< Wih m ^liiiiii iiiii / \ TRANSACTIONS OF THK AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY /^: -^^7 2 3 2L VOLUME XLV -^:'«' 'huSCUi Hall of the Academy of Natuhal Sciences of l*inLADELPiiL\ LOGAN SQl'ARE 1919 ' LIST OF PAPERS Blaisdell (Frank E., Sr.) Studies in Alaudes (Colcoptera; Tenebrionidae) . . 307 (Issued November 22, 1919.) Synopsis and Review of the Species of Coelus (Coleop- tera; Tenebrionidae) 315 (Issued Noveinl)er 24, 1919.) Calvert (Philip P.) Gundlach's Work on the Odonata of Cuba: A Critical Study 335 (Issued Decciiiher 23, 1919.) Cole (F. R.) The Dipterous Family Cyrtidae in North America . 1 (Issued April 11, 1919.) Gibson (Edmund H.) The Genus Phatnoma Fieber (Tingidae; Heteroptera) 181 (Issued June 13, 1919.) The Genus Gargaphia Stal (Tingidae; Heteroptera) . 187 (Issued July 28, 1919.) Hebard (Morgan) Studies in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Colom- bia. First Paper. Dermaptera and Orthopterous Families Blattidae, Mantidae and Phasmidae 89 (Issued June 7, 1919.) New Genera and Species of Melanopli found within the United States (Orthoptera; Acrididae). Part II 2r)7 (Issued Scptemlwr 2.5, 1919.) A New Genus and Species of Roach from the Fnited States and Tropical North America (Orthoptera ; Blat- tidae; Panchlorinae) 299 (Lssued September 25, 1919.) 11 LIST OF PAPERS A New Central American Genus and Species of the Group Blattellites (Orthoptera; Blattidae; Pseudo- mopinae) 303 (Issued September 25, 1919.) See Rehn and Hebard. HUTSON (J. C.) The North American Species of the Genus Scehphron (Hymenoptera) 203 (Issued October 8, 1919.) Rehn (James A. G.) Descriptions of New and Critical Notes upon Previ- ously Known Forms of North American Oedipodinae (Orthoptera; Acrididae). First Paper 229 (Issued October 8, 1919.) Rehn (James A. G.) and Hebard (Morgan) A New Species of Grasshopper of the Genus Chloealtis (Acridinae) from the Pacific Slope 81 (Issued April 16, 1919.) ^J^ c^ VOLUME XLV NUMBER 1 MARCH 1919 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 'l^^d.\ ivii'-^-i^tV PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AT THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOUR DOLLARS PER VOLUME THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PHILADELPHIA Founded 1859 Incorporated 1862 Organized as "The Entomological Society of Philadelphia," the present title was adopted February 11, 1867. >, President Henry Skiimer Vice-President James A. G. Rehn Corresponding Secretary . Recording Secretary Morgan Hebard George M. Greene Treasurer Ezra T. Cresson Publication Committee Finance Committee Property Committi James A. G. Rehn James A. G. Rehn Ezra T. Cresson, Jr Editor Chairman Librarian and Cuslod', Ezra T. Cresson D. M. Castle Morgan Hebard Philip P. Calvert Morgan Hebard Philip Laurent Meetings held (alternately with those of the Entomological Section of the Acadei of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) on the fourth Thursday of September, Octob November, January, February, March, April and May, and on the second Monday June and December (annual meeting). The offices, meeting room, library and collectic of the Society are in the Entomological Department of the Academy of Natural Sciem of Philadelphia, Logan Square. Serial Publications of the Society Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, volumes I-VI, 1861-1867. 0 of print and cannot be supplied. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, volumes I-IV, out of print and cs not be supplied; V-X, $5.00 per volume; XI-XLIV, $4.00 per volume. Published annual volumes of quarterly parts. The Practical Entomologist, volumes I-II, 1865-1867. Price, $1.00 for the two volum( Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, number 1, 1916, price $2.00; number 1917, price $4.50; number 3, 1919, price $1.50. Published irregularly. Entomological News, volumes I-XXX. Price $2.00 per volume. Published in cc junction with the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia. Various irregular, non-serial publications have been issued, which may be found in o price lists under their respective authors. To establish the date of issue, each paper, as soon as completed, is placed on sale a; a copy of it is mailed to each of the following institutions, with a request that it be plac in their library for reference. Boston Society of Natural History Field Museum of Natural History American Museum of Natural History California Academy of Sciences Smithsonian Institution Entomological Society of Ontario Separates of papers published in the Proceedings and Transactions, if not out of prii can be supplied at prices given in our price lists, which are sent upon application, stati; order or orders desired. The Society has also inaugurated a system of subscription papers published by it on individual orders, which arrangement is of material benefit the student who desires promptly the literature on any special group, but who does n desire to subscribe to entire volumes of the Transactions. A method of notification of t appearance in its publications of papers relating to individual orders or subjects has be developed by the Society. Information concerning these arrangements supplied upi application. In sending subscriptions or in making inquiries relative to publications, address: THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Publication Department, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Logan Square. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME XLV THE DIPTEROUS FAMILY CYRTIDAE IN NORTH ^ AMERICA /\^ BY F. R. COLE U. S. Bureau of Entomologi/ Introduction This paper is the result of about two years interrupted stud}' of the dipterous family Cyrtidae. It is an interesting little group of insects with a remarkable range of variation in structure. The collecting of more material will no doubt cause some changes to be made in the status of a few species, and further study will reveal other characters for the separation of the different forms. The species of Cyrtidae are xqyj rare, at least until their local haunts are known. In several places along the Pacific Coast large series of Eulonchus have been collected, but these are rarely found in any great numbers. The family is a small one and some species are known from only one or two specimens. Few collectors have any large number of these flies, and even those who have made a search for them have found them only at rare intervals. The species are not economically important, those in which the early stages are known being parasitic in the egg cases or in the bodies of spiders. In only a few species have the early stages been found and we know nothing of the life histories of some genera. Several entomologists have at one time or another made a 1 Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. TRANS. AM. EXT. SOC, XLV. 2 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA special study of the group and, as 'Some of the articles are not easily accessible, notes from these have been incorporated in this paper. Life history and habit notes are included in this synopsis, as they are of general interest and a great aid to the knowledge of the species; the larval and pupal characters may, when known, serve to separate some of the closely allied species and establish the relationships of the genera. The writer wishes to acknowledge the generous loan of material by the following: the late Mr. Frederick Knab of the National Museum; Mr. C. W. Johnson of the Boston Society of Natural History, who also loaned his large personal collection; Mr. M. C. Van Duzee; Dr. J. M. Aldrich; Prof. A. L. Melander; Mr. W. R. Walton; Mr. C. T. Greene; Mr. E. T. Cresson, Jr. and Prof. R. W. Doane. The Cornell University collection was obtained through the kindness of Mr. R. C. Shannon and Professor Brad- ley. Mr. Nathan Banks loaned his private collection and a num- ber of specimens from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. I am also indebted to Prof. S. J. Hunter for the loan of the Kansas University material. Even with all these col- lections material is all too scarce and I cannot establish some of the species to my entire satisfaction. The types should all be examined and compared, especially the types of Westwood's species, of which one cannot be certain because of the two or three line descriptions. Parasitism, among other agencies, has produced some curious modifications of the family type in the Cyrtidae and we see marks of degeneration. Wiedemann gave them the name of "fat- flies," because of their generally inflated balloon-like bodies. The common name of ''small-headed flies" was given them by Comstock in his Manual; they might well be called "Swollen- bodied flies." The drawings have been made from specimens, using a bin- ocular microscope, and care has been taken to make them as accu- rate as possible, so that they would supplement the descriptions and aid in establishing some of the uncertain species. There is often quite a variation in marking and color, but most of the species have a "habitus." Important characters may be found in the genitalia when more work is done and dissections made. F. R. COLE 3 History of the Family Meigen in his ''Klassification" first designated this group of Diptera. There has been much difference of opinion as to the correct name of the family, but it appears to me that the term Cyrtidae has the best claims for its adoption; Cyrtus is the oldest genus, having been described by Latreille in 1796. The name Acroceridae Leach (in Somouelles Compendium) is a very widely used term. Newman in 1841 used the term Cyrtites. Walker, in his "Revision of the Acroceridae,"- gives a list of fourteen names which have been used for this family: Acroceridae Leach; Acro- cerides Leach; Bomhyliarii, p. Lam.; Aplocera, p. Dumeril; Inflatae Latr.; Inflata Meig.; Stratiomyidae, p. Rafinesq.; Cyrtites Newman; Ogcodina Rond.; Inflata (Henopii) Agassiz; Acrocer- inae Zett., and Cijrtidii Bigot., instead Kertesz in his "Katalog" (1909) used Oncodidae. The term C>Ttidae means hump-backed, -yv a good fo^aX characterization of the family. Acroceridae (from afcros-summit and A-era.s-horn) is derived from the character of the insertion of the antennae on the vertex, which is not a universal character by any means. Henopidae comes from a word meaning "one-eyed," and was used by Erichson in his "Monograph" of tha family in 1840, after the name had been given up by others. The family is remarkable for the singularly swollen body, especially the abdomen, and Latreille gave it the name of Vesic- ulosa for that reason. Meigen in 1822 (102), called the species of Henops "Mundhornfliege." Wiedemann in his "Aussereu- ropaische Zweifliigelege Insecten," in 1830, gave them the name "Feistfliegen," literally fat flies. Latreille maintained that the name Henops should be changed to Ogcodes (better Oncodes). Meigen, in 1822 (102), gave the first synopsis of the family under the name Inflatae. He gave a generic description of Cyrtus, but stated that he could not give a general survey of the family be- cause he was familiar with only one species — gihbus. He gave the main characters of Acrocera, enumerating five species, and men- tioning that all were rare and that he had never collected any. The next important paper on the Cyrtidae was by Wiedemann in 1830 (lfj6), who used the name Inflatae. Thefe were four species of Cyrtus enumerated, two species of Acrocera (including A.fasciata from Georgia), one species of Philopota from Brazil 2 List-Supplement, part II, p. 331, 1854. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 4 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA and the genus Panops. Wiedemann made two divisions: those with, and those without ocelH. Erichson's "Monograph of the Henopidae" was pubhshed in the " Entomographien" in 1840. A very good synopsis of the family is given in this paper. Erichson made three subdivisions : the first division with a long thin Bomhylius-Vike proboscis, car- ried pointed back under the body when at rest and not porrect; in the second division, those species having only a stump of a proboscis were included. The third division contained only those having absolutely no mouth-parts, a membrane closing the mouth opening. The genus Ogcodes was the only member of this last group. Erichson noted the importance of the antennae in classifica- tion, their structure and the position occupied on the head. He stated that the eyes are most broadly separated in Pialea, which has two ocelli; Astomella has none. The structure of the an- tennae and their position on the head formed the basis of the separation of the different forms, thirteen genera being included in the table: Panops, Lasia, Cyrtus, Psilodera, Thyllis, Philopota, Ocnaea, Astomella, Pialea, Pterodontia, Acrocera, Terphis and Ogcodes. In these genera forty-seven species were known at that time. Dr. Erichson, in discussing the systematic relation of the family, stated that he thought the Cyrtidae (Henopidae as he called them) might be limited on the one side by the Syrphidae, and on the other by Conops, Myopa and perhaps Oestrus. In 1851, Walker gave some notes on the family in "British Diptera," adopting the name Acroceridae. Only two genera were known from England, Acrocera and Henops, and both were briefly described. In 1854, Walker published a short revision of the family, with a table of eighteen genera, Pteropexus, Exetaxis, Eriosoma, Physegaster and Sphaerogaster having been added since Erichson's "Monograph." Walker gave only a short Latin de- scription of the species and a description of the wing venation of each genus in English. In 1856, Gerstaecker made a valuable contribution to the knowl- edge of the family in his paper, "Beitrag zur Konntnis der Hen- opier" (42). In 1862, Schiner gave a short synopsis of the family F. R. COLE O in his "Fauna Austriaca/' which contained an outline description of the genera known from Austria. In this article he stated that the metamorphoses of these flies were unknown. In 1868, Schiner made several observations on the Cyrtidae in the "Reise der Novara," making the following synonomy: Henops Fab- ricius referred to Ogcodes Latreille; Eriosoma Macquart and Exetaxis Walker to Oaiaea Erichson ; Pithogaster Loew to Opsehius Costa; Platygaster Zetterstedt to Sphaerogaster Zetterstedt; Mesocera Macquart to Psilodera Gray; Mesophysa Macquart to Panops Lamarck and Megalybus Philippi to Thyllis Erichson. Loew in "Fauna Sudafrikas," in 1860, proposed a division of the Cyrtidae into two sections — Oncodina and Cyrtina, and he held to this in his Monographs. The subdivisions were based merely on wing venation and of course proved a failure. Schiner's pro- posed system was much more satisfactory and he adopted the natural group Philopotina. He took as the basis of his classifi- cation the structure of the thorax. In the Philopotinae the prothoracic lobes are greatly developed and meet above. The other forms are divided into two groups: the Acrocerinae with the short third antennal joint and a terminal arista, and the Panopinae, in which the third antennal joint is long or very long and never furnished with an apical arista. Schiner re- corded one hundred and three described species of Cyrtidae, distributed as follows: Europe 22, Asia 4, Africa 13, America 57, Australia 6, and one unknown. Sphaerogaster was the only genus peculiar to Europe, nine genera being exclusively American and one (Psilodera) peculiar to Africa. Very little has been written on this family in America, the spe- cies being so rare. In 1902, Professor Melander published a short paper on some of the species. Osten Sacken had alwa}' s been very much interested in the family and had started a monograph in 1895. When he heard that Wandolleck was working on one at this time, he turned over the work to this dipterist, l)ut it seems that circumstances prevented the finishing of the monograph. Mr. C. W.Johnson's paper on the genus Acrocera has many valu- able notes on several of the species. In twenty years of collecting Mr. Johnson has been able to get seventeen species of Cyrtidae, and this is, I believe, the best collection in the country. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. O CYRTIDAIO OF NORTH AMERICA Structural Characters Osten Sacken noted the fact that a considerable number of the archaic forms occurred in the Eremochaeta, "survivals of bygone zoological horizons" as he aptly terms them. The genera near the Nemestrinidae in venation and with a long proboscis are the oldest, one species of this type having been recently described by Meunicr fi'om Baltic amber. In the Cyrtidae we have a family which has been modified by parasitism; undoubtedly those genera having a long proboscis and a complex wing venation are the oldest forms and the others have become curiously degraded by their mode of life. These very interesting flies vary in size; the smallest one known to me being 2.5 millimeters long and the largest about 17 mm. They belong to the Orthorrhapha brachycera and are devoid of bristles. The head is small and composed almost en- tirely of the huge rounded eyes. Both sexes are holoptic or nearly so, and the face is small and situated almost on the under side of the head. There are usually three ocelli, but some forms have two and the European Astomella none; Lasia ocelUger is said to have one ocellus. The proboscis in one group is so small as to be hardly visible (with the mouth opening closed by a membrane in one genus), and in the others is long and slender. The eyes may be hairy or bare, with all the facets equal. The antennae are three jointed, although there are at times appar- ently only two joints, the first being sunken in the head. The antennae are usually short, close together at the base (in Pialea grown together) , and in varying positions on the head ; thej^ may be just below the ocelli on the vertex, in the middle of the head or far down on the rim of the mouth. In one group the third joint is short and with a long, thin apical arista; in another group elongate and strap-shaped, and in Pterodontta with three apical setae. The thoi'ax is humped and rounded and umch wider than the head. In the Philopotinae the prothoracic lobes are abnormally enlarged and meet above to form a shield on the prothorax. The pubescence is very thick in some species, but there are never any bristles. The scutellum is large, usually concealing the metanotum. F. R. COLE / The abdomen is usually globose or ])alloori-shapo(l, appearing swollen, and there are usually five segments. The al^domen in Eulonchus is longer and not so distended, and in some foreign genera, such as Thyllia, the shape is quite different. The pubes- cence may be thick or sparse. The female genitalia are most conspicuous in Acrocera, and the male genitalia are easily made out in Ogcodes. Male specimens of l^ulonchus tristis and E. mpphirhius taken l)y the writer during the breeding season had the male genitalia protruding, and in some specimens quite prominent. The legs are of medium length and strength and there are no spines or bristles, although there are often tibial spurs; these are really sharp projections of the tips of the tibiae, however, and are quite short. The empodia are developed pulvilliform and pad- like; the claws and pul villi are well developed and there appears to be no sticky secretion on the pads, which enables most flies to cling to a smooth surface. When at rest the wings are defiexed and lie against the ab- domen roof-like. The wings are longer and usually broader in the female than in the male. The venation is often puzzling and difficult of interpretation, and to add to the difficulty the veins are often weak. The costal vein may not reach the wing-tip or it may continue all the way around the margin. The praefurca starts about opposite the discal cell, and the discal cross-vein (absent in some) is placed close to the praefurca and near the base of the discal cell. Another cross-vein often occurs near the end of the discal cell, causing a supernumerary cell. Osten Sacken considered this outer division a posterior cell and not an outer part of the first basal cell, which Verrall thought it to be; I am inclined to adopt Verrall's viewpoint. These veins may be obsolete in some and the number of posterior cells reduced. The second longitudinal vein may be absent. The branch of the third longitudinal may be long and normal, including the wing-tip, or both branches may curve up and run parallel to the margin before the wing-tip. In Acrocera there is a wide open, spurious, third longitudinal fork, and the lower branch, is, I believe, a part of the fourth vein. There is a spurious cross-vein which is really the upper branch of the fifth longitudinal fork. The wing membrane is usually bare and in most species rippled. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 8 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA The alulae vary in size; the thoracal squamae are always large and are one of the striking characters of the family, the margins being thickened and with a fringe, in some forms with a hairy surface. The alar squamae are not abnormally developed, with a short fringe or bare. The halteres are small and entirely cov- ered by the bulging squamae. The venation is very important, although the classification cannot be based on this alone, as has been proven. Lasia, which is represented in the United States by two species, has a venation very near the Nemestrinidae (see Plate I, fig. I). In Hirmo- neura (Nemestrinidae) the discal cell is absent but otherwise the venation corresponds to Lasia. Verrall says: "It would appear that an absolutely different principle has been adopted (in two allied groups) to strengthen the wings; in the Nemestrinidae by tying the elongate end veins together, but in the Cyrtidae by connecting the anterior and posterior parts of the wing by a strong tie near the base and also (in Lasia, etc.) by a second tie near the end of the wing." When the Cyrtidae adopted the floating flight which some of them have, the second tie was allowed to die out and the outer veins to become obsolete. The venation of Eulonchus is very near Lasia, but the third longi- tudinal fork is less like the Nemestrinidae and the axillary vein is not so strong. Thyllis gives a clue to the venation of Oncodes and Acrocera. The fork of the third longitudinal vein has disappeared and, in one species of that genus {T. crassus), the third veinlet from the discal cell has been obliterated , thus there is no closed fourth pos- terior cell. In T. tristis the third vein seems to exist and is a continuation of the fifth longitudinal vein which has disappeared. The venation of Ptero-pexus is near that of Eulonchus. Opsebius (Plate I, fig. 8) and Cyrtus have a venation very near alike; the third longitudinal fork is still present in these two genera. There is quite a variation in the former; in some the anal cell is closed and petiolate and in others wide open. Perhaps the venation of Opsebius is a modification of that of Cyrtus. Loew in figuring the wing of Opsebius inflatus left out the characteristic cross-vein which forms the outer first basal cell; Ostcn Sacken discovered this in examining the type. The venation of Ocnaea (Plate I, fig. 3) is very near that of the South American Holops and varies F. R. COLE y considerably. The fork of the third longitudinal vein is present, but in one species from North America (0. loewi) the lower branch does not reach the wing margin. In 0. schivarzi new species, from Cuba, this is not the case, but the vein from the outer first basal is only a stump. The genus AstomeUa, which does not occur in North America, is intermediate between Thyllis and Pterodontia; the unforked third longitudinal vein can be traced; the closed fourth posteripr cell remains (actually the third), and a fifth longitudinal fork, but the second veinlet from the discal has disappeared and the num- ber of posterior cells has been reduced. It becomes clear that the wide open space at the wing tip is the first posterior and not a submarginal cell. Pterodontia (Plate I, figs. 6 and 7) shows a great change in the development of the third (discal) vein. The second longitudinal vein curves up into an enlargement of the costa. P. ancdis shows the continued presence of two discal cross-veins, and also shows that the so-called outer first basal cell has merged with the discal cell, thus the upper branch of the fourth vein has disappeared, but the upper veinlet of the discal cell remains, the lower branch of the fourth longitudinal bends sharply downwards and meets the upper branch of the fifth vein, going to the wing margin. In P. analis there are three posterior cells and in P. flavipes two. In Og codes (Plate I, fig. 2) the discal cross-vein is still apparent, but is very faint. The first basal cell is much longer, and thus the discal cell is much farther from the base of the wing, and, con- sequently, as the supernumerary discal cross-vein is not required it has disappeared. The shape of the anal cell indicates a de- graded form of AstomeUa as Verrall noticed. The outer cross- vein has disappeared, so the lower one of the three vagus veins between the third vein and the lower branch of the fifth longi- tudinal would be a branch of the fourth longitudinal. Philopota (Plate I, fig. 5), one species of which {truquii Bellardi) was described from Mexico, shows the auxiliar}^, first and second veins clearly, but the next (incomplete) vein may be the upper branch of the third vein, and if so the discal cross-vein is absent. The apparent cross-vein will be (as in Acrocera) the 1)eginning of the upper branch of the fourth longitudinal, and there arc two rather undefined V)asal cells. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 10 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA In Acrocera (Plate I, figs. 4 and 9) there is a great reduction and transposing of veins. The origin of the first, fourth and fifth longitudinal veins can be clearly traced, but their subsequent development is confused because of the suppressions of long veins and cross-veins. The praefurca arises from the first longitudinal vein and the second longitudinal is present in some and lacking in others. The majority of Cyrtidae have the second vein com- plete, in some it is missing and in some represented by a stump, either at the distal or the proximal end. Thus at times there is one, and in other cases no submarginal cell. Acrocera himaculata is the best example of stunting, the stump being in the wing mar- gin. This proves that the total disappearance is not a conse- quence of coalescence with the first vein, but of obliteration. Osten Sacken thus correctly infers that the obliteration of the second vein in Acrocera is not a deep-seated character at all, and not an index of a corresponding change in the rest of the organism. Dr. Grifiini expressed this opinion when he cast the genus Pora- crocera into synonomy. Mik united the species of Acrocera which lacked the second vein into a new genus which he called Para- crocera. There is no discal cross- vein, the almost upright vein just after the middle of the wing is a portion of the fourth longitudinal vein (as in Pterodontia) . The almost upright vein connecting the fourth and fifth longitudinal veins is the upper branch of the fifth vein. A few Bombyliidae (such as the genus Glabella) have at times been mistakenly placed in the Cyrtidae. There are analogous insects as far as shape goes in Coleoptera, Homoptera and Orth- optera, and affinities can be seen with the hump-backed Bomby- liidae in some instances. Like the parasitic Oestridae and Tach- inidae these flies have very large thoracal squamae. Aldrich placed the Cyrtidae between the Nemestrinidae and the Bom- byliidae in his "Catalogue," and I believe this is their proper posi- tion in the system. Habits of the Cyrtidae The adults of Lasia and Eulonchus arc known to suck the nectar of flowers, Ijut most of the genera, having undeveloped mouth- parts, can take no nourishment. Philippi mentions the finding of adults of Megalybus on flowers — "the larvae live, it seems, in wood, at least my son Karl in Dec. 18G3 found a fly of this species F. R. COLE 11 just crawling out of a tree." Two specimens of Holops cyaneus were found in the summer of 1859 on the window of his house in San Juan. They flew heavily and allowed themselves to be caught easily. Philippi says of Panops nigritarsis: "This magnificent fly is not rare in the province of Valdivia; they fly uncommonly fast, as do the others of their genus, and buzz as strong as a bumble bee; by preference they sink their long proboscis in the flowers of Alstromoeria aurantiaca, and they are then easy to seize, when they are busy with sucking." He speaks of finding Panops aeneus almost every year near Santiago at the foot of Cerro San Cristoval, in the month of November, and feeding on the flowers of Silybum marianum. Most of the species of the family are considered rare, but Osten Sacken states that they are numerous in parts of Australia. Schiner speaks of finding Acrocera globulus in swarms at Trieste in 1862, when they alighted on the visor of his cap and swarmed like Anthomyiids. In 1851, Walker in speaking of the habits says: "The Acrocerae are very sluggish, and are often seated in groups on the withered trunks and branches of oaks and other trees, about which they fly when the sun shines in warm weather, they also frequent thickets and herbage beneath trees." The observations of Gerstaecker on some European species are interesting. He and Stein found great numbers of Cyrtidae in the Brieslanger forest, the adults being collected in a meadow with scattered willows and blackthorn bushes, most of them on the dry leafless branches of Equisetum limosum. As many as fifteen or twenty were observed on a single blackthorn bush in the hot sun, and they could usually be picked up in the fingers, only flying a short distance in any case. A trip was made later in the season and only a few living females were found' in the spider's webs; Gerstaecker not knowing their habits did not think of their being parasitic on the spiders. A few dead ones, appar- ently in good shape, were found. This is an interesting observa- tion, and the writer has found Opsebius diligens in a spider's web untouched, with two large spiders in the web. Gerstaecker remarked that the males of Ogcodes zonatus flew oftener and were more lively than the females. Great numbers of the males played about on the plum bushes, the females never joining in the play. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 12 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA A pair was observed in copulation, the male bracing itself with its hind legs on the costal border of the long wings of the female. Westwood, Van Heyden and M. V. Auduoin all observed that a certain species of Crabro invariably selected Ogcodes gih- hosus to store its burrows in the brambles. Rev. H. S. Gorham observed this same thing; he noticed a thistle (Cnicus palustris) with a hole in it about three feet from the ground, around which several spiders seemed watching. On investigating he found the hollow stem which led to the hole filled for about eight inches with the rare fly Ogcodes gihbo.ms. There were twenty-five or thirty flies, then a wad of frass or debris, and then another seg- ment and a wad. In some a hymenopterous larva was engaged in devouring the stored-up flies. The spiders remarkably re- sembled the Cyrtids and Dr. Sharp pointed out that they were undoubtedly hosts of the flies; the mimicry never having been noticed before. In all more than fifty flies were found in the burrows, dead but cjuite fresh. Another Cyrtid, Helle longir- ostris Hudson, from Australia, is "an extraordinary and very rare species, occurring among white rata {Metrosideros scandens) blossoms in February." The Cyrtidae are very clumsy and sluggish when walking, some of them falling over easily. Pterodontia is described as hav- ing a balloon-like flight. Opsehius diligens has a floating sort of flight, rather undulating and uncertain. It has the habit of buzzing around in circles when it falls over on its back on a smooth surface, often doing this for some time before it can regain its feet; most of the time it is making a high, thin humming sound. When walking the long wings drag on the ground. I collected a number of specimens in Southern California on warm sunny days, flying around vines which contained spider's webs. They seemed to have no fear of anything and could be easily approached. They differ in this respect from EuloncJms tristis and E. sapphirinus, both of which are quite wary, especially in the heat of the day. The species of Eulonchus are very quick of wing and are not sluggish when captured, although they are a little clumsy. When caught in the net they hum like a Syrphid, but make no noise when flying. Several specimens were taken near Parkdale, Oregon, and were kept ahve for a short time, but none Hved longer than forty hours and the females did not lay F. R. COLE 13 eggs. A specimen of E. trisiis was found in the clutches of a yel- low crab spider, which had been lying in ambush on one of the flowers frequently visited by this fly. This is of interest in view of the behavior of spiders when confronted with specimens of Opsehius diligens. If this spider was a host of the fly it was not aware of the fact. It is possible that other spiders might not act the same, and it is also possible that the flies of this genus are not parasitic on spiders. In England, Standish speaks of having beaten a species of Og codes from old white-thorn Ijushes. They were sluggish in the net and laid with their wings closed. The slightest pressure destroyed the rotundity of their bodies. Mr. J. L. King, in Ohio, observed Pterodontia flavipes hovering around the trunks of trees and ovipositing; they were very sluggish and easily captured. Early Stages and Life History Gerstaecker fiist observed one of the larvae of the Cyrtidae in 1856 and reported it. Stein, according to Gerstaecker, had found them several years Ijefore, and had discovered Ogcodes fuliginosa ovipositing on Equisetum limosum. There were spots and round holes on the branches of this plant which Gerstaecker believed to be the dwelling places of the larvae. On the pin with a specimen of Ogcodes zonatus he found a great mass of black eggs, long egg-shaped, somewhat flattened and about one-sixth of a millimeter long. The plants in a certain meadow were cov- ered with these eggs. Menge (105) was the first to record the Cyrtidae as parasitic in the bodies of spiders. Ogcodes pallipes (Henops margmatus) Erichson, was bred from Cluhonia putris Koch, the spider being found with a large hole on the under side of the abdomen. Brauer, in 1869 (18), published a paper, "Beitrag zur Biologic der Acro- ceriden," in which he described and figured the larva and pupa of Astomella lindenii, found in the burrow of a spider {Cienziana ariana). Brauer stated that Gerstaecker had found a pupa of Ogcodes fumatus Erichson in a web near a dead spider. Brauer gives good figures and descriptions of the early stages of Asto- mella lindenii, which came from one of a number of nests of the spider Ctenzia ariana Koch collected in Corfu: In 1883, Brauer made further discoveries, finding that the larvae, while lodged TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. f 14 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA in the abdomen of the host breathe by placing their caudal spir- acles in one of the lung chambers of the spider. The larvae were about ten millimeters long and rather thick, the body composed of twelve segments; the head small and fitted with maxillae. They were amphineustic, having prothoracic and caudal spiracles. Mr. J. H. Emerton (33) was the first to record the finding of a Cyrtid larva in America. Mr. C. W. Johnson, in 1903, reported rearing Acrocera fasciata from Lycosa stonei Montgomery, twenty- five per cent of the spiders being parasitized. Montgomery, in his paper on the habits of spiders, in 1903, reported rearing the same species from Lycosa stonei. One spider contained two and the others one each of the larvae. The parasite was very large and ate most of the soft parts of the spider, emerging from a hole in the abdominal wall, thus killing the host. ''A short time before the parasite escapes the spider acts in a peculiar manner walking about spasmodically and often spinning aimlessly." Verrall said that the larvae of the Cyrtidae were parasitic on such spiders as the Avicularidae, Theridae and Drassidae. Wandolleck described a new species of Ogcodes which he received from North Queensland, Australia, collected by Mr. Dodd, who supplied the following notes: "In crevices of the leaf nests of the green ant (Oecophylla virescens Fabr.) a pretty jumping spider lives and breeds. The nests are generally abandoned. A bulky female of the spider was left in a box so it could be observed, and was soon found dead with the abdomen small and shrunken and a peculiar dark object in the web. Later in the day it became lighter in color and was made out to be a short thick pupa, which emerged in about twelve days. The spider was Cosmophasia hitaeniata Keyserling, and the fly determined as Oncodes [Ogcodes] doddi. Two more spiders bred out this Oncodes. ^^ In 1894, Konig published an article on the eggs and first stage larvae of an Ogcodes. The material was collected by Brauer in a meadow in Gmunden, Upper Austria, early in August. Both Ogcodes gibbosus and 0. zonatus were collected nearby, so the identity of the larvae is not certain. The young Ogcodes larvae were found by Brauer on dry bushes. "The smallest twigs were regularly covered with black dots in rows . . . the pear- shaped eggs colored deep blaeldsh brown and fastened tight to the twigs by the small end, opening with a small lid. What appear F. R. COLE 15 to be fine dark erect bristles between the eggs are larvae. "Webs of orb weavers are often seen in the branches. The larvae are three to four millimetres long, dark brown and with numerous bristles. There is no head proper and eleven segments in all, each segment projecting over the next following a little. The larva normally holds fast by the clasping apparatus and stands out straight from the branch, pulling its body together if dis- turbed and moving forward with the support of the springing bristles, although it can crawl or move by. stretching." Brauer found some of the larvae fastened on Poclurids with the clasping apparatus. Konig gives a full description of the larva. The mouth-parts are spoken of as complicated and hard to work with, and they are singularly like those of Bombylid and Xemestrinid larvae, if one can trust in comparison the drawings by Brauer. This is very important in the establishment of the systematic position of the family. Mr. J. L. King gives the most complete life history yet pub- lished, in his article on Pterodontia flavipes Gray (62). The pupa has no setae or spines except a V-shaped crest on the head, and the various adult parts are defined. The abdomen has eight seg- ments, the anterior three each bearing a pair of elevated spiracles. The pupa of Astomella Undenii, as figured by Brauer, has a prom- inent head and no crest of spines. The abdomen shows seven segments, with spiracles on the anterior six, and the thorax bears a row of spines on the mesonotum. ^lalloch has described the pupa of Ogcodes costatus from a pupal exuvium which was in rather bad condition (97). There are no spines on any part and the thorax has a wart-like protuberance on each side of the disc anteriorly. The abdomen has wart-like protuberances on the spiracular areas of segments one to four. Mr. J. L. King, in the above mentioned paper, recorded the oviposition of Pterodontia flavipeson the trunks of old hickory trees. One female laid 2,300 eggs in forty-five minutes, the largest total number being 3,977. The eggs were .18 mm. long and .15 mm. wide, pear-shaped, slightly compressed and black. In the early summer of 1915 I was able to get some notes on Opsehius diligens O. S. while at Pasadena, California. On June 6, I placed a female in a glass jar and she at once'commenced laying eggs, discharging them rapidly from the ovipositor, even when on TRANS, am'. ENT. SOC, XLV. 16 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA the wing. These eggs were black, papillose and pear-shaped, and did not hatch until forty-nine days later. This female laid eight hundred and nine eggs, another nine hundred and five. One lot of eggs laid April 12 hatched June 2. I placed some of the minute larvae on spiders {Theridium tepidariorum Koch) and they at once attached themselves to the legs and body of the host. The spiders scratched frantically at first and were seen to kill some of the larvae with their jaws. The larvae when attached would usually stand out straight from the body of the spider, re- sembling erect bristles. They were gray in color, twelve-seg- mented, including the head, and with whitish bands between the segments and black bristly hairs. When not attached they were very active. They were able to follow along a single thread of a spider web, usually proceeding like a looper. Only one mature larva was found in a spider web and this one died as it was pupat- ing. The work on Opsehius was interrupted before any mature larvae covild be reared and all of the material was lost. I have found nothing in literature in regard to the behavior of spiders when confronted with one of these Cyrtid parasites and it is interesting to note their actions. I placed an adult female of Opsehius diligens in a battery jar, with a large female spider which had filled the bottom of the jar, with its web and was standing guard over its egg case. The fly paid no attention to the spider and kept on floundering through the web, scattering eggs as it wejit. The spider appeared quite disturbed and would run up to it and then turn and run back to the egg case. On one occasion the fly approached very near this treasure and I prepared to rescue it when the spider came rushing out, but no interruption was neces- sary. The spider tried to scare away the little intruder Ijy nip- ping at it but soon lost courage and ran back in her tunnel. This is all the more remarkable in view of the fact that the spider had not been fed for two or three days. To test her I threw in a couple of house flies and saw them crushed and carried into her parlor without any hesitation; a large blue bottle fly met the same fate. There seems to be some recognition on the part of the spider that this small fly is something out of the or '"^''ary. It may have an instinctive dread of its parasite and rcce i;nize it at once. The continTial hunnning noise made by this fl. .is not the cause of this fear, for the body of a freshly killed specimen was F. R. COLE 17 placed in a web with two spiders and was approached warily but not touched. It may be that all spiders would not show such consideration for this fly. It would be reasonable to suppose that it would arouse fear in only those spiders which were par- asitized by it. In the case of Pterodontia flavipes the period of incubation was recorded by King as thirty-two and thirty-three daj^s, the larvae emerging from a lid-hke opening at the pointed end of the egg. These first stage larvae are campodeiform, dark brown or black in color and about 0.25 mm. long, the body composed of twelve segments including the head. The caudal end of the eighth ■ abdominal segment has a sucker or disk which serves for attach- ment. On each side of the caudal disk is a long stiff spring- bristle used in leaping. There are no spiracles. On the cau- dal margin of the eighth segment are two crescentic areas resembling spiracles; these are notches in which the caudal setae, or spring-bristles, rest when the larva stands erect. The larvae are quite active, particularly at night, and leap five or six milli- meters. They crawl by extending and contracting the body seg- ments. Classification Key to the Subfamilies Prothorax abnormally enlarged and meeting above in front of the mesonotum. Wing venation more or less complete, but never complex, and the cross- veins may be lacking. Proboscis short or moderately long, never entirely aborted. Abdomen never abnormally inflated, in some cases rather slender. Tropical species Philopotinae Prothorax normal, not unusually developed. Third antennal joint long, often laterally compressed; North American forms, except Pialeoidea, with no apical arista or hair-like raj^s. Venation complete, often complex. Probos- cis short or long, in some species longer than the body Panopinae Prothorax not unusually developed. Wing venation often much reduced. Anteiuiae small, inconspicuous, and with a terminal arista or hair-like rays. Abdomen usually swollen in appearance or balloon-shaped Cyrtinae Table of North American Genera 1. Prothfl^ff^ic lobes greatly enlarged, meeting in front of the thorax. Pro- boscis elongate Philopota Pre ■^acic lobes not forming a shield in front of the thorax 2 2. Pr6 juscis small, aborted 3 Proboscis elongate 9 TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 18 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA 3. Antennae elongate, the tliii'd joint large 7 Antennae short and inconspicuous 4 4. Antennae inserted below middle of head in profile 5 Antennae inserted above middle of head in profile 6 5. Third joint of antermae with three terminal setae. Wing with costalmar- gin enlarged near the tip of the first vein, with a spur in the male. Pterodontia Third antennal joint with a slender terminal arista. No tooth on the costal margin Ogcodes 6. Venation complete; usually quite thickly pilose species with pilose eyes. Opsebius Venation more or less modified, some of the veins obliterated or rudimen- tary. Thinly pilose species with bare eyes Acrocera 7. Eyes bare Apelleia Eyes pilose or pubescent 8 8. Third antennal joint large and without terminal bristles Ocnaea Third antennal joint with terminal bristly hairs Pialeoidea 9. Large flies with no palpi and usually two ocelli. Proboscis very long. Lasia Moderately large flies with distinct palpi and three ocelli on a more or less prominent tubercle Eulonchus The Australian genus Nothra probably does not occur in North America. Dr. Williston in his Manual states the following: "The occurrence of Nothra americana Bigot in North America is doubtful. If, however, Bigot correctly recognized it, the species should be sought for under Oncodes [Ogcodes]." I believe that Bigot had before him a female of Pterodontia misella O. S. when he wrote this description. / Philopotinae The Philopotinae are not represented in America north of Mexico. There are three species described from Mexico, all in the genus Philopota. (This group is typically South American.) PHILOPOTA Wiedemann, Aussereurop. zweifl. Ins., ii, p. 17, (1830). Erichson, Entomographien, p. 152, (1840). Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., ser. 5, viii. Bull. p. Ixxi, (1878), Oligoneura. Antennae porrect and approximate, inserted far down on the head, just above the proboscis. The proboscis elongate and carried })ack beneath the body. Eyes contiguous and hairy. Ocelli three. The prothoracic lobes, as in others of the subfamily^ F. R. COLE ' 19 are extraordinarily developed, being contiguous in front of the thorax; thus differing from all other Diptera. The abdomen is conical in shape. The venation is quite simple and is put between Ogcodes and Acrocera by Verrall, who described the venation of Philopota truquii Bellardi. He was not sure of some of the veins. The vein following the second longitudinal is incomplete and may be the upper branch of the third vein, and in that case there is no discal cell. The almost complete branch of the fourth vein can be made out, and the fifth longitudinal and anal veins. Verrall considers the cross-vein a beginning of the upper branch of the fourth vein. The two basal cells are not distinct. Type. — P. conica Wiedemann from Brazil. Synopsis of Species 1 . Black species, with yellow markings and silvery-white pubescence 2 Dark brown species, bronze pilose truquii Bellardi 2. Strongly marked with yellow on thorax and abdomen . . lugubris Williston Species with few yellow markings, abdomen black except narrow yellow lateral margins dolorosa Williston Philopota lugubris Philopola lugubris Williston, Biologia, Dipt., p. 297. "Deep black with yellow markings. Frontal triangle silvery-white pubes- cent. Antennae black. Labium short, black, the proboscis otherwise light yellow. Prothorax above yellow, its median Une brown. Mesonotum and scutellum brassy black, finely punctulate, moderately shining; on either side of the mesonotum in front a yellow spot connecting with the yellow of the pronotum; post-alar callosities yellow. Mesopleura silvery pubescent. Abdomen black, silvery pubescent; first four segments with an interrupted yellow band on the posterior part, that on the second forming two large sub- crescentric spots, the others narrower; on the fifth segment a narrow yellow hind border; all these segments with the posterior angle broadly yellow. Femora black; their tip, the tip of the tibiae, and the basal joints of the tarsi, yellow; tibiae and tarsi otherwise reddish or brownish. Wings tinged with yellowish. Length 6-7 mm. "Hab. Mexico, Xucamanatlan and Amula in Guerrero at 6,000 to 7,000 feet (H. H. Smith). '''Four specimens. In one of them the yellow on the margin of the fourth and fifth abdominal segments is wanting. Although the markings are very similar to those of P. truquii and P. conica, the present species cannot be iden- tified with the former on account of its black color, nor with the latter by reason of yet more pronounced dilTerences." TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 20 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Philopota dolorosa Philopota dolorosa Williston, Biologia, Dipt., p. 298. "Very much like P. lugubris; but the frontal triangler is larger, reaching midway to the ocelli; the abdomen is wholly without yellow, save the very narrow lateral margins of the segments; the mesothorax also lacks the large yellow spots, and there is only a small yellow spot on each side of the posterior margin of the pronotum. The legs are black, with the knees and basal joints of the tarsi reddish. Length 6-7 mm. "Hab. Mexico, Amula in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). "One specimen. I cannot believe that the strongly marked differences between this and the preceding species are merely varietal, though such is possibly the case. I am unable to determine the sex; it appears to be the same in our examples in both forms." Philopota truquii Philopota truquii Bellardi, Saggio, i, p. 77, pi. 2, f. 20. (Transl.) , "Dark brown, yellow, and ashy, ever3rwhere dense bronze pilose. Head small and subspherical; the occiput fuscous; the frons is dense golden pilose; the antennae are black. The face is black, shining and bare. The proboscis is long and light yellow in color. Thorax very gibbous, the protho- racic lobes on the anterior margin and inner side spotted and marked. The sides of the thorax and scutellum are fuscous, bronze pilose, in zig-zag lines; prothoracic lobes contiguous; spots and vittae rufous rose. Abdomen ovate, incrassate; all of the segments with posterior margins and sides rufous rose- colored, bands slightly interrupted dorsally, dentate on the edges; venter colored and marked as the dorsum of the abdomen. The femora shining black, at the base and below irregularly marked reddish-brown and banded. The knees, tibiae and tarsi at base fiavous, tibiae and tarsi pale. Wings long, anterior margin yellowish; the veins brown-black. Calypters broad, whitish and white pilose with yellow margins. Length of body, 8 mm.; of wings, 19 mm." Habitat. — Mexico, Cuazimalpa (Truquii). Panopinae There are several genera in this group in North America: Pialeoidea, Apelleia, Ocnaea, Lasia and Eulonchus. PIALEOIDEA Pialeoidea Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, j). 514, (1876). Pialoidea, Aldrich in Catalogue, 1904. "Head small, eyes very nearly contiguous, hairy; two ocelli on vertex. Proboscis short. Antennae, longer than head, in- serted on a tubercle before and near the ocelli, the bases contigu- ous, three-jointed; the two basal joints short, third joint long. F. R. COLE 21 subcylindrical, the apex with setae. Scutellum transverse; abdo- men ovate, thorax barely wider; wings short, the venation as in Pialea; middle longitudinal veins extending straight to posterior margin of wing, however. Near the genus Pialea, differs in the insertion of the antennae and also in the median longitudinal veins." Pialeoidea magna Pialeoidea magna Walker. Crijlus magnus Walker, List. "Dark luteous, disc of thorax and transverse spot on abdomen black. Length 7 Hnes. Expanse 13 hnes. "Dark luteous, luteous pilose. Head black, luteous pilose, antennae pice- ous, third joint (except base) black. Disc of thorax and transverse bands to base of abdominal segments bronzy-black. Tarsi pale, the ungus black. Teg- ulae pale fuscous. Wings lutescent, veins brownish." Habitat.- — Georgia. Type in British ■Museum. Pialeoidea metallica Pialeoidea mttallica Williston, Biologia, Dipt., i, p. 165. "Thorax metallic green; abdomen brown, shining, the segments with paler hind margins; legs reddish yellow; wings brownish. Length .5-6 mm. "Hab. Guatemala, Antigua (StoU). "The third joint of the antennae is broken and for that reason I cannot refer the species to the genus Pialeoidea Westwood, with certainty. The head is remarkably small, the ej^es separated by a narrow front, and the wings very near like those figured by Westwood; the scutellum is rather broad; but there are three instead of two ocelli; and the occiput is very much developed (as in Westw., 1. c, fig. 3a), and if seen from the side it occupies one half of the breadth of the head (differing therefore from 1. c, fig. 3b). The venation dif- fers in the following principal points: the second basal cell is connected with the margin of the wing by a vein running between the fifth posterior cell and the anal cell (in the figure quoted this vein is omitted, and these cells coales- cent; is not this omission accidental.*); the fourth posterior cell is not in contact with the second basal cell; and the second submargina cell is of a different shape, e. g., longer and broader at the base. "The vertical triangle is large, somewhat protuberant; the ocelli equidis- tant. The eyes pubescent; beneath the vertical triangle approximate but without coming in contact; below the antennae almost touching. The anten- nae are inserted in the middle of the head, within a space formed by an emar- gination of the eyes; their basal joints in close contact. Proboscis short. "Head black; basal joints of the antomiae brown; the vertical triangle greenish metallescent. Thorax metallic green, beset with scattered, erect, moderately long, yellowish hairs; scutellum more bluish metallic. Abdomen brown, hind margins of the segments with a whitish Ijordor, both on the dorsal TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 22 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA and on the ventral sides; pubescence short, dark, and Uttle conspicuous on the upper side; paler hairs toward the tip and on the venter. Stem of the halteres brownish; knob whitish yellow. Tegulae pale with a pale brownish border. Coxae blackish, paler at the tip; legs brownish-yellow; ungues black. Wings pale brownish, somewhat darker along the costa, and lighter within the basal cells; costal and first veins dark brown; the first vein becom- ing perceptibly stouter toward the tip. A single female. "N. B. The hind part of the mesonotum being injured by the pin, I cannot describe the praescutellar callosities, etc." APELLEIA Apelleia Bellardi, Saggio di Ditt. Messic, Append., p. 17, (1862). Osten Sacken published a note on Apelleia,^ and it appears ^Berhn. Ent. Zeitschrift, xvii, p. 297. that the genus holds a rather precarious position. Apelleia differs from Ocnaea Erichson in its glabrous eyes only. Exetazis Walker also has glabrous eyes (judging from the plate, the author making no mention of it), and shows other differences, especially in the venation, and yet is considered a synonym of Ocnaea. The genus Ocnaea, however, shows considerable variation in venation. Osten Sacken had a new species from Central America at the time of writing the above article which was an Ocnaea, except for its glabrous eyes, and therefore agreed with Apelleia. Professor Bellardi correctly compared Apelleia to Eriosoma Macquart and Exetaxis Walker and gave the differences, but both of these genera are now considered synonyms of Ocnaea. (Transl.) "Body pilose. Eyes bare, very finely and uniformly reticulated. Two ocelli, moderately distant. Antennae inserted on the vertex, exceeding the head in Length, and almost contiguous at the base; three joints, the first short, the second a little longer, third much longer and linear, without a style. Proboscis short. Abdomen subspherical. Femora incrassate, the tibiae large (swollen) at apex, spurred. The first joint of the tarsi longest; the second, third and fourth joints of the posterior tarsi long but not equal to the first. The second, third, fourth, and fifth joints of the anterior tarsi short, subequal. Two submarginal and five posterior cells, the first posterior divided by a cross-vein and closed in the margin." F. R. COLE 23 Apelleia vittata Apelleia vitlala Bellardi, 1. c. (Transl.) "Male. Fuscous, yellow vittate. Head small, depressed in front. The eyes are finely and uniformly reticulated, contiguous at the base of the antennae and at the epistoma. Vertex small, dark brown, rather long brown pilose. First and second joints of antennae short and subequal, the third twice the length of the first two. The palpi yellowish pilose. Thorax convex and covered with dense yellowish pile, yellow in ground color. Three large longitudinal fuscous vittae, the median reaching from anterior margin to scutel- lum, those on the sides not reaching the anterior margin and joined with the median vitta at the base. Pleura flavous, pectus dark brown. The scutel- lum is large, yellow and with yellow pile. Halteres luteous, knobs fuscous. Abdomen large, short, broad and rather rounded; very convex, and with yel- lowish pile. The abdominal segments all fuscous, with stripe on posterior margin, the band about equal in width to one-third of the segment ; yellowish red in color, the posterior and lateral margins contiguous. Venter concolorous, in small part fuscous, the bands largely yellow. Legs all yellowish brown, except the apex of the fifth joint of the tarsi of anterior legs, and second, third, fourth and fifth joints of posterior tarsi which are black. Posterior claws long, pointed and black; the anterior claws mostly rufous. Wings yellowish, at base subhyaline, longer than the abdomen. Length of body, 11 mm. Wing expanse, 26 mm." Habitat. — Playa Vicente, Mexico (Salle). Coll. Bellardi. OCNAEA Ocnnea Erichson, Entomographien, p. 155, (1840). fEriosoma Macquart, Dipt. Exot. Exetaxis Walker, Insecta Saunders. Ochaea Hunter, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Phila., xxii, p. 151. Head rather short and occiput not swollen. Proboscis very short, covered by the lower point of the face.. The antennae are placed on the vertex, almost erect, longer than the head, three jointed, the first two joints short and the third long and varying in shape. The second joint with a few hairs above. The eyes are rather long and dense pilose and meet below the antennae. Erichson in his description of the genus, noted that by close obser- vation a small line-like space was seen between the eyes in the whole length from the vertex to the face. In the known species from North America there are two ocelli on the vertex, placed on the front rim of a rather broad tubercle. The thorax and abdo- men are thickly and finely, almost silky haired. Humeral cal- losities large. Scutellum short. A])domen rather short and broad, but not greatly swollen as in some genera. In the female TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 24 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA the wings reach a Httle beyond the tip of the abdomen. The venation varies somewhat in different species but the general type is the same. According to Erichson this genus comes near Astomella, the re- semblance being like that of Lasia and Panops. The species are of good size for this family. Synopsis of Species 1. Species without black markings micans Erichson Marked with black on the abdomen 2 2. A.11 longitudinal veins reach the wing margin 4 Some of the longitudinal veins do not reach the margin 3 3. First posterior cell closed; lateral margins of abdominal segments yellow. helluo O. S. First posterior cell open; lateral margins of abdominal segments black. coerulea new species 4. Thorax and scutellum black schwarzi new species Thorax and scutellum largely yellow; third antennal joint club-shaped. loewi new species Ocnaea micans Ocnaea micans Erichson, Entomographien, p. 155, (1840) (Transl.) "Fuscous, thorax shining and with ashy hair, second and third segments of abdomen testaceous. Length 4§ lines. "Antennae black, the base testaceous, third joint elongate, linear, before apex enlarged, apex pointed (third joint club-shaped). Head black, black pilose, hypostoma acuminate. Thorax fuscous, dorsal prothoracic lobes and mesothoracic callosities before scutellum testaceous, clothed with thin ashy hair, silky, shining. Abdomen thinly gold pubescent, fuscous, below concolor- ous, above the second and third segments testaceous, small triangular basal spots are fuscous, apex of fourth and fifth margined testaceous. Legs fuscous, base of femora, knees and tarsi testaceous. Wings yellowish hyaUne, two submarginal cells, five posterior, three discoidal. Squamae hyaline, mar- gined brown. Halteres blackish." Habitat. — Mexico. Collected by Deppe. Ocnaea helluo Ocnaea helluo O. S., Western Dipt., p. 278, (1876). "Two submarginal cells; five posterior cells, the first divided in two by a cross-vein, and the second half of it closed and petiolate; all the longitudinal veins reach the margin; body black, beset with short yellowish pile; hind margins of the abdominal segments with broad yellow borders, expanding along the lateral margins; legs yellow, including the coxae. Length 13-14 nun. "The venation is like that of 0. calida Wi('d(>inann'i with the following modi- fications: 1. The third vein emits a branch some distance beyond the cross- < Auss. Zweifi., ii, tab. VII, f. 2b. F. R. COLE 25 vein dividing the posterior cell; thus a second submarginal cell is formed; 2. The cross-vein in the first posterior cell is just opposite the cross-vein at the base of the second posterior cell, and not far beyond it as in Wiedemann's figure; 3. The vein between the second and third posterior cell reaches the margin; 4. The fourth posterior cell, which is closed, is much longer, forming an irregular parallelogram with a cross-vein at its base. Antennae dark brown, basal joints reddish, the elongated third joint also somewhat reddish on the inner side. Thorax black, shining, and clothed with dense and soft yellowish gray pile, almost rendering it opaque; humeral callosities whitish yellow; ante- alar callosities brownish. Abdomen black, densely clothed with short, erect, j^ellow pile; all the segments with broad, clay-3^ellow hind borders. Legs includ- ing coxae yellow, the extreme end of the last tarsal segment and ungues black. Wings very shghtly tinged with brownish; costal cells a little more saturate. "Hab. Dallas, Texas (Boll). One specimen. "Observation. — This fine species is not unlike Erichson's figure of O. longi- cornis (Entomographien), but the venation is different, the black on the abdo- men occupies more space, the hind tiljiae are brown, the aljdomen much stouter; the size is larger by one-half than the figure." Dr. Williston published a note on this species in these Trans- actions. In this specimen the outer first posterior cell was but slightly coarctate, not closed and petiolate; otherwise it agreed well with the description. Ocnaea schwarzi new species (Plate III, fig. 13.) Head black, the mouth opening apparent; short yellowish palpi. Thorax and scutellum metallic blue black, clothed with silky brown pile which has yellowish gray reflections in certain lights. Antennae black with dull reddish color in places, the third joint velvety. Humeral callosities yellowish, a small obscure reddish yellow spot on the thorax just back of them. Squamae gray- ish hyaline with blackish brown margins. First segment of abdomen short and bulging out above the second. The posterior half and sides of the abdomen brownish yellow; the basal cross bands metallic blue black with soft brown pile. On the fifth segment the black is confined to a median spot. Venter yellowish with the bases of the segments broadly brown. Pleura blackish brown, the color extending down on the coxae. Legs brownish yellow; the tiliiae with two spurs, the outer one large. Tips of tarsi and claws black, the pidvilli rather small and with longer fringe than usual. Pile of legs short, yellowish graj' and shining. Wing veins strong and black, the membrane graj- hj-ahne, a little brown along the costa. The vein between first and second posterior cells does not reach half way to the margin. In one wing the vein between the second and third posterior cells stops a little short of the margin. Length, 9.5 mm. Habitat. — Cayamas, Cuba. (Schwarz coll.) TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 26 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA The holotype,amale,is No. 21207 in the United States National Museum. Ocnaea loewi new species (Plate III, fig. 12.) Head Ijlackish brown, vertex lighter. Eyes black. Body dull yellow, brownish in places. The face reduced to a small protuberant triangle, black in color and very short. Mouth opening apparent; mouth-parts rudimentary as in others of the genus and yellow in color. Eyes with rather long, yellowish brown hair. First two joints of antennae short and brownish yellow, the third joint except the brownish base, and club-shaped (see fig. 12b). The inner side of the third joint with a yellow longitudinal stripe and with a few short hairs at the tip. Thorax brownish yellow. A dark brown wedge-shaped mark on dorsum, broad anteriorly and narrowing to a point a little beyond the center. On each side of this, above the root of the wings is a dark brown spot of irregular shape. Thorax with rather long golden yellow pile, blackish brown around bases of coxae. Scutellum yellowish brown with yellow pile. ■Abdomen very broad and brownish yellow in color, with yellow pile. Seg- ments two, three, four and five with basal black bands which do not reach margins; on third, fourth and fifth they are broader in the middle. Venter brownish yellow, the first three segments mostly blackish, and as on the chest (pectus) with thin gray pollen. Posterior margins of the first three segments irregularly and narrowly yellowish. Legs quite strong and yellow in color. Tibial spurs brown and claws black. Tip of last tarsal joint dark browni. Legs with short yellow pile. Wing venation conforming to the general type. Anal cell very short petiolate. Lower branch of third vein does not reach wing margin. Fifth posterior cell closed in the margin, not long petiolate as in 0. schwarzi. The costal, sub- costal, iparginal, most of submarginal and upper half of first posterior cell thickly covered with minute hairs. This is an unusual thing in the Cyrtidae. Length, 9 mm.; wing, 9 mm. Holotype, a female, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. The specimen is labelled " Loew " and with a square orange label, which denotes that it was collected in Texas. This species must be near 0. micans Erichson. Ocnaea coerulea new species (Plate IV, fig. 14.) Head black and very short (see fig. 14a). Eyes thickly black pilose. Palpi yellow with yellow hair. Antennae blackish brown, the third joint ver^^ long and grooved or hollowed out on the outside as in 0. schwarzi (see fig. 14b). Thorax, scutellum, pleura and coxae thickly covered with silky, yellowish gray, erect pile. Thorax and abdomen very dark metallic blue, almost black. Pleura and coxae brownish black with a purplish luster. Fore coxae marked with yellow. The humeral callosities yellow and some brownish yellow color on the pracscutellar callosities. Hind margin of scutellum yi^llowisli. Squamae hyaline, with whitish yellow pile and yellow brown margins. F. R. COLE 27 Abdomen thickly clothed with a yellowish gray, silky pile, which has a pur- plish brown sheen in certain lights. Hind margins of segments two, three and four yellow, the yellow not meeting in the center; on the third segment the yellow is quite widely separated. The yellow does not attain the lateral margins (see fig. 14). Venter black with purphsh metallic reflections and irregular yellow spots near the lateral margins of the segments. Genitalia yellowish. Legs yellowish, the two front pair with brown below. Hind legs dark brown above. Claws and tips of last tarsal joints black. Wings hyaline, the veins brown and distinct. The longitudinal veins reach the wing margin. The cross-vein in the first posterior cell is beyond the cross-vein at the base of the second posterior, thus differing from helluo O. S., from which it also differs in having the first cell widely open. The fork at the end of the third vein is very wide. Length, 12.5 mm. One specimen, a male, collected at Austin, Texas, November 11, 1899. Type. — In the collection of Prof. A. L. Melander. There are six other species of this genus: calida Wiedemann, longicornis Erichson, lugubris Gerstaecker, and tumens Walker from Brazil; one species, trichocera O. S., from Panama; one spe- cies, grossa 0. S., described from Costa Rica. The last named species is figured on Plate IV, figure 15; being redrawn from Van der Wulp's figure in the Biologia. LASIA Lasia Wiedemann, Anal. Ent., p. ii. Ausser. Zweifi. Ins., i, p. 329, (1824). Flies of good size, some of the species l)eing very large. The proboscis is very long, projecting beyond the tip of the abdomen when at rest. The base of the prol)oscis is covered with a prom- inent shield; the labellae are slender and scarcely to be distin- guished from the rest of the proboscis. Apparently there is no face, the proboscis coming out about the middle of the head, in profile just below the antennae. Head composed almost entirely of the eyes, the occiput even moie restricted than is usual in the family. Frontal triangle veiy small. First joint of the antennae almost buried in the head, second joint short and cylindrical, third long and cylindrical, or more or less compressed, usually pointed. The ej^es are pilose and are contiguous above the antennae (see Plate II, fig. 11a). The ocellar tul^ercle is said to be very promi- nent in a few species, as in L. ocelliger, which is described as hav- ing one ocellus. The usual nuniljcr of ocelli is two. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 28 CYRTIDAE or NORTH AMERICA The body is more inflated than in Eulonchus as a rule (see Plate II, fig. 11). Pleura inflated, the humeral calli quite large. Thorax and scutellum distinctly pilose in most species. Scutel- lum rather short and wide. Abdomen large and swollen. Male genitalia of the same general type as found in the other genera of the family. The female genitalia are retracted. Legs mod- erately strong, with a tooth-like apical spur above and a sharp projection below. Wings rather long and narrow with a very complex venation. (See Plate I, fig. 1.) Wiedemann described three species in two genera, of which he placed the one in the Bombyliidae, the others in the Cyrtidae (Henopier). The latter he took as identical with Panops Lamarck, with which it undoubtedly agreed in the long proboscis and the three-jointed antennae, but in the location of the latter it differed. Macquait correctly recognized the relation of Wied- mann's Panops and Lasia, but followed Wiedemann in that he placed the Brazilian species under Panops Lamarck; their proper place is in the genus Lasia. The venation of Lasia, which has been explained in the general summary of the family, is very close to that of the Nemestrinidae. The auxiliary, first, second and third veins are simple, the first and auxiliary veins being long. The third vein has a short prae- furca, a thick discal cross-vein arising near it, running almost parallel with the upper branch of the third vein until near its end where it goes into a fork, the branches about equal and ending before the wing tip. At the fork is a supernumerary cross-vein tying the third vein to the upper branch of the fourth longitudinal near the end of the discal cell. The discal cell is very long and narrow and emits three veinlets, the upper in line with the upper side of the discal cell, the second sloping down somewhat, the third recurrent and closing the fourth posterior cell. The fifth vein is forked in almost the usual way and the upper branch just connects with the discal cell (no cross-vein), then diverges until caught by third vein from discal cell, bends down to wing margin. Lower branch of fifth longitudinal slopes down and joins anal vein, closing anal cell consideral)ly before margin. First basal cell short and broad, but the long cell above the discal cell is really a portion of the first basal and not a portion of the first posterior cell. Second basal rather long and narrow. The discal cell is absent in Hirmoneura (Nemestrinidae). F. R. COLE 29 The species in this genus are distinguished from Panops by their geographical range, metalHc colors and the position of the antennae. They differ from Eidonchus in the structure of the proboscis, the absence of the palpi and there is a slight difference in the venation. The eyes are widely separated below the antennae. Lasia klettii Lasia klettii O. S., Report on Wheeler's Survej-, v, Zoology, p. 804, (187.3). "Metallic green; feet black. Length, 17 mm. (through body end to end). Altogether metallic green, with golden reflections, the upper side finely and evenly punctured; venter more bluish; feet altogether brownish black, by one half longer than the body; antennae very short, black; base of third joint slightlj' reddish; this joint more than twice as long as the first two together, gradually tapering toward the tip. Wings distinctly infuscated; tegulae brownish, bordered black. Alcohol took off all pubescence; some vestige on thorax proves that it was clothed with short pale hairs. "Camp Apache, Ariz., September, 1873. Collected by Francis Klett. "Observation — I place this species provisionally^ in the genus Lasia, to which it is related. It differs from Wiedemann's figure of Lasia in the fact that the second longitudinal vein ends in the first and not in the costa. It differs from Eulonchus in the eyes being contiguous between the antennae and the vertex only, and not above and below the antennae. The abdomen is very convex; it is broad and cut squarely at the base; broad and blunt at the tip (not tapering as in Eulonchus). In the figure the hind tarsi are broken off." Dr. Williston published on this species in these Transactions. He had two specimens of a large and beautiful Cyrtid from New Mexico. "The species is almost entirely bare, the sparse, short, black and light colored hairs on the dorsum of the thorax are hardly discernible. In the South American species of the genus Lasia there is always considerable vestiture. This fact and the termination of the second vein in the first makes its location in the genus doubtful. In these specimens I can see scarcely any golden reflections, but, on the contrary, a pronounced blue or violet re- flection, almost obscuring the green of the abdomen of one. The stumps of veins on the anterior branch of the third vein and near the tip of the fourth vein are wanting." If the two specimens above mentioned are the ones now in the Kansas University collection, and it is very probable that such is the case, they should be placed under Lasia scribae 0. S. TRANS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 30 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Lasia scribae Lasia scribae O. S., Biologia, Dipt., i, p. 166, (1887). Male. "Thorax metallic green, with violet reflections, abdomen metallic violet, with bluish and greenish reflections towards the end; legs black; antennae broken but probably black; wings with a brownish tinge. Length, 17-18 mm. ; proboscis, 18 mm. "Hab. Guatemala (coll. O. S.). "In one of the specimens the violet (amethystine) reflections on the thorax takes distinctly the shape of stripes — in the middle a pair of longitudinal stripes, abbreviated behind, and, on each side, another stripe, abbreviated in front; in the other specimen these stripes are not so distinctly marked. The surface of the thorax and abdomen are finely but densely punctate. A pale yellow, more or less recumbent pubescence is visible principally on the anterior half of the thorax and on the last two segments of the abdomen; on the pleurae are more dense and villose pale j-ellow hairs; some stiff black hairs among the yellow ones on the thorax, especially around the root of the wings and the base of the scutellum. The pubescence of the eyes is a generic character. The tarsi, especially on the under side, are beset with short rufous hairs, so much so that the hind pair appears rufous, although the ground color is black. Tegulae yellowish-brown with a black margin. Wings with a uniform pale brownish tinge, with black veins; the second vein ending in the first close before its tip; the anterior branch of the third vein reaching the costa at the tip of the first vein. Two specimens (the one is a male, the other has the end of the abdo- men injured). I dedicate this species to Dr. Scriba, who kindly gave me the specimens. "N. B. — The venation of this species differs from that of the Lasia e whose wings have been figured by Wiedemann,^ or by Guerin:* the second vein ending in the first, and not in the costa, and the anterior branch of the third vein reach- ing the costa at the very end of the first vein. "That the venation in the genus Lasia is not always the same is proved by L. klettii O. S. in which the second vein reaches the costa at the end of the first. The species is from Arizona, and not unlike L. scribae in its general appearance." Lasia auricoma Westwood, from Brazil, to judge from the de- scription, may resemble L. scribae; but it is only half an inch long; the tarsi are said to be ''lutei," the tegulae "chalybae." Two male specimens in the Kansas University collection answer the description of Lasia scribae. These two specimens are deter- mined Lasia kletti O. S. and have a label ''det. S. W. Williston." They are very probably the two mentioned above under L. klettii, on which Dr. Williston published in these Transactions. The larger specimen answers the description on L. scribae almost per- 6 Ausser. Zwcifl. Ins. i. t. 4. f. 3. and ii. t. 9. f. 2. » Iconogr. t. 94. f. 9. F. R. COLE 31 fectly and has the three purple stripes on the dorsum of the thorax well defined. Length, 16.5 mm.; length of proboscis including basal shield, 23 mm. The smaller specimen (Plate II, fig. 10) is more blue green and less purple. The infuscation of the wings is paler and there is none of the black pile on the thorax at the base of the wings, and on the pleura. The femora are blackish purple instead of black and the pile on the tibiae and tarsi pale. The tibiae are blackish with a purple luster, tarsi brown, the pile quite long and thick. The hair of the eyes is distinctly longer and yellowish white. Antennae blackish brown, second joint with a few short hairs, third joint pointed and yellowish at the extreme base. Squamae purplish brown with black rims. Genitalia clothed with yellow- ish pile, longer than on the rest of the abdomen, and about the same color and length as that on the venter. The venter is en- tirely metallic purple. Length, 14.5 mm.; length of proboscis, 16 mm. A single specimen in the National Museum is very near scrihae. It is labelled "Coll. C. Y. Riley" and is determined Lasia scrihae with a query. The wing is shown on Plate I, figure 1. The eyes are thickly covered with short brown pile; the occiput closed with black pile. Pleura and humeri with long fine black pile. Venter shining brown with purple and coppery green reflections, thinly covered with rather long black pile. The pile on the squamae and pleura is wool-like and long. The legs in this speci- men are badly broken up but were apparently brownish in color. Coxae with a purplish color. One specimen, from ^Mexico. Length, 18 mm.; proboscis, 19 mm.; wing, 15.5 mm. EULONCHUS Eulonchus Gerstaecker, Stett. Ent. Zeitg., xvii, p. 3.59, (1856). Head rather flattened in front. Antennae in center of head in profile. First two joints short and cylindrical, the third long and strap-shaped, and ending bluntl}- or in a point. As in the rest of the family the head is composed almost entirely of the compound eyes. Eyes contiguous, or nearly so, for some distance above and below the antennae. The ©cellar triangle is usually high and wart-likc, and there are three small ocelli, the front one on a TRANS. AM. EXT. SOC, XLV. 32 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA separate projection of the tubercle. The proboscis is greatly elongated, reaching beyond the end of the abdomen in smarag- dinus. The tip of the proboscis is pronged, the labella being very large, as in the genus Bombylius (Bombyliidae) . Near the base of the proboscis are the rather small palpi, slender, pencil-shaped and with several fine bristles at the tip. Thorax not so strongly convex as in some of the other genera and the abdomen more slender. Scutellum small, short. Abdo- men six-segmented and tapering. The male genitalia are plainly visible. Thorax and abdomen covered with fine pile which does not conceal the ground color. Legs rather slender but not weak, the tibiae spurred. Wings of good size, the venation much as in Lasia, but the marginal cell is widely open and the veins inclosing the second submarginal are diverging at the tip and not parallel or converging. This genus, as Gerstaecker noted in his original description, is close to Lasia, differing in the insertion of the antennae and in the more elegantly formed body. Eulonchus also differs in the posses- sion of palpi and eyes that are contiguous below the antennae. Sijnopsis of the Species 1. Legs altogether yellow 3 Legs, or at least femora, black 2 2. Tip of femora and greater part of tibiae whitish yellow, the teguhxe uni- formly white tristis Loew Legs altogether black, only the knees paler, tegulae margined with l)lack. marginatus O. S. 3. Proboscis curved and longer than the abdomen; usually quite large and metallic green in color smaragdinus Gerstaecker Proboscis straight and as long as the abdomen, often shorter; smaller species, blue, green or purple in color sapphirinus O. S. Eulonchus smaragdinus (PI. IV, fig. 16.) Eulonchus smaragdinus Gerstaecker, 1. c. "The body is of a beautiful, shining emerald green, that on the scutellum shows a slight tinge of bluish; the thorax is above as well as below thickly covered with long downy yellowish hair, which stretches back to the scutellum. Much finer and sparser, the hair on the abdomen is also more on the sides, where it is especially heavy on the hind margins of the segments and thickest on the third and fourth. The long hair of the eyes, which is thick and brushy, shows a paler yellow color, more of a whitish. On the antennae the first two joints and the base of the third are tinged reddish, the large i)art of the latter blackish, however. The legs are, with the exception of the coxae, which are the color of F. R. COLE 33 the body, a weak yellow, the tarsi darker, more of a reddish color; of like color are the halteres also. The wings are hyahne, the veins blackish bro\\Ti, the costal border reddish to the tip; the squamae are tinged brownish yellow. "Two, judging from the slender body, male specimens, from California." Osten Sacken collected this species in California and notes the following: "Not uncommon on the sands about Lone ^Mountain, San Francisco, according to Mr. H. Edwards. The three spec- imens which I have are females. Two males from Mr. Edwards are smaller (one only 10 mm.), the proboscis is shorter, although still exceeding the abdomen in length; the coloring is bluish on the thorax, purplish on the abdomen. Are they males of this species? If they are, Dr. Gerstaecker was mistaken in describing his green individuals with long proboscis as males." A. L. Melander gave some notes on two specimens of this species/ both green females, measuring 8 and 10 mm. These were taken in Marin County, California. In the specimens I have studied the pile is more golden yellow and thicker, especially on the thorax and abdomen, than in E. t7'istis. The legs of most specimens are bright yellow, a black spot on the hind tibiae cover- ing the spur. The halteres are yellow. The ocellar tubercle is not so high as in other species of the genus. The first two joints of the anteniiae are yellowish brown, and the proboscis is very long. The second submarginal cell petiolate, the anal cell closed in the margin. One specimen from Los Angeles, California, meas- ures 11 mm., the proboscis, 16 mm. Two smaller specimens from Santa Monica, California (one of which is shown in fig. 16), have very Httle bluish reflections and the antennae are dark brown. Length, 8.5 mm.; proboscis, 9.5 mm. ; wing, 7 mm. The ocellar tubercle in these is very small and rounded. One small specimen from North Monterey, California, is dark and metallic blue, the tarsi dark brownish and the anten- nae black. The base of the second submarginal cell is angular, with a suggestion of a stump as in E. tristis. The ocellar tubercle is high and bifid. A specimen from Stanford University, Cali- fornia, has the thorax bluish green, the abdomen green, and the tarsi darkened. The antennae are black, the third joint pointed and slender. The ocellar tubercle is rather prominent. " Ent. News, xiii, p. 181, (1902). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 34 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA I have two large specimens from San Bernardino, California, which are dull metallic blue with whitish pile and light brown antennae (Coll. Van Dyke, in the U. S. N. M.). The tarsi are darkened, the ocellar tubercle low. The coxae and the pleura just above are purple. These specimens are apparently males. Another specimen of the same size and from the same locality is green in color with darker yellowish legs. The body has a slight purple tinge and golden yellow pile. The antennae are pale brown, the third joint very slender and pointed. Length, 12 mm., wing, 11 mm. One of the males was figured in Dr. L. O. Howard's Insect Book. A specimen from Los Angeles, California, has golden yellow pile and a veiy long proboscis, with a low ocellar tubercle. One specimen from Claremont, California, is dark bluish green with lilack antennae and a low ocellar tubercle. One specimen from the Giant Forest, California, collected July 21, 1907, at 7,000 feet elevation by Prof. J. C. Bradley, is in the Cornell University collection. This specimen is large and has a very long proboscis. Some specimens from Lake County, Califor- nia, have a rather low ocellar tubercle, and are blue green in color with reddish yellow pile on the thorax. The venter is blue green with narrow yellow margins to segments two, three (ind four. In a specimen from Los Angeles County, California, the pile on the occiput, eyes, and squamae is golden and long. The vein between the discal cell and the outer fi^rst basal does not reach the wing margin. In examining a large series of this species it will be found that (as in tristis) the second submarginal cell varies from long petiolate to subsessile. It is the only species with a curved proboscis. Eulonchus tristis (PI. V, fig. 18.) Eulonchus Mslis Loew, Centuries, x, p. 236. (Transl.) " Head green, shining, antennae and prol)oscis all black, palpi brownish black, ocellar tubercle as in E. smaragdmus Gerst., even larger, blue- black. Thorax bronze green, lower half of pleura and coxae blue, color of dorsum almost to scutolhun inclined to be violet-purple, littl(> shining. Venter steel green and more shining. Legs black, femora at a])ex, tibiae at base, at side and above, almost all the way to apex, whitish. Tegulae whitish; halteres pale yellow. Body furnished with close lutescent pile, thiimer on the abdomen and shorter and i)aler. Wings hyaline, tinged with faint brownish." F. R. COLE 35 A. L. Melander (104) has given some notes on tristis. The spe- cies is relatively common in Idaho, according to Professor Aldrich. The males sometimes have the third joint of the antennae sharp at the apex, but as a rule it is blunt in both sexes. One female from Marin County, California, has the abdomen brassy green; a pair from Idaho are blue-black. There is a great inconstancy in the juncture of the veins beyond the discal cell. In a California specimen the vein separating off the second submarginal cell is angulated near its base, and bears a short spur at the angulation; while in the Idaho specimens the vein is evenly bisinuate, although it bears a similarly placed short spur. The males have the second submarginal cell petiolate at the base; in the female it is pointed but nearly sessile, the very short petiole thickened; while out- wardly the bounding veins of this cell diverge rather prominently, not being parallel as in the female. A specimen from Stanford University (coll. Morrison) has the venter metallic blue-green, the dorsum of the abdomen bluish black with purplish reflections. The short yellow pile forms bands on the abdomen both above and below. The head and thorax are bluish green. Scutellum and thorax in front of it purplish. Femora brownish black, knees and tibiae yellowish, inner side of tibiae brownish. Tarsi and ends of tibiae light brown. Knob of halteres yellowish, the stem brown. Proboscis black, slightly longer than the body. Yellow hair on ej^es and occiput; thorax and pleura yellow pilose. This species varies as much as smaragdinus. One female from Muir Woods, California, has the vsecond submarginal cell petio- late in one wing and not in the other. A male from Humboldt County, California, has the proboscis shorter than the l^ody. In this specimen the abdomen is bright metalKc purple and blue, also the humeri. The scutellum is purple, the tibiae yellowish brown, not darker on the inner side. A specimen from Kaslo, British Columbia, is larger than the average and is shining green with very little blue color. It is evidently a male but the an- tennae are blunt. There is a stump of a vein on the second sub- marginal at the base, the cell being petiolate. In the collection at the Oregon Agricultural College there are twenty-eight specimens of E. tristis, taken at various places in Oregon and at various times. Most of the specimens were taken TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 36 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA as follows: Mt. Jefferson, July 15, 1907; Mary's Peak, June 6, 1915 (Lovett); Rock Creek; Buck Mountain, July 9 to 15. One specimen from Mt. Jefferson has an extra cross-vein in each wing, forming a supernumerary cell just beyond the outer first basal cell. Two specimens from Buck Mountain have the third an- tennal joint very large and bi'oad. In another specimen the vein closing the fourth posterior cell is represented by only a stump in one wing. In two specimens from Mary's Peak the fourth pos- terior cell is not closed. In the author's figure of E. tristis the anal cell is shown closed in the margin. In two specimens from Santa Cruz Mountains, California, the anal cell is petiolate. In these same individuals the ocellar tubercle is low and rounded. A specimen in the Na- tional Museum from Alameda County, California (Coquillett), has a short stump in the submarginal cell from the second sub- marginal. The third antennal joint ends very bluntly. All of these specimens and many others examined are darker .in color than smaragdinus or sapphirinus and less metallic. The pro- boscis when at rest just about reaches the tip of the abdomen. On June 18, 1917, I collected nine specimens of tiistis near Parkdale, Oregon, in the upper Hood River Valley, at an eleva- tion of about 3,000 feet. Four specimens were collected near the West Fork of the Hood River on lupines. The others were taken on some small white flowers near by. They appeared to be good fliers and were taken in the sunshine. One of the females taken in this lot has the second submarginal cell petiolate in one wing and sessile in the other. I have seen two other females with the second submarginal petiolate, so this character is not always reliable. Eulonchus sapphirinus (PL V, fig. 19.) Eidonchus sapphirinus O. S., W&stern Dipt., p. 276, (1887). "Antennae black, sometimes brownish or reddish toward the tip; epistoma black or bluish black; ocellar triangle dark blue or purple, sometimes with greenish reflections, clothed with dense, erect, grayish yellow pile on the thorax; abdomen with similar but much less dense pile, and with an appressed yellowish white pubescence, visible in certain lights only; feet straw yellow; tarsi ))rownish toward the tip; wings grayish subhyaHnc, costal cells lirownish yellow; costal and first longitudinal veins black on tlieir proximal half, brown- ish yellow toward the tip; tegulae whitish, their margins yellowish, knobs of haltere^s yellow. The proboscis of the male does not reach the end of the abdomen, that of the female does not reach beyond it. Length, 9-11 nun. F. R. COLE 37 "Hab. — Webber Lake, Sierra County, California, July 23 to 26. Not rare, flying in circles around flowers. Three males and two females. A male and a female from Calaveras County, California, June, have the proboscis a little longer than the abdomen. "This species is easily distinguished from E. smaragdinus female by its smaller size, blue color, shorter proboscis, less yellowish wings; the two latter characters also distinguish the males, which are somewhat alike in coloring. "All my specimens, as far as I can remember, were more blue when I took them, and seem to have assumed the purple and even greenish tinges, which they now have, in the process of drying." A specimen from Siskiyou County, California, has dark brown antennae, lighter at the base; the body is green. One from Mt. Angel, Oregon, is dark green, with purple reflections on the abdo- men. The antennae are short, dark brown, and with the third joint pointed. Proboscis a little longer than the body. Two specimens from Humboldt County, Cahfornia, have very long wings. The third antennal joint is long and very slender. The second submarginal cell is hardly petiolate; legs dark, the femora brown, knees yellow; the til3iae are yellowish brown at the apex and on the inner side. Proboscis shorter than the body, which is dark bluish green and very flat. Perhaps this form belongs with tristis or is a variety. A small specimen from Siskiyou County, California (Coquillett), is seven millimeters long. Thorax green with a blue tinge, abdo- men azure. One specimen from the Wasatch Mountains, Utah (C. V. Riley), has the tarsi darker than the rest of the legs. Several specimens from Placer County, California, vary from blue to green. One specimen in the National Museum from Utah differs from any I have seen. The thorax is dark metallic blue. The humeri, occiput and scutellum are purple. Two median dor- sal stripes of purple on the abdomen, and two short ones on each side. Legs straw yellow. Pleura blue with purpHsh reflections. Abdomen and venter purple. Antennae black, the third joint pointed. Femora light yellowish brown, the knees yellow; tarsi yellowish brown. Proboscis very short and black. Whitish pile on the eyes very short. Three submarginal cells, the cross-vein not placed the same in each wing. Costal cell yellowish. On July 12, 1918, I made a trip to the countr>^ near the old lava beds which lie at the base of Mt. Hood, in the upper Hood River Valley of Oregon. About three weeks before I had found several TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 38 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA specimens of tristis in this region, as mentioned previously, and I hoped to find a few more specimens. The best collecting ground on the previous occasion was a little willow-covered sandy strip not far from the edge of the river. Lupines were growing in these open spaces where the big trees left off, and the specimens of tristis had appeared to have a preference for these flowers. They did not appear to feed on the flowers, but were flying around them and resting on the leaves in the bright sunlight. Strangely enough I took no specimens of tristis this time, but found sap- phirinus quite common. Two pairs were taken in copulation and several others were seen. A series of twenty-four was taken on this trip, most of them not on lupines, but feeding in the little bell-shaped blossoms of the twin flower, in spots of sunlight which filtered through the forest canopy. In the sunlight they ap- peared a bronze color and were more noticeable than tristis as they flashed through the sunlit spaces. They were quite wary when not engaged in feeding and were swift fliers. Only three females were taken in this lot. Eulonchus marginatus (PI. IV, fig. 17.) Eulonchus marginatus O. S., Western Dipt., p. 277, (1S87). "Metallic green, with bluish reflections on the scutellum, the anterior margins of the segments, etc.; venter metallic blue. Antennae l^lack. Thorax clothed with dense pale yellowish white pile; abdomen with a short appressed pubes- cence, which forms whitish cross-bands along the hind margins of the segments. Legs black, and only the knees yellowish white. Tegulae with very distinct black margins. Wings subhyaUne; aU the veins dark brown, except the distal end of the costa and of the first posterior vein, which are reddish yellow. Pro- boscis a little longer than the abdomen. Length, 9 mm. "Hab. Napa County, Cahfornia (H. Edwards). A single specimen, ap- parently a male. The petiole of the second submarginal is subobsolete; as I have only one specimen I cannot say whether this is a permanent character of the species." There are two specimens in the National Museum collection, and a typical one in the Kansas University collection, labelled "Calif., Baron." (See flg. 17.) . Cyrtinae Schiner, and several dipterists following him, have placed Ptero- dontia in the Panopinae; Kertesz has done this in his "Catalogus Dipterorum." I believe that the genus is more nearly related to the forms in this subfamily. F. R. COLE 39 PTERODONTIA Pterodoniia Gray in Griffith, Animal Kingdom, xv, p. 770, pi. cxxvii, f. 3, (1832). The eyes occupy most of the head, which is small in proportion to the thorax. The face is small and on the extreme lower part of the head, the antennae being placed in its upper part. The back of the head is not inflated ; the eyes are holoptic and thickly pilose. There are three ocelli on the small vertical protuberance. The antennae are short, three-jointed and close together at the base; the first joint is cylindrical, the second rounded, and the third varying in shape and smaller than the other joints. The thorax is large and swollen and with more or less thick, erect pile. The humeral calli are not very large, but the post-alar and pf'aealar callosities are of good size. There are no bristles or very long hairs on the body. The scutellum is of medium size and rather short, with a deep rounded margin so that only a small portion has a flat surface. The abdomen is large and inflated, appearing round from above. The squamae are quite large and with short hair on the surface. The genitalia are retracted and the structure hard to make out. The tibiae are armed with apical spurs, or sharp projections, a small inner one (in species I have examined) and a stronger outer one. The legs are rather slender for the size of the insect. The wings have a peculiar thickening of the costa, which in the male sex bears a spur or tooth; the females apparently lack this tooth. The second longitudinal vein curves up into an enlarge- ment of the costa. P. analis shows the presence of two discal cross-veins. The outer first basal cell has merged into the discal cell. The lower branch of the fourth vein bends sharply down- wards and meets the short upper branch of the fifth, then goes to the wing margin. In P. virmoridn, according to \^errall, the outer discal cross-vein and upper veinlet from the discal cell have dis- appeared and there is apparently no upper branch to the fifth vein. This is also true of P. flavipes. P. analis has three pos- terior cells and P. Jlavipes, two. P. johnsoni new species appar- ently is a connecting link between these two types of venation ; the outer discal cross-vein being suggested, but the upper veinlet from the discal cell has disappeared. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 40 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Synopsis of Species 1. Entirely black or blackish brown johnsoni new species With more or less red or yellow on the body 2 2. Outer discal cross-vein present; three posterior cells. Small species. analis Westwood No outer cross-vein. Two posterior cells 3 3. Second abdominal segment mostly black; black spots on dorsum of third and fourth. Scutellvma black. Western species mlsella O. S. Larger species, usually with more yellow on abdomen. Scutellum yellowish or whitish in female. Eastern species flavipes Gray Pterodontia analis (PI. VI, fig. 20.) Plerodontia analis Westwood. Pterodontia vix TowTisend, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., iv, p. 607, (1895). "Black, apical segments of abdomen fulvous, margin of squamae blackish, wings hyaline, veins whitish, legs pale. Length 2 lines. Expanse of. wings 5 lines. "Hab. Georgia. "Type. British Museum. "Black, shining, black pilose, finely punctate. Head black, eyes posteriorly brown. Antennae inserted above mouth opening, terminal joint slender and short, apex furnished wdth setae. Thorax and scutellum black. Abdomen hemispherical, two basal segments and spot in middle to base of next following segment black. All the rest of the apical part of the abdomen fulvous. Wings hyaline, iridescent, transversely rugose. Veins whiti.sh and distinct; discal cell 'sub apicem alarum postice aperta.' Tegulae fuscous, margin blackish. Legs whitish, base of femora darkened, ungues black." Townsend (141) described this species as P. vix. One specimen was taken in Southern California. Length, 5 mm. Pterodontia flavipes (PI. VI, fig. 22.) Pterodontia flavipes Gray, in Griffith, Animal Kingdom, Ins., xv, pi. cxxvii, fig. 3, (1832). 9 . Head quite small, button-like, much as in the species of Ocnaea; seen in profile the occiput takes up about half of the head and is black, gray pollinose. Eyes and occiput long black pilose. Ocellar tubercle not very prominent. Antennae yellowish, small and inconspicuous, placed near the rim of the mouth. First joint of the antennae scarcely visible, second short and rounded, third short and flattened, with three terminal setae (see fig. 22a). The mouth- parts are aborted, but palpi are present. Thorax large, shining black above and black pilose. Scutellum whitish yellow, thinly black pilose. Pleura and humeri brown, the upper pleura remarkably swollen. Praescutellar callosities w^hitish yellow. Squamae brownish hyaline with heavy blackish brown margins and blackish pile. Halteres dull brownish yellow. F. R. COLE 41 Abdomen large and convex. First segment brownish, second segment yellow with a narrow anterior brown margin, and usually a median brown mark; third segment entirely yellow or with a small median brown spot on the anterior margin; the rest of the dorsum of the abdomen yellow. Venter brown, often marked with yellow. Pile of abdomen blackish, erect and fine, and not thick enough to conceal the ground color. Femora brown with dark brown pile. Tips of femora, the tibiae and tarsi whitish yellow with pale yellowish pile. Tips of claw s black. Wings faintly infuscated, darker in costal region. Costa thickened at end of first vein. Wing veins brown. Length, 7.5 mm. cf . Very much like the female. The thorax is broader and more robust. The four posterior femora blackish, except tip. Scutellum and praescutellar callosities darker. Pleura usually much darker, in some specimens almost black. Costal margin at end of first vein bulges out and has a spur or tooth- like projection on it. Wings in some specimens pure hyaline. Veins brown at base, pale at apex. Knob of halteres darkened. Venter dark brown with whitish incisures. Mr. J. L. King, in his paper on the Hfe history of this species, recorded that twenty-four females varied from four to eight milli- meters in length. A number of male specimens varied from six to nine millimeters. P. flavipes is an eastern species, possibly go- ing as far west as the Rocky Mountains. This species is said to be near P. vinnondii Erichson, and I have a specimen of P. mellii from Queensland, Australia, which is almost the same. There is no difference in structure or wing venation. The median black mark on the abdomen of P. mellii reaches to the tip, the last seg- ment and the genitalia being black. The middle tibiae and the hind pair are black also. Pterodontia misella Fterodoniia misella O. S., Western Diptera. "Black; clothed with black pile; scutellum black, obscurely reddish on its latter half; second abdominal segment (that is, the first visible segment; the first true segment is concealed under the scutellum) black, with an obscurely marked reddish spot on each side a little back of the scutellum; segments 3 to 6 rufous, the third and fourth with square spots in the middle, that on the fourth being narrower; they are confluent with each other and with the black of the second segment. Venter rufous; hind margins of segments 2 to 5 black. Tegu- lae brownish, with broad dark brown margins. Legs brownish yellow, the four posterior femora black; ungues reddish, black at the tip. Wings subhyaline; veins yellow; venation similar to that of the other species; the usual tooth on the edge of the costa, near the end of the first posterior cell, is very little projecting. Length, 5 mm. "Hab. Oregon (H. Edwards). A single specimen. This species is very like P. flampes from the Atlantic States, but is smaller and differs in the coloring of the abdomen." TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 42 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA I believe that Nothra ameiicayia is the same as the form known as P. misella. I have seen males of misella, 7.5 mm. in length, and two -specimens with a yellowish scutelliim. The males of this species arc almost impossible to separate from P.flavipes, and I would have been inclined to make it a synonym of that species, had I not recently seen two females. These females have a black scutcUum and the prcsciitellar callosities are black. The species is distinctly smaller than the average specimens of P. flavipes. One of the above females was collected at Forest Grove, Oregon (M. C. Lane), the other near Corvallis, Oregon (A. L. Lovett). Pterodontia johnsoni new species (PI. VI, fig. 21.) Hody wlioll}' blackish, semi-shining. Eyes contiguous and pilose; the pile on the eyes of the type specimen shorter than on P. flavipes. Head black. Antennae brown with the usual terminal setae. Hmneral and praealar cal- losities black. Thorax with black pile. Squamae brownish hyaline, not so pointed as in P. flaripcs and with black borders; the surface with black pile. The sides of the last three abdominal segments have a brownish tinge which extends almost to the middle of the segment, ^'entor mostly blackish, with some reddish brown color. Femora black with a slight browi\ish tinge; tibiae dark brown, the tarsi paler. Tips of the claws black. All the tibiae with two spui"s, the inner one verj' short but the outer one quite conspicuous. Knees brownish yellow. The wing venation is verj^ near that of P. flavipes, but, in the tj-jie specimen at least, there is a suggestion of the outer discal cros.s-vein, al- though there is no upper veinlet from the discal cell. Thus the wing is inter- mediate between the type of P. analis and flnripes. There is a brownish color in the costal cells, the rest of the wing being whitish hyaline. Length, 5.5 mm. Habitat. — Seattle, Washington. Type. In' the collection of C. W. Johnson, from whom I re- ceived the specimen. The type is slightly mutilated. Two legs and a part of one wing, which had been broken oft", mounted on a separate card point. There are two iiaratyi)os in the collection of Prof. J. AL Aldrich, taken at Boise, Idaho. They are a little lighter in color than the type. The vein closing the discal cell is not so angu- lated. Ocellar tubercle higher than in Jlaripes. Femora dark brown. Prof. A. L. Alelander loaned a specimen collected at Coupeville, Washington, July 20, 1898, which is practically the same as the Idaho specimens. F. P.. -".'OLE 43 50THRA Sotkri Westwood, Trana. Eai. So-:. LG^iori. p. 514^ (1876 . rXransL; "Proboecis short. Antennae small and with, fur terminal setae, inserted on the lower face. Eye^ . .n front, hairy. Two oceDL Dorsal prothoracic . - :. Abdomen hemisphericaL Wing veins arranged as in Pterodontia. cost a, however, not at all spurred, discoidal cell furnished with a short external appendicijlate vein." The type of the genus is -V. bieoior from Australia. B'othra americana So'.Kra a'^rA'n.cnr/i Bigot. -'■ "' '-- ^- 1S'S9. p. 320. (Trai^Lj "Airtemiae falvoce, tte first jomt blackMi; tke eyes cov^ed with kxig black hair; thoras. - " ; - shining black and black pilcee; squamae tdiitish, the bordss bla:.:- -^n reddish .rhinlv covered) with broTsnish hair, the base of the fir^t 3Ji.i second segments omamaired ■svith a large triangular spot. M^icfc. veri^er with band" of the same c-olor: coxae ^kck the hair black; I-- ~, ba^e of the middle and poe* ' blackish; the - _ ^^vdoped; wings tinge^i ^-^ i ve_ the outer border grayishj the veins brown. "Hab. Boreal America - Wash. Territory. Onr :ir -_r:i. .t. the FrrnA Museum.'' As previously stated the occurrence of this genus in North America is verj' doubtful. I have never seen a specimen of Xothra, but from the description it is very close to Pterodoniia. Bigot probably had a species of Pterodontia. In fact P. mi.<- laige and bulging, almost spherical in shape, and clothed with thick fur-like hair. The pleura are swollen TEAXS. Ail. EXT. SOC. XLV. 44 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA as in some of the other genera. The callosities of the thorax are not very large and the seutellum is rather small and short, as in Acrocera. The squamae are noticeably smaller in proportion than in most of the genera, and are not bulging as in Ogcodes and Acrocera. The halteres are of medium size. Abdomen large, appearing more square than conical in outline, with short fine pile. The legs are quite slender. Discal cell long and narrow, the proximal end pointed. Cross-veins rather far from wing margin, so that the posterior cells are long. The wing veins are strong and reach the wing margin. The third vein is branched; four posterior cells, the first is separated from the outer first basal by a remarkable cross-vein. Anal cell closed in some, widely open in others. Anal angle of wing much re- duced. One species, pterodontinus, has a large tooth on the costa, as in the genus Pterodontia; this tooth is heavier, however, and nearer the proximal end of the wing than in that genus. Synopsis of Species 1. Wing with costal spur as in genus Pterodontia pterodontinus O. S. Wing with costa thickened, but without a spur 2 2. Anal cell closed; third posterior cell about as long as fourth 3 Anal cell open; third posterior cell shorter than fourth 4 3. Wings brownish .... gagatinus Loew Wings tinged slightly with brownish, the base and apex subhyaline, metallic grayish brown body color diligens O. S. 4. The sixth vein prolonged to wing margin sulphuripes Loew The sixth vein interrupted long before the wing margin paucus O. S. Opsehius formosus Loew (Provence), 0. pepo Loew (Spain) an,d 0. inflatus Loew (Europe) have the body black and yellow, and not uniformly blackish as in the American species. Opsebius gagatinus Opsehius gagatinus Loew, Centuries, vi, p. 24. "Blackish, shining, legs and halteres reddish yellow, wings fuscous-black, first posterior cell divided by a cross-vein. Length, 2| lines. Wing, 3 V12 lines. "Blackish, shining, head and thorax with rather long subfuscous hair, hair of abdomen shorter and paler. Coxae black, legs all yellowish red. Tegulae medium, dirty yellow red, pale pilose, the margins fuscous. Halteres pale lutescent. Wings entirely fuscous black, veins black and disposed as in 0. inflatus, however anterior cross-vein is oblique, and the other adjacent cross- vein, which divides the first posterior cell, is between the end of the discal and the base of the second submarginal cell." F. R. COLE 45 The type was from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Osten Sacken). I have not seen this species. Opsebius sulphuripes (PI. VII, fig. 24.) Opsebius sulphuripes Loew, Centuries, ix, p. 204. " Blackish, shining, halteres and legs whitish or pale yellowish, wings blackish fuscous, first posterior cell divided Ijy a cross-vein, anal cell open. Length, 2^ lines. Wing, 2 ''/n Hues. "Black, shining. Eyes closely black pilose, however pile on lower part of eyes paler than on upper part. Antennae yellowish. Prothoracic stigmata liordered brown. Dorsum of thorax, scutellum and abdomen whitish pilose. Legs whitish or pale yellowish, finely white pilose Tegulae moderate, hyaline. Halteres pale yellow. Wings brownish, the tips and posterior margins paler; veins browni.sh black; small cross-vein perpendicular; first posterior cell cut by the other cross-vein, as in 0. gagatinus, between end of discal cell and base of second submarginal; the third posterior cell, which in 0. gagaiinus goes beyond the base of the fourth, in this species does not reach it, thus the third posterior cell is shorter than the fourth; anal cell, in gagatinus and inflatus long and closed in the margin, is open in sulphuripes." Habitat — ^Sharon Springs, New York (Osten Sacken). Prof. A. L. Melander in his notes on the Acroceridae (1902) mentions a specimen of this species taken at Alameda County, California, which answered the type description well. The species is rare and I have seen only two specimens. Opsebius pterodontinus (PI. VIII, fig. 26.) Opsebius pterodontinus O. S., Berlin Ent. Zeit., xvii, p. 299, (188.3). Opsebius agalenae Melander, Ent. News, xiii, p. 180, (1902). "Male. Brownish black, shining, clothed with dense, erect, fulvous hairs; legs yellow; wings hyaline; costawith a conspicuous abrupt projection at the end of the first vein. Length, 7 mm. "The dense hair on the eyes is brownish-fulvous; the antennae brown, arista brownish-yellow; thorax and abdomen are clothed with a uniform covering of erect fulvous hairs, through which the shining, apparently dark brown, ground color is visible. Halteres whitish yellow; tegulae transparent, with a yellowish tinge; veins yellow, anal cell open; third posterior cell much shorter than the fourth, all the veins reach the margin; first posterior cell divided by a cross-vein which is a little beyond the discal cell; posterior cross-vein nearly opposite (a trifle beyond) the origin of the second vein; tip of the second vein opposite the proximal end of the second submarginal cell, the costa, soon beyond the ending of the auxiliary vein is thickened, and the thickening forms an abrupt jirojec- tion, blunt at the tip; the terminal portion of the first vein, likewise cons])icu- ously thickened, runs parallel to the costa, with a very small space between, and coalesces with it under the projection. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 46 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA "Hab. Dallas, Texas (J. Boll); a single male labelled 26, IX, which prob- ably means September 26. "N. B. Wings resemble Pterodontia, on account of the expansion of the costa. It may be this character is sexual. The profile of the body oiOpsebius iPithogaster) inflahis figured by Loew, is exactly like this form." Professor Melander described this species from two males from Austin, Texas, and one male from Rochester, Wisconsin. "One of the Texas specimens was found under a stone, entangled in a web of the Southwestern variety of Agelena naevia Bosc, apparently just after issuing from the body of the spider. The shriveled spider was lying close by, with a round perforation near the base of the under side of the abdomen." Opsebius dUigens (PI. VII, fig. 23.) Opsebius diligens 0. S., Western Diptera, p. 278, (1876). "Of a shghtly metallescent brownish-black color, clothed with brownish- yellow pile; legs browmsh -yellow; wings tinged with brownish, the tips hyaline; first posterior cell divided in two by a cross-vein; the bases of the third and fourth posterior cells nearly on the same line; anal cell closed and petiolate. Length about 5 mm. "The venation is like that of the European 0. inflatus Lw.,^i ■with the follow- ing differences: 1. The first posterior cell is divided in two (nearly equal) parts by a cross-vein placed between the end of the discal and proximal end of the second submarginal cell (the same character distinguishes the two North American species described by Mr. Loew in the Centuries); 2. The third and fourth posterior cells have their proximal ends nearly on the same Une; in other words the insertion of the intercalary vein is coincident with the cross-vein at the base of the fourth posterior cell; 3. The fifth vein runs straight to the mar- gin, and the sixth is incurved toward it at a short distance from the margin. The costa is distinctly thickened beyond the ends of the first and third veins, and a little beyond the latter. The wing is distinctly tinged with brownish, except at the base and the tip, which are subhyaline. "Body of a uniform brownish black, slightly metallescent on the thorax. Thorax densely clothed with brownish-yellow erect pile, not dense enough, however, to conceal the shining surface under it. On the abdomen, the same pile is more dense on the second segment; the pile on the two intermediate segments is more blackish, except along the posterior margins, where it is yel- lowish; the fifth has a shorter and more appressed whitish-yellow pubescence, interspersed with longer pile; the last segment is black, shining, rugose. Legs brownish-yellow; femora slightly tinged with brownish; coxae, except the ex- treme tip, brown. Halteres with a yellowish-white knob; tegulae semitran- sparent, colorless. Eyes pubescent; antennae (broken)." Habitat. — Vancouver Island (G. R. Crotch). Two specimens. 11 Wiener Entom. Monatschr., 1857, p. 33, tab. i, f. 1. F. R. COLE 47 I have seen numerous specimens of this form from CaUfornia, and was able to get a number of notes on it, which are included in another part of this paper. There is a good series at Pomona College, Claremont, California. Opsebius diligens var. hyalinus new variety $. Very near (ii%ens 0. S. in appearance. Antennae brown. Eyes short black pilose. Pile of mesonotum and scutellum brownish-yellow. Gray pile on front and sides of thorax and on pleura. Abdomen black, finely punctate. Dorsum of second and third segments with yellowish brown pile. Incisures, except first, reddish brown. Some Vjlack pile on base of segments two, three, four and five. Gray pile on segments four to six. Legs a dull straw yellow. Wings hyaline with brown veins. Venation and shape of wings as in (Hligens. Length, 2.5 mm. Wing, 3.20 mm. Habitat. — San Diego County, California. One specimen col- lected by E. P. Van Duzee (X, 4, 1913). One other specimen collected at Berkeley, California, May 8, 1915, by Mr. M. C. Van Duzee, is intermediate between paucus and diligens, and might well be placed with hyalinus. The wings are hyaline and the venation the same. The pile of the body is almost entirely brownish yellow. Length, 5 mm. Opsehius gagatinus Loew, 0. diligens 0. S. and 0. paucus O. S. are very closely related. I have seen typical forms of the last two, and also specimens which are hard to place. Two speci- mens loaned for study by Cornell University would, on account of the closed anal cell, be placed under gagatinus, an eastern species. These specimens were collected by Professor Bradley in the Giant Forest, Marble Fork, King's River Trail, 6,500 feet elevation, California, on July 24, 1907. I have seen individuals from near this locality which would be placed in paucus 0. S. on account of the open anal cell, but which were hardly distin- guishable from the two specimens above mentioned in other ways. It is possible that the open or closed anal cell may not be a character of specific importance in this little group. In one wing of the smaller specimen from the Giant Forest there are two supernumerary cross-veins and two extra cells (see fig. 25a). Opsebius paucus (PI. VIII, fig. 25.) Opsebius paucus O. S., Western Dii)tera, p. 279. "Very likeO. diligens, but smaller, 4-5 mm. long; sixth vein interrupted be- fore the nearest cross-vein, and thus the anal cell open; the branches of the TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 48 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA fourth vein do not quite reach the margin. Antennae yellowish-brown at the base; pubescence of the eyes long and dense. Thorax with very dense, soft, erect, grayish-yellow pile; the greenish-black, shining ground color but little visible under it. Abdomen brownish-black, moderately shining, densely clothed with brownish -yellow erect pile; the penultimate segment and the hind margin of the preceding one are clothed with recumljent yellowish-white pile. Wings slightly tinged brownish, much less than in 0. diligens, but more uni- formly, as the paler color of the tip is not apparent. The rest as 0. diligens." Habitat. — California (G. R. Crotch). One specimen. ACROCERA Acrocera Meigen, Illiger's Mag. f. Ins., ii, p. 266, (1803). Paracrocera Mik, Wien. Ent. Zeit., v, p. 276, (1S86). Antennae placed at extreme top of head, ending in a long thin arista. Venation very much reduced. Proboscis absent or aborted. Head of male larger than that of female, almost all eyes except for a rather broad vertical triangle, the tiny mouth-part, and the inflated back of the head; head broad ovate when seen from above, but circular when seen from in front; mouth-parts very small and almost at the bottom of the head; proboscis short and withdrawn; back of head rather inflated but close to the thorax and consequently the neck is barely visible; ocelli three. Eyes bare, touching beneath the antennae quite down to the tiny mouth-part. Antennae inserted in the front part of the vertical triangle, apparently two jointed because the basal joint is con- cealed; next joint apparently orbicular and last joint ovate with a long thin apical arista. Thorax strongly arched, with none of the calli very prominent (unless from color) though the post alar calli are often quite conspicuous. Pubescence abundant, but usually short and not concealing the ground color, recumbent and coarse. Outer part of male genitalia dilated and prominent. Female genitalia pro- jecting and of characteristic form. Legs rather short and stout and without spurs or projections. The tarsi are as in Ogcodes but the claws are even longer, and the pulvilli shorter and more pad-like. The abdomen is large and balloon-hke, conico-globular, with five visible segments; the pubescence is very short and adpressed. Wings shorter and smaller in male than in female; venation reduced and some of the veins hard to homologize. There is a F. R. COLE 49 simple auxiliary near the costa, a long first longitudinal from which the praefurca issues before the middle of the wing. The second longitudinal, when present arises near the praefurca, but it is indicated by a rudiment in some and in others is obliterated. The open fork in the tip of the wing is composed in the upper part of the end of the third vein, and in the lower by an end piece of the fourth vein; below this are two simple long veins (lower branch of fourth and fifth), and these veins are connected by a long ap- parent cross-vein between the third and fourth vein and another between the fourth and fifth vein. The anal vein is simple and straight. There is no trace of the discal cell; the posterior veins hardly reach the wing margin. If the cell which includes the wing tip is included, there are three posterior cells in all. Alulae large. Squamae very large, bare, and of apparently thinner tex- ture than in Og codes. Alar squamae small. (The above is essen- tially the description given by Verrall in his British Diptera.) The wing venation is variable and very puzzling in some cases, and it requires a great deal more material to settle certain points. Westwood's short Latin descriptions are far from adequate, now that so many species have been described. Ho far as known the species of this genus parasitize ground spiders such as Lycosa and Afnaurobius. Synopsis of Species 1. Dorsum of thorax marked with yellow 2 Dorsum of thorax without yellow markings 3 2. Thorax with a median black stripe and two elongate spots on either side. liturata W'illiston The lateral stripes of dorsum much larger, reaching tlic black scutellum. subfasciata Westwood 3. Second vein present and other veins as in typical form 4 Venation not typical 7 4. Abdomen largely yellow or n^ddish 5 Abdomen mostly black tj 5. Base of abdomen l)lack, the foiu- corners of thorax whitish. bakeri Cotiuillett Base of abdomen yellow, the four corners of thorax black. bakeri var. arizonensls new variety 6. Praescutellar callosities mosth' black and the rims of sciuamae l)lack in females bulla ^\'estw()od Praescutellar callosities mostly white, rims of squamae whitish. bulla var. melanderi new variety TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 50 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA 7. Second longitudinal vein obliterated 8 Second longitudinal vein represented by a verj- distinct apical rudiment. bimaculata Loew 8. Anterior cross-vein and end of third vein obsolete or entirely wanting 9 Anterior cross-vein and end of third vein present 10 9. Abdomen black, wings fuscous at base fumlpennls Westwood Abdomen more or less yellow; wings hyaline. . .ungulculata Westwood 10. Abdomen with basal black fasciae on each segment, regular in outline. fasciata Wiedemann Abdomen without regular basal fasciae on segments 11 11. Veins,except first, with an obsolete appearance. . .obsoleta Van der Wulp Veins black, or at least distinct 12 12. Legs pale j^ellow, the abdomen with basal black spots on second, third and fourth segments convezus new species First and second segments black 13 13. Praescutellar callosities blackish, genitalia blackish, wings infuscated. Eastern species nigrina Westwood Praescutellar callosities whitish, genitalia marked with yellow; wings almost hyaline. Western species hubbardi new species Acrocera bimaculata (PL XI, fig. 32.) Acrocera bimaculata Loew, Centuries, vi, p. 23. (Transl.) "Male and female. Pitch black, apex of abdomen with two yellow spots, halteres reddish yellow. Wings evenly and slightly infuscated, veins dark fuscous, second longitudinal, except on apical rudim.ent, entirely lacking. Length d' 2i— 9 2| lines. Wings cf 21—9 3| lines. "Pitch black, covered with short subfuscous hair. Humeral callosities mostly testaceous or fusco-testaceous, ante-scutellars sometimes margined testaceous, frequently all one color. Abdomen swollen, near the apex and on both sides with large transverse yellowish spots. Venter blackish, the separate segments bordered whitish posteriorly. Legs pale testaceous, femora and tibiae a large part yellow. Tegulae sordid whitish, margined fuscous. Halteres pale golden yellow. Wings sUghtly and evenly infuscated, veins apparent, dark fuscous, auxiliary, however, black; third longitudinal vein furcate and cross-veins both complete, as in most of the other species. (D. C. Coll. O. S.) ." Easily recognized by the rudimentary second vein. The abdominal markings are variable. From several specimens Mr. C. W. Johnson gives the, length as four to six millimeters. One specimen from Delaware Co., Pennsylvania (C. A. Voelker), had two additional small spots on the posterior margin of the third segment. A small male from South])ridge, Massachusetts (S. W. Bromley), had a margin of yellow on the posterior angles of the fourth segment only. The wings are light hyaline. F. R. COLE 51 Acrocera bakeri (PI. XII, fig. 34.) Acrocern bakeri Coquillett, Invertebrata Pacifica i, p. 23, (1904). Published by C. F. Baker. "Black, the four angles of the thorax, legs and halteres whitish, the protho- racic spiracle and abdomen orange-yellow, the latter having the first segment, a fascia on the second expanding on the sides and extending across the venter, a small basal spot in the middle of dorsimo of the third and fourth segments, a large spot on each side of the third segment extending across the venter, in the middle of which it is greatly expanded, a small spot in basal angles of the fourth segment and a pair of spots on the venter of this segment, black; tarsal claws and last tarsal joint except the base, also black; wings hyaline, veins black, calypteres wholly whitish hyaline. Length, 5 mm. A female specimen." Habitat. — Ormsby County, Nevada. Collected by C. F. Baker. Tijpe.~^o. 6709, U. S. N. M. Acrocera bakeri var. arizonensis new variety (PI. IX, fig. 28.) Very near A . bakeri. Scutellum and the four comers of the thorax shining black. Basal black triangular spot on second segment; another spot at base of third segment and rounded spot at the base of the fourth. Abdomen orange- yellow. Legs yellow, the coxae black. Venter yellow with black markings under the genitalia. Wings gray hyaline with blackish veins, the venation as in A . bakeri. Habitat. — One specimen, from Chiricahua Mountains, Ari- zona, June 6. (H. G. Hubbard coll.) Acrocera fasciata (PL XI, fig. 33.) Acrocera fa sciat a Wiedemann, Auss. Zweif., ii, p. 16, (1830). "Head black. Corners of thorax and scutellum yellow. First black ab- dominal band close to scutellum, goes clear across venter and unites on both sides with the second. The third somewhat smaller with a widening on each side. On either side of abdominal tip is a black spot. Costa of wing black; squamae brownish. Legs pale yellow, last tarsal joint black. Length, I2- lines. "Type. — Berlin Museum." This is probabl}' the best known American species and has been bred from Lijcosa ocreata Hentz (L. stonei Montgomery) and from Aviaurobius sylvestris at Waltham. A small male specimen from Farmingham, Massachusetts, has the scutellum l)lack except apex, and the wings are a clear, not a brownish hj^aline. The un- interrupted bands on all of the segments readily distinguish the species. A female measured five millimeters and had the scu- tellum entirely yellow. Mr. C. W. Johnson in his paper on TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 52 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Acrocera (60) figures a wing oi fasciata which has an adventitious cross-vein between the forks of the third vein. Acrocera obsoleta (PI. XII, fig. 36.) Acrocera obsoleta Van der Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent., 2nd Ser., x, p. 139, pi. 3, fig. 17. The original description is fairly comprehensive. Van der Wulp in figuring the wing indicates all but the auxiliary and first longitudinal veins by dotted lines; "wing veins, except the two first longitudinals, obsolete, fork in the apex of the wing with a short petiole." I give in the following the original description in the language in which it was written, as it may not be available to all who might wish to refer to it : "Ivop zwart; acchter de oogen een zoom van lichtgrijze bestuiving; de zeer kleine sprieten zwartbruin. Thorax en schildje zwart, met flaauwen glans en zijdeachtige lichtbruine beharing; van de schouders naar den vleugehvortel eene fijne Ijeenwitte lijn, die aan haar voorste einde verbreed is; de knulj])els ter wederzijde voor het schildje bruinachtig. Achterlijf bleekgeel, aan den wortel en den anus zwart; de zwarte kleur niet scherp begrensd; die van den wortel zich in't midden enaan die beide zijden uitbreidende, zoodatde gele kleur aldaar dubbel uitbogen is; de middenste ringen hebben eene aanduiding van zwarte driehoekige rugvlekken; buik bleekgeel, met onduidelijke zwarte dwarsbanden, die aan de laaste ringen breeder worden en in't midden zijn ingekeept. Pooten eenkleurig witachtig; alleen de haken der tarsen zwart. Vleugelschubben en vleugels bijna glasachtig, met zeer flaauwe geelbruine tint; de aderen lichtbruin; alleen de voorrandsader, de beide eerste langsaderen en de wortel der derde langsad er duidelijk, de overigen onschijnbaar; het gevorkte uiteinde de derde langsader, benevens de dwarsader, die de der derde en vierde langsadern ver- bindt, naauwelijks zigtbaar als men den vleugel in eene schuino rigting beziet; de vorkeel is ongeveer half zoo lang als haar steel. "Aanmerking. Deze soort is zeer verwant aan de ook bij ons voorkomende A. orhiculus Fabr.; bij laatsgenoemde zijn ook de onderste vleugelsadoren weinig gekleurd, maar toch, tegen het licht gezien, duidelijk; de vorkeel is bij haar grooter en komt in lengte met den steel overeen." A specimen sent from the Museum of Comparative Zoology apparently belongs here. It was collected in Orono, Maine, August 5, 1915, by A. P. Morse. The humeri and postalar callosities are white; thorax and pleura black; abdomen bright yellow except narrow basal margin, a dorsal triangle at base of third segment and a small anal spot of black; venter yellow, segments with narrow whitish posterior margins and lateral spots of black. F. R. COLE 53 A male and female of this species were in a small collection loaned by Professor Doane from the Stanford University col- lection. Both are from Lake Tahoe, California. The venter in the female is almost all black with narrow pale margins to the segments. In the male the ventral segments are black basally and broadly black on the lateral margins. The legs are honey yellow; claws and most of last tarsal joint black. Wings whitish hyaline with pale veins which have an obsolete appearance. There is no second longitudinal vein. Length, 5 mm. A male from Pullman, Washington (A. L. Melander), was col- lected July 5, 1907. The scutellum is jet black. The abdom- inal markings are as in the Lake Tahoe specimen. A female specimen from Denver, Colorado, July 12, 1903 (Van Duzee), has the dorsal black triangles on the abdomen joined to the lateral spots, so that there are complete cross-bands. Acrocera convexa new species (PI. X, fig. 29.) 6 . Nearly answers the description of A. obsoleta v. d. W. Head and thorax black; the pleura black. Scutellum, mostly yellow, black at base and sides. Humeral callosities yellowish. Abdomen very large and orange-yellow in color. Base of second abdominal segment with black triangle, a shorter triangle on third, and an irregular black spot at base of fourth. Fifth segment and genitalia all yellow. Wings very short, the veins pale, but the anterior cross-vein and upper branch of third clearly present. No second longitudinal. Praescutellar callosities white except blackish base. Venter yellow, the sides black, the black narrowing toward apex of abdomen. Legs yellow, last half of last tarsal joint black. Body with short whitish hair. Length, 5.5 mm. Female. Markings much as in the male. The abdomen in this specimen much retracted. Abdomen orange color; first segment and base of second black. A large black basal triangle on third segment. Venter black with few markings. Wings much longer than in male; the venation the same. r^/pe.— Holotype, a male, in U. S. N. M., no. 21206. Siski- you County, California, (Coquillett). Allotype in Museum of Comp. Zoology at Cambridge. Spo- kane, Washington, July 22, 1882, (Henshaw). Acrocera unguiculata (PI. XIII, fig. .37.) Acrocera iinguiculala Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, v, p. 98, (1848.) Head and thorax black. Abdominal spots rather irregular. Postalar and humeral callosities black. The second segment black with a small yellow spot near the posterior margin. Large irregular spot on margin of third segment not reaching the lateral margins. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 54 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Posterior half of fourth segment yellow. Halteres yellow. Squamae whit- ish hyaline. Legs pale yellowish. Base of venter pale brown. Female geni- talia very prominent. Claws large and black. Wings hyaline, the venation incomplete; second vein wanting. Anterior cross-vein (really a portion of the fourth longitudinal) obsolete and also the end of the third longitudinal vein. I have seen two female specimens from Enola, Pennsylvania (W. R. Walton, VI, 13, 1909), and a specimen from Ft. Washing- ton, Maryland (C. W. Johnson), in which the third segment has a large yellow transverse spot on the posterior half, not reaching the lateral margin. The fourth segment is yellow except a nar- row anterior margin. The wings are whitish hyaline. A speci- men five millimeters in length, from Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania (H. L. Viereck), in which the yellow on the abdomen covers all the fourth, all but narrow anterior margin on third, and the pos- terior dorsal fourth of the second segment, has brownish hyaline wings. A female specimen from Austin, Texas (Col. A. L. Melander), has the yellow of the abdomen confined to a large spot on each side of the second, third and part of fourth segment. This specimen, which appears to be immature, is about 2.5 mm. in length. Acrocera bulla (PI. IX, fig. 27.) Acrocera bulla Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, v., p. 98, (1848). d^ . Thorax black, with short grayish white hair as on the abdomen. Short gray hair on the occiput. Scutellum black; praescutellar callosities whitish yellow, the humeral callosities yellow. Markings of abdomen somewhat varied. Pleura black; venter blackish-brown; the segments with yellow bor- ders. Male genitalia rounded and quite prominent. Legs whitish-yellow. Venation typical. Length, 3.5 to 4.5 mm. Type described from Georgia. Specimens from Franconia, New Hampshire (Coll. Mrs. Slosson); Williams, Arizona, June 7 (H. Barber coll.); Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, October, 1911 (J. R. Malloch coll.); Stanford University, California (H. Morrison coll.). Two small specimens from Los Angeles, California (Coquillett coll.), may be a variety. They are not much over two millimeters in length, and the abdomen is almost wholly yellow. I have taken it for granted that Westwood's species has typical venation. One from Bailey's Island, Maine, August 20, 1915 (Dr. G. M. Allen), has very light yellow markings, those on the second segment consisting of two widely separated triangular spots on the posterior margin; the third segment .similarly F. R. COLE 55 marked, except that spots are quadrate and very narrowly sep- arated at posterior margin. Fourth segment largely yellow, with dorsal triangle and small triangles at anterior angles, black; venter black; with narrow white posterior margins on all seg- ments. Legs a very light yellow, last tarsal joint and claws black, halteres yellow. Length, 4.5 mm. This specimen is a female. Specimen collected by S. W. Bromley, at Southbridge, Massa- chusetts, has dark yellow markings, the two widely separated spots on second segment are quadrate, those on third triangular and narrowly connected, and those on the fourth quadrate and also narrowly connected at posterior margin. The wings and squamae are slightly darker hyaline than the Maine specimen. The abdomen is contracted. The rims of the squamae are black; venation typical. Humeral callosities yellow, the prescutellar callosities mostly blackish. Legs pale brown. Veins of wing, distinct and black. This specimen is a female. Length, 5.5 mm. A very similar specimen is from Colebrook, Connecticut, August 14, 1910 (A. L. Melander coll.). The above mentioned specimens from Franconia, New Hamp- shire, Williams, Arizona, and Medicine Hat are all males and are much alike. It may be that they do not belong with the females described under this species. The abdomen is yellow and the black abdominal markings small (see fig. 27a). The squamae are whitish with whitish rims. The praescutellar callosities are darkened in the specimens from Arizona. The legs are whitish yellow, the terminal half of last tarsal joint black. Acrocera bulla var. melanderi new variety 9 . Head black. Thorax and scutellum black, shining. Pleura black. Thorax, pleura and scutellum with rather short grayish pile. Four corners of thorax (callosities) whitish. Abdomen black, shining, a narrow yellow rim at extreme base. Markings much resemble bulla. Second segment with two roughly triangular orange yellow spots. Third segment with two similar spots, but they are larger and connected by the narrow yellow posterior border of the segment. End of fourth segment 3'ellow. Genitalia black above at base. Fifth segment with a narrow yellow posterior border. Venter black. Legs yellowish, brownish on femora and tips of tibiae. Most of last tarsal joint black. Venation as in bulla. Veins brown. Last section of costa black. Auxiliary vein black. Abdomen is distorted and wings slightly mutilated. Length, 5 mm. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 56 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Habitat. — Gallatin County, Montana. Elevation, 6,400 feet. July 7, 1900. (E. Koch coll.) Tijpe. — In collection of A. L. Melander. Since writing the above I have received a specimen taken at Corvallis, Oregon, August 18, 1918, (F. H. Lathrop). Acrocera liturata (PI. X, fig. 30.) Acrocera liturata Williston, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xiii, p. 294, (1886). "Male. Yellow; three broad, dorsal, thoracic stripes, pectus and tip of the tarsi black; abdomen with irregular brown fasciae. Length, 3 mm. "Vertical triangle and occiput black, the latter poUinose. Dorsum of thorax honey-yellow, the humeral and post-alar callosities yellowish-white, in the middle with a broad black stripe, attenuated behind, and on each side a large elongate spot or stripe. Pleura dark; pectus black. Scutellum black above, the margin broadly honey-yellow. Tegulae white. Abdomen yellow, trans- lucent, the second and third segments on sides brown, connected by a basal fascia, narrower on the third, dilated triangularly in the middle; fourth segment with a median, basal subtriangular or "T"-shaped spot. Venter brown in middle. Legs yellowish white, the tip of all the tarsi and claws black. Wings hyaline, veins yellowish." Habitat. — Washington. I have a female of this species from Stanford University, Cali- fornia (H. Morrisson coll., Oct., 1914). The thorax has a rather narrow median black stripe. The pleura are brown, not very dark. The venation, of which Williston does not speak, is typical. The specimen is shrivelled so that the markings on the abdomen are difficult to make out. There is only a narrow black base to the scutellum. The fourth and fifth segments of the venter each have a round black spot on each side, a larger spot on the third. Length, 3 mm. Another female of liturata was recently sent in to the National Museum from Cedar Pass, South Dakota (C. H. Over coll.). In this specimen the scutellum is jet black. The yellow of the thorax is much darker and the median stripe of the thorax much broader. The antennae are broken off. The two oval spots on the thorax arc large and merge with the median stripe before the scutellum. The markings of the abdomen are different from those in the California specimen. There is a basal subtriangular or "T "-shaped black spot on the first abdominal segment; the nar- row base and sides of the second segment are black, and there is a median wedge-shaped mark. The third segment has a broad F. R. COLE 57 triangular black mark. Pleura black. Venter black, with brown blotches. Last segment of venter very short. Length, 4 mm. A specimen received from J. M. Aldrich was collected at Fri- day Harbor, Washington, July 23, 1905. The median stripe on the thorax does not reach the scutellum and the elongated oval spot on each side barely reaches the praescutellar callosities; upper pleura brown and yellowish. Basal brown triangles on second, third and fourth abdominal segments. There are no markings on lateral margins of abdomen. The halteres are yel- low. Venter yellow, brownish toward tip, two round black spots on second segment of ovipositor. This species resembles A. trigramma Loew in general appear- ance, if one can depend on Loew's figure (79). A. trigramjyia was described from Sicily. Acrocera nigrina (PI. XII, fig. 35.) Acrocern nigrina Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, v, p. 98, (1848). Head and thorax black. Thorax with short grayish-white appressed hair. Humeral -callosities bright yellow, pleura black. Post-alar callosities black- ish-brown, with yellow at each end; scutellum black. First two segments of abdomen all black. Two large yellow spots on third segment, fourth segment largely light yellow with black median basal triangle. Median black spot on fifth segment; the genitaha blackish-brown. Venter blackish-brown, with narrow yellow posterior margins to segments; the last three segments more broadly yellow. Squamae hyahne; the halteres bright yellow. Legs yellow with a pale brownish tinge, the middle section of the femora and tibiae darker. Claws and most of last tarsal joint, black. Second vein usually entireh' lack- ing; there may be a bas^l, rudimentary stump. Wing dark brown. Wings with a pale brown tint. Length, o to .5.5 mm. Habitat. — The type is in the British Museum, and was de- scribed from Georgia. Mr. C. W. Johnson noted, in his paper on the genus Acrocera, that a specimen from Quebec (Provancher) had a stump of the second vein, the basal end, in each wing, and also a short median section of this vein in one wing (see fig. 35) and two sections in the other wing. This specimen was included in material loaned by the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Johnson advances the theory that bnlla, biviaculata and nigrina may be varieties of one species, which is not at all impossible. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 58 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Localities. — Darien, Connecticut, June 2 (C. W. Johnson); Bennington, Vermont, June 18, 1915 (C. W. Johnson); Shirley Hill, New Hampshire, June 17, 1911 (F. W. Grigg). I have a specimen from Massachusetts, June 18, 1886 (J. G. Jack); color paler, immature. Acrocera fumipennis Acrocera fumipennis Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. of London, v: 98, (1848). "Black, shining, wings hyaline, toward base infuscated, veins obscure near base, at apex almost obliterated. Alulae fuscous, legs whitish. Length of body I5 lines. Expanse of wings 4 lines. Georgia. — Type in British Museum." C. W. Johnson in his paper on the genus Acrocera states that fumipennis may be a dark form of unguiculata Westwood. "The entire absence of yellow markings in the description, and the statement that the base of wing is smoky brown cannot apply to those seen with obsolete venation." Acrocera subfasciata (PI. XIII, fig. 38.) Acrocera subfasciata Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. of London, v: 98, (1848). "Black, thorax with two cuneiform fulvous spots; abdomen fuscous, first segment with two transverse spots toward apex, two apical fascia on both sides short, luteous; the other segments yellow margined posteriorly. Length, I5 lines. Expanse, 4^ lines. "New York. — Type in British Museum. "Head and thorax black, two cuneiform spots fulvous, spiracles white, sides of mesothorax white posteriorly. Legs white, ungues black. Wings hyaline, veins pale fuscous, costa slightly darker." C. W. Johnson describes a specimen collected by J. C. Bri dwell at Pelham, New Hampshire, September 8, 1905, which agrees with Westwood's description, except that the yellow cuneiform markings on each side of the anterior part of the thorax extend in two very narrow subdorsal lines to the base of the scutellum; likely a variety, apparently resembling liturata, which may prove a variety. Abdomen yellow with dorsal and lateral spots of black, those on second segment narrowly connected with those on sides. Venation typical. Williston does not mention the vena- tion of liturata. Acrocera hubbardi new species (PI. X, fig. 31.) 9 . Head and thorax black, shining. Very fine, short gray hair; praescutel- lar callosities whitish; the humeral callosities whitish-yellow. Whitish hair on occiput. Most of scutellum black, the outer rim yellowish brown. Abdomen F. R. COLE 59 black with yellow markings, which differ some in the two specimens I have. First and second segments black. Posterior margin of third abdominal seg- ment broadly yellow in middle, the yellow reaching almost to lateral margins. Posterior half of fourth segment orange-yellow. Genitalia black, marked with yellow. Pleura shining black. Venter blackish brown, the segments with yellow posterior borders. Short whiti.sh hair on abdomen. Squamae whitish byaline. Legs yellowish, femora and tibiae brown except the tips. Tarsi a brownish-yellow, most of last joint black. Claws black. Wings brownish hyaline with brown veins. Second longitudinal vein missing. Very near A. nigrina Westwood. Length, 3 to 4.5 mm. Habitat. — Two female specimens from Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona, May 24. (Hubbard and Schwarz.) Type.— In U. S. N. M., no. 21205. Holotype a female. OGCODES ■Ogcodes Latreille, Prec. Car. Gen. Ins., p. 154, (1796). Oncodes of authors. Antennae placed on lower part of head near the mouth-parts and ending in a long thin style or arista. Proboscis absent. Head of male larger than that of female, almost all eyes except small vertex (on which are two ocelli) and the small space at the bottom of the head, on which are the antennae and indistinct mouth-parts; frons sHghtly produced below, visible from side; back of head rather inflated in male, but more so in female and crammed onto the thorax; jowls slightly inflated. Proboscis absent, the place where it should be being closed by a membrane. Eyes enormous, quite bare. Antennae apparently two-jointed, dove-tailed into face; apparent basal joint cylindrical, short and thick; apparent second joint oval, with long apical thin style which is dilated at its base but ends in a minute hair-like bristle. Thorax forming a complete sphere; humeral, praealar and post-alar calli large, but not very conspicuous; pubescence rather dense and soft but hardly abundant enough to be furry, and without the slightest sign of bristles or long hairs even on the post-alar calli or the margin of the scutellum. Scutellum large, with a very deep rounded margin, which leaves only a small por- tion of the disc rather flat, pubescence similar to that of thorax; metanotum rather small. Abdomen dorsally arched but hardly globular, short ovate with a blunt base and tip in the male, but short and round in the TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 60 CYKTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA female, with five obvious segments; short pubescence fairly abun- dant. Genitalia concealed beneath the rather small fifth segment. Legs rather short and stout, but simple and without any trace of spurs or processes; tarsi with first and fifth joints longer than the others. Pulvilli and claws well separated from fifth tarsal joint; claws long and thin; pulvilli in male almost equally long and thin, but shorter and more pad-like in female. Wings short in male, but larger and longer in female; vena- tion very imperfect; in 0. costatus the two large basal cells and the closed anal cell can be traced, but the small cross-vein is absent; the wing-tip is clear of all venation for a considerable space; second longitudinal vein absolutely absent; third vein sloping downwards, incomplete, and not forked; fourth vein in- dicated by three incomplete veins running toward the margin long after the wing tip. Squamae (thoracal) enormous, de- pressed, and clothed all over upper surface with not at all dense wooly pubescence; alar pair rather small but thick, clothed only with minute down. Halteres on comparatively short stems, hidden beneath squamae. Verrall considers that there are six species in the Palaearctic region, although Kertesz gives thirteen in his Catalog. There are thirteen species from North and Central America: one from South Africa, one from Southern Asia, and about six from Aus- tralia and New Zealand. Erichson gave a fairly good characterization of Ogcodes in his Monograph of 1840. He preferred Ogcodes to Henops, claiming that the former name was older and that Meigen had not clearly defined Henops. Dr. Benno Wandolleck, in 1909. published a paper on the "Mouth opening of Ogcodes," and gave a detailed account of its structure. He found that dried material was use- less in this study, as did Erichson in 1846. The following artificial table may help to separate the species of this difficult genus. I have not included engonatus and humer- alis in this table, as I have not seen either of the species, and the descriptions offer no striking characters that would establish them. Both arc near costatus Loew, and the types would have to be examined ])eforc drawing any conclusions as to their status. F. R. COLE 61 Synopsis of Species 1. Male orange to brownish yellow with dark brown spots on the al)dorainal spiracles. Female y)rown dispar Macquart Not colored thus 2 2. Brown species averaging 7-9 mm. in length; the wings infuscated. incultus O. S. Smaller species; wings usually hyaline 3 3. Body shining blackish, with unusual!}' long, erect brownish pile on thorax. niger new species Pile of body shorter; ground color of body usualh- brownish 4 4. Abdomen mostly reddish above rufoabdominalis new species Abdomen mostly brown or blackish 5 5. Humeri usually yellowish 6 Humeri usually blackish 7 6. Pleura brownish yellow; scutellum blackish brown. Small species, known only from Pacific Coast region . . aedon Townsend Scutellum usually more or less yellow; the white posterior margins of ab- dominal segments sharply defined costatus Loew 7. Legs dull yellowish, the coxae black borealis new species Legs more or less blackish or brown 8 8. Abdomen largely white above; venter white except a transver.se band on the last segment , albiventris Johnson Abdomen not marked in this manner 9 9. Pile of body whitish 10 Thorax with reclinate yellow i)ile; rims of squamae blackish. Rather small species pallidipennis Loew 10. Rims of squamae black, hind margins of first three abdominal segments narrowly white. Legs blackish melampus Loew Rims of squamae yellowisli. Pile of thorax quite long and erect. Very wide white posterior margins on male abdominal segments. Legs marked with yellow marginatus new species Ogcodes melampus Oncodes melampus Loew, Centuries, x, p. 23(i. "Black, humeri, margin of tegulae, all of legs and veins of wing concolorous, abdominal segments with white jjostcrior borders, ventral segments white, each with basal black band. Length, 2f lines. Wing, 2 ",',2 lines. "Black, pile whitish, not sublutescent. Humeri of like color with rest of thorax. Abdomen with segments posteriorly white margined, border of first segment narrowest, borders of second and third narrow and equal, that of the following segments a little wider and less even; venter white, first segment black, toward the sidc^s wider and suddenly dilated near the margin of the abdomen. Legs all black. Halteres fuscous black, tegulae whitish, black margined. Wings hyaline, pale ashj' tinge, veins all black, cf and $ ." Habitat. — California (H. Edwards). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 62 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Osten Sacken in Western Diptera doubtfully refers a specimen to 7nelamyus. "Tibiae brown, not black; borders of tegulae very- pale brownish ; the wing veins are very pale, except those near the costa, which are brownish." There are four specimens labelled melampus in the United States National Museum, from Santa Cruz Mountains, California. They are quite varied in size and coloring. None are black and all have brown wing veins. There is a slight brownish tinge to the wings. The legs are brown. Only two specimens have typ- ical abdominal markings. The markings on the venter may vary considerably. One specimen from Rio Piedras Verdes, Sierra Madre, Chihuahua, Mexico, 7,300 feet (coll. Townsend), appar- ently belongs here. There are several specimens in the National Museum from California which are near melampus, but which cannot be determined with certainty. Ogcodes eugonatus Oncodes eugonatus Loew, Centuries, x, p. 236. "Black, pile whitish, not sublutescent vestiture. Humeri of same color as rest of thorax. Abdomen with each segment widely bordered white posteri- orly; venter white except black base of first segment, rest of segments with base black, black color, however, suddenly very much dilated toward the abdominal margin. Legs pitchy black; femora toward apex honey-yellow; tibiae above pitchy black, below honey-yellow, apex all yellow; however, apex of first tarsal joint black. Halteres black; tegulae whitish, black margined. Wings pure hyaline, shorter in proportion than in the preceding species, costal and first two longitudinal veins less strong, fuscous bla^k, rest of veins pale." Habitat. — ^Texas (Belf rage) . I am inclined to believe this to be a color variety of costatus. I have not seen the types of the two species. Ogcodes incultus Oncodes incultus O. S., Western Diptera, p. 279. "Brownish-black; humeral callosities brownish-yellow; antescutellar cal- losities yellowish-brown; posterior margins of abdominal segments white; legs dark brown; knees brownish-yellow; wings strongly tinged with brown. Length, 8 mm. "The brownish-black thorax and scutellum are clothed witli a dense, short, yellowish pubescence; abdomen dark brown, segments two and three with nar- rower, four and five with broader, white posterior margins; venter, except the base, white; each segment with a black cross-band on the anterior margin. Tegulae brownish, with narrow dark brown edges. Halteres with a brown knob. Wings comparatively long, strongly and rather uniformly tinged with brown. F. R. COLE 63 This color is darker in the costal cells, especially in the interval between the auxiliary and the first veins; costa distinctly incrassate in the region of the stigma ; veins brown. "Hab. — White Mountains, New Hampshire. Two specimens. "Easily distinguished from the other described species of the genus by its strongly infuscated wings and its large size. The abdomens of my specimens being somewhat shrunken, the measurement I give is only an approximation." There are nine specimens of this species in the United States National Museum. The pile of the body is veiy pale yellow, in some forms whitish. In all the abdomen is somewhat shriveled as in the type material. A specimen from San Diego, Texas, October 26, is 8.5 millimeters in length. A specimen from Camel's Hump, Vermont, has very narrow, white, posterior margins on third, fourth and fifth segments of abdomen and no distinct markings on the venter. The legs are uniformly pale brown. A specimen from Tyngsboro, jVIassachusetts, has the underside of the femora and tibiae yellow. One typical specimen from Victoria, Texas, April 5, was collected by E. A. Schwarz. We have also a specimen collected at St. John, New Brunswick, July 8, 1902 (W. Mcintosh), and one specimen from the type locality (Morrison). I have seen specimens from New York, Maine, Massachusetts and Illinois. The specimen collected by Morrison has yellowish legs, yellowish antennae and brown hu- meri. The wings are infuscated but pale. A rather small speci- men from Rociada, New Mexico (Cockerell), has pale wings and legs. A specimen received from Nathan Banks was collected at Falls Church, Virginia, August 21. Ogcodes pallidipennis Oncodes pallidipennis Loew, Centuries, vii, p. 23. "Blackish brown, clothed with pale lutescent pile, abdominal segments narrowly margined posteriorly with white, wings hyaline, veins whitish. Length, 2 lines. Wings, 2 j lines 9 . "Blackish-brown, clothed with pale lutescent pile. Thoracic callosities and praescutellars testaceous. Posterior margins of the abdominal segments narrowly white. Venter fuscous, the segments with narrow whitish posterior margins. Legs fuscous-testaceous, femora except extreme apex brownish black, tarsi except apex fuscous. The tegulae dirty whitish, margined fuscous. Halteres black, the stem pale. Wings hyaline, the veins all faded, no stig- matical spot. "Hab.— Pcnn[sylvania]. (O. S.) "Note. Oncodes dispar Macq. with yellowish tegulae, has yellowish halteres and blackish brown stigmatical .spot." TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 64 CYKTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA This is a hard species to place with certainty and the type would have to be studied to make sure. I have seen specimens answering this description from several localities, mostly in the New England States; two specimens were taken in Toronto and Manitoba. A specimen in the National Museum, collected by A. A. Girault at Coulterville, Illinois, has a label, "Bred from cell of Sceliphron cementarius. Iss. June 18, 1911." Ogcodes costatus (PL XIV, fig. 40.) Oncodes costatus Loew, Centuries, ix, p. 202. "Black, posterior margins of abdominal segments whitish, costa and veins of wing fuscous, apical half of costa incrassate. Length, 2h lines. Wing, 2 ^/'i2 lines. "Shining, of pitch black color, prothoracic stigmata margined black, tarsi, however, toward apex black, pulvilli and empodia concolorous. Abdominal segments with posterior white fasciae, narrow and evenly marked. First ventral segment black, with posterior white fascia, quite narrow but dilated toward sides. Tegulae dirty whitish, margined fuscous. Wings subhyaline showing toward base a vestige of subfuscous color; costa and veins deep fuscous; apical half of it incrassate, half of posterior cross-vein obsolete." Habitat. — Massachusetts (Sanborn) . I have seen a number of specimens of this species from various localities and all were males. Perhaps the female is known as another species. The four species: melampus, eugonatus, pallidi- pennis and costatus all seem to merge. C. W. Johnson sent a specimen of costatus, or what seemed to be that species, which had a black scutellum. It is impossible to place immature speci- mens of this group. Specimens of what I would term palhdipen- nis are on the average smaller than the other three species men- tioned above, but size is a very unreliable character in any parasitic form, especially if there is at most a difference of only two or three millimeters. I have seen no specimen of costatus from localities west of Michigan. Malloch gives several localities in Illinois (97), a large series taken on dead twigs of elm. There was considerable color variation in these. Ogcodes humeralis Oncodes luunerulis (). S., Biologia Centr.-Amer. Dipt, i, j). 1G4, (1SS7). "Humeral and prescutellar balJosities and also pleurae brownish-yellow; legs yellowish-brown, tips of tarsi darker; wings subhyaline. "Hab. — N. Sonora, Mexico. "Face, vertical triangle, occiput and antennae black; thorax the usual brownish black, metallescent color, with dense, short, yellowish pubescence. F. R. COLE 65 Humeral and praescutellar callosities and upper part of the pleurae brownish- yellow; above the coxae the pleurae are black, shining. Legs yellowish-brown, including the front coxae; extreme base of the latter black; tarsi brownish; ungues and pulvilli black. Tegulae honey-colored, without any perceptible darker margin. Halteres with a brown knob. Abdomen brown, the hind mar- gins of the segments white. Venter whitish-yellow; incisures darker. Wings subhyahne; very slightly tinged with brownish before the apex, near the costa; auxiliary and first veins brownish; the costa, beyond the junction of the aux- iliary vein, is dark brown and a little stouter. A single male. "Among the described North-American species, 0. incultus O. S., alone has the htuneri of a paler color than the thorax; but it is easily distinguished by its large size, its brownish wings, etc." At least two other species {costatus and aedon) have the humeri paler than the rest of the thorax.. This is a variable character, Ogcodes aedon Oncodes aedon Townsend, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, no. 4, p. 607, (1895). "Very similar to Oncodes humeralis O. S.,*' but differs in the tegulae being fuscous whitish with well-defined narrow dark brown margins. Wings without apical brownish tinge. "Humeral and prescutellar callosities, and upper pleurae brownish-yellow. Thorax and scutellum, and lower pleurae, brownish-black. Legs yellowish- brown, tarsi darker. Head black, thorax with short yellowish pubescence. Tegulae obscure whitish, or with a fuscous tinge, possessing a well-defined dark brown border. Knob of halteres brown. Abdomen brownish, hind borders of segments yellowish-white. Wings subhyaline, costal margin brown distally and more yellowish basally. "This species differs from 0. pallidipennis Lw. in the blackish scutellum, yellowish outer humeral callosities and pleurae, and more distinctly margined tegulae. From O. melampus Lw., it differs in the yellowish humeral and prescutellar callosities, yellowish pleurae and much smaller size and lighter coloring. "Baja Purisima, Lower California, April. One specimen. Length slightly more than 4 mm." A male specimen in the National Museum may be placed in this species. Thorax black. Border of squamae not well defined. Ogcodes niger new species (PI. XV, fig. 41.) 9 . Body shining black, thus differing from all other North American species. Occiput black and almost flat, very little swollen. Head longer than usual and of different shape in this specimen at least; not sloping back. Antennae whitish. Thorax with rather long brownish pubescence which has gray reflections; the body color is plainly visible through it. Scutellum not i» Biol. Centr. Amer., Dipt., i, p. 164 to 165. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 66 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA as long as in some species, with rather long thick brown pile. Humeral and prealar calli black. White color which is around base of wings extends some distance on the post-alar callosities. Squamae grayish with black margins, the black color spreading some distance into the membrane; sur- face of squamae with short white pile. Alar squamae pure white. Thoracic spiracle white and with a narrow white line separating pleura from mes- thoracic dorsum. Pleura and coxae brownish-black. Abdomen shining brownish-black with sparse white pile; the posterior mar- gins of all abdominal segments but first, narrowly white. Femora darkened, knees, tibiae and tarsi whitish; the claws black. First and second segments of venter and median spot on third blackish-brown, the rest sordid whitish. Wing veins pale brown but quite strong; the upper branch of the fifth longitudinal fork and the anal vein much clearer than usual (see fig. 41). Hahitat.—Stockton, Utah, July 11, 1916, (T. Spaulding). Type. — A female in Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. Ogcodes dispar (PI. XIV, fig. 39.) Oncodes dispar Macquart, Dipt. Exot., Suppl., v, p. 67, pi. 11, f. 12, (1855). cf . Body bright yellow. Head and antennae blackish. Thorax with a brown tinge in some specimens. Scutellum brownish-yellow. Thorax and scutellum with short yellow pile which does not conceal the ground color. Pleura yellowish. Squamae yellow hyahne with a yellow margin. Abdomen usually a little paler than thorax. Incisures whitish and raised slightly. Sides of abdomen with very conspicuous blackish spots around the spiracles. Venter yellow with broad whitish posterior margins to segments and round brown spots at sides of second, third and fourth. Stem of halteres yellow, the knob brown. Genitalia brown. Legs yellow with short yellowish pile. Hind tibia darkened in middle and above in some specimens. Tarsi brownish, the last joint darkest. Claws black. Wings hyaline with a shght brownish tinge. Costal cells pale brown. Veins of wing brown. Length, 5.5 mm. ; wing, 5 mm. 9 . Body a sepia brown, often with yellowish or whitish mottlings. Head noticeably smaller and wings larger than in the male. Squamae pale brown. Abdomen dark brown with narrow white incisures. Venter blackish brown with paler posterior margins. Legs darker than in male and wings more in- fuscated. Length, 5.5 mm.; wing, 6 mm. Habitat. — Macquart described the species from Baltimore, Maryland (coll. M. Bigot). I have seen specimens from Mary- land; Arizona; Montreal, Quebec, and Pennsylvania. Macquart noted the difference in color of two specimens on the same pin. He could not distinguish the sexes but considered them one species. There are a number of specimens in the Na- tional Museum from Plummer's Island, Maryland, taken in May, F. R. COLE 67 June and August. One pair was taken in copula, April 25, 1912, by E. A. Schwarz. Mr. E. T. Cresson, Jr., loaned a pair taken in copula, June 18, 1905, at Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. Ogcodes marginatus new species (PI. XV, fig. 42.) cf. Eyes, head and thorax black. Antennae black. Frons black and not prominent, with a few short white hairs. Few white hairs on sides of face. Thorax, pleura and scutellum black, semi-shining and with fine white pile. The pile is unusually long and dense for an Ogcodes, that on the thorax in certain lights almost obscuring the ground color. Humeral and praescutellar callosities black. Squamae white with pale rims; there is a narrow hyaline space between the rim and the white color of center of squamae which is very noticeable. Abdomen black, the posterior margin of the first segment narrowly white. Posterior margins of other segments wide (see fig 42). Abdomen clothed with erect whitish pile. Venter white, the segments with a brownish black basal stripe, rather narrow except on first two, and suddenly widening near the lateral margins. Genitalia black. Coxae and femora black, apical third of femora yellowish. Tibiae yellowish, basal two-thirds darkened on outer side. Tarsi blackish and rather short, especially first joint. Femora with fine white pile. Wings hyaline. Costa and veins at base of wing brownish, yellow the rest of their length. Habitat. — Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, 7,200 feet elevation, August 24, 1915. Type.- — One male specimen in Cornell University collection. There are two male paratypes in the Kansas University collection, from Clark County, Kansas, June, elevation, 1,962 feet (F. H. Snow). A specimen from Fort Collins, Colorado, July 10, 1907, in the collection of C. W. Johnson, is very probably a female of this species. It is near melampus Loew. The white posterior mar- gins of the abdominal segments are very narrow on the first and second segments, gradually wider on the following segments, and rather irregular. Three small specimens in the National Museum collection may belong here. These are : one male from Mono Lake, California, June 21, 1911; a male from Los Angeles, California (Coquillett) ; a female from Salt Lake, LHah, June 26 (H. S. Barber). Ogcodes albiventris Oncodes albiventris Johnson, Psyche, xi, p. 18, (1904). "Head black, antennae yellow. Thorax and scutellum black, shining and covered with erect yellowish jiile. Abdomen white, and marked with black as TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 68 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA follows: first segment with a large dorsal spot, the other segments with a short transverse basal band, which extends only over the dorsal third, and from which projects posteriorly, except on the last segment, a short dorsal triangle; third and fourth segments with a small spot on each side of the dorsal line near the posterior margin; all the segments with a small lateral triangle, most prominent on the last three segments; venter white, with a single transverse band on the last segment; the entire abdomen covered with whitish hairs. Legs yellow, coxae and basal half of the femora black, tips of the tarsi brownish. Wings hyaUne, veins light yellow, tegulae whitish with a narrow hyaline margin. Length, 5 mm." One specimen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 18, 1896. Ogcodes borealis new species 9 . Head black. Thorax and humeral callosities black. Pleura mostly black, yellowish brown just below base of wing. Thoracic pile yellowish white. Scutellum black. Praescutellar callosities black, brown above next to thorax. Squamae infuscated and black rimmed, whitish pile on the surface. Abdomen blackish brown. Posterior borders of segments narrowly yellow- ish white, the band on first segment very narrow, wider on succeeding segments. Pile of body very short. Posterior margins of ventral segments yellowish white and the lateral margins of the second, third and fourth segments narrowly whitish. Legs pale brownish yellow, the coxae black. Wings slightly in- fuscated, the veins brown and distinct. Tijpe.— Montreal, Quebec. May 28, 1902. In collection of C. W. Johnson. Another specimen from St. Johns County, Quebec, is in the collection of C. W. Johnson. I have made this a paratype. In this specimen the squamae are more whitish hyaline. The venter is yellowish brown with darker lateral Inargins. This species can be recognized by the pale yellowish legs. Ogcodes rufoabdominalis new species (PI. XV, fig. 43.) (f. Head black. Antennae blackish brown. Thorax and scutellum black with bright yellow pile, which is quite thick and in some lights a pale golden color. Pleura black. Squamae whitish hyahne, yellowish near the yellow borders, and with short yellow pile. Halteres blackish brown. Abodmen orange yellow. Segments two to six with a basal blackish band which does not reach nearly to the lateral margins (see fig. 43). The incisures whitish. Pile of abdomen short, erect, and yellow. There is a blackish brown spot on the stigmata along the sides of the abdomen as in the male of dispar. Venter orange yellow with narrow whitish posterior margins. Genitalia blackish brown. Coxae mostly black, but with some yellowish brown coloring. Trochan- ters jet black. Femora and tibiae brownish yellow. Tarsal joints dark brown F. R. COLE 69 apically, ungues and last joint black. Wings almost hyaline, faintly infus- cated, especially along the costal border. Veins blackish brown and very distinct. Habitat. — Great Salt Lake, Utah, June 8, 1915. Collected by M. C. VanDuzee. Type. — One male specimen, in collection of M. C. VanDuzee. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 70 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Bibliography 1. Adams, C. F. 1903. Kans. Univ. Soc. Bull., 11: 32. 2. Aldrich, J. M. 1905. Cat. of N. American Diptera, pp. 219 to 221. 3. Bellardi, L. 1859. Saggio di Ditterologia Messicana, i: 77, i Tab. ii. 4. Bellardi, L. 1862. Saggio di Ditter., etc., appendix 17: 2. 5. Becher. 1882. Denkschr. Akad. Wien., xlv: 144. 6. Becker, T. 1887. Berlin, ent. Zeit., xxxi: 107. 7. BeutenmuUer. 1903. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist., xx: 89. 8. Bezzi, M. 1898. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital., xxx: 35. 9. Bezzi, M. 1903. Katalog. d. palaarkt. Dipt., ii: 90 to 96. 10. Bigot, J. 1856. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 3, iv: 65 and 87. 11. Bigot, J. 1859. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 3., vii: 210. 12. Bigot, J. 1878. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 5, viii. Bull., Ixxi. 13. Bigot, J. 1889. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 6, ix: 313 to 320. 14. Blanchard in Gay. 1852. [On Panops sp.] Hist. fis. y poUt. de Chile, Zool., vii: 375. 15. Boie, F. 1838. Naturhist. Tidskrift, ii:238. 16. Bonsdorf, E. J. 1861. Finlands tvivingade Insekter, i: 140. 17. Brethes, M. 1910. An. Mus. Buenos Aires, xx: 484. 18. Brauer, F. 1869. Verb. K. K. Zool.-botan. Gesell, Wein., 19:737 to 740. 19. Brauer, F. 1883. Denk. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, mathem.-natur. Kl., 47:61. 20. Brunetti, E. 1912. New Oriental Species of Pterodontia and Pialea. Rec. Ind. Mus., vii: 475. 21. Collin, J. E. 1909. Suppositious larva in egg bag of £/peim. Entomol- ogist, 42:97. 22. Costa, A. 1847. Annal. Acad. Nat. Napoli, ser. 2, i, Bollet. Ix. 23. Costa, A. 1854. Annal. sclent. Napoli, i:78. 24. Costa, A. 1856. ODescription of genus Opsebius.] Rendic. d. Soc. R. Borbon. Acad. Napoli, v: 20. 25. Coquebert, de Montbret. 1804. On Cyrtus (Syrphus) gibbus, etc. II- lustr. Icon. Is., p. 104. 26. Coquillett in Baker. 1904. Invertebrata Pacifica, i: 23. 27. Coucke, E. 1895. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belgique, xxxix: 229. 28. Curtis, J. 1826. Brit. Ent., viii: 110. 29. Dufour, L. 1833. Astomella, etc., Annal. Scien. Natur., xxx: 210. 30. Dufour. 1850. Astomella with fig. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 2, vii. 31. Duraeril, A. M. C. 1823. Consider, gener. Ins., p. 226. 32. Dunning, J. W. 1877. Species of Thyllis (Megalybus). Ent. Mo. Mag., xiii:261. F. R. COLE 71 33. Emerton, J. H. 1890. Acrocera sp. parastic on spiders, noticed and figured. Psyche, 5: 404. 34. Erichson, W. F. 1840. "Die Henopier." [A monograph of the family.] Entomographien, pp. 135 to 174. 35. Erichson, W. F. 1846. "tjber die Gattung Oncodes. Wiegmann Ar- chiv. f. Naturgesch., xii: p. 288. 36. Fabricius, J. C. 1775. Systema Entomologiae. General reference. 37. Fabricius, J. C. 1781. [Cyrtus (Syrphus) gibbus, Acrocera (Syrphus) orbiculus.] Species. Insect. General reference. 38. Fabricius, J. C. 1787. Mantissa Insectorum,ii: 340. 39. Fabricius, J. C. 1794. Entomol. System., iv: 311. 40. Fabricius, J. C. 1805. Systema Antliatorum, pp. 332 to 334. 41. Fallen, C. F. 1817. [Stratiomyidae — on Acrocera (Henops) globulus, etc.] Dipt. Suec. 42. Gerstaecker, C. E. A. 1856. Beitrag zur kenntnis der Henopier. Stettin. Ent. Zeit., xvii: 360. 43. Giard, A. 1894. [Habits of Oncodes pallipes.] Ann. Soc. Ent. France, p. cliii. 44. Gimmerthal, B. A. 1847. Bull. Soc. Imp. Moscow, xx: 167. 45. Gmelin, J. F. 1792. [Acrocera in old genus Musca.] Syst. Naturae, v:2875. 46. Gorham, H. S. 1902. Note on storing of Oncodes gibbosus by Crabro interruptus. Ent. Mo. Mag., xxxviii:205. 47. Gray in Griffith. 1832. Supplement to Diptera, Animal Kingdom, xv: 779; pi. 128, fig. 3. 48. Guerin-Meneville, F. E. 1835. Iconogr. d. Regne Anim., vii, Ins., 537. 49. Haliday, A. H. 1851. Stett. Ent. Zeit., xii: 136. 50. Hine, J. S. 1904. Note on Pterodontia misella. Canad. Ent. xxxvi: 87. 51. Hudson, G. V. 1892. Manual of New Zealand Entom., p. 56. 52. Hutton, F. W. 1881. Cat. New Zealand Dipt., p. 25. 53. Hutton, F. W. 1901. Henops nilens n. sp. Trans. N. Z. Inst., xxxiii: 27. 54. Hunter, W. D. 1901. Cat. of Dipt, of S. America. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. Phila., xxvii: 151. 55. Jaennicke, F. 1867. Neue Exotische Dipteren. Abhandl. der Sen- ckenb. Gesellschaft, vi: 351. 56. Jaennicke, F. 1867. [European species.] Berlin. Ent. Zeit., xi:77. 57. Johnson, C. W. 1898. Pterodpntia n. sp. from Somaliland. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila., p. 161. 58. Johnson, C. W. 1903. Notes on Oncodes and one new species. Ent. News, xiv: 64. 59. Johnson, C. W. 1904. Note on rearing Acrocera fa sciata. Psyche, xi: 16. 60. Johnson, C. W. 1915. Notes on the genus Acrocera. Psyche, xxii: 198 to 203. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 72 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Kertesz, K. 1908 to 1909. Catalogue Dipterorum: 4: 1 to 21. King, J. L. 1916. Observations on the Life History of Pterodontia flavipes Gray. Annals Ent. Soc. of Amer., ix: 309-321. Klug, J. C. F. 1807. [On Pterodontia waxeli (Henops).] Mag. d. Berlin Naturf. Ges., i: 265. Koch. 1872. Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna Tirols. Zeitschr. Ferdin. Innsbruck, xvii: 331. Konig, A. 1894. IJber die Larva von Ogcodes. Verh. der Zool.- botan. Gesell. Wien, 44: 163. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. d. M. d. 1804. Annal. d. Mus. d'Nat., iii: 263. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. d. M. d. 1816. Hist. Naturelle Animaux sans Vert., iii: 412. 1796. Precis, des. caracteres gen. d. Ins., p. 154. 1804. [Classification of the Group.] Diet. d'Hist. Latreille, P. A. Latreille, P. A. Nat., iii: 33. Latreille, P. A. Latreille, P. A. Latreille, P. A. Leprieur. 1847 Linnaeus. Linnaeus. Loew, H. Loew, H. Loew, H. Loew, H. 1758. 1767. 1844. 1845. 1850. 1857. 1809. Gen. Crust, et Ins., iv: 314 to 318. 1810. Consider. g6n6r., p. 393. 1811. Encyclop. Method., viii: 710. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, ser. 2, v, Bull. Ixxxi. Systema Naturae, Ed. x: 593. Systema Naturae, Ed. xii: 11. Stettin. Ent. Zeit., vi: 163. Stettin. Ent. Zeit., vi: 290. Stettin. Ent. Zeit., xi: 307. [The Genus Pithogaster (Opsebius).] Wien. Ent. Monatschr., i: 34. Loew, H. 1858. Ofvers. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Forhandl., xiv: 368. BerUn. Ent. Zeit., ii:346. Dipt. Fauna Sudafrikas, i:255. Berlin. Ent. Zeit., ix: 150. BerUn. Ent. Zeit., xiii: 166. 1870. Entomol. Reise siidl. Spanien, p. 221. Beschreib. europ. Dipt., ii: 64. Berlin. Ent. Zeit., xvi: 60. Beschreib. europ. Dipt., iii: 101. 1907. Diptera Danica., pp. 157 to 163. 1827. Ins. Dipt. d. Nord. d. 1. France, p. 413. 1. 1834. Hist. Nat. d. Ins., Dipt., Suit, k Buffon, i: 366. 1835. Suit, k Buffoij, ii: 515. I, tab. xxi. fig. 85b. 1838. Dipter. exotiq., 1, part 2: 166. 1846. Dipt, exot., suppl. i: 98. 1849. Dipt, exot., suppl. iv: 97, tab. ix, fig. 8. 1849. [On Physegaster etc.] Explor. scient. de Algeria, 1858. 1860. 1865. 1869. Loew, H. Loew, H. Loew, H. Loew, H. Loew in Heyden. Loew, H. 1871. Loew, H. 1872. Loew, H. 1873. Lundbeck, W. Macquart, J. Macquart, J. Macquart, J. Macquart. J. Macquart, J. Macquart, J. Macquart, J. Zool., iii: 445. F. R. COLE 73 97. MalIoch,J. R. 1915. Bull. 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., ii: 341. 98. Marchal, P. 1899. [Eggs and first stage larvae of Ogrcodes.] Bull. Soc. Ent. France, p. 286. 99. MaskeU, W. M. 1888. On Henops brunneus, Life History notes. Trans, and Proc. N. Z. Inst., 20: 106. 100. Meigen, J.W. 1803. Illiger's Mag. f. Ins., ii: 266.35. 101. Meigen, J. W. 1804. Klassif., i: 147 to 152. 102. Meigen, J.W. 1822. System. Beschr., iii: 92. 103. Meigen, J. W. 1838. System. Beschr., vii: 101. 104. Melander, A. L. 1902. Notes on the Acroceridae. Ent. News, xiii: 179. 105. Menge, A. 1866. Preussische Spinnen. Schrift. Danzig. Naturf. Ges. N. Folge, i: 37. 106. Meunier, F. 1910. Cyrtidae nouveau de I'ambre de la Baltique. Paris. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., pp. 177 to 179. 107. Meunier, F. 1912. [Eulonchiella eocenica new species in Baltic amber.] M6m. Soc. Sci. Ent. Fr., xxxvi: 177. 108. Mik, Josef. 1866. [On the genus Acrocera and Paracrocera.] Wien. Ent. Zeit., v: 276. 109. Montgomery, T. H. 1903. Studies on the habits of spiders, particularly those of the mating period. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila., 55 : 68. 110. Von Motschulsky. 1866. [On Thyllis nigroaenea.] Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc, 39: 183. 111. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1862. Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxiii: 128. 112. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1875. Wheeler's Rep. on Explor. and Surveys West of 100th Meridian, vol. v. Zoology, 804. 113. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1877. Western Diptera. Bull, of U. S. Geol. Survey of the Terr., 3: 277. 114. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1883. [Notes on Appeleia and description of Opsebins pterodontinus.] Bed. Ent. Zeit., xx\ai:297. 115. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1886. [Several new species described.] Biologia Centr.-Amer., Dipt., i: 163-166. 116. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1896. New genus of Cyrtidae from New Zealand {Helle). Ent. Mo. Mag., ser. 2, vii (xxxii), 16. 117. Osten Sacken, C. R. 1896. [On Paracrocera and Acrocera.] Berlin Ent. Zeit., xli: 324. 118. Panzer, G. W. F. 1802. [Acrocera globulus (Syrphus), etc.] Fauna Germ., Ixxxvi. 119. Perty, M. 1834. [Table and figure of Lasia.] Delectus Animalium articul. Brazil, p. 181. 120. Phihppi, R. A. 1865. [Several genera and species of Cyrtidae described from Chile.] Verb. Zool.-botan. Ges. Wien., xv: 641. 121. Philippi, R. A. 1871. [Arrhynchus and Thersites, new genera from Chile.] Stettin. Ent. Zeit., x-xxii : 291 . 122. Pokomy. 1886. Wien. Ent. Zeit., v: 195. 123. Pokorny. 1887. [European species.] Verb. Zool.-botan. Ges. Wien, xxxvii: 387. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 74 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA 124. Pokorny. 1889. Verb. Zool.-botan. Ges. Wien, xxxix: 547. 125. Ricardo. 1901. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vii: 105. 126. Roder. 1881. Berlin. Ent. Zeit., xxv: 214. 127. Roder. 1882. [Lasia sp., synonomy.] Stett. Ent. Zeit., xliii:510. 128. Roder. 1883. Dipterol. Separata, pp. 7 to 8. 129. Rondani, C. 1863. Lasia sp. from Chile. Arch, per la Zool., Modena, iii:75. 130. Rondani, C. Mem. R. Acad. Tor., ser. 2, tom., xxi: 74. 131. Rossi. F. W. 1790. Fauna Etrusca, iii: 293. 132. Rossi, F. W. 1807. Fauna Etrusca, ed. ii: 452. 133. Schiner, J. R. 1862. Fauna Austr., Dipt., i: 71. 134. Schiner, J. R. 1868. Reise der Novara, pp. 140 to 144. 135. Speiser, P. 1910. Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., x: 74. 136. Strobl, P. G. 1893. Mitth. Natur. Ver. Steir., xii: 33. 137. St. Fargeau and Serville. Encyclop. Method., x: 776. 138. Thomson, C. T. 1869. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa, Omkring Jordan, Dipt, p., 475. 139. Thunberg, C. P. 1827. Nova Acta Upsala., xi: 74. 140. Tief. 1887. Programm aus dem Jahresberichte des k.k. Gymnasiums zu Villach in Karnten, xvii : 2. 141. Townsend, C. H. T. Notes on Diptera of Baja California. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, no. 4, p. 607. 142. Verrall, G. H. British Diptera, v: 447 to 469. 143. deVilliers, C. J. 1789. [Cyrtus gribfeus (Empis acephalus), with fig.] En- tomol. Liim., iii: 572, tab. x, fig. 21. 144. Walker, F. 1849. List. Dipt. Brit. Mus., iii: 513. 145. Walker, F. 1851. Insecta Brittanica, i: 44-46. 146. Walker, F. 1854. Insecta Saunders, i: 195. 147. Wandolleck, B. 1894. [Structure of head, antennae and mouth of Henopii.] Sitz. Ber. Ges. Naturf. Berlin, pp. 92 to 97. 148. Wandolleck, B. 1906. [Ogcodes doddi, Queensland.] Trans. Ent. Soc. London, p. 131. 149. Wandolleck, B. 1909. Ogcodes, Mundoffnung. Zool. Anzeig., 34:549. 150. Westwood, J. O. 1835. London and Edinb. Philos. Mag. and Journal of Science, vi: 447. 151. Westwood, J. O. 1838. Isis, ii:85. 152. Westwood, J. O. 1848. Descriptions of some new exotic species of Acroceridae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., v: 91 to 98. 153. Westwood, J. O. 1876. Descriptions of new genera and species of Acroceridae. Several figures. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., pp. 507 to 518. 154. Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1819. Psilodera (Cyrtus). Zool. Mag., 1:3, 15.20. 155. Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1824. Analecta Entomol., Aussereur Zweifl. Ins., i: 329, tab. and fig. F. R. COLE 75 156. Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1830. Familie der Feistfliegen (Inflatae). [Ten sp. described, Acrocera fasciata from Georgia.] Aussereurop. zwei- flug. Ins., ii: 13 to 20. 157. Williston, S. W. 1886. Dipterological Notes and Descriptions. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. xiii: 294. 158. Williston, S. W. 1901. Biologia Centr.-Amer., Dipt, i: 165. 159. Williston, S. W. 1908. Manual N. Amer. Dipt., pp. 182 to 185. 160. Van der Wulp, F. M. 1867. Tijdschr. v. Ent., xxv: 88. 161. Zetterstedt, J. W. 1838. Ins. Lapponica, Dipt., p. 573. 162. Zetterstedt, J. W. 1842. Dipt. Scand., i: 229 to 233. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 76 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA EXPLANATION OF PLATES All figures were drawn free hand by the author and unless otherwise stated, the drawings were made from the specimens. A binocular microscope was used in this work. Plate I ■ Types of wing venation in the Cyrtidae Fig. 1. Actual length, 15.5 mm. The lettering as in Verrall's figure in Brit- ish Diptera. a. Costal vein. b. Auxiliary Vein. c. First long- itudinal vein. d. Second longitudinal vein. e. Third longitudinal vein, el Upper branch of the fork of third vein, e- Lower branch of the fork of third vein. f. Fourth longitudinal vein, f^ Upper branch of fourth vein, f^ Second branch of fourth vein, f^ Third branch of fourth vein. g. Fifth longitudinal vein, gi Upper branch of the fifth longitudinal fork, g^ Lower branch of the fifth longitudinal fork. h. Sixth longitudinal or anal vein. i. Auxiliary vein. Fraefurca — common stem of second and third veins. Am- bient vein — continuation of costa around the posterior wing margin, w. Humeral cross-vein. x. Discal or middle cross-vein. y. Lower cross-vein. Anal cross-vein — g^ (lower branch of fifth vein). 1. Costal cell. 2. Subcostal cell. 3. Marginal cell. 4. Submarginal cell. 4a. Second submarginal cell. 5. First posterior cell. 6. Discal cell. 6a. Second posterior cell. 6b. Third pos- terior cell. 7. Fifth posterior cell. 8. Auxiliary cell. 9a. Upper (or first) basal cell. 9a-. Second upper (or outer first) basal cell. 9b. Second basal cell. 9c. Anal cell. 10. Alula. Fig. 2. — Actual length, 7 mm. Fig. 3. — Actual length, 9 mm. Fig. 4. — Actual length, 5.5 mm. Fig. 5. — Actual length, 7 mm. Redrawn from Verrall. Fig. 6. — Actual length, 8 mm. Fig. 7. — Actual length, 5 mm. Fig. 8. — Actual length, 6 mm. Fig. 9. — Actual length, 4.2 mm. Plate II Fig. 10. — Lasia scrihae O. S. Fig. 10a. — Lasia scrihae O. S. Head from front, with proboscis and antennae cut away. Fig. 11. — Lasia scrihae O. S. Outline drawing of side view. F. R. COLE 77 Plate III Fig. 12. — Ocnaea loewi new species. Fig. 12a. — Ocnaea loewi new species. Ocelli and base of antennae from above much enlarged. Fig. 12c. — Ocnaea loeivi new species. Antenna much enlarged. Third joint from inner side. Fig. 13. — Ocnaea schwarzi new species. Fig. 13a. — Oncaea schwarzi new species. Outline drawing from side. Fig. 13b. — Ocnaea schwarzi new species. Ocelli and base of antennae from above, greatly enlarged. Plate IV Fig. 14. — Abdomen of Ocnaea coerulea new species. Fig. 14a. — Ocnaea coerulea new species. Outline drawing of head, from side. Fig. 14b. — Ocnaea coerulea new species. Outline drawing of antenna. Greatly enlarged. Fig. 14c. — Wing of Ocnaea coerulea new species. Fig. 15. — Ocnaea grossa O. S. Redrawn from Van der Wulp's figure in the Biologia. Fig. 16. — Eulonchus smaragdinus Gerst. Fig. 16a. — Blunt type of antenna of Eulonchus smaragdinus. Fig. 16b. — Eulonchus smaragdinus Gerst. Sharp pointed type of antenna of same species. Fig. 16c. — Eulonchus smaragdinus Gerst. Outline drawing of head from front. Fig. 16d. — Eulonchus smaragdinus Gerst. Outline drawing of ocellar tubercle. Greatly enlarged. Fig. 17. — End of wing of Eulonchus marginatus O. S. Fig. 17a. — Antenna of Eulonchus marginatus. Fig. 17b. — Eulonchus marginatus. Outline drawing of head from front. Plate V Fig. 18. — Eulonchus tristis Loew. Fig. 18a. — Eulonchus tristis Loew. Antenna greatly enlarged. Fig. 18b. — Eulonchus tristis Loew. Outline drawing of head from front. Fig. 19. — Eulonchus sapphirinus O. S. Fig. 19a. — Eulonchus sapphirinus O. S. Outline drawing of head from front. Figs. 19b and 19c. — Eulonchus sapphirinus O.S. Types of antennae. Greatly enlarged. Fig. 19d. — Wing of variety of Eulonchus sapphirinus. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 78 CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Plate VI Fig. 20. — Pterodontia analis Westw. Fig. 20a. — Pterodontia analis Westw. Antenna, much enlarged. Fig. 21. — Pterodontia johnsoni new species. Wing. Fig. 21a. — Pterodontia johnsoni new species. Two views of antenna. Fig. 21b. — Pterodontia johnsoni new species. Last tarsal segment, with un- gues. Much enlarged. Fig. 22. — Pterodontia flavipes Gray. Fig. 22a. — Pterodontia flavipes Gray. Antenna, much enlarged. Plate VII Fig. 23. — Opsebius diligens O. S. Fig. 24. — Opsebius sulphuripes Loew. Plate VIII Fig. 25 — Opsebius pauciis O. S. Fig. 25a. — Wing of Opsebius species near paucus. Fig. 26 — Opsebius pterodontinus O. S. Plate IX Fig. 27. — Acrocera bulla Westw., cf . Fig. 27a. — Acrocera bulla Westw., cf. Dorsal view of abdomen. Fig. 27b — Acrocera bulla Westw. Female genitalia. Much enlarged. • Fig. 27c. — Acrocera bulla Westw. Male genitalia. Much enlarged. Fig. 27d. — Acrocera bulla Westw. Head from above. Much enlarged. Fig. 28. — Acrocera bakeri var. arizonensis new variety. Plate X Fig. 29. — Acrocera convexa new species. Fig. 29a. — Acrocera convexa new species. Abdomen from above. Fig. 30. — Acrocera liturata WilUston. Fig. 31. — Acrocera hubbardi new species. Plate XI Fig. 32. — Acrocera bimaculata Loew. Fig. 32a. — Acrocera bimaculata Loew. Female genitaUa. Much enlarged. Fig. 33. — Acrocera fasciata Wiedemann. Plate XII Fig. 34. — Acrocera bakeri Coquillett. From type. Fig. 35. — Acrocera nigrina Westw. Fig. 35a. — Acrocera nigrina Westw. Dorsal view of abdomen. Fig. 36. — Acrocera obsoleta V. d. W. Abdomen from above. Fig 36a— Acrocera obsoleta V. d. W. Abdomen of female from side. Fig. 36b — Acrocera obsoleta V. d. W. Dorsal view of male abdomen. Fig. 36c. — Acrocera obsoleta V. d. W. Lateral view of male abdomen. F. R. COLE 79 Plate XIII Fig. 37. — Acrocera unguiculata Westw. Fig. 37a. — Acrocera unguiculata Westw. Dorsal view of abdomen (drawn from another specimen) . Fig. 37b. — Acrocera unguiculata Westw. Head from above. Much enlarged. Fig. 38. — Acrocera subfasciata Westw. Fig. 3Sa. — Acrocera subfasciata Westw. Dorsum of thorax. Plate XIV Fig. 39. — Ogcodes dispar Macquart. Female. Fig. 39a. — Ogcodes dispar Macquart. Male. Fig. 40. — Ogcodes costatus Loew. Plate XV Fig. 41. — Ogcodes niger new species, 9 . Fig. 42. — Ogcodes marginatus new species. Dorsum of abdomen, cf. Fig. 43. — Ogcodes rufoabdominalis new species. Dorsum of abdomen, cf . Fig. 45. — Male genitalia of Ogcodes dispar Macquart. Much enlarged. Fig. 46. — Male genitalia of Ogcodes costatus Loew. Much enlarged: a. from abovp; b. from side. Fig. 47. — Male genitalia of Ogcodes incultus O. S. Much enlarged. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. REHN AND HEBARD 81 A NEW SPECIES OF GRASSHOPPER OF THE GENUS CHLOEALTIS (ACRIDINAE) FROM THE PACIFIC COAST BY JAMES A. G. REHN AND MORGAN HEBARD In Oregon, a short distance north of the Cahfornia Hne, the raih'oad between Portland and San Francisco winds its course up from the Rogue River Valley into the eastern portion of the Siskiyou Mountains, and, finding a way through, drops into the broad Klamath River region of California. At the little station of Siskiyou, at forty-one hundred feet elevation, is the highest point of this crossing of the mountains. The heavily wooded slopes rise sharply from the little valley, up which the railroad winds its way to the tunnel piercing the final barrier of the mountains. On August 13, 1909, the authors spent some hours collecting Orthoptera in this vicinity, examining particularly the slopes to the west of the track, reaching the summit of the ridge on that side, which is at an elevation of fifty-eight hundred feet. From forty-two hundred to five thousand feet, the very steep slopes were covered with a heavy and truly magnificent forest of fir and pine, above which alpine hemlock became e\ddent and the whole forest more open with scanty undergrowth. At fifty-six hundred feet we entered a summit bald, treeless but covered with an almost impenetrable bushj^ scrub, four to five feet high, through which were scattered grassy areas, especially along the lower edge of the bald. In the more open forest above five thousand feet and in the grassy areas of the summit bald we found a most active grasshopper belonging to the genus Chloealtis. Knowing the interest attached to the capture of this genus many hundreds of miles away from the previously known occurrence of either of its species, we made special effort to secure individuals. It was, however, not common, and we were compelled to be satisfied with a series of two males, three females and one immature female. In the timber we found the species near dead branches and its oviposition is doubtless performed in a similar fashion to that of the other species of the genus. The form is quite distinct from the others of the genus and we here describe it. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 6 82 A NEW CHLOEALTIS (aCRIDINAe) Chloealtis aspasma' new species A striking species which can be readily distinguished from both of the previously known species of the genus {conspersa and ahdominalis) by the more slender form, the more produced and distinctly acute-angulate fastigium when seen from the dorsum, in both sexes, the more retreating face and more produced f astigio- facial angle and the distinctly obtuse-angulate caudal margin of the pronotal disk. The female sex has, in addition, one feature which is interesting in its bearing on the value of a classic dif- ferential character used in the subfamily Acridinae (Truxalinae). The fastigium in C. conspersa has no appreciable lateral foveolae in either sex; in C. ahdominalis we find hardly any more indication although the fastigial margins are broader; in C. aspasma the male sex has indications of foveolae, which are lateral and hardly visi- ble from the dorsum, while in the female sex we find similar indi- cations which are clearly visible from the dorsum. The three species are unquestionably congeneric, with aspasma showing affinity with each of the others in certain features. In the general pronotal form the new species more nearly resembles ahdominalis, in the tegminal structure of both sexes it approaches conspersa more nearly than ahdominalis, the form and sculpture of the ovipositor jaws is also more like the condition found in conspersa than in ahdominalis, while the form of the caudal limbs is more as in ahdominalis. The indication of the lateral foveolae with fair distinctness, and also their visibility from the dorsal surface in the female sex, im- mediately suggests relationship with the Gomphoceri and Scyllini sections of the subfamily. It would seem from the evidence of the genus Chloealtis, as well as tendencies observed in other genera of the subfamily, that, unless deeply excavate and sharply de- limited, the pitting of the lateral foveolae is not as fundamental a character as generally supposed. This also would appear to be true of the exact position of the lateral foveolae, when indicated, as we have in the present species proof of their position differing in the sexes of the same form. That the sexes in hand represent one species, and that this species is a member of the genus Chloealtis are incontestable conclusions, from which we are natur- ally led to deduct that the dorsal position of the lateral foveolae ^ From iawaava , welcome. REHN AND HEBARD 83 is not as invariable an indication of the Gomphoceri-Scyllini division of the subfamily as had previously been supposed. Tendencies similar to those found in C. aspasma are indicated in the South American genus Cocytotettix, but to a less marked degree. Figure 1. Chloealtis aspasma nevf species. Lateral view of type. (X 4) Type. — 9; Siskiyou, Siskiyou Mountains, Jackson County, Oregon. Elevation, 5000 to 5800 feet. August 13, 1909. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 483.] Description of Type. — Size small (for the genus) : form moderately com- pressed. Head with its exposed dorsal length slightly less than the dorsal length of pronotal disk, not elevated dorsad of same; interspace between eyes subequal to two-thirds of greatest fastigial width: fastigium with length from eye interspace less than greatest fastigial width, in form slightly more acute than a right-angle when seen from the dorsum, the apex rounded, the dorsal surface of fastigium weakly impressed within its margins, a faint medio-longi- tudinal carina present on the fastigium and interocular region, becoming obso- lete on the occiput: lateral foveolar surfaces visible from the dorsum, the sur- faces directed distinctly dorso-cephalad, the impression of the foveolae formed of punctures and without clearly defined shape; fastigio-facial angle, when seen in profile, rather narrowly rounded, face decidedly retreating; frontal costa relatively broad, narrowed dorsad at its junction with the fastigium, subequal in width thence to the median ocellus, thence the margins of the costa regularly diverge and become subobsolete ventrad; surface of the costa rather thickly punctate, faintly and narrowly sulcate mesad for a short distance ventrad of the median ocellus: eyes in basal outline short and broad ovoid, the length of the eye less than the depth of the infra-ocular portion of the genae; when seen from the dorsum the eyes are not at all prominent: antennae almost two and one-half times as long as pronotal disk, flattened to some extent in the greater portion of their length, weakly expanded in proximal thiril. Pronotum with greatest caudal width of its dorsal surface contained one and one-half times in the greatest length of the same: cephalic margin of disk moderately arcuate, caudal margin of disk broad obtuse-angulate, the im- TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV, 84- A NEW CHLOEALTIS (aCRIDINAe) Figures 2 and 3. ChloeaUis aspasma new species. Dorsal outlines of head and pronotum of male allotype (fig. 2) and female type (fig. 3). (X 4) mediate angle entire and not markedly rounded; lateral carina of pronotal disk distinct, in general arcuate, appreciably converging caudad to slightly before the middle of the pronotum, thence di- verging at about the same angle to the caudal pronotal margin, when seen from the side the lateral carina is apprecia- bly bent-arcuate dorsad, the least wddth of the pronotal disk is equal to slightly more than three-fourths that of the cephalic margin of the same; median carina decided, straight when seen in profile; transverse sulcus intersecting the median and lateral carinae faintly caudad of the middle of the disk: lateral lobes of the pronotum slightly longer than deep, cephalic margin faintly sinuate, ventro- cephahc angle rounded obtuse-angulate, ventral margin strongly sin uate-emarginate cephalad, straight caudad, ventro-caudal angle rounded rectangulate, caudal mar- gin moderately obhque, faintlj' sinuate. Tegmina equal in length to that of the head and pronotum combined, falling considerably short of the apex of the abdomen, in form elongate lanceolate, the greatest width, which is faintly proximad of the middle, contained two and three-fifths times in the greatest length, apex narrowly rounded: mar- ginal field moderately expanded, regularly narromng distad from point of greatest width of tegmen, the costal margin rounded obtuse-angulate at point of greatest width: venation well indicated. Wings greatly reduced. Mesosternum with interspace subquadrate, weakly transverse, slightly widening caudad, caudo-internal angles of mesosternal lobes broadly rounded: metasternum with interspace moderately transverse, about two-thirds as A\-ide as the mesosternal interspace. Abdomen distinctly compressed, with a prominent medio-longitudinal carina dorsad and a similar but less decided one ventrad: supra-anal plate elongate semi-elliptical in marginal outhne, the apex weakly angulate, in transverse section the i)late is arcuate, with a trans- verse depressed section, poorly defined, mesad: cerci short, styliform: dorsal ovipositor jaws short, deep, robust, of the general type foimd in the other species of the genus, the apices strongly recurved, the dorsal surface deeply concavo-excavate, main external marginal cusp rather low, long, compressed, the margin of the same as a whole entire but with very minute serrulations evident under medium magnification, basal cusp decided, subpyramidical, transverse, its margin finely serrulate; ventral ovipositor jaws moderately compressed, apices little decurved, ventral marginal tooth rectangulate at apex. Cephalic and median limbs relatively slender. Caudal femora moderately slender, the length three times as long as the dorsum of the pronotum, greatest depth contained nearly four and one-half times in greatest length of same: caudal tibiae slightly shorter than the caudal femora, external margin with eleven to twelve s])inos, internal margin with twelve spines; internal calcaria moderately unetiual, the dorsal the shorter. REHN AXD HEBARD »0 Allotype. — cf; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Description of Allotype. Differing from the description of the type in the fol- lowing features. Fastigium with greatest width subequal to length of same from eye inter- space, in form distinctly acute-angulate when seen from the dorsum, the im- mediate apex blunt and rounded, the dorsal surface of fastigium broadly but shallowly impressed, the margins appreciably and the median carina sUghtly elevated: lateral foveolar surfaces hardly visiljle from the dorsum, not reflected toward the dorsal surface, impression of same as in female but more con- centrated and limits more evident; fastigio-facial angle, when seen in profile, more narrowly rounded than in female, face more retreating: frontal costa narrower, faintly constricted at median ocellus, distinctly sulcate for a con- siderable distance dorsad and a lesser distance ventrad of the same : eyes with greatest length subequal to the greatest depth of the infra-ocular portion of genae, cephalic margin of basal outline less strongly truncate, more arcuate: antennae about two and two-thirds times as long as the pronotal disk, flattening of segments less extensive than in female. Pronotum with cephalic margin of disk weakly obtuse-angulate, caudal margin of same with angulation obtuse but slightly more marked in degree than in the female: lateral lobes with ventral margin oblique truncate cephalad, caudal margin faintly concave. Tegmina falhng short of the apex of the abdomen by about the length of the pronotal disk, the discoidal field weakly inflated; greatest width of marginal and discoidal fields combined subequal to greatest depth of caudal femur, greatest width of these fields at distal fourth; marginal field with expansion regular from the very weak basal lobe to the distal fourth, thence the marginal field is rather sharply emarginate and nar- rowed to the apex of tegmen. Wings greatly reduced. Metasternal interspace slightly more narrow than in female. Al^donien compressed, carinate dorsad, non-carinate ventrad: supra-anal plate trigonal, apex acute, lateral margins sinuate and broken at proximal third, a transverse depression present here, a broad medio-longitudinal one present proximad and the distal third of plate is slightly elevated: cerci simple, heavy, styliform, reaching to apex of supra-anal plate: subgenital plate weakly compressed, faintly rostrate, apex bluntly produced. Caudal femora with length slightly more than three times as long as the pro- notal disk, caudal tibiae with twelve to thirteen spines on external, and twelve on internal margins. Color Azotes. — ^General cojor ranging from argus brown to mummy l)rown, occasionally (type and allotypic male) with dorsal surface of head, pronotum, abdomen and greater portion of tegmina ochraceous-tawny to buckthorn brown. Rarely (allotypic male) this paler area is hardly indicated on head and prono- tum, and is tawny on the abdomen and dull buckthorn brown on tegmina. Face occasionally (allotyjiic male) paler — buckthorn brown, this due to a reduc- tion in the number of dark specklings which deepen the general tone in the other individuals: antennae ochraceous-tawny to russet, darkened with prout's brown distad : eyes mars brown to saccardo's umber, but little contrasted with TRANS. A.M. ENT. .SOC, XLV. 86 A NEW CHLOEALTIS (aCRIDINAe) dorsal surface. General color of genae, lateral lobes of pronotiim and pleura contrasted with pale dorsum in specimens having latter, giving the impression of broad, dark, poorly defined post-ocular bars, in both males augmented by poorly defined fuscous blotches on the lateral lobes and less distinctly so on the postocular section of genae. Tegmina in all at least faintly paler than the sides of the body, generally finely quadrato-maculate on anal, and in one case (type) on discoidal, field with the general color; vicinity of marginal field of general color. Abdomen with dorsal surface always paler than lateral surfaces, con- trast decided. Limbs as a whole of the general color: caudal femora with three indefinite pale cross bars on dorsal surface, these occasionally subobsolete; ex- ternal surface of caudal femora with a small, median, pale spot ; ventral surface of caudal femora and ventral surface of body ranging from dresden brown to weak ochraceous-orange, the apex of ventral surface of male abdomen clear ochraceous-orange, genicular region of caudal femora and proximal portion of caudal tibiae infuscate: caudal tibiae ranging from ferruginous to english red, distal extremity, and to a lesser degree caudal tarsi, infuscate ; spines black tipped. The female in instar preceding maturity has a generally uniform medal bronze coloration, the caudal femora tending toward citrine, caudal tibiae with suggestion of the coloration of the same in adult. Measurements {in millimeters) Length of Length of Greatest Length of Greatest Length of body pronotum caudal tegmen width of caudal width of tegmen femur pronotal disli d'allotype 17.5 3.6 2.1 8.6 2.5 11.6 d'paratype 17 3.4 2.2 8.4 2.4 11 9type 23 4.2 2.8 7.3 2.9 13 9paratype 23.5 4.5 3 8 3 13 9paratype 23.4 4.9 3.1 8.4 3 14.5 In addition to the typical pair we have before us the other specimens (Icf, 29, 1 immature?) secured at the same time. The female paratypes show more indication of sulcation of the frontal costa than the type, one appreciably more. In the female paratypes the tegmina are slightly more tapering distad than in the type. The immature female in the instar preceding maturity is of particular interest, as it has the lateral foveolae well indicated, but no more evident from the dorsal surface than in the adult male. This would indicate that this condition in the adult fe- male is not a primitive one. Tentative Key to Species of the Genus Chloealtls The present key is based solely on the more evident features of the species and their use here is not to be understood as an ex- REHN AND HEBARD 87 pression of opinion by the authors as to their real importance. The key is a largely artificial means for recognizing the species of the genus — more than that is not expected of it by the authors. A. Caudal margin of disk of pronotum truncate. Lateral carina of pronotum weekly incurved. Caudal femora proportionately more robust. (Lateral foveolae not evident.) conspersa Harris AA. Caudal margin of disk of pronotum obtuse-angulate. Lateral carina of pronotum markedly incurved or in-bent on prozona. Caudal femora pro- portionately more slender. B. Form more compressed. Caudal margin of disk of pronotum weakly obtuse-angulate. Face moderately retreating. Female with lateral foveolae of fastigium not evident. Tegmina of male broad, considerably inflated; of female (normal type) shorter, broad ovate-lanceolate. abdominalis (Thomas) Bp. Form less compressed. Caudal margin of disk of pronotum distinctly obtuse-angulate. Face markedly retreating. Female with lateral foveolae of fastigium indicated by strongly punctate depressions, visible from dorsum. Tegmina of male of average width, weakly inflated; of female longer, elongate lanceolate aspasma new species TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. CONTENTS The Dipterous Family Cyrtidae in North America. By F. R. Cole 1 (Issue April 10, 1919.) APR 11 "i 9 A New Species of Grasshopper of the Genus Chloealtis (Acridinae) from the Pacific Coast. By James A. G. Rehn and Morgan Hebard 81 (Issued AQr^yO 1919.) VOLUME XLV NUMBER 2 JUNE, 1919 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMEEICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOL'OGICAL SOCIETY AT THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOUR DOLLARS PER VOLUME THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PHILADELPHIA Founded 1859 Incorporated 1862 Organized as "The Entomological Society of Philadelphia," the present title was adopted February 11, 1867. President Henry Skinner Vice-President James A. G. Rehn Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Morgan Hebard George M. Greene Treasurer ' Ezra T. Cresson Publication Committee Finance Committee Property Committee James A. G. Rehn James A. G. Rehn Ezra T. Cresson, Jr. Editor Chairman Librarian and Custodian Ezra T. Cresson D. M. Castle Morgan Hebard Philip P. Calvert Morgan Hebard Philip Laurent Meetings held (alternately with those of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) on the fourth Thursday of September, October, November, January, February, March, April and May, and on the second Monday of June and December (annual meeting). The offices, meeting room, library and collections of the Society are in the Entomological Department of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Logan Square. Serial Publications of the Society Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, volumes I-VI, 1861-1867. Out of print and cannot be supplied. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, volumes I-IV, out of print and can- not be supplied; V-X, $5.00 per volume; XI-XLV, $4.00 per volume. Published in annual volumes of quarterly parts. The Practical Entomologist, volumes I-II, 1865-1867. Price, $1.00 for the two volumes. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, number 1, 1916, price $2.00; number 2, 1917, price $4.50; number 3, 1919, price $1.50. PubUshed irregularly. Entomological News, volumes I-XXX. Price $2.00 per volume. Published in con- junction with the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Various irregular, non-serial publications have been issued, which may be found in our price lists under their respective authors. To establish the date of issue, each paper, as soon as completed, is placed on. sale and a copy of it is mailed to each of the following institutions, with a request that it be placed in their library for reference. Boston Society of Natural History Field Museum of Natural History American Museum of Natural History California Academy of Sciences Smithsonian Institution Entomological Society of Ontario Separates of papers published in the Proceedings and Transactions, if not out of print, can be supplied at prices given in our price lists, which are sent upon application, stating order or orders desired. The Society has also inaugurated a system of subscription to papers published by it on individual orders, which arrangement is of material benefit to the student who desires promptly the literature on any special group, but who does not desire to subscribe to entire volumes of the Transactions. A method of notification of the appearance in its publications of papers relating to individual orders or subjects has been developed by the Society. Information concerning these arrangements supplied upon application. In sending subscriptions or in making inquiries relative to publications, address: THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Publication Department, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Logan Square. MORGAN HEBARD 89 STUDIES IN THE DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA OF COLOMBIA FIRST PAPER Dermaptera and Orthopterous Families Blattidae, Mantidae and Phasmidae BY morgan HEBARD In undertaking the study of Dermaptera^ and Orthoptera from Panama, we have found that a good beginning has been made for Costa Rica, to the north of that region, but for Colombia, to the south, all that appear in the literature are scattered de- scriptions of new species or records of previously known forms. In consequence, in order to have a better understanding of this portion of the Colombian fauna, we have assembled all the mate- rial available from the country and present in the present paper the results for the Dermaptera and first three families of the Orthoptera. The series at hand are much smaller than is desirable and it is patent that only a fraction of the Colombian species are repre- sented. The material is, however, much more representative than any previously reported and furnishes striking evidence of the multitude of species which occur in that country, so varied in topography and environmental conditions. The lack of previous study is shown by the fact that of the seventy species here considered, thirty-five are new to science, these including nine new genera. Two hundred Colombian speci- mens are recorded, in addition to which a number of exotic specimens of the same or allied species are discussed. We wish to extend our hearty thanks to Mr. James A. G. Rehn, of the Academy of Natural Sciences and to Mr. A. N. Caudell, of the United States National Museum, for the privilege of studying the Colombian material under their care. We would note that the Colombian series is comprised of a few small collections and a number of individuals from widely ' This i)ortion of that work has been pubHshed. Trans. Am. Ent. See, xliii, pp. 301 to 334, (1917). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 1 90 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA scattered localities. The best of the small collections are from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the north, on the coast of the Caribbean; from the Cordillera Oriental, in the department of Santander, in the central northern interior; from the valleys about the Cordillera Oriental, in Cimdinamarca, in central Colombia, and from the Cordillera Occidental, in the department of Cauca, western Colombia. Little affinity is shown to the Panamanian fauna by these series, all from regions separated by decided nat- ural barriers, or of widely different character, from low-lying Panama. It is probable, however, that in the lower portions of northern Cauca and eastern coastal Bolivar, the fauna is very similar to that of Panama. Hardly any material whatever is obtainable from the eastern lowlands in the Orinoco and Amazon drainage. DERMAPTERA PSALIDAE PSALINAE Psalis apolinari- new species (Plate XVI, fig. 1.) This insect is apparently closely related to P. peruviana (Bor- mans).^ The present female, when compared with the descrip- tion of the unique male type of that species, is found to have the pronotum much shorter and more nearly quadrate and the tegmina decidedly broader. The caudal portion of the occiput is much paler in the present insect, but this may be due to individual variation. The scent glands are obsolete, the abdomen decidedly broader and the forceps decidedly longer, these features repre- senting possibly only sexual differences. The darkened knees and single heavier tooth on each arm of the forceps are striking features in both peruviana and apolinari. 2 We take pleasure in naming this and other interesting species in the present paper for Hermano Apolinar Maria, Doctor of the Natural Sciences in the Instituto de la Salle, Bogota, Colombia. It is through his kind cooperation that a large portion of the material treated in the present paper has been made available for study. 3 1880. Anisolabis peruviana Bormans, Anal. Soc. Espau. Hist. Nat., ix, p. 505. [cf, Central Peru.] Figured by Burr (Gen. Ins., Fasc. 122, Derniap- tera, pi. iii, fig. 3, (1911) ) as Euhordlia peruviana. This generic assignment is untenable; it was based solely on the fact that the species has rudimentary tegmina. MORGAN HEBARD 91 Type. — 9 ; Pamplona, Santander, Colombia. Elevation, 7700 feet. May, 1916. From A. Maria. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 441.] " Size much smaller than in P. americana, close to that of penmana; body robust, abdomen expanding and decidedly broadest meso-distad. Head with sutures distinct but represented by mere lines, occiput smooth and convex. Eyes small, much shorter than cheeks. Antennae with ten joints which are sup- plied with very few microscopic hairs; first joint very elongate and slender, nearly as long as width between antennal sockets; second joint minute, quad- rate; third elongate, slender, three times as long as width, which is subequal throughout; fourth twice as long as greatest width; succeeding joints increasing in length and more slender distad, but all showing a weak convexity of the lateral margins, not tubular as is the third. Pronotum subquadrate, sur- face weakly convex proximad with a very fine medio-longitudinal sulcus; lateral margins weakly cingulate and feebly diverging caudad; caudal angles rec- tangulate, more broadly rounded than the rectangulate, sharply roundedcephalic angles; caudal margin transverse. Tegmina represented by small, broad ovate, lateral pads, extending very slightly beyond the caudal margin of the mesonotum. Wings absent. Metanotum with caudal margin broadly concave. Abdomen smooth, broadening to fifth dorsal segment, stink glands obsolete. Ultimate dorsal abdominal segment broad, smooth, with a weak medio-longitudinal sulcus becoming gradually heavier toward the caudal margin, along wliich margin, between the bases of the forceps, is a narrow, transverse, depressed area. Forceps heavy, triquetrous proximad, flattened distad and curving weakly to the acute apex; internal margin with a heavy tooth just beyond end of proximal third, succeeded by a few, irregular, decidedly smaller, blunt teeth. Penultimate ventral abdominal segment with distal margin nearly rectangulate with apex broadly rounded. Limbs elongate and slender. Caudal metatarsus with ventral surface heavily supplied with hairs and with an internal and external row of rather closely set spines,'' the external row not continued to distal portion of joint. , Length of body, 15.6; head, 3.8; pronotum, 2.9; exposed portion of tegmen, L8; forceps, 5.1; caudal femur, 4.3 mm. Width of occiput, 3.2; pronotum, 3; tegmen, 1.4; lateral portion of tegmen, .8; dorsal portion of tegmen, 1; abdo- men at fifth dorsal segment, 5.6 mm. ^ Lacking an internal fringe of lamellae as found in Anisolahis maritima, Euborellia annulipes and scudderi, or an internal fringe of very closely set hairs as in Psalis americana and compacta and in Spandex percheron. The arma- ment of the ventral surface of the metatarsus may prove a valuable generic feature in the Psalinae. At the present time the genera Psalis, Anisolahis, Spandex, Metalabis and Euborellia offer a number of vexing problems. With- out a monographic study of this group we would hesitate to erect a new genus for the present species with its distinctive metatarsal armament. When such work has been done, however, it is probable that this and other features will oblige generic separation. TRANS. AM. ENT, SOC, XLV. 92 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Surface smooth and shining. Head deep chestnut, shading back of eyes to sanford's brown, the caudal portion of the occiput being solidly this color. Pronotum, tegmina, and remaining dorsal surface, including forceps, black with a chestnut luster, ventral surface of abdomen paler, showing a stronger chestnut coloration. Other underparts ochraceous orange. Limbs ochraceous orange, except at knees where they are very briefly but strikingly suffused with chestnut. The type is unique. Psalis compacta new species (Plate XVI, figs. 2 and 3.) This insect is readily distinguished from dark examples of P. americana having abbreviate and truncate tegmina, by the more robust build, shorter head, pronotum, tegmina and forceps, less hairy antennal joints and forceps in both sexes; the latter, though of the same general type, agreeing more closely with the type developed in Euhorellia annulipes and other species of that genus. In addition to other less striking features, compacta differs from P. apolinari in having quadrate tegmina, immaculate and much shorter limbs, pronotum with caudal margin less transverse and differently armed forceps. In general appearance this insect is strikingly like an excep- tionally large species of Euhorellia, having the antennae not an- nulate and quadrate tegmina. Numerous features, however, of which the metatarsal armament is the most important, show the species to be a member of the genus Psalis. Type. — cf ; Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Elevation, 8800 feet. June 17, 1904. From A. Maria. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 442.] Size and form much as in apolinari, but with abdomen, though Inroad, ex- panding somewhat less. Head proportionately not as large as in americana or apolinari, sutures represented by faint lines, occiput smooth and convex.^ Eyes small, much shorter than cheeks. Antennae with (fourteen to sixteen in the series) joints moderately supplied with microscopic hairs, this covering not as heavy as in americana, much heavier than in apolinari; first joint eloii- gate and slender, three-quarters as long as width between antennal sockets; second joint minute, length less than width; third elongate, slender, slightly over twice as long as greatest (distal) width; fourth slightly longer than greatest width; succeeding joints increasing in length distad, relatively shorter than in americana or apolinari. Pronotum subquadrate, surface weakly convex proximad where the medio-longitudinal sulcus is strongest; lateral ^ In the series occasional individuals show brief and weak linear impressions parallel to and laterad of the medio-longitudinal suture. MORGAN HEBARD 93 margins cingulate and almost parallel; cephalic angles rectangulate and sharply rounded, caudal angles obtuse-angulate, rounding broadly into the broadlj' convex caudal margin. Tegmina smooth, dorsal surface subquad- rate, sutural margins weakly overlapping, caudal margins of dorsal portions straight, transverse. Wings absent. Abdomen smooth, broadening to fifth dorsal segment, the two succeeding segments showing little difference in width ; stink glands obsolete. Seventh dorsal abdominal segment with surface roughened by irregular longitudinal ridges laterad and there obtuse-angulate produced, with angle rather sharply rounded; eighth similar in this portion, but with angle more sharply rounded; ninth similar, but ^vith angle subrect- angulate and decidedly more sharply rounded: in these features much as in americana but with ultimate dorsal abdominal segment showing a longi- tudinally pinched and striate area instead of the single longitudinal and declivent caudad carina found in americana; ultimate dorsal abdominal segment elsewhere smooth, with a medio-longitudinal sulcus distinct only meso-distad." Forceps heavy, briefly triquetrous proximad, flattened distad, with internal margin supplied with a few blunt, irregular teeth; sinistral arm almost straight to blunt and weakly incurved apex; dextral arm straight in proximal half, thence curving evenly and strongly sinistrad to the blunt apex,' thus crossing the sinistral arm distad. Penultimate ventral abdominal seg- ment with distal margin forming an angle of over ninety degi-ees, the lateral portions straight and convergent to the apex which is broadly truncate, weakly and irregularly concave. Limbs proportionally shorter than in americana, much shorter than in apolinari. Caudal metatarsus wdth ventral surface thickly supplied with stiff hairs, with an internal and external row of rather widely spaced spines and an internal marginal fringe of very closely set, shorter hairs. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Agrees with type except in the following features. Distal portion of abdo- men slightly narrower, forceps and armament of internal margin similar except that the dextral arm shows no more curvature than the sinistral, both being weakly curved in distal portion. Apex of penultimate ventral abdominal segment not truncate, rather broadly rounded. Surface smooth and shining. Head, pronotum and abdomen unicolorous, ranging from auburn (recessive) to black with a chestnut tinge (intensive). Antennae of same color as head, the proximal joints often slightly paler. Tegmina similarly colored, but in occasional examples of a slightly paler shade. Dorso-distal abdominal segments and forceps the same except in recessive examples where these portions arc of a darker shade. Limbs immacu- late, ochraceous-tawnj\ ^ This is obsolete in specimens of the series before us. ' In americana this arm is somewliat offset at the base of the more strongly curved distal portion, this giving it a distinctly different general appearance. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 94 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Measurements {in millimeters) Length Length Width Exposed Dorsal Length Length d^ of of of length of width of of caudal of body pronotum pronotum tegmen tegmen femur forceps' Soacha, type 16 2.8 2.6 1.7 1.7 2.9 3.7 Soacha, paratype . . 18 2.9 2.7 2.3 2 3.2 4.2 Soacha, paralype . . 9 Soacha, allolype . . 18.3 3.1 2.8 2.1 2 3.2 4.3 14.7 '2.8 2.6 2.1 2.1 3.4 4.2 Soacha, paratype^ . 13 2.5 2.2 1.6 1.7 2.8 3.7 Soacha, paratype . 17 2.9 2.6 2.1 2 3.3 4.5 Bogotd, paratype . 12.2 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.9 — 4.1 Bogota, paratype . 13 2.8 2.7 1.9 1.9 3.2 4.3 In the series the head varies from 3 by 2.6 to 3.8 by 3 mm.; the greatest abdominal width ranges from 5.1 to 5.4 in the males and from 4.1 to 5.1 in the females. Specimens Examined: 10; 3 males and 7 females. Soacha, Cundinamarca, VI, 17, 1904, (from A. Maria), 3cf, 5 9, type, allotype, paratypes, [Hebard Cln.]. Bogota, Cundinamarca, 8750 feet, (from A. Maria), 2 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. SPONGOPHORINA'E Spongophora f orf ex Scudder 1876. Spongophora forfex Scudder, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xviii, p. 259. [cf, doubtless subtropical or tropical America.] Jiminez, Cauca, 1600 feet, VII, 1907, (M. G. Palmer), Ic^, 19, [A. N. S. P.]. The species of the present genus show astonishing variation in the development of the forceps. Whether such variation is also exhibited in the beading of the caudal margins of the dorsal ab- dominal segments, and on the ultimate dorsal abdominal segment, is at present not known. Until this problem is solved the number of valid species of Spongophora will remain in doubt. At present we believe the pair at hand to represent a very- depauperate condition of Scudder's species,^" comparable with the depauperate material before us of S. croceipennis, recently re- corded from Panama." * In the males the sinistral arm of the forceps is measured. * The measured paratypes represent the extremes of the series before us. 1" It would appear very likely, from consideration of Burr's description and figures of his S. bor/nansi, that his name is based on material showing an intermediate development of the present insect and should be assigned to synonymy here. 11 Helmrd, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xliii, p. 306, (1917). MORGAN HEBARD 95 The present male differs from the Panamanian males of cro- ceipennis in having the exposed portion of the wings darker, pale mahogany red, the caudal margins of the fourth to seventh dorsal abdominal segments weakly beaded, the ultimate dorsal ab- dominal segment with minute scattered knobs distad and a con- cave row of larger knobs along the caudal margin between the forceps. The forceps show very slight curvature, have no distal tooth on the beaded ventro-internal margin, but do have a single, irregular, dorso-internal tooth as shown in the figures of *S. bor- mansi. FORFICULIDAE FORFICULINAE Doru lineare (Eschscholtz) 1882. Forficula linearis Eschscholtz, Eritomnur., p. 81. [9, Santa Cathar- ina, Brazil.] Choachi, Cundinamarca, 5900 feet, VI, 17, 1904, IX and XII, 1916, (from A. Maria), 2 6^, 3 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. These are the first specimens of lineare in the very large series of nearly two hundred specimens before us, in which the wings are rudimentary and entirely concealed by the tegmina. It is very exceptional to find both macropterous and brachypterous individuals in the same species of Doru, but three macropterous examples of the normally brachypterous D. aculeatum are also before us.^^ Other distinctive features make confusion with the normally brachypterous D. luteipenne impossible. OPISTHOCOSMIINAE NEOCOSMIELLA new genus This genus has the tegmina keeled to near the distal portion and the dorsal abdominal segments neither recurved or acute laterad. In other respects it appears to agree best with Cosmiella, a Malaysian genus. The large, subrectangulate pronotum, nearly as broad as the dorsal width of the tegmina, is very different from the propor- tionately much smaller type found in the other American genera of the Opisthocosmiinae, Dinex and Sarcinatrix, which have the tegmina keeled but the sides of the abdominal segments without folds. In this pronotal type it agrees with Neolohophora, which 12 Recorded by Hebard, Ent. News, xxviii, p. 322, (1917). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 96 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA genus we believe will be placed in the Opisthocosmiinae, Burr's Neolobophorinae being, in our opinion, based on insufficient char- acters. The head with occiput not bilobate and tegmina with heavy keel in all but the distal portion, are features which readily separate Neolohophora and Neocosmiella. Genotype. — Neocosmiella atrata new species. Description of Genus. — Head short, convex, with twin impres- sions between eyes and with several weak concavities mesad on the moderately convex occiput. Pronotum ample, subquadrate, nearly as broad as head, not conspicuously narrower than width across tegmina. Tegmina with a well-developed dorso-lateral keel to near the distal margin. Abdomen with stink gland of third dorsal segment weakly developed, that of fourth segment conspicuous; sides of dorsal segments simple; ultimate segment smooth, transverse, very feebly narrowing and declivent distad. Male forceps elongate, without a dorsal tooth. Neocosmiella atrata new species (Plate XVI, fig. 4.) The present spfecies has no near relatives. The tegmina are very similar in contour and outline to those of the Javan Sken- dyle aptera (Verhoeff), as figured by Burr.^^ Some similarity to Neolohophora ruficeps is found in pronotal amplitude, tegminal outline, all abdominal features and general curvature of forceps, but that species differs very widely in coloration, bilobate occiput, smooth tegmina without keels, forceps without a proximo-internal tooth and with proximal weak curvature extending nearly to the mesal point. Ttjpe. — d^; Pamplona, Santander, Colombia. Elevation 7700 feet. May, 1916. From A. Maria. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 443.] Size decidedly larger than Dinex americanus, pronotum and proximal por- tion not as slender, but form very elongate. Head of same type as in Dincx americanus but more elongate, with eyes less protuberant and sHghtly shorter than cheeks." Antennae with first joint heavy, elongate, as long as width between antennal sockets; second joint minute, scarcely longer than wide; succeeding joints elongate, rod-like, increasing in length distad. Pronotum subquadrate; surface irregularly moderately convex; cephalic angles rectang- ulato, ratlier sharply rounded but not produced laterad in minute points as in Neolohophora ruficeps and Dinex americanus; lateral margins very feebly "Gen. Ins., Fasc. 122, Dermaptera, pi. 9, fig. 12a, (1911). " See generic description for additional characters of head, i)ronotum, tegmina, abdomon and forceps. MORGAN HEBARD 97 convex, subparallel; caudal angles rectangulate, broadly rounded; caudal mar- gin broadly convex. Tegmina about twice as long along humeral trunk as dor- sal width; dorsal surface deplanate, rugulose, separated from less heavily punc- tulate lateral surface by a heavy dorso-lateral keel, which disappears before the distal margin; angle at costal margin acute but broadly rounded, distal margin thence oblique to sutural margin. Abdomen widening very slightly and grad- ually to sixth dorsal segment, then narrowing a little more sharply to apex. Pygidium inconspicuous, dechvent, surface weakly convex. The latero-ventral angles of the ultimate dorsal abdominal segment project as a minute tooth on each side beneath the base of the forceps. Forceps cylindrical, very elongate and slender, smooth but armed with a large proximo-internal tooth just beyond the pygidium, feebly bowed in proximal third, thence almost straight but weakly curved to immediate incurved apex, with internal margin very feebly serrulate. Penultimate ventral abdominal segment with lateral margins straight, convergent, rounding broadly into mesal third of free margin which is feebly concave. Limbs elongate and slender. Length of body, 10.7; head, 2.3; pronotum, 1.9; exposed portion of tegmen along humeral trunk, 1.9; exposed portion of tegmen along sutural margin, 1.7; forceps, 8.9; caudal femur, 3.3 mm. Width of head, 1.9; pronot*im, 1.9; abdomen at widest point, 2.7 mm. Head, pronotum, tegmina and abdomen shining black. Antennae deep chestnut, excepting first joint which is shining black. Forceps in brief proxi- mal portion shining black, remaining portions deep chestnut. Limbs shining black, except distal portion of tibiae and the tarsal joints which are auburn. The type of this remarkable insect is unique. ORTHOPTERA Blattidae pseudomopinae PLATYLESTES'5 new genus This genus, a member of the Group BhitteUites, shows rela- tionship to Latiblattella Hebard in the Type B armament of the ventro-eephalic margin of the cephalic femora, which bears three heavy, elongate distal spines, the very broad form and general structure of male subgenital plate. Other features are very dis- tinct, agreeing instead with Neohlattella Shelf ord; the most impor- tant of these are the tegmina which have the discoidal sectors longitudinal and the dorsal surface of the male abdomen which is unspecialized. Genotype. — Platylestes colombiae new species. Description of Genus. — Sexes similar, except that in the female the pronotum and abdomen is more ample. Size rather large, 1^ From 7rXaTiij = broad and X7;Tri7s = plunderer. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 98 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA form very broad for the group. Head with eyes well separated; lateral margins of face distinctly converging ventrad. Maxillary palpi with distal joint slightly shorter than penultimate joint. Tegmina moderately chitinous; discoidal sectors few (5 to 6), longitudinal. Wings with costal veins not clubbed, becoming obsolete toward costal margin; intercalated triangle small but apparent. Dorsal surface of male abdomen unspecialized. Cerci ensiform. Subgenital plate of male fusing and speciaUzed with styles. Subgenital plate of female short, showing a very short medio-longitudinal distal cleft. Cephalic femora with ventro- cephalic margin armed with (6 to 9) long stout spines (of which one or two distad are sometimes decidedly shorter than the others) , succeeded distad by a row of minute, well-spaced, piliform spines, terminating in three heavy, elongate distal spines in in- creasing ratio. Ventro-caudal margin of cephalic femora distad, and ventral margins of median and caudal femora supplied with elongate, moderately stout spines. First three tarsal joints sup- plied distad with small pulvilli, brief ventral surface of fourth joint occupied by a pulvillus.^'* Tarsal claws unspecialized. Arolia present. Platylestes colombiae new species (Plate XVII, figs. 1 and 2.) Superficiallj' the present insect suggests a large and very broad form of Latihlattella. The shorter, ensiform cerci are remarkable. Type. — cf ; La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Altitude, 7500 feet. July 15 to 20, 1916. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Col- lection, Type No. 464.] Size rather large for group, form very broad. Head with interocular space three-fifths that between antennal sockets ; ocelli obsolete ; entire face flattened, weakly convex; very small circular areas, with surfaces feebly convex, occur meso- ventrad of and adjacent to antennal sockets. Maxillary palpi with distal joint large, slightly shorter than penultimate joint and rather thickly supplied with stiff hairs. Pronotum very feebly and evenly convex; greatest width near caudal margin; transparent lateral portions not strongly declivent; cephalic margin above head and caudal margin truncate, lateral margins feebly convex and distinctly divergent to the broadly rounded latero-caudal angles. Tegmina broad, showing slight reduction, not reaching apices of cerci; wings showing distinct reduction: see generic description for other features. Supra- anal plate small, lateral margins feebly convex, strongly convergent to distal '•^ This is the type found in both LaliblaUella and NeohlaUelln; the former genus has been imfortunately assigned otherwise in Hebard, Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, 2, pp. 12 and 18, though correctly characterized in the original description. MORGAN HEBARD 99 portion which is Ijilobate. Cerci short, ensiform, tapering to acute apex, subdeplanate dorsad, joints distinct but feeljly monihform. Internal genitalia complex. Subgenital plate small, asymmetrical; with two broad, elongate inset plates (the styles), the surfaces of which slope dorso-laterad, these styles directed dorso-mesad with apices nearly attingent, thus forming the distal surface of the subgenital plate, beneath which lies the median rotunda to- trigonal produced portion of the plate; the sinistral style is decidedly the smaller and leaves a distinct gap between its ventral margin and the median produced portion of the plate. Limbs and armament as given in generic de- scription. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Very similar to male in general appearance, but with abdomen considerably heavier and as a result slightly surpassing the tegminal aj)ices. Interocular space nearly as wide as that between antennal sockets. Pronotum similar to that of male except that the width of the cephalic portion is greater, giving it a more rotundato-quadrate appearance. Supra-anal plate small, triangular, but decidedly angulate-emarginate at apex with apices of lateral productions rounded. Subgenital plate ample, convex, short, briefly upturned distad, with a brief medio-longitudinal cleft; free margin convex proximad, then broadly olituse-angulate concave beneath bases of cerci, thence evenly convex. Measurements {in millime(crs) 71 Length of Length of Width of Length of Width of body pronotum pronotum tegmen tegmen Type 16 4.8 (i.S 12.2 4.9 Paralype 15.4 4.8 6.7 12.1 4.7 9 Allotype 16.7 5 6.7 12 4.8 Head ochraceous-tawny, washed with cinnamon brown, or entirely cinnamon, brown. Pronotum with disk marbled, Sudan brown to ochraceous-tawny, transparent lateral portions tinged with ochraceous-tawny. Tegmina trans- parent, ochraceous-tawny, the humeral trunk briefly suiTused proximad with prout's brown. Wings transparent, whitish like ground glass, veins faintly tinged with brown. Abdomen, cerci and limbs ochra(^eous-tawny, tinged with cinnamon brown on disto-dorsal portion in males; female darker, possibly discolored. In addition to the type and allotype, a single paratypic male, bearing the same data, is at hand. Neoblattella carrikeri" new species (Plate XVII, figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6.) The male of this insect is the most attenuate, and has the proportionately longest tegmina, of any American form of the Group Blattellites. The highly specialized male subgenital plate '' We name this sjjecies in honor of Mr. M. A. Carriker Jr., who collected these specimens and also the valuable series from the Magdalena and Sautander regions recorded in the present paper. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 100 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA and styles will probably show striking differences from any other closely related species. The female closely resembles that sex of N. pellucida (Bur- meister) in dorsal appearance, size of pronotum, length and shape of tegmina and dorsal coloration, but differs widely in the much more elongate maxillary palpi with very short distal joint, more slender limbs and the inconspicuously marked ventral surface of the abdomen. With other species carrikeri would appear to form a unit which we would term the Carrikeri Group, the species distinguished by their attenuate form and elongate tegmina and limbs; the elongate tegmina conspicuous only in the males of some of the species. In this Group, from the descriptions, we would place azteca and probably alaris, both of Saussure and Pictet, and titania of Rehn, from study of the type; the order being titania, alaris, azteca and carrikeri, the first two species having the organs of flight considerably shorter than in the others. Type. — cf ; San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Mag- dalena, Colombia. Elevation, 7000 to 8300 feet. August 23, 1913. M. A. Carriker Jr. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 443.] Size medium, large for the Carrikeri Group; form slender. Interocular space wide; ocellar spots barely indicated. Lateral margins of genae straight, parallel. Maxillary palpi very elongate; third joint very elongate and slender, distinctly longer than width between antennal sockets, fourth almost as long, fifth (distal) joint slightly more than half as long as fourth, moderately enlarged, oblique truncate to near its base. Pronotum with surface almost perfectly de- planate, showing very feeble convexity meso-cephalad and along the caudal margin, and with undulations on the shghtly impressed disk ; cephalic and caudal margins truncate, feebly convex, the caudal margin much the broader; lateral margins convex; greatest width at mesal point. Tegmina very dehcate and elongate; with (7 sinistral, 8 dextral) longitudinal discoidal sectors; cross- veinlets scarcely apparent ; minute colorless nodes widely scattered distad over the surface on the veins, these the bases of minute microscopic hairs. Wings very dehcate; proximal (7 and 8) costal veins heavily clubbed distad with suc- ceeding (2) veins weakly clubbed; ulnar vein with (7) branches complete; intercalated triangle very small. Supra-anal plate triangularly produced with apex rounded, about twice as broad as long. Concealed genitalia: a very slender and elongate, dark, slightly outwardly curved aciculate process is apparent with apex resting in cleft above the sinistral style. Sul)genital plate roughly quadrate, scoop-shaped; lateral raised portion with dorsal margins weakly concave, the sinistral slightly the longer, leaving a median portion with oblique distal margin forming about onc-tliird of the free margin, weakly MORGAN HEBARD 101 produced sinistrad, with disto-sinistral angle produced in a minute, delicate, subquadrate plate; these three portions are separated by very deep and narrow clefts, in depth about half the distance between their bases, at which bases are situated the elongate, cylindrical styles, the sinistral as long as the sinistral cleft, the dextral very slightly the longer, each with dorsal surface thickly supplied with minute spines directed caudad and with apex very feebly enlarged and incurved: Limbs very elongate and slender. Cephalic femora with ventro-cephalic margin supplied with a series of slender, moderately elongate spines, which decrease gradually in length and size to minute spinulae before the two large and elongate distal spines, of which the more distal is the longest. Tarsi extremely long, four proximal joints each suppUed with a small distal pulvillus which is produced to an acute apex. Moderate arolia pre-sent. Tarsal claw specialized'^; broad to near uncinate apex, with internal margin of flange minutely serrulate, the three distal serrulations largest.'^ Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Agrees with male in form of head, maxillary palpi, microscopic nodes on tegmina, armament of limbs and specialization of tarsal claws. Pronotum more ample, surface showing moderate convexity. Tegmina and wings very much shorter, the veins all very much more weakly developed. Supra-anal plate triangularly produced, with apex strongly angulato-emarginate at an angle of somewhat less than ninety degrees. Subgenital plate scoop-shaped, the meso- distal portion not strongly produced; lateral margins broadly convex to near bases of cerci, there broadly concave, meso-distal portion with margin l)roadly convex. Measurements (in millimelers) -71 ' Length of Length of Width of Length of Width of C* body pronotum pronotum tegmen tegmen San Lorenzo, ;?/pe 12.7 3.1 4 17.9 4.9 9 San Lorenzo, aito/i/pe 10.8 3.2 4.4 11.5 3.7 San Lorenzo, paraiypc ... . 12.1 3.2 4.4 11.7 3.8 '8 A differently specialized tarsal claw has recently been noted for the genus Pledopiera. Hebard, Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, No. 2, p. 251, (1917). " This type of specialization is clearly a character of specific importance in the present genus, but largely of degree, the differences in the various species showing that it can not be used as a constant generic feature. , In Neoblattella the highest specialization is noted in nahua and the genotype adfipersicollis, in which the internal flange of the claw is heavih' .serrulate throughout; in fasciata, conspersa and fraterna the serrulations are heavj- distad; in pellucida moderate distad, while in fraterada and tilania they are subobsolete. In the closely allied genus Cariblatta, the majority of the species show this flange with serrulation of its margin subobsolete, but in punctipermis and imitans weak distal serrulation of the internal margin of the flange is foimd, while in aedi- culata it is decided. Species of the genera Eulhlaslohlatla, Aglaopteryx, Den- droblaUa, Latiblattella, Supella and BlaUella have been examined and are found to show no specialization of the tarsal claws. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 102 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Genera] coloration of male pale ochraceous-tawny, the lateral portions of pronotum and tegmina transparent, tinged with ochraceous-buff. Head ochraceous-buff with interocular area suffused with prout's brown, three pairs of suffused flecks of this color (remnants of transverse bands) below on the face and a fleck of this color below each antennal socket. Underparts and limbs clear ochraceous-buff. Females similarly colored but with interocular area paler, in one scarcely suffused, in the other weakly clouded with ochraceous-tawny; facial flecks as pronounced as in male. This sex also has the tegmina more heavily suffused with ochraceous-buff in median .section, beyond this hardly at all suffused and ventral surface of the abdomen ochraceous-buff with a lateral marginal suffu- sion of chestnut, becoming broader and deep shining chestnut-brown along the free margin of the subgenital plate. In addition to the type and allotype, a single paratypic female, bearing the same data, is at hand. Ischnoptera morio Burmeister 1838. Ischnoptera morio Burmeister, Handb. Ent., ii, Abth. ii, pt. i, p. 500- [Colombia.] Choachi, Cimdinamarca, 5900 feet, VIII, 1916, (from A. Maria), 1 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Length of body 17.1; pronotum, 4.8; tegmen, 20.9; caudal tibia, 6.2 mm. Width of pronotum, 6.2; tegmen, 5.9; abdomen, 8 mm. Ischnoptera apolinari new species (Plate XV^I, figs. 6 and 7.) The present species is widely distinct from any of the described forms of the genus. With I. pallipes, pampaconas^^ and colomhiae, 2oischnoptera pallipes (Scudder) (Plate XVI, fig. 5.) 1869. Phyllodromia pallipes Scudder, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xii, p. 342. [d', Napo or Maranon, [Upper Amazon].] The description of this insect is insufficient. The dried alcoholi'c type before us shows differences from /. apolinari in the decidedly longer, uniform blackish chestnut pronotum and less delicate wings with veins blackish chestnut. The genitalic features are distinctive. Supra-anal plate of same form as in apolinari, but with disto-dorsal surface heavily supplied with hairs and ventral surface unspecialized and not hairy. Subgenital plate with margins rather strongly concave to the median produced jiortion, which is not large, subquad- rate, with distal angles rounded, the disto-dextral angle very ))roadly rounded; sinistral style situated at sinistral base of produ(!tion, small, simple, cylindrical, feebly curved dextrad, tapering to the sharply rounded apex; dextral style (Plate XVI, fig. 5a) situated at disto-dextral angle of production, proximal portion developed into a large, globose, smooth swelling, from which dorso- caudad projects caudad the rather stout, distal cylindrical portion, the 'apex MORGAN HEBARD 103 the latter here described, this species represents a group of rather large, dark species having very elongate tegmina in both sexes, pronotum unicolorous or with narrow pale lateral margins, limbs pale and male supra-anal plate produced but showing no sub- chitinous area. We would call this the Apolinari Group and place it after the Rufa Group in linear arrangement. Compared with colomhiae, known only from the male sex, males of apolinari are found to be identical in every detail of structure and coloration except that the limbs are proportionateh^ longer and the genitalia highly distinctive. Tijpe. — cf ; Choachi, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Elevation, 5900 feet. July, 1915. From A. Maria. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 444.] Size medium for the larger species of the genus, form slender. Interocular space narrow, hardly one-third ocular depth, about three-fifths interocellar width. Ocelli large, surface flattened, margins at interocellar area slightly raised and narrowly convex. jMa.xillary palpi rather short, hairj^, particularly fourth and fifth joints; fourth joint shorter than third, fifth (distal) joint about as long as third, moderately enlarged, with ventral margin weakly convex.- Tegmina comparatively narrow, with numerous (9 and 11) weakly radiating discoidal sectors; dextral tegmen with diagonal channel strongly impressed and conspicuous. Wings as normal for the genus -^; ulnar vein with (.5) proximal incomplete branches and (2) complete distal branches. Dorsal surface of abdomen with sixth and seventh segments specialized, typical for the genus.-- Supra-anal plate well produced, chitinous throughout; free margins briefly straight, oblique and strongly convergent to just beyond cereal bases, thence very feebly convex and very feebly convergent to the broadly rounded latero- caudal angles, the distal margin lietween these feebly convex but showing a very weak mesal obtase-angulate emargination, the produced portion thus of which is bluntly rounded, the entire surface of this distal portion heavilj' supplied with minute spines. Length of body 14; pronotum, 3.8; t^men, 16.2. Width of pronotum, 4.5 mm. Ischnoptera pampaeonas Caudell 1913. Ischnoptera pampaeonas Caudell, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xliv, p. 348. [ 9 , Pampaeonas River, Peru.] This species belongs to the Ajjolinari (!roup, though not as elongate as the other species here discussed. From examination of the type we would note that the supra-anal plate in that female is distinctively rotundato-produced between the cerci. The pale borders of the costal margins of the tegmina are particularly striking in the costal half of the marginal fields. 21 Described in Trans. Am. P:nt. Soc, xlii, p. 339, (1916). 22 See Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, No. 2, p. 62, (1917). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 104 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA formed about twice as broad as long, its form weakly suggesting bilobation; the plate bears latero-distad scattered hairs on the dorsal surface and a fringe of stouter hairs directed cephalad near the distal margin on the ventral surface ; proximad of these the ventral surface is raised dextrad in a heavy ridge from which projects a stout, heavy, rounded process directed meso-proximad and armed with a few short, sharp teeth. Cerci slender with (11 to' 12) well- defined joints. Concealed genitalia: the very brief , recurved genital hook is situated sinistrad, from beneath the dextral projection of the supra-anal plate projects a narrow, chitinous lobe, while along its inner surface is a slender, elongate, channeled, chitinous projection, surrounded by a soft whitish mantle. Subgenital plate roughly subquadrate, scoop-shaped; sinistral portion curled dorsad with margin concealed, distal margin broadly concave, oblique and moderately produced dextrad, there rounding into the dextro-lateral margin which is broadly concave distad, thus forming a bluntly triangular production with surface moderately reflexed and concave; proximordextral portion curled dorsad, the margin concealed. Mesad in the sinistral concavity of the distal margin is situated a slender, straight, gently tapering, hairy style with apex rounded and dorsal surface supplied with a few minute, but rather stout, teeth directed distad; at the apex of the roundly triangular dextral production is situated a short, heavy, blunt, conical style, supplied distad with a few blunt teeth. Limbs elongate, their armament, pulviUi and arolia normal 2^; the ventro-cephalic margins of the cephalic femora having a series of heavy proxi- mal spines and a series of minute, distal, closely set, piliform spines. Allotype. — 9; same data as type, but taken August, 1916. [Hebard Collection.] Very similar to male, differing in the following features. Size somewhat larger, form generally similar but with abdomen broader. Tegmina and wings fully as elongate. Dorsal surface of abdomen unspecialized. Supra-anal plate with lateral margins straight, weakly oblique to median two-fifths of the plate, where a subrectangulate production, about twice as wide as long, occurs, with distal margin broadly convex, this production suggesting a simplified miniature of the homologous production in the male. Subgenital plate broadly scoop- shaped, lateral margins straight, parallel in very brief proximal portion, thence rounding broadly into the very broadly and evenly convex distal margin. Measuremenls {in millimeters) & Length of body Length of pronotum Width of pronotum Length of tegmen Width of tegmen Length of eaudal femur Choachi type . 13.5 3.5 4.6 17 4.6 6.4 Choachi, paratypes. 9 allotype . . .15.8-16.7 3.6-3.6 4.6-4.6 17-17.2 4.5-5 6.2-6.3 Choachi, 16.8 3.9 4.9 18.5 5.2 6.4 Head shining blackish chestnut l)rown, mouthparts paler, ocelli conspicu- ously light buff. Pronotum shining ])la('kish chestnut l)rown with lateral margins narrowly translucent warm buff, this contiiuied without int(>rrupti()n 23 See Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, No. 2, p. 62, (1917). MORGAX HEBARD 105 around the cephalic margin, there being still narrower and somewhat suffused. Tegmina shining deep chestnut brown, translucent when spread, with marginal field narrowly bordered with translucent warm buff; portion of dextral tegmen concealed when at rest hyaline but embrowned, ^^'ings hyaline faintly em- browned except in intercalated triangle, with a very faint iridescent luster, veins and entire area of costal veins chestnut brown. Body, abdomen, except dorso-proximad where the abdomen is paler, and cerci chestnut brown. Limbs light buff, proximal portion of coxae chestnut brown, tibiae and tarsi tinged with brown. Ill addition to the tj^pe and allotype, a single paratypic male from the same locality is at hand. Ischnoptera colombiae new species (Plate XVI, figs. 8, 9 and 10.) This insect is so similar to /. apolinari that careful comparison shows the majority of features exactly as given for that species. We therefore describe below only the characters separating these species. Type. — cf ; Valle de Las Pappas to San Augustin, Tolima, Colombia. April 6, 1912. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 214.] Interocular space moderately wide, three-fifths the ocular depth, four-fifths the interocellar width. Internal margins of ocelli forming a sharply rounded angle with interocellar area, not raised. MaxiUary palpi shorter than in apoli- nari, with fifth (distal) joint slightly longer than third. Supra-anal plate with production of similar %y\>e but uniformly less heavily chitinous, this portion slightly longer than its pro.ximal breadth; ventral surface lacking a projection. Concealed genitalia : an elongate, heavy, moderately chitinous plate is situated dextrad and directed caudad, adjacent to which mesad are two verj' elongate and slender chitinous projections, the longest of which terminates in several long contiguous spines. Subgenital plate very short, scoop-shaped, surface entirely convex; free margin convex except meso-sinistrad where a moderate obtuse-angulate emargination occurs, the convexitj' strongest meso-dextrad where the production is greatest. Sinistral style situated in sinistral angulate- emargination, elongate, decidedly stouter than this style in apolinari, flattened cylindrical, feebly sinuous, tapering slightly to the rounded apex, unarmed. Dextral style situated on dorsal surface of distal margin sinistrad on dextral production, verj^ small, slender, cylindrical, unarmed, hardly tapering to the apex, which is directed sinistrad. Limbs short, strikingly shorter than in apolinari. Length of body, 12.6-^; pronotuin, 3.1; tegmen, 17; caudal femur, 3.7 mm. Width of pronotum, 4.1; tegmen, 4.4 mm. Coloration throughout as in apolinari except that the pronotum is slightl}' less (lark, shining dark chestnut ])rown, with narrow warm buff marginal marking more sharjjly defined cephalad, but very narrowly interrupted meso- cephalad. Limbs slightly darker than in apolinari, general coloration ochra- ccous-buff, but similarly marked. The type is unique. ^' The abdomen in this specimen is decidedl}- drawn in. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 106 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Xestoblatta carrikeri Hebard 1916. Xestoblatta carrikeri Hebard, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xlii, p. 374, pi. xix, figs. 5, 6 and 7. [cT, 9 : Cincinnati, [Sierra Nevada de] Santa Marta, {Mag- dalena,] Colombia.] This remarkable species was described from a pair from the collections at present under consideration. No further specimens of this insect have been obtained. NYCTIBORINAE Nyctibora obscura Saussm'e 1864. Niyciibora] obscura Saussure, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 2e ser., xvi, p. 316. [ 9 , Brazil.] Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, Col- ombia, 4000 to 5000 feet, VII, 1913, (M. A. Carriker Jr.), 19, [Hebard Cln.]. Length of body 24.5; length of pronotum, 7.15; width of pro- notum, 10.7; length of tegmen, 26.3; width of tegmen, 10.5 mm. Eunyctibora nigrocincta (Shelford) 1907. Nyctibora nigrocincta Shelford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), xix, p. 37. [cf, 9, Colombia.] Bogotc4, Cundinamarca, 8750 feet, (from A. Maria), 19, [Hebard Cln.]. Paratropes bioUeyi Saussure and Zehntner 1893. Paralropa bioUeyi Saussure and Zehntner, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., i, p. 60. [9, Costa Rica; cf, Bugaba, Panama.] Cauca, Colombia, 1 9 , [Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila.]. This specimen differs from material of P. bilunata Saussure and Zehntner at hand, in having the pronotal marking and the borders of the tegmina uniform translucent antimony j^ellow. EPILAMPRINAE Epilampra shelfordi-^ new species (Plate XVIII, fig. 1.) This insect belongs to an apparently exclusively South Ameri- can group of the genus, distinguished by the tegmina being not only punctulate, Init with a maculate and marbled ground colora- tion difficult to describe, but giving the insects an unusually richly colored appearance. 2^ We name this beautiful insect in honor of that distinguished student of the Blattidae, R. Shelford, whose excellent work was so abruptly terminated by his untimely death. MORGAN HEBARD 107 ■ To this group belong E. conspersa and E. agathina, of which species single specimens are at hand. More material may show these forms to be generically distinct. The present species has the tegmina narrower than in con- spersa, less strikingly marmorate, with an irregular clustering of black dots mesad which are not found in that species, neither is the area of the costal veins solidly colored or as dark, showing only nuinerous irregular dark punctae. The coloration of agathina, which is a larger and heavier insect, is much darker and of a dis- tinctly different type. Type. — cf ; El Credo, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 1000 feet. February, 1907. (M. G. Palmer.) [Academy of Natural Sci- ences of Philadelphia, Type No. 5345.] Size small for the group, medium for the genus; form moderately broad. Interocular space wide, nearly as wide as interocellar space, much wider than space between antennal sockets; face flattened; ocelli large, well defined, with flattened surfaces forming an obtuse-angulation with plane of face. Pronotum convex, lateral portions moderately declivent latero-cephalad, greatest width mesad; cephaUc margin rather evenly convex, broadly but feebly thickened to point of greatest pronotal width, where the angle formed is sharply rounded at slightly more than ninety degrees, latero-caudal margins moderately convex convergent, then concave convergent to the distinct, bluntly rounded, meso- caudal production. Tegmina elongate, width subequal from apex of anal field to a distance equalling the length of that field; rounded apex nearer the costal margin. Wings with numerous, irregular costal veins; ulnar vein with numerous (18) incomplete and few (4) complete branches. Dorsal abdominal segments with latero-caudal angles all blunt and not produced. Supra-anal plate with all but narrow proximal portion subchitinous, about two and one- half times as broad as long; lateral margins feebly convergent, nearly straight to the broadly rounded, nearly rectangulate latero-caudal angles, distal margin transverse, feebly convex. Cerci moderately elongate, tapering moderately to the very slender distal third, joints distinct but very weakly crenate. Sub- genital plate with sinistral margin moderately convex to beyond mesal point, dextral margin decidedly concave.-® Cejihalio femora with ventro-cephalic margin armed proximad with a few heav}', well-spaced spines, succeeded by a row of microscopic widely spaced piliform spines, with a single hcav}' and very elongate distal spine; other ventral femoral margins moderately supplied with heavy spines. Caudal metatarsus very elongate and slender, equal to com- bined length of succeeding joints, armed along each ventral margin with a closely-set row of minute spines; four proximal tarsal joints each with a round distal pulvillus, the surface of which is produced caudad. Large arolia present. -^ In this specimen the subgenital plate is apparently distorted. A single microscopic style is apparent in the concavity of the dextral margin. TKANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 108 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Type and peculiarities of color pattern very important in present group, but differences due to individual variation must always be discounted. Length of body, 25.5; pronotum, 6.7; tegmen, 25.9; wing, 23.9; caudal tibia, 8.7; caudal tarsus, 5.8 mm. Width of pronotum, 8.7; tegmen, 7.6; wing, 15 mm. General coloration ochraceous cinnamon buff, marmorate with tawny ohve and spotted with mummy brown. Head with occiput to interocellar band dresden brown, heavily marked with microscopic dots of mummy brown; ocellar areas and a narrow connecting band ventrad, clouded ochraceous-buff, face below this clouded with prout's brown, in other portions clay color. Pronotum clay color sprinlded evenly and heavily with microscopic dots and a few larger flecks of mummy brown. Tegminal ground color cinnamon buff, marbled with tawny olive, each minute marmorate area becoming darker distad, individually dresden brown to mummy brown, with a heavy fleck of mummy brown mesad in the anal field and a number of such irregular markings mesad on the tegmina. Wings hyaline showing a faint buffy tinge, except from area of costal veins to apex where they are ti'anslucent, suffused briefly proximad with cinnamon buff, the larger remaining distal suffusion tawny olive, all rather thickly flecked with prout's brown. Body buckthorn brown, the abdomen suffused with prout's brown to mummy brown distad. Limbs clay color, the spines and tarsi prout's brown. The type is unique. BLATTINAE LAMPROBLATTA27 new genus This genus is of particular interest, due to the fact that it probaljly includes the only known American species of the Blat- tinae lacking tegmina of any kind. Furthermore these are the only species of the Blattinae having the dorsal surface smooth and showing this condition. The genus includes three species: meridionalis (Bruner),^^ albi- palpus here described, and zamorensis (Giglio-Tos). 2' From XaM7rp6s = shining. 25 1906. Blatta {Stylo piga) meridionalis Bruner, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xiv, p. 141. [d', 9, Trinidad.] The described pair, an additional female and an immature specimen bearing the same data, have been kindly sul)mitted for examination by Professor Bruner. We here select the adult male, in the Bruner Collection, as single type. In addition there is before us an adult male taken at Montserrat, Trinidad, by A. Busck, July 27, from the National Museum. Giglio-Tos' Stijlo'pyga zamorensis, described from the valley of Zamora, Ecuador, in BoU. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, xiii, No. 311, p. 10, (1898), also belongs to the present genus. This is a species differing from albipalpus in its decidedly greater size and differently colored coxae and limbs. i MORGAN HEBARD 109 The nearest relationship is clearly with the genus Eurycotis: the most important features of difference being the absence of tegmina; less flattened structure, with dorsal surface consequently more convex, and more elongate and slender tarsal joints, with metatarsi longer than the combined length of the succeeding joints. The greater general body convexity shows agreement with the genus Pelmatosilpha . Genotype. — Lamproblatta albipalpus new species. Description of Genus. — Form less deplanate than in Eurycotis, entire dorsal surface and ventral surface of abdomen rather decidedly convex. Head evenly rounded, eyes widely separated and not projecting; maxillary palpi rather short. Pronotum with surface evenly convex; margin evenly convex, this strongest cephalad, to the transverse caudal margin. Mesonotum and metanotum with surface transversety convex, this less decided on abdomen. Tegmina and wings absent. Supra-anal and sub- genital plates in both sexes of the type characteristic in the genus Eurycotis. Limbs heavily spined as in that genus. Tarsal joints elongate and slender. Caudal metatarsus longer than combined length of succeeding joints, supplied with a double row of minute ventral spines to its extremity, which border distad the large elongate distal pulvillus. Succeeding three joints with ventral surfaces fully occupied by large pulvilli. Large arolia present. Lamproblatta albipalpus new species (Plate XVII, figs. 7, 8 and 9. ) This species shows nearest general resemblance to Eurycotis mexicana (Saussure), differing signally, however, in its jet black coloration, white palpi and the features given in the generic discussion. Compared with meridionalis, that species is found to differ in both sexes in having the limbs blackish chestnut rather than black, the pale portions more j^ellowish and not as contrasting, ochraceous-buff, and the supra-anal plate truncate distad, the distal margin showing no emargination and transverse or very feebly convex. The most important differential character, how- ever, is that in meridionalis both sexes have similarly simple, elongate, slender metatarsi. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 110 . COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Type. — d^ ; Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Mag- dalena, Colombia. Elevation, 4000 to 5000 feet. July 14, 1913. M. A. Carriker Jr. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 446.] Size no larger than the smallest species of Eurycotis, form nearly elliptical. Interocular space appreciably broader than the very wide space between the antennal sockets; ocellar spots distinct. Maxillary palpi short; third and fourth joints subequal in length; fifth shorter, little enlarged, ventral margin oblique to point of greatest width, two-thirds distance to base. Pronotum as given in generic description; latero-caudal angles rather sharply rounded rectangu- late. Mesonotum with caudal margin almost perfectly transverse, with latero-caudal angles rather sharply rounded rectangulate. Metanotum with caudal margin transverse, very broadly and weakly concave, with latero- caudal angles very feebly produced, very sharply rounded, at less than a right angle. Caudal margins of dorsal abdominal segments very feebly and distantly beaded, latero-caudal angles very feebly acute-angulate produced, this increas- ing slightly distad to seventh segment. Supra-anal plate feebly tectate with sides concave, lateral margins concave convergent to distal margin, which is about two-thirds as long as the plate, feebly obtuse-angulate emarginate with plate there feebly subchitinous. Cerci stout, margins entire, rounding to acute apex, articulations subobsolete, dorsal and ventral surfaces moderately convex, the latter heavily haired. The two plates beneath the supra-anal plate, which form a heavy triangular adjacent production, are large and conspicuous. Beneath these are the complex concealed genitalia: genital hook elongate and slender, weakly curved dextrad to suddenly incurved and broadened apex. Subgenital plate of the characteristic Blattinid type; lateral margins moder- ately convex to styles, distal margin between these feebly convex, transverse. Styles feebly inset, small, cylindrical, similar, half as long as the distance be- tween their bases. Limbs heavy, with armament heavy, as given in generic description. Caudal metatarsus longer than combined length of succeeding joints, decidedly thickened: all metatarsi stout, broadening in proximal third, thence narrowing feebly to apex, the ventral margin broadly convex; ventral surface with a row on each margin of minute spines which in the distal two- thirds border the very large and elongate pulvillus. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size slightly larger than male, differing in the following features. Supra- anal plate tectate, with sides declivent to near the lateral margins which arc slightly raised; lateral margins almost straight, convergent to the decidedly concave distal margin which equals about half the length of the plate. Subgen- ital plate of the characteristic valvular Blattinid type, the valves differing from those of EurycoLis mexicana in being considerably shorter than the basal por- tion of the plate, with proximal suture much narrower and less strongly de- fined. Caudal metatarsus decidedly longer than combined length of succeeding joints, slender: all metatarsi elongate and slender, the ventral margin straight; ventral surface with a row on each margin of minute s|)ines, which at the immediate extremity border the large inilvillus. MORGAN HEBARD 111 Measurements (in millimeters) -ength Length of of body pronotuin Width of ronotum Greatest 1 width of abdomen .ength of caudal femur Length of caudal metatarsus — 7.8 6 2.7 7.3 8 6 — 7.1 7.8 6 2.7 6.7 7.6 5.8 2.6 Corozal, Panama ... 17 5 Empire, Panama. . . 17 5.4 Gatun, Panama .... 14 5 Gatun, Panama. ... 13.7 4.7 Cincinnati, Colom- bia,///pe 17 5.5 7.2 S.6 6.7 2.8 9 Corozal, Panama .. . 18.5 5.8 7.8 9.2 6.7 2.8 Gatun, Panama 17.5 5.7 7.9 9 6.9 2.8 Gatim, Panama 18.4 5.7 7.7 9 6.9 2.8 Cincinnati, Colom- bia, o//o/i/pc 16.8 5.5 7.3 9.3 6.8 2.7 Cincinnati, Colom- bia, /jara^l/pe 17 5.6 7.4 9.3 7 2.8 General coloration of entire dorsal surface shining, polished, jet black, show- ing a chestnut tinge only in a strong light. Head the same but with ocellar spots buffy, clypeus suffused zinc orange and palpi strikingly whitish buff. Dorsal surface of limbs jet black, in some specimens showing a chestnut tinge. Other ventral portion.s deep blackish chestnut, shining, except the coxae in which the latero-external margins and distal portions are pale, ochraceous-buff, in some specimens tinged with zinc orange. In the immature examples from Panama the pronotum, mesonotum, metanotum and limbs are in large part shimng chestnut, translucent laterad, giving them a very different general appearance. The enlarging of the male metatarsi only begins in the last instar before maturity, there showing a slight enlargement with slightly increased size of the distal piilvillus. The preceding in- stars show in both sexes the type found in the adult female. This insect was found widely distributed by us in Panama, being the most plentiful roach under litter in or near the jungle. Individuals were not as rapid in their movements as the Pseu- domopid and Epilamprid material there found, as would be expected from their heavier structure. Specimens Examined: 31; 6 males, 8 females and 17 immature individuals. Gatun, Canal Zone, Panama, VII, 17 to VIII, 22, 1916, (D. E. Harrower), 2 0^, 2 9 , 1 large juv. ? , [Hcbard Cln.]. Obispo Station, Canal Zone, Panama, VII, 6 to 11, 1871, (Stcindachncr), Icf, 19, [M.C. Z.]. Zone limit five miles west of Empire, Canal Zone, Panama, IX, 14, 1913, (M. Hebard; rubbish under vines on edge of jungle), Icf , 19, [Hebard Cln.j. Corozal, Canal Zone, Panama, XI, 13 and 17, 1913, (M. Hebard; under de- caying banana stem lying in jungle), Id^, 19, [Hebard Cln.]. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 112 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Old Panama, Panama, XI, 13, 1913, (M. Hebard; under drift, on edge of coral sand beach), 1 small juv. 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Taboga Island, Panama, II, 23, 1912, (A. Busck), 1 large juv. d', [U. S. N. M.]. Tabogilla Island, Panama, II, 16, 1912, (A. Busck), 1 large juv. cf , 1 medium juv. d", 2 large juv. 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria, Magdalena, Colombia, 4000 to 5000 feet, VII, 10 and 14, 1914, (M. A. Carriker Jr.), Icf, 2 9, type, allotype, paratype, 1 very large juv. cf, [Hebard Cln.]. Venezuela, 1 9 , [A. N. S. P.]. A Note on Eurycotis and Pelmatosilpha The genera Eurycotis and Pelmatosilpha have been dogmatically separated by features of tegminal length; species with abruptly truncate or lateral tegmina being referred to Eurycotis, those with less decidedly reduced or fully developed tegmina to Pelmatosil- pha. From study of the considerable series at hand, representing numerous species of both genera, we would distinguish between them as follows: A. Dorsal surface of insect less convex. Tegmina transversely truncate, or more decidedly reduced, lateral. (The dark species have dorsal surface and tegmina roughened. Many species of pale coloration represented with differently striking color patterns.) Eurycotis St&l AA. Dorsal surface of insect more convex. Tegmina truncate but obhquely so, with distal angle at sutural margin the more produced, or fully developed. (All are dark species with dorsal surface including tegmina poHshed and fre- quently showing a purplish sheen. Some of the species have pronotum and tegmina conspicuously margined with yellow.) Pelmatosilpha Dohrn It is evident from the description that Eurycotis cothurnata Giglio-Tos must be assigned to Pelmatosilpha, as is possibly true for Eurycotis suhalata Saussure and Zehntner, the description of the tegmina of the latter species leaving considerable doubt as to their actual form. From material at hand from Trinidad we are also able to assign Pelmatosilpha decipiens Kirby to Eurycotis. That author has badly confused these genera and their estab- lished synonymy. ^^ Pelmatosilpha micra new species (Plate XVIII, fig. 2.) The present species is evidently closely related to P. villana Saussure and Zehntner and P. cothurnata (GigUo-Tos). It differs from both in the smaller size, particularly indicated by the 2»Synon. Cat. Orth., i, pp. 142 to 144, (1904). Sec Hebard, Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, No. 2, pp. l(i.'5 and 166, (1917). MORGAX HEBARD 113 pronotum.^'' Compared further with villana, we find that species to differ in the black palpi, tegmina distinctly longer than broad, blackish chestnut limbs and cerci which are reddish distad only. The differences shown by cothurnata are: the black head, yellow antennae, slightly more abbreviate tegmina, minute lobi- form wings, black limbs with tibiae ferruginous and yellow cerci. It is possible that Eurycotis svbalata Saussure and Zehntner may be still another closely allied species of Pehnatosilpha. In that insect the tegmina are considerably shorter than in micra and other features of differences are indicated in the brief and unsatisfactory original description. Type. — cf ; La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Elevation, 7500 feet. July 15 to 20, 1916. (M. A. Carriker, Jr.) [Hebard Col- lection, Type No. 465.] Size small for the genus, form robust. Head broad; very broad interocular space very slightly greater than that between antennal sockets; ocelli repre- sented by minute spots. Pronotum smooth and polished, broad, rather de- cidedly convex, particularly laterad; cephaHc and lateral margins very feebly cingulate, lateral margins divergent and weakly convex to the rounded rectangulate latero-caudal angles, caudal margin transverse, very feebly convex. Tegmina overlapping, extending mesad to base of second dorsal abdominal segment, polished with subobsolete punctae; venation obsolete, anal sulcus briefly indicated only near extremity of sutural margin; costal margins feebly cingulate, subparallel, feebly convex to the broadly convex obtuse-angulate costal angle, the distal margin continuing this curvature and moderately oblique to the rounded, weakly obtuse-angulate, more produced sutural angle, sutural margin weakly convex, ^^'ings atrophied, extending mesad to median portion of first dorsal aljdominal segment, fields distinct, anterior field the wdder and rather strongly chitinous toward the costal margin, veins coarse and irregular .''i Disto-lateral angles of fourth to sixth dorsal abdominal segments sharply but briefly acute-angulate pro- duced in increasing ratio caudad. Supra-anal plate rounded trapeziform'*- with distal portion decidedly hairy. Cerci depressed, rigid, with lateral mar- gins entire liut joints distinct, three times as long as greatest width, apex acute. Internal genitalia complex. Subgenital plate of normal type for genus, styles well inset, cylindrical, feebly incurved, about five times as long as basal width. Armament of limbs heavy, as characteristicf or genus. Caudal metatarsus '" The measurements for the others are both apparently for the female sex, and, in conseciuence, the size difference for micra is probably not as consider- able as comparison of the measurements given in the original descriptions of these species would indicate. '1 Very similar to those of P. nllana as given in the original description of that species. ^^ Somewhat deformed dextro-distad in this specimen. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 114 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA broadening distad, slightly longer than combined length of succeeding three joints, ventral margin with a double row of minute spines in proximal two- thirds, distal third occupied by a large pulvillus, succeeding three joints with ventral surfaces fully occupied by large pulvilli. Arolia well developed. Length of body, 18; pronotum, 5.8; tegmen at costal margin, 5.1; tegmen at sutural margin, 6.2; exposed portion of tegmen at sutural margin, 5.8; cercus, 1.9; style, 1; caudal femur, 6.9 and caudal metatarsus, 2.2. Width of interocular space, 3; pronotum, 7.9; dextral tegmen, 5.7; sinistral tegmen, 5.6 and abdomen, 9.9 mm. General coloration shining lilackish brown. Head with occiput chestnut, the sulci slightly darker, eyes and face blackish chestnut, minute ocellar spots ochraceous-tawny, mouthparts and palpi russet. Antennae russet shading to cinnamon brown distad. Tegmina shining blackish brown, opaque, when held up to light chestnut, a metallic purplish sheen is present on the dextral tegmen immediately before the narrow sutural marginal portion which is concealed when at rest and which is transparent, tinged with brown. Wings transparent, tinged with brown, this stronger toward the costal margin, there burnt sienna. Mesonotum and metanotum weak ochraceous-orange. Abdomen shining blackish brown, cerci carob brown. Coxae ochraceous-tawny tinged with dark brown meso-proximad. Cephalic and median limbs and caudal femora russet, caudal tibiae briefly russet proximad, shading rapidly to blackish chest- nut brown, caudal tarsi blackish chestnut brown. In addition to the type, a single immature specimen in one of the later instars, bearing the same data, is at hand. Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister. 1838. P[cn.plancta] brunnea Burmeister, Handb. Ent., ii, abth. ii, part i, p. 503. [cf, 9: Chile; Demerara [ = British Guiana].] Ambalema, Tolima, 900 feet, IX, 1914, (from A. Maria), Ic^, [Hebard Cln.]. Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius) 1775. [Blatta] australasiae Fabricius, Syst. 'Ent., p. 271. [" In nave e mare pacifico et regionibus incognitis revertente."] Pacho, Cundinamarca, III, 19, 1917, (from A. IVIaria), 12 cf, 4 9,1 juv. 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Fusugasuga, Cundinamarca, 5464 feet, XII, 1916, (from A. Maria), IcT, 19, [Hebard Cln.]. PANCHLORINAE Leucophaea maderae (Fabricius) 1781. B[laUa] maderae Fal)ricius, Spec. Ins., i, p. 341. [Madeira.] Fusugasuga, Cundinamarca, 5464 feet, XII, 1916, (from A. Maria), Ic^, 19, [Hebard Cln.]. MORGAN HEBARD llo Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus) 1767. [Blalta] surinamensis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., eel. xii, p. 6S7. [Surinam.] Jiminez, Cauca, 1600 feet, VII, 1907, (M. G. Palmer), 39, [A. N. S. P.]. Panchlora cubensis Saussure 1862. P[anchlor(i] oibensis Saussure, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 2e ser., xiv, p. 2.30. [ 9 , Cuba.] Caldas, Cauca, 2560 feet. V, 14. 1914, (H. S. Parish), 19, [A. N. S. P.]. This specimen agrees fully with Cuban females of the species before us.^^ In it the eyes are very narrowly separated by a dis- tance about one-fifth the greatest ocular width; this feature ap- parently varies in the present species. In fact so much variation is seen to occur in the large series at hand of cubensis, that the species is clearly one of the centers of difficulty in the proper understanding of the genus. *^ The measurements of the specimen recorded are:- length of body, 19.4; pronotum, 5.7; tegmen, 20.7 mm. Width of pro- notum, 6.4; tegmen, 6.3 nun. Panchlora colombiae new sijpcies (Plate XVIIL fig. .3.) This plain green species is closely related to P. hidentula Hebard, known only from the male sex, this sex of the present species differing in the larger size, normally wider interocular space and striking genitalic features. Compared with both sexes of P. cubensis Saussure, the present insect is found to differ in the normally wider interocular space, proportionate^ larger pronotiun, proportionately wider tegmina and distinctive male genitalic features.^' From the insufficient description of P. punctum Saussure and Zehntner, based on a single female from "Central America," a possibility of the present niaterial representing that species might exist, were it not for the fact that Central American material of ^'See diagnosis: Hebard, Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, Xo. 2, pp. 197 to 199, pi. viii, figs. 2 to 5, (1917). s-* See Hebard, Ent. News, xxvii, pp. 217 to 222, (1916). ^^ We would note, however, that unless a large collection representing many species of the plain green species of Panchlora is available, the student is certain to have almost insurmountable difficulties in determining single females belong- ing to this section of the genus. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 116 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA the. present species before us is even smaller than the material here treated, with interocular space narrower.^'^ Type. — cf ; La Cumbre, Cordillera Occidental, Cauca, Colom- bia. Elevation, 6600 feet. May 15, 1914. (H. S. Parish.) [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Type No. 5346.] Size medium large, form moderately broad, when compared with the species of nearest affinity. Head with eyes very broad in front; eyes separated by a brief space, in width about one-sixth the greatest diameter of the eye.'^ Pro- notum and tegmina of normal form, the clear margins of these parts somewhat tessellate with greenish and in consequence somewhat opaque. Supra-anal plate rounded subrectangular, transverse distad but produced beyond apex of produced subgenital plate, dorsal surface weakly concave; lateral margins straight and longitudinal to broadly rounded disto-lateral angles, this convexity continued on the caudal margin, thus forming a moderate obtuse-angulate emargination mesad. Cerci small, more elongate than in bidentula but of sim- ilar form, extending well beyond supra-anal plate, tapering gently and evenly to flattened, narrow and rather sharply rounded apex. Subgenital plate trans- verse, roughly triangularly bilobate produced, the sinistral produced portion broadest, reaching from base of sinistral style to mesal point, the dextral pro- duction adjacent, brief, the area of these productions bent dorsad. Very slender, straight, cylindrical styles are situated on the free margin of the sub- genital plate at the inner margins of the cereal bases ; the sinistral extending beyond distal margin of supra-anal plate to base of slender apical portion of cercus, two-thirds as long as cercus; the dextral very slightly shorter. P'emora with normal hairs and spines extremely delicate. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type, but taken May 18, 1914. [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.] Size larger than male, form proportionately broader. Head with interoc- ular space broader, three-fifths as wide as greatest ocellar width; the eyes, however, decidedly narrower than in male. Pronotum ample, proportionatelj^ distinctly larger than in females of cubensis. Tegmina elongate and broad, proportionately broader than in females of cubensis. Genitalia showing no differences from cubensis, of the characteristic tyjoe found in the plain green species of the genus. Measure7)ients {in millimeters) La Cumbre, Coloml:)ia, Length of body Length of pronotum Width of pronotum Length of tegmen Width of tegmen iijpe 15.3 4.2 5.1 16.8 5.6 La Cumbre, Colombia, paratype 16.7 4.5 5.6 17.4 5.9 '^ The female type of pimctum is described as having ample pronotum and much wider interocular space than the females of colombiae. '^ In the recorded series of P. bidentula, one male from Caparo, Trinidad, has the interocular space fully as wide. MORGAN HEBARD 117 Q Length of Length of Width of Length of Width of T body pronotuni pronotum tegmen tegmen La Cumbre, Colomlna, allotype 22.7 5.7 7.7 22.6 7.8 La Cumbre, Colombia, paratype 22.2 6 7.4 22.7 8.3 Cauca, Colombia 19.8 5.4 6.8 20.9 7.3 Cauca, Colombia L8.S 5.9 7.7 21.2 7.7 The pronotal differences, thoiioh apparent, are not as decided as the measurements would indicate, this portion being more flattened in some specimens than in others, while the caudal production is sometimes curved downward, sometimes flat. The subgcnital plate of the male paratype Is deformed, this particularly affecting the area of the dextral production. The entire series is apparently slightly faded. The general coloration is shining, light green yellow. Lateral margins of pronotum and lateral fields of tegmina opaque, greenish. Lateral cream colored lines of pronotum and tegmen conspicuous, the disk of the pronotum tinged with reddish in one female from Cauca, Colombia. Eyes very dark l^rown, the interocular space ferruginous to varying degrees. Antennae antimony yellow, im- maculate. From one to two inconspicuous blackish brown dots are present on the tegmina in their distal half in all except two females. Specimens Examined: 6; 2 males and 4 females. La Cumbre, Cordillera Occidental, Cauca, Colombia, 6600 feet, V, 15 and 18, 1914, (H. S. Parish), 2d^, 2 9, type, allotype, paratypes, [A. N. S. P.]. Cauca, Colombia, 2 9 , [A. N. S. P.]. Zetobora lata Shelford 1907. Zrto})ora lata Shelford, Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., (7), xi.\, p. 45. [cT, no locality given.] Bogota, Cundinamarca, 8750 feet, (H. G. Klages,) 1 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. . This specimen agrees fully with the type except in being ap- preciably smaller. The subgenital plate is distinctly bilobate- produced meso-distacl, though not as strongly so as the supra- anal plate. The femora entirely lack genicular spines and have their ventral margins unarmed; the ventro-cephalic margin of the cephalic femora is supplied distad with a row of well sep- arated, moderately elongate hairs, as are the ventro-caudal mar- gins of the median and caudal femora throughout their length. TRANS. AM. ENT. .SOC, XLV. 118 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Length of body, 25; pronotuin, 8; tegmen, 20.2. Width of pronotum, 12.9; tegmen, 10 mm. BLABERINAE Blaberus giganteus (Linnaeus) 1758. [Blatta] giganlea Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, i, p. 424. [America.] Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, VII, 10, 1913, (M. A. Carriker Jr.; fimdacion), 5 9,1 juv. d",^* [Hebard Cln.]. This insect differs from B. colosseiis (IlUger) only in the average proportionately broader pronotiim and wider marginal field of the tegmina. It is possible that that name may be found invalid, representing a mere variation of the present species. Much larger series of both conditions must be had before this can l^e finally settled. Blaberus colosseus (lUigor) 1802. Blatta colossea Illiger, Mag. Insektenkunde, i, p. 186. [Demerara[ = British Guiana].] Muzo, Boyaca, 2700 feet, VI, 1915, (from A. Maria), Id", [Hebard Cln.]. The measurements of this specimen are: length of body, 59; pronotum, 15.8; tegmen, 66.7. Width of pronotum, 21.6; teg- men, 22; marginal field of tegmen, 6.8 mm. Length contained in width of pronotum 1.37 times. Blaberus discoidalis Serville 1839. Blabera discoidalis Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins., Orth., p. 76. [ 9 , Santo Domingo.] Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, 4000 to 5000 feet, VII, 1913, (M. A. Carriker Jr.), 2d', [Hebard Cln.]. Susumuco, Cundinamarca, 2600 feet, XI, 25, 1916, (from A. Maria), 5d, [Hebard Cln.]. Fusugasuga, Cundinamarca, 5464 feet, XII, 1916, (from A. Maria), 39, [Hebard Cln.]. The Cincinnati specimens are exceptionally large for the spe- cies, representing the optimum condition, and are similar to material recently recorded advcntive in the United States from Colombia.^^ The remainder of the series is typical, the pronotal spot showing considerable variation, as is usual, in extent and contour. '^ This series has been fully discussed; Ent. News, xxvii, p. 290, (1916). 3» Mem. Am. Ent. Soc, No. 2, p. 273, (1917). MORGAN HEBARD 119 OXYHALOINAE Chorisoneura translucida (Saussure) 1864. Bl[atl(i] translucida Saussure, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., (2), xvi, p. 311. [ [ 9 ], Mexico.] La Cumbre, Cordillera Occidental, Cauca, 6600 feet, V, 14, 1914, (H. S. Parish), 1 9 , [A. N. S. P.]. A considerable series of apparently the same species from Mex- ico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama is before us. More material is, however, needed before we can state definitely whether the somewhat marked differences observed are attrib- utable in all cases to individual variation, or should be in some used as a basis for geographic racial or even specific separation. We would note that subsequent records, from various portions of South America, of the species originally described from Mexico, are in the majority of cases found to represent actually distinct species. The species which have so wide a range are almost all ubiquitous and abundant forms. To this category the oresent species may belong. The species is. apparently closely allied to C. mysteca Saussure.^" From the original description that insect apparently differed only in the tegmina having a fuscous humeral line, but later, when more fully described,'*' found to differ also in having the tegmina with veins of the "marginal" (scapular) field very numerous and intercalated.' The specimen before us agrees fully with two females in the Hebard Collection from San Rafael, Vera Cruz, Mexico. PERISPHAERINAE The Perisphaerinae are divided into a nvnnber of distinct di- visions. First we would place Dasyposotna and its allies, showing a strong Blattinid development; then Stenopilema and allied genera which show a distinctive type. This type may be said to exhibit an Epilamprinc or Panchlorine facies, the general structure showing the Epilamprinc tendency the stronger. In this group the three new American genera described below should be placed first; Colapteroblatta indeed showing closest general sim- ilarity to certain al)errant genera of the Epilamprinae, differing very widely from these in features which assign it to the Peris- phaerinae. The groups which come after are: that including "> Rev. et Mag. de Zool., (2), xiv, p. 167, (1862). « Mem. I'Hist. Nat. Mex., iv, Blatt., p. 110, (1864). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC. XLV. 120 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Hormetica and allied genera, showing a Blaberine fades, and lastly that in which belongs Para?iauphoeta, showing striking approach toward the Panesthinae. Still other divisions are represented in the present subfamily, but at present insufficient material is before us to assign these properly. COLAPTEROBLATTA-'- new genus The simple type of pronotum in the present genus is remarkable in the present group, the majority of the forms of which have the lateral wings of the pronotum deflexed and variously specialized.'** Nearest relationship is found in Porohlatta, also an American genus, described on page 123, where these genera are compared. Genotype. — Colapteroblatta compsa new species. Description of Genus. — Form dissimilar in the sexes: male elongate, rather broad, with dorsal surface of abdomen feebly convex between the moderately raised lateral margins; female less elongate, broad, with dorsal surface of abdomen evenly con- vex. Head of male with interocular space broad and ocelli large and sharply defined, of female with interocular space extremely broad and ocelli small but distinct. Pronotum of male moder- ately punctulate, with surface very weakly convex except above the head, where the convexity is more decided, and laterad where the lateral wings are subdeplanate and feebly declivent, caudal margin feebly convex with a median angvilation subobsolete; of female moderately punctulate, with surface moderately convex, the greatest convexity above the head (less than in male) and declivent, unspecialized lateral wings (more strongly declivent than in male), leaving the evenness of the general convexity little disturbed. Tegmina of male delicate, very elongate and narrow, extending much beyond apex of abdomen; of female heavily chitinous, abbreviate. Wings of male fully developed; of female minute, atrophied pads. Supra-anal plate of male bilobate, very delicate; of female with distal margin convex but showing traces of bilobation, heavily chitinous. Subgenital plate of male of characteristic Blaberine type (variously developed also in the Epilamprhiae and Panchlorinae) ; of female simple, ample, convex and fitting closely all of ventral portion of abdomen l)eyond fifth ■*- From KoXa7rTi7p = chisel. «See Shclford, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), i, p. 1G2, (1908). MORGAX HEBARD 121 dorsal abdominal segment. Limbs moderately heavy in male, heavier in female; in both sexes with cephalic femur very slightly wider proximad than distad, the ventro-cephalic margin supplied with a fringe of hairs, terminating distad in a single heavy, re- duced spine, ventro-caudal margin with one or several similar distal spines; ventro-cephalic margins of median and caudal femora with very few, irregularly scattered, distant, reduced spines, ventro-caudal margins of median and caudal femora with more numerous, heavier but reduced spines. Tarsi similar in both sexes except that the joints are more slender in the male; caudal metatarsus no longer than combined length of first three succeeding joints; four proximal joints with ventral surfaces un- armed and fully occupied by large pulvilli, which are bluntly a,ngulato-produced distad, that of metatarsus linear in proximal portion. Large arolia present between the delicate tarsal claws. Colapteroblatta compsa new species (Plate XIX, figs. 1 and 2.) The males are unknown of the species showing nearest affinity to this large and striking insect. When compared with the female of that species, Porohlatta cylindrica, here described, that sex of the present insect is found to differ in the much bi'oader form, weak hooding of the pronotum cephalad even less apparent but with lateral wings likewise simple, overlapping sutural mar- gins of the tegmina and less reduced cerci, which in normal posi- tion extend slightly beyond the curvatiu-e formed by the free margin of the adjacent segments. Type. — cf ; San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa INIarta, Mag- (lalena, Colombia. Elevation, 7000 to 8300 feet. August 23, 1913. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 447.] Size large for group; form elongate, rather l)road. Head with interocular area deplanate, moderately punctulate, forming a weak, rounded, obtuse- angulation with the deplanate, moderately punctulate- face; eyes large, mod- erately projecting; interocular space broad, as wide as eye, slightly broader than interocellar space, considerably narrower than width between antennal sockets; ocelli decided, large, flattened surfaces oblique to plane of intervening area. Maxillary palpi small and slender; third joint longest; fourth decidedly shorter; fifth (distal) joint intermediate in length between these, weakly en- larged. Pronotvmi, tegmina, wings, abdomen and limbs as given in generic description. Oblique sulci of pronotal disk l)road, distinct. Tegmina broad- est meso-distad, with discoidal sectors moderateh' oblique. Sinistral wing with few (3) complete and many (16) incomplete rami of the ulnar vein: inter- TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 3 122 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA calated triangle very elongate and narrow. Cerci small, elongate, extending caudad Ijeyond distal margin of supra-anal plate, tapering evenly to the sharply rounded apex,with lateral margins distinctly crenate. Subgenital plate with surface weakly convex; minute, subchitinous, slender styles situated on distal margin just inside cerci, the dextral slightly the longer; distal produced portion of plate between these with sinistral margin moderately convex to beyond mesal point, rounding there into the straight, oblique dextral margin. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Body bulk larger than male; form elongate elliptical, broad. Head much more simple than in male, front portion entirely deplanate, moderately punc- tulate; eyes reduced, not projecting; interocular space very broad, as wide as space between antennal sockets; ocelli reduced, small, smoothly concave, irregularly rounded. Maxillary palpi slightly heavier than in male. Prono- i,um, tegmina, wings, abdomen and limbs as given in generic description. Pronotal surface more evenly convex than in male with oblique sulci of disk obsolete, latero-caudal angles rectangulate, sharply rounded, caudal margin perfectly transverse. Tegmina truncate, about as long as wide, roundly pro- duceo'. caudad at costal margin, thence with distal margin roundly emarginate, this cutting through the distal portion of the anal field, angle at sutural margin slightly less than ninety degrees, with apex sharply rounded. Cerci greatly reduced, very small, short; brief lateral margins entire, apex acute. Measuremejits {in millimeters) 7] Length of Length of Width of Length of Width of Width of O body pronotum pronotum tegmen tegmen" abdomen San Lorenzo, /ype 27.7 6.2 8.9 33.9 9.8 9.4 9 San Lorenzo, ai/o" Ann. 8oc. Ent. France, Ixxx, p. 325, (1911). " Proo. U. S. Xat. Mus., x.xvii, p. 566. 62Bidl. Soc. Ent. Italiana, xlvi, p. 137,(1915). "' Differing from Chopard's description only in the almost complete absence of maculation. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 136 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA character alone given to separate the unique specimen described as fallax from granadensis, taken at the same locahty, indicates that the vahdity oi fallax is highly doubtful. The measurements of the specimen here recorded are as follows : Length of body, 16.8; pronotum, 5.5; cephalic coxa, 4.8; cephalic femur, 5 mm. Width of head, 3.7; of pronotum at widest point, 2.3 mm. Pogonogaster latens new species (Plate XVIII, figs. 6 and 7.) This remarkable mantid is not widely separated from the genotype, P. tristani Rehn.^^ It differs in having the pronotal collar proportionately slightly shorter, with the two median ele- vations represented by slightly raised swellings rather than blunt conical projections; the supra-coxal expansion not as decidedly produced on each side, these portions less delicate with margins not as strongly irregularly serrate; shaft with median carina dis- tinct but lacking nodes, the flexure dorsad of the caudal portion not as sharp, the pair of nodes there found heavier and lower, as are the nodiform projections mesad on the caudal margin of the mesonotum, metanotum and median segment; abdomen with large and striking foliaceous plates only mesad on first, second and third dorsal segments, these irregular in outline but lacking spiniform marginal projections; succeeding abdominal segments only moderately cristate mesad, this strongest on fourth segment; supra-anal plate more bluntly rounded distad, and limb arma- ment similar except that the minute microscopic denticulations of the margins of the cephalic coxae and proximal portions of the ventral margins of the cephalic tibiae are more numerous and even smaller, while the cephalic tibiae are supplied ventro-ex- ternally each with two minute spines curved distad. Type. — 9 ; Rio Aguatal, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 5900 feet. November, 1908. [United States National Museum.] Size medium; form very slender, except the abdomen which is moderately stout. Head crushed; oceHi obsolete. Pronotum elongate, collar nearly half as long as shaft, showing a large, moderately raised swelling meso-caudad and a lesser swelling mcso-cephalad; pronotal margins microscopically denticulate; supra-coxal expansion with lateral portions triangularly i)roduccd, directed slightly ccphalad, with apex bluntly rounded, the angle there fornicHl slightly less than a rectangle; shaft ^with a distinct medio-longitudinal carina, shaft moderately bent dorsad near the caudal extremity and there supplied with a •5^ Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xliv, p. 327, (1918). The type, a female, apparently nearly adult, from La Palma, Costa Rica, is in the Academy collection. MORGAN HEBARD 137 large rounded projection on each side of the median carina. Mesonotum and metanotum with a distinct medio-longitudinal carina, this raised and forming with the caudal margin a small, acute projection on each segment; tegminal and wing pads distinct, produced. Median segment with median carina weak but caudad more strongly produced dorsad than the metanotum, forming with the caudad margin a small acute projection. First, second and third dorsal segments with caudal half of dorsal surface produced dorsad in large, delicate, foliaceous plates, each plate so formed that its irregularly scalloped and bluntly angulate margins represent a continuation of the caudal margin of its respective segment; each of these segments with latero-caudal angles pro- duced in a small, roundly subquadrate plate; fourth segment with a dorso- caudal projection much like that of the median segment but larger, this and the fifth segment with latero-caudal angles produced in still smaller, rounded plates; fifth and succeeding segments with their entire dorsal surfaces (due to their brevity) each occupied by a medio-longitudinal projection ascendent caudad, each similar to but distinctly smaller than that of the fourth segment. Supra-anal plate elongate shield-shaped, with a distinct medio-longitudinal carina, projecting as far as apex of subgenital plate, apex rather broadly rounded. Venti'al abdominal segments each produced raesad at the caudal margin, forming with that margin a very small rounded projection directed ventrad. Limbs elongate and slender; cephalic limlxs as in tristani, except as noted above. Sul^genital plate developed distad in a valvular process nearly half as long as the distance from its base to base of subgenital plate, jjrocess with a medio-longitudinal ventral sulcation to its base, which is formed by a transverse, broadly V-shaped sulcation of the surface of the plate. Length of body, 32; pronotum, 10.6; pronotal collar, 3.7; pronotal shaft, (j.9; process of first dorsal abdominal segment, 3.6; dorsal portion of supra-anal plate, 2.3; cephalic coxa, 7.4; cephalic femora, 9.8; cephalic tibia, 3; caudal femora, 10.2; caudal tibia, 10.4; caudal metatarsus, 5.7 mm. Width of pronotum at supra-coxal swelling, 2.9; pronotum at narrowest point of shaft, 1.1 ; process of first dorsal abdominal segment at widest point, 2.7; cephalic femur, .8 mm. General coloration warm bufT marbled and flecked with mummy brown. Abdomen with median portion of dorsum and median portion of foliaceous projections suffused with mummy l)rown. Ventral siu-face suffused with mummy brown. Cephalic coxa warm bufT, flecked with mummy brown and with two median, irregular, transverse bands of this color on the external face. Cej)halic femur light buff washed with mummy brown in three broad, irregular transverse bands. Cephalic tibia light buff with two internal irregular suffu- sions of mummy brown. Median and caudal limbs mummj' brown with irregular annuli and flecks of light buff. The type of this remarkable niautid i.s unique. VATINAE Lobocneme colombiae now species (Plate XIX, figs. 8 and 9.) As in the genotype, L. lobipes (Redtenbacher) , this species has the head more transverse and the supra-coxal dilation of the TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 4 138 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA pronotum more decided than in the species of the genus Poro- stagmatoptera at hand. The antennae are distinctly serrate, but not strongly so, as described for the male sex of lohipes and shown in males of Parastagmatoptera before us. The generic position is easily recognized by the slight but dis- tinct, rounded lobe distad on the ventro-caudal margin of the caudal femora,®^ confusion alone being possible with Paroxyopsis, in which genus the eyes are said to be more produced laterad. This lobe is much less strongly developed in colombiae than in lohipes. The marginal field of the tegmina agrees more nearly with Parastagmatoptera serricornis Kirby^^ and P. unipunctata (Bur- meister)^^ than it does with males of the other species of that genus at hand, but narrows more suddenly than in either of these. Type. — cf ; Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. December 26, 1910. [Hebard Collection, Type No. 463.] Size small for the group, distinctly smaller than lohipes; form slender. Head strongly transverse, width nearly two times depth, front distinctly con- cave, the eyes and adjacent portions of the head directed moderately latero- cephalad; occipital outline weakly concave between the weakly arcuato- elevated juxta-ocular sections; ocelli well developed, arranged in a triangle; facial scutellum nearly three times as broad as deep, dorsal margins weakly concave-ascendent to blunt median obtuse-angulation. Eyes showing very faintly a meso-lateral angulation. Antennae with joints serrate. Pronotum with margins supplied with numerous widely spaced, minute, microscopic teeth; collar comprising about one-fourth total pronotal length, distinctly constricted before the supra-coxal dilation; supra-coxal dilation decided, with sulci conspicuous. The tegmina reach to apices of cerci and are slightly sur- passed by the wings; stigma present, small, longitudinal, linear; marginal field rather broad proximad, narrowing rather suddenly before median portion of tegmen. Supra-anal plate triangular, length half proximal width, subchitinous toward the bluntly rectangulate apex. Cerci scarcely four times as long as supra-anal plate, proximal joints fused for one-third cereal length, remaining eight joints distinct, the ultimate joint bluntly rounded distad. Concealed genitalia complex, resting in the produced subgenital plate; two large lobes, from beneath the sinistral of which project three specialized processes. Sub- genital plate produced, length nearly twice proximal width; moderately con- vex mesad, the lateral and distal portions subdeplanate, this widest latero- distad; slightly constricted proximad, the lateral margins subparallel, weakly convex, the convexity increasing distad to the styles, between which the mar- gin is transverse and less heavy in structure. Styles set in sockets on distal ®^ In the tyi)e the median limbs are missing. «« Icf, Feren^', Peru, [A. N. S. P.]. •^ Icf, Embaroacion, Salta, Argentina, [A. N. S. P.]. MORGAN HEBARD 139 margin of subgenital plate, minute, subcylindrical, feebly tapering to the bluntly rounded apex, each in length about two-fifths the distance between their bases. Armament of hmbs as characteristic for the genera Lobocneme and Parastagmatoplera. Limbs slender, (but not as elongate as in males of the species of Paraalagmatoptera examined). Median femora missing. Caudal femora with a slight, but distinct, rounded lobe immediately proximad of the genicular area on the ventro-caudal margin. Length of body, 33.5; pronotum, 11.3; tegmen, 22.3; wing, 20.6; cephalic coxa, 7.2; cephalic femur, 8; caudal femur, 8.4; caudal tibia, 8 mm. Width of head, 5.4; pronotum at .supra-coxal dilation, 2.4; tegmen at widest point, 5.8; teg- men in distal third, 4.9; marginal field of tegmen, 1.7 mm. Depth of head, 2.85 mm. Head vinaceous-russet tinged with green caudad, except facial scutellum which is light buff. Eyes saccardos umber. Antennae orange cinnamon. Ocelli clear cadmium yellow. Green portions of insect evidently somewhat faded, probably all light oriental green in life. Pronotum green. Tegmina largely colorless hyaline, with veins very weakly green ; marginal field opaque green, in this dried specimen showing a reddish discoloration in distal two-thirds, as do the apices of the wings; stigma buffy, glossy, linear (length, 1.8 mm.). Wings colorless hyaline, showing a weak iridescence, with veins very weakly green; costal margin opaque green. Abdomen yellowish brown, shading to green on the subgenital plate. Limbs green. Cephalic coxae with a longitu- dinal suffusion of blackish brown ventrad on the internal face, immediately l)efore the genicular area. Cephalic femora with inner face mustard yellow shading to green dorsad, with minute brown dots at bases of alternate spines.®* The type is unique. Stagmatoptera septentrionalis Saussure and Zehntuer 1894. Stagmatoptera septentrionalis Saussure and Zehntner, Biol. Cent.- Amer., Orth., i, p. 186, pi. viii, fig. 2. [ 9 ; Bugaba, Panama.] ' Santa Marta, Magdalena, XII, 26, 1910, 1 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Cauca, (F. Bonis), 1 9 , [A. N. S. P.]. The Cauca specimen is nearly as large as the tj'po, the Santa Marta indivichuil considerably smaller. These specimens agree in all important features with Central American material of the species at hand. Measurements {in viillirneters) Q Length of Length of Width of Length of Width of marginal ^ body pronotum pronotum tegmen field of tegmen Ex Saussure, type 96 38 — 51 8.3 Cauca 85 34.8 8.9 .52.2 8.8 Santa Marta 76 . 5 31.7 7 40 . 9 7.3 "* This insect appears to agree closely in the coloration of the cephalic limbs with Paroxyopsis icterica (Saussure and Zehntner), described from a female. 'I'hat genus, from the female sex, appears to differ from Lobocneme in the dif- ferently shaped eyes, much narrower nuirgiiial field of the tegmina and trans- verse stigma. TR.\NS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 140 • COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Phyllovates chlorophaea (Blanchard) 1835. Mantis chlorophaea Blanchard, Mag. Zool., v, Ins., pi. 135. [ 9 ; Water- town, New York. (In error.)] Honda, Tolima, V, 1913, 600 feet (from A. Maria), lo", [Hebard Cln.]. Fiisugasuga, Cundinamarca, 5800 feet, XII, 1913, (from A. Maria), 1 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Phyllovates stolli (Saussure and Zehntner) 1894. Theoclytes stolli Saussure and Zehntner, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., i, p. 192. [ 9 : Guiana; Brazil] Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, 4000 to 5000 feet, VII, 1913, (M. A. Carriker Jr.), 1 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Phasmidae pygirhynchinae Acanthoclonia erinaceus Redtenbacher 1908. A[canthoclonia] erinaceus Redtenbacher, Insektenfamilie der Phasmi- den, p. 62. [ 9 ; Antioquia, Colombia.] San Antonio, Caiica, 6600 feet, X and XI, 1908, 2 cf , 1 9, [U. S. N. M.]. The female agrees fully with the original description except in being considerably larger^^ and in the metanotum, which besides being armed with the heavy pair of median composite spines is generally denticulate, but shows no two short, widely spaced spines cephalad worthy of special mention. The dorso-external teeth of the first antennal joint are clearly variable; in the female at hand one of these joints has a heavy projection, showing a large and two smaller teeth, the other a similar projection showing a large and a small tooth. The males have but a single tooth distad. Compared with the female, the males are in general similar, with homologous spines and laminate projections; differing in being decidedly more slender, with spined laminate processes as ■elongate but less composite, mesonotum and metanotum showing a low but decided medio-longitudinal lidge, the surface generally not as heavily rugose and denticulate. Abdomen differently •armed as follows: first '° and scM'ond dorsal segments each with "' The tyi)c may not be fully adult. ™ We do not include the median sesnient as does Redteiil)acher, hence our first dorsal abdominal segment is that referred to by that author as the second, and so forth. MORGAN HEBARD 141 a median pair of slender spines with few spinulae near leases; succeeding segments unarmed; auriform process of fifth less de- cided than in female; sixth, seventh and eighth segments carinate medio-longitudinally, with dorsal surface of carina rather broad and flattened; seventh segment expanding laterad, the remaining segments broadened so that the end of the abdomen is clubbed, its caudal margin irregularly serrate, the supra-anal plate pro- duced to a strongly bilobate apex, the inner faces of these adja- cent lobes heavily denticulate. Measuroneiit-'i {in nnllinuiers) _-p\ Length of Length of Length of Length of Length of O body pronotum mesonotum metanotum'i caudal femur San Antonio 39.5 7.7 5.6 13.9 15.2 San Antonio 37.5 7.7 5.5 14 15.7 9 San Antonio 43 8.4 6.1 12 15.7 Acanthoclonia strangulata now species (Plate XX, figs. 1, 2 and 3.) This i'emarkul)le insect belongs to the forms of the genus show- ing no laminate projections on head and other segments of the body. The remarkable and very large pair of composite spines on the mesonotimi show a transition from the type of the heavy pair of spined plates, as fouiul in the species of the first section of the genus, to the much smaller and less striking pair of sub- composite spines, as found in the forms showing no laminate projections on head and other body segments. It is noteworthy that, in apparently every species of Acan- thoclonia, the position of plates and spines shows in some or many features a distinctive arrangement from that found in any other species. It is pro})able that the contrast between the sexes is a matter largely of degree, as discussed und(;r A. erinaceus Red- tenbacher. The elongate mesonotum, which is decidedly narrower cephalad than caudad, and great iunnl)er of spines on the body, are striking features in the present species. Type. — 9 ; San Lorenzo, Siena Nevada de Santa ^Vlarta, Mag- dalena, Colombia. Elevation, 8300 feet. August 2)3, 1913. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 451.] "' In the present paper the length of the metanotura, as given for the Phas- niidae, inckides the median segment unless otherwise stated. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 142 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Size large for genus. Antennae with first joint rounded rectangular, longer than broad, showing a feeble, longitudinal, proximal dorso-internal carina and bearing a decided, distal dorso-external spine."- Head with occiput gibbous, bearing three pairs of spines, the mesal pair largest, decided (length, 1.9 mm.), with a few small spines at bases, in addition there is a small pair of spines cau- dad of the antennal sockets, with a depressed area between these, and mesad on each cheek a stout spine, while other irregularly placed, small spiniform nodes occur. Pronotum subquadrate, with four spines on the cephalic margin, of which the two mesad are the smaller, a single small spine on the lateral margins above a small coxal spine, and a transverse row of four decided spines near the caudal margin, of which the two mesad are the largest. Mesonotum elongate, decidedly wider caudad than cephalad, lateral margins straight, divergent caudad; mesonotum with a pair of elongate, heavily spined processes (spiniform and not lamellate as in many species of the genus) (length 6.4 mm.), springing from a raised saddle near the caudal margin, these processes curving dorso-laterad, cephalad of these are two median pairs of equidistant moderate spines, between which is a pair of more widely spaced elongate spines (length, 2.2 mm.), while laterad near the lateral margins is a series (four and five) of widely spaced, smaller and somewhat irregular spines. The metanotum bears two pair of widely spaced, similar spines and two similar spines laterad near each lateral margin. The median segment is appreciably broader than long, and bears meso-dorsad near its caudal margin a pair of moderate spines (length, 1.9 mm.) with spinulae at their bases, in addition to two well-spaced, smaller spines mesad on each side. The first dorsal abdominal segment is similarly armed except that the meso-dorsal pair of spines is smaller and there is an additional spine at each latero-caudal angle. The succeeding dorsal abdominal segments to the sixth are similarly armed, with meso-dorsal pair of spines increasingly robust, those of the fourth, fifth and sixth segments form- ing rather twin spinose lamellate processes, the meso-lateral spines decrease in size distad, the spines at each latero-caudal angle increasingly robust to the eighth segment, those of the fourth and fifth forming lamellate plates each projecting as two triangles, of the sixth and seventh similar but horizontal (in normal position) and of the eighth forming a much larger, irregularly roun- ded lamellate plate. Meso-dorsad the seventh segment is supplied with small twin spines, the eighth and ninth with minute twin nodes, the meso-lateral spines are present as nodes on the seventh and obsolete on the eighth and ninth segments. The ninth dorsal abdominal segment has its distal margin made up of large acute-angulate projections with apices rounded, a line drawn through these being convex. Between the sixth, seventh and eighth dorsal al)dominal and its corresponding ventral segment, specialization of the soft integument evidently occurs; this is too shrivelled in the present specimen to describe accurately. Mesopleurum and metapleurum with a row of spines, the former with a supra-coxal swelling bearing three longer spines. Prosternum with a spine on each side just caudad of the insertion of the liml). Coxae and other '2 Other portions of antennae missing in this specimen. MORGAN HEBARD 143 ventral jiortions moderately well supplied with spines. Operculum produced, free margin forming a median angle of less than ninety degrees with apex rather l^luntl}' rounded. Femora with the two dorsal and the two ventral margins armed, the dorsal armament the heavier, this armament represented by spines proximad, developing rapidly into triangular spiniform plates, then decreasing near the extremities to heavy spines. Tibiae with ventral surfaces supplied proximo-mesad with a few small spines, supplied dorsal with an alter- nating series of triangular, spiniform plates, which decrease greatly in size distad. Tarsi with large pulvilli, occupying distal half of ventral surface of metatarsus and all of this area in the three succeeding joints. Large arolia present. Lengthof body, 51.5; pronotum, 3.2; mesonotum, 10.4; metanotum, includ- ing median segment, 6.8; cephalic femur, 11.9; caudal femur, 13 mm. Width of mesonotum, cephalad, 2.9; mesonotum, caudad, 5.8; metanotum, 5.8 mm. General coloration bister and snuff brown, heavilj' marbled with microscopic black markings which give the insect a soiled appearance. Many of the plates on the limbs are almost solidly black. Many of the heavier spines are black tipped. The proximal abdominal spiracles are narrowly margined dorsad with greenish white. The type of this remarkable spine-covered walking-stick is unique. Acanthoclonia carrikeri new species (Plate XX, figs. 4 and 5.) The present species is so distinctive in several features that generic separation may eventually be found necessary. At pres- ent, however, the forms of this group are known from so few specimens and the differences between all the species of Acan- thoclonia are so remarkable, that-we do not feel justified in taking that step. Certain features, such as the spined occiput, general disposition of a large number of the spines and absence of spined lamellate processes on^ occiput and metanotum, agree best with Mirophasma cirsium Redtenbacher, but the great development of spinulose lobes on the abdomen, with other features, serves readily to separate that species. The most striking features in the present species are: the antennae with first joint unarmed and succeeding joints straight and not enlarged distad; rather smooth dorsal surface between the spines and spinulae, and caudal metatarsus nearly as long as the combined length of the succeeding tarsal joints. Type- — cf ; La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Elevation, 7500 feet. July 15 to 20, 1916. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Col- lection, Type No. 467.] TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 144 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Size very small for the genus, slightly less than that of A. dicranum Redten- bacher, smallest of the previously known species; form moderately slender for the genus. Antennae with proximal joint flattened, rectangulate, slightly longer than wide, unarmed; succeeding joints elongate, straight and not en- larged distad." Head with occiput armed with two transverse arcuate rows of slender elongate spines, four in each row, of which the median-cephalic pair are slightly the largest, before these is a sub-approximate pair of decidedly smaller spines, and between these and the antennal sockets a more widely separated pair of larger slender spines. Pronotum rectangulate, appreciably longer than broad, armed mesad with an approximate pair of very elongate slender spines, behind these showing a rather broad transverse concavity, with a pair of minute approximate spinulae mesad at the cephalic margin and a heavier, longer, more widely separated pair of small spines mesad toward the caudal margin, each angle of the pronotum is also armed with a small slender spine directed laterad. Mesonotum narrowing evenly cephalad in cephalic two-thirds, narrowing slightly in caudal third, armed with a widely separated pair of elongate slender spines near the cephalic margin, and with an approxi- mate pair of spines mesad at end of cephalic third, which are enlarged and supplied with a few spinulae at their attingent bases, armed with a transverse series of four elongate, heavy, composite spines at end of caudal third, the me- dian pair of which are fused in proximal portion, the lateral spines of this series the longest on the insect, lateral margins supplied with elongate spinulae and a transverse series of four minute spinulae near the caudal margin. Metanotum with a similar, but much smaller, transverse series of four elongate, heavy, composite spines mesad, and with a lateral projection on each side above the coxa armed with a similar spine. Median and first dorsal abdominal segments showing rudiments of four spinulae mesad at their caudal margins, and with feeble smooth carinulae running from these laterad to near the latero-cephalic angles of these segments, such are found caudad as far as the seventh segment ; second dorsal abdominal segment with four spines mesad, of which the cephalic pair are well developed and composite, these are found on each segment in decreasing size to the seventh where they are subobsolete. First to seventh dor- sal abdominal segments with latero-caudal angles produced in small, irregularly rounded projections. Distal portion of abdomen moderately enlarged, cris- tate,'^ produced, terminating in two narrow vertical lobes, which internally are heavily denticulate. Cerci flattened, short, incurved. Subgenital plate short, truncate distad. Femora each with an acute, dorsal genicular projection and with all margins supplied with triangular plates, which are sharp at their apices, these largest meso-distad. Tibiae supplied with smaller triangular plates with apices sharply rounded. Tarsal joints slender and rather elongate, caudal metatarsus nearly as long as combined length of succeeding joints. '^ In both paratypes the suc('eeding ten joints are elongate and slender, the remaining eleven or twelve joints much shorter, decreasing gradually in length from first of these, the thirteenth half as long as the twelfth. '^ Slightly more fironounced and showing three serrations in the paratypes. MORGAN HEBARD 145 Measurements {in nrillUneters) _7i Length of O body Length of mesonotum Cephalic width of mesonotum Length of metanotum Length of caudal femur La Palmeta, lupe . ... 19.5 4 1.6 2.8 9.2 San Antonio, paralype 18.5 3.8 1.7 2.8 7.4 San Antonio, parutype 18 3.8 1.7 2.8 7.4 • Type discolored. Paratypes moderately discolored, buffy suffused with brown. In one the pale proximal portion of the cephalic femora is pale green, suggesting that this may be the paler coloration in life. Head buffy with spines tipped with brown, as are all the heavier spines of the body. Antennae dark brown, annulate, proximal half of alternate joints buffy. Dorsal surface buffy with traces of a median brown line. Femora dark brown, except proxi- mal portions which are buffy. Tibiae dark brown, irregularly annulate with buffy. The species is known from the type and two paratypic males, in the United States National Museum, from San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia, at 6600 feet, taken in November, 1908. ANISOMORPHINAE Anisomorpha atrata new sfjccies (Plate XX, fig. 6.) The general form and type of male genitalia is characteristic for the genus Anisomorpha. The metanotum is, however, not as long as the combined length of the head and pronotum, the cephalic femora are straight and all the femora are terete dorsad; these features have been supposed to be characteristic for Auto- lycaJ^ The mesonotum is feebly armed, as in A. paromalus Westwood. Type. — cf ; San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Mag- dalena, Colombia. Elevation, 8300 feet. August 23, 1913. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 452.] Size rather large for the genus, form robust. Head about as broad as long; vertex with a decided transverse dorsal impression between the antennal bases; lateral ocelli minute but distinct, latcrad of which are shallow convex impressions, convergent caudad; occiput showing seven longitudinal sulci, of which the three situated mesad are weak, but the median sulcus is percurrent to the impression of the vertex. Antennae with internal margin of first joint "^ Redtenl)a('her's separation of these genera is by no means satisfactory. The character of the first antennal joint is hardly of any value whatever, while that author contradicits himself in his statements as to the character of degree of development of femoral carinae. Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden, pp. 87 and 94, (1908). Examination of specimens in the Hebard Collection of the geno- type, Autolyca paUidicornis St&l, shows far more important differences from Anisomorpha than would appear, from the literature, to exist, the male genitalia being of a particularh' distinctive type. TRANS. AM. ENT. .SOC, XLV. 146 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA [)inched proximad. Pronotum longer than wide, surface shining, very feel:)ly roughened, transverse sulcus distinct, medio-longitudinal sulcus very weak. Mesonotum shining, feebly roughened ; armed with two pairs of small conical pro- jections cephalo-laterad, and with a few (three and four) nodes proximo-mesad ,on the lateral margins. Metanotum and dorsal surface of atidomen polished, very feebly roughened; median and succeeding dorsal abdominal segments to and including sixth each supplied mesad, immediately before the caudal mar- gin, with a minute, depressed, triangular projection, directed caudad. Supra- anal plate convex, slightly broader than long, lateral margins straight and parallel to a minute obtuse-angulate emargination, thence convex to the small, but decided, meso-distal emargination; thus the distal portion of the plate is bilobate, the free margins of these lobes thickened and armed ventrad with numerous and very minute teeth. Cerci straight, cylindrical, with apex bluntly rounded. Subgenital plate convex, short. Limbs moderately elon- gate; femora rounded dorsad, moderately deplanate laterad and weakly sulcate latero-distad ; tibiae rounded; tarsi heavily supplied with hairs ventrad, so that the pulvilli are visible only meso-distad. Arolia small. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Agrees with type except in the following features. Size much larger. Occipital sulci much weaker, subobsolete. The two pairs of conical projections of the mesonotum and the nodes (four and four) of the lateral margins more pronounced. Abdominal segments unarmed meso-distad. Supra-anal plate convex. Operculum with base on line with that of seventh dorsal abdominal segment, extending to apex of abdomen, with lateral margins weakly convex to the acute apex. Measuretnents {in millimeters) & Length of body Length of pronotum Ijength of mesonotum Length of metanotum including median segment T>ength of cephalic femur Length of caudal femur Type . . 9 Allotype , 31 2.8 4.7 4.2 9.3 10.4 . . 49.5 4.9 8.4 7 12.4 15 General coloration solid blackish chestnut brown, limbs paler distad, shading there to ochraceous-tawny. Antennae blackish brown, strikingly buffy at the intersections of the joints. The type and allotype are all we have seen of this interesting insect. PSEUDOPHASMINAE Stratocles viridis now species (Plate XXI, fig. 1.) This insect is distinctive in having almost the entire dorsal sur- face, excepting the head, green, and tlu; caudal aiea of the wings dark, except for a large circular mesal white area. In this latter respect the insect agrees alone with N. rufipea Redtenbacher, ])ut differs in the considerably lai-ger size, much more extensive green coloration and other differences of color distribution. MORGAN HEBARD 147 With these species, »S'. bennetti (Gray) and S. bogotensis Kirby are clearly closely related, as shown by the very short mesonotum and general type of coloration; the former, however, has the caudal area of the wings immaculate, the latter has this area smoky hyaline, with a broad curved milk-white band across the middle, not extending to either margin, in addition to other differential features, particularly of coloration. Type. — 9; Muzo, Boyaca, Colombia. Elevation, 2700 feet. August, 1915. (From A. Maria.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 453.] Size medium for the genus. Head with meso-caudal portion of occiput slightly depressed, bounded laterad by brief and shallow longitudinal carinae, and also with a median carina weak but percurrent to the three rather well- developed ocelli, which are rather closely placed on a raised heart-shaped area, the vertex before the median ocellus showing a minute, but decided, depression. Antennae nearly as long as Ixjdy. Pronotum decidedly longer than the very short mesonotum, mesonotum not elevated caudad. Tegmina irregularh' ovate, shoulders raised but bluntly rounded. Wings extending to apex of abdomen. Abdomen smooth to ninth dorsal segment, which is strongly con- vex, with lateral margins straight to near y)ase of cerci, thence broadly and weakly concave to mesal sixth of margin, which is slightly less broadly and more strongly concave, leaving the convex apex of the supra-anal plate briefly ex- posed. Cerci slender, simple, hairy, very feebly incurved to the rather sharply rounded apex. Operculum elongate, hairy, free margins distad convex- convergent to the apex, which is directly beneath the apex of the supra-anal plate. Cephalic femora straight, all femora rounded above. Tibiae rounded, hairy. Tarsi hairy, thickly supplied with coarse hairs ventrad, concealing pulvilli. Aroha very small. Many features of coloration are of great diagnos- tic value, specific structural differences in the present genus have been nuich neglected in the descriptions of the species of the genus. Length of body, 45; pronotum, 3.7; mesonotum, 2.3; tegmen, (5.2; wing, 37.8; cephalic femur, 9.7; caudal femur, 13.8; caudal tibia, 14.2 mm. Width of Dronotum, 2.5; dorsal portion of tegmen, 3; wing, 20.2 mm. General coloration civette green. Head pale yellowish green, with iieavy postocular longitudinal bands of black, and between these irregular occipital bands of the same coloration. Mouthparts and antennae black, the two proximal antennal joints showing weak maculations of {)ale greenish. Prono- tum and mesonotum rinnemann's green, suffused meso-laterad with black. Lateral field of tegmina shining jet black, dorsal field civette green with veins black. Wing with lateral field shining jet black, except in proximal two-thirds of area between mediastine and humeral veins which is solidly civette green proximad, becoming paler, whitish and less extensive distad; dorsal field civette green with veins black; posterior field transparent, heavil}' suffused with black, except for a large, roughly circular, median area suffused with white (10.2 by 10.8 mm.). JNIetapleura black, with a median and ventral longitudinal TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 148 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA band of green. Abdomen with dorsal surface black, lateral margins of seg- ments and caudal margin of distal segment greenish. Entire ventral surface of insect green. Femora civette green, distad lined with black dorsad and laterad, these lines broadening distad. Cephalic tibiae black, median and caudal tibiae suffused green, black dorso-distad. Cerci and tarsi black, the hairs yellowish. The type of this strikingly beautiful insect is unique. HOLCOIDES new genus The present genus is readily separable from others of the Stratocles Section of the Phasmini by the femora and tibiae all being terete, both dorsad and ventrad. In Redtenbacher's key the genus would stand nearest Para stratocles. Genotype. — Holcoides forceps new species. Description of Genus. — Head elongate, nearly twice as long as width between eyes; ocelli distinct. Antennae elongate, segments increasing greatly in length distad, the very elongate distal seg- ments divided into numerous joints. Head, pronotum and meso- notum smooth. Mesonotum shorter than metanotum; with a decided medio-longitudinal sulcus in slightly less than proximal half, which is bounded laterad by rounded carinae; lateral mar- gins strongly cingulate. Tegmina short, truncate. Wings fully developed. Male disto-dorsal abdominal segment highly spec- ialized. Mesosternum evenly convex in transverse section. Cephalic femora with cephalic flexure distinct. All femora and tibiae terete both dorsad and ventrad. Holcoides forceps new species (Plate XXI, figs. 2, 3 and 4.) This species is of particular interest in showing not only an unusual type of limb structure, but also distinctive male genitalia features. The general appearance of the insect agrees very closely with that of Holca annuUpes Redtenbacher^^; that species differing widely, however, in the carination of the femora, sulcation of the cephalic; tibiae, the percui'i'ent sulcus and gramilation of the mesonotum and Ijlack radial vein of the tegmina. Type. — cf ; San Antonio, Cauca, Coloml)ia. Elevation, GGOO feet. January, 1909. [United States National IMuscum.J Size medium, form slender. Head smooth, elongate; clieek .slightly over twice as long as eye; ocelli distinct, median ocellus situated in an abrupt and distinct pit. Antennae nearly as long as body, segments increasing greatly '* Insektenfamiiie der Phasmiden, ]>. 114, pi. iv, fig. 16, (190S). MORGAN HEBARD 149 in lengtli distad, the very elongate distal segments divided into numerous (eight to twelve) short and less strongly defined joints. Pronotum smooth, length about one and three-quarters times width, longitudinal and transverse sulci very weak. Mesonotum as given in generic description; carinae of proxi- mal medio-longitudinal sulcus and cingulate lateral margins polished, all finely and irregularly impresso-punctulate. Tegmina short, margin of lateral field broadly convex; dorsal field truncate distad, angle at the sutural margin very slightly the more produced, distal margin nearly transverse, very feebly convex. \\'ings fully developed, extending to base of seventh dorsal abdominal segment. Dorsal abdominal segments elongate to seventh, which is much shorter, about as long as wide; eighth slightly longer, widening distad. Ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment ascendant and somewhat tectate proximad for a distance equalling the length of the preceding segment, thence, due to the great production of the disto-ventral portions, furcate, the arms tapering strongly in proximal portion, due to the declivity of the dorsal margin, thence slender, produced to their sharply rounded apices which touch on their inner faces, internal surface of these arms supplied with minute short hairs and thickly armed with minute chitinous denticulations. Cerci elongate, straight to their bluntly rounded, incurved apices. Subgenital plate short, slightly shorter than eighth dorsal abdominal segment, free margin convex, except in distal portion where it is bilobate. Limbs as given in generic description. Arolia present. Length of body, 48; head, laterad, 3.8; pronotum, 2.8; mesonotinii, 4.9; tegmen, 3.8; wing, 32.8; ninth (distal) dor.sal abdominal segment, 3.2; cercus, 2.3; cephalic femur, 12.6; cephahc tibia, 11.7; caudal femur, 10.3; caudal metatarsus, 2.1 mm. Width of head, behind eyes, 2.1; dorsal field of tegmen, 1.8; lateral field of tegmen. 1.2; abdomen before apex, 1.2; abdomen at widest (distal) point, 1.7 mm. Head light browaiish olive; with two narrow, longitudinal, i)ostocular bands on each side of cinnamon-buff margined with sepia, of which the ilorsal band is the widest; face and mouthparts cinnamon-buff. Antennae walnut brown proximad, each joint beyond the first two deepening to blackish brown distad, very elongate distal joints gradually becoming paler distad, the more distal with proximal portion light buff, the distal portion suffused, shading to walnut brown at apex. Pronotum and mesonotum light brownish olive, lateral carinae of latter cream Ijuff. Tegmina walnut brown, the veins slightly paler; intermediate field paler, cacao brown; areas between veins suffused with burnt umber toward sutural margin in dorsal field, .\nterior field of wings rood's brown, excey)t along the caudal margin where it is i)inkish buff heavily and irregularly maculate with longitudinal markings of burnt uml)er; radial field transparent, avellaneous. Mesosternum ochraceous-buff, suffused with rood's brown mesad. Metapleura and metasternum rood's brown, the soft integu- ment between these portions buffy. Abdomen cinnamon above, clay color below; the fourth, fifth and sixth dorsal segments with two pairs of small l)lackisli I)rown flecks, of wiiich those of the cephalic pair are the largest and less widely spaced. Limbs ochraceous-butT, the extreme tijjs of the femora TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 150 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA and bases of the til)iae black, all the femora and the median and caudal tibiae each showing two wide, but very faint, bands of ochraceous-tawny. The antennal coloration and the unusual marking of the internal margin ol the anterior field of the wings, and of the limbs, all are found in the otherwise apparently widely separated Holca annulipes Redtenbacher. The type of this interesting species is unique, Pseudophasma "' taeniatum new species (Plate XXI, fig. 5.) This insect agrees with P. rohustum, described in the present paper, in the decidedly robust form and abbreviate wings. The latter extend but slightly beyond the apices of the caudal femora and are clearly useless for sustained flight, though they can probably be employed as parachutes. Very decided difference from rohustum is found in the nodulose occiput, differently colored antennal joints much more strongly defined, exceptionally short mesonotum, distinctive venation of tegmina, broad medio- longitudinal pale band of the anterior field of the wings, uni- colorous limbs and bluntly rounded apex of operculum. Type. — 9 ; San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 6600 feet. November, 1908. [United States National Museum.] Size smaller than rohustum, form robust. Head very slightly longer than wide; occiput with six irregular rows of widely spaced nodules. The three ocelli minute, but not as much reduced as in rohustum, not closely crowded, forming the apices of an equilateral triangle, the surface about each feebly raised, the depression before the median ocellus decided. Antennae with joints weakly but distinctly enlarged distad, excepting the elongate distal joints, which are subdivided into short segments. Pronotum with surface roughened and with a few weak nodules. Mesonotum extremely short, con- siderably shorter than pronotum, with surface decidedly roughened, with three decided and closely placed tubercles on each lateral margin and one decided pair laterad on the dorsum, with a pair of nodes cephalad and caudad, in which region the surface is generally nodulose. Tegmina of normal length for genus; production decided at sutural angle; shoulders compressed with outline irregu- larly convex, due to the varicose condition of the veins, which though promi- nent in the dorsal field are decidedly more thickened and raised on the shoul- ders; distal margin of dorsal field evenly and weakly convex to the rather broadly rounded angle at the sutural margin, sutural margin very feebly convex. Wings reduced, extending only very slightly beyond apices of caudal femora; anterior field broad. Distal portion of al)domen appan^ntly as described for rohustum (dorsal segments distorted), excei)t that the angle formed by the apex of the operculum is only slightly less than a right angle and is bhmtly rounfled. Cephalic femora with cephalic flexure moderate, slightly weaker ^' The necessity of following Kirby in the use of this name for Phasma of authors (not of Lichtenstein as restricted) is fully explained by Holui. I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1904, p. 9.5, footnote 43, (1904). MORGAN HEBARD 151 than in rnbastuin. All femora and tibiae with four carinae conspicuous. Tarsi heavily supplied with hairs on ventral surfaces, the small distal pul villi almost concealed. Moderate arolia present. Length of body, 50; dorsal surface of head, 4; pronotum, 5; mesonotuni, 3.7; tegmen, 7.2; wing, 27.2; cephalic femur, 12.7; median femur, 11.8; caudal femur, 16.7 mm. Width of head, 4.2; pronotum, caudad, 3.9; mesonotum, 4.7; dorsal field of tegmen, 3.3; wing, 19 mm. General coloration black. Head black with a suffused postocular band on each side of sayal brown, mouthparts buffy. Antennae with two proximal joints blackish, other joints sayal brown, their apices suffused with blackish, this suffusion extending on the dorsal surface of each of the proximal joints to near its base. Pronotum black, the lateral margins narrowly sayal brown cephalad. Other portions of body and limbs solidly black, the thick hairs of the ventral surfaces of the tarsi sayal brown. Tegmina velvety black, the enlarged and raised veins cinnamon-buff, except toward the sutural margin where they shade to cinnamon ; in consequence of the very unusual enlargement of the veins on the shoulders, these portions are almost entirely cinnamon-buff. Wings with lateral portion of anterior field blackish, dorsal portion divided into three broad longitudinal bands, the external Imnd blackish (concolorous with the adjacent lateral portion), the median band striking sayal brown, the internal (sutural) band velvety black; posterior field immaculate, avellaneous. The type is unique. Pseudophasma robustum now species (Plate XXI, Fig. 6.) This robust species is particularly distinctive in the abbrevia- tion of its wings, these extending but slightly beyond the apices of the caudal femora. The distinctively annulate antennae, dark tegmina with velvety black area obsolete, immaculate posterior field of the wings and limbs reddish brown in proximal half, black- ish brown in distal half, are other features of decided diagnostic importance. Under P. taeniatum, here described, these two species are fully compared. From the brief description of P. unicolor (Gray), nearest rela- tionship of that insect would appear to exist with robustum; in that species the size is smaller, the antennae differently annulate, the wings longer and the posterior field of the wings differently colored. Type. — 9 ; Cincinnati, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Mag- dalena, Colombia. Elevation, 4000 to 5000 feet. July, 1913. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 454.] Size medium for the genus, form robust. Head simple, much as in P. phthisi- cum (Linnaeus),'* with three, very feeble, longitudinal occipital sutures and the "* Of which species, the genotype, we have material from French Guiana, determined by Chopard as the synonymous P. necydaloides (Johannson). TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 152 COLOMBIAX DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA three ocelli minute, not closely crowded, forming the apices of an equilateral triangle, the surface about each hardly raised, the depression before the median ocellus very weak. Pronotum with surface slightly roughened. Me-sonotum with surface decidedly roughened and with a few tubercles near the lateral margins and laterad on the dorsum, of which latter the second pair are decided, the third (caudal) pair only a little less pronounced. Tegmina reduced, short; shoulders strongly compressed, moderately depressed, outline strongly convex, showing no angulation; caudal margin of dorsal field oblique, weakly concave to sutural margin, as a result only a vestige of the area remains in which the velvety marking, so conspicuous in many species of the genus, is developed; network of veins heavy. Wings reduced, extending only slightly beyond apices of caudal femora. Disto-dorsal abdominal segments with a medio- longitudinal keel, seventh and eighth with keel slightly raised and bluntly rounded distad. Ninth dorsal abdominal segment not as broad dorsad as in phthisicum, with distal margin moderately concave, leaving exposed the minute supra-anal plate with margin convex. Cerci short, stout. Operculum with lateral margins straight, convergent distad to the acute apex, which is situated beneath the cereal bases. Cephalic femora with cephalic flexure moderately decided; all femora and tibiae with four carinae conspicuous. Tarsi heavily supplied with hairs on ventral surfaces, the large distal pulvilli of the four proximal joints not concealed. Moderate arolia present. Length of body, 57; dorsal surface of head, 4.3; pronotum, 4.5; mesonotum, 5.7; tegmen, 6.6; wing, 31; cephalic femur, 16.3; median femur, 12.8; caudal femur, 8.4 mm. Width of head, 4.1; pronotum, 3.4; mesonotum, 4.3; dorsal field of tegmen, 3.6; wing, 21 mm. General coloration dirty blackish brown. Head mummy brown mottled. with prout's brown, with a paler, buckthorn brown. Inroad postocular band. Pro- notum and mesonotum mummy brown, obscurely mottled with prout's brown. Lateral field of tegmina dull black, dorsal field brownish black. Wings with lateral portion of anterior field brownish black, dorsal portion brownish black except proximad, where it lacks heavy pigmentation and is buffy'^; posterior field subtransparent, immaculate, pale ochraceous-salmon. Abdomen and ven- tral surface blackish brown. Proximal half of femora tawny, distal half black. Tibiae and tarsi tawny. Antennae black, except proximal half of sixth, eighth and tenth joints which are ochraceous-tawny, the succeeding alternate joints similarly annulate but becoming paler distad, ochraceous-tawny and buckthorn brown. The type alone has been examined. Pseudophasma eupeplum new species (Plate XXII, fig. 1.) This large and handsome species shows close relationship to P. fulvum (Redtenbacher), differing in the shorter mesonotum, distinctive tegminal and wing coloration and sharply acute operculum. ^' This is briefly visil)le beyond the tegmina when at rest, due to the eniar- gination of the distal jwrtion of the tegmina. MORGAN HEBARD 153 The similarity in general type of antennae, wing and limb coloration and small meso-caudal tubercles of the seventh and eighth dorsal abdominal segments in the female, indicate that the very different generally appearing P. robushim, here described, probably belongs to the same group in the present genus. Males of these species must be obtained before this can be definitely determined. Type. — 9 ; La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Elevation, 7500 feet. July 15 to 20, 1916. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Col- lection, Type No. 468.] Size large, form moderately robust. Head distinctly longer than wide; occi- put smooth, except for a few, very minute microscopic nodes which occur in the greatest numbers caudad of the antennal sockets. The three ocelli small, not closely crowded, forming the apices of a triangle, the sides of which are slightly longer than its base caudad, the surface about each ocellus distinctly raised, the depression before the median ocellus deep. Antennae with each joint very feebly enlarged at apex, except the elongate distal joints which are subdivided into short segments. Pronotum smooth, except for scattered, very minute, microscopic nodes. Mesonotum slightly longer than pronotum, with surface nodulose, bearing (three to five) slender, blunt tubercles on each lateral margin and three pairs of similar projections proximo-laterad on the dorsum. Teg- mina normal for genus, produced moderately at sutural angle; shoulders strongly compressed, with outline flattened convex; distal margin of tegmen weakly concave, oblique to rather broadly rounded angle at sutural margin, that margin broadly convex. Wings fully developed, extending to base of ninth dorsal abdominal segment. Seventh dorsal abdominal segment produced in a small median tooth just before the caudal margin; eighth with a similar but slightly more decided tooth mesad on the caudal margin; ninth with a medio- longitudinal carina distinct distad, distal margin ol)tuse-angulate emarginate; supra-anal plate minute. Styles short, straight, tapering to blunt apex. Oper- culum broad lanceolate, apex acute. Cephalic femora with cephalic flexure very weak; all of the limbs with the four carinae decided. Tarsi moderately heavily supplied with hairs on ventral surfaces, the rather large distal pulvilli of the four proximal joints not concealed. Moderate arolia present. Measurements {in millimeters) Q Length of Length of Length of Length of Length of Length of + body pronotum mesonotum tegmen wing cephahc femur Type 75 5.4 5.8 8.7 55.5 18.8 Paratype 72 5.2 5.5 9.1 54 18.6 Type. — Length of dorsal surface of head, 4.3; median femur, 14.8; caudal femur, 20.3 mm. Width of head, 4.1; pronotum, 3.8; mesonotum, 3.8; dorsal field of tegmen, 4.8 mm. Head saccardos olive; occiput microscopically marked with four longitudinal l)lackish lines; tw'o broad postocular bands of ochraceou.s-buff on each side, TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 5 154 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA separated by a blackish line. Antennae black with nine conspicuous and three less conspicuous annuli of pinkish buff, these covering all but the apices of alternate joints proximad, but extending over only the proximal half of the alternate long distal joints. Pronotum saccardos olive obscurely marked with buffy and brown, the microscopic nodes buffy. Mesonotum similar with nodules buffy. Other portions of body sepia, shading through saccardos umber to tawny olive distad on abdomen. Tegmina with lateral field saccardos umber tinged with sepia, particularly distad; narrow intermediate field pinkish buff, including the proximal portion of the radial vein; dorsal field saccardos olive, the shoulders black, this extending as a dark suffusion caudad to near the caudal margin. Wings with anterior field immaculate buffy citrine, the veins and veinlets old gold; posterior field transparent, seashell pink, with veins pinkish cinnamon, showing a very weak grayish suffusion along the peripheral margin, which narrows rapidly from the distal portion. All femora snuff brown in proximal three-quarters, distal quarter black except apex, which is pinkish buff. Tibiae snuff brown except at immediate base, which is pinkish buff, and distal fifth, which is blackish. Tarsi blackish brown. In addition to the type, a paratypic female bearing the same data is before us. Pseudophasma bispinosum (Redtenljacher) 1906. f^h[asma] bispinosus Redtenbacher, Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden, p. 122. [cf , 9 ; Coca, Santa Inez, Ecuador.] Susumuco, Cundinamarca, 2600 feet, IV and VIII, 1912, IX, 1913, (from A. Maria), 2 cf , 1 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. These specimens are decidedly more depauperate than the types, but appear to be in no way separable. Mcasurenienls {in millimeters) Length of Length of T| Length of Length of Length of Length of cephalic caudal O body mesonotum tegmen wing femur femur Susumuco 49 4.4 5.1 35 17.6 16.2 Susumuco 50 4.5 5.1 35.7 16.8 16.2 9 Susumuco 65 5.5 9.2 53.5 19.4 18.4 Euphasma salpingus (Westwood) 1859. Phasma salpingus Westwood, Cat. Orth. Ins. Brit. Mue., Phasmidae, p. 119, pi. xxxiii, figs. 3 and 3a. [ 9 ; Bogota, Colombia.] Susumuco, Cundinamarca, 2600 feet, (from A. Maria), 2 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. The specimens before us are typical of this beautiful insect, striking in the annulate yellow and brown antennae, brown limbs marked with yellowish and mottled olive and brown tegmina and anteiioi' field of wings. MORGAN HEBARD 155 Planudes cortex new species (Plate XXII, figs. 2, 3 and 4.) This insect shows remarkable dissimilarity in the sexes; the male slender and having fully developed organs of flight, the female moderately stout and showing only the merest vestiges of tegmina. The dissimilarity in form is slightly more pronounced than in Creoxylus spinosus (Fabricius),^" in which species, also a member of the Prexaspes Division, similar sexual differences in the organs of flight are found, these in neither case being of any generic diagnostic value. In a species such as the present, showing no lobation of the limbs or conspicuous projections of the body, it is very difficult to associate the sexes. In body proportions, the female, though decidedly heavier, agrees with the male in proportionate length of head, pronotum and mesonotum, and these portions, though much more heavily nodulose, show a general similarity of contour and structure. The limbs in the female are all stouter, the cepha- lic femora distinctly more lamellate and the tarsal joints shorter than in the male, but the relative proportions of the cephalic and caudal limbs are the same in both sexes; these features show similar differences in the sexes of Creoxylus spinosus but to a slightly lesser degree. The sculpture of the head in the ocellar area and facial scutellum, the black basal joints of the palpi, the hirsute antennae, the length of which differ in approximately the same ratio as found in the sexes of related species, and the similarly developed carinae of the limbs (except the greater lamellation of the cephalic femora in the female), all of which are similarly strongly hirsute, give us reason to believe this asso- ciation to be correct. The female shows the close relationship of the species to P. molorchns (West wood), apparently differing in having vestigial tegmina, the fifth dorsal abdominal segment simple and the form slightly heavier, the mesonotum and metanotum distinctly shorter. The male, in Redtenbacher's key, would run to his Isagoras plagiatus, from which species this specimen is readily distinguished by the dissimilarity of proportions, this most striking in the caudal femora being distinctly longer than the cephalic. '<• A large series of this species from Trinidad is in the Hebard Collection. TRAXS. AM. Ei\T. SOC, XLV. 156 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Type. — 9 ; San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 6600 feet. October, 1908. [United States l^ational Museum.] Size medium; form moderately stout, the body width nearly subequal throughout. Head moderately elongate; occiput supplied with nodules ar- ranged in irregular longitudinal lines, slightly swollen caudad, there showing three brief sulcations caudad; ocelli obsolete, ocellar area weakly convex except meso-cephalad where a shallow rectangulate pit occurs, with angles median and lateral; facial scutellum impressed, dorsal and ventral margins parallel, arcuate dorsad, rounding sharply into brief and more strongly raised lateral margins, which are directed dorso-laterad. Antennae with joints sim- ple, moderately hirsute. Pronotum with transverse and medio-longitudinal impressions distinct, about as long as head, supplied with nodules about as thickly as occiput, with a few of -these larger meso-caudad. Mesonotum slightly over three times as long as pronotum, surface thickly supplied with nodules and irregularly rugulose with a few scattered nodes, with microscopic vestiges of tegmina at the latero-caudal angles. Metanotum over two-thirds as long as mesonotum, moderately nodulose as are also the proximal abdominal segments; median segment half again as long as metanotum. ' Tegmina repre- sented by minute, vestigial, roughened pads; wings absent. Proximal dorsal abdominal .segments decidedly longer than broad. Disto-dorsal abdominal segments apparently cristate, the ninth truncate distad. The soft integument between the dorsal and ventral sixth abdominal segments is on each side pro- duced in a moderately lamellate projection, very weakly undulating with margin trilobate. Mesosternum and metasternum rugulose. Operculum elongate with margins parallel to distal portion, which is angulato-convex. On each side of this distal portion of the operculum is a large, longitudinal, vertical plate, over twice as long as broad, with margins feebly convex-conver- gent to its acute apex.^' Cephalic femora strongly compressed, with cephalic flexure well developed, showing (four to five) weak undulations of the ventral margin and (two) of the dorsal margin in the portion of greatest width, length less than that of caudal femora. The carinae of the limbs are pronounced and all are decidedly hirsute. Pulvilli rather large. Arolia well developed. Allotype. — cf ; Villa Eloira, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 5900 feet. September 5, 1908. [United States National Museum.] Very dissimilar in general appearance from female. Size nearly as large, form much more slender. Head similar but very much smoother, the nodules much fewer and smaller ; as in the male of Creoxylus spinosus, the eyes are more protuberant and larger in proportion to the size of the head than in the female. Pronotum similar to that of female but much smoother, with only a few ;scattered minute nodules. Mesonotum with a feeble medio-longitudinal .sulcus, very feebly rugulose with a few scattered nodules and minute nodes. *' These plates, called " appendix styliformis " by Redtenbacher, serve to hold an egg after it has been extruded. One of the eggs was in this position in the specimen before us. It is broad oval, flattened at each end, the surface of the excorion or shell rough and thicikly suj)plied with short sharp spines, all directed -cephalad. MORGAN HEBARD l')7 Tegmina ample, lateral field narrow, apex mesad in dorsal field, outline ovate,. shoulders moderately inflated and considerably raised, their outline convex. Wings fully developed. Abdomen missing. Limbs difTering from those of female only in features discussed above, the margins of the decidedly less lamellate cephalic femora showing no undulation, except that caused by the characteristic expansion beyond the weak cephalic flexure. Type, 9. — Length of body, 60.5; pronotum, 3.8; mesonotum, 11; metano- tum, including median segment, 8.8; tegmen, 1.2; cephalic femur, 10; median femur, 8.7; caudal femur, 11. .5 mm. ^^'idth of pronotum, 2.8; tegmen, .6; cephalic femur, 1.7 mm. Allotype, cf. — Length of pronotum, 2.8; mesonotum, 8.3; metanotum, includ- ing median segment, 10.3; tegmen, 6.7; wing, 37.8; cephalic femur. 11.3; median femur, 8; caudal femur, 12.7 mm. Width of pronotum, l.S; dorsal field of tegmen, 3.2; cephalic femur, .9 mm. Type, 9 ■ — General coloration clove brown, except face which is pale, sea- foam green, and cephalic femora sufTused, but not solidly, with light lirownish olive. Antennae olive brown, mottled with deep olive-buff, this strongest distad and showing traces of pale green meso-distad. Fifth dorsal abdominal segment showing traces of warm buff dorsad, sixth with dorsal surface warm buff heavily maculate with clove brown. The two plates latero-distad of the operculum each with an oval, slightly raised and conspicuous area of warm buff with .surface smooth. Due to the contrasting coloration and verj' differ- ent texture from the surrounding surface of the insect, these two areas are very conspicuous. Median limbs mummy brown, marbled with prout's t)rown; caudal limbs clove brown, marbled with mars brown. Allotype, cT. — General coloration of head, pronotum and mesonotum Ijuffj' brown, suffused, but not solidly, with deep olive-butt', .\ntennae olive-brown, mottled with deep olive-buff and showing a very faint trace of green meso- distad, proximad several segments are so extensively buffy that in the.^e portions the antennae appear weakly annulate. Tegmina with lateral field olive-ijuff, with a few irregular marks of deep olive; dorsal field, including shoukiers, deep olive mottled with .sage green. Wings with anterior field i)uffy brown, with large irregular patches of olive-buff mesad in portions toward costal margin which are exposed when at rest; posterior fiekl transparent, unicolorous, drab- gray, showing a very feeble iridescence. Liml)s bulTy l)n>wn mottled with buffy, this .suffu.sing the cephalic femora almost scjjidly in distal iialf to near the apex. We would note that the female has the appearance of a brown and feebly lichenose twig, while the male rather resembles mottled and more strongly lichenose bark. In such forms the degree of mottling is, in all prolxability, decidedly variable individually. The pair is unicjue. Metriotes diodes Westwood 1859. Metriotes diodes Westwood, Cat. Orth. Ins. Brit. Mus., Phasmidae, p. 161, pi. XV, figs. 1, la and lb. [ 9 , Colombia.] TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 158 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Honda, Tolima, 600 feet, III, 1913, (from A. Maria), 1 9, [Hebard Cln.]. Length of body, 84; tegmen, 21.8; wing, 60.8; cephalic femur, 18.2; caudal femur, 16.8 mm. This beautiful member of the Prexaspes Division has been recorded from Chiriqui, Panama ; Bogota, Colombia, and Ecuador. HETERONEMINAE We here find a series of American genera, part assigned to the Bacunculinae, part to the Phibalosominae by Brunner and Red- tenbacher, based on characters which as used are wholly or in part unsatisfactory. The proportionate length of the median seg- ment is by far the most important of these; being decidedly shorter than one-third of the metanotum {Dyme, Calynda), distinctly shorter than the metanotum (Bostra) or longer than the metano- tum (Bacteria, Otocrania). Separation of Calynda from Dyme is made on the greatly produced operculum in females of that genus; but in females which are assigned to Bostra, similar contrasts in this organ are found. Separation of Otocrania from Bacteria is made bj^ the two very large horns on the head, but again there are species which show this feature in every way similar, but from the proportions of the median segment are referred to Bostra. It is probable that the majority pr all of these genera are valid and that additional valid genera are represented among the already described species concerned; but we are convinced that the generic assignment of the species is and will be in many cases inaccurate, until the genera involved are carefully studied and other or additional characters determined for their separation. At present far too little material is at hand to attempt this study and we are obliged to follow Brunner and "Redtenbacher. It is indeed deplorable that, with so many species before them, those authors have made virtually no effort to study and discuss these problems in a scholarly and scientific manner. They have treated the forms recorded or described throughout the" Insekten- familie der Phasmiden" practi(!ally without regard for any recent scientific literature, and in a brief , stereotyped and careless manner that would have brought little credit to an author publishing one hundred years earlier. In their work palpably careless inaccuracies in geographic records are frequent, and localities given for many MORGAN HEBARD 159 American species often prove the material to be misidentified or mislabelled. We would be inclined to commend the series of measurements given for each species discussed, but when we con- sider the lack of care, errors and ignorance of geographic essen- tials and the host of clearly inadequate descriptions, we naturally fear that the measurements have been compiled in the same man- ner. As a whole, we can definitely state that the " Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden" is the greatest retrograde step made in recent years, away from true scientific study of the order Orthoptera. Bostra*^ colombiae new species (Plate XXII, fig. 5 and 6.) This species shows nearest afl&nity to B. incompta Rehn.^' The differences in the male genitalia are very decided, however; the lateral portions of the eighth dorsal abdominal segment being hardly at all produced ventrad, the operculum not as deep and more evenly and broadly convex distad. The head, pronotum, mesonotum, metanotum and limbs are all slightly but apprecia- bly more elongate and attenuate than in incompta, the length of the median segment approaching slightly more closely that of the metanotum. Type. — cf ; San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 6600 feet. December, 1908. [United States National" Museum.] Size large; form very slender and elongate; surface smooth but not glabrous as in incompta. Head moderately elongate; eyes circular, length contained twice in cheek; occiput smooth, unarmed. Pronotum nearly twice as long as broad. Median segment only a little shorter than metanotum. Sixth dorsal abdominal segment broadening slightly caudad, distinctly shorter than fifth; seventh with sides parallel, half as long as sixth; eighth slightly shorter than seventh, with sides produced ventrad no lower than sev^enth, its median por- tion slightly pinched and more strongly convex, lateral margins almost straight. Ninth (distal) dorsal aljdominal segment small, with length equal to width, surface convex except di.stad where it is weakly bi-impressed, lateral margins "- Redtenbacher has described twenty-five new si)ecies of Bo.slrn in the "In- sektenfamilie der Phasmiden," entirely without figures. Though the asso- ciation of sexes is extremely difficult, conscientious effort to do so on the part of that author would have secured much better results. The overlooking of B. jugaii.s Rehn has resulted in the erection of two synonyms: amplectens described from the male, loiuico perculatn from the female. A Costa Rican pair of this species, still in coitu, establishes definitely this sex association. "■'In the Philadelphia collections are a paratypif male and an additional Costa Rican male. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 160 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA evenly convex, slightly flaring, cingulate to distal margin which is feeblj' con- cave, ventral surface of distal margin thickened on each side, transversely sub- bilobate ventrad, with surface heavily armed with minute spines. Cerci slen- der, elongate, straight to the roundly enlarged apices which are bent inward. Mesosternum and metasternum with a heavy, glabrous, microscopically pitted, medio-longitudinal carina. Seventh ventral abdominal segment over half as long as sixth, enlarging somewhat caudad. Subgenital plate (eighth ventral abdominal segment) of equal diameter throughout and of almost equal depth throughout, ventral length twice depth; proximal portion convex in transverse section, distal portion convex, in outline sharplj^ ascendant, from a very minute, transverse, ventro-mesal node directed caudad, to the free dorsal mar- gin which is moderately thickened and forms part of a narrow oval.^-* Limbs very elongate, strongly carinate and compressed, unarmed. The caudal femora reach to near base of sixth abdominal segment. Metatarsus very elongate, the combined length of the succeeding joints only three-quarters its length. Length of body, 101; head, 4; pronotum, 3; mesonotum, 28.7; metanotum, including median segment, 17.2; median segment, 8.2; ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment, 1.9; poculum, 3.7; cephalic femur, 39.2; median femur, 30.8; caudal femur, 37.7; caudal tibia, 44; caudal metatarsus, 8.7 mm. Width of mesonotum, 1.2; abdomen at poculum (greatest), 2. Depth of poculum, 2 mm. General coloration brownish olive; limbs darker, particularly toward the genicular regions; the femora and tibiae all broadly tri-annulate with bufTy, these annuli suffused; tarsi buffy. In addition to the type, a paratypic niale, bearing the same data but taken in January, 1909, is before us. A badly preserved female, apparently two or three instars removed from maturity, from the same locality, taken July 25, 1908, is at hand. This specimen is apparently the same species, the relative pro- portions all agreeing as closely as would be expected for the sexes. The head has two small conical occipital spines (length, 1.3 mm., more decided and approximate than in Costa Rican females of B. jugalis Rehn, at hand) and laterad of these a niinute conical spine toward each eye, the occipital surface is smooth, supplied with twelve abrupt, rounded, minute nodes. The mesonotum and metanotum are almost perfectly smooth, showing a few, widely scattered, weakly defined nodules laterad. The otherwise smooth pleura and sterna are supplied with more numerous, but widely '*'' In incomptd the sides of tlie eighth dorsal abdominal segment are more projecting, wider, though not i)roduced, the seventh ventral .segment widens more strongly and the broader subgenital plate is more decidedly deflexed, the-se features making the distal portion of the abdomen of that species much heavier and more strongly clubbed. MORGAN HEBARD 161 scattered, similar nodules. The limits arc unspeciali ed, the caudal metatarsi simple, equalling the combined length of the succeed- ing joints. The ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment is slightly longer than broad, truncate at apex. The sixth ventral abdom- inal segment is produced in a small rounded mesal projection at the base of the operculum. The operculum is broken. Bacteria^ apolinari new species (Plate XIX, figs. 10 and 11.) The species appears to be nearest B. horni Redtenbacher. It agrees in being apterous, with vertex smooth, eighth dorsal ab- dominal segment with lateral margins straight and horizontal, median segment not more than half again as long as the meta- notum, femora not bearing lobes and ninth (distal) abdominal segment with apex rounded, not bilobate. In addition to having longer limbs and mesonotum, but metanotum and median seg- ment of approximately the same length, the genitalia show the present insect to be distinct. Were the description of horni ade- quate, other differential characters could doubtless be given. Type. — cf ; Susumuco, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Elevation, 2600 feet. August, 1913. (From A. :SIaria.) [Hebard Collec- tion, Type No. 456.] Size medium for the genus, form slender. Head ovate, weakly narrowed caudad, cheeks about two and one-half times as long as eye. Pronotvmi, mesonotum and metanotum smooth, the former with the median transverse sulcus weakly indicated. Abdominal segments elongate, slightly enlarged at their junctures; seventh dorsal segment three-fifths as long as sixth, widening moderately and evenly caudad; eighth al)Out three-quarters as long as seventh, proximad impressed dorso-laterad, not narrowing caudad, lateral margins briefly convex proximad, thence straight, horizontal, the latero-caudal por- tions of the segment vertical with angle sharply rectangulate; ninth (ultimate) segment intermediate in length between seventh and eighth segments, narrow in distal half, strongly cucuUato-tectate, with an appreciable blunt medio- longitudinal carina and lateral surfaces regularly convex, lateral margins con- cave to cereal bases, there forming a blunt obtuse-angulate production, thence to bluntly rounded apex feebly concave, their ventral surfaces thickened, par- ticularly distad, heavily supplied with stout, recurved denticulations. Seventh ventral abdominal segment strongly widened caudad. Subgenital plate (eighth ventral abdominal segment) strongly inflated, with a small blunt conical projec- tion (rounded-triangular in lateral outline) slightly caudad of the median point, from which a minute mcdio-longitudinal carina extends to the evenly convex free dorsal margin. Cerci elongate, cyliiulrical, very feebh^ incurvetl, enlarging *^ Thirty-seven new species of this genus are described by Kedtenbacher in the " Insektotifamilie der Phasmiden." Xo figures are given for these, the treatment being fully as unsatisfactory as that of the species of Bostra. TRAXS. A.M. EXT. SOC, XLV. 162 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA very feebly to the bluntly rounded apices. Limbs simple, cephalic flexiu'e of cephalic femora brief and very decided. Median femora with median carina of ventral surface well supplied with minute chaetiform hairs. ^^ Metatarsi simple. Length of body, about 100; head, 4.1; pronotum, 3.2; mesonotum, 24.4; metanotum, including median segment, 15.7; median segment, 9.9; first dorsal abdominal segment, 7.3; cephalic femur, 31.3; median femur, 25; cephalic tibia, 36.6. Width of head at pronotum (least), 2.2; mesonotum (least), 1.8; abdomen at intersection of seventh and eighth segments, 2.9 mm. General coloration sepia. Head with dorsal surface tawny olive, paler laterad, with a postocular band of blackish brown on each side, below which the genae are buffy. Abdomen much paler distad, buffy with a few very small markings of black on seventh and eighth and proximal portion of ninth dorsal segments. Subgenital plate dark brown proximad and distad, shading to paler mesad and with a transver.se black spot at the caudal ba.se of the median projection. The type is unique. We have considered Brunner's treatment of his sub-family Ba- cuneuhnae, in the " InsektenfamiUe der Phasmiden," with sur- prise and dismay. It did not seem possible that so pretentious a work, published as recently as 1906 to 1908, by supposedly the greatest of orthopterists living at that time, could actually be so carelessly executed, superficial and unsatisfactory.^^ Inexcusable ignorance of important literature is shown, publications antedating that work by as much as ten years being wholly or in part ignored. The most important recent literature by Kirby, Rehn and Giglio- Tos has received such treatment. As an instance : of the fourteen Ecuadorean species of the Phasmidae described by Giglio-Tos in 1898, three are mentioned. Kirby 's Catalogue, including fixation of all the genotypes, published in 1904, is completely ignored. Selection of single types or genotypes is in almost all cases ap- parently deemed superfluous. The new genus Ocnophila, placed among the first genera of the Bacunculinae, is made to include twenty-nine species, many of which when carefully studied will certainly he found to represent distinct generic units. The twenty-five new species are described *'' The caudal limbs are missing. *' Brunner states that the species of Lihethra can be separated from those of allied genera only by genitalic features. He describes Libethra brevipes from a single female, lacking head and distal portion of abdomen, labelled "Mexico." This kind of work speaks for itself. We would note, however, that the genus Libethra is apparently confined in distribution to northwestern South America. MORGAX HEBARD 163 ill the usual superficial manner, but sufficient characters are given to show that the majority, to varying degrees, violate even the very brief and unsatisfactory generic description. No genotype was selected. We here select as genotype, Ocnophila integra Brunner, the only species of which figures were given. LIBETHRA St&l ls7.5. Cnulonia St&l, Recens. Orth., iii, p. 74. 1S7.5. Lihelhra Stil, ibid., iii, p. 74. Kirby's genotypic designation for Caulonia StaP^ is invalid, being based on a species not originally included in that genus by Stal. We here select Ceroys rabdota Westwood as genotype of Caulonia Stal. Brunner's designation of a genotype for Libethra is invalid, ^^ being antedated by Kirby's designation of Libethra nisseri Stal.^" It is almost certain that rabdota and nisseri are congeneric, and in consequence Libethra would fall as a synonym of Caidonia, the latter description having line priority, ^^ except for the fact that Caidonia is preoccupied, Loriol, in 1873, having used this name for a genus of Echinoderms. Study of the literature and the material now at hand convinces us that a host of species of the genus occur in Colombia. The variously specialized forms are eas'ly separated, association of the sexes alone proving difficult for some in which the males almost or altogether lack the most distinctive features exhibited by the females. The least specialized forms are, however, difficult in the ex- treme, at least in the state of our present knowledge. From the series at hand it is clear that in the same species both green and brown color forms occur, and that, in the brown condition, the body granvilation and carinulae of the dorsal abdominal seg- ment may be intensified. Size variation is also apparent and the similarity of nearly adult to fully adult material makes careful examination of each individual essential. Large collections, con- taining extensive series of each species, will have to be assembled before the number of such species and the association of the sexes <3an be definitely and conclusively determined. In the material 8' Syn. Cat. Orth, i, p. 344, (1904). 89 Insektenfamilic dcr Phasmiden, p. 304, (1908). 90 Syn. Cat. Orth., i, p. 345, (1904). '' Brunner ii.ses Libethra, discarding Caulonia without explanation. TR.\XS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 164 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA at hand but one species of the plain forms, L. strigiveiitris (West- wood), is so represented. We would note that Libethra aurita Rehn, which species Brun- ner has ignored, describing the synonymous Libethra confusa, is referable to the genus Sermyle. Kirby has selected as genotype of Sermyle, Acanthoderus mexicanus Saussure, which species Brunner later places in his genus Ocnophila. Were the species there included congeneric, this would invalidate Ocnophila. Libethra spinicollis new species (Plate XXIII, figs. 1 and 2.) This stout and highly specialized species is nearest L. rabdota (Westwood), differing strikingly in being decidedly shorter, the head with numerous smaller, irregular, blunted spines caudad of the pair of thickened composite spines (in this feature alone agreeing rather with L. bifolia (Stal) ), the pronotum with paired clusters of heavy, blunted, composite spines caudad (not occur- ring in any other known species of the genus), the mesonotum with a similar pair of fused clusters of smaller, blunted, composite spines caudad, the first dorsal abdominal segment with four nodes at the caudal margin, the second with a large depressed lobe (as in rabdota), the third with medio-longitudinal carinae terminating in a very small lobe, the sixth with medio-longitudinal carinae developing into a small depressed lobe. Type. — 9 ; San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 6600 feet. October, 1908. [United States National Museum.] Size medium for genus, form robust. Head with occiput armed with a pair of sublamellate, thickened, composite spines, caudad of which are numerous smaller, irregular, blunted spines, which decrease in length caudad, cephalad and laterad of which are still smaller blunted spines and nodes. Antennae simple, slender, extending to near caudal margin of metanotum. Pronotum with surface rugulose and nodulose, broadly subsulcate mesad and proximad on each side, with paired clusters of heavy, blunted, composite spines caudad; width greater caudad, nearly equal to length. Mesonotum rugulose and nodu- lose, moderately tectate, with an irregularly placed longitudinal row of short stout spines (three to four) on each side, and hear the caudal margin armed with a pair of fused clusters of short, stout, Vjlunted, composite spines. Mesopleura armed with an irregularly placed longitudinal row of short stout spines (five and six). Metanotum nodulose, with a few short, stout, blunt spines proximad; minute elongate rugulose pads above the trochanters of the median limbs sug- gest vestigial wings. Metaplcura armed with a longitudinal row of short, stout spines (four and four). Median segment rugulose. Dorsal abdominal segments nodulose, irregularly multicariiuilate; first with four small, blunt, coni(!al proje(;tions at caudal liiargin, of which the median pair ar(! deflexed caudad; second with a large, transverse, horizontally extended lobe caudad, MORGAN' HEBARD 165 which overhangs the proxiiiiul half of the third segment, this lobe with margins angulato-arcuate, its dorsal surface irregularly rugulose with projections similar to those of third segment mesad at its base; third with median carinae enlarged caudad into very small, vertical, rounded plates directed caudad; fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth segments with median carinae terminating caudad in small projecting nodes directed caudad; sixth with a pair of rounded plates meso-caudad, fully twice as large as those of the third segment, on each side of which is a small plate of half the size; ninth (distal) segment with a weak medio-longitudinal carina, lateral margins convex-convergent to the minutely angulate-emarginate apex. Ventral surface strongly nodulose. Operculum very elongate, extending to apex of abdomen,"- carinate medio-longitudinally, deeply rotundato-emarginate at the narrow apex, the lateral projections nar- row and bluntly rounded distad. Cephalic femora weakly laminate, carinae very decided, dorsal surface with (six and seven) weak strumosities, the.se making the dorso-lateral carinae weakly crenate. Cephalic tibiae with dorso- lateral carinae weakly crenate, the more proximal of these sub-lobate. Median femora with dorso-lateral carinae each supi)lied with three opposed lobes, these increasing in size distad, those of the dorso-caudal margin decidedly the largest. Median and caudal tibiae with dorso-lateral carinae each supplied with three small opposed lobules. Caudal femora with lobes as in median femora, but with a faintly indicated additional pair of sub-lobate expansion distad. Well-developed arolia present. Length of body, 48; composite spines on liead, 1.3; pronotum, 3.2; com- posite spines on pronotum, 1.3; mesonotum, 10.8; metanotum, including median segment, 6.8; lobe of second dorsal abdominal segment, 2.1; cephalic femur, 11.5; median femur, 8.8; caudal femur, 11.2; operculum. S.8 mm. Width of pronotum, caudad, 3.8; mesonotum, caudad, 4.7; lobe of second dorsal ab- dominal segment, 5; cephalic femur at widest point, 1.7 mm. General coloration mummy Ijrown. Labrum ochraceous-tawn\'. Meso- sternum and metasternum mars brown, maculate with mummy brown. In addition to the type a single immature female, 41.5 mm. in length, is at hand, bearing the same data but taken in December. liibethra columbina (Westwood) 1S59. Ceroys columbina Westwood, Cat. Orth. Ins. Brit. Mas., Phasmidae, p. t)2, pi. xxiv, figs. 1 and la. [ 9 , Colombia.] San Antonio, Cauca, 6600 feet, XI, 1908, 1 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. This insect, compared with L. spinicollis here described, agrees in size and similar, though much less decided, specialization of '- The operculum is elongate, slender and tapering from the median portion, which is distinctly strumose, to the narrow apex, which is emarginate, in all the females of Lihethra at hand. It completely hides both the ovipositor valves and the very brief cerci. This is in our ojjinion of high generic value, minor differences in type of apex alone appearing to have specific significance. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 166 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA the limbs. The form is robust, but not as stout as in that insect. There are no lobes or spines, except that the sixth dorsal abdom- inal segment has the median carinulae terminating caudad in a very small sub-lobate projection. Westwood's figure is excellent, showing accurately the arcuation and greater distinctness of the medio-lateral carinulae on the dorsal surface of the abdomen. Libethra insalubris^^ new species (Plate XXIII, fig. 3.) Apparently closely related to L. rahdotula Brunner, differing in the irregular occipital excrescence, unarmed metanotum and unspecialized forth and fifth dorsal abdominal segments. The species is much more slender than L. rabdota (Westwood), with which species Brunner compares rahdotula but makes no com- ment on this feature in his inadequate description. Type. — 9 ; Pueblo Nuevo de Ocana, Santander, Colombia. September 3, 1916. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 469.] Size medium; form slender for genus, as slender as in the unspecialized species before us, L. strigiventris (Westwood) and L. inolila (Westwood). Head with surface of occiput smooth, but well sujjplied with nodules and a few blunt spines, and mesad with a large, trilobate, very irregularly nodose, paired ex- crescence.^^ Eye small, length contained four times in that of cheek. Anten- nae simple, slender, extending to base of second abdominal segment. Prono- tum with length nearly twice caudal width, transverse and longitudinal sulcus weakly indicated, the latter briefly replaced by a delicate cannula caudad, surface smooth but thickly supplied with nodules and small nodes. Mesono- tum elongate and slender, with a delicate medio-longitudinal cannula, surface smooth but thickly supplied with nodules and small nodes. Metanotum and median segment with a delicate medio-longitudinal carinula, the sin-face subrugulose 1)ut weakly supplied with nodules and very few small nodes. Dorsal abdominal segments ■ mult icarinulate and nodulose. First dorsal abdominal segment with entire dorsal surface caudad developed into a trilo- bate, equally produced, horizontally extended, foliaceous plate, ^^ the lateral lobes acute-angulate, the median lobe much broader with caudal margin irregularly and broadly convex; from the bases of the lateral lobes, delicate, bluntly subserrate, parallel carinulae extend to the cephalic; margin of the segment. Second dorsal abdominal segment with caudal portion developed »3 In allusion to the unwholesome appearance of the irregularly trilobate excrescence on the occiput. '■'■' This ex(!rescence is strongly asymmetrical, the sinistral lobe has a svip- l)lementary lobe projecting latero-cephalad near its juncture with the dextral lobe. It is to be expected that additional material will show individual \ aria- tion in so asymmetrical a structure. "•• The dextral lobe of this plate is wider, with margins more convex, tlian the sinistral. MORGAN HEBARD 167 into :i much larger, transverse, horizontally extended, foliaceous plate, the broad caudal margin of which is irregularly convex with a distinct bilobation indicated mesad; four carinulae, such as the two shown on the first segment, occur. Third dorsal abdominal segment with a very much smaller, horizon- tally extended, foliaceous plate; sixth with a similar but slightly larger plate and with two parallel dorsal carinae; other dorsal abdominal segments unarmed. Ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment with a medio-longitudinal carina and two lateral carinulae concave-divergent caudad, lateral margins caudad broadly convex-convergent to the minutely angulate-emarginate apex. \'en- tral surface rugulose, nodulose and moderately supplied with nodes. Oper- culum much as in L. spinicoliis here described, but with apex only moderately rotundato-emarginate. Cephalic femora weakly laminate, carinae very de- cided, dorso-lateral carinae of these portions and also the dorso-internal carina of the cephalic tibiae feebly undulate, dorso-external carina of cephalic tibiae supplied with (two and three) very minute and widely spaced lobes. INIedian and caudal femora with a moderately large, bilobate production of dor- sal carinae proximad and two similar, smaller bilobate productions distad, the lobes of the caudal carinae being the more decided. Median and caudal tibiae with dorsal carinae supplied with (two external and one internal) very minute lobes, these no more decided than those of the cephalic tibiae. Well-developed aroha present between the delicate tarsal claws. Length of body, 49.5; excrescence of occiput, 1.6; pronotum, 2.8; mesonotum, 12.2; metanotum, including median segment, 7.6; lobe of first abdominal seg- ment, 1.1; lobe of second segment, 2.4; lobe of seventh segment, 1.2; cephalic femur, 13.1 ; median femur, 10; caudal femur, 12.8; operculum, 7.7 mm. Uidth of pronotum, caudad, 2.1; mesonotum, caudad, 2.9; lobe of first abdominal segment, 3.1; lobe of second segment, 5; lobe of seventh segment, 1.1; cephalic femur at widest point, 1.2 mm. General coloration light ochraceou.s-buff, feelily maculate and speckled with bone brown, with a suffusion of this color over the proximal and me.so- distal portions of the abdomen (possibly due to discoloration). Occipital excrescence blackish, contrasting strongly with the head coloration which is ochraceous-buff, with a suffused postocular band of bone brown on each side. Lobes on abdomen and limbs bone brown. Ventral surface of body and limbs light ochraceous-buff, heavily suffused with lione brown. The type is unique. Libethra strigiventris (Westwood) (Plate XXIII, figs. 4, o and 6.) 1S.59. BncUrid .s/z/f/i/rz/Ym Westwood, Cat. Orth. Ins. Brit. Mus., Pha.smidae, p. 28, pi. xxiv, figs. 6, 6a and 6b. [ 9 , Colombia.] Cauca, 1 9 , [A. N. S. P.]. San Antonio, Cauca, 6600 feet, I, IV, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI, XII, 1908, 8 cf', 3 9,1 juv. &, [U. S. N. M.]. Tocota, Cauca, 6500 feet, V, 28, 1908, 1 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. Rio Aguatal, Cauca, 4600 to 5900 feet, VI, 15 and X, 1908, 2 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 168 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA The series enables us to associate the sexes with Kttle difficulty. In length little difference between these occurs. The males are readily distinguished from those of L. molita (Westwood) by the average decidedly smaller size, much shorter antennae, which extend only to base of abdomen, more inflated disto-dorsal abdominal segment, which is strongly transverse, absence of acute-angulate projection of latero-caudal angle of preceding segment (shown by males of that species at hand and excellently figured by Westwood for the type) and more roughly nodose ventro-caudal surface of subgenital plate. The females differ from those of molita in average decidedly smaller size, with antennae shorter, extending only to base of abdomen, and in being somewhat less attenuate, the multicarinate condition of the dorsal surface of the abdomen more pronounced and the pronotum and mesonotum being heavily acute-nodulose to varying degrees in all but pale examples, in some of which these portions are fully as smooth as in molita. The present series shows conclusively the development of both green (yellowish in dried material) and brown color phases in the female sex and that, in the green condition, the pronotum, meso- notum and metanotum become much smoother. Measurements {in ■millimeters) T| Length of Length of Width of Length of Length of O body mesonotum mesonotum metanotum cephalic femur San Antonio (8 ) "^ . 42-55.5 12-16.2 1.7-1.8 8.4-9.8 13-17 9 San Antonio (3) .. 46-48 11.2-11.8 2.9-2.6 8 12.4-13.2 Tocota 46 11 2.8 7.9 11.8 Rio Aguatal (2). . 46-46.5 12-11.8 2.7-2.6 8-8.2 13 In addition to the series recorded there is a male from San Antonio, taken in October, agreeing in every genital feature and with the majority in size. In this specimen, however, the occiput bears three minute blunt denticulations latero-dorsad on each side, while in addition to minute twin dark macuhitions nieso- caudad on each dorsal al)donnnal segment, the second segment bears twin minute blunt denticulations at this point. The impor- tance of these features can not be determined and if the specimen is referable to a different species we are at present unable to place it. "* .\11 l)ut two of the nuile.s at hand are very close to th(> ininiinuni measure- ment. MORGAX HEBARD 169 Libethra molita i \\ estwood) 1859. Bfirti'iia moUta \\'e.stwoocl, Cat. Ortli. Ins. Brit. Mus., Phasmidae. i). 29, pi. xxiv, fig.s. 3, 3a and 31). [cf , Colombia.] Ciinday, Tolima, 1550 feet, X, 1916, (from A. Maria), 1 9 , [Hebard Cln.]. Villa Eloira, Caiica, 5900 feet, X, 6, 1908, 1 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. San Antonio, Caiica, 5900 and 6600 feet, X, 1908 and I, 1909, 2 d^,[U. S. N. M.]. The males agi'ee fully with Westwood's excellent description and figures except that one is decidedly larger, the other very much larger, than the type. In addition to the diagnostic features discussed under L. strigiventris (Westwood) for both sexes, we would note that in these males the a^itennae extend to the apex of the abdomen, the dark general coloration is more unicolorous and greenish, and the brief proximal pale portions of the femora more decided, than in any of the males of that species at hand. The females have the antennae extending as far as the base of the fourth abdominal segment. The two at hand were green in life. Both agree closely in all features except proportionate length of cephalic femora and mesonotum^" and are apparently very small examples. The female recorded and measured by Brunner, though decidedly larger than these examples, would not be of proportionately large size to the larger male at hand. From these few specimens it would appear certain that the species shows tremendous individual size variation. Med.snnnieiitf; (in milUnniprs) ■A Length of Length of Width of Length of I>ength of '^ body mcsonotum niesonotuiu nietauotum cephalic femur San Antonio (2 1 . . 73-82 22 . .5-24 .2 1.7 13.8-15 21 . .5-24 . (> 9 Villa Kloira .59 13.7 2.7 9.6 15.3 (\inday (11.5 If) 2.9 10.4 15. S A single male from Pueblo Nuevo de Ocana, Santander, taken September 3, 1916, by M. A. Carriker Jr., is at hand. This specimen agrees fully with the males of molita in coloration and all diagnostic features, except that there are a few minute nodules on the otherwise smooth occiput, and, as in L. strigiventris, the latero-caudal angles of the penultimate dorsal abdominal segment '•'" It would appear tliat this character as used hy i^ruiuuT i.s of no value. It is probable that his L. .•iocia is a .synonym of this species, or of L. slrigiventris. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XI.V. 6 170 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA lack an acute-angulate projection, as found in molita. The sig- nificance of these features can not at present be determined, though probably indicating specific distinction. LIBETHROIDEA new fi;enus Related to Lihethra and Ocnophila, difl^ering from the former only, but strikingly, in the distal abdominal segments of the female, in which sex the ninth (ultimate) segment is produced, elongate, extending far beyond apex of abdomen, with apex rounded. Genotype. — Lihethroidea inusitata new species. We would place Giglio-Tos' Bacunculus sarmentunt and palea in this genus; the differences in the operculum of these species are unusual for congeneric forms and when both sexes of these species are known, further generic separation may be found necessary. Generic Description. — Four caudal tibiae lacking an impressed ventral triangular area distad. Median segment very much shorter than metanotum, strongly transverse. Ocelli absent. Tegmina and wings absent. Head elongate. Antennae elongate. Abdomen of female longitudinally carinulate. Ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment of female very elongate, lanceolate, decidedly longer than any other dorsal abdominal segment and extending much beyond apex of abdomen. Operculum of female very elongate, concealing ovipositor valves and cerci,as in Lihethra, rounded distad with apex briefly cleft, the lateral portions of the apex broad. Cephalic femora strongly compressed. Libethroidea inusitata new species (Plate XXIII, figs. 7 and 8.) Apparently closely related to L. palea (Giglio-Tos), differing in having the apex of the operculum cleft and in coloration, which is not immaculate in that species. The size is also smaller. Com- parison of material of these species would probably show other differences. Type. — 9 ; Altas de las Cruces, near San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Elevation, 7200 feet. October, 1908. [United States National Museum.] Size medivnn, form niotleiately .slender as compared with the species of Lihethra. .Antennae simple, elongate, reaching to near median portion of abdomen. Head elongate; occiput smooth, except for (three and four) minute nodes arranged longitudinally near the caudal margin hack of the eyes. Eye small, length contained four times in check. Pronotuin decidedly sliorter than MORGAN HEBARD 171 ilorsal surface of head, lateral margins parallel, surface smooth, transverse and longitudinal sulcus sul)ol)solete, a few nodules weakly defined laterad. Meso- notum with surface smooth, furnished cephalad and meso-laterad with moder- ately numerous small nodes. Metanotum with surface smooth, furnished laterad with a few small nodes. Median segment smooth. Dorsal abdominal segments longitudinally multicarinulate, the first two with a very few small nodes laterad. Seventh dorsal abdominal segment nearly twice as long as eighth, which is subquadrate. Ninth (ultimate)"^ dorsal abdominal segment very elongate, nearly as long as combined length of seventh and eighth seg- ments, surface smooth with a medio-longitudinal carina, form lanceolate, with apex sharply rounded. Ventral surface of insect smooth, without earinulae or nodules. Cpercuhnn very elongate, rounding rather sharply distad with apex briefly fissate, not extending beyond apex of abdomen. Limbs simple, unarmed. Cephalic femora strongly laminate. Tarsal joints verj' elongate, metatarsus equal to combined length of succeeding three joints, ventral sur- faces heavily supplied with very delicate hairs, apices of four proximal joints occupied by moderate pulvilli. Moderate arolia present between the delicate tarsal claws. Length of body, 60; head, 4.7; dorsal surface of head. 4.3; pronotum, 3; mesonotum, 13.7; metanotum, including median segment. 9.3; sixth dorsal abdominal segment, 3; .seventh, 3.8; eighth, L9; ninth (ultimate), 5.3; opercu- lum, 7.9; cephalic femur, 17.3; cephalic tibia, 18.3; median femur, 12; caudal femur, 15.2; caudal tibia, 16:8; caudal metatarsus, 2.8 mm. Width of head, be- hind eyes, 2.9; pronotum, 2.6; abdomen, at widest point, 3.3; cephalic femur, at widest point, 1.7 mm. Coloration immaculate, pale green, faded to yellowish on median portion of body. In life probably light bice green, as are the cephalic limbs in this dried specimen. The type of this species is unique. LITOSERMYLE new genus Relationship with Sennyle is evident. Conipared with the female of the genotype, Sermyle mexicana (Saussure),^^ the female here described differs in the elongate, not globose, head; prono- tum with transverse sulcus inconspicuous; ninth dorsal abdominal segment elongate, not quadrate; sixth ventral abdominal segment unspecialized; operculum elongate and ventral surface of sub- equal width to its truncate apex; proximal portion of ovipositor valves similarly fused and not concealed, but not broad and con- spicuovisly convex, and cephalic femora nuich more strongly lamellate. '^ A supra-anal plate is not developed. '' A Mexican female in tlic Hel>ard Collection is before us. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 172 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA The genotype of Ocnophila having been estabUshed as Integra Brunner, in the present paper/ "^ we would note that probably the best linear arrangement of this group of genera is as follows: Libethra, Libethroidea, Ocnophila, Litosermyle and Sermyle. The present female would appear to differ from that sex of Ocnophila Integra Brunner, genotype, in the more elongate head; elongate, not quadrate, ninth (ultimate) dorsal abdominal seg- ment, and elongate operculum, with ventral surface of equal width to the truncate apex, not sublanceolate. Genotype. — Litosermyle ocanae new species. Generic Description. — All diagnostic characters, except the fol- lowing, as given on page 170 for Libethroidea. ^^^ Ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment of female^*^' elongate, not narrowing, truncate distad. Operculum of female with width of ventral sur- face subequal to that of its truncate apex, very elongate but leaving the ovipositor valves exposed. Cerci of female exposed from below. Genicular lobes of median and caudal femora acute produced, more so than in any species at hand of Libethra or Libethroidea, not as much produced but more acute than in the species of Sermyle before us. Litosermyle ocanae new species (Plate XXIII, figs. 9 and 10.) This somber and plain walking stick exhibits a type of female genitalia widely different from that of any previously described form. In Brunner's key for Ocnophila the species would run to the genotype, Integra Brunner, the differences discussed above obliging us to separate ocanae as generically distinct. Type. — 9 ; Pueblo Nuevo de Ocafia, Santander, Colombia. September 3, 1916. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 470.] Size medium; form moderately slender as compared with species of Libdhra, medium as compared with species of Sermyle. Antennae simple, moderately elongate, reaching to base of third dorsal abdominal segment. Head elongate, occiput smooth but with six longitudinal rows of minute, bhmt, irregularly "'o See page 163. "" The species of the group of allied genera of the Heteroneminae, to whicii this genus belongs, show almost exclusively the characters of generic value in the distal abdominal segments and genitalia. This is in i)art due to the fact that differences in length of antennae, and simple or variously specialized i)rocesses or armament of body segments and limbs, constitute most striking features to distinguish the species, but are plainly valueless for generic criteria. '"2 The male .sex is unknown. MORGAN HEBARD 173 spaced, microscopic tutjercles. Eye small, oval, length contained six times in cheek. Pronotum decidedly shorter than dorsal surface of head, lateral mar- gins parallel, transverse and longitudinal sulcus weakly defined, surface rather thickly supplied with minute nodules and subtuberculate. Mesonotum with surface thickly supplied with minute nodules, subtuberculate and feebly cari- nulate, showing a faint medio-longitudinal carina. Metanotum similar with a very faint lateral carinula on each side caudad, these continued on median segment, the surface of which is similar. Mesopleura and metapleura nodose. Dorsal abdominal segments longitudinally multicarinulate, the four median carinulae increasing slightly in strength toward the caudal margin of each seg- ment, this more marked on the second and sixth segments, slightly less decided on third, on these three segments forming minute rounded crests at the caudal margin. Eighth dorsal abdominal segment quadrate. Ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment nearly twice as long as broad, moderate!}' convex in trans- verse section with sides strongly convex; lateral margins parallel, suddenly ascendant distad to the transverse caudal margin, which is minutely emar- ginate mesad and as a result sub-bilobate; dorsal surface with a median carinula whicli divides into two small carinulae proximad, laterad on each side with a suj^plementary carinula, these are slightly convergent in proximal half, thence straight, divergent to point where they round into the distal margin. Mesosternum very feebly and irregularly carinulate and feebly nodulose: metastermnn similar but more nearly smooth. Three proximal ventral al)- dominal segments smooth, succeeding three segments longitudinally multi- carinulate. Operculum elongate; ventral surface sharply defined from vertical sides b}- a decided carina on each side, these carinae parallel l)ut disappearing near apex of plate; ventral surface with a weak medio-longitudinal percurrent carinula, this surface feebly convex pro.ximad, showing a weak swelling mesad, deplanate distad; free margins of sides distad declivent, feebly convex, to abruptly transver.se caudal margin, which is concave on each side, thus leaving a brief triangular projection mesad hardly produced beyond the latero-caudal angles. Limbs simijle, unarmed, the carinae very decided even tjn dorsal sur- faces of tarsal joints. Cephalic femora strongly laminate, cephalic flexure decided. Tarsal joints moderately elongate, metatarsus slighth' longer than combined length of three succeeding joints, ventral surface heavily supplied with delicate hairs, apices of four proximal joints occupied by moderately large pulvilli. Large arolia present between the delicate tarsal claws. Length of body, 54; head, 4.5; dorsal surface of head, '.i.7: pronotum, 2.8; me.sonotum, 13; metanotum, including median segment, 9; sixth dorsal al)- dominal segment, 3.3; .seventh, 2.3; eighth, 1.8; ninth (distal), 2.6; operculum, 5.2; cephalic femur, 15.1; cephalic til)ia, !().(); median femur, 10.2; caudal femur, 13.1: caudal metatarsus. 1.8 mm. Width of head, Ix'hind eyes, 2.6; pronotum. 2.3: alxlonicn, at widest point, 2.8; cephalic feimw, at widest point, 1.7 mm. Coloration generally blackish brown, except in tln^ following i)ortions. Face and jn-oximal antennal joint buffy. Head in the ocellar area suft'used with TU.VXS. .\M. Ei\T. SOC, XLV. 174 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTEKA AND ORTHOPTERA cinnamon and with a postocular band and one parallel on the genae, on each side, of the same color. Limbs blackish brown, showing irregular traces of verona brow'n. The type is unique. Dyme'"^ carrikeri new species This insect appears to be nearest D. chiriquensis Brunner. It agrees in being slender, with hnibs very slender, head and thorax smooth, femora unarmed, apex of abdomen more slender with seg- ments not carinate, ventral margins of eighth^"^ dorsal segment straight and cerci terete with apices incurved. It differs in having the operculum reaching as far as the apex of the eighth dorsal ab- dominal segment, in the apparently more strongly fornicate ninth (distal) dorsal abdominal segment, ^"^ in the shorter mesonotum and metanotum and decidedly shorter femora. Other' features doubtless exist, but can not be determined from the inadequate description of chiriquensis. Type. — cf ; San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada cle Santa Marta, Mag- dalena, Colombia. Elevation, 8300 feet. August 23, 1913. (M. A. Carriker Jr.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 455.] .Size medium for the genus; form very slender; surface smooth, moderately glabrous. Head elongate, very slender, cylindrical, moderately depressed and tapering gently caudad from eyes to pronotum. Eye one-third as long as cheek. Pronotum slender, over twice as long as greatest width, showing faintly the transverse and longitudinal sulci. Mesonotum shorter than cephalic femur. Metanotum with suture of median segment obsolete. Median segment very elongate for genus, two-fifths the total length of the metanotum. AI)dominal segments elongate and slender, distinctly enlarged at their jimctures; seventh decidedly shorter than sixth, widening moderately and evenly caudad; eighth as long as seventh, narrowing caudad, this almost entirely confined to mesal third, lateral outline convex, then very weakly concave, lateral margins briefly convex proximad, thence straight, horizontal, the latero-carudal portion curved briefly inward with angle sharply rectangulate. Ninth (ultimate) dorsal ab- dominal segment appreciably shorter than eighth, narrow, nearly twice as long as broad, cucullate, smooth, not carinate, lateral margins almost straight, feebly convex, ascendant to apical portion which is feebly notched mesad, the small bilobate portion thus formed with ventral surfa(!e of each lobe heavily armed with minute conical teeth. Seventh ventral abdominal segment widen- ing moderately and evenly caudad. Subgenital plate (eighth segment) moder- 103 Forty new species of this genus are described by Brunner in the "Insek- tenfamilie der Phasmiden." No figures are given and the insufficient and carelessly drawn descriptions are soon found to be even more unsatisfactory than those of Redtenbat^her. "" linmner gives ninth, treating the median as the first abdominal segment. '"* Termed anal segment by Brunner. MORGAN HEBARD 175 ately inflated, convex, with a median node, lateral margins convex-convergent distad at less than ninety degrees to the rather acute apex, which is opposite the apex of the eighth dorsal abdominal segment. Cerci small, cylindrical from the moderately enlarged bases, with bluntly rounded apex incurved. Length of body, 78.5; head, 3.2; pronotum, 2.8; mesonotum, 19.1; meta- notum, including median segment, 13; median segment, 4.9; first dorsal ab- dominal segment, 6.2; cephalic femur, 23.1; cephalic tibia, 26.6; median femur, 17.7; caudal femur, 22.8 mm. Width of head, at pronotum (least), 1.9; meso- notum (least), 1.2; abdomen at sixth dorsal segment, 1.2; abdomen at intersec- tion of seventh and eighth dorsal segments, 2.1 mm. General coloration dull tawnj'-olive. Head with dorsal surface sepia, face and lower portions of genae buffy. Femora and tibiae marked with scattered minute flecks of black, the median and caudal femora with two obscure, broad bands of buffy weakly indicated, the tibiae tinged with grayish. The tj'^pe of this slender phasmid is unique. TR.^N.';. AM. EXT. SOC, XLV. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4.- Fig. 5.- 176 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA EXPLANATION OF PLATES Plate XVI -Psalis apolinari new species. Dorsal outline of female. Pamplona, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 3) -Psalis compacta new species. Dorsal outline of male. Soacha, Cun- dinamarca, Colombia. Type. ( X 3) -Psalis compacta new species. Dorsal outline of apex of female ab- domen and forceps. Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Allo- type. (X 3) -Neocosmiella atrata new genus and species. Dorsal outline of male. Pamplona, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 3) -Ischnoplera pallipes (Scuclder). Lateral view of apex of male ab- domen. Napo or Maranon, Upper Amazon. Type. (X 16.5) a. — Remarkably specialized dextral style. Fig. 6. — Ischnoplera apolinari new species. Dorsal outline of male supra-anal plate. Choachi, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Type. (Greatly magnified.) Fig. ^. — Ischnoplera apolinari new species. Ventral outline of male subgen- ital plate. Choachi, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Type. (Greatly magnified.) Fig. 8. — Ischnoplera colombiae new species. Dorsal outline of male. Valle de las Pappas to San Augustin, Tolima, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) Fig. 9. — Ischnoplera colombiae new species. Dorsal outline of male su])ra-anal plate. Valle de las Pappas to San Augustin, Tolima, Coloinl)ia. Type. (Greatly magnified.) Fig. 10. — Ischnoplera colonthiae new species. Ventral view of male subgen- ital plate. Valle de las Pappas to San Augustin, Tolima, Colom- bia. Type. (Greatly magnified.) Plate XVII -Platylesles colombiae new genus and species. Dorsal outline of male. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 2.5) -Platylesles colombiae new genus and species. Ventral outline of distal portion of male abdomen. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 12) -Neoblattella carrikeri new species. Dorsal outline of male. San Lo- renzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 2.5) -Neoblattella carrikeri new species. Dorsal outline of ai)ex of male abdomen. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Coloinl)ia. Type. (X 12) -Neoblattella carrikeri new species. Ventral view of ajjex of male abdomen. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 12) -Neoblattella carrikeri new species. Dorsal outline of female. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Allotype. (X 2.5) Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 MORGAN HEBARD 177 Fig. l.^Ldtuprohlatta alhipalpus new genus and si:)ecies. Dorsal outline of male. Cincinnati, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. S. — Lamprohlaltn albipalpu,s new genus and species. Lateral outline of male caudal tarsal joints. Cincinnati, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 7.75) Fig. 9. — Lamprohlatta albipalpus new genus and species. Lateral outline of female caudal tarsal joints. Cincinnati, Magdalena, Colombia. Allotype. (X 7.75) Plate XVIII Fig. 1. — Ejyilampra shelf ordi new species. Dorsal view of male. El Credo, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 2.5) Fig. 2. — Pelmatosilpha micra new species. Dorsal outline of male. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. 3. — Panchlora colonibiae new species. Ventral outline of apex of male abdomen. La Cumbre, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 14.5) Fig. 4. — Honnetica apolinari new species. Dorsal view of male. Fusugasuga, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) Fig. 5. — Acontiothespis iriodes new species. Dorsal view of male. Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) Fig. 6. — Pogonogaster latens new species. Lateral outline of cephalic linil). Rio Aguatal, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 4.5) Fig. 7. — Pogonogaster latens new species. Lateral view of al)domen. Rio Aguatal, Cauca, Colombia. Type. ( X 2) Plate XIX -Colapteroblatta compsa new genus and species. Dorsal view of male. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) -Colapteroblatta compsa new genus and species. Dorsal view of female. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Allotype. (X 1.5) -Poroblatta apatela new genus antl si)ecies. Dorsal view of female. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) -Poroblatta cylindrica new genus and species. Dorsal view of female. Cincinnati, Magdalena, ColomV)ia. Type. (X 1.5) -Acroporoblatta adenophora new genus and species. Dorsal view of female. Cincinnati, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) -AcroponMatta adenophora new genus and species. Cephalic outline of head and pronotum of female, showing swollen lateral wings of the latter. Cincinnati, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 2) -Honnetica apolinari new species. Cephalic view of head and prono- tum of male. Fusugasugd, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Type. (X2) -Lobocneme colombiae new species. Dorsal view of male. Santa Marta, Magdalena, Coloml)ia. Type. (X 1.5) -Lobocneme colombiae new species. Lateral view of internal face of cephalic coxa of male. Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colonil)ia. Type. ( X 2.75) TR.\XS. .KM. KNT. SOC, XLV. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. 178 COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Fig. 10. — Bacteria apolinari new species. Lateral view of distal portion of male abdomen. Susumuoo, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. 11. — Bacteria apolinari new species. Dorsal view of distal portion of male abdomen. Susumueo, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Plate XX Fig. 1. — Acanthoclonia strangulata new species. Dorsal view of female. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. 2. — Acanthoclonia strangulata new species. Lateral outline of dorsum of female. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. 3. — Acanthoclonia strangulata new species. Lateral outline of cephalic limb of female. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. 4. — Acanthoclonia carrikeri new species. Dorsal \'iew of male. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 2) Fig. 5. — Acanthoclonia carrikeri new species. Lateral outline of dorsum of male. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. ( X 2) Fig. 6. — Anisornorpha atrata new species. Dorsal outline of male. San Lorenzo, Magdalena, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) Plate XXI Fig. 1. — Stratocles viridis new species. Dorsal view of female. Muzo, Boy- aca, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) Fig. 2. — Holcoides forceps new genus and species. Dorsal view of head, pro- notum, tegmina and proximal portion of wings of male. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 3) P'ig. 3. — H alcaides forceps new genus and species. Dorsal \'iew of distal por- tion of male abdomen. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X3) Fig. 4. — Holcoides forceps new genus and species. Lateral view of distal por- tion of male abdomen. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 3) Fig. 5. — Pseudophasnia taeniatum new species. Dorsal view of female. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) Fig. 6. — Pseudophasnia rohustum new species. Dorsal view of female. Cin- cinnati, Magdalena, Col()ml)ia. Type. (Xatiu'al size.) Plate XXII Fig. 1. — Pseudophasrna eupepliun new species. Dorsal view of female. La Palmeta, Santander, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) I'ig. 2. — Planudes cortex new species. Dorsal view of male. X'illa i^loira, Cauca, Colombia. Allotype. (Natural size.) Fig. 3. — Ptomtdes cor/e.r new species. Dorsal outHne of female. San .\ntonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) MORGAN HEBARD 179 Fig. 4. — Planudes cortex new species. Lateral outline of cephalic limb of female. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 1.5) Fig. 5. — Bosira colombiae new species. Dorsal view of distal portion of male abdomen. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 3) Fig. 6. — BoMra colombiae new species. Lateral view of distal portion of male abdomen. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 3) ■ Plate XXIII Fig. 1. — Libelhra .spinicollis new species. Dorsal view of female. San An- tonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) Fig. 2. — Libethra spinicollis new species. Lateral outline of dorsum of female. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) Fig. 3. — Libethra insalubris new species. Dorsal view of female. Pueblo Nuevo de Ocaiia, Santander, Colombia. Type. (Natural size.) Fig. 4. — Libethra strigiventris (Westwood). Dorsal view of distal portion of male abdomen. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. (X 3) Fig. 5. — Libethra slrigiventris (Westwood). Lateral view of distal portion of male abdomen. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. (X 3) Fig. 6. — Libethra slriffivenlns (Westwood). Ventral view of female operculum. San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. (X 3) Fig. 7. — Libethroidea inusiiata new genus and species. Lateral view of distal portion of female abdomen. Altas de las Cruces, near San Antonio, Cauca, Colombia. Type. (X 3) Fig. 8. — Libethroidea iniwitaia new genus and species. Ventral view of female operculum. Altas de las Cruces, near San Antonio, Cauca, Colom- bia. Type. (X 3) Fig. 9. — Litosermyle ocanae new genus and species. Lateral view of distal portion of female abdomen. Pueblo Nuevo de Ocana, Santander, Colombia. Type. (X 3) Fig. 10. — Litosermyle ocanae new genus and species. Ventral view of female operculum. Pueblo Nuevo de Ocana, Santander, Colombia Type.' ( X 3) TRANS. AM. ENT. .SOC, XLV. EDMUND H. GIBSON 181 THE GENUS PHATNOMA FIEBER (TINGIDAE; HETEROPTERA) BY EDMUND H. GIBSON United States Bureau of Entomology Phatnoma is one of the Tingid genera whose known distribu- tions are Hmited to the tropical zone, and hence has some of the pecuhar structural variations so characteristic of native groups of that region. Fieber described the genus, in 1844, to include his /aa/(a/a, which is the genotype. The only other contributions to the knowledge of this group were made by Champion, in 1901, and Distant, in 1909, describing new species. Seven species are included in the genus, two of which are herein described as new. The principal characters which distinguish Phatnoma are the long and numerous head spines, the extremely broad and flaring lateral membranous margins of the pronotum, whose angles terminate in spines, and the sharp carinae which separate the costal, subcostal, and discoidal areas of the elytra. So far as is known the genus is of little economic importance, no food plants of any of the species having been recorded. PHATNOMA Fieoer 1844. Fiel)er, Ent. Mon., p. 57. 1901. Champion, Biol. Centr.-Am., Heteropt., ii, p. 2. 1910. Distant, Fauna British India, v, p. 102. Head long, horizontal, with numerous spines as follows: one pair at base of head, one pair just in front of basal pair, one single spine just in front of second pair, jugae terminating in spines, and antenniferous tubercles spinous. First two segments of antennae very short, third veiy long, fourth about as long as first two taken together. Rostrum long. Pronotum tricarinate, without hood, and nearly truncate behind. Lateral margins of pronotum mem- ))ranoiis, flaring, with four or more rows of areoles and directed forward, forwaixl border being sinuate with angles spinous. Scutellum distinct. Elytra wide ovate, with claval area prom- inent. Other areas prominently separated by sharp carinae. TRANS. AM, ENT. SOC, XLV. 182 GENUS PHATNOMA (hETEROPTERA) Key to the Species 1. Outer margin of costal area of elytra with a row of areoles much larger than other areoles of elytra ovata Champion Outer margin of costal area of elytra with areoles the same size as others of elytra 2 2. Basal pair of head spines distinctly shorter than second pair. Outer border of pronotal lateral margins deeply sinuate and with two long acute points directed forwards lacinata Fieber Basal pair of head spines at least as long as second pair. Sinuation of pro- notal lateral margins not so deep 3 3. Pronotal margins with not more than four rows of areoles. marmorata Champion Pronotal margins with five or more rows of areoles 4 4. Pronotal margins with more than seven rows of areoles. annulipes Champion Pronotal margins with less than seven rows of areoles 5 6. Costal area with a longitudinal, undulating black line near inner margin. costalis Distant Costal area without such a line 6 6. Light brown in general color, comparatively large. Hubcostal area not widened at any one point filetia new species Dark brown in general color, comjoaratively small. Sul)costal area widest just before the middle spinosa new species Phatnoma ovata Champion , 1901. Champion, Biol. Centr.-Am., Heteropt., ii, p. 4. "Lighter or darker brownish-ochreous, the outer carinae of the pronotimi and the costal margin and carinae of the elytra spotted with black or fuscous, the inner basal margin of the clavus also blackish; the small areolae of the pronotal and elytral margins hyaline; the legs and antennae testaceous, the apical joint of the latter black at the tip. Pronotum with the margins a little raised, angularly dilated before the middle as well as in front, becoming narrow behind, the anterior terminating in a short spine; the disc closely punctured, tricarinate, the outer carinae curved inwards in front. Elytra rather short, regularly oval, somewhat narrowly rounded at the apex; discoidal and sub- costal areas equal in width, separated by a sharp-raised carina which extends forwards to the base, the discoidal area limited inwards by a moderately raised carina which extends to the apex of the subcostal area, both areas with .several transverse or oblique raised lines, and, like the clavus and sutural area, with very small rounded areolae; costal area moderately broad, becoming narrow at the tip, with a row of oblong areolae along the margin and three rows of much smaller areolae within. Length 31-31, breadth l|-2 milliin. Hab. Guatemala, San Isidro, Panajachel, Zapote, Capcfillo, Huenas (Charn]>ion)." EDMUND H. GIBSON 183 The above is a copy of the original description. No specimens of this species were at hand for study, but it is very evident that the row of large areoles along the outer margin of the costal area of elytra will distinguish this from all other species of the genus. Phatnoma lacinata Fieber 1844. P'ieber, Ent. Monographien, p. 57. As this species is the genotype of the genus and the type speci- men is not available for study, I do not feel warranted in setting forth a redescription of it from the original description and illus- trations. However, it is very evident that this species is the only one of the genus which has the basal pair of head spines shorter than the second pair, and hence this charactei- may be used as the diagnostic one for the species. The type locality is "East Indies." Phatnoma marmorata Champion 1901. Chainpiuu, liiol. Centr.-Am., Heteropt., ii, p. 3. "Brownish-ochreous or sepia-brown, mottled with fuscous, the fuscous markings on the costal area of the elytra forming numerous vague transverse fasciae, which sometimes terminate in a small black spot on the costal and inner margins, the apex of clavus and some spots on the carinae also black; the pronotal and elytral margins partly hyaline; the antennae testaceous,, with the apical joint partly or entirely black, the third joint sometimes infuscate; the legs testaceous, with the knees usually infuscate, the femora with a yellow annulus before the apex. Pronotum with the margins raised, and broadly, acutely dilated before the middle as well as in front, becoming narrow behind, the anterior dilatation terminating in a rather long slender spine; the disc punc- tured closely and tricarinate, the outer carinae subparallel. Elj-tra moderately broad, suboval, broadly rounded at the apex; discoidal and subcostal areas equal in width, separated by a sharply raised carina, which extends forwards to the base, the discoidal area open behind and limited inwards by a curved carina which extends to near the tip of the elytra; the clavus and the sutural, discoidal, and subcostal areas with very small rounded punctiform areolae, the discoidal and subcostal areas each with about five transverse or oblique pallid raised lines; costal area rather broad throughout, closely reticulated, there being four rows of areoles at the middle, increasing to five or six behind. Length 3|-4, breadth 2 millim. Hab. Panama, Bugaba, Caldera, and David in Chiriqui (Champion)." The collection of the United States National Museum contains eight specimens from Paraiso. Canal Zone, Panama, collected by Mr. E. A. Schwarz. TKANS. .-VM. ENT. SUC, XIA'. 184 GENUS PHATNOMA (hETEROPTERA) Phatnoma annulipes Chain])ion 1901. Champion, Biol. Centr.-Am., Heteropt., ii, }>. 4. "Lighter or darker ochreous-brown, the expanded margins of the pronotum and the elj^ra more or less mottled with fuscous, the fuscous markings on the . costal area of the elytra sometimes forming fasciae, the apex of the clavus and some spots on the carinae and costa black; the jironotal and elytral margins partly hyaline; the antennae testaceous, with the apical joint more or less black, the third joint sometimes infuscate; the legs testaceous, with the knees usually infuscate, the femora with a more or less distinct yellow annulus before the apex. Pronotum with the margins greatly raised, and very broadly and ol)liquely dilated forwards, angularlj' produced in front and also at the sides anteriorly, the anterior dilatation terminating in a short spine, the margin rounded behind the outer angle; the disc closely punctured and tricarinate, the outer carinae parallel. Elytra moderately broad, suboval, broadly rounded at the apex; discoidal and subcostal areas separated by a sharply raised carina which extends forwards to the base, the discoidal area limited inwards by a curved carina which extends to near the tip of the elytra; the clavus and the sutural, discoidal, and subcostal areas with very small rounded punctiform areolae, the discoidal and subcostal areas each with about five transverse or oblique pallid raised lines; costal area broad to the tip, closely reticulated, there being five rows of areolae at the middle, increasing to six or seven behind. Length 3J-4, breadth I^q-2-^-^ millim. Hab. Mexico, Frontera in Tabasco (H. H. Smith); Guatemala, Cahabon in Vera Paz, San Lsidro (Champion); Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui (Champion)." Several specimens from Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, are in the collection of the United States National Museum. Phatnoma costalis Distant 1909. Distant, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Hii, p. 113. 1910. Distant, Fauna British India, v, p. 102. A copy of the original description is here given. This species may be easily distinguished by the undulating longitudinal line in the costal area of the elytra. "Pale brownish-ochraceous, the lateral areas of the pronotum and the costal, subcostal and sutural areas of the elytra greyish; a small linear black spot in the discoidal area and a similar spot ne'ar the apex of sutural area; body beneath and legs reddish-brown; antennae with the third joint very long, apical joint piceous at apex; pronotum tricarinate, the lateral areas greyish with the mar- gins of the areolets brownish, the lateral margins ampliated and produced in two strong stout spines; (!Ostal area of the elytra with small brown margined areolets, a piceous unthilatcd line near its inner margin and small piceous spots on its outer margin, the subcostal and discoidal areas with distinct jiale trans- verse raised lines. Length 4 mill. Hab.: Tenasserim; Myitta (Doherty)." EDMUND II. GIBSON 185 Phatnoma flietia new species Head punctate, horizontal, as long as pronotum. Spines on head long and prominent, basal pair very long, each terminating in a slender curving tip, second pair long, normally stout, single spine prominent, jugae spines promi- nent and acute. Antenniferous tubercles spinous. Antennae with first two segments very short, basal segment slightly longer and more stout than second, third very long, fourth longer than first two taken together. Pronotum punc- tate, carinae parallel, membranous margins with five or si.x rows of areoles, angles acute, the anterior angles bearing definite spines. A slight indication of a posterior membranous margin in front of scutellum. Apex of scutellum distinct. Elytra oblong, with claval area long. Carinae separating subcostal and discoidal areas parallel. Subcostal area not widened before the middle. All areas of elytra areolate. General color brown, resembling mnrmnrata Champion. Length, 4 mm.; width, 2.3 mm. Type. — 9 ; allotype, cf ; one paratype, 9 . All specimens were collected by Mr. E. A. Schwarz at Porto Bello, Panama, during March, 1911. Type No. 22159, United States National Museum. In general appearance it more nearly resembles marmorata Champion. Phatnoma spinosa new species Head horizontal, as long as pronotum. Spines on head long and prominent, basal pair very long, each terminating in a slender curving tip, second pair long, normally .stout, single spine prominent, jugae spines prominent and acute. Antenniferous tubercles spinous. Antennae with first two segments very short, basal segment slightly larger and stouter than second, third very long, fourth longer than first two taken together. Pronotum punctate, carinae parallel, membranous margins with five rows of areoles, the fifth row somewhat reduced, angles acute with definite spines on anterior angles. A slight indi- cation of a posterior membranous margin in front of the distinct apex of scu- tellum. Elytra oblong, with claval area long. Carinae separating subcostal and discoidal areas slightly bowed, making the subcostal area widest just before the middle. All areas of elytra areolate. General color very dark brown, resembling marmorala Champion and the previous species in pattern. Length, 3.5 mm.; width, L8 mm. Type. — cf ; Bohio, Canal Zone, Panama, collected by Mr. E. A. Schwarz, April 7, 1911. Type No. 22160, United States National Museum. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. CONTENTS Studies in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Colombia. - First Paper. Dermaptera nd Orthopterous Families Blattidae, Mantidae and Phasmidae. By Morgan Hebard 89 (Issued June 7, 1919.) The Genus Phatnoma Fieber (Tingidae; Heteroptera). By Edmund H. Gibson 181 (Issued June 13, 1919.) VOLUME XLV NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER, 1919 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AT THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOUR DOLLARS PER VOLUME THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PHILADELPHIA Founded 1859 Incorporated 1862 Organized as "The Entomological Society of Philadelphia," the present title was adopted February 11, 1867. President Henry Skinner » Vice-President James A. G. Rehn Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Morgan Hebard George M. Greene Treasurer Ezra T, Cresson Publication Committee Finance Committee Property Committee Jamfes A. G. Rehn James A. G. Rehn Ezra T, Cresson, Jr. Editor Chairman Librarian and Ctistodian Ezra T. Cresson D. M. Castle Morgan Hebard Philip P. Calvert Morgan Hebard Philip Laurent Meetings held (alternately with those of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) on the fourth Thursday of September, October, November, January, February, March, April and May, and on the second Monday of June and December (annual meeting). The offices, meeting room, library and collections of the Society are in the Entomological Department of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Logan Square. Serial Publications of the Society Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, volumes I-VI, 1861-1867. Out of print and cannot be supplied. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, volumes I-IV, out of print and can- not be supplied; V-X, $5.00 per volume; XI-XLV, $4.00 per volume. Published in annual volumes of quarterly parts. The Practical Entomologist, volumes I-II, 1865-1867. Price, $1.00 for the two volumes. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, number 1, 1916, price $2.00; number 2, 1917, price $4.50; number 3, 1919, price $1.50. Published irregularly. Entomological News, volumes I-XXX. Price $2.00 per volume. Published in con- junction with the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Various irregular, non-serial publications have been issued, which may be found in our price lists under their respective authors. To establish the date of issue, each paper, as soon as completed, is placed on sale and a copy of it is mailed to each of the following institutions, with a request that it be placed in their library for reference. Boston Society of Natural History Field Museum of Natural History American Museum of Natural History California Academy of Sciences Smithsonian Institution Entomological Society of Ontario Separates of papers published in the Proceedings and Transactions, if not out of print, can be supplied at prices given in our price hsts, which are sent upon application, stating order or orders desired. The Society has also inaugurated a system of subscription to papers published by it on individual orders, which arrangement is of material benefit to the student who desires promptly the literature on any special group, but who does not desire to subscribe to entire volumes of the Transactions. A method of notification of the appearance in its publications of papers relating to individual orders or subjects has been developed by the Society. Information concerning these arrangements supplied upon application. In sending subscriptions or in making inquiries relative to publications, address: THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Publication Department, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Logan Square. EDMUND H. GIBSON 187 THE GENUS GARGAPHIA STAL (TINGIDAE ; HETEROPTERA i BY EDMUND H. GIBSON Utdled States Bureau of Entomology This paper is an attempt to bring together and up to date the taxonomic knowledge of this very interesting and characteristic genus. It is drawn up along the lines of the author's recent work on the genus Corythucha Stal, and is the third in a series of contributions to the knowledge of the family Tingidae, which family the writer hopes to monograph at some future date. Gargaphia Stal embraces at the present time twenty-five species, five of which are herein described as new. The genus is limited in its distribution to North, Central and South America, and includes several species which are of economic importance as plant feeders. Because of the fact that material, including types, of some of the South American forms has not been available for study, it has been impossible for the writer to redescribe them and hence to treat those species separately. However the lack of this degree of completeness is not sufficient to warrant the withholding of the detailed treatment of the remaining species. It is believed that until certain types in European museums can be studied this paper is as complete as possible. The characters used in separating the species are quite a dif- ferent set than are used in the genus Corythucha. The pronotal hood in Gargaphia is so much reduced that comparative measure- ments would hardly be reliable. The size and shape of the lateral margins of the pronotum, and the number of rows of areoles in the costal and subcostal areas of the elytra, are the most stable characters for the determination of species. The character of the head spines should also be taken into account. St&l described Gargaphia as a subgenus of Monanthia in 1862, and then, in 1873, he gave it generic rank. His pairicia is the logotype of the genus. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 188 GENUS GARGAPHIA The writer has deemed it wise to redescribe all of the species known to him so as to conform to the idea of uniformity in description. In the listing of the species no attempt is made at a natural or evolutionary order; instead, they are presented as they occur in the key. GARGAPHIA St&l 1862. St&l, Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxiii, p. 324. 1873. St&l, Enum. Hemip., iii, pp. 119, 124. 1884. Uhler, Stand. Nat. Hist., ii, p. 285. 1887. Provancher, Pet. Faune Ent. Can., iii, p. 159. 1897. Champion, Biol. Centr.-Am., Heteropt., ii, p. 9. 1898. Champion, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 58. 1916. Osborn and Drake, Ohio St. Univ., Bull., xx, p. 233. 1917. Drake, Ent. News, xxviii, p. 227. This genus may be distinguished from all others of the family by the sinuous transverse carina interrupting the rostral groove between the meso- and metasternum. In general it may be characterized as follows: Head small, black, more or less shiny, with five prominent spines, three of which are on the front be- tween the eyes and two at the base of head, one on either side. These basal spines may be erect or decumbent and reduced to mere threads. The frontal spines may be reduced to mere stubs. Antennae long, first and second segments stout, the first at least three times the length of the second, and about equal to the fourth in length, segments more or less hairy. Pronotum with a hood, varying in size with the species but never entirely covering the head, three longitudinal membranous carinae, and a wide membranous lateral margin which is more or less flaring and angular in some species. A transverse sinuous carina interrupts the rostral groove between the meso- and metasternum. Elytra lacy, with hyaline areoles at least in the costal area. Various areas of elytra well defined. Elytra narrowed at the base, never reflexed anteriorly as in Corythucha. Food Plant Index The following list of food plants is given merely as an aid to identification. It is as complete as possible with the data at hand, which was taken from various publications and insect labels : EDMUND H. GIBSON 189 Amphiachijris species solani Heidemann Basswood {TUia pubescens) tiliae Wahh Beans angulata Heidemann Coffee Weed {Cassia species) solani Heidemann Cotton {Gossypiiim species) solani Heidemann Dahlia parryi condensa Gibson Dahlia spinosa opacula Uhler Egg plant (Solanum melongena) opacula Uhler solani Heidemann False Indigo {Amorpha fruticosa) amorphae Walsh Horse Nettle {Solaninn carolinense) solani Heidemann Mallow {Malva species) iridescens Champion New Jersey Tea (Ceanolhns americanus) angulata Heidemann Night Shade (Solanum species) iridescens Champion solani Heidemann Potato {Solanum tuberosum) solani Heidemann Ragweed {Ambrosia species) iridescens Champion Sage {Salna pitcheri) solani Heidemann Sand Nettle iridescens Champion White Horse Nettle {Solanum elaeagnifolium) solani Heidemann Wild Cherry {Prunus serolina) tiliae Walsh Willow (Salix species) opacula Uhler TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 190 genus gargaphia Distributional Groupings of Species The grouping as here Hsted is also an aid to the identification of species. The definite hmits of distribution of only a few species are known, hence the following should be considered merely as a guide: Northern United States — tiliae Walsh. • Eastern United States — amorphae Walsh, tiliae Walsh, iridescens Champion, angulata Heidemann. Southern United States — tiliae Walsh, fasciata St&l, angulata Heidemann, solani Heidemann. Southwestern United States — carinata Giljson, condensa Gibson, albes- cens Drake, iridescens Champion, opacula Uhler, angulata Heidemann, solani Heidemann. Western United States — opacula Uhler. Central America (including Mexico) — panamensis Champion, patricia St&l, nigrinervis St§.l, vanduzeei Gibson. South America — lasciva Gibson, magna Gibson, nigrinervis StS.1, formosa StS,l, trichoptera St§,l, subpilosa St§,l, flexuosa St&l, lunulata Mayr, munda St§,l, obliqua St&l, tricolor Mayr, simulans Stil. Key to the Species 1. Costal area of elytra with less than four rows of areolae at its widest part 10 Costal area of elytra with four or more rows of areolae at its widest part . .2 2. Membranous margins of i)ronotum angularly expanded 3 Membranous margins of pronotum rounding 5 3. Frontal spines produced, at least one-half the length of the basal segment of the antennae 4 Frontal spines not produced, very short, mere stul)s . . angulata Heidemann 4. Angle of the membranous margin of pronotum sharj), ])ointed. Hood small nigrinervis StS,l Angle of the membranous margin of pronotum not sharj) or jiointed. Hood large solani Heidemann 5. Length of the discoidal area noticeably less than -one-half the length of elytra; narrow, in width about equal to the subcostal area G Length of the discoidal area about one-half the length of elytra, width greater than subcostal area 7 G. Length of discoidal area barely one-third the length of the elytra. panamensis Champion Length of discoidal area slightly more than one-t hircl tlic length of elytra. magna new sjjecies 7. Subcostal area with but two rows of areolae 9 Subcostal area with three rows of areolae 8 ,8. Apical angle of discoidal area about median tiliae Walsh Apical angle of discoidal area at the outer side amorphae Walsh EDMUND H. GIBSON 191 9. All five frontal spines erect, long. Nervures of elytra concolorous. fasciata StM The two basal spines not erect, median spine long, anterior spines not long. Nervures of elytra not of uniform color patricia St§,l 10. Costal area with two rows of areolae 12 Costal area with three rows of areolae 11 1 1 . Nervures of elytra concolorous. Hood nearly as broad as long. albescens Drake Nervures of elytra not of a uniform color. Hood nearly twice as long as broad irideseens Champion 12. Subcostal area with two rows of areolae 13 Subcostal area with three or more rows of areolae 14 13. Lateral margins of pronotum angulate. Hood comparatively small. General color dark condensa new species Lateral margins of pronotum rounding. Hood larger. General color light vanduzeei new species 14. Subcostal area with less than four rows of areolae 15 Subcostal area with four rows of areolae lasciva new species 15. Pronotal carinae low, without distinct areolae opacula Uhler Pronotal carinae high, with large clear areolae carinata new species Gargaphia angulata Heidemann 1899. Heidemann, Can. Ent., xxxi, p. 301. 1900. Chittenden, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Bull. n. s. xxiii, p. 32, fig. 8. 1910. Smith, Cat. Ins. N. J., edn. 3, fig. 63, p. 149. 1916. Csborn and Drake, Ohio St. Univ. Bull, xx, p. 233, fig. 6. 1917. Parshley, Occasional Papers Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vii, p. 56. 1917. McAfee, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., xii, p. 79. 1917. Van Duzee, Catalogue of Hemiptera of North America, p. 218, no. 657. Head dark shiny. Three frontal spines reduced to mere light colored conical stubs. Ba.sal head spines mere decumbent hairs, not plainly visible without removing pronotal hood. First three segments of antennae light, concolorous, hairy. Fourth segment dark except basal third. Pronotum dark, punctate. Pronotal hood twice as long as broad. Three parallel carina with one row of areoles. Lateral membranous margins wide, with four rows of areoles at its widest point, distinctly angular. Membranous portions of pronotum yellow- ish or dirty white and hairy. Elytra with four rows of areoles at the widest part of costal area, subcostal area with two rows of areoles. Nervures of elytra yellowish. Length, 3.4 mm; width, 1.6 mm. Type, a male from Auburn, Alabama, number 4371, in the United States National Museum. This and a long series of specimens from New Jersey to Arizona have -been examined. Mr. H. M. Parshley records its capture in Massachusetts and Connecticut. It would, therefore, appear that its present dis- tribution reaches from the New England States south and west TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 192 GENUS GARGAPHIA to Arizona and inland to Missouri. Mr. McAtee states that Ceanothus americanus is the most common food plant of this species. It also feeds on beans to an economic extent. Gargaphia nigrinervis Sth\ 1873. Stai, Enum. Hemip., iii, p. 12.5. 1897. Champion Biol. Centr.-Amer., Heteropt., ii, p. 10. Head dark, eyes prominent. The frontal pair of head spines much reduced, barely more than stubs, in this respect resembling those of angulata Heidemann, but the median spine is long and erect. Basal spines alsd long and erect. First three segments of antennae redcUsh brown, third segment lighter towards apex. Fourth .segment black. Pronotal hood small, more than twice as long as broad. Three parallel carinae normal. Lateral margins wide, flaring, and distinctly angulate, with four rows of areoles at point of greatest width. Angle sharp or pointed, margin rounded behind. Nervures of lateral margins brown. Elytra with five rows of areoles in costal area at its greatest width. Subcostal area with two rows of areoles. Discoidal area very short, about one- third the length of elytra. Five or six oblique nervures distinctly darkened, brown to black. Apex of elytra narrowed. Length, 3.7 mm.; width, 2.2 mm. Eleven specimens from Panama are in the collection of the United States National Museum. Champion records its occm-- rence also in Colombia. Food plants of this species are not known. Gargaphia solani Heidemann 1914. Heidemann, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., xvi, p. 136. 1915. Fink, U. S. Dept. Agri., Div. Ent., Bull. 239, pp. 1-7. 1916. Osborn and Drake, Ohio St. Univ. Bull., xx, p. 235, fig. 7. 1917. Van Duzee, Catalogue of Hemiptera of North America, p. 218, no. 658. Head small, dark, eyes and rostral sulcus prominent. Three frontal head spines long, basal spines long, and more or less erect and protruding beyond hood. Basal joint of antennae dark. Second and third joints lighter, fourth dark except at base. Third and fourth antennal segments with numerous long hairs, those on first and second segments shorter and less conspicuous. Pronotal hood comparatively large for species of this genus, four times as long as wide, and as high or slightly higher than median carina. All three carinae comparatively high, with one distinct row of large areoles, and densely hairy. Lateral membranous margins of pronotum wide and distinctly angular, with at least five rows of areoles at their widest point and very hairy. Pronotum dark and i)unctate, membranous portions of pronotum light, yellowish, with nervures darkened in angle of lateral margins. Elytra with five rows of areoles at the widest part of costal area and tliree rows in subcostal area. Five trans- verse nervures of costal area l)lackened, more or less distinct. Apical angle of the discoidal area at outside. Legs ijale, yellow. Length, 4 nun.; width, 2 mm. EDMUND H. CxIBSON 193 Two specimens labelled types, in the collection of the United States National Museum, numbered 18810, have been examined. One was collected at Kirkwood, Missouri, the other in Lavaca County, Texas. Many other specimens are in the same collec- tion from Maryland, west to Arizona. It would appear that this species occurs over the entire southern half of the United States. Its food plants include Solanum carolinense (Horse nettle), Solanum elaeagnifoliurn, Cassia species (Coffee weed), Amphia- chrus species, Salvia pitcheri, Solanum species, eggplant, potato, and cotton. Mr. David E. Fink in Bulletin number 239, U. S. Dept. Agriculture gives an economic treatise of this species and includes descriptions of the egg and nymphal stages. He terms it the eggplant lace-bug. Gargaphia panamensis Champion 1901. Champion, BioL Centr.-Amer., Heteropt., ii, j). 10. The writer, having seen no specimens of this species, is unable to give a redescription, and therefore includes a copy of the original description, which is in such detail as to make its identity fairly certain. "Moderately elongate; ferrugineo-testaceous, the liody black beneatli, the margins of the pronotum and the elytra subhyaHne; the antennae testaceous, with the basal and apical joints black; the legs testaceous, with the tarsi and the greater part of the tibiae infuscate; the margins of the pronotum and the costal margin of the el>i:ra to about the middle very minutely denticulate. Head with three short slender frontal spines, meeting at the tip; antennae long and slender, joint one three times as long as two and nearly as long as four, two very short. Pronotum with the membranous margins moderately wide, rounded in front and behind and .sHghtly recurved, with three rows of small areolae; hood rather small, oval, comj^ressed, angularly projecting in front; the three carinae feebly foliaceous, the interspaces closely, finely punctate. Elytra moderately long, arcuatelj' widened from the base, broadly rounded at the tip; discoidal area narrow, barely one-third the length of the elytra, closely reticulated; subcostal area as wide as the discoidal, closely reticulated; costal area with four rows of areoles at the middle, diminishing to three at the base, the areolae, except towards the base, where they are small, moderately large and (like those of the sutural area) subequal in size. Length 2^, breadth 1| millim. Hab. Panama, Caldera in Chiriqui (Champion)." No record of food plants was given. TR.\NS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 194 GENUS GARGAPHIA Gargaphia magna new species Head small, black, with frontal spines all short, about the length of the second antennal segment. Basal spines not protruding noticeably in front of hood, more or less decumbent. First three antennal segments dark reddish brown. Basal segment long and very dark. Third segment lighter towards apex. Fourth black except at base. Hairs on antennae very short and fine. Pronotal hood slightly more than twice as long as broad and distinctly higher than median carina. Nervure on crest of hood darkened. Pronotum black, punctate. Parallel carinae normal, rather low and wide apart. Lateral membranous margins rounding, with three rows of areoles, nervures light brown, margin dark brown. Elytra with four rows of areoles in costal area at its greatest width. Subcostal area with four rows and raised to apex of elytra. Nervures of membranous portions not hairy. Three transverse oblique nervures of costal area black, also nervures towards apex of elytra darkened. Areoles of the apical third of the elytra smoky except those of costal area. Legs dark brown. Length, about 5 mm. Because of its size and coloring this is the most easily recog- nizable species of the genus known to the author. Type. — cf ; San Bernardino, Paraguay; K. Fiebrig, collector. Type number 22139 in the collection of the United States National Museum. Food plant unknown. Gargaphia tiliae Walsh 1864. Walsh, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., iii, p. 408. 1886. Uhler, Check List, p. 22. 1887. Provancher, Pet. Faune Ent. Can., iii, p. 159. 1892. Bergroth, Revue d' Ent., xi, p. 264. 1894. Van Duzee, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., v, p. 181. 1895. Gillette and Baker, Hemip. Colo., p. 57. 1910. Bueno, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xviii, p. 31. 1910. Smith, Cat. Ins. N. J., edn. 3, p. 149. 1916. Osborn and Drake, Ohio St. Univ. Bull., xx, p. 234. 1917. Drake, Ent. News, xxviii, no. 5, p. 227. 1917. Van Duzee, Catalogue of Hemiptera of North America, p. 217, no. 654. Head small with spines erect, frontal pair shorter than median spine, incon- spicuous. Antennae hairy, first three segments yellowish brown, concolorous, fourth segment black except at base. Pronotal hood small, twice as long as wide. Carinae normal, comparatively low. Pronotum black punctate. Membranous margins rounding, with three or four rows of areoles. Nervures yellowish. Elytra with four or five rows of areoles at the greatest width of the costal area. Subcostal area with three rows of areoles. Apical angle of discoidal area about median. Length of discoidal area about one-half the length of elytra. Nervures of costal area, opposite apical half of discoidal area, darkened. Legs yellow with tarsi and claws black. Length, 4 mm.; width, 2 mm. EDMUND H. GIBSON 195 The type, a male, number 1150, in the collection of the United States National Museum, has been examined, together with a long series from states including New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The species probably is well distributed over the entire eastern half of the United States and southern Canada. Basswood appears to be the most common food plant of the species. It has also been recorded on wild cherry. Gargaphia amorphae Walsh 1864. Wiilsh, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., iii, p. 409. 1886. Uhler, Check List, p. 22. 1892. Bergroth, Revue d'Ent., xi, p. 264. 1904. Wirtner, Ann. Cam. Mus., iii, p. 202. 1910. Smith, Cat. Ins. N. J., edn. 3, p. 149^ 1916. Osborn and Drake, Ohio St. Univ. Bull., xx, p. 235. 1917. McAtee, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xii, no. 4, p. 79. 1917. Van Duzee, Catalogue of Hemiptera in North America, p. 217, no. 654. Differing from tiliae Walsh only in the slightly smaller and narrower pronotal hood, and in the apical angle of the discoidal area of the elytra not being about median, but instead noticeably nearer the outside than center, thus making the angle larger than in tiliae. This is true in both sexes. The type, a female, numbered 1141, is in the collection of the United States National Museum. Other specimens from West Virginia and North Carolina have been examined. Walsh records False Indigo {Atnorpha fruticosa) as its food plant. Gargaphia fasciata St&l 1873. St&l, Enum. Hemip., iii, p. 125. Head small, black, all five spines erect, the anterior pair about one-half as long as median spine. Median and basal spines about equal in length. First three segments of antennae j'ellowish brown, fourth black. Hair.s short and comparatively few in numbers. Pronotal hood small, tw-ice as long as broad. Pronotum l^hick. Parallel carinae normal. Lateral membranous margins rounding, with four rows of areoles at point of greatest width. Nervures of membranous portions yellowish brown, no dark markings except discoidal area somewhat tlarkened toward apex. Costal area of elytra with five rows TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 196 GENUS GARGAPHIA of areoles at point of greatest width. Subcostal area with three rows. Apical angle of discoidal area nearly median, slightly nearer outer side. Length, 4 mm.; width, 2.2 mm. Four specimens in the C. F. Baker collection, which is on deposit in the United States National Museum, are the only representa- tives of this species which I have examined. They bear a label which states that the determination was made by Champion. The specimens are from Alabama. No record of a food plant is given. Fasciata Stal has been placed, by Osborn and Drake in 1916 and Van Duzee in 1917, as a synonym of tiliae Walsh. Osborn and Drake state that their conviction was confirmed by Heide- mann. This error of synonomy was probably due to the fact that the specimens Heidemann determined first as fasciata were later properly recognized as tiliae, and that he never examined the specimens determined by Champion above mentioned. Fasciata may readily be separated from tiliae by the greater length of head spines, greater width of pronotal margins and narrower subcostal area. There is also no darkening of nervures of elytra in fasciata, as there is in tiliae in the costal area opposite the discoidal area. Fasciata more nearly resembles patricia Stal. Gargaphia patricia Stal 1862. Monanthia (Phyllontochila) patricia St&l, Stett. ent. Zeit., p. 324. 1873. Gargaphia patricia St&l, Enum. .Hemip., iii, p. 125. Head black, frontal pair of spines shorter and lighter than median spine. Basal spines long and more or less decumbent. First three segments of antennae yellowish, concolorous and hairy. Fourth segment black, except at base, and hairy. Pronotal hood small and narrow. Pronotum black, punctate. Carinae normal, comparatively low. Lateral membranous margins rounding with four rows of areoles, nervures more or less darkened. Pronotum and its parts cjuite hairy. Elytra with four rows of areoles in the costal area and sub- costal with two. Length of discoidal area less than one half length of elytra. Apical angle of discoidal area about median. Four or five transverse oblique nervures in costal area darkened. Legs pale, tarsi and claws black. Length, 4 5 mm.; width, 2? mm. A long series from Cordova, Mexico, collected by the late Mr. Frederick Knab, are in the collection of the United States Nat- ional Museum, as are other specimens from Atoyac, Mexico, EDMUND H. GIBSON 197 and Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama. Champion also records its occurrence in Guatemala. Nothing is known of its food plants. Gargaphia albescens Drake 1917. Drake, Ent. News, xxviii, p. 22S. Small, elongate. Head with spines short. Basal pair somewhat decumbent. First two and fourth segments black, except basal third of fourth. Antennae very finely pubescent. Pronotal hood comparatively large for the size of the insect. Carinae normal, with a distinct row of areoles, nearly i)arallel for entire length, slightly farther a])art in front. Lateral margins romiding with two rows of areoles in costal area, subcostal with two, and discoidal with three. Length of discoidal area about one-half of length of elytra. All membranous portions more or less hairy and clear white. Legs whitish. No color mark- ings. Length, 3 mm.; width, 1.3 mm. Type locality: Sacramento, California. Type in collection of Mr. C. J. Drake. Eleven specimens from this locality are in the United States National Museum collection. There are no recorded food plants. Gargaphia iridescens Champion 1897. Champion, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Heteropt., ii, p. 10, ]A. 2, tig. 1. 1917. Drake, Ent. News, .xxviii, ]). 227. 1917. ^'an Duzee, Catalogue of Hemiptera of North America, p. 217, no G.5.5. Resembles opacula Uhler, from which it can be separated by a slightly wider and more flaring membranous margin of the prono- tum, and by the three rows of areoles in the costal area of elytra. Otherwise the description given for opacula will apply equally as well for iridescens. At some later date it may be proved that this is a synonym of opacula. Intergradations between the tw'o have been at hand for study, but the writer hardly feels warranted in making this a synonym of opacula with but this sort of evidence. Specimens have been examined from California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Champion records it from North Mexico. Food plant records include Ambrosia species, Solan uni species, Maiva species, and sand nettle. Gargaphia condensa new species Head with spines erect, basal spines long. First two and fourth segments of antennae black, third reddish brown. Pronotal hood small, about twice as long as broad. Pronotum black, membranous portions hairy. Carinae parallel and low. Lateral margins angular, with three rows of areoles at widest TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 198 GENUS GARGAPHIA part. Nervur^s yellowish brown to dark reddish brown. Elytra with two regular rows of areoles in costal area, two rows in subcostal and three rows in discoidal. Nervures dark reddish browTi except on raised portions of elytra where they are yellowish. Black spot near apex of discoidal area. Legs dark reddish brown, tarsi and claws black. Length, 2.8 mm.; width, LI mm. Type, 9 ; allotype, cf' ; paratypes, two females and five males: Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. Collected by Mr. E. A. Schwarz. All in the collection of the United States National Museum, Type number 22140. Food plant is recorded as Dahlia parryi. Condensa was a Uhler manuscript name. Gargaphia vanduzeei new species Basal pair of head spines long, slender and erect, median spine long and erect, frontal pair short but distinctly spinous. First segment of antennae twice as long as second, third very long, fourth as long as first and second taken together. First, second and fourth segments very dark, third light. Pronotal hood moderately large and broad, carinae moderately high and nearly parallel, lateral membranous margins with two rows of areoles, lateral angles rounding^ anterior to which the margins are nearly straight. Elytra with two rows of areoles in costal and subcostal areas. General aspect of insect light yellowish brown, above and beneath. A few transverse nervures of costal area of elytra darkened. Membranous portions of thorax hairy. Described from a single specimen, which because of its dam- aged condition will not permit of a more detailed description. It is, however, very evident that it represents a new species. Type. — cf ; Costa Rica, in collection of Mr. E. P. Van Duzee, who kindly permitted the writer to study and describe it. Gargaphia lasciva new species Head with spines erect, frontal pair short, basal pair long. First segment of antennae reddish brown, second and third segments concolorous, yellowish, fourth darkened on apical two-thirds. Pronotal hood comparatively large> high, much higher than median carina, narrow. Pronotum brown, carinae parallel and comparatively low, lateral margins rounding with two rows of areoles and wider anteriorly than posteriorly. Nervures of membranous portions yellow and not hairy. Elytra narrowed at base and apex, ai)ex pointing outward. Costal area with two rows of large areoles, subcostal with four rows, and discoidal with three. Subcostal e(}ual or slightly greater in width than discoidal area. An ol)lique fuscus band across elytra from inner margin opposite apex of discoidal area to apex of elytra. Areoles clouded. Three or four transverse veins in basal half of costal area darkened. Legs light. Length, 3 mm. EDMUND H. GIBSON 199 Type. — cf ; Para, Brazil, collection of the United States National Museum. Type number 22141. No record of food plant. Gargaphia opacula Uhler 1S93. Uhler, North Amer. Fauna, vii, p. 2G3. 1894. Uhler, Proc. Cahf. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, iv, p. 178. 1894. C. H. T., Tovrasend, Can. Ent., xxvi, p. 313. 1914. Van Duzee, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, p. 11. 1917. Van Duzee, Catalogue of Hemiptera of America, p. 218, no. 656. Head black, ej'es prominent, spines prominent and erect, pronotal pair rather small. First two and fourth segments of antennae black, third yellowish. Pronotum very convex and hairy. Hood not as high as median carina. Three carinae straight, parallel, and comparatively low and thick. Lateral margins carinate, with but one row of areoles and fitting close to pronotum. Elji:ra whitish with nervures yellowish or brown. Costal area with two rows of areoles and subcostal with three rows. Legs brown, tarsi and claws black. Length, 3 mm.; width, 1.2 mm. The type, a female, numbered 1189, from the Argus Mountains, California, and numerous other specimens from California, Utah, and Kansas, are in the collection of the United States National Museum. A specimen from California is labeled "on Dahlia spinosa.'^ Van Duzee records specimens captured from willow. Mr. C. H. T. Townsend records having found it abundant on young egg-plants at Las Cruces, New Mexico. Gargaphia carinata new species Head spines long and erect, yellow. Head black, shiny. First two and fourth segments of antennae black, third yellowish brown. Pronotal hood of medium size, about twice as long as broad. Three parallel carinae higher than hood with a row of large clear areoles. Lateral membranous margins angu- lar and distinctly short. Membranous portions with long hairs. Elytra narrow and elongate with two rows of areoles in costal area, three in subcostal, and four in discoidal. Discoidal area about one-half the length of elytra. Nervures of elytra various shades of brown, without pattern. General ap- pearance brown. Legs light. Length, 2.5 mm.; width, 1.1 mm. Type. — 9 ; Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. Collected by Mr. E. A. Schwarz. In collection of the United States National Museum. Type number 22142. This is very distinct from any other species of the genus and easily can be recognized by its small size, high pronotal carinae, and short membranous margins of pronotum. No record of any food plant is available. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 200 GENUS GARGAPHIA The types of the following species have not been available nor has the author seen any specimens identified as belonging to these species. He requested material for study from various American hemipterologists, but in none of the collections exam- ined were representatives of these species found. The best that can be done under the conditions, and until such a time as the types are available, is to consider them according to Stal's^ treatise of the genus, and to apply his differentiations to the author's divisions as set forth in the key to the species. Formosa Stal, trichoptera Stal, and suhpilosa come within the division containing species whose costal areas have four or more rows of areoles at their widest part. Formosa, whose type local- ity is Rio Janeiro, is listed by Stal with patricia Stal and fasciata Stal. Trichoptera, whose type locality is Bogota, Colombia, is compared with nigrinervis. It is much larger than nigrinervis. According to Berg,^ subpilosa Berg, with type locality Buenos Ayres, differs from trichoptera in the smaller number of hairs, principally on the lower part of the body, in the very high angle of the lateral membrane of the pronotum, and in its smaller size. It also differs from nigriyiervis Stal in the hairs which are on the hemelytra, in the hairs scanty and very short on the abdomen, and in the much elevated angle of the lateral membrane of the pronotum. Gargaphia flexuosa Stal, Innidata Mayr, munda Stal, simidans Stal, ohliqua Stal, and tricolor Mayr, all belong to the division having less than four rows of areolae in the costal area. Flexuosa and lunulata have two rows of areolae in costal area while the other species have three rows. Stal states that while flexuosa and lunulata are very similar, lunulata is much the paler. The writer suspects that could the types be examined lunulata would be place into synonomy with flexuosa. The type locality for both is Rio Janeiro. Ohliqua is separated from munda and simidans by having the lateral margins of the pronotum much wider. Simulans is smaller than munda, otherwise greatly resembling it, and may prove to be a synonym of munda. The type- locality of munda, simulans, and ohliqua is also Rio Janeiro. lEnum. Hem., 1873, no. 3, p. 124. 2 Hem. Argentina, 1879, p. 137. EDMUND H. GIBSON 201 The description of tricolor- by Mayr, from Venezuela, is based largely upon color characters, and hence cannot easily be closely associated with any of the afore-mentioned species. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. J. C. HUTSON 203 THE NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS SCELIPHRON I HYMENOPTERA) by j. c. hutson Introduction This paper has been prepared by the writer in the Entomologi- cal laboratory of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, as a part of a thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He here desires to express his debt of gratitude to Dr. H. T. Fernald for his valuable suggestions and kindly interest at all times during the progress of the work, and for his trouble in securing material from many public and private collections in the United States; to Dr. G. C. Crampton for his ready help in the anatomical portion of the paper; and to Mr. Daniel G. Tower whose pre- liminary notes on these insects were at the disposal of the WTiter, and were of no small assistance. The writer is also under great obligations for opportunities to study material from the United States National Museum, the American Entomological Society at Philadelphia, the Brooklyn Museum, and the New Hampshire State College, which had been loaned to Professor Fernald through the kindness of those in charge of these collections, and also from Professor Herbert Osborn, Dr. J. C. Bradley and many others, which were obtained in a similar way. General Characters The insects of the genus Sceliphron of the subfamily Sceli- phroninae found in North America are of medium to small size, varying from half an inch to an inch even within the same species. The wings are large in proportion to the somewhat slender body and the legs are long, especially the hinder pair. The surface of the body is almost completely covered with punctures varying in size and proximity to each other, and with hairs differing in length and density on various parts of the body. It will be noticed that the nature of the punctation bears a close relation to the size and distribution of the hairs, in that each puncture usually has its corresponding hair, though some of these are TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 204 NOETH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) rubbed off in older specimens. In other words the punctures mark the places of attachment of the hairs to the chitinous integument of the insect's body. Some of these punctures are so small as to be visible only under a high powered lens and the corresponding hairs are very fine and usually decumbent. Such hairs may be seen on the dorsal segments of the abdomen and the terms "fine sericeous" or "sparsely sericeous" are applied to such areas. Similar minute but somewhat denser hairs are found on the legs and are called "sericeous" or "densely sericeous." These last are dark or whitish according to the species, while the "coarse sericeous" hairs found on portions of the fore and hind tibiae are always dark. There are two regions in which the hairs are seen to lie flat down on the integument and are so closely set as to hide the ground color of the body, and give it a soft, satiny appearance when viewed from certain angles. The hairs in these regions are called "pubescent." One region is found along the sides of the clypeus and the frons where the hairs are silvery, and more developed in males than in females. The other region consists of two somewhat circular areas on the third and fourth ventral segments of the abdomen of Sceliphron cyaneum females, and the hairs in this instance vary from dark to pale brown when seen from different angles. From the above description it may be noticed that the terms "sericeous" and "pubescent" apply to fine decumbent or semi- decumbent hairs and the chief point of distinction seems to be in their density and length, since the sericeous hairs are shorter and only partly disguise the color of the integument, while the longer pubescence may completely hide the underljdng chitin. The remaining portion of the vestiture of the body in these insects is composed of erect or nearly erect, more or less coarse hairs, which are attached to distinct punctures of varying sizes and density of arrangement. In connection with this part of the vestiture the writer has used the terms "hairs" or "erect hairs, " coupling with them various words to denote gradations in density and coarseness. The coarsest hairs are found on the clypeus, the genae, the "end" and "sides" of the propodeum, J. C. HUTSON 205 the sternum of the mesothorax, and the coxae. The hairs on the "dorsum" of the propodeum, the thoracic pleura, the pro- thoracic lobes, the dorsal surface of the petiole and the undersides of the trochanters and femora are perhaps not quite so dense and coarse as those in the first class, but the gradations are so slight that no marked line of distinction can be drawn. The smallest erect hairs occur on the dorsal portion of the sixth or terminal segment of the female abdomen and along the sides of the ventral portions of the abdominal segments in males and females. Certain areas of the integument are marked by more or less parallel grooves known as "striations," other parts by fine irregular raised lines enclosing shallow punctured areas and giving a condition known as "rugose." These insects do not show any startling color markings or bands, the body being more or less evenly colored with shades of metallic blue, black, or green, sometimes with purple or violet reflections. As mentioned above, the actual body color is some- times obscured by the closely-set vestiture of fine pubescence. The wings may be dark brown to pale fuliginous, even in the same species, or they may be hyaline with fuscous tips, and in most cases may show violet to bluish reflections in certain lights. External Anatomy Head The head is medium to large, broader than high, and seen from above is transversely elongate. The compound eyes are large, somewhat oval structures, extending from the sides of the vertex almost to the base of the mandibles. Seen from in front they occupy together an area about equal to that which lies between them, while on a side view each eye covers about twice the area of the cheek which lies behind it. They are narrowest at the top, where they are bluntly rounded, and gradually expand towards the bottom, where they are broadly truncate with a slight emargination to receive the lateral extensions of the clypeus. The eyes may be nearer each other at the vertex than at the clyp- eus, as in females, or the reverse, as is the case in males of the species dealt with in this paper. Clypeus. — The clypeus is roughly a trapeziform plate lying below the antennae and occupying the lower central portion of the front of the head, with its lower angles extending laterally TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 206 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) under the compound eyes to form part of the articulation of the mandibles. On each side of the clypeus is a narrow downward extension of the frons bounded externally by the inner margin of the eye, internally by the lateral clypeal suture, and ending below in the lower of two foveae. A second or upper fovea is also present about half way to the top of the clypeus from this point, close to the suture between clypeus and frons, but apparently in the latter plate. The lower margin of the clypeus is normally tridentate, but the relative size and shape of the teeth varies in species and individuals, as will be noted under the descriptions of species. The upper margin of the clypeus is marked by a trans- verse to quite emarginate suture below the base of the antennae, and the lateral clypeal sutures may be continued upward as faint lines, meeting between the antennal pits, thus forming a small triangular area above the truncated apex of the clypeus, or these lines may end at the suture, which is then distinctly emarginate and its ends curve upwards on each side almost to the bases of the antennae. The central area of the clypeus is convex, with a more or less distinct median ridge, and is covered with rather long erect black hairs and closely .set coarse punctures, and may be partially clothed with a silvery pubescence. Frons. — The frons lies between the clypeus and the ocelli, but extends downwards on each side between the clypeus and the compound eyes and upwards on each side of the ocellar area as far as the ocello-ocular line. This is a line from the top of the compound eye to the lateral ocellus on each side. The sides of the frons extending along the inner margin of the compound eyes are somewhat sunken below the rest of the facial area and are closely punctate. The frons as a whole is usually covered with coarse erect black hairs, and the sides are more or less clothed with fine silvery pubescence which is seen to the l^est advantage from behind. A short median raised line runs from between the antennae to within a short distance of the median ocellus. Ocelli. — The three ocelli lie near the top of the head, forming a triangle with the median ocellus, the largest of the three, below. The base of the triangle, or postocellar line, is always greater than the distance between the median and either lateral ocellus, J. C. HUTSON 207 and always less than the ocello-ocular line. The exact propor- tions vary with the species. The surface between the ocelli, or intraocellar area, is slightly raised and each of the ocelli has a slight depression at its outer base. Vertex. — Behind the ocelli is a shallow oblong depression, and posterior to this there may be a raised oval area, which might be regarded as the vertex proper, but in this paper the vertex is considered that part of the head bounded anteriorly by a line through the lateral ocelli, posteriorly by the occipital ridge and laterally by the genae and tops of eyes. Occiput. — The occiput is the narrow circular strip at the back of the head surrounding the occipital foramen. It is of no sys- tematic importance. Genae. — The cheeks or genae are paired sclerites at the back of the head between the compound eyes and the occiput, and extend from the vertex to the base of the mandibles. They are narrowest at the top and gradually widen ventrally, where they curve in on each side to meet between the occiput and the gular cavity, and extend laterally outwards under the eyes to meet the clypeal extensions. The mouth parts with the exception of the mandibles do not appear to be of systematic importance, but mention may be made of the labrum, which is a narrow oblong strip attached under the lower edge of the clypeus. In pinned specimens it is usually hidden behind the closed mandibles, but if these are opened the labrum can be seen as a flap lying over the other mouth parts. Mandibles. — The mandibles of females are long, rather curved, bluntly rounded at the tip, and may or may not have a tooth on the inner side according to the species. In males they are shorter and taper to a point. The extension of the lower angle of the clypeus meets a cor- responding extension of the genae and the two together furnish articulations for the mandible in the following manner. On the under part of the clypeal extension is a condyle which fits into a socket on the upper side of the mandible, while the genal piece has a facet to receive the condyle on the lower side of the mandible. There is also a median basal projection on the outer side of the mandible, serving as an attachment for nuiscles. This projection TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 208 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) fits into an emargination on tiie lower margins of tfie clypeal and genal extensions wfien the mandible is closed, but swings inwards leaving the emargination empty when the mandibles are open. Antennae. — The antennae are situated in the middle of the frontal area and articulate in two oval sockets facing obliquely outwards, thus giving the antennae a wide range. They are of medium length, consisting of twelve segments in the female and thirteen in the male. The proximal segment, or scape, is divided into a small basal portion, the bulb, which articulates with the head in an oval socket, and a larger part, the scape proper. The latter is to all appearances a separate segment from the bulb, but the two parts are generally regarded as one segment. The true scape is some- what oval and enlarges suddenly after its junction with the bulb, forming the thickest part of the antenna. The second segment, or pedicel is small, rounded proximally where it articulates with the scape and truncate distally where it joins the first segment of the filament. The remaining segments constitute the flagel- lum or filament and are more or less cylindrical. All the seg- ments of the flagellum, except the last, are smaller at their proxi- mal ends, the first being noticeably so. The first three segments are of about the same length and either the first or second may be the longest according to the species. The remaining segments gradually decrease in length to the penultimate, which is the shortest. The last segment is slightly longer again and tapers distally to a more or less truncate end. The antennae are dark in color, the scape and pedicel being either dark blue or dark green with strong hairs on the inner side, while the flagellum is dull black, but the covering of fine recum- bent hairs may give it a greyish appearance. Thorax Prothorax. — The prothorax falls naturally into two parts, a somewhat narrow anterior portion articulating with the head and known as the neck, and a broader part behind, which articulates with the mesothorax and is usually termed the collar. Seen from above the neck is flatly convex, narrow in front and widening posteriorly to the collar, and the angle of inclination of these dorsal surfaces to each other varies, being sometimes acute and J. C. HUTSON 209 sometimes a right angle. The anterior dorsal margin of the neck is shghtly reflexed, and is hidden within the occipital foramen into which the neck fits. The ventral surface of the neck is shorter than the dorsal and is composed of two plates closely approximate along a median suture and together forming the episternum of Snodgrass. The anterior portions of these plates are narrow and concave, and fit closely under the convex extension of the prothorax to form with it a short cylinder which fits into the occipital foramen, and gives the head freer movement. These plates widen posteriorly into two lobes, whose posterior margins are convex and unite with the concave ventral surface of the collar to form articulations for the coxae. The small triangular sternum lies between the bases of the coxae and adds support to their articulations. The dorsal surface of the collar is somewhat flat anteriorly, but slopes upwards, sometimes ^^Imost vertically, to a rounded cre.st at the back, which is divided by a median furrow into two lobes. The anterior dorsal surface may be slightly arched and almost horizontal so that it forms nearh^ a right angle with the posterior surface, the lobes being rounded and not prominent, or it may form an acute angle with the posterior surface, in which case the lobes are rather sharp, with their crests higher than the mesonotum. The posterior region of the collar is somewhat vei'tical and extends over the anterior margin of the mesonotum which has a broad median projection under it. Between the lateral edge of the episternum and the anterior lateral margin of the collar is a very narrow plate, called the epimeron, which has been partly telescoped under the collar. This narrow strip appears to be the continuation of the anterior margin of the neck. The epimeron suddenly grows wider ven- trally and extends to the base of the coxa on each side. The collar extends ventrally as far as the epimeron and its lower posterior margin projects over a portion of the mesothorax in the form of a semicircular lobe, called the prothoracic lobe by Fernald. This lobe touches the side of the mesonotum above and covers a depression on the mesopleuron, at the bottom of which lies a spiracle. TRAN.S. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 210 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (HYMENOPTERA) Mesothorax. — The mesonotiim is a broad, rather sellate plate, with its anterior margin articulating with the posterior margin of the collar and at the sides with the prothoracic lobe. Its lateral margins are somewhat emarginate to receive the tegiilae and slightly reflexed, while its broadly truncate posterior margin is closely applied to the seutellum. Lying between the lateral margin and the median line on each side is a shallow groove starting from the posterior margin and extending forwards for about one-third the length of the mesonotum. Near the anterior end of each groove there is a curved incised line extending for- wards for the middle third of the segment. These curved lines may be the parapsidal grooves. A short straight line can be seen lying along the anterior third of the median depression of the mesonotum. The seutellum is a rather narrow plate lying behind the mesonotum. It is distinctly raised in the middle and usually marked by a faint median depression. It has a lateral forward extension on each side, as far as the base of the fore wings and tegulae, broken by two deep cavities, a smaller one on each side of the raised central portion, and a larger cavity from which the fore wings have been evaginated. These two cavities are separated by a sharp ridge. The mesopleuron is a large plate occupying the side of the mesothorax and extending obliquely from behind the prothoracic lobe to the base of the mesocoxa, where it ends in an elevation evidently serving to prevent further dorsal flexure of the leg. The mesopleuron is bounded dorsally by part of the mesonotum, and by the overhanging edge of the seutellum, but its ventral limits are not defined. Its anterior margin shows a deep depression under the prothoracic lobe bear- ing a spiracle, which is protected by the lobe, but its posterior boundaries are rather vague. This plate is divided by morphologists into three parts, the pre-episternum, the episternum and the epimeron. The epister- nal groove is a shallow lateral depression marked by scattered ridges and separating the pre-episternum from the episternum. The epimeron has no definite limits, but lies in the broad depres- sion extending oblifiuely down the sides of the body and mark(>d by distinct foveae. This depression is known as the metapleural groove. J. C. HUTSON 211 There is no apparent suture or line separating the mesopleuron from the sternum or ventral plate. The latter is a large plate occupying the ventral surface l^etween the fore and middle coxae, and marked by a distinct median sutui'e with a shallow pit near each end. About halfway between this suture and the upward curve of the mesopleuron is a short line, sometimes appearing distinctly incised with a shallow depression around it. The episternal groove is continued ventrally on each side and curves forward to meet behind the bases of the procoxae. This groove divides the mesosternum into the prepectus, or small portion anterior to the episternal groove, and the mesosternum proper, which extends to the bases of the mesocoxae, whose articulations it bears. Metathorax. — The postscutellum is a narrow plate lying behind the scutellum to which it is somewhat closely applied and in front of the propodeum from which it is separated by a deep fissure. Its lateral extensions are from two to three times as broad as the middle portion, and have a deep cavity from which the hind wings arise, and a nuich shallower cavity on each side of the central portion of the plate. The posterior margins of these lateral pieces are somewhat flanged and extend over the anterior margin of the propodeum and the dorsal edges of the metapleura. Outside the cavity of the hind wings on each side is a small oval protuberance, sometimes called the metapleura! lobe. The metapleuron is a somewhat indefinite plate, with its dorsal portion lying oblicjuely under the hind wings and its ventral extending horizontally under the side of the propodeum. It is broad dorsally where its limits are well defined, but gradually narrows ventrally when its boundaries become rather indefinite, being more distinct in one species than the other. The hind legs are both at the ventral posterior end of the meta- thorax, with the small metasternal area lying between the coxal cavities. Abdomen The median segment or propodeum lies between the post- scutellum and the base of the petiole, and is bounded laterally by the metapleura. It is really the first segment of the abdomen TRANS, AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 212 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) which has become closely connected with the thorax, and it was regarded by early writers as part of the metathorax. Behind the propodeiim is a very slender cylindrical petiole, which sud- denly enlarges near its posterior end to the size of the abdomen. The petiole and its enlarged posterior portion form the second abdominal segment proper, but for our purpose it can be regarded as the first segment of the abdomen. The propodeum, therefore, lies between the metathorax and the petiole and is fused with the former, except for a dorsal fissure separating it from the postscutellum. Its dorsal surface or dorsum extends from behind the post- scutellinn to the point where the body begins to slope ventralh' towards the base of the petiole. This point is marked by a more or less distinct fovea or pit. The shape of the dorsum varies with the species, since its posterior margin may be evenly rounded, or its sides may converge to a point. Its surface may be more or less striated, and a median groove may be present or absent. On each side of the dorsum is a spiracle belonging to the propodeum; this lies in the anterior half of the segment in the line of the depression which marks the limits of the dorsum. The portion of the propodeum behind the dorsum is termed the end by Fer- nald. It extends posteriorly as far as the petiole and its hinder margin is strongly reflexed to prevent too great dorsal flexure of the petiole. The end is bounded laterally by a faint depression extending forward on each side from the l^ase of the metacoxa to the stigma or spiracle. This is known as the stigmatal groove. Between this groove and the metapleuron is the remaining por- tion of the median segment, known as the side. The somewhat slender petiole is usually narrower basally than clistally. It varies in length usually with the size of the specimen, and has a slight downward curve. At the base of the dorsal side of the petiole is a small elevator muscle called the funiculus. As mentioned above, the petiole is a slender cylinder for the greater part of its length, but enlarges dorsally near its hinder end to join the second segment of the abdomen. The sternal portion of the cylinder extends continuously to the sternum of the second abdominal segment, with which it is connected l\v a membranous strip. The dorsal poilion of the cylinder is shorter, thus giving J. C. HUTSON 213 the petiole proper the appearance of being cut off obhqiiely, and the intervening space between its posterior edge and the anterior dorsal edge of the second abdominal segment is covered over by a roundly convex plate. This plate may be regarded as the true notum and is hinged to the petiole proper along its anterior dorsal edge by a thinly chitinized strip, thus allowing consider- able flexion along that region. The notum sends down a flap on each side, which extends below the edge of the sternum but is connected with it on the inner side by a membrane, so that the lower portion of the flap is free on each side. The posterior margin of the notum widens out to fit over the anterior margin of the second abdominal segment, and between the two plates is a thinly chitinized strip similar to those found between any two other abdominal segments. The modification of the petiole may be interpreted as follows. The cj'lindrical portion is possibh' the result of the gradual curling up of the sternum and pleuron on each side and the ultimate dorsal fusion of the pleura to form a solid tube. During this process the notum appears to have been gradually pushed back- wards, until it finally came to occupy its present position as a convex plate fitting over the distal end of the cylinder. The above is only a brief suggestion as to the process through which the petiole may have passed in order to reach its present highly specialized condition, but this subject is of sufficient interest to be worked up from a morphological standpoint. The portion of the abdomen behind the petiole is of normal size, widening suddenly to a somewhat ovate form. In females the tip of the abdomen is dorso-ventrally flattened to a blunt point, while in males the tip is more or less truncate and curved under. In females six segments are visible dorsallyand ventrally, while males show seven on top and eight below. The spiracles are on the anterior dorso-lateral portion of the segments and occvu' on all the segments in females and males, but usually only those on the first two segments are visible in pinned specimens. The third and fourth ventral segments of the female may or may not have pubescent spots on their ventral surfaces, and the posterior margin of the third ventral segment may be sinuous or almost straight, according to the species. In males the fourth and fifth TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 214 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) segments are finely pubescent along their posterior margins and the third and sixth may be slightly pubescent also. These segments are flattened or even concave, giving the abdomen a compressed appearance ventrally. The genitalia are usually withdrawn inside the posterior segments so as to be almost com- pletely hidden. In conjunction with other characters they may be used in separating males, but they have not been so employed in this paper. The sixth or terminal segment of females is modified to protect the genitalia, and at the same time to allow them free play. The ventral portion of the terminal segment is longer than the dorsal and its tip is somewhat squarely truncate. It has a flap on each side which folds together dorsally, while the triangu- lar dorsal portion fits over the basal part of the segment. Wings The wings are of medium size and may be either hyaline and fuscous at the tips, or evenly colored in varying shades of brown showing blue violet in certain lights. In this paper the nomen- clature of veins and cells given by Cresson and used by Fernald in his "North American Digger Wasps" has been followed. It is not proposed to give a general description of the wings, but the characters of systematic importance will be mentioned in the table for separation and under the descriptions of the species. A reference to the figures at the end of this paper will furnish all the necessary details. Legs The legs are long and slender, especially the hind pair, and in addition to the hairs and spines mentioned below, all the seg- ments are clothed with fine to coarse sericeous hairs, dark or whitish according to the species. All the coxae are clothed with somewhat long hairs, but have no spines; the fore and middle coxae are both smaller than the hinder pair, which articulate closer together than either of the other two pairs. The trochanters are all smaller than their corresponding coxae and have scattered hairs mostly on the inside. The femora in the three pairs of legs are all stouter than the tibiae with which they articulate, but while the fore and middle femora are distinctly longer than the corresponding tibiae, J. C. HUTSON 215 the hind femur and hind tibia are about equal in length. The femora have no spines but are covered with rather long hairs on the inside. Round the tip of each tibia is a circle of small spines, two of which are usuallj' longer than the others, and each tibia usually has a row of small recumbent spines on each side. The fore and hind tibiae have a densely sericeous area, the former in a small strip on the inside near its distal end, and the latter in a narrow strip along its outer side. The fore tibia has a large, somewhat modified spine with a chitinous blade and some fine hairs on its inner surface. This spine runs parallel to the first tarsal segment which has a similar modification on its outer side. This structure forms a cleaning apparatus. The middle and hind tibiae each have two strong spines of unequal length, but only the hind tibia has a cleaning apparatus, which is a little dif- ferent from that on the fore tibia, as will be seen from a compari- son of the figures. The tarsus in each leg consists of five seg- ments, the first of which is much longer than any of the others and is called the metatarsus. All the tarsal segments are covered with closely set spines, those at the distal ends being longer than the others. The last tarsal segment is provided with a pair of strong curved claws, between which is a well developed pulvillus. On the inner side of the claws near their bases there are usuallj^ two or three fine hairs, one longer and stiff er than the others, while about the middle of the inside of the claw there may be a small tooth. These teeth occur only on the claws of the fore and middle legs in these insects. Sensory Areas on the Antennae In the females of both cyaneum and zimmermanni all the seg- ments of the filament have somewhat irregularly oblong, appar- ently Ixire regions lying along their inner sides when the antennae are held curled forwaid. These areas appear slightly depressed and usually darker than the remaining parts of the segments, owing to the absence of the fine recumbent hairs with which the other portions are covered. When the antennae are cleared and mounted the above areas are seen to be covered with pits and hairs of various sizes, probably of a sensory nature. The struc- tures on the male antennae appear to be more complicated, since, TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 216 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) in addition to depressed regions along the inner basal portion of each filamentous segment, they have somewhat oval to oblong, bare, brown to blackish areas on the distal end of these segments. These areas when cleared are seen to be covered with small pits and hairs closely packed, and are a distinct contrast to the larger and more scattered pits on the inner basal portions of the seg- ments. These brownish areas occur, as far as could be deter- mined, only on the seventh, and eighth segments in cyarieum and on the seventh, eighth and ninth, and occasionally sixth, seg- ments in zimmermanni , and vary in size and shape. In both species there are also minute slightly raised areas near the basal end of all the segments of the filament, but the nature of these is undetermined. They are seen on the upper part of the inside of the segments when the antennae project forward. Analytical Keys A very good working table of the families of the Sphecoidea is given by Ashmead^ and should be consulted by those interested. The following table of the subfamilies of the Sphecidae has been taken from those given by Ashmead^ and by Fernald,^ with slight variations, in connection with the subfamily Sceliphroninae. Analytical Key to Subfamilies 1. Second cubital cell receiving only the first recurrent vein; the second recur- rent vein received by the third cubital cell, or at least beyond the second tranverse cubital. (Both recurrent veins are received V)y the first cubital cell in a few extra-limital forms) 2 Second cubital cell receiving both recurrent veins, or the second recurrent vein is interstitial with the second transverse cubitus, although sometimes the first recurrent is interstitial with the first transverse cubitus, or then received by the first cubital cells 3 2. Antennae inserted on the middle of the face; claws with one to six teeth beneath; tibiaj strongly spinous, or at least never with weak or feeble spines; tarsal comb in female present (except in Isodontia). Chlorioninae (Sphccinae of Authors) Antennae inserted far anterior to the niiildlt' of the face; claws simple, with- out teeth, or at most with a single small tooth near the middle; tiliia' smooth, not spinous ; tarsal comb in female never present Podiinae 1 Canadian Entomologist, xxxi, 152. 2 Idem, 348. ^ Digger Wasps of North America, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxi, 308. J. C. HUTSON 217 3. Claws simple, without a tooth beneath; tibiae more or less spinous; tarsal comb in female present; abdomen most frequently very elongate, the petiole composed of two segments, rarely only of one segment; cubital vein of hind wings usually originating bej-ond the transverse median vein Sphecinae {Ammophilinae of Authors) Claws simple with a single tooth beneath, although sometimes verj^ minute; hind pair with or without a tooth ; tarsal comb in female absent ; abdomen always with one-segmented petiole; cubital vein of hind wings interstitial or nearly so 4 4. Antennae inserted on the middle of the face; metathorax with a large U-shaped area above; mesopleura not longer than the height of the thorax Sceliphroninae Antennae inserted far anterior to the middle of the face, on ur just aljove an imaginary line drawii from base of eyes; metathorax without a large X^-shaped area above; mesopleura much longer than the height of the thorax Podiinae Key to Genera of Subfamily Sceliphroninae Second cubital cell receiving both recurrent veins. Species black and yellow, not metallic; clypeus flat, bidentate at apex; transverse median vein in front wings not interstitial with basal vein, but uniting with the median vein a little before the origin of the basal nervure; petiole of abdomen about twice as long as the median segment. Pelopaeus Latreille Species metallic blue or \'iolaceous; clypeus normally tridentate anteriorh-; transverse median vein in front wings interstitial with the basal vein; petiole of abdomen not longer than median segment. .Sceliphron Klug Table of Species of Sceliphron 1 . Females 2 Males 3 2. Abdomen with pubescent spot on third and fourth ventral segments; body hairs almost entirely dark cyaneum Klug Abdomen without pubescent spot on third and fourth ventral segments; whitish hairs on dorsum of median segment. . . . zimmermanni Dahlbom 3. Body dark blue black or blue green, hairs almost entirely dark. cyaneum Klug Body paler, hairs almost entirely whitish, wings fuliginous to liyaline with fuscous tips zitmnermanni Dahlbom Genus SCELIPHRON King Sceliphron Klug, Ncu.schrift Ges. Naturf. Frciuuk', Berlin, iii, ISOI, ")(il. Chalyhion Dahl., Hym. Eur., i, 1843, 21. Chalyhion Patton, Proc. Host. Soc. Nat. Hist., xx, 1880, 378. Genotype — Chalyhion caeruleuni {=cijaneum Dahlbom), des- ignation of Patton. TRANS. AM. ENT. .SOC , XLV. 218 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) Body metallic blue black or blue green, sometimes with violet reflections. Clypeus normally tridentate, but teeth vary in size and shape. Metapleural sutures indistinct. Claws of pos- terior tarsi unarmed. Petiole of abdomen somewhat variable in length, but never as long as median segment. The genus Sceliphron was established, in 1801, by Klug, who included five species under it, viz: spirifex, madras patanum, lunatum,cyaneii)n and fuscum. In 1802,Latreille* established the genus Pelopaeus, giving Sphex spirifex Linnaeus and S. lunata Fabricius as examples, and in volume xiii of the same work (1805), besides describing these species under Pelopaeus, mentioned that Klug had called the genus Sceliphron. In 1843, Dahlbonr^ estab- lished the genus Chalyhion, separating it from Pelopaeus on a color basis, with violaceum Fabricius, zimmermanni new species, and cyaneum Linnaeus as species, and at the same time included spirifex, limatum and several other species under Pelopaeus. Two years later, in his tabulation of species on page 432 of the same work, he mentioned Pelopaeus as a genus, with Chalyhion and Pelopaeus as sub-genera, since no additional characters could be found to justify separation. Chalyhion remained under Pelopaeus until 1880, when Patton*^ gave distinctive characters in addition to color, sufficient in his opinion to establish Chalyhio7i and Pelopaeus as separate genera, and with this the writer agrees. It will be noticed that the species removed from Sceliphron by Latreille are black and 3'ellow, while cyaneum remaining is blue, and fuscum is apparently unknown to modern workers. Accordingly the separation of Pelopaeus from Sceliphron leaves cyaneum as its type, in accordance with recommendations k. and n. of the International Rules of Nomenclature. Patton's designation of cyaneum as the type of Chalyhion would therefore make this genus a synonym of Sceliphron, as restricted l)y the removal of the species placed under Pelopaeus by Latreille. Pelopaeus californicus Saussure is regarded by the writer as conspecific with cyaneum, since he has examined a number of specinuMis from California, all of which are similar to cyaneum, ■* Hist. Nat. Crust, et Ins., iii, .3:34. "iHym. Eur., i, 1843, 21. « Prop. Bost. Soc. Nut. Hist., xx, 1880, 378. J. C. HUTSOX 219 and he does not consider the shorter petiole of sufficient impor- tance to justify separation. In this the writer agrees with Patton. Descriptions Sceliphron cyaneum Klug It has been found advisable to give only the more important references on this species. Sceliphron cyaneum Klug, Xeuschrift Ges. naturf. Freunde, Berlin, iii, 1801, 561. Pelopaeus cyaneus Lepeletier, Encycl. ]\Iethod., Ins., x, 1825-33. Chalybion cyaneum Dahlbom, Hym. Eur., i, 1843, 21. Pelopaeus {Chalybion) cyaneus Dahlbom, Hym., i, 1845, 432. Pelopaeus caeruleus Lepeletier, Hist. Nat. Ins., Hym., iii, 1845, 320. Pelopaeus caeruleus, Jones, Naturalist in Bermuda, 1859, 113. Pelopaeus (Chalybion) caeruleus Saussure, Reise Novara, Zool., ii, 1867, 26. Pelopaeus (Chalybion) californicus Sau-ssure, Reise Novara, Zool., ii, 1867, 26. Pelopaeus Californicus Patton, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xx, 1880, 379. Chalybion caeruleum Patton, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xx, 1880, 378. Pelopaeus caeruleus Provancher, Natural. Canad., xiii, 1882, 12. Pelopaeus caeruleus Provancher, Faun. Entom. Canad., H>Tn., 1883, 613. Chalybion caeruleum Cameron, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Hym., ii, 1888, 25. Chalybion (Pelopaeus) Californicum, Cameron, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Hym., ii, 1888, 25. Chalybion caeruleum Schwarz, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., i, 1890, 254. Pelopaeus caeruleus Peckham, Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull. 2, 1898, 176, pi. ii, fig. 5; pi. x, figs. 1-3. Fernald's paper^ discussing the name caerulea of Linnaeus and others, clearly shows that this name cannot be applied to the species here considered, leaving cyaneum Klug as the first name available. Types. — There is a specimen (seen bv Fernald in 1913) from North America in the Berlin INIuseum bearing a label cya- neus, stated by the authorities there to be in King's handwriting. It is a small male, undoubtedly of this species. No specimens in that collection were found which appear to have been labelled by Dahlbom. At Lund are eighteen specimens, the first marked "Chalybion caeruleum, Sphex Lin. Pelopaeus Pelet.cT' 9 New York." This specimen is a male and it is to be inferred that Dahlbom at the time of labelling this specimen was confusing it with Chlorion caeruleum. This confusion has already been dis-. cussed by Fernald.^ 'Ent. News, xv, 117, 1904. *See above. TRANS. AM. EXT. .SOC, XLV. 220 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) The types of califor7iicus Saussure have not been seen, but are presumably at Geneva. The following description has been made from fifteen females and the same number of males, selected from a large number of specimens and covering as wide a distribution as possible. Metallic blue black or blue green, sometimes with purple reflections, espe- cially on legs and abdomen; head and body except abdomen thickly pilose, pubescence silvery on sides of frons, dark on third and fourth ventral segments of female abdomen ; remainder of body covered with fine dark sericeous hairs, more or less concealed by pilosity, except on legs and abdomen. Wings varying from pale to dark fuliginous. Female. — Head across the eyes broader than thorax across the tegulae; clypeus sloping abruptly at sides down to depressed areas of frons, somewhat flat in center with surface closely punctured and covered with dark erect hairs and finer dark sericeous hairs; these are best seen from the side and vary in density with individuals; anterior margin of clypeus black, extending laterally under the eyes, armed near the middle with three blunt teeth (the median tooth generally the smallest), and a small lateral process on each side varying in size, but never as large as the central teeth ; a row of strong black hairs projects for- wards over the teeth; posterior margin concave, bending round at the sides to join the clypeal sutures, which form the lateral boundaries of the clypeus; cen- tral portion of clypeus with a median line appearing as an irregular shiny strip; surface of frons channelled on each side of the antennal elevation and clypeus ; these depressions together with the antennal region are closely punctate, the punctures Iseing somewhat confluent and smaller than those on the clypeus with correspondingly smaller hairs; there is also a fine silvery pubescence on the sides of the frons seen best from behind; antennal region divided by a distinct median elevated line extending from between the antennae to within a short distance of the median ocellus ; intra- and circum-ocellar areas finely punctured and with small erect black hairs; surface of vertex rather sparsely punctured with a few long black hairs on a slightly raised area behind the ocelli; occiput covered with fine punctures and shorter black hairs, sometimes densely seri- ceous; genae clothed with long erect black pilosity, interspersed with fine seri- ceous hairs thickest along the hinder margins of the eyes and the lower j^ortions of the genae, and giving these parts a coppery reflection when seen from l)ehind; inner margins of compound eyes more concave than those of males and more convergent posteriorly than anteriorly; antennae with scape and pedicel blue black or blue green, generally metallic with a few black hairs mainly on inner side and surface covered with very fine dark hairs; flagellinn or filament dull sooty black or greyish black, owing to the presence of minute recumbent hairs; first segment of the filament usually slightly the longest, the remaining seg- .ments very gradually decreasing in length until the last, which is usually a little longer than either the penultimate or ante-penultimate; last segment tapers distally but is somewhat squarely trun(!ate at its distal end; mandibles long, narrow, curved, without teeth, ratlier bluntly pointed, sometimes worn down J. C. HUTSON 221 SO as to be rouiicUy truncate at tip, black or blue l)lack for basal half, graduallj' shading to pale Ijrown at distal end, with a groove along upper and lower mar- gins, sometimes with fine hairs, and a strong groove at external basal end with a few stout black hairs; there is also a row of short hairs on the inner face, but these are usually hidden when the mandibles are closed. Thorax. — Neck may be slightly rugose with sparse punctures and small hairs; collar narrower than remainder of thorax, sides almost vertical, laterally compressed with a central depression ending dorsally in a deep fovea; the anterior dorsal surface may form an acute angle with the posterior surface making the lobes somewhat sharp, or it may slope gradually upwards making these more rounded; median dorsal groove may be transversely striated; dorsal surface, sides and episterna strong!}- punctured and covered with erect black hairs intersi:)ersed with a fine brownish vestiture; prothoracic lobe with small scattered punctures and hairs, posterior edge fringed with short delicate pale browai hairs; mesonotum with a distinct median depression for its anterior half, surface strongly and closely punctate and covered with somewhat erect black hairs; scutellum also with median groove, but not so closeh' punctured as mesonotum, postero-lateral margins of lateral depressions fringed with fine pale brown to silvery hairs; postscutellum finely punctured in center, lateral exten- sions fringed posteriorly with small light brown to whitish hairs; mesopleura and mesosternum covered with strong punctures and coarse black hairs inter- spersed with minute coppery hairs; metapleura and metapleural grooves some- what sparsely punctate, the latter sometimes almost bare and shiny; median segment with dorsal shield bounded by a linear V-sliaped depression and broadly roimded at posterior margin, where there is a small but deep fovea; this depres- sion may be transversely marked by ridges on each side Ijoth anterior and pos- terior to the spiracle, but these raised lines usually end where the sides begin to curve rovmd posteriorly; dorsum with a distinct median depression, rather faint anteriorly where the shield has a gradual upward slope, surface of shield usually with no markings other than rather small, often confluent punctures, but may be rugose, hairs medium sized; sides and end usually with more dis- tinct punctures, small at sides of shield, coarser at posterior end, pilosity to correspond; petiole stouter at distal end before suddenly enlarging to size of abdomen, punctures fine, hairs slender and rather scattered, fineh" sericeous mainly in upper distal surface. Abdomen of medium size, somewhat ovate, shining, arched dorsal!}', flatter ventrally, pointed l^ehind, almost the whole dorsal and ventral surfaces cov- ered with minute dark decumbent hairs, giving the abdomen a dirty appear- ance in certain lights without obscuring the body color; first three dorsal segments without coarse pvmctures or stout hairs, last three with small punctures and scattered hairs, a row of fine punctures along the hinder margins of the first two of these segments, but the corresponding hairs very rareh^ comj^lete; sixth or terminal dorsal segment with a grovip of small i)unctures and hairs on each side nearest the anterior margin, but central portion bare except for minute hairs; sixth or terminal ventral segment with a narrow punctate strip on each dorsal flaj) sparsely covered with small hairs of varj'ing sizes, ventral surface covered with fine hairs except for a bare median TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 222 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) strij); fifth ventral with a few scattered punctures and hairs; fpiu'th with a black or brown pubescent area on the middle of the posterior part of the seg- ment and a few hairs on each side (Fig. 3); third bears a smaller similarly colored pubescent area and a deeply sinuate double row of hairs extending across the segment behind the pubescent area, but if the abdomen is at all telescoped these cannot always be seen; posterior margin of third segment sinuate; second segment with a V-shaped double row of hairs; in all of the above cases the hairs may be missing, but the punctures can still be seen. Wings vary from pale to dark fuliginous, with violet to purple reflections except at tips, which are dull and sometimes darker than the basal portion of the wing; fore wings have no distinctive characters apart from those shown in the figures; tegulae ))lue green or blue black, sometimes with purple lights, shining, paler at margins, finely sericeous for basal half, hairs dark; hind wings, angle between median and transverse median usually greater than a right angle; discoidal leaves cubital slightly exterior to junction of median cubital and transverse median. Legs colored with various shades of lilue, lilack or green, sometimes with metallic purple reflections ; coxae and trochanters blue black or greenish black, sometimes dull purple in old specimens, strongly punctured especially on ven- tral side, with long l)lack hairs and fine brown sericeous vestiture; femora and tibiae colored much the same as the preceding segments, femora with rather long black hairs on ventral side and minute brown hairs over the whole surface, fore and hind tibiae finely sericeous, with a coarser thrown sericeous area along inner surface; tarsi may be dark to pur])lish or the sericeous hairs may give them a brownish appearance; claws dark brown for basal half, paler at tips; spines on legs black to brown. Male. — Differs from female as follows: Body usually more hairy; eyes more approximate below than above; clypeal teeth small and rather pointed, no side processes; frons less sunken at sides of clypeus; mandibles of medium size, pointed at tip; antennae with thirteen .segments; second segment of flagellum longer than first ; dorsal lobes of collar usually somewhat more acute ; abdomen more compressed ventrally, especially the last few segments, tip curved under; seventh or last dorsal segment evenlj' rounded, covered with short black hairs chiefly at sides, hinder margin bearing a pair of genital palpi one on each side, sixth, fifth, fourth and third dorsal segments wath one, sometimes two rows of small punctures near hinder margins, but corresponding hairs often absent; eighth or terminal ventral segment usually drawn in so that only the lobed distal portion projects beyond the hinder margin of the seventh ventral and covers the anal opening; this lobe is here termed the hypopygium, but has been given various names by different authors, it is covered with short erect hairs seen l)est in profile; seventh ventral .segment bare, sixth finely sericeous; fifth and fourth finely sericeous in center, punctate at sides; third with anterior margin sericeous and a sinuous row of punctures anterior to it; second with a deeply sinuous row of punctures and hairs. Length. — Females, 15 to 23 mm.; males, 12 to IS nun. i J. C. HUTSON 223 Distribution. — This species is widely distributed throughout North America, and the writer has examined specimens from southern Canada, the eastern United States from Maine south along the east coast to Florida, then west through the Gulf States to southern California as far north as San Jose, then east again through Nevada, Utah and north to the Great Lakes. This insect also occurs in southeastern Montana but, as far as the writer knows, does not extend over the Rocky Mountains to the northern Pacific Coast region. He has also seen specimens from the central Gulf Coast of Mexico. This species, therefore, as known to the writer, seems- to be an Austral form, occurring mainly in the Upper and Lower Austral with frequent specimens in the Transition Zone. Habits. — The members of the sub-family Sceliphroninae are col- lectively known as Mud-daubers, and this beautiful species is called the Blue Mud-dauber. The females can be noticed during the early summer months flying in and out of barns, outhouses, porches or any sheltered place, and if followed up may be seen at work on their small earthern nests, which are usually placed fairly high up near the roof. The writer has had little opportunity of studying the habits of these insects, so that he cannot do better than to refer to the interesting observations made by Mr. and Mrs. Peckham^ on the habits of this species, there called Pelopaeus caendeus. These observations were made over a period covering a number of years and are of great interest and importance, especially those on the methods employed by the wasps in capturing and stinging their prey. Sceliphron zimmermanni (Dahlbom) Chalybion Zimmerinanni Dahlbom, Hym. Eur., i, 184.3, 22. Pelopaeus {Chalybion) Ziinmermanni Dahlbom, Hym. Eur., i, 1845, 433. Pelopaeus {Chalybion) Aztecus Saussure, Reise Novara, Zool., ii, pt. 1, 1867, Hym. 26. Pelopaeus {Chalybion) zimmermanni Saussure, Reise Novara, Zool., ii, pt. 1, 1867, Hym. 26. Pelopaeus texanus Cresson, Trans. Amer. Ent. See, iv, 1872, 210. Chalybion zimmermanni Patton, Proc. Bost. See. Nat. Hist., x.\, 1880, 379. ^ Instincts and habits of the Solitary Wasps, b}' G. W. and E. G. Peekhara- Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, Bull. No. 2, Sci. Ser. No. 1, 1898, p. 176. TRAN.S. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 224 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERA) Chalyhion texanum Patton, idem. Chalybion aztecum Patton, idem. Chalyhion zimmermanni Cameron, Biol. Centr.-Amer., pt. 71, 188S, Hym., ii, 25. Chalyhion aztecum Cameron, idem. Types. — Dahlbom evidently described zimmermanni from at least two specimens, since he records both male and female. In the Berlin Museum there is a specimen labelled with this name, but so far as could be ascertained by Fernald, who examined it in 1913, the only difference from cyaneum was that the dorsum of the propodeum was slightly cross striate which, as has been shown, is not distinctive. At Lund there are several specimens, the first a male being labelled "Zimmerm N. Amerika" on the upper label and "Zimmermanni Dlbm. sp. ign." on the second. On the dorsum of the propodeum of this specimen are traces of transverse ridges, the thoracic hairs are white and wings quite fuliginous. Another specimen is labelled "E. Sud Carolina a Zimmermann." The writer is inclined to regard the first named specimen from Lund as representing at least one of the original specimens used by Dahll^om and the one at Berlin as not zimmer- manni at all. The types of aztecus Saussure have not been seen, but are prob- ably in the Saussure collection at Geneva. Texanus Cresson was described from two specimens called female and male. No females with clear wings are known and a reexamination of material at Philadelphia by Mr. Cresson shows that he designated one of them as female by error. Two speci- mens of this species labelled " type " in the United States Museum are in reality paratypes. This species has been redescribed from seven females and fourteen males from the localities mentioned in the habitat. Female. — Medium .sized, dark lilue or blue green, coarser pilosity ever\"\vhere dark except on dorsum of median segment wliere it is whitish, finer hair.s silvery to whitish; no j)ubescent s]:>ots on third and fourth ventral segments of abdo- men; mandibles unidentate; wings fuliginous. Head similar to that of cyaneum in general shape; clypcus usuall}' somewhat flat at sides, arched in center, with median ridge, surface distinctly punctured, pilosity only moderately dense, silvery pubescence on sides, anterior margin l)lack with narrow extensions under the eyes, three rather pointed teeth, no lateral processes, posterior margin l)roadly truncate and slightly emarginate; J. C. HUTSON 225 frons not so deeply sunken as in cyaneum, distinctly punctured, moderately covered with erect black hairs; a fine silvery pubescence clothing nearly all the sunken area of the frons; ocelli with distinct grooves at outer bases; vertex sparsely punctured, erect hairs rather few, finer hairs whitish; genae distinctly punctate, moderately dense hairs interspersed with fine sericeous vestiture; inner margin of compound eyes distinctly concave near upper end, gradually convergent towards clypeus for lower half, eyes usually more approximate below than above; antennae with scape black with metallic blue green reflections, a number of rather short hairs mostly on inner surface, finer sericeous hairs vary from silvery to pale brown, pedicel with a few small hairs on inner sur- face; flagellum dull black with a dense covering of fine recumbent hairs giving it a black to greyish appearance according to the light ; first segment of flagellum distinctly narrower proximally and shorter than second, remaining segments only very slightly narrower proximally, last segment not cut off truncately as in cyaneum, but tapering to a blunt point; mandibles of medium length with one rather wide tooth on inner margin not reaching to the tip; a row of four or five stout hairs on outer side and about twice that number on inside. Thorax. — Anterior surface of collar -with a steep upward slope to the some- what acute crest; and distinctly rugose at anterior end, dorsal lobes small and separated by a shallow depression; punctures small and scattered, pilosity finer and smaller than in cyaneum, sericeous hairs pale to whitish; median depression on sides of collar not ending abruptly in a fovea but continued above to the groove between neck and collar; prothoracic lobe with a fringe of pale brown hairs; median depression on mesonotum faint or absent; depressions at pos- terior sides of mesonotum not as strongly marked as in cyaneum; scutellum may have a slight median depression; posterior margin of lateral pits fringed with silvery white hairs; postscutellum with small punctures, posterior margin wnth a few white or pale hairs; median segment with anterior margin of dorsum flanged, posterior margin more pointed than in cyaneum, whole surface of shield trans- versely striated or rugose and without median depression, hairs rather delicate, whiter at sides along the outline of dorsum than in the center; posterior end of dorsum sloping more gradually to hinder margin than in cyaneum, surface with irregular striations, punctures confluent, numerous dark hairs; stigmatal groove not well marked, sides of dorsum strongly punctate behind, smaller punctures anteriorly; mesopleura and mesosternum with deep punctures and long black hairs; metapleura distinctly punctate except along metapleural groove which is somewhat bare and shiny, lateral oblique depression shallower than in cyaneum; petiole slightly shorter and more slender than that of cyaneum, punctures and hairs scattered, chiefly on basal half, finely sericeous mostly on upper half of distal end. Abdomen medium to small, rather ovate, paler blue than in i:yancum, shin- ing, with minute white recumbent hairs scattered evenly over the dorsal sur- face, first three dorsal segments without dark hairs, fourth and fifth with a few scattered punctures and dark hairs; sixth or terminal segment with hairs near posterior margin, bare along median line, dorsal segment may almost cover ventral; tip of abdomen a little more slender than in cyaneum; ventral segments TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 226 NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (hYMENOPTERa) with dorsal flaps of terminal segment (where visible) with dark hairs along the sides, thinner or almost absent along the median line; fifth to third segments with a double sinuate row of fine punctures, but hairs only scattered; third and fourth without the pubescent areas present in cyaneum; secondwith a V-shaped double row of punctures with apex pointing forwards, but corresponding hairs not complete. Wings similar to those of cyaneum, but without such a range of brown shades in the few specimens available ; fore wings as in figures ; tegulae with white • sericeous hairs ; hind wings with angle between median and transverse median about a right angle; discoidal leaves cubital slightly more exterior to junction of median, cubital, and transverse median than is the case in cyaneum. Legs. — Segments with same general features as in cyaneum, somewhat paler blue; coxae, trochanters, and femora covered with fine white recumbent hairs; fore and hind tibiae with a dense pale brown sericeous area especially noticeable on hind tibiae; fine hairs white on other parts of tibiae; tarsi with rather pale sericeous hairs. Male. — Differs from female as follows: Body color paler blue; vestiture of body denser and hairs everywhere white except on face and genae and some of the ventral segments of abdomen; the approximation of the eyes across the clypeus is more noticeable than in female, giving the face a narrower appearance below than above; middle tooth of clypeus more prominent than laterals, which are small and rudimentary; mandibles without tooth, of medium length, stout at base, tapering to a point; wings varying from somewhat dark fuhginous to hyaline with fuscous tips ; abdomen more compressed ventrally and curved under at tip, similar to that of cyaneum male in general features except that the fine sericeous hairs are whitish. Length. — Females, 16 to 20 mm. Males, 12 to 19 mm. Habitat. — Dahlbom mentioned that " Zimmermann caught this elegant species in South CaroUna; North America" and it has been reported from Michoacan, Cordova, Atoyac in Vera Cruz, Ventanas, ValladoHd in Yucatan, and Teapa in Tabasco, Mexico. Specimens have been examined from Elkin, North Carohna; "Loui[siana]"; Texas, Dallas County, Cypress Mills, Austin, Comal County, Brownsville; from "Mex[ico]"; Alta Mira, Tampico, and Teapa, Mexico; and San Antonio, Nica- ragua. These localities seem to show that it is mainly a Lower Austral form, with occasional specimens from the Tropical Zone and a possible occurrence in the southern part of the Upper Austral. No records of the habits of this species as such have been found by the writer. J. C. HUTSON 227 Explanation of Plates The following figures were dra\vn b\' the author iu most cases with the aid of a camera lucida, and are only intended to be diagrammatic. Fig. 1. — Dorsal view of thorax of Sceliphron cyaneum. Fig. 2. — Lateral view of Sceliphron cyaneum. a, prothorax. ai, neck. a2, collar, ac, anterior coxa, b, meso- thorax. bi, mesonotum. b2, scutellum. bs, mesothoracic epi- sternum (including pre-episternum and episternum) . b4, episternal groove, bji, mesothoracic epimeron. c, metathorax. Ci, post- scutellum. Co, metapleuron (including metepisternum and metepim- eron). Cs, metathoracic epimeron. C4, metapleural lobe, d, median segment or propodeum. di, dorsum of propodeum. d2, end of propodeum. dj, side of propodeum. d4, stigma or spiracle, ds, fovea, de, stigmatal groove, f, funiculus, fw, fore wing, hw, hind wing. 1, lobe, mc, mesocoxa. p, petiole, pc, posterior coxa, s, stigma or spiracle, st, sting, t, tegula. 1 to 6, abdomi- nal plates. Fig. 3. — Ventral aspect of abdomen of Sceliphron cyaneum (female) showing the pubescent spots on the third and fourth segments. Lettering as above. Fig. 4. — Hind til)ial comb spine of Sceliphron cyaneum. Fig. 5. — The \\'ings of Sceliphron cyaneum with the cells named according to the usual nomenclature. Fig. 6. — The same wings with the veins named according to the usual nomen- clature. Fig. 7. — Fore tibial comb spine of Sceliphron cyaneum. Fig. 8. — Frontal view of head of Sceliphron cyaneum, female. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. JAMES A. G. REHN 229 DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW AND CRITICAL NOTES UPON PREVIOUSLY KNOWN FORMS OF NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOP- TERA; ACRIDIDAE) First Paper BY JAMES A. G. REHN For a number of years it has been one of the author's ambitions, to make a thorough and comprehensive systematic study of the forms of the genera of that section of the North American Oedi- podinae centering about the genus Tn'meroiropis. From what- ever angle we had approached this complex of genera, whether in attempting generic studies, the presumably much simpler deter- mination of scattered material or in detailed faunistic studies, it speedily became evident that the classification left much to be desired in the way of interpreting the true valuation of characters, appreciation of variation, relationship of forms and generic affinities, as well as the generic position of certain species. The difficulties encountered tended to concentrate our attention upon these genera, and the opportunity to study the problem in the desired fashion was something for which we continually strived. The greatest desideratum was material and for over twelve years the field work of Hebard and Rchn has had this proposition as one of its main objectives. We now have before us for study a series of specimens of the genera under consideration, running into the tens of thousands, by far the greater portion collected by Hebard and Rehn and with full field data. After extensive scries, type examination was next in importance, and we feel fortunate in having been able to examine, or now have in our possession, by far the majority of the tjq^es of the forms of the genera, at least as far as they are known to be in existence. The critical work upon our projected study has been under way for some months, and in certain genera all the comparative work has been completed. Our plan is to publish in the course of a few years an extensive detailed work upon the genera studied, TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 230 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) but as it is desirable for various reasons to bring out the descrip- tions of the new forms ah'eady located, and certain of our con- clusions relative to the relationship of some of the previously known ones, we are introducing them in the present form. The tj'^pes of all the new forms here described are in the Hebard Collection, and the paratypical material is in that collection and that of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Our earnest thanks are due our colleague, Mr. Hebard, for many helpful suggestions, and also for the gift of the colored plate accompanying this paper. The Haydenii Group of the Genus Derotmema We find this group consists of three geographic races or sub- species, for which the oldest, and consequently the specific, name is haydenii of Thomas.^ Scudder's later cupidineum^ is a pure synonym of haydenii, as type examination shows. Saussure's hrunnerianum^ is another pure synonym of haydenii, which latter name was apparently unknown to Saussure at that time. Typi- cal haydenii is the race of the Great Plains region from Montana to New Mexico. In the Great Basin and Snake River regions we find a related form which intergrades with haydenii haydenii in Wyoming, and to this Saussure's name rileyanum'^ is applicable, as material from the type locality and the original lot shows. Scudder,^ by an interpretation of his cupidineum not warranted by his original description or material, shifted his name to this Great Basin form, where it clearly does not belong. The Great Basin race must be known as Derotmema haydenii rileyanum. In western Texas and northern Mexico we find a third geo- graphic race, which occurs typical in the Great Bend country of trans-Pecos Texas, north to Marfa and Sierra Blanca, occasionally not fully typical at the latter locality, and, at Marathon, Texas, * Oedipoda haydenii Thomas, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., v, p. 460, (187V). ["Above Fort Fetterman on the North Platte," Wyoming.] 2 Derotmema cupidineum Scudder, Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers, 1876, p. 513, (1876). [Northern New Me.xico.] ^Derotmema brunnerianum Saussure, Prodr. Oedipod., p. 155, (1884). [Colorado.] * Derotmema rileyanum Saussure, Prodr. Oedipod., p. 156, (1884). ["Salm County" [Salmon City], Idaho.] 5 Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., xxxv, no. 19, 391, (1900). JAMES A. G. REHN 231 to the eastward showing a marked Great Plains influence in in- stabihty of features and tendency toward D. h. haydenii. South- ward in Mexico it is known to occur as far as Camacho, Zacatecas. This subspecies is new and is here described. Derotmema haydenii tnesembrinum^ new subspecies Plate XXVI, figs. 1 and 2; plate XXVIII, figs. 1 and 2.) This race is more nearly related to D. h. haydenii (see plate XXVI, figs. 3 and 4; plate XXVIII, figs 3, 4, 5 and 6), from which it is chiefly separable in the male sex having the ej^es larger, more prominent and protuberant, more circular in basal outline and deeper in proportion to the infra-ocular portion of the genae, and in the slightly broader pronotum; in the female sex it can be distinguished by the eyes being slightly more prominent and the pronotum distinctly broader, particularly the metazonal portion of the disk. From D. h. rileyanum (see plate XXVIII, figs. 7 and 8) the present race differs in the male sex having more promi- nent eyes, which are somewhat more elevated, although not as rounded in basal outline, more prominent fastigio-facial angle when seen in profile, and in the prozonal lobes of the median carina of the pronotum being of the type found in D. h. haydenii; in the female sex differing much as in the male sex, but with features less decidedly indicated, also in the pronotum having the metazona appreciably broader and in general more deplanate on the disk. Type. — cT ; Double Windmill," Brewster County, Texas. Elevation, 2725 feet. September 3, 1912. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 490.] Description of Type. — Agrees fully with virtual topotypes of D. h. haydenii^ except in the following characters. Eyes more globose, when seen from dor- sum with width across eyes very appreciably greater than width of metazonal disk, in profile more circular and depth and width more nearly subequal, instead of appreciably deeper than wide, as in the typical form of the species ; in cephalic aspect appreciably more protuberant, making width across eyes decidedly greater, instead of but moderately greater, than greatest width across genae. Pronotum with the metazona of disk slightly more transverse. Allotype. — 9 ; Marfa, Presidio County, Texas. Elevation, 4650 to 4750 feet. September 1, 1912. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection.] * From fjLtcrriiu^pLfov, southern. 'Appearing on the recent government topographic map as "Twin Mills." * From Casper, Wyoming. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 232 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) Description of Allotype. — This sex differs from virtual topotypes of the same sex of D. h. haydenii in the following characters. Eyes slightly more promi- nent and globose when seen from the dorsum, with width across eyes faintly greater than, instead of subequal to, the width of metazonal disk, in profile as in male sex; in cephalic aspect slightly more protuberant, making width across eyes subequal to, instead of slightly less than, the greatest width across genae. Pronotum with, the metazona of the disk broad, relatively short, greatest width across same nearly equal to greatest length of pronotum. Coloration of type and allotype not distinctive, when compared with D. h. haydenii. Both red and yellow disks are present on the wings, as in the typical form of the species. Measurements (in millimeters) Greatest width of Length of jn Length of Length of pronotal Length of caudal O body pronotum disk tegmen femur Double Windmill, Texas, <(/pe. . 15.1 3.3 2.7 15.8 8.9 Double Windmill, Texas, para- type 15.4 3.2 2.7 17 9 Marfa, Texas, paratype 15.4 3 2.8 17 .9 10 .2 Puertacitas Mountains, Texas, paratype 15.8 3.4 3 17.5 9.4 9 Maria, Texas, allotype 23.8 4.8 4.5 25 12.5 Persimmon, Gap, Texas, para- type 23.6 5 4 24 13 Specimens Examined: 46; 18 cf , 28 9. Texas: Sierra Blanca, El Paso County; Puertacitas Mountains and Marfa, Presidio County ; Double Windmill and Persimmon Gap, Santiago Mountains, Brewster County and Marathon, Brewster County. Coahuila: Monclova and Jimulco. DuRANGo: Lerdo. Zacatecas: Camacho. A male from Double Windmill, bearing the same data as the type; a male from Marfa with the same data as the allotype; a male from Puertacitas Mountains, Presidio, Texas, elevation 5100 to 5200 feet, August 30, 1912; and a female from Persimmon Gap, Santiago Mountains, Brewster County, Texas, September 3, 1912, are designated paratypes. All of these speci- mens were collected by Rehn and Hebard. The Mexican specimens are typical of this race, as are all the paratypic individuals. The Sierra Blanca specimens (four males, eleven females) are practically typical, occasional individuals showing D. h. haydenii influences. The Marathon series (eight JAMES A. G. REHN 233 males, ten females) is virtually intermediate between the typical form of the species and the race here described. These speci- mens are variable individually from a truly intermediate con- dition to practically typical D. h. mesembrinum. From this information the area of typical mesembriniun , and the points at which intergradation becomes evident, can be determined. The present subspecies was always found on adobe soil, gen- erally bare, Imt occasionally with scattered bushes and grass. Double Windmill is in the middle of the broad Mara villas Valley between the Santiago Mountains and the high broken countrj' to the east, an extremely arid and very hot locality, an uninhab- ited watering station on the Marathon-Boquillas road, about forty miles south of Marathon. Derotmema piute new species^ (Plate XXVI, figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8; plate XXVIII, figs. 9, 10 and 15. This striking species is related to D. delicatulum and laticinctum Scudder, but is more removed from the latter than from the former. There is no close relationship with D. haydenii or saus- sureamim. From delicatulum the new species can be separated by the more robust form, more distinctly vertical face with very weak interantennal angle profile, proportionately broader head when seen in cephalic aspect, more strongly transverse pronotum, the tegmina more appreciably narrowed distad when compared with the width of their proximal half, very ample anal field of tegmina, slightly broader wing, shorter and more robust caudal limbs, the abbreviation being shared by the tarsal joints, and the generally distinct and more complete transverse banding of the tegmina and caudal limbs. From laticinctum, piute can be separated by the slightly more vertical face, slightly more prominent eyes, which are more circular in basal outline, smoother pronotal sur- face, more regularly angulatc caudal margin of pronotal disk, narrower lateral lobes of the pronotum, the shorter, broader and more distally narrowed tegmina, the broader wing, which has the band always narrower and much weaker, the shorter and more robust limbs, and, in the female sex, in the more slender and straighter ovipositor jaws. ^ Named for the Indians native to the Walker River region and adjacent country of Nevada. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 234 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) Type. — 9 ; Mason, Lyon County, Nevada. Elevation, 4500 feet. September 5, 1910. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 493.] Description of Type. — Size relatively small: form robust, tegmina and wings shorter and broader than usual in genus: surface dull; tegmina almost entirely coriaceous, briefly subhyaline distad. Head relatively large, broad: occiput moderately elevated in profile, inter- space between eyes dorsad subequal to transverse width of eye: fastigium strongly and regularly arcuate declivent, broad, very shallowly arcuate- excavate, lateral margins weakly but appreciably elevated, in outline subovoid, greatest width ventro-cephalad, median carina distinct but very low: frontal costa moderately broad (for genus), in general moderately expanding ventrad, obsolete ventrad on face, margins bisinuate and constricted dorsad of the insertion of the antennae and ventrad of the median ocellus, continuous with fastigial margins; costa of moderate width at junction with fastigium, weakly and incompletely sulcate, V-shaped impression at fastigial junction distinct, acute: in profile fastigium regularly passes into facial outline, latter nearly vertical, very weakly arcuate; interantennal projection slightly arcuate: width of head across genae faintly less than that across eyes: eyes very prominent, in basal outline nearly circular, slightly flattened dorsad, the depth very faintly greater than that of the infra-ocular portion of the genae; from cephalic and dorsal aspects the eyes are seen to be quite prominent : antennae slightly more than three-fourths as long as caudal femora, slender. Pronotum broad and short, the greatest width across metazona of disk subequal to greatest length, subsellate in form, surface largely rugulose, pale areas on lateral lobes relatively smooth; transverse sulcus almost straight, intersecting median carina at about middle: cephalic margin of disk arcuate produced mesad; caudal margin of disk obtuse-angulate, the margin regularly and evenly converging to the apex, which is very weakly rounded: median carina low and carinulate cephalad on prozona, subarcuate in profile, obsolete caudad on prozona, with the group of three tubercles found in some species of the genus represented by low bosses on a transverse fold; median carina of metazona delicately carinulate, low: surface of metazona with rugulosities to some extent connected and erratic: lateral carinae not evident on prozona, very weak but evident on the rounded metazonal humeral shoulders: lateral lobes slightly deeper than broad; caudal margin gently arcuate from humeral angle to the broadly arcuate ventro-caudal angle; surface of metazona of lol)es cribroso-reticulose. Tegmina three times as long as head and dorsum of j)ronotuni combined, broad proximad, their width there but slightly less than length of i)ronotum, narrowed distad, the width at distal sixth subequal to length of metazona of disk:, costal margin of tegmina straight from costal IoIjc to briefly proximad of apex, i.e. point measured above, thence to rounded ai)ex arcuate; sutural mar- gin straight in the greater portion of its length, the sutural and costal margins moderately converging distad: anal field of tegmina relatively broad, prcjxiniad JAMES A. G. REHN • 235 nearly equal in width to length of prozona, regularly narrowing distad, reach- ing practically to the tegminal apex. Wings relatively broad, greatest width contained slightly less than twice in length. Mesosternal interspace strongly transverse, cephalic margin of interspace very weakly obtuse-angiilate, internal angle of lobes rounded rectangulate, caudal margin of lobes obliquely truncate : metasternal interspace not narrower than mesosternal interspace, strongly transverse, shallow, cephalic margin arcuate, lobes angulately converging caudad. Ovipositor jaw's moderately compressed; dorsal valves moderately upcurved in distal third, ventral valves gently arcuate decurved in distal half. Cephalic and median limbs of medium length, slender, the femora appreci- ably enlarged distad. Caudal femora faintly more than two and one-half times as long as dorsum of pronotum, moderatelj' robust for the genus, the greatest depth contained slightly more than four times in greatest length; dorsal carinae faintty sublamellate in proximal half; external paginal pattern regular: caudal tibiae slightly shorter than femora, slightly sinuate proximad, armed on external margin with eight, internal with ten to twelve spines: caudal tarsi short, second and third joints together subequal in length to the proximal joint. Allotype. — cf ; same data as t^-pe. [Hebard Collection.] Description of Allotype. — Differing from female sex in the following note- worthy features. Size small: tegima more extensively subhyaline, a considerable portion of distal half of such structure. Head with least width of interspace between eyes equal to three-fourths of transverse width of eye: frontal costa with supra-antennal con.striction much more decided than in female, there narrowly but distinctly and below broadly but apprecialily sulcate: width of head' across genae three-fourths of width across ej'es: eyes very prominent, slightly exserted, the depth slightly but appreciably greater than that of infra-ocular portion of genae: antennae in length subequal to caudal femora. Pronotum with surface smoother, less rugulose and more shagreenous than in female: median carina slightly higher and more angulate in profile than in female; tubercles caudad on prozonal disk more distinct and acute; lateral carinae obsolete on metazonal shoulders: lateral lobes with metazona cribroso- shagreeuous. Tegmina slightly less than three times as long as head and pronotum com- bined. Mesosternal interspace with cephalic margin of interspace subtruncate: metasternal interspace slightly narrower than mesosternal interspace. Caudal femora with greatest depth contained slightl}- less than four times in length of same : caudal tibiae w-ith eight spines on external margin and ten spines on internal margin. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 236 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) . General pale tone of dorsal coloration varying from pale tilleul-buff, through pinkish buff to vinaceous-pink, the face, genae, much of the lateral lobes, portions of pleura and pale areas on cephalic and median limbs and on external face of caudal femora hoary white. Darkened markings of occiput, pronotum, tegmina and limbs ranging from bister to inummy brown: on the pronotum this is usually restricted to a darker edging at the irregularly angulate junction of the hoary ventral portions and colored dorsal section, this brown edging occasionally being isolated from the dorsum of the pronotum by additional hoary white, which in a single specimen (one female; Mason, Nevada) includes most of the dorsum ; occasionally the dorsum and much of the pronotal lateral lobes is somberly uniform brownish (both Mina females) ; tegmina with dark maculations relatively small and quadrate, frequently weakly grouped into two principal transverse bands, one proximal and the other mesal, the proximal the more solid, the intervening pale areas and distal section with scattered maculations, which show tendencies, when grouped at all, to assemble along the sutural margin and the humeral trunk. In the dully colored individuals from Mina and several weakly contrasted specimens from Mason, the tegmina, and for that matter the pronotal markings, are little evidenced. Wings with disk varying from very pale napthaline yellow to pale citrine yellow, the color never decided and dilute peripherad; distal portion clear hyaline except for vein infuscation; wing band ranging from the faintest trace in a relatively few cells, with no spur, to a fairly well-marked and moderately broad band, with a connected, well-marked spur, extending half way to wing base, the band be- coming obsolescent periphero-proximad; in color the band ranges from raw umber to mummy brown. Rarely a distinct band and a well indicated spur are present but not connected. Eyes ranging from ochraceou.s-orange through buckthorn brown and tawny to dresden brown and mummy brown. Antennae whitish pink, broadly annulate with blackish brown, this condition subobsolete distad. Cephalic and median limbs annulate with blue-black (intensive) to fuscous (recessive) ; caudal femora with the dark bars of similar color, oblique on external face and there occasionally incomplete, distinct dorsad. Caudal tibiae pale, external face with a distal, a pre-median and a proximal darkening of variable intensity and definition, internal face faintly washed with pale Veronese green to glaucous l^lue, increasing in intensity distad. Venter and abdomen light buff to light ochraceous-buff, the surface often with niuncrous scattered small blotches of buckthorn brown. Dorsum of abdomen proximatl french green to empire green. The Mason series is, as a whole, sharply, brightly and contrastingly colored ; the Mina representation is duller, the females quite dull, with little contrast, while the male is more contrasted, but duller than the Mason specimens. The extremes of wing l:)and condition are found in the Mina males. JAMES A. G. REHN 237 Measurements {in millimeters) Greatest caudal width of Length of •71 Length of Length of pronotal Length of caudal O body pronotum disk tegmen femur Mason, Nevada, allo- type 15 3.3 2.7 14.5 8.9 Mason, Nevada, paratype 13.2 2.9 2.7 14.5 8.4 Mina, Nevada, aver- age of seven para- types 14.3 3.1 2.5 14.9 8.5 (13.7-15.5) (3-3.4) (2.4-2.8) (14.2-16) (8.2-9> 9 Mason, Nevada, /(/pe 20.4 4.1 3.5 19 10.4 Mason, Nevada, aver- erage of six para- types 20 4.1 3.4 18.8 10.4 (18.5-21.2) (4-4.3) (3.2-3.7) (18.2-19.8) (10-11.2) Mina, Nevada, para- type 20.5 4.2 3.4 19 9.9 Mina, Nevada, ])ara- type 20.8 4 3.4 19 10.5 In addition to the type and allotype we have before us one male and six females bearing the same data as the type, and seven males and two females taken at Mina, Mineral County, Nevada ; elevation, 4350 feet; September 3 and 4, 1910; (Rehn and Hebard.). All the specimens here recorded, in addition to the type and allotype, are considered paratypes. In structure the series shows certain features of variation. The pronotum, as usual in any series of the species of the genus, shows some variation in breadth to length, in one extreme being slightly longer than greatest breadth across the metazona of disk. The frontal costa shows a slight degree of variation in the strength of the constrictions and in the continuity of the sulcation, while the lateral carinae vary in their indication, being occasionally obsolete in the male and never stronger than in the type. The median carina of the pronotum is weakly variable in the arcuation of the cephalic portion of the prozonal section, and in the degree of indication on the caudal portion of the same section. The tegmina vary from three to over three times in length of head and pronotum combined, while the wings are occasionally broader than in type, being one and six-tenths times width in length. The mesosternal interspace has the cephalic margin varying from TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 238 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) as described to nearly straight, while the lobe angles vary in the extent to which they are rounded. The caudal femora have the depth varying from three and one-half to slightly more than four times in the length. The caudal tibiae have from seven to nine external, and from eight to twelve^" internal marginal spines. At Mason the species occurred on a gravelly alluvial slope with fairly heavy but scattered bush vegetation, and also in a depres- sion of the slopes with similar cover. The species was scarce in the former situation, and more numerous, but not common, in the latter location. At Mina the insect occurred in but one en- vironment, this was on ground strewn with rock fragments, the general location being to the east of the broad playa in the middle of the valley in which Mina is located, and where there is a sim- ilar but sparser vegetation than found at Mason. The species was not common, and individuals were secured only after long and careful search. The Plattei Group of the Genus Mestohregma This group is composed of two sections, one comprising plattei and its races and the second composed of impexum and terricolor, both of the latter very distinct new species, here described. The races of Mestobregma plattei number three. These are: plattei plattei,^^ which is the form of the Great Plains region, south to southern Colorado; plattei corrugata (Scudder),^- ranging from northern New Mexico southward, and plattei ruhripenne (Bruner)i^ of central and southern Arizona. In our detailed projected study of the genus we will discuss the relationship, synonymy and variation, as well as detailed distribution, of these forms. The impexum-terricolor section of the group is moderately cohesive, made up of the two species, which agree in eye outline, and to a certain degree in pronotal form, but differ in the form of the frontal costa, fastigio-facial angle, mesozonal carina, lengtii of lateral lobes and general form. Impexum is nearcn- plattei than terricolor, and the latter is an evident tendency toward Trepidulus, yet in all general features it is a true Mestobregma. " The latter on one margin in tyf)e only. 11 1873. Oe{dipoda) 'plattei Thomas, Rep. U. S. Oeol. Surv. Terr., v. p. 123. ["Near Platte River in Colorado and Wyoming."'] '2 1902. Conozoa corrugata Scudder, in 8cndder and Cockerell, Proc. Davenp. Acad. Sci., ix, p. 33. [Fillmore Canyon, Organ Monntains, New Mexico.] '•■' 190.'). Tnichyrhachis rubripennis Bruuer, Biol. Cent.-.Amcr., Orlh., ii, pp. 17.3, 177. [Oracle, Arizona.] JAMES A. G. REHX 239 Mestobregma impexum>^ new species (Plate XXVI, figs. 9 and 10; plate 13 and 14.) 1910. Mestobregma rubripenne Rehn and Hebard (not of Bruner, 1905), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1909, p. 442. [Cima and Bird Spring Moun- tains, California.] The present species can be separated from the component races of Mestobregnia plattei (see plate XXVI, figs. 11 and 12; plate XXVIII, figs. 11 and 12) by its more robust form, more cir- cular basal eye outline, the much less angulate fastigio-facial angle when seen in profile, and by the sharp and decided constric- tion of the frontal costa briefly dorsad of the antennal bases. From M. terricolor, here described, the present species differs in the more inflated genae, the less decided fastigio-facial angle when seen in profile, in the frontal costa constriction, in the more distinct mesozonal section of the pronotal median carina, in the shorter lateral lobes of the pronotum, the shorter and more robust form and more contrasted coloration. Type.— d'; Milford, Beaver County, Utah. Elevation, 4900 to 5000 feet. September 5, 1909. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Heli- ard Collection, Type no. 494.] Description of Type. — Size medium: form slender, subcompressed : pronotum rugose on dorsal surface. Head moderately inflated, the genae moderately bullate and with the width across same slightly more than greatest width across eyes : occiput and vertex, when seen from side, distinctly arcuate, ventro-cephalad markedly and sinuately arcuate declivent to the rounded and weakly indicated fastigio- facial angle, which is situated between the antennal bases; face subvertical: fastigium with length and breadth subequal, very shallowly excavate; lateral carinae of fastigium low but clearly marked, subparallel caudad, converging cephalad to about one-half their median separation, the cephalic margin of the fastigium indicated by a more weakly defined, narrowly V-shaped (;arina, the apex directed caudad: frontal costa appreciably V-foveolatc dorsad at its junction with the fastigium, the foveolation in contact with the V-shaped carina of the fastigium, immediately ventrad of this the costa is first strongly, although regularly, constricted, then arcuately expanded between the anten- nae, at the constriction and dorsad to the foveolation with an appreciable median carina, ventrad of inter-antennal region very faintly constricted, then with margins weakly diverging and becoming obsolete before reaching the clypeal suture; marginal carinae of frontal costa distinct but low, surface of costa ventrad of foveolation very weakly excavate: lateral facial carinae strongly arcuate divergent. Eyes moderately prominent, not elevated dorsad of vertex when seen in ce])halic aspect ; basal outline very broad ovate, in dejith subequal to the infra-ocular sulcus. Antennae slender, nearly twice the '^ Rude, uncouth — from the rough appearance of the pronotal disk. TRANS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 240 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) combined dorsal length of the head and pronotum, subequal in width, subde- pressed proximad. Pronotum weakly sellate, sub-strangulate, with dorsum rugose, the dorsal length faintly less than the dorsal length of the head, the greatest (caudal) width of the disk but slightly less than the greatest dorsal length: cephalic margin of disk very weakly, though finely, obtuse-angulate ; caudal margin of disk sub-rectangulate, the immediate angle narrowly rounded, the margin appreciably cingulate : median carina distinct but not high on the metazona, elevated and moderately bilobate on the prozona, the cephalic section of this about half again as long as the caudal (or mesozonal) one, the former Ijut little higher than the latter and subdeclivent cephalad, the caudal (or mesozonal) section more regularly arcuate; lateral carinae indicated by converging, low, irregular elevations cephalad on the prozona, on caudal (or mesozonal) section of prozona is a distinct, transverse raised area with a pair of impressed pits, lateral shoulders on metazona distinct, rather prominent, noncarinate: metazona slightly longer than the prozona. Lateral lobes of pronotum deeper than long, ventral margin sinuate, the greatest depth caudad, caudal margin sinuate, the greatest width of lobe ventrad, the ventro- caudal angle full and rounded. Tegmina suri)assing the apex of the abdomen by about four-fifths the length of the caudal femur, greatest width contained slightly more than five times in greatest length of same; costal margin with a distinct, but low and rela- tively short, proximal lobation, distad distinctly arcuate to the rounded acute apex; sutural margin in general subparallel to costal; distal margin obliquely arcuato-truncate : texture coriaceous proximad, becoming more membranous and less closely areolate in distal fourth: intercalary vein present, proximad nearer the ulnar, distad nearer the median vein. Wings moderately long, greatest width contained one and three-quarter times in length of same; apex rounded rectangulate. Interspace between mesosternal lobes strongly transverse, shallow, the lobes obliquely arcuato-truncate caudad: interspace between metasternal lobes strongly transverse, but little narrower than mesosternal interspace, regular. Cephalic and median limbs moderately slender. Caudal femora about half as long as the tegmen, of the form usual in the subfamily, greatest width contained three and one-half times in the length, with the lamellation of dorsal carina little indicated and not sharply terminated distad, as in most of the indi- viduals of the genus; pattern of the external paginae regular: caudal tibiae slightly shorter than the caudal femora, armed on the external margin with ten spines and on the internal margin with eleven si)ines: caudal tarsi relatively short, the metatarsus subequal in length to the other two joints coml)ined. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Description of Allotype. — Differs from the dcscri{)tioii of the tyi)e in the fol- lowing noteworthy features. Size rather large: form slightly more robust: surface more rugulose, and of dorsum of ])r()notum more extensively rugose. Head with whole facial profile, including fastigio-facial angle, less Ijulging, more regularly low arcuate, with barely api)reciable sirmosities: width across genac about one and a third that JAMES A. G. REHX 241 across eyes, the genae being moderately l)ulging: structure of fastigium and frontal costa as in male, but the whole structure broader in proportion. Eyes distinctly smaller in proportion, in depth appreciably shorter than the infra- ocular sulcus. Pronotum slightly longer in proportion to the head: caudal margin of the disk with apex more rounded and lateral portions faintly arcuate- emarginate. Ovipositor jaws moderately slender. Caudal femora with dorsal lamellation more evident and more appreciably excised distad than in male. Measurements {in nnUit)ieters) G reatest (caudal) width of Length of ■71 Length of Length of pronotal Length of caudal O body pronotum disk tegmen femur Milford, Utah, type 17 .7 3.6 3.4 20 .4 10 .5 Milford, Utah, paratype 18.2 4.2 3.5 20 . 2 10.7 Milford, Utah, paratype 19.5 4.2 3.7 22 11.1 Cima, California 19.4 3.9 3.6 20.6 11.2 9 Milford, Utah, allotype 32 5.5 4.9 24 . 5 13.7 Milford, Utah, paratype 29 5.1 4.5 24 . 5 13.4 Milford, Utah, paratype 31 5.3 5 26.8 13.5 Cima, California 25.3 4.7 4 23.2 13 Cima, California 26 5 4.3 25 .5 13 .6 Bird Spring Mountains, Cali- fornia 2415 5 4 5 24.5 12.7 Color pattern of the type found in Mestohregma plattei, with sharply con- trasted bicolored lateral lobes of the pronotum and Conozoa-like contrasted barring on the costal half of the proximal three-fifths of the tegmina. Pale base color ranging from pale clay color to light buff, occasionally in large part, particularly on the head, hoary white; dark i)attern color ranging from mummy bro^\'n to dark bone brown. Frequent specimens fron^ Milford show a castor gray suffusion, to variable degrees, of the greater portion of the head and dor- sum of the pronotum, or of the dark areas alone, and rarely, to an extent, on the lateral lobes of the pronotum. The type shows a tendency in this direc- tion on the dark areas of the dorsum of the head. The transverse dark infra- antennal facial line is smoke black in the male sex, and variable in depth of color, while mesad its costal portion is either lacking or more ventral in position than laterad of the costa. In the female sex this bar is obsolete or subobsolete. Eyes ranging from ochraceous tawny to deep mars brown. Antennae with joints distad of the second fuscous, obscurely alternated (by segments) with dull russet. Pronotum with dark angulate marking on lateral lobes in male sharply contrasted, shining dark bone brown, much weaker in female; dorsum dull, with little contrast. Tegmina with dark bars alwaj's .sharply contrasted with pale interspaces; sutural section and distal two-fifths with numerous areolate patches of the darker color. Wings with disk in yellow-winged phase ranging from very weak marguerite yellow (type) to primrose yellow,' in the red-winged phase it is coral red; wing-4)and dark bone brown, crossing the 1^ Abdomen abnormally contracted. TR.\XS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 242 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA: ACRIDIDAE) wing slightly distad of the middle and following the peripheral margin to as much as half-way to the body, spur broad, heavy, extending more than half- way to the base, costal margin free from spur and of the disk color; distal portion hyaline with few scattered brown areas near margin and along certain of the veins. Limbs with the usual barring of the group, the caudal femora frequently with much hoary white, rarely suffused, on dark areas, with castor gray; caudal tibiae olive buff to bluish glaucous, mottled with brownish proxi- mad, dorsal surface in glaucous type darkened to russian blue, spines black- tipped on bone browTi, bases of same of tibial color. In the infrequent castor gray suffused individuals the caudal tibiae are much mottled with this color. In addition to the type and allotype we have before us eight males and three females taken at Milford, Utah, September 5, 1909, by Rehn and Hebard. We also have for study one male and three females from Cima, San Bernardino County, California, taken August 12, 1907, by Hebard, and one female from the f pot- hills of the Bird Spring Mountains, San Bernardino County, California, taken August 11, 1907, also by Hebard. The Cima and Bird Spring Mountains material was previously recorded by us as Mestobregma ruhripenne,^^ to which the present species is closely related, but quite distinct. The Milford series we here designate as paratypic. In the series examined, we find some little variation in the Cima male, which has the fastigio-facial angle, in profile, more evident and angulate than in the others; the eyes and costa, however, are typical. Of the Milford series two of the males are red-winged, the remainder, of both sexes, are yellow-winged. One Cima female is red-winged, the remainder and the Bird Spring Mountains individual are yellow-winged. The species was scarce at Milford, occurring on sage covered ridges at 5000 feet and on relatively bare slopes, with scattered sage and yellow- flowered bushes, at 4900 to 5000 feet elevation. Mestobregma terricolori^ new species (Plate XXVI, figs. 13, 14 and 15; plate XXVIII, figs. 16 and 17.) This interesting species is more nearly related to D. impexum, here described, than to any other of the genus. It forms with impexum a section of the platiei group of the genus, and can be distinguished from the component races of M. platiei by the less '^ Vide supra. 1' Meaning earth-colored, in relation to the general tone of the coloration of the insect in rejiose. JAMES A. G. REHN 243 inflated ventral portion of the genae, when seen in cephaKc aspect, in the more circular basal outline of the eye, in the mesozonal portion of the median carina of the pronotum being weak or siibobsolete, but the lateral portions of the mesozonal bifoveolate elevation not reduced, the pronotum thus more sellate than in plattei, in the median carina on the metazonal portion of the pronotum being weak, and in the lateral lobes of the pronotum being proportionately longer. From impexum the present species can be distinguished by the less inflated ventral portion of the genae, seen in cephalic aspect, in the more subequal frontal costa, which is not sharply con- stricted immediately dorsad of the insertion of the antennae, the more produced fastigio-facial angle when seen in profile, the less cristate median carina of the pronotum, the smoother pronotal surface, the more slender and elongate form and duller normally exposed coloration. The beautiful rose-red disk of the wings appears to be a specific character, as we have seen none with yellow disks. Type. — cf ; Pecos, Reeves County, Texas. Elevation, 2596 feet. September 18, 1912. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 496.] Description of Type. — Size rather small; form slender, elongate, subeom- pressed dor-sad: surface finely rugulose and dull, particularly in depressed areas, smoother in elevated sections, the dull areas with sparse, very short hairs. Head less inflated than in the related species: occiput, vertex and fastigium in profile regularly arcuate; fastigio-facial angle well marked, narrowly rounded, obtuse, situated between the antennal bases; facial line moderately retreating: fastigium slightly broader than long, broadly open caudad; lateral margins distinct, parallel caudad, concavely convergent cephalad, the cephalic width of the fastigium less than one-half its greatest width, there closed by a V-shaped carina, as described in D. impexum but less evident; surface of fastigium shal- lowly excavate: frontal costa of medium width, very faintly and broadly narrowed dorsad, gently and broadly expanding between the antennal bases to slightly more than the width of proximal antennal joint, very faintly and broadly narrowed ventrad of this, then regularly, though moderately and in a sub-obsolete fashion, expanding to the clypeal suture; surface of frontal costa as a whole considerablj' sulcate, weakly foveolate dorsad in contact with fasti- gial V-carina, sulcation becoming obsolete ventrad; carinal margins as a whole sharp; lateral facial carinae arcuate about antennal bases, thence rather strongly divergent to the clypeal angles. Eyes large, prominent, in cephalic aspect they are seen to be very faintly elevated dorsad of the vertex, the width across the eyes slighth^ greater than that across genae; in lateral outline the eyes are broad subreniform-ovate, their l)asal outline less in area than their TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 244 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) lateral outline, due to the eye prominence and globosity; greatest depth of the eye subequal to that of the infra-ocular sulcus. Antennae slightly longer than caudal femora, slender, apex acute, proximal joints (beyond two basal ones) appreciably depressed but not expanded. Pronotum short, subsellate, weakly strangulate. Disk of pronotum with greatest (caudal) width but slightly less than greatest length of same; cephalic margin of disk very faintly angulate; caudal margin of same subrectangulate, the margin cingulate and very faintly sinuate on lateral portions: metazona one-third again as long as the prozonal (prozona s. s. and mesozona) section: median carina on restricted prozona distinct and arcuate but not high; on meso- zonal section, which is faintly shorter, distinctly lower, partly obliterated and marked by a median point or knob; on metazona the carina is distinct, contin- uous, though weak, becoming more elevated caudad: transverse mesozonal elevation more evident than that portion of median carina, crudely resembling a figure eight, the caudal section of the margining carina the higher: lateral carinae represented on prozona solely by several detached points, on metazona by prominent but rounded shoulders : surface of metazonal disk with rugulosi- ties scattered and irregularly transverse in disposition; principal transverse sulcus deeply impressed. Lateral lobes of pronotum deeper than long, great- est depth caudad; ventral margin distinctly arcuato-sinuate cephalad, straight caudad; caudal margin broadly but shallowly concave from the disk to near the ventral margin, where the ventro-caudal section is obliquely truncate; surface of metazona of lobes obscurely cribroso-punctulate. Tegmina surpassing the apex of the abdomen by slightly more than the combined length of the head and pronotum, narrow, the greatest width con- tained six times in the length : costal margin with a broad and very low proximal lobation, in distal fifth broadly arcuate to the distal margin, which is completely rounded; sutural margin with a weak concavity distad, corresponding in a lesser degree to the arcuation of the costal margm: texture of the proximal half of the tegmina opaque, gradually becoming more translucent and with sparser areolation distad, but nowhere hyaline: mtercalary vein indicated, proximad nearer the ulnar vein, distad intermediate between the ulnar and median veins; axillary vein free. Wings relatively narrow, the greatest width contained twice in the length; apex of anterior field narrowh' rounded, axillary field with margin broadly and obliquely arcuate-lobate. Interspace between the mesosternal lobes strongly transverse, the lobes with their caudal and medio-caudal margin obliquely arcuate; interspace between the metasternal lobes appreciably less than that between the meso- sternal lobes, transverse. Cephalic and median limbs moderately slender. Caudal femora slightly more than half as long as the tegmina, of medium rolnistness, the greatest depth contained about three and one-third times in the greatest length of the same; dorsal carina but little lamellate; external pagina with pattern relatively regular: caudal tibiae appreciably shorter than the femora, armed on the external margin with nine to ten spines, on internal margin with eleven to twelve spines: caudal tarsi quite short, tlio metatarsus faintly shorter than the remaining joints combined. JAMES A. G. REHN 245 Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hel^ard Collection.] Description of Allotype. — Differing from the description of the type in the following noteworthy features. Size larger. Head with fastigio-facial angle much less prominent in profile, rounded; facial line less retreating; ej'es less jjrominent, in cephalic aspect not elevated dorsad of level of vertex, greatest depth slightly less than that of infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum with rugulosities of metazonal disk more detached, individual and irregular than in male; ventro-caudal portion of lateral lobes of pronotum more rounded and less oblique truncate than in male. Tegmina surpassing the abdominal apex by less than the length of the pronotal disk. Wing very faintly less than twice as long as broad. Mesosternal lobes less obliquely arcuate than in male, the medio-caudal angle more distinct, though arcuate. Ovipositor jaws relatively short, well recurved, moderately compressed. Color pattern of the basic M. plattei type, but greatly modified by the suppression of virtually all solid exposed dark markings, except the imdulate dark line on the lateral lobes of the pronotum and reduced dark blotches on the costal section of the proximal half of the tegmina. General color ranging from warm buff to tawny, often light buff or even hoary white on the head, ventral section of the lateral lobes of the pronotum and cephalic limbs. Dark markings bone browTi to clove brown, the pronotal line somewhat shining. Head with a sub-obsolete, fine postocular line and a transverse, weak vertex line of darker, occasionally many cloudings and mottlings present on the genae, occiput and face; eyes antimony yellow to yellow ocher, with several irregularly marked oblique lines of Isrowii: antennae with distal half solid l)lackish brown; proximad half of the general color, irregularly multi-annulate with blackish brown except on the two proximal segments. Pronotum with median section of disk occasionally weakly clouded with brownish, the caudal margin beaded with, and the carinal and mesozonal elevations touched with, brown: lateral lobes with dark undulate line indicated as distinctly in females as in males. Tegmina with Conozoa-like patches of dark brown always evident, occasionally'^ nearly confluent, usually separated by a pale interspace somewhat less than their width, the dark patches not crossing the humeral trunk; distal half of tegmina and discoidal and anal fields with scattered punctulations of dark brown, which distad are areolate and rarely there disposed in an obscure transverse fashion, in the anal field there rarely is a weak transverse barring tendency in the disposition of the punctulations. Wings with disk jasper red: wing-band bone brown, crossing the wing at or very slightly di.-^tad of the mid- dle, narrowed and emarginate at the base of the spur, which is l)road and extends about two-thirds the way to the base of the wing; peripheral margin with band becoming obsolete half-way to the body: distal section of wing hj'aline, with certain veins infuscate by pencilling or series of dots; costal margin infuscate distad, from band to near the apex; proximad of same narrowh- lined with disk color. Abdomen of general color, as a rule with a more yellow- ish tendency; dorsum of abdomen frequently with proximal segments clouded to a variable degree with dark payne's gray. Cephalic and median limbs 1* In Grand Canyon female. TRAXS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 246 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) usually with narrow incomplete annular patches of blue-black to black- ish. Caudal femora with one distinct and several indistinct dark patches on the dorsal surface, external face often quite hoary white, ventral carinae irregularly beaded with brown: caudal tibiae on normally exposed surfaces of general color, on normally hidden surfaces tyrian blue to deep orient blue; spines black tipped on brown. The Pecos series is quite uniform in general coloration, the wing-band varying somewhat in extent and strength, the disk color constant. The Sierra Blanca specimens and the Las Cruces female are darker in color, less grayish buff in general tone, more brown buff, the pale areas duller and dark areas more extensive. The Grand Canyon female is more like the Sierra Blanca speci- mens, and, in addition, has the wing-band broader than in any of the other specimens. Measurements (in millimeters) Greatest (caudal) Length of jl Length of Length of width of Length of caudal ^ body pronotum pronotum tegmen femur Fecos, Texas, type 19.3 3.6 3.4 20.5 11 Pecos, Texas, para^ypc 20.2 3.9 3.5 22 11 Pecos, Texas, para; i/pe ... . 18.8 4 3.5 21.4 11.4 Sierra Blanca, Texas 18.2 3.8 3.3 20 10.2 9 Pecos, Texas, dio^i/pe 30.2 5.3 4.8 26.8 14.5 Pecos, Texas, paratijpe 26 . 2 4.6 4.2 25 . 5 13.5 Pecos, Texas, paraiype ... . 31.3 5.8 4.9 28.5 15 Sierra Blanca, Texas 24 .4 4.9 4.2 23 .8 12 Sierra Blanca, Texas 26 5.1 4.5 24 .8 13 .5 Las Cruces, New Mexico . . 26.2 5 4.2 26.4 12.8 Grand Canyon, Arizona .. . 25.4 4.6 4 24 12.2 This most interesting species, which is so inconspicuous when at rest in its native environment, and which displays such beauti- fully colored wings when in flight, is apparently extremely local, and as our material shows has a relatively extensive distribution, of which, at this writing, our knowledge is very incomplete. We have before us a paratypic series of fourteen malfes and twenty females bearing the same data as the type and allotype; a series of four males and three females taken at Sierra Blanca, El Paso County, Texas, elevation, 4524 to 4950 feet, September 13 to 14, 1912, (Rehn and Hebard); one female, taken at Las Cruces, Donna Ana County, New Mexico on August 5; and a female taken on the plateau below Bright Angel in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Arizona, elevation 3500 to 3800 feet, September 12, 1907, (Hebard). At Pecos the species occurred on the bare spots of an adobe flat, where it was fairly numerous, but very shy and in scattered JAMES A. G. REHN 247 colonies. At Sierra Blanca the species was also taken on bare adobe, while on the rocky hills at the same place its relative Mestobregma plattei corrugata occurred. The species shows a distinct tendency toward Trepidulus, but it is clearly a Mestobregma. It shows, however, the probable line of relationship of the two genera. A species of Trepidulus shows an approximately similar tendency toward Mestobregma, but the gap between the two remains sufficient to indicate the generic affinities of the respective species. The Genus Psinidia Stal This genus is composed of two quite distinct species, P. ampli- cornus Caudell and P. fenestralis (Serville). The former was described as a variety, but is very distinct and its distribution within the United States can now be indicated with considerable exactness. The second species, fenestralis, is divisible into two geographic races; one, the tj^pical form, distributed over a verj' extensive area, and the other, which was undescribed, restricted as far as known, to the coastal region of Texas, occurring at the same localities as the very different amplicornus. Typical fetiestralis ranges from the most northern points of the species distribution south, in suitable environments, to southern Florida and southwest to at least southern Alal^ama (Flomaton) and the coastal islands of Mississippi (Cat and Ship Islands). Material from Hearne, Robertson County, Texas, is essentially intermediate between the two races. Psinidia fenestralis frater new subspecies (Plate XXVII, figs. 10, 17 and IS; plate XXVIII. figs. 18 and 19.) This geographic race can be distinguishc'd from typical fenes- tralis (see plate XXVII, figs. 19, 20 and 21) by its greater size, by having the antennae broader and more ensiform in the proxi- mal two-thirds, by the more declivent fastigium and more evident elevation of the vertex, by the head being more compressed when seen in cephalic aspect, by ihc median carina of the pronotum being slightly lower and not as straight in profile, the ventro- caudal angle of the lateral lobes of the pronotum more distinct and peg-like, the distal extremity of the tegima more truncate and less rounded and the jaws of the ovipositor of the female more elongate, more slender and straigliter in profile. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 248 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) Type. — 9 ; Katherine, Willacy County, Texas. August 8, 1912. (Rehn and Hebard; in nearly bare white sand gully.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 499.] Allotype. — d^ ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Description. — Size larger than in P. /. fenestralis: form elongate. Head with occiput more appreciably ascending than in P. f. fenestralis, with head in normal position; vertex in profile more narrowly rounded, the juxta-ocular portions of the fastigial marginal carinae more evident in same view; in profile the f astigum is seen to be slightly more declivent : in cephalic aspect the head is seen to be more compressed and proportionately deeper: antennae heavier, very elongate, at least two and one-half times as long as pronotum, distinctly though not decidedly ensiform, the greatest expansion distinctly greater than width of the proximal joint. Pronotum in profile with the median carina subconcave in the region of the principal transverse sulcus, not straight, as a whole lower throughout than in P. f. fenestralis: lateral lobes with ventro- caudal angle having a distinct, slightly swollen, peg-like projection instead of an angulation of the margin. Tegmina with the distal extremity oblique, moderately truncate, not essentially rounded as in P. f. fenestralis. Dorsal ovipositor jaws in dorsal view no more slender than in P. /. fenestralis, in lateral view more elongate and regularly falciform distad of the shoulder, slender: ventral ovipositor jaws in ventral view slightly more elongate than in the typical form of the species, in profile as elongate, correspondingly, as the dorsal pair, much straighter than in P. /. fenestralis and more acute. Coloration not distinctively different from P. /. fenestralis. Measurements {in millimeters) ■71 Length of Length of Length of Length of Length of O body antenna pronotum tegmen caudal femur P. fen. fenestralis Wood's Hole, Mass 16.8 13.7 3.5 IS 11 Isle of Palms, So. Car 20.8 14.2 3.9 21.2 12.5 Ship Island, Mi.ss 18.2 13 3.6 19.5 11 P. fen. fenestralis X P. fen. frater Hearne, Texas 20.7 12.5 4 21.5 12.5 P. fen. frater Galveston, Texas, paratype 23 Katherine, Texas, allotype . 24 9 P. fen. fenestralis Wood's Hole, Mass 23 .5 Isle of Palms, So. Car. .... 27 .2i» Ship Island, Miss 23 .8 17.4 4.7 23.0 14.8 — 5.4 26.5 16.2 12 4.8 20. S 12.5 13.5 4.7 24.2 14 11.5 4.5 22.7 13.2 JAMES A. G. REHN 249 Q Length of Length of Length of Length of Length of ^ body antenna pronotum tegnien caudal femur P. fen. fenestralis X P. fen. f rater Hearne, Texas 27.5i9 10.5 5 24.8 14. S P. fen. f rater Galveston, Texas, paratype 29 16.5 6.3 27.8 17.5 Katherine, Texas, /(/pe 30.5 16.3 6.1 29 16.7 Katherine, Texas, parrt/;/pe 37'^ IS 6.6 31.2 19 Between Alice and Browns- ville, Texas, paratype .. . 30.8 15.8 5.7 28.4 16.2 The individuals of P . fenestralis fenestralis measured above are average speci- mens from fair-sized series. In addition to the type and allotype we have before us the specimens measured above, which are: an additional female from Katherine, Texas, bearing the same data as the type and allotype ; a pair from Galveston, Galveston County, Texas, taken July 19 to 21, 1912, (Hebard; sandy spots back from beach), and a single female from between Alice and Brownsville, Texas, taken in July. With the exception of the latter specimen, which is from the collection of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, the series is contained in the Philadelphia collections. These addi- tional specimens are considered paratypes. A series of two males and three females taken in Hearne, Robertson County, Texas, August 14 to 15, 1915, (Hebard; in moderate numbers on sandy area near woods), contained in the Philadelphia collections, is virtually intermediate between P. fen. fenestralis and P. fen. frater in the structural differential characters. The Caeruleipennis Group of the Genus Anconia The genus Anconia is made up of two groups, one centering about A. Integra, the genotype, and the other composed of A. caeruleipennis Bruner and the new species here described. Brun- er's caeruleipennis-^ is known only from the unique female type, which is now before us. In 1909, Rehn and Hebard referred material taken in the vicinity of El Paso, Texas, to caeruleipennis, having at that time only the brief description of the latter with which to work. With the type in hand we can now definitely ^^ Abdomen unnaturally extended, the measurement probably ten per cent in excess of repose length. " 1906. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., ii, pp. 185, 186. [Hawthorne, Nevada.] Tii.'^.NS. A.M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 250 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) state that the Texas material represents a quite distinct new species, which we here describe. Anconia hebardi new species (Plate XXVII, figs. 22, 23 and 24; plate XXVIII, figs. 21 and 22.) 1909. Anconia caeruleipennis Rehn and Hebard (not of Bruner), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1909, p. 155. [Franklin Mountains, Texas; El Paso, Texas.] A near relative of caeruleipennis (see plate XXVII, figs. 25 and 26, plate XXVIII, fig. 20), differing in the more rugulose pronotum, which has more evident individual bullation of the prozona and metazona when seen in profile, in the interantennal portion of the frontal costa being narrower, the tegmina narrower and with a more coriaceous structure and much more closely woven venational pattern, in the more closely woven venational pattern of the wings, in the rich blue, instead of weakly bluish, color of the wing disk and in the more robust caudal femora. Tijpe. — 9 ; El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. Elevation, 3650 feet. July 10, 1907. (Rehn and Hebard; irrigated land along Rio Grande.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 507.] Description of Type. — Size moderately large; form moderately elongate, but meso and metathorax relatively robust, pronotum less than average size for general bulk, head small: surface of head and dorsal and lateral portions of thoracic segments rugulose. Head with its exposed dorsal length hardly more than half that of pronotal disk, the depth of head to clypeal suture no greater than that of pronotum to ventral margin of the lateral lobes: occiput, vertex and fastigium evenly arcuate in profile; fastigio-facial angle moderately prominent, rounded, the inter-antennal production moderately flattened in profile, immediately ventrad of the insertion of the antennae the facial profile is appreciably concave, thence gently retreating ventrad to the clypeus: fastigium with its length and breadth subequal, indicated chiefly by a pair of shallow pit-like depressions caudad and a pair of triangular impressions cephalad ; lateral margins weakly indicat(!d, moderately converging caudad, more decidedly converging cephalad; median carina weak but apparent, connecting bj^ a weakly indicated V-shaped fork with the lateral margins of the fastigium, which latter it delimits ventro- cephalad: frontal costa but faintly sulcate dorsad of the median ocellus, more distinctly so for a short distance ventrad of the same ; costa faintly and broadly constricted dorsad at its junction with the fastigium, thence gently expanding to between the antennal bases, when it is slightly Ijroader than the proximal antennal joint, thence moderately narrowing around the mcHlian ocellus, sub- equal for a distance to near the clj'pcal suture, where the sul)ol)solete margins diverge sharply and irregularly. Eyes but moderately jiromincnit, when seen from cephalic aspect with the width across them sul)C(iual fo that across genae; basal outline of eye broad sulircnifonii ovate, the d<>ptli faintly gnviter JAMES A. G. REHN 251 than tliat of the infra-ocular sulcus. Antennae relatively short, less than the dorsal length of the head and pronotum combined, simple, slender, sub- depressed proximad (except for the two proximal segments), apex appreciably cochleate ventrad. Pronotum narrowing cephalad, broad caudad, in dorsal silhouette regularly enlarging caudad, greatest (caudal) width of metazonal disk slightly less than greatest length of disk; in profile the prozonal {sensu latiore) portion of disk is moderately but very appreciably sub-bullate, higher cephalad than caudad, in section subtectate, metazonal section gently arcuate in profile, but not at all bullate: surface of pronotum irregularly, but generally transverse, rugulose on prozona; cribroso-punctulate on metazona, lateral lobes as well as disk: cephalic margin of disk weakly obtuse-angulate, the immediate angle narrowly truncate, small but appreciable and well-spaced strumosities beading the cephalic margin of disk and to an extent on dorsal section of lateral lobes; caudal margin of disk broad sub-arcuate obtuse-angulate, the margins appre- ciably sinuate, cingulate: metazona almost one and a half times the prozonal length : median carina of disk delicate but evident, although subobsolete shortly cephalad of the transverse sulcus, weakly subcristate near cephalic margin; lateral carinae obsolete, on prozona represented solely by several small nodes; metazonal shoulders decided but broadly rounded, non-carinate : usual median mesozonal elevation weakly indicated by a sublongitudinal horse-shoe shaped area outlined by carinulations, little distinct, however, in the general sub- tumidity of that section: principal transverse sulcus deeply impressed, the prozonal sulci evident, but less deeply, on the lateral portions of disk and lateral loljes, obsolete near median line. Lateral lobes of pronotum with greatest depth subequal to greatest dorsal length, the greatest depth caudad; cephalic margin moderately sinuate; ventro-cephalic angle narrowly roimded rectangulate ; ventral margin arcuate-emarginate cephalad, with the ventro- caudal angle moderately arcuate; caudal margin nearly straight, faintly oblique: surface of prozona of lobes in general smoother than metazona,but with several obliquely disposed subacute, though relatively low, nodes. Tegmina but slightly surpassing the apex of the abdomen, their greatest breadth contained slightly more than five times in their length: texture markedly coriaceous proximad and mesad, becoming more transparent in distal portion: areolation as a whole close, very close in the coriaceous section, distad the individual areolae average nearly quadrate: costal margin with a distinct and rather elongate, though but moderately deep, proximal lobation, in distal third the margin is regularly arcuate to the rounded rectangulate apex, where the tegmen is but two-fifths as wide as at widest point; sutural margin in general nearly straight, distal concavity appreciable but very slight; distal margin strongly oblique, moderately arcuate: intercalary vein distinct, proximad equidistant from the median and ulnar veins, distad quite close to the median vein: anal field broad, at widest point equal to two-fifth& of the entire tegminal width. Wings moderately elongate, their greatest width contained one and four-fifths times in the greatest length of the same; apex rounded rectangulate; axillary field arcuate lobulate: areolation of anterior TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 252 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) and axillary fields regular, close, relatively small, the areolae in general quad- rate, proximad the cross- veins are very close and much more numerous than in A. caeruleipennis. Interspace between the mesosternal lobes quadrate, slightly transverse, the margin of the lobes rounded meso-caudad: interspace between the meta- sternal lobes moderately transverse, faintly narrower than the mesosternal interspace. Ovipositor jaws relatively heavy, subcompressed, little recurved, jaws blunted. Cephalic and median limbs of medium length. Caudal femora of average form, in length slightly more than half the length of the tegmen, greatest depth contained three and three-quarters times in the greatest length; lamellation of dorsal carina weakly indicated in proximal half; external pagina regularly and sharply pictured : caudal tibiae slightly shorter than the caudal femora, armed on the external margin with eight to nine spines, on internal margin with ten to eleven spines, the internal spines slightly longer than external spines, the internal spines appreciably curved: caudal tarsi short, metatarsus subequaJ in length to the remaining tarsal joints. Allohjpe. — cf ; El Paso, El Paso County, Texas. Elevation, 4200 feet. July 11, 1907. (Rehn and Hebard; edge of mesa.) [Hebard Collection.] Description of Allotype. — Differing from the description of the female in the following noteworthy features. Size relatively and proportionately small: form more slender than in female sex. Fastigium slightly more longitudinal than in female, excavation of fastigium and prominence of median carina more evident than in female sex; frontal costa of the general type of the female but narrower, with the constriction subobsolete, sulcation distinct, quite deep and continuous from fastigium to a short distance dorsad of the clypeal suture: width across eyes very distinctly greater than that across genae, the latter nearly vertical. Eyes large, very prominent, the depth equal to one and one- half times that of the infra-ocular sulcus. Antemiae slightly longer than the length of the head and pronotum, very faintly enlarged distad. Tegmina surpassing the apex of the abdomen l)y slightly more than the combined length of the head and pronotum, greatest width of tegmen contained nearlj- six times in greatest length of same, width of tegmen at distal margin about half that at point of greatest width. Wings with the greatest width contained twice in the greatest length of the same. Interspace between the mesosternal lobes quadrate, faintly transverse: interspace between the metasternal lobes quadrato-cuneate. Caudal tibiae with nine external and ten internal spines. General color tilleul-buff to vinaceoas-lniff, occasionally with head and thorax, as well as proximal portion of the tegmina, but all to variable degrees, washed with very weak chamois to cinnamon-bui^, the face frequentlj- nearly hoary white. Venter and abdomen largely hoary white in individuals not discolored, dorsal surface of abdomen washed proximad with orient blue and deep orient blue to porcelain blue, this variable in depth and always extending distad as a thread for a considerable distance along the dorsal carina of the abdomen. Eyes ochraceous-bulT to buckthorn l)rown. Antennae JAMES A. G. REHX 253 obscurely annulate ochraceous and dull brown, occasionally washed with rufescent. Rarely the fastigium, face and genae obscurely and rather minutely mottled with greenish blue and rufescent. Pronotum with caudal margin of disk obscurely and sparsely beaded with dark, rarely the vicinity of the humeral shoulders is washed with rufescent; occasionally the disk is obscurely and finely mottled with pale greenish. Tegmina with rather obscure markings of bone browii, which are as a rule areolate, forming, however, three principal groupings or broken transverse bands, one at proximal fourth, one mesad and the third near the distal third; these bands are not at all complete, are irregular in outline and more evident in the male sex than in the female; the distal one is obsolete in several specimens and the distal section and the anal field are sup- plied with a variable number of areolae of the darker color, these not strongly contrasted. Wings with disk a beautiful chapman's blue, regularly paling distad, the blue much less extended on anterior field than elsewhere; no wing- band present; veins along costal margin, in the usual position of the spur, and in the areas which are distad of the wing band in species so supplied, fuscous. Limbs largely hoary white, clouded, subannulate and mottled to variable degrees with weak dull blue-gray; carinae of caudal femora sparsely and irregularly beaded with blackish brown; genicular arches of caudal femora yellow ocher, bordered ventrad by a broad patch of dull fuscous: caudal tibiae hoary white with a faint wash of pale Veronese green, proximad with bluish gray cloudings; spines brownish distad, black tipped. Ovipositor jaws tipped and margined with bone brown. Measurements {in millimelers) Greatest (caudal) Length of _^ Length of Length of width of Length of caudal O body pronotum pronotum tegmen femur El Paso, Texas, paratype 23 4.9 4.3 24.5 12.3 El Paso, Texas, allotype 23 . 4 5 4.2 25 . 2 13.3 9 El Paso, Texas, type 40 .G 7.2 6.2 34 18 .5 El Paso, Texas, paratype 39.3 7 6 34 18 Franklin Mountains, Texas, paratype 33 .5 7 5.8 31 .5 17 All of the material of this species which we have seen has already been reported by Rehn and Hebard. We have at this writing nothing further to add to the halntat information already published. All of the nine specimens (two males, seven females) previously reported are now before us and are, other than the type and allotype, considered paratypes. We take great pleasure in dedicating this beautiful, interesting and rare species to our colleague, Mr. Morgan Hebard, as a slight token of appreciation of his excellent and indefatigable work in the field and in the laboratory, and of a friendship of many years. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 254 NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE (oRTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) Explanation of Plates Plate XXVI Fig. 1. — Derotmema haydenii mescmhrinum new subspecies. Lateral outline of head and pronotum of male {type). Double Windmill, Texas. (X6) Fig. 2. — Derotmema haydenii mesembrinum new subspecies. Dorsal outline of head and pronotum of female (allotype). Marfa, Texas. (X 4) Fig. 3. — Derotmema haydenii haydenii (Thomas). Lateral outline of head and pronotum of male. Cheyemie, Wyommg. (X 6) Fig. 4. — Derotmema haydenii haydenii (Thomas). Dorsal outline of head and pronotum of female. Cheyenne, Wyoming. (X 4^) Fig. 5. — Derotmema piute new species. Cephalic outline of head of female (type). Mason, Nevada. (X 4|) Fig. 6. — Derotmema piute new species. Dorsal outline of head and pronotum of female {type). Mason, Nevada. (X 4^) Fig. 7. — Derotmema piute new species. Lateral outline of head and pronotum of female {type). Mason, Nevada. (X 4§) Fig. 8. — Derotmema piute new species. Lateral outline of ovipositor jaws of female (type). Mason, Nevada. (X 10) Fig. 9. — Mestobregma impexum new species. Lateral outline of head and pro- notum of male {type). Milford, Utah. (X 5) Fig. 10. — Mestobregma impexum new species. Cephalic outline of head of male (^i/pe). Milford, Utah. (X 5) Fig. 11. — Mestobregma plattei plattei (Thomas). Lateral outline of head and pronotum of male. Newcastle, Wyoming. (X 5) Fig. 12. — Mestobregma plattei plattei (Thomas). Cephalic outhne of head of male. Newcastle, Wyoming. (X 5) Fig. 13. — Mestobregma terricolor new species. Cephalic outline of head of male {type). Pecos, Texas. (X 5) Fig. 14. — Mestobregma terricolor new species. Lateral outline of head and pronotum of male {type). Pecos, Texas. (X 5) Fig. 15. — Mestobregma terricolor new species. Dorsal outline of head and pronotum of male {type). Pecos, Texas. (X 5) Plate XXVII Fig. 16. — Psinidia fenestralis frater new subspecies. Lateral outline of head and pronotum of female {type). Katherine, Texas. (X 4) Fig. 17. — Psinidia fenestralis frater new subspecies. Lateral outline of ovi- positor jaws of female {type). Katherine, Texas. (X 12) Fig. 18. — Psinidia fenestralis frater new subspecies. Dorsal view of antenna of female (type). Katherine, Texas. (X 4^) Fig. 19. — Psinidia fenestralis fenestralis (kServille). Lateral outline of head and pronotum of female. De Leon Springs, Florida. (X Ss) Fig. 20. — Psinidia fenestralis fenestralis (Serville). Lateral outline of ovi- positor jaws of female. De Leon Springs, Florida. (X 10) Fig. 21. — Psinidia fenestralis fenestralis (Serville). Dorsal view of antenna of female. De Leon Springs, Florida. (X 0) JAMES A. G. REHN 255 Fig. 22. — Anconia hebardi new si)ecies. Lateral outline of head and pronotum of female (type). El Paso, Texas. (X 4|) Fig. 23.—Anco7iia hebardi new species. Cephalic outline of head of female {type). El Paso, Texas. (X 4) Fig. 24. — Anconia hebardi new species. Lateral outline of head and pronotum of male (allotype). El Paso, Texas. (X 4) Fig. 25. — Anconia caeruleipennis Bruner. Lateral outline of head and prono- tum of female (type). Hawthorne, Nevada. (X 2^) Fig. 26. — Anconia caeruleipennifi Bruner. Cephalic outline of head of female {type). Hawthorne, Nevada. (X 4) Plate XXVIII The figures on this plate are reproduced natural size. Fig. \. — Derotmema haydenii niesembrinum new subspecies. Male {type). Double Windmill, Texas. Fig. 2. — Derotmema haydenii mesembrinum new subspecies. Female {allotype). Marfa, Texas. Fig. Z.— Derotmema haydenii haydenii (Thomas). Male. Colorado Springs, Colorado. Fig. 4. — Derotmema haydenii haydenii (Thomas). Male. Near La Junta, Colorado. Fig. 5. — Derotmema haydenii haydenii (Thomas). Female. Cheyenne, Wyom- ing. Fig. 6. — Derotmema haydenii haydenii (Thomas). Female. Knob Hill, Colo- rado Springs, Colorado. Fig. 7. — Derotmema haydenii n/e!/aHa?n (Saussure). '^I&Iq {to polype). Salmon City, Idaho. Fig. 8. — Derotmema haydenii rileyanum (Saussure). Female. Baker City, Oregon. Fig. 9. — Derotmema piute new species. Male {paralype.) Mina, Nevada. Fig. 10. — Derotmema piute new species. Female {paralype). Mina, Nevada. Fig. IL — M estobregma plattei plattei {Thomns). Male. Newcastle, Wyoming. Fig. 12. — Mestohregmaplatteiplattei {Thomas). Female. Newcastle, Wyoming. Fig. 13. — Mestobregma impexum r\ew species. Male {paralype) . Milford, Utah. Fig. 14. — Mestobregma impexum new species. Female {allotype). Milford, Utah. Fig. 15. — Derotmema piute new species. Female {paralype). Mason, Nevada. Fig. 16. — Mestobregmaterricolor new species. Male (paralype). Pecos, Texas. Fig. 17. — Mestobregma terricolor new species. Female (paralype). Pecos, Texas. Fig. 18. — Psinidia fenestralis frater new subspecies. Male {paralype). Gal- veston, Texas. Fig. 19. — Psinidia fenestralis frater new subspecies. Female (paralype). Katherine, Texas. Fig. 20. — Anconia caeruleipennis Bruner. Female (type) . Hawthorne, Nevada. Fig. 21. — Anco7iia hebardi new species. Male (allotype). El Paso, Texas. Fig. 22. — Anconia hebardi new species. Female (type). El Paso, Texas. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. MORGAN HEBARD 257 NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF MELANOPLI FOUND WITHIN THE UNITED STATES (ORTHOPTERA; ACRIDIDAE) BY MORGAN HEBARD Part II This is the second of a series of papers on undescribed Mel- anoph found in the United States. It was originally intended to include in the first paper, published in June, 1918,^ all of the new forms found in the Philadelphia Collections, except those of the genus Melanoplus, but active duty in the Army prevented completion of the work to that point. Two new genera, ten new species and one new geographic race were there described. In the present paper twelve new species and one new geographic race are described, carrying this work through the first group of the genus Melanoplus with two eastern species in addition. As in the first paper, the sequence of species described is in accordance with the revised arrangement of the species, from the preliminary studies already completed for the North American Melanopli." Scudder's grouping of many of the forms has been found incorrect, and, particularly in the genus Melanoplus, his "Series" are in so many cases composed of widely separated species, that we have been obliged to institute a very different arrangement and have decided to rearrange the species into units which we have given "Group" designation. It should, therefore, be borne in mind that our Groups do not in any way correspond to Scudder's "Series." 1 Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xliv, pp. 141 to 169. 2 We would note that our monotypic genus Argiacris, described in our first paper, comes between Asenioplus and Bradynotes. This genus was there described, in order to be able to make known one of the most distinctive units found among the undescribed forms at hand. One of our statements concern- ing this genus is, in part, incorrect. It is not distinguished from Podisma by the produced caudal margin of thepronotum, for in Podisma, as in Melano- ])his, some of the groups are comprised of species which have the caudal margin of the pronotum angulate produceil, while otiiers have it weakly emarginate to different degrees. TRAXS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 258 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) A detailed discussion of the problems found in the genus Melan- oplus will be given at a later date. For the present we would remark only one vital error in Scudder's treatment. That au- thor's efforts were concentrated in an attempt to find some valid character to separate Melanoplus from Podisma. He determined the fact that the typical species of Melanoplus had a narrow mesosternal and metasternal interspace, while in typical species of Podisma these intervals were wider. Further study showed that this was not universal, but he considered it the most satis- factory feature for the generic assignment of species, and sep- arated Melanoplus from Podisryia thereby in his key. After careful study of the situation, we have found that the width of the mesosternal and metasternal interspaces is subject to such individual variation that it is frequently of no diagnostic value, even for specific separation. In addition, we note that the forms of the Melanopli developed in a temperate environ- ment have in the great majority of cases the mesosternal and metasternal interspaces narrow, while those developed in an arctic or arctic alpine environment have these interspaces usually broad. As a result, we find that arctic or arctic alpine species of Melanoplus have the mesosternal and metasternal interspaces fully as broad as in the species of Podisma, the majority of the species of which genus are found in arctic or arctic alpine regions. We are unable to find a single diagnostic feature to separate these genera. That Melanoplus and Podisma represent two distinct units is clear. In each case the genus divides into numer- ous sections, many of which are readily separable from the others by distinctive features. In fact we again find a situation much resembling that which occurs in the Tettigoniid genera Cono- cephalus and Orcheli^num, and of which Rehn and Hebard have said , ' ' Material of the two genera is easily separated by a decidedly different general appearance, but when the characters of the two are compared, the variation in each genus leaves us unable to state a single absolute difference." As a result of Scudder's misconception of the significance of the widening of the mesosternal and metasternal interspaces, that author assigned to Podisma the following species, all of which are clearly members of the genus Melanoplus: nubicola Scudder, stupefacta Scudder, dodgei (Thomas), ascensor Scudder, MORGAN HEBARD 259 marshallii (Thomas), oregonensis (Thomas) and Jrigida (Bohe- man). Puschnig has more recently described still another Euro- pean species of Melanoplus as a Podisma, this being jJrossemi from the Eisenhut in Carinthia. We would remark that, as a result of the above assignments, all of the North American species remaining in the genus Podisma have the caudal margin of the pronotum concave and entirely lack organs of flight. To the genotype of Podisma, which is pedestris (Linnaeus), three North American species of Asemoplus, hispidus (Bruner), somesi here described and rainierensis Caudell, show a strong general similarity, but, in our opinion, represent a section of another valid unit. This unit, however, is almost as difficult to define as those discussed above. In the preparation of the present paper we have met with most kind and hearty cooperation from many of our fellow workers. We are particularly indebted to Dr. E. M. Walker of the Uni- versity of Toronto, Mr. Wm. T. Davis of New York and ]\Ir. ]M. P. Somes, now of Kahspell, Montana. These gentlemen have furnished material which has increased the number of unde- scribed forms studied and has assisted in important comparative studies. It must also be remembered that very large series are now assembled for a study of the North American Melanopli, and that these have proved invaluable in preparing the present series of preliminary papers. Without the opportunity to study these series, we would not be able to handle the problems involved with anything like the assurance we now consider ourselves justified in feeling. For the opportunity to study very important sec- tions of these series we are deeply indebted to Mr. James A. G. Rehn of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Dr. Samuel Henshaw of the Museum of Comparative Zoology and IMr. A. N. Caudell of the United States National Museum. In the present paper one thousand and forty-three specimens are recorded, one thousand and eleven of these belonging to the Philadelphia Collections. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 260 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) Hesperotettix pacificus capillatus^ new geographic race (Plate XXIX, fig. 1.) 1897. Hesperotettix pacificus Scudder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xx, p. 61. (In part.) [ 9 ; San Buenaventura, California.]^ The present geographic race and pacificus pacificus Scudder, both show considerable size, tegminal and color variation. Con- sidering the fact that, as is usual in the present genus, the male genitalia show no differential characters, the characterization of these races is difficult. The series at hand, however, offer such convincing proof that separation must be made, that we feel no hesitancy in describing the present race. This race is clearly a depauperate condition of the species and will probably be found locally distributed along the Californian coast, from Monterey Bay southward to the Santa Barbara Chan- nel. The size averages smaller, the surface is not as smooth and the hairy covering is generally more pronounced, the antennae average distinctly shorter and the caudal femora are slightly less enlarged proximad, than in pacificus pacificus. Both races develop a green, pale brown and dark brown color form. In the green condition of the present race no broad red- dish annuli of the cephalic and median femora and broad pre- genicular reddish annulus of the caudal femora are found, which markings are usually met with in this phase of typical pacificus, and pacificus capillatus, fiu'ther, is normally much less brilliantly colored. In both green and brown phases this race usualh^ has the characteristic buffy markings less conspicuous and reduced to a greater extent than is usual in pacificus pacificus. Type. — cf' ; Del Monte, Monterey County, California. Sep- tember 9 and 10, 1910. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 484.] Size small for the genus, form slender, surface well supplied with minute pilose hairs, more thickly than is normal in pacificus pacificus. Eyes api)reci- ably deeper than infra-ocular portion of the genae. Sulcationof the fastigium and frontal costa moderately decided, slightly more pronounced than in paci- ficus pacificus. Antennae short and stout for the genus, little longer than combined length of head and pronotum, shorter and stouter than in pacificus ^ In allusion to the normally more hairy condition found in this race, when compared with the typical race of the species. * An additional female from Scudder's series, in the Hebard Collection, labelled in pencil "Los Angeles, Cal. 1888," is referable to the present race. In this case, we believe the labelling to be incorrect, or inaccurate. MORGAN HEBARD 261 pacificus. Caudal margin of disk of prouotum obtuse-angulate produced, with immediate angle rather sharply rounded. Tegmina small elongate-oval pads, costal margin curving distad more sharply than sutural margin, forming an acute point directed dorso-caudad." Genitalia showing no features of differ- ence from pacificus pacificus. Caudal femora moderately enlarging proximad, appreciably less robust there than in pacificus pacificus. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] . Differs from the type in the following features. Size larger, form moderately stout for the genus. Sulcation of the fastigium and frontal costa weaker and broader. Antennae even shorter, distinctly shorter than the combined length of the head and pronotum, distinctly shorter and stouter than in this sex of pacificus pacificus. Caudal margin of pronotum forming a more obtuse angu- lation. Genitalia as in this sex of pacificus pacificus. Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes only Type ^ength of body Length of antenna Length of pronotum Length of tegmen Width of Length of tegmen caudal femur 15.3 6.4 4.1 2.9 1.8 9.4 .5-16.5 5.8-6.8 3.5-4 2.5-3.2 1.2-1.7 8.2-9.5 9 Allotype 19.8 5.7 5 3.7 2 10.7 Paraty pes {16) 18-20.3 5.2-5.7 4.4-5 2.7-3.9 1.7-2 10-10.8 The female from San Buenaventura shows divergence toward pacificus pacificus only in having the caudal femora slightly heavier than is normal in the present race. A single male of pacificus pacificus from Marcel, Kern County, California, shows some divergence toward the present race in the somewhat narrower tegmina and caudal femora, but in all other respects is typical. Coloration. — Dark brown, lighter brown and yellowish green phases of colora- tion are found in pacificus capillatus. All of the males are brown and only a few show some recession in coloration; eleven of the nineteen females are brown, of the same shade as the paler males. In this phase the narrow buffy medio-longitudinal dorsal line and narrow bar or bars" of the postocular por- tion of the genae and prozonal portion of the lateral lobes of the pronotum are distinct but not conspicuous. The external faces of the caudal femora are suffused proximad, mesad and in the pre-genicular area with dark brown, this sometimes greatly reduced, but in the majority distinct, the median and distal suffusions running across the dorsal surface as broad and distinct transverse bands. ^ This feature varies individualh' in degree, but the entire series show's smaller and narrower tegmina, with apices less evenh' rounded, than is shown in the considerable series of pacificus pacifiicus at hand. * This is an individually variable feature. In the majority of specimens a narrow bar of buff is found below the broad dark bar of the prozonal portion of the lateral lobes of the pronotum. In others a trace of buff is shown also above the dark bar, and in some this is developed into a second bar of buff, as wide as or even wider than the ventral buff bar. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 262 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) In the females the medio-longitudiiial buffy hne is broader, and in yellowish- green individuals is often conspicuously margined with brown, which is most decided on the abdomen. In this phase the buffy lateral markings are some- times greatly reduced or wholly obsolete, as is also the dark band of the jjro- zonal portion of the lateral lobes. In the paler brown examples the caudal femora have the darker suffusions reduced, the dorsal surface unicolorous; in the yellowish green individuals these suffusions usually disappear, rarely being weakly indicated, the dorsal surface washed with pale brown. No trace of pink pre-genicular annuli is found in the present series. The slightly rougher surface and more numerous hairs of the majority of examples of the present race, gives the series less of the smooth and shining facies of the series of pacificus pacificus at hand. Specimens Examined: 74; 54 males and 20 females. California: Del Monte and San Buenaventura. With one exception, these specimens were taken at Del Monte by Hebard on August 20, 1909, and by Rehn and Hebard on September 9 and 10, 1910, and, excluding the type and allotype, are designated as paratypes. The female, recorded by Scudder from San Buenaventura, belongs to the United States National Museum. At Del Monte this insect was found scarce on the shore side of the sand dunes, in low scattered grasses and bushes, where a low yellow-flowered "tar-weed" was conspicuous. In this sit- uation more individuals were met with than elsewhere, particu- larly in the sand-loving Composite bush, Chrysoma ericoides (Less.). This race was also present, but scarce, in extensive open areas of short dry grass, where also much of the low yellow-flow- ered "tar-weed" was found. Orthoptera was present in great numbers in these areas, much the most abundant species being Melanoplus microtatus, here described, while Melanoplus devasta- tor Scudder was very numerous and the species here described as Oedaleonotus phrijneicus and fratercula were frequently encountered. AEOLOPLUS Scudder 1897. Aeoloplus Scudder, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xxxii, p. 199. 1897. Aeoloplus Scudder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xx, p. 68. 1916. Aeoloplides Caudell, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xhx, p. 28. The above synonymy is the result of Caudell's misinterpreta- tion of the original type designation. The type of the genus is not "Caloptenus regalis by original designation," as stated by that author. Scudder gives Aeoloplus regalis as type, without MORGAN HEBARD 263 further citation of author. This species is Aeoloplns regalis of Scudder and not Caloptenus regalis of Dodge. Scudder had a species of Aeoloplus, which he described and referred to regalis of Dodge, but with uncertainty, as his comments on page 73 show. Had Scudder giYQw Aeoloplus regalis Dodge as genotype, Caudell's action would have been correct; but it is the species described by Scudder, not Dodge's species, which Scudder designated as geno- type. It has been ascertained that Caloptenus regalis Dodge is a member of the genus Mela^ioplus; Aeoloplus regalis Scudder has been correctly renamed by Caudell,'^ and now stands as Aeolo- plus bruneri Caudell, type of the genus Aeoloplus. Aeoloplus eremiaphila^ new species (Plate XXIX, figs. 2 and 3.) The present species is the smallest known representative of the genus. The tegmina vary from ovate, but attingent, to a half fully-developed condition. The caudal femora do not have the margin of the ventral surface produced proximad in a shield- ing plate. In position we would place this insect after A. chcn- opodii (Bruner) and before A. turnbuUi (Thomas), to the latter of which species it shows nearest relationship. Comparing series including the types of chenopodii and eremia- philo, the former species is found to be larger and slightly heavier in structure, with vertex slightly broader, eye not as large in relative proportion, in length only slightly exceeding the genae, caudal margin of pronotum much more truncate, tegmina ovate and lateral, never attingent, subapical tubercle of male subgen- ital plate less acute, and coloration and color pattern distinctive. Compared with a series of the more closely related turnhulli, that species is found to differ in its larger size, slightly more pro- duced vertex, distinctly smaller eye in relative proportion, which in leoigth is about equal to or slightly less than that of the genae, less definitely atrophied tegmina and wings even in the condition of maximum reduction, presence of a green as well as a brown color phase and coloration and color pattern distinctive. Type. — cf ; Foothills of Singatse Range at Mason, Lyon County, Nevada. Elevation, 4600 feet. September 6, 1910. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 485.] Size very small for the genus; form moderately robust, medium for the genus. Fastigium of vertex very blunt, very slightly produced; eyes prominent, in " Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., viii, p. 134, (1907). * From kp-ntxla and <^iXr;, a lover of the desert. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 264 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) length considerably greater than the genae. Pronotum with transverse sulci apparent but not pronounced, those cephalad feeble; medio-longitudinal carina of metazona distinct; caudal margin obtuse-angulate produced with apex rounded. Tegmina small, sub-ovate, attingent pads, about as long as pro- notum,^ with apices rather sharply rounded. Cerci simple, moderately broad and compressed at base, tapering slightly and evenly in proximal half, the distal half very slender, nearly subequal in width to the rounded apex. Sub- apical tubercle of subgenital plate decided, its apex as slender and sharply rounded as the cereal apices. Cephalic and median femora almost straight and moderately heavy, not as much bowed or as heavy as in this sex of the majority of the species of Aeoloplus}^ Median tibiae scarcely at all curved. Caudal femora without margin of ventral surface produced proximad in a shielding plate. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Agrees with the type in ambisexual features, differing in the following re- spects. Size slightly larger,^' form appreciably heavier. Fastigium of vertex broader. Ovipositor valves with apices moderately elongate and gently curved. Cephalic and median femora longer and more slender. Median tibiae straight. Measurements {in millimeters) _7[ Length of Length of Length of Width of Length of O body pronotum tegmen tegmen caudal femur Singatse Range, Mason, Ne- vada,/ype 12 3 2.9 1.9 6.9 Singatse Range, Mason, Ne- vada, paratype 12. 1 3 3.6 2 6.8 Singatse Range, Mason, Ne- vada, paratype 12.4 3.3 4.7 2.1 7 9 Singatse Range, Mason, ISie- vada, allotype 14.3 3.3 3.2 2 ' 7.7 Singatse Range, Mason, Ne- vada, paratype 15. 1 3.6 3.3 2 7.8 Mina, Nevada 16.5 3.7 5.8 2.1 8 Mina, Nevada 15.5 3.4 6 2.2 8 Mina, Nevada 16.3 3.9 6.2 2.3 8.6 Pilot Mountains, Nevada .. . 15 3.6 5.9 2.2 8 Pilot Mountains, Nevada .. . 16.2 3.5 5.6 2 8 Pilot Mountains, Nevada .. . 16.5 3.8 5.9 2.2 8.1 ' The tegmina vary in the present species from this type to a half fully- developed condition. Though clearly largely individual, geogra])hi(' dis- tribution may prove to have some effect on this feature. See table of measurements. 1" Examination of the material at hand shows these to be secondary sexual features, as is the curvature of the median tibiae, differing in degree of develop- ment in the male sex of different species of the genus. " The majority of females at hand are distinctly larger than the type. MORGAN HEBARD 265 In the examples having the longest tegmina, these organs are decidedly atten- uate in their distal two-fifths, due to the fact that the costal and sutural mar- gins show a very strong convergence in the third fifth of the tegmen. In the condition of maximum tegminal reduction, the wings are minute and greatly atrophied. From this condition, they develop to fully as long as the tegmina in the condition of maximum tegminal development. Coloration. — Type. Head cinnamon-bufT, microscopically flecked with blackish brown; this increasing on the vertex and occiput, there forming an inconspicuous longitudinal band. Eyes clay color, microscopically marked with a network of blackish brown. Antennae pinkish cinnamon. Pronotum and tegmina sayal brown, with microscopic flecks and longitudinal streaks of bister; prozona showing an indistinct medio-longitudinal band of blackish brown, but with median carina sayal brown; lateral lobes with a longitudinal blackish suffusion dorsad before the principal sulcus. Cephalic limbs and underparts cinnamon-bufT; median limbs of the same coloration but flecked with blackish brown. Caudal femora cinnamon-buff, with the three dark areas, characteristic of the species of the genus, heavy and blackish brown. Abdomen cirmamon-buff with proximal segments blackish brown proximad. Little color variation is showai by the present series. A few individuals are somewhat recessive in coloration and in these the general coloration is clay color, with all darker markings reduced, the pronotal markings and those of the caudal femora weak and poorly defined . One such example from the Pilot Mountains has the caudal femoral markings obsolete. Specimens Examined: 11; 3 males and 8 females. Nevada: Foothills of Singatse Range at Mason, Mina and Pilot Moun- tains, three miles east of Mina. The series examined, in addition to the type and allotype, are considered paratypes. All were taken by Rehn and Hebard. The desert valley at Mina, 4800 to 5300 feet in elevation, with long and very gradual alluvial slopes running down into a large central playa, proved an area of scarce insect life. But, from the several species of dense and heavily thorned, leafless bushes on the slopes, three specimens of this species were secured after long and careful search. On the same day, three miles distant in the sterile and desert Pilot Mountains, three more specimens were taken. These were found in similar thorn bushes, scattered over the almost bare slopes at the foot of precipices and at the heads of canons, at 5500 to 5700 feet. Great numbers of these bushes were examined, the only Orthoptera there found being the few specimens of the present species, Ligurotettix coquiUettei Mc- Neill in moderate numbers, and a single specimen of a Decticid which has as yet not been studied. Two days later at Mason, in a generally similar area and from similar but heavier thorn bushes, five more individuals were TEAXS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 266 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (ORTHOPTERa) secured, at elevations from 4500 to 5200 feet in the foothills of the Singatse Range. The most successful method of capturing these specimens was to tramp down the brittle thorn bushes, in which case individuals of Ligurotettix coquillettei McNeill would fly swiftly to other adjacent bushes, but those of the present species would appear confused and could be taken by exercising reasonable caution. When this method was not followed, these little insects were found to slip about in the dense twigs and thorns with great agility and would occasionally disappear, leav- ing the pursuer baffled, with hands usually well scratched. OEDALEONOTUS Scudder 1897. Oedaleonotus Scudder, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xxxii, p. 203. 1897. Oedaleonotus Scudder, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xx, p. 390. After careful consideration we find that the present genus, in addition to the species referred to it by Scudder, properly includes all the species which that author assigned to the Borckii Series of the genus Melanopliis, with the exception of Melanoplus scituJus Scudder. The genus Oedaleonotus will be fully discussed at a later date. This rearrangement is noted here -only in order to explain the generic assignment of the following new species. Oedaleonotus phryneicus^^ new species (Plate XXIX, figs. 5 and 6.) 1908. Melanoplus tenuipennis Caudell (not of Scudder, 1897), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxiv, p. 78. [Guadalupe, California.] Closely related to 0. tenuipennis (Scudder), (see plate XXIX, fig. 7), which species differs from phryneicus in the average lighter build, particularly in the females, decidedly weaker and less irreg- ular median and lateral carinae of the pronotum, less decidedly inflated prozona, less decided pronotal sulci and in particular the less decided channel of the first sulcus dorsad on the lateral lobes, where its termination occvn's, less decided expansion of the pro- notal disk caudad, this more decided in females, and less heavily pitted metazona and corresponding portion of the lateral loljes. Type. — cT ; Del Monte, Monterey County, California. August 20, 1909. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 486.] Size medium for the germs, form moderately robust. Head much as in tenuipennis. Pronotum with median and lateral carinae and sulci decided; lateral carinae feebly concave and feebly expanding on the prozona, more 12 From 0pwos = a toad, and €1x65 = like. In allusion to the squat, rough appearance, particularly of females of the present species. MORGAN HEBARD 267 strongly expanding caudad on the metazona; channel of the first sulcus dorsad on the lateral lobes, where its termination occurs, brief but deep, margined caudad with a conspicuous fleck of pale coloration; prozona distinctly inflated; caudal margin of disk transverse, showing a feeble obtuse-angulate emargina- tion mesad, the two halves thus formed feebly convex. Tegmina lateral oval pads,^^ distinctly shorter than the pronotum, well separated. Genitalia as in tenuipennis. Longitudinal marginal carinae of the caudal femora pronounced. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Similar to the male type except in the following features. Size decidedly larger, form very robust. All pronotal features intensified. The lateral cari- nae of the disk of the pronotum show microscopic pits, which give them an irregular roughened appearance; these carinae expand throughout their length, so that the caudal width of the pronotal disk is decidedly greater than the cephalic width, and very much more closely approximates the pronotal length than in this sex of tenuipennis. Tegmina^'* separated by a greater interspace. Ovipositor valves as in tenuipennis. Measurements {in millimeters) ■T\ Length of Length of Cephalic Caudal Length of Width of O body pronotum width of width of tegmcn tegmen pronotum pronotum Del Monte, California, type 16.5 4.1 2 3.1 2.8 1.8 Del Monte, California, paratype 15.5 3.9 1.9 3 3.2 1.8 Del Monte, California, paratype 18.5 4.7 2.1 3.3 3.8 2 Del Monte, California, paratype 19.2 4.9 2 3.2 3.2 2.1 Del Monte, California, paratype 18 4.3 2 3.2 2.8 1.8 9 Del Monte, California, allotype 22.8 5.8 2.7 5 3.4 2.5 Del Monte, California, paratype^^ 19.5 4.9 2.5 3.8 2.G 2.2 Del Monte, California, paratype 17.2 4.4 2.6 4.1 3.2 2 Del Monte, California, paratype 16.2 4.3 2.2 4 2.7 1.8 Del Monte, California, paratype 20 5.5 2.7 4.8 3.1 2.6 Del ]\Ioute, California, paratype 22.9 6.2 2.8 5.1 4 2.6 Monterey, California . 23 5.5 3.1 5.2 4 2.7 " Varying in the males from elongate oval to (rarely) broad oval. 1^ More variable in relative size and form than in males. 1* In this specimen the pronotal proportions are as found in tenuipennis, but the individual is typical of phryneicus in all other respects. TRANS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 268 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) The measurements give the extremes of the series. The specimen doubtfully recorded as tenuipennis by Scudder, from Monterey County, California, is an aberrant example of that species, showing no approach toward the present insect. We would note that in this species, as well as in tenuipennis, the degree of expansion of the pronotum caudad is individually variable. The amount of expansion, however, in the present species averages very distinctly greater. The swelling of the cephalic portion of the pronotum also shows some individual variation, but the present species always shows this feature to some extent, and with its rugged structure and more strongly defined carinae is decidedly dis- tinctive in appearance. Coloration. — Type. Head ochraceous-tawny becoming darker, cinnamon brown, on the occiput, with a still darker, broad post-ocular bar of mummy brown on each side. Pronotum with disk appreciably darker than lateral lobes, cinnamon brown, with lateral carinae ochraceous-buff washed with tawny; lateral lobes ochraceous-buff washed with tawny, this heavier caudad, except on dorsal half of prozona which, not including the cephalic margin, is mummy brown with a conspicuous dorso-mesal fleck of ochraceous-])uff where the channel of the first sulcus terminates. ^^ Tegmina and dorsal surface of abdomen cinnamon brown. Cephalic and median limbs internally pinkish buff, externally clay color with irregular flecks of blackish brown, these markings heaviest distad on cephalic femora and mesad on median femora. Caudal femora sayal brown; external face with a heavy proximal area of blackish brown, another mesad which is larger and very broadly V-shaped with apex mesocephalad, and another distad, the raised carinae bounding this face pale, clay color; dorsal surface sayal brown, its external half immac- ulate, the heavy median carina and internal half with three broad dark bands, which continue on the internal face, disappearing there mesad; ventral surface brilliant dragon's blood red, this color suffusing also the proximal portion of the internal face. Caudal tibiae deep bluish gray green, with a broad proximal annulus of cinnamon-buff; spines whitish, tipped with black. Ventral surface cinnamon-buff. Only a moderate degree of intensification and recession is shown by the large series at hand, the general coloration ranging from bister, with paler por- tions sayal brown (intensive), to sayal brown, with paler portions clay color (recessive). Specimens Examined: 187; 89 males, 97 females, 1 gynandromorph.i' California: Del Monte, Monterey and Guadalupe. 1" This fleck is a distinctive feature in the present species; with hardly any exceptions, being conspicuous in the large series before us. Hardly ever does this marking ajjpear in tenuipennis, and wheii present is inconspicuous. " This specimen is remarkable in having the entire sinistral portion from head to apex of abdomen male, the dcxtral portion female. As a result, due to the disparity of size in the sexes of this species, this specimen is asymmetrical throughout. This is the second gynandromorph examined by us, the first being a specimen of the Tettigoniid, Insara elegans consuetipes (Scudder) recorded by Rehn and Hebard, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xl, p. 81, (1914). J MORGAN HEBARD 269 A single male at hand, from the National Museum, was taken on sugar beets at Guadalupe, Santa Barbara County, on June 24, 1906, by A. N. Caudell. Excepting two males and four females from Monterey, captured by G. P. Englehardt on August 4, 1916, the remaining series was taken at Del Monte by Hebard on August 20, 1909, and by Rehn and Hebard on September 9 and 10, 1910; excepting the type and allotype, these are consid- ered paratypes. On both occasions the species was found com- mon, particularly in the extensive open areas of short dry grass, where a low yellow-flowered "tar-weed" was abundant. ^^ Oedaleonotus fratercula new species (Plate XXIX, fig. 4) This, the smallest species of the genus, is seen to be in some ways annectant between the other forms of the genus and the distinctive O.fuscipes (Scudder). This insect agrees with fuscipes in general contour and appear- ance, and in the male sex in the absence of furcula and presence of an apical tubercle on the subgenital plate. It differs from that species in the smaller size, slightly less robust form, appre- ciable, though weak, lateral carinae of the pronotum and, in the male, in the supra-anal plate, which is unspecialized toward the cereal bases and the cerci, which are more slender distad. Type. — d^ ; Del Monte, Monterey County, California. Sep- tember 9 and 10, 1910. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collec- tion, Type no. 487.] Size small, smallest of the genus; form medium, slender for the genus. Head very similar to that oi fuscipes, eyes slightly longer than genae as in that species. Pronotum with lateral carinae weak; median carina well developed on meta- zona, moderately developed on proximal portion of prozona, subobsolete in intervening area; sulci moderately decided, the first the weakest; caudal margin of disk transverse, very feebly convex. Tegmina lateral, broadly oval pads, much shorter than pronotum, separated by a brief interspace." Furcula absent. Supra-anal plate simple, elongate, triangular with margins gently convex and apex rounded, surface with a heavy and deep medio-longitudinal sulcation in proximal two-fifths, l)etween the raised margins of this sulcation and the lateral margins it is broadly concave. Cerci proximad broad and moderately tumid, narrowing evenly in proximal three-fifths, distal two-fifths very narrow with apex rounded,-" this portion curving moderately inward. Subgenital plate with a large and moderately l)lunt apical tubercle. 1* See notes imder Hesperotettix pacificus capillatus on page 262. 1^ The tegmina are occasionally attingent in this sex. '"The width of the distal portion of the cerci is seen to be variable to a certain degree in the males of fratercula at hand. TRANS. AM. ENT. .SOC, XLV. Length of body Length of pronotum Caudal width of pronotum Length of tegmen Width of tegmen Length of caudal femur 11.5 2.8 1.8 1.9 1.7 7.8 0.8-13.7 2.7-2.9 1.8-1.9 1.9-2.6 1.7-1.8 7.3-8 14.3 3.8 2.8 2.2 2 9 13-14.8 3.1-4 2.3-3 1.8-2.3 1.6-2.1 8.2-9.8 270 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Similar to the male type except in the foUo'^ving features. Size decidedly larger; form robust, slenderest, however, for females of the species of Oedaleono- tus. Pronotum similar, but with carinae and sulci all weaker. Tegmina very broad, sub-circular,-i separated by a very slightly greater interspace. Ovi- positor valves normal for the genus. Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes only Type Paratypes (64) 9 Allotype 14 . Paratypes (70) . Though the series shows little variation in contour and pronotal expansion, the females exhibit decided variation in relative size of the tegmina. Coloration. — Uniform pale avellaneous on face, genae (except for a broad post-ocular bar of clove brown and a subocular patch of the same color), ven- tral half of the lateral lobes of the pronotum (except a hair line of clove brown running down the second sulcus and curving cephalad in the mesal portion of this area), cephalic and median limbs (which, however, are flecked and washed with dark brown, particularly on their external faces) and under- parts. Antennae avellaneous with a decided cimiamon tinge. Eyes tawny oHve. Vertex and occiput, disk of pronotum (which, however, is paler toward the lateral carinae) and tegmina, saccardos umber. Dorsal half of lateral lobes of pronotum to principal sulcus occupied by a large, longitudinally rectangulate area of shining clove brown, separated from the cephalic margin by a narrow band of pale avellaneous; lateral lobes caudad of principal sulcus heavily washed with saccardos umber. Dorsal surface of abdomen avellaneous washed with saccardos umber, all but the distal segments heavily suffused laterad with blackish brown, each of which markings is invaded by an area of avellaneous meso-caudad; latero-proximal angles of subgenital plate heavily washed and flecked with blackish brown. Caudal femora clay color, external and dorsal faces crossed by three heavy, zig-zag bands of blackish brown, the two more distal of which also cross the internal face. Caudal tibiae pinkish buff washed and speckled with clay color, proximal spines blackish brown, distal (majority) spines blackish brown, buffy proximad on their convex dorsal faces.^^ A usual amount of color variation is shown in the series, the intensive extremes having the dark patch of the lateral lobes of the pronotum and bands of the caudal femora very heavy and conspicuous. A few females are very pale, one in particular being clay color fading to cinnamon-buff on the abdo- men, caudal femora and tibiae, the femoral bands very weak, sayal brown, showing only on the dorsal surface. 2' In this sex rarely broad-ovate. ^ This varies in the series to a condition in which the entire proximal portion of the majority of these spines is buffy. MORGAN HEBARD 271 Another exceptional and striking variation, hut one which is found to crop out in other species of the genus as well, is a condition in which the pronotum has a broad band of cinnamon-buff on each side dorsad on the lateral lobes along the lateral carinae of the disk, while the dorsal surfaces of the caudal femora are also cinnamon-buff except the genicular areas which are suffused with dark brouTi, only a trace of the dark bars remaining. Two males and eight females of the present series show this condition to varying degrees; it is very striking and as fully developed as described above in but three of these. Specimens Examined: 136; 65 males and 71 females. California: Del Monte. The entire series of this interesting httlc insect was taken by Hebard on August 20, 1909, and by Rehn and Hebard on Sep- tember 9 and 10, 1910. The species was found plentiful in the flat, open, sandy country, where much low grass and a low j'ellow- flowered "tar-weed" was to be found. This species was also found moderately abundant on a yellow-flowered Composite bush, Chnjsoma ericoides (Less.), growing about sand dunes near the shore. -^ Asemoplus somesi-^ new species (Plate XXIX, figs. 8 and 9.) 1904. Podi^ma polita Caudell (not of Scudder, 1899), Ent. News, xv, p. 63. [ 9 ; Etchener Glacier on Mt. Kokanee, British Columbia.] 1907. Asemoplus nudus Caudell (not of E. M. Walker, 1898-=), Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, viii, p. 134. [cf , 9 ; Paradise Valley, Mt. Rainier, Wash- ington.] 1910. Podisma nuda E. M. Walker (in part not Asemoplus nudus of E. M. Walker, 1898), Can. Ent. xlii, p. 333. [d^, 9 ; Banff, Alberta, Canada, and referring Caudell's record of Podisma polita to this species.] 2^ See notes under Hesperoietiix pacijicus capillatus on page 262. -^ We take pleasure in naming this species for Mr. M. P. Somes, who has done excellent work in Orthoptera in Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri, and who has frequently furnished us with material of great importance in our studies. -^Examination of the entire series of paratypes and the description and figures of Asemoplus nudus E. M. Walker and comparison with the type and allotype of Pezotettix hispidus Bruner, shows that nudus is an absolute synonym of the latter species. We have further learned from Dr. Walker that his original determination was hispidus, but that he WTote Scudder, sending mate- rial and asking if the specimens were not hispidus, to which a reply was received congratulating him on the discovery of a new species and making no allusion to hispidus whatever. Thus we find another synonym attributable largely to the carelessness of Scudder. Dr. Walker, a most careful and excellent student, was in this case the victim. We would note that Scudder removed hispidus from Pezotettix to his new genus Bradynotes. This is unwarranted, the species being in no way a deriva- tive from the Bradynotes stock and is best assigned to the genus Asemoplus as at present understood. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 272 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) In general appearance the present insect shows very close similarity to A . hispidus (Bruner) ; to these species A . rainier- ensis Caudell shows also close resemblance, though having small, elongate-ovate tegmina. From both of the above species somesi differs in the male geni- talia having relatively large furcula, which are longer than their basal width, the lateral portions of the supra-anal plate not thick- ened and raised in a separate small but distinct flange opposite the cerci^® and the cerci elongate and heavy proximad, very slen- der and scarcely tapering in the distal two-fifths. In hispidus the cerci are approximately as long, but taper gradually to the slightly heavier apex; in rainierensis the cerci are much as in hispidus, but proportionately shorter and frequently slightly heavier. Females of rainierensis are readily distinguished by the pres- ence of tegmina; those of somesi and hispidus show but little of differential value, this sex of somesi being, however, slightly heavier, with pronotal proportions slightly broader. The three species compared above are much closer to each other than to the genotype, montanus, that species being readily distinguished by the more evenly convex pronotum, different coloration and color pattern and form of the male cerci, which show distinct deflection distad. Tegmina are present in won- tanus, of much the same type as found in rainierensis. In linear order we would place the species as follows; mon- tanus, somesi, hispidus and rainierensis. Type. — cf ; Upper Little St. Mary Valley, above Lake Ellen Wilson, Glacier National Park, Montana. Elevation, 6700 feet. August 9, 1918. (M. P. Somes.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 500.] Size medium for genus, form rather stout and heavily built, surface well sup- plied with minute but moderately elongate pilose hairs. Head much as in hispidus, full; vertex moderately tumid, interspace between eyes one and one- quarter times as broad as first antennal joint, fastigium moderately depressed, frontal costa with margins feebly and broadly cingulate to below ocellus, nearly subequal in width throughout. Antennae shorter than caudal femora.-' 2' This feature is found to exhibit a certain amount of individual variation in some examples of A. montanus (Bruner), hispidus and rainierensis. 2' We would note that in the series at hand of both hispidus and raiiiiercnsis, individuals from lower elevations have the antennae decidedly longer than those from higher levels. MORGAN HEBARD 273 Eyes rather small, about as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum rather short, scarcely broader caudacl than cephalad, with a medio-longitudinal carina weakly defined on prozona, well defined on metazona and dorsal abdominal segments; transverse sulci decided; dorsum rounding into the lateral lobes but with angulation indicated, not rounding evenly as in montanus, prozona quad- rate, caudal margin of pronotum truncate, very feebly obtuse-angulate emar- ginate. Latero-caudal angle of lateral lobes sharply rounded, slightly greater than a right-angle. Tegmina and wings absent. Prosternal spine acute conical and moderately slender from its broad base.^^ Interspace between metasternal lobes suljquadrate.^' Furcula represented by a pair of parallel'" rounded projections, nearly one-fifth as long as supra-anal plate, decidedly larger than the maximum developed in either hispidus or rainierensis. Supra- anal plate elongate shield-shaped, with latero-caudal angles w-eaklj^ indicated; median channel broad, percurrent, moderately deep in proximal portion; lateral portions rather strongly concave, the lateral margins raised and showing a slight thickening opposite the cerci, but no lamellae as in hispidus and rain- ierensis. Cerci distinctly over twice as long as proximal width, heavy proxi- mad, tapering to distal two-thirds, which portion ia slender, straight,'^ to the sharply rounded apex. Subgenital plate conical with margin toward apex scarcely elevated above lateral portions, apex notched and consequently bi- nodose.'- Cephalic and median femora moderately inflated and slightly bowed. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Very similar to this sex of hispidus, shghtly heavier, with pronotum propor- tionately slightly broader. Larger and decidedly heavier than male, agreeing with that sex except in the following features. Eye about three-quarters as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Antennae distinctly shorter. Pronotum distinctly broader caudad than cephalad, with weak percurrent median carina cut by all the weak transverse sulci, caudal margin with obtuse-angulate emargination slightly stronger. Prosternal spine moderately blunt, conical from broad base. 33 Ovipositor valves as in hispidus. CephaHc and median femora not inflated, straight. 28 See footnote 33. 29 So great is the individual variation in the width of the intersjiace between the mesosternal and metasternal lobes in many species of the Melanopli that we have found these features of little or no value for diagnostic purposes. '" Divergent in one specimen from Banff, Alberta. 31 In one specimen of the series showing a very feeble flexure vontrad. 3- This varies in the present species, as in hispidus, to a condition in which this feature is obsolete. In rainierensis it is ob.soletc, though occasionally faintly indicated. 33 In the paratypic series slightly less Ijlunt than in the Canadian series of hispidus at hand, distinctly blunter than in the allotype of hispidus from Washington. The form of the prosternal spine, as of the mesosternal and metasternal lobes, has been found by us to be extremely variable in certain species of the Melanopli, and consequently unreliable for specific diagnostic use. TR.\NS. A.M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 274 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) Measurements (in inillimelers) of extremes only ■71 Length of Length of Width of Length of O body pronotum pronotum^i caudal femur Banff, Alberta (2) 16.3-16.8 3.3-3.6 3.4-3.8 9.1-9.2 Upper St. Mary Valley, Glacier Nat. Park, tijve 17 3.3 4 10. 1 Upper St. Mary Valley, Glacier Nat. Park, paratypes (11) IS'^-IS .5 3.3-3.3 3.9-4 9 . 4-10 . 2 Mt. Rainier, Washington (7) 14 . 8-17 3.1-3.4 3.6-3.9 9-9.7 9 Lake Louise, British Columbia. . . 22 4 5 11 Mt. Kokanee, British Columbia 18.5 3.7 4.8 10.9 Upper St. Mary Valley, Glacier Nat. Park, allotype 20 . 5 4.1 5.2 12.1 Upper St. Mary Valley, Glacier Nat. Park, paratypes (18) 19-23 3.9-4.1 5-5.211. 2-12 . 3 Mt. Rainier, Washington (11) ... 18.9-2636 3.8-4 4.8-5 10.5-12.1 Coloration. — Male much as in hispidus; blackish olivaceous above, with a yellowish stripe on each side, interrupted at the first pronotal sulcus and some- times at the intersections of the abdominal segments, running from the dorso- caudal portion of the eyes, along the dorsum of the pronotum just above the lateral lobes and along the abdomen to the last segments. The width and intensity of these bands shows some individual variation. Face and lower half of lateral lobes of pronotum yellowish. A blackish olivaceous band on each side starts from mesad on the caudal margin of the eye, occupies the dorsal half of the lateral lobes, expanding caudal on the metazonal portion, and is continued thence on the lateral portions of the abdomen, narrowing gradually distad. Underparts yellowish. Limbs reddish brown, the caudal femora showing three weakly defined, transverse suffusions of darker brown and a pregenicular pale area, which is weakly indicated on the caudal tibiae in the portion adjacent. :» Female similar in general coloration, but much less brilliant. Reddish brown above, with paler bands represented only by a somewhat paler suffusion margining the dark lateral bands dorsad. Caudal limbs with markings even weaker. Specimens Examined: 54; 20 males, 32 females and 2 immature females. Alberta: Banff. British Columbia: Lake Louise and Kitchener Glacier on Mount Ko- kanee. T: Montana: Upper Little St. Mary Valley above Lake Ellon ^^'ilson, Glacier National Park. Idaho: Wallace. Washington: Paradise Valley on Mt. Rainor. ■■'4 Including lateral lobes, which expand ventrad, jiarticularly caudad. ■*5 Specimen shrunken. 5" Specimen abnormally distended. MORGAN HEBARD 275 In addition to the tj^pe and allotype, a series of eleven males, eighteen females and two immature females bearing the same data, are designated paratypes. The specimens from Banff were taken by Sanson [Walker Cln.], that from Lake Louise by Mrs. Schaeffer on July 5 [A. N. S. P.], that from Mount Kokanee by Caudell, at 9000 feet, on August 10, 1903 [U. S. N. M.], and the male from Wallace on August 5, 1917 [Davis Cln.]. The species was found at the type locality to be very numerous on coarse herbage among the rocks. It was not, however, gen- erally distributed but occurred in isolated spots of similar ecologic conditions. Caudell found the species with rainierensis, in about equal numbers, in the alpine herbage of Paradise Valley on Mt. Rainier, in July, 1906. The series taken is before us, from the National Museum and Walker Collections. It is of interest to note that though rainierensis was found there in great numbers b}^ Rehn and Hebard on August 23 and 24, 1910, the present species was not met with at all. Bradynotes kaibab" new species (Plate XXIX, fig. 12.) The present species is closely related to B. compacta Morse (see plate XXIX, fig. 14), described from Ormsby County, Nevada, and to B. pinguis Scudder (see plate XXIX, fig. 11), the type of which is from "Reno,"'^^ Nevada. Nearest relationship is with pinguis, the present insect differing in the smaller size, slightly broader form and in the male sex in the much more slender cerci. The more elongate pronotum with much more conspicuous and continuous lateral carina in compada, readily distinguishes that species, in males of which the supra-anal plate is more nearly elongate triangular, the cerci much as in the present species. The female sex closely resembles a diminutive condition of that sex of pinguis. The carinae of the fastigium are, however, distinct between the eyes, obsolete or subobsolete above the foveolae, a condition not found in any other species of the genus. In the present series two males and four females have the caudal tibiae nopal red, in the other five females the proximal portions of the caudal tibiae are, to different degrees, deep bluish " Named for the tribe of Paiutc Indians who inhabited this region. The tribal name derived from kaiba = mountain. 3^ Probably from a high elevation in the mountains near Reno. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 276 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) gray-green. This shows that the color of the caudal tibiae is of no diagnostic significance, at least in one sex of the present species. Type. — cf ; Duck Lake, Cedar Mountains, Iron County, Utah. Elevation, 9000 feet. July 14, 1917. (G. P. Englehardt.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 501.] Size small for the genus, not as small as in B. excelsa Rehn; form heavy, as in pinguis; surface very feebly pilose. Head broad and full, vertex gently tumid; fastigium shallowly concave, the lateral margins moderately prominent, rounded; frontal costa much as in pinguis, but very slightly narrower and moderately punctate, least width slightly greater than width of proximal antennal joint, shallowly sulcate, the lateral margins like those of the fastigium but slightly broader. Eye as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum as in pinguis, expanding moderately caudad, this stronger between first and second transverse sulci, with distinct lateral carinae on prozona not as decided as in compacta, median carina slightly .'ess well developed than in pinguis, weak but percurrent and cut only by the principal sulcus, continued on the three succeed- ing dorsal segments. Tegmina and wings absent, as in all species of Brady- notes. Interspace between mesosternal and metasternal lobes variable.'" Furcula absent. Supra-anal plate trigonal-produced^" with medio-longitudinal and lateral concavities decided proximad, the latter the more so. Cerci as long as supra-anal plate, tapering rather strongly in proximal half; distal half slender, more slender than in pinguis, tapering very slightly to the rounded apex, which is more sharply rounded ventrad than dorsad. Subgenital plate as in pinguis; conical, lateral margins very feebly convex, then as feebly concave to apex, which is small, slightly produced and feebly notched. Cephalic and median femora slightly inflated, very feebly bowed. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type, but taken July 17, 1917. [Hebard Collection.] Larger and more robust than male. Lateral carinae of fastigium distinct proximad between eyes, obsolete^i above the foveolae; frontal costa broader 35 In the two males at hand, the mesosternal interspace is as wide as the lobes themselves in one, distinctly wider in the other; the metasternal interspace is quadrate in one, distinctly transverse in the other. These features are subject to individual variation in many species of the Melanopli and, in consequence, are of far less diagnostic value than has been suppo.sed by Scudder and other authors. *° In the type this plate is narrow, with apex broadly rounded; in the para- type broader proximad, narrowing more strongly to the apex which is rather sharply rounded, forming an angle of slightly less than 90°. This much indi- vidual variability in the form of the male supra-anal plate is unusual. In the type of pinguis, the supra-anal plate is as long as its basal width, about inter- mediate in form between the present extremes, with concavities less decided. ■•1 Varying to sul)obsolete in a few s])ecimens of the series. MORGAN HEBARD 277 and more shallowly siflcate than in male. Eye slightly shorter than infra- ocular sulcus.^- Pronotuin much as in this sex of pinguis, but with very weak medio-longitudinal carina indicated throughout; pronotum consideraI>ly broadened caudad, with lateral carinae of prozona weakly defined. Succeed- ing segments to near apex of abdomen carinate medio-longitudinally. Ovi- positor jaws much as in pinguis. Cephalic and median femora neither inflated or bowed. Measurements {in milUmeters) of extremes Width of Width of pronotal pronotal disk at Length of 7I Length of Length of disk principal caudal O body pronotum cephalad sulcus femur Type.. 18 3.8 2,2 3 10.1 Paratype 16.2 3.3 2.1 3 9.7 9 Allotype 23 4.6 3.2 4.7 11.8 Paratypes (S) 18.7"-25.8 4.8^.7 3.1-3 4.6-4.4 11.6-12 Coloration. — General coloration of dorsal surface chestnut brown to mummy bro\\7i, becoming darker laterad on abdomen in males. Ventral surface anti- mony yellow in males, buffy in females, discolored in the majority of the present series. Head with occiput bufTy, with a medio-longitudinal and two broader suffused bars of dark greenish bro\\ai, the lateral Imrs diverging caudad. Lateral carinae of fastigium individually jasper red to apricot orange proximad. Otherportions of head ochraceous-l)uff with dark jiunctae, except for a suffused postocular bar of blackish browii. Pronotum with cephalic and caudal margins very narrowly jasper red, varying individually to apricot orange; smooth areas on lateral lobes beneath lateral carinae of disk buffy, as are the ventral portions of the lateral lobes in recessive examples. Cephalic and median limbs buff}-. Caudal femora with pagina dark bro^vn, irregularly buffy proximad; dorso- external and ventro-external surfaces ochraceous-buff ; ventral portion of genicular lobes and narrow margin of dorsal surface scarlet to scarlet red; dorso-internal surface ochraceous-l^uff -with two weak transverse bands of dark brown, these individually variable in intensity but more prominent in males than females; ventro-internal surface brazil red, deepening medio-longi- tudinally to claret brown or in some exami)les blackish. Caudal tibiae nopal red, the spines paler and black tipped; in three females the tibiae are deep bluish gray-green proximad, while in two the tibiae are deep delft blue, paler externally and shading to Vandyke red in disto-internal half. Specimens Examined: 12; 2 males, 9 females and 1 immature male. Utah: Cedar Mountains and Duck Lake, Cedar Mountains, Iron County. The present series, besides tlie type and allotype, are designated paratypes. All were taken by G. P. Englehardt, from July 11 to 17, 1917, in the same general region, at elevations from 8500 « Varying to as long as infraocular portion of genae in some specimens. ^' A shrivelled specimen. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SCO., XLV. 278 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) to 9000 feet. The species was found not uncommon and rather sluggish, most frequently along open parts of a trail, among sparse growth of grasses on dry, sandy soil. Bradjmotes deplanata new species (Plate XXIX, fig. 13 ; plate XXX, fig. 2.) This species is closely allied to B. pinguis Scudder (see plate XXX, fig. 1), differing in the smaller size, broader form, deplanate disk of pronotum with lateral carinae decided and, in the male sex, in the slightly more slender cerci. The insect agrees with B. compacia Morse in the well-developed lateral carinae of the pronotum. The pronotum differs in having the disk deplanate and broader caudad, due to the fact that the lateral carinae are strongly divergent caudad between the first and second transverse sulci, thence rather strongly divergent caudad, not almost evenly and weakly divergent caudad as in compacta. In the male sex the cerci are not as slender as in B. ohesa (Thomas) (see plate XXIX, fig. 10), compacta or B. kaibab here described, of the same type but more slender than in pinguis. Type. — cf ; Big Meadows of the Deschutes River, eighteen miles southwest of Bend, Crook County, Oregon. July, 1913.. (C. H. Kennedy.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 502.] Size medium small for genus, slightly larger than in kaibab; form very heavy, heavier than in that species or in pinguis; surface moderately pilose. Head and eyes much as described for kaibab, except that the frontal costa is sUghtly less pinched at its juncture with the fastigium and is scantily punctate. Pro- notum with disk strikingly deplanate, expanding rather strongly caudad, this greatest between the first and second transverse sulci, with lateral carinae well developed as in compacta and continued to near the caudal margin; medio- longitudinal carina as in kaibab, weak but percurrent and cut only by the prin- cipal sulcus, continued on the three succeeding dorsal segments. Tegmina and wings absent. Furcula absent. Supra-anal plate rather narrowly trig- onal-produced, with apex broadly rounded, medio-longitudinal depression decided proximad, lateral concavities decided proximad. Cerci as long as supra-anal plate, of the same type as in pinguis, tapering to the slender apex, which is oblique truncate, the dorsal angle being obtuse-angulate but sharply rounded, the ventral angle acute-angulatc but more broadly rounded, distal portion more slender than in pinguis, very slightly heavier than in kaibab. Subgenital plate conical, lateral margins almost straight to the very feebly ele- vated apex, which is small, slightly produced, entire. Cephalic and median femora slightly inflated, very feebly bowed. MORGAN HEBARD 279 Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Larger and more robust than male. Lateral carinae of fastigium percurrent, frontal cost a as deeply sulcata as in male. Eye slightly shorter than infra- ocular sulcus. Pronotum considerablj' broadened caudad, with disk strikingly deplanate between the lateral carinae which are weaker than in male, })ut heavier than in females of pinguis, with a very weak medio-longitudinal carina indicated throughout. Succeeding segments to near apex of abdomen medio- longitudinally carinate. Ovipositor jaws apparently much as in pinguis.*-^ Cephalic and median femora neither inflated or bowed. Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes only Width of Width of pronotal pronotal disk at Length of r^ Length of Length of disk principal caudal O body pronotum cephalad sulcus femur Type 19 3.9 2.6 3.6 10.4 Paraty pes {12) 18-19.8 3.5-4 2.2-2.6 3-3,7 10-11.1 9 Allotype 23 4.7 3.1 4.6 12 Paraty pes (5) 20 . 3-23 4.5-4.9 3.1-3 4.4-4.8 11. 8-12 Coloration. — Male. Head light ochraceous-bufT, occiput sufTused triangu- larly with blackish, leaving the portions toward the eyes buff, lateral carinae of fastigium brazil red proximad, thence blackish with a claret tinge, as are the lateral carinae of the frontal costa; a vertical suffusion of this color from be- tween antennal socket and eye to clypeal suture on each side and another oblique irregular suffusion across the genae, from an olivaceous postocular bar. Disk of pronotum snuff bro^mi, the lateral carinae claret browai; lateral lobes of pronotum buffy ventrad, meso-proximad and in two smooth areas laelow lateral carinae of disk, remaining portions suffused with black. Mesonotum and metanotum suffused with black except for a medio-longitudinal line of buffy, and buffy in small areas dorso-laterad, from which tegmina and wings would spring if present. Abdomen suffused with black proximad, except for a medio-longitudinal line of buffy, the black areas continued half the distance to apex of abdomen on sides, and as a narrow weak suffusion dorso-laterad, to and including the supra-anal plate, remaining portions of abdomen buffy. Cephalic and median femora buffy, in type with dorsal surface washed with brick red and cephalic face heavily marked distad with black and brick red; in other individuals almost immaculate. Cephalic and median tibiae in type buffy, with cephalic face heavily lined longitudinally with black, this indicated only by a weak proximal suffusion in other examples. Caudal femora with pagina suffused with blackish, the reticulations buffy proximad and mesad; dorso-external and ventro-external surfaces ochraceous-buff, carinae tinged with reddish, ventral margin of genicular lobes and narrow dorso-distal margin garnet brow^l; dorso-internal surface ochraceous-buff with three heavy trans- verse blackish bands, the more proximal being basal in position; ventral surface *^ In this specimen retracted, so that only (ho tips i)ro.i(><'t beyond the supra- anal plate. TR.\NS. A.M. ENT. .SOC, XI.V. 280 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) with margins brazil red, the remaining portion black with a claret tinge- Caudal tibiae with dorso-proximal lobe strikingly salmon-orange; external face buffy excei)t proximad, where it is deep bluish gray-green and narrowly dorsad bluish gray-green; ventral face buffy; dorsal face nopal red, except briefly suf- fused proximad with vandyke red ;^5 internal face similar but with intensity of coloration not as great. The allotypic female is similar but not as brilliant, while the dark areas are more extensive. The pronotal disk is mars brown, the dorsal surface of the abdomen mars brown, except for a narrow medio- longitudinal line and disto-laterad, where it is cinnamon brown. Specimens Examined: 19; 13 males and 6 females. Oregon: Big Meadows of the Deschutes River, eighteen miles southwest of Bend. This series was collected, in Julj^ 1913, by C. H. Kennedy, probably in the eastern edge of the dry pine woods, covering the eastern edge of the Cascade Mountains, and given to W. T. Davis. Due to Mr. Davis' generosity, the series is now divided between the Davis and Hebard Collections and those of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and United States National Museum. The specimens, other than the type and allotype, are designated paratypes. Melanoplus huporeus^*"' new species (Plate XXX, fig. 3; plate XXXI, fig 2.) The present species belongs to the Marginatus Group, and shows distinctly closer affinity to M. marginatus Scudder, than to M. gracilipes Scudder. From the long-winged marginatus it differs in the slightlj' heavier form, blunter vertex and broad oval tegmina, which frequently have the immediate apex acute and sharply rounded, but are never produced distad, with apex acute, to the degree normal in the short-winged marginatus variety pauper Scudder. In addition, males are readily separated by the form of the cerci, which in marginatus (see plate XXXI, fig. 1) are shorter, with apex truncate and strikingly inflated. In coloration the two species are very similar. *^ The extent of this purplish portion varies slightlj' in the series. In the type of pinguis the caudal tibiae are nopal red, slightly ixiler proximad on the external face; in the allotype similar, but with a blackish green annulus below the dorso-proximal lobe. In a very large series of that species from timber line on Mt. Shasta, California, however, the tibiae are all bicolored, dark purplish proximad and red distad. This indicates that the color of the caudal tibiae in pinguis, and probably in related species, can not be considered of specific diag- nostic value, as supposed by Scudder and used in his key, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XX, p. 81, (1897). ^^ From uTTcbpttos = living at tlie foot of the mountains. MORGAN HEBARD 281 Type. — cf ; Colfax, Placer County, California. Elevation, 2450 feet. August 28, 1910. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Tj-pe no. 503.] Size small, form slender. Head much as in vmrginatus, but with area of fastigio-facial angle distinctly less produced, the angle itself more broadly rounded. Frontal costa shallowly concave. Eye large, about two and one- half times as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum elongate, disk of equal width, with a slender but well defined and percurrent medio-longitudinal carina, lateral carinae very weakly defined, caudal margin nearly transverse, very broadly obtuse-angulate produced. Prosternal spine as in marginatus; small, bluntly elongate subconical. Tegmina slightly shorter than pronotum, broadly oval with immediate apex acute and sharply rounded."" Furcula represented by a pair of minute, slender teeth, each about twice as long as mde, with apex bluntly rounded. Supra-anal plate simple, moderately elongate trigonal, the lateral margins showing very feeble convexity, surface with a moderately broad, proximal, medio-longitudinal sulcation. Cerci elongate, weakh' curving inward, about three and one-half times as long as proximal width, tapering evenly in proximal two- fifths, median fifth slender with margins almost i:)arallel, distal two-fifths enlarged, but not .swollen or truncate as in marginatus, enlargement due to broad convexity of dorsal margin, with blunt apex at ventral margin ; the ventral margin is almost straight, very feebly con- cave throughout, the dorsal margin more strongly concave to distal portion, where it is convex. Subgenital plate as in marginatiis; median section of slightly greater depth laterad than mesad, with a small but distinct tubercle mesad, at the free margin. Limbs as in marginatus. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size larger, form heavier than in male. The heavier form and less produced fastigio-facial angle as strikingly in contrast with this sex of marginatus as between males of the.se species. Fastigium of vertex and frontal costa decid- edly broader and less sulcate than in male. Eye about two and one-quarter times as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum with medio-longitudinal carina not as sharp as in male. Ovipositor and limbs as in marginatus. Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes only Caudal width of Length of & Length of Length of pronotal Length of Width of caudal body pronotum disk tegmen tegmen fenmr Type 14.5 3.1 2 3 2 S.2 Paratypcs (28) 14.8-16.8 3-3.9 2-2.1 3-3.9 1.9-2.2 7 . 9-9 . 8 9 Allotype 21 4 3 4.2 2.8 11 Paraty pes (19) 18-22 3.6-4.8 2.6-2.9 3.3-4.9 2.1-3 9-11.3 " In the majority of the series attingent, varying from subattingent to feebly overlapping. TR.^X.S. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 282 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) Coloration. — The males range in general coloration from ochraceous-buff, with postocular band of buckthorn brown weakly indicated on prozonal por- tion of pronotal lateral lobes, and flecks of the same color on the sides of the abdomen proximad, to cinnamon browni with blackish postocular bar occupy- ing the dorsal two-fifths of the prozonal portion of pronotal lateral lobes, and sides of abdomen heavily marked with blackish latero-proximad. In the darker examples the caudal femora have the dorso-internal surface showing weakly two dark flecks, while the face, ventral three-fifths of pronotal lateral lobes and ventral surface are ochraceous-buff, in striking contrast with the dorsal surface. In intensive examples the ventral face of the caudal femora is russet, shading to mars brown mesad; in recessive individuals ochraceous-buff tinged with ochraceous-orange. The caudal tibiae are buffy, tinged with glaucous. Females are similarly colored, the intensive condition being less often en- countered. In this sex also, buffy examples are often washed with greenish, this sometimes including the pronotal disk, but usually confined to the head, lateral portions of pronotum and body and exposed surface of the caudal femora. Specimens Examined: 49; 29 males, 20 females. California: Colfax. The series, in addition to the type and allotype, may be con- sidered paratypes. These specimens were taken by Rehn and Hebard on August 27 and 28, 1910, at Colfax, Cahfornia, at elevations from 2450 to 2800 feet. The series was found on hill- sides, in open places overgrown with low plants and particularly where much poison oak occurred, intermingled with a low sweet- smelling bush. The hillsides were clothed generally with high manzanita and other bushes, with a scattering growth of pines and other trees. In the same environment M. lepidus Scudder was found, both species generally scarce, but lepidus common and the present species scarcer in one limited area only. Melanoplus hesperus new species (Plate XXX, figs. 5 and 6; plate XXXI, fig. 3.) The present species belongs to the Marginatus Group and to that section including the forms closely related to ilf . gracilipes Scudder. Nearest relationship is with gracilipes (see plate XXX, fig. 4) ; males of the present insect differ in the slightly more elongate form, much more elongate furcula, more elongate supra-anal plate, more elongate cerci, with inbent distal portion twice as long MORGAN HEBARD 283 as wide, instead of subqiiadrate, and even weaker blunt tuber- culation of subgenital plate. Much the most important differ- ences are found in the furcula and cerci. In size, form and general appearance this species agrees fully with M. Ugneolus Scudder, another very closely related species. The present insect is particularly distinguished from all the forms closely related to grocilipes by the much more elongate furcula. Females of these species are most difficult to separate. This sex of hesperus is a little more slender and elongate than females of graciUpes, in every way similar to females of Ugneolus except in the very slightly more pronounced lateral carinae of the pronotum."'^ Type. — (^ ; San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County. Cali- fornia. August 21, 1909. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 504.] Size small, but, with Ugneolus, largest of the species closely related to graci- Upes. Form slender, much as in graciUpes and in M. huporeus here described. Head much as in graciUpes, but wath area of fastigio-facial angle slightly more produced, much as in huporeus, but with frontal costa appreciably wider, as in graciUpes, showing only very slight concavity toward median ocellus. Eye large, over two and one-half times as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum elongate, disk of almost equal width throughout, median carina well defined and percurrent, lateral carinae distinct though very weakly defined, not sub- obsolete as in graciUpes or fully as weak as in Ugneolus, caudal margiii of disk broadly obtuse-angulate produced, more produced than in graciUpes. Pro- sternal spine as in graciUpes; elongate, bluntly subconical. Tegmina shorter than pronotum, rather broadly oval, feebly overlajiping, with apex bluntly rounded. Furcula represented by a pair of slender elongate processes, which diverge at an angle of sixty (to ninety in series) degrees, three and one-half times as long as greatest width, length contained in that of supra-anal plate slightly less than two and one-half times, width about the same in pro.ximal two-thirds and there separated by an interval of nearly equal width, thence tapering to the acute apex. Supra-anal plate shield-shaped; surface with a deep medio-longitudinal sulcus, running through i)roximal two-thirds, the lateral carinae of this sulcus each with mere traces of a transverse carina externally, mesad on the plate; surface with lateral portions rather strongly concave in proximal two-thirds, beyond which two broad, longitudinal, parallel, short ridges run to the free margin just before the apex. Between the supra- anal plate and the cerci, a portion of a l)asal plate is extruded, this causing the lateral margins of the plate to be somewhat elevated. Cerci moderateh- elongate, weakly curving inward, about two and one-fourth times as long as ■•^This feature is probably of little diagnostic value, as the degree of differ- ence noted is easily within the limits of individual variation. TRANS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. Length of body Length of pronotum Caudal width of pronotal disk Length of tegmen Width of tegmen Length of caudal femur 17.2 3.8 2 3.7 2.2 9.7 16.3-16.8 3.7-3.8 2-2.2 3.3-3.9 2.1-2.1 9.3-10 284 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (orTHOPTERa) basal width, tapering .slightly to distal third, which is twice as long as wide, with apex rounded and external face concave, this portion similar but rounded quadrate in gracilipes. Subgenital plate with median section of equal depth laterad and mesad, feebly blunt conical at free margin, this weaker than in gracilipes, not sufficiently developed to be termed a tuberculation.^' Limbs as in gracilipes. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size larger, form heavier than in male. Fastigium of vertex distinctly broader and less deeply sulcate than in male. Eye slightly more than twice as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum with lateral carinae even weaker than in male, but slightly more pronounced than in this sex of ligneolus. Ovi- positor and limbs as in gracilipes. Measurements {in millimeters) Type Paratypes (3) 9 Allotype 19.2 4.1 2.9 4 2.8 11.9 Coloration. — Head cinnamon, except occiput which is sayal brown and a broad and sharply defined postocular band of prout's brown. Eyes cinnamon brown. Dorsum of pronotvun sayal brown, paling slightly toward lateral carinae, lateral lobes with a band of prout's brown occupying dorsal third of prozonal portion, corresponding portion of metazona sufTused, sayal bro^^^l, lower portions of lateral lobes cinnamon. Tegmina sayal brown, darkening gradually to cinnamon brown latero-ventrad. Abdomen cinnamon-buff with large flecks of blackish laterad on the four proximal segments. Underparts ochraceous-buff. Cephalic and median femora sayal brown. Caudal femora with pagina sayal brown, dorsal surfaces cinnamon with two proximal slightly darker areas on inner portion, remaining portions suffused cinnamon-buff. Caudal tibiae clay color. The small series shows little color variation. The males of greater recessive coloration have the head, lower portions of the pronotal lateral lobes and dorsal surface of the caudal femora cinnamon-buff, the other portions paler to a like degree. Specimens Examined: 5; 4 males and 1 female. California: San Luis Obispo. *^ A large series of this species will, however, be needed to determine the value of this character. In some species, the degree of tuberculation of the subgenital plate appears to be subject to but little variation. In the closely related M. nanus Scudder, however, great variation in this feature occurs. MORGAN HEBARD 285 Other than the type, the three males are designated para- types. The series was collected in a jfield of the sun-dried yellow grass which is characteristic of the Coast Ranges of California. The species was apparenth' numerous, the few specimens being secured during a brief train stop. Melanoplus microtatus new species (Plate XXX, figs. 7 and 8.) 1909. Melanoplus sonomaensis Rehn and Hebard (not of Caudell, 1906), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1909, p. 468. [cf , 9 ; Santa Cruz, California.] This species belongs to the Marginatus Group and to that section including the forms very closely related to M. gracilipes Scudder. Nearest relationship is with M. nanus Scudder, to which species close affinity is shown, though not to the degree found in M. sonomaensis Caudell. The insect differs from nanus in the aver- age smaller size,°^ the slightly but distinctly more slender form and, in the male sex, in the distinctive form of the cerci and the contour of the supra-anal plate. Females of these species are almost inseparable. In the pres- ent very large series of microtatus, it is noted, however, that all are slighth^ but appreciably more slender, and that the large majority are of smaller size. The tegmina also average more approximate, but show so wide a range of variation in this feature, as well as in size and in length in proportion to width, that this can not be used safely as a character for individual determinations. Type. — cf ; Del Monte, Monterey County, California. August 20, 1909. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 505.] Size very small, smallest of the genus; form slender, slightly but appreciably more slender than in nanus. Head much as in nan,us; fastigio-facial angle slightly more produced than in gracilipes, as in hesperus here described, nanus and sonomaensis; frontal costa as in nanus, no wider than in huporeus here described, but showing only slight concavity toward median ocellus, as in all the species here referred to except huporeus. Eye slightly over twice as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum elongate, disk of almost equal width through- out, median carina well defined and percurrent, lateral carinae distinct though weakly defined, much as in hespirus, caudal margin of disk broadly ol)tuse- angulate produced, as in hesperus. Prostcrnal spine as in hesperus. Tegmina considerably shorter than pronotum, almost attingent,^' with apex rather 5° This is the smallest species of the genus Melanoplus known. The smallest known examples of M. pucr (S(;udder) show a lesser length, but have a consid- erably greater body bulk. ^1 Varying to slightly overlapping in the .series of males. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 286 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) broadly rounded. Furcula as in nanus; represented by a pair of minute, slender, tapering processes,^^ length contained in that of supra-anal plate over three and one-half times. Supra-anal plate moderately elongate, shield- shaped, median sulcus decided to slightly beyond median point, the lateral carinae of this sulcus at median point on plate connected with lateral margins by transverse carinae, lateral margins to intersection with these carinae raised and somewhat thickened, lateral concavities deep before and beyond the trans- verse carinae, laterad toward apex two low, short, parallel ridges are developed, which terminate in the lateral margins of the plate. ^^ As in nanus, between the supra-anal plate and the cerci, portion of a basal plate is extruded, this causing the elevation of the lateral margins of the supra-anal plate. Cerci decidedly shorter than in hesperus, somewhat shorter than in nanus, curving weakly inward with a trace of angulation at end of proximal two-thirds, slightly over twice as long as basal width, tapering strongly in proximal third, thence tapering weakly to the rounded apex, the shaft with a weak curvature dorsad, external surface of distal third deplanate, this portion about one and one-half times as long as its basal width. Subgenital plate with median section of equal depth laterad and mesad, tapering meso-distad to a well developed apical tubercle at the free margin.^^ Limbs as in yianus, caudal femora very slightly more slender than in gracilipes or hesperus. Allotype: 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size larger, form heavier than in male. Fastigium of vertex distinct !}• broader and less deeply sulcate than in male. Eye very slightly more than twice as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum with lateral carinae even weaker than in male. Tegmina separated by a very brief interval. ^^ Size smaller than in gracilipes, form more slender, and caudal femora proportion- ately smaller. ^2 Varying individually from parallel to rather strongly divergent. ^3 This is an intensification of the type found in nanus. Frequent slight individual variation is shown and in a few specimens, showing least decided contour of the supra-anal plate, little difference from nanus in this feature is found. *^ Among the paratypes of nanus, fts well as in a larger series of that species before us, the subgenital plate, though normally with a well developed apical tubercle, varies through a condition in which this tubercle is weak, to one in which the margin of the subgenital plate is rounded with no trace of a tubercle. As these species are very closely related, we might expect to find males of microtaius occasionally lacking an apical tul)ercle, but such is not the case in the very large series at hand, though some slight difference in degree is occa- sionally shown. ^^ In females of the present scries averaging about .4 mm.; in the series of females of nanus averaging about .9 mm. MORGAN HEBARD 287 Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes only Caudal width of T\ Length of Length of pronotal Length of Width of O body pronotum disk tegmen tegmen Del Monte, Cal- iornia, type . . 11.8 2.9 1.6 2 1.7 Del Monte, Cal- ifornia, para- types (170) 11.7-14.7 2.7-3.2 1,.5-1.8 1.8-2.7 1.3-1.8 9 Del Monte, Cal- ifornia, allo- type 17 3.1 2 2.3 1.8 Del Monte, Cal- ifornia, para- types (152) . . 13-18.2 2.9-3.9 1.8-2.5 2.2-3.7 1.8-2.3 Monterey, Cali- fornia 17 3.9 2.5 3.2 2.2 Length of caudal femur 7.3 7-8 8.1-10.7 10 Coloration. — As described for hesperus on page 284, except that the type and a large proportion of the series are more intensive in coloration. In these the occiput, disk of pronotum and tegmina are blackish chestnut brown, the post- ocular bar and dorsal third of the prozonal portion of the pronotal lateral lobes shining black. The lateral dark markings of the abdomen are expanded and deepened into a suffused blackish band, which narrows distad, but is continued on the subgenital plate as a dark suffusion. The femora have the pagina very dark prout's browTi, with an oblique line of light buff dorso-mesad and are bor- dered ventrad with warm buff, this widest proximad; the dark areas on the internal portion of the dorsal surface are prout's bro^\^l, while the internal face is suffused with prout's brown me.so-distad and dorso-mesad. This intensive type of coloration is foimd in females, but not as frequently as in males. Every gradation is shown by the series of females to a maximum recessive condition, in which the general coloration is clay color, the postocular band subobsolete on head and lateral lobes of pronotum, the dark lateral al)dominal band indicated by three small suffusions of prout's browni on the proximal abdominal .segments. Specimens Examined: 327; 172 males and 155 females. California: Santa Cruz, Monterey and Del Monte. The entire series, with the exception of three specimens, was taken at Del Monte on August 20, 1909, by Hebard and on Sep- tember 9 and 10, 1910, by Rehn and Hebard. Exckiding the type and allotype, these are designated as paratypes. The species was found in great numbers in extensive open areas of short, dry grass, where a low ^-ellow-flowered "tar-weed" was TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 288 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) plentiful. It was, however, almost ubiquitous and in the heavy- chaparral, where Orthoptera was not abundant, some of the darkest examples were secured. One female was taken at Monterey on July 4, 1916, by G. P. Englehardt, while a pair was secured by Hebard at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, on August 28, 1907. The male of this pair is somewhat atypical in having the cerci straighter and more slender distad than in any of the typical series. Melanoplus aspasmus^'^ new species (Plate XXX, figs. 9 and 10; plate XXXI, fig. 4.) This is a striking species of the Marginatus Group. It shows no close relationship to any of the other species. The fastigio- facial angle is as blunt as in M. gracilipes Scudder, the furcula resemble more closely those found in M. hesperus here described and the cerci to some degree suggest those of M. 7nicrotatus here described. The insect is the most robust of the group and is distinctive in the form of the male genitalia, particularly that of the sub- genital plate, which is rounded with free margin flaring outward evenly throughout. Type. — cf ; Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County, California. August 21, 1909. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 506.] Size small, slightly smaller than in gracilipes. Form moderately stout, dis- tinctly the heaviest species of the Marginatus Group, many of the species of which are very slender. Surface moderately well supphed with long pile, this most noticeable on caudal limbs and subgenital plate. Head of the same type as in gracilipes, but not as deep, the fastigio-facial angle even blunter, the face distinctly less strongly retreating; the frontal costa wide, as wide as in graci- lipes, showing only slight concavity toward the median ocellus.^^ Eye large, distinctly broader than in gracilipes or the species closely related, about two and one-quarter times as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum moderately elongate, proportionately distinctly shorter than in gracilipes or the related species; lateral carinae subobsolete, as in gracilipes; caudal margin of disk obtuse-angulate produced, with angulation rather sharp, production greater than in gracilipes or any other species of the Marginatus Group, but of the same type found in M. marginatus Scudder. ■ Prosternal spine bluntly coni- cal, distinctly shorter than in gracilipes. Tegmina attingent, broad oval with ^^ From dcr3ra(r/Li6s = striking. ^^ In one paratypic male the lateral margins of the frontal costa arc moder- ately carinate, the surface of the frontal costa resultantly shallowly concave, much as is normal in M. fuipoixus here descril)ed. MORGAN HEBARD 289 apex rather broadly rounded,^^ distinctly shorter than pronotum, attingent. Furcula represented by a pair of elongate processes, which diverge at an angle of about ninety degrees, tapering from their heavy and attingent bases to their slender and sharply rounded apices, nearly three times as long as basal width, length contained in that of supra-anal plate less than two and one-half times. Supra-anal plate trigonal shield-shaped, medio-longitudinal sulcus percurrent, but strongly defined only in proximal three-fifths, lateral portion deeply con- cave, the lateral margins strongly raised and thickened i:)roximad, with a flexure at end of proximal third, thence gradually diminishing in height and weakly concave opposite apices of cerci at beginning of apical third; the apical portion beyond deplanate with a small node latero-proximad on each side. Between the supra-anal plate and the cerci a portion of a basal plate is conspicuously extruded, this causing the elevation of the lateral margins of the plate. Cerci suggesting those of M. microtatus here described, but distinctly more complex; about twice as long as proximal width, broad proximad, tapering strongly in proximal half, this due to the strong concavity of the dorsal margin, distal half relatively slender, of nearly subequal width, dorsal and ventral margins feebly convex to rounded apex, length about twice median (greatest) width, external surface longitudinally concave below median line. Subgenital plate with dorso-lateral angles at free margin rectangulate and rather sharply rounded, more sharply rounded and prominent than in any other species of the Marginatus Group; free margin of almost equal thickness and convexity throughout, somewhat more thickened mesad but showing no trace of tuber- culation; median section of plate of almost equal depth laterad and mesad; surface flaring outward to free margin evenly throughout, this type distinctive and wholly unlike that developed in any other species of the Marginatus Group. Limbs much as in gracilipes, except that the caudal femora are distinctly shorter and heavier. Allotype.— 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size larger, form heavier than in male,^^ resultantly heavier than in any females of the Marginatus Group. Fastigium of vertex distinctly broader and loss deeply sulcate than in male. Eye proportionately much as in male. Pronotum with lateral carinae subobsolete, obtuse angulation of caudal margin somewhat broader but similarly rather sharp. Tegmina attingent (to sepa- rated by a brief interval in the series), (normally) rather broadly rounded distad. Limbs with caudal femora as distinctly shorter than in the related species as in male. Coloration. — Male (intensive). General coloration clay color tinged with cinnamon. Eyes russet. A postocular bar, continued on the prozonal por- tion of the lateral lobes and broadening caudad, is shining blackish nunnmy Ijrown. Tegmina tinged with cinnamon brown, particularh' laterad. Proxi- mal segments of abdomen marked dorso-laterad with moderately large maculae ^^ Normally thus in males, apex occa.sionally rather sharplj' roundetl; ai)ex averaging more broadly rounded in females. *^ It is to be remembered that males of aspasmus are as lieavy as females of microtalus. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 290 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) of shining blackish mummy brown. Caudal femora with internal portion of dorsal surface showing two patches of dark brown, these continued on the internal face, and pagina tinged with dark brown dorsad in corresponding position. Caudal tibiae buffy, faintly tinged with glaucous. The series shows variation to a recessive type (one male) in which the entire insect is ochraceous-buff, the postocular bar on head and pronotum obsolete, the markings of the caudal femora subobsolete, the caudal tibiae buffy. This recessive condition is in preponderance among females of the present series, fourteen being quite as immaculate, while but two of the remainder are strongly intensive. This color pattern and similar intensification and recession is likewise found in other species of the Marginatus Group, but in none have we found as large a proportion of strongly recessive examples. Measurements {in millimeters) of extremes only Length of Length of Caudal width of Length of Width of Length of body pronotum pronotal disk tegmen tegmen caudal femur & Type 15.3 3.8 2 2.9 2.1 8.7 Paratypes 0) . .U-\b .S 3.2-3.7 2-2.1 2.6-3.7 2-2.3 8-8.8 9 Allotype 16.2 3.8 2.5 3.2 2.4 8.9 Paratypes {I'd) 15.2-18 3.7-4 2.7-2.9 2.9-3.7 2.2-2.6 8.5-9.9 Specimens Examined: 28; 8 males and 20 females. California: Paso Robles. The entire series, which in addition to the type and allotype may be considered paratypic, was taken at Paso Robles, Cali- fornia, on August 21, 1909, by the author. The species was found at elevations of from 750 to 900 feet in the low, dry, sun- cured, yellow grass, on hillsides dotted with oaks. Though not common, this was the most abundant species of Orthoptera encountered at this locality. Melanoplus acidocercus '^"new species (Plate XXXI, fig. 6.) The present insect is a member of the Scudderi Group, showing nearest affinity to M. carnegiei Morse (see plate XXXI, fig. 5). Compared with that species it is found to be of average larger size, showing certain differences of color pattern, while the teg- mina average broader. Males are, in addition, readilj^ distin- guished by the form of the cercus: in acidocercus the cercus is decidedly more elongate, averaging one and one-half times as long as basal width, tapering to the acute and slender apex; in carnegiei the cercus is short, averaging about as long as its basal ""From dKts = pointed (acute), and cercus. MORGAN HEBARD 291 width, triangular, with apex acute, but not at all slenderly produced.®^ In general appearance the present insect is about intermediate between M. scudderi (Uhler) and Eotettix quercicola Hebard. It is evident that this species represents the type in the genus Alelanoplus showing nearest approach to that section of the genus Eotettix which includes quercicola and davisi Hebard. The two latter species have a distinctive facies; in being more polished with coloration more brilliant, particularly in life, in showing distinctive features in color pattern and in having larger heads with antennae much more elongate. The resemblance of the present species lies largely in the gen- eral, though not detailed, similarity of coloration, coupled with a very slightly greater smoothness than found in the allied species of Melanoplus. Type. — cf ; Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia. Septem- ber 5 and 6, 1915. (Rehn and Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 508.] Size slightly larger, form slightly more elongate than in scudderi, much as in lowland series (Yemassee, South Carolina) of carnegici. Fastigium of vertex and frontal costa similar, but slightly more sulcate; sulcus weak but distinct throughout, well defined between the lateral ocelli. Antennae normal, about one and three-quarters times as long as pronotum, as in carnegiei. Eye slightly longer than cheek, about one and three-quarters times as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum much as in scudderi; the percurrent median carina, cut only by principal sulcus, very slightly heavier, about as well developed as in Eotettix davisi and quercicola; caudal margin of pronotum obtuse-angulate produced (at about 120°) with angulation broadly rounded, more produced than in Eotettix davisi or quercicola. Tegmina broad oval, overlapping.*- Distal portion of abdomen scarcely enlarged. Furcula as in carnegiei, repre- sented by two minute projection.s, the areas from which they spring enlarged and separated by a subrectangulate emargination. Supra-anal plate as in carnegiei; shield-shaped, with a decided medio-longitudinal sulcus in proximal half, lateral portions broadly concave, distal portion nearly deplanate. Cercus slightly over one and one-half times as long as basal width, margins rather ^^ Some slight individual variation is shown by the series of that species at hand. One male, of two from Atlanta, Georgia, has the cercus approaching the condition found in acidocercu^ much more closely than in any other speci- mens. In this individual the cercus is nearly one and one-half times as long as its basal width, but much broader di.stad than in any specimen of acidocer- cus at hand. The other Atlanta male of carnegiei has perfectly typical cerci. ^- Varying to attingent in a very few males of the scries. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 292 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) decidedly convergent in proximal half, thence less strongly convergent to the acute apex, dorsal margin broadly concave, ventral margin nearly straight. Subgenital plate as in carnegiei; short, tapering to the bluntly rounded apex. Limbs as in carnegiei. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size decidedly larger, form decidedly more robust than in male. Resembling females of Eotettix quercicola except that it is smaller, with head proportion- ately distinctly smaller, antennae shorter, disk of pronotum showing no gloss, caudal margin of pronotum less produced and caudal tibiae less heavy. Fastig- ium of vertex and frontal costa wider than in male, briefly deplanate in area between lateral ocelli and antennal sockets. Eye slightly longer than cheek, about one and one-half times as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Tegmina well overlapping.^^ Ovipositor valves moderately elongate, moderately curved distad to their acute apices, much as in Eotettix quercicola, appreciably more curved than in carnegiei. Interspace between mesosternal lobes scarcely longer than broad. Limbs as in male but heavier, much as in females of Eotettix quercicola, but with caudal tibiae distinctly less strongly pilo.se. Measurements (in millimeters) of extremes only Length Length Caudal width Length Width Length of of of of of of caudal body pronotum pronotal disk tegmen tegmen femur Type 18.7 5 3 3.7 2.9 11.1 Paratypesi'iO) 18.5-20 4.8-5.2 2.9-3.1 3.2-4.6 2.8-3.2 10.4-11.6 9 Allotype 25 6.4 4.2 5.5 4 14.1 Paratypesi3Q) 22.2-25.7 5.8-6.7 3.8-4.4 4-6 3.9-4.1 12.8-14.4 Coloration. — -Male. Almost identical with material of cai'negiei from the lowland pine woods (Yemassee, South Carolina) ; more tawny and less grayish than highland material of that species. Face, underparts, cephalic and median limbs and lower portion of pronotal lateral lobes clay color. Antennae russet, becoming darker distad. Eyes deep chestnut. Occiput, pronotal disk and tegmina mars brown. A moderately broad, shining, black postocular band expands caudad on the prozonal portion of the pronotal lateral lobes, filling more than half that surface and continued on the metazonal portion, but there not shining. Metapleura without a pale Ijar. Abdomen sayal brov^ni weakly suffused with mars brown proximad. Caudal femora sayal brown, the genic- ular areas and two weak tran.sverse suffusions of the dorsal surfaces blackish. Caudal tibiae coral red, well supplied with whitish pile, spines entirely black. In recessive males the occiput and di.sk of pronotum are often as pale as the caudal femora, while the transverse bands of the dorsal surfaces of the caudal femora become obsolete. Female. Generally cinnamon; lateral lobes of pronotum and caudal femora slightly darker, mikado brown. Postocular bar subobsolete. Tegmina with veins cinnamon and interspaces verona brown. Caudal femora slightly paler ^' To (rarely) subattingent in females before us. MORGAN HEBARD 293 than general coloration, pinkish cinnamon, with genicular areas warm sej)ia and dorsal surfaces showing two broad transverse bands of mikado brown. Caudal tibiae as in male. In females of maximum recessive coloration the entire insect is pinkish cin- namon, the postocular bar obsolete, the tegmina and dorsal surfaces of the caudal femora practically immaculate. Specimens Exammed: 84; 41 males, 37 females and 6 immature females. Georgia: Baiubridge. The entire series of adults, in addition to the type and allo- type, may be considered paratypes. The series was taken by Rehn and Hebard on September 5 and 6, 1915. The species was found common in oak shoots in areas of sandy soil overgrown with oaks, and occasional among the scant grasses and plants growing on sandy soil, in the higher areas of the long-leaf pine woods near ^ainbridge. Its habits much resembled those of scudderi. Although this species was the sole member of the group found generally distributed in the oak and long-leaf pine woods at Bain- bridge, it was absent from the undergrowth of the long-leaf pine woods growing in the narrow strip of flood-plain bordering the Flint River. In this latter locality, among scant plants, grasses and vines, scudderi, instead, was found. Melanoplus pegasus new species (Plate XXXI, fig. 8.) 1916. Melanoplus furcaius Rehn and Hebard (not Melanoplus furcatus Scud- der, 1897), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1916, p. 244. [Billy's Island, Jor- dan's on Billy's Island and Honey Island, all in Okeefenokee Swamp, Georgia.] The present insect is closely related to M. furcatus Scudder (see plate XXXI, fig. 7), and belongs to the Clypeatus Group. From, furcatus it differs in the more solid coloration, in this respect closely resembling M. clypeatus (Scudder), and in the form of the male cerci, which show a further specialization of the type found in furcatus, the branches of the forked distal portion being more elongate and slender, and the ventral branch exceeding the dorsal branch in length. With the uniciue male, type oi furcatus, and a single male of the present species before them, Rehn and Hebard were, in 1916, unable to ascertain whether the differences found were specific TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 294 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) or due merely to individual variation. The series now at hand is constant in these differences, sufficient in our opinion for full specific separation. Type. — cf ; Billy's Island, Okeefenokee Swamp, Charlton County, Georgia. July 16 to 19, 1917. (M. Hebard.) [Hebard Collection, Type no. 515.] Size large, form robust but graceful. Fastigium of vertex feebly sulcate, frontal costa subsulcate except at median ocellus; as in furcatus. Antennae elongate, nearly twice as long as pronotum. Eye large, longer than cheek, twice as long as infra-ocular sulcus. Pronotum as in furcatus; medio-longitu- dinal carina distinct but not well developed on prozona, well developed on metazona, cut by sulci; lateral margins of disk distinct, rounding into the almost vertical lateral lobes; caudal margin of disk obtuse-angulate produced with angle rounded but rather sharp. Tegmina and wings almost reaching apex of abdomen.^ Distal portion of abdomen enlarged. Furcula indicated as weak convexities on the segment from which these appendages spring when present,^^ the segment between these broadly angulate emarginate. Supra- anal plate as in clypeatus; very broadly shield-shaped and minutely triangularly produced meso-distad; medio-longitudinal carina deep and narrow in proximal two-thirds, thence weak, laterad of which sulcus the plate is broadly concave. Cercus moderately heavy, narrowing rather strongly to mesal portion, thence widening as strongly, strongly furcate ; dorsal portion of furcation nearly twice as long as broad, with surface weakly concave, lateral margins feebly convex, subparallel and apex truncate with angles rounded; ventral portion of furca- tion distinctly longer than dorsal portion, broader at base, tapering evenly to the bluntly rounded apex, the dorsal portion of this margin, particularly distad, (frequently) sublamellate. Subgenital plate as in furcatus; moderately shallow, free margin briefly ascendant beyond cereal apices to the apex, which is slightly elevated in consequence, truncate, over twice as broad as high. Limbs as in furcatus. Allotype. — 9 ; same data as type. [Hebard Collection.] Size larger, form more robust than male, averaging not quite as heavy as in females oi furcatus. Fastigium of vertex broader and scarcely concave. Teg- mina and wings reaching base of supra-anal plate. ^"^ Ovipositor valves much as in furcatus ; dorsal valves moderately recurved, ventral valves very weakly decurved. Limbs proportionately as in males. ^^ In paratypic males from reaching to slightly beyond base of sui)ra-anal plate, to reaching slightly beyond apex of abdomen. ^^ In paratyi)ic males varying from practically obsolete (frequent) to having minute angulations caudad of the margin of the segment (one specimen). ^^ In paratypic females showing very little variation. Two with abdomen pressed out have the abdomen extending considerably beyond the tegminal apices for this reason solely. MORGAN HEBARD 295 Measurements (in millimeiers) of extremes only Caudal Length of Length of width of Length of Length of body pronotum pronotal disk wing caudal femur Type 31.8 7.6 4,6 19.7 17.8 Paratypes (23) 29 . 9-34 .9 7.2-8 4.1-4.7 19 . 4-22 .7 17 . 9-18 . 9 9 Allotype 37 8.7 5.3 21.3 21 Paratypes (12) .... . 33 . 4-37 .7 8.2-9.2 .5-5.4 19 . 3-22 . 2 20-21 . 3 Coloration. — Head and pronotum chestnut brown, a narrow post-ocular bar of dark chestnut brown continued feebly along the dorsal margin of the pro- zonal portion of the pronotal lateral lobes. Antennae hazel, darker distad. Eyes blackish bro-mi. Dorsal field of tegmina buflfy, heavily suffused with chestnut brown, particularly proximad; lateral fields dark chestnut brown. Underparts and abdomen cinnamon brown, the latter slightly paler. Meta- pleura cinnamon brown, with an oblique bar of buffy. Cephalic and median femora hessian brown, a purplish-red tinge distinct. Caudal femora with pagina cinnamon brown, suffused with blackish bro^\^l at apex, ventral margin strikingly straw yellow, this bar slightly broader proximad than distad, there slightly invading the pagina itself. Ventral surface of caudal femora brick red, becoming dragon's-blood red in sulcate portion, margined externally at margin of straw yellow bar with a few black dots, which fuse into a black line proximad and distad, distad occurs a broad pregenicidar armulus of Ught buff. Caudal femora with dorso-external surface immaculate cinnamon browii with a russet tinge; dorso-internal surface tawai}', with three moderately well defined suf- fusions of blackish chestnut browni, one of which is proximad, the most distal the broadest. Internal surface of caudal femora proximad suffused with drag- on's-blood red, shading into carnelian red dorsad, the second dorsal suffusion broader and darker in dorsal half only, the third blackish and much broader and crossing the entire internal surface, pregenicular annulus warm buff and nearly as broad, genicular area externally and internally blackish except for the lobes which are buffy. Caudal femora dragon's-blood red, except for a very narrow blackish suffusion proximad and the spines, which are wholly black. The series of males varies in general coloration from prout's brown dorsad and tawny olive laterad, to a maximum intensive condition in which the head and pronotum are blackish chestnut brown, with a comparatively broad black- ish postocular bar, while the lateral fields of the tegmina are darker than the pronotum. The females are very similar in coloration. They are a trifle less brilliant and the markings are more suffused, while the dorsal field of the tegmina aver- ages paler, weak ochraceous-tawny, usually with a few scattered and incon- spicuous flecks of darker bro\\'n. In the series of adults, the pale ventro-external bar of the caudal femora is a conspicuous feature, much more sharply defined than in furcatus, while in that TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 296 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERa) species the femoral dark areas are less solid and the median dark area extends on the pagina. The coloring of the lateral fields of the tegmina is also less solid in Jurcatus, in some specimens heavily flecked with darker brown. Specimens Examined: 55; 24 males, 13 females, 3 immature males and 15 immature females. Georgia: Billy's Island, Jordan's on Billy's Island and Honey Island, all in Okeefenokee Swamp. In addition to the type and allotype, the adults are designated paratypes. The entire series, excepting those previously re- corded, was taken by the author, on Billy's Island, from July 16 to 19, 1917. This species was found in moderate numbers, the series being taken only after long and careful search through the proper areas. It was found in thick, rich, bushy undergrowth surrounding wet depressions filled with swamp-loving trees, these areas scattered through the long-leaf pine woods. Only in these thick margining zones of rich vegetation, growing about waist high, were specimens found. The males frequently flew short distances in a direct, plunging manner, the females were less likely to fly and were more difficult to locate. In such environment we have found that all the species related to clypeatus occur. Thus all are extremely local in distribution and are easily overlooked. This probably accounts for the difficulty we had long experienced in securing series of any of these species. The present species probably reaches the maximum in number of adults about the beginning of August. The latest date we have for adults is September 1 to 5. MORGAN HEBARD 297 EXPLANATION OF PLATES Plate XXIX Fig. 1. — Hesperotettix pacificus capiUatus new race. Lateral outline of male (type). (X2|) Fig. 2. — Aeoloplus eremiaphila new species. Lateral outline of male (type). {X2h) Fig. 3. — Aeoloplus eremiaphila new species. Lateral outline of tegmen of female, showing maximum tegminal development in series. Pilot Mountains, Nevada. (X25) Fig. 4. — Oedaleonotus fratercula new species. Lateral outline of male {type). {X2\) Fig. 5. — Oedaleonotus phryncicus new species. Dorsal outline of pronotum of female {allotype). {X2\) Fig. 6. — -Oedaleonotus phryneicus new species. Lateral view of female {allo- type). (X2i) Fig. 7. — Oedaleonotus tenuipennis (Scudder). Dorsal outline of pronotum of female. San Gabriel Mountains, California. (X2|) Fig. 8. — Asemoplus somesi new species. Furcula and supra-anal plate of male {type). (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 9. — Asemoplus somesi new species. Outline of cercus of male {type). (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 10. — Bradynotes obesa (Thomas). Outline of cercus of male. Helena, Montana. (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 11. — Bradynotes pinguis Scudder. Outline of cercus of male {type). (Same scale as fig. 10.) Fig. 12. — Bradynotes kaibab new species. Outline of cercus of male {type). (Same scale as fig. 10.) Fig. 13. — Bradynotes deplanata new species. Outline of cercus of male {type). (Same scale as fig. 10.) Fig. 14. — Bradynotes compacta Mor,se. Outline of cercus of male {paratype). (Same scale as fig. 10.) Plate XXX Fig. 1. — Bradynotes pinguis Scudder. Dorsal view of pronotum of male {type). (X4i) Fig. 2. — Bradynotes deplanata new species. Dorsal view of i)ronotuni of male {type). (X4D Fig. 3. — Melanoplus huporeus new species. Furcula and supra-anal plate of male {type). (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 4. — Melanoplus gracilipes Scudder. Cercus of male {type). (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 5. — Melanoplus hesperus new species. Furcula and supra-anal plate of male {type). (Greatly enlarged.) TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, LXV. 298 NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI (oRTHOPTERA) Fig. 6. — Melanoplus hesperus new species. Cercus of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 4.) Fig. 7. — Melanoplus microtatus new species. Furcula and supra-anal plate of male {type). (Same scale as fig. 5.) Fig. 8. — Melanoplus microtatus new species. Cercus of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 4.) Fig. 9. — Melanoplus aspasj7ius new species. Furcula and supra-anal plate of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 5.) Fig. 10. — Melanoplus aspasmus new species. Cercus of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 4.) Plate XXXI Fig. 1. — Melanoplus niarginatus Scudder. Cercus of male. Ahwahnee, Cali- fornia. (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 2. — Melanoplus huporeus new species. Cercus of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 1.) Fig. 3. — Melanoplus hesperus new species. Caudal view of subgenital plate of male (type). (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 4. — Melanoplus aspasmus new species. Caudal view of subgenital plate of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 3.) Fig. 5.— Melanoplus carnegiei Morse. Outline of cercus of male. Asheville, North Carolina. (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 6. — Melanoplus acidocercus new species. Outline of cercus of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 5.) Fig. 7. — Melanoplus furcatus Scudder. Cercus of male (type). (Greatly enlarged.) Fig. 8. — Melanoplus pegasus new species. Cercus of male (type). (Same scale as fig. 7.) MORGAX HEBARD 299 A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF ROACH FROM THE UNITED STATES AND TROPICAL NORTH AMERICA (ORTHOPTERA; BLATTIDAE; PANCHLORINAE) BY MORGAN HEBARD For some time in our studies, small series of an apparently immature Panchlorid have puzzled us, due to the fact that no- where in the literature have we been aljle to place the species. Recently additional series from Panama have, on comparison, proved to represent the same species, and further study convinces us that the insect is undescribed. At first it appeared that all of the material was immature, but after much examination and comparison we have finally reached the conclusion that we here have a species which, at least in the female sex,^ retains in full the immature form, lacking the organs of flight, but with mesonotum and metanotum laterad produced caudad as is usual for winged Blattids in the instar preceding maturity. The insect is clearly nearest Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Lin- naeus). Examination of the extensive series of that species at hand leads us to believe that it is probable that many females retain to the end the immature form, only a certain number attaining a normal adult form with differently shaped pronotum and fully developed organs of flight. When compared with large females of that species lacking organs of flight, similar females of the present insect are found to differ in being slightly more slender, with roughened surface of caudal portion of abdomen less contrastingly and sharply differentiated from the remaining polished dorsal surface, in the disto-dorsal segments of abdomen having the caudal margins more decidedly beaded and latero-caudal angles briefl but sharply acute-angulate produced, and in having more slender limbs, with armament of the same signally different and tarsal claws more elongate and slender. In general appearance the similarity is so close that confusion in determination might easily occur, were such based merely on a hurried examination. ' No adult males are at hand. TRANfS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 300 NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF ROACH PYCNOSCELOIDES new genus Genotype. — Pycnosceloides aporus new species. Adult female lacking organs of flight and retaining the imma- ture form. Head as in Pycnoscelus, with wide interocular space and flattened, weakly convex face. Dorsal surface smooth and polished, except distal portion of abdomen which is roughened, apparently by the adhesion of foreign particles. Pronotum evenly convex, margin convex to latero-caudal angles which are rather broadly rounded, caudal margin weakly convex, nearly transverse, showing a slight angulation mesad. Mesonotum and metanotum with caudal margins transverse mesad, laterad acute- angulate produced caudad with apex sharply rounded. Cerci reduced, short, stout, rounded distad, sublamellate, with joints indicated only ventro-proximad. Supra-anal plate transverse. Subgenital plate ample. Limbs moderately heavy. Cephalic femora with ventro-cephalic margin supplied with a fringe of hairs, lacking a distal spine. Other ventral femoral margins entirely unarmed except ventro-caudal margin of caudal femora, which bears a small, moderately stout median spine (and very rarely a similar but smaller spine proximad). Dorsal genicular spine of median and caudal femora reduced, small and moderately stout. Pulvilli occupying entire ventral surfaces of four proximal tarsal joints, as in Pycnoscelus. Tarsal claws elongate and deli- cate, much surpassing the moderately well developed arolium. Pycnosceloides aporus- new species 2 From aTTopos = difficult to deal with. Type. — 9 ; Motzorongo, Vera Cruz, Mexico. February, 1892. (L. Bruner.) [Hebard Collection, Type No. 495.] Size small for the subfamily, similar to that of Pycnoscelus surinamensis; form not fully as broad as in females of that species lacking organs of flight. Ocellar spots small and irregular. Dorsal surface and character and arma- ment of limbs given in generic description. Distal abdominal segments with caudal margins beaded, this minute but distinctly more decided than in Fycno- scelus aurinamensis, latero-caudal angles of these segments briefly but sharply acute-angulate produced. Supra-anal plate subquadrate; caudal margin transvcr.se, weakly convex in each half, forming a minute median acute-angu- late emargination, latero-caudal angles broadly rounded. Subgenital plate broadly scoop-shaped, broadly concave at bases of cerci, produced and convex mesad, extending as far caudad as the supra-anal plate. Ventro-cephalic mar- gin of cephalic femora fringed with hairs, which are not decidedly longer proxi- mad as in Pycnoscelus suritiamcnsis. MORGAX HEBARD 301 1 Figure 1. Pycnosceloides aporus new species. Dorsal view of type(female). (X2j) Figure 2. Pycnosceloides aporus new species. Distal outline of tarsal claw and arolium. (Greatly enlarged.) Measurements (in millimeters) Length Length Width Greatest Length of of of of width of caudal body pronotum pronotum abdomen tibia Motzorongo, Mexico, long than tlu^ females. Coelus remotus Fall Form^ ver}- convex; color piceous-black; legs and elytra brown; epistoma l)roadljf sinuate; pronotum similar in outline to pacificus but shorter, its surface subopaque, densely, coarsely punctate; elytra pohshed, densely, finelj' punctate, without trace of asperities. Measurements. — Length, 6.5—7 mm.; width, 4-4.5 mm. TRANS. AM. EXT. SOC, XLV. 322 SPECIES OF coELUs (coleoptera; tenebrionidae) Remotus is the only described form not at hand for study and Fall's description has been repeated. Type region, San Clemente Island, collected on June 3rd. The marginal fringe here is longer than in pacificus but thinner than usual. Fall's remarks are interesting: "Both the above species {pacificus and remotus) were found under rubbish at a distance from the shore and have notably the habits of Coniontis and Coelotaxis rather than of the other members of the genus. This might indeed be safely in- ferred from the less developed marginal hairs and lack of elytral asperities which have an undoubted connection with the habits possessed by the mainland species of burrowing, or rather, as seems to me more likely, the burrowing habit is of recent develop- ment and the island species are the remaining representatives of an earlier type. " It might be added here that Mr. Van Duzee took his specimens of pacificus from Santa Cruz Island on the flat sand areas immediately above high water mark, while those from San Miguel Island were taken on the ancient sand dunes from high water line up to 300 feet elevation. They were all dug from sand about the roots of plants, as are ciliatus and other mainland forms. It has been observed in the mainland forms which occur inland somewhat beyond the sand dunes, where the land is overgrown with plants of the perennial lupines and Baccharis pilularis D. C.,^ that the elytral sculpturing is much less developed, as in dehilis Casey. In many specimens of the latter the elytra are scarcely asperate. This was especially noticed and studied in the series taken at Tomales Bay. Typical ciliatus is found right up to the sea beach and offers much variation in elytral sculpture. It looks doubtful whether simple elytral punctures and less developed lateral fimbriae should be considered as characters of subgeneric value. As a matter of fact most of the specimens of pacificus studied have the elytra as asperately sculptured as do many examples of ciliatus and partic- ularly of debilis Casey, as mentioned above. There is no good reason for the grade of Pseudocoelus unless it be because of its insular habitat. In ciliatus the fringe of erect fulvous hairs and those on the legs are particularly well developed, but less so in globosus and arenarius, including dehilis. The antennal club is 1 A dioecious composite shrub on the coast hills that is low and spreading, forming a more or less dense mat under which many species of insects find a hiding place. FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR. 323 not clearly defined in any single form, much less can it be said to be comprised of a definite number of joints, the width of the sev- enth and eighth varying in a series, leaving this character of no value. CiLiATUs Group Sy7iopsis of the Ciliatus Group Epistoma more broadly and not deeply though conspicuously sinuate, sinus at bottom more or less transv^erse; prosternal process more or less glabrous and usually much less or scarcely punctate longitudinally along the middle third and central area of the dilated apex. Average size moderate. Pronotal surface rather finely, very sparsely punctate, the punctures larger at base than at apex and unequally distributed, leaving occasional impunctate areas, with scattered coarse punctures at the sides. ciliatus Eschscholtz Pronotal surface finely punctate throughout, punctures very sparsely placed ciliatus var. sparsus new variety Average size small. Pronotal punctures irregular, fine but dense toward the sides; impimctate areas not evident ciliatus var. debilis Casey Epistoma broadly and very feebly sinuate, the sinus generally subevenly rounded. Process as in ciliatus. Form variable, oblong-oval, or elliptical, sometimes narrowly elongate- elhptical. Pronotal punctures strong and not very coarse, more or less irregularly distributed, sometimes leaving impunctate areas. Prosternum in front of coxae and process not strongly punctate and more or less asperate arenarius Casey Prosternum strongly, coarsely punctate, punctures impressed and rounded, scarcely at all confluent . . arenarius var. sternalis Casey Form stout, oblong to subquadrate. Pronotal punctures quite evenly distributed, coarse and closely placed. Prosternum coarsely and more or less confluently punctate, subrugose. arenarius var. latus Casey Coelus ciliatus Eschscholtz Large series of specimens have been collected yearly and care- fully examined in a relaxed condition, with all parts protruded or drawn out. The characters here recorded have been verified over and over again. Foryn ol)long-o\-al, strongly convex. Lnhrum glabrous, usually with two to six punctules along the apical margin. Epidomn broadly and not deeply sinuate, punctuation strong, somewhat swollen at about the middle third, there sparsely punctate; base arising abruptly from the frontal suture and TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 324 SPECIES OF coELUs (coleoptera; tenebrionidae) transversely punctato-rugose; surface rather broadly flattened and impressed laterally on the lobes; impression varying in degree, elongate and parallel to the side margin, densely and coarsely punctate; lobes not prominent, subequally rounded; sides more or less oblique, sometimes broadly sinuate opposite the oblique suture. Front broadly, rather deeply and transversely impressed, impression rather arcuately excavated, strongly and densely punc- tate, quite sharply defined from the vertex; each puncture with a conspicuous long yellow hair which may be disorderly directed. Mentuyn densely punctato-scabrous and more or less carinate along the median hne; apex very broadly and feebly sinuate; sides strongly divergent and nearly straight; lobes quite narrowly rounded. Pronotum strongly convex transversely, rapidly declivous laterally; sides more or less arcuate; moderately and subevenly converging, frequently more strongly so, from base to apex; disk glabrous, poUshed, punctures very fine and sparse, unequally distributed with occasional impunctate areas, laterally with many coarse punctures intermixed, bearing yellow hairs; sides narrowly explanate; apical angles rather narrowly rounded. Prosternum rather coarsely, moderately densely and more or less asperately punctate. Process glabrous, more or less impunctate on the dilated apex and along the median area between the coxae, punctures rather coarse and periph- eral in position, bearing long yellow hairs; submarginal groove more or less strong between the coxae. Measurements. — Length, 5.5-8 mm.; width, 3.2-4.5 mm. Male: Oblong-oval and less inflated; pronotal sides more strongly arcuate or nearly as in the female; elytra less convex. Female: Oblong-oval, somewhat elongate; elytra more strongly convex and inflated; pronotal sides less arcuate or somewhat as in the male. In a series the form of the sexes varies from quite different to nearly similar, all gradations occur, however. The pronotal punctuation is usually coarser toward the base and finer toward the apex, and in the typical form there are large impunctate areas. A large series taken at Samoa, on Humboldt Bay, preserve the specific characteristics, but the punctures on the anterior part of the pronotum are coarser and stronger and subequal in size throughout the central area, as in a certain percentage of those taken about San Francisco. All gradations have been observed. Casey has defined curtidus. The salient characters are: Very much more dilated than either ciliatus or debilis; epistoma much less tumid medially; pronotum shorter and more transverse, sides more strongly converging and arcuate from base to apex : anterior angles rather more deflexed and more rounded; surface less mi- equally punctate. Out of hundreds of specimens examined l)ut four have been referred to this form. Curtulus is not distinct and has gradations in all directions. FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR. 325 Longulus is only an individual variation, or a group of indi- viduals selected for certain characters which become evanescent in the aggregate. Distribuiion. — Specimens have been examined from different places along the coast from Monterey County to Humboldt Bay. A series of twenty-one specimens collected at Carmel, Monterey County, California, April 10th, 1919, and kindly contributed by Mr. L. S. Slevin, present several characters wherein they differ from typical ciliatus and from the forms described by Col. Casey. They represent a new variety which may be defined as follows : Coelus ciliatus var. sparsus new variety Peculiar on account of the polished surface and shining luster, feeble elytral sculpturing and very sparsely punctate pronotum. Throughout the pronotal surface the punctures are about uniform in size, fine, as sparse at base as toward the apex and but slightly denser close to the lateral margin, otherwise as in typical ciliatus. The form is elliptical and rather elongate. Some males are a little broader and more distinctly oblong. The elliptical form is similar to a smaller number of specimens in the debilis series taken at Tomales Bay. In these latter the males are not only elliptical but ma}- be oblong to oblong-oval, and the females may be either elliptical or oblong-oval as in typical ciliatus. In debilis the surface luster is dull, the pronotal punctuation stronger but equally as sparse as in sparsus. In a series the sculpture becomes as feeble as in pacificus. It must be remembered that no two individuals of a species are exactly alike. Therefore the specific units taken in the same locality and existing under the same environmental conditions present variations in body form, degree of sculpturing and color. Species inhabit certain geographical areas in which the environ- ment differs in the localities within those areas; as a result some phase of body form, sculpturing or color predominates in each region. At the same time will be found other variational forms which are connected with the predominating form by all inter- mediate gradations. In another region of the area one of the lat- ter variations will predominate. When the individuals of any recognized specific aggregate from a geographical area are arranged according to some particular TRANS. AM. EXT. SOC, XLV. 326 SPECIES OF coELUs (coleoptera; tenebrionidae) character of body form, sculpturing or color, they constitute a grade to which the term form (forma) is applicable. The rela- tionship of the individuals as regards each other and sex is what by common consent constitutes the grade of species. So it is with the species of Coelus (globosus, ciliatus and arenar- ius). The recognition of forms is an aid in estimating individual variation and should be a check to considering them varieties or subspecies, which are grades of a higher order. These grades signify that a particular form is capable of reproducing more or less true to type of variation; in the first instance intermixed with the type form and in the second instance occupying a region separated from that inhabited by the type form. In both instances there are reversions to type form. These variations are physiological rather than morphological. To consider intra-specific forms as defined above as varieties or subspecies is not logical or scientific, but on the contrary arbitrary and theoretical, depending on the view point and per- sonal equation of the author. Variations in body form, sculpturing and color occur among individuals that have developed from a batch of eggs laid by a single female. So then if brothers and sisters are separated and placed as different species, as is actually being done in the pres- ent day it is time to stop talking about scientific taxonomy. A great deal of this comes from ignorance of the true relationships in nature. Hence describing new species from uniques or very small series is more pardonable than when a large series of individuals is subdivided on trivial differences of body form, sculpturing or color. How would it do to treat the human species in the same way? Personally the author has found it difficult to keep within the bounds of his own convictions, for often what is considered a form will be found to predominate in some region and to reproduce quite true to type, with a varying nvmiber of reversions to the type form. It is best to be conservative and to wait until facts arc observed or verified in the field, rather than assumed in the laboratory, where theoretical assumption runs wild. Coelus ciliatus variety debilis Casey A long series has been taken from the sand dunes about San Francisco and to the southward, as well as at Dipsea and Tomales FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR. 327 Bay, Alarin County, California. Specimens can be obtained throughout the year, although they are most abundant from March to July. The color varies from immaturity to nigro- piceous. Size small to medium. Form oblong-oval to somewhat elongate-oval. Labrum with two to five punctures in apical third, otherwise impunctate. Epistoma arising abruptly from the frontal suture, its vertical base more or less transversely rugoso-punctate; surface of the median third very sparsely punctate, usually glabrous at middle anteriorly; lobes slightly prominent, feebly arcuate, sometimes subangulate; surface more or less impressed, rather densely and coarsely punctate, a few punctures coalescing; side margins oblique, feebly and broadly sinuate, oblique suture feeble; apical sinus broad and rather less than moderately deep. Front not deeply impressed behind the suture, impression not distinctly defined from the general surface, not very densely punctate, most of the punc- tures furnished with a yellow hair. Mentum comparatively small, .sides straight and diverging as usual; apex feebly sinuate, angles narrowly rounded; surface not strongly punctato- scabrous, sometimes subcarinate in the median line. Pronolum not strongly convex transversely; sides broadly rounded, or less so and more convergent; scarcely or narrowly explanate; disk rather finely, sparsely and more or less evenly punctate. Prosternum not strongly asperato-punctate. Process glabrous and nearly impunctate on the median line and on central area of the dilated apex; peri- pheral punctures with long hairs; not distinctly margined between the coxae. Male: Rather broad to elongate oblong-oval; pronotum broader, or similar to that of the female. Female: Form variable as in the male; pronotum usually narrower; elytra slightly more inflated than in the male. Measurements. — Length, 5-7 mm.; width, 2.8-4 mm. A series taken from a single sand dune some distance from the shore of Tomales Bay, determines the general characteristics of this variety of ciliatus, as will be seen from the description the form is variable in the sexes with all intermediate gradations. About San Francisco (type region) the habitat is inland and often away from the dunes. The dryer environment may explain the smaller size. As compared with ciliatus it is usually much smaller in size and narrower, although some of the specimens are relatively as broad. In ' debilis the front is less strongly punctured behind the suture and the sculpturing generally is less developed. The elytra are frequently scarcely asperate, as in pacificus. The color is more brownish and in many specimens the suture is narrowly rufous and the surface luster dull and more or less subopaque. Some of the specimens are scarcely larger than Coelomorpha maritima Casey. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 328 SPECIES OF coELus (coleoptera; tenebrionidae) Coelus arenarius Casey This species was described from specimens collected at San Pedro, Los Angeles County, 'California, and was founded on two examples. Specimens have been identified by the author from "Southern California" and Arch Rock, Los Angeles County. Size varying, usually, between that of debilis and saginatus. Form more or less broadly oblong-oval and moderately convex. Labrimi with two to four punctules scattered on the apical third, otherwise smooth. Epistoma arising abruptly at base from the frontal suture. Base on the vertical edge coarsely punctured and more or less transversely rugose; median area less coarsely and sparsely punctate; laterally the punctures are large, coalesce to a varying degree and are more or less dense; apex broadly and very feebly sinuate, the sinus more or less evenly rounded; lobes not at all prominent, broadly rounded to the arcuato-subsinuate sides of the front, the latter quite broadly and transversely impressed behind the suture, there more or less densely punctate, the punctures varying greatly in size and more or less coales- cent, each with a yellow hair, these irregularly directed. Mentum strongly sculptured, sides straight and divergent, apex feebly and broadly sinuate; angles moderately rounded; surface coarsely punctato- scabrous, more or less flatly impressed each side of a more or less distinct median carina. Pronolum widest slightly before the base in the type form; sides quite strongly arcuate and convergent; disk liroadly and not strongly convex transversely, sparsely and more or less regularly punctate; punctures rather dense at the sides where also they are more or less intermingled with coarser punctures; sides more or less decUvo-explanate. Prosternum not very coarsely punctate, these punctures not strongly im- pressed, subasperate. Process distinctly impunctate along the middle and on the central area of the dilated apex; punctures rather strong at the periphery, each with a long yellow hair; marginal bead rather strong and usually extending beyond the coxae. Elytra about as wide as the pronotum; moderately inflated, more or less coarsely and asperately punctate, punctures more strongly graiuilose toward the apex. Ahdoinen rather more than sparsely punctate, puiujturcs rather strong and moderate in size. Sexes less differentiated than in globosus and ciliatus. In the female the pronotum may be as wide as in the male, or less so and the form more elongate. Measurements. — Length, 8.4 mm.; width, 5.1 mm. The two specimens that served as a basis for the original description measured G..^ and S.5 mm. in length. Type locality. — San Pedro, California. Coelus arenarius variety sternalis Casey A small series recently collected at Santa Barbara by Mr. Van Duzee is referaVjle to this variety. The distinguishing character FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR. 329 is the very coarsely punctured prosternum in front of the coxae. The punctures are more or less rounded, rather distinctly sep- arated and impressed and there is a tendency to rugoseness. The surface is rather glossy in the series examined. The degree of constriction of the prosternal process is not staple and cannot be used in defining species in a genus like Coelus. Here is a parallel with Coniontis where the individuals of a specific ag- gregate vary greatly in form. Arenarius and sternalis are mem- bers of the ciliatus group, as evidenced by the epistomal base and mentum. The sexes are of the usual form as in arenarius, the females are usually more or less narrower than the males. Measurements. — Length, 6.5-8.6 mm.; width, 4.2-4.85 mm. Type locality. — Santa Barbara, California. Coelus arenarius variety latus Casey A definition of this variety must also include amplicollis. In a series they are inseparable. Form stout, oblong to subquadrate. Pronolum closely, more or less coarsely punctate, punctures evenly distributed; sides distinctly declivo-explanate, but this character varies greatly in degree. Proslemum coarsely and more or less confluently punctate, subrugose. Male. — Broader and the sides of the pronotum are usually more strongly declivo-explanate. Female. — Rather narrower, sides of the pronotum are less strongly declivo- explanate. Measurements. — Length, 4.9-7.6 nun.; width, .3-.5 mm. It is often difficult to tell the sex by form alone. The name arnplicollis has been given to the more common form, but on ac- count of priority it must give way to latus Case^^ The type locality for both is San Diego, California. Amplicollis is found abundantly with globosus, and latus Casey occurs as an extreme form of the former. A large series has been studied. These specimens were collected by the author in February and April, in 1890 and 1891, and by Mr. Van Duzee in August, 1916, at the type locality. Casey in his third group of species founded on the degree of epistomal sinuation, divides those forms with a very feeble sinua- tion into two sections, based on the distribution of pronotal punc- tures, which, in a large series, is a very unstable and evanescent TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 330 SPECIES OF COELUS (COLEOPTERA; TENEBRIONIDAE) difference. His next dichotomous division is on the form and relative width of the pronotiim and elytral base. Both of these characters appear to be very arbitrary indeed. By an examina- tion of a considerable series collected at Redondo it was observed that the individual specimens differed among themselves, as regards the relative width of the pronotum and elytral base, just as do the specimens taken at San Diego and referred to amplicollis, and all gradations exist between the two series. The same is true as regards ohscurus and scolopax. It is the writer's conviction founded on long and careful comparison of series collected along the southern California sea- coast .that other characters must be found to differentiate ob- scurus and scolopax, or they must be considered as mere forms of arenarius. Theoretical grading of organisms based on geogra- phical position is unacceptable when intrinsic structural or stable characters are wanting. Geographical position and environment act more physiologically than morphologically. Why not con- sider the muscular, sun-burnt and non-adipose farmer or country dweller as a different species from the fairer, non-muscular and adipose city dweller? An analysis of the arenarius complex may be attempted by the following tabulation of published characters: Epistoma broadly and very feebly sinuate, the sinus generally sub-evenl}' rounded. Punctures of the pronotum unequally distriliuted, leaving large areas devoid of punctuation. Body rather broadly oblong-oval arenarius, San Pedro Body more narrowly elongate-elliptical. arenarius variety sternalis, Santa Barbara Punctures of the pronotum almost evenly distributed. Body evenly elliptical in form; prothorax not at all wider than the elytral base. Form rather elongate . . arenarius form obscurus, Los Angeles Count j' Form relatively a little wider, .arenarius form scolopax, Heilondo Body broadly oblong-oval, prothorax more .swollen basallj', and at a short distance before the base, distinctly wider than the elytral base. Body very stout and subquadrate. arenarius variety latus, San Diego Body similarly stout oblong, but little longer than wide. arenarius form amplicollis, San Diego FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR. 331 The more detailed differences are: Head coarsely and densely punctate behind with a mixture of large and small punctures, sparse medially before the suture (arenarius); nearly as in arenari- riiis but very coarsely, densely punctate behind the suture (sternalis). Entire basal region of head impunctate (arenarius) ; ? {sternaUs). Epistoma moderately convex medially, flat laterally (arenariu.s) ; medially tumescent, rugosely but less densely punctate, flattened apical lobes more finely, closely and densely punctate (sternalis). Pronotum two and a half times as wide as long, sides strongly converging from base to apex and broadly arcuate, gradually more rounded basally, apical angles very evidently rounded (arenarms); less abbreviated, sides less strongly converging, broadly and subevenly arcuate from base to apex, apical angles more distinct and less rounded (sternalis). Pronotal surface sparsely and very strongly tjut not very coarsely punctured, punctures closer and laterally mingled with some that are much coarser (arenarius); surface similarly but sparsely punctate, the larger lateral punctures less coarse (sternalis). Pronotal sides not very widely declivo-explanate, bead strong (arenarius); sides more broadly dechvo-explanate, bead similar (sternalis). Abdomen finely but strongly, sparsely punctate, more coarsely, densely so on last segment (arenarius) ; almost similarly punctate, last segment relatively less densely so (sternalis). Prosternal process only moderately constricted between the coxae (arenarius); process very strongly constricted, neck scarcely more than half as wide as the dilated and rounded posterior part (sternalis). Casey has said nothing about sexual diff'erences. The above tabulated and comparative notes give the salient synoptic and descriptive characters between the six forms of the arenarius section, and the relative differences between arenarius and sternalis, which are paralleled closely by obscurus and scolo'pax, latus and amplicollis. Note that the differences are relativeh^ slight, that the sexual differences are not considered, and that these insects are very variable, as has been and can be shown in any large series taken from a single sand dune anywhere between San Diego and Humboldt Bay. The following characters arc common to arenarius (obscurus and scolopax), sternalis, and latus {amplicollis): Epistoma broadly and very feebly siiuiate, the sinus generally subevenly rounded, base arising more or less abruptly from the frontal suture. Front of the head more or less strongly, broadly and transversely impressed behind the suture. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 332 SPECIES OF COELUS (coleoptera; tenebrionidae) Mentum punctato-scabrous, more or less carinate on the median line; sides straight and divergent; apex broadly and very feebly sinuate, apices of the subtriangular lobes rather narrowly rounded. Prosternum before the coxae and process strongly, coarsely punctate, punctures more or less separated, rarely subrugose. Process more or less glabrous and impunctate along the median line and on the central area of the dilated apex. Characters common to globosus (solidus) and grossus (saginatus): Epistoma very deeply sinuate, base arising gradually and usually arcuately from the frontal suture; frontal plane beginning at suture, or, in other words, suture narrowly and deeply impressed, front feebly convex throughout. Mentum relatively larger; surface more or less convex, glabrous centrally toward apex, there impunctate as a rule; deeply impressed laterally along the margin which is strongly beaded; sides less noticeably divergent and evidently arcuate; apex broadly and quite strongly sinuate; apices of the lobes rather broadly rounded, lobes sub-oblong. Prosternum before the co.xae and process coarsely punctato-rugose. Process strongly, coarsely, asperately punctate. Characters common to ciliatus {longulus and curtulus), debilis and sparsus: Epistoma more broadly and less deeply though conspicuously sinuate; sinus trapezoidal in form, the bottom narrowly transverse; base arising abruptly from the frontal suture. Front of head flattened between suture, anterior margin of eyes and vertex, more channelled behind the suture. Mentum relatively small; sides straight and divergent; apex broadly and feebly sinuate; apices of the lobes rather narrowly rounded; lobes subtriangular; surface asperato-punctate, rarely carinate on median line. Prosternum in front of coxae and process asperato-punctate; process smooth and distinctly impunctate on median line and on the central area of the dilated apex. Casey has given an interesting description of the kxrvae of Coelus} It is very desirable to have the larvae studied from the view point of species. Genitalia of Coelus After prolonged and careful study of the genitalia in the series above considered no distinctive specific characters have been observed which would aid in the classification or diagnosis of the species. Male genital characters: Edeagopbore elongately flax-seed shaped, moderately depressed and reflexed at apex; color testaceous to dark castaneous according to maturity and degree of chitinization. 2 Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, ]). 180. FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR. 333 Basale oblong in form, about two and a half times longer than wide; base rather strongly rounded; continuous with the apicale dorsally but showing an articular membrane laterally and ventralh^ in the latter position the articular lines are oblique; sides inflexed, median area membranous beneath. Apicale elongate; sides converging moderately; apex qiiite deeply cleft; bottom of cleft narrowly rounded, lobes punctate laterally, punctures setigerous, setae bristling, sides inflexed and not strongly chitinous, contiguous in basal half, separated apically by the edeagus, which is sublinguiform as in the Eleodiini. Female genitalia: Genital segment quadrate. Valves divisable into dorsal, ventral and lateral plates. Lateral plates quite strongly chitinized, terminating posteriorly in a more strongly chitinized apex which is narrowly romided at tip; dorso-laterally is a small fossa from which arises a pencil of rather long and slender setae; dorsal surface flattened and concave; body of plate with a num- ber of moderately coarse setigerous punctures. Dorsal plates much less chitinized; medial margin arcuate, not contiguous on median line; surface densely and quite coarsely punctate, punctures bearing rather soft and more or less reclining setae. Ventral plates contiguous at base, medial margin arcuate; plates narrowed from base to apex, surface densely and quite coarsely punctate on about basal three-fifths; punctures all setiguous, setae soft and more or less reclining. Dorsal plates reaching to about opposite the cercopodous fossae. Bibliography and Cabinet Arrangement Coelus globosus Le Conte Le Conte, J. L.— Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. X. Y., v, p. 133, 1851; Casey, Thos. L.— Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, p. 178, March, 1890; ;VVash. Acad. Sci., x, pp. 152-153, Apr., 1908; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., viii, p. 611, July, 1895. Coelus globosus var. qrossus Casey Casey, Thos. L.— Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, pp. 178-179, March, 1890; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., viii, p. 611, Sept., 1895; Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 153, April, 1908; solidus Casey, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, pp. 153-151, April, 1908. Coelus globosus var. grossiis form sa'/inatus Casey Casey, Thos. L.— Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, pp. 153-154, .\i)ril, 1908. Coelus ciliatus Esch. Eschscholtz, J. F. von — Zool. Athis, heft iii, p. 5, pi. 14, fig. i, 1829; Casey, Thos. L.— Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, p. 178, March, 1890; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., viii, p. 612, Sept., 1895; Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 154, April, 1908. longulus Casey, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 154, April, 1908. curtulus Casey, Proc. Wash. .Vcad. Sci., x, p. 155, April, 1908. Coelus ciliatus var. debilis Casey Ciusey, Thos. L. — Proc. W:ush. Acad. Sci., x, p. 155, April, 1908. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 334 SPECIES OF COELUS (COLEOPTERA; TENEBRIONIDAE) Coelus ciliatus var. sparsus, new variety Blaisdell, F. E.— Ante p. 325. Coelus ciliatus variety debilis Casey. Casey, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., viii, p. 155, April, 1908. Coelus arenarius Casey. Casey, Thos. L.— Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., x, pp. 178-179, March, 1890; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., viii, p. 612, Sept., 1895; Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, pp. 155-156, April, 1908. obscurus Casey, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 156, April, 1908. scolopax Casey, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 157, April, 1908. Coelus arenarius var. sternalis Casey Casey, Thos. L. — Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 156, April, 1908. Coelus arenarius var. latus Casey Casey, Thos. L.— Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., viii, p. 612, Sept., 1895; Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, pp. 157-158, April, 1908. amplicollis Casey, Proc. Wa.sh, Acad. Sci., x, p. 157, April, 1908. Coelus pacificus Fall Fall, H. C— Can. Ent., xxix, p. 233, Oct., 1897; Casey, Thos. L.— Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 158, AprU, 1908. Coelus remoius Fall Fall, H. C— Can. Ent., xxix, p. 233, Oct., 1897; Casey, Thos. L.— Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., x, p. 158, April, 1908. Plate XXXII EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Fig. 1. — Head of Coelus globosus Lee. See definition of group I. Fig. 2.— Head of Coelus ciliatus Esch. See definition of group II. Fig. 3. — Head of Coelus arenarius Casey. See definition of group II. Fig. 4. — -Edeagophore of Coelus ciliatus Esch. A, ventral surface when in situ. B, dorsal surface when in situ; the reverse of what it is in the Eleodiini. Fig. 5. — Genital segments of female. Coelus ciliatus Esch. C, dorsal view. D, ventral view. Fig. 6. — Mentum of Coelus ciliatus Esch. See definition of group II. Fig. 7. — Mentum of Coelus globosus Leo. See definition of group I. PHILIP P. CALVERT 335 GUNDLACH'S WORK ON THE ODONATA OF CUBA: A CRITICAL STUDY BY PHILIP P. CALVERT University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (With Plates XXXIII, XXXIV and XXXV) CONTENTS PAGE Introduction: The Publication, Distribution and General Characteris- tics of Gundlach's work on the Odonata of Cuba 335 Extracts from Gundlach's Text, with Comments 342 Prologo al Tomo II 343 Introduccion al Orden Tercero [Neuroirteros] 344 Subfamilia Calopterygina 346 Subfamilia Agrionina 346 Subfamilia Gomphina 357 Subfamilia Aeschnina 357 Subfamilia Cordulina 360 Subfamilia LibelluUna 360 On Enallagma truncatum Gundlach and its AlUes in the United States. . . 373 On Gjmacantha ereagris Gundlach and its Allies 386 Explanation of Plates 390 Alphabetical Index of Species and Genera 393 Introduction: The Publication, Distribution and Gen- eral Characteristics of Gundlach's Work on the Odonata of Cuba On April 26, 1913, the library of the American Entomological Society acquired a copy of Tomo II of the Contribucion a la Enlomologia Cubana by Juan Gundlach. On examining this volume shortly after, I became aware for the first time of the existence of a fairly extensive work on the Odonata of Cuba which, to the best of my knowledge, has never been quoted by any writer on this group of insects except by Gundlach himself. In his Apuntes para la Fauna Puerto-Riquena, Odava Parte (Anales Soc. Espaii. Hist. Nat., Serie II, Tomo 2, pp. 259-344, 31 Enero, 1894), he states: "En el mismo aiio 1888 empezo la publi- cacion mia sobre los Neuropteros de la Isla de Cuba en el tomo II de mi Contribucion a la Fauna cubana, Enlomologia (1)." The TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 1 336 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba corresponding footnote (1) reads "Se publico y se publica aun, en pliegos mensuales especiales, como parte de los Anales de la Academia de Ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. . . . De la Entomologia contiene el tomo II los Himenopteros, Neuropteros y Ortopteros. El tomo III principio con los Cole- opteros." In these Apuntes the Odonata of Puerto Rico are listed without descriptions or citations of localities, but with references to literature under each species, including page ref- erences to his Contrihucion. Neither the Catalogue of Odonata by Kirby nor that of North American species by Muttkowsky quotes Gundlach's Contrihu- cion, nor is any reference to it to be found in the extensive biblio- graphical citations under each species in the great work of Ris on the Libellulinae.^ Since it has thus remained unknown for so long a period, it seems desirable that it be brought to the atten- tion of entomologists. I have, from time to time, as opportunity permitted, studied its text critically with the aid of chiefly Cuban specimens and the present paper contains my results. The full title of the copy in the possession of the American Entomological Society is | Contribucion | a la | Entomologia Cubana, | Tomo II. | Habana. | Imp. "La Antilla," de Cacho- Negrete, | Calle de Zulueta numero 73. | 1886. | It consists of 281 + viii + v pages, of which pp. 5-187 + viii are concerned with Hymenoptera, pp. 189 — 281+i-v with Neuroptera. The type-form of the pages measures 18X10.5 cm. There are no illustrations. This copy is incomplete, as is evidenced from the statement of the contents of Tomo II by Gundlach in 1894, quoted above, and by the citation by Scudder in his Alphabetical Index to North American Orthoptera -described in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries:"^ "Gundlach, Juan. Contribucion a la Entomologia Cubana. Tomo II. Habana, 1886, 1891. 8o. (Parte cuarta, Ortopteros, pp. 287-396 was issued in 1890 and 1891.)" It will be noted that the title-page of Tomo II of the Contribu- cion is dated 1886. Gundlach's statement of 1894 mentions its publication in the Anales of the Havana Academy. On referring to the Anales, I find the following: "Indice de las Materias con- tenidas en el Tomo XXIV. . . . Nota. — Con la presents 1 Cat. Colls. Zool. Selys. 2 Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1901, p. 364. PHILIP P. CALVERT 337 entrega concluye el tomo XXIV de los Anales y comienza en pliego separado la publicacion de la parte tercera de la Entomo- logia que trata de los Neuropteros de la Isla de Cuba por el Dr. Gundlach." The title-page of this Tomo XXIV is dated Habana . . . 1887, but this volume contains (pp. 589 et seq.) com- munications of the "Sesion del 13 de Mayo de 1888." Similarly: "Indice de las Materias contenidas en el Tomo XXV. . . . Nota. — Con la presente entrega concluye el tomo XXV de los Anales y sigue en pliego separado la publicacion de la parte tercera de la Entomologia que trata de los Neuropteros de la Isla de Cuba por El Dr. Gundlach.'^ The title-page of Tomo XXV is dated Habana . . . 1888, but the volume contains (pp. 881 et seq.) the proceedings of the "Sesion publica ordinaria del 24 de Alarzo de 1889" which, moreover, are entered in the "Indice" for this volume, p. vi. The method of publication of the "entregas" and "pliegos" has been cleared up by a letter which I owe to the kindness of Dr. Charles T. Ramsden,^ of Guantanamo, Cuba, dated October 14, 1916, from which the following is taken: In the first place I must make certain things clear: The Academic year begins on the 19th of May, and lasts till the same day of the following year, for this reason you will note that the Vols, cover two calendar years. The reason for this is that the Academy was founded on the 19th of ]\Iay. The result is that all communications up to the 13th of May, 1888 (this being the date of the last meeting of that Academic year), appear in the Proceedings, Vol. XXIV, 1887; for the same reason Vol. XXV, 1888, contains communica- tions sent in during the first months of 1889. I should also inform you that Gundlach's pubHcations were wTitten very slowly, and at times with long interruptions, as he did not live at Havana, but at the sugar estate "La Fermina"; and when o[)portunity offered went on his collecting trips about the Island, as also to Porto Rico. With each number of the Anales appeared a " pliego " of eight pages of Gundlach's " Contribuciones " ; there were twelve numbers each year, these numbers were called "Entregas." The Parte II, Vol. II of Gundlach's " Contribucion a la Entomologia Cubana" contains the H>Tnenoptera; this Vol. II was begim in 1886 and ended in 1891; the Parte II is composed of 24^ "Pliegos," the last of which ^ To Dr. Ramsden the scientific world is indebted for a highly interesting biographical account of Gundlach in Ent. News, xxvi, pp. 241-260, June, 1915, and subsequently in a Spanish version Vida y Exploraciones Zoologicas del Dr. Juan Gundlach en Cuba (1839-1896) in Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Hist. Nat. "Felipe Poey," iii, nums. 4-6, pp. 146-168, 1918. Both versions are accompanied by the same two portraits. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 338 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba is marked at the bottom No. 25 and contains the last pages of the index of the Hymenoptera and the first two pages (191 and 192) of Parte III — Neuroptera; tliis was published in May, 1888. So we have: — Parte III. liege .25- -pages 191, 192- —published in May 1888, Vol. XXV do. 26 do. 193-200 do. June 1888 do. do. 27 do. 201-208 do. July 1888 do. do. 28 do. 209-216 do. Aug. 1888 do. do. 29 do. 217-224 do. Sept. 1888 do. do. 30 do. 22,5-232 do. Oct. 1888 do. do". 31 do. 233-240 do. Nov. 1888 do. do. 32 do. 241-248 do. Dec. 1888 do. do. 33 do. 249-256 do. Feb. 1889 do. do. 34 do. 257-264 do. Mar. 1889 do. do. 35 do. 265-272 do. June 1889, Vol. XXVI do. 36 do. 273-280 do. Nov. 1889 do. do. 37 do. 281, i-v ended Mar. 1890 do. i Parte IV, Orthoptera, takes in"pliegos" 38-49 and an Appendix also marked No. 49 by error; this Parte IV was begun in April, 1890, and continued without interruption from June, 1890, to May, 1891, upon which date ended Vol. II of Gundlach's " Contribuci6n a la Entomologia Cubana," at the same time com- mencing Vol. Ill with Parte V, Coleoptera. Mr. Herbert Campion, who has given me some information concerning a copy of the Anales of the Havana Academy and of Gundlach's Contrihucion in the Hbrary of the British Museum of Natural History, has also sent me a list of dates of publication of the "pliegos" which agrees with that quoted above from Dr. Ramsden's letter except that he gives the date in each case as the 15th of each month (Aug. 15, 1888, Sept. 15, 1888, etc.).-^ When and to what extent copies of the Anales and of Gund- lach's Contrihucion in separate form were distributed is diffi- cult to determine. Mr. Rolla P. Currie wrote me from the United States Department of Agriculture on May 9, 1919: "With regard to Volume II of Juan Gundlach's Contrihucion d la Entomologia Cubana, the date of receipt on the title page of this volume, and also on page 217, is February 29, 1892. Miss Barnett and Miss Hawks of the Department Library, however, state that this date is not necessarily significant, as at that time the copies were not always dated when first received, or the copy may have been purchased some time after it was published." ■* I am indebted to Mr. Nathan Banks for calling my attention to Mr. E. A. Schwarz's note, on the catalogue of Gundlach's collection, and on the dating of Gundlach's works, in Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, vii, 1-2, 1905. PHILIP P. CALVERT 339 Mr, Herbert Campion, writing on May 4, 1919, says: "As regards Gundlach, the library at the British Museum (Natural History) inckides a copy of the Anales, as well as a copy of the Contribucion. The parts were not received periodically, as they were issued, but a set was purchased on 24th October, 1899. The Contribucion is bound separately, and the title-page of Vol. II bears the date 1886 as part of its contents. Vols. XXV and XXVI of the Anales are bound up in their original green paper covers. The first page of each cover gives the date of publica- tion and the fourth page an indice, which refers, not only to the entrega itself, but also to the pliego aparte issued with it, when- ever one was included. It is quite easy, therefore, to associate every pliego or sheet of the Contribucion with the particular entrega of the Anales with which it appeared, . . ." I have found no reference to Gundlach's Contribucion on the Neuroptera, either as "pliegos" of the Havana Anales or as a separate work, in the Zoological Record^ or in the Jahresberichte of the Archiv ftir Naturgeschichte from 1888 on. Gundlach was elected a member of the Sociedad Espafiola de Historia Natural de Madrid in 1872 or 1874 (the printed lists differ as to date), and the "Actas" in the Anales of this Society mention additions to the library, but, although the receipt of Tomo XXVIII, 1892, entregas 329-332, Tomo XXIX, 1892, entregas 333-337, of the Anales of the Havana Academy is acknowledged,^ I find no record of the reception of the volumes containing Gundlach's work now under discussion. As will appear later, Gundlach's chief correspondent on the Odonata was Dr. H. A. Hagen and, up to October, 1889, it would seem that Hagen knew nothing of Gundlach's publication, as Hagcm wrote to me from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, October 16, 1889, of some specimens which I had submitted to him: "No. 1 is Lepthemis gravida Hagen n. sp. in my coll. and from Florida. It is very near to L. herbida Hag. also new but printed in my Synopsis 1875, p. 74" (no description). Gund- lach published the description of herbida on page 261 of his Con- * Volume One of the Contribucion, dealing with the Lepidoptera, is quoted in the Zoological Record for 1891, Insects, pp. 2.5, 21,5. 6 Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid, xxi, Adas, p. 186, 1892. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. / 340 GUNDLACH's work on the ODONATA of CUBA trihucion, and this page, according to the data from Dr. Ramsden and Mr. Campion, appeared on March 15, 1889. It is quite possible that data showing earher distribution of Gundlach's work than February 29, 1892, may be unearthed by bibhographers and the foregoing indicates the desirabihty of this. If we assume the hsted dates of pubhcation of the pUegos in the Havana Academy's Anales to be actual, a number of species described by Gundlach have priority in name over some proposed by other authors. Such, among the Odonata, are: Lestes scalaris Gundlach, p. 216, Aug. 15, 1888, vs. Lestes scalaris Calvert, October 7, 1909. Lestes (Hypolestes) trinitatis Gundlach, p. 216, Aug. 15, 1888, vs. Ortholestes ahhotti Calvert, Jan. 30, 1894. Hypolestes Gundlach, I. c, vs. Ortholestes Calvert, Dec. 2, 1891. Libellula herbida Gundlach, p. 261, March 15, 1888, vs. Can- nacria hatesii Kirby, Aug. 14, 1889. The value of Gundlach's work on the Odonata is three-fold. It gives : 1. Precise geographical data on the distribution of species in Cuba. 2. Descriptions of body-colors made from living or freshly- killed Cuban examples. 3. Descriptions of some previously undescribed forms; these are, in addition to those just mentioned, Agrion (Enallagma) truncatum Gundlach, p. 226, Oct. 15, 1888. Gynacantha ereagris Gundlach, p. 243, Dec. 15, 1888. Neither of these appears to have been described by any other author. 1. A considerable body of geographical data due to Gundlach has been available for many years in papers by Dr. Hagen.'^ It will be noticed that those reproduced in the following pages from the Contribucion differ in a number of species. Dr. Ramsden's biographical notices indicate the situation of and the time of col- lecting at some of the localities cited by Gundlach. 2. Some of Gundlach's descriptions of living colors of Cuban Odonata have also been accessible and well known in German versions published by Hagen in the Stettiner Zeitung, as just T Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xi, 289-293, 1867; Stett. Ent. Zeitg., xxviii, 215-232, 18G7, and xxix, 274-287, 1868. PHILIP P. CALVERT 341 quoted. From my studies of the Contribucion, I think that the following notes may be usefully included here. Gundlach appears to have had no precise idea as to the total number of abdominal segments in the Odonata. Thus, nine is the number implied in his descriptions of Dythemis didyma, p. 269, D. aequalis, p. 270, D. debilis, p. 272, and possibly Mesothemis mithra, p. 276, and Diplax ochracea, p. 277. Ten segments are recognized in his translations from Hagen and for Pantala flaves- cens, p. 245, and Mesothemis simplicicollis, p. 275. Eleven seg- ments are mentioned for Lestes scalaris, p. 216, and twelve for Lestes tenuatus, p. 214, Agrion {Enallagma) triincatum, p. 226, and the female of Dythemis frontalis, p. 267. In many cases he refers to the last three segments, or as antepenultimate, penultimate, and last segments, from which some clue is often to be obtained as to the number which he recognized in a particular species. Comments on these numbers will be found under various species, posted. Where his numeration differs from that commonly recognized (10 + 1 anal segment), the increase is sometimes to be accounted for by his reckoning segment 2 to be two segments separated by the transverse median carina of that segment, e. g. Dythemis didyma, p. 269, although in the following species (D. dicrota) he does not seem to count segment 2 as if it were two segments. Gundlach used "frente" to mean "clypeus," in some cases at least, as is well shown in his description of Dythemis frontalis, p. 267. In most species, the data given by Gundlach on the dimensions and on the wings are translated from Hagen's descriptions in the Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America of 1861, even where the description otherwise is original with Gundlach, although the wings of Dythemis frontalis are exceptions. The descriptions of new species lack measurements and data on the wings. In many ]1assages, Gundlach applies "pardo" (which two Spanish-English dictionaries render "grey") to parts which are luteous or pale brown in dried specimens. In the German ver- sions in the Stettiner Zeitung, "pardo" is replaced by "braun." Since the Spanish descriptions of Pantala flavescens and hyme- naea in the Contribucion correspond exactly to the German ver- sions for these same species, one is tempted to conclude that TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 342 (iUNDLACH's WORK ON THE ODONATA OF CUBA Giindlach did not revise his descriptions between sometime previ- ous to 1867 and 1888; on the other hand, the Spanish and German descriptions of Tramea marceUa differ more than by mere dif- ferences of transhxtion. Dr. Ramsden lias kindly sent me the following information, obtained through Dr. Carlos de la Torre, respecting the existence of the types of Gundlach's new species of Odonata in the Instituto de Segunda Ensefianza at Havana. I quote from a letter of July 4, 1919: "The speciniens in the Gundlach collection are kept in small boxes, some- tiling like cigar boxes, with a glass front; this glass is held on by pasting paper all around the sides of the box and edges of the glass, thus it is impossible to repair or even to study closely any specimen; these small boxes are again placed in larger glass covered cases, several boxes to each case, the glass covers of which are screwed on." [Cf. Ent. News, xxvi, page 256.] "The general state of the collection is satisfactory, as notwithstanding that most of the types are over 50 years old and some as much as 70 years, about 75 per cent of them are in good condition and those that have been mutilated have the pieces in the same box where they have fallen due to knocks. (I refer to the heads and abdomens.) "The labels are like this: 104 Lestes 129 scalaris cf .all of them written in Gundlach's own handwriting. He used to send the specimens for identification and receive the types back, so there is no doubt that the above mentioned specimens are Types. I must explain that in the above numeration, the top number refers to the Gundlach number, while the lower one is the number used by Poey in his own collection; this double num- bering appears in all of Gundlach's catalogues and notes, whether insects or shells are being treated. " I have given you the data on each label [of the five new species of Odonata], as also the number of specimens of each species in the cases, but in ( ) I have stated the condition these are in, and I have also given whatever information exists in Gundlach's own MS. catalogue, so you have all the information obtainable on each species. Wherever ( ) appear it means that what is between is not on label, nor in catalogue, but notes taken by the observer." « Dr. Ramsden's notes on the types of each of the five species are quoted in appropriate places after each species respectively in the following pages. Extracts from Gundlach's Text, with Comments In the following pages are given the text of the Prologue to Tomo II of the Contrihucion, extracts from the Introduction to the Neuroptera, with some comments, and then the species of PHILIP P. CALVERT 343 Odonata enumerated and described by Gundlach. In the major- ity of cases, the name of the species is, as in the Contribucion, followed by Gundlach's collecting number in parentheses (as he explains on p. 14 of his volume). To this I have added the page number of the Contribucion, the date of publication of the respec- tive pliego of the Anales of the Havana Academy and the usual name of the species at the present time. With few exceptions, I have omitted the references given by Gundlach to previous authors. His statements of the localities for each species in Cuba and in Porto Rico, but not elsewhere, have been reproduced, as well as such items of his descriptions as seem to require com- ment. These last are based on comparisons with specimens which, as far as possible, are those which have been quoted in the Neuroptera volume of the Biologia Centrali- Americana, as by this means a uniformity of specific identity with that work has been sought. These specimens, unless otherwise stated, are in the collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia. Others are in the collections of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoologj^ at Cambridge, Massachusetts. To the authorities of these institutions, I am indebted for the privilege of studying their material. ENTOMOLOGIA CUBANA. Pages 3-4 XOTAS PARA LA ExTOMOLOGIA CUBAXA, SEGUX OBSERVACIOXES PROPIAS DURAXTE CUAREXTA Y SEIS AXOS. Prologo al Tomo IL En los seis Ordenes de Insectos que faltan c^ue tratar, me veo obligado a camVjiar el modo con el cual he redactadoel Orden de los Lepidopteros, pues se conoce en muy pocos casos la transf ormacion y las costumbres de las especies. Tampoco he querido dar, como en los Lepidopteros, una descripcion corta hecha por ml en \dsta de los ejemplares de mi coleccion; sino he preferido dar la diag- nosis hecha por los autores de las mismas especies, traducida al espanol, y solamente cuando no he podido tener la obra corre- spondiente, he trazado yo mismo una descripcion, usando el ejemplar de mi coleccion. Lo mismo que en el Orden Lepidop- teros, he indicado algunas particularidades observadas en las costumbres, sea de las familias, generos 6 especies. He indicado TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 344 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba tambien en la mayor parte de las especies donde las he encon- trado, sea la localidad en particular, 6 las partes occidental y oriental de la Isla en general. Asimismo he anotado la sinonimia esencial, principalmente la de los autores que han escrito algo sobre las especies cubanas, incluyendo tambien los que trataron de la fauna portorriquena. (He publicado y se publican aun mis Apuntes sobre la fauna de esa isla hermana en los Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural de Madrid.) Casi nunca he podido indicar si una especie es comiin 6 rara, pues esto depende del tiempo, de la localidad etc., en la cual se observa, y tambien de las circunstancias mas 6 menos favorables para los primeros estados de la transformacion del insecto. Asi puede una especie ser rara en una localidad de la isla y en otra comun. Unas especies se encuentran en todos tiempos del ano, mientras otras vuelan solamente en ciertas epocas. Introduccion al Orden Tercero. [Neuropteros]. Pages 191 et seq. He cogido pocas especies de los verdaderos Neuropteros y estas mismas han quedado casi todas sin clasificacion por falta de la literatura necesaria 6 sea tratado especial 6 por falta de un natur- alista que quisiera estudiar y clasificar las especies cubanas como el Sr. Poey y yo juntos tuvimos la fortuna de hacerlo para la familia Odonata de los Pseudoneuroptera, que fue clasificada y en parte descrita por el Doctor Hermann Hagen en Konigsberg (Alemania), hoy empleado en el Museo de Zoologia comparada en Cambridge (Massachussets). La primera obra que trata en particular sobre especies cubanas es la obra de Ramon de la Sagra, para la cual ha redactado Mr. de Selys-Longchamps los Neuropteros, recogidos y comunica- dos casi todos por el Sr. Poey a la Sagra. La segunda es la que publico el Instituto Smithsoniano de Washington, prcparada por el Dr. Hermann Hagen en 1861, cuyo titulo es "Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America," y en el cual incluye las especies de las Antillas. He usado esta obra para muchas descripciones y para la sinonimia. — Despues publico Mr. Samuel Hublard [sic] Scudder en Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural His- tory Vol. X, 1866, p. 187, un articulo sobre Odonata de la Isla de Pinos y describe diez y seis especies, de ellas cinco como nucvas, PHILIP P. CALVERT 345 pero el Doctor Hagen reconocio en estas especies las descritas anteriormente; pero Mr. Scudder en su Proceedings XI, 1867, p. 298 establece sobre la materia algunas dudas. Habiendo yo redactado descripciones del colorido de especies aun vivas (pues despues de ser matadas pierden mucho de su hermosura), las comunique al Dr. Hagen, quien las crej^o utiles para la publicacion que se efectuo en gran parte en las paginas 215-232 y 274-287 del tomo XXYIII [y XXIX] de Berliner [error for Stettiner] Entomologische Zeitung 1867 [y 1868]. Para no poner en cada especie el titulo de las obras citadas, he usado las abreviaturas siguientes : . . . The list which follows contains thirty-eight titles. The latest is "Selys Longchamps Revue de Syn. Agrion"; although Gund- lach does not give the date here, he correctly quotes it as 1886 on p. 220. The only item in this list which is unfamihar in Odonate literature is "Selys Cub. — De Selys Longchamps. Neuropteros de la Isla de Cuba en la edicion espanola de la obra de la Sagra ' Historia fisica, politica, y natural de la Isla de Cuba, tomo VII, 1865.' " This is presumably the Spanish edition cited by Hagen in his Synopsis of 1861, p. xv, and in his Bibliotheca Entomologica, II, p. 101 ; in the first citation he gives the date as 1857, in the second as 1856, but adds: "Erschien nach Gerstaecker wohl erst 1857." It will be observed that Gundlach dates it 1865 and in listing Guerin's work in the same Tomo VII of Sagra, in his bibliography for Hymenoptera, p. 9 of this present volume, he likewise quotes it as of 1865. In his Apimtes para la fauna Puerto-Riquena,^ however, Gundlach gives the date of this "Edicion espanola" as 1856. Since the Spanish edition has not been quoted by de Selys himself, as far as I am aware, nor by Hagen, Kirby, jVIuttkowsky, Ris, nor by any other author except Gundlach, I have retained Gundlach's citations of it wherever they occur. All other writers, including de Selys, quote from the French edition. 8 Anales Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., (2), ii, p. 261. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 346 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba FAMILIA ODONATA. Page 212 Tribu Agrionina. subfamilia calopterygina. Genero HETAERINA Hagen Hetaerina cruentata, (...) P. 212. Aug. 15, 1888. Hetaerina cruentata (Ramb.). Calopteryx cruentata; Selys Cub. p. 196. Esta especie que no hemos observado, fue indicada como de Cuba por Selys. Gundlach's description is a translation of Hagen (1861), p. 59; ''antecubitals" is erroneously rendered "denticubitales." SUBFAMILIA AGRIONINA. Genero LESTES Leach Lestes forficula. (34.) P. 213. Aug. 15, 1888. Lestes forficula Ramb. Cogi esta especie en los alrededores de Cardenas. Esta la descripcion del cT en la Synopsis [Hagen 1861], y yo tengo la de la 9 en mis apuntes. Donde difieren ambas, pondre la de la 9 entre parentesis. Gundlach then translates Hagen (1861), p. 68, and adds the following at ap- propriate places for the female: (boca y frente pardos, mejillas azul-celestes, vertice olivado; ojos azul-celestes;) (protorax ceniciento-verdoso con la llnea media angosta y estrlas morenas; mesotorax en su parte superior ceniciento- verdoso, con 4 lineas verde-metaUcas y la intermedia blanca, orillada de moreno; metatorax ceniciento con 3 manchitas amarillentas, de las cuales estd una entre las alas anteriores y un par entre las posteriores;) (abdomen por encima verde- metdhco-intenso, en las articulaciones ceniciento; los 3 ultimos segmentos son cenicientos;) (pies por encima verdoso-oscuros, por debajo blanquecinos). I have compared one male and one female from Havana, Cuba, taken by Baker, and two females from Alta Mira, Mexico, taken by Hoag; the description is correct except that " antecubitales " should be "postcubitales." Lestes tenuata. (103.) P. 214. Aug. 15, 1888. Lestes tenuatus (Ramb.). Lestes tenuata Ramb.; Selys Cub. p. 196. Existe en toda esta Isla . . . I have compared one male and one female from Atoj^ac, Mexico, and one female from Cuba (ex coll. Needham) with Gundlach's description, which is of the male only and is apparently original; in it he speaks of the eleventh and twelfth segments of the abdomen; they apparently are the nintli and tenth respectively. Lestes spumaria. (62.) P. 215. Aug. 15, 1888. Lestes spumaria Hagen. He cogido esta especie en Cdrdenas. PHILIP P. CALVERT 347 Gundlach describes first the colors of the female, then gives briefly the differences shown bj^ those of the male, but gives no description of the appendages. I have no specimens for com- parison at the present time, but have quoted and figured two Cuban males. ^ Lestes scalaris. (104.) P. 216. Aug. 15, 1888. Lestes scalaris Cal- vert. Lcstes scalaris, Hagen especie nueva, pero que sera pronto pu])licada. Colectada en la Cienaga de Zapata. cf . Toda la cabeza es parda menos una faja transvensa por los estemata, que se extiende luego sobre la orilla de los ojos, los que son por encima pardos, por debajo cenicientos; el pro to rax es pardo, apenas con dibujos oscuros; el mesotorax es por encima pardo-claro, en cada lado del medio hay una faja verde-olivada-metdlica, que hacia atras se dilata en forma de diente. Mas al lado hay otra que empieza con una mancha, se adelgaza luego y forma despues el diente. Los lados del meso- y metatorax son amarillo-palidos ; este tiene en su parte inferior dos puntos negros en fondo blanquecin,o y es por encima pardo. El abdomen es por encima pardo con viso olivado-metdlico principalmente las divisiones; el segmento undecimo tiene una mancha gemela pardo-clara en su base; los pies son por encima verdoso-blancos, por debajo negros; las alas son cristalinas. I have compared one male from Maj-aguez, Porto Rico, with this description which, it will be noticed, omits the appen- dages. My description^*' of this as a new species, — not knowing at that time of Gundlach's work — was based on a male by Gund- lach and one probably by Poey, both from Cuba, and the male from Mayaguez just quoted. Gundlach's description refers probably to the "older stage" of my description. Dr. Ramsden's note on the type of this species in the Institute at Havana is: "In collection N. yfl Lestes scalaris cf (there is but one exam{)lc in very good condition). In Gundlach's MS. catalogue: iaii Lestes scalaris Hagen n. sp. Localidad: Zarabanda." Lestes (Hypolestes) Trinitatis. (118.) P. 216. Aug. 15, 1888. Ortho- lestes abbotti Calvert. Lestes Trinitatis Hagen, especie nueva que no estd todavia publicada, pero lo estara pronto. He cogido csta especie en el Valle de Trinidad, y en Yateras. Ambos sexos difieren entre si. 9 Ann. Carn. Mus., vi, p. 97, pi. i, figs. 7, 19, 29, 1909. 10 Ann. Carn. Mus., vi, p. 93, pi. i, figs. 6, 17, 18, 1909. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOa, XLV. 348 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba cf . Muy adulto. Labio superior y f rente muy lustrosos negros con un vise azul. Mejillas y una llnea en el borde del ojo pajizas; vertice y cogote negro-mates con una mancha y detrds de esta una faja en el medio interrumpida transversal azul-aplomada, mate; ojos en su mitad superior morenos, en la inferior oUvado-cenicientos; todo el cuerpo es negro-mate, pero con un sobre- color azul-aplomado en los bordes anterior y posterior del prot6rax y en el centre de cada lado del mismo, en la parte superior del mesotorax y en sus lados, con unas manchitas entre las cuatro alas y en la parte lateral e inferior del metatorax, en la base lateral e inferior del abdomen y enciina de los seg- mentos abdominales; los apendices caudales y los pies son negros; las alas cristalinas. c^. Mas joven. En el mesotorax se ve una faja amarilla en un lado, que desaparece poco a poco hacia atras, y otra inferior y dos fajas desde los dos ultimos pares de pies hacia la base de las alas; el metatorax tiene por encima manchitas amarillas; el abdomen es negro, con una manchita larga lateral amarilla en el primer segmento; en el segundo hay en la base dos manchitas, y en el lado otra mancha larga como linea; en los cuatro siguientes la base solamente es amarilla. 9 . El protorax es negro, con una mancha anterior transversal amarilla y otras parduscas reunidas ; el mesotorax es negro, con una llnea pardo-cenicienta cerca de la llnea intermedia, otra llnea lateral entera y otra inferior por delante abreviada y pasando al color pardo-ceniciento, otra tercera por el estigma, que desaparece hacia atras, y en fin, una cuarta mas abajo hacia las alas posteriores, la que tiene en su borde inferior una llnea negra; el metatorax tiene en la base de cada ala una manchita aplomada. El abdomen es negro, con los segmentos en el lado de la base provistos de una manchita redonda, y en los lados de una llnea longitudinal amarilla; el segmento antepenultimo tiene una manchita larga lateral, el pemiltimo una mancha transversal, y el ultimo dos manchitas aproximadas amariUas. Pies negros, con los muslos posteriores por debajo pdlido-pajizo-verdosos. It will be noticed that the appendages and dimensions are omitted from the description. I have compared the male type of Ortholestes abhotti Calvert/^ a male from Hayti, taken by W. L. Abbott, with the above-described " cf muy adulto," a young male of 0. clara Calvert from Kingston, Jamaica, taken by W. J. Fox, 1891, with that of the " cf mds joven" and a female of 0. clara from Kingston, taken by E. M. Aaron, May, 1890, with that of the female. The female described by Gundlach Avas older than this Kingston female. Although Gundlach has given no venational or generic char- acters, in view of the data which I have given, ^^ the name Ortho- lestes becomes a synonym of Hypolestes Gundlach, 0. abhotti a " Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1893, p. 382. 12 Ann. Carn. Mus., vi, p. 91. PHILIP P. CALVERT 349 synonym of H. trinitatis Gundlach, the type of the genus, and 0. clara becomes H. clara (Calvert). Dr. Ramsden's note on the types of this species in the Institute at Havana is: "In collection: N. li| Hypolestes Trinitatis cf adulto (1 com- plete example). Id. id. id. 9 juv. (1 example with abdomen broken off but in the box). In MS. catalogue: 118-132 Lestes (S. gen. Hypolestes) Trinitatis Hagen; under the above numbers are these 119-133, in red ink. (Probably these numbers corre- spond to the 9 juv. when sent to Hagen, as Gundlach thought [it] to be a different species and probably also this second example is from Buena vista near Bayamo, and not from Trinidad.) The catalogue says: Localidad-Trinidad. Bv." G6nero PROTONEURA Selys Protoneura (Protoneura) capillaris. (95.) P. 218. Sept. 15, 1888. Protoneura capillaris (Ramb.). Protoneura capillaris Ramb.; Selys Cub. p. 200. Se encuentra en toda la Isla. I have compared one male from Cuba, taken bj^ Ch. Wright, with Gundlach's description which is of both sexes and correct, except that the "Longitud 20 mil." is too little; it should be 35 mm. A wing of this species and its base (on a larger scale) are figured in the Atlas to Sagra." Gundlach does not quote these figures, nor does any other author, as far as I know. This species, recognized by Kirby, Muttkowsky and ^\'illiam- son^^ as the 'type of its genus, has been redescribed bricflj- and figured'^ by the last-named author. Protoneura (Microneura) caligata. (83.) P. 219. Sept. 15, 1888. Microneura caligata Selys. La cogi en el Vallc de Trinidad en la orilla de un arroyo. In the absence of specimens, I have compared Gundlach's description with that of de Selys^^ and it seems to be correct. " Articulata, tab. 18, figs. 2, 2a. " Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xlviii, p. 625, 1915. 1* T. c. pi. 42, fig. 6, venation. 1® Rev. Syn. Agrion., p. 206, in Mem. Couron. Acad. Roy. Belg., tome xxxviii. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 350 GUNDLACH's work on the ODONATA of CUBA Protoneura (Neoneura) carnatica. (29.) P. 220. Sept. 15, 1888. Neoneura carnatica Selys. La he cogido en la sabana de Guamacaro (al Sudoeste de Cardenas) en la orilla del rio. I have compared one male from Cuba, taken by Poey, 1866 III, with Gundlach's description and find it to agree therewith and also with the carnatica of Mr. Williamson's key.^^ Protoneura (Neoneura) Maria. (144.) P. 221. Sept. 15, 1888. Neo- neura maria (Scud.). De Giiines y la Isla de Pinos. Doy la descripcion hecha por Scudder en extracto, d falta de una hecha por ml. I have compared one male from Cuba, taken by Poey, 1866, with Gundlach's description and it agrees therewith and with the maria of Mr. Williamson's key.'^ In Gundlach's description, however, the sign 9 is an error for cf . Genero AGBION Fab. Conserve los nombres de los subgeneros como estan en la Synopsis de Hagen, aunque Selys ha establecido mas tarde otros. Agrion (Nehalennia) macrogaster. (...) P. 222. Sept. 15, 1888. Telebasis macrogastra (Selys). Agrion macrogaster Selys Cub. p. 197. No he observado esta especie mencionada por Selys en la Sagra. Gundlach's description is a translation of Hagen (1861). Agrion (Ischnura) Ramburii. (33.) P. 223. Sept. 15, 1888. Ischnura ramburii (Selys). Agrion Ramburii Selys Cub. p. 199. var. tuberculatum Selys Cub. p. 198. Es una especie, que varia en el colorido, y que habita sobre toda la Isla, . The description is a translation of Hagen (1861). Agrion (Enallagma) coecum. (31.) P. 224. Sept. 15, 1888. Enal- lagma coecum (Hagen). Esta especie vive sobre toda la Isla y tambi^n en San Thomas. Hagen habia nombrado al principio los ejemplares cubanos A. cardenium Hagen, pero luego reconoci6 la igualdad con los A. coecum de San Thomas y suprimio el nombre cardenium. I have compared a number of Cuban specimens of both sexes with Gundlach's description and find it correct, although in the female the labrum is chiefly pale, with only a small median basal, black elongated spot or line, whereas Gundlach says: "Labio 1' Trans. Amcr. Ent. Soc, xliii, pp. 213-214, 1917. '8 L. c, 1917. PHILIP P. CALVERT 351 superior por delante azul, en el resto negro;" however, his descrip- tion of A. truncatum seems to indicate that he considered the nasus (post-clypeiis) to be a part of the hi])rinn. I have also studied the question of the distinctness of coecum Hagen and cardenium Hagen with these results: Twenty-one males from Cviba show a variation in the abdominal appendages ranging from that seen in plate XXXV, figure 38 through 41 and 42 to 39. Five males from Jamaica have the appendages as, or very nearly as, in figures 44 and 45. One male from Hayti has the appendages as shown in figure 40. The Jamaican specimens appear to correspond to the t3'pical coecum, which was from the Island of St. Thomas. Mr. Nathan Banks, on comparing the drawings from which these figures were made with Hagen's types in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cam- bridge, writes me that ''coecum is your figure 40, the upper in- terior view is very like your figure 40a with apical barely longer; from the side the lower part is not hooked so much at tip; the lower appendages are more slender than your figure. Cardenium is close to your no. 42p or no. 38; seen from side the apical part is convex above and concave below and almost pointed as in your no. 38p, but this apical part is rather longer than your no. 38 and below is scar eel J' swollen in middle, so if turned only a bit one sees the tooth, and the lower basal part is shaped more like your no. 42p, the outer edge almost at right angles with the upper apical part, not grading into it as your no. 38p; seen from above within it is very close to your 38a, with apical part, as I said, a trifle longer; the intermediate basal pieces scarcely show from above." The only constant differences which I have found between seventeen females from Cuba and three females from Jamaica are in the color pattern of the prothorax and of the mesostigmal lamina. Summing up for both sexes, the case stands as follows: Coecum (three males, three females from Jamaica only): d^. A small single tooth on the inner (mesal) .surface of the superior appendages at about two- thirds their length; the inferior branch of the same appendages, seen in profile view, as long as wide and forming between itself and the superior branch a sinus which extends distinctly eephalad. Stigma of the front wings tending to be broader and with a more obtuse an- tero-external angle. Pale postocular spots wider, i. e., .45-. 49 nun., measured from cephalic to caudal edge. TRANS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 2 352 gundlach's work on the odoxata of cuba Color pattern on sides of prothorax, on mesostigmal lamina and on mesin- fraepisternum as in the female. 9 . Stigma and pale postociilar spots as in the male. Black on each side of middle prothoracic lobe sinuately, and less deeply, emarginated by the pale color inferiorlj^ (fig. 48t). Mesostigmal lamina with its external half pale, internal (mesal) end black (fig.48t). Mesinfraepisternum predominantly black, only its lowest fourth to third pale (fig. 48t). Abdomen, cf 26-27.5, 9 24-27; hind wing, d" 17-18.5, 9 17-20; costal edge of stigma, front wing (including the widths of both bounding cross-veins), cf .52-.56, 9 .52-.63 mm. Cardenium (twenty-one males, eighteen females from Cuba only) : cf . Tooth on the inner surface of the superior appendages at six-tenths to seven-tenths their length, developed as a carina slanting caudad and mesad, the two ends of which are more elevated so as to form two pointed tubercles; inferior branch of the same appendages, seen in profile view, distinctly wider than long (even to twice as wide as long) and forming between itself and the superior branch only a very shallow sinus which extends much less cephalad (if at all) as com- pared with coecum. Stigma of the front wings tending to be narrower and with a more acute antero-external angle (cf. pi. xxxv, figs. 38s, 39s with 45s). Pale postocular spots narrower, i. e., .28-.38 mm. Color pattern on sides of prothorax like that of the female (in seventeen males, like coecum (two males), or obscured by pruinose (two males) ; of mesostig- mal lamina resembling that of coecum; of mesinfraepisternum like that of the female, i. e., with the inferior half or more pale (eleven males), or with only the lowest third pale (eight males). 9 . Stigma of the front wings {cf. pi. xxxv, figs. 43s, 46s, 47s with 48s) and postocular spots as in the male. Black on each side of middle prothoracic lobe angularly, and more deeply, emarginated by the pale color inferiorly {cf. figs. 43t and 4St). Mesostigmal lamina black with an oblique pale streak running from near the antero-lateral to the postero-mesal angle (fig. 43t); in some the anterior margin of the lamina is also narrowly pale so that the two pale streaks, imiting laterad, form a V. Mesinfraepisternum black with the inferior half (or more than half) pale (fig. 43t) or, less frequently (three females), with only the lowest third pale. Abdomen, cf 21-24.5, 9 22-26; hind wing, cf 15-16.5, 9 16-17.5; costal edge of stigma (measured as for coecum), cf .56-.65, 9 .52-. 63 mm. Although the difference between the pterostigmata of coecum and of car- denium is a relative, not an absolute, one, it will be seen, on comparing the measurements of hind wings and of stigmata of the two forms, that cardenium, with absolutely shorter wings, has the stigma equal to or longer than the stigma of coecum. The preceding comparisons are between Jamaican and Cuban specimens only. A single male from Hayti, received from the late Prof. P. R. Uhler (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.), furnishes some connecting features. Thus, the tooth on PHILIP P. CALVERT 353 the inner surface of the superior appendages, the pale postocular spots (.35 mm.), and the color pattern on the sides of the middle prothoracic lobe re- semble those of the Cuban form, while the inferior branch of the superior ap- pendages, the stigma of the front wings and the coloring of the mesostigmal lamina are like those of the Jamaican examples. (Cf. figs. 40a-s). The mesin- fraepisternum has more than the lowest third pale; the dimensions, corres- ponding to those given above, are: 26, 16.5 and .56 mm. A male and a female from Biscayne Bay, Florida, taken by Mrs. A. T. Slos- son (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.), agree essentially with the Cuban examples, except in their larger .size: abdomen, c?' 27, 9 28; hind wings cT 19, 9 19.5; costal edge of stigma, front wing, cf .7, 9 .84 mm. This study of the present material, therefore, seems to justify the conclusion of Dr. Hagen^^ that the Cuban, and we may add Floridan, examples represent a geographical race which may be designated as Enallagma coecum cardenium (Hagen). A|:ri6n (Enallagma) ciiltellatuin. (101.) P. 225. Oct. 15, 1888. Enal- lagma cultellatum Hagen. Lo cogi en la cienaga de Zapata. El ejemplar era un cf . I have compared a male from Amatitlan, Guatemala, with Gundlach's description, and find the latter Correct except that " los segmentos 7o. y 80." should read "80. y 9o." Agrion (Enallagma) truncatum. (109.) P. 226. Oct. 15, 1888. Agridn triincatiitn Hagen nov. sp. He cogido esta especie en la cienaga de Zajjata. cf . Labio superior y frente bermejizo-anaranjados, el labio con tres puntos negruzcos en cada una de las dos piezas de que se compone; mejillas y la parte inferior de los ojos amarillas, la superior es castafio-anaranjada; el vcrtice es negro-bronceado con una llnea transversal de los estemas virua. T6rax negro-cobrizo-metdUco ; prot6rax con los bordes marcados con dos puntos; el mesotorax tiene en sus lados dos fajas pardusco-anaranjados; de este color es tambien el lado del t6rax, y el metatorax tiene ademas muchas manchitas en su parte superior. El abdomen es negro-oUvado-metalico con los bordes laterales del lo. y 2o. segmentos pardusco-anaranjados; los bordes anteriores de los segmentos siguientes y su parte inferior sou pajizos. El lOo. en sus lados, el llo. por encima y el 12o., tiencn una mancha lateral posterior pardasco- anaranjada; los apendices son en la punta negros. Pies pardusco-anaranjados con los muslos apenas tenidos de negro en su parte superior. 9 . El color de la cabeza es ceniciento-verdoso-claro en todas las partes que en el cf son amarillas 6 anaranjadas. Los ojos son por encima olivados. I have compared one male belonging to the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, labeled "34" (a Poey label), "Cuba Poey 1864" '" Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., (2) xli, p. 530, 1876; on the same page is a PVench version of a description of the colors of the Cuban cardenium by Gundlach. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 354 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba (in Hagen's hand) and "trimcatum" (in a third hand), with this description with which it agrees in most respects. By ''las dos piezas" of the labrum are apparently meant the labrmn proper and the supra-clypeus (nasus). The tenth, eleventh and twelfth abdominal segments seem to correspond to the eighth, ninth and tenth respectively; how Gundlach counted twelve abdominal segments, I do not see. This species is treated at greater length later in this paper. Dr. Ramsden's note on the types of this species in the Instituto at Havana is: "In collection: NxilAgrion truncatum cf (1 example, one wing broken). Id. id. id. 9 (1 example without head or abdo- men). In MS. catalogue: 109-134 Agrion truncatum Hagen, localidad: Zarabanda (no mention is made of Enallagma).'^ Agrion (Enallagma) civile. (149.) P. 226. Oct. 15, 1888. Enallagma civile (Hagen). Esta especie fue cogida en Gliines. Gundlach's description is a translation of Hagen (1861). Agrion (Enallagma) aduncum. (105.) P. 227. Oct. 15, 1888. Argial- lagma minutum (Selys). Lo cogi en varias localidades de la parte occidental de la Lsla. Gundlach's description is a translation of Hagen (1861). Agrion (Pyrrhosoma) vulneratum. (6:3.) P. 228. Oct. 15, 1888. Tele- basis vulnerata (Hagen). Vive .sobre toda la isla de Cuba y tambicn en la isla de Puerto-Rico, . . Gundlach's description is a translation of Hagen (1861). Agrion ( Erythagrion ) dominicanum. (...) P. 229. Oct. 15, 1888. Telebasis dominicana (Selys). Agrion dominicanum Selys Cub. p. 198. No he ob.servado esta especie, que Selys menciona en la obra de la Sagra. Copio la descripcion dada en la Synopsis por Hagen, quien la transcribe de Selys. Agrion (Erythagrion?) discolor. ( . ) P. 229. Oct. 15, 1888. Amphi- agrion saucium (Burm.). Agrion discolor Burin.; Selys Cub. p. 198. No he observatio esta especie, mencionada tambien por Selys en la ol)ra de la Sagra . . . La descripcion dada por Burmeistcr es : (a translation into Spanish follows). En esta especie dice Hagen Syn. p. 80, que el Agrion dorsale de Selys serd acaso difercnte. No encuentro su descripc^ion. Selys menciona aun otra especie que el Sr. Pony y yo no henios observado, it lo menos no las tenemos en la coleccion. Ella es: PHILIP P. CALVERT 355 Agrion (?) Doubledayi. ( ..) P. 230. Oct. 15, 1888. Enallagma doubledayi ( ,SeI\s i . Agrioii Doubledayi Selys Cub. p. 199. Copio la desoripcioii de la Synopsis [Hagen 1861]. Agrion (Leptobasis) vacillans. (43.) P. 231. Oct. 15, 1888. Lepto- basis vacillans Hagpii. He cogido e.-;ta especie en localidades de toda la Isla. I think it desirable to reproduce Gundlach's description in full. Ambos sexo.s no difieren en su colorido. Labio superior anaranjado, mejillas verdoso-amarillas, frente y vertice negros, occipucio verdemar. Los ojos son por encima negros, por debajo amarilloso-verdes ; protorax negro, con una raancha verdoso-amarilla en la parte delantera; mesotorax por encima negro, con una faja lateral verdoso-amarilla; del mismo color es tambicn la parte inferior lateral ; metatorax negro, con manchitas verdoso-amarillas. Abdomen en sus dos divisiones del primer segmento verde-anaranjado, por encima con una mancha larga negra; los segmentos 2o. y 3o. rojos de coral, el 4o. idem, pero hacia el fin negro con vise olivado metalico, los 5o. y 6o. de este color, pero con una manchita en cada lado de la base 6 sea en la union de los dos segmentos. El 6o. tiene ya el fin anaranjado-rojo, y este color tiene tambien el resto del abdomen. Pordebajo son la cabeza y el torax blancjuecinos, el abdomen en su base y su fin es palido-rojo de coral, y en la mitad amarillo-palido 6 pajizo; los pies son palido-amarillento-pardos; las alas son cristalinas. On comparing one male of L. vacillans var. atrodorsum Calvert, from Tlacotalpam, Mexico, and one male and one female from Teapa, Mexico, with the above, I find that the first male agrees better with Gundlach's description of the thorax, while de Selys' (original) description of vacillans,-^ based on Cuban material from Gundlach, in the Paris Museum, reads: "Thorax etroit, roux jaunatre juscju' a la suture humerale avec une bande ante- humerale brune de chaque cote de I'arete dorsale." Gundlach's description of the "dos divisiones del primer segmento" [ = seg. 1 and 2?] should be contrasted with de Selys' "Abdomen filiforme, brun jaunatre orange en.dessus, jaune pale en dessous" with no mention of dark color on the anterior segments, and Gundlach's account of the "4th, 5th and 6th" segments with de Selys' "articulations terminales des 3-7e segments cerclees de noir, la base des memes segments jaune pale." After all, as I have alreach' stated,-' one is still tempted to regard atrodorsum as aged vacillans. 2«Bull. Acad. roy. Belg., xliii, p. 101, 1S77. -' Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., p. 121. TR.WS. -VM. KNT. SOC, XLV. 356 gundlach's work on the odoxata of cuba Agrion (Anomalagrion ) hastatum. (108.) P. 232. Oct. 15. 1888. Anomalagrion hastatum (Sayj. cf . Anomalagrion hastata Say; Selys Cub. p. 200. 9 . Trichocneniis minuta Selys Cub. p. 197. Esta especie vive sobre toda la isla de Cuba, . . . • I have compared one male from Havana, taken by Baker, with Gundlach's description of the male, with which it agrees. His description of the female, however, is different from any female that I know, so that it seems advisable to reproduce it here. 9. Boca, labio superior y frente anaranjados; en la parte posterior del labio se ve una linea transversal negra; vertice negro-olivado-metdlico; este color pasa angostamente detras de los ojos; el cogote tiene un color anaranjado vivo, el cuello es negro-olivado lustroso, con el borde posterior anaranjado. Protorax negro-olivado-metalico, con los bordes laterales anaranjados; meso- t6rax anaranjado con una faja ancha negro-olivado-metalica encima, y iina llnea muy fina en los lados. Metatorax amarillo claro con las suturas negras. Abdomen anaranjado con los bordes de los segmentos en su union negros; el primer segmento tiene por encima un color negro-olivado-metalico que ocupa las tres cuartas partes posteriores, y en los tres siguientes ocupa toda, pero dejando en el segundo segmento el borde lateral anaranjado. . El ultimo seg- mento tiene en su primera parte dos manchitas negro-olivadas y en los demas es barmejo. Pies amarillo palidos con espinas negras. La espina del segmento octavo falta. Alas cristalinas con el pterostigma amarillento y regular. It will be noticed that Gundlach considers Trichocnemis minuta Selys to be the female of this species, although de Selys himself, in his Synopsis of the legion Agrion,-'- referred T. minuta to Enal- lagmaf aduncum Hagen. Gundlach knew this work of de Selys, at least he quotes it frequently. Gundlach's description of the female, here reproduced, is not that of the true female of Argial- lagma minutum, as the species is now known. The male and female of Agrion hastatum, entire, the wings of both sexes on a larger scale, and the base of a wing are shown in the Atlas of Ramon de la Sagra's Cuba.-^ These figures are not quoted by Gundlach or by any other author, as far as I know Agrion (Ceratura) capreolus. (lOG.) P. 233. Nov. 15, 18S,S. Ceratura capreola (Hagen). Lo he colectado en toda la Isla y ademas vive en Puorto-Rico. Gundlach describes the male and the black female only. I have compared one male from Havana, taken by Baker, one male from Vera Cruz, Mexico, one black female from Los "Bull. Acad. roy. Belg. (2). .xli, p. 499, no. 94, 1S7(). "Articulata, tab. 18, figs. 1-lf. PHILIP P. CALVERT 357 Amates, Guatemala and one black female from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with Gundlach's descriptions, and they agree. Tribu Aeschnina. subfamilia gomphixa. Genero GOMPHOIDES Selys Gomphoides producta. (40.) P. 234. Nov. 15, 1888. Gomphoides (Aphyllai producta (Sely.s). Aphylla caraiba Selys Cub. p. 193. La cogi en la vecindad de Cardenas. I have compared one male from Havana, taken by Baker, and one female labelled "Cuba," taken by Poey, 1864, and find Gund- lach's description correct. It seems not impossible that the CyclophyUa cubana of P. Navas'* may be this species. SUBFAMILIA AESCHNIXA. Genero ANAX Leach Anax Junius. (121.) P. 235. Nov. 15, 1S. 223. »> Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxviii, p. 224, 1867. 32 Cat. Zool. Selys, fasc. xvi, p. 991, 993, 1913. ^^ Pam. Carn. IMus., vi, j). 259, 1909. PHILIP P. CALVERT 363 lobe, which may or may not have some significance. Lines 5 and 6 on page 259 of the latter author's description,-^'* should be corrected to read "Frons of cf superiorly metallic violet, of 9 yellow with superior metallic blue stripe .7 mm. wide." Tramea marceUa. (35.) P. 252. Feb. 15, 1889. Miathyria marcella (Selys). La he cogido cerca de Cardena.s en Xoviembre. I have compared one male and one female from Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico, with Gundlach's description and they agree in all essen- tials. The female which Gundlach describes had the brown basal band on the hind wings, as compared with the male, "masancha, llega al tridngulo, pero finaliza mas lejos del borde posterior." The German version of Gundlach's description''^ differs in some details. Tramea simplex. (146.) P. 2.53. Feb. 15, 1SS9. Miathyria simplex (Ramb.). Libellula simplex Ramb.; Selys Cub. p. 191. No recuerdo donde la he cogido, pero se que en la parte occidental de la isla de Cuba. I have compared one male from Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico, and one female from Havana, taken by Baker, with Gundlach's description which agrees and which corresponds to the German version. ^^ although Hagen there says, "Von Gundlach ist keine Beschreibung gegeben." Tramea australis. (60.) P. 255. Feb. 15, 18S9. Tauriphila australis (Hagen). La he cogido en los bosques ccrcanos a Cardenas en Julio. I have compared one male and one female from Havana, taken by Baker, with Gundlach's description and they agree. A Ger- man version of Gundlach's description has been published by Hagen.^^ Genero CELITHEMIS TTag(Mi Celithemis eponina. (37.) V.'2nVt. I'd). 15, 1S,S9. Celithemis eponina (Drury). Libellula eponina Drury; Selj's Cub. p. 186. * '■' Ann. Carn. Mus.,vi. »*Stett. Ent. Zcit., xxviii, p. 227, 1867. 3«Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxviii, p. 228, 1867. 3' Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxviii, p. 229, 1867. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 364 gvxdlach's work on the odonata of cuba He cogido esta especie en la Habana (paradero del Tiilipan), y en Cdrdenas. Es especie rara. No habiendo toniado descripcion del insecto vivo, me veo precisado A copiar, traduciendo la descripcion dada por Hagen. Genero LIBELLULA Linn. Libellula umbrata. (IS.) P. 257. Mar. 15. 1889. Erythrodiplax urabrata (Linn). Libellula umbrata Linn.; Selys Cub. p. 189. (de Cuba). Es una especie .sumamente comun y segun su edad y sexo muy variable. I have compared two males and two heterochrome females from Havana, taken by Baker, with Giindlach's description. Although he describes what he calls " El cf adulto," the description is not of the oldest stage as the ' 'bultos f rontales y vertice [son] negro-f erru- ginosos," "Torax palido, olivado-pardo,"etc. He is in error when he speaks of the wings of the male: "la base 3" el apice no tienen color." However, the paragraph on page 259, beginning "A veces es el apice de las alas anteriores algo parduzco," although following the description of the female, applies, as well as the paragraph immediately preceding and that immediately follow- ing, to the male, probably. Gundlach's description of the female is that of the hetero- chrome form. He adds: "Poey y yo hemos cogido dos 6 tres hembras muy "adultas con una faja como la tiene el macho adulto." German versions of these descriptions, as well as others of this species, of different ages, by Gundlach are given by Hagen.^^ Libellula angustipennis. (16.) P. 259. Mar. 15, 1889. Cannaphila angustipennis (Ramb.) = C. insularis funerea (Carp.). Libellula angustipennis Ramb.; Selys Culi. p. 188. Cogi esta especie en los contornos de Cardenas y Scudder en la Lsla de Pines. I have compared one male from Cuba (without other data) and one female from Frontera, Mexico, taken by O. 8. AVestcott, with Gundlach's description and they agree. Dr. Ris,^^ has shown the prior use of angustipeyuiis for another species, so that the Cuban form must be known as Cannaphila insularis fu.nerea (Carp.). Libellula auripennis. (54.) P. 2()(). Mar. 15, 1889. Libellula auri- pennis liuriii. 3»Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxix, pp. 278 et seq., ISGS. 3!" Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, fasc. xi, p. 295, 1910. PHILIP P. CALVERT 365 Se encontro en bastante numero en los coutornos de Cardenas, y de Cien- fuegos, en la Isla de Pinos y en los Estados Unidos. I have compared one male and one female from Altamira, Tamaulipas, Mexico, taken by Hoag, with Gundlach's descrip- tion. He does not mention the sex of his specimens, but they were evidently females or young males, as indicated by such ex- pressions as "frente y bultos frontales olivado-pardos, claros"; "Torax ferruginoso con una faja pajiza intermedia," "abdomen . . . anaranjado-palido con un viso olivado, y con la linea intermedia negra," etc. The statement "los apendices caudales son casi nulos, negros," is puzzling. Gundlach gives the dimensions (taken from Hagen 1861) as: "Longitud 48-56, entre las alas 76-85, pterostigma 6 milimetros, " which corresponds well to those given in the Biologia Centrali- Americana^" for this species. Dr. Ris*^ has commented on Cuban examples which are smaller: cf abd. 31, hind wing 34, pter. 5; 9 29, 33, 5 mm., respectively. Libellula herbida. (27.) P. 261. Mar. 15, 1889. Cannacria ( = Bra- chymesiaj batesii (Kirby). Libellula herbida Hagen in Proceed. [Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XI] p. 292. Aiin no esta publicada su descripcion. Encontre esta especie en Octubre y Xoviembre por Cardenas. 9 El borde de los labios es pardo; la f rente, boca y los bultos frontales son blanco-pajizos; el vertice y occipucio pardos; ojos pardo-morados en su parte superior y ceniciento-oUvados en su inferior; detras del ojo hay en la parte inferior una niancha pajiza en el fondo negro; torax pardo olivado. Abdomen en los cuatro primeros segmentos olivado-pardo, claro; los cinco siguientes son del mismo color, pero con una mancha triangular negra que con su base ocupa toda el borde apical de los segmentos, y con su punta Uega a la base; el color negro se aimienta en los segmentos posteriores y ocupa asl todo el segmento pemiltimo; el ultimo es negro con su borde apical bermejizo- blanco; los apendices caudales son rojizo-pardos. La parte inferior del t6rax y el vientre son de un color pardusco muy claro, pero enteramente cubierto de una especie de polvo blanco-ceniciento. Los pies son morenos. It will be noticed that Gundlach's description omits the wings and the dimensions altogether; it appears to correspond to the species known as Cannacria batesii Kirby,'*- and one male and one female from Cuba, taken by Poey, belonging to the ]\Iuseum of « Neur. p. 206. ^' Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Libel., fasc. xi, p. 274, 1910. ^- Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., xii, p. .341, pis. liii, fig. 1, Ivii, fig. 9. TRANS. .\M. EXT. SOC, XLV. 366 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba Comparative Zoology, listed in the Biologia Centrali- Americana,^' under Cannacria batesii, were labeled "herbida/'^ when the}' were lent to me in 1899. Kirby's paper was published on Aug. 14th, 1889,^* while the installment of Gundlach's work containing the present species was, according to Dr. Ramsden's data (antea, p. 338), issued in March, 1889. The name herbida, therefore, has priority over batesii. Cannacria Kirby, however, has been shown by Dr. Ris,^-' from an examination of the type of Brachymesia australis Kirby, to be generically the same as Brachymesia Kirby. The correct name of the present species is, therefore, Brachymesia herbida (Gundlach). Dr. Ramsden's note on the types of this species in the Institute at Havana is: "In collection N i} Libellula herbida d^ (1 complete example in good condition). Id. id. id. (1 example with head broken which is loose in the box). In MS. catalogue: Libellula herbida Hagen. Localidad Cardenas." Genero ORTHEMIS Hagen Orthemis discolor. (38.) P. 262. Mar. 15, 18S9. Orthemis f erruginea (Fab.). Libellula discolor Burm.; Selys Cub. p. 188. He observado esta especie en toda la Isla y tambien en Puerto Rico. I have compared one male from Cuba, taken by Poey, and one male and one female from Havana (C. F. Baker) with Gundlach's description which agrees. A German version of Gundlach's description is given by Hagen.'"' CJonero LEPTHEMIS Hagen Leptheznis vesiculosa. (50.) P. 264. Mar. 15, 1S89. Lepthemis vesiculosa (Fal).). Libellula vesiculosa Fab.; 8elys Cub. j). 187. Lacogienlavecindad de Cardenas, tambien en la islade Puerto-Rico; . . , I have compared one male from Havana, taken by Baker, and one female from Guantanamo, Cuba, Feb. 10, 1914, taken by Dr. Henry Skinner, with Gundlach's description, which is based on fully colored individuals, and they agree. « Neur., p. 326. ■'■' cf . Biol. Centr-Amer., Neur., p. 230, footnote. « Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Libel., fasc. xiv, pp. 734, 737, 1912. «Stett. Ent. Zcit., xxix, p. 279, 1868. PHILIP P. CALVERT 367 Lepthemis attala. (49.) P. 265. June 15, 1889. Erythemis verbenata (Hagen) =E. plebeja (Burm.). Libellula attala Selys Cub. p. 1S7. La he encontrado en los contornos de Cardenas. I have compared an adult male and an adult female of ver- benata Hagen from Havana, taken by Baker; and one male from Rio, Brazil, one female from Cuba, taken by Gundlach, 1866, of attala Selys (as I have understood these two species)^^ with Gund- lach's description. His account of the male applies almost equally well to verbenata cf and to attala cf , that of the female better to the 9 of verbenata. Gundlach, however, does not give any dimensions of his own specimens, does not describe the shape of the abdomen, nor does he say anything of the wings, so that it is not certain on which species he actuall}^ based his descrip- tion. His description of the female appears to be inaccurate, even allowing for his usual view that the abdomen consists of twelve segments, when he says: "los 80. y lOo. [segmentos abdominales] tienen una mancha ceniciento-olivada, interrumpida por la linea intermedia, negra; siendo el principio de cada segmento pardo-olivado; los dos liltimos segmentos son negros"; . . . It is the last three (eight, nine and ten of the usual nomenclature) that are blackish. In his synonymy he follows Hagen (1875) in uniting attala Selys and verbenata Hagen, and, after giving his own description, discussed above, says: "Estas son las descripciones tomadas de ejemplares vistos y clasificados por el Sr. Hagen como L. verbenata, pero la descripcion dada por Hagen en su Synopsis difiere, pues traducida es" [and then follows a translation into Spanish from p. 162]. "El Sr. Selys Longchamp da la descripcion como sigue en la obra de la Sagra: . . ." [What follows is a translation of Hagen's paraphrase (1861, p. 172) of Selys' description in the French edition of de la Sagra, p. 445; whether it is a verbatim copy of the description in the Spanish edition I can not say.] On the basis of my description^^ of Burmcister's type of Libel- lula plebeja, Dr. His''^ refers verbenata Hagen to plebeja Burmeister. He is probably correct. ^' Biologia Centr-Amer,, Neur., p. 330. *^ Trans. Anier. Ent. Soc, xxv, p. 78. «Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Libell., fasc. xiii, pp. 603-604, 1911. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 3 368 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba Genero DYTHEMIS Hagen Dythemis ruflnervis. (o7.) P. 266. June 15, 1889. Dythemis rufiner- vis (Burm.). Ldbellula rufinervis Burm.; Selys Cub. p. 1S7. Se encuentra en las islas de Cuba, Santo Domingo y Puerto Rico y es especie comiin. I have compared one male from Cuba, from Poey, one female from Cuba, from Dohrn, with Gundlach's description and they agree sufficiently well, but in the phrase "una raya lateral en los dos ultimos segment os [abdominales] negruzcas," "dos" should be ''tres." Dythemis frontalis. (84.) P. 267. June 15, 1889. Scapanea frontalis (Burm.). LiheUula frontalis Bui'm.; Selys Cub. p. 191. La he cogido en la sabana de Camarioca y en Rangel (jurisdicci6n de San Cristobal) y el Dr. Scudder en la Isla de Pinos. I have compared one male from Havana, taken by Baker, one female from El Cobre,.Cuba, and one male from Kingston, Jamaica, with Gundlach's description and they agree. Nothing is said in the latter, however, of the marked widening of the abdomen in segments six to nine. In the description of the female is the following: "El segmento 11 deja ver solamente dos manchitas mayores superiores y 2 pequenas laterales [ = seg- ment 8]. El ultimo segmento [ = segment 10] y los apendices caudales son negros sin mancha." Dythemis didyma. (17.) P. 268. June 15, 1889. Micrathyria hagenii Kirby. LiheUula didyma Selys Cub. p. 191. La he cogido en la cercania de Ciirdenas y en Rangel (San Crist6bal). I have compared one (younger) male from Atoyac, Vera Cruz, Mexico, one (older) male from Saniana Bay, San Domingo, and one female from Havana, taken by Baker, with Gundlach's description which is good. By "el tercer segmento [abdominal] en el macho con dos manchitas chicas, en la hembra una grande . . . verde," he evidently means as much of segment two as lies pos- terior to the transverse carina. Rather puzzling it is that he should write of the seventh segment as the antepenult: "El seg- mento antepenultimo tiene dos manchas mayores casi cuadradas de un color verde-mar." See the remark under the following species. PHILIP P. CALVERT 369 Dythemis dicrota. (139.) P. 269. June 15, 1889. Micrathyria didyma (Selysj. Se encontro cerca do Cfirdenas. Tamliieu en la Isla de Pinos y en la Isla de Puerto-Rico. I have compared one male from Tekanto, Yucatan, and one fe- male from Havana, taken by Baker, with Gimdlach's description and they agree. The male which Giindlach describes was not yet pruinose, its markings, therefore, being veiy similar to those of the female. The nmneration of the abdominal segments is that usually adopted by authors, as he says: "el 7o. con una [mancha] grande casi cuadrada dividida por la linea intermedia amarillento-verdes. " Gimdlach's descriptions do not permit one to decide whether his didyma is the same as the true didyma Selys or whether his dicrota is really didyma. As he refers his didyma and dicrota to the didyma and dicrota of Hagen 1861, respectivel}", and as Hagen stated^" that his dicrota of 1861 is the true didyma Selys, it is, perhaps, more likely that didyma Guiidlach = /?n^enn Kirby and dicrota Gund]ach= didyma Selys. Dythemis aequalis. (42.) P. 270. .June 1.5, 1S89. Micrathyria aequa- lis (Hagen). Encontrada en lo.s contornos de Cardena.s. I have compared one male from Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico, and one female from Cuba, sent by Poey, with Gundlach's description and they agree; here also his numeration of abdominal segments is the usual, although he says: "el segmento 7o. 6 antepeiuiltimo con 2 manchas mayores triangular amarillas (la base del triangulo esta en la base del segmento)"; Dythemis naeva. (75.) P. 271. Juno 15, 1889. Erythrodiplax here- nice naeva (Hagen). Cogida en la vecindad de CYirdenas. I have compared two males from C 'olon, ranama, and one female from Guba, sent by Poey, 1863, with Gundlach's description which agrees, after making allowances for differences in age, except that in the males it is the last three al)dominal segments instead of "los dos liltimos"- which lack the orange or yellow spots. Dythemis debilis. (41.) P. 272. June 15, 18.S9 Micrathyria debilis (Hagen). ' Ob.ser\ada en la vecindad de Cardena.s. =° Proc. Bost. See. Nat. Hist., xviii, p. 75, 1875. TRAX.S. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 370 GUNDLACh's work on the ODONATA of CUBA I have compared one male from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, one male from Frontera, Mexico, taken by Westcott, and one female from Alta Mira, Tamaulipas, Mexico, taken by Hoag, with Gundlach's description and they agree; here also he describes the seventh abdominal segment as ''el segmento antepeniiltimo." Genero MACROTHEMIS Hagen Macrothemis celeno. (28.) P. 273. Nov. 15, 1889. Macrothemis celeno (Selysj. LibeUula celeno Selys. Cub. p. 192. De Cardenas. Parece que vive tambien en Santo Domingo y en la isla Santomas. I have compared one male and one female from Cuba, sent by Poey, and one male and one female from Havana, taken by Baker, with Gundlach's description. The sign " 9 " on p. 273 should be changed to cf , "Boca negra" is to be modified; in "Abdomen negro, l.er segmento con cuatro manchas redondas blanco-verdosas," " l.er" should be "2o." and in the brief descrip- tion of the female on p. 274, "no" before "tener" should be struck out; these corrections have been made in the German version of Gundlach's description.^^ Genero ERYTHEMIS liagen Erythemis furcata. ( ..) P. 274. Nov. 15, 1889. Cannacria ( = Bra- chymesia) furcata (Hagen). No he observado la especie, que fuc colectada por el Baron von O.sten Saiken [sic]. Traduzco la descripcion dada por Hagen en Syn. p. 169. There is at least one male from Cuba, sent by Poey, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, cited in the Biologia Centrali- Americana.^^ Erythemis longipes. (13.) P. 275. Nov. 15, 1889. Ephidatia longipes cubensis (Scud.). En los contornos de Cdrdenas. Tambien en la Isla de Pinos. I have compared one male from Havana, taken by Baker, and one female from Cuba, sent by Poey, with Gundlach's description and they agree. This form appears as Ephidutin longipes cubensis (Scudder) in Ris.''^ 61 Stett. Ent. Zeit., xxix, p. 281, 1868. 6'- Neur., p. 326. "Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Lib., fasc. xvi, p. 1013, 1913. PHILIP P. CALVERT 371 Gonoro MESOTHEMIS Ilagen Mesothemis simplicicollis. U-'^J 1^ -"•> Xov. 15, 1889. Erythemis simplicicollis (Sa.v). LibeUula cae^-ulans Ranib.; Solys Cub. p. 189. La he cogido en Cardenas, Bcmloa, y Scudder im la Lsla de Pinos. I have compared one male from Cuija (Poey), one male from Jamaica (Johnson) and one female from Eleuthera, Bahamas (Univ. of Pa. Exped.) with Gimdlach's description and they agree. Mesothemis mithra. (liG.) P. 276 .\o\ . 1."), 18S9. Erythemis attala (Selys). LibeUula mithra Selys Cul^. p. 188. Cogida en los contornos de Cardenas. I have compared one male from Presidio, ^'era Cruz, Mexico (Barrett), one female from Cuba (GuntUach, 1866) and one female from Havana (Baker) with Gimdlach's description and they agree, although the latter does not even mention the wings. This is the Erythemis attala of the Biologia Centrali-Americana and of Dr. Ris.'^ Genero DIPLAX Charp. Diplax ochracea. (19.) P. 277. Xov. 1.5, 1S89. Erythrodiplax ochra- cea (Burm.). Cogida en la vecindad de Cardenas, en la lsla de Pinos y en la lsla de Puerto Rieo. I have compared one male and one female from Havana (Baker) with Ciundlach's description, which does not mention the sex of his specimens, but was evidently based on non-adults (if males, at least, were used), as evidenced b}- such expressions as "Torax verdoso-pajizo,'.' of which color also the "Abdomen en los tres primeros segmentos . . . [y] los dos ultimos segmentos y sus apendices" are said to be. This applies fairly well to the 10th segment and to the appendages, but not to the 9th which is darker, brown, in dried specimens. Otherwise the description agrees. This is the form called Erythnxiiplax ochracea ochracea by Dr. Ris.5» Diplax abjecta. (21.) P. 278. Xov. 15, 1S89. Erythrodiplax connata iBurni.). Cogida en los alredcdores de Cdrdenas y en la lsla de Pinos. ^* Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys. 55 Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Lib., fasc. xii, p. 488, 1911. TR.\XS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 372 guxdlach's work ox the odonata of cuba I have compared one male from Cuba, Gundlach, 1864, 21, with Gundlach's description [of the male as fixed by "frente y vertice con un brillo de aziil de acero," sex not mentioned]. This male is a little smaller than the dimensions copied by Gundlach from Hagen (1861), viz. : total length 34 vs. 38 mm., alar expanse 55 vs. 58, pterostignla 3 vs. 3.5, and the colors of the abdomen are less vivid, but very likely this latter difference is due to the description having been made from freshly-caught examples. This male and one from Bath, Jamaica, are the only material from the West Indies now at hand which I referred to Erythro- diplax connata a' in the Biologia Centrali-Americana.-^'' They agree in most respects with the E. connata fraterna of Dr. Ris,^'' but they have no hroivn at the apices of the ivings, a feature on which Dr. Ris lays emphasis (p. 498) in distinguishing this Antillean form. Diplax Justiniana. ( . ) P. 279. Nov. 15, 1S89. Erythrodiplax connata justiniana (Selys). Ldbellula Justiniana Selys Cub. p. 190. Gundlach's remarks on this species consist only of a Spanish version of de Selys' description and a note on Hagen's usage of the name justiniana. Diplax ambusta. (130.) P. 279. Nov. 1.5, 1889. Erythrodiplax con- nata justiniana (Selys). Ob.servada en varies puntos de las islas de Pinos y en Puerto Rico. I have compared one male and one female from Cuba (Poej')? one young male from Bath, Jamaica, and one female from Havana (Baker) with Gundlach's description and they agree. This is the Erythrodiplax connata f of the Biologia Centrali- Americana^^ and the E. coniiata justiniana of Dr. Ris.'^'-' Genero PERITHEMIS Hagen Perithemis domitia. (14.) P. 280. Nov. 15, 1889. Perithemls domitia domitia (Drui y) . Lihdlula mdella Selys Cub. p. 190. El Dr. Hagen no esta aun seguro si la especie cubana es 6 no es igual a la noni- brada por Drmy Libellula domitia en Illust. II 83; pi. XIV, f. 4, y menoionada con el misnio nombre por Burm. II, 855, 40 y Ramli. 124, 132, y asl acept6 ''SNeur., p. 264. "Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Libel., fasc. xii, \^. .508, 1911. ** Neur., ]). 2f)(). ''•'Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Libel., fasc. xii, i). 509. PHILIP P. CALVERT 373 el nombre usado por Selys en la obra de la Sagra. [This probably refers to P. melella.Y'^ Si fuese igual debia tener el nombre dado por Drury. Gundlach quotes no localities for this species but gives a description of both sexes; I have compared one male from Cuba (Poey) and one female from Cuba (ex coll. Needham) with it and the males agree. The description of the wings, as usual, is a translation of Hagen (1861). The female before me was not included in the material cited in the Biologia Centrali- Amer- icana,*^^ as the male was; it has no "estrias morenas" at the base of the wings, although the yellow in the subcostal space of the front and hind wings and the submedian (cubital) space of the hind pair is a little deeper. The general yellow of the wings extends to the second postnodal for the whole width on both front and hind pairs and in the costal space only as far as the stigma. The extreme apex of the hind wings is brownish yellow for a width of one cell. Internal triangle, front wings, two-celled, the two posttriangular rows increase to three rows at the level of the separation of the bridge vein (subnodal sector) from Ml (princi- pal sector) and so continue almost to the wing-margin. This female is of the form dotnitia (tj'pe) of the Biologia Centrali- Americana;^- its wing coloration resembles more that of fig. 183 of "P. domitia var. 9 octoxantha Buenos Aires" of Ris than his fig. 180 of "P. domitia var. domitia, Cuba."«3 At the conclusion of his description of this species, Gundlach says: "Hay una variedad con las alas cristalinas, casi amarillcntas y en su borde anterior amarillas; las posteriores en la hembra con una nube morena en el apice. Esta variedad habia nom- brado Hagen LihcUula iris." Hagen in his original and only description of iris*^^ did not cite it from Cuba. On Exallacma truxcatum Gundlach and its Allies in the United States The species described as Agrion {Enallagma) trancatttm l)y Gundlach on page 226 of Tomo II of his Contribucion is known to me from a single male only. In most respects, this male seems related to E. pollutum, signatum and pictum of the eastern United ™Proc. Best. Soc. Nat. Hist., xi, p. 21)3, 1867. " Neur., p. 313. 6^ Near., pp. 310, 312. «3Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, Libel, fasc. \i, i)p. 337, ,335, 1910. « 1861, pp. 18.5, 186. TR.\NS. AM. KNT. SOC, XLV. 374 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba States. . Under E. pollutum, following, perhaps, my identifica- tion of this species in these Transactions,^^ American authors have included at least three species. One of these, the best known, is that found from Maine, Ontario, and Wisconsin to Florida and Oklahoma; it is not the true pollutum but distinct and ma}^ be termed Enallagma vesperum. The true pollutum I know from Florida only. For a third form, likewise seen from Florida alone, I suggest the name Enallagma laurenti. Of the six species thus resulting, I know both sexes of four, the males only of truncatum and laurenti. These six species agree in having (in the sexes thus far known) : & 9 . Dorsum of abdominal segment two black from end to end. Right and left pale postocular spots connected with each other across the occiput. Mesostigmal lamina (caudal mesostigmal plate of Grarman, 1917) erect and more or less {truncatum) produced at its mesal end into a tubercle. In the males the lamina does not reach to the mesinfraepisternum, owing to the ventral mesostigmal plate (of Garman) meeting the mesepisternum (supraepisternum of Garman) ; in the females the lamina reaches to the mesinfraepis- ternum and the ventral mesostigmal plate does not meet the supraepisternum. First antennal joint anteriorly for its entire length and all of the second joint, except the distal end, pale colored. Legs pale colored, dark markings, when present, narrow lines often interrupted. cf . Dorsum of abdominal segment nine (but not of eight) pale blue or orange (black in pictum). Superior abdominal appendages not deeply bifid. 9 . Middle prothoracic lobe with a pair of dorsal pits. Dorsum of abdominal segment ten pale-colored (black in pictum) . The pair of dorsal pits on the middle prothoracic lobe of these females does not appear to have been noticed by previous writers. Each pit is oval or elliptical in outline, its greatest diameter being subtransverse to the long axis of the body (plate XXXIII, figs. 5 and 7) . The shortest diameter, as far as measured, varies from .07 mm. in pollutum to .2 mm. in signatum, and varies also in the same species. Thus, in signatum it ranges from .1 to .2 mm. in three ^ XX, 239, 1893. PHILIP P. CALVERT 375 specimens measured. Each pit is smooth within, shining black and its external or lateral end usually produces an emargination on the inner or mesal edge of the pale spot present on each side of the dorsum of this lobe. The usual statement is that in the pairing of the Zygoptera the inferior appendages of the male are applied cephalad of the hind prothoracic lobe of the female, his superior appendages caudad of that lobe. If this be true for the species here discussed, these dorsal pits of the female may receive the inferior appendages of the male. Since the former are much larger than the apices of the latter (c/. figs. 5 and 7 with 16, 17 and 20, 21, plate XXXIII), the adaptation does not appear to be verj^ exact. Enallagma cultellatum, although suggesting the pollutum-trun- catum group by the superior appendages of the male, has the black on the dorsum of abdominal segment two not reaching to the base, the pale postocular spots not connected, the mesostigmal lamina not so ridge-like and without any mesal tubercle, abdom- inal segments eight and nine both pale blue dorsally in the male. The female of E. cultellatum has a pair of pits on the middle prothoracic lobe, but they are much smaller and shallower than in the other species here discussed and are situated nearer to the hind lobe, which latter is quite different from the hind lobe of our species in question being trilobulate instead of entire, the middle lobule a little posterior to the lateral two and with a horizontal ridge projecting from its hind surface. The following pages give the chief differentials of these six species. The dimensions of the width of the various stripes on the thorax refer in each case to the width at mid-height. Only in the cases of pollutum, laurenti and vesperum does it seem desirable to quote the existing literature. The males may be distinguished by the form of the terminal abdominal ap- pendages, shown on Plate XXXIII, figs. 12-2;}, and by the following color differences : Dorsum of abdominal segment nine pale blue or orange. Pale postocular spots directh" confluent with the pale color of the rear of the head, middle prothoracic lobe predominantly pale on dorsum., .laurenti Pale postocular spots not directly confluent with the pale color of tlie rear of the head, although they may be indirectly confluent therewith ria the pale transverse stripe which connects the postocular spots with each other; middle prothoracic lobe predominantly black on dorsum. TR.\NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 376 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba Pale antehumeral stripe narrower than the black humeral (mesopleural) stripe. Postocular spot's linear truncatum Postocular spots cuneiform pollutum Pale antehumeral stripe as wide as, or wider than, the l)laek humeral stripe vesperum, signatum (I have not found a constant color difference between the males of these two species, that given by Garman in 1917 notwithstanding, al- though the bright lemon yellow of the sides of the thorax in the adult males of vesperum is apparently never met in any age of signatum, but younger males of vesperum do not show this bright yellow; the difference in the appendages of the two species is well marked.) Dorsum of abdominal segment nine black, pale postocular spots linear, not con- fluent with the pale color of the rear of the head, pale antehumeral stripe narrower than the black humeral stripe pictum Females. (Those of laurenti and of truttcatum, being unknown to me, are omitted.) Black humeral stripe at its lower end touching the external or lateral end of the mesostigmal lamina. Pale postocular spots linear, j^ale antehumeral stripe narrower than the black humeral stripe, second lateral thoracic (metapleural) suture with a black stripe on its upper two-thirds or three-fourths, mesepisternal tubercles present pictum Pale postocular spots cuneiform, wider and rounded at their lateral ends. Mesepisternal tubercles present, pale antehumeral stripe as wide as, or wider than, the l)lack humeral, second lateral thoracic suture with a dark stripe of variable length signatum Mesepisternal tulsereles absent, pale antehumeral stripe narrower to wider than the black humeral, second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on its upper five-sixths or more pollutum Black humeral stripe at its lower end not touching the lateral end of the mesostigmal lamina, pale postocular spots cuneiform, pale antehumeral stripe wider than the black humeral, second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on its uppermost fourth or fifth only, mesepisternal tubercles present but variable in size vesperum Enallagma truncatum Gundlach (Plate XXXIII, figs. 1, 12, 13; plate XXXIV, figs. 24, 25.) Agrion (Enallagma) truncatum Gundlach, Contrib. Ent. Cub., ii, 226, 1888. (Reprinted antea, page 353). cf . Superior appendages in profile view, with the apical margin twice as long as the inferior margin and convex in the middle of its length with a slight concavity above and a slighter one below the convexity; in dor.sal \'iew, the intero-inferior lamella not reaching to the level of the supero-internal sub- apical hook. Nasus (post-clypcus) shining black, two transverse lin(>ar streaks on the disk and anterior and lateral margins narrowly orange. P'rons: pale color of its anterior surface not attaining the median ocellus; PHILIP P. CALVERT 377 no small yellow spot oiu-losed in })lafk immediately anterior to the median ocellus. Pale postocular spots linear, not conflucMit witli the pale eolor of the rear of the head. Middle prothoracic lobe in dorsal view l)laek. an oval orange spot each side. Width of black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .52, of pale antchumeral stripe .14, of black humeral stripe (stripe on mesopleural suture of Garman 1917) .42 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture (metapleural suture of (larmaii) witli a l)lack stripe for almost its whole length. Abdomen 22.5, hind wing 12.5, costal edge of stigma, front wing, .5(3 mm. Anal vein (anal bridge of Tillyard 1917) sei^arating from the hind margin of the wings at least as far proximad to Cu-A (^anal crossing of Tillyardj as the latter is long. M2 arising on the front wings proximad to the fourth postnodal, on the hind wings at the third, Mia nearest the seventh on the left front wing, nearest the sixth on the other three wings. Material examine/] ■ Cuba, Poey, 1864, 1 rf (M. C. Z.). Enallagina signatum (Hagen) (Plate XXXIII, figs. 14. 15.) Agrion signatum Hagen, Syn. X'eur. X'^. Am., 84, 1861. cT. Superior appendages in profile view, with the apical margin subecjual to, to six-fifths as long as, the inferior margin, a small tooth where these two margins meet, apical margin nearh' straight; in dorsal \i(>w, the intero- inferior lamella not reaching to the level of the sui^ero-internal subapical hook. Nasus shining lilack, two transverse linear streaks (absent in some) on the disk and anterior and lateral margins narrowh' yellow or blue. Frons: pale .color of its anterior surface not attaining the median ocellus; a small yellow spot enclosed in the black anterior to the median ocellus. Pale postocular spots cuneiform, orange or blue, not confluent with the pale color of the rear of the head. xMiddle prothoracic lobe in dorsal view l)lack, a sui)semicircular s[)ot each side and a median twin spot (absent in some) yellow or blue. ^^'idth of black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .63-.7, of pale tuitehumeral .35-.42, of black humeral .24-. 35 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a blackish brown stripe or line for the uppermost fourth to three-fourths of its length. 9 . Lateral (external) end of mesostigmal lamina lilack. A mesepisternal tubercle at the antero-mesal angle of the ])ale antchumeral stripe. \\'idth of the l)lack mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .03-. 7, of i)ale antchumeral .35-.42, of black humeral .2S-.42 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a narrow dark i)rown .-tripe on its ui)per- most third to upper thrcH'-fourths, continued ventrad in some by a very fine dark line. Black on dorsinn of alxiominal segment nine usually narrowed caudad. Abdomen cf 26-27, 9 24.5-27; hind wing j" 9 15.5-17; costal edge of stigma, front wing, d' .63-.7, 9 .67-. 77 nun. TH.VXS. AM. EXT. SOC, XLV. 378 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba Material examined: Scf, 7 9, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Indiana. This species has been recorded from as far south as Georgia and Louisiana. No attempt has been made to study this well known species exhaustively. Enallagma pollutum (Hagen) (Plate XXXIII, figs. 2, 5, 6, 16, 17; plate XXXIV, fig. 26.) Agrion pollutum Hagen, Sjai. Neur. N. Am., 83, 1861. Enallagma pollutum Selys, Bull. Acad. Belg., (2), xli, 527, 1876. Calvert, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xx, 239, 1893 (in part only). cf . Superior appendages in profile view, with the apical margin subequal to the inferior margin, concave; in dorsal view, the intero-iuferior lamella not reaching as far caudad as the level of the siipero-internal subapical hook. Nasus black, without pale markings except the narrow yellow or orange margins. Frons: pale color of the anterior surface not attaining the small yellow or orange spot immediately anterior to the median ocellus. Pale postocular spots cuneiform, not confluent with the pale color of the rear of the head. Middle prothoracic lobe in dorsal view predominantly black, a yellow or orange spot each side, no median twin spots or stripes. Width of black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .53-.63, of pale antehumeral .25-.28. of black humeral .37-.42 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on the upper five-sixths or more of its length. 9 . Lateral end of me.sostigmal lamina pale, margined with black of the humeral stripe which extends slightly on to the lamina. No mesepisternal tubercles. Width of the black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .56-. 63, of the pale ante- humeral .28-.42, of the black humeral .28-.35 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on the upper five-sixths or more of its length. Black on dorsimi of al;)dominal segment nine of almost uniform width from anterior to posterior edge of segment. Abdomen cf 23-26, 9 23.5-26; hind wing d" 13-16.5, 9 15.5-19; costal edge of stigma, front wing, d^ .42-.7, 9 .52-.7 mm. Material examined: Florida (no precise locality), 2 6^, 2 9 , (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.). Enterprise, April 16, P. Laurent, 19, (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.). Charlotte Harbor, Mrs. A. T. Slosson, Ic?, in her coll. Miami, March 27, April 3 and 4, 1901, P. Laurent, 2cf , 1 9, (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.). Biscayne Bay, Mrs. A. T. Slosson, 1 cf , 1 9 , in her collection. All these localities are in Florida. The female from Enterprise has longer hind wings (19 mm.) than any other seen ; these, its locality and date of collection render it a priori likely that it is conspecific with the male from the same PHILIP P. CALVERT 379 place described below as E. Inurenti, but in all other (color) respects it agrees with true poUutuni females. ]\Irs. Annie Trumbull Slosson has recalled the delightful cor- respondence of earlier days by lending to me again the specimens from Florida in her collection which I had identified years ago. Air. C. H. Kennedy, at my request, has studied and made drawings of the penes of the males of poUidutn, laurenli and ves- perum from which drawings of the aljdominal appendages had been made by myself. His drawings are reproduced as figures 24 to 30 of plate XXXIW Neither Mr. Kennedy nor I have investi- gated the amount of variation in this organ which may exist within the species. These figures are not oTered, therefore, as specific criteria, although they may be such; they will, at least, aid in fixing the identity of the type specimens for future researches. Mr. Nathan Banks has kindly compared drawings of the ap- pendages and notes on the color-differences of poUutum, laurenli and vesperum with Hagen's tj^pe of pollutum in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and confirmed the identity with the species here given that name. He adds that the apical margin of the superior appendages of the male type of pollutum is "more evenly curved than your figure and the two processes are further apart. Above it looks like your figure." Enallagma laurenti new s{)ccies (Plate XXXIII. figs. 4, IS, 19; plate XXXIV, figs. 27, 28.) Enallagma polluium Castle »i: Laurent, Ent. Xe\\>, vii, 302, l.S9t) (male = type). cf . Superior appendages in profile vi(nv, with the apical margin subequal to the inferior margin, 'convex; in dorsal view, the intero-inferior lamella rtsaching beyond the level of the supero-internal subapical hook. Nasus orange, traces of a faint black transverse Ymv on each side. P'rons: pale color of the anterior surface attaimng the median ocellus. Pale (yellow) jjostocular spots largely confluent with the yellow of the rear of the head. Middle prothoracic lobe orange or yellow, a transverse black stripe along its hind margin, where it joins the hind lobe, from which extends forward on each side an indistinct longitudinal blackish or dark brown line. \\'idth of black mid-dorsal stripe .3o-.42, of pale antehumeral .49-.otJ, of black humeral from a mere line (type) to .10 mm. (The larger dimension given for the first two stripes is that of the type.) Second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe or line on its uppermost fourth only. Labrum orange with three i)asal black points, one median, one right lateral, TR.V.NS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 380 GUNDLACH's work ox the ODOXATA of CUBA one left lateral. Mandibles, labium and first two antennal joints yellow. There is a black spot at the latero-ventral angle of the pale postociilar spots; elsewhere they are confluent with the yellow of the rear of the head. Fore and hind prothoracic lobes, thorax (except for the black stripes and lines mentioned above, and a black line on the upper end of the obsolete first lateral suture in the type but not in the paratype) sides of abdominal segments one to eight (becoming blue on the posterior of these) and transverse basal rings on three to six yellow; nine and sides of ten blue, dorsum of one to eight and of ten black. Anal bridge (Tillyard) separating from the hind margin proximal to Cii-A for a distance equal to (type) or shorter than (paratype) the length of the latter; M2 arising near the fifth (front wings) or fourth (hind) postnodal; Mia arising at eighth (front wings, seventh in left wing of paratype) or seventh (hind) postnodal. Abdomen 30 (type) -26, hind wing 19 (type) -16, costal edge of stigma, front wing, .63 (type) -.56 mm. Material examined: Type, Ic?, Enterprise, Florida, April 15, taken by P. Laurent, in the collection of the Amer. Ent. Soc. (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.). Paratype, Id", Cres[cen]t City, Florida, collection C. V. Riley (I'nited States National Museum (head lacking)). The type has a pair of small pits on the middle prothoracic lobe, similar to those possessed by the females of this group, but smaller; each pit is just lateral to the dark longitudinal hne, measures .08 x .04 mm., its greatest dimension obliquely trans- verse to the main axis of the body, and is very shallow. Since the paratype does not have these pits and since I have found a single male each of signatum and of vesperum with j^its, I regard their presence in males as indicating a partial gynandromorphism, as in all other respects these three individuals appear to be com- pletely male. This species is dedicated to the collector of the type, Mr. PhiHp Laurent, of Philadelphia, to whom, during many years, I have been indebted for specimens of Odonata. Mr. Rolla P. Currie, of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, has kindly placed the paratype at my disposal for study. Enallagma vesperum new species (Plate XXXIII, figs. 3, 7-11, 20, 21; plate XXXIV, figs. 29, 30.) The following literature refers to this species under the name of Enallagma pollutum: 1892. Harvey, Ent. News, iii, 91 (Chemo Stream, Bradley, Maine). 1893. Calvert, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xx, 239, pi. iii, fig. 27 ( cf apps.) (in part, Maine). 1894. Wadsworth, Ent. News, v, 132 (Lake Cobbosseecontee, Maine). 1895. Kellicott, Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Ilist.. xvii, 20(5 (Sandy Heach near Lakeside and Licking Reservoir, Ohio). PHILIP P. CALVERT 381 1899. Id., Odonata Ohio, 46, fig. 13 (cfapps.) (Ohio). 1900. WiUiamson, 24th Rep). State Geol. Indiana, 276, pi. v, figs. 23, 24 (cf^apps.) (Simonton, Round and Shriner lakes, Indiana). 1900. Calvert, 27th Ann. Rep. N. Jersey State Board Agric. 1899, 69 (Clemen- ton, New Jersey). 1903. Calvert, Ent. News, xiv, 35 (Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey). 1903. Needham, Bull. 68 N. York State Mus., 258, pi. 19, fig. n (c^apps.) (Illinois). Calvert, t. c, 277 (Black lake. SulHvan County, X. York). 1908. Muttkowski, Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc, vi, 78 (Little Cedar Lake, Wisconsin). 1908. Needham, Rep. Geol. Surv. Michigan 1907, 265 (Walnut Lake, Michigan). 1911. Muttkowski, Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc, ix, 35 (North Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin). 1913. Davis, Journ. N. York Ent. Soc, xxi, 17 (Yaphank, New York). 1914. Williamson, Ent. News, xxv, 446 (Wister, Oklahoma). 1916. Howe, Psyche, xxiii. 14 (Concord, Mat^sachusetts). 1917. Howe, P.syche, xxiv, 50 (Moultonboro, New Hampshire). 1917. Garman, Bull. lUinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., xii, 550, pi. Ixxi, figs. 186, 193 (cTapps.) (Lake Villa, Ilhnois). 1917. Howe, Mem. Thoreau Mus. Nat. Hist., ii, 18, fig. (cf apps.). 1918. Howe, t. c, 39 (West Peabody, Brookline and Bedford, Massachusetts). 1919. Howe, t. c, 65 (Wakefield, Mass.). cf . Superior appendages in profile view, with the apical margin one and one-half times as long as the inferior margin, convex; in dorsal view, the intero-inferior lamella reaching beyond the level of the supero-internal sub- apical hook. Nasus black, its margins and transverse spots or stripe on the disk yellow or orange. Frons: pale color of the anterior surface sometimes reaching the small yellow or orange spot immediately anterior to the median ocellus and indent- ing the black of the superior surface more deeply than in pollutum. Pale postocular spots not confluent with the pale color of the rear of the head. Middle prothoracic lobe in dorsal view with l)lack usually predominating, a spot each side and often also a pair of short submedian lines or stripes, yellow or orange. Width of black mid-dorsal thoracic strijie .28-.67, of jiale antehumeral .35-. 7, of black humeral, from a mere line to. 28 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on its uppermost fourth or fifth only. 9 . Lateral end of mesostigmal lamina not margined with the black of the humeral stripe but having a I)lack spot on itself. Mesepisternal tubercles of varj-ing size present, at the antero-mesal angle of the pale antehumeral stripe, in some almost as well marked as in signalutn. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 382 guxdlach's work on the odoxata of cuba Width of the black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .33-.63, of pale antelmmeral .42-. 63, of black humeral, from a mere line to .14 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on its uppermost fourth or fifth onl}-. Black on dorsum of abdominal segment nine narrowing caudad, reaching or not reaching the hind margin of the segment. Abdomen c? 24-28.5, 9 24-28; hind wing d" 15.5-18, 9 18-19; costal edge of stigma, front wing, cf.46-.7, 9 .7-.84 mm. Variations. The extent of black and of yellow (or orange) on the iiasics varies greath', even in specimens taken at the same locality on the same day. Thus, all tbe patterns shown in figures 3, 8 to 11, plate XXXIII, are represented in the males from Black Lake, New York. August 2, 1898, while still another male from the same place and date has the basal black line broken into a median and two lateral pieces, the median piece connected by a very fine black line with the submarginal black stripe. The single males from Toronto, Ontario, and from Palm Beach, Florida, have the nasal and frontal patterns very nearly as in figure 9. The male from Simonton Lake, Indiana, has the nasus similar to figure 9, except that the submarginal black stripe is asymmetricalh' divided into two short stripes. One Bluffton male has the basal black line represented by three dots, the two lateral dots each connected narrowly with the sub- marginal black stripe, which latter consists of a median dot and a lateral streak each side; the other Bluffton males have the nasal pattern as in figures 3, 8 and 9. The submarginal black is broken into three sections in the male from Rome City, Indiana, and one from Clemen ton. New Jersey; in them the basal black stripe is continuous and is connected with the respective lateral sections of the submarginal black stripe. In the four Bluffton females, the nasal pattern is as in figures 3, 9 or 10, in the three females from Pemigewassett Pond, New Hampshire, as in figure 3. The most frequent /ro«Ya/ pattern in the males is that of figure 3. It also varies in the same locality, e. q.. Black Lake (c/. plate XXXIII, figures 8 to 11). The pale color of the anterior frontal surface may reach the yellow spot in front of the median ocellus on one side onh^ (right — Oklahoma, left^ — one Bluffton) and not on the other; in one instance in which it reaches the spot on both sides, the transverse line which remains is broken into two short iso- lated black lines (one Bluffton male). The most frequent frontal pattern in the females is that of figure 10. The pale spot lying immediateh^ anterior to each lateral ocellus (<•/. figure 3) varies from complete absence (one male, Hurdstown River) to a size greater in diameter than that of an ocellus. The dorso-latcral pale spot on the disk of the middle prothoracic lobe is sometimes confluent with the pale color of the lateral surface (Simonton Lake cf, 4c?', 3 9 Bluffton, Rome City 9, Sawkill Pond cf, 1 d^ Clementon, 1 cf Black Lake), or confluent with the pale submedian stripes (Rome City cf , Oklahoma (J", Angola 9). The pale submedian stripes may be absent (3 6^ Pemigewas.sett, 1 c?' Clementon, River Styx cf, 2 6^ Hurdstown River, 1 cf Black Lake). The black eighth abdominal segment of tlie male frequently has its hind margin, caudad of the anteapical spinules, narrowly l)lu('. Tlic lilue ninth PHILIP P. CALVERT 383 segment may have a small black spot on each side in dorsal view (Bradley cf , 1 cf Kent, Ohio, 1 cf Bluffton, 4 d^ Pemigewassett, 1 cf Black Lake) ; a mid- dorsal black mark may be present on the hind margin in addition to, or in the absence of, these paired black spots. The variations in certain features of the venation are shown in the following table : Front Wings 38cfcf 99 9 M2 arising nearest the 5th postnodal 83.0% 83.3% " 4th " 7.8 5.6 " 6th " 5.2 " between " 5th & 6th postnodals 2.6 11. 0 (Lo-st... 1.3 Hind Wings M2 arising nearest the 4th postnodal 79.0% 77.7% " midway between the 4th & 5th postnodals 7.8 16.6 " nearest the 5th postnodal 7.8 5.6 "3rd " 5.2 Front Wings Mia arising nearest the 7th postnodal 42,0% 27.7% "8th " 38.0 66.6 "9th " 13.0 5.6 "6th " 2.6 " between " 6th & 7th postnodals 1.3 (Lo.st... 2.6 Hind Wings Afla arising nearest the 7th postnodal 52.6% 27.7% " 8th " 36.7 72.2 "6th " 9.1 " between " 6th & 7th postnodals 1.3 Material examined: Type, 1 male, Chemo Stream, Bradley, Maine, Juh- 21, 1891, taken by F. L. Harvey, in the writer's collection (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia). Paratypes: New Hampshire, Pemigewassett Pond, Meredith Township, Belknap County, July 9-23, 1917, P. P. Calvert, 4cf , 3 9 . Connecticut, New Haven, June 23, 1904, H. L. Viereck, 1 9 , (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.). New York, Black Lake, Sullivan County, August 2, 1898, P. P. Cal- vert, 11 cf. New Jersey, Hurdstown River, September 6, 4cf , and River Styx, September 14, 1 cf , both at Lake Hopatcong, 1902, P. P. Calvert; Clementon, July 22 and September 22, 1899, P. P. C, 2cf. Pennsylvania, Sawkill Pond, Pike County, July 19, 1898, P. P. C. Icf ; Conneaut Lake, August S. 1S99, D. A. Atkinson 1 cf (coll. E. B. Williamson). Ohio, Kent, June 22, 1900, J. S. Hine, 2 cf . Ontario, Toronto, Grenadier Pond, August 16, 1907, E. M. Walker, Icf. Indiana, Angola, July 16, 1910, E. B. \^'illiamson, Icf, 19; Simonton Lake, July 30, 1899, R. J. Weith, 1 cf ; Bluffton, June 23, 1907, 2cf, 2 9, July 24, 1904, 2cf, 2 9, E. B. WiUiamson; Rome City, July 28, 1907, Icf, 19, E. B. Williamson. (The specimens from Ohio, Ontario, Indiana and Oklahoma in Mr. Wilhamson's coll.) Wisconsin, Washington County, July 29, 1907, 1 TKANS. .\M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 4 384 gundlach's work on the odoxata of cuba (gjTiandromorphic) cf . Florida, Palm Beach, November 12, 1911, G. P. Englehart, 1 cf (these last 2 cf in the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Science). Oklahoma, Wister, June 3, 1907, 1 d". Total 38(f cf, 10 $ 9 , It is a pleasure to acknowledge the aid given by Mr. E. B. Williamson and by Mr. Charles Schaeffer, of the Brooklyn Insti- tute, in lending me specimens from the respective collections under their care, as cited above. The name vesperum is suggested for this species by its habit of flying after sunset to a degree greater than in most of its allies. I observed this at Sawkill Pond and Black Lake in 1898, and at Pemigewassett Pond, July 20, 1917, at 7.50 p. m. Prof. Need- ham (1908) noted it at Walnut Lake, Michigan, as the "latest flying of all Odonata," and Dr. Howe (1917) writes of it as "semicrepuscular." It does not confine its flight to the evening hours, however, as the River Styx male was taken in the morn- ing. It is found on ponds, flying from leaf to leaf of the floating vegetation. Larva. Dr. E. M. Walker has despribed and figured details of supposed nymphs of this species, from Georgian Bay, Onta- rio.^^ Garman (1917, p. 553) had nymphs from which adults of this species were reared and says: "It (the nymph) is quite dif- ferent from the species figured by Walker as poUutum ('13; pi. i, fig. 10), and his description also differs from the specimens ob- tained at Lake Villa," Illinois. Garman gives a description of his nymphs (p. 550). I have an exuvia from which a male vesperum emerged at Pemigewassett Pond, July 15, 1917. This exuvia differs from both descriptions by Walker and Garman, as indicated by the following: Eyes not very prominent laterally, their postero-lateral margins not forming a marked excavation with the sides of the head. About thirteen spinules, or short setae, of varying length can be seen on the dorsal surface of each hind angle of the head, these angles not nearly as prominent as in Walker's figure 9, but more like those of his figures 4 or 6. Second antennal joint lotujer (.21 mm.) than the first (.14 mm.); no definite difference in color. Two mental setae on each side, a third much smaller and more proximal, in addition on the right side only; five setae on each lateral lobe, whose apical margin bears, next to the movable hook, a low convex lobule with about five ^' Can. Ent., xlv, 162, pi. i, figs. 9, 10, 1913. Reprinted in Supplement to 47th Ann. Rep. Dept. Marine & Fisheries, Fisheries Branch, Sessional Paper 39b, p. 68, pi. iii, figs, 9, 10, Ottawa, 1915. PHILIP P. CALVERT 385 denticulations, then three longer distinct teeth and lastly the still longer end hook (thus, apparently, as in ^yalker's description). Mentum with about four or five setae on its lateral margin just proximal to the articulation with the lateral lobe. Femora with a very indistinct transverse, anteapical, brown ring, coloring of tibiae very indistinct. Metathoracic wing-covers reaching to the middle of the fourth abdominal segment. Setae on each side of dorsum of al^dorainal segments increasing in length and in number from segment one (.06 mm., ai. 15) to segment three (.14 mm., 50+), thence decreasing on four and five (.1 mm., ca. 25); on six to nine a group of shorter, stouter setae (.08 mm. long) at the hind end of the lateral carina. Many other still shorter setae or spinules present on seven to ten, but irregularly distributed, not forming rows, transverse or otherwise. No distinct markings on the ventral sm^face. Median gill 3.5X1.0 mm., a transversely extended narrow spot of brown pigment at shghtly less than mid-length, pigment elsewhere much paler and indefinitely distributed; dorsal and ventral margins each with marginal setae .04 mm. long, not overlapping each other, but separated by intervals as long as the setae themselves, and which extend from the ba.se caudad almost as far on the dorsal margin as the level of the brown spot, on the ventral edge for one- third of the gill's length. Lateral gills 3.7X1.0 mm., colored similarly to the median gill, but the narrow spot of brown pigment is at a Uttle more than one-half of the gill's length; the marginal spines (.06±mm. long) are confined to the ventral edge, reaching as far as the brown spot and overlapping each other, hence more closely set than on the median gill. (Examined under a Zeiss comp. microsc, oc. 3, obj. A). On color differences here indicated no great empha'^is must be laid, consider- ing that much pigment disappears from the exuvia after moulting. EnaUagma pictum (Plate XXXIII, figs. 22, 23.) Enallagma jridumMor^e, Psyche, vii, 274, 307, 1895 (Sherborn, Massachusetts). cf. Superior appendages in profile view, with the apical margin two-thirds as long as the inferior margin, slightly bilobed, lower lobe a httle larger than the upper; in dorsal view, the intero-inferior lamella reacliing to the level of the supero-internal subapical hook. Nasus orange, a transverse basal black stripe, trilobed distallj-, the three lobes of varying prominence; or, black predominating, rather broadly mar- gined with orange. Frons: jjale color of its anterior surface not attaining the median ocellus, a mere yellow line bordering the ocellus anteriorly. Pale postocular spots linear-cuneiform or linear, orange, not confluent with the pale color of the rear of the head. Middle prothoracic lobe in dorsal view black with metallic green reflections, a small yellow or orange spot (in some absent) each side in the anterior half, sides inferiorly yellow. TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 386 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba Width of black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .7-.77, of pale antehumeral .28-. 35, of black humeral .42-.49 mrh. Second lateral thoracic suture with a black stripe on the upper three-fourths or two-thirds of its length, the stripe continued as a line for the rest of the suture. 9 . Mesostigmal lamina chiefly black, near its hind edge with a yellow line, hence both margined with the ])lack of the mid-dorsal and humeral stripes and with a black spot on itself at its lateral end. Mesepisternal tubercles present. Width of the black mid-dorsal thoracic stripe .84-.91, of pale antehumeral .18-.21, of black humeral .48-.56 mm. Second lateral thoracic suture with a black line for its whole length, wi'den- ing into a narrow stripe in the upper two-thirds or three-fourths. Black on dorsum of abdominal segment nine of uniform width. Abdomen c? 24-26, 9 25.5-26.5; hind wing d' 15.5-17, 9 17-18; costal edge of stigma, front wing, cf .49-.56, 9 .56-.63 mm. Material examined: Massachusetts, Sherborn, 1897, taken by A. L. Bab- cock, Scf'. New Jersey, Hammonton, August 23, 1 9 ; Clementon, July 22, 3d', 1 9 ; May's Landing, August 25, 4 d", 3 9 (2 of the 9 in cop.) ; all in 1899, taken by P. P. Calvert: Manahawkin, Aug. 5, 1912, 1 o^ taken by H. S. Harbeck . On Gynacantha ereagris Gundlach and its Allies Of the four Cuban species of Gynacantha mentioned by Gund- lach, trifida, septhna, gracilis and ereagris, he did not possess septima, so that his description thereof is a translation of Hagen's of 1861. His "gracilis Burm. " =?iervosa Ranibur. A compari- son of his own descriptions of the three species which he had, in as far as they include the same parts of the body, gives these differences : trifida — Head anteriorly greenish, with a [black] T-spot above. Eyes above obscure blue, below yellowish brown. Thorax blackish brown, mesothorax with a lateral, longitudinal, wedge- shaped (point toward the head) ray and the sides green, the latter with three blackish brown bands from the base of the wings to that of the legs. [Sides of the mesothorax means here the mesepimeron, metapleuron and part of the mesepisternum.] Metathorax with small green spots arranged thus, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1. Abdomen: segment one black with two green spots on each side, segment two with the intermedian [mid-dorsal, longitudinal] line and three transverse bands green, following segments black with two small transverse spots at the middle (jf each segment and two more rounded at the posterior border, the former (not the latter as Ouiidlach says) almost disappearing on eight and liacking on nine and ten. nervosa — ( 9 only) — Mouth and face very clear olive brown, frons with a blackish brown intermediate [mid-dorsalj line above. [A black T-spot on the PHILIP P. CALVERT 387 upper surface of the frons is as well develoi)od in both sexes of ncrrosd as in those of trifida.] Eyes above olive green, below clear brown, posterior margin yellow. [The rear of the head immediatelj^ posterior to the eyes is blackish superiorly, however.] Thorax clear ashy reddish (bermejizo-ceniciento-claro), mesothorax above olive with the mid-dorsal sulcus rusty brown. Mctathorax with small green, spots arranged thus, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, sides with four or five small blackish brown spots. Abdomen clear ashy reddish, .segment one with i)osterior l)order green, seg- ment two with mid-dorsal line, base on each side antl two pairs of small spots above green, following segments similar to two but the mid-dorsal lino lacking, nine and ten brown (pardos). ereagris (cf. anlen, p. 359) — Labrum and face pale oli\-e straw-(;olor, frons with a black intermediate line above. [A black T-spot on the superior sur- face of the frons is as well developed in bt)th sexes of ereagris as in those of trifida.] Eyes above obscure blue, below clear brown with an olive reflection, part behind the eyes black above, straw-color below. Mesothorax yellowish green on its anterior border, followed by a transverse blackish band, remainder green, mid-dorsal sulcus and a transverse spot blackish brown. Metathorax black with various small green spots arranged thus, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1 and two others at the base of the wings. [This evidently refers to the metanotum only.] Abdomen: segment one brown witli a transverse jjosterior green l)and, segment two also brown with mid-dorsal line and anterior to the posterior border of each piece [i. e., those separated by the su])]ilementary, median, trans- verse carina] green, three also brown, base and anterior antl posterior borders of the second piece of the segment on each side green, following segments black with the green weaker and narrower, last black, posterior border of the first piece somewhat olive green, secontl piece rust-color. Trifida, septima and nervosa arc inchidcd in the key to the species of Gynacantha in the Biolojijia Centrali-Anierieana,^^ wherein a number of other characters arc employed in (Hstinguish- ing them. Ereagris Gundlach falls under rubric EE of that key, along with nervosa, in having the costal margin not more yellowish than the rest of the wing, the metepimeron not bordered posterioi'ly with blackish. It dilTei's from nerrosn in having: The abdomen distinctly constric^ted at segment three. Segment two of the cf is 3.5-3.7 mm. wide at its base (excluding the auricles); segment three is 1.05-1.2 mm. wide at its narrowest part and 2.1-2.24 mm. wide at its hind edge; corresponding figures for the 9 are 4.13-4.34, 1.47-1. 68 and 2.17-2.24 mm. f'" Xcuroptera, pp. 189-190. TR.\NS. A.M. ENT. SOC, XLV. 388 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba The smaller size: abdomen (excl. apps.) cf 43-44.5, 9 45^6; sup. apps. cf 6, (those of 9 broken); hind wing cf 42-43, 9 43-46; costal edge of stigma, front wing, cf 9 3.5—4 mm. Fewer cells in the wings: e. g., between the lower branch of Rs and Rspl. at the widest part, three or four (five in one 9 ) rows of cells vs. five or even six rows in nervosa; hind wings between M4 and Mspl. at the widest part three rows, occasionally four (cT) or five ( 9 ), vs. four to five rows (or even six in 9 ) in nervosa. Differences in the genital armature of the second abdominal segment of the male and of the hind end of the abdomen of the female, which require further explanation. The genitalia of the second abdominal segment of the males of these four species of Gynacantha are in most respects quite similar. In all of them the ventral margins of the tergite of two, seen ventrally, converge from the anterior end of the segment to, or near to, the level of the hind edge of the auricles, thence they diverge more slightly to the hind end of the segment. The extent to which these ventral margins are approximated or divaricated determines, of course, the degree to which the genitalia are visible, especially the posterior hamules. In all four species, the anterior lamina is deeply divided for its whole, or almost its whole length by a deep sulcus. Each half of the lamina bears a well developed spine directed caudad. The anterior hamule has a hamular process and a hamular fold, using Dr. Walker's terms. The hamular process is usually of a darker color than the surrounding parts, is lamellate in form and bent into two parts or branches; the plane of the anterior part is roughly longitudinal and sub vertical, that of the posterior part is roughly sub vertical and subtransverse (c/. plate XXXIV, fig. 34). The hamular fold is visible in ventral view in all four species, lying posterior to the hamular process. The ligula of Rathke and of Erich Schmidt (sheath of the penis of Rambur and of other writers) bears a long, acute, median keel directed cephalad and appearing, in ventral view, as a spine. Viewed ventrally, the penis being retracted into the genital fossa, the ligula, posterior to the keel, is subequal in width throughout its length in trifida and septima, while in ereagris and nervosa it widens markedly caudad (c/. plate XXXIV, figs. 31, 32, 34). Such other differences in the genitalia of these four species which I have detected are as follows : trijldd (Plate XXXIV, fig. 34.) cT. Ventral margins of tergite of two with no sut)inargiiial dciiticlos. PHILIP P. CALVERT 389 Spinps of the anterior lamina reaching caudad beyond the level of the hind edge of the hamular process, in profile view curved so as to be subparallel to the ventral margin of two. Basal part of anterior hamiile extending along the ventral margin of the tergite caudad of the level of the hind edge of the hamular process for a dis- tance equal to about one-half of the distance from that edge to the hind edge of the sternite of one. Planes of the posterior part of the hamular process caudo-ventral (rather than subvertical) and transverse (rather than subtransverse) ; mesal angle of the hind edge of the process continued directly on nearly the same horizontal level into the anterior part of the process. 9 . Styles of the genital valves .84-.9 mm. long, nearly as long as the sternite of ten (1.0 mm. on mid-dorsal line). Three spines on the sternite of segment ten, each about .55 mm. long. Material examined: ScT, 4 9, all cited in Biologia Centrali-Americana.^ septima (Plate XXXIV, fig. 33.) cf . Ventral margins of tergite of two with a submarginal row or cluster of six to eight black denticles which occupy from .7-.76 to .9-.93 of the length of the segment, measuring from the hind edge of the sternite of one, i. e., in the posterior, diverging portion of these margins. Spines of the anterior lamina reaching caudad beyond the level of the hind edge of the hamular process, in profile view nearh' as described for trifida. Basal part of anterior hamule nearly as stated for trifida. Planes of posterior part of hamular process caudo-ventral and latero- ventral; mesal angle of hind edge of process not continued directl}' into the anterior part of the process but lying somewhat ventral to the place of union. 9 . Styles of genital valves .63-.7 mm. long, distinctly shorter than the tergite of ten (.84-1.0 mm. on mid-dorsal line). Three spines on sternite of ten, .21-35 mm. long. Material examined: 3cr, 6 9. all cited in Biologia Ceiitrali-.Vmericana, Xeuroptera, 192. nerrosa (Plate XXXI\'., fig. 32.) cf . Ventral margiiLS of tergite of two with a submarginal row of nine to thirteen black denticles which extend from .36 or .4 to .67 of the segment's length, i. e., in the anterior, converging portion of these margins. Spines of anterior lamina variable, reaching caudad not as far as, or beyond, the level of the hind edge of the hanuilar ()rocess, in profile view straight, form- ing a decided angle with the ventral margin of two. Basal part of anterior hamule extending etc. for a distance varying from subequal to to about one-half of that from the hind edge of the process to the hind edge of the sternite of one. Planes of posterior part of hamular process sub\ertical and transverse; mesal angle of hind edge of process not continued directly into the anterior part but lying much ventrad to the place of union. 9- Styles of genital valves 1.26-1.5 mm. long, distinctly longer than the ssNeur., 191. TKANS. .\M. EXT. SOC, XLV. 390 GUNDLACH's work on the ODONATA of CUBA tergite of ten (.9-1.0 mm. on mid-dorsal line). Two spines on sternite of ten, each .7-1.0 mm. long. Material examined: 5cf, 3 9, two of the males from Liberia and Surubres in Costa Rica, the other specimens cited in Biologia Centrali-Americana.*^ ereagris (Plate XXXIV, figs. 31, 35-37.) d^. Ventral margins of tergite of two with a submarginal row of ten to fourteen black denticles which extend from .32-.4 to .66-.7 of the segment's length, i. e., in the anterior, converging portion of these margins. Spines of anterior lamina reaching caudad not as far as the level of the hind edge of the hamular process, in profile view straight, forming an acute angle with the ventral margin of two. Basal part of anterior hamule extending etc. for a distance subequal to or shorter than that from that edge to the hind margin of the sternite of one. Planes of posterior part of hamular process subvertical and subtransverse ; mesal angle of hind edge of process a little ventral to the place of union with the anterior part. 9 . Styles of genital valves 1.4-1.6 mm. long, distinctly longer than tergite of ten (1.0 mm. on mid-dorsal line). Two spines on sternite of ten, each 1.0 mm. long. Material examined': 3cf, 3 9, the same as those listed antea, page 359. Explanation of Plates Plate XXXIII Figs. 1-4. — Dorsal views of head of males oiEnallagtna spp., to show color patterns, labrum omitted. X 11.8. Zeiss oc. 2, obj. A, lower lens off. Fig. 1. — E. truncatum Gundlach. Cuba, Poey, 1864. Fig. 2.—E. pollutum Hagen. Miami, Florida, March 27, 1901. Fig. 3. — E. vesper U7n new species. Hurdstown River, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, September 6, 1902. Fig. 4.- — E. laurenti new species. Enterprise, Florida, April 15. Type. Figs. 5-7. — Dorsal views of left half of middle and hind prothoracic lobes of Enallagma spp., to show color patterns. X 24. Zeiss oc. 4, obj. A, lower lens off. Fig. 5. — E. pollutum Hagen. 9 , Biscayne Bay, Florida, pairing. Fig. 6. — E. pollutum Hagen. cf , Biscayne Bay, Florida. Fig. 7. — E. vesperum, new species. 9 , Pemigewassett Pond, New Hampshire, July 9, 1917; pit, pit or fossa. Figs. 8-11. — Nasus and frons of Enallagma vesperum new species. 4d^, Black Lake, New York, August 2, 1898, to show color patterns. Same scale and lenses as in figs. 1 to 4. Figs. 12-23. — Left profile (even numbers) and dorsal (odd numbers) views of terminal abdominal segment and appendages of males of Enallagum spp. The broken lines indicate the boundary between the black of the dorsal sur- face and the pale color of the side. X 28. Zeiss oc. 4, obj. A, lower lens off. Figs. 12, r,i.~E. truncatum Gundlach. Cuba, Poey, 1864. «9Neur., 193. PHILIP P. CALVERT , 391 Figs. 14, 15. — E. signatum Hagen. Fort Mifflin, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, July 11, 1891. Figs. 16-17. — E. pollutmn Hagen. Florida (Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.). This specimen was injured after drawings were made from it, but is still preserved. Figs. 18, 19. — E. laurenti new species. Enterprise, Florida, April 15. Type. Figs. 20, 21. — E. vesperutn new species. Chemo Stream, Bradley, Maine, July 22, 1891. Type. These are new drawings from the same specimen as that from which figure 27, plate III, volume XX of these Transactions was made. Figs. 22, 23.— E. piclum Morse. Sherliorn, Massachu.setts, 1897. Plate XXXIV Figs. 24-30.— Four left profile (24, 26, 27, 29) and three dorsal (25, 2S, 30) views of penis of Enallagma spp. Figs. 24, 25.— £•. truncatum Gundlaeh. Cuba, Poey, 1S64. Fig. 26. — E. ■pollutmn Hagen. Florida (A. N. S. P.), the same specimen as that from which figs. 16 and 17 were made. Figs. 27, 28. — E. laurenti new species. Enterprise, Florida, April 15. Type. Figs. 29, 30. — E. vesperutn new species. Chemo Stream, Bradley, Maine, July 22, 1891. Type. Figs. 31-34.- — Ventral views of the genital fossa of males oiGynacantha spp. The broken lines on both sides of each figure indicate the level of the auricles. X 14. Zeiss oc. 2, obj. A, lower lens off. Fig. 31. — G. ereagris Gundlaeh. (Cuba), "70 cf" (Mus. Comp. Zool.). Fig. 32. — G. nervosa Rambur. Surubres, Costa Rica, October 16, 1909. The dotted fines show the outlines of the posterior hamules, ligula or sheath of the penis and the glans of the penis in a more widely expanded male from Samana, Hayti (M. C. Z.), which otherwise agrees with the Surubres male. Fig. 33. — G. septima Selys. Cuba, Poey, 1864. Fig. 34. — G. trifida Rambur. Surinam, Thorey. A male from Cuba, Poey, 1858, was compared with this drawing and agrees therewith, but, the margins of the fossa not being as widely open, was not used for figuring. al, anterior lamina; lipp, posterior part of the hamular h, basal part of anterior hamule; process; glp, glans of the penis; tig, ligula (.sheath of the penis); hf, hamular fold; ph, posterior hamule; hpa, anterior part of the hamular sp, spine of anterior lamina; process; vp, vesicle of the penis. Figs. 35, 36. — Left profile and dorsal views of terminal abdominal segments and appendages oiGynacantha ereagris Gundlaeh, d^, Crooked Island, Bahamas, November 24, 1890. X 6. Zeiss compeas. oc. 2, obj. A, lower lens off. Fig. 37. — Left profile view of terminal abdominal segments of Gynacantha ereagris Gundlaeh, 9, Santiago, Cuba, September 24, 1903. Same scale and lenses as for figs. 35, 36. hp, basal plate of ovipositor; or, ovii)ositor; gv, genital valve; sty, style of genital valve; Ip, lateral plate of ovipositor; si. 10, sternite of 10. TRAJVS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. 392 gundlach's work on the odonata of cuba Plate XXXV Figs. 38, 42, 44, 45, a, d, p, terminal abdominal appendages of males of Enallagma spp., x 21; 43t, 48t, left side views of prothorax and anterior part of mesothorax of females of Enallagma spp. to show color pattern, x 21. All figures with the same Arabic numerals have been drawn from the same indi- vidual. In all the figures: a, supero-internal view of left superior appendage; d, dorsal view of appendages; p, left profile view of appendages; s, stigma, upper surface of right front wing or lower surface of left front wing, with bounding veins, x 15; ml, mesostigmal lamina; ?/?6i, mesinfraepisternum; pt, lateral surface of middle prothoracic lobe. Drawings of stigmata made with Zeiss oc. 3, obj. A, lower lens off, all others with Zeiss oc. 4, obj. A, lower lens off; all with camera lucida. Fig. 38.-^. coecum cardenium, Cuba, [Coll. Needham]. Fig. 39.-£^. coecum cardenium, Hacienda San Carlos, near Guantanamo, Cuba, May 31, 1914, taken by Dr. C. T. Ramsden [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 40.-J5'. coecum coecum, Hayti, ex coll. P. R. Uhler, [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 41.-£J. coecum cardenium, Biscayne Bay, Florida, taken by Mrs. A. T. Slosson, [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 4:2.-E. coecum cardenium, Havana, Cuba, no. 4019, taken by C. F. Baker, [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 43.-£^. coecum cardenium, Cuba, [Coll. Needham]. Fig. 4:4:.-E. coecum coecum, Kingston, Jamaica, [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 45.-E. coectim coecum, Kingston, Jamaica, May, 1890, taken by E. M. Aaron, [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 46.-E'. coecum cardenium, Cuba, [Coll. Needham]. Fig. Al.-E. coecum cardenium, Havana, Cuba, no. 4018, taken by C. F. Baker, [A. N. S. P.]. Fig. 4S.-E. coecum coecum, Kingston, Jamaica, May, 1890, taken byE. M. Aaron, [A. N. S. P.]. Figs. 24-30 are freehand drawings by Mr. C. H. Kennedy; all the others, on all three plates, are camera lucida drawings by P. P. Calvert. PHILIP P. CALVERT 393 Alphabetical Index to Genera and Species Abbotti (Ortholestes) .MO, 347, abdominalis (Tramea) abjecta (Diplax) adnexa (Aeschna) adnexa (Aeshna {Corj/ph- aeschtia)) aduncum {Agrion {Enallagma)) 354, aequalis (Dythouis) 341, aequalis {Micrathijria) Aeschna (see also adnexa, ingens and virens) Agrion (see also aduncum, capreo- lus, civile, caecum, cuUellatum, discolor, dominicanum, douhle- dayi, hastatum, macrogaster, pollutum, rambuHi, signa- tuni, tnincatum, vacillans and vulneratum) amazili {Anax) ambusta (Diplax) Amphiagrion (see .sauciam) Anax (see also amazili and Junius) Anomalagrion (see fiastata antl hastatum) angustipennis (Cannaphila) . . . angustipennis (Lihellula) Aphylla (see carail>a and />;•«- ducta) Argiallagma (see minutam) atrodorsum (Lepfobasis) attala (Erythemis) attala {Lepthemis) attala {Libellula) auripennis (Libellula) australis (Brack ymesia) australis (Tauriphila) australis (Tramea) 348 362 371 357 357 356 369 369 357 350 357 372 357 364 364 355 371 367 367 364 366 363 363 Balteatu (Macrodiplax) 360 balteata (Tetragoneuna) 360 TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. basalis (Libellula) 362 bate'sii (Brachymes'ia) 365 batesii (Cannacria) 340 binotata (Tramea) 362 Brachymesia 366 (see also australis, batesii, furcata and herhida) Caerulans (Libellula) caligata (Microneura) caligata (Protoneura (Micro- neura)) Calopteryx (see cruentata) Cannacria (see batesii and fur- cata) Cannaphila (see angustipennis and funerea) capillaris (Protoneura) capreola (Ceratura) capreolus (Agrion (Ceratura)) . . caraiba (Aphylla) cardeniurn (Enallagma) . . . .352, carnatica (Neoneura) carnatica (Protoneura (Xeo- neura)) Carolina (Libellula) Carolina (Tramea) celeno (Libellula) celeno (Macrothonis) Celithemis (see also eponina) Ceratura (see capreola ) citrina (Tholymis) civile (Agrion (Enallagma)) . . . civile (Enallagma) clara (Hypolestes) clara (Ortholestes) 348, coecum (Agrion (Enallagma)) . . caecum (Enallagma) connata (Erythrodiplax) . . .371, Coryphaeschna (see adnexa, in- gens and virens) creagris (Gynacantha) cruentata (Calopteryx) cruentata (Hetaerina) 371 349 349 349 356 356 357 353 350 350 361 361 370 370 363 361 354 354 349 349 350 350 372 360 346 346 394 GUNDLACH .S WORK ON THE ODONATA OF CUBA cubana {C yclophylla) 357 cubensis (Ephidatia) 370 cultellatum (Agrion (Enallagma)) 353, 375 cultellatum (Enallagma) 353 Cyclophylla (see cubana) Debilis (Dythemis) 341, 369 debilis (Micrathyria) 369 dicrota (Dythemis) 369 didyma (Dythemis) 341, 368 didyma (Libellula) 368 didyma (Micrathyria) 368 Diplax 371 (see also abjecta, ambusta, justiniana and ochracea) discolor (Agrion (Erythagrion?)) 354 discolor (Libellula) 366 discolor (Orthemis) 366 dominicana (Telebasis) 354 dominicanum (Agrion (Erytha- grion)) 354 domitia (Libellula.) 372 domitia (Perithemis) 372 doubledayi (Agrionf) 355 doubledayi (Enallagma) 355 Dythemis 368 (see also aequalis, debilis, dicrota, didyma, frontalis, naeva and riifinervis) Enallagma (see aduncum, cardenium, cimle, coecum, cultellatum, doubledayi, lau- renti, pictum, pollutum, sig- natum., truncatum and ves- per um) Ephidatia (see cubensis) eponina (Celithemis) 363 eponina (Libellula) 363 ereagris (Gynacantka) . 340, 359, 386 387, 388, 390 Erythagrion (see discolor and dominicanum) Erythemis 370 (see also attain, furcata, longipes, plebeja, simplicicol- lis and verbenata) Erythrodiplax (see connata, fra- terna, justiniana, naeva, ochra- cea and umbrata) Ferruginea (Orthemis) 366 flavescens (Libellula) 360 flavescens (Pantala) 341, 360 forficula (Lestes) 346 fraterna (Erythrodiplax) 372 frontalis (Dythemis) ..341, 368 frontalis (Libellula) 368 frontalis (Scapanea) 368 funerea (Cannaphila) 364 furcata (Brachymesia) 370 furcata (Cannacria) 370 furcata (Erythemis) 370 Gomphoides 357 (see also producta) gracilis (Gynacantha) 359, 386 gravida (Lepthemis) 339 Gynacantha 358 (see also ereagris, ereagris, gracilis, nervosa, septima and trifida) Hagenii (Micrathyria) 368 hastata (Anomalagrion) 356 hastatum (Agrion (Anomala- grion)) 356 hastatum (Anomalagrion) 356 herbida (Brachymesia) 365, 366 herbida (Lepthemis) 339 herbida (Libellula) 340, 365 Hetaerina 346 (see also cruentata) hymenaea (Pantala) 341, 361 Hypolestes 340, 348 (see also clara and trinita- tis) Ingens (Aeschna) 358 ingens (Aeschna (Coryphaesch- na)) 358 insular is (Tramea) • 362 iris (Libellula) 373 Ischnura (see ramburii) PHILIP P. CALVERT 395 Junius (Anax) 357 justiniana (Diplax) 372 jusliniana {Erythrodiplax 372 justiniana (Libellula) 372 laurenti (Enallagma) Calvert 374, 375, 379 Lepthemis 3G6 (see also attala, gravida, herbida and vesiculosa) Leptobasis (see atrodorsum and vacillayis) Lestes 346 (see also forficula, scalaris, spumaria, tenuata, tenuatus and trinitatis) Libellula 364 (see also angustipennis, attala, auripennis, basalis, caerulans, Carolina, celeno, didyma, discolor, domitia, eponina, flavescens, frontalis, herbida, iris, justiniana, met- ella, mithra, rufinervis, sim- plex, umbrata and vesiculosa) longipes (Erythemis) 370 Macrodiplax (see balteata) macrogaster {Agrion {Nehalen- nia)) 350 macrogastra ( Telebasis) 350 Macrothemis 370 (see also celeno) marcella (Miathyria) 363 marcella {Tramea) 342, 363 maria (Neoneura) 350 maria {Protoneura {Neoneura)) 350 Mesothemis 371 (see also mithra and sim- plicicollis) metella {Perithemis) 373 metella (Libellula) 372 Miathyria (see marcella and simplex) Micrathyria (see aequalis, debil- is, didyma and hagenii) Microneura (see caligata) minuta (Trichocnemis) 356 TRANS. AM. ENT. SOC, XLV. minutum (Argiallagma) . . . .354, 356 mithra {Libellula) 371 mithra {Mesothemis) 341, 371 Xaeva (Dythemis) 369 naeva {Erythrodiplax) 369 Nehalennia (see macrogaster) Neoneura {see carnatica and 7naria) nervosa {Gynacantha) 359, 386 387, 388, 389 Ochracea {Diplax) 341, 371 ochracea {Erythrodiplax) 371 octoxantha {Perithemis) 373 onusta {Tramea) 362 Orthtmis 366 (see also discolor and ferru- ginea) Ortholestes 340, 348 (see also abboiti and clara) Pantala 360 (see also flavescens and hy7nenaea) Perithemis 372 (see also domitia, metella and octoxantha) pictum {Enallagma) . . .373, 376, 385 ph'beja {Erythenns) 367 pollutum {Agrion) 378 pollutum (Enallagma) .S73, 374, 376 378, 379, 380 producta {Gomphoides) 357 producta {Gomphoides {Aphylla)) 357 Protoneura 349 (see also caligata, capillaris, carnatica and maria) Pyrrhosnma (see vulneratum) Ram})urii {Agrion {I schnura)) 350 ramburii {I schnura) 350 ruflnervis {Dythemis) 368 rufinervis {Libellula) 368 Saucium {Amphiagrion) .... 354 scalaris {Lestes) 340, 341, 347 Scapanea (see frontalis) 396 gvndlach's work on septinio (Gytuiainthn ) S5S, 386, 387 388, 389 signatuni {Agrion) 377 signatum (EnaUagnut) 373, 374 376, 377 simplex {LtheUula) 363 simplex (Miathyria) 363 simplex (Tramea) 363 simplicicollis [Erythemis) 371 simplicicollis (Mesothemis) .34:1, 371 sptimaria {Lestes) 346 Tauriphiki (see aastralis) Telebasis (see dominicana, ma- crogastra and vulnerata) tenuata (Lestes) 341, 346 tenualns {Lestes) 346 Tetragoneuria 360 (see also halteain) Tholymis 361 (see also cilrina) Tramea 361 (see also abd^tiiinalis, aus- tralis, binotata, Carolina, in- sularis, m,arcelln, (must a and simplex) THE ODOXATA OF CUBA Trichocneinis (see iiiimitn) trifida (Gynacantha) 358, 386 387, 388 trinlt(ifit< (Lcfite)< {Hy polemics)) . . 340 347, 349 truiicattnii (Agrion (EnaUagma)) 340 341,353,373,376 trtincntuin (Ennllagina) . . . .353,373 374, 376 Umhrnta (Eryllirodiplax) .... 364 utnhrritd (LihcUida) 364 Vacillans (Agrion (Lepto- basis)) 355 vacillans (Leptobasis) 355 verbenata (Erythemis) 367 vesiculosa (Lepthetnis) 366 vesiculosa (LibeUula) 366 vesperum (EnuUaginn) Calvert 374 376, 380 rirens (Aeschna) 358 virens (Aeschna (Cory phaeschna)) 358 vulnerata (Telebasis) 354 vulneratum (Agrion (Pyrrhos- oma)) 354 INDEX The names of new genera and of new species are followed by the name of the author. PAGE Abbotti (Ortholestes).340, 347, 348 abdominalis (Chloealtis) 87 abdominalis (Tramea) 362 abjecta (Diplax) 371 Acanthoclonia (see carrikeri, erinaceus and strangulata) Acanthoderus (see mexicanus) acidocerciis (Melanoplus) Heb- ard 290 Acontiothespis (see cordillerae, eximia, fraterna, iriodes, mexicana, multicolor, quad- rimaculata and vitrea) Acontista 130 (see also roseipennis) Acontistes 130 Acrocera 3, 4 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 43 , 44, 48 (see also arizonensis, bak- ed, bimaculata, bulla, con- vexus, fasciata, fumipen- nis, globulus, hubbardi, liturata,melanderi, nigrina, obsoleta, subfasciata, tri- gramma and unguiculata) Acroceridae 3 Acrocerides 3, 4 Acrocerinae 3, 5 Acroporoblatta Hehard. . . .123, 126 (see also adenophora) aculeatum (Doru) 95 adenophora (Acroporoblatta) Hehard 126,127 adnexa (Aeschna) 357 adnexa (Aeshna (Corj'phae- schna)) 357 adspensicollis (Xeoblattella) . . . 101 aduncum (Agrion (Enallagma) ) 354, 356 PAGE advena (Hormetica) 128 aediculata (Cariblatta) 101 aedon (Ogcodes) 61, 65, 66 aedon (Oncodes) 65 aeneus (Panops) 1 1 Aeoloplides 262 Aeoloplus 262 (see also bruneri, cheno- podii, eremiaphila, regalis and turnbuUi) aeqiialis (Dythemis) 341,369 aequalis (Alicrathyria) 369 Aeschna 357 (see also adnexa, ingens and virens) Aeschnina . . . 357 agalenae (Opsebius) 45 agathina (Epilampra) 107 Agalena (see naevia) Agrionina 346 Aglaopteryx 101 Agrion 350 (see also aduncum, capreo- lus, civile, coecum, cultella- tum, discolor, dominican- um, 'doubledayi, hastatum, niacrogaster, pollutum, ram- burii, signatum, truncatum, vacillans and vulneratum) Agiallagnia (see minutum) alaris (Xeol)lattella) 100 albescens (Gargaphia) . 190, 191, 197 albipalpis(Lamproblatta) Heh- ard 108, 109 albiventris (Ogcodes) 61, 67 albivcntris (Oncodes) 67 Alaudes 307 (key to species) 312 (see also setigera, singu- INDEX laris, squamosa and testa- cea) Amaurobius 49 (see also sylvestris) amazili (Anax) 357 ambusta (Diplax) 372 americana (Nothra) 18, 42, 43 americana (Psalis) 91, 92, 93 americanus (Dinex) 96 Ammophilinae 217 amorphae (Gargaphia) . 187, 190, 195 Amphiagrion (see saucium) amplectens (Bostra) 159 amplicollis (Coelus) 329 330, 331, 334 amplicornus (Psinidia) 247 analis (Pterodontia) 9, 39, 40 Anax 357 (see also amazili and Junius) Anconia 249 (see also caeruleipennis, hebardi and Integra) angulata (Gargaphia) .189, 190, 191 angustipennis (Cannaphila) . . . 364 angustipennis (Libellula) 364 Anisolabis (see maritima and peruviana) Anisomorpha 145 (see also at rata and paro- malus) Anisomorphinae 145 annulipes (Euborellia) 91, 92 annulipes (Holca) 148, 150 annulipes (Phatnoma) 184 Anomalagrion (see hastata and hastatum) Antitheton Hehard 303 (see also iniquiungues) apatela (Poroblatta) Hehard. . 124 Apelleia 18, 20, 22 (see also vittata) Aphylla (see earaiba and pro- ducta) Aplocera 3 apolinari (Bacteria) Ilcbard . . 161 apolinari (Ilormctioa) Ilebard 128 apolinari (Ischnoptcra) Heh- ard 102,105 apolinari (Psalis) Hehard. . .90, 92 aporus (Pynnosceloides) Hehard 300 apt era (Skendyle) 96 arenarius (Coelus) 315, 322, 323 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 334 Argiacris 257 ariana (Cteniziana) 13 arizonensis (Acrocera) Cole . .49, 51 ascensor (Melanoplus) 258 ascensor (Podisma) 258 Asemoplus 257, 259, 271 (see also hispidus, mon- tanus, nudus, rainierensis and somesi) aspasma (Chloealtis) Rchn and Hehard 82 aspasmus (Melanoplus) Hehard 288 Astomella 4,6,9,24 Astromella (see lindenii) australasiae (Blatta) 114 australasiae (Periplaneta) .... 114 atrata (Anisomorpha) Hehard. 145 atrodorsum (Leptobasis) 355 attala (Erythemis) 371 attala (Lepthemis) 367 attala (Libellula) 367 auricoma (Lasia) 30 auripennis (Libellula) 364 aurita (Libethra) 164 aurita (Sermyle) 164 australis (Brachymesia) 366 australis (Tauriphila) 363 australis (Tramea) 363 Autolyca 145 (see also pallidicornis) Avicularidae 14 azteca (Neoblattella) 100 aztecus (Chalybion) 223, 224 aztecus (Pclopaeus) 223 Baccharis (.sec pilularis) Bacteria 158,161 Bacteria (see apolinari, horni, neolita and strigiventris) Bacunculus (.see palea and sar- mcntum) l)akcri (Acrocera) 49, 51 INDEX 111 balteata (Macrodiplax) 360 halteata (Tetragoneuria) 360 basalis (Libellula) 362 batesii (Cannacria) . . .340, 3o6, 366 batesii (Brach>Tiiesia) 365 bennetti (Stratocles) 147 bicolor (Nothra) 43 l)identula (Panchlora) 115, 116 bifolia (Libethra) 164 biolleyi (Paratropa) 106 biolleyi (Paratropes) 106 bilunata (Paratropes) 106 bimaculata (Acrocera) . . . 10, 50, 57 binotata (Tramea) 362 bispiiiosus (Phasina) 154 bispinosum (Pseudophasma) . . 154 bitaeniata (Cosmophasia) 14 Blaberinae 118 Blaberus (see colosseus, discoi- dalis and giganteus) Blatta (see australasiae, colossea, gigantea, maderae, meri- dionalis, surinamensis and translucida) BlatteUa 101 Blattidae 97 Blattinae 108 bogotensis (Pseudomiopteryx) 134 bogotensis (Stratocles) 147 Bombyliarii 3 Bombyliidae 10, 32 Bombj'lius 32 borealis (Ogcodes) Cole 61, 68 bormansi (Spongophora) 94, 95 Bostra 158, 159 (see also amplcctens, col- ombiae, incoin])ta, jugalis and longeopercula(a) Brachycola (see subcincta) Brach^Tnesia 366 (see also australis, batesii, furcata and herbida) BradjTiotes 257, 271 (see also conipacta, de- planata, excelsa, kaibab, obesa and pinguis) brevipes (Libethra) 162 bruneri (Acoloplus) 263 brunnea (Periplaneta) 114 brunnerianum (Derotmema) . . 230 bulla (Acrocera) 49, 54, 57 Caerulans (Libellula) 371 caeruleipennis(Anconia)249, 250, 252 caeruleum (Chalybion) .... 217, 219 caeruleum (Chlorion) 219 caerulcus (Chalj'bion) 219 caeruleus (Pelopaeus) 219, 222 californicus (Chalybion) . . .219, 220 californicus (Pelopaeus)218, 219, 220 caligata (Microneura) 349 caligata (Protoneura (Micro- neura)) 349 Caloptenus (.see regalis) Calopterygina 346 Calopteryx (.see cruentata) Calynda 158 Cannaphila (see angustipennis and funerea) capillaris (Protoneura) 349 capillatus (Hesperotcttix) Ileh- ard 260 capreola (Ceratura) 356 caraiba (Aphj'lla) 357 cardeniimi (Enallagina) . . . .352, 353 Cariblatta (see aediculata, imi- tans and punctipennis) carnatica (Neoneura) 350 carnegiei (Melanoplus) 290 291, 292 carinata (Gargaphia) Gttson. . . . 190 191, 199 Carolina (Libellula) 361 Carolina (Stagmomantis) 132 Carolina (Tramea) 361 carrikeri (Acanthoclonia) Ileb- ard 143 carrikeri (Dynie) Hebard 174 carrikeri (Neoblattella) Hebard 99 carrikeri (Xestoblatta) 106 Caulonia 163 celeno (Libellula) 370 celeno (Macrothemis) 370 Celithemis 363 (see also eponina) cementarius (Scelipliron) 64 IV INDEX Ceratura (see capreola) Ceroys (see columbina and rhabdota) Chalybion 217,218 (see also aztecum, caeru- leum, caeruleus, californi- ciis, cyaneum, texanum, violaceum and zimmer- manni) chenopodii (Aeoloplus) 263 chiriquensis (Dyme) 174 clara (Hypolestes) 349 clara (Ortholestes) 348, 349 Chloealtis (key to species) .... 87 (see also abdominalis, as- pasma and conspersa) Chlorion (see caeruleum) Chlorioninae 216 chlorophaea (Mantis) 140 ohlorophaea (Phyllovates) .... 140 Choeradodis (see rhombicollis and sei'villei) Chorisoneura 303 (see also mysteca and translucida) Chrysoma (see ericoides) ciliatus (Coelus) 315, 316, 317 322, 323, 326, 327, 332, 333 cirsium (Mirophasma) 143 citrina (Tholymis) 361 civile (Agrion (Enallagma)) .... 354 civile (Enallagma) 354 Clubonia (see putris) clypeatus (Melanoplus)293, 294, 296 Cocytotettix 83 condensa (Gargaphia) Gibson. . 189 190, 191, 197 coecum (Agrion (Enallagma)) 350 coecum (Enallagma) 350 Cocloniorpha (see maritima) Coelotaxis 322 Coelus (synopsis of species) .... 315 (Genitalia) 332 (see also amplicollis, are- narius, ciliatus, surtulus, debilis, globosus, grossus, latus, longulus, obscurus, pacificus, remotus, sagina- tus, scolopax, solidus, spar- sus and sternalis) coerulea (Ocnaea) Cole 26 Colapteroblatta Hehard ... 119, 120 123, 124 (see also compsa) colombiae (Bostra) Hehard. ... 159 colombiae (Ischnoptera) Heh- ard 102, 105 colombiae (Lobocneme) Heh- ard 137 colombiae (Panchlora) Hehard. 115 colombiae (Platylestes) Hehard 98, 304 colossea (Blatta) 118 colosseus (Blaberus) 118 columbina (Ceroys) 165 columbina (Libethra) 165 compacta (Bradynotes) . . . .275, 278 compacta (Psalis) Hehard. . . .91, 92 compsa (Colapteroblatta) Heh- ard 120, 121, 124 confusa (Libethra) 164 conica (Philopota) 19 connata (Ervthrodiplax) , . .371, 372 Coniontis 317, 322, 329 Conocephalus 258 Conops 4 Conozoa (see corrugata) conspersa (Chloealtis) 87 conspersa (Epilampra) 107 conspersa (Neoblattella) 101 consuetipes (Insara) 268 conve.xus (Acrocera) Cole 50, 53 coquillettei (Ligurotettix) . . 265, 266 cordillerae (Acontiothespis) 130, 131 Cordulina 360 coreata (Lycosa) 51 corrugata (Conozoa) 238 corrugata (Mestobregma) . .238, 247 cortex (Planudes) Hehard 155 Coryphaeschna (see adnexa, ingens and vircns) Corythucha 1S7, 188 Cosmiella 95 Cosmophasia (see bitaeniata) costalis (Phatnoma) 184 costatus (Ogcodcs) . 15, 60, 61, 64 66 INDEX costatus (Oncodes) 64 cothurnata (Eurycotis) . . . .112, 113 Crabro 12 crassus (Thyllis) 8 creagris (Gynacantha) 360 Creoxylus (see spinosus) croceipennis (Spongophora) ... 94 cruentata (Calopteryx) 346 cruentata (Hetaerina) 346 Cteniziana (see ariana) cubana (Cyclophylla) 357 cubensis (Ephidatia) 370 cubensis (Panehlora) 115, 116 cultellatum (Agrion (Enal- lagma)) 353,375 cultellatum (Enallagma) 353 cupidineum (Derotmema) 230 curtulus (Coelus) .315, 324, 332, 333 cyaneum (Chalybion) 218, 219 cyaneum (Sceliphron) .204, 215, 217 218, 219, 224, 225, 226 cyaneus (Holops) 11 cyaneus (Pelopaeus) 219 Cyclophylla (see cubana) cylindrica (Poroblatta) Hebard 121 123, 124, 125, 127 C>Ttidae 1 (key to North American genera) 17 Cyrtidii 3 CvTtina 5 Cyrtinae 17, 38 Cyrtites 3 Cyrtus 3, 4, 8 (see also magnus) Dasyposoma 119 davisi (Eotettix) . . . 291 debilis (Coelus) 316, 322, 323 325, 326, 332, 333, 334 debilis (Dythemis) 341, 369 debilis (MicrathjTia) 369 decipiens (Pelmatosilpha) 113 delicatulum (Derotmema) 233 Dendroblatta 101 deplanata (Bradynotes) Hebard 278 Dermaptera 90 Derotmema 230 (see also bruiuierianum, cupidineum, delicatulum, haydenii, laticinctum, me- sembrinum, piute, riley- anum and saussureanum) devastator (Melanoplus) 262 dicrota (Dythemis) 368 didyma (Dythemis) 341, 368 didyma (Libellula) 368 didyma (Micrathyi'ia) 368 diligens (Opsebius) 11, 12 13, 15, 16, 44, 46, 47 dimidiata (Mantis) 132 Dinex 95 (see also americanus) diodes (Metriotes) 157 Diplax 371 (see also abjecta, ambusta, justiniana and ochracea) discoidalis (Blabera) 118 discoidalis (Blaberus) 118 discolor (Agrion (Erythagrion)) 354 discolor (Libellula) 366 discolor (Orthemis) 366 dispar (Ogcodes) 61, 66 dispar (Oncodes) 66 doddi (Ogcodes) 14 doddi (Oncodes) 14 dodgei (Melanoplus) 258 dodgei (Podisma) 258 dolorosa (Philopota) 19, 20 dominicana (Telebasis) 354 dominicanum (Agrion (Erythag- rion)) 354 domitia (Libellula) 372 domitia (Perithemis) 372 Doru (see aculcatum, lineare and luteipenne) doubledayi (Enallagma) 355 Drassidae 14 Dyme 158 (see also carrikeri and chir- iquensis) Dythemis 368 (see also aequalis, debilis, dicrota, didj^ma, frontalis, naeva and rufinervis) Enallagma (see aduncum, car- denium, civile, coecuni, cul- VI INDEX tellatum, doubledayi, lau- renti, pictum, pollutum, signatum, truncatum and vesperum) Eotettix 291 (see also davisi and quer- cicola) Ephidatia (see cubensis) Epilampra (see agathina, con- spersa and shelfordi) Epilamprinae 106, 119 eponina (Celithemis) 363 eponina (Libellula) 363 ereagris (Gynacantha) 340, 359 386, 387, 388, 390 eremiaphila (Aeoloplus) Hebanl 263 eriooides (Chrysoma) 262, 271 erinaceus (Acanthoclonia) 140 Eriosoma 4, 5, 22, 23 Erythagrion (see discolor and dominicanum) Erythemis 370 (see also attala, furcata, longipes, plebeja, simplici- collis and verbenata) Erythrodiplax (see connata, fra- terna, justiniana, naeva, orchracea and umbrata) Euborellia (see annulipes, peru- viana and scudderi) eugonatus (Ogcodes) 60, 62 eugonatus (Oncodes) 62 Eulonchus 7, 8, 10, 12 18, 20, 28, 29, 31 (see also marginatus, sap- pharinus, smaragdinus and tristis) Eunyctibora (see Nigrocincta) eupeplum (Pseudophasma) Hch- ard 152 Eurycotis 109, 110, 112 (see also cothurnata, mexi- cana and subalata) Euthlastoblatta 101 excclsa (Bradynotes) 276 Exctaxis 4, 5, 22, 23 eximia (Acontiothespis) 131 Fallax (Miopteryx) 135, 136 fasciata (Acrocera) 14, 50, 51 fasciata (Gargaphia) 190, 191 195, 200 fasciata (Neoblattella) 101 fenestralis (Psinidia) . . 247, 248, 249 ferruginea (Orthemis) 360 filetia (Phatnoma) Gibson 185 flavescens (Libellula) 360 flavescens (Pantala) 341, 360 flavipes (Pterodontia) 9, 13, 15 17, 39, 40, 42 flexuosa (Gargaphia) 190, 200 forficula (Lestes) 346 Forficula (see linearis) Forficulidae 95 Forficulinae 95 formosa (Gargaphia) 190, 200 formosus (Opsebius) 44 forceps (Holcoides) Hebard. . . 148 forfex (Spongophora) 94 frater (Psinidia) Rehn 247 fratercula (Neoblattella) 101 fratercula (Oedaleonotus) Heb- ard 262,269 fraterna (Acontiothespis) 131 fraterna (Erythrodiplax) 372 fraterna (Neoblattella) 101 frigida (Melanoplus) 259 frigida (Podisma) 259 frontalis (Dythemis) 341, 368 frontalis (Libellula) 368 frontalis (Scapanea) 368 fuliginosa (Ogcodes) 13 fulvum (Pseudophasma) 152 fumatus (Ogcodes) 13 fumipennis (Acrocera) 50, 58 funerea (Cannaphila) 364 furcata (Brachynicsia) 370 furcata (Cannacria) 370 furcata (Erythemis) 370 furcatus (Melanoplus) 293, 294 295, 296 fuscipes (Oedaleonotus) 269 fuscum (Sceliphron) 218 Gagatinus (Opsebius) 44, 47 INDEX Vll Gargaphia 187, 188 (see also albescens, amor- phae, angulata, carinata, condensa, fasciata, flexuosa, formosa,iridesccns, lasciva, lunulata, magna, munda, nigrinervis, obliqua, opa- cula, panamensis, patricia, simulans, solani, subpilosa, tiliae, trichoptera, tricolor and vanduzeei) gibbosus (Ogcodes) 12, 14 giganitea (Blatta) 118 giganteus (Blabenis) 118 Glabella 10 globosus (Coelus) 31.5, 316 317,318,322 326, 332, 333 globulus (Acrocera) 11 Gomphina 357 Gomphoides 357 (see also creagris, ereagris, gracilis, nervosa, septima and trifida) gracilipes (Molanoplus) 280 282, 283, 284 286, 288, 289 granadensis (Miopteryx) . . . 135, 136 grossus (Coelus) 315, 316 317,318,319 329, 332, 333 guyanensis (Pseudomiopter.vx) 134, 135 Hagenii (Alicrathyria) 368 hastata (Anomalagrion) 356 hastatum (Agrion (Anomala- grion)) 356 haydenii (Derotmema) 230, 231, 232 haydenii (Ocdipoda) 230 hebardi (Anconia) Rehn 250 Helle (seelongirostris) helluo (Ocnaea) 24 Henopidae 3 Henopii 3 Henops 3,4,5,60 (see also marginalis) herbida (Lepthemis) 339 herbida (Libellula) 340, 365 Hesperotettix (see capillatus and pacificus) hesperus (Mclanoplus) Hebanl 282 285, 286, 287, 288 Hetaerina 340, 365 (see also cruentata) Heteroneminae 158 Hirmoneura 8, 28 hispidus (Asemoplus) 259, 272 273, 274 hispidus (Pezotettix) 271 Holca (see annulipes) Holcoides Hehnrd 148 (see also foiTops) Holops 8 (see also cyaneus) Hormetica 120 (see also advena, apolinari, interna, strumosa, subcinc- ta, verrucosa and vittata) horni (Bacteria) 161 hubbardi (Acrocera) Cole. . . .50, 58 humeralis (Ogcodes) 60, 65 humeralis (Oncodes) 64 hujjoreus (I\lelanoi)lus) Hebard 280 285, 288 hyalinus (Opsebius) Cole 47 hymenaea (Pantala) 341, 346 Hypolestes 340, 348 (see also clara and trinitatis) Icterica (Parox\'opsis) 139 imitans (Caril)latta) 101 impcxum (Mestobregma) Rehn 238 239, 242 inconipta (Bostra) 15i), 160 incultus (Ogcodes) 61, 62 incultus (Oncodes) 02 Inflata 3 Inflatae 3 inflatus (Opsebius) 8, 44 infuscata (Psoudomiopteryx) 134, 135 iniquiungues , (Antitheton) Hebard 303,304 ingens (Ac'schna (Coryph- aeschna)) 358 Vlll INDEX Insara (see consuetipes) insularis (Tramea) 362 Integra (Anconia) 249 integra (Ocnophila) 163 interna (Hormetica) 128 inusitata (Libethroidea) Heh- ard 170 iridescens (Gargaphia) .... 189, 190 191, 197 iriodes (Acontiothespis) Heb- ard 130 iris (Libellula) 373 Isagoras (see plagiatus) insahibris (Libethra) Hehard . . 166 Ischnoptera (see apolinari, rol- ombiae, pallipes, pampa- conas and morio) Ischnura (see ramburii) Johnsoni (Pterodontia) Cole. . . 39 40,42 jugalis (Bostra) 159, 160 Junius (Anax) 357 justiniana (Diplax) . 372 justiniana (Erythrodiplax) .... 372 justiniana (Libellula) 372 Kaibab (Bradynotes) Hcbard . . 275 278 klettii (Lasia) 29, 30 Lacinata (Phatnoma) 183 Lamproblatta Hebard 108 (see also albipalpis, merid- ionalis and zamorensis) Lasia 4, 8, 10, 18, 20, 24, 27, 32 (see also auricoma, klettii, ocelliger and scribae) lasciva (Gargaphia) Gihfioti 190 191, 198 lata (Zetobora) 117 latens (Pogonogaster) Ilcbard. . 136 Latiblattella 97, 101,303 laticinotuin (Dcrotmema) 233 latus (Coelus) 315, 323, 329 330, 331, 334 laurenti (Enallagina) Cidvcrl . . . 374 375, 379 lepidus (Melanoplus) 282 Lepthemis 366 (see also attala, gravida, herbida and vesiculosa) Leptobasis (see atrodorsum and vacillans) Lestes 346 (see also forficula, scalaris, spumaria, tenuata, tenua- tus and trinitatis) . Leucophaea (see maderae) Libellula 364 (see also angustipennis, at- • tala, auripennis, basalis, caerulans, Carolina, celeno, didyma, discolor, domita, flavescens, frontalis, herbi- da, iris, justiniana, metella, rufinervis, simplex, umbra- ta and vesiculosa) Libellulina 360 Libethra 162, 163 165, 170, 172 (see also aurita, bifolia, brev- ipes, columbina, confusa, insalubris, molita, nisseri, rabdota, rabdotula, socia, spinicollis and strigiventris) Libethroidea Hebard 170, 172 (see also palea and inusitata) Ligurotettix (see coquillettei) ligneolus (Melanoplus) 283, 284 lindenii (Astomclla) 13, 15 lineare (Doru) 95 linearis (Forficula) 95 Litosermyle Hebard 171, 172 (see also ocanae) liturata (Acrocera) 49, 56, 58 Liturgousa (see mesopoda) lobipes (Lobocneme) 137, 138 Lobocneine 139 (see also colombiae and lobipes) loewi (Ocnaea) Cole 26 loewi (Opsebius) 9 longeoperculata (Bostra) 159 longii)es (Erythemis) 370 longirostris (Helle) 12 INDEX IX longulus (Coelus) 32.5, 332, 333 lugubris (Philopota) 19 lunata (Sphex) 218 lunatum (Pelopaeus) 218 lunatum (Sceliphron) 218 lunulata (Gargaphia) 190, 200 luteipenne (Doru) 95 LjTosa 49 (see also ocreat a and stonei) Maorodiplax (see balteata) macrogaster (Agrion (Nehalen- nia)) 350 macrogastra (Telebasis) 350 Macromantis (sec ovalifolia) Macrophyllodromia 303 Macrothemis 370 (see also celeno) maderae (Blatta) 114 maderae (Leucophaea) 114 madraspatanum (Sceliphron) . . 218 marginatus (Eulonchus) 38 marginatus (Henops) 13 marginatus (Melanoplus) . .280, 281 marginatus (Ogeodes) Cole. . .61, 67 magnus (Cyrtus) 21 magna (Gargaphia) Gibson 190, 194 magna (Pialeoidea) 21 Mantidae 130 Mantinae 130 Mantis (see chlorophaea, dimid- iata, ovalifolia, rhoml)i- collis and tolteca) marcella (Miathyria) 363 marcella (Tramea) 342, 363 maria (Neoneura) 350 maria (Protoneura (Neoneura)) 350 maritima (Anisolabis) 91 maritima (Coelomorpha) 327 marmorata (Phatnoma) 183 marshallii (Melanoplus) 259 marshallii (Podisma) 259 Megalybus 5, 10 melampus (Ogeodes) 61, 67 melampus (Oncodes) 61 melanderi (Acrocera) Cole.. . .49, 55 Melanoplus 257, 258, 259, 263 (see also acidocercus, as- censor, aspasmus, carnegiei, ('lyi)eatus, devastator, dod- gei, frigida, furcatus, graci- lipes, hesi)erus, huporeua, lepidus, ligneolus, margina- tus, marshallii, microtatus, nanus, nubicola, oregon- ensis, pauper, pegasus, prossenii, puer, scitulus, scudderi, sonomaensis, stupefacta and tenuipennis) mellii (Pterodontia) 41 meridionalis (Blatta) 108 meridionalis (Lamproblatta) . . 108 109 meridionalis (Stylopiga) 108 mesembrinum (Derotmema) Rehn 231 Mesocera 5 Mesophysa 5 mesopoda (Liturgousa) 134 Mesothemis 371 (see also mithra and sim- plicicollis) Mestobregma 238, 247 (see also corrugata, im- pexum, plattei, rubripenne and terricolor) Metalabis 91 metallioa (Pialeoidea) 21 metella (Libellula) 372 metella (Perithemis) 372, 373 Metriotes (see diodes) mexieana (Acontiothespis) .... 130 mexicana (Euryootis) 109, 110 mexieana (Sermyle) 171 mexicanus (Acanthoderus) .... 164 Miathyria (see marcella and simplex) micans (Ocnaea) 24 micra (Pelmatosilpha) Hebard 112 Micrathyria (see aequalis, deb- ilis, didyma and hagenii) Microneura (see caligata) microtatus (Melanoplus) Heb- ard 262,285,288,289 minuta (Trichocnemis) 356 minutum (Argiallagma).. . .354,356 INDEX Miopteryginae 134 Miopteryx 135 (see also fallax, granaden- sis, simplex and simoni) Mirophasma (see circium) misella (Pterodontia). . 18, 40, 41, 43 mithra (Libellula) 371 mithra (Mesothemis) 341, 371 molita (Bacteria) 169 molita (Libethra) 166, 168, 169 molorchus (Planudes) 155 Monanthia 187 (see also patricia) montanus (Asemoplus) 272 morio (Ischnoptera) 102 multicolor (Acontiothespis) . . . 131 munda (Gargaphia) 190, 200 Myopa 4 mysteca (Chorisoneura) 119 Naeva (Dythemis) 369 naeva (Erythrodiplax) 369 naevia (Agalena) 46 nahua (Neoblattella) 101 nanus (Melanoplus) . . .284, 285, 286 necydaloides (Pseudophasma) . 151 Nehalennia (see macrogaster) Nemestrinidae 8, 10, 28 Neoblattella 97 (see also adspersicollis, al- aris, azteca, carrikeri, cons- persa, fasciata, fratercula, fraterna, nahua, pellucida and titania) Neocosmiella Hebard 95, 96 (see also atrata) Neolobophora 95, 96 (see also ruficeps) Neolobophorinae 96 Neoneura (see carnatica and maria) nervosa (Gynacantha) 359,380 387, 388, 389 niger (Ogcodos) Cole 61, 65 nigrina (Acrocera) 50, 57 nigrinervis (Gargaphia) .... 190, 192 200 nigritarsis (Panops) 11 nigrocincta (Eunyctibora) .... 106 nigrocincta (Nyctibora) 106 nisseri (Libethra) 163 Nothra 43 (see also americana and bicolor) nubicola (Melanoplus) 25S nubicola (Podisma) 258 nuda (Podisma) 271 nudus (Asemoplus) 271 Nyctibora (see nigrocincta and obscura) Nyctoborinae 106, 303 Obesa (Bradynotes) 278 obliqua (Gargaphia) 190, 200 obscurus (Coelus) 330, 331, 334 obscura (Nyctibora) 106 obsoleta (Acrocera) 50, 52 ocanae (Litosermyle) Hchard . . 172 ocelliger (Lasia) 6, 27 ochracea (Diplax) 341, 371 ochracea (Erythrodi]ilax) 371 Ocnaea '. . .4, 5, 8, 18, 20, 22, 23 (see also calida, cocrulea, grossa, helluo, loew, long- icornis, lugubris, micans, schwarzi, trichocera and timiens) Ocnophila 162, 164, 170, 172 (see also Integra) octoxantha (Perithemis) 373 Odonata 346 Oecophylla (see virescens) Oedaleonotus 266 (see also fratercula, fusci- pes, phryneicus and tenui- pennis) Oedipoda (see haydenii and plattei) Oestrus 4 Ogcodes 3,4,5,7,8,9,13 14, 18,44,48,49,59,60 (see also aedon, albiventris, borealis, costatus, dispar, doddi, eugonatus, fuligi- nosa, fumatus, gibbosus, hunieralis, incuHus, margi- INDEX XI natus, melampus, niger, pallidipennis, pallipes, ru- foabdoininalis and zonatAis) Ogcodina 3 Oligoneura 18 Oncodes 3, 59 (see also aedon, all)iven- tris, costatus, dispar, doddi, eugonatus, humeralis, in- cultus, melampus and pal- lidipennis) Oncodidae 3 Oncodina 5 onusta (Tramea) 362 opacula (Gargaphia) .. 187, 190, 191 197, 199 Opsebius 5,8, 16, 18,43 (see also agalenae, diligens, formosus, gagatinus, hyali- nus, inflatus, loewi, pavicus, pepo, pterodontinus and sehwarzi) Opisthocosminae 95 Orchelimum 258 oregonensis (Melanoplus) 259 oregonensis (Podisma) 259 Orthemis 366 (see also discolor and fer- ruginea) Orthoderinae 130 Ortholestes 340,348 (see also abbotti and clara) Orthoptera 97 Otocrania 158 ovalifolia (Macromantis) 133 ovalifolia (Mantis) 133 ovata (Phatnoma) 182 Oxyhaloinae 119 Pa<-ificus (Coelus) 318, 321, 322 325, 327, 334 paoificus (Hesperotettix) 260 261,262 palea (Bacunciilus) 170 I)alea (Libethroidea) 170 pallidicornis (Autolyca) 145 pallidipennis (Ogoodes) 61, 63 pallidipennis (Oncodes) 63 pallipes (Ischnoplera) 102 pallipes (Ogcodes) 13 pallipes (Phyllodromia) 102 pampaconas (Ischnoptera) .... 103 104 panamcnsis (Gargaphia) . . . 190, 193 Panchlora (see bidentula, col- oinbiae, cubensis and punc- tuni) Panchlorinae 114 Panopinae 5, 17, 20, 38 Panops 3, 4, 5, 24, 28, 29 (see also aeneus and nigri- t arsis) Pantala 360 (see also flavescens and hymenaea) Paracrocera 10, 48 Paranauphoeta 120 Parastagmatoptera 138, 139 (see also serricornis and unipunctata) Parastratocles 148 Paratropa (see biolleyi) Paratropes (see biolleyi and bilunata) Paroxyopsis 381 (see also icterica) patricia (Gargaphia) 187, 190 191,195,200 patricia (Alonanthia) 196 patricia (Phyllontochila) 196 paucus (Opsebius) 44, 47 pauper (Melanoplus) 280 pedestris (Podisma) 259 pegasus (MeIano])lus) Ilebard 293 pellucida (Xeoblattella) 100 Pelmatosilpha 109, 112, 113 (see also cothurnata, deci- picns, micra and villana) Pelopaeus 217,218 (.see also aztecus, caeruleus, californicus, cyancus, lunu- latum, spirifex, texanus and zimmermanni) pepo (Opsebius) 44 perchcron (Spandcx) 91 Periplaneta (see australasiae and brunnea) Perisphaerinac 119 Xll INDEX Perithemis 372 (see also domitia, metella and octoxantha) peruviana (Euborellia) 90 peruviana (Psalis) 90 Pezotettix (see liispidus) Phasma 150 (see also bispinosus and salpingus) Phasmidae 140 Phatnoma 181 (key to species) 182 (see also annulipes, costalis, filetia, lacinata, marmorata, ovata and spinosa) Philopota 3,4,9,17,18 (see also conica, dolorosa, lugubris and truquii) Philopotina 5 Philopotinae 5, 6, 17, 18 phryneicus (Oedaleonotus) Heb- ard 262,266,267 phthisicum (Pseudophasma) 151,152 Phyllodromia (see pallipes) Phyllontochila (see patricia) Phyllovates (see chlorophaea and stolli) Physegaster 4 Pialea 4,6,21 Pialeoidea 18, 20 Pialeoidea (see magna and met- allica) pictum (Enallagma) . . 373, 376, 385 pilularis (Baccharis) 322 pinguis (Bradynotes) 275 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 Pithogaster 5, 23 piute (Derotmema) 'Rehn 233 plagiatus (Isagoras) 155 Planudes (see cortex and mol- orchus) plattei (Mestobregma) 238 239, 242, 243 plattei (Oedipoda) 238 Platygaster 5 Platylestes Hebard 97, 303 (see also colombiae) plebeja (Erythemis) 3G7 Plectoptera 101 Podiinae 216,217 Podisma 257,258 (see also ascensor, stupe- facta, dodgei, frigida, mar- shalli, nubicola, nuda, ore- gonensis, pedestris, polita and prossenii) Pogonogaster (see latens and tristani) polita (Podisma) 271 pollutum (Agrion) 378 pollutum (Enallagma) 373 374, 376, 378, 379 Poroblatta Hebard . . . 120, 123, 126 (see also apatela and cylin- drica) producta (Gomphoides) 357 Promiopteryx 135 prossenii (Melanoplus) 259 prossenii (Podisma) 259 Protoneura 349 (see also caligata, capil- laris, carnatica and maria) Psalidae 90 Psalinae 90 Psalis (see americana, apoli- nari, compacta and peruvi- ana) Pseudocoelus 322 Pseudomopinae 97 Pseudomiopteryx (see bogoten- sis, guyanensis and infus- cata) Pseudophasma (see bispinosum, eupejjlum, fulvum, necydal- oides, phthisicum, robus- tum, taeniatuni and unicolor)- Pseudophasminae 146 Psilodera 4, 5 Psinidia 247 (sec also amplicornus, fcn- estralis and f rater) Pterodontia 4, 6, 9 10, 12, IS, 38, 39, 43 (see also analis, flavipes, INDEX XIU johnsoni, mellii, misella, virmondii and vix) pterodontinus (Opsebius) ... .44, 45 Pteropexus 4, 8 puer (Melanoplus) 285 punctipennis (Cariblatta) 101 punctum (Panchlora) 115, 116 putris (Clubonia) 13 Pycnosceloides Hebard 300 (see also aporus) Pycnoscelus 300 (see also surinainensis) Pygirhynchinae 140 Pyrrhosoma (see vulneratum) Quadrimaculata (Acontiothes- pis) 130 quercicola (Eotettix) 291, 292 Rabdota (Ceroys) 163 rabdota (Libethra) 164, 166 ralxlotula (Libethra) 166 rainierensis (Asemoplus) 259 272, 273, 275 ramburii (Agrion (Ischnura) ) . 350 ramburii (Ischnura) 350 regahs (Aeolophis) 262, 263 regalis (Caloptenus) 262, 263 remotus (Coekis) 318, 321, 334 rhombicolhs (Choeradodis) . . . 130 rhombicoUis (Mantis) 130 rileyanum (Derotmema) 230 robustum (Pseudophasma) Heb- ard 150, 151, 153 roseipennis (Acontista) 132 roseipennis (Tithrone) 132 rubipenne (Mestobregma) .... 238 239, 242 rubripeniiis (Trachyrhachis) . . 238 ruficeps (Xcolol)ophora) 96 rufinervis (Dythemis) 368 rufiner\'is (Libclhila) 368 rufipes (Stratoeles) 146 rufoabdominahs (Ogcodes) Cole 61 68 Saginatus (Coelus) 316 317, 318, 320, 332, 333 salpingus (Euphasma) 154 salpingus (Phasma) 154 sapphirinus (Eulonchus). . .7, 12, 36 Sarcinatrix 95 sarmentum (Bacunculus) 170 saucium (Am])hiagrion) 354 saussiireaninn (Derotmema) . . 233 scalaris (Lestes) 340, 341, 347 Scapanea (sec frontalis) Sceliphron 203, 217, 218 (see also cementarius, cya- neum, fuscum, lumilatum, madraspatanum, spirifex and zimmermanni) Sceliphroninae 203, 217 schwarzi (Ocnaea) Cole 25 schwarzi (Opsebius) 9 scitulus (Melanoplus) 266 scolopax (Coelus) 330, 331, 334 scribae (Lasia) 30, 31 scudderi (Euborellia) 91 scudderi (Melanoplus) 290, 293 septentrionalis (Stagmatoptera) 139 septima (Gynacantha) .... 358, 386 387, 388, 389 Sermyle 164,171,172 (see also aurita and mexicana) serricornis (Parastagmatoptera) 138 servillei (Choeradodis) 130 setigera (Alaudes) i?/ais(/e// . . . . 310 shelfordi (Epilampra) Hebard. 106 signatum (Agrion) 377 signatum (Enallagma) .... 373, 374 376, 377 simoni (Miopteryx) 135 simplex (Libellula) 363 simplex (Miathyria) 363 simplex (Miopteryx) 135 simplex (Tramea) 363 simplicicollis (Erythemis) 371 simi)licollis (Mesothemis) . .341, 371 simulans (Gargaplua) 190, 200 singularis (Alaudes) 307 Skendyle (see apt era) smaragdinus (Eulonchus) .32, 35, 36 solani (Gargaphia) 189, 190, 192 solidus (Coelus) 332 somesi (Asemoplus) Hebard 259, 271 INDEX sonomaensis (Melanoplus) .... 285 socia (Libethra) 169 Spandex (see percheron) sparsus (Coelus) Blaisdell . . 323, 325 332, 334 Sphaerogaster 4, 5 Sphecinae 216,217 Sphex (see lunata and spirifex) spiiiicollis (Lil)ethra) Hebard. . 164 165, 167 spinosa (Phatnoma) Gibson .... 185 spinosus (Creoxylus) 155, 156 spirifex (Pelopaeus) 218 spirifex (Sceliphron) 218 spirifex (Sphex) 218 Spongophora (see Ijormansi, croceipennis and forfex) Spongophorinae 94 spumaria (Lestes) 346 squamosa (Alaudes) Blaisdell . . 309 Stagmatoptera (see septentrion- alis and tolteca) Stagmomantis (see Carolina and tolteca) Stenopilema 119 .stolli (Phyllovates) 140 stolli (Theoclytes) 140 stonei (Lycosa) 14 strangulata (Acanthoclonia) Hebard 140 Stratiomyidae 3 Stratocles (see bennetti, bogo- tensis, rufipes and viridis) sternalis (Coelus) 323, 328 330, 331, 334 strigiventris (Bacteria) 167 strigiventris (Libethra) .... 164, 166 167, 169 strumosa (Hormetica) 128 stupefacta (Melanoplus) 258 stupefa eta (Podisma) 258 Stylop iga (see meridionalis) Stylopyga (see zamorensis) su})alata (P^urycotis) 112, 113 sulx'incta (Brachycola) 128 sulK'incta (Hormetica) 128 subfasciata (Acrocera) 49, 58 subpilosa (Gargai)hia) 190, 200 sulphuripes (Opsebius) 44, 45 Supella 101 surinamensis (Blatta) 115 surinamensis (Pycnoscelus) . . . 115 299, 300 sylvestris (Amaurobius) 51 Sj'rphidae 4 Taeniat um (Pseudo])hasma) Hebard 150,151 Tauriphila (see australis) Telebasis (see dominicana, ma- crogastra and vulnerata) tenuata (Lestes) 341, 346 tenuatus (Lestes) 346 tenuipennis ((3edaIeonotus) . . . .266 267, 268 tenuipennis (Melanoplus) .... 266 tepidariorum (Theridium) .... 16 Terphis 4 terricolor (Mestobregma) Rehn 238 239, 242 testacea (/ilaudes) Blaisdell. . . 311 Tetragoneuria 360 (see also balteata) texanum (Chalybion) 224 texanus (Pelopaeus) 223 Theoclytes (see stolli) Theridae 14 Theridium (see tepidariorum) Tholymis 361 (see also citrina) Thyllis 4,5,7,8,9 (see also crassus and tristis) tiliae (Gargaphia).189, 190, 194, 195 titania (Neoblattella) 100, 101 Tothrone (sec roscipcnnis) tolteca (Mantis) 132 tolteca (Stagmatoptera) 132 tolteca (Stagmomantis) 132 Trachyrhachis (see rubripennis) Tramea 361 (see also a])d()iuiiialis, au.s- tralis, binotata, Carolina, insularis, marcella, onusta and sim!)lex) translucida (Blatta) 119 INDEX traiLslucida (Chorisoneura) . . . . 119 Trepidulus 238, 247 Trichocnemis (see minuta) trichoptera (Gargaphia) . . .190, 200 tricolor (Gargaphia). 190, 200, 201 trifida (Gj-nacaritha) 358, 386 387, 388 trigramma (Acrocera) 57 Triinerotropis 229 trinitatis (Lestis (Hjiwlestes)) 340, 347, 349 tristani (Pogonogaster) 136 tristis (EuJonchus) 7, 12, 13 33, 34, 38 tristis (Thyllis) 8 .truneatum (Agrion (Enallagma)) 340, 341, 353, 373, 376 tnincatvim (Enallagma). . .353, 373 374, 376 truquii (Philopota) 9, 19, 20 turiiljuUi (Aeoloplus) 263 Umbrata (Erj'throdiplax) 364 umbrata (Libellula) 364 uiiguiculata (Acrooera) 50 53,58 unirolor (Pseudophasma) 151 unipiiuftata (Parastagmatop- tera) 138 Vacillans (Agrion (Leptobasis)) 355 vacillans (Leptobasis) 355 vandnzeei (Gargaphia) Gibson . 190 191, 198 Vatinac 137 verbenala (Erj'themis) 367 verrucosa (Hormetica) 128 Vesiculosa 3 vesiculosa (Lepthemus) 366 vesiculosa (Libellula) 366 vesperum (Enallagma) Calvert . 374 376, 380 villana (Pelmato.silpha) 112 violaceum (Chalybion) 218 virens (Aeschna) 358 virens (Aeschna (Coryph- aeschna)) 358 virescens (Oecophylla) 14 viridis (Stratocles) Hebard .... 146 vitrea (Acontiothe.spis) . . . .130, 131 virmondii (Pterodontia) 39, 41 vittata (Apelleia) 23 vittata (Hormetica) 128 vix (Pterodontia) 40 vulneratum (Agrion (Pyrrho- soma)) 354 vulnerata (Telebasis) 354 Xestoblatta (see carrikeri) Zamorensis (Lamproblatta) . . . 108 zamorensis (Stylopyga) 108 Zetobora (see lata) zimmermanni (Chalybion) .... 218 223, 224 zimmermanni (Pelopaeus) .... 223 zimmermanni (Sceliphron) .... 215 217, 223 zonatus (Ogcodes) 11, 13, 14 Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. I. f 2 g' Vv ng.4. Acrocera. liturate^ Will. ? Hg. 5. PKilopotev, conic CL WieA. Fig. 6. Pteroioatia. fla-vipes Greiu. ?. Fig. 7. PTerodoatia. a,v\a,\is Westu/. d . Fig. 8. Opse\).u5 ailigens 0.5. Fig. 9. (Icrocera uaguicuUta WesTu/. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV, PI. II. COLE— CYRTI DAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. III. 1 13c COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. IV. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. V. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. VI. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV PI. VII. COLE— CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. VIII. 4 > ' u'vC-' rig.Z5. a5eL. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. IX. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans, Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV, PL X. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XL COLE— CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. ri. XII. 35c^. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XIII. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XIV. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Enfc. Soc, Vol. XLV. P'. XV. nc. 43. F,6. 45. f=,_g, 46. COLE-CYRTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XVI. HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Eiit. Sno., \'ol. XL\' PI. XVII. HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XVIII. HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. Vol. XLV PI. XIX. 10 11 HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XX. HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Kiit. Soc. \(>1. XL\ PI. XXI. HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV PI. XXII. HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA rans. Am. ]'"nt. Soc, \'()1. XL\'. PI. XXIIi. I'll lO HEBARD— COLOMBIAN DERMAPTERA AND ORTHOPTERA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLW PI. XXIV HUTSON— NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (HYMENOPTERA) Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, WA. XL\' PL XXV HUTSON— NORTH AMERICAN SCELIPHRON (HYMENOPTERA) 'I'nuis. Am. Ent, Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XXVI. REHN-NEW NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODIN.'\E Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV PI. XXVII. REHN-NEW NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XXVIII. REHN— NORTH AMERICAN OEDIPODINAE Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XXIX. HEBARD— NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV PI. XXX. HEBARD— NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLI Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV PI. XXXI. HEBARD— NEW NORTH AMERICAN MELANOPLl Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV PI. XXXII. A 4 B BLAISDELL— GENUS COELUS Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XXXIII. fioUatam Um^m^^ a«0^ ^i^nflO^^ MOA laurenfi ^ jiiclum CALVERT— GUN i:)LACHS ODONATA OF CUBA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XXXIV. trifida ereagns CALVERT— GUN DLACH'S ODONATA OF CUBA Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. XLV. PI. XXXV. CALVERT— GUN I )LACH"S ODONATA OF CUBA CONTENTb : Studies in Alaudes (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae) . By Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr. . . . '\ 307 (Issued November 22, 1919.) Synopsis and Review of the Species of Coelus (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae). By Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr. , . . . 315 (Issued November 24, 1919.) Gundlach's Work on the Odonata of Cuba: A Critical Study. By PhiUp P. Calvert 335 (Issued December 23, 1919.) SV.I TITyr ON UI6RAR lllllllMUIlMIIIMIIIIlii II I III ml III II III III I 3 9088 00907 1077