erro ‘PROCEEDINGS *rials OF THE American Fish fulturists Association, ——$—$—$<————— ORGANIZED DECEMBER 20, 1870. ALBANY: THE ARGUS COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1872. ayy yee i” f } pitted o (SEA | PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN FISH CULTURISTS ASSOCIATION Report oF THE Mererinc: oF ORGANIZATION. New York Crry, December 20, 1870. A meeting of practical fish culturists was held in this city to-day, in compliance with a call issued November Ist by W.. Clitt, A. S. Collins, J. H. Slack, F. Mather and L. Stone. The original place of meeting was subsequently changed to the rooms of the New York Poultry Socigty,te which society the dele- yates are much indebted, both for the use of the rooms and. for various other courtesies extended to them during the day. The delegates having assembled, a temporary organization was formed, with Rev. W. Clift as chairman and, Mr. L. Stone as secre- tary. It was then unanimously resolved to form a permanent organi- zation of tish culturists, and Dr. Edmonds and Mr. Stone were appointed a committee to draft a constitution for such an organiza- tion, to report when ready. On the presentation of their report, the following constitution was adopted, viz. : Constitution, Art. I. Name and Ohjects—The ame of this society shall be “The American Fish Culturists’ Association.” [ts objects shall be to promote the cause of fish culture; to gather and diffuse informa- tion bearing upon its practical success; the interchange of friendly feeling and intercourse among the members of the association : the uniting and encouraging of the individual interests of fish culturists. Art. TT. Weihers—All tish culturists shall, upon a two-thirds vote of the society and a payment of three dollars, be considered members _of the assuciation, after signing the constitution. The commissioners 2 of the various States shall be honorary members of the association, ex officio. Art. III. Officers—The officers of the association shall be a presi- dent, a secretary and a treasurer, and shall be elected annually by a majority vote. Vacancies occurring during the year may be filled by the president. Art. IV. Meetings—The regular meetings of the association shall be held once a year, the time and place being decided upon at the previous meeting. Arr. V. Changing the Constitution—The constitution of the society may be amended, altered or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular mecting. The constitution having been adopted, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: W. Clift, Mystic Bridge, Ct., president ; L. Stone, Charlestown, N. H., secretary; B. F. Bowles, Springfield, Mass., treasurer. It was then resolved that an effort be made to secure an exhibition of live fish at the next meeting, and that the folowing gentlemen be requested to prepare papers, to be read at the next meeting, on the subjects annexed to their names : A. S. Collins—On “Spawning Races and the Impregnation of Eggs.” J. UH. Slack—On “ The Culture of Black Bass.” W. Clitt—On “The Culture of Shad.” Dr. Edmonds—On “The Introduction of Salmon into American Rivers.” b. F. Bowles—On “ Land-locked Salmon.” Dr. Huntington—On “ Fish in the North Woods of New York.” L. Stone—On “ The Culture of Trout.” It was decided to hold the next meeting and exhibition in con- nection with the New York Poultry Show next year. It was voted to send a report of the meeting for publication to the New York Citizen and Round Table, the New York Tribune, the Springfield Republican, the New York Poultry Bnlletin and other papers at dis- cretion; and the secretary was instructed to mail the published reports of the meeting to fish culturists generally. Crecutation or Last YEaAr’s Report. In order that this movement of the fish culturists, the first in the way of organization in this country, might be generally known, a copy of the report of the meeting, which was just read, was sent to 5 all the leading newspapers in New England and New York, and to some farther west and south, and also to nearly 200 practical fish culturists in various parts of the country. Iam happy to say that the newspapers, in almost every instance, printed the report in full, or noticed it im some way. Tue Acassiz Crecutars. For some time previous to the meeting of organization [ had held a correspondence with Prof. Agassiz, en topics relating to fish culture, in the course of which the professor mentioned a labor, in which he is now engaged, of preparing an illustrated work of all the salmonide of this continent, showing the variations of age, sex, locality and the like; and after the formation of the association, he suggested that the association should use its influence in furnishing material for this work. It appeared to me so desirable a thing to have a work which would enable us to tell at a glance, at all seasons, the sex, age or locality of any specimen of the salmonidie, and also so appropriate a matter tor the association to take up, that, exceeding the ordinary powers of my office, I took the responsibility of having circulars printed in accord- ance with Mr. Agassiz’s suggestion, and very widely distributed throughout the country. A copy was sent to all the tish culturists and fishermen, whose names were accessible, and was published in most of the leading papers in this section. In a subsequent interview with Professor Agassiz, at his museum at Cambridge, I learned that he had been materially benefited by the aid that this effort had called out, although he remarked that not nearly so many fish had been sent in as he needed. I consequently take the liberty here to remind you that this is a most valuable work which Prof. Agassiz is undertaking, and one which will be unsurpassed by anything of its kind in the world, and I warmly commend it to the attention and interest of the members of this association. Mr. Agassiz cannot finish his work unless the requisite material is furnished him, and the members of this association, and all interested, eannot do the distinguished naturalist a greater kindness, nor the cause of fish culture a better service, than by sending him, as oppor- tunity permits, specimens of the various individuals of the salmon family. The entire expense of printing and cirenlating the Agassiz circu- 6 lars was but 88. Mr. Agassiz requested me to send him the bill for payment, but it seemed to me se becoming a service for the associa- tion to bear the expense, and so creditable to its record to be iden- tified at this stage in its history with se good a work, that I witheld the bill from the protessur, and beg permission to recommend to the association to pay it from their own funds. Sr. Lawrence CorresPONDENCE, During the session of the * High Joint Commission” at Washing- ton, last spring, T received a letter from Ton. Stephen TL. Ainsworth, asking Ine, as secretary of the ussociation, to request our State con- gressional delegation to use their influence with the Comission to adopt some measures towards removing the obstructions in the river St. Lawrence which prevent the salmon from ascending its tributaries. I accordingly wrote to our New [Hampshire senators and representa- tives, and the following is the correspondence which was elicited : ‘MARLESTOWN, N. IL, February 27, 1871. HIon. Samuen, M. Berri: Dear Str. —I beg leave to call your attention to a matter of very considerable magnitude, and ene which the circumstance of the con- vening of the High Joint Commission, now in session at Washington, renders of urgent importance at the present time. I refer to the opening of the tributaries of the St. Lawrence river to the entrance and yearly migration of silmon, Which are now prevented from reach- ing these streams by the obstructions and implements for their capture in the main river. These tributaries form the natural routes of these valuable fish, and also contain their natural spawning grounds; and covering, as they do, thousands of miles of river channel, their tisheries would furnish annually, if the salmon were allowed to traverse these streams, returns compared with which the number now caught in the main river are very insigniticant. Furthermore, the salmon of these upper streams, in many instances running through a populous country, would, from their local demand and proximity to a market, represent a money value many fold greater than the same tish caught in the uninhabited regions near the mouth of the river. This is a matter largely affecting the interests of the communities inhabiting the basins of the tributaries in question, and it enlls for especial attention at this juncture, from the thet that an opportunity is afforded by the meeting of the commission referred to for reaching a satisfactory adjustment of the difficulties —an opportunity which may not return for a long term of years. It should be remembered that, in pressing this matter, we are not asking favors from Canada, as the Canadians on either side of the St. 7 Lawrence will be as much benefited by the change proposed as the Americans on this side of the river. [ am informed that the ILlon. Hamilton Fish is in possession of the facts required by the comunission to take the necessary steps in this Inatter. I beg leave, as a representative of the American Fish Culturists’ Association, to request you to Use vour Influence with the comnutssion to accomplish this important cud of restoring the salmon to the tribu- taries of the St. Lawrence; which, both from its intrinsic magnitude and the importance of its results, seems to be deserving of thei atten- tion. T have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, LIN INGSLONE STONES Sec y Aw. Fish Cult. Ass'n. Craremont, N. HH. Jlay 13th, 1871. Mr. Lrvincston STONE: Dear Sre.— Inclosed find a communication from the Secretary of State Department. Your communication, directed to the iN? «Li delegation at Washington, was duly received and laid before the ITon. Hamilton Fish, with a request on our part that the matter receive attention. After my return from Washington, Mr. Hibbard received the inclosed. Yours truly, HOW. PARE: DevarrmMeNt oF STATE, ) W asuincrox, April 20, 1871. 5 The Honorable E. A. [tpnarn, Tlouse of [ee presentatives £ Str.— In answer to your note, referring to a communication from Mr. Stone on the subject of the salmon fisheries im the tributaries of the St. Lawrence, [have the honor to say that Mr. Stone's letter was one of many very interesting communications on the same subject. As the obstacles to the free access of the salmon to these rivers are matters within the control of local or provincial legislatures of the British Colonies, [have brought the subject, and laid several of the letters, informally, before Sir John Macdonald, from whom I under- stand that the obstructions complained of are prohibited by the Canadian laws, and that the authorities are constant in their efforts to prevent their being placed in the river, and patrol the river for that purpose, but tind it very difficult to prevent violation of the laws on this subject. Ife has taken the letters, and assures me that no efforts will be wanting to prevent or to punish future violations. Very respectfully yours, HAMILTON FISH. 8 New Members. In the course of the year, I took occasion to write to most of the practical fish culturists of this country, whose acquaintance { had made by correspondence, or otherwise, to the number of about 200, extending to thei an invitation to join the association. These letters met with various replies ; some few were not answered at all, but they were, on the whole, well received, and the replies in most cases contained expressions of interest in the prosperity of the association. CoRRESPONDENCE. During the year, I have received various letters addressed to me as secretary, to two of which I wish to call your attention. One was a letter from a gentleman whose name I have lost, who made the excellent suggestion, as I thought, that the association undertake the experiment of taking and hatching, inthe usual artificial way, the eggs of the blind fish of Mammoth Cave, to see what effect it would have, if any, upon the sight of this curious fish. I immediately wrote to parties in that vicinity, and in reply, received a communication from Dr. W. M. Allen, near Louisville, Ky., saying that these fish spawn about the first of April, that they are perfectly white, have no eyes, do not exceed seven inches in length, and that it is doubtful whether they would live in the light; also that Col. Proitor, the lessee of the cave, would probably assist in the efforts to obtain the ova of this fish. I think very highly of this experiment as one of unusual scientific interest, and would recommend to the Society, when a convenient opportunity presents itself, to take measures to solve this very interest- ing problem, of hatching and rearing the blind fish of Mammoth Cave in the light. Another letter of interest, which I received, was from a gentleman in St. Louis, in relation to the different names which are given to the saine fish in different localities. This gentleman stated in his letter that in the course of a rather extended fishing experience, in the southern, western and north-west- ern States, he had noticed the following confusion of names, viz. : The black bass is called, in the southern States, a trout. The rock bass of the east is called a goggle-eye in the west. The silver perch of the south is called in Missouri a croppie, and in Kentucky by still another name. The pickerel of the north is called a jack in the south. Many similar instances might be given. 9 This ambiguity and confusion of the names of fishes has, I have no doubt, impressed all of us with its inconvenience and objectionable- ness. | have no measures to recommend tothe Association to obviate it; for 1 suppose it is too extended an evil, and too deeply rooted, to be reached by ns; but TE think it is deserving the attention of the association, and would suggest that a partial remedy might be found in occasionally collating the various names of each fish in different localities, and publishing them in connection with the Latin or scien- tific names of the fish, with, perhaps, some description of it added. Norice oF Seconp ANNUAL MrETING. During the month of December I caused to be printed a notice of the present meeting, and, in the absence of any committee for the purpose. 1 stretched a point, perhaps, in my authority, in preparing a stated programme of exercises for the meeting. This was in order to bring before your notice the objects which seem most to need your attention. This notification circular was seut to all professional and amateur fish culturists whose names were in my possession, and the fisheries’ counnissioners of the various States, and was generally noticed in the newspapers and agricultural periodicals. In conlusion, [ will merely add that, in the course of the year, I have mailed 500 letters on business of the association, and nearly a thousand circulars and papers. Procrepines oF THE Frrsr ANNUAL MEETING oF THE AMERICAN Fisu Cutrurists’ Association, HELD ar ALBANY, FEepruary Tit AND Stu, 1872. The association came together at the Globe I[otel, Albany, N. Y., at twelve o'clock, o., on Wednesday, February 7, 1872. The following members were admitted: E. W. Stoughton, Wind- sor, Vt.; George Shepard Page, New York; Richards Bradley, Brattleboro’, Vt.; George H. Jerome, Niles, Mich.; A. B. Crocke', Norway, Maine; Edward Whitin, Whitinsville, Mass.; Theodore Shultz, New York; T. J. Whitcomb, Springfield, Vt.; J. D. Bridge- man, Bellows Falls, Vt.; Benjamin Farrar, St. Louis, Mo. ; George Jewett, M. D., Fitchburg, Mass.; B. Frank Boyer, Reading, Pa. ; A. C. Rupe, New York; A. B. Sprout, Muncy, Pa.; B. B. Porter, Baltimore, Md.; M. H. Christler. Kinderhook, N. Y.; Gifford W. Christler, Kinderhook, N. Y.; E. Stirling, M. D., Cleveland, Ohio ; F. J. Chandler, Alstead, N. HH. 10 The secretary’s report was read and adopted. On motion of Mr. Livingstone Stone, the constitution was amended by striking out the word “and” after the word “secretary” in Art. II], and inserting after the word “treasurer” the words * and an executive committee of three members.” Art. III now reads: OFFICERS. The ofhcers of the association shall be a president, secretary, treasurer and executive committee of three members, and shall be elected by a majority vote. Vacancies occurring during the year may be filled by the president. The president appointed Mr. A. S. Collins, Dr. Jewell and the secretary 2 committee to nominate ofticers for the ensuing year, to report in the afternoon, after which the association adjourned till two o’clock, v. M. At the opening of the afternoon session, the committee on the numination of officers reported as follows : President.—W. Clitt. Treasurer.—B. F. Bowles. Secretury.— Livingston Stone. Executive Committee.—Seth Green, chairman; J. D. Bridgeman and A. C. Rupe. The report of the committee was accepted, and the ofticers nomi- nated were elected tor the ensuing year. A paper was then read by Mr. A. S. Collins on “Spawning Races and the Tmpregnation of Eyes.” after which a box of trout eggs, taken at the Cold Spring trout ponds, by the Russian or dry method of impregnation, was opened by Mr. Stone and examined by the members. Only three out of nearly a hundred were found empty. A paper was then read by Mr. W. Clift on the Culture of Shad.” The next paper was on * The Introduction of Salmon into American Rivers.” by Dr. Edmonds, atter the reading of which the meeting adjourned till seven o'clock, Pp. Mt. At the evening session, Mr. B. PF. Bowles read a paper on “ Land- locked Salmon.” On motion of Mr. G. S. Page, it was resolved that a committee of four, to include the president and secretary, be appointed, who shall dratt and present to Congress, at its present session, a memorial upon the subject of the creation by the government of two or more tish- hatching establishments: one for salmon in the vicinity of Puoget’s Sound, and the other at sume convenient point near the Atlantic 11 coast, for the propagation of shad for the purpose of restocking our rivers and streams. Mr. George 8. Page and Dr. Edmonds were appointed on that com- mittee, with the president and secretary. The meeting was then addressed by [Lon. Horatio Seymour, who suggested that efforts be made to introduce Chinese and other foreign tish inte this country. In pursuance of these sugyestions, it was resolved, on motion of Mr. Stone, that a committee of two, including the president, be appointed to make arramgements with such foreign countries as are engaged in fish culture for a mutual exchange of food fishes. Mr. George Shepard Page was appointed on this committee with the president. Mr. Page then moved that a committee be appointed to take into consideration the matter of publishing the proceedings and papers of this meeting, and that they be authorized to act at discretion. Hon. Horatio Seymour and Mr. Livingston Stune were appointed on that committee. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the same place the fullow- ing morning. The association met aceording to adjournment on Thursday morn- ing. In the absence of the president, the secretary, Mr. Livingston Stone, presided. The report of the treasurer, Mr. B. FL Bowles, was read and accepted. Qn motion of Mr. ALS. Collins, it was resolved that the initiatory and annual assessment be increased to five dollars, and the treasurer be instructed to send te each new member a copy of the proceedings of this meeting. The committee on the subject of furnishing a memorial to Congress then reperted a copy of such memorial, which was adopted by the asseciition. On motion of Mr. ALS. Collins, it was resolved that the meeting recommend that the Legislatures of the different States pass such laws as shall encourage and protect pioneers in fish culture. Mr. George Shepard Page having placed his oftice in New York at the disposition of the asseciation. it was voted. on motion of Dr. WM. Edmonds. that Mr. Pave’s ottite, No. lo Warren street, New York. be mde the New York city office of the association > after which the thanks of the association were given to Mr. Page for his kind offer. The association then resolved to hold their next annual meeting on 12 the second Tuesday in February, 1573, at their New York city office, No. 10 Warren street. It was also Taye that a committee of three be appointed to arrange with Prot. AS. Bickmore, Director of the American Museum of Natural ite: at ee Park, New York, for a permanent exhibition ip the museum of fishes and implements used in tish culture, Without eae to the association. Messrs. George S. Pave, C. HU. Farnham, and A. S. Hatch were appointed on this committee. Prof. Spencer F. te of Washington, D.C., Mr. Samuel Wilmot, of Ontario, Canada, and Prot. Albert S. Bickmore, New York, were elected honorary members of the assuciation. The executive committee, together with the other ofticers of the assuciation, Were appointed a committee to prepare an order of pro- ceedings tor the next annual meeting, atter which the suciety adjourned. The following items have come under the notice of the secretary, and ure here communicated: Lonceviry or Trovt. The ave of the venerable trout which was mentioned in this column a tew weeks ago as having been examined by Mr. Frank Buckland, has been testified to in the following terms: The undersigned have lived about Dunlop Ilouse for twenty years and upwards. They herein certify that to the best of their belief the trout sent to FL Buckland is the same trout that was put in the well by Thomas Young twenty-four years age, viz., IS48. (Signed) ANDREW STEVENSON. JAMES ROBERTSON. Deniop House, January 20, 1872. This is the oldest well-authenticated instance of trout life that we have heard of, although there are said te be pike and carp in private ponds in Europe that are proved by the dates on the gold rings in their tins tou be over a century old, and Gesner speaks of a pike which Was 267 years old. AMEKICAN “Sautmo Fontinacis”™ 1x ENGiann. Mr. Buckland, in Land and Water, makes this allusion to the American brook trout in his museum: * The following is a catalogue of the eges and fry: Salmon fontinalis, or Aimerican brook trout, brought over from Mr. Wilinot’s establishment, Newcastle, Ontario, Canada, by Mr. Parnaby, of Troutdale F ishervy, Keswick. These are beautiful little tish, of about three-quarters of an inch long. They 13 lave almost absorbed their umbilical bag. and will shortly begim to feed. I propose to feed them on the roe of soles. These American fish are much more active (and [ was gomeg to write—it may be even so-—intelligent) fish than the salmon or trout (isafine fori). Possibly they have imbibed sume of the national American sharpness. [think [ shall consult them on the Alabama question. They are very dith- eult to catch, even in the confined space of the trough, and they often jump out of the glass syphon tube used toe catch them.” This is all right. except the statement of the place where they came from, which is wrong, for all the brook trout which Mr. Parnaby earried to England with him came trom our hatching-house at the Cold Spring Trout Ponds, and were packed by us in the egy the day before Mr. Parnaby sailed for England. We will add. as a matter of statistics in relation te long journeys of trout oval that the cues, 10,000 in number, were packed in sphagnimn moss in a common wooden box about a foot square, on the 20th of November, INSTI, at Charlestown, N. TI. They went trom Charlestown to Boston. 120 miles by rail, on the same day. They remained in Boston over night, and the next morning were put on beard the ocean steamer which sailed that day. They had a long passage of eighteen days to Liverpool, and a considerable journey by rail afterwards from Liverpool to Keswick. At the end of the journey two-thirds of them opened in good condition, although some hatched on the way and died, and the byssus generated by these, and by some of the eggs that were killed during the first part of the trip, made great havoc. Precious Facts. In speaking of the new method of the dry impregnation of fish ova, two weeks ago, the compositor made us say “ pre(cjious facts” instead of “ pre(v)ious facts” as it was written In our MSS. The facts are precious enough te the practical tish-breeder, considering that they increase his yearly vield of voung stock fifty per cent, and we have no objection tu calfing them * precious facts,” although all we meant to say at the time was that the facts had been previously stated. Now that we are on the subject again, we will speak of two infer- ences that follow from these precious facts. One is that since the spermatozoa of the milt remain alive several days when kept from the air and water, a cross can be effected between fish living at long distances apart without transporting the fish. For instance, a trout- 14 breeder in Kansas can bettle up some milt from his fish in «a hom«eeo- pathic phial and send it by mail or express to a Massachusetts breeder, who can take a ripe spawner from his ponds and mix the Kansas milt and Massachusetts eggs in the impregnating pan, and so generate across between the two tish as well as if the Kansas breeder had sent him, at a great risk, some male trout. The great ease with which this crossing can be accomplished may some day lead to valuable results. Another interence is that the old theory that a proportion ot the eggs ordinarily taken from the spawning trout are immature, and therefore cannot be impregnated, must be given up. We have opposed this theory all through our trout-breeding experience, and insisted that the trouble in poor impreguations was not in the egys but in the milt, as it has now turned out to be. But the immature egy theory had its advocates in high quarters, and has been very generally received. There can be no question about it, however, hereatter. If ninety- tive per cent of the eggs are impregnated and hatched by the Russian method, then not more than tive per cent of the eggs are immature, and we doubt if even this small proportion are. HerrMAPHROOITE Cop. Str.— There was full-sized cod got liere lately, contaming ree and milt both well developed. This. [ suppose, is what vou call an her- maphrodite. The manager of the curing-vard told me he had never met with another similar case in long years of experience in cod- curing. W.R. (Land and Water.) Casrarta Sprincs. The Castalia Springs in Ohio promise to be one of the great natural water supplies of the country for tish farming — like the Caledonia Springs in New York, or the Ingham Spring in Pennsylvania. The Ingham Spring, it is estimated, runs 3.006 gallons a minute, and the Caledonia Springs as many gallons a second. Dr. Sterling, of Cleve- land, writes us that the flow of water at the Castalia Springs, the temperature and the geological formations are nearly the same as at Caledonia. The Castalia Springs are situated near Sandusky, Ohio, and are now owned by Mr. J. Hoyt. Trout and white tish are being hatched there this season with sucess. [t should be remembered that it was in Ohio that the first experi- ments in trout-breeding that attracted attention in America were con- 15 ducted. The experimenters were Dr. Theodatus Garlick and Pro- fessor H. A. Ackley. They brought their parent trout alive 600 miles, from the Sault Ste. Marie, to Cleveland, where they took and hatched the ova. The results were given by Dr. Garlick in a paper read by him before the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science, Feb- ruary L7, 1554. Rearwne Wuarre Frsi. In reply to a correspondent about rearing white tish, we will say that it certainly will not puy to raise them artificially, as trout are raised. The best thing to do with the vounyg white fish after the sae is absorbed is to turn them loose into some large pond or lake, where they will grow pro bono publico, Mr. Samuel Wilmot, of Newcastle, Ontario, Canada, has had ood success, we believe, ins rearing: the young try of the white fish, and if our correspondent would like to retain some to experhnent with, we would advise him to apply to Mr. Wilmot for directions about growing them. Tie Apreose Fin or rig SatMontip.r. Extract trom lecture of Mr. Guelwer before the East Kent Natural History Society, England : As to the small and posterior dorsal fin of this fiunily being adipose and devoid of fin rays, orsas emphatically asserted by the excellent Yarrell, in the smelt without any rays whatever.” this is not striethy correct. For though in this fish this tin usualin the family, small and rudimentary, not unlike a tatty laver ina thin skin-tili, it ix quite destitute of fat, and is kept extended by a thiekly crowded set of parallel and very delicate rays, extending from the back of the fish upward to the tree margin of the fingand often projecting a little beyond it, as one may witness by the help of an achromatic object- glass of half an inch focal length. These rays are indeed composed of a peculiar elassy and homogeneous mutter, like the intercellular put of true cartilage, quite structureless and devoid of cells > uor have these rays any muscular provision for those motions which we know to belong to true fins, neither have the rays of the adipose tin, as we have seen, any resemblance in structure to the bony rays of the other fins. Still, in the smelt at least. the so-called adipose fin is neither fatty nor without any rays wlitever. Tne SatMon-BREEDING ENrerPRISE IN MAINE. In 1868 we spent three months in) New Brunswick, and built a thoroughly-appointed salmon-breeding establishment on the Mira- 16 michi river, with great natural facilities and a hatching-house 100 feet long. We succeeded in taking that year a quarter of a million impregnated salmon eggs, but the jealousies we encountered there and the strong public opinion in Canada against the operations of foreigners in this line, convinced us that the next time the thing was attempted it had better be done on American soil, as the Canadians call the United States. We were, therefore, very glad to hear last spring of the project ot Commissioner Atkins to locate salmon-breed- ing works on one of the Maine rivers, where salmon eggs could be obtained independently of foreign control. The scheme of Mr. Atkins has met with a double success, for he has not only succeeded in getting a very considerable quantity of ova at a cost of more than twenty dollars per 1,000 less than is charged at the government establisment at Ontario, Canada, which is one suc- cess, but his labors have proved that much larger quantities may be obtained in future years at a still less cost, which is another and greater Success. Mr. Atkins’ report is filled, as his reports always are, with very valuable matter, and forms an important addition to our still limited stock of knowledge on the culture of tish. We should like to reprint here seven-eizhths of Mr. Atkins’ report, word tor word, but as there is net room tor this we will contine ourselves to the following extracts : The most important business of the year has been the breeding of salmon from parent fish obtained in the Penobscot river, less attention having been paid to the construction of fishways than in former years, and nothing at all having been done in the cultivation of fresh-water fishes. Our plan was as follows: To buy live salmon of the fishermen in the vicinity of Bucksport, transport them to some convenient place where they could be confined within a small space in fresh water, and keep them until the spawning season, when their eggs would be taken. All the eggs were to be developed on the spot sufficiently to insure their safe removal, and a portion of those belonging to Maine to be hatched out and turned into those waters to assist in increasing the number of salmon in the Penobscot, which would thereby become better able to afford us parent salmon in the future. Among the advantages which this plan would have over that of catching the parent tish on their spawning ground in the fall, three deserve mention. In the first place, we would beyond question obtain a large number of salmon from the owners of weirs, while it was a matter of great uncertainty how many could be canght in the upper waters where 17 they spawn. In the second place, we should be within easy reach of railway and steamboat transportation, while the spawning grounds lie in the wilderness. In the third place, the spawn that we should take away would not detract anything trom the natural increase of the species in the river, since we should use for parent fish only those that would otherwise have gone tu the markets, and the accustomed number of adult fish would still be lett to deposit their exes without molestation. The results of the experiment are the eges actually ubtained, and the important addition to our stuck of knowledge on the subject of salmon breeding. The eggs cost the subscribers to the mind $13.09 per thousand. The price demanded and received at the Canadian governmental establish- ment at Newcastle, when I purchased salmon eggs of them in is70, was forty dollars, gold, the eggs of a single fish costing several hun- dred dollars. The prevailing price of parties operating in New srunswick has been twenty doilars-per thousand tor eggs warranted to be fecundated. When the extraordinary mortality among the salmon we intend to use as breeders is considered, it is remarkable that the eggs taken at Orland did not cost more. [have no doubt that, with the advantage of this year’s experience, they can be obtained hereafter at an expense net exceeding eight dollars per thousand. The experiment has decided in the affirmative the follow- ing questions, viz: 1. Whether salmon can be kept in confinement in a small inclosure trom June to November. 2. Whether they will, under such conditions, develop their spawn and milt to perfeet maturity. It has also determined the conditions of safety in trans- portation and to asuflicient extent for practical purposes, the conditions of safety in keeping them through the summer, and tinally the best mode of manipulation to secure complete ftecundation. As to the conditions of keeping salmon in’ safety through the summer, my conclusions may be brietly stated thus: Salmon will live in perfect health in common river, pond or brook water, provided that there be sufficient change to prevent stagnation, that the depth be not less than four feet, and that they be not too much crowded, that the bottom be not newly submerged, that the water be not tee trans- parent; and, in the case of a brook, that there be not a large per centage of water from springs in the immediate vicinity. I have no doubt that some of the salmon that died in the pond, died trom injuries received in capture and transportation. But the causes that resulted in the death of so many of oursalimon in Craig’s pond brook were mainly of a different character. The symptoms were these: 2 18 Sluggishness and heedlessness ; an inclination to swim near the surface of the water; a white filmy, appearance of the eyes, which seemed to be accompanied or followed in many cases by blindness; a white fungoid growth on the abraded tips of the fins and wherever the scales had been rubbed off; white blotches breaking out on all parts of the body, even where there had been no marks of injury, particu- larly on the head, proving on examination to be patches of white fungus growing beneath the scales and pushing them from their place; finally death. The cause is to be sought for among the following peculiar con- ditions to which these tish were subject: First, the greater part of the water was from springs in the edge of the pond where salmon were coutined ; second, the temperature was consequently very low, ranging (June 9 to 20) from forty-seven to fifty-four degrees Fahrenheit, while the common temperature of rivers and ponds at that date is from sixty to seventy degrees ; third, the extreme transparency of the water may have exposed them to tov great an amount of light; fourth, the vottom of the ponds had net been covered with water for several years, and there was more er less vegetation on it. Iam inclined tu think the latter circumstance the principal source of difticulty. I have no hesitation in advising that the operations with salmon be continued in the same vicinity. They should be conducted on a larger seale, which, with our present knowledge on the subject, is quite feasi- ble. I think two or three hundred salmon might be bought at Bucks- port next season; and, with such success in keeping them as might reasonably be anticipated, more than half a million of eggs might be obtained. Fisn Cciture in Carirornta. The great importance of fish culture in this State, as shown by the first biennial report of the State Commissioner of Fisheries, advance sheets of which have been kindly sent us, will attract public attention. It is estimated that the area of the inland bays and fresh water lakes adapted to fish culture exceeds 650 square miles. In addition, nearly 100 streams from the coast range of the western slope empty into the Pacitic, and several hundred water-courses unite in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. The whole forms a most remarkable water surface, and, when properly stocked with fish, will be a source of revenue to the State ranking next to our agricuitural and mineral resources. The importance of the development of our State fisheries has net been properly appreciated. but enough has already been 19 accomplished to guarantee the most complete success. The commis- sioners have undertaken the work as a labor of love, receiviny neither fees nor salary. Those large-hearted, public-spirited and benevolent citizens who give their time and thought to the public welfire and happiness deserve to have their names consecrated in the hearts of the people. The present board of commissioners, in the report before us, enter Into the subject of fish culture at length. The immense area in which fish may be propagated, the manner of keeping the rivers stocked, the best quality of fish to be introduced. artiticial hatching, the way to preserve the water pure, and various other details are minutely set forth. One point is particularly interesting as illustrating the wisdom of nature. By instinct the fish, in spawning season, leave the ocean or bays and seek the particular stream or rivulet in which they were hatched to deposit their eges. Whatever be the obstacles, they search for a passage, and will die in the attempt to reach their destination or be successful. Where dams have been constructed, it is suggested that fish ladders be constructed te adimit them an easy passave. The ladder or fish-way is a trough some four feet wide and three feet high, open at both ends. This they can ascend at an angle of forty-tive degrees if provided with riffes or miners’ cradles. If the rites do not exceed four feet, the fish can jump through almost any current. Great stress is laid upon the necessity of legislative action to prevent the wholesale destruction of fish, the obstructions placed in their way, the poisoning of the waters with refuse, sawdust and other material. The Legislature appropriated 35.000 for the use of the commissioners, and a special duty devolves upon it to so legislate that this great inte- rest will be tustered and protected in every respect. With our State waters teeming with fish, we could, in case of our vast herds of cat- tle perishing from thirst in the future, have an abundant supply of San Fran- the most healthy and nutritious food known to man. eisco Neus Letter. Mink. The raising of mink can be made quite remunerative by the sale of their fur, as it is a well-known fact that they are rapid breeders, and to any one having a nice stream of spring water, it would be a pleasant pastime and furnish hita with “pretty pets.” All that is needed is a small plot of ground and stream. To prepare the yard for occupancy will necessitate but a very small outlay of money, and the subsequent expense of raising is nominal. 20 At the age of from tive teseven mouths the mink are worth from five to eight dollars each for their skins. Not long since we had the pleasure of examining the Minkery oF Mr. Wexry Resstevre, of VERONA, OneEtpA Country, N.Y. Mr. Ressigue commenced the raising of mink in the spring of 1567, having caught a female mink with voung. Since that time he has raised over a hundred. He sells them for breeding at thirty dollars a pair, including box, and they can be for- warded by express to any part of the country. The “pen “in which he keeps them consists of an open yard, sixty feet square, surrounded by a common board fence, six feet high, the cap-board projecting inward sixteen inches to prevent his stock from *climbing out. The following is the manner of preparing a yard fora single pair, the size tobe twelve by fourteen feet: Having marked off the ground to be occupied, a trench, eight inches deep and titteen inches wide, is dug around the plot. Flat boards are laid ou the bottom of the trench so as to entirely cover it, and posts are set outside the trench. The first board of the fence is nailed base-board style, on the inner side of the posts. with the edee on the flat board at the bottom of the trench. The trench may now be filled with dirt, and the fence completed, boarding up and down. The cap-board should be thoroughly stayed outside and top. More yard room can be added as needed. To prevent the mink from escaping by the stream, where it enters or leaves the yard, place a goodly quantity of stones about the size of hen and goose egys at the inlet and outlet of the stream. Foon. Mr. Ressigue states that he has net expended twenty-five dollars in the purchase of food in tive vears. Any refuse of fresh meat is just what they want, and is equally as good as that which would cost more. Fresh tish is also a good food, and seems to be well relished by the mink. Reanine ann Prepping rib Youn. Leaving male and female together from March Ist to 20th. Then separate, placing the male in an adjoining yard. The voung should be allowed to remain with the mother. Build a small house in the yard and furnish it with plenty of straw. 2] Give the young ones bread and milk, as you would yvouns kittens, or the mother can care tor them, Mink require hardly any care or attention bevond attention to the food, as they scem oto have no enemies from which they cannot protect themselves, are entirely free trom disease and not liable to accident. Bor the above we are indebted to Mr. Ressigue, whom we found very ready to give information and to show lis pretty pets.” SstbAd- Clery. By Wat. Cire. The shad (Alosa prostah/iis) stands very high among, if not at the head of, the luxuries which one rivers atford. A seven-pound speci- men, in the month of June. taken fresh from: the Conneeticut. anc eooked by a housewite who has had her birth and education in that famous valley, leaves little te be desired in the way of epicurcan delight. The tish from this stream stund so high in the market that the placard, “Connecticut: River Shad probably sells a great many more fish in all our laree cities than come from that stream. As compared with the southern shad, they are unquestionably fatter and of tincer flavor: but. as compared with the fish that come from other streams along the Connecticut and Rhode Island shores, there is not much ground for the distinction. T have eaten quite as tine shad from the Quinebang and the Paweatuck, before the race beeame extinct In those rivers, as the best ever taken at Saybrook and Lyme. Tt is not improbable that they tollow the law of the erains and fruits, Which show the highest excellence in the uerthern belt. where they can be successfully cultivated. The coast orange about New Orleans is at higher-Havored fruit than the orange of Tiavana: the apple of the northern states than those of the southern. The corm and wheat of the north are heavier grains than those of the south. We look for the best shad in the northern limit~ of the region where they flourish, and in these streams bioman skill should do its best to multiply the race and increase the supply of food tor man. Naterat Hisrory. The shad belongs to the herring family (Cli pedir), which atford so larve a share of the animal food of European countries. As its name implies, it is the largest of the Jf/os, and permuminent as an article for tood. The species nearest allicd to the shad are the alewife CAL/ose tyranes) and the bony tish (bose menhaden). The alewite is found 22 in all shad streams, and in many small streams from which the shad have long since disappeared. The alewife does not need to go so far up the streain to tind a suitable spawning bed, and even spawns in the ponds of brackish water. The bony fish probably does not come into fresh water at all for the purpose of spawning. — It is sume- times, however, found about the estuaries of our streams, but will not live long in fresh water. They are sometimes cut off from returning to sea by the closing of the tideway at the Charleston ponds in Rhode Island, and always perish during the winter, while the alewife lives. The bony tish are found all along our coast, from the Capes of Vir- ginia to Maine, and form the staple of a lucrative business in vil and tish guano. The geographical range of the shad is trom the coast of Florida to the British provinces, and we believe has not been found in any other locality, unless artiticially planted. The shad of Europe is a much smaller and interior tish. The shad resembles the salmon in its migratory habits, but is tuund much farther south. The salmon probably did not resort to any river south of the Hudson, while the shad entered every considerable stream along vur coast north of the St. Marys. They make their appearance on the Carolina coast in February, and in the New EngJand streams in April. Some have supposed that they formed one vast shoal in the ocean and moved up the coast in the spring, giving off a delegation to each stream as they passed by its mouth. But the best authorities now consider that each river has its own family of shad, and that however tar it may wander trom the mouth, while it remains in the sea, it is sure to return. The shad of the Connecticut and the Hudson rivers are so different in shape and appearance, that marketmen accustomed to handle them readily distinguish the one from the other. It is probably rare that a shad strays into any other than its native stream. Shad are supposed to feed on softt-shelled crustacea, the young of molluscs, small fish and the lower orders of marine life. They have been found with vegetable matter in their stomachs, so that they cannot be wholly carnivorous. As caught in our rivers, nothing is usually found in their stomachs. They stay in the sea, feeding voraciously until the breeding instinct leads them to seek their spawning beds. They then push up the stream with great rapidity until they find their birth-place, traveling hundreds of miles ina few days. Fresh run shad are sometimes taken at the head of tide water, tifty or more miles from the sea, with fishes in their stomachs so little digested that their species could be determined. The same shoal does not probably remain long in the stream. As soon as the spawn are dropped they return to the sea, so much 23 exhausted that “a down-stream shad” has become a proverb for lean- ness. The fishing sesson m= the Connecticut is from the loth of March to the 15th of June; but tish come into the stream earlier, and some probably do not spawn until the last of July. Those used) by the Fish Commissioners for artificial propagation are taken mainly in the three weeks following the lth of June. The shad of the Hudson occupy about the same time as those of the Connecticut in depositing their spawn. At least four months are occupied by the ditterent shoals in performing this ottice. The favorite spawning grounds are immediately below rapids, like these of Bellows Frdls, and) Ehadley Falls in the Connecticut. Here there are many eddies and side cur- rents, Where the spawn are kept in constant motion, before they are earried off by the main current. [It seems highly probable that nearly all the spawn that supply the Connecticut are dropped at Tadley Falls. There is no good place for the capture of ripe tish below, and many of the fish taken there have all the marks of fresh run shad, and are but a few hours from the sea, though they lave come seventy miles or more. It has been ascertained by those who have watched the operation, that the males and females, in spawning, swim about in circles, probably following the eddies of the stream, sometimes with the dorsal tins out of the water; when suddenly the whole shoal, as if seized by a common impulse, rush forward and shoot eut clouds of milt and spawn into the water. The alewives observe the same method in spawning, though they select ponds and =till places in the river tor their beds. The most common term for this operation, at the alewite fisheries, is “shooting the spawn.” showing that the pro- cess is a matter of common observation. The ova, lett to the care of water, are mostly devoured by tish that lie in wait for them. It Is estimated that not one in a thousand ever comes to life. Those that hatch are gradually carried seaward by the force of the current, and by October and November leave the river as young tish, from four to six inches long. We have learned almost all that we know of the natural history of this fish, since its artificial propagation was undertaken at Hadley Fails, in L867. Many of the erroneous opinions held by old tisher- men upon the rivers have been dissipated, and certain facts are well established, though munch yet remains to be learned. [t is now known that the lite of the shad, instead of being limited to one year, extends to five, and probably to ten or twelve years; that the “chicken shad,” as they are called among the pound fishermen, instead of being a distinct species, are the yearlings of the priestahi/is ; 24 that the males are ripe at a year old, and come into the rivers, led by the sexual instinct, while tle temales are not fecund until the second year, when they make their appearance as sinall sized shad; that they reach a merchantable size, or a weight of about four pounds, in three years ; that at this age they have spawn in the ova- ries of three distinct sizes, plainly apparent, and the microscope reveals others still smaller in reserve; that only the larger eggs, or about one-third of those visible, are spawned, while those that remain are the crops for the two succeeding years; that the spawn of a full- grown shad, the ovaries weighing thirteen ounces, is about 70,000 in one season. The operations of Seth Green, at Hadley Falls, in the summer of 1867, mark a new era in fish culture. When it is considered that Mr. Green was a pioneer in this work, and had only his experince in hatching the ova of the Sidmonide to guide him, his complete sue- cess in a single season must be regarded as marvelous. This story is told so well by Mr. Lyman, of the Massachusetts Fish Commissioners, that we copy from his report of the year: “Green began his experiments the first week in July. He put up some hatching troughs, like those used for trout, in a brook which emptied into the river; and having taken the ripe fish in a sweep seine, he removed and impregnated the ova, as is usual with trout spawn. These, to the number of some inillions, he spread in boxes; but, to his great mortification, every one of therm spoiled. Nothing daunted, he examined the temperature of the brook, and found, not only that it was thirteen degrees below the temperature of the river (sixty-two degrees to seventy-five degrees), but that it varied twelve degrees trom night to day. This gave the clue to suc- cess. Taking a rough box, he knocked the bottom and part of the ends out, and replaced them by a wire gauze. In this box the eggs were laid, and it was anchored near the shore, exposed to a gentle current, that passed freely through the gauze, while eels or fish were kept off. To his great joy, the minute embryos were hatched, at the end of sixty hours, and swam about the box like the larvie of mosqui- toes in stagnant water. Still, though the condition of success was found, the contrivance was still imperfect; for the eggs were drifted by the current into the lower end of the box, and heaped up, whereby many were spoiled for lack of fresh water and motion. The best that this box would do was ninety per cent, while often it would hatch only seventy or eighty per cent. The spawn-box he at last hit upon, and is as simple as it is ingenious; it is merely a box with a wire 25 gauze bottom, and steadied in the water by two float-bars, screwed to its sides. These float-bars are attached, not parallel to the top line of the box, but at an angle to it, which makes the box float with one end tilted up, and the current striking the gauze bottom at an angle, is deflected upwards, and makes such a boiling within as keeps the light shad eggs constantly free and buoyed up. The result was a trinmph. Out of 10.000 placed in this contrivance, all but seven hatched. In spite of these delays, and the imperfect means at hand for taking the fish, Green succeeded in hatching and setting tree many millions of these tiny try.” This simple contrivance of Green’s is one of the most important discoveries of modern times. Its grandeur will be much better understovd ten years hence, when it shall have been applied to all our shad streams, and the yield shall have been increased, some thirty, some sixty, and sume a hundred fold. We do not see why the increase may not be, under favorable circumstances, a hundred fold. In the natural process not one egy in a thou- sand comes to life. By artificial propagation nearly ninety-nine per cent are hatched, and thus the most perilous time in the shad’s life—the embryo period—is bridged over. It is estimated, by those who have carefully studied the subject, that one-fourth of the fry bred in a stream return from the sea. [f anything like this pro- portion escape the perils of the sea, the task of filling our rivers with shad is an easy one. The fry are now hatched at a cost not to exceed ten dollars a million, and the process will become very much cheap- ened as the parent tish become more plenty. The process as yet has only been fairly applied in the Hudson and Connecticut rivers; and with more spawners and more money ten times as many fish could be turned into these streams every year. Only a small part of the breed- ing grounds of either of these rivers has been opened. Yet. with the limited application of this discovery made the past five vears, there has been a glut of this fish in the markets where they were suld, the finest fish selling fur ten cents cach. If the State Legislatures will but place sufticient funds at the disposal of our Fish Commissioners, every stream on the Atlantic seaboard can be so tilled with shad that they will sell at all the fisheries for one cent a pound within the next ten years. This cannot fail to affect the price of all uther fish, and all other animal food. Cheap food under our institutions means the elevation of all the laboring classes, a creat increase of their comforts and luxuries, and the improvement of their social and moral condition. We had the pleasure of witnessing the process of taking the spawn 26 and hatehing it, as it was performed by Mr. Smith, at Hadley Falls, the past season. The seines are drawn only at night, and there are three hauls made between eight and twelve o'clock, at intervals of almost an hour, because it is found that no ripe shad are taken by day. From one to two hundred fish were taken at each haul, the female fish increas- ing with the lateness of the hour. As soon as the shad were hauled to the shure, they were taken in large baskets to the pan. where they were stripped. Two men held the fish over the pan, while Mr. Smith stripped the most of them in less than a minute each. Some of the males were not ripe, and were not stripped at all. As fast as they were finished they were thrown into the pan and sold to hucksters, Whose wagons were waiting for them. The tishing had ceased at all the places below, and the spawners were very plenty. The milt was brought into contact with the spawn by gentle stirring with the hand, and the contact of the two Was so instantaneous, after the emission trom the parent fish, that few eggs could escape impregnation. The eggs swell immediately after impregnation from 9-LO0 to 13-LO0 of an inch in diameter, nearly doubling their bulk in the vessel. Another very curious fact is the sudden sinking of the temperature of the water, about ten degrees, in which the eggs are suspended. After the eggs have remained a half hour or more in the pans, they are carefully washed and placed in the hatching boxes, which are suspended in long rows trom a boom fastened across the current of the river. From what has actually been accomplished in the Hudson, the Connecticut and the Merrimac, there can be no reasonable doubt about the restoration of shad to all our depleted and barren rivers upon the Atlantic coast. [ think we have every reason to expect that the great rivers of the Missouri and Mississippi valley ean be abund- antly supplied with this tish. A pioneer movement was made in this direction some twenty years ago, by Dr. N.C. Daniell of Savannah, Ga., and an account of it was given by him to the Academy of Natu- ral Sciences in Philadelphia, and is found in their proceedings. He says: “ Having long doubted the generally received theory of the annual migration south from the northern seas of the white shad, and of the consequent annual migration this way of the young fry hatched frum the eggs deposited by their parents in our fresh-wat,+r streams, I made inquiry of our fishermen, and learned that m te but distinctive differences were readily detected between the shad taken in the Savannah river and those taken in the @ river, eighteen miles south of the Savannah. Fully satisfi. fact, I readily concluded that the hea ! +;, rhe sen 27 never yo so far from the mouth of the river as to lose their connection with it, and that they ascend in the spring the same river which they had descended as young tish the previous summer. Then the feed- ing ground, su to speak, is in vr near the mouth of the river. If the young shad does attain its growth at the mouth of the Savannah and of the Ogeechee rivers, may there not be equally good feeding grounds at the mouth of the Alabama and other rivers flowing into tie Gulf of Mexico? To solve this question, 1, with the aid of my friend, Mart. A. Cooper, Esq, whose residence on the Etowah river, in Bar- bon county, supplied an eligible locality for the experiment, in the early summer of 1548 had placed in a small tributary of the Etowah river the fecundated eges of the white shad, which [To had myself carefully prepared at my plantation on the Savaunah river, ten miles above this city, from living parents. These eyes so deposited by Major Cooper, were daily visited by him until they had all hatched. In 1851 or 1852 the white shad were taken in the tish traps at the foot of the falls of the Alabama, at Wetumpka, and of the Black Warrior, near Tuscaloosa. * Through the kindness of a friend at Montgomery, Ala., a shad taken from the Alabama river was sent to Prof. Holbrook of Charleston, S. C., who pronounced it the white shad of our Atlantic streams. They have gradually increased in quantity since they first appeared, and have, year by year, increased in size, until they are now equal to the best Savannah river shad. “The white shad have chietly been taken in the traps at the foot of the fall at Wetumpka, and near Tuscaloosa. One, [am informed, has been taken from a trap at the head of the Coosa river, near Rome, in this State; and only some sixty miles below the locality in| which the egys were deposited by Major Couper in a tributary of the Etowah river; I also learn that some few have been taken with a dip net near Selma. * T think we may safely conclude that the white shad may be as suc- cessfully established in the Mississippi river as it has been in’ the Alabama. Since feeding grounds for that delicious fish exist at the mouth of one river flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, may they not Ceeist at the mouths of other or all the rivers discharging into that Time must answer that question.” hink there can be very little doubt of the success of the effort “ish shad in all the streams that empty into the gulf. They sé Tatitude Ls the shad streams of the Atlantic coast, 2. ,- tale Dp ‘an the Alabama. If the shad can 28 have good breeding grounds in tolerably clear water, I apprehend there will be no ditticulty from the amount of soil held in suspension in the lower part of the river. The fry will remainin the clear water, it that suits them better, until they are prepared to migrate to the sea. If Congress should favor the memorial that we propose to make, and grant ar appropriation for fish culture, the experiment of plant- ing shad in western waters can be tried the coming season. It will cost but little, in any event, and if it succeed, it will give cheap fish to all our western States and territories, and supply one of their greatest wants. SPAWNING RACES FOR BROOK TROUT Read at the annual meeting of the American Fish Culturists’ Association, February, 1872, by A. S. CoLiins. All spawning races now in use may be divided into two classes. The tirst used for getting fish in a ripe state for the purpose of obtain- ing and impregnating the eggs artificially, and the second used for obtaining the impregnated eggs as laid by the fish. The races of the first class for artificial spawning are simple in construction. They should be made about four feet wide, not less than thirty feet long, and the depth of the water over the gravel varying, with the size of the tish, from six to twelve inches. (As Iam speaking to practical tish-breeders I do not enter into details, which they will all under- stand.) There being no gravel in the ponds, the fish will enter into these races during the spawning season only when ripe or nearly ripe. The eggs can be easily taken from nearly every tish pond at any time in these races. They can be impregnated, and will make as good and healthy tish as if laid by the trout themeselves. No moderate pres- sure will force the eggs from a fish unripe or even nearly ripe. The races of the second class, or these used for obtaining the natur- ally impregnated eggs of fish, are of much more vomplex construction, These races are of two kinds. In the first the eggs are left to hateh naturally, the fish being excluded at the end of the spawning season, The simplest form of these is made by screening off the upper part of a spring brook, allowing the trout free access to it during the spawn- ing season, and driving them all to the lower part of the stream as soon as the season is closed. The eges above have then a chance to hatch, and the yeung tish to develop, the screen being made fine enough to prevent the voungy fish from passing through. This arrange- nent seems to be very simple, but is rather difficult to put in practice for several reasons. It is hard to get the screen down se that the c¥ 29 rater shall pass only through it, and as the meshes are necessarily tine, the sereen must be large in comparison with the volume of water to pass through: and, when right in all other respects, it is Hable to be constantly clogged by floating particles of moss, weeds, leaves, ete., and must be carefully watched and cleaned. The plan may answer well enough tor one who wishes to produce only a siall supply of tish annually, but the plan will not answer for any one who wishes a large supply, and that most of the eges Tatd should produce fish, because only those eges will produce tish which are laid so that the water shall constantly pass round them, and the fact being that only those laid over the spring itself, or in a strong and: shallow current, are placed in these conditions. The favorable Jocalities being limited, the fact is that comparatively few of the exes hatch. Furman’s patent race, or “brook shanty.” as he terms it, obvi- ates these difficulties, .A0 ditch is dug, say two feet deep. four feet wide, and several diundred feet lone. The sides are uiade of boards. At the distance of tive or six inches from the bet- tom oa cleat is mailed to each side. Upon these cleats are lud cross pieees of planks about three inches wide and four feet lone. These cross pieces are not laid close together, but have an interstice of one- quarter or one-eighth of an inch. Upon these cross pieces eravel is laid to the depth of four or five inches. Now, then, if at the head of the race a partition is made te run across the race from the top to within six inches of the bottom, it will be seen that all the water will be delivered under the planks supporting the gravel; and if at the end of the race a tight bulkhead is made reaching from the bottom to within four inches of the top of the race (or in other words twenty inches deep), it will be seen that the water can be let out only atter rising trom the bottom through the cracks in the planking, percolating evenly through the gravel, and rising to a height of about six or cight inches above it. The height being regulated by the height of the bulkhead at the end, it will be seen that this formes an artificial spring, the water rising up through the eravel and being equally distributed throughout the whole length of the race. The advantayes claimed for the race are that it dispenses with a hatching-house and the labor required there, and that it can be used in any place where there is a spring of water or marshy ground, or by the side of a stream, It is claimed that the fish thus hatched are more healthy, and, when pro- perly fed, show no extraordinary tendency to die during infancy. The disadvantages of the race are that not so many of the egys are hatched as by other methods, that they cannot be cared for as in 30 accessible troughs, that the trout will disturb each other’s beds and eat more or less of the eggs, and that no» eggs can be gathered for transportatiun elsewhere. Of course I cannot here enter into a full discussion of any race, as the subject is too extensive, but can only indicate some prominent points. The above-mentioned, so far as I know, are the only kind of races used for the production of the fish without collection of eggs into hatching-houses. The second class of spawning races are those made for the purpose of obtaining the eggs after the fish shall have laid and impregnated them in the natural manner. These, so far as I am aware, are all either constructed on one principle or are modifications of that principle. The idea under- lying them all is the natural spawning race invented by Stephen H. Ainsworth, who deserves to be called, as he often is, the © father of fish culture in America.” I suppose, of course, that you are all familiar with the construction of his race: the wire screens being made in the shape of double boxes two feet square, each set being taken up separately and the eggs removed. Now, this was a great step, so far as it went. I myself do not believe that the naturally impregnated eggs are better in any respect than those taken arti- ficially. Opinions vary, and the question is not yet definitely settled ; but be this as it may, every fish-breeder will have more or less use for some screen of the kind. Those who believe only in the natural impregnation will have them of course; and those who, for any reason, prefer artificial impregnation will still need such a screen intheir races to gather the eggs which will inevi- tably be dropped in the intervals of taking. The practical difti- culty in the use of Ainsworth’s screen, as invented by him, is that each of the two-feet boxes has to be taken up sepa- rately, the top boxes set on one side, and the eggs feathered off the lower screen into a pan of water. As this must be done ander water, the operation is neither pleasant or endurable in very cold) weather. Then, again, the gravel has a great tendency to get out of the boxes, and between them and on the cleets, rendering a great deal of poking necessary before the box can be put back again into its proper place ; also, the time constimed would inake a great deal of help necessary to the tish-breeder, and not only much, but skilled labor, which it is almost impossible now to find. Besides, the fish are driven off the race back into the pond every time the race is taken. For these and other reasons some modification of the Ainsworth plan is absolutely necessary to every one who breeds tish on a large scale. The moditi- cations which have come tu my notice are as follows: In the “draw 31 plan” a race is first made containing a single row of Ainsworth screens; a parallel race of the same length is made by its side. This is a blind race, or one intu which the fish cannot enter. The upper screens in the first race are made stativnary, and the under screens are 60 placed on slides that they can be reached from the parallel race and drawn out into it. This arrangement dues away with the removal of the upper screen, the displacement of gravel, driving away the tish, saves some time, and is so far an improvement. But it does not obviate the other difficulties. There is still tuv much working in cold water and too much time taken, and a double race is rendered neces- sary. Another modification uf the Ainsworth race is what I should call the hook-and-eye slide. The upper screens are made stationary, as in the former case. Cleats for the under screens are made along the whole length of the race. The under screens are made as usual, except that two houks are fastened into one side and two eyes into the opposite side. Then the operator, standing at either end of the race, slides in one of the under screens, placing the eyes toward him. Taking another screen, he fits its two hooks into the eyes of the first. The second screen pushes the first further in, and so on to the end. When the race is tu be drawn, the first screen is pulled out its full length, unhooked, and the eggs are taken. The second is thus brought into reach, pulled out, unhooked, ete. This race takes up less room than the former; but its screens are also ten or twelve inches under water, and the contrivance, like the other, is clumsy, unhandy, and requires tuo much labor. The other modification of the Ainsworth race is my own patent roller screen. This has been in use for three years at vur establishment (Seth Green and A. S. Collins, at Caledonia, N. Y.), and we still think it the best thing for the purpose. In this contrivance the race should be made about four feet wide and thirty feet long. The upper screens, instead of being made single, are made in sections of any convenient size. A roller is fixed in each end of the box, under the upper screens, and, instead of under screens, an endless apron of wire-cloth is made to pass over the rullers the whole length and width of the race. An apron, twenty- five or thirty feet long, would be liable to sag in the middle, but cross pieces are fastened to it, which slide upon cleets nailed to the side of the box, and the whole upper side of the apron is kept at a distance of one inch from the upper screen. Two cog-wheels are connected with one of the rollers, by means of which it can be turned from above with acommon crank handle; and also a tin pan, four inches wide and fuur feet long, or better, four pans of a foot each, set into a light 32 frame. When the eggs are to be taken a small gate in the front part of the box is raised, the frame of the pans lowered in front of the forward roiler, and the crank turned. The crank turns the roller, the roller, by friction, turns the endless apron, and as the eggs on the apron come forward over the roller they drop into the pan. When the apron has been turned one-half round the eggs are all off. The pan is lifted out, the gate shut, and that is all till next time. It does not require ten minutes to take the largest race, and the hands are absolutely free from any contact with the water. For these and other reasons, not necessary to mention here, I claim that this is the best form of the Ainsworth race. The great disadvantage of the whole series is that they take so much more room than the race for taking artificially impregnated eggs. Into the latter the fish crowd as the best place to spawn, and are daily taken out, thus making room for others. In the Ainsworth they must have room actually to perform the operation, and as each pair practically use from twelve to twenty-five, or more, syuare feet, a large pond must have several of these races, in order to secure all the eggs. [ have endeavored to present a few facts relating to my subject in as brief and compact a manner as possible. It will be seen that the minuti of tish breeding are studied very closely in this country. But. from the very nature of the case, it will still be many years before the best plans are definitely settled and accepted. THE INTRODUCTION OF SALMON INTO AMERICAN WATERS. A paper read betore the American Fish Culturists’ Association, at its first annual meeting, held at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 7th and 8th, 1872, by Dr. M. C. Epmonps. The subject of the * introduction of salmon into American waters” having been assigned me by the president of this Association, I shall proceed, without very many preliminaries, to give you what I have gleaned upon that subject. It is well known to you that the question of salmon culture, and the introduction of salmon to our rivers is yet In its infancy, and nothing sure and certain has resulted from our labors thus tar, so that really the matter yet remains an experiment with us. England, in less than half the time, has accomplished much, goes on in the work - successtully, and now reaps a rich harvest from her labors. It is true that we have been as faithful laborers in the tield as she, and I dare say should have been as successful had our efforts been as individual- ae 4 ized as theirs. Why she accomplishes so much is the fact that associated individual effort always does the work in) the quickest possible manner, while the work in] America has been under the auspices of State legislation, and confined to a few quite impracticable men like myself. The work accomplished in Eneland is tor the tew, while here in America the work Is for the many. The rivers there are individual and corporate property, while with us it is the property of the eminent domain, and consequently the stocking of our rivers is very slow and uncertain. A few States in: New Eneland have begun in the work, and have labored as well as they could under the encouragement they have received. They conceived it to be the work of the State instead of the work of the individual. Seo we find such men us Geo. P. Marsh, of Vermont, and Al UH. Robinson. of New Hampshire, making a lengthy report, almost simultaneously, to their respective State Legislatures upon the subject of restocking the rivers with migratory sea fish. These reports were made as carly as the year [SO7, setting forth whit the Old World was doing in the matter of fish culture, and that like results could be effected with us. Yet nothing was done by the Levislatures till much liter. Trout breeding was first cneaged in by individual etfort about this time, and seemed to cueaee the whole attention of the public, and nothing more was done about the matter of migratory sea tish till TS64 and i865, when several of the New England States passed sundry resolutions touching the matter. Fish commissions were appointed. concurrent legislition iad, and the enterprise set agoing. From one to two years was spent by the fish commissions of the States in perfecting the laws touching this matter, making themselves acquainted with the business before them, and finally, in L866, starting Dr. Fletcher, of Concord, N. IL, for adult salmon, in New Brunswick. The doctor writes me that “in Auvust, 1866, IT went to New srunswick, accompanied by Arthur Fletcher, of this city (both of us employed by the commission), for the purpose of transporting some of the adult salmon alive, intending thereby to restock our rivers with that fish; but were unable to procure them in suitable condition tor transportation at that time.” From the account given by Dr. Fletcher, it seems that he alone was the first man who started out in pursuit of the salmon, yet Mr. Norris tells us that “the first attempt at breeding salinon artificially in. the United States was by James DB. Johnson, Esq., of New York city, who imported ova of the salmon trom the Danube in Ls64, and 3 34 hatched them in New York city by Croton water,” but they all died “from preventable causes when liberated.” Let this matter be as it may, it was certainly a failure in the introduction of salmon into American waters. Dr. Fletcher writes me: “ In September, 1866, I again went alone tu New Brunswick for the ova of the salmon, and succeeded in bringing home some twenty or twenty-five thousand impregnated ova.” Of these a large number were put into the Merrimac river, at Woodstock and Thornton, N. IL, without being artificially hatched, and whether all or even any salmon fry were hatched out, the doctor is unable to state. A few hundred, and the remainder of this lot of eggs, the doctor hatched out artificially, at Concord. We writes me: “I keptand hatched a few hundred tor the purpose of studying them during the period of incubation, and also observing their changes and growth after hatching.” Also, “TI saved specimens of them when hatched, fifteen days old, one month old, wand once a month up to a year old; and when sixteen months old I placed the remainder of them in the Pemigwassett, at Compton, by order of the commissioner.” These were the first salmon placed in our waters that I have any knowledge of, and being placed there at sixteen months old they must have been quite large smolts — almost approach- ing the period when some of them were about putting on the grilse character. Supposing them to have hatched out as early as February, 1867, the sixteen months following their birth would have made it June, 1868, when they were placed in the Pemigwassett, at Compton. This, the tirst real undertaking of the kind, was a success so far as the introduction of the salmon into our waters was concerned, and if any definite knowledge could be had with reference to the eggs which the doctor put into the Merrimac at Woodstock and Thornton having hatched, we could date their first introduction as early as March, LS67. The opinion is favorably entertained that quite a considerable number did hatch of those left in the waters of the Merrimac at Woodstock, and that we may safely reckon the spring of 1867 as the correct date of their introduction to American waters. Be this asit may, no after consideration of their return has contirmed the opinion entertained. In 1867 he writes me: “I again went to New Brunswick for another lot of salmon ova, and succeeded in bringing home as many as I could pack in four champagne baskets, 100,000 or more.” One- half of these were distributed by the commission to Robinson & Hoyt, of Meredith, N. H., and the other half to Livingston Stone, of Charlestown, N. H. Only twelve per cent of this lot of eggs were impregnated, and about ninety-nine per cent of the impregnated ones 3D hatched. Mr. Robinson reports his lot to be 5,000, which were put into the Merrimae river, as also were those hatched by Mr. Stone, the entire yield of those eggs being 10,000 salmon fry. In the year 1868 Mr. Livingston Stone built the salmon-breeding establishment on the Miramichi river, N. B., near the locality where Dr. Fletcher obtained his first and second stock of salmen ova. Mr. Stone succeeded in bringing home that year, 183,000, as he writes me, which were hatched in various localities, mostly, however, at his establishment in Charlestown, N. H. These were mainly dis- tributed in the Merrimac river. Some of the eggs were hatched by Mr. Brackett, fish commissioner of Massachusctts, and turned into the Mystic river, in that State, and 1,500 by Bacon & Co., which were put into streams near Cape Cod. Two thousand young salmon fry from this lot of eggs hatched by Mr. Stone were purchased by Commissioner Hagar, of Vermont, and put into West river, a tributary of the Connecticut river, at Weston, Vt., and Winooski river, a tributary of Lake Champlain. Those placed in West river were under my charge through the early part of the season of 1869. They were placed in that river on the 11th day of May, 1869, in a cove or estuary, into which debouched a cold spring brook. They seemed to thrive well during the summer and early autumn, till the memorable fall freshet of 1869, when they were carried out of their nice little home, and I lost sight of them. Many, however, sur- vived the treshet, and came back into the springs for Winter quarters. Several were seen in the summer of 1870 in adjoining towns. In faet, several were caught in the town below, situated on West river, and, when their character was fully known, returned again tu the river. Tam told that two out of this lot were « aught at Windsor Lock in Connecticut, on their way to sea in 1870. In the year 1869, Commissioner Hagar, of Vermont, brought from the Miramichi river, N. B., some 40,000 or 50,000 salmon ova, which 1atched at this establishment in Chester, Vt. Out of this num- as nearly vr quite eighty per cent hatched and were all put the Connecticut river at Weston, and Chester, Vt. vva brought into the State that year, and buted in Vermont waters. ine froin the Miramichi river, N. B., about hich were principally sold and distributed to the commissioners of Maine and Connecticut; although our worthy president, Mr. Clift, of Mystic Bridge, Conn., received his pro rata allowance. These were hatched and distributed to the various streams 36 in their respective States. Those sent to Mr. Atkins, the comimis- sioner of Maine (out of this year’s invoice), were found to be covered with frost when he unpacked them, vet nearly 100 per cent hatched. I think a like result was obtained in the hatching of the remainder of these exgs by Mr. Clit. In LS70 the fish commissioners of Maine and Connecticut purchased trom the New Castle (Lake Ontario) establishment—Mr. Wilmot— some 18,000 eges, which have been hatched and distributed. In IS71, Maine, Massachusets and Connecticut jointly built a_sal- mon breeding establishment on the Penobscot river in’ Maine, from which a fiir amount of salmon ova has been procured, and is new in process of hatching. The recapitulation and formation of tables showing the introduction of salmon into American waters being, for want of correct data, hard todetermine, [have concluded to forbear any summing up of places and dataof their introduction. I think it ab be detinitely determined that Dr. Wim. M. Fletcher, of Concord, N. UL, has the honor of being the first man who success- fully ee Sion to American waters, and who first established the best and only suecesstel method, viz., by ova, as he found the adult salmon could not be transferred. The places best suited in our rivers for the introduction of the young salmon fry is, in my opinion, where there is a cove or estuary, into which debouches a cold spring brook. The water should be quite shallow and habited by no other fish. Even the small dace or ae soe now of double or equal size should be excluded. geosl ‘ Professor Hagar has seen the dace fry of similar size killing and ~ devouring the young salmon. The voraciousness on the part af the dace, trout or other fish is only evinced whet nthe salmon are tirst , introduced. When first put into a stream where they are“to remain—having been pemepbried front) ever so short a listannce—they Sem éliked days after they gradu: ally learn their new latitude and longitude, and commence fee.” and before they commence feeding, that badly. After getting six or eight months” . . t . way as readily as any young try of that age, ame es them- selves. The best food for them in the early mont’ " y maggot. Take any dead animal—eat, dog, woodchuek Luspend it to a pole overhanging your pond, inver -F your animal, whatever it may be, aud leave him tor the tlies te blow, aud very soon you have the desired food. Carbolie acid will destroy the odor, Through the first winter they should have cold) springs to run into sutticiently large to contain quite a large school ot then as they are inclined to collect into Jarge schools through the winter, and seek water that does not freeze. T hardly think it best to confine them very long in small ponds When one or two months old. As soon as they begin to feed they might be let loose into quite large ponds in which grows the water- cress, Upon Which they are said to feed quite Voraciously : yet, [aim inclined to think they do not feed so auch upon the watercress as upon the larve which inhabit it. Lb have examined the watercress where trout and young salon have lived the past summer, and [ tind it hardly touched. Still, [did sce some evidence of its havine been nibbled by the salmon and trout, but not to such an extent as to war- rant any one in concluding that they lived entirely on water-cress. I notice that small larvie do accumulate Npon the water-cress, and that trout and salmon look healthy when they are allowed to run anon it, and that they get quite a portion of their food off this plant. Water without the least perceptible current is best tor them to run in after the absorption of the sac. and the bottom should invariably be of gravel. If the bottom is anywise inclined to be muddy, the screens vet clogged, and the water rises, tilling over the edees of your pond, creating a current which carries over the s:diaoen try, and they lost. scannot withstand the least perceptible current. After the pf ee alg rption of the umbilical sack, all efforts they make in fecding are in the very stillest water. Your screen is loaded with young salmon the ou vincent aa of water is created so as to be perceptible 3 e the importance of sccing to this matter early. ren ans forane to speak of these results that have attended e-im America; which, [ must say, are nothing at susurate with the labor bestowed upon them. Of the tirst a uced to the Merrimac river, N. LL. no returns A probrens © salmon have been seen and caught “dv of sea-salmy returned. Salmon were caught. however, jgrat hd at Savbrook, the mouth of the Connecti- Cut TVs Myggly yh Taggiuiat the salmon fry introduced to the river in 169 were ac, ote return, Those in the Merrimac have never i Tae returned, « ¢ inefticient fishways at Lawrence and Lowell. Mr. Stone in’... | »¢thet.a grilse was: caught in the Connecticut ./ ait ! Te ‘ oD 58 river, opposite Charlestown, N. H., the past summer; but I cannot believe it was one that had been to sea and returned, scaling the dams at Holyoke and Bellows Falls. He must have been a salmon turned into Williams river in 1870 by Mr. Hagar, or one that had escaped from his own fish establishment in 1869. It sometimes seems to me that what was “ everbody’s business was nobody’s business,” and that, in view of our insurmountable dams upon the Connecticut and Merrimnac rivers, with insufticient tish-ways, etc., nothing was likely to result favorable to the undertaking of restocking our rivers with the migratory sea fish. Large manufactur- ing interests have sprung up upon these rivers, and corporations of such magnitude as those of Lowell, Lawrence and Holyoke class must for a long time menace the enterprise and hinder the progress of estab- lishing one of the most desirable objects to be obtained in this country. The fish commissioners of New Hampshire and Vermont have done with the enterprise till suitable fish-ways are provided over the insur- mountable dams on the Connecticut and Merrimac rivers in Massa- chusets. Yet the other New England States might do considerable in small rivers debouching into the ocean, upon which there are no high dams or other impediments to the return of the fish. New Jersey and Pennsylvania are having concurrent legislation toward restocking the Delaware river with salmon and shad. And I see no cause why favorable results may not be obtained, as there are no large dams upon that river, nor large manufacturing establishments to hinder the pro- gress and ultimate success of the enterprise. The great desideratum with Yankee enterprise is, “ Does it pay ?” and to which all other considerations must bend. I can conceive of no other object so dear to us allas the tinal success of this enterprise. The stocking of our rivers with the salmon is above price, the great and good work for us all—the final consummation of which will bring blessings to millions of sae. ; establishing the fact that man is not — we would or no, an areaceiutet same forces finally the object must be attained. Let us labor onward and upward, looking to be realized. Although England, France and Germany have uch, yet it redounds not to the ultimate good of the people, but to the glory of individual enterprise, and the accomplishment of the object with them is the realization of large incomes to individual effort. The 39 American idea seems to be utterly devoid of selfish consideration, being as it is for all the people, and for their continued prosperity. 1 conceive of no higher ambition for any ian or set of en than the ultimate restocking our streams with the migratory sea fish, more especially the salmon. It at once gives all classes the advantages of cheap and desirable food. And, gentlemen, are we not commanded “to feed the hungry,” and how better can this great duty be per- formed than by laboring to restock our Jakes and rivers with fish of all kinds? To this end let us labor and eventually perpetuate a bles- sing. LAND-LOCKED SALMON. A paper read before the American Fish Culturists’ Association, at its first annual meeting, held at Albany, February 7th and 8th, 1872, by B. FL Bowes. Mr. President und Gentlemen of the American Lish Culturists Assocvation.—The task you have assigned to me is one that T hardly feel competent to discharge, aud [ doubtif Tam able to do it satixtac- torily to you. “But it is a task To undertake con amore, tor there is no member of the tinny tribe Toam acquainted with that J regard with so much admiration and delight as the hend-locked salmon. I have no idea that [ shall be able to tell you anything mes about this noble fish, but as it has been an object of study and inquiry with me for several years, and as [ have cultivated its personal acquaintance on certain angling excursions to that degree that [may say a strong tic has existed between us, greatly to my pleasure if not to his, [ hope, at least, to Invest old facts with some new interest. The fresh-water salmon, which is now generally recognized by the name of the tand-locked salmon, is known to exist only in the waters of North America and Scandinavia. On this continent it inhabits five ditferent lake systems of Maine, which, if Dam correctly informed, are these: Sebago Lake, both branches of the Schoodic Lakes, Sebec Lake and Reed’s Lake. A very small variety inhabits a lake called Loch Lomond, near St. Johm'’s, New Brunswick, which are known in that vicinity as “ white trout.” The origin of land-locked salmon is still an unsolved problem amony the naturalists. Some hold that it is the progeny of sea-salmon, and dwarfed by being prevented from making its annual migration to the sea, and therefore compelled to seek its nourishment in fresh water only. Frome this plausible theory the name is derived. And this name is generally believed to have been bestowed upon this fish by Prof. Agassiz, but [am notable to learn if this is the fact, or if it was imported trom Europe, where the 40 same fish exists. It is doubtful if Prof. Agassiz would give that name tu this fish now, at all events. Opposed to this view of its origin is the fact that there dues not now exist, and has not existed for many years, any obstacle to the passage of these tish to the sea. At least this is the fact in some localities where they are found. Until within a few years the Schoodic salmon descended tie San Croix river as far as Calais, and from this point it is an open run to the sea. But in support of this theory is the fact that both on this continent and in Scandinavia, land-locked salmon are found only in inland waters to which sea-salinon penetrate, or once had access to, in their summer migra- tions. My friend, the learned secretary of this Association, argues with much skill that the land-locked salmon is entitled to the rank of a distinct species. He claims that its size, robustness and spirit, and above all the difference in the number of eggs it deposits, form sufficient testimony against the theory that this fish is a sea-salmon, dwarfed by the suppression of one of its strongest instinets. That veteran angler and fish culturist, Mr. Thaddeus Norris, of Philadelphia, says, on this subject, that “many years ago a few sea- salmon tinding the large Schoodic lakes to be convenient feeding grounds, passed the winter in them, and their progeny, taking this to be the established habit of their fathers, like the good Pennsylvania Dutchmen, preferred to walk or swim in the same path.” Mr. Norris cites the most authentic instance in which sea-salmon were known to be actually land-locked, and the effect it had on their progeny. “The first and the least of all are those Lilliputians found in Loch Lomond, which supplies the city of St. John’s, New Brunswick, with water. The Mispeck, which discharges that body of water covering about three square miles, twenty years ago was dammed for milling purposes, and some otf the sez-salmon which had been migrating to and from the lake, remained and reproduced. The lake being small and of inconsiderable depth, furnished a very limited supply of food, and as a consequence each generation attained a less size than its predecessor, until the descendants of the lordly anadromous salmon are now reduced to the length of nine inches. I have seen strings of them there, and their average size does not exceed this. They are so small as not to deserve the name of salmon, and are called “ white trout.” Yet they are true salmon ; and, if the dams below were taken away, and they descended to sea for as many years as they have been debarred from it, would attain their normal size.’ 41 But I leave the doctors to disagree as to the origin of this tish, and pass to other facts concerning him. In external appearance the land-locked salmon closely resembles the sea salmon, except in size. In anatomical structure they are said to be identical. The eges are the same size, and the young try are almost precisely like those of migrating salmon. Between the fry of afew months old of the two species there is scarcely any percep- tible difference. It has the jet-black spots of the true salmon on its gill covers. It has the recurved, conical tusk on the lower jaw, pecu- liar to the true salmon. It ascends the streams at night, and its period of spawning is short, like the salmon. The color of the tlesh is the delicate pink of the salmon, perhaps a few shades lighter, but IT have never found the deposit of white curds between the muscles, as in sea salmon. Tt may exist in larger specimens than T have seen. The weight of land-locked salmon varies with the different localities where they are found, and, what is a little singular, the largest tish are sometimes met with in the smallest lakes. Thus the Sebago sal- mon how average in weight five pounds to the males and three to the females, but larger ones are sometimes taken. The largest om record is seventeen anda half pounds. The fish frou Reed's lake weigh trom ten to twelve pounds, while those from the Scheodie likes, Which are much the larger range of waters, average one and one-half pounds, andan eleven pound Schoodic salmon is the largest on record, I never saw one weighing over three pounds. Whatever the origin of these fish may have been, whether they descended trom old King salmon or & came over in the Maytlower,” there is no doubt that they can boast of a highly respectable antiquity. There is evidence that these fish have existed in the waters in) which they now are found for many vears. The Indian traditions of the localities mention them. The spot which is now the favorite camping ground of anglers at the outlet of Grand lake abounds in Indian relics, and there is litthe doubt that in former ages the [idians encamped on this same spot to pursue their summer sport. Twenty-two vears ago Dr. A.C. Hamlin, of Maine, went to the outlet of Grand lake stream with Peale Toma, the eclebrated Indian guide [ think this was the first time a true fly fisherman—and Dr. Tianilin is a naturalist as well—ever killed these fish. It was in the month of September. Ile says that when Toma tirst threw his rudely made fly upon the water “it seemed as though fifty littl: salmon sprang forit, their silver sides glistening in the pure water like flakes of light. Curiously enough the “untutered mind” of the Indian had formed the same theory 42 with regard to him as some of the naturalists, for, as he pointed out the beautiful colours of the dying fish, Toma said, “there! that fish brother to salt-water salmon, only he furgot to go to sea, but stay in fresh-water instead.” The Schoodic salmon run out of the deep water of the lakes into the outlets and streams both in spring and fall. In the spring they follow the log-ratts through Grand Jake in large numbers, attracted probably by the offal thrown overboard, and the insects falling from the bark of the logs. The lumbermen sometimes take numbers of them about their ratts; and in trolling through the lake for trout and togue, I never failed to take several salmon if I drew neara raft. To me this fact is the best evidence that a fish cannot hear, for I do not think any self-respecting member of the salmon family would voluntarily remain within hearing of the unearthly din that a crew of Maine “loggers ” make in warping a raft through one of theselakes. When they first arrive, these fish are covered with a thick green slime, which is believed to be a species of parasite that cling to them during their long winter residence in the deep water. In this condition many of them are rather dull and sluggish in their movements, not rising to the angler’s fly with avidity. Buta few days, or even hours, in the quick water of the stream cleans off this slime, and their sides are like burnished silver. At first they appear in small parties of six and twelve and a score, till about the first uf June, when there are gen- erally two or three days in which they crowd in thicker and faster, and the whole family seems hurrying into the stream. Once there, they remain in its foaming rapids until July, when they return to the cooler waters of the lake. About the tenth of September they run into the stream again—this time to spawn. They begin to spawn in October and finish early in December. The height of the spawning season is about the fifth of November. It spawns at night and lies quiet during the day, which is the reverse of the trout. It is at this season that formerly the Indians speared vast quantities of these tish, sending them to market in barrels, and packing them up for their own winter fuod. It is doubtful if this illegal destruction of these fish is now entirely stopped by the more stringent laws and efforts of sportsmen. It seems useless, however, to waste any regret over the illegal fish- ing of the past or the present, in view of the impending total ruin of this most valuable fishery, for that it is doomed to immediate destruction seems certain. A tannery has been built within the last year on Grand Lake stream, just about at the point where the salmon 43 “love to congregate” in spring and fall, which, together with the large settlement that has beeen formed in consequence, place this ancient and favorite haunt of the Schoodic salmon among the multi- tude of fisheries destroyed by the intrusion of manufacturing indus- try. When the purpose of landowners in this region tu build a taunery at this point first reached the ears. of the sportsmen who were accustomed to visit this spot, it caused a buzz of indignation and alarm, and there arose among them a strong desire to rescue this valuable fishery from the threatened despoliation. Two years ago this spring I was appointed one of a committee authorized to purchase land on both sides of this stream below the dam on behalf of the Oquossuc Angling Association—an association of gentlemen anglers already possessing valuable ‘ands and waters in Maine for tishing purposes. But our cffort was miade too date. It was obviously of more unportance to the landowners and inhabitants of the region to have a tannery there than once or twice a year a party of anglers. And they cared little for the fish —indeed they seemed to look upon those who came from such a distance at such a great cost to killa few of these fish as a parcel of lunatics. LD appealed to Ma. Charles G. Akins, the very able and gentlemanly fish Commissioner of Maine, who visited the stream at that time, for his intervention avainst the tannery; but although his syinpathies were with the anglers and in favor of saving the fish from destruction, he said that le was clothed with no power to stop the proposed vecupation of this beautiful stream by its owners to develop its water-power. Mr. Atkins regards the fishery as doomed to rapid destraction. The fish may come into the stream in sume numbers for a few vears, but they must eradually dis- appear before this invasion of their natural domain by what we usually glorify as the * progress of civilization” Dut if the Schoodie salmon is to be driven from its mative waters, itis likely to be kindly provided witha home where it has hitherto been unknown. Of course such a valuable fish as this for food and for sport could not long be overlooked by the fish culturists. Various experiments have been made, both by individuals and oy State fish commissioners. to introduce these fish into other waters, and in most instances it) has been successtul; though it may be said that these various experi- ments have not been suticiently tested by time. It is tolerably certain, however, that the Schoodic salmon will thrive in’ tresh-water lakes and streams which are favorable to the existence of large brook trout. In October, IS6s, Mr. Atkins. the tish commissioner of Maine, took a lot of spawn at Grand Lake stream, part of which was carried 4: to Manchester, Maine, to be hatched, and part of which was given to the tish commissioners for the state of Massachusetts. About 3,000 fish were hatched at Manchester, which were distributed in various waters to take care of themselves, except 500 which were placed under the care of David C. Pottle, at Alna, a practical trout breeder. Mr. Pottle has a number of artificial ponds supplied with spring water. One of these, sume two rods square, was allotted to the salmon. In nine months they increased their size more than sixty-four times, and probably nearly one hundred times. They were fed daily with curdled milk, and out-weighed (five tu one) fish of the the cause of death is external and removable, and not innate nor necessary. Their wents are peculiar, of course, and more occult aud intangible than those of pigs and colts, and to a beginner it will sometimes seem as if they died when nothing wailed them. Dut if they were as large as pigs and colts, and could be studied as casily, [odo net think their wants would be tound to be any more mysterious or peculiar > and if the causes of disease could be magnified so as to be observed and studied clearly, I think that no mere trout would die when nothing Was the matter with them. I am furthermore convinced that study and experience will eveutu- ally clear up this subject, notwithstanding the dithculties which =ur- round it, and that some time it will be known how to raise trout, and inake them live, as well as it is known how to raise turkeys and chickens. IT believe that there are energy and intelligence cnough now inter- ested in the cause to accomplish this end; and [think that the beginner may accept these axioms in raising trout: 1. No trout dies without a cause. Y. The causes of death are discernable. 3. They can, in most instances, be removed. 52 My own experience has invariably been to confirm these principles. I lost, in my apprenticeship days, as many young fry as any one else, but with every death, say over five per cent, there appeared a distinct, assignable cause, present or remote, which could be removed or avoided, and the more I lost, the more I became satisfied that the causes of death among the young fry could be discovered and avoided. My later experience has added confirmation to this opinion and now, since I have used charcoal troughs and tanks altogether, deaths among the young trout have been, among some lots, rare occurrences, and in general have been no more frequent, over the five per cent weak ones, than among the yearling and breeders. In one charcoal trough in particular, containing over 5,000, there was, in the season of 1870, less than one and a half per cent of deaths, from all causes, in three months. , It was the same in the year 1871. In one box of a thousand, I did not take out ten dead ones in three months. I attribute this, in a great measure, to the use of charcoal in hatching, but it contirms the theory just advocated, that the causes of death ean be removed. I think, therefore, that we may lay aside our anxiety about raising the young fish, and with it all anxiety we may have, in any respect, for the ultimate triumph of the art of trout culture. With a knowledge of how to rear the young fry, all the steps to suc- cess in the art are complete. Since the introduction of the Russian or dry method of impregnation, almost 100 per cent of the eggs can be fertilized and hatched. By proper care and skill the young try ean be brought through the first year. By using the requisite safeguards from poachers, and the natural enemies of tish, the yearlings can be rapidly grown and fatted for market, and the favorite position they occupy among sportsmen, and the money returns which they at present command, are such as hold ont the promise of a long period of prosperity in the business of trout growing before it shall, if ever, show signs of decay. Tue Prcuntary Asrprecr oF Trout CciturE One of the chief inquiries at the present time, with regard to trout culture, is whether it can be made a protitable business. In reply te this inquiry, [ have no hesitation in saying that I think trout raising can be made profitable anywhere in the settled portions of this country where there is plenty of suitable water, but, to be very profi- table, it must be on a large scale. It will not pay great profits to 53 raise 1,000 trout a year, but a handsome income wil! be made from raising 10,000 a year. I find that the cost of growing trout is very small indeed, and that the returns are very large indeed. It costs no more to keep 1,000 trout each, of the three different sizes, springlings, yearlings, and two-year olds, than it does in the country to keep a horse; and what would keep & pair of horses in the city at a stable, would enable a man to turn out 5,000 pounds of trout a year. The current expenses of a trout breeding establishment consist of three classes, viz. : (1.) The rent of the place, or the interest on the original outlay, plus the wear and tear, which together should be reckoned at twelve per cent. (2.) The care of the fish, which is not much fora small stock of trout, and grows comparatively less, the more fish you have. (3.) The cost of feed, which is very small, amounting perhaps to three cents a pound; all which items of expense do not make the full grown trout cost over fifteen or twenty cents a pound, if success- fully raised. On the other hand, trout bring from fifty cents a pound to $1.25; seventy-five cents being, [ should say, a fair average, at the present time, in the neighborhood of Boston and New York. Ilere we see a large margin for profit, and [ think a fair one, when a man raises his trout successfully, and all depends upon this, of course. If he cannot keep his trout alive and secure, he cannot expect to make anything at the business. I should say the following esti- mate approximated the truth : If you have first-rate water facilities, and should hatch 20,000 young try, and raise them all to be four years old, on food at three cents per pound, they would cost you, after you began to market the fish, not over eighteen cents a pound. If you raise half, all your expenses being the same, with the exception of food, they will cost about twenty-four cents a pound. If you raise one-fourth, they will cost somewhere near thirty-six cents per pound. If you raise one- eighth, about fifty-four cents per pound. If you raise less than this they will cease to pay a profit. To assist the beginner in estimating his expected expenses and returns, [ will give the following maxims. (a.) Under favorable circumstances, five pounds of meat food may be considered an equivalent for one pound of trout growth, with two- year-olds and three-year-olds. (4.) For any given quantity of two or three-year-olds, one per cont of their weight may be regarded as an adequate average daily ration the year round. 54 (c.) Two and three-year-olds will double their weight annually, and can be made to do so in the six months from April to September, inclusive, by extra care and feeding. (Z.) Good tued for grown-up trout, viz.: lungs and plucks of slaughtered animals, can be purchased anywhere for two or three cents a pound, The cost of the actual food for young fry for the first six months is unappreciable. (e.) First-class trout bring one dollar a pound in Fulton market in April, and can be forced at almost any time when in season at titty cents. (7-) Freshly killed trout, well packedin ice and sawdust, will stand a direct Journey in the summer by rail of 500 miles, without injury. Mr. Stepen H. Ainsworth’s estimate of profits, published over five years ago (1866) is as follows : Costofbuilditiess zindefixtuyes s3e7 2.39 eee $6,000 5;000 parents fur spawn abiiity céntss:. 2. 2.. ees) ea 2,500 Three men’s labor for tour years, at $300 Per earssece eee 35600 Cost of food for 1,000,000 trout for four years....... +2 20h6 20gOR8 Cost of food for 1,000,000 trout for three years... 2... ss. “£05000 Cost of food for 1,000,000 trout tor two years....... stiches 4,000 Cost of food tor 1,000,000 trout fur one year...........-- 1,000 Rotale, oes Dag cee ee ae eee eee ee ee .... $47,100 Now for their value. The 1,000,000 of ftour-year-olds will average a pound each, and are worth at least twenty-five cents per pound in the pond, which makes the four-year-olds worth. ........ $250,000 1,000,000 three-year-olds, one-half pound each.......... 175,000 1,000,000 two-year-olds, one-quarter pound each. .... 2... 57,000 1,000,000 one-vear-olds, one ounce cach .. 206 30,000 The worth of all trouble at the end of four years. ..... $542,000 Deduct the pricesof “rowine: 5-3 oe ee ee 47,000 Protitts: der. foe PN ahstatads. son atarsy teperaueirae de tenet ababe ote ctarey ie: See $495,000 As these figures stand, they cannot serve as a guide to tish breeders at present, for no one begins to carry on the business ou this immense seule. But suppose we divide the figures by fifty, which brings the scale within reach ; we then have a profit of SLO000, on an establish- ment turning ont 20,000, four years old, annually. This I believe would be not far from the truth, were it not for one item which Mr. 55 Ainsworth did nut take in, but which closely follows every business like an evil genius, namely, risk. What this fluctuating item ought to be in the above caleulation I will not attempt to say, but [am afraid that at the time the estimate was made it was more than enough to swallow up the profits. It has been growing less and less every year, as trout raising has become better understood, and I believe the time is near at hand when Mr. Ainsworth’s figures may be realized on a reduced scale, with not more than fifty per cent deducted trom the profits to cover the item of risk. It may occur to some to inquire what makes the item of risk so large ? I will reply, that it is because the business is new and but little understood ; the subject-matter is of a peculiarly hazardous sort, and perhaps, more than all, fish breeders will not take pains to insure the security, which is absolutely necessary to success. These things have made the risk very great, and account for the very significant fact that, in the five years since Mr. Ainsworth’s table was published, no one has made a fortune by raising trout for the table, nor to my knowledge derived any very extraordinary income trom this source alone. [ think, however, the next five years will tell a different story, and [am very much mistaken if some of the trout ponds now under way do not yield within that time some very handsome returns from their marketed trout. Thus far we have considered the business of trout growing in only one of its branches of profit, viz., raising marketable trout. There are, as is well known, two other sources of revenue. (1.) The sale of spawn. (2.) The sale of young stock. The first branch can hardly be considered a legitimate branch to base permanent returns on, because the sale of spawn is limited to establishments that are just commencing operations. This trade is a large one now, because so many establishments are starting, but these will sume time furnish their own spawn and become sellers instead of buyers, and when the prospective fish breeding operations of the country are under way, there will be a great supply of egys, with a very disproportionate demand. Indeed, the prospect is that the spawn trade will not be a permanent one of any great value, and therefore cannot be regarded, in its present state at least, as a legiti- mate ground for basing payment expectations on. It is not so, how- ever, with the trade in young fry and yearlings for stocking other waters. 56 It is almost a universal custom now, with owners of small gardens, to buy their young cabbages and tomatoes and other vegetables of the large producers, because it is cheaper than to start them them- selves. Farmers also buy their pigs instead of breeding them, from the same cause. Now it is only reasonable to expect the same rule to prevail in fish raising ultimately as it does at present. Many persons who have ponds and streams, and want to keep them stocked, will preter, and will tind it cheaper, to buy their young stock every year, than to work all winter at hatching the eggs. The trade in young stock, therefore, looks as if it would be perma- nent, and appears to be a Zeg/témate source from which to expect an income in tront raising. This forms, at present, a very considerable item in the business. Young fry are in great demand in New England, at twenty-five dollars ($25) a thousand, and yearlings at one hundred dollars ($100) a thousand. Many thousands of them could be sold at this day for these, and even at an advance on these, prices, if the tish could be had. The supply last year (1S71) did not nearly keep up with the demand in New England... We here tind in the sale of young stock quite an addition to the sources of the trout growers’ income ; and I am informed, by those who are operating near the large cities, that a very considerable revenue could be obtained, at their places, by charging an admission fee to visitors. There is also money to be made by buying and fattening wild trout for the market, where vou can buy them cheap enough. Good, thriving trout, less than four years old, will double their weight in a year, and sometimes much more. Therefore, if you put 1,000 pounds of them in a pond securely protected, they will, in a year, become 2,000 pounds; and the teed, in the mean time, will not cost over $150. That is to say, the increase will cost you not over fifteen cents a pound. When the various sources of income are taken into account, in con- nection with the wide margins for profit, it is obvious that suecesstul operations cannot but pay well. I would say, however, in conclusion, that I do not wish to hold out false inducements to persons to go into the business, with the hope of making great fortunes. The item of risk is a very serious one yet, and small operators cannot expect to make more than a fair living. With many it will not pay at all, while it is reserved for only the very successful,.and for those who have the few great water facilities of the country, to make the great fortunes. 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