 fish in 1942. For the entire 1941 season, January to December, the catch per hour was 0 9 fish. The non-technical reader should bear in mind that these are averages of good and bad periods and of expert and inex¬ pert fishermen. Nevertheless, the legal creel limit of 10 bass, 25 of other fine fish of a single kind, or 35 in the aggregate of several kinds, was seldom obtained or even approached except during September and October, 1941, when many limits of bluegills were taken. The following tabulation (table 2) shows how Lake Chautauqua compares with some other lakes both within and outside the State of Illinois, in terms of number of fish caught per hour. The figures for Rinaker Lake, Onized Lake, and Lake Glendale are from unpublished data. Rinaker Lake (14.3 acres) near Carlinville, Illinois, is an artificial lake 40 years old operated by a club with 75 members. The fishing record for the years 1932-39 has been analyzed by Dr. David H. Thompson of the Illinois Natural History Survey. The fishing be¬ gan in March or April each year (except in 1932 when the record began in June) and ended in October or November. The largest number of fishermen-days for any of the 8 years was 642. Onized Lake (2 acres) near Alton, Illi¬ nois, has been under the observation of Dr. George W. Bennett, also of the Illi¬ nois Natural History Survey. The record covers two years, 1939 and 1940, and takes in the months April to October. Lake Glendale (82 acres) is a new lake in the Shawnee National Forest in south¬ ern Illinois near Dixon Springs. The record covers 2,754 man-days during the summer of 1942, which was the first year the lake was opened to fishing. The lake was completed in 1939, and stocked in April, 1940. Fishing in 1942 was per¬ mitted from May 15 to August 29. Zoology — 191+2 Meeting 199 Table 2. — Observed Average Catch Per Hour in Four Illinois Lakes, and Corresponding Data From Lakes in Other States State and lake Length of record Fish per hour (High and low yearly average) Illinois — Glendale.. _ . 1 year 0.4 Onized . . . 2 years 0.4— 0.8 Rinaker - - 8 years 1.0— 2.1 Chautauqua _ 2 years o I d Michigan — Fife _ 4 years 1.0— 1.7 Waterloo Area . . 1 year 1.2 (12 lakes) Whitmore Lake . . 5 years Largemouth bass _ 0.3— 1.4 Bluegill _ _ _ 4.4—12.8 Bullhead _ 1.8— 3.7 Wisconsin — Chequamegon Forest _ 1 year 0.8 (5 lakes) Waubesa* . . . 1 year 1.9 Kegonsa* . . 1 year 1.2 Tennessee — Reelf oot _ _ _ 1 year 1.6 Norris _ . 2 years 0.2— 0.3 Wheeler.. 1 year 0.4 New York— Chautauqua Lake _ 5 days (July 1-5) 0.5 * The authors thought that all zero catches were probably not reported and that these figures were somewhat too high. On all three of the above lakes the censuses were handled by full time care¬ takers who were charged with the re¬ sponsibility of recording the results of all fishermen. The catch rates for out-of-state waters were obtained from the papers of Esch- meyer (1939), Hazzard and Eschmeyer (1938), Eschmeyer and Tarzwell (1941), Elkins (1937), Frey, Pedracine, and Yike (1939), Moore (1938), and Troutman (1941). The dates at which the various censuses begin and end differ considerably so that the catch per hour figures should only be taken as suggestive of the quality of fishing in different parts of the country. An hourly rate of 2 fish per hour seems to represent unusually good fishing and 3 fish per hour very exceptional fishing. Some of the lowest yields were found among lakes in which rates ran heavily to large game fish. This was true for Norris Reservoir (Tennessee), and for two of the five lakes in Chequamegon Forest (Wisconsin). Seasonal Trends In the Numbers of People Fishing — Marked variation from week to week may be seen in tables 3 and 4 in numbers of people who fished at Lake Chautauqua. Both in 1941 and 1942 fishing was well under way by April, but the numbers of fishermen dropped off around the second or third week in July. Fishermen came in comparatively large numbers throughout September and into October until fishing was closed at the opening of the duck season. In 1941 the peak number of fishermen occurred dur¬ ing the week ending May 18 at the height of the crappie season, while in 1942 this peak occurred during the open¬ ing week of the bass season, June 1, which was also the second best week in 1941. It might be suggested that the de¬ cline inf number of fishermen in July re¬ sulted from the discouragement of the bass fishermen or perhaps because the peak interest in fishing is reached by a certain group of fishermen at the open¬ ing of the bass season. Seasonal Variation in the Anglers’ Catch.. — Seasonal variation in the catch per hour of the important species has been determined by dividing each week’s catch by the total hours of fishing by all fisher¬ men. The catch-per-hour rates for weekly periods in 1941 and 1942 are shown in tables 3 and 4 and in figure 1. On the basis of figure 1 the following conclusions are reached with respect to seasonal variations in fishing: 1. There are definite peaks in biting activity, but these peaks do not neces¬ sarily occur at the same time for all species. 2. The biting of a given species may show several conspicuous peaks during the same year. 3. The peaks may occur at quite dif¬ ferent times in different years. 4. Periods of excellent fishing tend to be short, i.e., peaks are more inclined to have steep than gradually tapered slopes. There was enough difference between periods of good fishing in 1941 and 1942 to make it impossible to define accurately the most likely time of the year for a good catch. The periods when fishing was better than ordinary, however, are de¬ fined below. Largemouth bass. — Rather good catches of bass were made in January and Feb¬ ruary, 1941 (see table 2), but were not duplicated in corresponding months of 200 Illinois State Academy of Science Transactions Table 3. — Bridgeman’s Livery, 1941. Numbers of Fish and Catch Per Hour Rate by Weeks For Most Important Species. The Catch Per Hour Rate Is Based on Total Hours of Fishing Including Those Spent by the Unsuccessful Fishermen The Yellow Bass Was Not One of the Important Hook-and-Line Species in 1941. Week ending Sunday — Number of fisher¬ men Jan. 5 . . 4 ” 12 _ _ _ 6 Feb. 16... . 1 ” 23 _ 1 Mar. 2 . . . 5 ” 9. . 2 Apr. 6 _ 23 ” 13.... . 69 ” 20 _ 16 ” 27 . . 71 May 4 _ _ 110 ” 11 _ 38 ” 18.. . 196 ” 25.... . . 101 June 1 _ 157 ” 8 . 139 ” 15 . 44 ” 22 . 106 ” 29.. . . 28 July 6 . . 102 ” 13... . 80 ” 20 . . 101 ” 27 . 24 Aug. 3 . . 53 ” 10. . 10 ” 17... . 49 ” 24 _ 50 ” 31 . 82 Sept. 7 . 27 ” 14 _ 86 ” 21 _ 68 ” 28.. . . 40 Oct. 5... . . 64 ” 12 _ _ 27 Dec. 21 . . 30 ” 28 . 12 Bluegill Crappie Yellow perch Catch Catch Catch Number per Number per Number per hour hour hour 17 ? 14 ? 64 0.695 5 0.054 27 0.293 194 0.570 37 0.108 207 0.608 9 0.140 3 0.046 32 0.500 61 0.169 17 0.047 111 0.308 90 0.195 138 0.300 94 0.204 17 0.110 101 0.655 37 0.240 249 0.258 167 0.173 116 0.120 199 0.523 6 0.015 18 0.047 258 0.368 2 0.003 21 0.030 45 0.092 67 0.356 1 0.005 2 0.010 80 0.338 1 0.004 54 0.228 33 0.088 7 0.018 90 0.294 35 0.114 33 ol 107 75 0.192 20 0.051 60 0.154 31 0.413 7 0.093 66 0.328 30 0.149 55 0.109 13 0.025 12 0.024 25 0.147 1 0.005 33 0.194 64 0.304 5 0.024 50 0.238 171 0.483 111 0.313 30 0.084 79 0.675 18 0.153 21 0.179 219 0.501 11 0.025 77 0.176 171 0.546 4 0.012 400 2.174 6 0.032 734 2.351 8 0.027 16 0.055 560 5.384 159 1.458 4 0 036 90 1.875 2 0.041 Total hours 'S'H 'z. o Largemouth bass Number 92 340 64 360 460 154 965 380 700 486 188 236 84 374 306 390 75 201 502 170 210 354 117 437 313 184 290 104 109 Catch per hour §2* 0.051 0.130 0.091 0.139 0.071 0.101 0.104 0.038 0.093 0.064 0.004 0.106 0.057 0.040 0.068 0.029 0.086 0.011 0.062 0.009 0.109 1942. There were no outstanding peaks during the summer and fall months in either year. Crappie. — In Illinois the crappies are traditionally known as spring and fall biters. There were well defined peaks in May both years but no evidence was found for a fall peak. Perhaps the natural fall peak would come during the waterfowl season. The peak occurring in late August, 1941, was unexpected. The crappies underwent longer periods of complete biting inactivity than the other principal species. Yellow Perch. — The peak month in 1941 was April, but in 1942 the peak occurred in late July and early August. There were four consecutive depression weeks starting late in May with exact corre¬ spondence in dates between the two years. Yellow Bass. — The highest peak was reached in July with lesser peaks in April and June. This species practically re¬ fused to bite in 1941 so that there were no outstanding peaks. Bluegill. — The bluegill seems to be the most erratic species in its biting of any of the five observed. The best fishing occurred in late September and early October, 1941, when during one week bluegills were taken at the rate of 5.38 fish per hour; while in 1942 there were three moderately high peaks as follows: January, late April, and late May. Comparison between the Anglers’ Catch and the Hoopnet Catch. — The species composition observed in the anglers’ catch at Lake Chautauqua has been found to be different from the composition of the hoopnet catches. Inasmuch as hoop- nets are used in fisheries work for fore¬ casting hook-and-line possibilities of lakes and also for determining management needs for hook-and-line fishing, it is im¬ portant to know how great these dis¬ crepancies are. Zoology — 19 1+2 Meeting 201 From May 6 to May 14, 1942, hoopnets were set in the 80 acres most used by the fishermen who rent boats at Bridge- man’s livery. Seventeen hoopnet catches were obtained at this time with 4 one- inch mesh (square measure) nets. The percentage representation of each species in these seventeen catches is shown in table 5. Also appearing in this table are the percentages of the same species caught by hook and line at Bridgeman’s during the five weeks ending May 31. The catches of 405 fishermen are included in the latter figures. The most striking dif¬ ferences in the percentages were found among bluegills and crappies. Bluegills made up 78.5 per cent of the anglers’ catch but only 17.8 per cent of the hoop- net catch. Crappies, on the other hand, made up 12.6 per cent of the anglers’ catch but 61.4 per cent of the hoopnet catch. Fairly important differences of this type were found also in connection with yellow perch, bullheads, and sunfish. Certain other species, namely carp, dog¬ fish, sheepshead and buffalo, were slightly more abundant in the hoopnpts than was yellow perch, but were not caught at all in May by anglers. However, the num¬ ber of fishermen using special carp baits is slight as compared with the number using worms, minnows, or artificial baits. It should be mentioned that an un¬ usually high percentage, probably at least 90 per cent, of the hoopnet catch was made up of fish large enough to be eaten. During the two weeks ending May 17, which most nearly coincide with the hoopnet collection dates near Bridge- man’s, hoopnet and anglers’ catches fail to agree any more closely than for the five weeks shown in table 5. The per¬ centage representation of the four prin¬ cipal species taken by hook during those two weeks were as follows: bluegills 31.8%, crappie 9.5%, yellow perch 55.5%, and yellow bass 3.1%. The hoopnet per¬ centages for this period were bluegills 17.8%, crappie 61.4%, yellow perch 0.4%, and yellow bass 1.7%. The same sort of discrepancies appear in table 6, where all the hoopnet catches made in 1942 are compared with all avail¬ able 1942 hook-and-line data from the Bridgeman livery. The hoopnet data for 1942 include, be¬ sides the 17 catches in the vicinity of Bridgeman’s at the northeast corner of the lake, an additional 19 catches ob¬ tained between May 4 and 14 at scattered points between Bridgeman’s and the other end of the lake, a distance of 6 miles. Another 6 catches were taken near the southwest end of the lake July 9-11. Table 4. — Bridgeman’s Livery, 1942. Numbers of Fish and Catch Per Hour Rate by Weeks. The Catch Per Hour Is Based on Total Hours of Fishing Including Those Spent by the Unsuccessful Fishermen. Week ending Number of fisher¬ men Total hours Largemouth bass Bluegill Crappie Yellow perch Yellow bass Number Catch per hour Number Catch per hour Number Catch per hour Number Catch per hour Number Catch per hour Jan. ii 6 33 11 0.336 7 0.212 18— 14 54 4 0.074 94 1.730 7 0.129 »* 25 17 41 2 0.048 71 1.700 3 0.072 3 0.072 Feb. 8 _ 10 36 49 1.340 2 0.055 Apr. 5 15 68 T-. 73 1.060 2 0.029 19 17 77 f-H © 35 0.450 2 0.026 8 0.010 ” 26— 43 176 ^ U. § 339 1.810 13 0.074 49 0.278 67 0.381 May 3— 59 197 298 1.510 4 0.020 13 0.066 24 0.124 10-... 43 180 16 0.089 15 0.083 37 0.203 5 0.028 99 17 63 250 (/i