SE Cae ‘ yen dh pie ett per ee ee hee TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, HELD AT PHILADELPHIA, PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. VOL. II.—NEW SERIES. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. 7 162899. . * OO Philavelphia : §. b- 2). PRINTED BY JAMES KAY, JUN. & CO. PRINTERS TO THE SOCIETY. 1830. Ss 92643092 | , = ! ~ : = ot othe. 259 274 285 ao) ive) cS) 300 315 1 CONTENTS, No. XI Conchological Observations on Lamarck’s Family of Naiades. By P. H. Nicklin. - - - - - - 3 No. XII. Some further Experiments on the Poison of the Rattlesnake. By R. Harlan, M.D. - - - = - 5 , No. XIII. Description of a New Genus of the Family of Naiades, including Eight Species, Four of which are New; also the Description of Eleven New Species of the Genus Unio from the Rivers of the United States : with Observations on some of the Characters of the Naiades. By Tsaac Lea. - - - - - - No. XIV. Remarks on the use of the Maxillz in Coleopterous Insects, with an Ac- count of Two Species of the Family Telephoridz, and of Three of the Family Mordellide, which ought to ce the Type of ‘Eye Distinct Gen- era. By N. M. Hentz. - - Nor iXiv: Description of a New Species of the Genus Astacus. By R. Harlan, M.D. © : No. XVI. Notice of an Anatomical Peculiarity observed in the Structure of the Condor of the Andes (Vultur gryphus, Linn.). By R. Harlan, M.D. No. XVII. On the Construction of Eclipses of the Sun. By John Gummere. - xi 395 400 ~ 408 A5& 464 AGE 467 . ¥e j ae ‘a he Description of a Fragment of the Head of a Ne Fc New Jersey. % , y : Cs Descriptiontef a New Genus and New Spec Quadruped. By John D. Godman, M.D. w Donations, &c. a : : APPARATUS USED BY M. BUihh. TY His EXPERIMENTS ON FUEL. — Ts TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. NEW SERIES. No. I. Experiments to determine the comparative quantities of Heat evolved in the combustion of the principal varieties of Wood and Coal used in the United States, for Fuel; and, also, to determine the comparative quantities of Heat lost by the ordinary apparatus made use of for their combustion. By Marcus Butu.— Read April 7, 1826. Tue experiments on fuel detailed in the following paper, were commenced in November, 1823, and were prosecuted with very little cessation, until June, 1824; when, in conse- quence of absence, together with subsequent ill health, they were suspended until May, 1825, when they were again resumed with undiminished interest, and have been continued, as circumstances would permit, from that period to the pre- sent. During the latter of these periods, I was under the necessity of repeating those experiments which had been previously made, in consequence of a defect discovered in a part of the apparatus, the removal of which, was found to change the results; still, it was very satisfactory to find that the variation VOL. IIL—A Q ON THE HEAT EVOLVED was, in every instance, directly proportional to the results which had been formerly obtained. The experiments to determine the comparative loss of heat sustained by using apparatus of different constructions for the combustion of fuel, appeared to be equally necessary with those to determine its comparative efficiency. To Professors Hare and Patterson of the University of Pennsylvania, I am under obligations for their kind assistance in my experiments, and it gives me great pleasure to have an opportunity thus publicly to tender them my acknowledg- ments. The importance of those experiments, which have for their object the promotion of the useful arts and sciences, or ap improvement in the domestic economy of society, by which our comforts may be increased, is generally admitted. In a climate like that of the United States, where, during two-thirds of the year, fires are indispensable to human com- fort, and where, consequently, the savings of a large portion of the poor, during the summer, are often inadequate to pur- chase a sufficient supply of fuel for the winter; it must, obvi- ously, be highly important to ‘ascertain, the comparative effi-— ciency of different kinds of fuel; as, without this knowledge, those who are desirous of economising, may be prodigal through ignorance. The knowledge of the comparative heat disengaged in the combustion of the different varieties of wood and coal, is also important in various processes in the arts, and it is believed that the results of my experiments will be found worthy of attention, in a philosophical point of view. Previous to describing my apparatus or experiments, it will be proper to notice those of some of my predecessors, as, in the investigation of this subject, no small degree of inaccuracy appears to have prevailed, even among experimenters of high character. ; My remarks cannot be better prefaced, than by making use of the following extract from Dr. Ure, on the subject of com- bustion. 2 FROM WOOD AND COAL. a * Lavoisier, Crawford, Dalton, and Rumford, in succession, made experiments to determine the quantity of heat evolved in the combustion of various bodies. The apparatus used by the last was perfectly simple, and perhaps the most precise of the whole. The heat was conducted by flattened pipes of metal, into the heart of a body of water, and was measured by the temperature imparted.” From the general table of results, it is only necessary for me to extract two, to show the force of the succeeding remark. Substances burned, one | Ice melted in pounds. | pounds; Lavoisier. | Crawford. | Dalton. |Rumford. Olive oil. 149 89 104 94,07 ! Charcoal. 96.5 69 40 “ The discrepancies in the preceding table, are sufficient to show the necessity of new experiments on the subject.” As the experiments of M. Lavoisier, Dr. Crawford, and Mr. Dalton, did not comprise any article of fuel except charcoal, a more particular notice of them would be irrelevant to my purpose. The experiments of Count Rumford, to determine the quantity of heat evolved in the combustion of different woods, will alone be examined. In his very just remarks, he says, “Many persons have already endeavoured to determine the relative quantities of heat furnished by wood and charcoal in their combustion; but the results of their inquiries have not been satisfactory. Their apparatus has been too imperfect, not to leave vast incertitude in the conclusions drawn from their investigations. Indeed, the subject is so intricate in itself, that with the best instruments, the utmost care is requisite, lest, after much labour, the inquirer should be forced to content himself with approximations instead of accurate results, and valuations, strictly determined. ° Re Se , ; : 4 ings ‘ a ok! at ee, i ¢ 3 - . - No. Il. A Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape or Dela- ware Indians. Translated from the German Manuscript of the late Rev. David Zeisberger, for the American Phi- losophical Society, by Peter Stephen Duponceau. Presented to the Society, 2d December 1816. The Translator’s Preface. HE astonishing progress which the comparative science of languages has made within the last thirty years is not among the least important of the many wonders which the present age has produced. ‘The first strong impulse was given towards the close of the last century by the pub- lication of the Comparative Vocabulary*, compiled by pro- fessor Pallas, under the direction of the empress Catharine of Russia; a work indeed better conceived than executed, but which nevertheless has been and still is of great use to the learned, in the prosecution of philological studies. This work, which was left incomplete, being confined to the lan- guages of Europe and Asiat, was followed in this country * Linguarum totius orbis vocabularia comparativa, augustissime cura collecta.. Petrop. 1786—1787, 4to. + The empress, wishing her work to be completed, committed it to M. Theodore Jankiewitsch de Miriewo, with a view, it is presumed, that he should merely add to the European and Asiatic words which Pal- VOL. I11.—R 66 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE by DrB. S. Barton’s “ New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America.” The object of the learned au- thor at first was to supply the deficiency of the great phi- lological monument which the empress Catharine had bégun as far as related to the languages of America. Happy would it have been if he had not suffered his imagination to draw him away from that simple but highly useful design! But he conceived that by comparing the American with the Asiatic languages he could prove the origin of cur Indians from the nations which inhabit the opposite coast of Asia ; and thus he sacrificed the real advantage of science to the pursuit of a favourite theory. He has nevertheless brought together, in a comparative view, fifty-two select words in about thirty or forty of our aboriginal idioms; by which he has shewn, that he might, if he pleased, have completed professor Pallas’s Vocabulary, as far as it could have been done at that period, when we had not the means that have been obtained since. His was the first attempt to collect and compare to some extent* specimens of our Indian lan- las had given the corresponding terms in the African and American lan- guages. But M. Jankiewitsch took upon himself to alter the whole plan of Pallas’s work, and, instead of pursuing the original system, which was to give the same Russian word in the different languages in due succes- sion, he made an alphabetical catalogue of exotic words, which he ex- plained into Russian, and in which he mixed all nations and languages together, with a view to shew how the same sounds received different meanings in different idioms. The empress was displeased, and the edition was suppressed. A few copies, however, have gone abroad, one of which is in the library of the American Philosophical Society. M. Jankiewitch did wrong in not following the plan of his predecessor, whose work he thus left incomplete, when its completion was the very object which was entrusted to his care. He should first have executed his task: he might afterwards have published a vocabulary on his own sys- tem, which would have been a useful counterpart to the other. Indeed these two parts seem essential to a good comparative vocabulary, pre- cisely as ina dictionary of two languages there must be a part beginning with each and explaining the words of each into the other. * Relandus, in the third volume of his dissertations, published voca- bularies of nine American languages, extracted from different authors. They are the Brazilian, Chilese, Peruvian, Poconchi, Caribbee, Mexican, Massachusetts which he calls Virginian, Algonkin, and Huron. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 67 guages, and as such it is useful to philologists and entitled to respect. The next performance that appeared on a comprehensive scale on the subject of languages was the Mrrnripares, the glory of our science. I have spoken of it at large in my Report to the Historical Committee, made in the year 4819. on the progress then made in the investigation com- mnitied to me respecting the character and grasumatical forms of the languages of the American Indisns*. Excellent as the Mithridates was at the time when it was published, such is the progress which the philological science has made since that period. that it would require to be almost entirely written anew. But Varer is no more, and who will ven- ture to assume his vacant placet? About the same tive appeared at Madrid, in six octavo volumes, “A catalogue of all the known languages, classed according to the diversity of their idioms and dialects,”’ by the Abbé Don Lorenzo Hervast. It had been betore pub- lished in Italian at Cesena, in the Roman states, as part of a great encyclopedical performance, by the same author, entitled “ An idea of the universe,” in 241 volumes quarto, The five last volumes (except the 17th which treats of the arithmetic of nations) relate exclusively to languages. The 47th volume contains the catalogue above mentioned, ‘The 48th is a treatise on the origin, formation, mechanism, and harmony of languages. The 19th is entitled * A polyglot vocabulary of more than one hundred and fifty languages.” And lastly, the 21st volume is a practical essay on lan- guages, with prolegomena, and the lord’s prayer in more than three hundied languages and dialects@?. It is probable that the Spanish translation, though it would seem that it only bears the title of the 17th volume in the Italian, con- * Historical Transactions, Vol. I. p. xix. + Professor Vater died at Halle on the 16th of March 1826. { Discours sur Etude Philosophique des Langues, par M. de Volney, p. 3l. \ Eichhorn, Geschichte der neuen Sprachkunde, Vol. I. p. 31. 68 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE tains all the philological treatises of the author, or at least a great part of them. As, however, neither the original nor the translation have, to my knowledge, made their way into this country, I can not say any thing more upon the subject, nor can I form a judgment of the merits of the work itself: all I can say is, that it does not appear to have been written on the same plan with the Mithridates*, whose authors, how- ever, have occasionally availed themselves of its contents, but always with due acknowledgment. Since that period nothing has appeared, as far as I know, in Europe or elsewhere, embracing the whole science of languages; and indeed the works wich I have cited cannot be said to be entitled to be so considered; for the Compa- rative Vocabulary is purely etymological, and the Mithri- dates, although it takes in a much wider scope and gives a view of the structure and grammatical forms of the different languages, is in an important point entirely defi- cicnt, being confined exclusively to oral language, while the various modes by which natiens express their thoughts in writing are a no less interesting part of the philological science. I have heard of an Ethnographical Atlas by M. Balbi, which has lately appeared at Paris, containing a de- scription of the world geographically divided by languages * The title of this work in Italian is Idea dell’ Universo, Cesena, 1778 —1787, 21 vols, quarto. The 17th volume is entitled Catalogo delle lingue conosciute, e notizia delle loro affinita e diversild, 1784. The 18th, Origine, formazione, mecanismo, ed armonia degli idiomi, 1785. The 19th, dritmetica delle nazioni e divisione del tempo fra gVorientali, 1786. The 20th, Vocabu- lario poliglotto con prolegomeni sopra pi di 150 lingue. And the 21st, Saggio prattico delle lingue, con prolegomeni, e una raccolta di oraziont domenicali in piu de trecento lingue e dialetti, 1787. The exotic words are all written in Roman characters. As some of the public libraries of this country may wish to_ become possessed of this work or some of its parts, these titles are given in order to facilitate the means of obtaining them. I have not the Spanish title of the Madrid translation. The Ist volume was published in 1800, and the 6thand last in 1806. Volney, Discours sur Vétude philosophique des langues, Paris, 1821. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 69 and dialects. The late M. Malte Brun, in a review to which he affixed his name*, spoke favourably of this performance. If well executed, it will afford considerable aid to the learned. It is very doubtful whether philology has yet reached that degree of advancement that will allow of its various parts being methodized and reduced to a general system. There are yet, perhaps, too many unsettled opinions to be fixed, too many prejudices to be dispelled, before we can take a clear, distinct, and comprehensive view of the various modes by which mankind communicate their perceptions and ideas to each other, through the medium of the senses, and trace with a steady eye their origin and progress. New and important facts are daily exhibited to us by the unwearied labours of learned men, which overthrow long established theories and turn in a great measure the current of our ideas. By means of the light afforded in the works of Morrison, Marshman, Abel Remusat, and De Guignes, we have acquired a clear conception of the nature and character of the writ- ing of the Chinese, about which so many fables have been disseminated by missionaries and others, who echoed the boastings of the literati of that countryt. We no longer believe it to be an original written language, unconnected * Journal des Débats, 1st December 1826. + Les ecaractcres chinois sont signes immediats des idées qu’ils ex- priment. On dirait que cette €criture aurait eté inventée par des muets qui ignorent l’usage des paroles. Nous pouvons comparer les caractéres qui la composent avec nos chiffres numeraux, avec les signes algébriques qui expriment les rapports dans nos livres de mathematiques, &c. Que Yon presente une démonstration de géometrie exprimee en caractcres algebriques aux yeux de dix mathematiciens de pays differents; ils en- tendront la meme chose: neanmoins ces dix hommes sont supposés parler des langues differentes, et ils ne comprendront rien aux termes par les- quels ils exprimeront ces idees en parlant. C’est la méme chose a la Chine ; Vecriture est non seulement commune a tous les peuples de ce grand pays, qui parlent des dialectes tres differents, mais encore aux Japonais, aux tonquinois, et aux cochinchinois, dont les langues sont to- talement distinguées du chinois.—Réflexions sur les principes gen raux de Vart @écrire, &c. par M. Fréret, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres, Vol. VI. p. 609. VOL. I11.—s 70 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE with and independent of speech, conveying ideas imme- diately to the mind, and which may be read in all the diffe- rent idioms of the earth. Philology has taught us the impossibility of the existence of such a cosmopolite writing. The important discoveries of M. Champollion the younger* have also drawn aside the mystic veil which concealed the real character of the writing of the ancient Egyptians: he has shewn it beyond all controversy to be chiefly alphabetical, with some auxiliary abbreviations of the hieroglyphic kind, such as we use in our almanacs to represent the sun, the moon, and other planets, and the signs of the zodiac, and in our books of mathematics to express certain words which ofien recur in the science. From all these lights it seems to result, that a purely ideographical system of writing is a creature of the imagination, and cannot exist any where but for very limited purposes. The paintings of the Mexicans. as they are called, remain to be investigated. in order to fix our ideas on this interesting subject. ‘This task ought properly to belong to the learned societies and individuals of this con- tinent, who, it is to be hoped, will emulate those of the old world in prosecuting researches so interesting to the philolo- gical sciencet. Inthis pursu:t the method which M. Cham- pollion has followed of making the oral language subservient to the study of the written characters cannot be too strongly recommended ; for it is by audible sounds that the ideas of * Précis du systéme hiéroglyphique des anciens egyptiens, par M. Champollion le jeune, Paris, 1824. 1 Vol. 8vo, 410 pp. with a volume of plates. + It is now very difficult to procure original specimens of the Mexican paintings; the government of that country having lately established a museum in their capital where all that can be collected are to be pre- served, and taken measures to prevent any being exported to foreign countries. Our learned associate, Mr Poinsett, minister to that republic not only of our government but of science, gives us reason to hope that correct fac similes can be obtained, by means of which this study may be pursued to a certain extent; but certainly not with the same ad- vantage as in the city of Mexico, where the ancient language is still in use, and where a large collection of written monuments will be at all times accessible. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. Gl mankind are embodied, and acquire an outward form to the ear and an inward form to the mind; while writing is but a secondary mode of communication, much more limited in its objects and use, and which is in necessary connection with the oral signs of ideas. It seems idle at this day to talk of a written language, entirely independent of speech, and unconnected with it. ‘There is little reason to doubt but that such a connection will be discovered in the Mexican writing, as it has been in the Egyptian and Chinese. Auxiliary to these vast labours, Europe has produced, since the beginning of the present century, a great number of grammars and dictionaries of languages, which till then were little known, and some of them not at all*. Several of those which had been composed by the catholic mission- aries, and either never published or printed solely for the use of the missions, have been drawn forth from their re- cesses, and published with learned notes and ad itions. Among them we remark the Chinese dctionary of Father Basil de Glemona_ never before printed, which was published at Paris by M. de Guignes, in the year 1813, by order of the emperor Napoleon, in a large folio volume of 1114 pages, with a supplement by M. Klaproth, and the Japanese grammar of Father Rodriguez translated into French and printed at Paris by M. Landresse with valuable additions by M Abel Retnusat and a supplement by baron W. Humboldtf. The Asiatic Society of Calcutta are prosecuting their learned * Several excellent grammars have also been published of languages already known, as the Arabic, Hebrew, &e. among which are remarked those of Gesenius, Silvestre de Sacy, and several other eminent philolo- gists. The Arabic grammar of the latter is particularly esteemed. As an orientalist and a writer on general grammar, M. de Sacy enjoys a high and justly acquired reputation. + Elements de la Grammaire Japonaise, par le P. Rodriguez. Traduit du Portugais sur le MS. de Ja Bibliotheque du Roi, et collationné avec la Grammaire publiée par le meme a Nangasaki en 1604. Par M. C. Lan- dresse. Precede d’un explication des Syllabaires Japonais, avec deux Planches.. Par M. Abel Remusat. Paris, 1825. Supplement a la Grammaire Japonaise du P. Rodriguez, &c. Par M, je Baron G. de Humboldt. Paris, 1826, 72 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE labours, which have thrown much light on the languages of hither and farther India. A society established at Paris since 1822 emulates their exertions, and its numerous pub- lications are highly valuable: among these we cannot help noticing the learned and interesting essay of Mess. Burnouf and Lassen, on the Pali or Bali, the sacred language of the peninsula beyond the Ganges*. The Journal Asiatique, published by that Society, of which nine volumes have already appeared. and the tenth will be completed in June next, is full of instructive matter concerning the languages of Asia. The same may be said of the Mélanges Asiatiques of M. Remusatt, and the Mémoires relatifs a PAsie of M. Kia- protht. The Asia Polyglotta of the latter is a work of great meritd. There is also in London, as we are informed, an Asiatic Society lately established, but their memoirs have not yet reached us. It is said that the sacred scriptures, or parts of them, have been translated into one hundred and fifty different lan- guages or dialects by the exertions of the British, Russian, aud American Bible Societies.. The christian missionaries of different sects and countries. and the European and American navigators and travellers, have immensely in- creased our stock of vocabularies and other specimens of languages hitherto unknown. Among the latter we are bound to notice lieutenant John W hite. of the United States navy, who brought to this country, from Cochin China, a comparative vocabulary of the Chinese and Cochin Chi- * Essai sur le Pali, ou langue sacree de la presqu’isle au dela du Gange, avec 6 planches. Par E. Burnouf & Chr. Lassen. Paris, 1826. + M-langes Asiatiques, ou choix de morceaux de critique relatifs aux religions, aux sciences, a. des nations orientales. Par M. Abel Remusat, 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1815. { Mémoires relatifs a Asie, contenant des recherches historiques, geographiques, et philologiques sur les peuples de Vorient. Par M. J. Klaproth. 2 vols, Svo. Paris, 1824—1826. § Asia Polyglotta von Julius Klaproth. 1 vol. quarto, with an atlas of languages, tolio. Paris, 1823. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 73 nese languages, which he has deposited in the Marine East India Company’s Museum at Salem in Massachusetts, an extract from which is subjoined to the History of his Voy- age to the China Sea*. It is hoped that the Boston Academy of Arts and Sciences will cause the whole to be published in their valuable Transactions. It will be interesting not only to the learned of this country, but also to those of Europe ; as it not only shews the degree of affinity in the idioms of the two nations, Chinese and Cochin Chinese, but also in what manner the characters of the former are employed to represent the words of-the latter, when they differ in sound or in sense: It proves to demonstration that the Chinese characters cannot be read alike in every language ; not even in those which have the greatest resemblance to that of China and may be considered in a measure as Chinese dialects. Thus learned and industrious men are collecting in all parts of the world the valuable materials out of which is to be erected the splendid edifice of Universal Philology. Various attempts have been made to reduce this science into a body of doctrine, but none has completely succeeded, because the facts on which it rests have not yet been sufficiently ascertained. Innumerable works have been written on the origin of language, while the greatest number of the idioms of the earth were entirely unknown. Theories have been accumulated instead of facts, every one of which had its day until superseded by some newer and more fashionable sys- tem. Now and then some gifted men pierced through the cloud of darkness by the mere force of their intuitive genius, * History of a Voyage to the China Seas. By John White, Lieutenant in the U. 8. Navy. Boston. Wells & Lilly. 1823. This book has been since reprinted in London. But the booksellers, probably for want of Chinese characters, have left out of their edition all that relates to the Cochin Chinese language. Thus in our American edition of Barrow’s Travels in China, the specimens of Tartar characters have been omitted, because the booksellers did not think it expedient to have them cast or engraved. In this manner trade prospers at the ex- pense of science. VOL. IlI.—-T 74 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE and their writings have not a little contributed to the ad- vancement of knowledge. Among those we must place in the first rank the illustrious president De Brosses, whose excellent treatise on the mechanical formation of language* contains more correct reasoning than any other work on the same subject. Nor can I pass over in silence the ligiits that are diffused through the Elements of Ideo- lozy of our venerated associate Destutt Tracyt+, so fruit- ful of important principles that still remain to be applied to various unsettled points of our science. But. with these helps and many others that could be mentioned, we are not yet prepared for a general elementary treatise on phi- lology taken in its whole extent: more facts are yet to be collected, and inveterate theories submitted to the test of truth, before this great work ean be undertaken with hopes of success. Philology in fact, in the sense in which I wish to be understood, is of immense extent. It not only embraces oral language in all its varieties, but also writing and all the signs by means of which ideas are communicated through the organs of sight. The language of signs which the deaf and dumb make use of is alone a science. But setting these aside, and confining ourselves to speech pro- perly so called, we find in that alone a boundless field of inquiry. We are arrested in the outset by the unnumbered Janguages and dialects which are spread over the surface of the earth, of which a very few only can be acquired by any individual. But philology comprehends them all, it ob- liges us to class and compare them with each other, for which we have no other aid than the knowledge more or less perfect of afew, and a superficial view of the rest. The philologist must learn to catch the prominent traits by wiich the different modes of speech are distinguished, * Traité de la formation mécanique des langues et des principes physiques de |’étymologie, 2 vols, 12mo. Paris, An IX. + Elements d’idéologie, par A. L. C. Destutt Tracy, Sénateur, 3 vols, Svo. Paris, 1804—1805. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 75 and for that must trust to the labours of others in’ the shape of grammars, dictionaries, vocabularies, and other works of detail. ‘This is enough to occupy a whole life. But it is not all. ‘The single branch of philology which relates to oral languages has its subdivisions, each of which may be considered as a separate science: here is paono- Loey, which teaches us to distinguish the various sounds produced by the human voice, with their tones, accents, and inflections, to analyze, class, and compare them with each other, and represent them, as much as possible, by visible signs* ; eryMoLoey, or the kKnowledee of those constituent paits of language that we call words, by means of which we are enabled to trace the affinities of the different idioms of the earth, and the filiation of the numerous races and fami- lies of men who inhabit it; and lastly, ipeEOLOGy, or the com- parative study of the cramimatical forms and idiomatic con- struction of languages, by which we are taught to analyze and distingu’si: the ndifficeeret shapes in which ideas combine themselves in order to fix perceptions in our minds, and transmit them to those of others; while we observe with wonder the effects of that tendency to order and method and that natural logic which God has implanted in the mind of every man. A considerable time must elapse before we shall have collected a sufficiency of facts to enable us to generalize to a certain extent our ideas on these various subjects, the attempting of which too soon has hitherto been the great error of philclogists. It is astonishing to see what efforts have been made by men of superior as well as those of inferior talents, to discover the origin of human speech, to trace an original or primitive language in those which now exist, to invent a universal or philosophical idiom, a uni- versal grammar, a universal alphabet, and so many other universals, while the particulars are yet to be learned. * I have treated of this subject separately, merely in its application to the English language, in the first volume of the present series of these Transactions, p. 228. A reference to that essay will shew the immense extent of this branch of the philological science. 76 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE When we find such menas Court de Gebelin, Bishop Wilkins, Maupertuis, Rousseau, Adam Smith, and so many others, seri- ously employed in the pursuit of those unattainable objecis, we can but lament the disposition of the human mind to transgress the bounds which Eternal Wisdom has prescribed to human Knowledge and human power. If philology had no other object than to promote and fa- cilitate the intercourse between nations, and make men better acquainted with the globe they inhabit, it wouid be well worth all the trouble and labour that may be bestowed upon it. What further results it may produce, useful or interesting to mankind, it is impossible to foretel. Thus much is certain, that no science more powerfully excites that desire of knowledge which is inherent in our nature, and which, no doubt, was given to us by the Almighty for Wise purposes. Moved by these.considerations, the American Philosophi- cal Society have thought it incumbent upon them to add to the mass of facts which are accumulating on all sides, by the publication of this grammar. While the languages of Asia occupy the attention of the philologists of Europe, light is expected from this quarter to be shed on those of our own continent. This Society was the first to discover and make known to the world the remarkable character which per- vades, as far as they are yet known, the aboriginal languages of America, from Greenland to Cape Horn. [i the period of seven years which has elapsed since the publication of the Report presented to their Historical Committee in 1819*, all the observations which have been made on Indian languages, at that time unknown, have confirmed their theory, if theory it can be called, which is no more than the general result of a multitude of facts collected with care. This result has shewn that the astonishing variety of forms of human speech wiiich exists in the eastern hemisphere is not to be found in * Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the Ame- rican Philosophical Society, vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1819. ~ OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. my the western. Here we find no monosyllablic language like the Chinese*, and its cognate idioms; no analytical lan- guages like those of the north of Europe, with their nume- rous expletive and auxiliary monosyllables ; no such contrast is exhibited as that which is so. striking to the most su- perficial observer, between the complication of the forms of the Basque language and the comparative simplicity of those of i's neighbours the French and Spanish ; but a uni- form system, with such differences only as constitute vari- etics in natural objects, seems to pervade them all, and this genus of human languages has been called polysynthetic, from the numerous combinations of ideas which it presents in the form of words. It has also been shewn that the American languages are rich in words and regular in their forms, and that they do not yield in those respects to any other idiom. These facis have attracted the attention of the learned in Europe, as well as in this country; but they have not been able entirely to remove the prejudices that have been so long entertained against the languages of savage nations. The pride of civilization is reluctant to admit facts like these in their utmost extent, because they shew how little philoso- phy and science have to do with the formation of language. A vague idea still prevails that the idioms of barbarous tribes must be greatly inferior to those of civilized nations, and rea- sons are industriously sought for to prove that inferiority, not only in point of cultivation, which would readily be admitted, but also to shew that their organization is comparatively in perfect. ‘Thus a learned member of the Berlin Acade- * By a monosyllabic language, | do not mean one every word of which consists of asingle syllable, but one of which every syllable is a complete word. The learned M. Remusat has satisfactorily proved in his Mélanges Asiatiques, vol. 2, p. 47, and in the third volume of the Mines de U’ Orient, that the Chinese language is not monosyllabic in the first of these senses ; but at the same time, I think it cannot be denied that it is so in the second, its polysyllabic words being formed by the junction of two or more vo- cables, each consisting only of one syllable, in the same manner as our compound English words welcome, welfare, &c. There may be a few exceptions ; but they prove nothing against the general rule. YOL. Ill.——U 78 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE my of Sciences, in an ingenious and profound disserta- tion on the forms of languages*, while he admits that those of the American Indians are rich, methodical, and arti- ficial in their structure, yet will not allow them to pos- sess what he calls genuine grammatical forms (zechte for- men), because, says he, their words are not inflected like those of the Greek, Latin, and Sanscrit, but are formed by a different process, which he calls agglutination, and on that supposition, he assigns to them an inferior rank in the scale of languages, considered in the point of view of their capa- city to aid the development of ideas. ‘That such prejudices should exist among men who have deservedly acquired an eminent reputation for science is much to be regretted; and it is particularly with a view to remove them from the minds of such men, that this grammar is published. ‘The learned baron will, I hope, recognize in the conjugations of the Del- aware verbs those inflected forms which he justly admires, and he will find that the process which he is pleased to call agglutination, is not the only one which our Indians em- ploy in the combination of their ideas and the formation of their words. But it is not in Europe alone that we find persons dispo- sed to disparage every thing that belongs to the American Indians. The same spirit prevails, | am sorry to say in a much higher degree, among many in this country, particu- larly those who inhabit our frontier settlements, where causes of difference too often arise between the two races. This feeling, when once entertained, knows no bounds, and men, in other respects gifted with judgment and talents, feel its influence unperceived. I have been led into this observa- tion by a well written and otherwise interesting article on the Indians and their languages, which appeared in the North American Review for January, 1826, the anonymous author * Ueber das Entstehen der grammatischen Formen, und ihren Einfluss aufdie Ideen Entwicklung. Von Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt. Pub- lished in the Transactions of the Berlin Academy of Sciences for the year 1822. Historical and Philological Class, p. 401. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 79 of which labours hard to depreciate the unfortunate Indians, and make them appear the most stupid as well as the most barbarous race of men, and their languages of course as cor- responding with that degraded character. It is a matter of regret that this writer should have been carried so far away by his prejudices, as to charge the venerable Heckewelder, who resided nearly forty years as a missionary among the Delaware Indians, not only with ignorance of their language, but with fabricating Delaware words, in order to suit a par- ticular purpose*. ‘This is carrying too far the maxim nul- lius in verba, and the reviewer who ventures so much ought first to have convinced his readers that he was himself per- fectly acquainted with the Delaware language, while, on the contrary, after mentioning a few of Mr Heckewelder’s sub- stantives, the sounds of which it seems are not pleasing to his ears, he exclaims in disgust, ‘“ Pronounce these who can ; we eschew the task.” This strong expression of an un- pleasant feeling is not natural to one who is conversant with a particular idiom: such a one, besides, must be pre- sumed to be in some degree familiar with its sounds, and to be able, at least, to articulate them. The reviewer that I speak of pays no greater respect to Mr Zeisberger, the author of this grammar. If he does not expressly charge him with forgery, he at least tries to make it appear that he did not know the language on which he wrote. In this grammar, in the conjugation of the causative form of the verb wulamallsin, to be happy, will be found the participle present wulamalessohaluwed, he who makes hap- py, which in the transitive form is changed into wulamales- sohalid, he who makes me happy, and this last word, taking the vocative termination an, becomes wulamalessohalian, O thou who makest me happy! The reviewer is pleased (p. 75.) to turn this beautiful grammatical form into ridicule, and expressly denies there being such a one in the language. * This word (elumiangellatschik) has been evidently formed to meet the case, and formed on erroneous principles. N. A. Review, p. 76. 80 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE Among other reasons equally unsatisfactory, he objects that the pronoun who or its elements are not to be found in the composition of the word; as if this pronoun could not be un- derstood, as it is in the participial forms of all languages, when used as substantives. ‘Thus the Latin participle amans may be translated he who loves. ille qui amat, and yet, not a trace of the pronoun qui is found in it. In the English language the participle present is not generally employed in a substantive sense, therefore the word loving can not be translated by he who loves, but the meaning of the noun substantive lover may be thus rendered, and the participle past beloved is often used in that sense, as the beloved, he who is be- loved, the pronoun who being understood. But the reviewer goes farther, and pretends that there is no word in any In- dian language answering to our pronoun who*. Be it so; but the idea which it conveys certainly exists in the minds of the Indians, and therefore there is the greater necessity for words in which that idea may be comprehended when it cannot be separately expressed. These specimens are suffi- cient to give an idea of the reviewer’s course of reasoning, nor do the limits of this preface allow me to pursue it far- ther. It is difficult to know to what Indian language this gentle- man’s attention has been particularly directed. If we are to judge from his numerous specimens of Ind‘an phrases, he should be equally familiar with the idioms of the Delawares, Chippeways, Sioux, Kickapoos, Sacs and Foxes, Potowato- mies, Wyandots, and Shawanese, in all which he furnishes us with sentences, without any apparent object than to show that those languages are poor and illy constructed. Our author, Mr Zeisberger, did not pretend to so much knowledge; the Delaware and the Onondago were all he professed to know, and he proved the justice of his claim, by a dictionary of the * On the contrary, the pronoun who has an equivalent in every Indian language that I know of: Delaware, awwen (see this grammar); Onon- dago, schu, schune, schung, schunahote (Zeisberger’s Dictionary); Mene- monie, owa; Dahcota or Sioux, tuaa, &c. Ke. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 81 one, and grammars of both. Mr Heckewelder pretended only to know the Delaware, and his correspondence with our Historical Committee, in the first volume of their Tran- sactions, appears sufficient to support his pretensions. Both these gentlemen spent the greatest part of their lives among the Indians on whose languages they wrote ; while the ano- nymous reviewer does not tell us that he. ever resided with any of them. If he derived his information from In- dian traders and interpreters, he is not probably aware that they are not the proper sources from which the knowledge of the grammar of those languages is to be obtained ; they do not pretend to be men of science, and it is a well known fact that even Indians, who are much in the habit of convers- ing with white men, will adapt their forms as much as pos- sible to the construction of our own language, expecting thereby to be better understood. — It is thus that we often speak broken English, when addressing foreigners, and that nurses will lisp when speaking to children; but it is not so that Indian orators express themselves when addressing their tribes on important subjects. I should not have taken notice of this anonymous publi- cation, but that the high character and extensive circulation of the Norih American Review, in which it would seem that it was inadvertently inserted, made it incumbent upon me to say something to counteract the effect of asser- tions so boldly male, and therefore calculated to make an impression on those who have not leisure to investigate the subject. It is but lately that the forms of the languages of the American Indians have begun to attract attention ; [ am satisfied that the more they are known, the greater astonish- ment they will excite in unprejudiced minds. In the mean time we must expect that ancient prepossessions will have their way, and that @ priori reasoners will not see their favou- rite theories disturbed without a struggle; but facts are stubborn, and their evidence must at last prevail. The most curious thing, undoubtedly, that exists in the languages of the Indians, is the manner in which they com- VOL. Ill.—X 82 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE pound their words. It was first observed by Egede in his account of Greenland, and Mr Heckewelder explains it at large in the eighteenth letter of his correspondence*. By this means, says governor Colden, speakiig of the Iro- quois, these nations can increase the number of their words to any extent. None of the languages of the old world that we know of appear to possess this prerogative : a multitude of ideas are combined together, by a process which may be called agglutination, if the term be found agreeable, but which, whatever name it may receive, is not the less a subject of real wonder to the inquiring philologist. I have not space to give here many examples of this manner which the In- dians have of combining several ideas together into one locution. I must therefore refer the reader to those ad- duced by Egede and by Mr Heckewelder, in the ahove cited passage of his correspondence. I shall, however, select a word from the Delaware language, which will convey a clear idea of the mode of formation of all others of the same kind. I have chosen this word for the sake of its euphony, to which even the most delicate Italian ear will not be disposed to object. When a Delaware woman is playing with a little dog or cat, or some other young animal, she will often say to it kuligatschis ! which 1 would translate into English, g7ve me your pretty little paw, or what a pretty little paw you have! This word is compounded in the following manner: K is the inseparable pronoun of the second person, and may be rendered by thow or thy, according to the context. Uli (pronounced oolee) is part of the word wulit, which signifies handsome or pretty. It has also other meanings not necessary to be here specified. Gat is part of the word wichgat, which signifies a leg or paw. Schis is a diminutive termination, and conveys the idea of littleness. * Hist. Trans. p. 405. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 83 Thus in one word the Indian woman says to the animal, Thy pretty little prw ! and according to the tone in which she speaks, and the gestures which she makes, either calls upon it to present its foot, or simply expresses her fondling adiniration. Inthe same manner Pélape, a youth, is formed from Pilsit. chaste, innocent, and Lenape,aman*. tis dif- ficult to find a more elegant combination of ideas ina single word of any existing idiom. I do not know of any language out of this part of the world in wiich words are compounded inthis manner. ‘The process consists in putting together portions of different words, so as to awaken at the same time inthe mind of the hearer the various ideas which they separately express. There are probably principles or rules pointing out the patticular parts that are to be selected in order to form the compound locution. Sometimes a whole syllable, and perhaps more; so .etimes a single sound, or, as we would call it, a single letter: to discover those rules would require a great proticiency in the language, and at the same time a very sound discriminating mind ; qualities which are seldom found united; perhaps also the ear, an Indian ear, is the guide which is generally followed; but the ear has also its rules, to which the mind imperceptibly con- forms: however it may be, this is an interestin: fact in the natural history of human language, justly entitled to the atten- tion of philologists. This is not the only manner in which the American In- dians combine their ideas into words. They also have many of the forms of the languages which we so much ad- mire, the Latin, Greek, Sanscrit. Slavonic, &c. mixed with others peculiarly their own. Their conjuzations are as re- gular as those of any language that we Know; and for the proof of this | need only to refer to the numerous paradigms of Delaware verbs that are contained in this grammar, in wiich will be found the justly admired in- * MS. letter of Mr Heckewelder, 22d of October 1818. 84 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE flections of the languages of ancient Europe. Although they do not appear to have the numerous tenses which the Greek boasts of, they are not, however, deficient in the expression of the relations of the present, past, and future to each other. There is no shade of idea in respect to the time, place, and manner of action which an Indian verb cannot express, and the modes of expression which they make use of for those purposes are so numerous, that. if they were to be considered as parts of the conjugation of each verb, one single paradigm might fill a volume. Thus n’mitzi signifies I eat, ina general sense, and n’mamitz2. 1am eating at this moment. Each of these verbs is separately conjugated in all its forms. Indeed, the multitude of ideas which in the Indian lan- guages are combined with the verb has justly attracted the attention of the learned in all parts of the world. It is not their transitive conjugations expressing at the same time the idea of the person acting, and that acted upon, that have excited so much astonishment. They are found also, though not with the same rich variety of forms, in the Hebrew and other oriental languages. But when two verbs with intermediate ideas are combined together into one, as in the Delaware n’schingiwipoma, 1 do not like to eat with him*, which the Abbé Molina also declares to exist in the idiom of Chili t; there is sufficient cause to wonder, particu- larly when we compare the complication of these languages with the simplicity of the Chinese and its kindred dialects in the ancient world. Whence can have arisen sucha marked diversity in the forms of human speech? Nor is it only with the verbs that accessary ideas are so curiously combined in the Indian languages ; it is so likewise with the other parts of speech. Take the adverb for in- stance. ‘The abstract idea of time is frequently annexed to it. Thusif the Delawares mean to say, If you do not return, * Hist Trans. p. xxvi. + Iduancloclavin, I do not wish to eat with him.” Hist. of Chili, Append. on the Chilian Language. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 85 they will express it by mattatsch gluppiweque, which may be thus construed: Matta is the negative adverb no; tsch is the sign of the future, with which the adverb is inflected ; gluppiweque is the second person of the plural number of the present tense of the subjunctive mood of the verb gluppiechton, Teturn about or return. In this manner every idea meant to be conveyed by this sentence is clearly understood. The subjunctive mood shews the uncertainty of the action, and the sign of the future tense coupled with the adverb points to a time not yet come when it may or may not take place. The Latin phrase nisi veneris expresses all these meanings ; but the English Jfyou do not come, and the French Si vous ne venez-pas, bave by no means the same elegant precision. ‘The idea which in Delaware and Latin the subjunctive form directly conveys is left to be gathered in the English and French from the words if and sz, and there is nothing else to point out the futurity of the action. And where the two former languages express every thing with two words, each of the latter requires five, which yet repre- sent a smaller number of ideas. ‘To which of these gram- matical forms is the epithet barbarous to be applied ? This very cursory view of the general structure of the Indian Janguages, exemplified by the Delaware, will at least convince the reader that a considerable degree of art and method has presided over their formation. Whether this as- tonishing fact is to be considered as a proof (as many are inclined to believe) that this continent was formerly inha- bited by a civilized race of men, or whether it is not more natural to suppose that the Almighty Creator bas endowed mankind with a natural logic which leads them, as it were, by instinct, to such methods in the formation of their idioms as are best calculated to facilitate their use, I shall not at pre- sent inquire; I do not, however, hesitate to say, that the bias of my mind is in favour of the latter supposition ; be- cause no language has yet been discovered, either among savage or polished nations, which was not governed by rules VOL. Il.—yY 86 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE and principles which nature alone could dictate, and human science never could have imagined. Various attempts have been made towards the formation of a philosophical lan- guage; none of them has ever gone beyond the imitation of those which were previously known ; neither Leibnitz nor Bishop Wilkins, neither Monboddo nor De Brosses, nor any of those illustrious philosophers who have written so much on the origin and formation of languages, could have disco- vered @ priori the curious combinations by which the Ame- rican Indians form their words ; nor the manner in which they associate with the verb such an immense number of accessary ideas; we are therefore compelled, when endea- vouring to account for the variety of modes in which men represent their perceptions through the organs of speech, to abandon all vain theories, and look up only to nature and nature’s God. I have been led into these preliminary observations far- ther than IT expected; I feel that I have been insensibly drawn beyond the legitimate bounds of a preface ; it is, however, necessary that I should say something of this grammar and of its author. The Reverend David Zeisberger was a native of Mora- via, where he was born in the year 1721. He was edu- cated at Herrnhut in the principles of the religion of the United Brethren. At the age of seventeen he came to this country, and landed in Georgia, where his co-religionists had begun some settlements. Thence he came to Pennsylvania. In the year 1746, (being twenty five years of age) he was sent out as a missionary to the North American Indians, in which employment he continued, with few and short intervals, until his death, which happened in the year 1808. He died at Goshen, in the state of Ohio, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. Thus this venerable missionary resided upwards of sixty years among the Indians of this country, preaching the gos- pel to them in their native idioms. In this manner he acquired several of their languages; but was particularly OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 87 skilled in the Onondago (an Iroquois dialect) and the Lenni Lenape or Delaware. On the former he wrote three gram- mars. two in German* and the other in Englisht, and a dictionary, German and Indian, consisting of seven volumes in quarto. These works, all in manuscript, are deposited in our Society’s library. Those on the Delaware, except this grammar, have been all printed. They consist of a copious spelling book in De- Jaware and English, of which two editions have been pub- lishedt, Sermons to Children in Delawareé, and a Collection of Hymns in the same language||, all which appeared in his life time. After his death his translation into Dela- ware of Lieberkuhn’s Harmony of the Four Gospels § was given to the public by the care and at the expense of the Female Auxiliary Missionary Society at Bethlehem, aided by private subscribers, among whom the late Ho- nourable Elias Boudinot of New Jersey was conspicuous. The original manuscript of this grammar the author order- ed by his will to remain deposited in the library of the United Brethren at Bethlehem, where it now is. In the * Onondagoische Grammatica. MS. 4to, pp. 176; and a shorter one also in 4to, pp. 87. + Essay of an Onondago Grammar, or a short introduction to learning the Onondago alias Maqua tongue. MS. 4to, pp. 67. { Delaware and English Spelling Book, for the use of the Missions of the United Brethren. Philadelphia, 1776 and 1806. The second edition is much improved, and contains pp. 179, 12mo. § Ehelittonhenk li amemensak gischitak Elleniechsink, untschi David Zeisberger. Philadelphia, 1803, pp. 115, 12mo. || A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Christian Indians of the Mission of the United Brethren in America. Philadelphia, 1803, pp. 358, 12mo. These hymns are all in the metre of German poetry, and are to be sung to German tunes. It would have required more genius than falls to the common lot of man to have discovered a rhythm suited to the character of the language, and melodies adapted to it. Such diversified talents are seldom to be looked for in those who devote their lives to the conver- sion of savage nations. §| Elekup Nihillalquonk woak Pemauchsohalquonk Jesus Christ, seki ta tauchsitup wochgidhakamike. New York, 1821, pp. 222, 12mo. 88 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE ycar 1816, our late lamented associate, the Reverend John Heckewelder, having been requested to aid our Historical Committee in their investigation ef the forms and strue- ture of the Indian languages, was kind enough, with the permission of his superiors, to confide to them that va- luable manuscript for their temporary use. The Commit- tee ordered it to be translated into English; and | willingly undertook the task: various circumstances have hitherto prevented its appearance. Several learned men, however, both in Europe and in this country, having repeatedly ex- pressed their wish to see it in print, its publication could no longer be delayed. The reader must not expect to find here a_philoso- phical grammar, as this was not made for the use of philo- sophers, but of young missionaries—its object was entirely practical, The author never dreamt that the theory of the Indian languages would ever become the subject of philo- sophical study. He has followed the usual divisions of the parts of speech ; but has not endeavoured, like the Spanish American grammarians, to force the Indian forms of lan- guage into too close an analogy with our own. To a cer- tain degree it is necessary to explain the forms of the Indian languages by those to which we are accustomed ; to do otherwise would be following the old exploded me- thod of teaching the Latin language by means of a giam- mar written entirely in Latin ; at the same time, the peculiar forms of the new idiom ought to be pointed out in a clear and intelligible manner, and their principles analyzed so as to lay down their rules, when differing from our own, with the greatest possible perspicuity. It were to be wished that our author had devoted a chapter to the syntax and phraseology of the language ; but that, | presume, he left to be acquired by practice. Upon the whole, however, I think his grammar the best that I have seen of an Ame- rican dialect. It is copious and rich in examples, and his paradigms of the conjugations of Indian verbs are suf- ficiently numerous to give a correct idea of the manner in OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 89 which that part of speech is constructed. The personal verbs or transitions are fully and clearly explained. Indeed, it may be said that he has the merit of clearness throughout ; a merit so very rare, that it deserves to be noticed. Those who before him have treated of Indian languages have either not always understood themselves, or not been very anxious to be understood by others. [donot even except the vene- rable Eliot, whose Grammar of the Language of the Massa- chusetts Indians is not free from obscurities ; some of which the present one of its kindred dialect, the Delaware, will help to clear up. The Indian words in this Grammar are to be pronounced according to the powers of the German alphabet, which Mr Zeisberger thought proper to adopt*. It bas long been a desideratum in the philological science, that there should be a uniform mode of writing exotic words, in order to convey, as much as possible, the same idea of their sounds, at least to the learned, through the civilized world. But, independ- ent of the numerous difficulties which naturally attend such a design, from the almost entire impossibility of conveying to the mind through the eye the idea of sounds which the ear never heard, an ill understood national pride makes every nation desire that their own alphabet should be chosen as the medium of communication. The least prejudiced on this subject insist at least on the Roman character being univer- sally used. The celebrated Volney wished all the Oriental * The translator has preserved the orthography of the original, except that he has substituted the letter y for the German j, because y has the same sound according to the English and German pronunciation. Also where the author has introduced the vowel o after w, in order to shew that the latter is to have the English and not the German sound, and so writes woagan to be pronounced wagan, the translator has suppressed the o, thinking it sufficient to give notice that w consonant is always to be pronounced as in English, whether it be followed by another conso- nant or by avowel. In the former case a sheva or mute vowel is interposed between the two sounds: thus, wdanis (daughter) is pronounced w’danis and not oo-danis. Following the same principle, where the author writes wiquoam (a house) the translator writes wikwam, which is precisely the sound which Zeisberger meant to represent. VOL. IIl.—Z 90 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE languages to be written in that character, and not only pro- posed a plan to that effect, but left a considerable legacy by his will to be employed in premiums to those who should suggest the best means of carrying it into execution. This shews how far a favourite idea may take hold of the mind of a man, however distinguished by his genius and talents. It is not for those languages that have already an alphabet and an orthography of their own that a uniform mode of writing their words is desirable ; uniformity in this respect, even among the nations that use the same characters, is ab- solutely unattainable. All that is desired is a common mode of communicating the sounds of unwritten languages, in or- der to facilitate the comparison of their words and gramina- tical forms with each other with the greater exactness. To this object the powers of our English alphabet are not ade- quate ; because its vowel sounds are uncertain and a great part of them are represented by diphthongs. But most nations seem to think that their national honour is concerned in forcing their own orthography upon the learned world. Thus since the study of the Chinese language has becoine fashionable in Europe, the Portuguese mode of spelling Chi- nese words, to which all were before accustomed, has been entirely abandoned, and the English and French have each adopted the orthography of their own language ; so that itis sometimes difficult to recognize the same words in the gram- mars and dictionaries which they have respectively published. In this country we are free from this prejudice; therefore my learned friend Mr Pickering, with the liberality which characterizes an American man of science, has proposed a uniform mode of writing the words of our Indian languages*, which | am happy to find has been almost universally adopted by our Missionaries not only on this continent, hut in the South Sea Islands. 1 am also informed that our go- * An Essay on a uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North America. By John Pickering. Published at Boston in the Me- moirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. LV. p. 319. OP THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. Ot vernment, who, it is reported and generally believed, are preparing to publish an important national work on the languages of the Indians who inhabit these United States on the model considerably improved of that of the empress Ca- therine, have recommended to the agents and other persons emploved in collecting the materials to conform themselves as much as possible to the alphabet proposed by Mr P:ck- ering. Thus America will have the honour of giving an example which it is to be hoped will be more generally followed. ‘This alphabet is entirely formed of our Roman characters. The vowel sounds are those of the German and Italian lan- guages. ‘lhe nasals are expressed by a comma or cedilla ui der each nasal vowel. atier the Polish manner. The En- glish shis preserved, and its correlative Zh is adopted for the sound of the French and Portuguese j7. The compound consonant sounds are represented by their component signs, thus ks, ksh. ts, tz. &e. The Author has been care- ful not to introduce any new characters. Even the sound of the Greek x and Spanish jota is expressed in the most usual manner by kh; and although there is a real diffe- rence between these two sounds, the one being &, and the other g aspirate. Mr Pickering did not think it ne- Cessary to appropriate to each a separate character, well Knowing that approximation is all that can be reached, and that every attempt to distinguish nice differences of sound would eventually prove vain. ‘Thus, with a liberality which cannot be too much praised, M: Pickering has selected among the various powers which the nations of Europe have given to the characters of the Roman alphabet those which best suited his purpose, without shewing favour or partiality to any country, and least to his own. His plan, moreover, is simple and easy of execu- tion. If itis not the best that could possibly be devised. it is the one that is most likely to be certainly adopted. — Bril- liant theories and highlv complicated schemes may dazzle for a while: but simplicity in plans presented for general 92 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE practice is the mark of true genius, and must ultimately pre- vail. Before I conclude this preface, I beg leave to say a few words respecting the present translation. When, eleven years ago, I undertook to make it for the Philosophical So- ciety I had never turned my attention to the Indian lan- guages, and | was entirely ignorant of their forms and con- struction. I therefore thought of nothing beyond a close and literal translation of the manuscript. I soon per- ceived, however, that it had been written on loose sheets, which had been bound together after the Author’s death by persons not conversant with the subject. It also became clear to me that Mr Zeisberger had not given the last finish- ing hand to his work. He probably meant to have con- densed it, and to have exhibited the various forms of the conjugations of the verbs in a lesser number of paradigms. These observations struck me as | went on with the transla- tion which I finished as I had begun it. I left out only one chapter, in which the author explained the manner of ex- pressing the German compound verbs into the Delaware language; as it would have required too much labour to adapt it to the English forms of speech, and would have participa- ted in too great a degree of an original composition. I regret, however, that I did not attempt it. It is now too late, as Mr Zeisberger’s manuscript has been returned to the Bethlehem library. I had no idea at the time that this grammar would ever be published. Since the Society came to a resolution to commit it to the press, it became my duty to revise what I had done; I saw that it would require to be almost entirely recast, and above all to be considerably abridged, in order to give it that form which alone could satisfy the taste of the present age. But on this I could not venture. For more than ten years, indeed, I have applied myself to the study of the Indian languages, and have become more conversant with their structure and forms than those who have not paid a similar attention to the subject. Besides the usual helps OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 93 of grammars, dictionaries, vocabularies, &c. | have had the benefit of correspondences and personal communications with Indians, missionaries, and other persons from various parts of this hemisphere, more or less skilled in those idioms. With regard to the Delaware, I have received much information from my deceased friend Mr Heckewelder, whom I always found ready to answer my queries, and solve my doubts, whenever | thought proper to communicate them to him. Ihe were still alive, | would not have hesitated, with his kind assistance, to have presented this grammar in a more acceptable form to the public. Without such aid I could not undertake it, being in want of that practical know- ledge which can only be acquired by a long residence among the Indians. Another reason has induced me not to make too free with this grammar, although I] am satisfied that it might have been advantageously abridged. Several gentlemen, par- ticularly of the army, who are stationed or reside in the vicinity of the Indian country, and consequently have much intercourse with the aborigines, have expressed a wish that Mr Zeisberger’s Work should be given in as ample a form as possible, as it would be of great use to them in studying not only the language of the Delawares, but also those of the Chippeways, Menomonies, and other cognate idioms. Therefore it is to be considered that it is not only intended as an exhibition of the forms of the Indian dialects in a scientific point of view, but also as a guide to those who may be engaged in the study of this language. To them the multiplicity of examples which others may think unne- cessary will be of great value, as there are no other writ- ten sources from which they can derive information, if we except Mr Zeisberger’s Spelling Book, which has long been out of print, and his Translation of Lieberkuhn’s Harmony of the Gospels, which was printed only for the use of mis- sionaries. and is not to be purchased. Neither is the Trans- lation of St John’s Epistle by Dencke to be had in the shops. It is much to be regretted that a certain number of copies VOL. U1.—2 A 94 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE of such works are not put in the hands of booksellers for sale. They would be purchased, at least, by the public libra- ries of this country, and perhaps also, of Europe. For these reasons I have ventured upon few alterations of the Manuscript now published. I have, however, some- times varied from the Author’s method, when I thought it too defective, and I have modified his explanations. so as to give them (as I thought) a greater degree of clear- ness and precision, and make them more easily under- stood. I have even occasionally, always with the same view, added some facts and illustrations which were not in the text. But this I have chiefly done in the form of notes at the bottom of the page, under my own name and responsibility. Upon the whole, | have taken no liberty with the Author’s work which I was not sure fe would have approved of if he had been living. As a fair copy of the original manuscript of this translation still re- mains in the Society’s library, the alterations which IT have made may be seen and judged of by all who will take the pains to co pare it with the one now published, Ihope this Grammar will convince those who may still be incredulous, that 1 did not go too far when I asserted in my Report to the Historical Committee that the Indian lan- guages are rich in words and grammatical forms, and that their general structure displays as much order and me- thod as that of any of those that exist on the face of the earth. They are highly synthetical. and combine ideas toge- ther in a manner so artificial and so uniformly consistent with the rules of analogy, that it is not to be wondered at if men, reasoning @ priori, have theught it impossible that such combinations could proceed from the minds of savages. As the fact cannot be denied, the pride of civilization has at last found out that it is very natural that it should be so; because analvsis is the most difficult operation of the human mind, and barbarous nations being incapable of it, their Jancuagzes must necessarily be synthetical. But Mr Adam Stith, who first broached this doctrine in a disser- OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 95 tation on the origin of language subjoined to his Theory of Moral Sentiments, and who has been highly applauded for this discovery, did not surely consider that before the Indians could have combined their ideas, and arranged them in re- gular order in the forms in which they now appear, they must first have analysed them, otherwise they could not have discovered their analogies and adhered to them so closely. But in this they did not proceed as philosophers would have done in their closets; the operations of nature are much quicker than those of science, and perhaps are not the less sure. I leave it to others to explain the details of this pro- cess; my task is to exhibit the facts, not to trace them to their origin. Iam not an enthusiastic or exclusive admirer of the In- dian languages, and am far from being disposed to assert that their forms are superior to these of others. Compa- risons on such subjects appear to me idle, and can lead to no useful results. Language is the instrument of thought and must always be adequate to its object. ‘Therefore no language has yet been and probably never will be found, des- titute of forms; for without them none can exist. By forms Ido not mean only inflexions of words and the like;I mean every regular and methodical arrangement of the ele- ments of speech for practical purposes. ‘This the Chinese have as well as the Delawares, although in vulgar accepta- tion it is commonly said that the Chinese idiom has no forms. Like every thing else in nature, the forms of lan- guage, are various, and in that variety consists the chief beauty of the works of the Almighty Creator. A lan- guage, it is true, may be more or less adapted to certain objects. Some are more poetical than others, while there are those which are better suited to the perspicuity of logical reasoning. But it is only after they have been moulded by the hand of genius that this particular cha- racter becomes apparent. Who can say what Homer would have produced if he had had for his instrument the language of the Lenni Lenape? This, however, we 96 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE may with safety assert; that he would have been able to say more in fewer words, than even in his own admirable Greek. Every mode of speech has its peculiar qualities, susceptible of being developed and improved by cultivation ; but, like flowers and plants, all languages have a regular organiza- tion, and none can be called barbarous in the sense which presumption has affixed to that word. An unorganized lan- guage would be a chaos, unfit to be used as the medium of intercourse between men. No memory could retain a long list of arbitrary words, if order and method, founded on analogy, did not come to its aid. Grammatical forms, therefore, are as necessary to human languages as the or- gans of life and vegetation are to animals and plants. Nei- ther could exist without them. In the idiom before us we have an example of what na- ture can produce, unaided by the theories of science and the refinements of art. To assign to each its proper share in the composition of such noble instruments as the languages of men is not among the least important questions which philology presents to our inquiry. It deserves to be tho- roughly investigated. The result, it is true, will be morti- fying to our pride; but that pride, which makes us ascribe so much to our own efforts, and so little to the silent and unperceived operations of nature, is the greatest obstacle that we meet in our road to knowledge, and we cannot pro- ceed very far in the discovery of natural causes while we remain disposed to attribute every thing to our so much boasted civilization, our limited sciences, and our mimic arts. aut! , OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 97 INTRODUCTION. HE Delaware Indians have no f nor r in their language*. The letters must be pronounced as in German or Latin. The language has no resemblance to any of ours; it has, however, its own fixed rules, to which those must conform who will speak intelligibly. Whoever will speak Indian must learn to think in Indian. This treatise will greatly facilitate those who wish to learn this language, if they will only impress themselves with the rules, which are neither numerous nor difficult. In propor- tion as the knowledge of them is acquired, a greater plea- sure will be found in this study, and every day new treasures will be discovered; but above all, there must be a desire to learn, without which nothing can be effected. * Note by the Translator.—The Delawares who inhabited Pennsylvania, while it was under the Swedish dominion, used the r instead of the /. They called themselves Renni Renape. See Lutheri Catechismus, Oefwersat pao American-Virginiske Spraoket. Stockholm, 1696. This race appears to be extinct. yOL. IlIl.—2 B 98 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE GRAMMAR. I SHALL treat in this essay of the different parts of speech, to wit: * Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Con- junction, and Interjection. Nouns are of two kinds, substantive and adjective. Of the Noun Substantive. The Indians have no declensions, properly so called; that is to say, the nouns are not declined by inflections, as in the Latin and Greek, except in two cases, the vocative and the local. In the others the place of these terminations is supplied by the relative position of the noun, or by gram- matical forms or combinations of the verbs and other parts of speech, as will be shewn in the following examples. These grammatical forms or combinations are peculiar to the Indian languages, and I believe are not to be found in any others. They will be more fully explained under their proper heads. At present I shall only shew in what manner what are commonly called the cases of nouns are expressed or indicated. Nominative. This case (if it may be so called) has no particular form or inflection. It is simply the name of the substantive, as in English. Lenni, the man Sipo or sipu, the river Ochqueu, the woman Getanittowit, God Wikwam, the house Gischuch, the sun. * Note by the Translator.—The Author does not speak of the article ; yet there is one in the Delaware language, the article mo, which is used either in a definite or indefinite sense, as mhittuck, a tree or the tree. The Minsisay michtuk. This article was discovered by the Trans- lator in the Massachusetts language, and on inquiring of Mr Heckewelder, he said that the same article was also in the Delaware, but was not frequently used, because the word was sufficiently understood without it. See his letter to the Translator in the notes to Eliot’s Grammar, 11th Mas- sachusetts’ Historical Collections, Second Series, p. xv. ’ OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 99 [or nouns. ] Genitive. The genitive is expressed by placing the noun employed in that sense immediately before that which is used in the nominative. Sometimes also by prefixing to the nominative the inseparable pronoun of the third i 3 : 5 person w, as we say in English John his book for John’s book. Getannittowit quisall, God’s son Lennowikit, the man’s house Nihillalquonk wtanglowagan*, the Lord’s death | Getannitowit wtallewussowagan, God’s ma- Getannitowit wtahoaltowagan, God’s love jesty Getannitowit gektemagelowagan, God’s mercy | Nihillalquonk allogewaganall, the Lord’s works. The Dative Is expressed by inflections in the verbs and by prefixes and suffixes which will be more particularly explained. Nemilan, I give (to) him Ndatschimolschap, I related to him Milap, he gave ‘to him Notschap, I went, came to him Ndellap, I said (to) him Nowitschewap, I went_with him. Nowitschemap, I fetched (to) him Melat hallemiwi pommauchsowoagan, eternal life The Accusative Is likewise expressed by means of the verbs, as is said above. Ndahoala, I love him Npennauwa, I look athim Nowaha, I know him : Nemachelema, I honour him Npendawa, I understand him Getanittowit nquitayala, I fear God. (God lL Npenauwelema, I take care of him fear him). The Vocative Is expressed in the singular by the termination an, and by enk, when coupled with the pronoun owr. Wo Kitanittowiant ! O God! Pemauchsohalian! O my Saviour ! Nihillalan! O Lord! Pemauchsohaluweyan! O Saviour! Nihillalian! O my Lord! Nocha! (for Nochan), O my father! (says a Nihillaliyenk! O our Lord! child to its father) Elangomellan ! O my friend ! Elenapewian! Thou Indian! Wetochemellan! O my father! Shawanowian! Thou Shawanese ! Wetochemellenk! O our father! Metapewian! O wicked man! Wetochemuxian! O father! Welilissian! O pious man! The Local case. This as well as the preceding may be properly so called. It is formed by means of the suffixes ink and unk, and expresses in, in the, on, out of. * Note by the Translator.— Wtanglowagan. In this word, anglowagan signifies death, from angel, to die. Wis the inseparable pronoun his, and tis interposed for euphony’s sake. Ti see by the Translator.—The Author frequently uses the letters g and k and d and t indis- criminaiely. : t Vote by the Translator —The Author calls this case the ablative. I have preferred the de- nomination /ocal, 100 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or Nouns. | EXAMPLES. Utenink (from Uteney, a city or town), in the Awossagamewunk (from Awossagame, hea- town, in town | ven), in heaven Utenink nda, I am going to town, or into the , Wachtschunk nda (from Wachtschu, hill, moun- town | tain), | am going up the hill Utenink noon, I am coming from er out of Wachtschunk noom, I come from the hill town _Gamunk nda or noom, I am going over the wa- Sipunk (from Sipo, river, creek, water), to or | ter or coming from thence into the river |Machtschikamigunk, in the hole (meaning a Mbink (from Mbi, water), in the water | hole in the ground) Hakink (from Hacki, earth, ground), in or on | Ochunk, at his father’s. the earth OF NUMBERS. The singular has in general no particular inflections to distinguish it from the plural, except in the third person, where it ends in J, but most commonly in wall. The plural is variously inflected. There is a singu- lar number combined with the plural, as in our father, my fathers, and a double plural, as in our fathers. ‘These are distinguished by particular inflections, the double plural, by the duplication of a syllable. Substan- tives are generally combined with the inseparable possessive pronoun, which in the singular is n for the first person, k for the second, and w or o for the third.. The inseparable pronoun is often omitted in the plural and in the third person singular, and the sense is determined by the nu- meric inflection, which is at the same time pronominal.” Those inflec- tions are na or nana in the first person, wa or wawa in the second, and wall, wak and wawall in the third. The duplication of a syllable, as ne- na, wawa, wawawall, indicates the double plural. EXAMPLES. Wetoochwink, Father. - Gahowes, Mother. Singular. Singular. Nooch, my father : Ngahowes, my mother Kooch, thy father Kahowes, thy mother Ochwall, his or her father Gohessal, his or her mother. Singular with Plural. Singular with Plural. Noochena, our father Gohessena, our mother Koochuwa, your father Kohessuwa, your mother Ochuwawall, their father. Gohessuwawall, their mother. Double Plural. Noochenana, our fathers Koochewawa, your fathers Ochuwawawall, their fathers. The double plural is formed as in the pre- ceding example. Sometimes the singular receives numerical inflections, and the substan- tive itself is somewhat modified, as-we have already seen in wetoochwink, father, from which are formed nooch, kooch, &c. So in the following ex- ample : OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 101 [or Nouns. ] Achpoan, Bread. Singular. Plural. N’dappoanum, my bread N’dappoanummena, our bread K’dappoanaum, thy bread K’dappoanumowa, your bread W’dappoanum, his bread W’dappoanumowawall, their bread. The following examples are sufficient to point out the general form of numerical declension : , Hakihacan, the field or plantation. Wuschkink, the eye or sight. Singular. Singular. N’dakihacan, my plantation Neschkink, my sight or eye K’dakihacan, thy plantation Keschkink, thy sight or eye W’ dakihacan, his plantation Wuschkink, his sight or eye Plural. ~ Plural. N’dakihacanena, our plantation Neschkinkuna, our sight or eye 4 dakihacanena, your plantation Keschkinkuwa, your sight or eye W’ dakihacanowawall, their plantation. Wuschkinkuwawall, their sight or eye. The singular with plural and the double plural are formed as in the former examples. The termination naninga is employed in the double plural, when speaking of deceased persons. EXAMPLES. Nothena, our father _ |Muchomsenaninga, our deceased grandfathers Nochenana, ourfathers = * Kimachtenaninga, our deceased brothers Nochenaninga, our deceased fathers Chesmussenaninga, our deceased sisters Muchomsena, our grandfather Gohessenaninga, our deceased mothers. Substantives without the prefixed pronouns are generally inflected in the plural by all or ak, the former termination being applied to inanimate and the latter to animate objects. Trees and the larger plants are con- sidered animate. There are some exceptions to this rule, as for instance namessall, fishes, which takes the inanimate termination ; but they are not numerous. EXAMPLES. Inanimate Form. Hakihacanall, plantations Achsinall, stones Menachgaquall, fence-rails Ulakensall, dishes Siposall, rivers, creeks Amocholall, canoes Wikwahemall, houses Kitoaltewall, ships Uteneyall, cities, towns Oyosall, pieces of meat or flesh. Animate Form. Lennowak, men Amangamequak, large fishes Ochquewak, women Tiposak, hens, fowls Amemensak, children Achsinnaminschiak, sugar trees VOL. Ill.—2 B 402 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or nouns. | Wschumaissak, cows, calves Nenayungesak, horses Hi quak or hitgook, trees } Tscholensak, birds Tsquallak, frogs. Substantives derived from active or neutral verbs take in the plural the termination ik: EXAMPLES. Wenitschanit, father or mother, parent, (from| Peyatschik, those who are coming Wentschikin, to,descend, grow outof) - Elemussitschik, those who are going away Wenitschanitschik, parents Wikhetschik, the cultivators of the earth Wdallemansitschik, the owners of cattle, birds, | Mikemossitschik, labouring people fowls, &e. Mannachetschik, hewers of wood Pemsitschik, those who are going Elauwitschik, hunters. Of the various kinds of Substantives. The substantive combines itself in this language with almost every part of speech, but principally with the verb. We have seen those immediately derived from active or neutral verbs: we shall now proceed to others of an analogous description. 1. There are substantives derived from passive verbs: they end in wa- gan and have no plural : EXAMPLES. Machelemuxowagan, honour, the being ho- ) Machelemoachgenimgussowagan, the receiy- noured . ing honour and praise Gettemegelemuxowagan, the being shewn fa- | Amangachgenimgusswagan, the being raised or vour, mercy, tenderness elevated by praise Mamschalgussowagan, the being held in re- | Schingalgussowagan, the being taken membrance Mamachtschimgussowagan, the being insulted Mamintochimgussowagan, the being esteemed | Pilsohalgussowagan, holiness, purity Wulakenimgussowagan, the being praised ‘ And many others of the same kind. Note.—It might. indeed, be said that substantives in this language have a passive mood, so nearly are they allied to verbs, as will be shewn in its place. 2. There are, moreover, substantives which are akin to participles, such as, . Ahoalgussit, the beloved Mikemossit, the one who is labouring, the la- Mechelemuxit, the honoured bourer Nilchgussit, the killed Nanhillowit, the one who takes care of the dead Lekhikit, the one who is writing Schingaluesit, the enemy, the adversary. 3. There are also those which are derived from verbs but assume the character of participles, such as, Ppmmauchsowaganit, he who is living Wewikit, the master of the house % Ahoaltowaganit, he who is love Wenitschanit, a child’s father or mother Wulamoewaganit, he who is the truth Gettemagelowaganit, he who is mercy Wacheyekumuit, he whois the light Tschitanessowaganit, he who is strength. Wdallemunsit, the owner of the cattle OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 103 [or nouns. ] 4. There are also substantives formed of two substantives together, or a substantive with an adjective or verb : EXAMPLES. Yagawan, a hut . | Tipas, a hen or fowl. From which two words are formed, Tipasigawan, the hen coop Pitawikham, the front roof of a house Goschgoschigawan, the hog sty Patamoewigawan, a house of prayer, (the Lord’s Mosigawan, the cow stable house, from Patamawos, God, the Lord). Also, Pemauchsowaptonamik, the word of life Pallalogasowagan, crime, evil deed Wulelendamowaptonamik, the glad tiding of} Mattalogasowagan, a wicked, sinful act the gospel : Machtatenawagan, discontent, unhappiness Ktemakauschsowagan, a poor miserable life Tschitanatenawagan, strength of the spirit of the Machtapan, bad, stormy weather inner man Matalogacan, a bad wicked servant Kschiechauchsowagan, a holy life and conduct. Diminutives are formed by the suffix tié*, as, Amemens, amementit, a little child Hitguttit, a little tree Nitschan, nitschantit, my little friend (from | Goschgotit, a pig Nitis, friend; a coaxing expression used by | Tipatit, a chicken parents to their children) Motit, a little calf Pilawetschitsch, pilawetit, a little boy Achpoantit, a little loaf or little piece of bread Ochquetit or quetit, a little girl Oyotit, a little piece of meat (as is given to chil- Lennotit, a little man dren Wikwamntit, a little room (house) Tscholentt, a little bird—Tscholentittak, (Plur.) Sipotit, alittle creek or brook OF ADJECTIVES. There are not many of these, because those words, which with us are adjectives, here are verbs, and although they are not inflected through all the persons, yet they have tenses. The adjectives proper end in uwi and owi, and are derived sometimes from substantives and sometimes from verbs. EXAMPLES. Hallemiwi, eternal Wulelendamuwi, merry; from wulelendam, to re- Genamuwi, grateful; from genam, thanks joice, to be joyful or merry Tgauchsuwi—good, kind; from tgauchsin, to be | Wschitschanquiwi, spiritual; from wtschitschank, good or kind the spirit. * Note by the Translator.—The diminutive tit is only used in the animate gender. In the manimate the termination es is employed, as wikwamnes,a small house, amocholes, a small canoe. In speaking of a pretty little animal, the diminutive form is is, schis, or tschis, as mamalis, the fawn of a deer, kuligatschis, thy pretty little paw. (See the Preface.) There are some excep- tions to this rule, as for instance, allwmes, a little dog, in which the inanimate diminutive is em- ployed. But these are not numerous. 4104 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or Nouns. | Hakeyiwi, corporeal; from hakey, the body Pommauchsuwi, living ; from pommauchsin, to live Wdehiwi, hearty, cordial; from Wdehin, the heart Ahoaltiwi, loving ; from ahoalan, to love Wachtuchwepiwi, personal, bodily ; from wach- * tuchwepi, the body, the flesh Pilsuwi, piluwi, clean, chaste; from pilsin, to be clean or chaste Wulatenamuwi, wulatenamowi, happy; from wulatenamen, to be happy Wulamallessuwi, well, happy; from wulamalles- sin, to be in health or happy Allowiwi, more, yet more Nungiwi, trembling; from nungihillan, to tremble Schauwewi, tired, weak ; from schauchsin, to be weak Nolemiwi, invisible, unseen Apendawi, useful ; from apendamen, to enjoy, to make use of : Mattelemuwi, contemptible ; from mattelendam, to despise Angellowi, anglowi, mortal ; from angel, to die. Mboiwi, mortal; mboiwi wochganall, dead bones; from mboagan, death Awendamowi, awendamuwi, painful; from awen- dam, to suffer pain Ayandamuwi, ayandamowi, to desire, wish for Machtamallessuwi, indisposed, sick; from mach- tamalsin, to be sick Machtalenamuwi, discontented; from machtale- namen, to be dissatisfied or discontented Mhukuwi, bloody; from mhuk, blood Moschiwi, clear, luminous Tengandasuwi, pierced through Petapaniwi, at break of day; from petapan, the day breaks Nipahwi, at night, by night Wschitschanquiwi, ghostly, spiritual Gischguniwi, in the day, by day Sedpokuniwi, early in the morning Wuschginquiwi, face to face; from wuschgink, face Wewatamowi, wise, prudent; from wewoatam, _ tobewise . Matiauchsuwi, sinful; from mattauchsin, to sin Mayauchsuwi, of one mind; from mayauchsin, to be of one mind Langomuwi, friendly, peaceably disposed Gettemagelensuwi, humble; from gettemagel- ensin, to be humble Gektemagelemuwi, gettemageluwi, from gettemagelin, to be merciful Allowelemuwi, valuable; from allowelenden, to esteem, value Wonattamowi, weak, impotent; from wonatam, to be weak, impotent Schahowapewi, heartless, desponding Awullsittamuwi, obedient; from awulsittam, to be obedient Achwandoguwi, very peaceable Amemensuwi, childish; from amemens, child Schacachgapewi, an honest man, (from Schac- achgapewin, to be just, upright) Nihillowewi, murderous ; from nihillowen, to put to death, to murder Machelemuwi, honourable; from machelendam, to honour Langundowivi, peaceful, peaceable Tachpachiwi, little, low Tachpachelensuwi, little, low, humble Wilawi, rich, valuable Askiwi, raw ‘ Tangelensuwi, tangitchewi, humble, modest Schawelemuwi, miserable, painful, burthensome, from schawelendam, to be burthened with sorrow, labour, or trouble Scattewi, burning Seattewi wdehin, a burning heart. merciful; There are also adjectives with other terminations, as Nenapalek, unworthy, good for nothing Segachtek, ardent Segachtek ahoaltowan, an ardent love Schewek, weak, tired Wingimaktek, odoriferous, of good smell Nundeyek, defective Scattek, burning, ardent Wisawek, yellow Wapelechen, white Asgask, green Tekek, cold Kschittek, warm, hot Geschtek, ripe, cooked or done Allowad, allohak, powerful, strong Mequik, bloody Mechek, large, great Ktemaki, poor, miserable, infirm Gunigischuk, daily : Esseni, stony, flinty ; from achsin, a stone. DEGREES OF COMPARISON. The Comparative is expressed by allowiwi, more. OF THE LENNI LENAPE. INDIANS. 4105 [or nouns. ] EXAMPLES. Wulit, good Comp. Allowiwi wulit, more good, better Mehinqui, great Comp. Allowiwi m’chek, greater Wahhellemat, wide Comp. Allowiwi wahhellemat, wider There are some exceptions, as, Ika, yonder. [kalissi, further. The Superlative is expressed by eluwi, most or the most. EXAMPLES. Eluwiwulik, the very best, the supremely good | Eluwassit, the most powerful, the most majestic Allowilen, eluwilek, that which is above every | Eluwitschitanessit, the strongest of all thing Eluwantowit, God above all . Eluwiahoalgussit, the beloved above all things Eluwitschiechsit, the most holy Eluwitakauwussit, the best, the supremely good Eluwilissit, the most gracious one OF GENDERS. The genders in the Delaware are not divided as in our languages into masculine and feminine, but into animate and inanimate. To the former class belong trees and all plants of a large growth; annual plants and grasses to the latter. Adjectives of the former class generally end in €, those of the latter ink. The masculine and feminine, where it 1s neces- sary to discriminate, are expressed in various ways. EXAMPLES. Animate, masculine and feminine, welsit, the | Animate, scheuchsit, weak best JInanimate, welhik, the best Animate, masculine and feminine, gunaxit, great, long JInanimate, gunaquot, great, long Animate, geschiechsit, pure, holy Inanimate, geschiechek, pure, holy Animate, pilsit, pure, chaste Inanimate, pilhik, pure, clean Animate, allauchsit, allowat, strong, mighty Inanimate, allohak, strong, mighty Inanimate, schawek, weak Animate, metzil, bad, wicked Inanimate, medhik, bad, wicked Animate, wacheyekumuit, he who is the light Inanimate, wacheyek, the light Animate, pommauchsowaganit, he who is the life, from pommauchsowagan, life Animate, tenktitit, the little Inanimate, tengettik, the little. Speaking of quadrupeds, the masculine is generally expressed by len- nowechum, which signifies the male of beasts, thus : Lennowechum nenayunges, moceaneu, gosch- gosch, the male of the horse, dog, hog And of fowls and birds, Lennowehelleu, the male of fowls, birds. The feminine of the human species is expressed as follows : Ochqueu, a woman Ochquewak, women Ochquetschitsch, a girl Ochdomus, a woman’s cousin -Masc. Chans, the elder brother Fem. Mis, the elder sister and in the feminine, ochque ; from ochqueu, woman Masc. Muchomes, the grandfather Fem. Ohur-, the grandmother Nohum, kohum, ohumall, my, thy, his or her grandmother Chesmus,the younger brother or sister, to which | Masc. Noschik, my uncle is prefixed in the masculine, lenno, man, | Fem. Piwitak, the aunt. VOL. ILL.——2 D 106 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or nouns. ] The females of fowls and birds are called ochquehelleu, and those ot quadrupeds ochquechum : Nunschetto, a doe | Nunscheach, a she bear, OF NUMERALS. Numerals may also be classed among adjectives, and are as follows : 1\ Nguttapachki attach newinachke 140 2 Nguttapachki attach palenach tehenachke 150 8, Nguttapachki attach guttasch tchenachke 160 4) Nguttapachki attach nischasch tchenachke 170 5 | Nguttapachki attach chasch tchenachke 180 Ngutti - - Nischa - - Nacha - - Newo - - Palenach - - Guttasch - - Nischasch = - - Chasch - Peschkonk - - Tellen - - Tellen attach* ngutti - Tellen attach nischa Tellen attach nacha - Tellen attach newo - Tellen attach palenach = - Tellen attach guttasch Tellen attach nischasch - Tellen attach chasch Tellen attach peschkonk Nischinachke - Nischinachke attach ngutti Nischinachke attach nischa - Nischinachke attach nacha Nischinachke attach newo Nischinachke attach palenach Nischinachke attach guttasch Nischinachke attach nischasch Nischinachke attach chasch Nischinachke attach peschkonk Nachenachke - Nachenachke attach ngutti And so forth to 39 Newinachke - Palenach tchenachke Guttasch techenachke - Nischasch tchenachke Chasch tchenachke - Peschkonk tchenachke Nguttapachki - Nguttapachki attach gutti Nguttapachki attach tellen Nguttapachki attach tellen wak ngutti Neguttapachki tellen wak nischa Neguttapachki tellen wak nacha Ngnttapachki tellen wak newo And so forth to 119 Nguttapachki attach nischinachke Nguttapachki attach nachenachke 6 Nguttapachki attach peschkonk tchenachke 190 7 Nischapachki - 200 8 | Nachapachki - 2 300 9 | Newopachki - - 400 10 | Palenach tehapachki - - 500 11 Guttasch tchapachki - 600 12 | Nischasch tchapachki - - 700 13 Chasch tchapachki_ - - 800 14 Peschkonk tchapachki = - - 900 15 Tellen techen tchapachki, ov ngutti kitta- 16. pachki - - 1000 17 | Nischen kittapachki - - 2000 18 | Nachen kittapachki - 3000 19 , Newon kittapachki - - 4000 20 Palenach tchen kittapachki - 5000 21 Guttasch tchen kittapachki - 6000 22! Nischasck tchen kittapachki —- 7000 23 , Chasch tchen kittapachki - 8000 24 | Peschkonk tchen kittapachki—- 9000 25 | Tellen tchen kittapachki - 10,000 26 Nischinachk tchen kittapachki 20,000 27 Nachenachk tchen kittapachki - 30,000 28 Newinachk tchen kittapachki 40,000 29 | Palenach tchenachk tchen kittapachki 50,000 30 | Guttasch tchenachk tchen kittapachki 60,000 31 | Nischasch tchenachk tchen kittapachki 70,000 Chasch tchenachk tchen kittapachki 80,000 40 | Peschkonk tchenachk tchen kittapachki 90,000 50 | Nguttapachki tchen kittapachki 100,000 60 | Nischapachki tchen kittapachki 200,000 70 | Nachapachki tchen kittapachki 300,000 80! Palenach tchapachki tchen kittapachki 500,000 90 | Guttasch tchapachki tchen kittapachki 600,000 100 | Nischasch tchapachki tchen kittapachki 700,000 101 | Chasch tehapachki tchen kittapachki 800,000 110 | Peschonk tchapachki tehen kittapachki 900,000 111 We may either say 112) Tellen tchapachki tehen kittapachki, 113 ten hundred times one thousand 1,000,000 114 or Ngutti kittapachk! tchen kittapachki, 120 one thousand times one thousand 1,000,000 130 * Note by the Translator.—Attach means beyond, above (Zeisberger’s Vocab.). So that tel- len attach ngutti means ten and one over, beyond, above, more. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 107 [or Nouns. ] Note.—Kittapachki, from kitta, great, properly means the great hun- dred. Kittan, a great river Kittahican, the great ocean Kittoaltewall, the great ships Kittanittowit, the Great Almighty God. And so on in many other instances. Note.—Although few of the Indians are accustomed to calculate, so far as we have seen, and in general they do not trouble themselves much about it, because they have no use for it, yet their language has the means of doing it as well as ours. Since the Europeans have been among them, and particularly since the wars, they have got more into the use of it, the armies having afforded them more frequent opportunities. The number of times is thus expressed : Ngutten, once Nischen, twice. Nachen, 3 times . Newen, 4 times Palenach tchen, 5 times Guttasch tchen, 6 times Nischasch tchen, 7 times Chasch tchen, 8 times Peschkonk tchen, 9 times Tellen tchen, 10 times Tellen tchen attach gutti, 11 times Tellen tchen attach nischa, 12 times, &c. Nichinachk tchen, 20 times Nachenachk tchen, 30 times Newenachk tchen, 40 times Palenach tchenachk tchen, 50 times Guttasch tchenachk tchen, 60 times Nischasch tchenachk tchen, 70 times Chasch tchenachk tchen, 90 times Ngutta pachki tchen, 100 times, &c. Speaking of inanimate things, as towns, rivers, houses, &c. they say : Mawat, ngutti, one, only one And in the Plural Nischenol, 2 (Nischenoll uteneyall, wikwahemall, tiposall, wachtschawall, two towns, houses, rivers, mountains, &c.) Nachenol, 3 Newenol, 4 - Palanach tchennol, 5 . Guttasch tchennol, av When men, Nischasch tchennol, 7 Chasch tchennol, 8 Peschkonk tchennol, 9 Tellen tchennol, 10 Tellen tchennol attach gutti, 11 Tellen tchennol attach nischa, 12 Tellen tchennol attach nacha, 13 Nischinachk tchennol, 20 Nachenachk tchennol, 30 Palenachtchennachk tchennol, 50 Nguttapachki tchennol, 100 animals, or other things are spoken of, which among the Indians are considered as belonging to the animated class of beings, they say: Mauchsa, mayauchsu, one person, or a person, | Nischasch tchoak, 7 or living being It is truly incorrect to say, Ngutti lenno, a man, ngutti ochqueu, a woman. In the Plural they say : Nischowak lennowak, ochquewak, amemensak, wdallemansak, tipasak, &c. two men, wo- men, children, beasts, fowls, &c. &e. Nachoak, 3 Neyuwak, 4 Palenach tehoak, 5 Guttasch tchoak, 6 Chasch tchoak, 8 Peschkonk tchoak, 9 Tellen tchoak, 10 Tellen tchoak attach gutti, 11 Tellen tchoak attach nischa, 12 Tellen tchoak attach nacha, 13 Nischinachk tchoak, 20 Nachenachk tchoak, 30 Negutapachaowak, 100 Nischapachawak, 200 Palenach tchapachawak, 500 Tellen tchapachawak, 1000 108 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or Nouns. ] ORDINAL NUMBERS. Netami, the first, (animate) Nechit, the third Netamiechen, the first, (inanimate) Palenachtchit, the fourth Tacquak, the second Palenachtchegit, the fifth, &e. In the Preterite. Mauchsop, mayauchsop, there was one Nachenachk tchopanik, there were thirty Nischopanik, there were two Ngutta pachxopanik, there were a hundred Nachopanik, there were three Palenach tchapachxopanik, there were five hun- Newopanik, there were four dred Palenach tchopanik, there were five Tellen tchapachxopanik, there were a thousand Tellen tchopanik, there were ten of them. Nischinachk tchopanik, there were twenty OF THE COMPUTATION OF TIME. The days among the Indians are reckoned by nights. It is, however, not improper to say : Ngutti gischque, one day ie gischquewi, three days, &c. Nischa gischquewi, two days » But the most proper and usual mode of computing nights, is as fol- lows: Nguttokuni, one night Palenach tchogunak, five nights Nuktokuni, only one night Guttasch techogunak, six nights Nischogunak, two nights Tellen tchogunak, ten nights Nachogunak, three nights Nischinachk tchogunak, twenty nights Newogunak, four nights Newinachk tchogunak, forty nights, &c. In the Preterite. The preterite is always connected with the plural, as below. You cannot say in the singular nguttokunakat, one night ago, as you say in the plural. You must say welaquik, last night, or wulaque, yesterday. But speaking of several nights, you say : Nischokunakat, two nights ago Mischinachk tchokunakat, twenty nights ago Nachokunakat, three nights ago Newinaschk tchokunakat, forty nights ago Newokunakat, four nights ago Palenach tehonachk tchokunakat, fifty nights Palenach tchokunakat, five nights ago ago. Tellen tchokunakat, ten nights ago The Indians reckon their months by moons, from one new or full moon to another : Neutti gischuch, one month Petes gischuchak, three months Nischa gischuchak, two months Tellen tchi gischuchak, ten months. Their reckoning of the year is from one spring, summer, autumn, or winter, to another. They have properly no beginning of the year, ex- cept that they have learned from the Europeans to distinguish New _—— a OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 4109 [or PRONOUNS. | Year’s Day. They reckon commonly from one seeding time to another, from the time when the deer are red in the Spring and grey in the Au- tumn, when the corn is ripe or cut down and laid up in heaps, &c. and so back again. The interval between is one year: Ngutti gachtin, one year Newinachk tendchi gachtinamo, he is forty Nischa gachtin, two years years old : f ; Nacha gachtin, three years, &c. Newinachk tendchi gachtinamiyenk, we are Nischinachk ntendchi gachtinami, I am twenty forty years old years old | Newinachk tendchi gachtinamiyek, you are Gachtinamichump (preterite), I was twenty forty years old years old Newinachk tendchi gachtinamoak, they are forty years old. NAMES OF THE MONTHS. Anixi gischuch (Squirrel month), January Yugatamoewi gischuch, July Tsqualli gischuch (Frog month), February Sakauweuhewi gischuch (Deer month,) August M’choamowi gischuch (Shad month), March | Kitschitachquoak (.dutumn month), September Quitauweuhewi gischuch (Spring month),| Pooxit (Month of vermin), October April Wini gischuch (Snow month), November Tauwinipen (Beginning of summer), May M’chakhocque (Cold month, the month when Kitschinipen (Summer), June the cold makes the trees crack), December. Note by the Translator.—For the above explanation of the names of the months, the Translator is partly indebted to the Author’s text, and partly to some notes of the late Professor Barton, which have supplied what was wanting in the original, except the meaning of the name of the month of July, which neither has explained. Loskiel calls it the month when the Indian corn is gathered. XX.— OF Pronouns. Tuer: is little to be said about this part of speech, of which a view has already been given under the head of nouns. Personal pronouns are either separable or inseparable, but are much more frequently used in the latter form. The Separable Pronouns are : Singular. Plural. Ni, I Kiluna or niluna, we Ki, thou Kiluwa, you Neka or nekama, he or she Nekamawa, they. The inseparable pronouns are in both numbers m’ for the first person, Fk’ in the second, w’ in the third. When two pronouns are employed VOL. Ill.—2 E 410 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or verss. | in verbs, the last or the pronoun governed is expressed by an inflection, as in k’dahoalohhumo, I love you, k’dahoalineen, thou lovest us, k’daho- alawak, thou lovest them, as will be seen more fully under the head of conjugations. ; The possessive pronoun is the same as the personal, separable and inseparable, which is employed in a possessive sense. No ambiguity results from this similarity; the meaning is always understood from the context or the form or inflexion of the word with which the pronoun is combined. The various combinations of these pronouns must be gathered from their connection with the other parts of speech, and cannot all be given under this head. Thus the personal pronoun combines itself with the conjunction also: Nepe, | also Kepewo, you also kepe, thou also Kepoak, they also. Nepena or kepena, we also, (as the word is used in the general or particular plural) Note by the Translator.—The particular plural refers to a certain description of persons, as we Delawares, we who are here together ; the other has a more general application, and shews that no discrimination is intended. In verbs, prefixed (from niluna) indicates the particular and k (from kiluna) the general plural, in the first person. See Hecke- welder’s Corresp. in Histor. Trans. p. 429. The author is silent on this subject. DEMONSTRATIVE AND RELATIVE PRONOUNS. The modes of expressing these by various forms and combinations with other parts of speech are so numerous, that a few examples can only be given: Auwen, who? Nik, nikik, those Keku, ta, koen, what? Wemi, all Auweni, who is he ? Wemi auween, every man Auwenik, who are they ? Alende, some Won, this Alendemiyenk, some of us Na, nanne, nall, nan, that Alendemiyeek, some of you Wentschim na lenno! call that man! Alendeyuwak, some of them Na icka ni pawit, he that stands there Mamayauchsiyenk, each of us Nil, nelinill, yuk, yullick, these Mamayauchsiyeek, each of you, &c. The remainder must be learned by practice. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. iif LK.—O Verbs. Tuere is a great variety of verbs in this language. To exhibit all their compound forms would be an endless task. Every part of speech may be compounded with the verb in many ways, as will be seen in the course of this work. The verbs to have and to be do not exist in the Delaware language, either as auxiliaries, or in the abstract substantive sense which they pre- sent to an European mind. The verb to have always conveys the idea of possession, and f¢o be that of a particular situation of the body or mind, and they may be combined like other verbs with other accessary ideas. Thus the verb to have or possess is combined with the substantive, or the thing possessed, as follows : N’damochol, I have a canoe Wikuwek, they have a house W’tamochol*, he has a canoe N’dallemansin, I have cattle Matta n’damocholiwi, [ have no canoe W’dallemansu, he has cattle N’temahican, I have an axe N’pachksikan, I have a knife Nowikin, I have a house N’peyakhikan, I have a gun. Wiku, he has a house The idea conveyed by the substantive verb fo be is expressed by various combinations with other parts of speech, as for instance : With the Substantive. Ni n’damochol, it is my canoe | Nekamawa w’damochowawall, it is their canoe Ki k’damochol, it is thy canoe Ni n’dalloquepi, it is my hat Nekama w’damochol, it is his or her canoe Ki k’dalloquepi, it is thy hat Kiluna n’damocholena, itis our canoe Nekama w’dalloquepi, it is his or her hat Kiluwa n’damocholuwa, it is your canoe Ni n’dacquiwan, it is my blanket. With the Pronoun. Auwen, who. Singular. Plural. Ewenikia, who I am Ewenikiyenk, who we are Ewenikian, who thou art ‘Ewenikiyek, who you are Ewenikit, who he is | Ewenikichtit, who they are. ellende, some. Plural. Alendemiyenk, some of us Alendemowak or alendemichtit, some of them. Alendemiyek, some of you * Note by the Translator.—The apostrophe between the inseparable pronoun and the noun or verb indicates a sheva or mute vowel. Eliot, in his Massachusetts Grammar, indicates it by the English short w: he would write, for instance, nuttappin for n’dappin. This apostrophe is some- times omitted in the course of this grammar, but is always to be understood. 442 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [OF VERBs. ] The idea of the verb to be is also combined with adjectives and adverbs, as will be seen under the heads of “ adjective and adverbial verbs.” : OF THE CONJUGATIONS. There are eight conjugations. The first ends in in, as Achpin, to be there, in a particular place | Mikemossin, to work. The second ends in a, (Infinitive in an,) as N’da, I am going | Paan, to come. The third ends in elendam, and indicates a disposition of the mind, as Schiwelendam, to be sorry | Wulelendam, to be glad. The fourth ends in men, as N’gattamen, I request | N’pendamen, I hear. The fifth ends in an, as Ahoalan, to love. The sixth ends in e or we (infinitive en), as N’dellowe, I say | Infin. Luen, to say. The seventh ends in in. It has no simple active or passive voice, and is only conjugated through the personal forms or transitions, as Miltin, to give. The eighth ends in ton—has the simple active, but not the passive form, and has the personal indicative and subjunctive transitions, as Peton, to bring | N’peton, 1 bring. The same inseparable pronouns are used with the verbs as with the substantives. The letters which indicate the pronoun, and are prefixed to the verb, are n, k, and w or 0. They must be pronounced, with a short interval, when followed by a consonant. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 113 [or VERBS. ] Pirst Conjugation. No. I. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. oo Acupin, to be there, ina particular place. PARTICIPLE. Singular. Plural. Epit*, he who is there, being there Epitschik, those being there. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Singular. Plural. N’dappin, I am there (Lat adsum) N’dappineen or n’dappihheno, we are there} K’dappin, thou art there K’dappihhimo, you are there W’dappin or achpin, he is there W’dappinewo, they are there. Note.—The plural is formed by suffixes as in the substantives, and the prefixes are preserved. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’dappineep or n’dappihump, I was there N’dappihhenap, we were there K’dappineep or k’dappihump, thou wert there K’dappihimoap, ye were there W’dappineep or achpop, he was there Achpopannik, they were there. * Note by the Translator.— Epit is used in the sense of the preposition at. Philadelphia epit, at Philadelphia, or being at Philadelphia—Heckew. Corresp. p. 425. + Note by the Translator.—This is the particular plural above mentioned, and is restricted to persons who are specially spoken of; when a more general idea is meant to be conveyed, another form is made use of, and the inseparable pronoun fk is prefixed instead of the pro- nounn. Thus n’penameen, we see, and n’pendameen, we hear, means, we who are here assembled see or hear; but if the plural is used in a general sense, it should be k’penameen, k’pendameen. See Heckew. Corresp. in 1 Hist. Trans. 428. The author makes no mention in this Grammar of these two plurals, which is, however, a remarkable peculiarity in the Indian languages. As has been observed in the preface, Mr Zeisberger did not write for Philologists and has left many curi- ous facts respecting the forms of this language entirely unnoticed, and to be acquired by practice. Those who wish for more information on these interesting subjects are referred to the above cited correspondence of Mr Heckewelder, where they will find enough to satisfy their curiosity. The reader will also observe that the author gives two different forms n’dappineen or nv’ dappi- henno, to express the words, we are there, and he does the same in many places throughout these conjugations. This Mr Heckewelder said, was in order to shew the inflections of the Delaware verbs in the Unami and the Minsi dialects, and he promised to point out to the Translator, which belonged to the one and which to the other. But he died before he could fulfil his promise. VOL. 111.—2 F 114 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. } Future. The future is characterized by tsch; it is to be observed that when the verb is preceded by an adverb, preposition, or inseparable pronoun, it is frequently added to it. EXAMPLE. Simgular. Plural. {katsch n’dappin, I shall ov will be there Kepenatsch n’dappineen, we shall or will be there Kepe'sch k’dappin, thou shalt or wilt be there | Witschitsch k’dappihhimo, ye shall or will be Nekamatsch w’dappin, he shall or will be there there Nekamawaktsch w’dappinewo, they shall o7 will be there. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Achpil, be or stay thou there Achpik, be or stay ye there Achpitetsch, let him or he shall ov must be or | Achpititetsch, let them or they shall or must be stay there or stay there Achpitam, do thou let us be or stay there Achpitamook, do ye let us be or stay there. Note by the Translator.—There is such a compound mixture of per- sons and numbers in this mood, that it is impossible to designate either by marginal annotations. ° It is not one of the least remarkable particu- larities of this singular language. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Achpiya, when or if | am there Achpiyenke, when or if we are there Achpiyane, when or if thou art there Achpiyeque, when or if ye are there Achpite, when or if he is there Achpichtite, when or if they are there. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Achpiyakup, as or when I was there Achpiyenkup, as or when we were there Achpiyanup, as or when thou wast there Achpiyekup, as oy when ye were there Achpitup, as or when he was there Achpichtitup, as or when they were there. Pluperfect. ; Singular. Plural. Achpiatpanne, if I had been there Achpiyenkpanne, if we had been there Achpianpanne, if thou hadst been there Achpiyekpanne, if ye had been there Achpitpanne, if he had been there Achpichtitpanne, if they had been there. Note.-The subjunctive has only a pluperfect in the active and passive voices, but not otherwise. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. [FIRST CONJUGATION. | Future. Singular. Plural. Achpiyaktsch, if or when I am or shall be there | Achpiyenketsch, if or when we are or shall be Achpiyanetsch, if o7 when thou art or shalt be there there Achpiyequetsch, if or when ye are or shall be Achpitetsch, if or when he is o7 shall be there there Achpichtitetsch, if or when they are or shall be there. Another form of this verb which may be called Adverbial. Present. Singular. Plural. Epia, where I am Epiyenk, where we are Epian, where thou art Epiyeek, where ye are Epit, where he is Epichtit, where they are. Preterite. Singular. Plural. ° Epiakup, where I was Epiyenkup, where we were Epiyannup, where thou wast Epiyekup, where ye were Epitup, where he was Epichtitup, where they were. Future. Singular. Plural. Tatschta epia, where I shall be Tatschta epiyenk, where we shall be Tatschta epian, where thou shalt be Tatschta epiyeek, where ye shall be Tatschta epit, where he shall be Tatschta epichtit, where they shall be. NEGATIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. (Not given.) INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. . Singular. , Plural. Matta n’dappiwi, I am not there Matta n’dappiwuneen, we are not there Matta k’dappiwi, thou art not there Matta k’dappiwihhimo, ye are not there Matta w’dappiwi, he is not there Matta achpiwiwak, they are not there. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta a°dappiwip, I was not there Matta n’dappiwunenap, we were not there Matta k*dappiwip, thou wast not there Matta k’dappiwihbimoap, ye were not there Matta w’dappiwip, he was not there Matta achpiwipannik, they were not there. 116 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [First CONJUGATION. | Future. Singular. Plural. Matta n’dappiwitsch, I shall or will not be there | Matta n’dappiwuneentsch, we shall or will not Matta k’dappiwitsch, thou shalt or wilt not be be there there Matta k’dappiwihhimotsch, ye shall or will not Matta w’dappiwitsch, he shall or will not be be there ; there Matta achpiwiwaktsch, they shall o7 will not be there. IMPERATIVE MOOD. (Not given.) SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta achpiwake, when or if I am not there Matta achpiwenke, when or if we are not there Matta achpiwonne, when or if thou art not there | Matta achpiweque, when or if ye are not there Matta achpique, when or if he is not there Matta achpichtique, when or if they are not there. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta achpiwakup, when or if I was not there | Matta achpiwenkup, when or if we were not Matta achpiwonnup, when or if thou wast not there there Matta achpiwekup, when or if ye were not there Matta achpikup, when or if he was not there Matta achpichtitup, when or if they were not there. Pluperfect. Plural. Matta achpiwenkpanne, if we had not been there Matta achpiwekpanne, if ye had not been there Singular. Matta achpiwakpanne, if I had not been there Matta achsiwonpanne, if thou hadst not been there Matta achpichtikpanne, if they had not been Matta achpikpanne, if he had not been there there. Future. Singular. Plural. Matta achpiwaktsch*, when or if I shall not be | Mattatsch achpiwenque, when or if we shall there not be there Matta achpiwonnetsch, when or if thoeshalt not | Mattatsch achpiweke, when or if ye shall not be there be there Matta achpiquetsch, when or if he shall not be | Mattatsch achpichtique, when or if they shall there not be there. * Note by the Translator.—It will be observed that tsch, the sign of the future, is here affixed in the singular to the adverb, and in the plural the verb is inflected by it. It will be found, in the preceding page, combined in both numbers with the adverb ¢a, which signifies, where. I have been informed by Mr Heckewelder, that either form may be adopted, whether in the singular or plural, and that the ear is the best guide in such eases. So the negative may be expressed by atta or matta, as the ear directs. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 417 [FIRST CONJUGATION. } a a No. II. Liss1n, to be or do so, to be so situated, disposed, or acting. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Lissin, to be or do so Lissineep, to have been, o7 done so Future. Lissinitsch, to be or to do so at a future time. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’dellsin, Iam or do so N’dellsineen, we are or do so K’dellsin, thou art or dost so K’dellsihhimo, ye are or do so W’dellsin, he is or does so W’dellsinewo, they are or do so*. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’dellsineep, I was or did so N’dellsihhenap, we were or did so K’dellsineep, thou wert or didst so K’dellsihhimoap, ye were or did so W°dellsineep, he was or did so W’dellsinewoap, they were or did so. Future. Singular. Plural. Nantsch n’dellsin, I shall 07 will be or do so Nantsch n’dellsineen, we shall or will be or do s® Nantsch k*dellsin, thou shalt or wilt be or do so | Nantsch k’dellsihhimo, ye shall or will be o” Nantsch w’dellsin, he shall or will be or do so do so Nantsch w’dellsinewo, they shall or will be or do so. Another form of the Future. Singular. Plural. N'dellsintchi, I shall be or do so N’dellsineentsch, we shall be or do so K’dellsintchi, thou shalt be o7 do so K’dellsinewotsch, ye shall be or do so W’dellsintchi, he shall be or doso W’dellsinewotsch, they shall be or do so. * Note by the Translator.—The verbs ending in si and in are conjugated according to this rule, and have generally, though not always, w prefixed and w or o suffixed to the third person of the singular. Examples: achpin, to be there—w’dappin or achpo he is there; palsin to be sick— palsu, he is sick; mikemossin, to work—mikemossu, he works, &c. &c. VOL. Ill.—2 G 118 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. | IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Lissil, be or do thou so Lissik, be or do ye so Singular with Plural. Double Plural. Lissitam, do thou let us be or do so Lissitamook, do you let us be or do so Singular. Plural. Lissititsch, be or do he so; he shall be or do so | Lissichtititsch, let them be or do so; they shalt be or do so. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Lissiye, if 1 am or do so Lissiyenke, if we are or do so Lissiyanne, if thou art or doest so Lissiyeque, if ye are or do so Lissite, if he is or does so Lissichtite, if they are or do so. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Lissiyakup, if I was or did so Lissiyenkup, if we were or did so Lissiyannup, if thou wert or didst so Lissiyekup, if ye were or did so Lissitup, if he was or did so Lissichtitup, if they were or did so. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Lissiakpanne, if I had been or done so Lissiyenkpanne, if we had been or done so Lissiyanpanne, if thou hadst been or done so Lissiyekpanne, if ye had been or done so Lissitpanne, if he had been or done so Lissichtitpanne, if they had been or done so. Future. Singular. Plural. Lissiyaktsch, I shall be or do so Lissiyenketsch, if we shall be or do so Lissiyantsch, if thou shalt be or do so Lissiyeketsch, if ye shall be or do so Lissitsch, if he shall be or do so Lissichtitetsch, if they shall be or do so. Another form of the same verb. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Elsiya, as Tam or do Elsiyenk, as we are 07 do Elsiyan, as thou art or dost Elsiyek, as ye are or do Elsit, as he is or does Elsichtit, as they are or do. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Elsiyakup, as I was or did Elsiyenkup, as we were or did Elsiyanup, as thou wert or didst Elsiyekup, as ye were or did Elsitup, as he was or did Elsichtitup, as they were or did. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 119 [FIRST CONJUGATION. | Future. Singular. Plural. Tatsch* elsiya, as I shall or will be or do Tatsch elsiyenk, as we shall or will be or do Tatsch elsiyan, as thou shalt or wilt be or do Tatsch elsiyeek, as ye shall or willbe or do Tatsch elsit, as he shall or will be or do Tatsch elsichtit, as they shall or will be or do. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Elsiyake, if I am or do so Elsiyenke, if we are or do so Elsiyanne, if thou art or dost so Elsiyeque, if ye are or do so Elsite, if he is or does so Elsichtite, if they are or do so. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Elsiyakup, if I was or didso Elsiyenkup, if we were or did so Elsiyannup, if thou wert or didst so Elsiyeekup, if ye were or did so Elsitup, if he was or did so Elsichtitup, if they were or did so. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Elsiyakpanne, if I had been or done so Elsiyenkpanne, if we had been or done so Elsiyanpanne, if thou hadst been or done so Elsiyekpanne, if ye had been or done so Elsitpanne, if he had been or done so Elsichtitpanne, if they had been or done so, Future. Singular. Plural. Elsiyatsch, if I shall be or do so Elsiyenketsch, if we shall be or do so Elsiyannetsch, if thou shalt be or do so Elsiyequetsch, if ye shall or will do so Elsitetsch, if he shall be or do so Elsichtitetsch, if they shall or will do so. Impersonal Forms. Elek, as itis Leep, it was so Elekup, as it was Atta ne lewi, it is not so Tatsch elek, as it will be Atta ne lewip, it was not so. Leu, itis so; it is true NEGATIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Lissiwi, not to be or do so. * Note by the Translator.—This word tatsch is compounded of ta, which here is an adverb of similitude, and of tsch, the usual indication of the future, which is sometimes affixed to the ad- verb and sometimes to the verb, as has before been observed. 120 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. ] INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n’dellsiwi, I am not or do not so Matta n’dellsiwuneen, we are not or do not so Matta k’dellsiwi, thou art not or dost not so Matta k’dellsiwunewo, ye are not or do not so Matta w’dellsiwi, he is not or does not so Matta w’deilsiwiwak, they are not or do not so. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’dellsiwip, I was not or did not so Matta n’dellsiwuneenakup, we were not or did Matta k’dellsiwip, thou wert not or didst not so not so Matta w’dellsiwip, he was not or did not so Matta k’dellsiwunewakup, ye were not or did not so Matta w’dellsiwipannik, they were not or did not so. Future. Singular. Plural. Mattatsch n’dellsiwi, I shall or will not be or do so Mattatsch k’dellsiwi, thou shalt or wilt not be) As in the Present tense, with mattatsch pre- or do so fixed. Mattatsch w’dellsiwi, he shall ov will not be or do so IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Katschi lissiham, do not thou do so Katschi lissihek, do not ye do so. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. i Plural. Matta n’lissiwake, if er when Iam or donotso | Matta lissiwenke, if or when we are or do not Matta lissiwonne, if ov when thou art or dost so not so Matta lissiweque, if 07 when ye are or do not Matta lissique, if or when he is or does not so so Matta lissichtique, if ov when they are or do not so. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’lissiwakup, if or when I was or did not Matta lissiwenkup, if or when we were or did so not so Matta lissiwonnup, if ory when thou wert or | Matta lissiwekup, if or when ye were or did didst not so not so Matta lissitup, if or when he was or did not so | Matta lissichtitup, if ox when they were or did not so. The future is formed from the present tense, by affixing tsch to the adverb matta, as mattatsch n’lissiwake, &c. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 121 [rirst CONJUGATION. | No. III. Mrxemossin, to work. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. | Preterite. Mikemossin, to work Mikemossinep, to have worked. PARTICIPLES. Present. | Past. Mikemossit, working Mikemossitschik, having worked Future. Mikemossintsch, being to work, having work to do. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’mikemossi, I work Mikemossihhena*, we work K’mikemossi, thou workest K’mikemossihhimo, ye work Mikemossu, he works Mikemossuwak, they work. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’mikemossihump, | worked Mikemossihhenap, we worked K’mikemossihump, thou workedst K’mikemossihhimoap, ye worked Mikemossop, he worked Mikemossopannik, they worked. Future. Singular. Plural. N’mikemossitsch, I shall or will work Mikemossihhenatsch, we shall 07 will work K’mikemossitsch, thou shalt or wilt work — K’mikemossihhimotsch, ye shall or will work Mikemossutsch, he shall or will work Mikemossuwatsch, they shall or will work. * Note by the Translator.—This is a contraction of mikemossihhummena, and is often used for the sake of euphony. The double A has not a guttural sound ; it merely shews that the prece- ding vowel is short. VOL. Il.—2 122 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. | IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Mikemossil, work thou _ | Mikemossik, work ye Mikemossitetsch, let him work, he shall work | Mikemossichtitetsch, let them work, they shail ° work Singular with Plural. Double Plural. Mikemossitam, do thou let us work Mikemossitamoak, do ye let us work. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Mikemossiya, when or if | work Mikemossiyenk, when or if we work K’mikemossiyan or yanne, when or if thou work- | Mikemossiyek, when 07 if ye work est Mikemossichtit, when or if they work. Mikemossit, when or if he works Preterite. Singular. Plural. Mikemossiyakup, when or if I worked Mikemossiyenkup, when or if we worked Mikemossiyannup, when or if thou workedst Mikemossiyekup, when or if ye worked Mikemossitup, when or if he worked Mikemossichtitup, when or if they worked. Pluperfect. Singular. | Plural. Mikemossiyakpanne, when or ifI had worked |. Mikemossiyenkpanne, when or if we had worked Mikemossiyanpanne, when or if thou hadst|Mikemossiyekpanne, when or if ye had worked worked Peon te when or if they had Mikemossitpanne, when or if he had worked worked. Future. Singular. Plural. Mikemagsiyatsch, when or if [ shall work Mikemossiyenketsch, when or if we shall work Mikemossiyanetsch, when or if thou shalt work | Mikemossiyequetsch, when 9rif ye shall work Mikemossitetsch, when or if he shall work Mikemossichtitsch, when or if they shall work. NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Atta n’mikemossiwi, I do not work Atta n’mikemossuwune or mikemossuwuneen, Atta k’mikemossiwi, thou dost not work we have not worked \tta k’mikemossihhimowi, ye have not worked Attta mikemossuwi, he does not work Atta mikemossiwiwak, they have not worked. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 123 [FIRST CONJUGATION. } Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta n’mikimossiwip, [ did not work or have not} Atta n’mikemossiwunap, we did not work or worked have not worked Atta k’mikemossiwi, thou didst not work or] Atta k’mikemossiwihhimoap, ye did not work hast not worked or have not worked Atta mikemossuwik, he did not work or has not} Atta mikemossiwipannik, they did work or have worked not worked. Future. Singular. Plural. Atta n’mikemossiwitsch, I shall not work Atta mikemossiwunatsch, we shall not work Atta k’mikemossiwitsch, thou shalt not work Atta k’mikemossiwibhimatsch, ye shall not work Atta mikemossuwitsch, he shall not work Atta mikemossuwiwaktsch, they shall not work. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Katschi mikemossihon, work not thou Katschi mikemossihek, work ye not. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta mikemossiwa, when or if [ do not work | Matta mikemossiwenk, when or if we do not Matta mikemossiwonne, when or if thou dost work ° not work Matta mikemossiwek, when or if ye do not work Matta mikemossique, when or if he does not | Matta mikemossichtik, when or if they do not work work. Preterite. 7 Singular. Plural. Matta mikemossiwakup, when or if I did not| Matta mikemossiwenkup, when or if we did not work work Matta mikemossiwonnup, when or if thou didst| Matta mikemossiwekup, when or if ye did not not work work Matta mikemossikup, when or if he did not work | Matta mikemossichtitup, when or if they did not work. Future. Singular. ° Plural. Atta mikemossiwatsch, when or if I shall not} Atta mikemossiwenketsch, when or if we shall work not work Atta mikemossiwonnetsch, when or if thou shalt} Atta mikemossiweketsch, when or if ye shall not not work work Atta mikemossiketsch, when or if he shall not} Atta mikemossichtiktsch, when or if they shall work not work. 124: GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [First CONJUGATION. ] No. IV. Mirzin, to eat. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. | Preterite. Mitzin, to eat Mitzineep or mitzihump, to have eaten. PARTICIPLES. Singular. Plural. Mitzit, he who is eating there Mitzichtit, they who are eating there. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’mitzi, I eat N’mitzineen or mitzibhenna, we eat K’mitzi, thou eatest K’mitzihhimo, ye eat Mitzu, he eats Mitzowak, they eat. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’mitzineep or n’mitzihump, I have eaten N’mitzihhenakup, we have eaten K’mitzineep or k’mitzihump, thou hast eaten K’mitzihhimoakup, ye have eaten Mitzoop, he has eaten Mitzopannik, they have eaten. * Future. (Not given.) IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Mitzil, eat thou Mitzik, eat ye Mitzitetsch, let him eat Mitzichtitetsch, let them eat Singular with Plural. Double Plural. Mitzitam, do thou let us eat Mitzitamoak, do you let us eat. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’mitzianne, when or if | eat Mitziyenke, when or if we eat K’mitzianne, when or if thou eatest Mitziyeque, when or if ye eat Mitzite, when or if he eats Mitzichtite, when or if they eat. OF THE LENNT LENAPE INDIANS. 425 [FIRST CONJUGATION. | Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’mitziyannup, when or if I did eat or have eaten N’mitziyenkup, when or if we did eat or have K’mitziyannup, when or if thou didst eat or hast eaten eaten Mitziyekup, when or if ye did eat or have eaten Mitzite, when or if he did eat or has eaten Mitzichtitup, when or if they did eat or have eaten. The Future Is conjugated like the present tense, n’mitziyanetsch, when or if I shall have eaten, &c. The preterite is often joined to or preceded by the adverb metschi (already), as for instance, metschi mitziyanne, when or if I shall have eaten, metschi mitzite, when or if he shall have eaten. No. V. Pommiss1n, to go, to walk. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Preterite. Pommissineep, to have gone. Present. Pommissin, to go PARTICIPLES. Singular. Plural. ; Pemsit, one who is going Pemsitschik, those who are going, (euntes, am- - bulantes ) INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’pomsi, I go N’pommissineen, we go K’pomsi, thou goest Pomsihhimo, ye go Pomsu, he goes Pommissowak, they go. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’pomsineep, I went Pommissihhenakup, we went K’pomsineep, thou didst go Pommissihhimoakup, ye went Pommissop, he went Pommissopannik, they went. VOL. II.—2 I 126 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST ConsUGATION. | The Future Is conjugated like the present, with ¢sch suffixed : EXAMPLE, Singular. Plural. N’pomsitsch N’pommissineentsch K’pomsitch Pommissihhimotsch or pomsihhimotsch Pommissutsch 07 pomsutch Pommissowaktsch. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Pommissil, go thou . Pommissik, go ye. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. i Singular. Plural. Pommissiyane, when or if I go Pommissiyenke, when or if we ge K’pommissiyane, when or if thou goest Pommissiyeque, when or if ye go Pommissite, when or if he goes Pommissichtite, when or if they go. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Pommissiyannup, when or if I went Pommissiyenkup, when or if we went K’pommissiyannup, when or if thou didst go Pommissiyekup, when or if ye went Pommissitup, when or if he went Pommissichtitup, when or if they went. Future. Singular. Plural. Pommissiyanetsch, when or if I shall go Pommissiyenketsch, when or if we shall go K’pommissiyanetsch, when or if thou shalt go | Pommissiyequetsch, when or if ye shall go Pommissitetsch, when or if he shall go Pommissichtitetsch, when or if they shall go. Note.—This verb is not used in the sense of “ going to or away from a particular place.” In this case aan, to go, and allumsin, to go away, are used. No. VI. Gauwin, to sleep. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Gauwin, to sleep Gauwineep, to have slept OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 137 [FIRST CONJUGATION. | Future. Gauwintschi, to be about to sleep (dormiturus esse). PARTICIPLES. Present. Singular. Plural. Gewi, he who sleeps, (dormiens) Gewitschik, they who sleep, (dormientes) Preterite. Plural. Gewitpannik, they who have slept. Singular. Gewitup, he or one who has slept INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’gauwi, I sleep Gauwineen, we sleep K’gauwi, thou sleepest Gauwibhimo, ye sleep Gauwiu, he sleeps Gauwiwak, they sleep. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’gauwineep, I slept Gauwihhenakup, we slept K’gauwineep, thou didst sleep Gauwibhimoakup, ye slept Gauwip, he slept Gauwipannik, they slept. Future. Singular. Plural. N’gauwintschi, I shall or will sleep Gauwihhenatsch, we shall or will sleep K’gauwintschi, thou shalt or wilt sleep Gauwihhimotsch, ye shall or will sleep Gauwiuchtsch, he shall or will sleep Gauwiwaktsch, they shall or will sleep. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Gauwil, sleep thou . Gauwik, sleep ye Gauwiwetsch, let him or he shall sleep Gauwichtitetsch, they shall sleep Singular with Plural. Double Plural. Gauwitam, do thou let us sleep Gauwitamook, do ye let us sleep. t SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. (Not given.) -Vote.—Gavwoheen, to lie down to sleep. 4128 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. | No. VII. " PomMAUCHSIN, to live. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Pommauchsin, to live Pommauchsintsch, victurus esse. The idea Pommauchsineep, to have lived | cannot be expressed in English. PARTICIPLES. Present. Perfect. Pemauchsit, living Pemauchsitpannik, he who lived Future.- Pemauchsitschick, he who shall live. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsi, I live N’pommauchsihummena, we live K’pommauchsi, thou livest _ | K’pommauchsihhimo, ye live Pommauchsu, he liveth Pommauchsowak, they live. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsineep, I lived N’pommauchsihummenakup, we lived K’pommauchsineep, thou livedst K’pommauchsik, ye lived Pommauchsop, he lived Pommauchsopannik, they lived- Future. fi Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsitseh, I shall live N’pommauchsihummenatsch, we shall live K’pommauchsitsch, thou shalt live K’pommauchsihhimotsch, ye shall live Pommauchsutsch, he shall live Pommauchsowaktsch, they shall live IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Pommauchsil, live thou Pommauchsik, live ye Future Singular. Future Plural. Pommauchsitetsch, he shall live Pommauchsichtitetsch, they shall live. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 129 [FIRST CONJUGATION. | SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsiyanne, if or when I live Pommauchsiyenke, if or when we live K’pommauchsiyanne, if 07 when thou livest Pommauchsiyeque, if or when ye live Pommauchsite, if or when he lives Pommauchsichtite, if a7 when they live. . Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsiyannup, if or when I have lived | Pommauchsiyenkup, if or when we have lived K’pommauchsiyannup, if 7 when thou hast lived | Pommauchsiyekup, if or when ye have lived Pommauchsitup, if or when he has lived Pommauchsichtitup, if or when they have lived Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsiyanpanne, if or when [had lived | Pommauchsiyenkpanne, if or when we had K’pommauchsiyanpanne, if or when thou hadst lived lived Pommauchsiyekpanne, if or when ye had lived Pommauchsitpanne, if or when he had lived Pommauchsichtitpanne, if or when they had lived. The Future Is like the present with only tsch suffixed: thus n’pommauchsiyan- netsch, k’pommauchsiyannetsch, &c. WEGATIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. (Not given.) INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pommauchsiwi, I do not live Matta n’pommauchsiwuneen 07 n’pommauchsi- Matta k’pommauchsiwi, thou dost not live wenk, we do not live Matta pommauchsiwi, he does not live Matta k’pommauchsiwunevo or k’pommauchsi- week, ye do not live Matta pommauchsiwiwak, they do not live. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pommauchsiwip, I have not lived Matta n’pommauchsiwenkup, we have not lived Matta k pommauchsiwip, thou hast not lived Matta k’pommauchsiwekup, ye have not lived Matta pommauchsiwip, he has not lived Matta pommauchsiwipannik, they have not lived. VOL. Ill.—2 kK GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE _ ~) © >) [FIRST CONJUGATION. | The Future Is like the present with tsch suffixed. IMPERATIVE MOOD. (Not given.) SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n°pommauchsiwonne, if I do not live Matta pommauchsiwenke, if we do not live Matta k*pommauchsiwonne, if thou dost not live} Matta pommauchsiweque, if ye do not live Matta pommauchsique, if he does not live Matta pommauchsichtique, if they do not live Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pommauchsiwonnup, if or when I did Matta pommauchsiwenkup, if or when we did not live not live Matta k’pommauchsiwonnup, if er when thou Matta pommauchsiwekup, if or when ye did not didst not live I live Matta pommauchsitup, if er when he did not, Matta pommauchsichtitup, if or when they did live | not live. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pommauchsiwipanne, if or when I had | Matta pommauchsiwenkpanne, if or when we not lived had not lived Matta k’pommauchsiwonpanne, if or when thou | Matta pommauchsiwekpanne, if or when ye had hadst not lived not lived Matta pommauchsiwipanne, if or when he had | Matta pommauchsuwiwakpanne, if or when they not lived had not lived. The Future Is formed from the present, as is said above, by adding tsch. CAUSATIVE FORM. i INFINITIVE MOOD Pommauchsoheen, to make to live. PARTICIPLES. Present. Singular. Plural. Pemauchsohaluwed, he who makes to live Pemauchsohalid, he who makes me live Pemauchsohalquenk, he who makes us live Pemauchsohalquon, he who makes thee live Pemauchsohalqueek, he who makes you live Pemauchsohalat, he who makes him live Pemauchsohalquichtit, he who makes them live bs OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 131 [rirst CONJUGATION. ] Preterite. Pemauchsohalitup, he who made me live. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. N’pommauchsohalgun o7 n’pommauchsohaluk, he makes me live K’pommauchsohalgun, he makes thee live Pommauchsohalal ory pommauchsohalgol, he makes him live Plural. Pommauchsohalguna or pommauchsohalquenk, he makes us live K’pommauchsohalguwa, he makes you live Pommauchsohalawak, he makes them live. Preterite. Singular. N’pommauchsohalguneep, he made me live K’pommauchsohalguneep, he made thee live Pommauchsohalap, he made him live Plural. Pommauchsohalquenkup, he made us live Pommauchsohalquekup, he made you live Pommauchsohalapannit, he made them live. Future. Singular. Plural. N’pommauchsohalaktsch, he shall or will make | N’pommauchsohalgunatsch, he shall or will me live . make us live K’pommauchsohalaktsch, he shall or will make | K’pommauchsohalguwaktsch, he shall or will thee live make you live Pommauchsohaluchtsch, he shall 07 will make | Pommauchsohalawaktsch, he shall or will make him live them live. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Pommauchsohalil, make me live Pommauchsohalineen, make us live. NEGATIVE FORM. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pommauchsohalgowi, he does not make | Matta pommauchsohalguwuneen, he does not me live make us live Matta k’pommauchsohalgowi, he does not make | Matta k’pommauchsohalguweek, he does not thee live make you live Matta pommauchsohalawi, he does not make him | Matta pommauchsohalawiwak, he does not make live them live. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta pommauchsohalgowip, he did not make} Matta pommauchsohalguwenkup, he did not me live make us live Matta k’pommauchsohalgowip, he did not make} Matta pommauchsohalgawekup, he did not make thee live you live Matta pommauchsohalawip, he did not make him} Matta pommauchsohalawipannit, he did not make live them live. 132 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE = [FIRST CONJUGATION. ] The Future. May be formed from the present tense, as has been already shewn. Note.—From the verb pommauchsin is also formed petauchsin, to live so long, till now, to this time, and is conjugated through all. the moods and tenses of the radical verb. When we say petauchsohalgun, it is as much as to say “he” (the Saviour) “has preserved our lives or kept (keeps) us living until this time.” In this sense, it can only be said of the Deity and of no one else. It is, as one might say, a religious verb. No. IX. Lavcustn, to live, to walk. This verb is derived from pommauchsin above conjugated*. INFINITIVE MOOD. Lauchsin, to live, walk. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’dellauchsin, I live or walk N’dellauchsineen or n’dellauchsihummena, we K’dellauchsin, thou livest or walkest live or walk W’dellauchsin or lauchsu, he lives or walks K’dellauchsihhimo, ye live or walk W’dellauchsinewo or lauchsowak, they live or walk. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’dellauchsineep or n’dellauchsihump, I lived | N’dellauchsihummenakup, we lived or walked or walked K’dellauchsihimoakup, ye lived or walked Kdellauchsineep or k’dellauchsihump, thou | W’dellauchsinewo or lauchsopannik, they lived livedst or walkedst or walked. W’dellauchsineep or lauchsop, he lived or walked * Note by the Translator—The author does not explain himself further, but I have been in- formed by Mr Heckewelder that the Delawares have various verbs in which they combine the idea of life with actions of living men. Thus a person who has been sick, being asked how he is, will answer, I live, I walk, lam on my feet, I am lively, able to walk about. In other circumstances, the answer to such a question will be given by a different verb. The author, in his copious Dela- ware Vocabulary, in the form of a spelling book, has neither lawchsin nor pommauchsin, he has pommissin, to walk, pommiin, to creep. These shades of language can only be acquired by practice. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. — 133 [FIRST CONJUGATION. ] Future. Singular. Plural. N’dellauchsintsch, I shall live or walk N’dellauchsihummenatsch, we shall live or walk K’dellauchsintsch, thou shalt live or walk K’dellauchsihimmotsch, you shall live or walk Lauchsutsch, he shall live or walk W’dellauchsowaktsch, they shall live or walk. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Lauchsil, live thou or walk Lauchsik, live ye Lauchsitam, let us live. More of this mood is not given. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Lauchsiya, if I live or walk Lauchsiyenke, if we live or walk Lauchsiyanne, if thou livest or walkest Lauchsiyeque, if ye live or walk Lauchsite, if he lives or walks Lauchsichtite, if they live or walk. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Lauchsiyakup, if I lived : Lauchsiyenkup, if we lived K’dellauchsiyannup, if thou livedst Lauchsiyekup, if ye lived Lauchsitup, if he lived Lauchsichtitup, if they lived. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Lauchsiyanpanne, if I had lived Lauchsiyenkpanne, if we had lived Kdellauchsiyanpanne, if thou hadst lived Lauchsiyekpanne, if ye had lived Lauchsitpanne, if he had lived Lauchsichtitpanne, if they had lived. Future. Singular. Plural. Lauchsiyannetsch, if I shall live Lauchsiyenketsch, if we shall live K’dellauchsiyannetsch, if thou shalt live Lauchsiyequetsch, if ye shall live Lauchsitetsch, if he shall live Lauchsichtitetsch, if they shall live. CAUSATIVE FORM. Lauchsoheen, to cause or make one to live, walk, be lively, happy. INFINITIVE MOOD. Lauchsoheen, to make one live (in the sense above mentioned). VOL. Ill.—2 L 134 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. | PARTICIPLES. Plural. Lauchsohalquenk, he who makes us live. Singular. Lauchsohalid, he who makes me live Lauchsohalitup, he who made me live INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Plural. N’dellunchsohalguneen, he who makes us live K’dellauchsohalguwa, he who makes you live Lauchsohalawak, he who makes them live. Singular. N’dellauchsohalgun, he who makes me live Lauchsohalquon, he who makes thee live Lauchsohalgol, he who makes him live Preterite. Smgular. Plurai. N’dellauchsohalguneep, he made me live Lauchsohalquenkup, he made us live K’dellauchsohalguneep, he made thee live Lauchsohalquekup, he made you live Lauchsohalgop, he made him live Lauchsohalapannit, he made them live. Future. Singular. Plural. Nekamatsch n’dellauchsohalgun, he will make | N’dellauchsohalgunatsch, he will make us live me live K’dellauchsohalguwatsch, he will make you live Nekamatsch k’dellauchsohalgun, he will make} Lautchsohalawatsch, he will make them live. thee live Nekamatsch lauchsohalgol, he will make him live IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Lauchsohalil, make me live Lauchsohalineen, make us live. No more of this verb is given. No. X. WULAMALLsIN, to be well, happy. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Wulamallsin, to be well, happy. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 135 [FIRST CONJUGATION. | . INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsi, I am well Nulamallsihhummena, or shorter, nulamallsih- Kulamallsi, thou art well hena, we are well Wulamallsi, he is well Kulamallsihhimo, ye are well Wulamallsowak, they are well. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsihump, I was well Nulamallsihhummenakup, we were well Kulamallsihump, thou wast well Kulamallsihhimoakup, ye were well Wulamalessop, he was well Wulamallsopannik, they were well. Future. Singular. Plural. Nulalmalsitsch, I shall or will be well Nulamallsihhenatsch, we shall or will be well Kulamallsitsch, thou shalt o7 wilt be well Kulamallsihhimotsch, ye shall 07° will be well Wulamallessutsch, he shall or will be well Wulamallsowaktsch, they shall 07 will be well. IMPERATIVE MOOD. (Not given.) SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsiyanne, if or when I am well Wulamallsiyenke, if or when we are well Kulamallsiyanne, if or when thou art well Wulamallsiyeque, if or when ye are well Wulamallsite, if or when he is well Wulamallsichtite, if ov when they are well. Preterite. Singular. Plural, Nulamallsiyannup, if ov when I was well Nulamallsyenkup, if or when we were well Kulamallsiannup, if or when thou wert well Kulamallsiyekup, if or when ye were well Wulamallsitup, if 07 when he was well Wulamallsichtitup, if or when they were well. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsiyanpanne, if or when I had been well | Wulamallsiyenkpanne, if 07 when we had been Kulamallsiyanpanne, if 07 when thou hadst been well , we Wulamallsiyekpanne, if or when ye had been Wulamallessitpanne, if or when he had been well well Protaras nee a pane, if or when they had been well. 136 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. | . Future. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsiyannetsch, if or when I shall or will) Wulamallsiyenketsch, when or if we shall or be well will be well Kulamallsiyannetsch, if ov when thou shalt or, Wulamallsiyequetsch, when or if ye shall or will wilt be well be well Wulamallsitetsch, if 07 when he shall or will be | Wulamallsichtitetsch, when or if they shall or well will be well. NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta nulamallsiwi, I am not well Matta nulamallsiwuneen, we are not well Matta kulamallsiwi, thou art not well Matta kulamalliwihhimo, ye are not well Matta wulamallsiwi, he is not well Matta wulamallsiwiwak, they are not well. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta nulamallsiwip, I have not been well Matta nulamallsiwenkup, we have not been well Matta kulamallsiwip, thou hast not been well Matta kulamallsiwekup, ye have not been well Matta wulamallsiwi, he has not been well Matta wulamallsiwipannik, they have not been well. The remainder may be easily conjugated by following the negative form of pommauchsin, to live, above given. CONTINUOUS FORM. ‘To be conjugated as the preceding with wa prefixed. EXAMPLE. Wawulamallsin, to be always well or happy. Singular. Plural. N’wawulamallsi, | am always well Wawulamallsihhummena, we are always well K’ wawulamallsi, thou art always well K’wawulamallsihhimo, ye are always well Wawulamallsu, he is always well Wawulamallsowak, they are always well, &c. CAUSATIVE FORM. Wulamallesscheen, to make or cause a person to be well or happy. INFINITIVE MOOD. Wulamallesscheen, to make one happy. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 137 [First CONJUG ATION. } PARTICIPLES. Wulamallessohaluwed, he who makes one happy | Wulamallessohalat, he who makes him happy Wulamallessohalid, he who makes me happy Wulamallessohalquenk, he who makes us happy Wulamallessohalian (vocative), O thou who ma-| Wulamallessohalqueek, he who makes you happy kest me happy ! Wulamallessohalquichtit, he who makes them Wulamallessohalquon, he who makes thee happy happy. : INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsohalgun, he makes me happy Wulamallsohalguna, he makes us happy Kulamallsohalgun, he makes thee happy Wulamallsohalguwa, he makes you happy Wulamallsohalgol, he makes him happy Wulamallsohalawak, he makes them happy. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsohalguneep, he made me happy Wulamallsohalgunap, he made us happy Kulamallsohalguneep, he made thee happy Wulamallsohalguwoap, he made you happy Wulamallsohalap, he made him happy Wulamallsohalapannik, he made them happy. Future. Singular. Plural. Nulamallsohaluktsch, he shall make me happy | Wulamallsohalgunatsch, he shall make us happy Kulamallsohaluktsch, he shall make thee happy | Wulamallsohalguwatsch, he shall make youhappy Wulamallsohalauchtsch, he shall make him happy | Wulamallsohalawaktsch, he shall make them happy. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Wulamallsohalil, make me happy Wulamallsohalineen, make us happy. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Wulamallsohalite, if or when he makes me| Wulamallsohalquenke, if or when he makes us happy happy Wulamallsohalquonne, if or when he makes thee} Wulamallessohalqueque, if or when he makes happy you happy Wulamallsohalate, if 07 when he makes him Wulamallsohalquichtite, if or when he makes happy them happy. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Wulamallsohalitup, if or when he made me Wulamallsohalquenkup, if or when he made us happy aPpy Wulamallsohalquonnup, if 07 when he made thee Wulamallsohalquekup, if or when he made you happy happy Wulamallsohalatup, if or when he made him Wulamallsohalquichtup, if or when he made happy them happy. VOL. 1lI.—2 M A 438 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FIRST CONJUGATION. | Future. (Not given.) Note.—The proper orthography of this verb is wulamallessin, wulam- allesscheen, wulamallessi, &c.; but the eis frequently left out for brevity’s sake, both in speaking and writing, therefore in this conjugation the twe modes of spelling are indifferently used. No. XI. NIHILLAPEWIN, to be one’s own master, to be free. INFINITIVE MOOD. Nihillapewin, to be free. PARTICIPLES. Present. Singular. Plural. Nihillapewid, he who is tree Nihillapewitschik, they who are free. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nihillapewi, I am free Nihillapewineen, nihillapewiyenk, nihillapewi- EK’nihillapewi, thou art free hummena, we are free Nihillapeu, he is free Nihillapewihhimo, nihillapewiyek, ye are free Nihillapewak, they are free. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Nihillapewihump, I was free Nihillapewihummenakup, we were free K’nihillapewihump, thou wast free K’nihillapewihummoakup, ye were free Nihillapewip, he was free A Nihillapewapannik, they were free. The Future Is as usual formed from the present by means of the suffix fsch. IMPERATIVE MOOD. (Not given.) SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nihillapewiyake, when or if I am free Nihillapewiyenke, when or if we are free K’nihillapewiyane, when or if thou art free Nihillapewiyeque, when or if ye are free Nihillapewite, when or if he is free Nihillapewichtite, when or if they are free. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 139 [FIRST CONJUGATION. | Preterite. Singular. Nihillapewiyannup, when or if I was free Knihillapewiyannup, when or if thou wert free Nihillapewitup, when or if he was free Plural. Nihillapewiyenkup, when or if we were free Nihillapewiyekup, when or if ye were free Nihillapewichtitup, when or if they were free. Pluperfect. Singular. Nihillapewiyanpanne, when or if I had been free K’nihillapewiyanpanne, when or if thou hadst been free Nihillapewipanne, when or if he had been free Plural, Nihillapewiyenkpanne, when or we had been free Nihillapewiyekpanne, when or if ye had been free Nihillapewichtitpanne, when or if they had been free. Future. (Not given.) Note.—As this verb has the syllable wi, which in general indicates a negative form, its negative has wiwi. CAUSATIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Nihillapucheen, to liberate or make free. PARTICIPLES. Present. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalid, he who makes me free, my de- Nihillapeuhoalquenk, he who makes us free, our liverer deliverer Nihillapeuhalquon, he who makes thee free, thy Nihillapeuhoalqueek, he who makes you free, deliverer Nihillapeuhoalat, he who makes him free, his de- liverer your deliverer Nihillapeuhoalquichtit, he who makes them free, their deliverer. Preterite. Nihillapeuhoalitup, he who made me fiee, &c. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Nihillapeuhalgun, he or one* makes me free K’nihillapeuhoalgun, he or one makes thee free Nihillapeuhoalgol, he or one makes him free Plural. Nihillapeuhoalguna or nihillapeuhalquenk, he or one makes us free Nihillapeuhoalguwa or nihillapeuhoalqueek, he or one makes you free Nihillapeuhoalgook or nihillapeuhoalawak, he or one makes them free. * Note by the Translator.— One answers here to the French particle on: on me délivre. 140 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [Frrsr consuGaATION. | Preterite. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalgoap, he made me free Nihillapeuhoalgunakup, he made us free Rnihillapeuhoalgop, he made thee free Nihillapeuhoalguwoakup, he made you free Wnihillapeuhoalap, he made him free W’nipihillapeuhoalapannik, he made them free. The Future. Is formed from the present, by means of the suffix tsch. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalil, make me free Nihillapeuhoalineen, make us free. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalite, if 07» when he makes me free | Nihillapeuhoalquenke, if or when he makes us Nihillapeuhoalquonne, if or when he makes thee free free Nihillapeuhoalqueque, if or when he makes you Wnihillapeuhoalate, if or when he makes him free free Nihillapeuhoalquichtite, if or when he makes them free. pony Preterite. Singular. | Plural. Nihillapeuhoalitup, if or when he made me free Nihillapeuhoalquenkup, if or when he made us Nihillapeuhoalquonnup, if 07 when he made thee free free Nihillapeuhoalquekup, if o7 when he made you Nihillapeuhoalatup, if or when he made him free | free Nihillapeuhoalquichtitup, if or when he made them free. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalitpanne, if or when he had made | Nihillapeuhoalquenkpanne, if or when he had me free made us free Nihillapeuhoalatquonpanne, if or when he had | Nihillapeuhoalqueekpanne, if or when he had made thee free made you free Nihillapeuhoalatpanne, if or when he had made | Nihillapeuhoalquichtitpanne, if or when he had him free made them free. Future. (Not given.) = a OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 441. [FIRST CONJUGATION. ] SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalgussia, if 07 when I am made free | Nihillapeuhoalgussiyenque, if or when we are Knihillapeuhoalgussiyane, if 07 when thou art made free made free Nihillapeuhoalgussiyeque, if or when ye are made Nihillapeuhoalgussite, if or when he is made free free Nihillapeuhoalgussichtite, if or when they are made free. Preterite. Singular. . Plural. Nihillapeuhoalgussiyakup, if 07 when I was made | Nihillapeuhoalgussiyenkup, if 07 when we were free made free Wnihillapeuhoalgussiyanup, if or when thou wert | K*nihillapeuhoalgussiyekup, if or when ye were made free made free Nihillapeuhoalgussitup, if or when he was made | Nihillapeuhoalgussichtitup, if or when they were free made free. Pluperfect. . Singular. : Plural. Nihillapeuhoalgussiyakpanne, if o” when I had| Nihillapeuhoalgussiyenkpanne, if or when we been made free had been made free K’nihillapeuhoalgussiyanpanne, if or when thou Fnihillapeuhoalgussiyekpanne, if or when ye hadst been made free had been made free Nihillapeuhoalgussitpanne, if or when he had | Nihillapenhoalgussichtitpanne, if or when they been made free had been made free. Future. Singular. Plural. Nihillapeuhoalgussitsch, if or when I shall be] Nihillapeuhoalgussihummenatsch, if or when we made free shall be made free K’njhillapeuhoalgussitsch, if or when thou shalt| K’nihillapeuhoalgussihimatsch, if or when ye be made free shall be made free Nihillapeuahoalgussutsch, if or when he shall Nihillapeuhoalgussowaktsch*, if 07 when they be made free shall be made free. —_—_— * Note by the Translator.—This verb in its various forms is derived from, or at least con- nected with nihillatamen, 1 own, I am master of, and to that class belong words which may be used as substantives, signifying lord or master, or as participles, in their personal forms, as he who owns me, thee, him, &c. See the 4th conjugation, No. IIT. to which that verb belongs. With this family of verbs and substantives is connected the verb, nihilla, I kill, or strike dead, and its forms, knzhillall, I kill thee, strike thee dead ; and nilchgussiani, (used only in the subjunc- tive mood) if or when I am killed or struck dead. It is very curious to observe the chains of ideas which different nations pursue in the formation of theirlanguages. Here we find right, power, and foree confounded together, as if there was no difference between them—I am owner, mas- ter, lord; 1 strike, kill, destroy ; all—words derived fiom the same root prodaced under different forms, and this will, no doubt, be ascribed to the barbarity of American Indians. But may not similar connections and derivations be found in the languages of civilized nations? For instance the Italian cattivo, wicked, from captivus, a prisoner, whence the English word caitiff is derived ; the French gueux, a scoundrel, which signifies also a beggar ; thus stigmatizing misfortune with the imputation of baseness and crime ; and in almost all European languages, the words wretch. malheureux, miserable, &c. used to express the highest degree of defamation and contempt. “< Take physic, pomp !’’—Let us learn first to know ourselves, before we pass too severe a judg- ment on other nations. VOL. Ill.—2 N 142 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [oF VERBS. | Second Conjugation. No. I. AAN, to go (thither, to a place.) POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Aan, to go. PARTICIPLES. Singular. Plural. Byat, going : Eyatschik Ahek, gone Ahektschik. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’da, I go N’daneen or n’dahhena, we go K’da, thou goest K’dahhimo, ye go Eu or waeu, he goes Ewak, waewak, or w’danewo, they go. Preterite. . Singular. Plural. N’dahump, n’danep, I went N’dahhenap or n’dahhenakup, we went K’dahump, k’danep, thou didst go K’dahhimoakup, ye went Eep, w’danep, he went Epannik, they went. Future. Singular. Plural. N’dantsch, I shall or will go N’dahhenatsch, we shall or will go K’dantsch, thou shalt or wilt go K’dahhimotsch, ye shall or will go Euchtsch, he shall 07 will go Ewaktsch, they shall or will go. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Aal, go.thou Atam let us go Aak, go ye. a wea ar OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 143 [SECOND CONJUGATION. | Future. Singular. Plural. Atetsch, he shall go Achtitetsch, they shall go. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Aane, when or if I go Ayenke, when or if we go Ayane, when or if thou goest Ayeque, when or if ye go Ate, when or if he goes Aachtite, when or if they go. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Aanup, when or if I went Ayenkup, when or if we went Ayanup, when or if thou didst go Ayekup, when or if ye went Atup, when or if he went Aachtitup, when or if they went. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Aanpanne, when or if I had gone Ayenkpanne, when or if we had gone Ayanpanne, when or if thou hadst gone Ayekpanne, when or if ye had gone Atpanne, when or if he had gone Achtitpanne, when or if they had gone. Future. Singular. Plural. Aanetsch, when orif I shall go Ayenketsch, when or if we shall go Ayanetsch, when or if thou shalt go Ayequetsch, when or if ye shall go Aktsch, when or if he shall go Aachtitetsch, when or if they shall go. LOCAL RELATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Eyaya, where or whither I go Eyayenk, where or whither we go Eyayan, where or whither thou goest Eyayek, where or whither ye go Eyat, where or whither he goes Eyachtit, where or whither they go. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Eyayakup, where or whither I went Eyayenkup, where or whither we went Eyayanup, where or whither thou didst go Eyayekup, where or whither ye went Eyatup, where or whither he went Eyachtitup, where or whither they went. Future. Singular. Plural. Eyayatsch, where or whither I shall or will go | Eyayenktsch, where or whither we shall or will Eyayannetsch, where or whither thou shalt or go wilt go Eyayektsch, where or whither ye shall or will go Eyatsch, where or whither he shall or will go _| Eyaktitsch, where or whither they shall or will go. 144 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [SECOND CONJUGATION. | NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Smgular. Plural. Matta n’dawi, I do not go Matta n’dawuneen, we do not go Matta k°dawi, thou dost not go Matta k’dawunewo, ye do not go Matta ewi, he does not go Matta ewiwak, they do not go. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’dawip, I did not go Matta n’dawunenap, we did not go Matta k’dawip, thou didst not go Matta k’dawihhimoap or k’dawunewoap, ye did Matta ewip, he did not go not go Matta w’dawunewoap or ewipannik, they did not go. Future. Singular. Plural. Mattatsch n’dawi, I shall not go Mattatsch n’dawuneen, we shall not go Mattatsch k’dawi, thou shalt not go Mattatsch k’dawunewo, ye shall not go Mattatsch w’dawi or ewi, he shall not go Mattatsch ewiwak, they shall not go. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Katschi ta ahan, do not go Katschi ta ahek, go ye not. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. : Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n’dawonne, when or if I do not go Matta awenke, when or if we do not go Matta awonne, when or if thou dost not go Matta aweque, when or if ye do not go Matta aque, when or if he does not go Matta achtite, when or if they do not go. The other tenses of this verb in the subjunctive mood are not given. SOCIAL FORM. To go with some body. INFINITIVE MOOD. Witeen*, to go with | Witeneep, to have gone with. * Note by the Translator.—The derivation of this word witeen from n’da, I go, does not immediately appear. In the first place it must be observed, that the author frequently con- OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 445 [SECOND coNnsUGATION. | PARTICIPLE. Witetschik, he who goes with his companion. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’wite, I go with N’witeneen, we go with K’wite, thou goest with K’witenewo, ye go with Witeu, he goes with Witewak, they go with. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’witeneep, I went with N’witenenakup, we went with K’witeneep, thou didst go with K’witenewoakup, ye went with Witeep, he went with Witepannik, they went with. Future. Singular. Plural. N’witetsch, I shall go with N’witeneentsch, we shall go with K’witetsch, thou shalt go with K’witenewotsch, ye shall go with Witeuchtsch, he shall go with Witewaktsch, they shall go with. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Witel, go thou with Witek, go ye with Witscheewil, go thou with me Witscheewik, go ye with me. TRANSITIONS.—FIRST TRANSITION. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. K’witschewulanne or k’witschewulen, I go with | K’witschewullohhumo, I go with you thee N’witschewawak, I go with them. N’witschewan, I go with him Preterite. Singular. Plural. K’witschewulleneep, | went with thee K’witschewullohhumoap or k’witschewullenne- N’witschewoap, I went with him woap, | went with you N’witschewoapannik, I went with them. founds the sounds d and t, which to a German untutored ear appear to be the same; therefore if we write wideen, the etymology becomes at once apparent. Wis the inseparable pronoun of the third person he or she, him or her ; 7 is interposed for euphony’s sake, and deen or teen is a form of the verb aan, to go, as n’da or n’ta is another. We should be very careful how we ascribe a want of analogy to Indian derivations; although it may not be always observable at first sight, it will be discovered by those who investigate the subject with the necessary attention. VOL. 1ll.—2 0 446 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [SECOND consuGATION. ] SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Witschewane, when I go with him | No more of this tense is given, nor of the subjunctive mood through- out these transitions, except two persons in the second, and two in the third. SECOND TRANSITION. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. K’witschewi, thou goest with me K’witschewineen or k’witschewihhena, thou go- K’witschewan, thou goest with him est with us K’witschewawak, thou goest with them. Preterite. Singular. Plural. K’witschewip, thou didst go with me K’witschewihummeneep, (or abridged, k’wits- K’witschewoap, thou didst go with him chewimeneep,) thou didst go with us K’witschewoapannik, thou didst go with them. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. K’witschewianne, when thou goest with me | K’witschewanne, when thou goest with him. THIRD TRANSITION. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’witscheyuk, he goes with me Witscheuchguna, he goes with us K’witscheyuk, he goes with thee Witscheuchguwa, he goes with you Witschewawall, he goes with him Witschewawak, he goes with them. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’witscheuchkup, he went with me Witscheuchgunap, he went with us K’witscheuchkup, he went with thee Witscheuchguwoap, he went with you Witschewoap, he went with him Witschewoapannik, he went with them. ‘wh OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. {47 [SECOND CONJUGATION. ] SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. N’witschewite, when or if he goeswithme | K’witsche, when or if he goes with thee FOURTH TRANSITION. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. K’witschewuleneen, we go with thee K’witschewullohhena, we go with you N’witschewaneen, we go with him N’witschewawuna, we go with them. Preterite. Singular. Plural. K’witschewullohhenap, we went with thee N’witschewullohhenakup, we went with you N’witschewawunap or n’witschewaneenakup,| N’witschewawunap, we went with them. we went with him FIFTH TRANSITION. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. K’witschewihhimo, you ‘go with me K’witschewineen or k’witschewihhummena, you K’witschewanewo, you go with him go with us K’witschewawawall, you go with them. Preterite. Singular. Plural. K’witschewihhimoakup, you went with me 1 K’witschewihummenakup, you went with us K’witschewanewoakup, you went with him Kwitschewawapannik, you went with them. a SIXTH TRANSITION. INDICATIVE MOOD. ' Present. Singular. N’witscheuchgook, they go with me K’witscheuchgook, they go with thee Witscheuchgol, they go with him Plural. Witscheuchgunanak, they go with us Witscheuchguwawak, they go with you Witscheuchgook, they go with them. 148 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [SECOND CONJUGATION. | Preterite. Singular. Plural. N?’witscheuchgokpannik, they went with me Witscheuchgunapannik, they went with us K’witscheuchgopannik, they went with thee Witscheuchguwapannik, they went with you Witscheuchgopannik, they went with him Witscheuchgokpannik, they went with them. No. Il. PAAN, to come. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Paan, to come. PARTICIPLES. Singular. Plural. Payat, he who comes or is coming Payatchik, they who come or are coming. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’pa, I come N’paneen ov n’pahhena, we come K’pa, thou comest K’pahhimo or k’panewo, ye come Peu or peyeya, he comes Pewak, penewo, they come. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’pahump or n’paneep, | came N’pahhenap or n’pakup, we came K’pahump or k’paneep, thon camest K’pahhimoap or k’pahhimoakup, ye came Peep, panep, or peuchsa, he came Pepannik or pannewoakup, they came. Future. Singular. Plural. N’patsch, I shall or will come N’pahhenatsch, we shall or will come K’patsch, thou shalt or wilt come K’pahhenatsch, ye shall o7 will come Peuchtsch, he shall or will come Pewaktsch, they shall or will come. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Present. ‘ Singular. Plural. Pal, come thou Paak, come ye. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 149 [SECOND CONJUGATION. | Future. Singular. Plural. Patetsch, he shall come | Pachtitetsch, they shall come. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plurai. Paane, paya, if or when I come Payenk, payenke, if or when we come Payane, if or when thou comest d Payeque, if or when ye come Pate, if or when he comes Pachtit, pachtite, if or when they come. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Payakup, if or when I came Payenkup, if or when we came Payanup, if or when thou camest Payekup, if or when ye came Patup, peyatup, if ov when he came Pachtitup, if or when they came. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Payakpanne, if 07 when I had come Payenkpanne, if or when we had come Payanpanne, if or when thou hadst come Payekpanne, if or when ye had come Patpanne, if or when he had come Pachtitpanne, if or when they had come. The Future Is formed from the present as above mentioned. NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pawi, I do not come N’pawuneen, we do not come Matta k’pawi, thou dost not come K’pawunewo, ye do not come Matta pewi, he does not come Pewiwak, pewichtik, or pachtique, they do noi come. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pawip, I did not come Matta n’pawihhenap, we did not come Matta k’pawip, thou didst not come Matta k’pawihhimoap, ye did not come Matta pewip, he did not come Matta pewipanik, they did not come. Future. Mattatsch npawi, §c. Like the present tense. VOL. 111.—2 P 150 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [SECOND CONJUGATION. ] IMPERATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Katschi pahan, come thou not Katschi pahik, come ye not. Future. Singular. Plural. Katschi pahitsch, he shall 07 must not come Katschi pachtitetsch, they shall or must not come. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta pawiyak, if or when I do not come Matta pawenke, if ov when we do not come Matta k’pawonne, if or when thou dost not come | Matta paweque, if or when ye do not come Matta paque or pewite, if or when he does not | Matta pachtite, if or when they do not come. come Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta pawiyakup, if 07 when I did not come Matta pawenkup, if or when we did not come Matta k’pawonnup, if or when thou didst not} Matta pawekup, if or when ye did not coine come Matta pachtitup, if ov when they did not come. Matta pakup or pewitup, if or when he did not ° come Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Matta payakpanne, if or when I had not come | Matta pawenkpanne, if or when we had not Matta pawonpanne, if or when thou hadst not come come Matta pawekpanne, if or when ye had not come Matta pakpanne, if 07 when he had not come Matta pachtitpanne, if or when they had not come. Future. The future is like the present. Mattatsch pawiyak, k’pawonne, paque, ec. Another form of the Future. Singular. Plural. Atta n’pawiyatsch, if or when I shallnot come | Atta pawenketsch, if or when we shall not come Atta k’pawonnetsch, if or when thou shalt not| Atta pawequetsch, if or when ye shall not coine come Atta pewichtitetsch or pauchtitetsch, if or when Atta pewitetsch, if 07 when he shall not come they shall not come. Sa OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 154 [or VERBS. ] Curird Conjugation, The third conjugation ends in elendam, and all the verbs with this ter- mination express a disposition, situation, or operation of the mind. No. I. ScHIWELENDAM, to be melancholy or sad. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Schiweiendam, to be sad. Preterite. Schiwelendamenep, to have been sad. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’schiwelendam, I am sad K’schiwelendam, thou art sad Schiwelendam, he is sad Schiwelendameneen, we are sad Schiwelendamohhumo, ye are sad Schiwelendamoak, they are sad. Preterite. Singular. N’schiwelendamenep, | was sad K’schiwelendamenep, thou wast sad Schiwelendamenep, he was sad Plural. Schiwelendamenenap, we were sad Schiwelendamohhumoap, ye were sad Schiwelendamopannik, they were sad. The Future Is conjugated like the present, with tsch suffixed. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Schiwelendama, if or when [ am sad Schiwelendamenke, if 07 when we are sad K’schiwelendamane, if or when thou art sad Schiwelendameque, if or when ye are sad Schiwelendanke, if 07 when he is sad Schiwelendamichtite, if ov when they are sad. 152 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [THIRD CONJUGATION. | Preterite. Singular. Plural. . Schiwelendamakup, if or when I was sad Shiwelendamenkup, if or when we were sad Schiwelendankup, if or when thou wert sad Shiwelendamekup, if or when ye were sad Schiwelendankup, iftor when he was sad Shiwelendamichtitup, if or when they were sad. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Schiwelendamakpanne, if or when I had been} Schiwelendamenkpanne, if ov when we had been sad sad Schiwelendamanpanne, if or when thou hadst| Schiwelendamekpanne, if or when ye had been been sad ' i sad Schiwelendankpanne, if or when he had been | Schiwelendamichtitpanne, if or when they had sad been sad. Future. Singular. Plural. Schiwelendamaktsch, if or when I shall or will | Schiwelendamenketsch, if or when we shall or be sad will be sad Schiwelendamantsch, if or when thou shalt or] Schiwelendamequetsch, if or when ye shall or wilt be sad will be sad Schiwelendanktsch, if or when he shall or will | Schiwelendamichtitetsch, if or when they shall be sad or will be sad. NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Smgular. Plural. Atta n’schiwelendamowi, I am not sad Atta schiwelendamowuneen, we are not sad Atta k’schiwelendamowi, thou art not sad Atta k’schiwelendamohhumo, ye are not sad Atta schiwelendamowi, he is not sad Atta schiwelendamowunewo, they are not sad. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta n’schiwelendamowip, I was not sad Atta schiwelendamowuneen, we were not sad Atta k’schiwelendamowip, thou wast not sad Atta schiwelendamowihhimoap, ye were not sad Atta schiwelendamowip, he was not sad Atta schiwelendamowipannik, they were not sad. Future. Singular. Plural. Mattatsch n’schiwelendamowi, I shall or will |Mattatsch schiwelendamowuneen, we shall or not be sad, &c. will not be sad, &e. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 1538 [THIRD CONJUGATION. | SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta schiwelendamowak, if or when I am not | Atta schiwelendamowenk, if or when we are not sad sad Matta k’schiwelendamowanne, if or when thou | Atta schiwelendamowek, if or when ye are not art not sad sad Matta schiwelendamoque, if or when he is not | Atta schiwelendamichtik, if or when they are not sad sad. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta schiwelendamowakup, if or when I was not| Atta schiwelendamowenkup, if or when we were sad not sad Atta schiwelendamowanup, if or when thou wert! Atta schiweledamowekup, if or when ye were not not sad sad Atta schiwelendamokup, if or when he was not| Atta schiwelendamichtitup, if or when they were sad not sad. No. II. WuLELENDAM, to rejoice. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Wulelendam, to rejoice. Preterite. : Wulelendamenep, to have rejoiced. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nolelendam or nulelendam, I rejoice Kulelendam or kulelendamen, thou rejoicest Nolendamen, we rejoice Kulelendamohhumo, ye rejoice Wulelendam or wulelendamohummena, he re- | Wulelendamoak or wulelendamenewo, they re- joices joice. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Nolelendameneep, I rejoiced Nolelendamenenap o7 nolelendamennakup, we Kulelendameneep, thou rejoiced rejoiced Wulelendamenep or wulelendamoap, he rejoiced | NoleJlendamohhenap or nolelendahummoakup. VOL. 111.—2 qQ ye rejoiced Wulelendamopannik, they rejoiced. 154 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [THIRD CONJUGATION. | The Future Is formed like the present, with tsch suffixed. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Wulelenda, rejoice thou Wulelendamook, do ye rejoice Wulelendamotam, let us rejoice. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Nulelendama, if 07 when I rejoice Wulelendamenke, if or when we rejoice Kulelendamane, if or when thou rejoicest Kulelendameque, if or when ye rejoice Wulelendanke, if or when he rejoices Wulelendamichtite, if 07 when they rejoice. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Wulelendamakup, if or when I rejoiced Nolelendamenkup, if or when we rejoiced Kulelendamanup, if or when thou rejoicedst Wulelendamekup, if ov when ye rejoiced Wulelendankup, if ov when he rejoiced Wulelendamichtitup, if or when they rejoiced. Pluperfect. Singular. , Plural. Nolelendamakpanne, if or when I had rejoiced | Wulelendamenkpanne, if or when we had re- Kulelendamanpanne, if or when thou hadst re- joiced : joiced Kulelendamekpanne, if ox when ye had rejoiced Wulelendankpanne, if or when he hadrejoiced | Wulelendamichtitpanne, if or when they had rejoiced. Future. Singular. Plural. Nolelendamaktsch, if or when I shall rejoice Wulelendamenketsch, if o7 when we shall re- Kulelendamaktsch, if or when thou shalt re- joice joice Kulelendamequetsch, if 07 when ye shall rejoice Wulelendamaktsch, if or when he shall rejoice | Wulelendamichtitetsch, if or when they shall re- joice. | NEGATIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Atta wulelendamowi, not to rejoice. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plurai. Atta nulelendamowi, ! do not rejoice Atta wulelendamowuneen, we do not rejoice Atta kulelendamowi, thou dost not rejoice Atta kulelendamohhumo, ye do not rejoice Atta wulelendamowi, he does not rejoice Atta wulelendamowunewo, they do not rejoice. es OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 155 [THIRD CONJUGATION. ] Preterite. Singular. Atta nulelendamowip, I did not rejoice . Atta kulelendamowip, thou didst not rejoice Atta wulelendamowip, he did not rejoice Plural. Atta wulelendamowunenap, we did not rejoice Atta kulelendamohhumoap, ye did not rejoice Atta wulelendamowunewoap, they did not rejoice. Future. Singular. Plural. Atta nulelendamowitsch, I shall or will not re- | Atta wulelendamowuneentsch, we shall or will joice not rejoice Atta kulelendamowitsch, thou shalt or wilt not] Atta kulelendamohhumotsch, ye shall or will not rejoice A rejoice Atta wulelendamowitsch, he shall or will not re- | Atta wulelendamowunewotsch, they shall or joice will not rejoice. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Atta nulelendamowak, if or when I do not re-| Atta wulelendamowenke, if or when we do not joice » rejoice Atta wulelendamowane, if or when thou dost| Atta wulelendamoweque, if or when ye do not not rejoice rejoice Atta wulelendamoque, if or when he does not | Atta wulelendamichtite, if or when they do not rejoice rejoice. Preterite. Singular. ° Plural. Atta nulelendamowakup, if or when I did not re- | Atta wulelendamowenkup, if or when we did not joice rejoice Atta kulelendamowannup, if or when thou didst} Atta wulelendamowekup, if or when ye did not not rejoice Atta wulelendamokup, if or when he did not re- rejoice Atta wulelendawichtikup, if or when they did not rejoice. Pluperfect. joice Singular. Atta nulelendamowakpanne, if ov when I had not rejoiced Atta kulelendamowanpanne, if or when thou hadst not rejoiced Atta wulelendamowakpanne, if or when he had not rejoiced Plural. Atta wulelendamowenkpanne, if or when we had not rejoiced Atta wulelendamowekpanne, if or when ye had not rejoiced Atta wulelendamichtitpanne, if or when they had not rejoiced. The Future Is formed like the present, with sch suffixed. —=-+-_— The following verbs may easily be conjugated according to the fore- going rule: Tipelendam, to have enough, to be satiated Tschanelendam, to be considering, to be in doubt Schingelendam, to be tired of, to dislike, some- thing : GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FOURTH CONJUGATION. | Schachachgelendam, to have one’s mind made | Achowelendam, to think something difficult up, to be determined Wingelendam, to be pleased with something Aptelendam, to grieve to death Gischelendam, to hatch or meditate something good or bad, to lie Klakelendam (jocularly) to be rakish, extrava- t, dissolute, a good for nothing fellow Lachauwelendam, to be troubled in mind Machelendam, to honour a person Mattelendam, to despise Miechanelendam, to be ashamed Miwelendam, to forgive Wahhellemelendam, to think one’s self far off Gunelendam, to think it along time Pechuwelendam, to think one’s self near Sacquelendam, to be melancholy, sad Apuelendam, to think something or labour easy * Kitelendam, to be in earnest Komelendam, to be free from trouble 07 care Tschipelendam, to think a person disagreeable Ayanhelendam, to be indifferent Niskelendam, to loathe something Kschiechelendam, kschiechelensin, to think one’s self free from sin or stain, to think one’s self holy, pious, clean Uschuwelendam, to be overwhelmed with care or trouble Allacquelendam, to be repentant even to despair Quesquelendam, to be out of humour Yechauwelendam, to love better, to prefer Allowelendam, to prize something above all other things Ksinelendam, to be easy, without care. PFourth Conjugation. No. I. GATTAMEN, to desire, long for. POSITIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. N’gattamen, I desire Gattatamen, thou desirest Gottatamen, he desires Plural. Gattatameneen or n’gattatamohhena, we desire Gattatamohhumo, ye desire Gattatamenewo, they desire. Preterite. Singular. N’gattatamenep, I desired Gattatamenep, thou desiredst Gottatameneep, he desired Future. Singular. N’gattatamtsch, I shall or will desire Gattataintsch, thou shalt or wilt desire Gottatamtsch, he shall or will desire 4 Plural. Gattatamenap or gattamohhenap, we desired Gattatamohhumoap, ye desired Gattatamenowoap, they desired. Plural. N’gattatamohhenatsch, we shall or will desire Gattatamohhumotsch, ye shall or will desire Gattatamenewotsch, they shall o7 will desire. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 157 [FOURTH CONJUGATION. ] IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Gattati, Gattatook or gattatamook. The Imperative Mood is used in these verbs by way of exhortation, as come now, be diligent, industrious, &c. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’gattatama, if or when I desire Gattatamenk or gattatamenke, if or when we Gattatamane, if or when thou desirest desire Getatanke, if or when he desires Gattatameque, if or when ye desire Gattatamichtite, if or when they desire. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Gattatamakup, if or when I desired Gattatamenkup, if or when we desired Gattatamanup, if or when thou desiredst Gattatamekup, if or when ye desired Getatankup, if or when he desired Gattatamichtitup, if or when they desired. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Gattatamakpanne, if or when [had desired Gattatamenkpanne, if or when we had desired Gattatamanpanne, if or when thou hadst desired | Gattatamekpanne, if or when ye had desired Getatankpanne, if 07 when he had desired Gattatamichtitpanne, if or when they had de- sired. Future. Singular. Plural. Gattatamaktsch, if or when I shall desire Gattatamenketsch, if or when we shall desire Gattatamantsch, if or when thou shalt desire Gattatamequetsch, if 07 when ye shall desire Gattatanktsch, if or when he shall desire Gattatamichtitetsch, if or when they shall desire. NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Atta n’gattatamowi, | do not desire Atta gattatamowuneen, we do not desire Atta gattatamowi, thou dost not desire Atta gattatamohhumowi, ye do not desire Atta gottatamowi, he does not desire Atta gattatamowunewo, they do not desire. VOL. Ill._—2 R ———- 158 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FouRTH CONJUGATION. ] Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta n’gattatamowip, I did not desire Atta gattatamowunenap, we did not desire Atta gattatamowip, thou didst not desire Atta gattatamohhumoap, ye did not desire Atta gottatamowip, he did not desire Atta gattatamowunewoap or gattatamowipan-. nik, they did not desire. Future. Singular. Plural. Atta n’gattatamowitsch, I shall not desire Atta gattatamowuneentsch, we shall not desire Atta gattatamowitsch, thou shalt not desire Atta gattatamohhumotsch, ye shall not desire Atta gottatamowitsch, he shall not desire Atta gattatamowunewotsch, they shall not de- sire. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Atta gattatamowak, if or when I do not desire | Atta gattatamowenke, if or when we do not de- Atta gattatamowane, if or when thou dost not sire desire Atta gattatamoweque, if or when ye do not desire Atta gattatamoque, if or when he does not de-| Atta gattatamichtite, if or when they do not de- sire sire. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta gattatamowakup, if or when I did not de-| Atta gattatamowenkup, if or when we did not sire desire Atta gattatamowannup, if or when thou didst not | Atta gattatamowekup, if or when ye did not de- desire sire Atta gattatamokup, if or when he did not desire | Atta gattatamichtitup, if or when they did not desire. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Atta gattatamowakpanne, if or when I had not| Atta gattatamowenkpanne, if or when we had desired not desired Atta gattatamowanpanne, if or when thou hadst} Atta gattatamowekpanne, if or when ye had not not desired desired Atta gattatamowakpanne, if or when he had not | Atta gattatamichtitpanne, if or when ye had not desired desired. Future. Singular. Plural. Atta gattatamowaktsch, if or when I shall not} Atta gattatamowenketsch, if or when we shall desire not desire Atta gattatamowannetsch, if or when thou shalt | Atta gattatamowequetsch, if or when ye shall not desire not desire Atta gattatamoquetsch, if or when he shall not | Atta gattatamichtitetsch, if or when they shall desire not desire. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 159 [FOURTH CONJUGATION. ] No. II. PENDAMEN, to hear. Note by the Translator.—This verb is given here in a variety of forms, active, passive, reciprocal, transitive, reflected, and adverbial ; all, ex- cept the two last, in the positive and the negative. It will be easily perceived that if all the verbs were presented in the different forms of which they are capable, with all their moods, tenses, and other combina- tions, a grammar of this language might be swelled to an enormous size, to avoid which the Author, as may be observed, has frequently abridged his paradigms, and it must not be supposed that it always follows, because a particular form of a verb is not given in its conjugation, that it is not susceptible of it. POSITIVE FORM. INFINITIVE MOOD. Pendamen, to hear*. PARTICIPLES. (Not given.) INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plurai. N’pendamen o7 n’pendam, I heart N’pendameneen, we hear K’pendamen, thou hearest K’pendamohhumo, ye hear Pendamen, he hears Pendamenewo, they hear. Preterite. Singular. Plural. N’pendamenep, I did hear N’pendamohhenap, we did hear K’pendamenep, thou didst hear K’pendamohhumoap, ye did hear Pendamenep, he did hear Pendamenewoap, they did hear. * Note by the Translator.—The late Professor Vater, to whom I communicated a manuscript of Mr Zeisberger, containing the conjugation of this verb and a’few others, inserted them in his Analekten der Sprachenkunde, 2d half of the 2d part ; but ascribed them by mistake to the Chip- peway language, when, in fact, they belong to the Delaware. i + Note by the Translator.—From this verb and wulit, good, well, is formed nulipendam, I hear or understand well. A part of the word wulit is interposed between the pronoun and the verb. 4160 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FOURTH CONJUGATION. | Future. Singular. Plural. N’pendamentsch, I shall hear N’pendameneentsch, we shall hear K’pendamentsch, thou shalt hear K’pendamohumotsch, ye shall hear Pendamentsch, he shall hear Pendamenewotsch, they shall hear. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. Penda, hear thou Pendamook, hear ye. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Pendama or pendamaya, if or when I hear Pendamenk or pendamenke, if or when we Pendamane, if or when thou hearest hear Pendanke, if or when he hears Pendamenque, if or when ye hear Pendamichtite, if or when they hear. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Pendamakup, if 07 when I did hear Pendamenkup, if or when we did hear K’pendamanup, if or when thou didst hear Pendamekup, if ov when ye did hear Pendankup, if or when he did hear Pendamichtitup, if or when they did hear. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Pendamakpanne, if or when I had heard Pendamenkpanne, if or when we had heard Pendamanpanne, if or when thou hadst heard. | Pendamekpanne, if or when ye had heard Pendankpanne, if or when he had heard Pendamichtitpanne, if or when they had heard. Future. Singular. Plural. Pendamaktsch, if or when I shall hear Pendamenketsch, if 0x when we shall hear K’pendamantsch, if or when thou shalt hear Pendamequetsch, if or when ye shall hear Pendanktsch, if or when he shall hear Pendamichtitetsch, if or when they shall hear. NEGATIVE FORM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Atta n’pendamowi, I do not hear Atta n’pendamowuneen, we do not hear Atta k’pendamowi, thou dost not hear Atta k’pendamohumowi, ye do not hear Atta pendamowi, he does not hear Atta pendamowunewo, they do not hear. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 164 [FouRTH CONJUGATION. ] Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta n’pendamowip, I did not hear Atta n’pendamenenap, we did not hear Atta k’pendamowip, thou didst not hear Atta k’pendamowunewoap, ye did not hear Atta pendamowip, he did not hear Atta pendamowunewoap, they did not hear. Future. Singular. Plural. Mattatsch n’pendamowi, I shall or will not hear | Mattatsch pendamowuneen, we shall or will not Mattatsch k’pendamowi, thou shalt or wilt not hear bear Mattatsch k’pendamohumowi, ye shall or will Mattatsch pendamowi, he shall or will not hear not hear Mattatsch pendamowunewo, they shall or will not hear. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. iS Singular. Plural. Atta n’pendamowak, if or when I do not hear] Atta pendamowenke, if or when we do not hea: Atta!pendamowane, if or when thou dostnot hea: | Atta pendamoweque, if or when ye do not hear Atta pendamoque, if 07 when he does not hear | Atta pendamichtite, if or when they ‘do not hear. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta pendamowakup, if or when I have not} Atta pendamowenkup, if or when we have not heard heard Atta pendamowannup, if ov when thou hast not] Atta k’pendamowekup, if or when ye have not heard heard Atta pendamokup, if or when he has not heard | Atta pendamichtitup, if or when they have not heard. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Atta pendamowakpanne, if ov when I had not} Atta pendamowenkpanne, if or when we had not heard heard Atta k’pendamowanpanne, if or when thou hadst| Atta k’pendamowekpanne, if or when ye had not heard not heard Atta pendamowakpanne, if or when he had not] Atta pendamichtitpanne, if or when they had heard not heard. Future. Singular. Plural. Atta n’pendamowaktsch, if 07 when I shall or| Atta pendamowenketsch, if or when we shall o7 will not hear will not hear Atta k’pendamowantsch, if or when thou shalt; Atta pendamowequetsch, if or when ye shall or or wilt not hear will not hear Atta pendamoquetsch, ifor when he shall or will| Atta pendamichtitetsch, if 07 when they shall or not hear will not hear. VOL. I1I.—2 § 162 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FouRTH CONJUGATION. | PASSIVE FORM—P OSITIVE. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. N’pendaxi, I am heard N’pendaxihhena, we are heard K’pendaxi, thou art heard K’pendaxihhimo, ye are heard Pendaxu or pendaquol, he is heard Pendaxowak, they are heard. Preterite. Smgular. Plural. N’pendaxihump, I was heard N’pendaxihhenakup, we were heard K’pendaxihump, thou wast heard K’pendaxihhimoakup, ye were heard Pendaxop or pendaquachtop, he was heard Pendaxopannik, they were heard. Future. Singular. Plural. N’pendaxitsch, I shall o7 will be heard N’pendaxihhenatsch, we shall or will be heard K’pendaxitsch, thou shalt or wilt be heard K’pendaxihhimotsch, ye shall or will be heard Pendaxutsch or pendaquotsch, he shall or will be | Pendaxiwiwaktsch, they shall or will be heard heard SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Pendaxia, if or when | am heard Pendaxiyenke, if or when we are heard Pendaxiane, if vr when thou art heard Pendaxiyeque, if or when ye are heard Pendaxite, if or when he is heard Pendaxichtite, if or when they are heard. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Pendaxiakup, if or when [ was heard Pendaxiyenkup, if or when we were heard Pendaxiannup, if or when thou wert heard Pendaxiyekup, if or when ye were heard Pendaxitup, if or when he was heard Pendaxichtitup, if or when they were heard. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Pendaxiakpanne, if or when I had been heard | Pendaxiyenkpanne, if er when we had been Pendaxianpanne, if or when thou hadst been heard heard Pendaxiyekpanne, if or when ye had been heard Pendaxitpanne, if or when he had been heard | Pendaxichtitpanne, if or when they had been heard. Future. Singular. Plural. N’pendaxiatsch, if 07 when I shall be heard Pendaxiyenketsch, if or when we shall be heard K’pendaxianetsch, if or when thou shalt be heard } Pendaxiyequetsch, if or when ye shall be heard Pendaxitetsch, if or when he shall be heard | Pendaxichtitetsch, if or when they shall be ; heard. & sar +. . 4 - “a 8 “ OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 163 hl “ _[FouRTH CoNsUGATION. | NEGATIVE. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pendaxiwi, I am not heard Matta pendaxiwuneen, we are not heard Matta k’pendaxiwi, thou art not heard Matta k’pendaxihhumo, ye are not heard Matta pendaxuwi, he is not heard Matta pendaxiwiwak, they are not heard. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Matta n’pendaxiwip, I was not heard atta n’pendaxiwiwunap, we were not heard Matta k’pendaxiwip, thou wast not heard Vlatta k’pendaxiwunewo, ye were not heard Matta pendaxuwip or pendaquachtowip, he was | Matta pendaxiwipannik, they were not heard. not heard Future. . ‘ Singular. Plural. : Mattatsch n’pendaxiwi, I shall or will not be | Mattatsch n’pendaxiwuneen, we shall or will heard not be heard Mattatsch k’pendaxiwi, thou shalt ov wilt not} Mattatsch k’pendaxihhumo, ye shall or will not be heard : be heard Mattatsch pendaxuwi, he shall or will not be} Mattatsch pendaxiwiwak, they shall or will not heard be heard. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Singular. Plural. Atta n’pendaxiwa, if or when I am not heard Atta pendaxiwenke, if or when we are not Atta pendaxiwanne, if o7 when thou art not) heard heard | Atta pendaxiweque, if or when ye are not heard Atta pendaxite, if or when he is not heard Atta pendaxichtite, if or when they are not heard. Preterite. Singular. Plural. Atta n’pendaxiwakup, if or when I was not| Atta pendaxiwenkup, if ov when we were not heard heard Atta k’pendaxiwannup, if or when thou wert not | Atta pendaxiwekup, if or when ye were not heard heard Atta pendaxitup, if or when he wasnot heard | Atta pendaxichtitup, if or when they were not heard. Pluperfect. Singular. Plural. Atta pendaxiwakpanne, if or when I had not} Atta pendaxiwenkpanne, if or when we had been heard not been heard Atta pendaxiwanpanne, if or when thou hadst} Atta pendaxiwekpanne, if ov when ye had not not been heard been heard Atta pendaxuwipanne, if or when he had not | Atta pendaxichtitpanne, if or when they had not been heard been heard. ‘ a 164 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FouRTH ConsuGATION. ] Future. Singular. Plural. Atta pendaxiwaktsch, if 07 when I shall not be | Atta pendaxiwenketsch, if or when we shall not heard be heard Atta pendaxiwannetsch, if or when thou shalt not | Atta pendaxiwenquetsch, if ov when ye shall not be heard be heard Atta pendaxiquetsch, if or when he shall not} Atta pendaxichtitetsch, if or when they shall not be heard be heard. RECIPROCAL FORM.—POSITIVE. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Pendawachtin, to hear each other Pendawachtinep, to have heard each other. Future. ° Pendawaktitsch, to be to hear each other. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Pendawachtineen or pendawachtihhena, we hear | Pendawachtihhenakup or pendawachtihhumme- each other nakup, we heard each other Pendawachtihhimo, ye hear each other Pendawachtohhimoakup, ye heard each other Pendawachtowak, they hear each other. Pendawachtopannik, they heard each other. Future. Pendawachtihhenatsch, we shall or will hear each other Pendawachtihhimotsch, ye shall or will hear each other Pendawachtowaktsch, they shall or will hear each other. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Present. Future. Pendawachtik, hear ye there (what the other is | Pendawachtichtitetsch, they shall ov must or let saying ) them hear each other. Pendawachtitam, let us hear each other. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Pendawachtiyenk or pendawachtiyenque, if or | Pendawachtiyenkup, if or when we heard each when we hear each other other Pendawachtiyek or pendawachtiyeque, if or|Pendawachtiyekup, if or when ye heard each when ye hear each other other _ Pendawachtichtit, if or when they hear each} Pendawachtichtitup, if 0x when they heard each other. other. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 165 [FOURTH CONJUGATION. | penne Shenoe Ne ee ee eee Pluperfect. ‘uture. Pendawachtiyenkpanne, if or when we had | Pendawachtiyenketsch, if or when we shall o7 heard each other will hear each other Pendawachtiyekpanne, if or when ye had heard | Pendawachtiyequetsch, if or when ye shall or each other will hear each other Pendawachtichtitpanne, if o7 when they had | Pendawaktichtitetsch, if or when they shall or heard each other. will hear each other. NEGATIVE. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Atta pendawachtiwuneen, we do not hear each| Atta pendawachtiwunenap, we did not hear other each other Atta pendawachtiwek, ye do not hear each other| Atta pendawachtiwihhimoap, ye did not hear Atta pendawachtiwiwak, they do not hear each each other other. Atta pendawachtiwipannik, they did not hear each other. Future. Atta pendawachtiwuneentsch, we shall or will not hear each other Atta pendawachtiwihhimotsch, ye shall or will not hear each other Atta pendawachtiwiwaktsch, they shall or will not hear each other. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Katschi* pendawachtihek, do not hear each other. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Preterite. Atta pendawachtiwenke, if 07 when we do not] Atta pendawachtiwenkup, if or when we did hear each other not hear each other Atta pendawachtiweque, if or when ye do not| Atta pendawachtiwekup, if or when ye did not hear each other hear each other Atta pendawachtichtite, if or when they do not] Atta pendawachtichtitup, if or when they did hear each other. not hear each other. Pluperfect. Future. Atta pendawachtiwenkpanne, if or when we had! Atta pendawachtiwenketsch, if or when we not heard each other shall or will not hear each other _ Atta pendawachtiwekpanne, if or when ye had | Atta pendawachtiwequetsch, if or when ye shall not heard each other or will not hear each other Atta pendawachtichtitpanne, if 07 when they | Atta pendawachtichtitetsch, if or when they had not heard each other. shall or will not hear each other. * Note by the Translator.—Katschi is a word of prohibition, as in English don’t, and appears to be compounded from atta. The Author classes it with adverbs. See below, adverbs of nega- tion, prohibition. VOL. Ill.—2 T > 466 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [FOURTH CONJUGATION. ] REFLECTED FORM. There is also a reflected form of the verb : As Likewise N’penda n’hakey*, I hear myself N’dahowala n’hakey, I love myself K’pendawa hakey, thou hearest thyself K’dahowala hakey, thou lovest thyself Pendawawall hokeyall, he hears himself. W’dahoalawall 07 w’dahowalawall hokeyall, he loves himself. PERSONAL FORMS OR TRANSITIONS. In order to enable the reader to compare these forms in the positive and negative voices, they are placed here in opposition to each other. FIRST TRANSITION. First Person Singular, I. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. POSITIVE. NEGATIVE. K’pendolen, I hear thee Atta k’pendolowi, I hear not thee N’pendawa, I hear him Atta n’pendawawi, I hear not him K’pendolohhumo, | hear you Atta k’pendolhummowi, I hear not you N’pendawawak, | hear them. Atta n’pendawawiwak, I hear not them. Preterite. K’pendolenep, I did hear thee Atta k’pendolowip, I heard not thee N’pendawap, I did hear him Atta n’pendawawip, I heard not him K’pendolohhumoap, I did hear you Atta k’pendolohummowip, I heard not you, N’pendawoapannik, I did hear them. Atta n’pendawawipannik, 1 heard not them. Future. K’pendolentsch, I shall or will hear thee Atta k’pendolowitsch, I shall o7 will not hear N’pendawatsch, I shall or will hear him thee K’pendolohhumotsch, [ shall or will hear you | Atta n’pendawawitsch, I shall or will not hear N’pendawawaktsch, I shall or will hear them. him . Atta k’pendolhummowitsch, I shall ov will not hear you Atta n’pendawawiwaktsch, I shall or will not hear them. * Note by the Translator.—N”hakey signifies literally ‘my body,” which is synonymous to *¢my person,” or “myself” In English we say ‘somebody, nobody,” for aliquis,nemo. There is nothing barbarous in those words. Class [X.—In en. Waseleechen, it is clear, light. i Waktsehiechen, the road is crooked. Tschitaniechen, it is strong. Tsetschpiechen, it is separated. Achewiechen, strong, spirituous ; as for instance, Tenktschechen, it is open (say, the door). strong lie. Tauwiechen, it (the way thither). Machkeleechen, red. Tacquiechen, joined together — : Psacquiechen, close together. Wapeleechen, white. — Pequiechen, broken to pieces. Class X.—In en, on, um. Tacquatten, frozen (it is) ; Pret. Sing. Tacquattenop, it was frozen Tacquattenol, the potatoes, &c. are frozen Plur. Tacquattenopannil, they were frozen ey : Gerad: OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 231 [ADJECTIVE VERBS. | eee ee a E’patten, it is frozen up (the river) K’pattenop, it was frozen K’pattentschi, it will be frozen” Tschitanatten, it is frozen hard. Tepiken, it is ripe, full grown (say, the Indian corn) Tepikanool, they are fully ripe, fit to pick (the . beans, peas, &c.) Packenum, dark. Nolhand, to be lazy Sing. Nolhando, he is lazy Plur. Nolhandowak, they are lazy. Class XI.—In in. INFINITIVE MOOD. Pawalessin, to be rich PARTICIPLES. Singular. Pewallessit, a rich person Plural. Pewallessitschik, rich persons INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. N’pawalessin, EF am rich K’pawallsi, thou art rich pawalessu, he is rich Plural, N’pawallsihummena, we are rich K’pawallsibhummo, ye are rich Pawallesowak, they are tich PRETERITE TENSE. : Singular. N’pawallessihump, I was rich K’pawallessihump, thou wast rich i . Pawallessop, he was rich Plural. N’pawallsihummenakup, we were rich K’pawallsihummoakup, ye were rich Pawallsopannik, they were rich FUTURE TENSE. Singular. N’pawallsitsch, I shal] be rich K’pawallsitsch, thou shalt be rich Pawallessutsch, he shall be rich Plural. N’pawallsihummenatsch, we shall be rich K’pawallsihhimotsch, ye shall be rich Pawallsowaktsch, they shall be rich IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Pawallessil, be rich Plural. Pawalessik, be ye rich The remainder follows as in the ordinary verbs : EXAMPLE. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. Pawallsiyane, if or when I am rich K’ payyallsiyane, if or when thou art rich Pawallessite, if or when he is rich Plural. Pawallsiyenke, if or when we are rich Pawallsiyeque, if or when ye are rich Pawallessichtite, if or when they are rich The Preterite and Future as has been shewn in the verbs. Thence comes further— Pawallessohen, to make one rich INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. N’pawallsohalgun, he makes me rich K’pawallsohalgun, he makes thee rich Pawallsohalgol, he makes him rich Plural. _Pawallsohalguna, he makes us rich K’ pawallsohalguwa, he makes you rich Pawallsohalawak, he makes them rich. INFINITIVE MOOD. Wulelensin, to be proud, haughty, high minded 232 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or apverss. | INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. Nulelensi, I am proud Kulelensi, thou art proud, Wulelensu, he is proud Plural. Wulelensihummena, we are proud Kulelensihummo, ye are proud Wulelensowak, they are proud. INFINITIVE MOOD. Tschitanessin, to be strong | INFINITIVE MOOD. Schaxin,to be avaricious INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. N’schaxi, I am avaricious K’schaxi, thou art avaricious Schaxu, he is avaricious Plural. Schaxihummena, we are avaricious Schaxihhumo, ye are avaricious 4 om eae eo ru Schaxowak, they are avaricious. INDICATIVE MOOD. PBESENT TENSE. Ktemaxin, gettemaxin, to be poor, miserable. Singular. : N’tschitanessi, I am strong K’tschitanessi, thou art strong Tschitanessu, he is strong Soopsin, to be bare, naked Soophalan, to make one bare, naked. Poochpsin, to be weakly. ‘PRETERITE TENSE. . Singular. N’tschitanessihump, I was strong K’tschitanessihump, thou wast strong Tschitanessop, he was strong. XV .— Of Adverbs. Apverss qualify the verb as adjectives qualify the substantive. They are the adjective of the verb. Hence adjectives proper are not untre- quently used in an adverbial sense, as when we say in English he works hard. The same takes place in the Delaware where the same word is sometimes employed in the twofold capacity of an adjective and an adverb. : In the following examples the adverbs are divided into classes for the facility of the student*. * Note by the Translator.—This short heading is not in the text; but the division into classes has been made by the Author. It will be seen that several words which he includes in his lists are not properly adverbs, according to our notions of grammar; but it has not been thought proper to omit or transpose them, as the Author perhaps had reasons for placing them here, which the Translator will not undertake to judge of. ‘ OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. “a 233 [or apverss. | ADVERBS. 1.—Of Place. ; These are of four kinds: 1. Loci ; 2. De Loco; 3. 4d Locum; 4. Per Locum. 1. Loci. Ta untschi? where from? Yun, here ° Wemi ta untschi, from every where Icku, talli, there Nanne talli, even there Undachqui, this or that way Palliwi, elsewhere Allami, allamiyey, in there Allamunque, uchtschegunque, within Wochgitschik, wochkunk, above, at the top Wewundachqui, on both sides , Ta? tani? where? Ta undachqui? where abouts? Taktani, be it who it may Wenni ta li, every where Kotschemunk, without, abroad Matta ta, nowhere. Equiwi (hacking), under (the ground) Li, to, to the, thither Nada, yonder, to Peschot, peschotschi, peschuwat, near Wulik, yonder Yawi, on one side. 2. De loco. Yuwuntschi, from hence, is used also for there- fore Icka untschi, nanne untschi, na untschiyeg, from thence Palli untschi, from somewhere else Takta untschi, from somewhere Wabhelemat, far Gochpiwi, from the water. 3. Ad locum. Yu undachqui, yuchuall, hither Ickali, thither Enda, whither Palli undachqui ? whither else ? Nanne undachqui ? towards where ? Wtellenuhawannink li, towards the right hand Lennahawannink li, towards the right, to the right Rotichemeib; out of doors, out of this place Wapahamink, backwards, behind Pennassiechen, where the road goes slanting down a hill Menanschiwonink, to the left. 4. Per locum. Yun (m’tamen) through here Nanne talli (pomiechen aney)*, through there, that way Schachachgeu, straight along Schachgiechen, elemiechen, along the road. Il.—Of Time. Yucke, now, presently Yucke (gischquik) to day Gigischquik, this day past Ulaque, yesterday Wulaquike, last night Wulacaniwi, in the evening Nischokunackat, two nights ago Wapange, alappa, to morrow Sedpok, ayapawe, to morrow morning Wulaku, evening (in the) Pachhacqueke, at noon Tachpachihilla, in the afternoon Tgauwitti, tgauwiwi, slowly Abtschi, ngemewi, yanewi, always Lappi, again Abtschi, likhiqui, at all times Likhiqui, about the time Yucke likhiqui, about the present time Gunigiseheek, daily | Loamissowe, lately oo —— * Note by the Translator.—Pomiechen, from pomissin, to walk, and aney, a road, a walking road, apath. The Authgr here gives his explanation in Delaware, probably by inadvertence. VOL. HI.—3N 25-4 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or apveRBs. | Wuski, a little while ago (this day) Aschite, then Wusken, latterly Yabtschi, quayaqui, yet Gintsch, gentsch, gintsch linitti, a little while | Haschi, ever, at any time ago* : Atta haschi, ikaschi, never Pecho, soon Tschigantschi, likhiqui, as soon as Pecho linitti, in a little time Tamse keechen, sometimes, now and then Loamoe, long ago Tatamse, ametschimi, often Wienk, afterwards : Elgiqui ametschimi, so often Wtenkuntschi, thereupon Hilleu, commonly Elemokunak, one of these days N’dauwat, rarely, seldom Elemi gendowoacan, this week Amiga, long, a long time Elemi kechocunak, in a few days Petschi, until * Metochimi, soon Yucke petschi, *til now Schawi, immediately, directly Anena, anenawi, by little and little, by degrees. Tschinge, when Esquo, esquota, nelema, nelemago, nelemala, not yet 111.—Of Number. Mawat, only one Whence nukti, once more Nekti, the only one Mamayauchsid, each one. IV.—Of Quantity. Mecheeli, mecheltol, much Gunalachkat deep, (speaking of a hele, canoe. Mecheelok, many &e.) Mechelgik, a great many Chitqueu, deep water Mechelit, much (applied to inanimate things) | M’chaquiechen, high water (when it is swelled Husca, very with rains) Husca mecheli, very much Guneu, long Allowiwi, more Achganeu, broad Wsami, too much Cobachean, thick Tepi, enough Vaquetto, short Tatchittu, tatchen, little Sangettu, tangitti, small, little Keechitti, a little Wschappan, waskeyek, thin Alende, some Mayauchsu, mauchsu, a person, one Ta keeche, some, a little Happi, with it, in the bargain. Wiacki, in abundance . V.—Of Quality. Linaquot, elinaquot, elgiqui, so,so as Pallilinaquot, otherwise N’delgiqui, so as I Wulit, wulinaquot, well, good K’delgiqui, so as thou Allowiwi wulit, better W’delgiqui, so as he Elewiwulik mayawi wulit, best, the best * Note by the Translator—There are undoubtedly shades of difference between these various expressions, but the Author has not explained them, except in the instance of wuski, which is con- fined to the space of a day, ‘ . ac) sy Ma OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 235 [or apverss. ] Huska wulit, very well, very good Machtit, machtitso, ill, bad Apuat, easy, easily (some work to be done) Langan, light, not heavy (speaking of weight) Ksuequon, hard, hardly Lilchpin, diligent (is a verb) Wingi, fain, willingly Nawingi, I fain (would, &c.) Kuwingi, thou fain wouldst Wawingi, he fain would Wulisso, handsome (is a verb) Lippoe, luppoe, wisely Mayawi, right, rightly Schachachzeu, right, exact, correct Wosgeu, thin Schachachgiechen, straight way Nutsehque, in vain Schachachki, certain, certainly Leu, true Lennowinaquot, manfully Kimi, secretly Moschiwi, clearly, openly Leppi, over again Wiamochki, among each other Mesitscheyen, Wholly, entirely Nischeleney, twofold Nacheleney, threefold Neweleney, fourfold Cheveleleney, manifold Tschitanek, fast, strong Schawi, immediately, directly Miechaninaquot, shameful Temiki, something, be it what it will Temiki koecu, something Yawl, on one side Welsid, the best (Sing) Welsitschik, the best (Plur.) Moschachgen, clear, not turbid Moschpecat, clear water. VI.—Of Interrogation. Gachane, whether, if Quatsch, why Quatsch eet, why perhaps Koen untschi, for what reason or cause ? Quatsch atta, why not? Ta wo, ta undachqui, towards where ? La untschi, whence, wherefrom ? Tchinge, when? Tschingetsch (in the future) Ta likhiqui, at what time? Ta schacki, how long ? Ta ne liecken, how is it? Ta linaquot, what is it like ? Koen eet, what may it be? Ta hatsch (leu, how will it be ?) VIL.—Of Similitude. Elgiqui, as, like as N’delgiqui, I am like K’delgiqui, thou art like W’delgiqui, he is like Mallachsche, like unto. VIII.—Of Comparison. Allowiwi, more Tschitsch, still more Elinaquo, linaquot, as this, that, or the other Tpisqui, exactly so. —_— IX.—Cf Extension. Husca, huscateek, very, very much so Wtellgiqui, so much so Elgiqui, as much so Tschitsch, yet, still Quayaqui, yabtschi, yet Ikalissi, still further, still more Pakantschi, fully, entirely. 236 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or apveErss. | X.—Of Diminution. » Tgauwitti, by little and little =| Mingachsa, a little better Gachti, almost, nearly Schuk, only Koechitti, a little Schuk atta, but not, only not. X1I.—Of Affirmation. Gohan, kehella, woak, yes Nanne leu, it is certainly true Bischik, yes indeed Schachacki, certainly Kitschiwi (leu) certainly, truly Huseateek, certainly true. Kitschikele, yes it is true XIl.— Of Negation, Prohibition. Matta, atta, *ta, no, not Attago, by no means Atta am, ’ta am, not at all Ponito, let it alone (this is a verb) Atta haschi, no, never Atta ihaschi, not at all Katschi, let it alone, don’t do this Atta ilewi, not at all true. Matta tani, inno way . XIII.—Of Doubt. Pit, piteet, eet, perhaps, may be Taktani, perhaps some where, I don’t know Na eet, perhaps where. : Taneek, perhaps I don’t know XIV.—Of Demonstration. Loqueek, see ye (a verb) Elinaquot, also, likewise Elgiqui, Jike that. Sche, Schela, see there ! (a verb) Schepella, see there! (a verb) Penna, loquel, see thou (a verb) XV.—-Of Asseveration. Kitschiwi (leu) truly | Schachachki (leu), certainly true. » 7” XVI.—Of Restriction. Na sehachki, so far Nachgiechen, contrary, against Na yu pitschi, to here Psacquiechen, close to each other. _ vile OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 237 [or ADVERBS. | XVII.—Of Desire. Jukella, ah! that (it were so) | Ayema, if, if only (it were so). XVIII.—Of Exhortation. work carefully, attentively —Wischiksik, Wischiki, (Plur.) Gattati, ( Sing.) well! allons ! Gattatook, (Plur.) well! allons ! Wischekill, ( Sing.) on, briskly, go on with your XIX.—Of Collection and Separation. N’gutteleneyachgat, a single one Limi, secretly Tspiwi, tspat, separately Mawuni, assembled. Tpettawe, all together Tachquiwi, together Nechoha, alone N’gutteli, singly XX.—Of Exclusion. Micuipili, otherwise Palliwi, elsewhere. Schuk, Schukend, only Tspat, strange, unusual Pili, another XXI.—Of Order. Nigani, n’hitam, netamiechink, first, in the first | Nechink, the third time place Wtenk untschi, thereupon, afterwards Nischink, in the second place Ickalin, further Lappi, again, once more Wtenk, lastly, at last. a ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERBS. A. Abtschi, always Amiga, long Abtschi likhiequi, at all times Awossi, Awossiyey, beyond, over, the other side | Auween, who, somebody Atta, no Atta keeku, nothing Allamunk, allamunque, allami, allameyey, there- | Annawi, anenawi, by little and little in, in there Ametschimi, often Alende, some Alacqui, ’tis pity Alendemiyeek, some of you Ank, when (a conditional conjunction suffixed Alendemiyenk, some of us to verbs) Alendeyuwak, some of them Attago, no, by no means Apitschi, by and by Attach, moreover VOL. Ill.—3 0 238 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or ADVERBS. | se SS SS SSS eee ee Alappa, to morrow Awossi, over there, the other side Awossake, behind the house Awossenachk, that side of the house Awossachtenne, over the hill, over there Alod, there, yet Atta haschi, never Atta auween, no body Auweeni, who is it? Auweenik, who are they ? Achgameu, over against Achparni, about. B. Bischi, bischik, yes, willingly. Cc. Chuppecat, deep, high water Chitqueu, deep water Chweli, much Chwelit, much (water, meal). E. Eschiwi, through Elemameek, every where Eet, perhaps Endchen, so often as Endchi, so much as Endchiyenk, as much as we have Endchiyeek, as much as ye have Endchichtit, as much as they have Esquo, esquota, not yet Elgiqui, so as, like Eli, while Eligischquik, to day Ehelikhicqui, at which time Ekee, ay! Ekayah, ay! ay! Es, yet Eliwi, both Elemiechink, long (on the way) Elinquechin, before me, before my eyes Elinquechinan, before thee, before thy eyes Elinquechink, before him, before his eyes Elinquechinink, before us, before our eyes Elinquechinoak, before you, before your eyes Elinquechenhittit, before them, before their eyes Enda, where Equiwi, under. G. Gamunk, over there, over the water Gohan, yes Gachti, almost, close by Gintsch, gaschene, if Gintsch linitti, directly, presently Gunaweke, yet a while Giechgi, near, by Gatti, gachti, gagachti, near, almost Gunih, a long while Gopene, about, thereabouts Gahan, shallow (water). H. Husca, much Huscateek, very much Hackung, above Hacking, under Haschi, ever, at any time. I. Ickali, ikali, thither Ickatalli, there, over there Icka, there Ickalitti, a little way farther Ili, though. K. Kitschiwi, certainly Kehella, yes Kotschemund, out Ktschimine, as soon as Keeku, something N’telli, that I! K’telli, that thou! © W’telli, that he! Keechitti, a little Keechi, keecha, how much? Kechoak, kechowak, how many of them? (speak- ing of persons) : Keechennol, how many of them? (speaking of inanimate things) Keechihhimo, how many of you? Keechihhena, how many of us? Katschi, no, no, letit alone Keeku wuntschi, why ? Kimi, secretly. L. Lappi, again Likhicqui, as, so as Likhicquiechen, so as Li, to (some place) Lawat, long ago Lannitti, a little while Linaquot, as, like Linaquachtop, ( Pret.) it was so, like ; Linaquachtool, they are like (speaking of inani- mate things) Lelawi, half way Luqui, at this time. ‘ 3 ere a OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 239 [or ADVERBS. | M. Matta, mattago, no Miqui, far, far off Miqui palliwi, quite different Menewi, in a particular place Metschi, already Metschimi, soon, presently Ma, there, there it is Mayawi, alone, simple, right Mayauchsu, mauchsu, one alone Mayawat, mawat, one, only one (of inanimate things) Mingachsu, better Mallachsche, as if, as it were Mechingui, large, big Meyauchsit, one alone Megungi, purely, quite alone Memayauchsiyenk, each of us Mekeniechink, on earth. N. Nischogunakat, two nights (days) ago Nischogunakhacke, within two days Nissahwi, by night Nachpi, with Whittami, nigani, at first, the first Nechoha, alone Nihillatschi, self, one’s own person Nado, therein N’gemeewi, always, constantly N’telli, L (do, say, &c.) thus or so . K’telli, thou dost thus or so W’ telli, he does thus or so Newentschi, therefore Na tchi, so much Nall ne tchi, it is so much, that is all Nanne untschi, from thence Nachwena, thereupon, after Nagayeek, by and by Nagewitti, in a little while Nutschque, in vain. Nahik, under the water Nahiwi, above the water Nutchen, nolltchen, that is all Nutschi, at the beginning Ndauwat, rare, rarely Nelema, nelemata, nelemago, not yet Netami, the first N’hittami, at first Netamieechen, the first Nallahik, nallahiwi, the water here above Nekti, the only one, single Nahanne, so, so it is N’titechta, n’titechquo, then, while. Le Pechot, soon Pechuwat, pechuwiwi, near Pechotschi, much more Petschi, ’til there, so far Palliwi, elsewhere Peki, perhaps then Pit, pitut, perhaps Packantschi, fully, enough Poquewi, straight way, directly Pili, other, another Pili keeku, something else Pili auween, somebody else Pemmi, as far as Pachsiwi, half, the half Pitschi, unwillingly. Q. Quatsch, why? Quatscheet, why perhaps ? Quonna, however, nevertheless Quonnagetsch, it will be indifferent Quayaqui, yet, yet more Quin, long Quenek, short. Sayewi, at first Schawi, immediately Schi, schita, or Shacki, so far as Seki, so long Schuk, only, but Schukand, but then Sedpok, to morrow morning Schepage, (Pret.) this day early Schigi, pretty Sche, schela, see there Schingi, unwillingly N’schingi, I (do it) unwillingly K’schingi, thou dost it unwillingly W’schingi, he does it unwillingly Schachachki, certainly Schachachgek, just so. die Tschigantschi, full, enough, all Tangitti, small, little Taquetto, tangetto, short Tachtachean, thick, steep (a hill) Tachquiwi, together Tetauwiwi, between Tepi, enough Temiki, a single one (thing) Temikikeeku, a single thing Tschinge ? when? Ta? where? Ta talli? whitherwards ? Tani? how ? Ta elgiqui? how soon? Tpisqui, just so Tawonni, although Tamse, sometimes Tachtamse, now and then, often 240 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [ADVERBIAL VERBS. ] , ne crTEETE===-nnnITInSaIEECTERCHET IEEE SR Ta tchen? how many? (inanimate) Wemi auween, every man ; Tatchittu, little Wentschi, therefore, for this reason Ta haschi, never Witschi, with, at the same time Taat, as if Wtscheyunque, within Tackan, another Wsami, wsamiechen, too much Takeet, perhaps I don’t know Wulamoe, long ago Taktani, I don’t know well Wulamissowe, a little while ago Tschetschpi, tschetschpat, differently Wuli, there Thagitti, a little while | Wingi, willingly Tpittawe, altogether N’wingi, I willingly Tschitsch, once more K’wingi, thou willingly Talli, there Wawingi, he - willingly Tatchendo, very little Wochgitschik, up there, above Tgauwitti, by little and little. Wiacki, wiackat, enough and to spare Wuntschi, of, on account of U. Wtellgiqui, likewise Untschi, of, by, therefore Wiwuntschi, before this Undach, here, this way Wiwuntschkamik, very long ago. Undach litti, a little this way Undachgameu, this side the water ¥. Undachqui, hither. Yucke, now Yucke gischquik, to day Ww. Yun, yutalli, yuntalli, here, there Wapange, to morrow . Yucke untschi, here Wulaque, yesterday Yucke likhicqui, to this time Wulaquike, this evening Yucke petschi, *til now Welaquike, last evening Yanewi, always Wulaguniwi, in the evening » | Yuch, yuchnook, well! allons Wak, and, also Yuwuntschi, from hence Wtenk, at last, the last Vulak, there ) Wtenk untschi, thereon, thereafter Yukella, O! that (it were so) _ Weeski, sometime to day Yuketeek, (Plur.) O! that it (those things) * Wiechgawotschi, unexpectedly were so i Wottalauwin, wotsche anenk, by the way Yapewi, on the river bank Wotschi, near by Yapeechen, along the bank Wiemochki, among each other Yabtschi, yet. Weni, all ee ADVERBIAL VERBS, OR, VERBS FORMED FROM ADVERBS. I.—From Schingi, unwillingly. Schingelendam, I dislike, it is against my will | Schingsittam, to hear something with displea- or my inclination sure N’schingelendam, it goes against the grain, I | Schingoochwen, to go somewhere unwillingly hate it Schingachpin, to be somewhere unwillingly K’schingelendam, thou hatest it Schingimikemossin, to work unwillingly W’schingelendam, he hates it Schinghakiheen, to plant unwillingly Schinginamen, to hate something Schingiglistam, to hear unwillingly Schingattam, to be unwilling about something Schingtschenamen, to hate something to excess, Schingalan, to hate a person not to be able to bear something. i OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 244 [ ADVERBIAL VERBS. | Il.—From Wingi, willingly. Wingsittam, to hear somebody willingly Wingilauchsin, to live willingly in a particular Winginamen, to be pleased with manner Wingachpin, to be willingly somewhere Wingelendam, to love or be pleased with some- Wingoochwen, to go willingly somewhere thing Winzipendam, to hear (something) willingly Wingelawemen, to do a pleasure Wingallawin, to hunt willingly Wingelawossi, you have a good fire. I11.—From Eschiwi, through. Eschoochwen, to go, pass through Eschoochweyu petschindehenk, it penetrates through the heart Eschoochwalan, to help or carry one through Eschoochwalukgun, he has brought me through. 1V.—From Gunih, long. Gunaxin, to be long, tall of stature Gunelendam, to think one long Gunaquachtol, they are long (the fishes). Gunagen, to stay out long Gunaquot, itis long V.—From Lappi, again. Lappilenin, to come again together Laphatton, to restore something to its former state Laphachken, to replant Lappiechsin, to repeat something over. VI.—From Mayawi, right. Mayawiechton, to do something right, as it | Mayawihbilleu, it is well as it is ought to be Mayawelendam, to be fixed or settled in mind. VII.—From Mayauchsu, single. Mayauchsuwi (.4dj.), of one mind, united Mayauchsohen, to make of one mind. Mayauchsuwin, to be of one mind VIII.—From Nipahwi, by night. Nipawoochwen, to go, travel by night. VOL. Ill.—3 P 242 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [ADVERBIAL VERBS. | IX.—Fyom Pechuwat, near. Pechuwelendam, to think one’s self near | Pechuwihhilleu, the time is near. X.—From Nechoha, alone. Nechohanne, nechohalennin, to be alone Nechoheteu, the house is empty. Nechoochwen, to go, travel alone : XI.—From Nekti, the only one. Nektilenin, to be quite alone (somewhere). XIIl.—From Nahik or Nahiwi, down, below. Nahimen, to go down the water (river, creek) | Nahimenke, if or when we go down Nahihilleen, to sail down the water Nahoochwen, to go down or below. XIIIl.—From N’gutti, one. N’guttitehin, to be one, to agree. XIV.—From Nallahik, above (the water). Nallahhemen, to sail up (the water, river) | Nallahoochwen, to go up (the water, river). XV.—From Petschi, until, unto. Petschihilleu, he is coming Petaquiecheu, the water has risen up to him Petscholtin, they are coming Petachdonamen, to come to seek something Petschimuin, to escape to Peteuchtummen, to come weeping Petapan, the day breaks, it dawns Petschitchen, to press so far Petisgauwan, to hunt or drive beasts to Atta auwen petschitchewi, no body can think so Petauchsin, to live till now, to this day far. XVI.—From Pachsiwi, half. Pachsenummen, to divide equally in two parts. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 243 [ ADVERBIAL VERBS. | XVII.—From Shacki, so far, so long. Shackoochwen, to go so far off and no further. XVIII.—From Palliwi, otherwise. Pallilissin, to do wrong Palliwochwen, to go elsewhere Palliaan, to go away Pallanummen, pallilenemen, to do o” attempt Palliaal, go away (Jmper.) something wrong. Pallatschimain, to speak otherwise than the truth XIX.—From Schachachki, certain. Schachachgelendam, to be sure of a thing Schachachkatschimo, to say, relate the truth Schachachgennemen, to make straight (what is | Schachachkaptonen, to speak the exact truth, crooked) tell a true straight story Schachachkoochwen, to go straight, follow the | Schachachgapewin, to be true, correct, upright. straight way XX.—From Tangitti, small, little. Tangelendam, tangitehen, to think little of one’s self Tangelensin, to be humble Tangelensoochwen, to walk humbly Tangenensin, to youchsafe, condescend Tangawachto, cheap. XXI.—From Tepi, enough. Tepihilleu, it is enough Tepilawehan, to satisfy one Tepikeu, it is ripe, full grown Tepawachte, it is reasonable, not too dear Tepilaweechgussin (Passive) to be satisfied, to have received satisfaction. XXII.—From T’pisgauwi, just so. T’pisgauwichton, to do something just so | T’pisquibhilleu, the time draws near. XXIII.—From Tschetschpi, different, not alike. Tschetschpihillen, to be split off, separated from | Tschetschpissin, to be unlike. one another ' 2a 244 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [ADVERBIAL VERBS. | XXIV.—From Untschi, Wuntschi, or Wentschi, of, from, on account of, for the sake of. Untschihilleu, it comes from somewhere Wundanglen to do something, for the sake of Undochwen, to go somewhere for the sake or something purpose of something Wundaptonen, to speak of something Wundanunxin, to be angry at or forsomething | Wundelemuin, to boast of something Wuntschimen, to call some one hither Undauchsin, to live for something. Wundchen, the wind comes from thence XXV.—From Wemi, all. Wemihilleu, it is all over Wemihawak, they have made an end of them, Wemoltin, wemoltowak, they are all going out, they are all destroyed forth, abroad : Wemihawak awessiwak, they have destroyed Wemiten (Infin.), to go all out all the ground. XXVI.—From Wapange, to morrow. Wapanacheen, good morrow Tamsa matta wapanachewi, he will not per- K’wapanacheen hummo, good morrow to you haps live til to morrow, or until morning. XXVII.—From Wulakik or Wulaku, evening. Kulakween, good evening | Kulakween hummo, good evening to you. XXVIII.—From Gischi, ready, done. Gischapan, it is day, it is day light : Gischaloge, the work is finished Gischiecheu, itis ready, done, finished Gischackiheen, ready to plant Gischikin, born, to be born Gischatten, it is there ready Gischikheen, to make a house ready, put a | Gischuwallen, is ready packed, ready laden house in order Gischeenachk, the fence is ready Gischitoon, to make something ready Gischamocholheu, the canoe is ready Gischileu, it has proved true Gischitehen, to be determined Gischachpoanku, the bread is ready, it is baked | Gischenaxin, to be ready, prepared Gischachgenutasu, it is concluded, settled, de- | N’gischipenauwelendam, I have considered of termined it, | have made up my mind, I am ready. Gischalogen, to finish a work . XXIX.—From Machtit, Machtitso, bad. — Matschiton, to spoil something Mattelendam, to be uneasy, troubled in mind Mattoochwen, to travel badly Matteleman, to despise one Machtatenamin, machtatenamohen, to be unfor- | Mattachgeniman, to accuse one tunate Machtittonhen, mattaptoonen, to abuse, scold. “Tha OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 245 [oF PREPOSITIONS. ] XXX.—From Pitschi, accidentally, by chance. Pitenummen, to commit a mistake Pitschi, he blunders accidentally : Pitaptonen, to blunder in speaking N’pitschi lissin, I have not done it wilfully or N’pitschi, I blunder accidentally designedly. ’ K’pitschi, thou blunderest accidentally XXXI.—From Witschi, with, to go with. Witep, to go with Witawendin, to work together Witschinden, to put on with hands Witoschwen, to go or travel with Witalogen, to work with (somebody) Widhomen, to go in a canoe with (some one). ———— D.—OFE Prepositions. Prepositions are particles which are placed before nouns or verbs, to express an accessory idea in connexion with them. EXAMPLES. Li, liwi, to Yun, here Tuppisgauwi, tpisqui, against, over Yu schacki, so far as here Yu undach, this side Yu seki, so long Ta pemi, about Seki, petschi, until Tetauwiwi, between | Techi, quite* Eli, because | Techi matta, not at all, quite, absolutely not Pechotschi, gieschgi, near, by, close by Pakantschi, fully, entirely Wtenk, after, at last Alike, but, for Untschi, of, by, from | Ayema, if, if only. Newentschi, therefore Prepositions are frequently compounded with nouns and verbs, as in the following examples :—— From Wochgitschi, above, on the top, or on the surface of. Wochgidhackamique, on the earth « | Wochgitaque, on the top of the house. * Note by the Translator.—This is more properly an adverb; but the Author not unfrequently confounds the different parts of speech, which is not extraordinary in a language in which they are So strangely intermixed. Besides, it is evident he intended a revising of this work. VOL. Ill.—3 Q 24:6 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE [or PREPOSITIONS. | From Lappi, again. Laphatton, to restore, replace | Lappilenin, to be again together Laphacki, to replant Lappiechsin, to repeat. From Witschi, with. Witen, to go with Witalogen, to work with Witachpin, to live, dwell with Witatschimolsin, to advise with Witonquam, to lodge at one’s house, board with | Witschimachke, to put on with hands one Wipengen, wipenditam, to lie, sleep with ano- Witschingen, to help, (in German mit helfen) ther. ; Witschendin, to help one another From Kimi, secretly. Kimingehsin, kimochwen, to steal away pri- Kimixin, to go secretly somewhere Kiminatlan, to make some one escape secretly. vately From Untschi, of, therefrom. Undaptonen, to speak thereof Undochwen, to come for or on account of some- thing Untschihillen, to come from somewhere Wundenummen, wundelemuin, to flow that way. From Awossi, that side. Awossenachk, that side the fence Awossakihakan, that side the plantation Awossenuppeque, over the lake Awosschakque, that side the stump or the tree. Awossachtenne, over or beyond the hill. OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 24:7 [or CONJUNCTIONS—INTERJECTIONS. | 6 VL.—OF Conjunctions. Consunctions are of different sorts :— 1. Copulative. Wak, and, also Schi, schitta, or, either Nanne wak, as also. 2. Disjunctive. Schak, but Wak atta, nor, neither. 3. Conditional. These are severally compounded with the verbs active and passive in the Conjunctive Mood; they are ane, anup, anpanne, when, if, as, Ke. 4. Adversative. Schuk, but Tyabtschi, yabtschi, yet, though Bischi, to be sure, true Auwiyewi, yet. 5. Concessive. A, am, well indeed Quonna, although Leke (a verb), true (it is*). 6. Causative. N’titeschquo, for Eli, wentschi, because N’telli, that I Ktelli, that thou W’telli, that he. 7. Conclusive. Newentschi, yuwuntschi, therefore Nanne wantschi, nahanne wentschi, for this rea- son Nanne wuntschi, therefore. 8. Ordinative. Woak lappi, repeatedly, again Ickalissi, farther Nall, at last Nan wtenk, hereafter Yucke petschi, ’til here, ’til now. DEL.—OF Enterjections. INTERJECTIONS are particles, sometimes a mere exclamation to express the different emotions of the mind. 1. Of Joy, as Hoh! hohok ! yu! anischik, quek. 2. Of Laughter, as Ha! ha! he! he! 3. Of Sorrow, as Thik! iwi! ihih! auwik! ekih! kih! 4. Of Indignation, as Sa, gissam, niskelendam (which is a verb), gis- sa, ekisch. 5. Of Blandishment, as Nitsch, my childt. * Note by the Translator.—From this verb is formed nanne leketsch, Amen, so be it! Manne means this or that, leketsch is the adjective verb leke in the future tense, and here is meant in a potential sense, may this or that be true, that is to say, happen. adverb in the future tense. Thus Amen, in Delaware, is an t Wote by the Translator.— My little friend,” from nitis, friend, my friend. 248 GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE e [CoNCLUDING NoTE. ] 6. Of Calling, as 9. Of Admiration, as Hu! yuhuh! Ekayah ? hoh! quatschee! ekee! ekisah! 7. Of Answering, as r 10. Of Exclamation, as Yu! yo! oh! oho! Ohoh, ho! wo! 8. Of Approbation, as Eh! eh! kehella! gohan! CONCLUDING NOTE BY THE TRANSLATOR. > Tis Grammar exhibits a language, entirely the work of the children of nature, unaided by our arts and sciences, and what is most remark- able, ignorant of the art of writing. Its forms are rich, regular, and methodical, closely following the analogy of the ideas which they are intended to express; compounded, but not confused ; occasionally ellip- tical in their mode of expression; but not more so than the languages of Europe, and much less so than those of a large group of nations on the Eastern Coast of Asia, I mean the Chinese and those which possess analogous idioms. The terminations of their verbs, expressive of num- ber, person, time, and other modifications of action and passion, while they are richer¥in their extension than those of the Latin and the Greek, which we call’emphatically the learned languages, appear to have been formed on a similar but enlarged model, without any aid than that which was afforded by nature operating upon the intellectual faculties of man. ‘To what cause are these phenomena to be attributed ? 1 hope I shall be excused for saying that this question, which I think of the highest importance, as it leads immediately to that of the origin of the variety of human languages, and perhaps of language itself, has not received, either in America or Europe, all the attention that it de- serves. In Europe, an idea appears generally to prevail, that the gram- matical forms of languages have proceeded, if not entirely, at least in a very great degree, from the operation or influence of the art of writing, which is saying, in other words, that these forms have been produced or essentially modified by the arts of civilization. A celebrated French philologist, to whose varied talents and extensive acquirements no man pays a more willing homage than myself, M. Abel Remusat, expresses sa ie OF THE LENNI LENAPE INDIANS. 249 [CONCLUDING NOTE. | himself thus on this subject: “Ido not only speak of those forms, the object of which is to point out the relations of words and the mechanism of which, simple or complicated, ingenious or confused, attests the more or less successful efforts of the writers who first gave laws to language*”. This learned author, whose exquisite sense and sound judgment leave no room to suppose that it ever occurred to him that his proposition might be contradicted, appears evidently to have considered it as one of those philological axioms which have been so long and so universally estab- lished that no one even thinks of calling them in question. And so it has appeared to many other European writers, and it seems, in fact, to be an opinion generally received in that part of the world. I must own that to me it seems inconsistent with the facts which this Grammar exhibits, and which all point to nature and not to art as the source from whence have proceeded the various grammatical forms of the languages of men. I have not room to develop here this conclusion, more than I have done incidentally in the preface; I have thought it right, however, to point it out specifically as the principal result which, in my opinion, the publica- tion of this Grammar will produce. It appears to me that after a care- ful reading of the work and a comparison of this language with those of civilized nations, the mind must be necessarily drawn to the following inferences: 1. That the grammatical forms of a language constitute what may be called its organization. 2. That this organization is the work of nature, and not of civilization or its arts. 3. That the arts of civilization may cultivate, and by that means polish a language to a certain extent; but can no more alter its organization, than the art of the gardener can change that of an onion or a potato. 4. That the contrary opinion is the result of the pride of civilized men; a passion inherent in our nature, and the greatest obstacle that exists to the investigation of truth. In thus expressing my opinion with all the clearness and precision that [ am capable of, I do not by any means intend to establish these propositions as axioms; but merely to submit them as questions to the investigation of the learned, if they shall be thought worthy of the atten- tion to which it appears that the subject entitles them. That new facts, or facts already known in part, but now more clearly made apparent, should produce new opinions is what may naturally be expected, and he will be, L hope, acquitted of presumption, who simply expresses his sentiments on this new subject, without any other pretension than that of eliciting the ¥ Je ne parle pas seulement de ces formes destinées & marquer les rapports des mots, et dont le mécanisme, simple ou compliqué, ingénieux ou embrouillé, atteste les efforts plus ou moins heureux des écrivains qui ont les premiers donné des loix au langage.—Recherches sur les lan- gues Tartares, Discours Préliminaire, p. xvj. VOL. HI.—3 R 250 GRAMMAR OF THE LENNI LENAPE LANGUAGE. [CONCLUDING NOTE. | thoughts of men better qualified than himself to trace it to all its impor- tant consequences. To what degree nature and art have respectively contributed to the formation of languages, or their improvement, appears to me to be a ques- tion highly deserving of deep consideration ; | am afraid the part of na- ture will be found to be the lion’s share. If it be true that the poems attributed to Homer were composed at a time when the Greeks were ignorant of the art of writing, we have the true measure of nature’s share in the formation of this beautiful language. The Romans, who could write, did not prove by their idiom the superiority of art. Many observations, arising from the details of this Grammar, and which would considerably tend to the elucidation of its contents, have suggest- ed themselves to my mind while this volume was passing through the press; some of them I have subjoined in the form of notes, and the rest I must reserve for another opportunity. I ought to observe, however, before I finally conclude, that the Author writes the termination of the third person plural of the Perfect Tense of the Indicative, indifferently pannik or pannil, without any apparent rule of discrimination. This was noticed by Vater, who published a few Delaware conjugations (under the name of Chippeway) from some loose sheets of Zeisberger’s own manuscript, which I had transmitted to him. The learn- ed professor was of opinion that pannik was the correct reading, and I have, in consequence, adopted it throughout this Grammar. Perhaps the difference arises from the variety of dialects. See Analekten der Sprachenkunde, Zweytes Heft, p. 50, in note. Sie of ERRATA. This mark (+) shews that the lines are to be counted from the top, and this (|) from the bottom. The running titles are not to be reckoned. Page 67, line 22f, for “17th” read * 19th” “67, line 26+, for “‘ 19th” read “ 20th” a «« 99, line 17}, for ‘* melat’’ read “ milat’?; and for “ eternal life’ read ‘he gives (to him) eternal life” «© 100, line 6+, for noon” read “* noom” «© 11, line 17}, for ‘* Nowikin” read ** N’wikin”’ «© 116,—In the Future of the Subjunctive Mood, lines Ist, 3d, and 5th of that tense, for ‘* ach- piwenque, achpiweke, achpichtique” read ** achpiwenke, achpiweque, achpichtite”’ «© 120,—In the Present of the Subjunctive, line 5th of that tense, for * lissichtique” read ‘* lissichtite”’ «130, line 10}, for ** Pommmauchsichtique” read “* Pommauchsichtite” “134, line 8}, for ‘* N’dellunchsohalguneen” read « N’dellauchsohalguneen” «© 155, line 14|, for * Wulelendawichtikup” read “* Wulelendamichtitup” «« 171, line 12}, for “atta n’pendamawunap” read “ atta n’pendawawunap” ‘© 235, line 14}, for “* koecu” read “‘ keeku”’. N.S. VOL.11-PL.2. i M Hentz Del! Ke Y NM Hentz Det E Kearny Se No. III. Description of Eleven New Species of North American Insects. By N. M. Hentz, Professor of Modern Languages in the University of North Carolina.—Read November 2d, 1827. CIcINDELA. 1. C. denticulata. Bright green ; mandibles slender, lon- ger than the head ; elytra polished, witha subsutural series of impressed punctures, a subhumeral dot, intermediate triangu- lar spot and terminal lunule white; pectus, postpectus, and front in the male, hairy. Length half an inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. From C. 6-guttata this species may be easily distinguish- ed by its elongated mandibles, its pectus and postpectus very hairy, and the head also, in the male. The punctures on the elytra of this species are exceedingly minute and distant, whilst they are deep in C. 6-gulfata. To Dr T. W. Harris I am indebted for this and the next species. That gentleman, whose knowledge and labours are not less remarkable than his disinterestedness, has furnished me also with the following Varieties. a—KElytra purplish blue ; spots as in the species. s—Anterior dot of the elytra wanting. VOL. HI.—3 s 254 DESCRIPTION OF ELEVEN NEW SPECIES y—Anterior dot wanting; triangular spot reduced to a transverse line; posterior lunule interrupted so as to form a fourth spot. s—Two anterior spots wanting. :—All the spots wanting except the terminal lunule which is merely an abbreviated transverse line. ¢—All the spots wanting and terminal lunule obsolete. 2. C. hemorrhoidalis. Hairy, dull cupreous or purple ; elytra with a humeral dot, a round dot behind, a curved band, two dots behind, and a terminal lunule whitish. Deep pur- ple beneath ; venter ferruginous. Length 9-20ths of an inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. This beautiful little insect, also communicated to me by my excellent friend Dr Harris, is very remarkable for its numerous markings, in all twelve, on the elytra. The head and thorax are marked with purple and green, the thighs are green, and the sides of the thorax, pectus and postpectus are hairy. 3. C. splendida. Bright green; disk of the elytra crim- son or purple, with a submarginal subtriangular transverse line near the middle, and a terminal transverse line; whole margin green. Length 6-10ths of an inch. Inhabits North Carolina. Swarming in April. This species is closely related to C. marginalis of Fab. C. purpurea of Olivier, and chiefly so to the variety 6 of Mr Say; but several reasons have induced me to consider it as a distinct species. The thorax of C. marginalis is sensibly transverse, in this species it is less so, and with the head en- tirely bright green: C. marginalis is quite hairy, thisis slightly so. The former inhabits usually shady places near or in the sf) iv OF NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS. 255 grass; C. splendida is always found on barren dry clay or sand. The middle line is sometimes wanting, sometimes the terminal one is obsolete; and I have observed two specimens with a humeral whitish spot. LEBIA. 4. L. grandis. Ferruginous; elytra purple, venter pi- ceous; thorax remarkably transverse, posterior angles sharp, nearly rectangular. Length rather more than 9-20ths of an inch. Inhabits North Carolina. The remarkable size of this species will be sufficient to dis- tinguish it from L. afriventris, Say, which it very much re- sembles; but it is nearly twice as large, being, I believe, enor- mous for this genus. The head is darker than the thorax, and the stria of the elytra are deeper than in L. afriventris. I have never seen but two specimens, found at night, attract- ed by the light. 5. L. borea. Head dark green; disk of the thorax, tarsi, lower ends of the tibia, knees, and anterior thighs, piceous ; elytra green, substriate ; postpectus and venter ferruginous. Length rather more than 5-20ths of an inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. This insect cannot be mistaken for L. tricolor of Mr Say. The strie of the elytra cannot be seen by the naked eye, but with a lens they appear to be punctured and regular, though superficial. The margin of the thorax is ferruginous ; the middle part of the tibia and upper part of the two posterior pairs of thighs are testaceous. The three first joints of the antenne are ferruginous, darkening upwards, the rest are black. 256 DESCRIPTION OF ELEVEN NEW SPECIES 6. L. solea. Testaceous; elytra with deep impunctured striez, a common sutural band narrower near the middle, not reaching the apex, to which it is contiguous on each side, with a submarginal band which tapers towards the een Length hardly a quarter of an inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. This insect is quite distinct from L. vittata, which is larger and differs from this in many respects. I cannot see that the interstice between the black bands has ever been white, as no trace remains of that colour as in L. vittata. The body and feet are testaceous; the head bordering on the rufous; the an- tenne are dusky with paler base. The interstitial lines on the elytra are convex, which is not the case with L. vittata. MeELOLONTHA. 7. M. porcina. Densely covered with short yellow hair; clypeus emarginate; head piceous or black with a few hairs ; antenne and legs ferruginous; thorax punctured, very hairy. with a longitudinal black line formed by the absence of hair; elytra castaneous, pubescent. Length little more than one inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. This must be a rare insect, as I never saw but one speci- men, and it was new to my friend Dr Harris ; the head and thorax are piceous or blackish, but the thorax is covered with so much yellow hair, that it gives it a pale greenish appear- ance. The hair which covers the insect is short except on the margin of the elytra and postpectus, where it is long. 8. M. wariolosa. Covered with short white hair ; clypeus subquadrate, broader at tip, entire, ferruginous; antenne fer- ruginous, clava very long, seven lamine ; thorax blackish with three obsolete longitudinal impressed lines obsoletely marked OF NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS. 257 with white hair; elytra dark castaneous, with suture, hume- ral line, and irregular spots, and the disk white; postpectus with thick long yellow hair. Length very little smaller than the preceding. Inhabits Massachusetts. This cannot be referred to Melolontha 10-lineata of Mr Say, which has its clypeus emarginate, and differs from it in other respects ; both are somewhat related to M. fullo of Eu- rope. I-never saw but two specimens. PyRocHROA. 9. P.? infumata. Black, hairy; head deep black, polish- ed; antenne and palpi ferruginous at base; thorax ferrugi- nous, polished ; disk black ; elytra hairy, punctured. Length nearly 3-10ths of an inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. 10. P.? elegans. Slightly hairy ; head deep black, polished ; thorax, palpi and legs bright yellow, polished; elytra blue black, punctured, with a terminal yellow spot, polished, raised and impunctured. Length not quite 3-10ths of an inch. Inhabits Massachusetts. The two last insects answer well to the characters of Py- rochroa as given by Latreille and Lamarck, and cannot be referred to any other genus mentioned in the books. The palpi in both have their last joint larger, subsecuriform. The penultimate article of the tarsi is remarkably bifid. Their antenne have subcylindrical joints, and are inserted into a groove of the eye. VOL. 11.—3 T 258 DESCRIPTION OF NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS. NEMOGNATHA. 11. N. nemorensis. Black, hairy; mouth and thorax fer- ruginous, with three basal impressions black ; elytra punc- tured, substriate ; suture raised. Length 3-10ths of an inch. Inhabits the woods of North Carolina. This interesting insect is probably rare, for I never saw but one specimen, found in May. ‘The second joint of the antenne is shorter than the first and the third; and all the joints are very hairy. The maxille which are usually bent under are nearly as long as the antenne. In the above descriptions it is not unimportant to observe that Dr T. W. Harris has found in the vicinity of Boston Cicindela formosa, which Mr Say described from specimens brought from the Missouri by Mr Nuttal. He and I have also found there Clytus speciosus, described by Mr Say, in the Appendix to Long’s Expedition of 1823, as discovered on the banks of the Wisconsan, Prairie du Chien.. I have seen in North Carolina a number of insects which he had found only in the west. No. IV. Description of Six New Species of the Genus Unio, embrac- ing the Anatomy of the Oviduct of one of them, together with some Anatomical Observations on the Genus. By Isaac Lea.—Read before the American Philosophical Society November 2d 1827. Preliminary Remarks. [ie the present contribution to the science of Conchology, I have endeavoured to be as brief as I thought the subject would permit. I have often felt the great inconvenience sustained from too short and indefinite descriptions; and am therefore fully sensible of the necessity, for the proper distinction of the spe- cies, of a more minute notice of their characters than is usu- ally given. In this Mr Barnes has shewn a laudable example, and he deserves the acknowledgments of the conchologist*. It will be observed I have followed his plan of dividing the margin of the disk into eight parts, reversing his posterior and anterior margins. * Swainson says, ‘* Although Lamarck has described so many (Uniones), the short descriptions he has given, and the want of figures to elucidate them, render it impossible to determine accurately one half the species which he has enumerated.”’ 260 SIX NEW SPECIES The genus Unio, established by Bruguiéres, an“ placed by Cuvier* in his fourth class of mollusques, les acéphales, and second family, acéphales testacés, or the mytilacés; and by Lamarck in his eleventh class, conchiferes, first order, conchi- feres dimyaires, thirteenth family, les nayades; is to the con- chologist one ‘of the most interesting of all the genera. Re- cent American writers on the subject have added many new species to this genus, and other new ones are almost daily dis- covered. I propose now to add six species, which I believe to be dis- tinct from any hitherto described. In doing which, I give very exact descriptions accompanied by drawings, with a hope they may not hereafter be confounded with other species. The constant and perplexing changes which the species of this genus assume have led even the accurate Lamarck into the error of describing séveral varieties as different ‘species ; and it is not without due hesitation and caution that I am in- duced to add the present. It has been doubtful with some conchologists whether the species of the genus Unio are not the mere varieties of one speciest. ‘To the naturalist, who has had the opportunity of examining numerous specimens, the gradations are so interesting, and at the same time so perplex- ing, that he is lost in the maze of their changes, and he seeks almost in vain to draw a distinctive line between them; for even the tuberculated shells sometimes pass by almost insensible gradations into smooth ones. Although this line may not always be satisfactorily drawn, I think their division into spe- cies should be retained, if it were only for the sake of system. The comparative anatomist finds in thé animal of the Unio an organization very far advanced towards a state of perfection. Lamarck places it, in his scale of perfection, higher than in- sects. and we cannot be surprised at this, when we examine its structure and find it possessed of brain, heart, branchiz, *»Reégne Animal, vol. ii. p. 453. + The following genera, separated from the genus Unio, dipsas (Leach), hy- ria (Lamarck), alasmadonta (Say), damaris (Leach), cannot in the opinion of Mr Swainson retain their station among the genera. OF THE GENUS UNIO. 261 liver, intestines, and an arterial and venous circulation, so complete as to excite our greatest admiration. Taking the natural position of the animal, I have reversed the anterior and posterior margins as used by Linneus, Bru- guiéres, Lamarck, Bose, and others ; and have followed Cuvier* and Blainville. That margin which has the ligament be- tween it and the beaks is considered by Lamarck as the ante- rior margin, but it will be found on examination not entitled to be so considered, for two reasons: 1. The mouth over which is situated the brain is placed in the opposite margin. 2. When the animal is in progressive motion, this opposite margin is always pointed in the direction of its progress. I therefore follow Cuvier in his anterior and posterior margins, because they are founded in truth. A recent and very accurate writer, Blainville, gives us so simple an explanation of the position in which a bivalve should be placed, that I am induced to extract it. He says—* We suppose the shell to cover the animal, and that it is passing from the observer, the head (mouth) in front. The beaks should be above—the ligament between the beaks and the observer. In this position the opposite side to the beaks would be the base, and the two extremes of the perpendicular diameter of this direction would be, the one anterior, the other posterior.” Of the habits of this animal we know little; future obser- vations must open to us an interesting history of them. With regard to their food, it seems to bea matter of doubt upon what they subsist. I have strong reasons to believe they feed upon animalcula, which are ever found to exist in water and which they might separate from the constant stream, which they pass from the posterior part of the shell, and which must be taken in atanother part. This interesting operation I witnessed frequently in a vessel in which I kept them forsome months. If the water was not changed for twenty-four hours, I uni- formly found my interesting captives perfectly quiet, but within * Reégne Animal, vol. ii. p. 472. VOL. I.—3 U 262 SIX NEW SPECIES a few minutes after it was changed, they as uniformly com- menced the passage of this constant stream. I cannot sup- pose this operation to be for the sole purpose of breathing, as there is no intermission in the stream of the water, and the quantity thrown out is too great for this purpose only. I believe it to be the result of the action of the separation of the animaleula from the water. Lamarck informs us that the animal of the anadonta (which is essentially the same with the unio) is hermaphrodite and seems viviparous; for the eggs pass into the oviduct placed along the superior branchiz, where the young are found with their shells complete. In the dissection of an anadonta undu- ~ lata nearly three inches long, I met with the oviducts charged with about 600,000 (as nearly as I could calculate young shells perfectly formed, both valves being distinctl visible with the microscope. There cannot be a doubt that the two pairs of muscles, which support the foot and serve by their alternate action to give the animal locomotion, are entirely distinct from the great anterior and posterior muscles, which seem but to serve the purpose of closing the valves opened by the elasticity of the ligament. The cicatrices of the muscles of the foot, ante- riorly, are placed under the great anterior cicatrix, posteriorly over the great posterior cicatrix, and are sometimes confluent with the great cicatrices, sometimes entirely distinet from them. It is necessary to notice here another set of attaching mus- cles, which seem to have escaped attention. We find, on closely examining the region of the cardinal tooth, a small ir- regular row of muscular i impressions. In those species which possess large lobed teeth, these will be found generally on the inner side of them and somewhat underneath. In the more fragile shells, possessing comparatively small teeth, such as the alatus, gracilis, &c. we find. these impressions in the cavity of the valve beneath the beaks. To this part of the shell I found in many species the animal to be quite strongly attached. It seems to serve to support the mantle, branchie. OF THE GENUS UNIO. 263 &e. by the centre, and in this certainly serves a very useful purpose. Being exceedingly anxious to examine the animals of the various species of the Unio from the Ohio, my brother. T. G. Lea, kindly sent me thirteen species and many varieties, which, with the assistance of Mr Stewart, were carefully dis- sected. Those consisted of the species mytiloides and meta- nevra of Rafinesque; siliquoideus, triangularis, gibbosus. and cornutus of Barnes; purpureus, alatus, ovatus of Say; Ausopus of Green ; irroratus and ellipsis now first described. This ex- amination furnished me with several interesting results. It con- firmed me entirely in my belief that the oviducts of the irro- ratus were different from any other species yet examined; a drawing and description of which will be found in this paper. The prolongation of the sacks of the oviducts is peculiarly interesting. In some of the varieties of the cornutus, which seem to run into the AXsopus, we found the posterior and infe- rior parts of the shell unnaturally extended. The mark of the animal on the shell had its usually curved shape, while the mantle, quite callous, extended to a protruded and irregu- Jar margin. It has been a matter of speculation how the calcareous matter was secreted to increase the outer margin of the teeth as well as their whole surface. In this examination we found the surface of the broad teeth, some of which were near half an inch thick, to be completely covered with a prolongation of the mantle, extending from the great anterior to the great posterior cicatrix ; so that when the teeth closed they completely enveloped it. This part of the mantle is exceedingly thin and transparent. In the study of this genus, we are naturally attracted by the beautiful rays which frequently are found in the epidermis. This to the unpractised eye would seem to be a sufficiently distinctive characteristic to mark a species. There is, however, no character more fleeting and various. The young of many species uniformly possess rays, and we sometimes find fine adult specimens of extreme beauty. The 264 SIX NEW SPECIES naturalist is therefore obliged to abandon this character as al- most useless. In noticing the colouring of the epidermis we must not pass unobserved the peculiar spots which are found on the cylindricus of Say, the metanevra of Rafinesque, and triangularis of Barnes. These have generally the form of an arrow-head, but sometimes so much elongated as to form rays. ‘The hair like rays of the cornutus of Barnes and its varieties are peculiarly beautiful in fresh and perfect speci- mens; and the spotted lines covering the irroratus over its whole disk will yield to none of the painted epidermides. In the measurements I have adopted the plan of Barnes: the greatest transverse line is the breadth, the greatest line perpendicular to this is the length, and the greatest line per- pendicular to those lines, that is, from the most ventricose part of one valve to the most ventricuse part of the other, is the diameter. We thus have the three greatest measure- ments of the shell, and the marginal descriptions give the form. It should be remembered that different localities pro- duce various sizes, and even the thickness of the shell is frequently changed from this circumstance. In considering the word “Unio” as of the masculine gen- der, I have followed the American conchologists, in oppo- sition to Lamarck and other Europeans, who consider it as feminine. Ainsworth, in that part of his dictionary ap- propriated to pure Latinity, gives the following definition :— Unio, onis, m. (ab unus, quod in conchis nulli duo reperi- antur indiscreti, 7. e. similes,) pearl, called a union, because, many being found in one shell, not any of them is like the other. Plin. 9,35. Unionum conche, mother of pearl. Suet. Ner. 31. In Ainsworth’s “Index Vocum Vitandarum” is to be found the following definition :— Unio, onis, f (quod unum facit) Union, concord, agree- ment ; the number of one, Theol. (Jn this latter sense it must be masculine, as ternio, senio, &c. *J. C.) * J.C. John Carey, the editor of the last edition of Ainsworth’s quarto dic- tionary. — ONS te ~—_ OF THE GENUS UNIO. 265 it is evident, that the word explained by the former of these definitions is the most proper to express a genus of shells ; and consequently, in Conchology, the word Unio is masculine. —— i. Unto Caucrouus. Plate III. fig. 1. Testa inequilaterali, transversd, aliquantulim cylindraced, tenwiter rugatd ; dente cardinali prominente. Shell inequilateral, transverse, somewhat cylindrical, finely wrinkled ; cardinal tooth prominent. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. . My Cabinet. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Diam. -6, Length °8, Breadth 1-5 inches. Shell ventricose, cylindrical, transverse—substance of the shell thin, rather thicker anteriorly—beaks slightly elevated, undulated and touching; not decorticated—ligament short, partly concealed by the beaks—dorsal margin straight; pos- terior dorsal margin oblique and carinated; posterior margin angular ; posterior basal margin curved ; basal margin nearly straight ; anterior and anterior dorsal and basal margins round- ed—epidermis dark green at the margin and becoming lighter towards the beaks; rays indistinct—cardinal tooth of right valve prominent and somewhat pointed; the single tooth of this valve shuts in before the tooth of the left valve, instead of passing into it; the tooth of the latter valve is emarginate— lateral tooth very short and single in both valves—posterior cicatrices confluent, as are also the anterior ones—cavity of the beaks deep—nacre pearly, white and silvery, iridescent in the posterior margin. Remarks.—This curious little shell is peculiar in its promi- nent curved tooth, shutting in before that of the other valve. VOL. I1.—3 xX 266 SIX NEW SPECIES Its nacre is uncommonly silvery. It swells considerably along the posterior umbonial slope. This causes its greatest diame- ter to be semidistant between the beaks and posterior margin. I have given a view of the right valve of this shell for the purpose of exhibiting its remarkable tooth. It might at first be considered as a malformation, but in the three specimens which I have seen this character has been uniform. The calceolus approaches as nearly in its general appearance to the donaciformis as to any other species. It is however a thinner shell, and differs in the teeth as well as the colour of the epidermis. 2. Unto Lancroxatus. Plate III. fig. 2. Testa transversim elongata, compressa, posticé subangulaté ; valvulis tenuibus ; umbonibus vix prominentibus ; dente cardinali acuto, obliquo. Shell transversely elongated, compressed, subangular behind; valves thin; beaks scarcely prominent; cardinal tooth sharp, oblique. Hab. Tar River at Tarborough. My Cabinet. Professor Vanuxem’s Cabinet. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Mr Nicklin’s Cabinet. ~ Peale’s Museum. Diam. -5, Length -7, Breadth 1-7 inches. Shell transversely elongated, elliptical—substance of the shell rather thin—beaks scarcely elevated, decorticated—liga- ment small, terminating between the beaks—dorsal margin slightly curved; posterior dorsal margin carinated; posterior margin subangular ; posterior basal and basal margins curved ; anterior and anterior dorsal and basal margins rounded—epi- dermis lemon-yellow and olive-yellow, with transverse lines of growth, glabrous—cardinal tooth compressed, crenulated and oblique—lamellar tooth straight, long and rather abrupt —posterior cicatrices confluent, anterior cicatrices distinct-— Unio catceolus. G § dace Unio lancedlatus. « 7 ‘ Yn Drawn on Stone 2h Pr. by J Drayton OF THE GENUS UNIO. 267 cavity of the beaks shallow—nacre salmon colour and irides- cent; colour stronger under the beaks, from which beautiful fine rays diverge to the margin. Remarks.—This species, which I have seen only in Tar River, N. C., approaches more closely to the unio picto- rum of Europe than any yet discovered in this country. When I first found it, I felt assured it was the same; but upon closer examination and comparison find it to be essen- tially different. The cavity of the beak is much less and the cardinal tooth shorter and more lobed. 3. Unto DonAcirormis. Plate IV. fig. 3. Testé inequilaterali, transversd, cuneata, rugata ; dente cardinali pro- minente ; wmbonibus posticé angulatis ; margine dorsali posteriori sub- carinata. Shell inequilateral, transverse, cuneiform, wrinkled ; cardinal tooth very prominent ; beaks angular behind ; posterior dorsal margin subca- rinate. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Diam. -7, Length 1-0, Breadth 1-5 inches. Shell not very thick, rounded before and pointed behind— substance of the shell not thick—beaks slightly elevated, not decorticated, almost touching ; angulated by an oblique carina passing from the beaks to the posterior margin; this causes a slight concavity from the beaks towards the posterior mar- gin—ligament passing to the point of the beaks—dorsal and posterior dorsal margins slightly curved, the latter sub-cari- nate ; posterior margin acutely angular ; posterior basal mar- gin nearly straight; basal margin curved; anterior and ante- rior dorsal and basal margins rounded—epidermis olive, with green rays diverging from the beaks to all parts of the mar- gin; surface glabrous and slightly wrinkled; has distinct 268 SIX NEW SPECIES marks of growth—cardinal tooth large, prominent, serrated ; in the left valve deeply divided by the entering of the oppo- site tooth—lateral tooth abrupt—posterior cicatrices distinct, anterior cicatrices also distinct—cavity of the beaks rather deep—nacre pearly white and iridescent in the posterior mar- gin. Remarks.—The characteristics of this little shell are its angulated posterior slope giving it in some measure the form of a donax, and its large divided cardinal tooth. Its beautiful angulated beaks approach so closely together as scarcely to admit the edge of a piece of fine paper. In its most prominent character, the peculiar angulated slope, it most resembles the ovatus of Say, but differs greatly in the size, the ovatus being four or five inches in breadth, and very much more inflated. The latter has a double car- dinal tooth in each valve; the donaciformis only in the left valve. 4. Unto Exuirsis. Plate IV. fig. 4. Testa figuram ellipseos habente, longitudinali, ventricosa ; valvulis crassis, umbonibus feré terminalibus ; dentibus grandibus et distinctis. Shell elliptical, longitudinal, ventricose; valves thick; beaks nearly terminal ; teeth large and well defined. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of 'T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of Mr Nicklin. Peale’s Museum. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Diam. 1-3, Length 1-7, Breadth 2-3 inches. Shell very thick, ventricose, margin elliptical—substance of the shell thick and ponderous—beaks thick and projecting Drawn Stome & Py 2 by LDravy IV V 14 ea Va “2 gy OF THE GENUS UNIO. 269 beyond the margin, nearly terminal, decorticated—ligament partly concealed by the beaks—epidermis reddish-brown, smooth—surface somewhat wrinkled—cardinal tooth thick, elevated, compressed at top, crenulated ; direction same as la- teral tooth—lateral tooth long, thick and slightly curved, ab- rupt—posterior cicatrices distinct, as are also the anterior ones —cavity of the beaks small—nacre pearly-white, silvery and iridescent in the posterior margin. Var. a—red inside, rare. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. My Cabinet. Remarks.—The ellipsis approaches somewhat to a variety of the mytiloides of Rafinesque, but is more swollen and ponde- rous, and differs in always having an elliptical margin. 5. Unto Irroratus. Plate V. fig. 5. Testa inequilaterali, sub-orbiculatd, longitudinali, tuberculatd, rugosd, longitudinaliter uni-sulcata ; dente laterali abrupté terminante. Shell inequilateral, suborbicular, longitudinal, tuberculated, wrinkled, longitudinally suleated ; termination of lateral tooth abrupt. Hab. Ohio. T. Bakewell. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Mr Nicklin’s Cabinet. Diam. 1-3, Length 1-8, Breadth 1-6 inches. Shell-extremely thick and swollen—nearly round, slightly elongated—substance of the shell thick and ponderous—beaks somewhat elevated and recurved, decorticated—dorsal mar- gin rounded; posterior, posterior dorsal and posterior basal margins rounded ; basal margin slightly emarginate ; anterior VOL. 11.—3 ¥ 270 SIX NEW SPECIES and anterior basal margins rounded; anterior dorsal margin slightly rounded—epidermis yellow, but filled completely over with numerous dark green spotted lines, running in a sweep from the beak to the margin. In the anterior part the crowding of these lines generally forms five or six bands, the largest being in the furrow in the middle of the shell; in the posterior part there are no bands—disks transversely and deeply wrinkled, with a slight longitudinal furrow from the beaks to the basal margin—tubercles slightly elevated and nu- merous, and generally situated on the wrinkles; cardinal tooth wide, depressed and suleated; lamellar tooth slightly curved, thick, rather depressed, short and abrupt—posterior cicatrices very distinct, the smaller one being placed directly over the larger one and beneath the point of the lamellar tooth—anterior cicatrices distinct, the great one deep—cavity ‘angular and exceedingly small for the size of the shell—na- cre pearly white and silvery. Remarks.—The very minute and delicate spotted lines which pass from the beaks to the margin of this species well characterize it. They are so fine and approach so nearly to each other as to give a general olive appearance to the disk, the ground of which is really yellow. I have not observed this to pervade completely the surface of any other spe- cies, and in this it is constant. The substance of the shell is exceedingly massive and ponderous, more so for its size than any other species which I have seen. 'The animal is the only one in the organization of which, during my examination of this genus, I have been able to detect any essential differ- ence. From the shell being longitudinal and peculiarly mas- sive, we might be led to suspect a conformation different from the other species, and such is the case. By the exertion of my brother T’. G. Lea, I have been for- tunate enough to obtain three individuals of this species in a state of impregnation considerably developed. In those I ob- served an appendage, in form of a depressed cone, attached to the branchiz on either side, and a very slight examination fully satisfied me these were the oviducts. aT oe ee. OF THE GENUS UNIO. 871 In all the other species which I have examined I have found the ovaries and oviducts as described by Cuvier, Bose, Ca- rus, &c. The oviducts in these lie in a direct line between the two great muscles, and are attached to the upper pair of branchie. In the irroratus this space is so small, as is also the cavity, that it seems to require a different conformation to accommodate the oviducts, and thus we find them pendent, and not placed along the plane of the branchie. The long sacks containing the ova are inserted about half way up the branchiz and somewhat posterior to the centre. The num- ber of these sacks in my three specimens consists of eight in two, and seven in the other. The posterior sack is the outer or surrounding one, and measured two inches ; the second and fourth 2-2; the third 2-4; the fifth 1-9; the sixth 1-6; the seventh 1-4. In diameter the sacks are nearly the same size, the interior ones being rather smaller than the exterior, which measures one-twentieth of an inch. These measurements were effected by separating the mem- branes which connect the sacks together and stretching them out. The diameter of the cone is -6; its elevation -2 of an inch. The outer sack terminates after making one revolu- tion; the second advances one-third on the succeeding revo- lution, and each succeeding one obeys the same law until the last terminates in the centre, and the mass having performed three revolutions, the whole forms a depressed cone. This curious arrangement of the sacks to form the depres- sed cone, which has its base resting on the region of the sto- mach, is admirably calculated by the economy of nature to harmonize with the construction of shell, which presents only at the centre of its disks room for the essential purpose of propagation. See plate V. Fig. 6 represents the interior, fig. 7 the exterior of the ovi- duct, the mantle being removed. a the mouth. 6 the great anterior muscle. e the superior right branchiz. 972 ’ SIX NEW SPECIES d the great posterior muscle. e the inferior right branchie. f the right oviduct. g the foot. shh: h the superior left branchie. ? interior view of the oviduct. 6. Unto Lacrymosvs. Plate VI. fig. 8. Testa sub-quadrangulari, inequilaterali, posticé angulata, transversa, tuberculaia ; dente laterali abrupte terminante. Shell subquadrangular, inequilateral, angular behind, transverse, tu- berculated ; termination of lateral tooth abrupt. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Diam. -9, Length 1-7, Breadth 1-8 inches. Shell rather depressed and rounded anteriorly—substance of the shell thick—beaks slightly elevated with the ligament passing between them, recurved and almost touching, free from decortication, and covered with beautiful delicate raised points—when viewed on the back all the visible part is co- vered with them—dorsal margin oblique; posterior dorsal margin subangular, carinated ; posterior margin angular ; pos- terior basal margin emarginate; basal, anterior and anterior dorsal and basal margins rounded—epidermis yellow-green and very smooth, almost white at the point of the beaks, an- teriorly slightly rayed—disks tubereulated, having a smooth channel, margined by two rows of tubercles or raised points, running from the point of the beaks, and diverging one to the basal, the other to the posterior margin—tubercles, enlarging towards the base, taking the form of flowing tears, and resem- bling coagulated gum ; they are very minute at the point of the beaks—undulated delicately along the posterior dorsal mar- Trraurn by i Léa VI “ OF THE GENUS UNIO. Q73 gin—have one distinct line of growth—cardinal tooth very wide, depressed and sulcated—lamellar tooth straight, short, crenated and, abrupt—posterior cicatrices confluent; anterior cicatrices distinct, the great one deep and partly surrounding the cardinal tooth—cavity not deep, but angular, and extend- ing under the cardinal tooth—double impression of the man- tle very perceptible—nacre pearly white and silvery. Remarks.—This rare shell forms without doubt the most beautiful and perfect species yet discovered of thisgenus. Its beautiful tubercles, lively colour and delicately pointed white beaks, together with its strikingly pure nacre, entitle it toa precedence over all that have yet found their way to our ca- binets. The form of the tubercles is very peculiar and they distinctly mark this fine species. The specimen represented in the drawing is the largest of five which I have seen. This species is more nearly allied to the metanevra of Rafinesque than to any other. It differs however, essen- tially, in its having a greater number and more distinct tuber- cles; its colour, and the tuberculous ridge of the latter being replaced by a smooth furrow, enlarging from the beaks to the posterior basal margin and bordered by two rows of small tu- bercles. ‘The metanevra is also larger and more ponderous, me VOL. Ill.—3 Z% No. V. On the Geographical Distribution of Plants. By C. Pick- ering, M.D.—Read October 19th 1827. HE. observations of travellers in every part of the globe, and our greatly increased knowledge of the species both of ve- getables and animals, have of late years brought forward the interesting subject of their geographical distribution. The materials accumulated prior to the last half century were few, and insufficient to solve: many questions which have since yielded to the labours of naturalists. Much has been accom- plished by Humboldt, Brown, Schouw and others—the sub- ject is continually receiving increased attention, but it is uni- formly rendered intricate by attempting to reduce under the same laws both species and groups (as families, genera, &c.), while it is evident that the local causes, which, in the one in- stance, greatly influence their distribution, by no means affect the other. In this essay, species and groups are examined separately, the inquiry is directed more particularly to the former, and their range is followed as a guide in the arrange- ment here proposed. Solar heat is evidently the principle which puts in motion the fluids of plants, and these vary in their relation to it, some requiring a temperature that destroys others; conse- quently, a plant being carried far north or south of its natural ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. 2765 station meets a climate fatal to it, from a deficiency or excess of heat, marking its northern and southern limits. A plant can thus exist only within two belts encircling the globe, one in the northern, the other in the southern hemi- sphere, in general coinciding with the parallels of latitude, but rendered irregular by the variation of climate at different meridians, elevation of the earth’s surface, &c. The breadth of these belts varies greatly in different spe- cies, and though experience has sufficiently demonstrated that it may be determined to within one degree of latitude, this has not yet been fully accomplished in a single instance. A careful examination of North American plants, and a compa- rison of authorities have yielded the following result. Ina great part, perhaps one third, of the North American species, it does not exceed five degrees of latitude, and rarely attains twenty. The range of plants is, however, far from being as exten- sive as climate would permit. The plants of the northern and southern hemispheres are different; the same may be said with respect to the plants of the eastern and western conti- nents, except in the extreme north. Hence we must seek for some other cause restricting the diffusion of plants, and this will be found in the ocean, a great extent of which at once prevents farther progress. Again, few plants stretch across the whole extent of the continents, in their wider parts, their range is usually still more limited. This leads to the examination of other causes which impede their diffusion. By ascending above the level of the ocean, the temperature is found to be reduced in the same manner as on advancing towards the poles, and at the height of perpetual snow we find a polar climate. The relative mean proportion has been estimated at about six hundred feet of elevation toa degree of latitude. Accordingly, if a chain of mountains extends in the direction of the meridians, plants of cold regions, meeting a parity of climate, descend on their summits into lower lati- tudes. On the Rocky mountains, arctic plants reach the nor- 276 ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL thern provinces of Mexico. Magellanic plants likewise exist on the Andes of Chili. In the southern parts of the United States, the low ridge of the Alleghanies (which rarely exceeds three thousand feet of elevation) affords a multitude of plants which avoid the low country, and are otherwise confined to the northern states. Mountains thus introduce seeming confusion into our flo- ras, while there exists in reality the most perfect order. A lofty and unbroken chain likewise presents a barrier in- surmountable to many plants. There is much difference in the vegetation between the northern and southern sides of the European Alps—the flora of Chili differs essentially from that of the country on the opposite side of the Andes. A great river is also an obstacle to the diffusion of plants, apparently less easily overcome than a much more considera- ble extent of ocean. Many plants on either side of the Mis- sissippi do not cross it. The greatrivers of Siberia are known to exert a like influence on vegetation. Water, with those substances it dissolves in the soil, is the the food of plants, and the quantity they require for the per- formance of their functions varies in different species. A plant can vegetate only in a soil containing a certain propor- tion of moisture. The seeds of aquatics will not germinate unless beneath the surface of water, while some plants flourish only in the most arid sands. Difference in soil, so far as vegetation is concerned, is known to consist mainly in the quantity of water capable of ab- sorbing, and its power of resisting evaporation, two qualities dependant on a variety of circumstances :—on the character of the rocks from which the mineral part is derived, whether such as resist decomposition, or yield to it, forming clay; or such as break down into gravel and sand, &c.—on locality, whether on plains and the summits of hills, or on declivities moistened by the filtering of water from higher places, or in low grounds perpetually saturated with it, thus forming marshes and bogs ;—whether in the vicinity of, or at a dis- a) DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. Q77 tance from mountains ;—whether exposed to the rays of the ‘sun, or protected by forests, &c. This relation of plants to water* confines them to particular situations, and any one plant can occupy but a small portion of the surface of the soil, while at the same time a great num- ber of species can exist together within a limited space. Un- der certain circumstances, this may have considerable influ- ence upon their range. These phenomena, with many others which are continu- ally presenting themselves, carry us at once to the supposition, that each species must have originated on a particular point of the earth’s surface, from which, in the course of successive generations, it would have spread over the whole globe, but that it has been kept back and confined within narrow limits, by causes, of which the above mentioned are the most pro- minent. We find accordingly, that almost every practical botanist, conversant with the subject, has followed, often un- consciously, a mode of reasoning which ultimately leads to this conclusion. That no. species has originated on two different points of the earth’s surface is proved by a variety of circumstances: most of the instances where a plant oceurs in two distant and seemingly insulated places being readily accounted for-by existing causes. There has been much discussion relative to the quadrupeds common to the eastern and western continents ; but it is now admitted, that those species only are common, whose range extends near to, or within, the arctic circle where the two continents closely approach each other. The foregoing conclusion is also confirmed by the vegeta- tion of islands. In those which are situated at the distance of from one to several miles from the main land, all the plants are common to the neighbouring continent; while if at a greater distance, they frequently afford some species not to be * Maritime plants are confined to a soil aca with muriate of soda, and a few species appear to be peculiar to limestone rocks. VOL. I11.—4 A 278 ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL found there: and lastly, countries separated by a vast extent of ocean, and at the same time insulated by climate, do not possess in common a single phanogamous plant*—as, the southern extremity of Africa with that of New Holland. or of South America. Among the principal agents in conveying the seeds of plants toa distance from their original site, are the winds, and the currents of the ocean. The seeds of West Indian plants are thrown by the gulf stream upon the coast of Northern Europe, and sometimes germinate there, but are déstroyed by the frosts on the ap- proach of winter. Accordingly, those species, which are common to countries separated by a great extent of ocean, are observed to be generally aquaticand marsh plants, especially maritime, whose seeds are formed to bear a long exposure to water. Some estimate of the influence of the winds in distribut- ing the seeds of vegetables may be formed, from the fact of the ashes of a voleano being frequently carried many hundred miles from its crater. Botanists have observed that the crypto- gamia, especially lichens, in their geographical distribution, do not appear to follow the same laws with phcenogamous plants, many of the former being found in every part of the globe.— The excessive minuteness of the seeds of these plants autho- rizes the conjecture, that the winds alone have accomplished such an universal distribution. The fact of the European Alps affording on their summits some arctic plants is not so readily disposed of, as the general direction of this chain of mountains is parallel with the equa- tor, and there is a wide interval, of several hundred miles, between their most northern bend and the southern extremity of the mountains of the Scandinavian peninsula. Here, with the exception of the annual migration of birds, the winds appear to be the only agents left us, and it seems improbable . * Exceptions are extremely rare: among fifty thousand phenogamous plants, now known, Samolus valerandi is the only well authenticated instance of a plant, which is common to almost every part of the globe. ps nei > * s . > DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. 279 that they should have conveyed the seeds of plants to so great a distance.—’The Andes, in this respect, present a striking con- trast with the mountains of the eastern continent. . This great chain of mountains appears to extend, almost uninter- ruptedly, from near, or within, the arctic circle to Cape Horn; and arctic plants, which i in the eastern continent do not reach the European Alps, have been here discovered as low as 40° N. lat., far south of those mountains—as, Campanula uniflora. Sazxifraga nivalis, Xe. Great confusion has been occasioned in our floras by man himself carrying with him, in his migrations, a multitude of plants. In the more settled parts of the United States, the greater portion of the entire surface is covered with European vegetables: many have even wandered into the woods, soas fre- quently to perplex the botanist in determining, whether they have been introduced from Europe, or existed here previous to the discovery of the country. The flora of Pursh, which is usually appealed to as giving evidence of the number of species common to the two continents, contains upwards of one hundred and. fifty species, now generally admitted by American botanists to have been introduced, but on which that author does not express an opinion, leaving the foreigner without any means of deciding, except. that, being frequently indicated as found about fields ‘and cultivated ground, they. are of course liable to suspicion. Thus, climate and the ocean are the two great powers which set bounds to the diffusion of plants, and at the same time, by insulating certain portions of land, divide the surface of the globe into several great botanical regions. Th this essay the following division has been adopted : I. Greenland, Iceland, and the arctic regions of both con- tinents. Il. The temperate portion of North America. Ill. The temperate portion of the Eastern continent. IV. The West Indies, and the intertropical regions of America. ‘ 280 ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL V. Madagascar and the islands in the vicinity, the inter-: tropical regions of Africa and of Arabia. VI. The intertropical regions of Asia (Arabia excepted), of New Holland, the East Indies, New Guinea, New Caledonia, and most of the islands in the Pacific. VII. The temperate portion of South America. VIII. The southern extremity of Africa. {X. Van Dieman’s land, and the temperate portion of New Holland. X. New Zealand. XI. The Falkland Islands, Terra del Fuego, the South Shetland Islands, and the southern extremity of South Ame- rica. Some volcanic islands are situated in the midst of the ocean. at a vast distance from land, and are so completely insulated, that they cannot be referred to any of the above regions:— such are the islands of Ascension, St Helena, Tristan d’Ac- unha, in the Atlantic ; Amsterdam Island in the Indian Ocean, &e. The flora of islands of this description is restricted in the number of species, but highly deserving attention; and it would even appear that they possess species peculiar to them- selves, an extremely interesting and important fact. All the plants existing in either of the eleven regions here laid down are not invariably confined to it, a few being com- mon to two or more of them; and we observe that if two of these regions approach each other at any point, several spe- cies are common to both;—thus, many species are to be found in the northern parts of the two continents, and in the intertropical parts of Africa and of Asia :—while to those which are most completely separated, no phcenogamous plant is common. : As the plan refers solely to the range of plants, it is liable to the objection of elevating a comparatively insignificant portion of southern Africa to the rank of a distinct region, while the whole of the northern and temperate part of the eastern continent, comprising more than a third of all the land upon the surface of the earth, forms but one; and if the in- ae. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. 281 termediate portion of this continent had been originally cover- ed by the ocean, the eastern and western extremities, accord- ing to the present system, would undoubtedly have ranked as two botanical regions: but, the land being continuous, plants have so intermingled that it is impossible to draw a line of distinction. As few plants are diffused over the whole of the more ex- tensive of these regions, subregions may be established, and the principal rivers and chains of mountains should be em- ployed for that purpose as the natural boundaries, each sub- region containing many peculiar species. This has been attempted in the second and third regions only. The second region comprises four subregions : 1. Flora Canadensis. All Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and bounded south by the rivers Oregon, Mis- souri, and St Lawrence. 2. Flora of the United States. The country situated be- tween the Atlantic and the Mississippi river. 3. Flora Ludoviciana. The country situated between the Mississippi and the northern Andes. 4. Flora Californiana. 'The country situated between the northern Andes and the Pacific. The third region comprises six subregions: 1. Flora Europea. 'The north of Europe and western Si- beria, bounded east by the river Yenisei, and south by the chain of the Alps, of Caucasus, &c. 2. Flora Siberica. 'The country situated between the Ye- nesei and the Pacific. 3. Flora Mediterranea. 'The south of Europe and north of Africa. ‘i 4. Flora Persica. Persia, Syria and the north of Arabia, bounded east by the Indus. 5. Flora Thibetana. - Thibet and the north of Hindostan. 6. Flora Chinensis. China, Corea and the islands of <=- pan. These four last do not correspond precisely with the th» southern subregions of North America; as on the fortieth pa: VOL. 111.—4 B 282 ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL rallel of latitude, this continent, in breadth, hardly exceeds one third of the eastern. It is not our purpose to examine in detail the geogra- phical distribution of forms. In general, the intertropical re- gions should be contrasted with the remainder of the globe, and thus all forms will be either intertropical or extratropical. —The Palmex, Scitaminex, Musacex, Bromeliacer, Muran- tiacex, Guttifere, Sapotee, Piperacexr, Malpighiacexr, Melasto- mex, Meliacex, §c. are intertropical forms.—The hododen- dracex,. Evricex, Saxifragex, Umbellifere, Amentacex, Coni- fere, Proteacex, Epacridee, Rosacex, Geraniacee, Caryophyl- lex, Cistinex, Crucifere, Ranunculacex, Sc. are extratropical forms. Again, the northern and southern regions of the globe may be contrasted.—The Profeacex, Epacridex, &c. are peculiar to the southern; the Cistinee, &c. to the northern portions of it. Descending from superior to inferior group, we observe a continual tendency to become restricted to some one of the above botanical regions :—to some of which, entire natural orders are limited, and where orders are not, families or tribes are: descending still lower, many genera are found to be pe- culiar to each; and even if a genus be not so far restricted, a natural section of it, or some peculiarity in structure or habit, is frequently confined to one region. These facts are desery- ing of the greatest attention: it is to be observed, however, that from analogy of structure, a like relation to climate might be expected. On the same principles, maps of the geographical distribu- tion of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca, crustacea, insects, &c. may be constructed; each of which classes will re- quire particular modifications. Thus, examining the distribution of land quadrupeds, we observe that their range is not so much influenced by tem- perature, as that of plants, and more so by the ocean :—un- like the seeds of plants, they cannot pass a great extent of wa- ter, while at the same time they roam through more degrees DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. 283 of latitude. For this reason, the intertropical position of New Holland must be restored to the remainder of this continent; —the northern part of Africa should, perhaps, be united with the intertropical part ;—Madagascar, from the number of pe- culiar species, may deserve the rank of a distinct region, while New Zealand is almost a blank in the geography of land quadrupeds. On the accompanying map of North America, the ranges of several plantsare delineated. It is to be considered merely a sketch ; as alarge portion of the country has not yet been visited by a botanist, and even in those parts which are best known, observations are either unpublished, or too few to determine, with exactness, the range of a single species. Under these circumstances, we are forced, in some instances, to substitute conjecture for fact. The southern boundary of the arctic plants. Tn the eastern part of this continent, these plants cannot descend lower than lat. 44°, on account of the inferior altitude of the Alleghany mountains south of that line. How low they descend on the northern Andes is not yet ascertained.—The following have been observed at the stations indicated on the map, Rumex digynus, Silene acaulis, Polygonum viviparum, Trisetum sub- spicatum, §c. The coloured portion represents a fragment of a_ belt, beyond which certain plants cannot exist, and the irregulari- ties and inflections into which it is thrown in this continent, by the inequality of climate and elevation of the surface: the transverse lines mark the cessation of certain species.— Thus, a few species do not appear to extend west of the Al- leghanies ;—others are confined to the summits of these mountains, as Pinus pungens, Rhododendron Catawbien:e, R. minus, Diphylleia eymosa, Pachysandra procumbens, Aco- nitum uneinatum, Galax aphylla, §c.—westward of the Al- leghanies, plants occur which do not reach the Atlantic ;— : it Mi r. ieaue vaerac >. a ia ee 284 ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. many are confined between the Mississippi and the northern Andes, as different species of Pentstemon, Eriogonum, Psora- lea, Gaura, /Enothera, &c.—the summits of these mountains again present peculiar species:—the country west of this chain affords others still different, and some in the more nor- thern parts, which are common to eastern Siberia. Of maritime plants, some are peculiar to America, as Uni- ola maritima, Spartina glabra, Gerardia maritima, Aster sub- ulatus, 4. sparsiflorus, Solidago levigata, Uniola spicata, &. —while others are common to the eastern and western con- tinents, as Arundo arenaria, Salsola kali, Pisum maritimum, Glaux maritima, Statice Limonium, &c. = =, > ? er ithe «> Fry wromeer awemmrea “2. nf, Pian ol / Ca ae \ \ AT L Aa savannah? i a ON Sscaugys X ® \ rt ies os | x = - oO \ J 4 of MEXE6 vi , 2 oe Sete 4 Ss ro e seven os 7 c a } No. VI. An Account of some Human Bones found on the Coast of Brazil, near Santas. Latitude 24° 30° S. Longitude 46° W. By C. D. Meigs, M.D.—Read 7th December 1827. PP SHOSE members of the Philosophical Society who have read Mr Konig’s account of the skeleton carried by Ad- miral Cochrane from Guadaloupe to England, and preserved in the British Museum, will find considerable interest in the specimens now on the table. M. Cuvier has decided that not a single example of human bone has been found among the extraneous fossils of animals that are so profusely scattered over the face of the earth; and remarks that “human bones preserve equally well with those of animals when placed in the same circumstances’”—whence arises the natural inference “that the human race did not ex- ist in the countries in which the fossil bones of animals have been discovered, at the epoch when these bones were covered up; as there can not be a single reason assigned why men should have entirely escaped from such general catastrophes : or, if they also had been destroyed and covered over at the same time, why their remains should not now be found along with those of the other animals.” This learned naturalist does not assert that man did not exist at those periods, but says he might have inhabited some narrow regions or coun- VOL, I1t.—4 € . Co ee Nae) TI, 1 at. See r 4 xs Be ) ae y Ty ‘ = y oD ee 286 ACCOUNT OF HUMAN BONES tries which form the bottom of actual seas, where all his re- mains are buried. The homo diluvii testis et theoscopos of Scheuchzer, and the mountain of similar debris described by Spallanzani as existing in Cerigo, have been proved not to belong to our race, and of the jaw dug up among the fossil bones at Cron- stadt, Mr C. remarks that no sufficient notes or precautions were taken at the time of its discovery, so to its pretensions also there is a non liquet. Granting that no human extraneous fossil exists, it is ne- vertheless admitted that such remains have been found, which, without having undergone any process of lapidification, are of an extremely ancient date, and the more ancient they are, the more interesting do they appear. Professor Blumenbach, for example, has a skull from an ancient Roman tomb, and it is in a good state of preservation. The Egyptian mum- mies of a very remote age have their osseous structure pre- served in a perfect integrity, and there is in these mummies a circumstance which goes to shew that no limit could be properly assigned to the duration of bony organization. I allude to the facts recently published in relation to the dissec- tion of those relics: in M. Passalqua’s mummy, the dia- phragm still retained its suppleness, though from a papyrus which was deciphered by M. Champollion, the subject was found to be daughter to an officer of the Temple of Isis at Thebes. In Dr Granville’s dissection, the stomach, kidneys and ovaria were still discernible. Now if the fibrous and membranous structures are capable of being preserved for more than twenty centuries, why may we not suppose the osseous portions of the frame to endure for forty or sixty under favourable circumstances. The present specimens are particularly interesting, inas- much as they belong to the American continent, and as ad- ding another link to that chain of testimony concerning the early occupation of this soil, of which the remains are so few and unsatisfactory, but of which another link or strong analogue exists in the Island of Guadaloupe, in a good measure neglect- ayi7 cs he * AA ; ng at Pat <4, .* _ i « Rais 8 "3m FOUND NEAR SANTAS IN BRAZIL. Q87 x ed or disregarded on account of its loneliness or want of con- nection with similar facts. These specimens were brought to this country in June last by Captain J. D. Elliott, of the U.S. navy. That officer, with a liberality which can not be too highly esteemed, both in reference to its intrinsic merit and the usefulness of the ex- ample, collected in his late cruise on the Brazilian station many interesting objects in natural history, arts, agriculture, &e., with which he has enriched his own country. While riding along the banks of the river Santas, in his way from the port of Santas to the town of St Paul, he dis- covered a mound or elevation, whose area he thinks must ex- ceed three acres, and whose height is about fourteen feet. The surface is covered with soil in ‘which grow many large trees. This mound or hillock is about four miles from Santas, and the little river Santas rises in the mountain of Cubiton, whose summit is elevated about 2500 feet, and stands at the distance of ten miles from the sea. These bones were dug from the face of the hill where it was cut by the wash of the stream, and are parts of one ske- leton out of many hundreds that are still lying in their bed of tufa. Captain E. describes them as resting in the rock in an ob- lique direction; the heads uppermost, and the lower extremi- ties dipping at an angle of from 20° to 25° below the horizon eastwards. This is a very curious fact, if compared with what M. Lavaysse says of the east and west direction of the Guadaloupe skeletons—a position which occasioned them to be regarded as the tenants of some ancient cemetery, though Mr Konig justly remarks that from the looseness of Lavaysse’s account of the accompanying petrifactions, not much stress is ' to be laid on his description of this point. There are in all nine pieces: No. 1 is the largest, and consists of the left os temporis in a very entire state. To it is attached a portion of the parie- tal bone and a fragment of the occipital. The specimen is 288 ACCOUNT OF HUMAN BONES remarkable for the uncommon thickness of the squamous portion, which just above the petrous part is nearly half an inch through. — I have seen, however, a recent skull thicker than this. The mastoid portion is entire. The squamous and mastoid portions are invested externally with a stalactitic deposit of carbonate of lime, looking very much like mummified skin. The internal or cerebral sur- face is wholly destitute of any incrustation: whether it was filled with the gangue, or any other substance, I can not tell. The petrous portion is entire, with the exception of a frag- ment near its point; the part broken off extended from the foramen innominatum obliquely to the upper orifice of the carotie canal, of which the floor or lower wall is nevertheless in a natural state. In every other respect it is whole. — It is proper to remark that along the upper limit of the specimen an old fracture is to be seen, which was probably a fissure, and filled with a greenish matter, probably some ferruginous salt. The diploe is natural, having no lapidification whatever. No. 2 is part of the superior maxillary bone, exhibiting a portion of its body with the alveoli and bony palate. To it is attached a part of the os palati; also three incisor teeth dis- located from their alveoles, but held nearly in contact with them by the gangue. Close to one of the teeth is a serpula and a piece of oyster shell. No. 3 is part of the left greater wing of the sphenoid bone. No. 4 is a remnant of the lower jaw, viz. the angle, the condyloid and coronoid processes, and part of the ramus as far forwards as the foramen for transmitting the nerve and vessels. Nos. 5 & 6 are pieces of parietal bone. No. 7 is a piece consisting of broken ribs. No. 8 an incisor tooth remarkably worn by age. No. 9 a specimen of the rock of which the mound is com- posed, and in which the skeletons are imbedded. It consists of fragments of shells united by a stalactitic matter. I beg leave to point out small nodules of carbonaceous matter, which FOUND NEAR SANTAS IN BRAZIL. 289 are curious, inasmuch as similar masses are mentioned by Mr Konig as found in the Guadaloupe rock, and which detonated with nitre like gun powder. The rock at Guadaloupe, which contains so many skele- tons, is covered by high tides, and extends along the shore nearly a mile. Each skeleton seems encased in a large no- dule of an oval shape, or in a mass resembling a nodule de- tached from a larger rock. The rock is described as an “agoregate, composed principally of zoophytic particles, and the detritus of compact limestone. It readily dissolves in diluted nitric acid without leaving any evident residue.”— Konig. e Mr Konig’s rock is “a greyish yellow passing into a yel- lowish grey. When more closely examined it is found to consist of yellowish grains, intermixed with others of a more or less deep flesh red colour. These grains, though minute, are in some parts of the mass perfectly defined, and in close contact with each other, although no cement is perceptible. In other parts they are, as it were, confluent, forming a more or less porous mass. In others, again, they form a compact mass, in which the former distinct concretions, especially the red ones, are only indicated by a difference of colour.” The specimen of rock before us is certainly a small one, and may, on that account, be an unfit subject for comparison with that described by Mr Konig. In regard to colour it is more nearly blueish grey passing” into blue ; some parts of it are yellowish: at a little distance from the eye it resembles a piece of dried mud filled with broken oyster shells. There are particles of a reddish, or rather Spanish brown colour, disseminated through it very sparsely. This specimen is quite hard and heavy; it has numerous pores or interstices, some of which constitute a sort of very small geodic cavities lined by a drusy looking stalactitie car- bonate. The Guadaloupe stone is harder than statuary mar- ble, but I think this is considerably softer. T can not discover in it a vestige of the yellowish grains described as making so large a part of the stone in the British VOL. 111.—4 D 290 ACCOUNT OF HUMAN BONES Museum ; there are several laminz of a yellowish substance, and some smaller portions of the same kind disseminated here and there—the larger are manifestly splinters and scales of bone, probably from crushed pieces of the skeleton; the latter I can attribute to no other source. Mr Konig speaks of several kinds of shells—in this there are many broken oysters and one serpula. Mr Konig does not mention an oyster shell in his description. A question naturally arises as to the date of that catastro- phe which enclosed several hundred individuals in the tufa of the Rio Santas. The aborigines of that coast were always very poor, few and ignorant:—could they erect such a mound? ° Monsieur Lavaysse was at Guadaloupe when General Er- nouff wrote his account of the Galibies to M. Faujas St Fond, and says he collected many specimens, as heads, arms, legs, vertebra, &c. for his own use. He also found a cote des Sgelettes, mortars, clubs, &c. &c. in a petrified state, and consisting of a basaltic or porphyritic stone. We might ask, how can you petrify a basalt or a porphyry. Mr L. regards the skeletons as indigénes burried ina cemetery. It seems unlikely that these remains were formally buried by surviving friends. It is unlikely that so solid a stone should have been formed at so great a distance from the sea. The enormous trees that grow on the surface make it neces- sary to go back many years in search of the date. I would not venture to differ from the opinion of Mr Cu- vier on such a subject as this if I could learn his opinion. I will, however, take the liberty of referring to some appear- ances of our maritime borders for illustration of the few addi- tional observations I have to make. This alluvion extends from Long Island to the province of Texas, widening in some places till it recedes 150 to 200 miles from the sea shore. From North Carolina to near the mouth of the Mississippi there is traceable, at intervals, a line of beds, consisting mostly of oyster shells in some particular spots of an enormous size. These beds are, at the point where the line crosses Eddistoe FOUND NEAR SANTAS IN BRAZIL. 291 and Savannah rivers, very wide and deep. No doubt they are co-existent with the emerged land; they are not to be con- sidered as the results of human industry. The shore of the Atlantic must have formerly swept nearly in a line with these remarkable deposits. But the Atlantic level has remained nearly what itis for more than 4000 years, and still these oyster shells are whole; they are not petrified; they are occasionally burned for lime. Within this bed, or nearer than it to the sea, are found fossil bones of elephants, &e: which can not be so old as the unfossilized oyster shells, since they could not have been fossilized anterior to the existence of the soil, out of which they are dug, unless you consider them as boulders, which is not admissible. Such fossils do not perhaps deserve v” the name of extraneous—that is all we can say of them, since they exist in an alluvion. I am sorry I can not learn the geological character of the mountains of Cubiton. There is a long chain running near the coast from Rio Janeiro southwesterly. The geologists are at liberty to determine the date and rank of the Santas tufa and thereby the probable age of these bones: cur alluvial border, at least, bears no marks of volca- nic agency. It emerged from a sinking sea; its organic re- mains are of an indefinite age. Did the Santas mound come above water by the same process? * No. VII. Some Observations on the Moulting of Birds. By George Ord.—Read March 7th, 1828. HAT Birds, in general, annually shed their feathers, will not be disputed. This change takes place, in some spe- cies, in summer; in others, i in the autumn. When the old feathers drop, their place is supplied by new ones, which, in some species, are of quite a different complexion from those that they succeed. But when, in the spring, a retrocession of colour is found to have taken place, naturalists have concluded, that these birds undergo a double moulting; for in no other way could they account for a change of colour, which has been supposed to be dependent on a change of plu- mage. The species which are usually domesticated have been said to moult but once a year* ; because, not perceiving * With respect to the genus Anas, the author of the Manuel @ Ornithalorie expresses himself thus: ‘* La mue, chez le plus grand nombre des espéces con- nues, a lieu deux fois l'année, en Juin et en Nov emnbres Les femelles muent plus tard que les miles, et peut-étre ne le font-elles qu ’une fois.”—p. 814. Tt here seems evident, that, in these remarks, Temminck would include the do- mestic geese. With us these valuable birds commence laying about the Ist of March ; early in April they sit; and in May bring forth their young: the period of incubation being four weeks. Moulting then « commences, and continues until August. In September they are pretty well fledged ; and in November, the very season in which, agreeably to Temminck, the second moulting takes place, they are in full feather; and give frequent evidence of the fact by short flights, espe- cially if dwelling near a lake or river. The same remarks are applicable to ducks. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE MOULTING OF BIRDS. 293 any material change in their garb, it is inferred that no change is necessary ; and yet if any notable mutation had ob- tained in any one of the domesticated species, it is probable it would be affirmed of that species, that there was some phy- sical necessity for this exception, which did not hold of the rest. Three great naturalists have given opinions on this part of the physiology of Birds, which do not altogether coincide with each other. From Buffon we learn that they moult but once a year*. Baron Cuvier says that their feathers fall twice a yeart. And 'Temminck informs us, that, in some genera, the whole of the species are subject to a double change of plu- mage; in others, only some of the species experience it; whilst in the remainder, the moulting takes place but once a yeart. The object of this inquiry is to ascertain, whether the opi- nion of Temminck, that some Birds? change their plumage twice a year, is founded in fact. The intention of Nature in renewing the covering of Birds, appears to be a revigoration of those powers which are neces- sary to the propagation and conservation of the animal. Af- ter the breeding season is passed, the period of moulting com- mences. The effects of this exhausting process, which, if not a disease||, is closely allied to it, are well known. When the Bird recovers its strength, we find it ina new garb, which advances to perfection in proportion to its necessities: those which migrate to great distances standing in need of a speedy It seems that Temminck is doubtful whether the females moult more than once ; this doubt has arisen, we presume, from his inability to discover any variation in their plumage. * Discours sur la Nature des Oiseaux. { Regne Animal, tome 1, p. 296. { Manuel d’Ornithologie. § It is necessary to state, that I have reference to Birds only ina state of nature. | ** La mue est pour tous les oiseaux un état de maladie, un tems de silence et de retraite: la plupart sont foibles et tristes pendant sa durée ; quelques-uns sont trés malades, et d’autres perissent; aucuns ne chantent tant qu’elle dure ; ils se cachent, prennent peu d’ébats et se jouent plus rarement dans les airs, sur les ar- bres, ou dans les prairies.’’—Mauduyt. VOL. 111.—4 E 294 , SOME OBSERVATIONS ON maturation* ; whilst others continue in the act of moulting between three and four months. The most perfect state of plumage is observed in the spring. Now, if we admit the fact of a vernal moulting, then must this moulting be characterized by other circum- stances than those which obtain in the autumnal; for, after the latter, the plumage requires several months to arrive at maturity; and the Bird, in ridding itself of its excretions, finds itself in too exhausted a state to perform the functions of propagation. The spring moulting, therefore, so far from exercising any debilitating influence upon the physical pow- ers of the Bird, should seem to afford them additional energy ; for this moulting is pretended to take place about the period of the sexual union, when all the powers of nature are in full vigour. . In those singing Birds which winter with us, we can per- ceive no diminution of vital energy during the vernal season, either as respects vigour of body, or capacity of voice. The Fringilla trisiis, though migratory, frequently continues the whole year with us; and his song, in the month of March, while yet his autumnal dress continues, is tuneful and ani- mated. The change in his garb begins to appear in April; and early in May, we behold him in his brilliant yellow plu- mage, which may be termed his bridal garniture, for shortly thereafter commences the period of nidification. During all this season of animation, his, tuneful powers are unabated. In September, both sexes are nearly alike, for then they have moulted. When the Reed-bird (E'mberiza oryzivora) visits us in Au- gust, the male and female adults, as well as the young, so much resemble each other, that it is difficult to distinguish * Many Birds change their feathers slowly, particularly their quills, so that they are not prevented from flying ; but wild swans and geese cast their plumage so ra- pidly, even their wing-feathers, that they are unable to fly for several weeks : hence, in the northern parts of our continent, where they breed, many of them become the prey of foxes, and the Indians ; and if they were not endued with extraordinary vigilance and sagacity, their race would stand a chance of becoming extinct. e THE MOULTING OF BIRDS. 295 them. But in May, in their return to their breeding places, the garb of the male is so totally dissimilar to that of the female, that many persons are doubtful whether or not they constitute the same species. This change begins to take place in March, the plumage at firstassuming a mottled appearance; and in May, he exhibits the full party-coloured dress, which is the striking characteristic of his sex. But during the time that the male is undergoing this metamor- phosis, there is no change of feathers: their colours being altogether the result of their organical secretions. This fact has been verified in many instances of these birds confined in cages or aviaries. Even if we had no means of experiment- ing upon this subject, analogical reasoning alone would not a little aid us in investigating the truth; for no person who has taken the trouble to keep Canaries, or Mocking-birds, will venture to affirm, that they shed their plumage, or moult, more than once a year. So long ago as the year 1811, Wilson, in his history of the Carolina Parrot, in giving an account of the vernal change of — the colours of the feathers of the young of the preceding year, asserted, that “the colour changes without change of plu- mage.” Had this excellent ornithologist been fully aware of the importance of this fact, it would, doubtless, have led him to an investigation, the result of which might have had a tendency to repress much of the absurdity which, since his time, has been promulgated on the subject of the moulting of Birds: for the authority of so experienced an observer, would have had greater weight than that of a mere compiler, or a closet naturalist. In the year 1819, the Rev. William Whitear communieca- ted to the Linnean Society of London, some “ Remarks on the changes of the Plumage of Birds.” These were published in the Transactions of that learned body. This gentleman, after detailing the. result of observations which had been made, during the winter and spring, upon Mallards, Sandpi- pers, a Black-headed Gull, and some other birds, thus expresses himself :—* The above observations seem pretty strongly to 296 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON confirm the fact which Mr Youell has pointed out, namely, that a change in the colour of the plumage of Birds does not always arise from a change of feathers, but sometimes pro- ceeds from the feathers themselves assuming at one season of the year a different colour from that which they have at ano- ther*.7 ‘ The Rev. Dr Fleming, in his Philosophy of Zoology, cor- roborates the above opinion of the Rev. Mr Whitear’s; but maintains, that, “in those species whose plumage changes co- lour with the season, the different moultings take place at corresponding periods.” “In the autumn,” continues he, “ we find that the black feathers on the head of the Larus ri- dibundus change to a white colour. But besides the altered feathers, others spring up, of a white colour, to increase the quantity of clothing. This Gull has, therefore, during the winter, some of the feathers of the head old, and others young: Again, in spring the white feathers of the winter become black, and a few new feathers make their appearance, like- wise of a black colour, to supply the place of the older ones, which drop off in succession. Some of the feathers on the head of this Gull are half a year older than others ; and con- sequently, we may infer, will fall off sooner than those of more recent growth. From these, and similar facts, furnish- ed by several species of British birds, we are disposed to con- clude, that the feathers which are produced in autumn, and the beginning of winter, and which correspond with the con- ditions of the season, change their colour in spring, and con- tinue in this state until they are shed in autumn. The feathers which are produced in spring, continue of the same hue during the summer, change their colour in winter, and fall off again upon the approach of spring. In this manner, the quantity of the plumage fit for the different seasons of the year is easily regulated; and it is only necessary that the change of colour in each feather should take place but once in the course of its connection with the birdt.” * Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, vol. xii, p. 524. + The Philosophy of Zoology, vol. 11, p. 28. THE MOULTING OF BIRDS. 297 Now we cannot but consider this succession of moultings as at variance with the remarks of the Rev. Mr Whitear, on the Larus ridibundus ; for the latter naturalist does not tell us, that there was a uniformity of hue in the same feather: but on the contrary, that “the same feather retained some of the brown of the imperfect bird, together with the light blue ash- colour of the adult state ;” and that “the two colours prevail- ed in various degrees.” But why resort to all these conjectures to account for a supposed succession of plumage, when it is admitted that a change of colour may take place independent of moulting? In the greater part of those birds whose colours are uniform throughout the year, naturalists admit but of one moulting. Is there any physical necessity, then, for feo moultings in the course of a year?—or even ¢hree, as some pretend? [| know of none. Montagu informs us, that he had kept a Herring Gull for several years, for the purpose of witnessing its change of plu- mage. ‘This naturalist had previously asserted, that he had “no conception of the feathers themselves changing colour* ,” hence, when a change was perceptible, he tells us, that “ the partial spring moulting of his Herring Gull commenced about the middle of Februaryt;” a season in which all animals, in climates like ours, require an abundant supply of clothing, to obviate the effects of those vicissitudes of weather, to which they are constantly exposed. Montagu was a close observer ; and had his mind not been under the influence of a theory, we are persuaded that he would have endeavoured to ascer- tain, whether the winter change of his Gull was the result of moulting or not. Nature administers liberally to the wants of her creatures, having a due regard to seasons and. cireum- stances. ‘Those animals which possess the means of migrat- ing from cold to temperate climates, are not as abundantly provided with clothing as those which are compelled to re- * Jntroduction to the Ornithological Dictionary. } Supplement te the Ornithological Dictionary. VOL. 111.—4 F 298 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON main.. Quadrupeds and Birds, which hyemate in high nor- thern latitudes, are well known to be supplied with a covering of extraordinary thickness and warmth; and this winter garb suffers no diminution, until the return of that temperature, which will enable the animal to dispense with it without in- convenience. There is one more remark which we would make on this head. When inthe act of moulting, birds are greatly sensible of cold: an unseasonable decrease of temperature drives them to shelter; and their actions give evidence that they are not yet prepared for such vicissitudes. In the case of those which meet with an accidental loss of plumage in the winter, until this loss is supplied, they are observed to be distressed: they seek sheltered retreats, and sunny exposures; they lose their wonted activity; and, like an animal which suffers a wound, they appear to have their attention completely eben by their situation. But Montagu himself affords us one of the most apposite illustrations of the fact of a change of colour in mature plu- mage, that could well be desired. In the month of May, he was presented with a Black Stork, which had been taken in England. In June, he perceived some indication of a change of plumage. “The bird,” says he, “continued very gradually to moult throughout the summer and winter, be- coming much darker on the head and neck, and much greener on the back ; ; and, by the beginning of February, the upper part of the head, and back of the neck, became dusky- black, glossed with green ; the lower neck before dusky-black, and the whole upper part of the body, including wing-coverts and scapulars, dark shining green, similar in colour to- that variety of the Glossy Ibis, known under the title of Tantalus viridis. 'The upper parts of the plumage continued as at first. “ Indisposition,” continues he, “having prevented my see- ing the bird since the last mentioned period, till the middle of March, I was much surprised to find the appearance of a few feathers, on the upper part of the back, that were dusky, THE MOULTING OF BIRDS. 299 resplendent with violet and purple, having a margin of dark glossy green. These elegant feathers continued to increase - in number, till the whole upper part of the back had nearly ~ assumed this beautiful plumage by the first of April. At this time no other part of the bird indicated any further change of plumage: the scapulars and coverts, many of which had recently changed, continued of the same colour as last decitibed, without the purple reflections or marginal green. It is ‘scarcely possible to account for such a sue- cession of change in plumage in so short a time, except by supposing, that a change in the constitution of the bird, pro- duced by captivity, and a want of natural food,’had caused obstruction to the usual course of moulting: and that the au- tumnal change had been retarded, and was scarcely effected before the spring moulting commenced.” With regard to the above, V we would remark, that the sup- position of a retardation of the autumnal moulting is totally inadmissible, inasmuch as the author distinctly states, from autoptical experience, that “the bird continued very gradually to moult throughout the summer and winter.” And that there was no want of natural food in its state of captivity, we learn from the history of its habits, detailed by Montagu himself, in the preceding part of the paper above quoted. Let it also be observed, that all the species of the genus Ci- conia, as well as of the genus rdea, are acknowledged to cast their feathers but once a year, and that in the autumn. It being now satisfactorily proved, that a change of colour obtains, in some birds, in the winter, and the spring, with- out a change of plumage; I am disposed to conclude, that the state of Movxtine, properly so called, takes place, in all binds, but once a year. * teenie Remarks 0 on the Natural History of the Black Stork, &e. T'ransac- tions of the Linnean Society of London, vol. xii, p. 19. = OY ge eae eee a ee No. VIII. Experiments made on the Poison of the Rattlesnake ; in which the Powers of the Hizracrum Venosum, as a Specific, were tested; together with some Anatomical Observations on this Animal. By Richard Harlan, M.D.—Read March 7th, 1828. N offering the following observations, it is not my inten- tion, or desire, to add another specific to the numerous an- tidotes to the poison of the Rattlesnake, already before the public. Most of these remedies have proved, on trial, to be either destitute of active properties, or altogether unworthy of serious consideration. I shall therefore briefly notice a few of the most celebrated. The most ancient, at least, if not the most renowned, is the volatile alkah, a remedy prescribed by European practi- tioners more than a century ago, not only as an antidote for the poison of the viper, but against the effects of the bite of venomous animals in general*. The Abbé Fontana, about the middle of last century, published a work on the poison of the viper, to which we may refer for many cu- rious experiments on the nature of this poisont. * Vid. Dict. des Sciences Medicales, vol. xxxiv. p. 309; article Morsure. + The following among other conclusions are offered by Fontana; the viper alluded to is the ‘* Coluber berus’’ of Linn. ‘1. The bite of the viper is not pois- Pee ae ee a Tee ee i i z . ON THE POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 301 There are few authorities of the present day inclined to place much faith in the volatile alkali as an antidote for the specific effects of the bite of the viper; but as the constitu- tional symptoms, produced by the bite of venomous reptiles, are generally adynamic in their nature, this remedy, together with other diffusible stimulants, is calculated to counteract this state of the system, and may prove very serviceable in supporting the vital powers, and thus suspend the fatal opera- tion of the poison. ‘To this conclusion I have been led by experiment. The next remedy for accidents of this nature worthy of notice, is the “ Prenanthis serpentaria” of Pursh. This plant is held in high esteem by the inhabitants of Virginia, as a remedy for the bite of the Rattlesnake, and is known to them by the familiar name of “ Zionsfoot.” Pursh states that he had an opportunity of being a witness to the efficacy of this plant. A man living in Cove mountains, near the Sweet-springs, was bit in the foot by a Mockeson, [Cenchris Mockeson? Dandin,] a species of snake considered the most dangerous. An inflammation and swelling of the whole leg took place immediately: but by taking the milky juice of this plant, boiled in milk, inwardly, and applying to the wound the steeped leaves, which were frequently changed, he was cured in a few days. ‘The plant is frequently confounded with another species of the same genus, from which it is im- portant to distinguish it; this last the inhabitants name “ false Lionsfoot.” Gronovius, in his Flora, page 113, mentions Dr Witt’s snake-root under P. autumnalis, or Willdenow’s “rubicunda,” as aremedy for the bite of the Rattlesnake, which shews that he had information of the use made of this plant, though he did not know the genuine species.—Vid. Pursh’s “Flora Americe Septentrionalis,” p. 499. onous to its own body, or to that of its own species. 2. The venom is not equally destructive to all animals. 3. The poison is neither acid, alkaline, nor saltish. 4. It has no positive taste, and taken into the mouth does not cause the tongue to swell. 5. It is not inflammable. 6. Mixed with water it sinks to the bottom; whenshaken it renders the water turbid and whitish.”,—Vide Fontana—* Ricerché fisiché sopra il veleno della vipera.”” ~ vol. 11.—4 & ~ ao Boo Be hee eo eee eS ee ee ee ee ee ee oe eee he 302 EXPERIMENTS MADE ON THE The remedy which next claims our attention, has been considered as of sufficient importance to demand legislative enactment. It appears that some years ago, the State As- sembly of South Carolina purchased from a Negro, for an an- nuity of one hundred pounds for life and his freedom, the secret of his cure for the bite of the Rattlesnake. This proved to be the “.@lisma’ plantago,’ or water-plantain. Many of the members are said to have witnessed the effi- cacy of the remedy in the person of the Negro, who stripped himself naked and jumped intoa tub, containing many of these venomous snakes, and received numerous wounds. He cured himself by swallowing one tablespoonful of the expressed juice of the Alisma plantago, and repeated the dose at inter- vals, until the effects of the poison were counteracted. An essay was published on this subject in the sixth volume of the Technical Repository of 1824, by C. Whitlaw, Esq.*, who states that the common plantain has been used by mistake, to which error he attributes all the reputed failures. My friend Major N. A. Ware informs me that in Florida and Alabama, a species of Pedicularia, or * Louse-plant” is of considerable repute as an antidote to poisons of this nature. Sweet oil has also been famous as a specific in similar cases. A number of experiments were performed by a viper catcher before the Royal Society of London, in order to prove its efficacy, some account of which was published in the early numbers of the New York Medical Repository. But passing over this remedy and many others of a similar nature, we come to the consideration of the plant which was * The following extract from Mr Whitlaw’s Essay is probably sufficient to de- stroy his authority altogether among medical men,—though the above statement concerning the experiments I believe to be historical fact. “The specific action of the poison appears to be chiefly confined to the muscles : after the infliction of the bite, powerful muscular contractions take place over the whole body, the muscles are highly inflamed, a coldness and corrugation of the skin surround the part which was bitten, and violent spasms resembling teta- nus supervene followed by mortification. A friend of mine at Savannah died in consequence of being bitten by a snake in the hand; when they took hold of his arm to place him in the coffin, the arm came off at the shoulder joint.” —Vid Technical Repos. vol. iv. p. 258. ee + Sle es eco eT POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. — 303 the immediate object of my own experiments. It must be here repeated that the HMieracewm venosum is not offered as a specific cure for the bite of the Rattlesnake: much further observation is requisite to establish its claims to such high virtues. It is proposed to continue the experiments on the commencement of the approaching season, but in the mean while it was thought advisable to publish the present account as the first of a series, in as much as several facts have been elicited, which are considered very important by those who witnessed the experiments. November 2d, 1827. In company with a number of pro- fessional gentlemen, I visited the collection of living Rattle- snakes* exhibiting by Messrs Elnsworth and Murray. The reptiles, to the number of 150, were all taken by the pro- prietors in their native county of Susquehanna, Pennsylva- nia, during the current months of August and September. The proprietors profess to be in possession of an infallible re- medy for the cure of the symptoms resulting from the bite of the Rattlesnake; they display the utmost confidence, and are on terms of intimate familiarity with every individual of the collection ; they take them in their hands and fold them around their necks,—open the mouth of the snake, and expose his fangs to the view of the visitors, &e. In order to satisfy ourselves that there existed no trick or deception in the case, and to prove that the bite of these animals, in their present state of subjection, is really mortal, two living animals were exposed to be bitten, both of whom died within the space of eight minutes. The first received a severe wound on the breast, the snake fastening his fangs in the flesh; immediately the eyes of the animal (a young cat) were observed to change their expression, lacking lustre, and appearing like the eyes of an intoxicated person. In three minutes after the infliction of the wound, involuntary discharges per anum oc- curred ; in six minutes urine was also discharged. The pu- * Crotalus durissus, Linn. 304 . EXPERIMENTS MADE ON THE pils of the eyes were dilated, and in eight minutes convulsions and death supervened. A narcotic or sedative effect of the poison was an early symptom, and this soon degenerated into insensibility. In the second experiment, the kitten was introduced into the box among the snakes, and received wounds from several ; one of the proprietors, Mr Elnsworth, having introduced his hand into the box among the reptiles with a view of irritating them, received two distinct wounds on the back of the hand, and which were observed to be inflicted by different indivi- dual snakes; the wounds bled slightly. Mr E. displayed no uneasiness, but loitered about the room and continued the ex- hibition for some time, and then took an opportunity to re- tire for a few minutes, and returned entirely out of danger; two small punctured wounds: alone remained visible; the bleeding had ceased, and the slight tumefaction which had commenced around the wound had entirely disappeared. No marks of suction were discovered, nor were any precau- tions taken, in presence of the visitors, after the infliction of the wound, with the exception of the application of a ligature around the wrist. In fine, that the proprietors are actually convinced that they possess some means to render the poison of the Rattle- snake innocuous, would seem to be proved by the experi- ments above stated, as well as by the perfect composure and unlimited confidence of the man, when fairly wounded by the poisonous animals, which at the same time were inflict- ing mortal wounds on the subjects of the experiments. They stated to the company that the specific was of Indian renown, that a decoction of the plant was administered inter- nally, and that, for a moderate compensation, the secret would be disclosed. Accordingly, on the 15th of December, 1827, a number of gentlemen*, including several eminent individuals of the * The following is a list of the names of those gentlemen who liberally contrib- uted towards paying the amount demanded by the proprietors for the disclosure of POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 305 medical profession, convened at my office for the purpose of witnessing experiments made with the poison of the Raftle- snake, (Crotalus durissus, Linn.) Some days previous, a num- ber of the most lively and vicious among them were separa- ted, and permitted to drink ; abstinence both from food and water having been strictly enjoined previously, during the period of their confinement, from an idea of the proprietors, that abstinence, particularly as respects water, is calcuated to render the poison less destructive. Experiment 1. It was decided that Mr Elnsworth, who had offered him- self as the subject of the experiment, should be first bitten, and afterwards that the same snake should be made to de- monstrate its poisonous powers upon a puppy. A large active female snake was taken from the box and placed upon a table ina warm room. At 11h. 20m. A. M. the man received a bite from the irritated snake on the in- dex finger of the left hand, about half an inch from the me- tacarpal bone; the wound resembled a minute incision, or briar scratch about one fifth of an inch in length; one fang only appears to have been projected, the animal striking with one or both fangs at pleasure; a little blood exuded. Pulse, just before the bite was received, 104 per minute; but it was ebserved to vary during the experiments to such a degree as to prevent any correct inference to be expected from that source. 11 h. 40 m. He says the wound smarts a little, but no signs of a poisonous wound are as yet exhibited. their ‘*Secret,”? most of whom, with several others, were present at the experi- ments :— Drs Chapman, Harris, Meigs, Emerson, Mitchell, Wetherill, J. R. Barton, Pen- nock, Captain Bazil Hall, R. N., Messrs S. Wetherill, J. P. Wetherill, and W. Hem- bel. Notes were taken by several of the gentlemen, and the present statements result from a comparison of them all. VOL. I11.—4 H 306 EXPERIMENTS MADE ON THE After the lapse of nearly an hour from the commencement of the experiment, no symptom denoting the action of the poison occurring, Elnsworth exposed the same hand to a large active male snake. As in the first instance, considera- ble irritation of the animal was requisite to foree him to strike, and at 12h.15m. He received a second wound from a single fang on the back of his hand, directly over a prominent ve- nous branch. A large drop of transparent, yellowish, and glairy fluid was spread over and around the wound, which was doubtless ejected from the poison sack. A little very dark blood slowly exuded from the wound. 12h. 31m. Slight swelling is observable immediately around the second bite. 12h.48 m. Elnsworth again exposed his hand to the female snake, and received two additional punctures simultaneously, one from each fang, on the lower extremity of the metacar- pal bone of the ring-finger. As in the first instance, nei- ther of these wounds displayed symptoms of the specific ef- fects of the poison; the second bite therefore, or that received from the male snake, will alone be the subject of further ob- servations in this experiment. 1 o'clock, P. M. The swelling around the second bite has increased considerably, the tumefaction extending up and down along the course of the vein, about an inch and a half in length, and half that size in breadth, the greatest length of the tumefaction being below the wound. The man now complained of pain and numbness along the course of the lymphatic vessels on the inner part of the fore-arm. 1h.25 m. Pulse natural, symptoms last described some- what increased; swelling unattended with symptoms of in- flammation. 1h. 30m. Although the man is perfectly willing to per- mit the symptoms to proceed further, several of the witnesses expressed their unwillingness to bear the responsibility of the consequences ; he was therefore permitted to have recourse to his remedy, and he immediately swallowed a few ounces POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 307 of the decoction of the root, and appeared indifferent about the external application of the same to the wound. He stated that the original stock of the vegetable being exhausted, and the season too far advanced to enable him to obtain more at present, he would be under the necessity of applying portions of the flesh of one of the reptiles (just decapitated for the purpose of another experiment) to the wound. 2h. 30m. He has held the bloody portion of the snake to his wound incessantly, from which all the swelling has sub- sided, together with all uneasy sensations, from his hand and arm. 4 o'clock, P. M. The man Elnsworth has remained con- stantly in the room under my inspection. His dinner was offered to him, but he had little disposition for food ; says his stomach is a little sick, probably the effects of the medicine. No tumefaction or other symptoms remain; the wounds re- semble slight scratches without any appearance of inflamma- tion. The vein in which the bite took effect presents a pe- culiar appearance, being for the distance of an inch between the valves above and below the wound quite empty. Directly ubove the valve the vein is unusually prominent, and the pres- sure, from the application of the flesh, has been removed for more than an hour. It is scarcely necessary to remark that the application of portions of the snake to the wound, which the man appeared to think very important, could exert no other influence than might have been obtained from the application of the recent flesh of any other animal. The root and leaf of the “specific” were produced and ex- posed to the inspection of an able botanist, Dr Charles Pick- ering, who identified it with the Hieraceum venosum, or Hawk-weed, Adder’s-tongue, Poor Robin’s plantain, Rattle- snake weed, &e.—a common weed in the dry open wood- lands*. The same plant is noticed by Schoepf as a remedy for the bite of the Rattlesnake. * Vid. Florula Cestrica, by W. Darlington. M.D., p. 84. Se ee ne) ne oo. rn Oe rs 308 EXPERIMENTS MADE ON THE Experiment 2. 11h. 31m. A pup about three or four weeks old was bit- ten by the same female snake which had previously bitten Elnsworth in the first experiment: both fangs took effect, and the two wounds were about one inch and a quarter apart. 11h. 34m. Pup urinates. 11 h. 36m. Cries and staggers. 11 h. 37m. _ Belly tense in the vicinity of the wound, and apparently painful; the wound presents an ecchymosis, being tumid and of a dark colour. 11 h. 39m. Pup lies on its side, and continues its plaintive cries, also emits some froth from the mouth. The eechymo- sis increases rapidly, and a pale bloody humour exudes from the wounds. . 11h. 51m. The animal is quiet and fanting, 12 o’clock, merid. | Appears vertiginous, turning round and resting on its extended fore feet; staggering and resting on its side, and turning upon its back. These symptoms continued with little alteration until 4 o’clock, When the animal died, having previously exhi- bited some stertorous breathing, but without the occurrence of convulsions. Dissection. I examined the body fifteen minutes after death in pre- sence of Drs Morton, Meigs, Emerson, &c. On raising the skin of the abdomen we observed an extensive extravasation of blood, not coagulated, in the cellular tissue over the whole front of the belly. The colour of the parts exposed to the specific action of the poison was a dark red, and the whole appearance in the vicinity of the wound might be aptly com- pared to that occasioned by an extensive and violent con- fusion. The abdomen, being laid open, displayed the abdominal POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 309 reflections of the peritoneum nearly in the same condition, being very red, and appearing as if soaked in blood. A simi- lar appearance, to a considerable extent, prevailed in the peri- toneal coat of the stomach and intestines, the veins of which were congested. The internal coats of the stomach and intes- tines were natural in appearance. Urinary bladder was empty. No coagulated blood was observed in any of the ves- sels throughout the system. Thorax presented no remarka- ble deviation from a natural state. Cranium.—On raising the skull and dura mater, an exten- sive dark patch, formed apparently by extravasation or con- gestion, was observed under the arachnoid membrane lying over the cerebral lobes, and extending down in a slight degree between the convolutions. The substance of the brain and spinal marrow appeared natural. 'The muscular system was rather pale. It will probably be remarked, that the specific action of the poison appears to have expended its deleterious influence on the cellular tissue in this animal: the usual phenomena which characterize death from poisons, such as non-coagula- tion of the blood, extravasations, &c. were remarkably well developed. Experiment 3. A full grown cock, having the feathers removed from over the pectoral muscles, was exposed to be bitten by a Rattle- snake, and at 12 o'clock, merid. Received two slight wounds from both fangs at the same time; each wound was covered with drops of a transparent fluid ejected from the poison bag. 12h.3m. The bitten part assumed the appearance of a dark-purple ecchymosis, and the skin in the immediate vici- nity of the punctures was puckered or corrugated. 12 h. 45m. The parts over the wounds are slightly tu- mid, and present a black or gangrenous appearance, and are VOL. I1I.—4 I 310 EXPERIMENTS MADE ON THE moistened by a yellowish ichor which exudes from the wounds. ) The animal finally recovered without having experienced any constitutional affection. It should be here remarked, however, that the punctures did not appear to have pene- trated the skin thoroughly. Experiment 4. A black puppy, a few weeks old, received three bites be- tween 12 h. 18 m. and 12h. 23 m. The last and most se- vere bite was over the left eye. 12h.27m. Apparently drowsy. 12h.40 m. Symptoms progressing slowly. And at 4 o'clock, P. M. the swelling over the eye, vertigo, and general uneasiness, appear to have attained their height. On the day following the animal had recovered without the in- terference of art. Experiment 5. 4 o’clock, P. M. A stout pup was inoculated with the poison, expressed from the poison bag of a living snake, on the left side of the abdomen. 4h.15m. Local symptoms are evident, and constitu- tional effects are beginning to be manifested. 5 o'clock, P. M. Symptoms much increased: the animal eries with pain and uneasiness; changes its posture frequently ; moves with a tottering and irregular gait, sometimes lying on its breast with the fore-feet extended: these symptoms were occasionally interrupted with drowsiness, and finally the ani- mal went into a deep sleep. . 9 o'clock, P. M.. The pup commenced licking his wound, the swelling of which, from the ecchymosis, had so increased as to hang down like a large hernia. POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 311 The succeeding day this animal also recovered, no symp- tom remaining except a slight tenderness in the part where the inoculation had been performed. Had the “ specific” been administered in this case, the cure would doubtless have been attributed to its operation. Experiment 6. Poison was squeezed out of the sack of a living snake, and being placed on a piece of meat, was given to a pup to eat: it produced no effect, local or constitutional, upon the animal. Anatomical Observations, §c. In all venomous snakes there is an opening of considerable size situate between the eye and nostril, which penetrates in the direction of the poison apparatus, at the base of the fang; the use of this opening, in the economy of the animal, as far as I can learn, has never been discovered; it has no direct communication with the cavity containing the poison, but is connected with the lachrymal passages, so successfully investigated by Jules Cloquet*. On a careful examination of this portion of the anatomy of the Crotalus, I have invari- ably found at the bottom of this cavity an exceedingly deli- cate transparent membrane, extending over the osseous cavity in the bone at the base of the fang. This membrane, whilst it intercepts any direct communication between the sack and external canal, might at the same time permit the action of the atmosphere on the fluid contained in the sack, to take place through it, and thus to change its chemical properties. This sack communicates with the oculo-palpebral. cavity, formed between the eyelid and conjunctiva. The poison of * Vid. Memoire sur |’Existence et la Disposition des Voies Lachrymales dans les Serpens. ha ¥Y 312 EXPERIMENTS MADE ON THE the living Crotalus, tested in numerous instances with litmus paper, Xc. invariably displayed acid properties*. - General Remarks. In conclusion it appears, that of the number of reptiles ex- hibited, some possessed the venomous faculty to a considerable degree, in others the poison was less active, and in some it had entirely disappeared, and in the latter the poison sack was found, on dissection, entirely empty. These circumstances are readily explained when we are aware that the reptiles have remained in captivity without food for more than three months, during a cold season of the year, and, until within a few days of the experiments, de- prived of water. It is more than probable that very little poison would be secreted during a state of perfect abstinence, and that of less activity than when produced under ordinary circumstances. Hence the same reptiles whose bite occasion- ed the death of an animal in eight minutes, when the experi- ments were performed in September, required five hours in order to produce fatal results at the present period. The operation of the poison on the animal system also varied. In September, when the animals died early after the infliction of the wound, death was preceded by convulsions, which was not the case in the present instance; but the animal appear- ed to suffer more pain, and finally fell into a state of stupi- dity, which continued for several hours, when death was produced by the slow operation of the poison on the system. On dissection the usual appearances produced by such poisons * Similar observations relative to the acidity of this poison were long ago made by Dr Brickell of Savannah, who, speaking of the external application of the so- lution of caustic ley to the bite of the Rattlesnake, states ‘I was led to this by a chemical examination of the poison of the Crotalus horridus, which shewed an acid to be one of its constituents.°.—Vid. New York Medical Repository, vol. vin. p- 441. POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 313 on the organic structure, were manifest; congestions, exuda- tion of blood throughout the system, together with the non- coagulation of this fluid, were among the more obvious results. The cavities of the heart were empty, and fluid blood was observed in the large veins. Two of the Rattlesnakes were decapitated, and the heads being placed with the jaws expanded against the abdomen of a living rabbit, they were observed to bite repeatedly with the desperation of expiring nature, forcing their fangs into the flesh their whole length; but in these the poison bag ap- peared to have been emptied previously, by repeated efforts of the animal to bite, and on dissection were found nearly void. After decapitation it was curious to observe the mo- tions of the body, which were continued from association ; the cut extremity of the trunk, when an injury was inflicted near the tail, was thrown towards the offending body, as if with the intention of inflicting a wound: this experiment was re- peated frequently. The heart torn from the body continued its contractions for ten or twelve hours. Of all the animals bitten in these experiments, one only died, though all were more or less affected by the poison. Although the wound which was inflicted on Mr Elnsworth was attended with the usual local effects, there is no proof that the poison would have proved mortal without the use of the remedy, in as much as obvious local effects were observed in some of the animals that finally recovered without the in- terference of art. Though at the same time it will be re- membered that the first animal experimented on died from the poison of the same snake which had previously inflicted a wound on the man. As regards any moral influence being exerted over these animals by the proprietors, which enables them to handle the snakes without the fear of being wounded,—one of the pro- prietors, Mr Murray, subsequently confessed that no such influence existed; but that their knowledge of the habits of the Rattlesnake enabled them to handle them with impunity. Thus they are aware that the snake can strike only after VOL. I1l.—4 Kk 314 ON THE POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. certain preparation of the body; they assume an offensive attitude previously to striking a blow, and they seldom or ne- ver make an effort to strike when once secured by the hand. The Abbé Fontana has remarked that the poison of the viper is not fatal to its own body, or to that of its own spe- cies when bitten; the contrary of this position is stated on respectable authority to be the case as regards the Crotalus.— a result that might have been anticipated from the well known fact that Rattlesnakes, congregated together in any number, never inflict a wound on each other. Among the most remarkable peculiarities observed in the economy of this animal is its power of abstinence. An indi- vidual lived more than two years in the Philadelphia Mu- seum, totally deprived of food. Others in the same institu- tion have been observed united for a considerable time in the act. of coition, and subsequently to bring forth young in a living state. In one instance I have witnessed a female with fourteen young at one birth, which is far from being to the same degree prolific as some of the oviparous Colubers. In the present stage of the investigation, had I occasion to treat a wound inflicted by a poisonous reptile, my faith in the Hieraceum venosum, as a cure, is not such as to induce me to resort to its employment, to the exclusion of the less equivocal means of suction, pressure, or ligature. Some very interest- ing experiments, which establish the superiority of the last mentioned methods, have recently been made by C. W. Pen- nock, M.D., and will be published in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences for May 1828. . sre Hh TERY S Pom tat ih ne i ie Gee pr net No. IX. On the Motion of Solids on Surfaces, in the two Hypotheses of perfect Sliding and perfect Rolling, with a particular Examination of their small Oscillatory Motions. By Henry James Anperson, M.D. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, in Columbia College, New York.—Dated 10th Nov. 1827. Laid before the Society 4th Jan. 1828. L HERE are few branches of Mechanical Philosophy as * interesting in every point of view as the theory of Oscil- latory Motion. From the minutest vibrations of a harp-string to the magnificent oscillations of a planet’s axis, there are an infinite number of analogous phenomena remarkable for their curious properties or important uses. The common pendu- lum, that little instrument which has rendered such essential service to science and the arts, and will soon, in the hands of the skilful observer, unfold to us the internal constitution of our globe, and give a clue to the process by which it has ac- quired its present state, is itself indebted for its accuracy to the incessant superintendence of a watchful mathematical analysis. ‘The science of Acoustics in all its parts, the varied phenomena of the tides, the theory of Saturn’s ring, that won- der of the solar system, and the philosophical explanation of the stability and harmony of the celestial motions, are in fact VOL. I11.—4 L 316 ON THE MOTION OF but different applications of this extensive branch of Demon- strative Mechanics. What adds to the interest and value of this subject is the circumstance that a large class of oscillatory motions, namely those of any rigid system whatever whose points depart but little from the position which they occupy when at rest, has been found susceptible of complete deter- mination, by means of which the position of the bodies com- posing the system, may be expressed (to use the language of analysis) in finite functions of the time. The general prob- lem is one, however, of the greatest difficulty, and even ap- proximate solutions can rarely be obtained except when the conditions of the question restrict within near limits some of the variations of the system. Every contribution, therefore, however trifling, to this branch of analysis, is entitled to a favourable reception, and it is this reflection which encourages me to offer to the Society the fruits of an attentive considera- tion of some portions of this subject. The memoir which I have ventured to present to them is a general dissertation upon the Dynamics of solids on supporting surfaces, in the two hypotheses of perfect sliding and perfect rolling, with a special consideration of the laws of their oscillatory motions. The formule which I have given, besides their use in a variety of geometrical and mechanical speculations, conduct as it will be found to a complete solution of the problem of the oscilla- tions of a supported body of any form and law of density whatever revolving on a plane or spherical surface with any initial velocity compatible with small deviations of the natu- val vertical of the body from its position when at rest; sup- posing either the absence of all friction or the action of a friction which prevents all sliding motion, but which al- lows the body, at the same time that it revolves round the normal, to roll in all directions from the variable point of contact. The same formule will conduct to the solution of a great variety of analogous problems, in which the excur- sions of some part of the system are confined to the imme- diate neighbourhood of its equilibrium position. They are susceptible moreover of easy adaptation to any hypothesis of SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 317 friction, and may readily be extended to the cases in which there are several supporting surfaces, even when these sur- faces are themselves in motion. It was my original intention to prefix to the following dis- sertation a detailed history of the problem of the motion of a rigid body, with an account of the successive advances which have been made from the time of Galileo to the present day towards a complete determination of the phenomena of oscil- lating systems. The seantiness of the New York libraries with respect to scientific works, and the impossibility under which my engagements lay me of personally consulting the more copious collections of Boston and~ Philadelphia, to say nothing of the fact that some of the materials of such a task are not to be found in America, and only on rare occasions to be procured from Europe, have compelled me to defer un- til a better opportunity the execution of this part of my first plan. I shall therefore content myself at present with a very brief preliminary retrospeet of what has been already done in connexion with the subject of the following communication. Galileo appears to have been the first who considered in a mathematical point of view even the simplest cases of the problem before us, the descent of a material point along a straight line inclined to the horizon’, and its oscillations in the are of a vertical circumference. In the first of these two cases he succeeded in defining the motion of the point : in the second, he was far from attaining the same result, and in both the resistances of friction and the air were carefully excluded. ‘The well known law of oscillation round a hori- zontal axis of support, first conjectured rather than demon- strated by Descartes in the cases of plane surfaces vibrating in latus’, and afterwards generalized by the celebrated Huyg- * De motu naturaliter accelerato. Opere di Galileo Galilei. Milano, 1811. Vol. viii. p. 266—306. ‘The first edition of the Dialogues of Galileo is that of . Leyden, 1638. 2 Opere di Galileo. Vol. viii. p. 153—160. 5 Renati Descartes Epistole. Amstelodami, 1683. Epistola LXXVII. Ad Mersennum. March 2, 1646. AS 318 ON THE MOTION OF hens‘, was finally in 1703 deduced by James Bernoulli, from principles which have never been contested*. In the mean time, Newton, in his Principia, had begun to calculate in cer- tain cases the effects of resistance in retarding the motion of points along cycloidal ares, had reduced to the method of quad- ratures, the determination of their motion along curves whose planes pass through the centre of force, and had furnished general principles which served afterwards to facilitate the solution of the problem of the motion of a heavy point on surfaces of revolution’... In the same work too, Newton had _ investigated the duration of the pulses of air and the undula- tions of water, and had laid the foundations of the true theory of the tides’. Leibnitz and the elder Bernoullis had also discussed with success several interesting cases of the descent ofa material point along given or required curves*, but no mathematician appears to have had regard to the form and rotation of the supported mass, until John Bernoulli, late in . life, proposed the problem of what he called the oscillations of titubating bodies’. In this problem none but the very small oscillations are considered, and the body is supposed to rock without sliding about an invariable axis, the surface of support being either a plane or the concave or convex side of ahorizontal cylinder. After investigating the general formula, Bernoulli caleulates the case in which the rocking body is the segment of a sphere or parabolic conoid. ‘This rolling 4 Hugenii Horologium Oscillatorium. Parisiis, 1673. Pars Tertia, Prop. V. 5 Démonstration génerale du Centre de Balancement ou d?Oscillation_tirée de Ja nature du Levier. 15 Mars, 1703.—Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Année MDCCIII. Paris, 1720, p. 78.—Jacobi Bernoulli opera. Geneve, 1744. Vol. ii. p. 930. 6 Principia, Lib. II. Prop. XXV.—XXXI.—Lib. I. Prop. LIV.—Lib. I. Prop. LV. 7 Principia, Lib. I. Prop. L.—Prop. XLVI.—Lib. II. Prop. XXIV.—Prop. XXXVI. XXXVII. 8 Acta Erud. Lips. 1694, p. 276. 364, 394. Jac. Bern. Op. p. 601. 627.— * Leibnitii et Bern. Com. Epis. Vol. i. 23. 34. 167. 286.—Joh. Bern. Op. Vol. i. 120. ui. 486. ° De Oscillationibus Corporum titubantium super superficie aliqua immobili. Joh. Bern. Op. Lausanne et Geneve, 1742. Vol. iv. p. 296. This paper was written posterior to the year 1738. John Bernoulli was at that time 72 years of age. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 319 without sliding (the pura provolutio of Leibnitz') will result, it is true, for small motions from the usual hypotheses of friction, but without some condition of this kind the body would slip or slide as well as rock. Euler is the first who made this remark in the seventh volume of the Com- mentaries of St Petersburg (1740), where he gives an improved solution’ of Bernoulli’s problem, but does not appear to have been able, at that time, to determine what would take place if the body were left free to slide as well as to roll. Euler acknowledged his embarrassment to D’Alembert in a letter to him dated 1746, and it is to the latter mathematician that we owe the first success- ful investigation of the problem when the surfaces in con- tact are polished to a perfect smoothness. This solution is given by D’Alembert in the second edition of his 7ratté de Dynamique, published in 1758, and is offered by him as an instance of the utility of his now celebrated principle’. His me- thod is then applied to the case in which the horizontal plane opposes, by its roughness, a given degree of resistance to the sliding motion, but the oscillations are still only of the kind in which the axis of rotation retains throughout the motion its original direction. This is a condition, however, which restricts the problem to a case comparatively simple, for it is manifest that in general the axis of rotation will change con- tinually its position in space, and the body must be consider- ed as subject, not only to roll from side to side, but also to pitch backward and forward, and at the same time to whirl around the perpendicular drawn to the surface at the point of contact. But before the triple rotation of a supported body could be determined, it was necessary to investigate the phe- nomena of the rotation of a free body, to which constrained 10 G.G. L. De line super lined incessu, ejusque tribus speciebus, motu radente, motu provolutionis, et composito ex ambobus. Jan. 1706. Act. Erud. Lips. 1706, p. 10. *t De minimis oscillationibus-corporum tam rigidorum quam flexibilium, me- thoda nova ac facilis. Com. Acad. Petrop. 1740, p. 108. ‘2 Des Corps qui vacillent sur des plans. _Traité de Dynamique, 1796, p. 186. VOL. I11.—4 M 320 ON THE MOTION OF rotation can always be reduced by regarding as accelerating forces the unknown reaction of the point or surface of sup- port. Newton, whose name it is necessary to mention in the history of almost every interesting or important speculation in Mechanical Philosophy, is the first who attempted to deduce from mathematical principles the laws of these peculiar mo- tions as they exhibit themselves in that most remarkable ex- emplification of them, the Precession of the Equinoxes”. The singular sagacity of this extraordinary man seems to have protected him from an erroneous result, amidst a number of precarious and sometimes inaccurate assumptions to which the tediousness and barrenness of the geometric method pro- bably forced him to resort. An amended solution of this problem was given by D’Alembert in 1749, with all the de- velopments and verifications which the possession of a pow- erful analysis had brought within his reach". The treatise in which this subject is discussed contains at the same time every thing that is necessary for reducing in all other cases the general problem of the free motion of a rigid body to its six differential equations. ‘This reduction was in fact ac- complished by the same author in a memoir which he an- nounced in 1758 as prepared for the press, but which was not actually published until 1761, in the first volume of his Opuscules Mathématiques*. The results here obtained, and to a certain extent the manner of obtaining them, differ from the methods and formulas of more recent authors in little else than the improved selection and arrangement of the sym- bols now employed. In this respect D’Alembert was in no degree superior to his cotemporaries, and indeed nothing is more striking than the contrast which exists between the profound and original views of this illustrious writer and the negligent and inelegant notation in which they are expressed. It is a little surprising that an author who has so often in his 13 Principia, Lib. Ili. Prop. XX XIX. 14 “Recherches sur la Précession des Equinoxes et sur la Nutation de l’Axe de la Terre dans le Systeme Newtonien. Paris, 1749. 15 Du Mouvement d’un Corps de Figure quelconque, animé par des forces quelconques. Opusc. Math. Vol. i. 1761, p. 74. —o SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 32] philosophical writings pointed out the influence which words have upon our thoughts should have studied so little the ad- vantages of symmetrical and well selected symbols. It seems reasonable to suppose too, that as the general speculations of mechanical science refer equally to the three dimensions of space, the formulas would naturally arrange themselves in three sets similar in their form and in the process of their derivation; an arrangement which would be favoured by the method taught long since by Daniel Bernoulli and Euler’ of separating the motion of a body into the progression of its centre of gravity and the retation round that centre, those two constituents of the motion being absolutely independent of each other. There were however good reasons for not adopting at that time this threefold division of algebraic sym- bols. The most interesting application of the calculus was the investigation of the celestial motions, and analysts there- fore employed the astronomical elements of position, which have not the same reference to the three parts of space. Ne- vertheless the preparations for a more symmetrical analysis had been made by John Bernoulli in 1715, Euler in 1736, and Maclaurin in 1742. The first of these three authors had employed, in defining the position of the points of a curve surface, three rectangular coordinates”, the second had adopt- ed this method for the purpose of following the motion of a 16 Commentar. Acad. Petropol. 1737. 17 Leib. et Bern. Com. Epis. Tom. Il. p. 345. The invention of this method is ascribed by some to Euler and by others to Maclaurin. The following extracts from John Bernoulli’s letter and Leibnitz’s reply, while they bar all claims in favour of the former two, make it somewhat doubtful to which of the latter the merit is to be ascribed. ‘ Intellizo per superficiem curvam datam, cujus singula puncta determinantur (sic ut linea curve data puncta) per ordinatas tres x, y, z, quarum relatio dat’ xquatione exprimeretur: sunt autem tres illae coordinate, nihil aliud quam tres recte ex quolibet superficiei curve puncto perpendiculariter ducte in tria plana positione data, et se mutuo ad angulos rectos secantia. Sit wquatio inter coordinatas, exempli gratia, hee ayz = a’. Feb. 6,1715." To which Leibnitz replies, ‘* Doctrinam de equationibus localibus trium coordinatarum, seu de locis vere solidis, olim aggredi ccepi, eorumque intersectiones seu curvas etiam non planas ; sed prosequi non vacavit. Opera pretium faceret qui studium impenderet. Apr. 9, 1715.” 322 ON THE MOTION OF point’, and along with Maclaurin had resolved velocities and forces in the direction of these coordinates”. Euler had observed before Maclaurin that all forces what- ever soliciting a point might be resolved in three directions parallel to three fixed rectangular coordinates. He merely employed these however for the purposes of immediately re- solving the forces again into three others also rectangular but not fixed, the /angentialis, normalis premens, and the nor- malis deflectens. Maclaurin appears to have been the first who endeavoured to turn to account the advantages of having the forces fixed in their directions, but the geometrical me- thods to which he in common with all his countrymen were unfortunately attached, made it impossible for him to realize to any extent the benefits of this arrangement. It became an easy matter then to reduce to a regular form the calculus of the motion of a point, but it was by no means so obvious what were the three elements which were equally concerned in defining the rotations about the centre of gra- vity. The formulas which were first invented for this pur- pose were given by Euler in 1750, and may safely be pro- nounced among the expressions in the science most remark- able for their simplicity and absolute generality”. In the perfect form in which they came at once from the hands of Euler, they have been extensively employed by later mathe- maticians, and particularly by Lagrange in his Mécanique Analytique. A year before the publication of this paper, Eu- ler had given a solution of the problem of the compound ro- tation of the earth’, which he acknowledges, in a memoir on the same subject inserted in the Transactions of the Berlin 18 Mechanica analyticé exposita. Auct. Eulero. 1736. Tom. I. p. 339. 341. 19 Mechanica, Tom. Il. 477.—Treatise of Fluxions, by Colin Maclaurin. Edinburgh, 1742, p. 391, § 470. 20 Pécouverte d’un nouveau principe de Mécanique. Mémoires de l’Aca- démie Royale des Sciences de Berlin. Tome VI. 1750. 21 Recherches de la Précession des équinoxes, et sur la nutation de l’axe de la terre. Mémoires de Acad. de Berl. Tome V. 1749. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 323 * Society” for 1750, had been composed after a perusal of D’Alembert’s Treatise of 1749. 'The simplifications intro- duced by the discovery of the properties of the natural axes of rotation by Segner®* in 1755 contributed materially to im- prove the form and manageableness of the equations of rota- tory motion, and in 1758, Euler had made such advances in this theory, that the problem of the general motion of a free rigid body animated by no accelerating forces, or in other words agitated only by the inertia of its particles—a problem of some celebrity in the history of mathematics,—at last yielded to the power of the calculus and to the penetrating genius of its accomplished master”. Two years afterwards, Kuler resumed the consideration of this subject, in an inter- esting paper in which he applied to a variety of curious prob- lems the theory of the Segnerian axes”; and finally in 1761, John Albert Euler, in a prize dissertation on the stowage and ballasting of vessels, solved by a method evidently imitated from his father’s, the problem of a rigid body not solicited by accelerating forces”. "The analysis employed in these solu- tions though subtle and profound is certainly deficient in that directness and precision so difficult to attain in a new and complicated subject. To remedy this imperfection, D’ Alem- bert, in a paper written in 1762, though not published until six years afterwards”, derives the results of Euler from the principles laid down in the first volume of his Opuscules™, by a process so remarkable for its simplicity and beauty, that La- grange has adgpted and inserted it with an improved nota- 22 Avertissement au sujet des recherches sur la précession des équinoxes. Mém. de l’Acad. de Berl. Tome VI. 1750. 23 Specimen Theorie Turbinum. 1755. 24 Du Mouvement de Rotation des corps solides autour d’un axe variable. Mém. Acad. Berl. Tome XIV... 1758. 25 Du mouvement de rotation d’un corps solitle quelconque, lorsqu’il tourne autour d’un axe mobile. Mém. Acad. Berl. Tome XVI. 1760. 26 Histoire de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris. Prix. 1761. 27 Du mouvement dun Corps de figure quelconque. Opuscules, Tome IV 1768. p. 32. et 28 Opuscules, Tome I. 1761. p. 74—103. VOL. 111.—4 N 324 ON THE MOTION OF tion in the second volume of his Mécanique”. It is remark- able that in considering this variety of the problem, Landen, an English mathematician of excellent abilities, found him- self unable to comprehend its principles, after fourteen years of earnest and almost unremitted efforts to overcome its dif- ficulties, and that too with the solutions of Wildbore, Frisi, Euler and D’Alembert before him. In opposition to these writers he contended to the very day of his death that a cor- rect analysis would give a constant angular rotation about the instantaneous axis. The latter part of D’Alembert’s memoir is occupied with the general equations when any accelerating forces are pro- posed, and contains some valuable extensions and simplifica- tions of the formulas he had given before. It was now Euler’s turn, however, to take the lead. In 1765, he had brought the general equations of rotatory motion into the form in which they are presented by Laplace in the first vo- lume of the Mécanique Céleste®, and there is an acknowledg- ment in the fifth volume of the same work”, that the equations of Euler appear to him to be the very simplest which it is possible for the science to obtain. The work in which these formulas are given”’ contains two interesting applications, hav- ing some connexion with the subject of the present essay ; the determination of the motion of a heterogeneous sphere on a horizontal plane, and a similar inquiry with respect to the motion of certain bodies, a given point in which remains in contact with the plane. Of these I shall speak more particu- larly hereafter. ‘Fhe general results of Euler are obtained by the aid of the discovery of Segner. As the motions of a system, however, flow necessarily from its state at a given time and the forces by which it is solicited, it seems fair to demand a solution of the problem in which recourse shall not be had to the pro- 2° Mécanique Analytique, Tome II. 1815. p. 261—263. 30 Méc. Cél. Tome I. p. 74. 51 Méc. Cél. Tome V. p. 255. $2 Theoria motis corporum solidorum seu rigidorum. © Rostoch. 1765. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 325 perties of the Segnerian axes. This was first effected by Lagrange” in the Memoirs of the Academy of Berlin for 1773. In the course of this solution, which is repeated with an improved notation in the Mécanique Mnalytique, the well known values of the resolved angular velocities in terms of the coordinates and resolved velocities of the body’s poles, are given first as mere analytical abridgments, and made after- wards to exhibit their geometrical signification; a method which this author has followed on various other occasions. Nine years before this, however, Lagrange had considered another highly interesting case of planetary oscillation, the librations of the moon. His memoir on this subject was crowned by the Academy of Sciences in 1764 and will ever be memorable in the annals of Demonstrative Mechanics as containing the application of the beautiful principle of vir- tual velocities in all its simplicity and power to the most ge- neral speculations of Dynamical Philosophy“. Combined with the great theorem of D’Alembert, this principle dis- penses altogether with the slow and enforced aids of Geome- try, and leads the analyst at once from the definition of velocity and force safely and rapidly to the most recondite secrets and the most elevated regions of the Science. In the Berlin Memoirs for 1780, Lagrange resumed the whole sub- ject, and in an admirable dissertation regarded by himself as the most finished of his productions, he terminates in formulas which delineate, in all their intricate variety, the motions of our satellite, for ages without number past and to come. These expressions are the results of a skilful transformation of the general equations in the case of rotation round a body- axis which forms with its mean direction a very small but variable angle, taking into account the figure which the moon 53 Nouvelle solution du Probleme du Mouvement de Rotation d’un Corps. Nouv. Mém. Berl. 1773. 34 Recherches sur la libration dela Lune. Hist. Acad. Par. Prix. Tome IX. 1764. 326 ON THE MOTION OF must have iensnteas in the ety probable eb ke of its original fluidity®’. After the problem of frees rotation had been solved, nearer approaches were made to the determination of the motion of a supported body. D’Alembert, who had briefly given in the first volume of his Opuscules the modifications of his ge- neral formulas applicable to this case, resumed the inquiry in- the fifth volume of the same work®. For this purpose he undertakes a general solution of the question already consid- ered by Euler. A body is supposed to be sustained by one of its points upon a plane. and the circumstances of the mo- tion are required. The resulting differential equations are, however, so involved, that the author evidently abandons in despair all idea of obtaining the necessary integrations. A variety of simplifications and restrictions are then introduced with a view to obtain cases admitting of first integrals. The line which joins the centre of gravity and the point of sup- port is supposed to be a principal axis, and the point is sup- posed to move without friction on a horizontal plane, the mode of considering the resistances of friction and the ineli- nation of the plane being nevertheless laid down though found to lead to unmanageable results. On the whole, D’Alembert is far from having solved any but the simplest cases of this problem, though he appears to have proceeded somewhat far- ther than any of his cotemporaries. Euler, who had in the earlier volumes of the Ganimtnteaies of the St Petersburg Academy considered, in conjunction. with Daniel Bernoulli, the effects of friction in retarding the motion of polyhedral solids and homogeneous cylinders on inclined planes”, turned his attention a few years before his death to some varieties of the general problem of greater dif- ficulty than these. His first memoir on this subject is divi- 35 Théorie de la libration de Ja Lune. Nouv. Mém. Berl. 1780. 36 Sur le mouvement des Corps qui tournent. Opusc. Tome V. 1768. p. 489. 317 De descensu corporum super plano inclinato.—De motu corporum super plano horizontali aspero. Com. Acad. Petrop. Tom. XIIl.1751.—De frictione _ corporum rotantium. Novi Com. Acad. Petr. Tom. VI. 1761. Ki SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 327 =. ded into two dissertations; treating of the oscillations of a heterogeneous vertical cirele rolling first without and then with friction upon another vertical circle of support**.. The entire paper is a favourable specimen. of the characteristic perspicuity of Euler, and contains the solution of the problem of the small pendular motions of the body, comprised in two equations expressing in finite terms, the coexisting oscillations of the centre of gravity around the centre of the rolling cir- cle, and of this centre around the centre of the circle of sup- port. The integrations are effected by an application of rules which Euler had himself laid down forty years before’ in discussing the coexisting oscillations of a jointed pendulum or string of weights, a problem of which John Bernoulli had previously proposed and resolved the simplest case, namely, that in which all the weights cross the vertical at the same instant of time“. Kuler’s solution of the general problem of the jointed pendulum stands precisely in the same relation to Bernoulli's that D’Alembert’s essay on the vibrations of a tense string does to the original paper of Brook Taylor, and must be regarded as constituting an era not only in mechani- cal but equally so in analytical science. The sineular laws 5 of coexisting oscillations which Daniel Bernoulli had already °8 De motu penduli cirea axem cylindricum: fulcro date figure incumbentem mobilis, remota frictione. Dissertatio prior. Acta Acad. Petrop. 1780, p. 133. Be motu penduli, &c. habita frictionis ratione. Dissertatio altera, p- 164. This subject is continued in one of the numerous posthumous memoirs of Euler. Nova Acta, Tom. VI. 1778. The friction is here supposed _to prevent allshding. A general investigation requires the consideration of a friction proportioned to the pressure. ‘This is the basis of a dissertation of Euler’s (inserted in the Nova Acta for 1783, the year in which he died),—De motu globi heterogenii super plano horizontali, ejusque motu a frictione impedito. In this paper the axis of rotation is parallel to the horizon and invariable in direction. For a more recent investiga- tion by Poisson of this motion in the case of a homogeneous sphere rolling forward and partly sliding on a horizontal plane, see Bulletin des Sciences Math. Tome VI. 1826, p. 161. This paper proceeds on the same principles as those which form the groundwork of Euler’s Essay—De effectu frictionis in motu volutorio. Acta Petrop. 1781. p. 131—176. °° De oscillationibus fili flexilis quoteunque pondusculis onusti. Com. Acad. Petr. 1741. 4° De pendulo luxato, et de ejus reductione ad pendulum simplex isochronum. Joh. Bernoulli Opera, Tom. IV. p. 302. VOL. 111.—4 0 ON THE MOTION OF pointed out without being able to demonstrate, are rigorously deduced from the linear differential equations in which they are comprised ; and the beautiful theory of these equations, including their complete integration in a finite series of the multiples of sines of arcs proportional to the time, is develo- ped and explained with admirable skill. An easy application of the principles of this theory solves the problem of the os- cillation of a heterogeneous circle within a circle, without friction, or what is essentially the same. question, of any solid upon any suitable surface, the plane of motion being invaria- ble; as for instance a spherical segment in a spherical cup, supposing no whirling to take place, or a pendulum with cylindrical pivots working in cylindrical collars, which is the form in which the problem is proposed by Euler himself. When the friction prevents all sliding, the oscillation is sin- gle, and is determined without reference to the theory just mentioned. The effect which this friction has in diminish- ing the time of a pendulum’s vibrations, (along with a va- riety of other circumstances necessary to take into the ac- count when the appareil of Borda is employed) has been also calculated by Laplace in a paper on the seconds’ pendulum inserted in the Connaissance des Tems for 1820. His me- moir is remarkable for the subtlety of the analysis, rendered necessary by the multitude of the considerations included in his calculus, but when he mentions. the effect of friction without sliding as a singular and interesting result to which he had arrived, he is evidently not aware of the formulas of Euler and J ae Bernoulli, from either of see the same in- ference may teadily be drawn. In the Acta Petropolitana for 1782, one year. neh B his death, Euler resumes the investigation of the problem he had considered in his Theoria motis -corporum. rigidorum. This problem, which consisted, as I have already mentioned, in determining the motion of a heterogeneous sphere along a horizontal plane, is called by Euler himself, quxstio maxime ardua, and is regarded by him as inaccessible by the methods then in use, except in the case in which the centres of gravity SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 329 - and of figure are supposed to coincide. This simplification is accordingly introduced, and, under the hypothesis of a fric- tion proportional to the constant pressure, he finally obtains, after a long and complicated process, a solution of the prob- lem, as far as the progressive motion and the velocity about the instantaneous axis are concerned, but the determination of the position of this axis in terms of the time is abandoned as absolutely unattainable. ; The whole theory of simultaneous linear equations, so im- portant in a large class of mechanical inquiries, was left by Euler in a formed, but by no means in a finished state. D’Alembert, in whose capacious and prolific intellect almost every branch of mathematical and mechanical philosophy seems to have found place and to have borne abundant fruit. invented, for the solution of these equations, the method of indeterminate coefficients, a method remarkable for the faci- lity of its application, and the fertile variety of its results*. This method is not confined as Euler’s is, to the case of con- stant coefficients, but brings to their least difficulties many classes of equations which previously had been considered as intractable. It was however not applied by D’Alembert to the case of variable coefficients, until Lagrange and Laplace had considered the same subject in new and interesting lights. In the memoirs of the Academy of Paris for 1772, Laplace gives with numerous developments Lagrange’s process for in- tegrating any number of simultaneous linear equations of the first order with constant coefficients, and for determining the value of the arbitrary constants, which is by no means the least difficult part of the problem. Both the memoir of Lagrange which discusses the variations of the nodes of the +1 De motu globi cirea axem obliquum quemcunque gyrantis et super plano horizontali incedentis. Acta Petrop. 1782. P. ii. p. 107. #2 Sur l’integration de quelques équations differentielles. Opuscules, Tome VIL. 1780, p. 377. D’Alembert had employed the method of indeterminate mul- tipliers in the case of constant coefficients, thirty-two years before in the Berlin Memoirs for 1748. ‘+ La belle methode de d’Alembert (these are the words of Laplace) est siirement une des plus ingénieuses, et des plus f6condes de l’analyse.** Miscellanea Taurinensia, Tom. IV. 1766, p. 273. e > 330 ON THE MOTION OF planets and of the inclinations of their orbits*, and that of Laplace which is extended so as to include all their variations, whether periodical or secular“, are alike remarkable for the analytical treasures they contain and the singular success with which this purely intellectual apparatus is made to declare the minutest and most prolonged of the celestial oscillations. In 1788 Lagrange published his Analytical Mechanics. The first paragraph of the fifth section of the first edition of this work is a masterly investigation of the small oscilla- tory motions of any system of bodies round the places of their rest. The great generality of this solution, along with its use- ful applications and manageable formulas, render it altogether one of the most important contributions ever made by mathe- matics to mechanical philosophy*. The equilibrium posi- tions of the elements are supposed, in Lagrange’s dissertation, to be determinate and unique; that is, the system is supposed such that it cannot change its position without departing from a state of equilibrium. It is manifest however that in a large variety of cases, a system of material points may have a range, more or less extensive, in any part of which it will remain at rest. If the analysis of Lagrange had been made to comprehend, as far as that is practicable, the motions of a system in the immediate neighbourhood of its range of equi- hibrium, the subject would have been exhausted, and the limits of the science in no small degree enlarged. After Huyghens and James Bernoulli had completed the 43 Recherches sur les équations séculaires des mouvemens des nceuds et des inclinaisons des Orbites des Planétes. Mém. Acad. Paris, 1774, p. 117. This paper, though of posterior date, is quoted by Laplace in the memoir following :— 44 Recherches sur le calcul intégral et sur le systeme du monde. Mém. Acad. Paris; 1772. P. u. p. 293. 45 It may be well to mention for the benefit of those who may find it useful to employ these formulas, that by some oversight on the part of Lagrange the values of all the bracketted coefficients in the final differential equations are deficient in all the quantities which arise from having regard to the terms of the second order in the developments of the coordinates of the elements. In the American Journal of Science and Arts for July—Sept. 1826, p. 398, I have given the terms neces- sary to complete the values of these coefficients, with some remarks as to the best form of the function which expresses the finite action of the impressed forces on any one of the corpuscles of the system. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 331 theory of oscillations round a constant axis, Clairaut in 1735 generalized the doctrine of the simple pendulum, in an able investigation of its conical vibrations, in which the effects of an oblique impulse were for the first time subjected to mathe- matical determination“. The results for the cases in which the weight describes a circle either vertical or horizontal were deduced as corollaries from the general formulas, and shown to be coincident with the conclusions to which Huyghens had already arrived for these simpler cases of the question. A more difficult problem still remained. When a pendulous body hangs by a fixed point about which it may turn freely in all directions, its motion will be affected not only by the obliquity of the impulse by which it is set in motion, but also by the rotation of the pendulum around the line which joins the sustaining point and the centre of gravity, so that even when this axis is dropped vertically from a state of rest with the body revolving around it, this rotation will be sufficient, at every instant of 'the motion, to wrench (as it were) the axis from the direction in which it would move if it were left at the same instant to vibrate by itself. Up to the present time no solution of this problem has been given for finite oscillations, and even for oscillations infinitely small, none was given until Lagrange published, in the first edition of his Mecanique Analytique, an ample dissertation on the subject. After a general investigation of the free rotation of a rigid body, in which the author skilfully combines all the advantages of the various methods he had previously invented, he proceeds to the examination of the well known case in which the body pirouettes by virtue of the inertia of the ele- ments alone. After a masterly detail of all the circum- stances of this case, Lagrange enters upon the discussion of the general motions of a heavy body pirouetting about a fixed point not the centre of gravity, and advances as far towards 4° Examen des differentes Oscillations qu’un corps suspendu par un fil, peut faire lorsqu’on lui donne une impulsion quelconque. Mém. Acad. Par. 1735, p. 281. VOL. 111.—4 P 332 ON THE MOTION OF a solution as it is possible to proceed in the present state of the Calculus. ‘The case however in which the natural vertical of the body makes infinitely small conical oscillations around its resting place, while the body itself revolves about this axis with any velocity compatible with such oscillations, is com- pletely solved by means of an analysis remarkable for its bril- lianey, generality and rigour. The problem, it is shown, nat- urally divides itself into two distinct portions, one in which the form and density of the body is absolutely arbitrary, but the rotation round the vertical small and consequently varia- ble; the other in which the rotation round the vertical is ar- bitrary and consequently constant, but the form and density of the body such that the conditions requisite to constitute the natural vertical a natural axis of rotation shall be nearly, though it is not necessary that they should be exactly, fulfil- led. Poisson published his excellent Traité de Mécanique m 1811. In the second volume of this work, the author applies his calculus to a determination of the motions of a homoge- neous ellipsoid upon an inclined plane, both surfaces being supposed perfectly smooth. The investigation does not bring the formulas within the reach of the method of quadratures, and therefore the problem cannot as yet be considered as solved‘. The author then proceeds to give an improved so- lution of the question considered long before by Euler and D’Alembert, of the motion of a solid body when it is sus- tained upon a plane by a point fixed in the body, but mov- ing freely alopg the plane. In the case in which the density and figure are symmetrical about the axis joining the cen- tre of gravity and sustaining point, the problem is reduced to the method of quadratures, and a complete solution is given in the hypothesis of small departures of the axis from some intermediate inclination to the plane. In this solution Pois- son has been followed by Prony in his Lecons de Mécanique 47 This reduction, it ought to have been remarked, is easily effected when the ellipsoid becomes a spheroid of revolution. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 333 yt. Analytique*, Whewell in his Dynamics, and various other authors and compilers. It is, I think, a matter of surprize, that none of the Euro- pean mathematicians should have thought of ascertaining whether the method of Lagrange might not be successfully employed in determining the variable pirouettes or oscillations which a heavy body bounded by a given surface will make on a given plane or in general on any given surface of support. The first solutions I have been able to find of any case what- ever of this interesting question are contained in the eighth number of the New York Mathematical Diary for July 1827. The problem as proposed by Mr E. Nulty, of Phila- delphia, requires a determination of all the small oscillations which can be made by the segment of a sphere in contact with a horizontal plane. Euler, as we have seen, had per- fectly resolved this case, in the two hypotheses of perfect sliding and perfect rolling, as long as the motion of rotation is around an axis of invariable direction. But the motion round a variable axis he had carefully excluded, expressly on the ground of its being inaccessible to the analysis of the day. One of the solutions published in the work which I have just mentioned is by Dr Adrain, at that time Professor of Mathematics in Rutger’s College, New Jersey. This so- lution, which regards the segment as symmetrical and mov- ing without friction, begins with a very ingenious and direct transformation of Lagrange’s general formula of Dynamics into another in which three of the variations are, as usual, variations of the coordinates of the centre of rotation, and the other three, variations of the finite angles employed by Euler and Laplace; a process which, though the most direct, has not, as far as I can ascertain, been pursued or even suggested by any other author. The facility with which this problem, as long as friction is not concerned, may be subjected to the methods and formulas of Lagrange, enabled me, in a solution 48 Lecgons de Mécanique Analytique, Tome I. 1815. p. 415. 4° A Treatise on Dynamics. 1823. p. 336. 334 ON THE MOTION OF subjoined to Dr Adrain’s in the same number of the Diary, to dispense with the conditions of a symmetrical density or a vertical natural axis of rotation. In the hypothesis of perfect rolling (the first instance I believe in which it has been con- sidered in reference to an axis varying ad libitum) the formu- las I have there given lead to a complete solution of the prob- lem* considered in all the generality of which it is suscepti- ble. It still remained to apply to oscillating bodies of any form whatever what is there remarked of bodies with a sphe- rical areola of contact, and at the same time to have regard to the figure of the surface of support. This I have attempted in the following dissertation; with what success I leave to those who are better practised than myself in speculations of this nature, to examine and decide. Before entering upon this subject, I beg leave simply to re- mark that the new words or new combinations of words occa- sionally employed in the following paper, have not been intro- duced from any idle love of innovation, but from the absolute necessity of the case. The tedious circumlocutions and the incessant repetitions to which I should have been forced with- out the proposed abridgments, would have extended this com- munication far beyond its proper limits, and would not I think have added either to its interest or perspicuity. In short, I have employed these terms precisely for the same reasons that I employ the symbols of analysis, and attach no sort of value to them after they have served my purpose, but leave them to be accepted or rejected, as those who choose to pursue this subject may happen to find it most convenient. 59 In consequence of an error in developing the variation of the living forces due to the progression of the system, a correction (to be made by substituting e—h in place of e) becomes necessary in some of the expressions at the close of the paper above referred to. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 335 II. Mathematical Investigation of the Motion of Solids upon Surfaces, in the Two Hypotheses of Perfect Sliding and Perfect Rolling, with a Particular Examination of their Small Oscillatory Motions. Let us now refer, as usual, the oscillating body (JZ) to two systems of coordinate axes, one of them, which I shall call space axes, fixed in space, and originating at any fixed point (O), the other called body axes, invariably connected with the body and originating at any given point (O,). Let x, a’, x, x, y, z, denote the coordinates of any element Dm of the body referred to these two sets of axes; & &, &", &, , $, the coordinates of O,, reckoned from Q, parallel respectively to the space and body axes; .2, B, C, p,q, r, the moments of inertia and the velocities of rotation round the body axes; F, G, H, P, Q, R, the integrals Sy,z, Dm, Sz,x,Dm, Sz,y,Dm, Spat, fgdt, frdt; X, X', X", X, ¥, Z, the accelerative forces in the direction of the space and body axes; and finally, the symbol d denoting the differential coefficient with respect to the time /*, let dx,, dy,, dz,, dé, dy, dé, dx,, d’y,, @z,, and d’é,, d’y,, @,, denote the velocities and accelerations of Dm and O,, in the direction of the axes of the body. As the general formula of Dynamics is, by its nature, inde- * Thave ventured upon this modification of the usual notation, at the suggestion of a valued friend, principally with a view to save room. A single symbol of the DED ons opie form qg? besides occasioning more or less of trouble and delay to the printer; evidently makes every line in which it is introduced take up more than double the space which it would occupy without it. The Roman d will be reserved (as usual in these Transactions) for simple differentials. VOL. 111.—4 Q or. el ao hh 336 ON THE MOTION OF pendent of the direction of the axes in space, it may be pre- sented in either of these forms, (1) SDm{(dx + X)dx + (Ca! + X)dx' + (da"4- X")da"] =o SDm[(d'x, + X)dx, + (d’y, + V )dy, + (dz, + Z, )oz, J=o where it must be carefully recollected, that in consequence of the motion of the body axes, the variations and accelera- tions in the latter formula, as well as the velocities dx., dy,, dz., dé., dr., d¢,, belong to the class of incomplete differentials. In these equations the variations are of different values for different elements of the body, or in other words are functions of the coordinates of Dm. It is evident, however, that before this formula can be employed, these variations will in general require to be reduced to other variations common to all the elements, so that, in the language of the calculus, they may be passed from under the sign S. The manner of effecting this, by a general method for all constitutions of matter and for all conditions of motion, must have been a problem of no ordinary difficulty. Mathematicians however have succeeded in this. transformation by several processes equally remarka- ble, each of them terminating in an equation of the form | Lia-+' M06 +- Nby + Loa Mp Nv = 0. In all these transformations, 0a, 63, dy are the progressive variations common to all the particles in the direction either of the body-axes or the axes in space; but with respect to the variations 04, du, dv, there exists between these methods an essential difference which deserves to be noticed. To render this distinction the clearer, it is necessary to observe that the absolute position of a body in space involves two considera- tions: Ist, the position in space of some fixed point O, of the body, which may be denominated the station of the body ; and 2dly, that part of the position which depends only upon the direction of the body-axes, and which, for the sake of brevity, may be called the aspect of the body. A body therefore may SOLIDS ON SURFACES. Soy change its station while it keeps its aspect, or it may alter its aspect while it maintains its station, these two constituents of position being entirely independent of each other. It is evi- dent, moreover, that the station of a body depends upon three arbitrary variables, the three coordinates of O,; whereas its aspect is a function of the nine angles which the three body- axes make with the three axes in space. As the angles which a straight line makes with axes to which it is referred, are elements of very frequent use in geometrical and mechanical speculations, I shall take the liberty, for the purpose of avoid- ing tedious repetitions, to call them the axe-angles of the line, distinguishing also between the space-axe angles and the body- axe angles; thus a, a’, a", b, b', b’, ce, ¢, ec’ (which is the usual notation) will denote the cosines of the space-axe angles of the body-axes. Between these nine cosines there exist six equa- tions of condition, so that, in ultimate analysis, the aspect of a body will, as well as its station, depend upon the values of three independent variables. The choice of these becomes therefore a matter of importance. Euler, who must be re- garded as the inventor of this interesting branch of analysis, showed as early as the year 1771, in a paper published in the fifteenth volume of the Movi Commentarii of the Academy of St Petersburg, under the title of Problema algebraicum ob affectiones prorsus singulares memorabile, how these nine quan- tities might be expressed in terms of three independent angles, namely, the inclination of one of the moveable to one of the fixed planes, and the distances from their intersection to an axis in each plane. The author begins by considering the question analytically ; and this view of it gives rise to a prob- lem altogether similar, with respect to the determination of sixteen quantities connected by ten analogous conditions, from which he proceeds, with his characteristic habit of gradual generalization, to extend his analysis to twenty-five quantities with fifteen connecting relations, and so on. It is only the first case of the problem that can have any application to geo- metry, but the whole paper is deserving of attention as fur- nishing one of the earliest specimens of the improved methods of modern analysis. Of all the solutions of the first case of fh 338 ON THE MOTION OF this problem which have since been given, there is perhaps none equal to Euler’s in directness and perspicuity. The methods of obtaining the resulting formulas have however been, with great advantage, occasionally modified so as to suit particular views and purposes. It is in astronomy more es- pecially that these three elements of aspect are most employed, for which reason they are preferred by Laplace to the three indefinite integrals, the angles P, Q, R, notwithstanding the greater symmetry which arises from the use of these three angles. It is to Euler also that we are indebted for formulas which lead to this last determination, by which the cosines of the nine angles are made to depend by the medium of dif- ferential equations on the values of the integrals P,Q, . In the sixth volume of the Berlin Transactions for the year 1750, in a memoir entitled Découverte dun nouveau principe de mé- canique, Kuler gave the formulas, now so well known, which express the motion of every point of a system in terms of the coordinates of the point and the motion of progression and rotation common to all the points. These expressions were employed by Lagrange in obtaining the relations by which the variations of the cosines of the axe-angles were reduced to the three variations 0P, 0Q, 0#, or the three analogous varia- tions of the angles of rotation round the axes fixed in space. Finally, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Turin for the years 1784 and 1785, there is a curious paper by Monge, in which, +having occasion to introduce these nine cosines, he takes for the independent variables the three angles 702, x'Oy,, «'O,z,, and gives without demonstration the values of the other six, expressed in terms of these three. Lacroix has inserted these results, with an accompanying demonstration, in his quarto treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus ; but Iam not aware that this method of determination has been employed in Analytical Mechanics. One of the methods by which the transformation from indi- vidual to common variations has been effected is founded on the formule which give the variations of the cosines a, a’, a’, &e. in terms of the variations of the angles of rotation round the space-axes. This method has the advantage of leading RSL a on SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 339 readily to two integrations with respect to time, thus giving at once the principles of the centre of gravity, of areas and of living forces; but does not allow of integration with respect to the dimensions of the system, without which it is obvious that the phenomena of its motion cannot in general be ascer- tained. For this purpose either the equations of motion ob- tained by this transformation must be employed to produce six others which admit of this integration, as Laplace has done, or these six must be obtained directly from the general dyna- mical equation by the application of the formulas involving the variations of the angles of rotation round the axes of the body, a method which was first carried fully into effect by Lagrange. In his Mécanique Analytique, he effects this transformation, not by a direct method, but by means of his favourite subsid- lary formulas, (Vol. I. p. 13, edit. 1811); and in doing so he is under the necessity of warning the reader that the usual inter- change of the differential of the variation and the variation of the differential would not be legitimate with respect to the quantities ddP, 0dQ, ddR. The difference arising from the order in which the signs are placed (a difference obviously to be ascribed to the incompleteness of both the differential and the variation of the indefinite integrals P, Q, R,) Lagrange then carefully investigates and takes into account. In a note found among his papers after his death, and inserted. in an appendix at the end of the second volume of his Mécanique, he carries to its results, bya direct process, the last mentioned plan of transformation, and extends his analysis to all possible systems, whether solid or not, thereby having regard to the intestine or proper motions of the particles. As the method indicated in this note appears to me to conduct to the neces- sary results from the simplest principles, by the directest means, and with the smallest quantity of analysis compatible with a process entirely analytical, I shall devote a page or two of this paper to the purpose of obtaining, by means of this transformation, formulas preparatory to the solution of the problem I have proposed. On this subject I think it proper to premise, that as the whole notation I have adopted refers VOL. I11.—4 R da da’ da’ ll dl 340 ON THE MOTION OF to the three dimensions of matter with absolute similarity. the equations will necessarily form themselves into triplets perfectly symmetrical, so that when the first of each triplet is Investigated, the others will be had without calculation by changing simultaneously throughout the first triplet every letter of the triplets of notation into the letter which follows it circularly in that triplet. The same observation applies equally to the accents; to allow of which in all cases, it was necessary to alter in some respects the usual notation, which however will not be much disturbed if we make the triplets of successive accents refer to the fixed axes and the triplets of successive letters to the axes of the body. Among the quantities which I have distinguished by sym- bols, there exist the following well known relations. = §&-+a Bab YP ee, (2) ve £F+aa+by+e'z = &’+a'e +b'y +e'z = —F +ar+ar+a'e' (3) ys Sy, bebe hla! ; zo S=—St+ ert ev + er" he a b-+-a’'bd' +a’'b' = 0 re ae bib) — 1 be tee teee Vl — o Ces esse SF ca +c'a'-+-c'a’ = 0 (4) a Soe aC — a aad +066' ec = 0 Te bia 16!2 — 1 a’ a0" b' + ee’ — (a) Py cee | YaST ad aa += 6b =3e'c) = 0 dP = edb+cdb' + c'db’ (5) dQ = ade+ade +a'de" dR = bda+bda + b'da‘’ (6) b dR—c dQ db edP—adR de b'dR—c'dQ db’ e'dP —a'dR de’ = = adQ—bdP b'dR—c'dQ db’ = c'dP—a'dR de’ = a'dQ—b'dP = = a'dQ — b'dP SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 341 The equations marked (5) occur for the first time in La- grange’s memoir of 1773 referred to in the historical sketch which precedes this essay, and arise not by any derivation from their mechanical meaning, but simply as analytical abridgments naturally presenting themselves in the course of his investigations, and then afterwards examined and defined. The values of these velocities dP, dQ, dR, may however be obtained from their definitions without calculation, by means of the following simple consideration,—that the velocity round any one of the axes is the same with the velocity of a point (distant unity from OQ, in a second axis) estimated in the direc- tion of the third axis. Thus the components, in the direction of the fixed axes, of the velocity of the point (a, a’, a’) in the axis of 2, being da, da’, da’, its velocity in the direction of the axis of y will be bda+ b'da'+ b'da’, which is therefore equal to d#, the velocity of rotation round the axisof z. The velocities dP, dQ are then had by changing the letters. The following corollaries from the above formulas will be useful on a variety of occasions: (7) da’ +- da” + da” = dQ’ + dR’ db? 4-db° + db”: = dR’ dF” de® +- de* +- de’ = dP’ +dQ’ dadb +- da'db' +- da'db' = —dPdQ dbde +- db'de' +- db'de' = —dQdR deda +- de'da' + de'da" = —dRdP ada+-ada +a'da' = —(dQ@+ dR’) bd°b +- bb + b'd’b’ = —(dR?+ dP’) ede + ed’e + e'd’e' = — (dP* +- dQ’) al’b+-ad’b + a'd’b'’ = dPdQ—aR bd’e + bd’e + b'd’e’ = dQdR—ad’P eda + eda + e'da'’ = dRdP—a&’Q ad’c+-ad'¢ + a'd’c’ = dRdP+d’Q hda+bda +b'da’ = dPdQ+d'°R ed’b + c'd’?b’ + e'd?b’ dQdRk + d°P ve) 42 ON THE MOTION OF Much use will also be made of the subjoined equations: & =akb+hun+eg & = a+at+a't" e — we + bn +e, (8) n, — be + be + b’e" ge" — ae + b'y, a vt re = ce + cf == eg" dz, = ater a'de' edz? ita abee eee awe dy, = bdx-+bida'+b'dx" (9) @y, = ba + b'd’2' +b’ dz, = edz + cda' + edz’ Cz, = ee Heda! = clr dé, = ad&é+adé + a'dé’ Me, = adi+adt + a'd’é' dy, = hbdé + bide + b'dé" (10) @ yn, = bd’e + be + bE" dZ, = edé + edé + e'dé" 6 = eWE+ ede + Ve’ with similar expressions for the incomplete variations d2,, dy,, dz,, d&., 0m, 0%. Finally we have the following relations between the accelerative forces: X = @X%4b Y+¢Z Ds pia aX+ aX +a'X’ X=aX+hb¥+eZ (ll) YF = bX+WX+5'X’ X= a'X,4+ bY + c'Z Zi = X= eX -=1c'X" If we substitute now, in place of the variations and accele- rations of a, x’, 2’ in the above formulas, their values derived from equations (2), and reduce by means of (6) and (10), we shall find (12) Ox, = df,— yOR+2z0Q oy, = on —2z0P+20R dz, = 0¢,—270Q+y0P (13) Ux, = @é,— 2 (dQ +dR’)+ y(dPdQ — @R)+2z(dRdP + dQ) Wy, = dn, — y, (dR? + dP’) + z(dQdR — &P) + x(dPdQ-+ dR) Wz, = d’%,— z (dP? + dQ’) + 2,(dRdP — &Q) + y (dQdR + UP) Ds V W Il lt tl SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 343 By the substitution of these expressions in the second gen- eral formula (1), it becomes integrable with respect to S: and if we suppose the point O, to be taken in the centre of gravity of the system, we shall have, after the obvious reductions, (14) (M@’t, + SX Dm)oé, + [U + S(Zy, — ¥z,)Dm]oP ) (Min, + SY.Dm)on, + — V+ S(Xz,— Za) Dm3Q’ =o, (Met, + SZ Dmoz + [W+- Sl Vx, —Xy)Dm oR where (15) Adp — Gdr — Hdq+-(C — B)qr + Fr’ —) — Gpq-+ Arp . Bdq — Hdp —Fdr + (4 — C)rp + G(p* —1r°) — Har + Fpq. Cdr — Fdq — Gdp+ (B— A)pq+ Hg —p’)—F rp + Ga: which are the same expressions as those which are given by Lagrange in his first volume, although obtained by a process altogether different. These values would be greatly simplified by referring the elements Ym to the principal axes of the body; but as the axis which is vertical when a heavy body is at rest is not in general a principal axis, it will be found necessary, in investi- gating the phenomena of oscillatory motion, to retain the terms multiplied by #, G, H, quantities which may I think, from their giving rise to a constant displacement of the instan- taneous axis of rotation, be called with some propriety the distorsive moments of inertia. If the system is free, then by equating to nought the coef- ficients of the six variations, we shall obtain six equations determining the progressive and rotatory motion of the body, namely, (16) VOL. I11.—4 s 344 ON THE MOTION OF Md’:,4-SX Dm = 0, Md’n,+SY,Dm = o, Md’%,-+-SZ,Dm = 0; U+S(Zy—Y¥z)Dm = o, V+tSXz,—Z2z,)Dm = o, W-S(¥a,—Xy)Dm = o. of which the first three may, by means of equations (10) and (11), be made to assume the following more usual form (17) Mat + SX Dm = o, Md’é' + SX'Dm = o, Md’é’ +- SX’Dm = o. But if the body, as in the problem I have proposed to examine, is forced to roll or slide on a given surface, the above varia- tions are no longer independent, and we must ascertain the influence which the progressive and rotatory motions have upon each other; or to give this question the geometrical form which the nature of variations seems essentially to require, it is necessary to determine the geometrical relations which a given limitation of position will occasion among the elementary changes of those magnitudes on which the station and the as- pect of the body depend. For this purpose, let AK = 0 repre- sent the equation of the given supporting surface referred to the axes fixed in space, and let AK, = o be the equation of the surface of the given oscillating body referred to its own axes. Let L, LZ’, L’, L, M, N, represent the cosines of the space and body axe-angles made by the normal common to both surfaces at the point of variable contact P, for whose space and body coordinates we may employ the symbols 2, 2’, 2’, X,Y, 2, 80 as to make the formulas (3) applicable to these coordinates, recollecting only that z, y,, z, are now variable quantities. Then because the normal is at right angles to the SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 345 elements ds, 0s, of the curves traced’ on the two surfaces by the point of contact P, and that dz, da’, dx", dx,, dy,, dz,, are proportional to the cosines of the space and body axe-angles of this element, we have the two equations (18) Loe +L) b2' + L'dx" = 0; Lox, + Moy, + Noz, = o. But the variational equations of the given surfaces are dK dk dk ) qa ox + a7 08 + Zor! = O5 ak, dK, dk, Oz, ak dy, OY: se az, 0, =="'0!; dz, which equations, to subsist simultaneously with the other two, require that we should have (19) dk dk, ged es Le Ee: dk dk, | eee Peis. ay K beset Ei =e m= 2.48, ite Mange CK ee Ey LL = k.z- N os ka : dR dk ake , if Fe Whence ky/ aaah, gee + a) = V+ L°+L") =1, dK? dk dha NG? and i api + a +o) u Similarly dK? - dK? | aK\— k — dzx,* + dy? + E?) 346 ON THE MOTION OF These last formulas, which are well known to mathemati- cians, willenable us to find the values of L, ZL’, L', L, M, N, in all cases where the surfaces are known, and thereby to put their differential or variational equations in the forms above given (18); forms which will always be found remarkably well adapted to geometrical and mechanical inquiries, from the facility with which the analytical results can be translated into the language of geometry. Between these cosines there exist the following relations: (20) LE =atrb+tMicn, L=al+wM-+e'N., ce ase a'L+b'M-+c'N;: L=alL-+aL'+a'L', M=tbL+0'L'+0)'L’', N, eh Len! : Taking now the variations of equations (2), and recollecting that x, y,, z, are no longer constant, we obtain (21) dv = 0& +a 0x,+b dy +c 6z +20a +Yy0b +2z0¢ , dv’ = Of +a'dx +b dy +¢'dz,+ 20a' +y0b' +20’. dx" = 0&’+a'dx, + boy + ¢'dz,4+-x0a' + y0b' +z 00". Adding these equations together, after multiplying the first by Z, the second by ZL’, and the third by Z", and then redu- cing by means of the formulas (20), there results +-( Loe +L 08! + Le "\+-y(Lob+ Lidb'+ L'3b") —(Loa+ L'da'+ L'd2") + 2(Loa+ Lda'+ Lda") =0 +(Lox+M oy, + Noz,)+ 2(Loe + L'de'+ L'de") Substituting in place of the variations of the nine cosines their SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 347 values (6), reducing by means of equations (20), and observ- ing that the differential equations of the surfaces give us Lox + Lz' + L'dx' = 0, Loz,+ Moy, + Noz, = 0, we shall find 0 = Lb + L'dt + LE" + (Ny —Mz)0P, +(L,z,—N2x)0Q, ate (Mz,—L yok, which, by virtue of the relations (10) and (11), may be also presented in this form, (22) 0 = L0§, + Mon +N 9%. + (Ny, —Mz)0P, + (L,z,—Nx,)dQ, Ee (Mz, ee Ly ok; remarkable expressions, independent of the variations*of the point of contact, and containing the required relation between the variations of the station and aspect of the body made ne- cessary by the condition of its contact with the given surface of support. These equations are in other respects independent of the manner in which the body is forced to slide, roll, or whirl upon the surface, and are therefore true under every hypothesis of friction. It may be well to observe that these equations, the last for example, may be obtained by another method which introduces formulas that may be frequently useful in geometrical as well asin physical inquiries. If we investigate the equations ( 12), and have regard in so doing to the present variability of x, y,,z. we shall find (23) dx,— dx, = df, —ydR+2z dQ, dy, — dy, = oy, —z6P+2)R, dz, —0z, = 06, —270Q+y6P. VOL. Ill.—<4 T i ye ¥ "7 d 348 ON THE MOTION OF But if we add equations (9) together after multiplying them respectively by Z,, MM, and NV, and reduce by means of (20), we shall find Loz,-+ Mey, + Nez, = Lox + Ld! + L'dx"; which the equations of the two surfaces enable us to write in this form, L (02, — 2,) + M(ay. — ¢y,) + N(dz,—8z) = 0. This last expression becomes, with the aid of the three equa- tions given above, L (08, ea yok mi z0Q) M (on, —z0P+20R) ==" Or, which as the same with the result before obtained, and is in fact expressing algebraically that the velocity of the point of contact is nought in the direction of the normal. Care must be taken to distinguish between oz,, dy,, dz,, and 0z,, dy,, dz,. They both denote the variations of the point of contact (P) estimated in the direction of the body-axes; but the former denote its variation along the surface of the moving body, the latter its variation along the surface of suppert. ‘The former are of the kind called incomplete variations, the body axes being supposed to remain fixed during any one of these vari- ations, and to vary instantaneously in passing to the next. The latter are the total variations of the actual body coordinates of the point of contact (P). These two kinds of variations ne- ver coincide in value except in the case of rolling motion un- accompanied by sliding. If the body is supported upon two, three, four or five given surfaces, there will be as many equations of condition similar to equation (22) as there are surfaces of support: if the body is required to be in contact with six given surfaces, its station and aspect become determinate and motion is no longer possi- \va oe SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 349 ble; the formulas I have given will however be very useful in investigating the position of the body. If there be abso- lutely no friction, in that case the above equations of condition are the only ones which exist along with the general dynami- cal equation. But if there be proposed any hypothesis of fric- tion or analogous restraint, the following considerations will assist us in determining the relations between the momentary changes in translation and rotation. Let us, for the sake of greater generality, suppose that the two bodies M and M’, which are in contact with each other, are both of them in motion. There will be now at least six different velocities at the point of contact, liable without atten- tion to be confounded with each other :—I. The absolute ve- locity in space of the physical point of contact p of the body M. Il. The absolute velocity in space of the physical point of contact p’ belonging to the body M’. III. The absolute velocity of the geometrical point of contact P. IV. The velocity with which the point P changes its place on the sur- face of M. V. The velocity with which the same point P changes its place on the surface of the body MZ’. VI. The velocity of rasure-—The same distinctions are to be observed with respect to the directions which belong to these velocities. The effects of friction at the point of contact will depend en- tirely upon the velocity and direction of rasure, which are the same with which the physical points p and p’ recede from each other in the instant after they meet at the geometrical point P. If one of the bodies as M’ be fixed, then this velo- city and direction will be the same with the absolute velocity and direction of the physical point p, and the velocities of ra- sure in the direction of the body coordinates will therefore be denoted generally by dé, —ydR-+z dQ, dy, — zdP+axdR, [Qe xdQ-+ydP, or, when necessary, by the values (23), which we have shewn to be equivalent to the above expressions. We may suppose 350 ON THE MOTION OF the friction to be a function of these velocities or of the press- ure or of both conjointly. The effect of this would be to add to the other accelerating forces three new ones applied to the point (2,y,z,) of the form of dx, — dz, dy, — dy, dz, — dz, dae’ pa Pe ae ae Pe where ¢@ is any given function of the pressure and velocity of rasure dv, dv itself being equal to V [(dax, — dz, )’ +- (dy, — dy,)° + (dz, —dz,)"}. The pressure is then to be eliminated from the equations of motion; after which there will remain a number of equations sufficient, in conjunction with the equations of the surfaces, to determine the position of the body in terms of the time. If the friction, be the cause of it what it may, be exactly suffi- cient to prevent all sliding, while it offers no impediment to the body’s revolution round the normal at the point of contact, the motions will be of a nature much more resembling actual oscillations and rotations on supporting surfaces, than in the hypothesis of surfaces absolutely smooth, particularly when the tangent plane at P remains throughout the motion nearly horizontal. The effects of this kind of motion, of which the pendulum with a cylindrical axis is the simplest possible spe- cies, have not, that I know of, been examined by any author, when the triple rotation of pitching, rocking and whirling are all considered at once. Nevertheless, the problem of the small oscillations of the kind above described upon a plane or sphe- rical surface is susceptible of complete integration and solu- tion in the case both of free sliding and perfect rolling, what- ever be the figure and constitution of the oscillating body, and whatever be the velocity round one of the axes, provided that it be compatible with small rotations round the other two. I have given in the New York Mathematical Diary for July 1827 formulas which are applicable to the case of all bodies, SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 351 of any shape and density whatever with a spherical areola of contact, whirling and oscillating with a perfect rolling motion on an horizontal plane. ‘The method I now offer is intended to comprise every form of this areola, having regard at the same time to the nature of the surface of support. When the friction prevents all sliding, the elements of the curves described on the two surfaces are equal, and moreover coincide at every instant of the arbitrary variations, so that we have necessarily (24) ox = adaz,+b dy, +e dz, dv’ = a'dx, +b'dy,+c'0z, dx" = a'dxz, + b'dy, + c¢'0z,. These values reduce equations (21) to o = 0& +20a +y0b +20 , o = df +20a' +y0b' +200’, o = 0&’+ 20a" +y0b' +200"; or, substituting for the variations of the cosines their values as given by equations (6), o=0& +(cy—bz)0P+(az—cx)Q+(bx—a y)R, o= 0 + (6'y—b'z,)0P + (a'z—e'# OQ+ (b'x—a'y OR, 0 = 08'-+ (c'y, —b'z,)0P + (az, —c'x, )0Q + (b'2 —a'y OR; expressions which, by means of equations (10) and the reduc- tions arising from the relations (4), may be presented in this form (25) o = 0§,+20Q—y)R, 0 = oy +270R—2z OP, o = %.+y0P—2z0Q. These are the relations which the condition of the peculiar VOL. Ill.—4 U 352 ON THE MOTION OF motion now considered introduces among the variations of the six elements of position*. The same results may be obtained immediately from the equation dv = o (which is the fundamental equation of this kind of motion) taken in connection with the value of dv given above. It is evident that we have also in this case Od JOR 4, OY +=, Dy), Oc Ose If there be asecond surface of support upon which also the body is to roll without sliding, we shall have three other equations exactly similar to the above. If we denote by da,, 09., dy, the variations in the direction of the body-axes of a fixed point in the body whose body-coordinates referred to O, are a, , y, we shall obtain from equations (12) ; da, = 0&, +ydQ—GOR, 03, = dn, +a0Q—y,0P, oy, = 06,+80Q—adQ. From which if we subtract (25) we have da, = (y—2)9Q—(B—y WR, 03, = (a—2,)dR—(y —z,)0P, dy, = (8—y,)0P— (a —2,)0Q. For the points of the body which are momentarily at rest, both sides of these equations become equal to nought, and we obtain the equation of a straight line passing through the point of contact and parallel to the axis of instantaneous rotation. * Since this communication was handed to the Librarian to be read be- fore the Society, Mr E. Nulty has shown me the above three formulas, derived (in the solution of a problem that had recently occupied his attention) from the ingenious consideration that in perfect rolling the motion of the physical point of contact in the direction of the body-axes is equal and opposite to the motion of the point in which these axes are supposed to have their origin. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. SIS When the surfaces are considered as perfectly smooth, we have seen that there are as many equations of condition as there are surfaces of support to be taken in conjunction with the general dynamical equation. . Multiplying each of these equations by an indeterminate coefficient and equating to nought the sums of the coefficients of the variations, there re- sults (26) Pe, + SX Dm -—- SOL, = (ys d’y,t+-SY¥Y Dm+ s0M = 0, dv. + SZ Dmn+>0N = 0; U+S(Zy,~ ¥z,)Dm+ 20 Ny, — Mz) = 0, V +S Xz,—Z,2,)Dm-+- >6(L,z,— Nz) = 0, WH-S(Yx,—Xy) Dm 26 Mz,—Ly) = 0: where = denotes the sum of similar quantities, 9 one of the indeterminate coefficients, the mass at the same time being put equal to unity. These equations are evidently the same as those which would have been obtained immediately by substituting in place of the surfaces unknown forces acting constantly in the direction of the normals at the variable points of contact, and then considering the system as free. The equations of con- dition however would still have been indispensable, in order to supply the number of equations lost in the elimination of the unknown forces of reaction. I should also on other ac- counts have preferred investigating these equations by the preceding method; because it furnishes a variety of formulas useful in the analytical geometry of touching surfaces, and extremely convenient in the determination of the motions of bodies subject to a friction producing some assignable relation between their sliding and their rolling motions. If we restrict ourselves to the examination of the motion on a single surface, the body being acted on by common gra- vity g, the preceding formulas become, (reckoning the positive 354 ON THE MOTION OF coordinates x” downward from the hovizontal plane of z and a and observing that we have — ge is X = —sgu', ¥Y=—sgb’, Z,= ==h6 Di; Sy:Dm = 0, Sa Dna SS) 105 Sz Dm the other quantities remaining as before,) H:,+6L = ga’, dy, +6M = gb’, d+ON, = U+-6(Ny,—Mz) = V+6(Lz,—N2x) = o, W-6(Mz,—Ly,) ar from which 6 being eliminated, there will remain five equa- tions, which along with the equation of condition comprehend and determine all the phenomena of the motion. The first three of the above equations may by means of formulas (8) and (11) be presented in this form (28) - ve+0h =o, vée'+6L' = 0, @e"+0L" = g; which are in appearance simpler than the others, more espe- cially as the accelerations are now complete. It will however be found necessary to have recourse to the former, except when the supporting surface is a plane, or the supported body is a homogeneous sphere. Let us now suppose that the surface of the moving body and the surface of support are both of the second degree. For the sake of greater simplicity, let us suppose also that the rec- tangular diameters of the surface of support coincide with the axes in space, and that the centre of the moving body when SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 355 it has a centre, or the summit or a point in the axis when it is without a centre, is at the same time its centre of gravity. Let the equations of the two surfaces be respectively x gz’? a? oreo Lie y,- Zz, — JG@+'+8)- = 0, where the constants are the semi-axes of the figure. Or, what will be more commodious in the present instance, let these equations be presented in the forms 0, 0, (Aa? + Me? + Ae”) —1 V(4 2; — By? + Cc z, 3) ——)! where the constants are the reciprocals of the squares of the semi-axes, and .4 of course not td be confounded with the 4 used before. These equations, although apparently only in- tended for ellipsoids, spheroids of revolution, and spheres, will answer for all surfaces of the second degree whatever, provided the following changes be made in the results to which the above would lead. 1. For a single-napped hyperboloid, change the sign of the square of the semi-axis of the ellipsoid corresponding to the imaginary axis. 2. For a double-napped hyperboloid, change the signs of the squares of the two semi-axes of the ellipsoid which corre- spond to the two imaginary axes. 3. For an elliptical paraboloid, diminish, in the results, the coordinates parallel to the figure’s axis by the corresponding semi-axis of the ellipsoid; then make all the semi-axes infinite, but so that the two third proportionals to the first mentioned semi-axis and each of the other two, shall remain finite and VOL. 111.—4 xX 356 ON THE MOTION OF be equal to the semi-parameters of the principal parabolic sec- tions. 4. For a hyperbolic paraboloid, the same transformation, changing the sign of the parameter of the principal negative parabola. The origin of the coordinates of the paraboloids will then be at the summit of the axis. 5. Foran elliptical or circular cone, change the sign of the square of the semi-axis corresponding to the axis of the cone; then make all the semi-axes infinite, but so that that the ratios of the semi-axis first mentioned to the other two may be equal to the ratios of any altitude of the cone to the semi-axes of the corresponding base. 6. For an elliptical or circular cylinder, make infinite the semi-axis of the ellipsoid corresponding to the infinite axis of the cylinder. 7. For a hyperbolic cylinder, make a similar alteration, and change the sign of the square of the semi-axis which corre- sponds to the imaginary axis of the principal hyperbolic section. 8. For a parabolic cylinder, the same alterations as for either of the paraboloids, making infinite at the same time the third proportional to the two semi-axes corresponding to the normal and the infinite axes of the cylinder. The values of the cosines of the normal’s axe-angles obtain- ed by means of the differential formulas (19) lead to the fol- lowing equations: (29) D Ia) oa ee L=kAz, LL! == he S M =KhBY; e Dall pee Oy c DL! ke 3 , — FU Z3 where k and k are respectively equal to 1 1 V (Aa Ae? + AP a”)? V (Aja? + B7y? + C727) * The above equations may beso combined with the equations of the surface, as to furnish other forms for k and k, namely SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 357 Ve DE? a? LD? +a°L"), V(a/L + 67M? +y/N’) Finally, it is easy to verify the following values of these same quantities: k= Lre+L2'+TL'2', k= La+My+ Nz. These last expressions are susceptible of an obvious geome- trical interpretation, and show that k and k, are the projections of the two radius vectors of the point of contact upon the com- mon normal at that point. The conditions (20) of a common normal moreover give (30) kde = k(Aaz+Bby+Cez,), kA'e = k(Aa'e+Bb'y+Ce'z,), kA'r’ = k(Aa'e + Bb'y +C ez); k Ae, = k(Max+ Aa'e'+ A'a'r'), kKBy, = k(@ba+ Ab'2e'+ A1'b'r'), kC,z, = k(Aex+ Ac'ae'+A'e'r'). From each of these triplets may be obtained expressions for the ratio of the two projections which may occasionally be useful. If we add the first three equations together after mul- tiplying the first equation by x, the second by 2’, and the third by a", reducing by means of equations (4) and the equa- tion of the surface of support, and proceed by an analogous method with the second triplet, employing in the reduction the surface of the moving body, we shall obtain the two equa- tions x, = (@,+£) a? ua (y,+7,) a rity (z, bi) oa a] k : aes! ; iN a E=(@—£)5+@—-£)R+(e'—-E')5, 358 ON THE MOTION OF which, by means of the equations of the surfaces, will become Ui nde tH, 1 GM, 2K, k, =a lg ae te aye eG seit sttioL If now we substitute the first of these two values in the first triplet of equations (30) and then substitute the values of x, x, x” thus transformed in the first triplet of equations (2), 2, y,, z, may be determined by quadratics in terms of &, , ¢, and the aspect of the body. By a process altogether similar, x, x, x" may be obtained in terms of & &, &". At the same time it ought to be observed, that whatever be the nature of the surfaces, if from the seven equations K =o, K, = 0, either of the triplets (2), and any two of the three equations of contact (20) (the three being in fact equivalent to two in consequence of the condition Z’+-L°--L"= L’°+-M°+-N*) we eliminate the space and body coordinates of the point of contact, there will remain an equation of condition between the elements of the station and the aspect of the body, of which equation (22) is in all cases the differential. As the angular velocities p, g, r are functions of the nine cosines and their differentials, and as these are connected by six equations of condition and variously expressible in functions of the three elements of the aspect of the body, it follows that the six equations of motion will by the above mentioned sub- stitutions involve, beside the time, the six elements of the position of the body. If we substitute in place of L,, 7, VV in the equations of motion their values as given by equations (29) and employ at the same time the abridgments, C28 = 4a Be = BayeR Bes SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 359 we shall find (31) Ce Adke, = g0!. dn, +Boky, = gb’, O Coot Ok Za = 96" s U+ A0kyz, = o V+ BOkz2, = 0, W+C6kxy, = o: equations to which we shall have occasion to refer hereafter. To return now for a moment to the general problem. If we add the second triplet of equations (27) together, after multiplying the first equation by Z,, the second by and the third by JV, there results LU+MV+-NW = o. Substituting in this equation, in place of the six quantities which it involves, their values (15) and (20), and reducing by means of the relations (4), we shall find L'.d(ad‘P'+b'Q + a i) L'.d(a'’P' + b’Q' + c'R’) ——F Oe L.d(aP+bQ+e ns where P’, Q, & are the partial differentials, with respect to p> 4.7%, of the function = 1(Ap’ + By + Cr’) — (For + Grp + pq), which is one half of the living forces of the body arising from its motion of rotation. By means of equations (20), the relations (4) and the sub- stitutions (6), it will be found that the foregoing equation is susceptible of being presented in the following form : VOL. III.—4 Y 360 ON THE MOTION OF P(dL, + MdR— NdQ) d(LP+MQY+ NR) = Q(dM + NdP — LdR) R( dN + LdQ — MdP). ‘These equations are true of all supporting and supported sur- faces whatever. It might easily be shown that this last equa- tion is capable of being derived from the principle that the rate of increase of the sum of all the areas projected on the plane tangent to the point of variable contact is momentarily constant, the tangent plane being supposed to remain for a moment fixed while the body passes on to its consecutive po- sition on the surface of support. When the sustaining surface is an inclined plane, L, L, ZL’ become constant, and the right member of the last equation will vanish on the substitution of the values which Z,, 17, NV acquire in such a case, so that the equation becomes integrable with respect to time, and we obtain LP +MQ+NR = f, I being an arbitrary constant. Again, if we add together the second triplet (27), after multiplying the three equations respectively by dP, dQ, dR, and reduce by means of the equation of condition (22), we obtain UdP +- VdQ+ Wdk — 6(Ldé-+ Lid + L'de) = o. Substituting for L, LZ’, LZ” their values (20), and performing the operation indicated in the first three terms of this equa- tion, there will result dT déd’é +- dé'd’é + dé'd’é" — gdé"’ = 0. an equation whose integral gives us the principle of living for- SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 361 ces applied to the problem of any solid body rolling on any given surface, T+ (dé + dé*+dé")— gt’ = J, J being another arbitrary constant, and MW = 1. It is evident, moreover, that the same triplet furnishes the relation Ux, + Vy, + Wz, =o. When the body is in a state of permanent equilibrium upon the surface of support, the velocities and accelerations of the six elements of its position are nought, and the six equations of motion give us YO a Pe Ny, —Mz =o. VE = sol. L2z,— Nx = 0: Dp G45 Mzx,—Ly, =o. The first equations express that the direction of the normal is vertical, the others that it passes through the centre of gravity. In general we may observe, that the equations of the motion of rotation are in fact the equations of the normal at the point of contact, and that the distance of the normal from the centre of gravity is at all times equal to JV (U?+V°+W?) : 4 ? so that /(U* + V*+- W*) represents the effect which the plane's reaction on the body has in producing the motion of rotation. The line which passes through the centre of gravity and any one of the points B of the surface on which it may be balan- ced is not in general a principal axis; but as the preceding formulas are independent of the position of these axes, we are 362 ON THE MOTION OF permitted to take any of the lines OB for the axis of z,. For the sake of greater brevity we may call the points B, the bal- lancing points and the lines O,B, the natural verticals of the body. The phenomena of the motions of the body immediately about its state of equilibrium will manifestly depend upon the configuration of the surfaces or areolas as we may term them in the immediate vicinities of the two points B and B, the former denoting any of the points of the sustaining surface with which 6 may be in contact when the body is at rest. From the established theory of contacts, it follows that every point, not singular, of any surface whatever may be brought into a contact of the second order with some curve surface of the second degree. Dupin, in particular, has shewn, in his excellent supplement to the Analytical Geometry of Monge, that every plane section of any curve surface parallel to a tan- gent plane and infinitely near to it is a conic section, indicating all the characters of the curvature around the point touched by the tangent plane. It is easy to infer from this, that for all phenomena depending upon the curvature of the areolas at B and B these points may in all cases be regarded as the summits of paraboloids, elliptical, hyperbolical or intermediate. This proposition, which is fundamental, might be also proved thus. Let x, y, z denote the coordinates of either areola reckoning from 6 or B along the tangent plane and normal. The most general equation of the areola will then be z= Ae’+ Bry+ Cy’, the condition of a tangent plane requiring that z should be of two dimensions in x and y, and the condition that the point is not a singular one excluding fractional and negative exponents. As the direction of the axes xz and y in the tangent plane is arbitrary, the term Bxy may be made to disappear, and the equation becomes simply 2 Srey, SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 363 a paraboloid, elliptical, hyperbolical or intermediate, according as C’ is positive, negative or nought, the constants 2 and C representing the reciprocals of the greatest and least diameters of curvature. In a similar manner it might be shown that every areola whatever may be represented by the areola around the summit of some assignable hyperboloid with an arbitrary vertical axis,—elliptical when the areola is concurvate, that is with the curvatures of all its normal sections directed the same way,—hyperbolical when discurvate, or with the curvatures of its normal sections directed some one way and some the opposite,—cylindrical when the curvature of the areola is in- termediate as in the case of developable surfaces. It follows therefore, from what precedes, that in the prob- lem of the small oscillations of supported bodies, the equations (31) obtained above for surfaces of the second degree, with the positions there proposed, will answer for all possible areo- las of contact, the arbitrary values of the axes a’ and y, ena- bling us to avail ourselves completely of this simplification by placing the centre of the osculating figure in the centre of gravity of the body, at the same time that we may take any point at pleasure in the vertical through B for the origin of the invariable axes. The hypothesis that, during the motion of the body, its na- tural vertical declines but very little from the position which it would occupy if at rest, is equivalent to supposing that ¢ and ¢ are at all times very small, and we shall regard them therefore in the following calculations as infinitesimals of the first order. The hypothesis that the two areolas of contact are indefinitely small is analytically expressed by considering z and 2’, 2, and y as quantities infinitely small. The preceding formulas will now enable us to ascertain what values the rest of the denoted quantities acquire in consequence of these two hypotheses, and the conditions of their legitimacy will appear in the equa- tions of condition which arise in the course of the solution of the problem. 'The fundamental relations (4) give us in the first place, neglecting all infinitesimals of higher orders than the first, e’ =1, 6 = —a’, b' =a. The values of VOL. IlIl.—4 Z 364 ON THE MOTION OF p:gand r are best obtained by means of formulas (6). They furnish immediately (32) p =— ra’ + di ic ; q — rb’ —da’. The same equations give da = bdR, db = —adR, which, integrated in conjunction with a* + b* =1, give us a= cos R, b = —sin R, the angle R being counted from the axis of z. The nine cosines then become a =cosR, b=—snRk, c= Jb'snR—a'cosR, a’ =snR,. b' = cosR, ec =—b'cosR—a'sinkR, a= a3 bY See a ; From equations ($8) and the equations of the surfaces we ob- tain a!’ = a’, fall ~ — . if at b D) 4 =<—9, — a —y . The analysis gives these constants the double sign, which I omit, as in case of application it will always be immediately obvious which will be affected with +- and which with —. Thus if both areolas are concave upward, and the centre of gravity of the oscillating body is above the point of contact and below the centre of the figure which osculates with the areola of support, then the signs remain as above, the ellipsoid or elliptical paraboloid being in such a case the proper oscula- ting figure. If, as in the common pendulum, the point Q, is below B,, and the two areolas are still concave upward, the osculatrix of the areola at B must be an hyperboloid or el- liptical paraboloid with the point O, taken in the prolongation of the axis, and the constant a” would change its sign. If the pendulum were hung upon a fixed annulus interlinking with another annulus at the upper extremity of the pendulum, both areolas would then become discwrvafe and the osculating figures would be either single-napped hyperboloids or hyper- ~ SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 365 bolic paraboloids. In cases of this kind, it may be well to observe at once, the analysis does not necessarily regard the motion round the normal as arrested by the impenetrability of the rings, but implies in general a mutual penetrability so as to admit but a single point of contact. The law of continuity, a law to which analysis, in all its processes, adheres with singular and sometimes indeed with inconvenient faithfulness, requires us to attribute to both sides of the supporting surface the power of feeling and sustaining in both directions, the presence of the moving body. Thus, if We suppose a sphere in motion on the oufside of another sphere, it would evidently come, at some determinate epoch, into a position where its pressure on the supporting surface would be nought. It would there leave the surface, and its motion afterwards would be a separate problem. An analy- tical solution of the question however would regard the mov- ing body as still connected with the surface of support, and exerting on it a pressure tending to draw it outward from its centre. ‘This pressure would be such as would arise from a momentary but continually renewed connecting thread infin- itely short passing from sphere to sphere at the point of va- riable contact, or such as would take place if we supposed the surfaces of one of the spheres to consist of two concentric spherical surfaces infinitely near each other, and the momen- tary point of contact of the other sphere to be always engaged and confined between them. Again, let us suppose that a circle rolls and slides inside down an ellipsis whose maximum curvature is greater and whose minimum is less than the curvature of the circle. If we suppose moreover the long axis yertical and the short axis longer than the diameter of the circle, the circle in descending will come first to a place where it will touch the ellipsis in two points and there phys- ically it. would stop, but the analysis (on the hypothesis of one original point of contact) will consider the circle as geo- metrical except at this point of contact, and of course will represent the circle as passing onward unimpeded by this second contact. It will then reach a point in the ellipse where the * 366 ON THE MOTION OF curvatures of the two curves are equal, and where on one side of the point of osculation the circle passes inside, and on the other outside of the ellipsis. Before the circle comes into this position the are of contact is entirely within, after it leaves it entirely without, the ellipsis, and the connection must be maintained as in the preceding example. The same remarks will apply to the motion of an ellipsoid placed within a sphere of a curvature intermediate between the greatest and least curvature of the ellipsoid, to all contacts between dis- curvate surfaces, and in general to all cases in which the maz- mum curvature of one of the surfaces is not less than the minimum curvature of the other. In order to determine the actual oscillatory motions of such bodies, we must institute as many equations of condition similar to (22) as the moving body can have points of contact with the supporting surface. We must then determine when the pressure at any one of these points becomes equal to nought, after which the problem is to be considered as a new one, and the subsequent motion of the body must be traced by applying to it the equations resulting from one contact less than before, until the body either again comes into a fresh point of contact, or loses another of the contacts which it was supposed to have at first. In the course of the various positions into which the moving body would come, it would frequently happen that two of the points would unite into one by an inosculation of the curves of contact, or one would become two, as when a sphere moves upon an oval annulus of smaller dimensions than the sphere from the concurvate to the discurvate portion of it. An inquiry into motions of this kind is however foreign to the purpose of this paper, and I return to the consideration of the problem when restricted to a single point of contact. The selection of a paraboloid, in its three varieties of ellip- tical, hyperbolical and intermediate, to serve as the osculating figure of the areola at ‘the balancing point of the body. is at- tended with the advantage that, beside suiting all possible cases of curvature, it is always applicable, whether the centre of SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 367 gravity be at the balancing point, above it, or below it. This is evident from the equation of the curve, BP De peg tei) = 0, where it is manifest that y, may be taken arbitrarily, positive, negative or nought, without producing any other change than an elevation or depression of the origin, while the different values and signs which we may ascribe to a, and @, will furnish us with areolas of every variety of curvature. This advantage is however unimportant in the present inquiry, which is rather to ascertain the results of the general problem than to enter into a detailed examination of each particular case. Resuming therefore the expressions (30) before obtained for ellipsoids on ellipsoidal surfaces, and observing that the quantities k and k, in the case of small oscillations become constant and equal to the fixed and moveable vertical semi-axes, retaining at the same time the symbols ce", x", z,, &", ¢, in order to permit without further substitutions the application of the usual formulas, the second triplet of equations (30) furnish, when the areola of support is spherical, whatever be the form of the areola around the balancing point of the oscillating body, kAz = kA (ax + a'x' + a'x"), kBy = kA (be+be' + b'x"), kCz, = kA(er+ecr' + e'xr"). EA! By means of equations (3) these become ay, 2, = x, = be 5 x, = lé, s ay, By = y +n, or oF Ts . ay, Cz, = z, == g, ; Zz, a= n G < Substituting the values of z,, y,, z, in equations (31) and em- ploying the following abridgments, VOL. I11.—5 A 368 ON THE MOTION OF Wee eae yh ems peer Bees bs acaba aN Bie Bik A me? fe eae S } it ey Ga ynesle pa Blk nF, a oy a2 A b) nF, Ts ay,— 8, =e B, 3 omitting infinitesimals of the second order, and restoring dt and M, we obtain (34) d*g, Opies i a x5 = se, d*n, 8 Bl Sa. ut dit? yt es gb b) 6 = 83 U — M6B», = 0, V+ Mb6AE = 0, an Ore By an examination of the values of the first and second differ- entials of the indefinite integrals &, 7,0, £., 7... given by equations (10), it will readily be seen that, with the assistance of the relations (4), (6), (8), the following expressions will be verified (35) dé = d&i — ndR+ ZdQ, dy, = dy, — (dP + EdR, dé, = dZ — —&dQ+ naP; @e, = @t,—dydR+didQ, Ce a —— dy, —d¢.dP + dz dk, a, = dt,—dé.dQ+dydP: equations analogous to those first obtained by Lagrange to de- note the motions of rotation of a system of particles which have at the same time individual motions of their own. In the case of small oscillations the third and sixth of these equa- Guinea. 5 on SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 369 tions vanish altogether, as all the terms are infinitesimals of the second order, and the other four become (36) dé = dé— » dR+ZdQ, a dy, = dy— ¢ dP+£EdR; we, = @é —dydR, dy, = d’y,+dé.dR: where ¢ becomes a constant, and equal to «a — y. These equations are to be taken in connection with the equa- tions of motion, and, as will presently be seen, will, along with these equations, assume the form of eight linear equations in a,b, Exms &sms Ess.» With constant coefficients, reducible to four, by means of which the motion of the body will be completely determined, and the elements of its position as- signed in finite and explicit functions of the time. It would be easy to show, as Lagrange has done in the case of a body revolving and oscillating about a fixed point, that the centrifugal force of a body revolving on a surface nearly hor- izontal will throw its vertical axis to a finite distance from the fixed vertical, unless when either the rotation round the body’s vertical is very small, in which case the distorsive moments of inertia F’ and G may be any whatever, or else when F' and G are very small, and then the rotation round the vertical may be what we please. In both cases the form of the body and the distribution of its density may be such that the third distorsive moment of inertia H (which is brought into action only by the velocities p and g, and enters into the values of V7, Vand W, multiplied by these velocities only, or by their rates of increase) may be indefinitely great without affecting the truth of the solution. Supposing then in the first place that r is very small, the values of p and g already found become p = db’, g = — da’, and the four equations last given (omitting hereafter the in- oes accents of ¢ and y,, as no longer wanted) are reduced to (37) ee 370 ON THE MOTION OF d& = d&+dQ. heb td 2 i Cb = Wk, ay, = d'y,: whence we obtain dé, = dé —Zda'dt, d*y, = d’y,+¢db'dt. By means of these expressions and the equation 6 = g, ‘the two first equations of motion (34) become ae, da’ & te OG + EE ga" = 0, d*m, db’ g rifeekel ae es Ga ee = OO. At the same time the equation W = o (15) becomes CR + Fid’a' — Gd’b’ = o. Substituting, in the expressions for U and V (15), db’ for p, — da’ for q, and for dr its value derived from the preceding equation, we shall find (ac — o)"" (CH+GF) <5 —CMgB,n, = 0, (BC — F*) ©" +. (CH+GF) <2 — OMeA,£ = 0; which, together with the two equations above involving the same four variables, constitute four linear equations of the second order, with constant coefficients. It is well known that such equations are in all possible cases integrable in finite terms by the method of D’Alembert or other analogous pro- ——ven ' EE SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 371 cesses. (Lacroix, Cal. Int. Vol. II. p. 37.) In the course of this computation, into which the limits of the present com- munication will not allow me to enter, equations of limitation will arise showing the conditions of the oscillatory motions of the body. These equations will in general be expressed in the form of relations between the constants which determine the form and magnitude of the areolas of contact, the magni- tude and density of the body and the position of its centre of gravity. Among the oscillatory motions possible, there is one of a peculiar nature which I do not recollect ever having seen remarked,—I mean when the motion is around a state of equi- librium, stable from the form of the moving body but unstable from the form of the supporting surface, or the contrary; as for example, when an ellipsoid is balanced on the outer surface of a sphere, the summit of the shortest axis of the ellipsoid being in contact with the highest point on the surface of the sphere. Into such a position we may conceive the ellipsoid to have descended from some assignable initial place of rest, or some combination of position and velocity. A motion would ensue which in a variety of cases would be oscillatory. The oscillations would however be liable to be broken by the application of the slightest force, and would be followed by the entire departure of the body from the place it occupied. These motions may be called unstable oscillations. They bear the same relation to stable oscillations that unstable does to stable equilibrium. With respect to the four linear equations above obtained, I shall only add that in the present case they may be imme- diately reduced by eliminating & and y, to two equations of the fourth order of the form dta’ d+b’ d?a’ d*b’ da’ i 8a Bae t+ € g@teD atk, + Ga Sat dta’ d4b da’ d?*b! A — dt* +. B’ dt* aul Cc ae + D’ —~ “de —_ Ze ~ + Hb" —— oO. VOL. 11l.—5 B 372 ON THE MOTION OF The eight arbitrary constants introduced by the integration of these equations are to be determined from the known val- ues which the variables a’, b’, £,, and their velocities are supposed to have at some given epoch of time. These eight arbitraries are not the only ones of which the body is suscep- tible. There will be ten in all, two being introduced by the equation W = o, whose integral is CR+ Fa'— Gb’ = t+, the constants « and « being functions of the values which a’, b", R, and their velocities have at any given epoch. Let us now suppose that the distorsive moments of inertia F and G are very small, in which case the rotation round the normal may be increased to any assignable rapidity without disturbing by that circumstance alone the smallness of the oscillatory excursions. The equation W =o will now be found reduced to Cdr = 0, whence 7 =a constant quantity, and R=vrt+ R, R being the angular distance of the first body-axis from the first space-axis when = 0. Equations (35) become at the same time dé, = d& —1n,+C(rb' —da’), dy, = dy +ré,—C(ra' + db"); ve, = Wé,—rdyz,, ; dy, = dy,+rdé,, four linear equations which, in conjunction with the four equations of motion transformed by the substitution of the present values of p, g and 7, will make up eight equations of the first degree (six being of the second and two of the first order) with constant coefficients. The equations may be completely integrated either by D’Alembert’s method, by which we should be brought to twelve equations of the first order; or by eliminating the indefinite integrals £, 7. &., 7.. and then proceeding by the method of exponential substitu- ——i a a SOLIDS ON SURFACES. Br (S) tions. D’Alembert’s method of integrating simultaneous lin- ear equations is regarded by some of the first mathematicians of Europe as the best, and I have therefore introduced the equations (35); but if the direct substitution of exponential functions of the time be preferred (a method which has often the advantage of greater expedition), it would not be necess- ary to form these equations, as the values of d’é., d’n,, d°Z, are derivable from their equations of definition (10) in terms of the rotatory velocities and the coordinates, parallel to the body-axes, of the centre of gravity. For if we multiply by a, a, a", the values of the second differentials of &, &, &’. the sum of the three products will be equal to dé, by the defini- tion of this quantity, which is in fact the velocity which the point OQ, gains in every interval dé estimated in the direction which the body’s first axis has at the beginning of that inter- val. It is because this acceleration is measured not on the variable axis itself, but on the direction which that axis had at the beginning of df, that the sum of the elements d’é, will not make up the velocity dé, nor the sum of the elements dé, the fmite rate of increase of &. In consequence of these dis- tinctions, many difficulties might arise in considering geome- trically problems of the nature of the one before us; but they are always either avoided or explained by the adoption of analytical methods of solution, and I feel assured that the ex- perience of those who are conversant with these methods will bear me out in saying that the necessity of even adverting to the difficulties of geometrical mechanics disappears precisely in proportion to the purity and generality of the analysis. While on this subject however I ought to remark that in consequence of this incompleteness of the values of dz, dy,, dz. and in the case of perfect rolling of dz, dé, dé’, the applica- tion of Lagrange’s Subsidiary Formula (Méc. Anal. Vol. I. p- 313) is inadmissible in sueh cases, and would lead to false results even if the velocities dé, dé’, dé’ be expressed in func- tions of the finite angles J, 9, @ and their velocities. In short his method is applicable only when the differential equations connecting the variables fulfil the conditions of integrability. 374 ON THE MOTION OF The values of the resolved partial accelerations of the centre of gravity found as above directed are (aa)d’é, +- 2 (ada)dé, + (ad*a)é, Kad + 2 (adb)dn, + (ad*b)n, (ac)d°?, + 2(ade)dg, +- (ade), (ba) dE, + 2 (bda)dé, + (bd?a)é, ote + 2(bdb)dx, + (bd*b)x, (bc) dS, + 2(bde)dg, + (bd*c)Z , (ca) dé, + 2(eda)dé + (ed*a)é, iba + 2(edb)dn, + (ed*b)x, (ce)d°S + 2(ede)dZ + (ed*e)é, where the parentheses denote a sum of three quantities of which the first is cluded between the parentheses and the other two are similar and accented once and twice. 'These abridgments, combined with analogous ones for the sum of three quantities differing by a change of letters, might be used with great advantage in general inquiries into the phenomena of the progressive and rotatory motions of solid or fluid bodies ; and I should have employed them throughout this paper, had I not been principally desirous of being clearly understood. In case several terms were to be included in the parentheses, an accent or inferior index might be annexed to the second parenthesis for the sake of obviating any ambiguity. Substituting for the quantities in parentheses their values, all of which are given (6) and (7), we shall find VE, = HE, —2(rdy, —qde,) —E(g°-+- 1°) +n (pqa— adr) + G( mp dq), dn, = Un, —2(pdl, — rd) —n(r +p’) -+ o(qr —dp)-+ &,( pq dr), ay, = @G —2(qdé, —pdn,)—C (p+ 9°) +E (rp — dq) +1 qr + dp). In the case of small oscillations, 7 at the same time being small, these become, as before Ve, = WE + dq, d’y, = dn —{dp. SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 375 If r is not small, it is constant, as we have seen, and we have ae, d’n, d’t, — 2rdy, —r°é, +-¢(rp+ dq), d°y, + 2rdé, —r°n, +- (rg — dp). lI Il Substituting for p and g their values (32) and employing the abridgments &£ — fa" = u, »,—¢b" = v, we shall find ae, dy, du — Irdv — ru, dv + 2erdu—r’v. II Il By means of these values, and the values of £ and y, obtained from the abridgments last employed, the two equations of pro- gressive motion are converted into linear equations of the second order involving a’, 6’, u,v and ¢. At the same time the two equations of rotatory motion are transformed, by the substitution of the values of p and q, into two other linear equations of the same order involving the same variables. In this way we shall obtain a d eae pT +Heuta'ga’ = o, d*v du wet eye tuvt+u'gh’ = o; (a1) 52 + (42) S43) “(Aaya + (.45)b" + (46)0+ Fr = o, (Bl) + (B2) = + (B3) ee (B4) b’ + (B5)a' + (B6)u+ Gr? = o: four linear equations with constant coefficients whose values are VOL. 111.—5 C 376 ON THE MOTION OF A= r—s, au = > —1, hye g, i) eS “=r — we? = ue = b (Al) == ay ee GARY Th (Adj ee (io) (44) = Hy. (B4) = HT: (ABy =" Bye ee, eee ye re (16) =— m=—WMzgB;: (B6) = — '=— Mz. These equations may, by the elimination of w and v, be redu- | ced to two of the fourth order, of eleven terms each, no term being wanting. They may be then completely integrated, and after the determination of the value of the ten arbitrary constants, eight of which are introduced by these equations and two others by the equation W = o, the position of the body and all the phenomena of the motion will be expressed in terms of the sines and cosines of ares proportional to the time. The conditions of oscillatory motion will also be ex- pressed by equations of limitation arising durmg the process of determining the integrals. I shall conclude this paper with an application of the pre- ceding formulas to the determination of the small oscillatory motions of bodies of any figure, law of density, and areola of contact, rolling with the three rotations on a surface which from some slight asperity or other cause prevents entirely and in all directions the sliding motion of the body, while in other respects it leaves it free to rock, pitch and spin, with any combination of these motions consistent with a small decli- nation of the natural vertical of the body from the ver- tical of equilibrium. I ought to remark that this motion, although more resembling the actual oscillations of supported bodies, differs from them materially in the circumstance that the friction is supposed not to interfere with the motion round the normal, whereas this cause undoubtedly cooperates with the resisting medium to retard the horizontal rotation of the SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 3877 body until it ceases altogether. What I am about to offer therefore must be considered, like every advance which has hitherto been made, as merely a step towards the determina- tion of the actual phenomena. It would not be difficult to include in the next place the moments of the forces which resist the rotation round the normal, but this must form the subject of another dissertation. The fundamental equations of condition resulting from the definition of the species of motion we are now considering are, as we have seen (25) o = 0& —ydR+20Q, o = on, —20P+270R, o = 0¢,—270Q+y0P. Substituting these values of the variations of the position of O, the centre of gravity in the general dynamical equation, there will result an equation of the form (P)0P+(Q)0Q+(R)dR = 0; in which the variations are now arbitrary, giving us therefore three equations of motion to be taken in conjunction with the three above, namely, (P) = 9, (Q) = 0, (Rk) = 0: or, writing out these equations at full length, in the case of common gravity, U+M (3 —gb')z—M( —ge")y, net V +M (Se — ge’) a, —_— M(S ga) sai 10} de w+mM (ce —ga")y, ed i da, — gb" yz, =='.03 dé dé? expressions which are true whether friction be considered or not, and independently of all hypotheses of friction. 378 ON THE MOTION OF If the body remains always nearly upright, these become dn, n) U-+- My a — gb ) + ey. = 0, d 2 1 V— My ee — ga ) —gr,= 0, W ==) O's These equations furnish the same relations between F, G and r as those obtained before. Either the rotation round the natural vertical, or else those moments of inertia which would (when made effective by a swift rotation) displace that ver- tical, must be very small. If 7 is very small, the equations of condition of perfect rolling are reduced to di, = —yqdt, xs dy, = ypdé. Substituting these values in equations (37), and recollecting that ¢-+ y = a", we shall find dé = —a'qdt, dy, = a'pde. But when r is small we have ae, = dé +dqde, d’y, = d’y, —dpde. Therefore d’é, = —ydqdt, d’y, = ydpdt; equations which are verified by the equation formerly obtain- ed (37) when r is small, d’*g, = d’é,, d’n, = d’y,. Finally, these last equations become, in consequence of the values which p and q acquire when r is small, de, —_— yd’a", d’y, = yd’b’; we ee SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 379 by which means the equations of motion are reduced to equa- tions with constant coefficients, namely, U-+ My <> — Meyb' + Mgy, = o, V— My <* + Meyb"—Mgz, = o. Where the oscillations take place upon a spherical areola of support, which will include oscillations on a horizontal plane, we have a, = /E,, y, = my, and therefore, by preceding for- mulas, dz) = edar} dy, = madb’. Integrating, and denoting by x and ¥ the arbitrary constants, there results z, = la'+y, y, = mab’ +; which being substituted in the above equations of motion give two equations of the second order in a’, b’ and ¢ of the form (41) SE -+ (42) 2% + (43) 0" + (44) = 0, at? (Bi) = + (B2) "+ (B3)b" + (B4) 0, where the coefficients may be readily determined, as Uand V have now the same value as before when there was no friction and when the rotation round the normal was at the same time small. These coefficients being constant, the equations may be completely integrated in finite terms, four arbitrary constants being introduced by the integration, which together with 7 and ¥ introduced by the last integrals obtained, and e and ¢’ arising as we have already seen from the integration VOL. 11i.—5 D 380 ON THE MOTION OF of W = o, make up eight in all, being two less than when the body was not restricted to the peculiar motion to which we now suppose it to be subject. Lastly, let # and G be.yery small. The equation W = o will now give us, as if there were no friction, » = any arbi- trary constant, and R = 7i+ #'. At the same time we have p=ra'+db", di, =d—i—ryn+éq, @§,=d’t,— rdy, , g=rb'—da', dy=dn+ri—itp, dy,=dy,+rdé,, and, by the equations of perfect rolling, dE = ry, —Yq; dy, = —ra,+ yp; whence d’é, re, + rdy, + y(d*a" + 2rdb"—r*a’), dy, = ry, —rdx, + y(d*b" — 2rda’ — 7°b"). By comparing the two values above given for each of the quantities dé, and dy,, we obtain, after replacing ¢+-y by a, r(z,+é&) = ap—dy,, ry, +n) = «+ dé. When the supporting areola is spherical, these become rax, = am(ra" + db’) —dy,, ruy, = al (rb"—da") +dz,, where a and uw are abridgments for / ee: and m+ >. By means of the preceding values of d*é, and d’y, it will be seen that the first and second equations of motion are transformed into equations of the second order involving a’, 6’, x, y and ¢ with constant coefficients. These, in con- SOLIDS ON SURFACES. 381 junction with the two last equations which are of the first order involving the same variables, will enable us to determine fully and by finite integrations all the circumstances of the oscillatory motion. The arbitrary constants will be eight in number, six of them being brought in by the four equations just referred to, and two of them, #’ and r, arising from the third equation of motion W= 0. These four equations will be found to be ; d a” 125" , Ae +4, +A, FS ee aA a Bt oy uf, == Me B db" B d?a’” B db" B B, b’ B, I B, B, a 1 de wa abt ede oes Mazes + a+ 2+ ==" O. da’ 7 Co ee SC BO, ==. 0;; DG +D, a 7D, 4" + D,z, Sa the value of their coefficients being as follows, A eo 3 ea U2) 4, = (42)+ My’, Bl, = (B2)+ My’ , oe (.43) —2My’r, B, = (B3)+2My’r, A, => = Myr, B, —— Myr, A Seagckorvare to a promise made in a paper published in the first part of this volume, to continue the experiments on the poison of the Rattlesnake, in which the root of the Hieraceum venosum as an antidote was tested, I now offer a few additional observations. It will be observed that though the experiments detailed below afforded different results, in no instance was it found successful, as an antidote, when administered to quadrupeds. In a few instances the medicine did certainly appear to miti- gate the effects of the poison on the system in a slight degree, yet in others not the least benefit was derived from it. The reptiles were fresh healthy animals recently received from the country. Experiment 1. June 5th, 1828. Two kittens were exposed to be bitten by a young male Rattlesnake; several wounds were inflicted on both without any poisonous symptoms following. A large female snake was next produced; the bite of this animal was speedily followed by the usual symptoms of simi- lar poisoned wounds in both animals. ON THE POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. 401 A decoction of the root of the Hieraceum venosum was freely administered to the animal first bitten, with the appa- rent effect of rendering the poison less narcotic and probably of retarding the death of the subject of the experiment, and it survived the animal subsequently bitten more than an hour. Experiment 2. At 4h. 21 m. a small black pup was bitten by an active male snake. At 4h. 34 m. a brown dog was bitten by the same snake severely in the foot; the wound bled freely. At 4h. 37 m. the black dog was again bitten in the foot, the wound being severe. At 4h. 40 m. black dog was drowsy, and unable to stand. At 4h. 45 m. brown dog evacuated per anum. At 4h. 46 m. black dog evacuated per anum. At 4h. 47 m. administered a quarter of a pint of the de- coction to the black dog. At 4h. 55 m. gave the same dog more of the decoction, say half a pint in all; he is certainly not more drowsy, while the brown dog appears very sick and restless; the black dog swelled a great deal, but shows signs of more liveliness. At 5h. 25 m. gave the black dog half a wine glassful more ; he trembles very much, and the leg is greatly swelled, but he swallows his medicine easily. 5h. 45m. Black dog drinks of the decoction voluntarily, and at 6 h. 30 m. went to sleep. The brown dog has be- come more lively, and limps about the room; the parts in the vicinity of the wounds of both are much tumefied. About this period both became considerably revived; bloody serum was squeezed out of the black pup’s wound, and the swelling thus diminished. On the following morning the black dog was found dead, whilst the brown dog recovered completely. 402 ON THE POISON OF THE RATTLESNAKE. Experiment 3. 4h. 10m. OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 42] 30eeU. ‘iris; Lea. 40. U. zig-zag, Lea. 41. U. patulus, Lea. Conchologists have with great reason complained of the extreme difficulty of identifying Lamarck’s species of the ge- nus Unio. Mr Barnes says, “In most cases wherever M. Lamarck can find a difference, though by his own account ‘nothing remarkable, he makes a different species ;” and Mr Swainson declares that “one half the species which he has enumerated” cannot be determined on account of the short descriptions and want of figures. The truth of these remarks I have felt severely whenever I have had occasion to consult this author for the genus; and, with the hope of clearing the path in a measure of those who may follow me, I propose to give here the results of examinations of his species made at different times with much care. U. sinuata. 'This is the Mya margaritifera of Tiina and other authors, and to which Barnes’s 4lasmodonta arcu- ata is the analogue. Mr B. was not aware, when he descri- bed it, that it was similar. He has recently, in the reclama- tion of his Uniones, resigned this species of Alasmodonta. If Mr Say’s genus be admitted, we must of course call this type of Lamarck’s Unio, Alasmodonta margaritifera. U. elongata. 'There can scarcely be a doubt but that this is a young shell of the above species. U. crassidens. It is evident on examination of our author’s description of this species and its varieties, and the crassus of Say and of Barnes, that all the ponderous varieties of our Uniones were brought into these species. neither of which can possibly stand. (See note, page 417.) U. peruviana. 'This species embraces the plicata of Le Sueur, the erassus and undulatus of Barnes. the giganteus of Dr Mitchill’s collection, the rariplicata and crassidens of La- marek, and the undulata and dombeyana of Valenciennes. 422 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES As it was described previously by Le Sueur’s name “ pii- cata,” this must take precedence. Its habitat, Peru, I think very doubtful; it most probably came from the United States. U. rariplicata. This is, no doubt, a variety of the above. U. purpurata. he recta answers to this description in every respect but the habitat. The author “believes” it came from Africa. The shell most probably came from the United States, in which case there could not be a doubt. { he description of these is so imper- UE: histatins | fect that I cannot identify either of them, U. obli ~” | although they are all from this country, 5 qua, 4 : 5 Be cithca. : and the same species most probably in our cabinets. I doubt if either of them L should be retained. U. rarisuleata, ~~ Pak ? These are mere varieties of the com- 1. coarctata, planatus. U. purpurascens. U. radiata. Our author gives the Mya radiata of Gmelin and U. ochraceus of Say as synonymes to this species. It cannot be both; for the ochraceus is a perfectly distinct spe- cies from the M. radiata, which, Chemnitz says, comes from the rivers of Malabar. The radiatus described by Barnes after Lamarck, and Say’s ochraceus are distinct spe- cies, and I have no doubt the Mya radiata of Gmelin is distinct from both. Mr Say’s figure, referred to by Mr Barnes (pl. 2, fig. 8, Am. Conch.) as U. radiata, is undoubt- edly an ochraceus. (See note on U. radiatus.) U. brevialis. 'This shell is pictured by Crouch; it is thick, and resembles the etreulus of the Ohio, but is larger, less round and radiated. It comes from the Isle of France, and is, no doubt, a distinct species. U. rhombula, Are all mere varieties of the com- U. carinifera apace planatus. U. georgina, U. clava. I cannot identify this species. The descrip- tion is too short. Its habitat is Lake Erie and Nova Sco- OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 423 tia, from which circumstance it is most probably in our cabi- nets under another name. U. recta. This is the same with Barnes’s prelongus. The recta being described first should be retained. U. naviformis. 'This name cannot be retained, as Say had previously described the shell under the name of cylindricus. U. glabrata. The habitat of this species is the Ohio river. The description is too imperfect to identify it, and as the au- thor acknowledges it has “ nothing remarkable,” we may fairly conclude it to be a variety of some one of the numerous spe- cies described, a cartosus most probably. -U. nasuta. The author thinks this may be the nasutus of Say, but the description answers much better to his own recta or Barnes’s gibbosus, and is no doubt one of those. I do not believe the nasutus has ever been found in our western wa- ters. U. ovata is the ovatus of Say, and inhabits the western wa- ters, not the Susquehanna and Mohawk, as mentioned by La- marck. Maton and Rackett described a British shell under this name, which I believe to be only a variety of pictorum. Those sent me from England by this name were certainly mere varieties of the pictorum. U. rotundata. Yn most of our cabinets may be found a beautiful shell, which we have thought to be of this species, and have adopted the name. It does not, however, answer to the description in some essential characters, and I have therefore thought proper to describe the American shell, and give itanew name. (See description of circulus.) Lamarck gives no habitat. Ours is from the Ohio. U. littoralis is from the Seine, and is described by Drapar- naud, who says it resembles the “U. margaritifera,” but is much smaller. U. semirugata. Description too short to identify it. Has no habitat. * Swainson says, ‘‘ The Unio nasuta, however, of Lamarck, I apprehend, will be found different” from Unio nasutus of Say—Zool. Illus. Vol. I. pl. 57. VOL. 111.—5 P 424 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES U. nana. ‘This species is said to inhabit Franche Comté. I do not know if there be a specimen in this country. U. alata is the well known alatus of Say, and is herein made the type of a new genus, Symphynota. U. delodonta. Description too short to identify it. Has no habitat. U. sulcidens. A variety of complanatus ; and is from the Schuylkill, Pennsylvania. U. rostrata. The specimens which I received from Eu- rope with this name are only elongated varieties of pictorum. 17. pictorum. ‘This is a well known species, and described by Linnzus and others as Mya pictorum. U. batava. The specimens sent me of this species from Europe appear to be only a variety of the jgeiorum, It is more obtuse*. U. corrugata. This species can not be identified with any of ours. It comes from the coast of Coromandel, and _ is, doubtless, a distinet and well characterised species. U. nodulosa. 'The habitat of this species is Lake Cham- plain, and although pictured in the Ency. Meth. I cannot identify it, the drawing being evidently incorrect. Although represented with a lamellar tooth, I should not be surprized if it proved to be a young asmodonta undulata of Say, as it has the strong character on the beaks. U. varicosa. I can only assimilate this with the @asmo- donta undulata of Say. Its habitat is the Schuylkill and Lake Champlain. U. granosa. ‘This is a beautiful and distinct species. Ha- bitat Guyana. TY. depressa. Habitat New Holland. The description is very imperfect, but the species nevertheless distinct. It is a very different shell from that called depressa by Rafinesque, who does not seem to have known that the name was preoc- cupied by Lamarck. * The U, anas I believe to be a variety of pictorum very similar to this. My specimen is certainly such. The U. twmida, from the north of Europe, appears to me to be only a large and thick pictorum. OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 425 U. virginiana. This, doubtless, is the radiatus eee by Barnes. Habitat Virginia. U. luteola is a variety of Say’s cariosus. Habitat Suse. hanna and Mohawk. U. marginalis. I have specimens es this species fr om Bengal. It is well characterised, although it does not always possess the marginal character as ‘described by Lamarck and represented in the Ency. Meth. pl. 247. U. angusta. 'This I believe to be a variety of pictorum. The figure referred to in Lister is certainly a pictorum, and is generally quoted as such. Habitat unknown. U. manca. This may be a distinct species, but I strongly suspect it to be only a variety of pictorum. Habitat Bour- gogne. Bi ‘U. cariosa is the cariosus of Say. U. spuria. 1 cannot identify this species with any of ours. Habitat . ay U. distr are _ This, like the above, is not identified. Ha- bitat New Holland. U. anodontina. Wabitat Virginia. We have no Unio of this description in our waters. It is probably Anodonta un- dulata of Say, which has sometimes small elevations some- what similar to teeth*. U. suborbiculata. I cannot identify this species. In passing criticisms upon the species of the genus Unio of this great naturalist, Ido not in the least wish to detract from his great and merited fame. My object is expressly to en- deavour to facilitate the study of this interesting genus, and to remove, as far as I have it in my power, the confusion which has crept into it. My observations I wish to pass only for what they may prove to be worth. * Since writing the above, I observe that Sowerby onthe Lamarckian Naiades (Zoolog. Journ. Vol. I. p. 54.) gives the ‘* Anodon rugosus’’ of Swainson as the synonyme of U. anodontina. It is well known to our conchologists that Swainson’s rugosus is the old shell of Say’s Anodonta undulata, w hich was de- scribed from a young specimen, and has priority to the rugosus, wes 426 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES a 1. Unto ATER. Plate VII. fig. 9. Testa ovata, inequilaterali, transversa, ventricosissima; umbonibus elevatis ; natibus prominulis ; epidermide rugosa nigraque; umbonibus elevatis; dentibus cardinalibus erectis, cristatis, lateralibus granulatis, rectisque; margarita rosea. Shell inequilateral, ovate, transverse, much inflated ; umbones elevated ; beaks slightly prominent ; epidermis black and wrinkled; cardinal teeth erect and crestlike, lateral granulated and straight; nacre rose colour. Hab. Mississippi below Natchez. T. W. Robeson. My Cabinet. _ Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Diam. 2:6, Length 3, Breadth 4-5 inches. Shell very ventricose; margin ovate, wider behind, slightly emarginate at we, 2 sometimes slightly truncate at poste- rior margin; substance of the shell thick; beaks slightly pr jecting and decorticated ; ligament large; epidermis black o blackish, and wrinkled transversely; cardinal teeth erect, crestlike, and double in both valves; lateral tooth curved, long, deeply divided and slightly serrate, the interior division emerging from the cavity of the beak; posterior cicatrices confluent, anterior cicatrices very distinct ; dorsal cicatrices pass across the cavity of the beaks in a row*; cavity of the shell great; nacre pink and iridescent in the posterior margin. Remarks.—This shell is remarkable for the colour of its epidermis and nacre. The perpendicular distance from the cardinal tooth to the basal margin is very small, while that from the posterior end of the lamellar tooth to the same mar- gin is unusually great. It slightly approaches in form to some varieties of the cariosus. * In a former paper of this volume, (page 262) I described the attaching mus- cles of the back of the animal, the impressions of which in the shell I propose to call dorsal cicatrices. OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 427 2. Unto Rusrernosus. Plate VIII. fig. 10. Testa inequilaterali, transversd, postice sub-biangulari, antice rotun- data; valvulis sub-crassis ; natibus prominentibus, recurvis, postice sub- angulatis ; dente cardinali magno, laterali crasso ; margarita salmonis colore. Shell inequilateral, transverse, sub-biangular behind and rounded be- fore; valves somewhat thick; beaks prominent, recurved, sub-angulated behind; cardinal tooth large; lateral tooth thick; nacre salmon co- loured. Hab. Ohio. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Diam. 1-2, Length 2-1, Breadth 2-6 inches. Shell somewhat ventricose; substance of the shell some- what thick; umbones slightly elevated; beaks recurved, sel- dom decorticated, almost touching, whitish, possessing several concentric undulations, which are lost along the umbonial slope, which is carinate; a small curved elevated line passes from the point of the beaks to the margin above the posterior margin; ligament rather large passing from the points of the beaks; dorsal margin oblique; posterior dorsal margin cari- nate and slightly emarginate; posterior margin angular ; pos- terior basal margin very slightly curved; basal, anterior and anterior dorsal and basal margins rounded ; epidermis colour of rust, sometimes salmon yellow, slightly wrinkled and show- ing the marks of growth; rays in young specimens percepti- ble; cardinal tooth sulcate, broad and not elevated, often single in both valves; the tooth in the left valve closing in a cavity which sinks almost into the cavity of the beaks of the right valve; lateral teeth rather thick, elevated, straight, ge- nerally double in both valves; in the left valve the upper division is less elevated and shorter; anterior and posterior cicatrices both distinct; the smaller posterior cicatrix is situ- VOL. 111.—5 Q 428 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES ated against the side of the lamellar tooth, near its termination ; the anterior adductor muscle makes a cicatrix also against the end of the cardinal tooth; dorsal cicatrices under the cardinal tooth perceptible ; cavity of the beaks deep and rounded; na- cre always more or less salmon colour; slightly iridescent at posterior margin; whitish on the margin near the adductor muscles. Remarks.—This is a very distinct species. In its general form it approaches nearest to the seewris, which, however, is always white in the nacre, and peculiarly rayed. It is pecu- liar in its reddish brown epidermis, which colour is caused by the salmon nacre showing through it. The character of the cardinal tooth is very peculiar, having a tendency to be single in both valves, while the lamellar tooth is quite equally disposed to be double. All the specimens which I have seen are salmon colour in the nacre. If this should prove univer- sally so, it is the only species which we know to be con- stantly of that colour. 3. Unto Heteropon. Plate VIII. fig. 11. Testa rhomboido-ovatd, inequilaterali, ventricosa ; valvulis tenuibus ; dentibus cardinalibus compressis, latis ; dentibus lateralibus sub-curva- tis, dente laterali valvule dextre, duplici ; natibus prominentibus ; liga- mento sub-brevi; margarita alba. Shell rhomboidal-ovate, inequilateral, ventricose; valves thin; cardi- nal teeth compressed, wide; lateral teeth slightly curved, the double tooth in the right valve; beaks prominent; ligament rather short; nacre white. Hab. Schuylkill and Derby Creek, Pa. My Cabinet. Cabinet of Mr Mason. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of Dr Griffith. PL VI vol3 TLIO SIL ry Eas ee a 7 - ) Gg iL U7it0 Mcléeraadon (4) Unwe sulcatus ~ OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 429 Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Cabinet of Mr Hyde. Cabinet of Mr Phillips. Cabinet of Mr Conrad. Diam. °5, Length -9, Breadth 1-5 inches. Shell rhomboidal-ovate, inequilateral, ventricose ; substance of the shell thin; beaks prominent, subcarinate posteriorly, eroded, undulated; ligament rather short; epidermis green- ish brown, with oblique obscure rays, wrinkled ; dorsal mar- gin rectilinear; posterior dorsal margin obtusely angular ; posterior margin acutely angular; basal margin slightly curv- ed; anterior, anterior basal and dorsal margins rounded; cardinal tooth in left valve compressed, wide, reaching be- yond the cavity of the beaks, double cleft; in right valve one elevated recurved tooth, which clasps the side of the opposing one; lateral tooth curved, short in left valve, and long in the right, i which it is double ; anterior cicatrices confluent, as are also the posterior; dorsal cicatrices situated on the under part of the cardinal tooth, scarcely perceptible ; cavity of the beaks large; nacre white. Remarks.—This remarkable species was first observed by Mr Mason and Mr Hyde. ‘To the kindness of the for- mer I am indebted for the use of the fine large specimen figured. It is very curious in the whole apparatus of the hinge, the teeth of which resemble in some measure the Symphynota compressa, herein described. From the ante- rior end of the cardinal tooth to the posterior end of the late- ral, the distance is the same in both valves, but in the left valve the cardinal tooth is longest, while in the right valve the lateral tooth is longest. The peculiar character of this shell is in the double lateral tooth being in the right valve, in which it differs from all the species yet described. It most resembles in general form the Mlasmodonta* marginata of * Mr Say published his description of the genus Alasmodonta in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1818, without knowing, it is to 430 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Say; and some of the younger and more ventricose specimens assume the appearance of the U. triangularis. 4. Unto Sutcatus. Plate VIII. fig. 12. Testé sub-ellipticd, inequilaterali, ventricosa, sub-emarginata ; valvu- lis crassis ; natibus fere terminalibus ; dentibus cardinalibus lateralibus- que magnis, et duplicibus in valvulis ambabus ; margarita purpurea. Shell sub-elliptical, inequilateral, ventricose, slightly emarginate; valves thick; beaks nearly terminal ; cardinal and lateral teeth large, and double in both valves ; nacre purple. Hab. Ohio. 'T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Diam. 1:3, Length 1-7. Breadth 2-3 inches. Shell very thick, ventricose, inequilateral, obliquely longi- tudinal; margin sub-elliptical, with an emargination of poste- rior basal margin, caused by a broad furrow running from the beaks to this part of the margin; substance of the shell thick and ponderous; beaks thick and projecting beyond the mar- gin, nearly terminal, decorticated ; ligament partly concealed by the beaks; epidermis olive-brown, wrinkled, with nume- rous fine hair like lines, which are slightly undulated, passing from the beaks to the margin; these lines are obsolete in the anterior part of the shell, and crowded in the furrow, over the umbonial slope they are proximate ; cardinal tooth eleva- ted, conico-triangular, that in left valve deeply divided ; late- ral tooth long, thick, and slightly curved, direction nearly be presumed, that the Mya margaritifera of Linneus was in 1817 erected into a new genus by Schumacher, under the name of Margaritana. If the absence of the lateral tooth be sufficient to establish the genus, we must necessarily call it by the Danish naturalist’s name. OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 431 same as cardinal tooth ; posterior cicatrices distinct, the smaller one being placed immediately over the large one, and against the lateral tooth; anterior cicatrices distinct; dorsal cica- trices situated on the under part of the cardinal tooth, very perceptible ; cavity of the beaks small; nacre flesh-red, vary- ing from this to nearly white ; iridescent in the posterior mar- gin. Remarks.—This is variety a of U. ellipsis, described in a former paper, and approaches it closely. Having seen seve- ral specimens since that description was made, my doubts have been satisfied, and I now consider it a new species. It differs from the ellipsis in having the furrow, in being gene- rally covered with fine hair-like rays, and in being always more or less flesh-red inside. I have two specimens of this species which present a singular formation of the posterior basal margin, which is dentate, the points interlocking and almost hooked. The elevation anterior to the furrow com- mences to swell one-third of the distance from the margin to the beaks, increases as it approaches the margin, and as- sumes this dentation, which being successive as the shell increases displays lamine of these dentations in the epider- mis. In the interior this part of the shell has the appearance of having been gouged out. It is exceedingly curious, being the only specimen of fluviatile shells I have seen with a mar- gin approaching to a dentate appearance. 5. Unto Puanunatus. Plate IX. fig. 13. Testa inequilaterali, ovato-elliptica, transversda; complanataé per um- bones a natibus usque ad marginem inferiorem, maculis quadratis radi- atim pictd ; natibus prominulis ; dente cardinali parvo, laterali magno, crasso, curvato ; margarita sub-ceruleo-albd. Shell inequilateral, ovate-elliptical, transverse, flattened across the umbones from the beaks to the basal margin, marked with square spots in form of rays; valves thick; beaks slightly prominent; cardinal tooth small; lateral tooth large, thick and curved ; nacre bluish white. VOL. 111.—5 R 432 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Hab. Ohio. 'T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Diam. -8, Length 1:3, Breadth 2-2 inches. Shell ovate-elliptical, remarkably flattened over the um- bones from the beak to the basal margin, which frequently causes the greatest diameter to be near to the anterior margin ; substance of the shell thick ; beaks slightly prominent and de- corticated ; ligament deeply seated, scarcely appearing above the margin of the shell; epidermis wrinkled, yellowish brown, with transversely interrupted rays passing from the beaks in a slight curve to the margin along the umbonial slope; these rays are hair like, undulated, and interrupted; cardinal teeth very small and lobed; lateral tooth remarkably thick and situated on a large massive plate; curve very slight and directed much over the cardinal tooth, somewhat rough, up- per division smaller than the lower: anterior and posterior cicatrices both distinct; the smaller posterior cicatrix is situ- ated against the end of the plate at the point of the divi- sion of the tooth; dorsal cicatrices situated on the under part of the cardinal tooth, perceptible; cavity of the shell very small and irregularly waved; an indistinct depressed line may always be seen to pass from the great posterior cicatrix along the base of the lateral tooth into the cavity of the beaks ; nacre white. Remarks.—This shell is peculiar in the massive plate on which is situated its short and thick lateral tooth, as well as in the very small size of its cardinal tooth. It has scarcely any cavity under the beaks, the shell being very thick. Its epidermal rays, in perfect specimens, are very unusual to this genus; in old specimens they are almost or quite obsolete. It is remarkable also in its flat umbones. It resembles most in form the gibbosus of Barnes, but is less rostrated and more PL. IX Vol:3 - latius Onto ctrculus. Unio multiradiatus OF THE FAMILY OF NAYADES. 433 thick. The gibbosus is seldom if ever perfectly white; all the specimens I have seen of this are perfectly so. 6. Unto Crrcuuus. Plate IX. fig. 14. Testa circulari, ventricosa, sub-equilaterali; valvulis crassis ; natibus prominulis; dentibus cardinalibus lateralibusque magnis; ligamento brevi crassoque ; margarita alba et iridescente. Shell circular, ventricose, nearly equilateral ; valves thick; beaks slightly elevated; cardinal and lateral teeth large; ligament, short and thick ; nacre pearly white and iridescent. Ohio at Cincinnati. T. G. Lea. Hab. } Monona at Pittsburg. 'T. Bakewell. Tennessee at Nashville. Prof. Vanuxem. ; My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of Dr Griffith. Cabinet of W. Hyde. Cabinet of W. Mason. Cabinet of J. Phillips. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Cabinet of Peale’s Museum. &e. Unio rotundata 2. Lamarck. Diam. 1, Length 1-5, Breadth 1:5 inches. Shell round; posterior basal margin sometimes very slightly emarginate, very ventricose, transversely wrinkled, nearly equilateral ; substance of the shell thick; beaks elevated, me- dial, and somewhat recurved; epidermis finely wrinkled, shining, satin-like, anterior to the umbonial slope dark brown, posterior light yellow brown; cardinal teeth oblique, thick, and disposed to be treble in both valves; lateral teeth short and thick, disposed to be double in right valve as well as left ; 4 434 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cicatrices also distinct ; the smaller one being placed against the termination of the lateral tooth; dorsal cicatrices situated on the under part of the cardinal tooth, very perceptible ; cavity of the beaks deep and sub-angular; nacre white, pearly, and iridescent, rarely tinted with rose in the centre. Remarks.—This beautiful little shell is generally an inch long, rarely two. It is common in our cabinets, and has been considered the “rofundata’ of Lamarck. Iam induced, however, to think it different from our shell, as the circulus never possesses the fold mentioned in that eminent concholo- gist’s very short description. The two colours disposed in so peculiar a manner in the epidermis are not mentioned by him. It differs also greatly in size. I have seen some hun- dreds, the largest of which was two inches in breadth. The “rolundata’ is 78 millimetres; and its habitat is unknown. The margin of the cireulus is more perfectly round than any other species; it is sometimes disposed to be subangular posteriorly. ‘The division of the colour on the umbonial slope is very peculiar. When the posterior slope is looked on, this view of the shell is heart shaped, and the dark brown colour is seen entirely to surround the light yellow brown. The epidermis is more satin-like than any other species, and the teeth are peculiarly disposed to be double. In form it approaches the “¢orsa” more closely than any other species. 7. Unto Muttrrapiatus. Plate IX. fig. 15. Testa ellipticd, inequilaterali, ventricosd, multi-radiata ; valvulis te- nuibus ; natibus prominulis ; dentibus cardinalibus erectis, et in valvu- lis ambabus duplicibus ; lateralibus lamelliformibus et abruptis ; mar- garita ceruleo-alba. Shell elliptical, inequilateral, ventricose, much rayed; valves thin; beaks rather prominent; cardinal teeth erect and double in both valves ; lateral teeth lamelliform and abrupt; nacre bluish white. OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 435 Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. _ My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Diam. °8, Length 1.3, Breadth 2 inches. Shell elliptical, inequilateral, ventricose ; substance of the shell thin, the rays being very visible through the nacre; beaks prominent and slightly undulated; epidermis bright olive yellow, with numerous green rays passing from the beaks to every part of the margin; slightly wrinkled, smooth and glossy; cardinal tooth double in both valves and deeply cleft; lateral tooth lamelliform, nearly straight, higher near the termination, termination abrupt; anterior cicatrices dis- tinct ; posterior cicatrices confluent: dorsal cicatrices situated on the under part of the cardinal tooth, and within the margin of the cavity of the beaks; cavity of the beaks large and round- ed; nacre pearly white and iridescent, thin, showing the rays very distinctly through it, and presenting a wide margin. Remarks.—This beautiful shell resembles most the young cariosus of the Ohio and other western waters. It differs, however, in being much less ponderous, possessing more mi- nute rays, being rather more ventricose, having more elevated teeth and more prominent beaks. 8. Unto Occmens. Plate X. fig. 16. Testa sub-elliptica, inequilaterali, transversi, ventricosé; valvulis crassis ; natibus sub-undulatis, raro decorticatis ; ligamento sub-brevi crassoque ; dentibus elevatis ; margarita albé. Shell mequilateral, sub-elliptical, transverse, ventricose ; valves thick ; beaks slightly undulated, rarely decorticated ; ligament rather short and thick; teeth elevated ; nacre white. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. VOL. llI.—5 § 436 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Cabinet of Peale’s Museum. Diam. 1-6, Length 2:3, Breadth 3-4 inches. Shell ovate, inequilateral, sub-elliptical, transverse, very ventricose ; substance of the shell somewhat thick; beaks large, prominent, rounded, approaching, slightly undulated, rarely decorticated; ligament short and thick; epidermis slightly wrinkled, shining, olive yellow, with green rays pas- sing obliquely from the beaks to the margin, most numerous on the posterior slope ; cardinal teeth double and very promi- nent in both valves; in the left valve the cleft is deep and both prongs rake much, the outer most elevated; in the right valve the cleft is also deep, and the inner prong is broad, flat, curved, and most elevated ; lateral teeth short and very lamel- liform, the termination declining rather suddenly; anterior cicatrices generally distinct; posterior cicatrices confluent; dorsal cicatrices very perceptible, the line commencing with quite a large one on the under side of the callus between the lateral and cardinal teeth, and terminating at the outer part of the base of the cardinal tooth; marginal cicatrix very perceptible; cavity of the beaks deep, large and rounded; nacre milk white, rarely iridescent. Remarks.—The specimen figured is the finest I have ever seen of this species, and, taking it altogether, perhaps of any other of the genus. The raysare very remarkably fine, and the nacre is purer and whiter than the finest porcelain. It is very frequently, however, found with few or no rays, and the na- cre, though milk-white and pure generally, is not always so. The double, deeply cleft, cardinal tooth of both valves, and the raking position of that of the left valve are peculiar to the species possessing this general form, which includes the ova- tus and ventricosus. It seems to form the link between these two. It differs from the ovatus in not possessing the flat PL.X Vol,3. 16 Unio ecctidens. Drawn &Eng'dé by TDrayten OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 437 posterior slope, and from the ventricosus in not being globose over the umbones; and of course is much less in diameter. The quite large impression of the mantle under the callus, between the lateral and cardinal teeth, is very remarkable in these three species. 9. Unio Securis. Plate XI. fig. 17. Testa subtriangulari, inequilaterali, per umbones valde complanaté ; valvulis crassis ; natibus elevatis, recurvatis, compressissimisque ; dente cardinali magno, laterali crasso; ligamento breviusculo, crassoque ; margarita alba et iridescente. Shell sub-triangular, inequilateral, flattened over the umbones; valves thick ; beaks elevated, recurved, much compressed ; cardinal tooth large ; lateral tooth thick; ligament rather short and thick; nacre pearly white and iridescent. Hab. Ohio. 'T.. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Unio depressa of Rafinesque. Diam. °9, Length 1-5, Breadth 1-9 inches. Shell sub-triangular, transversely wrinkled, inequilateral, much flattened over the umbones; substance of the shell thick, often ponderous; beaks elevated, much compressed, recurved ; dorsal margin angular; posterior dorsal margin ob- lique; posterior margin angular; basal and posterior basal margin curved; anterior and anterior basal and dorsal mar- _ gins round; posterior slope flattened, this view presents the shell as a long ellipsis; epidermis olive-yellow passing into olive-brown, shining and transversely wrinkled; rays formed by small spots, alternately darker and lighter than the gene- ral colour of the epidermis, which cause the rays to look like a minute chain, these rays are from one to two eighths of an inch apart, and extend over the whole disk, the spaces be- A438 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES tween are supplied with numerous hair-like lines, the whole passing in a curve from the beak to the margin; cardinal tooth large, irregularly cleft and sulcated ; lateral tooth rather short and thick, in the right valve disposed to be double; an- terior cicatrices distinct; posterior cicatrices also distinct, the small one being placed against the termination of the lateral tooth ; dorsal cicatrices situated on the under side of the ear- dinal tooth; cavity of the beaks shallow and rounded ; cavity of the disk small; nacre pearly white and iridescent. Remarks.—Mr Rafinesque first observed this smgular and interesting species. He found a single specimen near Evam- ville, Indiana, and described it under the name of U. de- pressa, which name being preoccupied by Lamarck, I have considered it incumbent on me to give itanew name. Man specimens have come under my inspection, and the shell be- ing a very remarkable one, I am induced, in consequence of Mr Rafinesque’s short description and imperfect figure, to give a more full description and a correct figure. It is alto- gether peculiar in its rays and its very compressed beaks: no species is so flat over the umbones, and no other species pre- sents, when the posterior slope is held towards the observer, a long ellipsis, the widest part of which is about the centre. In consequence of the beaks being so very much compressed, the junior, when not more than an inch long, is exceed- ingly flat, and the cavity proportionally small. When the shell increases beyond this it seems to become suddenly thick. and its form becomes more rounded towards the margins, consequently the adult is very different in form from the junior, which might easily be mistaken for another species. It is more generally gaping at the anterior margin than the other species. It assimilates closely to the planulatus (d scribed in this paper), but differs in the rays, the mue compressed beaks, and being more hatchet shape. In the last character it resembles somewhat the rubiginosus descri- bed in this paper. It sometimes occurs twice the size of the one represented here. PL_X1 Vol Jymphynota teru OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 439 ’ 10. Unto Irts. Plate XI. fig. 18. Testa angusto-elliptica, inequilaterali, sub-ventricosa; valvulis tenui- bus ; nalibus prominulis ; dente cardinali in valvula sinistra, duplici, in dextra sub-bifido, parvo, erecto ; dentibus lateralibus longis tenuibusque ; margarita sub-ceruleo-alba. Shell narrow-elliptical, inequilateral, slightly ventricose ; valves thin, beaks slightly prominent; cardinal teeth double in the left valve, sub- bifid in the right, small, erect ; lateral teeth long and thin; nacre bluish white. Hab. Ohio. 'T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Diam. °5, Length °-8, Breadth 1-6 inches. Shell long-elliptical, inequilateral, slightly ventricose ; sub- stance of the shell thin, showing the rays through it, rather more dense before than behind; beaks slightly prominent, approaching, crowned with double concentric undulations when they are not decorticated; ligament rather long and thin; epidermis yellowish green, transversely wrinkled, mark- ed with many oblique diverging rays passing from the beaks to the margin ; cardinal teeth double in both valves, small. erect, and sharp; lateral teeth long, bladed, slightly curved and situ- ated on the edge of the margin in contact with the ligament; anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cicatrices confluent and scarcely perceptible; dorsal cicatrices within the cavity of the beaks, the largest on the under part of the callus; nacre very thin, milk white anteriorly, bluish white and iridescent pos- teriorly. #- Remarks.—This species most resembles the calceolus. It differs, however, entirely in the teeth, which are distinct and well defined. The calceolus approaches closely to the genus Alasmodonta of Say. This is less ventricose and possesses more rays. VOL. IL.—5 T 440 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES 11. Unio Zie-zaAc. Plate XII. fig. 19. . . Testa ovata, inequilaterali, ventricosa ; valvulis sub-crassis ; dentibus cardinalibus magnis, erectis ; lateralibus curvatis ; natibus prominulis ; és radiis ex lineis angulatis compositis ; ligamento brevi crassoque ; marga- rita alba. Shell ovate, inequilateral, ventricose; valves rather thick; cardinal teeth large, erect; lateral teeth curved; beaks rather prominent; rays composed of zig-zag lines ; ligament short and thick ; nacre pearly white. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Cabinet of Peale’s Museum. Diam. °6, Length -9, Breadth 1-5 inches. Shell ovate, inequilateral, ventricose ; substance of the shell thick; beaks rather prominent, subcarinate posteriorly, gene- rally eroded ; ligament short and thick; epidermis yellow in ground, but traversed by oblique green rays, which give it sometimes a dark hue; these rays pass from the beaks to the margin over the whole disk, and are formed by zig-zag lines, which in some specimens are joined so closely as to become confluent; on the posterior slope are irregular lines converging below the ligament; cardinal teeth large, deeply divided in the left valve; lateral teeth slightly curved; anterior cica- trices distinct, as are also the posterior, the smaller of which is placed against the side of the lateral tooth at its termina- tion ; dorsal cicatrices situated along the base of the cardinal | tooth within the cavity of the beaks : cavity of the beaks . shallow; nacre pearly white and iridescent. Remarks.—This beautiful little shell is about the size of Barnes’s parvus. It is however entirely distinct from it. It is much heavier, more ovate, and radiated ; has no concentric undulations at the beaks like the parvus, which character Mr PL. X11 vol 3 = yess OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 441 Barnes does not mention, and is yellowish, not brownish. This and the donaciformis are all I know which possess the zig-zag markings, and they most resemble each other. 12. Unio Patuxus. Plate XII. fig. 20. Testa ovata, compressa, cuneiformi, inequilaterali, obliqua, trans- versa ; umbonibus compressis ; valvulis sub-crassis ; natibus sub-termi- nalibus ; dente cardinali parvo ; laterali longo et sub-curvato ; margarité alba. Shell ovate, compressed, wedge-shaped, inequilateral, oblique, trans- verse, compressed on the umbenes; valves rather thick; beaks nearly terminal ; cardinal tooth small; lateral tooth long and slightly curved ; nacre pearly white. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Diam. °8, Length 1-4, Breadth 2-3 inches. Shell compressed, wedge-shaped, ovate, broad and flat ; sub- stance of the shell thick anteriorly and thin posteriorly, show- ing the rays through it; beaks nearly terminal, slightly pro- minent, approaching, and when perfect possessing slight concentric undulations, generally decorticated ; ligament not large, passing from the point of the beaks; epidermis yellow- ish brown, transversely wrinkled, marked with more or less broad interrupted rays, apparently formed of fasciculi of hair- like lines; cardinal tooth short, and but slightly elevated, in the left valve double and deeply cleft, in the right valve emerging from a pit; lateral tooth long and slightly curved; posterior cicatrices as well as anterior cicatrices distinct; the smaller posterior cicatrix situated against the lateral tooth at its termination; dorsal cicatrices on the under part of the car- dinal tooth ; cavity of the beaks not deep but rounded ; nacre thick and milk white anteriorly, thin and iridescent poste- riorly. 442 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Remarks.—This species approaches closely to the scalenia of Rafinesque; its rays are of the same description, and the general form is the same. It is, however, more flattened, has much less elevated beaks, and its diameter is always much less. Its beaks are generally but little decorticated, and not recury- ed; the scalenia is generally much recurved and decorticated. GENUS SYMPHYNOTA. Testa fluviatili, bivalvi ; valvulis superné connatis. Shell fluviatile, bivalve ; valves connate at the dorsal margin. Animal same as that of Unio. Remarks.—Objections will most likely be made to the in- troduction of a new genus into a family acknowledged already to be in great confusion, and presenting many and various difficulties. The formation of the genus Symphynota, it is hoped, will rather be conducive to a diminution of that diffi- culty, by a division which all must acknowledge to be as na- tural as any of those of the family. The distinctive charac- teristic of this genus is the testaceous connection of the two valves of the shell above the hinge. I therefore remove from the existing genera all the connate shells without regard to the forms of their teeth, believing, that should this family be hereafter remodelled, it will present only two natural genera; one having a testaceous connection of the valves, the other dispossessed of it. The difficulties attending the adopted ge- nera of the JVaiades, viz. Unio of Bruguiére, Hyria, /na- donta, Iridina, Castalia* of Lamarck, Dipsas of Leach, and * This genus was placed by Lamarck in the family Trigonea, certainly with no propriety. It has been placed by Sowerby and Latreille among the Naiades, OF THE FAMILY OF NATADES. 443 Alasmodonta of Say, have been mentioned by two eminent English conchologists, W. Swainson and G. B. Sowerby, as well as in America by P. H. Nicklin. Mr Sowerby (Zool. Journ. Vol. I. p. 55.) has reunited them under the name of Unio, of which he makes two great divisions: 1. Without teeth. 2. With teeth; and these are each subdivided into “winged” and “not winged ;”’ which are again divided into the various forms of teeth, or the “hinge line.” The evident objection to this arrangement is the difficulty of deciding upon the passage from the “not winged” to the “ winged.” Thus we do not find the Anodonta trapezialis and Anodonta glauca, which Lamarck describes as “ compresso-alata,” men- tioned among the “ winged,” while we have “nodon alatus of Swainson and Lamarck,” which is not described in the “Hist. Nat. des Animaux sans Vertebres*.” It is evident that the apparatus for depositing the calca- reous and epidermal matter on the elevated and connected wing must be different from that of the inhabitant of free valves, to which it has been denied by nature. Lamarck and Barnes both mention in their description of the U. alatus of Say, that M. Le Sueur thought this sheil should constitute a new genus. Since that time so many connate shells have come to my notice, that I feel satisfied the science of conchology will be subserved by the institution of this natural genus, which will embrace, in all probability, several others, viz. Hyria of Lamarck, Dipsas of Leach, and Cristaria, Prisodon, and Paxyodon of Schumacher, all of which, when they shall be found perfect, will most probably turn out to be connate shells. Lamarck suspected his Hyria to be connate, like the U. alatus ; for when describing that spe- cies, he says, “ Nos Hyries auraient-elles une pareille réunion and here must be considered as a species of Unio, and not a genus. The ob- servant M. De Blainville has placed Castalia and Hyria among the Uniones, and Tridina and Dipsas among the Anadonte. Castalia ambigua is undoubtedly a fluviatile shell, and approaches most closely to the U. triangularis. The teeth are those of the Unio, and it differs only in its longitudinal furrows from the gene- ral characters of the Unio. * Say describes his An. gibbosa as being alated. VOL. UI.—5 U 444 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES a la caréne de leur corselet?” Indeed the fact can scarcely be doubted. SPECIES. 1. SympnynoTa Lzvissima. Plate XIII. fig. 23. Testa ovato-triangulari, inequilaterali, transversim rugosi, sub-ven- tricosé ; valvulis tenuissimis, superne bi-alatis, ante et post nates conna- tisque ; dentibus cardinalibus et lateralibus lineam curvatam facienti- bus; natibus prominulis; ligamento celato; margarita purpurea et iridescente. Shell triangular-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, sub-ven- tricose; valves very thin, elevated into two wings, connate anteriorly and posteriorly to the beaks ; cardinal and lateral teeth form a curve line; beaks scarcely prominent; ligament concealed ; nacre purple and irides- cent. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. My Cabinet. Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Diam. 1-4 inch. Length from beaks to base, 2-4 inches. Breadth 4:5 inches. Length from the top of the wing to base, 3-1 inches. Shell sub-triangular-ovate, inequilateral, sub-ventricose, transversely and very finely wrinkled, shining; substance of the shell thin, but compact; valves elevated into two wings, neither of them very high, the posterior one larger than the anterior, both connate; beaks scarcely prominent, termina- tion pointed, and when not decorticated exhibit two or three very minute elevations, almost requiring a microscope to dis- cover them; the purple nacre shows through the epidermis here, and gives the tips that colour ; ligament concealed in the wing ; sinus subquadrate; epidermis thin and purple brown; young specimens sometimes possess obscure brown rays; car- dinal tooth lamelliform, single in the left valve and disposed to PL_XIM vol 3 Symphynota lwevesstna OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 445 be double in the right; lateral tooth lamelliform and double in the left valve only, the two teeth form one continuous curve line, somewhat abrupt at both terminations, more so at the anterior one; anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cica- trices confluent; dorsal cicatrices very perceptible. Cavity of the beaks wide and very shallow; nacre purple and irides- cent. Remarks.—This beautiful shell most resembles the Sym- phynota alata in its general form, but its posterior wing is less elevated. The colour of its nacre is the same. It differs entirely, however, in the cardinal tooth, and in possessing the anterior connate wing. A metallic sound is produced by dropping one valve into the other, which is very remarka- ble, and is caused by the density of the calcareous matter of the nacre, which is very thin. The epidermis is exceedingly smooth and glossy. 2. SympnynoTa Br-auata. Plate XIV. fig. 24. Testa ovato-triangulari, inequilaterali, transversim rugosa, sub-ven- tricosa ; margine dorsali bi-alata ; valvulis tenuibus, ante et post nates connatis ; natibus et ale posterioris basi apiceque undulatis ; natibus haud prominentibus ; dente lamelliformi unico in valvula utrdque; liga- mento celato; margarita tenui et iridescente. Shell triangular-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, sub-ven- tricose ; dorsal margin raised into two wings; valves thin, connate before and behind the beaks; beaks and the base and summit of the posterior wing undulated; beaks not prominent; one lamelliform curved tooth in each valve ; ligament concealed; nacre thin, pearly, and iridescent. Hab. .... fresh waters of the south of Asia? Brought from Canton by Captain Barr. My Cabinet. Cabinet of Mr Pierpoint. Cabinet. of Mr Hyde. Cabinet of Mr Phillips. 446 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Diam. 1 inch. Length from the beaks to the base, 2 inches. Breadth 3-6 inches. Length from the top of wing to base, 3-4 inches. Shell triangular-ovate, inequilateral, subventricose, trans- versely and finely wrinkled, shining; substance of the shell thin, showing the rays through it; valves elevated into a broad high wing posterior, and a small one, anterior to the beaks, and connate in both; beautifully undulated at the base and top of the posterior wing; undulations of the base commenc- ing at the point of the beaks, pass on the outside of the tooth to the margin in a slightly curved line, each successive wave increasing in size and cutting the wrinkles of the epidermis obliquely ; those of the top of the wing, when it is perfect, are about the same in number, but less elevated, and closer toge- ther; they cut the wrinkles at about the same angle; beaks not prominent, crowned with about six elliptical concentric undulations: ligament concealed in the wing; sinus formed by the end of the ligament, sub-quadrate; epidermis yellow and purple brown, with green oblique rays, finely wrinkled, smooth and shining; the wrinkles of the anterior wing, as they ascend the wing, are curved anteriorly and continuous over both wings; each valve furnished with a long, curved, lamel- liform tooth, very small anteriorly to the beaks, larger and longer posteriorly, pointed at both ends; anterior cicatrices distinct ; posterior cicatrices confluent ; dorsal cicatrices situa- ted in the cavity of the beaks, very perceptible ; cavity of the beaks wide and very shallow; nacre thin, pearly, and irides- cent, with tints of salmon, white and purple; the undulations very perceptible from the centre of the beaks along the base of the tooth to the posterior dorsal margin. Remarks.—All the specimens which I have seen of this remarkable species were brought from Canton. The first was received by Mr Hyde about two years since, and then excited much interest with our conchologists. Several speci- mens more perfect were brought last summer in the “Cale- donia;” and from these specimens the description has been PL.XIV Vol.3 Sunyzhynota bt-alate® OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 447 made. That of Mr Hyde is a large, old, and valuable speci- men, but has lost some of its important characters. Both wings are destroyed, the beaks much eroded, and the epider- mis black and much wrinkled, and the rays obsolete. The remarkable waves at the base of the posterior wing are almost obsolete, and the beauty of the nacre nearly destroyed by be- ing thick and opake; cicatrices very perceptible. In this specimen, and I believe it will occur in all adult individuals, the only remains of the lamelliform tooth are in the termina- tion of it under the ligament, about an inch long; the rest of it is lost in the callus of the dorsal margin. Its dimen- sions are Diam. 2°1, Length, 5*5,. 0 Breadth 7-1 inches. In general form and character this species exteriorly resem- bles most the Symphynota alata ; interiorly, except in colour, the Symphynota levissima, herein described ; the shape of the lamelliform tooth of which assimilates to it, with the excep- tion of its being double. The teeth in both these species de- scribe nearly the same arc and take the same position. Both species are alated anteriorly and posteriorly to the beaks. The /evissima differs in having no undulations, and possessing obsolete rays, double teeth, and purple nacre. The Dipsas plicatus of Leach bears a strong resemblance to this shell. It differs, however, in the wings of the D. pli- catus not being elevated, almost forming a line with the beaks, in the latter not being connate, and in not being crown- ed with undulations at the beaks. His description, however, is so short and defective, and the drawing evidently so badly executed, that I cannot determine in what other points it may differ. Schumacher’s Cristaria tuberculata bears a strong affinity to this species also, as well in his description as his plate. He describes and figures it, however, as being alated posteriorly, and not anteriorly, and does not mention its being connate. The fact of its possessing a divided lateral tooth, “callus pa- rallelus bifidus,” proves that it is not our species. VOL. I1l.—5 x ies e 448 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES 3. SympHynoTa ALATA. Testa ovato-triangulari, transversim rugosa, sub-compressa ; valvulis crassiusculis, earum marginibus dor salibus alatis, et super lizamento connatis ; dente cardinali i in valvulis ambabus duplici, laterali in sinis- tri tantum duplicit, subcurvato; ligamento sub ala celato; natibus pro- minulis ; margarita purpurea. Shell triangular-ovate, transversely wrinkled, rather compressed ; valves moderately thick, elevated into a high wing, and connate over the ligament; beaks scarcely prominent; cardinal tooth double in both valves; lateral tooth double in the left valve only, and slightly curved; ligament concealed ; nacre purple. Hab. our western waters. Unio alatus. Say. Nicholson’s Encyclopedia (Am. Ed.) Art. Am. Conch. pl. 4, fig. 2.* Unio alata. “amarck. Unio alatus. Barnes. Silliman’s Am. Journ. Vol. VI. Unio alata. Swainson. Diam. 2, ‘Length 4-7, Breadth, 6:9 inches. Remarks.—In young specimens it appears disposed to be connate anteriorly to the beaks also. The dorsal cicatrices form quite a row across the cavity. 4, SympHyNoTaA CoMPLANATA. Testa ovato-tr iangulart, inequilaterali, transversim rugosa, compres- sa; valvulis crassis; margine posteriori dorsali alata connatique ; dente unico cardinali in valvuld utraque; plano irregulari calloso sub liga- mento; natibus compressis, sub-prominulis ; ligamento celato ; marga- rita alba, iridescenti. Shell triangular-ovate,{ inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, com- * This figure was made from an imperfect specimen, the wing being mutilated. t See Barnes’s description. { Mr Barnes says “ ovately quadrangular ; ;’”? but the shell is evidently more tri- angular, as his figure displays it. See Silliman’s Am. Journ. Vol. VI. p- 278. ~? OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 449 pressed; valves thick; posterior dorsal margin winged and connate; a large cardinal tooth in each valve; an irregular callous plane under the ligament ; beaks compressed and scarcely projecting ; ligament conceal- ed; nacre white and iridescent. cides Fox River. Mr Schoolcraft. Hab. ~ Wisconsan. Captain Douglass. Ohio. W. Cooper. - My Cabinet. . Cabinet of Mr Barnes. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of the New York Lyceum. Cabinet of Dr Mitchill. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Alasmodonta complanata. Barnes. Diam. -9—1:4 inches. Length from beaks to base, 3 inches. Breadth 5 inches. Length from the top of the wing, 4-:3—4:5 inches.* Shell triangular-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, compressed, the largest diameter being nearly 2-3ds of the dis- tance from the beaks to the base ; substance of the shell thick ; valves elevated into a moderately sized wing over the ligament, and connate; this wing is traversed at right angles to the wrinkles, by obscure undulations reaching to the beaks; beaks much compressed and scarcely projecting, crowned by seve- ral double concentric undulations, which terminate in a point ; ligament concealed in the wing ; sinus subquadrate; epider- mis dark brown and irregularly wrinkled; cardinal tooth thick, elevated, suleated, and diverging from the beaks ; a wide, irregular callous plane extends under the ligament; cicatrices in the anterior margin three, and irregular; in the posterior margin two, confluent and scarcely perceptible; dorsal cica- trices very perceptible; cavity of the beaks and disk small; nacre white and iridescent. othe Remarks.—This shell, first described by Barnes, is a rare * See Barnes’s description; my specimen is rather more ventricose. 450 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES and beautiful species. It is peculiar in its very much com- pressed beaks, and in its greatest diameter being but a short distance above the basal margin. ‘ 5. Sympyynota Compressa. Plate XII. fig. 22. Testa transversim elongata, inequilaterali, valde compressé, ellipticé ; valvulis tenuibus ; natibus sub-prominulis, undulatis ; dente cardinali prominente ; laterali parvo. Shell transversely elongated, inequilateral, compressed, elliptical ; valves thin; beaks scarcely prominent, undulated ; cardinal tooth promi- nent; lateral tooth small. Ohio. T. G. Lea. Norman’s Kill, near Albany. Dr Eights. My Cabinet. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of Dr Eights. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Cabinet of the New York Lyceum. Diam. °8, Length 1-7, Breadth 2-8 inches. Shell transverse, much compressed, elliptical; substance of the shell rather thin; beaks slightly elevated, not decortica- ted, beautifully crowned with small double concentric undu- lations, points of the beaks almost white; ligament concealed within the valves; dorsal margin rather elevated posteriorly to the beaks; posterior margin sub-angular; posterior basal and basal margins curved: anterior and anterior dorsal and basal margins rounded; epidermis olive-green, slightly wrin- kled and glabrous; radiations over the whole disk; cardinal tooth prominent and curved, in the left valve with three pro- tuberances, the posterior the highest, sloping to the end of the lateral tooth, the anterior the lowest; in the right valve one rather large, which closes between the first and second of the left; lateral tooth short and nearly straight, passing from Hab. ; oe * OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 451 the very point of the beaks, in the right valve lamellar near the termination, and abrupt; in the left acicular, the channel being only large enough to admit of the edge of a penknife; in the right valve the cardinal and lateral teeth are entirely separated by a cavity formed by the tooth of the other valve, this cavity is at the very point of the beak, and therefore the valve has little or no cavity; in the left valve the large recurv- ed tooth forms a beautiful angular cavity; anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cicatrices confluent; dorsal cicatrices situ- ated at the point of the cavity of the beaks; cavity of the shell very shallow; nacre delicate salmon colour towards the beaks, bluish towards the margin. Remarks.—This is a singular and beautiful shell. Its cardinal and lateral teeth are very remarkable. The first being high in the left valve over the cavity of the beak, while in the right it is there depressed ; the latter is short and lam- elliform at termination. The beaks are equally remarkable, being finely undulated; the epidermis is so thin and delicate as to give them almost a white appearance. The rays are broader and more full than in any shell I have seen; they diverge in all directions from the point-of the beaks to the margin. : The specimen belonging to the cabinet of the New York Lyceum, was kindly sent for my inspection by W. Cooper, a member of that valuable institution. It was given by Dr Eights to Mr Barnes, and by the latter labelled “UW. alasmo- dontina.” - My description was written some years since, but remained unpublished until I should have an opportunity of examining other specimens. VOL. i11.—5 Y Ball ~~ nak” Ww bes i 7 . “ ¥ ; 452 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES 6. Sympnynota GRACILIs. Testa sub-triangulari-ovatd, inequilaterali, transversim rugosa, sub- compressa ; valvulis tenuibus fragilibusque; margine posteriori dorsali sub-alatd, connataque; dente cardinali in valvula dextra elevato, recurvo ; natibus sub-prominulis ; ligamento.celato ; margarita violaceo-purpured et iridescente. Shell sub-triangular-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, rather compressed ; valves thin and fragile; posterior dorsal margin connate, wing but little elevated ; cardinal tooth of right valve elevated, recurved ; beaks scarcely prominent; ligament concealed; nacre pearly, violet- purple, and iridescent. Ohio. T. G. Lea. Wisconsan. Mr Schoolcraft. My Cabinet. Cabinet of Mr Barnes. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Cabinet of Mr Swainson. Cabinet of the New York Lyceum. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Unio gracilis. Barnes. Silliman’s Amer. Journ. Vol. VI. p- 174. Unio fragilis. Swainson*. Unio planus. Barnes. Diam. 1—1°2, Length 2-2—2:-5 inches. Breadth 3:1—4:1 inchest. Shell sub-triangular-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrink- led, rather compressed ; substance of the shell thin ; valves ele- vated into a small wing over the ligament and connate ; beaks slightly prominent, pointed, having two or three minute ele- vations; ligament concealed in the wing; epidermis yellow- Hab. ; * T have retained the specific name of Mr Barnes in preference to that of Mr Swainson in the right of priority. Mr B. published in January 1823. Mr S.’s dedication of 3d vol. of his Zool. Dlus., in which the fragilis is described, is dated Oct. 1823. { See Barnes’s description. aie CO ee ye OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 453 green, finely wrinkled, obscurely radiated and glabrous; marks of growth very perceptible; cardinal tooth of right valve crest-like, recurved, and clasping the side of the opposite one ; lateral teeth lamelliform and curved; anterior cicatrices dis- tinet; posterior cicatrices confluent; dorsal cicatrices form a line across the cavity of the beaks, and are very perceptible ; cavity of the beaks very wide and shallow; nacre pearly, bluish-white, violet-purple and iridescent. Remarks.—Mr Barnes noticed this as a connate shell. His description of the cardinal tooth does not agree with my spe- cimens, except in the younger ones, in which this tooth is more lamellar.. The recurved tooth hooking or clasping the other, when the valves are closed, is very remarkable. In some specimens the lateral and cardinal teeth form an uninterrupted curve line, when the cardinal tooth is quite lamelliform; in others the latter is small and lobed, age pro- ducing much effect on it in this respect. 7. SympnynoTa TEnurissmmaA. Plate XI. fig. 21. Testa angusto-ellipticd, inequilaterali, transversim rugosa, compressa ; valvulis tenuissimis fragillimisque; margine dorsali connata; dente cardinali prominentia exigua, laterali unico et aciculari in valvuld utra- que; natibus depressis; ligamento celato; margarita ceruleo-alba et purpurea, iridescente. Shell narrow-elliptical, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, com- pressed ; valves very thin and very fragile ; dorsal margin connate; car- dinal tooth a small lobe ; lateral tooth acicular and single in both valves; beaks depressed ; ligament concealed; nacre bluish-white and purple, iridescent. Hab. Ohio. T. G. Lea. _ My Cabinet. . Cabinet of T. G. Lea. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. * . 454 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Diam. -6, Length 2-2, Breadth 2-5 inches. Shell narrow-elliptical, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, much compressed ; substance of the shell very thin ; valves con- nate over the ligament, and not elevated into a wing; beaks scarcely prominent, pointed, nearly terminal ; epidermis wrin- kled, yellow, with very oblique green rays, which, when ap- parent, give a greenish hue to the shell; rays more numerous and perceptible along the umbonial slope; marks of growth very perceptible; greatest diameter along the umbonial slope ; cardinal tooth of right valve a small lobe closing into a de- pression of the margin of the left valve; lateral teeth acicu- lar, single in both valves, and nearly or quite direct ; anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cicatrices confluent; dorsal cica- trices form a line across the cavity of the beaks; ‘and are very perceptible; cavity of the beaks searcely apparent; nacre bluish-white, purple about the region of the teeth and the cavity of the beaks. Remarks.—This interesting species is the most fragileand thin of all the family of the Naiades which I have seen. ‘The epidermis seems in some specimens to prevail over the sub- stance of the shell, which is so extremely brittle as almost to be destroyed in our cabinets by its contraction from the effect of the atmosphere. The beaks are so nearly terminal that it somewhat resembles the modiolain this respect. It is the near- est approach to the .2nodonta, having but the rudiments of teeth; and I am much disposed to believe that the “ 2nodon purpurascens” of Swainson is analogous to this shell. He had seen but one perfect specimen sent him by Mr Rafinesque from the “back settlements.” I have seen many specimens of the tenuissima, all of which have the rudiments of the cardinal and lateral teeth. This shell exhibits to us the necessity of resort- ing toa more natural definite division of Naiades than that of the teeth. The fenuissima resembles most the gracilis. 'They differ, however, in the latter being much larger, more ovate, heavier, more ventricose, and not radiate. The teeth of the gracilis are well defined, which is not the case with this. ty OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 455 8. SympHYNOTA OCHRACEA. Testa sub-ovati, inequilaterali, transversim rugosd, inflata ; valvulis post ligamentum connatis, tenuibus, fragilibus, et sine ald; dentibus cardinalibus et lateralibus curvam lineam facientibus ; natibus promi- nentibus ; ligamento conspicuo ; margarité ceruleo-albé et ochraced. Shell sub-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, inflated ; valves thin and fragile, connate behind the ligament, not winged ; cardinal and lateral teeth forming a curve line; beaks prominent; ligament visible ; nacre bluish-white and ochraceous. Hab. Schuylkill and Delaware. My Cabinet. Cabinet of Mr Say. Cabinet of Prof. Vanuxem. Cabinet of Mr Hyde. Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Cabinet of Dr Griffith. Cabinet of P. H. Nicklin. Peale’s Museum. Unio ochraceus. Say. Nicholson’s Encyclopedia, Art. Am. Conchol. pl. 2, fig. 8. Diam. 1:3, Length 1-9, Breadth 2-9 inches. Shell sub-ovate, inequilateral, transversely wrinkled, infla- ted; dorsal margin rectilinear; valves thin and fragile, con- nate behind the ligament, not winged; beaks full and pro- minent, with several concentric undulations; ligament not concealed; epidermis glossy, varying from yellow ochre to brown ochre, marked with oblique rays, most abundant behind; cardinal and lateral teeth lamelliform, forming a curve line, in the right valve the cardinal tooth is double, in the /ef¢ single; anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cica- trices confluent ; dorsal cicatrices form a row across the ca- vity of the beaks, very perceptible; cavity of the beaks large ; nacre bluish-white and ochraceous; along the anterior basal margin thicker and tinged with red; posterior margin iri- descent. VOL. IlI.—d5 Z 456 NEW GENUS AND SOME NEW SPECIES Remarks.—This is a beautiful shell. It is remarkable in being connate behind the ligament; this connection, how- ever, is very small, and only perceptible in perfect specimens ; in the old ones it is separated. Fine specimens have been in our cabinets for years without our observing they were con- nate. The cardinal tooth being double in the right valve seems to have escaped the attention of the observant Mr Say. 9. SympuynoTa CyGNEA. ~ Testé ovata, antice lata et rotundata, irregulariter transversim ru- gosé; natibus retusis ; valvulis tenuibus et post ligamentum connatis. Shell ovate, wide before and round, with irregular transverse wrin- kles; beaks not prominent; valves thin and connate behind the liga- ment. Hab. rivers and lakes of Europe. My Cabinet. Mytilus cygneus. Lin. Gmel. p. 3555. Anodonta cygnea. Lam. Remarks.—It is a matter of surprize to me that this shell, so long known and so often described by European concho- logists, should not have been before observed to be connate. It has not to my knowledge been thus described. Among about a dozen specimens received from various parts of Europe, I have two which are decidedly and undoubtedly connate. One was sent to me by Count de Yoldi of Copenhagen, the other by W. Swainson, Esq. of London. 'These are the only spe- cimens I have seen with the dorsal margin unfractured, and it may be that even in their native beds they rarely exist in a perfect state with regard to this part. Young specimens would be more likely to be found perfect, if taken from pools or lakes where they remain undisturbed by the attrition of sand, &c. carried over them by the action of the water. OF THE FAMILY OF NAIADES. 457 In closing this paper, I take the opportunity of returning my thanks to those friends who have kindly loaned me their specimens for examination and comparison, and by whose ad- vice I have frequently profited. .To P. H. Nicklin, Esq. I feel under peculiar obligations for frequent consultations and assistance ; and to W. Cooper, Esq. I am greatly indebted for the opportunity, through his means, of having in my posses- sion for some weeks the identical specimens appertaining to various valuable cabinets in New York, from which Mr Barnes made his descriptions. No. XIV. Remarks on the use of the Mazxille in Coleopterous Insects, with an Account of two Species of the Family Telepho- ridx, and of three of the Family Mordellide, which ought to be the Type of two distinct Genera. By N. M. Heniz. fi yeke maxilla in most coleopterous insects may not have as much influence in the masticating of the food as has been supposed. Latreille long ago has shown that Fabri- cius’s characters of his Hleutherata and Synistata were erro- neous, since in all the grinding insects the maxille are attached to or connected with the tongue. After mature considera- tion, I have even come to the conclusion that the maxille, in many cases, must be considered only as appendages to the tongue, and that their use, then, is similar to that of this last organ; that is, to assist in the deglutition of food, while they seldom serve to grind or lacerate, excepting in the Melolon- thide, Rutelide, and a few more, where there seems to be a departure from their primary use. De Geer, quoted by Kir- by and Spence, long ago observed in Leptura quadrifasciata that the maxille were terminated by soft appendages, fringed with hair. There the chief use of the maxille could not be mistaken; they are evidently employed to penetrate into the corolla of flowers, somewhat in the same manner as the antlia of Lepidopterous insects. We are already acquainted with the genus Nemognatha, established by Iliger, where the maxilla can hardly have any power in masticating or lacera- ON THE MAXILLZ IN COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 459 ting the food. I have been fortunate enough to discover a considerable number of insects, in which the configuration of that part of the mouth is such as to corroborate the idea ex- pressed in the sentence heading these remarks. The first to be mentioned seems to be the Cantharis mar- ginata of Fabricius, though the marking of the elytra differs in most varieties from the descriptions of that species. In this insect, the maxille, if examined after desiccation, offer only one lobe, which is cleft or bifid. See Fig. I. 6. But before it is dried, if the abdomen be pressed gradually, and then the thorax, there issues from the cleft of the lobe of the maxilla a soft, elastic, subconic body, of more than half its whole length, and extending beyond the palpi. Ano- ther body of the same nature issues nearly at a right an- gle from the base of the first, which is directed forward. This projection is about half the length of the first, and would seem to issue from, or possibly to constitute the lower lobe. Both are covered with short hairs. See Fig. I. e. These bodies, which the insect can protrude at will, can extend into the corolla of umbelliferous and other small flowers, and are used to collect nourishment. The next insect is the Cantharis bimaculata, F. The anomalous characteristics of the preceding exist in this in a more con- ‘spicuous degree. When the abdomen and thorax, still in a recent state, are pressed, there issues from each maxilla a soft tapering body covered with fine hairs. It is capable of great extension, as it may reach farther than the middle of the an- tenne, being then more than twice as long as the maxilla itself. See Fig. II. b. ec. These two insects are evidently congeneric and even bear great affinity to each other. A su- perficial observer might take one for the other. They would rather belong to Malthinus than to Telephorus, on account of the brevity of the elytra in relation to the abdomen, but I have been induced by several reasons to propose that these should constitute a new genus, which I will thus define :— VOL. I11.—6 A 460 ON THE USE OF THE MAXILLE FAMILY LAMPYRIDES. Genus CHAULIOGNATHUS. Cantharis, Linn. Telephorus, Oliv. Malthinus, Lat. Antenne nearly as long as the elytra; mandibies arcuated, entire, apex acute; maxille with the upper lobe, at least, ex- tensible during life; palpi with their last joint larger, subsecu- riform ; body soft; elytra shorter than the abdomen; head ge- nerally attenuated behind. I. Chauliognathus marginatus. Testaceous; antennz and a bifurcated band on the vertex black; a longitudinal band on the thorax, and an abbreviated one near the apex of the elytra black. Length (in a dried state) from 2-5ths to nearly half an inch. Inhabits North Carolina from May till the end of July. Description.—Head testaceous; a line on the vertex which bifurcates towards the eyes black; mandibles piceous at tip ; palpi piceous; antennz black, first three joints rufous under- neath; thorax testaceous, subquadrate, not transverse, mar- gined with a longitudinal band black; elytra testaceous, nar- rowed at tip, with an abbreviated band near the apex black; a slightly elevated line near the suture diverging beyond the middle towards the humerus, where it is obsolete; beneath testaceous; postpectus darker; venter testaceous, segments black at base; thighs pale ferruginous, black at tip; tibiae piceous, slightly ferruginous at base; tarsi piceous. Var. a. Elytral band nearly reaching the base, where it bifurcates, inner bifurcation longest; band of the thorax in- terrupted in two places. Var. @. Elytra black; suture, margin and humerus tes- taceous. This is possibly the Cantharis marginata. Fab. Eleut. I. p. 298. Var. y. Elytra testace ous, immaculate. ors, > a IN COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 461 Sy Observations. This insect very much Tesembles the fol- lowing, but may be distinguished by its narrow thorax, the marking of the head and feet, its size, the time when it ap- pears, and, above all, by the difference in the form of its max- illary appendages. Another great peculiarity, not mentioned in the description, is the existence of two bags, analogous to the caruncles of the prothorax of Malachius. These bags issue from the sides of the second segment of the abdo- men, within the pulmonaria and under the spiracula dor- salia ; and being capable of considerable distention, they seem to be composed of one lobe only. During life the abdo- men is much longer than the elytra, but it contracts much in drying. Neither this nor the next species live upon prey. They are both always found feeding on flowers, live long, and many, when about to die, grasp with their mandibles the petal of a flower, and may be found dried up in that state. II. Chauliognathus bimaculatus. Black; thorax testaceous, with a spot black; elytra testa- ceous, with an elongated spot.near the apex black. Length (in a dried state) from 9-20ths to 11-20ths of an inch. Inhabits Pennsylvania and North Carolina, where it ap- pears in September and tives throughout October. Cantharis bimaculata. Fab. Eleut. I. 298. Description—Head black; antenne black; palpi black; mandibles ferruginous, piceous at tip; labium ferruginous; thorax testaceous, margined, subtransverse, slightly broader at base with a central spot black; elytra testaceous, slightly nar- rower at tip, with a spot or band covering about one half of each elytron, beginning near the apex black, a subobsolete elevated line near the suture, and diverging towards the hu- merus; beneath piceous, edge of segments of the abdomen testaceous; feet blackish; tibie of the anterior pair of legs 462 . USE OF THE MAXILLE piceous, covered ith rufous hairs, those of the second and third pair with shorter and thinner hairs of the same colour. Observations.—This insect is one of the last to appear, and that in profusion, about the same time with Lytta atrata, till repeated frosts deprive it of food. The black spot on the thorax varies much; it is usually subquadrate, but is some- times transverse, and sometimes longitudinal, but most com- monly indented at base as represented in Fig. II. I observed this insect about ten years ago in the month of August; it was found on the blossom of thistles, where I had an oppor- tunity to see it protrude its maxillary appendage as the an- tlie of Lepidopterous insects. In this insect, as well as in the preceding, the abdomen extends at least three segments beyond the elytra, during life. The next insects in which I have observed a peculiar for- mation of the maxilla, all belong to the family Mordellone, namely Rhipiphorus dimidiatus, R. limbatus, and R. tristis. The remarkable elongation of the upper lobe of the maxille, which is greater than at least in one species of Nemognatha, and other considerations have induced me to propose the es- tablishment of the following genus, taking R. dimidiatus for its type, and adding to it the two other species just men- tioned. ; FAMILY MORDELLON &. Genus MAcrostacon. Rhipiphorus, Bose. Fab. Xe. Tarsi with all their joints simple; palpi subfiliform ; an- tenn pectinated ; maxille with the upper lobe filiform, lon- ger than the palpi; scutellum not apparent; abdomen abruptly truncated; elytra dehiscent, longer than the abdomen. See Fig. III. a, 6, ¢, d. » rr ‘ \ ‘ ' + \